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.... .. .. .,. Serving Taylor County Since 1961 pc~mber 21, 2005 50O O Im Midweek c o I Edition ^^^jfrn aer ^r S T s ^ ree! hadp1otSo'th News Forum Cocaine, guns & cash seized Two charged in drug busts -The Life .; of ; Christ ._TJhe' life of Christ is portrayed in Siiicolor and classic style in a series qf'stained glass windows at St. James Episcopal Church. Today's "Community" section (page ,B-l)..features a photo series on the .collection, from the Nativity to the Achsion. o: ok 16 is here! With its cover featuring the old-time .Steinhatchee ferry, book 16 of the 'Taylor .County Historical Society's !'fley Were Here" series is the perfect '.~ocking-stuffer for the history buff on your list: ' *, 'resident Wanda Cash announced .Tuesday that the books "have arrived anid are.ayailable." The books can be '.pUtirAsed Thursday from 1-5 p.m. at the'historical society museum, located in. downtown Perry. S-,Home for : the holidays Taylor :County Animal Control miyvies' you to, bring home a new pet 'thi:sholiday season. t"'currently; available for adoption at ,th sthelter are: a Jack Russell male, a white English-mix puppy, eight multi- colboed puppies, two guinea pigs, a Bedgle mix and spayed Husky. .so available are one calico, one .'Si&ase, three orange and three .blialkikittehs as well as two spayed blaqk cats,. morrim'pe information, please hta the shelter at 838-3525. SCoal plant :':Opponents meet .tne nts of the coal-burning ~J P htL,' proposed for Taylor will meet Tuesday, Dec. 27, at '.-aI pton. Inn at 7 p.m. For more ,if~o ation, call Diane Whitfield at '$84-j329, i, Encore episode SairsDec. 24 & 26 i.'The'Discovery Health Channel Wi;Pgcm, "Mystery: Diagnosis," will air 'i.~nooree episode featuring a local ,ai ~i fjfected by Barth Syndrome diW ay,' Dec.- 24, at 9 a.m., and Mo.d...ayDec. 26, at 3 a.m. .Bth-Syndrome is a life-threatening idt.'ilex '* genetic disorder that p~ marily,.affects males. It is passed ~fin.mimtherto son. "';ie eBqwer family of Taylor County :s.jin th f-refront of the battle against thiss unrder-diagnosed and potentially ifetl'disorder. SShelley Bowen is the founder of the AirtL, Syndrome Foundation and is itheimother rof 18-year-old Michael. i6vho has.Barth Syndrome. ''1,:!' Members of the Taylor County Joint Drug Task Force (JDF) made the yuletide holidays less cheerful for one woman when she was caught--electronically--selling crack cocaine (twice) to a confidential informant last week. A search warrant was obtained for the South Orange Street residence of Yvonne Johnson, 40, and afterward, officers had another confidential informant call her, :requesting to buy crack. When Johnson arrived at a scheduled meeting place with the drugs, she was arrested. In the meantime, other officers converged at her residence, ready for the search. Johnson was taken by arresting officers back to hei residence,. where she said there were guns. "We. entered the house," said JDF Det. Mike Anderson, "and encountered three black males and a baby. "Johnson told us that she wished to cooperate and said the three men were from Atlanta and had brought some crack with them to Perry." EMS $$$ continue to climb Doctors' Memorial Hospital CEO Rick Brown, for the third straight month, told commissioners that he did not * need all of the county's monthly Emergency Management Services subsidy. According to an agreement between the county and the hospital, the county gives a monthly subsidy to help with costs of the EMS program. In the current fiscal year's budget, the county gives $25,000 a month. ,At. last week's county commission meeting, however, Brown said he only needed $5,355. For the month of October, which the December subsidy is for, the EMS program saw $57,074 in cash collections with total expenses of $52,409. In October, Brown gave the county $1,017 in refunds for overpayment on its monthly subsidy. In Novemeber, he only asked for $15,675. Brown said in November that if the trend continues for two more months, he would consider asking the board to lower its monthly subsidy. Johnson also told Taylor County Found during the search were 16 Sheriffs Office Inv. Dewayne bags of marijuana with an Bratcher that there was "some estimated street value of $1,000, marijuana in a closet and two two .38 caliber pistols and some G& Trfi)unaha cigarette ,lf!os hanging up r after 50 years A o .: -. Ammons was born into a military family, his father a iOne.wftha&.attended oae career military officer who t.a..cereronies served 27 years in the Army. .T lor C Mti.ty High.. "My dad retired when I was Qol- 'er "'.OV ti ye rirs. can six, so I don't remember the At e.' "-,P "e ,uty travel," Ammons said. ... :,.:"I was born in Wyoming, then ^ t's^no .jt cth0 age~ ibat's we moved to California where finale '' a -the : %anm. 'my brother.was born. I spent the i1rif1'l:' David 'majority of childhood on a farm p* i-"-asM.'SerVet .s ithe i.the northern part of Alabama. t i':t insrtr toir forT PIS jIgt n6rth'of Birmingham." t<18Pe~ s a'duri"?g O':n Nov, 15, 1955, Ammons i wlJ"-'bis see,: i i.Q les joined t e Arny Reserves while ibjhis4rmn.f:::"- in college. GtCrC capped". .."I. always knew I was going to ie-hb n- 'i ". ".. a. parof the military, one way 's an cot.nued-. ofthi other," he said, but just 4. -it 5i &No "- 0i:. 'e came to join. lhe e s .- s. "is sort of funny . ;, 'as ihi.the college ROTC.M u i day, I'.las walking down the Sfs' : .l.-. tb e'- dormitory and a yltt : ledq at ipe to'comb ith ..'h :"._ %:,x -.,: .. ..." ' I: e~ ,,. -a e ,.. ,. butts. Johnson was charged with sale of cocaine and placed into the Taylor County Jail. Other charges may be' pending, according. 4to Bratcher. The next day, Perry's newest police officer, Ptl, David Kelly, -- Pjease see page 3 Along with three Social Security numbers Suspect boasted 17 aliases Multiple crack cocaine rocks...multiple DUIs...multiple aliases...multiple Social Security numbers...and multiple active warrants for arrests.' What do they have in common? They belong to three suspects who are now incarcerated at the Taylor County Jail. According to recent reports, when Perry Police Department Ptl. Dwight Norris conducted a traffic stop last week on a SUV with a broken windshield, the driver told him that his name was Randy William Watts, 45. After some confusion, Norris ran the name William Randy Watts and made a hit on a suspended driver's license from Florida. The license turned out to have been suspended three times for separate DUIs and revoked a total of four times on DUIs and other charges. "Watts had bloodshot eyes," said Norris,, "and his breath smelled.like alcohol. When I read him his Miranda rights, he told me that he would not take a breath test." Watts was taken into custody and transported to the Taylor County Jail. "I had patted down Watts at the roadside traffic stop," said Norris, "but didn't check his baseball cap. When we arrived at the'jail, I pulled off his cap and discovered a bag containing several pieces of crack cocaine, stuck in the brim." Norris ran a check. on Watts and found him to have 17 different aliases, three Social Security numbers he used and two active warrants for his arrest in two '-? .iC Park progress Two 'more block memorial monuments arrived and were installed at Veterans Memorial Park Monday, along with entrance signs and the base for a World War I monument tribute. Also new at the site is lettering for the bell tower proclaiming "Let Freedom Ring" along with a holiday message calling for residents to support America's troops this holiday season. states--one in Leon County for VOP (grand theft) and the other in Texas for violating parole. This week, Norris and fellow officer Ptl. Wesley Cooper did it again. Norris once again made a traffic stop, this time on a Ford truck with a tail light out. The driver was identified as Terry Lee Hugger, 28, and the passenger, Luke Sparrow, 20. While talking with them, Norris said he could smell the odor of marijuana, which had just been smoked, coming out of the vehicle. Norris called in each man's name to dispatch, which informed him that Sparrow had two active warrants for his arrest. One warrant was for failure to appear for driving with no valid driver's license and the other was for violation of probation. In the meantime, Cooper, who had arrived at the scene to serve as back-up, searched the vehicle with Norris. During the search, Cooper found a pill bottle containing more than 20 crack rocks, valued at approximately $400, in the floorboard. Also, Norris discovered a blunt (cigar leaf used to roll a large marijuana cigarette), and a marijuana cigarette butt (rohch), in another area of the vehicle. Both men were arrested and taken to the county jail--Sparrow, on his warrants, and Hugger for possession of cocaine with intent to sell and possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana. Williams 'guilty' of animal cruelty SA Perry woman charged with cruelty to animals has been sentenced to three years of probation and ordered to pay an estimated $1,300 in court costs. The ruling was handed down last week following a November jury trial. The sentence also included a condition that the offender, Victoria Denise Williams, "cannot own or possess animals until further ordered." Williams, 32, was arrested Jan. 21 of this' year after police found 15 bulldogs on her property in "various stages of health, with some showing signs bf malnutrition, and of being raised and bred for fighting." The dogs were discovered while a search warrant was being executed on the property on another matter. At the time of the incident, Perry Police Department Jamie Cruse noted in his report that, "Most of the dogs did not have adequate shelter. They did not have any potable water and there was no food available to them. Most of the dogs had scars and injuries to their heads and front legs. One of the dogs had a swollen head and appeared to have puncture wounds to the head, causing the swelling. On one dog, you could see his ribs showing and when he was approached, he would run away and attempt to hide." Eight of the 15 dogs remain in custody at the Taylor County Animal Shelter. The other animals have either been euthanized or were stolen in a subsequent break-in at the shelter. A final custody hearing regarding the animals is scheduled for early January. "Our office will continue to actively pursue investigations and charges against individuals found to be abusing or neglecting their animals. We want to try to cover the whole gamut--from people involved with animal fighting to neglect--and will take it as far as the court system allows," .Animal Control Director Brianne Hoover said. 2 Sections Our 44th Year, No. 51 Ir~-- JI Irll- I--~ -r - IL .r. .~c4 "' ' A-2 The Taco Times December 21, 2005 Col. Ammons: 'We moved 21 times i AMMONS Continued from page 1 "When I asked him why, he told me the recruiters were there and we were going to sign up for the reserves. "I asked him if there was a mouse in his pocket, because he was talking in plural. "He asked me, 'Do you like money?' "Being a college student having to work, of course I liked money. "'If you're planning to join after college, you'll make more money if you join the reserves now,' he told me. And that's just what Ammons did. "It was really a spur of the moment thing," he said. "Right after I joined there was ,the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Berlin Blockade and I was afraid I was going to be activated, but I wasn't. "My friend was right, it was a smart thing to do. "I tell a lot of kids' here at school one of the best things to help yourself go to college is to join the National Guard. Some listen to me, so don't.", Ammons graduated college in January 1959 with a major in physical education and a minor in chemistry. "My intent was to be the world's greatest basketball coach. I was offered the position of the activity director for a park in St. Johns County in Floridd. I didn't even know where St. Johns County was. I was an Alabama boy." Instead he joined active duty March 16; 1959. "I wore Army khaki, then Army green. I remember wearing brown '.boots. When I joined they were just beginning to change over to black boots. They wouldn't give me a new pair of boots; they made me dye them." SAmmons would stay on active duty for more than 28 years. "I moved around a lot," he said of his service. -That miight, be an understatement. "My first 18 years of marriage, we moved 21 times. One time we still had stuff in the packing boxes when I got a letter saying I was being transferred. I went home and told my wife, 'Stop unpacking, we're going again.'" SAmmons served one tour in Korea, lasting 15 months, and two tours in Vietnam for two years. He also spent three and one-half years stationed in Germany. "I enjoyed my three and a half years in Germany and I'll leae the rest at that," he said of his overseas duty.. As Ammons ,was nearing his retirement, he began to look into ROTC. "When an officer reaches 30 years, he must retire commissioned service," he said. "I was getting close. "I hid bought what I thought would be our retirement home. I : was going to teach history in Newnan, Ga., just south of Atlanta. "I tested the waters and was offered this job. I discussed it with my wife and we made the decision to come here. "My first two weeks here I was still on active duty, on leave. I started in mid-August and I retired on Aug. 31. "I tell a funny story of my introduction to high school students. Keep in mind I came from a very disciplined environment. With the rank of colonel, people generally did what I told them to. "I was advised I would not be very happy in an undisciplined, high school environment. "My first.day I told everyone about my history and my family and myself. After I was through I asked if anyone had any questions. "One little girl raised. her hand and asked, 'Where did you get that fat belly?' "And I was thinking, 'Okay...'" The biggest difference from then to now? "I have a whole lot more gray hair," he joked. Ammons' work with JROTC has not. been limited to.Taylor County. "I was part of making the summer.camp' program at Camp Blanding. We are the largest and the finest JROTC summer camp in the nation. Numerically we can prove we're the largest and Cadet Command said we were the flagship and the best. "I Was privileged to be a part of that." He also represented Cadet Command in writing the Army JROTC standards in the course code for the State Department of Education. One of the signature events at TCHS each year is the annual Veterans Day program led by the JROTC and Ammons. "When I first arrived here, the JROTC did a little Veterans Day ceremony and the ,veterans organizations also had a program that they ran. "They approached me about doing a joint program. We did that one year. The next year they approached me saying they wanted me to take-over the joint program. That's how it started." During this year's program, however, Ammons lost control of the event momentarily when his cadets presented him with the Outstanding Civilian Service Medal. Signed by Maj. General Alan W. Thrasher, U.S. Army, commanding, the accommodation reads, "for exceptionally meritorious service from August n 18 years' 1987 to December 2005, while serving as the senior army instructor, Taylor County High School, Perry, Florida, Colonel Ammons greatly improved Junior ROTC within his school and others within the State of Florida by establishing the Camp Blanding Junior ROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge. Colonel Ammons' outstanding efforts reflect great credit on him, Cadet Command and the United States Army." "There are ae a lot of good memories I will take with me into retirement," Ammons said last Thursday, surrounded in his office by plaques and paperwork, in and out of boxes, as he prepared for one last. move. "I have absolutely, thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed what I have done," he said. "I have thoroughly enjoyed being in this community. I feel very blessed for all my friends I have made and the many students that have come through my program." His plans now include staying in the commnuity and working on his farm, where he and his wife raise Nubian dairy goats, numbering some 35. He also shows his goats, winning a best of show ribbon recently in Tallahassee. Perhaps it's fitting he is back on a farm, having spent his childhood in Alabama on one. "You know the adage, 'You can take the boy out of the farm, but you can't take the farm out of the boy,'" Ammons said. "Tomorrow, when I hang up my uniform, I'll be out, but that doesn't mean they'll take the solider out of me." Merry Christmas 2005 1 . Erinlee Sunshine Hayes Santa is on his way bringing you toys to England on his sleigh. Wish I was there so we could play. Love you, Granna XOXOXO P.S. Mommie, Daddie & Nayla xxx oBEF SHOP ONLINE AT WWW.TI KEEP IT SPRIC MBERLANDFORD.COM SIMPLE ING One price clearly marked on each new vehicle No Hassles. No Gimmicks. These are the best prices of the year and the best time to purchase a new.Ford. All vehicles are priced $100 under what we pay, lower than employee pricing--you keep the rebates! Become a member of the T im hb rl nd Ford Family. Don't miss out on this great opportunity. 