Florida star

Material Information

Florida star
Uniform Title:
Florida star (Jacksonville, Fla.)
Alternate Title:
Florida star news
Place of Publication:
Jacksonville Fla
The Florida Star Pub. Co.
Creation Date:
January 8, 2005
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ; 58 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
African American newspapers -- Florida ( lcsh )
African Americans -- Newspapers -- Florida ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Jacksonville (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Duval County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
newspaper ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Jacksonville
30.31944 x -81.66 ( Place of Publication )


Additional Physical Form:
Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 12, no. 13 [i.e. 39] (Jan. 6, 1962)-
General Note:
"Florida's statewide black weekly."
General Note:
Publisher: Eric O. Simpson, Feb. 14, 1981- .

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
Copyright Florida Star. Permission granted to University of Florida to digitize and display this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.
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000581378 ( ALEPH )
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0740-798X ( ISSN )

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NORTHEAST FLORIDAS OLDEST, LARGEST, MOST READ AFRICAN AMERICAN OWNED NEWSPAPER The Florida Star P. O. Box 40629 Jacksonville, FL 32203 Looking for customers to patronize your business or utilize your services? If you answered YES, then you need to place an ad in The Florida or Georgia Star! CALL 904-766-8834 to place your ad TODAY!! Check, Money Order, Or Credit Cards Accepted Wish to give us a News Story? Call (904) 766-8834 or Send it to: Editorial...............................1 Church..........................2 Youth News...............................3 Community.....................10 Columns.............................10 Local-Florida............................7 Sports........................8 Local-Georgia........................9 Classified...............11 Business..................................12I N S I D E Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid Jacksonville, FL Permit No. 3617 Cant Get to the Store? Have The Star Delivered! Read The Florida and Georgia Star Newspapers. Listen to IMPACT Radio Talk Show. The peoples choice An Award Winning Publication serving you since 1951. Rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau VOL. 66 NO. 51 APRIL 8 14, 2017 $1.00 ATLANTA The man accused of starting the raging Interstate 85 north of downtown Atlanta was talking about smoking crack just before the blaze began, according to his had discussed smoking crack before deciding to do the drug alone, The Atlanta Journalbeen arrested 19 times since Thomas were arrested along in the area used to store stateowned construction materials so hot that the concrete and known for dreadful rush-hour burn long enough or hot buildings to bridges, can different routes or use mass transit had better get used to Man charged with arson Jackie Robinson Day 2017 with The Florida Star on April 14thPlease join us in celebrating Jackie BASEBALL GAME College EaglesFRIDAY, APRIL 14, 2017 Corrine Brown told those at the park to enjoy her favorite ice cream a treat from her, before going to court Courthouse that she was that Corrine Brown is sandwiches, shook hands, to questions regarding though she is no longer still know and feel, that CORRINE BROWN is the latest victim of a racist system indicted on charges that he ensure that the black farmers of the racism within that and assistance to white famers while refusing black farmers farms were shut down and farmers generation after PART 2 Please see Brown, page 6 Jaquan Futon Young activist and member of the Nation of Islam security for Corrine Brown before her federal hearing this week. Photo by ActionNewsJax Please see Corrine page 6 Please see Bridge page 6 Maxine Waters: Bill OReilly needs to go to jail harassment allegations sexual harassment enterreferencing a New York that brought to light some $13 million in sexual harassment lawsuit settlewomen who had worked the sexual harassment allegations in a statement News said it was workmade headlines for his racist and sexist comment ters calling out the bigoted was looking at the James


APRIL 8, 2017 THE STAR PAGE 3 More News Employers Will Have To Adjust To New Generation Theres a new generation in town and its one that employers better get ready for, because miss a thing, has the shortest attention span of any generation and isnt quite as open as its predecessors the millennials from whom they learned that not everything needs to be If you try to treat those in Generation Z (born in the mid to late s, mostly to Generation want them to achieve on their own and are fed up with not receiving equal pay for equal About Matt Stewart Matt Stewart is co-founder of College Works Painting (, which provides real-world business experience for thousands of college students each year. The The Highly Anticipated Musical Presentation is Sunday, April 9th at 4:00 P.M. The towns witch doctor has misled the WRZQVSHRSOH\003IRU\003KLV\003RZQ\003\277QDQFLDO\003JDLQ\003DQG\003 UHHPRQLVKD\003LV\003QRW\003KDSS\)65.1(\021\003:KHQ\003UHHPRQLVKD\003 LV\003NLGQDSSHG\003E\\000WKH\003ZLWFK\003GRFWRU\017\003LW\003LV\003XS\003WR\003 KHU\003WR\003XVH\003K\HU\003VPDUWV\003DQG\003HVFDSH\021 UHVLGHQW\003DQG\003\/DG\\000\-DFNVRQ\003 VWURQJO\\000HQFRXUDJH\003%\020&\003IDFXOW\)65.6(\017\003VWDru\017\003 supporters and the local community to attend and talents of our students and directors; DQG\003GHPRQVWUDWH\003WKH\003KLJK\020OHYHO\003RI\003VWXGHQW\003 DFKLHYHPHQW\003DW\003%\020&\021\003KH\003SULQJ\003&RQFHUW\003LV\003 IUHH\003DQG\003RSHQ\WR\003WKH\003SXEOL\F\021


PAGE 4 THE STAR APRIL 8, 2017 At Publix, we celebrate Earth Day every day by meeting the needs of todays shopper while embracing sustainable practices for future generations. We will continue to innovate and improve because a better tomorrow is worth the effort. For a closer look at our sustainable practices, visit Daytona Beach, FL HBCU Grad Valerie L. Brown is the author of a new book is an alumnus of Bethune-Cookman Unisuccess. break it, and how others too can embark and www.barnesandnoble. com. Brown is the Founder of the Lady Be Free Resource Center for Women, Inc., a mitted to its mission to decrease domestic For information, to schedule a workHBCU Grad Authors Book


APRIL 8, 2017 THE STAR PAGE 5 What You Dont Know About Social Media Can Hurt You PUBLIX THANKS YOU FOR SUPPORTING SPECIAL OLYMPICS.Thank you to our customers, whose generous donations have helped athletes with intellectual disabilities enjoy fitness, friendship, and the opportunity to share their skills with others. Congratulations to our associates who compete in Special Olympics events, as well as those who volunteer with this incredible organization. $5.7 MILLION DONATED BY OUR CUSTOMERS AND ASSOCIATES IN 2017$40.5 MILLION DONATED BY OUR CUSTOMERS AND ASSOCIATES SINCE 1993 William Jackson, educator with Edward Waters College and Social Media Visionary with My Quest To Teach speaks to elementary and middle school students at The Bridge of Northeast Florida about Social Media Safety, Preventing Cyberbullying, and the dangers of Sexting. Speaking at The Bridge of Northeast Florida to be proactive against possible dangers to them. Students are learning how to use Social Media in positve ways and how to keep out of trouble and follow the expectations of their parents and the law. Students are learning from William Jackson that Social Media content can Shown here are students that have attended presentations by Mr. Jackson and practicing safe Social Media postings.


