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WA BWD Ab % T T- THE STA R The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center TOP 71.0 r ' op-7"w WWWA)R6,lK VOLUME VI PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY FLOi.DA, CHRISTMAS DAY, 1942 NUMBER 12 )- -- Cil Contributions of Stopping of Gas Rental Control $15,000 Are Made Pe Sales Causes Run Registering Will Toward Hospital "GilVe the People On Stations Here Close January 14 Anticipate Balance of City's Part Light and T hey W ill Average Motorist Relieved That A Director Says All Must Register; of $3000 Will Be Raised By Tickets Remain Same; B and Severe Penalties For individual Donations Find Their W a J C Tickets Are Cut Wilful Violators I Do n i ,Cars were lined up five and six B. B. Morrow of Apalachicola is The people. of Port St. Joe and deep at service stations in Port in charge of the federal rent coln- Gulf county received, a Christmas 4 In thousands of American homes at this St. Joe last Friday after radio an- trol office in that city which will present of no mean size this week tine of the year there are candles in the I nouncements were heard stating have charge of registering all per- y men three large concerns of this windows. They light up the darkness of that sale of gasoline in 17 east- sons in. Gulf and Franklin coun- ty mad contributio of th 5,night and to the passer-by they carry a me- ern states, includ-ing Florida, was ties who have rental property or nY ngtpse-yte!ar eto be halted and that there; was a who rent out living quarters. HIts pal hospital here, work on which sage of good cheer. For the candle is a possibility that "A" book owners office is located in the old court has been held up for some time symbol of Christmas, of peace and good will would not be able to get gas at all house building. due to lack of funds, material and to men. IWin future. "It is a federal law," said Mr. abor. ted t for completion of thousands of American comm ities It sounded like the good old Morrow, "that everyone who iS Estimated cost for completion of In thousands of American communities days to station operators as car renting dwelling houses, apart- the hospital has been set at '$37,- there is 'an institution which throughout the owner after car owner pulled up to ments or rooms, must register: 500, and of this amount the Fed- year sheds its beam of light. It is the the pumps and said "Fill 'er up!" their rent with this office on or' e ral Works Agency a short time Home Town Paper. Apparently they were going to before January 14, 1943, since that ago made an outright grant of $19,- have at least a tank full-and let 'is the deadline for this registra- 500,. leaving $18,000 to be raised .4E "Give the people light and they will find the A coupons fall where they tion. Should you fail to comply as the sponsor's (the city) part. The $15,000 contributed leaves their way." Thus spoke a great philosopher, would. with this notice by that time, you $3000 yet to be raised and t So the Home Tow Newspaper gives its peoWith service stations alreadywill be subject to a $5000 fine o $3000 yet to be raised and it is So the Home Town Newspaper gives its po- cut on the amount of gasoline: to one year imprisonment. anticipated that this will be forth- ple light-light on the news of the corn- be sold. in a given period, it wasn't "This law applies to everybody, coming in the form of individual munity, light on those affairs which affect long before all pumps were, dry white and colored, who rent one contributions. Already four citizens the health, the happiness and the welfare of and late-hearers of the news were room or more-including hotels have stepped forward with $150 all its people, light which dispels the. dark- scurrying from station to station and boarding houses." each toward raising the amount, effort to locate a few gal- andotherst arxe expected to do like- ness of ignorance, of prejudice and of mis- in an eort to locate aew Rent must be no higher than Sons of the precious. fluid. was charged, March 1, 1942, "Ten- wise. In appreciation of these $150 understanding, e of th ro l a a Marh , Hwise. In appreciation of these $150 un rstaning.owever, everyone breathed a ants may reduce their own rent, contributions, which ursh aproxi- w And so, on this Christmas Day, in ex- igh of relief with theannounce and need not get approval from, lately, the cost of, furnishing one men-t Saturday by Leon Hender- the rent director. hospital room, the committee in tending. to the people of', Port St. Joe and son that gasoline sales would be ords ay not evit a tea Si son that .gasoline sales wou e, Landrds may not evict a tea charge of raising the city's part of Gulf county a holiday greeting, we pledge to resumed at 12:01 a. m. Monday, ant for refusing to pay a highel'- ,the money has voted- to place a you that in the future, as in the past, we will 'with the coupons of all A, B and rent than the legal rent on the .1 placard .bearing the contributor's keep the light of that community institution, C ration books good for.three gal- quarters he occupies. Tenants. *namr.osn the door of each room,9.p ,tie'e Homne Town Newspaper, still siniwing ,. loAs. In. thes-e 'of the and- C threatened, with,, eviction should furnished.. clear. boks,--thi is a redultionof o ne notify the rental office.: - hMyor J. L. Sharnf t states that n