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MAKE EVERY Buy War Bonds FAO DAY HESTnd Rj WAAR Every Pay Day [ .T BO LD DAY L yet's Double STOP SNIMDW-SAVE DOLLARS The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center Our Quota VOLUME VI PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1942 NUMBER 7 Quota Limits Tires Junior Class What You Must Do Local Draft Boardl Dog Tags Will Be To Present Play To Be Honored On! As All Drivers In To ToQualify for Your IssuedShortly To November 25 'Pearl Harbor Day'! Need Made Eligible iGasoline and Tires Florida Residents h Three-Act Farce Comedy, "Birds! Testimonial Dinner Being Spon-t of a Feather," Promises scored By Legion; Invitations Will Be Up to Local Board to Good Entertainment Tire Serial Numbers Must Be Extended to Maxwell, Gable For Identification In Event of Decide Importance of Ap- Listed and Inspection Is Re- ---Enemy Raids or Peace- plication to War Program The junior class of the Port St. quired at Stated Intervals Three Gulf county men, T. M. Enemy Raids or eace p t______ WJoe high school will present its an- Schneider and B. W. Eells of this ime Disasters All passenger cars will be eligible nual play at the highschool aud- With registration of motorists city and Charlie Morgan of Wewa-' for recapping services or replace torium next Wednesday evening, practically complete in Pori St. 1hitchka, who make up the local so- A campaign has been organized men a ires under cs the national November 25, and members of the practically complete in Por St. elective service board and who have through Florida's 131 county and m age rationing program nationfe class extend a cordial invitation to Joe-today being the last dayhe schoo been cussed and discussed by al- local defense councils to provide tive December 2, but the number everyone to attend. house-and the mileage rationing most everyone in the county de- all Floridians, -particularly chil- receiving new tires or recapping The play, "Birds of a Feather," going into effecspite the fact that they have been dren, with tags by which they certificates will be limited by was selected after careful consid- torists should realie that a vit- handling a mean, non-paying job in i might be identified, in event of certificates will, be limited byer"oof"al liablee material a most creditable manner, will be' enemy air raids *or peacetime dis- quotas to be assigned, to rationing eration of all available material part of the rationing plan is reigu- honor guests Monday night, enemy ar rads or time di boards. The type of certificate s- and will be produced by special ar-lar inspection of honor guests Monday night, De-ties.asters. sued will, be determined by the rangement with Samuel French of You must have your tires in member 7-"Pearl Harbor Day'-; This program will be carried out amount of mileage alletermined bythe ap New ork- spected regularly y an officialn- at a banquet sponsored by, Gulf in co-operation with the state de- plicant in his gas rationed book and The play, by Thomas Sutton, OPA inspector. They will' be found County Post 116, American Legion. apartment of education, parochial wilcant inbe subject to the quota alndo- was a smash hit at its recent pre- at GPA official inspection stations The post is giving the dinner at iand private schools, junior cham- cated the applicant' ration miere, critics recommending it as listed last week in The Star. the express request of President I bers of commerce, Parent-Teacher cated to the applicant's rationing enthusiastically and audiences con- ed T e ar. Roosevelt and the. national comn- associations and similar organiza- This information comes direct to curing in this judgment. One the name o H. B. Blackman at mander of the American Legion, tions. Defense councils will co- The Star from the Office of Price c said 'Birds o a Feather'the Texaco service station, and similar dinners will be held ordinate the campaign. Administration, and the announce- brings together on the stage, for Hee is how the tire inspection throughout the nation during the With schools as. the focal points meant goes on to say that the rules two short hours. twelve of the fun- ere is how the tire inspection week of December 1 to. 8. for registering civilians, and all regarding commercial vehicles, niest characters you could pos- lan inspection record is At the regular meeting of the state and civic organizations co- regarding commercial vehicles, 1. A tire inspection record is arm trucks, tractors and similar sibly imagine. These characters tached to the application blan Legion Tuesday night a committee operating, the plan will set up a equipment remain substantially un- contribute materially to one of the you filled out for your basic mile-to workout details, ile giving names, addresses, ages, changed most hilarical any othr s farces of thls or age ration. On it you have already consisting of W. S. Smith, chair- birth dates, next of kin and other In event the Gulf county local any other season. A veritabla filled in the serial numbers of all man; S. L. Barke, Leroy Goforth vital data on all persons. board, receives more valid applica- whirlwind of laughs." tires, you own. and Whaley Johnson, and Mrs. The identification numbers will tios that it has quota to accom- This is just one of the many fa- 2. Your mileage ration book can Madaeline Whitaker of the Legion show the registrant's county by modate, It will have to decide vorable comments accorded "Birds be canceled if you or anyone in Auxiliary. the same designation which now among the applicants