The star
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00028419/00321
 Material Information
Title: The star
Uniform Title: Star (Port Saint Joe, Fla.)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: W.S. Smith
Place of Publication: Port St. Joe Fla
Creation Date: December 11, 1942
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Port Saint Joe (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Gulf County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Gulf -- Port Saint Joe
Coordinates: 29.814722 x -85.297222 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began in 1937.
General Note: Editor: Wesley R. Ramsey, <1970>.
General Note: Publisher: The Star Pub. Co., <1970>.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 7 (Dec. 2, 1938).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000358020
oclc - 33602057
notis - ABZ6320
lccn - sn 95047323
System ID: UF00028419:00321

Full Text

T ..




The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center


Share the Meat

Program Is Now

Underway Here

Needs of Armed Forces and
Allies Must Be Met By
Curtailment At Home

Women of Gulf county, meeting
in the school .auditorium here last
week, learned about the "share
the meat" campaign from various.
county workers, including Mrs. J.
A. Whitfield, home demonstration
agent; Mrs. Eula Pridgeon and
Miss Stephens, home economic in-
structors, .and, Mrs. John Griffin,
nutrition chairman of the county.
It was explained that the needs
of the armed forces and thp allied
nations for 'meat must be met
*by reduced civilian consumption,
which is called for immediately on
a voluntary basis, and will be fol-
lowed by rationing some time 'af-
ter the first of the year.
Meats involved in the request
for voluntary reduced consump-
tion 'are beef, veal, lamb, mutton
and; pork, including canned meats
and sausage made from these
*Citizens are asked to base their
voluntary weekly use of these
types of meat on the '- allowing
schedule: Adults and children
over 12 years of age, '2V2 pounds;
.children. 6 ,to .12 years, old, 1/2
pounds; -i ctIg'lden-. under 6 years,
% pound; infants under 6 months,
none. Poultry, fish and the va-
riety meats (liver, heart, kidney,
etc.) need not be counted.
Every home will be contacted
to inform housewives of the plan.
Chairmen were named for the vari-
ous sections as follows: Port St.
Joe, .Mrs. Horace Soule; Highland
View, Mrs. Paul Brigman; Ken-
ney's Mill, Mrs. Basil E. Kenney;
Oak Grove, Mrs. George Patton.
These key chairmen will be as-
sisted by a group of workers in
contacting everyone in their area.
The meat curtailment drive in
Gulf county is expected to result
in a large increase in local con-
sumption of food fish produced
-here. 4J


Leave Sufficient Arm Bands To
Provide For All Observers

With the taking over of this
area Monday by the Third Fighter
,Command, a group of Signal Corps
men from Mobile, Ala., consisting
of Lieut. J. E. Moshier, Pfc. E. W.
Eiper and Pfc. C. Grogan, in-
spected the AWS post here and
expressed approval at the manner
in which it is being conducted.
Upon being informed that there
were 82 observers signed up, Lieut.
Moshier said. that most posts in
the area 'he had inspected had
'from four to perhaps 20 observers.
Incidentally, Liefit. Moshier left
50 arm bands, 85 buttons and 80
plane identification charts with
,Chief Observer W. S. Smith, and
those who have not yet received
their arm bands are asked to call
for them. Every observer is also
asked to call for'an AWS button.

W. 0. Anderson of this city and
Dave Gaskin of Wewahitchka ex-:
pect to attend" a regional "War
Savings Next Steps" conference to
'be held in Panama City next Wed-

introduced Major Kevan, who, to
a certain extent, had disappointed
those attending by his youth. It
seems that the average precon-
ceived image of a major is some-


Some of Ration

Plans Revealed

Coupon System To 'Be Put Into
Effect After New Year's Ex.
plained By Price Office

You'll have to lehrn how to
juggle a new kind of money soon
to put meat on the table.
Disclosing more details of the
meat rationing program scheduled
for early next year, the OPA this
week explained some phases of
the, "point rationing system" which
has been developed particularly
for handling such commodities.
Shortly after New Year's every-
one will get War Ration Book No.
2. No. 1 was the sugar book,
which also is being used for cof-
fee. Book No. 2 will contain 192
coupons of different colors, de-
nominations and lettering.
These coupons are the coin of
the new money system which Am-
ericans will have to master. In-
stead of pennies, nickels, dimes,
quarters :and halves, you'll have a
red A-1 coupon, a red A-2 coupon,
a red A-5 coupon, a red A-8 cou-
pon, a red B-1 coupon, and so on,
through the whole alphabet (ex-
cept I and 0), andi then all over
again for the 'blue coupons in the
same book.
When meat rationing starts,
(Continued on Page 3)

Maj. Kevan Proves

Interesting Talker

Commandant of Apalachicola Air-
field ,ls Guest Speaker at
Pearl Harbor Dinner

Those who did not attend the
Pearl Harbor dinner Monday eve-
ning at the Splendid Cafe, given
by the American Legion post In
honor of the Gulf county draft
board, missed one of the most In-
teresting after-dinner speakers to
be presented in Port St. Joe in
many moons in the person of Ms-,
jor W. P. Kevan, commandant of
the new Apalachicola air field.
S. L. Barke, acting as toastmas-
ter, introduced, the members of
the draft, board, B. W. Eells, T.
M. Schneider and Charles Morgan,.
B. B. Conklin of the advisory
board, Basil E. Kenney of the ap-
peal board, Dr. J. R. Norton, ex-
amining physician; Miss Edna Da-
vis and Mrs. Opal Lewis, clerks
of the board; W. S. Smith of the
Legion post, chairman of the din-
ner, andi Mrs. Madaline Whitaker
of 'the Legion Auxiliary, who had
charge of arrangements. After
all these local celebrities (?) had
taken their bows, the toastmaster

body, punctu
Rest and is w

one at least with gray hairs or a county jail a
beard, but Major Kevan is in the Surviving
neighborhood of 26-and looks a parents and
bit younger. Funeral se
HoweVer, in spite of his youth will be held I
(the major enlisted at the age of Live Oak.
15 as a private and later gradu-
(Continued on Page 6) Promoted
Coffee drinkers who failed to rank of stall
get the first War Ration Book announced a
must apply to the Gulf county ra- by his com
tioning board by December 15 in John D. Hill
order to purchase coffee. That Regiment. TI
date is 'also the last day on which Benning is t]
stamp No. 9 is good for sugar, in the world.