clear gallon. Landlords must register, and he feels, confident the balance o Reduction in the value of B nd tenants will receive a copy of the, $2400 will be raised In short or- C books wa. made, Henderson registration statement, which will der and that already the FWA Is said, "because of the acute exist- give information as to the rent making to necure harto-getrreanquipge- Victory Tax Is T irt-O e Men ing petroleum supply and. in con- charged as. of March 1, 1942. ments to secure hardtoials n eessary for ry I e entemplation of a further reduction Landlords who. have. overcharged completion of materials nprojecssary f is Effective Jan. 1 Leave for Cam1 in daily consumption to 331,A00 tenants after December 1 will be completion of the project. It is e Jabarrels daily in january as co.m- required 'to return the excess expected that the contract will be pared, to 365,000 barrels per day amount to the tenant or face suit let about January 10 and that Wage Earners Will Have Exemp- One of Largest Contingents Given at present." for three times the amount of the work will be resumed shortly af- tion of $624 Yearly, or Send-off By Committee ----- ----- overcharge, or $50, whichever is ter that date. $12 Per Week From Woman's Club Induction of Some th greater amount. n ny of S m Mr. Morrow states that he plans .Kenney Mercantile Will The new 5 per cent Victory Tax Thirty-one men, one of the larg- 1*- -, lS c ol- P *l i to be in Port St. Joe and Wewao Be Closed Until Monday goes into effect January 1, 1943, est' contingents of selectees to go illgh cO .upllu S hitchka in the near future to take and applies to all payments for from Gulf county, boarded buses C a care of landlords in this section. Last week in publishing names services except to members of the in this city last Friday morning en Can Be Postponed of those business houses observ- military services, agricultural la- route to Camp Blanding for ijduc- iMEN MAY VOLUNTEER ing a three-day closing period, borers and domestic servants. tion into the armed forces. Request May Be Made to LocalM THROUGH ACTION OF from today until Monday morning, The tax is to be withheld, by Prior to leaving, the. young men Board to Postpone Induction LOCAL T BOARD the name of the Kenney Mercan- employers on all wage payments were: served coffee and doughnuts Until End of School Year LOCAL DRAFT BOARD tile Co. was inadvertently omitted on and after January 1. An ex- at the Masonic hall by, a commit- from the list. emption from this tax 'of $624 per tee of ladies from the Port St. Joe Selective service registrants be- IMen can no longer enlist in the Such things will happen, and we year is provided, which is $12 per Woman's club. tween the ages of 18 and 20 who armed forces. But those -don't believe Alex Young will be week. Those leaving were Wesley H. are pursuing a course of instruc- who want to get into the army, piqued over the matter, for we're The act requires a receipt be Jones, Stokes A. Domengeaux, tion in a high school or similar navy, marines or coast guard may willing to bet that even he chalks given to each employee, disclosing Cary Thomas, John P. Duren, Wil- institution of learning, in the las, ask the Gulf county draft board up a boner occasional the yearly tax which has been liam F. Britt, Louran S. Kelley, half of the academic school year, jfor "voluntary induction" if they withheld within the month follow- Tom Levis, DeLamar Sansom, Ed- may under certain conditions, have are in 1-A or 3-A. The navy is full- Marines' Hymn Revised to ing the close of the: year, and un- ward F Guilford, Medie W.Rog their induction postponed uutil up right now, but there may be Honor Leatherneck Airmen der regulations a receipt shall be Frank M. Moran, R. Alton Dendy, the end of the school year. some openings in January. given within 30 days after the Thomas H. McDaniel, Daniel D. The Gulf county local board Is This arrangement is only tern 'The famous Marines' hymn, last pay of a person whose em- Arnold, John W. Ward, Mathie F. now classifying these registrants porary, and will be in force only song of America's battling soldiers ployment terminates. This receipt Wood, John W. Wright, George Y. andi those found available for mill- until February 1, 1943, when the of the .sea and known around the shall be issued in triplicate, the Core, Edgar Hagens, William C. tary service are being placed in new plan will go into effect, which world as the fighting song of fight- original for the employee and the Williams, Aldeen Williams, John class 1-A and will be ordered to is aimed at the selection from the worldfasntheffightingtsongofCfight-registrantforfthenewpthryomand tae ing men for nearly a hundred duplicate to accompany the last C. Woodn James R. Boyett, Henry report for induction in accordance registrants of men with quallfica- years, has officially been changed quarterly tax return for the year, T K Jr., John E. Hudson, J with their order numbers within s or the positions to be filled. ito honor the corps' gallant airmen, accompanied by a reconciliation D. Rhames, Louis E. Adams, Boyd their category in which their status 'The fourth line of the song's statement. Borders, Thomas B. Duncan, Deweyplaces them. BOUNDS TO BE IN CHARGE first stanza has been altered to Employers are required to fil Ce,ovington and Cleatous C. Carter. ;Regulations provide that a regis- OF BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION "In the air, on land. and sea." The quarterly returns reporting and trant in high school who has been stanza now reads: paying this tax during the month CARRABELLE GETS $750,000 ordered to report for induction The state-wide organization for "From the halls of Montezuma following 'the last month in these ARMY HOUSING PROJECT shall be. Inducted unless he shall the tenth celebration of the presi- To the shores of Tripoli; quarter. A penalty for delinquency The war department has ap- request in writing that his indue-! dent's birthday on January 30 for We fight our country's battles attaches to all returns filed' after proved a $750,000 housing project tion be. postponed. Upon such re- I the National Foundation for Infan- Iln the air, on land and sea." the due, date. There is also. a se- for Carrabelle, which calls for the quest the local board shall, before tile Paralysis is now well under vere criminal penalty for fraud or construction of 256 barracks-type inducting the registrant, deter- way, and Jim Bounds has been Leaves To Join C. B.'s wilful failure to file the required apartments and 250 temporary mine:: named as Gulf county campaign Kenneth Creech left Sunday for return, dwellings for married men who do (1) If he has reached the 18th chairman. Birmingham, Ala., oQ Join up with All returns and, payments for not have children. anniversary of his birth but has the C. B.'s. From that city he will Florida shall be addressed to the i Plans call for the project to be not reached the 20th anniversary. STAR, OFFICE CLOSED go to a navy construction school Collector of Internal Revenue, completed within 75 days after it (2) If he is pursuing a course The Star office, will be closed in Virginia. Jacksonville, Fla. ''is started. (Continued on Page 6) from today until Monday morning. - H A R S.. THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as Second-class matter, December 10, 197, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Florida, under Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Invariably Payable In Advance One Year........$2.00 Six Months...... $1.00 Three Months..........65c -4 Telephone 51 J- The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughttUlly waigli&d. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoKen word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country ` Right or Wrong GREETING! I SALUTE YOU! I AM your friend and my love for you goes deep. There is nothing I can give which you have not got; but there is much, very much, that, while I cannot give it, you can take. No heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in today. TAKE HEAVEN! No peace lies in the future which is 'not hidden in this present little instant. : TAKE PEACE. The gloom of the world is but a shadow. 'Behind it, yet within reach, 'is JOY. There is radiance and glory in the darkness, could we but see-and to See we have only to Look. I beseech you to look. Life is so generous a giver, but we, judg- ing its gifts by their .covering, cast them away as ugly or heavy or hard. Remove the covering and you will find beneath it a living splendor, woven of love, by wisdom, witin power. Welcome it, grasp it, and you touch the Angel's hand that brings it to you. Every- thing we call a trial, a sorrow, or a duty, be- lieve me, that Angel's hand is there; the gift 'is there, too; be not content with them an Joys. They, too, conceal diviner gifts. Life is so full of Meaning and Purpose, so full of Beauty-beneath its covering-that .you will find earth but cloaks your heaven. Courage then to claim it: that is all! but courage you have; and the knowledge that we are pilgrims together, wending, through unknown country, home. And so, at this Christmas time, I greet you Not quite as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and with the Prayer that for you, now and forever, the day breaks, and the shadows flee away. (Extracts from a letter written by Fra. Giovanni, A. D. 1513) ~m CLASSIFIED ADS MISCELLANEOUS FISH BAIT Fresh, clean worms that are guaranteed to get the fish for you. See Eddie, Beverly in the colored quarters. 11-13 LEGAL ADVERTISING IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, GULF COUNTY, FLA. IN CHANCERY. FRED PERRY, Plaintiff, vs. VIVIAN PERRY, Defendant. *Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as attorney for the plaintiff Fred Perry, will on the 16th day of January, 1943, at 10 o'clock A. M., make application to the Clerk of the above named court for commission to take the testimony of Fred Perry, 'wvitnesb in his own behalf. Original writ- ten interrogatories to be pro- pounded- to said witness are on file with said clerk. The reason the testimony of said witness is to be taken upon commission is that said witness is about to be bound on a voyage to sea. The name of the commissioner to be named, on behalf of the plaintiff is Honor- able Albert Meranda, c/o Citizens Trust Building, Jeffersonville, In- diana. This 22nd day of Decem- ber, 1942. E. CLAY LEWIS, JR., Attorney for plaintiff 12-25 1-15 Fred Perry. UNTIL THE BELLS RING We wish to call to the attention of mem- bers of the Gulf County Civilian Defense unit that methods of combating fires set by incendiary bombs have undergone drastic change. This is because incendiary bombs art war weapons, and war weapons