The star
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00028419/00310
 Material Information
Title: The star
Uniform Title: Star (Port Saint Joe, Fla.)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: W.S. Smith
Place of Publication: Port St. Joe Fla
Creation Date: September 25, 1942
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Port Saint Joe (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Gulf County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Gulf -- Port Saint Joe
Coordinates: 29.814722 x -85.297222 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began in 1937.
General Note: Editor: Wesley R. Ramsey, <1970>.
General Note: Publisher: The Star Pub. Co., <1970>.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 7 (Dec. 2, 1938).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000358020
oclc - 33602057
notis - ABZ6320
lccn - sn 95047323
System ID: UF00028419:00310

Full Text

S AY DAY Buy War Bond
^n^ WAR, Every Pay Day
The Home Newspaper of Northweit Florida's Future Industrial Center Our Quota


-Ratify the Gas Tax

Amendment Says

Governor Holland

Would. Lessen Shock of Increased
Income TaxesYa In r I -A

N.. national Taxes

Floridians have an opportunity --" -
to lessen the shock of increased,
income taxes, almost sure' to come, .
and of, other increased national
States, by voting on November 3 .
.-for the proposed gas tax amend-
:nent to the state constitution.
This amendment will make it no .
longer necessary to levy ad va-
..orem taxes to pay the principal .
..and interest of county road bonds *
or special road and bridge district t ,
bonds, thereby relieving real and SOMEWHEiE IN EGYPT-PI
personal property from ,these tax U.S. Army consolidated "Libera
charges. In one county this levy with the RAF in a raid against t
now runs as high as $600,000 a It was the first raid in the Medi
year. In the last county fiscal year U. fliers, took part and they
in Florida this tax reached the Cruiser damaged. Left to right
SFlorda ths tax reached the Rockingham, N. C.; radio operate
large total of $1,932,797.12. Sergt. A. -T. Patrick, Peidmont,
*,. 'As of March 1, 1942, the several
counties and districts of Florida DRIVERS MUST SECURE
owed $113,684,432.86 as principal DRIvERS MUST SECURE
and $62,286,765.41 .as interest, or LICENSES BY OCTOBER 1
a total of $178,971,19S.27 road and OR TAKE EXAMINATIOI
bridge bond inde'btedn.-ss incurred
prior to July 1, 1931. ; May Be Secured In Port St. Jo
.IUnder the proposed amendment, At St. Joe Motor Company
-.over a 50-year period, it is esti-
zziated that over ;5001000,000 will Every motorist in Florida mus
accrue for distribution among the have a driver's license by Octobe
.counties from the two-cent tax go- 1, or stand a .rivers' examination
.,ing 'to the board of administration, according, to Jndge J. E. Pridgeon
Th; first charge agalns-this .fund. Present licenses ..expire ,Septenrbe:
'.ill be the payment of .e .road 30, and Gevernor' -tolland state;
bonds, both principal adnd Inter- that there will be no extension o'
est, and the rest of saia fund, is Itime to get them.
securely dedic.'ted, tor rolid con-[ Applicants for licenses music
struction. Thus it is easy to see bring their old license with them
-that no ad valorem. tax on) real and as the new permits will carry ths
personal property will further be same number as the old ones. Li-
-needed for road:..and bridge bond censes may ;be.secured, from Judge
indebtedness. ij Pridgeon in Wewahitchka or from
The taxpayer \ .ill bI freed of iW. 0. Anderson at the St. Joe Mo-
this burden at a 'time when the tor company in Port St. Joe.
.national government is calling for --- -----
more and more financial assist- FORESTERS MEET HERE
'ance to win the war. Even if a! The Forest Farmers Association
county has no road bond indebted-! Co-operative of Gulf, Calhoun and
ness, it will receive its share of Franklin counties met with repre-
'the fund in road construction thru sen.tativea of the Florida Forest
, the entire period, making it po0- i Service at the Centennial building
1'ible in many cases to do much- 'Monday afternoon for a forestry
needed local road construction., training meeting. Speaker of the
National leaders say that it Is day was Wayne Miller of Val-
patriotic to save. Here is a chance dosta, Ga.
tiot only to save, but put money 1-
',into the taxpayers'. ckets, from Tomlinson Joins Army
which, I hope, it wil e invested Bill Tomlinson, brother of City
inT buying War Bonds. .Clerk M. P. Tomlinson, who for a
!time operated the Gulf service sta-
COMMERCIAL CLASS 'tion at the corner of First street
FORMED AT SCHOOLiend Monument avenue, has joined

f I the army and is stationed at Dan-
Principal W. A. Biggart states ie Field, Augusta, a.
that a commercial class for women iei Field, Augusta, Ga.
lias been formed at the high Non-Profit Hospitalization
.school with ten enrolled under the' r
tuition of Mrs. G. R. MIze. Over 7,000,000 personS were en-
~Iuition of Mrs. G. R. Mize. rolled in non-profit hospital plans
Mr. Biggart announces that if a
sufficient number enroll, the class 1941. the Unhated somtates thing for July 1
-will be held at night from 7 to 9. 1941. That's something
--ooIle of Port St. Joe to think
.Six men left Tuesday for Camp B.E. Kenney left Sunday on a
Blanding as Gulf county's quota of business trip to Chicago. On the
white draftees for September. They return trip he will stop at Fran
were Foster P. Bevis, Willey J. frt Ky., to visit hi mother, Mrs.
Crooms, Clifford, Griffin, Clinton Thomas E. Kenney. He is ex-
J0. Petersox and Jeff Weeks. ected home Sunday.

Mrs. B. E. Kenney, Mrs. R. M. Mrs. R. C. Hodges of Marianna
Spillars, Mrs. M. Dean and Mrs. was in attendance at the W. M. TD.
P. D. Prows attended the group association meeting hcld here Mon-
meeting of the Presbyterian Aux- 'day.
iliary held Wednesday in Panama _
City. Stanley Sheip of Apalachicola,
who spends a great deal of time in
W. T. Chafin was transacting this city, spent five days this
business in Panama City Monday. week in New York on business.


XPAGE-Members of the crew of a
tor" bomber after they had taken part
the Italian Fleet in the Mediterranean.
it'erranean theatre of war 11 which the
accounted for one 10,000ton Italiar,
here are: Staff Sergt. L. h. Whitley,
or J. N. Peterson, Thatcher, Arizona;
Va.; and Gorp. R. J. Coutrie, Chicago.