on the basis of a Feather," and the junior class your ouseold owns any paen- An invitation to attend the af- aplears- -on automobile license of relative importance to the war is confident it will prove to b ger tires (including scrap tires) fair as speaker of the evening has tags, therin will follow a letter comr- wer innte udgypre been extended to Colonel Maxwell bination designating the' commun- program, public health and public just as successTu when they pre- not mounted n motor vehicles.extended to Colonel Maxwell binaton designating the commun- afety. sent it WEdnesday g 3. Your to itection record of Tyndall Field, .4he thought be- ity and the number assigned to the To provide as mu-ch mileage as has been signed. and returned to ing that he will .be ~ne mdst logical individual. * possible ith a minimum use o SIKES GOES TO MAT IN you if you have complied with the man, considering the fact that it Demand for identification is rubber from the nations stock pile, iDEFENSE OF FISHERMEN provisions above. You must keep will be held on the first ahniver- based not only on the risk of air emphasis will be put on recapping the tire inspection record in your sary of the bombing of Pearl Har- raids, which would leave many, the tires now on cars, which will, Congressman Bob Sikes has gone car at all times, bor. An invitation to be an hono.i I casualties and lost persons of all he done with a material made al- to the mat in Washington in de- 4. First tire inspection period guest that evening has also been ages unidentified because of shock most entirely of reclaimed rubber. fense of the nation's commercial is between December 2, 1942, and extended to Clark Gable, who is in or tender age, 'but also for peace- With a few exceptions, car owners fishermen and bluntly warns that January 31, 1943, during which training at Tyndiall Field. I time use in identifying lost chil- will not be eligible for replacement unless something is done in their time all vehicles must *have their All civic organization will also dren and victims of automobile ac- tires if their casings can be made behalf we will face a fish shortage tiers inspected' by an authoirzed be contacted and an invitation ex- cidents, storms and .other disasters. serviceable by recapping., more acute than the growing meat OPA inspector. He may charge up te-nded, members" to participate in Each registrant will receive a The car owner whose gasoline shortage. to 25 cents per vehicle i no tires the dinner, small, fire-res.istant, waterproof allowance is 560 miles a month or *Sikes points out that fishing are removed. If he removes tire, ---- ----- fibre tag containing the essential less and whose tires are worn to fleets are alwaysundermanned be- he may charge 50 cents per tire. FINAL WARNING TO information on the registration the recapping point will be eligible cause of low pay and low market After January 31, A and basic-D TRUCK OWNERS blank and the numbers showing' for a certificate entitling him to prices. In addition, restrictions drivers must have tires inspect the county, community and per- get them recapped. If any of the posed by the military have closedA get them capped. If any of the p y t military have clos every four months with inspections A final warning comes from the sonal registration number. casings are unfit for recapping, some of the best fishing grounds at least 60 days apart. B, C and Office of Defense Transportation A permanent file of the regis- (Continued from Page 4) and prevented night fishing in I (Continued on Page 4) to owners and operators of com- trants will be kept in each com- a_____ _____ areas along the Gulf and' Atlantic. -_____-_ mercial vehicles to the effect that munity. FHA FR REPAIR Thousands, of commercial fishing' -.although they feel they may be - .... F.Acrews havejoined the navy. or the I abl to get gasoline without a EIGHTEEN-YEAR-OLDS TO WORK STILL AVAILABLE coast guard 'service, while many HERE SATURDAY NIGHT "Certificate of War Necessity," REGISTER IN DECEMBER -- others have been prevented from such is not the case. Any com- A large number of property own- entering fishing waters, because Fred Munlyn, colored, an em- mercial vehicle owner who at- President Roosevelt fixed three ers seem to be under the impres- they lack birth certificates or ploy.e of the Sheip Lumber corn- tempts to evade the requirements registration periods Wednesday for sion that FHA loans no longer are other identification, pany, was, shot and killed, Satur- will find himself without gas, to youths who have reached or will available for repair work, but such Sikes says many draft boards day night in the colored quarters operate and without the privilege reach their 18th birthday in the is not the case, says C. A. Soder- have not classified the industry as by Officer W.. H. Hudson. of purchasing tires or parts, last half of this year. By proclama- berg of the St. Joe Lum'ber Co. essential and continue to take men Chief M. 0. Freeman and mild- Although the time limit for se- tion he set the week beginning De- According to Mr.,Soderberg, FHA sorely needed if ..production 'is to son had answered a call to the curing a certificate has been e^ cember 11 and ending December loans up to $200 may still, be se- be maintained'. "He is assembling quarters to take in an intoxicated tended from November 15 to De- 17 for draft registration of those cured to build, reroof, paint, re- all available data on the subject negro who was threatening other cember 1, it is urgent that appli- who became 18 in July and August, pair