2006 F150 4x4 4.6 V8, Automatic, 4 Door, A/C, AM/FM Stereo S -' ra f 'f XAjfIrM ,9u MSRnJr 2 Escape $24,119 Keep It Simple Price Hybrids S$3, 500 Rebate Available at Keep 624 Timberland Discount ItSi le 19,995 YTour rin ice, " ^10 Tim i Y sr Running Out..^& O.f fer ,Inds. Januarv & 2006r"~ .--- ^,j.g T aiig].^ i 2 2005 Ford Mustang / 2004 Ford Explorer KITT Charcoal, V/6, Auto, Loaded 4x4, 3rd Row Seat, Loaded Stk. #P499 Sik. P490 $19,995 > $19,995 2 1999 Jeep Wrangler Sport 4 WD, Alloy Wheels, Hard Top, Auto, New Tires, Stk. #P493 was $13,995 $12,995 2003 Chev. Silverado LT 4x4 White, Like New, Ext. Cab, V/8; Z71, Auto, Leather, Stk. #260008T $22,995 1998 Ford F150 4x4 KT New Tires, Reg. Cab, Great Truck, V/8, Auto, Stk. #250216A $9,995 2004 Ford F150 ILT SuperCrew, Lariat, C/D, Alloy Wheels, Bed Liner, Tow Package, Stk. #P476 was $24995 $21,995 2002 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 V/8, Ext. Cab, 4x4, LS-Z71, Leather, Power Seat, Tow Package, Bed Liner, Alloy Wheels, C/D, Stk. #P488 was 21,995 $20,995 2002 Ford Escape KIT V/6, Leather, Auto, Alloy Wheels, Luggage Rack, Running Boards, Tow Package, Stk. #P487 was $16,995 $15,995 2001 Ford F150 Supercrew KLT V/8, 4x4, C/D, Bed Liner, Alloy Wheels, Running Boards, Tow Package, Stk. #250166A was $18,995 $17,695 2003 Ford Focus SE 4 Door, Auto, Stk. #P496 $12,995 1997 Ford Ranger KLT Reg. Cab, 4x2, Gray in Color, Topper, 46,900 Miles, Like New, Stk. #P502 $6,995 2002 Ford F150 Supercab Lariat 414 V/8, FX4 Package, Auto, Leather, C/D; Power Seats, Alloy Wheels, Running Boards, Tow Package, Bed Liner, Stk. #250171A was 21,995 $20,595 2003 Ford Expedition 4x4 Stk. #260052A, FX4, 135,000 miles S$17,995 2001 Ford F150 Supercrew ILT \,V Alloy Whneil Bej Liner, Tow Package, Stk. #250151A w'asS16.595 $15,395 2002 Nissan Pathfinder SE Af,'. ,~i, Wr,\/ i; r.oon Roof, Champagne Color, '.eri,:i drives like new! :'-' Stk. #260066A Al for $12,995 2003 Ford Mustang White LX Coupe, Only 19,000 Miles, 6 Oyl., Automatic, Rear Spoiler, SLike New Stk. #260045A $12,995 2000 Dodge Ram 1500 Reg. Cab, Ax4, VB, Dual Exhaust, 6' Lift Kit, High End Stereo, SLarge Tires & Wheels, Black SStk. #250033CB $9,995 2004 Ford F150 XLT 4x4, V8, Dark Charcoal Color, New Tires, Lift Kit, Very Clean Truck, Stk #260006A $19,595 All prices plus tax, tag.title & stale fees. Not responsible lor typographical errors. Pictures for illustration only Ford discounts and rebates applied where applicable Dealer fee not included in prices. FMC fnancing required f!o raximum rebates (some models) UOALOALmms S I I I I lw~ O co- V O-V -V re` 2441 South Byton.'Butllet Parts & Service Sales -Perry., FI. Mon. K 7:30 5:30 Mon.'-, RI, 7:30 6:00 Sat. 7:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. (050) 584-6178.--*1400-763-4589 :72'a.m. 5:00 pm. Growing a Rep I utation of 'Satisfied Custo-niers .! Ilr Suspect produced two bundles of cash, pot DRUG BUSTS Continued from page 1 was driving south on Hwy. 19, when he spotted a car which had been swerving suddenly make a quick turn. into a local motel. "The driver, later identified as Leon R. Smith, 25, pulled into the first parking slot he got to and quickly exited the vehicle," said Kelly. "I turned on my emergency lights and told the driver to stop. where he was. As I approached him, he was acting very nervous, pacing from the front to the back of his car," said Kelly, When Smith was told he was going to be searched for weapons, "he pulled out two large bundles of cash and threw them on the trunk of the car. "As I patted his front pockets, he told me that he had marijuana in his back pocket," added Kelly. "He also had three cell phones'on his belt." Smith was then arrested, but told officers he wanted them to count the cash in front of him, "because he didn't know how much was there. "I then counted the money in front of Smith, which came out to $1,275," Kelly said. "Smith also had seven bags of marijuana on him." Kelly added that during the whole time the arrest and search was being conducted at the motel and during the ride to the county jail, Smith's three phones were continuously ringing. "I asked Smith if he had a bunch of girlfriends," Kelly said, "because of all the calls he was receiving on the phones. "Later, while typing the arrest' affidavit on Smith, his phones continued, to ring and Sgt. Dodd Franklin and myself answered one of them. "It sounded like a white male on the other end, and he asked if we had some. We asked what it was he needed and said that he wanted to know how much half a gram was. "The man then said he wanted to speak to Leon 'and we told him that Leon was tied up at the moment and the man said that we Were not who he needed to talk to and hung up the phone," Kelly said. Smith was charged with possession of marijuana with intent to sell and driving with suspended license (knowingly). Other officers assisting in these cases included Ptl. Gene Franklin, Ptl. Gina Deeson, Dep. Brian Cruse, Ptl. Lin Gray and Sgt. Ray Kellerman. Christmas Tree Cake.$20.00 Small Pound Cake.....$1,0.00 Large Pound Cake.....$15.00 9" Pecan Pie...............$ 9.00 9" Chocolate pie.:.......$ 7.00 9" Lemon Pie...............$ 7.00 9" Coconut Pie.............$ 7.00 Crumb Cake............... $10/$20 8" Red Velvet Cake.....$20.00 8" Carrot Cake ..........$20.00 1/2 lb. Fruit Cake,. .....$ 5.00 2 lb. Fruit Cake............$25.00 5 lb. Fruit Cake............$40.00 ARMADILLO CONSTRUCTORS & ERECTORS INC. License #CG3031636 S CCC 058209 * BUILDERS ROOFERS HOME INSPECTIONS 800-719-9138 386-294-3914 SUBSCRIBE to the Taco Times & Perry News-Herald $17 savings off newstand prices! Seventh Day Adventist church Saturday .. . Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. - Worship Service 11:00 a.m. - Wednesday f ." "-' I Prayer Meeting 7:00 p.m. -. Juan Rodrigues, Pastor 584-8506 604 W. Julia Dr. 7 7 Ask about our pies made with Splenda Fresh Homemade Yeast Dinner Rolls $1.99 dz. A A a' 3 _A ear I 1nson 2 s Jasery 128 S.Jefferson 584-2261 Mon Fri. 6:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Sat. 6:30 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. Sun. Closed Attitudes A saion REMINDER * Mobile Home Renewals Chapter 320 Florida Statutes requires all mobile homes to have current registrations. Regular mobile home decals must be renewed by December 31st to avoid a late penalty. If you own the property and the mobile home, you are required to obtain an "RP" decal (Real Property). This decal is permanent and does not have to be renewed annually. Mobile homes can be registered in the Tax Collector's office on the first floor of the courthouse or at our Driver License office located on US 19 North. Jack Tedder Tax Collector 0 0 * H. A-3 The Taco Times December 21, 2005 Inside and Treasures & More, Glassware Outside Shops New Hours: Fri-Sat-Sun 10-4 Antiques Yard SaleWe buy..call us! Collectibles Set-up I P [rr -a M r-k eTools $8 & up Hwy. 19 S. 838-1422 584-7124 Mon-Th Furniture BEWARE.... //, The cost of utility bills are on ' the rise. Insulate your home today to help save $$$ f Call.today for a FREE ESTIMATE! REYNOLDS INSULATION (850) 584-2340 phone (850) 584-8340 fax GOODMAN'S Real Pit B-B-Que OF PERRY INC. -1 I.~ RIBS CHICKEN BEEF PORK BAR-B-QUE BEANS (Wishing Everyone a very Merry Christmas CALL AHEAD FOR CARRY OUT DRIVE-IN WINDOW 2429 BYRON BUTLER PKWY. HWY. 19 SOUTH PERRY 0 **Q 9. 0 ONLY THE FINEST QUALITY MEATS SLOW COOKED OVER AN OPEN PIT O ~Q 4Qt Christmas Bakery Treats "Let us do the baking for you!" Call ahead for special orders. 0!U-JJ.!.IJS - erry Christmas & happr ew y .- Cloed3ew eas Da SPremier Medical Clinic CWi&Ain9 wlluevj and/al ^(a(2Ibpi c7huw ^jeawv! Dr. Khalil Afsh Dr. Shiva Mahinrad Dr. Fred Corpuz Dr. -Toufic Abdo Randy Hearne, ARNP and the entire Premier Medical Staff 315 East Ash Street Perry, Florida 32347 (850) 584-3278 _____I I I I -I I PRUL MITCHELL ure Salon A Signat El I I r I I i L m to Is m In In m I I I I I i - -3 M I ~4~:ue~o*ze~ # 0 A-4 The Taco Times December 21,2005 Weeks, Greenling to say vows on Christmas Day -Renee Weeks and Art Greenling will be married on Christmas Day, 2005, at 1 p.m. in a ceremony in the home of the bride's parents. The bride is the daughter of Barbara and Donald Weeks of Keaton Beach. The groom's parents are Mrs. Ella Ann Greenling of Naples and the late George Greenling. They wrap, too! 'Cooking with Charity' could be that last-minute gift you need... Need a last-minute gift? Or simply some new recipes? The women of. Charity Baptist Church have compiled a cookbook featuring 700 old- fashioned recipes, called "Cooking with Charity." Wrapped for Christmas, the cookbook sells for $20. "If you want us .to mail it, we: will be glad to do that for an additional $5," said Diane Miller, for the group. "We take Visa, MasterCard or cash," she added. The cookbook emerged from the church's planned expansion. "We have Outgrown the building we now have and God is blessing us.with a larger building," said Miller. "The ladies of the church got together and decided to put together this cookbook--thinking it would be a great :gift, for. Christmas, birthdays, weddings, housewarmings, etc. It features , additional information like how to set a table, as well as tips on cooking Sfor a crowd." The book, according to Miller, is laminated and designed with spiral binding. "All money will be donated to the church's building fund for new furniture," she explaified. To place your order, please call Jen at 223-1850 or Gayle at 584-6866;. New arrivals Nora Caroline Babbitt Callie and Greg Babbitt of Gainesville announce the birth of their daughter, Nora Caroline, on Dec. 7, 2005, at 1:30 p.m.. in Patience Corer Nurse-Midwifery Center. The hew arrival weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces, and was 20.5 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Diane and Richard (Abe) Whitfield of Perry. The baby's maternal great grandparents are Mary Lou Whitfield of Perry .and the late Lorenzo Whitfield, Frank Vallella of Tallahassee and the late Jan Vallella. Paternal grandparents are Nancy and Jack Babbitt of Westerville, Ohio. The baby's paternal great grandparents are the late Dorothy and Lyle Babbitt, and the late Sarah and Fred Miller. Churches celebrate Christmas WANTED -at *reJent future by Hughey Mirror. Images 594-2445 Sf ormar t Z Comvpa ny (erry) gregory MarsAtal s cBn Saln ( d -aassee)' #es#g(cjtalinassee) S Specializing in foil highlights & dry cuts Candlelight service planned Dec. 24th The, Christmas Eve Candlelight Service will be held at the First United Methodist Church, 302 N. Jefferson St., at 6:30 p.m. on Dec. 24. On Sunday, Dec. 25, the morning worship service will be? at 10 a.m. The Rev. Matt Wallis, pastor of the church, extends an invitation for all to come and worship, noting that the worship hour will be very informal. Last mid-week Advent service today The final mid-week Advent service will be held today (Wednesday) at First Presbyterian Church, 310 Plantation Road. The service will begin at 12:10 p.m. and last about 30 minutes, followed by 'a simple soup and sandwich luncheon in the fellowship hall. The Rev. Larry D. Neal, pastor of the church, invites everyone in the community to this special time of scripture reading, reflection and prayer. Puppet ministry performs Thursday The Temple of God Baptist 10 a.m. The Rev. Dr. Linda L. Lowry, rector, issued this invitation: "St. James welcomes the community to our services for Christmas during our 80th year celebration featuring 'Glory in Glass' tours of our beautiful stained glass windows depicting the life of Christ. (Please see page B-l) May the peace and goodwill of Christmas be with you throughout the coming year." Candlelight Christmas Eve service planned First Presbyterian Church invites the community to its Candlelight Christmas Eve service on Dec. 24 'at 7 p.m. Special anthems by the choir and soloists will be featured. The church is located at 310 Plantation Road. Church puppet ministry will present "A Serving Servant Has .Come" at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 22. "There will be gifts for adults and children, and a show of joy for tomorrow, hope for yesterday and dreams to come." Services announced at St. James Episcopal St James Episcopal Church urges, "O come all ye faithful!" The,church will have Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services at its 1100 W. Green Street sanctuary. The Family Christmas Eve service begins at 5 p.m. with refreshments following in the parish hall. The traditional Midnight Mass will begin at 11 p.m. and include Christmas music. On Sunday, Christmas Day, services will be held at 8 a.m. and Bridal . S Registry Sonja Smigiel Lance Burford January 28, 2006 Kelly Lindsey David Parker January, 2006 Heather Quicke Jon Michelini March 25, 2006 Jesika Walker Brad Curry March 25, 2006 Angie Cruce Harper Gibson April 22, 2006 Baby I I Re istry Mary Teresa & Steve Murphy Due December 2005 S Elizabeth & Matthew Eastman Girl Due December 2005 :PR E9 GIVEN AWAY THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT Come count down to a: new year and have fun doing it! Saturday, Dec. 31 8:00 pm til after midnight (teenage to college age welcome) Band: By Faith John Welbordm guest speaker Happy Anniversary December 23, 2005 Le have faced a lot this year, I truly thank God for you. He called our twins home, He left me so you wouldn't be alone. I love you. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Upshaw SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS COMPLETE GAS SERVICE Only INCLUDES: : 0A Normal Installation S* 6 Months Free Tank Rental S 1V oo.