COUNTY BOND SALES Fine Co- operation
I Shown In Dimout
Otto Anderson, in charge of War
Bond and Stamp sales in Port St. !Effort, Says Parker
SJoe and vicinity, states that he an-
Sticipates the September quota or
$7,400 for Gulf county will be Thaniks Citizens and Asks That
greatly oversubscribed, as have All Regulations Be Followed
been past quotas. At All Times In Future
Gulf county's quota for July was
$8,100, and our people purchased The recent drive in Port St. Joe
a total of $31,763 in bond-s and to, acquaint householders wmt the
stamps. The August quota was set dimout regualtions as laid down
at $7,700, and sales came to $30,' by the army, which was under the
771. direction of Sheriff B. E. Parker.
Total sales in Gulf county up to assisted by Chif of Police M .0.
September 1 amount to $112,354. Freeman; B. B. Conklin, Chief air
raid warden, and C. A. McClellan,
Post-War Days To chief of the auxiliary police, was
quite successful, according to the
Bring Odd Things sheriff, and he has issued the f01-
SB Olowing letter of praise to the citi-
Into Our Homes zuns of our city:
"Our recent efforts in trying to
geat our city dimmed out 100 per
Chemical Society .Predicts Great cent has been met with a fine
Changes In American spirit of co-operation on the. part
Mode of Life of residents. We still have some
few who have not met full require-

Midget autos for children, fuels will not wait longer to ley-." U
Two Die In Plane better than gasoline, glass that w not wat longer to hepput
floats, window screens that contain out city in the 100 per cent dim.
rah At yndall no wire, and shoes with no leather out class.dimot requirements re
Crash At n are coming out of this wan. They "The dimout requirements. pre-
ar- were among hundreds owar They sented you is not a local thought,
e were among hundreds of new
One Flyer Was Native of Java; products predicted-to 'the Aneri- butficials requestedin by government othif-
Other From We.PPaiim Beach; can Chemical society at a meeting fcials requesting that we do th1e
Cause of Accident Unknown recently by Dr. Charles M Stine. and without delay. t
vice-presidenit. .fthe duPont corn- "If your neighbors light Is not
, Sgt. William G. -Moore, 22, of pany and scientific adviser 'on its as dim as yours, do not say ul d
West Palm Beach, and Sgt. Pilot research. To a scientist, he said, things about him, but use .every
Fredeirek L. Heskes, 19, of Java, the-world of 1940 is already.., intelligent effort to get him to all
-wre instantly killed Tuesday a. antiquity because -of the things who are n not Lse grvig th.mn
, ,ternoon when their plane crashed discovered in this war. Many are who ar s not observiisg the- rules,
about three miles east of the secrets, and we, as officials of the defense
Army Air Force Flexible Gunnery Aluminum production, said Dr., council, appeal to those who haveso
School at Tyndall Field. The men Stine, soon will be seven times not met all requirements to do so
were on a routine training flight greater than in 1939, which is now.me ask why oth places are
at the time, and cause of the ac- enough metal to build three times "Some ask why others paes are
cident is as yet unknown. all America's present passenger not meeting these requwhyremeand
Sergeant Heskes, who had been cars. Making that much aluminum we are st advised as'to why e and
stationed at Tyndall Field but two will take more electricity. than the we suggest that the reason we
days, was a member of .the Royal entire 1940 consumption of 27 were requested to dim .out Is for
Netherlands Flying School and states of the Unilted States. our good, and even thougtluwe see
was being trained in gunenry. "For cars," he declared, "sealed things that we cannot understand,
This accident was the second fa- cooling systems may end the nuis- let's make sure that we are carry*
tal crash since Tyndall Field was ance of adding water to radiators. ing out our part, and if the worst
opened 18 months ago. This is con- They 'say gasoline itself may be comes we will be in a position to
sidered an- exceptional safety re- displaced by a superior petroleum say that we did our part. Those
cord in view of the number of product. They are talking of the who are not able to say that will
landings made .there monthly. practicability of midget autos for be the transgressors and will reap
----children." their reward.
SCHOOL ENROLLMENT IS 825 Out of the mighty flood of ex- "We thank you. We trust you."
Principal W. A. Biggart has an- plosives now made will' come an '
nounced that enrollment in the lo. expansion in fertilizer chemicals BUSINESS FIRMS HERE
cal schools is 825 this year,, which so great as possibly to change the TO CLOSE SATURDAYS
is approximately -the same enroll- basic trends of agriculture. Out of AT 8-UE TO DIMOUT
ment as last term. plastics development there are
likely to be machinery bearings Householders Will Find it Nece-
Mahon Gets Commission containing no metal; also enough House holders Will Find It Ne
Richard C. Mahon, son of Mr. other new things in plastics alone sary To Shop Earler
and Mrs. Charlie Maho of this to be comparable to the discovery
and Mrs. Charlie Maho of this of a sixth continent. Due to the lighting restrictions
city,ssion last wecneived his coutenant in Production of magnesium, light- imposed in this section by the
mission as second lieutenant est metal and a curiosity until re- army regulations, all business con-
the U. S. Army at Miami Bech. He cently. at the end of the war will cerns of Port St. Joe have. agreed
didate school at Miami Beach. He rating double the production of al- to close their doors at 8 o'clock
was among the 200 highest rating of 2000. Rich- uinu at the war's start, every Saturday night until next
candidates in a class of 2000. Rich- unu will be, he said, new summer when .the daylight' hours
ard received their, AugusteMa- fabrics for clothing, houses prob- become longer.
hands of his brother, August Ma- ably roofed, with stainless steel, This means that householders
ami Naval Air Station. different and cheaper housing, who have been in the habit of
ami Naval Air Stationtranscontinental non-stop air trains, dashiag-madly downtown at a late
Buy Chiders Home of gliders, and developments in hour Saturday night to make pur-
Buy Childers Home medicine which may ultimately I chases for Sunday dinner will be
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brooks of outweigh by many times even the required to do 'their shopping an

Opp, Ala., last week purchased the staggering losses oef this world-
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Chil- ar
ders and this week took posses- "Probably," he said, "the most
sion. Mr. Brooks is interested in important of all signs pointing to
the n.w laundry just established better days is the fact that the
b)y Creech EBrothers. emergency has dissipated innum-
erable inertias, each an interrupt-
Enlists In Army Air Force progress. With peace the
ant of progress. With peace the
Robert Wilson, employed at the usual slow development process
St. Joe Lumber & Export com- will have been reversed. Thus ani
pany, is home on a short leave at- acceptance of the new will havp.
ter enlisting in the Army Air been gained, that ordinarily might
Force at Dothan, Ala. have taken many years."

hour or two earlier.

Commissioned First Lieutenant
Robert Cowart, who is stationed
at Camp Shelby, has been pro-
moted, from second to first lieu-

Employed At Tyndall Field
Miss Erline McClellan, a former
teacher in the local schools, this
week started to work at Tyndall
Field. .



Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe; Fla.,
by The Star Publishing Company
W. S. SMITH, Editor

Entered as Second-class matter, December 10,
1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Florida,
under Act of March 3, 1879.

Subscription Invariably Payable In Advance
One Year........$2.00 Six Months......$1.00
Three Months..........65c

-' Telephone 51 6--

The spoken word is given scant attention;
the printed word is thoughtfully weighed.
The spoken word barely asserts; the prln.ed
word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word
is lost; the printed word remains.

Our Country W Right or Wrong

In talking casually with various members
of the civilian defense setup here in Port St.
Joe,. the editor finds that a large number'of
them are losing interest in the defense coun-
cil or developing.an apathetic attitude toward
the various activities. What they should re-
.alize.is that the hardest job confronting them
after the time they have put in learning. first
aid, fire-fighting, bomb defense and the other
-courses 'in civilian defense, is waiting.
-The whole idea and concept behind civilian
defense is to have this trained group ready
as long as there is a possibility of a bombing
-taking place any time in the .future.
SThese men and women who must stand by
during the dull and tedious days of waiting
for something which we. hope-will never oc-
cur, should realize with satisfaction that
"they also serve who only stand and wait."

