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TP9A THE The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center 1jOiA f /Mf VOLUME VI PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY., FLORIDA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1942 NUMBER 9 Surprise Blackout Is Sprung On City Wednesday Night Co-operation of Citizens Praised; Army Officer Warns of Lights Burning In Business Houses Port St. Joe was placed on -the alert at 10 o'clock Wednesday night when the fire siren sounded the air raid alarm. The city was in total darkness before the five- minute waiting wail ended and practically all members of the Vol- unteer Defense Corps were at their designated stations. George Snowden, head of Ciyilian Deiense- in this area, stated that he, was well gratified with the co- operation sno'.vn ,by citizens. He said that a few members of the Defense Corps failed to put in an appearance, and when he contacted them yesterday found the prevail- ing excuse to be "We didn't know about it in advance." Snowden ,points out that this is the main reason for these surprise black- outs-to get the people accustomed to conforming with regulations without advance notice. "I, person- ally,, did not know. of the imend- ing blackout until the first 'flash' came' through shortly before ten o'clock," said Snowden. The blackout order came di- rectly from army headquarters In this area and prevailed in all west Florida. Army Officers were in -the city to check for violations and 'one of the officers, here, upon discovering night lights burning in several business establishments, stated' that in future, under black- out conditions, doors of such es- tablishments will be broken open and the lights put out. These are, army orders., he stated, and will be enforced. BAN IS LIFTED ON MULLET FISHING Governor Holland in a proclama- tion has, set aside the Florida closed -season on mullet in .the in- terest of food production for the war program. The governor's. order will per- mit Gulf county fishermen to con- tinue operations through the sea- son when the biggest catches are ordinarily possible. 'Naval regulations prohibiting night fishing and areas closed to fishermen which are being used is target ranges have already re- sulted in a serious curtailment in fish production. The governor's proclamation permits the use of some types of purse seines for the taking of food fish. Previouslythis- type of net was permitted -only for catching menahden and other fish used in the manufacture of fer- tiliser. Critical shortages of certain va- rieties of foods, particularly fresh meats, were given as the reason for the governor's proclamation. Mullet is recognized as, Florida's most important staple bood fish, and' production runs annually into many millions of pound's, most of NAZI NIGHT OWLS NABBED >EGYPTIAN. DESERT-These Nazi night prowlers are among the During. g .clashes on th- .dese. -- ." ,,1 "" " EGYPTIAN. DESERT-These Nazi night prowlers are among the several German light patrol cars that were knocked out and set afire , during, night clashes on th~e desert, "" .... '- -. _..... i1 J lfIli! lm iltinlll !ll! !i !! l Mlllll!!M! !ll lifllll lillillll RUMORS By J. B. WHITE County Agent IIitl'lilll!!!lll1lll fl tlllllllll! lllt lltilll l! ]ll !!!!!'ill L From time to time. there have been rumors going around that the government was going to take the canned food from homes having a surplus. Also there have been ru- mors that if you killed hogs after December 31 you had to get a pel. mit from the county agent. Thib is not true. Very often we American people who are, accustomed to little regu- lation are prone to jump to hasty conclusions from misinformed con- versations. The purpose of the share-the- meat program is to try to prevent a run on meat similar to those on coffee and sugar. The purpose or rationing is- to provide everybody, whether they have a large bank ac- count or small, with the same buy- ing power. When you hear a rumor that you doubt, do not spread it, but find out if it is true. If it is not true, stop it. It is your duty to do so because it -is your part as an Am- erican citizen to,,protect your coun- try from false, rumors. False ri~- mors are demoralizing--and de- moralization is DEFEAT. What are you going to do? ASKS DEFERMENT OF FARM WORKERS Deferment of all farm workers essential to the maintenance ot the United Nations food supply. was demanded in Washington this week by Congressman Bob Sikes. In conferences with selective service officials and, the war man- power commission, Sikes pointed out the serious threat of a food shortage which is resulting from the growing scarcity of farm labor. He as.ed for. out-and-out deter- ment of workers necessary tB carry on farm operations. DeTer- ment is now authorized -where se- lective service local boards find registrants to be necessary to and regularly engaged in an agricul- tural occupation essential to. he war effort, but much confusion ex- Ss tsi and no uniformplc has which is consumed in the Southern been announced by national selec- .states. This fish is now bringing tive service headquarters for guid- the highest prices in a number ,of ance of local boards. years. -- KIWANIS LADIES' NIGHT Transferred To Mississippi K Carlyle Matthews, who has been The regular "Ladies' Night" held stationed at Tyndall Field, is one by the Kiwanis club has been of three who. have. been transferred postponed until next Thursday to the airplane mechanic school at night. It was .to: haye. been held last Guhlfport,/-Miss.- ...... '-*": .