PAGE 6 THE STAR APRIL 8, 2017 LIVE THE DREAMAPRIL 12 MAY 21 PROFESSIONAL THEATRE & INSPIRED CUISINE!9 0 4 -6 4 1-1212 | NEW & RETURNING CLIENTS13453 North Main Street, Suite 201 Jacksonville, FL 32218904-924-782020% OFF TAX PREPARATIONREFER FAMILY & FRIENDS$50 CASH REFERRALBring in coupon to receive discount. Ad printed in The Florida Star Newspaper on April 8, 2017. JONES TAX OFFICES, INC.Where Youre Not Just A Number Tax Discounts REFUNDS IN AS LITTLE AS HOURS after his family and friends to include threatening his mother. The feeling was that the Clintons backed away from Espy as he went through this ordeal. Espy, who was accused of accepting airfare, sports tickets and lodging, refused to plea out his case and on December 2, 1998 he was acquitted of all 30 criminal charges. More than 70 witnesses and $20 million spent by Donald Smaltz prosecuting this case. Five of the jurors thought the case should have never been brought. One juror stated, This was the weakest, most bogus thing I ever saw. I cant believe Mr. Smaltz ever brought this to trial. The great Congressional Representative Shirley Chisholm, a Brooklyn Democrat who became the Presidential nomination of a major party, was also the target of a racist Federal investigation. She, like Corrine Brown was outspoken. Chisholm stated, Theyre added, Its because of who I am in Americaunbought and unbossed. This and other against U.S. Rep. John Lewis, alleging that he improperly hired his top aide. The conservative group Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (aka FACT) Ethics. This may sound like a familiar strategy because local Councilwoman Kim Daniels is the victim of an investigation because of by LGBTQ activist David Vandygriff. Those complaints are pending. The group FACT had gone after John Lewis before. That racist group was angered by Lewis leadership during the 26-hour gun control Lets now talk about the ever-outspoken Waters. She was recently in commentator talked about her hair looking like a James Brown wig. Not too many years ago, the House Ethics Committee formally ended its investigation of her stating its unanimous decision to drop the case. They concluded that Waters did not break any rules. These types of investigations usually come during elections or that the targeted person about to do something big such as taking over a major committee. In investigation cleared her to become the top Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee in Congress. The investigation was summed up in an over 100-page report, took three years and costed us bill. Corrine Brown was indicted 30 days before the election which she ended up losing to a candidate from Tallahassee (Lawson) that was supported by Republicans and racist Reagan Democrats. It was indicated by those going after Corrine that she would not win her election. All one should do in look at the various entities that are going after Brown to Integrity is lacking just like in the cases mentioned above. To Be Continued Next Issue BrownContinued from page 1 she will do whatever she legally can anyway, still. across the street for the hearing with District Judge Timothy Corrigan, the judge encouraged the attorneys for each side to guestimate how much time they will each need for witnesses called. Ms. Brown was totally surprised as many, that her former chief of staff, Ronnie Simmons had not reported to her or forms that monies raised had not been reported properly. She had worked with him since he was very young, and had total faith in him and his character. According to records, Simmons and the head of the charity pleaded guilty and accepted a plea deal, which too was a shock to the congresswoman. She was under the belief that the funds used to purchase 1,000 computers, send young people to China and provide scholarships for many, was all that was available. After all, that was a lot of money and Simmons would never deceive her. In spite of it all, Ms. Brown says she is not guilty, she will not take a plea bargain and her basic personality makes her help when she can. Her statement to the public. Thank you for praying for me and for praying with me as God is on our side. Opening statements are to begin April 26, 2017, with an estimation of about three weeks.CorrineContinued from page 1 Corrine BrownPayless ShoeSource is Payless ShoeSource is for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, adding its name to a growing list of chains that have struggled to compete against online and off-price retailers. necessary, decision driven by the continued challenges of the retail environment, which will only intensify, Payless CEO W. Paul Jones said in a statement. The company also announced that it will immediately close nearly 400 stores in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. It has more than 4,400 stores in over 30 countries, according to its website.The company said it the Chapter 11 process in about four months. Department stores like JCPenney, Macys, Sears, and Kmart have all announced store closures this year, along with middle-of-the-mall chains like Crocs, BCBG, Abercrombie & Fitch, and Guess. commissioner of the Georgia Department of Transportation. McMurry announced Friday that 350 feet of highway will need to be replaced in both directions on I-85, which carries about 400,000 cars a day through Atlanta. Demolition crews were working around the clock to pound through tons of melted rock and twisted metal. U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao released $10 million for initial repair work, and the Federal Highway Administration promised more in emergency funds. Elebys bond was set at court appearance on April 14. Judge James Altmon said he had considered setting a higher bond to match the damage would amount to hundreds of millions of dollars. Continued from page 1


APRIL 8, 2017 THE STAR PAGE 7 FLORIDALOCAL March 22-26, 2017Story and Photos by Shanda Suggs


