The boy's true joy

Material Information

The boy's true joy being the histories of, Frederick and Frank, or, The difference between being good and bad, and Edward and his dog, or, Prudence is better than riches
Series Title:
Fisher & Brother's home juvenile tales
Cover title:
Home tales
Added title page title:
Frederick and Frank, or, The difference between being good and bad
Added title page title:
Edward and his dog, or, Prudence is better than riches
Durang, Mary
Fisher & Brother ( Publisher )
Place of Publication:
Philadelphia ;
New York ;
Boston ;
Fisher & Brother
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
105 p. : col. ill. ; 15 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Children -- Conduct of life -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh )
Conduct of life -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh )
Children's stories ( lcsh )
Children's stories -- 1847 ( lcsh )
Hand-colored illustrations -- 1847 ( local )
Bldn -- 1847
Children's stories ( lcsh )
Hand-colored illustrations ( local )
novel ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia
United States -- New York -- New York
United States -- Massachusetts -- Boston
United States -- Maryland -- Baltimore
Target Audience:
juvenile ( marctarget )


General Note:
Illustrations are hand-colored.
Preservation and Access for American and British Children's Literature, 1870-1889 (NEH PA-50860-00).
Statement of Responsibility:
by Mrs. Mary Durang ; with six colored engravings.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
Baldwin Library of Historical Children's Literature in the Department of Special Collections and Area Studies, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida
Rights Management:
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Jane assisting Francis to make their gardens.

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[ See p. 24.]


















Ir the Little Histories, and Tales now presented to my young readers,
instruct, or amuse them, it will be a heartfelt gratification to me.

All the events recorded, and the information given are realities ; the
description of floods, and tempests, are such as have occurred; the
beautiful, and magnificent séenes in nature which are referred to, are
to be found in the parts of the world in which they are mentioned as
situated; and the vegetable and animal species have given subjects for
entertaining knowledge, where the goodness, and greatness of God is
found in all his works.

If I have succeeded in instructing in an amusing way, my pleasing
task will be accomplished for the present, and I hope it will not be the
last time, that my efforts will be employed in the same manner. To
see a cheerful face on a lovely child is my delight ; nor am I less grati-
fied in hearing the infant voice enquiring eagerly for the knowledge of
events long past, or the nature of things existing at the present time.

I must now bid them adieu for the present; may they be happy, and
cherish the remembrance of God’s blessings, is the anxious wish of

their friend,

Entered according to the Act of Congress, 1847, by Turner & Fisher, in the Clerk's
Office of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.





In a small village, Mr. and Mrs. Melmoth resi-
ded, they had two sons, one they called Francis,
and the other Frederick.

Francis was a warm hearted generous boy,
steady, and honorable in his disposition, and affec-
tionate to those around him.

Frederick was well disposed; but the wildness
of his nature, kept him in continual scrapes.

They had also one daughter, whose disposition
was exactly like Francis’s; they called her Jane.

Francis used to get up early of a morning in
summer, and gather as many flowers as he could
find for his sister, she was always grateful to him
for it, and used to go out to meet him. ,






In a small village, Mr. and Mrs. Melmoth resi-
ded, they had two sons, one they called Francis,
and the other Frederick.

Francis was a warm hearted generous boy,
steady, and honorable in his disposition, and affec-
tionate to those around him.

Frederick was well disposed; but the wildness
of his nature, kept him in continual scrapes.

They had also one daughter, whose disposition
was exactly like Francis’s; they called her Jane.

Francis used to get up early of a morning in
summer, and gather as many flowers as he could
find for his sister, she was always grateful to him
for it, and used to go out to meet him. ,



He had been more successful than usual, and

filled his hat with some he had never met with
before; here is some wild primrose, and some
jessamine, we will ask father, what those are.

They hastened to him, and produced some,
which their father told them was a cotton plant,
it is indeed rather an unusual thing to see it grow-
ing in an Hastern State; it is one of the staple
products of the Southern States, and one by which
the planters amass large fortunes, it also grows
abundantly in India, and other warm climates.

“ Has not India produced many singular plants
and trees?” enquired Francis.

“Tt has,” answered Mr. Melmoth, “It has the
Teak tree of which they build ships; its wood is
so strong, that a vessel built of it, will rot less in
thirty years, than one of British wood, will in

There is also the cocoa tree, which is remarka-
ble for its utility; of the body and trunk, the
natives make boats, and frames or rafters for their
houses, which they thatch with the leaves, and by
slitting them lengthways, make baskets of them;
the nut yields them oil, food, and drink; from the
branches when cut, they obtain the sap, which
they call toddy, and when fermented, arrack.


The Hindoos say there are as many uses for it,
as there are days in the year, being three hundred
and sixty-five. They have also the Palm tree,
(one species of which yields Sago,) Limes, Lemons,
Oranges, Sugar-cane, Indigo, and numerous spice
trees, besides theimmense Banyan tree, that throws
a thousand shoots into the ground; each of which
taking root, form trees, which throw out their
verdure, until it almost forms a forest in itself.”

They told their father, they were much obliged
to him for his information, and hoped that he
would always be so kind to them.

‘‘Here comes Frederick,” said Jane, “Are you
not ashamed to be getting up so late ?”

“Time enough for mischief,’ answered Frede-

‘But it is time for you to stop your mischief,”
said his father, “and I hope you will attend to
your lessons, and leave off doing mischief.

That was out of the question with Trederick,
for his father had no sooner left the room, than
his eye began to wander over it, to see what was
to be done. He saw some fire crackers, that his
father had bought for a person in the country,
and left them on the table, until they were called
for; he did not know whose they were; but


thought they were Francis’s and that he would
hide them, accordingly he put them in the grate,
and left them there; his father never thought of
asking the servants if they had been called for,
and no one thought any thing more about them.

The fall was fast advancing and the mornings
began to get cool. One wash-day, all the things
were in the tub ready for the woman to wash;
Frederick was going to try to frighten the
servants, and got into the tub and covered himself
up with the clothes; the woman eat her break-
fast and waited some time; Frederick got impa-
tient, but determined not to give up his idea of
frightening them; he was kept so long, that he
got into a doze, and the woman came with a large
pail of water which she threw over him, he started
up, the woman screamed, while he jumped up
dripping wet, throwing the clothes, water, and tub
all over.

He got the worst of it, for all his clothes
were spoiled, for which he got a great deal of

Mrs. Melmoth told the servant to light the fire
in the parlor, and Frederick who had forgotten
all about the crackers, was sitting near the fire-
place, when the girl lit the papers that had been


put in for kindling, and which concealed the
crackers, when they all went off; some of them
burnt him and the girl, who screamed out murder!
thieves! until she had collected a crowd around
the house, and frightened all in it.

Frederick was afraid to say that he had put
them there, although he recollected all about it
when inquiry was made, and it remained a
matter of wonder.

Mr. Melmoth took them all to Boston, and
among the various exhibitions that he took them
to see, the Chinese Museum attracted their notice

Jane remarked, “‘ That she did not like the looks
of the Chinese, with their olive complexions, small
black eyes, and black hair, with high cheek bones ;
father, do they always dress in that way ?”

Her father told her, “that they usually wear
their dresses long and loose, they mostly wear a
silk sash, with a case in it for their knife, and
chop sticks to eat their rice with; they wear their
trowsers loose, and line them with fur in winter ;
no one is fully dressed without a fan ; the dress of
the women differs very little from that of the men ;
their robes are long, and closed at the top, and an
over jacket; the higher class let their nails grow


to a great length, and wear sheathes made of
Bamboo, to preserve them from breaking; they
are great jugglers, and wire dancers, they are
great admirers of fire works, which they make
with great skill. They fish in a singular manner
with a bird called a Cormorant, which they train for
the purpose, and send them into the water from
whence they bring their prey to their master.”

“T should like to have some Cormorants,” said

“You would be amused too, with their barbers,”
said Mr. Melmoth, “and other trades which are
carried on in the streets; the barber, twangs his
tweezers which make a great noise, the dog mer-
chant, tries to attract notice with a noise resem-
bling a dog; the pigeon merchant tries an imita-
tion of his birds, all try various noises, so that the
eyes and ears are filled with sights and sounds,
while the flower seller with a pole across his
shoulder, from each end of which, a kind of tray
is suspended, like a pair of scales, the trays are
filled with pots of beautiful flowers, whose fra-
grance throws their perfume all around; the fruit
seller carries his fruit in the same manner.

The name of China is unknown to them, they
call themselves by more poetical names, such as


‘men of the Central Empire,’ or ‘men of the
Central flower,’ or ‘children of the Celestial

The great wall of China, is one of the greatest
works of the kind in the world, and one of the
greatest monuments of industry.

It extends along the northern frontiers for the
distance of fifteen hundred miles, over rivers,
vallies, and mountains; it has stood near two
thousand years. It consists of two brick walls,
a little distance apart, forming a sort of shell,
which is filled up with earth, thus, making them
into one solid rampart, about fifteen feet thick,
and varying, in different places in height, some
parts being thirty feet; it was erected as a defence
against the Nomadic warriors of central Asia.



Jane felt that a return was due to Francis for
his kindness in plucking flowers for her, so she
took a very large basket, and filled it with flowers;
before she got home she was very tired, and
taking off her hat, threw it on the ground, while
she sat down under the shade of the trees to rest ;
the cool stream was running behind her. She
had not been long there, before her little favorite
lamb came up to her, she pulled some of the grass
from beside her, and fed it; it then lay down by
her side, and they went asleep together.

Frederick had been out picking black berries,
he came home the same way, that Jane had gone
and saw them asleep, he took her flowers and
dressed the lamb up with them, he then took the
lamb, and locked it up in James’ room; but left
her under the tree, and took her basket with

When Jane awoke and found her basket and
flowers gone, she did not know whether she
had been in a dream, or whether some one
had come and stole them, so she got up and
went home, very much annoyed about it, for


— Frederick would be sure to make game of

“T should like to know who stole my flowers,
this afternoon when I fell asleep under the tree.”

“Why baa,” said Frederick.

“Baa!” exclaimed Jane, “what do you mean
by baa?”

“T mean Baa stole them, and Baa will give
them to you before you go to bed.”

Frederick tormented her the whole afternoon
by baaing, to every thing she wanted.

‘But when she went into her room she saw
something with a morning gown on, and a cap
covering “its head, which was trimmed with all
her flowers; not knowing what to make of it, it
terrified her, and.she screamed, while it baaed
at her, and then she screamed the louder; all the
house was alarmed, and ran to her assistance, and
seeing the thing that was dressed up, discovered
it to be the poor unoffending lamb, who began to
baa! most lustily, while Frederick joined in the
noise and general uproar with his baa!

Mr. and Mrs. Melmoth had been attracted by
her cries, and ran to the room, with the servants
and other people in the house.

“Ah! your lamb Jane, has none of the Spanish


or Mexican disposition about him,” remarked Mr.

‘How so?” enquired Jane.

“They steal more boldly, and have great cun-
ning in carrying their roguery out. There is no
part of Spain free from robbers, they do not often
murder, unless they are resisted, yet if they do
not find plunder on their victim, or profit by him,
he will not escape without a sound drubbing,
therefore, those who are accustomed to travelling
through the country, frequently carry asmall silver
watch, that is of little value, or something else
that will make ashow, and not be very costly,
which they surrender up immediately on being
attacked, to save themselves.

At some of the stages, or diligences, (as they
are called,) a caution is given not to take money
or valuables with them. The way that the rob-
bers, call to each passenger, is ‘on the ground you
thief,” they then make the sufferers lie quietly on
their backs, while they search them, and rob

It is told that a band consisting of three robbers
stopped a gentleman in Toledo, who had a very
good imitation of a gold watch. They seized him |
and demanded his watch, he of course strugeled


some time with them, one ran off with it, while -
the others held him for some time, and told him
to be quiet and he would find the result better
than he expected.

In about ten minutes, the robber returned, and
handed him a written order on the inn-keeper, to
give him his watch; but you will have to give him
thirty dollars for it, for Iwanted that much money,
and not your watch, it is no doubt worth one
hundred dollars, therefore, you will make a good
bargain out of it. So good bye.

The gentleman thought it was very wrong to
let such a robbery pass, so he went to the inn-
keeper, and showed the order.

“All right,” answered the inn-kecper.

“ All will be right if you catch the fellows, then
the watch shall be yours,” said the traveller.

“That is a bargain that I shall be glad to
make,” replied the fat burly landlord, “and all
you have got to do, is to walk along the same
street with another watch to morrow after-

The gentleman agreed to it; but he saw at once
that the landlord was as bad a thief as the other
robbers, so the next day instead of trusting to the
treacherous fellow to have them arrested, he got


three police officers to conceal themselves, and as
soon as he was attacked, he made a signal by a
whistle that he took care to have with him, on
which the police officers sprang forward and
seized them; they then searched the inn, where
they found a large quantity of valuable goods,
that had been stolen.

“Here landlord is the watch which you earned,
you will not find it so valuable as you expected,
for it is only hke yourself; you appeared to be
honest, until you were found out; and the watch
appears like gold; but you will find that it is only
an imitation. I promised that you should have it
and I will keep my word; but I shall have the
worth of it, in knowing that I have brought to
punishment a set of rogues. So adieu.”

The gentleman having thus told the inn-keeper
of what value his wages were, left him to meet
his punishment.

Now Jane, you must not be angry with the poor
little lamb, for if he stole your flowers, he brought
them to your room; but how he got there scems
strange; but do not suffer yourself to be so easily
frightened,” said Mr. Melmoth, “what would
you do, if you were obliged to travel through
deserts, and over mountains, where you would


meet with wild animals, ready to seize you and
tear you to pieces; or be obliged to cross the
wide ocean, with but one plank between you and
the water, which by the aid of that Providence
that watches over you, is sufficient to protect you
and save you.”

“T should like to go across the ocean,” answered
Frederick,“ and see the rocks and billows, that
I xvead of, and the various wonders, and curiosi-
ties, of other lands; how I should like to see one
of those light houses, that the sailors say they
anxiously look for, to guard them against the
dangers of rocks.”

“They are indeed valuable edifices,” said Mr.
Melmoth, “they are a great assistance to the
mariner, and they form a beautiful sight to those
who are coming from sea.

‘We have a number of them on our American
shore, one on Cape Hatteras, is very wildly situated.

There amidst the rocks is the light house, which
rears its high head amongst breakers, whose
foam sprinkles its high walls, when the storm
beats against them; wild and lonesome as it
appears, it is cheerful, and pleasant to that of
the Kddystone light house, which is built on one
of the rocks of that name, which are situated in


the English channel; many gallant vessels which
had crossed the ocean, were wrecked on those
rocks ; therefore, it became necessary to build a
light house to warn the unwary seaman of his
danger. Notwithstanding the dangers attendant
upon its erection, the plan was arranged by Mr.
Henry Winstanly, a gentleman of Littlebury in
the county of Essex. He began to erect it in
1696, and it was finished about four years after;
from the best information that can be collected
it was built with a number of corners, and when
it received its last additions of about a hundred
feet, the sea still washed the top in stormy
weather. Myr. Winstanly was not a regular
architect, but was a very ingenious man; he felt
so confident of the strength of his structure, that
he said, ‘his only wish, was to be in it during the
greatest storm that ever blew under the heavens,
that he might see whatwould be the effect.’ His
wish, (unfortunately for him,) was granted. On
the 22d of November 1703, he was in the light
house, superintending some repairs, when there
came on one of the most terrific storms ever
known in England; on that night it was entirely
blown away, not a vestige of it was left, except a
piece of an iron chain, that got stuck in a crevice

ee IP


redcrick, Francis and Jane, blowing witches. [See p. 28.]


of the rock, from whence it was dug out about
fifty years after, such was the end of the first
light house.

“After the destruction of the light house, a
vessel from Virginia was wrecked on the place
where it stood, this caused them to erect

The second Eddystone light house, was planned
by John Rudyard; he began it in July 1706, the
light was put in it two years after, and in 1709 it
was completed in all parts. It was ninety-two
fect high. It stood several severe storms, until
the second of December 1755. Three men had
charge of it; at about two o’clock, one of them
went up to snuff the candles in the lantern, when
he found the place full of smoke, from which a
flame burst forth. It caught from a spark from
some of the twenty-four candles, which were kept
constantly burning, and communicated to the wood
work; the man instantly alarmed his companions;
but they being in bed asleep, it was long before he
got assistance. In the meantime, he tried to ex-
ting uish the fire, by throwing water up to it, (it
was burning four feet above,) from a large tub,
that was always kept there. It took a long time
to get-the water up seventy feet, as it had to be



carried. At last a quantity of the lead which was
on the roof, melted and ran down in a torrent
on the shoulders of the man who remained above ;
his name was Henry Hall, he was nincty-four
years of age.

The fire increased so rapidly, that they had te
make their escape from to room to room, until they
reached the lowest floor, after having used every
means they could to arrest the progress of the
flames; driven from the lowest chamber, they
sought refuge in a hole or cave, on the eastern
side of the rock, where they were safe while it
was low water.

In the meantime the fire was seen from the
shore by some fishermen, who immediately
launched their boats, and set out to their assist-
ance. They arrived at the light house about
ten o'clock; it was with the greatest difficulty
that they could land; but at length, they dis-
covered the men, who were in a state of stupefac-
tion; and dragged them through the water to the
boat; one of the men was seized with a panic,
and on reaching the shore, fled and was never
heard of after. Poor old Hall seemed to recover,
for sometime his appetite did not fail; but he told
the doctor that he could net recover, unless. they


could remove the lead from his stomach, which
he said had gone down his throat, from the roof
of the lantern; they thought it was only his im-
agination; but on the twelfth day, he was seized
with cold sweats and expired; when his body was
opened, it was discovered that the lead had
actually gone down his throat, and he had swal-
lowed it; there was a piece of the lead in his
stomach, that weighed seven ounces and five
drachms, which had partly adhered to the coat of
the stomach, it had flattened and became of an
oval shape.

Mr. Smeaton was the architect of the third
Jiddystone light house, the first stone was laid on
the 12th of June, 1757, and singular as it may
appear, the architects of the three buildings were
all self taught.

After listening to these descriptions of countries
and things, both Frederick and Francis expressed
their wishes that they were old enough to travel,
and see all such sights.

Jane took her lamb, and made a greater pet of
it than ever, it used to follow her every where,
and they became very fond of each other.



‘Come Jane, come with me into the garden; I
am going to sow some seed, so get your bonnet,
and come help me. I will get my wheel- barrow
and you can assist me, by carrying those roots in
a basket, that I want to transplant,” said

They took their implements, he his spade and
barrow, and she her basket.

‘Now, Francis, you must dig my bed, and I
will bring you flowers, and assist you that way,”
observed Jane.

“Were is the beautiful plant of four o’clock,
which unfolds its lovely blossoms at that hour in
the afternoon, and remains open until the same
hour in the morning, when it goes to sleep beneath
the rays of the sun. Plant some in your bed, and
J will bring you some for mine, for it is an
elegant shr wb, and will tell the time of day in
cloudy weather.

Were it not that the chick-weed is so useful
for food for our birds, I would tear it up, being
only a weed.”


“Do not despise it Jane, because it is a weed,”
said Irancis, “ for many weeds are valuable, and
some of our rare plants arise from them, which
by proper cultivation, become splendid flow ers,
like the uncultivated mind they contain many

Besides, the humble chick-weed is an excellent
barometer to tell the weather. When the flower
expands boldly and fully, no rain will happen for
four hours, or upwards, if it continues open, no
rain will disturb the serenity of that summer’s day,
when it half conceals its little lovely flower, the
day is generally showery; but if it entirely shuts
up or veils its white flower with its green leaves
the traveller may look for damp chilly weather,
and the ploughman rest from his Jabors, and put
his oxen in some sheltered place.”

