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'C!L. ~yb~1x, j LFFFBI.... Serving Taylor County Since 1961 SCOImes Midweek taco* Tim s Edition Taco Oidytnaes ocfber 5, 2005 Tree Capital of the South: -,, i3Sections Our 44th Year, No. 40 ', ., -* '- '" : -. ". "_ .. . Two Perry men lost at sea since Sunday reSt '.Ees .tival Jr. Miss Allison Bassett, center, is joined avesriight, and second runner-up Devyn DuBose, left. f "^i ,, *-."- *- ff .. : . ,k'.7:-- ." ^' 1/^f 'i^^ C '7 ' '; Joiniig-' a, proud line of, down the house and earned her f~l lroyalty,~ Allison ~'Biaseitl.-i'lThe Thrent Award scholarship.i .as'jmmed .Taylor. County's;. She also received the Self- i50t-::'hannhal 'Florida Forest. Expression Award for her turn in stival Jr:.Miss Saturday, Oct. the presence and composure Family members and friends are still holding their breath awaiting good news as officers with three law enforcement agencies search vigilantly for two Perry men who have been missing in the Gulf since Sunday morning. The had not been found as of presstime Tuesday. According to Taylor County Sheriffs Office Lt. Audie Towles, Jimmy Eugehe White, 67, and son- in-law Lonnie Goff, 54, left early Sunday morning to fish the Rock Island area, after launching their 15 1/2' Glasstream aluminum boat at Peterson's Landing. Towles said he and Sgt. Buddy Lee left that evening to search for two other men who had launched at Yates Creek and were reported missing. Around 10:30 p.m., Towles, and Lee found the men walking to shore after their 14-foot aluminum boat had been swamped during a sudden squall. "While we were looking for the two men who were lost out of Yates Creek, a call came in around 9 p.m. saying that White and Goff had been reported missing," ,Towles said. "Goffs wife went to" Peterson's Landing and.saw their vehicle there and had to come back toward town so her cell phone would pick up a signal and'she could call them.in missing. "We called the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), and Off. Andy Bickel and TCSO Dep. Jay Ricketson took pn FWC airboat to search for the missing men. "It was around midnight before we dropped the two resc' d men off and gassed up so we could join the search 'for White and Goff. During the next few hours, we searched from Peterson's Landing to Hickory Mound Compound, with negative results. "We called the U.S. Coast Guard around 4 a.m., who arrived and began a drift pattern, giving attention to the wind, which was blowing about 15-20 knots (approximately the same in mph). "All agencies gathered our resources' to search for the men," '* Please see page 5 39 speak in favor 'Pro-Buckeye' crowd urges pipeline permit An overwhelming pro-Buckeye crowd of more than 200 people attended: a public hearing here Thursday to hear and voice opinions concerning a draft permit that calls for the construction of a 15.3-mile pipeline as well as other operational changes within the mill. .Forty-four speakers went to the-podium at Taylor County Middle School in the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)-sponsored event. Of those, 39 spoke in favor of DEP's plan. DEP officials have stated that the permit will provide long-term: environmental improvements in the Fenholloway River and estuary by";: : authorizing manufacturing process changes, modification and operation of an industrial wastewater treatment plant, and construction of an effluent transmission pipeline for discharge into marine portions of the Fenholloway. DEP's timeline sets this Thursday as the end of the public comment' period with Feb. 6, 2006, scheduled for final department action. After that, the permit sets several deadlines for upgrades within the plant with the completion of the pipeline set for 2014 (nine years). DEP officials estimated the cost of the various improvements at $85 million with some $47 million allocated for pipeline construction. The multi-year project will improve the quality of Buckeye's industriaJ discharge., eliminate direct discharge into the freshwater portion of the S -. Please see page 3 Ca r-ja king suspect caught Ud"drvii ba~u udur Cash flow raises eyebrows over Alford's expenditures ove g By TOM McLAUGHLIN SNorthwest Florida Daily News (Special to the Taco Times) Stephen Alford's attorney conceded at the trial's outset that prosecutors could show his client went through cash like a man about to become wealthy. Alford's spending habits, in 2004--the year he was enticing investors to give him money with the promise of'Air Force land on Okaloosa Island--dominated the federal money laundering and wire fraud trial Friday. FBI special agent Steven Harker .provided an itemized account of Alford's expenditures following May 6, 2004, the' day primary investor Richard Massey sent his . first check. The list purports to show that Alford spent just under $3,6 million of Massey's ,$7 million investment' on things like a Mercedes Benz for his wife, home furnishings and trips to Las Vegas, Disney World and Tallahassee. Alford also paid healthy annual salaries to a housekeeper, a home schooler, a sports coach, a chef and two full-time personal trainers. "Mr. Alford wanted to lose weight and get in shape," Dirk Wenrich, one of Alford's $60,000- a-year personal trainers, testified before Harker took the stand. SDavid Fleet, then Alford's lawyer and now his co-defendant,, received $295,000 in payments Listed among financial records as legal fees, Harker said. Alford, with Fleet as his legal representative, convinced Massey on four occasions to.wire money to Alford's checking account, prosecutors say. Massey thought his investment was buying him the exclusive right to purchase a parcel of Air Force land on Okaloosa Island known as A-5. The list purports to show that SAlford spent just under $3.6 million of Massey's $7 million 'investmenton thingslike a Mercedes Benz for his wife, home furnishings and trips to Las Vegas, Disney World and S Tallahassee. Massey had testified earlier in the week that each time he sent 1 more money to Alford's account, he was promised.,a better purchase deal for the land. c Alford and Fleet had convinced him, Massey said, that they wold receive the Air Force land in a swap, for acreage Alford was S buying in Taylor County. The Air Force wanted the Taylor County land to use as a long-range missile testing site. The U.S. Attorney's Office is trying to convince a 16-member jury that Alford and Fleet stepped over the legal line with their land- Sswap deal by promising the exclusive purchase option to more than just Massey. A development group headed by Tom Becnel also bought into the A-5 property, prosecutors say. Becnel's group also put money down to obtain another parcel of land the Air Force was apparently willing to trade to Alford, evidence showed. That parcel, the Dunes Parcel, extends from Beasley Park, eastward, and would give its owners 7,350 feet of beachfront property to develop. Defense attorneys argue that Massey loaned money to Alford, as opposed to investing it in hopes of Staking a claim to the A-5 property. He knew the risks associated with land speculation, the defense contends. 'In the same opening argument ih which he warned the jury about the extravagant spending, defense attorney Joe Hammonds said Alford had every reason to believe his land deal was going to work. Two things beyond the control -* Please see page 8 SA man police say car-jacked a couple. at gunpoint last week-- pistol-whipping one of the victims--has been captured wand charged with.armed, car-jacking, grand theft and larceny/theft.' According to a report filed by Perry Police Department Ptli Dwight Norris, a call was made to Taylor County, Sheriffs .Office dispatch, reporting that store security had attempted to stop a suspected shoplifter outside Wal- Mart, but that he fled on fogt, back toward the post office. Security Officer David Lindsey said "they lost him behind Cato's." Shortly thereafter, Norris was dispatched to Doctors' Memorial Hospital to speak to two possible victims of a car-jacking. The 63-year-old man, who has a history of heart problems, was in the emergency room complaining of chest pains. He told Norris that he was sitting in his vehicle in the post office parking lot waiting on his 61-year- old wife, when he saw a black male running toward his vehicle. "The subject jumped in the front passenger side and told the victim to crank up the car," Norris said. "He then told the man to get out or that he would 'mess him up.' "The victim said the car-jacker was holding a small black handgun and that it was cocked. He then told the victim to get out of the car or he would shoot him," Norris added., "The victim's wife came out of the post office and saw the man in the car fighting with her husband, so she opened the driver's door to, see what was wrong. She said the, subject had: a gun and was Threatening her husband. "The victim was having trouble getting the seatbelt unlocked, so the subject began hitting the man with the pistol," N6rris added. When the victim was able to get out of the vehicle, the car-jacker jumped behind the wheel, cranked up the car and took off north on Jefferson Street. The victim's wife told police that her purse was in the vehicle with cash and other personal items in it. Five. hours later the stolen vehicle was located on .Malloy Street, abandoned. Two days later, PPD Ptl. Robert Johns made contact with. the possible girlfriend of the suspect, who said his name was Kerry E. Cummings, 35, and that he had gone back to Orlando. The owner of the bicycle Cummings was originally on was located and he also identified the suspect as Cummings. Norris said a tip was given to police Friday that Cummings was at a residence in the Spring Warrior area, but officers unable to locate him. On Saturday, Norris received information that Cummings was back at the Spring Warrior residence and "that he was asleep in an abandoned camper trailer behind the home." Norris, TCSO Sgt. Paul Poppell, Dep. Chris Folsom and Dep. Mike Thompson went to the residence and arrested Cummings. During the arrest, a crack pipe was discovered underneath the man, according to Norris. -** Please see page 8 Wh' will be queen? Taylor County's High School's Homecoming Queen will be named during the annual Homecoming Pep Rally Thursday., In the running for the crown are seniors (left to right): Courtney Speas, Kate Jenkins, Patrice Brown, Allison Bassett and Stormie Knight.. Not pictured is Constance McNeil. Full details of the Homecoming celebration can be found on page C 1. '1 ve 7 t A-2 The Taco Times October 5, 2005 Little King & Queen crowned Oct. 8 Contestant #1 Zachary 'Grant' Hoover Parents: Corey Hoover and Jennifer Hoover Contestant #2 Christyn'Shea 'Cash Parents: Nikki McKnight and Freddi Cash Contestant #3 James Ira Parker III Parents: Jimmy and Tina, Parker Contestant #4- Haley Cruse Parents: James and Kim Cruse Contestant #5 Eli Morgan Parents: Cory and Mandi A, Morgan Contestant #6 Jasmine Floyd Parents: Faye Padgett and Kevin Bell Parents: Neal and Belina Cruce Parents: Robert and Lucretia S, Blue Contestant #9 Lanzy Cribbs Parents: Melvin and Marsie Cribbs Contestant #10 Brooke Kellie Thomley Parents: Amber and Lance Thomley Contestant #11 Contestant #12 Walker Tracy Davis Hannah McNutt Parents: Tracy and Janine Davis Parents: Timmy and Jennifer McNutt Contestant #13 Contestant #144 Hunter Lundy Sarah Buzbee Parents: Tim and Atesa Parents: Kit and Amanda Lundy Buzbee Contestant #15 Garrett Riley, Parents: Tim and , Amy Riley Contestant #16 Haley Smith Parents: Pepper and Amber Smith Garrett Floyd Parents: Dan and Monica Floyd Brailyn Wilkes Parents: Mandy and Adam' Collins SContestant #1'9 Cont j Tijan Bradley Cruce Micka Parents: Crystal and Brad Parents: Cruce pv -Wee'royalty s[ . Twenty-four Taylor "saplings" "We share o 'ill share the spotlight during the' with the Jr. Mis IO0h annual Forida Forest Festival take audience tittle King and Queen Pageant the Years'. w Saturday, Oct. 8. entertainment i The program will be held at the Kristv Goodm 'aylor County Middle School, shares co;chair beginningg at 6 p.m. Parker, Angie I Winners announced Saturday estant #20 ela Whiddon Darren and MVikki Whiddon Dylan Clark Parents: Clay and Jamie Clark Areon E. Mitchell Parents: Renne:Robinson and Wallace Mitchell III Parents: Michael and Stephanie Towles Parents: Andy and Ruth Bickel iares the spotlight at Taylor County Middle School ur theme this year ss Program and will members 'Through ith a variety of performances," an said. She also honors with Wendy Bembry and Nicole 0aby photo entries are on display now Winners of the 50ih annual Florida Forest Festivals Baby Photo Contest. ivill be- hnouncd during the Little King-and Queen Pageant Saturday, .ct. 8. at the Taylor Count) Middle School. ,' The deadline for entering the contest is this Friday. Oct. 7, at noon. SAll entries are currently on display at Photos & Frames. The display 'Will continue through Oct. 22. SCategories include: birth through six months, seven through11 months, ne year, two years, three years and four years. All entries must be, amateur photography.. Entry fee is,$8.50. All entries must be enlarged to 8 x 10 photos, matted not framed) and must have been taken after April 1, 2005. S Only one photo per child may be entered. Entries should be turned in to Photos & Frames, 102 East Main Street. For more. information, please contact call Ann or Feebee at 584-6979. Wilder. Special guests will include the very first Florida Forest Festival Little Queen, ,Elizabeth Davis Patillo, who. will present a solo performance. "Students from Taylor Gymnastics, Cheerleading & Dance will present a variety of performances, ranging' from a 'Roaring 20s' dance to a 1980s punk rock dance." Special entertainment' will also bed by surprise guests, Goodman said.. The program will include a segment where the children dress as "what they want to be when they, grow up." An evening wear presentation will top off the competition. S "The contestants will be judged on', personality, behavior and .participation.. They will attend a children's part) Saturday morning, %where the judges will be present 'and have a chance to interact with them," Goodman said. The Little King and Queen will be special guests at all upcoming festival events, beginning with the Kids' Parade and Picnic in the Park planned Saturday, Oct. 15. The wee royalty, along with members of their court, will also be spotlighted during the King Tree Parade Saturday, Oct. 22. Special guests for' the evening Band Boosters meet Monday The Pride of Taylor Band Boosters will hold their regular monthly meeting Monday, Oct. 10, at.7 p.m., in the high school band room. All parents of band members are encourage to attend. Signs removed from right-of-way Beginning Monday, Oct. 17, the county will remove all signs placed on county right-of-ways. Signs placed on county right-of-ways pose a serious hazard and are not in compliance with Taylor' C6unty Land Development Regulations. The county will remove all posted signs and will store them temporarily at the County Road Department for pick up. For future placement of any sign and will include the 2004 Little King and Queen, Alex Parker and Hannah Polley. Allison Bassett, who was named Taylor County's 2005 Jr. Miss during ceremonies held Oct. 1, will permitting, call the administrative complex at 838-3500 (ext. 1). Benefit BBQ planned Monday Th e Marshall Health Family Council Swill. old a BBQ fund-raiser Monday, Oct. 10, from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tickets are'$5.50 each; delivery is als available Proceeds will be used to purchase Christmas gifts from :esilents of Marshall Health & Rehab Center. For information, call 223-2370., Public welcomed The 'Taylor County 'Child Development Center School Advisory Council will meet Monday, Oct. 10, at 12:30 p.m. The SAC assists with school improvement initiatives for the Pre-K also take part in the program. Tickets, $5 each, are available at the festival.office (adjacent to the Chamber of Commerce). Tickets will also be available at the door the evening of the pageant. and Head Start programs. All members are encouraged to attend and public input is welcomed. 