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auy ar nas VX 1171 m AEEEVERY a y Wa Bonds PAY DAY Every Pay Day ADY WTAR * A / BOND DAY Let's Double STOP DOOur Quota STOP SPENDING-SAVE DOLLARS The Home Newspaper of Northwest Fldrida's Future Industrial CenterOur uota VOLUME VI PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1942 NUMBER 6 ___! .' ^' A Registration for Gasoline Ration Books Postponed Date Is Moved Ahead To No- vember 18, 19, 20; Rationing Will Be Effective Dec. 2 Residents of Gulf county were all set to register for their gaso- line rationing, books Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this .week, when word came from Washington that due to difficulties arising in the distribution of the necessary forms, dates for registration had been moved up to Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week, November 18, 19 and 20, and that rationing of gasoline would begin on December 2 instead of November 22. Registration will take place at school houses, as previously! an- nounced, and in Port St. Joe the hours of registration will be from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. during the three days. All automobile owners will be .able to secure the regular basic "A" book and persons with occu- pational needs may apply for the supplemental "B" book. No one, however, will be issued the "B" book until after securing the "A" 'book. "E" taan, "R,. books" w 1U ,.is - suedu'to'the owners of ga'sdline mo- -tors not using tires and not on the highways, which include tractors, commercial fishing boats and siml- lar machinery. Persons who own trucks, pick- ups, taxis or automobiles owned by a government agency must se- cure a "Certificate of War Neces- sity" to operate such vehicles and will not register at the schools at talL ,Car owners are warned that they must submit a completely filled out application blank, which -can be obtained from any filling station, and submit a copy of last year's tag receipt before a ration- ing book can be issued. The regis- trar who will serve the public at the school will not be authoirzed or allowed to fill out the applica- tion blank for the registrant. In addition, serial numbers of tires.owned by the motorist, not exceeding five for each car, must be filed with the application. Any additional tires must be turned in to 'the Railway Express Agency (Continued on Page 2) RAF BOMBS FREIGHT TRAIN -. .. ' CAIRO, EGYPT-Soundphoto-Prior to .British all-out attack in Egypt, Axis communications were plastered in softening up .cam- paign. This photo was radioed from Cairo to London and clippered to N. Y. Results of RAF raid on supply train are shown. 26 cars were left blazing, and the locomotive was wrecked. Huge column of smoke is from exploding ammunition car. INSIGNIA FOR 'WOMEN AT WAR WEEK, NOV. 22 28 ,S , Mrs. Roosevelt (left) says women help men at front by buying War Bonds. At right is the lapel tag which volunteers will wear during Women At War Week, Nov. 22 to 28. Selectees Leave For Blanding Next Two Months Will Prob- ably See Heavy Toll Taken Of Men In Gulf County Twenty-three selectees from Gulf county left Port St. Joe by bus Tuesday morning for Camp Bland- ing .for induction into the army. While this was quite a large con- tingent from this county, it is ex- pected that this month and De- cember will take a yet heavier toll of men from Gulf county, among them being a large number of mar- ried' men without children, who -ill -Ocaledtofilluotascue t will be called to fill quotas due to OIL FLOWS FROM TEST the fact that the 'teen-age draft WELL NEAR DEFUNIAK bill was held over by congress un- til after the election. Is Walton county headed for an The list of registrants who left oil boom? The editor of the De- for Blanding Tuesday, as an- Funiak Springs Herald says quite nounced by the local board, was as frankly that he does not know, but follows: he does know that crude oil has Jack W. Forbes, Robert E. Lee .been flowing from a test well some Williams, Mallie C. Sellers, Rosby ,dozen miles isoutl. and east of Campbell, Mitchell Davis, David RockhilJ and that it has been forc- L. King, Louie Phillips, Ivey Ad- ing its way up and out in con- kins, Leon A. Foreman, Albert J. .stantly increasing quantity in spite Melvin, Thomas C. Holmes, Fred of the'fact that the well contains C. Shuler, George L. Oliver, An- a lost string of drilling tools and diew J. Gray, Daniel Morris, Cop some 4000 feet of drill, mudl. C. Davis, Junie A. Cannon, Lowell Whether this means the start of V. Kemp, Benjamin R. Gibson Jr., an oil boom is uncertain and can- Byron A. Alexander. George E. not be determined until it is ascer- Whitfield, John 0. Nicohls and' A. tainted if the oil sand reached Is C. Pitts. sufficiently rich to justify an at- The defense, committee of the tempt to bring in a commercial Port St. Joe- Woman's club, con- well sisting of Mrs. Newman Towery, In. the meantime, Waltonians are Mrs. Tom Byrd, Mrs. Paul Brig- not raising any umbrellas to ward man, Mrs. Louis Johnson, Mrs. An- off a shower of oil, .(Continued Oi Page 2 Married Men Facing Draft Due to Fact That Congress VISITS PARENTS I ": '. 