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"SOMEWHERE I'LL FIND YOU" -- NOVEMBER 1 2 3 lMWAKE EVERY PAY DAY WAR TA BOND DAY STOP SPENDING-SAVE DOLLARS THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center Buy War Bonds Every Pay Day Let's Double Our Quota VOLUME VI PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, OLORIDA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1942 NUMBER 4 Public Does Not i.ealize Importance 'Of AWS Post Here District Director Says There Are Hundreds of Citizens Able to Serve Two Hours Weekly The Star herewith presents an important letter written 'to the newspapers of the city by George "L. 9iowden, district civil director of the Aircraft Warning .Service, from data on the Port St. Joe ob- -servation post furnished by Chief -Observer W. S. Smith. We quote: "'W. S. Smith, Editor The Star: "The St. Joe aircraft spotting tower has now been completed for lover three months. The splendid co-operation of the various mer- chants, individuals, clubs and cor- porations which donated material, time or money to construct the tower has received' recognition and commendation from army officers of the First Fighter Command. The tower was pronounced the "best in this section of the state. "We have .been advised 'by head- quarters that special attention is .given to reports originating at the St. Joe tower. There must be some cause for this special attention, and one does not have to look far to find the reason. "Considering the above, it his been very disappointing to those of us wiho see.,what t lier com- -munities are doifig, that the St. Joe post has not received the co-oper- ation from volutneers that its im- portance rightly deserves. Up un- til two weeks ago there have been ,sufficient observers to activate (Continued on Page 2) SUGAR RATIONING STAMP NO. 9 WILL BE GOOD NOVEMBER 1 Stamp No. 9 of your sugar ra- tioning book will be good for three pounds of sugar beginning Novem- ber 1 and continuing through De- cember 15. This is at the rate of one and one-half pound per week. Industrial and institutional users are asked to call at the rationing board office, receive their blank and register for their November- December supply of sugar. Inducted Into Army Air Corps -Carlyle Matthews, son of Mrs. Laneta Davis, was inducted into, the Army Air Corps last Friday at Camp Blanding, where he. will re- ceive his basic training and later be transferred to Tyndall' Field. Carlyle passed the examination for a diesel operator. Attend Federation Meet Mrs. L. L. Zimmerman, Mrs. L. C. Rester, Mrs. Edwin Ramsey and Mrs. Flo*yd Hunt attended the sec- tional- meeting of the Federation of Woman's Clubs held Tuesday in Graceville. They went as repre- sentatives of 'the Port St. Joe Wo- man's club. To Be Stationed At San Diego Walter 'Kirby and Frank La- Grange, who recently enlisted in the navy, this week were sent to San Diego, Calif., to complete their training. Chances are they will run across Jesse Stone out there. ----------- At Tyndall Field 'Bert Hull, who recently joined the colors, is now stationed at Tyn- dall Field, where he can return -week-ends to visit his family here. Navy Day Dinner Draws Large Crowd Comptroller Jim Lee Delivers Ad- dress of Evening at Event Sponsored By Legion The banquet room of the Splen- did Cafe was jammed to the doors Tuesday evening by those attend- ing the Navy Day dinner sponsored by the American Legion at which Comptroller Jim Lee was the main speaker. Preceding Colonel Lee's talk, Basil E. Kenney, master of cere- monies, introduced Mrs. T. H. Stone and Mrs. W. T. Shoemaker, the only two war mothers present; Walter Roberts and his men from the Coast Guard unit, a-id Mr. and Mrs. Ray Neal of Tallahassee, who accompanied Mr. Lee. In leading up to -the introductions, Mr. Ken- ney made the brightest remark of the evening when he said that "if all toastmasters were laid end-to- end it would be a damn good thing." When Colonel Lee was intro- duced he made the usual remark of being "unprepared," andi then proceeded to talk for 45 minutes, praising the war mothers and stating that "our navy Is the guar- dian of freedom on the.high seas and on our shores," and that "the people have not yet awakened to the responsibility and bhe .oblga- tion that th-y cv.*oe'tofte navy." It is customary for Mr. Lee to launch into the matter of taxes in his speeches, but Tuesday night he refererd to the. matter *but once when he said, near the close of his talk, "everybody ought to, pay their taxes to support our army and navy." Proceeds from sale of tickets to the banquet, which were sold by various civic organizations, will go to the Navy Relief society. Seal This Year Most Attractive Portection of the Home Front Is Slogan of the 1942 Seal Sale Protection of the home front is the slogan of the 1942 Christmas Seal, Sale and defense councils throughout Flor- ida. A prevue of the 1942 Seal is .shown here. This year's Seal, symbol of the war against tuberculosis, was designed by Dale Nichols, out- standing American artist whose paintings of red barns have long been famous. The 1942 Seal shows a country scene with the typical Nichols red barn and white farm- house in the background. It is one of the most attractive designs in a list that now numbers 36, one for each of the years the tra- ditional Christmas Seal Sale cam- paign for health funds has been conducted throughout the nation. The brilliant seal radiates the spirit of the slogan, "Protect Your (Continued on Page 6) WHERE TO VOTE IN AFRICA 1 Lieut. Walter Cooner, nephew of Mrs. Basil E. Kenney, who re- cently received his wings at Coral Gables, is now "somewhere in Africa." Walter is with the Ferry Command and gets about considerable, having been in 46 of the 48 states in the Union. (The Star wants photos of Gulf county men serving in the armed forces. Pictures, which should be in uniform, will be returned.) IIIIIIIIii ll tiiii IIllii IIIIIIIllllli llH I ll l III HIIIIIIli 1i JUST TWO MORE DAYS TO DO XMAS SHOPPING This is ju.st a last-minute re- minder to our readers that the deadline for sending Christmas gifts to servicemen overseas is November 1-next Sunday, To delay longer than that in getting gifts off is to risk the possibil- ity that your soldier or sailor- abroad may have the bleak ex- perience of an unrememberedd" Christmas. Gulf county boys in foreign fields are counting on you to make this Christmas far from home a memorable one. Don't let them down. Get busy with your shopping list today. illilllllllilIIIll i ll l lll llllllllll!l iI il!M INlll ||!llllm REXALL ONE CENT SALE WILL OPEN AT MILLER'S DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY An event that is looked forward "o by thrifty householders of Port St. Joe and vicinity is the regular Rexall One-Cent Sale presented by Record Crowd At Amateur Contest 'Standing Room Only' Sign Hung Out At Pilot Club Event Wednesday Night The much-heralded "Amateur Contest" sponsored by the. Port St. Joe Pilot club at the Port -the- ater -Wednesday night drew one of the largest crowds in the history of the theater, and Manager Ben Rivers was forced to regretfully hang out the "Standing Room Only" sign. Approximately forty contestants vied for first honors at the event, with the little Misses Dolores Mira and Lenora Brown, spon- sored by Wilks Jewelry and! the Chavers-Fowhand Furniture com- pany, taking top honors and a cash prize. of $2.50. jMiss Marigene Smith .was awarded second place, receiving a two weeks' pass to the Port theater. Thle judges, who were three members of the Signal Corps stationed in this vicinity, accorded first place to Mrs. Max Kilbourne for her rendition at the piano of one of her own composi- tions, but ruled her out of the amateur class. All contestants put on fine performances, but space forbids listing each and every one. Hit of the evening was Gordon Thomas, depicting a knight of the road as.a..spe:ia! .rao pu'- nr by the theater. He occupied a coiner of the stage throughout t'he, entire performance and drew many guf- faws from the audience with his antics. Larry Evans acted as master of ceremonies and added his bit to make the evening the success it was. Providing acEcompaniments at the piano for various contestants were Mrs. S. L. Barkle, Mrs. C. A. Brown and Mrs. Sammy Davis. The Pilot club realized $73 from the event, which will be used to carry on their varied civic activi- ties, and the members of the or- ganization extend taeir thanks to those who aided with the show, the contestants and the public for their co-operation in making the event the success that it was. Stage Set For PTA Carnival Tomorrow _.iller's Drug Store, and this year orilIvtinExeddEry it obens next Wednesday, Novem- ber 4, and continues .through Sat- urday-four big days of bargains. Despite war conditions and re- strictions on manufacturers, Mil- ler's is offering hundreds of bar- gains in the Rexall line at the reg- ular price, and for one cent extra, during this sale, a duplicate item may be purchased. For a partial list of the many household necessities being of- fered, turn to page two of this is- sue of The -Star. Fo-r a complete list,, consult *the large circulars being distributed 'by the store. Florida Motorists Slow In Selling Extra Tires Gordon Morecroft, state OPA ra- tioning officer at Jacksonville, has warned that Florida citizens are Voters of Port St-. Joe will cast slow in selling their excess tires to their ballots at the city hall, while the government. Failure to co-op- the polling place in Highland View rate will threaten the entire fu- will be next door to Paul Brig- ture of gas and tire rationing, he man's store. said. one To Attend Annual Hallowe'en Fete The stage is set and the finish- ing touches are being put on plans for the annual Parent-Teacher as- sociation Hallowe'en Carnival *to be staged beginning at 3:30 tomor- row afternoon on the vacant Iots between the Port theater and the McCoy grocery. A cordial inviation to parfici- pate in the jamboree is extended to everyone, and there will be en- tertainment and games for youni and. old, as well as food to satisfy the inner m~fn, such as home-made cakes, pies and candy, hot dogs, hambugrers and soft drinks. The money raised at the carnival will be used by the P.