18-Year-Olds Start Warning Issued
Registering Today! On Rent Control
Onr Rent Control
After January 1, Youth Will Regis- Section
ter When They Reach Their Fo Tlls Section
Eighteenth Birthday

Today is registration day for all All Landlords Must Register
Gulf county youths who have Between December 15 and
reached their 18th birthday in the January 15
last half of this year. _
Starting today and continuing A. M. Douglas of Panama City,
until December 17, those who be-
came 18 in July, and August will rent director for the newly-estab-
sign up. Young men who reached lished Apalachicola Defense Rental
that age in September and October Area, which includes the counties
will register in the following week of Gulf and Franklin, warns all
and those who became 18 in No- landlords to register rental units
vember and December will register between December 15, next Tues-
in the week starting December 26
and. closing December 31. day, and January 15, 1943, or be
Starting January 1, all youths subject to prosecution.
will .be required to register when The maximum rent date will be
they reach their 18th birthday. If as of March 1, 1942,. The registra-
the birthday falls on a Sunday or tion 'applies to all houses, apart-
a holiday, they must register the ments, hotels and rooms, and that
next day. a person renting a home from an-
This will be the sixth draft regis- their and in turn renting a part of
tration. The last, on June 30, cov- the home would, be considered a
ered young men who -already were landlord, though not the owner of
18 or 19 and those who had be- the building.
come 20 since/ the preceding regis- The main office at present Is In
tration. Apalachicola, 'but it is anticipated
Daily registration hours have that an office will be opened In
been fixed for 9. a. m. until 5 p. Port St. Joe and Carrabelle. In
m. (local time). Late registrations the operation of the office each
will be permitted for those unable landlord would be contacted dur-
to present the shelves during the ,ing the 30&dayl period. The regis-
stated periods because of circum-i tration blanks being in triplicate,,
stances beyond their control, 'one would be left with the :lanudt
S.---- '- lord, one mailed. to the tena&" and
What You Ilust the other kept on file in the office.
If the blank does not correspond
Do To Get Tires with facts as of March 1, 1942, the
tenant is invited, and it will be
his duty, to notify the office so
New Instructions for Car Owners that adjustment may be made.
Issued By Chairman of In cases of major improvements
Rationing Boardsuch as-addition of rooms, furnish-
Rationing Board ing when not previously) furnished,
adjustments may be made, 'but this
Basil E. Kenney, chairman of will be entirely within the discre-
the Gulf county rationing board, tion of the local inspector's office.
yesterday issued the .following The main office for this area Is
new instructions for owners of located in the Page Building, Pan-
passenger automobiles applying ama City, or Mt. Douglas may be
for tires and tubes: contacted by mail by writing to
Take. your tire record received P. 0. Box 1159, Panama City.
with the "A" ration book to your ---- ---

First Lieutenant Ben H. Dick-
ens, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. H.
Dickens of this city, who is now
attending the Field Atrillery Of-
ficers Training School at Fort
Sill, Okla. Ben, who was a re-
serve officer, was called to the,
colors on January 11 of this
year. He expects to complete
his training at Fort Sill by Jan-
uary 15, when he will return to
duty at Fort Jackson, S. C.

Cafe Owner Is

Held for Death

Of Roy Harrell

JSOR. Chestnut, Operator of
Splendid'Cafe, Shoots Young
Man Fatally In Argument

SRoy Harrell, 25, son of Mr. and
Mrs. S. H. Harrell of Live Oak,
died Wednesday night about 11
o'clock in Lisenby hospital, Pan-
ama City, as the result of a gun-
shot wound inflicted byA/(*S.
Chestnut, operator of the Splendid
Cafe, Wednesday afternoon.
Complete details of the affair
are not as yet available as the
shooting' occurred in the room of
Chestnut in the Costin building on
!Reid avenue and there were no
It seems there had been some
misunderstanding between t h e
two men and young Harrell had
made. an appointment with Chest-
nut by phone, apparently to settle
the matter amicably, and then -had
gone to Chestnut's room. From
that time until Harrell stumbled
down the stairs onto the street,
leaving a trail of blood, and was
rushed to a local doctors office,
'the story is hazy.
The revolver bullet, which en-
tered Harrell's chest on the right
id e went conmn-letelyv, through his

Sewing Room Closed Due
To Shortage of Material

Mrs. Lovie .Coburn, in charge of
the Red Cross sewing room here,
announces 'that the room will be
closed for several days due to.:the
fact that gauze used in making
surgical dressings has given out
and a shipment in transit for sev-
eral weeks has not arrived.
Mrs. Coburn states that she ap-
preciates the co-operation shown
'by those who have been working
at the room and. will notify them
when -the shipment arrives.

ring the lung. will apply to them. Stay Home Christmas
was placed, under ar- Official OPA tire inspectors are Requests Government
now being held in the as follows: St. Joe Motor Co., W. -
t WeWahitchka. M. Howell; Standard Oil Station, More than 1,500,000 soldiers a
the dTeceasef are his Jimmy Greer"; Sunny State Sta- month are being moved on trains
four brothers, tion, W. C. Roche; Kenney Mer- in this country now. Add the jam
services and interment cantile Co., Alex Young; St. Joe of former auto drivers, try to put
tomorrow afternoon in Paper Co.. R. R. Minus; Texaco ; the usual holiday travel on top of
Station, H. B. Blackman; High- that, and it's obvious why the gov-
------- land View Garage, W. C. Fore- ernment is urging folks to stay
To Staff Sergeant hand; Lister's Service Station, 'home Christmas.
of Sgt. Tech. Lucious Wewahitchka, Claude Lister. Much as boys in the service
son of Mrs. P. H. --- ----- wat to go home for a Yule-time
Port St. Joe. to the CREDIT ASSOCIATION I'EET fireside chat with their families
1f sergeant has been TO BE HELD ON MONDAY and the old crowd, the army has
at Fort Benning, Ga., The regular meeting of the Gulf decided to grant leaves to only 10
manding officer, Col. County Credit association schea-lr cent of them because of the
of the 124th Infantry neld for last Monday night was crowded train and bus prospects.
,he infantry school at postponed until next Monday eve-] Its up to us Home Fronters -to
the largest of its kind, ning, December 14, due to the do our part so there'll be room for
k'erltirno cnnr. s an sOxier asposiie

nearest tire inspector. He will in-
spect your. tires and, fill in neces-
sary information on the tire re-
cord. He will also fill out the ap-
plication for tires and tubes which
is then presented to the rationing
The rationing board will review
the application, and if approved
will return the tire record along
with the tire certificate to the ap-
plicant. If disapproved, the tire
record will be returned.
Owners of commercial vehicles
are required to present their cer-
tificate of war necessity with their
applications. If they have no cer-
tificate, the old tire regulations

Pearl Harbor dmner.

as may soliersas. possible.

PALGE TWOI y ..- ...