“Do not forget to plant some of the Virginia
Jessamine near my window, for perhaps it might
entice some of those beautiful little birds, that
come from Florida to wing their way here; how
I should like to have some of them, brother
Francis, they make their nests in the leaves, and
live in the cup of the flowers; Aunt Anne gave
me such a description of the dear little things,
that I have been anxious ever since to get some;


their bodies are not larger than a blue bottle fly,
and their little feathers sparkle with all the
colors of the rainbow, each one shining like a
costly gem; when they get in the cup of the
Jessamine, they will sometimes let you catch

“Sister Jane, if I thought that by planting the
Jessamine in your bed, it would entice the little
fly birds, I would willingly do it; but Iam afraid
they will not leave their warm climate for ours.”

lowers and the arts seem frequently to be
rivals, for public favor. In Athens at one time, a
ereat fashion for flowers existed, every basket
full that was brought to market, was sold for a
very high price; one girl in particular, whose
name was Glycera, could sell her flowers for any
sum she named,

Pausanias, who was a great artist, used to paint
his pictures, and not be able to sell any for half
their value; he determined to make a last effort;
he accordingly painted Glycera scated in her
arbor, weaving a garland of flowers; this had the
desired effect, the picture created universal
praise, and Pausanias found constant employment
in furnishing a capricious sect of people with
copies of her.


“ And sometimes justice is done unto people,
while at other times wrongs go unredressed ; but
we should never despair; but be industrious and
persevere in all good actions,’ these remarks
were made to Frederick by Francis, while Jane
went to get more roots for him to plant.

“Do you think I want perseverance?” asked

“No, but I wish you would not waste your time
and genius with folly, you are too apt to throw
aside every thing that gives you a little trouble;
and then you fall into mischief, There was a
young Dutch miller, who was very fond of paint-
ing, and he used to amuse himself for hours, by
drawing the scenes around him; the mill, his
master’s cattle, and every thing of that kind he
painted. As soon as one picture was done, he
disposed of it to a colored man for materials to
do another. On a feast day an inn-keeper bought
two to decorate his hall in which he received his
guests. admired the truth and beauty of the landscapes,
and offered a hundred dollars for each, and
promised to take all the artist’s works at the same
price; such you see is the reward of industry, and
perseverance; so brother let us take example


by the Dutch miller, and may we be as fortunate.”
As he concluded speaking, “Jane came running
towards them, with a handful of dandelion

“Seewhat I have gathered from the green slope
of the hill, all those golden colored “flowers, or
light and tran sparent spheres. See the dandelions!
the oracle of the fields; that you may consult to
try whether you will, get your wishes; see its
flowers, which open and close at certain hours,
are the solitary shepherd’s clock, and its feathery
globes are his barometer, predicting calms or
storms; now come Ireder ick, do you want to see
if you will have your wish.”

“ Must I tell you what I wish?” asked Frede-

‘No, you must wish, and then blow gently on
the feathery aigrette, where all those witches
circle on their throne, (which is the aigrette or

centre of the flower,) and if one single witch
remains, you will get your wish.”

Jane Having given directions, gave him one
of the dandelion witches, he gave one strong blow,
and they all flew away.

There, you have blown too strong, you shculd
blow gently, now I will see which of you lives

me,” she then took one of the witches and blow-
ed it gently before her, it being favored by the
wind was wafted towards Francis.

A general clapping of hands, took place among
the happy ttle party.

“Take care,” said Francis, “the seeds of the
dandelion, which those little witches are, may
sometimes deceive us, therefore, we must not de-
pend on them too much. Behold! it is the wind
which has blown it towards me; but I will keep
it, and treasure it for my dear sister Jane’s sake.

But Jane, you did not try your wish, you had
better try your luck that way.”

“JT have so many things to wish for, that I do
not exactly know which to try for first. Let me
see. I have already been wishing for a little bird
fly, so that will not do. I will wish for a little
canary bird, for I begged father to get me one the
other day.” Having thus concluded what to wish
for, Jane took her dandelion and blowing gently,
blew all the seeds off excepting one solitary

“There, I have my wish!” said she, and another
clapping of hands followed.

They had only time to get quiet, when Mr.
Melmoth came in the garden with a cage, in which
was a beautiful canary.


“ Here Jane,” said Mr. Melmoth, “is the bird
I promised you; they tell me he is a beautiful
singer. Now, you must take care and feed him
well ; for if you neglect him he will dic.”

A. general exclamation of surprise escaped from
them all, at the wish being accomplished on the

“ Not at all, for chance often produces the same
occurrence, which has given rise to much super-
stition ; I promised the bird to J ane, and she had
a right to expect it, her mind has been settled on
what she wished, and thus, it has caused you
all surprise, because it was mentioned,” said Mr.

“Now, since Jane has been so lucky in her
wish, I will try mine, but not by the flowers of the
dandelion ; I will trust to time to tell me if I shall
succeed in my wish; nor will I conceal it at
present. This is my wish, that both my brother
and myself, may by our industr y and talents, dis-
tinguish oursely es among the great men of our

‘“T admire your wish my son, and hope that
by the blessing of God, you will be enabled to
succeed in your undert aking. Industry does
much, and when you read over the deeds of great


men, it is enough to inspire you with ardor to
emulate them.

Behold the great improvements of the present
day, and trace to whose genius we are indebted
for them. The genius of Franklin, gained sucha
knowledge of electricity, that its power of destruc-
tion has been averted in a great measure.

Mr. Morse by his study and talent has made
it amedium of such rapid intelligence, that com-
munications can be carried hundreds of miles
almost as quick as thought.

What the power of man can accomplish, none
eantell. Steam and electricity, have been brought
to act under man’s control by great perfection of
machinery; and what more improvements will
be made, time alone can tell.

“Do not be too incredulous, and say that things
are impossible, there have been many attempts
made to navigate the air in balloons, they have
hitherto failed, and may fail again or may succeed;
many will no doubt try it; but they will have
many difficulties to encounter in every way, as
prejudice is still powerful in the minds of man.

Guard against it, for it is the bane of genius,
and is injustice to the individual and to society in
general, therefore, it ought to be avoided.


If any person three years ago, would have sug-
gested that intelligence could ‘be carried hundreds
of miles in a few ‘seconds, they would have been
laughed at; as Mr. Fulton was, at the time that
he proposed to navigate the rivers by steam. He
was looked on as amadman; but the mind of man
is powerful when called into exertion; every boy
and girl should make it their business, daily
to reflect upon subjects, and investig eate their
nature and causes; and they may then “make dlis-
coveries some time that will be of service to them-
selves, and their fellow creatures; if neglected,
like a ‘tree, it will either yield no fruit, or be of
an inferior quality.

The great founder of the State of Pennsylvania,
was a profound thinker; he was born in London,
in the year 1644; his father was an admiral in the
British navy ; and was designed for a lawyer ; but
his powerful mind took to a 1 different turn.

It is said when he was only eleven years of age,
he was seated alone in his room reflecting ; w hen
he felt his heart filled with joy, such as he never
knew before; he felt, that his communion with his
Maker by thought, was the method to make man
happy, and be acceptable to God.

Jn the twenty-second year of his age, he became


a member of the Religious society of Friends, and
about two years s after he was received in the im-
portant character of a minister of the gospel.

Hie was much persecuted, and frequently 1m-
prisoned for his religious opinions; but nothing
could shake his principles; and his answer to a
message from the Bishop of London, who wished
him to abandon his opinions, shows how perse-
veringly he adhered to what he belived was right.
The answer was: “That he would weary “out
the malice of his enemies by patience and per-
severance; that great and good things, were sel-
dom obtained but by loss and hardships; that the
man who would reap and not labor, must faint
with the wind, and perish with disappointments;
and his prison should become his grave, before he
would renounce his just opinions.”

In 1676, he was called on to decide between the
rights of two persons, relative to a tract of land in
North America; he afterwards became manager
of that part called West New Jersey; it was the
connection with that settlement, led to the estab-
lishment of Pennsylvania, which he formed into a
colony under his own direction.

In 1680 he presented a petition to King Charles
II. for the grantof a sufficient portion of land on


the western side of the Delaware; for a settle-
ment for himself and friends, and which was after
much debate, granted to him in consideration of a
debt due to him from the crown.

William Penn’s scruples of conscience were
very great; he felt that the land belonged to the
Indians, and that the king had no right to give it,
or sell it away, although that form was necessary
by the laws of nations; he therefore, paid the
natives in articles of commerce, what they deemed
an equivalent for their land.

The place where William Penn made the
treaty with the Indians, was on the banks of the
river Delaware, beneath an aged Elm tree of ex-
traordinary size. Its high towering branches and
great height, threw a delightful and refreshing
shade around. There, the Indians, men, women,
and children, assembled, and met William Penn
and a few chosen friends, all dressed in the plain
quaker habit. While the red men were dis-
covered with their beads, feathers, and every
article of gaudy colored cloth that they could col-
lect, displayed on their painted forms.

His own good heart felt such confidence in the
effects of pure religion, that he considered himself
in perfect safety among the wild sons of the forest.


He trusted to his own peaceful precepts to disarm
even the American Indian.

The natives, expecting to sce him advance
armed, and guarded, and equipped with all the
weapons of war, were taken by surprise.

The majestic sweetness of his countenance, im-
pressed them at once with sentiments of respect,
friendship and veneration, which was his best
defence: and they immediately obeyed his signal to
sit down, which they did in the form of a crescent,
each tribe round their own chief.

William Penn sat under that tree unarmed,
with a few friends in the midst of a host of uncivi-
lized people, who in the thick groves of Coaquan-
nock, laid aside their towahawks, as instruments
of defence; they extended their friendship to the
white man: they called him brother, and prom-
ised to preserve it as long as the sun and moon
shouldendure. Such was the treaty, and the only
treaty ever made, by the aborigines, and that has
never been broken by them.

The place where the treaty took place, was near
the pleasant village of Shakamaxon and Coaquan-
nock, where Kensington now stands.

He then framed a code of laws for the govern-
ment of the colony, and laid the foundation for the


civil and religious liberties, which have distin-
guished America.

He had the satisfaction to see his hopes realized,
and then founded a city which he called Philadel-
phia, meaning brotherly love.

His character was noble and worthy of imita-
tion; he lived seventy years among the untaught
and uncivilized Indians without any means of de-
fence, nor did he require any other than his own
just principles that he acted upon, “doing unto
others as he would have them do unto him.” He
endured persecution and malice with resignation,
and persevered in fulfilling what he considered
the law of God. He died in the year 1718.
~ One of his decendants, that did not follow his
illustrious course, gained a different name. He
spurned the good example set him by his ancestor,
and was universally called the pen that every-
body cut, but nobody could mend. What a con-
trast; and it is hoped that the descendants will
raise the lustre that shone the world so brightly,
and will live through ages, as the founder of the
State of Pennsylvania,




Satie Frederick taking leave of Jane.

[See p. 48.

Ree nt



While Francis was studying various histories,
and reading the lives of great men, Frederick was
at some sport; once he was near breaking Jane’s
arm by his carelessness; he got into his veloscipede
and was racing around the garden, he came with
full force against her, and knocked her down, so
that she was severely hurt.

He was very sorry for it, so he took her up, and
put her in the seat of the veloscipede and drew
her to the house; he watched over her as she lay
on the sofa.

When Mr. and Mrs. Melmoth saw her, they
were at first very much alarmed; but afterwards
took the opportunity to warn I'redcrick against
such carelessness, and urged him to make him-
self useful in the world.

It is of little consequence how rich a man is, if
he is of no benefit to his fellow creatures. There
was a wealthy man, who possessed rich gold mines;
having these, ho neglected to cultivate his land,
but employ ed all his numerous slaves in working

his mines. His wife, who was a prudent woman,


often reasoned with him on theimprudence of it;
he laughed at her, and told her “there is no use
ina man of my wealth worrying himself about
ploughing and sowing.”

She reminded him, that they lived at a great
distance from any town, and it was not right to
depend on others altogether for their sustenance;
but he remained deaf to all her entreatics.

One day he invited anumber of guests to dine;
his wife had the forms of meat moulded in gold:
for instance, she had gold melted, and made up in
the form of a turkey, “another representing a leg
of mutton, and other various fruits, pies, and all
vegetables necessary for a handsomely furnished
table, she sat at the head of it, and said to them,
“T give you the only thing we possess in abundance,
we can but reap what we sow, see now whether
gold is so great a blessing as some people imagine ;
were my husband to cultivate the most humble
plant, I should be better pleased with it than
with all these false riches.

“The poor disregarded common meadow grass
is of more utility, and grows without labor.
It supplies a bed for man; it flourishes alike
every where; the birds live on its seed, the cattle
feed on it; and we are supported by the milk
which they derive from it.”


This lesson made an impression on the mind of
the husband; he acknowledged that real wealth
did not consist in gold, or all power rest in size.

“ Are not large persons more powerful than
small ones?” enquired Jane.

“Not always, there are some instances of it,
and there are others, which prove that the most
minute insects will accomplish as much by industry,
as many men can effect by strength.

The white ants or termites of Africa, give us
a proof at once. Of these insects there are several
species; but they all resemble each other in form
and in their manner of living. They differ in their
manner of building and style of architecture, and
also in the selection of the materials of which
their nests are composed. Some build on the
surface, or partly above and partly below ground,
and others on trunks or branches of lofty trees.

They form a settlement among themselves, the
first class is the working insects, and are called
laborers; the second, the fighters or soldiers,
which perform no labor; the third, the winged or
perfect ones, which are male and female, these
are called nobles or gentry; because they neither
labor or fight. The nobility alone are capable of
being made kings and queens. A few weeks after


their elevation to this state, they emigrate in order
‘to found new empires.

In a nest or hill the laborers, or working insects
are always most numerous. There are at least
one hundred laborers, to one of the fighting insects
or soldiers. When in this state, they are about
the fourth of an inch in length, which is rather
smaller than some of our ants. From their
figure and fondness for wood, they are called
wood lice.

The second order, or soldiers, differ in figure
from the laborers, these are the same insects; but
have undergone a change of form, and made a
nearer approach to a perfect state. They are
now much larger, being half an inch in length,
and equal in size to fifteen of the laborers. The
head is also changed, and the mouth, which in
the laborers is formed for gnawing or holding
bodies; but, in the soldier state the jaws being
shaped like two awls a little jagged, are very
suitable for piercing or wounding, they are hard
like a crab’s claw, and of a dark brown color.

In the third state, they are still more changed,
they are now furnished with four large brownish
transparent wings; by which they are enabled at
proper seasons to emigrate. They now measure


between six and seven tenths of an inch, their
bulk is equal to that of thirty laborers, or two
soldiers. Instead of active, industrious, and ra-
pacious little animals when they arrive at their
perfect state; they become innocent, helpless, and
dastardly. They are devoured by birds, reptiles,
and even the inhabitants of Africa.

Of those that escape, some are seized upon by
the laboring ants, and are made the founders of
anew state. They are immediately enclosed in
a chamber suitable to their size. This is built
around them, and has an entrance too small for
them to get out. When the queen is two years
old, she has increased to three inches in length;
she lays upwards of eighty thousand eggs.

The eggs are instantly taken care of by the
laborers, and placed in proper nurseries where
they are hatched. The young are there attended,
and provided with every thing necessary, until
they are able to take care of themselves, and
take their share in the labors of the community.

The nests are called hills by the natives of
Africa, New Holland and other hot climates ; they
are often elevated ten or twelve feet above the
surface of the earth, and are nearly in a conical


Each of these hills is composed of an exterior
and an interior part. The exterior cover is a
large clay shell, which is shaped like a dome; it
is stro ng enough to protect the interior building
from the j injuries of the weather, and their numer-
ous inhabitants from their enemies. ‘The internal
building is divided with wonderful artifice and
regularity, into a vast number of apartments for
the accommodation of the king and qucen, for the
nursery, and for storing the provisions.

‘When they commence building the small turrets
they get them a foot high, they ” then go on until
they have a number of them, the highest i is always
placed in the middle; they then build a dome
enclosing them all.

The royal chamber is always near the centre
of the building, the apartments round it are of
different sizes; ‘the store rooms are of clay, and at
all times well stored with provisions; which consist
of gums, and juices of plants, thrown together in
irregular masses. Of these masses, some are
finer than others, and resemble the sugar of fruits,
others the tears of gum, being quite transparent,
another amber, a third brown, and a fourth

The nurseries are always slightly overgrown


with a kind of mould, and sprinkled with white
globules about the size of a pin’s head. They are
a kind of mushroom which are like snow, a little
melted and frozen again before they are broken.

When a breach is made in one of the hills, the
first object that attracts attention, is the behavior
of the soldiers or fighting insects. Immediately
on the blow being given a soldier comes out, walks
about the breach, and seems to examine the nature
of the enemy, or the cause of the attack. He
then goes into the hill, and gives the alarm, in a
short time large bodies rush out as fast as the
breach will permit. It is not easy to describe the
fury and rage which these fighting insects display.
In their eagerness to repel the enemy, they fre-
quently tumble down the side of the hill; but
recover themselves very quickly, and bite every
thing they encounter.

The biting joined to the striking of their claws
upon the building, make a cri ackling or vibrating
noise, which is somewhat shriller and quicker
than the ticking of a watch, and may be heard at
a distance of three or four feet.

During the attack, they are in the most violent
bustle and agitation ; if they can get hold of any
part of a man’s body, they instantly make a wound
which discharges a quantity of blood.


They make their jaws meet at the first stroke,
and never quit their hold but suffer themselves to
be pulled away leg by leg, and piece by piece,
without making the smallest attempt to escape ;
but if a person keeps out of their reach, and gives
them no further disturbance, in less than half an
hour they return into their nests, as if they sup-
posed that the wonderful monster that damaged
their castle had fled.

Before all the soldiers have got in, the laboring
ants commence to work, they hasten towards the
breach, each of them having a quantity of tem-
pered mortar in his mouth. This mortar they
stick upon the breach as fast as they arrive, and
perform the operation with despatch, yet with such
dexterity that they never incommode each other,
although they are so numerous ; they go on work-
ing until there is a regular wall erected, which
fills up the chasm.

While the laborers are at work, all the soldiers
remain within except an odd one, who saunters
about among six hundred or a thousand laborers;
but never touches the mortar. One soldier always
takes his station near the wall which the laborers
are building; this soldier turns himself leisurely
on all sides, and at intervals of a minute or two,


raises his head, beats upon the building with his
claws, and makes a vibrating noise. loud hiss
instantly issues from the inside of the dome, and
all the subterraneous caverns and passages. This
hiss proceeds from the laborers, as at every signal
of this kind, they work with redoubled quickness
and alacrity.

A renewal of the attack instantly changes the
scene. On the first blow, the laborers escape to
their chambers with such speed, that in a few
seconds all are gone, and the soldiers rush out as
numerous and as vindictive as before. If they
find no enemy, they retire again leisurely into the
hill; and soon the laborers re-appear, loaded as
at first, as active and as sedulous, with soldiers
here and there among them, who act in just the
same manner, one or other of them giving the
signal to hasten the business.



Having heard such glowing accounts of the
wonders of nature and art, Frederick determined
to go to sea; he did not say any thing to his father
or mother about it; but told Jane he had some-
thing to say to her, if she would walk down by
the side of the river in the afternoon; she promised
him that she would.

She went to the appointed place according to
promise; to her astonishment she saw a vessel
in the stream, just ready to sail; this alarmed her
a great deal; but she was still more go, when she
saw Frederick coming towards her dressed in
sailor’s clothes.

“ Do not be alarmed, dear Jane, I am only going
away for a short time, I shall soon return, and I
want you to tell father and mother; do not let
them know this until Iam gone. I will write to
you and to them, do not be uneasy.”

Jane burst into tears, she begged him not to
go, but to return home; but he was deaf to all
her entreaties; and with a sorrowful heart, she
saw him go off in the small boat, and he was
rowed away to the ship.


When Jane went home and told her parents
that he was gone they were very much grieved at
first; but afterwards they consoled themselves by
the reflection, that in all cases we must trust to
Providence, and the power that protects us on
land, and rules over the water.

He had not been long gone, before they re-
ceived a letter from him; he expressed great
sorrow for having left them, and wished that he
was safe home again, for he had very near been

He had been sailing on the St. Lawrence river
and they were very near being drawn in the whirl-
pool. This whirlpool is a deep basin where the
waters of the St. Lawrence revolve in one per-
petual whirl caused by their being obstructed by
an angle of the steep, and dreary banks, which
overhang this dreadful place.

Young Wallace was a fine youth, he was the
son of a blacksmith, he went down to the whirl-
pool one day, and before he was aware of it, got
into the current, which proved too strong for him,
and he was carried into the whirl. His poor dis-
tracted mother sat on the gloomy bank, days and
hours, and beheld the body of her own darling child
carried round in acircle by the waters, sometimes


eee for a time, and then coming up and

volving on the surface of his watery grave, and
shies continuing for several days, no human aid
being available even to obtain his remains.

