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-.-. ... Taylor County a Since 1961 50O ie Midweek Edition 101naeswee News Forum Boyd rep here today A member of Congressman Allen Boyd's slatf will be in Perry today (Wednesday), from 9:30-11:30 am. at the Supervisor of Elections Office in the Taylor County Courthouse Boyd's slaff is trained to assist constituents with a variety of issues relating to various federal agencies. Coats needed as temperatures drop It's cold outside and some Taylor County students do no have coats to keep them warm. A coat collection drive is now underway. Please donate new or used coats for children ages three and up at Thomas Chevrolet, the designated collection point. For more information contact Lynn Harper at (cell) 843-1165. Students start Christmas break Taylor County students begin their Christmas holidays with an early dismissal Friday, Dec. 16. Teachers return to work Monday, Jan. 2; students return to classes Tuesday, Jan. 3. Fund-raiser will benefit local families A fund-raiser will be held at Wal- Mart Friday, Dec. 16, through Sunday, Dec. 18; benefittig three local families in need. Pizza, donated by Domino's and Pizza Hut, wil be sold for $2 a slice. r? kTA*iL" lagarag Sii ~, '' *v .- : Ii --Is SBoyd visits :Taylor seniors Congressman Allen Boyd --.. was in Perry Monday K |,& visiting seniors at the Taylor County Senior -4 W-. Center. While he spoke on i 1 several national issues, such as Social Security and t.t Medicare reform, he spent I much of his time thanking the seniors around him. Wi "You sacrificed during World War II and during the Cold War and Vietnam," he said. "Thank you for the work you've done." Above, Boyd speaks with several Seniors, answering questions and sharing stories. Left, Boyd poses with Myra Mercer, 98, # whp .proudly claims she 'i^ takes no prescription Medicine. ^ "*"***'* ** Reward sti Here comes Santa..- n an airboat! Santa arrives at. Keaton Beach' aboard his trusty airboat Saturday, Dec. 17, at 11 a.m. '. iChildren are invited to share their. wish lists with Santa at Hodges.Park. At 1 p.m., the Taylor Coastal Communities Association (TCCA) will host its annual Christmas parade. Local residents are invited to decorate their golf carts, bikes and other vehicles to participate. Line-up will 'begin a the public boat ramp. Siren test planned Dec. 20 The Taylor County Office of Emergency Management will be conducting a test of the Emergency Siren System Tuesday, Dec. 20, from 10 am. to 1 p.m. "Residents and visitors of our, coastal communities will hear the sirens, but this is only a test of the system," Director Brianne Hoover said. Index Living...page A-4 Sports...page A-6 Religion...page A-7 Community...page B-1 Editorial...page B-2 C.lassifieds...page B-4 Law enforcement officials are still asking the community for help in locating the suspecl(s) involved in the break-in and criminal mischief at Martin-Marietta Aggregates Rock Mine last month. \ which caused approximately $40,000 in damages and shut dow n the plant for two days. Plant Manager Dan West lost no time in offering a $5,000 cash reward through Taylor County Crimestoppers. for information Beaver dam blamed for flooding at Spring Creek A beaver dam blamed for flooding along the banks of Spring 'Creek \%as partially dismantled Tudalay by city personnel. Several homeowners along the creek reported flooding in their backyards. leading to the discovery of the dam. Some other minor flooding upstream from the dam was also visible, including in a field bordering Jefferson Street. The dam. approximately 75 yards east of Highway 19, had raised water levels upstream forcing the creek over its banks. The pressure of the stream formed several leaks in the dam, but the majority of the water found a new path around the dam through the neighboring woods. forming a small cascade in the process. City personnel dismantled a section of the dam Tuesday morning, allowing the creek to follow its regular course. According to City Public Works Director Barney Johnson, the process took about an hour. This was the fourth such beaver dam built in the area, Johnson.said- -. Please see page 2 Local teen recovering A Taylor County High School senior who sustained life- threatening injuries in a one- vehicle car crash in September is now receiving around-the-clock intensive physical therapy in Jacksonville, the next stepin what family and friends call "his road to recovery." Thomas Matthew Hooper, 17, \\ s driving south on County Road 259 in Jefferson County on Sept. 4, % hen he was unable to keep his car on the road while executing, a cure. according to reports filed with the Florida Highway Patrol. Hooper %was taken to Tallahassee Memorial .Hospital by Jefferson County Emergency Medical Services, where he was listed in critical condition in the Neuro- Intensive Care Unit. , Hooper broke his neck in the crash, but did not sever his spinal cord, according to co-workers Paul Wilson and Ann Hartman of askSam Systems and Gulf Internet where Hooper worked: "He also broke a leg and had numerous other injuries." ,* Please see page 2 Thomas Hooper Still no ruling in Masses Although no definitive ruling has been made in the death of a 25- year-old Perry man who died from gunshot wounds received during the 3erly morning hours of Sunday, Nov. 13, law enforcement officers are assuring the public that the investigation is going .well and every lead,is being followed. out for suspects) leading to the arrest and conviction of those involved. According to a report filed by Taylor County Sheriff's Office Dep. Rusty Davis. a call came into dispatch. when workers in the scale house (where trucks are loaded and weighed in and out) reported, at approximately 4:35 a.m., that a break-in had taken place The workers also reported that no one had been in the office since the Friday prior. ' *. 3 "When I entered the office." said Davis. "I noticed that several computers, copiers. fax machines and other office equipment had been destroyed." Da\ is said all the w indo\s in the company's fleet of dump trucks had also been busted out West also reported that 8.000( gallons of diesel fuel and 800 gallons of gasoline had been discharged onto the ground from above\ -ground storage tanks. -- -II. --~r a. '- I- A Taylor toddler casts a suspicious glance at Santa while her sister, left, rears back for a better look. The State Environmental Protection Agency was notified and soon arrived on the scene for an inspection. West said nothing had been stolen from the plant during the break-in, but.a considerable loss to the company had been incurred during the two-day shutdown.. TCSO is asking for anyone with information on the break-in or any Please see page 2 ,'s death "We have had a very large number of rumors and statements given from different people on this case," said Florida Department of La. Enfoircemenr Officer Phillip Kiracofe, "and we're having, to track down each and every one of them.: "We are making sure that everything is done right before we can make a ruling of suicide, accidental death or murder," he' added. "At this point, we have the medical examiner's report, but without other reports stemming from that in our hands and having all. the. information we need to make an informed decision, it would be irresponsible of us to make a conclusion at this.early point." Taylor Courity Sheriffs Office Inv. Donna Lee, who is working closely with FDLE investigators in the case, echoed his sentiments.. "We just cannot say, at this point, one way or another." she said, "but ,- Please see page 3 Santa shares a sweet smile with two youngsters who joined him for breakfast Saturday. Santa, I've been really, really good... A silver-haired Santa was the star attraction at the second annual Break-fast with Santa event hosted by the Perry Elks Lodge Saturday, Dec. 10. From babies in arms to gapped-tooth youngsters, everyone took a turn shanng their special wish list with the man of the hour. Assisting with the event were a number of teen helper-elves from Taylor County Middle School and Taylor County High School who penned the following tribute to the day: "Twas the night before the Santa Breakfast when all through the town of Perry--not a creature was stirring, not even little Larry. "The stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hopes that St. Nicholas was in the air. "The children were nestled all snug in their beds while visions of toys and yummy pancakes danced in their heads. "The Elks in their kitchen sure made quite a clatter, and much help was needed climbing a tall decoration ladder. "When out of nowhere came many night owl teens, bubbly and carefree, adorned in sweatshirts and jeans. They were eager to assist ... Please see page 3 i; ......~. c ' ~ LWLiE~ A-2 The Taco Times December 14, 2005 City workers spent about an hour Tuesday morning creating a large hole in the beaver dam that had been built across Spring Creek. City tears down; beaver rebuilds ,-,r, The beaver dam above was located after several residents along Spring Creek reported flooding in their backyards. The dam is the fourth one that has been built in the area. The creek overflowed its banks and flowed through the woods around the dam, creating a miniature cascade. BEAVER DAM Continued from page 1 "We keep tearing them down, and he keeps rebuilding," he said. Three of the dams, including mis latest one, nave been in locations that could be reached by equipment to dismantle them. "The other, dam we had to dismantle by hand;" he said. SSeveral hours after the city workers were through, the flooding around the dam had noticeably lessened, although the water behind the dam was still somewhat higher than downstream. Hooper 'makes general improvements every day' TEEN Continued from page 1 At TMH, Hooper was comatose, on life-support and things were looking "pretty grim." Today, Hooper is in Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital in Jacksonville, where he having to learn rudimentary skills again. 'With partial paralysis, Hooper surprised doctors and thrilled his. family recently when he learned to whistle and move a joystick with one of his hands. SBuckeye has announced several promotions recently out of its Memphis, Tenn., offices. F. Gray' Carter will become Vice President, Purchasing' and Logistics. Carter, xho previously served as company's vice president, Commercial Development-Cotton, ivill lead the company's Purchasing and Logistics organization. Carter,, formerly of Perry, graduated from North Carolina State University with degrees in Chemical Engineering and Pulp & Paper Science & Technology. He joined Procter & Gamble, Buckeye's predecessor company, in 1984 and has held positions of increasing responsibility in both manufacturing and commercial operations. "Thomas is breathing on his own and is making general improvements every day," said' Wilson. "According to his mom, this is going td be a long, slow process and he still needs the thoughts and prayers of his community to help see him through this." Wilson .will travel to Jacksonville next week to visit Hooper, and asks that if anyone would like to purchase a DVD for Elizabeth J. \\elter will-'bec'Dht Vice President and Chi f Accounting Officer. Welter, Who previously served as the Company's Vice "President, Corporate Accounting and TreaSurer, will provide overall leadership for the Finance and Accounting organization. Ms. Welter graduated from Ohio Northern University, obtained an MBA from the University of Toledo and is a Certified Management Accountant. After holding various financial positions' in the elevator industry, she joined Buckeye in 1993 and was elected .,Vice President, Corporate Accounting in 1997. Chad P. Foreman was elected Treasurer and Investor Relations Manager. Foreman, who previously served.as Corporate Controller and Investor Relations him to watch or other gifts, please drop them off at AskSam Systems at 121 South Jefferson, next to the offices of Perry Newspapers, Inc. by Tuesday evening (Dec. 20). "There .is going to be a special celebration this year for Thomas," said Wilson. ''Not only will he celebrate Christmas and just the fact that he is alive, -but Wednesday, Dec. 21 is his 18th birthday." Hooper cannot speak as of yet, I M.nirecr. will. lIad the!.tompalys:i treasury activities, serve as the primary interface with the external financial community and support business development efforts. Foreman graduated from the University of Central Florida, obtained an MBA from the University of Georgia and is a Certified Public Accountant. Prior to joining Buckeye in 2000, he was a financial analyst at.Federal Express and has experience in public accounting. Steven G. Dean will become SController for the Company. Dean, who previously served as Specialty Fibers Division' Controller, will provide overall financial Ieadership for business operations. Mr. Dean graduated .- Please see page 3 It's Better To Give Than To Receive... Unless You Can Do Both. Lake Park Outlets has everything you need to make Sour holiday shopping a snap. You'll find fashion, shoes and athletic wear for the whole family, and crystal, china and kitchenware for the home. With discounts from 20-70% off retail everyday. SNo:mall hassles. No citytraffic. Maybe there really is a Santa Claus! Treat your friends and then treat yourself to great names like Gap Outlet, Nine West, Polo Ralph Lauren Factory Store, Liz'Claiborne,,Reebok Outlet, Dress Barn/Dress Barn Woman, S&K Menswear, WestPoint Stevens, Christmas Factory, and over 25 more outlet stores! REGISTER TO WIN! 9 A $500 Shopping Spree plus 2 Platinum Passes to Wild Adventures/Cypress Gardens Register Dec. 10-22,2005 at any participating Lake Park Outlets store. Winner will be announced on air on Dec 23,2005 on The Mix 95.7. j-9 1-75, Exit 5 Minutes south ofValdosta 229-559-6822. Mon-Sat 9-8, Sun 10-6 www.lakeparkoutlets.com said Wilson, but may accept calls all week except for Tuesdays and Thursday, the only days.when at least one of his parents is not with him. "He can understand everything," said Wilson, "but he will probably have to learn to speak again. Right now he is talking through his parents by blinking his eyes for answers." . You may reach Hooper or a family member by mailing to: Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital, 3599 University Blvd. South, Jacksonville, FL., 32202 or calling (904) 858-7600. "Thomas is a great guy who: didn't deserve this," said Wilson.'