L d -s ~ -~B




St. Joe Paper Company

St. Joseph Telephone & Telegraph Company

Apalachicola Northern Railroad Company

Are Proud of the Part We Have Played In This First Year of the War

PROUD of the manpower we have furnished the armed forces

PROUD of the shipments we have made through lend-lease to our allies overseas

PROUD of the way we have met the demands of t h e Army fo r increased com-
munication service

PROUD of the manner in which we have been able to meet the ever-increasing
transportation problems and solve them so successfully

PROUD of the shipments we have made to our domestic customers and the fact
that so much of this material has gone into direct Army and Navy use

PROUD of our employees who have helped to make these things possible




Selective Service
Henry Addison
Earnest L. Antley
Francis Armstrong
Ervin Barnswell
Waldo Bateman
John E. Beasley
Leonard Belin
Foster P. Bevis
C. H. Bounds
Aaron Blount
Paul Blount
Theodore Booker
W. C. Bozeman
Charles Brammar
August W. Bremer
H. B. Brown
Bennie Burke
Emmett Butler
Brown H. Byrd
Arthur Bryan
Coy R. Castleberry
Earl Chitty
Willie Clemons
Dolger Comer
Frank Comer
G. L. Cooper
Woodrow Croft
John B. Curry
Pomimie Daniels
Charlie Dawson
McKinley Debnamn
John Dendy
James L. Dumas
Herbert Dykes

W. W. Ensley
Elmore K. Fabrick
C. J. Gautreaux
Roy Gibson, Jr.
Elijah Gipson
Andrew Gillette
Thomas M. Glisson
Floyd Goodman
Nathan Greenwood
Clifford Griffin
Colice Guertin
Arthur Harris
Flemon S. Harris
Thomas J. Harris
Wendell H. Hart
Charles L. Hayden
W. J. Hinote
Cleroy Hogans
W. C. Jenks
A. D. Jernigan
Charlie Jones
Brady Jordan
Bowen S. Larkin
Ernest Longmire
Richard C. Mahon
Jonas Martin
Leroy Martin
Alfonza Mason
Chester Nickerson
Houston Odom
John L. Parker
Willie A. Pittman
J. Foyal Pitts
Divis Richter
James Rish

Clarence Roberts
Harley Richards
E. L. Robertson
Fred Rogers
F. M. Rowan, Jr.
William Russell
I-ke Rutherford
Joseph Sherrer
Charles C. Shivers
Frank Sisk
Wilson Stevens
Frederic W. Sutton
Lamar Swanner
James B. Thompson
Willie Thompson
John W. Whitley
James D. Wilkerson
Aubrey Williams
Arthur L. Williams
John W. Willis
Members of National Guard
Units Called to Active Duty
Audy Scott
Charles Joyner
Harley Roberts
James J. Russell
Joe Zingarelli
Reserve Officers Called for
Active Duty
Claude Adams
Franklin D. Bennett
'Fred Curtis

Earl Lupfer
Samuel L. McCall
Sam R. McFall
James L. Poison
Enlisted In the Navy
Jesse Abbott
Elbert Banks
Lawrence W. Cox
Joseph L. Hall
James L. Hardy
James M. Hardy
W. J. Herring
Alfred Joines
Clarence J. Lovett
Charles K. Lewis
W. T. Mostey
Edwin McGill
John D. Odom
James C. Oliver
W. H. Owens
David Pitts
John B. Pitts
Walter M. Potts
Walter Roberts, Jr.
L. L. Rogers
Albert T. Thames
Jesse H. Thompson
Hubert Todd
Franklin P. Walden
(Awaiting Call)
John Core
Roy B. Evans
Arthur Soderburg

Enlisted In the Army
Harvey Antley
Norris Armstrong
James R. Bush
William L. Coody
Gordon Farris
H. B. Gaskin
Perry Lee Godwin
Eugene Halsten
Chester A. Holley
William A. Hurlbut
Bobby Jackson
B. G. Johnson
William E. Lamb
Edwin P. Lapeyrouse
George Lunsford
John C. Price
Billie Neel
Earl Nolan
Jimmie Rentz
Willis Rowan
Hildur Sorensen
Jack Summers
Howard Taunton
Enlisted In the Marines
Joe H. Gregory
Roy Harrison
J. 0. Hollingsworth
J. S. Melvin
W. A. Montgomery
C. J. Morrison
Curtis Padgett
Julian Raburn
Lewis Walters


C. B. Brift
Billy Bowen
Dewey Brown
Willie Crews
Fred DeMorris

James Fain, Jr.
W. H. Gardner
Oscar Gilchrest
Earnest Thomas Grice
B. Hayes
Wallace Jackson

A. L. Kirkus
Goldren Lifbred
Oscar Nathonair Mabry
Roosevelt Montgomery
Cleveland Moore
Willie Neal

Bert Paulhomous
James Pierce
James L. Strickland
L. E. Vicker
W. M. Wallace




* *

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M Aff




Some of Ration

Plans Revealed

(Continued from Page 1)
OPA will assign certain letters for
use the first month or period of
weeks-perhaps red A, B and C
for February-and then will put
out a price list, in points, on vari-
ous kinds of meat-maybe, some-
thing like this:
Cut Points per lb.
Hamburger ................. 1
Porterhouse ................. 8
Lamb Chops ................ 3
Round Steak ................
Bacon ....................... 5
This illustration is strictly hypo-
thetical, because the big question
which officials haven't settled yet
is the point values to be assigned
different kinds of meat. The points
represent the figures on the cou-
pons.-An A-1 or an S-1 is good for
one point, a B-5 or a T-5 is good
for five points, and so on. Two
C-2's can be used' for a four-point
From this point on, you budget
*your points just like your money,
except that it will be your points
rather than your money that will
be rationed. You might have a ra-
tion of 48 meat points for Febru-
ary. If you spend all your coupons
on porterhouse, well, you spend
them all on porterhouse and that's
that. If your taste runs to ham-
burger you get more of it for your
The government has printed 160,-
000,000 of these new "ration money"
books, so that everyone can. have
,one. While meat is expected to be
the first commodity rationed with
ity other things may be allotted
with the same book. For instance,
all the red coupons could be used
for meat, leaving all the blue cou-
pons for perhaps clothing, al-
though OPA does not contemplate
clothing rationing at present.
,Generally the point values will
be figures on available supplies
rather than on intrinsic values. In
some cases OPA might juggle the
points from month to month, to in-
fluence the public to choose more
plentiful things by making those
items "cheap" in points. In the
:oase of mneat, for instance, steaks
might be made very "expensive"
in points to get people to eat more
plentiful roasts-if that were the
case-or pork might be made more
expensive than beef,' or vice versa.
However, you'll still have to pay
real money, of course,,as well asi

Time To Learn
.Girl Friend: "Did you ever sell
brushes?" ,i
. Caller: "No. Why?"
G. F.: "Well, you'd better grab
one and start selling it to me.
That's my husband' at the front
Titian painted his incomparably
"Battle of Lepanto" at the age of-

i an


We'll Produce a Good Job
at the Promised Time
at a Moderate Price

Your order will receive prompt
attention in our shop and it will be
:printed at a reasonable price. You
can be confident of delivery when

"Your Home Town Newspaper"



.Speaker Richard H. Simpson
predicts that the 1942 legislature
will not have to provide additional

UUNIINUUUb @UPPLi "' rnuusmi

Months before the treachery of
Pearl Harbor, our men who plan the
distribution and transmission of
electric power worked out a "grid"
system of interconnecting 'the
power lines of this company with
those of other electric utilities oper-
ating in this state and the South-
"east. More than $800,000 were
spent by this company in building
substations, improving generating
stations, and building the necessary
interconnecting lines which assures
every part of our territory va con-
tinuous supply of electric power.
Yes, there is an ample supply of
electric energy to turn the wheels
of industry and to furnish light and
power for military bases and all
other war needs.


