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THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida' 'Future Industrial Center Buy War Bonds [ Every Pay Day Let's Double Our Quota V VOLUME V PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY., FLORIDA FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1942 NUMBER 34 Bill Approved For Pipe Line to Jax Memorial Services To Be Held Sunday At Methodist Church; Urged To Display Tomorrow Everyone Flag Tomorrow, May 30, is Memoria Day, and all business houses, an home owners are urged to display the American flag from sunrise to sunset as a tribute to those wb have died, in the defense of the: country. ,,, Memorial services of an inte denominational order will be hel Sunday evening at 8 o'clock at th Methodist church, and the public is invited, to join in these services T. M. Schneider, commander of th local American Legion post, re quc:sts that all Legionnaires an ex-service men who do not belon to the Legion attend. this service Members of the post are asked t wear their Legion caps andi mee in front of the church at 7:45. ---~-4- - Certificates Are Awarded Civil Defense Workers Member of State Defense Counci Is Principal Speaker At Presentation Civil defense workers to the number of 128 were awarded cer tificates of accomplishment Wed nesday evening at a public present. station ceremony held at the higl school auditorium under directioI of the Gulf County Defense Coun ci. The program was opened witl Sthe school band, under the direct tion of Bandmaster hay Wood .playing "The Star .Spangled Ban ner." The 'speaker of the evening, W E. Culbreath of 'Tallahassee, as sistant director of the state de fense council, was then introduced by George Snowden, chairman of the local defense council. Mr. Culbreath gave an interest- ing talk, outlining the various du (Continued on Page 4) GULF COUNTY DAIRY INSTALLS' MODERN PASTEURIZING UNIT Is Necessary to Keep Pace .Witi Rapidly-Growing Demand At a cost of more than a thou. sand dollars, the Gulf County Dairy, operated by H. M. Me- Clamma, 'this week completed in- stallation of one of the latest -pas- teurizing units with a capacity, of 80 gallons of milk in order to take care of the rapidly-growing busi- ness of this modern dairy. -Mr. 1McClamma states that with this new addition to his dairy equipment he is now able -to take care of the entire milk consump- tion in Port St. Joe and environs. The Gulf 'County Dairy has es- tablished an enviable reputation for high quality! milk and cream and its clean, modern establish- ment carries a high rating with the state board of h alth. Original Measure Called For Apalachicola As Terminus; Changed to Port St. Joe With one pipe line from Port St. Joe already doing its ;bit in sup- plying the eastern seaboard with petroleum products, via Chatta- nooga, Tenn., there is a strong possibility that this city will be- come .the t rminal of a second line stretching to Jacksonville. This fact is brought out in 'a United Press dispatch from Washington, dated' last Sunday, as follows. "Chainman Joseph J. Mansfield ot the rivers and. harbors commit. tee, said Saturday he would ask for early house consideration of the 'bill to authorize expendiiture of $144,000,000 for a Florida pipe- line and improvement of the Galt ana Atlantic coastal waterw,-;zys. "The bill, approved by the com- mittee Friday, would authorize a pipe line from Port St. Joe, Fia., to Jacksonville, connecting the Gulf Inland, waterway system to the Atlantic ,seaboard waterway. Both waterway systems would Ibe improved and extended, with a new barge canal to be built from Port Inglis, Fla., to Jacksonville, and the Texas coastal waterway extended f-rom Corpus Christi south n to _near__thelMenipani, border.,- "Mansfield said he *Would ask Speaker Sam Raylburn and Demo- cratic Leader John W. McCor- matek of Massachusetts to call the bill up as soon as possible." W. T; Edwards, Edward Ball and 18-20 Registration Lewis Is Set For Jhie 30 No Active Service In the Armed A s Forces For New Reidtrants Until They Arl 20 President Roosevelt last Friday RETURNED.T s t June 30 as registrion day for young men between i8 and 20 years of age. He als called for registration on that d te for pos- sible military service lof all men who reached 20 years if age after i December 31, 1941, anlt on or be t '. fore June 30 next wip have not ; j. heretofore been registred. This will, complete fbr the pres- ent the registration of the nation's manpower for both fighting and noncombatant war duty, and wil ' be the fifth registratioi'under ex- isting law. i . Men 18 andi 19 yearsiof age whe will register -between 7 a. m. and 9 p. m. on June 30 .ill not be subject to the military, draft until they reach 'the age o, 20. Males between 20 and 45 ale now sub- ject to military service. It is estimated that 3,,000,000 or more young men will be affected by the now order, including 2,400,000 of 18 and 19-year-olds'and 600,000 who have turned 20 since