- "He was down--as hurt as someone can be--but being Thomas, he has fought back to the point where he is at now. Keep those prayers. coming." Call Crimestoppers: 888-521-1113 REWARD Continued from page 1 other crime to call 584-4225 (TCSO) or 584-2429 (dispatch) or C ( L Your savings insured to S100.000 NCUA National Credit Union Adminstation " a U.S. Government Agency Crimestoppers hotline at 888-521- 1113. All callers may remain anonymous.. "We're running down several leads," said Davis, "but we can really use help from the community. We've'received a lot of help in the past from the general public, so we're asking again. If you have information about this burglary, or any other crime, please call." ) ) 1825 S. Jefferson St. Perry, FL 32348 Other advancements listed Buckeye promotes Carter .9anta Claus will have lots of treats for the kids at BUCKEYE COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Wednesday, Dec. 21 1:00 5:00 p.m. "Community Minded Just Like You" E101. Mir -- A-3 The Taco Times December 14, 2005 Good will is served along with 'Breakfast with Santa' - Saturday's "Breakfast with Santa",was a family affair with,, parents joining their children as they shared their Christmas wishes. Acting as Santa's helpers were students from the local' middle and high schools. Officers plead for citizens' patience i . MASSEY Continued from page 1 : can say that the investigation is. going %ery well and we ,are Collecting a lot of information \which, hopefully, will allow uS to SBuckeye products are sold worldwide BUCKEYE .. SContinued from page2 - from 'Millsaps College and obtained an MBA from, . Northwestern. Unhi crsl'. Prior' to joining Buckeye. in 1999,' h held ,various 'financial positions at '-Thomas &.Betts and Hewlett- Packard. '. Buckeye,,a leading manufacturer and marketer of specialty fibers ..and nonwoven' maierijals is ':headquartred in Miemphis, Tennessee, USA. The company 'currenil. operates facilitics,in the ,United States, Germany, Canada, and Brazil. Its products are sold' Worldwide to makers of consumer " and industrial goods. Ho! ft Every SSunday til Christmas ( 1:00-5:00 1 '25 South Jefferson St. 850-223-1360 (cell) 850-838-9982 ! i .. I make,the rihit decision in the end." Lee also pointed out, for those who are spreading the harshest rumors, "If we-thought that people in the Ocean Pond Road area or anywhere else in our county, were in danger, we would say so. These things take time, and we ask that everyone be patient so that we c.at do our job to the best of our .abilities." SANTA Continued from page 1 with much chatter, it was way past their bed times, but that didn't matter. "They garnished tables with candy & crayons everywhere, and placed shiny paper on the giant gifts with care. "Creating and toiling this day for the kids' this special 10th day of.December; hoping all details they did remember.. "Before they knew it the sun had risen and the day had begun to glisten. "The scent of a hot breakfast drew quite a crowd for the Elks breakfast gave over 200 children the energy of a revved up engine. "The Elks' servers kept the buffet line flowing--they whistled, and shouted, and called for: "More sausage, more pancakes more syrup, more eggs and grits, and they filled every plate on request. "Children's tummies were full as they grinned ear to ear for we fed over 350 people breakfast this year. "Breakfast came to a close and the excitement began to grow. "After a short wait, each child walked the red carpet runway to Santa's chair, little' boys with suits and little girls with fancy dresses and bows in their hair. "On Santa's lap each child sat where they discussed their wants and wishes S"Flashes flashed and parents waved as the children gave Santa Great big kisses. "Then came the elves bearing gifts, each child left Santa's lap with waondefffi-prfentl~atey couldn't resist. "The looks on their faces. showed sheer delight and as they held their stuffed Santas very tight. "'What a grand day this Second Annual Breakfast became, for everyone involved would never be the same. "There would be no trouble sleeping tonight because it was so much fun from dark to daylight." Program chairman Deidra McRory Newman extended special thanks "to Taylor County School . District employees and Perry Elks members who sponsored children who otherwise would not- have been able to attend." She also recognized Santa's helpers: Sonja (DeeDee) Dowdell, Hannah Allbritton, Emily Newman, Deyla Gantt, Mindy .Veal, Logan Parker, Colby Robertson, Marybeth Clark and 'Annabelle Edwards. Westernm Wear Tack aCiELLE' . 3180 Hwy. 19 South Mon. Sat. 10:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m.'& Sun. 12:00:- 5:00 p.m.. Extended hours through Christmas ': .: -. - Gift Certificates Gift Wrapping Available DISCOUNTS throughout the store! Ropes by: Work Boots Jeans By: Tack * Classic' (available in steel toe) Wrangler Room * Cactus Justin Rocky Grooming & * Fastback Georgia Cruel Girl Health Products * Williard Rocky Laoted Saddles & * Grant John Deer (available in low rise) Accesories N * Gold Buckle Thorogood a Jewelry Montana Silversmith PORTABLE WAREHOUSES Rent to Own--No Credit Check Sponsors for the event included: Bassett's Dairy, Buckeye Community Federal Credit Union, Capital City Bank, Cashway Building Products, Citizens Bank of Perry, His, Hers & Ours Salon & Spa, Perry Insurance, Tree 8 PM Friday : .Tea Tasting Ch ristmas fo% me 300/0 off Capital Credit Union, Ware Oil, Yarbrough Tires, GTCom and the Perry Elks Lodge. "If you would like to be the major sponsor for next year's Breakfast with Santa call 223- 3612," Newman said. tPEIIp ril 8day Friday iDecor Sisters' Mercantile Sft Boutique 'Tea Rom (850) 838-2021 121 East Green Street Limited Quantities 115 E. Green St. 838-3852 Friday, Dec. 16.8:00 am 8:00 pm Biggest Sale of the Christmas Season Affin stock t f in stock GOLD) 4 SILVER 40% off 20% off STORIEWINDE S 20-60% off No Layaways While Supplies Last fRebeccas Jewelry & Gifts (850) 584-2505 213 E. Green St. . Look for the "purple" door next to Ina Padgett State Farm Becky Paramore owner Friday, 'December 16 Extencdedshoyying hours until8:oo .m. -T1p ^ Living Elite funds Children's Cancer. The teams held a contest called Penny Wars where they competed New arrivals Denton Mark Wiggins Mark and Lori Wiggins of Perry announce the birth of their son, Denton Mark, on Dec. 2, 2005, at 1:06 a.m. in Tallahassee. The new arrival weighed 5 pounds, 9.7 ounces, and was 18.5 inches long. His maternal grandparents aie Richard and Sharon Carr, and the late Ronnie E. Cannon. His maternal great grandparents are Horace and Mary Lee Knowles. Paternal grandparents are Don and Martha Wiggins. The baby's paternal great grandparents are the late Joe and Sarah Yarbrough. Heather Lynn Wilbur Darren and Rachelle Wilbur of Perry announce the birth of their daughter, Heather Lynn, at Tallahassee's Capital Regional Medical Center. Born on Dec. 2, 2005, at 12:03 p.m., the new arrival weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces, and was 19 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Andrea and David Kimbrough of Miami and Frank Hutchings. Paternal grandparents are Juanita Wilbur of Perry and the late William Wilbur. Going bananas... Right before Martha Shinholser put out hundreds of lights for the Christmas season, she, posed for a picture with the bananas she successfully grew at her home on- Plantation Road. 1 I i une otAI PURll-li! u .J . AUTHORIZED C Km B -' EALR 584-6021 803 W. Main St. Perry, Fl. 32347 Store Hours: 8 AM 6 PM Mon. Sat. southhouse@perry.gulfnet.com A-4 The Taco Times December 14, 2005 + .. .. 'I Taylor Elite Cheerleading recently completed its first service project, a fund-raiser for Stop! Stop!' against one another to see who could raise the most money. After only two weeks, they raised more than $1,300. The Shooting Stars team which raised the most money was treated to a party at Old Mexico. The coaches and assistant coaches traveled to Gainesville Dec. 2, and attended a luncheon where they presented the check to Howard Freeman, founder of Stop! Children's Cancer, along with his daughter, Carolyne. "We are very proud of our members for pulling together to raise this money. We held this fund-raiser because we want them to know that there are more important things in life than just winning a competition, and to be aware of how blessed they all are to be healthy. They learned something, made a difference and had fun doing it. We plan to make this event part of our program every year," said Shona Whiddon. STOP! CHILDREN'S CANCER, INC. is a Gainesville based non-profit organization committed to the prevention, control and cure of cancer in children through funding of pediatric research. Stop! was founded in 1981 by Howard and Laurel Freeman when their daughter, Bonnie, was diagnosed with cancer. Bonnie lost her battle with cancer in 1983. But since its founding in 1981, the organization has been locally managed and dedicated to raising funds for basic research, research scholars, and research equipment for the Divisions of Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology and Pediatric Neuro-Oncology at the University of Florida College of Medicine. For more information about SStop., visit on-line at \\\ stopchildrenscancer.org. Spruce up now for the holidays! Hall Kitchen Den I do itall. Interior Painting by Wendy 223-2627 or 838-0851 Seventh Day Adventist Church Saturday Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. '. t." Wednesday. 1 I.. Prayer Meeting 7:00 p.m. -K __ Juan Rodrigues, Pastor 584-8506 604 W. Julia Dr. o Happy Holidays to our clients from His, Hers & Ours Sal Color Services $10 off (ask for Victoria) Manicure/Pedicure Combo $25 (ask for Amber) (prices good through Jan. 1, 2006) ^~7 ln 5* *' R'7ea and/et us take care ofyour beauty needs. Pick up youwJQ/i~a.O/ftiDsag gift ceificates for all services. Call for an appointment or stop in to see Amber, larbara, Earline, Mandi, Nicole and Victoria 102 W Cedar Street 584-8889 (porner of N Jefferson and W Cedar St) c--4e Christmas Bakery Treats "Let us do the baking for you!r Call ahead for special orders. tChristmas Tree Cake.$20.00 Small Pound Cake.....$10.00 ' Large Pound Cake.....$15.00 9" Pecan Pie...............$ 9.00 9" Chocolate pie.........$ 7.00 9" Lemon Pie..............$ 7.00 Ask about our 9" Coconut Pie...........$ 7.00 pies made with Crumb Cake.............$10/$20 Splenda 8" Red Velvet Cake..,..$20.00 ,IIpI' arrqt Cake...........$20.00 1/2 lb. Fruit Cake.........$ 5.00 2 lb. Fruit Cake............$25.00 5 lb. Fruit Cake .......$40.00 SFresh Homemade Yeast Dinner Rolls $1.99 dz. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year A 012 S Jn / 8 ^nSon s Jifery 128 S. Jefferson 584-2261 Mon. Fri. 6:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Sat. 6:30 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. Sun. Closed Under New Management Top China Buffet (formerly The Rainbow Garden) :T 5-p 8 CA0 ff3t" SEAT IN 850-223-2788 CARRY OUT T^'~^A*W<^ -w^ Taylor Elite coaches and assistant coaches traveled to Gainesville to present a check to the Stop! Children's Cancer organization. Shown left to right are: Shona Whiddon, Blaire Allbritton, Taylor Brooks, Carolyne Freeman, Stop! founder Howard Freeman, Nicole Whatley, Mandy Cornelius and Angela Roberts. SHARE goes into action on Saturday If you ordered a holiday food basket from SHARE, the distribution day is Saturday, Dec. 17, at First United Methodist Church. Volunteers will be in place to help from 9 a.m. until 12 noon. SYMPTOMS: Do you... " Think spaghetti is a finger food? " Sleep "like a baby" (up at 10, 2, and 4)? O Write your grocery list in crayon? O Say "bye-bye" to everyone? DIAGNOSIS- , h :.lh r .:i : r. : .: -,o o le r ,t .I ,- ,F - Attend a MOPS meeting! Relief is usually immediate! M O T H E R S O F M ?PS, P R E S C H 0 0 L E R 5 ...becaue mothering mntters MOPS is for all mothers with children from birth through kindergarten. Child care is provided! (Click here to Place church name, phone number, and address in this space) C allufothloatoat and time f the nex meeting 2057 S. Byron Butler Pkwy. Restaurant Hours: Mon-Th 11-10, Fri & Sat 11-11, Sun 12-10 Z ~ 1~0% off I Lunch Buffet & Dinner Buffet I I C. $5.59 $6.99 1 O $7.99 Fri. & Sat. Seafbod i I ( (includes beverage, offer expires 12/31/05) Buffet Hours: Mon-Th Lunch 11-3, Dinner 4:30-9:30 S Fri & Sat Lunch 11-3, Dinner 4:30-10, Sunday 11:30-9 j------------------- z Carry-Out Menu I 0 $1.00 off $10 or more I $2.00 off $20 or more S $500 off 30 or more I $5.00 off $30 or more ---- ------- r A-5 The Taco Times December 14, 2005 Attorney 'educates' teachers on wills By CHERYL KAY GREGORY Publicity Chairman Fourteen members of Taylor Retired Educators Association (TREA).met on Monday, Nov. 21, at il a.m. in Joyce's Main Street Cafe. Mickey Hatlcherg, president, called the meeting to o6rlr and welcomed everyone. M'ike Smith, a prominent attorney in the community and guest speaker, was introduced. He presented a program on wills and estate planning, beginning with an explanation of the changes made by the Florida Legislature regarding laws that affect estate taxes. Descriptions and purposes of documents such as a will, an. advance directive and a durable power of attorney, were discussed at length. Akso included in the discussion were living wills, healthcare surrogates and pre-need 'guardian forms. Smith gave hypothetical examples of problems which could be resolved (or avoided) by having the appropriate document completed. He continued with a listing of the various kids of trusts and their places in estate planning. Questions were answered throughout the presentation. Smith left copies of many documents for members to take home and study, and members thanked him for this timely and important program. TREA heard about pre-need guardian forms and healthcare surrogates. In the business, meeting which followed, Secretary Virginia' Trofemuk read the minutes of the last meeting. Treasurer Madeline Moore gave the treasury report, and Vice -President 'Flora Woodfaulk previewed program topics for.upcoming meetings. Volunteer hours for 2005 are due at the February, 2006, meeting and copies of the necessary forms distributed. The SHARE program was discussed and the meeting adjourned for lunch. Marjorie Woodell said the blessing. TREA will not meet again until Feb. 20, 2006. Other meetings in the new year are scheduled for March 20 and April 17 (the third Monday of these months). Meetings will be held at 11 a.m. at Joyce's Main Street Cafe in downtown Perry. "Mark your Shampoo, Cut & Style Hi-lite, Spa Manicure Wax--eyebrows & lip $99.00 Gift Certificates Available Attitudes A saon 801 S. Washington St. 584-3131 Walk-ins Welcome M-F 8-until, Sat. appt..only calendar so you can attend," urged President Mickey Hatleberg. Men's T-3 Experience Head, & Neck Massage with Shampoo Beard & Mustache Trim or Eyebrow Wax $25.00 Bridal Registry /^ | Sonja Smigiel Lance Burford January 28, 2006 Kelly Lindsey David Parker January, 2006 Heather Quicke Jon Michelini March 25, 2006 Jesika Walker Brad Curry March 25, 2006 Angie Cruce Harper Gibson April 22, 2006 |Registry Baby Mary Teresa & Steve Murphy Due December 2005 Elizabeth & Matthew Eastman Girl Due December 2005 J A-6 The Taco Times December 14,2005 9 r ^9 1 I _^ s ^ ,_______________:__________ _ ^ _ _ ^ _ 'Dogs 8th The Taylor County High boys basketball team is ranked eighth in Class 3A in the initial poll of the 2005-06 season released this week by the Florida Sports Writers Association. 