-T. A. to carry on the good work it is doing in County Would Get Much Cash Under New Amendment Would No Longer Be Necessary tO Levy Taxes for Paying Old Road and Bridge Debts Although it does not mean much in debt liquidation, Gulf county having but $36,440 in road and bridge bonds issued prior to July, 1931, this county will collect $3,- 055,067 cash for new and recon- structed, highways from the pro- posed gas tax amendment which comes up for ratification by the people at next Tuesday's general election. However, the taxpayers can forget about that $36,440 which is taken over by the state. This is according to. figures re- leased 'by the State Association of County Commissioners in Talla- hassee this week. They are based on tabulations prepared by the au- diting department and the di- vision of research and records of the state road department. For the entire state the amend- ment will liquidate $171,S95,054 worth of high interest bearing road and bridge bonds and provide more than $400,000,000 additional over the 50-year period for perfec- tion of the statedand coJuty high- way systems without "additional 0ost to taxpayers. T1,e- auerjd.Jtieuit woulw- i.ke it no longer necessary fIOr counties to levy ad valorem taxes for the purpose of paying the old road and bridge bond debts, because it turns the task of liquidating these debts over to the already existing board of administration (the governor, state treasurer and state comp- troller) for" payment from two cents of the present gasoline tax, The measure does not change the method of allocation of gas tax revenue, this remaining tl&e same as it has been since the 1931 legislature. After each county's road bond debts are paid, that county continues to get the bene- fits in cash for new and recon. structed roads within the county. As E. Clay. Lewis said in speaking before the Kiwanis club last week, every road, street and hog trail in Gulf county will eventually be paved- under provisions of this amendment. The amendment has been en- dorsed by the state chamber of commerce, the State Association of County Commissioners, the State Association of County Attor- neys, 64 of the 67 individual county commissions, including the Gulf county board, taxpayers' groups and scores of individuals through- out the. state prominent for their interest in public affairs and the future welfare of their state. It (Continued on Page 4) 'Bernal Is Visitor Pete Bernal, who has been re- ceiving primary training at Kees- ler Field, Miss., this week is home visiting his wife and family. When his leave ends he will go to Aber- deen Md., to take a course in the officers' candidate school. Glenn Grimsley In Air Corps Glenn Grimsely, son of Mr. and our schools. So everybody is urged Mrs. Joe Grimsley of this city, was to load their pockets with nickels inducted into the Air Corps last and dimes and come out tomorroww Friday at Camp Blanding, where afternoon and evening and have a he will receive his basic training. good time, as well as helping a Later he will, be stationed at Tyn- worthy cause. dall Field. Fowl Hunters Need Permits All Nimrods Are Required to Get Permission From the Coast Guard Gulf county nimrods who expect 'to bring back a bag of water fowl in this section, as well as on the east coast of Florida, this season must obtain a special coast guard permit and observe the following restrictions: 1. All federal and state laws must be obeyed. 2. A coast guard identification card must be carried. 3. A special water-fowling per- mit must be obtained from sec- tion headquarters. 4, Firearms of no kind may be carried aboard craft propelled by motor or sail. Craft driven by out- lboard motors are considered, as Inotorboats. 5. Only standard shotguns may be used by those with permits. 6. Use of rowboats is re- stricted to bays and inlets, and rowing along shores contiguous to the open sea isn't to be per- mitted. 7. Water-ifowling is prohibited near army, navy and coast guard Installations, and near shipyards, power plants and similar places. 8. Cameras, firearms and binoc- ulars must not be carried in pro- *bibited or restricted zones. PUBLIC DOES NOT REALIZE IMPORTANCE OF AWS POST HERE (Continueds From Page 1) this post but an average of 61 per cent of the time. This means that from August 9 to October 11 there were 66 hours each week when there :was no one in the tower and wheffiA' enemy flight of bombers could have flown over our city without being reported. It means that during that time there were 66 hours each week when our Fighter Command, as well as vari- ous defense agencies, have been depending upon us to keep them advised and we have been asleep at the switch. However, *this has been corrected to some extent in the past two weeks, 'the average number of -u-rs now being ap- proximately 40 each week when there is no one in the tower. "I can attribute this failure to only one thing, and that is the lack of full understanding and ap- preciation, on the part of the pub- lic, of the true importance of thu Aircraft Warning Service. It is In- conceiyable that any man or wo- man, fully cognizan'tof the import- ance of the system of our over-all defense, would be indifferent to the many calls for volunteers to serve as aircraft observers. Nor is it conceivable that anyone fully aware of the great service they would be rendering, permit a little inconvenience to interfere with their serving two hours a week as an observer. "There are hundreds of men and women in Port St. Joe who can well spare two hours per week to serve as observers, and yet to date only a mere handful, so to speak, have been serving.. Numer- ous appeals for volunteers have been made orally by the chief ob- server and The Star has co-oper- ated wholeheartedly by making such appeals in its columns. De- spite all these efforts and the pub- licity given to the importance of the AWS, our post in Port St. Joe has been only 61 per cent effi- cient. "There are many observers who have taken their shift faithfully. There are other volunteers who have "dropped in" occasionally and have failed to report at other times. There are many who volun- teered to serve but wo'hoave never filled their shift at all. Lastly, I IiKOF/AMER/A 7 TOOTHtPOW/ER,| Keep your teeth sparkling. The neutralizing aid ofMilk of Magnesia helps combat mouth acids. KI.ENZO 2S's'izeREXALL TOOTH BRSfES TOOTH PASTE Concave, convex, Pleasant flavor - tufted styles long brightens, cleans, lasting Nylon bristles. polishes - MIILLERSDRUG STORE"t there are many eligible citizens who have not even vdlanteered. "Some claim that the work is unnecessary.' Others, after serv- ing one or two weeks, have be- come "bored" and quit. Still others after not reporting a plane for several weeks, can't see the 'rhyme )r reason' and lost interest. Then there are those who are so busy that they don't have time to act is observers but who somehow are able to find time to go fishing, at- tend various meetings and social functions. "Whether you or I, or anyone else, like it or not, we are at war and it is not up to us as indi- viduals, nor as a community, to say that 'the reporting of planes in accordance with army plans is or is not essential. We were asked by the army to establish a post in Port St. Joe. We; were- re- juested to activate this post 24 hours every day. That alone was sufficient evidence and grounds for as to have done so, "No criticism is intended, but we do wish that our citizens would place emphasis on the' really im- portant things today at the ex- pense, if necessary, of things. to which they have been accustomed and which they prefer to do. We Von Spiegel Is and it may have been his subma- have fighting men now in all cor- rine which sank the small cargo ners of the world, many of them Said To Be Active vessel off our coast recently. He sacrificing everything they have, remained in the United ,States un- including *their lives. Is it asking In GuI f S iki s til all consulates -of Germany were too much of those who remain be- I un s ordered closed, and. then left sup- hind to give 120 minutes of their posedly for home via South Amer- time each week, out of a total of Former German Consul At New ica. 10,080 minutes, to a job which Is Frequently in print, von iSpiegel recognized as one of the most im- Orleans Believed To Be probably, drew the most attention portant that civilians can do? Operating U-Boat two years .ago when he was quoted "This letter is being written with as saying that "Germany will not the hopes that in some way we Baron Edgar von Spiegel, World forget that when she was waging will be able to arouse the people War I U-boat commander and la- a struggle for' her very life that of Port St. Joe from their com- ter German consul af New Orleans, the United States did everything placency and false sense of secur- may be operating one of the sub- in its power to aid her enemies." ity. The writer does not know how marines harrassing Allied nations' The statement was quoted *by a many, observers are needed, but, shipping in the. Gulf and Carib- New Orleans reporter, and brought basing -the statement on the per-' bean area, according -to the story a call from Louisianfi Governor centage of hodrs filled eaeh week, told by, an army lieutenant. Sam Jones for a state department it would appear as though approx,- Lieut. lJhon Paxon, survivor of Investigation. The baron later was mately 40 are required to bring the a torpedoed ship, said the com- called 'to Washington. post to 100 per cent efficiency. mander of the -submarine which Again in the latter part of 1939 "If there is, anything you can do sank his .boat .introduced himself at San Antonio, Texas, von Spie- to help in this important work you to a lifeboat full of the survivors gel ,told a press conference that will. be doing a real service to the as von Spiegel, speaking in per- "the prevailing sentiment in .tle community, to the nation and to fect English. United 'States that Germany is the the United Nations as a whole." Other reports of von Spiegel's aggressor in 'the European conflict --- ----- presence in 'this area have been is 50 per cent hypocrisy and 50 One of Smallest Army Units received, but nothing so definite as per cent dumbness." A platoon, consisting of 50 to ; Paxon's report. - men, with a lieutenant in charge, Von Spiegel has a thorough About 122,000,000 copies of the is the third smallest war strength knowledge of the Gulf coast area 19th century McGuffey school unit of the U. S. army. through his peace-time activities, reader were sold. PAGE TWO THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, -142 Raid Baby's Bank