-" evening. : li i l :i .l i, "I l! .i 1 :l ',. i ",. '!i l' !r, ! Another Youngest War 31iother Entry Last week credit was given 'rs. Sammy Davis as being the youngest war mother in Gulf county, she having an 18-year- old son in the Air Corps. at Tyn- dall Field. Yesterday her title was chal- lenged by Mrs. Paul D. Farmer, also 36, whose son, Paul James, 18, is with the Army Air Corps at Miami as a gunner. Mrs. Farmer claims the title by a matter of one month ana nine days, her- hiathdate being September 20, 1906, while that of Mrs. Davis is August 11, 1906. lllll lllllllllllllllllll lll ll lllll llll lllnl lll l llll!l lli| THREE GALLONS OF GAS ON 'A' TICKETS Basil E. Kenney,, chairman of the Gulf county rationing board-, states that coupons in "A" gasoline ra- tioning books are good for but three gallons of gasoline each. The order applies to all counties in the state of- Florida and does not ex- clude those counties west of the Apalachicola river as stated by the OPA last week. Drivers' Licenses May Be Secured Wednesdays State Patrolman. B. M. Hender- son announces that mo-torists de- siring to secure drivers' licenses may contact him at the St. Joe Mo- tor company from 9 until 12 o'clock on Wednesday -only. . Heretofore 'Patrolman Henderson has been issuing licenses at all hours of the day and night. EVANS ASSUMES CHARGE OF CRESTVIEW PAPER Larry Eavns, publisher of the Port St. Joe Sentinel, this week assumed the editorial management of the Okalosa News-Journal at Crestview, according to an article appearing in that paper last week. The paper, owned, by Bob Sikes, has been managed by Wilbur I Powel.1, who has volunteered for ing them. AWS CARDS RETURNED the VOC. ----- i Those AWS observers who have --4- On Guadalcanal turned in their photographs to be Marries Australian Girl Albert Hickey, a former resident used on identification cards are Edwin R. Wengren, grandson of of Port St. Joe, Is with the Ma- asked to stop in at The Star office Mrs. M. B. Smith, who is with the rines on Guadalcanal Island, hav- and get their cards from Chief Ob- army in Australia, .was married on ing been with the first contingent server W. S. Smith, as they have November 28 to a. girl from Syd- to. land on the island. been officially stamped and re- ney, Australia __- ---- turned from area headquarters. Home---- -^ Robert Bellows Jr., has returned -- --------- Home On Furlough to Georgia Military College after Pvt. Tharpe Visiting .. Pvt, George Lunsford,. who is spending, the Thanksgiving vaca- Pvt. William Tharpe, stationed stationed at Tyndall-Fieldy is home tion here with his parents, .Mr. and tat Marianna, .is. .visiting here with on a two weeks' furlough. Mrs. Robert Bellows, his family. , Former Local Boy Fire Endangers Sinks Jap Carrier Gas Terminal John Clifford Is Awarded Navy Monday Night Cross For Conspicuous I Bravery Spark From Pumping Motor Sets i Off Gas Vapor In Pump Word was received here yester- day that John K. Clifford, formerly House On Dock employee of the St. Joe Paper com- pany in the meter department, son What might have :been a hilo- of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clifford, caust endangering the entire city had been awarded the Navy Cross j was averted Monday night when a for conspicuous bravery when he fire in one of the small pumping dived his ,bomber through intense stations of the Southeastern Pipe- anti-aircraft fire and scored a hit line corporation on the dock here on a Japanese aircraft carrier, was held under control and' finally causing it to sink. extinguished. Scene of the action was not di-i The blaze, which started about vulged, but it unquestioanbly was' 10:30 in the, small pump house, in the Solomon Island area. was believed to have been caused Congratulations to John and we when a spark from the sparkplug are all rooting for him to go out on the pumping motor ignited gas and repeat the performance, fumes, causing an explosion and -- ---touching off gasoline in pipes lead- SL H d ing from the dock to the huge J. Lamar ar y storage tanks,., Writes from S F The city fire department was W ritesi rom S. called upon to. aid in fighting the blaze, although the area is not in- Former Employe At Paper Comn- eluded within the city limits, and pany Returns, from Visit to the volunteers worked heroically Hawaiian Islands to confine the flames to the pump house. Two tugs. in the harbor at The following interesting letter the time also poured powerful from James Lamar Hardy, former streams of water on the fire from employee at the St. Joe Paper com- their pumps. No effort was made pany, was reciv,d 1 .'seA .i,-, l tL i burning galap- H. I. Woodin.rre ih,, ". w --ri,,,.r-rri-- i, .bog ,sed to would be glad to hear about La- cfi;r, ..ri .- tpi i, l-mping mar, Mr. Woodin brought it to The pit until't. L.