* 100 GALLONS OF GAS . LP. *wF . America''s Propane7 Compae oIny 850-973-2218 584-8201 Appliances Fast Installation 24 Hour Emergency Service Automatic Fuel Delivery Sales & Service S Happy! st 'Anniversary Lewis&.LeShay White Dec 20, 2005 This has been the best first year ever and we hope to see 100 more years. Love, Lewis & LeShay White Always & FoIever till the day that we die MCtI Happy 25th Bfithday Dec. 25, 2005 Keith Brooks "First Grandchild" FSU Engineering Graduate We are. veryproud ofyou. Good luck on your job with CSX in Waycross, Ga. Granny DuBose & family ,.' / In Memor' of Our Mom and Dad at Christmas Dorson and Dorothy Walters We looked out aridi si'.i rt're sunrise as it patiently awaited for the.darkness to disappear so a new day could come forth. We remembered the patience that our parents had when '.ye were children growing up. To know that they wer6 the rock that gave us strength- -the light that showed us the way. We think of how wonderful it was to have had such loving parents that gave to each oifi-ir' children a very special part of themselves. God kh;-e What He was doing when He gave us to you. He knew of your love and understanding ways foi children that do not .. always do as ttihe . should. He knew that '- you would teach us and- ' gently guide our ways. so that we might know the meaning of this precious life. Our lives,. have truly been blessed because of you. We are so proud to tell the whole world you are our Mom and Dad. Patsv. Jack. Jill. Ellen. a Diane and families 0oo~"-~a a~ Melissa Fouche & T.J. Edwards Calvar rBaptist Church In tIroductorySpecial- LIMITED TIME OFFER Bill Bettilyon Photography 'Make copies of ybur memories to share. S We can copy VHS, VHS-C & Mini DV Call Colleen 850-223-3052 today! We will not duplicate copyrighted material. THE COUNTDOWN Awesome Games Live Band Great Food Bon Fire Exciting speakerr A-5 The Taco Times December 21,2005 This message sponsored by the following businesses: Closed Close at 5 pm Saturday, Dec. 24 Saturday, Dec. 24 Closed Monday, Mon., Dec. 26 -. Dec. 26 Mon., Jan. 2 J5ct D2 0, F P E R R Y PERRY- 7 BLOCKS WEST OF COURTHOUSE AT U.S. 19-27 , STORE HOURS 8 AM 6 PM MON. SAT - Member 2000 South Byron Butler Pkwy. Perry 850-584-4411 EL=OIG S' 8 A hoI5gtcom net S FDIC 905 FirstAvenue S.E. Steinhatchee 352-498-2951 LENDER FRITH ABSTRACT & TE COMPANY Cri bbs & Sons Tire & Auto Parts FRITH ABSTRACTTLEClosed Merry Christmas! CLOSED Telephone Saturday, Dec. 24 SlBL Monday, Dec. 26 & (850 1n 2 Dec. 26 All Major Credit MaSterrat SMonday, Jan. 2 ( U) y4-d, ec Cards Accepted -TIRES 501 N. Byron Butler Pkwy. Fax M B P.O. Box 515 Perry, FL 32348 (850) 584-8841 1005 S. Jefferson St. 584-3883 B 3 BUCKEYE COMMUNITY C capital City FEDERAL "CREDIT UNION Nk FEDERAL CREDIT UN O k Closed Monday, Dec. 26 CLOSEP 4QNDAY, DC. 26 & Monday, Jan. 2 o.G ,&i,.as,o .o : .- MON AY, JA N72 -' ".S. Jefferson St. -., .... N CUA Perry, FL 32348 "Over 100 Years of Building Financial Relationships" INatoanal redltUnion Adraon ww .bCfcu.COOp (850) 223-7100 EO HI Member FDIC 115 W. Green St. www.ccbg.com 584-2057 j a US, Govem mental Aenay, -. (i.D'R rSI amr Tree Capital Credit Union SIf you live or work in Taylor County you can be FAMILY & COSMETIC a member of Tree Capital Credit Union. DENTISTRY I . 313 N. Jefferson St. Member FDIC , CLOSED Perry, Fl. 32347 1402 S. Jefferson St. NCUA CLOSED Monday, Dec. 26 Dec. 24 thru Jan. 1 (850) 584-2674 (850) 584-3002 ""' "T & Monday, Jan. 2 'Bu rs CASH-WAY BUILDING ...PRODUCTS, INC. Monument All ur Building MOBILE or Hardware Needs: Ui PAINTS &Vault Co S And lots more! & Vault COI Serving you for over 35years. 530 E. Ash St. 584-8106 301 Hampton Springs Ave. 584-3519 TCo Eluipmnhnt ad SaleS Mauldin's Collision Clinic, Inc. "We take the dent out of accidents! HECW 1 lHuvqama 118 E. Center St. (850) 584-7512 2673 Hwy. 19 South Perry, FL 32348 (850) 584-5002 --,^ Acrylic Urethane Paints By Spies Hecker Harvey Strickland Mike Strickland 35 Years in Business Thereis no better time than the holidays togive thanks and count blessings. 1$ 1V 5 7ae S 1 Dr. Miles & Cindy Nelson Help Is Just Around The Corner. Jayme, Almira, Linda &Franny .r 209 W. Green St. (850) 584-8404 1218 North Peacock Ave. Closed Dec. 23 & 26 (850) 584-5515 Hope you have N__sp__Perry a fun-filled . Christmas followed eat es NeWSpapers, Inc. by a great 123 S. Jefferson St. (850) 584-5513 i New Year! Taylor Square Shopping Center 584-7844 CS e Open til 9 pm Dec. 24, Closed Dec. 25, Open Dec. 26 CLOSED Fri., Dec. 23 & Mon., Dec. 26 Sports 2 TCHS cagers 2nd in Tally tourney A-6 The Taco Times December 21, 2005 Taylor County High's basketball team proved it could play with the big boys in Tallahassee over the weekend as the Bulldogs battled into Monday's championship game of the Elks Lodge Holiday Classic at Lincoln High but came up a few buckets short. The Bulldogs (9-3) outscored Lincoln (8-2)'in three of the four quarters of the title game but a 15- 0 run by the Trojans in the third period sealed TCHS's fate. Taylor County jumped out to a 12-10 lead after the first quarter and carried a 30-27 advantage into halftime before Lincoln jumped on the 'Dogs in the third to take a 54-43 lead going into the final stanza. The Bulldogs rallied back in the final period and narrowed the Trojans' lead to 56-50 at one point before eventually falling by a 69- 62 margin. Genario McNealy led all Taylor Counts scorers %ith 15 points followed by Rick Williams w ith 1-I and Tony Powell with 9. Rounding out the scoring for the 'Dogs were Marquis Ellis with 7 points. Ja'Baree Williams \ ith 6. Miguel Parga with 4 and TraDel\an Whetsel and Tony Jones \ith 2 points each. The Bulldogs reached Monday's title game b\ defeating West Gadsden on Friday and state- ranked John Paul II on Saturday by a 61-49 margin. In Saturday's contest, Pow ell led the Bulldogs with 23 points while Rick Williams scored 12 and Marquis Ellis 11. Powell and Rick Williams were selected to the All-Tournament team. Ta.lor County will take a few da\s off before participating in the Capital City Classic to be held Dec. 28-29 at the Leon County Ci. ic Center. Lady Bulldogs are first in district race Taylor County girls soccer has had an exciting eventful week. now 9-3 on the season and in sole possession of first place in the district. S Coach Kerry Puhl said, "The Lady Bulldogs are playing some very good soccer right now against some quality opponents. We're getting some injured players back into the lineup which is providing us with some much needed depth." On Wednesday, Dec. 7, the Lady Dogs played district foe Madison County. Taylor jumped out to a 3 goal lead in the first half, adding 6 more goals in the second half to beat the Madison Lady Cowboy team 9-1. Jenni Cantrell was taken to the hospital in the first half. After a collision with a Cowboy player causing her to take a serious blow to the head. The Cat- Scan later revealed no damage to the temple area. she was later. , cleared to play. Leading the scoring in the game was Krystle Towles with 4 goals and 4 assist., Katie Cooper had 3 goals with 2 assist. Followed by a goal and an assist .:from Cindy Wilson. Chelsea Mathers had the final goal of the night. Other contributors were Courtney Speas and Austin McCracken with an assist each. Next up for the Bulldogs was a weekend road trip taking on two larget,4Aschools in Wakulla and PC Arnold. On Friday night Taylor beat Wakulla 5-0. "Wakulla had knocked us out of the district playoffs last year spoiling our chances to go to state, so it was kind of nice to' come backhand avenge last year's season ending loss," said Puhl. It was a well played game, with the Bulldogs taking the lead early on the first of Katie Cooper's four goals on the night with an assist from Jenni Cantrell. The other goal was scored by Austin McCracken with an assist from Jessica Stanton. The other assist came from Krysitle Towles (2) and Beth Johnson. who is playing solid as a defender this year. After staying over night in Panama City Friday night, the Lady Bulldogs got off to a good start Saturday morning hitting the outlet malls in Destin. "The girls had a good time and it was good for the team to get away together," said Puhl. "That night we played a very good PC Arnold team. Arnold took an early lead to which our girls responded immediately and scored a goal ,right back. That's the way it stayed till late in the second half when PC scored their final goal for the win. I felt like we were the better team that night, but we didn't'take advantage of our opportunities. We'll learn from that game" After.a day off the Lady Dogs went right back to \work against a very strong and talented Suw annee team on Monday night: Taylor t ook the early lead in a hard fought game on a pass from Krystle Towkles to Katie Cooper who put. it in the back of the net.. But. Suwannee got back into it late in 'the:first half with a goal of their own. That's the way it stayed till the middle of the second half when Suwannee soi-ed again. They scored their 3rd and final goal:wM,. 30 seconds to go on a header off a comer kick. The game had to be halted for about 45 minutes when Austin McCracken got injured and was flown to Shands. due to a neck injury sustained 5 minutes into the second half. She was released the next day from the hospital. The tough game in Suwannee help prepare the Lady Dogs for the showdown at home against a very. * good 12-1-1 Macla, squad. Maclay is ranked 10th in ihe state in 2A and had recently beaten a top 6 team. Katie Cooper led the scoring with, 2 goals on assists from Krystle Towles. Senior Towles added another unassisted goal on a free kick just outside the 18. Maclay added another second half goal to make the final score 3-2. It was a game that featured the Big Bends two leading scorers. Kalie Cooper and Devon Cavanaugh. both hate 31 goals. After the game Maclay coach Andy Warner complimented tlie Taylor girls on their play. "I see a lot of improvement in the skill and execution of the Taylor County girls. They play very good soccer," Warner said. "One of the keys to our success .this season is the play qf our: defense. The girls in the back get very little recognition because they don't get their names in the paper scoring and assisting on goals, but they are fantastic players who can play with anybody. The no-name defense consist of senior captain Courtney Speas, sophomore sensations Beth SJohnson,' Cameron Myers, Jennifer Hunter. and Natalie' :Clark." said assistant coach Cantrell. "Speas is a four year i, Free Delivery &Set-uP Shane & Diane Knowles, owners starter w ho has really controlled the right side of the field for us this year. Cameron plays the sweeper role, she is so quick that rarely does anyone ever gets past her. She has done a great job. Beth Johnson is an anchor in the center of our defense. She's tough, strong, and clears the ball well out of the back. * "On the left side Natalie had to step into a starting position for. an injured Jennifer I~unter. Natalie has gotten better and better each game. We've gotten- very comfortable with her back there: I'd take this group over any defensive group I've seen. Jennifer Hunter isexpected to rejoin the team over the Christmas break. Our defense compliments our top rated goal keeper in the Big Bend, Elizabeth Cooper. Elizabeth is ha, ing a fantastic season, we owe a lot of our success to her too." Taylor County .plays district opponent Hamilton County next. SBetterSavings Wood orSteel SMon-Fri 9:00-5;30 : Sat. 10-2, Sun. by appt. One More Cast O L < Operating from Keaton Beach Marina (850) 584-9145 200 Kate Dr. S Pat McGriff UI S.CG. License Perr-. FL 32348 --s AMERICAS FREE ,.1-'.,ie CHANNELS ". -TOP 60 *' H" ia B 3M7 NTiHS e ONLY . FREE DVR EQUIPMENT UPGRADE MONTH FREE STANDARD r *ms.. PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION MIIauBB-lllty,/ llFiTtlCyni tional B -, / / COX Perry Ele ronics 1303S. Jefferson Street Electronics 850-584-5145* of Perry d NETWORK : Better TV for all. of &t rU',o c icna rulcnl' r wN jlr l r rrj T,,i.,-,il r in.1 r -.,v cl.lI R [i lrll,: On, I l,', H .TL',,t Al. ,,',L4I~ ,Il frr tu. D, ,,,l mu hf Cll.g fll *,I ,,,J ,,, ,,li l II h n, r, ,i ,,*mm h. j ,I i,, ,.1.. l, [ 1.,Irh Dig itllH,iu a,.- hlj i le irl'l l,,In ll 'rrin-": R,,P|,. I,1." ..-I l l' l' -.lu.lh.-.i -'.,l, l j,, r,,,,. j,., ll ll.. s I..II ,-I ,I I..h.... ....... I ... .. I ... ..... 7 1.. I h I, h, .. .. I I ,% r .'n h ,',iT ...' ... .....I i i r',''l I r ,il h I I l l II.l. I, 1,, n I ,iru.nl.-r rt a I, M, l 9 ,> ..I .. ..., h .M ,. .r ', 11.,: h 1I ,,I .t ,,I ... I I i, h, ,e : : TA,. Spectacular ~ IA SavinMs Special Prices on Saltwater Rod & Reels Garmin Fishfinder 120 $129.95 WKF Big Bend Marine i- AHA-ii 3482 Hwy.19' S. Perry, Fl. SYAMAHA 850-584-5977 Here at Yarbrough Tire we give you up-front prices..no hidden charges. SDon't be fooled by the "Big Box Store"--They have hidden charges and no customer service. S Remember your money stays home for your children, local sports and school programs. Example: Perry Soccer Association, baseball, football, BQys & Girls'Club and many more. Without your support, this wouldn't be possible. 1 584m75 l- -LLayaawwihoW for Christmas Storage when you need it! BETTER BUiLDINGS...BETTER PRICING A-Frame Carports & Garages Residential Commerical In-House Financing Concrete Work & Land Clearing Big Bend Buildings 1700 S. Byron Butler Pkwy. 584-2260 i - C. II~) ..'-.... : -- A-7 Taco Times December 21, 2005 nhitunriep. yr~lww .wwr Frankie Davis Hicks Frankie Davis Hicks, 69, of Fernandina Beach, died Dec. 19, 2005, at Baptist Medical Center in Jacksonville. A native of Madison, she was the daughter of the late Frank Davis. A graduate of Madison High School Class of 1954, she went on to receive hpr degree from Jones Business College in Jacksonville. She married the Rev. Terry J. Hicks and together they served the Bible Baptist Church in Fernandina Beach until his retirement in 1990. She was a member of New Hope Baptist Church in Jacksonville. Survivors include: her husband of 30 years, the Rev. Terry J. Hicks of Fernandina Beach; two sons, Keith Williamson of Warner Card .of Thanks McMuffen Perhaps you sent a lovely card or brought food and sat with us. Perhaps you sent beautiful S flowers; if so we saw them there. Your kind words were a comfort to us. Whatever you did to console our hearts, we thank you so much. The family of Lucy McMullen Robins, Ga.; and Terry Webster Hicks of Gulf Breeze; four daughters, Delbra Moore of Chesapeake, Va., Teresa Hintz of Clearwater, Sheila Green of Ponte Vedra and Deborah Trumbo of Deland; her mother, Annie Belle Davis of Madison; two brothers, Shelton Davis of Perry and Joe Davis of Andalusia, Ala.; and 11 grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Thursday, Dec. 22, at 10:30 a.m. at New Hope Baptist Temple in Jacksonville with the Rev. Charles Boldt officiating. Graveside-services will follow at 3 p.m. at Pine Grove Baptist Church Cemetery in Madison. Family members will receive friends today, Dec. 21, from 4 until 7 p.m. at Oxley-Heard Funeral Home in Fernandina Beach. Hilda L. Hess Hilda L. Hess, 79, died Dec. 17, 2005, in Tallahassee. A native of Boyd and a former resident of Miami and Cape Coral, she.had lived in Tallahassee since 1990. She was a secretary for an architectural firm and was, a Methodist. Survivors include: two sons, 'Michael Hess and Kip Hess, both of Corpus Christi, Texas; one daughter, Claudia Seamons of m m m iI The following tribute, written by Jamie Adams, appeared in the Sumter"County Times on Jan. 1, 2004. Paying a special tribute to Mrs. Bessie I received a. phone call the other day that Mrs. Bessie, a dear and ' longtime friend had just passed away. I don't know it for a fact but Mrs. Bessie may well have been the very first person to see me on AA this earth: Back in the winter of 1940 I was born in a small community . in Taylor County, Florida, call Fenholloway and there was not a hospital anywhere close by so nearly everyone in that neck of the woods was.born right in the same house they lived in.. Dr. Walter Baker was our doctor as well as everyone else's'family doctor for miles and miles around. He delivered me at birth and had also delivered another boy named Blrtow three months earlier to Mrs. Bessie whom I would grow up with andcbecome lifelong best friends. As I just mentioned, I would bet that Mrs.. Bessie was right there helping Dr. Baker as I drew. my first breath. Also I would venture to say that my own mama might well have been helping Dr. Baker with Mrs. Bessie at the time my buddy Bartow was being borq. That is the way it.used to be in small communities all over Florida as good friends went about helping and stuck by their .neighbors int imes of need. Mrs. Bessie had six children and she and her husband John only lived a rock's throw distance from the house I was raised in. Being such close neighbors it was only natural that her kids were, over at our house a lot while at the same time me and my two brothers spent a bunch of days and nights at their house.