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l111IIIIIIIIIHl !llllllll llllllllllll lllTHllll ll \ o Roy I ,- m, ORSffff THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center VOLUME VI PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1942 NUMBER 40 lllllllillllllllllllllll illll lIilll l|lll illi lllllll~l l|| HI WHOLE DOGGONE FAMILY SIGNS UP Talk about your patriotic fam- ilies! R. H. Reddick, an employee of the St. Joe Paper company, last Friday was accepted by the Navy. Mrs. Reddick has had her application accepted by the WAVES, and expects to join up today. The Reddick dog, "Boy," has been accepted by the local Coast Guard unit for patrol duty. But that isn't all! Mr. Reddick has one brother, Kirkland, in the Navy, and another brother, Dalton, in the Army. And Mrs. Reddick's brother, Jack Vause, is also In the Army. Mr. and Mrs. Reddick left last week for High Springs for a brief visit with Mrs. Reddick's mother before taking up their military duties. Good luck to you, Mr. and Mrs. Reddick and your pal Boy. *t Lois Crosby NOT Homesick We pass on the following letter -to our readers, with the hope that it will correct the impression given in this, column two weeks ago that Miss Lois Crosby, who is in train- ing with the WAVES at Cedar Falls, Iowa, was. homesick: Dear, Mr. Smith Thanks so much for last week's Star. If I have left a word uhread, may the Lord forgive me, as I meant to get the full benefit of the entire home paper. .I'll have to admit I really apprer Sclate-the write.up thai. you gave mr on your front page, even though I hate you, headed it anything con- cerning homesick. So many people warned me that I would be, and honest, I am anything but that. Well; of course., I wouldn't mind seeing all of you folks back there and in that little Alabama town of Elba, but I don't regret my step of joining the service. I can still see great opportunities for me as well as lots that even I can do to help. One really sees the big job before all of us when he becomes a part of it. I intended writing before this time,, but we are kept very busy- so much to review and learn in such a short time. I am scheduled Loose Garters Are Masons Join Drive Kiwanis Club Takes No Joke to Women To Make Dressings Tnni. f p Up To iC Of Posq Getting Panicky Over Poor Holdup Ten Members of Order and Twelve Offered By Various Ladies At Red Cross Room Substitutes Last Friday Night A great mlorale-dle'pressing and Joining in the recently-inaugu. nerve-wracking problem has hit rated drive to fill the local Red the fair sex of Port St. Joe. Per- Cross quota of surgical dressings, haps you've noticed how the girls have been, fidgeting lately. May- be you've seen them making fur- tive dabs toward their knees as they walked down the street, or perhaps you have, observed those looks of anguish on their faces as they amble down the aisles in Cos- tin's store, Miles, Five and, Ten, the Quality Grocery andi other busi- ness establishments. Well, there's a reason for it all. Another casualty of the war. The great garter shortage. The girls, have always depended upon the good, old rubber garter, twined around the top of the stocking and drawn tight enough to check the circulation. They used to smile with confli- dence as they trotted about-but that confidence, is gone now-the girls are panicky and they're get- ting a haggard, look -about their eyes, for they, never know just what is going to happen next when they strut out with full- length stockings. They've bee n trying various substitutes for garters, but the substitutes don't substitute and from a reliable source -(strictly confidential, of course) we have learned' the sad story: There, just ain't nothing that will hold stock- ings up right, pull all the wrinkles out and give that devastating ef- fect but the rubber garter. The ,girls are trying cord, shoe strings, special twists of the hose tops, paper clips, hairpins, ribbons, hair curlers, picture wire, tooth- picks and dozens of other gadgets -but to no avail. The stockings continue to sag, wrinkle and fold until the, wearers are in a dither. Seems like there just ain't no end to the suffering this war Is causing! DREDGE OPERATING -M -. vsfWMrv d- kTA&T ten members of the local Masonic lodge and twelve ladies gathered at the Red Cross room last Friday night, assisted' by Mrs.. Ross Co- burn and Mrs. W. S. Smith, and turned out 409 of the dressings, shattering the record established the previous Wednesday evening when nine members of the Ma- chinists local and their wives, com- pleted 323 dressings. Present last Friday night were Mr. and. Mrs. Watson Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper, Mr. and, Mrs. D. C. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ohristmas, Mrs. Claudia Seiwell, Mrs. Bessie Seagraves, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Williams, Mrs.. Arthur Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Temple, Mr. and! Mrs. B. J. Hull, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Howell, G. C. Adkins, and Mr. and' Mrs. Horace ,Soule. Negro Dies .In Sunday Blaze Aged Colored Man Unable to Flee Burning House In Quarters Wallace Sapp; colored', about 60 years of age, was burned, to death about 9 o'clock Sunday morning when the small one-room house in which- he lived in the colored' quar- ters and a small store adjoining were destroyed by fire. It is believed the fire started when Sapp, who was ill, tried to light a stove. An -effort was made to remove him from the 'burning building, but the flames hadi made such headway when discovered that rescue efforts were futile. The two buildings were owned by Wm. Sapp, colored. OPA APPEALS TO HOUSEWIVES TO BUY SYSTEMATICALLY ;t.Wnr County Development New County Nurse Is Appointed Here Improvement Shown In Venereal Disease Situation Since Pass- age of City Ordinance Miss S. Erb has. just been ap- pointed as the new Gulf county nurse, with headquarters in this city, according to the monthly bul- letin issued by the Franklin-Gulf- Wakulla Health Department. Miss Erb comes, here from Carrabelle. C. Galloway oT Apalachicola is at present training in the Duval county health department in Jack- sonville and will, in about two months, be ready to assume his duties as full-time sanitarian for Gulf county The bulletin states that since passage of venereal disease con- trol ordinances in th'e cities of A@p- alachicola and' Port St. Joe, with the haling of delinquents into court, that clinics in toTe two cities have shown an improvement, par- ticularly the Thursday clinic in this city. The bulletin confer orchids upon Mrs. Robert Tapper and Mrs. Basil E. Ken'nev "o, this city.,,, "whose untiring and faithful ef- forts in 'our behalf over a period of years has been a source of in- spiration to ioir nurses, and health officers in that area. Thanks, too, to Dr. A. L. Ward, who, in spite of a demanding practice, still man- ages to conduct' our Friday ven- ereal disease clinics at Kenney's Mill. And thank you, Dr. Thomas Meriwether, for your splendid co- operation in, conducting the Wewa- hitchka maternity, infant, pro- school and. venereal disease clinics on Wednesday at the Gulf county courthouse." The health bulletin contains a( great deal more interesting news. but we dio not have the' space to pass it on to our readers. ,to go out for duty sometime this iu WIUIDEN CANAL PL month, so you see we have to push. The Office of Price Administra- FLOYD HUNT NAMED all of the time. The dredge "Manatee" this week tion is appealing to all housewives TO SCHOOL BOARD It is, a mystery how these news- began the job of widening the Gulf and others. purchasing foodstuffs paper men find out so much. How county canal to a width of 100 feet and groceries, to immediately de- On the recommendation of the do you k.ow what I write my at the bottom and dredging it to I vise a ,plan of spreading out their members of the Gulf county board mother? That is a military secret, a depth of nine feet in order to Ipurchases during the month-end as of public instruction, Floyd L. I thought. (Ever hear of the, "un- better adeommodate the large oil I far as possible so as to avoid last- Hunt of this city last week was derground," Lois?-Ed.) barges that have been forced to Tminute rushes at retail stores appointed by Governor Holland to Anyway, thanks for renmriibeP- discontinue use of the canal due' which 'have a tendency to upset fill the vacancy on the board Ing me. Give my regards to all the to shoaling and lack of sufficient 'and .demoralize the even flow of caused by the death of Jesse M. folks, and' when I'm stationed per- room to pass. rationed' commodities. Smith, member from this district. manently I expect to become, a The work is being done under With shortages already existing The action was taken by the subscriber to The Star. supervision' of the U. S. Engineers, throughout every section of the board upon recommendation of a Lois Crosby. the necessary funds having beeli country in many rationed items, large number of residents of this Ed. Note: Why shouldn't the provided by congress. the seriousness of unsympathetic district. Mr.