The star
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00028419/00309
 Material Information
Title: The star
Uniform Title: Star (Port Saint Joe, Fla.)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: W.S. Smith
Place of Publication: Port St. Joe Fla
Creation Date: September 18, 1942
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Port Saint Joe (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Gulf County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Gulf -- Port Saint Joe
Coordinates: 29.814722 x -85.297222 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began in 1937.
General Note: Editor: Wesley R. Ramsey, <1970>.
General Note: Publisher: The Star Pub. Co., <1970>.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 7 (Dec. 2, 1938).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000358020
oclc - 33602057
notis - ABZ6320
lccn - sn 95047323
System ID: UF00028419:00309

Full Text



The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center Wur (uofa V

,-~~~~NME 50 --. *.fi'







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..... -o men inu he service must no use 4. Is the case before the board
J. E. Sims, meat cutter at the service men's books, he explained, a border-line case? In all cases
Griffin market, has .been drafted slating that severe penalties may which the board feels are border-
by the government as a skilled la- be imposed for improper use of line the OPA indicated decision
borer and will leave today for ,the books, and urges that they be should be made in favor of rubber
Ozark, Ala. turned in promptly. conservation.

to join the coast gmard. ___
-- Returns To Camp
Enters Normal School Fred Perry, who is with the Air
Miss Betty Jo Lane sas entered Corps at Fort Knox, returned to
normal school at Livingston, Ala.. camp Wednesday after a week's
for the fall term. visit here.



Married Men To Victory Homes Will RADIO TECHNICIAN Draftees Can't School Pupils

Be Drafted Or Not Get 'V' Certificates Join Army But Organized To

To Be Drafted? F or Co operation Can Join Navy Collect Scra1

Selectees Are All A-Dther As Will Be Given To Those Meeting After Having Received Notice of Gulf County Students Become Par
Statements and Counter-State- Requirements Necessary To Induction From Their Of Nation-Wide Junior
ments Issued By Brass Hats Strengthen War Effort Local Board Salvage Corps

"To be (drafted) or not to be For five nights last week, from I We don't pretend -to begin to Tom Owens, superintendent 0
drafteded, that is the question." Tuesd*ay to Saturday, air raid war- .I understand all the inner workings public instruction of Gulf county
Married men of Port St. Joe- dens made an intensive patrol of of the Selective Service System, has received :notice of his design
w.h and, without ch~ldren--are er dtntuot t eo or the whys and wherefores of nation as colonel in the -Florida
with and, without children:--are lators and to instruct them in the, '' various rulings, so we pass the Corps of the Junior Army (t
PIall a-dither as national and, state proper measures necessary to meet following information on 'o our Fight the War With Salvage. Th.
brass hats of the Selective Service the stringent rules laid down by readers as is: appointment was made by Colli
System issue varying statements. the army. SEZ THE ARMY- English, commanding general o
One day announcement ismade While quite a number of house- If you're the ,kind of a skilled, the Junior Army in Florida.
tht married men without de holders were warned at least two workman that the army's looking George Snowden, chairman o:
that married men without depen- times, no arrestts were made, as It for-nw's your chance to get into 1 the Gulf County Defense Council,
dents will be called immediately is believed all our citizens are de- the service likely at higher pay said the general salvage commit
and that those with dependents sirous of co-operating 100 per cent than ,the $50 monthly a private re- tee would work hand in hand witt
probably wilt find themselves in but at times get a bit careless. Johnson, son of ceives, the Junior Army in this campaign
the army ,by Christmas. do their nmouragone this line o Pvt. and Mrs. ohnsJOhnson of This is the news from the Army under the leadership of Chairmar
The net day press dispatches red white andmost blue "VHome Port St. Joe, who is a radio Flexble Gunnery School at Tyn-Marc Fleishel Jr.
quote the same men as stating certificates will be awarded with- technician and is stationed at dall Field, along with the further "We hope, to put Gulf county at
that the married, boys probably in the next few weeks to those Camp Cooke, Calif. announcement that a new setup -the top in Junior Army salvage
won't be called up until after Newoc nts (The Star wats photos of Gulf county men permits men to enlist -at Tyndall, collection and keep it there," Mr.
Year's. called up until after New omes whose occupants are going e.,-ig in the armed forces. Pictures, which be sent to Camp Blanding for in- Snowden said.
Tuesday night we heard in a all-out for victory, according to B. hold in uniform, will be returned.) duction and then returned to Tyn- The Florida Corps of the Junior
radio news broadcast that married B. Conklin, chief air raid warden. dall as their permanent station. Army is part of a nationwide
men with dependents would not The stickers, which are to .be Federal ,Grant Heretofore that has not been per- mobilization of youth which will
be called Until late in 19.43. placed in the window, will be' mitted, but now Florida men re- begin on October 5 to carry on an
Most of the men in this classfi- warde only to those homes IS Approved For siding in this general area, who intensive campaign ,to salvage rub-
cation state that they 'wish some hich ar raid wardens have sur- so desire, may be stationed near ber and metals through public and
body would make up their minds, eyed and found to be participat- H s i their homes. private schools.
as it keeps them In a ontinually ng in practical measures to Ages 18 to 44 are eligible and County and city school superin-
affa:te coildltion, trying ito find strengthen ,the war effort," said -the recruiting officer at Tyndall tendents have been, designated as
Mr. Conklin. "Homes which meet
out whether toa start winding up the standards upon which these Okehed By Works Agency and Is Field can make known to an appli- colonels, principals as majors,
their personal affairs or let thecertificates ars e to ese Now n Hands of Preident cant just what his rating and his teachers as captains and pupils as
matter ide for another six months certficatesare to be awarded maypay will be before he signs up. privates to lieutenants. Promo-
or so. rightfully take pride in the fact For Final Approval However, men already called by tion-will be on the basis of ac-
o..- .. that. they are integral fighting I their local board are, not eligible complishment.