'Clean up' this Saturday The semi-annual clean-up at Carlton Cemetery is planned for back-to-back Saturday in October. Volunteers are invited to "bring your garden tools" and meet at the cemetery Saturday, Oct. 8, and Saturday, Oct. 15, from 7-11 a.m. New e-mail addresses Perry Newspapers Inc., has new e- mail addresses. For press releases and other news, please send e-mails to newsdesk@perrynewspapers.com. For advertising, send e-mails to ads@perrynewspapers.com. Contestant #7 Contestant #8 Cory O'NealCruce Kendal Brooke Blue Contestant #17 Contestant #18 Contestant #21 Contestant #22 Contestant #23 Contestant #24 Garrison Towles Samantha Kaylyn Mann ling e A-3 The Taco Times October 5,2005 Jr. Miss travels to capitol BASSETT Continued from page 1 of "Jr. Miss Through the Years." Setting the stage for the production was an opening number which took audience members from the poodle skirt and bee-bop days of the 1950's through the dance-party craze of the 1990s. aflilsllBW .atra .iM__r"Mal ,i B -" iL' Award winners (I to r) Courtney Speas, Tambrika Flowers and Sonya Dowdell. Who spoke at hearing? BUCKEYE Continued from page 1 Fenhollowa4 and allow the river to meet its designated uses as a Class III, fishable-swimmable waterbody, DEP officials said. DEP has also stated that the plan safeguards a $225 million annual regional economic impact by protecting the jobs of 610 employees in the Taylor County community and an additional 1,000 workers wh6 rely on the timber industry in the region. Some of Thursday's public comments'included: Congressman Allen Boyd (read by a representative): "It is reasonable to hope--and I certainly do hope--that this public meeting will conclude the discussion, and study phase of restoring the Fenholloway." Emily Ketring, mayor of Perry: "Thank you for all the effort your agency has done in completing this permit." Daryll Gunter, chairman. of the Taylor County Board of County Commission: "This is a win for the environment and win for the people of Taylor County and let's move forward to make this draft permit a final permit." Mark Southerland, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce: "Closing Buckey would do to the Taylor County economy what Hurricane Katrina did to the economy of New Orleans." Rick Breer, executive director of Economic.Development: "I'm a. transplant here. I moved here 11 years ago, but it .doesn't take long to see: how important Buckey is here." John Crowe, Buckeye president: "It's a pleasure to represent Buckeye. Dioxin is no longer detectable in our waters." Clay Bethea: "I would like to thank Buckeye for seeing this process through when many companies in the United States are' moving overseas." Gary Brett,.with Rigoni Inc.: "Knowing what's right and wrong is , pretty easy. Doing it is harder, Let's move into the future together." Pam Milar: "I take exception to the threats to shut down the company I work for. I would like to keep my job." Bill Heartsfield: "Foley Timber, and Land \would like to express. & support of the dralt permit." ; Don Milar: "I have been to towns where the main economic provider' :closed do\% n and they became ghost towns." . Chet Thompson; "I believe Buckdye has taken a stand that will not only meet EPA standards, but exceed them." SCcile Hance: "I'm a \% idow and an employee of Buckeye. I depend on this job to support my elderly mother and a step-son with a severe learning disability." Mack Mangum: "I'm here.representing myself. I'm a landowner and a fisherman. These changes would improve the benefits we enjoy." Rebbeca Edwards: "I do believe this pipeline is not an improvement. It's only a measure to appease.' Gary Boston: "The plant has .a long history of pioneering in environmental controls. Buckeye is making a commitment to move forward." Howard Pickles, president of the local chapter of the United Steelworkers: "Buckeye has made the surrounding counties and Taylor County a better place to live. I don't want to see these jobs going overseas." Bryan Bethea: "I'm proud to work for Buckeye. I was raised within one mile of Buckeye. We.have never had problems. They have been extremely good neighbors." , Pat Bowlerman: "I don't.think you could find a more conscientious company out there. If DEP had issued the permit back in 1998, it would have already expired. I think we've done the environment a. great disservice." Billy Boone: "Buckeye has cleaned up and there are new crabs there now (at the mouth of the Fenholloway). But if they put that pipeline in, you're going to have a ditch that was called the Fenholloway." Dave Wheaton: "I work at Buckeye and I consider myself an environmentalist. I know this permit will, make things better for the environment." Michelle Curtis: "I'm happy to say I live in Taylor County and proud to.say I work for Buckeye." Jimmy Sauls: "I consider myself a Buckeye 'brat.' For the last five years I've lived 95 steps away from the Fenholloway and I haven't seen any adverse health effects. I invite you to come out and see what I see every day." Terrence.Reed: "We've played by the rules. We have heard from the experts and those who claim to be experts. We can win and we can protect the environment. We only ask that the game is fair." Randy Speas: "I personally support this.permit because of the studies dating back the last 15 years." Howard Drew: "The time for lengthy debate is over and it's time to move forward." Don Asmus: "The company has been committed to-improving the environment." Jim Hunt: "I support the draft permit because it will mean continuous environmental improvement. As a coastal business owner I know we are. all ready to move forward." Joy Ezell: "My heart goes out to the employees of Buckeye because : they feel they have to come'up here and praise their polluting employer." Scott Anderson: "If the plant closes, it will result in a lot, of job loss in our area." Art Howe: "It's a great relief to finally see some light at the end of the tunnel." Carl Stoyer: "I'm encouraged to see the DEP is using data to make their decisionsP' Gil Williams: "We're here to inspire you to go ahead with this permit." Jim Bassett: "The good news is the DEP has a good plan based on good data." Ray Andreu: "If we are serious about changing the Fenholloway, there is no other way. It's time to get on with it." Tim Copperman: "It's important to remember when making this decision that Buckeye has spent many millions of dollars to clean up the environment." ? Johnny Hankerson: "I'm sure the Lord will bless us to get the permit this time around." Janice Jackson: "You can put lipstick on a pig and an apron, but it W ion't look nice and it won't cook." Portraits of past queens--Miss Pine Tree Festival, Miss Florida Forest Festival and Jr. Miss-- served as a backdrop in the journey "through the years." Additional entertainment was provided by 2004 Jr. Miss Jessica Manning and 2004 talent award winner Chastity Taylor. WCTV Beaches get update Chuck Olson, project manager of the Secret Promises Development, will update the members and guests of the Taylor Coastal Communities Association (TCCA) on the proposed marina and housing communities project Tuesday, Oct. 11 at 7 p.m. Also,'Commissioner Clay Bethea will be on hand to answer questions. All meetings are held at the Taylor Coastal Utilities (Water District) building, 18820 Beach Road, Keaton Beach. "We hope members and. other property owners will join us to hear about this large project planned for the beaches area," said Lynn Aibejeris, president of the TCCA. For iore information,. contact Lynn Aibejeris at (850) 578-2484. Guess what' "NEW" W LUNCH BAR Mouth-Watering Finger Lickin' Fried Chicken Fresh Vegetables Ubms Cooking at it's best COMBO SPECIALS GRAVES DRIVE-IN lome of the "famous" Graves burger! Hwy. 221 N. 1 mile from the courthouse 584-3669 news anchor Valerie Lacy served as Mistress of Ceremonies. The 2005 Jr. Miss Program was the first of a month-long calendar of events planned in conjunction with the 50th annual Florida Forest Festival. Bassett's very first appearance as ; Jr. Miss came Tuesday, Oct. 4, as she joined a-delegation traveling to the Capitol to receive the governor's official proclamationip recognizing "Florida Forestry Week." F'r'-htcon %%ill clnat- SSLfr each" Brat cIt' sold to support Breast Cancecl Re;c'.irih ,indi Av-.irF'ness. \N'u c an show youur support b\ purdl'wsir, ih. LrhLot t and wearing It to help r v- ,ir- n \ Ill NOW CommLiIntty I %hil .U pi-Sl; October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! To show our support, Brighton has created our exclusive Power of Pink Bracelet, $50 Downtown Perry 584-7774 BUCKEYE COMMUNITY FEDERAL .CREDIT UNION In conjunction with the local car dealers BCFCU is conducting their Fall Car Sale Get these Low Rates with our Personal Loan Program Rates in Effect for Qualified Borrowers If you qualify, you can bring your existing auto loan from another financial institution at these low loan rates Your savings insured to $100000 SNCUA Nation ion Administration a U.S. Government Agency Call our loan officers concerning our Personal Loan Program 223-7100 C[ommuniilbl~Nity MindeNULike You 1825 S. Jefferson St. Perry, FL 32348 1 - Living A-4 The Taco Times October 5,2005 ' I October 29 wedding Cathy A. Oaks and Mancel W. Sherrer will be married or Saturday, Oct. 29, 2005, in a 2 p.m. ceremony in the Firsi Baptist Church of Perry. All friends and relatives of the couple are invited to attend. Reunions Dice All family members are invited to attend the Dice Family Reunion on Sunday, Oct. 9, at the Perry Woman's Club starting around lunchtime. Friends and relatives are asked to bring a covered dish, and join the fun. King The King Family Reunion will be held at the Shriners' building off Highway 19 and Ash Street on Saturday. Oct. 8. Family members are encouraged to bring a covered dish to share: utensils will -be provided. For more information, call 223- 2435. Woman's Club selling tickets for toolbox Don't you need a new aluminum truck toolbox? The Perry Woman's Club is selling chances on a toolbox valued at $250. Tickets are available at Burns Monument and Vault Company. from Nancy )oyal at Capital City Bank, or from any member of the club. Each ticket is $1, or you may purchase 6 for $5. The winner will be announced Friday, Dec. 2. The toolbox was donated to the club by United Welding Services. SYMPTOMS" Do you... I:I-Thnk spaghelll is a Iinger loc.d' Q Sleep 'like a baby" tup at 10, 2. and 41? 1: Write your grocery lisl in ci3aon? 0 Say "bye-bye" to everyone? DIAGNOSIS: Mother of Preschooler! IMOPSi _Rx: Attend a MOPS' meeting Relief is usually immediate! 0 I E L M PS. P t i C b o 0 L t. ; ... .ecau.e mn.thra' mflner- MOPS i, lo T .l r.Td, Ir .ai : .. hi : . Lnh a jpJ Ir.dIlr, I.I. C...li r I j. C .l I J 1st Presbyterian Church 310 Plantation Rd. 850-584-3826 Volunteer opportunities also available Call c Isf rtlcaiondate, and tme ofthe nxt rnecting Bridal :'' Registry ~ Keri Rachelle Bundrick Robert Christopher Ponder SeptemDer 17. 2005 Luanne Collins Jacob Faulkner October 1, 2005 Hope K. Harvey Arthur W. Watkins III October 15, 2005 All Gunter James Parker October 31, 2005 Shanna Sadler Brian Jones November 12, 2005 LaDonna B. Bembry Joseph G. LaValle November 26, 2005 Sonja Smigiel Lance Burfurd January 28, 2006 Baby <" Registry Mary Ann & Chris Folsom Girl due October 2005 Sally & David Roberts Girl due October 2005 Jessica & Troy Turnmire G;rl due OctoDer 2005 Nikki & Keith Porter Boy due October 2005 Missy & David Gray Boy due November 2005 Melissa Fouche T.J. Edwards Girl due January 2006 West to direct performances of 'Little Shop of Horrors' Peggy West of Tallahassee, the daughter of Margaret and Erdman .West of Perry, will direct performances of "The Little Shop of Horrors" Oct. 20-23 and 27-29 for the Tallahassee Community College (TCC) Theatre. A: matinee is planned for Sunday, Oct. 23; other performances will begin at 8 p.m. at Turner Auditorium on the TCC campus. .Tickets cab be purchased in advance (credit cards accepted) at the FSU Fine Arts ticket office or by calling (850) 644-6500. The night of the show, tickets can be purchased at the, Turner Auditorium box office which opens at 7 p.m. (Cash or check only at the door.) S Single tickets are $10 for adults. .- $7 for senior citizens, $5 for Students or children. Free admission is offered to TCC students with i.d. as well as TCC S faculty/staff. Group rates are also available and even special event nights can be arranged. Please call Melissa Perkins at Theatre TCC al (850) 201-8608 to make arrangements. West has been involved with theatre groups in the region for many years, working with the Tallahasse Little Theatre and other performing artists. S She is a graduate of Taylor County High School. Marching Chiefs Krystle Pridgeon, Aaron Archer and Meagan Cone all made the cut for Florida State .University's Marching Chiefs, which perform for games throughout the nation. Pridgeon is the daughter of Darlene and George Pridgeon, Archer is the son-of Tim and Angela Archer, and Cone is the daughter of Sharon and Calvin Cone. Butterflies lure visitors to Birdsong If you've been curious about the walks, children's activities. live booths and nature gifts. You may butterfly garden at Birdsong Nature music, pony rides, hayrides, food e-mail Birdsongnc@aol.com. Center in Thomasville, Ga.. wonder no more. The public is invited to a Butterfly Garden Work Day Thursday, Oct. 6. from 9-11 a.m. For details, call the office at (229) 377-4408. Want to canoe? Birdsong is coordinating a canoe trip down the Ochlockonee River this Saturday, Oct. 8. from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Reservations are required; please call 377-4408. Nature Festival On Sunday, Oct. 30, Birdsong will host its Nature Festival from 1 until 5 p.m. featuring guided GO BULLDOGS! SBefore or after the game... WE'RE OPEN til 11:00 O.m. every Friday and til 8:30 p.m. every Thursday sUils Sii440S ^ Dine in our new booths Wanna rock & roll? We've got a jukebox Rosehead Junction (Downtown next door to Planet Video) 9I Ladies' Weekly Speci ls Shampoo & Style $15 Spa Manicure $15 We specialize in Color, Perms & Relaxers also available Manicure, Pedicure & Acrylic Nails Mirror Images 584-2445 115 E. Drew St. (around the corner from Johnson's Bakery) Jennifer Sheffield-Lundy owner-stylist Dors Powell-Simpson stylist Salem School Second Reunion Saturday, Oct. 8, 2005 Look Who's Invited! Alumni Teachers Staff Graduates Attendees to attend our second reunion to be held at the home of the Woods Family on Bird Island Please bring a covered dish and ajug of tea. For more information, please call Clinton Woods @ 578-2161, Janice Byrne @ 584-9420 or Lucretia Sheffield @ 584-7667 q^ ^ Wells Fargo Home Mortgage- The New Team in Perry ,' You may nor know our name just yet, but you will probably recognize our faces. Our experienced mortgage consultants live and work in your commu- niry. And our commitment ro exceptional service means you can count on a smooth and simple loan experience with personal attention at every turn. No matter lyhat your stage of life. No matter what your homebuying dreams We have a personalized solution for you. Because dreaming is the first stage.Wells