14 Captain Gaston L. Dickens, who is with the Field Artillery at Camp Gordon, Ga., accompanied by his wife, spent Sunday thru Wednesday in Port St. Joe vis- iting with his parents, Mr. and SMrs. B. H. Dickens. Captain ficer, was inducted into the ser- vice on August 26, 1941. Government Calls For Old Jaloppies Needed T Helpn Feed Scran To Nation's Steel Mills ,This Winter The government is' calling on ,'ulf county for every' available automobile .,that is no longer serv- ing a useful purpose to help feed scrap to the nation's steel mills this winter. "According to the best esti- mates," says Kenneth MacFarland, state manager of the automobile graveyard section of the WPB, "a total .of 35,000 once-proud Florida automobiles must be junked this winter to feed the country's war- hungry blast furnaces. Of these, Refused to Act On Measure 20 per cent of the cars made in proved fashion by the volunteer Until After the Election 1935 or earlier and registered in nurses under supervision of Doc Gulf county are no longer service- Ward. 'able and could be given in by lo- Cars authorized to travel during More than likely quite a num- J cal people, the blackout moved with but two will ber of married men in Gul county dur In ar, a car is either trans-of light. Paper hood will be inducted into the army dur- portation or junk," the jaloppy covered the headlights. ing November and December, due chief said "The WPB is not n- Boy Scouts and others acted a to the fact that congress failed to terested in scrapping transporta- "viBoy Scouts and or the ivilirsan mercy enact the 'teen-age draft bill, until tion, but each unserviceable car squadvictims. Thor the byciv (and several after the election. Otherwise these contains at least 1500 pounds ot squgirlds) werThe boperl bandaged by men might not have been called- choice' metal scrap, more needed (Contigirls) were properly bandn Page 2)by until late next spring, if at all. metal in one piece than anything (Continued on age 2) The senate military committee else a family can contribute to the points out that even if the' bill is 1 ar POSTMASTER URGES signed immediately by President "Scores of si'ch junk cars are EARLY XMAS MAILING ,Roosevelt, actual induction of 18 sitting in 'outdoor' garages in and 19-year-old men probably will every county in the state. They Postmaster H. A. Drake urges not start until about January 1. can't be put in running shape, that everyone do their Christmas . Selective service officials say it most have no tires, and tires can. mailing extra early this year, as will take from 30 to 40 days after not be obtained for them. Those indications are that the volume of the bill becomes law to "process" .are the useless vehicles we want." Christmas mail will be the largest the 18 and 19-year-old selectees To donate such a wreck, all an on record, mainly due to the fact and actually begin to get them owner has to do is to call or write that hundreds of thousands oT into the army. to The Star office, phone 51, or parcels are being handled for the APPEAL FOR BOOKS else call a junk dealer direct, troops overseas and, in camp and The department of education of Cold winter weather already is the free mailing privilege granted the Port St. Joe Woman's club is slowing down scrapping operations to, members of the armed forces, making an appeal for books and in northern junk yards, and the this latter fact having raised mall- magazines for the libraries of athe burden of supplying scrap to make ings some 30 per cent. In addition, maglocal schools. Fiction on the the tanks and guns will fall on the thousands of experienced postal local schools. Fiction on the ap- (Continued on Page 4) workers have been taken by the proved list is particularly needed. (Continued on Page 4) wrke and their place filled proved list for school children will State Patrolman. Stationed Here by temporary, inexperienced em- be turned lover hto thepublic we State Highway Patrolman B. M. p)loyes. be returned over the pulic we Henderson has been permanently The postoffice department Is a_ assigned to duty in this section making strenuous efforts to avoid Joins Navy and is making his residence at the !a terrific jam, and it can succeed Roy Evans this week enlisted in home of Mrs. B. J. Spears. Anyone in those efforts-and avoid many the United States Navy. Claims he not having a driver's license is heartaches for its patrons-if the always did have a hankering for 'rred to contact Patrolman Hen- public will co-operate by mailing the gea person. extra early this year. #-.dm h lft --- Friday's 'Air Raid' Shows Efficiency Of Defense Setuip All Departments Function In Harmony and Smoothness During Blackout Period Port St. Joe merged with the darkness of the surrounding woods last Friday night in the test black, out and "air raid" staged by the local defense council in the first full dress rehearsal of the Civilian Defense organization here, The yellow flash-meaning that enemy planes had been sighted heading in this direction was transmitted at 8:20, and a call went out to all members of the control center staff and to those on the "yellow" list. Then came the blue flash two minutes later, meaning that bombers were head* ed for Port St. Joe, and all de- fense workers were contacted and warned' bo be on the alert. This was followed at 8:25 by the red flash and the sounding of the sirens, and whistles. In the control center the staff waited tensely