A recent example of,how this com-
pony was able to save money, time
and critical materials for the gov-
ernment, was the building of 50
miles of high tension lines to fur-
nish power and light to an impor-
tant branch of our armed services.
This was a rush job and, despite
many obstacles, construction was
completed ahead of schedule. Even
though we had a high priority num-
ber for materials on this job, our
engineers saved a substantial
amount of critical materials by
tearing down 18 miles of transmis-
sion lines on one part of our prop-
erties and used them in this con-
struction. The erecting of these
lines eliminated the necessity of
building a new generating station,
which would have required months
longer. Every member of our or-
ganization takes pardonable pride
in .the prompt and efficient com-
pletion of this war assignment.

taxes unless present conditions and
prospects are radically changed.
"I say this in spite of the fact
that some people predict a need
for as much as $10,000,000 in new
money," he said.

Like most everything else, fyel oil,
copper wire and other essential
materials used by this company
have gone up in price. (For ex-
ample, we now pay 34% more for
fuel oil than a year ago.) The cost.
of electricity, along with other pub-
lic utility services, has 'not been
increased to domestic consumers, -'
and there is no scarcity of modern
electric service. The two outstand-
ing advantages of your present
electric rate are, your family budget
need not be enlarged for the use
of your electrical servants such as
refrigerators, washing machines,
water heaters and other appliances,
and the cost of the war, which you
as a taxpayer are helping to pay,
is held down.

Nearly 300,000 pounds of steel,
iron, copper, etc., have been turned
into military uses. Every member
of this organization is a "one-man
salvage warden," and we are grate-
ful to have been cited for doing an
outstanding job in saving critical!
materials for war uses. No effort
is spared to salvage every bit of
rubber, iron, steel, copper, etc., to
be turned into the "National Scrap

Saving gasoline and rubber is.noth-
ing new to you or to us, but it is
something that all of us must do
for the duration. During the post
twelve month hs, company-owned
cars were driven 264,318 LESS
miles than'in the preceding twelve
months without any impairment of
essential services to our customers.
This record was made in spite of
the fact that We have been doing
urgently needed construction work,
and 70% of oti of our automotive
equipment is the heavy duty type.


There have been sharp de- more for public schools, to offset
creases in many tax revenues, but declines in gasoline taxes and au.
there have been proportionately tomobile license taxes.
sharp upturns in others, particu- "As I see it now, we will need
larly beverage taxes, which may no additional taxes during the 1948
supply as much as $4,000,000 or session," he stated.

More than 20% of our male erh.
ployees are doing the biggest jobs
of their careers fighting with the
Armed Forces, and the number is
growing each day. We are proud
of these men who have been loaned
to do a mighty important job. Many
of the men and women employees
of the company are helping in the
:-Civilian Defense program and other .
war activities, and every one of us.
is pledged to save and conserve ,
wherever we can. Of course, we
are buying bonds and backing up
those who are on the battle lines

While the extension of new lines fori
domestic users was curtailed many
months ago, your electric company
is following a well-designed custo-
mer service program to aid all con-
sumers in the case of their present
electrical appliances. Our Home
Service representatives are aiding
housewives in the planning of
well-balanced meals and helping to
maintain the highest degree of ef-
ficiency of their appliances thus
enabling them to devote more time
toward activities brought about by
the war.

Helping you receive the most from
your electric service is our constant
aim. Every employee of this comrn-
pony feels the responsibility we
have, as a war industry, in main-
taining the highest type service to
all those engaged in the war effort.
To those in the armed forces, and
to you, who are fighting on the
home front, we renew our pledge of
"Service to Customer, Community
and Country," and we welcome
your suggestions for the continued
improvement of this service.


Anuirluin m cinnm v ftE DDARHP.T'ftM



Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla.
by The Star Publishing Company
W. 8. SMI-TH, Editor

-natered as Second-class matter, December 10,
1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Florida,
'under Act of March 3, 1879.

Subscription Invariably Payable In Advance
One Year........ $2.00 Six Months...... $1.00
Three Months.......... 65c

-41 Telephone 51 ".-

The spoken word is given scant attention;
the printed word is thoughtfully weighed.
.The spoken word barely asserts; tite printed
word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word
is lost; the printed word remains.

Our Country Right or Wrong

This week marks one year that the United
States has been at war and, as in the last war,
this nation apparently is the deciding factor
.as to whether the democracies or the fascist
.nations come out on top of the heap.
Our country has been converted into one
.huge manufacturing concern and we are to-
day producing more of the sin,ews of wvar
than the combined axis powers. Since Janu-
ary 1 of this year we have produced in excess
,of 49,000 planes of all types, 32,000 tanks,
17,000 anti-aircraft guns and some 780 mer-
'chant vessels amounting to 8,200,000 tons.
This production and our huge army, navy
aid air force is slowly turning the tide. We
mray soon see an invasion of Europe from
,three points-one using Sicily, Sardinia and
'Corsica for stepping stones to Italy, the sec-
ond ;on the French west coast, probably at
the Bay Of Biscay, 'and the third into south-
ern France, perhaps 'at Marseilles.
When this happens-, the Italian will depose
3Ilij s liii and stie for peace, and the. German
.hordes will be driven back into their own
*couht'ry. But we inmay expect to see Schickel-
grtdber, in oie last desperate push, launch a
drive into Turkey via the Dardanelles and
thence into 'Syria 'and 'ndto the 'island of Cy-
prus in an attempt to gain control of the
eastern end of the Mediterranean.
How long this iiiight take, no one can say
-it might be within one year, or it might
run on .for three or four years-brit the otit-
come is certain, and when the Nazi war rha-
chine is completely subjiigated the combined
forces of the United Nations will then turn
to the messy job of cleaning the Japarats out
'of the southwest Pacific.
We don't ordinarily go in for long-range
predictions of this sort, but a close study of
the manner in which events are shaping up,
,combined with similar circumstances in the
last war, has brought on this sudden surge
,of secondsight. If you think we're wrong cor-
rectf us. If not, cut this out and paste it in
'your hat for future reference.

