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THE STA R S.... ......,- -,~4 ..L ,.LL, The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center our Quota V VOLUME V PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1942 NUMBER 44 Floridians To Plane Spotters Recap Your Old Ballot On Nine Hear Talk and Ties s der of Ballot On Nine mView Picture Tires Is Order of Amendments iew itue Ration Board Representatives of Air Warning Drive Started Here For 30 Tons Scrap Service Stress Importance of Observation Posts f-. __-j A r- Tx-i tattstory or .bate oergelan A. C. listings and -Corporal Tom Sorrell of the Air Nine proposed constitutional Warning S'irvice office at'Jackson- ville gave talks and presented a amendments, the greatest number le g talks and noted in the history of the state, will be sound film at the high school au ditorium Wednesday evening bhe adopted or rejected by the voters dorium Wednesday eveninterest of Florida in the November gen- fore approximately 100 interested 'eral el-ction, according to word cal itizes. Th lecture and ilm .from Secretary of State R. A. Gray. stressed the importance of ground The proposed amendments cover observation posts in our defense the widest range of subject mat-'system and pointe d out the im ter, touching on some of the fun- 'portant part civilian plane spotters damiental features of the state play in dlefenso plans. government. They, involve gasoline i The meeting was opened by De- tax revenues and their distribu- fense Council George L. Snowden tion, exemption of lodge properties who, after a brief talk, introduced from taxation, establishment as Corporal Sorrell who stated that constitutional bodies of the. com- the army and navy look upon the SAir Warning Service as the first mission of game and. fresh water Air g Srvice as te first fish and the conservation commis- line of defense and that if the ion, and giving to civilians fail to do their part there ion, and giving those roads in-should be no kick if, in an emer- c: eased power. .. I t nrv h- nhr nv and n vv fail tn Careful Use of Old Tires To Govern Permits For New Purchases In Future Under a r cent .amendment to tire rationing regulations, all pasi- aiger cars, except those driven by people who must necessarily travel at high speeds, 'are required to have their tir-s recapped or re- creafed "to complete exhaustion" before .they are eligible for a new tire, the local rationing office re- veals. Complying with this regulation 'is not optional with the appli- cant, and if ha runs a ,tire beyond a stage of recapping or retreading it is his own fault, and an appli cation for a new tire should not be approved." the strict new reg- ulations signed by W. C. Sher- 1 man, state rationing administra- tor, pointed out. TRANSFERRED is Part of Nationwide Attempt To Get All Scrap For War Industries To meet the nation's war needs for scran iron anirl steel and other s- .--'e ...rials, a new intensive d. -..: is b-.ing launched in Port St. Jole to obtain 30 tons of scrap materials, it was announced yes- terday by Marc Fleishel Jr., chair- man of the local salvage commit- tee. In Wewahitchka the salvage Committee is headed, by-Mrs. B. E. Parker, and she likewise, aided by h:.r committee, is launching a sal- vage drive in the northern part of Gulf county. The drive is part of the nationwide effort announced by Donald M. Nelson, WPB chair- man. "As the war becomes more in- -tensive on the various foreign H-ere are the chief provisions of y y "' Please do not issue a certifi- Private Fred Perry (left), son fronts," said Mr. Fleishel, "the the proposed amendments, the full do their part. Late for one single new tire it of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Perry of need for scrap materials has in text of which will be found on Corporal Sorrell then introduced recapping or retreading can be Donaldsonville, Ga., a former em- creased steadily." He declared page four of this issue of The Star: Sereant Hastings who launched .e," Shrman requested, direct- ploye of the Gulf Hardware and that while collections of various 1. This proposal would write into a detailed explanation of o ing that a certificate should not Supply company, and Private types 'of .salvage have already been Into the constitution thie. 1941 legis- the AWS is operated and exactly be issued to an applicant for a Horace Davis, formerly employed made here, the expanding require lative act changing the plan of di- what occurs when observers pk new tire if the applicant had at the LeHardy Pharmacy, who ments of the war program hiav vision of gasoline taxes from three up their phone and say Army "ruined a tire by not having it re- have been transferred from Kees- made it necessary to obtain mucn .cents to the road department and Flash." capped or retreaded where thS ler Field, Miss. Private Perry larger amounts of materials. three cents to county bonds, to During the course of his talli service was available and -it was is now stationed at Daniel Field, "The American steel industry four cents for roas'"andt.wo.cents Sergeant Haistiigs pointed out the his fault." Augusta, Ga.. for advance, train- this year hopes to produce a for, bonds. The distribution would important part the -civiliansrninay A top sped of 40 miles an hour ing, and Private Davis I a,. beer, record-breaking 85,000,000 ton 'd be continued in effect for 50 years, in taking art in the Air Warning for private automobiles was fixed sent to the Curtis Wright Serv- steel-as nauTh-:-"__...11 igign by f which time county bonds issued w ervtion .osts a th e backbone by Mr. Sherman, who advised lo- ice Schoo:l at Bufialo N. Y. Both countries put together can palae. for the building of roads now observation posts are e cal rationing boards that speeds in are in the Air Corps. Our country alone this year is go- part of the state system would be our defense maneuvers held excess of .this figure should be (The Star will appreciate photos of young ing to produce 'three tons of steel largely retired.sa tat m er h considered "abuse" of tires. The men from Gulf county serving in the armed for every two tons the Axis can twohd set uph amendment also ino Louisiana and elsewhere i foos state highway patrol is co-operat- forces. All pictures must be in uniform.)turn would set up the stat been proven thatthe AS is o ing ingoverning those speeds To bri steel rodution up to administration as a constitutional proof and that in spo e so and -filing appropriate reports. Plane Spotters the industry's full capacity of 9(1,- body and give it almost absolute planes the system worked a----- 000,000 tons in 1942, however. our control over the handling of county lutely per ct c lity Placed In Still Needed steel industry needs an extra 6,- his administration from the prov- an interesting sound film showing 000,000 tons of scrap steel for its nce of the boards of county co- operation of filter and control defense Rental ,s Patriotic Duty of Every Citizen n sad Fleischel. Ever missioners. The state board would centers of the AWS. Wh o Is Physically Ableno can s be given .authority to refund county Area By OPA To Take Shft from Port.St. Joe will swell out. road bonds, without increases in C unty Schools T ships and planes.t of t interest rates, where that action effort to Halt Every airplane that fles over ships and lanes." a pte bem.Is Part o National Efortbers f the local committee was deemed necessary. Open September 7 Rising Living Costs,ays Gulf county, day or night, is fo- headed by Mr. Fleishel, which ha 2. Provides a method of quickly Henderson oed though a system of report- charged Mr. Fleshelv, ich ham gn amending the state constitution! in- to an army "filter center" in charge of thAndersonalvage campaign when an emergency is declared to I Board of Public Instruction Draws Thomasville, Ga. In addition to the or exist. Instead rocf waiting for the Up Operating Budget For Mayor J. L. Sharit this weekre- post in Port St. oe there are aton, obert Bellows, Horace Sou general election of the ,next year, Ensuing Term ceivd a -telegram from Price Ad- number of other observation p JoeMira, S. C.Pridgeon,Nick Kel- general election of tape next yea, ministrator Leon Henderson stat- n various partsr obse. county, an ley and C. A. Soderberg. Head- people, would permit the legisla- At a meeting of the Gulf county ing that Port St. Joe had been de- wth he exc tio o ot St quarters of the committee will be ture to submit the amendment to board of public instruction held in claimed a defense rental area as Joare fully manned and served at the, St. Joe Motor company. the people by a three-fourths vote Wewathichka last wcek the board part of the war economic program. vol r In addition to scrap iron and of both houses, and then call set September 7 as the opening "This action is taken as an im- h teer steel the materials to be co- But here in Port St. Joe there steel, the materials to be col- special election to be eld within date for county schools for the orant part of the broad ationai aren't enough volunteers to keep leced are brass and other non- six months for its ratification or 1942-43 term. The Christmas vaca- effort to half rising living costs the ne ttn ro e ferrous metals, rubber;, rope and reaction. period will begin December 18, and to assure maximum and most com airplane s particularly on fats. The collGc'tion depot at which 3. Sets up the game and fresh the schools reopening January 4, efficient production .for war pur o serve four hours on the scrap ion and other salvage may 3.water fish commotion as: a perma. 1943. poses," stated the telegram. be left will be at the hSt. Joe Mo- water fish commIision as. a perma- 1943. poses," sated the telegram. (Continued on Page 6) tor company. Fats are to be taken nent constitutional board, giving Bus drivers nam.d by the 'board Mayor Shat will receive de- ----- to mpany. Fats are tobe taen it authority to fix bag limits on or the ensuing term were as fol- tailed instructions by mail as to to your local butcher. (Continued on Page 4) s ows: 'Tommy Williams, Lister's the area includ.d.in the order and MORE OLD RECORDS Mr. Fleishel said that all local S(ConStill to Wewahitchka; Clarence states that full co-operation in 'the WANTED FOR BOYS civic organizations would be calleC IVANNING SMITH WITH Whitfield, Overtstreet to Wewa- matter will be given the OPA by upon to assist in the drive. ENGINEERS AT BELVOIRIhitchka; C. R. Smith, Diamond's this city. The campaign for the collection "An increasing number of boys Pvt. Manning B. Smith of Port Mill to Port ISt. Joe; Roland. Hardy, Undoubtedly the order has been of phonograph records for the use from Port St. Joe and Gulf county St. Joe has reported at Fort Bel-' (Continued on Page 6) issued due to the projects now un- of boys in the .service has not are. seeing active service," he said. voir; Virginia, to begin basic train- (Con tIu d er way at Carrabelle. 