-..l;'I urnd itself Star for publication: lout ..... .... .. ; .' .oline P barges one- Nov: 12, 1942.. full and' the other half fall, f.e, Dear Mr. Woodin-I suppose youtied up at the dock, and when. think that I have lost .my pen by, . not writing sooner or the Japs ha m flaming gasoline ran into the bay interfered wit i our ship. No, iL Iand began licking at the sides of isn't that-we just don't have any 'the barges, it was vital that they time at port, a day or two, then Ibe moved, for had these 40,000 bar- gone again. But to let you know I g a that I'm still alive I will write a; I rel barges caught afire there would often as I can. have been no question of the s.tor. The sea is rough and. I can't, age tanks going up in flames, write ,to well, but hope you can Credit for cutting the barges loose read it. We are, now on our way back to tne States, and this. will goes to M. E. Johnson and I. 0. he my: second trip to the Hawaiian Cook, who clambered aboard the Islands. We were at Pearl Harbor barges in the face of blistering and Honolulu: I didn't get to look heat and cut the morning ropes so around much, just had six hours ashore. Then it took about half or that they could be towed out into that tiole to go to town and baca, the bay and anchored. so I don't know very much of the A spectacular feature of the fire place. The harbor has been rebuilt occurred when a drum of fuel oil so that you wouldn't know theredrum o fuel oil had been any action there, except in the pump house exploded, throw- you can see one battleship sunk in ing a pillar of flame a hundred feet the harbor, and that is. being raised into the air. now. I think this is the last one, and they will have it up before Amount of damage has not been long. The harbor looks to be well learned, since the dock is in a re- protected now and is at full force. stricted area, and as far as is We are bringing a load' of Jap known, no one was injured, outside civilians to U. S. camps this trip. .How is the mill getting along? I of minor burns. keep thinking and wishing that I - was making paper instead of lool:- MINSTREL SHOW IS ing out portholes. Well, maybe I wont' have to do this always-1 SCHEDULED TONIGHT hope. Incidentally, I thought you might The general public is urged to like to know that I have just turn out en masse this evening at made first class seaman rating, turn out en masse th.s evening at We expect to dock at San Fran- 8 o'clock and attend the "Lazy cisco in the morning and I'll sure Moon Minstrel" being presented) at be glad to get some mail from the high school auditorium by homeAs ever, members of the senior class. LAMAR. A preview of the show last eve- The editor of The Star will be ning indicates that those viewing glad to print letters (or excerpts the production will be rewarded from them) from our young men with two hours of fun and laugh- in the armed forces, and we feel ter. sure that everyone will enjoy read- - E I 6TA'RA I O. THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as Second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Florida, undel- Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Invariably Payable In Advance One Year.......... $2.00 Six Months...... $1.00 Three Months.......... 65c -.{ Telephone 51 )a.-- The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word Is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong THINK ABOUT CHRISTMAS SEALS Christmas Seals, those bright and cheering tokens of the crusade to free America from tuberculosis, are with us again. This year they are more than ever appealing, more than, ever important. In the stress of war times tuberculosis increases, so that unless the means of preventing and controlling it are correspondingly strengthened, much of the ground gained will be lost. Prom 1907 to 1917 its death rate steadily declined, but during World War I it rose sharply. Now that we are in the greatest and most trying of all wars, there is urgent need of making firmer the defenses against a dis- ease which, in a period of four years, has cost our country more lives than were lost in all the battles our armies and navies fought from Colonial days down to Pearl Harbor. The Christmas Seals bring to each of us the privilege of having a part in the service of this humane and patriotic cause. Out of every seal sale dollar, 95 cents is expended in Florida, while five cents goes to the work of -the National Tuberculosis association., Thus when we of Port St. Joe buy Christmas Seals we are contributing primarily to the preven- tion and conquest of tuberculosis in our own community, to the protection of our own fam- ilies and friends. In this, as in other matters of the common weal, none can be secure un- til all are safe. Tuberculosis germs are no respecters of persons. So long as there are undetected and untreated cases in the poor- est of our byways, the rest of us are in peril and, above this, the poorest of the poor are entitled for their own sakes to our protection. The Gulf County Tuberculosis association, which depends largely on the sale of Christ- mas Seals for its vital services to our peo- ple, is on guard at every angle of the problem. It conducts campaigns to find unsuspected and incipient cases; it helps to rehabilitate former tuberculosis patients; it keeps burning a steady beacon of truth and hope and help. Let's think on these things when we re- ceive by letter our quota of Christmas Seals. Responding loyally, we shall help to save a life. Our failure to respond may mean a life lost. Some may have been overlooked when the seals were mailed out, and those who have not received seals are asked tb get In touch with H. H. Saunders or Mrs. George McLawhon and the oversight will be cor- rected. Use the seals generously in wrapping your Christmas packages. Paper announced that a beautiful Atlanta woman refused to talk. Next day she had 322 proposals of marriage.