or insulate any buildings- for presentation to the manpower colored folks in the area. As Offi- cations be sent to the district ou- .Those who reached that age in and these loans are still on the commission, cer Hudson started, after Munlyn fice of the ODT in Jacksonville ab September and October will regis- easy payment plan. ---- ---- to arrest him, the n.e.gro drew his early as possible so that the cer- ter the following week, and' those For further details, contact Mr. BREAM AND SHELL gun and Hudson shot him three tificate may be delivered to own- wh6 became 18 in November and Soderberg. CRACKERS PLANTED times, killing him almost in- ers of vehicles 'by December 1. December will register during the s--- tantly. week of December 26 to 1I. Paul Johnson To Missouri Approximately 2,50,000 bream ----- PORT ST. JOE BEAUTY Provision was also made for .Paul F. Johnson of this city, who and shellcrackers, raised in the FIRE DESTROYS BOAT SHOPS RAISE PRICES continuous registration of those recently entered ipilitary service, ponds of the Florida State Fish ---who become 18 on or after Jan. 1. is now at the ,engineer replace- Hatchery near Wewahitchka, were The "Mattie Clyde," small pleas- Announcement is made in this -- ment training center at Fort Leon- released into the Dead Lakes last ure boat belonging to Monroe Dun- issue of The Star by the Princess. FATHER OF MRS. ROCHE ard Wood, Mo., where he will re- week. can, was almost completely de- Beauty Shoppe and Jean's Beauty i DIES OF HEART ATTACK ceive an intensive training course Tom L. Gilmore,. in charge of the stroyed by fire Wednesday after- 1 Shoppe of a raise in prices, effec- in preparation for combat engi- hatchery, states that another pond noon at its anchorage in the canal I tive Monday, November 23, due to R. Michael, 64 of Mobile, Ala., never duty. of fingerlings will soon be turned at Highland View. A gasoline tank increased cost of materials, father of Mrs. W. C. Roche of this ----- loose in the lakes to shift for was said to have exploded as Dun- At the same time the Prificess city, was stricken with a heart at- Goes To Advanced Flying School themselves and evade, if they can, can and Roland Mahon were doing Beauty Shoppe announces that a tack Wednesday while a visitor at Aviation Cadet George Tapper the 'hundreds of eager fishermen some repair work on the motor, new operator has been' employed, the home of his' daughter here, and last week was transferred from thirsting to haul them ou-. Coast Guardsmen dashed to the Miss Bessie Kirkland'. 'passed away after about three the .basic flying school at Bain- -- burning boat with thei- patrol hours, failing to regain conscious- bridge, Ga., to the advanced fly- Visiting In Bristol craft and extinguished the flames Mrs. George Gore Is Visitor ness before his demise. ing school at Columbus, Miss. We Mr. and Mrs. Forest Revell are with a hose and pump which is .Mrs. George Gore of Dothan, Ala., Deceased was an employee of the should soon hear of George get- spending this week in Birstol, vis- part of the equipment on their was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mobile & Ohio railroad and wag ting his wings and commission. iing Mr. Revell's parents, boat. .. Coburn several days this week. well and favorably known here. +~naah FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1942 IA. TVw TH STAR,-PORT ST JOE GY f- ta th S tr fr 0 he tc? - ***\ ^ A RECORD-BREAKING PRE-HOLIDAY VALUE!! LUXURIOUS 2-PIECE MODERN SUITE Ii.rt iinaiiine what pleasure your family and \our friend- v.111 eni:,. r, during l,:li..lay e'., ning- at home iI u.,:l a luxuri.,:us. inviting rmn 1- ti- Loo:,k at the spacious proportions, the deep, roll-front .-us-liin-, the li.tinctiv.e carved .. -.:,,d tri m and ,..tlI r ,i .ilit f. tuire--. Full. re.il nt innercprinil construction throughout. Include', m.a-.ie ,-,fta both at this low price! OUT-OF- TOWN ACCOUNTS INVITED GET THAT EXTI COLON t-, JENN tlt \ Both are popular s sturdy good looks., tf/ wood with lustrous finish. Double-loo choice of beautirf,1- mv# U.S.WAR BONDS o. r Poster, type it sizes. Now only Father would welcome this restful , Why not lay it away for his Christ LOUNGE CHAIR OTTOMAN A big roomy chair that Father and the' whole family will enjoy immensely. -*vl Restful form-fitting back. Reinforced innerspring construction in seat and back. With large ottoman included in this special offer! C(I-.A' e .- '.:od- looking, long-wearing tai :;tr,'. BEAUTIFUL 18th CENTURY DINING ROOM SUITE JUST IN TIME TO MAKE YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER A REAL EVENT! This distinctive period design is one that will be a favorite for many years to come and the graceful, classic good looks that you admire is underlaid by strong, sound construction that assures lasting beauty. Note the beautiful Duncan Phyfe table, the careful detailing, the handsome antique drawer pulls, and a score of other features you must see for yourself. Have it te- livered in time for Thanksgiving! Our convenient terms make it easy for you to buy. Includes table, buffet, china cabinet, host chair and 5 side chairs U- BOTH NOW ONLY m AWE& oo$26.501 198M THE STAR,oPORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE TWO 'It ST WIFE OF REV. WALKER IS CALLED BY DEATH Mrs. Emmeline Dabney Walker, wife of the Rev. Joseph R. Walker, rector of St. John's Episcopal church of Chester, Va., died re- cently at a hospital in that city. Rev. and Mrs. Walker were weli known in Port St. Joe, Rev. Walked having been rector of t.he Trinity