PAGE 8 THE STAR APRIL 8, 2017 SPORTS Armada FC wins third-straight home opener Jacksonville Giants win back-to-back championships JACKSONVILLE, Fla. With many new signings, early season rust and sundrenched weather, the recipe was in place for a sleepy scoreless draw between the Jacksonville Armada FC and FC Edmonton on Sunday afternoon. Then J.C. Banks woke things up. In a match that did not see 70th minute, one of the newest Boys in Blue marked his club debut with a 77th-minute goal that handed the Armada FC a 1-0 victory in front of 3,472 fans at their new home, Hodges Stadium at the University of North Florida. With the win, Jacksonville (1-0-0 NASL Spring Season) league table and has now won its home opener all three years in existence. Banks goal came after he past two defenders and beat the keeper with a left-footed strike just inside the right post. Banks was one of seven newcomers to start for the Armada FC on Sunday, and several made their presence felt. Perhaps the most notable was centerback and captain, Aaron Pitchkolan, who made four huge defensive plays to disrupt Edmonton scoring chances. in the NASL, the Armada FC avoided playing a typical home opener the kind where chemistry and kinks are clearly being worked out, and scoring chances are at a minimum. But that appeared to be the case against Edmonton, which boasts a sound defensive style. ever meeting between these teams, a 3-1 Jacksonville victory in 2015 that marked their birth as a club and set NASL records for attendance and fastest goal (12 seconds). Early in the action Sunday, it appeared the Armada would have no trouble piling up scoring chances. ute, forward Jonathan Glenn chased a long ball into the box and outran his defenders for what could have been a clear look at goal, but Eddies keeper Chris Konopka managed to beat him to it. During the rest of the half, the Armada owned 59 percent of possession but could not convert it. chances could be summed up by Banks missing just wide with a shot from the left side, and Armada captain Aaron Pitchkolan breaking up what looked like a sure tap-in goal after a cross to Edmonton striker Tomi Ameobi. The Armada will be back in action Saturday, April 8 at 9 p.m., when they travel north for a rematch with the Eddies. The number 2 seed Jacksonville Giants faced the number 6 seed Windy City Groove recently in Baltimore, Maryland for the American Basketball Association (ABA) Championship. It was also a rematch of the 2016 ABA Championship, which was claimed by the Giants. Led by the Finals MVP, Maurice Mickens 31 points, the Giants wIn back-to-back championships for the second time in just seven years, defeating Chicagos Windy City Groove 120 -102. Much like 2016, the two teams battled back and forth for much of the game. In the that opened an eight point lead only to see the Giants battle back and tie the game at the end of the period, 3333. Groove again led most of as six until the Giants tied it with less than two minutes remaining. Mickens, Bernard Nugent and Jermaine Bell led the way on offense and a stingy defense that only gave sparked the offense on numerous fast break baskets. Giants forward Robert with a pair of free throws and a three point shot that sent the defending champions into the locker room with a 6055 lead, and a lead that they with the teams trading baskets until the Giants went on a run that pushed their lead to 72-60 with 8:00 left in the 10-point lead into the fourth Groove cut the Giants lead three straight baskets and pushed the lead to 11 with 8:30 to play on a thunderous slam dunk by Elijah Smith on an off-the-backboard assist by Mickens on a fast break. The lead was pushed to 17 with just 3:20 remaining on a couple of Nugent drives and a Bell tip-in, 112-95. second half strong with a complete team effort that included a great low post presence on offense and defense by Bell, Calvin (Warner) and Elijah (Smith) in the low post, and our defensive MVP of the Finals (Nugent), said team owner Ron Sholes after the game. Defense wins championships, and Im extremely proud of how we battled all three games, added Sholes. A balanced Giants scoring attack included 15 points each by Larry Dumas, Bell, Smith and Hornsby, and 14 by Nugent. After the Giants weathered of the Finals, winning both games but just two points each, the team was clicking on all cylinders tonight, said Giants Head Coach Jerry Williams. We played Giants basketball and this was a total team effort. Im just proud of how we came out and dominated the game down the stretch. Windy City is a tough team so its a well deserved championship victory, added Williams. Amazon lands $50M deal to stream NFL Thursday games Please join us in celebrating Jackie Robinsons Day 2017 and The Florida Star 66th Year serving the Florida community, since April 15, 1951. player in Major League Baseball on April 15, 1947, signing with the Brooklyn Dodgers.Jackie Robinson Day, April 15, 2006, at the Jacksonville Sun v.s. Montgomery Biscuits game.Negro Leagues former player, Harold O. Hair, Jr. nickname Buster Rabbit. In 1958, Buster Rabbit, led the league in hitting with a .355 average. Edward Waters College Tigers vs Trinity Baptist College EaglesJackie Robinson,was born on January 31, 1919, and died in 1972. Jackie Robinson wore Jersey # 42.BASEBALL GAME BETWEEN: For more information, call The Florida Star, at 904-766-8834 or Edward Waters College, at 904-470-8045. Community can tour the J. P. Small Memorial Park and Museum. Tours will be provided by Durkeeville Historical Society. Bring your ball to be autographed. Pictures will be taken.FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 2017Gates open at Noon Game starts at 1:30 p.m.J. P. Small Memorial Stadium 1701 Myrtle Avenue North, Jacksonville, Florida Admission is free. Donation is greatly appreciated.Jackie Robinsons Day 2017 The NFL has a new streaming host for part of its Thursday Night Football package. Amazon will stream the 10 games broadcast by NBC and CBS next season as part of a one-year, $50 million deal. The games will be available exclusively to Amazon Prime subscribers, per The Sports Business Journal. Amazon beat out Twitter, Facebook and YouTube for the rights, according to the report. Twitter paid $10 million last season to provide live streaming services for the same number of games. The NFL is expected to announce its full schedule for the 2017 season, including Thursday night games, later in April before the draft.


APRIL 8, 2017 THE STAR PAGE 9 GEORGIA LOCAL Savannahs 2017 St. Patricks Day ParadeMarch 17, 2017Photography: Frank M. Powell, III of The Florida Star St. Patricks Day Parade in Savannah brings everything together family, friends and fun. The St. Patricks Day Parade in Savannah is the second largest in the U.S., right behind New York. With one of the largest St. Patricks Day Parade in the United States, Georgias First City knows how to celebrate St. Paddys Day right. In addition to Celtic societies and Irish families, Savannahs St. Patricks Day Parade features pipe bands and Irish dancers from all over the East Coast Florida to New York. But its not limited to that; visitors from all over the world, even Ireland itself, come to Savannah to celebrate heritage in our spirited parade through Downtown Savannah. Savannahs 193rd St. Patricks Day Parade features more than 350 marching units and up to 15,000 people.


PAGE 10 THE STAR APRIL 8, 2017 Staff Directory OWNER/PUBLISHER Clara McLaughlin MANAGEMENT Lonzie Leath GENERAL MANAGER Opio Sokoni SALES & MARKETING Kirkwood Hannah COMMUNITY Follow Us!Facebook Twitter Instagram Websites: EditorialThe views and information expressed in this column are not necessarily the views of the publisher or advertisers. Listings are due the Tuesday before the next issue. Email submissions preferred. Send to: LHS Alumni Family and Friends weekend celebration Date Change ARRIL BOOKCLUB MEETING THE SHORT AND TRAGIC LIFE OF ROBERT PEACE by JEFF HOBBS For additional information contact: Every Week BUY The Florida & Georgia Star Newspaper Because We Care About You By Dr. J. Ester Davis made all from one specie. White men, so far. . all of a certain age. The President of the United States has about 4,000 appoint ments to make, so we are watching the scoreboard on appointments. st Swamp CreaturesMy Day Place Your Ad HereCall 904-766-8834 Email:


