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i BAtAKE EVERY PAY DAY .. WAR 4.t BONDD DAY STOP SPENDING-SAVE DOLLARS THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center VOLUME V PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1942 / / '/ NUMBER 62 Nationwide Gas Rationing Is Set For November 22 System to Be Patterned After One Now Being Used Along Atlantic Price Administrator Leon Hen- '-'-trsou has *announced that na- .tlonn ide gasoline rationing .would, probably start about November 22 with a basic ration of slightly un- - /der four gallons a week. Hereto- .:ore Gulf county has not been in- cluded in the gas-rationed area,: Being just across the Apalachicola! river dividing line. The gasoline rationing program -patterned after the system now .in. effect on the Atlantic seaboard --will be merged with ,tire ration- ing into a single program, both with the prime objective of con-I serving what tires are left on the American public's automobiles. Yesterday and Today -- A maximum speed of01 35 miles ian1 -- as.--.- a.' ...*-"w-.,x .- hour has been ordered, for all rub- .,r-tired vehicles in the nation, The Motor Transport Department of t e U. S. Marine Corps used eeire vehicles in the nation eps" as early as January 29, 1921, when the top picture was taken. effective yesterday, and compli- Below, Leatherneeks test the modern Jeep. The Marine Corps, now ance with the speed regulation at its greatest stretch, depezs he ily on totoried transporta- will be a basic requirement for ob- t ion training both tire and gasoline ra- tions. In addition, .tires on all cars Sharks Have Seven W orld Communion must be submitted every 60 days after, rationing starts for on-wheel Games On Schedule W ill Be Observed inspection to insure that proper care is given them. . - The 35-mIle. 'pe-?d limit order Transportation Is Big Problem Is Beginning of LSjS,-W-ek Loyalty does not carry enforcement or Facing Team'This Campaign For Benefit Of .penal provisions, but governors of Season Men In Service all states will be requested to --_ make it effective by 'calling upon sae iand local officials for strict Prof., W. A. Biggart, who is Rev. 0. D. Langs.ton, pastor of enforcement. coaching the Port St. Joe High the Methodist church, annOctober 4, isunces It is understood that arresting Sharks football team this year tworld-Wide Communion Sunday, officers will turn over .to their lo- with the able assistance of Buster which will dbe observed through- cal rationing boards thenames of Owens, stated yesterday that he ;out the world-in camps, overseas the 35-mile limit and they will had lined up seven games on the jand at home. "We are requesting then'face cancellation of their gas schedule this year, two games withthat all Methodists and any others cards. Blountstown, two with Apalachi- o o de th t service," said gaard so.ier a ca ad "effort to attend -this service," said, ,The gasoline ratoning program cola and two tentative tilts with Rev. Langston. will give to each automobile, on either Florida Hi at Tallahassee "This is the beginning of a six the minimum A-card basis, -enough or Carrabelle. weeks 'loyalty campaign' in which gasoline for 2,880 miles of driving r I ar ^ eoen a year, reckoned at 15 miles to thei Mr. Biggart said the big prob- we want every Mthodist and a year reckoned at 15 miles to thethis year is member of the congregation to at- gallon. !the matter of transportation, since tend one service each Sunday if Bus companies have until Octo- the school buses cannot be used possible during the six weeks," ber 15 to comply with the new as in the past due to the tire situ. continued the minister. "Our serv- speed lmt, in order that they action. He.hopes that some of the ice men in camps and overseas may have time to adjust theirtrips can 'be:made in private cars are expecting the church to back schedules. but fears that the bus lines will them un with our- prayers. Let's have. to be depended on to get to not let them down. DEFENSE WORKERS AND and from the out-of-town games. "Come out to church and re- FISHERMEN MAY HAVE The team is shaping up well, ac- dedicate yourself to Christ, as our PHOTOS MADE TODAY cording to Mr. Biggart, and -the boys in the service are observing i- first string will average in the this day. We will expect to meet S.Horace Soule 'announces that a neighborhood of 145 pounds, with you there Sunday morning. If you Panama City photographer will be the second stringers bringing the at .the St. Joe Hardware store to- average weight down to 135. day for the. express purpose of All home games, which will be making small photographs which played on Centennial Fie-ld, will are necessary if fishermen are to begin about 6 o'clock in the eve- secure permits from the Coast *ning, due to the dimout here. Guard. - It is also suggested that mem- I Poehler In Apalachicola bers of the Air Warning Service W. A. Poehler who formerly op- acting as observers and members j erated a photographic studio here of the civilian defense corps also land who has been in New York have photos made, as these are i for some time, was in the city this required for their identification week and states that ie is open- cards. ing a studio in Apalachicola. ------_ - Fred Perry Is Now Corporal I Bush Joins Army .-, Fred Perry, who is with the Roy Bush left this week to join Akmy Air Corps at Fort Knox, Ky., the army. His wife left for Cot- has been promoted to the rank of tondale where she will stay with corporal. relatives for the duration. ---- i-- -- -- -- -- ____-- 4 -- __ - Takes Navy Examination Norton Still Heads Kiwanis Raymond Warren was in Birm- At the regular meeting of the ingham this week taking an ex- Kiwanis club last week Dr. J. R. amination for entrance into .the Norton was re-elected as president. navy. for the ensuing year. don't come, we will be disap- George Patton, Mrs. R. W. Smith, pointed, and so will your Lord." Mrs. J. A. Mira, J. R. Hunter and ----- Tom Owens. RADIO PROGRAM WILL BE The campaign, held once a year BROADCAST FROM TYNDALL between Thanksgiving and Christ- FIELD SUNDAY EVENING mas, is the annual appeal to the public for funds to carry on the The first international radio pro- year-round work of the association. gram fror'"tie flexible gunnery The Port St. Joe Pilot club has .school a t.indall Field is slated again agreed to sponsor the Seal for Sund6," October 4, 5:30 to 6 Sale drive. p. m., central war time. -' __----- It will be on the Sgt. Gene Au- Mrs. Kenney To Washington trey hour. He is now a member of Mrs. B. E. Kenney will leave to- the army air forces and, 15 min- morrow for Washington, D. C., .to utes of the program will originate attend a meeting of the national from the U.,S.O. building at Pan- committee on camp and hospital ama City, following a street pa- service of the American Red rade o f a graduating class o f Cross, of which she is one of the aerial gunnery students. 15 members selected from all parts The program will go out over o-f the nation. 