-Hunt is office man- Pilot club send Lois. The Star for Boat operators-tiaing the cantl 'buying cannot be too forcibly ager for the St. Joe Lumber ano a year, as she was the first local are requested to approach tte brought to the attention of every- Export company,. young lady to join the WAVES? dredge at slow speed, carefully ob- one. The recent experience with YOUNG DAUGHTER OF SGT. serve the location of pipelines, expiring shoe stamps is an ex- AND MRS. SULFRIDGE DIES Ken Creech Enjoying Fruit blow passing signals and not at- ample of this type of buying Seabee Kenneth Creech writes tempt to pass until the signal is Remember that yotr red stamps Friends of Mrs. R. W. Smith and that he can step out of his quar- answered by the dredge. P, Q, R and S expire 'on July 31, Mrs. M. F, Wheatton will grieve to ters andi ,pick bananas, oranges and that blue stamps N, P and Q learn of the death of their niece, lemons,nd' coconuts right off the NAVY RECRUITER WILL BE expire August 7. Plan to use a Dayton Allen Sulfridge, in Denver, :trees. You guess where he is- IN CITY TWICE DURING JULY few of them each week in order Colo., Tuesday 6f last week. She we haven't the faintest notion. -that you will not have the greater, was the youngest daughter of SSpecialist J. A. Wilkins of the portion of them left when' July 31 M/,Sgt. and, Mrs. Dayton R. Sulf- Ed Note.: Looks like we're, going Marianna Navy recrtliting station |or August 7 rolls around. Bridge and lived' here for several to have to head this column "Our will be in Port St. Joe today, and ----- months last year. Boys, Gals and Dogs With the again on Friday, July 23. Cars Collide The lbaby was born shortly after Colors." He states that from all ind-ica- The city police car, driven by the raid, on, Hickam Field, Hawaii, tions this is to be another mannerr Officer W. H. Hudson, and the car and was brought to this city when And Still They Come month, in recruiting, and urges of R. F. Sheeffer collided at the about two and one-half months old ' ,Another serviceman" started get- particularly that 17-year-old youths intersection of Long avenue and and was baptized on Easter Sun- ting The Star last week when J. take advantage of the, educational Fifth street Monday evening. Both day, .1942, in the local Methodist (Continued on page 2)-. program offered them by the navy. cars were badly damaged, church. Propose Organization of Civic Body to Develop And Follow Up Plans And Ideas Submitted The matter of (post-war develop- ment in Port St. Joe and Gulf county was the main topic of dis- cussion Thursday, evening of last week by members, of tthe Port St. Joe Kiwanis club at the regular weekly meeting at the Port Inn. Members had, been told at a pre- vious meeting to mull over the matter and tell what they thought about it when called upon. The subject, which took the form of ail informal round-talble discussion, was opened 'by Thoe. R. L. Carter, who pointed out that the government will loan billions of dollars for public works at the conclusion of the, war' in order to provide jobs, and suggested that the people of Port St. Joe should consider the matter of getting some public projects here. He said that in order to clarify matters, a need was, present for some sort of clearing house for ideas, siach as a chamber of commerce, in order that -onj-riiln may be accom- plished and manufacturers and) dis- tributors be, brought- here. Tom Owens, county school su- perintendent, stated that naturally his thoughts hadi been- along school lines and the possibility of securing land now for construction later of a -modern school plant here. He also pointed out that we need more paved streets, sidewalks and curbs, and, most of all, a rec- reation center. "The only way we can make plans for these things," said Mr. Owens, "is to form a com- mittee of representative citizens to develop the various plans for post- war work that are suggested, Money for these projects, which the government will match dollar- for-dollar,: could be raised by as- sessing (by vote of the people) a small millage, say onr-half mill, and let it accumulate." , Editor W. S. Smith pointed out the vast possibilities latent here for trade with Latin American countries, which will be the best customers of the. United States at the conclusion of the war. He pointed out that Port St. Joe is one of the most strategically lo- cated ports in the nation to handle this post-war shipping, having a natural harbor surpassed 'by none amd being closer to 'South America