Decem- ber 31. last. Approximately 40,- 000,000 persons between 20 and 65 have been registered in the four previous drafts. The latest proclamation affects all male citizens born on or aftei January 1, 1922, or on andl before June 30, 1924. -J - paper Saivage Has Been Discontinued Attention Will Now Be Given to! Is Returned Representative 0 OFFICE Defeats Charles' C Wilson Majority of 209 Votes In Warm.Race By.: More interest was taken in the run-off race between Charles C. Wilson and E. Clay Lewis Jr., for the office of representative in the legislature from Gulf county than. was manifest bty the voters in the first primary when 31. candidates' names appeared on the ballot for 12 offices. The total vote cast for representative in the first primary, exclusive of absentee ballots, was 1731, while the total Tuesdlay was T, 1789. Wilson chalked up a lead of ap- proximately 100 votes over Lewis in the first primary, but last Tues- day saw the tambes turned, with E. Clay Lewis Jr., local attorney, L-wis taking 999 of the total vote who was re-elected to the office of representative in the legisla W of representative in the legisla clear majority of 209 votes over ture from Gulf county in Tues- his opponent and: returning him to day's second primarythe office he has filled for a num- ber of years. SnOWden Heads Great interest was taken thruout the county in the run-off ahd District Aircraft every effort was made by backers 'of both men to see that every Warning Service available registered voter cast his or| her ballot, as witness the. ex- -ceptionally, heavy vote, which is wevlr-S rirvisc--svor-cuni- i .iuisual- for. a -second .primary' in T. V. Morris Named As Gulf an off-year election. County Sub-Director All precincts but Port St. Joe were reported in by 10 o'clock Tuesday night with Leawis holding George L. Snowden, head of the a lead of 112 over Wilson, and in- Mayor J. L. iSharit were in Wash- Collection of Rubber Gulf County, uetense Council, has terest waxed high as the count ington to present the advantages And Metals been named! as district civil direc- proceeded here, the largest pre- of Port St. Joe as a terminal for tor of the ground observer system, cinct, but by the time the judges the proposed pip: line, and Mayor Residents of Port St. Joe who aircraft warning service, 'by the had reached the half-way mark in Sharit, appearing before the rivers have been piling up old magazines, First Interceptor Command. at counting the 831 ballots cast the and, harbors committee last week newspapers and fiberboard boxes Jacksonville. The district under result was obvious. told of our fine harbor, storage fa- can now turn them into a bonfire supervision of iMr. Snowden in- The complete unofficial vote fol- cilities for petroleum products and or put them out for the garbage eludes the counties of Washington, lows: our modern dock facilities. He truck to carry away, for victory in Holmes, Jackson, Bay, Calhoun. PRECINCT Lewis Wilson told of our connections with the the battle against a waste paper Gulf and Franklin. Kenney' Mill.......169 29 intracoastal canal, and said: shortage has been proclaimed. One of the first official acts .by Wite City ........ 39 8 "Port St. Joe not only would be So successful has been the Mr. Snowden in his new capacity Highland View ...... 59 68 the ideal location as the western waste paper campaign that a was the appointment of sub-dls- Overstreet ...... 21 33 terminus of .this pipe line for the shortage has now been turned trict directors for each county. In Dalkeith ............ 56 28 reason that it can be used Iby the into a surplus and the drive for Gulf county T. V. Morris has been ......... intracoastal canal from -Corpus paper salvage has been discon. named as. the sub-distirct civil Weitppo ............ 14 9 ,Christi east, but also on account tinued. But it may be resumed if director. Port St. Joe ........ 464 487 of the facilities of St. Joseph's a shortage should again develop. Mr. Morris has been extremely S J ...... Bay, where large sea-going tankers Emphasis has shifted in the sal- active in his work as co-ordinator Totals............999 790 can-be docked and unloaded with vage program to metal and rubber of the Gulf County Defense Coun- ........... jiple facilities to keep both pip- because of the continuing shortage cil, andi Mr. Snowden expressed lines and storage facilities we-ll of supplies of these materials for' satisfaction at being able to se- WILLIAMS GROCERY supplied, either through the intra- war industries, cure the services of a man of such NOW ONE OF MOST i.)a;'tal waterway system or by Floridians responded to the call experjenc: and ability to take over, MODERN IN ST. JOE tankers through the Gulf of -Mex- or waste paper with such enthu-(this important post because .the' ico. This, would' save some 65 miles siasm that the battle was won on defense, both active and passive, New Addition to Building Is Com- of haul over that of the vicinity 'his front in less than six months of the eastern seaboard depends. pleted and Fixtures Installed of the Apalachicola Bay area. (It after the shortage was reported. to a large extent, upon the suc- was first proposed to build a pipe Contributions made by men, wo. cessful functioning of the aircraft C. C. Williams this week opened line from Apalachicola to Jackson- men and children throughout Flor- warning service. his remodeled grocery and market ville.