for reports to come in, all ready, to direct the intricate machinery of a serious prepared- ness system. And finally, when the "incidents" began to come over the phone, contact was 'immedf- ately made with res were dispatched to the points designated by the calls. In a few instances a cog or so in the com- plex organization slipped, but all in all the CD groups carried out their various assignments in a smooth and harmonious manner. , "Victims" of gas andi high ex*- polsive bombs were given first aid on the spot, and those more seri- ously "injured" were removed by ambulance to the health center, which was set up as a hospital, where thoe were o treoantdo in an- II I 3 PAETOTESAPR T OGL ONY LRD RDY OEBR1,i4 THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as Second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Florida, under Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Invariably Payable In Advance One Year........$2.00 Six Months...... $1.00 Three Months..........65c -4 Telephone 51 }.- The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfuly weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; ths printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoiren word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong WHERE DOES THE TROUBLE LIE? In a great number of ways the war effort in Port St. Joe has bogged down-or perhaps we should say that it never really developed sufficient momentum even to get to the point of bogging down-which is very discouraging to those individuals who have been giving un- stintingly of their time in the various phases of war work which should necessarily be car- ried on. Let us look at the Red Cross sewing room first, which has the rolling of bandages as .the main project. When the room was first opened, a large number of women enthusias-- tically signed up, and the majority of them reported for work regularly-for several days ---and then dropped out, until today there are but perhaps half a dozen doing this most im- portant work. If these women would only realize why they are rolling bandages, maybe they would expend a little effort to speed the work. Those bandages are for cur men in the armed seviees wthoy. are .going to be wounded,. It might be 'any young man from Port St. Joe -your son, your 'neighbor's son, your hus- band, brother, cousin, fiancee or friend-who is going to stop a bullet or receive a bayonet thrust somewhere in the steaming jungles of the Solomon Islands or on the. bleak desert or mountain passes of North Africa. And these wounds will not be pleasant-we know personally. At times they are jagged gashes that bleed profusely and are open doors to infection, particularly if they are no4 attended to immediately. If a fighting man dies because there is no bandage for him, will it be the fault of those women of Port St. Joe who have failed to show up at the Red Cross sewing room? Perhaps. But those who have been working some of them almost every day-can rest at night with an easy conscience and the feeling of a job well done. Now let us take the matter of the AWS observation post in Port St. Joe. Many .signed up for two-hour shifts and a goodly., number are still faithfully putting in their time each week. But a large proportion who volunteered have put in but one, two, or perhaps half a dozen shifts since December 7 last. Many failed to even put in an appear- ance after pledging faithfully to do their bit in this most important phase of the war ef- fort. 'It is very discouraging to the chief ob- server, who has about reached the point where he is thinking of turning the AWS fiasco hb':k to the Indians-in this case, the local defense council. k And our scrap drive. It's been a shame. You and I, and everyone else, knows that there is more scrap material in Port St. Joe than the little dab that has.been turned in to date. There's plenty more to be had if our people would get the lead out of their pants and do a bit of hustling for a change. Sure, most everyone is buying War Bonds, but that requires no effort-merely writing a check or opening of the wallet. It will take more than just the buying of bonds to win this war-it is going to take hard work and sacrifice on ;the part of every one of us to keep the Stars and. Stripes flying over our free land, and the quicker all of us realize this, the quicker the day will come when we can return to our normal way of living. This editorial does not apply to everyone iq Port St. Joe, for all our citizens are not fall- ing down on this matter of war service. A lot of them are carrying more than their share of the load. However, the majority of our people here are laying down on the job. Where the trouble lies, we do not know, but personally, your editor has about given up hope of awakening the citizens to their duty and responsibility during these 'parlous times.. HOW ABOUT THOSE TIRES? Starting Sunday, November 22, gasoline rationing will become effective in Port St. Joe; along with the rest of the nation which to date has been free of this restriction, and as a part of this rubber-saving measure, the government is making a drive to acquire all tires in excess of five per car. This is for our own good in an endeavor to keep essential automobiles moving until syn- thetic rubber plants can