- SIt was kind of like you had a second mama to help raise you.and you best believe I loved Mrs. Bessie with all my heart. Mrs. Bessie and Mr. John always lived in a big house and they sure needed one because both she and Mr. John themselves came from large familiesand there was always a bunch of loved ones visiting or stopping by their house to eat some of Mrs. Bessie's famous cooking. SIn the 40's and early 50's in our small community of Fenholloway, everybody could always be depended on to help each other out. There was not that many cars or trucks around so when someone was going to town, the person going would check and see'if a neighbor needed something from town or per chance to go along to do some shopping or take care of some business. There was no such thing as a fancy car in those days and Mr. John always had a pickup truck. Many times he would take a load of us younguns into town along with him and Mrs. Bessie on Saturday and we would would go to the picture show and spend all afternoon. Most of the time we were watching a good western movie through and through both times it ran. It was the same way as far as going to a school basketball or football game. Either Mr. John or my daddy would be around to give one of us boys.a ride if we needed it. Both Mr. John and Mrs. Bessie were great followers and supporters of school sports and, well, they should have been as all three of their boys were great athletes and were all-stars in any sport they played. Looking. back on Mrs. Bessie's life while she was a beautiful and special person in the way she always helped her neighbors and friends, however this part of her life paled when it came to serving the Lord. I want to let you all know right now that Mrs. Bessie dearly loved the Lord and would preach you a short sermon in a heartbeat if she thought in 'anyway you might be in need ' of one: Both she and my mama were devout members of their church and when the doors opened both of them would be on the front pew taking in and voicing a loud amen to what the preacher had to say. , Serving the Lord was first and foremost in Mrs. Bessie's life and she lived that way up until she died at the age of 87. I attended her funeral and I had a good time. You might think that a little unusual, but when Mrs. Bessie died the funeral was a celebration. You see, Mrs. Bessie wanted it that way as she did not want people moping around and doing a lot of crying. She was-home where shewanted to be and in the place she had looked forward to being all her life. There was not a lot of dropped heads down on chests at her home-going. The church the day of her funeral was a happy place and the music that was being played and the songs being' sung were rejoicing at Mrs. Bessie's going home to be with her Jesus. The church was cram-packed with no telling how many folks, with the majority of them being 'kin folks, and the rest her extended family of longtime neighbors and loved ones that while npt blood kin were considered a special part of her family. As I looked around at all the folks who attended the service, I had to smile and think to myself that there was, not a single person in the whole church that Mrs. Bessie had not touched or helped in some way or another. The church was filled with love, and as I said, it was a happy and joyous occasion, as Mrs. Bessie would have had it no other way. As I close I want'to add that Mr. John is 90 years old and he and Mrs. Bessie were married for 70 years and if there was ever two people who were truly in love with one another, it was Mrs. Bessie and Mr. John. Mrs. Bessie's funeral was held at the First Assembly of God in Perry, Fl., on Dec. 19, 2003. A message in tongues was given during the service and the full interpretation given at a later date was interpreted as follows: A star has fulfilledits time and fallen, a light of heaven. One who set the example for others. Her race is finished here. Now'it's time for others to step out and walk in the light, the example that was set before them Lovingly submitted to the Taco Times, Dec. 21, 2005, by Mr. John Wigglesworth wMW w M W 1 % W MWMWM It's been 6 months since God called you home. I still think of you every day and I will love you forever! Your Wife, SIn Memory of 1!ddie Edge SJune 10, 1965 February 19, 2005 It has been since February that the Lord reached down and took you away from us. That was the hardest day of our lives and every day is so hard to get by without you. You are where there is no more pain for you suffered so much. The Lord took you out of your pain, but He left us in ours. One day we will all be together again. You will never be forgotten. You are always in our hearts. You will always be our Little Bubba. Love you so, Suzie & family, Regina & family, Melissa, Mom, Dad, and above all your fiance Malinda Markey Perry Elks Lodge, and had served in the U.S. Army. He was the son of LuFair Morgan Wilson of Perry the late Buford Wilson. In addition to his mother, survivors include: his wife of 22 years, Cathy Drawdy Wilson; three daughters, Kacie Wilson, Korie Ann Wilson and Konnor Wilson, all of Perry; five brothers, Ray Morgan and Ronald Wilson, both of Salem, Calvin Wilson of Palatka, Troy Morgan of Cross City and Alan Wilson of Perry; and a host of nieces, nephews and cousins. Funeral services were held Nov. 29, at 2 p.m. at Salem Missionary Baptist Church with interment following at Woodyard Cemetery. Fred Richardson Oct. 28, 1930 Dec. 24, 2002 You left us three years ago (to go fishing with God) We know you're catching them! With love, Your children I Tallahassee; two sisters, Dorothy Ann Morgan of Perry and Doris Stephens of Jacksonville; four grandchildren; and one great grandchild. Funeral services will be held Thursday, Dec. 22, at 2 p.m. at Beggs Funeral Home in Perry. Interment will follow at Woodlawn Cemetery, Family members will receive friends today, Dec. 21, from 6 until 8 p.m. at Beggs Apalachee Chapel in Tallahassee. Memorial contributions may be made to Big Bend Hospice, 1723 Mahan Center Blvd., Tallahassee, FL 32308. Richard Edward Tillman Richard Edward Tillman, 58, a President of Sparr, died Dec. 15, 2005, at his home. A native of Foley, he had lived in. Perry for most of his life. He moved to Sparr several months ago. Mr. Tillman was a member of First Baptist Church in Ocala and had served 18 months in Vietnam. He was the son of George Tillman of Perry and the late Mildred Parker. In addition to his father, survivors include: his wife of seven years, Rosa Garrett Tillman of Sparr; a son, Robert Tillman of California; a step-son, Lonnie Feagle of Perry; a daughter, Shanna Tillman of California; a step-daughter, Carrie Wilson of Auburndale; two brothers, Leon Tillman of Tallahassee and Wayne Tillman of Massachusetts; three sisters, Barbara Barnett of Louisiana and Cathy Sadler and Carol Davis, both of Perry; and a host of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Saturday, Dec. 17, at Midway Baptist Church in Perry with interment following at Pisgah Cemetery. Joe P. Burns Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements. Donald W. Wilson Donald W. Wilson, 47, a native of Columbus, Ga., living in Taylor County all of his life, died Nov. 26, 2005, after an extended illness. He was a member of Salem Missionary Baptist Church and the F rbJEy !op yoaur birthday My First Christmas 1 in Heaven 1 I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below, With tiny lights like Heaven's stars, reflected in the snow. The sight is so spectacular; please wipe away your tears. For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ, this year. I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear, But their sound can't compare with the Christmas choir.up here! I have no words to tell you of the joy their voices bring, It is beyond description, to hear the angels sing. I know how much you miss me, I see your broken heart, But I am not so far away, we really aren't apart. Thank you for your kindness, you know I hold you dear, Be glad I'm spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year. I send to you a special gift from Heaven, my home above.' I send you the memory of my undying love. The gift of love is precious, more precious than pure gold, And always most important, in the stories Jesus told. Please love and keep those others, as my Father said to do. SI just can't count the blessings He has in store for you! So have a Merry Christmas, and wipe away that tear, For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year! For Suade, Ariel and Meaan SSbeffield S The families of Andrew S', "Glen" Sheffield wish to S extend our deep appreciation. I outpouring of love during the loss of our beloved Glen.- We wish to thank each and every one who brought food to our home. We thank you for the visits, the phone calls, the cards, the beautiful flowers, your love gifts, and your prayers during . this difficult time. A special thank you to Pastor Steve McHargue of Fellowship.. Baptist Church in Madison, Florida. God used you to reveal. His love, peace and comfort in such a beautiful way. Special thanks to the friends and family of Glen who shared-- their thoughts and love for him during the service. To Nancy Johnson, Bobbie Murphy, Margie Sheffield, Wendy Slaughter, Holly Ward, Margaret & Jym Seago, a special thank: you for being therefore us in so many many ways. We can't find the words to express how much your love and support- meant to us. To Tommy Murrow and the staff of Burns Funeral Home we- thank you for your warm and caring support and dedicated services. We have all been blessed by your love and kindness. The: outpouring of your love continues to flow. Annette & Foye Horton of Shady Grove, Fl., Deborah A. Sheffield, Hillary & Blake of Lawrence, Kansas, Michael Rich of Thomasville, N.C., Carolyn Dean of New York, N.Y., Marcia Gallimore of Thomasville, N.C., Anita Tidwell of Monroeville, Ala., Gretchen Hennett of Lilburn, Ga., Ginger Jeffcoat of Pensacola, Fl., Ben Sheffield, Nancy Johnson, Christy Wilson : of Perry, Fl., and a host of aunts, uncles and cousins. L~ ~ E ~I..' E~ '~' E;F"I F.. 1~~.1' C ~- C~~~ W~ IC~ L~I P I I" II~ F ICT OLT eA?-6 .10P A-8 The Taco Times December 21, 2005 0A1 6 i1 1 1 w Shamrock Realty stafff wish everyone a Merry Christmas anil a orosoerous Hannv New Y ar Lot 68 in Seameadows Subdivision 1 Acre lot completely fenced with a 4 ft. chain link fence, 24x30 garage, small cottage, 1 bedroom, 1 bath 18x12. Property has been learned and has a 65 foot well and septic $75,900 1 Acre lot in Seameadows Subdivision, beautiful pines $56,000 1/2 acre lot off Jody Morgan Road $45,000' 5 acre lot in Seabreeze Acres close to the GULF!!! $210,000 4 bedroom, 3 bath home on 1 1/2 lots on canal at Dekle Beach $585,000 WITH A GULF VIEW!! 24x48 mobile home includes carport, storage buildings, 20 foot travel trailer, ,and assorted buildings with power and water. Excellent buy at $99,999 3rd Street off East Royal Oak 1 acre m/I only minutes from' the Gulf and Keaton Beach. Relax in the big 3 Bedroom, 2 bath mobile home with a 12x25 screened back porch, carport and storage shed. $149,000 SLot 23 in Gulfhighland $56,900 *1 acre.tract in Leisure Retreats, lot 299 $59,900 , 1 acrelot on the Beach Road, lot 75, with well and driveway, OWNER/BROKER $125,000 S4.5 acres only minutes from Keaton Beach, Zoned 2 homes per 1 acre. $195,000 1 acre, lot 210, Blk E. Leisure Retreats Subdivision $59,900 1 acre, lot 244, Leisure Retreats Subdivision $56,900 , *1 acre, 245, Leisure Retreats Subdivision $56.900 ' 1.5 acre, lot 248, Leisure Retreats Subdivision $79,900 1 acre, lot 232, 12x20 building and john boat $59,900 S2 acreplot in Deerwood Subdivision, lot 8 block 0 $60,000 . 1 acre lot on Fiddlers Way, singlewide trailer, well, power, septic $75,000 1 acre lot on Leisure Retreats Subdivision, corner lot 193 $58,900 1 acre, lot 28, Coastal Oaks, well and power, no septic $45,000 Commercial or residential, highway frontage, 2 acre tract on the Beach Road with doublewide mobile home, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, enclosed back room. 2 sheds and a red barn, all fenced-in. $225,000 : Sea Oaks Drive, lot 23, acre lot $49,500 5 acres off Dennis Howell Road with 28x64 doublewide mobile home, .3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, EXCELLENT BUY!!! $125,000 1 acre lot on Yates Creek Road $55,000 Ready to build! r .*2.8 acre, lot 4 block F, in Deerwood on Fawns Way $180,000 1 acre parcel "Corner Lot" on Jody Morgan Road in Deerwood $79,500 S.* Lot 35 at Ezell Beach "Gulf front" $150,000 ) 1 acre lot in Adams Beach Oaks, 14x40 new singlewide, 1 bedroom, 1 bath and 2 big workshops, all offered at $88,000 acre lot in Sea Oaks Subdivision, lot 4, $54,000 Septic Installed!!. 5 acres m/I, lot 413, Leisure, Retreats Subdivision on West Royal Oak Drive $99,500 ) Lot 161,in Leisure Retreats on Turkey Oak Road $62,000 : ' Lot 12 in Gulf Higlands Subdivision, doublewide mobile home, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, front porch, back deck, new carpet and appliances, all on 1 acre lot loaded with live oaks $129,000, Lot 6 block E, Oacean Pond Subdivision, 2.75 acres vacant lot with 289 feet of Road frontage, uniquely shaped lot!!! $80,000. . 2 mobile homes, 2 utility sheds, carport & boat shed, one acre fenced, landscaped, 2 power poles and 2 RV hookups $149,000 Seabreeze Drive, 5 acres m/l, well, power pole, RV hookup, driveway and .' telephone jacks $238,000 . Singlewide mobile home with improvements off Black Oak Road in Leisurqe Retreats Subdivision $89,500 .48 acres on Jody Morgan Road for only $70;000. Also, 1/2 acre for only I $85,000- : SOld Florida Style home with 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, nice front porch, sits on 2 acres about 1.5 miles from public boat ramp off Jody Morgan Road, , S all for only $275,000 *Off Jedy Morgan, on Glenda Lane, 1 acre lot comes with a nice doublewide mobile home, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, carport, storage anrd bath shed, ' 35 ft. camper, all located near a 3 acre fishing pond foronly $375,000 Lot 40 in Sea Oaks Subdivision, 1 acre cleared $57,000 " 2 acres on Warrior Creek Road for only $85,000 . '2340 Red Oak Road in Leisure Retreats Subdivision with doublewide mobile ) home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath screened-in back porch, front porch, S'fenced in pool area with a screened-in shed, needs some repair. $83,000 *1 acre lot in Adams Beach Oaks with 2 bedroom, 2 bath singlewide trailer. $87,000 1 acre lot on Live Oak Road in Leisure Retreats Subdivision, lot 243 Only $55,000 ' * Open your own RESTAURANT or CAFE, located on Highway 19, price for only S$65,000 * 1.40 acres and a 26x40 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home convenient to town and gulf. Off Puckett Road $86,000 29 acres 3 miles south of Perry, cleared, 2 ponds $325,000 *.21 acres on Millinor Road, also 2 doublwide mobile homes $294,600 SALE PENDING 3 bedroom, 3 bath house on Maurice Linton Road $70,000 Lot 17-B Quail Pointe Subdivision "HOMES ONLY" .67 acre $50,000 5 acres m/I cleared. Has mobile home with well, septic, power pole. Needs work. Could be used while building or as storage. $80,000. 5 acres m/1 corner lot with large trees, $60,000 or both for $140,000O 2.38 acre tract with a 2000 4 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home with fireplace, garden tub. Secluded area on Golf Course Road, ALL FOR ONLY $75,000 Mobile home and storage units on 10 acres m/I on McDaniel Road. $125,000 2 bedroom, 1 bath home on 1 acre on Watts Lane $60,000 Lot 17 block E, at Keaton Beach. Canal on 2 sides, large multilevel deck with 2 boat Slips and sea wall. $467,000 * GULF FRONT LOT with Gulf access canal, 50x100 on Beach Drive, lot 21 block C $500,000 MAKE OFFER 2 lots at Keaton Beach ON THE MAIL CANAL, lot 1, comes with doublewide home, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, wrap-around porch and boat dock with many extras for only $650,000, the other lot is vacant for only $450,000 ' 3 bedrooms, 2 bath home on Cedar Island with 2 bedroom apartment downstairs $565,000 MAKE OFFER!!! Off Jody Morgan Road on Glenda Lane, 1 acre m/I with doublewide mobile home, 3 bedroom, 2 bath fully furnished, '35 ft. camper, storage and bath shed, and carport, all for $375,000 1 acre lot in Adams Beach Oaks with new singlewide mobile home, 1 bedroom, ,1 bath and two big workshops, all offered at $88,000 i Ocean Pond Subdivision, lot 35 block E, 2 acres m/l in North Gulf Manor for only $65,000 3.2 acres m/I cleared with well, septic system, and power pole all fenced-in. S with gate for only $85,000 S* Lot 6 block.E, Ocean Pond Subdivision 2.75 acres, vacant lot with 289 feet of road Sfrontage, uniquely shaped lot!!! $80,000 .25 acres includes singlewide mobilehome on stilts, off paved road. $179,500 *, LQt 95, in Kinsey Woodland Subdivision approximately 1.5 acres. $45,000 CORNER PAVED LOT 5 acre tract on Leroy Lyons Road $65,000 3 acre tract of land in Kinsey Woodland'Subdivision. This piece has a 2004 :: Fleetwood 14x52 singlewide mobile home, also'a 1999 27 camper with slideout, 1.4x30 storage shelter, all the property is fenced in with 2 wells and a pond $145,000 , 1 acre lot in Kinsey Woodland Subdivision, lot 61 $40,000. 