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BACK UP YOUR BOY Buy an Additional Bond Today T H ST F The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Centq~r VOLUME VI PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY., FLORIDA, FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1943 NUMBER 28 VOLUME VI P O R TT ST. JOE, GULF COUNT,4 FLORIDA, FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1943 NUMBER 28 of j < With the Colors Representative Joe Jenkins of Alachua started the first fireworks iIIIIlIIIl IIIIlllIIIIIllllllllIllllllll !II Ulll llllIl illll ilIli of the 1943 legislative session at SOMEWHERE IN PACIFIC Talla.hassee when he tossed a bill: into the hopper that would outlaw P 1 the "closed shop" in Florida and , give all citizens an equal right to : work in this state, regardless of . whether or not they are a member ' of any labor organization. The measure was approved Mon- -.* -.. ,day by a 66 to 25 vote and has gone to the senate, where up to . yesterday there has 'been no indi- '- cation of its fate. .,. Forty~six members of the house . Tuesday joined in introducing a I ' bill that would clamp sharp regu- I lations upon labor unions and, re- - quire them to file reports andi rec- .. cords with the secretary of state. .t ' The powerful labor. bloc under- took to kill the resolution by pro- posing several amendments, all of which were defeated in a two-hour debate that found the house pretty evenly divided, and the bill went HAlc Walter Kirby, who for to the house labor committee, some time was stationed at.the Legislators cracked down on Jacksonville navy hospital, sev- 'boardis and commissions when the eraf weeks ago was transferred ses'9on had barely gotten under- to San Francisco, Calif., and is -way. Representative Clay Lewis of now "somewhere in the Pacific" Port St. Joe asked, the house to carrying on his duties as hos- 'albolish price-fixing in the laundry, pital attendant on some battle- dry cleaning, dairylbg and 'barber- wagon. . ing industries. * Lewis, in favor of abolishing the Completes Special Course laundry board, said "house mem-, Gaston C. Brock, seaman second 'bers should 'get on record right class, of Port St. Joe, recently was now whether they're in favor of I graduated at Charleston, S. C., elbolishing some of the boards and I from a class of navy men selected commissions." for special training in detecting The house 'Tuesday, with only Iand destroying submarines. The 10 minutes discussion, voted. 82 to anti-submarine training is a part 10 to abolish the (laundry and dry of the navy's comprehensive pre- cleaning board, and the bill was passed on to the senate. Other bills introduced were one to lower the legal voting age from 21 -to 18 years; a proposal to have county tax assessors make prop- erty valuations for municipal as well as county, state, school and - district taxes; a bill to abolish the state highway patrol; repeal of the state's 90-diay divorce law and re- turn to the 12 months residence requirement, and many others of minor importance. Wednesday the house unant- mously passed a senate-approved -bill re-enacting, as a two-year - 0-- Pno M R-. mnn ni th qn-nT11 d paredness program in which regu- lar duties are supplemented. ,by brief but intensive courses in vari- oeus phases of naval warfare, A Star Going to Two More S/,Sgt. Louis J. Herring is the latest soldier to request that The Star be mailed to him, and this week his sister subscribed for him at the special servicemen's rate of $1 'per year. We presume that Louis is in North Africa, since the paper goes to him through the New York postoffice. And in the, navy, out at San Diego, Calif., Jesse V. Stone, emerg'enuy measoure LB ,o-, SO,M3,C, has requested that he be seventh cent of the gasoline tax sent The Star each week. Mrs. first enacted in 1931 and continued T. H. Stone, his mother, subscribed by each biennial legislature. at the special s'rvieemen's rate, CITY GAS TAX LAW and now Jesse will get all the news from home each week. TO BE RE-ENACTED Albert Thomasson Promoted The city of Port St. Joe. will ap- AlbertThoasson, son oMrs. ply, to the 1943 legislature for re- Alli V. Thomasson of Wewa- enactment of the special act al- lie V. Thoasso of Wewa- lowing for the collection of a gal- (Continued on Page 2) lonage 'tax on gasoline within the city limits. NoTice of the applica- MEATS MUST CARRY tion is carried, in this issue.. OPA GRADE STAMP While the measure, which must be re-enacted at each session of iStarting yesterday, all Florida the legislature, calls for collection butcher shops must have official of not in excess of one. cent per OPA grades stamped on all cuts I gallon, -the city has never found of beef, veal and mutton, and' it necessary to collect more than must have the price per pound for one-half cent per gallon. all grades posted where the cus- tomer can see them. N 0 T I C E .State OPA Director Butler says Turn right now to the Port the- this will stop butchers from selling after advertisement and see if cheap cuts as 'better grades and your name is in it. If so, you can also protect the Housewife from I call at The Star office and get a getting infected "black market" free pass to the Port. meat. 3B Classification Chief M. O. Freeman Quits Now Eliminated When Officer Hudson Is Start Fireworks In Legislature: trants qualify them to be placed in Class HI-D. The Gulf county, local board is now reclassifying into their proper classifications all registrants who Those In This Group Are To Be Reclassified By Local Boards General Vivian Collins, state dl- rector of selective service, has an- nounced that recent changes in selective service! regulations, el- fective last Monday, eliminates the classification of Class III-B ana changes t h e requirements for classification in Class III-A. At the same time a new classification, that of Class III-D, was created. Registrants have been classified previously in Class IHl-B by rea- son of dependency and activity, but with the elimination of this class, all of these .registrants will be reclassified by local board's into their proper classification un- der current regulations. Changed. regulations for classifi- cation in Class III-A now require that in this class shall be re- tained oir placed any registrant who with- his child, or children maintains a tbona fide family re- lationship, provided such status was acquired prior to December 8, 1941; except that such a regist- rant shall not be retained or placed' in Class III-A if (1) he is entitled to be placed in Class II1-C or (2) he is within a group which the director of selective service has directed or hereafter directs shall be classified or reclassified without reference to their eligi- bility for Class: IH-A deferment. A new- c-la'TsFiiaiohn" of Class.