Fargo, The Next Stage ' Marsha Tison ': Home Mortgage Consultant r : 109W. MainStreet Perry, FL323-47 5 850r223-2275 : -ii Breast Cancer Awareness Month. e perfect time to gve your Whole body some attention. Nor only can our minute workout chrctimes a week help diminish the nsk of breast cancer, but if you oin Curves the week of Octobe 10th, we1 waive the service fee All you SBhave to do i show proofof current mammogram Because at Curves wie care abour you and your heahh. From bead to Me. The power wusamsyor Os. 9.000 l&ti'mr dWi&W (850) 584-5327 2057 S. Byron Butler Pkwy., #14 Perry, FL 32347 ".. IfV% -- : d. :NO F3,g, 1 2'-C: -". F1W A'A curvs.com 'Hopin LOST AT SEA Continued from page 1 Towles said Tuesday. "Yesterday and today, the FWC had and has Five boats in the water with 11 personnel manning them. "They also have a twin-prop Search aircraft concentrating on a 40-mile area looking for the lost men and a helicopter. "The Coast Guard also had a boat in the water yesterday, which S is now on standby at Yankeetown because of the weather, but'still has a C-130 transport plane supplying air support during the search," Towles added. "TCSO has completed\a coastal shore search from Keaton Beach to Sthe Aucilla River, concentrating :on the treeline to see if the men : were able to make it to shore and needed help. "At this time, the men, nor their boat or any debris has been spotted. The search grid praterns have been carriedbut in' accordance to wind arid 'wave patterns, but visibility has been bad because of high waves and white Towles said. "This morning (Tuesd Coast Guard C-130 aircraft in and reported 30-knot wi search has really been tal by aircraft due to the dete weather. Up town, it see and pretty, but the Gulf mean .out there. The experiencing nine-foot s morning," Towles said. "We're doing everything the best' apping," but our office is just about out of resources. Our capabilities have almost reached their limits. Right lay), the now the search is in the t radioed hands of FWC and the 'Coast nds. The Guard because it's looking like a ken over boating accident. TCSO is riorating maintaining a command post at -ms nice the Keaton Beach public boat is pretty ramp for the other agencies and we y were are working in close assistance ;eas this with them. "We are still hoping for the we can, best," Towles added. - -I rI A-5 The Taco Times October 5, 2005 2004 Florida Forest Festival Junior Miss Jessica Manning The public is invited to attend a Health & Environmental Concerns Meeting Help Taylor County remainfree from more industrial pollution Informational resource material will be provided (The floorwill be open to discussions) -Taylor Residents United for the Environment - I S EL Good luck and have fun. We will be cheering l for you! Love, The Speas ' ~~~~rC~C~-, -- h~LCILC Hannah We are so proud of you. You have been such a wonderful blessing to us all. You have always lit up the room with your bright smile and sweet personality. You and Alex did a great job this year as Little King and Queen. We hope you continue to succeed in all you do. May God bless you! Love, Mama, .. Daddy, S-. Grandma, Papa & Family iLT _ As Embarked on myjourney a year ago as Taylor County's Florida Forest Festival Junior Miss, I never thought it would provide me with such wonderful experiences. I have loved all of the events, lunches, and parades in which I had the honor of participating. However, my favorite part of it all was working with each and every one of the other admirable contestants. I have met astonishing people who have helped me to evolve into the person I am today. I would like to acknowledge that I could not have made it this far without the help of others. To Allison Bishop,Lori Wiggins, and Amy Knowles, thank you for all of your support and encouragement. I would like to thank Dana Schwab for always helping me to be beautiful and Deidra Newman for all of your support and for accompanying me to all of the functions. To Rick Olcott for your time, effort, and musical abilities--you are the best! Many thanks to all of my scholarship providersfor helping tofund myeducation. Thank you, Kristy Goodman, for the wonderful memories of the Little King and Queen Pageant. To the 2004 Little King and Queen, Alex Parker and Hannah Polley, you kept me laughing and entertained during all of ourfunctions together. Thanks to Sara Mock; your photo and video talents are awesome.. A great big THANK YOU to the citizens of Taylor County for being so supportive of the Florida Forest Festival Junior. Miss Program. Thank you to all of my family and friends. Most importantly, thank you, Mom, Dad and my sister, LaRee, for all of your support and eighteen years of unconditional love. I would like to close with a word of encouragement and support to all of the contestants, past, present and future...hold your head high and do not get discouraged. You are all such beautiful and intelligent young ladies. I know you will succeed in everything you do. Always remember to reach for the moon, for if you fall, you will land among the stars! Lots of love and thanks, H Jesica ^mc Wo/iz^ Aircraft continue search "CO i Hair & Nail galon F e F'5 Haircuts Color Perms Highlights Acrylic Nails Pedicures Waxing HOMECOMING SPECIALS French Manicure Full Set $25 French Manicure Pedicure $30 10% off Updo's (starting at $25) Attention Cheerleaders: We do hair braiding before the game (We have ribbon & hair glitter) Walk-ins Welcome Go Bulldogs! 108 West Green Street 584-2327 I- I -- - NO lk6- I I Im ,7 51 p fi Sports A-6The TacoTimes October 5, 2005 Cowboys score on final play of 63-20 blowout Madison runs up score in victory over Bulldogs By Aaron Portwood Despite a valiant second-half performance by the Taylor County offense and QB Genario McNealy, the Bulldogs dropped their District 2-2A opener by a score of 63-20 to undefeated #2-ranked Madison County, Friday night in Boot Hill Stadium. Taylor (2-3 overall) scored on a pair of long touchdown passes sandwiched around a successful onside kick during a 40-second span midway through the third quarter to cut Madison's lead to 35-13, but could not stop a Cowboys offense that scored on nine of their 12 possessions in the game. The Cowboy coaching staff, under the direction of Head Coach Frankie Carroll, did not appear content with simply winning the game, instead choosing to score as many points as possible against the overmatched Bulldogs. In fact, two of the only three possessions Madison did not score came when the Cowboys were .forced to punt for the only time in the game late in the second quarter. Taylorfumbled the punt return and Madison recovered at the Bulldogs' 48-yard line. Although the Cowboys led 28-0 with under a minute remaining in the first half, Madison's'coaches used two timeouts and called for a 38-yard pass play in an attempt to pad their four-touchdown lead before time ran out. The drive .ended with the Cowboys hurrying to the line of scrimmage and 'trying to get one more play off rafter being stuffed on a first and goal play from inside the five-yard line. To add insult to injury--with the' clock 'running continuously throughoutt the final quarter-- .Madison inserted offensive lineman Gary Stephens at running back to score on a one-yard plunge |to take a 55-13 lead. Madison's defense recorded a safety to take a 44-point lead, but the Cowboys fumbled on the very next play and McNealy scooped 4he ball up, outran several IMadison players and cored on a 62-yard fumble return to pull the, Bulldogs within 57-20 with 3:03 remaining on the constantly-" running clock.', Madison was not content to run out the clock or take a knee in a !show of sportsmanship, instead the Cowboys drove 54 yards in four plays--including a 38-yard run ;down to the two-yard line--and .hurried to ,score their ninth 'touchdown just before time expired. Taylor's highlights were limited to the passing game, as McNealy completed just two of 11 passes in the first half, including a 50-yard -bomb to Greg Snead for the .Bulldogs' only first 'down in the half. SMcNealy (7 of 22 for 194 yards, 2 Td's, 1 int.) rallied the Bulldog !offense for: two rapid-fire touchdowns in the third quarter,. while completing 5 of 11 second 'half passes for 143 yards. iMcNealy was also Taylor's leading rusher with two, scrambles for 19 yards. ' Sean Pagett had three carries' for i10 yards, while Bryckoski Jackson iwas held to no yards on four, :carries. STaylor finished with 11 carries fdr 27 yards rushing and 194 yards :passing (221 total yards) on just 33 total offensive plays. The vaunted Madison defense heJd the ,Bulldogs to just 18 plays in the first half and 15 in the second half, as Taylor had five possessions | (four in the first half) end with a i punt after jist three plays. In comparison, Madison's offense amassed 571 yards (482 rushing) and nine touchdowns on 42 offensive plays--averaging 9.2 yards per play and a touchdown every seven plays. ,'Ihe Bulldogs' big-play offense jManaged just three first downs, I but averaged 6.9 yards per play, I fueled by spectacular receptions by , Snead (3 catches, 99 yards, 1 TD), i Tony Powell (2 catches, 57 yards) and Marquis Ellis (37-yard TD catch). -Senior 'wide receiver Sebastian Ingram was held .without a catch and taken to the YARDSTICK Taylor 3 1.77. First Downs s drayla) 11(R . .v ...I.I.I ' 7-22-2 Comp/Att/Int 19g4 TPaR, Yfrds', Madisn,17 17 ". '-'. ,-51-482-: - 5-10-0 , .-89 "' ." '. .- . 221 Total Yards 571 221 Total Yards 571 '. .Di.iO/iinli.,.,-. T -1, ; 1 - 172 Return Yards 72 .. ''2-1 ,,-'.--',' .-0 c.D l"i/L s ', '. ,- :, 6-65 Pen./Yards hospital' when he re-injured his surgically' repaired shoulder making a tackle. Taylor wen' almost exclusively to the aerial attack in the second half, rushing just' four times for eight yards, and were hurt by two muffed kick returns in the game. The Bulldogs did not give up any big kick returns and had just two turnovers (1 fumble. 1 interception) with six penalties for fi65 yards. .Madison had three fumbles, but lost only one and had eight penalties for i60 yards. Taylor started the game with three straight pass plays, but McNealy was unable to hook-up with Ingram on the first two and had to scramble for 15 yards !on 3rd down. The big gain was called back due to a holding penalty and NlcNealy's third down pass was undenhrown and dropped by Ellis. John CrowleN returned to his punting duties and averaged 31.4 yards on five punts. Madison began their first possession at their own 28 and executed a perfect trick play on the first play of the game when All- State tailback Desmond Gee'took a pitdh from QB Fred Johnson and lobbed a long' pass to receiver Jabari Jackson. Gee cut hisway to a 26-yard gain on .the next play and Harry Reddick scored the first touchdown on a seven-yard fullback dive three plays later to give Madison a 7-0 lead three minutes into the game. .,. The Bulldogs went-three anid out on two short runs by Jackson and an incomplete pass to Ingram, before the Taylor defense made the first of several big plays--sacking Johnson for a 21-yard loss on a fumbled snap. Georgie Armstrong, Ingram, Billy Joe Wigglesworth. Jake Meachamn and Jake Wilson all swarmed on the tackle. lHowever, Johnson burned the Bulldogs two pla\s later on 3rd and 25, taking a OB keeper 65' yards from his own 11'to the Taylor 24. A reverse from Gee to WR Vincent Lee-picked. up 13. before Lee fumbled and recovered for a three yard gain. Gee scored one play later on a one-yard TD run with 3:46 left in the first quarter. 'The Bulldogs went three and out again and despite solid defensive plays by Scan Padgett and Meacham, Madison mounted a nine-play, 72-yard scoring drive capped by Gee's 22-yard TD run on a sweep play with 11:13 remaining in the second quarter. . Taylor, fought back ,with McNealy scrambling for four yards and then rolling away from pressure to heave a 50-yard, completion to Snead. \ho made a spectacular diving catch at the Madison 11, However, runs by Padgett and Jackson failed to pick up a first down and Sean Crowley missed a 27-yard field goal to keep the score 21-0. Madison had a 10-play, 80-yard scoring drive capped by a 28-yard sweep for a touchdown by dee, who scampered in untouched to make the score 28-0 with 3:30 to play in the half. .Madison attempted an onside kick, which Taylor recoered.'but three straight incomplete passes forced the Bulldogs' fourth punt of the half. The Bulldog defense forced Madison !to 'punt, but .the ball bounced off of Snead and Madison recovered at the Taylor 48-yard line with under a minute to play. The Cowboys' coaching staff called two timeouts in an effort to score, but the Bulldog defense held with a goal line stand as time ran out in the first half. TCHS quarterback Genario McNealy hands off to Bryckoski Jackson as offensive linemen Adam Cook and Shane Padgett open a hole. 0 ?t The Cowboys started the second half with a nine-play, 60-yard scoring drive capped by Gee's 11- yard run for his fourth and final TD, which gave Madison a 35-0 lead. Taylor mounted a rally with seven minutes to play in the third quarter, as Padgett busted up the middle for six yards. McNealy was flagged 'for a questionable intentional grounding penalty-- costing the Bulldogs 15 yards and a loss of down--but the senior QB responded by hurling a 46-yard' pass to Powell, who made a diving catch at the Madison 38- yard line. Padgett ran for three more yards and on 2nd and 7 Snead made a highlight reel 36-yard touchdown catch on another perfect pass by McNealy to 'give the Bulldogs their first points of the game. Sean Crowley's PAT attempt sailed wide to keep the score 35-6, but Crowley made a perfect onside kick that bounced up to Powell for a' perfect 13-yard return to the Madison 37-yard line. On the very next play, McNealy .fired a laser pass to Ellis on a post route for a 37-yard touchdown to cut Madison's lead to 35-13 after 'Crowley's kick. Fans on both sides :of the stadium began to make noise on the ensuing onside kick, but Madison recovered and.snuffed out hopes of a comeback with a two- play drive that covered 58 yards, capped by a 34-yard touchdown run by senior runningback Bob Brown to make; Madison's lead 41- 13 Taylor failed to pick up a first down and Madison quickly padded their lead with. a 28-yard punt return aand a 24-yard'TD run on- their first play from scrimmage by Junior defensive end Shavar Akins. The kick increased the Cowboys' advantage to 48-13. McNealy hit Snead (13 yards) and Powell (11 yards) on quick passes in the flats for a first down, .but was picked off on long 3rd down pass at the end of the third' quarter. : A 33-yaid run on first down put Madison in scoring position and a personal foul penalty ,on the Bulldogs set up a one-yard TD run by the Cowboy's offensive lineman with 8:33 to play in the mercy rule-shortened fourth quarter. Trailing 55-13, the Bulldogs had to start from their own ,one-yard line when Snead couldn't handle the bouncing kickoff and, Brian Lynne was tackled in the endzone for a safety with 6:20 left in the game. After the free kick, Madison started near midfield, but fumbled on a run up the middle and McNealy scooped the ball up on the run and sped down the right sideline for a 62-yard fumble return for a touchdown with 3:03 remaining. Crowley's' kick cut the lead to S57-20, but Madison recovered the. onside kick and quickly drove 46 yards in four plays, rushing to score on a two-yard touchdown run on the final play of the game to Make the final score 63-20. Fishing Rods $3.95 & up L&S Lures (Mirrorlures) ; as low as $1.95 Fishing Tackle up to'65% off Florida Marine 6041 Beach Rd. 3/4 miles'off Hwy. 19 S, Youth basketball league organizes A new youth basketball league is forming with games scheduled to get underway in January. I The Upward Basketball League is for both boys and girls in grades one through six. It is being, sponsored locally by First Baptist Church. Early registration is now underway at a cost of $45 per player. Registration- forms may be picked up at First Baptist Church. The Upward Basketball League promotes "character and self- esteem in every child by providing equal playing time, separate leagues for boys and girls, a one- hour practice and game each week and an evaluation process to provide equal opportunity for .improvement. All players must attend one evaluation seesion to be held the second week over November at Forest Capital Hall. Practices begin Jan. 2 with games slated to get underway Jan. 14. .For more information, contact First Baptist Church at 584-7066. 