'The state ranking is the first for the Bulldogs in many years. Taylor County is 7-1 on the season with its only loss coming to Class 4A, state-ranked Rickards (7-0) last Tuesday. The Bulldogs are now 2-0 and along at the top of District 2-3A by virtue 'of Friday's 87-64 win over Florida High. Taylor County outscored the Seminoles by an amazing 28-5 margin in the first quarter then cruised to the eventual win. Four Bulldogs starters scored in One-handed jumper Taylor County Senior Toney Powell goes up for a shot during action last week against state powerhouse Tallahassee- Rickards. The Bulldogs are 7-1 on the season and are alone at the top of District 2-3A with a 2-0 record. Nov 30 FI While Home 6.30 Dec 9 Madison Home 6:30 Dec 12 F Hgh Away 5:30 Dec. 13 Suwannee Away 5:30 Jan 4 Fl'. IHign Home 5.00 Jan 6 Riversprings Home 6:30 Jan 3 FI Whrre Home 7.00 Jan 10 Riversprings Away 4:00 Jan. 12 FI Whire Away 6:30 .Jan 17 Suwanee Away 5.00 double figures including Rick Williams and Marquis Ellhs ith IS points apiece, Toney Po\well- with 17 and Genario McNeal\ with 16 points. Jabaree- Williams and Chad Ellis chipped in \ ith "7 points each w while Greg Flowers and Tradel'lan Whetsei tossed in two points apiece. Powell and McNeal\ had three. 3-pointers each while Marquis Ellis had two and Chad Ellis one. The Bulldogs were scheduled ti' travel to Jasper Tuesday night to take on Hamilton County before taking a break from the regular season schedule Taylor County \'ill participate in two holiday tournaments including the Lincoln Christma, Date Opponent Site Time Nov. 1 Maclay Away L 1-0 Nov. 10 Madison Away W 7-0 Nov. 16 Godby Away W 7-1 Nov. 22 Fl. High Away W 3-1 Nov. 30 Ft. White Away W 4-0 Dec. 1 Hamilton Home W 8-0 Dec. 2 Godby Home W 8-0 Dec. 7 Madison Home 6:00 Dec. 9 Wakulla Away 5:00 Dec. 10 PC Arnold Away 5:00 cst Dec. 12 Suwannee Away 7:00 Dec. 15 Maclay Home 7:00 Dec. 16 Hamilton Away 7:00 Jan. 3 Ft. White Home 7:00 Jan. 5 Fl. High Home 7:00 Jan. 6 Santa Fe Away 6:00 Jan. 12 Lincoln Home 7:00 Jan. 13 c Suwannee Home 7:00 Jan. 17 District Playoffs Fl. High 5 or 7 Jan. 19 District Playoffs FI.High 7:00 Jan. 26 1st Round State If win...home, if not...travel Jan. 31 2nd Round State Top 16 Feb. 3 3rd Round State Top 8 Feb. 9 State Semi's Top 4 Feb. 10 State Finals Top 2 "Santa Fe Dec. 29 game might be moved to Jan. 6 Hunting for a bargain ? SUBSCRIBE It's a savings of $17 off .newsstand prices in Tournament Dec. 16-19 and the Capital City Classic Dec. 28 and ;tate 29 in the Leon County Civic Center. Date Opponent Site Time Nov. 17 Tip-Off Tournament Chiles Nov. 18 Tip-Off Tournament Chiles Nov. 21 Chiefland Away 4:30 7:30 Nov. 22 NFC Home 6:00 7:30 Nov. 29 Maclay, Away 6:00 7:30 Dec.:1 Lincoln Home 6:00 7:30 LDec. 3 Madison Away 4:30 3GAMES Lincoln Christmas Dec. 5 Maclay Home 4:30 3 GAMES Tournament Dec:6 Rickards Home 6:00 7:30 Dec. 16-19 Dec.9 Fl. High Home 6:00 7:30 Dec. 13 Hamilton Away 4:30 3 GAMES Jan. 3 West Gadsden Home 6:00 7:30 Capital City Jan: 6 Madison Home 4:30 3.GAMES Classic Leonount Jan. 13 F. High Away 6:00 '7:30 Civic Center. Jan. 16 NFC Away 6:00 7:30 Dec. 28 & 29 Jan. 17 Ft. White Home 6:00 7:30 Jan. 20 Hamilton. Home 4:30 3 GAMES D 2 Jar 24 Lincoln Away 6 00 7.30 District 2-3A - Tourna nt Jar, 27 Mkayc.LBayenle Home 6-00 730 St Madison Jan; 31 Chiefland TCMS 6:00 7:30 Feb. 8 & 11 Feb 2 Fr WrYnle Away 6.00 7"30 F 3 W'-; Gia.l;'r Away 6.00 7 30 Gils'BsktbllScedl 2005 Taylor County High School i Christmas Tournament Dec. 22 & 23 District Tournament Jan. 31. 2006 Dale Opponeni Sle Time I J 15 Lincoln Home 6 110 700 rlov I1 .lnreron Away 5-00 NoI'i 18 Leo'n Home 6 00 7.00 NJov 21 ChieS Home 600 700 Nov 22 John 'aul II Home 5 30 No 2? Wakulla Away 5 00 Dec: 3 Madison Away 3 00 Dec 5 Mac:1v Home ALL4 Dc 9 CIriles Away 6 00l De. 9 F: Hirh Away 5-00 6:00 De" 13 Hamillon Away ALL 4 De.: I1 DiA Away 500 6'00 .Jan 3 Ri- arids Away 530 Jan 4 Wavulla Home 5.00 Jan 6 klMad ,n Home ALL 4 Jan. 9 ... Leon .- ..Away 600 700 Jarn 11 LinriLc:ln Avay 6 00-7'00 Jan 13 Fl Hgh Home 5 00 6-00 .13n 20 Hamilllrn H.:.me ALL 4 Jan 23 n.-or:ion Home 5"00 .an 2, Ma'-lay Away 6:00 Jan 27 0D1.e Home 5-00 6.00 Speckled Trout One Mor Cast Redfish Onar Co Blues, etc. -.eSL C'perating from Keaton Beach Marina S No Fishing License Required For Customers c (850) 584-9145 2, 00 Kate'Dr. _r, jW' Pat McGriff U.S C G License Perry, FL 32348 10% off All Car Stereos and Accessories until Christmas JL AUDIO. -w. -' '- .-- f '- CAI''I Proineer sound. vision, soul AOMALFpIE / i ui&u II 1 liv iy 0'i.i( I p1p I Dy Refr,,)I. C mioil-60l VYIS1UA - CDA-982OXM 4118%V eMS M4,mip,~yi r '-I P~eCil Moy~arl.ordc liallk hitH) Eii L O C CiV 1 0 fi C..',,iil' A WI,-f Rymie C*lCl001 Ryvay I-.____ _ FREE INSTALLATION on any car stereo purchase over $500 until Christmas "'.. .tAsk abtourt our layjaway plan today! Cox Electronics of Perry RadioShack YOuwgom questoms. Wve got answn" 1303 S. Jefferson St. Ph. 850-584-5145 All ACCESSORY SPECIALS Nerf Bars as i. as $150'"": It, Grill Guards a. low as $350'"' 1It: ':n Vent Visors as liow a; $32' i, ,:. I Bug Shields a ilO a, $351 i. ... Toneau Covers a i., a $200":' i."-i. Y F Gift Certificates Available . SERVICE SPECIALS Alignments 12 wheel) $49~: 14 wheel $559o Brakes iper a.le $129'c' (Inr.ludes lurning rolerS ) Rotate and Balance $29' Transmission Service $99' lnri'lud',;' replarin iller and up 0 I quarls of tluid) IAlt prices pi'ji i. 1hric g" .3ii lnlo'Jqh Jan 30 2006i . Here at Yarbrough Tire we give you up-front prces...no hidden charges SDon't be fooled by the "Big Box Store' -They have hidden charges and no customer service. .Remember your money stays home for your children, local sports and school programs. Example: Perry Soccer Association, baseball, football, Boys & Girls Club and many more Without your support, this wouldn't be possible Thank you Taylor County for another year...57 Years in Business! Call us for all of fSHIDGESTOUE your car repairHamptn S s and tire needs 602 W. Hampton Springs Ave. FULL SERVICE REPAIR SHOP Mon. Fri. 7:30 AM 5:30 PM _______ ,- 1 a ~ 'Game dates & times may change I- Religion A-7Taco Times December 14; 2005 Christmas music fills churches in community "'Specially for Shepherds" everyone to "please plan to celebrate with us, and bring First Presbyterian Church Adult Choir will present familyand friends to share the experience." The the cantata "'Speciallv for Shepherds" on Sunday, Dec. church is located at 310 Plantation Road. 18, during the 11 a.m. worship service. To quote the composer and arranger, Ralph Carmichael: "Now we all know that shepherds lead a pastoral life and are earthy and honest, simple and uncomplicated, patiently responsible and very lonely. But don't let the name of the musical fool you. It is not about shepherds. Rather it is a biblical drama presenting both the fact and reality of Christmas in a way that should appeal to the 'shepherd' in all of us. Christmas there's no event in human history that has so affected mankind and to think, the shepherds were the first to know!" The Rev. Larry D. Neal, pastor of the church, invites Clarence "Joe" Taylor Clarence "Joe" Taylor, 63, died Dec. 12, 2005, at his residence in -'Perry. Born in Jacksonville, he had lived in Perry since 1998. He was a retired law enforcement officer,: served in the U.S. Navy and was a Vietnam veteran. i' Survivors include: his wife of 27 years, Deborah Taylor of Perry; four sons, Johnny Taylor of. Green Cove Springs, Clarence J. Taylor Shine On Us" Southside Baptist Church, located at 673 Plantation Road cordially invites everyone to attend their preselation of a Chnstmas musical entitled, "Shine On Ut" It will be presented by the church choir, under the direction of Ty Scott, on Sunday, Dec. 18, at 6 p.m. Friday night service planned The pastor and congregation of Bethpage Baptist Church will render services at Triumph the Church and Kingdom of-'.God in Christ on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is invited. Jr of lissouri. and D3aid J.Taylor and Christopher Ta\lor, both of Perry; one daughter, Nadine"' Colvin of Missouri; his step- mother, Frances Evelyn Taylor of Jacksonville; two sisters. Patrice Taylor of England and Lisa Richardsoh .of Jacksonville; five grandchildren; and a host of nieces ,:.,, and nephews. Memorial serve ices will be held Friday, Dec. 16, at 11 a.m. at Joe P. Burns Funeral Home, which is in .charge.of arrangements. Service of prayer, reflection today Members of the community are invited to gather today at 12:10 p.m mor a mid-week service of prayer and reflection. This series of Adveit series' is being held at First Presbyterian Church on Wednesdays through next week, Dec. 21. The 30-minute service is followed by a simple soup and bread luncheon. I'm a breast cancer survivor, Xango gave me energy SI'm off 5 prescription drugs :: Xango related them . "Hearing is Believing". Call me Sue (Crouse) Wilson 584-7998 Big Bend Hospice Taylor County Tree Locations Capital City Bank Doctors' Memoral Hospital Big Bend Perry Ho spce Nature Coast Eye Hospice Care Institute jerry You may place your order for Wachovia Bank aniAngel, Bell or Bow to honor Perry or remember a loved one at these locations. For more information, call (850) 878-5310 ext. 528 or toll-free (800) 772-5862. ATTENTION HOLIDAY SHOPPERS: EASY TO WRAP EASY TO SAVE. FREE i710.-_,. with taon"w enm*t. Only fr . P .Calir a nm > S lmlaphone Wal s M i p .apable 400 arrlme minutes 400 uormus minulls UNLIMITED local wallkl lkle . UNLIMITED nlqhts and weekends Nationwide bon Cdisti c included i $32.99 . GETS YOU 800 MINUTES. Otwr mon rt chmrwqf ae i See beoe STRICKLY NEXTEL CELLULAR 850-223-1900 Monday Friday 30 am unnl 5 00 [n.. 1306-A South Jefferson Srreet, Perry, FL *nta,.dnx*u, d, ~anlrcim^'F > ci7 pa. w- F .N, FC j.. a- .ra nd 'lYU I*.t" Jr RnI, 0-. ...W -- na ,. f I* 3 L ..r ..l a.. ci,.r^ l ra~at*C i Jratal i n .r rrun.a Xn ,In.,ua-..rr... 'na.iOOliL n.I I Alu. '-a.'... Dr aI pun o a I ..a nau dI..MJ ..wrfnl Tuur ^. M a,. a -' Mr.wN ph. ha..-, ^je~n~~xi~r>K |^aiC~jm~ w lteflto~iruri. fic ituii i; ^T.J _'J-I ^ L.n. i r *.luiU X e c uw M i x I r w P S r b i d j d i u 1^ 1 H l -I W U o p u i f T I C U I a nV = m u j i nPn La M T a k __wq a f i I i~ *Bic.^J&Tij~~cu in i~i| jiir>r m L -iu^ xj a f w j~ '0r Lc 'DkU UQ u'isM~iIV-f'imlif'""'"*k'*kjUklj i^^a u-wi iNnl~--&*jmL M.M +0l'JL2 ^BK^T M L ~ s Christmas serenade The Perry Rotary Club was host Tuesday to (from left to right) Craig Myrick, Hope Shotts-: and Williams Yates, who performed a series of Christmas songs to celebrate the season. Deadline for local church news is II a.m.on Tuesdays and Thursdays.News is published as space is available. Christmas k, Storage when you need it! BETTER BUILDINGS...BETTER PRICING Free Delivery & Set-uP Better Saings WoodorSteel A-Frame.Carports & Garages Residential Commerical In-House Financing Concrete Work & Land Clearing Big Bend Buildings 1700 S. Byron Butler Pkwy. 584-2260 Shane & Diane Knowles, owners Mon-Fri 9:00-5:30 Sat. 10-2, Sun. by appt.. "IS ONE YEAR'S SALARY ENOUGH LIFE INSURANCE" CALL ME TO FIND OUT HOW MUCH LIFE INSURANCE YOU REALLY NEED. ' Mark Pelt, Agent 584-5188 1000A Jefferson St. All 18 AlIJ isti8pg4~Mg; Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company, Allstate Indemnity Company and Allstate Life Insurance Company, Home Office: Northbrook, :'' Illinois. @2002 Allstate Insurance Company i Gospel Sing Sunday, Dec. 18 7:00 p.m. featuring The Keffers Christmas music will also be k 7" ) included in the concert. Everyone is invited to attend. The Perry First Church of God Hwy. 221 North Add a second line for $19.99 per month? NEXTEL AUTHORIZED $CRVICC CCN TCR STRICIux CELLULAR 850-27,3--.1900 Monday Friday 8:30 am until 5.00 pm. 1306-A South Jefferson Street, Perry, FL. Pai~nr~lac~sod~unr u N1Pul~atTolaImn HhtPM~d 91aM~a '.nMoaNy aduplbhan, al aaaabrlO nA. s~ aa aalb6ahrnOriOuan-.O11 C. P (FKMp (YI~u~f.. fS!99c.l u aNalbn n.ay Noal EIIICYoarn-C. I'SftMSI6.4IIITIINoM~lolndan Ill MI~n~daaI I~n0.oporm~n .:a(ll~bk~npannCOloIIa Saa,'aIrbI~o.'h I.,. ,MII9aabla dain'a Na .aailobl, oa 11011Aa~o. d u h~Sn~aCaaTaam~ od.albdoa aadur~qlI n'p a n IanJIlp.aalaa a , AM.JnaOIaonayUM~~qn)I, L'aan-aaraanImaoLmtGF binMa~aaal PrcaeoUyosICa~I.ICalorn.Ca..np~a 18I5(6I.6I~l 1pIadaIo~dl Ia. adabNnaaah~ln~b~moa a. l ~lP~I4aN C_ 1.. Au Iliad patypnacla a..n~Ca~noahn a a a .uauana~ Obituary .., Merry Chrisonas and | IHappyNewYear! Jo Ann Lisa Tammy Kelsey DeeDee Men Women Children Located in Winn Dixie Shopping Center 2057 S. Byron Butler Pkwy. Hair StylinL- Waxi* St arber- 0 0l~tsPem HA R CUTS Boys and Men's Reg. $12.00 Layer Cuts $12.00 and up Walk-Ins Only Appointments If Needed (850) 838-9393 SHours: Tues.