20 acre tract 2 miles from Spring Warrior,'2600 sq. ft. home, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, f :ront porch, rear screened porch, 24x24 storage building, greenhouse with working paddle wheel, in ground sprinkler system, 3/4 acre stocked pond, jacuzzi, and den, all for $330,000, ,1 acre corner lot in Kinsey Woodland Subdivision, 'lot 75 $45,000 OWNER 2003 14x65 2 bedroom, 2 bath, large screened front porch, i2x30 screened fish Cleaning station, 2 car carport that is fenced-in, all for $95,000 Loti 22 Kinsey Woodland, 1 acre $30,000 5 acre tract, highway frontage on Spring Warrior $75,000 5 acre tract, highway frontage on Spring Warrior $75,000 5 acre tract, highway frontage on Spring Warrior $$75,000 (sale pending) .15 acre building lot in Spring Warrior CLOSE TO THE CREEK!! $55,500- A GREAT DEAL!!! Lot 4 in Strickland Landing Subdivision, 5 acre beautiful corner lot on a paved road with improvements. Asking $120,000 Lot 13 Block H in Strickland Landing Subdivision 4.5 acres cleared!! $72,900 Lot 14 in Strickland Landing Subdivision on Spring Warrior Road & Puckett Road $60,000 Spring.Warrior on Scallop Lane with a small home, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, nice palm Streets and cleared on 2 lots $150,000 Spring Warrior Road, 20 acres.m/l, can be divided into two 10 acre tracts 4,19 nnn nize ne-rim "We Care About You & Your Famiry" KEATON BEACH 17060 Beach Rd. Keaton Beach, Fl. (850) 578-2105 (850) 578-2593 (fax) GIVE US A CALL FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS! PERRY Hwy. 19 South- Perry, Fl. (850) 578-2353 (850) 584-2353 (fax) I I -r I I I 'I 'I 'I r~ -- ,btiu',,rn. White (DJ)4', C o m m uni B-1 The Taco Times December_21, 2005 'Let u8l adore him* In this season of joy and reflection, the thoughts of many are turned to the life of Jesus Christ. Striking in their majesty, the stained glass windows in the main sanctuary of St. James Episcopal Church in Perry represent the events in the life of Chrisi-- beginning with the Nativity and ending with the Ascension. A guided tour of the collection shows that the first two windows, "The Resurrection" and "Jesus Blessing the Children," were installed in 1984 for the John Dickert and Davis Sims families. Both worked together with Truett George of Advent Glass to develop a plan for all 10 windows. After much research to determine the style of windows most appropriate for St. James, Roy Coomber of Bristol, Englan'd, was chosen as the main designer. The inspiration of the designs came mainly from Trinity Episcopal. Church in St. Augustine. In 1984, Coomber provided water color renderings for all eight windows depicting the life .of Christ plus a window dedicated to St. Francis. In 1986, "The Healing" window V. was installed and, as one of the first three windows placed at the church, was painted at the Advent Glass Studio by New York artist Dick Millard using Coomber's . designs. In the early 1990s, the late Jim Arnold coordinated an effort to find donors for the remaining windows, and by 1992, all. of the windows representing the life of Chrii. as tell as ihe Si Francis of -. .-Vsisi v iridoi in the bell I v.r had becn-- m-tralled The last .. Sindo,,s "ere painted at Adent :' - Glass bk ariit Sic'c PurdN of FR. " H\avne. Ind. according to ihe original Coomber designs This lear marksi the ancluar%'s sUth anni'ersjar\ The land % as; acquired from Burion -S artz Cypress CompnI in 10'21 and the church building ,,as dedicated ,in 1,, 25.N,1 Te Lf -M ,i t r The ife OfChrist~UM1~~~ The life of Jesus Christ is portrayed in 10 stained glass windows at St. James Episcopal Church. The 'depictions shown here include: the Birth of Jesus, the Baptism of Jesus, Jesus with the Children, Teaching of Jesus, Healing, The Crucifixion, The DesUrrection and the Ascension. . Editorial Letters to the Editor Writer speaks out aboutno Christmas party !pDear Editor: - "I'Over the years I have Sat back and said nothing while people argued whether or not they should allow this or that to be taught in school because it was not in this person's religion or that person's religion.' I served my country for 13 1/2 years so people could have those freedoms. I am also a very tolerant person when it comes to religion and the practice and beliefs of those religions. However, when it gets -to -the point that a child cannot have a Christmas party at school because it might offend someone else's religious or social beliefs, I, draw the line! 1J I was informed just that.by the' Headstart School right herein Perry. I would understand, if there was a. religious undertone, to a point, but there are things about Christmas and the Christmas spirit of giving that can be celebrated at a school party. Not only that but, all the schools have Christmas parties except for the Headstart. I was also informed that my child could not give out candy canes to his classmates because they might have a food allergy and it could hurt them. While I I understand about allergies.and do not wish 10 .cause harm to any child - for any reason, if the teachers: cannot be trusted to know.these allergies and make sure that the child is not given these types of foods then we have a major problem with our school system. If the teacher. cannot do this simple task then that teacher-cannot be trusted -to. teach j.ur children and needs to-be-fi'red. There are other ways to. deal with this besides just not having a party or not giving out candy. You can send a letter home with the children to inform parents that There will be a Christmas party at Please see page 3 Issue is 'not about the boards' Dear Editor: 'I am writing to you as an employee of the Taylor Senior Citizens Center and as a concerned citizen of Taylor County and the City of Perry in regard to the present problems surrounding the" "Old Board vs. New Board' issue. I am writing in support of the new administration and new board policies and their attempt to gain control of the building now serving primarily as the dining and activity programs of the. current Senior services.. Any holdings of buildings in this regard :should be turned over immediately to the new board. This should have been done at the get- go but back-tracking now is' useless. I urge the "old board" to relinquish their rights to, this building and any others that may or Smay notbe held by this board to, , the new administration.. This is for the good of.the senior residents of Taylor County arid the City of. Perry who are now receiving, services of the Taylor Senior Citizens Center, and include those who will be receiving services provided by the center in the futtire. This is not about, the "old board or the new board" and who-should control what and for what.reasons there may be. The new board has.attempted numerous times to resolve this problem, which, unfortunately, remains unresolved. It is a shame and a disgrace that our senior residents are caught in this warp. We need resolution from the "old board" immediately. Please consider our seniors and our seniors only in regard to this issue. .Sincerely,. A. J. Burch, Activity Director for Taylor Senior Citizens 'Committee is still committed' Dear Editor: : Over three years ago. our Veterans Memorial :. Park Committee asked' our city commissioners to dedicate :the present site for our memorial park. It was very clear that it would remain city property. .We promised the city' "that we would build a veterans memorial park that our city and county could be proud of, that it would be an asset and a.landmark that would' attract' visitors from everywhere. As, a committee, we are still cbinmitted to that promise. Committee niembers and many volunteers are working hard -to build it. as designed with as little cost as possible to our 6ity and county. Myself and other committee members have solicited funds through sponsorship of most all war monuments, individual block monuments, flag poles, .. Please see page 3 B-2 Taco Times December 21, 2005 'Mental illness robbed him of us, and us of him' Dear Editor: i am Deborah Sheffield, the sister of the late Glen Sheffield of Shady Grove. I would like to share with the community of Perry my thoughts about the man whom I knew to be caring and generous Sand who valued his nanre above all else. Many of you were closer to Glen once I left home than I vwas, but I will always remember the little boy who was sensitive--a little bit of a mama's boy--which was a good thing, and who was proud as a teenager that I was his big sister. Later, after he graduated with his associate's degree with honors, I learned that his favorite visual artist was Claude Monet, that he liked psychology and that he was an involved father during the time he was a dad. But mental illness robbed him of us--and us of him. Very few of us know the horrible dispairing torture of mental illness (and torture it is); nor have many of us known the heartless misunderstandings prevailing in our society regarding that pain. In the unfairness of life, my brother became a tortured man whom I believe grew tired of the fight against a very strong foe. In 1910, Theodore Roosevelt gave a speech in Paris from which "The Man in the Arena" originates. I would like to read that to you now as we think of Glen: "It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where, the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit- belongs to the man who is actually in the arena;. whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strived valiantly; who errs and corimes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best; knows in the end the triumph of high achievement... and who at the worst... if hd fails, at least fails- while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat." The Psalms are very comforting, but Glen would be happy to khow that Matthew 11:28-30 and John 10:10 offer comfort as well. From a "Do you want to play Scrabble?" I asked, and asI posed the questidrt I feared the answer.- Typically, pny children will sit around a board game if I consent to do so. I don't often consent, but on this day, a cold rain had fallen for 12* hours, and they had watched every drop of it. Or in other words, drastic times call for drastic measures. SSo I braced myself for Scrabble. We may one day make it in the Booking Desk after a rousing game of Scrabble. We tend to take winning seriously--all of us--and forget about peace and good will, even when we're only days away from the observance of Christmas. Since I'm old, I try to call up all the previous shortcomings of other such gaming events, and restate the rules. Like Barney Fife, I remind that the first rule is to obey all rules'. After that, I review the rules on challenging and losing your turn. .1 review the taboo of proper nouns and remind that no one sitting around the table is forgiving. The husband, who can be vicious at board games, bowed out of this event, probably. fearing that he might be needed later for crowd control. It was a good move. I was very pleased when the elder child's first word was "coaxed." "Very good," said I; the dictionary- mom who likes words and correct spellings. The son came through with award- winning. words too, garnering a 30 for his "torque." "Very good," said I, equally pleased that reading vroom-vroom magazines can have some benefit. 'Allwas going well until the vdwels ran short., That's traditionally when the pputing begins. I think the daughter could sit over a word as long as her father can sit in a boat over a fish on a pond. The son and I are impulsive and would have jumped out of the boat by that time, and wrestled the fish to the ground. "Come on," said the brother to the sister, raising his hands in frustration. "I'm thinking," she said, not even looking up. It's interesting when dominant family traits comp through at such ordinary times. Finally, she found three letters to string together, and I knew the son would protest: "We sat around here 15 minutes, waiting for that?" he asked. "We need a timer," he proposed. "Just play," I said, glad the husband God of Peace and Rest we glean that, "Life can be tiring and frustrating at times! [and he says] come to me when you are down-- stressed out with circumstances and burdens that are weighing you down. I will give you rest." (Hugs for the Hurting 3) I believe Glen is at rest and that his spirit is in heaven with my daddy and granddaddy, that he suffers no more and that we can know in our loss that he was a sweet boy who grew into a strong man who is tortured by unfairness no more. My hope is that from Glen's tragic departing (which echoes my daddy's death of long ago) that we can learn compassion for others, compassion for ourselves and never be afraid to offer or reach out for help. I am honored to have been here with all of you who loved my brother. I believe "The Darice" by Garth Brooks lets us know that Glen too was glad to have made your 'acquaintance, been your friend and to have loved you dearly as a part of his family. Deborah A. Sheffield Lawrence Kansas .... Midweek ., -Muddle Non A: By SUSAN H. LINCOLN was on stand-by. r S a s '-'Wla'n the: soi plop&,-dnown - three letters and ended the word with an "e" that was already on the board. The word was, "rape." "Don't put that word on my board," said I, the dictionary-mom who has dominion over game boards and words. "Are you challenging?" he asked. "No, I'm not challenging," I insisted. "I'm simply offended by the word--why would you choose that word?" "Because, those are the only letters I have," he said. "You don't have a 't' or a 'c' or any other letter you can put before' your 'ape'?" I asked. '"No Mom," he said. "I only have three letters left." "Well, 'what if you just put 'ape' down?" I asked. "Then, I would miss the triple-letter score of 3 for the 'r' and this is a close game. Now Mama, you've either got to challenge--which means you'll lose your next turn--or go on with the game." I hate it when they re-state the rules to me. "Okay," I.said in a disgruntled tone, remembering all the times I had lost arguments with that child--wishing, however momentarily, that he was one of those children you could plop down in front of a t.v. for 12 hours and all he would say is, "More juice." I was so, rattled by the word which might win:' the game for him, that I resorted to an "at" just to get me through my turn. I wasn't going to win --it was clear--and after a long day at work,' the only brain cells I had left were functionifig "at" half-power. The daughter, always aspiring to be the favorite child, gave me a knowing glance, a winning smile, and turned that boy's "rape" into a "grape" with a two- point "g." "Oh thank you," I said. "You're always doing that," the son said, in protest. "You want to challenge?" I asked. He ignored the question, which was just as well, and furiously played the word that had been swirling in his head during the previous turn. At the conclusion of the game, I lost miserably and the children's scores were so close that there was peace in the village that night. As I returned the tiles and racks to the well-worn box, I looked at the word, "peace," and noted that in the gaming world, it's only worth nine points. But in the real world of families and countries? Yeah. It's priceless. Merry Christmas. Taco Times Wednesday, December 21,2005 123 S. Jefferson Street P.O. Box 888 Perry, Florida (850) 584-5513 DONALD D. LINCOLN Publisher DEBBIE CARLTON SUSAN H. LINCOLN Business Manager Managing Editor ANGELA N. CASTELUCCI BETH MANN Staff Writer Advertising Director CHARLES R. SADLER CAROLYN DuBOSE Staff Writer Promotional Advertising MARK VIOLA SARAH WEIRICK Staff Writer Classified Advertising The Taco Times (ISSN 07470967) is published each Wednesday by Perry News- papers. Inc, 123 S. Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347 Subscriptions are' $35.00 per year or $49.00 out of county. Periodicals postage paid at Perry Florida 32348. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the TACO TIMES, P.O. Box 888, Perry, FL 32348. The Taco Times welcomes Letters to the Editor reflecting responsible opinions and views on the news. Please submit letters by Monday at 5 p.m. The Taco Times reserves the nght to refuse publication of letters which are libelous or irre- sponsible Name may be withheld if circumstances so require, but all letters sub- mitted should be signed by the writer and accompanied by a phone number for verification We look forward to heanng fromyoul Our address is Perry, Newspapers, Inc., P.. Box 888, Perry, Florida 32348. e-mail newsdesk@perynewspapers.com K Member Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. __ I ' .- B-3 The Taco Times December 21, 2005 Changes in procedure Applying for food stamps? The Department of Children and. Families has changed how customers may apply for food stamps, Medicaid and cash assistance. In an effort to better serve the community, the department has launched a program called ACCESS Florida. This program increases access for citizens Maintenance: 'trivial matter' COMMITTED Continued from page 2 benches, informational pedestals, the equipment building and other things. The interest and response from ,jur community has been overwhelming and now that it's coming together, people are visiting the park every day. Last evening I went to see and talk to a 98-year-old lady, twice-retired school teacher who wanted to buy a bench in memory of four of her students who are listed under World War II on the KIA wall. As I was talking with her about our Veterans Memorial Park, I couldn't help but think about our city commissioners who are having a problem with the maintenance of the most appreciated park in all of Taylor County. With the overwhelming support by the community for our park, it would seem that maintenance of it would be a trivial matter for our elected officials. Ed Sheffield, ex-POW applying for food stamps, Medicaid, temporary cash assistance and refugee assistance by making a web-based application available. Eligible Floridians can now apply for public assistance services from any site with internet services including from , their own homes; public access computers, community access sites, as well as DCF's Service Centers. To apply for public assistance online,, log on to www.myflorida.com/accessflorida. Make room for those holiday gifts... ADVERTISE your YARD SALE in the CLASSIFIED! Holiday cheer Christmas cheer abounds at the Taylor County Tax Collector's Office in the courthouse. Santa's helpers have been busy decking the halls with garland and lights. Making sure that the stockings are hung by the chimney with care are: (left to right) Allison Bishop, Ronnette Griffin, Dana McAfee and Nina Walker. Not pictured is Wendy Parker. The custom-fit chimney was crafted by Bettie Whiddon. Can holiday policy be changed? UHRlS I MAS Continued from page 2 school and if they do not waht their children to participate. then take their children to a different classroom for the day of the party and do something else for them. Same goes for the children with allergies..Have food and candy for. them that does not contain the things that they are allergic to. If the teacher is not sure if the food and candy will have ingredients that the child is allergic to then have the parent,of the child send specially made food or candy just for that child. ;If you have ideas about how this policy can be changed so! children can celebrate'the season without creating a problem for administrators, please contact Headstart'Director Eric Scott. In closing, 1 will say this. It is a sad day indeed if we can no longer have a party for the children for Christmas. What happened to the Christmas spirit that everyone .talks about? Christmas is not only about religion it is about caring, kindness and giving that in itself deserves a party to celebrate if for nothing else. Robert Bodiford U.S. Army Retired Tresh Seajood& SteaksSince 1969 S l*SBMB.B*ffi. .HMa rI -1----------- $100off Surff-(Tuff with coupon I ridaj Saturday Sunday I 6oz. Tforida Iobster Includes Salad Bar' and.Potato Best Salad Bar in the Area Coupon epires I Limit on- I coupon per ,III person S-- -.. .... --- Yes, Virginia, there 19 a 9anta Claus, and ,- ' YES, YOU CAN -TILL FILE -. BANKRUPTCY!!! % Even though the law has changed, _' bankruptcy is still available. :'' If you've been laid off, suffered a medical crisis or are just struggling to pay bills, Call for a FREE consultation.: ANGELA M. BALL A TORNEY AT LAW 584-8960 615 N. Jefferson St. Perry, Florida ( **The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide. ask us to send you tree wr;rten information about that lawyer's qualifications and experience I I,, o >t It's Better To Give Than To lReceive... Unless Yu Can Do Both. Lake Park Outlets has everything you ieed to make your holiday shopping a snap. You'll find fashion, shoes and athletic wear for the whole family, and crystal, china and kitchenware for the home.With discounts from 20-70% off retail everyday. No mall hassles. No city traffic. Maybe there really is a Santa Claus! Treat your friends and then treat yourself to great names like Gap Outlet, Nine West, Polo Ralph Lauren Factory Store, Liz Claiborne, Reebok Outlet, Dress Barn/Dress Barn Woman, S&K Menswear, WestPoint Stevens, Christmas Factory, and over 25 more outlet stores! 957*1 REGISTER TO WIN! A $500 Shopping Spree plus 2 Platinum Passes to Wild Adventures/Cypress Gardens Register Dec. 10-22,2005 at any participating Lake Park Outlets store. Winner will be announced on air on S Dec 23,2005 on The Mix 95.7. 1-75, Exit'5 Minutes south of Valdosta 229-559-6822 Mon-Sat 9-8, Sun 10-6 ,www.lakeparkoutlets.com ---------- I, 0%1 *r A* f ft SB-4 The Taco Times December 21,2005 ^l~e |Yard Sale- Thursday-Friday-22 &23. 8 AM- 1 PM 108 Pate Street. Off Hwy. 98 stuff from several families. Something For everyone. Rained out last weekend. 12/21-23 Iir - Fender Squier II Bass Guitar with small amp and case. $175. Great for Christmas! Call 584-2230. 12/16-12/21 $275 BRAND NEW KING PILLOW TOP SET Factory sealed w/warranty. Can deliver. 850-545-7112 12/7tfnGCN I'LL CLEAN YOUR HOUSE! for competitive rates call Violet at(850) 843-1112 12/21-01/13 Moving Sale! Stainless steel refrigerator, new washer, dryer & furniture. 850-584-3998. By appointment only 12/21-23 DINING, A CHARMING NEW oak:table w/in lay, ball & claw feet, leaf, 2 arm chairs, 4 side chairs, iutChbutfle. $4500 sug, list, sacrifice $1900. 850-222-2113. 12 7tfnGCN DINING-ROOM- Brand new cherry table w/leaf, 6 chairs & lighted china cabinet. Still boxed. $900. Can deliver. 850-222- 9879 12/7tfnGCN Leather Sofa, Love seat & Chair still wrapped: Retail $3400, sell brand new with warranty- $1250. 850-425-8374 :2/7tfriGCN MATTRESS- New full set in plastic with warranty, $120. 850-222-9879 12/7tfnGCN FOR SALE- Cherry Dining room suite- table 6 chairs/ china cabinet- Cherry in color. $600. Call Mark. 850-584-6021 12/14tfnSH ' -- KLtl Blue Camel back sofa & Queen Anne style chair-$150. 19 Ft. bass boat, make offer. 584-8505. 12/14-12/30 For Sale- working Jacuzzi for the house- bath tub size $300. Call Mark at South House 850-584-6021. 12/14tfn SH 6 PC. BEDROOM SET- Brand new sleigh bed, dresser, mirror, and night stand. $575, still boxed, can deliver. 850-222-9879 .12/7tfnGCN BED, a sleigh bed including headboard, foot board & rails. NEW in box, only $275. Call 850-222-7783 12/tfnGCN House for sale- 3, bed/2 bath, Almost 2 acres of land. Corner lot. Call for details 584-9158 leave message,. 12/16-12/21 VEGGIES TO YOUR DOOR! Fresh-Picked, blanched, flash frozen, shelled zippers, butter beans, black eyes, white acres, ford hooks, cream corn, okra, green beans, broccoli, mustards & collards Free delivery every Saturday with 3 or more bushels 352-498-2580 BED-DOUBLE QUEEN PILLOW TOP SET New in plastic with warranty. $165, can deliver. 850-425-8374 12/7tfnGCN For Sale- Like new Fireplace insert. Comes with piping for the house. Complete ($300) Call Mark at South House! 850-584-6021 12/14tfnSH Bedroom- ALL NEW 7 PC set: All dovetailed, all wood-still boxed. Retail $4K. must'sell $1500, can deliver. 850- 222-2113. 12/7tfnGCN CHAIR/ LOVE SEAT/ SOFA-$850 NEW Micro fiber upholstery, hardwood frame & warranty, unopened. 850-545-7112 12/7tfnGCN Women's Cowboy r.yle boolt, 3 pr.51/2 narrow. Brand new! Women's Birkenstock and Clark sandals, sizes 7-8. All $10 per pair; Call 584-7747, 12/14-12/21 PEP Land for sale, 221 between Shiloh/Church Rd. and Cairo Parker Rd. 1 acre lots with paved roads. Owner financing available, Please call (386) 658-1346 or (850) 584- 7466. tfEF For Sale 30 acres -- Taylor County, Surrounded 'by Foley Timber & Land, planted pines, good hunting $5,000 per acre. The Forestry Company (850) 584- 8887 11/28tfTFC , PROPERTY FOR SALE, HAMPTON SPRINGS AVE. ACROSS -ROM CASHWAY CALL AFTER 6 PM 1- 312-685-3132 '11/4-12/21HM 3 BR/2BA 1998 mobile home on 2.5 acres. of land 2 miles from Gulf. Quiet, peaceful country setting. Asking $100,00 will negotiate some. 850-578-2483hm or 850- 838-4142 work ask for Sarah, For Sale- 12'Acres M/L, Just off Woodscreek Rd. Asking $4,500 per Acre .Call Lunette at 584-6708 For Renf' small furnished'sleeping room and apartment for reni Available Nov. 2. $90 per week $150 deposit phone available 838-1524 (pin #77) 10/26tfWB Southern Villas of Perryl! New Managemenl!! HUD Vouchers accepted. 1 and 2 bedroom' HC and non-HC accessible apartments. Call 850-584-8111 TDD/TTY 711. 315 'Puckett Rd Perry. FL 32347. Equal Housing Opporunity tfSV Total electric 2 Bedroom 1 bath mobile home central heat/AC $350 per month, plus $250 deposit Some restrictions apply 5843889 '2,,2llfrRB -.BRAND NEW- Choose from 2 or 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Exceeds New Gov't. Standards 275 mo. & ^rlmo, Real nice- 3 BR, 2 Full bath double wide, porch, central heat, air, gas, fireplace, water, sewer, furnished, 1 1/2 acres. $500- 600 month with $300 deposit. Call 584- 8618 12/21tfnBW 3 bed/2 bath furnished mobile home. Quiet, country neighborhood. 10 min from town, call 371-1366. If no answer leave message. 12/21-12/23 Woodridge Apartments!! Looking for applicants! Apply now for 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Equal Housing Opportunity. Call 850-584-5668. 709 W. Church St., Perry, FL 32347. TDD/TTY 711. tfWA For Rent: Small apartment with no cooking facilities (only microwave and small refrigerator), 1 private bath, living room with bed. Utilities included. 584- 8045. 12/7-12-30 For Rent A frame HouSe-Cedar Island Ideal for Couple. Available January 6, 2006. Monthly Rental. 352-498-3614 or 352-356-0707 12/7-12/23 House for Rent! 3 Bedroom/1 bath w/in-ground pool. $750 a month 1st and last months rent plus $500 security deposit up front. Available Dec. 1st Please call 584-8275, evenings or leave message. 12/14-01/27 For Rent- 3 bedroom block house 1 bath central heat/air. Near shopping Center in town. Will accept small family HUD certificate& $560 month and last month to occupy. Appointment only. No pets! 223- 3227 12/14-12/30 FIRST TIME Home buyers, if you have enough money for a deposit on an Apartment! You can probably own your own home. Call 850-576-2105. 11/4tfnUH DISCOUNTED MODELS Only 2 homes left. Must go! Save $$$$$$ Call today! I 1inrUH 5 BEDROOMI 3 Baths plenty of room. Buy for under $550 a month. 850-576-2105 11/4tfnUH- NEW HOME-1370 Sq. Ft. 4 bedroom, 2 bath 'for under $475/month payments. Unirversiry Homes-850-576-2106 1 i,'4tfriJH Old appliances that are non working or just in your way? Give me a call & we.will come pick them up! Stoves, washers, dryers, etc., Call 843-0356. 12/9-12/28 Wanted dead or alive; Junk cars, trucks, Tractors, etc. Will buy, sell & trade 4x4 & truck parts. S*M*A*S*H Towing, 386-688- 3999. 10/5tfS H E P Driver-Dedicated Regional COASTAL TRANSPORT HOME EVERYWEEKEND GUARANTEED! S65% Preloaded/Pretarped Avg. $818-$896/ week Jacksonville, FL Terminal CDL-A req'd 877-428-5627 www.ctdrivers.com 11/16tfnHTWR Full time Office Administrator position available for busy development sales office in Steinhatchee. Must be 'professional, good cominunicator, posses excellent.computer and telephone skills and be self motivated. $10 hourly. Mail resume to 'Ramona Griner, Steinhatchee Rivergate, P.O Box 899, Steinhatchee, FL 32359 or call for an appointment 352-498- 4001 12/21 Small ads...bigdeals!! VHEL Pbj . I FOR RENT 7mll A Behavioral Health Care Center is currently seeking: ADULT CASE MANAGER #2156 & #1187 A MINIMUM OF A BACHELOR'S DEGREE WITH A MAJOR IN COUNSELING, SOCIAL WORK, PSYCHOLOGY, CRIMINAL JUSTICE, NURSING, REHABILITATION, SPECIAL EDUCATION, HEALTH EDUCATION, OR A BACHELOR'S DEGREE AND TWO YEARS FULL TIME OR EQUIVALENT EXPERIENCE WORKING WITH ADULTS EXPERIENCING SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS. VALID DRIVERS LICENSE SHIFT 8 AM- 5 PM/ MONDAY-FRIDAY SALARY: $10.75.PER HOUR OR $12.92 OPS STATUS For more information and a complete listing of available positions: www.apalacheecenter.org Human Resources 2634-J Capital Circle NE, Tallahassee, FL Pre-Hire Drug Screen & FDLE background check AN Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Drug-Free Workplace 12/21-23 Receptionist Position This is-a full time position'responsible for answering multi-line telephone system, typing, filing, keeping attendance records, data entry, ordering and issuing office supplies, keeping inventory of office supplies, company newsletter, handling of incoming and outgoing company mail, and assisting all departments as needed. Must be proficient with Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel, and Publisher. Must have high school education, at least one year of general office and switchboard experience, good interpersonal skills, ability to type at least 40 correct words per minute. All applicants are subject to pre-employment drug screening and criminal background check. Please send resume to Employment Connections, 1702 South Jefferson.Street, Perry, Florida, 584-7604 Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Veteran Preference. 12/21-23ME FT position for experienced payroll specialist, HS diploma or equivalent required. PC experience required. Must be detail oriented. Benefits include health, dental, life, disability, savings, AFLAC supplemental policies, access to onsite daycare and fitness facilities. EOE; Drug free workplace,-' Criminal] iak)groun checks required. Apply in person at AC'C Personal Department Mon. through Fri., 9:00 a.m.. until 4:00 p.m., Carter Village Hall, 10680 CR 136, Dowling Park, FL; fax resume to (386) 658-5160; or visit www.ACVillage.net 12/9-12/21ACV Help Wanted Badcock and More Set up dnd delivery. Must be 19 yrs old License 'Required Good Driving Record No phone calls apply in person. 1003 S. Jefferson St. 11/11tfBC Loss Prevention Associate for K-mart, 1809 Byron Buttler Parkway, Perry, FL. Full time with benefits. Experience preferred but not required, must be able to pass background check. Apply within an EEO. 12/16-12/30KMRT REGISTERED NORSE: Ophthalmology Practice seeks RN for Ambulatory Surgery Center; PT Position, Flexible Hours 15-20 hrs; 2-3 days/week; Surgery Experience Preferred; Competitive Wages NATURE COAST REGIONAL SURGERY CENTER PERRY, FL Equal Opportunity Employer Call: 850-584-2778 Fax: 850-838-3937 12/14-12/30NC Clerk position available at Sea Hag Marina. Seeking friendly, energetic person able to multi-task with excellent phone skills. Apply in person at 322 Riverside.Dr. Steinhatchee. 