- III-D was created,, and in this clas- sification will be placed those registrants deferred by reason of extreme hardship and privation to a wife, child or parent. Single registrants with collateral dependents and registrants with wives only, can no longer be. de- ferred by reason of dependency unless the status of such regis- under the changed regulations are golden opportunity (for post-wa barge captain and refusing to re- now classified in a classification, improvement), since you are the lease him without bail seemed to for which they no longer, qualify. closest state to South America, gripe the officials, and they de- The Gulf county board, which is which will be the nation's number handed that Officer Hudson be preparing to send out family sta- one market after the war. If you dismissed forthwith. tus blanks, requests that all men do not have the ports and air fa- The demands were made to City turn in their present family status, cilities you'll find shipments will Commissioners B. B. Conklin and particularly birthdates of their go from New York." C. J Sullivan, since Mayor J. L. children, since this information Which 'brings up another matter Sharit was out of town, and after will determine the classification in pertaining to Port St. Joe: We al- consideration of the matter and at which .they are to be placed. ready have one of the. finest bar- the behest of a numbatter of citizens ..---- bors on the Gulf, but we are do-who met with the two commis- Returns From Buying Trip ling nothing to securing an airport sioners at the efty hall, Officer Emmett Daniels returned Tues- -andi when the war is over, travel Hudson was relieved of his badge. day from Jacksonville-, where he 'by air and freight shipments by The two representatives from had been for several days on a air will be the thing, and a city !The t o manager of the .the office of the manager of the buying trip to stock up the men'S without an airport will be left out port at Panama City, in the course store he recently took over from in the oold. of their confalb with Commission- L. L. Zimmerman. ers Sullivan and Conklin, stated ----- FATHER OF MRS. MILES that for some unknown reason Taken To Hospital IS TAKEN BY DEATH crews of ships making stops here Miss Ruth Moore OConnell was taken to a Dothan hospital last Friday for treatment. She was ac- companied by her mother, Mrs. plorazell Connell. RATION NOTES Sugar---iStamp 12 good for five pounds through May 31. Coffee-Stamp 26 is good until April 25. Gasoline-"A" coupon 5 valid un- til July 21 for four gallons. Shoes-Stamp 17 (in sugar book) good for one pair until June 15. William Count House, 71, father of Mrs. Carlos Miles of this city, passed away April 8 at Plateau, Ala. In addition to Mrs. Miles, he is survived by his widow, Mrs. W. C. House, and, two other daugh- ters, Mrs. Geraldifie Felmere of Utica, N. Y., and Mrs. C. H. Line- !berry of Plateau, Ala. Funeral services were held last Sunday morning at the, Dawes Bap- I tist church in Mobile, Ala., and the Masonic lodge of Chicksaw, Ala., conducted services at the grav., Mrs. House expects to arrive it Port St. Joe this week-end to make. her future home. disliked Officer Hudson and that (Continued on page 6) MAINTENANCE FUND IS APPROVED FOR BAY A news item from Washington states that on approval of the budget bureau and army engineers the, house recently passed legisla- tion to appropriate funds to the amount of $1,178,000 for river and harbor improvements in Florida during the fiscal year beginning July 1. Among the projects was $28,000 for maintenance of St. Joseph's Bay. Labor Measures Clay Lewis Asks Abolishment Price-Fixing Boards; Other Measures Introduced Suspended By City Board WEWAHITCHKA YOUTH Two Incidents Bring Demands HELD AS JAP PRISONER From District Manager Of Ports The war department made Of Ports public Saturday the names or 230 United States soldiers from As the, result of two incidents the southeastern area who are that occurred last week, the plac- held as prisoners ofa war by the in in jail of an oil barge's cap- Japanese in unnamed camps. tain on a drunk and disorderly Included in the list was the charge and, the shooting in seaf. name of Pvt. Ohn W. Williams defense of a sailor he was taking soname of PMrs. Ohn W. Williams oto jail on a like charge by Police Wewahitchka. Officer Bill Hudson, Port St. Joea ___ was without a police force for al- most. a week, outside of Sammy Says Florida Davis, who was deputized -as a special officer. Has 'A Golden Facts of the matter seem to be that Officer Hudson placed an oil Opportunity' barge captain in jail and the man- ager of 'the Port of Panama City, wyho also has jurisdiction over the Georgia Governor Says We Should port here in regard tb keeping oil Prepare for Post-War Trade flowing to the east coast, averred With South America that detention of said captain was holding up the flow of oil, and de- manded that Hudson be fired in Speaking Monday at a luncheon order to prevent occurrences of a in Orlando, Governor Ellis Arnall like nature in future. of Georgia predicted that freight This happened Wednesday of rates which Southerners contend last week. On Thursday night a are unfavorable to the South, will sailor from one of the barges was be equalized within a year. arrested 'by Hudson and while he He .also declared that if the was attempting to put the man In Southeast makes concrete plans jail he grabbed Hudson by the now for economic and industrial throat, thiew him to the. ground activity after the war, this section and was choking him. Hudson can move .ahead rapidly. stated that he was unable to make "When the' war is ov" the fed- a sound and was N, losing eral government undoubtedly will consciousness, when he drew his make many grants for all kinds of ot the sailor projectsrevolver and, shot the sailor 'in projects to afford employment," he the fleshy part of the side, inflict- said, warning that states must inga superficial flesh wound. have definite programs set up in The, sailor was treated by a lo- order to receive these grants or cal physician and then taken to a they would "find the money gone Panama City hospital where, at before they can prepare plans." last reports, he was entirely out Of particular interest to Port St. of danger. Joe, whose fine harbor facilities The incident of the shooting are strategically located for both was investigated by the port man- import and export trade with South ager and others, and dismissed as America, was Governor Arnall's of no particular importance, but statement that "Florida has a the matter of locking up the oil 11111111111111111111111!1111111111111111 PAGE TWO LASSIFIED ADS TRANSFER AND STORAGE MODERN STORAGE facilities. We make your moves easy. Padded vans; every load insured. VAN HORN TRANSFER & STORAGE CO., 28 First St., Panama City, Fla. Day phone 92. Night phone 414-J. 5-21* AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1941 2-DOOR FORD SEDAN for sale.; $795 cash. In good' condi- tion. Call at Creech and Brooks Laundry. 