-Referring to an editorial that appeared in
. The Star several weeks ago, the Punta Gorda
*Herald has this to say:
"The folks up Port St. Joe way don't agree
with us that the two proposed new senator-
ial districts are unnecessary and would mean
an unjustified additional expense to the tax-
payers,, Gulf county wants one of those new
senators and stands to get him unless the
people defeat the constitutional amendment
providing for them, at the polls in November.
"Now Gulf or any other growing county
can't be blamed for wanting more adequate
representation in the legislature. What we
need, however, is a reapportionment of sena-
torial representation-not two new ones.
Perhaps Gulf county could prevail upon an-
other West Florida district to give up its sen-
ator, to whom it hasn't any right anyway by
reason of population. Why not get Hamilton
county .to turn over its senator. 'Twould ac-
complish the same results and cost no one
anything extra."
Yes, Hamilton county could be asked to
give up its senator, but it probably would
lead to bloodshed.

National rationing of gasoline is not pro-
posed because there is a shortage. To the
contrary, there is an abundance of gasoline
of -all ordinary grades, and int the producing
areas the oil companies are hard-put for stor-
age facilities. Gasoline rationing is to be im-
posed, instead, to save rubber-and to save
rail and water transportation facilities for
other uses.
At present, gasoline rationing applies to 17
eastern states. According to Leon Hender-
son, it will be extended to the balance of tht
country on precisely the same basis. That
means that motorists of Gulf county will be
entitled to four gallons weekly-enough 'to
carry him about 70 miles. Supplemental al-
lowances will be given to "essential" drivers.
Practically all pleasure driving,' which in this
section is mainly for \the purpose of going
fishing, will be eliminated for the duration.
Drastic restrictions on the use of automo-
biles will work a veritable revolution in this
nation. Within the next year, without rub-
ber, transportation problems will becoine
acute. Tires are really beginning to wear out
in volume now, and soon we will see car af-
ter car go into dead storage for lack of rub-
ber. This not only will hit the workers who
drive to and from work, but it will hit farm
production in a critical manner, and we de-
pend almost entirely on the motor car for
short-haul transport. So the lack of rubber,
not gasoline, remains our number one domes-
tic problem.

Ever since World War, I this editor has
advocated compulsory military training for
the young men, of our nation. The national
convention of the American)Legion this week
passed a resolution calling for compulsory
military training after the war-and gener-
ally when the Legion goes after something
it gets it.

Victory Recipe-
Help your air raid*warden by following his
Open your pocketbooks to buy War Bonds
and Stamps, regularly. i
Menace the enemy by ignoring his rumors 1
and propaganda.
Economize in the use ,of essential materials.

If anyone would be so kind, we'd like infor-
mation on just what is a "zoot suit." Must
be something pretty special if the OPA takes h
time out to draw up specifications for their r
construction. t

Here's a ger-le reminder: Car owners must
obtain state driving licenses by October 1-
just six more days. Governor Holland says a
positively there will be no time extension.

The Fight for Freedom begins at the
doorstep of every Port St. Joe V-Home.

Keep smiling-and buy War Bonds!

FELLOWSHIP NOTES An army private arrived at Font
Last Sunday evening the Senior Slocum, N. Y., on his way to duty
Young People's Department of the in Panama.
M, Y. F. met with the Intermedi- "First name?" asked 'a weary
6 30t w i-h sergeant in ,the classification ot-
ates at the new time of 6:30, with se
Mary Johnson in charge of the fiee.
"Solomon," was the reply.
worship program. Next Sunday "Last name?"
evening the program will be put "Solomon."
on by the Intermediates." sneered the sarge
The committee appointed by the guy like King Solomon. And
pastor met with him Sunday at- wise guy like King Solomon. And?"
what's your middle initial?"
ternoon to plan for the program "S" said Private Solomon Solo-
for Octooer. There is much work s d vate Solomon Sol-
to be done on this program, and men, "S for Solomon."
every member of the League is re-
quested to be on hand Sunday eve-
ning at 6 o'clock to help on it.
A lot of members are still be-
hind on their pledges and all are A THE A
urged to catch up before the time A /S
comes to make a pledge for next
year. ( r

Trade at home-your local mer-
chants have just what you want. _

Washington state's apple or-
chards trace history to apple seed
ibrought,by a member of the Hud-
son Bay' company.

E"a Try Alka-Seltzer for
Headache, "Morning After" Aching
Muscles, Acid Indigestion. Pleasant,
prompt, effective. 300 and 600. w

The Low Down
Willis Swamp

Editor The `'tar:
Gen. Hersheyi is looking' every
place for men for his draft. I got
an idee for him.
Down here where we hang out
there's only .one rural delivery per
day. It's enough. Sometimes I even
think it'd be better ,every second.
day. The bills we git, if they only
came every odd or even day, would
save half on our headaches. But
in all the big towns, in the resi-
dence section, there are two de-
liveries a day. The idee of two de-
liveries got started, I guess, when,
some congressman had no ,other
place to park his son-in-law. He
had to git him off'n his hands, so
they thought up two deliveries.
The P. 0. has been havin' a deficit
very year ever since.
If Gen. Hershey could get only
half these mail carriers in the city
residence sections he could go to
town-and the P. 0. wouldn't need
so many barrels of red ink which
hey keep askin' us to dig up for.
every year-which we do.
"About once in a season you git
Side that amounts to a hoot-

for anything by keeping a
full line of home medical
needs on hand.


with 3 color discs......



Dining Room

Open to the Public
Club Breakfast, 6 to 9....25c
Lunch, 12 to 2 ...........400
Dinner, 6 to 8 ............: 40c

C9.ner Peid Ave. and 3rd St.
Griffin Grocery Building

an' this is one of 'em," says iHank.
Yours with .the, low do., .

'Gestapo'. .Coined
The' Nazis' Gestapo is merely a
coined word from the first s, able
of its three word official title-the
Geheime Staats Politzel.

One sheep's coat may: contain
more tliari a dozen grades :, wool.

--D E NT I S T
'Office Hour: 9 to 12 --1 to 5
Sunda'ygs By Appointinent
Costire Building Phone 88

Ritz Theatre Building First Floor

WHEN Functional Nervous
Disturbances such as Sleep-
lessness, Crankiness, Excitability,
Restlessness or Nervous Headache
interfere .with your work or spoil
your good times, take

Dr. Miles Nervine
(Liquid or. Effervescent Tablets)'
Nervous Tension can make you
Wakeful, Jittery, Irritable. Ner-
vous Tension can cause Nervous
Headache and Nervous Indiges-
tion. In times like these, we are
more likely than usual to become
overwrought and nervous and to
wish for a good sedative. Dr.
Miles Nervine is a good sedative
-mild but effective.
If you do not use Dr. Miles
Nervine you can't know what it
will do for you. It comes in
Liquid and Effervescent Tablet
form, both equally soothing to
tense and over-wrought nerves.
Get it at your drug store,
Effervescent tablets 35: and 75*,
Liquid 25* and ,$1.00. Read direc-
tions and' use only as dirtfed.