Episcopal church in Apalachicola for ,several years. During their su- journ in the neighboring city they made many friends in Port St. Joe who will deeply sympathize with Rev. Walker in his loss. DR. C. COE -- DENTIST- Office Hours: 9 to 12 1 to 5 Sunday By Appointment Costin Building Phone 88 Alka- Seltze r A B 0 METHOD A Alka-Seltzer, start taking it at once to relieve the Dull, Aching Head, and the Stiff, Sore Muscles. B Be careful, avoid drafts and sudden changes in tempera- ture. Rest preferably in bed. Keep warm, eat sensi- bly, drink plenty of water or fruit juices. Be sure to get enough Vitamins. C Comfort your. Sore,- Raspy' Throat, if caused by the cold, by gargling with Alka-Selt- zer. If fever develops, or .. ..ymptoms become more acute call your doctor. ALKA-SELTZER is a pain re-' lieving, alkalizing tablet, pleasant to take and unusually effective in action. ' Take it for Headache, Muscular Pains and for Indigestion, Gas on Stomach, when caused by excess stomach acid. 'At your drug store-Large package 60*, Small package 300, by the glass at soda fountains. PHONE 51 INTERESTING PROGRAM OUTLINED FOR P.-T. A. A most interesting meeting is in prospect for the Parent-Teacher association next Tuesday evening if the following program, an- nounced by Mrs.. T. V. Morris, pro- gram chairman, is any criterion. The meeting will be opened by singing of the national anthem, followed by the Salute to the Flag led by P. B. Fairley. This will be folloWed with prayer by Rev. R. F. Hallford. A group of school boya will thenil bring a Bible message. Speaker for the evening is-B. B. Conklin, who will talk on "Citizen- ship." This, will be followed within a piano and flute number by Caro- lyn Baggett and Fay Morris. Jack Frost will then lead the, group In the P.-T. A. war pledge. The benefits derived from be- longing to the national and state organizations of the P.-T. A. will be stressed, by Mrs. B. E. Kenney Jr., following which announce- ments will be. made of the junior and senior class plays. The business meeting, following the program, will be presided over by Mrs. E. Clay Lewis. Jr. REV. LAjNGSTON RETURNED TO PASTORATE HERE Rev. 0. D. Langston, pastor of the local Methodist church, was! re- turned to Port St. Joe for another year at the conference held in Birmingham, Ala., last week. Rev. D. E. Marietta, former pas- tor here, was sent to Bay Minette, Ala.,, for the ensuing year. Mr. and Mrs. E. Clay Lewis Jr., and two children returned Friday fpom Tarpon Springs'. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Barke were hosts to the Saturday Night Supper club last week. Mrsi. B. E. Kenney and Mrs. E. Clay Lewis Jr., spent Wednesday visiting in Panama City. Mrs. D. C. Smith returned Wed- nesiday from St. Louis, Mo., where she spent three. weeks visiting rel, atives and friends. Beauty Shops Announce NEW HOURS and EW PRICES EFFECTIVE MONDAY, NOV. 23 Although .prices of beauty supplies have increased, even shortages in some instances, and many beauticians have been called to war industries, you can still get quality service at your Port St. Joe beauty shops. Therefore, due to the increased overhead expenses, we find it necessary to increase prices as listed in this advertis-ment to insure you the best in service and quality beauty supplies PERMANENT WAVES "$4.00 up INDIVIDUAL CURLS 20c and 25c each SHAMPOO AND SET 75c HAIRCUT 50c OIL SHAMPOO AND SET $1.00 SET ........... 50c SHAMPOO 50c VEGETABLE RINSE 35c ARCH -.....------50c MANICURE 50c EYEBROW AND EYELASH DYE $1.00 HAIR DYES ........-$3 to $3.50 HENNA ..-...-$2.50 New Hours: Open 9 a. m. Close 6:30 Princess Beauty Shoppe Phone 55 for Appointment Jean's Beauty Shoppe Phone 41 for Appointment 'COMING SOON TO THE PORT THEATRE Pictures for Your "MUST" List "George Washington Slept Here" November 29 and 30 "Invisible Agent," December 3 4. "Black Swan," December 6 and 7. "Moontide," December 9. Re- turned by popular demand. "For Me and My Gal," Dec. 13 14. "Wake Island," December 17 18. BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES R. F. Hallford, Pastor 9:45 a. m.-Sunday School. 11:00 a. m. Morning worship. 7:00 p. m.-B. T. U. 8:00 p. m. Evening worship. METHODIST WSCS IN MISSION STUDY The Woman's Society, for Chris- tian. Service of the Methodist Church at its meeting Monday af- ternoon at the church completed the South American mission study book "On This Foundation." The study was in charge of Mrs. J. L. Temple andi Mrs. R. W. Smith. During the course of the busi- ness session Mrs. Smith issued a call for all officers to meet at her home Wednesday afternoon, and Mrs. R. A. Costin urged members to hbe present at Mfe Week of Prayer meeting to be held at the church next Monday. At this time, too, members were asked to put in at least one day each week at the Red Cross sewing room. After dismissal, a social hour was enjoyed during which refresh- ments South American style were served! to the nineteen members present. RAMSEY-BAKER Davis Ramsey and Miss Mozelle Baker were married Monday night in Wewahitchka, Judge J. E. Prid- geon performing the ceremony. ,Mr. Ramseyn is a radio operator at Tyndall Field and his bride, a native of Greensboro, FIla., is an employee of the St. Joe Paper com- pany. They will make their home in this city. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Anderson spent the week-end in Pensacola on business. Miss Bernice Schneider, who is attending Florida State College for Women *at Tallahassee, spent th'e week-end here with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Schneider. - - - - - Romancing or Dancing .. Romancing or.dancing, it is imperative that your skin, 'hair and beauty be regularly checked by our beauty ex- perts Bessie Kirkland and Burlene McClung PRINCESS BEAUTY SHOPPE PHONE 55 FOR APPOINTMENT Society Personals Churches THURSDAY and FRIDAY NOVEMBER 26 27 "War 'Against Mrs. Hackley" NEWS EVENTS TUIMPlifinflinE~i iiipi aii iiniiiAiiiiiiijK^ l MRS. W. S. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 " 'U JIMMY HUGHES HONORED ON SECOND BIRTHDAY IMrs. J. L. Hughes. honored her son, Jimmy, Tuesday of last week with a party on his second birth- day. As Jimmy's natal day fell on November 10, the decorations car- ried out the Armistice Day motif. Enjoying the affair with the honoree were Neecied Lilius, Jackie Ricketseon, Freddie McLain, Bar- bara and, Buddy Mitchell, Joyce Waller, Jerry Strickland, Patsy Daniels, Peggy, Sonny and Mari- etta Chafin, J. B. Holley, B.e{ty Brady, Carol Lee Armstrong, Dor- othy Singletary, Layne Sewell, Betty Ann Hancock, Mary Faye Towery and Terrance Hinote. Assisting Mrs,. Hughes in serv- ing refreshments to the young- sters were Mesdames Strickland, Ricketson, Holt and, Hinote. PRESBYTERIAN AUXILIARY IN MEETING TUESDAY NIGHT The Presbyterian Auxiliary met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. J. R. Norton with six mem- bers present, Mrs. P. D. Prows, Mrs. George MacLahon, Mrs. L. P. Spillers, Mrs. J. R. Smith, Mrs. B. E. Kenney and the hostess. Mrs. Spillers had charge of the program and gave the devotional, "Prayer Is Man's Way of .Claiming God's. Power." Topic for the meet- ing, "The Ever-present Task of Evangelism," was developed by the members. Rev. W. A. Daniels conducted, the first study from the home mission .book, "While It Is Day." This book gives promise ef being the most interesting book yet studied by the auxiliary. Mrs,. Vic Anderson of Apalachi- cola was a visitor .-in this city Monday. Mrs. Howard McKinnon returned to this city this week after a visit of several, week in Apalachicola. Miss Lois Crosby and Miss Eliza- beth Kennington were shopping in Tallahassee last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hunt spent the week-end in Chipley visiting with relatives. IMr. and Mrs Ferrell Allen and son visited in Carrabelle over the week-end with Mrs. Allen's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Sharit. Mrs. B. E. Kenney Jr., and two children returned Sunday from Pensacola, where they visited for a week with Mrs. Kenney's mother. - : ..... ...."I -.1 ------ ---~--------~--~--~~-~-------~----- FRID",Y NOVEMBER 20, 1942 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE Monroe Duncan Visits Pfc. Monroe Duncan, who is sta- tioned at Fort Etihan Allen, Ver- mont, spent the week-end here as a visitor. Miss Ruth Jones, who is attend- ing business college in Dothaa, Ala., spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Jones. Mrs. Robert Tapper, Mrs. B. E. Kenney, Marc Fleishel Jr., and B. B. Conklin attended a regional conference of the Red Cross held last Friday in Marianna. A MARTIN THEATRE BEN RIVERS, Manager Opens Daily 2:45, Continuously Saturday 1:00 Sunday 1:00 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 2 BIG HITS Hit No. 1-- CHARLES STARRETT inW Chapter No. 3 "Junior G-Men of the Air' HIT NO. 2 SUNDAY MONDAY NOVEMBER 22 23 MICKEY ROONEY becomes a one-man A. E. F. as "A Yank at Eton" NEWS FLASHES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 HENRY FONDA / FoV isrn- W f -- 0 V CHAPTER 4 "Perils of Nyoka" WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 Preston FOSTER Patricia MORISON AJ A THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMI-TH, Editor Entered as Second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Florida, undet Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Invariably Payable In Advance One Year.......$2.00 Six Months...... $1.00 Three Months..........65c -4 Telephone 51 >- The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoiren word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country T--C Right or Wrong A GOOD IDEA' This pay-as-you-go income tax plan before congress is one of the best ideas ever to come before that august body in the past hundred years, as it will, if put into effect, give a big boost to the morale of the nation. To most people a debt is like a millstone about their necks and sometimes is the cause of great discouragement. Few of us realize that we are constantly in debt to our gov- ernment for a year's income taxes. After the last quarter installment is paid we figure we are all square with Uncle Samuel, but the fact is that on January 1 we will again owe thd entire tax due on this year's income. During 1942 we have been paying on our income for 1941. The June payment wiped out half that obligation, but during that six months we had incurred, another six month's tax debt. As we paid off, a new debt steadily accumulated. Now when 1943 rolls around we will owe on our 1942 income, and it will be assessed at the highest rate yet. And on top of this, New Year's Day will -ush'er in a new tax-the "victory tax," which is a 5 per cent check-off on every pay ,en- velope and salary check-in plain. words, a levy on gross income. This is an added burden ana one that will not be credited to the regu- Transferred To Texas IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIllllIIlIllIIIllI ill lar tax on net income. Bill Herring, who has be-en wit TNT r tx o n the Coast Guard at New Orleans ATTE NT IO N Yes, sir, we're for that new income tax for some time, has been tranb- plan. The lift it would give to the morale or ferred to Galveston, Texas. You Can Still . our people during this emergency cannot be BUILD S, LEGAL ADVERTISING estimated. Get behind those men up there In REPAIR Washington and urge them to pass this law NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS REROOF NAME LAW immediately-if not sooner. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: PAINT -- Notice is hereby given that the INSULATE undersigned, pursuant to the "Fic- The Fort Myers News-Press claims the titious Name Statute," House Bill Your Home 00 No. 1175, Chapter No. 20953, Laws Up to $200 battle of Stalingrad is raging between Hitler's of Florida, 1941, will register with ON EASY LOANS intuition and his generals' judgment. The the C-lerk of the Circuit Court, in N r S t a m e and for Gulf County, Florida, upon See Us For Estimate - Russian front has made the German rear look receipt of proof of the publication We Do Millwork and Build Boats like they have lost something besides a .shirt. of this notice, the fictitious name, to--wit: MILLER'iS DRUG STORE, . -Lake City Reporter. Maybe it's their trous- under which we, are engaged in St. Joe Lumber Co. ers. Who knows ?-Levy County Journal. No, business at Port St. Joe, Florida. That the parties interested in PHONE 69-J it wasn't their trousers; they lost them in said business enterprise are as I|||IIIIIIIIllllll|llll|l;l|ll|||;||||;!||||!|||||||||imiIlllllllllllll North Africa when General Morftgomery follows: Mrs. George W. Ward and SDr. A. L. Ward. caught Rommel's Afrika Korps with their Dated at Port St. Joe,; Gul pants down.-M.ami Post.- In our opinion County, Florida, October 30, 194.2. they were caught with their panziers down. 10-30 11-27AVEyou tried Alka-Set- --*---- NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS ( Sour Stomach, "Morning NAM;E LAW \ fAfter" and Cold Distress? ..NAME LAWt,whynoPeasant. A- friend suggests a new tax to pay the TO WHOiM IT MAY CONCERN: ropt in action, active. SNotice is hereby given that the A Thirty cents and Sixty war debt. Assess feminine beauty and let undersigned, pursuant to the "Fie- cents. each woman be the judge of how much she titious Name Statute," HouseBil l 1 N E0RVIN E No. 1175, Chapter No. 20953, Laws ILS should pay according to her own charms. of Florida, 1941, will register with OR relief from FunctionalNer- o Florida, 1941, will register with Disturbances such as Sleep- Such a plan should raise a lot of money.- the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in lessnes, Crankiness, Excitability, and for Gulf County, Florida, upon Nervous Headache and Nervous In- Lovington (Ill.) Reporter. receipt of proof of the publication d si Tablets 3 Eand 75*, o- f this notice, the fictitious name, tions and use only as directed. -. to-wit: LeHARDY'S PHARMACY, . When a stenographer showed up for work under which we are engaged in .- business at Port St. Joe, Florida. SINGLEDr.MilesAnti- with a black eye, she told her curious boss 3 hat the parties interested in A Pain Pill often relieves that it was from defense work.-Arcadia said business enterprise are as Headache, Muscular Painsv follows: J. R. Smith and J. T. or Functional Monthly (Wis.) News-Leader. Trawick. Pains- 26 for 25* -- "* Dated at Port St. Joe, Gulf druito Read cisa rci -'.4 County, Florida, October. 30, 1942. and use only as directed. . A parrot can repeat only what it hears- 10-30 11-27 like some people these days who repeat ru- mors that have no iota of truth in them. -4WA CASE WHERE Freedom of speech, press and action and .their 'preservation, are the principles for which we are fighting today. When they're first married they call each other honey. A year or so later what they call-each other 'is nobody's business.,. :- You can help beat Tokyo, Berlin and Rome by making Port St. Joe ,one- big V-Home. 1=/2 of 1 WHAT YOU MUST-DO your tire inspection record signed YOU TO QUALIFY FOR YOUR during every inspection period; if YOAN GASOLINE-AND TIRES you abuse your tires and tubes; if CAN'T you violate the 35-miles-per-hour TELL speed limit; if the serial numbers ', THEY'RE (Continued from Page 1) THEY'RE (otue fo Pon your tires are not the same as REPAIRED *supplemental-D drivers must have those on your tire inspection re- RE tires inspected every two months cord. -. Because our with inspections at least 30 days If 'you feel that you are in neea INVISIBLE HALF apart. of a recap or another tire or tube, SOLING method leaves no "repaired 5. The inspector will check the go to an OPA inspector promptly look" on our shoes. -condition of your tires and the, se- -then take his recommendation to The LEADER rial numbers. If serial numbers the local rationing board. Do not SHOE SHOP -differ from those on your record go to the board first. which you filed this week, he will Basil E. Kenney, chairman of inform the local rationing board', the rationing board here, states unless you have been authorized tl-at all. persons who apply for sup- to purchase another tire and you plemental gasoline ration and who have part D of a tire certificate work on a job where 100 or more showing any, tire serial number are employed, must submit their .not shown on the record. If tires application to the ,organized, trans- are 0. K., he will, sign your record. portation plan committee; this ap- If he finds repairs to tires, tubes plication then must be certified by or vehicle necessary for tire co"- the official in charge of such com- servation, he will not sign the re- mittee