-Ed.) ida far exceeded the expectations located at the corner of Reid ave- "The distance from Port St. Joe of federal officials. County Clerk Is Visitor inue and First street, andl now has to Jacksonville is approximately H. L. Gutterson, head of the 'County Clerk J. R. Hunter was one of the most modern estaiblishl 20 miles greater than from the general salvage program in Flor- a visitor in the city Wednesday ments of its kind in Port St. Joe. Apalachicola Bay area, ibut on ac- ida, states that the shortage of checking up on the public pulse With the new Ibrick addition to count of the facilities mentioned it rubber and metals remains acute after the hot election Tuesday. In- his old building and the installa- certainly seems more expedient to and the campaign for these classes cidentally, Joe says he won't be tion of modern fixtures, including construct the new pipe line from of scrap should be continued with able to get down this way, often the latest equipment avaialble for Port St. Joe. The informa- renewed energy. unless he rides his bike, and he the meat market, Mr. Williams tion that I have is that it will City departments, defense coun- states that that's out of the ques- is all set to cater to the needs of 'take less than 1400 tons of addi- cil committees and community or- tion due to the fact that his legs housewives of the city. It should tional steel, from Port St. Joe than. ganizations have been requested to are practically atrophied from rid- be a pleasure to shop in this light. from the Apalachicola Bay area. discontinue paper collection and ing too much in automobiles. cbol grocery. This is far less.than the great give attention for the present to --- Marking the opening of his re- amount of critical material and rubber and metal drives. Mrs. Shannon Home from Hospitar modeled premises, Mr. Wililams steel that would be required for --. --- Mrs. W. P. Shannon was brought this week is offering some excep- building entirely new pumping and FISHING SEASON TO home last week from a Panama tional bargains in foodstuffs. His tanking facilities in the Apalachi- OPEN HERE MONDAY City hospital. She is reported to advertisement will be found on (Continued on Page 2) Nut sed! he improving nicely. another page of this issue. o TrA TW H TR O' T OGL OUTFOIAFIA, A 9 14 THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as Second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Florida, under Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Invariably Payable In Advance One Year........$2.00 Six Months...... 1.00 Three Months.......... 65c -4f Telephone 51 j- The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. 'The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word Sis lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong TO OUR DEAD Another' Memorial Day will arrive tomor- roa-nhd we will observe it in a world resound- ing to the din .6f battle. We will pay tribute tomorrow to'the men who sacrificed their lives-and who today are sacrificing their liyes-that their country might preserve the institutions and ideals established by our fore- fathers. For the heroic dead we shall offer prayer and bare our heads in tribute to their patriot- ism. For the living, whether they are among us as. healthy citizens, racked with pain on a hospital bed, or in the front lines, we can *pay.no better tribute or do no greater service than to rededicate ourselves to the ideals for which they fought and are fighting for to. day-ideals that are in great danger today. What we have and are we owe in large measure to the brave souls who gave their lives that we might live a free and unfettered people. Their service was no greater, how. ever, than the inspiration they furnished. Each has contributed equally to our advance- meit as a nation. Their lips are stilled-and yet they are-fiut silent. The dead have left a message for the living, and the message is that we keep in- tact the glorious heritage they fought to preserve. We know not what the dead may see or' hear or think, but of this we may be cer- tain: That if they are observers of the liv- ing, they will take more account of the high resolve within our souls than of the flowers we sirew tomorrow upon their graves. PIPELINES ARE THE ANSWER More than 150 merchant ships-a large number of them tankers-have been sunk off the Atlantic coast since December 7, 1941. That's a lot of steel sent to Davy Jones* locker and an effort is being made to build ships faster than they can be sunk. Why not.cancel the construction of tankers and use