turn out enough of their product to keep all cars moving. This sale of tires to the government is purely voluntary. You do not have to turn in your tires in excess of five if you do not want to. BUT-if you don't, the OPA will save your rubber for you by refusing to is- sue you a, gasoline ration book. So, if you are figuring-on Hoarding a tire or two, consider well, for the five tires you keep must be registered, with their serial .f numbers, when you apply for your gas book, and if, when you come up for tire inspection every 60 days, you have a different set of. serial numbers than those set forth in your i ration application, you will be in exceedingly a warm water, t ON KEEPING COOL c Paste this in your memory: The German c submarines sank less than half as much ship- ping in.August in the Gulf of Mexico and on t our east coast as they sank in the. months of July, June and May. The score for August a was 31, for these other months it was, re- - spectively, 68, 78 and 61. t Recall this from your memory: In May, then June, then July, we were in tears over : the submarines. They were sinking our ships with neatness and dispatch. We hopped on l Secretary Frank Knox. Why wasn't he doing something about it? Wesoured on the gov-h ernment. We were losing the Battle of the Atlantic, we mourned; why isn't something done? The subs were sinking our ships faster 9 than new ships could be built. There could be but one end to that: defeat. The eager c critics stewed. But now in August, 31 ships t were sunk and 68 new ships delivered by the shipyards to take their place.-The Atlanta a Journal. A SUCCESSFUL AIR RAID TRYOUT The air raid-blackout practice held in Port St. Joe last Friday night reflects high credit on all the participants. Our civilian defense workers-air raid wardens, auxiliary firemen and police, demolition and repair squads,' first aid groups and all the rest of the varied per- sonnel-proved their alertness and efficiency. Hardly less important was the earnestly co- operative spirit shown by the public. Gerge Snowden, head ,of civilian defense in this area, and his staff are to be congratu- lated on the results. The experience gained in such practices will serve us well in the event of real raids. These new taxes are going to put a damper on a lot of foolish spending. A preview of what is coming is found in the excise tax which went into effect November 1 upping the cost of smokes and drinks. The old five- cent cigar is a six-center now. Bonded whis- key is taxed 25 cents more a pint. FRIDAY'S 'AIR RAID' SHOWS EFFICIENCY OF DEFENSE SETUP (Continued From Page 1) .irst aiders, at times spotted up with mercurochrome to simulate blood, splinted if necessary, and carefully handled when being re- moved to the dressing stations. A member of one first aid squad asked for the "victim's" name, and the reply, canDA: "Don't ask me, can't you se I'mn unconscious." One call came into the control center to -un tLe ,.motor repair ;raew to the high school building where a truck had broken down. The truck happened to be that ot he St. Joe Hardware company as- igned to the demolition squad, and when the repair crew drove ap and began. swarming over the ruck to "fix" fE, Horace Soule in- isted that there wasn't a thins vrong with it. Finally, afer the repair crew kept insisting that it /as out of commission, it finally awnedd on Horace that this was i11 a part of the practice-and was his face red! At 8:50 the "white flash" came through, which was the signal for woundingg the "all clear," that the aiders had passed, and that peo- ple could again come out into the open. "Incidents," however, con- inued' to be handled through the control center, just as ift it were he aftermath of a real raid. The test was indeed successful, nd if bombs had fallen, Port St. oe. was ready to take it. SELECTEES LEAVE FOR BLENDING (Continued6 From Page 1) drew Owens, Mrs. Floy Scheffer, Mrs. E. Hall, Mrs. Frank Gunn, Mrs. Harry Jones and Mrs. B. R. Kenney, was on hand to see the boys off and to serve them with coffee and doughnuts. Rev. W. A. Daniels asked the in- vocation and Mrs. Kenney told the selectees that her group repre- sented the women of Port St. Joe and also told! them of the camp and hospital service. No More Safety Razors No more safety razors will be made for civilian use. Blades, however, will still be made. ------*------ Wasted money is wasted lives. Don't waste precious lives. Every dollar you.can Spare should be .used to buy War Bonds. Buy your ten percent every pay day. REGISTRATION FOR GASOLINE RATION BOOKS POSTPONED (Continued from Page 1) for purchase by the. government. All tires must be inspected at,,' regular intervals, as stated on tbe application blank, and in Port S,. Joe the following inspection '.sta- tions and inspectors have been' designated: : ' ,St. Joe Motor Company; W. ML Howell, inspector.. Miller's .Standard Service Sta- ticu; Jimmy Greer, in.:pExtor. Sunny Stae STerti.:+ Stati:n: W. C. Roche, inspector. St. Joe Paper Company; R. PR. Minus, inspector. Kenney Mercantile Company; Alex Young, inspector. Highlafid: View Garage; W. C. Forehand, inspector. .Wewahitchka; Claude Lister, in- spector. Mrs. T. M. Schneider is in At- lanta, Ga., attending the shoe style show. O0 YOUWANTA BABY?, New Vitamin Combination