The star
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00028419/00325
 Material Information
Title: The star
Uniform Title: Star (Port Saint Joe, Fla.)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: W.S. Smith
Place of Publication: Port St. Joe Fla
Creation Date: January 8, 1943
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Port Saint Joe (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Gulf County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Gulf -- Port Saint Joe
Coordinates: 29.814722 x -85.297222 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began in 1937.
General Note: Editor: Wesley R. Ramsey, <1970>.
General Note: Publisher: The Star Pub. Co., <1970>.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 7 (Dec. 2, 1938).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000358020
oclc - 33602057
notis - ABZ6320
lccn - sn 95047323
System ID: UF00028419:00325

Full Text


?] :HWAR 'very Pay Day

It, ,BOND DAY L T s Dou l
SP SMIO-SAVE DOLARS The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center Our Quota


How A.W.S. Center

Operates Is Shown

Detail From Third Fighter Comn-I

mand P-resents Interesting

A detail of six men from the Mo- ...
bile control center of the' U. S. y
Army Air Warning Service, under r
command of Second Lieut. J. E.
Moshier, presented a demonstra-
tion at the high school auditorium
Tuesday evening showing what
occurs when observers in the Port
St. Joe 'observation tower phone
in they reports. Approximately 60
interested spectators viewed the ,
demonstration. Undoubtedly more
would have been on hand had no-
tice of the demonstartion been re- ;
All equipment used was port- draws close for a good look at s
the first day of fighting for pos
able and consisted of a large map
table bearing a theoretical area
laid off in squares with desig-

switchboard which represented the H ER E'S H O
local telephone exchange, and a
miniature observation tower. PLAN O F
Lieut. Moshler placed the calls LAN
from the "tower" .-and Staff Sgt.
W. Clark, assisted by two of the Fd rationing is the hottest
t p e te o o Foodi rationing is the hottest
other men, operated the control news on e griddle for house-
center, explaining in detail the wives of Port St. ole right now
whys and wherefors of each move. P i
Most interesting .ar of e the as it will affect everyone-and it
Most interesting part placed in active operation
demonstration was when a flight withnll be placed in active operation
'of "enemy" bombers came roaring
of-"enemy" bombers came roaring consumers here will receive their
in from the sea and were met and new passkeysto war effort co-
Wd0sp6sst of by an interceptor new passkeys to war effort co.
flight an ntereptor operation, the "All-Purpose Ration
Both Lieut.;, Moshier and Sgt. Booko" t -he o o
Clark stressed the necessity of all Details of the operation of. the
observation posts being activated new food rationing plans and how
at all times aind explaine&l the ne- they will affect every man,' woman
cessity of getting information and child in Gulf county are pre-
from the observation, post to -the sented here for the benefit of all
control center in the shortest pos- readers of The Star.
sible time._. Date of Issue To Be Announced
The audience consisted mainly War Ration Book Two will be
of local observers. Also present issued during a two-week period,
were G. L. Snowden, district di- dates of which will be announced
rector; T. V. Morris, sub-district later, from the office of the local
director, Chief Observer W. S. rationing board.
Smith and ten members of the Following the two-week dislrl-
Coast Guard' from the San Bias and button period there will be an in-
Beacon Hill sectors. terval of one week during which
Assisting Lieut. Moshier and no further books will be issued,
Sgt. Clark with the demonstration but after the expiration of this
were Cpl. J. W. Beaty, Pfc. Sam one-week period, the lQcal board
Meringolo, Pfc. Charlie Grogan, may issue books to those who
Pfc. Theodore Strzelechi and Pvt. failed to procure, them during the
Edward Dunn. original distribution period.
The actual start of rationing
TEN GET PASSES AT will be preceded by a brief sus-
PORT QUIZ PROGRAM pension of retail sales In order to
permit the retailer to prepare for
Ten members of the audience at the operation of the new prograTi.
the, Port theater received from Every person who has 'War Ra-
one to four passes Wednesday tion Book One may procure War
night in the new "Quiz Program" ]Ration Book Two by taking Book
inaugurated by Manager Rivers One to the issuing official, whll
and which will be a regular Wed- will tear out one. stamp from the
nesday night feature as long as latter-a kind or receipt as it
patrons take an interest in it. were. Next, he will tear out all the
The lucky winners were Miss coffee stamps-20 through 28-
Dorothy Costin, Tom Owens, Mrs. from Book One for each person
Ronald Childers, Miss Margaret listed as aged less than 15.
Be!in, Guy Thompson, Mrs. B. H. The third ste-p is for him to tear
Smith, Betty Roberts, Mrs. J. T. out from Book Two issued to any
Simpson and Folsom Maxwell, the applicant stamps in an amount
last-named receiving four passes equal to the excess supply of the
out of a possible seven for figur- commodities to be rationed with
ing out the "autobiography" super- the new bok that such icant
duper question. may have on hand.
mThe u o e s ht ,,on o nn. Finally, a validation stamp will

which were not answered cor- be attached and a serial number
rectly went into a "'jackpot" and written across the new book,
one member of the audience was thereby authorizing its legitimate
given an opportunity to win it. As use.
the answer given was incorrect, Example of Point- Rationing
these seven passes will be carried The new rationing plan is known
-over to next Wednesday, night. as "point rationing"-a system for
Everyone is urged to send in rationing a group of related or
questions to the theater for this similar comffiodities-foods, for
program and those used will be example, which can be substituted
paid for wiTh passes, for one another in actual use on