the steel so saved' to build pipelines to serve those sections which in the past have been dependent upon tankers for oil and gas- oline?4Pipelines can be laid rapidly and they would not only deliver the goods during.this emergency, but would continue giving service after the war is over. The whole problem is transportation-there is plenty of petroleum for all purposes,.bu it can't be delivered to some points where it is needed-unless pipelines are constructed. There has been some grumbling and grous- ing about the "dim-out" in effect in Port St. Joe, but the Tallahassee Democrat, in an edi- torial on the darkening of Florida's shoreline, says this of our fair city: "Not waiting for orders, Port St. Joe, beyond the Eastern De- ferise Command, has voluntarily blacked out." And, we might add, Panama City has re- alized the halo cast out by the city's lights and has joined the ranks of voluntarily dark- ened cities. Classified ad: "Four-burner oil stove want- ed by woman with large oven." MOST IMPORTANT' HOUSE CLEANING Never before in ththistory of Port St. Joe has spring house cleaning been so important. Because 1942 is the critical year for the de- mocracies, it is unlikely that there will be such an important sing house cleaning in any future year. Wh,? War industries are waiting for the coppe; iron, brass, rags and rubber that Port St. J(e housewives will drag out of hiding and start on- the way to be made into tanks, planes and gins. Every home in Port S Joe harbors some item or items of past tsulnes.s which,coulc go into the crucibles of var and come out in the shape of a lethal wea on to turn against the Japanazis. Now Ucle Sam wants ail these items and asks thai they be pulled out of hiding and put to us for the armies of the democracy. There is an added reas n for making this spring house cleaning in 'ort St. Joe one oi the most thorough in a century. Gus Creech, head of the auxiliary fireman's unit of the Gulf County Defense Cou cil, points out that attics and garages full df objects are safe resting places for incendiary bombs. Picture the difficulty of a home fire bomb fighter in an attic full of old begs, stoves, electrical equipment 'and hanging nothing! Defense of our homes s an' important fac- tor in national defense. A population, burned out and homeless, can cin produce nothing to keep the army supplied it must devote ex- tra time and energy to the difficult task oi trying to shelter and carc for homeless fam- ilies. Defeat by fire bomb on the home front would, therefore, weaken the nation and leave the army and navy helpless. That gives us a double-barreled reason for making Port St. Joe's 942 spring house cleaning the best and moit thorough in his- tory. It will strengthen the home front and put weapons in the hands bf the boys on the fighting front. HOW'S YOUR LAUNDRY? The city of Port St. Joe in the past has had two laundries established, but both were compelled to go out of business because of laundries in nearby cities sending their trucks here and cutting prices to such an extent that the local concerns could not compete and stay in business. Then the outside laundries boosted their prices. Now, with no tires available, this outside laundry service has been discontinued and our people have to get their laundry done as best they can. Had residents of the city patronized home industry, even though it might have cost a bit more, they would have a laundry here to- day. The money they paid out to laundries in neighboring cities went to build up those cities; money was taken out of circulation here, to the detriment of local business con- cerns. Had they traded at home, the money would have been retained in circualtion here and they would have gotten another crack at it. But when it went to Marianna, Quincy and Panama City it was 'gone forever. This principle applies to all commodities, and wherever possible we should always trade at home-it builds our home commun- ity, not neighboring communities. Think of this the next time you drag out a mail order catalog to order something that you can buy just as well right here in Port St. Joe. There's always a silver lining to every dark cloud. With tires, cars and gasoline on the ration list our national traffic death toll is due to take a big drop. Time Marches On! and the impatient fish- ermen will be all set to go next Monday morning. Anyway, the race for representative from Gulf county was a good one-and apparently the best man won. . Keep smiling-and buy War Bonds! The Nation's No. 1 Life Insurance Policy BILL APPROVED FOR PIPE LINE TO JAX (Continued is~n Phtk- 1) cola area. Algo a great quantity of steel would have to 'he used in that area to construct the necessary dock faciltiltes'" Pointing out that be wAs fa- miliar with the country through which the proposed pipe line would pass, Mayor Sharit informed theh committee that it would be advis- able "that the western terminus of the pipe line should be located in Port St. Joe, andl that it should