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Soo Servi Taylo BcicoC Midweek Taylor C, .. . Sinc .... IEdition Since 1 Tuoit Molvember,* Tree Capital of the South 2 Sections Our 44th Year, No.45 Bringing up to 150 new jobs SeaStrike buys Sport-craft ~~~L-~SP~t"~;~t~, ?A/IZ This saidje he hope, i: hire man', ot h, ch e iti cd fi:ormer eriplo', es .:, t Sp'irt-. ralt "'V'e're ;cthd ahout the m.:'.e \\e had ,ouir.:v.'. n the Miami facilities that SeaStrine had been inr fo r rmin ,.ars In aditm''n. our pari '-rship nih the f'[nr iec r i :r'. err ot D.akta B. .JIS [' h3r m iriufac:turnn' in Stuari did noti \v.ork uit \\' decided the IxetI mo'.., tor us v. as to ha' our own' manufacturing facility with plenty of existing space, and even more room for expansion. We anticipate using the best available equipment on-site, bringing our existing equipment and purchasing new equipment based on our needs," he said. The once thriving Sport-craft plant, has been idle since ,- Please see page 3 A Fi LaujiderdaIle-ha.idJ rn.anu 3fa urer .if sporn l tihinL b~its jnnnr-ur,.-'d Tu.-d'.a' thai it ha,' purcha..-.d irh, nearly\ 2I'I.i.'i ,,,4uiare I':,.' former Sport-craft bu-t acilIti, in Perrs Sc:aStrrk.. B'-als LLC President Tom Thies .aid his company .would be mi '. in iI.s entire manufaclurin' operation to the 41--acre Perr', tlicatlon \tlhin ihe ne i t1\1., months. Econ:nimic De'.eloper Rick Breir .aid the Taylor Coun,, De'. elopmint Authorit iTCD. I couldn't he more pleased "We hate been working for nearly three ,ears to get a quality boji builder to mo\e into the facility\ and after several close calls. I'm L'lad to isa\y .e'v e finally located one and It's a good one." Breer 'said The company cpec'ts to1 hire up to 50 ptcCple b, the end of this ,cear and another 100 depending on sales.i in 2 ri-6 "Sport-craft '.as once one of the largest employers in Ta lor Count\ and %.e're looking to exceed that number in the ne\i feAw ears." Thie '. aid. Investigation is launched in shooting A 6S-vear-old Perry man was found dead at his home Not. 3. shoril, after 7 p.m. and local la\% -entorcement sa;, his death nida hate been caused b\ a .50 caliber muzzleloadinm rifle w which went off \% hile it 1 as being cleaned. Law enforcement w as called to John S. Sheffield's Morgan- Whiddon Road residence where ihe\ found his body on the concrete floor of his shop, lying face dow n. \i th a bullet wound to his chest. Medics w ith Doctors' Memorial Hospital Emergenc, Medical Services ran a cardiac sinp on Sheffield. but the results showed ihat the man was deceased. While the \working mechanisms of the rifle were lying under Sheffield's leg. the stock of the weapon was y ing on a nearby able. as well as muzzleloading supplies and gun cleaning supplies. According to Taylor County Sheriffs Office Lt..Audie Towles, the case remains open. "as of this time. The death is still under investigation." Sheffield's obituary may be found on page A-7. After nine months of exploring options and studying unpacts, the Steinhatchee Boat Ramp Committee returned its recommendation to the count\ commission Monday night. and the site they hate settled on is not in Taylor Counts. Instead, the group has found a site on the Di\ie Counti side of the Sieinhatchee Riter. upstream from the bridge. The site is close to an existing boat ramp ow ned b% Di\ie Counts The committee received permission from the commission in April to expand its search area to include the DL\ie County side. "It's a ireat pleasure to be here tonight." said Earle Greene. chairman of the boat ramp committee .:Law enforcement was called to a crasn Friday night, at approximately 10:30, on Hwy. 221, just. south of Roberts Aman Road. According to a report filed by the Florida Highway Patrol, the driver, Robert Charles Sadousky, 34, left the west side of the.road and crashed into a tree. "The driver had been drinking and was seriously injured in the crash. Charges are pending due to a DUI investigation,'" officers said. Doctors' Memorial Hospital Emergency Medical Services responded to the crash. "There are quite a number of options we have looked at in depth," he said. "It's been a difficult challenge due to the. .environmental issues and scarcity of significant parcels of land close to the river that we can use for a boat ramp facility. "Fortunately, one option has .risen to the surface that appears to be feasible. This option is a nine- acre property inconjunction with a lot that provides 125 feet of river frontage connecting the nine-acre tract to the river. "It's a reasonably short distance upstream from the bridge on the Dixie County side of the river. This is as close to the mouth of the river as we could come up with." Greene said there are some moderate wetlands issues to deal with, but the land did have willing sellers that are working cooperatively with the committee. The two parcels have. separate owners. The owner of the smaller parcel, he said, was willing to consider a land swap deal. Greene. also cited a recent positive review on the site from the Suwannee ..River Water ., Please see page 3 Veteran 'heroes' honored Nov. 11 Today's soldiers and yesterday's heroes will be honored during a number of events in honor of Veterans Day 2005. On Thursday, Nov. 10, the Perry Garden Club will place a wreath at the Blue Star Marker in the median on Highway 19.South. The marker is part of a national program which honors all service men and women who have defended the United States of America. The Blue Star became an icon in World War II and was seen on flags and banners in homes for sons and daughters away at war, as well as in churches and businesses. Veterans Day--Friday, Nov. 11--the Taylor County High School JROTC will host its annual veterans program, beginning at 11 a.m. Those planning to attend are asked to assemble in the school gymnatorium by 10:45 a.m. All veterans, soldiers and their families are invited. A wreath-laying ceremony will be held at the Taylor County Courthouse following the 11 a.m. program. Afterwards, all past and present military personnel are invited to a special luncheon in their honor. Starting at 1 p.m., the event will be held at Forest Capital Hall against a pictorial display saluting local soldiers. On Saturday, Nov. 12, American Legion Post #96 will sponsor its annual free "Veterans Day" breakfast from 7-9 a.m. at the Legion Hall on East Veterans Drive. "Veterans, please join us for food and fellowship," invites Post Commander Neal McCranie. Dixie County tapped for boat ramp - Editorial A-2 Taco Times November 9, 2005 Evacuee thanks community for support during hurricane Dear Editor: I wish to thank so many people who helped my children and myself during our recent evacuation from Hurricane Wilma. I came to Perry with my three children, planning to stay for the weekend with my mother until the storm left South-Florida. Because of extensive damage to the, school where I teach and lack of' electricity at my home, I was forced to stay longer. Because of information given to me by the hurricane hotline, I planned to stay for several weeks and enrolled my children in school. Because I was not prepared for an extended stay, I did not have clothes for my children to wear or other needed supplies. My mother suggested I contact a couple agencies in the area for help. To my surprise, everyone I contacted was more than eager to help. I wish to personally thank the members-of the First Baptist Church for helping with clothing and dinner for my family, to Rhonda Brooks for giving me a voucher to get warm clothes, and, to the Hershbergers for getting us in contact with other people who were able to help us. Also, I thank Ms. Towles who supplied warm. coats for my children and other food supplies. Luckily I was able to return home the following week and return to work and resume my life. I will never forget the kindnesses of the people of Taylor County and now understand why my mother loves this area so much. Sincerely, Michelle Sawyers Hendry County Letters to the Editor 'Some claims don't stand up to close scrutiny' Dear Editor: The most compelling reason I can think of for not putting the coal-fired power, plant issue on the ballot is that many protesters of almost anything tend to get so emotionally involved in their cause that they abandon reason. They gather information, much of it ,wrong, that seems to support their position. They rally supporters and crowd public meetings in an attempt to show that "the. people" want whatever it is. they are advocating. Uninformed voters may believe what they see and hear and vote against their own best interests. City should keep Dear Editor: The. history :of the Dorsett Stadium/Pace Field transfer to the school board needs clarification. Last year a majority of the city council voted to give Dorsett, Stadium/Pace Field to the school board in an attempt to balancethe, city budget. SThe city council acted without negotiating a contract for city recreational usage. Some on the council, rationalized this action because they felt Dorsett Stadium would not be needed by the city with the opening of the new county sports complex. This vision was short-lived when funding problems prompted the county commission to eliminate football and baseball from Phase 1, of the sports complex. This left the community football and baseball recreational programs in need 'of all \city Most citizens who are in favor of a project assume that no reasonable person could object to, something they see as beneficial, so they, remain out: of the public eye, relying on their elected officials to use good judgment. Tallahassee is now facing a power shortage in the near future because its citizens voted 10 years ago to:own no coal- fired plant in or adjacent to Leon County, based largely on environmental issues. It sounded good at the time, but nowv they are paying for that vote. I have not advocated building a coal-fired plant power plant in our county, though Iam not against it. Dorsett Stadium? facilities. I questioned the wisdom of giving Dorsett Stadium, to the school board under the circumstances the community was facing. I was able to get a majority of the council to reconsider the SDorsett decision and maintain city ownership. The direction of the city council was to.seek reasonable support from the school board Dorsett Stadium/Pace Field should be the cornerstone for our community baseball and football programs. The Dorsett Stadium/Pace Complex has the potential to meet ,many of the needs- of our community. The.'City of Perry needs, to maintain ownership to insure recreational baseball and football remain viable in the community. Pam Feagle Southerland thanked for t-shirts .Dear Editor:- SWe would like to, take this opportunity to say a special thanksl you." to Mark Southerland and South House for the donation oft- shirts to the Steinhatchee School Lady Rays Volleyball Team. The shirts look sharp, and we appreciate the thoughtfulness behind them. SMarla Howard and the 2005 Rays Volleyball Team SSupport appreciated for BBQ SDear Editor::.. The Marshall Health Family Council, would like to 'thank everyone who purchased a ticket for the BBQ dinners that were sold on Oct. 10. We also would like to thank the following for their donations: Badcock & More, First Church of the Nazarene of Tallahassee, Mark Southerland, Pepsi7, Hardee's, Perry Newspapers, Inc., Buckeye Credit' Union, Yarbrough, Farm Bureau, Dr. Nelson and Dr. Haisten. Sincerely, Marshall Health Family Council cTaco TITimes Wednesday, November 2, 2005 123 S. Jefferson Street P.O. Box 888 Perry, Florida (850) 584-5513 DONALD D. LINCOLN SUSAN H. LINCOLN Publisher Managing Editor DEBBIE CARLTON BETH MANN Business Manager Advertising Director ANGELA N. CASTELUCCI CAROLYN DuBOSE Staff Writer Promotional Ad\vertising CHARLES R. SADLER CAROL BROOKS Staff Writer Promotional Advertising MARK VIOLA SARAH WEIRICK Staff Writer Classified Advertising The Taco Times (ISSN 07470967)is published each Wednesday by Perry News. papers, Inc., 123 S. Jefferson Stree, Perry, Florida 32347 Subscriptions are $35.00 per year or $49.00 out of county Periodicals postae paid at Perry Florida 32348. POSTMASTER. Send address changes to the TAC TIMES. P Bo4 888, Perry, FL 32348. The Taco Times welcomes Letters to the Editor reflecting responsible opinions and views on the news. Please submit letters by Monday at 5 p m The Taco Times reserves the right to refuse publication of letters which are libelous or ire- sponsible. Name may be withheld if circumstances so require, but all leters sub- mitted should be signed by the writer and accompanied by a phone number for verification. We look forward to hearing fromyoul Our address s Perry, Newspapers, Inc., P.O. Box 888, Perry, Florida 32348 e-mail: perrynews@perry gulfnel com Member Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. I have objected to the misinformation that has been used to oppose the plant, and the.fact that opponents offer no practical alternative as a power source. Some. very intelligent and honorable citizens have made some claims that don't stand up to close scrutiny. They have read of the ill effects of coal-fired plants in other places, two or three decades ago. They assume that any new plant will be as bad. Thus, we are asked to believe that the plant will be deadly; it will spew noxious gases and.poisons into our air and water and onto our land; old - people and children will be particularly vulnerable to its catastrophic emissions. No one will, be safe People will be dying soon after it starts up. There are undocumented claims that Taylor County has high rates of cancer, pulmonary problems and diseases such as ALS. There was a reference to parents in Jacksonville who claimed that a new plant caused their children to become autistic, although there were many autistic-children in that city before the plant \as built. There are -, Please see page 8 Writer again asks for vote on coal plant Dear Editor: What are our county commissioners? They are five elected officials who by virtue of being elected by the people of this county think that they are demi-gods. They think that they were given 'carte blanche' to do with out lives as they please! They seem to think that by being .elected it makes them all knowing and all powerful. There were many' citizens (read that, as voters) ,at the last commission meeting. I had asked' my commissioner, previously, to. allow the county to vote on the coal-burning power plant that is, being proposed. He told me, "you* can vote on it the next time I run for re-election." Let me assure you :hdat he will not get my support or 'vote in the future, and I 'had supported him in the past. Fool me once, 'shame on, me, 'it will not. happen the second time! Under the guise of needed jobs, the coal-burning power plant is being rammed down our, throats. Yes, we need good jobs and large numbers of them. The coal burning power plant is only proposing 150 jobs, of these how many will be filled by company people? There is no promise of them going to locals. We have been a one-horse town and county for as long as I can remember and that horse is getting old. Is he stumbling? I wonder. His droppings still stink. to high heaven. We do not need another old horse with stinking droppings. We need clean industry with clean jobs. Are our county commissioners being bought off by the promises of big business also known as Reedy Creek (aka Disney). One more time, I-ask the county commissioners to allow the voting people of this county to vote on the acceptability of a coal-burning power plant in Taylor County. Sam H. Duckworth, Msgt USAF Ret. Midweek Muddle Yard for sale By SUSAN H. LINCOLN In the early morning hours, when I him permission to drive it. struggle down the stairs to the .coffee For several hours the boys labored pot, I look outside mn kitchen window until they determined that they had and I see them. "done all they could do." They sounded Taking over the world. like surgeons after a complicated Looking harmless, but wanting to eat procedure. Now it was time for my work everything in their sight. to begin. Longing, to wrap their tentacles And two:weeks later, I'm still working. around my house. Every morning, I stumble down the It's the grapevines I see--a pleasant, stairs and look out that window, organic name for something which is hopeful that some fairy tale like the structured much like the DNA models "The Elves .and the Shoemaker" took we studied in.science. That is to say place in my yard. Perhaps some that bridge builders would do well to landscape designer appeared in the use grapevines ineconstruction, dark of the night and carved animal These particular grapevines have shapes out of the shrubs, planting molested a row of shrubs called seasonal color below. photinias, better known as "red tips," Instead, I look out my window and which separate me from the road. I just see something new to fix. planted the photinias and I want them Desperately needing to check this chore there.: I've co-existed with the off my list, I declared that I would be grapevines for 20 years and made many finished by sundown on Sunday. wreath from them, but they're starting And, trust me, I was finished. to'worry me now. They've increased in I have a few small scratches, one' bulk threefold in the past two decades, bruise and some really dirty clothes to Nowthey want the trampoline. prove my day's work. But mostly I was For four months, I tried to find just exhausted and concerned. someone who would trim those Exhausted because those grapevines photinias which were being strangled by were large enough to be fashioned into. grapevines. Everybody was busy. It is a sturdy, willow-like patio furniture, ,and lot easier to ride on a lawn mower than concerned because I now know what teeter on a .ladder with sharp grapevines are capable of instruments. accomplishing. Finally, I begged and pleaded to the And. we should all be worried. husband. "We have got to trim those I followed one vine from the base of photinias--me and you." the shrubs, eight feet away toward the "You mean me," said the husband, trampoline. Suddenly, I was concerned who's not. tall but has an eight-inch that if I was able to pull the thing out of advantage over me in height. He has the ground, the foundation of my house nightmares of previous photinia might begin to crumble, causing a chain clippings. reaction from Perry, Fla., to Mesa, "No, not just you," I explained. "If Arizona. you'll take the first cut at them with the So I poured myself a tall glass of ice electric hedge clippers, I'll take over water and sat in the yard, looking at from there and do the raking and these shrubs, now inches from the shaping." grapevines. The vines don't seem to Reluctantly, he agreed. The boy child grow that fast. They don't look that was also recruited for this work because ominous. But they need to be watched he thinks outside the box: he put the closely. ladder inside the highest point of the And every morning, I plan to do that, shrub we couldn't reach, confirming the while no longer worrying about Florida possibility