-In this Official U. S. Navy Photo just released, an American destroyer
Japanese two-motored bomber, which was shot down near here during
session of the Southern Solomon Islands.



your table.
s Take breakfast cereals, for ex-
ample. Suppose they were to be
rationed. Then the point system
would 'be used. Examples of simi-
lar or related cereals are oatmeal,
cornflakes, branflakes, grits, .etc.,
any one of which qan be substi-
tuted for the other i, :your ,diet.I
L- 'et us, -say "there '.Is- an abunr
dance of oatmeal; ,a fair supply
of branflakes and only a compara-
tively small supply of cornflakes.
These are all related cereals and
would be grouped and, rationed to-
gether under the point system.
IBut, because oatmeal is plenti-
ful, Tt might have a value of only
one point. There is a fairly large
supply of branflakes, and they
might have a .value of two points.
But there is a small supply of
cornflakes, 'so they might be al-
lotted a value of three, four or
five points.
In short, the government will
give to the rationed commodity
which is most plentiful a low
point-value and to the rationed
commodity which is much scarcer
than usual a high point-value.
Same Coupons .Used
The same coupons will be used
to buy any of these commodities,
and every person will be entitle,
to use a specified number of
points each month out of his new
war rtio bnk.

of blue stamps and four pages of
red stamps. Each page contains 24
stamps, lettered and numbered.
Each color will be used for a dif-
ferent, point rationing program.
The- letters run from A to Z and
the numbers are either 8, 5, 2 or 1.
Now for : another illustration.
Suppose, that a. group, of similar or
related-items is- -beig-'ratiaoled
and there are five different com-
.modities in the group. The point-
values assigned would be, perhaps,
like this: Item 1, one point; item
2, two points; item 3,.four points;
item 4, eight points, and item 5,
11 points. This, of course, indi-
cates that item 1 is plentifai,
item 2 is a bit less plentiful than
usual; item 3 is considerably
more scarce than usual; item 4 is
very scarce, and. item 5 is almost
,Suppose, further, -that each in-
dividual's share of the commodi-
ties in this group is set at 4
points for a month and that the
government designated, the blue
stamps in the new ration books'
to be used for these commodities. i
A, Band C Stamps 1
The stamps you would use in
purchasing the commodities in the
above group would be the blue
ones, and for the first month you
would use tite A, B and C blue
Now add up the total of the

S ra our blue A stamps (8, 5, 2 and 1
If a person wishes to purchase a four blue A stamps (8, 5, 2 and.1)
sca; ce commodity upon which has and you get a total of 16 points.
been placed a high point-value h In the same manner the four B
e p e a hh and four C stamps total 16. All
may do so-but his monthly allo- toet, a
cation of points may expire much the A, B and C blue
more, rapidly than will those of stamps total 48 points-your ra-
ti'on for the first month.
the person who purchases a re- tin fr the first mnth.
Now refer back to the above
lated commodity upon which a
lower point-value has been placed. le. If you want to buy item
Each book contains four page (which has a value of 1 point)
Each book contains four pages
you surrender to the storekeeper
one of your blue stamps which has
I tllHlil IIIIllIlll IlIlIllllllII lIlIlllllIIIllllillll a deinom nation of 1 point A-1.
NO WORD HERE YET B-1 or C-1. If you want to buy
ON GASOLINE BAN item 5, on the other hand (which
Shas a value of 11 points), you sur-
Up to the time of going ,I render sufficient blue stamps to
press yesterday, no word had total 11 oints-either an 8, a 2
been received in Port St. Joe in and a I-point stamp, or two 5-
regard to the ban on gasoline point and one 1-point stamps. Use
regard to the ban on gasoline l d
for please' driving, accodng the larger denomination point-
for pleasu'ie driving, aacojdling
to Basil E. Kenney, chairman of stamps first.
the Gulf county rationing board. Quantity of Purchases
Consequently everyone can go Naturally, the quantity of your
on driving as before unless word i purchases will determine the nunt-
is issued to the contrary. ber of points you must give the
1 P.. i-ti--d on Pari. 41

(Continued on age )

Drive to Round Up

Draft Delinquents

Registrants Must Carry Classifica-
tion and Registration Cards
Or Be Subject to Arrest

Action against draft delinquents
will be started by the U. S. De-
partment of Justice on February
1, according to information from
!selective service headquarters, and
this will include a number of men
in Gulf county who, have failed to
put in an appearance when called,
The action will be directed
against men "believed to be de-
linquent by reason of failure to
keep in touch with their local
Sboards'fas required," according to
the announcement. The number ft
estimated at less than three-
tenths of 1 per cent of all' regis-
trants as compared with 4.5 per
I cent between 1917 and 1918.
Beginning February 1, all men
in the 18 to 45 age groups wh*
for six mon.tis or more have been
subject to registration must carry
their classification as Well as their
registartion cards or risk penal-
ties, as great as five years in jail
and. a fine of $10,000.
Local draft boards have been
instructed to mail notices to de-
linquent registrants and report to
United States district attorneys
those who do not comply with
their obligations during January,
The requirement that the 18-to-
45, registrants-w4o .include many
men-daferre4 by .tha recent re?
lowering the maximum draft age
to 37 years-carry classification
cards will enable them to show
that they are in communication
with their local board and have
been classified as to availability
for military service.
Registrants who do not have
'classification cards, or have lost
them, should get in touch immedi-
ately with the Gulf county selec-
tive service board in the Masonic
building and obtain them in order
to avoid' charges of delinquency.
------- ---- .