-Titusville Star. Everything you do helps to win the war- or help to lose it. Is your home a V-Home? Price of Exchange Seats Drop The value o.f a seat on the New York Stock Exchange has dropped to $20,000 from its 1929 worth or $6,5,000. ----;--^-4-- Those things known as "idle rumors' -eldomi act that way. HAS THE TURNING POINT ARRIVED? From the look of things in Russia and Al- rica we are inclined to believe that -.the turn- ing point in the war has been reached, for we .believe that the eventual fate of Herr Schickelgruber will be decided by the action now in progress. He has lost his Russian cam- paign and will be lucky to extricate his armies fr6m the Don-Volga bend without a disas- trous defeat. Winter is taking Europe in its grip, and there will be no food for the sub- jugated countries and probably not such a large amount for the German people. This should lead to uprisings in all the conquered countries. However, it is in the Mediterranean that the issue will be decided, for apparently the erstwhile paperhanger is centering what probably will be his mightiest-and perhaps final-effort. He is withdrawing troops and planes from the Russian front as he faces the prospect of having to fight on his home grounds, but he will have to leave a, large force on the eastern boundaries of his con- quered territory, else the Russians wouic soon be knocking at the doors of Berlin. Thus the Nazi hordes are being spread thinner ana thinner, making them vulnerable at all points. Taking into consideration all phases of the war to date, it looks like the critical phase of the war has arrived and that this is the showdown. However, we should not become too jubilant, for it will be a hard fight-and perhaps a long one. After the European situation is disposed of the United Nations can then concentrate their combined strength to cleaning up the Japan- ese situation-and that will likewise be a hard fight-and will take a long time. OPA says that three inches will be snipped from shirttails made after December 15. It is. estimated the fabric thus saved will suffice for 10,000,000 additional shirts. We remem- ber 'way back when some means was sought to increase consumption of the fleecy staple. Some bright economist figured that adding one inch to the shirt tail of every Chinaman would raise the South from poverty to riches beyond the dreams of avarice. It worked out swell on paper -400,000,000 Chinese, 1,600,- 000,000 shirts per year. But the Chinese were allergic to the idea and so the rosy dream came tumbling down. Now it's the other way around. Ever notice in the movies when someone uses the telephone the cord is always free of knots and kinks? Did you ever see one ac- tually that way in real life? 'We've got one of those supposedly "non-kinkable" cords on our telephone, but ever" time we use it we have to fight with it like it was a python. Civil Service is trying to get 90,000 women in the South for jobs in war industries-and they're being paid while they learn how to do the jobs. The postoffice can give you the dope on these training programs. Draft boards have been instructed to im- mediately reclassify men who quit necessary farm jobs and make them available for im- mediate military service. We understand Hitler is going to review the French fleet at Toulon-in a glass-bot- tom boat. Coffee rationing shouldn't bother Hitler and Mussolini-they can't sleep nights any- way. Keep smiling-and Keep 'EnR Flying. Original Horse Was Small The original horse that roamed this earth hundreds of thousands of years, ago was about the size of the modernday fox. -----K--*-- There are 360 islands in the Bermuda, group. This Period We Live In The geological period in which we live is known as the Holocene and extends from about 20,000 B. C. to the present time. ,Some species of insects fly only once In their lifetime. RED TAPE IN THE WAR By DR. GEORGE S. BENSON President, Harding College Searcy, Arkansas The time has come when the tax paying, bond buying, soldier-son contributing public should rise up on its hind legs and demand that Con- gress place a fixed statutory limita- tion on profits on war contracts. I refer to profits which remain after regular taxes have been paid. There's a right way and a wrong way to do this. President Roose- velt in his September 7 speech point- ed out the right way when he said. "We must recapture through taxa- tion all war profits that are not necessary to maintain efficient war production." I back that proposal and method one hundred percent. And by the same token I oppose by one hun- dred percent the wrong way we have adopted by which we seek to recapture such war profits. This wrong way is through the renego- tiation provisions of Public Law No. 528 which was recently amended. Excessive profits can be recaptured under this law but it bungles the job by also starting a whole train of disorders and un- balances just as a bungling tin- smith does when he punches a half dozen new holes in a bucket while he fixes one old one. I also am interested in ferreting out and recapturing excessive war profits in the right way because the wrong way now used may nullify ev- erything I tried to do in helping cut the waste out of government. I went before Congress last year and plead- ed with them to cut out or cut down on a lot of non-defense spending and then I made more than 75 speeches over the nation trying to rouse the people to join in this economy cru- sade. The result of all these efforts along with those of other like-minded citizens was that Congress did cut one billion three hundred million dollars out of non-defense spending. What gets me all riled up again are the plans of the government which may waste hundreds of millions that we saved by such hard effort. There's no reason or excuse in the world for this new waste ex- cept that governments always seem to bungle and fumble along unless the people make too great a fuss. There are 3,000,000 war contracts held by from 20,000 to 40,000 con- tractors. The law permits the Army, Navy and Maritime Commission to renegotiate each of the 3,000,000 