'and Apa- brought the desired, results from "We on the home front must see ir; Virginia begin nasic a mm-i OE P T lachicola and the proximity of the the people of iGulf county. The to it that industry shall not lack igi of Company D, 4th Training REGULATE JOOK BOXESI city to Tyndall Field. American Legion reports many the materials needed for ade- r of Company D, 4th Training REGULATErcords received, but the total is (Continued on Page 3) Battalion. Upon completion of the The board of city commissioners stationed At San Dieo far below the quota assigned this ---- course, Private iSmith will be at their meeting Tuesday evening Stationed t San Diego county GASTON DICKENS TAKING eligible for transfer to an en- passed an ordinance prohibiting Billy Wallace, who joined the co those cracked or FIELD OFFICERS COURSE gineering unit. 'the playing of jook organs and mu- Marine Corps a short time ago, is aReords, are valuatbe for thedr Capt. Gaston L. Dicen wlamaoed. are valuable for their Capt. 'Gaston L. Dickuens, 27, son Manning will receive basic train- sic machines within the city now in the Marine Air Corps and salvage value as material for mak- of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Dickens oE ing on land originally surveyed by limits between the hours of 11 p. is stationed at San Diego, Calif. ing new records suitable for the this city is now attending Field Geo. Washington, formerly owned m. and 8 a. m. from Monday to ------ nrpcse inwt nord i Officers Course No. 7 of the Field by his step-daughter, and almost Friday, inclusive, and from mid- Promoted To Private First Class Officials of thO Legion post ask Artillery school at Fort Sill, kla., within the shadow of Mt. Vernon, night Saturday to 8 o'clock Mon. James ,S. Johnson of this city, you to look around and gather according to information .from the the home of Washington, less than day morning, who is stationed at Camp Lompoc. such records now in your home or public relations office at Ft. Sill. three miles away up the Potomac The ordinance goes into effect Calif., has been promoted to pri- place of business. Leave them at Captain Dickens reported to Fort river. Friday, September 4. rate first class. Schneider's store. Si't from Camp Gordon, Ga. Is Greatest Number of New Proposed Changes In H i:.- _r C'L_, I e LS le n T i - THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMITH, Editor En-tered as Second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Florida, under Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Invariably Payable In Advance One Year........$2.00 Six Months......$1.00 Three Months..........65c -.'- Telephone 51 #-- The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; thR printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoiren word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Coun-try Right or Wrong QUOTA SYSTEM WORKS INJUSTICE As far as we can learn, the group of 1-A men in Gulf county has been exhausted. for some time, and in order to fill quotas assigned the local draft board is continually reclassify- ing the men registered to get sufficient to make up the necessary number. This causes confusion, uncertainty and worry to draftees and their families. It isn't the fault of the local board that they have to dig into the deferred lists, be- cause they have to fill the assigned quota, whether or no, and it proceeds to reclassify enough men to do so. As a result, men with a certain degree of dependency are being taken. And all the time other draft boards have more 1-A men than they need. They are young, single and without dependency proo- lems. Yet many of them may wait weeks or months before the quotas assigned to their particular boards cause them to be called. We believe this could be corrected by adopting a system 'of state quotas -.in,_lr .-.lhic all 1-A men would be called up. fr.,'..'ilra.t boar:di which had them before an.. Oth-er; \ouid. be 'diafted. Recent figures indicate ihat tlh. i.- are approximately 9,500,000 single men without dependents on the draft lists of the nation.,Every available man among them should be taken before any reclassification is considered. They expect it-why not call them? SOLVING THE RUBBER PROBLEM The greatest war shortage facing the United States is rubber, but now it begins to look as if something definite and construc- tive is about to be done It is stated that new and faster processes will produce, before the end of 1943, 34,000,- 000 more automobile tires than were ex- pected. Further, synthetic rubber will be bet- ter on the whole than natural rubber, and its cost will not be materially greater. This -doesn't mean that any motorist can afford to "burn up" his rubber on the theory that replacements will soon be available. Mil- itary needs'will absorb most, and perhaps all, the synthetic rubber produced for a long time to come. Rigid conservation of rubber, as a result, remains an absolute necessity, and motorists will do well to follow the order of State Director W. C. Sherman to hold driv- ing speeds down to 40 miles an hour or less. ----" ,- - A senate sub-committee is planning a trip to Alaska to look into onr. defenses there. Perhaps they will be able to dispel the tog that has hampered operations in the Aleutian Islands. If you burn coal, better buy it now-might not be able to get it when winter comes, due to the transportation shortage. A lot of drivers don't know it, but tooting a horn won't make a stalled engine turn over. s- a If you lose time you can never find it. A PETITION TO THE CITY Gents and Kind Sirs: On Thursday of the present week, along in the shank of the eve- ring, your humble petitioner and his tom cat wvas setting out on the front steps not saying a word to. nobody, but waiting for a breeze to come along and fan their fevered brow.-, when a cat belonging to a neighbor came sashaying across to where we was at anc mnde sonic coarse remarks to our cat down in its throat, and our cat got up and frizzled up his fur and told the neighbor cat it was everything it called him and two more on top oi that. A\nd the neighbor cat kept on casting aspirin at our cat until our cat walked over and took a poke at the neighbor cat, clawing cun<-ulh fur off to mnike a small-sized pair- of kitten britches. And the neighbor cat seen he had reckoned without his host, as we editors say, and it lit a shuck and club up a tree in the yard. .\lout this time the party who owns the cat came out on her front porch and says did we run her cat un the tree. And we told her no ma'am we did not. And she says well, our c:it did, which was the same thing. And we told her our cat and us was in two different lines of business altogether, and neither had anything, whatever to do with what the other one done, but if she wanted us to we would sic our cat on her cat and make it jump out of the tree. And she said we'd better not if we know what was a-ood for us, and if we didn't climb up the tree and get her cat down she would have the law on us. And rather than have an argument, we clumb up the tree and said kitty, kitty, to the neighbor car, which acted like it didn't have no sense, but kept on getting farther away every time we clumb up any closer, and finally we got our on a little limb where we didn't have no no- tion. of going, and we told the lady who is proprietor of the cat that the only way we seen to do was to shake it off. And she said we'd better not if we knew what was good for .us. And we told.-her we couldn't spend the balance of our life setting astraddle of a rimb hollering kitty, kitty, kitty, to a pin- headed idjit that wouldn't pay uz no mind, as we was a -molder of public opinion and there .was a whole lot down at the office in an un- molded form that required our attention. And she said, sarcastic like, yes, that that's what she'd heard, and if we didn't get her cat down she would see if there wasn't some law in the land against a person running another person's property up a tree and leaving it there. - And when we seen we couldn't do nothing, we dumb down, and the cat is still uo there and hollers real mournful at night. And what your humble petitioner wants to know is, has the city got any such officer as a Official Cat Getter or something, and would it be asking too much to ask you to do something quick, as matters are rapidly approaching a crisis or a focus, or whatever you call it, and we have to walk two blocks out of the way to keep from being told about what's coming off if don't get that cat down.- Macon Telegraph. An ardent prohibitionist in Tennessee is urging "drys" not to ride on synthetic rubber tires made from grain alcohol, saying: "Fel- low prohibitionists, let us refuse to use this product of an evil industry in any way, shape or form as we have in the past. We had rather walk than ride on tires made of alcohol."' In our opinion he should be whooping it up for more tires made from alcohol, as the more alcohol used for this purpose, the less there will be for making liquors. England has had forced savings for over a year. Canada has just recently put it in the budget. We wouldn't be at all surprised if we didn't have it here soon. ..- People who long for the good old days would hate to read this stuff by a candle.