Clifford Malcolmn McLean, a
former resident of this city, died
in Thomasville, Ga., on Wednesday
of last week from pneumonia con-
tracted following an operation.
Funeral services were held De-
cember 31 in the. Georgia city, con-
ducted by Rev. Jack Anderson of
Tallahassee and Rev. E. F. Quar-
terman of Quincy. Interment was
in the Green Shade cemetery.
Mr. McLean was born in Que-
bec, Canada, and came to Port St.
Joe soon after the Parkwood Lum-
ber company located' here and held
an important position at the mill
until it closed down. While here
he married Elizabeth Cumbie of
Greensboro, Fla., and to this union
one daughter was born.
Deceased is survived by his
aged father and mother and one
sister, residents of Vermont; and
his widow and daughter, Elizabeth,
of Tallahassee.
Mr. McLean was well-known and
respected by resident of this city
and his passing brings heartaches
to many people who will always
revere his memory.

Core Joins Navy
John Core. employee of the St. Joe
Paper company, left for Atlanta,
Ga., Monday to join the navy.

Send The Star to your man in
the service---only $1, f5f 4 ~Z0




Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla.,
by The Star Publishing Company
W. S. SMITH, Editor

Entered as Second-clasg matter, December 10,
1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Florida,
under Act of March 3, 1879.

Subscription Invariably Payable In Advance
One Year........$2.00 Six Months...... $1.00
Three Months..........65c

-4. Telephone 51 Jo-

The spoken word is given scant attention;
the printed word is thoughtflly weighed.
The spoken word barely asserts; the printed
word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word
is lost; the printed word remains.

Our Country Right or Wrong

Our voluntary meat ration is now 35 ounces
weekly for each adult. A lot of us may howl
that this isn't much meat, but when we stop
and consider the amount allowed in lands
across the seas it still represents a "feast." '
In England the meat ration is 31 ounces a
week, with no unrestricted meats to be had
(we still have available fish, poultry and the
so-called "variety" meats to choose from). In
Germany the meat ration is 12% ounces.
Cities' in what formerly was unoccupied
France lhad a ration of 8.8 ounces, while in
the country the figure was 6.3 ounces. The
Italian people get from 31/ to 5/2 ounces,
with 1'/ ounces of sausage. The Moscow ra-
tion of 8.8 ounces is typical of Russian cities.
Norway's official figure is 7.1 ounces, with
the citizens, of that country actually fortun-
ate to get half that. The. Dutch think them-
selves lucky if their share in any week
reaches a third'of the posted 10.6 ounces. The
Belgians get 4.9 ounces, the Swedes 5%, ana
the Bulgarians 7.1.
'Think of this'when buying meat'.'arid 'limit
yourself to 35. ounces per person per week,
for as yet.meat rationing is purely voluntary
and probably will remain so as long as we all
try to do our part. But if we do not observe
this rationing voluntarily it will lead to com-
pulsory meat rationing.
Don't buy more than your share of meat,
for when' you do you are cheating someone
else out of their share, for the meat supply
to given areas is, limited to a certain percent-
age of consumption in that area in the early
part. of 1941, and those eating more than 35
ounces will be taking that much from others
in the district who will not get their share. *
We should be thankful that cutting our-
selves to something over two pounds of meat
a week of certain meats, with no limit on the
rest, is but a small sacrifice in this war of at-
trition when we think that our soldiers are
sacrificing their lives that we may be allowed
to eat meat at all.

Keep smiling-and buy War Bonds!

Some time early next month we're all go-
ing to have a new sort of money to play with,
aidu upon how we use it will depend whether
or not we continue to buy many items that
we might feel the need of.
Buying under the "point" rationing sys-
tem amounts to buying with two kinds of
money, and careful account must be kept of
the point-money so that it will last for the
entire rationing period, for once the stamps
for the ration period are used up, no more of
the rationed items can be purchased until the
start of the next ration period. For instance,
we 'might be allowed 50 points for the pur-
chase of meat for one month; sirloin steaks
might have a value of 10 points per pound
and hamburger a value of 1 point per pound;
you have an insatiable craving for sirloin, 'so
the first two weeks you buy four and a half
pounds of sirloin steak at a cost of 45 of
your points; this leaves you but 5 points for
the remaining two weeks, and perforce yoti
must subsist on 5 pounds of hamburger for
that period, even though you detest the vile"
You probably have plenty of money t6 buy
meat, but you've run out of points. And that
is the big difference between buying in
points and buying with money- when you
run out of money you can borrow, but when
you run out of points, you're through buying!