There have been some doubters around
Port St. Joe who scoffed at the idea of turn-
ing in an empty toothpaste or shaving cream ,
tube when making a new 'purchase, saying
that it was ridiculous and served no good pur-
pose. Well, here's their answer: 'In the first,
six months that the order was effective,
1,168,000 pounds of metal from the tubes has
been turned over to the Tin Salvage Insti-
tute. From this, 513,920 pounds of tin can' be
recovered and 260,000 pounds already have
been furnished war industries.

Hitler used to say, "It was a great vic-
tory." Then he said, "It will be a great vic-
tory."' Now he mutters "The victory will be
ours-I hope."

One thing about this war-saving time-a
lot of us who never saw a sunrise in our lives
are beginning to appreciate their beauty. And
tlian sunrises and sunsets in Port St. Joe,
'there are none more supersquendacious.

We notice lately in the stores of Port St.
Joe that the service isn't what it used to be.
In days gone by customers 'were waited upon
about as soon as they entered the door, but
now a long wait is sometimes necessary be-
fore we can be served. And a lot of us be-
come impatient, maybe pound on the counter
to attract attention, or turn and walk our.
We should remember that practically all
our business houses have lost men to the
armed services and many clerks, both men
and women, have accepted jobs at the paper
mill with shorter hours and better pay. This
necessitates putting on new employes, if they
are available, and chances are that these are
inexperienced and require time to become ef-
ficient. And, too, our merchants are not able
to get all the necessary merchandise to meet
your wants satisfactorily.
So, if you are not waited on as promptly
as you believe you should be when doing your
shopping, remember these facts and be pa-
tient and considerate.

In a radio reply to- Winston Churchill's
speech warning Italy to get out of the war
-or else, Benito Mussolini, alias Benny the
Mug, alleged supreme dictator of.the Italian
nation, was reported to have "coughed fre-
quently and breathed heavily."
The distracted, disillusioned and deflated
Duce is said to be ailing. Some accounts have
it that he has stomach ulcers and that to fur-
ther complicate matters he has a leaky valve
or two in his heart.
Still-that doesn't explain the coughing.:
Could it be that Benny has a case of double
pneumonia, too-we hope!-'Miami Post.

Major Kevan, stated Monday evening that
a name was wanted for the Apalachicola air
field, and that it must be that of some TFlor-
ida airman who -has given his life for his
country on foreign 'soil.
We believe we have the answer to that in
the name "Gray Field," in memory of Capt.
Joe Henry Gray, 23-year-old son of Mr.,and
Mrs. Joe H. Gray of Tallahassee, and nephew
of Secretary of -State Bob Gray, who was
killed in action recently in an air raid over

Enemy propaganda. When the Of-
fice of War Information cleared the mails of
239 useless government publications (for
which the editor of The Star and all other
editors are eternally gra-teful), the OGetmah-i
controlled radio announced 'in Paris that the
'OWI director had decided to "suppress 239
- great United 'States newspapers"I

Too bad about Doris Duke Cromwell. She
'just inherited another ten millions. What min
the world will the poor -girl do with all that.
money now that everything is ratiohed?--
Sanford Herald.

It has been said that little men seldom have
,big ideas, but those Japs 'had a heluva big.
idea when they thought they could whip the.
United States.

So far, we haven't, heard any complaints
on gas rationing in Port St. Joe It's almost
impossible to believe that 'everyone is satis-
fied. Dbh't wake 'us tp-let us dream on.

'We were worried for a time 'that we
wouldn't have sugar for our coffee. Now
we're worried because we've got the sugar
but no coffee to put it in.

The days are getting shorter, money is
getting more plentiful, goods are getting
scarcer. Sherman was right!

Keep smiling-and buy War Bonds!

Unselfish Leadership Should American citizens be self-
ish enough to say, by word or deed,,
-Need of the Hour -"Hitler isn't so bad. We do not
By DI. -GEORGE S. BENSON care to help him, but we won't help|
very energetically to defeat him ei-'
President, Hdrding College other, unless we get more than we
Searcy, Arkansas erer 'got before,"--then victory will
hot be achieved.
should the United Nations, Amer-
ica and her allies, fail to fight off Shouldt g6ernmeit officials play
'their eiiemies 'in the tfiercest and politics; should oiranizatiodhs with
most merciless of 'all wars; should Wr contracts insist upon huge sal-
the armies of conquest achieve their aty b6nidses; -should well paid work-
aim and enslave the world, it will ers inWar factories refuse the Pres-
not 'be because Axis soldiers are dent's wage freezing plan; should
braver or 'm6re skillful (for they farmers who toil from dawn to dusk;
are not) nor yet because they are fail to do their best, regardless Of
more numiierous. Only one thing can parity, thenrriodale will be shattered