be built in a northeasterly direction to a point near Monttcello or :Greenville, through lands belong- ing to the federal forest service and those of one, large landowner of wncin e ci r o Porf f i t. Joe would be willing to assist in get- ting the necess'ainy rightstof-way with the least possible cost to Jthe federal government. "If, to save pipe line mileage, an attempt were made to follow the Gulf coast from either Port St. Joe or the vicinity of Apalachicola Bay, great difficulties would' be en- ]countered on. account of the very 'dense jungles, marshes and, the heavy surface lime rock deposits which are found parallel to the 'Gulf coast in that area," Sharit pointed out. The mayor concluded his talk before the committee by saying: "Therefore may I suggest ,and urge that in the light of the'ii ats recited above and other provable considerations, that this committee fix the western terminus of the pipe line at Port St. Joe, Florida." Congressman Bob Sikes has also been working on enactment of this legislation, and in a statement be- fore the rivers and harbors com- mittee Sikes said: "In Florida we have long been convinced that the carrying power of the intracoastal waterway and' of the dock and harbor facilities of our state have been used) for 'but a small part of their capacity. Through the greater use of barges, pipelines and rail- roads we can speedily and effec- tively help to reduce the present emergcniy, in gasoline and oil sup- plies. All we seek is an opportun- ity to show how quickly we can put to work men and materials not actively engaged in the war effort." 'Sikes pointed out to the com- mitte: that there are many small yards with lumber and workers needed to.,b..build wooden barges and towing craft, saying: "These can he put into service to relieve the steel barges which are re- quired for gasoline shipments." As a result of the presentation of facts, figures and data pertain- ing to the facilities at Port St. Joe the bill was revamped to place the western terminal of the pipe line here instead of at Apalachicola or Carrabelle, as witness the press dispatch quoted above and the fol- lowing telegramin received Friday by Mayor Sharit fronr W. T. Ed; wards in Washington: J. L. Sharit, Port St. Joe, Fla. Bill amended as requested for Port St. Joe then unani- mously approved by committee. W. E. Edwards. Work has already started on one of six pipe lines intended to help relieve the oil situation in' the east. The project on which work has started, largely with the use of secondhand pipe, will ,provide an all-pipe line route from eastern Texas and Kansas to the ea st .coast. In Texas, cre3s are,, ~gging up 111 mil-s of old eight-inch pipe which will 'be used: to provide ad- ditional capacity on an existing, line between Dallas and Cushing, Okla. CLASIFIED ADS FOR SALE RECONDITIONED BICYCLES I have 3 on hand. Fine mechanical shape,, new paint, good rubber. Reasonably priced. G. E. McGill, or call at Star office. 6-5* SALESMEN WANTED WANrT'b: Man with car. Route Experience preferred but not necessary to start. Rawleigh's, Dept. FAE-190-M, Memphis, Tenn. WANTE1 D TO BUY WANTED-Used roll-top,desk. Pre- fer small size Call at The Star office. 5-29tf LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME LAW TO WHOM IT':MAY CONCERN: Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, pursuant to the "Fic- titious, Name Statute," House Bill No. 1175, Chapter No. 20953, Laws of Floridla, 1941, will rLgister with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in and 'for Gulf County, Florida, upon receipt of proot of the publication of this. notice, the fictitious name to-wit: ST. JOE LUMBER CO., under which I am engaged in busi- ness, at Port St. Joe, Florida. That the party interested in said business entcd'prise is as follows: Carl A Soderberg. Dated at Port St. Joe, Gulf County, Florida, May 8, 1941. 5-8 6-5 WATCH FOR I In, FRIDAiY,- M:AY 20;,~'1042. PAGE TWO THE. STAR, POW.ST. JOE, GULF CO.UN;TY, FLORIDA , A 2, 12 HE S PE Attend School of Instruction Mrs. Lovie Coburn,, Mrs. L. E. Spillers and Mrs. W. S. Smith at- tended an Eastern Star school of instruction held Wednesday in Quincy under direction of Grand Matron Mrs. Frances Keisiling. Society Personals Churches LANETA DAVIS, Editor i _ THE STAR, PODRT ST. JOE" GuLF: COUNY~, PLORltD MR. AND MRS. BARKE HOSTS 26 Graduates GRADUATES ENTERTAINED TO SATURDAY SUPPER CLUB I WITH SERIES OF PARTIES C. COE Mr. and Mrs. S. L. rke enter- Get Di mas Mmbers of thgraduating class A MARTN THEATRE tainted the Saturday Nght Supper of Port St. Joe high school re-THEATRE D E N T I S T club last week at their home. Fol- cently have been honored guests ROY WILLIAMS, Manager Office Hours: 9 to 12; 1 to 6 lowing the delicious meal, cards Marking the. end of tleir high at a number of social events. Ooens Daily 2:45, Continuously Sunday By Appoirtment were the order of the evening. school days, 26 member of the Mrs. Robert Tapper was hostess Saturday 1:00 Sunday 1:00 Coin Bldg. Port St. Joe Present with the hosts were Mr. graduating class of th h Port St. Saturday morning at a breakfast and Mrs. Basil E. Kenney, Dr. and Joe high school received their di- for the class held at the Port Inn. Mrs. A. L. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. E. plomas Tuesday night 'o the stage Each graduate was presented with LAST TIMES TODAY! Clay Lewis Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Marc of the high school ai4torium be- a flower by Miss Dorothy Costin Fleischeli Jr., Mr. and,Mrs. Floyd fore a host of aamirig relatives as they took their places at the .. Hunt, Stanley Shelp and Harry H. and' friends. The: cov ted sheep- table, which were marked with I Saunders. skins were handed oul by Super- novel placecards. The breakfast DR. C. L. REICHERTER intendent of Schools T A. Owens. was opened by Mrs. Tapper with REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET The address to the llass of '42 a toast to the seniors and after 1 EYES EXAMINED-GLASSES FITTED The American Legion Auxiliary was made by Dr. M. Stone of the repast all joined) in singing .. 'R!tz Theatre Building First Fioor will meet this evening at 8:15 at Tallahassee, member t, the state "The Star Spangled Banner." In PANAMA CITY, FLA. the home of Mrs. :Ql.rende Prid- department of education. Dr. Stone addition to members of the class SATURDAY ONLY geon. Installation of officers' is in laid strong emphasis ci the prob- of '42, Principal W. A. Biggart and order and all members are urged lems that are facing! the young Miss, Erline McClellan were hon- to be present. people today and allured the ored guests. LET US FILL THAT youngsters to keep tel r courage 'The seniors were treated to a PRESCRIPTION Miss Christine Charles expects. up and their hearts strong for treasure hunt Monday night by E RP .to leave today for Ruston, La., what lies before them Miss Erline McClellan, which be- -. . Bring us your next prescrip- where she will make her home Honor awards weri made by gan at her home and eventually tion. Only freih, full quality with her sister and attend college Principal W. A. BiggIrt to John ended at the school house after a . materials are used. Only qual- during the fall semester. Lane, athletic award aid Danforth lengthy search over the city trac- ifed pharmacie,te do the ed ompoundino th, -- Foundation awards; Roce Goforth, ing down elusive clues. Winners SDanforth Foundatibn award and of the hunt were Howard Taunton TLeHA ?RDY We DO : Readers Digest award, and Mari- and Doyle Williams. Hot dogs and with FUZZY KNIGHT gene Smith, activities medal, col drinks were served to the PHARMACY Shoe Repairing Those receiving dllomas were class and their invited guests and NO. A ACas follows: dancing was indulged in during of Anyd Wilbur Darcey the remainder of the evening. oK Gordon Farris The Port Inn was the scene of ornelius Kiland a stag dinner last Friday evening %A-^ BARTON'S Cornelius Kirkland GeBA R T O N S orge Prrish when Robt. Bellows was host to the boys of the graduating class. Dur- SShoe Service Foy Lane ing the course of the meal each A. NIE S. Reid Ave.-Opposite Postoffice Talmon Smith guest was presented with a gift ALLEN Sre, Arthur SoderberS by Mr. Bellows. Principal W. A. L / S-h Buck'Walters Biggart was also a guest at this / ... Buck affair. -/-- ------ --41 Flora Mae Cason afair. S0 ROOM AND Margaret Coleman Y / .ff L\ Margie Costin YOUTH FELLOWSHIP B B O A R D Royce Goforth ELECTS NEW OFFICERS BRINGS STRENGTH TO BY T E lla Rose HarrTs At the meeting of the Methodist Wilaim Posi,]r. SGROWING CHILDREN lara Mae Laurimore Youth Fellowship, held Sunday , SGROWIG CHI WEEK -- RE :j- i- .ia..., ni ... in at r e chrch, a. number Encourage your child's de- Janie LeHardy of new officers were elected to S E R L -- veopment by giving him the D ing Room Melba Nedley replace those who are leaving tGe GANG foods his doctor recommends .Ruth Jones city. Joe Sharit Jr., was named as Open to the Publi Wimberth Monasco the new treasurer; Sallie Traweek Our MILK isc most vital Marguerite Williams will be chairman of the recreation BUSTS Our cream rich milk can be Club Breakfast 6 to 9....c Marigene Smith committee; Dumpy Gibson will ---- - delivered to your door daily. Lunch,- 12 to 2.......... 40c Marigene Smith committee; Dumpy Gibson will Dinner, 6 to 8 .......... 