It is usual for persons having charge of timber
from places between the falls and the whirlpool,
to get off the raft before they come to the basin,
first placing the raft in such a position, as will
best enable it to float down the stream without
being carried into the whirl. On one occasion
however, one of the raftsmen refused to leave the
raft; he was not afraid, he was sure all would go
safe. Entreaty was unavailing; and the raft,
with the unfortunate headstrong man upon it,
made its way downwards, and was soon drawn
within the influence of the fatal circle; around
which for three days and three nights it continued
to revolve; all the efforts of a thousand anxious
spectators proved unavailing; the continual and
sickening motion he underwent, robbed the poor
sufferer of all power to eat, sleep he could not; a
dreadful death was before his eyes, so much the
more terrible, from being protracted night after
night in such a place. At last a man was found,
who ventured into the whirl as far as he could
with any hopes of safety for his own life, a strong


rope was fastened round his middle, one end of
which was on shore. He carried with him a line
to throw to the raft, which happily succeeded; the
agonized sufferer fastened it on to the raft, and
in this way he was drawn on shore, and. his life

From this dangerous whirlpool Frederick was
rescued in avery similar manner. They were
on the edge of it when the captain perceiving it
threw a rope towards a vessel, which carried it to
the shore; thus, by the rope they were enabled
to draw them from the current of the whirlpool,
and they were saved.

Frederick wrote to them, that if he could but
once more gct to them, he would study with
Francis, and be all that his affectionate brother
could wish, that wish had been engraven on his

In the dark night, when the tempest howled
around him, and the snow or rain fell over his
houseless head; his thoughts wandered back to
his former home, and when he lay down to sleep,
his fancy would recall to his mind the image of
his dear brother praying for him, and that wish
so full of pure and gentle love, seemed as though
it warned him against evil; “Let me but once


more see them all, and I will yield implict obedi
ence to my parents, and all their wishes.”

Ife at length arrived at home, and was rejoiced
to find them all well.

“ Now brother, I will study the glorious science
of medicine, and I hope that I may by that means
become a useful member of society,” said Frede-
rick, “I have already employed all the time that
my employers could spare, in preparing myself
by reading as much as I could; and I hope that
my efforts will not prove altogether useless.”

“You give me happiness indeed; if you knew
the many miserable hours that I have ‘passed in
fears for your safety, you would almost wonder
that these grey hairs are not already in the grave;
but now, that you have at last seen your error,
I can close my eyes in peace, and sleep undis-
turbed by the heavy weight of sorrow, with which
I was oppressed.”

Frederick’s heart swelled with sorrow, for the
uneasiness that he had caused; but he omitted
nothing to atone for it.

A few years soon passed over, Frederick and
Francis pursued their studies, the one, medicine,
the other law, and each of them as they became
of age, commenced practice in their different pro-


Jane was not forgotten by them, she was their
darling pet, and everything she wished, they en-
deavored to obtain for her.

Scarcely a year had passed after Francis had
been admitted to the bar, before he was engaged
in a most important suit which he gained for his
client, and his fame became at once established.

Frederick was equally successful in his business,
the principal Doctor in the town died, by which
means, he at once got into his practice. He had
strong intellectual powers, which he exerted ina ©
cause he loved, which was his profession. The
poor blessed him, for he was always ready to
attend them, and assist them as far as his ample
means would go.

A few years passed over, and beheld them both
on the eve of marriage, and Jane was asked to
stand as bride’s maid.

“T would be very happy to comply with your
wishes my dear brother; but I rather think it will
be better for me to be a bride myself; you know
your very particular friend James Belton, wishes
to be married at the same time that you are, so
you would not wish your sister to disoblige him
would you ?”

“Not if you intend to be Mrs. Belton,” replied


Frederick, ‘and I shall be very happy to call him
brother-in-law; and my dear sister, I hope that
whatever change may take place, neither of us
will forget a tr ifling incident that proved of great
importance to me, as it was one which urg ed me
to future honors.

Your wish was gratified on the instant, it was
followed by Francis declaring his, which was filled
with affection and love for me.

I thought to gain it for him, by venturing forth
alone in the world; but I found too late, that it
wanted a parent’s sanction, and that good deeds
were not to be achieved by disobedience. I re-
turned home, and began again to try and accom-
plish his wish ; no bitter reflection of error crossed
my mind this time; I was acting under a happy
approval of a father, and my friend’s love. Thus,
I have found and proved the difference between
good and bad.



Neptune getting Edward’s coat out of the water. [ See p. 71.] %



Edward Jefferson had two little sisters, one was
called Ellen and the other Meeta; their father
and mother often gave them toys for their good

Edward having been remarkably good, his
father bought him a fine little dog, which Edward
was so well pleased with, that he made a house
for him, and every day they used to take food to

‘See Ellen, how nice he can sleep, in there, and
when the snow begins to fall, if mother does not
like him to come into the house, he can go in
there and be comfortable,” said Edward.

“Oh dear! I wish my little pussy had such a
nice house like that; won’t you try and make her
one brother ? you know it need not be so large as




Edward Jefferson had two little sisters, one was
called Ellen and the other Meeta; their father
and mother often gave them toys for their good

Edward having been remarkably good, his
father bought him a fine little dog, which Edward
was so well pleased with, that he made a house
for him, and every day they used to take food to

‘See Ellen, how nice he can sleep, in there, and
when the snow begins to fall, if mother does not
like him to come into the house, he can go in
there and be comfortable,” said Edward.

“Oh dear! I wish my little pussy had such a
nice house like that; won’t you try and make her
one brother ? you know it need not be so large as



that, and I will put some cotton in it, for her to
sleep on. You have straw in yours; but that
will be too hard for pussy’s soft skin ; will you do
what I ask, brother?” inquired Ellen.

“T will make you a house; but I don’t see what
you want with it, for mother always lets Sally
(your puss,) sit before the fire on the hearth rug,
and you give her some milk every morning; there-
fore, I think she is very well off,” said Edward,
“now I don’t think that Neptune will be let into
the house.”

“Neptune!” exclaimed Meeta, “so you have
given him a name already.”

“ Yes,” answered Edward, “I have called him
Neptune, for he can swim and play in the water ;
he is a great dog, I am going to teach him to
fetch and carry things, you don’t know how
useful he will be to us all.

I will make him carry a basket in his mouth, and.
walk after me, and when I want to send any thing
to any of my friends, he shall take it to them.”

Mr. Jefferson came out of the house to see how
they got on, he looked at the dog house, and ex-
amined it, he then asked Edward who helped him
to make it, for he knew that he could not have
made it by himself.


Edward told him that Robert Douglass had
helped him, and that he was to give him twelve
and a half cents per week out of his pocket money
for two months.

“That is allright my son, take care of all dumb
animals, it shows a good disposition, and above
all, a dog from his affectionate feclings, requires
and demands our care, a good dog will watch his
master’s property, and fight for him.

There was a friend of mine, a lady who had a
little dog that was very fond of her, he followed
her every where, and when she went out to walk
the dog went with her.

One day, they were out taking their usual walk;
the lady generally wore her watch suspended by
a chain round her neck ; this day one of the links
of the chain had got broken, which she did not
know; she had not proceeded far, when the dog
stopped behind her, she called him, but could not
get him to follow her, a person passed him in the
street, when the dog laid down and growled at
him; his conduct was so uncommon, that she
went back to see what was the reason of it; he
jumped up and then barked over her watch, which
lay on the pavement where it had slipped from
her neck.


“T hope my dog will get as fond of me,” said
Edward, “ for I am sure I love him.”

After the dog had been fed, they went into the
house. Mr. Jefferson told Ellen that she must
now feed her cat, and Mecta the birds; for they
must be taken care of, for said he, ‘though cats
are not as affectionate as dogs, yet they require as
much care, and as to the ‘Tittle birds, the dear
little creatures know those who feed them, and
will reward them, with their sweet songs.”

“But do all birds sing ?” enquired Meeta.

“Not all my child, but those who have not the
faculty of song, have other ways of endearing
themselves to us, and are objects of attention, for
instance, the swallow comes to your house, ‘and
announces to you, that spring is coming, and the
dear little snow bird hops about the garden
before the pure snow comes down to clothe the
earth in her white mantle, hiding its green

Now, you have some beautiful birds, Meeta ;
there are a few very handsome Canary birds, and
three very amusing ones; there is Tom, the
Buzzard, he is of the hawk species, he is very
amusing; but very idle and cow: ardly, he keeps
the house clear of rats and mice. Then, there


is Jenny, the blue jay, who, although she cannot
sing, yet she can scream and chatter like a scold,
only call her to you, and see how quickly she will
come and join in talk with all.”

“Oh yes,” answered Mceta, “there is no end to
her chattering ; why, there was an owl perched on
the old stump of a tree, that you may have ob-
served in the garden, Jenny ran after him, and
shouted and screamed so loud, that it was almost
deafening, and then she watches, and steals every
thing that she can get hold of.”

“Tom is not a thief, father,” said Ellen, “and
yet he won't let any one wear a wig where he is,
or if he finds it out, or any thing red on the head
he is sure to pull it off.

The washerwoman who lives in the next street
is from St. Domingo, she always wears a red plaid
handkerchief on her head ; and the other morning
when she came in, Tom flew at her and pulled
it off; he was then perfectly satisfied, and perched
himself on her shoulder

‘Such is the nature of these birds, and there-
fore, you cannot find fault with them,” answered
Mr. Jefferson, “or with your Raven, Jack, who
is continually stealing every thing that comes in
his way. You must indulge them, and teach


them, for they are all capable of being taught,
some one thing, and some another.

For instance, the Canary birds may be taught
many tricks. There was a Frenchman in 1820, who
had a set of them, that he taught so many tricks
that at last, he had an exhibition of them in
London. One of them, taking a slender stick In
its claws, passed its head between its legs and
suffered itself to be turned round, as if in the act
of roasting.

Another balanced itself, and swung backward,
and forward on a kind of slack rope. A third
suffered itself to be shot at, when falling down (as
if dead,) was put into a little whecl-barrow, and
wheeled away by one of its comrades.”

Both Ellen and Meeta, said they would be
very much pleased to see such things, and would
do all they could to teach theirs different amusing
tricks. Dick, one of their little Canary birds,
would already fight for a lump of sugar, and pick at
himself in a looking glass, if he was placed before
it, now, who knows but that we may get them
all to do something very amusing before long,”
said Ellen.

“ Yes,” answered Mecta, ‘“ but we must not let
lazy 'Tom in, for he frightens all the small birds


that he comes near; we will lock him up in
another room when we go to work.”

“Yes, and your cat too,” added Mr. Jefferson,
“for if Puss gets to them, she might kill them,
you must try, and get her used to them; but never
trust her alone with them, Jack may fight his way
with her; but it being the nature of cats to eat
birds, it would be wrong to trust her, even though
she was ever so well taught to play with them ;
she might forget your instructions, then her own
nature would prevail, and the poor birds would be
her victims. So be careful.”



The cold winter wind was raging, while the
snow was falling fast, and the rivers were frozen

Little Walter Robinson was a very bad boy,
he was sent to school, but instead of going there,
he went to play with some other bad boys, they
strayed into the woods; forgetting that the winter
days were short and that darkness comes on soon ;
therefore, they did not think of returning until it
was late.

The snow had fallen so deep, that the path was
covered over, and when they thought of going
home, they were puzzled to find the path, they
wandered round and round, and still came to the
place from which they started, when Walter said
he was so tired that he must rest which he did,
but the other boys determined to walk until they
found their way out of the wood.

‘Walter seated himself on a log of wood, when
he soon became benumbed by the severe cold; and
fell fast asleep.

It was the worst thing that he could have done,
for people who freeze to death are generally seized


with a drowsiness, which ends in death; whereas,
if they keep moving, it goes off.

The snow fell fast, and he was soon covered
over with it; his companions reached their homes
towards midnight; they called on his parents,
who alarmed the neighbors, and all prepared
to go in search of the lost child; among them,
was Mr. Jefferson, who immediately offered to
search for him; he took Neptune with him;
and they all set out to try and find Walter;
they looked every where, but in vain, and
were on the point of returning, when they heard
Neptune barking, and howling; the noise drew
them all to the spot, where the dog was root-
ing up the snow with his paws; the moon now
shone forth, and the beautiful clear icicles hung
from the tree, each one reflecting numerous
colors as the light fell on it; when through the
uprooted snow, the head of Walter was distinctly

It was a fortunate thing for him, that the snow
had fallen so fast, as it served to keep him warm ;
but he was totally insensible; they perceived that
life was not quite extinct, as there was some little
heat in his body; they lifted him out of his cold
bed, and wrapped him up carefully, until they got


him home, when a physician was called in, it waa
doubtful at one time whether he would recover;
but skillful attention, and good nursing, saved his

When Walter was able to go out, he told his
companions, that they ought to be thankful, that
they escaped such sufferings as he had undergone;
“but,” said he, “I deserve it, for I had no business
in the woods, if we had gone to school, all would
have been right; but we did wrong, and I have
had to pay for it; when I lay sick, and in pain,
I thought how dreadful it would be to die by my
own disobedience to my parents; but by the
goodness of our great Creator, I have been spared
that misery.

“Whose dog was it that found you,” asked
Harry Thoughtless.

“Hdward Jefferson’s dog Neptune,” answered

“T should like to steal him,” observed Harry.

Walter felt shocked at the wickedness of his
companion. ‘Steal him,” he exclaimed, ‘Steal
him, from one who loves him, and deserves him.
For shame! no wonder I got into trouble, when I
was the companion of one who can harbor such
a thought. From this time, you and I must be


strangers to each other; and I now believe that
it was a fortunate thing for me, that God punished
me as he did, or I might still have loved you, and
often been in mischief and danger.”

“Do not be so hasty Walter,” interrupted
Harry, “I did not mean what I said, you need
not take me up so fast.”

“T hope you did not mean it,” answered Walter,
“for it grieved me to hear yousay what you did,
you must think more than you do, I will endeav-
or, if possible, to forget what you said, for I
always loved you.”

Walter tried to forget it; but it was always in
his mind, whenever Harry proposed anything in
the way of amusement.

Walter became very intimate with Edward, his
gratitude to the dog, strengthened into a strong
attachment for the animal and his master.

Edward was very fond of studying, and he
always liked to assist his sisters in learning their
lessons; when thcir holidays commenced in the
summer season, they would wander in the woods
for hours, and when they were fatigued, they
would sit down under a shady tree, take out their
books and read ; in theserambles they were mostly
accompanied by Walter, and faithful Neptune.


Ellen and Mceta used to watch the birds flying
about in the trees, one pair in particular, who
were building a nest, afforded them much amuse-
ment and delight.

They settled on a thick bush, as a suitable place
to build their summer home; one then flew away
and brought a few twigs in its ‘bill, and placed them
on the branches, then the other brought some
more, after they got a sufficient number of sticks
they collected feathers and wool, that had been
torn from the backs of the sheep by the thorns
on the bushes, among which the sheep roved when
they went to browse on the hills, and meadows,
with that, they lined the nest, and made it soft and
warm for the eggs.

After the nest was completed, the weather was
bad for a few days, so that they did not see it
again until there were some eggs in it.

“Take care Mecta,”’ said Edward, “do not
touch the nest, for the birds may abandon it if
you do.”

It was well that Edward told her that, for she
was just going to take them out of the nest to
look at them, and if she had, the birds might have
flown away, and she would not have seen them
again ; but they all sat at a distance watching


them, and saw that one always remained on the
nest, while the other flew off to feed.

One day Harry Thoughtless joined them, as
soon as he saw the nest, he was for stealing the
eges; but very fortunately, Walter saw what he
was about and stopped him.

“Do not touch them Harry,” said he, “if you
do, you will distress the poor things dreadfully. i

“You are very thoughtful all of a sudden,” re-
plied Harry, ‘ this time last year, you helped me
steal a nest.”

“T know I did, and I am very sorry for it,”
answered Walter, “and that was not the only
thing that I was ouilty of, I did not mind a single
word that was said’ to me; I was always - in
mischief, and always in trouble, and came very
near losing my life by my wickedness, but I have
seen my error, and I will advise you, ‘and all who
are inclined to ‘evil, toreform. Formerly, I never
went home with any pleasure, for I was in dread
of that punishment which I deserved; now, I go
there happy; home has no terrors for me, nothing
but happiness.”

Harry did not dare to touch the nest, so it re-
mained unmolested, and at the end of two weeks,
there was a pair of young birds in it, who were


fed every moment by the kind old ones, who flew
about, picking up worms and insects, which they
carried in their bills to them.



After the pleasing amusement of watching the
birds feeding their young was at an end, they
used to go to the water’s side, to watch the "boats
sailing, and the fishermen casting their nets.
Little Meeta would clap her hands, ‘and jump for
joy, when she saw the fish leaping, ‘and springing
in their captive state; while Ellen would gladly
aid them to escape, for if a stray one got near the
water, she would give it a sly push, and smile to
see it swim off in its own loved element roving in
dear liberty; nor was Edward sorry, when one of
them would break through the net and glide off,
looking so bright as it pursued its course through
the water.

In one of their visits to the river’s side, Edward
took off his coat, and put it on the bank, when a
heavy flaw of wind blew it into the water.

When Ellen saw it going, she cried out, ‘“ Look
brother, your coat is gone, what will you do
now ?”

“Do!” answered Edward, “why go after it to
be sure,” he tucked his trowsers up, and


waded into the water after it; but the further he
went, the faster went the coat, until at last he
turned back in despair, and gave it up as lost,
when he saw Neptune swimming after him with
it as fast as he could.

Ellen stood on the bank terrified, lest the cur-
rent should carry Edward down the stream, she
felt relieved, therefore, when she saw him coming
back, and Neptune going after it.

A. few moments only passed, before Edward
was on shore, and the dog following him with the
coat in his mouth.

“You are indeed a dear, good dog,” said Ellen,
“we all love you dearly, and every day you grow
dearer and dearer to us, you not only save the
lives of little boys who wander in snow storms ;
but swim the river to save the clothes of others;
you are indeed a most invaluable animal.”

They waited until the coat was dried by the
sun, when they all returned home together, on
their way, they met Walter Robinson, and told
him what Neptune had done.

‘“ He is among the noble ones of his kind,” said
Walter, “and that is saying a great deal ; one of
the officers that went to Mexico, had a dog that
followed him there, he watched him during the


The Dog discovering the murderer. [See p. 88


battle, and when his master was killed staid by
him until he was buried, and then guarded his
grave for several days.”

“There were several dogs that went with their
masters to the battle of Resca de la Palma,” said
Edward. “ During the battle on the 8th of May,
two of the dogs who were remarkable for their
intelligence, were observed to listen to the confu-
sion for a while, and after they had seemingly
consulted together for some time, they started off
at great speed for Point Isabel, being the first
arrivals at that place after the battle.

But there was one brave, faithful creature who
remained with his master to the end of the battle.
He posted himself in front of one of the batteries,
and watched with intense gravity the appearance
of a ball; the moment it was discharged, he would
start after it at full speed, expressing event sur-
prise that it was out of sight so quick ; “he would
then wheel around, and watch the appearance of,
another ball, and then again commence the fruit-
less chase, and thus employed, he continued
throughout the whole of the action and escaped

“T must get one of my own,” observed Walter,
pedor Neptune's having done so much for me, has
made me feel grateful to all dogs.



Before that accident happened to me, I was a
different boy, I used to like to torment all animals.
I was very near causing the death of one dog,
which I have often repented since; I tied a tin
kettle to one of his legs, the poor creature was
frightened at the noise it made, and ran to get
out of the way of it; but the faster he ran, the
more noise it made, until at last his running col-
lected a number of bad boys like myself to follow
him, who eried, ‘Mad dog! mad dog!’ they chased
him, and pelted him with stones, until he fell down
exhausted; believing him dead they left him; when
I took him home, and nursed him.

I have often been very sorry for what I did to
the poor thing; but at that time I was always
doing mischief, and I look back with regret at the
past, and feel joyful to think that I saw my folly
m time to correct my errors.”

Before they reached home, they were joined by
Harry Thoughtless, who asked them to take a
walk with him, and they would see something
worth while.

‘Which way do you wish us to go,” asked
Edward, “for it is getting late, and we must
hasten home.”