for manufacturing. Squeeze baby's Jonah First Missionray Musical Dilly Alarm Clocks Getting Scarce Every family is asked to return bank for Uncle Sam. Jonah is the only person in the In the musical world, a dilly is Good alarm clocks and repair to circulation 10 pennies in order ---- -- Bible said to have paid his fare. fine, good music, or musician, but part:; are fast disappearing from that copper saved might be used Send The Star to a friend. He was also the first missionary. difficult composition, the market. NOTICE OF ELECTION WHEREAS, The Legislature o0 1941. under the Constitution of 1885, of the State of Florida, did pass 9 Joint Resolutions proposing amendments tO the Constitution of the State of Flor- ida. and the same were agreed to by a vote of three-fifthe of all the mem- bers elected to each nouse: that the votes on said Joint Resolutions were entered upon their respective Journals. with the Teas and nays thereon and they did determine and direct that the said Joint Resolutions be sub- mitted to the electors of the State at the General Election in November 1942 NOW. THEREFORE 1. R. A GRAY Secretary of State of the 'tate of Florida. do hereby gve notice that GENERAL ELECTION will be held in each county in Florida on Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November. A- D 1942. the said Tuesday being the THIRD DAY OF NOVEMBER for the ratification or rejection of the said Joint Resolutions proposIne amendments to the Constitution of the State of Florida. vtz: A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing an Amendment to Article EX of the Constitution of the State of Florida Relating to Taxation and Finance. by Adding Thereto an Additional Section Creating a State Board of Adminis- tration: Prescribing its Powers and Duties. and Providing for the use of Proceeds of Two Cents per Gallon of the Gasoline or Other Motor Fuel Tax for (1) the Payment and Retirement of All Outstanding Bonds Issued By Any County or Special Road and Bridge District Prior to First Day of July. A. D. 1931. for Road and Bridge Purposes, and for (2) Public Highway Purposes. BE IT RESOLVED BY TrHE LEGIS- LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: That the following amendment to Article IX of the Constitution of the State of Florida relating to Taxation and Finance by adding thereto an ad- ditional section to be known as Sec- tion 16 of said Article IX creating a State Board of Administration: pre- scribing Its powers and duties, and providing for the use of the of the proceeds of two cents per gallon of the gasoline or other motor fuel tax for (1) the payment ane retirement of all out- standing bonds issued' by any county or special road and bridge district prior to the First Day of July. A. D. 1931 for road and bridge purposes. and for (2) public highway purposes. Is hereby agreed to and shall be sub- mitted to the electors of the State of Florida for ratification or rejection at the next General Election to be held in 1942. as follows: "Section 16 (a). That beginning January 1st. 1943. and for fifty (50) years thereafter, the proceeds of two (2c) cents per gallon of the total tax levied by the State law upon gasoline and other .like products of petroleum. now known as the Second Gas Tax, and upon other fuels used to propel motor vehicles, shall as collected be placed monthly in the 'State Roads Distribution Fund' in the State Treas- ury and divided Into three (3) equal parts which shall be distributed monthly among the several counties as follows: One part according to area, one part according to population, and one part according to the counties' contribu- tions to the cost of State road con- struction in the ratio of distribution as provided in Chapter 15659. Laws of Florida. Acts of 1931, and for the pur- poses of the apportionment based on the counties' contributions for the cost of State road construction, the amount of the contributions estab- lished by the certificates made in 1931 pursuant to said Chapter 15659. shall be taken and deemed conclusive In Computing the monthly amounts dis- tributable according to said contribu- tions. Such funds so distributed shall be administered by the State Board of Administration as hereinafter pro- vided (b) i he Governor as Chairman, the State Treasurer and the State Comp- troller shall constitute a body cor- porate to be known as the 'State Board of Administration,' which Board shall succeed to all the power, control and authority ot the statutory Board of Administration. Said Board shall have, in addition to such powers as may be conferred upon It by law, the management, control and supervision of the proceeds of said two (2c) cents of said taxes and all moneys and other assets which on the effective date of this amendment are applicable or may become applicable to the bonds of the several counties of this State, or any special road and bridge district, or other, special taxing district thereof. Issued prior to July 1st. 1931, for road and bridge purposes. The word SBonds" as used herein shall include honds. time warrants notes and other forns of indebtedness issued for road and bridge purposes by any county or special road and bridge district or other special taxing district, out- standing on July 1st. 1931. or any re- funding issues thereof. Said Board shall have the Statutory powers of Boards of County Commissioners and Bond Trustees and of any other Authority of special road and bridge districts, and other special taxing dis- tricts thereof with regard to said bonds. (except that the power to levy ad valorem taxes is expressly withheld from said board) and shall take over all papers, documents and records concerning the same. Said Board shall have the power from time to time to issue refunding bonds to ma- ture within the said fifty (50) year period, for any of said outstanding bonds or interest thereon, and to se- cure them by a pledge of anticipated receipts from such gasoline or other fuel taxes to be distributed to such county as herein provided, but not at a greater rate of interest than said bonds now bear: and to issue, sell or exchange on behalf of any county or unit for the sole purpose of retiring said bonds issued by such county, or special road and bridge district, or other special taxing district thereof, gasoline or other fuel tax anticipation certificates bearing interest at not more than three (3) per cent per an- num tn such denominations and ma- Wring at such time within the flftI 50) year eriod as the Board may detern t n addition to exerest'x t the vewe now provided by W tatutI for the investment of sinking funds, said Board may use the sinking funds created for said bonds of any county or special road and bridge district. or other unit hereunder, to purchase the matured or maturing bonds oartle'- pating herein of any other county or other special road and bridge district or other special taxing district there- of. provided that as to said matured bonds, the value thereof as an invest- ment shall be the oree paid therefore which shall not exceed the par value plus accrued Interest, and that said Investment shall bear interest at the rate of three (3) Per cent per annum. (c). The said Board shall annually use said funds in each county ac- count, first, to pay current principal and interest maturing. If any. of said bonds and gasoline or other fuel tax anticipation' certificates of such coun- ty or special road and bridge dis- trict, or other special taxing district thereof, second. to estab- lish a sinking funr account to meet future requirements of said bonds and gasoline or other fuel tax anticipation certificates where it appears the an- ticipated income for any year or years will not equal scheduled payments thereon: and third, any remaining bal- ance out of the proceeds of said two (2c) cents of said taxes shall monthly during the year be remitted by said board as follows: Eighty' (80%) ner cent to the State Road Department for the construction or reconstruction of State Roads and bridges within the county or for the lease or purchase of bridges connecting State highways within the County. and twenty (20%) ner cent to the Board of County Com- missioners of such county for use on roads and bridges therein., (d). Said Board shall have the power to make and enforce all rules and regulations necessary to the \full exercise of the powers hereby granted and no legislation shall be required to render this amendment of full force and operating effect from and after January lst, 1943. The Legislature shall continue the levies of said taxes during the life of this Amendment. and shall not enact any law having the effect of withdrawing the proceeds of said two (2c) cents of said taxes from the operation of this amend- ment. The Board shall pay refunding Expenses and other, expenses for 1erv- ices rendered specifically for. or which, "re properly! chargeable to. the account of anv county from funds distributed to such county: but general expenses of the Board for services rendered all the counties alike shall be prorat I among them and paid out of said funds on the same basis said tax pro- Ieeds are distributed among the sev- eral counties: provided, report of Iaid expenses shall be made to each Reeiular Session of the Legislature. mnd the Legislature may limit the ex- nenses of the Board." Approved by the Governor. May 13. 1941. "led In office Secty of State. May 1 3 1 9 4 1 r * A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of the State of Florida to be known as Section 3 of Article XVnL Relating to Amendments. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: That the following Amendment, to be known as Section 3 of Article XVII of the present Constitution be and the same is hereby agreed to shall be submitted to the electors of the State at the general election of Representa- tives to be held held In the year A. D. 1942. to-wit: Section 3. If at any regular or spe- cial or extra session, the Legislature. by vote of three-fourths of all mem- bers elected to each House. shall de- termine that an emergency requiring an early decision by the electors of the State exists, an amendment to this Constitution dealing with the subject matter of such emergency may be pro- posed. and if the proposed Amendment be agreed to by a three-fourths vote of all the members elected to each House. the same shall be entered upon their respective journals with the yeas and nays thereon. Thereupon, at the same session, the Legislature shall pro- vide for a special election to be held not les than ninety nor more than one hundred eighty days after ad- journment and for publication of notice tIereof, at which special elec- tion the Proposed Amendment shall be submitted to the electors of the State for approval or rejection: provided that if a general election of Represen- tatives is to occur within said period such Amendment shall be submitted to the electors at such general elec- tion. If a majority of the electors voting upon the proposed Amendment shall adopt the Amendment, the same shall become a Dart of this Constitution. This Amendmet shall not be held to unerspede w Irn anywise effect vyn existing provision of the Constitution relating to Amendments. but shall be regarded as an additional method Amendment thereto. Approved by the Governor. May 5. 