con- tracts. (in cases where the contracts held by a contractor exceed $100,- 000) and eliminate excessive profits. Some have estimated that if the Jaw is enforced it may require the serv- ices of .as many as 200,000 new pub- lic servants. Thirinkof wl at they will cost us taxpayers. Think of taking that many men away from produc- tive war work to perform a'jold which the Internal Revenue bureau staff could do with little additional help, Other Bad Points This fact alone should force their law's revision at the earliest oppor-j tunity. But this waste of taxpayers' dollars for the useless services of possibly 200,000 men who should be helping win the war is not the law's only bad point, bad as is this waste and the confusion that conres from duplicated services. The really badi part of the law is that it creates three new bureaucracies, one each, by the War and the Navy Depart.' ments and one by the Maritime, Commission, and empowers them' to make up their own rules and' procedures as each sees fit. These arbitrary rulings in time may de- moralize and thereby reduce output of war materials. The American way of life and gov- ernment means government by laws and not government by arbitrary rulings of several bureaucracies. We are grounded in that way of life and government. Let's not imperil its existence now by demoralizing war" industry through the creation of layer on layer of bureaucracy to do what established bureaus can do better! It's about time for Americans, who want the war won, to demand that this law be changed so that the elimination of excess profits on war contracts be handled by the Bureau of Internal Revenue. Its regulations on what is allowable as an expense deduction are built upon years of experience and its staff is guided by court decisions. All business management is famil- iar with these regulations. Such a change would substitute procedure under recognized law for the pres- ent chaos. Remember, the effectt of all un- necessary delay in war production as well as every dollar wasted will be borne by each reader of this arti- cle. I expect to write more on this subject. ...................... _^ We'll Produce a Good Job at the Promised Time at a Moderate Price Your order will receive prompt attention in our shop and it will be printed at a reasonable price. You can be confident of delivery when promised. THE STAR "Your Home Town Newspaper" _ -- -^ A ^ .- .A A -- ^ a^ i THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEM13ER 4,1044-: I PAGE TWO RD D 4 1 T Mrs. J. 0. Smith of Sumatra was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Spence Tuesday and Wednesday. FOR --- FIRE INSURANCE SEE BUCK ALEXANDER PHONE 101 Costin Building DR. J C. COE -DENTIST T Office Hours: 9 to 12 1 to 5 Sunday By Appointment Costin Building Phone 88 S \ YOU CAN'T ^** \ TELL m 3 THEY'RE REPAIRED Because our INVISIBLE HALF SOLING method leaves no "repaired look" on your shoes. The LEADER SHOE SHOP GIFTS - for All the Family! We have one of 'the largest stocks of gift articles in Port St. Joe. Drop in and look 'em over-you can find' a gift for everyone, from the baby to granddad. SPECIAL SERVICE- We will mail one to five, cartons of CHESTERFIELD Cigarettes to men in our armed forces overseas-for only 85c-postage paid and with special wrapper. ASK ABOUT OUR SERVICE TO MEN IN CAMP IN THE U. S. A. LeHardy Pharmacy Phone 5 Port St. Joe We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription Ta-KIFTY! ONE-A-DAY Vitamin A and D Tablets E ACH tablet contains 25% more than minimum daily require- ments of these two essential Vi- tamins. Insufficient Vitamin A may cause night blindness, may lessen resistance to infection of the nose, throat, eyes, ears and sinuses. Vitamin D is necessary to enable the body to make use of the calcium and phosphorus in our food. Insure your minimum requirements of theqe two important Vitamins, U&taki a ONE-A-DAY Vitamin A and 3.,Tablet every day. Economical-50-t or less per month. Convenient-you take only ,o0 tablet a day. Peasat-children aualy Iip .fte taste-and so will you. IMPORTANT-when buying Vita- i ts, compare potencie and pic Get them at your drug store. Society Personals Churches PHONE 51 MRS. W. S. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 WOMAN'S CLUB ENJOYS INTERESTING MEET The Port St. Joe Woman's club met in regular session Wednesday afternoon at the club rooms in' the Centennial building with Mrs. F. L. Hunt presiding. The meeting was called to order with a hand, some gavel presented to the club by Mrs. A. J. Kirby. Plans for the Christmas party to be held December 1S were out- lined and. other reports given. The defense department reported that its committee had served coffee to two groups of draftees leaving during November. The education committee reported that the fol- lowing books have been secured for the high school: "Victory Through Air Power," "The Song of Berna- dette," "The Moon Is Down," "The Keys of the Kingdon," "The American Way of Life" and "Ber- lin Diary." Five dictionaries foi children have been ordered, for the colored school and a set of twenty books, "Outline of the Classics," has been donated by The -tar.. A letter from the president of the General Federation of Women's Clubs was read, which urged that the local club endeavor to secure funds to purchase a nurse's schol- arship for some giil desiring to fol- low that career this year. Mrs. Gus Creech reported that the boxes for the Pensacola Chil- dren's Home were valued at $51.9i, of this $39.45 was donated at .Ken- ney's mill. A committee on transportation