than any other port, with the ex- ception of Tampa. He pointed out that the sides of a "V", with the point placed on Port St. Joe, will pass through St. Louis and' New York, and that inside that "V" is located the greater part of the manufacturers of the nation, and that the network of railroads In- cluded! in the area all lead dl- rectly to the A & N which serves this port. "With our fine harbor -and port facilities, which could be enor- nously expanded," said Mr. Smith, 'we stand at the crossroads of he two Americas. There will be great demand for farm mach- nery, automobiles and light air- 'lanes in the South American (Continued on Page 4) MWICTORY VNITXD BUY STATCS ONlgTjy FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1942 .- .. -* -" -' THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMITH, Editor Epered as Second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Florida, undel- Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Invariably Payable In Advance One Year.........$2.00 Six Months.......$1.00 Three Months..........65c -.4j Telephone 51 jo-- The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfuUlly weighxd. The spoken word barely assets; the prliged word tCoroughly convinces. The spoken *oi-d is r6st; the printed WOrd remains. Our Country Crf Right or Wrong LIVES-THE PRICE OF STRIKES Most of us don't realize the full threat to the war effort that attaches to labor trouble in the coal mines. It is estimated that about 100,000,000 tons of coal will be chemically utilized, this year in the manufacture of ex- plosives, plastics, the priceless sulfa drugs, solvents, food preservatives, insecticides, fer- tilizers, rubber, nylon and hundreds of other vital war materials. Now if there is not sufficient coal to meet the demands of manufacturers turning out these various items, a shortage will develop at various points on the fighting fronts-and many of our men will lose their lives because of a lack of the materiel of war. Some will die for the lack of a few rounds of ammuni- tion, others from tropical diseases which could have been licked with a few ounces of some Aul'fa derivative; a strategic beach-head, secured at the cost of several hundred lives, may be lost for lack of a few aerial bombs. And chances are that among the men who. lose their lives for lack of a few vital items, there will be some from Gulf county. It might seem odd that miners striking in Ten- nessee, Kentucky and Pennsylvania could cause the death of a Gulf county youth, but that's the way it works out. No power on earth will be able to bring back the lives of the service men who may be lost because of the coal shortage. Men's lives are the price of strikes in wartime. A new army explosive is reported to be 35 per cent better than TNT. We'd like to get hold of some of that to rid our Victory Gar- den of cutworms-nothing else fazes 'em. "People don't seem to be afraid of hell iny more; indeed, they hold a contemptuous at- titude towards it," a local minister remarked to us the other day. .We told him we didn't doubt it at all, considering the condition of the world today-familiarity breeds contempt. We were reading a-story in the paper the other day where a New Jersey man ate 366 apples in one hour. Looks like he might be rather fond of apples. * The only way some folks expect to inherit the earth it to have it thrown in their face by a shovel.-Macclenny Press. Keep smiling-and buy War Bonds! <( With the Colors ,> (Continued from Page 1) 0. Bragdon came in and plunked down a dollar bill to have the pa- per sent to Jimmy McNeill, who is with the Army Air Forces at Knoxville, Tenn. Pfc. Dendy Again Shifted We're having quite a job keep- ing up with Pfc. J. C. Dendy. Since THE PULP-PAPER OUTLOOK New uses for paper products resulting from war needs and war-stimulated technical developments suggest the probability that the pulp and paper industry will become a factor of much greater importance in the economy of the United States after the war than it was before. If it does, the South will be a princi- pal beneficiary in view of the fact that the pulp and primary paper industry is sixty per cent rural, located in communities of less than 25,000. Fernandina, Port St. Joe and Brunswick are examples. Although the South has not yet come fully into its own in the development of this indus- try-it has about one hundred million dollars invested here there are enough plants in this section to bring a large share of the profits from the products which are now valued at ntore than two billion