are con- stantly changing. Present fire bombs usually contain delayed explosives which detonate long after impact. Former practices in hand- ling these missiles are exceedingly dangerous because they require a close approach by the fire fighter. Director James M. Landis of the Office ot Civilian Defense, observes that: "Use of a jet of water enables the operator to work at a much greater distance than the 'short range' methods employing s a n d, other smothering agents, or a spray of water. Sand in the form of bags or mats cannot be de- pended upon, because these bombs, upon ex- plosion, have a greater fragmentation effect than the explosive incendiary bombs formerly used. The public should be warned against the use of, all such smother agents as 'bomb extinguishing' powders; also against such de- vices as scoops, grabs and snuffers% They are entirely without merit, and may endanger the lives of persons who depend upon them. The use of spray and ;sand is no longer recommended because the .possibility of frag- mentation makes it too dangerous to approach the bomb sufficiently close to apply them." So no longer are we required to keep a bucket of sand and a scoop under our beds. A direct stream of water is now recom- mended as the best means of controlling an incendiary bomb. An ordinary garden hose is suitable, but stay as far away as possible and assume a crouching or prone position behind the best available cover. Enemy raids are a constant possibility. Vigilance can not be permitted to fluctuate with the war news. Remember, a raid may come when it is least expected, and with the gasoline emergency now prevailing on the eastern seaboard, Port St. Joe with its vital. gasoline storage and pumping facilities which aid in supplying the vital fluid by pipeline for trans-shipment to our armies in Africa, would be as liable for a bombing as any other eastern point. So until the bells of armistice ring, the public, as well as auxiliary firemen and wardens, must remain grimly alert. A lot of men today making $100 a week, who never made over $30 a week before, and who are spending it faster than they make it, are going to realize when it's too late, thai they should have put at least $50 a week into War Bonds. Keep smiling! "The Stars and iSitripes," service newspaper published iby the Am- erican Expeditionary Force during World War I, had a circulation of 522,000 at th'e height of its popu- larity. It is being published again during this war. "A Letter from- Home," -that's what The Star is to the men in service. Send it! Only $1 a year. Season's Greetings and Best Wishes For a Victorious New Tear M. P. TOMLINSON CITY CLERK Wasted money is wasted lives. Don't waste precious lives. Every dollar you can spare should be used to buy War Bonds. Buy your ten percent every pay day. The season's greetings sent in sincere and friendly appreciation of an asset money can- not buy-good will. Merry Christmas to all of you from all of us. ST. JOE ICE CO. -^^ ^ , We'd like very much to send each of you a gift to show our apprecia- tion of your friendship and patron- age during the year. As this is impossible, we take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. GRIFFIN GROCERY & MARKET Trade at home-your local mer. chants have just what you want. FOR - FIRE INSURANCE SEE BUCK ALEXANDER PHONE 101 Costin Building I hope you spend Christmas with all your heart. Laughter, kindness, simple cheer, peace of spirit, and gifts galore! I am grateful to you for your co-operation in school affairs during the past year, and look forward to a continuance of our pleasant relationship during 1943. TOM OWENS COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT Greetings for Christmal "ad Best Wishes fort. th New Year,.. M. 0. FREEMAN CHIEF OF POLICE Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and at New Year of Right Triumphant over Might and Liberty for allk J. E. PRIDGEON COUNTY JUDGE, Gulf County May those of you in Gulf County who have loved ones in the armed forces pf our country be proudly happy this Christmas Day, and may you be blessed with Good Cheer throughout the New Year. BYRD E. PARKER, Sheriff ~---~.,.,___------------- I I , -^-------------------------- ---------....~. PAGE TWO THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA CHRISTMAS DAY 1942 PAGE THREE THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA C HRISTMAS in "the good old days" knew no bounds of joyousness. It is particularly gratifying to us that we number among our steady customers To all of these, to all who have made our friendship since, and to all who read this message, we wish that good old-fashioned kind of Christmas which comes to mind The same old greeting, but with the added fervor of many years' repetition. It is our sincere wish that each member of your family wwill enjoy the most bountiful and happiest Christmas ever! And may we add a word of thanks for your much appreciated patronage during the year. FLORIDA BANK AT PORT ST. JOE Aon~l~tEtoG14tfU 'Tis Christmas! Our thoughts revert from the complicated to the simple, from the cares of maturity to the carefree thoughts of childhood, from the material to the spiritual. 