How to Meet Problems it on the home front wthe Mayor J. Shart"eeed a or enlist2nent at TY-Tdall. ,All ap- ,
In the Cattle Business production front, constitute the telegram from Congressman Bob plicants must be cleared by the GET AEADY TO DI OR
*--- lines ulion which we shall defeat Sikes Wednesday which stated local board when seeking enlist- TAX MONEY NEXT YEAR
ment at Tyndall Field.
As we move along in the cattle the enemy." that the Port St. Joe WPA hos- SEZ THE NAVY--shattering- -tax bill
business. we are going to be. con-' Each certificate will bear the pital protect, work on which was For the information of all pros- The record-shatter o a bil
fronted with many things which following on the back, and in or- I pe o o a which has been approved by con-
discontinued a short time ago, has pective draftees, both colored and gress will make a lot of people dig
will make us want to throw up our der to qualify, each householder I gress will make a lot of people dig
waiads and say "What's the use," must demonstrate that his home been approved by *the Federal white, who have received their in- for tax money who have never
says J. B. White, county agent. meets the requirements: Works Agency board of review auction papers, the navy recruit- contributed a dime before 23,-
The thing ito do is to combat the "We in this home, are fighting, and the application sent to Presi- ing service announces that any 000,000 more, it is estimated.
trouble before it gets too much of We know that this war will be dent Roosevelt for final approval. such person CAN apply for enlist- Included in the bill is the new
head start. easy to lose and hard to win. We The telegram stated that the mat- ment in the U. S. Navy up until "victory" tax which, superimposed
If you have a herd of cattle and mean to win it. Therefore, we er should be settled within two the day they are to be inducted on the regular income tax, will
me of them acts dull and listless, solemnly pledge all our energies days. into the army.- collect 5 per cent of earnings
ake it out of the herd at once and and all our resources to the fight The application as presented b Men between the ages of 17 and above $624 a year-$12 a week or
reat it. If you don't know what for freedom and against Fascism. the Works Agency was for $17,500 50 are now being accepted for en- more-the assessments being taken
he trouble is, call your county We serve notice that we are per- which is considered necessary for listment regardless of dependency out of the pay checks of wage
Igent. sonally carrying the fight to the completion of the hospital. It is or any potential dependency, the earners. At the end of 'the year,
Some of the common ailments enemy in these ways: estimated 'that an additional $17,- government giving generous al- credits of 25 per cent of the tax
f beef cattle are: '(1) lack of "1. This home follows the in- 500 will be required on the part lowances for dependents of men inwould be available for single per
inera;ls, which includes salt, cop- struotions of its air raid warden of the city to furnish necessary, the armed forces. Ratings, with sons and v 40 per cent, plus 2 per
ler, bone meal,.iron and .cobalt; in order to protect itself against equipment. good pay, are given to men with cent for each dependent, to mar-
2) pink eye, and (3) bloat. The attack by air. Mayor Sharit stated -that it was previous experience in all the tried persons. These could be taken
ilment which is causing a little "2. This home conserves fooa, his .thought that the city could building and mechanical trades. up in debt and insurance deduc-
rouble in Gulf county now is clothing, transportation and health purchase this equipment on a long- Young men without knowledge of tions or made in the form of post-
ink eye. in order to hasten an unceasing time contract, paying for it over trades are offered over 50 differ- war rebates by the treasury.
The symptoms of pink eye are: flow of war materials to our men a period of years. ent trades to choose from. The normal income tax rate
first, 'the eyes begin to run water, at the front. Don't wait until it is too late. will, be increased from 4 to 6 per
Apply now and make your country
hen the. eyes begin to-turn a pale "3. This home salvages essen- TIGHTEN RULES cure. Navy recruiting stations in cent, and persona income tax ex-
vhitish color. If not treated, the tial materials, in order that they ON NEW TIRES West Florida a rei located in Mart- emotions would be reduced from
animal will go blind. may, be converted to immediate $1500 to $1200 for married couples,
Treatment: Remove all animals war uses. Tires already hrd to et by ra-nna and Pensacola. $750 to $500 for single persons and
affected from the well ones. Bathe "4. This home refuses to spread tioning rules, will be even harder Barrier Gets Hot Seat $400 to $300 for dependents.
yes of affected animals with rumors designed' to divide our na- to get from now on. W. Barrier, whie serving his The bill allows credit against in-
3ric acid solution twice daily un tion G r come tax for medical expenses in
orice acid solution twice daily un- tion. The Gulf county rationing board shift in the observation towercome tax for medical expenses in
il eyes are well. Dissolve two "5. This home buys War Say- e e c i a shvft in erexcess of 5 per cent of net income,
rams of boric acid in four ounces ings Stamps and Bonds regularly." this week received a letter from Sunday afternoon, literally go't the with a maximum of $2500.
water. If possible, place ani- -- the tate rationing office request- "hot seat" when a bolt of light- -
als in 'dark place alter treat- Sugar Books of Men In ing that the following elements be ing struck nearby and a six-inch FORESTRY CO-OP MEETING
eant. Pink eye in cattle Service Must Be Returned carefully considered before tire needle of electricity jumped from TO BE HELD HERE MONDAY
ent. Pink eye in cattle Service Mustcertificates are awarded: he telephone and struck him in The Forest Farmers Association
somewhat k1. Arc the commodities to be the seat of the pants. Mr. Barrier Co-operative and the Florida For-
----- Sugar rationing books of those hauled essential to the war effort, was sitting on ,the corner of the est Service will hold a distr
Gets ,Promotion men who have departed to enter i public health or safety? table by the telephone conversing forestry training meeting in this
Woodrow W. Ferrell, son of Mr. the armed services must be turned .. If essential, can they .be car- with Chief Observer W. S S mithforestry training meeting in t
ad, Mrs. W. B. Ferrell, who is sta- in for cancellation. to the county ried by means other than ru city Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock
oned in the Canal Zone, has re- rationing board, according to C. G. borne vehicles? -_ Vc o-in g the Centennal M or im
lived a promotion :to carpenter's Costin, who handles the sweet end 3. Is the community adequately Joins Coast Guard cording to C. L. Moran, chairman,
o a promotion to carpenters t h Association members from Gulf,
a te. of the Gulf county board served without lthe trucks of the W.J. Herring left for New Or- Calhoun and Franklin counties
SOther members of the famiie applicant? leans Saturday where he intends i attendance.
Drfted ,lAs -SkilledLabrr n mni Ta ripini rp,' 'i .., iI ___I---- Iwill be in attendance.



Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla.,
by The Star Publishing Company
W. S. SMITH, Editor

Entered as Second-class matter, December 10,
1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Florida,
under Act of March 3, 1879.

Subscription Invariebly Payable In Advance
One Year........$2.00 Six Months...... $1.00
Three Months..........65c

--4[ Telephone 51 )-

The spoken .word is given scant attention;
the printed word is thoughtfully weighed.
The spoken word barely asserts; the printed
word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word
is lost; the printed word remains.

Our Country Right or Wrong

The Port St. Joe Pilot club tonight is giv-
ing a box supper at the Centennial auditor-
ium, to be followed by a dance and cakewalk.
Which causes us to wonder if the car, tire
and gasoline restrictions will bring about a
return of these old-time, homey forms of en-
tertainment that used to be so popular in the
days before the automobile speeded up the
mode of living?
A lot of us, including the editor, can hark
back to the days when box suppers were held
regularly by various organizations for the
purpose of raising money, and of the good
times enjoyed at these affairs where every-
one knew everyone else and a spirit of good-
fellowship held sway which is missing from
most of the social gatherings held nowadays.
More power to the ladies of the Pilot club,
and may their supper tonight be so success-
ful that they will makd it a regular monthly
occurrence. It is our belief that they could
hold with success an old-fashioned square
dance, replete with such dances as the polka,
Virginia reel, schottische, minuet and quad-
rille-if they can discover anyone who re-
members how these dances go.

Don't forget, your boy ii t'he service is just
as anxious to hear from you as you are to
-hear from him. Write today-or, better yet,
send him The Star as a sort of weekly letter
from home-it will only cost one dollar for a
year, and it will give him ALL the home
town news.

The regular monthly council
rMeeting of the senior department
of the Methodist Youth Fellow-
ship was held Monday evening at
the home of Mary Johnson.
Julian Raburn, treasurer, gave
the financial report and Rev. 0. D.
Langston discussed with members
the plans for October. A commit-
tee of three, Pauline Owens, Paul
Johnson and Julian Raburn, was
named ito meet with the pastor at
5:30- Sunday afternoon to work out
further the plans for October.
Time of meeting was moved to
6:30 each Sunday evening, instead
of 7, and all members are asked.
to remember the new time.