was. named, consisting of Mrs. T. V. Morris, "Mrs. Edwin 'Ramsey, Mrs. R. R. Minus and Mrs. T. M. Byrd, and those who do not have a way to club meetings are asked to. meet at the Methodist church where a member of the transporta- tion committee will pick them up. The program for the afternoon was given by the department of international relations. Mrs. Roy Gibson discussed ."Our Interna- tional Reilations With Our Ene- mies," bringing out the point that many commentators think Germany and Japan will have to be thor- oughly beaten and,-made to feel Janey closed the bedroom door and locked it. Alone at last! She threw back her head and heaved a deep sigh. Then she peeked out of the corner of her eye at the mirror to see whether she really did look like Hedy LaMarr. Quite a lot, she decided. And now to business. She drew forth from the bottom of her top bureau drawer the sheet of pink writing-paper and the envelope that she had been saving for this day. She saf down at the table by the window and dipped the pen into the bottle of green ink that her sister Rose was such a pig ;abo.it. She wrote, with beautiful ara- besquds, "Dear v Mj. Mr. Morgen- thau," and held her head back to admire this effort of the best pupil in pen- manship class. "Here are my stamps for a bond. $18.75. I started last Christmas when I got $3.00. Not counting 50 cents? I have earned all the rest, working one or more days a week at a local .grocery store, and I'm quite proud to say I worked hard to get it." Janey stared out of the window at Peterson's house and beyond at the big yard where the kids were playing football. She held her pen elegantly in air. "Sitting here looking out the window, I see a peaceful little town, and I wonder how the world can be in such a turmoil and the people of this world can have such hate for their fellow men. So I'm proud to send these stamps be- cause I know I'm helping to make the whole world peaceful again like our little town." She signed her name with an important flourish, not forgetting a conspicuous "Miss" in front of the "Janey." After she had sealed the letter she went on star- ing out of the window. It really was awfully peaceful. Overhead she heard a plane go humming by through the sunny afternoon air. Then the voice of her best friend, Betty, called from out- side-"Jan-ey!" In an instant Janey was on her feet and tear- ing downstairs and out. She was not Hedy LaMarr nor a deep phil- osopher any more, but exactly Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jones were week-end visitors in DeFuniak. i METHODIST W. S. C. S. PLANS jTO ENROLL NEW MEMBER R. C. L REICHERTER The Woman's Society of Chris- REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST .tian Service of the Methodis.t EYES EXAMINED-GLASSES FITTED Church is anxious to enoroll all the Ritz Theatre Building First Floor women of the church and those PANAMA CITY, FLA who are of M'ethodist inclination, in the organization in 1943. The society is the successor tu the former Woman's Missionary - society, which new organization was brought about at the time o Methodist unification due to the recognition that the scope of the old organization was too narrow. The history of the Christian re- ligion shows that it is. the first- organization, religious or secular, A MARTIN THEATRE to attempt to bring about social betterment of the masses in the BEN RIVERS, Manager way of education, relieving physi- Opens Daily 2:45, Continuously cal ills, and raising the economic Saturday 1:00 Sunday 1:00 state of peoples wherever the Christian message has been car- ried. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 The W. S. C. S. has. its part H carrying on this great work, B I G H I T S though it is only one phase of its -- Hit No. 1- work. Setting up ideals of service, enriching our own spiritual life, and cementing the ties of love anan i iff fellowship among us. are among the objectives. The organization has no set dues, each member making her CHAPTER 5 own pledge according to her abil- M ity and inclination to give. The Junior G-Men of Christian use (of money, as well as A of our talents, is studied from, the Air time to time and two classes on HIT NO. 2 various phases of the work are conducted yearly. It is the policy j''' t\ of the studies to stress the eco- / .B nomical rather than the denomt- 0w .q national movement of the worla today. Meetings of the society are as follows: First Monday, business - meeting at church; second Mon SUNDAY MONDAY day, circle, meetings in homes and December 6 7 Bible study;' third .Monday, pro- gram meeting at church; fourth "---- Monday, circle meetings in homes, 1 '%fw elective program, ( POWER O.ARA The officers for 1943 will be in- -. i. lBrf ltnSwnnJ stalled December 7. The annual ___ pledge, meeting will be held Janu- FLASHES ary 4. The organization enlists the aid -- the war before they will be sub- twelve years old. of all members and friends in TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8 dued, and' Mrs. T. V. Morris dis- (Letter from an actual communication carrying on this. important work, cussed "Our International Rela- t the files of the Treasry Department.) the work of Jesus Christ, that of tions With' Our Alies," bringing Grown-ups and children alike making the world a fit place for SiN out the fact that the democracies should all help the "breadwin- His children-all of His children. are fighting for the rights of man ner" of the family to budget for t and certain Christian ideals, and War Bonds. Let's all join a pay- WOMAN'S CLUB BOARD roll savings plan and "top that that if we