4-9tf FOR SALE TO BE SOLD-Large black hog, weight about 180 pounds; to be sold at pen April 19. :Marked crop and under-square in each ear. J. N. Walker, Port St. Joe. 4-16* LEGAL ADVERTISING THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FAT COLLECTION DEPOTS NAMED All housewives of this section are urged to take the waste fats and oils they have been saving either to the McCoy Grocery or the Kenney Mercantile Company. These two concerns have been designated as receiving depots to handle this vitally needed ma- terial for war purposes. IIIII~lllllll l llll ill lillllillli lill l lillll illllilllll i << With the Colors >) (Continued from Page 1) hitchka, who is now "somewhere in the Pacific," writes that he hah made his third rating within a ye ar, having been promoted to I the. Circuit Court, Gulf County, petty officer-machinist mate 2n1d Florida. IN CHANCERY LEE G. HUGHES, Plaintiff, VS. ADELINE G. H.UGHES, Defendant The State of Florida: TO: Adeline G. Hughes, whose residence is unknown. You are hereby ordered to ap- pear on the. 3rd da3y of May, 1943, before the above styled Court to the bill of complaint for divorce tiled against you in the above en- titled cause. WITNESS the Honorable Ira A. -Hutchison andl E. C. Welch, Judges of said Court and the seal of this Court in the City of Wewabitchka, Gulf County, Florida, this 26th day of March, 1943. (Court Seal) J. R. HUNTER, Clerk of Circuit Court, Gulf County, Florida. E. CLAY LEWIS, Jr., 4-9 Attorney for Plaintiff. 4-30 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the City of Port St. Joe, Florida, will apply to the Legislature -of the State of Florida at its 1943 session for a special act applicable only to the City of Port St. Joe, Florida, authorizing and empowering the City Commission of the City 5f Port St. Joe to levy and collect a tax of not to exceed 1 cent per gallon on each and every gallon of gasoline or other like products of petroleum sold or stored, within the City of Port St. Joe, and to exempt said city from the pro- visionso any and all other exist- Ing laws prohibiting municipalities from levying and collecting any gasoline tax or other tax measured or computed by the sale, purchase, storage, distribution, use, consump- tion, or other disposition of gaso- line or other like products of petroleum.. CITY OF PORT ST. JOE By: M. P. TOMLINSON, City Auditor and Clerk. class. Promoted To Ensign W. T. Moseley Jr., who is now attending the navy officers' train- ing school at Tuscon, Ariz., has been promoted to the rank of en- sign, according to word received by Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Dickens from their daughter, Mrs. Estelle Mloseley. T/Cpl.. Lonnie E. Stockman, with the field artillery at Camp Gor- don johnston, Carrabelle, visited over the .week-eandi with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Traweek. The Star is like a letter from home to your man in the service. Send it to him for only $1 a year. S "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" FOR-- FOR Life Insurance SEE BUCK ALEXANDER PHONE 101 Coetin Building ONEJ DAY VITAMIN TABLETS T INK of it! Your min- imum dailyrequirements of A and D Vitamins or of B Complex Vitamins, in one pleasant tablet. Remember the name ONE-A-DAY. (brand) Vitamin Tablets. MILES I ER INa S0 TENSE nerves make I Dyou Wakeful, Cranky, PEestless? Dr. Miles Nervine he'ps to lessen Nervous t Tension. Get it at your drug ), store. Read directions and S use only as directed. Aika-Seltzer | W HEN Headache, Mus- ',/ cular Pains or Simple Neuralgia, Distress after > Meals, Gas on Stomach, or "Morning After" interfere with your work or spoil I t your fun, try Alka-Seltzer. | FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1943' Newest development to increase the range o- aircraft is an auxili- ary gasoline tank, detachable in flight by ,ulling a trigger, and- made of molded plywood. v* A VALUABLE DOCUMENT Your doctor's prescription is a valuable- document. More than a piece of paper bearing queer words and odd characters,. it represents his years of training, expe- rience and skill applied directly to your- individual case. As such, the prescription. deserves the care and accuracy exercised. by our registered pharmacists and the: purity and uniformity of the prescription chemicals and drugs we dispense. We use, Merck Prescription Chemical LeHardy Pharmacy We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription Phone 5 Port St. Joe O, 4~ow A Z- Subscriptions Must Be Paid In Advance The Star is endeavoring to comply with the request of the United States government to conserve news- print, and in order to do so, we are holding our present subscription list to the number of papers distributed on January 1, 1943. This means that the only way we can put 6n new subscribers is by cut- ting off those old subscribers who have failed to re- new their subscriptions within two weeks after being notified. The postoffice department has always required that subscriptions be paid in advance, but it has been our habit in the past to carry subscribers whom we knew would eventually pay up. This we can no longer do and still give a "break" to new subscribers. During the past month we have cut off 57 sub- scribers who were in .arrears. Twelve of these -have come in and renewed their subscriptions, and the names of 21 new subscribers have beer. added to our mailing list during that period. We can still place-24 new subscribers (or old subscribers who de- sire to renew their subscirptions) on our mailing list. THE STAR "Your Home Town Newspaper" -~f. 3.. This man was taught not to drink water D DRINKING WATER IS'SCARCE in North Africa. And what there is, is likely to be bad. So before our soldiers landed there, they were weaned away from water. A dash of iodine in their drinking water served the double purpose of disinfecting it, and making it taste awful. By the time the boys landed in Africa, they'd lost all taste for water except in safe, prepared drinks. SThe favorite prepared drink is lemonade. Field Ration K provides it-along with veal, pork, sausage, coffee, bouillon, malted milk" tablets, biscuits, chocolate, and chewing gum- all in a 33-ounce pack. Sounds like somebody was taking pretty good care of our boys, doesn't it? And that's right. American soldiers are the best-fed, best-equipped, best-cared-for in the world. But keeping them that way takes money. So much money, that, .to help-pay for ft, every one of us must loan at least 10% of his income to Uncle Sam through War Bonds. War Bonds are a swell investment. They pay you back $4 for every $3. Save at least 10% of every paycheck with U. S. War Bonds. SAVE WITH U.S. WAR BODS AT L CT |A -.. EVERYBODY...EVERY PAYDAY... A LER)I Iv/o This advertisement is a con ribution to America's all-out war effort by' COSTING'S DEPARTMENT STORE "ST. JOE'S SHOPPING CENTER" r "------- Im the Circuit Court, Gulf County, petty office$-machinist mate 2n : 4 IN: ,D A 1 1 THE STAR, P ST. JOE GULF CUT FR PAGE THREE You'll Be Seeing Stars At the Port "Star Spangled Rhythm," PlayTng At Port Sunday and Monday, Has Everything If ever there was a picture to make every movie fan happy, it's Paramount's unparalleled, musical comedy, "Star Spangled Rhythm," playing at the, Port theater Sun- day and Monday with just about everything imaginable in the way of entertainment and just about everyone on the Paramount