2005 Taylor County High Football Schedule nata Annnnnntn Cita VUtL r1... .r -in-imu Aug. 26 ., Chipley Perry Sept. 2 Chiles Away Sept; 9 : Marianna Perry Sept. 16 OPEN Sept. 23 Vernon- Away Sept. 30 Madison Away Oct. 7 *East Gadsden* Perry Oct. 14 Dixie County Perry Oct. 21 NFC Perry Oct.,28 Fort White Perry Nov. 4 Jefferson County Away Home games shaded District games in Bold Head Coach Price Harris 7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. S 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. *Homecoming Game* Martial Arts Dojo Celebrating 31 years! Kids, Teens & Adults Tuesday & Thursdays * Little Tiger Karate (4&5 yr. old) 1,1:00-11.45 am (summer) * Executive Kare'12:05-1:00 pm * Little Tiger Karate (4&5 yr. old) 2:30-3:00 pm (school) * Beginner Karate (6-12 yr. old) 3:15-4:15 pm * Novice Karate 4:30-5:30 pm * Intermediate Karate 5:45-6:45 pm * Older Teens & Adult Karate 7:00-8:00 pm SSensei Jimmy Bowden Mon., Wed. & Fri. _.:00-7:OQpm Chandra Bowden, Instructor . NOTICE Always striving to provide better service, Joe P. Burns Funeral Home is proud to announce their new website is online. Current family services arrangements can be S obtained as well as information about our services. Log on to www.joepburnsfuneralhome.com for Perry or www.joepburnsfunerals.com for Mayo FJoe P. Burns ,-FUNERAL HOME Mayo Chapel L (386) 294-2658 1400 N. Johnson Stripling Rd. Perry Chapel (850) 584-4149 - .. "--. ---- .. 1- t f- Happy 10th . L ^^ ~Birthday ' October 6, 2005 f Ashlee Albri on - We.love you very much, . Mama, Daddy, Granny, Poppy, t Aunt Shell, Uncle Steve & Callie - r c -. _L ._ i I 7Ilat. ln.... --- -I , .'I 2 ,,- , Time/Reci lt L Religion Demps will speak at Christi Deland congregation leads service The Rev. Alexander (Duke) Demps and congregation of St. Paul Community Baptist Church of Deland will be the guest pastor and Congregation for services at Christian Tabernacle on Saturday. Oct. 8, at 2. Special music will be offered by the visiting choir. Dirmer will be served, and everyone is invited to attend. Men: come for lunch, devotional S The monthly, informal gathering of men that includes inch and a brief inspirational message by the Rev. Eddie Blalock will be Frida), Oct. 7, at the M.A. Rigoni Cookhouse on North U.S. 19 (north of the former Highway Patrol station). Lunch will be served from 11:30 a.m. until 12:15 p.m., followed by the message which will conclude at 12:35 p.m. The cost is $5; all men are invited. MOPS: coiee for fellowship, renewal SMothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) are meeting on Fridays at First Presbyterian Church, located at 310 Plantation Road. Please call the church .office at 584-3826 for additional information. Childcare is provided. MOPS is for all mothers with children from birth through kindergarten. SWomen's conference Oct. 7-9 Glorious Rain Church of God of Prophecy will host its second annual Baptst association meets here this week By B.D. WILLIAMS birthday. It was an enjoyable teaching. the love of Jesus, shows brightens up the day. Mother is the :The First Bethlehem Baptist occasion. We enjoyed hearing in, New Brooklyn M.B. and helping hand that guides you on Association, Rev. Edward Gaines, those children all grown up. talking Antioch M.B. churches. your wav. Mother is a listening ear moderator, will be held at St. John S Missionary Baptist Church, the ,i: _, Rev. Edward Gaines, pastor, S beginning Monday, Oct. 3 through Saturday, Oct. 8. A city-wide invitation is extended throughout the session. -J City Wide Mission will be held SSunday, Oct. 9, at Stewart. Memorial A.M.E. Church at 2:30 Sp.m. with President Helen Smith presiding. On Saturday at 6 p.m., the many friends of the city joined the family of Mrs. Verdie "Kitty" Dobson, in the fellowship hall of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, where she was honored on her 80th We are looking for homes and I atd'li Taylor, Madison and Jefferson county areas to sell. If you are thinking of selling, please call for a FREE market analysis. Our team is ready to help. KELLY & KELLY PROPERTIES (850) 223-2370 evo9o vfvo% of their life story with their mother, who always taught them about the word of God. If they .failed to listen, it wasn't because they weren't, told of Jesus and his lo e. The results of Mrs. Dobson In Loving Memory of Charles L. Holmes Oct. 5,1948 May 27,2005 A million times we've needed you, a million times we've cried. If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died. In life we loved you dearly, in death we love you still. In our hearts you hold a place no one else will ever fill. It broke our hearts to lose you, but you did not go alone. Part of'us went with you, the day God called you home. Happy Birthday and always loving you, The Green, Holmes, Williams, McDaniels, Barnes, and Stephens Families and all other i family members Children always remember mother is a tender, smile that :, Please see page 8 Tree Capital Credit Union congratulates, Timmons 2005 Football Sponsor w I w w w w -- -- U U U W W W w w w ~ W4 i He's our crabber Our lizard catcher Our frog catcher I.* . I 4 4 I 4 4 I .4 4 I 4 an A-7Taco Times October 5,:205 Tabernacle women's conference Oct. 7-9 with Evangelist Jo'nette Gaily speaking foi- the Friday and Saturday night sessions at 7. Saturday morning's sessioli: begins at 10 a.m. with a Fun Day for the family following. EmmEt I. Hughes encourages all women "to attend, this first session and don't-niiis the rest because it just gets better.' For more information, please coritace- her at 843-1513. Gospel karaoke fundraiser set Pastor Chester F. Davis and the St. Peter Primitive Baptist Church fMili-l will present a gospel karaoke fundraiser on Oct. 8 featuring Scott Samford of Panama City and local artists: The event will be held in the Wal-Mart parking lot from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m.. Karaoke registration is-feei;.: donations will be accepted. Dixie Music Center 14th Anniversary Bash Saturday, Oct. 8 HUGE0 -TRE 0 AL Live music featuring: Foutch Rick Randlett Band: Terraplane Underdawgs Band Lonesome Dove Dotti South Band Layaway for Christmas Register to Win Prize Drawings including: Fender Highway 1 Strat Crate GT212 Amp = Dean Acoustic Electric Guitar Pack Ibanez Electric Guitar ';' Store opens at 9:00 Music starts at 10:30 Bring your lawn. chaiirs and enjoy a day of music w w I -, I W W Our treasure collector Our fried chicken eater And our great communicator... He's our Lanzy! NNNN NN Have fun in the Little King & Queen Pageant Lanzy Cribbs Contestant #9 Love, Meema and Oompa m m m -A-I Congratulations Krystal Timmons on being chosen TCHS 2005 Sophomore Football Sponsor SLove, Mommy LInuawwraw.. w w w w w---- ww -- -.- - I * 0 * * 0 *0 * * 0 Congratulations to my granddaughter Krystal Timmons 2005 Sophomore Football Sponsor Love Grandma, Jenny Miller SBest Wishes Little King & Queen -m Fi Contestant #22 Ss Areon SMitchell ': *" : >, 'lL". .': "*.- ''^ **' ...I.. Love, Your "Neen" -. Janine 1. . _1 I M" C pp, NW qw 144W 'L 1 I S-A- & A -A.- r -9w -qw- -qw 1 I I r A-8The Taco Times October 5, 2005 Alford's defense expected to begin Thursday ALFORD Continued from page 1 of Alford and Fleet brought the land-swap deal to its knees, defense attorneys said: Taylor County politics and interference from the Becnel development group. Federal prosecutors argued Monday that Fleet lied to investigators when questioned about a land swap proposal involving Okaloosa Island properties. FBI agent Steven Harker testified in U.S. District' Court that' documents seized through search warrants contradicted Fleet's denial that he knew of deals negotiated in 2004 that gave two prospective buyers the option to purchase the same piece of valuable beachfront property. Harker's testimony concerning the nine hours he'd spent between January .and September questioning Fleet went all afternoon, so no defense cross- examination was possible. However, his statements did provide insight into several avenues of defense for Fleet. a one-time prosecutor and judicial candidate. Testimony showed Fleet had acted during 2004 as a liaison between partner and co-defendant Alford and Richard Massey, a primary investor in the scheme Alford had hatched to swap up to 160,000 acres of land in Taylor County for waterfront property managed by Eglin Air Force Base. Fleet sat down with Harker for the first time in January after the land -swap had blown up and Massey had sought a federal investigation into the transaction. -, That investigation led to inddictments being handed down charging Fleet and Alford with numerous counts of wire fraud and -money laundering. Federal authjoriities allege they spent .money provided by would-be :investors in the land-swap deal. -Onnly Fleet is charged with lying to-a federal agent. Fleet, according to testimony from Harker and others, went to Massey when Alford needed more money and was familiar with an option Massey held to buy an Okaloosa Island tract known as A- 5 immediately east of the old Radisson Beach Resort. Harker testified that Fleet denied several times knowing the A-5 lot had been promised not only to Massey, but also to a development group headed by Tom Becnel. "On several occasions Mr. Fleet said. A-5 was always Mr. Massey's," Harker said. "That was a recurring theme, that site A-5 was always Massey's." But a contract found in Alford's possession signed Aug. 17, 2004, by Fleet, Alford and a Becnel representative, out the sales option that the Becnel group had received for the A-5 tract, Harker said. The defense will likely argue, according to Harker's recollection of his meetings with Fleet, that the Becnel contract signed in August 2004 had been breached by the time any deal to sell a portion to Massey was negotiated. Before Harker took the stand, the chair was filled, really filled,. by Jeff Saturday, the starting center for the Indianapolis Colts football team. Saturday--6 feet 2 inches and 295 pounds--testified that he negotiated with Alford about buying the A-5 property. Saturday said he dropped out after National Football League, investigators checked Alford's background. Rules of evidence would not allow Saturday to say what in Alford's past led him and his partners to step away. Harker's testimony concerning his interview with Fleet also provided more details about the Air Force's role in negotiating to trade all of its holdings on Okaloosa Island as well as a couple more waterfront parcels in Walton County. Car-jacker jailed here SUSPECT Continued from page 1 -'During a subsequent interview, .-Cummings at first, "denied any .'involvement, then admitted who: hlie was.. He admitted to stealing' from Wal-Mart, then running from the store employees," said Norris. "Cummings said. when he approached the victim's vehicle, he jiunmped in and told the 63-year-old main he needed a ride. Cummings -Lstaied that he didn't have a gun, _ nor did he ever strike the victim," Norris said. "He'said the driver exited thc vehicle and that he got behind the wheel and took the vehicle," Norris added. "When I asked him about the .victim'swife's purse, Cummings said he didn't know anything about a purse and that he didn't take anything out of the vehicle. He said he was just trying to get away," Norris said. Cummings is currently being held at the Taylor County Jail on a $15,000 bond.. Florence family 'grateful' :B;D.- WILLIAMS Continued from page 7 .*when something's on your mind. SMother is the changeless love, the z-heart that's always true. And Mother dear, those'words apply, especially to you. With love, your children. The Florence Family would like to express their sincere appreciation to everyone, for the cards, flowers, pra ers, phone calls, food, condolences, courtesies and other various acts of kindness during their time of bereavement. 'Obituary SRev. Andrew Evans :.::-The Rev. Andrew Evans, 68, Died Oct: 1, 2005, in Sanford. -A member of Shiloh -Missionary Baptist Church in _Greenville, he pastored New.'Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church 'i' Greenville and attended _Greenvile High School. He was -~biiji to the late Peach Evans and ithe late Annie Mae Bea in '-Greenville. He was married to the Slate Evelyn Scurry and had three sons. Anthony. Albert and Alvin -Evans. and iwo daughters, Angela Robertson and Genie Blue. Other survivors include: two brothers, J. P. Austin and Pleze Austin of Perry; seven sisters, Jessi Crews of Greenville, Essie Kirnes of Orlando, Precious Overstreet, Mary Hugger and Sonya Sweet, all.of Perry, Annie Brown of Alabama and Henrietta Austin of Mt. Dora. Funeral services will.be held Friday, Oct. 7, at 11 a.m. in Sanford. Wilson-Elchelderger, Mortuary is in charge of the arrangements. Harker testified that Fleet told him that the Air Force, not Alford, had initiated discussions about the land swap. Harker said Fleet told him that three Eglin representatives--then-encroachment committee chairman Bob Arnold, legal representative Don Fitch and Bob Black, of the Economic Development Council of Okaloosa County--had met with Alford as early as Dec. 28, 2003. Fleet declined to say, Harker said, whether that was the meeting to discuss the land swap for the Taylor County land. Dealing with the Air Force grew frustrating for' him and Alford, Harker said Fleet told him. "The problem with making a deal with the Air Force was that they never put anything in writing," Harker said Fleet told him. "We needed that to show investors our deal was viable." The government's case was scheduled to conclude Tuesday. The defense is expected to begin its case Thursday. It's unclear whether either Alford or Fleet will testify: Their attorneys have said that the two conducted business legitimately, and that the investors knew what they were getting into. a hP I rl Laid off? Can't pay your bills? BANKRUPTCY may solve your financial problems Hurry, bankruptcy laws change on October 17, 2005 making it more difficult to file for relief ANGELA M. BALL ATTORNEY 584-8960 615 N. Jefferson St. Perry, Florida **The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about that lawyer's qualifications and experience. -Congratulations to our girl Sophomore Football Sponsor Love, Godie, Uncle Padro, Grammy, Krystina, Tiana & Ja'Bahri A - --F ;T- Cl ~r F ~-pl ~ I L 105 DODGE HAM 1,500 SLJUAD CAB9S WE" 11111 11111 111 lIlIl I Editorial B-1 Taco Times October 5, 2005 . , Letters to the Editor -... Commissioners need to do 'rightthing' Dear Editor: Typically the decisions the county commission makes oh our citizen's behalf are fair and appropriate. --- With that being said, how sad a day the last commission meeting was, when our democratically elected county officials felt they were not beholden to those same democratic ideals for the citizens they represent regarding the JEA proposed power plan. I applaud Commissioner Patterson for her listening to the citizens of the county regarding a request to have the issue of the power plant location put on a voter referendum. I am most disappointed in the other four commissioners who could not look Commissioner Patterson in the eye as they declined to second the motion, nor look the audience in the eye for that matter. I believe they have put their personal opinions above the clear community outcry on this -,issue. So here are my questions: If the commission is so sure they are doing the right thing, why have none of them spoken about: this directly to the citizens during a public hearing? Why have none of them outlined specifically what protections the citizens will receive both today and long term to support the verbal promises the JEA has offered? Why have none of them mandated that the citizens who are so divergently opposed on -hi-issue bp given an opportunity to decide a fate so potentially deadly? I don't know the answers to these questions and suspect that none of WalkAmerica Dear Editor: The Taylor County community has once again proven ifs support of the March of Dimes and our mission of Saving Babies, Together. The WalkAmerica event and fundraising efforts were strongly supported by the volunteers of Taylor County. From the individuals that bought a sneaker or a beanie baby to the children who wore sunglasses to school, the support came in many different forms. There are even those that "took the plunge" to support the cause, and I would especially like to thank Randy Hearne, Daryll Gunter. Emily Ketring, Oscar Howard, Clay Bethea and Gil Williams for enduring a morning in the dunking booth to support the fundraising efforts. :I aco#.flTi es. Wednesday, September 28, 2005 123 S. Jefferson Street P.O. Box 888 Perry, Florida (850) 584-5513 DONALD D. LINCOLN Publisher DEBBIE CARLTON SUSAN H. LINCOLN Business Manager Managing Editor ANGELA M. CASTELUCCI BETH MANN Staff Writer Advertising Director CHARLES R. SADLER CAROLYN DuBOSE Staff Writer Promotional Advertising MARK VIOLA MELISSA FARRILL Staff Writer Classified Advertising The Taco Times (ISSN 07470967) is published each Wednesda by Perry News- papers, Inc., 123 S. Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347. Subscriptions are $35.00 per year or $49.00 out of county. Periodicals postage paid at Perry, Florida 32348. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the TACO TIMES, P.O. Box 888, Perry, FL 32348. The Taco Times welcomes Letters to the Editor reflecting responsible opinions and views on the news. Please submit letters by Monday at 5 p.m. The Taco Times reserves the right to refuse publication of letters which are libelous or irre- sponsible. Name may be withheld if circumstances so require, but all letters sub- mitted should be signed by the writer and accompanied y a phone number for verification. We look forward to hearing from youl Our address is Perry, Newspapers, Inc., RO. Box 888, Perry, Florida 32348. e-mail: Derrynews@perry.gulfnet..com Member Perry/Taylor County.Chamber of Commerce, the voters do either; but in three years and one month I will be' remembering this decision not to let me take part in such a personal --attack on my life. Commissioners, you need to do_ the right thing, here and now--put this to a vote by the citizens! SMeg Fleming praises Taylor The list'. of people to thank is endless, but I would be remiss not to mention the hard work of our event co-chairs, Kristie Lutz and Cynthia Nowlin; Honorary Chairwoman, Lori Hearne; our Ambassador Family, Seth & Sarah Drawdy and their 3 beautiful girls; the WalkAmerica Committee, who envisioned a carnival-style event and brought it to life; the teams and team captains who ensured our fundraising success, and the, WalkAmerica sponsors, who without their financial support, our event would not be possible. It truly takes the support of ahn entire community to achieve success and Taylor County rose to ,: Please see page 4 Government in the sunshine? Dear Editor: I am tired of people doing things to me without first asking or at least telling me beforehand. I have 22 years of my life to my country, believing that I was doing what needed to be done to make life in the U.S. better and safer. Now because of a government not telling me what they were doing, I am 100 percent disabled. I have several incurable diseases caused by Agent Orange which our federal government said would not harm us. Then they denied responsibility for 30 years. Now, my county commissioners want to bring in a, coal-burning power plant without telling the people of the county what they are 'doing. What happened' to government in the sunshine? The coal-burning plant will affect my, health, what little of it is left. I just' -returned from a week-i# Tampa and had serious breathing problems while there. No, I do not want a coal-burning plant, in Taylor County. County Commissioners, do you hear the county talking to you? Sam H. Duckworth, Msgt USAF Ret; Want to help Katrina victims, but don't know what to do? C b ti ti a a c come as recovery efforts continue, daily life. I end With my sincere gratitude Provide speedy relief to the for 'all you do and the following suffering, prayer: And grant that we who gather Almighty God, we thank you for here today may reach out to those sparing us from ,the ravages of who are needy, despondent, Hurricane Katrina. grieving and homeless. We pray for all those who have Give safety to the rescue and been affected by her destruction. recovery teams who risk their lives We pray for all who have died. that other might live. Give them eternal rest. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. We pray for all those who have Amen. lost their homes, their livelihoods Your servant in Christ, and their friends and families. Rev. Dr., Linda L. Lowry, Be merciful Lord God and president, Taylor County restore all things necessary for Ministerial Association Community thanked for support Dear Editor: I am sure that you are as concerned as I am about being helpful during this very difficult time. I have been in contact with the Red Cross and other relief agencies and through the efforts of a fellow Rotarian, Mr. Randy Herndon of Citizens Bank in Perry who consolidated the following list of information, I am passing this along to you .with my sincere gratitude to Randy for sharing this with me: Hurricane Katrina Assistance Fact Sheet --Important Phone Numbers: Capital Area Red. Cross, 850-878-. 6080, Volunteer Leon, 850-921- 3015; Red Cross Shelter Hotline 850-894-6741; Hotel Hotline, 850- 488-BEDS (2337); Traffic' Information (AL), 800-843-0699; Traffic Information (LA) 800-256- 7036; and Traffic Information MS), 601-353-7017. --Important web: sites: www.tallytown.com/redcross (Red Cross); www.hurricanehousing. org (private housing matching service); www.seetallahassee.com (lodging information); .and w ww.vo 1 unteer leon. or g (volunteers). Many citizens of the Big Bend area have offered to house evacuees or football fans in their home for the weekend. Citizens or organizations with private housing available to evacuees can post the description, and those seeking housing can search by location or other criteria. As of this writing over 40,000 beds had been offered. At this point, the most effective way to help is to donate money and time to the Red Cross. The Capital Area Red Cross has been inundated and blessed with volunteers and is conducting a number of training sessions to prepare our citizens to help in the weeks and months to items delivered to the funeral home. The best people in the world live here in our community, and I consider it an honor to call them my neighbors and friends. ' Tommy Morrow and the staff of Joe P. Burns Funeral Home No banners? Dear Editor: Last year, there were no banners. or identifying flags downtown to reflect that a festival of any sort Swas happening. People had to go out on Byron Butler 'Parkway to find any banners identifying a festival was in progress. Again this year, banners 'appear on Byron Butler Parkway but none are downtown. We need banners and identifying flags to assert that a festival is happening downtown--downtown where the parade happens, downtown where the bed race happens, downtown where other events happen. Otherwise, you can change the name of the festival to Party In The Park. . Pat Cook Midweek Muddle Chest pains -.- _-m- UII ... By SUSAN H. LINCOLN I currently own the prettiest ice chest bold marker: "No fish." to ever leave the Igloo. Others put their names and Social My ice chest is new, of course., It is Security numbers upon their ice chests, blue and very white. It looks clean; it or mark permanently :the purpose, smells clean; and it is clean. "Drinks only." The problem is: where 'i the' world I thought about putting one of those can a woman,, such as I, keep an, ice :red posters from the hospital on my ice chest so that it continues to look deanf, :chest, indicating that it contained smell clean, and be clean? infectious or contaminated materials. The boys who encircle my life with 'But I figured the boys either wouldn't love and worms and mud have eyed that read it or wouldn't fall for it. ice chest, in the two short weeks it's So I decided to move my ice chest lived with us, and I know why. If they inside the house where I have dominion; pick one of theirs to use, they've got to the garage is clearly out of my purview. clean it first, fumigate it a'nd boil it.' I; stood in the center of the house, Mine? It's ready to ride. It can go places holding the ice chest, and wondered, at a moroent's notice, and I like that in "But where?" Oh sure, I could.put a an ice chest. table-skirt. over the chest, place a lamp "We need an ice chest," said the son, on top, and use it as an end table. Or I Saturday, scavenging around in the could put it in the laundry room, as a garage. After a short search, his eyes basket for dirty dothes...but it would rested upon my new model. Then he never be empty when I wanted it. looked at me. Actually, it would never be empty, "Don't even think about it," I said to, period. him. "There's the green one your dad I tried to get the ice chest in every takes fishing," I indicated by pointing. closet in our house, but unless we throw, "Oh yeah," said the son, who is not the away shoes and coats, I'm out of space. poster child for cleanliness. "Dad left I considered using it to hold blankets in the catfish guts in that one and it's the linen closet, or cleaning supplies awful. I'm not putting my Mountain under the sink. But there is simply no Dew in that thing." 'place where it could just sit, empty and "I've cleaned it all out now," said the ready for a good time. husband, innocently, "and scrubbed it So I'm going to bag it. I've decided with Clorox. It was awful,-but it's fine that .I'm going to label it fertilizer or now.": mulch, and place it back in the garage The son leaned toward m.e and near my work bench. The boys stay 10 whispered, "No it's not." miles away from work, anyway, and this v Suddenly, I was so proud: the boy should be a deterrent. doesn't want catfish guts all over him But for a few more days, I just wan( to anymore. Yes, there is hope. Should I look at it. I, too, was once clean and reward him with access to my new ice new, and I'm nearing my quarter- chest? century mark in a marriage which has Absolutely not. seen its share of fish guts. Time, it My mother-friends fought this battle marches on, dragging along a string of long before L hit the front lines,: One war-mongered ice chests while women, possesses ,an ice chest -which has such as I, just wish someone would take emblazoned upon its top, in permaneijt, us out .for.a picnic. 3i r- II1Ilb Dear Editor:' We have been, collecting items' for the victims of Hurricane. Katrina for one month now and the generosity of our community has been overwhelming. We were able to send two semi-tractor trailers full. of food and water, as well as two cargo vans and trailers full too :, i We could not have done this without the: support .of the community, and they are to be commended for making such a dynamic impact on' people who have nothing left. We also would like to give a big thank you to Gary Brett of M. A. Rigoni for making sure the disaster relief made it to Gulfport and New Orleans, and to Johnnie Mack Brown of Buckeye Nursery for graciously allowing us. the use of his trailer, whenever we needed it to haul the supplies in. Thank you to Mandy Cornelius and the cheerleaders, marjorettes, Col. David Ammons and the J.R.O.T.C., Nancy Geohagan, Mrs. Ann Taylor, Connie Fouche, Rhonda Smith, Lynn Harper, Colleen Bettilyon and the many others who came for helping us sort and package the thousands of' B-2 The Taco Times October 5, 2005 Community Faces Helping the cause Perry AMVETS Post 20, along with the Ladies Auxiliary and Sons of AMVETS, recently raised $1,043, which they donated to the American Red Cross. Presenting a check to Red Cross representative Alma Walker are (from I to r) AMVETS Commander Robert "Mo" Morrison, Dodd Franklin, Bettie Haney with the Ladies Auxiliary, Lucky Haney, Jack Raulerson, Hunter Gutshaw, Walker and Sons of AMVETS Commander Wayne Wilbur. Hospice opens Covenant Hospice recently held ribbon cutting ceremonies at its newly opened branch office located in Taylor Square Shopping Center. During ceremonies that saw clowns, speeches and the Taylor County High School JROTC Color Guard, Covenant representatives were welcomed by the Chamber of Commerce as well as city and county officials. upen tor b business The cosmetology class at Taylor Technical Institute is ready to serve clients Wednesday through Friday--no appointments needed. All haircuts with a style-are $5., Walk-ins may stop by, beginning at 9:15 a.m. For information on the upcoming nail program, please call 838-2545 and ask for Doris Simpson. Shown above are, (back row) Simpson instructorr, Audra Markham, Ashley Everett, Michelle Reckwald, Mandy Flower&,..Susan,.BonifordvcBessy.aateella.q and Debby Little (Instructor). (Middle row) Bna Tnomas, Mandy Valentine, Heather Phillips, Helen Spain and Rosa Bautista. in front is Buddy Grubby. Parade deadline is ct,.13 The deadline for entry in the 50th annual Florida Forest Festi al King Tree Parade is Wednesday, Oct. 12. Entry forms are available at the festival office, located next. to the Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. For more information, please call 584-TREE (8733). A+' Blanco , SCleaning Service (-85.'" a31523. - Setty Blanco C ". :'3 ,. Licensed & Insured Seventh Saturday Sabbath School Worship Service Wednesday :M Prayer Meeting Day Adventist Church 9:30 a.m. ,ip 1:1:00 a.m. I, 7:00 p.m. .. Juan Rodrigues, Pastor 584-8506 04W. Julia Dr. Jean speaks to Rotarians The speaker at the Sept. 20 Rotary meeting was Donna E. Jean with Covenant Hospice. The hospice recently opened a branch office in Perry. Jean said she expects the office to become a "full-fledged branch" in the next year or two. The hospice opened its Tallahassee office in June 2003 serving the eight-county Big Bend area and Perry is its first branch office. . "Our clinical team works with the individual and physicians to create a complete care plan," Jean said. , In November, as part of National Hospice Month, the Covenant will hold a Celebration of Life service. Beginning next year, support groups will be formed, Jean said. In addition, "community educators" will be available to make presentations to businesses, civic groups and members of the medical field. "I want to thank the community." Jean said. "You've really stepped up to the bat." ARMADILLO CONSTRUCTORS '& ERECTORS INC. License #tCG3031636 CCC 058209 * BUILDERS* ROOFERS HOME INSPECTIONS 800-719-9138 386-294-3914 ,Del edtoa Dsmas t.jLoo 9-C Household Office Apartment Big ori Simall...We can move it all! Dependable Free Estimates We als Reliable *Local, Pak& 2 Guys; Truck & Trailer Ship 584-3776 (W) Licensed 584-2270 (H) wl (Servinig Pery & Surrounding Counties) "IS ONE YEAR'S SALARY ENOUGH LIFE INSURANCE" CALL ME TO FIND OUT HOW S MUCH LIFE INSURANCE YOU REALLY NEED. Mark Pelt, Agent 584-5188 1000A Jefferson St. Al od Ilal You're in good hands.. Allstate Property and Casualty 'Insurance Company, Allstate Indemnity" Company and Allstate Life Insurance Company, Home Office: Northbrook, Illinois. @2002 Allstate Insurance Company SBAD WATER? IRON-FREE'S OWN HIGH PURITY MANDOX WIDE SPECTRUM/TRIPLE S ACTION FILTRATION SYSTEM Removes IRON, TANNIN, SULFUR, MANGANESE, TURBIDITY, BAD TASTE, BAD ODOR. KILLS BACTERIA. No more STAINED FIXTURES, DINGY CLOTHES. LOW COST, LOW MAINTENANCE, GUARANTEED. Call today for FREE WATER TEST. No obligation. $795 to $1995 IRON-FREE Well Water Company, Inc. Lisa McKinney, 850-584-5750 Representative 800-437-1128 J 584-021 803 W.