We're all acquainted with the expression
"living hand to mouth," but from the looks
of things, in future this may be changed to
"living from pocket to mouth."
This silly little thought popped into our
mind the other day when reading an article
on the dehydration and compression of food-
stuffs to be sent to our expeditionary units
overseas. For instance, several sacks of that
old reilable standby, the lowly, spud,, can .be
dehydrated and compressed into a brick no
bigger than a, shoebox, yet, ,hen crumbled in,
hot water and mixed, will make mashed po-
tatoes for 100 soldiers.
Probably when the war is over we can
buy compressed quantities of this and that
Sand carry enough in our pockets to provide
food for a couple of weeks-thus if it became
necessary we could live from pocket to

Many a sedentary worker, many a city and
town dweller is now experiencing for the
first time the satisfying sensations of a
rugged, active outdoor life in the army; the
keen appetite, hardened muscles, deep sleep,
steady nerves-the feeling of profound physi-
cal well-being often sacrificed in civilization
,to the complicated necessities and luxuries of
peace the confinement and indoor routine
that these things demand of so many.
When peace gives the "As you were, men !"
to millions now under arms, many thousands
of them will be inclined to say, "Not if I
know it, old-timer!"-N. Y. Herald-Tribune.


ay, re yu ehng yo thumb with the fat you're
selling me?"

PresidentXr-ari'ng college
Searcy, A'kansas

"When the officials of a nation are
virtuous the people follow their ex-
ample," said' Confucius two dozen
- centuries ago, and, he was right.This
ancient Oriental was often right. His
high moral philosophy has influ-
enced more people and done it long-
er than any other code. All Chi-
nese who can read still study his
sage writings. Due undoubtedly to
the wisdom .of Confucius, China is
.the only ancient country left today
with an ancient civilization.
Here in modern America we are
hardly able to sense the full signifi-
cance of the proverb quoted above,
because most of our officials have
been "virtuous." We criticize rulers
freely, but not one h'igh-banded ty-
rant ever ruled the United States,
and only an occasional officialturns
out to be a scalawag. The demo-
cratic system safeguards citizens
with authority divided among rul-
'ers; with a three-department gov-
ernment; with representative legis-
Who Fights Congress?
Covetous enemies, itching to see
Democracy "done over" into some
form of socialistic set-up, are the
natural enemies of everything rep-
resentative in government. They
fight congress by instinct, with or
without cause. Just prior to the
congressional election, when there
appeared to be some dodging of re-
sponsibility for the teen-age draft
law, it was not uncommon to hear
somebody suggest: "Congress is on-
ly in the way. Let's suspend congress
for the duration."
Well-meaning people get vexed
and talk that way sometimes but
it classifies them with a bad crowd.
TNo political move cou nnld be worse

LEGAL ADVERTISING three of Block nine; Another thing about old Dobbin than "purging" congress. No mili-
PARCEL NO. 6 Lot sixteen --he doesn't require any anti- tary defeat would bring more cer-
N O T I C E of Block eighteen; tain calamity. It is the law-making
Notice is hereby given to all PARIOEB NO. 7-Lots one and freeze these cold mornings. body that stands between our great
whom it may concern that the un- three of Block sixty-three; free-born citizenship and hasty, rad-
d.ersigned, as Special Master in PARCEL NO. 8-Lot eighteen IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, GULF ical decisions of rulers. Judicial
Chancery, under and by virtue of of Block one thousand and four; COUNTY, FLIA. IN CHANCERY. and executive departments rarely
that certain final decree, of fore- PARCEL NO. 9-The stock of FRED PERRY, Plaintiff, vs. hear the majority's authoritative
closure heretofore entered by the goods, ware and merchandise VIVIAN PERRY, Defendant. voice except through representa-
Cfrcuit Court of Gulf County, Flor- and store fixtures of H. W. Notice is hereby given that the ties.
ida, in that certain cause therein Soule and C. G. Costin, trading undersigned, as attorney for the Farm Boys Deferred
pending, wherein the City of Port and. doing business as St. 'Joe plaintiff Fred Perry will on the Boys erred
St..Joe, a municipal corporation, is Hardware Company. .16th day of January. 1943. at 10 e people may even accuse
plaintiff and C. G. Costin, M. G. All of the above. described parcels o'clock A. M., make application to congress of playing politics with the
Lewis, et al are defendants, will lying and being in the City of Port the Clerk of the above named Agriculture Bloc as soon as they
On the 1st d'ay of February, 1943, St. Joe, Gulf County, Florida, and court for commission to take the see how the new draft law favors
at the front door of the Court described according to the official testimony of Fred Perry, witness farm labor, but the provision is a
House in Wewahitchka, Gulf Coun- maps of said city ,on file in the of- in his own behalf. Original writ- good one, in my opinion. It pro-
ty, Florida. between the legal hours f ice of the Clerk of the Circuit ten interrogatories to be pro- vides that those engaged in agricul-
Ssale, offer for sale and sell to Court of Gulf County, Florida. Said pounded, to said witness are on tural occupation, or endeavor essen-
the highest and bescrtibed realr fo sale to be as provided' in said finai file, with said clerk. The reason tial to the war effort, be deferred
estate andstocks ofgoods,ares, decree, -each parcel of lan. and the testimony of said witness is to from training and service so long as
erchandise and store fixtures, to- stock of goods, wares, merchan- be taken upon commission is that they remain so engaged and until
mercwitanised. siore xtures, t0 d ise and store fixtures will be sold said witness is about to be bound such time as satisfactory replace-
PARCEL NO. 1--Lotstwo and separately and said' sales will be on a voyage to sea. -1,o name of ment can be obtahed.
fouR of B lo sevn. made for the purpose of satisfying the commissioner to be n-amod on meant can be obtaied.
ourofEL NO. s2-veLots two nd the terms of the final, decree here- behalf of,'the plaintiff is Honor- Congress apparently understands
PARCEL NO. 2iots two a tofore entered in. said' cause, able Albert' Meranda,, c/o Citizens the farm labor problem. Our -law
ouPARCEL NO. Lo-lt :six of Deed, at cost of purchaser. Trust B,ldir Jeffersonville, In- makers are aware that the millions
Block eight. F. M. CAiMPiELL, diana., This 22nd day of Decem- of soldiers soon to be called into
PARECEL NO. 4-Lot twenty 1-8 1-29 Special Master. ber, '1942. service by the new draft law, are
of Bc k ht;.E. C'TttornY LEWIS, JR.. going to be obliged to eat if they
Block eighn; sAttorney for plaintiff fight, that the farmsq of Amoerica
PARCEL NO. 5--Lots one and Advertising doesn't cost-it pays! 12-25 1-15' Fred-Perry.