that he descended in an falling into the ocean. I think the evolutionary fashion. He's not afraid of grapevines will hold us here. And falling and doesn't mind backing over wouldn't it be just like God to have a them with the truck, if we'll just give plan that spectacularly simple? I 40 a kM =O- AM r -MO B A 0 A-3 The Taco Times ..November 9, 2005 According to Chairman Gunter Opposition portrays itself as 'victim' : Raising the flag The AMVETS Post Home located on Woods Creek Road was host to a group of area cub scouts from Pack 603 recently. While there, AMVETS member Joe Brannon (center) .and Sons of AMVETS Commander Wayne Wilbur demonstrated the correct way to raise and lower the American flag. Public Safety Appreciation Cook-Out planned Nov. 18 The Perry/Taylor County S Chamber of Commerce will host ,its 12th annual Public Safety Appreciation Cook-Out Friday, -Nov. 18, at City Park. "The chamber would like to honor and show appreciation to our local public safety employees and our armed'forces for their commendable support and service to our community and to our country. Those who attend will enjoy seeing all the individuals and interagency partners that make Perry and Taylor County a great .place to live and work," Director pawn Taylor said. Lunch will begin at noon, in' City Park. , "This event will include 'a complime'ntar\, lunch with all the trimmings and some special presentations. If you would like-to help ith the. preparations-of this e cint or if you would like to help serve, please call the chamber office " STho,-e planning to attend are, .asked to RSVP by Nov. 16. "You will need to let us know ahead bf time if you need to pick up dinners for those who. cannot attend -such as on-duty officers or correctional officers).. If you need further information please contact our office at 584-5366. Thank you to those who serve our county and our community. " Visit SeaStrike on-line at www. seastrikeboats. com SSEASTRIKE That partnership has since Et T 'R 'Edissolved, and Dakota Boats has Continued from page 1 been sold. While tho.s boats are .December of 2002. In November no longer available through of 2003, Enterprise National Bank' SeaStrike,, it does have its own foreclosed on former owner, Ken new 28-foot,.32-foot and 36-foot 'Hall & Associates., boats in the development pipeline. Hall and his two sons purchased In 2004 when SeaStrike Boats the long-time boat manufacturing' LLC purchased the company, it -plant in 1997 from the late Joe announced .plans to continue Roberts with aggressive plans to building the most popular existing more than double the workforce, models as well as expand the line which stood' at about '85 iintblarger fishing boats. employees. SThe Halls made the purchase with the help of a $4.16 million loan from the U.S. Department of, Agriculture (USDA). The USDA loan was part of the federal agency's rural, developmental.assistance program designed forbusinesstes locatingiin' rural :communities with populations of 50,000 or less. S Seastrike, which will celebrate its 35th anniversary next year, makes sport fishing boats in the 16-foot to 24-foot' range. The 32- foot and 36-foot boats Seastrike was producing were being made f through a partnership with the former owner of Dakota Boats. "At that time, we announced plans to invest in a new manufacturing facilnt and new boat designs to expand, the, business." Thies said. "The move .to: Perry is the fulfillment of that goal. We are in this for the long haul and plan to work diligently to expand the dealer network'and develop innovative ideas and products to best serve our customers.' SThies said the company plans to keep its corporate headquarters in Ft. Lauderdale. For more information on Seastrike, visit their website at www.seastrikeboats.com. PROTEST Continued from page 1 item, whether it is on the agenda or not, at the meeting it is presented, unless declared an emergency. Instead, the commission can hear the issue, take it under advisement, and then agenda it for a subsequent meeting, "giving county staff time' to get information to the commissioners," Humphries said. Taylor County resident' Janet Monroe was on Monday's agenda to "address the board regarding residential property values near the coal plant and other personal concerns/questions," and Jarnes Bass was scheduled to "address the board with specific concerns about the coal plant."', At the start of the meeting, Gunter made several changes'to the agenda, including moving the motion to, adjourn to the end, after the two speakers. As with the last commission meeting, Gunter asked that any public comments in reference to the plant be held until the end of the meeting during the power plant segment. It was approximately 9 p.m. when the commission reached'the -power. plant issue., Gunter told county staff in attendance that they could leave if they wanted to. Hfimphries- alerted the commission that they needed to replace the videotape 'in the, recorder and Gunter called for a five-minute break. Monroe told the commission that she recently ,bought her "dream home" in Taylor County, only to find out several months later that the proposed coal plant site was only five, miles away from her home. She said she was worried about the health effects of the coal plant as, well how it would adversely effect her property values. "To say property values will not go down is outrageous," .Monroe' said. "If I knew this then, I would not have bought in Taylor. County." Commissioners Clay Bethea and Jack Br':,'. n s'j.io-_,ted Monroe, Check propcFr) '.l nues in Crstal'l River and Palatka, both cities where coal,plantswere built and, they said, did not see a drop in- property values. Both commissioners said that their 'homes -were also' approximately five miles away, from the proposed site. Bass followed, Monroe, expressing concerns for his daughter, who lives close to the plant site and suffers from asthma. Both asked the commission to hold a vote on the issue. S. Once Bass was finished, Gunter asked if there.was anyone .else from the public who ished to New sewer rates to be discussed Taylor Coastal Water & Sewer' District will hold a public hearing .,.Wednesday, Nov.. 16, to discuss a new sewer rate structure. The meeting will be held'in the district building, located at 18820 Beach Road and will start at 5:30 p.m. speak on the issue. When no one contint spoke up, he entertained a motion the e to pay the bills and then a motion docum to adjourn. Bass Commissioner Malcolm Page noting made the motion to adjourn and bills an Brown seconded at 9:30 p.m. "Am According to Murphy, she said an For Boat Ramp Committee ued to take minutes until :nd of the meeting, ending that Monroe and addressed the board and the motions to pay the Id to adjourn. azingly, they. still haven't thing new or produced any * Wills, Probate Civil Litigation Personal Injury verifiable facts," Gunter said Tuesday. "It's very disheartening that the opposition will not base their arguments on fact and resort to playing a victim status.when all we ask is for them to follow the rules." Next stop, Dixie County Commission BOAT RAMP Continued from page 1 Management District fo.r permitting. Commissioner Jack Brown expressed concern that placing the boat ramp on, the Dixie County, side would diminish the economic benefit on the Taylor County side. "I'm just looking for a return on investment," Brown said. "People will not continue to move down there. if there's not access," Greene said, "Any boat HlrLng of a la.t. ver is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advlerti-ement. Before N ou decide ask us to send you free written information about our qualification. & experience Al 'Pr-OnedVeicls rePriedBELW:AD*Reai andwil beclarl maked'fr* yu onvniece The All New Ford Fusion '"Quiet-Comfortable-Roomy' Great fuel economy, V/6, 221 HP, 6 Speed; Automatic, 17" Tires, Leather, Audiophile Sound ,$24,3606 Rebate Applied 2002 Ford Ranger KIT Supercab .Alloy Wheels, Power Windows & Locks, C/D Running Boards, Till Wh-Il Sli #P491 was 145ss $13,595 10999 eep Wrangler Sport 4 V D. illcy Whri '. Hard T:,p Aulj tltw Tres, Stk. #P493 , was 1,995 $12,995 2003 Chevrolet Silverado LT Ext. Cab, V/8, Z71, Auto, Leather Stk. #260008T $22,995 1998 Ford F150 4x4 KIT V/8; Auto, Stk. #250216A $9,995 Come see our Black GT .Mustang - in Stock 2004 Ford F150 KIT SuperCrew, Lariat, C/D, Alloy Wheels, Bed Liner, Tow Package, Stk. #P476 was $2,995 $21,995, 2003 Ford Ranger Edge Supercab Alloy Wheels, C/D, Cruise, Power Windows S & Locks, Bed Liner, Stk, #P494 was 14,995 $13,995 2002 Ford Escape llT V/6, Leather, Auto, Alloy Wheels, Luggage Rack, S Running Boards, Tow Package, Stk. #P487 was $16,995 $15,995 2003 Ford Expedition 4x4 Stk. #260052A, FX4, 135,000 miles $17,995 2003 Ford Focus Sedan SE SAuto, Power Windows & Locks, C/D, Tilt Wheel, 2006 Escape Hybrid "2 in Stock" SCome in and drive this electric/gas SUV 31 mnpg (city) 36 mpg (highway) 2002 Ford F150 Supercab Lariat 4x4 \w F ,4 F rj L', i li u C./D, Power Seats, All,,. Whi,:i Ru;ni, B ii'., Tow Package, Bed Liner, :. id'lt'l171A was $21,995 $20,595 2001 Ford F150 Supercrew KIT V/8, 4x4, C/, Bed Liner, Alloy Wheels, Running Boards, Tow Package, Stk. #25016A was $18,995 $17,695 2001 Ford F150 Supercrew KIT V/8, Alloy Wheels, Bed Liner, Tow Package, Stk. #250151A was $16,595 $15,395 2002 Ford F150 Supercab XLT C/D, Running Boards, Tow Package, Alloy Wheels, FX4 Off Road, Stk. #250033CA was $21,995 $20,595 .200Che 'e rStdK, tIw50 2002Chevol Silverado 500 was $10,995 $9,995 2002 Ford Sport Trac V/8, Ext,Cab, 4x4, LS-Z71, Leather, Power Seat V/6, Auto, C/D,.Bed Liner, Running Boards, Stk. #P472 Tow Package, Bed Liner, Alloy Wheels, C/D, Stk. #P488 All prices plus tax, tag, title & state fees. Dealer fees included was $21,995 o$20,995 in price. Not responsible fortypographical errors. Pictures for was $18,995 $17,795 as 1 illustration only. Rebates apply where applicable. ktBER.LANA- ramp will benefit both sides." The committee recommended that 'for the next steps in the process the.commission: meet with Dixie County to discuss partnership arrangement in 'developing the project; hire an environmental or permitting consultant to. delineate the wetlands, resolve the environmental issues and develop a viable permitting plan; place a binder on the property and agree upon a selling price for the nine-acre parcel;. * develop a total project implementation plan, cost, schedule and funding strategy; and purchase property, complete land swap and begin implementation. By consensus of the board, it was agreed that Greene and Commissioner Clay Bethea would attend the Nov. 17 Dixie County Commission meeting to discuss the potential project. It was also agreed to re-address the issue to the commission's next meeting, scheduled for Nov. 29. i LBLE BYERS, PLLC Attorneys Bill Blue & June Byers Divorce, Family Law 115 W. Bay St. 584-3111 -W --- -., .-. c~i~s; . ~-~ ~b~M*1-'Lj-*5-~v---rl r Pr~ - ARMN67, Living A-4The Taco Times November 9,2005 - I 'Excellent' rating awarded to band Heather Brookes Quicke, Jon Paul Michelini Quicke, Michelini to wed on Amelia Island Mr. and Mrs. Arley M. Quicke Jr. of Perry announce the engagement of their daughter, Heather Brookes, to Joni Paul Michelini, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carmelo P. Michelini of Lincoln Park, N.J.' Miss Quicke is a.gradiate of the University of Florida where she' .received her Bachelor's degree in exercise and sports science. The groom-to-be also eared a degree in exercise and sports science from the University of Florida before continuing his education at the University of South Alabama where he received a Nlaster's degree in exercise science. The wedding will be held on March 25, 2006, at sunset, overlooking Summer Beach on Amelia Island. A reception will follow at The Club of Amelia, located on the Ritz-Carlton properties. . Invitations will not be sent locally, however, all friends are invited to attend the celebration. For directions and wedding information, the bride's family may be contacted. Family Council plans ard sale Saturday The Family Council of Marshall Health & Rehabilitation, will have a yard sale at 207 Marshall Drive on.Saiurday. Nov. 12. beginning at 8 a.m.. Hot dogs and drinks % ill be sold for patrons, and all money will be, used for the residents of the center this Christmas. If you have items to donate, please bring them early on the day of the sale since storage space is Spruce up now for the holidays! Hall Kitchen Den I do it all. Interior Painting by Wendy 223-2627 or 838-0851 limited. Your patronage.is encouraged. . For additional information, please contact Nelda at 223-2370. On Saturday, Oct. 29, the Pride of Taylor- marching band performed' at the Florida Bandmasters Association Marching Festival in Tallahassee and received a rating of "Excellent" in all categories, Taylor County High School Band Director Brett Wilson announced this week. The Pride concluded its football season with an appearance at.the last regular season game in Jefferson County and will also be traveling with the football team to their playoff game in Pensacola. The Pride has also been invited to perform in the Macy's Holiday Parade in Orlando Dec. 9. The parade features balloons and floats from Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City and winds through many of the streets of Universal Studios. "We also congratulate Teddrick Bailey, Lee Commander and Tiffany Ragans for being selected to perform in the Small Schools Honor Band at the Florida Music \. L- .~~~~V' t" She's one! Emily Morgan reaches the one-year milestone on Friday, :Nov. 11; Helping her celebrate this first birthday will be her sister, Samantha, and her parents, Debra and Matthew Morgan. Outside and Treasures & More Glassware Inside Shnps New Hours: Fri-Sat-Sun 10-4 Antiques I e We buy...call us! Collectibles Yard Sale *ery ea e Tools Set up $8 Hwy 19 S. 838-1422. 584.7124 Mon-Th Furniture C AVON more Sabra Port'wood, irnderprdeni S Res Rpreseni 850-838-AVON (2866) 1000-D South Jefferson SI. SNoI\ Open Mlon.-Fri.:9:00 am- 6:30 pm Educators Conference in Tampa in early January. Lee Commander has also been selected to perform in the Tri-State Honor Band hosted at Florida State University in December," Wilson said. She's queen! Jennifer Wigglesworth, a former Taylor County resident, was named Homecoming Queen at Wewahitchka on Oct. 21. Jennifer is the daughter of Steve Wigglesworth of Tallahassee and the granddaughter of Pat Wigglesworth of Perry. Bridal -~ Registry $ * I Shanna Sadler Brian Jones SNovember 12, 2005 LaDonna B. Bembry Joseph G. LaValle November 26, 2005 Sonja Smigiel Lance Burfurd January 28, 2006 ]Bab v Missy & David Gray Boy due November 2005 Erika & Brian Snow Boy due November 2005, Jamie &Brian Lundy Girl due December 2005 Lori & Mark Wiggins Boy due December 2005 Lee & Michael Newman Girl due December.2005 Callie & Greg Babbitt Due December 2005 Mary Teresa & Steve Murphy . Due December 2005 Elizabeth & Matthew Eastman Girl Due December 2005 Melissa Fouche & T.J. Edwards SGirl due January 2006 Shinholser retires Martha Shinholser, clinic aide at Taylor County Middle School, retired after 36 years with the school system. Shinholser began her career in 1969 as a Spanish teacher. .From 1969 until 1977, she filled many different positions in the school system. On Oct. 31, 1977, she was hired as a teacher's aide at Perry Primary School. In 1980, she became a clinic aid and she has worked continuously since that time., Congratulating Shinholser on her retirement are Assistant Principal Jan Walker, left, and Principal Paul Dyal. Wedding reminder Sader-Jones Shanna Sadler and Brian Jones remind friends and relatives of their wedding Saturday, Nov. 12, at 4 p.m. in the First Presbyterian Church. Take a chance on a toolbox... Tickets are still available from any member of the Perry Woman's Club for a chance on an aluminum truck toolbox valued at $250. Tickets can also be purchased at Burns Monument and Vault Co. or from Nancy Joyplt at Capital City Bank. The winner of this drawing will be announced Friday, Dec. 2. Tickets are $1 each, or six for $5.. United Welding Services, Inc., donated the toolbox.for this fundraiser benefitting the community projects of the Perry Woman's Club. A+ Blanco Cleaning Service soAP (850) 672-1298 Letty Blanco SLicensed & Insured I'm a breast cancer survivor, Xango gave me energy I'm off 5 prescription drugs Xango replaced them "Hearing is Believing" Call me Sue (Crouse) Wilson 584-7998 i m i a m m m m S A CUT ABOVE Belinda Cruce SA Family Salon ~ Stop by for all your hair care needs, special styling occasions, ear piercing & facial waxing. SPA ESCAPE -Rita Thomas $65 Body Wraps (partial $35), Herbal Diet Products Facials Ear Candles When we get your age, we hope we look as good as youl Your friends, David & George These fine businesses are YOUR PERSONAL CARE HEADQUARTERS 'and are located at 628 5. Jefferson St., Perry, Fl. Walk-ins welcome...appointments not always necessary 850-223-3706 r- I STo my Jamaican Soulmate! SBest wishes b on your | 60th Birthday i Your Red tripe Drinking Partner, Roommate and Friend, Bob McClary pm, -- *-^ *. ^ .- ^ _' P"-mmp I- -do- 'gh.. -a., -Ab, -Ah- -.I&- --dL-dh-dfth ,qw- A-5 The Taco Times November 9,2005 I ani d Ameriasat war, This message sponsored by the following businesses: -7 ,.. .LUSED 1-HIDAY Member FDIC, CapitalCity SB a n k "Over 100 Years of Building a k Financial Relationships" "OUNDO 115 W. Green St. www.ccbg.com 584-2057 Sree Capital Credit Union If you live or work in Taylor County you can be a member of .Tree Capital Credit Union. A An .U.IE _QL1 4 A aflih~n4Z .CLOSED FRIDAY . .. ... ... . ..... ... NCUA National Credit Union Administration a U.S. Govemment Agency Blue Star Banners are back. Since World War I, a Blue Star Banner displayed in the front window of a home told others that a family member was serving in the armed forces. Once again, American men and women are being called to war. They are our nation's newest veterans, fighting to wipe out the seeds of terrorism. Each of them leaves a family behind. Every neighborhood has someone serving. As we steel ourselves for a long and difficult war, the sight of Blue Star Banners in homes will remind us of the personal sacrifices being made to preserve our way of life. This Veterans Day, we urge all Americans to remember those in uniform today, as well as the veterans of generations past. Their sacrifice to preservefreedom and opportunity for us all deserves our heartfelt thanks. i Agnian fv region *V Y .._ ',egp ionorg ^-The citizens ank O*F P E* *R-Y Member FDIC zuuu Souutn yron Butler rKwy. rerry 850-584-4411 905 First Avenue.S.E. Steinhatchee 352-498-2951 CLOSED FRIDAY EOUI. HOUSING UNDER BUCKEYE COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION ., ^. ,. '- ,i ., .,., 1825 S. Jeffeson St. NCUA WW bcfu.coop Perry, FL 32348 Nation t non Administration (850) 223-7100 U.S. GovemmentAgency OPEN FRIDAY (850) 223-7100 "t-i 14 Zi > 1' e lCIersoII 3L Perry, Fi. 32348 (850) 584-3002 / ' GOODMAN S BAR-B-Q OF PERRY INC. OPEN FRIDAY ONLY THE FINEST QUALITY MEATS SLOW COOKED OVER AN OPEN PIT T RIBS CHICKEN BEEF PORK BAR-B-QUE BEANS SLICED TURKEY CALL AHEAD FOR CARRY OUT DRIVE-IN WINDOW ' 2429 BYRON BUTLER PKWY. HWY. 19 SOUTH PERRY 5843751 HOURS: MON. -TH. 11-9, FRI.