APRIL 8, 2017 THE STAR PAGE 11 DECEMBER 31, 2016 THE STAR PAGE 11 DECEMBER 2016 THE STAR PAGE 11 rrr fntbtnfnrtrrbfrrtb rrtbbtttftbb trtrttrtr rtrrrt b fnbbb rfntbttft rftntttt tf ftft fft tt bftftffftf ttftt r rff rrrntrrr rrtnr ttnt rfntftfrtftbtf ft rfn tbn f bn t f bn nbn tbtff rfrnnrf btfftfffnttt tbrtrnrrr trfrrnrrr nnrrnrr rnnfrn trnf rr nn tt trrrrrrrr nrnrnn rrrrr rrnr rnrrrfrrr rrrrftfftrr nf rrr f rf ft ff rnrrr frbfffrt rtrfrrr tfb rrrrrr rrfrr rrrrrr rrrrrrrnrn rrbftt b t rtrr rr rr trtt rtr nnrrrr rrf trfrrfrt rf rftt rnnbr rfrr bbtrf rr rfbrrf frrrb fff f rrrr nnrnrn trrr nrrrr rb fb r t r t ffntbbbb rr rr rtrr rr ttttn rttrt rrtr tbrrt rrt trttr fttntb tftnb rrtr rnrt ttbt tttnfb tr btrtn bbtrb tftrtr rrrrr brrtntt bttb APARTMENTS FOR RENT HEALTH & MEDICALHEALTH ALERT HOTLINEGot Knee Pain? Back Pain? Shoulder Pain? Get a pain-relieving brace at little or NO cost to you. 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Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 800-861-0769 for $750 Off.Entry Level Heavy Equipment Operator Career Bulldozers, Backhoes and Excavators Immediate, Lifetime Job Placement, 1-866-362-6497ROUTE DRIVERS NEEDED:THE FLORIDA STAR is looking for route drivers to deliver newspapers to stores. Call for more information. Must have transportation and valid drivers licenseP/T Weekends 904-766-8834 rrr fntbtnfnrtrrbfrrtb rrtbbtttftbb trtrttrtr rtrrrt b fnbbb rfntbttft rftntttt tf ftft fft tt bftftffftf ttftt r rff rrrntrrr rrtnr ttnt rfntftfrtftbtf ft rfn tbn f bn t f bn nbn tbtff rfrnnrf btfftfffnttt tbrtrnrrr trfrrnrrr nnrrnrr rnnfrn trnf rr nn tt trrrrrrrr nrnrnn rrrrr rrnr rnrrrfrrr rrrrftfftrr nf rrr f rf ft ff rnrrr frbfffrt rtrfrrr tfb rrrrrr rrfrr rrrrrr rrrrrrrnrn rrbftt b t rtrr rr rr trtt rtr nnrrrr rrf trfrrfrt rf rftt rnnbr rfrr bbtrf rr rfbrrf frrrb fff f rrrr nnrnrn trrr nrrrr rb fb r t r t ffntbbbb rr rr rtrr rr ttttn rttrt rrtr tbrrt rrt trttr fttntb tftnb rrtr rnrt ttbt tttnfb tr btrtn bbtrb tftrtr rrrrr brrtntt bttb Got something to sell ? Placed your ad in the call 904-766-8834ATTORNEY LowCost Health/ Life InsuranceProtection for You, Your Family, Income & Home CALL 904-800-8184 OKEFENOKEE RV PARK252 Bowery Lane, Homeland GA 31537 DO YOU LOVE TO SING AND PRAISE THE LORD? 904-529-5000 FLB# 0108502 Lewy Body Dementia? Parkinsons Disease Dementia? DECEMBER 31, 2016 THE STAR PAGE 11 DECEMBER 2016 THE STAR PAGE 11 rrr fntbtnfnrtrrbfrrtb rrtbbtttftbb trtrttrtr rtrrrt b fnbbb rfntbttft rftntttt tf ftft fft tt bftftffftf ttftt r rff rrrntrrr rrtnr ttnt rfntftfrtftbtf ft rfn tbn f bn t f bn nbn tbtff rfrnnrf btfftfffnttt tbrtrnrrr trfrrnrrr nnrrnrr rnnfrn trnf rr nn tt trrrrrrrr nrnrnn rrrrr rrnr rnrrrfrrr rrrrftfftrr nf rrr f rf ft ff rnrrr frbfffrt rtrfrrr tfb rrrrrr rrfrr rrrrrr rrrrrrrnrn rrbftt b t rtrr rr rr trtt rtr nnrrrr rrf trfrrfrt rf rftt rnnbr rfrr bbtrf rr rfbrrf frrrb fff f rrrr nnrnrn trrr nrrrr rb fb r t r t ffntbbbb rr rr rtrr rr ttttn rttrt rrtr tbrrt rrt trttr fttntb tftnb rrtr rnrt ttbt tttnfb tr btrtn bbtrb tftrtr rrrrr brrtntt bttb APARTMENTS FOR RENT HEALTH & MEDICAL HEALTH ALERT HOTLINEGot Knee Pain? Back Pain? Shoulder Pain? Get a pain-relieving brace at little or NO cost to you. Medicare Patients Call Health Hotline Now! 1-800-923-6982 SERVICES The Tax ResolversDo you owe over $10,000 in back taxes? We help people resolve tax debt. $50 cash back upon signup. BBB Accredited. Call for a free consultation 1-800-893-5811 Psychic Reader and AdviserWe can help you with all problems in life. Love, Bad Luck, Jobs, Marriage, Success, Sickness, Etc. Why go on suffering? One call will convince you.25 Years Experience Call Today 407-552-2943 THOMAS PLUMBING REPAIRS Low Rates. (904) 764-9852 HANDYMAN Minor Home Repairs, Painting Interior/ exterior, Pressure Washing, Exp. & Reasonable Rates Call: 904.768.7671 EMPLOYMENT AUTOS WANTED CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! Sell Your Used or Damaged 2000-2016 Vehicle Fast! Running or Not. Nationwide Free Towing Same Day Pick-Up and Pay Available Call 888-689-8647 Viagra!! 52 Pills for Only $99.00 Your #1 trusted provider for 10 years. Insured and Guaranteed Delivery. Call now 1-800-224-0305 DISH Network NEW FLEX PACKSelect the Channels You Want. FREE Installation. FREE Streaming. $39.99/24 months. ADD Internet for $14.95 a month. CALL 1-800-781-9430 rrr fntbtnfnrtrrbfrrtb rrtbbtttftbb trtrttrtr rtrrrt b fnbbbrfntbttbbft rftbnttttb tf b ftft b fft bbtbt fbbbtftfff tftbbtftbtb tfbb rfrfntrf rrrrbnfrt rfftrftn rttrbr rb ft frrrr btt frnfftrffrfttf rffntrrr nttfrtrrfrrfrrf rrrnrtrr nrrfrrfbnf rnrrfrrtnfb r ffn nrtfrbr rnrbrtn rffffr tfnnb frrnnrbnrbff bffnrbt bttrttrr trtrrrrt trttt trrr trbrt rff rrrntrrr rrtnr ttntffbf f ffntnt nrrrftbrb fbff t bt nf nt n bb r tt fr ttt rrttfftn r rtbt ttt ttftff rrt nr tttrrnt tbbttnfbbbtffb rrtttrnrt ffrtrfr rr tt fntbtn rtr tr tt fntbtntn frrfrn trnr tb t rr nrf ffnrr r rttbtttt ntrrtrrrt tttrbntt nrbrtttt rrrfbttfbf rtr frrf rr rfbtbt rrr fntbtnfnrtrrbfrrtb rrtbbtttftbb trtrttrtr rtrrrt b fnbbb rfntbttft rftntttt tf ftft fft tt bftftffftf ttftt r rff rrrntrrr rrtnr ttnt rfntftfrtftbtf ft rfn tbn f bn t f bn nbn tbtff rfrnnrf btfftfffnttt tbrtrnrrr trfrrnrrr nnrrnrr rnnfrn trnf rr nn tt trrrrrrrr nrnrnn rrrrr rrnr rnrrrfrrr rrrrf tfftrr nf rrr f rf ft ff rnrrr frbfffrt rtrfrrr tfb rrrrrr rrfrr rrrrrr rrrrrrrnrn rrbftt b t rtrr rr rr trtt rtr nnrrrr rrf trfrrfrt rf rftt rnnbr rfrr bbtrf rr rfbrrf frrrb fff f rrrr nnrnrn trrr