forget these, our mo. 10% by New Year's." PLANS FOR XMAS PARTY tives are then to be questioned. U. S. Treasury Departmient The executive board of the Port CHAPTER 6 Miss Marigene Smith, accom- St. Joe Woman's club met last Fri- "Peril of Nyoka panied by Mrs. S. L. Barke, sang METHODIST W. S. C. S. day with Mrs. 0. E. Branch and of yo a patriotic song, and Mrs. E. Clay HOLDS RETREAT Mrs.. R. W. Smith, at which time - Lewis Jr., conducted a quiz. The Woman's Society of Chris- routine reports were made by the WEDNESDAY DEC. 9 Refreshments were served by tian Service of the Methodist chairmen of departments. W. the hostesses, Mesdames E. Hall, Church held-a retreatat the church Mrs. John Blount, chairman of '' ., i J. B. Traweek, T. M. Byad', F. L,. Monday with Mrs. R. A. Costin in the American home department, CABINLUPINO Hunt, N. Kelley, H. W. Griffin, B. charge of the program and Mrs. outlined plans for the annual ", A P I W. Bray, R. R. Minus, John Blount, 0. D. Langston and Mrs. Edwin Christmas party, which will take J. W. Bray and Leroy Goforth. Ramsey furnishing the music. The place December 18 in the audi- O. program was built around the torium of the Centennial building. BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES theme, "We Build," and, was car- ,The party this year will take the R. F. Hallford, Pastor ried out by members. form of a silver tea, the money go- , 9:45 a. m.-Sunday School. A generous offering was brought ing to a war relief fund to be di- . 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship., representing the self-denial of vided among China. Greek and Sermon topic: "ODportunity and members for the cause of five edu- Russian relief funds. The public is Returned By Popular Demand Opposition." national projects in Latin-America invited to attend this tea. ONE DAY ONLY! 7:00 p. m.-B. T. U. and this country. Mrs. Blount announced the fol- 8:00 p. m.-Evening worship. A covereddish luncheon was en- lowing appointments in connection SrcfAi.iA..a. ig Sermon Topic: "Remember Pearl ioyed by those present. with the party: Program, Mrs. THURSDAY and FRIDAY Harbor." ) fl Ned, Porter; refreshments, Mrs. B. December 10 -- 11 'r & & BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Kennev,; decorations, Mrs. Geo. METHODIST CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Jack Samford an- Patton. The fine arts department Rosotnd Rev. 0. D. Langston, Pastor nounce the birth of a daughter on ', co-onerating with the America:- RUSSELL 9:45 a. m.--Church school. iv. November 27. The young 'oome reiartmrent in planning this B"ERNE 11:00 a. m.-Mor:ning worship. lady has been named Linda Jean. Christmas party, and Mrs. Porter Janet H 6:30-Youth Fellowship. plans to present a Christmas pa- q L A I R 7:30-Evening worship. "r. and Mrs. George McLawhor -' at. "A Living Picture." The Womran's society meets annoy unce the birth of a daughter Followi-g Ihe business session, NEWS EVENTS Monday at 3 p. rn. Friday, November 27, at a Panama r-fr-shments were served to the First Tue.,day after first Sunday, City hospital. She has been named members present. official board meeting. Dorothy Maryetta. COMING December 17 Wednesday. 7:30 p. m., prayer Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Smith had .and Bible study. Choir practice. Porn November 20, to Mr. and as their guests last Saturday night "WAKE ISLAND" A A Mrs. Lester Guest of Mobile, Ala.. Lieut. and Mrs. W. A. Files of Ad4ertlsir doesn't cost-It PAYS! a 6 z-pound daughter. Camp Oarrabelle. jI ll l llllllllllllllI lIlliflll ili FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1942 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF -COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE L Ar G. W. White of Wewahitchka was a business visitor in this city o'n P S N A L Monday. P E Ll v AL Mir. and Mrs. Cecil Costin andt daughter and, Mrs. Charles McClel- -civn defense officials, missed .1i ',, i;. bu-iesc visitors in Tal- 'i cvilan defense officials, missed lahassee last Friday. 0;,: o'n V edleday night's surprise ahs____ ls blackout, being in Tallahassee on Louis XVI of France reputedly business. spent $600.000 for buttons in a: S for buttons in Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dufell spent siv gi year. 'u A bama visiting relatives. ,Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Stoutamiru O. "wEo da i'.tc: of Taluahassee FOR KENT were week-encid g-uests. of M'. and FOR RENT-Two-room and bath : .;o: Smith. ...r; u n ishcci. Situated on Loig Ave onue. Ie interested .. T ay phone 9 5. It J` : .,.i:-: d T esd ay p". __o_ -. ,y-:e _s' had been on FOR SALE vLs i o lis agents. FOF,- SALE -- F'iorenci' uoi oil Sci;.1. iied l0 .hal 2 anths. -" *'c', ho is working ci'i. Call or ;vrice 2ox 17, i c'&1 i. a.';s at Panama City, S. i:' :r. 11-20 St ..:': here with Ius FISH BAIT Fresh, that are. guaranteed fish for you. See ED in the colored quarters [-OR -- Auto Insur BUCK ALEXA PHONE 101 Costi ABOUT GUARANTEE R IT PAYS YOU!! As the,one who applies for this policy and its beneficiary, this new "Two-Way" Policy pays $ YOU when any member of your Ord insured family dies. With one policy costing only 3 $1.00 a month. YOU PROTECT YOURSELF against financial do embarrassment should anything $4 happen to others in your family T' -and in the same FAMILY POLICY have genuine life A insurance on your own life. $1. Mail coupon today for FREE pay inspection offer. I Sr 'r "ui-n-s. 7. Abolish the law allowing tax r a delinquent list publishing as a po- clean worms W. M. McEldowney of Pitts- litical racket or change it to allow to get the' Wde tBeverly burgh, Pa., was a business visitor display advertising of tax sales on s. 11-13 I in this city Tuesday. a busienss basis as so successfully ,~.. low of Atlanta, Ga., were business rent and delinquent taxes in In- 'RHCe visitors in this city Tuesday. stallments. It was pointed out that only t.c NDER Mrs. Chauncey Costin and chil- second, third' and fifth recommern- i dren of Wew'ahitchka visited here dations in the program would re- in Building 'Verlo:day with Mrs. R. A. Costin.j quire constitutional amendments I to become laws, and that thik other five recommendations could [IDON'rWKNOWVycA --- -- .