mrn-st feed them,: and that the farm.'
labor shortage is acute. It is re-
grettable that the nation did not.
realize this situation earlier.
Hardirig College is in the middle
of the nation's farming section. I
was brotight-tp on a farm and now
actively manage two farms owned
by the college, Working students
milk our cows, but i know well that
many farmers, unable to get milk
hands, have sold their dairy herds
for slaughter.
Workers Are Scarce
Last Spring acres of strawberries
rotted in the fields in Arkansas for
lack of pickers. Our students took. a.,
day off, salvaged, enough "free" ber-
ries. to make 700 gallons of jam,
more than one winter's 'supply. ..
Last fall we had good cotton in the
.field'as-the ra-iny-seasorr-approached, ,
and nd pickers were available.
Again the students made a picnic
of it, picked four bales of cotton in,
a few hours, pooled their.wages,
bought a war bond and gave it to
the college endowment fund. .I
In addition to safeguarding the na-
tion's food supply, deferring farmer
boys has two secondary advantages:
(1) Young men now on the farm are
ready to go into 100 per cent produc-
tion of food without further training.
They are trained already. (2) Young
men left on the farm when the war
is over will be exactly where 'they
can serve best, with no post-war ad-
justment to make.
Stay Put, and Work
Perhaps the wisest piece of coun-
sel offered the American public in
recent weeks was voiced in a radio
program by Dr. Alfred P. Haake of
Detroit. His suggestion in this emer-
gency, to every man not eligible for
the armed forces, is this: "Stay
where you are. Work at what you
are doing. Increase your output per
hour and work more hours a day;'do
all you can, not to hurt your effi-
It is a common sense suggestion.
The 'actual cost of the war is work.
Congress is leaving the genuine farm
boys where they can work like vet-
erans and where a 70-hour week is
not unknown. From considerable
experience with congressmen I have
learned that they can be trusted to
act wisely when they have the facts,
and most of them have first hand
information about agriculture. A
survey which I made recently in-
dicates that more than 50 per
cent come from towns of 25,000 or
smaller. The rustic background of
its members is one of my reasons
for placing so much confidence in
the sanity and conservatism of the
congress of the United States.

Fair Enough
As he stepped up to the lone-
some lady in the hotel lobby, he
inquired: "Are you looking for a
particular person?"
And' she replied: "I'm satisfied
if you are."

The reason a lot of people don't
recognize opportunity when they,
meet is that it usually goes about
wearing overalls and looking like
hard work.





FRIDAY,. JANUARY 8; 1943. .

The Port St. Joe Pilot club will
meet at the Port Inn next Tues-
day evening, January 12, at 8:00
o'clock. All members are urged to
be present.

Mr. and. Mrs. B. E. Kenney re-
turned Sunday from a two-weeks'
vacation at. Miami where they
went in order that Mr. Kenney
might, "get away from-it all" for


The Woman's Society_ o
tian Service of the M
Church held its first mee

a time. 1943 at the church Monda
noon at which time the n
cers were installed by Rev
FOR -- Langston and plans we
cussed on beautifying the
FIr INSURANCE U age. ground. It was also an:
'SEE that during the past ye
BUCK ALEXANDER bonds were given by the o
:PHONE 101 Costin, Building tion to the building fund.
Also agreed that future m
!of the society will open
D; C0E p. m. instead of 3.
SAll members are askedI
full co-operation to the nea
D E NT I S T -- dent.
Office Hours: 9 to 12 1 to 5 *
Sunday By Appointment
Costin Building Phone 88 County, Tax Assessor
Patrick and C. L. Morgan
S. ,-,, -*, wahitchka were in Port
Monday on business.