-Fri. 8am 6pm Saturday 8 am 3 pm ~ s A-8 The Taco Times December 14, 2005 Breakfast celebrated Farm- City Week with local officials .The Taylor County Farm Bureau recently sponsored the Annual Farm City Week Breakfast Celebration, where nearly 50 friends and guests attended. Keynote speaker for the event was Pat Cockrell, executive director of the Florida Farm Bureau in Gainesville. Cockrell spoke on the importance of the relationship between the urban sector of our Mayor Emily Ketring and County Commissioner Daryll Gunter are shown recently signing a proclamation for Farm City Week, while Taylor County Farm Bureau President Auley Rowell (back) looks on. society and those who live and work on farms and ranches. "We live in a nation which has never had a food shortage and most other nations cannot say that," said Cockrell. "American farmers do a great job of providing sufficient food for our nation and they do it at a fair price," she added. Farm City Week is celebrated each year on a nation-wide basis during the week just prior to Thanksgiving. In fact, Kiwanis Clubs International originally began Farm City Week and the agricultural community will forever be indebted to Kiwanis Clubs for this, added Cockrell. To officially recognize the week, Perry Mayor Emily Ketring and County Commissioner Daryll Gunter signed an official proclamation. This is a'tradition which is done each year by local government officials. Local Farm Bureau President Auley Rowell, said Farm City is "just a great opportunity to show appreciation to the farm folks and the city folks as well. Each segment is totally dependent on each other. "The Taylor County Farm- Bureau is indeed proud to be involved with Farm City Week," he added. "We're also proud that Taylor County Extension Services are available to assist with any project or program we try to sponsor." :The Taylor County High School academic team traveled to Gainesville recently to compete in, the University of Florida. Fall High, School Academic Tournament. .Two teams traveled for the- touirnament, which began Friday .night on the university's campus and- :continued most of the day Saiurda\. Some 40 teams, including both T1aylor teams, competed in Division I (freshmen through s-eniors), with four brackets of 10 teams each. STi', hlor A, consisting of Gerard --Masse\. Jordan Robc-rtson. Rachel -HeariTticld and Natalie York, -inished nine rounds of play with a record of 5-4. The. defeated teams from Gulf GiC6ast, East Side, Vero Beach, Westminister Christian and Hardee County high schools. The dropped games against Pensacola, Brookwood, Leon and Rockey Bayou high schools. In a'separate bracket, Taylor B, with Nafees Khan, Traci Pickles and Martine Brown, finished 1-8. "We played *ell," Coach Mark Viola said. "The A team had two of the toughest teams there in their bracket. That's hard,, especially when he had them second and third on our schedule. But they didn't lose their confidence and came back to win their next three rounds. "We were only able to send three players for our B team, and that's always hard to overcome when you're competing against four-person teams. "We have a good crop of seniors this year and we have a number of younger kids who working hard to take over the reins come next year." The UF tournament was the last bhe of the fall semester, but the team has several trips planned next, spring, including the. National Academic Quiz Tournaments state tournament in March, which will also be held at UF. Daytona 500 raffle continues AMVETS members are still offering raffle tickets for a chance to win two tickets to the Daytona 500 in addition to $100 cash for a $5 donation. The tickets are also available from any AMVETS member. The drawing for the raffle will be held Jan. 4 Firehouse tour : Local Wolf and Tiger Boy Scout Cubs recently toured the City of Perry Fire Department, with :Firefighter Robbie Moon serving as guide. KEEP IT SIMPLE PRICING N.Q One price clearly marked on each new vehicle No Hassles. No Gimmicks. These are the best prices of the year and the best time to purchase a new Ford. All vehicles are priced $100 under what we pay, lower than employee pricing--you keep the rebates! Become a member of the Timberland Ford Family. Don't miss out on this great opportunity. 6-- 4 e 2006 F150 4x4 4.6 V8, Automatic, 4 Door, A/C, AM/FM Stereo $25,905 MSRP 2 Escape $24,119 Keep It Simple Price Hybrids A y.brdsI 1 3,500 624 19,995 Rebate Available at Keep ... Timberland Discount :It Simpin" Your Price 2005 Ford Mustang > Charcoal V/6, Auto, Loaded Sik. #P499 K $19,995 1999 Jeep Wrangler Sport 4 WD, Alloy Wheels, Hard Top, Auto, New Tires, Stk. #P493 was $13,995 $12,995 2003 Chev. SilveradoLT 4x4 White, .Like New, Ext. Cab, V/8, Z71,Auto, Leather, Stk. #260008T $22,995 1998 Ford F150 4x4 KLT New Tires, Reg. Cab, Great.Truck, V/8, Auto, Stk. #250216A $9,995 2004 Ford F150 KLT SuperCrew, Lariat, C/D, Alloy Wheels, Bed Liner, Tow Package, Stk. #P476 was $29o95 $21,995 2002 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 V/B, Ext. Cab, 4x4, LS-Z71, Leather, Power Seat, Tow Package, Bed Liner, Alloy Wheels, C/D, Stk. #P488 was $21,995 $20,995 2002 Ford Escape KLT V/6, Leather, Auto, Alloy Wheels, Luggage Rack, Running Boards, Tow Pack age, Stk. #P487 was $10,m5 $15,995 2001 Ford F150 Supercrew XLT V/8, 4x4, C/D, Bed Liner, Alloy Wheels, Running Boards, Tow Package, Stk. #250166A was $18,995 $17,695 2003 Ford Focus SE 4 Door, Auto, Stk. #P496 $12,995 2004 Ford Explorer XIT 4x4, 3rd Row Seat, Loaded Stk #P490 $19,995 2004 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LS, 4x2, Extended Cab, Black, Dual Exhaust, Only 23,000 Miles, Looks and drives like new! Stk. #260042A AIIIor $17,795 2002 Ford F150 Supercab Lariat 4x4 V/8, FX4 Package, Auto, Leather, C/D, Power Seats, Alloy Wheels, Running Boards, Tow Package, Bed Liner, Stk. #250171A was s,995 $20,595 2003 Ford Expedition 4x4 Stk. #260052A, FX4, 135,000 miles $17,995 2001 Ford F150 Supercrew XT V/8, Alloy Wheels, Bed Liner, Tow Package, Stk. #250151A was $16,595 $15,395 2002 Nissan Pathfinder SE V/6, Alloy Wheels, Moon Roof, Champagne Color, Vehicle drives like new! Stk. #260066A Alifor $12,995 2003 Ford Mustang White LX Coupe, Only 19,000 Miles, 6 Cyl., Automatic, Rear Spoiler, Like New Stk. #260045A $12,995 2000 Dodge Ram 1500 Reg. Cab, 4x4, V8, Dual Exhaust, 6' Lift Kit, High End Stereo, Large Tires & Wheels, Black Stk. #250033CB $9,995 All prices plus tax, tag, title & state fees. Not responsible for typographical errors. Pictures for illustration only. Ford discounts and rebates applied where applicable. Dealer fee not included in prices. FMC financing required for maximum rebates (some models) Academic team travels to UF campus for tournament I -~ ~4t~X~~~PFh ~H~-nij(~Btu**11Si;~a*~aupruua*prrr '~p~ips~aamar~~ll~sr~~ Community B-1 The Taco Times December 14, 2005 Veterans Memorial Park -x- _ Timberland Ford of Perry has joined thegrowing list of block memorial monument sponsors for the new Veterans Memorial Park now under construction' on North, Jefferson Street. Above,'the Timberland sfaff gathered to mark the donation. Anyone wishing to contribute to the park may contact any member of the park committee. Taylor 'County businesses and organizations continue to show their support for Veterans Aikmorial Park through donations' and sponsorships. In recent weeks, four groups have contributed to the project, now under- construction on North Jcffcr:'on Street. ' First,'the Thomas family and Thomas Chevrolet presented a donation in honor of an American soldier recerinl killed in roadside bombing in Iraq, Matthew Gibbs of Douglas. Ga. 'Next, 'the Perry Elks Lodge presented a $500 check to the park fund to purchase a bench in the name of the Order: ."The Elks have long. been supporters of veterans and veterans programs.' The organization established the first hospital for veterans and later turned it over to the federal government., This grew to become the VA hospital system. The Elks have vowed that so.long as. there are veterans we will never forget them,". Perry Elks representative Kyle Jones said. Timberland, F6rd also signed on as a park sponsor, backing a block memorial monument. '"We are very, pleased to be able to support our local veterans," Timberland's Brett Falicon said.- Veterans Memorial Park Committee member Tom Smith, left, accepts a contribution from Meissner & Associates. SLast week, Robert "Bob" Meissner of R.W. Meissner & Associates, Inc., also agreed to sponsor a veterans block monument wall. "We appreciate everyone's support and invite members of the community to join us as we continue construction on the park. I' -- .> { . Robert "Bob" Meissner of-R.W. Volunteers are always needed and very much appreciated," park committee member Al Grubbs said. He noted that two more block monuments, the World War I monument and one of the entrance signs are expected to be delivered and installed Thursday. Remaining construction includes, the completion of two parking lots, light installations .and landscaping. For updates and information on how you can contribute to the project, visit the project's web site on-line at www. vfwpost9225.org/memorial/index. htm. From left, Mary Jo Thomas and her son, Cal, present a check to Veterans Memorial Park Committee member Ed Sheffield. The donation was made in honor of an American soldier recently killed in Iraq. C 4 S*h~J j~ii. .~ '1B~s~E~I "~-r: j, .;LP: il:. a. t':l~'~spllRls( - ~-- 1; " a ~: iT Local veterans are honored on block memorial monuments being, placed'at the new veterans park. One monument has been installed at thb site; two more are expected to arrive Thursday. With 'Above & Beyond' award Schwab honored by stry as iatio foresry assoc a nl Rodney Schwab, a logger with M.A. Rigoni. Inc. is being honored with the Florida Foresir. 'Association's 2005 Above and. Beyond Award for his many years of service to forests and forestry in Florida. A leader in several areas, Schwab is known for his political fundraising and tireless efforts to advance the logging profession. Schwab has been chairman of the Florida Loggers Council for the past six years. This group works to ensure consistent logger education progtanmis, like Florida 'Master . Rodney Schwab Logger 'which loggers responsibilitN teach. Florida environmental ,and forest stewardship. Schwab has served for more than 10 years bn ,tlie Florida Forestry Association Board of Directors and for six. years on the association's executive committee. As a member of .the association. Schwab helps to .inform Floridians ''of the Importance of Florida's forests and works to foster a business 'and. regulatory environment in which the forest industry can thrive. The Florida Forestry Association is the only statewide non-profit trade organization representing the interests of landowners, loggers, foresters and the forest products industrN in Florida. With total sales exceeding $16.6 billion, Flcrida's highest valued -agricultural product is trees. The Florida forest economy generates over 133.000 jobs and contributes significantly to the recreation and tourism businesses. M. Wl (From left to right) Shown are Perry Elks Lodge representative Kyle Jones, Trustee David Lloydi park committee member Ed Sheffield and Veterans Activities Chairman Royce Morgan. By Association of Community Colleges NFCC earns reco President Morris G. Steen Jr. announced that North Florida Community College had a strong presence at the annual convention of the Florida Association of Community Colleges held in Tampa on Nov. 16-18. This year NFCC brought home its'share of individual and chapter honors. NFCC received a chapter membership, plaque for having High FACC membership in the Florida community college system. Richard Brown, a former North Florida Junior College coach, was inducted into the Florida Community College Activities Association Hall of Fame for his coaching exploits and setting national scoring records 1965-72 while at North Florida. During his 38-year career in the coaching profession, Coach Brown had 35 winning seasons and a 96 percent graduation rate of his college student athletes. Brown, a former Madison resident, now lives in Evergreen, Ala. Tom Moffses received the Innovative Technology Award and English-instructor John Grosskopf was among three finalists for the ion FACC .Professor of the Year competition. NFCC District Board of Trustees chairman, John Maultsby, Madison, was one of six trustees statewide nominated for the Trustee of the Year Award.. NFCC is one of 28 public community colleges in Florida and serves the rural district of Hamilton, Jefferson, Lafayette, Madison, Suwannee and Taylor counties. Steen is in his fourth year as president of the college. An Eternal Flame .is the first marker to greet visitors at the new Veterans Memorial Park. Seniors celebrate the season with music and more The Taylor Senior Citizens Center will celebrate the 2005 Christmas season in style this year with' music, children's programs, clowns and.more. On Wednesday, Dec. 14, Olivia Fews and, friends will be at the center at 11 a.m. with a musical program. On Monday, Dec., 19, County Commissioner Pat Patterson will be at the center at 11 a.m. to discuss her district and county business in general; and Tuesday, Dec. 20, Carmina Ketring will be in concert beginning at 11 a.m.. On Wednesday, Dec. 21, the center will host its Christmas program led by Pastor James Calhoun. The event will include a visit from Santa. On Thursday, Dec. 22, seniors will be entertained by Taylor Gymnastic Cheerleading and Dance teams, with piano students bf Lauren Arrowood also' performing a Kidz Korner musical program at 11:15 a.m. For more information about activities at the Taylor Senior Citizens Center, please contact A. J. Burch at 584-4924; for other services, please call the center office also at 584-4924. The senior citizens center is located at 800 West Ash Street in Perry. I -r _,, .... m .... 