Understandable Everywhere Mayor J. L. Sharit is in Miami Fish Never Drink i Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Ward had as The Schick Test
w Prescriptions are written in Lat- this w:ek on business, and Mrs. Fish live in water and breathe week-end visitors Mr. and Mrs. W. The Schick test is used to deter-
,jn, so they will be understood all. Sharit is visiting in Moultrie, Ga., it, but never drink it. They get D. Brandon and daughter of Pen- r.f:n whether or not a person is.
over the world. vith her sister, enough moisture in their food. sacola. susceptible ,to diphtheria.


wviiEREAS. The LegIslature o1 1941
under the Constitution of 1885, ot th
State of Florlda. did pass 9 Join
Resolutions proposing amendments t
the Constitution of the State of Flor
Ida. and the same were agreed to o
'5 vOte of three-fifths of all the meme
bers elected to each ,nous: that cb
votes on said Joint Resolutions wer
entered upon their respective Tournal
with the yeas and nays thereon an
thev did determine and direct tha
the said Joint Resolutions be 4ub
emitted to the electors of the State a
Sthe, Cneral Election to 'Novyember
1942 ,.
Secretaryv of- State of the xtate c
Florida do hereby nlye notice that
will be held in each county in Florid
on -Tuesday next succeeding the finrs
SMonday In November. A. D 1942. th
said Tue-dav belng the
for the ratification 'or rejection of th
said Joint Resolutions proposes ln
amendments to the Constitution o
the State of Florida -viz:
an. Amendment to Article IX of th
Constitution of the State of Florid
Relating to Taxation and Finance. b'
Adding Thereto an Additional Sectloi
Creating a State Board of Adminis
tration: Prescribing its Powers anc
Duties, and Providing for the -use o
Proceeds of Two Cents per Gallon c
the Gasoline or Other Motor Fuel Ta
for (1) the Payment and Retiremen
of All Outstanding Bonds Issued B'
Any Codunty. 'or .'Special Road ane
Bridge District Prior to First Day o
July. A. D. 1931. for Road and Bridg
Purposes and for 2) Public Highwa
That the following amendment t
Article 1X of the Constitution of th
State of Florida relating to Taxatilo
and Finance by adding thereto an ad
ditlional section" to be known as Sec
tion 16 of said Article IX creatingni
State Board of. administration: pre
scribing its powers and duties, and
providing for the use of the proceeds
of'two cents per gallon of the. gssollnt
or other motor ,fuel ;tax for (1) th
payment and retirement of. all'out
standing bonds j issued by any county
oor special road and bridge dictric
prior .to the Flt Day of July. 'A. D
19Di for road and bridge 'purposes
and for (2) public highway purposes
is hereby agreed, to and/shall be sub
initted to the electors of the State o
Florida for ratifl6ation or rejection a
Sthe next General Electiern to be helh
In 1942 as follows-
"Section 16 (a)1 rhat oeginnin
January lst. 1943:... and, for fifty (50
years thereafter. tde- proceeds of twi
(2c) cents per gallon of the total ta:
levied by the State law upon gasoline
and other like products of petroleum
Snow, known as the 'Second fGas Tax
and upon other fueis- used to proper
motor vehicles, shall as collected b
placed monthly In the "State Roade
Distribution Fund h" ne, the State Tress
ury and divided into, three (3) equal
parts which shall be distributed
.monthly amooe ,,the several countle
as follows-
One part according to area cone par
acCording to population, and one par
according to th6.s counties' contribu-
tions .to the cost of State road con
etruction In the ratio of distributilo
"as provided 'inChapter 15659. Laws o
Florida. Acts of 1931, and for the pur,
poses of the apportionment based on
the counties' contributions for the
Cost of, State road construction, thi
amount of the contributions estab,
Salhed by the certificates made in 1931
,ursuaInt to said Chapter 15659. shall
ne, taken and deemed conclusive in
computing the monthly amounts dis-
tributable according to said contribu-
tions Such funds so distributed shall
be. administered by the State Board oa
Admtinltratilnn herelnafter pro-
(bl fre Governor as Chairman,. th
State Triasurer and the State Comp-
troller shall constitute a body cor-
porate to be known as the "State
Board of Administration. which Board
shall succeed to all the power, control
and authority of the statutory Board
of Administration. Said Board shall
have. in addition to such powers as
may be conferred upon It by law, the
msnWaement, control and supervisor
of the proceeds of said two (2c) center
of said tazes and all moneys and other
assets which on the effective date ol
this amendment are applicable or may
become applicable to the bonds of the
several counties of this State, or any
special road, and ridgee district, or
other special *taxling district thereof.
,Issued prior to July 1st 1931. for road
and bridge purposes,.I The, word
"Bonds" as used herein shall include
honds time warrants -intes and .other
forms or indebtedness issued for road
and bridge purposes by any county or
special road and bridge district or
Other special taxing district, out-
standing on July 1st. 1931. or any re-
funding issues -thereof. Said Board
shall have the Staotutory powers of
Boards of County Commissioners and
Bond. Truhitees and of any other
Authority, of speclaej road and bridge
districts. and other special taxing dis-
-tricts thereof with regard to said
.bonds. (except that the power to levy
ad valorem taxes is expressly withheld
'from said board) and shall take over
all papers, documents and records
concerning the same Said Board
shall have the power from time to
time to issue refunding bonds to ma-
ture within the said fifty (501 year
period, for any of said outstanding
bonds or interest thereon, and to se-
cure them by a pledge of anticipated
receipts from such gasoline or other
fuel taxes to be distributed to such
county as herein provided.. but not
,at a greater, rate of interest than said
bonds now bear" and to Issue, sell or
'exchange on behalf of any county or
unit for the sole purpose of retiring
said. .bopds Issued by such county, or
special road and bridge district. or
other special taxing district thereof.
gasoline or other fuel tax anticipation
-certificates bearing interest at not
more than three (31 per cent per an-
rnum -in suc .denominations and ma-
turing at such time within the fifty
(50" year eriod as the Board may
determine In addition to exercising
the DoweWr nlow provided by .tatut