“It is only a few moment’s walk,” answered

Harry, “so if you do not wish to lose time,

Harry led the way and they followed, expecting
every moment to see him stop, until at last,
Edward’s patience began to be exhausted, and he
asked Harry how much further it was? for they
had already gone two miles out of their road, and
it was getting dark.

“Where what is?” enquired Harry as if sur-
prised at the question.

‘Where what. is,’ reiterated Edward, ‘why,
what you were going to show us.’

“Oh! I forgot all about it, in fact,” answered
Harry, “I do not recollect what it was.”

Edward was very angry that they should all
have been duped by such a foolish trick, and he
told Harry that he should resent it by playing
him a trick at some other time.

They made the most haste home that they
could, to try and get there, before it was quite
dark, and they all put their heads together, to see
what they could do to pay master Harry for his

When they got home they found that their
parents had been very uneasy at their staying so
long; but when they told them the cause they were


not blamed; but Harry got severely censured for
his trick, whether it was caused from false wit,
which amounts to toy, or mischicf, none attempted
to say; but all were angry and blamed him.

“T’ think he ought to be punished,” said Mr.
Jefferson, and I will assist you to do it; I intend
to invite some of your young friends to pass the
evening of your birth day, (which comes on the
sixth of next month,) with us; I will send an in-
vitation to Harry for the seventh, and when he
comes, I will explain my reasons to him.”

All things went on as Mr. Jefferson wished, all
the young persons he invited accepted the invi-
tations and attended, and all were happy, they
assembled early in the afternoon, and there never
was a happier sct met together; they played,
daneed, and sang. Blind man’s buff, commenced
the evening ; it was succeeded by “ What its like,”
“hunt the slipper,” and various others, among
which the play of the stage coach ereated much
mirth; the play commenced, cach one selecting
what part of acoach he would he, some chose
to be the wheels, others the body, while some
selected to be the ‘whip, and others the top; when
the word was given for all to start, those who had
chosen to be the wheels, had to commence rolling


their arms round, as if they were whecls, on their
stopping, they had to pay a forfeit; the whip
had to keep in motion as if he was cracking a
whip, if he stopped he had to pay his forfeit ;
those who were the top, had to carry all the
baggage, and if they let any thing fall, they had
to pay their forfeit; and so on, with each person
who undertook a part, it created a great deal of

There were plenty of apples, nuts, cakes, and
all the good things that could be procured; among
the cakes, was one which had a ring in it, it was
indeed a happy sight to behold the young faces
with laughing eyes, watching the cutting up of
the cake which contained the wished for treasure,
and all anxious to obtain it, the timid trembling
with delight as their share was handed to them;
while the firm nerved young one laughed with
unrestrained glee, as he touched the piece that he
thought would unfold the little circlet.



Walter happened to meet Harry on the morn-
ing of the seventh, he began telling him about the
pleasant evening ‘that they had ‘passed at Mr.
Jefferson’s ; about the cake, and all the agreeable
plays that they had been amused with.

Harry started as he thought that perhaps he
had mistaken the date, he took out the note of
invitation, read it, and saw that it was the seventh,
he then feared that Mr. Jefferson had made a
mistake, and asked Walter if he was going there
again that evening ?

“ Certainly not, ” said Walter, “surely, Mr.
Jefferson will not let Edward give such a party,
more than once a year, if he does even that often,
and if he did, I doubt if it could be as agreeable
as that one was.

This observation did not give Harry much
pleasure, he sighed for what he had lost, while he
felt rather puzzled at the situation that he was
placed in, he would go to Mr. Jefferson’s that
evening, according to invitation; there might be

company there again, but why he had not been
invited the evening before surprised him.


All that day Harry was worried, the party of
the evening before was in his mind continually,
and instead of saying his lessons at school, he
thought about the party.

When his teacher asked, “ Where the Alps
were situated?” he answered, “ In the middle of
the large pound cake, a beautiful ring.”

‘Tow sir! the Alps in the middle of a large
pound cake! what do you mean?” enquired the

“JT beg your pardon, sir,” answered Harry, “I
was thinking of something else.”

‘“‘T should think you were, when you say that
the Alps is in the middle of a large pound cake,
instead of Italy.”

Harry was confounded all the morning, nor
could the most interesting things amuse him;
Walter told him that his lesson in natural History
was very interesting; it was about an Elephant
and a dog, who were constant companions.

“The nature of the Elephant,” added the
teacher, “is very singular, he will resent any insult
that is offered to him, nor will he forget an

There is an Elephant belonging to Messrs.
Raymond and Waring’s menagaric, he is very


large, and at times very outrageous if offended ;
but if treated kindly, he is very affectionate ; he
killed two of his keepers.

The first keeper struck him with a nail stuck
in the end of a pole, when the lephant attacked
him, and killed him.

The last unfortunate keeper that Columbus
killed in Philadelphia, was preparing him for an
exhibition; the animal felt inclined to pass into
the arena of the place, which the keeper did
not wish to let him do, and goaded him two or three
times, that made the animal more furious; he
overturned a cage that had a hyena and wolf in it,
and the iron stove, the cage fell upon the unfortu-
nate keeper, whose name was Kelly, and injured
him so much that the poor soul died from his
wounds; they were fearful of the Elephant’s
escaping into the street, and prepared a cannon to
shoot him, ifthey could not overcome him otherwise;
but the great tamer of the monsters of the forest,
Mr. Drieshbach, with the assistance of some gentle-
men, secured him; he knew his conqueror, and
mildly yielded to his guidance in a few minutes.

The gentlemen that own him, despatched a
message by telegraph, to a person in Auburn, (who
had charge of the Elephant formerly,) to come


and take care of him again; the man came, and
the animal knew him, held him in his trunk as if
embracing him; licked him, and showed every
symptom of joy; at once convincing him, that he
knew him, and was glad to see him.

Young people should be very careful how they
treat animals, it is cruel to use them ill, sometimes
they can revenge their injuries; when they cannot
it is very wicked to oppress them.

In the afternoon, Harry did not lose any time,
he started for Mr. Jefferson’s in high glee; at the
door he was met by Neptune, who saluted him
with a growl, for which he received a kick.

Mr. Jefferson was at home seated in his arm
chair, his favorite old cat was sleeping on the
cushioned stool on which his feet rested; Hdward
was on one side, Ellen on the other, while Meeta
had her usual seat on her father’s knee; and Mrs.
Jefferson on the other side of the fire.

“Sit down Harry,” said Mr. Jefferson, “are
you inclined to take a walk?” at this question
Harry looked puzzled and replied that he did

“TJ thought that as you were fond of making
other people walk, you might feel inclined to visit
the place where you took Ellen, and Hdward. the


other evening, while their mother and myself,
were anxiously waiting for them.

Harry sat down silent for some time, he was
anxious to know whether there was to be com-
pany there; but was afraid to ask; after con-
siderable deliberation, he enquired whether that
day was not going to be celebrated as Edward’s
birth day.

“We will not celebrate his birth day that was
yesterday, and it was kept accordingly, I was
sorry to exclude you from it, I did not wish to
offend the feclings of your parents, therefore, I
invited you to come to-day; you did not mind
detaining your young friends from their parents,
so I thought it but right to detain you from your
young fr iends,

The company that were assembled here last
evening, were selected for their moral goodness,
not one amongst them would have caused their
parents, or the parents of their companions,
uneasiness by an act of folly.

Now, we will make you as comfortable as we
can this evening, you excluded yourself from last
night’s party; by your being here alone now, we
will have a good opportunity of ¢ guiding your mind
to a proper train of thought, “which will be of

much benefit to you.”


He was cheerful and steady, and that night
Harry received much good advice, which he
listened to with attention ; he felt his own defects
more than if Edward had undertaken to retaliate,
and he resolved to consider before he would
play any trick, or do any thing of importance for
the future.

While they were looking over some books and
pictures, they came across one, that had a picture
of a large dog carrying a man through the snow.

“That looks like my Neptune,” said Edward.

“You see,” observed his father, “that picture is
intended for a representation of one of the dogs
of St. Bernard, aconvent, situated on the mountain
of that name in Italy. They have a species of
dogs that have been trained up to the business of
secking travellers in the snow storms, and guiding
them to the Hospice, where they are comfortably
sheltered and provided for during the inclement
weather. Unfortunately, the breed is almost
extinct, there being but a few of them left. They
will be missed very much, for they save a great
many lives during the year.

They are very large and rough looking animals,
but their kindness is unequalled by any thing of
their species, although the affection of dogs is


very great; there is a very interesting story told
of a dog in rance, whose master was murdered.
J will relate it to you.

There was arcgiment quartered near the forest
of Montargis; a Licutenant named Landr vy owned
a fine dog, who was very much attached to him.

The dow always followed his master every
where he went; Captain Landry lodged at an old
woman's in the middle of the forest; the building
where he boarded was an old fashioned French
cottage; there was a bell which was hung by a
pully at the side of the door, which the dog used
to pull, when he and his master came home, he
would jump up and ring it with his paw.

Captain Landry and two of his companions,
(Captain Aubri and Captain Deas,) went on an
excursion of pleasure; before they arrived at
their place of destination, they reached a very
beautiful part of the wood, where there was a
clear running stream, whose cool water ceed
them to sit down and refresh themselves ; ; to pass
time and amuse themselves, they took out their
dice and began to eamble ; Captain Aubri lost,
and accused Captain Landry of cheating ; this
caused high words between them, (which | is too
often the case with those who eamble, ,) from words


they came to blows; on which a challenge passed ;
the time was fixed on the instant; they fought,
and Landry fell.

When Captain Aubri, and Deas, found that
Landry was killed, they became alarmed, they
were at a loss what to do with the body; at last,
they concluded to bury it that night.

When they returned after dark with a spade,
to deposit the body in the ground, they found the
faithful dog howling over it.

After the deed of darkness was apparently hid
from the eye of man, they returned to their home
and the dog to his.

He pulled the bell, and the old woman opened
the door, she became alarmed at seeing the dog
without his master ; and her fears increased as he
kept howling, and pulling her dress, as if entreat-
ing her to follow him; to which she at length yielded.

She took her lantern, and following the dog,
reached the place by the side of the stream,
where the Captains had been playing the previous
morning, the place looked gloomy and dismal in
the darkness of the night, and the old woman’s
fears amounted to horror, when she discovered
that the earth had been recently dug up.

When they reached the place where his master


was buried, the dog renewed his howling, and be-
gan to scrac htheearth up with his paws, which he did
so rapidly, that before many minutes were over, he
discovered the dead body of his dear master.

She coaxed him home with her, and considered
during the night what would be the best way to
discover the murderer.

She determined to consult the Colonel about
the best means to pursue in discovering who had
committed the deed.

The regiment was all drawn up to parade, the
old woman had told the Colonel, who promised
that every thing should be attended to, and she
was about returning when the dog suddenly sprang
at Captain Aubri who was at the head of his
company; they tried to get the dog away from
him; but the animal seized hold of the cross belt
that he wore, and it fell to the ground, the old wo-

man picked it up, and behold! on the inside were
some spots of blood and the name of Captain Lan-
dry written on it.

Captain Aubri grew furious, and stabbed the
poor faithful dog, who fell dead at his feet.

The old woman held the belt, and turning to
the Colonel told him that it belonged to Captain
Landry, and that he wore it on the morning when
he left her house.


Captain Aubri, was immediately arrested,
brought to trial, and as he was found guilty of the
murder, he was condemned and shot.

Harry went home quite dissatisfied with himself,
he had deserved what he got, therefore, he had to
blame himself alone.

Edward and Ellen were going to make Mecta
a present, they could not agree between themselves
what would be most acceptable to her, so they
referred it to their father and mother, what they
should give her.

It was decided that a beautiful cage for their
canaries, would be the best thing for her, as the
one they had now, was very old.

That being settled, Edward went out to buy
4t, while Ellen went to look after the monkey.

The first thing she saw on going into the room
to lookafter him, was the mischievous animal pre-
paring to shave himself, he had lathered his mug
all over with soap suds, and was strapping the
razor; Ellen was afraid to go near him, lest he
should do some mischief withthe open instrument,
therefore, she called for help, when he threw it
down and took up the brush with the suds, and
ran after her trying to lather her face; having
secured the razor, she was easy; for she did not


care what he did with the other things; but she
ey immoderately when she saw him running
about, with his face all whitened.

IIe then proceeded to dress himself, throwing
every thing he could lay his hands on, over his
head, after he had capered about sufficiently, he
took a cigar, and rolling on the sofa smoked away

while he took a book pretending to rea‘.

The idea of a monkey smoking and reading,
looked so ludicrous, that those whom she called
to assist her, were ready to die with laughing.

Among the amused, was Harry T houghtless
he saw the old cage w ith the canaries in it, hang-
ing up, he took it down to play with the birds, and
left it on the table.

After they got tired of looking at the monkey, °
they went down stairs and left him there; he saw
the birds on the table, and went up to them,
broke the cage to pieces in getting at them, and
then opened the window to let them out.

Ellen went up again, when she heard the
window open, and to her great grief saw that one
of the birds had flown out; she shut the door as
quickly as she could, she then hastened to the
window and closed it; thus securing the rest of

Neptune rescuing Edward.




It happened that Edward was just returning
home with the cage, when he saw the bird fly out
of the window; he threw the new cage down, and
ran after the bird in the hope of catching it, his
flight was so rapid and heedless, that he did not
know which way he went, until he got to the
river’s bank ; he was not aware of it, and the bank
being very slippery he fell in. Neptune who was
with him, jumped into the water and caught hold
of him, the chill of the water and the fright, de-
prived him of his senses; but the faithful animal
carried him, home to the door laid him down and
howled until they came out and carried him in.

Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson were very much
alarmed, they sent for the doctor, who soon re-
stored him, he then told them that he saw the
bird fly out of the window and thought that he
could catch it.

Edward went out and looked for the beautiful
new cage which he had thrown down, he soon
found it, and placed the remaining birds in it,
when he inquired, ‘“‘ who took the cage down ?”

All were silent. Edward again asked, “ who



took the cage down?” Every one denied it. He
then asked, “who was in the room ?”

“Only Harry Thoughtless,” answered Ellen.

“Then it must have been him who took it down,
for they were safe enough where they were; he
is indeed Thoughtless by name, and thoughtless
by nature.”

After these inquiries were made, Harry walked.
into the room, when Edward immediately made
the inquiry of him, “if he took the cage down ?”

He answered, “ that he did.”

“* Wow could you be so thoughtless as to leave
it on the table? You saw that the monkey was at.
his tricks, and now you see what the consequences
have been ; had it not been for my valuable dog,
I should have perished; as it is I have suffered
a great deal in trying to preserve my sister’s favor-
ite bird, which I fear she has lost forever.

Do Harry be more thoughtful; such listlessness
and inattention to things around you does a great
deal of mischief.”

“It does indeed,” added Mrs. Jefferson ; ‘there
was an old woman who had fainted from thirst on
a hot summer day, a woman who saw her, passed
by, after looking at her and pitying her; but the
next one that saw her got a glass of water and


poured it down her throat, which revived her, and
thus saved her life; had it not been for the
thoughtful attention of the last person, in giving
her a glass of water, she would have died.

But instead of talking here, the best thing that
can be done is to put the little birds in the new
cage, and hang up another beside it, and perhaps
the stray one may come to it.”

They did so, and before long they saw the bird
flying around the cage with the others in it, and
very soon after, it went in the empty one.

“That is the best way to do,” said Mrs. Jef-
ferson, ““when’any thing has gone wrong try to
remedy it; never sit down to mourn about difficul-
ties, but strive to overcome them.

‘“‘ Now my dear children, to-morrow will be May-
day, and I wish you to forget all your little dissen-
sions and difficulties, I like every old custom kept
up as far as can be done; your father’s tenants
always assist him, so get up early in the morning
and go Maying, and Harry, I hope you will join
them and all your friends;”

Harry promised to be with them in the morn-
ing, and thanked Mrs. Jefferson for her kind in-

At day break, the sound of horns and music


was heard under the windows of Mr. Jefferson;
Edward, Ellen and Meeta, were soon up and
mingled with the Maying party, who were joined
by Harry and all the neighbors; the country
looked beautiful.

The neighbors had six oxen that they yoked
together to bear the pole, which they were going
to erect in the middle of the ercen.

As they proceeded they plucked baskets of
flowers, Edward and Harry decorated the horns
of the oxen with those that they gathered, while
the others covered the pole with theirs; when
they had collected a sufficient quantity of lovely
pink, blue, white Lilac, and green flowers, they
returned home and fixed the pole in the centre
of the lawn; by attaching ropes filled with flowers
to the top they formed arbors, and many fancy
bowers, under which the young girls sat when
tired of dancing, while others sang the merry
song of May.

Hillen was chosen as May queen, they decorated
her with flowers and crowned her in her rosy
bower, while her young companions chaunted a
sonnet to their May queen.

Thus the day passed so pleasantly, that Mr.
Jefferson promised all his tenants that they should

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Jane assisting Francis to make their gardens.

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[ See p. 24.]
















Ir the Little Histories, and Tales now presented to my young readers,
instruct, or amuse them, it will be a heartfelt gratification to me.

All the events recorded, and the information given are realities ; the
description of floods, and tempests, are such as have occurred; the
beautiful, and magnificent séenes in nature which are referred to, are
to be found in the parts of the world in which they are mentioned as
situated; and the vegetable and animal species have given subjects for
entertaining knowledge, where the goodness, and greatness of God is
found in all his works.

If I have succeeded in instructing in an amusing way, my pleasing
task will be accomplished for the present, and I hope it will not be the
last time, that my efforts will be employed in the same manner. To
see a cheerful face on a lovely child is my delight ; nor am I less grati-
fied in hearing the infant voice enquiring eagerly for the knowledge of
events long past, or the nature of things existing at the present time.

I must now bid them adieu for the present; may they be happy, and
cherish the remembrance of God’s blessings, is the anxious wish of

their friend,

Entered according to the Act of Congress, 1847, by Turner & Fisher, in the Clerk's
Office of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.




In a small village, Mr. and Mrs. Melmoth resi-
ded, they had two sons, one they called Francis,
and the other Frederick.

Francis was a warm hearted generous boy,
steady, and honorable in his disposition, and affec-
tionate to those around him.

Frederick was well disposed; but the wildness
of his nature, kept him in continual scrapes.

They had also one daughter, whose disposition
was exactly like Francis’s; they called her Jane.

Francis used to get up early of a morning in
summer, and gather as many flowers as he could
find for his sister, she was always grateful to him
for it, and used to go out to meet him. ,


He had been more successful than usual, and

filled his hat with some he had never met with
before; here is some wild primrose, and some
jessamine, we will ask father, what those are.

They hastened to him, and produced some,
which their father told them was a cotton plant,
it is indeed rather an unusual thing to see it grow-
ing in an Hastern State; it is one of the staple
products of the Southern States, and one by which
the planters amass large fortunes, it also grows
abundantly in India, and other warm climates.

“ Has not India produced many singular plants
and trees?” enquired Francis.

“Tt has,” answered Mr. Melmoth, “It has the
Teak tree of which they build ships; its wood is
so strong, that a vessel built of it, will rot less in
thirty years, than one of British wood, will in

There is also the cocoa tree, which is remarka-
ble for its utility; of the body and trunk, the
natives make boats, and frames or rafters for their
houses, which they thatch with the leaves, and by
slitting them lengthways, make baskets of them;
the nut yields them oil, food, and drink; from the
branches when cut, they obtain the sap, which
they call toddy, and when fermented, arrack.

The Hindoos say there are as many uses for it,
as there are days in the year, being three hundred
and sixty-five. They have also the Palm tree,
(one species of which yields Sago,) Limes, Lemons,
Oranges, Sugar-cane, Indigo, and numerous spice
trees, besides theimmense Banyan tree, that throws
a thousand shoots into the ground; each of which
taking root, form trees, which throw out their
verdure, until it almost forms a forest in itself.”

They told their father, they were much obliged
to him for his information, and hoped that he
would always be so kind to them.

‘‘Here comes Frederick,” said Jane, “Are you
not ashamed to be getting up so late ?”

“Time enough for mischief,’ answered Frede-

‘But it is time for you to stop your mischief,”
said his father, “and I hope you will attend to
your lessons, and leave off doing mischief.