-Main St., PFerry, FL1 32347 Store Hours: 8 AM 6 PK Mon. Sat. south house@perry.gulfflet.com -2-4OekHtdns L l igt eew .Ai odmr, og ,poutcnfgrtos - qrAk.. B-3 The Taco Times October 5, 2005 Letters to the Editor WalkAmerica supporters recognized for donations Dear Editor, Capital City Bank would like to thank the following for the generous contributions to 'the March of Dimes, WalkAmerica hot dog luncheon: Pepsi Bottling Group, Roberts Lumber Company, Inc., Tom's Foods,. Wal-Mart Stores and Ware Oil & Supply, Inc. Thanks to each of you for your support again this year. Your contributions had a significant -impact on the success of the luncheon. We really appreciate your continued support and thoughtfulness to help March of Dimes, WalkAmerica in the fight against premature births--the leading cause of newborn deaths and many lifelong disabilities. Mary Roberts Capital City Bank Catholic youth and. leaders served spaghetti dinners to benefit Hurricane Katrina victims For Hurricane Katrina victims Catholic youth raise $975 The youth of Immaculate Conceptiorr Catholic Church held a spaghetti dinner on .Sept. 17 in an effort to provide relief money for the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina. "The group had high hopes of raising possibly as much as $500 toward this endeavor," explained Jeanette Edwards, youth director. "Spaghetti and meatballs, salad and desserts were served at a steady: pace all through the evening. At the end of the night, after clean-up and most had gone home, the money 20-year reunion olans underway was sorted and counted. To their amazement, they far exceeded their goals and a total of $975 was raised! "While this was very exciting, since we are such a small parish and this is a small town, it was not .shocking because we have repeatedly observed this kind of generosity and love in our small parish family and in this community," she added. The group also received a Proclamation of Special Recognition from Mayor Emily Ketring, recognizing the group's efforts in this call for help. Attention: Class of 1986 graduates! SDear Editor: We are looking for graduates or relatives of graduates from Taylor County High School's Class of 1986, and we request your help. appreciated. Sincerely, Reunion Committee TCHS Class of 1986 Whether you're.nearby or far away, Clear Choice gives you the home phone, local and long distance services you need, all combined with the calling features you want! ..... o u-. a 2ti005 2005 oiw c104e&& jes*ti.aL4 'asset BUCKEYS \_ Sl brr 2. Pes 5 BUCKEYG invites you to attend The 2005 Florida Forest Festival 428 N. Jefferson St. 2004 Little King Alex Parker & Little Queen Hannah Polley Alex Parker and Hannah Polley, reigning Little King & Queen, will be on hand for the crowning of the 2005 honorees. Tickets for the event are available at the Festival Office adjacent to the Perry-Taylor County Chamber of Commerce, 4ilz pe perso I long distance as low as a minute! r 9 W&IIS 584-TREE rt-mur ooil"%Vapze q~l 98eeisoM/ 84 The Taco Times October 5, 2005 Letters to the Editor Are they afraid of 'no' vote? Dear Editor: agency has the same opinion of its This letter is in regards to the employees, and to threaten to hold recent article titled "Letter Fires up renewal on the interlocal Up Bethea" in the Sept. 23-24, agreement, part of the board's 2005 issue. regional plan required by the state, The level of immaturity appears as an act of retaliation demonstrated at the county, against one person's opinion on commission meeting is appalling, the coal-fired plant. To make an insinuation that an Our county commissioners sit Dedication abundant here WALKAMERICA Continued from page B-1 the challenge again this year. It is a pleasure. to work with such dedicated and enthusiastic individuals who support the March of Dimes' mission: To improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, infant mortality, and premature birth through research, education, advocacy and community outreach. Few organizations have the potential to impact the health of future generations as powerfully as the March of Dimes. It would be impossible without the dedication of our volunteers. But dedication and support are not in short supply in Taylor County and for that the March of Dimes is truly grateful. Sincerely, Jennifer Bitner DivisionDirector March of Dimes Big Bend Division Done your festival shopping? Have you done your "festival" shopping? T-shirts, 3-D glasses and reserved parking tickets are all on sale at the festival office. The t-shirts, in hunter green and gold, are $10 each, while the 3-D glasses are a must-have for the upcoming "Fabulous Festival Fireworks Show" slated Tuesday, Oct. 18, at the Perry-Foley Airport. Reserved parking tickets are also available and can be used at Forest Capital Park festival day (Oct. 22). Military action Crystal D. Parker Navy Airman Crystal D. Parker, the daughter of Christina A. and James I. Parker of Perry, departed on a scheduled deployment in support of the Global War on Terrorism while assigned, to the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, homeported in Norfolk, Va. Prior to deploying, Parker and more than 7,500 of her fellow shipmates Sof the USS Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike. Group successfully completed a Composite Training Unit Exercise and a Joint Task Force Exercise (JTFEX). The JTFEX is the final step in preparing the strike group for deployment, and is designed to test its ability to operate in a complex, hostile environment with other U.S. and coalition forces. Carriers like Theodore Roosevelt are deployed throughout the world to maintain U.S. presence and provide rapid response in times of crisis. They serve as a highly'visible deterrent to would-be aggressors, and are equipped with the most versatile and powerful weapons and aircraft available. r- -- --- get high speed I internet for just 671.1 Sa day and FREE Wireless upgrade* * L., e. --- 'Offer available to new customers only for a limited Sime and sublecl to change wilhoul nolice. Introductory offer of $0.67 par day based on Ihree months (90 days) o service at $19 95 per mrnlh. Afler introductory period service is billed al $44 95 Super month. Free modem to use as long as you keep the service, failure to return the modem within 30 days of cancellation of ser;hce w;ll resull ;n a charge for retail value of modem Seri.ce not yel available in all areas. WMre Guard Fee ol $3.95 guarantees free replacement of your modem, should you ever need one. 02005 GTCom, PO Box 220,, Port St. Joe, FL.32457, 1-800-772-7288. in a place of public trust, put in that place by the citizens of this county because our commissioners promised to do the will of the people when they ran for and were elected to public office. If our county commissioners are truly responsible to their constituents, then why does it appear they are afraid to let the citizens of Taylor. County have a vote on the coal- fired power plant? Why does the coal fired plant appear to be a volatile e issue with the commission, with a decision almost made costing an agency their renewal agreement? It almost appears that our county commissioners are afraid to hear the opinions of the people of this county. One man's letter to the editor is not going to sway public opinion. Each of us has our own opinion, and it may not be the same one as' our -county commissioners, but this is still a free country and as citizens, we have a right to our opinion. As our commissioners, our representatives, if you are sure you are doing the will of the people by bringing the coal fired power plant to Taylor County, then a referendum vote will prove you are correct. This should not be an issue for retaliation against citizens voicing their right to be heard. County commissioners, I urge you, listen to the people who put you in that place of trust, you are at a level of responsibility and that responsibility is to the citizens, of Taylor County. Let's settle this issue once and for all, and show a level of maturity due to the position of trust where you have been placed. Give the citizens the right to vote "Yes" or "No" in a referendum. If you are correct in thinking the citizens of Taylor County want a coal fired plant, then a vote will prove you correct. From reading this article, it gives an appearance that you are afraid the citizens, will vote "no" in a referendum. Sincerely, Diana Langston Taylor County Resident HIGH SPEED INTERNET GIVES YOU: > always on, always fast internet > unlimited connection time > faster speeds up to 100%! > improved parental controls > outstanding 24/7 toll-free technical support > video mail and more > free tips & tricks newsletter > up to 7 e-mail addresses & 6mb personal web space 1-800-772-7288 www.gtcom.net A FalrPoint Communications Company Silver Moon Boutique Perry's Newest Shopping Experience Beautiful embroidered skirt sets...classy enough for church yet comfortable enough for everyday wear Ever expanding teen/junior line Plus size line coming soon Winn Dixie Shopping Center Suite 10 584-5886 Open Mon.-Sat. BIGGER BETTER BUILDINGS Residential Commerical A-Frame Corports & Garages Free Delivery & Set-Up In-House Financing Big Bend Buildings 1700 S. Byron Butler Pkwy. 584-2260 (formerly Donna's Unlimited) Heather Mosley, office manager Shane & Diane Knowles, owners Mon-Fri 9:00-5:30 Sat. 10-2, Sun. by appt. TAYLOR DENTAL CENTER North Florida Medical Centers, Inc. Lindalee Clayton, DMD Jodi Bryson, RDH "tr 4',i> Services include: Cleanings Fillings Extractions SSlide fee program available for those who qualify Medicaid & Commercial Insurances Accepted 409 E. Ash St. Perry, Fl. 32347 Phone: (850) 223-2578 Fax: (850) 223-3047 The Back Porch j f Unique home -decorations S antiques -fand-yaintedjurniture ii gfts 850-584-2075 3306 cwj. 19 S. 'Visit us onfine at www.mybackporch.net Smyrnios Painting, LLC Residential ...... Commercial: (FREE ESTIMATES) I Gus and Manuel Smyrnios 850-223-1 402 Licensed/Insured Contractor 8 0 223-359 Hearing Aids * Expert Fitting *Highest Quality SAll Makes & Models In Perry Monday to Friday Dr. Jeffrey D. Russell Audiologist Hamdan ENT Center CALL 584-8123 AFFORDABLE Air Conditioning ~a Heating Inc. 30 years experience 850-584-6477 (leave message) Reduce your electrical cost... bring your system up-to-date Lic. #CAC058206 and Insured - S Need. Contact Lenses? Order on the web at: Accenteyecarecenter.com or call 584-2200 -, Dr. Michael Walby Optometric Physician -J CONTACT LENSES i_ _ _ BIG BEND HOSPICE Support For Life's Journey When someone you love is diagnosed with a life- limiting illness, let Big Bend Hospice help you through the physical, emotional and spiritual journeys you will face. 1723 Mahan Center Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32308 w (850) 878-5310 www.bigbehdhospice.org FRITH ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. Owners & Mortgage Title Insurance Policies Title Searches Real Estate Closings 501 N. Byron Butler Pkwy. 850-584-2672 Perry, Fl. R.W. MEISSNER & ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING t SERVICES BUILDING PLANS RENOVATIONS HOMES COMMERCIAL PERMITS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SUWANNEE RIVER WMD SITE DEVELOPMENT SPARKING LOTS W216 W. MAIN STREET PERRY, FLORIDA 32347 SPHONE # 850-584-3887 E-MAIL: rwmi@gtcom.net I one year 265,000 copI esoftes9as 'will be I -, B-5 The Taco Times October 5, 2005 I ~e I I r I----I I SUPER SALE -III. IT COKE II II CKPRDT S- AgO Z. CANS -/100w00 i~COKE^ 99- 994 LB. r < BAR-S MEAT JUMBO FRANKS 16 OZ. 99( rUSDA INSPECTED BONELESS CHICKEN BREAST fZ $1.99 LB. <__ ___________ WENEDA, CT51 THRU USDA INSPECTED BEEF T-BONE STEAK 5.99 LB. SMOKED PORK HOCKS BAR-S COOKED HAM 16 OZ. 2/$5.00 = 4 .L 1% Nq II a III III B-6 The Taco Times October 5,2005 Ed/5 Head13 8' Join the fun Saturday, Oct. 15! The Florida Forest Festival Kids Parade and Picnic in the Park will be held Oct. 15, beginning at 10 Oa.m,,t and Chairman Linda Peacock said this year's edition will be bigger and better than ever. Costume judging will begin at 9:45 a.m. as contestants line-up Students of the Month Taylor County Middle School has announced its "Students of thel Month" for August. Shown are: (left to right) Katelyn Lynn, Rachel Gillialm, Angela White, Cassidy Stephens, Tyler Whitfield and Charles Slaughter. on Washington Street (behind the courthouse). Trophies will be awarded for most original costume; most keeping with the theme ("Still First in Forestry After 50 Years); and the judges' choice. Entries may be either individual or as a group. Trophies will be awarded when the parade begins. The parade will be led by the Taylor County Boys and Girls Drum Corps, as contestants and visiting entries walk to City Park.' Special appearances in the parade and at the park include Batman, Spiderman, Cinderella and Snow White, who are running in a special presidential election. The Supervisor of Elections office will be on hand at the park for the children to vote. Watch for the special election results in an upcoming, edition of the newspaper. Park activities have been expanded this year to 'include: fingerprinting for children, sponsored by the Taylor, County Sheriff's Office; storytelling by Suezette Stephens; Perry Fire Department clowns; fortune tellers; train-rides; Taylor County Public Library-sponsored activities; and the Miles of Smiles clowns, who will have balloon animals and face painting stations and will perform a magic show. Also on hand will be the Dance Workshop, Perry Police Department and Taylor County Health Department. Free hot dogs and drinks will be provided by Williams and Sons Janitorial, Inc. Suwannee Valley eal Estate School 12532 172nd St. McAlpin, FL 32062 386-965-2978 Now Accepting Students for Sales Associate Class ,,, Location:. Quality Inn and Conference Center .63hr. Highway,90, Lake City, FL sales 63 Hr. Sales Associate Class .