- Bradenton Herald. -W -w 0* C, 3q 0 0 CD 0 CD CD U) Z: 0 )o rmP CD CL CD I tA I ~i.'l klll ' F 'T r-4~., 4 i- m Folks' who believe our dictator ing costs, and OPA has dena- enemies operate with smooth ef- ficiency don't know that the Nazis are. now afraid of a food shortage on the-ir home front. Axis powers are having plenty of trouble in their own back yard. None of the conquered peoples has really been conquered. Nazi short wave' .broadcasts demon- strate that they are badgered ana harassed, by continued resistance, and. now they fear food short- age. The Gestapo has moved in on the German food front to silence complaints from the people, and fighting continues in the "con- quered" Balkans. U. S. Food Prices On our own food front, prices not under OPA control have risen sharply-lamb and roasting chick- .ns are up 10 per cent, apples are now 50 per cent higher than March prices for the fruit. Controlled foods, like beef. veal and pork, have remained, steady. We have no food. shortage. The few things that are hard to get are scarce .because we're sending them to folks who need them worse than we. The dictators ar, taking food away from those who need it more than they, Price Enforcement No uniformed Gestapo is con- trolling inflation over here. It's the people who suffer from high liv- critically put .enforcement squarely up to them. Effective immediately, customers may sue storekeepers who violate the regulations by overcharging them. Retailers who lose such suits will have to pay the customers three times the overcharge or $50 -whichever is greater-plus fees and costs. SProduction Goes Ahead Reports for the first half of 1942 show that we have .doubled and tripled our output of planes and anti-aircraft guns and ships. In view of our losses in the Battle of the Atlantic, the report on in- creas'ed ship production equals news of winning a battle. Insiders are worried over the disappointing flow of scrap metals to 'blast furnaces which can't ob- erate without scrap. Anyone -who knows of a scrap metal pile and doesn't act to see that it gets into production is helping our )enemies. Silver is going to replace scarce copper and scarcer tin in 'engine bearings, solders and electrical In- stallations. For centuries the most treasuneid metal in the world, gold now stands alone as the world's most useTess war metal. But we're not fighting for gold or for the traditional values It represents. We're fighting to pre- serve freedoms far money import- ant to us all. liar I ever -did see lived. IThis I slippery was picking' wild berries The LOW DOW whin a bear took after him, as he from tells it. It was n.p and tuck, with Willis Swanii Ithe bear doing' -the nippin'. BuL P finally he escaz.ed, he said, but not S'til he .reached the ice At this Editor The Star: point a bystantrer thought he had .the gent cornered. How did you Somebody will say he represents ice in July? he escape on the ice in July? he labor-his heart aches for abor- asked. Well, said slippery, the and he gits elected to something. bear took out aftei me in July, Of all the known prevarications u s Decbe tha but is wasn't until Dec mmber that and truth-stretching, there are few oiled him that will surpass this claim of "blees.i'" for labor." Labor has Yos wit ie down, been so busy tendin' to its own JO SERRA. job. it ias paid too little attention - to riddin' itself of the leeches and American Taj Mahal spongers. The Singing Tower at Lake .When some duck rises up on his Wales, Fla., has been called the hind laigs and tells a bold and Taj Mahal of America because of outright untruth ,that he represents its exquisite architecture and set- labor, nobody questions him. And ting. now the sicker Is in the saddle. --- ----- He's gonna be hard to corral and I Permissible production of civilian unseRa Catchin' up with him will footwear in Great Britain this year be as ihard as it was' up in Ten- will approximate 60 million pairs, n-ssee once, where the greatest 50 per cent of the pre-war average. Cl 0. 0 CD FRIDAY, AUGUS-r 7,,1942- THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE TlWO How You Should * Address Letters to W l' Overseas Soldiers *WAR BHUBS The Army's fighter planes are the 'Some Mail Is Returned Because of finest in the world and develop Erroneous or Insufficient speeds up to 400 miles an hour. They cost approximately $100,000 Address each, provide fighter escorts for the huge flying fortresses, and combine Although the army postal serv- ice has delivered .millions of let- ters to American soldiers through- ,out the world, some mail intended for soldiers at overseas stations is being delayed or returned to the Sender because of erroneous or in- sufficient addresses. The following 'instructions are issued by the war department to enable the families and friends of soldiers to address .their letters so that they will be delivered prompt- ly.. :Mail addressed to army per- sonnel serving outside the contin- 'ental limits of the United States should clearly show: 1. The grade, first name, middle initial and last name of the .per- son addressed, followed by his :army serial number, if known. 2. The letter or number of the company, or other similar organiza- tion of which the addressee is a .member. 3. fThe designation of the regi- ment or separate battalion, if any, -to which the company belongs. 4. The army postoffice number 'in care of the appropriate post- .master, for example: Private JoTn J. Doe (Army Serial Number) iCompany H, 315th Infantry ,APO 981, Care Postmaster San Francisco, California The name and address of the .sender should ibe written in the upper left corner of the envelope .and sufficient space should be left 'to allow for a forwarding address. ,It is stressed that location of an ,overseas station should not be -used, and there should. be no ref- erence \in' correspondence which might associate the army .postof- fice (APO) number with the geo- graphical location of the unit. Before a soldier leaves for an overseas station, he will be fur- nished an APO number and in- structions that mail 'be sent in care of the postmaster of-a cer- tain city. This information should be sent by the soldier to his fam- ily and friends so that their mail will reach him with the least pos- sible delay. If the APO number does not ap- pear on a letter, it is necessary to check the number and organi- zation, causing considerable delay. Mail addressed to army person- nel at posits, camps or stations within the continental limits of the United States should show the same 'information as prescribed for units outside the continental U. S. except that postoffice address of the post camp or station should be use d, preceded in appropriate cases by the APO number if ap- plicable. Mail addressed to army person- nel on maneuvers within the con- tinental U. S. should show the same information as prescribed for -outside the continental U. S. Prior to beginning of maneuvers, the postoffice department, with the concurrence 'of the army, will designate the postmaster in whose care, mail for personnel involve'- will tbe addressed. Soldiers are advised to inform relatives and friends of the correct method of addressing their mail. First Pro Baseball Player Alfred J. Reach of Brooklyn was the first professional baseball player, being engaged to play for the Philadelphia Athletics in 1867. The first complete professional team was the famous Cincinnati Red Stockings of 1869, ten men drawing $9500. Males under 18 year' in Ger- many are not entitled to smokers'I ration cards and women over .35 may obtain half rations. speed, range, altitude and blistering fire power. America's plane production plants are working over-time turning out thousands of these fighter planes. War Savings Bonds will help pay for them and the American people are committed to at least ten per- cent of their income to finance their cost in War Bonds. Every Ameri- can, buying his share every pay day, will make it comparatively easy to supply our army and navy air corps with these supreme Eagles of the air. FLORIDIANS TO VOTE ON NINE AMENDMENTS (Continuedc From Page 1) game, set open and closed seasons "on a state-wide, regional or local basis," acquire hatcheries, sanctu- aries, etc., and in general to. ex- ercise control over hunting and fresh water fishing. 4. Provides for the nomination and election of circuit judges just as other county and state officials are elected. At thia present time circuit judges are. nominated in the primaries and appointed by the governor for terms of six years. The governor is not legally bound .to appoint the judge nomi- nated' by the voters, though cus- tomarily he follows the nomina- tion choice. If adopted, this amend- ment will become effective with the primary and general elections in 1948, and all judges will take office in January, 1949. All terms of office of judges will expire and new terms start in January, 1949 5. Provides that the legislature may vest in the state board of conservation "authority to make needed for War In the attics and cellars of promptly, the full rate of production homes, in garages, tool sheds, cannot be attained or increased; the and on farms, is a lot of Junk necessary tanks, guns, and ships cannot and on farms, is a lot of Junk be produced. which is doing no good where it The rubber situation is also critical. In is, but which is needed at once to spite of the recent rubber drive, there is help smash the Japs and Nazis. a continuing need for large quantities of scrap rubber. Also for other waste mate- rials and metals like brass, copper, zinc, Scrap iron and steel, for example. Old lead, and metals like brass copper zinc radiao.rs. 'l* thq rn *ne j e,1) rr; U lead, and tin. I-aulaturs, ienguns lo pipe, reingerators, garbage pails, broken garden tools... It may be rusty, old "scrap" to you, but it is actually refined steel, with mcst impurities removed-and can be quickly melted with new metal in the form of pig iron to produce highest quality steel for our war machines. Even in peacetime our Nation relied on scrap to provide about 50% of the raw material for steel. Now production of steel has gone up, up, UP, until. today America is turning out as much steel as all the rest of the world com- bined. But unless at least 6,000,000 addi- tional tone of scrap steel is uncovered America, needs your active assistance in rounding up these materials. The Junk which you collect is bought by industry from scrap dealers at estab- lished, government-controlled prices. Willyou help? First-collect all your waste material and pile it up. Then-sell it to a Junk dealer, give it to a charity, take it yourself to the nearest collection point, or get in touch with your Local Salvage Committee. If you live on a farm, consult your County War Board or your farm im- plement dealer. Throw YOUR scrap into the fight! This message approved by Conservation Division WAR PRODUCTION BOARD 7is advertisement paid for by the American Industries Salvage Committee (rgpreseiing and with fuds provided by groups of leading industrial concerns.) LOCAL SALVAGE COMMITTEE PHONE: 37 Port St. Joe Marc Fleishel, Chairman W. O. Anderson Robert 'Bellows Horace Soule Joe Mira S. C. Pridgeon JUNK MAKES FIGHTING WEAPONS ,' One old radiator will provide scrap steel need- ed for seventeen .30 calibre rifles. One old lawn mower will help make six 3-inch shells. One useless old tire will pro- vide as much V : rubber as i used in 12 gas '11 masks. One old shovel will help Make 4 hand grenades. MATERIALS NEEDED Scrap iron and steel. Other metals of all kinds. Old rubber. Rags, Manila rope, burlap bags. Waste Cooking Fats-strain into a large tin can and when you get a pound or more, sell to your meat dealer. * NEEDED ONLY IN CERTAIN LOCALITIES: Waste paper and tin cans, as announced locally. NOT NEEDEDat this time: Razor blades-glass. C. A. Soderberg Nick Kelley M-rs. B. E. Parker, Wewahitchka and establish 'rules and regula- tions without regard -to uniformity of application, relating to the con- servation of salt water fish and salt water products." If power is granted 'by legislative enactment, following adoption of this amend- ment, the conservation commis- sion will be empowered to control closed .seasons and other matters relating to commercial and sports fishing in salt water. 