115 stations of the Columbia,/ -- Broadcasting system and also xil Two Undergo Tonsilectomies be short-waved to foreign coun- Mrs. D. H. Jones and Billie tries, particularly those r-/here Teel underwent tonsilectomies at American soldiers are stationed, the Norton clinic last Saturday. Hospital Project Gets Presidential 'Okeh' Saturday City's Portion of Fund for WPA 30-Bed Hospital Comes To $23,495 Telegrams were received Satur- day by the publisher of The Star from Senator Claude Pepper ana Congressman Bob Sikes that Pres- ident Roosevelt had approved the' application for funds for comple- tion of the Port St. Joe-WPA spon- sored 30,bed hospital here, work on which had been suspended due to lack of WPA labor and addi- tional funds. According to the telegrams the total amount approved comes to $42,74.5, of which the city's share will be $23,495 and the federal grant $19,250. The total sum is for completion of the hospital and the purchase of all necessary equip- ment. MATCHES STILL GO WITH CIGARETTES Here's the OPA.lowdown on the match situation: If you're paying the same price for cigarettes that you did in March and buying them at the same stores, you are en- titled to matches if you got them then-and the- same size folder. This ruling was issued on com- plaints that many stores have eliminated, the natccbs, or- are now giving only ballf-size folders. Officers Are Named .By School Student Council At the. first meeting .of the stu- dent council of the Port St. Joe schools, held last week, the fol- lowing officers were elected for the term: President, Thomas Chat- ham; vice-president, Carolyn Bag- gett;, secretary and treasurer, El- is Stevens. COMMITTEE NAMED FOR ANNUAL TB FUND DRIVE Members of the Gulf County Tuberculosis and Health associa- tion named to handle -the cam- paign in this county,, opening No- vember 23, have been announced as follows: Mrs. E. Clay Lewis Jr., chair- man of the local association; H. H. Saunders, chairman of the Christmas Seal sale; Mrs. Basil E. Kenney, Mrs. W. T. Mosely Jr., Mrs. C. G. Costin, Mrs. Robert Tapper, Mrs. J. B. Gloeckler. Mrs. L' School Children On the Line For Scrap Kick-Off Junior Army Will Begin At- tack Against Metal Shortage The boys and, girls of the Port St. Joe and Wewahitchka schools are now part of a national Junio- Army which will begin a great at- tack next Monday, October 5, when they launch their offensive against the metal shortage. They are going out to find and bring in the things of which tanks and ships are made-rusty pipe, broken bed springs, old stoves, air guns that won't shoot any longer -junk. The local regiment is headed by Principal W. A. Biggant, who ranks as a major in the junior service. County School Superinten- dent Tom Owens is colonel of Gulf county's regiment, and the teach- ers rank as captains. School boys and girls of each class room will be the lieutenants, sergeants, corporals and privates of the Junior Army here. Thqse who do well will be promoted, just like real soldiers in our fighting army. A fighting army uses maps and scouts ev-ery foR of ground, and Major Biggant announces that the Junior .Army will. scout le city and 'surrounding countryside In the same way for pieces Of junk, "So long as the junk remains ungathered," he said, "it is part of the starvation enemy of our steel mills, our war factories and our fighting men. Port .St. Joe boys and girls are going to find and take prisoner 'all of that enemy In this vicinity." The public is urged to co-oper- ate with the students when they call,by giving, them eirery avail- able pieces of scrap. Those pieces which are too large for the chil- dren .to carry away will be called for with a truck. The scrap ma- terial will be piled in a corner of the school yard and, through ar- rangements made by Marc Flel- shel, head of the Gulf county sal-, vage committee, when a sufficient amount has been gathered a junk concern in Columbus, Ga., will send a man here to sort it into the various grades, weigh it and pay for it. Proceeds from sale of the scrap will go to the school fund and be used. mainly to pro- vide lunches for underprivileged children. SCRAP METAL ADMITS TO SHOW AT PORT NEXT SATURDAY MORNING Manager Ben Rivers of the Port theatre announces ,that a special "Junk Matinee" will be held at the theatre Saturday morning at 10 o'clock as a part of the drive ,to get in the scrap. Price of admission will be 15 pounds or more of scrap metal. The scrap thus collected will be turned over to the Kiwanis club which in turn will add it to the collection at the school yard. Masons Enjoy Supper Members of the Masonic lodge gathered at the hall Friday night at a supper observing "Old Timers Night." Roy Bush, who has joined th- armed forces, was honored at this time. PAETOTESAPR T OGL ONY LRD RDY COE ,14 T THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla, by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMI.TH, Editor Entered as Second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Florida, undet Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Invariably Payable In Advance One Year....... $2.00 Six Months...... $1.00 Three Months..........65c --f Telephone 51 - The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the prIned word thoroughly -convinces. The spolren word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country -. Right or Wrong KIDS LAST RESORT TO GET IN SCRAP Apparently we older folks have fallen down on the scrap salvage campaign, for the gov- ernment at Washington is now putting on one more salvage campaign with the hope that re- sults will prove that the people of tmle United States-represented by the school children- will get busy and do a real job. So far they have not done this, and the kids are the last resort. Now you, Mr. and Mrs. Port St. Joe, whack are you going to do about this drive? What will Gulf county do about it? If the United States can not produce more scrap-and that means Gulf county and every other county- our country is in a bad jam in its defense pro- duction. The nation-wide scrap collection by school children starts next Monday, so when your doorbell- rings, and you find an eager-faced youngster waiting there, your first reaction may be to give him a hasty "brush-off." Don't. Th bloy or girl will be one of the millions of school kids who will be donating their time and efforts .to a worthy cause on which we oldsters fell down. Kids know that a war is going on, and they know it's not just a glamorous game, a dra- rnatic pageant of heroes. They know how vital is the nation's need for scrap. They are will- ing to sacrifice play-time to help. They could Society Person PHONE 51 MRS. W. S. S DEFENSE COMMITTEE OF P.-T. A. HOLDS F WOMAN'S CLUB MEETS MEETING OF YE Preparatory to opening of 'the The Port St. Joe club year for the Port St. Joe Wo- association met at man's club, a meeting of the na- auditorium Thurs tional defense committee of ,the last week for the club met Tuesday morning at the the new school ye home of Mrs. Basil E. Kenney, the. The meeting w chairman, for the purpose of work- the pledge .to the f ing out plans for the coming year. Foy Scheffer, fo The agenda .as outlined was ap- singing of "Ame proved and is highlighted by two Lord's Prayer. bridge benefits, one to be held oni George Sin'owden October 28 at the Port Inn' and the defense council, w other on December 11 at the home speaker and, stress of Mrs. Kenney. everyone, parents, -The committee also voted to buy children, to join one $25 War Bond for the club and funse activities. to contribute $2 monthly to the booklets outlining depleted coffers of the Gulf must be done. County Defense Council. A brief outline o Members of ,the defense com- of P.