Brings Hoei to Childless Homes Nothing equals'a baby to bring cor-, plete unity and happiness into the' home: and tie husband and wife together in -a stronger bond of enduring love and mu- tual interest. Divorce is rare in the-homes; of couples that have children. Unhappy wives, childless due to relieve- able functional weakness may now enjoy the desires and activity of Nature's most wonderful treation-a normal, fuliy-de- veloped, vigorous woman. A sensational new vitamin treatment specifically for women may be just the thing needed by the childless wife and quickly bring the- happiness of a baby in the home. It is, of course, absolutely harmless. If you are childless due to functional: weakness and lack normal vigor-if you' wish to eliminate one of the gr-at causes; of unhappy marriages, by all "means try: Perlex for one week. To introduce this] new vitamin combination to a million; women. quickly, the P.erlex Company, 314 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illnois, will send a full $200 supply for only $l.0 and a few cents postage.- Send no money -just your name and address: Pf.xyi comes in a.plain wrapper-directions ard very simple.and no diet or exercise is required.' (Ii I I I iI; i~j \ \ -1 1. "We Just settlers a tittle argument about women's : ability to tMrnS out ammunition." THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE TWO FRIDAY, NOVFME3ER ig, 1942 WRIAY NOEBR1,14 HlTR OTS.JE UFCUTFOIAPG HE Leaves for Maryland Pete Bernall, who visited here with his family last week,- is now Society Personals Churches attending an officer's training school in Maryland and expects to PHONE 51 MRS. W. S. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 receive his commission shortly. Men are dying for the Four Freedoms. The least we can do here at home is to buy War Bonds-10% for War Bonds, every pay day. DR. I C. COE --D E N T I S T- Office Hours: 9 to 12 1 to 5 Sunday By Appointment Costin Building Phone SS TO SAFEGUARD YOUR.:H.EALTH r*The purity and uniformity of the 'drugs and chemicals we use in com- pounding your physician's prescription are ensured by the vigilant chemists of Control Laboratories. Even during the manufacture of a simple product a score or more of exacting tests for purity are made. Thus, we compound prescriptions Switch full confidence in the reliability of the ingredients your physician prescribes. We use lMerck Prescription Chemicals LeHardy Pharmacy Phone 5 -Port St. Joe We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription ALKA-SELTZER 0 OCCASIONALLY I wake up in the morning with a Headache. It sometimes wears off along, the middle of the forenoon, but I don't want to wait that long, so I drink a glass of sparkling ALKA,-SELTZER. In just a little while I am feeling a lot better. Sometimes the week's ironing tires me' nd makes me sore and stiff. Then it's ALKA- SELTZER to the rescue- a tablet or two and a little rest makes me feel more like finish- ing the job. And when I eat "not wisely but top well" ALKA-SELTZER relieves the Acid Indigestion that so often follows. Yes, Alka Seltzer brightens my day. It brings relief from so many of my discomforts, that I always keep it bandy. Wy donttyou get a package cO ALKA-SELTZPER at your drug store today? Large Package 60*. Small 30*. WOMAN'S CLUB SPONSORING W. ^ ^"6 - POETRY CONTEST IN SCHOOLS f Tam I MI V V S I REPORT GIVEN BY WOMAN'S CLUB AT DISTRICT MEETING |1|][!HI W"" !'(n ""i"" iP| !".'", !!!!!lill!! lllilill ll IF ANYBODY HAS- Eloped Married Divorced Had a Fire Sold a Farm Been Arrested Been Your Guest The departments of education Ij T 1 1 II U U V l he following report of the Port Started in Business and fine arts of the Port St. Joe PRT T ATR st. Joe Woman's club for 1941-42 Left You a Fortune Woman's club are sponsoring a TO THE PORT THEATRE was submitted at the district meet- Bought a New Home poetry contest in the local, schools. *4 0 4 4:44 4, ing held recently at Graceville: Swiped Your Chickens The rules are given below. Pictures for Your "MUST" List In addition to regular meetings, Met With An Accidenti These departments 'hope to be Pictures That You Will : "Bundles for Britain" Christmas Had a Visit From the Stork able to set up permanent awards Want to See! party was given, members taking THAT'S NEWS for scholastic achievement, par- i ts of clothing instead of ex- ticularly encouraging the spark of "Holiday Inn," Crosby's and As- changing gifts; this box was TELL THE EDITOR creative ability wherever found. tair's best. valued at $50. A cash donation of Phone 51-The Star It is hoped that this may become "Yank at Eton"; Rooney at his $5 was made to the Children's : yearly, award and that" it will be- best. Home Society and a box sent that IIllllIIIII!I!llllllllilllilllllll llllllllllllll come a part of the requirements "War Against Mrs. Hacley" was valued at $60. Delegates at- for graduation that each pupil Everyone's Picture. tended district meetings, insti- shall have at some time, partici- "George Washington Slept Here" tutes and the state convention. pated in one of these contestV, "Invisible Agent" A "Current Affairs" contest was which, if set up permanently, will held in January. The American appeal to different abilities each BAPTIST CHURCH. SERVICES Home department held its regular year. An out-of-town judge has R. F. Hallford, Pastor March luncheon, and the fine arts been secured: to' pass on entries. 