& SAT. 11-10 CLOSED SUNDAY FRITH ABSTRACT & TITLE COMPANY . IOU 501 N. Byron Butler Pkwy. P.O. Box 515, ,. Perry, FL 32348 CLOSED FRIDAY Telephone (850) 584-2672 Fax (850) 584-8841 Big Bend Marine 3482 Hwy. 19 S. Perry, FI. YAMAHA 850-584-5977 OPEN FRIDAY Mauldin's Collision Clinic, Inc. OPEN FRIDAY COMPLETE AUTOMOBILE GLASS WORK AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES "We take the dent out of accidents!". O IS I N -1 Acrylic Urethane Paints Kf " CHIEF E-Z LINER FRAME MACHINE WITH 2 CERTIFIED TECHNICIANS -By Spies Hecker 35 Years in Business FACTORY DOWN-DRAFT SPRAY BOOTH 118 E. Center St.' (850) 584-7512 B CY Joe P. Burns BUCK*E FUNERAL HOME Mayo Chapel Perry Chapel (386) 294-2658 1400 Johnson Stripling Rd. (850) 584-4149 Taco Equipment and Sales Perry Newspapers, Inc. 2673 Hwy. 19 South Perry, FL 32348 123 S. Jefferson St. (850) 584-5513 (850) 584-5002 4 -' News: newsdesk@perrynewspapers.com OPEN. Harvey Strickland Advertising: ads@perrynewspapers.com FRIDAY Mike Strickland Subscriptions: circulation@perrynewspapers.com Marsha Tison. SHome Mortgage Consultant o .. 109.W. Ma i n Street arw r) YOP L2, Perry, FL 32347 8502 234-275 FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY 313 N. Jefferson St. OPEN FRIDAY marsha.k.tlson@wellsfargo.com jerry, F. 32347 Welis Fargo Home Mortgage is a dvislon of W.ll Fargo Bank, N.A. 2005 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A All rights reserved. D (8 ) 2 OPEN FRIDAY .r= ,OPEN FRIDAY , r, -- , v By AARON PORTWOOD One week after.turning in a record-setting performance and clinching a play-off berth for the first time in six years with the most exciting game in recent memory, the Taylor County Bulldogs self destructed in a 10-7 loss to Jefferson County in what many may call the ugliest game in recent memory: It began with kicker Sean Crowley missing the ball on the opening' kickoff--giving Jefferson County (4-5) possession at the Bulldogs' 37-yard line--and never got any better for a (4-6) Taylor County team playing without three starters on offense. The two teams combined for more penalty yards (147) than offense (144 yards), fumbled a. combined seven times, completed just four passes for 35 yards and averaged 1.3 yards per carry. Freshman 'runningback Bryckowski Jackson--coming off of a one-game suspension--carried the ball.a season-high 31 times for 131 yards and the Bulldogs' only score, but Taylor County finished the game with just 82 total yards of offense, due in part to bad snaps, fumbles, penalties and lack of a passing attack. With senior QB Genario McNealy (85 of 174 passing, 1,649 yards, 14 TD's) suspended due .to disciplinary reasons and missing two other starters (Drew\ Southerland and Joseph Proenza) the Bulldogs' offense' struggled to move the ball or put points on the board. Taylor Count\' came into the game averaging 21 points pet game and 289 yards of offense (186 yards passing), but managed only 59 yards on the ground and 23 yards passing (82 total yards). Operating out of a two-fullback power running formation most of the night, Jackson followed Sean Padgett, Georgie Armstrong and the left side of the' offensive line for a season-high 131 yards rushing, but was thrown for a loss or no gain eight times,. Back-up QB Marquis' Ellisnever had time. to throw, completing just 3 of 9 passes for 23 yards, apd -;as tackled while he was handing -off several times, finishing with four sacks for -35 yards, 'while ananaging 10 positive yards on, two scrambles. Jackson and fellow freshman rtinningback Curtis Jones (two carries. 0 yards) both had problems -,holding on to the ball, as the .-Bulldogs fumbled five times and lost one. but'bad snaps were the 'most costly miscues of the night. A bad punt snap 'sailed oer *-punier John Crowley's, head for a 136-yard loss that gave Jefferson the ball at the Bulldog three-yard' Line and set up the Tigers' only touchdown. SOn Taylor's next possession, a '-bad snap on a 36-yard field goal, Iattempt los(11 yards and ruined a chance of later tying or winning .the game. With 47 yards lost on.two bad -isnaps and Ellis being sacked for a -net loss of 25 yards: the Bulldogs :finished with 41 carries for '59 ,yards rushing. k Penalties (8 for -90 yards) were ,also extremely\ costly, as Tony SPowell's third-quarter 43-yard punt --return for a touchdown was called back for an illegal block and four Taylor drives stalled due to penalties and woeful pass blocking. SAfter the Bulldogs scored early rin the fourth quarter to pull within ,10-7 and grabbed the momentum as the Taylor County defense i- turned in another impressive series, Slby pushing the'Tigers, backwards Seven yards, Taylor County nearly -blocked a punt.'After the Bulldog Offense picked up a first down, but stalled near midfield, John Crowley's punt pinned the Tigers' deep.at their own nine-yard line. STaylor's defense stepped up Again and stopped Jefferson g' County to force a punt, but the , Bulldogs were called for a crucial i "roughing the punter" penalty that S gave the Tigers a first down and ,S allowed them ,.to milk precious ,-- seconds off the clock. c. Despite the poor offensive L showing, Taylor had'one last shqt at winning, the game and posting their first non-losing regular S orts Playoff game Friday in Pensacola season record in seven years when they took over possession at the Jefferson 45 with 2:47 left in the game. However; a five-yard procedure penalty was followed by Jackson being hit in the backfield for a three-yard loss on a blitz and the Bulldogs were penalized for delay of game for another five-yard loss. On 2nd and 23, Ellis completed' his longest pass of the night thanks to a sensational, leaping 15-yard catch by Sebastian Ingram, but was pressured into two straight incompletions on third and fourth down, 'allowing Jefferson to run up the middle three straight times and kill the clock. Taylor was.also out of timeouts after having to use at least two due to having only 10 men on the field. Despite dressing only 18 players (only two seniors) and having eight starters quit in recent weeks, Jefferson County's defense took advantage of the Bulldogs' one- dimensional attack by stacking nine or 10 players on the line of scrimmage andblitzing on every play, hitting Ellis and Jackson in the backfield repeatedly. However, the Bulldog defense kept Taylor County in the game with inspired play that resulted in Jefferson's equally anemic offensive attack gaining only 62 total yards. The Bulldog defense recorded six sacks for -24 yards, made 16 tackles for loss'or no gain and held the Tigers to -4 yards of total offense in the second half. The Tigers managed 50 yards rushing on 40 carries and completed just one of three passes for 12 yards, while committing 11 penalties for -67 yards. .The Tigers sophomore runningback Lucius Wade carried 20 times for 47 yards and was tackled for no gain or a loss 10 times. Junior QB Breon Parker was sacked six times and finished with -16 yards on nine carries. Sophomore tailback Tim Crumity carried four times for -7 yards and Desrick Jones came in late to run six times for 25 yards, but had three carries for no.gain. The Tigers started the game with excellent field position after the Bulldog kickoff actually went backward three yards but Bill\ Joe Wigglesworth and ,Armstrong combined to tackle Wade for a six- yard loss and Cole Revels sacked Parker for a six-yard loss to force a punt. Taylor began with the power running game clicking, as Jackson snapped off gaines of five, seven : and :eight yards' behind' the blocking of Adam Cook and 'Padgett. However, 'an illegal procedure penalty put the Bulldogs in hole and Jackson was thrown for a loss before Ellis underthrew Powell on a 3rd and 10 pass. John Crowley's 29-yard punt gave Jefferson the ball on their own 36 and Wade broke a 37-yard run that would have been a touchdown if not for Powell's solo tackle at.the Bulldogs' 27- yard line.' Jake Meacham made a tackle for loss and Powell intercepted Parker's pass in the endzone only to have the play overturned due to a roughing the passer penalty.' Armstrong and Meacham responded with' back-to-back tackles for loss forcing Jefferson to kick a 35-yard field goal with 3:14 left in the first. Jackson -returned the kickoff nine yards.to the,29, but fumbled the ball away on first down. Shane Bailey sacked Parker, and forced a fumble on the ,very next play to give the ball back to Taylor County. Jones had trouble handling the football, but gained three yards and Jackson picked up a first down, but Ellis was sacked for a 12-yard loss before completing a three yard pass to Greg Sneed. On the final play of the first quarter Ellis had to leap up to grab a high snap and was sacked for an eight-yard loss when Jefferson broke through on an all-out blitz. On the first play of the second quarter, Revels' punt snap sailed. over Crqwley's head down to the three yard line for a loss of 36 yards. opponents and have had similar results against those teams. Jefferson Both teams lost to Vernon (who beat Taylor 35-16 and Pensacola, 30-22) and beat Chipley (Taylor won 24-21 and Pensacola won 25- 14). Both teams also defeated Marianna (Taylor won 36-33 and Pensacola won 31-14). . However, the Bulldogs lost to NFC 45-22 just three weeks ago and Pensacola pulled off the upset in the regular season finale. Kickoff for this Friday's game in Pensacola is 7 p.m. CST (8 p.m. Perry time). upset Jefferson scored two plays later on a one-yard QB sneak to make the score 10-0 with 11:13 left in the first half. Sneed returned the kickoff 26 yards to the Taylor 42 and Jackson carried four straight times for 23 yards and two first down. Ellis nearly threw an interception and the Bulldogs went back to Jackson who picked up 19 yards on two straight carries down to the 14. However, Jones came in and fumbled on 2nd and 1 to lose three yards, Jackson was thrown for a two-yard loss and another bad snap on a field goal attempt gave the Tigers the ball at their own 30. Revels, Kendall Thompson and Cook made big stops to force a punt, but penalties killed the next Bulldog drive, which ended with Jackson taking a direct snap on a fake punt, but coming up one-yard shy of a first down at the Taylor County 47. Time ran out on Jefferson as 'they were driving to score at the Bulldogs' nine-yard line. Penalties, poor blocking and big defensive plays by both teams dominated the third quarter as neither team mounted a serious drive and Ellis was sacked twice trying to pass. The. Bulldogs' biggest playmaker and leading scorer '(seven TDs) on the season, Powell, who never .touched the ball on offense, did return a punt 43 yards for a touchdown only to have it called back on a-blocking penalty. Gerald Walker, Wigglesworth, Meacham and Armstrong made big tackles for loss and the Bulldogs began their only scoring drive at the Jefferson 35 after having to call time out after a change of possession for having only 10 men in on offense. SSneed set up ihe scoring drive with a 22-\jrd punt return and Jackson carried four straight times for 15 yards before Ellis scrambled away from pressure to pick up four and a first down at the 11. Jackson did the rest, carrying four straight times and scoring on a three-yard TD run off the left side behind an explosive block by Sean'Padgett.: Sean Crowley's kick made the "score 10-7 with 10 minutes left in the game. Revels, Padgett, Cook and Wigglesworth stuffed Jefferson's next drive for a loss of seven yards and Walker and Wigglesworth nearly blocked the punt. Taylor took over on the Jefferson 36 and Jackson picked up 13 yards on first down with some Determined, hard-nosed running. However, Jackson was hit in the backfield for a two-yard loss and 'picked up only three on 2nd and 12 before Powell dropped a long sideline pass from Ellis near the Tiger 20-yard line. Crowley's punt pinned the Tigers deep 'and the Bulldogs appeared poised to pull out a come-from-behind victory when the' defense forced 'a punt. However, Walker was flagged on a questionable roughing the punter penalty, giving the Tigers. a first down and opportunity to run more time off the clock. The Tigers lost nine yards on three plays and punted again from their.own 21. Sneed returned the kick into Tiger territory before fumbling and recovering.at the end of the play; to set up the Bulldogs final drive. An illegal procedure penalty and delay of game penalty put the Bulldogs in a hole and Jackson was tackled behind the line of scrimmage before Ellis completed' the .15yard pass to Ingram and misfired in the face of heavy blitz pressure on the final two pass attempts. The Bulldogs will travel to Pensacola Catholic Friday night' for the first round of the Class 2A play-offs, taking on the Pensacola Catholic Crusaders', who upset North Florida Christian, 37-35 Friday night. The Bulldogs and Pensacola Catholic have three other common VA Dfl6 n TIf~I( I rP" Taylor 9 82 104 5/1 a-an L--fn 4-29.3 Stats Jef First Downs Comn/Att/Int 2 PassYVarrtd Total Yards Return Yards Fumbles/Lost Punts/Avg. person 7 ~ ~~-~4n- fl 1-3-0 12 62 10 2/1 11-67 6-25.8 u '-4 if.rr ., . "ne Members of the Taylor County High- football team get fired up prior to the star of- itsgame, against Fort White. The Bulldogs will have tobe on top'of their games this Friday when they travel to Pensacola Catholic for the first round of the state playoffs. Tensions mount for Dads vs. Daughters soccer game . Coach Dale Brewer is inviting everyone to attend the first-ever. Dads vs. Daughters soccer game pitting the, TCMS girls soccer team, against their fathers and a few other "community figures." The cost to enter the game will be $1, "or whatever a person feels like donating," Brewer said, and the proceeds will go toward the TCMS girls program. "The excitement is building as the girls are not sure. what to expect from their older competition," Brewer said. Eighth grader Hayden Barton'was puzzled as she stated, "I don't know what they are thinking or what they' have planned but there is no way they can beat us. My dad doesn't even know what a soccer ball is." Hayden's dad was quick to reply when he heard his daughter's remarks. "We could play with an egg and it wouldn't matter because those girls can't kick hard enough to worry about even breaking it. Hopefully the'scoreboard can count high enough to cover the points we will score." For Pensacola Last shot to reserve bus seats The Taylor County High football team has chartered four luxary buses for the Bulldogs' state playoff game this Friday night at Pensacola Catholic. Reserved seating for the round- trip is $33 per person. 'The deadline to reserve your seats is '3:30 p.m. Wednesday. For more information, contact Donna Bembry or Sharon Sessions in the front office at Taylor County High School at 838-2525. "As you can see," Brewer said,. "this is going to be a game for the ages, and we are not just talking about the old guys who think they can play soccer, so come out to the football stadium Thursday night at 7 and enjoy the show. If laughter truly is the best medicine, then everyone should be well for a long time." Basketball league forms A new youth basketball league is forming with games scheduled to get underway in January. The Upward Basketball League is for both boys and girls in grades one through six. It is being sponsored locally by First Baptist Church. Early registration is now underway at a cost of $45 per player. The deadline is Nov. 10. Registration forms may be picked up at'First Baptist Church. Forms may be returned to First Baptist or at Walmart this Friday froTl 6 to 8 p.m. The Upward Basketball League promotes character and self- esteem in every child by'providing equal. playing time, separate leagues for boys and girls, a one- - hour practice and game each week and an evaluation process to provide equal opportunity for improvement. All players must attend. one evaluation session to be held Nov. 7-10 at Forest Capital Hall. Practices begin Jan. 2 with games slated to get underway Jan. 14. For more information, contact' First Baptist Church at 584-7066. Speckled Trout On M r C Redfish One MarcC st Blues, etc. e Operating from Keaton Beach Marina o Fishing License Required For Customers (850) 584-9145 200 Kate Dr. Pat McGriff U.S.C.G. License Perry, FL 32348 r I E-MAIL US! LETTERS MUST INCLUDE A .. NAME AND DAYTIME CONTACT PHONE NUMBER \newsdesk@perrynewspapers.com Letters are published in Wednesday's Taco Times as space is available. 'A' eQ S. A-6 The Taco Times November 9,2005 Bulldogs 10-7 1 I -JUnuoi ivi i ai a V ,J {JI r Illi Tof* I Dnches arrd S 4n-0 n A1-5Q Religion I.9 A-7 Perry News-Herald November 4-5,2005; 1111 Thanksgiving service announced; meal planned for homeless, needy Community Thanksgiving service planned The Annual Community Thanksgiving Service will take place on Nov. 22 at 7 p.m. in the First United Methodist Church. The-message will be given by the Rev. Larry Neal, pastor of First Presbyterian Church. Choirs and musicians interested in being part of the evening program should contact St. James Episcopal Church' at 584-7636 as soon as possible. This service is sponsored by the Taylor County Ministerial Association. Pastors interested in the ministerial association should contact: the Rev. Dr. Linda L. Lowry, president, Taylor County Ministerial Association, St. James Episcopal Church, 1100 West Green Street, Perry, Florida 32347, (850) 584-7636. "The Taylor County Ministerial Association wishes everyone in our community a blessed Thanksgiving and looks forward to sharing this joyous evening of worship and fellowship with you," said Lowry. Thanksgiving meal for homeless, needy "We would like to serve up all the love,, friendship and food that we can to the homeless and the needy this holiday season," said Brenda Raulerson, for the Church of God which is planning a Thanksgiving Day meal at City Park from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. "Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks for all that we have," said Raulerson.. "We as Americans look for ways to show this thanks that we , have in our hearts for our families, our friends, our homes, our jobs and yes, our food. What would Thanksgiving be if we didn't celebrate with food? "This is a time that we gather our friends and family together and we Obituaries John S. Sheffield John S. Sheffield, 68, died Nov. 3, 2005, at his home. S A native and lifelong resident of Taylor County, he was born at Cabbage Gro c, the son of the late Council P. and Lola Odell Sheffield.' He'was a member of Friendship Baptist Church, Perry Elks Lodge, San Pedro Bay Hunting Club and Three Rivers Hunting Club., In addition to his parents, Mr. Sheffield, was also preceded in death by a daughter, Julie Roxanne Wilson, and a brother, Richard W. Sheffield. Survivors, all of Perry, include: his wife of 47 years, Joan Morgan Sheffield; a daughter, Debbie Sheffield; and a granddaughter, Brandi Lyn Wilson: three-brothers, Edward C. "Ed" Sheffield. Outis Sheffield and Roscoe Sheffield; two sisters, Doris Pruitt and Noretta Sheffield; and a sister-in- law, Janie Sheffield. Funeral .services were held Monday, Nov. 7, at Joe P. Burns Funeral Home. Interment followed at Qakland Cemetery Family members received friends Sunday from 7 until 9 p.m. at Burns Funeral Home, which was. in charge of the arrangements. Earl E. Clague Earl E. Clague, 73, died Nov. 3; J2005, at Doctors' Memorial Hospital in Perry SBorn in Fruitdale. Ala., on Dec.' 17, 1931, he was the son of the late William and Enid Clague. He retired after 29 years of employment with Buckeye. Mr. Clague served in the U.S. Air Force for four years as an aircraft mechanic and electrician as part of. the Strdtegic Air Command. He was a member of First Baptist Church in Perry and a member of the LaBelle. Florida Chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. He was preceded in death by his wife of 38 years, Rachel (Linton) Clague; a brother, .Billy (Sonny) SClague; and a sister, Beulah Rush. Survivors include: three sons, Ed Clague and Denny Painter, both of Perry, and Allen Clague of Deadline for local church news is II am.on Tuesdays and Thursdays.News is published as space, is available. Jacksonville; two daughters, Debi Clague-Rice of Goldsboro, N.C., and Jennifer Clague-Paulk of 29 Palms, Calif.; one sister, Margaret' Rainwaters of Immokalee; mt o sisters-in-law, Florence Clague of Curonelle. Ala., and Nancy. Linton-Smith of Perry; a brother- in-law, Stanley Linton of Perry; 10 grandchildren; three great, grandchildren; and a host of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were : held Tuesday, Nov.,8, at: 1 p.m. at First Baptist Church in Perry with the .Rev. -Glenn Baker and the Rev. Eddie Blalock officiating. Interment followed at Pineview Memorial Gardens. Family members received friends Monday from 6 until 8 p.m. ,at,;Joe P~; Burns Fuperal: Home, which was in charge of the arrangements. Pianist Teresa Walters SInl n .:ar ill; azcl reI Spar nt rT---esa 'all.