1. for the investment ot sinking funds
e said Board may use the sinking funds
3t created for said bonds of any county
o or special road and bridge district., O
r- other unit hereunder to purchase 'hi
v matured or maturing bonds oartitc
. rating nereln ol any other county o
1 other special road and bridge, district
rF or other special taxing district there
s of. provided that as to said mature
d bonds, the value thereof as an invest
t ment shall be the price paid therefore
,. which shall not exceed the par "alui
t plus accrued interest and that sale
* investment shall bear interest at the
rate of three (31 )er cent per annum
S cl). The said Board shall annually
Suse said funds in each county ac.
count. first, to Day current Drlnclpa
and interest maturing, if any. of saic
bonds and gasoline or other fuel ta:
s antl-ipation certificates of such coun
,t ty or special road and bridge dis-
Strict or other special t a x i n
e district thereof: second, to estab'
lish a sinking funr account to mee
future requirements of said bonds and
gasoline or other fuel tax antlcipatiot
e certificates where It appears the an
e ticipated income for any year or vear
f will not equal scheduled payments
thereon: and third, any remaining bal
g ance out of the proceeds of said two
e (2c) cents of said taxes shall monthly'
a during the year be remitted by sale
y board as follows: Eighty (80%) eno
n cent to the State Road Department fol
- the construction or reconstruction :O
d State Roads and bridges 'within the
* county or for the lease or purchase
f of bridges connecting State highway.
x within the Countyv. and twenty (20%'
it er cent to the Board of County Comr
y missioners of uch county for use or
d -oads and bridges therein
S (dl Said Board shall have thi
e Dower to make and enforce all rule
v and regulations necessary to. the ful
exercisee of the Dowers hereby granted
nd no legislation shall be required to
-ender this amendment of full force
o and operatlna effect from and after
e January, 1st. 1943. The Legislature
n shall continue the levies pf said taxes
during the life of this Amendment
and shall not enact any law;,havinf
a the effect of withdrawing the' proceed!
of laid two (2c cents' of said taxes
d from the operation of. this amend.
s ment The Board shall pay refunding
S'rxpenses and other expenses for serve
e iles rendered specifically for. or whici
e properly chargeable to. the account
v of any county from funds distributed
t to such county: but general expenses
i. of the Board for services rendered all
the counties alike shall be prorat
s, nmong them and paid out of said
funds on the same basis sald tax pro-
f ceeds are distributed among the sev-
t eral. counties: provided, report of
STMid expenses shall be made to each
regular Session of the Legislature
S nnd the Lepislature may limit the ex-
nenses of the Board."
V Approved by the Governor. May 13
t 1941.
e Piled In office Seecty of, State. Ma
13. 1941.
S an Amendment to the Constitution o
the State of Florida to be known sa
I Section 3 of Article XVL Relating te
d Amendments
That the following Amendendment. t
h be known as Section 3 of Article XVIt
of the present Constitution be and
the same Is hereby agreed to shall be
S submitted to. the electors of the State
f at the general election of Representa-
tlves to be held in the vear A. D. 1942
e Section 3. If at any regular or spe-
Scal or extra session, the Legislature,
S'by Vote of three-fourths of all mem-
bers -elected to .each House. shall de-
L termine that an emergency requiring
a an early decision by the electors of the
State exists, a an amendment to this
'Constitution dealing with the subject
1 matter of such emergency may be pro-
S posed, and if the proposed Amendment
be. agreed to by a three-fourths vot?
of all the members elected to each
House. the same shall be entered upon
e their respective journals with the yeas
and nays thereon. Thereupon. at the
same session, the Legislature shall pro-
Svide for a special election to be held
not less than ninety nor. more than
one hundred eighty days after ad-
journment and for publication of
notice thereof. at which special elec-
tion the proposed Amendment shall be
submitted to the electors of the State
for approval or rejection: provided.
That if a general election of Represen-
Statives is to occur within said period.
such Amendment shall be submitted
to the electors at such general eleo-
t lon.
r If a majority of the electors voting
ulon the proposed Amendment shall
Sadopt the Amendment, the same shall
become a part of this Constitution.
This Amendment shall not be held to
r IprsIede ,w In anywise tffpet Iany
.existing provision of the Constitution
r relating to Amendments. but shall be
r regarded as an additional method -
Amendment thereto.
Approved by the Governor. May 5
Piled in office Secty of State. May eI

an Amendment to Article IV of the
Constitution of the State of Florida
Relative to the Executive Department.
by Adding thereto an Additional Sec-
tion to Create a Grame and Fresh
Water Fish Commission.
That the following Amendment to
Article IV of the Constitution of the
State of Florida relative to the Execu-
tive Department by adding thereto an
additional Section to be known as
Section 30 of said Article IV. creating
a Game and Fresh Water Fish Com-
mission be and the same is hereby
agreed tc. and shall be submitted toa
the Electors of the State of Florida
for ratification or rejection at the
General Election to be held on the
first Tuesday after the first Monday
In November 1942. as follows
Section 30. 1. Prom and after Jan-
,arv 1 1943. the management. restora-
tion. conservation and regulation, of
the birds, game. fur bearing animals.
and fresh water fish. of the State of
Florida. and the acQustion. establish-
meit. conmtroL and man aement. of
hatcher". sanctuariem. retge. reser-

. or hereafter owned or used fro such
s purposes by the State of Florida, shall
y be vested in a Commission to be
r known as the Game and Fresh Water
e Fish Commission Such Commission
- shall consist of five members. one
r from each congressional district, as
existing on January 1. 1941 who shall
- be appointed by the Governor subJect
d to confirmation by the Senate The
. members so appointed =hall annually
select one o: their members as Chair-
F man of the Commission
d e. The first members o l the Com-
e mission shall be appointed on Janu-
ary 1. 1943 and shall serve respectively
v for one. two three, four and five
- years At the expiration ol each of
a such terms. a e uccersor shall be ap-
d pointed to serve for term of five
3. The members or the Commission
shall receive no compensation for their
services as such. but each Commis-
* sooner shall receive his necessary trav-
eling or other expenses incurred while
d engaged in the discharge of his Of-
fidcal duties, buat such shall not ex-
c" eed the sum of $600.00 in any one
4. Among the powers granted to the
o Commission by this Section shall be
v the power to fix bag limits and to fix
Open andclosed seasons, on a state-
wide. regional or local basis, as it may
find to be appropriate, and to regulate
r the manner and method of taking.
e transporting, storing and using birds.
e game. fur bearing animals, fresh water
Sfish reptiles and amphibians. The
Commission shall also have the power
to acquire by purchase gift. all prop-
arty necessary, useful or convenient
for the use of the Commission in the
exercise of its powers' hereunder
e 5. The Commission shall appoint.
fix the salary of. and at pleasure re-
S move. a suitable person, as Director.
Sand such Director shall have such
o powers and duties as may be prescribed
by the Commission in pursuance of
its duties under this Section Such
SDirector shall subject to the approval
of the Commission, appoint. fix the
salaries of. and at pleasure remove.
Assistants, and other employees who
Shall have such powers and duties as
may be assigned to them bv the Com-
mission or the Director. No Commis-
sioner shall be eligible for any such
h appointment or employment.
G6 The funds resulting from the
operation of the Commission and from
the administration of the laws and
Regulations pertaining to birds, game.
Sfur bearing animals. fresh waterfish.
reptiles and amphibians. together with
any other funds specifically provided
for such purpose shall constitute the
State Game Fund and shall be used
by the Commission as It shall deem
fit in carrying out the provisions
hereof and for no other purposes. The
Commission may not obligate itself
beyond the current resources of the
State Game Fund unless specifically
so authorized by the Legislature.
Y 7. The Legislature miay enact any
laws in aid of. but not inconsistent
with. the provisions of this amend-
sment and all existing laws Inconsist-
ent herewith shall no longer remain
Sin force and effect. All laws fixine
s penalties for the violation of the pro-
visions of this amendment and all laws
imposiln license taxes, shall be' en-
m acted by the Legislature from time
: to time.
T Approved by the Governor. May 5.
1 1941.
Filed In office Secty'" of State. May
e5 1941.

an Amendment to Article Five of the
SConstitution of Florida by Addine
thereto an additionall Section Relat-
ing to the Election of Circuit Judges
That Article 5 of th e Constitution of
o the State of Florida be amended by
t adding thereto an additional Section
to be known as Section 46 of said
Srticle relating to the Election of Ctr-
muit Judges be. and the same is hereby
agreed to and shall be submitted to
the electors of the State of Florida
for ratification or rejection at the
General Election to be held on the
first Tuesday after the first Monday
In November, 1942. as follows:
"Section 46. Circuit Judges shall
nereafter be elected by the qualified
electors of their respective judicial
circuits as other State and County
officials are elected.
The first election of Circuit Judges
shall be held at the General Election
in 1948 to take office on the first
Tuesday after the first Monday in
January. 1949. for a term of six years.
The terms of all such offices as they
shall severally exist at the time of
adoption of this Amendment shall be
and they are hereby extended to ter-
minate on the first Tuesday after the
first Monday -In January 1949.",
Approved by the Governor. June 12.
Filed In office aof Secretary of State.
June 13. 1941.