6. Provides for the creation of two new state 'senatorial districts, giving West Florida an additional senator and Southeast Florida one senator, increasing the total num- ber from 38 to 40 state senators. Gulf andi Calhoun counties would be .the 40th senatorial district and Broward county, on the lower east coast, would 'be the 39th. This amendment is understood to have been proposed as a means of get- ting around the constitutional re- quirement for reapportionment of legislative representation at regu- lar intervals. 7. Provides for redistricting the county commissioner districts of Dade county. 8. Provides for garnishment of "not more than 25% of such sal- ary, wages and income'' of the head of a family on incomes in excess of $25 a week. ,'9 Provides for exemption from taxation of property of corpora- tions when at least one-fourth thereof is used for "religious, scientific, municipal, educational, literary, fraternal or charitable purposes." Intensive campaigns ftor and against the ratification of various ones of the amendments are said to be planned ito familiarize the voters with their provisions. ------3G----- Humming Sand Hill In the 'Peninsula 'of Sinai, on the eastern shore of the Redl Sea, is the famed Jebel Nakus, or Hill of the Bell. This musical sand hill gives out a sound like that of a humming top, rising and falling with undulations. I""~ it'siis U _men to b- thrifty. If you save you are thrifty. War Bonds help you to save and help to save America. Buy your ten per cent every pay day. !FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1942 TKE STARI, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDAA PAne 7WROe E 'PAGE-------- FOUR------ THE- STAR PORT----- ST.- JOE GUL CONY FLRD AGS ,14 DRIVE STARTS HERE them. what equipment she has that !as pipe or heating equipment in the "Please get out this scrap rs FOR 60 TONS OF SCRAP "Every housewife can play an ourtilved its usefulness. An old iron garage, unused wire clothes hang- Port St. Joe-and get in tMl -important part in this drive. She p't or a knife in the kitchen, the ers in a closet-these are a few or scrap." (Continued From Page 1) should cafid~ay inspect all of her ste.] springs of an old upholstere'a the itr.ms that will provide pounds ------- quately arming and equipping house furnishings-to find out '~-air in the attic, some discarded and pounds of scrap. It pays to advertise-try it! NOTICE OF ELECTION WHEREAS, The Legislature of 1941, -under the Constitution of 1885, of the "State of Florida, did pass 9 Joint Resolutions proposing amendments to -the Constitution of the State of Flor- 'ida. and the same were agreed to by .a vote 'of three-fifths of all the mem- bers elected to each house; that the 'votes on said Joint Resolutions were 'entered upon their respective Journals, with the yeas and nays thereon, and they did determine and direct that the said Joint Resolutions be sub- mitted to the electors of the State at the General Election in November. 1942. NOW. THEREFORE, L R. A. GRAY, Secretary of State of the ^-tate of Florida, do hereby give notice that a GENERAL ELECTION ,will be held in each county in Florida on Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November. A. D. 1942. the said Tuesday being the THIRD DAY OF NOVEMBER -for the ratification 'or rejection of the said Joint Resolutions proposing amendments to the Constitution of the State of Florida, viz: A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to Article Five of the Constitution of Florida by Adding Thereto an Additional Section Relat- Ing to the Election of Circuit Judges BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: That Article 5 of the Constitution of -the State of Florida be amended by adding thereto an additional Section to be known as Section 46 of said 'Article relating to the Election of Cir- 'cuit Judges be, and the same is hereby agreed to and shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Florida for ratification or rejection at the CGeneral Election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday 'An November. 1942, as follows: '""Section 46. Circuit Judges shall hereafter be elected by the qualified -electors of their respective judicial 'circuits as other State and County ,officials are elected. The first election of Circuit Judges shall be held at the General Election 'in 1948 to take office on the first Tuesday after the first Mo day in January, 1949, for a term of six years. The terms of all such offices as they shall severally exist at the time of adoption of this Amendment shall be !and they are hereby extended to ter- minate on the first Tuesday after the 'first Monday in January 1949." 'Approved by the Governor. June 12, 1941. Filed in office of Secretary of State, une 13, 1941. -A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing -an Amendment to Article IX of the Constitution of the State of Florida Relating to Taxation and Finance, by Adding Thereto an Additional Section Creating a State Board of Adminis- tration: Prescribing its Powers and "Duties, and Providing for the use of Proceeds :of TW6 Cents per Gallon of -the Gasoline or Other Motor Fuel Tax for (1) the Payment and Retirement of All Outstanding Bonds Issued By Any County or Special Road and SBridge District Prior to First Day of July, A. D. 1931, for Road and Bridge 'Purposes, and for (2) Public Highway Purposes. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- _LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: That the following amendment to Article IX of the Constitution of the -State of Florida relating to Taxation .and Finance by adding thereto an ad- Sditional section to be known as Sec- "tion 16 of said Article IX creating a State Board of Administration; pre- -scribing its powers and duties, and ,providing for the use of the proceeds of two cents per gallon of the gasoline or other motor fuel tax for (1) the ,payment and retirement of all out- standing bonds issued by any county mor special road and bridge district lprlor to the First Day of July, A. D. '1931. for road and bridge purposes, ,and for (2) public highway purposes. is hereby agreed to and shall be sub- -mitted to the electors of the State of "Florida for ratification or rejection at Sthe next General Election to be held in 1942. as follows: "Section 16 (a). That beginning 'January 1st. 1943, and for fifty (50) ,years thereafter, the proceeds of two (2c). cents per gallon of the total tax .levied by the State law upon gasoline and other like products of petroleum, lnow known as the Second Gas Tax, .and upon other fuels used to propel motor vehicles, shall as collected be -placed monthly in the 'State Roads 'Distribution Fund' in the State Treas- ury and divided into three (3) equal parts which shall be distributed -monthly among the several counties as follows: One part according to area, one part -according to population, and one part ,according to the counties' contribu- tions to the cost of State road con- struction in the ratio of distribution as provided in Chapter 15659. Laws of Florida. Acts of 1931. and for the pur- poses of the apportionment based on the counties' contributions for the cost of State road construction, the amount of the contributions estab- lished by the certificates made in 1931 pursuant to said Chapter 15659. shall be taken and deemed conclusive in 'computing the monthly amounts dis- tributable n cording to said contribu- tions. Surh funds so distributed shall be administered by the State Board of Adntni'- -1'nrn a hereinafter Pro- Svided (b) Ir'h Governor as Chairman. the State rrensirer and the State Comp- Stroller -hall constitute a body cor- norate to be known as the 'State Board oi Administration.' which Board shall succeed to all the power. control and authority of the statutory Board If Admin-sti'tion. Said Board shall have. in '-iitlon to such powers as may be cr" ferred upon it by law. the marsseme'--. control and supervision If the proceeds of said two (2c) cents 'of said taxes and all moneys and other 5.cssts which on the effective date of "this amendment are aDplicable or may 1'ecomp applicable to the bonds of the severall counties of this State. or any 'ecrila! ro-d and bridge district, or -ther special taxing district thereof. "'-ned prior to Jnlv 1st. 1931. for road ",d bridge purposes. The word '"-"c" as used herein shall Include r- rr'n*a nntpe ni either forms 'of indebtedness issued for road and bridge purposes by any county or, special road and bridge district or other special taxing district, out- standing on July 1st, 1931, or any re- funding issues thereof. Said Board shall have the Statutory powers of Boards of County Commissioners and Bond Trustees and of any other Authority of special road and bridge districts, and other special taxing dis- tricts thereof with regard to said bonds, (except that the power to levy ad valorem taxes is expressly withheld, from said board) and shall take over,' all papers, documents and records, concerning the same. Said BoardD shall have the power from time to' time to issue refunding bonds to ma-i' ture within the said fifty (50) year' period, for any of said outstanding! bonds or interest thereon, and tos- cure them by a -pledge of anticipated receipts from such gasoline' or other fuel taxes to be distributed to such, county as herein provided, but