dollars a year. This will be especially beneficial inasmuch as a large share of the returns will be dis- tributed in areas where they are needed. A factor of special importance to the in- dustry is a probability of new markets for its products. Some of these new markets are certain to be in the Latin-American coun- tries, with which we are trying to build stronger ties. The. department of commerce thinks that China, India and certain Latin- American republics, which anticipate in- creased industrialization, will offer opportun- ities for the greatest expansion of markets for paper after the war. And this is a matter of significance to Florida coastal cities now engaged in studies looking toward the build- ing of their ports into a larger place in the country's import and export structure. Should the developments that are now vis- ualized come, they will bring needed benefits to the South, in the form of employment, wages and profits. But they will also em- phasize the problem faced here in the propa- gation and conservation of our forests. A1-" ready these resources are subjected to a rapid rate of depletion, which is commanding the best efforts of the foresters and conservators toward holding the cuttings down to a point where they will not exceed replacements. Wisdom dictates, under the circumstances, that along with the plans for the larger de- velopments and bigger markets, should go a program designed to keep a balance between the cuttings and the plantings of trees.-Jack- sonville Times-Union. On the few occasions recently when we have hoarded our "A" coupons for a suffi- cient length of time to get enough gasoline to travel more than twenty miles on one trip, we have noted recently quite a few purebred cattle throughout Gulf county. That looks good to us, for it means future prosperity and security, not only for the owners but for the whole county as well, and it certainly means that the scrub cow of the past is on the way out. During the recent blackout we understand Mike Smith tried to find out what time it was by looking at a sundial with a flashlight. The latest song: "We Hit the Dam, Mother --and Hitler Got It In the Ruhr !"-Hartwell (Ga.) Sun. If you think it's an easy job to fill these editorial columns every week, just try it sometime. been transferred, all over the coun- try. Now his address is Pine Camp, N. Y. He's, been gradually work- ing across the country from Cali- fornia, so it looks like he'll be "go- ing across" shortly. Ensign Mosely Now In the Bronx Ens,. W. T. Mosely Jr., (you know, the husband of Estelle Dickens) has been transferred to the Bronx, N. Y., from Arizona. If the Bronx is still what it used he started getting The Star he's to 'be back in 1919, we wish Ensign Mostely the best 'o luck. Lieut. Max Maddox Is Visitor Second Lieut. Max Maddox who has been stationed with the Ord- nance Department at the Aberdeen Proving Groundis, Aberdeen, Md.. left Tuesday for Flora, Miss., at- ter a week's visit here with rela- tives. 'MORTIMER' GUESS WHAT' I'VE BEEN MAJSED 3 CENTS Aq OUR-!M RATION NOTES Illutlll ll!lllllu tlli! ll!ill l| !lvl llon i l!i !llfti llul l lll[ Meats, Cheese, Fats and Canned Fish-Red .stamps P and Q now valid; R valid: July 11; S valid July 18. All these expire, on July 31. Red stamp T becomes valid July 25. Canned Fruits and. Vegetables- Blue K, L and M stamps expired Wednesday; N, P and Q stamps, now valid., expire August 7. Sugar-Stamp 13 good. for five pounds expires August 15; stamps 15 and 16 good for five pounds if needed for canning, through Octo- ber 31. , Coffee-Stamp 21 (War Rati,.- Book 1) good' for one pound lthu July 21; stamp 22 will 'be valid for one pound July 22 to August 11. Shoes-Stamp 18 valid, for oni, pair through October 31. Gasoline-All ""A" books expire July 21; new bookss are being is- sued by local ,boards' upon presen- tation of tire certificate and back cover of old "A" ,book. Ration Book 3-If you have not received, your copy, wait until Au. Dr.L. H.Chelgren OPTOMETRIST Eyes Glasses Tested /W Fitted OFFICE IN COSTIN BLDG. Open Fridays Only-9 a. m. to 6 p. m. PERMANENT OFFICE 120 Harrison Avenue, Panama City Buck Alexander Insurance Agency -- ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE The 42 strategic materials which Phone 101 -:- otn Bldg. we had to import for 'the last war have no'w been reduced to 15. gust 1 to report your troubles to your ration board. NOTICE Turn right now to the Port the- ater advertisement and fre if your name is in it. If so, you can call at The Star office and