lot. It is without doubt the best and big- *gest show in Hollywood( history- a feast for eyes, ears, heart and funnybone. Any film which utilizes the di- versified talents of more than 40 stars, giving them all a chance to strut their stuff and making that stuff an integral part of the story, really has something! And that is exactly what "Star Spangled Rhythm" does. Among the 40 stars you'll find Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Fred Mac- Murray, Franchot Tone, Ray Mill- and, Victor Moore-, Dorothy La- mour,' Paulette Goddard, Vera 'Zorina, 1i-ary Martin, Betty Hinut- ton, Dick Powell, Edidie Bracken, Veronica Lake, Alan Ladd, Wil- liam Bendix, Rochester, Macdonala iCarey, Jerry Colonna, and more, and more!! .Don't get the idea that "Star 'Spangled Rhythm" is just a revue --it isn't. It tells the story of Vic- tor Moore, Paramount studio gate- man, who has deceived, his sailor -son, Eddie. Bracken, into believing -that he runs the studio. When Ed- d.ie shows up at the studio with a -group of friends, something dras- tic has to be done, and Moore and Betty Hutton, his switchboard op- erator friend, do it. Before very long, every one of the stars' is -helping them do it, and it all adds up to really hilarious fun. All the stars perform against a background of music, dancing and comedy, making ".Star4S.panglea Rhythm" the greatest entertain- -ment of its kind. Advertising doesn't cost-it PAYS! FOR - Life Insurance SEE BUCK ALEXANDER PHONE 101 Costin Building SOME MEATS RATE LOWER POINT VALUE Lower point values for sauasge products and some pork cuts went into effect Monday. Attributing its action to slow sales and a resultant danger or spoilage', OPA announced point re- ductions ranging from 14 to 50 per cent on such products as wieners, bologna, pork sausage, chitter- lings, scrapple and pork neck and We Have a Rat! The Star has been published for almost seven years, and never yet have we had a rat in the building. Now we have one. I We've had numerous families of field mice move in on us from time to time, and' they were speed- ily taken care of by a couple of small traps, but never have we had a rat. backbones. We've a pretty good idea who Pork sausage, wieners, bologna foisted this rodent off on us. We and liver sausage were cut front have a number of chickens and 7 to 6 points a pound when no non- have been buying Purina feeds meat filler is added. Products con- from Horace Soule at the St. Joe training non-meat filler, such as Hardware. He's got plenty of rats cereals, were reduced from 7 to b in that dump and we've: a sneak- points a pound. ing suspicion that he sent this one ,Neck and) backbones were cut to us with that last 100-pound bag from 2 to 1 point a pound, and of growena we ordered. chitterlings fiom 4 to 2. Chances are, however, that the ___ __ rat left there 'because he didn't GEORGE GASKIN NAMED like the company. But chances are, GECOUNTY GAME WARDEN RGEtoo that Horace planted him o COUNTY GAME WARDEN us to eat up the chicken feed so he could, sell us some more. George Gaskin of Wewahitchka We've bought a huge rat trap this week was appointed; as con- and we wouldn't be surprised to servatiion officer for Gulf county find' a rat in it tomorrow-or by the state fish and game corn- maybe Horace. mission. He replaces J. K. Prid- ----- geon, who ;recently resigned. It pays to advertise-try it! *ePORTe A Martin Theatre 3 Port St. Joe, Fla. THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M., CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. SUNDAY MONDAY April 18-19 'Star Spangled Rhythm' With More Stars Than We Can Name ALL YOUR FAVORITES * HERE TO THRILL YOU In One Big Grand Picture ! spa -wwldj' 4? S We do not waste coffee this way. li ,is precious in wartime. Timber is precious too. Wood is, '' vital in War, an essential raw material.U Forest fires damage wood needed for; war supplies, and destroy young trees 4 which are the future forests. Let's be as careful with our forests 1 ias we are with our coffee., N.OW, mpre than ever, you want 'to stay on the job and do your full share of the work which must be done. Headache, Muscular Pains, Simple Neuralgia, Func- tional Monthly Pains slow you down, interfere with your work, spoil your fun. Have you ever tried DR. MILES Anti-Pain Pills When" any of these common pains Shave made you miserable? Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills are pleasant to take, and prompt in action. They do not upset the stomach or make you constipated. A single tablet usually brings relief. Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills are compounded under the super- vision of competent chemists. Get Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills at your drug store. Regular pack- age 250, Economy package $1.10. Read directions and take only as directed. HowYou Can Help i aful while smoking in the ,J, ro Ash your cigarette be-: --' foethrowing away. ,,. -~ y _Never brn brush on'awindy day.S'Take no chances. s.-~~~ -" "f Be sure your match is out. SBreak it in two. i Report persons setting woods fires to Forest Wardens or County Officers. REMEMBER A burning match, a glowing cigarette, a V smoldering campfire can be just as dis- astrous to our forests as an incendiary bomb. Forests are vital to victory. WE NEED TIMBER TO WIN THE WARI S* .- ,L . ST. JOE LUMBER AND EXPORT COMPANY Manufacturers and Exporters of Long Leaf Yellow Pine Tidewater Red Cypress PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA PAGE THREE THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF.,COUNTY, FLORIDAA FRIDAY APRIL 16 193 PC THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as Second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Florida, undel- Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Invariably Payable In Advance One Year........$2.00 Six Months...... $1.00 Three Months..........65c -.{ Telephone 51 38- The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfilly weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country t"., Right or Wrong A PERSONAL CHALLENGE We on the home front face one of the most personal challenges of this war to date. That challenge is whether or not we are willing to sacrifice to a sufficient extent to lend our government -thirteen billion dollars within the next few weeks. To do the job, you and'I, and everyone we know, are going to have to dig down in our sock-to dig out some of those dollars we have salted away for a rainy day-as well as too take a good hunk out of this month's pay check or other source of income. This is ,a job that has to be done. Sure, we on the home front are feeling the pinch of war-if you want to call it that. We have gasoline rationing, food rationing, higher taxes, and a lot of other little discomforts. But they are nothing compared with the agonies faced daily by our men-men from Gulf county among them-out there on the fighting fronts of the world. Yes, we know that this constant demand for more money out of our pockets and out of .our pay checks-an increasing amount each rionth-is monotonous. But