noti at a greater rate of interest than said bonds now bear; and to issue, sell orl exchange on behalf of any county or' unit for the sole purpose of retiring. said bonds issued by such county,' or: special road and bridge district, or, other special taxing district thereof, gasoline or other fuel tax anticipation certificates bearing interest at noti more than three (3) per cent per an- num in such denominations and ma- turing at such time within the fifty (50) year period as the Board may determine. In addition to exercising the powers now provided by statute for the investment of sinking funds, said Board may use the sinking funds created for said bonds of any county or special road and bridge district, or other unit hereunder, to purchase the matured or maturing bonds partici- pating herein of any other county or other special road and bridge district, or other special taxing district there-, of, provided that as to said matured! boids, the value thereof as an invest- ment shall be the price paid therefore, which shall not exceed the par value. plus accrued interest, and that said investment shall bear interest at their rate of three (3) per cent per annum. ' (c). The said Board shall annually, use said funds in each 'county ac- count, first, to pay current principal and interest maturing, if any, of Saidi bonds and gasoline or other fuel tax anticipation certificates of such coun- ty or special road and bridge dis- trict, or other special taxing district thereof: second, to estab- lish a sinking funr account to meet future requirements of said bonds and gasoline or other fuel tax anticipation certificates where it appears the an- ticipated income for any year or years will not equal scheduled payments thereon; and third, any remaining bal- ance out of the proceeds of said two (2c) cents of said taxes shall monthly during the year be remitted by said board as follows: Eighty (80%) per cent to the State Road Department for, the construction or reconstruction of State Roads and bridges within the county, or for the lease or purchase of bridges connecting State highways within the County, and twenty (20%)| per cent to the Board of County Com-i missioners of such county for use onj roads and bridges therein. (d). Said Board shall have thel power to make and enforce .all rules and regulations necessary to the full! exercise of the powers hereby granted and no legislation shall be requiredtO render this amendment of full for and operating effect from and fter January 1st, 1943. The Legislature shall continue the levies of said taxes during the life of this Amendment, and shall not enact any law having the effect of withdrawing the proceeds of said two (2c) cents of said taxes from the operation of this amend- ment. The Board shall pay refunding expenses and other expenses for serv- ices rendered specifically for, or which are properly chargeable to, the account of any county from funds distributed to such county; but general expenses of the Board for services rendered all the counties alike shall be prorated among them and paid out of said funds on the same basis said tax pro- ceeds are distributed among the sev- eral counties; provided, report of said expenses shall be made to each Regular Session of the Legislature,. and the Legislature may limit the ex- penses of the Board." Approved by the Governor. May 13.' 1941. Filed in office Secty of State, Mayi 13. 1941. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of the State of Florida to be known as Section 3 of Article XVI, Relating to Amendments. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: That the following Amendment, to be known as Section 3 of Article XVII of the present Constitution be and the same Is hereby agreed to shall be submitted to the electors of the State at the general election of Representa- tives to be held in the year A. D. 1942,! to-wit: Section 3. If at any regular or spe- cial or extra session, the Legislature, by vote of three-fourths of all mem- bers elected to each House, shall de- termine that an emergency requiring an early decision by the electors of the State exists, an amendment to this Constitution dealing with the subject matter of such emergency may be pro- posed, and if the proposed Amendment be agreed to by a three-fourths vote of all the members elected to each House. the same shall be entered upon their respective journals with the yeas and nays thereon. Thereupon, at the same session, the Legislature shall pro- vide for a special election to be held not less than ninety nor more than one hundred eighty days after ad- journment and for publication of notice thereof, at which special elec- tion the proposed Amendment shall be submitted to the electors of the State for approval or rejection; provided, that if a general election of Represen- tatives is to occur within said period, such Amendment shall be submitted to the electors at such general elec- tion. If a majority of the electors voting upon the proposed Amendment shall adopt the Amendment, the same shall become a part of this Constitution. "his Amendment shall not be held to supersede or in anywise affect any existing provision oI tne Constitution relating to Amendments, but shall be regarded as an additional method Amendment thereto. Approved by the Governor. May 5, 1941. Filed In office Secty of State. May a. 1941 A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to Article Sixteen of the Constitution of Florida, by adding thereto an additional Section Permit- ting the Legislature to vest the Powers of making Rules and Regulations Re- lating to the Conservation of Salt Water Fish and Salt Water Products in a Board or Commission. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: That Article Sixteen of the Consti- tution of the State of Florida be amended by adding thereto an addi- tional Section to be known as Section 32 of said Article 16. authorizing the Legislature to vest the power of mak- ing rules and regulations relating' to conservation of salt water fish and salt water products in a board or com- mission, be and the same is hereby agreed to, and shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Florida for ratification or rejection at the General Election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1942, as follows: "Section 32. The Legislature may vest in such Board or Cohmission. now created or that may be created by it, authority to make and establish rules and regulations without regard to uniformity of application, relating to the conservation of salt water fish and salt water products." Approved by the Governor. June 12, 1941. ' Filed in office Secretary of State, June 12. 1941. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to Article 7, Section 3, of the Constitution of the State of Florida, Relative to Census and Ap- portionment, by Amending Section 3. of said Article so as to Designate Broward County as a Senatorial Dis- trict and designate Calhoun County and Gulf County as a Senatorial Dis- trict. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: That the following amendment to Section 3 of Article 7 of the Con- stitution of the State of Florida, rela- tive to Census and apportionment. designating Broward County as the thirty-ninth (39) Senatorial District, and Calhoun County and Gulf County as the fortieth (40) Senatorial District, be and the same is hereby agreed to, and shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Florida for ratification or rejection at the General Election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. 1942. as follows: Section 3. The Legislature that shall meet in regular session A. D. 1925 and those that shall meet every ten years thereafter, shall apportion the repre- sentation in the Senate. and shall provide for forty (40) Senatorial Dis- tricts, such Districts to be as nearly equal in population as practicable. but no County shall be divided in making such apportionment, and each District shall have one Senator; provided that Broward County, Flor- ida, shall constitute the Thirty-ninth (39th) Senatorial District, and Cal- houn County. Florida and Gulf Coun- ty, Florida, shall constitute the For- tieth (40) Senatorial Distiict; and at the same time the Legislature shall also apportion the representation in the House of Representatives, and shall allow three (3) Representatives to each of the five most populous counties, and two (2) Representatives to each of the next eighteen more populous counties, and one Represen- tative to each of the remaining coun- ties of the State at the time of such apportionment. Should the Legislature fail to apportion the representation in the Senate and in the House of Rep- resentatives, at any regular session of the Legislature at any of the times herein designated, it shall be the duty of the Legislature or Legislatures suc- ceeding such regular session of the Legislature, either in Sdecial or Regu- lar session, to apportion the repre- sentation in the Senate and in the House of Representatives, as herein provided. The preceding regular Fed- eral or regular State Census, which- ever shall have been taken nearest any apportionment 'of Representatives in the Senate and in the House, of Representatives, shall control in mak- ing such apportionment. In the event the Legislature shall fail to reappor- tion the representation In the Legis- lature as required by this amendment, the Governor shall (within thirty days after the adjournment of the regular session) call the Legislature together in extraordinary session to consider the question of reapportionment and such extraordinary session of the Leg- islature is hereby mandatorily required to reapportion the representation as required by this amendment before its adjournment (and such extraordi- nary session so called for reapportion- ment shall not b limited to expire at the end of twenty days or at all, until reapportionment Is effected, and shall consider no business other than such reapportionment.) Approved by the Governor, June 7, 1941. Filed in office of Secretary of State, June 9, 1941. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to Article IV of the Constitution of the State of Florida Relative to the Executive Department, by Adding thereto an Additional Sec- tion to Create a Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: That the following Amendment to Article IV of the Constitution of the State of Florida relative to the Execu- tive Department .by adding thereto an additional Section to be known as Section 30 of said Artidle IV, creating a Game and Fresh Water Fish Com- mission be and the same is hereby agreed to and shall be submitted to the Electors of the State of Florida for ratification or rejection at' the General Election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday In November 1942, as follows: Section 30. 1. F om and after Jan- uary 1. 1943, the management, restora- tlon conservation and regulation, ot the birds, game, fur bearing animals. and fresh water fish. of the State ot Florida. and the acquisition, establish- ment, control, and management. ot hatcheries, sanctuaries, refuges., reser- vations, and all other property now or hereafter owned or used for such purposes by the State of Florida, shall be vested in a Commission to be known as the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission. Such Commission shall consist of five members, one from each congressional district, as existing on January 1, 1941. who shall be appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by the Senate The members so appointed call annually select one of. their members as Chair- man of the Commission 2. The first members o. the Com- mission snall be appointed on Janu- ary 1. 1943 and shall serve respectively for one, two. three, four and five years. At the expiration ot each of such terms, a successor shall be ap- pointed to serve for a term of five years. 3. The members of the Commission shall receive no compensation for their services %S such, but each Commis- sioner shall receive his necessary trav- eling or other expenses incurred while engaged in the discharge of his Of- ficial duties, but such shall not ex- ceed the sum of $600.00 in any one year. 4. Among the powers granted to the Commission by this Section shall be the power to fix bag limits and to fix open and closed seasons, on a state- wide, regional or local basis, as it may find to be appropriate, and to regulate the manner and method of taking. transporting, storing and using birds, game, fur bearing animals, fresh water fish, reptiles and amphibians. The Commission shall also have the power to acquire by purchase, gift. all prop- erty necessary, useful or convenient for the use of the Commission in the exercise of its powers hereunder. 5. The Commission shall appoint, fix the salary of, and at pleasure re- move, a suitable person, as DIrector. and such Director shall have such powers and duties as may be describedd by the Commission in pursuance of its duties under this Section. Such Director shall, subject to the approval of the Commission, appoint, fix the salaries of. and at pleasure remove, assistants, and other employees who shall have such powers and duties as may be assigned to them by the Com- mission or the Director. No Commis- sioner shall be eligible for any such appointment or employment. 6. The funds resulting from the operation of the Commission and from the administration of the laws and regulations pertaining to birds, game, fur bearing animals, fresh water fish, reptiles and amphibians. together with any other funds specifically provided for such purpose shall constitute the State Game Fund and shall be used by the Commission as It shall deem fit in carrying out the provisions hereof and for no other Durposes. The Commission may not obligate itself beyond the current resources of the State Game Fund unless specifically so authorized by the Legislature. 7. The Legislature mav enact any laws In aid of. but not inconsistent with, the provisions of this amend- ment and all existing laws Inconsist- ent herewith shall no longer remain in force and effect. All laws fixing penalties for the violation of the pro- visions of this amendment and all laws Imposing license taxes, shall be en- acted by the Legislature from time to time. Approved by the Governor. May 5. 1941. miled in office Secty of State, Mav 5. 1941. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida, Relating to County and Municipal Governments. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGIS- LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: That the following amendment to Ar- ticle VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida relating to County and Municipal Governments, to be numbered Seciton 11 of said Article VIII, be and the same is hereby agreed to and shall be submitted to the elec- tors of the State for ratification or rejection at the next general election to be held in November, 1942, to-wit: Section 11. The County Commis- sioners of Dade County who shall be elected at the general election in 1942 shall Immediately after the beginning of their terms of office, redistrict Dade County into five County Com- missioners' Districts to be numbered by the said .Commissioners from one to five respectively, and delineate the boundaries of such Districts in such manner as to include within the re- spective Districts territory as follows: One of the said Commissioners' Dis- tricts shall comprise the territory which was on the 1st day of Aoril. 1941, embraced within Election Pre- cincts numbered 24 to 32. inclusive, and also such parts of Election Pre- cincts numbered 10, 56, 60 and 61 as lie east of the western shore of BIs- cayne Bay, all as established by a reso- lution of the County Commissioners of said County adopted November 14, 1939, designated as Resolution No. 1077' Another of the said Districts shall comprise the territory, and only the territory, which was on the 1st day of April, 1941, embraced in Commis- sioners' District No. 4 and Commis- sioners' District No. 5, as described in Book "P" of the Minutes of the Coun- ty Commissioners of said County. at page 194 et seq.; Another of the' said Commissioners' Districts shall comprise the territory which was on the first day of April 1941, embraced In Commissioners' DIs- trict No. 1, as described In Book "" of the minutes of the County Com- missioners of said County, at page 194 et seq., and also all the territory which was on the first day of April, 1941, embraced in Election Precincts num- bered 75 to 82, inclusive, as estab- lished by the aforesaid Resolution No. 1077: I. Another of the said Districts shall comprise the territory which was on the 1st .day of April, 1941, embraced In Commissioners' District No. 3, as describe In Book "F" of the Minutes of the County Commissioners of said County, at Mae 194 et seq except the territory embraced in the arorc said Election Precincts numbered 75 to 82. inclusive, and 28 to 32. inclusive. and except uch Darts of Ellcti'n Pre- cincts numbered 56 60 and 61 us lie east of the western Shore or Biscavne Bay. Another oI tne saia Commissionern Districts snail comprise the terrriqry which was on the st day o0 April 1941, embraced in Commissioners Dis- trict No 2 as described in Boo. 'F' of the Minutes of the County Com- missioners of said County at pafie 194 et seq. except the territory embraced in the aforesaid .Election Precincts numbered 24 and 25. and such part of Election Precinct number 10 as lies east of the western shore nf Biscavne Bay The County Commissioners whc shall be elected in Dade County at the general election in 1942 shall hold of- fice for the term of two years for which they shall have been elected and their terms of office shall no' be affected by this amendment: ov' thereafter there shall be in each G! the Districts established by. and I. pursuance of, this amendment County Commissioner who shall res:.- in his Distlict but who shall be nr~"- nated and elected from the County & Large Every County Commission-r of Dade County who shall be el'"-cd a, the general election in 1944 and.! ,.;ire after shall hold office for a t"r.rn o four years The powers. duti:.~ i.nd compensation of such County Cc'.o- missioners shall be as from time tr time provided by law. Approved by the Go'?ernor. Mav 22 1941 Filed in office Sectv of( t n- 28. 1941. A JOINT RESOLUTION Pro:c- i. an Amendment to Section 1. of Artic:. X of the Constitution of F 'l-ida. .Ze lating to Homestead and E:'"n'm:!* so as to Permit the Wages. .iia:-y or Income from any source W'.tsrever Due to any Person the Ifehd of 'e.nm. ily as Provided Therein. to be the Subject of Garnishment to Ithe Ex- tent of not more than 25% thereot in the Courts of this State, as May be Provided by Law. for the Pavmen' o! any Obligations Arising by Express or Implied Contract Subsequent to the Adoption of this Amendment: and Further Providing Exemptions theretr in Cases of Income of Less than Twenty-five Dollars per Week Except as to Necessities of Life as May v Defined oy the Legislature. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA That the following amendment to Sec- tion 1. Article X of the Constitution of Florida. authorizing the garnish- ment of any wages, salary or income due any person who Is the head of a family, as provided therein. to the ex- tent of 25% thereof, be. and the same is hereby agreed to and shall be sub- mitted to the electors of the State in. the General Election of Representa- tives in 1942 for their approval or re- jection; that is to say. that Section 1 of Article X be amended by adding thereto the following Section: Section 1-A. That the salary wages and income from any Source whatsoever due and owing, or to be- come due and owing to any person who is the head of a family residing in this State. shall be the subject of garnishment in the courts of this State as may be provided by law. to the extent of not more than 25% of such salary, wages and income. for the payment of any obligations arising by express or implied contract sub- sequent to the adoption of this amendment. provided, however, that the Legislature shall not extend the right of garnishment as herein pro- vided where the salary Is $25.00 or less "ar week except to necessities of life -s may from time to time be defined by the Legislature. Approved by the Governor. June 11 1941 Filed in office Secty of State. June 11. 1941. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing the Amendment of Section 16 of Ar- ticle XVI of the Constitution of Flor- ida, Relating to Taxation of Property of Corporations, with Certain Exemp- tions for Religious, Scientific, Munici- pal, Educational. Literary, Fraternal or Charitable Purposes. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS- LATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: Section 1. That the following amendment to Section 16, of Article XVI of the Constitution of the State of Florida. relatingto t taxation of the property of corporations, with certain exemptions for religious, scientific, mu- nicipal, educational, literary, fraternal or charitable purposes, be, and the same is hereby agreed to, and shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Florida, for ratification or rejection, at the next general election to be held In 1942: that Is to say that the said Section 16 of Article XVI of the Constitution of the State of Flor- ida be amended so as to read as follows: "Section 16. The property of all corporations, except the property of a corporation which shall construct a ship or barge canal across the penin- sula of Florida, if the Legislature should so enact, whether heretofore or hereafter incorporated, shall be sub- ject to taxation, unless such property be held and used to the extent of at least one-fourth thereof, for religious. scientific, municipal, educational, lit- erary, fraternal or charitable pur- poses." Provided however, this amend- ment shall not affect the provisions of Sections 12 and 14 of Article IX of the Constitution of Florida. Approved by the Governor, June 11. 1941. Filed in office Secretary of State. June 11, 1941. The votes cast in compliance with said proposed amendments, and the cavnass, declarations and returns thereof, shall be subjected to the same regulations and restrictions as are pro- vided by law for general elections in the State of Florida. IM TESTIMONY WHERBOP, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Florida, at Tal- SEAL lahassee, the Capital, this the 1st day of August, A. D11942. S R. A. GRAY. -;,i' Secretary of State. THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, AUGUST 7,`1942 'PAGE FOUR SA S 7 Robert Bellows Jr., left yester- day for a three weeks' visit with relatives in Washington, D. C. Society Personals Churches PHONE 51 MRS. W. S. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 DR. C. L. REICHERTER REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST: EYES EXAMINED--GLASSES FITTED Ritz Theatre Building First Floor PANAMA CITY, FLA. S- - They so ) 1lp ;, up red 1 .:t; .. , BE PREPARED for anything by keeping a full line of home medical needs on hand. LeHARDY PHARMACY BLACKOUT TORCHES $]39 with 3 color discs...... . .Tv-T T T -- ' ROOM AND, BOARD- BY THE 58.00 WEEK .] M * Dining Rooma Open to the Publit Club Breakfast, 6 to 9....260c Lunch, 12 to 2...........40C Dinner, 6 to 8 ...........40c MRS. M. O. FREEMAN Corner Reid Ave. and 3rd St. Griffin Grocery Building DEGREE CONFERRED ON TWO BY EASTERN STAR At a special call meeting of the Order of Eastern Star held Tues- day. evening in the Masonic hal] -et t'e order of Worthy Matron Lovi. Coburn, two new members, the Misses Lillian Johnson and Ma-gie Kirkland, were initiated into the order. Following closing 'of the cha'ner: refreshments were served to about twenty m0 mbers and visitors. Next Tuesday night is the regnu- lar meeting night of the local chapter and all members and. visi- tors are urged to be present. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Born, Thursday, July 30, to ?r. and Mrs. WV. C. Williams, a 9- pondl son. The young maln has been named. Edward Hardy. Born, Friday, July 31, to Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Spicer, a son.- Miss Josephine Grimsley re- turned Sunday from a two weeks' visit in Cincinnati, Ohio. She was ....... ~.~ '~i horn'?, by her aunt. Miss Jamie Gilder, who will spend :some time here with the Grims- ley family. SMr. and 'Mrs. Austin Huggins had as their guest over the week- end th'e former's father, G. .W. Huggins of Andalusia, Aal. j* * -: ... .' t -','r. Ome'" Tranch have returned to the city and Mr. Branch is again employed at the St. Joe. Paper company. 7 1 . Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Thompson Jr., of Thomasville, Ga., were the weekend. guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Culnepper. DR. JC. COE --DENTIST - Office Hours: 9 to 12; 1 to 5 Sunday By Appoiritment Costin Bldg. Port St. Joe PLAYING CARDS TWIN DEEK5, EACH IMPRINTE WITH A DIFFERENT NAME The newest. smartest sensation of the year-two decks of deluxe quality playing cards, each imprinted with a different name,. and packaged in a handsome gift box! You can have any two name-- even odd nicki.cnes--if : Ju wish. Come into our office, or send your order by c.-:i. u;ir.n the coupon below.- THE STAR-Po-t St. Joe, Fl-. Enclosed is $1.50 to pay for two decks, of imprinted playing cards. The names to appear on each deck are and Ship the cards to: NAMW ADDBPF1 CITY STATE. . BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES BAPTIST W. M. U. MEETS S R. F. Hallford, Pastor AT CHURCH MONDAY 9:45 a. m.-Sunday School. The Woman's Missionary Union 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship, of the Baptist church met at the Sermontopic: "Abounding Iniquity church Monday afternoon for its Freezes Christian Love." regular business meeting, with 7:00 p. m.-B. T. U. Mrs. WV. H. I-owell presiding. 8:00 p. in.-Evening worship. The meeting was Dop)uld wiLh Sermon topic: "You Either H.ave song followed with the devotional or You Have Not." given by MrqS. I-owell. Following W the usual business, reports of com- METHODIST CHURCH mitt.e chairmen and the treas- Rev. O. D. Langston, Pastor uror's report, tihe Auxiliary coun. 9:45 a. m.-Church school, selors submitted their reports and 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. the three circles also presented! 7:15 p. m.-Youth Fellowship, reports of activities. 8:00 p. m.-Evening worhip. A nominating committee wa'- The Woman's society meets a ppoi:' tcd at this time mtad up of Monday at 3 p. mn. Mrs. L. E. Voss, 'Mrs. Charl's Ac- First Tue.sday after first Sunday, Celllan and iMrs. Nick Kelley. official board meeting. I1, c :1 PnS i was closed with RWednesday, 8 p. m., prayer and a so:ng and si.-teuce. prayers. Bible sludy. Choir practice. : ' A r: METHODIST YOUTH 3APTIST ADULT UNION FELLOWSHIP NOTES HOLDS SOCIAL AT CHURCH During the business session 'of Mmribers of the Baptist Adult the Methodist Youth Fellowship Union gathered at the church last last Sunday night the matter of the Friday evening for a mianst enjoy- coat-hanger drive was discussed ible program under the direction and every member was requested of Mrs. WV. J. Daughtry. to turn in all hangers possible. A short devotional and prayer which will be sold to raise mone:- were given by Rev. R. F. Hallford for the treasury. following which Mrs. C. M. Palmer The regular council mes'in- gave, a talk on "What the Training,which was to have been held Moi. ITnion Means to the Church," and day evening has been postponed a welcome was extended to th: until next Monday evening, and it visitors present by Mrs. n'aughtry. is hoped that all officers will b Clames and contests were en- present as a new sponsor will be joyed, songs sung and, refresh- selected at that time. ments served. Mrs. O. D. Langston has beer! Q bringing song books to the meet- The Misses Betty Sue MMcPhau! !ings and songs will be practice:! and Maxie Gem Brown left Friday !in an effort to form a young peo- p e's car. ofr yugp for Jacksonville to visit with the former's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson. Mrs. D. C. Mahon, who has' been visiting in W-st Virginia for some time, returned to this city Sunday and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Patton. Mrs. Charles M.cNair arrived in 'he city Sunday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ferrell. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Chatham have as their guests the former's father and sister, W. O. Chatham and 1irs. Edward Hooks 'of Laurel, Miss. Mrs. M. -P. Tomlinson left this weck to spend her vacation in Savannah. Ga., with her brother- in-law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Burns. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ferrell have is their guest the former's brother. R. T. Ferrell of Kansas Oity, Kan.. who arrived Monday. pie's choir. rWord was received this week from Billy Wallace, ex-chairman o, the recreation committee, who Is now with the Marine Corps at San Diego, Calif. Bill was very active in our league during the time he was an officer, and we want all members to write him. The pres!- dent will gladly give his address to any members desiring to write. "Dumpy" 'Gibson will be in charge of the worship program at 7:15 p. m. next Sunday and it is hoped there will be a big crowd mn hand'. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Simpson re- irned Sunday night from a week- 'nd visit in Bainbridge, Ga. They vere accompanied home by their "wo children. Myrtle and, Tommy. who had besn visiting in the Geor ia city with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McKinnoim visited with relatives Sunday ii Chattahoochee. Mr:. and Mrs. J. D. Teal and son Billie left this week 'for a vacation to be epent in Alabama. NOTICE Midsummer Clearance SALE IS NOW GOING ON WITH DRASTIC REDUCTIONS At Panama City's Leading Store A ADORABLE A MARTIN THEATRE BEN RIVERS, Manager Op..-ns D ilN. 2:45, Continuously S-turday 1:00 -- Sunday 1:00 LAST TIMES TODAY! .George MONTGOMERY 4 Aaureen ,. ''" ':'' O'HARA '-- I...-' .: John I 4i, := U J-r-'3 SUTTON __ OUR GANG COMEDY SATURDAY. AUGUST 8 --- FE.TURE 1 1 -- 0. ,.: .....- f Also Chapter No. 3 'Captain Midnight' FEATURE NO. 2 \ ": '"M ; li *i:-' .1'" SUNDAY MONDAY In Gorgeous Technicolor'D Also Chapter No. 3 SCaptain Midnight' -- FUTURE NO. 2 WILLIAM POWELL in SUNDAY MONDAY In Gorgeous Technicolor TUESDAY, AUGUST P-- ,4 OIRvIi A0NO SPY S A.SHER" WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12 Wife Takes a Flyer"" Also Latest Issue .1' 132 Harrison Ave. PANAMA CITY, FLA. I~~_~~n~.ll~L~~I~IIlllDilllllbl;ll\~;~ . . .. -- -,- -. -4 ".T g- , 1-..1.1~.-LL---...~.- THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA. PAGE FIVE FRIDAY AUGUST 7 1942 i I : It' 2 I H S R Great Danger of Forest Fires In Case of Air Raid State Forester Asks Landowners To Take Good Care of Fire Fighting Equipment Iere in Gulf county, in case of an air raid, one of the big dangers .would be from forest and grass fires, and in this connection an appeal for the care and mainten- ance of forest fire equipment is voiced by H. J. Malsberger, state forester, which he directs to land- owners of this section whose for- est acreages are under fire pro- tection. "The growing difficulty in se- curing fire-fighting tools and their i::creasing importance in the state de''ense program makes the situa- tion doubly acute." Malsbcrger states. He points out that forest fires may be used by fifth column- ists to guide aerial attackers to *strategic points, while the smoke from the same fires interferes with th:: movements of defense forces and hampers the accuracy of anti- aircraft batteries. Saboteurs may also employ, forest fires both in their activities and to cover up i.ier operations. 