-T. A. work wa mittee are Mrs. Roy Scheffer, Mrs. D. C. Smith, Mrs. Guy Little, Mrs. Harry McKnight, Mrs. Jack Sam- ford, Mrs. Truman Towery, Mrs. H. A. Drake, Mrs. Richard Porter and Mrs. Andrew Owens. Following the meeting, the hos- tess served soft drinks to her guests. Miss Myrtle Langston, who has been visiting here for some time past with her brother and sister- in-law, Rev. and Mrs. 0. D. Langs- ton, left Monday for Batesville, Ark., where she has accepted a po- sition as art director in the Ar- kansas College. be out playing ball or roller-skating, instead TWO O. E. S. MEMBERS ARE of tramping from door to door, ringing bells, HONORED WITH SHOWER The members of Gulf Chapter giving their amateurish but sincere enthusi- 191, Order of Eastern Star, met at astic sales talks. The scrap you give them will the Masonic hall Tuesday evening be piled in a corner of the local school yard 'o:r a pr.-`Lallowe'en party, wil.h and when it is sold, the money will go to the the program in charge of Mrs. school fund. Ruth Evans and Mrs. Alice Bryan. A number of games andi contests What these youngsters are selling is a A number of games and wiconth read-st were enjoyed, followed wi-th read7 share in America and its future-their. future, ings by Mrs: R. M. Spillers and to be exact-and they shouldn't have to talk Mrs. Bessie Smith. long. It may be annoying to have to answer Thc, program was then turned the door when you're in the midst of some over to Worthy Matron Lovie co- burn and, assisted by Conduntress household task, or engrossed in a book, or are Bessie Smith and Mrs. Florazell entertaining guests. But after all, 'isn't such Connell, Mrs. Evans and Mrs. an annoyance a bit on the petty side, if you Bryan were given a stork shower. pause to give thought?. Our men are waging Each received pink and blue bas- a gallant fight on far-flung war fronts. Some kets filled with gifts. -At the conclusion of the delight- are wounded. Some die. The youngsters who f affair, pie and coffee w call on you for scrap to aid those men are- do- served to 23 members and visitors. ing all they can on a job that you and I have a fallen down on. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Give them a welcome-and give them your Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Raffield are the proud parents of a 9-pound scrap. daughter, born Thursday, Septem- ber 24, at the Norton clinic. She DRIVE SLOW AND PLAY SAFE has been named Judith Alta. Effective yesterday the national 35-miles- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Redd an- f ect e y a t e n -m e nounce the birth of a 91/2-pound per-hour speed limit for all rubber-tired ve- son a, the Norton clinic on Mon- rrson at the. Norton clinic on Mon- hicles went into effect, and state and local of- lay, Septemlber 28. The young ficials have been called upon by the govern- -nan has been named James Alfrea. ment to see that the limit is strictly enforced. * Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Burke an- Motorists of Gulf county are urged to ob- and Mrs. W. V. Burke an- nounce .the birth of an S1%-pound serve this new driving regulation, not only for -aughter Tuesday, September 29, their own good but for the benefit of all, as at the Norton clinic. The young it has been instigated solely for the purpose of lady bears the name Glenda Anona. conserving our rapidly dwindling tire supply. Born, Sunday, September 27, to Also, violators of the speed limit will face can- Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Perry, a .cellation of gas and tire certificate privileges, daughter. as police officials have agreed to notify ra- r *a tioning boards of arrests for speeding. As yet PILOT' CLUB HOLDS we do not have gas rationing in Gulf county, 'TACKY PARTY' but about the middle of November the entire Members of the losing team in but about the middle of November the entire the recent attendance contest con- nation will come under the same system of ducted by the Pilot club were hos- gas rationing as is in effect on the eastern sea- tosses at a "tacky party" Friday board now, and when that time comes we ex- night, held at the home of Mrs. pect to see a number of motorists who now H. A. Drake. " A number of interesting games travel 50 and 60 miles an hour have their gas and contests were enjoyed an cards taken from them. prizes were awarded for the. most This country has been largely built on au- "tacky" costumes. Acting as judges tomobile travel, and unless the best use is made H. A. Drake, Gus Creech and Mr,. of the tires we have, in a short time we will be faced with a catastrophic national "slow A I D ADS down." CLA I I A S FOR RENT s Cc1 1 FOR RENT-Juniper Lodge at tals rChurches Beacon Hill. Has 4 small apart- ments, partly furnished. Will lease at $25 per month to right party. Inquire St. Joe Lumber Company. Phone 69-J. 9-4tf FIRST WOMAN'S CLUB WILL' LEGAL ADVERTISING AR MEET OCTOBER 7 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, GULF a Parent-Teacher The first meeting of the year COUNTY, FLORIDA IN CHANCERY the high school will be held by the Port St. Joe BUD HUDSON, Plaintiff, day evening ot Woman's club at 3:30 p. m., Oe- s. first meeting ot tolber 7, in the club rooms at thh DOLL HUDSON, Defendant. ar. Centennial building. Theme for On Monday, October the 5th, 1942, as opened with the year is "Victorious Living." the. Defendant, Doll Hudson, is re- quired to appear to the Bill for Di- lag, led by Mrs. This first meeting will be in vorce filed against her in the'ss Ilowed by the charge of the following hostesses: cause, and The Star is hereby erica" and the Mrs. B. H. Dickens, Mrs. W. A. designated as the newspaper in Robhrts, Mrs. L. C. Rester, Mrs. which this order shall be published once a week for four consecutive i, heaca of the Thomas McPhaul, Mrs. J. Grims- weeks. as the principal ley, Mrs. Jesse Smith. Mrs. 0. D. WITNESS my hand and seal of ;ed the need for Langston, Mrs. R. A. Costin, Mrs. said Court this 2nd day of Sep- teachers an d B. W. Eells, Mrs. Joe Whitfiel tember A. D. 1942. HUNTER the civilian de- and Mrs. W. 0. Anderson. (SEAL) Clerk Circuit Court, He distributed A current events quiz will be Gulf County, Florid,,. the work which conducted by Mrs. E. Clay Lewls H. V. McCLELLAN, 9-4 Jr.; Port. W. A. Biggart will speakSolicitor for Complainant. 10-2 if the beginning is given by Mrs. G. W. Pierson, following which a brief business meeting of the or- ganization was held, presided over by Mrs. E. Clay Lewis Jr. At this .time. Mrs. Joe Mira, carnival chairman, and Mrs. Jesse Smith. room mother chairman, stated that plans will be, announced shortly for the annual Hallowe'en carnival to be held October 31. The meeting was well attended, and Mrs. B. C. Gaillard, memlber- ship chairman, stated that th membership is now 86. John Kirkland was transacting business in Opp, Ala., during the week-end. % on "Problems of Local Schools"', L. A. Wilson will give a report oi, the colored schools, and the me-e ing will close with the singing of "School Days" and "America." ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE Mrs. Jack Croxton of White City was hostess Wednesday af- ternoon at her home at a delight- ful bridge party. Guests were Mrs. J. A. Christmas, Mrs. D. C. Smith, Mrs. J. A. Stebel and Mrs. W. S. Smith. Prize for high score went .to Mrs. Christmas. iollow- I-ig the hour of pla-,. the hostess served delicious refreshments to bar, guests. Advertising doesn't cost-It PAYS! ROOM AND BOARD BY THE 00 WEEK II110 Dining Room Open to the Public Club Breakfast, 6 to 9....25c Lunch, 12 to 2...........40c Dinner, 6 to 8 ...........40c MRS. M. 0. FREEMAN Coi ner ReWi Ave. and 3rd St. Griffin Grocery Building - LET'S BECOME BETTER ACQUAINTED We invite you to visit our -pre- scription department, where you will see graduate pharmacists compounding prescriptions with, the utmost care and skill. Co- operation with your physicpjitio in his work of caring for your health is our most important' function. To that end we u e only t he finest prescription chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and biologicals when filling your prescription. We Use Merck Prescription Chemicals LeHardy Pharmacy Phone 5 Port St. Joe CAN'T YOU SLEEP? If WVr Iv WHEN the stress of modern! living gets "on your nerves"i a good sedative can do a lot to lessen nervous tension, to make! you more comfortable, to permit! restful sleep. Next time a day's work and worry or a night's wakefulnesss, makes you Irritable, Restless or Jumpy-gives you Nervous Head- ache or Nervous Indigestion, try Dr. Miles Nervine.