Office Hours: 9 to 12 1 to 5
Sunday By Appointment
Costin Building Phone 89

for anything by keeping a
full line of home medical
needs on hand.

with 3 color discs......

Because Port St. Joe is a very young city
and because most of the residents have lived
here only a few years, there is not the same
sentiment about the homes in which our peo-
ple live that is found in communities where
families have occupied the same residence
for a great many years. Port St. Joe is too
young to have ancestral homes. In other see-
tions of the nation, which have been settled
for a hundred years or more, the same house
has been occupied by several generations of
one family and the home is regarded with
veneration and respect, and it could not be
bought at any price. Had not old St. Joseph
died out, undoubtedly we would have had a
number of what could be called ancestral
homes in our city today.
In Port St. Joe the majority of the houses
are new. A house built twenty years ago is
regarded as being old, and even the family
that built it does not regard it in the same
way they would a house used by the children
and grandchildren. One cannot feel very
much local attachment for a residence that
has been occupied only a few years
Too, in Port St. Joe, large numbers of
people who build homes do so with no
thought of occupying them for the remainder
of their lives, as they have property else-
where which they are.-developing with the
money they earn here as their permanent fu-
ture abode.

Here lies the carcass of one we admire, af-
fectionately known in the past as a tire.
We've bust 'im and cussed 'im, and when he
was flat, we'd feed 'im with air from an oxy-
gen vat. We'd ride 'im and chide 'im, and
tread on 'im too, then plaster his bruises with
patches and glue. When weary and worn we
would give 'im a boot, but he just kept on
rolling, and still remained mute.
He never complained as he carried his load,
although you would think he would some day
explode! His chaos and hardships have just
gone 'to prove that, though he's grown older,
he's still in the groove. We suffer and cry
for the treatment we've given, for now he's
worth more than the rest of us livin'! Yet
though he is stringy, he's wielding more
powers, and we love the old fellow-because
he is ours.-Pica.

Everybody should be happy now Red
Skelton is back on the air.

The worship program next Sun-
day evening will be in charge of
Evelyn Taunton, chairman of the
missions committee. -
Present at the council meeting
Monday evening were Rev. and
Mrs. Langston, "Dumpy" Gibson,
Sallie Traweek, Mary Johnson,
Pauline Owens, Julian Raburn and

Ritz Theatre Building First Floor


BY THE $ 0

Dining Room

Open to the Public
Club Breakfast, 6 to 9....26c
Lunch, 12 to 2...........40c
Dinner, 6 to 8 ............40c
Corner Reid Ave. and 3rd St.
Griffin Grocery Building

Cadet Willis Rowan, who is sta- Sunday.
tioned at Maxwell Field, Alabama, -
got special leave and visited his Trade at home-your local mer-
wife and ,two. brand new twins chants have just what you want.

GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA, September 17th, 1942
NOTICE- IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 9, of Chapter
18296, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1937, known as the Murphy. Act, the:
following described land in Gulf County, Florida, will be offered for
sale at public outcry for the highest and, best -cash bid, subject to the.
right of the Trustees'of the Internal Improvement Fund to reject any
and all bid's, -at the Court House, between the hours of 10:00 A. M._
and 2:00 P. M. on the 19th day of October, 1942. Easement for road,.
right-of-way 200 feet wide will be reserved from any, parcel through
which there is an existing State Road.
DESCRIPTION Sec. Twp. Rge. Acres
All of Block E, Lake Side Addt. to Wewa-
hitchka, Fla............................ 24 4 S. 10 W .,
Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 13, 15, Block
F, Lake Side Addt. to Wewahitchka, Fla. 24 4 S 10 W.
Lot 14, Block F, Lake Side Addt. to We-
wahitchka, Fla. ...... .................... 24 4 S. 11.1 W .
Lots B,: D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, 0,
P, Q, R, Lake Sid3 Addt. to Wewahit-
chka, Fla. ............................. 24 4 iS.- 10 W .
Loits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
Block G, Lake Side Addt. to Wewa- 2
hitchka, Fla. ............... ........... 24 4 S. 10 W.
Lots 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, Block H, Lake
Side Addt. to Wewahitchka, Fla. ......, 24 4 'S.- 10 W.
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, Block I, Lake Side
Addt. to Wewahbtchka, Fla. ............ 24 4 S. 10 W.,
Lots 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 13, 14,
Block J, Lake Side Addt. to Wewahit-
chka, F ...........................24 4 S. 10 W.
All Block K, Lake Side Addt. to Wewa- '.
hitchka, Fla ............................ 2.. 4 4 S. 10 W .
Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Block M,
Lake Side Addt. to Wewahitchka, Fla:.. 24 4 S. i0 W.
All Block N, Lake Side, Addt. to Wewa-
-titehka, Fla ............................. 24 4 S. 10 W .
SW'4 of NWI/4 ......................... 22 4 S. 10 W. 40 -
SE'iA of SE1/4 Less Platted Part ........ 23 4 1S. 10 W.
By: J. R. HUNTER, ..... *
Agent, Trustees, I. !.', Fund, Gulf County., ,

Paul Johnson.

Do You Lie Awake Nights?
MILLIONS do. The worst of
it is, you never know when
a sleepless night is coming.
Why not be prepared?
Effervescent Nervine Tablets
help to quiet the nerves and
permit refreshing sleep.
Stop in at the drug store to-
Bay and get a package.
Try Dr. Miles Nervine Tab-
lets for Nervousness, Sleep-
lessness due to Nervousness,
Nervous Headache, Excita-
bility, Nervous Irritability.
Small Package 35*
Large Package 75-
Read full directime ons \ -.nJl,

Life Lines

SOf Through the power lines,
Story supplying electricity, flows
V the life blood of war produc-.
tion. Power is needed to
drive machines, to help build ships, planes, guns
and tanks. It brings to factories the light that
makes possible "around-the-clock" production.
And you need it to light your home and to oper-
ate your radio and appliances.

To supply this power is the responsibilitygiven
to us. To handle our job we rely upon the re-
sourcefulness, ingenuity and operating and tech-
nical experience of our employees. Thousands
of specially trained utility men and women work-
ing night and day, make sure that the life lines
of victory are kept open. They know their jobs,
they know their responsibility, and they will not



*0* *

* *

- -- -- ,, -- -






Transfererd to Massachusetts
Billie Montgomery, son of Mr.
d Mrs Asa Montgomery, has
een transferred to the naval base

at Woods Hale, Mass. part of the week. He may be head Ellis Crosby of Shamrock was Possibility thatt super-races of
---- of the rationing board, but he can't transacting business at the St. Joe insect pests may emerge, as hardy
B. E. Kenney was transacting g.t tires, so he made the trip by Lumber & Expont company over survivors of pest-control measures:
business in New Orleans the early train. the week-end., igow in number, is foreseen.