'n the event of aerial attacks on smaller communities, or the rural sections, much of the damage that might occur would begin in the t-orm of woods and field fires ig- nited by falling bombs. Organized crews to fight such fires should be a part of every local defense plan and forest fire tools should be their weapons. "In view of the part that woofs fir.s can play in national defense, it is more than ever important that c:-':-thing possible be done -o p..-vent and promptly control fires," states Malsberger. "Some states have already passed laws making the setting of a woods lire an act of sabotage." He urges that those who have fire tools keep them in the best possible repair and, if the tools are beyond use, salvage all parts that can be used for repair and replacement pur- poses. ------<--- Appointed As Aviation Cadet Sergeant Willis V. Rowan, sta- tionied at .Westover Field Air Base, Springfield, Mass., has been ap- point d as an aviation cadet and is now taking primary training. WV ' -1j Class 1-B Men Being Drafted Limited Military Duty To Be Given Selectees Unqualified For Combat Duties Word comes from Washington that the first o: an estimated one million men holding a def rred 1-B classification in the draft because of :ninor physical defects were ac- c 1::':. S.A- dar / for linite'i mili- tary service Undlisclosad quotas to ib"e iillo by meni with fiullty cye-i h, ito.th and other def'ets wlib-h disquali- fie. there 'or 'nmay ( omb1at duties went out July 3 to local boards. to become effective August 1. Those ccentctd nnder the r - laxed standarTds will be assigned to duty with corps area service commands and the war department )Yverbhe3d. it is announced. By calling eParth month a number of men who are physically capabl- o' performing limited military service, it will be possible to re- lea.se almost an 'ecual number of fully qualified soldiers for duty -ilt task forces, the war depart- me)t said in announcing the new policy AlN ady a relatively small num- ber r' nmeon iromr the 1-B classifi- cation have been called i'nto serv- ic- in New '-ork '.nd fitted into defense posts. How many may be inducted altogether may depend, offi-ials 'nulicated. on the experi- enrce with the, first nation-wide quotas. A firect'ive to local boards from naoionus R)I loctive service head- quarters indicated that a large n-onortfin of the August quota would "b composed of men with faulty teeth. The relaxed regulations permit induction of men whose weight and chest measurements-are under or over regular standards, but are otherwise fit. Those with noor eyes, or even with one eye, may be taken, pro- vided the vision can be corrected with glasses. __------ Enters Vocational School Foy Sheffer left this week for Corpus Christi, Texas, where he will enter a vocational school. --- --- Edison Inventor of Mimeograph The mimeograph was invented by Thomas A. Edison, patent num- ber 180,857, August 8, 1876. SDR. MILES NERVINE iu6ndreds Of Thousands Of Times Each Year Dr. Miles Nervine Makes Good When you are wakeful, jumpy, restless, when you suffer from Nerv- ous Irritability, Nervous Headache, Sleeplessness, or Excitability, give DR. MILES NERVINE a chance to make good for YOU. Don't wait until nerves have kept you awake two or three nights, until you are restless, jumpy and cranky. Get a bottle of Dr. Miles Nervine the next time you pass a drug store. Keep it handy. You never know when you or some member of your family will need it. At Your Drug Store: Small Bottle 25 ' Large Bottle $1.00 Red fai directions in packa COUNTY SCHOOL TO OPEN SEPTEMBER 7 (Continued from Page 1) Overtstreet to Port St. Joe, ana C. C. ErnLst, )McNieill's to Port St. Joe. The following budget for the school year was adopted by the board and submitted to the state department of education for ap- proval: RECEIPTS Federal Sources ........$ 687.50 State Sourc.s ........... 52,312.50 County Sources ........ 17,960.00 Total ,Current Sources..$70,960:06 Balances ............. 8,205.54 Total available Cash and Current Receipts .......$79,165.54 State Free Textbooks ... 2,194.79 Grand Total .......... $81.360.33 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES General Control.........$ 4,225.00 Instruction ............. 48,496.00 Operation of Plant ..... 4,600.00 Maintenance ............ 3,000.00 Auxiliary Agencies ..... 6,175.00 Fix. d Charges .......... 1.575.00 Crepital Outlay .......... 3,245.00 Total Proposed Expend. $72.391.54 Reserves ............... 6,774.00 Total Appropriations and Reserves ...... ........ .$79,165.54 State Free Textbooks ... 2,194.79 (' and Total .......... $81,360.33 PLANE SPOTTERS ARE STILL NEEDED (Continued from Page 1) night shift and. theu attend .to their regular business during the day. The chief observer is cn- denvorina- to cut down the night shifts to two hours, instead of the In CLASSIFIED ADS SALESMEN WANTED WANTED-Man with car. Route experience preferred but not necessary to start. Rawleigh's, Dept. FAH-199-M, Memphis, Tenn. WANTED TO BUY BICYCLE WANTED-Lady's bi- cycle. Must be in good condition and reasonably priced. Write Box 73, Care The Star, or call at The Star office. 7-24tf MISCELLANEOUS $5 PAID FOR NAME of prospect resulting in an order for Art Work amounting to $30. Myrtle Langston, Telephone 46. It MILITARY STATIONERY If you have a husband, brother, son or sweetheart in the Army, Navy, Marine or Air Corps, why not send him some stationery with his name. and address printed on it, together with the emblem of the branch of service he is in? Bond paper with blue or black ink. THE STAR Phone 51 Port St. Joe PROTECTION AT COST Why pay more when you can pur- chase good Protection for a basic rate of $1.00 per month? Provide money to pay your funeral and other expenses the American way. Age limits 1 to 75 years, maximum benefits up to $1,000, no medical examination. Write today, we will mail you literature or will send an agent to see you at our expense. Soliciting Agents Wanted. AMERICAN BENEFIT COiMPANY P. O. Box 3033 Orlando, Fla. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF CHILD Notice is hereby given that Marc Leonard Fleishel, Jr., and Vida Ball Fleishel, husband and wife, resi- dents of Gulf County, Florida, will, on the 18th day of August, A. D. 1942, at Ten O'clock A. M. C.S.W.T., or as soon thereaTter as the mat- ter may be heard, petition the Hon- orable Ira A. Hutchison, one of the Judges of the Circuit Court of Gulf County. Florida. for an order per- mitting them to adopt Shirley Grace McConnell, an infant, and declaring said child to be the child and heir at law of the said Marc Leonard Fleishel, Jr., and Vida Ball Flishel. This July 16th, 1942. 7-17 Marc Leonard Fleishel, Jr. 8-7 Vida Ball Fleishel. C ANN PAGE CREAMY SALAD DRESSING Quart Jar 33% Pint Jar - - 21 Ann Page Thrifty Nice White MACARONI, Pkg..... ONIONS-2 ibs. ..-........ . Ann Page Economical Idaho SPAGHETTI, 8 oz..... POTATOES-3 lbs. ..-. 170 Ann Page EGG .50.Tender String NOODLES, 8 oz pkg. !BEANS Pound .......... 10 Wisconsin 35 Large Bunch CHEESE, lb .......... CARROTS - Feishchman's 3 Firm Heads YEAST, each ............ LETTUCE 13 Cereal-GRAPE English NUTS, 12 oz. pkg..... 1i PEAS 2 lbs. Veg. Shotrening ~I Fresh SPRY, 3 lbs. ............ TOMATOES Po Cereal 50 Alberta WHEATIES, 2 for PEACHESbs. Ceral 5#PEACHES( lbs... Sunnyfield Asst. Cereal Packages ....1 7 Oz. Package 13 CHEERIOATS .....- Large PEANUTS-2 l'b. Well Bleached CELERY Stalk White House MILK 4 Large Cans 230 und .... 2 25" .... 25 ...30c. 30 c Popular Brands CIGARETTES Carton $1.35 COCOMALT 8 Oz. Can 25c TALCO FEEDS 25 Ibs. Laying Mash 87c Growing Mash ........... 85c Scratch Feed ............ 67c Dairy Feed, 24% ...... Dairy Feed, 20% ...... Fine Chick Feed .. 77c Starting Mash 81c 100 lbs. $3.33 $3.23 $2.57 $2.59 $2.49 Washes Silks, Woolens 23 Toilet Soap 21 RINSO Large ...... LUX -3 Bars.......... Silver 2 Toilet Soap DUST Large ..-- LIFEBUOY, 3 ars.... 1 Toilet Soap 19 Powders 139 SWAN Small, 3 for BON AMI-12 oz...... -I A & P FOOD STORE Owned and Operated By the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Reid Ave. and Third St. PORT ST. JOE, FLA. four now being served, anf a lot their duty ,to their country. more observers are needed. There Let's have a little more co-opera- are quite a number of vacant spots tion. Call or see Chief Observer on the day side, too, and though W. S. Smith at The Star office and he and his wife try hard enough, volunteer for one shift a we.ek. it is obviously impossible for him Everyone must do his part, and: to serve 30 to 40 hours each week this is a real opportunity. and earn his daily bread .too. It How about it, Mr. and Mrs. Port *is the patriotic duty of every citi- St. Joe? zen who is physically able to do ---< -o to take one, of th_. two-hour Marianna Flyer Decorated hitches. In Port St. Joe a relatively Capt. David 'G. Rawls, son of small number of citizens are co- Mrs. Ruth Rawls Hodges of Marl, a)erating in this important job, anna, who piloted a Flying Fort- and a. number of these have signed press on a hazardous mission a,) to stand two watches during against the airport at Ken.iari, thle week. Some few, when ap- Dutch East Indies, on June 26. was preached to assist in this duty, awarded the bronze oak leaf clus- have refused point-blank, without tIr last week in lieu of an addl- going to the trouble of giving the lional silver star. The award was usual groundless exuses of the presented by Lieu't. Gn. George Others. Some of these persons live H. Brett, commander of Allied air within sieht of the observation ,forces in the southwest Pacific. owner while many of those who ---- are doing the job are using their Massachusetts has supplied more automobiles to drive four and five secretaries of the navy than any mi1ls--because they consider it other state. .THE STAR, PORT ST. -JOE, GULF- COUNTY, FL-ORIDA FRIDAiY, AU;GU-ST 7, 1942 oAr.E E iY L |