nrrrr rb fb r t r t ffntbbbb rr rr rtrr rr ttttn rttrt rrtr tbrrt rrt trttr fttntb tftnb rrtr rnrt ttbt tttnfb tr btrtn bbtrb tftrtr rrrrr brrtntt bttb rrr fntbtnfnrtrrbfrrtb rrtbbtttftbb trtrttrtr rtrrrt b fnbbb rfntbttft rftntttt tf ftft fft tt bftftffftf ttftt r rff rrrntrrr rrtnr ttnt rfntftfrtftbtf ft rfn tbn f bn t f bn nbn tbt ff rfrnnrf btfftfffnttt tbrtrnrrr trfrrnrrr nnrrnrr rnnfrn trnf rr nn tt trrrrrrrr nrnrnn rrrrr rrnr rnrrrfrrr rrrrftfftrr nf rrr f rf ft ff rnrrr frbfffrt rtrfrrr tfb rrrrrr rrfrr rrrrrr rrrrrrrnrn rrbftt b t rtrr rr rr trtt rtr nnrrrr rrf trfrrfrt rf rftt rnnbr rfrr bbtrf rr rfbrrf frrrb fff f rrrr nnrnrn trrr nrrrr rb fb r t r t ffntbbbb rr rr rtrr rr ttttn rttrt rrtr tbrrt rrt trttr fttntb tftnb rrtr rnrt ttbt tttnfb tr btrtn bbtrb tftrtr rrrrr brrtntt bttb Safe Step Walk-In TubAlert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 800-861-0769 for $750 Off. Entry Level Heavy Equipment Operator Career Bulldozers, Backhoes and Excavators Immediate, Lifetime Job Placement, 1-866-362-6497 ROUTE DRIVERS NEEDED:THE FLORIDA STAR is looking for route drivers to deliver newspapers to stores. Call for more information. Must have transportation and valid drivers licenseP/T Weekends 904-766-8834 rrr fntbtnfnrtrrbfrrtb rrtbbtttftbb trtrttrtr rtrrrt b fnbbb rfntbttft rftntttt tf ftft fft tt bftftffftf ttftt r rff rrrntrrr rrtnr ttnt rfntftfrtftbtf ft rfn tbn f bn t f bn nbn tbtff rfrnnrf btfftfffnttt tbrtrnrrr trfrrnrrr nnrrnrr rnnfrn trnf rr nn tt trrrrrrrr nrnrnn rrrrr rrnr rnrrrfrrr rrrrftfftrr nf rrr f rf ft ff rnrrr frbfffrt rtrfrrr tfb rrrrrr rrfrr rrrrrr rrrrrrrnrn rrbftt b t rtrr rr rr trtt rtr nnrrrr rrf trfrrfrt rf rftt rnnbr rfrr bbtrf rr rfbrrf frrrb fff f rrrr nnrnrn trrr nrrrr rb fb r t r t ffntbbbb rr rr rtrr rr ttttn rttrt rrtr tbrrt rrt trttr fttntb tftnb rrtr rnrt ttbt tttnfb tr btrtn bbtrb tftrtr rrrrr brrtntt bttb Got something to sell ? Placed your ad in the call 904-766-8834 ATTORNEY LowCost Health/ Life InsuranceProtection for You, Your Family, Income & Home CALL 904-800-8184 OKEFENOKEE RV PARK252 Bowery Lane, Homeland GA 31537 DO YOU LOVE TO SING AND PRAISE THE LORD? 904-529-5000 FLB# 0108502 Lewy Body Dementia? Parkinsons Disease Dementia? SERVICES Subscribe to The Star Call 904-766-8834 DECEMBER 31, 2016 THE STAR PAGE 11 DECEMBER 2016 THE STAR PAGE 11 rrr fntbtnfnrtrrbfrrtb rrtbbtttftbb trtrttrtr rtrrrt b fnbbb rfntbttft rftntttt tf ftft fft tt bftftffftf ttftt r rff rrrntrrr rrtnr ttnt rfntftfrtftbtf ft rfn tbn f bn t f bn nbn tbtff rfrnnrf btfftfffnttt tbrtrnrrr trfrrnrrr nnrrnrr rnnfrn trnf rr nn tt trrrrrrrr nrnrnn rrrrr rrnr rnrrrfrrr rrrrftfftrr nf rrr f rf ft ff rnrrr frbfffrt rtrfrrr tfb rrrrrr rrfrr rrrrrr rrrrrrrnrn rrbftt b t rtrr rr rr trtt rtr nnrrrr rrf trfrrfrt rf rftt rnnbr rfrr bbtrf rr rfbrrf frrrb fff f rrrr nnrnrn trrr nrrrr rb fb r t r t ffntbbbb rr rr rtrr rr ttttn rttrt rrtr tbrrt rrt trttr fttntb tftnb rrtr rnrt ttbt tttnfb tr btrtn bbtrb tftrtr rrrrr brrtntt bttb APARTMENTS FOR RENT HEALTH & MEDICALHEALTH ALERT HOTLINEGot Knee Pain? Back Pain? Shoulder Pain? Get a pain-relieving brace at little or NO cost to you. Medicare Patients Call Health Hotline Now! 1-800-923-6982 SERVICESThe Tax ResolversDo you owe over $10,000 in back taxes? We help people resolve tax debt. $50 cash back upon signup. BBB Accredited. Call for a free consultation 1-800-893-5811Psychic Reader and AdviserWe can help you with all problems in life. Love, Bad Luck, Jobs, Marriage, Success, Sickness, Etc. Why go on suffering? One call will convince you.25 Years Experience Call Today 407-552-2943THOMAS PLUMBING REPAIRS Low Rates. (904) 764-9852HANDYMAN Minor Home Repairs, Painting Interior/ exterior, Pressure Washing, Exp. & Reasonable Rates Call: 904.768.7671 EMPLOYMENT AUTOS WANTEDCARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! Sell Your Used or Damaged 2000-2016 Vehicle Fast! Running or Not. Nationwide Free Towing Same Day Pick-Up and Pay Available Call 888-689-8647Viagra!! 52 Pills for Only $99.00 Your #1 trusted provider for 10 years. Insured and Guaranteed Delivery. Call now 1-800-224-0305DISH Network NEW FLEX PACKSelect the Channels You Want. FREE Installation. FREE Streaming. $39.99/24 months. ADD Internet for $14.95 a month. CALL 1-800-781-9430 rrr fntbtnfnrtrrbfrrtb rrtbbtttftbb trtrttrtr rtrrrt b fnbbbrfntbttbbft rftbnttttb tf b ftft b fft bbtbt fbbbtftfff tftbbtftbtb tfbb rfrfntrf rrrrbnfrt rfftrftn rttrbr rb ft frrrr btt frnfftrffrfttf rffntrrr nttfrtrrfrrfrrf rrrnrtrr nrrfrrfbnf rnrrfrrtnfb r ffn nrtfrbr rnrbrtn rffffr tfnnb frrnnrbnrbff bffnrbt bttrttrr trtrrrrt trttt trrr trbrt rff rrrntrrr rrtnr ttntffbf f ffntnt nrrrftbrb fbff t bt nf nt n bb r tt fr ttt rrttfftn r rtbt ttt ttftff rrt nr tttrrnt tbbttnfbbbtffb rrtttrnrt ffrtrfr rr tt fntbtn rtr tr tt fntbtntn frrfrn trnr tb t rr nrf ffnrr r rttbtttt ntrrtrrrt tttrbntt nrbrtttt rrrfbttfbf rtr frrf rr rfbtbt rrr fntbtnfnrtrrbfrrtb rrtbbtttftbb trtrttrtr rtrrrt b fnbbb rfntbttft rftntttt tf ftft fft tt bftftffftf ttftt r rff rrrntrrr rrtnr ttnt rfntftfrtftbtf ft rfn tbn f bn t f bn nbn tbtff rfrnnrf btfftfffnttt tbrtrnrrr trfrrnrrr nnrrnrr rnnfrn trnf rr nn tt trrrrrrrr nrnrnn rrrrr rrnr rnrrrfrrr rrrrf tfftrr nf rrr f rf ft ff rnrrr frbfffrt rtrfrrr tfb rrrrrr rrfrr rrrrrr rrrrrrrnrn rrbftt b t rtrr rr rr trtt rtr nnrrrr rrf trfrrfrt rf rftt rnnbr rfrr bbtrf rr rfbrrf frrrb fff f rrrr nnrnrn trrr nrrrr rb fb r t r t ffntbbbb rr rr rtrr rr ttttn rttrt rrtr tbrrt rrt trttr