- wiLEREAS, The Legislature ot 1941.
under the Constitution of 1885. of the
State of Florida, did pass 9- Joint
Besolutione proposing amendments to
the institution of the State of Flor-
ida. and the same were agreed to by
1 vote of three-fifths of all the mem-
bers elected to each nouse: that the
vote on said Joint Resolutions were
entered upon their respective ournals.
with the yeas and nays thereon and
they did determine and direct that
,the' said Joint Resolutions be lub-
mitted to the electors of the State at
,the general Election it November

Secretary of State of the 1tate of
Plorida do hereby give notice that t
win be held in each county in Florida
on Tuesday next succeeding the first
Monday In November. A. D 1942. the
.said Tuesday being the
tar the ratification or rejection of the
said Joint Resolutions proposing
amendments to the Constitution of
the State of Florida. vi:
an Amendment to Article IX of the
Constitution of the State of Florida
Relating to Taxation and Finance, by
Adding Thereto an Additional Section
Creating a State Board of Adminis-
tration: Prescribing its Powers and
Duties, and Providing tfor the use of
Proceeds of Two Cents per Gallon of
the Gasoline or Other Motor Fuel Tax
for (1) the Payment and Retirement
of All Outstanding Bonds Issued By
Any County or Special Road and
Bridge District Prior to First Day of
July, A. D. 1931, for Road and Bridge
Purposes. and for (21 Public Highway
That the following amendment to
Article IX of the Constitution of the
State of ,Florida relating to Taxation
and Finance by adding thereto an ad-
ditional section to be know as Sec-
tion 16 of said Article IX creating a
State Board of Administration: pre-
scribing its powers and duties, and
providing for the 'use of the proceeds
of two cents per gallon of 'the gasoline
or other motor fuel tax ,or (1) the
payment and retirement: of. all out-
standing bonds issued by any county
or special road and bridge district
prior to the First Day of 'July. A. D.
1931 for road and bridge purposes,
and for (21 public highway. purposes.
is hereby agreed to and shall be sub-
mitted to the electors of the State of
Florida for ratification or rejection at
the next General Election to be held
in 1942. as follows
"Section 16 l(a That beginning
January 1st. 1943. and for fifty (50)
years thereafter, the proceeds of two
(2c) cents per gallon of the total tax
levied by the State law upon gasoline
and-other like -products oi petroleum,
now known as the Second Gas: Tax.
and upon other fuels used to /propel
motor vehicles, shall as collected be
placed monthly in the 'State Roads
Distribution Fund' In the State Treas-
ury and divided into three (3) equal
parts which shall be distributed
monthly amonu the serersal countless
as follows:
One .part according to area, one part
according gto population, and one part
according to the counties' contribu-
tions to the cost of State road con-
struction in the ratio of distribution
as provided in Chapter 15659, Laws of
Florida. Acts of 1931. and fbr the pur-
',poses 1'of the .apportionment based on
the counties' contributions for the
cost of State road construction, the
amount of -the contributions estab-
lished by the certificates made in 1931
pursuant to said Chapter 15659. shall
be taken and deemed conclusive in
computing .the .monthly amounts dis-
tributable according to said contribu-
tions Such fuhds' so distributed shall
be administered by the State Board of
Adminl'-tratlrn a.- hereinafter pro-
(b)I rhe Governor as Chairman, the
'State Treasurer and the State Comp-
troller shall constitute a body cor-
porate to be known as the 'State
board of Administration.' which Board
.shall succeed to all the power, control
'and authority of the statutory Board
'of ,Administration. Said Board shall
have, In addition to such powers as
may be conferred upon it by law, the
management, control and supervision
of the proceeds of said two (2c) cents
of said taxes and all moneys and other
,!assets which on the effective date of
this amendment are applicable or may
become applicable to the bonds of the
several counties of this State, or any
special road and bridge district, or
other special taxing district thereof,
Issued prior to July 1st. 1931. for road
and bridge purposes. The word
"Bonds" as used herein shall include
Shonds time warrants notes and other
forms ot indebtedness issued for road
and bridge purposes by any county or
special road and bridge district or
other special taxing district, out-
standing on July 1st. 1931. or any re-
funding issues thereof. Said Board
shall have the Statutory powers of
'Bodrds of County Commissioners and
Bond Trustees and of any other'
Authority of special road and bridge
districts, and other special taxing dis-
tricts thereof with regard to said
bonds. (except that the power to levy
ad valorem taxes is expressly withheld
'from said board) and shall take over
all papers, documents and records
concerning the same. Said Board
shall have the power from time to
time to issue refunding bonds to ma-
ture' within the said fifty (50) year
period, for any of said outstanding
bonds or interest thereon, and to se-
cure them by a pledge of anticipated
receipts from such gasoline or other
fuel taxes to be distributed to such
county as herein provided, but not
at a greater rate of Interest than said
bonds now bear: and to issue, sell or
exchange on behalf of any county or
unit for the sole purpose of retiring'
said bopds issued by such county, or
special road and bridge district, or
other special taxing] district thereof.
gasoline or other fuel tax anticipation
certificates bearing interest at not
more than three (3) per cent per an-
num in such denominations and ma-
turing at such time within the fifty
(501 year Deriod as the Board may
determine. .In addition to exercising
the owers' now provided by statute