New Soldier Subscriber
rtr n T Paul K. Johnson' this week sub-
ersonals C churches s cribed for The Star for one year
at the special servicemen's rate of
MRS. W. -S. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 $1, the paper to be mailed to his.
brother, Pfc. James G. Johnson, at
Camp Cooke, Calif. Pvt. J. C.
IN BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES j WOMAN'S CLUB HOLDS Dendyr is also stationed at Camp
,R R. F. Hallford, Pastor INTERESTING MEETING Cbooke, and! probably the two boys
f Chris- 9:45 a. m.-Sunday School. At the meeting of the Port St. have met up by this time-and J.
ethodist 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. Joe Woman's club held Wednes- C. is also a Star subscriber.
eting ot 7:00 p. m.-B. T. U. day afternoon and which was pre- --- -
y aftel- 8:00 p. m.-Evening worship, sided over by Mrs. Floyd Hunt, Robert Bellows Jr., returned to
ew offl- the organization voted to sponsor Milledgeville, Ga., Sunday where
v. 0. D. METHODIST CHURCH two projects in the near future for he is a student at Georgia Mill-
re dis- Rev. O. D. Langston, Pastor the purpose of raising money to tary Academy.
parson- 9:45 a. m.-Church school. furnish a room at the. municipal 4 4 4
bounced 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. hospital. Postmaster and Mrs. H. A.Drake
ear six 6:30-Youth Fellowship. A nominating committee wasspent theweek-end inIron City,
rganiza- 7:30-Evening worship. ejected at this.time, composed of Ga., visiting relatives
It was The Woman's society meets Mrs. T. V. Morris, Mrs. Edwin Ga., visiting relatives.
meetings Mondays at 3 p. m. Ramsey and Mrs. J. L. Sharit, to .
at 3:30 First Tuesday after first Sunday, nominate officers for the coming illill IllllIllUl.if Illlllifl llllllll il
official board. meeting, club year, the election to be held
to give Wednesday, 7:30 p. in., prayer in February.
w presl- and Bible study. Choir practice. The importance, of women realiz- ..
w pe- ing and accepting their responsi-
J. A. M. CLUiB MEETS abilities at this time was stressed
Sammy WITH MRS. HOWELL at the meeting, and all membersA
of We- The J. A. M. club met Monday joined in discussing the topic.
St. Joe evening at the home of Mrs. W. Rev. R. F. Hallofrd was speaker,
H. Howell. The living room of the of the day and spoke on "God In A MARTIN THEATRE
Howell residence was beautifully the Home," stressing the import- BEN RIVERS, Manager
-' decorated for the occasion with. ance of the application of the
D bowls -of narcissus, principles laid down in the Bible Opens Daily 2:45, Continuously
Following the usual hour of sew- as a foundation 'for a successful Saturday.1:00,-..Sunday 1:00
ing and. chatting, the hostess home.
served delicious refreshments to Miss Fay Morris, accompanied
\ the members and one guest, Mrs. by Miss Carolyn Baggett at the SATURDAY, JANUARY 9
T. W. Davis of Altha. piano, rendered a -flute solo, "Bis- B I G' H ITS S
4. m. DANCE NETS $125 Magonin.i, and, as an encore played. Hit No..1-
The dance held last Saturday "Serve the Lord- With'. Gladness.'" DON "Red" BARRY in
1C night at the. Centennial auditor- Following this 'interesting pro-
..26 ium, sponsored by the local Ki- gram, refreshments were served "STAGECOACH.
... w4anis. and Pilot clubs, netted ap- by Mrs. E. Clay Lewis Jr., and her
4 proximately' $125 for the Army committee. X
.40c Emergency Relief 'Fund.. _.- _L ..,
MAN ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Born, Friday, January 1, to Mr. y'bun Terry
,Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Howell of and Mrs. Everett McFarland, a Leo Carrill
rd St. this city announce the engagement son. The young man has, been 'S Andy Devine
ling of their daughter, .Gwendolyn Lee, named Patrick. o'l uise Al ritio-
..-... to Donald A. Birath of Youngs-.
-.. town, Ohio,-who is with the U: S. Born, Monday, January 4, o. Mr.
Coast Guard here. The wedding and Mrs. Charles Gill, an 8%- Chapter 10
will take place in the spring. pound daughter.
C? s "Junior G-Men of
Mrs.. Jacob Bruner, who has been .Born, Sunday, January 3, to Mr.
in: charge of the Griffin grocery 'and. Mrs. Silas Whitchard, a daugh- the Air
for some time, has returned to her ter.
home in Alford. The grocery is *
now under the management o? Coleman Schneider returned to SUNDAY-MONDAY
I Mrs. Joe Grimsley. College Park, Ga., Monday to re- January 10 and 11,
S* sume his studies at the Georgia January 10 and 11
ned Mr. and, Mrs. Folsom Maxwell Military Academy. 9 GRlT STARS
of I had as week-end guestts the form- a *
ale, her's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Creech had
Maxwell of Thomasville, Ga. asweek-end visitors Mr. and Mrs.
Iont Charles Creech and children of
avy Mrs. Kate Harrell is visiting in Dothan, Ala.
led. Cottondale with Mr. and Mrs. W. NEWS COMEDY
dly B. Shores. _L'_-_
the I C. G. Costing Jr., returned Sun- HEADACHE TUESDAY, JANUARY 12
nds day to Gainesville to. resume his S SUCH A
ad- studies at the university. I s SU

LITE T-Basil Rathbohe. Nigel Bruc

Ritz .Theatre Building First. Floor* .

These are war times and you
can make your light..summer
fodes do double duty. y hav-. -
ing them dyed. We have' the
most modern equipment 'o,
handle shoe dying.



BY THE $8 c

Dining Roo
Open to the Publi
Club Breakfast, 6 to 9..
Lunch, 12 to 2.........
Dinner, 6 to 8 ........

Corner Reid Ave. and 34
Griffin Grocery Build

tike a Letter

From Home

* .