1. ;. i. .. -.. ;..... . 43''Z/ Editorial B-2 Taco Times December 14, 2005. Comfort and joy The Women's Ministry of Evangel Christian Fellowship recently collected more than 300 stuffed animals to present, to EMT services for use with injured children. "These animals are readily available to the staff and can be presented to the sick and injured children who are assisted by Emergency Medical Services in Taylor, Lafayette, Dixie and Leon counties," said a spokesperson for the group. "This allows the members of the EMS team to give the child an item that can bring comfort in a time of need." Pictured during the Nov. 12 presentation are Michael Lundy, Debra Glombowski, Nathan Hendry, C.J. Hendry, Jack Gaines, Clyton Steffner and Chad: Bush. Letter to the Editor m .M .I # r I iA EMS tha.riks church for donations Dear Editor: This letter of appreciation goes out to Evangel Christian Fellowship/Women's Ministry. We cannot thank these church members enough for the stuffed animals. During an emergency, we utilize them for sick or injured children. The stuffed toys make a From the office of Rep. Will Kendrick Discussions on the floor of the House of Representatives during Special Session clearly demonstrated the division among legislators on the viability of the Medicaid reform. Democrats and Republicans alike lined up to get their opinions and beliefs on record. Amendment after amendment was offered by Democrats and Republicans to enact Accountability and to keep approval of expansion within the confines of the full legislature. Many Republicans broke the traditional party-line votes and followed suit in support of efforts to maintain control of a giant ready- tremendous difference in that the' child has- something else to associate with while we are treating their illness and!or injury. Thank you for the difference you help make and the smiles thar animals bring to an already sad situation. The following agencies benefitted from this toy drive: to swoop down and sever the cords of managed healthcare for the state's most vulnerable and poorest citizens, including the disabled and foster children. Rep. Will Kendrick (D) filed five amendments to the Medicaid Reform Bill in a valiant attempt to place controls that would protect rural counties from the loss of medical care that is already a challenge in the sparsely populated counties that he represents. In a firm and unyielding tone. Rep. Kendrick explained each amendment and asked legislators to carefully consider the consequences of allowing a state agency to have complete control of future decisions in regards to Medicaid eligibility and benefits. Taylor CoutLy EMS. Air Medic One Flight Services, Doctors'. Memorial Hospital Emergency Room (and other areas). Lafavette County EMS, Dixie County EMS and Leon County EMS. With appreciation. ' Michael Lundy' Assistant Director, EMT. Services icaid reform He continued by saying. "This is the fox guarding the hen house. You are creating an unlevel playing field. This is doing nothing for Katy Sue in Cedar Key or Bobby Joe in Greenville." His. concern is that fewer incenti\ es for providers % ill result in fewer provider senrice networks thereby requiring many residents in rural counties to travel across one or more counties for healthcare. As an attempt to maintain a reasonable level of service and some quality assurances. Kendrick filed an amendment that would have provided a 20% supplemental premium per member per month in .- Please see page 3 Bill prevents tax increases on 17 million From the office of SCongressman Allen Boyd Congressman Allen Boyd (D- North Florida) recently supported tax relief for middle-class taxpayers with the passage of the '-iSlealth Tax Relief Act (HR 4096). Set to expire next year. the bill includes a one-year fix of the SAlternative Minimum Tax (AMT) to prevent tax increases on more than 17 million middle-class .families next year. 1 "This legislation provides much- needed tax relief to middle-class families who are working hard to make ends meet," said Congressman Boyd. "Due to inflation, the number of taxpayers That fall into the AMT group is growing each year, and failure to enact this legislation and extend the exemption levels would increase taxes'on millions of middle-class families This is simply unfair and not the purpose of the AMT." The AMT was created in 1969 to ensure that high-income individuals and corporations who pay little to no taxes under the regular system because of deductions, credits or other provisions are taxed more fairly. Unlike the--regular tax, income levels subject to the AMT are not indexed for inflation. Therefore, if Congress does not adjust the exemption levels for inflation, a greater number of people would Ntecome eligible each year as ificomes grow and exceed these levels. "While this bill gives middle- Wednesday, December 14, 2005 123 S. Jefferson Street P.O. Box 888 Perry, Florida (850) 584-5513 DONALD D. LINCOLN ,: Publisher DEBBIE CARLTON Business Manager ANGELA M..CASTELUCCI Staff Writer CHARLES R. SADLER - Staff Writer MARK VIOLA Staff Writer SUSAN H. LINCOLN Managing Editor BETH MANN Advertising Director CAROLYN DuBOSE Promotional Advertising SARAH WEIRICK Classified Advertising The Taco Times (ISSN 07470967) s published each Wednesday by Perry News- papers, Inc., 123 S. Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347. Subscriptions are $35.00 per year or $4900 out of county. Perodcals postage paid at Perry, Floda 32348. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the TACO TIMES, P.O Box 888, Perry, FL 32348. The Taco Times welcomes Letters to the Editor reflecting responsible opinions and views on the news. Please submit letters by Monday at 5 p.m. The Taco Times reserves the right to refuse publication of letters which are libelous or irre- sponsible. Name may be withheld if circumstances so require, but all letters sub- mitted should be signed by the writer and accompanied by a phone number for verification. We look forward to hearing fromyoul Our address is Perry, Newspapers, Inc., P.O. Box 888, Pery, Florida 32348. e-mail: newsdesk@perrynewspapers.com S Memb.F erry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. a my ~~~~~~~..... .... ..w..... wm .... ----. .-. .erce class families a helping hand, it is only a short-term solution to the problem," Boyd stated. "It is my hope that Congress will get senous about budget reform in the upcoming year and work to enact comprehensive legislation so we can fix the problem permanently instead of continuing this Temporary band-aid strategy." According to the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT). while fewer than 1 percent of taxpayers were subjected to AMTRT before 2000, it is projected tc affect 29 million people--20% of all taxpayers--by 2010 without Congressional involvement. Letters to the Editor Writer: Don't be ashamed to say Merry Christmas Dear Editor: - I don't.like for the President, for our nation, or for some companies to take the Christ out ofChristmas. People, are ,t saying "Happy Holidays" so they won'i offend anybody else. But theq reason we celebrate Christmas is because of Christ, and we shouldn't forget that. We also shouldn't -be ashamed to say it. Merry Christmas, Hardy O'Quinn Banquet support is appreciated Dear Editor: The Taylor County Leadership Council, would like to thank everyone who helped make our third annual banquet a great success. Thanks to everyone who helped behind the scenes and all our special guests. Juanita Monroe Midweek Muddle AI'm still in love with Santa Claus By SUSAN H. LINCOLN In the late 1950's, I lived in a modest up.: on the clock. brick apartment with- my father arid Big peppermint sticks filled my mother, .surrounded by other stocking along with a few tangerines, apartments holding young families w'ho some "Go Fish" playing, cards, ,safety are--to this day-- still dear friends. scissors for paperdolls,- new crayons It is there that I :recall my first and a rubber ball in swirly colors. 'I shipment of merchandise from the always got a baby doll for Christmas-- North Pole and the Jolly Old Man every year--and some newpajamas. It himself. was, indeed, the grandest day of the There were Christmases before this year. one; albums with black-and-white The apartment complex was our photographs provide proof. But on this village of reference. As soon as Christmas morning, when I was permission-was granted, children began probably four, I remember -emerging emerging from their individual homes from my bed in pink pajamas and a with their gifts--dolls and tricycles, quilted robe, with fuzzy slippers on my cowboy boots and guns, dress-up heels feet. Our tree stood in front of the and ivool caps. Just when I thought life window next tb the television set with couldn't get any better, there were rabbit ears. As a tribute to Christmas, it friends, everywhere! was dripping %with silver tinsel and held. I remember thinking how grand it was bulging multi-colored lights of the 50s "to have new presents, and a ready which are so trendy now. Glass audience for play. ornaments adorned the branches and, iwas in love. presents filled up the floor space With Santa Claus. underneath. With Christmas. Prominently displayed in front of this With Life. collection of Christmas regalia, was the I have to remind myself, at this time of top attraction of the morning which the year, that Christmas is not as much Santa had left for me while I dreamed fun for some people. There are those about it: a pink aluminum kitchen set who find the season difficult, who long with a working sink (if you filled up the for it to end,- who resent the way it removable basin), a refrigerator consumes every ounce of your time and designed with sleek lines and black energy. detailing, and a stove with four painted Though tired, I find myself still in love Burners and an exquisite working door. with Christmas. Anything looks better I was in love. with a bow on it; wrapped packages With Santa Claus. make any house look festive; evergreen With Christmas. trees still smell like good will; and With Life. peace--more than just the absence of There were little aluminum pots and war-- seems more plausible during this pans, little food boxes and plastic holy season surrounding Christmas. vegetables. The refrigerator was So I'm sad for those who mourn this already stocked with the essentials Christmas, and those who grieve. I which were painted into the know holidays unwrap emotions and background. In my growing up, I've painful pasts, but I prefer to believe wished for my refrigerator to always that, mostly, it's a season that promises have eggs and milk, like that pink% one new hope. did 45 years ago. New hope in a better day. I played for hours with my kitchen set New hope in a better way. preparing one sumptuous feast after And the.continuing promise of a pink another for my father and mother who refrigerator, always stocked with eggs were drinking coffee and wondering and milk, for those family members and how much longer until 8 a.m. showed friends who can stay and play. Amendments fail on Med I - II r I It I 1191 L7 -if B-3 The Taco Times December 14, 2005 Than constituents in small rural counties Kendrick: death row inmates have better healthcare access MEDICAID Continued from page 2 addition to the actuarially determined premium. The vote drew yeas and nays that resounded close in unison further exemplifying the careful discernment by individual legislators. Although' unsuccessful in having any of his filed amendments adopted, Kendrick never relinquished his endeavors. Kendrick concluded during final debate on HB 3B Medicaid Reform by stating, "It is absolutely embarrassing that today you in this chamber have allowed persons who are on death row for committing capital offenses to receive better access to health care than the people in small rural counties, who are the backbone of this state,, and- the most vulnerable, disabled, and at risk, including numerous foster children. "We all should be ashamed of the disaster that we are setting up. There is no reason for the legislature to give up our authority, to oversee to a state agency," he said. Kendrick then continued by referring to the current set up of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission where 'the Legislature really has very little authority other than through the budget process. After the House sent the bill to the Senate for approval, the Senate made amendments to the House version of the Medicaid reform keeping the reform package as a pilot project in Broward and Duval counties with any expansion requiring legislative oversight and approval. Kendrick explained, "Although the bill is better than what the House had passed earlier, it still is not in the best interest of the citizens of this state to ever propose changes without all the answers." There is still' very little protection for Florida's most vulnerable in the bill that passed the House 87 to 31. "With ,the guarantee of a new administration coming into the Governor's office, I feel that it makes less sense to put Medicaid recipients at any further risk," concluded Kendrick. a- tI Yes, Virginia, there 19 a 9anta Claus, and YES, YOU CAN 9TILL FILE y BANKRUPTCY!!! Even though the law has changed, c Q bankruptcy is still available. If you've been laid off, suffered a medical crisis or are just struggling to pay bills, Call for a FREE consultation. ANGELA M. BALL 584-8960 ATTORNEY AT LAW 615 N. Jefferson St. Perry, Florida **The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about that lawyer's qualifications and experience. *G6i -- -- ii- -M ^ iR ^> Tresh Se aoold& Steaks Since 1969 S.. egs S 1$1 off Surf-9\(-Turf with coupon I 'Fridac Saturda Sunday S6oz. TForida Lobster 6oz. Bacon WraVpyed Siroin 'Fi(et Includes Salad Bar and Potato Best Salad Bar in the Area I LiDupmon 12.o11-05p coupon per Person E ~ ~.. ~--..N"7 S Progress Energy People. Performance. Excellence. Trying to locate a pay station? Please call 1.888.893.9392. progress-energy.com ,20 (,5 Progrc ss Eilergy Fkirida. In: INNOVATE. INTEGRATE. INVEST. OUR ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY. LEARN MORE ABOUT PROGRESS EMERG'Y'S ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP AND INITIATIVES. Visit us at progress-energy.com to read or request .3 copy of our 2004 environmental report | -~~~~ ~ ~ -__O rnq At Progress Energy, we're committed to finding new ways to produce energy cleanly and efficiently. Which is why we're utilizing some of the most innovative technologies in the world to reduce air emissions and improve water quality. The relentless pursuit of excellence. It's what we're all about. Progress Energy People. Performance. Excellence. .II f 1', .l 6 . I on" r~irlls~u~LI8l~iei~ai~~m s~crwc~i~n*n . . . . `' -; *rl: ~'* I1-~r- .