- [(Liquid or Effervescent Tablets) Dr. Miles Nervine is a time- tested sedative that has been bringing relief from Functional Nervous Disturbances for sixty years yet is as up-to-date as this morning's newspaper. LiqUid 25# and $1.00, Effervescent tablets 35* and 75*. Read directions and 6e only as directed. I lira - - ---, ., t -- THE STAR, PORT St. JO)E, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 194 Dorothy Sexton adjudged Dorothy Anderson the "tackiest" .persv- present, with Margaret Belin as*i runner-up. Refreshments of punch and cookies were served, to 20 mem- bers and their friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Atwood vis- ited over the week-end, with rela- tives in Birmingham, Ala. Try Alka-Seltzer for Headache, "Morning After" Aching Muscles, Acid Indigestion. Pleasant, prompt, effective. 300 and 60. High Vitamin potency at low cost- ONE-A-DAY Vitamin Tablets. A and D tablets in the yellow box-B-Cornm- plex tablets in the grey box. For Sleeplessness, Irrita-' bility, Headache, and Restlessness, when due to Nervous Tension. Use only as directed. I I,000 PAGE TWO F O Conducting Revival church. Basil E. Kenney returned Satur- ev. R. F. Hallford is in Dothan --- day from a week's business trip to this week conducting a revival at Fight your part of the fight- Chicago. He was met in Pensacola the Headland Avenue Baptist make yaur home a V Home. by his wife, Probably Had Time Trouble Mrs. Dorothy Sexton, Miss Nell Until 1883, no two cities kept Connell and Mrs. George McLaw- the same time unless they were 1. _)n wer. week-end visitors in Ion 'the same meridian. Panama City. NOTICE OF ELECTION wiEREAS, The Legisiature ot 1941. ander the Constitution of 1885, of tbe State of Florida. did pass 9 Joint Reolutions proposing amendments to the Constitution of the State of Flor- Ida. and the same were agreed to by a vote of three-fifths of all the mem- bers elected to each aouse: that thF votes on said Joint Resolutions were entered upon their respective Tournals with the yeas and nays thereon and they did determine and direct that the said Joint Resolutions be sub- mitted to the electors of the State at the General Election in November 1942 NOW THEREFORE i R A GRAY Secretary of State of the 'tate of Florida. do hereby giv notice that GENERAL ELECTION will be held in each county In Florida on Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November. A D 1942. the said Tuesday being the THIRD DAY OF NOVEMBER ',Jor the ratification or rejection of the Said Joint Resolutions proposing amendments to the Constitution of the State of Florida. viz: A JOIN'I RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to Article IX of the Constitution of the State of Florida Relating to Taxation and Finance. by Adding Thereto an Additional Section Creating a State Board of Adminis- tration: Prescribing its Powers and Duties, and Providing for the use of Proceeds of Two Cents per Gallon of the Gasoline or Other Motor Fuel Tax for (1) the Payment and Retirement of All Outstanding Bonds Issued By Any County or Special Road and Bridge District Prior tb First Day of July. A. D 1931. for Road and Bridge Purposes. and for (2) Public Highway Purposes BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: That the following amendment to Article IX of the Constitution of the State of Florida relating to Taxation and Finance by adding thereto an ad- ditional section to be known as Sec- tion 16 of said Article IX creating a State Board of Administration: pre- scribing Its powers and duties, and providing for the use of the proceeds of two cents per gallon of the, gasoline or other motor fuel tax for (1) the payment and retirement of all out- standing bonds issued by any county or special road and bridge district prior to the First Day of July. A. D. 1931 for road and bridge purposes. and for (2) public highway purposes. is hereby agreed to and shall be sub- mitted to the electors of the State of Florida for ratification or rejection at the next General Election to be held in 1942. as follows: "Section 16 (a). That beginning January lst. 1943. and for fifty (50) years thereafter, the proceeds of two (2c) cents per gallon of the total tax levied by the State law upon gasoline and other like products of petroleum, now known as the Second Gas Tax, and upon other fuels used to propel motor vehicles, shall as collected be placed monthly In the 'State Roads Distribution Fund' In the State Treas- r'-try and divided into three (3) equal ""arts which shall be distributed monthly among the several counties as follows: One part according to area, one part according to population, and one part according to the counties' contribu- tions to the cost of State road con- struction in the ratio of distribution as provided in Chapter 15659. Laws of Florida. Acts of 1931. and for the pur- poses of the apportionment based on the counties' contributions for the cost of State road construction, the amount of the contributions estab- lished by the certificates made in 1931 pursuant to said Chapter 15659. shall be taken and deemed conclusive in computing the monthly amounts dis- tributable according to said contribu- tions. Such funds so distributed shall be administered by the State Board of Administration as hereinafter pro- vided (b) The Governor as Chairman, the State Treasurer and the State Comp- troller shall constitute a body cor- porate to be. known as the 'State Board of Administration." which Board shall succeed to all the power, control and authority of the statutory Board of Administration, Said Board shall have. in addition to such powers as may be conferred upon it by law, the management, control and supervision of the proceeds of said two (2c) cents of said taxes and all moneys and other assets which on the effective date of this amendment are applicable or may become applicable to the bonds of the several counties of this State. or any special road and bridge district, or .other special taxing district thereof. issued prior to July 1st. 1931, for road and bridge purposes. The word "Bonds" as used herein shall include honds time warrants notes and other forms or indebtedness issued for road and bridge purposes by any county or special road and bridge district or other special taxing district. out- standing on July 1st. 1931. or any re- funding issues thereof. Said Board shall have the Statutory powers of Boards of County Commissioners and Bond Trustees and of any other Authority of special road and bridge' districts. and other special taxing dis- tricts thereof with regard to said bonds. (except that the power to levy ad valorem taxes is expressly withheld from said board) and shall take over all papers. documents and records concerning the same Said Board shall have the power from time to time to issue refunding bonds to ma- ture within the said fifty (50) year period. for any of said outstanding bonds or interest thereon, and