11/1.1 HOUSEKEEPERS NEEDED Experienced housekeeper needed, Dependable with reliable transportation is a must. Please apply in person at Steinhatchee Landing Resort, 203 Ryland Circle, Steinhatchee, FL 32359. 352-498- 3513. 12/9tfnSL WANT TO BUY Comic Books tcollectibles-any year) Scrap Gold & Gold Silver Dollars Pocket Watches Diamonds ...Postcards Sports Memorabilia Taylor County Historical Items C Vintage metal toys/wind-up toys n'" Doctors' Memorial Hospital is now hiring for the positions listed below. Our 48-bed acute care facility offers a competitive salary and benefits package, retirement plan, and flexible sch dduling. Please fax resume to the Human Resources Department at (850) 584-0661, E-Mail to dianam@doctorsmemorial.com, or call (850) 584-0866. Clinic: Receptionist, Madison, PRN Emergency Department: Registered Nurse/Licensed Practical Nurse, Full-time Emergency Medical Tech/Licensed Practical Nurse, Full-Time EMS: Emergency Medical Tech, Full-Time Paramedic, PRN Home Health: Registered Nurse, Full-Time Licensed Practical Nurse, Full-Time Med-Surq: Registered Nurse, Full-Time, PRN Licensed Practical Nurse, PRN Certified Nursing Assistant, Full-Time, PRN Drug Free Workplace Equal Opportunity Employer p =or I GULF COAST MUAL A3' Wide ROOFING Galvalume i .3 Wide_ Fullline of T id accessories in stock Painted Special Flashings Made All Types Warranted Metal Available Cut to your desired lengths Delivery Service Available Call Toll-Free 888-393-0335 352-498-0778 Horseshoe Beach, Fl. Prestige Home Center Chiefland The Only Factory Outlet.on the West Coast NO "DOUBLE TALK" WITH OUR ADVERTISING-- NO GAMES WITH OUR PRICES! Any New Home Purchased from'Prestige Homes Includes FREE Delivery & Set-Up...PERIOD! Includes AC, Heat, Skirting & Steps No Down Payment for Landowners! (60 Other Homes to Choose From!) Eggs are Cheaper in the Country, So are Prestige Homes! N. Hwy. 19, Chieflard 800-477-2492 RN Needed RN Needed .0 Dieco~ f urinFul-im is Mnae, ul-Tm Nurses& CN. FulTieorPrtTm Cerif e~ Aciviy ireto Route Sales. Excellent income for person willing to work long hours. 2 to 4 day work. week. 850-574-3900EOE. 11/18-01/25SW Heavy Equipment Mechanic Local John Deere Dealership is looking for an experienced technician to diagnose, repair and provide general maintenance for. construction and forestry equipment. Qualified candidate must have full range of tools, be customer service oriented, and, require little supervision. Our company provides a drug-free environment with competitive pay, excellent health and dental benefits, and 401(k) Retirement & Profit Sharing Plan. 'Qualified applicants should send resume to H.R. Manager, P.O. Box 3329, Albany, GA 31706 or email resume to, hrmanager@flintholdings.com. 10/12tfFE TAYLOR COUNTY BCC POSITION VACANCIES System Administrator- Salary range: $36,504-$47,629.44 + benefits= Direct coordinate & support local area computer network. Engineer I- Salary range: $50,024- $65,269.97 + benefits+ Assist in organizing, planning & completing county engineering projects. Library Tech P/T -20 hrs. week= includes some evenings & weekends $7.29/hr. Library circulation duties. . Roll Off Attendant Call in only= may include weekend or evening work $6.18/hr. 'Substitutes at county solid waste collection sites to insure proper procedures are followed. Kennel Tech- (temporary: approximately Feb.- March) $6.49/hr. = Primarily clerical work. Entire job description, requirements and application can be obtained from www.tcfl- libinfo.com or Taylor Employment Connections, 1702 S. Jefferson Street. Beginning salaries comme-risurale w ih education and experience. F'Pjili':'nr open until filled. EEO/VP/DT/ tba,:'grund check employer. 12/14tfnBCC FT bookkeeper position in Finance:. . Accounting experience and somepost' secondary education preferred.. PC experience required. Must be detail oriented. Benefits include health, dental, life, disability, 403b savings, AFLAC supplemental policies, access to onsite Iav,:are and [;lnei;s ,,:-il;l;ie, EOE. Drug 1 o,:,ri pii.. Cr Tir ll-- i rI- oij. il T'Dlln checks required. Apply in person at ACV Personal Department Mon. through Fri.,. 9:00 a.m.. until 4:00 p.m., Carter Village . Hall, 10680 CR 136, Dowling Park, FL; fax' resume to (386) 658-5160; or visit. www.ACVillage.net 12/9-12/21ACV Technical Support Assistant wanted'at NFCC. This full-time position will serve as technical Assistant for Campus' Theater and public events, working lighting and/or sound equipment. This. position requires heavy lifting, climbing,, and a flexible work schedule which may; include rights and weekends:. Qualifications: AA/AS preferred. At least one year experience with audiovisual equipment and computers required. ' Applications to: Director HR, North Florlda Community College, 325 NW Turner Davis Drive, Madison, Florida 3.40i Only complete application pa,:cer considered. A complete packet irncdu.J-' letter of interest; resume and appli aiion'. Application and full job -description available at www.nfcc.edu. QuGe i:,,: c ,alli 850-973-9487. Application pae: l ,-iu:i be received by 12/30/2005. EOE 12/14-23 Earn $300 a day! Free information simple process. Unlimited income working from home. -' www.rdcmusiccd.com Tractors for sale 21 hp 4/wd shiburu with loader $7000. 31 hp 2/wd yanmar with loader 6900. 36 hp 4/wd yammar with loader 10,500. 42 hp John Deer 2000 model 7000. 33hp kubota with bushhog mower 6900. Jim's Discount trailers. 850- 838-7807 or 850-584-4723 11/18-12/30 Campers-2004 gulfstream cavalier 32 ft travel trailer with slide out sleeps 8 full size fridge/ceramic toilet/ducted ac/heat holding tanks etc. $12900. 2005 park model 32 ft gulfstream cavalier no holding tanks or slide out 10500. Call Jim 850- 838-7807 or 584-4723 BUCKEYE COMMUNITY FEDERAL L[EDiT 1UyNON .is offering or sale.a 2003 c' i / Ab6tor 'C"il1b VAuNi:) Nomad, 4 stroke, 2 cylinders, saddle bags, .16,600 miles. This motorcycle for $10,500 will be sold on "as is" basis and may be inspected at the Credit Union Monday through Friday from 8:30-4:30 p.m. *30/30 Riffle with gold trigger $220: 'Over & under shotgun 12 gage $150 Sw/case. Call 850-584-2888. 12/21-23 .For Sale 1994 Travel Trailer sleeps 6, Fully Equipt, 28 ft $3,500 Call 584-4921 Leave message 12/21-01/27 20 year experience, stump grinding, tree trimming, palm trees done professionally, Call John at 850-672-0290' 12/21-1/13 A+ Blanco Home Cleaning Service, (850) 672-1298, Letty Blanco, Licensed & Insured. 10/5tfBCS Clay Swindle, L.L.C., All types of remodeling, docks, decks, windows, door framing, add on additions, porches, screen enclosures, painting interior & exterior. 18 ,yrs. exp., licensed & insured. Free Estimate, call850-223-1780 or 843-1941, leave message. Commercial & Residential.. 8/5tfCS 1995 Nissan Quest mini van. Runs, will sell as is. $1,500.00 or best offer. 838- 1363 12/21-23 Toyota Tundra LTD Green V8 '01 loaded 4x4 w/ towing package & disc stereo only 47,360 mi asking $19,000. Mazda Protege '99 LX Sedan Black auto w/ override, power window, alarm 83k mi. asking $4,500. call 584-6953 or (850) 866- 9952 12/14-12/30 r- -- -- For Sale-1974 Bronco- Runs great/ new brakes/ needs some body work- Great Hunting vehicle Sale at $2800.00 Call Mark 850-584-6021. 12/14tfnSH BUCKEYE COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION is offering or sale a 2004 Chevrolet Silverado K-1500 truck, 4 wheel drive, 4 speed automatic transmission, V-8 engine, AM/FM stereo with CD player, duel zone manual air conditioner chrome wheels 21,250 miles will be sold on "as is'" basis for $19,900, and may be inspected at the Credit Union Monday through Friday from 8:30-4:30 p.m. 11/30-1 2/22 For Sale-2000 Ford Ranger 584-9158. Leave message 12/16-12/21 1986 Lincoln Towncar (white). Good transportation, looks great,.runs good, A/C Sis cold, leather. $1,200 S12/16tfLD XLL~y B-5 The Taco Times December 21, 2005 A-2-Z Farm and Lawn Services Harrowing, bush hog mowing, dirt leveling, rake work and complete lawn services. Call 584-6737, leave message. The Handyman experts, honest work! Affordable, professional, licensed and insured. Specializing in house painting, interior, etc., mobile home repairs, home maintenance, pressure washing (wood and concrete) carpet, vinyl, wood floor, ceramic tile, and repairs. Call 584-2270 (home) or 584-3776 (office). 25 years. tfJM J.D.'s Tree Service and Lawn Care. Licensed and insured. Free estimates. We also grind stumps. Call today 838-1280. Firewood for sale. tfJD TREE REMOVAL, STUMP GRINDING Free Estimates, Bucket Truck Available. Licensed & Insured, Call John (Sesock), (850)584-2027 or (850)591-8301. 10/5-9/2 TREE CAPITAL CLEANING UPHOLSTERY & CARPET CLEANING % Dries in 3-4 hours 584-CLEAN (584-2532) Found Hunting Dog white with brown & black patches with tracking collar. Found on US 98. Call 223-3011 12/21-12/23 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION In Re: The Estate of;. Case No. 05-882-CP DOROTHY E. DREYER, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of DOROTHY'.E: DREYER, deceased, whose date of death was July 26, 2005; File Number 05-882-CP is pending in the Circuit Court for Taylor County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is Post Office Box 620, Perry, Florida 32348, The homes and addresses of the co-personal representatives' and the co-personal. representatives attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedeni and other persons having claims or demands agansr .e3.eaenrt. e.rate, on whom a cppl. of This notice has Deen r'.,ea rrnusIT ie their claim.: win nls couir WITHIrl IHE LAIER OF 3 MONTHS FTER IHE DATrE OF iHE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTEi THE TIME OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF.THIS NOTICE QfO IHEM All other creditors of the aeceer t ana Other persons 'having claims or 'demands against decedentis estate must file their Claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED... NO,'TWIITHSTIflNDING THE TiME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED, The dqte of first publication of this notice. Is: DECEMBER 21, 2005. SMITH, SMITH & MOORE ATTORNEYS AT LAW, PA: : MICHAEL S, SMITH Attorney for Personal Representative Florida Bar No. 169621 P.O. Drawer 579 Perry, Florida 32348. Telephone: (850) 584-3812 Fax: (850) 584-7148 JEAN LEE RUBLE- Personal Reore:entorlve . 2521 NW 182na Street Newberry, FL 32669 NOTICE Notice Is hereby given pursuant to Section 2,13 of the City Charter of the City of Perry. Florida thot Ordinance No, 815 was ADOPTED ov The City Council on DECEMBER 13 200 ORDINANCE NO 815 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PERRY, FLORIDA,.RELATING TO THE REZONING OF LESS THAN TEN CONTIGUOUS ACRES OF LAND, PURSUANT TO AN APPLICATION BY THE PROPERTY OWNER OF SAID ACREAGE; AMENDING THE OFFICIAL OWNINGG ATLAS OF THE CITY OF PERRY LAND DEVELOPMENT ,REGulATIONS PROVIDING FQR REZONING FROM AGRICULTURAL (A) TO, COMMERCIAL INTENSIVE (CI) OF CERTAIN ISLANDS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF *HE CITY OF PERRY FLORIDA. PROVIDING FOR SEvERABILITIY REPEALING ALL OPRDrlArCES IN CONFLICT. AND PROVIDING n EFFECTIVE DATE Roben A Biown Jr Crrv Manager Emilv Weed Ketrng Mayor .' NOTICE Notice is nereby given pursuant to Section 213 of the City Charter of the City oe Perry, Florido, thot Ord;nanceNo. 814 was , ADOPTED by the City Council on DECEMBER:13 2005 ORDINANCE NO. 814 AN ORDINANCE OF.THE CITY OF PERRY, FLORIDA. RELATING TO AN AMENDMENT OF TEN OR LESS ACRES OF L AND TO THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN MAP OF IHE CITY OF PERRY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PURSUANT TO AN APPLICATION BY THE PROPERTY OWNER OF SAID ACREAGE UNDER THE AMENDMENT PROCEDURES ESTABLISHED IN SECTIONS 1636131 .THROUGH 163.3215; FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR A CHANGE IN LAND USE CLASSIFICATION FROM AGRICULTURE (LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO.1 DWELLING UNIT PER ACRE) TO COMMERCIAL OF CERTAIN LANDS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PERRY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT;. AND PROVIDING' A0 EFFECTIVE DATE. Robet A. Brown, Jr. . City Manager 'Emily Weed Ketring Mayor NOTICE Notice is hereby given pursuant toSectlon 2.13 of the City Charter' of the :City of SPerry, Florida, that Ordinance No. 813 was ADOPTED by the City Council on COUNTY FLORIDA Quallrie-a lrm'. 0 irnlll..uoii dealing oCI provide the required services must submit their quolificationsin a sealed envelope or similar package marked " Sqgled RFQ for Hearing Officer for Code Enforcqgtent Cases In Taylor Cpunty" to Wayne D, Humphries,' County Administrator, 201 E. Green Street, Perry, .-.Florida 32347, to arrive no later than S12:00 P.M., local time, on Monday, January 9 2006 All RFQ"S MUSI have the appllcarts name and mailing address clearly shown on the outside of the Envelope or package when suDmitted Once ihe PFQ oare re.-e.',ea and' appiiconis ann,:.uncced bot P.ML..' .Monday January 9 2006. the County Commission will decide who to Interview :, a helr regular meeting, to be held on : Tuesday January 24. 2006, The retainer and hourly rate will be negotiated. ,, Each applicant must. be'an Attorney at Law, be a member In good standing witr, the Florida:Bar, have a working knowledge of land use problems and '*be able to make decisions of the enforcement of the Taylor County Code of Orna.rnces,h have a working knoeiagee of Due Process and be a person willng o Ci' sen to both sides of an .issue and give a well reasonable written decision. The County reserves the right, In its sole and absolute discretion, to reject any or all RFQ's to: cancel.or withdraw.this solicitation at any time and waive any Irregularities in the RFQ process,. The County also reserves the right to accept .the.RFQ deemed to be in the County's best. interest, No faxed RFQ's.will 4?e accepted. : 'Additional information rmay be obtained from: SDanny Griner County Building Official or Don Love Code Ehforcement Officer 201P E reen Street perry FL 32347 . (600 838-3500 xl BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Taylor County, Florida 12/21,28 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Dilne Miller the holder of' the following certificate has filed said certificate for a I SERVICES .= I DECEMBER 13. 2005. ORDINANCE NO. 813 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PERRY, FLORIDA. RELATING TO THE REZONING OF LESS THAN TEN CONTIGUOUS ACRES OF LAND, PURSUANT TO AN APPLICATION BY THE PROPERTY OWNER OF SAID ACREAGE; AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS OF THE CITY OF PERRY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR REZONING FROM AGRICULTURAL (A) TO COMMERCIAL. INTENSIVE (Ci) OF CERTAIN LANDS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PERRY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING AN 'EFFECTIVE DATE, Robert A. Brown, Jr. City Manager Emily Weed Ketring Mayor NOTICE Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 2.13 of the City Charter of the City of Perry. Florida, that Ordinance No. 812 was ADOPTED by the City Council on DECEMBER 13, 2005. ORDINANCE NO. 812 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PERRY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO AN AMENDMENT OF TEN OR LESS ACRES OF LAND TO-THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN MAP OF THE CITY OF PERRY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, PURSUANT TO AN APPLICATION BY THE- PROPERTY OWNER OF',SAID ACREAGE, UNDER THE AMENDMENT .PROCEDURES ESTABLISHED IN SECTIONS 163.6131 THROUGH 163.3215, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR A CHANGE IN LAND USE CLASSIFICATION FROM AGRICULTURE (LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 1 DWELLING UNIT PER ACRE) TO COMMERCIAL QF CERTAIN LANDS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PERRY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.. Robert A. Brown, Jr, City Manager Emily Weed Ketring Mayor TAYLOR COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The Taylor County 6,:,ald of County Commissioners is soliciting sealed RFP's for the sales, installation and training for a CML ECS-1000 and- necessary equipment/software to equip a backup PSAP for the Taylor County 911 system Qualified firms or Individuals desiring to .provide the required services must .submit nine (9) packages in a. sealed envelope or similar package marked "Sealed RFP for Taylor County 911 Selective Router" to the Clerk of Court, " 1st Floor Courthouse, 108 North Jefferson Street, Suite 102, or P.O. Box 620, Perry, Florida 32348, to arrive no later than 4 .aM. :.loal time, on 1/9/2006. All RFP's =S have the respondent's name and mailing address clearly shown on the outside'of the envelope or package when submitted. 