'Tis Christmas! time to count our many friends and re- call the happy relationships we have had with them during the' year time to express our gratitude and to wish all our friends the choicest blessings the Yule season can bestow. Sammy Patrick County Assessor manywho have been loyal when we think of "the since "the good old days." good old days." DANLEY FURNITURE COMPANY To Everybody We know the jolly little man from the North has not for- gotten you. And neither have we, for right here and now we are wishing you the merriest Christmas season ever, and adding our thanks for your interest and favors of the past year. ZIM'S Men's Wear * star in the sky, new hope in the heart, and Christmas trees glowiing from windows and out of doors. A most appropriate time to thank you for your patronage, and to wish you a Merry Christ- mnas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. BARRIER'S 5 10 25c STORE Bdt ha s Aa old Sd d/- 1Th mea moaa 1's dal o oad cheet, 91s CwaSM. an sd. sce'e, So--u1t &e old Merry 1hristmnas fsa! PORT THEATRE BEN RIVERS, Manager Hattie Lou Spann Charles Stevens Edward Pitts Mrs. Ben Rivers Mrs. Wilbur Darcey Carrie Davis Eloise Bell A. Ms=reI We hope you.spend Christ- mas with all your heart. Laughter, kindness, sim- ple cheer, peace'of spirit, and gifts galore! We are grateful to you for your kind patronage Jur- ing the year, and look for- ward to a continuance of our pleasant relationship. LeHardy's Bar TO ALL OUR FRIENDSS Now when echoes of And the employees and the angel choir are heard members of this concern throughout the land, it is are grateful to you for the time to pause and count happy relationship we our blessings. They are have enjoyed during the more numerous by far year, and pledge ourselves than we had imagined, for to strive still more ear- which we should be duly A nestly to deserve your grateful. continued friendship. MCCOY'S GROCETERIA GROCERY erd MARKET Two Complete Stores TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS Christmas o:. o stopping place .vhe"'- weary travelers oausle and forget the long- miles tha' lie behind and recall the fai-h and loyalty of friends who have made their way mos' pleasant. Permit us now to rnanr: you for your many fa- vors and to wish you a de- lightful Christmas season SCHNEIDER'S DEP'T. STORE It may be truly said that the simple record of three short years of, life has done more to regenerate mankind than all the disquisitions of philosophers and exhortations of moralists. -LECKY How true the words of historian-philosopher Lecky! And now, on the eve of another Christmas, we wish again for you and yours the radiant joy, the deep inner peace which are so inseparably interwoven into the Christmas pattern, and whiclr persist, for the indi- widlal. even in a world at war. ST. JOE PAPER COMPANY HOLIDAY GREETINGS _ _._. __ tn I CHRISTMAS DAY, 1942 PAGE FOUR THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA CHRISTMAS DAY, 1942 I Greetings The season's greetings sent in sincere and friendly appreciation of an asset money can- not buy- good will. Merry Christmas to all of you from all of us. St. Joe Furniture Company Among the most cher- ished gifts bestowed by the passing year is the friendship and pleasant relations that have ex- isted between us. We hope for a continuance of this friendship during the year to come, and, in the spirit of the season, we cordially greet you and wish you the most Merry of Merry Christ- mases. / J. R. Hunter Clerk of Circuit Court Christmas again! And as the glad chimes ring out we join in the general gladness to wish you and yours a more joyous and bountifri Christmas than ever. For your patronage we are deeply grate- ful, and we renew our pledge of full service for the future. MILES 5 AND 10c STORE l= = = -. = = A A = = = = = = =.A =A Our genuine "Merry Christmas to All" ... our friends and customers. Pleasant times like Christmas always remind us of the pleasure we have had in the privilege of doing business with you. May good luck attend your every wish this Christmas! And may holiday good cheer brighten the hours of this glorious season! GULF HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. (ristmas IMIEAIRTY GIRIEIETINWSS ! It's Christmas ... the season of genial fellowship and good will when men draw together in ties of common brotherhood. In this season of good will it is time to reckon the finer profits that cannot be posted on the ledgers. .. the best time in the entire calendar to express our appreciation of the many evidences of your friendship. To you and to those whose happiness is linked with yours we send our heartiest wishes for the merriest Christmas ever! MILLER'S DRUG STORE The same kind of a Christmas we knew when we were boys and girls, when bob-sleds plodded merrily over country roads and the brooding peace of Yuletide dwelt everywhere in the hearts of men. that is the kind of an old-fash' Christmas we are wishing you now. And with our wish may we extend a word of thanks and appreciation for your contin- ued friendship and patronage. WILKS JEWELRY COMPANY ---^-, ^^------^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . . _7 -- j . . YULETIDE EE NGRAFEJI GS R - Against the background of Christmas is the ideal of a world at peace. This ideal has nour- ished the Christnias joy of count- less millions since the days when shepherds first tended their flocks on the plains of old Judea. It is this peace of spirit in all its fullness that we wish you now, as, mindful of a whole year of pleasant relations, we pause to express our appreciation. May you all enjoy a truly Merry Christmas this season! Edd C. Pridgeon County Tax Collector . -HE foundation of I business is friend- ship, and the basis of all enduring friendships can be traced back to an event which occurred some two thou- sand years ago. Each Christmastime it gives us a great deal of pleasure to extend our best wishes and renew our pledge of loyalty to those whose friendship we cherish. We say now, with the utmost fer- vor and sincerity, may your Christmas be truly happy and abounding in joyousness. ST. JOE LUMBER & EXPORT CO. .