for the investment ot sinking funds, or hereafter owned or used tfor such
said Board may use the sinking funds purposes by the State of Florida. shall
created for said bonds of any county be vested in a Commission to be
or special road and bridge district, or known as the Game and Fresh Water
other unit hereunder to purchase the Fish Commission Such Commission
matured or maturing bonds oartic'- shall consist of five members, one
pating herein of any other count; or from each congressional district, as
other special road and bridge district existing on January 1. 1941 who shall
or other special taxing district there- be appointed by the Governor subject
of. provided that as to sa.d matured to confirmation by the Senate The
bonds. the value thereof as an invest- members so appointed shall annually
ment shall be the price paid therefore select one ca their members as Chair-
which shall not exceed the par "alu' man of the Commission
plus accrued interest and that said 2. The first .embers ol the Com-
investment shall bear Interest at the mission shall be appointed on Janu-
rate of three (3) per cent per annum ary 1, 1943 and shall serve respectively
(c). The said Board shall annually for one. two three, four and five
use said funds In each county sc- years. At the expiration of each of
count, first, to pay current principal such terms, a successor shall be ap-
and interest maturing. If any of said pointed to serve for a term of five
bonds and gasoline or other fuel tax years.
anticipation certificates of such coun- 3. The members of the Commission
ty or special road and bridge dis- shall receive no compensation for their
trict. or other special taxi n g services as such, but each Commis-
district thereof: second. to estab- sloner shall receive his necessary trav-
lish a sinking funr account to meet eling or other expenses Incurred while
'future requirements of said bonds and engaged in the discharge of his Of-
gasoline or other fuel tax anticipation filaal duties, but such shall not ex-
certificates where it appears the an- ceed the sum of $600.00 in any one
ticipated income for any year or years year.
will not equal scheduled payments 4. Among the powers granted to the
thereon: and third, any remaining bal- Commission by this Section shall be
ance out of the proceeds of said two the power to fix bag limits and to fix
(2c) cents of said taxes shall monthly open and closed seasons on a state
during the Year be remitted by said open and closed seasons, on a state-
boaduring the year be remitted y sarwide. regional or local basis, as it may
board as follows: Eighty (% nCT find to be appropriate, and to regulate
cent to the State Road Department for the manner and method of taking.
the construction or reconstruction of transporting storing and using birds.
State Rads ad bridges within the game. fur bearing animals, fresh water
county, or for the lease or purchase fish. reptiles and amphibians. The
of bridges connecting State highways Commission shall also have the power
within the County. and twenty (20%) to acquire by purchase gift. all prop-
oer cent to the Board of County om- erty necessary. useful or convenient
missioners of esh county for se o for the use of the Commission in the
-*ads and bridges therein- exercise of its powers hereunder
(d) Said Board shall have te 5. The Commission shall appoint.
power to make and enforce all rules the salary ofi and at measure re-
and regulations necessary to the fult move. a suitable person. as Direetor.
exercise of the. powers hereby granted and such Director shall have such
and no legislation shall be required to powers and duties as may be prescribed
render this amendment of full force by the Commission In pursuance of
and operating effect from and after its duties under this Section Such
January 1st. 1943 The Legislature Director shall, subject to the approval
shall continue the levies of said taxes of the Commission, appoint, fix the
during the life of this Amendment. salaries of. and at pleasure remove.
and shall not enact any law having assistants, and other employees who
the effect of withdrawing the proceeds shall have such powers and duties. ps
of said .two (20c cents of said taxes may be assigned to them by the Gom-
from the operation of this amend- mission or the Director. No Commis-
ment. The Board shall pay refunding sooner shall be eligible for any such
expenses and other expenses forserv- appointment or employment.
Ices rendered specifically for. or which 6 The funds resulting from the
are properly chargeable to. the account operation of the Commission and from
of any county from funds distributed the administration of the laws and
to such county: but general expenses gulations pertaining to birds, game
of the Board for services rendered all fur bearing animals, fresh water fish.
the counties alike shall be prorat d reptiles and amphibians, together with
Among them and paid out of said any other funds specifically provided
funds on the same basis said tax pro- for such purpose shall constitute the
ceeds are distributed among the sev. State Game pund and shall be 'used
eral counties: provided, report of the Commission as it shall deem
"ald expenses shall be made to each fit in carrying out the provisions
Regular Session of the Legislature fit in carrying ot the provisions
nd the Legislaturesion of the Legislatureex hereof and for no other purposes. The
*nd the Leislature may limit the ex- Commission may not obligate Itself
sensess of the Board." beyond the current resources of the
Approved by the Governor. May ,13. State Game Fund unless specifically
1941. so authorized by the Legislature.
Filed in office Secty of State. May 7. The Legislature may enact any
13. 1941. laws in aid of.' but not inconsistent
___, -- with. the provisions of this amend-
A JOINT RESOLUTION loipos ing ment and all existing laws inconsist-
enA JOINT RESOLUTION troosng herewith shall no longer remain
an Amendment to the Constitution of in force and effect. All laws fixine
the State of Florida to be known as penalties for the violation of the pro-
Section 3 of Article XVII. Relating to visions of this amendment and all laws
Amendments Imposing license taxes, shall be en-
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- acted by the Legislature from time
That the following Amendment. to Anproved by the Governor. May
be known as Section 3 of Article VI1941proved by the Governor. May
of the present Constitution be and Filed1941.In office ecty of State. May
the same is hereby agreed to shall be 5 19d n office Secty of State May
submitted to the electors of the State 5 1941
at the general election of Representa-
tives to be held in the year A. D. 1942. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing
to-wit: an Amendment to Article Five of the
Section 3. If at any regular or ape- constitution of Florida by Adding
clal or extra session, the Legislature, Thereto an additional Section Relat-
by vote of three-fourths of all mem- 'ng to the Election of Circuit Judges
bers elected to each House, shall de- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS-
termine that an emergency requiring GATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA
an early decision by the electors of the That Article 5 of the Constitution of
.State exists, an amendment to this the State of Florida be amended by
Constitution dealing with the subject adding thereto an additional Section
matter of such emergency may be pro- to be known as Section 46 of said
posed, and if the proposed Amendment Article relating to the Election of Cir-
be agreed to by a three-fourths voto *ult Judges be. and the same is hereby
of all the members elected to each agreed to and shall be submitted to
House. the same shall be entered upon the electors of the State of Florida
their respective journals with the yeas for ratification or rejection at the
and nays thereon. Thereupon, at the General Election to be held on the
same session, the Legislature shall pro- first Tuesday after the first Monday
vide for a special election to be held in November. 1942. as follows:
not less than ninety nor more than "Section 46. Circuit Judges shall
one hundred eighty days after ad- uereaftet he elected hy the qualified
iournment and for publication of electors of their respective judicial
notice thereof, at which special elec- uircults as other State and County
tion the proposedd Amendment shall be -ifficials are elected.
submitted to the electors of the State
for approval or rejection: provided The first election of Circuit Judges
that if a general election of Represen- shall be held at the General Election
tatives is to occur within said period. in 1948 to take office on the first
such Amendment shall be submitted Tuesday after the first,. Monday in
to the electors at such general elsec- january. 1949. for a term .of six years.
tlon. The terms of all such offices as they
If shall severally exist at the time of
Ifa majority of the electors voting adoption of this Amendment shall be,
upon the proposed Amendment shall and they are hereby extended to ter-
adopt the Amendment, the same shall minate on the first Tuesday after the
become a part of this Constitution. first Monday in January 1949."
This Amendment shall not be held to Approved by the Governor. June 12.
rtuersede or in anywise affect any 1941.
existing provision of the Constitution Filed in office of Secretary of State.
relating to Amendments but shall be une 19ecretar te41.
regarded as an additional method "J 1 %
Amendment thereto.A JOINT RESOLUTION Propo
A roved by the Governor. y an Amendment to Article Sixteen of
Filed in office Secty of State, May 5. the Constitution of Florida, by adding
1941. thereto an additional Section Permit-
1941. ting the Legislature to vest the Powers
JOINT RESOLTION Proposing of making Rules and Regulations Re-
lating to the Conservation of Salt
an Amendment to Article IV of the Water Fish and Salt Water Products
Constitution of the Ptate of Florida in a Board or Commission.
Relative to the Executive Department.
by Adding thereto an Additional See- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGMIS-
tjon to Create a Game and Fresh LATURE O THE STATE OF FLORIDA:
Water Fish Commission. That Article Sixteen of the Consti-
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- tution of the State of Florida be
LATURE OF THE STATE OP FLORIDA: amended by adding thereto an addi-
That the following Amendment to tional Section to be known as Section
Article IV of the Constitution of. the 32 of said Article 16. authorizing the
State of Florida relative to the Execq-, Legislature to vest the power of mak-
tive Department by adding thereto an ing rules and regulations relating to
additional Section to be known as conservation of salt water fish and
Section 30 of said Article IV, creating salt water products in a board or com-
a Game and Fresh Water Fish Corn- mission. be and the same is hereby
mission be and the same Is hereby agreed to. and shall be submitted to
agreed tc and shall be submitted to the electorsof the State of lorida
the Electors of the State of Florida for ratification or rejection at the
for ratification or rejection at the General Election to be held on the
General Election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday
first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. 1942. as follows:
in November 1942.- as follows: "Section 32. The Legislature may
Section 30. 1. Prom and after Jan- vest in such Board or Commission,
nary 1 1943. the management., restora- now created or that may be created
tlon, conservation and regulation, of by it. authority to make and establish
the birds, game. fur bearing animals, rules and regulations without regard
and fresh water fish, of the State of to uniformity of application, relating
Florida. and the acquisition, establish- to the conservattin of salt water flab
ment. control, and management. of and salt water products."
hatcheriess. sanctuaries, refuges, reser- Approved by the Governor, laon 22,
vatIons, and all other nmoperty now 19.