9:45 a. m.-Sunday School. department had an exhibit of one The rules follow: 11:00 a. m.- Morning worship. of the penny art collections. The Poems submitted must be on a Topic: "Infant Salvation." use of the club rooms was given A MARTIN THEATRE subject pertaining to the war, or 7:00 p. m.-B. T. U. to the soldiers billeted in the Cen- on a patriotic subject, and must be 8:00 p. m.-Evening worship tennial building and magazines BEN RIVERS, Manager written on one side of paper only, Topic: "The Blood-or Else." were collected for them and for Opens Daily 2:45, Continuously preferably typewritten. They must *r Tyndall Field each month; ap- Saturday 1:00 Sunday 1:00 have not less than 6 lines nor more NO PREACHING SERVICE AT proximately 200monlthly have been than 20 and may be "conven- METHODIST CHURCH SUNDAY delivered. A sink and kitchen cab- tional" (rhyming) o.r may be Rev. 0. D. Langston, pastor of inets were installed -in the club SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 "modern" (free verse), or un- the Methodist church, Will ble at- rooms, a piano was purchased and B rhymed, tending the annual conference at payments made on the heatingB H I T S Name of contestant should not Birmingham this week and makes system for the Centennial build- ---Hit No. 1- appear on page containing entry, the following announcement: ing. but should be enclosed in a sealed 'Sincel making announcements The club co-sponsored a concert ROY envelope with the. following infor- about services 'next Sunday, sev- 'y the Orange: Blossom quartet; e ROGERS nation: Name and age of contest- eral people have indicated to me 1 ire'ss book was kept and entered LINDA ant, grade in school, and title of that they thought it might be ad- 1i the state contest; year books HAY ES entry. All poems and, envelope visible to let next Sunday be an are printed annually. Over forty must be in hands of the Woman's open Sunday, since it is what we members have been secured in the Chapter No. 2 club committee by December 15. call conference Sunday. We had fall membership drive.' A prize of $1 in War Stamps will thought it might be to our advant- Magazines and books are col- "Junior G I-Men of be 'awarded the winner, in each age to let next Sunday be Pledge acted fior the local schools, ant- group-one prize for the seventh, Sunday, in which the membership the club is making an effort to as- the Air' eighth and ninth grades, and one would make. their pledges to the bsist in the education of the local for the tenth, eleventh and twelfth local budget for next year. An- youth by contributing money for HIT NO. 2 grades. The winning poems an- other idea is that' we have hardly books and recreation and fostering any des-erving honorable mention had time to get ready for pledge the creative, spirit. "'' AV ."'F, VIG ' will be submitted to the Florida day In view of this and other * Clubwoman magazine for publica- ideas on the subject, I am announc- METHODIST YOUTH9 5 a W tion. ing that there will be no worship FELLOWSHIP ELECTS Those in charge of the contest or preaching seiVices at tho At the regular meeting of the are Mrs. R. W. Smith, chairman church next Sunday. Pledge Sun- lthodist Youth Fellowship last 'I -_ _ of the education department; M1s. day has been postponed until unday the annual election of of- SUNDAY MONDAY Edwin Ramsey, chairman of the probably the Fifth Sunday, which :icers was held with the following November 15 16 fine arts department, and Mrs. will give us time to get ready for results: Paul Johnson, re-elected, .:eorge McLawhon. it. president; George Wimberly, . S "The church school and Youth vice-president; Mary Earl Helms, ALTAR GROU.P DISCUSSES Fellowship will be at the regular acretary: Pauline Owens, treas. CHRISTMAS PLANS hours. In the meantime we can be arer; Bobby Wallace, publicity The St. Joseph's Altar society thinking about our pledges. Briefly .iperintendient; Sallie Traweek, met Monday of last week at the our financial arrangements are as *airmuin of worship committee: church with Mrs. M. Whitaker as follows: Local -budget, general and \melia Gibson, mission committee NEWS EVENTS hostess. The meeting was con- conference benevolences, special h'airmnan: Hazel Barke. qomnlun- ducted by Mrs. Robert Tapper, the days and building fund.' Pledges 'y service committee .chairman: PETE SMITH SHORT vice-president, who also gave the will be requested on local bulge.t 'lary Johnson, recreation commit- aB opening invocation. and: on benevolence, but the ac. 'oe chairman. All officers will take TUESDAY NOVEMBER 17 In the absence of the treasurer. counts will be kept separate, so the over their various duties at the her report was made by Mrs! Whit- pledges will Be separate. On spe.