~~._.~~..... ...~ ..... T V T ----------------------- V - A 4 H R P S Advertising doesn't cost-it PAYS! DR. J. C. COE - DENTIST -- Office Hours: 9 to 12 1 to 5 Sunday By Appointment " Costin Building Phone 88 Society PHONE 51 SILVER TEA FOR WAR' FUND NETS TIDY SUM o- Personals MRS. W. S. SMITH, Editor - Churches PHONE 51 Are you entitled to wear a "target" lapel button? You Share If you are Investing at Least ten percent of your in- come in War Bonds every pay day. It's your badge of pa, triotism. FThI, Ls. Jui" Ihl ,IIII n ii ItwuH,,XJitliIIlIt WiU4F I im um aIi ll IH The silver tea held last Friday S afternoon at the Centennial buila- ing by the American home and fine arts. departments of the Port St. Joe Woman's club netted $20 DR. C. L. REICHERTER for a war relief fund to be divided REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST among Russian, Greek and Chinese EYES EXAMINED-GLASSES FITTED wa rliefunds. chairman Ritz Theatre Building First Floor i Mrs. John Blount was chairman PANAMA CITY, FLA in charge of the affair, with Mrs. ... .. ... -B. E. Kenney acting as chairman of the refreshment committee. Dec- YOU orations were in charge of Mrs. L CAN'T Ruslh Chism, chairman, assisted by TELL Mrs. George Patton, Mrs. H. C. Sv 7 Spence, Mrs. Omar Branch and THEY'RE Mrs. John Blount. REPAIRED Mrs. Gale Traxler and Mrs. A. Because ur L. Ward presided over the beau- S-\ Because our : INVISIBLE HALF tifullyi appointed tea table, and SOLING method leaves no "repaired Mrs. L. C. Res-ter and Mrs. Blount look" on your shoes, were in chage of the bowl for the The LEADER silver offering. ,Most interesting feature of the SHOE SHOP program were the "Living Pic- ture" Christmas tableaux presented by a number of school children under the direction of Mrs. Ned Porter. 'The addre'si, of welcome was delivered by Mrs. J. A. Whitfield with the response by Mrs. Floyd Hunt. This was followed with a yt reading by Mrs. W. A. Boyd and the invocation by Rev. 0. D. Lang- stot. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS JMr. and Mrs. Roy Evans ani- noance the birth of a 71/2-pound daughter on Sunday, December 20. The same old grectieng,'ui Sealyham Is Welsh with the added fervor of ,he ,1olvham terrier dog origi' nated in Wales. .; many years repetition It is our sincere wish that ''our-fifths -of the Russian terri- each member of your family ory is in Asia. w ill enjoy the m ost boulittI' l .llil'!!lli I lllI! I ll !!illIil lliI1 l ll!l 1 ll illll lll il and happiest Christmas ever! And may we add a word . of thanks for your mu ch .. appreciated patronage during the year. LeHardy Pharmacy 1 Phone 5 Port St. Joe For your patronage and friendly good will please, ac- cept our sincere thanks and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year, COOPER'S RAIIA IR ? nc4U" 9:45 a. m.-Sunday School. 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. 7:00 p. m.-B. T. .U. 8:00 p. m. Evening worship. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. 0. D. Langston, Pastor 9:45 a. m.-Church school. 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. 6:30-Youth Fellowship. 7:30-Evening worship. The Woman's society meets Monday at 3 p. m. First Tuesday after first Sunday, official board meeting. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., prayer and Bible study. Choir practice. COMING SOON TO THE PORT THEATRE C S S *** *9000 6040 Pictures for Your "MUST" List "Who Done It?" with Abbott and Costello. December 27-28. "Blondie for Victory." Decem- ber 29. Return engagement of "Jesse James," plus "The Return of Frank James." December 30. "Apache Trail." December 31. "Seven Sweethearts." January 1. FAREWELL PARTY FOR KENNETH CREECH A farewell party was given last Friday night by. Mr. and Mrs. Gus B. Creech for Kenneth Creech, who left Sunday to join the C. B.'s. A number of friends of the hon- oree shared with him an evening if entertainment at the Creech home and then all adjourned: to the..Coast Guard dance at the Cen- tennial building. .Mr. Creech received farewell gifts of items suitable for a navy man. EXECUTIVE BOARD TO MEET, The executive board of the Port St. Joe Woman's club will meet Tuesday. December 29, at the home of Mrs. T. V. Morris. Mrs. Morris will be assisted in entertaining by Mrs. L. C. Rester.. Regular meet- ng of the club will be on Wednes- day, January 6, 1943, at the club rooms in the Centennial building. Harold Smith. who is employed in New York, arrived in this city Saturday to spend the holidays with his mother, Mrs. M. B. Smith. Betty Jo Temple is home from school to spend the holiday vaca- tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Temple. advertising doesn't cost-it pays! Advertising doesn't cost-it pays! .vvv.".-....-.T .........-, .....