iled in office Secretary of State,
June 12. 1941.

an amendment to Articte 7. Section 3.
of the Constitution of the State of
,Florida. Relative to Census and Ap-
portionment, by Amending Section 3.
of said Article so as to Designate
Broward County as a Senatorial Dis-
trict and designate Calhoun County
and Oulf County as a Senatorial Dis-
That the following amendment to
Section 3 of Article I of the Con-
stitution of the State of Florida. 'rela-
tive to Census and apportionment.
designating Broward County as the
thirty-ninth (39) Senatorial District.
and Calhoun County and Gulf County
as the fortieth (40) Sqnatorial District.
be and the same Is hereby agreed to.
and shall be submitted to the electors
of the State of Florida for ratification
or rejection at the General Election :'o
be held on the first Tuesday after the
first Monday in November 1942 as
Section 3. The Legislature that shall
meet in regular session A. D. 1925 and
-those that shall meet every ten years
thereafter, shall apportion the repre-
sentation in the Senate. and shall
provide for forty (40) Senatorial Dis-
tricts, such Districts to be as nearly
equal in population as practicable.
but no County shall be divided In
making such apportionment. and.
each District shall have one Senator:
provided that Broward County. Flor-
ida, shall constitute the Thirty-ninth
(39th) Senatorial District, and Cal-
houn County. Florida and Gulf Coun-
ty. Florida. shall constitute the For-
tieth (40) Senatorial District: and at
the same time the Legislature shall
also apportion the representation in
the House of Representatives. and
shall allow three (3) Representatives
to each of the five most populous
counties, and two (2) Representatives
to each of the next eighteen more
populous counties, and one Represen-
tative to each of the remaining coun-
ties of the State at the time of such
apportionment. Should the Legislature
fall to apportion the representation in
the Senate and in the House of Rep-
resentatives. at any regular session of
the Legislature at any of the times
herein designated. It shall be the duty
of the Legislature or Legislatures suc-
ceeding such regular session of the
Legislature, either in Special or Regu-
lar session. -to apportion the repre-
sentation in the Senate and in the
House of Representatives. as herein
provided. The preceding regular Fed-
eral or regular State Census. which-
ever shall have been taken nearest
any apportionment of Representatives
in the Senate and in the House of
Representatives. shall control In mak-
ing such apportionment. In the event
the Legslature shall fall to reappor-
tion the" representation in the Leais.
lature as required by this amendment
the Governor shall (within thirty days
after the adjournment of the regular
sessionl call the Legislature together
In extraordinary session to consider
the question of reapportionment and
such extraordinary session of the Leg-
Mlature Is hereby mandatortly required
to reapportion the representation as
required by this amendment before
its adjournment (and such extraordi-
nary session so called for reapportion-
ment shall not be limited to expire at
.the end of twenty da's or at all. until
reapportionment is effected. and shall
consider no business other than such
Approved by the Governor. June 1.
Piled in office of Secretary of State,
June 9. 1941.

an Amendment to Article VIII of the
Constitution of the State of Florida.
Relating to County and Municipal
That the following amendment to Ar-
ticle VIII of the Constitution of the
State of Florida relating to County
and Municipal Governments. to be
numbered Seclton 11 of said Article
VIII. be and the same Is hereby agreed
to and shall be submitted to the elec-
tors of the State for ratification or
rejection at the next general election
to be held in November. 1942. to-wit:
Section 11. The County Commis-
sioners of Dade County who shall be
elected at the general election in 1942
shall immediately after the beginning
of their terms of office, redistrict
Dade County into five County Com-
missioners' Districts to be numbered
by the said Commissioners from one
to five respectively, and "delineate the
boundaries .of such Districts in such
;manner as to include within the re-
spective Districts territory as follows,
One of the said Commissioners' Dis-
tricts shall comprise the territory
which was on the 1st day of April.
1941, embraced within Election Pre-
cincts numbered 24 to 32, Inclusive.
and also such parts of Election Pre-
cincts numbered 10. 56. 60 and 61 as
lie east of the western shore of BIs-
cayne Bay. all as established by a reso-
lution of the County Commissioners
of said County adopted November 14.
1939. designated as Resolution No
Another of the said Districts shall
comprise the territory, and only the
territory, which was on the 1st day
of April. 1941. embraced in Commis-
sioners' District No. 4 and Commis-
sioners' District No. 5. as described in
Book "P" of the Minutes of the Coun-
ty Commissioners of said County. at
page 194 et seq.:
I Another of the said Commissioners'
Districts shall comprise the territory
which was on the first day of April
1941, embraced in Commissioners' Dis-
trict No. 1. as described in Book "F"
of the minutes of the County Com-
missioners of said County. at page 194
et seq.. and also all the territory which
was on the first day of April. 1941.
embraced in Election Precincts num-
bered 75 to 82. Inclusive, as estab-
lished by the aforesaid Resolution No.
Another of the said Districts shall
comprise the territory which was on
the 1st day- of April. 1941. embraced
in Commissioners' District No. 3. as
described in Book "F" of the Minutes
of the County Commisaloners of said
County, at pse 194 et sea. except

the territory embraced tin the afore
said Election Precincts numbered 7-
to 82. inclusive, and 26 to 32,. inclusive
and except such arts of Election Pre-
cincts numbered 56 60 and 61 as lie
east of the western Shore of BiscaWe
Another or the said Commissioners
Districts shall comprise the territory
which was on the 1st day of April.
1941. embraced in Commissioners Dis-
trict No 2 as described in Book "7"
ot the Minutes of the County Com-
missioners of said County at cage 194-
et seq except the territory embraced-
in the aforesaid Election Precincts
numbered 24 and 25. and such part of-
Election Precinct number 10 as lies'
east of the western ahnor -< iseavne
The County Commissioners who
shall be elected in Dade County at the,
general election in 1942 shall hold of-
fice for the term of two ears for.
which they shall have been elected
and their terms ot office shall not
be affected by this amendment: out
,thereafter there shall be in each of
the Districts nstablisbed by. and in
nursuance of, this amendment a
C nntv Commissioner who shall reside
in his District but who shall be nomi-
nated and elected from the County at
Large Every County Commissioner of
Dade County who shall be elected at
the general election in 1944 and there-
after shall hold office for a term of
four years The Bowers. duties and
compensation of such County Com-
missioners shall be as from time to
time provided by law.
Approved heb the Governor. May 28.
Filed in office Seetv of State Maw
28. 1941