so is sitting in a fox-hole or lying in a slit-trench day af- *ter day, slogging- through the hell of a hu- mid jungle or that of Sahara sand. Your editor knows what it is like, although his ex- perience was more with mud, snow and rain, and he feels that no matter how much we do here at home, it will not be enough when we think of what our men are going through. Our sons, friends, brothers, husbands and others we know are doing that for us. They are facing something more terrible than cut- ting down on a few things that we once thought were essentials to the American stan- dard of living in order to do it, too. As Sec- retary Morgetnhau has said: "Shall we be more tender with our dollars than with the lives of our sons?" This Second War Loan now under way is an order to the home front to go on a new offensive. Your dollars are the weapons in this attack. They will make possible the pass- ing of the ammunition to those boys of ours up there in the front lines. To win this war is going to cost more and more money-and more and more lives. But the price of free- dom. is high-has always been high. We can not, we dare not let our fighting men down. You can't let George do this for you. You must pitch in with your dollars. Just keep in mind those boys in the front lines. They give their lives-you lend your money! Don't wait for someone to come around and ask you to do it. Do' it today-and do it until you feel worthy of them-it's a personal challenge to you! Wonder what our men living in deserts and jungles, battling night and day, think when they get reports of congressmen fight- ing for their blocs, playing politics as usuil, while they risk their lives to save the kind of government this kind of congressman makes? The little things may not matter so much ---but they can make plenty of racket. ONLY ONE EYE ON THE FLAG Millions of Americans are doing only half- hearted fighting in the nation's greatest and most important war. They have only one eye on the flag, and the, other eye-the best one -is on the pocketbook. They attempt to ac- complish that impossible feat of eating their cake and having it, too, as they undertake a Victory March down Easy -Street. The curse of complacency, unconcern, over- confidence, greed, selfishness and partisan politics that is rampant all the way from Washington to Podunk, is condemning our country to a long war that will exact tre- mendous, shocking cost in lives, suffering, sorrow, sacrifice, material and money. While American soldiers, marines and air- men fight, suffer and die in foreign lands to defend the American way of life, these sel- fish citizens continue to "get theirs while the getting is good." While the guns of a thou- sand warships roar their defiance of the Axis threat either to rule or destroy and sailors die, these "let George do it" citizens go their selfish way with a "So what!" attitude. The only time they evidence any interest in this life and death struggle is when something happens to interfere slightly with their pleas- ures, conveniences, business, job or everyday life. Most of us, it seems, have yet to learn that the road to victory is a tortuous one that leads through a hell of blood, sweat and tears. To travel it successfully, we must keep BOTH eyes open on the flag as it leads to war. Our country must be the master, for we can have but one master in this crisis if we are not to have a foreign master thrust upon us. Therefore, we must rid ourselves of such masters as greed, labor dictatorships, busi- ness-as-usual, dislike and distrust of Britain and Russia, New Deal and anti-New Deal partisanship, and class prejudices. There must be UNITY and DETERMINATION WE MUST KEEP BOTH EYES ON THE FLAG OR LIVE UNDER A FOREIGN FLAG!-Florida Legionnaire. REMOVE THE MILLSTONE NOW The Florida National Bank of Jacksonville has been running some striking newspaper advertisements on the necessity for changing the federal income tax laws to meet present- day needs of the taxpayers. One of its recent advertisements said: "Remember how a few years ago the gov- ernment solemnly talked about 'Freedom from debt freedom from want free- dom from fear, etc.?' "The 'Freedoms' theory is a great one-but why doesn't Uncle Sam practice it with in- come taxes? Instead of freeing his taxpayers from debt and fear, the present income tax system perpetuates a peculiar type of peon- age because the taxpayer is never out of debt.' "Last year's income taxes hang around his neck like a millstone. Let's adopt the pay-as- you-go plan now and make the 'Freedoms' an actuality rather than a pretty theory." Lewiston, Idaho, banned slot and pinball machines, and Citizen Ed Klonick told re- porters the town might as well be folded up in a tent and given back to the'Indians. Pretty soon he got a letter from a Nez Perce In- dian: "We don't want it. You just fold it up and keep it." A married man living with his wife all the time; gets an income tax exemption of $600, while a single man gets $500. A difference of $100 for living with a wife. There ought to be a new setup. Anyobody ought to know it s worth more than $100 to live with some wives.-Abbeville (Ga.) Chronicle. It is rumored that there will soon be a 10 per cent rise in liquor prices. It's beginning to look like those who indulge will have to go to the bank for a loan when they want to purchase a pint or two. Keep smiling-and buy War Bonds! "They Give Their Lives-You Lend Your Money" s BY GEORGE S. BENSON Pr es deo t-vaCinfy CoUey Searey. Arkadsas Endowed Inertia Approximately 2,000,000 men have left the farms of the United States to enter war and war industries since the Pearl Harbor raid. The only thing that can replace the con- sequent shortage of manpower is power equipment. This statement was madd in middle January by Rep.- Leslie C. Arends of Illinois on the floor of the House of Repre- sentatives in Washington. The short- age of farm machinery is well known to every farmer. On a farm regularly using horses, ene man might do nearly two men's work with a tractor, but the few new tractors being built will never re- place the worn-out tractors this year, not to mention farm teams. Farm hands are being imported to the United States from Latin Amer- ica. Every farm worker is a real help but not all' imported laborers are suitable for all kinds of farm work. Busy Keeping Idle Nothing seems more apparent to a serious observer than that liter- ally thousands of government em- ployees in admittedly essential in- dustries are having a hard time try- ing to justify the existence of their highfalutin jobs. Read this recent utterance by Rel. Forest A. Har- ness of Indiana on the floor of the House. "There is hardly a Federal agen- cy, emergency or regular, where the pruning knife cannot be used to great advantage We have one civilian employee for every three men in fighting uniform. I am sure we can weed out upward- of a million Federal Employees who can go into the essential private fields now crying for help." An enterprising planner in the Na- tional Capital recently got up some cardboard 'signs to