cause suchh a dire calanmity-selfish- 'ahd rancorous factionalism -in-
ness. creasea.
Two Defeats What Won In '167
Unselfish patriotism could win this Wks the -American Revoltitionary
war with surprising promptness. It War wn by politiciLns who thought
is also able to preserve the United wly of remaining in office? Was 'it
States, 'completely whole 'end good won by those who fought hardest for
as ever, after the war is over. But big ,profits?
opportunism still has two chances to No. Big profits, high wages, high
sddttle 1the 'hip df State. (a) Too .farm :prices did not win the Ameri-
:maiy people selfishly seeking their can Revolutionary War. Neither will
own \private advantage can hamper they win this War. It was the Valley
America's war effort enough to Forge spirit of sacrifie which made
bring defeat. (b) The same thing that victory possible 'and 'laid 'the
can snuff Out deibcirac'y after the 'foundation f t : 'today's freedom and
war, even after victory in battle. 'prosperity.
It Is my sincere belief that the Utiselfishn'ess and Wholehearted
most crying 'need of this crucial cooperation for the cause of freedom
hour is unselfish leadership; for gov- and democracy 'will win this war
ernment, for industry, for labor, and and stop -the destruction of our
for agriculture. Be it observed that wealth.
I said "leadership" for it is also my Since Jesus trudgedthe primitive
sincere opinion that an overwhelm- highways of Asia Minor, dding good,
ing majority of -fflce holIddrs, farm- the wdrld has heard of no corn-.
'ers, laborers and ,industrialists are pletely uriselfilh life. But there have
basically unselfish, willing and anx- "leen many friemorable "examples of
iotis'to inake 'gacrifices'for victory, devotionn to human progress and
'and on belialf 6f the governmental freedom. If this war against the
system under which they have en- Axis powers is -to be won and de-
joyed the finest living conditions mocracysavedwe must immediate-
ever 'made po'gsible'to 'any segment ly have unselfish leadership at the
of mankind. Yes, the great masses helm in every department of civil-
of our people are Americans first., an life.
Since wealth is measured by the ---- --
amount of useful goods it produces, SUCCESS OF SCRAP DRIVE
every important nation of the world CREDITED TO NEWSPAPERS
is currently'getting poorer. 'The war
; is taking wealth in the forth of auto- Credit for the success of the re-
mobile factories which formerly pro- cent scrap drive belongs to the
duced useful things and convertingnt w erbend t
that Wealth to the production of air- nation's newspapers and. theciti-
Splanes and tanks which are' not use- zens, says Lessing Rosenwald, di-
ful to individual -citizens in peace- rector of the 'War Production
time. While national wealth thus, Board conservation division.
shrinks before our eyes, no man He termed the scrap campaign
should- expect his personal- wealth to "a magnificent piece of work,"
grow in value. which surpassed' Washington's
War Destroys Top S611 greatest anticipation..
A cotton farmer's land is wealth Rosenwald warned that even
because it grows a useful crop which greater effort woul be neee in
can. be sold at a good price. If the greater effort would be needed in
top soil were removed from the the 1943 drive because the "cream"
farmer's land so that it would raise was taken this .year from readily
only weeds, his wealth would be de- available scrap. Next year's re-
stroyed. Just so, war is bringing quirements, 'however, would be
destruction to wealth normally used less than in 1942, he said.
in creative activities; is niaking ev- ____
ery one of us poorer. This is irievita-
ble in war. The sooner we realize All Ears
this fact, decide to bear our burdens Salesman: "I represent the Val-
cheerfully, and to give our maxi- ley, Wool company. Would you be
mum service, the sooner this tidal Interested in some coarse yarns?"
wave chn' be turned back anid the Houeswife: "Gosh, yes! Tell me
sooner victory may appear on the some."






Returns To California Camp
J. C. Dendy, who is, with the
mechanized forces and who has
been here on furlough visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Dendy,
left Wednesday evening to return
to duty at Camp Cooke, Calif. J.
C.,ain spite of the fact that he
comes from Florida, is quite taken
with California and speaks highly
of the fine manner with which the
people of the Golden State treat
the soldiers.
Four-Sided Triangle
He: "I love you."
'She: "Really?"
He: "But don't tell your hus-
She: "Why?"
He: "It might get back to my
wife." a

Subscribe to The Star-$2 year.

Ritz Theatre Building First Floor

I for All the Family!
We have one of the largest
stocks of gift articles in Port
St. Joe. Drop in and look 'emr
over-you can find a gift for
9 everyone, from the baby to
r granddad. .

We will mail one to five,
Cigarettes to men in our
armed forces overseas-for
only 85c-postage paid- and
with special wrapper.
THE U. S. A.

LeHardy Pharmacy

Phone 5 Port St. Joe
We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription

Must have
Of course everybody
gets SOME Vitamins.
Surveys show that mil-
lions of people do not
/ \ t A pleasant, convenient
^ economical way to be
sure that you and your
j family do not lack essen-
Satial B Complex Vitamin
is to take ONE-A-DAY brand
Vitamin B Complex tablets.
An insufficient supply of B
Complex Vitamins causes In-
t, \ digestion, Constipation, Nerv-
ousness, Sleeplessness, Crank-
iness, Lack of Appetite. There are
other causes for these conditions, but
why not guard against this one cause
by taking a ONE-A-DAY brand
vitamin B Complex Tablet everyday?
SImportant Get your money's
worth, always compare potencies
and price.


Society Personals Churches
PHONE 51 MRS. W. S. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51

'The local chapter of the Order
of Eastern Star at the regular
meeting Tuesday evening took in
two new members, Mrs. Esther B.
Temple an.d George cooper.
Under new business, election ot
officers for the ensuing year was
held, with the following results.
Worthy matron, Miss Myrtice
Coody; worthy patron, Watson
Smith; associate matron, Bessle
G. Smith; associate patron, George
Cooper; secretary, Mrs. Lovie Co-
burn; 'treasurer, Mrs., Florazell
Connell; conductress, Mrs. Zola
Maddox; associate conductress,
Pauline Smith,
The new worthy matron filled
the appointive offices as 'follows:
Marshal, Mrs. Edith Hewitt; chapl-
lain, Mrs. Temple; pianist, Mrs.
Ruth Evans; Ada, Lillian Johnson,
Ruth, Mrs. Anna Smith; Esther,
Miss Margie Kirkland; Martha,
Mrs. Wilma Cooper; Electa, Mrs.
James Wallace; warder, Mrs. Nel-
lie Allen; sentinel, Mrs. Ruth
At the close of the meeting te,-
licious refreshments were serve
to those present.

The American home' and fine
arts departments of the Port St.
Joe Woman's club are entertaining
the club members and friends with
a Christmas party on December 18
at the Centennial building. The
party will take the .form of a sli-
ver tea, and. the money will go to
a war relief fund to be divided
among China, Russia and' Greek
relief funds.
The decorating committee will
feature decorations for 'the home;
and the program committee has
enlisted the services of Mrs. Ned
Porter to present a Christmas pa-
geant called "A Living Picture,"
which will be enacted by school
boys and girls.
The public is invited to attend
this party. The club feels that
since there is so much need! in
the world today that the gift ex-
change usual at this time, .is not in
the true Chrisian spirit of Christ-
mas giving, and it is, hoped that
many will attend this party.

Mrs. Wilson Com-pton and young
daughter Helen, of Washington, D.
C.. arrived Wednesday- and are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Basil E.
Kenney. .

Tom Colde.wey is expected to re-
turn tonight from Miami where he
has been In connection with enlist-
ing in the navy.


PHONE 10-1 Costin Building

--- DENTI ST --
Office Hours: 9 to 12 1 to 5
Sunday By Appointment
Costin Building Phone 88

Because our
SOLING method leaves no "repaired
'ook" on your shoes.