40c Bernice Schneider head the citizenship committee as SUNDAY MONDAY : Louise Pridgeon chairman, and Paul Johnson was i __ Pauline Smith elected as ppublicity superintendent. GulfCAROLE LOMBARD'Si LATEST y , SMRS. M. O. FREEMAN Lavurn Pippin During the business session the CAROLE MBAS L ST PI i OConer Red Ave. a d 3rd St. matter of sending one or two dele- i r,'a; PHONE 58 Griffin Grocery Building BAPTIST W. M. U. HOLDS gates to the assembly inMontgom- 6 . PHONE 58ROYAL SERVICE PROGRAM ery this year was discussed. The CAO SThe Woman's Missionary Union flavoring extract which the menm LOMARD P of the Baptist church met at the bers are selling was also brought JACK BENNY ' church Monday afternoon for their up and each member was urged ,, T I 7L :oyal Service program, the sub- to sell all possible this week and o r ject of which was "Whatsoever turn in their reports to SecxetarI y e P* Things Are Lovely." The topic Mary Johnson next Sunday. was developed by Mrs. L. E. Voss, The M. Y. F. program next Sun. SMrs. Fred Maddox, Mrs. Wesley day night will be under the diiec "Donald Duck Gets Drafted" h Ramsey and Mrs. Jac' Frost. The tion of Julian Raburn, the vice- N Meeting was closed with prayer president. ad S:by Mrs. J. 0. Baggett. The Intermediate division of theo .....,-... S ~ aa M. Y. F. met at the church at 6 TUESDAY JUNE 2 SM METHODIST CHURCH o'clock Sunday evening. Rev. O. D. Langston, Pastor There weren't as many out at Re. a D. Langston, Pastor Sunday's meeting as the previous S9:45 a. m.-sChurch school. Sunday, but it is hoped that all 11:00 a. m.-Mogning worship, members will come to the church S RE' there day's whenit seems 7:15 p. m.-Youth Fellowship. next Sunday at 7:15 p. m. LI A that the radio, the ringing of 8:00 p. m.-Evening worship. the door or telephone bell; the The Woman's society meets EPISCOPAL AUXILIARY IN latter of dishes, or even the laughter and voices evondays at 3 p. m. LAST MEE G U L F L SERIAL Sof children nearly drive you frantic-'ays when First Tuedayaft first Sunday, bears of the Episcpal Aux- "DON WINSLOW OF you are restless, and cranky? officiall board 'meeting. Members of the Episcopal Aux- "DON WINSLOW OF Do you lie awake nights? Wednesday, 8 p. m., prayer and iliary met Monday afternoon at THE NAVY" Bible study. Choir practice.- the home of Mrs. Tomn Owens in When these hectic days and wakeful nights in- the last meeting of the year until terfere ith your work and take the pleasure out BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES September. Following a brief busi- WEDNESDAY THURSDAY life or you, try F. H Past ness session a social hour was en- DR. MILES NERVINE R. F. Halford, Pastor joyed during which the hostess JUNE 3 and 9:45 a. m.-Sunday School served delicious refreshments. Dr. Miles Nervine is a combination of effective 11:00 a. m.- Morning worship. 2lerve sedatives. Originated nearly sixty years 7:00 p. m.-B. T. U. ago. it is as up to date as today newspaper. 8:00Cecil Costin Jr., arrived homepEvening worship Dr. Miles Nervine-has brought relief tomillionning worship. Sunday from school to spend the of nervous sufferers. You may find it exactly what vacation period with his parents, you need. Rea i afl- Miss Frances Palmer returned to Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Costin. Will you try Dr. Miles Nervine? retion her home here Monday from Chat-' Zr r Your druggist has it. P tahoochee, where she hadi been Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gaskin JY., e bottle$1teaching schoolleft Monday on a vacation trip to LATEST ISSUE OF ,points of interest in Georgia. I Mrs. Basil E. Kenney Jr., re . turnedd Saturday from Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Kennington . Ga., where she had been the guest ihad as week-end guests Mr. and of Mrs. Jewel Gayney,- Mrs. P. Brown of Panama City. ,Ill 1_ .IIIIUlUlI1Illl11 [ l.I11W1!I.Illll FRI15AY, MAY 29,* i942' PAGE THREE E B!1illllIlllilf rPAGE FOUR --- .-- -- - LIMITED AMOUNTS OF SUGAR CAN BE BOUGHT FOR USE IN CANNING Five Pounds Per Person May Be Obtained By Special Permit Gulf county home-makers maiy obtain limited amounts of sugar for canning and preserving, ac- cording to information received by the state agricultural extension service from rationing administra- tion officials. To obtain sugar for this purpose -and only for this purpose-a home-maker should apply in per- son or write to the Gulf county rationing board and ask for Form No. R-315. When she has filled out and signed this form and returned it to the board's office, she will ue issued a certificate enabling her to ,buy five pounds of sugar for achi Imember of her immediate family for canning purposes. This is all the sugar she can obtain this year for canning or preserving-- and,,4t-,must be used for this pur- pose. .She may use the certificate to buy the sugar from any wholesale or 'retail dealer. ------* ---- Ah American engineer has found ways to eliminate 750 different op rations from the manufacture ot a single ordnance unit, thus open- ing. the way for war plants to pro- d7ice the unit at a more rapid rate. DIABETICS SHOULD CARRY IDENTIFICATION CARDS The Franklin-Gulf County Medi- cal society points out that diabetic patients, particularly in time of war, should always have in their possession identification c a r d s showing their insulin dosage and diet requirements. Proper care of a diabetic after disaster injury in- cludes attention to his diabetic condition as well as to his wounds. ---1(r----. Attend F. S. C. S. Graduation Mr. and) Mrs. T. M. Schneider and family attended the graduation exercises at Florida State College for