to se- cure them by a pledge of anticipated receipts from such gasoline or other fuel taxes to be distributed to such county .as herein provided, but not at a greater rate of interest than said bonds now bear: and to issue, sell or exchange on behalf of any county or unit for the sole purpose of retiring said bonds issued by such county. or special road and bridge district, or other special taxing district thereof. gasoline or other fuel tax anticipation certificates bearing interest at not more than',three (3) ner cent ner an- num in such denominations and ma- ,2r -such, time within the fifty 7er Deribd a dith Board mayI determine. In addition to exercising tbh twes' nw tr6oIdded by statute for the investment of sinking funds. or hereafter owner or used fro such said Board may use the sinking funds purposes by the State of Florida, shall created for said bonds of any county be vested in a Commission to be or speciaJ road and bridge district, or known as the Game and Fresh Water other unit hereunder to purchase the Fish Commission Such Commission matured or maturing bonds oartic'- shall consist of five members, one rating nerein of any other county err from each congressional district as other special road and bridge district existing on January 1. 1941 who shall cr other special taxing district there- be appointed by the Governor subject of. provided that as to tsa.d matured to confirmation by the Senate The bonds, the value thereof as an invest- members so appointed shall annually ment shall be the price paid therefore select one ow their members as Chair- which shall not exceed the par "alus man, of the Commission plus accrued interest and that said a. The first members ol the Corn- investment shall bear interest at the mission shall be appointed on Janu- rate of three (3)1 er cent per annum arv 1. 1943 and shall serve respectively (c) The said Board shall annually for one. two three, four and five use said funds in each county ac- years At the expiration ol each of count, first, to Day current principal such- terms, a succe-sor shall be ap- and interest maturing. If any of said pointed to serve for P term of five bonds and gasoline or other fuel tax ears. anticipation certificates of such coun- 3 The members of the Commission ty or special road and bridge dis- shall receive no compensation for their trict. or ot her special t a x n e services as such. but each Commls- district thereof: second, to estab- stoner shall receive his necessary trav- lish a sinking funr account to meet eling or other expenses incurred while future requirements of said bonds and engaged in the discharge of his Of- gasoline or other fuel tax anticipation ficial duties, but such shall not ex- certificates where it appears the an- ceed the sum of $600.00 in any one ticipated Income for any year or years year will not equal scheduled payments 4. Among the powers granted to the thereon: and third. any remaining bal- Commission by this Section shall be ance out of the proceeds of said two the power to fix bag limits and to fix 2c cents of said taxes shall monthly open and closed seasons. on a state- during the year be remitted by said wide. regional or local basis. as it may board as follows: Eighty (80%) ner find to be appropriate, and to regulate cent to the State Road Department for the manner and method of taking. the construction or reconstruction of transporting, storing and using birds. State Roads and bridges within the ame. fur bearing animals fresh water county or for the lease or purchase fish. reptiles and amphibians. The of bridges connecting State highways Commission shall also have the power within the County. and twenty (20%) t acquire by purchase gift. all orop- per cent to the Board of County Comrn- rty necessary, useful or convenient missioners of such county for use on for the use of the Commission in the -oads and bridges therein, exercise of its powers hereunder Id) Said Board shall have the 5. The Commission shall appoint. Power to make and enforce all rules fix the salary of. and at pleasure re- and regulations necessary to the full move. a suitable person, as Director. exercise of the powers hereby granted and such Director shall have such and no legislation shall be required to powers and duties as may be prescribed render this amendment of full force by the Commission in pursuance of and operating effect from and after its duties under this Section Such January 1st. 1943. The Legislature director shall, subject to the approval shall continue the levies of said taxes of the Commission, appoint fix the during the life of this Amendmenta salaries of. and at pleasure remove. and shall not enact any law having assistants, and other employees who the effect of withdrawing the proceeds shall have such powers and duties as of said two (2c) cents of said taxes may be assigned to them by the Com- from the operation of this amend- mission or the Director. No Commis- ment The Board shall pay refunding sioner shall be eligible for any such xpDenses and otheenses nses for serv- appointment or employment. Ices rendered specifically for. or which 6 The funds resulting from the -re properly chargeable to. the account operation of the Commission and from of any county from funds distributed the administration of the laws and to such county: but general expenses regulations pertaining to birds, game. )f the Board for services rendered all fur bearing animals, fresh water fish. the counties, alike shall be prorat reptiles and amphibians. together with tmong them and Paid out of said any other funds specifically provided funds on the same basis said tax pro- for such purpose shall constitute the ceeds are distributed among the sev- State Game Fund and shall be used "ral counties: provided, report of by the Commission as it shall deem said. expenses shall be made to each fit in carrying out the provisions Regular Session of the Legislature. hereof and for no other purposes. The ind the Legislature may limit the ex- Commission may not obligate itself senses of the Board." beyond the current resources of the Approved by the Governor. May 13. State Game Fund unless specifically 1941. so authorized by the Legislature. Piled in office Secty of State, May 7. The Legislature may enact "any 13. 1941. laws in aid of. but not inconsistent with. the provisions of this amend- A JOIN REOTIN ment and all existing laws inconsist- A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing ent herewith shall no longer remain an Amendment to the Constitution of in force and effect. All laws fixing the State of Florida to be known as penalties for the violation of the pro- Section 3 of Article XVII. Relating to visions of this amendment and all laws Amendments Imposing license taxes, shall be en- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- ctfed by the Legislature from time LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: to time. That the following Amendment, to Approved by the Governor. May 5. be known as Section 3 of Article XVII 1941 of the present Constitution be and 1941. oice Secty o State the same is hereby agreed to shall be Filed in office Secty of State. May submitted to the electors of the State 1941. at the general election of Representa- tives to be held in the year A. D. 1942. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing to-wit! sn Amendment to Article Five of the Section 3. -It at any regular or spe- Constitution of Florida by Adding clal or extra session, the Legislature. Thereto an idditlonal Section Relat- by vote of three-fourths of all mem- 'nr to the Election of Circuit Judges bers elected to each House. shall de- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- termine that an emergency requiring .ATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA an early decision by the electors of the i'hat Article 5 of the Constitution of State exists, an amendment to this the State of Florida be amended by Constitution dealing with the subject adding thereto an additional Section matter of such emergency may be pro- to be known as Section 46 of said posed. and if the proposed Amendment Article relating to the Election of Cir- be agreed to by a three-fourths vota mult Judges be. and the same is hereby of all the members elected to each agreed to and shall be submitted to House. the same shall be entered upon the electors of the State of Florida their respective journals with the yeas for ratification or rejection at the and nays thereon. Thereupon. at the General Election to be held on the same session, the Legislature shall pro- first Tuesday after tlie first Monday vide for a special election to be held 'n November. 1942. as follows: not less than ninety nor more than "Section 46. Circuit Judges shall one hundred eighty days after ad- hereafter be elected by the qualified journment and for publication of electors of their respective judicial notice thereof. at which special elec- aIroults as other State and County tion the proposedd Amendment shall be officialss are elected. submitted to the electors of the State for approval or rejection: provided. The first election of Circuit Judges that if a general election of Represen- shall be held at the General Election tatives is to occur within said period in 1948 to take office on the first such Amendment .shall be submitted Tuesday after the first Monday in to the electors at such general lc- January. 1949. for a term of six years. tion ele al ele The terms ,of all such offices as they If a majority of the electors voting shall severally exist at the time of If a majority of the electors voting adoption of this Amendment shall be upon the proposed Amendment shall and they are hereby extended to ter- adopt the Amendment, the same shall minute on the first Tuesday after the become a part of this Constitution- first Monday in January 1949."- This Amendment shall not be held to Approved by the Governor. June 12. slpersede w rIn anywise ffect any 1941. existing provision of the Constitution Filed in office of Secretary of State, relating to Amendments. but shall be June 13. 1941. regarded as an additional method ' Amendment thereto. Approved by the Governor. May 5. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing 1941. an Amendment to Article Sixteen of Piled in office Secty of State, May & the Constitutibn of Florida, by adding 1941. thereto an additional Section Permit- ting the Legislature to vest the Powers AJI REO TOof making Rules and Regulations Re- A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing lasting to the Conservatipn of Salt an Amendment to Article IV of the Water Fish and Salt Water Products Constitution of the* State of Florida in a Board or Commissiosn. Relative to the Executive Department. by Adding thereto an Additional Sec- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- tion to Create a Game and Fresh NATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: Water Fish Commission. That Article Sixteen of the Consti- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- tuition of the State of Florida be LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: amended by adding thereto an addi- That the following Amendment to tional Section to be known as Section Article IV of the Constitution of the 32 of said Article 16. authorizing the State of Florida relative to the Execu- Legislature to vest the power of mak- tive Department by adding thereto an ing rules and regulations relating to additional Section to be known as conservation of salt water fish and Section 30 of said Article IV. creating salt water products in a board or com- a Game and Fresh Water Fish Com- mission, be and the same is hereby mission be and the same is hereby agreed to. and shall be submitted to agreed tr and shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Florida the Electors of the State of Florida for ratification or rejection at the for ratification or rejection at the General Election to be held on the General Election tQ be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday *first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. 1942. as follows: In November 1942. as follows: "Section 32. The Legislature may Section 30. 1. Prom and after Jan- vest in such Board or Commission, nary 1 1943. the management. restora- new created or that may be created tlin. conservation and regulation, of by it. authority to make and establish. the birds, game, fur bearing animals, ruled and regulations without regard and fresh water fish, of the State 'of to uniformity of application, relating Florida. and the acquisiton establish- to the conservattrn of salt water tish mentlt control. anid man ii met. of and. salt water products.' hatcherim sanctuaries, refuges, reser- A& ved by tile Governor, fne 22, filed in office Secretary of State. June 12. 1941,. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to Article 7. Section 3. of the Constitution of the State of Florida. Relative to Census and Ap- portionment, by Amending Section 3. of said Article so ar to Designate Broward County as a Senatorial Dis- trict and designate Calhoun County and Gulf -'ounty as a Senatorial Dis- trict. BE IT RESOLVED BT THE LEGIS- LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA. That the following amendment to Section 3- of Article 7 of the Con- stitution of the State of Florida. rela- tive to Census and apportionment. designating Broward County as the thirty-ninth (391 Senatorial District. and Calhoun County and Gulf County as the fortieth (40) Senatorial District. be and the same is hereby agreed to. and shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Florida for ratification or rejection at the General Election "o be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in Novembe' 1942 a-i follows: . Section 3. The Legislature that staL, meet in regular session A. D. 1925 and -those that shall meet every ten years thereafter, shall apportion the repre- sentation in the Senate, and shall provide for forty (40) Senatorial Dis- tricts, such Districts to be. as nearly equal in population as practicable. but no County shall be divided in making such apportionment, and each District shall have one Senator: provided that Broward County. Flor- ida, shall constitute the Thirty-ninth (39th) Senatorial District. and Cal- houn County. Florida and Gulf Coun- ty. Florida. shall constitute the For- tieth (40) Senatorial District: and at the same time the Legislature shall also apportion the representation in the House of Representatives, and shall allow three (3) Representatives to each of the five 'most populous counties, and two (2) ReDresen atives to each of the next eighteen more populous counties, and one Represen- tative to each of the remaining coun- ties of the State at the time of such apportionment. Should the Legislature fall to apportion the representation in the Senate and in the House of Rep- resentatives. at any regular session of the Legislature at any of the times herein designated. It shall be the duty of the Legislature or Legislatures suc- ceeding such regular session of the Legislature. either in Special or Regu- lar session, to apportion the repre- sentation in the Senate and in the House of Representatives, as herein provided. The preceding regular Fed- eral or regular State Census. which- ever shall have been taken nearest any apportionment of ReDresentatives in the Senate and in the House of Representatives. shall control in mak- Ing such apportionment. In the event the Legislature shall fail to reaPDor- tlon the representation in the -Legis- laturp as required by this amendment the Governor shall (within thirty days after the adjournment of the remilar session) call the Legislature together in extraordinary session to consider the question of reapportionment and such extraordinary session of the Leg- islature is hereby mandatortly required to reapportion the representation as required by this amendment before ifts adjournment (and such. extraordi- nary session so called for reapportlon- ment shall not be limited to exnire at the end of twenty days or at all. until reannortionment is effected, and shall consider no business other than such *napportlonment,.) Approved by the Governor. June 7. 