an Amendment to Section 1. of Article,
X of the Constitution of Florida. Re-
lating to Homestead and Exemption.
so as to Permit the Wages. Salary or
Income from any source Whatsoever-
Due to any Person the Head of a Fam-
tly as Provided Therein. to be th.-
Subject of Garnishment to the Ex-
tent of not more than 25% thereof n-
the Courts of this State. as May be
Provided by Law, for the Payment of
any Obligations Arising by Express or
Implied Contract Subseauent to the
Adoption of this Amendment: and-
lFurther Providing Exemptions thereto
in Cases of Income of Less tharrn
Twenty-five Dollars Per Week Except
as to Necessities of Life as May be
"Pfined ov the Legislature
That the following amendment to See-
tion 1. Article X of the Constitution
of Florida authorizing the earnish-
ment of any wages. salary or income
dlue any person who is the head of a
family. as provided therein, to the ex-
tent of 25% thereof. be. and the samp
Is hereby agreed to and shall be sub-
'"itted to the electors of the State in
the General Election of Renresents-
tives in 1942 for their anorov.1l or re-
pectlon: that is to sav that Section 1
of Article X be amended by adding
thereto the following Section'
Section 1-A. That tee salary.
wages and income from any Source
whatsoever due and owing, or to be-
come due and owing to any person
who is the head of a family residing
In this State. shall be the subject of
"arnishment in the courts of this
qtate as may be provided by law. to
the extent of not more than 25% of
"iech salary. wages and income, for
the payment of any obligations arising
by express or implied contract sub-
eqfuent to the adoption, of this'
amendment provided, however, that
the Legislature shall not extend the
right of garnishment as heroin pro-
vided where the salary is $25.00 or less
ner week excent to necessities of life
,?, may from time to time be defined
yv the Legislature.
Approved by the Governor. June 11.
Filed in office Sectv of State. .une
'1. 1941.

the Amendment of Section 16 of Ar-
ticle 'XV of the Constitution of Flor-
ida. Relating to Taxation of Property
of Corporations, with Certain Exemn-
tions for Religious. Scientific. Munici-
pal. Educational Literary Fraternn?
ir Charltable Purposes
Section 1. That the following
amendment to Section 16 of Article
XVI of the Constitution of the State
of Florida relating to taxation of the
property of corporations, with certain
exemptions for religious, scientific. mu-
nicipal, educational, literary, fraternal
or charitable purposes, be. and the
same Is hereby agreed to. and shalt
1e submitted to the electnrs of the
State of Florida. for ratification or
-election at tbo next general election
to be held in 1942: that Is to swv that
the said Section 16 of Article XVT of
Ite Constitution of the State of Flor-
Ida be amended no as to read ae

"Section 16. The property at aN
corporations, except the property of a,
eorporatlon which shall construct a
ship or barge canal across the penin-
sula of Florida. If the Legislature
should so enact, whether heretofore
or hereafter incorporated, shall be sub-
lect to taxation, unless such property
be held and used to the extent of at'
least one-fourth thereof. for religious.
qcdentiffe. municipal, educational, lit-
erary, fraternal or charitable nrr-
noses." Provided however, this amend-
ment shall not affect the provisions
of Sections 12 and 14 nf Article IX
of the' Constitution of Florida.
Approved by the Governor. .Tune It.
Filed in office Secretary of State&
June 11. 1941
The votes cast in compliance with
said proposed amendments, and the'
cavnass. declarations and returns
thereof, shall be subjected to the same
regulations and restrictions as are pro-
vided by law for general elections to
the State of Florida.
have hereunto set my band
and affixed the Great Seal t
the State of Florida, at Tal-
SNAL lahassee, the Capital, this the
et day of August. A. D. 19M
& & GRATY.
Secretary at Btats


frRIbAYi SEPTEMBER 18, 1942



l'-- -- -- ........- -

Society Pers



'Opens Dailv 2:45, Continuously
'Saturd.y 1:00 --- SGuday 1:00


12 ^2

Cahpter No. 9
'Captain Midnight'
HIT NO. 2 --

" "- -- -la- .- -

September 20 21



Don't Be Fooled By the
Title It's Good!
Chapter No. 8



As Big As the Outdoors

11:00 P. M.


"While Thousands

All Colored Cast
S, ,---- Y------
September 24 25

^-v-- vv--------.

ona ls
S. SMITH, Editor

R. F. Hallford, Pastor
9:45 a m.-Sunday School.

The annual association meeting 11:00 a. m. Morning worship.
of *Lhe North.west Coast Baptist Topic: "Misused and Neglected
J.. cia's Mission-ary Union will be Opportunities Are Taken Away."
.llid at ort 3. Joe BaList :00 .p. m.-B. T. U.
church next Monday, Septinmer 3:00 p. m.-Evening worship
21. beginning at 10:45 a. in. The Topic: "Who Is Going to Hl1?".
::t;-;ie to r;!, i m o .in:g; will bI : (*
Sweet Peace, the Cift o, God's METHODIST CHURCH
i.ove." An executive meeting of Rev. 0. D. Langston, Pastor
,h1 aisociat:on will be held during 9:45 a. m.-Church school.
the session. 11:0U a. m.--Morning worship.
Visitors for Sthe day will be Miss 7:15 p. m.-Youth Fellowship.
i.:sie Renfioe, Young People's 8:00 p. m.-Evening worship.
aadlr, and Miss Amanda Tinkle, The Woman's society. Im'eets
.;:itird-. missionary from West Mondays at 3 p. il.
Africa. First Tuesday after first Sunday,
'r. ,ram for the day follows: official board meeting.
Morning Session Wednesday, 8 p. m., prayer and
10:45-IHymn, "The Light of the Bible study. Choir practice.
World Is Jesus." Introduction to .-
program by Port St. Joe W. M. S.
Prayer for peace. METHODIST CIRCLES IN
11:00-Devotional, "Blessings ot MEETINGS MONDAY
Peace," Rev. E. D. McDaniel. Circle No. 1 of ithe Woman's So-
11:15-Business:. Recognition of ic N. o S
visitors, etc.; appointment of corn- ciety for Christian Service of the
mittees. Methodist Church met Monday af-
11:25-Memorial s..rvice, "Peace ternoon at the hom- of Mrs. T. H.
Be Unto You," Port S. Joe W. M. Stone. Following the regular open-
S.11: 10-'"Ambassador of Peace to ing, Mrs. J. Grimsley led ,the de-
Our State,'.' Miss Elsie Renfroe. votional and Mrs. Ralph Swatts
12:,15-Offering. read, the 12th chapter of Isaiah,
12:20-"Ambassador of Peace to The regular business was trans-
:00-DissAmanda Tinkle. acted and Mrs. R. A. Costln gave
Aft rnolo Sessionu a brief talk on "Citizenship,"'' fo]-
2:00-Hymn, "Since Jesus Ca.me lowing which ,themeeting was dis-
In:05-Sriptre anto meditation. My Heamissed with prayer. Mrs. Stone
"Thoughts On Peace," Rev. J. A. served refreshments to the men-
Nichols. bers present.
2:15-"Ambassadors of Peace" Circle No. 3 met Monday. after.
Introduction of new mission study noon with Mrs. Edwin Ramsey.
books to South .America by Mrs.
T. V. Morris, Mrs. Leon Shirley. The meeting was opened ,ith
Mrs. C. C. Price and Mrs. Belle prayer by. Mrs. R. H. Reddick fol-
Harmon. lowed by a short talk on "Growing
3:15-"Ambassad'ors of Peace to Children and Parents" (by Mrs. S.
Our Association." Reports of of
ficers and chairmen. D. Spears. Defense stamps were
4:00-Business: Report of time given by Mrs. Ramsey, Mrs. R. F.
and place; report of resolutions; Gaskin, Mrs. D. B. Lay, Mrs. R.I
report of nominating committee; F Maxwell and Mrs. Walter Johni-
installation of new ambassadors.
Benediction, Numbers 6:24-26. son. The meeting was dismissed.
r *t *t with prayer and the hostess serve
PENSACOLA VISITOR IS refreshments to the thirteen mem-
HONORED AT PARTY bers present.
Mrs. Robert Logan of Pensacola. *, *
who was 'the guest of her daugh- STANLEY SHEIP HOST TO
ter, Mrs. B. E. Kenney Jr., was SATURDAY SUPPER CLUB
honor guest last Friday at a bridge Stanley Sheip was host to the
luncheon held at the home of Mrs. Saturday Night Supper club last
J. A. Mira, who was co-hostess week at his home on Palm Island.
with Mrs. B. C. Gaillard and Mrs. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. Clay
J. Lamar Miller. The Mira home Lewis Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Basil E.
was tastefully decorated with zin- Kenney, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Saun-
nias and, roses for the occasion. ders, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Barke.
IEnjoying this affair with the Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mira and Mr.
honor guest and hostesses were and Mrs. J. B. Gloeckler.
Mesdames J. B. Gloeckler, S. L. *
Barke, Floyd Hunt, B. E. Kenney. L. L. Zimmerman, Terry Hinote
Marc Fleishel Jr., Woody Dare, R. and Horace Soule were business
G. Porter, B. E. Kenney Jr.. Berti visitors in Tallahassee yesterday.
Mt..t] T V TewiJ Tr Paul Fen-