That was out of the question with Trederick,
for his father had no sooner left the room, than
his eye began to wander over it, to see what was
to be done. He saw some fire crackers, that his
father had bought for a person in the country,
and left them on the table, until they were called
for; he did not know whose they were; but

thought they were Francis’s and that he would
hide them, accordingly he put them in the grate,
and left them there; his father never thought of
asking the servants if they had been called for,
and no one thought any thing more about them.

The fall was fast advancing and the mornings
began to get cool. One wash-day, all the things
were in the tub ready for the woman to wash;
Frederick was going to try to frighten the
servants, and got into the tub and covered himself
up with the clothes; the woman eat her break-
fast and waited some time; Frederick got impa-
tient, but determined not to give up his idea of
frightening them; he was kept so long, that he
got into a doze, and the woman came with a large
pail of water which she threw over him, he started
up, the woman screamed, while he jumped up
dripping wet, throwing the clothes, water, and tub
all over.

He got the worst of it, for all his clothes
were spoiled, for which he got a great deal of

Mrs. Melmoth told the servant to light the fire
in the parlor, and Frederick who had forgotten
all about the crackers, was sitting near the fire-
place, when the girl lit the papers that had been

put in for kindling, and which concealed the
crackers, when they all went off; some of them
burnt him and the girl, who screamed out murder!
thieves! until she had collected a crowd around
the house, and frightened all in it.

Frederick was afraid to say that he had put
them there, although he recollected all about it
when inquiry was made, and it remained a
matter of wonder.

Mr. Melmoth took them all to Boston, and
among the various exhibitions that he took them
to see, the Chinese Museum attracted their notice

Jane remarked, “‘ That she did not like the looks
of the Chinese, with their olive complexions, small
black eyes, and black hair, with high cheek bones ;
father, do they always dress in that way ?”

Her father told her, “that they usually wear
their dresses long and loose, they mostly wear a
silk sash, with a case in it for their knife, and
chop sticks to eat their rice with; they wear their
trowsers loose, and line them with fur in winter ;
no one is fully dressed without a fan ; the dress of
the women differs very little from that of the men ;
their robes are long, and closed at the top, and an
over jacket; the higher class let their nails grow

to a great length, and wear sheathes made of
Bamboo, to preserve them from breaking; they
are great jugglers, and wire dancers, they are
great admirers of fire works, which they make
with great skill. They fish in a singular manner
with a bird called a Cormorant, which they train for
the purpose, and send them into the water from
whence they bring their prey to their master.”

“T should like to have some Cormorants,” said

“You would be amused too, with their barbers,”
said Mr. Melmoth, “and other trades which are
carried on in the streets; the barber, twangs his
tweezers which make a great noise, the dog mer-
chant, tries to attract notice with a noise resem-
bling a dog; the pigeon merchant tries an imita-
tion of his birds, all try various noises, so that the
eyes and ears are filled with sights and sounds,
while the flower seller with a pole across his
shoulder, from each end of which, a kind of tray
is suspended, like a pair of scales, the trays are
filled with pots of beautiful flowers, whose fra-
grance throws their perfume all around; the fruit
seller carries his fruit in the same manner.

The name of China is unknown to them, they
call themselves by more poetical names, such as

‘men of the Central Empire,’ or ‘men of the
Central flower,’ or ‘children of the Celestial

The great wall of China, is one of the greatest
works of the kind in the world, and one of the
greatest monuments of industry.

It extends along the northern frontiers for the
distance of fifteen hundred miles, over rivers,
vallies, and mountains; it has stood near two
thousand years. It consists of two brick walls,
a little distance apart, forming a sort of shell,
which is filled up with earth, thus, making them
into one solid rampart, about fifteen feet thick,
and varying, in different places in height, some
parts being thirty feet; it was erected as a defence
against the Nomadic warriors of central Asia.


Jane felt that a return was due to Francis for
his kindness in plucking flowers for her, so she
took a very large basket, and filled it with flowers;
before she got home she was very tired, and
taking off her hat, threw it on the ground, while
she sat down under the shade of the trees to rest ;
the cool stream was running behind her. She
had not been long there, before her little favorite
lamb came up to her, she pulled some of the grass
from beside her, and fed it; it then lay down by
her side, and they went asleep together.

Frederick had been out picking black berries,
he came home the same way, that Jane had gone
and saw them asleep, he took her flowers and
dressed the lamb up with them, he then took the
lamb, and locked it up in James’ room; but left
her under the tree, and took her basket with

When Jane awoke and found her basket and
flowers gone, she did not know whether she
had been in a dream, or whether some one
had come and stole them, so she got up and
went home, very much annoyed about it, for

— Frederick would be sure to make game of

“T should like to know who stole my flowers,
this afternoon when I fell asleep under the tree.”

“Why baa,” said Frederick.

“Baa!” exclaimed Jane, “what do you mean
by baa?”

“T mean Baa stole them, and Baa will give
them to you before you go to bed.”

Frederick tormented her the whole afternoon
by baaing, to every thing she wanted.

‘But when she went into her room she saw
something with a morning gown on, and a cap
covering “its head, which was trimmed with all
her flowers; not knowing what to make of it, it
terrified her, and.she screamed, while it baaed
at her, and then she screamed the louder; all the
house was alarmed, and ran to her assistance, and
seeing the thing that was dressed up, discovered
it to be the poor unoffending lamb, who began to
baa! most lustily, while Frederick joined in the
noise and general uproar with his baa!

Mr. and Mrs. Melmoth had been attracted by
her cries, and ran to the room, with the servants
and other people in the house.

“Ah! your lamb Jane, has none of the Spanish

or Mexican disposition about him,” remarked Mr.

‘How so?” enquired Jane.

“They steal more boldly, and have great cun-
ning in carrying their roguery out. There is no
part of Spain free from robbers, they do not often
murder, unless they are resisted, yet if they do
not find plunder on their victim, or profit by him,
he will not escape without a sound drubbing,
therefore, those who are accustomed to travelling
through the country, frequently carry asmall silver
watch, that is of little value, or something else
that will make ashow, and not be very costly,
which they surrender up immediately on being
attacked, to save themselves.

At some of the stages, or diligences, (as they
are called,) a caution is given not to take money
or valuables with them. The way that the rob-
bers, call to each passenger, is ‘on the ground you
thief,” they then make the sufferers lie quietly on
their backs, while they search them, and rob

It is told that a band consisting of three robbers
stopped a gentleman in Toledo, who had a very
good imitation of a gold watch. They seized him |
and demanded his watch, he of course strugeled

some time with them, one ran off with it, while -
the others held him for some time, and told him
to be quiet and he would find the result better
than he expected.

In about ten minutes, the robber returned, and
handed him a written order on the inn-keeper, to
give him his watch; but you will have to give him
thirty dollars for it, for Iwanted that much money,
and not your watch, it is no doubt worth one
hundred dollars, therefore, you will make a good
bargain out of it. So good bye.

The gentleman thought it was very wrong to
let such a robbery pass, so he went to the inn-
keeper, and showed the order.

“All right,” answered the inn-kecper.

“ All will be right if you catch the fellows, then
the watch shall be yours,” said the traveller.

“That is a bargain that I shall be glad to
make,” replied the fat burly landlord, “and all
you have got to do, is to walk along the same
street with another watch to morrow after-

The gentleman agreed to it; but he saw at once
that the landlord was as bad a thief as the other
robbers, so the next day instead of trusting to the
treacherous fellow to have them arrested, he got

three police officers to conceal themselves, and as
soon as he was attacked, he made a signal by a
whistle that he took care to have with him, on
which the police officers sprang forward and
seized them; they then searched the inn, where
they found a large quantity of valuable goods,
that had been stolen.

“Here landlord is the watch which you earned,
you will not find it so valuable as you expected,
for it is only hke yourself; you appeared to be
honest, until you were found out; and the watch
appears like gold; but you will find that it is only
an imitation. I promised that you should have it
and I will keep my word; but I shall have the
worth of it, in knowing that I have brought to
punishment a set of rogues. So adieu.”

The gentleman having thus told the inn-keeper
of what value his wages were, left him to meet
his punishment.

Now Jane, you must not be angry with the poor
little lamb, for if he stole your flowers, he brought
them to your room; but how he got there scems
strange; but do not suffer yourself to be so easily
frightened,” said Mr. Melmoth, “what would
you do, if you were obliged to travel through
deserts, and over mountains, where you would

meet with wild animals, ready to seize you and
tear you to pieces; or be obliged to cross the
wide ocean, with but one plank between you and
the water, which by the aid of that Providence
that watches over you, is sufficient to protect you
and save you.”

“T should like to go across the ocean,” answered
Frederick,“ and see the rocks and billows, that
I xvead of, and the various wonders, and curiosi-
ties, of other lands; how I should like to see one
of those light houses, that the sailors say they
anxiously look for, to guard them against the
dangers of rocks.”

“They are indeed valuable edifices,” said Mr.
Melmoth, “they are a great assistance to the
mariner, and they form a beautiful sight to those
who are coming from sea.

‘We have a number of them on our American
shore, one on Cape Hatteras, is very wildly situated.

There amidst the rocks is the light house, which
rears its high head amongst breakers, whose
foam sprinkles its high walls, when the storm
beats against them; wild and lonesome as it
appears, it is cheerful, and pleasant to that of
the Kddystone light house, which is built on one
of the rocks of that name, which are situated in

the English channel; many gallant vessels which
had crossed the ocean, were wrecked on those
rocks ; therefore, it became necessary to build a
light house to warn the unwary seaman of his
danger. Notwithstanding the dangers attendant
upon its erection, the plan was arranged by Mr.
Henry Winstanly, a gentleman of Littlebury in
the county of Essex. He began to erect it in
1696, and it was finished about four years after;
from the best information that can be collected
it was built with a number of corners, and when
it received its last additions of about a hundred
feet, the sea still washed the top in stormy
weather. Myr. Winstanly was not a regular
architect, but was a very ingenious man; he felt
so confident of the strength of his structure, that
he said, ‘his only wish, was to be in it during the
greatest storm that ever blew under the heavens,
that he might see whatwould be the effect.’ His
wish, (unfortunately for him,) was granted. On
the 22d of November 1703, he was in the light
house, superintending some repairs, when there
came on one of the most terrific storms ever
known in England; on that night it was entirely
blown away, not a vestige of it was left, except a
piece of an iron chain, that got stuck in a crevice
ee IP


redcrick, Francis and Jane, blowing witches. [See p. 28.]


of the rock, from whence it was dug out about
fifty years after, such was the end of the first
light house.

“After the destruction of the light house, a
vessel from Virginia was wrecked on the place
where it stood, this caused them to erect

The second Eddystone light house, was planned
by John Rudyard; he began it in July 1706, the
light was put in it two years after, and in 1709 it
was completed in all parts. It was ninety-two
fect high. It stood several severe storms, until
the second of December 1755. Three men had
charge of it; at about two o’clock, one of them
went up to snuff the candles in the lantern, when
he found the place full of smoke, from which a
flame burst forth. It caught from a spark from
some of the twenty-four candles, which were kept
constantly burning, and communicated to the wood
work; the man instantly alarmed his companions;
but they being in bed asleep, it was long before he
got assistance. In the meantime, he tried to ex-
ting uish the fire, by throwing water up to it, (it
was burning four feet above,) from a large tub,
that was always kept there. It took a long time
to get-the water up seventy feet, as it had to be


carried. At last a quantity of the lead which was
on the roof, melted and ran down in a torrent
on the shoulders of the man who remained above ;
his name was Henry Hall, he was nincty-four
years of age.

The fire increased so rapidly, that they had te
make their escape from to room to room, until they
reached the lowest floor, after having used every
means they could to arrest the progress of the
flames; driven from the lowest chamber, they
sought refuge in a hole or cave, on the eastern
side of the rock, where they were safe while it
was low water.

In the meantime the fire was seen from the
shore by some fishermen, who immediately
launched their boats, and set out to their assist-
ance. They arrived at the light house about
ten o'clock; it was with the greatest difficulty
that they could land; but at length, they dis-
covered the men, who were in a state of stupefac-
tion; and dragged them through the water to the
boat; one of the men was seized with a panic,
and on reaching the shore, fled and was never
heard of after. Poor old Hall seemed to recover,
for sometime his appetite did not fail; but he told
the doctor that he could net recover, unless. they

could remove the lead from his stomach, which
he said had gone down his throat, from the roof
of the lantern; they thought it was only his im-
agination; but on the twelfth day, he was seized
with cold sweats and expired; when his body was
opened, it was discovered that the lead had
actually gone down his throat, and he had swal-
lowed it; there was a piece of the lead in his
stomach, that weighed seven ounces and five
drachms, which had partly adhered to the coat of
the stomach, it had flattened and became of an
oval shape.

Mr. Smeaton was the architect of the third
Jiddystone light house, the first stone was laid on
the 12th of June, 1757, and singular as it may
appear, the architects of the three buildings were
all self taught.

After listening to these descriptions of countries
and things, both Frederick and Francis expressed
their wishes that they were old enough to travel,
and see all such sights.

Jane took her lamb, and made a greater pet of
it than ever, it used to follow her every where,
and they became very fond of each other.


‘Come Jane, come with me into the garden; I
am going to sow some seed, so get your bonnet,
and come help me. I will get my wheel- barrow
and you can assist me, by carrying those roots in
a basket, that I want to transplant,” said

They took their implements, he his spade and
barrow, and she her basket.

‘Now, Francis, you must dig my bed, and I
will bring you flowers, and assist you that way,”
observed Jane.

“Were is the beautiful plant of four o’clock,
which unfolds its lovely blossoms at that hour in
the afternoon, and remains open until the same
hour in the morning, when it goes to sleep beneath
the rays of the sun. Plant some in your bed, and
J will bring you some for mine, for it is an
elegant shr wb, and will tell the time of day in
cloudy weather.

Were it not that the chick-weed is so useful
for food for our birds, I would tear it up, being
only a weed.”

“Do not despise it Jane, because it is a weed,”
said Irancis, “ for many weeds are valuable, and
some of our rare plants arise from them, which
by proper cultivation, become splendid flow ers,
like the uncultivated mind they contain many

Besides, the humble chick-weed is an excellent
barometer to tell the weather. When the flower
expands boldly and fully, no rain will happen for
four hours, or upwards, if it continues open, no
rain will disturb the serenity of that summer’s day,
when it half conceals its little lovely flower, the
day is generally showery; but if it entirely shuts
up or veils its white flower with its green leaves
the traveller may look for damp chilly weather,
and the ploughman rest from his Jabors, and put
his oxen in some sheltered place.”

“Do not forget to plant some of the Virginia
Jessamine near my window, for perhaps it might
entice some of those beautiful little birds, that
come from Florida to wing their way here; how
I should like to have some of them, brother
Francis, they make their nests in the leaves, and
live in the cup of the flowers; Aunt Anne gave
me such a description of the dear little things,
that I have been anxious ever since to get some;

their bodies are not larger than a blue bottle fly,
and their little feathers sparkle with all the
colors of the rainbow, each one shining like a
costly gem; when they get in the cup of the
Jessamine, they will sometimes let you catch

“Sister Jane, if I thought that by planting the
Jessamine in your bed, it would entice the little
fly birds, I would willingly do it; but Iam afraid
they will not leave their warm climate for ours.”

lowers and the arts seem frequently to be
rivals, for public favor. In Athens at one time, a
ereat fashion for flowers existed, every basket
full that was brought to market, was sold for a
very high price; one girl in particular, whose
name was Glycera, could sell her flowers for any
sum she named,

Pausanias, who was a great artist, used to paint
his pictures, and not be able to sell any for half
their value; he determined to make a last effort;
he accordingly painted Glycera scated in her
arbor, weaving a garland of flowers; this had the
desired effect, the picture created universal
praise, and Pausanias found constant employment
in furnishing a capricious sect of people with
copies of her.

“ And sometimes justice is done unto people,
while at other times wrongs go unredressed ; but
we should never despair; but be industrious and
persevere in all good actions,’ these remarks
were made to Frederick by Francis, while Jane
went to get more roots for him to plant.

“Do you think I want perseverance?” asked

“No, but I wish you would not waste your time
and genius with folly, you are too apt to throw
aside every thing that gives you a little trouble;
and then you fall into mischief, There was a
young Dutch miller, who was very fond of paint-
ing, and he used to amuse himself for hours, by
drawing the scenes around him; the mill, his
master’s cattle, and every thing of that kind he
painted. As soon as one picture was done, he
disposed of it to a colored man for materials to
do another. On a feast day an inn-keeper bought
two to decorate his hall in which he received his
guests. admired the truth and beauty of the landscapes,
and offered a hundred dollars for each, and
promised to take all the artist’s works at the same
price; such you see is the reward of industry, and
perseverance; so brother let us take example

by the Dutch miller, and may we be as fortunate.”
As he concluded speaking, “Jane came running
towards them, with a handful of dandelion

“Seewhat I have gathered from the green slope
of the hill, all those golden colored “flowers, or
light and tran sparent spheres. See the dandelions!
the oracle of the fields; that you may consult to
try whether you will, get your wishes; see its
flowers, which open and close at certain hours,
are the solitary shepherd’s clock, and its feathery
globes are his barometer, predicting calms or
storms; now come Ireder ick, do you want to see
if you will have your wish.”

“ Must I tell you what I wish?” asked Frede-

‘No, you must wish, and then blow gently on
the feathery aigrette, where all those witches
circle on their throne, (which is the aigrette or

centre of the flower,) and if one single witch
remains, you will get your wish.”

Jane Having given directions, gave him one
of the dandelion witches, he gave one strong blow,
and they all flew away.

There, you have blown too strong, you shculd
blow gently, now I will see which of you lives
me,” she then took one of the witches and blow-
ed it gently before her, it being favored by the
wind was wafted towards Francis.

A general clapping of hands, took place among
the happy ttle party.

“Take care,” said Francis, “the seeds of the
dandelion, which those little witches are, may
sometimes deceive us, therefore, we must not de-
pend on them too much. Behold! it is the wind
which has blown it towards me; but I will keep
it, and treasure it for my dear sister Jane’s sake.

But Jane, you did not try your wish, you had
better try your luck that way.”

“JT have so many things to wish for, that I do
not exactly know which to try for first. Let me
see. I have already been wishing for a little bird
fly, so that will not do. I will wish for a little
canary bird, for I begged father to get me one the
other day.” Having thus concluded what to wish
for, Jane took her dandelion and blowing gently,
blew all the seeds off excepting one solitary

“There, I have my wish!” said she, and another
clapping of hands followed.

They had only time to get quiet, when Mr.
Melmoth came in the garden with a cage, in which
was a beautiful canary.

“ Here Jane,” said Mr. Melmoth, “is the bird
I promised you; they tell me he is a beautiful
singer. Now, you must take care and feed him
well ; for if you neglect him he will dic.”

A. general exclamation of surprise escaped from
them all, at the wish being accomplished on the

“ Not at all, for chance often produces the same
occurrence, which has given rise to much super-
stition ; I promised the bird to J ane, and she had
a right to expect it, her mind has been settled on
what she wished, and thus, it has caused you
all surprise, because it was mentioned,” said Mr.

“Now, since Jane has been so lucky in her
wish, I will try mine, but not by the flowers of the
dandelion ; I will trust to time to tell me if I shall
succeed in my wish; nor will I conceal it at
present. This is my wish, that both my brother
and myself, may by our industr y and talents, dis-
tinguish oursely es among the great men of our

‘“T admire your wish my son, and hope that
by the blessing of God, you will be enabled to
succeed in your undert aking. Industry does
much, and when you read over the deeds of great

men, it is enough to inspire you with ardor to
emulate them.

Behold the great improvements of the present
day, and trace to whose genius we are indebted
for them. The genius of Franklin, gained sucha
knowledge of electricity, that its power of destruc-
tion has been averted in a great measure.

Mr. Morse by his study and talent has made
it amedium of such rapid intelligence, that com-
munications can be carried hundreds of miles
almost as quick as thought.

What the power of man can accomplish, none
eantell. Steam and electricity, have been brought
to act under man’s control by great perfection of
machinery; and what more improvements will
be made, time alone can tell.

“Do not be too incredulous, and say that things
are impossible, there have been many attempts
made to navigate the air in balloons, they have
hitherto failed, and may fail again or may succeed;
many will no doubt try it; but they will have
many difficulties to encounter in every way, as
prejudice is still powerful in the minds of man.