- t7:i00r p.m.ly .L :. Erall- r jl--- jr .n [;.-t-T r. :.0 E 3a r ..; ' E w i e T.Tr.', ad".: Ihe mTj5ca_-l SE-_et nr | Monday SNov, 14, 2005 S7:00 p.m. i"' '.,n H F'r, .r r 'j T:. "!' 'A V3.i.riH r F l'7,'a Tickets on Sale Niowi 11 S adults/S6 Child h W", N' .NFCC EDU Inll~nlr I cook, and we eat. This is how we celebrate. Of course, we would not leave God out. We celebrate all these things in giving thanks to God for supplying all our needs. So, in this way, we at the Church of God would like to thank God, by not, just giving thanks, but also by giving love, friendship and yes, food. "For our meal, there will be turkey, dressing and all the fixings for those who are homeless or needy," she assures. "Our church would like to thank Lucile Wilder for heading up this project. If there is anyone out there reading this that would like to participate in giving of their love, and yes, your food, we do humbly ask that you do so. We know that you will be truly blessed." Raulerson can be reached at 843-1287 or the church an be contacted at 584-8804. Steed to perform at Westside Baptist John Steed. an award-winning Christian country artist, will perform at Westside Baptist Church on Sunday, Nov. 13, at 11 a.m. The church is located at 3255 U.S. 98 West. For additional information, please call 838-5041. Praise, Worship Workshop set; concert follows A praise and worship workshop, planned Saturday at Christian Tabernacle, will conclude with a 7 p.m. concert. The community is invited to attend the workshop sessions as well as the concert. Facilitators will include Celestine Granthum and Sherwood Brown with the Metropolitan Cathedral Choir in Tallahassee. Sessions begin Saturday at 1 p.m. and continue until 3.p.m. Rehearsals are then scheduled from 3- 5 p.m. wilh the concert following at 7. Please contact Carolyn Demps at 584-4702 for additional information; Addresses sought for military on active duty The holidays are quickly approaching and one local church Brotherhood organization would like to remember the military from our community on active duty this Christmas. Family members are encouraged to e-mail addresses to csmpapa@hotmail.com, or to call Charles Sessions at 584- 3591. Fruitcakes are ready! .The Women's Ministry bf the Perry Church of God, located on Center Street, has been busy with its annual Fall Fundraiser and fruitcakes are now available for purchase. Prices are: one-pound, $5; two-pound, $10; three- pound, $15; and 5-pound, $25. The women are also taking orders for nutcakes which are baked only on. the basis of pre-orders. "The Women's Ministry appreciates the community's support in past years and urges everyone to contact 584-2010 to make a purchase or an order." ATTENTION HOLIDAY SHOPPERS: EASY TO WRAP. EASY TO SAVE. FREE i71#O1 With two-year agreement. Only from NeteL o Coorsce mim psrph. rea We4, manll cable laWdturKit GPS--maled Donidableh ring tmn NATIONAL ACHIEVER PLAN ] d00 _'.,llme rIfat les UNLIMITED Iical *3Ik. 1t1le UNLIMIEDnrr ar.d r '0i Nationwide long distance Included $39 99M I. GETS YOU 800 MINUTES. STMRCKLY CELLULAR NEXTEL5-223-9o ... .. MPonda, Fridaj 8 30 am until 5:00 pm. 130:6-.\South JelTerson Streei, Perry, FL. L ... -j ...... : ;. ,.. ,+- ,, -, .. ..' .. -, ,L.- ... *,- '-, ,- ,,- I'l' '1 JL-^^..' fi: L1. 4, F07-'@9 slv@5 M.8t .7Fiec u hs I r a t e l s 3for Get my 8 lb. Upright, Compact Canister, and Cordless Iron all for only $29#m! See Our Complete Line of Air Purifiersl perfect for ome or Office! Orek XL" * Pei.aneft Fllir NEVER Needi Rep I Vacuums the Air 24 Hrs. a Day k'WNLF SUPPLIES T. J UB FFMIMIS BanI I&r " lightmetht& EwyTo Use " lielSrength " Deep Csens Carpet - 5 lb. Compact Canister FREE! * tiriq baij h I,) FifbLUip A If,11 6,1 .1fi1B'r ; Ai. Jpa fC AUTHORIZED DEALER 584-6021 803 W. Main St. Perry, FI. 32347 Store Hours: 8 AM 6 PM Mon. Sat. southhouse@perry.gulfnet.com ,, Bob. Hurry up and retire and buy a little cottage in the Cotswolds so that we'll have a free place to stay in Britain! Happy 60th Birthday! Love, Nancy and Don Day "- N ', TCES announces honor roll Livestock Show Fall is in the air and that means it's time for 4-H youth exhibitors to start getting their animals to show at the North Florida Livestock Show Sale. The show will be held Feb. 20-23, 2006, in Madison. More than 100 exhibitors from Taylor, Madison, Jefferson, Suwannee,, Lafayette and Hamilton counties will be showcasing their swine and steer during this weeklong show. Youth ages eight and up can participate in the livestock show. If your child is interested in raising swine for a 4-H project or would like more information about the project, contact the County Extension office at 838-3508. Youth must own their animals at least 90 days priorto the show. Deadline to register for the swine show is Dec. 1. Letters Taylor County Elementary School recently announced honor roll students for the first nine- week grading period:,They are as follows: Third grade "A" honor roll Anthony Carter, Cameron Collins, Cade Ely, .Maddie Everett, Julie High, Haley Horner, Brett Johns, Kinzi Mattingly, Matthew McEwien, Lindsey Mincy, Chloe Nelson, Jacob Nelson, Rohan Patel, Tyler Russell, Wesley Smymios, Hank Waller, Sebastian Wilson and McKenzie Wynn. Third grade "A/B" honor roll Quanisha Bailey, Taylor Baker, Sunita Barker, Austin Bishop, Paul Blackburn, Isabel Borjon, Keely Brickey, Evan Brown, Felicity Brown, Katie Cannon, Jarred Cobb, Alex Couey, Tony Cutshall, Tony Drawdy, Autumn Ferguson, Lyrics Fitchett, Lesha Fletcher, Rebekah Floyd, Eli Foskey, Bre'shuna Fuller Jordon Gibson, Kyra Gibson, Alfredo Graham, Seth Horner, Brianna Johns, Freddie Johnson, Savannah Kemp, Angel Ketring, Jason Parker Lee, Kaylea Lilliott, Cody Manning, Sarah' McIntosh, Michayla ,Mitchell, David Morgan, Kristina Nastally, Tyler Padgett, Joshua Patterson, Taylor to the Editor. Honorand privilege' to be at FFF Dear Editor: T::o the Florida Forest Festival Board of Directqrs, Perry Chamber of-Commerce, Perry Newspapers, all.the volunteers, sponsors and ,donors, and Glenda Gunter Hamby and Aimee Eckel Roberts, co- chairs for the former festival queens, thank you for the invitation to participate in the 50th celebration of the Florida Forest Festival and 50 'years of Commissioners' offensive' Dear Editor: What country am I in? -l :. if e and I resided in Perry my opinion means nothing and I should have, no vote on the coal plant issue. How un-American! forestry in Taylor County, the Tree Capital of the South. It was a honor and privilege to be a part of the 2005 Florida Forest Festival and to be reunited, with some of the former festival queens as well as numerous friends. I will always' cherish the memories this 50th year Of Flotida Forest Festival. The King. Tree Parade was outstanding as were all other events, the world's largest free fish fry, the entertainment, arts 'and crafts and all competitions. I congratulate Allison Bassett, the 2005 Florida Festival queen who is a talented and beautiful lady. Thank you again Tayloi County for all you have 'given me throughout 50 years. A special thank you to Sandra Bolton. Carol Smith Jagodinski Phelps, Jordan Porter, Austin., Pridgeon, Colby Ratliff, Cody Ridings, Anna Roach, Brandon C. Roberts, Jordan Ruff, Vincent Sandonato, Ethan Schmidt, Ja'Corby Simmons, Jharmara Simmons, Alysa Smith, Hannah Smyrnios, Ja'Nard Stokes, Levi. Strickland, Taylor Turnmire, Tara Viola, Katherine Wallis, Lucy Whitehead and Casey'Wilson. Fourth grade "A" honor roll Triston Barfield, Colleen Bishop, Makenzie Cannon, Claire Cruce, Kaylee Denmark, Daniel Dudley, Laura Freeman, John Hilton, Eric Morgan, Joe Pelt, Lauryn Rew, LaQuinta Stephens, Mitch Stephens, Dylan Strickland, McKenzie Sullivan, Serena Trani, Becky Walker, Daniel Wentworth and Billie Whitehead. Fourth grade "A/B" honor roll Morgan Albritton, Hunter Armstrong, Jason Bennett, Gakia Bishop, Keith Bundrick, Justin Calhoun, Dakota Carter, Makayla Crites, Sierra Das, Dakota Faircloth, Garrett Gibson, Beverly Gillis, Kacie Griner, Layne Houck, Adam Kalinowski, Taylor King, Eli McCranie, Jesse McEwien, Carrie McGuire, Ashlyn Mills, Amaree. Mobley,: Rebekah Monroe, Kristel Morris, Morgan Neel, Peyton Padgett, Brandon Read, Kaelen Reed, Jamarcus Robertson, Mercedez Rogers, Te'a Smith,' Cissidy Terry, Joseph Trujillo, Casey Viola and Jessica Webb.. Fifth grade "A" honor roll Ashley Anderson, John Arnold, Rebecca Blount, Elaine Brannen, Alexis Burkett, Taylor Chaffin, James Clover, Peyton Cribbs, Rhea Das, Justin Folsom, Carmina Ketring, Taylor Lilliott, Hunter Martin, Garrett McCoy, Thomas Neshat, Ashton Reichard, Shana Sadler, Kanah Smith, Jonathan Thomas, Madison Thomas, Eli Walker, Caleb Wallis, Nicole Willis and Austin Wynn. Fifth grade "A/B" honor roll Stacy Garand, Ethan Allbritton, Lucas Allbritton, Victoria Allbritton, Lauren Rew, Adam Anderson, Kacy Bass, Kayla Beasley, Hannah Blanco, Shelby Blue, Abigail Bratcher, Katie Brown, Jonathon Colombini, Austin Cooke, Gail Crawford, Cade Crumpler, Anna Ferrer, Ashley Giacomucci, Keria Gibson, Samantha Hilton, Je'da Holmes, Cheyenne Hoover, Katie Johnson, Karen Lahr, Olivia Lee, Heather Lowry, Brandon Matthews, Mikey McGroarty, Tyler Miller, Kristina Portwood, Daimeun Praytor, Dallas Redmond, Shati Reza, Alyson Riley, Lance Roberson, Alison Roberts, Kira Sadler, Caroline Schwab, Emalee Shaw, Luke Slaughter, Caleb Smyrnios, Jake Smyrnios, Cody Sparks, Jennifer- Sullivan, Devin Urbanski, Sierra Walford, Bailey Welch, Jonathan Wright and Cody Yelverton. Can we recognize 'MisS Woodlands'? Dear Editor: This is to commend the Florida Forest Festival volunteers for the hard work you do each year to make this event happen for our community. I must.say however, that I %vas- somewhat concerned as an African American citizen when I saw certain entities in the parade. When I thought about it I accepted the fact that it was a part of our history. 'f"think that as a community we missed a, golden opportunity. There was an entity that was overlooked. In the. beginning, when we were in different schools, we also had an African American pageant which had queens each year. They were called "Miss Woodland." I think it would be great to include and recognize these beautiful women also. It did not occur to me until the week of the parade when the paper came out with all the former queens. What can we do to recognize our past "Miss \\ oudlands" in the future? Thank you, Jeanette G. Flowers 'for about 10 years now. I am a Vietnam vet, and I know there are I do however commend Pat roman\ more veterans in Taylor Patterson for having the courage County like me. I willingly to stand up for the citizens and -fought for my country because I make a statement several weeks Sbelieive in what it stands for. ago to her fellow commissioners ^'What I found particularly that we should have had a vote, u.ffnsi.i'.cu is the fact that the whether it be yea or nay. ciOiity commissioners had decided Pat Comins commissionerss praised *S '-r .r; ;' .. I ,, jC_-AIMS -.Continued from page 2 -clanis that the new fueling fe-h'nology is old, and that the' plant will pay so much in -p lFlution penalties that any isav-ings will be offset, thus -:suiiiLesni thai the builders will' noi be required to meet the s.trir'geni restrictions on new plants It is suggested that the -personnel operating the plant 'o .n'l live in the county. There arie repeated references to a non- c\istent paper mill in Taylor SCunt\. which tells us something abbut the protesters' accuracy. C- Consider this: More thjn half ithieelectricityiri the U.S. comes from coal-fired plants, most of -themr much older and far less environmentally friendly than the' orne pro.po'Jd here. There are also -.many other sources of air and % %-atcr pollution ,In addition, we are often told ,that almost *everything we eat or drink will' Shiave 'some detrimental effect on -our.i, health." Yet, our 'life e'. pecans continues to increase, year at er year. Is it possible that the ill effects of the coal-fired plants are greatly overstated? *I think we have the best group: of county commissioners that have. held that office in many, many years. They are reasonable and intelligent. We elected them to represent us, but they cannot possibly satisfy every constituent. I am convinced that they have carefully considered, all of these things and more, and have concluded that the benefits of the power plant 'will outweigh whatever disadvantages it might bring. Reasonable people may disagree, and their voices should be heard,, but. I hope they will. recognize that every home and every business built in Taylor County will, produce air and/or water pollution,. here or somewhere else. 'Strong control' on industrial emissions are our assurance that we can continue to meet the energy demands of our growing population without undue harm to humans or the environment. Ray Evans Can America survive? Dear Editor: Can America survive with such division? There are influential political leaders within America that decry the advances towards a democratic form of.government in the Middle East and specifically Iraq. Consider there are now 211,000 trained security force (military and police) in Iraq functioning today. These are Iraqi citizens who are out every day confronting and, combating terrorists. There are 155,000 American military on the ground there. My brother is a Marine officer who spent considerable time in Fallujah, a hotbed of terrorist activity. One of his primary responsibilities was to oversee the training of these native military and police forces. Eighteen months ago there were zero Iraqis in a security force. 78.6% of the citizens of Iraq voted for a new constitution. Does 'the media trumpet this amazing statistic? No. They have an agenda. The' leaders of the Democratic Party here in America, tell us this is another Vietnam. The media tells America everyday this is another Vietnam. Why? Because they honestly and, sincerely want it to become another Vietnam. They want Operation Iraqi Freedom to, fail. They want the insurgents to win. They want Iraq to be run by a despot even worse than Hussein. Why? Because it would give them more personal power in the US. They believe it is a ticket to re-taking the White House and the Congress. This week we have heard how the President and the administration have knowingly used fraudulent intelligence to prosecute-the war. Of course the fingerpointers overlook President Bush used the-same data that president Clinton and his administration used in vocalizing the same threat during his term. These naysayers are either stupid or intellectually dishonest. Which is it? Fortunately, Americans will decide and not the media. With faith in our God and nation, J. Travis Coker Birthday Greetings from the Pacific Northwest! ~l~~~a~1~ I III a I I I ;~ -- ' : _ 4.. I Congratulations on reaching this milestone! You are an inspiration to us. Thank you for including us in your 60th-year celebration and the chance to renew our friendship and make new memories. You are a terrific friend with a heart of gold. Love, Linda and Mark Starnes . l . * Renal 't[si'nPe rry'. Introducing Timberland Ford Rent-A-Car .".-..-. New Late Models ~ Insurance Discounts Offered Reduced Weekly & Monthly Rates Free Pick-up or Delivery in our local area All rental customers must be.25 years of age or older, have a valid Drivers License, vaiid insurance with Comprehensive and Collision Damage that will transfer to rental vehicle and a Credit Card. No other form of payment will be accepted. Call (850)584- 6178 or (800)763-4589 Ext. 100. Deanna will schedule your rental. * '-'1w q. ". .' :: A. l..eent- t te0 A 5 ilmentto the B'~~~~ .mes^E^^M^f '2005- _*'-.r U OUTTA' 'A1-HE WOODS S H By Tony Young T.:.n, .,ni'MFP C ccnm FIrFl ,rJ., F:h rnd .'. Id.ld.~ -'. C.ne cr.C n Cornmn cr. nn November means the 2005-06 hunting season is in full swing. In this issue, I'll cover rules on several seasons that begin this month including general gun, antlerless deer, fall turkey, quail and gray squirrel, snipe and the second phase, of mourning and white-Winged dove. The first thing you will need, in order to participate in one or all of these hunting opportunities, is a Florida hunting license. Residents pay just $12.50. Non- residents have the choice of paying $46.50 for a 10-day license or $151.50 for 12 months.' If.you plan to hunt. one of Florida's many wildlife. management areas :(WMAs), you must also purchase a WMA permit for $26.50. Don't forget to obtain a brochure on the' L Deer, Hog & Cow Processing Custom Processing by Lemuel and Wayne Roberts Give thanks for hunting seasons this November! specific WMA you wish to hunt 8. from the local tax collector's It is also known as deer and wild office, because dates, bag limits hog season, and during this period, and rules differ greatly for each only bucks having at least one area. antler five inches or more in All of the licenses and permits length may be taken. On private .you will need are available at land, the daily bag limit of.deer is county tax.collectors'offices; any two: Bag limits for deer on retail outlet that sells'hunting and WMAs can differ, so please check fishing supplies; by calling toll- the specifics of the area before you free, 1-888-HUNT-FLORIDA; or hunt. , by going online at Wild hbgs are considered MyFWC.com/license. livestock on.private lands, so they The general gun season runs can be hunted year-round with no Nov.. 12 Jan. 22 in the Central bag or size limits. On most Hunting Zone. In the Northwest public lands, there is also no bag Zone, it comes in Thanksgiving or size limits, and hogs are legal Day and lasts four days until Nov. to take during any hunting season 27.. Two weeks later the season except spring, turkey. On selected reopens Dec. 10 and runs through public hunting lands, they are Feb. 15. For readers hunting the considered game animals, and South Hunting Zone, tl2e general, gun season runs Oct. 29 Jan. .