1941. Piled in. office Secty of State. May 5. 194L A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to Article IV of the Constitution of the State of Florida Relative to the Executive Department, by Adding thereto an Additional %ec- tion to Create a Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: That the following Amendment to Article IV of the Constitution of the State of Florida relative to the Execu- tive Department by adding thereto an additional Section to be known as Section 30 of said Article IV. creating a Game and Fresh Water Fish Com- mission be and the same is hereby agreed tr and shall be submitted to the Electors of the State of Florida for ratification or rejection at the General Election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday In November 1942. as follows: Section 30. 1. Prom and after Jan- uary 1 1943. tlh management, restora- tion, eoneivation and regulation. of the birds game. fur bearing animal. and fresh water. fsh. of the State of Plorida. and the acquisition, establish- ment. control, and management, of atcherleq. sanctuariest refuges. rer- uatsot. anad aa other property now or hereafter owned or used for such purposes by the State of Florida, shall be vested In a Commission to be known as the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission Such Commission shall consist of five members, one from each congressional district, as existing on January 1. 1941 who shall be appointed by the Governor suhbect to confirmation by the Senate The members so appointed shell annually select one of their members as Chair- man of the Commission I. The first -nembers o01 the Com- mission shall be appointed on Janu- arv 1, 1943 and sha'l serve respectively for one. two. three, four and five years. At the expiration of each of such terms, a successor shall be ap- pointed to serve for term of five ears. 3. The members ol the Commission shall receive no compensation for their services as such. but each Commis- sioner shall receive his necessary trav- ellng or other expenses incurred while engaged In the discharge of his Of- ficial duties, but such shall not ex- ceed the sum of $600.00 in any one year. 4. Among the powers granted to the Commission by this Section shall be the power to fix bag limits and to fix open and closed seasons, on a state- wide. regional or local basis, as It may find to be appropriate, and to regulate the manner and method of taking. transporting, storing and using birds. game. fur bearing. animals. fresh water fish. reptiles and amphibians. The Commission shall also have the power to acquire by purchase" gift, all prop- erty necessary, useful or convenient for the use of the Commission in the exercise of its powers hereunder. 5. The Commission shall appoint. fix the salary of. and at pleasure re- move, a suitable person, as Director. and such Director shall have such powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Commission in pursuance of its duties under this Section. Such Director shall, subject to the approval of the Commission, appoint, fix the salaries of. and at pleasure remove. assistants, and other employees who shall have such powers and duties as may be assigned to them by the Com- mission or the Director. No Commis- sioner shall be eligible for any such appointment or employment. 6. The funds resulting from the operation of the Commission and from the administration of the laws and regulations Pertaining to birds, game fur bearing animals, fresh water fish. reptiles and amphibians, together with any other funds specifically provided for such purpose shall constitute the State Game Fund and shall be used by the Commission as it shall deem fit in carrying out the provisions hereof and for no other purposes. The Commission may not obligate Itself beyond the current resources of the State Game Fund unless specifically so authorized by the Legislature. 7. The Legislature may enact any laws in aid of. but not Incoisistent with. the provisions of this amend- ment and all existing laws Inconsist- ent herewith shall no longer remain in force and effect. All laws fixing penalties for the violation of the pro- visions of this amendment and all laws Imooslng license taxes, shall be en- acted by the Legislature from time to time. Approved by the Governor, May 5. 1941. Filed in office Secty of State. May 5. 1941. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing en Amendment to Article Five of the Constitution of Florida by Adding Thereto an \ddltional Section Relat- 'ng to the Election of Circuit Judges EB IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- fATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA That Article 5 of the Constitution of the State of Florida be amended by adding thereto an additional Section to be known as Section 46 of said Article relating to the Election of Cir- ult Judges be. and the same is hereby agreed to and shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Florida for ratification or rejection at the General Election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. 1942. as follows: "Section 46. Circuit idges shall hereafter be elected by the qualified electors of their respective judicial circuits as other State and County ,fflclals are elected. The first election of Circuit Judges shall be held at the General Election in 1948 to take* office on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January, 1949. for a term. of six years. The terms of all such offices as they shall severally exist at the time of adoption of this Amendment shall be and they are hereby extended to ter- minate on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January 1949." Approved by the Governor. June 12. 1941. Filed in office of Secretary of State, June 13. 194L & JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to Article Sixteen of the Constitution of Florida, by adding thereto an additional Section Permit- ting the Legislature to vest the Powers of making Rules and Regulations Re- lating to the Conservation of Salt Water Fish and Salt Water Products in a Board or Commission. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: That Article Sixteen of the Consti- tution of the State of Florida be amended by adding thereto an addi- tional Section to be known as Section 32 of said Article 16, authorizing the Legislature to vest the power of mak- ing rules and regulations relating to conservation of salt water fish and salt water products in a board or com- mission. be and the same is hereby agreed to, and shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Florida for ratification or rejection at the General Election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. 1942. as follows: "Section 32. The Legislature may vest in such Board or Commission. now created or that may be created by It. authority to make and establish rules and regulations without regard to uniformity of application, relating to the consewrvatten of salt water fiab and son water products., Approved bly Geovernoe, lai 2. Piled in office Secretary of State, June 12. 1941. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to Article 7. Section 3. of the Constitution of the State of Florida. Relative to Census and Ap- portionment. by Amending Section 3. of said Article so as to Designate Broward County as a Senatorial Dis- trict and designate Calhoun County and Gulf County as a Senatorial Dis- trict. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA. That the following amendment to Section 3 of Article 7 of the Con- stitution of the State of Florida. rela- tive to Census and apportionment. designating Broward County as the thirty-ninth (39) Senatorial District. and Calhoun County and Gulf County as the fortieth (40) Senatorial District. be and the same is hereby agreed to. and shall be. submitted to the electors of the State of Florida for ratification or rejection at the General Election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. 1942. as follows: Section 3. The Legislature that shall meet in regular session A. D. 1925 and those that shall meet every ten years thereafter, shall apportion the repre- sentation in the Senate. and shall provide for forty (40) Senatorial Dis- tricts, such Districts to be as nearly equal in population as practicable. but no County shall be divided in making such apportionment, and each District shall have one Senator: provided that Broward County. Flor- ida, shall constitute the Thirty-ninth (39th) Senatorial District. and Cal- houn County. Florida and Gulf Coun- ty. Florida. shall constitute the For- tieth (40) Senatorial District: and at the same time the Legislature shall also apportion the representation in the House of Representatives, and shall allow three (3) Representatives to each of the five most populous counties, and two (2) Representatives to each of the next eighteen more populous counties, and one Represen- tative to each of the remaining coun- ties of the State at the time of such apportionment. Should the Legislature fall to apportion the representation in ithe Senate and in the House of Rep- resentatives. at any regular session of the Legislature at any of the times herein designated. It shall be the duty of the Legislature or Legislatures suc- ceedlng such regular session of the Legislature, either In Special or Regu- lar session, to apportion the repre- sentation in the Senate and in the House of Representatives, as herein provided. The receding regular Fed- eral or regular State Census, which- ever shall have been taken nearest any apportionment of Representatives in the Senate and In the House of Representatives. shall control In mak- ing such apportionment. In the event the Legislature shall fail to reapDor- tion the representation In the Legist lature as required by this "mendment" the Governor shall (within thirty days after the adjournment of the regular session) call the Legislature together In extraordinary session to consider the question of reapportionment' and such extraordinary session of the Leg- islature is hereby mandatorily reCoured to reapportion the representation a? required by this amendment before !itq. adjournment (and such extraordi- nary session so called for reapportion- ment'shall not be limited to expire at the end of twenty days or at all. until re"nnortionment Is effected, and shall consider no business other than suc)e nnortionment.) Approved by the Governor. June t ' 1941. Filed In office of Secretary of State June 9. 