an Amendment to Article Sixteen of
the Constitution of Florida, by adding
thereto an additional Section Permit-
ting the Legislature to vest the Powers
of making Rules and Regulations Re-
lating to the Conservation of Salt
Water Fish and Salt Water Products
in a Board or Commission.
That Article Sixteen of the Consti-
tution of the State of Florida be
amended by adding thereto an addi-
tional Section to be known as Section
32 of said, Article 16. authorizing the
Legislature to vest the power of mak-
ing rules and regulations relating to
conservation of salt water fish and
salt water products In a board or eomn-
mission. be and the same is hereby
agreed to. and shall be submitted to
the electors of the State of Florida
for ratification or rejection at the
General Election to be held on the
first Tuesday after the first Monday
in November. 1942. as follows:
"Section 32. The Legislature my
vest In such Board or Commission.
now created or that may be created
by It. authority to make and establish
rules and regulations without regard
to uniformity of application. relating
to the conservatfn of salt water isb
and salt water produet s."
I Approved by the Governor. June X1

Filed in office Secretary o State.
June 12. 1941.

an amendment to Artic'e 7. Section 3,
of the Constitution of the State of
Florida. Relative to Census and Ap-
portionment, by Amending Section 3.
of said Article so as to Designate
Broward County as a Senatorial Dis-
trict and designate Calhoun County
and Gulf County as q Senatorial Dis-
That the following amendment to
Section 3 of Article I ol the Con-
stitution of tle State of Florida, rela-
tive to Census and apportionment.
designating Broward County as the
thirty-ninth (39) Senatorial District.
and Calhoun County and Gulf County
as the fortieth (40) Senatorial District.
be and the same is hereby agreed to.
and shall be submitted to the electors
of the State of Florida for ratification
or rejection at the General Election :o
be held on the first Tuesday after the
first Monday in November 1942 As
Section 3. The Legislature that shalh
meet in regular session A. D. 1925 and
those that shall meet every ten years
thereafter, shall apportion the repre-
sentation in the Senate, and shall
provide for forty (401 Senatorial Dis-
tricts. such Districts to be as nearly
equal in population as practicable.
but no County shall be divided in
making such apportionment, and
each District shall have one Senator:
provided that Broward County. Flor-
ida. shall constitute the Thirty-ninth
(39th) Senatorial District, and Cal-
houn County. Florida and Gulf Coun-
ty. Florida. shall constitute the For-
tieth (40) Senatorial District: and at
the same time the Legislature shag
also apportion the representation tIn
the House of Representatives, and,
shallal allow three (3) Representatives
to each of the five most populous
counties, and two (2) Representatives
to each of the next eighteen more
populous counties, and one Represen-
tative to each of the .remaining coun-
ties of the State at the time of such
apportionment. Should the Legislature
fall to apportion the representation in
the Senate and in the House of Rep-
reaentatives. at any regular session of
the Legislature at any of the times
herein designated. it shall be the duty
of the Legislature or Legislatures suc-
ceeding such regular session of the
Legislature. either In Special or Regu-
lar session, to apportion the repre-
sentation In the Senate and In the
House of Representatives. as herein
provided. The Drecedinq regular Fed-
eral or regular State Census, which-
ever shall have been taken nearest
any apportionment of Representatives
In the Senate and in the House of
Representatives. shall control In mak-
ing such apportionment. In the event
the Leaislature shall fall to reanpor-
tlon the representation In the Legis.
leturp as required by this amendment
the Governor shall (within thirty days
after the adjournment of the regular
session) call the Legislature together
In extraordinary session to consider
the question of reapportionment and
such extraordinary session of the Leg-
'slature Is hereby mandatorily required
to reapportion the representatIon as
required by this amendment before
itos adjournment (nd sich extraordi-
nary session so called for reapportion-
ment shall not be limited to expire at
the end of twenty dave or at all, until
reannortionment is effected. and shall
'consider no business other than such
o5 nvportlonment.1
Approved by the Governor. June t 7.
Filed In office of Secretary of State.
June 9. 1941.

an Anfendment to Article VIII of the
Constitution of the State of Florida,
Relating to County and Municipal
That the following amendment to Ar-
ticlheVI of the Constitution of the
State of Florida relating to County
and Municipal Governments, to be
numbered Seclton 11 of said Article
VIm. be and the same Is hereby agreed
to and shall be submitted to the elec-
tors of the State for ratification or
rejection at the next general election
to be held in November, 1942. to-wit:
Section 11. The County Commis-
sioners of Dade County who shall be
elected at the general election in 1942
shall Immediately after the beginning
of their terms of office. redistrict
Dade County into five County Com-
isesioners' Districts to be numbered
by the said Commissioners from one
to five respectively, and delineate the
boundaries of such Districts in such
manner as to include within the re-
spective Districts territory as follows:
One of the said Commissioners' Dis-
tricts shall comprise the territory
which was on the 1st day of April.
a1941. embraced within Election Pre-
cincts numbered 24 to 32. inclusive.
and also such parts of Election Pre-
cincts numbered 10. 56. 60 and 61 as
lie east of the western shore of BIs-
cayne Bay, all as established by a reso-
lution of the County Commissioners
of said County adopted November 14,
1939. designated as Resolution No.
Another of the saild Districts shall
comprise the territory, and only the
territory, which was on the 1st day
of April, '941. embraced in Commis-
sioners' District No. 4 and Commis-
sioners' District No. 5. as described In
Book "F" of the Minutes of the Coun-
ty Commissioners of said County, at
page 194 et seq.:
I Another of the said Commissioners'
Districts shall comprise the territory
which was on the first day of April
1941, embraced in Commissioners' Dis-
trict No. 1. as described In Book q"F"'
of the minutes of the County Com-
misstoners of said County. at page 194
et seq. and also all the territory which
was on the first day of April. 1941.
embraced in Election Precincts num-
bered '75 to 82, inclusive, as estab-
lished by the aforesaid Resolution No.
Another of the said Districts shall
comprise the territory which was on
the 1st day of April, 1941. embraced
in Oommissioners,' District No. 3. as
described in Book "F" of the Minutes
Of the Counmmty Commissioners of said
Oouunt. at ae 14 at a eq. except

the territory embraced in the afore
said Election Precincts numbered 7T
to 82. inclusive, and 26 to 32. Inclusive
and except such Darts of Election Pre-
cincts numbered 56 60 and 61 as lie
east of the western Shore of Biscayne
Another or the said Commissioners
Districts shall comprise the -territory
which was on the 1st day ot April.
1941 edibraced in Commissioners Dis-
trict No 2 as described in Bool "P"'
of the Minutes of the County Com-
missioners of said County at oage 194
et seq except the territory embraced
In the aforesaid Election Precincts
numbered 24 and 25. and such Dart of
Election Precinct number 10 as lies
east of the western hnr- "' liscvne
The County Commissioners who
shall be elected In Dade County at the
general election In 1942 shall hold of-
fice for the term of two ears for
which they shall nave been elected
and their terms ot office -hall not
be affected by this amendment: out
thereafter there shall be in each of
the Districts sstaillshed by and In
mursuance of. this amendment a
u-ntv Commissioner who shall reside
in his District but who shall be nomi-
nated and elected from the County at
Large Every County Commissioner of
Dade County who shall be elected at
the general election in 1Q44 and there-
after shall hold office for a .term of
four years The powers. duties and
compensation of. such County Com-
missioners shall be as from time to
time provided by law.
Approved by the Governor May .28.
Piled in office Sectv of State 'Mat
28. 1941