-for SLimited Seats Available Call now to register for class ll t0-- 386-965-2978 You can reserve a seat $50 Deposit (non-refundable) $250 balance due first day of class Total class tuition $300 (check or money order payable to Suwannee Valley Real Estate School) (includes all needed books for the approvedFrec Course I Thank You! 8 am to 5 pm Monday Thursday Oct. 17-20 8 am to 5 pm Monday-Thursday Oct. 24-27 Julia J. Johnson, Lic. Real Estate Instructor & Broker & Permit Holder Email: bidibid2@msn.com Mp s i i a h^eretohelphumanty.Iyouav eanypstpreent fuBBaitueloemarrage, bus~inslawutfnne,-elh;i o rntobe sikori lve'hee' o rolm o-rf^ J fatse-ran ol e. i823 South Oho Av. -Live ak -HWY.129 out c-1 The Taco Times October 5, 2005 Homecoming 2005 1 V 4K j Lights... camera.., touchdown! Taylor County High School (TCHS) is going Hollywood as it celebrates its 2005 Homecoming this week. "We hope that everyone will join us to help increase school spirit, have fun and honor our 'Alma Mater, while we prove that the Bulldogs are' the real showstoppers!" coordinator. Susan Nelson said., As part of homecoming, students are taking part in theme days.. "Theme days provide an opportunity for students and faculty to promote school spirit and enjoy an atmosphere of fun," Nelson said. The week kicked off M1onday with Pajama Day and Camo Dress-' up/Senior Rat Day on Tuesday. Today (Wednesday) continues with Celebrity Day; Thursday is Twin Dress-up Day; and Friday is jOrange and Blue Day. TCHS seniors will host 'a chicken dinner Thursday, Oct. 8, from 4 until 6 p.m. in the high school cafeteria with the SHomecoming Pep Rally following at 7 in the gymnasium. -: The 2005 homecoming king and queen will'be announced at the pep rally. The annual Homecoming Parade starts up at 1:30 p.m. Friday, beginning at high school and continuing to downtown. The big game Friday night will see the Bulldogs face East Gadsden. Pre-game ceremonies begin at 7 p.m. and will include the National Honor Society court, football sponsors, JROTC royalty and Miss TCHS. Kick-off is at 7:30. Honor court members will take the field during half-time ceremonies and the new homecoming king ahd queen will be presented. Following the game, the week will close with the homecoming dance at 10 a.m. in the gym until 1. a.m. s i .u ( Senior Honor Court ( I to r): T. 3. Powell, Billy Joe WigglesWorth, Rick Williams,.Coble Revels, John Crowley and Miguel Parga. National Honor Society Court (I to r): Gerard Massey, Nikki Farnell, Tim Machula and Bryttany Martin. I-ootDal Sponsors and escorts (from I to r): Jacob Meacham, Amy Brett, Joseph and Jenni Cantrell. Senior Football Sponsors and escorts (from I to r): Kane Miguel, Devyn Cianna Reaves and Shane Padgett. Not pictured: Samantha Lundy.. DUBose, Sean Padgett, Sophmore Court (I to r): Tyler DuBose, NakidraCook, Jennifer Hunter, Lauren Hardin and Britt Churchill. Not pictured: Greg Flowers. Freshman Football Sponsor Latezhia Britt Jones. Junior Honor Court (from I to r): Marquis Ellis, Anngelica Florence, Zach Bradshaw, Brittany Pigford, George Armstrong, Shamanda Ridgeway and Thomas Gober. Not pictured: Casey Cooper. Sophmore Football Sponsor Krystal Timmons and escort Greg Freshman Honor Court (from I Sneed. Tierria Cook. to r): Bryckoski Jackson, Meagan Hill, Zach Knowles and Schedule of Events WEDNESDAY Celebrity Day THURSDAY Twin Dress-up Day Chicken Dinner Homecoming Pep Rally FRIDAY * Orange and Blue Day Homecoming Parade Homecoming Game Homecoming Dance Junior Proenza rt t- -L~a~~ `' 6*Uulldcas ac UcllvwccdlV'0 C-2 The Taco Times October 5, 2005 .-;; 7 r~ur -f~ i ~: . r ;- Yard, Sale/Carport Sale, Friday & Saturday, 9 a.m.-until, corner of W. Main & N. Faulkner. 10/5,10/7 10 Family Flea Market, Saturday-Sunday, 8:00 a.m.-4 p.m., Florida. Marine, 6041 SBeach Rd., 3/4 mile off Hwy 19 S. 10/5,10/7 Remodeling Sale, Saturday, 7 a.m.-noon, 2 bathroom cabinets (1 60" with top & sink, 1 30" white), shower glass doors, chair/ottoman, track lighting, twin mattress set, sewing desk, ceiling fan/light, torchiere lamp, storage items, twin duvet cover, queen comforter/shams/valance, 2 twin gray duvet cover sets, several linen :. items, boom box, tacks and more, 584- 9412, Cheryl Drive, Jefferson to 221, turn on Timberlane. 10/5,10/7 Three Family Yard Sale, Friday & Saturday; 9 a.m.-until, Johnsop Stripling Rd. to Morgan Whiddon Rd.; right on Pharo Morgan Rd., look for signs, a lot of things, come see. 10/5,10/7 Estate Sale, Saturday, Oct. 8 and 15, 6:00 Spm., 3 miles south of Cross City, Hwy 19, at Old Drive Inn. Snap on tools and tool box, mechanics tools, table saw, compressor, jointer, bench grinder, vises, tools furniture, .flat bed canoe, 2 trolling motors, fishing gear and much. more. AB#2424,,AU#2548. T.GA.S. 10/5-10/14 ; -I- For Sale 2003 Homes of Merit, pay off & move,'584-3450, leave a message. 9/14-10/07 . 3/2 BR,BA Framed house, CHA,, 15.57 acres; mostly cleared w 1/2 acre pond, stocked with catfish & bream, 294 Roberts Aman Road, Perry, Fl., call, 584-6953 for more information. 9123-10107 $18,000 Built in 1950s :'3 Bedrooms, 1 Bath . ,,.All Pine Wood Floors ': New Central H/A Some Appliances House moved at buyer's expense. Call for appt. 584-5454 2.4 acres with septic, power pole and city water. Mobile homes permitted, $19,500, call 838-2755. 8/5tfDC Lewis Dr 5 Acres 602 W. Bacon Street, reduced, make offer, 240-0701, Daub Realty. 9/30-10/19 I Ar -FOR REINT I Auction every Saturday, 6 p.m 3 miles of Cross City on Hwy 19 at Old Drive In, Now taking consignments for future auctions. We do estate sales, liquidation and bankruptcies AB#2424, AU#2548 Third : Generation Auction Service. 850-584- 8714. ,10/5-10/28 Top loading fngidaire freezer, 5 cubic foot. one yr old. never any problems. purchased larger unit $100.00, call. 584- 8372, evenings. 10/5. 10/7 .. Kellow Appliance Sales and Service. We have over 50 refurbished appliances in * stock now. Washers, dryers, refrigerators, electric stoves, window a/c units, stack unit wld, RV w/d, wringer washer and dish washer, $100 and up, wih warranty. We do in-home service and in-stop repair. 1302 N Jefferson Street, Perry. (850) 584-7773. 10/5-10/28 Large 2 bedroom mobile home, just outside city limits, no pets, large yard, $350 month, $200 security deposit, call, 223-1087. please leave a message 9/30tf Sleeping room for rent $150 00 deposit, $100.00 per week, call 838-1524 + 77 pin. 10/5trWB Taking applications on a 2 bedroom, furnished trailer, central air, will accept 1' very small child, no pets, call, 584-4366. " 10/5-10/14 " Pineview.Apts.. & 2 bedrooms available. central heat & air, equal housing opportunity, call (850) 584-8995, 427 Puckett Road. Perry, FL. 32348, TDDfITY 711. 9/30, 10/05 Stonegate Manor'Apts., 1 bedrooms available, central heat & air, equal housing opportunity. elderly handicapped &' disabled, call (850) 584-8995, 544 Puckett Road. Perry, FL 32348, TDD/TTY 711. 9/30,10/05 VEGGIES TO YOUR DOOR! Fresh-Picked, blanched, flash frozen, shelled zippers, butter beans, black eyes, white acres, ford hooks, cream corn, okra, green beans, broccoli, mustards & collards Free delivery every Saturday with 3 or more bushels 352-498-2580 Shop desk $40. electric smooth-top stove $350, dryer $175 metal door 351/2"x83112" $25, farm gates (2) $85 ea bar stool $15. rocker $25. 12'40' metal , building $2000 (you move), sleeper sofa $75. (4) F150 wheels $75. (4) F250 wheels & tires 265\75\16 $750, call. 584-7003. 10/5, 10/7DG SCd player/TV Stand, has open space to hold stereo with speaker space, television sits on top, has slots for cd's down bottom front portion and cubby holes on either side to hold movies or books, $15, call Michelle at 584-6002. 8/121f Commuling to Tallahassee? Looking'to carpool? Call 584-9107 between 7 and 8 . p m. Guaranteed ride home for, emergencies 9/28-10/07 ' Southern Villas of Perry!! New Management" HUD Vouchers accepted. 10 and 2 bedroom HC and non-HC accessible apartments. Call 850-584-8111. TDD/TTY 711. 315 Puckett Rd. Perry, FL 32347 Equal Housing Opportunity. tfSy .' :,, . WoodridgeApartments!! Looking for applicantsI Apply now for 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Equal Housing Opportunity Call 850-584-5668. 709 W Church St. Perry, FL 32347 TDD/TTY 71 1. , tfWA . 1989 Stump knocker boat. 1997 Yamaha S25hp gal trailer, $2400, call, 223-1374 . 9/30-10/07 GULF COAST METAL 3' Wide ROOFING Galvalume Full line ofWide accessories in stock Painted Special Flashings Made All Types Warranted Metal Available Cut to your desired lengths Deliver' Servece.4vadlable Call Toll-Free 888-393-0335 352-498-0778 Horseshoe Beach, FI. Are you a cookbook collector? 1,000's of - Vintage and Used Cookbooks for sale Club and Church Collections from all over the country. international cookbooks, Better Homes and Garden and much morel .At the Bdok Mart, 1708 S. Byron Butler Pkwy Perry, FL 584-4969 9/28-10/7 -I- L HOMWI.S RELESTATE^ Keaton Beach-Beautiful 5 acresfor sale, wooded tract. 1 mile from boat ramp, high and dry. pavement, water, power. phone access and fenced, $125,000.00, call, 584-4921-leave message. .10/5-11/30 Land for sale.'located on Hwy 221 between Shiloh Church Rd and Cairo Parker Rd. 1 acre lots with paved roads. Owner financing available. Please call (386) 658- 1346 or (850) 584-7466 Badcock's. - ffEF 1981 Sportscraft Fisherman 21 foot new moior (350 1/O), new rebuilt foot by Shield Manna, new electronics. Great condition. too many things to list, best offer, call Jim or Valerie at 850-584-7928. 8/17tf 2 year old Bullmaster, good with kids, call, 584-5219 10/5-10/14 FOR RENT- Lamont, 2 bedroom old house Son private acre, $500/month, $250/depdsit, pets extra, 519-4528, available now; 10/5 SFoi.Sailei 2 year old mare, beautiful house, Seeds good home, $750, call, 223-1579. 10/5,10/7 'Beagle dogs & puppies (7 weeks old), call, 584-4374,ask for Bo. 9/30-10/07 American Bulldog" Puppies, NKC registered, wormed and 1st shots, Sire champion bloodline, great temperaments some all while and some with black or brindle $350 call. 223-1467. 9,21-10/05 Lost, black pekingese, blind in right eye, lost off US 19, call, 838-6138. 9/30,10/05 1991 Lincoln Town Car, good interior, $1200.00, call, 584-7861. 10/, 10/71 2001 Dodge Durango, red, 50,000 miles, a/c, a/c rear controls, cd/tape/am fm, 3 seats V8, 4.7 engine, automatic, trailer 'hitch. Seven yr/70,000 mile wrap around warranty, Seven yr./100,000 mile limited power train warranty, excellent condition, one owner, $12,500, call, 850-838-1891 9/30-10/12 2001 Mazda Tribute SUV, 70K miles, asking $13,500, call, 584-4633 after 4:30, ask for Dustan. 9130-10/07 For Sale: 1994 Chevrolet Caprice, :Classic, V-8 engine, excellent condition, only one owner, call, 584-4974 . 9/28-10/14 ' RN. LPN OR MA Need person to perform insurance health EXAMS IN Perry. Monticello. Madison and surrounding counties Phlebotomy skills needed car necessary Excellent part time job. Fax resume 850-942-2392. Toll free, 877-873-3674. 10/5-10/14 DRIVERS Be HOME Oftenl Dedicated Drivers needed For Hosford, FL. : (37 empy/.38 loaded) - Healih!/Lie/DeritalI401K . Vacalon/Holiday Pay' Grayson Mitchell. Inc 800-247-6321 10/5-10/14 Looking for responsible adult to babysmt. 7 " month old, Monday-Friday. please have references available, call, 850-584-3276. leave message. . 10/5. 10/7 APALACHEE CENTER - A, Behavioral Health Care' Center is currently seeking: ' CLINICAL SUPERVISION SPECIALIST #1451 . MASTER'S DEGREE WITH A MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL .WORK, COUNSELING OR A RELATED HUMAN . SERVICES FIELD AND THREE YEARS :OF RELATED PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE.ONE OF WHICH MUST HAVE .BEEN .IN AN ADMINISTRATIVE/CLINICAL SUPERVISORY CAPACITY. LICENSURE PREFERRED. SHIFT: 8 ' A.M. 5 PM/ MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. For more information and a coriplete listing of available positions: www apalacheecenter.org (850) 523-3217 or 1(800)226-2931 Human Resources 2634-J Capital Circle N E Tallahassee, SFL Pre-Hire' Drug Screen &'FDLE background heck An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action iEmployer Drug-Free Workplace' 10/5, 10/7AC System administrator FOR TAYLOR CO. ,c.r.1r. t lssior iErtS S .3J .benelnis ini i polcri r .l B1 e re:., I.: oIieC i co.',rlin,3e a on ;,jCuO l ' I ,",C O I 're O C ,o m ,u le r r n el .,:,rl 3,: ltl. irle 3 ..11r, quoIIIicailon F.jji eO ,r e Ir o ,Com.puier r ier.vorinQ r o ir a ,eal.13 *d or di oi mc. nlr, il,"n r Ijet.',oia reil? ,u prrl-iom Irn:.m o ie.:ra n col/'. ',,':w o naI 'School or iob e'o ir, Ih Ilet.l.o.rl Adrmin./PC iucorl I ei.- Eo c:on e iuC .:.r,,3 iYv O .is 1,io ...:-, i e,', eGiiticall o ([le'e a.i[al I .,.'rk Piu5 ,s i.'equirec.i I.llClOc.,fT Carl 1 t-:'ter, Engineer ,m.ICSE) is ric ieqa'ire6 r'ut 0 iC.Ius ',iin o .oneriiIri0n On n Wnaoo,., ,2000 or 2003 ;~rerer Direct eDo in ,or.oa ginr PCs. in a Lli en.'iron Conlcr.a la ylor EmDoil:, men r Connection 22-1 ti JeltCr,;,.n ior review, o'f lob descriD. dnd rea. or uDrn'ission ,or aODliC':tinO DIec. queslons concerning Dooiil.rn to JOCaie :.oeller j58.35i 00.,7 Posirion open ,jninl S elli.a. Dru testing EO AA A P emp li.e,. 10/5rtBCC Love Extreme Physical Labor? Are You Bored With Your Work' Our business is sealing striping. asphalt repair and a hundred other things. We need someone capable of taking on anything and doing it right without supervision. Call (850) 545-1776 to describe your abilities, attitude and salary requirements. EOE. 9/30-10/12 Immediate opening for nail technician or stylist/nail tech. Booth rental only, must have own clientele and be experienced; Some clientele available. Call, 584-2273, if no answer, call, 838-9319, 9/30-10/14 i. Hiring Contract haulers (iogs) Cross City. Greenville, Hasford area hiring Driver for log truck Clean Class A CDL Required Contact Jay @727-919-8454 9/28-10/07 Program Coordinator-from home. Govt. monitored H.S. Exchange Student Program is seeking person towork locally with community families, schools and foreign teens. Background in student exchange, education or travel. Full training and international travel opportunities. Resume: dmdworld@comcast.net, 1-877-417-9600, 9/28-10/14 The City of Perry is taking applications for the following position: TRUCK DRIVERILABORER i (Sanitation) Req: Must have valid SFlorida Drivers License and be able to obtain a CDL within 6 months after employment. SSalary: $8.12-$11.47 SApplications are available at the City of Perry Personnel Office and will be accepted until S the position is filled. CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office :.c. 224 S. Jefferson Street S" Perry, FL 32347. : (850) 584-7161 DRuG FREE WORVPLA,.: E EOUAL OPPORTUIT, EMFLi OER AFFIRMATiVE ACTION EM LO ER The Taylor County Health Department is recruiting for a Community Health Nursing Supervisor, position number 054953. Salary range $32 722 82-$44,212 96. This is work assessing patient health problems and needs developing and implementing nursing care plans, and maintaining Medical records in the primary care program of a public health department. This employee administers nursing care to Ill, injured, convalescent, or disabled patients. The incumbent may advise patients on health maintenance and disease prevention or provide case- management This work may also include inspecting facilities and/or evaluating or providing consultation on health care programs, services or policies. The incumbent will be responsible for coordinating work and supervising employees. This employee provides diversified health educalion both in an office setting and in community outreach programs. Please apply on-line at htips'//iobs.myflorida.com Refer to requisition number 64054953 Only State of Florida applications will be accepted Closing date 10-14-05. EO/AA/VP Employer. . 9/30-10/12 - Check Station Positions Available The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is hiring personnel for seasonal work at check stations during the upcoming archery and general gun hunting seasons. Positions' available'in Taylor County. Pays $6.15, per hour. Positions begin September 24, 2005. For details call (850) 838-9016, or stop by the Big Bend Field Office at 663 Plantation Rd, in Perry. EO/AA 7/27-10/23 Maintenance person needed for Lime rock mine, Must be dependable, experienced in maintenance of plant and mobile equipment. Must be able'to cut and weld. Experienced only need to apply. Pay based on experience, full benefit package included, Drug screen, physical and background search required. Apply in person, 23 MI, West on hwy 98 MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS. HWY 98 WEST NUTALL RISE, Equal Opportunity Employer. :9/23-10/05 I Certified Dietary Manager Madison Nursing Center (located in Madison, FL Between Tallahassee and Valdosta, GA) is a 60-bed Skilled Care Facility, looking for an energetic and caring team member to lead our Dietary staff. Prior experience in a Nursing Home with MDS and Care Planning is a "must!" We are small, but are a part of a. wonderful company with caring individuals who have a desire to improve the lives, of our Residents and Staff. Call 850-973-4880 Ask for Jane Davis, Administrator. 