1941, A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida, Relating to County and Municipal Governments. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGIS- LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA' That the following amendment to Ar- ticle VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida relating to County and Municipal Governments, to be numbered Seelton 11 of said Article VII. be and the same Is hereby agreed to and shall be submitted to the elec- tors of the State for ratification or rejection at the next general election to be held in November. 1942. to-wit: Section 11. The County Commis- sioners of Dade County who shall be elected at the general election in 1942 shall immediately after the beginning of their terms of office, redistrict Dade County into five County Com- missioners' Districts to be numbered by the said Commissioners from one to five respectively, and delineate the boundaries of such Districts In such manner as to Include within the re- spective Districts territory as follows: One of the said Commissioners' Dis- tricts shall comprise the territory 'which was on the 1st day of April. 1941, embraced within Election Pre- cincts numbered 24 to 32. inclusive. and also such parts of Election Pre- cincts numbered 10. 56. 60 and 61 as lie east of the western shore of BIs- cayne Bay. all as established by a reso- lution of the County Commissioners of said County adopted November 14. 1939. designated as Resolution No 1077: Another of the said Districts shall comprise the territory, and only the territory, which was on. the 1st day of April, a941. embraced in Commis- sioners' District No. 4 and Commis- sioners' District No. 5. as described in Book "F" of the Minutes of the Coun- ty Commissioners of said County. at page 194 et seq.: Another of the said Commissioners' Districts shall comprise the territory which was on the first day of April 1941, embraced in Commissioners' Dis- trict No. 1. as described in Book "F" of the minutes of the County Com- missioners of said County. at page 194 et sea. and also all the territory which was on the first day of April 1941 embraced in Election Precincts num- bered 75 to 82. inclusive, as estab- lished by the aforesaid Resolution No. 1077: S Another a the said Districts shall comprise the territory which was on the 1st day of April. 194L embraced tn Comm-mloners' District No. as described in Book '" of the Minutes of the County CommAMaslonern of said County, at nags 196 et asp, except the territory embraced in the atore said Election Precincts numbered 7t to 82 inclusive, and 26 to 32. inclusive and except such Darts of Election Pre- cincts numbered 56 60 and 61 as lie east of the western Shore of BiscayQe Bay Another o0 the said Commissioners District- shall comprise the territory which was on the 1st day 0l April. 1941 embraced In Commissioners Dis- trict No 2 as described In Book "F" of the Minutes of the County Com- missioners of said County at oage 194 et -eo a xcept the territory embraced in the aforesaid Election Precincts numbered 24 and 25. and such part of Election Precinct number 10 as lies east -if the western shorr *f Bisravne Bay The County Commissioners who shall be elected in Dade County at the general election in 1942 shall hold of- fice for the term of two years for which they shall have been elected and their terms o0 office shall not be affected by this amendment: out thereafter there shall be in. each of the Districts established by and in p'i"uance of. this amendment a C'o,'tv Commissioner who shall reside In his District but who shall be nomi- nat-d end elected from the Countv at Large Every County Commissioner of Dade County who shall be elected at the general election in 1144 and there- after shall hold office for a term of four years The powers, duties and compensation of such County Com- .misstoners shall be as Crom time to time provided by law. Approved by the Governor May 28. 1941 . Filed In office Sectv of State May 28 1941 A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendmendment to Section 1. of Article X of the Constitution of Florida. Re- lating to Homestead and Exemption. so as to Permit the Wages Salary or' Income from any source Whatsoever Due to any Person the Head of a Fam- ily as Provided Therein, to be thL Subject of Garnishment to the Ex- tent of not more than 25% thereof in the Courts of this State. as May be Provided by Law. for the Payment of any Obligations Arising by Express or Implied Contract Subsequent to the A'Iontlon of this Amendment: and- fa irtler Providing Exemptions thereto in Cases of Income of Less than Twenty-five Dollars per Week Except i' to Necessities of Life as May b- "v'ned ov the Legislature BF IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- 7 5TURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDAr That the following amendment to Sec- fon 1, Article X of the Constitution tf Florida authorizing the garnish- "ent of any wages. salary or Income mlue any person who is the head of a family, a.s provided therein, to the ex- '"nt of 25% thereof. be. and the same ,' here agreed to andshll be sll be sub- nitted to the electors of tI'o .State in lbhe General Election of Renre.enta- 'ives in 1942 for the!r sanonroval or re- '""-tion: that Is to 'av that Section 1 -f Article X be amended by sddlnv "'^-to the following Section: Section 1-A. That the salary. -' es and Income from anv Source -hatsoever due and owing, or to be- "ome due and owing to any person -"'ho s the head of a family residing 'n this State. shall be the subject of -"rnishment in the courts of this S.tte as may be provided.v'by lqw to hie extent of not more than 250% of -"bh salary wages and income, for 'he pAvment of any obligations arislne 'v express or Implied contract sub- -,"'uent to the adoption' of this amendment provided, however, that the Legislature shall not extend the -ight of garnlshment as herein pro- nided where the salar v Is t.5 00 or less -'r week except to necessities of life -' may from time to time be defined '" the Legislature. Approved by the Governor. June 11. 1941 Fi ed in office Sectv of State. June '1 1041. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing *he Amendment of Section 16 of Ar- ticle XVI of the Constitution of Flor- ',ra. Relating to Taxation of Pronertv if Corporations. with Certain Fxernn- tions for Religious. Scientific. Municl- nal. Educational. Literary vFrternal Mr Chnritahle Purnoses BE TT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA - Section 1. That the following amendment to Section 16. of Article XVT of the Constitution of the State if Florida relating to taxation of the nroDerty of corporations, with certain exemptions for religious, scientific, mu- nicipal. educational, literary, fraternal nr charitable purposes. be. and' the ome Is hereby agreed to and shall submitted to the electors of the -tate of Florida. for ratification or -ejection. at the next generall election Sbe held in 194: t that is to sv that the said Section 16 of Article XVT of "'le Constitution of the State of Plor- ,'ia be amended aq, an tO read as "Section 16. The property at all "oroorations. except the property of a "orooration which shall construct a shib or barge canal across the oenln- silla of Florida. If the Legislature ihoild so enact. whether heretofore ir hereafter Incorporated. shall be sub- 'ect to taxation, unless such property he held and used to the extent of at '-nst one-fourth thereof, for religious. "-lentiflc. municipal. educational, lit- -rary. fraternal or charitable our- nosies." Provided however, this amend- ment shall not affect the provisions of Sections 12 and 14 of Article IX if the Constitution of Florida. Anproved bv the Governor. June 11. Filed in office Secretary of State. June 11. 1941 The votes cast In compliance with said proposed amendments, and the cayvnass. declarations and returns thereof, shall be subjected to the same regulations and restrictions as are pro- vided by law for general elections in the State of Florida. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOP t have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal o the State of Florida. at Tal- SEAL lahassee., the. Capital. this the 1at day of August. A. D. 19M & A. GRAT. Secretary of 3ltate FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1942 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1942 PAGE FOUR THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as Second-class matter, December 10, 1t93.7, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Florida, under Act of March 3, 1879.. Subscription Invariably Payable In Advance One Year........