-:"-- NE I/RANCIT ROOM AND| BOARD | WAIT A MINUTE!! HAVE YOU HEARD B BY THE 8 9i RESERVE'SS "TWO-WAY" FAMILY GROUP POLICY? WEEK #11.00 A MONTH POLICY INSURES ENTIRE FAMILY " *' IT PAYS YOUR FAMILY!! ii0ing 0031 M If anything happens to you. YOUR FAMILY is paid the cash bene- . Up To fits provided in this policy. For only $1.00 a month from 2 to 6 e 50 persons from 1 to 65 can be insured in a SINGLE POLICY. NO Open to t7e 1Public I 50,-n.00" MEDICAL EXAMINATION Policy Pays Double and Triple for I dinryDeath accidental death as provided by its terms. 000.00 NO AGENT WILL CALL. The only person who will ever call C:ub Breakfast, 6 to 9 .25 1 I uto Acci- on you about this amazing new kind of Family Life Insurance is , nta Death your friendly mailman. So fill out coupon and get full details and .s L iunch, 12 to 2 ........... 40 500.00 FREE inspection offer. D 6 to ...40c ..vnlAcci. GUARANTEE RESERVE LIFE INSURANCE CO. D' er, 6 to 8 ...........40c intal Death 132 State Street, Hammond, Indiana bsprowydd lease send me the Free Inspection Offer on your $1.00 a ' byP0 io" month "Two-Way" Family Policy, without obligation. s .....tir N MRS. M. 0. FREEMAN Address Corner Rend Ave. and 3rd St. dd esi i.'. T lln .= ro ce ry B u ild in g Ciy cstate ) "p 0 1 A It S I Sf "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" Miss Frances Palmer has re- turned to her teaching duties at Chattahoochee after spending the Thanksgiving holidays here with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. C. 1VM. Palmer. 'ri-ii'rll l'l'' ll[I ,, p, HI "l'," '. ', W l a v usn -s COUPON NO. 27 CAN NOW BE REDEEMED FOR .COFFEE Each member of your family whose age, is shown on Ra- tion Book as 15 or over is entitled to 1 pound of Coffee Bokar Coffee FOOD TORE 2 lbs. 51c Mandy CORN S6 Yellow MEAL, 6 Ib. Bag SQUASH, 2 ~230: Phillips MIXED 100 Anjou NO VEGETABLES, No. 2..-.. PEARS, 3 for ..--. -- Bisc-o-b its Large Heads CRACKERS, 9 oz. ...--- LETTUCE .............. A & P Fruit Nice * COCKTAIL, No. 1 Can .... BELL PEPPERS, ea. 2 Cans Ocean Spray 1 .Pound Basket 91 CRANBERRY SAUCE.... 29 MUSHROOMS ...... Trappey's No. 2 Can 15 f Florida 2 SWEET POTATOES .... ORANGES, Doz .... Campbell's Vegetable 2 Jui cy O SOUP, 11 oz. can, 2 for LEMONS, Doz. .--.. t-- Campbell's Beef ,,1 Spanish 50 SOUP, 11 oz. can, 2 for 2-, ONIONS, lb. .......... Reliable White WAX BEANS, No. 2 Can -' ONIONS, lb .......... Gulf's Best Okra and Tomato 1 U. S. No. 1 9- PUREE, No. 2 Can ........ POTATOES, 10 lbs. 3l Hormel 1 White PEA SOUP, 1 lb. can ...-..-----. CABBAGE, lb .......... Buff's 14 Oz. Pkg. Fresh GINGERBREAD MIX ....- CRANBERRIES, lb.,01 TALCO FEEDS GROWING MASH, 100 lbs ..-......$3.23 25 lbs......-... 87c LAYING MASH, 100 lbs ...--........$--- 3.33 25 lbs....-... 87c SCRATCH FEED, 100 lbs. ..--........---$2.69 25 lbs.....-- .. 69c 20% Dairy Feed, 100 lb $2.63 Fine Chick Feed, 25 lb 77c Horse Feed, 100 lbs ..... -$2.85 Ask for Feed Manual MARVEL ENRICHED BRE AD-V/a lb. loaf ---........ 11c JANE PARKER POUND CAKE, 1 Pound ..---.............. 25 JANE PARKER COFFEE CAKE, 11 Oz. 17c Queen Anne Paper NAPKINS, 80 for ..-- SLarge Can SANI-FLUSH 2.. Queen Anne Cleaning 1 Large Can TISSUES, 500 for .--......... D R A I NO .. White Sail 49( 14-oz. Can White Sail SOAP GRAINS, 4 lb. 5 oz CLEANSER, 3 for. A-Penn 2 Gal. Can $149 3 Regular Bars 20 MOTOR OIL CAMAY SOAP .. Queensbury 27 3 Regular Bars 21 TISSUE, 3 Rolls '.---- LIFE BUOY ..........----- Scot 5l0 Large Size Gater 35 TOWELS, 150 Towels ... ROACH HIVES .... A & P FOOD STORE Owned arid Operated By the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. " Reid Ave. and Third St. PORT ST. JOE; FLA. TAX ASSOCIATION TO -be carried out ,by legisaltive ac- SUBMIT PRORGAM TO tion. STATE LEGISLATURE ~-- ------- STATE LEGISLATURE and Mrs. J. D. Teal and son The Florida Taxpayers associa- :ve- wN-ek-end visitors in Anda- tion at a meeting in Tampa last [lusia, Ala. week approved an eight-point pro- .i." .!i!!ll llll!!!ilii l i!iii!ii i;ie:'.| ... gram to be -submitted to the 1943 r TT legislature. Briefly, the. program jE N 0 N would: .. .r niend in principle a -.o n ".n Still . 'iate tix commission of three or five members, REPAIR 2. Combine all assessments, city REROOF ,.lad c;)i- ily, in one office, '1. Abol.h the fee, system as PAINT compensation f'or .counties of more INSULATE than 100,000 population Your Home n0 4. EleT' county commissioners Up to .$200 at large., as was voted for Dade. ON EASY LOANS 5. Abolish justice of the peaceee For Estimate - courts and constable courts in .all ee Us For Estimate - large counties. .' ')o Mil!work and Build Boats e' eal local laws permitting e Lumber Co. special tax collection attorneys for L J oe Lumber Co county officials. PHONE 69-J --I~~--~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~- ------ ----------- --- ---- - -- FRIDAY,, DECEMIER'.4, 1942 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, UFC)NY LRD PAGE FO'JR |