The Star, mailed each week to men in the arm
services, has been described that way by some
"our boys." As a contribution to moral
The Star has fixed a special reduced subscript
rate of $1.00 a year_ to men in the Army, Na
and Marine Corps, wherever they are station
This special rate is made in the face of rapid
advancing production costs, which may force
,withdrawal of this offer later. Frier
and relatives of service men, desiring to take
vantage of this "military" rate, should act no



A Gift He'll Appreciate .

Military Stationery with his name imprinted,
together with the insignia of the branch of
service with which he is serving Marines,
Army, Navy, Coast Guard or the Air Corps.

"Your Home Town Newspaper"




A generation ago the physician carried
a small assortment of drugs with him.
The modern physician prescribes drugs
exactly suitel to your case, and regis-
tered pharmacists compound them with
care and skill. We cooperate with your
physician bymaintainingcompletestock-s
of modern medicines and chemicals.
We use Merck Prescriotion Chemical

LeHardy Pharmacy

Phone 5

Port St. Joe

ALL SET for a good full day's
work when a nagging head-
ache sneaks up on you. You suffer
and so does your work.
Ready .for an evening of relax-
ation and enjoyment-a pesky
headache interferes with your fun,
rest, enjoyment or relaxation.

Anti-Pain Pills
usually relieve not only Head-
ache, but.Simple Neuralgia, Mus-
cular Pains and Functional
Monthly Pains. .
Do you use Dr. Miles Anti-Pain
Pills? If not why not? You can
get Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills at
,your drug store in the regular
package for only a penny apiece
and in the economy package even
cheaper. Why not get. a package
today? Your druggist has them.
.Read.-directions, and -use- only-as.
directed. Your money back if you
are not satisfied.

Chapter 11

"Perils of Nyoka"

Robert CUMMINGS in


Also -

Short Subjects: "Good Job"
and "The Heart of Mexicn"

January 14 15



8~ ~e' I ~~s



I v

AC 1

A Man of His Word
A traveling salesman, caught in
a torrential downpour, stopped
overnight at a farmer's house. The
next morning, looking out at the
flood, he saw a derby hat floating
slowly to and fro in front of the
Fearing that someone may have
drowned, he called to the farmer's
daughter: "Look at that derby
"Oh," said the girl, "that must
be Grandpa. He said yesterday
that in spite of hell and high wa-
ter he was going to mow the grass

Put the Axis on probation! Buy
War Bonds!


APARTMENTS-Unfurnished; 4-
roo-m with bath; 2-room with
bath; each has, sleeping porch and
running water. Available now. See
W. C. Roche, Sunny, State Service,
o"r phone 61 or 64. 1-8tf
BICYCLES-Have several rebuilt
bicycles for sale; also 2-horse
Evinrude motor. Louis Perritt's
Bicycle Shop, 7th St. 1-22*


,Sammy Patrick, county tax as-
sessor, asks that all property
owners begin registry at once for
1943 tax returns. The registry
must be completed before April 1
and all early registrants will ease'
anyi confusion in the tax Assessor's
office at the deadline date. The
registration is made in accord-
ance with the 1941 tax laivs.
A penalty will be charged any-
one. with personal property or in-
tangible personal property if they
fail to comply with the registrar.
tion requirements. Any changes in
ownership are also to be reported
to the tax office when the regis-
tration is made.
Property owners receiving home-
stead exemption or any other ex-
emption are still required to give
the necessary information to the
tax assessor. The law is for botn
residents and non-residents of the

C. A. LeHardy of this city has
received word that his nephew,
Lieut. Comdr. Louis M. LeHaray
of Savannah, Ga., recently was
it ila1 in a nfiunni hUC i *-of

FISH BAIT Fresh, clean worms k t
that are guaranteed to get the his country.
fish for you. See Eddie Beverly He was a graduate of Annapolis,
in the colored quarters. 11-13 class of '26, and after leaving the
IllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIll lllllHllIlllllllllllllllllllllll academy had received many signal
ri T I N honors, having twice accompanied
ATTENTION I N 1 J President Roosevelt In peace time
on cruises as communications of-
You Can Still ficer, and. having received com-
BUILD mendation from the president on
REPAIR his efficient handling 'of these re-
REROOF sponsibilities,. He'was regarded as
R ROOF one of the navy's most promising
SPAINT Iyoung officers.
Your Home $ 00 Clinton Belin Promoted
Up to y". Promotion of Staff Sgt. Clinton
ON EASY LOANS '"~ iii, ;Skn dfMr. and' M W:. '.
-See Us For Estimate Belin of this city, to the rank of
S U: first sergeant is announced by
We DoMillwork and Build Boate Col. John D. Hill of the 124th In-
St. Joe Lumber Co. fahtry Regiment, Fort Benning,
PH O N E 69 ----------------

Details' On New

"Point System"