an Amendment to. Section 1. of Article
X of the Constitution of Florida Re-
lating ,to Homestead and Exemption
so as to Permit the Wages 9nsirv or
Income from, any source Whnro-'rer
Due to any Person the Head of a Fam-
ily as Provided Therein. to be th*
Subject of Garnishment 'to the ,Ex-
tent of not more than 25% thereof in
the Courts of this State. as -Mav- be
Provided by Law. for \the Payment of
any Obligations Arising by Express or
Implied Contract Sutbseauent to the
Adoption of this Amendment: and
Further Providing Exemptions thereto
In Cases, of Income of Less than
Twenty-five Dollars per Week Except
as to Necessities of Life 'as Mav h
reflned o the Legislature
That the following amendment' to Sec-
tion 1. Article X of the Constitution
of Florida authorizing the garnish-
ment of any wages, salary or income
due any person who is the heed of a
family, as Provided therein, to the ex-
tent of 25% thereof, be. and the same
is hereby agreed to and shall be sub-
"oltteri to the plectorsof the State In
the General Election of Representa-
ives in -1942 for their annpproval or re-
iection: that is to. sav. that Section 1
of Article X be amended byv adding
herpto the following Sectionf:
Section 1-A. That ''the salary.
wages and income from any Source
whatsoever due and owing. or to be-
come due and owing to any person
who is the head of a family residing
in this State, shall be the' subject of
-arnishment In the courts of this
'tate as may be provided by law to
the extent of not more than 25% of
sich salary, wages and income, for
the payment of any oblieattons arising
by express or Implied contract sub-
sequent to the adoption', of this
amendment. provided, however. that
the Legislature shall not extend the
right of garnishment as herein pro-
vided where the salary is t2e5.00 qr less
ner week excent to necessities of life
's may 'from timPo o time be defined
bv the Legislature.
Approved bv the Governor. June 11..
Filed in office Sectv of State. June
11. 1941.

the Amendment of Section 16 of Ar-
ticle XVt of the Constitution of Flor-
ida. Relating to Taxation of Property
of Corporations, with Certain. Exemnn-
tions for Religious. Scientific. Munici-
pal. Educational Literarvy Pratprnr
)r Charitable Purposes
Section 1. That the followiln
amendment to Section 16. of Article
XVI of the Constitution of the State
of Florida. relating to taxation of the
property of corporations, with certain
exemptions for religious, scientific, mu-
nicipal. educational, literary, fraternal
or charitable purposes. be. and the
"ame l hereby airreed to enid shall
he submitted to tihe electnrs of the,
State of Florida, for ratification or
-eJectlon at thn next next general election
to be held In 1942: that Is tn oev that|
the said Section 16 of Article XVT ofi
tlie Constitution of the State of Plor-
ilda be amended in a-e toer 'ca at
Tllonws l
"Section 16. The property oa all
corporations, except the property of a
corporation which shall construct a
ship or barge canal across the penin-
sula of Florida. if the Legislature
Should so enact. whether heretofore
or hereafter incorporated, shall be sub-
lect to taxation, unless such property
be held and used to the extent of at
least one-fourth thereof, for religious.,
scientific, municipal, educational, lit-
erary. fraternal or charitable pur-
noses." Provided however this amend-
ment shall not affect the orovisions
of Sections 12 and 14 of Article IX
of the Constitution of Florida.
Approved by the Governor, June 11.
Filed in office Secretary of State.
June 11. 1941
The votes cast in compliance with
said proposed amendments, and the
cavnass, declarations and returns
thereof, shall be subjected to the same
regulations and restrictions as are pro-
vided by law for general elections in
the State of Florida.
have hereunto set my hand
and affixed the Great Seal of
the State of Florida. at Tal-
SEAL lahassee. the Capital this the
lt day of August, A. D. 19
Ueoretary. 0tate.



R~_. FRDA' 3EPTEMBER. 25 1942

Mrs. '.'arie Nelson returned to
her home in West Palm Beach
Tuesday after a visit at Whi I
City with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Stebel.

Opens Daily 2:45, Continuously
Saturday 1:00 Sunday 1:00


-Hit No. 1-

Chapter No. 10
'Captain Midnight'

Comedy, Romance, Thrills

"A Date With

the Falcon"
^ r-rT-r-- -r -- --- -
September 27 28





Chapters No. 9 and 10 Will
Be Shown Due To Three-
Day Showing of "Mrs.
^ *^*** ^** T -^ T T T T T -V a_-


SEPT. 30


a:"t,,M., ,I11

Short --

October 1 and 2



At a meeting of ,he Northwest
Coast Baptist Woman's Missionary
Union held -Monday at the local
Baptist church, Mrs. J. 0. Baggett
of .this city was elected as presi-
:,ent. of th organization for the
ns-uing year. Other officers named
were Mrs. W. 0. Byrd, Panama
ity, vice-p"esident; Mrs. W. C.
'ridgeon, Port St. Joe, secretary
ild treasurer; ;'irs. R. F. Halliord.
Port St. Joe, Young People's
I ader; Mrs. Paul Wausmand, Ap-
clachicola, pianist; Mrs. G. A. Fel-
'ows, Panama City, choirister;
Mrs. Jesse Carter, Millville, li-
Department heads named were
Mrs. C. L. Shepherd, Apalachicola,
stewardship; irs. J. B. Rogers,
Ardrews, community missions;
Mrs. C. C. Price, S9t. Andrews, mis-
sion study; Mrs. L. L. Lanier, We-
wahitchka, Margaret fund; Mrs.
D. Williams, Callaway, training
school; Mrs. Ola Bennett, Apa.
lachicola, children's home; Mrs.
R. H. Gray, Apalachicola, WhitC
Cross; Mrs. E. C. Cox, Panama
City, Hundred Thousand club, and
Mrs. Belle Harman, Millville, pub-
Principal speakers at the all-day
session were Miss Elsie Renfroe,
state Young People's leader, who
outlined in a thorough and inter-
esting manner the work being
done by the young people, and,
Miss Amanda Tinkle, recently re-
turned missionary from Africa.
who told of her work on foreign

The executive board of the Port
St. Joe Woman's club met last
Friday afternoon at the home of
Vhrs. Basil E. Kenney, with Mrs.
A. M. Jones Jr., acting as co-hos-
tess, and the president, Mrs. Floyd
Hunt, in charge of the business
A tentative budget for the forth-
coming club year was set up at
this time for recommendation to
the club. The .time of meeting was-
also agreed on, the club to meet
at 3:30 p. m. throughout the year.
At the first scheduled mcetiing
of the club on October 7, each
chairman is required to bring a
report of plans for her department.
Following the meeting ,the hos-
tesses served delicious refresh-
ments to members present.
The Woman's club has shown a
steady growth during the past two
years and now boasts a member-
ship of 93, an increase of 33 over
last year.

Mrs. Floyd Hunt was hostess
last week to ithe Thursday Bridge
Luncheon club at her home at
Kenney's mill. Following the pe-
riod of play, the hostess served a
d licious cold plate and, iced drink
to Mesdames S. L. Barke, H. H.
Saunders, Basil E. Kenney and M.
Fleishel Jr.