Guard against it, for it is the bane of genius,
and is injustice to the individual and to society in
general, therefore, it ought to be avoided.

If any person three years ago, would have sug-
gested that intelligence could ‘be carried hundreds
of miles in a few ‘seconds, they would have been
laughed at; as Mr. Fulton was, at the time that
he proposed to navigate the rivers by steam. He
was looked on as amadman; but the mind of man
is powerful when called into exertion; every boy
and girl should make it their business, daily
to reflect upon subjects, and investig eate their
nature and causes; and they may then “make dlis-
coveries some time that will be of service to them-
selves, and their fellow creatures; if neglected,
like a ‘tree, it will either yield no fruit, or be of
an inferior quality.

The great founder of the State of Pennsylvania,
was a profound thinker; he was born in London,
in the year 1644; his father was an admiral in the
British navy ; and was designed for a lawyer ; but
his powerful mind took to a 1 different turn.

It is said when he was only eleven years of age,
he was seated alone in his room reflecting ; w hen
he felt his heart filled with joy, such as he never
knew before; he felt, that his communion with his
Maker by thought, was the method to make man
happy, and be acceptable to God.

Jn the twenty-second year of his age, he became

a member of the Religious society of Friends, and
about two years s after he was received in the im-
portant character of a minister of the gospel.

Hie was much persecuted, and frequently 1m-
prisoned for his religious opinions; but nothing
could shake his principles; and his answer to a
message from the Bishop of London, who wished
him to abandon his opinions, shows how perse-
veringly he adhered to what he belived was right.
The answer was: “That he would weary “out
the malice of his enemies by patience and per-
severance; that great and good things, were sel-
dom obtained but by loss and hardships; that the
man who would reap and not labor, must faint
with the wind, and perish with disappointments;
and his prison should become his grave, before he
would renounce his just opinions.”

In 1676, he was called on to decide between the
rights of two persons, relative to a tract of land in
North America; he afterwards became manager
of that part called West New Jersey; it was the
connection with that settlement, led to the estab-
lishment of Pennsylvania, which he formed into a
colony under his own direction.

In 1680 he presented a petition to King Charles
II. for the grantof a sufficient portion of land on

the western side of the Delaware; for a settle-
ment for himself and friends, and which was after
much debate, granted to him in consideration of a
debt due to him from the crown.

William Penn’s scruples of conscience were
very great; he felt that the land belonged to the
Indians, and that the king had no right to give it,
or sell it away, although that form was necessary
by the laws of nations; he therefore, paid the
natives in articles of commerce, what they deemed
an equivalent for their land.

The place where William Penn made the
treaty with the Indians, was on the banks of the
river Delaware, beneath an aged Elm tree of ex-
traordinary size. Its high towering branches and
great height, threw a delightful and refreshing
shade around. There, the Indians, men, women,
and children, assembled, and met William Penn
and a few chosen friends, all dressed in the plain
quaker habit. While the red men were dis-
covered with their beads, feathers, and every
article of gaudy colored cloth that they could col-
lect, displayed on their painted forms.

His own good heart felt such confidence in the
effects of pure religion, that he considered himself
in perfect safety among the wild sons of the forest.

He trusted to his own peaceful precepts to disarm
even the American Indian.

The natives, expecting to sce him advance
armed, and guarded, and equipped with all the
weapons of war, were taken by surprise.

The majestic sweetness of his countenance, im-
pressed them at once with sentiments of respect,
friendship and veneration, which was his best
defence: and they immediately obeyed his signal to
sit down, which they did in the form of a crescent,
each tribe round their own chief.

William Penn sat under that tree unarmed,
with a few friends in the midst of a host of uncivi-
lized people, who in the thick groves of Coaquan-
nock, laid aside their towahawks, as instruments
of defence; they extended their friendship to the
white man: they called him brother, and prom-
ised to preserve it as long as the sun and moon
shouldendure. Such was the treaty, and the only
treaty ever made, by the aborigines, and that has
never been broken by them.

The place where the treaty took place, was near
the pleasant village of Shakamaxon and Coaquan-
nock, where Kensington now stands.

He then framed a code of laws for the govern-
ment of the colony, and laid the foundation for the

civil and religious liberties, which have distin-
guished America.

He had the satisfaction to see his hopes realized,
and then founded a city which he called Philadel-
phia, meaning brotherly love.

His character was noble and worthy of imita-
tion; he lived seventy years among the untaught
and uncivilized Indians without any means of de-
fence, nor did he require any other than his own
just principles that he acted upon, “doing unto
others as he would have them do unto him.” He
endured persecution and malice with resignation,
and persevered in fulfilling what he considered
the law of God. He died in the year 1718.
~ One of his decendants, that did not follow his
illustrious course, gained a different name. He
spurned the good example set him by his ancestor,
and was universally called the pen that every-
body cut, but nobody could mend. What a con-
trast; and it is hoped that the descendants will
raise the lustre that shone the world so brightly,
and will live through ages, as the founder of the
State of Pennsylvania,




Satie Frederick taking leave of Jane.

[See p. 48.

Ree nt


While Francis was studying various histories,
and reading the lives of great men, Frederick was
at some sport; once he was near breaking Jane’s
arm by his carelessness; he got into his veloscipede
and was racing around the garden, he came with
full force against her, and knocked her down, so
that she was severely hurt.

He was very sorry for it, so he took her up, and
put her in the seat of the veloscipede and drew
her to the house; he watched over her as she lay
on the sofa.

When Mr. and Mrs. Melmoth saw her, they
were at first very much alarmed; but afterwards
took the opportunity to warn I'redcrick against
such carelessness, and urged him to make him-
self useful in the world.

It is of little consequence how rich a man is, if
he is of no benefit to his fellow creatures. There
was a wealthy man, who possessed rich gold mines;
having these, ho neglected to cultivate his land,
but employ ed all his numerous slaves in working

his mines. His wife, who was a prudent woman,

often reasoned with him on theimprudence of it;
he laughed at her, and told her “there is no use
ina man of my wealth worrying himself about
ploughing and sowing.”

She reminded him, that they lived at a great
distance from any town, and it was not right to
depend on others altogether for their sustenance;
but he remained deaf to all her entreatics.

One day he invited anumber of guests to dine;
his wife had the forms of meat moulded in gold:
for instance, she had gold melted, and made up in
the form of a turkey, “another representing a leg
of mutton, and other various fruits, pies, and all
vegetables necessary for a handsomely furnished
table, she sat at the head of it, and said to them,
“T give you the only thing we possess in abundance,
we can but reap what we sow, see now whether
gold is so great a blessing as some people imagine ;
were my husband to cultivate the most humble
plant, I should be better pleased with it than
with all these false riches.

“The poor disregarded common meadow grass
is of more utility, and grows without labor.
It supplies a bed for man; it flourishes alike
every where; the birds live on its seed, the cattle
feed on it; and we are supported by the milk
which they derive from it.”

This lesson made an impression on the mind of
the husband; he acknowledged that real wealth
did not consist in gold, or all power rest in size.

“ Are not large persons more powerful than
small ones?” enquired Jane.

“Not always, there are some instances of it,
and there are others, which prove that the most
minute insects will accomplish as much by industry,
as many men can effect by strength.

The white ants or termites of Africa, give us
a proof at once. Of these insects there are several
species; but they all resemble each other in form
and in their manner of living. They differ in their
manner of building and style of architecture, and
also in the selection of the materials of which
their nests are composed. Some build on the
surface, or partly above and partly below ground,
and others on trunks or branches of lofty trees.

They form a settlement among themselves, the
first class is the working insects, and are called
laborers; the second, the fighters or soldiers,
which perform no labor; the third, the winged or
perfect ones, which are male and female, these
are called nobles or gentry; because they neither
labor or fight. The nobility alone are capable of
being made kings and queens. A few weeks after

their elevation to this state, they emigrate in order
‘to found new empires.

In a nest or hill the laborers, or working insects
are always most numerous. There are at least
one hundred laborers, to one of the fighting insects
or soldiers. When in this state, they are about
the fourth of an inch in length, which is rather
smaller than some of our ants. From their
figure and fondness for wood, they are called
wood lice.

The second order, or soldiers, differ in figure
from the laborers, these are the same insects; but
have undergone a change of form, and made a
nearer approach to a perfect state. They are
now much larger, being half an inch in length,
and equal in size to fifteen of the laborers. The
head is also changed, and the mouth, which in
the laborers is formed for gnawing or holding
bodies; but, in the soldier state the jaws being
shaped like two awls a little jagged, are very
suitable for piercing or wounding, they are hard
like a crab’s claw, and of a dark brown color.

In the third state, they are still more changed,
they are now furnished with four large brownish
transparent wings; by which they are enabled at
proper seasons to emigrate. They now measure

between six and seven tenths of an inch, their
bulk is equal to that of thirty laborers, or two
soldiers. Instead of active, industrious, and ra-
pacious little animals when they arrive at their
perfect state; they become innocent, helpless, and
dastardly. They are devoured by birds, reptiles,
and even the inhabitants of Africa.

Of those that escape, some are seized upon by
the laboring ants, and are made the founders of
anew state. They are immediately enclosed in
a chamber suitable to their size. This is built
around them, and has an entrance too small for
them to get out. When the queen is two years
old, she has increased to three inches in length;
she lays upwards of eighty thousand eggs.

The eggs are instantly taken care of by the
laborers, and placed in proper nurseries where
they are hatched. The young are there attended,
and provided with every thing necessary, until
they are able to take care of themselves, and
take their share in the labors of the community.

The nests are called hills by the natives of
Africa, New Holland and other hot climates ; they
are often elevated ten or twelve feet above the
surface of the earth, and are nearly in a conical

Each of these hills is composed of an exterior
and an interior part. The exterior cover is a
large clay shell, which is shaped like a dome; it
is stro ng enough to protect the interior building
from the j injuries of the weather, and their numer-
ous inhabitants from their enemies. ‘The internal
building is divided with wonderful artifice and
regularity, into a vast number of apartments for
the accommodation of the king and qucen, for the
nursery, and for storing the provisions.

‘When they commence building the small turrets
they get them a foot high, they ” then go on until
they have a number of them, the highest i is always
placed in the middle; they then build a dome
enclosing them all.

The royal chamber is always near the centre
of the building, the apartments round it are of
different sizes; ‘the store rooms are of clay, and at
all times well stored with provisions; which consist
of gums, and juices of plants, thrown together in
irregular masses. Of these masses, some are
finer than others, and resemble the sugar of fruits,
others the tears of gum, being quite transparent,
another amber, a third brown, and a fourth

The nurseries are always slightly overgrown

with a kind of mould, and sprinkled with white
globules about the size of a pin’s head. They are
a kind of mushroom which are like snow, a little
melted and frozen again before they are broken.

When a breach is made in one of the hills, the
first object that attracts attention, is the behavior
of the soldiers or fighting insects. Immediately
on the blow being given a soldier comes out, walks
about the breach, and seems to examine the nature
of the enemy, or the cause of the attack. He
then goes into the hill, and gives the alarm, in a
short time large bodies rush out as fast as the
breach will permit. It is not easy to describe the
fury and rage which these fighting insects display.
In their eagerness to repel the enemy, they fre-
quently tumble down the side of the hill; but
recover themselves very quickly, and bite every
thing they encounter.

The biting joined to the striking of their claws
upon the building, make a cri ackling or vibrating
noise, which is somewhat shriller and quicker
than the ticking of a watch, and may be heard at
a distance of three or four feet.

During the attack, they are in the most violent
bustle and agitation ; if they can get hold of any
part of a man’s body, they instantly make a wound
which discharges a quantity of blood.

They make their jaws meet at the first stroke,
and never quit their hold but suffer themselves to
be pulled away leg by leg, and piece by piece,
without making the smallest attempt to escape ;
but if a person keeps out of their reach, and gives
them no further disturbance, in less than half an
hour they return into their nests, as if they sup-
posed that the wonderful monster that damaged
their castle had fled.

Before all the soldiers have got in, the laboring
ants commence to work, they hasten towards the
breach, each of them having a quantity of tem-
pered mortar in his mouth. This mortar they
stick upon the breach as fast as they arrive, and
perform the operation with despatch, yet with such
dexterity that they never incommode each other,
although they are so numerous ; they go on work-
ing until there is a regular wall erected, which
fills up the chasm.

While the laborers are at work, all the soldiers
remain within except an odd one, who saunters
about among six hundred or a thousand laborers;
but never touches the mortar. One soldier always
takes his station near the wall which the laborers
are building; this soldier turns himself leisurely
on all sides, and at intervals of a minute or two,

raises his head, beats upon the building with his
claws, and makes a vibrating noise. loud hiss
instantly issues from the inside of the dome, and
all the subterraneous caverns and passages. This
hiss proceeds from the laborers, as at every signal
of this kind, they work with redoubled quickness
and alacrity.

A renewal of the attack instantly changes the
scene. On the first blow, the laborers escape to
their chambers with such speed, that in a few
seconds all are gone, and the soldiers rush out as
numerous and as vindictive as before. If they
find no enemy, they retire again leisurely into the
hill; and soon the laborers re-appear, loaded as
at first, as active and as sedulous, with soldiers
here and there among them, who act in just the
same manner, one or other of them giving the
signal to hasten the business.


Having heard such glowing accounts of the
wonders of nature and art, Frederick determined
to go to sea; he did not say any thing to his father
or mother about it; but told Jane he had some-
thing to say to her, if she would walk down by
the side of the river in the afternoon; she promised
him that she would.

She went to the appointed place according to
promise; to her astonishment she saw a vessel
in the stream, just ready to sail; this alarmed her
a great deal; but she was still more go, when she
saw Frederick coming towards her dressed in
sailor’s clothes.

“ Do not be alarmed, dear Jane, I am only going
away for a short time, I shall soon return, and I
want you to tell father and mother; do not let
them know this until Iam gone. I will write to
you and to them, do not be uneasy.”

Jane burst into tears, she begged him not to
go, but to return home; but he was deaf to all
her entreaties; and with a sorrowful heart, she
saw him go off in the small boat, and he was
rowed away to the ship.

When Jane went home and told her parents
that he was gone they were very much grieved at
first; but afterwards they consoled themselves by
the reflection, that in all cases we must trust to
Providence, and the power that protects us on
land, and rules over the water.

He had not been long gone, before they re-
ceived a letter from him; he expressed great
sorrow for having left them, and wished that he
was safe home again, for he had very near been

He had been sailing on the St. Lawrence river
and they were very near being drawn in the whirl-
pool. This whirlpool is a deep basin where the
waters of the St. Lawrence revolve in one per-
petual whirl caused by their being obstructed by
an angle of the steep, and dreary banks, which
overhang this dreadful place.

Young Wallace was a fine youth, he was the
son of a blacksmith, he went down to the whirl-
pool one day, and before he was aware of it, got
into the current, which proved too strong for him,
and he was carried into the whirl. His poor dis-
tracted mother sat on the gloomy bank, days and
hours, and beheld the body of her own darling child
carried round in acircle by the waters, sometimes

eee for a time, and then coming up and

volving on the surface of his watery grave, and
shies continuing for several days, no human aid
being available even to obtain his remains.

It is usual for persons having charge of timber
from places between the falls and the whirlpool,
to get off the raft before they come to the basin,
first placing the raft in such a position, as will
best enable it to float down the stream without
being carried into the whirl. On one occasion
however, one of the raftsmen refused to leave the
raft; he was not afraid, he was sure all would go
safe. Entreaty was unavailing; and the raft,
with the unfortunate headstrong man upon it,
made its way downwards, and was soon drawn
within the influence of the fatal circle; around
which for three days and three nights it continued
to revolve; all the efforts of a thousand anxious
spectators proved unavailing; the continual and
sickening motion he underwent, robbed the poor
sufferer of all power to eat, sleep he could not; a
dreadful death was before his eyes, so much the
more terrible, from being protracted night after
night in such a place. At last a man was found,
who ventured into the whirl as far as he could
with any hopes of safety for his own life, a strong

rope was fastened round his middle, one end of
which was on shore. He carried with him a line
to throw to the raft, which happily succeeded; the
agonized sufferer fastened it on to the raft, and
in this way he was drawn on shore, and. his life

From this dangerous whirlpool Frederick was
rescued in avery similar manner. They were
on the edge of it when the captain perceiving it
threw a rope towards a vessel, which carried it to
the shore; thus, by the rope they were enabled
to draw them from the current of the whirlpool,
and they were saved.

Frederick wrote to them, that if he could but
once more gct to them, he would study with
Francis, and be all that his affectionate brother
could wish, that wish had been engraven on his

In the dark night, when the tempest howled
around him, and the snow or rain fell over his
houseless head; his thoughts wandered back to
his former home, and when he lay down to sleep,
his fancy would recall to his mind the image of
his dear brother praying for him, and that wish
so full of pure and gentle love, seemed as though
it warned him against evil; “Let me but once

more see them all, and I will yield implict obedi
ence to my parents, and all their wishes.”

Ife at length arrived at home, and was rejoiced
to find them all well.

“ Now brother, I will study the glorious science
of medicine, and I hope that I may by that means
become a useful member of society,” said Frede-
rick, “I have already employed all the time that
my employers could spare, in preparing myself
by reading as much as I could; and I hope that
my efforts will not prove altogether useless.”

“You give me happiness indeed; if you knew
the many miserable hours that I have ‘passed in
fears for your safety, you would almost wonder
that these grey hairs are not already in the grave;
but now, that you have at last seen your error,
I can close my eyes in peace, and sleep undis-
turbed by the heavy weight of sorrow, with which
I was oppressed.”

Frederick’s heart swelled with sorrow, for the
uneasiness that he had caused; but he omitted
nothing to atone for it.

A few years soon passed over, Frederick and
Francis pursued their studies, the one, medicine,
the other law, and each of them as they became
of age, commenced practice in their different pro-

Jane was not forgotten by them, she was their
darling pet, and everything she wished, they en-
deavored to obtain for her.

Scarcely a year had passed after Francis had
been admitted to the bar, before he was engaged
in a most important suit which he gained for his
client, and his fame became at once established.

Frederick was equally successful in his business,
the principal Doctor in the town died, by which
means, he at once got into his practice. He had
strong intellectual powers, which he exerted ina ©
cause he loved, which was his profession. The
poor blessed him, for he was always ready to
attend them, and assist them as far as his ample
means would go.

A few years passed over, and beheld them both
on the eve of marriage, and Jane was asked to
stand as bride’s maid.

“T would be very happy to comply with your
wishes my dear brother; but I rather think it will
be better for me to be a bride myself; you know
your very particular friend James Belton, wishes
to be married at the same time that you are, so
you would not wish your sister to disoblige him
would you ?”

“Not if you intend to be Mrs. Belton,” replied

Frederick, ‘and I shall be very happy to call him
brother-in-law; and my dear sister, I hope that
whatever change may take place, neither of us
will forget a tr ifling incident that proved of great
importance to me, as it was one which urg ed me
to future honors.

Your wish was gratified on the instant, it was
followed by Francis declaring his, which was filled
with affection and love for me.

I thought to gain it for him, by venturing forth
alone in the world; but I found too late, that it
wanted a parent’s sanction, and that good deeds
were not to be achieved by disobedience. I re-
turned home, and began again to try and accom-
plish his wish ; no bitter reflection of error crossed
my mind this time; I was acting under a happy
approval of a father, and my friend’s love. Thus,
I have found and proved the difference between
good and bad.



Neptune getting Edward’s coat out of the water. [ See p. 71.] %



Edward Jefferson had two little sisters, one was
called Ellen and the other Meeta; their father
and mother often gave them toys for their good

Edward having been remarkably good, his
father bought him a fine little dog, which Edward
was so well pleased with, that he made a house
for him, and every day they used to take food to

‘See Ellen, how nice he can sleep, in there, and
when the snow begins to fall, if mother does not
like him to come into the house, he can go in
there and be comfortable,” said Edward.

“Oh dear! I wish my little pussy had such a
nice house like that; won’t you try and make her
one brother ? you know it need not be so large as


that, and I will put some cotton in it, for her to
sleep on. You have straw in yours; but that
will be too hard for pussy’s soft skin ; will you do
what I ask, brother?” inquired Ellen.

“T will make you a house; but I don’t see what
you want with it, for mother always lets Sally
(your puss,) sit before the fire on the hearth rug,
and you give her some milk every morning; there-
fore, I think she is very well off,” said Edward,
“now I don’t think that Neptune will be let into
the house.”