* Please'see page 4 Skinning Cubing Steaks VENISO Smoked Sausage Vacuum Packaging Trophy Caping J and Handling 592 SW Harvey Greene Drive Madison, FI. 32340 Open 8:00 a.m. til 10:00 p.m. USDA approved for custom slaughtering 'I B-1 The Taco Times November 9; 2005 Tide Swamp Unit to remain still hunt area The Tide Swamp Unit of the Big Bend Wildlife Management Area (WMA), located in Taylor 1 2100 W County, will remain in a still hunt format, according to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Ron Rice with the Taylor County Sheriff's Department off this fine buck last season in local woods." __ : CAMO* CAMC Snake Boots T-shirts Shirts BDU's Overalls Coveralls Commission (FWC) officials. At the September meeting, FWC Commissioners voted to keep the area in its current hunting format. The area had been under consideration to be converted to a deer-dog hunting area. In February, Commissioners S approved changing the Spring SCreek Unit of the Big Bend WMA from a dog hunt area to a still : hunt area. Because of that loss of public land available for deer-dog hunting, Commissioners were asked to consider allowing deer- dog hunting on Tide Swamp. The Commissioners directed staff to work with people with an interest in this issue to determine if the change. was feasible. The first step in the process was to send out a mass mailing to Everyone who had applied for a Squota hunt permit on the Tide Swamp or Spring Creek units for. Sthe 2004-2005 season. The letter, sent to more than 650 hunters, explained the process and requested input. The next step was to compile two lists of the responses (supporting deer-dog hunting and supporting status quo) and present them at two open houses, held in Tampa and Steinhatchee. The data collected from the responses and from the open houses were used by staff to develop their recommendation, which was presented to the Commissioners. FWC staff recommended Keeping Tide Swamp as a still S hunt area. According to Roland ", Please see page 8 In I li- p )*CAMO Hooded Jackets Jackets Coats Pants Caps Kiddie Camo STHE FAIR STORE Our reputation is your guarantee for the best service Sfor top quality products at the lowest prices Across from the Courthouse 850-584-2247 mimmmi.mi U U U U U U I S U U U U U 'U U Cargo Carriers Perfect when you need that exrra space! * 11998 ,, Our promise to you, the customer, is that we will always strive to produce a superior product, because that's what you deserve. We have years of experience in aluminum manufacturing as well as retail and understand that quality should never take a back seat! Toolboxes Dealer & Distributor Inquiries Welcome For a Dealer Nearest You, Call 850-584-3316 3882 US Hwy. 19 S. 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Offer ends 1/31/06 and is available in the continental United States for new, first-time DISH Network residential customers. All prices, packages and programming subject to change without notice. Local and state sales taxes may apply. Where applicable, equipment rental fees and programming are taxed separately. All DISH Network programming, and any other services that are provided, are subject to the terms and conditions of the promotional agreement and Residential Customer Agreement, available at www.dishnetwork.com or upon request. Local Channels packages by satellite are only available to customers who reside in the specified local Designated Market Area (DMA). Local channels may require an additional dish antenna or a SuperDISH antenna from DISH Network, installed free of any charges with subscription to local channels at time of initial installation. Social L Security Numbers are used to obtain credit scores and will not be released to third parties except for verification and collection purposes only or if required by governmental authorities. All service marks and trademarks belong to their respective owners. do1 850-93-365 ~ When QualitvCouuts... C.D.I. is Your Manufacturer I COUON - ~i~sll~Jrr~ I L f 4 EMEN I mill i~ w aw jw N %W VIP aw B-2 The Taco Tim 2005- 2006 Florida Resident Game Seasons (Season dates are only for private - lands) ie November 9, 2005 Season Northwest Hunting Zone Central Hunting Zone South Hunting Zone Dog Training Oct. 29 Nov. 17 Oct. 1 20 Oct. 1 20 Archery Oct. 15 Nov. 13 Sept. 24 Oct. 23 Sept. 10 Oct. 9 Muzzleloading Gun Nov. 18 20 Oct. 29 Nov. 6 Oct. 15 23 General Gun (antlered deer Nov. 24 27 Nov. 12 22 Oct. 29 Jan. 8 and wild hog) Dec. 10 Feb. 15 _ Antlerless Deer Dec. 17 23 Nov. 19 25 Nov. 5 11 Fall Turky** Nov. 24 27 Nov. 12 Jan. 8 Nov. 12 Jan. 8 Dec. 10- Jan. 15 Quail and Gray Squirrel Nov. 12 March 5 NOov. 12 March 5 Nov. 12 March 5 Special Archery/ Feb. 16 26 No Season No Season Muzzleloading Gun j N Spring Turkey** March 18 Apr. 23** March 18 Apr. 23 March 4 Apr. 9 No closed seasons for rabbit, raccoon, opossum, skunk, nutria, beaver and coyote. New this year Deer-dog hunters must register This year, hunters using dogs to pursue deer on private lands in Florida must register for the 2005- 06 hunting season; This new statewide, no-cost registration program is mandatory during any open deer-hunting season when taking deer with dogs is permitted. The deer-dog hunting season (general gun) on ,private lands opens Oct. 29 in the South Hunting Zone and runs through Jan. 8. Farther up.the state in the Central Zone, the season runs from Nov. 12 to Jan. 22. In the Northwest Hunting Zone, it comes in Thanksgiving Day and lasts four days until Nov. 27. Two weeks later, the season reopens Dec. 10 and runs through Feb. 15. Hunting clubs, landowners or anyone wishing to hunt deer with, dogs on a particular tract of land can register by completing an application. available from all regional FWC offices and at MyFWC.com/hunting. The- 'applicant may be the landowner, or a person representing a group (hunting club) leasing the land for hunting. Proof of landowner permission or a copy of the written lease agreement must accompany the application'along with a general map of the property showing *boundary lines. and, legal description,. A'ter processing ihe application,' the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) wij issue the applicant a unique registration number, and that number must be affixed to' the collars of all dogs used to pursue deer on that registered property.. Where a group or hunting Club is hunting the same tract of land. one registration number will be issued for all dogs used on thai property or hunting lease. .'' \ Si CARPET H We Also *CARPETS WOOD FLOORS Carpet VINYL BINDING Travel CERAMIC -CUSTOM DESIGNED Trailers, REPAIRS AREA RUGS Campers 203 E. Drew St. (siloS Iirr oinoonei s3 &3i, Boats Hours: Mon. Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-12 James Musslewhile owner Licensed & Insured Visa' MC.AAmEx; I O 5 Owners & Mo Title Insurance I Title Searct Real Estate ClI 501 N. Byron But SPerry, Fl. 850-584-21 Any individual engaged in hunting or training deer dogs on private lands must possess a copy of their registration while doing so and must not allow their dogs off the registered' property, whether intentionally or negligently. This new rule does not apply for hunting or training deer dogs on public lands and wildlife' management areas. For more information on how Prepaid Wireless Plan: Take control of your wireless phone usage with Prepaid Wireless Service from ALLTEL. There are no monthly fees, no contracts and no credit checks. Plus you'll enjoy free three-way calling' and call waiting. And it's easy to add minutes to your account, check your balance, and block incoming calls.. Hunting for a bargain? SUBSCRIBE It's a savings of $17 off . newsstand prices FINANCING AVAILABLE Mark Pelt, Agent 584-518'8 1000A Jefferson St. to register for deer-dog hunting on private lands or to follow up on what's involved in the registration process, please call (850) 488- 3641 or visit this website: MyFWC.com/hunting. Your in good hands Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance:Company, Allstate Indemnity Company and Allstate Life Insurance Company, Home Office: Northbrook, Illinois. 2002 Allstate Insurance Company r , (a POLRRIS | Have a hunting picture to share? Bring it to Perry Newspapers, Inc. 123 S. Jefferson'Street Uniden CB Radios from 4999 N 41, . K-40 Wilson Uniden Alpine Pioneer Midland Hi,Fonics JL Audio Panasonic Co md1rc. o tcs 04F Per y nc . Iadio jlaekDEALER - 1303 S. Jefferson St. Perry, Florida 850-584-5145 *.Sales, Service & Installation S-improve your fuel mileage today! Fuel Injection Clean Plus Fuel Filter A, & A& - (Diesel not included) Diesel Fuel injection Clean $30 savings Any make ormodel...big or small We service them all If your "Hunting" J or tnat special Sproperty...give us a call! 1 9 C n G ea .ht g 197 Acres..,Madison County.,.Great hunting, ; 4 -"-4- +h, 6 5' 1 5 3 buildings nat currency serve as cniucen houses, contract not transferable.................. $1,993,000 0 Acrest.Lafayette County, 1029 feet on Suwannee River.......... ......................... 250,00 0 Acres...Madison County...30-35 acres'planted pines, two mobile homes.............................. $ 499,900 375 Acres...Taylor County..:wooded, older mobile home on property, secluded, lots of wildlife.................. $ 165,000 Acres...Harold Davis Rd...beadtiful home site with large oaks, convenient to Perry......................... S .. ... 1 A4 0 0nnn 2.2 Acres...Dennis Howell H ................................. ... 2.5 Acres...Wilder Creek Subdivision......................... $ 2 Acres...Leon Street (restricted to site built homes)... $ .45 Acres...S.J. Tom Moore Rd...mobile home or site built home...; ......................... .... ...... $ .7 Acre.:.Poppell Drive...mobile homes allowed......... $ 40,000 30,000 22,500 15,000 COLDWELL BANKER KELLY & KELLY PROPERTIES (850) 223-2370 (850) 843-1823 (after hours) Serving Taylor, Jefferson, Madison, and Leon Counties 127 S. Jefferson St. Downtown Perry www.cbkkperry.com * CB Radios * Scanners * 2-Way Radios * Cellular Phones * Tracking Systems * Antenna Specialists SATELLITE I RADIO NETWORK fm/Flm Cassettes flm/I m CDs marine Radios Speakers ARMADILLO CONSTRUCTORS & ERECTORS INC. SLicense #CG3031636 CCC 058209 BUILDERS ROOFERS HOME INSPECTIONS 806-719-9138 386-294-3914 i-Na/2~i ~-a UP - "IS ONE YEAR'S SALARY ENOUGH LIFE INSURANCE" CALL ME TO FIND OUT HOW MUCH LIFE INSURANCE YOU REALLY NEED. . FRITH ABSTRACT TITLE 0O rtgage Good Policies Luck! hes Hoss Have a gs Safe ler Pkwy. lHunting '2 Season! 672 1 --mmm I -- Al Dove season's 2nd phase opens Migratory bird permit required by all hunters Marty Nowlin bagged this 8-point County using his muzzleloader. -itseof ^^^^^^^^ "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hunting Supplies In Stock Special Ordering Available eAmmo Tree Stands,: Vests Flashlights Gloves Bug Spray & More! Hardware 805 S. Jefferson St. 584-2411 Mon. Sat. 7:30 AM 6:00 PM Keith & Marilyn Ragans, owners buck last year in Hamilton (Hottest Tire this Year!) PRO COMP AT, MT X-Terrain SUPER :SWAMPERS SMAXXIS 'Creepy Crawlers SCOOPER DISCOVERER SAT,ST GROUND HAWGS (Limited Sizes 'Avallbl)e). 1997 Homestead 16 x 80 w/ Fireplace 3 bedroom, 2 bath '$25,900 2000 General 28 x 56 3 bedroom; 2 bath $37,900 1996 Clayton 14 x 66 2 bedroom, 2 bath $16,900 1999 Redman 16 x 80 3 bedroom, 2 bath $21,900 1997 Jacobson 28 x 52 3 bedroom, 2 bath $43,900 "SPECIAL" 1999 Redman 16.x 80 3 bedroom, 2 bath '$21,900 Penry Home Center, Inc. 3488 US 1.9 S. 850-584-7314 Peny Repo Outlet 3640 Hwy. 19 S. 850-584-7094 Attention wingshooters! Dove hunting, one of Florida's favorite hunting seasons, began recently, and other migratory game bird seasons are just around the corner. Hunters may take mourning and white-winged doves during three hunting periods statewide. The first phase ended Oct. 24, but the second phase is Nov. 12-27 and the third phase runs Dec. 10 Jan. 8. Shooting 'hours for the first phase was noon to sunset, and for the second and third phases, shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. The daily bag limit is 12, but only four may be white-winged doves. Snipe season is Nov. 1 Feb. 15 statewide. The daily bag limit is eight, and shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. Woodcock are legal to take statewide Dec. 17 Jan. 15. The daily bag limit is three, and shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. Crows are legal game statewide on Saturday and Sundays only through Oct. 30, then everyday Nov. 11 Feb. 18. There are no bag or possession limits, and shooting hours, are one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. In addition to having a hunting license, a migratory bird permit is also required to take migratory game birds in Florida. In order to receive this permit, hunters have to fill out a short questionnaire when they purchase their hunting license. The information they provide helps the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service get a better assessment on how many birds are harvested each year. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) suggest hunters peruse the "2005- 06 Migratory Bird Regulations" brochures and the "2005-06 Florida Hunting Regulations" ha n d b o ok a t MyFWC.com/hunting. These publications also are available from county tax collectors' offices and license agents. Prices have been SJ- "-on all these r ~tires and more for hunting season! Check out our full line of ATV tires! Hitch 4x4 S< les CV Axles service & Repair YARBROUGH "jTIRE AAUTOMOTIVE 90850-584-7554- f I I'I YorOn to..neSopSri ce' 602 W. Hampton Springs Ave. Perry Store Hours: Mon. Fri. 7'30 AM 5:30 PM I~j ~ LAER B-3 The Taco Times November 9, 2005 must be engraved with your hunt t club's registration code. ~Joe Jenkins 4000 Pine View Road, Ferry, Fl. Sand Hill Hunt Club-DD-00133 r We sell collars...we engrave. K -- IT WORKS! : Buck-Grub A CAttractant Feed/Supplement "30-30" Formula Complete Line of F-R-M Dog Food 15' Ladder Stands Moultrie Feeders 13' Tripods Timers & Duo 15' Ladder Accessories ( Rye, Wheat & Oats for Wildlife Plots) HICKS FEEDS & GARDEN CENTER, Inc. 1114 S. Jefferson Perry, FL Mon. Fri. 8-6 Sat. 8-5 (850) 584-2068 Checkout the Keaton Beach Fishing Report and tide tables in every Friday's Perry News-Herald - TEN COMMANDMENTS OF SHOOTING SAFETY 1. Control the direction of your firearm's muzzle." Carry your firearm safely, keeping the safety on until ready to shoot. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot. 2. Treat every firearm with the same respect due a loaded firearm. 3. Identify your target and what is beyond it. Know the identifying features of the game you hunt. 4, Be sure the barrel and action are clear of obstruc- tions and that you have only ammunition of the proper size for the firearm you are carrying. 5. Unload firearms when not in use. Leave the actions open. Firearms should be carried empty in cases to and from shooting areas. 6. Never point a firearm at anything you do no want' to,shoot. Avoid all horseplay with a firearm. 7. Never climb a fence or tree, or jump a ditch or log, with a loaded firearm. Never pull a firearm toward you by the ,muzzle. - II I r I Huner Spcils mBie ks r " B-4The Taco Times November 9, 2005 Check regs before going No bait allowed on WMAs WOODS Continued from page B-1 specific bag and size limits apply. Again, if you are hunting hogs on public land, check the WMA brochure of the area to learn how they are classified. Hunters are permitted to take deer and wild hogs over feeding stations on private land, as long as the feeding station has been established for at least six months prior to the season and is maintained year-round. You may not use. bait on WMAs no matter the season or the game. It is illegal to take deer using rimfire cartridges or non- expanding, full-metal case ammunition. Shooting swimming deer is also against the law. Inserted within the general gun season is the highly anticipated antlerless deer season, better known as "doe week." On private lands, these seven days run Dec. 17-23 in the Northwest Zone, Nov, 19-25 in the Central Zone and Nov. 5-11 in the South Hunting Zone. During doe week, deer of either sex can be taken (except for spotted fawns) on private lands. The .daily bag limit during this week-long season is one buck and one doe or two bucks. You may, not take two does in one day like you can during archery season. Also, regardless of season, sex or number of permits, hunters.are never allowed to harvest more than two deer per day under any circumstances. Taking antlerless . deer is prohibited or limited to *antlerless deer permit holders on most public lands, so please consult the particular WMA brochure before you hunt. Everyone hunting deer with dogs on private or public lands, where it is allowed must have their names and addresses displayed on their dogs' collars, as required by the Hunter Responsibility Rule. Hunters must contain their dogs to the tract of land they have permission to hunt and not allow them to wander off it or the hunter is subject to a citation. this year, hunters using dogs to take deer on private lands must apply for the new statewide deer- dog registration program. This rule does not apply for, training or hunting deer dogs on public lands and WMAs. The mandatory registration may be issued to hunting, clubs, landowners or anyone having the rights to hunt.deer with dogs on a particular tract of land upon filling out the required application. Application forms are available from all regional FWC offices and at MyFWC.com/hunting. Once you have registered the property, you will be issued a 3 Left I TRX350TMs 2 Ranchers , r~k - a TRX90s ..... ..MSRP $2649 .... Left TRX250TE5 ... .MSRP $3799 .......10 Left TRX250EXs ... .MSRP $3649 .......1 Left TRX350FM5 ... .MSRP $5099 .... ..1 Left.. TRX350FEs .. ..MSRP $5299 .... .1 Left .. TRX400EXs ..'. .MSRP $5899 ...... .3 Left . TRX500TM5 .. .MSRP $5399 .....:. .3 Left .. TRX500FE5 ... .MSRP $6599 ... ... .2 Left SLeft .7164w,$2300 1Za .7fc$3399 17OZt $3425 .:..Zw.oc:$4625 ' .1Zow 4799 ........ $5199 tow 4613 Ioe.to $5890 *Plus tax & doc. Prices good thru November 30, 2005 honda.cone RECOMMENDED ONLY FOR RIDERS 16'YEARS AND OLDER.BE A RESPONSIBLE RIDER. REMEMBER, ATVS CAN BE HAZARDOUS TO OPERATE. FOR YOUR SAFETY, ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET, EYE PROTECTION AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, AND NEVER RIDE ON PAVED SURFACES OR PUBLIC ROADS. KEEP IN MIND THAT RIDING DOESN'T MIX WITH DRUGS OR ALCO- HOL HONDA RECOMMENDS THAT ALL ATV RIDERS TAKE A TRAINING COURSE AND READ THEIR OWNER'S MANUAL THOROUGHLY. For rider training information or to sign up for a rider Training course, call the ATV Safety Institute at 1- 800-887-2887. FourTrax Rancher", Recon, and'Best on Earth'M are trademarks of Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (09/05) I MLur]n'kqd,] W ri 14591 Hwy. 19 South PHONE: 229-558-9016 UPav,,,rp THOMASVILLE, GA TOLLFREE: 1-800-558-9016 S. ...- Hours: Mon.- Sat. 8:30 -4:00 FAX: 229-558-9179 l Gergia'sNorthlorida'sLarge clu A SInoeya26,000coiesof heseads illb deliveed evey weekto you customer.. unique registration number that .must be affixed to the collars of all dogs used to pursue deer on that property, when taking deer with dogs is permitted. All individuals must have a copy of the registration with them while they are engaged in training or hunting deer dogs. For more information or to follow up on the registration process, call (850) 488-3641. Fall turkey season mirrors the general gun season in the Northwest Hunting Zone but ends a month sooner (Nov. 24-27 and Dec. 10 Jan. 15). In the Central and South zones, fall turkey season runs Nov. 12 Jan. 8. Only bearded.. turkeys or gobblers may be taken, and only, one bird may be harvested per day. There is also a two-bird fall- season limit some folks aren't aware of. This means you may only harvest two turkeys during the archery, muzzleloading gun and fall turkey seasons combined. You are not permitted to hunt turkeys with dogs; use recorded turkey calls; shoot them while they are on the roost, over bait or from within 100 yards of a game- feeding station. It is also against the law to hunt turkeys in Holmes County during the/fall season. Quail and gray squirrel season runs statewide Nov. 12 Mar. 5. Of course, the use of dogs is allowed as pointing bird-dogs can really help locate a cqvey of quail, and small feist-dogs enjoy treeing squirrels and retrieving them once they are downed. There is a daily bag limit of 12 for each, and shooting fox squirrels is against the law. On private lands, shooting' hours for deer, turkeys, ,quail and gray squirrels is a half hour before sunrise to a half hour after sunset. All legal firearms, muzzleloaders, bows, crossbows and handguns may be used to take each of these resident game animals during the general gun, antlerless deer, fall turkey and quail and gray squirrel seasons. Illegal firearms and ammunition would be defined as semi- automatic rifles having magazine capacities of more than five rounds and fully automatic or silencer- equipped firearms. Other prohibited, methods for taking game include shooting from a moving vehicle or herding or driving game with a vehicle. SSnipe hunting in Florida ranks second in the nation in number of birds harvested each year, and the season runs Nov. 1 Feb. 15 statewide. The second phase of the mourning and white-winged dove, season also comes in this month and runs Nov. 12-27. On private lands, shooting hours for both migratory birds is one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. There is an eight-bird daily bag limit on snipe, and a 12-bird limit on dove, which includes no more than four white-winged doves. You must obtain a no-cost migratory bird permit if you plan to hunt snipe, dove or any other migratory game birds. In order to receive this permit, you will have to fill out a short questionnaire when you purchase your hunting license. The best choice and only firearm you are allowed to hunt snipe and doves with is a shotgun, although you are not permitted to use one larger than 10-gauge. Shotguns also must be plugged to a.three- shell capacity (magazine and chamber combined). You may hunt either of these birds over an agricultural field, as long as the crop has been planted by regular agricultural methods. However, you are not allowed to scatter agricultural products over, an area for the purpose of baiting. Retrievers or bird dogs can be Used, and if you're up for the challenge, you may even use a bow. Birds of prey also can be used to take snipe and doves by properly permitted individuals' practicing falconry. Some things you can't do while hunting snipe and doves include using rifles, pistols or crossbows; shooting from a moving vehicle; or herding or driving birds with a vehicle. The FWC even provides a "Dove Hunters' Hotline" which gives up-to-date information on SFlorida's public dove fields. The number to call is (850) 875-BIRD, arid it is updated every Thursday throughout the dove season. Information includes dove densities, previous week's harvests and field conditions. Whether it's small-game hunting with friends and family or hunting solo and going after that monster buck or wild hog during the general gun season, November brings loads of great hunting opportunities. Here's wishing you all a happy Thanksgiving and a successful hunting season. Remember, take a kid hunting or introduce' someone new to the sport we love. As always, have fun, hunt safely, and we'll see you in the woods! Tony Young is an avid sportsman and native Floridian who co-manages the wildlife and timber resources on family property in Franklin County. He is also a media relations Coordinator for the FWC's Division of Hunting and Game Management. BIGGER BETTER BUILDINGS Residential Commerical A-Frame Carports & Garages Free Delivery & Set-Up In-HouseFinancing Big Bend Buildings 1700 S. Byron Butler Pkwy. 584-2260 (formerly Donna's Unlimited) Heather Mosley, office manager Shane & Diane Knowles, owners Mon-Fri 9:00-5:30 Sat. 10-2, Sun. by appt. - L--d TAYLOR DENTAL CENTER North Florida Medical Centers, Inc. Lindalee Clayton, DMD Jodi Bryson, RDH ^*!Tlr Services include: Cleanings Fillings S* Extractions Slide fee program available for those who qualify Medicaid & Commercial Insurances Accepted 409 E. Ash St. Perry, Fl. 32347 Phone: (850) 223-2578 Fax: (850)223-3047 BIG BEND HOSPICE 4-i7 Support For Life's Journey When someone you love is diagnosed with a life- limiting illness, let Big Bend Hospice help you S through the physical, emotional and S spiritual journeys you will face. 1723 Mahan Center Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32308 (850) 878-5310 www.bigbendhospice.org S ... -'- '--" Licensed/Insured Contractor I I II p Hearing Aids *Expert Fitting SHighest Quality All Makes & Models .In Perry Monday to Friday Dr. Jeffrey D. Russell Audiologist Hamdan ENT Center CALL 584-8123 FRITH ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. Owners & Mortgage Title Insurance Policies Title Searches Real Estate Closings 501 N. Byron Butler Pkwy. 850-584-2672 Perry, Fl. Residential Commercial (FREE ESTIMATES) Gus and Manuel Smyrnios 850-223-1402 8so50-223-3595 - : R.W. MEISSNER & ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING SERVICES BUILDING PLANS RENOVATIONS HOMES COMMERCIAL PERMITS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SUWANNEE RIVER WMD SITE DEVELOPMENT PARkING LOTS 216 W. MAIN STREET PERRY, FLORIDA 32347 PHONE # 850-584-3887 E-MAIL: rwmi@gtcom.net Need Contact Lenses? Order on the web at: Accenteyecarecenter.com or call 584-2200 Dr. Michael Walby Optometric Physician CONTACT LENSES ____________________________ Not listed/ 7 the Yellow Pages? Let our Commercial Connection work for you! Get more than 265,000 copies of your business cards printed .and delivered every week to your customers and potential customers over the next 12 months. Smyrnios Painting, LLC 205FL LAAC I4MA BEfI O AT TRX250TM5 Reconst AFFORDABLE Air Conditioning Heating Inc. .30 years experience 850-5846477 (leave message) Reduce your electrical cost... bring your system up-to-date Lic. #CAC058206 and Insured I- I--1-- I II -4MMU .. B-5 The Taco Times November 9, 2005.' Pintails back in mix Waterfowl, coot, goose seasons set The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has officially set dates for this year's waterfowl and coot season, goose seasons and youth waterfowl hunting days. There are two new rule changes for this season. Pintail ducks may be taken for the entire waterfowl season, and the daily bag limit for scaup has been reduced from three .to two. The first phase of waterfowl season is Nov. 19-27 with the second phase running Dec. 10 - Jan. 29. Canvasback season is Nov. 19-27 and Dec. 10-30 only. Shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. The daily bag limit for waterfowl is six. This six-duck limit may consist of no more than one black duck, one mottled duck (Florida duck), one fulvous whistling-duck, one pintail, one canvasback (only during canvasback season), two redheads, two wood ducks, two scaup, four scoters and four mallards (only two of which may be female). The daily bag limit for coot is 15 and for merganser, five (only one of which may be a hooded merganser). In Leon County and on Lake Miccosukee (Leon and Jefferson counties), waterfowl hunting is allowed only on Wednesdays, Saturday and Sundays during the open season and on Nov. 24-25, Dec. 26, Jan. 2 and Jan. 16. Lake Talquin (Gadsden and Leon counties) and the Ochlockonee River may be hunted every day- during the open season. On Lake lamonia and Carr Lake (Leon County), the use of internal combustion engines is prohibited any time during the waterfowl and coot season. Additionally, on Lake Miccosukee the ise of internal combustion engines of more than five horsepower is prohibited. Florida also is offering a light .goose (snow, blue and Ross') and .Canada goose season. The first phase of the light goose season is U Nov. 19-27 with the second phase running Dec. 10 Jan. 29. Light geese may be taken only north and west of the Suwannee River. The daily bag limit for each is 15, and the shooting hours are one-half' hour before sunrise to sunset. The Canada goose, season is Nov. 19-27 with the second phase running Dec. 1 Jan. 30. Canada geese may.only be taken on Lake Seminole within Florida waters in Jackson County which are south, of S.R. 2, north of the Jim Woodruff Dam and east of C.R. 271. The daily bag limit is five and shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. The FWC and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) have designated Feb. 4-5 as youth waterfowl hunting days. During this period, only children under 16 years of age may hunt waterfowl, coots and common moorhens while supervised by an adult (18 years of age or older). Shooting hours, daily bag limits and species restrictions are the same as for the regular waterfowl, coot and common moorhen seasons.. Hunters taking migratory game birds in Florida are required to have a no-cost migratory bird permit either checked or attached to their Florida hunting license. In order to receive this permit, hunters have to fill out a short questionnaire when they purchase their hunting license. The information they provide helps the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service get a better assessment on how many birds are harvested each year.' The FWC suggests hunters peruse the "2005-06 Florida Hunting Regulations Handbook" and the "2005-06 Migratory Game Bird Regulations for Waterfowl and Coot Seasons" brochure at MyFWC.com/hunting. These publications also are available from county tax collectors' offices and licensed vendors. Steve Peake (left) and Jay Ricketson show off a pair of bucks they bagged last season. Hunter safety course is required Anyone born on or after June 1, 1975 cannot purchase a hunting license without first successfully completing a hunter safety course. Proof of satisfactory completion of Florida's Hunter Safety Course or an approved course provided by another state, province or organization is required when purchasing a license. Children under age 16 may hunt with adult supervision even though they have not taken a hunter safety course. Persons needing proof they have passed FWC's Hunter Safety Course can print out duplicate certificates ROOFING SALE! The New Wave In Roofing. * Can be applied over rusted metal. No need to remove old roofing SGuaranteed to never rust! * Not affected by corrosive materials such as fertilizers, farm chemicals or fumes from animal waste * Reduces noise...Animals stay calmer * Lifetime Limited Warranty * Visit us at www.ondura.com White Brown* Red* Black Green* Gray* Tan Blue *IN STOCK COLORS Cashway Building Prdducts, Inc. 301 W. Hampton Springs Ave. Perry, Fl. 32347 (850) 584-3519 1-800-479-0912 $12.99 per 48" x79" sheet Perry Shopping Center 584-2565 B All Grocery SGeneral Merchandise j| Frozen Foods Daiy Items Offer good for a limited time. S(excluding fresh meat, beer, wine, tobacco, packaged meat, frozen meat products, milk, eggs & bfead) Bob From the groovy 70's to anything on a whim Those bell bottoms had your name written on them. From Daytown to night, How does it feel to always be right? You married a wonderful girl, You raised- two beautiful children. / / Your quiver is full. You have blessings uncountable. You 're a fountain of talent from medicine, Stogardening, to building, to cooking- you are quite a collection. You are truly unique. You are one of a kind and now you're an antique! SWe love you so much for your good-hearted ,soul. You're a helper, a doer, a fixer, a winner of all. Try as I may this poem doesn't do justice to all that you are and the feelings I feel for one of my bestest brother-in-laws. I love you. Happy 60th Birthday Love, Carolyn-Hanna-Costi-Lieth-Besan and-Eiad Quffa Attention Customers SIt has been our pleasure to serve this area since 1988. However, we will be closing on Nov. 18, 2005, to remodel this location into a Save-A-Lot Supermarket. We are very excited about this change. Save-A-Lot will sell the highest quality meats, produce and grocery products at the lowest possible price with the same great service and friendly staff. We look forward to having you shop with us in our modern, renovated building at the same convenient location. Thank you, Foodland, Inc. 7-77, 1.' ., , I B-6The Taco Times November 9, 2005 YARD, CARPORT SALE: Home sold, moving- Household items-artwork, collectibles, antiques, jewelry, pottery, china, frames etc., 412 Glennridge Rd. off Plantation near Old Dixie Hwy. Friday Nov. 4, Saturday Nov. 5 and the next three weekends after 9 a.m. 11/2-11/18 Monday through Friday 9 am -6::30 pm. Starting October 28 in front of Badcocks at 1000 South Jefferson. Avon, Dollar items, Opening Special through November 20% off gift boxes (layaway available) 10/28-11/18 YARD SALE: 1982 Sunset Lane Hwy. 27 East Continued Wednesday, Thursday,Friday & Saturday. 8 AM-4 PM. New Items added Everything must go. Good prices. Everything Indoors. Rain or shine 11/9,11/11 , Th'e Marshall Health -Family Council, located at 207 Marshall Drive,-is having a yard sale this Saturday 8 a.m. until. (if you would like to donate items please deliver as early as possible to the facility Saturday morning). Money collected will be used for holiday gifts for the residents. Hot dogs and drinks will be sold. For more information call Nelda 223-2370. 11/9,11/1.1 SHuge Yard Sale Nov. 5, 8 AM-until. Tons . of baby & toddler girl name brand clothes and shoes.; Women's & men's clothes, bouncy seat, car seat, stroller, furniture, toys, purses, .shoes, household items, muzzleloader, tons of gun parts and accessories, chair and love seat. A little bit of everything. 2787 Hwy. 27 E. Corner of Hwy. 27 E and Dorman Peacock Rd. Just' before Foley Cutoff, . 11/9-11/11 .. Friday and Saturday Nov. 11 & 12 8 until Foley Cuttoff- Antique Maple Chairs(4), Quilt Stands(2) Deacon Bench; Large Bird Cage, China, new ladies jeans, slacks, dresses. 11/9GR Mobile home for rent $500 mth off Foley Cut off Rd. 1st & last month rent plus utilities. 584-5612 11/4-11/11 2002 DVMH 3/2 CHA Fireplace, like new. "-Setting on 4.30 Acres 4 miles north of - Perry on US 221 ferced-cross fenced-5. barns with stalls-2 sheds-1 carport.shelter lots, of '-big oak trees. Must- see. $119,900.00. Call Jason Bashaw at 1 888. 821-0894. " 11/02-11/11JWH Double wide 1984 Remodeled through-out. new kitchen white mr -ree cabinets, built in-microwave, breakfast bar, stove, refrigerator, washer dryer. Lane Reclining Sofa/Chair 50 inch Television. China Hutch Buffet table. King Bed Set. Full Bed. 2 bedroom, 1 1,2 bath 12x16 room addition on corner lot. Seller to net cash $37,000. Real-Estate suggested list price at $44,000 unfurnished. Crime-free neighborhood area houses selling' for $60 000 to $120.000 drrve by 3395 Woods Rd oh Old Dixie/Center Streel f interested call 584.9455 for appointment 11/9 11/18.11t/25 12/2 PROPERTY FOR SALE HAMPTON SPRINGS AVE. ACROSS FROM CASHWAY CALL AFTER 6 PM 1. 912-685-3132 11/4.12/21HM : . 'Keaton Beach-Beaulliul 5 acres for sale, !wooded tract, 1 mile from'boat ramp, high .and dry, pavement, water. power, phone access and fenced $125,000 00, call, 584-4921-leave message. 10/5-11/30 3/2 BR. BA. framed house.,CHA, 15.57 acres mostly cleared with 1/2 acre pond, stocked with catfish & bream. 294 Roberts Aman Rd.. Perry FI, call 584-6953 for more information 10/14-11/13 Land for sale located on Hwy 221 between Sthloh Church Rd and Cairo Parker Rd. 1' acre lots with paved roads Owner.-. financing available Please call (3861 658-, 1346 or (850) 584-7466 Badcock's tfEF '1 bedroom garage apartment. no kids, no pets. 584-7170. .11/9-11/11 Homeowner has a pnvate bedroom with private bath and private entrance, linens furnished. Quiet neighborhood $100 wk. $150 deposit. 584-2500 11/9tfnBG For Rent: small furnished sleeping room for rent. Available Nov 2. $90 per week, $150 deposit, phone available 838-1524 (pin #77) 10/26tfWB Taking applications for 2 B/R mobile home. Central Heat/AC, total electric Located in.. small clean quiet park 2 miles down Beach Rd. Water, Sewer, Lawn Care and Garbage included. $350.00 per month, plus $350 deposit. Some restrictions apply. 584-3889 11/4tfnRB Woodride Apartments!! Looking for applicants! Apply now for 1, 2 'and 3 bedroom apartments. Equal'Housing Opportunity. Call 850-584-5668. 709 W. Church St., Perry, FL.32347. TDD/TTY 711. tfWA Southern Villas of Perry!! New Management!! HUD Vouchers accepted. 10 and 2 bedroom HC and non-HC accessible apartments. Call 850-584-8111. TDDTTY ' S711. 315 PucKett Rd. Perry, FL 32347. Equal Housing Opportunity. tfSV Taylor County BCC position vacancies. System Administrator-$34,777+ benefits= Direct, coordinate and support local area computer network. Fire Fighter= $10.78/hr. + benefits= .Prevention, control and extinguishment of fires. Library Tedh P/T= 20 hrs week includes some evenings and weekends $7.29/hr. Library circulation duties, Entire job description, requirements and application can be obtained from www.tcfl- libinfo.com or Taylor Employment. Connections, 224 N. Jefferson. positions open until filled. EEO,AA/VP Drug Testing Employer. 