$2.00 Six Months...... $1.00 Three Months..........65c -4 Telephone 51 3- The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Ohr Country Right or Wrong HEADACHE FOR THE MERCHANT Price fixing may sound simple to the man in the street, but it's a monumental headache to our retail merchants. Ask any merchant in Port St. Joe today. Never before have the people and the in- dustries of America faced the necessity of- donning a regulatory straitjacket such as is embodied in the deluge of leaflets and pamph- lets being sent to storekeepers from Maine to California-and even editors of country weeklies like The Star have a set of rules and regulations to follow. Everything from gum to tractors is being "fixed" or "frozen." The price of each item on a retailer's shelves must b'e carefully set according to formula. The merchants of Port St. Joe, as well as elsewhere, are striving valiantly to comply with the complicated ceiling decrees issued from Washington. A great many of them have 'unknowingly become lawbreakers be- cause they have found it impossible to quickly understand the technical rules, and we be- live that in this instance the old saying that ignorance is no excuse should not be applied. Ignorance, if you care to call it that, is a very definite excuse. And if the administrating officials are wise they will not begin our new authoritarian era by fining or throwing any erring storekeepers into the hoosgow until they have determined his intent. After all, our main job is to win the war, not persecute good American citizens. FORCED SPEED NEEDED NOW The recent, Washington announcement which said that it is now hoped that enough rubber can be provided to keep all civilian cars going, is extermely encouraging. For the first time, the people have been given something beside "official" rumors and con- flicting statements. And for the first time, it looks as if the government is going to at- tempt to' solve the rubber problem with speed and efficiency. This country's cars must be kept going. America can't be compared to other nations, where the motor car was a luxury enjoyed only by the rich. We have literally built our social and industrial life on the automobile. If, because of lack of rubber, any substantial .part of our 27,000,000 cars were taken out of circulation, the resulting slow-down would have a catastrophic effect on the war effort., The rubber program must go ahead-and go at forced-speed. Three major legislative proposals, lower- ing the draft age, abolishing state poll taxes in federal elections, and mobilizing the na- tion's manpower in an all-out war effort, have been placed on the "don't-open-until-after- election" shelf by congress. Seems that our legislators in Washington don't realize that there's a war on-it's politics as usual with them. Haven't heard lately of anyone bumping a cow on the.highway. Slower speed gives -the motorist a chance to dodge bossy. OUR QUERY ANSWERED Some three weeks ago the editor queried: "If anyone would be so kind, we'd like infor- mation on just what is a 'zoot suit.' Yester- day, one of our readers wrote us as follows: "Dear Editor Bill-If you must know just what is a 'zoot suit,' it consists of a pair of trousers reaching almost to the armpits, bal- looning to about 32 inches at the knee and tapering in a most spectacular manner to a cuff barely large enough to insert the foot. In action, the wearer gives the effect of two up-ended baby blimps. "That takes care of the lower portion, and now we come to the coat-which is really something! It gets off-to a flying start with three to six inches of padding in the shoul- ders, then drips sloppily almost to the knee. "To complete the suit and add a touch of ghastliness to the enesmble, the hat is broad- brimmed with a flat top, spaniel-eared sus- penders hold up the trousers, a narrow string tie encircles the neck, the coat is adorned with pearl buttons about the size of a silver dollar, and the trouser cuffs are so tight that they have to be zippered. Just why they call them 'zoot suits' is beyond me. "Trusting that this answers fully your re- cent query, I am, yours truly-A Friend." The description gives us the creeps just to think of a human being, outfitted in such a gorgonean ensemble. It might be a good idea to dress our soldiers in such appalling uni- forms undoubtedly it would startle the enemy to such an extent that they would be frozen in their tracks and be a pushover for our boys. A TOP SERGEANT OBJECTS A top sergeant at Camp Blanding has spoken his mind on a very important matter, and he spoke for public consumption. He is tired of hearing civilians mention sol- diers as "boys," and he wishes the public would stop applying such a label to men. .The sergeant says he knows full well that most civilians who refer to soldiers as "boys" are merely being affectionate, but he says fur- ther that he and all other soldiers would be much obliged if the public figured out some other way of indicating affection. The sergeant maintains that a male being old enough to go through rigorous training and then go off to war and fight is far from being a boy. Take the protesting Sgt. Hugh B. Strick- land, for instance. He has been in the army 13 years. He has served in the Philippines, in Panama and at other posts, and we betcha he knows how to bark orders to a group of men. Well, it would sound pretty foolish to call a man like Sergeant Strickland a boy. Fact is, you'd better not let him hear you call him a boy. "I've been in the army a long time, and I've known a lot of soldiers, and it's just like, waving a red flag in front of a bull to call one of us a boy," says the sergeant. Of course, if a girl wants to call a: sergeant "my darling soldier boy" and stuff like that, when they're holding hands in the moonlight on the shore of Lake Morton, that's their, business. We. believe that even Sergeant .Strickland might purr to such talk. What he's objecting to is public use of the label "boys," and we think he's exactly right.-Lakeland Ledger. The telephone is a wonderful instrument, and we take our hlat off to Alexander Gra- ham Bell for inventing it (or was it Don Ameche?), but-at times it becomes an instru- ment of the devil-particularly when Ye Ed is composing an editorial and the telephone rings, interrupting his train of thought. The army's current proposition offering 18 and 19-year-old youths their choice of service in any one of 13 branches is. strictly an all-. American proposition. Don't think for a min- ute all those boys now fighting for the axis had their preference. e ...... .. .. .. .. ... - i'-Theuryis deadlocked, your Honof-they can't decide S. towhom to award the tires." The Low D n |and "He don't say." from JO SEgRA. bitin' like noCbody' business. Editor The Star: - war is cmin' along. They've passl -o CD *I CD -O g the good ear, he whispered back The Low Down and said, "He donwt say." from JO SERRA. Willis Swam P. S.-You and the madam had P' better come on down-the fish are -bitin' like nobody's business. Editor The Star: I see where we're gonna have COUNTY WOULD GET MUCH more people to tell us how the CASH UNDER AMENDMENT war is coming' along. They've passed the 4000 mark on the payroll and (Continued From Page 1) are gonna spend around 25 million also has been endorsed by most of per year on tellin' us which side the daily newspapers of the state is winning Not 2 and a half mil- as well as by scores of weekly lion, but 25 million. That is di- newspapers, including The Star. nero-not chicken feed. "Although the amendment has But my friend Henry says all received such unanimous endorse- we need is for the head man in the ment, we will not be able to enjoY Army and; the Navy and the Ma- its benefits unless the people go rines-3 men-to tell us how to the polls and ratify it," said things are coming They can do it Governor Holland. "Even if war -and not beat around the bush. conditions cut down revenue from But not us, not on your tintype, the gasoline tax by as much as 50 says Henry; we're weaklin's. We per cent for as long as four years,, gotta have 4000 wrinkle-brow psy- we will. be able to liquidate these chologists and morale builders bonds without ad valorem taxation dress up the news so we don't for them. know anything. "It is an opportunity, the first But you know Henry, he don't one in the history of the state, for mince words-also he most always voters to reduce public debt ancu says something' when he opens up. save themselves taxes at the same He's not like the 2 guys at the time. I hope that everyone intel- Navy Day dinner Tuesday night. ested in his own pocketbook and One feller couldn't hear so good the future welfare of the state will when Colonel Jim Lee was talking cast their ballot on this most im- so he leaned over and says to the portant issue. The amendment ap- others-.feller: "What's. -the gent' pears first among the amendniots talking' about?" And the feller with printed on the ballot." THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FOUR F A -O- B 1 T S P Weight Before and After Meal After a meal a person's weight will be increased exactly by the weight of the food. DR. J C. COE DENTIST - Office Hours: 9 to 12 1 to 5 Sunday By Appointment Costin Building Phone 8S YOU CAN'T TELL THEY'RE REPAIRED Because our INVISIBLE HALF SOLING method leaves no "repaired look" on your shoes. The LEADER SHOE SHOP let Me Gt You Sone ANTI-PAIN PILLS \WTITH YOUR responsibilities, can you afford to let a Head- ache, Muscular Pains, Functional Monthly Pains or Simple Neural- gia slow you down? Dr. Miles 'Anti-Pain Pills have been bring- ing relief from these common dis- comforts for nearly sixty years. -' Countless American housewives consider Anti-Pain Pills almost as much of a necessity in the medicine cabinet, as is flour in the kitchen cupboard. They have Dr. !Miles Anti-Pain Pills in the house, many of them carry these little pain relievers in purse or hand- bag. They are prepared for these minor aches and pains that some- ,times occur in almost every family -ARE YOW. -Dr. Miles Anti-- Pain Pills are pleasant to take and do not upset the stomach. Get Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills at your drug store. Regular package 25 tablets 250, Economy package 125 tablets $1.00. Read directions and use only as direc- ted. DO YOUWAT A BABY Now Vitamin Combination Brings Hope. to ChildlessHomes Nothing equals a baby to bring com- plete unity and happiness into the home ,and tie husband and wife together in a, stronger bond of enduring love and mu- tual interest. Divorce is rare in the homes- .of couples that have children. Unhappy wives, childless due to relieve- able functional weakness may now enjoy the desires and activity of Nature's most wonderful creation-a normal, fully-de- veloped, vigorous woman. A sensational new vitamin treatment specifically for women may be just the thing needed by the childless wife and quickly bring the happiness of a baby in the home. It is, of course, absolutely harmless. If you are childless due to functional weakness and lack normal vigor-if you wish to eliminate one of the great causes, 'of unhappy marriages, by all means try' Perlex for one week. To introduce this: new vitamin combination to a million .,women. quickly, the Perlex Company, 314 N:-.Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois, will send a full $2.00 supply for only $1.00 - and a few cents postage. Send no money '-just your name and address: Perlex. comes in a.plain wrapper-directions are *very simple and no diet or exercise ie required. -- - Society Personals Churches P.HON.E 51 MRS. W. S. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 BENEFIT BRIDGE NETS NEAT **CO 4444440t*C@ PAST MATRONS AND PATRONS SUM TO DEFENSE COMMITTEE The benefit bridge party held COMING SOON last Friday evening at the Port -1 "Lt' ,T rnP' 'r 7TAtr Inn by the defense committee of the Port St. Joe Woman's club netted $35, which will be used to carry on the activities of the com- mittee, Fifteen tables were in play. with prizes going to Mrs. Bert Tiller, Mrs. Robert Shaw, Mrs. Harry Mc- Knight, Mrs. Monte Larkin, Mrs. Tom Coldewey, Robert Bellows, Mrs. S. L. Barke, Mrs. T. Wil- liams, Mrs. 0. Roberts; Mrs. B. E. Kenney Jr., Mrs. C. McNair, Mrs. John Blount Jr., Mlrs. A. L. Ward and Mrs. H. C. Spence. Prize for high score of the eve- ning went to Mrs. Paul. Fensom; the door prize to Mrs. M. Fleishel Jr., and the bingo prize to Mrs. J. A. Christmas. SISTER OF MRS. R. W. SMITH IS MARRIED IN NEW MEXIC'" iMrs. Dayton R. Sulfridge of Tal- lahassee has announced& the mar- riage of her sister, Doris Cle.o Al- len of Tyndall Field, to First Ser- geant Morris Frank Whealton Jr., of Philadelphia, Pa., and Lake- land, Fla., in 'Carlsbad, N. M., on October 27. Mrs. Carl C. Thomp- son of Ozark, Ala., a sister of the bride, accompanied her to New M.exico and was present at the wedding. The couple met in Hawaii, and since returning, Sergeant Wheal- ton has been stationed in Los An- zeles and at tTie Army Air Forces advanced flying school at Carls- bad. Mrs. Whealton, who was em- ployed in the office of the station heo .;'r at. T,r-.dall Fi-l., has vis- ited in Poi't St Jo- many times luring the past few months, the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. W. Smith, and has made. many friends here who wish her all happiness. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Born, Monday, October 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Collinsworth, a son. Mrs. R. W. Smith spent several days -this week in Tallahassee due to the serious illness of a niece, Jean Selfridge. ,Miss Martha Salmon of Pitts- burgh, Pa., is the guest of Mr. and M'rs. T. G. Williams Jr. M LET'S BECOME e BETTER ACQUAINTED We invite you to visit our pre- scriptibn department, where you will see graduate pharmacists conmnounring nrescripticna with * *0* ** .00*00a14 Pictures for Your "MUST" List Pictures That You Will Want to See! "Iceland" "Tish" "Orchestra Wives" "Remember Pearl Harbor." Avail- able for one. day only. "Holiday Inn," Crosby's and As- tair's best. "Yank at Eton"; Rooney at his best. "War Against Mrs. Hackley" Everyone's Picture. -K( BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES R. F. Hallford, Pastor 9:45 a. m.-Sunday School. 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. Sermon topic: "The Shadow of the Cross." 7:00 p. m.-B. T. U. 8:00 p. m. Evening worship. Topic: "Whose Fool Are You?" METHODIST CHURCH Rev. 0. D. Langston, Pastor 9:45 a. m.-Church school. 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. 6:30-Youth Fellowship. 7:30-Evening worship. The Woman's society meets Monday at 3 p. m. First Tuesday after first Sunday, official board meeting. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., prayer and Bible study. Choir practice. JIMMY HELMS OBSERVES TENTH BIRTHDAY Jimmy Helms was honored Fri- -lay afternoon with a bir-thday party given by his mother in ob- servance of his tenth natal day. Guests on this occasion were Don Parker, John Barrier, Billie Quarles, Raymond Wilks, R. S. Carver, Don Parker, Billie Parker, Terrence Hipote, Don Rester, Lin- coln Hall and Peggy Chafin. Following the. playing of a num- ber of games, refreshments of cookies and punch were served to the young guests by Mrs. ITelms, who was assisted by Mrs. Terry Hinote and Mrs. Harold Chafin. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brigman spent Sunday in Careyville visiting the later's mother. Mrs. George Gore of Dothan, Ala., is the guest of MT. and Mrs. Ross Coburn for a few days. fTo relieve distress of MONTHLYO Female Weakness AND HELP BUILD UP RED BLOOD! Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound TABLETS (with added iron) have helped thousands to relieve periodic pain with weak, nervous, blue feel- ings-due to functional monthly disturbances. Also, their iron makes them a fine hematic tonic to help build up red blood. Finkham's Tab- lets are made especially for women Follow label directions. ONE:a. DAY VITAMIN -isTABLETS THINK of it I Your min- imum daily requirements of A and D Vitamins or of B Complex Vitamins, in one pleasant tablet. Remember the name ONE-A-DAY (brand) Vitamin Tablets. . HONORED AT 0. E. S. MEET At the regular me-e.ting of Gulf Chapter 191, Order of Eastern Star, held Tuesday evening in the. Masonic hall, the degree of the o0- der was conferred upon Watson Smith with Worthy Matron Lovie Cosburn and Past Patron R. M. Spillers in charge. Following the ceremony past ma- trons and past patrons were hon- ored by being escorted to the east by Conductress Bessie Smith ana Acting Associate Conductress Mrs. Jack Frost where, they were wel- comed by the worthy matron and seated. A beautiful drill yas pre- sented and each given appropriate gifts on behalf of the order. The worthy matron was presented with a lovely gift by Mrs. Florazell Con- nell from the past matrons and past patrons. After closing of 'the chapter, de- licious refreshments were served. BIRTHDAY PARTY HONORS DOROTHY MINUS Miss Dorothy Minus was honored at a birthday party last Friday given by her mother, Mrs. R. R. Minus, in observance of her 12th birthday. Decorations and favors carried out the Hallowe'en motif The playing of bingo occupied the greater part of the evening, with prizes going to Maxie Jim Brown, Memorie Porter, Jimmy Ramsey and Lenohr Brown. Betty Sue McPhaul was high score win- ner in the bean game. At the conclusion of the de- lightful evening, refreshments of cake and hot chocolate were served to the nineteen guest.s. { * J. A. M. CLUB MEETS The J. A. M. club met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. J. A. Connell with the following mem- bers present: Miss Myrtice Coodly, Mrs. E. C. Pridgeon, Mrs. A. D. Lawson, Mrs. C. E. Boyer, Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon, Mrs. Sammy Da- vis, Mrs. W. H. Howell, Mrs. C. G. Costin and Mrs. H. A. Drake Following the hour of sewing alpd chatting the hostess served re freshments of tuna fish salad, sal- tines, fruit cake and iced drinks to h.er guests. EXECUTIVE BOARD TO MEET The executive board of th.e'Port St. Joe Woman's club will meet to. day with Mrs. J. L. Sharit and Mrs. R. R. Minus, as hostesses. Next regular meeting of the club *will be Wednesday, November 4, in the club rooms at the Cpnten- nial building. LUNCHEON CLUB MEETS The Thursday Bridge Lurnbheon club met last week at the home of Mrs. H. H. Saunders with the fol- lowing present: Mrs. S. L. T-arke. Mrs. Floyd Hunt, Mrs. B. E. Kcn- ney and Mrs. M. Fleisliel Jr. Mrs. Bert Tiller of Chipley was an honored guest of the cluW). AUXILIARY MEETS The Ladies Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church m.e.: -Y' dnes- day evening of last week Rt the home of Mrs. J. R.. Norton for the first meeting since July. iev. WV A. Panels wa9s in charge f tle HONOR ROLL STUDENTS AT ST. JOE SCHOOLS The following students of the Port St. Joe schools made suffi- ciently high grades during the first s.eanester to rate the honor roll: First Grade-Fredi Burch, Siby Brinson, Howard Butrer, Hildreth Dunlop, Joyce Dunlop. Lois Mc- Farlin, Ralph McLawhon, Erma- j.ean McIntyre, John Nunnery, Ver- ]in Norris, Edward Pridgeon, RUth Rogers, Virginia Swatts, Cleveland Thomasson. Third Grade Margaret Jones, Barbara Sue. Boyles, James Rob- erts, Sara Matthews, Lamar Free- man. Fourth Grade Thomas, New- some, Vernie Mae Faulk and Ray Faulk. Fifth Grade-Billy Jean Alford, Billy Parker, Jan Wimberly and Franklin Young. ,Sixth Grade Lutlier Parortt, Vonia Faircloth, James Chatham, Joyce Samford. Eighth Grade-Luther Carden. Eleventh Grade-Amelia Gibsoh. Twelfth Grade Pauline Owens, Joyce Morris, Madeline Soderberg, Willadean Young, Thomas Smith. AUXILIARY TO GIVE SUPPER "The Woman's Auxiliary of St. James church will sponsor a sup- per Saturday, November 7, at the home of Mrs. W. 0. Anderson for the purpose of raising funds to carry on the church work. Mr. and Mrs. James Duffel. were week-end visitors in Andalusia, Ala. Miss Lois Crosby had as her guest over the week-end her moth- er, Mrs. E. W. Crosby o.f Elba, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Tom. Kirkland of Opp, Ala., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Kirkland. r * Mrs. .Bert Tiller returned to her home in Chipley Sunday after a visit of several days here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hunt. PORTTTHEITRE Saturday Night October 31 12:00 P. M. THE WITCHING HOUR OF MIDNIGHT! GHOSTS a GOBLINS * SPOOKS FUN FOR ALL ! IF YOU CANT "TAKE the utmost care and ski Co- s RE rogram- I OU HAD BETTER operation with your physician RV YU H BE in his work of caring for youryou akeul, Cranky, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. (ar e: i.' l NOT ATTEND! health is our most important Restless? Dr. MIlesNervine t, nts over the :-e function. To t"at end we US helps to lessen Nervous '. only t h e finest prescription Tension. Ret it at yor dr r. and directors. ns anaol P a chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and use only as directed. ml son o ve Oak. ON THE SCREEN biologicals when filling your prescription. AlkaSelt e sm, si, of Anm, ` i We Use Merck Precion Chemicals WHEN Headache, Mus- was a visitor in this ci0-- -t nt- cnar Pains or Simple urday. LeHardy Gharmacy s, on Stomach, or ' "Morning After" inaterfeeayLews is spend th ext Phone 5 Port St. Joe with your work or poil Clay Lewis is spendiv the nxt ;.,^.. ne yor fn, try Alka-Seltzer. couple of weeks in Tampa on bns- ness. - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1942 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FIVE A SN SEAL THIS YEAR MOST ATTRACTIVE (Continued From Page 1) Home Against Tuberculosis." .Seals in Port St. Joe and We- wahitchka