and then returned to the " cord until you carry out his recom- local board before suppelmental mendations. If a tire is worn gas rations can be approved and is- smooth, he may recommend a re- sued by the local board. cap. In that case he must remove _____ the tire to complete inspection. It QUOTA LIMITS TIRES your tire is not fit for recapping -- he may recommend replacement. (Continued from Page 1) In all cases, he will report any Ithen he will be eligible for a cea- evidence of tire abuse to the local tifiate .authorizing the purchase TO SAFEGUARD board t I of a Grade III tire. O 6. You apply to the local boara A passenger car owner who gets YOUR HEALTH tor a rationing certificate if the gasoline for more than 560 miles t The purity and uniformity of the :inspector recommends, a r-ecappin" but les than 1000 will be eligible drugs and chemicals we use in com- service for your. tire, or a new or a escaping job if hi tire ca pounding your physician's prescription ser e or tube e capping job If his tire car- are ensured by the vigilant chemists of used tire or tube. If you have corn- cass is recappable. If it is not, hlie Control Laboratories. Even during the plied' with all tire and gasoline reg- will be eligible for a ctiicat fo manufacture of a simple product a score l an d and aoning boar will be eligible for a certificate or more of exacting tests for purity are ulations, and the rationing boar a Grade II. tire. made. 'huswe compound prescriptions finds you are eligible, it may- is- with full coidence in the reliability of ns yoac rtif iicate bl'ecappin rICar owners with monthly allot- theingredientsyourphysicianprescribes. fosu.e a certificate for tire t o which you ments in excess of 1000 miles will We us. Merck Prescription Chemicals for the grade of tire to which you be eligible for recapping or. nii are entitled, all depending upon uota is their casings are not recappable, LeHardy Pharmacy how the Gulf county uota is hol- for Grade I tires. ing up at the time. All mileage took holders will be Phone 5 Port St. Joe Your rationing board may deny eligible for inner tubes. We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription -you tires and gasoline on the fol- i _____ _____ lowing grounds: If you do not have Advertising doesn't cost-it PAYS! A 100-watt Mazda lamp pro- duces twice the light four 25-watt lamps give. A 100-watt Mazda lamp costs only 15c four 25-watt lamps (at 10c each) cost 40c. You save 25c*, and you don't have to spend a penny more for electricity. These are good things to remem- - ber when you are tempted to econ- | omize by cutting down lamp sizes. You really do save money when you have one large Ma-zda lamp do the job. A recent survey among 3,000 people in 914 families shows that eyes are now being used 20% more in the home than they were a year ago. Because of this there is extra need to use the proper light and guard your eyesight. With this saving you can buy the country's best bargain a War Savings Stamp. FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION Service to Customer, Community and Country THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1942 PAGE FOUR .; FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1942 tit HE-ST r,-PO o,. ,J-, U ' . EASY PAYMENTS ON ANY PURCHASE! rt home-makers will advantage of these fty furniture values 4ike their home at- -tive and inviting for coming holidays . dren will be home school soldiers furlough make :e a wonderful place e! 4ECK ON THESE /ALUES TODAY! SPECIAL RUG OUTFIT! 9x12 AXMINSTER RUG WITH RUG PAD INCLUDED! CHINTZ COVERED BOUDOIR CHAIR A trim, dainty de- $695 sign for your bou- V doir yet surprisingly sturdy and comfortable. A choice of colors and patterns 32-PIECE. DECORATED DINNER SET Complete service for $7795 mix in a very at- tractive modern floral de- sign. They .can't last long at this low price! You had .better hurry if you want one! Richl. th:ik pile axmin- -:tr r ii in a selection DROP-FRONT SECRETARY Handsome mahog- any finished secre- tary in a beautiful onial design. $3950 old coit- ~4 ROOMY MODERN WARDROBE Plenty of conveni- $2A 50 ent storage facili- tie:s in the spacious shelves ' and drawers. GALLERY-TOP LAMP TABLE Here's a real super- $595' value as a special J feature of our Pre-Thanks- g.vinig -. e' Beautifully fin- ished in rich walnut. SET OF SIX DINING CHAIRS A smar:ly simple $6)950 style that will go nicely with any other pieces'. All 6 for only $29.50. , -.. , A BED YOU'VE BEEN NEEDING! L POSTER OR Y LIND BED ,yles of trim Of all hard- ,dark walnut ked rails. A efi '-nny Lind lull or. twin Deluxe Modern Bedroom Suite How you will enjoy your boudoir when it is furnished as exquisitely as this! This suite is massive in style, sound in construction-yet delightfully smart and graceful in appearance. Contrasting veneers of genuine butt walnut and American walnut make the design one of striking beauty. Sleek, wa- terfall fronts. Smart modern metal hardware. Includes large, spacious chest of drawers, full size panel bed, and choice of vanity or dresser with large Venetian mirror. PORT ST. JOE 50 $1.25 WEEKLY FLORIDA -J A ~ UdAi. '6 ~ r~iuu~ PAGE FIVE UU t U u T L-r w 'rUC -r~t Pnnr AT.10FnULFCOUNY. FORID ~5~-;:a . Loo Akrk Elm mp, 01, Danla..1.1, Furniture Co. PAG SI TH STR OTS.JE UFCUTFLRD RDY OEBR2,14 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS OUT Decorative Christmas lighting will be "out" this Yuletide if the public complies with a W1PB re- quest to dispense with outdoor Christmas lighting. This means no twinkling colored lights on Port