- nesting next Sunday. ONE DAY ONLY aker and dues collected. The by- cial days we will depend on volun- All members are asked to come laws of the club were then re- tafy offerings. The building fund out next Sunday prepared.to make viewed by Mrs. Nedi.Porter. is on a voluntary basis, but we their pledge to the budget for the At this meeting Christmas plans will use special envelopes. The -oming year \ jJ 1 'or the organization were sug- pledges on benevolences will be Pauline Owens will be in charge ERRL gcsted and discussed at length in taken some time before the First of the Senior Young People's dis- lHARBR1 open forum. Quarterly- Conference, at which e ussion period, and Sallie Traweek _ Mrs. B. W.' Eells and Mrs. Nor- time we are to say what our ac- will lead in the worhsip program Chapter No. 3 man Allemore were appointed to ceptance will be. Sunday evening at 6:30. take charge of the church for the "All our obligations have been "Perils of Nvyoka month of November. paid for this year, and all reports BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS show that we have had a most Pvt. and Mrs. Arthur Bryan (nee Send The Star to a friend, profitable year." 41ice Gibson) announce the birth WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18 (IIilllIIIIlliIllll llllllllllllllllll tlllllllllllllllllil *h s ae a of a 71/2-po'und daughter on Sun- CIHESTER The Misses Hazel and Flora 'lae flay, November 8. The young lady MOR RS ATT EN TI O N Cason returned Sunday from Lake," as been anmed Patricia Irene EAN A O City, where they visited several' You Can Still days with their grandmo.hcr.' Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Kenning- P R ER BUILD- ton announce the birth of a 6%-' REPAIR Cecil Costin Jr., who is a-tend- found d son Thursday, November r' QUIZ KIDS and REPAIR iFg the university at Ga'-ehille. "JEWEL OF THE PACIFIC" REROOF spent the week-end here -.-:th 1b. Born, Sunday, November 8. t PAINT Uare.nts., Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Coti n '.r. and Mrs.. Dewev Cox. a son. INSULATE THURSDAY and FRIDAY Your Home $20f\ Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell I. .'-" al Boerr. Thursclay. November ti November 19 20 Up to -U s guests over the w.re- id M1r r. and Mrs. P.. L. Hanlon, a soi. 0 ON EASY LOANS and Mrs. F. G. Sharit of A-a" o u'-id N im ON e ASY Lo Acola. po. Sunday, November Ff, t -- See Us For Estimate ola- r. ad Mrs. E. M. Walker, a son. I We Do Millwork and Build Boats Mrs. And y Dragion r Totha M A St. Joe Lumber Co. Ala., was the week-eld g-iest of: Mrs. J. W. Plair bad as week-' St. Jo Ler iMrs. W. A. Rollins. -d" -ists her son-In-law and NEWSFLASHES PHONE' 69-J ghter. Mr. and Mrs. Vonelle lHn,,il,,lllillillS .Hilllt^illifllllitt lllill(llll Advertising dooAet co0st--t Ps a 'Adams of Pensacola. j -'llllHin9 ilillt FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1942 THE .STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE PAGE FOU TH TR OTS.JE GL ONY LFIAFRDY OEBR1,14 Advertising doesn't cost-it PAYS! NOBLE TELLS WAYS GOVERNMENT CALLS IN WHICH FLORIDA FOR OLD JALOPPIES I PRODUCTS ARE SED (Continued from Page 1) CLA PODUTS AREoUSED --Ll.r |dideep South for the next, few How are the food and other 1 months if steel mills are to be FOR RENT products,-produced in such large kept going. FOR RENT-Juniper Lodge at quantities by Florida farms and Many Florida auto graveyards Beacon Hill. Has 4 small apart- groves this year, used during this already are running low on a sup- ments, partly furnished. Will lease wartime period? ply of old cars, since under strict at $25 per month to right party. While definite figures were not government .regulations, wrecked Inquire St. Joe Lumber Company. available, some of the answers to c trs must be on their way to the Phone 69-J. 9-4tf this question have been received s el mills within 60 days after be- MISCELLANEOUS from Dr. C. V. Noble, agricultural ing purchased from the owner. LEGAL FORMS-Warranty Deeds, economist with tho state agricul- Anyone' having or 'knowing of Mortgage Notes, Rent or Lease tural extension service, an old;'car which no longer serves Contracts, Promissory Notes and "First," says Dr. Noble, "we it useful purpose is asked to con- Purchaser Agreements. We carry muset realize that a rather la:ge tact The Star immediately, and. the a stock of these blank forms at all portion of the big crops of vce- information will be forwarded to times. The Star, phone 51. .tables,,milk, eggs and fruit was the WPB office in Jackosnville, consumed by our civilians in Flor- whose inspectors will contact the FISH BAIT-Fresh, c:ean wol'ns ida or other states, and by the owner of the car and get it headed .that are guaranteed to get the men in military service in ourt for a junk yard. fish for you. See Eddie Beverly state." in the coloerd quarters. 11-13 Concentrates from Florida citrus b"-,v, been shipped in increasing LEGAL ADVERTISING quantities to Great Britain and to NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS our forces in distant lands, the NAME LAW -oncom'it reports. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Oil :rom Florida's big peanut l IV ' Notice is hereby given that the ..I undersigned, pursuant to the "Fic- crop will be used in making soap, .titious Name Statute," House Bill glycerine and other products, help- No. 1175, Chapter No. 20953, Laws ing to Teplace the vegetable oils Lit' of Florida, 1941, will register with that formerly came to this country the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in - and fnio r ilf Cnnnv Fotrirdan ,nnn from lands that are now occupied receipt of proof of the publication of this notice, the fictitious name, "to-wit: MI1LER'RS DRUG STORE, under which we are engaged in business at Port St. Joe, Florida. That the parties interested in Said business enterprise are as follows: Mrs. George W. Ward and Dr. A. L. Ward. Dated at Port St. Joe, Gulf County, Florida, October 30, 1942. 