get a free pass to the Port. S. L. Barke and, J. 0. Bragdon passed up: their Annie Oakley's last week. If a girl thinks ;bathing beauties are brazen hussies, you -can bet -even money she's got a figure like the figure "6." DR. JC.COE --DENTIST - Office Hours: 9 to 12 1 to 5 Sunday By Appointment Costin Building Phone 88 HELP CONSERVE LEATHER By Having Your Shoes Re- paired Instead of Buying a New Pair The LEADER SHOE SHOP N OW, more than ever, you want to stay on the job and do your full share f work which must be done. Headache, Muscular Pains, Simple Neuralgia, Func- tional Monthly Pains slow you down, interfere with your work, spoil your fun. Have you ever tried DR. MILES Anti-Pain Pills. when any of these common pate have made you miserable? Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills are pleasant to take, and prompt in action. They do not upset the stomach or make you constipated. A single tablet usually brings relief. Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills are compounded under the super- vision of competent chemists. Get Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills at your drug store. Regular pack- age 25*, Economy package $1.00. Read directions and take only as directed. THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE TWO , Y 9, 1E S PT S. J G a llllllll llllli llli l lll lllllllllu llllui i llulllliili iilllll 1lii SOCIETY CHURCHES -:- PERSONALS llllllll lll ll llllllllll llull llllllll illu illlilliiilllllllhll SHARITS ENTERTAIN FOR EDWARD EELLS Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sharit and son, Joe Jr., entertained' Tuesday evening at a buffet supper for Ed- ward Eells,, who left Wednesday for Milligen College. Ediward has passed his examina- tion and will take, a 16-months' course as a. pre-medical student and then will be sent to Tulane University to complete his train- ing. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. C. Whitfield, of Kenney's Mill announce the birth of an 8-pound son on Wednesday, July 7. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer King of White City announce the birth of a 71/2-pound. son on Thursday, July 1. Mrs. G. R. Outenbach and. Miss Mary Colgin returned, to New Or- leans Sunday after a two weeks' visit here with their sister, Mrs. B. W. Eells and family. They were accompanied, by Mrs. Malcolm All- stadt, who had, been employed at Tyndiall Field for the past two months and who had been making her home. with Mrs. Eells. BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES R. F. Hallford, Pastor 9:45 a. m.-Sunday School. 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship, Sermon topic: "A Rainbow for Every Cloud." 7:00 p. m.-B. T. U. 8:00 p. m. Evening worship, Sermon topic: "Are. You Ready for the Rapture?" Every time, you intentionally stay away from a service at God's house you contribute that much to the moral collapse and failure of this nation. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. 0. D. Langston, Pastor 9:45 a. m.-Church school. 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. 6:30-Youth Fellowship. 7:30-Evening worship. The Woman's society meets Monday at 3 p. m. First Tuesday after first Sunday, official board meeting. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., prayer and Bible study. Choir practice. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanlon spent MondayAin Apalachicola vis- iting friends and relatives. Mrs. R. F. Coody of Eastman, Ga., is the guest this week of her niece, Miss Myrtice Coody. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks and appreciation for the many deeds of kindness, beautiful floral offerings and expressions of sym- pathy during the illness andi death of our dear husband, diadidy and brother. Mrs. J. M. Smith and, daughter, Marigene. Mrs. M. B. Smith and Family. .Mrs. Clifford McLean and daugh- ter Elizabeth, and Miss' Zenobia Brown of Tallahassere were Fourth of July week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sharit. Mrs. Lovie Hornsby, of Welaka, Fla., left Tuesday after a week's visit here with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maddox and family. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Jones left for Birmingham last Friday for a two weeks' visit with Mrs. Jones' father. Mr. and Mrs. Everett McFarland and children are visiting this week with relatives at Biountstown and Frink. Mrs. Ross Coburn has returned from a week's visit with her mother, Mrs. Ellen Rowan, at Greensboro. Mrs. E. C. Pridgdon Jr., andi two sons. Mrs. R. F. Coody and Miss Myrtice Coody visited, Sunday af- ternoon in Panama City. RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY Three Undergo Tonsilectomies By Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, Dr. J. R. Norton this week per- F. & A. M. formed tonsilectomies on. Mrs.'Ar- Whereas., the Grand Architect of thur Hill, Otis Walters and little the Universe in his infinite wisdom Tommy Huggins. has so seen fit on the 15th day of June, 1943, to enter our ranks and - call from our midst Brother Jesse Advertising doesn't cost-it PAYS! M. Smith, who has been a Brother among us and a member of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A. M., since June 27th, 1939; and, Whereas, the Masons, collective- ly and individually, have lost an esteemed and faithful Brother; / Be It Resolved, That we extend " to the 'bereaved family our sincere and heartfelt sympathy, as their loss is our loss too. - Brother Smith will be greatly missed. by our Lodge and his friend's in the community. We re- vere his memory andi commit all sorrowing hearts unto the guia- ance of the Allknowing One, ask- ing that he may send the comfort f into our lives to uphold us in our bereavement. Be It Further Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our lodge, 2n sent to the bereaved family, and WHAT I NEW'T one sent to the local paper. Committee DGEON *Your physician is'continually study-I G. C. ADKINS. ing the advances in medicine and. .( surgery. He watches new investiga- Mrs. M. F. Wheatton Jr., has arrived in Port St. Joe to make her home with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Smith. Mrs. Wheatton will be re- membered as Miss Doris Allen, who visited here' frequently before her marriage to Sgt. Wheatton last fall. Robert Smith and small grand- son of Tampa spent several days here this week as the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith. tions in both fields, and is prepared;', when necessary, to prescribe new products developed in famous research laboratories. We, too, keep abreast of new developments and are ready at all times to fill your physician's prescrip- tion-promptly and accurately. '-' We use Merck Prescription Chemicals LeHardy Pharmacy We Fill Any Phone 5 Doctor's Prescription Port St. Joe i .' / I %, .To dai's / 'S. - - -e- ..*##41 ,.010001 Coming to the THEATRE '3 A Martin Theatre .'[f Port St. Joe, Fla. THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS - CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE SATURDAY, JULY 10 SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. TUESDAY, JULY 13 Z4WRfitZ .0 KNOW the highways of the nation has long been the business of our Travel Bureau. To chart the roads on legible maps, to classify them as to surface and character, to spot the sections where construction or other obstacles block traffic- and to tell all who may inquire-these are the full-time specialty of Kyso Motor Travel Bureau. Designed to function in peace time, it has been wholly converted to a war time basis. Pleasure trips are "out" for the duration, but many highways are very busy, nevertheless. Officers and men are hastening to camps, or moving from camp to camp, or "heading for home" on leaves and furloughs. It is important for them to save time-miles-gasoline-- rubber. They ask our Travel Bureau to help them to conserve --cut corners-avoid costly detours. The same consideration applies to commercial vehicles, bound on missions of war necessity.... This service is free. ISTANNAR 0 L CMPNYT U K I M C o R P 0 R A T E D I N K E N T U C K V AMIr cCA n Chapter 7 of Serial "Perils of the Royal Mounted" WEDNESDAY, JULY 14 Chapter 11 of Serial "Don Winslow of the Coast Guard" FEATURE NO. 2- Dixie Dugan SUNDAY MONDAY July 11 and 12 IN GGOUS NEWS EVENTS Mrs H E Hall "SCRAP THE JAPS" "MARCH OF TIME" THUR The "The SDAY FRIDAY ily 15 and 16 Desperadoes" NEWS FLASH] ES M E Dees "FIRST AID" J 8ls~~pa~~PBP-e~s FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1942 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE - .e LVA--- &SAL --ova -., PA.E. ..UR. THE .STAR, .....ST. .J E ..UL...OUNTY .. ...RI.... ..DAY.. JULY 9, 142_ KIWANIS CLUB TAKES UP TOPIC OF POET-WAR COUNTY DEVELOPMENT (Continued from Page 1) countries after the war, and we should try to get located here the assembly plants of the manufac- turers of these things. In addition to the water-borne commerce, there will be an enormous increase in air traffic, both passenger and freight, between the two Americas and again Port St. Joe is ideally