som and Gale Traxler.
Following the hour of play, de-
licious refreshments were served
rd Mrs. Log'an presented with a
beautiful guest prize.

Mr. and. Mrs. Robert L-e Mc-
r--ndon announce the arrival of a.
7-pound girl on September 10 at
the Norton clinic. The young lady
"'s been named Tohaitha Florence

Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rowan an-
nounce the birth of twins on Wed-
oesday, September 9. The young
Rowans have been named Dianc
Elizabeth and Willis Jr.

Born, Friday, September 11. ti
Mr. and Mrs. Theron Marshburn,
a daughter.
Ar -'r f
tMr. and Mr.s Jnn L. qftanleton of
.Gr'acevil.le were week-end guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Goforth.

Mis' Bernic- Schneider left for
Tjllahassee Sunday to enter Flor-
ida State College for Women.

Mr. .and Mrs. Floyd' Hunt spent
Sunday in Chipley visiting with
Mrs. Hunt's mother.

Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Ward left for
New Orleans on Thursday of last
.w.eek on, business and are ex-
pected to return tomorrow.


FOR RENT-Juniper Lodge at
Beacon -Hill. Has 4 small apart-
ments, partly furnished. Will leas
at $35 per month t6 right party.
Inquire St.- Joe Lumber Company.
Phone 69-J. 9-4tf
BUD HUDSON, Plaintiff.
DOLL HUDSON, Defendant.
On Monday, October the 5th, 1542.
the, Defendant. Doll Hudson, is re
quired ton npeai to the Bill for Di-
vorce filed against her in ti- '
cause, and The Star is hereby
designated as the newspaper '-:
which this order shall be ubllisp't
onc a week for: four consecutive
WITNESS nmy 'aod .tndl s~od of
said Court this 2nd day of Sep-
tember A. D. 1942.
(SEAL) Clerk Circuit CourL,
Gulf County, Florida.
H. V. McCLELLAN, 9-4
Solicitor for Complainant. 10-2

- Churches


A&P No. 2 Can


No. 2- Can Sunshine 25*
PEACHES, 2 for ....
Borden's 59*
HEMOL, lb -.--... .-59-
lona No. 2 11
TOMATOES ..-..-.. -L
B & M 28 Oz.
4 Lb. Box
ICE SALT -...-..-..-.
Sweet Mixed 1
PICKLES, 22 oz. ....
A&P Fruit 10*
PECTIN, 3V4 oz. ...

No. 21/ Can

/*To relieve distress of MONTHLY^

Female Weakness
Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound
TABLETS (with added iron) have
helped thousands to relieve periodic
pain with weak, nervous, blue feel-
ings-due to functional monthly
disturbances. Also, their lion makes.
them a fine hematic tonic to help
build up red blood. Pinkham's Tab-
lets are made especially for women
FolloW label dcirections. :

What promises to be one of, the
:nerriesit gd-to;'ethers held in this
ity i' mnaiy a .moon will be the
)old-:as!ioned box supper at the
(':nEteunial building tonight spon-
iored by thie St. Joe Pilot club.
'he public is invited to attend and
:ach lady is asked to bring a box
U'n. 'i for two, which will be auc-,
;:oni'd off to the highest bidder.
In addition .o the supper, a calve i
walk and dance will be hema.

ThepPort St. Joe Pilot club will[
inect Tuesday evening, September i
22, at the Splendid Care. All mem-!
bers are urged to be present.

Starling "De
BROOMS ............. Al
12 Oz. Can :7. Ca
S-P AM ............... 01

46 Oz. Can Orangd 99 p
1 ICE 1 I

JAR 4-t)

Jane- Parker Iced Crdscent


18 oz. 27c

licious 95'
PPLES, 3 Ibs. ..............
RANGES Dozen ...- 4
Ersan 15.
t' ES, Dozen .................

ONIONS, 4 lbs ............ 1
BEANS. 2 lbs, ...............1
Large Bunches TOO
CARROTS -2 for -......
Large 10
CELERY, Stalk ....._.......-
SQUASH Pound ........
PEARS, 2 lbs. ................
GRAPES, 2 lbs. .............. 1I
Idaho ,1 7

lb. 15-

Popular Brands

CIGARETTES Carton, $1.35
White House Evaporated

MILK 4 Large Cans 30c
MARVEL ENRICHED BREAD 1 lb. Loaf ........110

Toilet Soap 7
L U X, Bar ..---..-.....---...----
121/_ Oz. White Sail 27*
SOAP FLAKES, 2 for .-
Laundry Starch
LINIT, 12 oz. ................. 1
SOAP FLAKES, 21 oz.. -.
22 Ounce

14 Oz. White Sail


Plain or Self-Rising


Bag .......20#

2 Gal Can A-Penn $149
MOTOR OIL ........ 1

Prince Albert
TOBACCO ..............


Owned and Operated By the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.
Reid Ave. and Third St. PORT ST. JOE, FLA.

Because our
SOLING method le.avei no "repaired
look" on your shoes.




1 Lima





Aovrlsig des'tcost-4t PIAYS!



3 lbs. .......

T.9 t Y