fttntb tftnb rrtr rnrt ttbt tttnfb tr btrtn bbtrb tftrtr rrrrr brrtntt bttb rrr fntbtnfnrtrrbfrrtb rrtbbtttftbb trtrttrtr rtrrrt b fnbbb rfntbttft rftntttt tf ftft fft tt bftftffftf ttftt r rff rrrntrrr rrtnr ttnt rfntftfrtftbtf ft rfn tbn f bn t f bn nbn tbt ff rfrnnrf btfftfffnttt tbrtrnrrr trfrrnrrr nnrrnrr rnnfrn trnf rr nn tt trrrrrrrr nrnrnn rrrrr rrnr rnrrrfrrr rrrrftfftrr nf rrr f rf ft ff rnrrr frbfffrt rtrfrrr tfb rrrrrr rrfrr rrrrrr rrrrrrrnrn rrbftt b t rtrr rr rr trtt rtr nnrrrr rrf trfrrfrt rf rftt rnnbr rfrr bbtrf rr rfbrrf frrrb fff f rrrr nnrnrn trrr nrrrr rb fb r t r t ffntbbbb rr rr rtrr rr ttttn rttrt rrtr tbrrt rrt trttr fttntb tftnb rrtr rnrt ttbt tttnfb tr btrtn bbtrb tftrtr rrrrr brrtntt bttb Safe Step Walk-In TubAlert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 800-861-0769 for $750 Off.Entry Level Heavy Equipment Operator Career Bulldozers, Backhoes and Excavators Immediate, Lifetime Job Placement, 1-866-362-6497ROUTE DRIVERS NEEDED:THE FLORIDA STAR is looking for route drivers to deliver newspapers to stores. Call for more information. Must have transportation and valid drivers licenseP/T Weekends 904-766-8834 rrr fntbtnfnrtrrbfrrtb rrtbbtttftbb trtrttrtr rtrrrt b fnbbb rfntbttft rftntttt tf ftft fft tt bftftffftf ttftt r rff rrrntrrr rrtnr ttnt rfntftfrtftbtf ft rfn tbn f bn t f bn nbn tbtff rfrnnrf btfftfffnttt tbrtrnrrr trfrrnrrr nnrrnrr rnnfrn trnf rr nn tt trrrrrrrr nrnrnn rrrrr rrnr rnrrrfrrr rrrrftfftrr nf rrr f rf ft ff rnrrr frbfffrt rtrfrrr tfb rrrrrr rrfrr rrrrrr rrrrrrrnrn rrbftt b t rtrr rr rr trtt rtr nnrrrr rrf trfrrfrt rf rftt rnnbr rfrr bbtrf rr rfbrrf frrrb fff f rrrr nnrnrn trrr nrrrr rb fb r t r t ffntbbbb rr rr rtrr rr ttttn rttrt rrtr tbrrt rrt trttr fttntb tftnb rrtr rnrt ttbt tttnfb tr btrtn bbtrb tftrtr rrrrr brrtntt bttb Got something to sell ? Placed your ad in the call 904-766-8834ATTORNEY LowCost Health/ Life InsuranceProtection for You, Your Family, Income & Home CALL 904-800-8184 OKEFENOKEE RV PARK252 Bowery Lane, Homeland GA 31537 DO YOU LOVE TO SING AND PRAISE THE LORD? 904-529-5000 FLB# 0108502 Lewy Body Dementia? Parkinsons Disease Dementia? HEALTH / MEDICAL MISCELLANEOUS Working Single Black Female Only1.Large Bedroom Furnished or Unfurnished $650.00 per month Washer/dryer available for useCALL: 678-913-7478 ROOMS FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT EPIPHANY MANOR62+ Income eligible Studio & One Bedrooms386-767-2556TTY: 1-800-955-8771 DECEMBER 31, 2016 THE STAR PAGE 11 DECEMBER 2016 THE STAR PAGE 11 rrr fntbtnfnrtrrbfrrtb rrtbbtttftbb trtrttrtr rtrrrt b fnbbb rfntbttft rftntttt tf ftft fft tt bftftffftf ttftt r rff rrrntrrr rrtnr ttnt rfntftfrtftbtf ft rfn tbn f bn t f bn nbn tbtff rfrnnrf btfftfffnttt tbrtrnrrr trfrrnrrr nnrrnrr rnnfrn trnf rr nn tt trrrrrrrr nrnrnn rrrrr rrnr rnrrrfrrr rrrrftfftrr nf rrr f rf ft ff rnrrr frbfffrt rtrfrrr tfb rrrrrr rrfrr rrrrrr rrrrrrrnrn rrbftt b t rtrr rr rr trtt rtr nnrrrr rrf trfrrfrt rf rftt rnnbr rfrr bbtrf rr rfbrrf frrrb fff f rrrr nnrnrn trrr nrrrr rb fb r t r t ffntbbbb rr rr rtrr rr ttttn rttrt rrtr tbrrt rrt trttr fttntb tftnb rrtr rnrt ttbt tttnfb tr btrtn bbtrb tftrtr rrrrr brrtntt bttb APARTMENTS FOR RENT HEALTH & MEDICAL HEALTH ALERT HOTLINEGot Knee Pain? Back Pain? Shoulder Pain? Get a pain-relieving brace at little or NO cost to you. Medicare Patients Call Health Hotline Now! 1-800-923-6982 SERVICES The Tax ResolversDo you owe over $10,000 in back taxes? We help people resolve tax debt. $50 cash back upon signup. BBB Accredited. Call for a free consultation 1-800-893-5811 Psychic Reader and AdviserWe can help you with all problems in life. Love, Bad Luck, Jobs, Marriage, Success, Sickness, Etc. Why go on suffering? One call will convince you.25 Years Experience Call Today 407-552-2943 THOMAS PLUMBING REPAIRS Low Rates. (904) 764-9852 HANDYMAN Minor Home Repairs, Painting Interior/ exterior, Pressure Washing, Exp. & Reasonable Rates Call: 904.768.7671 EMPLOYMENT AUTOS WANTED CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! Sell Your Used or Damaged 2000-2016 Vehicle Fast! Running or Not. Nationwide Free Towing Same Day Pick-Up and Pay Available Call 888-689-8647 Viagra!! 52 Pills for Only $99.00 Your #1 trusted provider for 10 years. Insured and Guaranteed Delivery. Call now 1-800-224-0305 DISH Network NEW FLEX PACKSelect the Channels You Want. FREE Installation. FREE Streaming. $39.99/24 months. ADD Internet for $14.95 a month. CALL 1-800-781-9430 rrr fntbtnfnrtrrbfrrtb rrtbbtttftbb trtrttrtr rtrrrt b fnbbbrfntbttbbft rftbnttttb tf b ftft b fft bbtbt fbbbtftfff tftbbtftbtb tfbb rfrfntrf rrrrbnfrt rfftrftn rttrbr rb ft frrrr btt frnfftrffrfttf rffntrrr nttfrtrrfrrfrrf rrrnrtrr nrrfrrfbnf rnrrfrrtnfb r ffn nrtfrbr rnrbrtn rffffr tfnnb frrnnrbnrbff bffnrbt bttrttrr trtrrrrt trttt trrr trbrt rff rrrntrrr rrtnr ttntffbf f ffntnt nrrrftbrb fbff t bt nf nt n bb r tt fr ttt rrttfftn r rtbt ttt ttftff rrt nr tttrrnt tbbttnfbbbtffb rrtttrnrt ffrtrfr rr tt fntbtn rtr tr tt fntbtntn frrfrn trnr tb t rr nrf ffnrr r rttbtttt ntrrtrrrt tttrbntt nrbrtttt rrrfbttfbf rtr frrf rr rfbtbt rrr fntbtnfnrtrrbfrrtb rrtbbtttftbb trtrttrtr rtrrrt b fnbbb rfntbttft rftntttt tf ftft fft tt bftftffftf ttftt r rff rrrntrrr rrtnr ttnt rfntftfrtftbtf ft rfn tbn f bn t f bn nbn tbtff rfrnnrf btfftfffnttt tbrtrnrrr trfrrnrrr nnrrnrr rnnfrn trnf rr nn tt trrrrrrrr nrnrnn rrrrr rrnr rnrrrfrrr rrrrf tfftrr nf rrr f rf ft ff rnrrr frbfffrt rtrfrrr tfb rrrrrr rrfrr rrrrrr