~I.. . B-4 The Taco Times December 14, 2005 IMSL I Jantrol 3 ton central A/C unit off mobile home. Unit works great (we upgraded to larger unit). $200 OBO, 584-8563. tf $275 BRAND NEW KING PILLOW TOP SET Factory sealed w/warranty. Can deliver. 850-545-7112 12/7tfnGCN BED-DOUBLE QUEEN PILLOW TOP SET New in plastic with warranty. $165, can deliver. 850-425-8374 12/7tfnGCN VEGGIES TO YOI Fresh-Picked, blanched, flash fr( butter beans, black eyes, white ac corn, okra, green beans, broccoli Free delivery every Saturday wi 352-498-2 6 PC. BEDROOM SET- Brand new sleigh bed, dresser, mirror, and night stand. $575, still boxed, can deliver. 850-222-9879 12/7tfnGCN BED, a sleigh bed including headboard, foot board & rails.'NEW in box, only $275. Call 850-222-7783 12/tfnGCN Bedroom- ALL NEW 7 PC set: All dovetailed, all wood-still boxed. Retail $4K. must sell $1500, can deliver. 850- 222-2113. 12/7tfndCN. CHAIR/LOVE SEAT/ SOFA-$850 NEW Micro fiber upholstery, hardwood frame & warranty, unopened. 850-545-7112 12/7tfnGCN. DINING, A CHARMING NEW oak table w/in lay, ball & claw feet, leaf, 2 arm chairs, 4 side chairs, hutch/buffet. $4500 Ssug, list, sacrifice $1900. 850-222-2113. 12/tfnGCN DINING ROOM- Brand new cherry table w/leaf, 6 chairs & lighted china cabinet. Still boxed. $900. Can deliver. 850-222- 9879 12/7tfnGCN Leather Sofa, Love seat & :Chair still wrapped: Retail $3400, sell brand new with warranty- $1250. 850-425-8374 12/7tfnGCN M MATTRESS- New tull sei in plastic with warranty, $120. 850-222.9879 12/7tfnGCN Refrigerator-frosi free-Almond'$120, Stove 30' self cleanmln oven whrle w/black glass door $135, 10 gal fish aquarium w/stand and accessories $50, Multi- colored recliner 6.months old $85, overstuffed recliner, with radio in armrest 3 months old, $150. Call 584-9455 or 843- 0245; 12/9-12/14 Fender Squire II Bass Guitar with small amp and case. $175. Great for Christmas. 12/14-12/16 For Sale- Like new Fireplace insert. Comes with piping for the house. Complete ($300) Call Mark at South House! 850-584-6021 12/14tfnSH Women's Cowboy style boots, 3 pr-51/2 narrow. Brand new! Women's Birkenstock and Clark sandals, sizes 7-8. All $10 per pair. Call 584-7747. 12/14-12/21 PEP UR DOOR! dozen, shelled zippers, cres, ford hooks, cream i, mustards & collards th 3 oi more bushels ) 2580 For Sale- working Jacuzzi for the house- bath tub size $300. Call Mark at South House 850-584-6021. 12/14tfn SH I-- Land for sale, 221 between Shiloh Church Rd..and Cairo Parker Rd. 1 acre lots with paved roads. Owner financing available. Please call (386) 658-1346 or (850) 584- 7466. tfEF For Sale 30 acres -- Taylor County, *Surrounded by Foley Timber & Land, planted pines, good hunting. $5,000 per acre. The Forestry Company (850) 584- 8887, 11/28tfTFQ PROPERTY FOR SALE HAMPTON SPRINGS AVE. ACROSS FROM CASHWAY.CALL AFTER 6 PM 1- 91-685-3132. 11/4-12/21HM 3 BR/2BA 1998 mobile home on 2.5 acres of land 2 miles from Gulf. Quiet, peaceful country setting. Asking $100,00 will negotiate some. 850-578-2483hm or 850- 838-4142 work ask for Sarah. 12/14-12/23 For Sale- 12 Acres M/L. Just off .Woodscreek Rd. Asking $4,500 per Acre. Call Lunene i\ 534-6708 12/9-12/21 For Rent: small furnished sleeping room for rent. AvailableNov. 2. $90 per week, $150 deposit,/phone available. 838-1524 (pin #77) 10/26tfWB WANT TO BUY Comic Books (collectibles-any year) Scrap Gold & Gold *Silver Dollars Pocket Watches Diarronds Postcards ,Sports Memorabilia'; Taylor Courity Historical Items . Vintage metal toys/wind-up toys 'CllMak ouhe l *n (5058-621 sooL.omnt For Sale- Intel Celeron Computer Mag Innovation monitor New keyboard, multimedia speakers, Cannon s200 color printer Panasonic KXFHD331I Fax & copier, computer desk w/chair. 'Only 6 months old (Great price $700.) Call 850- 584-4552 home; or 850-294-0528 cell., 12/14-12/16 FOR SALE- -Cherry Dining room suite- table 6 chairs/ china cabinet- Cherry in color. $600. Call Mark; 850-584-6021 12/14tfnSH Blue Camel back sofa & Queen Anne style chair-$150 19 Ft. bass boat, make offer 584-8505. 12/14-12130 Southern Vills of Perry!! New Managemen" HUD Vouchers accepted 1 and 2 bedroom HC and non-HC accessible apartments Call 850-584.8111 TDDITT'i 711 315 Puckett Rd. Perry, FL 32347. Equal Housing Opportunity. tfSV For Rent: Small apartment with no cooking facilities' (only microwave and small relrineratur 1 private bath, living -oom with bed UtilitieS included. 584- 8045 ' 12/7-12-30 =or Rent -A Irame House-Cedar island deal lIo Couple..Available January 6. 2006. Monthly Rental. 352-498-3614 or 352. 356.077 Small ads...big deals!! Madison, FL Lakefront 4 bedroom 2 bath central heat & air beautiful country setting but close to town. All modern appliances, No pets. $1000 deposit $1000 per month. (850)973-3025 or cell (850)591-2642. 12/7-12/16 Woodridge Apartments!! Looking for applicants! Apply now for 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Equal Housing Opportunity. Call 850-584-5668. 709 W. Church St., Perry, FL 32347. TDD/TTY 711. tfWA 1 ,bedroom apartment for rent $125 a week plus deposit. Electric, water, cable included. 1 room, 1 bath efficiency. One person $100 a week plus deposit. Adults only No petsl Prevatt's Wayside Apartments 850-371-0276 After 3 PM 850- 491-4023, 12/9-12/16 For Rent- 3 bedroom block house 1 bath central heat/air. Near shopping Center in town. Will accept small family HUD 'certificate, $560 month and last month to occupy. Appointment only. No pets! 223- 3227 12/14-12/30 House for Rent! '3 Bedroom/ 1 bath w/in-ground pool. $750 a month 1st and last months rent plus $500 security deposit up front. Available Dec. 1st Please call 584-8275, evenings or leave message. 12/14-01/27 .FIRST TIME Home buyers, if you have .:enough money for a deposit onh an 'aparmeril You can probably own your own home GCall850-576-2105 1 /4tfn1UH . DISCOUNTED MODELS Onil 2 homes " len Must gol Save $$$S$- Call today' 850-576-2106 /i4tfnUH 'NEW HOME-1370 Sq. Ft. 4 bedroom, 2 bath for under $475/month payments. :University Homes-850-576-2106 .:11/4tfnUH ;5BEDROOMI 3 Baths plenty of room. Buy for under 1.550 a month 850-576-2105 11/4tinUH Old appliances thal are non wor 'ing or lust in v.,ur wavy Give nme a call i we wiil come :'iCl them up! SIo.'-e;. washers, Sdryers, elc Call 843-0356 12/9-12/28 Wanted dead or alive; Junk cars, trucks, tractors, etc. Will buy, sell & trade 4x4 & truck parts.' S*M*A*S*H Towing, 386-688- 3999. 10/5tfS Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant Large multi location outpatient'facility seeking PTA's for Perry, Madison, & surrounding Tallahassee areas. Must be energetic & committed to customer service. Dynamic caseload, excellent benefits. Please mail resume with salary history to: P.O. Box 13269, Tallahassee, FL 32317-3269 or fax to (850)219-1521 Attn.: Lisa 12/9-12/14TOSPT Martin Electronics, Inc. is currently accepting applications for assemblers, a material handler, and platter. Good benefits. All applicants are subject to pre- employment drug screening and a' background check by BATF. Bring picture ID and' Social Security card or Birth Certificate and apply at Employment Connections, 224 North Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida," 584-7604. Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Veteran preference. 12/2 Help Wanted Badcock and More Set up and delivery. Must be 19 yrs old License Required Good Driving Record No phone calls apply in person. 1003 S. Jefferson St. 11/lltfBC Part-time infant nursery attendant needed for Sunday mornings and special events. Must'be over 18 years old and have prior experience in providing infant care. Background check and fingerprinting will be required. Mail resume including 3', references to first Presbyterian Church, PO Box 837, Perry, Florida 32348. 10/12tfFPC REGISTERED NURSE: Ophthalmology Practice seeks RN for Ambulatory Surgery Center; PT Position, Flexible Hours 15-20 hrs; 2-3 days/week; Surgery Experience Preferred; Competitive Wages NATURE COAST REGIONAL SURGERY CENTER PERRY, FL Equal Opportunity Employer Call: 850-584-2778 Fax: 850-838-3937 12/14-12/30NC Clerk position available at Sea Hag Marina. Seeking friendly, energetic person able, to, multi-task with excellent phone skills. Apply in person at 322 Riverside Dr. Steinhatchee. 11/11 : 'Roote Sales. Excellent income-''r per-:.n willing to work long hours. 2 to 4 day wjork week. 850-574-3900E0E. t 1i.i, i .i ;'5^,W HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT -t " Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Train in Florida National Certification -Financial Assistance Job Placement Assistance 800-383-7364 Associated Training Services www.atsn-schools.com HOUSEKEEPERS NEEDED Experienced housekeeper needed. ' 'Dependable with reliable transportation is a must. Please apply in person at Steinhatchee Landing Resort, 203 Ryland Circle, Steinhatchee, FL 32359. 352-498- 3513. 12/9tfnSL TAYLOR COUNTY BCC POSITION VACANCIES System Administrator- Salary range: $36,504-$47,629.44 + benefits= Direct coordinate & support local area computer network. Engineer I- Salary range: $50,024- $65,269.97 + benefits+ Assist in organizing, planning & completing county engineering projects. Library Tech P/T -20 hrs. week= includes some evenings &- weekends $7.29/hr. Library circulation duties. Roll Off Attendant Call in only= may include weekend or evening work $6.18/hr. Substitutes at county solid waste collection sites to insure proper procedures are followed. Kennel Tech- (temporary: approximately Feb.- March) $6.49/hr. = Primarily clerical work. Entire job description, requirements and application can be obtained from www.tcfl- libinfo.com or Taylor Employment Connections, 1702 S. Jefferson Street. Beginning salaries commensurate with education and experience. Positions open until filled. EEO/VP/DT/ background check employer. 12/14tfnBCC Technical Support Assistant wanted at NFCC. This full-time position will serve as technical Assistant for Campus. Theater and public events, working lighting and/or sound equipment.' This position requires heavy lifting, climbing, .and a flexible work schedule which may include nights and weekends. Qualifications: AA/AS preferred. At least one year experience with audiovisual equipment and computers required. Applications to: Director HR, North Florida Community College, 325 NW Turner Davis-Drive, Madison, Florida-32340. Only complete .application packets considered. A complete packet includes: letter of interest; resume and application. Application and full job description ,available at www.nfcc.edu. Questions call 850-973-9487. Application packet must be received by 12/30/2005. EOE 12/14-23 GULF COAST METAL ROOFINGL4 'Full line of accessories in stock Heavy Equipment Mechanic Local John Deere Dealership is looking for an experienced technician to diagnose, repair and provide general maintenance for construction and forestry equipment. Qualified candidate must have full range of tools, be customer service oriented, and require little supervision. Our company provides a drug-free environment with competitive pay, excellent health and dental benefits, and 401(k) Retirement & Profit Sharing Plan. Qualified applicants should send resume to H.R. Manager, P.O. Box 3329, Albany, GA 31706 or email resume to hrmanager@flintholdings.com. 10/12tfFE Independent contract carrier for the Florida Times Union in the Perry area. Must be able to work early morning-hours. Call 3' Wide Galvalume 3' Wide Painted Special Flashings Made All Types Warranted Metal Available Cut to your desired lejigths Delivery Service Available Call Toll-Free 888-393-0335,, 352-498-0778 Horseshoe Beach, Fl. FT position for experienced payroll specialist, HS diploma or equivalent required. PC experience required. Must be 'detail oriented. Benefits include health, dental, Jife, disability; savings, AFLAC supplemental policies, access to onsite daycare and fitness facilities. EOE; Drug free workplace, Criminal, background checks required. Apply in person at ACV Personal Department Mon, through Fri., 9:00 a.m.. until 4:00 p.m., Carter Village Hall, 10680 CR 136, Dowling Park, FL; fax resume to (386)-658-5160; or visit www.ACVillage.net 12/9-12/21ACV FT bookkeeper position in Finance. Accounting experience and some post secondary education preferred. PC experience required. Must be detail oriented. Benefits include health, dental, Life, disability, 403b^ savings, AFLAC supplemental policies, access to onsite. daycare and fitness facilities. EOE; Drug free w,:'r'pla,.p. Criminal background checks required; Apply in person at ACV Personal Department Mon. through Fri., 9:00 a.m.. until 4:00 p.m., Carter Village Hall, 10680 CR 136, Dowling Park, FL; fax resume to (386)- 658-5160; or visit www.ACVillage.net 12/9-12/21ACV Driver-Dedicated Regional COASTAL TRANSPORT HOME EVERY WEEKEND GUARANTEED! 