“Neptune!” exclaimed Meeta, “so you have
given him a name already.”

“ Yes,” answered Edward, “I have called him
Neptune, for he can swim and play in the water ;
he is a great dog, I am going to teach him to
fetch and carry things, you don’t know how
useful he will be to us all.

I will make him carry a basket in his mouth, and.
walk after me, and when I want to send any thing
to any of my friends, he shall take it to them.”

Mr. Jefferson came out of the house to see how
they got on, he looked at the dog house, and ex-
amined it, he then asked Edward who helped him
to make it, for he knew that he could not have
made it by himself.

Edward told him that Robert Douglass had
helped him, and that he was to give him twelve
and a half cents per week out of his pocket money
for two months.

“That is allright my son, take care of all dumb
animals, it shows a good disposition, and above
all, a dog from his affectionate feclings, requires
and demands our care, a good dog will watch his
master’s property, and fight for him.

There was a friend of mine, a lady who had a
little dog that was very fond of her, he followed
her every where, and when she went out to walk
the dog went with her.

One day, they were out taking their usual walk;
the lady generally wore her watch suspended by
a chain round her neck ; this day one of the links
of the chain had got broken, which she did not
know; she had not proceeded far, when the dog
stopped behind her, she called him, but could not
get him to follow her, a person passed him in the
street, when the dog laid down and growled at
him; his conduct was so uncommon, that she
went back to see what was the reason of it; he
jumped up and then barked over her watch, which
lay on the pavement where it had slipped from
her neck.

“T hope my dog will get as fond of me,” said
Edward, “ for I am sure I love him.”

After the dog had been fed, they went into the
house. Mr. Jefferson told Ellen that she must
now feed her cat, and Mecta the birds; for they
must be taken care of, for said he, ‘though cats
are not as affectionate as dogs, yet they require as
much care, and as to the ‘Tittle birds, the dear
little creatures know those who feed them, and
will reward them, with their sweet songs.”

“But do all birds sing ?” enquired Meeta.

“Not all my child, but those who have not the
faculty of song, have other ways of endearing
themselves to us, and are objects of attention, for
instance, the swallow comes to your house, ‘and
announces to you, that spring is coming, and the
dear little snow bird hops about the garden
before the pure snow comes down to clothe the
earth in her white mantle, hiding its green

Now, you have some beautiful birds, Meeta ;
there are a few very handsome Canary birds, and
three very amusing ones; there is Tom, the
Buzzard, he is of the hawk species, he is very
amusing; but very idle and cow: ardly, he keeps
the house clear of rats and mice. Then, there

is Jenny, the blue jay, who, although she cannot
sing, yet she can scream and chatter like a scold,
only call her to you, and see how quickly she will
come and join in talk with all.”

“Oh yes,” answered Mceta, “there is no end to
her chattering ; why, there was an owl perched on
the old stump of a tree, that you may have ob-
served in the garden, Jenny ran after him, and
shouted and screamed so loud, that it was almost
deafening, and then she watches, and steals every
thing that she can get hold of.”

“Tom is not a thief, father,” said Ellen, “and
yet he won't let any one wear a wig where he is,
or if he finds it out, or any thing red on the head
he is sure to pull it off.

The washerwoman who lives in the next street
is from St. Domingo, she always wears a red plaid
handkerchief on her head ; and the other morning
when she came in, Tom flew at her and pulled
it off; he was then perfectly satisfied, and perched
himself on her shoulder

‘Such is the nature of these birds, and there-
fore, you cannot find fault with them,” answered
Mr. Jefferson, “or with your Raven, Jack, who
is continually stealing every thing that comes in
his way. You must indulge them, and teach

them, for they are all capable of being taught,
some one thing, and some another.

For instance, the Canary birds may be taught
many tricks. There was a Frenchman in 1820, who
had a set of them, that he taught so many tricks
that at last, he had an exhibition of them in
London. One of them, taking a slender stick In
its claws, passed its head between its legs and
suffered itself to be turned round, as if in the act
of roasting.

Another balanced itself, and swung backward,
and forward on a kind of slack rope. A third
suffered itself to be shot at, when falling down (as
if dead,) was put into a little whecl-barrow, and
wheeled away by one of its comrades.”

Both Ellen and Meeta, said they would be
very much pleased to see such things, and would
do all they could to teach theirs different amusing
tricks. Dick, one of their little Canary birds,
would already fight for a lump of sugar, and pick at
himself in a looking glass, if he was placed before
it, now, who knows but that we may get them
all to do something very amusing before long,”
said Ellen.

“ Yes,” answered Mecta, ‘“ but we must not let
lazy 'Tom in, for he frightens all the small birds

that he comes near; we will lock him up in
another room when we go to work.”

“Yes, and your cat too,” added Mr. Jefferson,
“for if Puss gets to them, she might kill them,
you must try, and get her used to them; but never
trust her alone with them, Jack may fight his way
with her; but it being the nature of cats to eat
birds, it would be wrong to trust her, even though
she was ever so well taught to play with them ;
she might forget your instructions, then her own
nature would prevail, and the poor birds would be
her victims. So be careful.”


The cold winter wind was raging, while the
snow was falling fast, and the rivers were frozen

Little Walter Robinson was a very bad boy,
he was sent to school, but instead of going there,
he went to play with some other bad boys, they
strayed into the woods; forgetting that the winter
days were short and that darkness comes on soon ;
therefore, they did not think of returning until it
was late.

The snow had fallen so deep, that the path was
covered over, and when they thought of going
home, they were puzzled to find the path, they
wandered round and round, and still came to the
place from which they started, when Walter said
he was so tired that he must rest which he did,
but the other boys determined to walk until they
found their way out of the wood.

‘Walter seated himself on a log of wood, when
he soon became benumbed by the severe cold; and
fell fast asleep.

It was the worst thing that he could have done,
for people who freeze to death are generally seized

with a drowsiness, which ends in death; whereas,
if they keep moving, it goes off.

The snow fell fast, and he was soon covered
over with it; his companions reached their homes
towards midnight; they called on his parents,
who alarmed the neighbors, and all prepared
to go in search of the lost child; among them,
was Mr. Jefferson, who immediately offered to
search for him; he took Neptune with him;
and they all set out to try and find Walter;
they looked every where, but in vain, and
were on the point of returning, when they heard
Neptune barking, and howling; the noise drew
them all to the spot, where the dog was root-
ing up the snow with his paws; the moon now
shone forth, and the beautiful clear icicles hung
from the tree, each one reflecting numerous
colors as the light fell on it; when through the
uprooted snow, the head of Walter was distinctly

It was a fortunate thing for him, that the snow
had fallen so fast, as it served to keep him warm ;
but he was totally insensible; they perceived that
life was not quite extinct, as there was some little
heat in his body; they lifted him out of his cold
bed, and wrapped him up carefully, until they got

him home, when a physician was called in, it waa
doubtful at one time whether he would recover;
but skillful attention, and good nursing, saved his

When Walter was able to go out, he told his
companions, that they ought to be thankful, that
they escaped such sufferings as he had undergone;
“but,” said he, “I deserve it, for I had no business
in the woods, if we had gone to school, all would
have been right; but we did wrong, and I have
had to pay for it; when I lay sick, and in pain,
I thought how dreadful it would be to die by my
own disobedience to my parents; but by the
goodness of our great Creator, I have been spared
that misery.

“Whose dog was it that found you,” asked
Harry Thoughtless.

“Hdward Jefferson’s dog Neptune,” answered

“T should like to steal him,” observed Harry.

Walter felt shocked at the wickedness of his
companion. ‘Steal him,” he exclaimed, ‘Steal
him, from one who loves him, and deserves him.
For shame! no wonder I got into trouble, when I
was the companion of one who can harbor such
a thought. From this time, you and I must be

strangers to each other; and I now believe that
it was a fortunate thing for me, that God punished
me as he did, or I might still have loved you, and
often been in mischief and danger.”

“Do not be so hasty Walter,” interrupted
Harry, “I did not mean what I said, you need
not take me up so fast.”

“T hope you did not mean it,” answered Walter,
“for it grieved me to hear yousay what you did,
you must think more than you do, I will endeav-
or, if possible, to forget what you said, for I
always loved you.”

Walter tried to forget it; but it was always in
his mind, whenever Harry proposed anything in
the way of amusement.

Walter became very intimate with Edward, his
gratitude to the dog, strengthened into a strong
attachment for the animal and his master.

Edward was very fond of studying, and he
always liked to assist his sisters in learning their
lessons; when thcir holidays commenced in the
summer season, they would wander in the woods
for hours, and when they were fatigued, they
would sit down under a shady tree, take out their
books and read ; in theserambles they were mostly
accompanied by Walter, and faithful Neptune.

Ellen and Mceta used to watch the birds flying
about in the trees, one pair in particular, who
were building a nest, afforded them much amuse-
ment and delight.

They settled on a thick bush, as a suitable place
to build their summer home; one then flew away
and brought a few twigs in its ‘bill, and placed them
on the branches, then the other brought some
more, after they got a sufficient number of sticks
they collected feathers and wool, that had been
torn from the backs of the sheep by the thorns
on the bushes, among which the sheep roved when
they went to browse on the hills, and meadows,
with that, they lined the nest, and made it soft and
warm for the eggs.

After the nest was completed, the weather was
bad for a few days, so that they did not see it
again until there were some eggs in it.

“Take care Mecta,”’ said Edward, “do not
touch the nest, for the birds may abandon it if
you do.”

It was well that Edward told her that, for she
was just going to take them out of the nest to
look at them, and if she had, the birds might have
flown away, and she would not have seen them
again ; but they all sat at a distance watching

them, and saw that one always remained on the
nest, while the other flew off to feed.

One day Harry Thoughtless joined them, as
soon as he saw the nest, he was for stealing the
eges; but very fortunately, Walter saw what he
was about and stopped him.

“Do not touch them Harry,” said he, “if you
do, you will distress the poor things dreadfully. i

“You are very thoughtful all of a sudden,” re-
plied Harry, ‘ this time last year, you helped me
steal a nest.”

“T know I did, and I am very sorry for it,”
answered Walter, “and that was not the only
thing that I was ouilty of, I did not mind a single
word that was said’ to me; I was always - in
mischief, and always in trouble, and came very
near losing my life by my wickedness, but I have
seen my error, and I will advise you, ‘and all who
are inclined to ‘evil, toreform. Formerly, I never
went home with any pleasure, for I was in dread
of that punishment which I deserved; now, I go
there happy; home has no terrors for me, nothing
but happiness.”

Harry did not dare to touch the nest, so it re-
mained unmolested, and at the end of two weeks,
there was a pair of young birds in it, who were

fed every moment by the kind old ones, who flew
about, picking up worms and insects, which they
carried in their bills to them.


After the pleasing amusement of watching the
birds feeding their young was at an end, they
used to go to the water’s side, to watch the "boats
sailing, and the fishermen casting their nets.
Little Meeta would clap her hands, ‘and jump for
joy, when she saw the fish leaping, ‘and springing
in their captive state; while Ellen would gladly
aid them to escape, for if a stray one got near the
water, she would give it a sly push, and smile to
see it swim off in its own loved element roving in
dear liberty; nor was Edward sorry, when one of
them would break through the net and glide off,
looking so bright as it pursued its course through
the water.

In one of their visits to the river’s side, Edward
took off his coat, and put it on the bank, when a
heavy flaw of wind blew it into the water.

When Ellen saw it going, she cried out, ‘“ Look
brother, your coat is gone, what will you do
now ?”

“Do!” answered Edward, “why go after it to
be sure,” he tucked his trowsers up, and

waded into the water after it; but the further he
went, the faster went the coat, until at last he
turned back in despair, and gave it up as lost,
when he saw Neptune swimming after him with
it as fast as he could.

Ellen stood on the bank terrified, lest the cur-
rent should carry Edward down the stream, she
felt relieved, therefore, when she saw him coming
back, and Neptune going after it.

A. few moments only passed, before Edward
was on shore, and the dog following him with the
coat in his mouth.

“You are indeed a dear, good dog,” said Ellen,
“we all love you dearly, and every day you grow
dearer and dearer to us, you not only save the
lives of little boys who wander in snow storms ;
but swim the river to save the clothes of others;
you are indeed a most invaluable animal.”

They waited until the coat was dried by the
sun, when they all returned home together, on
their way, they met Walter Robinson, and told
him what Neptune had done.

‘“ He is among the noble ones of his kind,” said
Walter, “and that is saying a great deal ; one of
the officers that went to Mexico, had a dog that
followed him there, he watched him during the


The Dog discovering the murderer. [See p. 88


battle, and when his master was killed staid by
him until he was buried, and then guarded his
grave for several days.”

“There were several dogs that went with their
masters to the battle of Resca de la Palma,” said
Edward. “ During the battle on the 8th of May,
two of the dogs who were remarkable for their
intelligence, were observed to listen to the confu-
sion for a while, and after they had seemingly
consulted together for some time, they started off
at great speed for Point Isabel, being the first
arrivals at that place after the battle.

But there was one brave, faithful creature who
remained with his master to the end of the battle.
He posted himself in front of one of the batteries,
and watched with intense gravity the appearance
of a ball; the moment it was discharged, he would
start after it at full speed, expressing event sur-
prise that it was out of sight so quick ; “he would
then wheel around, and watch the appearance of,
another ball, and then again commence the fruit-
less chase, and thus employed, he continued
throughout the whole of the action and escaped

“T must get one of my own,” observed Walter,
pedor Neptune's having done so much for me, has
made me feel grateful to all dogs.


Before that accident happened to me, I was a
different boy, I used to like to torment all animals.
I was very near causing the death of one dog,
which I have often repented since; I tied a tin
kettle to one of his legs, the poor creature was
frightened at the noise it made, and ran to get
out of the way of it; but the faster he ran, the
more noise it made, until at last his running col-
lected a number of bad boys like myself to follow
him, who eried, ‘Mad dog! mad dog!’ they chased
him, and pelted him with stones, until he fell down
exhausted; believing him dead they left him; when
I took him home, and nursed him.

I have often been very sorry for what I did to
the poor thing; but at that time I was always
doing mischief, and I look back with regret at the
past, and feel joyful to think that I saw my folly
m time to correct my errors.”

Before they reached home, they were joined by
Harry Thoughtless, who asked them to take a
walk with him, and they would see something
worth while.

‘Which way do you wish us to go,” asked
Edward, “for it is getting late, and we must
hasten home.”

“It is only a few moment’s walk,” answered
Harry, “so if you do not wish to lose time,

Harry led the way and they followed, expecting
every moment to see him stop, until at last,
Edward’s patience began to be exhausted, and he
asked Harry how much further it was? for they
had already gone two miles out of their road, and
it was getting dark.

“Where what is?” enquired Harry as if sur-
prised at the question.

‘Where what. is,’ reiterated Edward, ‘why,
what you were going to show us.’

“Oh! I forgot all about it, in fact,” answered
Harry, “I do not recollect what it was.”

Edward was very angry that they should all
have been duped by such a foolish trick, and he
told Harry that he should resent it by playing
him a trick at some other time.

They made the most haste home that they
could, to try and get there, before it was quite
dark, and they all put their heads together, to see
what they could do to pay master Harry for his

When they got home they found that their
parents had been very uneasy at their staying so
long; but when they told them the cause they were

not blamed; but Harry got severely censured for
his trick, whether it was caused from false wit,
which amounts to toy, or mischicf, none attempted
to say; but all were angry and blamed him.

“T’ think he ought to be punished,” said Mr.
Jefferson, and I will assist you to do it; I intend
to invite some of your young friends to pass the
evening of your birth day, (which comes on the
sixth of next month,) with us; I will send an in-
vitation to Harry for the seventh, and when he
comes, I will explain my reasons to him.”

All things went on as Mr. Jefferson wished, all
the young persons he invited accepted the invi-
tations and attended, and all were happy, they
assembled early in the afternoon, and there never
was a happier sct met together; they played,
daneed, and sang. Blind man’s buff, commenced
the evening ; it was succeeded by “ What its like,”
“hunt the slipper,” and various others, among
which the play of the stage coach ereated much
mirth; the play commenced, cach one selecting
what part of acoach he would he, some chose
to be the wheels, others the body, while some
selected to be the ‘whip, and others the top; when
the word was given for all to start, those who had
chosen to be the wheels, had to commence rolling

their arms round, as if they were whecls, on their
stopping, they had to pay a forfeit; the whip
had to keep in motion as if he was cracking a
whip, if he stopped he had to pay his forfeit ;
those who were the top, had to carry all the
baggage, and if they let any thing fall, they had
to pay their forfeit; and so on, with each person
who undertook a part, it created a great deal of

There were plenty of apples, nuts, cakes, and
all the good things that could be procured; among
the cakes, was one which had a ring in it, it was
indeed a happy sight to behold the young faces
with laughing eyes, watching the cutting up of
the cake which contained the wished for treasure,
and all anxious to obtain it, the timid trembling
with delight as their share was handed to them;
while the firm nerved young one laughed with
unrestrained glee, as he touched the piece that he
thought would unfold the little circlet.


Walter happened to meet Harry on the morn-
ing of the seventh, he began telling him about the
pleasant evening ‘that they had ‘passed at Mr.
Jefferson’s ; about the cake, and all the agreeable
plays that they had been amused with.

Harry started as he thought that perhaps he
had mistaken the date, he took out the note of
invitation, read it, and saw that it was the seventh,
he then feared that Mr. Jefferson had made a
mistake, and asked Walter if he was going there
again that evening ?

“ Certainly not, ” said Walter, “surely, Mr.
Jefferson will not let Edward give such a party,
more than once a year, if he does even that often,
and if he did, I doubt if it could be as agreeable
as that one was.

This observation did not give Harry much
pleasure, he sighed for what he had lost, while he
felt rather puzzled at the situation that he was
placed in, he would go to Mr. Jefferson’s that
evening, according to invitation; there might be

company there again, but why he had not been
invited the evening before surprised him.

All that day Harry was worried, the party of
the evening before was in his mind continually,
and instead of saying his lessons at school, he
thought about the party.

When his teacher asked, “ Where the Alps
were situated?” he answered, “ In the middle of
the large pound cake, a beautiful ring.”

‘Tow sir! the Alps in the middle of a large
pound cake! what do you mean?” enquired the

“JT beg your pardon, sir,” answered Harry, “I
was thinking of something else.”

‘“‘T should think you were, when you say that
the Alps is in the middle of a large pound cake,
instead of Italy.”

Harry was confounded all the morning, nor
could the most interesting things amuse him;
Walter told him that his lesson in natural History
was very interesting; it was about an Elephant
and a dog, who were constant companions.

“The nature of the Elephant,” added the
teacher, “is very singular, he will resent any insult
that is offered to him, nor will he forget an

There is an Elephant belonging to Messrs.
Raymond and Waring’s menagaric, he is very

large, and at times very outrageous if offended ;
but if treated kindly, he is very affectionate ; he
killed two of his keepers.

The first keeper struck him with a nail stuck
in the end of a pole, when the lephant attacked
him, and killed him.

The last unfortunate keeper that Columbus
killed in Philadelphia, was preparing him for an
exhibition; the animal felt inclined to pass into
the arena of the place, which the keeper did
not wish to let him do, and goaded him two or three
times, that made the animal more furious; he
overturned a cage that had a hyena and wolf in it,
and the iron stove, the cage fell upon the unfortu-
nate keeper, whose name was Kelly, and injured
him so much that the poor soul died from his
wounds; they were fearful of the Elephant’s
escaping into the street, and prepared a cannon to
shoot him, ifthey could not overcome him otherwise;
but the great tamer of the monsters of the forest,
Mr. Drieshbach, with the assistance of some gentle-
men, secured him; he knew his conqueror, and
mildly yielded to his guidance in a few minutes.

The gentlemen that own him, despatched a
message by telegraph, to a person in Auburn, (who
had charge of the Elephant formerly,) to come

and take care of him again; the man came, and
the animal knew him, held him in his trunk as if
embracing him; licked him, and showed every
symptom of joy; at once convincing him, that he
knew him, and was glad to see him.

Young people should be very careful how they
treat animals, it is cruel to use them ill, sometimes
they can revenge their injuries; when they cannot
it is very wicked to oppress them.