rrrrrrrnrn rrbftt b t rtrr rr rr trtt rtr nnrrrr rrf trfrrfrt rf rftt rnnbr rfrr bbtrf rr rfbrrf frrrb fff f rrrr nnrnrn trrr nrrrr rb fb r t r t ffntbbbb rr rr rtrr rr ttttn rttrt rrtr tbrrt rrt trttr fttntb tftnb rrtr rnrt ttbt tttnfb tr btrtn bbtrb tftrtr rrrrr brrtntt bttb rrr fntbtnfnrtrrbfrrtb rrtbbtttftbb trtrttrtr rtrrrt b fnbbb rfntbttft rftntttt tf ftft fft tt bftftffftf ttftt r rff rrrntrrr rrtnr ttnt rfntftfrtftbtf ft rfn tbn f bn t f bn nbn tbt ff rfrnnrf btfftfffnttt tbrtrnrrr trfrrnrrr nnrrnrr rnnfrn trnf rr nn tt trrrrrrrr nrnrnn rrrrr rrnr rnrrrfrrr rrrrftfftrr nf rrr f rf ft ff rnrrr frbfffrt rtrfrrr tfb rrrrrr rrfrr rrrrrr rrrrrrrnrn rrbftt b t rtrr rr rr trtt rtr nnrrrr rrf trfrrfrt rf rftt rnnbr rfrr bbtrf rr rfbrrf frrrb fff f rrrr nnrnrn trrr nrrrr rb fb r t r t ffntbbbb rr rr rtrr rr ttttn rttrt rrtr tbrrt rrt trttr fttntb tftnb rrtr rnrt ttbt tttnfb tr btrtn bbtrb tftrtr rrrrr brrtntt bttb Safe Step Walk-In TubAlert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 800-861-0769 for $750 Off. Entry Level Heavy Equipment Operator Career Bulldozers, Backhoes and Excavators Immediate, Lifetime Job Placement, 1-866-362-6497 ROUTE DRIVERS NEEDED:THE FLORIDA STAR is looking for route drivers to deliver newspapers to stores. Call for more information. Must have transportation and valid drivers licenseP/T Weekends 904-766-8834 rrr fntbtnfnrtrrbfrrtb rrtbbtttftbb trtrttrtr rtrrrt b fnbbb rfntbttft rftntttt tf ftft fft tt bftftffftf ttftt r rff rrrntrrr rrtnr ttnt rfntftfrtftbtf ft rfn tbn f bn t f bn nbn tbtff rfrnnrf btfftfffnttt tbrtrnrrr trfrrnrrr nnrrnrr rnnfrn trnf rr nn tt trrrrrrrr nrnrnn rrrrr rrnr rnrrrfrrr rrrrftfftrr nf rrr f rf ft ff rnrrr frbfffrt rtrfrrr tfb rrrrrr rrfrr rrrrrr rrrrrrrnrn rrbftt b t rtrr rr rr trtt rtr nnrrrr rrf trfrrfrt rf rftt rnnbr rfrr bbtrf rr rfbrrf frrrb fff f rrrr nnrnrn trrr nrrrr rb fb r t r t ffntbbbb rr rr rtrr rr ttttn rttrt rrtr tbrrt rrt trttr fttntb tftnb rrtr rnrt ttbt tttnfb tr btrtn bbtrb tftrtr rrrrr brrtntt bttb Got something to sell ? Placed your ad in the call 904-766-8834 ATTORNEY LowCost Health/ Life InsuranceProtection for You, Your Family, Income & Home CALL 904-800-8184 OKEFENOKEE RV PARK252 Bowery Lane, Homeland GA 31537 DO YOU LOVE TO SING AND PRAISE THE LORD? 904-529-5000 FLB# 0108502 Lewy Body Dementia? Parkinsons Disease Dementia? Cleaning Position: AvailableSaturday and Sunday 300.00$ WEEKLY Time Schedule: 12 pm 2 PM Sundale ManorAffordable Apartment Homes3505 Corby Street, Jacksonville, FL 32205(904) 381-4817 1-800-955-8771/711 TTY* Income & Age Limits Apply KILLS ROACHES-GUARANTEED! Livelinks ROUTE DRIVERS NEEDED 904-766-8834 Viagra!! EMPLOYMENTKid starts book club to bring back joy of reading literature. Sidney explained that My DECEMBER 31, 2016 THE STAR PAGE 11 DECEMBER 2016 THE STAR PAGE 11 rrr fntbtnfnrtrrbfrrtb rrtbbtttftbb trtrttrtr rtrrrt b fnbbb rfntbttft rftntttt tf ftft fft tt bftftffftf ttftt r rff rrrntrrr rrtnr ttnt rfntftfrtftbtf ft rfn tbn f bn t f bn nbn tbtff rfrnnrf btfftfffnttt tbrtrnrrr trfrrnrrr nnrrnrr rnnfrn trnf rr nn tt trrrrrrrr nrnrnn rrrrr rrnr rnrrrfrrr rrrrftfftrr nf rrr f rf ft ff rnrrr frbfffrt rtrfrrr tfb rrrrrr rrfrr rrrrrr rrrrrrrnrn rrbftt b t rtrr rr rr trtt rtr nnrrrr rrf trfrrfrt rf rftt rnnbr rfrr bbtrf rr rfbrrf frrrb fff f rrrr nnrnrn trrr nrrrr rb fb r t r t ffntbbbb rr rr rtrr rr ttttn rttrt rrtr tbrrt rrt trttr fttntb tftnb rrtr rnrt ttbt tttnfb tr btrtn bbtrb tftrtr rrrrr brrtntt bttb APARTMENTS FOR RENT HEALTH & MEDICALHEALTH ALERT HOTLINEGot Knee Pain? Back Pain? Shoulder Pain? Get a pain-relieving brace at little or NO cost to you. 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Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 800-861-0769 for $750 Off.Entry Level Heavy Equipment Operator Career Bulldozers, Backhoes and Excavators Immediate, Lifetime Job Placement, 1-866-362-6497ROUTE DRIVERS NEEDED:THE FLORIDA STAR is looking for route drivers to deliver newspapers to stores. Call for more information. Must have transportation and valid drivers licenseP/T Weekends 904-766-8834 rrr fntbtnfnrtrrbfrrtb rrtbbtttftbb trtrttrtr rtrrrt b fnbbb rfntbttft rftntttt tf ftft fft tt bftftffftf ttftt r rff rrrntrrr rrtnr ttnt rfntftfrtftbtf ft rfn tbn f bn t f bn nbn tbtff rfrnnrf btfftfffnttt tbrtrnrrr trfrrnrrr nnrrnrr rnnfrn trnf rr nn tt trrrrrrrr nrnrnn rrrrr rrnr rnrrrfrrr rrrrftfftrr nf rrr f rf ft ff rnrrr frbfffrt rtrfrrr tfb rrrrrr rrfrr rrrrrr rrrrrrrnrn rrbftt b t rtrr rr rr trtt rtr nnrrrr rrf trfrrfrt rf rftt rnnbr rfrr bbtrf rr rfbrrf frrrb fff f rrrr nnrnrn trrr nrrrr rb fb r t r t ffntbbbb rr rr rtrr rr ttttn rttrt rrtr tbrrt rrt trttr fttntb tftnb rrtr rnrt ttbt tttnfb tr btrtn bbtrb tftrtr rrrrr brrtntt bttb Got something to sell ? Placed your ad in the call 904-766-8834ATTORNEY LowCost Health/ Life InsuranceProtection for You, Your Family, Income & Home CALL 904-800-8184 OKEFENOKEE RV PARK252 Bowery Lane, Homeland GA 31537 DO YOU LOVE TO SING AND PRAISE THE LORD? 904-529-5000 FLB# 0108502 Lewy Body Dementia? Parkinsons Disease Dementia? LendingTree C a n He lp Y ou Rea n c e-Call now: 800-714-8043 NMLS #1136R e n a n c i n g n o w c o u l d s a v e you t hou s a n d sJust as you would shop around for your home, it's equally as important to shop around for your home Lower your interest rate Lower your monthly payment Take cash (equity) out of your homeCall LendingTree at 800-714-8043 to get multiple with our network of top lenders today