will. be offered for sale through the 'Gulf county commit- tee which is headed by Harry H. Saunders as Christmas Seal chair- man; Mrs. E. Clay Lewis Jr., chair- man; Mrs. C. G. Costin, Mrs. J. B. Gloekler, Miss Royce Goforth, J. R. Hunter, Mrs. Basil E. Ken- ney, Mrs. D. B. Lay, Tom Owens, Mrs. George Patton, Mrs. R. W. Smith, Mrs. Robert Tapper and Mrs. A. L. Ward. MRS. MENG DIES AT HOME OF DALFGHTER Mrs. C. K. Meng, 72, who haa been a resident of this city for the past six years, passed away Friday night of a heart attack at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Taylor. The body was taken to Lock- hart, S. C., and last rites and inter- ment were held' Monday in that city. Trade at home-your local mer- chants have just what you want. A MARTIN THEATRE BEN RIVERS, Manager Opens Daily 2:45, Continuously Saturday 1:00 Sunday 1:00 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 2 BIG HITS -Hit No. 1- HIT NO. 2 - Final Chapter "CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT" Michael AMES Julie BISHOP Sunday Monday Tuesday November 1 2 3 FIND YOU NEWS EVENTS WEDNESDAY, NOV. 4 .. CABIN LUPINO " That Grand New Star GABIN Short: "DON'T TALK" THURSDAY FRIDAY November 5 6 RONALD JEAN CARY HlIMllll- / .HU- HE |llii llllll] l-iii i ll -iiiffi iiiliiiiiiit (a i .i Per Capita Income Five Tires, No Has Been Doubled More, Is Limit Applicants For Gasoline Rationing During Past Eight Years; Ex- Cards Will Have to Swear to pect War Production to Number In Possession Increase It In 1942 When gasoline rationing strikes Florida's per capital income has Port St. Joe within the next few doubled in the last eight years, !weeks, one of the jolts probably rising from $272 in 1933 to the e- ..d high of $544, in 1941, ac- cording to data released by the Florida State Chamber of Com- :n:rce. Increased war production is expected to raise it above $600 for 1942. Labor has more than held its own in the swelling flood of for- tune. Higher wage rates combined with generally improved business conditions have jumped total wage a:d salary income 150 per cent, :rcm $255,000,000 in 1933 to $638,- 103,000 in 1941. Labor's proportion- c:e share of the state income in- creased in the same period from 5S.7 per cent to 60.4 per cent. The average wage and salary payment to employes in non-agricultural es- tablishments is estimated to have ,isen to a new high of $1,436 In .941, compared with $1,323 in 1938. Greatest increase has been in t ,e share of government employes, ..hich rose from 8.4 per cent in 1929 to 12.4 per cent in 1941 when government wages and, salaries mounted to $130,200,000. Analysis of income, estimates u:'nce 1929 by industrial divisions and including profits and wages, .show that the proportionate shari' produced by agriculture reached a high in 1930 of 12.3 per cent and declined fairly steadily to 1940 when it was responsible for only 7.7 per cent, a total of $70,200,000 of net-income. It started an up- ward, trend again in 1941 with a 'et income of $88,000,000, or 8.3 per cent of the state total, and vill undoubtedly show a further increase in 1942. ,Manufacturing industries, on the other hand, reached their propor- tionate high in 1929 when the3. accounted for $75,200,000 of the net income, or 10.6 per cent of the state's total. Since that time they have been averaging about 8 peri cent. Total net income from manu- facturing in 1941 amounted to $83,500,000. Trade and service industries produced $257,000,000 in income in 1941 as compared with $101,100,000 in 1933. These industries, the most responsive to fluctuations in tour- ist trade, show the steady Increase in volume of tourist business. Sig- nificantly, the 1940 income at- tributable to these industries, while lower in dollars than for 1941, accounted for 29 per cent of the state's total income, compared with 27.2 per cent for 1941. Michelangelo Painting At 89 Michelangelo was still producing masterpieces at 89, while Monet's greatest contributions to art came after he was 86. njwo Wa n We'll Produce a Good Job at the Promised Time at a Moderate Price Your order will receive promp' attention in our shop and it will be printed at a reasonable price. You can be confident of delivery when promised. THE STAR "Your Home Town Newspaper" -1 1 0 -. .- -- -in store for the average motorist is that he will not be permitted to own more than five tires for each vehicle registered in his name. According to word reaching au- tomotive circles here, the appli- cant for a rationing card will have to swear that he does not own more than five tires for each of his cars or indicate a willingness to sell the extra casings to the gov- ernment. Representatives of the nation's rubber industry say this program, which will be extended to the eastern states already operating under the gasoline rationing plan, probably will result in the release of approximately 6,000,000 tires, many, of them new. BALANCED FEED FOR PULLETS PRIME NEED Growing pullets must be sup- plied with all the well-balanced feed they will consume if they are to be efficient "Food-for-Freedom" egg producers this fall and winter, says N. R. M'eifrhof, poultry spe- cialist with the state agricultural extension service. "The necessity for ;rowing out husky, heavy-bodied, pullets can- not be overemphasized," Mehrhof said, "if these pullets are to strike the egg-laying pace required of them by Uncle Sam to provide enough eggs for our allies, mili- tary forces, and domestic needs. "The ideal growing ration should contain enough protein to assure full growth and weight before egg production begins. But, in addi- tion to receiving a properly bal- anced ration, they must be allowed to eat all they want." (Next in importance to feeding is range, according to Mehrhof. "If at all possible, the pullets should be given ample summer CLASSIFIED ANS FOR RENT FOR RENT-Juniper Lodge at Beacon Hill. Has 4 small apart- ments, partly furnished. Will lease at $25 per month to right party. Inquire St. Joe Lumber Company. Phone 69-J. 9-4tf LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME LAW TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ONotice is hereby giventhat t he undersigned, pursuant to the "Fic- 'titious' Name Statute," House Bill No. 1175, Chapter No. 20953, Laws of Florida, 194.1, will register with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for Gulf County, Florida, upon receipt of proof of the publication of this notice, the fictitious name, .to-wit: MILLER'S DRUG STORE, under which we are engaged in business at Port St. Joe, Florida. That the parties interested in said business enterprise are as follows: Mrs. George W. Ward and Dr. A. L. Ward. Dated at Port St. Joe, Gulf County, Florida, October 30, 1942. 10-30 11-27 NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME LAW TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, pursuant to the ''Fic- titious Name Statute," House Bill No. 1175, Chapter No. 20953, Laws of Florida, 1941, will register with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for Gulf County, Florida, upon receipt of proof of the publication of this notice. th, fictitious name, to-wit: LeHARDY'S PHARMACY, under which we are engaged in business at Port St. Joe, Florida. That the parties interested in said business enterprise are as follows: J. R. Smith and J. T. Trawick. Dated at Port St. Joe, Gulf County, Florida, October 30, 1942. 10-30 11-27 range where there is plenty of grass and shade," he says. "Plenty of the right kind of feed, along with shade, grass and water, will produce sturdy pullets capable of turning out the eggs needed this fall and winter to meet our vital wartime requirements." OPERATORS ALSO. SERVE ON OTHER END OF LINE The following article appeared this we-ek in "The Observation Post," official publication of the Air Warning Service on the east- ern seaboard: "Mrs. Elizabeth O'D'ay anid Mrs. Jennie TMae McKinnon, both oper- ators at the Port St. Joe telephone exchange, who serve long hours every day during the week, are now volunteer observers at the lo- cal observation post. They were not satisfied' to just handle army flash messages as operators and so they now report planes as well." Advertising doesn't cost-It PAYS! Good News for Golf Widows Golf widows mayi find welcome news in the announcement that there will be no more repair parts for disabled golf clubs once cur- rent stocks are gone. ROOM AND: BOARD BY THE $8 WEEK , Dining Room , Open to the Public Club Breakfast, 6 to 9....265 Lunch, 12 to 2...........40o Dinner, 6 to 8 ...........40c MRS. M. 0. FREEMAN Corner Reid Ave. and 3rd St. Griffin Grocery Building 4 4 ANN PAGE P NUT BUTTER 1 POUND JAR 290 ANN PAGE SALAD DRESSING Pint 21c IONA FLOUR-Plain or Self-Rising 5 Pound Bag........21c 12 Pound Bag........47c 24 Pound Bag........87c 48 Pound Bag...... $1.67 Popular Brands CIGARETTES Carton $1.35 White House Evaporated M I L K 6 Large Cans 49c WHEAT LOAF BREAD 1 lb. 10 c JANE PARKER FRUIT CAKES 1 Pound..-.. 39,c 2 Pounds......75c 5 Pounds......$1.85 Ann Page Sandwich 25# White Sail 19 SPREAD, Pint ---- --------- STARCH, 3 lbs ...... - Gerber's Dry 15 Ajax FLOATING 13j BABY FOOD, 8 oz. ........ SOAP, 3 Bars-.....- 1. Ann Page Salad Style White Sail 1 lb. MUSTARD, 1 lb. ............ HAND SOAP--... .I. lona No. 2 Can .11 A-Penn MOTOR $149 TOMATOES OIL, 2 Gal. Can .....-- , TALCO FEEDS - 20% DAIRY FEED 100 lbs.............--....$2.63' SCRATCH FEED 100 lbs............--.....$2.69 LAYING MASH .100 lbs.........---........$3.33 GROWING MASH 100 lbs......-.........------$3.23 FINE CHICK FEED 25 lbs......--------........ 77c STARTING MASH 25 lbs....-- ..----83c GROWING MASH 7q lbs.----............----.. 85c SCRATCH FEED 25 lbs..--------69c LAYING MASH 25 lbs........----......... 87c GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE Butter BEANS, lb. Delicious APPLES, 6 lbs. .......... Cooking APPLES, Dozen ........ 10, .19, .251 U. S. No. 1 l POTATOES, 10 lbs. .... Fresh RHUBARB, lb. .. 10 Florida OKRA, lb. 150 Nice Florida15 CAULIFLOWER, head GRAPEFRUIT, 2 for 5 Green CABBAGE, lb ............ Choice, Firm TOMATOES, lb .... 19 Tender STRING 25 BEANS, 2 lbs. ............ Yellow SQUASH, lb. 10.. A & P FOOD STORE Owned and Operated By the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Reid Ave. and Third St. PORT ST. JOE, FLA. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1942 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE SIX |