65% Preloaded/Pretarped Avg $818-$896/week .Jacksonville, FL Terminal 'CDL-A req'd 877-428-5627 www:ctdrivers.com 11/16tfnHTWR ADULT CASE MANAGER #2156 & #1187 A MINIMUM OF A BACHELOR'S DEGREE WITH .A MAJOR IN COUNSELING,. SOCIAL WORK, PSYCHOLOGY, CRIMINAL JUSTICE, NURSING, REHABILITATION, SPECIAL EDUCATION, HEALTH EDUCATION, OR A RELATED HUMAN SERVICE FIELD; OR A FULL TIME OR EQUIVALENT 'EXPERIENCE ':.SERIOUS -MENTAL ILLNESS. VALID DRIVER'S LICENSE SHIFT: 8 AM -5 PM/ MONDAY -FRIDAY SALARY $10.75PER HOUR OR.$12,92 OPS STATUS For more information and a complete listing of available positions: www.apalacheecenter.org Human Resources 2634-J Capital Circle N.E., Tallahassee, FL Pre-Hire Drug Screen & FDLE background check An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Drug-Free Workplace 12/14-12/16AC Maintenance Worker wanted at NFCC. This position will work in several trade areas which includes: College event set ups; Furniture moving; Maintenance and repair of buildings and/or equipment. This unskilled position is labor intensive and requires heavy lifting. Qualifications: Must be High: School Graduate with general knowledge of maintenance functions and use of minor equipment. Applications to: Director HR, North Florida Community College, .325 NW Turner Davis Drive, Madison, Florida 32340. An application is available at www.nfcc.edu . Questions call 850-973-9487. Application must be received by 12/14/2005. EOE 12/2-12/14 Honest Opportunity! $310. total investment. Unlimited income- simple process! Go to www.rdcmusiccd,com 12/14-12/30 Classifieds work... Give it a try! 584-5513 SA1' aI lIII Furll-Tie o Prt-im Cetiid civt Directo 0Full-Time GenralMaitenncePostio SALESPERSON NEEDED We are looking for a motivated high energy individual with a great personality and sales ability. Must have prior car sales history with a good track record. Excellent pay with an outstanding benefits package. We are an equal opportunity employer and a drug free workplace. Please call (850)- 584-6178 ext. 100 for your appointment to interview. Resumes can be sent online to sales@timberlandford.com 2441 SounT BYRON BUTLER PKWY. PERRY, FL 32348 PHONE (850) 584-6178 -800-763-4589 FAX (850)584-9059 ,Prestige Home Center, Chiefland The Only Factory Outlet on the West Coast NO "DOUBLE TALK" WITH OUR ADVERTISING-- NO GAMES WITH OUR PRICES! Any New Home Purchased from Prestige Homes Includes FREE Delivery & Set-Up...PERIOD! S,. --BRAND NEW-- j rw Chobse from J 2 or 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Exceeds New Gov't. Standards I K 275mo. SIncludes AC, Heat, Skirting & Steps No Down Payment for Landowners! (60 Other Homes to Choose From!) Eggs are Cheaper in the Country, So arie Prestige Homes! N. Hwy. 19, Chiefland 800-477-2492 ; I ~I Now L C 2 .a , a - L~- ;i E : n a ;I .= a ~ s L ... " B: i i "` i ,F c I- c-. ri -I := B-5 The Taco Times December 14, 2005 I m -UOBILES [V IE For Sale-1974 Bronco- Runs great/ new brakes/ needs some body work- Great Hunting vehicle Sale at. $2800.00 Call Mark 850-584-6021. 12/14tfnSH Toyota Tundra LTD Green V8 '01 loaded 4x4 w/ towing package & disc stereo only 47,360 mi asking $19,000. Mazda Protege '99 LX Sedan Black auto w/ override, power window, alarm 83k mi. asking $4,500. call 584-6953 or (850) 866- 9952 12/14-12/30 BUCKEYE COMMUNITY. FEDERAL CREDIT UNION is offering or sale a 2004 Chevrolet Silverado K-1500 truck, 4 wheel drive, 4 speed automatic transmission, V-8 engine, AM/FM stereo with CD player, duel zone manual air conditioner chrome wheels 21,250 miles will be sold on aas is" basis for $19,900, and may be inspected at the Credit Union Monday through Friday from 8:30-4:30 p.m. 11/30-12/22 1979 Ford truck, flip-front end; good condition, Sony CD player $4,000 obo. GMC Jimmy needs some work $350. Chevy S-10 needs lots of work or parts $150. Call 584-6092, leave message. For sale: Tan 1999 Ford Windstar Van. Low mileage, $12,000. 584-9627 (home) or 672-0451 (cell) 11/25-12/15 2001 Sea Fox 172cc a 200W Nissan-90hp .. loaded with a Lowrance"x71. bottom,: " machine, vhf radio, lights, drink holders, rod holders, storage, ice chest, live well with aerator, dive plat form, automatic bilge pump, horn, bimini top, and extra prop. Must see this ready to fish boat. $9,000. Call (H)838-1774, (W)584-3883, or 584-. 3380. 12/9-12/14 Tractors for sale 21 hp 4/wd stiiburu with loader $7000. 31 hp 2/wd yanmar with loader 6900. 36 hp 4/wd yammar with ' loader 10,500. 42 hp John Deer 2000 model 7000. 33hp .ubol0a wth bushhog' mower 6900. Jim's Discount trailers. 850- 838-7807 or 850-584-4723 11/18-12/30 2002 Honda Shadow Ace Deluxe' motorcycle w!saddle bags windshield,' sissy bar, highway bar & foot pegs. $4,000. Call 223-3220. .12/7-12/9 CARPET & VINYL Installation and repairs done at a good price. No overhead. Direct savings to you. 30 years experience. 850-838-9050. please leave message. 11/3tfn IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-856-CP DIVISION OF PROBATE IN RE: THE ESTATE OF JANIE MONROE DECEASED. ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of JANIE MONROE, deceased. File number 2005- 856-CP is pending in the Circuit Court for Taylor County. Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is Post Office Box 620, Perry, Florida 32348-0620. The name and address .of the personal .representative and. ;he personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the descendant's estate, including claims or demands against the .descendant's estate, including , unmotured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this notice is served must file their claims with this co rt WITHIN. THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THE NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the descendant and person's having claims or demands against the decedent's estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claim with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE. OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. The date of the first publication of this' Notice to Creditors is December 7, S.20o5. Personal Representative: WILLIAM MONROE 3615 Golf Course Road Perry, FL 32348 Attorney for Personal Representative '.(s)Angelo M. Ball Attorney at Law 615 N. Jefferson St. Perry; FL 32347 FL BAR 0796557 (850)584-8960 FAX'(850)584-7907 oballOatcom.net 12/7,12/1.4 IN: THE CIRCUIT COURT. OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MADISON- COUNTY, FLORIDA: .: Case No: 2005-810-CA ROBERT LYNN and NELL LYNN, : ' his wife, Plaintiffs, , Campers-2004 gulfstream cavalier 32 ft MILES A. MIXON, JR. and MURIEL . travel trailer with slide out sleeps 8 full MIXON, his wife, etd l., " size fridge/ceramic toilet/ducted ac/heat Defendants. holding tanks etc. $12900. 2005 park NOTICE OF ACTION .model 32-ft golftream cavalier no holding To: All Above Named Defendants tanks or slide out 10500. Call Jim 850- Addresses Unknown 838-7807 or 584-4723 YOU, MILES A. MIXON, JR., and MURIEL D. MIXON and ALL OTHER UNKNOWN .._ -. '' DEd 2r .EL ft. P, E ri:.irFl o':r, trir a i,;.. SBUCKEI'E -CMMUNITY' FEDERAL'" .. r.:. clulet title to real property on CREDIT UNION is offering or sale a 2003 rne r.iioll,.--.g property in Taylor County, Kawasaki Motor Cycle 1500 Vulcan Florido: Nomad. 4 slroe. 2 cylinders saddle bags C.-..rr.enc:e at the Southeast Corner of 16.600 miles This motorcycle for $10.500 ine ne 't4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 35, will be sold on "as is" basis-and may be Township 7 South, Range 7 East, run inspectedI at he Credi Union Monday North 766 feet West 666 feet for a Point .inspeted a he Cred on Moday of Beginning; thence run South 100 feet, through Friday from 8 30-4 30 p m. We:, .0 feet, North 100 feet, East 50.feet, 11/30-12/22 .:. rre Point of Beginning. 1 Lot 37, Ezell Beach. For Sale 14ft flat bottom rner ral boal wilh ALSO 15 horse Evinrude motor & trailer. $1 200 Commence at the SoutheastCorner of Call 850-584-5537 the-NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 35, 12/14-12/16 : Township 7 South, Range 7 East, run : North 766 feet West 616 feet for a Point of Beginning; thence run South 100 feet, For Sale- John Boat (aluminum) Trailer West 50 feet, North 100 feet, East 50 feet and motor-$750 00 call Mark 850-584- 'to the Point of Beginning. Lot 37, Ezell 6021 Beach. 12/14rfnSH H ..as -been filed against you and you, -1 .... .and each of you, are required to serve a copy of your writteri defenses, if any, to it on John Weecd, the plaintiff's Attorney, whose, address is 605 South ", Jefferson Street. Perry. Florida 32347 on S'or before December 28, 2005 and file Excellent care for your loved one. the original with the clerk of this court either before service on the iaoinniir Cooking, light housework, shopping. 16 ', alone or immediately thereafter; yrs. experience. Ref. available. 584-5165. oinerwise a default will be entered Please leave name and number. again you for the relief demanded in 12/14-12/16 he cmploant orpetition. Datrea on [IJ. 17, 2005 A+ Blanco Home Cleaning Service; (850) ."Annle MoMurphy . 672-1298, Letty Blanco, Liceised' & As ClerK of the Circuit Court Insured. ByKell Stroud /S "" "5 C'"As Deputy Clerk 10/5tBC 111/23;,30;. 12/7; 14 'Clay Swindle, L.L.C., All types-of remodeling, docks, decks, windows, door framing, add on additions, porches, screen enclosures, painting interior $exterior. 18 , yrs. exp., licensed 8 insured. Free' Estimate, call 850-223-1780 or 843-1.941, leave message. Commercial & Residential. 8/5tfCS. . New Kid in Town! Ruiz's Tires & Wheels 1262 Highway 98. Perry, Florida. Phone 850-584-9776. Services Offered: Oil change, Computer wheel balancing, Tire rotation, new & used tires, Custom -chrome wheels. 15"-28"., Free tire. inspection. S, 21 years combined. Tire Related experience. Come by & meet the owners, Raoul'& Louise Ruiz " S 12/9 SA-2-Z Farm and Lawn Services Harrowing, bush hog mowing, dirt leveling, rake work and complete lawn services.. Call 584-6737, leave message. T he Handyman experts,.honest w Iorkl: i Affordable, professional, licenseddan'd : i nsured. Specializing in house painting, interior, etc., mobile home repairs, home maintenance, pressure washing (wood and Concrete) carpet, vinyl, wood floor, ceramic S tile, and repairs. Call 584-2270 (home) or S 584-3776 (office). 25 years. tfJM TREE REMOVAL, STUMP GRINDING SFree Estimates. Bucket Truck Available. Licensed. & Insured. Call John (Sesock), . (850)584-2027 or (850)591-8301. 10/5-9/2 : J.D.'s Tree Service and 'Lawn 'Care. Licensed and insured. Free estimates. We also grind stumps. Call today :838-1280.:: Firewood for sale. tfJD NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Diane L I - NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Diane' Miller the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are follows: Certificate No. 201 Year of Issuance: 1999 Description of Property: PARCEL No. R02944-000 COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF NW 1/4 OF SE1/4 OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP'4, SOUTH RANGE 7 EAST; RUN ' 30 FEET RUN WEST 315 FEET; RUN NORTH 210 FEET; RUN EAST 420 FEET; RUN SOUTH 105 FEET, RUN WEST 105 FEET; RUN SOUTH 105 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. 1.75 ACRES MORE OR LESS. Name in which assessed.MURIEL M ' MIXON , Said property being in the County of Taylor, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described is such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the courthouse door on the 3rd day of January, 2006 at 11:00 o'clock a.m.. Dated this.28th day of November, 2005. Arnie Mae Murphy Clerk of CircuLt Court Taylor, County, Florida S11/30,12/7,12/14;12/21 INVITATION TO BID The Taylor County Board of County Commissioners is soliciting sealed proposals for construction'of the Forest Caotal Park Heritage Pavilion Qualified firms or individuals desiring to provide the required products or services must submit nine(9) packages 'in a sealed envelope or similar Package marked "Sealed Prooosal for Forest Caoltal Park Heritage Pavilion" to the Clerk of Court, 1st. Floor Courthouse, 108 North Jefferson Street, Suite 102. or. P.O. Box 620, Perry, Florida 32348, to Arrive no later than 4:00 P.M. local time, or as soon thereafter as practical, or January 9' 2006 in the Taylor'County Administrative Complex, 201 East Green Street, Perry, Florida 32347. RFP information MUST be obtained from Sthe Clerk of Court, 1st Floor Courthouse, 108 North Jefferson Street, Suite 102, Perry, Florida 32348, (850) 838-3506, for a $100.00 non-refundable fee. A mandatory Pre-Bid Conference .will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, December 16, 2005, at the Administrative Complex located at 201 East Green Street, Perry, Florida 32347. ' Th ICoUrity reserves the, right, in.its s6],.. and absolute discretion, to reject any or all Proposals; to cancel or withdraw this solicitation at any time and waive any Irregularities in the RFP process. The County reserves the right to award any contract to the respondent which it deems to offer the best overall service; therefore, thie County is not bound to award any contracts) based on the lowest quoted price. The County, In Its sole and absolute discretion, also reserves the right to waive any minor defects in the process and to accept the proposal deemed to be in the Cohuty's best interest. The County, in- its sole and absolute discretion, also reserves the right to assign a- local business preference in an amount of flve(5) percent of the proposal price pursuant to Taylor Coljnty ordinance No. 2003-12. No.faxed Proposals will be accepted. Additional information may be.obtained from: ; ' Englneerinq peoarfment 201 Eqst Grqen Street Prrv FL 32347 (850)838-3500 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Taylor County, Florida ,.j OIlCE EI SALE Notice Is hereby given to TOPEKA .MATHIS, 2239 S. BYRON BUTLER PKWY, ROOM 141'PERRY,FLORIDA, 32348 unless .