Women, Tallahasse,, this week, Miss Mimi Schneider was a mem- ber of the graduating class, receiv- ing her B. A. degree. ------5------ Returns From College Miss Susan Saunders returned Tuesday from Bristol, Va., where she had been attending Virginia Interment Collego, from which she graduated with high honors. ----- --4~--- - Mrs. Aubr;y Martin of Bagdad is the guest of Mrs. Foy Sheffer for several days. Remember Bataan' Invest A Dime Out of Every Dollar in -1 U.S.War Bonds i~aY~f4~~Ead fl'e ITF~ I11 BUY YOUR GROCERIES FROM A HOME-OWNED STORE AND LET YOUR DOLLARS STAY AT HOME FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS Our Job Is to Save B Dollars Buy ? Woar Bonds SEvery Pay Day WATCH FOR CERTIFICATES AWARDED CIVIL DEFENSE WORKERS (Cotinued from Page 1) ties of te active defense divisions and explaining in detail the work- ings of le aircraft warning serv- ice. He' laced particular emphasis on the importance of this unit, stating tat the efficiency andt suc- cess of ivilian defense and also of the amy in intercepting enemy planes in ase of attack depended upon the iflficiency of the obser vation pis and that the aircraft warning irIvic is our first line of defense Followia Mr. Culbreath's brief address, e certificates were awarded b1 Marc Fleischel Jr., T. V. Morris nd Mr. Culbreail. Mr. Felishel, who has been vdry active in te local defense council, was given special recognition at this time f r his co-operation and untiring effort. Immedliatly following the pre- sentation if certificates a four reel talking picture titled "Before the Doctor homes" was shown un- der the direction of Floyd Hunt on behalf of tIe American Red Cross. The film dialt with methods used in handling casualties by mem- bers of a first aid squad and was most interesting and instructive. County Agmit J. B. White was ini charge of tie projector. Advertising,doesn't cost-it pays: IONA No. 1 2 ST. PEACHES-2 for27 Sultana No. 21/2 2 PRUNES 2 for .....- ANN PAGE 1,l VINEGAR Quart.... SUNNYFIELD OATMEAL 3 lb...-- 1 :A&P No. 2 Whole Kernel 27n -CORN--2 for ..2--- JANE PARKER 1 DO-NUTS Doz....... Chopped Baby Food 9' CLAPPS 1 WILSON'S 35 M O V- 12 Oz. ........ GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE Fancy STRING 10o BEANS Pound ....... Large California CARROTS, 2 Bunches13 Fresh 50 CUCUMBER-Each ...... Well Bleached CELERY Stalk ...... Gcod Finm 100 LETTUCE Head .... Red Bliss POTATOES-3 lbs..... 15 Yellow SQUASH Pound........ Lar\le Firm 1 EGG PLANT-Each.... Blackeye Fresh PEAS 2 lbs. -......15 Tender 2 OKRA Pound ..... FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRIES DAILY 15 Pound Average SWIFT'S HAM lb. 35c Swift's Mixed SAUSAGE lb. 18c Strip Breakfast BACON lb. 28c T-BONE STEAK lb. 38c ROUND STEAK lb. 32c Southern Style MEAT LOAF-3 cans 25c Toilet Tissue 6 Rolls 25c SMOKED MEAT-Best Grade, Lb.......25e WHITE MEAT-Best Grade, Lb.....-.....23c HAMBURGER MEAT-Pound ............23c TEA, WITH GLASS 20c -Peaches 3 15-oz. cans 25c WAX PAPER 3 Boxes 25c 14 Oz. CATSUP 2 for 25c DRIED'APPLES 3 Packages ..-......-25c PORK & BEANS-1 lb. 6 oz. can.......-lOc JUSTICE MACARONI-3 Pkgs. ..........10c PICNIC HAMS lb. 30c ARMOUR'S CREAM-3 Large Cans....2bc ARMOUR'S CREAM-6 Small Cans..--25c TOMATOES-2 Large Cans ..-.............25c BANANAS 2 lbs. 15c LAYING MASH-100 Pound Sack......$3.00 SCRATCH FEED-100 Pound Sack....$2.65 CORN FLAKES-4 Packages .............225c FLOUR * Golden Belt- 24 lb. Sack, S. R. ...-95 Golden Belt-12 lb. Sack, S. R. .... 50 Big N-24 lb. Sack, Self-Rising ....88- ! Big N-12 lb. Sack, Self-Rising ....47 SLICED BACON lb. 30c ARMOUR'S CORN BEEF-Per Can....25c CREAM CHEESE lb. 29c FREE! * TWO-POUND PACKAGE OF DARING'S MEAL With Every Order of $3.00 or More Pl-- l~P WILLIAM S GROCERY and I MARKET CORNER FIRST ST. AND REID AVE. ANN PAGE-Delicious, Smooth, Creamy MAYONNAISE PINTR 25c SUNNYFIELD-Crisp, Fresh RICE GEMS Pkg. 9c WHITE HOUSE Evaporated MILK 4 Large Cans 30c TALCO FEEDS GROWING MASH 100 Pounds $3.00 LAYING MASH 100 Pounds .$3.23 BROILER MASH 100 Pounds $3.23 SCRATCH FEED 100 Pounds ..... $2.47 24% DAIRY FEED 100 Pounds $2.53 20% DAIRY FEED 100 Pounds $2.39 GROWING MASH 25 Pounds 77c LAYING MASH 25 Pounds ... ..... 83c SCRATCH FEED 25 Pounds 63c GOLD MEDAL 65 SILVER 2 FLOUR 12 lbs......... D U S T- Large ...... Sno-Sheen CAKE 29 TOILET SOAP Small 19 FLOUR 'SWAN-3 for........... Cleanser or Soap Pads n For Silks and Woolens ) BRILLO Small .----- RINSO Large ........ 2 Cleans Deodorizes 2 LUX SOAP a SANI-FLUSH, 22 oz. FLAKES Large..... A & P FOOD STORE Owned and Operated By the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Reid Ave. and Third St. PORT ST. JOE, FLA. I WHITE TOP TAXI COMPANY | FOR PROMPT SERVICE PHONE 100 S DAY OR NIGHT-- TAXIS ALWAYS AVAILABLE IN FRONT OF ST. JOE TEXACO SERVICE STATION . jri i"ticj(ifatTjr 'ir j FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1942 THE STAR, ORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLUMAA DAC&^f: P IM1 PORT ST. -JOE, FLA. |