, j

The little girl tugged gently at
her mother's sleeve.
"Now, Mother?" she asked.
"Now can't we write my letter?"
"Why of course, Betsy," Mrs.
Carson grinned. "Are you going
to write it or am I?"
"Well," Betsy said. "Maybe
you'd better kind of say it to me.
Only I'd love to write it."
"All right, then, Miss Carson,
take a letter," her mother said,
walking slowly up and down the
room. "Ready? 'Dear Mr. Mor-
genthau: The way I save money
for War Stamp buying is to steer
all the small household jobs to-
ward my
daughter, who
is eight years
old. She is so
--- 5 keen about
Buying War
Stamps that I
know all the
S. money I might
have paid to someone else for do-
ing the jobs will go toward Victory
when paid to her.'
"Now make a list, Betsy. 'Win-
dows washed, 60 cents. Apples
picked from under the tree, 25
cents. Emptied trash cans, 4
cents. Sold string beans from the
garden, 15 cents. Sold strips of
spoiled film to children for sun-
gazing, at one cent a yard, 20
cents. Total, $1.24. Yours help-
fully, I hope,'-and then I'll sign
it at the bottom."
Betsy was puffing like a gram-
pus from her labors. The tall,
painstaking letters tottered brave-
ly across the sheet of paper.
Gravely Mrs. Carson took the pen
to sign.
"Mother, would it be the proper
etiquette if I signed it too?"
"Perfectly proper, I think,"
Mrs. Carson said without a smile,
and handed the pen back to
(Letter from an actual commu-
nication in the files of 'the Treas-
ury Department.)
Every member of the family
should invest in America's future.
Make certain at least 10 percent
of' the family's total income is
pledged to victory no later than
New Year's Da.Tresury De
U. I Treasurv Department

R. F. Hallford, Pastor
9:45 a, m.-Sunday School.
11:00 a. m.- Morning' worship.
Topic: "The Lost Word of God.,'
7: 00 p. p.-B. T. U.
8:00 p. m. Evening worship
Topic: "A Fatal Supposition."

Rev. 0. D. Langston, Pastor
9:45 a. m.-Church school.
11:00 a. m.-Morning worship.
6:30-Youth Fellowship.
7:30-Evening worship.'
The Woman's society meets
londays at 3 p. in.
First Tuesday after first Sunday.
official board meeting.
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., prayer
and Bible study. Choir practice.

The ladies 'of the Eastern Star
and members of the Masonic lodge
-:thcred in the Masonic hall Fri-
lay evening to partake of a sump-
uous squirrel and oyster dinner.
Following the dinner an im-"
'u program was presented,
insisting of songs and piano num-
--,rn ;uiot readings by Mrs. Bessn:
I. Smith and J. A. Harris, the lat-
er being a visiting Mason from
"orfolk, Va.

Miss Jane. Northen of Sarasota,
vho is attending Florida State
collegee 'a-r Women at Tallahas-
ee, visited here over the week-
nd as a guest of Miss Joyce Mor-


Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. Gay of Oak GLORIA JEAN
Grove announce the birth of a 61/2- lANE ROBERT
pound daughter on Saturday, De- FRAZEE PAIGE
cember 5. The young lady has 7 -4 j
been named Alice Jean.
S A Better than "What's Cookin'"
Mrs. Basil E. Kenney, member
of the national Red Cross commit- THURSDAY FRIDAY
tee on camp and hospital service., DECEMBER 17 18
who is organizing. councils in this
section, spoke before the annual The picture that
Red Cross meeting at Pensacola
Tuesday evening, will make you

Capt. Reid of the Gulf Oil cor- FIGHTING MAD
portion returned Tuesday from a
business trip to Atlanta, Ga., aind .
Pittsburgh, Pa.

Mrs. C. F. Glenn of Wewahit-
chka was the week-end guest of
' 4rs. Madaline B. Whitaker.
G. L. Dickson of Atlanta was a A
business visitor here Tuesday.
, Miss Alice Colder, who worked
here for some time on behalf of
the Episcopal mission, returned
this week to her home in Ten-'

Mrs. B. E. Kenney Jr., spent
several days this week in Pensa-
cola visiting with her mother, Mrs.
C. A. Logan.

Janan named one of their islands

Marc L. Fleishel of Shamroch "Sweden" in order to be able to
is the guest this week of Mr. and manufacture an'd' sell match>
Mrs. B. E,' Kenney. marked "Made in Sweden."




The Woman's Society of Chrib-
tian Service of the Methodist A MARTIN THEATRE
Church met at the church for a
business session Monday after- BEN RIVERS, Manager
noon. Opens .Daily 2:45, Continuously
Rev. 0. D. Langston opened the Saturday 1:00 Sunday 1:00
meeting and after the devotional
installed the newly-elected presi-
dent, Mrs. R. W. Smith, who takes SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12
office at this time due to illness
in the families of the president B IG H I T S
and vice-president for 1942. Rev. -- Hit No. 1-
Langston commended the society
for its past work and outlined
fields of service for the new year, DON "RED" T ,
bringing out the point that never BARRY
in the history of Christianity has 'I n
the need been greater. --
It was decided at this time that
the circles be nam6d for the mis- CHAPTER 6
sionaries that the Alabama Wom- ,- of
an's society supports, Mary Vick j nior G-Men of
Mauk and Susie Peach Foster. A
Since there are so. many of the the Air
younger women going to work and
possibly leaving because of the HIT NO. 2
drafting of their husbands, it was
decided to 'have but two circles
for next year. Names for the MARSHA
circles were drawn. H U N T
Officers elected f6r 1943 are as RICHARD
follows: President, Mrs. R. W. CARLSON
Smith; vice-president,, Mrs. C. W.
Mathews; corresponding secretary,
Mrs. J. L. Sharit; recording sec- SUNDAY MONDAY
retary, Mrs. George Suber; treas- December 13- 14
urer, Mrs. A. M. Jones Jr.; secre-
tary missionary education and
service, Mrs. Roy Gibson; secre-
tary, Christian social relations and
local church activities, Mrs. Joe "A
Grimsley; secretary of supplies, jj -
Mrs. Edwin Ramsey: secretary of
student work, Mrs. Floyd Hunt, NEWS FLASHES
secretary of literature and publi- ,,0 .-.....--- ...W1
cations, Mrs. B. H.. Smith; secret TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15
tary of children's work, Mrs. Wal-
ter Johnson.
The following committee chair- -
men were appointed at this time:
Spiritual life committeee: Mrs. W.
E. Boyd; program committee, DEAN SAGGER
Mrs. C. W. Mathews; finance com-
mittee, Mrs. George Patton; press Chapter 7
and publicity, Mrs. 0. E. Branch.
Circle Three is entertaining the "Perils of Nyoka"
members of the W. S. C. S. at the
home of Mrs. Edwin Ramsey next
Monday afternoon. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 16