be used in over- crowded rooming houses for the pro- tection of night workers who sleep *inh'ddtffie. The sign read: "Qfiiet Pledse-A war worker is-resting here." But the sigfis',found an unexpected use. Just for lhorsegplay, some jok- er took 'the signs 'to certain big al- phabetical agenciegad posed them around'on de9'7o f1irbeaucrhts who seemed to have nothing to do. Ban- ter on this subject 'goes on in Wash- ington endlessly. Jtst the same, it is a vitally serious matter. There is a government bureau in Washington whose job it is to select occasionally some item of food that appears to bean especially good bar- gain anrd recommend its immedi- ate use by housewives. The selec- tion of' any product implies that its supply exceeds the demand, that the price is right and that eating it up is a *patriotic' act. There is'another bureau in Wash- ington wh6se duty it is to keep a Idok-out for'fdod scarcity. It pays attention to specific items in which a shortage seems to be developing and urges that farmers increase their production of such things to improve -their profit per acre, also as an act of patriotism. Dry Edible Beans The whole thing looks pretty good on paper bt:? in practice (to coin a phrase) it shows human fallibility. For instance, on January 16 news- papers announced a new "Victory Food Special" to American house- wives, namely, dry edible beans. The hint was broad-too many beans on hand. Specialists wrote blurbs of praise about the food value of beans. Experts in cooking published formulas for making beans taste good. Wives and mothers, bent on service to home and country, sallied forth to buy beans. The next day, January 17, an offi- cial press release by the U. S. De- partment of Agriculture began urg- ing farmers far and near to increase their acreage of dry edible beans; 500,000 acres more this year than last, a gain of about 17.5 per cent from 2.8 million to 3.3 million acres. A bonus per acre to farmers plant- ing above a certain minimum was announced. At the same time a 25c increase in the "support price" was proclaimed for new No. 1 beans at country points. Not Hard to Keep This is a sample of planned econ- omy. One planner sees a shortage coming, another one sees a surplus. If beans were things that would not keep, like bananas or cantaloupes, you could admit that the planners, after all, might be seeing eye-to-eye. But beans will keep indefinitely in a clean dry place. If there is to be a shortage; if the Army is going to need beans in a few weeks to win the war, there is no point to choking the immediately available supply down the necks of the civilian popu- lation. This is not a preachment against beans. They are good food. I am offering no protest against setting up inducements and making- arbi- trary price bids to stimulate pro- duction of any military necessity. My protest is only against bun- combe. A Washington correspond- ent I know, remarked bitterly, "It looks like the planners will have to have a co-ordnator to keep them from playing both ends against the middle." Will Congressman Harness' sug- gestion come to anything? Can we thin out the idle minds and bodies in Washington and send back a mil- lion people to the food producing farms? The best part of a girl's life is that which comes between the lipstick and the broomstick. Aid to Enemy "Any American who wilfull~y^ neglects to pay his taxes on time or to invest every cent he can in War Bonds is surely giv- ing aid and comfort to the enemy We have a job to do and wv are all called for service to our country. Our dollars are called to service too. Let us all ask ourselves, 'Shall we be more tender with our dollars than with the lives of our sons?' Secretary Morgenthau. FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1943 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FOUR FD A 6 1 W AR RATION BOOK lIllIllIlllll! llllll lllllll llllllllllllllllllll Illilllll 3 IS TO BE MAILED << SOCIETY People of Gulf county who lllllllllilllllllll llllll llllII IIlllllllllllll lllilllllll struggled through the line-up pro- ATTENDING 0. E. S. ceduro to obtain their copy of Ra- GRAND CHAPTER tion Book 2 will no doubt rejoice | Miss Myrtice Co-odyv Mrs. R. V. at the OPA's decision to mail ou War Ration Book No. 3. The book will be mailed ou some time in June and will be real combination book, containing a variety of miscellaneous stamps including those for coffee, sugar shoes, processed foods and meats Advertising doesn't cost-it PAYS! DR. C. L. REICHERTER REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED-GLASSES FITTED Ritz Theatre Building First Floor PANAMA CITY, FLA SHOES RATIONED But Shoes Repairs Aren't It will pay you to check over your old shoes and bring those to us that can still be repaired. The LEADER SHOE SHOP ROOM AND, BOARD BY THE M WEEK [480 Dining Room Open to the Public Club Breakfast, 6 to 9....25c Lunch, 12 to 2...........40c Dinner, 6 to 8 ...........40c MRS. M. 0. FREEMAN Corner Reid Ave. and 3rd St. Griffin Grocery Building 4 4 t a g S r, S. Coburn, Mrs. Fred Maddox, Mrs. J. A. Christmas andi Mrs. W. S. Smith left Sunday evening for Jacksonville to attend the Grand Chapter session of the Order or Eastern Star, state of Florida. They expect to return tomororw. Miss Coody, and Mrs. Smith are delegates from the local 0. E. S. chapter and Mrs. Coburn is grand page. P.-T. A. WILL MEET NEXT THURSDAY .Regular scheduled meeting ot the Parent-Teacher association will BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES R. F. Hallford, Pastor 9:45 a. m.-Sunday School. 11:00 a. m. Morning worship, Topic: "What Price Revival?" 7:00 p. m.-B. T. U. 8:00 p. m. Evening worship. Topic: "Detours to Hell." METHODIST CHURCH Rev. 0. D. Langston. Pastol 9:45 a. m.-Church school. 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. 6:30-Youth Fellowship. 7:30-Evening worship. The Woman's society meets Monday at 3 p. nm. First Tuesday after first Sunday, official board meeting. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., prayer and Bible study. Choir practice. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sunday evening be held. at 3:30 p. m. next Thurs- at 7:30 o'clock. day, April 22, at the school house. - At this time the newly-electea Q U E S T I O N S officers will be Installed and a Bataan Anniversary round table discussion held. All members are urged to be present. Where is the redhead who wouldn't learn- W The farmer's son? KIWANIS NEWS NOTES He was a sergeant on Bataan. The box supper recently spon- Where is the shy, soft-spoken scored by the Kiwanis and Pilpt interne- club was not so well attended, but The butcher's son? approximately i100 was raised for He was a doctor on Bataan. the hospital and high school band. Where is the handsome young Band Director Frank Lodwick was playboy- present with members of the band The banker's son? and gave several numbers during He was a captain on Bataan. the evening. These are some questions that At the meeting Thursday eve- often annoy: ning of last week a War Bond Have we forgotten sale was held and $125 worth of The valiant of Bataan? bonds sold. Capt. B. H. Dickens -Ruth Allen Smith. Jr., was the guest of hi$s father, B. 4 4 , H. Dickens at this time and made BAPTIST G. A. MEETS a few remarks. a few remarks. The Baptist Intermediate Girls' Auxiliary met at the church last Eugene Miles, in the U. S. Mer- Thursday afternoon with Mrs. L. chant Marine, who recently re- E. Voss in charge. After a mission. turned from London, Eng., leftary program the usual social hour Wedcensday for New York afte4 was enjoyed with Willodean Low- visiting here four days with his ery as hostess. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Miles . J. L. Sharit s.: for Tampna IV-- M5r. and Mrs. Howard Farr of nos3ay on :.us:n1s. lie, expLcs to Ochlochnee and Mr. and Mrs. Mar- return today. vin Corham of Thomasville, Ga., tL u a were week-endi guests of Mr. and Send The Star to your man in Mrs. George Cooper. the service-only $1 per year. BUY WAR BONDS AND HELP rUP.;t',.:: I~iAT OM HISITLERI A DOLE-may not live long enough to fay for his imsars murders by actually sitting in the "hot scat." But electricity is already hastening the day .of his doom! Electricity drives delicate ma- chines that turn out time fuses- and thundering presses that forge tank armor. Electricity is a basic part of every bayonet, bomber and battlehLip-of all America's roar- ing wAr production. Even when war began, America had more electric power than all the Axis countries combined. It's no military secret that today ou? power supply is far greater. And it's no secret, either, that the elec- tric companies under experienced business management supply about seven-eighths of it! Free Americans set world pro- duction records primarily because they are free-- because they have grown up under a business system that encourages initiative and in- vention-ins.mad of reducing thenw to the ranks of Azxs slaves Free Ametednik are freely giv. ing billions of dollars to help put Hitler in the chair. But once he's there, a cent's worth of electricity will finish the job! Which goes to show what BIG things penny. priced electricity can do! FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION IN THE SERVICE OF CUSTOMER, COMMUNITY AND COUNTRY iure a tough break for the racing !Vbby boys. Why, some of 'em ac- trally didn't get here until after 'e "All Clear" had sounded. Rep. Buck Hancock thinks it would be a ,ood idea to make the industrial commission publish the names of all those getting paid for ',ot working so that wnen a farmer needs help he can hunt up some of the folks enjoyin' this "rockin" chair" money and put 'em to wdrk -with a provision that if they re- fuse legitimate employment they can be taken off the roll. "Either that," says Buck, "or abolish tht cockeyed commission and get back to the old-fashioned idea of en- couragin' folks to try and make an honest livin'." Legislative owls accustomed to s'.alking- out around midnight for -a bite to eat and a bottle of brew found every door locked ane barred against them on Saturday right. The army taxes over the town on we.ek-ends, and solonw found they were no more import- ant than anyone else when the cur- few went into effect along about 11:30. 2OYS SCOUTS MEET TONIGHT A full attendance at the. regular meeting of the Boy Scout Troop this evening is expected. We must get ready fof- the Camporee to be- I;: at Day Harbor from April 30 to May 2, and must know how many are planning to go'. Bring your dues and pay up, as we need some equipment for the Camporee. The only source of income is your dues. Be on time. 0. D. Langston, Scoutmaster. SUNDAY MONDAY April 18 and 19 AN ALL-AMERICAN TOP MUSICOMEDY! NEWS J L Tinderwood TUESDAY WEDNESDAY April 20 and 21 "Whistling Iln Bixie" "PRICE OF VICTORY" Chapter 10 of Serial "Valley of Vanishing Men" THURSDAY and FRIDAY April 22 and 23 "TENNESSEE JOHNSON" NEWS EVENTS Also Mrs L E Voss_ "DER FUERER'S FACE" i814li~l l|IIIIIIaull)E tltllP Uly lil IK8'lp t 101 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1943 PAGE FIVE Illlll lllllllllllllllllll llllllll;IIIIIIIIIIi llu llllllllll' I It pays to advertise- try itf Sitting In With the Lawmakers DIR i. C. CO'E By RUSSELL KAY DENTIST --- --. (Florida Press Association) Office Hours: 9 to 12- 1 to 5 SSundays By Appointment .,lllllllllll11 HI ilillllllluli~ i llH i W litilli : fliBiuilld!lli Costin Building Phone 88 Like a flock of camouflaged . tanks in a battle- area, the big guns | ----- _---_------ of Florida's 1943 legislature took their seats in house and senate last week to remain almost completely hidden behind the avalanche oz floral tributes that adorned every desk. So profuse were the flowers that the scene resembled a oross between a flower show and a gang-M E ster funeral. Everyone had at least L 4 A MARTIN THEATRE two huge bouquets, while the desk of Senator Baker was creaking un- BEN RIVERS, Manager der the weight of a dozen or more Opens Daily 2:45, Continuously -so covered, in fact, that the gen tieman from the 23rd couldn't find Saturday 1:00 Sunday 1:00 room enough for an elbow, much less his feet. SATURDAY, APRIL 17 During previous sessions one B IG HITS could find attaches running around -- Hit No. 1--- as thick as roaches in a boarding house kitchen. Any legislator with '-- .. less than four or five of these Sn C a''. "mother's little helpers" was con- . sidered as eccentric .or just ,plain '. -'"- dumb. From the time of his elet- . tion up until the session was all but over, a member of the house ,or senate received almost as many -,." applications for such jobs as he ",. did requests for pensions, but this V ' year most of the boys have had t tlI'1,,. . get down on their knees and beg : 3 before they could induce compe- ent stenos to fool around up he-re 5 I'- ' on such a measly stipend as six i.- . trifling bucks a day. I asm fold Chapter 12 of Serial the situation is so bad some of tie fellows are studying shorthand "SMILIN' JACK" and learning .to play a typewriter. ----- HIT NO. 2 I can remember back when it, BLACK GOLD used to take no less than there ROMANCE! sessions of hard labor and a gay . whirl of expensive night life to U F ,-(' even get a racing bill introduced. but this 'time the lawmakers put ' one through extending the season "l & ",-i : almost before the chaplain could ,. ' say "Amen." In fact, it d. rizzled through about three jumps / ahead of the mechanical rabbit, i / \.which any experienced greyhound '. *-ill. tell you is plenty fast. 'It was L - THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA JAPS LOVE LIFE, TOO *' ^ .:- .