10-30 11-27 NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME LAW TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, pursuant to the "Fic- titious Name Statute," House Bill No. 1175, Chapter No. 20953, Laws of Florida, 1941, will register with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for Gulf County. Florida, upon receipt of proof of the publicationn o'f this notice, th. fictitious name, to-wit: LeHARDY'S .PHARMACY, under which we are engaged in business at Port St. Joe, Florida. That the parties interested in said business enterprise are as Follows: J. R. Smith and J. T. Trawick. Dated at Port St. Joe, Gulf County, Florida, October 30. 1942. 10-30 11-27 by the axis. A portion of the pork and lard from the state's hog crop will go to England and to other United Nations. Florida's. tung oil crop, under strict government regulation, will be used in paints for ships and for other purposes directly connected With the war program. Turpentine and rosin from Flor- ida's farm forests will be used in the manufacture of paints, explo- sives, camphor and' many other products needed for war, while the timber will go into cantonments, ships. airplanes and war industry buildings. George Tapper Transferred Aviation' Cadet George Tapper visited here Sunday with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tapper. George, who is stationed at Bain- bridge, Ga., states that he will be transferred to Columbus, Miss., for further training before receiving his commission. 'AW U.S.WAR BONDS WTouWan l We'll Produce a Good Job at the Promised Time at a Moderate Price Your order will receive prompt attention in our shop and it will be printed at a reasonable price. You can be confident of delivery when promised. THE STAR "Your Home Town Newspaper" r.- "Copyrighted Material <' Syndicated C0onet Available from Commercial News Providers" ^rl -41 Enlist At Tyndall Field Among those passing their army physical examination at Tyndall Field during the past week and being sent to Camp Blanding for TJAVlzYou tried Alkla-Set-I a zer for Gasa on Stomach, Sour Stomach, "Mornine U After" and Cold Distress? If not, why notT Pleasant, prompt in action, effective. S. Thirty cents and Sixty cents. pR N ERVINE F relief from Functional Ner- vous Disturbances such as Sleep- Slessness, Crankiness, Excitability, Nervous Headache and Nervous 'In- digestion. Tablets 350 and 750, Liquid 250 and $1.00. Read direc- tions and use only as directed, A SINGLE Dr. Miles Anti- APain Pill often relieves Headache, Muscular Pains or Functional Monthly - Pains-25 for 259, 125 e V for$1.00. Get them at your / drug store. Read directions - and use only as directed. . induction were John F. Ford Jr., and Wendell H. Hart of Port St. Joe. Trade at home--your local mer- chants have just what you want. 4 -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- " ROOM AND BOARD , BY THE WEEK $800 Dining Room Open to the Public Club Breakfast, 6 to 9....26c Lunch, 12 to 2...........40c Dinner, 6 to 8 ...........40c MRS. M. 0. FREEMAN Coi ner Reid Ave. and 3rd St. Griffin Grocery Building ----s -- -- -- ANN PAGE SALAD DRESSING PINT Durkee's Union 0B Disc-o-Bit i wSALT, 3 for ............12 CRACKERS, 9 ozx........... 10, Ann Page, French r150 Winner Pearl 21P DRESSING,- oz... GRITS, 6 lb. Bag .......... Lea Per ,r.. 33 Nourishing l SAUCE, 5 oz .......... COCOMALT, / 2b. Can25 CAULIFLOWER --- Large Head.. 2 LARGE CALIFORNIA LEMONS, Dozen ..........-... 30 U. S. No. 1 POTATOES, 10 lb. Bag 310 TENDER YELLOW SQUASH, lb. 100 FANCY TOMATOES, 1 lb. Carton 19B YELLOW ONIONS, 4 Pounds 19 AVACADO PEARS, Each 150 YOUNG SMALL OKRA, Pound g15 FLORIDA ORANGES, Dozen LARGE PERSIAN LIMES, Dozen FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, 3 for Red Kidney 15 Felischmann's BEANS, 2 lbs. ........ Y E A S T 30 Large Lima I23 lona $167 BEANS, 2 lbs. ........ FLOUR, 48 lb. Bag. ...... Blackeye 17 Marvel Enriched 1 Ii PEAS, 2 lbs. .......... 1 7 BREAD, 1/ lb. Loaf ......11. Baby Lima 1 Peter Pan 2 Ib. Jar 'BEANS, 2 lbs. ..... 1...0 PEANUT BUTTR .-........- 9 TALCO FEEDS - LAYING MASH 100 lbs...............$3.33 GROWING MASH 100 lbs................$3.23 SCRATCH FEED ....................100 lbs................$2.69 DAIRY FEED, 20% ................100 lbs.................$2.63 LAYING MASH 25 lbs.......----....... 87 GROWING MASH 25 lbs.......--- ........ 85 SCRATCH FEED 25 lbs .---...........69 STARTING MASH 25 lbs...-----........83 FINE CHICK FEED ....... ..-. 25 lbs----.......... 77 Vegetable Shortening 79 Toilet Soap-3 Bars 2 SPRY, 3 lb. Can .... IFE BUO ............. L White Beads of Soap Toilet Soap 210: KLEK, Large Box .......... LUX, 3 Bars --. -'-- Toilet Soap Toilet Soap 19I SWEETHEART, 3 Bars -' SWAN, 3 Med. Bars 127 A & P FOOD STORE Owned and Operated By the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Reid Ave. and Third St. PORT ST. JOE, FLA. a ag ~~AV FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1942 TH~E STAR, PORT S JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLOF#IDA PAGE FOUR 250- |