St. Joe porches and lawns, but it will mean additional elec- tricity, wiring and man-power needed to win the war. Availa I Banquet For R. A. Boys The Woman's Missionary society of the Baptist church entertained the R. A. boys with a banquet at the church last Friday evening in observance of R. A. Focus Week. A modern bomb .r is composed ,of more than 40,000 individual I parts and requires 360.000 rivets. Advertising doesn't cost--it pays! Advertising doesn't cost-it pays! CREECH AND BR00 S Now Open for B, iiness We have one of the most Modern Laundries in Northwest Florida Give Us a Trial! We Will Please You With Our Work We Wash Your Clothes In Soft Water! ICo-pyrighted Materi, J Syndicated Content bible from Commercial News F j A QUITE A PROBLEM The following letter is said to have actually ;ieen received by the Adju'ant Gene;'al's office in Wash- ington, and which offered a neat problem for the army to solve: Mr. Headqu_ ters. U. S. Army. Dear :.''r Headquarters My husband was inducted into the service con:;: months ago and I ain't received no pay from him s'nce he was gone. Please send my elopement, a; I have a four montn' old baby and he is my only sup- port and I needed him every day to buy food and keep us enclosed. I am a poor woman. Both sides my parents are very old and 1 can't suspect anything from them. _.ly husb.ino is in charge of a spit- toon. Do I get more than I am go- ing to get? Plense send me a letter and teli me if my husband made applica- tion for a wife and child'. I have already wrote to Mr. Roosevelt and got no answer, and if I don't hear from you I wil4 rite Uncle Sam about you and hliA. P. S.-My husband says he si-t CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RENT FOR RENT-Juniper Lodge at Beacon Hill. Has 4 small apart- ments, partly furnished. Will lease at $25 per month to right party. Inquire St. Joe Lumber Company, Phone 69-J. 9-4tf FOR RENT-Two-room and bath cottage; unfurnished. Situated on Long Avenue. If interested phone 95. It FOR SALE FOR SALE Florence fuel oil heater. Used less than 2 months. $35 cash. Call or writeBox 17, care The Star. 11-20 3t MISCELLANEOUS FISH BAIT Fresh, clean worms that are guaranteed to get the fish for you. See ddldie Beverly in the colored quarters. 11-13 LEGAL FORMS-Warranty Deeds, Mortgage Notes., Rent or Lease Contracts, Promissory Notes, and Purchaser Agreements. We carry a stock oft these blank forms at all times. The Star, Phone 51. Providers" 44 M.- 0 b - - S - - in the YMCA every night with a piano playing in his uniform. I think you can find him there. _--- --4---- Trade at home-your local mer- chants have just what you want. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the City Tax Assessment Roll for the City of Port St. Joe, Florida, for the year 1942 will be submitted to the Equalizing Board for approval on the 1st day of December, 1942, at the City Hall at 8:00 o'clock P. M. All persons, desiring to have correctionss made in such roll, whether in the listing, valuation of property or otherwise, are re- que-sted to file with the under- signed on or before the 30th day 5f November, 1942, their petition setting forth their objections to such assessment and' there correc- tions which they desire to have made. Witness myi hand and the offi- cial seal of the City of Port St- Joe, Florida, this 18th day of No- vember, 1942. M. P. TOiMLINSON, City Auditor and Clerk, a's (Seal) ex-officio. Tax Assessor. Uncle Sam requests 1942 huiiT- ers to bring back their discarded shells and cartridges, which con- tain needed war metals. Also, when and if a deer is bagged., the waste fat is needed. ROOM AND BOARD BY THE $800: WEEK -00 ' Dining Room Open to the PubicK Club Breakfast, 6 to 9.... 25c Lunch, 12 to 2........... 40c Dinner, 6 to 8 ...........40c MRS. M. 0O. FREEMAN Coiner Reid Ave. and 3rd St. Griffin Grocery Building ANN PAGE SALAD DRESSING PINT JAR_21 ANN PAGE MAYONNAISE PINT 25 JAR 2c White House Evaporated MIL K 6 Large Cans 49c Jane Parker ERUIT CAKE 5 lb $1.85 Iona P. or S. R. FLOUR 48 lbs. $1.67 Sunnyfield CAKE FLOUR, 2% lb. Ann Page Eibow MACARONI, 3 191 Florida l GRAPEFRUIT 3 forS S 25* u.s. No., 31 lbs ........ POTATOES, 10 lbs. 31 Cloverleaf 1 Choice 4 DRIED MILK, 7 oz. ...... RUTABAGAS, Ib...- Clapp's 41/2 oz. cins I String BABY FOOD, 2 for -.--- 25 BEANS, 2 Ibs. ........ Plain or Choc. Large Bunch OVALTINE, 6 oz. .-.....- CARROTS .......... A & P MINCE MEAT, 9 oz. ...... Pickle Patch Sweet PICKLES, 22 oz. Head CAULIFLOWER ... Tender OKRA, lb. .....-5.. L Pickle Patch Bell Hot Mixed PICKLES, qt. PEPPERS, Each .... Fairbanks White DRIED BEEF; 2 oz. ...... CABBAGE, lb ....... Health Club 9g Baking Powder, 10 oz..... Ann Page $195 OLIVE OIL, quart .......... Fresh CUCUMBERS, each 1U Fresh E, . CRANBERRIES, lb. 23 POPULAR BRANDS CIGARETTES Cartons $1.40 9 1 lb. 6 oz. Can SANI FLUSH Small Size DUZ .. 6V/2 Oz. Box S E L 0 X 211 5 Soap WOODBURY 3bars 2t5 Large Box 9 P & G 139 OXYDOL ................ SOAP, 3 Bars ........ Large Bar 1 0 A-Penn Window 12 SWAN SOAP CLEANER, 8 oz .... 3 Bars 1 Wright Silver LAVA SOAP ......--....--........ CLEANER, 8 oz. .... 23 White Sail 10 White Sail CLEANSER, 3 Cans ...... WAX, 1 lb. Can ......29 12 Oz. Can White Sail DRAIN 0 1 7STARCH, 3 lbs. ...... 19 A & P FOOD STORE Owned and Operated By the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. 9 a Ah O4 IP olp r a 'I I I C THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA. PAGE SIX FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1942 Reid Ave. and Third St. PORT ST. JOE, FLA. |