'RFP's will be opened and respondent's announced at 6:20 P.M. local time, or as soon thereafter as practical, on, 1/9./12006 in the Taylor County Administrative Complex, Old Post Office, 201. East Green Street Perry, Florida 32347. RFP Information MUST be obtained from the Clerk of Court, 'IstFloor Courthouse, 108 North Jefferson Street, Suite 102, or P.O. Box 620, Perry, Florida 32348, (850) 838- 350 .,. .... ...:. ,, he' County reserves the -right -in-its soie and absolute discretion, to reject any or Sail RFP's, to cancel or withdraw this bid solicitation at any time and waive any irregularities in the RFP process. The County reserves .the right to award any 'contract to the :respondent which'it deems to offer the: best overall service; therefore, the County is not bound to award any contract based on the lowest quoted 'price: The County, in Its sole, and absolute discretion, blso reserves the right to waive 'any minor defects in the process and,to accept the bid deemed to be In the County's best interest. The County, in Its sole and obsolete discretion, also reserves the right to assign, a local business preference In an amount of five (5) percent of the bid price. No faxed RFP's will be accepted. Additional information may be obtained from: Ken palton/911 Coordinator 'lo0N Jeffersri St Perryv.FL32347 tf50) 584-2429 ext 219 12/21,28 *AYLOr, COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 'NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR QuALiFICall.AT)r (RFQ'S) The Taylor County Board of County Cpmmlssioners is soliciting sealed RFQ's "for a HEARING OFFICER FOR COPE ENFORCEMENT CASES FOR TAYLOR I LEGALS tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are follows: Certificate No. 447 Year of Issuance: 1999 Description of Property: PARCEL No. RO5686-100 Commence at the Southwest corner of NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of section 34. township 4 south range 7 east: thence run north 302.3 feet to north railway right- of-way: thence run northeast along railroad right-of-way 620 feet: thence run north 300 feet: for a point of beginning: .thence northeast parallel to railroad right-of-way 220 feet: thence run North 120 feet: Thence run southwesterly parallel to railroad right-of-way 220 feet: thence run south 1.20 feet to the point of beginning. Name in which assessed Tommy M Edwards Said property being in the County of Taylor, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described is such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the courthouse door on the 3rd day of January, 2006 at 11:00 o'clock a.m. Dated this 28th day of November, 2005. Annie Mae Murphy Clerk of Circuit Court Taylor, County, Florida 11/30,12/7,12/14,12/21 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Diane Miller the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a .tax deed to be Issued thereon. The certificate number and year of Issuance, ,the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are follows: Certificate No. 201 Year of Issuance: 1999 Description of Property: PARCEL No. R02944-000 CO'r Ir.1,ErE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF Iri" i; OF SE1/4 OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 4, SOUTH RANGE 7 EAST; RUN 30 FEET RUN WEST 315 FEET; RUN NORTH 210 FEET; RUN EAST 420 FEET; RUN SOUTH 105 FEET; RUN WEST 105 FEET; RUN SOUTH 105 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. 1.75 ACRES MORE OR LESS. Name in .. r,':rn assessed MURIEL M .MIXON - SSaid property 'being''in the County of Taylor, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeermed 'according to law, the 'property described Is such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the courthouse .door on the 3rd day of January, 2006 at 11:00 o'clock a.m: .Dated this 28th day of November, 2005. Annie Mae Murphy Clerk of Circuit Court Taylor, C.-.urr. Fl.'.rd.ja 11/30,1 '. I., I -I .' L NOTICE: LIEN SALE Notice.is hereby .given to TOPEKA MATHIS, 2239 S. BYRON BUTLER PKWY, ROOM 141 PERRY,FLORIDA, 32348 unless payment is made on Unit B-22 (Contents:, household goods), contents will be sold on or after the 26th day of December, 2005, at Handy Rentals Self Storage, 900 Industrial Park Dr., Perry, FL 32348. 9/23-9/30 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The administration of the estate'of Eugenia Elaine Morgan, Case No. 05- 858CP filed in the Circuit Court of the Taylor County, Florlda, Taylor County Courthouse, P.O. Box 620, Perry, Florida 32348; Personal Representative Valerle Anne Blaske, 101 Mangum-Close Road, Perry, Florida 32348; Attorney for the Personal Representative is William W Blue, Blue & Byers, PLLC, 115 W. Bay .Street, Perry, FL 32347. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED.THAT: All persons .Upon whom this notice is served who have objections that challenge the qualifications of the personal representative venue or jurisdiction of this Court are required to file their objections with this court, and all creditorss of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice Is served must file claims against the estate with the above court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST "PUiBLICATION-OF THIS NOTICE PR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the decedent's estate must file their claims with this court on WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE 'TlRT- PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND OBJECTIONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The first date of publication of this notice Is December 14, 2005 12/14,12/21 . Get your hands on a Taco Times and Perry News-Herald and find out what Taylor County is all about Mon-Fri 9:00-5:30 Sat. 10-2, Sun. by appt. Hearing Aids * Expert Fitting *Highest Quality All Makes & Models In Perry Monday to Friday L- SUBSCRIBE TODAY! $35 (in county) $49 (out of county) P.O. Box 888 Perry, FL 32348 or come by our office at 123 S. Jefferson St. 584-5513 FRITH ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. ' Owners & Mortgage Title Insurance Policies Title Searches Real Estate Closings 501 N. Byron Butler Pkwy. Perry, Fl. 850-584-2672 TAYLOR DENTAL CENTER North Florida Medical Centers, In&- Lindalee Clayton, DMD Jodi Bryson, RDH T lr Services include: j -? Cleanings <-* Fillings Extractions Slide fee program available for those who qualify Medicaid & Commercial Insurances Accepted 409 E. Ash St. Perry, Fl. 32347 Phone: (850)223-2578 Fax: (850) 223-3047 BIG BEND HOSPICE- Support For Life's Journey When someone you love is diagnosed with a life- limiting illness, let Big Bend Hospice help you through the physical, emotional ard.' s-" spiritual journeys you will facie 1723 Mahan Center Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32308 : - (850) 878-5310. ,, www.bigbendhospice.org R.W. MEISSNE & ASSOCIATES, CIVIL ENGINEER SERVICES BUILDING PLANS RENOVATIONS HOMES COMMERCIAL RIN INC. RING---7 _.- PERMITS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SUWANNEE RIVER WMD SITE DEVELOPMENT PARKINGsLOTS 216 W. MAIN STREET PERRY, FLORIDA 32347 PHONE # 850-584-3887 E-MAIL: rwmi@gtcom.net I Need Contact Len SOrder c Accenteye or cal ;r: i ~ ra-~ r ~ :L I~L~~ i:t rr`L ~i' : in the web at: 9carecenter.com 1 584-2200 Dr. Michael Walby Optometric Physician CONTACt- i LENSES ._-.I -.4 . ' 1 '!. :. < B...-. / -, . Smyrnios Painting, LLC SResidential Commercial (FREE ESTIMATES) Gus and Manuel Smyrnios 8B 850-223-1402 SLi850-223-3 595 Licensed/Insured Contractor Not listed i7 the Yellow Pages? Let our Commercial Connection work for you! Get more than 265,000 copies of your business cards printed and delivered every week to your customers and potential customers over the next 12 months. AFFORDABLE Air Conditioning , xHeating inc. 30 years experience 850-58464477 (leave message) Reduce your electrical cost... bring your system up-to-date Lic. #CAC058206 and Insured BIGGER BETTER BUILDINGS Residential Commerical A-Frame Carports & Garages Free Delivery & Set-Up In-House Financing Big Bend Buildings 1700 S. Byron Butler Pkwy. 584-2260 (formerly Donna's Unlimited) _ I I ----- 1 .,3 _ I I -I I I .-..;. .-j I I-~I wi ' Heather Mosley, office manager Shane & Diane Knowles, owners PI Yo :R 4v Co1\41\4E:,,,R,' I E I f 4 i - ... - .z . i -- jl r. I B- The Taco Times December 21,2005 At the Booking Desk i Editor's note: It is the policy of this newspaper to run the names of all those arrested and booked at the -Taylor County Jail. All those listed -*below have been charged with a crime, but are considered innocent until.proven guilty. ov. 18: --Dawn Couey, 30, 2665 Benard Johnson Road, retail theft, Ptl. :Kelly, PPD. Nov. 26: Owen Wade Raulerson, 36, \ Beach Road, leaving the scene of an accident, DUI; DWLS/R, Ptl. Cooper, PPD. Dec. 2: Deborah S. Klotzsche, 50, 404 SW Santa Fe Drive, Ft. White, resisting arrest without violence, trespass after warning, Dep. :TuICker, TCSO, Dec. 3: Miichael Ryan Padgett, 19, 3339 Quail Street, retail theft, Ptl. Campbell, PPD. Dec. 3: James L. Cook, 19, 116 Williams Street, domestic assault, disorderly conduct, Ptl. Reis, PPD. SLeon Wallace Bethea, 37, Bethea Road, domestic battery, Dep. Lundy, TCSO. Dec. 4: Curtilias Denise Mango, 24, 1200 S. Schwartz Street, FTA for unlawful .alteration of a tag, Ptl. Kelly, PPD. Jermaine Jermal Flanders, 20, 1401 S. Parker Street, disorderly conduct, possession of less than 20 grams cannabis, Ptl. Kelly, PPD. Dec. 5: Mite Loranzia Buzbee, 19, 1607 South Old Dixie Hwy., VOP for positive urinalysis, Ptl. Gorby, PPD. Boyd Wellington Warf, 46, 408 N. Calhoun Street, VOP for DUI and DWLS, Ptl. Sunderland, PPD. Heather Mae Arieux, 19, P. O. Box 694, fighting or baiting JAPCARPET We Also CARPETS WOOD FLOORS Carpet VINYL BINDING Travel CERAMIC CUSTOM DESIGNED Trailers, -.REPAIRS 'AREA RUGS Campers -203 E. Drew St. (across from Robbie's Seafood) & Boats Hours: Mon.- Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-12 FIANCING James Musslewhite, owner Licensed & Insured Visa MC *AmEx FINA m* AVAILABLE U- "IS ONE YEAR'S SALARY ENOUGH LIFE INSURANCE" 7 74 CALL ME TO FIND OUT HOW MUCH LIFE INSURANCE YOU REALLY NEED. Mark Pelt, Agent 584-5188 AlIlail. 1 000A Jefferson St. You'er in good hands. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company, Allstate Indemnity .Company and Allstate Life Insurance Company, Home Office: Northbrook, :;llinois., 2002 Allstate Insurance Company animals (attending), resisting arrest without violence, Dep. McKenzie, TCSO. Thomas R., Craft, 20, 596 Azelia Lane, Vero Beach, VOP'for aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, Dep. Thompson, TCSO. David Woodrow Habbord, 40, 125 Poppell Drive, fighting or baiting animals, resisting arrest without violence, Dep. McKenzie, TCSO. Michael, Lee Paul, 20, 3383 Harrison- Blue Road, fighting or baiting animals (attending), resisting arrest without violence, Dep. McKenzie, TCSO. Lance Devin Foskey, 19, 172 Jackson Road, fighting or baiting animals (attending), resisting arrest without violence, Dep. McKenzie, TCSO. R. J' Blair, 29, 1203 N. Cherry Street, fighting or baiting animals (attending), 'resisting arrest without violence, Dep. McKenzie, TCSO. Edward Donald Blair, 63, 2428 A. Young Road, fighting or baiting animals, Dep. McKenzie, TCSO. Correction Due to incorrect information obtained from' the Taylor County Sheriff's Office, Sim Russell Woods, 31, was inadvertently listed as having been arrested for criminal mischief and disorderly conduct. It was Sim Edward Woods, 56, who should have appeared in the Booking Desk on those charges. NEXTELI STRCLLLY CELLULAR 850-223-1900 Monday Friday 8:30 am until 5:00 pm. 1306-A South Jefferson Street, Perry, FL. ._, ., ... ..... .. ,%.4 . .a . .. .. .: . (352) 498-7001 it i i whitening in at NEXEL'. Cross City Dental, PA Stephen M. Henry DMD David R. Schneck DMD New Patients Welcome 117 NE Hwy. 351 Cross City, FI. b te aor bout an hour STRICTLY CELLULAR I 850-223-1900 S Monday Friday 8:30 am until 5:00 pm. 1306-A South Jefferson Street. Perry, FL. ... .. .. .,. :. ,......... .... - .~ ,l,.' -.r .. .. ... ... .-. -. .. *- : .., . II.rN-f:...,.'L. fI ,W4-." 1i Lw*- ,.4t... .f |l*jrotl <4 -~ *".4r.,444 *i . .*' j L.I. ,- * Where will you go if The Region's First Accredited Chest Pain Center Why is this designation important? Because heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the, United States and this year alone, 600,000 people will die from heart disease, most of those from heart attacks. SCapitaliRegional Medical Center's Chest Pain Center offers a protocol driven and systematic approach to patient management and was the first in our community. Our physicians and Emergency Department staff are specially trained to recognize symptoms and react more quickly in order to save lives. Where should you go if you have chest pain? The Chest Pain Center at Capital Regional'Medical Center. 2626 Capital Medical Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32308 850-325-5000 www.capitalregionalmedicalcenter.com ~ CAPITAL REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 1., -i: : whiter brighter ATTENTION HOLIDAY SHOPPERS: EASY TO WRAP. EASY TO SAVE. 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SOUTH HOUSE IN PERRY 7 BLOCKS WEST OF COURTHOUSE AT U.S. 19-27 S1 'P L ,, ' I I MMM- 7" I p . 141 10 l~b"4: ~ i ibllilil~kl~l ~~ $399*99 1(0'040 i 1 L 42586365 F ftedLr! ON GREAT DEALS FOR CHRISTMAS lT SOUTH HOUSE DAYBEDS FUTON BEDS IN STOCK METAL & WOOD 55" BIG SCREEN TV PHILLIPS HDTV READY $1,499.99 ALL [, 1) (7) jLA) NEED CASH FORI LAMPS 30% OFF Jewelry Rings Bracelets Chains *(^S;, .. DVD's VCR's $169.99 19", 25", 32", 36" $119.99 TV's All in Stock MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL S$99.99 27" 'TV VCR/DVD COMBO W/REMOTE $469.99 WASHERIDRYER S WHIRLPOOL ONLY 4 SETS LEFT! $599.99 SET DISHWASHER ESTATE WHIRLPOOL BLACK $259.99 mI- -- 'W - IF, "Ou PrcesAr B e l s TB SOUTH HOUSE IN PERRY 7 BLOCKS WEST OF COURTHOUSE AT U.S. 19-27 i =" $~30 4% h Ib~ ~1/3ri i'l VACUUM SUPPLIES J, ORECK 0 VACUUM CLEANERS $299.99 & JEWELRY 1 0 50%. OFF SELECT ITEMS I1,.-- CEDAR CHESTS 27" TV DVD/VCR COMBO $189.99 HARDWOOD Great Deal! $3 CARPET IN STOCK $469.99 VINYL IN STOCK L STARTING AT $3.99 YARD CERAMIC TILE 99 ( SQ. F. K*~- .;.i : -. i! **TT ,ft xff~f~ MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL $99.99 ALL ENTERTAINMENT - i CENTERS 25% OFF GLIDER ROCKERS $199.99 PORCH a-ii SAVE . NOW! '99.99 '-.-; -, -*- '.: WA WATERx WATER SYSTEM GET RID OF RUST ER/DRYER WHIRLPOOL ONLY 4 SETS LEFT! $599.99 SET BAR STOOLS ALL RECLINERS 20% OFF 30% OFF 60" BIG SCREEN TV $1,799.99 Souh ous-i I d SOUTH HOUSE IN PERRY 7 BLOCKS WEST OF COURTHOUSE AT U.S. 19-27 IE 1 T; -d, : rt; bAA ,'Tt~kyy' *~' a g~ ON ALL PREMIUM QUALITY MATTRESS SETS BY JAMISON PER SET A K;! r,, WE ALSO HAVE SERTA BEDDING IN STOCK EVEN AT THESE PRICES WE TAKE TRADE-INS! --1 iQ ,: IQM 4; , L. , " .I: I I I"I &tj * c #i J j li-v7 14 7IHWT Souh osei HOETW Owned: uLSa' "O ur rce- r Um ttrA lw ys I SOUTH HOUSE IN PERRY 7 BLOCKS WEST OF COURTHOUSE AT U.S. 19-27 jc tr 7.1 -, ., 4 ~Y ir ' r -i- "L r:s ,--q IH 1s v iuF for, 'r/ L |