. f

S. T-T ,E LB

Highest Island Mountain
The highest island mountain in
the world is Mauna. Kea in the Ha-



waiian Islands, with an altitude o Continued from Page 1) ll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllll
13,025 feet above sea level.
ated from West Point-a sort ot No farmer, stock raiser or dairy-
A Horatio Alger transmutation) Ma- man is to be out of business as a
jor Kevan apparently knows his result of the Certificate of War
L soldiering or he would not be in Necessity plan. Certificates will
command of an airfield, and the continue to be issued by ODT of-
MISCELLANEOUS talk he gave, commending the fices. A farmer may! appeal to his
FISH BAIT Fresh, clean worms members of the local selective ser- county agent, county war ration.
that are guaranteed to get the vice board for a job well done and ing board or, county farm trans-
fish for you. See d rtEddie Beverly explaining what our youths have to nortation committee, if he feels
in the colored quarters. 11-13 go t i becmn p portion commiee, i he feels
go through in becoming a part of the amount of gasoline granted
LEGAL FORMS-Warranty Deeds, the air corps, proved most inter- him is not sufficient.
Mortgage Notes, Rent or Lease testing and kept the interest of hisn
Contracts, Promissory Notes, and t h
Purchaser Agreements. We carry audiEnce at high pitch during the T books will be given owners
a stock of these blank forms at time he held the floor. T omm cial vehicles i the can
all times. The Star, Phone 51. As an interlude during the din- of commercial vehicles if they can
neMi' sGwendolynH l sa hcw that they h-ave made appl-
YOUWA T BABY hi e Ciss syn Howell a g cation for Certificate of .War Ne-
D0 YOU WANTA BABY "Wite Christmas," accompanied cessity. A truck owner may o-
at the piano by Mrs. S. L. Barke. ce!sity.A truck owner may o. .
New Vitamin Combination Brings Hope Mrs Barke also was at te piano tain gasoline temporarily from
to Childless Homes for the singing of "America" and filling stations y signing Form
Nothing equals a baby to bring corn- "The Star Spangled Banner" dur- 555, or h e may obtain temporary
plete unity and happiness into the home ing the evening. rations from his local Tation board
and tie husband and wife together in a _____ based on his own estimate of his
stronger bond of enduring love and mu- needs for December pending re
tual interest. Divorce is rare in the homes: Gesture of Greeting ceipt of his certificate.

Unhappy wives, childless due to relieve-
able functional weakness may now enjoy
the desires and activity of Nature's most
wonderful creation-a normal, fully-de-
veloped, vigorous woman. A sensational
new vitamin treatment specifically for
women may be just the thing needed by
the childless wife and quickly bring the
happiness of a baby in the home. It is,
of course, absolutely harmless.
If you are childless due to functional
weakness and lack normal vigor-if you
wish to eliminate one of the great causes
of unhappy marriages, by all means try
Perlex for one week. To introduce this
new vitamin combination to a million
women quickly, the Perlex Company,
'314 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois,
will send a full $2.00 supply for only $1.00
and a few-tents postage. Send no money
-just your name and address: Perlex
comes in a plain wrapper-directions are
very simple, and no diet or exercise is

Sticking out the tongue is a ges-
ture of derision in America, but in
Tibet it is an act of affectionate


Auto Insurance
PRHONE 101 Costin Building

WEEK -800

Dining Room
Open to the Public
Club Breakfast, 6 to 9....25c
Lurich, 12 to 2. ........ .40
Dinner, 6 to 8 ...........40c

Corner Reid Ave. and 3rd St.
Griffin Grocery Building

All beef sold by wholesalers is
to be cut according to rigid OPA
definitions of the 19 so-called "pri-
mal" cuts. This will prevent up-
grading of beef cuts to obtain
higher prices. The order is in-
tended to standardize the cutting
of beef sold at wholesale in prep-
aration for the forthcoming maxi-
mum price regulations. Similar
regulations for veal and, lamb
will follow.

"Shall I keep a record of all
foods used in December," asks a
woman operator of a local board-
ing house. The answer is "Yes."
If she registered as an operator
of a restaurant, hotel, boarding
house or similar establishment
with the war price and rationing
board, she must keep a new set
o records for December. The ilst
of foods to be accounted for is too
long to be, printed here, but it
may be obtained from the ration-
ing board.

Coffee supplies are sufficient to
permit deliveries to every cus-
tomer provided he or she does not
attempt to buy several pounds at

once. The first ration period. ex-
pires January, 3, 1943.

sign on jaloppy: "Don't take
this ta the graveyard I'm still
using it."

n;ohilil'!l I i : -lilllllllliHl l lllll lllllll l llllHIlll
You Can 11 .1
Your Home $200
Up to %
Sce Us For Estimate -
We Co 2.-1:work and Build Boats
SL Joe Lumber Co.

A & P Early
A & P Small
A & P Small Whole

2 Can

No. 2

No. 2

One congressman says that the
freight of his ambition is to' be-
come a baseball umpire And make
his own decisions.

Advertising doesn't cost-it pays!

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Tall Evaporated

6 Cans 49c



2 Pound Jar 17c

Ann Page White
CIDER VINEGAR, Qt... -1 CABBAGE, ib. .-......
Encore EGG Choice 15
NOODLES, 12 Oz. Pkg. 13 Avacaddo Pears, Ea.
A & P FRUIT 2 Bunches
COCKTAIL, No. 1 Can... 20iCARRO TS ....
A & P Unpeeled r"7 Large Bunch1

APRICOTS, No. 2%1 ......

B E E T:S ............. IV

A & NP la Nice Green
PUMPKIN, No. 22 Can B BROCCOLI ...._ .

2 7~ Florida jyI5

180 Red
GRAPES, 2 lbs.


16^1 Pound Basket 3
0 MUSHROOMS ......
S HFresh Bunch..
.* RADISHES, Blunch..

Stihiyfield -19 Tehder 2
CAKE FLOUR, 2% lbs... OKRA, lb. --..-.....- -*

Ann Page THIN
SPAGHETTI, 8 oz., 3 for

U. S. No. 1
POTATOES, 10 lbs.



"Copyrighted Material

Syndicated Content .-

Available from Commercial News Providers"

a IV i Im


Pure 2 lbs. 51c

Choosey Chocolate Covered CHERRIES, 1 lb. Box 28c

Nutler OLEOMARGARINE lb. 18c

Plain or Self-Rising

5 lb. Bag 21c

12 lb. Bag 47c

24 lb. Bag 87c

48 lb..Bag $1.67

Obelisk Flour

12 lb. Bag

24 lb. Bag

. 67c


WAX PAPER, 40 ft, roll i
Jefferson Island 1Ifq'
SALT, 3 1V/2 lb. Boxes ....
Sta ley's 10
STARCH, 7 oz., 3 for ....
Octagon LAUNDRY 19^'
SOAP, 3 Large Bars ... 1
Octagon SOAP -B 13
POWDER, 3 Ig. Boxes... L

SOAP, 3 Bars

2 -Bars....


Gerber's Strained 15
OATMEAL, 8 oz. Box....

Owned and Operated By the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.
Reid Ave. and Third St. PORT ST. JOE, FLA.

A & P Whole, Kernel
CORN, 2 No. 2 Cans .....

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I 'I-



FRtDAAY, iIt-CEMBgR' 11, ~1942


- -

ot couples that have children.TI 1