----------- .. WTHEN the stress of modern V living gets "on your nerves", a good sedative can do a lot to lessen nervous tension, to make you more comfortable, to permit restful sleep. ' Next time a day's work and .worry or a night's wakefulness, makes you Irritable, Restless or 'Jumpy-gives you Nervous Head- ache or Nervous Indigestion, try Dr. Miles Nervine [(Liquid or Effervescent Tablets) Dr. Miles Nervine is a time- tested sedative that has been bringing relief from Functional Nervous Disturbances for sixty years yet is as up-to-date as this morning's newspaper. Liquid 25* and $1.00, Effervescent tablets 35* and 75*. Read directions and use only as directed. Christmas Happiness to You We are grateful to you for your friendship and for your patronage be. during the past year. To each and all of you, we wish the fulfilment of that great longing of the human heart-peace and good will.'Good luck, and a Morry Christmas. * PRINCESS BEAUTY SHOPPE The departments of education and fine arts of the Port St. Joe Woman's club this week announced the winners of the recent poetry contest conducted by the club as follows: "Old Glory Is Waving Above Us," by Jewel McMullen, first prize; "Fight! Fight! Fight!" by Jewel Faircloth, second prize. Both girls are in the ninth grade. As there were no contestants in the senior high school, a runner- up prize was also awarded. Prizes were War Stamps to the. value of one dollar. Col. R. Don McLeod of Apalachr- cola juftged the entries, and he stated that there was not a great deal of room for choice in making the selections, and he complih- mented highly the interesting en- tries submitted. Winners in the Washington high school (colored) were Bomore Thomas' "Americanism," first, ano Marjorie Jones' "Gallant Sons of Freedom;" second. The chairmen of the two de- partments of the Woman's club desire to thank those who co- operated in the contest, and. add their congratulations to the win- ners. The winning poems are printed below. The two entries from Wash- ington high will appear in a later issue. OLD GLORY IS WAVING ABOVE By Jewel McMullen High in the sky U. S. planes are flying For freedom of country we love. On the battlefield the soldiers are dying And Old Glory is waving above. We're buying bonds and stamps To destroy tnile .IlapauLesie t lrail We're building tanks and 'guns To sink the Rising Sun's, And 01b1 Gloryi is waving above. The Star Spangled Banner is wav- ing high; The planes are. in the sky. Listen to tne cannons roar! We knew the boys would make the score While Old Glory. waves above. God will watch over his own, And what a happy day 'twill be When the boys come marching home. Th.ere'll be freedom on land and sea. And Old "Glory will be waving above. FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! By Jewel Faircloth When this cruel tar is over And the victory we have won, Then Old Glory will be planted On every land. beneath the sun. For the precious right of freedom We will fight! Fight! FigAt! Then our prayers will all be an- swered, And the boys will all come home; We will have the right to say: "Old Glory is our own." Then to keep her forever waving We must fight! Fight! Fight! KIWANIS AND PILOT ULUBS ARE SPONSORING. DANCE The Port St. Joe Kiwanis and Pilot clubs are sponsoring a dance on the night of Saturday, January 2, at the Centennial auditorium for the army emergency relief fund. Muisc for the affair, which is in the nature of a New Year's dance, will be furnished by the Tyndall I 'ield orchestra which played here last week and won the plaudits of i ll1 ho heard them. Admission will be $1 for ser- vicemen and $1.50 for civilians. Tickets are now on sale and may ,be obtained from member of the Stw.o. sponsoring 'clubs. A MARTIN THEATRE BEN RIVERS, Manager Opens Daily 2:45, Continuously Saturday 1:00 Sunday 1:00 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26 2 BIG HITS -Hit No. 1-- CHAPTER 8 "Junior G-Men of the Air' HIT NO. 2 "THE POSTMAN DIDN'T RING" SUNDAY MONDAY December 27 28 BUD LOU ABBOTT & COSTELLO LATEST NEWS EVENTS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29 PENNY SINGLETON* Arthur LAKE Lorry Simms...in Chapter 9 "Perils of Nyoka" WEDNESDAY, DEC. 30 2 ?Z and "The eta rn of FraN k JD a es" ONE DAY ONLY ! THURSDAY, DEC. 31 '.1. FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1943 Mrs. Larue Horn and daughter, "SEVEN Honorine Larue, of Dothan, Ala., spent the week-end here with the SW EETHEARTS" former's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brooks. pl JlllllllI1J1 llllJ lllJRi llllll lli BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES WINNERS ANNOUNCED R. F. Hallford, Pastor I IN POETRY CONTEST CAN'T YOU~I~ ..... ...... I..., .1 1 ..... .. .... - - - - CHRISTMAV'DAY, 1942 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FIVE s t A "-fttllljiv rla # I -HRC .MAA .AY, 1942 S ~- - MAGISTRATES TO GET FLAT the litsing of 32 separate fees for FEE OF $4 FOR EACH CASE each case and save book work. A recent ruling of the state au- r *' editing department permits magis- There :are approximately 2500 trates to charge a flat fee of $4 manufacturers of tailored men's per case. This will do away with and boys' clothing In the U. S. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS A-V a. 0&WA OMP I Cpyrighted Ma Syndicated Coni Available from Commercial N( r'' AT UrI- - - - - LETT EIR S TO THE EDITOR . the. a& ademic year. If th,e. regis- trant fails to fulfill any one or D these requirements he shall be in- for ducted in the usual manner. Those high school registrants S Uriliw mtV 2 UCOU rpno t fo fnlULLU LII UP r DAtEs IX HE. STAPH, PpRT ST..JO ,, GUL..F C.UIUTY,. FI,.O$A 1 t r e ~C rMP T ODAY, we celebrate again the ageless and priceless spirit of Christmas. Not Christmas "as usual," but a day that brings now, more than ever, a keener appre- ciation of its real significance of gen- erosity and good-will and the hope of peace. Part of our duty at home is to keep those in- stitutions and ideals alive which are the foun- dation of our way of life to be an inspiration for those who are far from home fighting on foreign shores. And today, we have more reason than ever to observe Christmas with a new awareness of its im- portance as a spirit which makes life worth living this day and every .day. We hope that those of your family now in the service of our country were fortunate enough to be able to return home for Christ- mas, and if not whoever they are, wherever they are the hearts ot every American are with them. So let good fellowship run high, and let the holly and the mistletoe permanently bind our hearts, to hold the spirit of Clristmas thrun- out this and ,every year. And here's a friendly greeting from our house to yours and our sincere best wishes for a Merry Christmas! Daniey Furniture Co. " Hon. W. S. Smith, prior to the date. that they woula 'Editor The Star. enter the last half of their ac- Dear Friend-Your kind editorial ademic school year cannot have suggestion has just come 'to my attention wherein you mentioned their induction postponed for the that the Apilachicola air field purpose of completing their school might be. named -"Gray Field" in .year. but must be inducted as or- memory of my nephew, Captain dered. Joe Henry Gray Jr., who was killed in action over occupied France last October. I appreciate, this Not everybody with a dollar 'very, much. and I think it would be to spare can shoot a gun an entirely appropriate thing to straight-but everybody can do since my: nephew's uncle was shoot straight to the bank and principal of the Apalachicola high buy War Bonds. Buy your school at on.e time and his aunt 10% every pay day. was born and reared, in Aapalchi- cola. -Your suggestion may develop FOR - into official action and you may be sure that the family will all appreciate it very much. Auto Insurance :Oordially yours, CALL L R A. GRAY, BUCK ALEXANDER Secretary of State. I .__ cr.__ otat. PHONE 101 Costin Building INDUCTION OF, SOME HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS 'CAN BE POSTPONED (Continued from Page 1) of instruction 'at a high school or similar institution of learning. -- - (3) If he is pursuing such course of instruction in the last half of f TMAS GRETINGS the academic year at such school. ,. CrIM. ,T i If the registrant fulfills all three of these requirements, the local board shall postpone the induction of thle regjstraWtf until the end of IIIIIi l I Hiu t !ii IIIHR I Hlllll Imll It.lllIllellpl T* F* NT T T0 N V tB BUSIN ;s dep4 A TTEN TI N loyal friends who ae fav, You Can Still .' during the past year. BUILD It may have been throui REPAIR it may have been through a REROOF menjation: on your part.. INSULATE you have favored us, we, aro Youq Home .N It-is our sincere and arc Up. to 200 you may. receive the full ON 'ESY LOANS Yuletide season. See Us For Estimate - We Do Millwork and Build Boats POPULAR BRANDS St. Joe Lumber Co. CIGARETTES PHONE 69-J Per IIllui lllIIIIIIII lllllllIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll C arton ton MARVEL Stuffing Bread 1 Pound' 1 c Loaf C SI. JANE PARKER DONUTS Dozen 13c RED DELICIOUS APPLES - LARGE FLORIDA GRAPEFR NICE CARROTS Bunch trial TENDER CAULIFLOWER - iterial WELL-BLEACHED. CELERY TANGERINES Dozen FIRM TOMATOES Pound ent LARGE COCONUTS Each YOUNG YELLOW SQUASH. ews Providers" FLORIDA ORANGES 02Do ENGLISH PEAS Per Poun RED BLISS POTATOES 5 MUSHROOMS 1 Pound B LETTUCE Large Head RED GRAPES Per Pound BROCCOLI Nice Bunch U. S. NO. 1 POTATOES 10 This Store Will Xmas Day Until 8:" A & P FOO Owned and Operated By the Grea Reid Ave. and Third St. No.Qum-Chewirig for M,iddie.s Midshipmen at Annapolis are bidden to chew gum. Send The Star to your man in Sservice-only $1 for a year. Try Alka-Seltzer for Headache, "Morning After" Achini muscles, Acid Indigestion. Pleasant, prompt, effective. 300 and 600. High Vitamin potency at low ost-- ONE-A-DAY Vitamin Tablets. A and D tablets in the yellow boxs-B-Com- plex tablets in the grev box. y DR.MILES o r NERVINE1 For Sleeplessness, Irrita- b ility, Headache, and testleesness, When due to NervouS , pension. Use only as directed. ,.STORES endent upon our many ored us in many ways Igh your patronage . kindly word of recom- b ut in whatever way e grateful. lent wish that each of blessings of a joyois MARVEL ENRICHED BREAD 1/2 Pound 1 1 Loaf I A NUTLEY OLEOMARGARINE Per 1 Pound 18C ANN PAGE PURE FLAVORING Lemon or Vanilla 2-Ounce 33," Bottle 33, c Dozen 500 WUIT 3 for ...-.....--... 15 100 Per Pound ...............----- 15 Stalk 2,# 250 Box 200 1V 2 Pounds .............---- 25 ;en 270 d 15-0 Pounds 250 asket 390 170 is5 290 D-Pound Bag ..-.......----..... 33 Be Closed From 0 a. m. Monday ID STORE t Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. PORT ST. JOE, FLA, |