11/9tfnTCHR VEGGIES TO YOUR DOOR! Fresh-Picked, blanched, flash frozen, shelled zippers, butter beans, black eyes, white acres, ford hooks, cream corn, okra, green beans, broccoli, mustards & collards Free delivery every Saturday with 3 or more bushels ' 352-498-2580 For Rent: Small apartment with no cooking facilities (only microwave and small refrigerator), 1 private bath, living room with bed. 584-8045. 10/26.11/25MC Heavy Equipment Mechanic Local John Deere Dealership is ooring lor an experienced technician to diagnose, repair and provide general maintenance for construction and forestry equipment. Qualified candidate must:have full range-. of tools, be customer service oriented, and require little supervision. Our comrrpanry provides a .,drug-free environment wrih competitive pav. excelilnil r, aitrll and dental benefits, and 401 k:l Retirement & Prolil Sharing Plan Quallhied applicans should send resume S1 H R Manager P.O. Box 3329, Albany, GA 31706 or email resume to: hrmanager@flintholdings.com.: 10/12tfFE Herbicide Applicalors must liie the. outdoors must lBe, 10 travel. musl be 18 no experience necessary. we will rain you. Please apply in person at Randei's Land clearing and Dev., nc, 1949 South Jefferson S 11/2-11/11RLC Roofer & Roofer helpers wanted Must have own vehicle & valid DL. Drug free work place Carpentry Experience a plus. Please call 386-294-3914 --1 ,'02rfnAC.= "' -- '"'" " NOW HIRING- An immediate opening for San experienced journeyman lumber grader, pay is commensurate with experience.. Apply in person at SuwanneeLumber Company. Contact Duane Driggers. 1-800- 985-9939. 0/28.11111SLC Employment opportunities a the Boys & Girls Club of Perry/Taylor Country Unil Director Job responsibilities to include but not limited to supervising slaff and volunteers creating implementing. and evaluating programs in all areas of the club, recruiting and tracking new member; :-oublic relations' maintaining building and ,'ground, ensuring adequate educational programming; and other duties as assigned by the Executive Director or Director of Operations Minimum qualifications Bachelor's degree or related Boys & Girls Club or other youth serving organizational experience Bachelor's degree may be substituted with f our years of related experience working with youth. Salary range $24.000- $28.000 per year depending on 'experience Benefits included Program Coordinator Job responsibilities :o include but not limited to supervising staff and volunteers, creating. mpiementin,. and evaluating programs in all areas ol the club in cooperation with the Unit Director: and other duties as assigned by the Executive Director or Director of :Operations, or Unit Director;., Minimum qualifications: Bachelor's .degree or .related Boys & Girls Club or other youth serving organizational experience Bachelor's degree may be substituted with four years of related experience. Salary Strange $1,7.000-T2l,500 Benefits package available to qualified applicants. Part time General Program Staff Job duties to be determined on a needs basis by Unit Director and Program Coordinator. Minimum qualifications: High o school diploma and-experience workingg with youth, Beginning salary of $6.15 per hour; negotiable depending on experience. 15- S20hours per week, more during summer. Applications should be picked up from and returned to the Boys & Girls Club Veteran's Park Unit Irom 2-6 p m Monday through Friday Accepting Applications SIhrough Wed. Nov 9 10/26-1 /09BGC Pan-lime infanr nursery satendant needed for Sunday mornings and special events. ,Must be over 18 years old and have prior 'experience in providing infant care Background creck and fingerprinting will be required Mail resume including 3 references to lirst Presbyterian Church, PO Box 837, Perry, Florida 32348 . 10/12riFPC SHair stylist, Nail Techniciah, and Lic. Massage therapist needed for new, high . traffic, ddwntowri salon. First month free rent! Weekly rented or corimmission your choice. , Bring your clients and come join us. Call or drop by Mirror Images Hair & Nail Salon. 584-2445 10/28-11/22 Routeman. (Amusement machines)-- collections, repairs, some electronic skills helpful, salaried position, valid drivers license, send resume to P.O. Box 1971, Perry., FL 32348. 10/19-11/11 " Quality Control Supervisor in' Aggregate Mine. Florida DOT CTQP Certification Required. Familiar with Scale House Operation and Computer Skills in MSN. Office and Excel, EEO and Pre- Employment Drug Screening. Call 850- 584-5003 or FAX Resume to 850-584- 6605, 11/9 ADULT CASE MANAGER #2156 & #1187 A MINIMUM OF A BACHELOR'S DEGREE 'WITH A MAJOR IN COUNSELING, SOCIAL WORK PSYCHOLOGY, CRIMINAL JUSTICE, NURSING; REHABILITATION. SPECIAL EDUCATION; HEALTH EDUCATION, OR A RELATED HUMAN SERVICES FIELD, SOR A BACHELOR'S DEGREE AND TWO : YEARS FULL TIME OR EQUIVALENT EXPERIENCE WORKING WITH ADULTS EXPERIENCING SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS. VALID DRIVER'S LICENSE. SHIFT: 8:AM-5 PM/ MONDAY-FRIDAY SALARY: $10.75 PER HOUR OR $12.92 OPS STATUS For more information and a complete listing of available positions www.apalacheecenter.org (850)523-3217 or 1(800)226 2931 Human Resources 2634-J Capilal Circle NE., Tallahassee, FL' D c ' Pre-Hire Drug Screen & FDLE background check An Equal Qpportunity/Affirmative Action Employer . Drug-Free Workplace 11/9,1.1/11AC 1 rj s .CQmp &g-,Qner Operator, Tqp d' rnngs! Guaranteed Home time' CDL.A w/hazemat;: 1-800-362-0159,' www LCTransponation corn < . S119-11/18 EPI Ombudsperson/Lead Instructor wanted at NFCC This Full time grant funded position will serve as liaison between NFCC. the local school distracts and the FL Depl. of Teacher Certification. teach a minimum of Ihree courses each semester. serve on College Committees and/or at satellite locations. Qualificaons: Master's Degree with at least eighteen hours of graduate level courses in Educational and/or Reading plus classroom teaching experience Applications to Director HR North Florida. Community College, 325 NW Turner Davis Drive. Madison Florida 32340. Only complete application packets considered. A complete packet includes letter of interest. resume and application: copy of , transcripts (unofficial okay). Application and full job description available at ,.www.nfcc.edu. Questions call 850-973- 9491 Application packet must be received by 11/15/2005 EOE 11/2-11/11.NFCC Bartender at 'he Beach Bar, male or female, must be mature, responsible, dependable and honest Drug free workplace Please call and leave .message at (352) 542-9918 or (850) 578- 2827. ask tor Susan S..10/26-11/11 *** I New leather sola and love seat $750 can deliver 850-222-2113 NEW.BEDROOM SET Beautiful cherry Louis Philippe 8-piecewpod- King sleigh 'bed, dresser, mirror,, chest, 2 night stands. Sug. List $4600, sell $1650. 850-545-7112 1 i4tfnGCN . -ORMAL DINING ROOM- Brand new .herry table whn 6 chairs and lignhed china :abinet $3K retail, sell for $999 850-425- 8374 11/4tfnGCN Queen mattress set, double pillow top. New in plastic with warranty. $150. 850- 425-8374 .11/4tfnGCN CAKES & FPES call now for the holidays SRed velvet; Sweet potato. pound cakes- .sour, cream,. 7UP,. lemon,' German Chocolate. Doris Simpson 843-1478 or 223-2302 11/4-11/11 Louie Mills will be buying pecans every. Tuesday at the junction of Main Street and Dundee Street starting the first week in November. 10/28,11/04,11/11,11/18 6 Pc. full/queen bedroom set. New in boxes, sacrifice $550. 850-222-7783 11/4tfnGCN CHERRY SLEIGH BED-$250. Brand new, solid wood. 850-222-9879 11/4tfnGCN Kellow Appliance Sales and Service. We have over 50 refurbished appliances in stock now.. Washers, dryers, refrigerators, electric stoves, 'window a/c units, stack unit w/d, RV w/d, wringer washer and dish washer, $100 and up, with warranty. We do in-home service and in-stop repair, 1302 N. Jefferson Street, Perry. (850) 584-7773. 11/411/30 GA-PECANS-this year crop, $7.751b for pieces, Bulk halves (301b) $7.001b, chocolate covered for $7.951b. GIFTS OF GRACE at 106 E. Main Street downtown square. Open Monday Friday 11-6. Saturday 12-5. 584-7770. We also have winter clothes, and Jackets under $10. Lots of Wedding dresses and formal wear. 11/9-11/23. For Sale: Baldwin/Hamilton upright Piano Excellent condition. $1500 Phone 584- ,2614. 11/9-11/18 MATTRESS SET- New full set with factory. warranty, $99, call 850-222-7783 11/4tfnGCN . The City of Perry is accepting' applications for the following position: Community Development Director Must possess working knowledge of all phases of building construction, experience in enforcement of building codes, supplemented with responsible administrative experience, or some equivalent combination of experience and training. State certification as a general-building contractor may be' substituted for field construction. experience. Req: Must have a high school diploma* or equivalency. Meet the certification requirements for building inspector as i established by the state of Florida, Completion of two or more years of college coursework, or any equivalent combination of training or experience which. provides the required, knowledge, skills and abilities. Must have a valid Florida drivers license. A complete job description is available upon request. Salary Range: . $37,190.40-$50,016.95 CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office 224 S. Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347 (850) 584-7161 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER SWanted dead or alive; Junk cars, trucks, tractors, etc. Will buy, sell & trade 4x4, & truck parts. S*M*A*S*H Towing. 386-688- 3999. 10/5tf S *Free Haircuts, color, or acrylic nails* 25'Local Makeover models needed. Call Mirror Images Hair & NailSalon today for a consultation appointment. 584-2445 ask for Jenniferl 10/28-11/22, -r.I] BUCKEYE COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION s offering for sale a 2001 Ford Ranger 4 :ylinder, 5 speed stick shift. This truck will be sold on "as is" basis and may be inspected at the Credit Union Monday through Friday'from 8:30 until 4:30 pm. 11/02-11/30 2002 F-150 XLT Super-cab PW, PL, AT Cruise & tilt, Tow Package. 50,000 miles. SBlue book $17,225. $14,500 OBO 584- 5832. .11/9-11/11 BUCKEYE COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION is offering for sale a 2001 Toyota Camry 4 door sedan LE with power windows and door locks and theft recovery system. This car will be sold on "as is" basis and may be inspected at the Credit Union Monday through Friday from 8:30- 4:30 - .11/02-11/30 1999 Geo Prizm 77,000 miles, 30+ mpg, new tires, automatic transmission, power steering, air conditioning, auto door locks, good mechanical condition (see Joe Tharpe @ Thomas Chevrolet) Asking price $3,200 phone 584-6445, 578-2626, 835-6556 11/4,11/18 Small ads...big deals!! 1 [I ] ^eifd MISCELLANEOUS -UTORSi -------^^SF AUCnhTIONS " Winchester 94 30/30 riffle new in box, S$300. 727-785-3383(day) or 727-785- 8261 (night). -1 911/18 Wanl Io. irade 2 Spring Creek 9 day quota hunt permits for 2 Aucilla permits. Call Jerry at 584-5089. Boat-Carolina Skiff 16' Lil' John 25 HP motor and trailer reduced to'$2795: Call 584-6405. -0,2811/11 Vendors needed to fill marketplace space Sfor rent. Call Mrs. Jones at 584-3998. 11/4tfnBJ The- Handyman experts, honest work! Affordable, professional, licensed and insured. Specializing in house painting, interior, etc., mobile home, repairs, home maintenance, pressure washing (wood and concrete) carpet, vinyl, wood floor, ceramic "ile and repairs Call 584-2270 (home) or .584.3776 loitcel. 25 years. '. -IJM . HOUSE-CLEANING your homd:' Ple ase call 578-2628 or 223-3621. S10/28-11/11 House Cleaning, Honest dependable, reasonable rates. Call Angie at 578-2573. 11/4-11/30 A-2-Z Farm and Lawn Services Harrowing, bush hog mowing, dirt leveling, rake work and complete lawn services. Call 584-6737, leave message. 4/1tfAZ Clay Swindle, L.L.C., All types of remodeling, docks, decks, windows, door framing, add on additions, porches, screen enclosures, painting interior & exterior. 18 yrs. exp., licensed '& insured. Free Estimate, call 850-223-1780 or 843-1941, leave message. Commercial & Residential. 8/5tfCS CARPET & VINYL Installation and repairs done at a good price. No overhead. Direct savings to you. 30 years experience. 850-838-9050, please leave a message. 11/3tfBR TREE REMOVAL, STUMP GRINDING Free Estimates, Bucket Truck Available. Licensed & Insured. Call John (Sesock), (850)584-2027 or (850)591-8301. 10/5-9/2 J.D.'s Tree Service and Lawn Care. Licensed and insured: Free estimates. We also grind stumps. Call today 838-1280. Firewood for sale. tfJD Auction every Saturday, 6 p.m., 3 miles south of Cross City on Hwy. 19 at'Old Drive 'In, Now taking consignments for future auctions.: We do estate sales, liquidation and bankruptcies. AB#2424, AU#2548. Third Generation Auction Service, 850-584-8714. TREE CAPITAL CLEANING UPHOLSTERY & CARPET CLEANING Dries in 3-4 hours 584-CLEAN (584-2532) Discover the Power of the CLASSIFIEDS! SSmall Ads... BIG Deals! 'Doctors' Memorial Hospital is now hiring for the posittbns listed below. Our 48-bed acute care a.:Lr i ,ry 7 : c.rnr ii ,mp .j1 .ala ry anrd Lernei ll pac' age., retirement plan, and flexible scheduling. Please fax resume to the Human Resources Department at (850) 584-0661,-E-Mail to dianam@doctorsmemorial.com,:or call (850) 584-0866. Clinics: Licensed Practical Nurse, Full-Time EMS: Emergency Medical.Tech, Full-Time Paramedic, PRN Environmental Services: Housekeeper, 'Full-Time Food Services: Cook/Aide, PRN Home Health Aaencv: Occupational Therapist, PRN Surgical Services: Registered Physical therapist, Full-Time, Part-Time, PRN Surgical Tech, PRN RN, LPN, Madison, PRN Security: Imanina Services: Security Officer, PRN Ultrasound Tech, PRN frin FRe WnrknIlrep FniEl luannn rtnitv Fmnlover Doctors' Memorial Hospital F l-irn og P r- Time*.. S isme- PartTim Marsall ealt & Rehabilittion Cente Laboratory: Medical Lab Tech, Full-Time, PRN Nursing: Registered Nurse, Med-Surg, Full-Time, PRN 7p Licensed Practical Nurse; Med-Surg, Full-Time, PRN 7p Certified Nurse Assistant, Med-Surg, Full-Time, PRN 7p Physician Billing: Commercial Billing Clerk, Full-Time AI BUCKEYE COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION is offering for sale a 2002 Ford super crew cab Lariat 4 wheel drive truck with extended cab, V8 engine, leather and power seats, towing package, bed liner, keyless entry, mileage 57,863. This truck will be sold on "as is" basis and may be inspected at the Credit Union Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. 11/02-11/30 1996 Monte Carlo low mileage, AC, power windows, very good gas mileage, V6 engine. Selling Price $3,800. Call 843- 0275 or 584-3677. 11/9-11/11 " 98 Chev. Malibu $1,995. 84 Chev, 10 $800. Call Bob 371-1870. 11/9 BUCKEYE COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION is offering for sale a 2004 Chevrolet Silverado LS 1500 series with extended cab, V8 with power locks and windows, am/fm stereo with CD player, rear window defogger, towing package, keyless entry, ISRV mirror with compass & temperature, mileage 38,378. This truck will be sold on "as is" basis and may be inspected at the Credit Union through Friday from 8:30 am until 4:30 pm. 11/02-11/30 I ~~ U1IIb - (__.___ I I IMBIEHOE lo n~i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING LAND USE CLASSIFICATIOf IN TAYLOR COUNTY On Tuesday, November 29, 2005 At 6:10 p.m. in the AdministrativE Complex (Old Post Office) 201 E. Green Street Perry, Florida 32347 The Taylor County Board of County Commissioners will hear on application from Dr, Firas A. Hamdon concerning a land use classification of property located at 29470 Marina Road, (Keator Beach) Perry, Florida 32348 DESCRIPTION (Official Record Book 447 Page 486): Commence at the NE corner of the SE 1/4 Section 35, T7S, R7E, and run S C .degrees 00' 30" West a distance o 972.86 feet to the point of beginning thence from said POB run N 89 degrees 58' 00" West, a distance of 1.187:77 fee to the East boundary line of the Keator Beach Subdivision, Unit #1 thence South 22 degrees 47' 00" West along the Eas boundary line of said subdivision; a distance of 351.38 feet; thence South 0 degrees 00' 30" West along said Eas boundary line, a distance of 1320.00 feet to the SE corner of said subdivision thence S 88 degrees 58' 01". E c distance of 1324.00 feet' thence N C degrees 00' 30" East, a distance o 1667..14 feet to the point of beginning Said parcel contains 49.81 acres, Less and Except the Sovereign lands of the State of Florida. TOGETHER WITH A 20 FOOT ROAD EASEMENT: AS SET OUT AND DESCRIBED IN .HAI CERFIlri EASEMENT AGrEEf.MElr RECORDED IN O.R, 447 PAGE 462. PUBLIC RECORDS OF TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA. The public hearing may be continued tc one orr more future .dates. Any Interested party shall be advised ,tha' the date, time and place of any continuation of the public hearing shal be announced during the public hearing and that no further notice concerning tne mailer .il1 be published. urle;s said continualion exceeds six .calendar weeks from the date of the above referenced publlc hearing. Copies -..f rnte opolcoi.ron are available f'r public inspection at the Building &8 Planning Department, Administrative Complex; located at-201 E. Green Street, Perry, Florida 32347 All persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision .mde at the above referenced public hearing, they will need a record of the proceeding, and that for such purpose, they may need to ensure that verbatim record of ine roceaedng': - made, which rec-:,ra .r:clujde irer testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be, based: S1179 INVIIATIOri TOBID The Taylor County Board of County, Commissioners. is soliciting sealed proposals for the Geoiecnncai Investigation of Green Street/ San Pedro :Road, Qualified firms or Individuals desiringto provide the required products' or services'must submit nine (9) packages in a, sealed .envelope, or similar package marked S3alea Proor':al i-r Geotehnniroal inve'lgatiln or Grr.en Steel/ Son Pedro Rnoo o t he Clerk ofl Courtl 1i Floo, Co-.nrrourse ilti rlorin Jelfersorn Suale il'o .:.r P -C' Bo 620 Perry, Florida :23'i8 to ariiie n.:. tlaer than 4:00 p.m. local lime on lueidav. November 29, 2005. All, Proposals Must have the respondeer's name and moiling adaiess clearly shown on ire outside of ire envelope or package .wner, submirred Proposals .v.II De opened and responaenis announced at- 6:20 p:m. local time, or as soon thereafter as practical on Tuesday. November 29.2005 In ine taylor Co:uny Administralive Complex 201 East Green Street. Per y Florida 32347 Proposal information MUST be obtained from ine Clerk of Court. Its Floor Courhouse 108 rlonr, Jellersor, Sireet Suite 102. Perry Florlaa 32318 (850)838 3506 The County reserves rne righi. in Its sole ana absolute discretion fo relecl any or all proposals. To cancel or wiinarao.v ihn Ssoliciation at any time ana wave oan Irregularities In me piopoloi process; The County reserves ine rigni to award anyr contract to the respondent wnich it aeems to afier the best overall service therefore. me country is not pouna to award any contracr(s) based on rne lowest quoted price ine Counry, in its sole and absolure aiscreiion also reserves the right to waive any rninoi defects in the process and to accept the proposal seemed to be in tne County's best Inireest The County in its sole ana absolute aiscretion. also reserve the righr o1 assign a local Business preference In on amount or five (5) percent of me proposal price pursuant to Taylor County Ordinance No. 2003-12 io foxea proposals will be accepted Additional information may Sbe obtained from SKenneth DuOly County Engineering Deponment 201 East Green Street P' erry, FL 32347 (850) 838-3500 By ire order of mne Board of County .: Commissioners, Iaylor Counrty Florna NOTICE: LIEN SALE ; Notice is .hereby gi.en to Yvette, Marsnal, 1301 w Ash Sr Perry, Fldrida 32347, unless payment is mode on Unit B.22 (Contents household gooasl. contents will De sold on rhe 23rd day ol NovemBer, 2005 or Honay Rentals Self Storage. 