1941. Filed in office of Secretary of State. June 9. 1941 ,A JOINT RESOLUTION ProposingB an Amendment to Article VIII of the. Constitution of the State of Florida. Relating to County and Municipal Governments. BE 13 ENACTED BY THE LEGIS- LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: That the following amendment to Ar- ticle VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida relating to County and Municipal Governments. to be numbered Seclton 11 of said Article VIII. be and the same is hereby agreed to and shall be submitted to the elec- tors of the State for ratification or rejection at the next general election to be held in November. 1942. to-wit: Section 11. The County Commis- sioners of Dade County who shall be elected at the general election in 1942 shall Immediately after the beginning of their terms of office, redistrict Dade County into five County Com- missioners' Districts to be numbered by the said Commissioners from one to five respectively, and delineate the boundaries of such Districts in such manner as to include within the re- spective Districts territory as follows: One of the said Commissioners' Dis- tricts shall comprise the territory which was on the 1st day of April. ,1941. embraced within Election Pre- cincts numbered 24 to 32. inclusive. and also such parts of Election Pre- cincts numbered 10. 56. 60 and 61 as lie east of the western shore of Bis- cayne Bay. all as established by a reso- lution of the County Commissioners of said County adopted November 14, 1919. designated as Resolution No 1077: Another of the said Districts shall comprise the territory, and only the territory, which was on the 1st day of April. 1941. embraced in Commis- sioners' District No. 4 and Commis- sioners' District No. 5. as described in Book "F" of the Minutes of the Coun- ty Commissioners of said County. at page 194 et seq.: I Another of the said Commissioners' Districts shall comprise the territory which was on the 'first day of April 1941. embraced in Commissioners' Dis- trict No. 1. as described in Book "P" of the minutes of the County Com- missioners of said County. at page 194 et seq.. and also all the territory which was on the first day of April, 1941. embraced in Election Precincts num- bered 75 to 82. inclusive, as estab- lished by the aforesaid Resolution No. 1077: Another at the aild Districts shall comprise the territory which was on the 1st day of April. 1941. embraced in Commisfioners* District No. 3. as described in Book "'F of the Minutes oC the 1 County CoeaMIonee of said County. t Me 9 et g. e-ept- the territory embraced in the atore , said Election Precincts numbered 7S to 82. inclusive. and 26 to 32. inclusive and except such arts of Election Pre- cincts numbered 56 60 and 61 as lie east o the western Shore -t BiscayBe Bay Another ol the said Commissioners Districts shall comprise the territory which was on the 1st day of April 1941 embraced In Commissioners Dis- trict No 2 as described in Book "F" of the Minutes of the County Com- missioners of said County at oage 194 et seq except the territory embraced in the aforesaid Election Precincts numbered 24 and 25. and such Dart of Election Precindt number 10 as lies east of the western shnre B RiscavnP Bay The County Commissioners who shall be elected in Dade County at the general election in 1942 shall hold of- fice for the term of two years for which they shall nave been elected and their terms of office shall not be affected by this amendment: out thereafter there shall be in each of the Districts -stnblished by and in nursuance of. this amendment a '"',ntv Commissioner who shall reside in his District but who shall be nomi- nated and elected from the County at Large Every County Commissioner of Dade County who shall be elected at the general election in 1944 and there- after shall hold office for a term of four years The Dowers. duties and compensation of such County Com- missioners shall be as from time to time provided by law. Approved by the Governor May 28. 1941. Filed in office Sects of State MaN 28. 1941 A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposine an Amendment to' Section 1. of Article X of the Constitution of Florida. Re- lating to Homestead and Exemption. -o as to Permit the Wages Salary or Income from any source Whatsoever Due to any Person the Head of a Fam- ily as Provided Therein. to be the Subject of Garnishment to the Ex- tent of not more than 25% thereof in the Courts of this State. as May be Provided by Law. for the Payment of any Obligations Arising by Express or Impuled Contract Subseauent to the AdoDtion of this Amendment: and Further Providing Exemptions thereto in Cases of Income of Less than Twenty-five Dollars uer Week Except a.s to Necessities of Life as May be Defined ov the Legislature BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: That the following amendment to Sec- tion 1. Article X of the Constitution of Florida authorizing the garnish- ment of any wages. salary or income' due any Person who is the head of a family, as provided therein, to the ex- tent of 25%, thereof. be. and the same is hereby agreed to and shall be sub- mitted to the electors of the State in the General Election of Representa- tives in 1942 for their approval or re- iectlon: that is to say. that Section 1 of Article X be amended by adding thereto the following Section: Section 1-A. That the salary. wages and income from any Source whatsoever due and owing. or to be- come due and owing to any person who is the head of a family residing in this State. shall be the subject of -arnishment in the courts of this qtate as may be provided by law to the extent of not more than 25% of s'ch salary. wages and Income. for the payment of any obligations arising by express or implied contract sub- sequent to the adoption' of this amendment. provided. however: that fhe Legislature shall not extend the right of garnishment as herein pro- vided where the salary is $25.00 or less ,ner week except to necessities of life ,a may from time to time be defined "v the Legislature. Approved by the Governor. June 11. 1941 Filed in office Sectv of State: June '1. 1941. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing the Amendment of Section 16 of Ar- ticle XVT of the Constitution of Flor- 'da. Relating to Taxation of Property of Corporations. with Certain Exemp- tions for Religious. Scientific. Munici- pal. Educational Literarv 1raternai sr Charitable Purposes BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORTDA' Section 1. That the following amendment to Section 16. of Article XVT of the Constitution of the State of Florida relating to taxation of the property of corporations, with certain "xemptlons for religious. scientific, mu- nicipal. educational. literary,. fraternal or charitable Purposes, be. and the same is hereby agreed to and shall I- submitted to the elector" of th" State of Florida. for ratIfilatlnr or -ojection at the nevt general election to be held in 1942: thnt is to -v that The said Section 16 of Article XVI of 'Ie Constitution of the State of Plor- q'l be amended so as to n*ed as 'ollows- "Section 16. The property ato an corporations, except the Dronertv of a corporation which shall construct a shin or barge canal across the penin- sula of Florida. If the Legislature -hould so enact. whether heretofore or hereafter Incorporated. shall be sub- lect to taxation, unless such property be held and used to the extent of at least one-fourth thereof. for religious. scientific. municipal, educational, lit- erary, fraternal or charitable our- noses." Provided however, this amend- ment shall not affect the 'provisions of Sections 12 and 14 of Article IX of the Constitution of Florida. AppDroved by the Governor. June 11. 1941. Filed in office Secretary of State. Tune 11. 1941 The votes cast In compliance with said proposed amendments, and the cavnass. declarations and returns thereof, shall be subjected to the same regulations and restrictions as are pro- vided by law for general elections nto the. State of Florida. IN rTESt' MONT wH EREo, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal ol th0 State of Plorida. 4 'Tal- SAL lahassee., the Capital, this the 1st day of August. A. D. 19K. M &. OAT,. &Etreti1 at Btate. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1942 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE P ORI OT R 1 Victory begins at home. Is yours -- -_.. a V-Home? The Low Down from Willis Swamp Editor The Star: ore thdn ju5t a l LETTERHEAD! It's your representative. It speaks for you in places you cannot go. You want your letterhead to give your prospect assurance that it represents a firm of high standing. THE STAR "Your Home Town Newspaper" SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 2 BIG HITS 2 -Hit No. 1- Chapter No. 11 'Captain Midnight' .... HIT NO. 2- .,,/ 2 l t) l L%, ot I started to tell H nry the old .;o:'e about where one gent said to another gent. who was that lady ; saw you with down town, and Cis second fellow said, that was :o lady--and that's where Henry -;t,3Dped me. "Alright," I says, "who's gonna keep the old jokes f om dyin' out it somebody don't t-ll 'em? There's 8 or 10 million o.tspring under 16 ivho'v.e never :ie::rd the old ones. Who'll. tell these youngsters? And further- ,.or my old ones, which you can tell around the fireside, they're 100 per cent better than the mod- ern ones you'll hear at the Lion Tamer's Grotto or the Hill Top Bridge club. And even on tha radio they tell some with a side- wise slant." "Well," says Henry, "if age has anything to do with improvin' a joke, you sure got some good ones." "Well," sez I, "it's better to know an old joke and r Opens Daily 2:45, Continuously Saturday 1:00 Sunday 1:00 SATURDAY, OCT. 10 F R E E MORNING I MATINEE -- Admission -- 15 LBS. SCRAP METAL FREE TO EVERYONE EPISCOPAL AUXILIARY MEETS WITH MRS. KENNEY Members of the Episcopal Auxil- iary met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. B. E. Kenney Jr.. to hear a talk by Miss Alice Caldei, of Wilmington, N. C., who will be here for some time doing special work for the church. Miss Calder told of the work she plans to do here and also told of similar work she had done last winter in Phil- adelphia. Following the talk by Miss Cal- der, the host -s served delicious refreshments to her guests. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Goforth were week-end, visitors in Grace- ville, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jon- Stapleton. 4 A A .Mrs. Karl Knodel of is visiting in Daphne. her parents, Mr. and Andrews. Oak Grove Ala., with Mrs. J. J. It pays to advertise-try it! nize it at 16 than to wait until you're 21 and go down to vote and find out afterwards that you've voted for one and didn't know it." Yours with the low down, JO SERRA. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 7 Special "MR. BLABBERMOUTH" THURSDAY FRIDAY October 8 9 M ARJORIE MAIN NEWS EVENTS. for THREE GREAT DAYS Sunday- Monday- Tuesday Oct. 4-5-6 , Two hours...packedi Y with a lifetime of .soul-stirring d a-a... Sthe rescue at Dunkirk ...Englandounder the blitz...the joys, the It's he Big Parade of this war! The Picture EVERYONE Should See! -. ;ndl :.'rs. A. M. Jones have as their guests Mrs. Charles Burus a.d daughter Patricia, 'of Savan- r.h. Ga. Advertising doesn't cost-it PAYS! DR. C. COE -DENTIST - OfF;ce Hours: 9 to 12 1 to 5 Sunday By Appointment Costin Bui;ding Phone 88 1 YOU CAN'T TELL "' THEY'RE REPAIRED Because our INVISIBLE HALF SOLING method leaves no "repaired look" on your shoes. The LEADER SHOE SHOP NOTICE GUiLF COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 9, of Chapter 1S29G. Laws of Florida, Acts of 1937, .known as the Murphy Act, ,the following described land in Gulf County, Florida, will be offered for sale at public outcry for the highest and best cash bid, subject to the right of the Trust-es of the Internal Improvement Fund -to reject any adid all bids, at the Court House, between the hours of 10:00 A. M. C.W.T. and 2:00 P. M. on .he 2nd day ,of November 1942. Easement 'or road ri-'ht-of-way 200 feet wide will be reserved from any parcel through which th re is an existing State Road. DESCRIPTION Sec. Twp. Rge. Acres W, .of WV/ of SW1/ of SE,1/4.............. 25 4 S. 10 W. 10I TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT FUND OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, By: J. R. HUNTER, : Agent, Trustees, I. I. Fund, Gulf County. ta*- ---- ----m-- ANN PAGE SALAD DRESSING PINT 91 QUART JAR 2L JAR 33O Ann Page Delicious VINEGAR, Qt. ..... APPLES, 6 for ................ Ann Page 28 Oz. 1 .' Persian MELLO-WHEAT.. 17 LIMES, Dozen --...........- Ann Page Salad Style -1 U. S. No. 1 MUSTARD, 1 lb..... POTATOES, 10 lbs. ...... . Ann Page French 1 Nice 10 DRESSING, 8 oz..-L CARROTS, Bunch .......... 7 oz. Cloverleaf Dried 100 Fine 5' SKIM MILK ......... CABBAGE, lb. Sultana 15 N PEAS, No. 2 Can .... LETTUCE, Head .........15 Pint Ann Page 99* OLIVE OIL--- .....--.. Underwood Deviled 15* HAM, 2 4 Oz. Can..15 Dromedary Devil Food 210 MIX, 144/ Oz. ....... Hormel SPAM, 12 Oz. -..0 Pickle Patch Sweet Midget PICKLES.. 171 2 Lb. Boxes 2 Fresh TOMATOES ........ Bartlett PEARS, 2 lbs. Idaho POTATOES, 3 ................25* lbs. .. Choice LEMONS, Doz .............. ------- Tokay 25* GRAPES, 2 lbs. .............. Clapp's Strained 1 5 York COOKING 25* BABY FOOD, 2 for 15 APPLES, 4 bs....... 25 Lge. Octagon Laundry S19 scot SOAP, 3 Bars ---...--............ It) TISSUE, 3 Rolls .... Octagon 9g Palmolive CLEANSER, 2 for ......... SOAP, 3 Bars ....... 20 Woodbury's Super' 9 SOAP, 3 for S U D S, Small .. White House Evaporated MILK 4 Large Cans 30c MARVEL Enriched BREAD 11 c Ponular Brands CIGARETTES Carton $1.35 A &P FOOD STORE Owned and Operated By the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. I ----- ---------------- ------UYYY~L~C~L~UIIIIUU~~Mmc~U r ~I I FIAOCTOBER! 2, 1942 S 7 2*-. i-I 77 Z7 PAGE FOUR I Reid Ave. and Tliird St. PORT ST. JOE, FLA. |