- payment is made on Unit B-22 (Contents: household goods), contents. '"will be-sold on-or after the 26th day of SDecember, 2005, at l4andy Rentals Self i, Storage, 900 Industrial Park Dr., Perry, FIt 32348. 9/23-9/30 'Miller the holder of .the following :certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be Issued thereon. The cerllicore number and year of NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION issuance, the description of the The administration of the estate of property, and the names in which It was Eugenia Elaine Morgan, Case No. 05- assessed are follows: 858CP filed in the Circuit Court of the CCertificate No. 447 Tayl6'r County, Florida, Taylor County "6ear of Issuance: 1999 Courthouse, P.O. Box 620, Perry, Florida 'Description of Property: PARCEL No. 32348; Personal Representative Valerle .RO5686-100 Anne Blaske, 101 Mangum-Close Road, Commence at the Southwest corner of Perry, Florida 32348; Attorney for the NW I/S of NW 1/4 of section 34, Personal Representative is William W. township 4 south range -7 east: thence Blue,. Blue & Byers. PLLC, 115 W. Bay run north 302.3 feet to north railway right- Street, Perry, FL 32347. ALL. INTERESTED of-way: thence run northeast along PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All persons railroad right-of-way 620 feet: thence run upon whom this notice is served who inr!ith 300.feet: for a point.of beginning: ..-have objections .that challenge the. thehce northeast parallel to railrogpd_' qualifications -of .the personal right-of-way 220 feet: thence, run .North' representative venue or jurisdiction of 120 leer Thence run southwesterly. this Court are required to file their parallel Io railroad- right-of-way 220 feet:'-.. o-bjections with this court, and all ctorS'Memorial Hospital is now hiring for.thie positions listed below. Our 48-bed acute care facili offers a competitive salary and benefits package, retirement plan, and flexible scheduling. lease fax resume to the Human Resources Department.at (850) 584-0661, E-Mail to Idia~im@doctorsmemorial.com, or call (850) 584-0866. Clinic: Receptionist, Madison,-PRN Emergency Department: Registered Nurse/Licensed Practical Nurse, Full-lime Emergency Medical'tech/Licensed Practical Nurse,,Full-Time Emergency Medical Tech, Full-Time Paramedic, Full-Time & PRN Home Health: Registered Nurse, Full-Time Phlebotomist, PRN Med-Surg: RN, LPN, CNA, Full-Time & PRN Drug Free Workplace Equal Opportunity Employer I, .il~ I PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE PR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the decedent's estate must file their claims with this court on WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRnSI PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS. DEMANDS AND OBJECTIONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The first date of publication of this notice is December 14, 2005 12/14,12/21 thence run south 120 feet to the point of beginning. Name in which assessed Tommy M Edwards Said property being in the County of Taylor, State of Florida Unless such certificaTe shall be redeemed according to 'law, the property described is sucn certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the courthouse door on the 3rd day of January, 2006 at 11:00 o'clock a.m. Dated this 28th day of November, 2005. Annie Mae Murphy Clerk of Circuit Court Taylor, County, Florida 11/30,12/7,12/14.12/21 9 -- - ----I Ima creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is served must file claims against the estate with The above court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE.OF THE FIRST TREE CAPITAL CLEANING UPHOLSTERY & CARPET CLEANING Dries in 3-4 hours 584-CLEAN (584-2532) , YOUR vma$ and use this newspaper... -- 4- ** S -. .7 U---- .. .. _ Sto find services... in the Commercial Connection ~ to locate real estate... in the Classifieds-- ~ to find gift ideas... for special occasions Sto learn schedules... of area colleges Sto wish a friends... a happy birthday 7'/ -' 'i- 1, 1r I BEWARE..., / The cost of utility bills are on the rise. Insulate your home 7' today to help save $$$ i Call today for a FREE ESTIMATE! : REYNOLDS INSULATION (850) 584-2340 phone (850) 584-8340 fax ARMADILLO CONSTRUCTORS & ERECTORS INC. License #CG3031636 CCC 058209 BUILDERS* ROOFERS HOME INSPECTIONS 800-719-9138 386-294-3914 ~~saVV" A- "JAJO--- -- - r ~P BAD WATER? IRON-FREE'S OWN HIGH PURITY MANDOX WIDE SPECTRUM/TRIPLE ACTION FILTRATION SYSTEM Removes IRON, TANNIN, SULFUR, MANGANESE, TURBIDITY, BAD TASTE, BAD ODOR. KILLS BACTERIA. No more STAINED FIXTURES, DINGY CLOTHES. LOW COST, LOW MAINTENANCE, GUARANTEED. Call today for FREE WATER TEST. No obligation. $795 to $1995 IRON-FREE Well Water Company, Inc. Lisa McKinney, Representative 850-584-5750 800-437-1128 I.i" Love, Your Grandma Sweet Pea, Grandpa-Tommy, Great Granny, Baby Sister, Tee-Tee Jay, April, Uncle Head, Aunt Favonna & the oana B-6 The Taco Times December 14,205 At the BoQkingjesk L Editor's note: It is the policy of this ne6siaper to run the names of all thesh-arrested and booked at the .aylor County Jail. All those listed below have'been charged, with a crime, but are considered innocent untit-proven guilty. Nov. 18: jeanne Arcularius, 27, 3641 Hw'y. 19, South, VOP, Dep. Heri berger, TCSO. .iharlene Light, 18, 3117 Pisgah Road, DWLS, Ptl. De-eon, PPD. Nov; 19: : ianiel A. Townsend, 18, 1779 Diillin Lane, VOP (warrant), Dep. Whfisel, TCSO. iJacob Dugie, 18, 1010 Wiley Sheffield Road, VOP for DWLS, D.ep-lLundy, TCSO. SLakesha Walker, 23, no address, two- warrants, Ptl. Schneider, PPD. Eric William Weekley, 22, 8320. Beach Road, possession of less than 20 grams of cannabis, Pti:. Norris, PPD. Nov. 20:. Iufgela Stewart, 44, 106 Titawick Street, DUI, DWLS (kwii ingly), possession of less thain'20 grams of cannabis, Ptl. Norris, PPD. Noy. 21: Phillip' Higginbotham, 29, 30164 Oka Street, Walker, La., passing worthless cheeks, burglary, grand theft, DWLS (k-irqwingly), Dep. Burford, TCSO. S.Ry.an Michael Padgett, 19, 900. E. Granger Drive, retail theft, Ptl. Depbn, PPD. Rodgers Zonder, 3.0, 1506 Dabrey Springs. Denham, La., burglary, grand theft. Ptl. Cooper, PPD. Nov. 22: I.Travis Anthony, 28, 1200 N. Spriingfield Street, possession of paraphernalia, improper tag, Ptl. Norris. PPD., Kelly Curles, 48, 3309 U.S. "Hwy. 19 South, possession of cocaine, possession of drug paraphernalia. Off. Huff, FWC. James Curies. 51, 3309 U..S. Hwvy. 19 South, possession of cocaine, possession of drug paraphernalia. Off. Huff. FWC. Nov. 23: Micah Magruder, 19, 709 : ^Baywood Drive, Lynn Haven, DUi, possession of alcohol by a ~irsn under 21,. Trp. Smyrnios, Fl-r. Tason Patterson. 33, H~i'. 27 East. child support, Dep. Lundy. TCSO. Nov. 24: Peter R. Farrell, 45, 312 Spanish Mossway, Destin, DUI.. Pl.- Norris, PPD.. -Nov. 25: Julius W.. Wlliams. 66, 2nd 'Avenue North. Steinhatchee, VOP for'lewd act on a child. Dep. Folsom. TCSO. SStephen Miller, 20. 1008 South Bivant Street. domestic batters, FTA, Trp. Parker. FHP. Jennifer Haston. 21. 4221 N. Lockwood Road. Sarasota. VOP for escape. Dep. Lilliott, TCSO. Wend. Baumgardner. 34, 2270 : Sidney Blanton Road. Dep. SH^iivkins. TCSO. . Noy, 26: Brian Daniel Stanley, 26, Dogwood Way, disorderly Sintoxication. Ptl, Carpbell; PPD. 'Arthur Nobles,: 23, 808 e. 'Gaihger Drive, felonyy battery, Dep. Lilliott. TCSO. .:Allen Baker, 41, 8474 Gordon Brown Lane,, possession of marijuana. possession of a firearm by a- convicted felon, possession of drug paraphernalia. Ptl. Reis, '"PPD. . Rave' Vachon, 26, 3729 --Bohannon Drive. VOP,. Dep. ,Thompson, TCSO. .:Joseph Tomkins, 31, 6003 on ,, :255.Road, Lee, DUI, possession ,.'ofiless than 20 grams of mriijuana, possession of; drug paraphernalia, Trp. Lundy, FHP. Nov. 27: :.i Marshall Flowers, 27, 509 E. ':IBay. Street. V\'P for battery on a . -niSt. enforcement officer, Dep. :-a kins, TCSO. . Nov. 28: .David C. Holmes. 20. 404 E. Elm Street, possession of alcoholl by a minor. Sgt. Cruse, PPD. James Daryl Holmes, 51, 404 E. Elm Street, battery on a law -enforcement officer, resisting Arrest with violence. Sgt. Cruse, PPED. Nov. 29: Rueben lathew's. 43. P. O. 875. Steinhatchee. possession S "~;,l. ,r o 4 yehiple - ,' : : "-i-, '" ~~ ...,tP, Ar a s " ai.orothy Lea Ja ck di' 47 90 Railroad Aveue- Bosto', Gti VOP for possession of cocaine and possession of drug paraphernalia, Dep. Gulbrandsen, TCSO. Ivan Jerome Curtis, 21, South' SWoodard Street, FTA for no valid drivers license and criminal mischief, Ptl. Cooper, PPD. Gerald Derrick McGuire, 23, 938 Glennis Cruce Road, VOP, Off. Jarvis, DOC. Holdan Pearson, 38, 3388 Harrison Blue Road, VOP, Dep. Gulbrandsen, TCSO. Nov. 30: Curtis Antorio Smith, 41, South Warner Street, possession of drug paraphernalia, DWLS, Ptl. Norris, PPD. Dec. 1: Anthony Kelly, 34, SE Putnam Street, Lake City, VOP for DWLS and no tag or registration, Dep. Thompson, TCSO. Dec. 2: Anthony Phillip Cundiff, 43, Lafayette Road, Middleton, Ohio, grand theft auto, DWLS, Ptl. Kelly, PPD. Kevin Denton Spence, 27, 275 Papoose Place, Ft. White, DWLS, DUI, Ptl. Kelly, PPD. Correction Due to incorrect information from the Taylor County Sheriffs Office, Sim Edward Woods, 56, was inadvertently listed as having been arrested for criminal mischief. and disorderly conduct. It was Sim Russell Woods, 31, who should have appeared in the Booking Desk. By Appointment please Linda Stoddard, D.V.M. Hank Stoddard, D.V.M., D.T.V.M. Jennifer McHale, D.V.M., MS Amy Stone, D.V.M., PhD o,, -95 Household Office Apartment agt. 9-2 Big or Small... We can move it all! Dependable Free Estimates Reliable Local Pak & 2 Guys, Truck & Trailer Ship 584-3776 (w) Licensed 584-2270 (Hi (Serving Perry & Surrounding Counties) 352-498.5293 Preventative medicine Nutrition & dietary assistance Complete dental care Radiology & surgery Boarding facility Aquaculture consultation Limited large animal services Mon.-Fri. 8:00- 5:30, Saturday 8:00 -'Noon Turn right at 1 t caution light on Hwy. 19 Cross City, South 1/2 mile on SW 10th St. Jon D. U,4minez BOARD CERTIFIED CIVIL TRIAL LAWYER (850)386-7553 Tallahassee 1882 Capital Circle NE, Suite 103 Tallahassee, FL 32308 Toll Free: 1-877-997-8181 The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based soley upon advertisements. Before you decide ask the lawyer to send yo free written information about their qualifications and experience. IMPORTANT NOTICE The GT Com customer parking lot will be under construction starting Monday, December 12 Please take note to the new entrance and exit We apologize for any inconvenience. ATTENTION To better serve our valued customers,. Taylor Employment Connections will have a new address effective Monday, Dec. 12,2005 You may visit us at 1702 South Jefferson Street . o S0*nesviTlE oym C ns Job Seeker Services .* Career counseling skill & level assessment Job search & placement assistance use of comupters with internet access/faxes, resource room, copiers, phones' Workshops for interviewing & resume writing Veterans services and benefits Information on unemployment programs, claims filing, job openings, insurance, labor market, job openings Youth Services Objective assessment Individual service strategies and planning Paid/unpaid work experience Comprehensive guidance and counseling Occupational skills training Follow-up services for 12 months Employer Services * Easy posting of job openings on Employ Florida * Access to worker profiles, resumes Marketplace * Recruitment, pre-screening and referral of qualified applicants * On-site recruitment assistance * Job fairs * Information on employer prevailing wages, unemployment * OJT, skills upgrading and retraining * HR consulting services, (skills assessment for employees, job description preparation) * Rapid response service to avoid dislocation S(ACCESS Florida C m'or /ment WNA CECTI ONS. 0 WE*Irmm *I:,* WoVLrk. (solutions for yoL .. Additional services may be available for those adults arnd. youth who'lt41 [fy For more information, please call (850) 584-7604 TTY (850) 584-6238 Shamrock Veterinary Clinic & Fisheries S Cross City, Florida ." Your Pet's Wellness Provider for Over 20 Years lan Brown Cary A. "Bo" Hardee, III Personal Injury & Wrongful Death * AUTOMOTIVE, TRUCK, & MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENTS * DEFECTIVE PRODUCTS * MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE/MALPRACTICE * SLIP FALL PREMISES LIABILITY * NURSING HOME NEGLIGENCE No Fees or Costs until Recovery (850)997-8181 Monticello 1307 S. Jefferson Street Monticello, FL 32344 I I I 111 I i '- I- I r I~ -r-9 .. :e r ~r~BI~B~ Fr I..,.-, Mt~ ' r. L I ; I' -' K~ V'6 -~~ VA 4II ~-Th am. NA J I k444 1I. ': 111K0 HOME ACCESSORIES O ie I U a '1 OL" 4 a CARPET 55" BIG SCRE' ^^ W U''tS^&"f, /- ,, .. PHILHPS- HDTV *"* %-v .rvF OFF "3t r I NOW TIL CHRISTMAS AT $5.99 YARD DiIIng BroyhilB *Ashley from $399.99 a ^ $ uf,,&R 0 9 .I .,. >. i r.I.* l~c I. 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SOUTH HOUSE IN PERRY- 7 BLOCKS WEST OF COURTHOUSEAT U.S. 19-27 ,^ _ IL~ NED AH O CHRISTMASO Ml- 7 S~t~ " 7r~l~~ VACUUM SUPPLIES i^: ^^^*-' ;'-i^J^^^^^^- I CEDAR CHESTS hr' C 27" TV DVD/VCR COMBO 1.99 $46o99 HARDWOOD Great Deal! cS, UP 7.,. $3 VINYL IN STOCK L STARTING AT $3.99 ,| YARD CERAMIC TILE JEWELRY I Ou5O%j , OFF , SELECT ITEMS CARPET IN STOCK STARTING AT , _ MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL $99.99 YARD 9 GLIDER ROCKERS $199.99 F ~SQ. FF. SAVE NOW! ,99.99 ALL ENTERTAINMENT - CENTERS 25% OFF WATERx WATER SYSTEM GET RID OF RUST WASHER/DRYER a WHIRLPOOL ONLY 4 SETS LEFT! $599999 SET BAR STOOLS 20% OFF ALL RECLINERS 30% OFF 60" BIG SCREEN TV , $1,799.99 Souh ose i HOMEOWNSwned "O ur rce- r BeterAlwy! SOUTH HOUSE IN PERRY 7 BLOCKS WEST OF COURTHOUSE AT U.S. 19-27 ORECK VACUUM CLEANERS : r "A- V11 U07 ; 4 0 00 0 00 PORCH I~ ' V.KJ 9 S., :..-- , _. '-^ ,/- , 4 " U' ON ALL PREMIUM QUALITY MATTRESS SETS BY JAMISON PER SET WE ALSO HAVE SERTA BEDDING IN STOCK EVEN AT THESE PRICES WE TAKE TRADE-INS! 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