Teachers of the county schools
and a number of their friends
were entertained last Friday eve-
ning at Vann's, Beacon Hill, by
members of the county school
board, trustees and county super-
intendent, the hosts being Super-
intendent Tom Owens, Bert Hull,
C. B. Ward. Dr. Thomas Meri-
wether, Jesse Smith, B. A. Prid-
geoi and W. S. Quarles.

Miss Katherine Corbin, former
health nurs for Gulf county, was
the guest last week of Miss Erline
McClellan. Miss Corbin is now a
lieutenant in the' WAAC and is
stationed at Atlanta, Ga.

'Advertising doesn'%cost-- t PAYS!

Personals Churches
MRS. W. S. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51


9:45 a. m.-Sunday School.
ll:u0 .a. m'.-Morning worship.
Sermon topic: "Doing Our Best
for Jesus."
7:9J0 p. m.-B. T. U.
6.00 p. m. Evening worship.
Sermon topic: "Rest."

Rev. 0. D. Langston, Pastor
u.-it a. mi.-(Church school.
11:0b a. m.-Morning worship.
6:30-Youth Fellowship.
7:30-Evening worship..
The Woman's society meets
Monday at 3 p. m.
First Tue.sday after first Sunday,
officiall board meeting.
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., prayer
and Bible study. Choir practice.

'Circle No. 2 of the Woman's So
city for Christian Service of the
Methodist Church met Monday at-
ternoon at the home of Mrs. B. H.
Mrs. 0. D. Langston opened the
meeting with prayer. The scrip-
ture story was given by Mrs. J. L.
Sharit and the scripture reading
byi Mrs. J. L. Temple. Report of
the social service committee was
received, Mrs. B. E. Rawls read a
poem, and the meeting was closed
with prayer by Mrs. G. E. Atklins.
A social hour was enjoyed after
the meeting and refreshments
served by the hostess.-
%Y *
'Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Saunders en-
tertained ithe Saturday Night Sup-
per club last week with a superb
fish fry at the Hill Fishing Camp.
near Wewahitchka.
Enjoying the affair with the.
hosts were Mr. arid Mrs. E. Clay
Lewis Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Basil E.
Kenney, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hunt,
Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Ward, and Mr.
and Mrs. S. L. Barke.

Announcement was made this
week of the marriage on August
28 of J. C. Truette, son of Mrs.
Henry Truette of Ponce die Leon,
Fla:, and Miss Cordelia Arrant.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Arrant of this c ity', the ceremony
being performed at W'ewahitchkNa.

D. W. Norton of Waco, Texas.
visited several days ,this week
with his brother, Dr. J. R. Norton,
leaving Wednesday for Arkansas.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Johnson of
St. Mary's, Ga., spent the week-end
here visiting friends.


FOR RENT-Juniper Lodge at
Beacon Hill. Has 4 small apart-
ments, partly furnished. Will leas
at $35 per month to right party.
Inquire St. Joe Lumber Company.
Phone 69-J. 9-4tf
BUD HUDSON, Plaintiff.
DOLL HUDSON, Defendar'.
On Monday, October the 5th, 1942.
the Defendant. Doll Hudson, is re
quired to appear to the Bill for Di-
vorce filed against her in ti-,
cause, 'and The Star is hereby
designated as the newspaper in
which this o-der shall be publishPd
once. a week for four consecutive
WITNeFQS 'ly 4ha d i -.1 s"1 of
said Court this 2nd day of Sep- I
tember A. D. 1942.
(SEAL) Clerk Circuit Court,
Gulf. County, Florida.
H. V. McCLELLAN, 9-4
Solicitor for Complainant. 10-2j

R: F. Hallford, Pastor IOF WOMAN'S CLUB TO MEET


The department o.' education of
t;e Port St. Joe 'Woman-s clutb will
nieet next Wednesday itrpi nui
il iehm of the chairnima;l Mrs.
I1. \V. Smith, to' discuss plans for
t'e club year.
Members of this committee are
rs. Leroy fortht. Mrs. G-orgo
I.. Ton A .,n U OweMn Mr
Mo,,, \M11. ;E. R I. I
S.I. J 71; (1 kl.. Mr, :k I
1 ',- ll- \' l- n i hl ,V .'\ ,' F ^ f n t l

BO Ihr. rI 'rlsl.ti. S'e'i [-llb,:-i' 1: 10
!I,- ,, ld M '-. B ni G rac >- 0: o [i,
l. AlI. .M .I *i.:-i hb r. The y:.un


F'Famous to relieve MONTHLY

You wbo suffer oucn pain with tired,
nervous feeling .distress of "lrregu-
larilties"-due to functcional mointiW
disturbance3-should try Lydia E.
Plnkham's Vegetable .Compound. It
has a soothing effect on. one of 0o-
mIan's mot important organs Also
fine stomachic tonicl FPollow label
directions. Worth trying
kmllt~ OCMO.

Because our
OLiNG rr.iho. leaves no *'rcdajred.
look" on your sr,3s.





Ann Page MACARONI or

1LB. 3 LB.
G. 2PKG. 3. K.

Wilson's Canned Meat Delicious
TRIPE, '1! 2 lb. can 390 APPLES. 4 lbs. ..............
MOR, 12 oz. can....... -35 BEANS, 25
Pig's Feet, 14 oz. jar 21* Fine
Potted Meat, 3 cans 25* CAULIFLOWER, Head

.tickle Patch DILL 1 CARROTS, Bunch ........ U
ICKLES, 22 or.... Yellow
Swift's Lunch ONIONS, 4 1b ........ 19*
TONGUE, 6 oz. ...... u. s. No. i
Ann Page 1 POTATOES, 10 l. .....
VINEGAR, Qt. ...... Yellow 10*
Pint 9^SQUASH Pound ...... 1
H Y P R 0 ....... Tokay
Ballard'sOBELISK GRAPES, 2 lbs, ...........

PRUNES, Per lb. .......


Per lb. ----

b. .o47 Florida......
b. .......47' OKRA, PerI lb. ..----------------

Ann Page1 '
PEANUTS, 8 oz. '........ ..
HEMOL, 1 lb. Jar .......... 59-
Cleanesar 9
OCTAGON, 2 Cans ........
Soap Flakes o..22
OCTAGON, 18 oz. Box...F
Laundry Soap 9*
OCTAGON, 3 lge. bars.... 13t)




Due to the Blackout We Will Close

At 8 O'Clock Saturday Nights.


Owned and Operated By the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.
Reid Ave. and Third St. PORT ST. JOE, FLA.

FLOUR, 12 lbs. ...... UV
Cereal 25*
CORNKIX, 2 7oz.

American 35
CHEESE, Ib. ..........
Cooking $35
OIL, 1 gal. .............. 1
A&P No. 2 Can 18*
V-8 Vegetable 271
JUICE, 48 oz. can.....
Wagner Grapefruit 15
JUICE, 1 pt. 8 oz..... 15
Polk's No. 2 Grapefruit 2710
SECTIONS, 2 for.... '2
A'& P No. 2 27
SPINACH, 2 for ......
Webster No. 2 1. *
LIMA BEANS ..... 19,


~n arml~PY ---~ I ~C~P-PII

lw wlww IW, r V 1

71 9,- TAR, OR S, 0 1, F ',TYF O '!J

FRIlDAY, 3EP7ENl3SER 25 1942

# I

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