900 Industrial Park Dr Perry. FL 32348 11/9,11/16 y 11/2,/19 C NOTICE: LIEN SALE Notice is hereby given to Leann Nix P.O. S Box 905 Dahlonega, GA 30533, unless payment Is made on Unit A13 (Contents: household goods), contents e will be sold on the 14th day of November,, 2005. at Handy Rentals Self Storage, 900 Industrial Park Dr., Perry, FL 32348. Y 11/2,11/19 Y NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that THADIOU HOLT and'RICHIE D HOLT the holder of the following certificate ha's filed said E certificate for a tax deed.to be issued Sthereon. The certificate number and f year of issuance, the description of tihe property,.and the names in which it was s assessed ore follows: SCertificate. No. 1062 Year of issuance n' 2003 S Description of Property Parcel No P R08504-000-17-05-08 COMMENCE AT THE NORTHWEST 0 CORNER OF THE NW 1/4.OF SW 1/4 OF S SECTION 1.7, TOWNSHIP 5, SOUTH RANGE 0 8 EAST, THENCE RUN EAST..158'FEET TO THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF ROAD S- S361, THENCE RUN SOUTHWESTERLY S ALONG R/W, 624 FEET FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE CONTINUE TO RUN 'SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG. R/W 204 FEET, THENCE RUN NORTH 200 FEET, THENCE EAST'58 FEET TO POINT OF BEGINNING. Name'in which assessed JAMES E.L HODGES ESTATE ETAL Said property being In the County of Taylor, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described ls such certificate Sshao be sold to, the highest bidder at the y courthouse door on the 12th day of I t De.,-nbe,' 2005 at 11:00 o'clock a.m. o, lacr mi: 'in day of November, 2005. I 'nnie Mae Murphy Clerk of Court Taylor County, Florida 11/9,11/16,11/23,11/30 S Notice of Public Hearing ' S'-cailing Date:. November 15, 2005 b Subject of hearing:. .1.) -Staff use..of k miieles,; ,co-n'wijriic iiomn.eii pn..e Sr 2) Po.':,:eaur.i ir meala coverage i. within Taylor Ccuri./ Si-,.ois THE'D-ISTRICT S&.-HOOL BC,4RD Of IA.L LOP COUNTY WILL HCOLI:' PUBLIC HE"Rlf(IG ON THE ABOVE DATE'FOR APFPO'.'AL OF ; :IE-I' UB.iC i Er 1 iHIS HELPING WILL BE ELD 4r IHE .CH'OCL 8C.RD MEETING." I THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS/CQNCERNS..THE I PUBLIC HEAr,'Il]3 WILL.BE HELD AT THE r ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLEX, SCHOOL BOARD MEETING ROOM, 318 North Clark Street. A copyof this policy maybe Obtained from -the Superintendent's Office, : .Oscar M. Howard Jr. SSuperlnter.errr l I: Sch,_,: I; .. '" 11 19 1i.'2... 1 1 '2. I "9 NOTICE ;C PUBLIC MEETING: The District ,Board of Trustees of North'.Florida SCommnunity College will hold Its regular me.ninl, meeting Tuesday, November 15, 2005 .at 5:30 p.m. in the NFCC Student Cenie i akeliciae Room, NFCC, 'a1000 Turner Davis Dr., Madison, FL. A copy of the agenda may be obtained by writing: NFCC, Office of the President, TOO.Turner Davls Dr., Madison, FL 32340. c-er eiO aialll .lelAlea f ccc.mmoaoaions conracI ire InFCC Orile aor College- AaclorcerTenl 8a50973o 153 NrFCC is On. equal access eauOl opportunity. Employer. 11/9 FINAL PUBLIC rIOTIC 'E Final' notice under: Executive 'Order 11988, Floodplain M.onagement is hereby given P t irns Federal 'Emergenc, M.anogemeni Agency's' S(FEMA) intent Ic. provide Public Assistance funding ro the Jorrhwesr Florida. '.uljr.,,.esr Florid. Suwannee River, St Joinnns P.,r anr, Sourn F.lorida 'Water '.onraogement i',lr.ci~ or trne repair and resiaorii:.iri or water control taciliries Funds will, be provided in accordance with the Robert T.'Stafford . Disoseie Relief and Emergency Assi.ronce A.:i Public Low- 93.288 as mrren.ie ; . Prociram Pubiic As.siitonce FEMA Disas.rers DR 1539.FL DR 15JS.FL. DPR iSli. .FL, DR-1561-FL; DR. 1595FL. DR-1602.FL Sand rany other as yet undeclared Presidenliol disosrer declaOalion Ihat may occur during Ihae 2005 hurricane season.. Statement- of Why, Action i Located in * .Floodplain inese project involve me repair a s resroraoiorn or nailer control faciilleps damaged during Ine 2004 and 2005 humicone season anda includes. our is nor imiied 1c mte dredging of' edlimenr rr.:.m the canals report re'ltOlilonn ari.d siiiliialion of canal bank aon. Ithe eeaiing o1 Ine restored .area ine water control raciliiies are Tunclronallv dependent on i'neli location and ihelieore locrate witrhln mopped 100-veor Iloooolalns Aileirotnl.,'e Cc'n'ilaered in ail cases rre ilreilnolle rto Do ,;:.ridlaeied hno e' een and .'nll e I) Repair o10 pre' *. ...disaster ccnalrions 2) Repair to pre- alsosre. conaillorEs wain milgallon to. minimlze impacts during lurure event's 3). ti, OCii,:,n oallernoarive SAplicaOcilllr, Cr SioIe!Locl31 Floodplain '' Sotanaors Funding *.irl oe conadiona1 upan the projecis cr.nformilly vlthrn aI appliCtable s.roe and local Ilo'-aOlaln slandolas. the DIjoeclr OiOralning any . necessoar U S Armiry Cors of Engineers permill arni ire prlecl complying wtlrh onv lerrms and Conairions placed by IJ 5 Fihn and willdlfe Ser I:ce Aliecr rc. inhe Floodpllin and il.ltiigaionr The proposed acions maIy noave shonah term impacts ro the ilo,'aplain during Comic Books (collectibles-any year) Scrap Gold & Gold Silver Dollars Pocket Watches Diamonds Postcards Sports Memorabilia Taylor County Historical Items Vintage metal toys/wind-up toys Special Flashings Made All Types Warranted Metal Available SCur to your desired lengths Delivery Service Avalable Call Toll-Free 888-393-0335 352-498-0778 Horseshoe Beach, Fl. I--MM - construction. These impacts would consist of short-term water quality impacts. 'In some cases, mitigation S against damage during future events will be provided by repairing or replacing structures with materials that give additional protection. Long term direct f and indirect impacts are expected to be beneficial because the facilities help manage stormwater and provide additional floodplain storage. Responsible Official: Roger Caughman, Environmental Liaison Officer Federal Emergency Management Agency 100SunportLone Orlando, FL 32809 (407) 858-3330 Email: Roger.Caughman@dhs.gov Further information can be obtained by contacting the responsible official. All comments should be submitted to the responsible official within fifteen (15) days. of the start of thisnotice publication, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING A DETERMINATION OF'A LAND USE CLASSIFICATION. On Tuesday, November 29, 2005 At 6:15 p.im in the. Administrative Complex , (Old Post Office) 201 E. Green Street Perry, Florlda 32347 The. Taylor County Board of County Commissioners will hear an application from Mr. Kenne.th B. Hutchins to make a determination for a land use classification for parcel 12-08-07-071,93- 000 address 22645 Fish Creek Hwy., Perry, Florida 32348. Containing 27 acres, more, or less. Five (5) acres In the Southwest Corner of the North Half of Lot four (4) of Section ;. 12, T8S, R7E, being nrrore particularly described as Fc'IIO,. '., to-wit: 'Commencing 230 yards South of Northwest corner Of Lot 4 of ot section 12 T8S, R7E, for a point of beginning and run .East 350 ycid' Iner.ce Sourn '0 yards to point cl oegsnning containing five (5) acres, more or.less. ALSO: Ten (10)acres n ,w 0of Lot For (4), Section T.'eihe (12), lo .nshlpEight (8) South, Range Seven (7) East. being more partlcularlv described as follows: Beginning or a colni 900 . leel Souin cfl e nrion n,,e; cic'rner of lot 4. Section 12 r85, P7E ana iun ,'est 1050 feet, thence Run North 420'Feetdf'to the POB, containing 10 acres, more or less ALSO: A part o go...ernmenr Lot No. 4 Section 12, T8S, R7E, more particularly described as follows: Commence -At 'theeNW corner of Government Lot No'4 'and run South Aldng'the west boundary .. of said Lot 4, 690 feet: thence run East 1050 .feet to the Point of Beginning: thence from said Point ol Beginning lurf South, 630 feet: rnence run West 44i 16 ieet to en Gulf of f.lMex.o hence run SoutneoSrerly along aiol Gull inru a chora hearing ana aiar ioce of South 36(degrees) '59' East, '196.52 .feet: Sthence run East,. 1035.56 feet to eh' Westerly R/W Line of State Rd No 361: thence run North 16 degrees 16'05".' West, Along said R/W line 141.04 feet to the Point of 'Curvdture Of a 5679.65'. raaius curve to re left; thence run along inme arc of sola P/ W curve thru a cord Bearing and distance of North 17 degrees 43'44" West.294.0 feet to eh Point' of Tangency of said R/W curve: Thence run North 1f9 degrees .12'46" reisl. along solo ' i.'w line. 57 06 feet to the point of, curvature of a 1096.28' radius curve to Sthe left; thence.run along the arc of said R/W curve thrL a chord bearing and disronce of North 20 degrees 10'07" West. 36 58 leer, thence run Wesi, 453 46 real ro rne Point of Beginning Tne public nearing may ce conrlnued to one or more" future dates. 'Any *nteresea p'artyshall' be advised that the date, r me and place of any ,: continuarlon of the public nearing shall be announced during me public ri' earningg and Inoa no lurrner notice concerning the matter will be publishe . unless sola continuation exceeds si/ .3olenaor weeks from ine date of tne aoooe releretced public nearing Copies of ..the amendment are available ror public Inspecclion atrthe Building & Planning Deportment Aaministlrrive Compie< locoled at 201 E Green Streer. Perry. Fiorida 32347 :- All persons are advised thaI If they deciae to appeal any decision mode at the above referenced public hearing., ney will need a record of e t proceeding. and tnat for such purpose, they may need to ensure thatrio a verDatim record of the proceedings is mode, which record includes their testimony and evidence upon which tne appeal Is to be Dosed. Make room for those Holiday gifts... ADVERTISE, your YARD SALE ii n the CLASSIFIEDS! B-7 The Taco Times November 9,2005 Classifieds... Rates: $5.00 for 25 words or less for the first run and $3.00 for each edition thereafter. (100 per word over 25 words) Deadlines: Monday by 5:00 p.m. for Wednesday's Taco Times Wednesday by 5:00 p.m. for Friday's Perry News-Herald (no exceptions) Ads must be brought into office and pre-paid. Businesses with established accounts may fax or email ads. Credit cards are accepted. Happy Birthday... Birthday, Anniversary and Congratution. ads begin at $15.00 for 1 picture with wording; $20.00 for two pictures with wording (rates subject to change with excessive wording). The Taco Times deadline is Tuesday by noon; the Perry News-Herald deadline is Thursday by noon. Church News... Deadline for local church news is 11 a.m. on Tuesdays & Thursdays. News is published as space is available. Community Calendar... The Community Calendar listings are published every Wednesday and are free of charge. Deadline (for additions or changes to the calendar) is Monday by.5:00 p.m. .- Letters to the 'Editor.... Letters are published in the Wednesday Taco Times;, must be submitted by Monday at 5:00 p.m., must be signed and accompanied by a phone number for contact. Wedding Announcements... Engagement and Wedding Announcements are published as space is available at no charge. Please submit a quality photo of any size (color or black and white). No Polaroids, please. Birth Announcements... Birth Announcements and First Birthdays are published as space is available at no charge. Obituaries... Obituaries are published free of charge. There is a $10 fee for accompanying photo. Thank You..... "Thank Youl'" begin at $8.00. Additional fees may apply with excessive wording. , Looking Back... Our Looking Back page is published in Friday's Perry News-Herald.Share your history with us! If you have old photographs, news articles and items of , local historical interest, give us a call at 584-5513 or stop by our office at 123 S. Jefferson Street. (Photos will be returned to owner) 123 S. Jefferson St. P.O. Box 888 Perry, FL32347 (850)5845513 Perry, FL 32348 Prestige Home Center SChiefland The Only Factory Outlet on the West Coast .' 0., NedwRome Purihae ..mTrnbetigeb ;:, ,., b bp"' 5". y. '. P ,'"s l .... -'.,,'" ," ,;' --" "'l,.'- -, -.BRAND NEWM- b'-""' Choose from S2 or 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath L Exceeds New Gov't. Standards -, Mo275M Includes AC, Heat, Skirting & Steps Nvo Down Payment for Landowners! 0 (.ther." eIote trCho eIForI) Eggs are Cheaper in the Country, So are Prestige Homes! S N. Hy. 19, Chiefland 800-477-2492 -- us! NEWS... LETTERS TO THE EDITOR... COMMUNITY NEWS... newsdesk@perrynewspapers.com ADVERSTISING... ads@perrynewspapers.com SUBSCRIPTIONS.,. circulation@perrynewspapers.com I ,P B-8-The Taco Times November 9, 2005 ..2 2nd d Lee Weirick begins skinning a big buck that was taken last week during, -muzzleloading season in the Keaton Beach area. 'rawina Dec. 14 Apply now for spring turkey hunts on WMAs Hunters looking to do some turkey hunting on Florida's wildlife management areas during the 2006 spring turkey season may now apply for quota hunt permits. Quota hunt permit worksheets are available on the Florida Fish and .Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC) Web site at MyFWC.com/hunting under "Quota Hunts." Worksheets also are available at county tax collectors' offices and.at all FWC regional offices. ,Spring turkey quota hunt applicants must apply through FWC's Total Licensing System (TLS). Applications are no longer accepted by mail. You may apply via Internet at wildlifelicense.com or turn in your completed worksheet to any tax collector or license agent, and they will submit it for you. Lack of roads is cited for not TIDE SWAMP Continued from page E Garcia, Regional Direc .North Central Region, several reasons . r: commendation '" Many of the hui re sponded to the letters to the open houses going to Tide Swvamp and have developed an to the area,' Garcia exi -addition to the emotion by the current users Swamp, FWC staff.:w influenced by its bel maintain the raditio hunring~. deer dogs mus thel, prope.ri) where jllo i:d rt.o hunt. Tide S notliave an adequate r i;'"',upporl responsible S hunlung., inJ deer-dog the jrc. would resu S trfespass onto adjace lands. .Thie factors that cont inadequate road system are:., No perimeter road al allowing dogs mile northern boundary to facilitate the capture of dogs before -1 they leave the property. The overall network of roads is :tor for the not adequate or suitable for deer- there were dog hunting. Many of the trams for this are dead-end roads, and there are few "blocks" formed to facilitate enters who cutting off and capturing dogs. s and came The roads are narrow and have have been soft shoulders and there is concern for years with costs associated with the road attachment maintenance and repair. ,lained. "In Changing the format to allow n exhibited deer-dog hunting would almost s of, Tide certainly make County Road 361 a as strongly dog catch road because there is no ief that to perimeter road within the WMA. :n of dog Staff was concerned that this is a t remain on safely issue because of the volume they are 'of traffic on this high ay. wamp does "FWC staff is committed to oad system offering and increasing deer-dog e deer-dog hunting opportunities and to make hunting on this offering .in the appropriate Alt in dog locations. We will continue to nt private work with the dog hunting *, community and our government tribute to, an cooperators to make appropriate on the area parcels open to deer-dog hunting when the opportunity exists," ong the 14- Garcia explained. Seventh Day Adventist church Saturday Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. . Worship Serice 11:00 a.m. Wednesday '. ml Praver Meeting 7:00 p.m. .- Juan Rodrigues, Pastor 584-8506 604 W. Julia Dr. Birthday Blessings Sfor someone ver, speci; ie 'l LInda Murphy who turned 50 November 3 God bless you! Love, Carol P.S. Sorry I'm a little late! Hunters, who were included in the random drawing last year and not issued a quota hunt permit, will be included in this year's first drawing, known as the preference drawing. "When you submit your application, there is no need to attach any rejection notice received last year to be included in this drawing. The TLS knows who was rejected last year and who is eligible this year." said Eddie White, FWC's quota hunt coordinator. "When you submit your application, you will receive a receipt showing the hunts you have applied for and your preference status. If you are eligible for the preference drawing, your receipt will indicate 'Preference: Yes.' Those not eligible for the preference drawing will be included in the second drawing." Applicants will receive, by mail, either a spring turkey quota hunt permit or a rejection notice prior to the beginning of Phase 2 of the selection process, on Dec. 14. Rejected applicants will be eligible for the preference drawing the following year and may re- apply in'Phase 2 for any hunts that were not filled during the random drawings. Hunters also may apply as a "group" during Phase 1. The group leader must apply first, and the group's number will be printed on their receipt. Each person wishing to join the group must also apply using this same group number, as provided by the group leader. For more information on how you can apply for these spring turkey quota hunt permits, visit MyFWC.com/hunting. BEWARE... The cost of utility bills are on the rise. Insulate your home today to help save $$$ Call today for a FREE ESTIMATE! REYNOLDS INSULATION (850) 584-2340 phone (850) 584-8340 fax I -je- n_ - (3--2) 498-7001 (352) 498-7001 Cross City Dental, PA Stephen M. Henry DMD David R. Schneck DMD New Patients Welcome whiter brighter whitening in a ; whitening in a 117 NE Hwy. 351 Cross City, FI. bout an hour ,// , A-11 S S Bob... Memories are made of: great food, great Swine; big hair; gone hair; wine wisdom; fixing hospitals when they are broken; raising children together; many laughs; and so much lovIe and acceptance of friends and their foibles wherever they are! Sending our love Sand wishing you JOYBob, for your loving soul has and continues to feed us in so many ways. Happy 60th Birthday -Sandi & Gary Muller- .W .. -..W.Wt.*W W the mlT II I I I I~1I1:l e,, T. |