Rationing Plan

(Continued from Page 1)
storekeeper. If the commodity you
buy is sold by the quart and the
point-value of that commodity Is
[two points a quart, you must sur-
'render four points if you buy two
You may use your points in any
manner you like. But, remember
-when all of your allocated points
for any one month have been used
up, you won't be able to purchase'
any of the rationed items until the
next month (or ration period) be-
gins. So be careful how you
spend. You can't "borrow" addi-
tional points when yours run out.
When you buy commodities ra-
tioned undor the point system you
must actually learn to buy with
two currencies-moneyl and point-
stamps. You must know not only
the money price of the items you
wish, but also their point values..
You pay both in cash and' in
stamps. When stamps are gone,
money is useless in buying point-
rationed items.
Lists will 'be posted in all stores
showing at how many points each
rationed' item is valued, and news-
papers will carry lists of point
values and will announce changes
in them.
How" About the Grocer?
Now what about the grocer?
How will this system affect him?
He, too, must learn to shop with
two kinds of currency. He must
retain all of the stamps he takes
from the ration books and must
turn them in on his purchases of
supplies. He must pay for his ad-
ditional stocks not only in dollars
and' cents, but also ina ration
stamps--the stamps he has col-
lected from his customers.
Grocers* for the most part, will
turn in the stamps they receive
from customers to their banks,
just as they deposit their money.
When they purchase new supplies
from their- wholesalers they will
write not one but two checks-
one for the. cash value of the items

" M& AM"s


JeffersoL 'l Island 10
SALT, 1 lb., 3 Boxes.... 1i


Ann Page
Quart 12-

Laundry Soalp
OCTAGON, 3 Ig barsIt)

Calumet Toilet Soap
BAKING POWDER, 1 lb 2 Palmolive, bath size 1V
Sunnyfield Large Size 23
BAKING SODA, 1 lb. ..... SUPERSUDS ........
12 Oz. Bottle Toilet Soap 9g
COLA SYRUP ................ OCTAGON,' 2 Bars
Ann Page 0, Octagon .
MUS TARD, 1 lb. Jar .. I... CLEANSE, 13 oz. 2

DESSERT, 3 Oz. Pkg.......
GUAVA JELLY, 1 lb. Jar
Bisc-o'Bits ]
CRACKERS, 9 Oz. Pkg.
River Brand
RICE, 3 Ib. Box ............

7 Large Size 5
)5 White Sail Washing 13
SODA,'2/ lb. bx., 2
One Pint Size
C L O R X ......... 12
;5 Toilet Soap 15I
NEW PINE, 3 bars

"I- a


ri I

"Copyrighted Material

,*[Syndicated Content 4

Available from Commercial News Providers"
S!wpt 0

- 0

FLEISCHMANN YEAST CAKES-3 for .......---------......... 9
MARVEL ENRICHED BREAD-1% Pound'Loaf.--- 11
U. S. NNO. 1 POTATOES-10-Pound Bag .....--------'" 330
A-PENN MOTOR OIL-2-Gallon Can $1.49

Red Delicious

5r5 Ann Page 1 Ib. 12 oz.
...... MELLO WHEAT ...


Cooking 8 Oz. Box
APPLES, Doz. ...... FLAKO PIE CRUST ......
Florida 15 Toast Wheat Flavor 250
GRAPEFRUIT, 3 .. WHEATENA, 1 lb. 6 oz.

Tree Ripened

S Sunnyfield
300 CORN MEAL, 1/ lb. box

White 1 12 z. Kellogg'sq
ONIONS, 2 lbs. ...... 1 SHREDDED WHEAT, 2
Nice 50 Kellogg 9
RUTABAGAS, lb.---- ALL BRAN, 1 lb. Box --
Large 1 Kellogg
EGGPLANT, Each PEP, 10 oz. Box, 2 for.-. 255
Firm 150 Kellogg 90
Bell 50 Sunnyfield C
PEPPERS, Each ...... CORN FLAKES, 8 oz. ..
Yellow 1 Sunnyfield *1
SQUASH, lb. ...... .. Asst. CEREALS, 10 Pkg.
1 lb. Box Fresh 20) Sunnyfield
TOMATOES .......... RICE GEMS 5 oz, 2 for L23

Owned and Operated By the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.
Reid Ave. and Third St. PORT ST. JOE, FLA.

p ,

'they purchase,, the other .for the.. fee, sugar and gasoline. War'
amount of stamps necessitated for Book Two Will be used only for
their purchase of such items. The the new rationing programs.
grocer does not .have to turn in ---
his stamps to his bank. He may, Send The Star to a friend.
if he prefers, send or deliver the
stamps direct to his wholesale
source. ONE'IA DAY
But the Important thing is that VITAMI TAULrmTS A
the grocer, too, must pay in THi m of it! Your min-
stamps as well as in money for imum daily requirement
of A and D Vitamins or of
the rationed, commodities he pur- B Complex Vitamins, in one
pleasant tablet. Remember
chases. The more commodities a the name ONE-A-DAY
grocer sells-the more stamps h (brand) Vitamin Tablets.
receive's from customers-the more 1 s NERVINE
rationed items he can purchase. OL ENS ne
And we want to remember that Dyou Wakeful, Cranky,
point rationing will not replace h Restles Dr Milessen Nervous
straight coupon rationing, of cof- Tension. Getit at your drug
store. Read directions and I
_~ use only as directed.
FOR Alka-Seltzer

Auto Insurance
ut 11n0 S rll' eralgia, Distress after
Meals, Gas on Stona, or
C A L L "Morning After" interfere
BUCK ALEXANDER with your work or spoil
your fun, try Alka-Seltzer.
PHONE 101 Costin Building

Ann Page
NOODLES-5 Oz. Pkg.





Advertising doesn't cost--it PAYS!