In the afternoon, Harry did not lose any time,
he started for Mr. Jefferson’s in high glee; at the
door he was met by Neptune, who saluted him
with a growl, for which he received a kick.

Mr. Jefferson was at home seated in his arm
chair, his favorite old cat was sleeping on the
cushioned stool on which his feet rested; Hdward
was on one side, Ellen on the other, while Meeta
had her usual seat on her father’s knee; and Mrs.
Jefferson on the other side of the fire.

“Sit down Harry,” said Mr. Jefferson, “are
you inclined to take a walk?” at this question
Harry looked puzzled and replied that he did

“TJ thought that as you were fond of making
other people walk, you might feel inclined to visit
the place where you took Ellen, and Hdward. the

other evening, while their mother and myself,
were anxiously waiting for them.

Harry sat down silent for some time, he was
anxious to know whether there was to be com-
pany there; but was afraid to ask; after con-
siderable deliberation, he enquired whether that
day was not going to be celebrated as Edward’s
birth day.

“We will not celebrate his birth day that was
yesterday, and it was kept accordingly, I was
sorry to exclude you from it, I did not wish to
offend the feclings of your parents, therefore, I
invited you to come to-day; you did not mind
detaining your young friends from their parents,
so I thought it but right to detain you from your
young fr iends,

The company that were assembled here last
evening, were selected for their moral goodness,
not one amongst them would have caused their
parents, or the parents of their companions,
uneasiness by an act of folly.

Now, we will make you as comfortable as we
can this evening, you excluded yourself from last
night’s party; by your being here alone now, we
will have a good opportunity of ¢ guiding your mind
to a proper train of thought, “which will be of

much benefit to you.”

He was cheerful and steady, and that night
Harry received much good advice, which he
listened to with attention ; he felt his own defects
more than if Edward had undertaken to retaliate,
and he resolved to consider before he would
play any trick, or do any thing of importance for
the future.

While they were looking over some books and
pictures, they came across one, that had a picture
of a large dog carrying a man through the snow.

“That looks like my Neptune,” said Edward.

“You see,” observed his father, “that picture is
intended for a representation of one of the dogs
of St. Bernard, aconvent, situated on the mountain
of that name in Italy. They have a species of
dogs that have been trained up to the business of
secking travellers in the snow storms, and guiding
them to the Hospice, where they are comfortably
sheltered and provided for during the inclement
weather. Unfortunately, the breed is almost
extinct, there being but a few of them left. They
will be missed very much, for they save a great
many lives during the year.

They are very large and rough looking animals,
but their kindness is unequalled by any thing of
their species, although the affection of dogs is

very great; there is a very interesting story told
of a dog in rance, whose master was murdered.
J will relate it to you.

There was arcgiment quartered near the forest
of Montargis; a Licutenant named Landr vy owned
a fine dog, who was very much attached to him.

The dow always followed his master every
where he went; Captain Landry lodged at an old
woman's in the middle of the forest; the building
where he boarded was an old fashioned French
cottage; there was a bell which was hung by a
pully at the side of the door, which the dog used
to pull, when he and his master came home, he
would jump up and ring it with his paw.

Captain Landry and two of his companions,
(Captain Aubri and Captain Deas,) went on an
excursion of pleasure; before they arrived at
their place of destination, they reached a very
beautiful part of the wood, where there was a
clear running stream, whose cool water ceed
them to sit down and refresh themselves ; ; to pass
time and amuse themselves, they took out their
dice and began to eamble ; Captain Aubri lost,
and accused Captain Landry of cheating ; this
caused high words between them, (which | is too
often the case with those who eamble, ,) from words

they came to blows; on which a challenge passed ;
the time was fixed on the instant; they fought,
and Landry fell.

When Captain Aubri, and Deas, found that
Landry was killed, they became alarmed, they
were at a loss what to do with the body; at last,
they concluded to bury it that night.

When they returned after dark with a spade,
to deposit the body in the ground, they found the
faithful dog howling over it.

After the deed of darkness was apparently hid
from the eye of man, they returned to their home
and the dog to his.

He pulled the bell, and the old woman opened
the door, she became alarmed at seeing the dog
without his master ; and her fears increased as he
kept howling, and pulling her dress, as if entreat-
ing her to follow him; to which she at length yielded.

She took her lantern, and following the dog,
reached the place by the side of the stream,
where the Captains had been playing the previous
morning, the place looked gloomy and dismal in
the darkness of the night, and the old woman’s
fears amounted to horror, when she discovered
that the earth had been recently dug up.

When they reached the place where his master

was buried, the dog renewed his howling, and be-
gan to scrac htheearth up with his paws, which he did
so rapidly, that before many minutes were over, he
discovered the dead body of his dear master.

She coaxed him home with her, and considered
during the night what would be the best way to
discover the murderer.

She determined to consult the Colonel about
the best means to pursue in discovering who had
committed the deed.

The regiment was all drawn up to parade, the
old woman had told the Colonel, who promised
that every thing should be attended to, and she
was about returning when the dog suddenly sprang
at Captain Aubri who was at the head of his
company; they tried to get the dog away from
him; but the animal seized hold of the cross belt
that he wore, and it fell to the ground, the old wo-

man picked it up, and behold! on the inside were
some spots of blood and the name of Captain Lan-
dry written on it.

Captain Aubri grew furious, and stabbed the
poor faithful dog, who fell dead at his feet.

The old woman held the belt, and turning to
the Colonel told him that it belonged to Captain
Landry, and that he wore it on the morning when
he left her house.

Captain Aubri, was immediately arrested,
brought to trial, and as he was found guilty of the
murder, he was condemned and shot.

Harry went home quite dissatisfied with himself,
he had deserved what he got, therefore, he had to
blame himself alone.

Edward and Ellen were going to make Mecta
a present, they could not agree between themselves
what would be most acceptable to her, so they
referred it to their father and mother, what they
should give her.

It was decided that a beautiful cage for their
canaries, would be the best thing for her, as the
one they had now, was very old.

That being settled, Edward went out to buy
4t, while Ellen went to look after the monkey.

The first thing she saw on going into the room
to lookafter him, was the mischievous animal pre-
paring to shave himself, he had lathered his mug
all over with soap suds, and was strapping the
razor; Ellen was afraid to go near him, lest he
should do some mischief withthe open instrument,
therefore, she called for help, when he threw it
down and took up the brush with the suds, and
ran after her trying to lather her face; having
secured the razor, she was easy; for she did not

care what he did with the other things; but she
ey immoderately when she saw him running
about, with his face all whitened.

IIe then proceeded to dress himself, throwing
every thing he could lay his hands on, over his
head, after he had capered about sufficiently, he
took a cigar, and rolling on the sofa smoked away

while he took a book pretending to rea‘.

The idea of a monkey smoking and reading,
looked so ludicrous, that those whom she called
to assist her, were ready to die with laughing.

Among the amused, was Harry T houghtless
he saw the old cage w ith the canaries in it, hang-
ing up, he took it down to play with the birds, and
left it on the table.

After they got tired of looking at the monkey, °
they went down stairs and left him there; he saw
the birds on the table, and went up to them,
broke the cage to pieces in getting at them, and
then opened the window to let them out.

Ellen went up again, when she heard the
window open, and to her great grief saw that one
of the birds had flown out; she shut the door as
quickly as she could, she then hastened to the
window and closed it; thus securing the rest of

Neptune rescuing Edward.




It happened that Edward was just returning
home with the cage, when he saw the bird fly out
of the window; he threw the new cage down, and
ran after the bird in the hope of catching it, his
flight was so rapid and heedless, that he did not
know which way he went, until he got to the
river’s bank ; he was not aware of it, and the bank
being very slippery he fell in. Neptune who was
with him, jumped into the water and caught hold
of him, the chill of the water and the fright, de-
prived him of his senses; but the faithful animal
carried him, home to the door laid him down and
howled until they came out and carried him in.

Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson were very much
alarmed, they sent for the doctor, who soon re-
stored him, he then told them that he saw the
bird fly out of the window and thought that he
could catch it.

Edward went out and looked for the beautiful
new cage which he had thrown down, he soon
found it, and placed the remaining birds in it,
when he inquired, ‘“‘ who took the cage down ?”

All were silent. Edward again asked, “ who


took the cage down?” Every one denied it. He
then asked, “who was in the room ?”

“Only Harry Thoughtless,” answered Ellen.

“Then it must have been him who took it down,
for they were safe enough where they were; he
is indeed Thoughtless by name, and thoughtless
by nature.”

After these inquiries were made, Harry walked.
into the room, when Edward immediately made
the inquiry of him, “if he took the cage down ?”

He answered, “ that he did.”

“* Wow could you be so thoughtless as to leave
it on the table? You saw that the monkey was at.
his tricks, and now you see what the consequences
have been ; had it not been for my valuable dog,
I should have perished; as it is I have suffered
a great deal in trying to preserve my sister’s favor-
ite bird, which I fear she has lost forever.

Do Harry be more thoughtful; such listlessness
and inattention to things around you does a great
deal of mischief.”

“It does indeed,” added Mrs. Jefferson ; ‘there
was an old woman who had fainted from thirst on
a hot summer day, a woman who saw her, passed
by, after looking at her and pitying her; but the
next one that saw her got a glass of water and

poured it down her throat, which revived her, and
thus saved her life; had it not been for the
thoughtful attention of the last person, in giving
her a glass of water, she would have died.

But instead of talking here, the best thing that
can be done is to put the little birds in the new
cage, and hang up another beside it, and perhaps
the stray one may come to it.”

They did so, and before long they saw the bird
flying around the cage with the others in it, and
very soon after, it went in the empty one.

“That is the best way to do,” said Mrs. Jef-
ferson, ““when’any thing has gone wrong try to
remedy it; never sit down to mourn about difficul-
ties, but strive to overcome them.

‘“‘ Now my dear children, to-morrow will be May-
day, and I wish you to forget all your little dissen-
sions and difficulties, I like every old custom kept
up as far as can be done; your father’s tenants
always assist him, so get up early in the morning
and go Maying, and Harry, I hope you will join
them and all your friends;”

Harry promised to be with them in the morn-
ing, and thanked Mrs. Jefferson for her kind in-

At day break, the sound of horns and music

was heard under the windows of Mr. Jefferson;
Edward, Ellen and Meeta, were soon up and
mingled with the Maying party, who were joined
by Harry and all the neighbors; the country
looked beautiful.

The neighbors had six oxen that they yoked
together to bear the pole, which they were going
to erect in the middle of the ercen.

As they proceeded they plucked baskets of
flowers, Edward and Harry decorated the horns
of the oxen with those that they gathered, while
the others covered the pole with theirs; when
they had collected a sufficient quantity of lovely
pink, blue, white Lilac, and green flowers, they
returned home and fixed the pole in the centre
of the lawn; by attaching ropes filled with flowers
to the top they formed arbors, and many fancy
bowers, under which the young girls sat when
tired of dancing, while others sang the merry
song of May.

Hillen was chosen as May queen, they decorated
her with flowers and crowned her in her rosy
bower, while her young companions chaunted a
sonnet to their May queen.

Thus the day passed so pleasantly, that Mr.
Jefferson promised all his tenants that they should

have a grand feast when the harvest was gathered
in, that as they had kept up the old loved custom
of rejoicing on May-day as in ancient times, they
should also celebrate the harvest home in grand

The time came and he remembered his promise,
the reapers and mowers all collected together,
and began reaping and gathering the grain, they
were joined by Harry.

Edward, Harry, and the girls who went into
the fields to assist the people at their work, with
merry laugh, tossed the new mown hay, and
gathered the ripe golden corn.

As Mr. Jefferson had promised that all his
tenants should have a fine harvest home feast,
which they might keep up for a week; all hands
worked anxiously to have the grain stored away,
that they might have the promised enjoyment.

At last it arrived, they crowned their sheafs
with flowers, they shouted for joy, and their grate-
ful hearts were filled with gratitude for their plen-
tiful harvest; the long table was spread under the
trees, on which poultry, hams, pies, and fruit were
spread in the centre; on one side of it was the
large barrel of ale, which was ready to foam out
the moment it was tapped, while the young ones
were dancing to the tune of the merry fiddle.

Every face was filled with smiles, the old folks
rejoicing at the plenty that surrounded them;
the young ones pleased with the pleasures of the
present time that they were enjoying, and every
one who was seated at that hospitable table, re-
ceived a present, some a ribbon, others some lace,
while some displayed the much prized golden
broach, others received the simple golden pin, to
fasten tresses far more rich than gems or jewelled

The soft summer breeze enlivened the happy
people, while the scorching beams of the sun
were interrupted by the shade of the green trees,
under whose branches the young ones danced, and
when the sun set in allits glory, the harvest moon
rose and lighted the green lawn for the revellers
to continue their mirthful sports and dances, when
weary of healthy exercise they retired to sleep,
until they were sufficiently refreshed for the next
day’s pleasing joys.


After the harvest was over, the birds in their
cage, and every thing going on well and happy,
Edward gave Harry Thoughtless an invitation to
spend a few weeks with him, which Harry

They were all very happy; but Harry used to
get up very late in the morning, by which means
he lost all the lovely cool air of the summer morn-
ing; while Edward and his sisters were roaming
through the garden, the woods, and every delight-
ful place around them; laying in a store of health.
Harry would be sleeping away until the heat of
the day came on; he would then rise unrefreshed
from his sleep, and feel bad and heated all the

The monkey would always watch when Edward
went down stairs; he had seen Mrs. Jefferson
mending a sacking bottom, in doing which she
used a packing needle and fine twine; she left the
needle and what twine was left on the table, when
the monkey stole them and hid them away;
when he found that Edward had gone down stairs,
he brought them out from his hiding place and

set to work, he sewed Harry up in the bed clothes,
which task he performed so quietly that he never
disturbed him in the least; after he had done, he
locked the door and took the key down stairs, not
forgetting to hang it up in the place where it was
usually kept during the day.

Breakfast time ‘arrived, and no Harry came.
“Let him take his sleep out, ” said Mr. Jefferson.

Dinner time came, and still no Harry down
stairs; Mrs. Jefferson not feeling casy about it,
told Edward to go up and see what kept him, as
she feared that he was ill.

On Edward’s going to the door, he could not
get in, so he called on Harry to open the door.

“T can’t,” answered Harsy.

“Why not ?” asked Edward.

“T can’t move.”

“What is the matter?” enquired Edward.

“What is the matter! you know better than I
do,” answered Harry, beginning to gct angry, a
wish you would stop your tricks, I want to get up.”

“Tf you want to get up why don’t you? Come
open the door, dinner is ready.”

“Dinner ready!” said Harry; and Edward
heard something fall heavily on the floor.

“What in the world are you about Harry? why
don’t you open the door at once?”

“Open it yourself,” replied Harry, “for I have
no key, or if I had one, I could not unlock the
door the way I am fixed; but Iam almost roasted,
and the sooner you let me out the better.”

When Edward found out that something was
the matter with Harry that he could not get out,
he went down stairs to find the key, so that he
might open the door, and get into the room.

On searching, he found the key hanging up,
he took it, unlocked the door, and saw Harry
sewed up so carefully, that he could not move his
hands, arms, or feet, he was covered up with so
many bed clothes, that he was in a complete

Mrs. Jefferson, the: girls, and indeed all the
family, had felt alarmed at Harry’s absence, and
followed Edward up stairs; a general burst of
laughter was heard, when the door was opened.
‘“Who sewed you up in that way?” asked Mrs.
Jefferson after the laugh had subsided.

“T don’t know,” answered Harry, “but I should
like to find out.”

“ Let me see,” said Mrs. Jefferson, “it is sewed
with some of the twine that I left on the table last
evening when I mended the sacking bottom; but
I do not see the needle.”

They searched round; but could not discover
any thing; Edward took a knife and ripped the
sewing, which was done remarkably strong, and
excited great surprise to find out who could have
done it.

Harry felt great relief when he was let out of
his captive state; after washing himself, and eating
his dinner, he remarked, “that he was never so
perplexed in all his life; but he would take care
that such a thing should not occur again, for I will
get up early every morning for the future, and
then, no one can play me such a trick.”

After they had all done dinner, Edward was
looking for Neptune to give him his dinner, for
which purpose he went into the dog house to seek
him, and there he found him fast asleep, while
the monkey was trying to sew him up in a table
cloth that he had stolen from the kitchen, he had
the packing needle, and some twine left, which
he was making the most of.

Edward called out to them all to come and see
the great ‘sewed up,’ so that every one in the
house ran to look, and they were all amused with
the comic capers of the monkey and the dog;
every stitch that the monkey took, Neptune would
give a thump with his paw, which would be re-

turned by a stick of the needle.

The noise of the folks laughing, soon disturbed
Neptune’s sleep, he got up and shook himself;
but could not shake off the table cloth; finding
himself tramelled in it, he turned on the monkey
and knocked him over.

“That is right; pay him off for serving me in
that way,” said Harry, “you are indeed a good
dog, you revenge my insult, for I see now, who
sewed me up.”

The discovery occasioned another hearty laugh,
“ Never mind Harry,” said Mr. Jefferson, “you
ought to be very much obliged to him, for he has
given you a very good lesson, which I hope you
will take advantage of; early rising is good for
the health, it is also wealth to the mind and the

See what time you lose by lying in bed late;
three hours every morning makes twenty-one
hours in the week, close on two days: just look at
that, and see the time you have lost that you
might have used in study; that time alone would
have been sufficient to cultivate your mind.

“T see it,” answered Harry, “so instead of
being angry with Mr. Monkey, I must forgive
him, and thank him; indeed, he has given his in-
structions in such a laughable way, that one can

scarcely be angry with him if they were inclined,
but he is not the only one I am indebted to.

If it had not been for the good advice of Edward
and you all, I never would have known that so
much good may be done by a little consideration,
and so much mischief for the want of it.”

“Thinking is indeed a very essential thing for
young persons, half their faults are committed
through the want of it. How often do we hear
persons say, (after they have done a thing that
they are sorry for,) ‘I did not think of it; and we
also hear persons who have neglected what they
should have done say the same thing, ‘JI did not
think, therefore, we should always think before
we speak, or act.”

“Edward, you have had a good share in my
reformation, and I am not ashamed to say it;
these dumb animals have also contributed theirs,”
was the frank confession of Harry Thoughtless,
‘“‘and I will never forget you all.”

“These poor animals that are often cruelly
treated, are capable of giving many lessons to
older persons than yourself; they are affectionate,
faithful creatures when well treated, and I hope,”
continued Mr. Jefferson, “that you will not soon
forget the lessons that have been taught you,

although some of them may have been given by
Edward’s dog.”

But while we are all talking here, poor Neptune
is held captive by the table cloth which he is sewed
up in; I know how disagreeable that is, so I have
a feeling for him,” said Harry.

‘At last you are getting some thought,” added
Edward, “and we have all been thoughtless this

They went to work and released the poor dog,
who showed his gratitude by jumping up on
Harry’s shoulders, and apparently caressing him
as if he understood all that had been said and

The monkey noticed them all, and when he
saw that Neptune’s joy was so well received by
them all, he thought that he would try it; so he
commenced imitating the dog; but unfortunately
for him, one of the servants was passing with a
large pail full of water; the monkey flew at her
for the purpose of embracing her among the
rest; but the girl was not prepared for it as she
had not seen the first part of the business, she
threw the whole contents of the pail over him,
which almost drowned him, they all flew to the
poor creature’s assistance, and taking the table

cloth that he had used to torment the dog, dried
him with it, and carried him into the house, he
soon got over it, and they all enjoyed the joke
except the poor girl who did not like being laughed
at; she told them, ‘she was not going to leta
monkey kiss her,” this observation made them
still merrier.

“What,” said Edward, “ not let a monkey kiss
you; he would make a very gallant beau, for he
can smoke his cigar and imitate the manners of
a fop so well, that it would be difficult to say which
is most ridiculous, the monkey animal, or the
monkey man.”

“Well said my boy,” added Mr. Jefferson, “and
I hope both you and Harry will avoid the manners
of a fop, which are very contemptible.

The monkey is of service to you in that way ;
you see the resemblance between his ways and
those of a fop; therefore, by looking at one you
can avoid the other.

Thus you see how much good may arise from
viewing the dispositions and habits of animals.
The monkey is foppish and ridiculous, Neptune is
useful and faithful, he may be held forth as an
example, therefore, I hope you will not forget
Edward or his Dog.

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