situated as a terminal for these airlines. The need for an airfield here is, in my opinion, one of the most important post-war considera- tions." W. C. Roche lamented the lack here of some sort of promotional body, pointing out that the govern- ment oil terminal now located at Lynn Havein was first slated for .Port St. Joe, but due to the fact that Panama City had! a group of liverwire "'uirinet-. men whio, went to Washington .and put the pres- sure on in the right places, the terminal was shifted to the neigh- boring city. "That's what we need here," said Mr. lache. "A cham- ber of commerce -would do more than any other type of organiza- tion to bring such projects to our city and .county,. We can't sit around and. say, 'Why don't THEY do something,' because WE are THEY,, and it's up to US to do whatever is done." B. H. Dickens andl J. E. Bounds, in a cross table verbal bout, pointed out that we need .a cen- tral organization to contact those manufacturers a n d individuals who come here looking for a loca- ,ion, instead of having them con- tact perhaps one or two of our citizens who tell them a little and then send them on their way. "We need some sort of body to point out the advantages we have to of- fer," said: Mr. Dickens, "and. then keep right on pointing out to them what they can do here, after they have returned) to their home. of- fices, and the best way to handle that is to form a chamber of com- merce :or some sort of business- men's organization." ONE ~DAV VITAMIN TABLETS THINK of it Your min- imum daily requirements of A and D Vitamins or of B Complex Vitamins, in one pleasant tablet. Remember the name ONE-A-DAY (brand) Vitamin Tablets. VL~ M NERVINE DO TENSE nerves make you Wakeful, Cranky, Restless? Dr. Miles Nervine helps to lessen Nervous Tension. Get it at your drug store. Read directions and use only as directed. a --mm~m WHEN Headache, Mus- u elar Pains or Simple NeuraIgis, Distress after Mesb, Gas on Stomach, or "Morning After" interfere with your work or spoil your fun, try Alka-Seltzer. Several members voiced the same opinion as Mr. Dickens, and suggested that a 'businessmen's club be, formed from members, of the Kiwanis and Rotary clubs, as in the past such organizations as a chamber of commerce and busi- nessmen's club (both of which have been tried here) had a large Carter, chairman, W. C. Roche, B H. Dickens, W. S. ,Smith and Tom Owens, to go ahead with the post- war plans, andi appointed Mr. Roche to contact the Rotary club at its next meeting (yesterday).. A hen in Arizona laid a dozen eggs in one day and then toppled percentage of the, membership over dead. Ambition is a com- made up of those who didd not have mendablet thing, but it can be cai- any particular interest or stake ried to extremes. in Port St. Joe, and consequently these past organizations petered If Hitler wins, the Issue out without having done, anything -z.z for you will be living itself along constructive or permanent i p and not just the cost of liv- lines. ing. Think that over and fig- At te ure it out for yourself how At the conclusion of the discus- much beyond 10 percent of sion President J. R. Norton named your family income you should put a committee consisting of T. R. L. int,. War Bonds every payday. ATTENTION You Can Still . BUILD REPAIR REROOF PAINT INSULATE Your Home $200 Up to t ON EASY LOANS S- ee Us For Estimate - We Do Millwork and Build Boats St. Joe Lumber Co. PHONE 69-J our lectpicact Jppliancej lneed lc'artime Cae e. . fs -'I PORT THEATRE P O R B BEN RIVERS, Manager WEDNESDAY, JULY 14 "Reveille with With ANN MILLER and BOB CROSBY AND HIS BAND FREDDIE STACKANDHIS Duke Ellington ANDNDI COUNT BASIL BAND The RADIO ROGUES Radio's Frank Sinatra MILLS BROTHERS ONE DAY ONLY BIG MUSICAL -TREAT! \* -.-- *~'j~ih *t N - , There is no room for waste in wartime Amerise. It is the patriotic duty of each and everyone of us to take good care of the things we have. This is especially true of your electrical appliances . .. They must last 'til after Victory. In these busy days your electric refrigerator, washer, veemum cleaner, toaster and other labor and tinme saving appliances take on an added importance. By using them wisely you have more time to give to Red Cross, Civilian Defense or other vital wartime services. Take good care of them-if they need fixin'. SEE 'PA YOUR 6/echicat C[ e er Florida Power Corporation Dont4'ta 9t1- ComWw WUWA qOZq Ca/ I i .---~----- .---=i:--~. i 11 PAGE FOUR THE STAR, PORTt ST. MtE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1942 ,.r 1 |