- - * .'F*;$' ,WfS ^;*^ '^ ^ .r' '* ? ^ B *- ' SOMEWHERE IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC-U.S. Navy Photo-You've heard many stories of how Jap soldiers would rather die than surrender. It is about as true as the yarn that the Jap is a superman. Above you see some of the Japs captured by our boys on Guadalcanal. They could have died if they wanted, but they choose to live and to smoke American cigarettes donated by the doughboys who encircle them at the Pacific base to which they were transferred from GuadalcanaL CHIEF FREEMAN QUITS WHEN HUDSON FIRED (Continued from page 1) many grievances had been filed by captains of ships making port here. Furthermoer, according to Com- missioner Sullivan, one of /hese port officials made the statement that "the air of Port St. Joe stank," that his job is "to keep oil moving from Port St. Joe and Pan- ama City from Texas, and that hs was going to keep the oil moving if he had to see the whole of Port St. Joe out in the middle of the bay." When Chief of Police Marvin 0. Freeman learned that Hudson had been dismissed he immediately re- signed his position, stating, ac- cording to witnesses, that "if sol- diers, sailors or marines are al- lowedi to come in here and beat up my police officers and the city re- fuses to back up these officer when .they endeavor to enforce the laws or protect themselves from bodily harm, then I feel that I am 'a man without a country', and am handing in my resignation." As a result of this series of in- cidents, a special meeting of the, board of city commissioners was held Tuesday night and, the entire matter threshed out by the., com- missioners. Commissioner Sullivan, at the meeting, outlined. -the matter as seT forth above *and made the state- ment that he and Mr. Conklin had deemed it necessary to ask for Hudson's badge in the interest of harmony and co-operation with the government authorities. Mayor Sharit took the stand that Hudson should not have been dis- missed, stating: "These men off 'the ships do, or attempt to do, whatever they like, without any consideartion for our community while they are here. These men particularly, Ibeing visitors, should be on their good, behavior while here instead of getting drunk and raising sand. "I d6n't uphold these happenings but I dbn't blame Mr. Hudson for acting as he did as, according to his statement, he was being stran- gled by one man and another wag standing by with a stick of wood waiting for a chance to use it. I also feel that the sailor is better off with a flesh wound in his side, rather than if he had killed Mt Hudson and then been caught and electrocuted for.the death of a po- lice officer. "I feel that we should give our officers the complete backing and -support of the city in carrying out -their duties. "I further believe that Mr. Free- -man should not have quit his post when Mr. Hudson was suspended. but should have been more than ,ever on the jodb during this time. .very time someone turns in a complaint, concluded the mayor, "we won't be able to keep a police force I feel that, with no other officers oil tie job or available, .hat tue city would be making a mistake in letting Mr. Hudson go, and I move that he be reinstated subject to dismissal at the will of l.e commission." "I don't believe in having the i.my or navy or any other outside ;roups coming in here and telling us how to run our city," said Com- nissioner Sullivan, "but I dio feel -at we should try to work in har- nony with these outside groups, nd if they feel that closer co-op- eration will result through the dis- charge of Mr. Hudson, then I fa- vor it. "I don't think it fair to Mr. Hud- son or to the city to reinstate him as the outsiders who come here vill continue to have trouble with, him. I think highly of Mr. Hudson md admire him, but i have but one duty, and. that is to see that the best interests of the city of Port St. Joe are served," concluded, Mr. Sullivan. "Allow me to suggest," said Mr. Sharit, "that the manager of the port at Panama City be invited 'mire to talk the matter over with is at luncheon. ''m going to write ;im, asking him to eat with us and also ask him to come here and ex- plain just what he means by say- ing that 'Port St. Joe stinks'." Mr. Conklin interrupted at this point, saying: "I suggest that Mr. Hudson be reinstated until after the meeting with the port manager Tuesday, in order that the city have police protection during the interim, since we have been un- able to secure men to serve. This doesn't mean that I am altering my decision as to suspending Mr. Hudson. unless it can b.e pointed out to me that I am unalterably wrong, but in the interest of pub- lic safety and welfare I will agree, to his reinstatement." "I think we should reinstate Mr. FOR - Life Insurance CALL BUCK ALEXANDER PHONE 101 Costin Building II iI Ili i tiilliliil ii lllli iiiiiiiiiii l 1iiii lll lllli ATTENTION You Can Still . BUILD REPAIR REROOF PAINT INSULATE Your Home 00 Up to $200 ON EASY LOANS - See Us For Estimate - We Do Millwork and Build Boats Hudson, subject to the will of the commission," said Sharit, "and then if facts show that he should oe fired, we'll do it, but I'm still of ihe opinion that we should not allow outside interests to come in here and tell us how or how not to run our community." Reinstatement of Officer Hudson was concurred to >by Commis- oiuuer Conklin, but -Commissioner aillivan stood his ground that Or- icer Hudson should be suspended for the best interests of the city. Officer Hudson was present at the meeting, andi when called upon to make a statement, said, in part: "'If it comes to the point that a bunch of drunks and outlaws can come here and, tell your police or- ficers what they can do and can't :lo, what's the use of having a po- lice force? Why not just turn the streets over to .them?" Chief of Police Freeman was not present at the meeting. Lieut. Hughes Is Visitor Lieut. Henry G. Hughes, pilot in the Army Air Corps, arrived Sun- day from Monroe, La., for a week's visit with his sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rush Chism. Send The Star to a friend. Grow 'am QUICK and BSG To Stand The Strain of eavy Winter Laying Will your pullets rate "1-A" next fall when they're ready for the laying house? Will they have the size and stamina to stand the strain of heavy winter laying? Will they' shoulder their share of the ten billion extra eggs on Uncle Sam's Want List, and thus play their part in your Food For Victory Offensive? SWITCH TO GROWENA or GROWING CHOW NOW1 You'll have the RIGHT answer to these questions if you switch to a growing feed especially built to push pullets into the nest early, laying lots of profitable fall eggs. It takes only about 16 pounds of Purina CHICK GROWENA, or 7 lbs.of GROWING CHOW with your own scratch grain, to carry a pullet -through the growing period. That's little enough for as vital PURInA a job that MUST be done! CHICK ROWIN Come in and see us about your W growing feed needs TODAY! I p SAVE WITH U. S. WAR BONDS EVERYBODY EVERY PAYDAY . AT LEAST 10 PER CENT! Do YOUR Bit In Raising Gulf County's Quota In the Drive Now Underway. ST. JOE HARDWARE COMPANY Your Local Feed and Seed Dealer Port St. Joe, Fla 0 m Im.m m "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" - w I a He has always lia Ltweack u ing oli . the city government and should St. Joe Lumber Co. not have left until this matter was threshed out. PHONE 69-J "If we discharge our officers IIIIIIIllIIII1111111111111 II !Il!IilIIIlIIIllIIIIIl _ -- I~ FRIDAY,-APRIL 16, 1943, PAGE SIX h-d fi.'h v ino * 0a a a I |