PAGE 12 THE STAR APRIL 8, 2017 ON WCGL 1360 AM Tuesday and Thursday8:30 P.M to 9:00 P.M. LISTEN ONLINE AT WCGL1360.COM with The Florida and Georgia Star NewspapersSTRIVING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! IMPACT RADIO Listen to Callers are welcome to call in at 904-766-9285, during IMPACT and be part of the discussion. e Florida Star since 1951Still the peoples Choice!Clara McLaughlin THURSDAY Reaching our YouthTUESDAY Issues and Information PAGE 12 THE STAR DECEMBER 1, 2016ON WCGL 1360 AM Tuesday and Thursday8:30 P.M to 9:00 P.M. LISTEN ONLINE AT WCGL1360.COM with The Florida and Georgia Star NewspapersSTRIVING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! IMPACT RADIO Listen toCallers are welcome to call in at 904-766-9285, during IMPACT and be part of the discussion. e Florida Star since 1951Still the peoples Choice!Clara McLaughlin THURSDAY Reaching our YouthTUESDAY Issues and Information Please send my Paid Subscription to: Name ____________________________________ Address __________________________________ City _____________________________________ State ___________ Zip Code _________________ Phone Number _____________________________SEND TO: The Florida/Georgia Star Post Of ce Box 40629 Jacksonville, FL 32203-40629 what to give? Wondering GIVE SOMEONE A SUBSCRIPTION TO YES!, I want a one year or six months subscription toThe Florida Star or Georgia Star Newspaper 6 Months $30.00 1 Year $50.00 CALL TODAY! 904-766-8834We accept Cash, Money Orders, Check, PayPal and/or Credit Card or you can subscribe online at Year $ 0.00 PAGE 12 THE STAR DECEMBER 1, 2016 ON WCGL 1360 AM Tuesday and Thursday8:30 P.M to 9:00 P.M. LISTEN ONLINE AT WCGL1360.COM with The Florida and Georgia Star NewspapersSTRIVING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! IMPACT RADIO Listen toCallers are welcome to call in at 904-766-9285, during IMPACT and be part of the discussion. e Florida Star since 1951Still the peoples Choice!Clara McLaughlin THURSDAY Reaching our YouthTUESDAY Issues and Information Please send my Paid Subscription to: Name ____________________________________ Address __________________________________ City _____________________________________ State ___________ Zip Code _________________ Phone Number _____________________________SEND TO: The Florida/Georgia Star Post Of ce Box 40629 Jacksonville, FL 32203-40629 what to give? Wondering GIVE SOMEONE A SUBSCRIPTION TO YES!, I want a one year or six months subscription toThe Florida Star or Georgia Star Newspaper 6 Months $30.00 1 Year $50.00 CALL TODAY! 904-766-8834We accept Cash, Money Orders, Check, PayPal and/or Credit Card or you can subscribe online at Year $ 0.00 SUBSCRIBE TOTHIS Spring