9/2tfMNC Housing Consultant required, need own transportation, 5 days/wk, must be self motivated and reliable, no experience necessary-will train. Apply at Ironwood Home of Perry, 3483 US 19 S, ask for David Gaylard. 9/23-10 051WH Attention, Outside Sales People wanted, experience required, for interview appointment, call, 850-223-2786. 9/23-10/14 i -00' 0 " SSign On Bonus PRITCHETT TRUCKING NEEDS EXPERIENCED CLASS A DRIVERS IN YOUR AREA FOR LOCAL HAULING. GOOD PAY'AND BENEFITS CAL8 1-800-486-7504 Taylor Co Bd of Co Comm. is accepting applications for Veterans -'Service.Officer and Airport Manager' T.his-. may be 2 part time positions with minimum of 16 hours per week or if applicant has qualifications for both positions, the two positions might be combined into a full time position Veleranis Service Officer must meet veteran requirements as set forth in F S. 292.11: 2 year degree from accredited university / college or high school or equivalent diploma and 4 yrs of administrative experience Airport manager preference is for someone with bachelors degree in an aviation related field or minimum of 3 years aviat.n experience and 2 or more years of administrative/ managerial experience . Interested individuals should contact Taylor Employment Connections. 224 . Jefferson lor full job description /- requirements and application Taylor County is. an 'Equal Opponunity/Afirmative Action Employer. Pre-Hire drug screen & FDLE background check Any questions concerning the positions should be directed to Melody Cox 838-3500x9 Position is open until filled. 9/!4t The Healthy Start Coalition of Jefferson Madison & Taylor Counties is recruiting doulas from the rn-county area Doulas are women who provide.supportive services during childbirth and earn $75-350 per service. A recruitment for interested women will be held Ociober 13th at 1 p.m at the Madison County Public Library (no charge) For more information, contact 850- 948-2741. 9/30-10/07 Badcock &-More Set up & Delivery Must be 18 yrs. old, license required, good driving record, no phone calls,'apply in person at 1003 S. Jefferson St. 8/12tfBC SThe City of Perry is taking applications for the following position: Community Development Director Must possess working knowledge of all phases of building construction, experience in enforcement of building codes, supplemented with responsible administrative experience and training. State certification as general building contractor may. be substituted for field . construction experience. SReq: Must have high school diploma or equivalency. Meet the certification requirements for building inspector as established by the state of Florida. Completion of two or more years of college coursework, or any equivalent combination of training or experience which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. Must have a valid Florida drivers license. A complete job description is available upon request. Salary Range: $37,190.40 $50,016.95 Applications are available at theCity of Perry Personnel Office and will. be accepted until the position is filled. CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office 224 S. Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347 (850) 584-7161, S DRUG FREE WORKPLACE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER Prestige Home Center Chiefland The Only Factory Outlet on the West Coast , NO "DOUBLE TALK" WITH OUR ADVERTISING-- NO GAMES WITH OUR PRICES! Any New Home Purchased from Prestige Homes Includes FREE Delivery & Set-Up...PERIOD! -BRAND NEW-- Choose from 2 or 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Exceeds New Gov't. Standards $275 'mO. I L Includes AC, Heat, Skirting & Steps No Down Payment for Landowners! 60 Other Homes to Choose From!) Eggs are Cheaper in the Country, So are Prestige Homes! N. Hwy. 19, Chiefland 800-477-2492 -` MME m m- --- --- ---- I I 1 . C-3 The Taco Times October 5, 2005 --1 I-M.!gim ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT III State position available with the Courts of the Third Judicial Circuit to provide assistance in Human Resources for employees throughout the circuit. Focus of this position is staying abreast of employee benefits, personnel policies/procedures to ensure compliance, update personnel changes and relating this information to employees. College degree required with a major in Human Resources Management, Business Administration plus three years of experience in positions directly related to personnel related issues. Must be creative, a self starter and have knowledge of database software applications. Annual Salary $35,407.20. Resumes must be received in Court Administration before 10/10/05. Submit resume w/State of Florida application to: Human Resources P.O. Box 1569 Lake City, FL 32056 ADA Compliant/EOE 9/28-10/07TDC I am a certified CNA, looking to take care of your loved one's, will do private duty, in home, hosp., ect., call, 584-7303. 9/30-10/28 TREE CAPITAL CLEANING UPHOLSTERY -- S& CARPET CLEANING Dries in 3-4 hours 584-CLEAN (584-2532) Lindsey Tractor Service Lawn Service, bush hogging, land clearing, drive ways, tree trimming, hauling, food plots, debree removal, etc... Call 850-584-5193 or 850-838-4818 4/27tf Doctors' Memorial Hospital is now hiring for the positions listed below. Our 48-bed acute care facility offers a competitive salary and benefits package, retirement plan, and flexible scheduling. Please fax resume to the Human Resources, Department at (850) 584-0661, E-Mail to dianam@doctorsmemorialcbm, or call (850) 584-0866. EMS: Emergency Medical Tech, Full-Time, PRN Paramedic, PRN Environmental Services: Housekeeper, PRN Food Services: Cook/Aide; PRN Home Health Agency: OT, PT, PTA, Full-Time, PRN, RN, LPN, CNA, Full-Time, PRN. Imaging Services: :Ultrasound Tech, PRN Laboratory: Medical Lab Tech, Full-Time, PRN Medical Records: Transcriptionist, Full-Time Nursing: Registered Nurse, MedSurg, Full-Time, PRN, 7p Licensed Practical Nurse, Med-Surg, PRN :Certified Nurse Assistant, Med-Surg, PRN Physician Billing: Commercial Billing Clerk, Full-Time Surgical Services: Surgical Tech, PRN ..I Drug Free Workplace Equal Opportuity Employer DoctS MemoriaSlHoSpital ' Own your own business ground floor' opportunity merchandising marketplace Opening soon Seeking vendors to fill spaces. Call Ms. Jones at (850) 223-3976, low costs. . 9/21-10/14 J D's Tree Service and Lawn Care. Liicensed and insured. Free estimates. We also.grind stumps. Call today 838-1280. Firewood for sale. tfJD CARPET & VINYL Installation and repairs done at a good price No overhead Direct savings to you., 30 years experience. 850-838-9050, : please leave a message. . 11/3tfBR Now Hirin Full-Time or Part-Time ~i~ T Cook Dietary Aide PatTieFllTm Cetiie ctviyDieco Wanted dead or alive Junk cars trucks. Iractors, etc Will buy, sell & Irade 4x4 & truck pars. S*M"A"S^H Towing, 386-688- 3999. 10/5tfS Wanted to buy: Handicap van, call, 584- 4196 * 10/5,10/7, Looking for older model mobile home in good condition we will move, call, 850- 584-3276, leave message if no one home 1015 10/7 I am looking for a room to rent, please contact Shelley @ 584-8167. 9/30-10/07 TREE REMOVAL, STUMP GRINDING Free Estimates, Bucket Truck Available, will clean off house roofs. Licensed & Insured Call John (Sesock). (850) 584- 2027 or (850) 591-8301. 10/5-10/28 A+ Blanco Home Cleaning Service, (850) 223-1523, Letty Blanco, Licensed & Insured. 10/5tfBCS - Circle "T" Specializing in all types oftractor Work Sbushnogging, root raking, harrowing, dirt hauling & leveling, debris removal, clean ,up. and lawn care Call for free estimate, 584-2806. 9/14-10/7 . .Southern Siding & Remodeling, LLC. Vinyl siding & soffit, wood rot, fascia, decks, aluminum screen rooms, windows, porches and more. Jay Swindle (850) 843-1731 .Licensed & Insured .8/12-9/30 .Clay Swindle, L.L.C., All types of remodeling, docks, decks, windows, door framing, add on additions, porches, screen enclosures, painting interior & exterior. 18 yrs. exp.,, licensed & insured. Free Estimate, call 850-223-1780 or 843-1941, leave message. Commercial '.& .Residential. 8/5tfCS The Handyman experts, honest work *Affordable, professional, licensed and insured. Specializing in house painting, interior, etc., mobile home repairs, home 'maintenance, pressure Washing (wood and .concrete) carpet, vinyl, wood floor, ceramic ' tile and repairs. Call 584-2270 (home) or 584-3776 (office) 25 years. fJM What's .new under your roof? Wendy's Painting gives your interiors a new look,, call Wendy Johnson at 223-2627 or 838- 0851. 9/21-10/14 A-2-Z Farm and Lawn Services Harrowing, bush hog mowing, dirt leveling, rake work and complete lawn services. Call 584-6737, leave message.. 4/1tfAZ Commercial Transmission Repair All Standard Shift and:Allisson Automatics, ph# 850-584-6677 or 584-3193. 9/16-10/05 ~SERVICE I --l~ Notice of Public Hearing Hearing Date: November 1, 2005 Sublject of Hearing: ,1.) HIPAA Privacy Rule. 2.) Criminal Background and Employment Policy. THE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF TAYLOR COUNTY WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ABOVE DATE FOR APPROVAL OF SAID SUBJECT ITEM. THIS HEARING WILL BE HELD AT THE SCHOQJ BOARD MEETING. THE PUBLIC IS INVIT-.Q TO ATTEND TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS/CONCERNS. THE PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD AT THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLEX, SCHOOL BOARD MEETING ROOM, 318 North Clark Street. A copy of this policy may be obtained from thq Superintendent's Office. , Oscar M. Howard J'i Superintendent of'Sols. 10/05, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26 NOTICE Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 2.13 of the City Charter of the City of Perry, Florida, that Ordinance No. 809 was ADOPTED by the City Council on.SEPTEMBER 27, 2005. Ordinance No. 809 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PERRY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF PERRY TO CHANGE SHOPPING CENTER USES; ELIMINATE RESTRICTION ON BACKING INTO PUBLIC STREETS; PROVIDING FOR, UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS, ONE CONVENTIONAL SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING UNIT IN THE INDUSTRIAL (I) AND INDUSTRIAL, LIGHT'. AND WAREHOUSING (ILW) ZONING DISTRICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. -William E.,Brynes City Manager Emily Weed Ketring Mayor 10/5 ADVERTISEMENT OF $AE NOTICE IS HEREBy: GIVEN that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described' below to enforce a lien Imposed on said property under The Florida Self Storage Facility Act Statutes (section 83.801-83.809). The undersigned'will sell at public sale by competitive bidding' on the 21st day of October 2005, at 5:00 p.m., on the premises where said property has been stored and which are located at. Lock & Key Mini Storage, 1309 S. Jefferson Street, Perry, Floridd, County..bf Taylor, State of Florida, -ri- rollo irng Jose Ccior. ur,, FBi n._.u:e-r..Ila goods Tamiko Harris, Unit E8, household goods Timothy Williams, Unit C17, household'. goods Desiree Jordan, Unit C11, household goods Victoria Williams, Unit B17, household 'goods Billy Williamson, Unit B2,.household goods Alexis Thomas, Unit A15, household goods Purchases must be paid for at the time of purchase In cash or credit/debit card only! All purchased units sold as is where are and items must be removed and 'unit cleaned at the time of sale. Sale subject to cancellation in the event of settlement 'between -owner and obligated party. Dated this 5th day. f October, 2005. 10/5, 10/14, 10/19 - IN THE 3RD CIRCUIT COURT IN -AND FOR TAYLOR COUNTY FLORIDA SCo.:e r,.-, rO.- i.' CA : "' "0' : .: VANDERBILT MORTGAGE & FINANCE, INC. Plaintiff, vs. JOHN L. PREVATT, and UNKNOWN SPOUSE of John L. Prevdtt, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HErPE1I GIVEN that on ; .,:.:..ner 20 i200,1~t 11:00 a.m. at the rc.nt aroil .of i e Taylor County Courthouse, Florld, the undersigned Clerk will offer for. sale the following de:Clibed real pr.:.rerl. E 'HIBli , Commence at the Southeast Corner of the' Northeast One-Quarter (NE'.1/4),of Section 31, Township 5 South, Range 8 East, Taylor County, Florida, thence run S 89 deg. 32'55" West along the forty acre line, 420.00 feet for the Point of Beginning, thence continue South 89 Statement of O'Wnership, Management, and Circulation 1.Publicaton Tlloe Z Pbliatons L j Nmf 3. R ito ~TC~~S- bi7//17~ to- '.i o--o5- Nurnbr ofIssus Pubishe Ano all .Anruel ftpob 00P6.o Wee k I 7. Co pleto Malla ddrec di Kron Of of Publcation (Notprinf.J *7 OooL o or,,, cau Nl02. sa. dZP#4) Coni1Person DoiA L, ooI IZ3 !5. Jef-ers.,~:~.~ r8) lrq L ;r.6) i-;s~-~~ 8. Cornplete Ma0009Mddo.2ofdHodqouao00or Ger.Oali B ll0,0o 0f i 0 2 io 32.134 A~f, 5 4/2ove 9. FulNo,,,.. ood ConW pift Add- oof Pulse. EW .2 ,1 2Mogk0Edi M tor 03 -11...s U Publisher (Atarneand conP44e-sw -win DTo, PnO. -8,)c F??2A!rr-, PT 3Zd31Y (S4Lme aCt 4b0e) Su-anEi Inconi P.O. 3oX.V8 Pei-cy lL ?Z3L/ to. 6-. Enct I.- bl.* ff==bI Ile OM.W -N.. 9A. llte* Wdby m 0sfd 2),4A01,0o,,.0. 0220 p~cbE.22. iopolhabyeod2', ,OyrotlOO22oana ,2onoit,,odd0s)ar F08902.Pa 1)j /ewpexperi J"C. UY114MU oq~~m ,7n 3 Dor4 5usai I'oln i~O. B8 oPer11oPL CZ3' j d.E. "-ihFf P,0. 3oX ZZ" aa-k%=aJ byL .1 7wP ,FUN.-PrC Vwipre-5,Si a, PD, lebo)C Z~ddnePa~orPoi4C7q;JZ zvWO D',,, IS (k 09r 0km ,nt o,1 P 01).c S ery. 023 E 'PO. BOY. it nO d,5qo F Do),nFL V ~.o.,.. ,~, ,, I A.5..g. &o. C054 008T,00. No$I. C Il, oFSLoo3. 08, Pk 024 -0202000 RwPt, LA, ( W7o0 idM Knqo.OenoM.Cooy ro. oM SOther kon t 510.0 o n 3 I: P ercent or i M" 91 1 I II 7 ROla 6.pootr Itno ne.chi* Pubite" Naret t MWOa b: Paa anw o (1) ( 4593 a o a01nd OaNornVSPS WDs 00Z8 (4) OlorQCum Maled mooPt USPS o 0.sTriurdo n Zloo ooO n o M0ptb,2) W00OO005 tf. IL4-5Q LVoZ wmpnw .Yn. md 250(3 o O nar Clamew 3L dTroghf UP .-y#)0nd10 0- Free 4laribution Outside ft Me S I' PnsOo001P toR loO .\ 7 2.35o T10ota re blnd ui5 5 ron ( Mo f E W1 56)0.)' h. C.Plea not Disbttueed Z. S, 0 3q 7. S" 00.oofoh- ODIN , I 0.0*p 202 a1kitnn,,o22o ft term Ison 2.ho 0a0nd .I OW a01@0. om who I0,8.21. uri0g11. ,h or0104 itn.t2 "-W ft ft-0011.., nW by 0.0 cM" -*1 -.005502 firm an d 11. ,0 np..0nq nd0 .0,20.0.1 a.or deg. 32'55" West, 577.86 feet; thence run North 07 deg. 48'27" East, 226.78 feet; thence run North 89 deg. 32'55" East, parallel with said forty acre line, 554.36 feet; thence run South 01 deg. 51'50" West, 224.61 feet back to the Point of Beginning. ALSO TOGETHER WITH A 20 FOOT EASEMENT for ingress and egress, the centerline being described as follows: Commencing at the SE Corner of the NE 1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 31, Township 5 South, Range 8 East and run North 89 deg. 55'34" West, along the forty acre. line, 210.00 feet, thence Tun North 01 deg. 51'50" East, 13.00 feet; thence run South 85 deg. 14'23" West, 415.86 feet; thence run North 77 deg. 02'15" West, 173.77 feet; thence run North 89 deg. 04'27" West, 521.82 feet to the East.right of way.line of SR #.361 and the point of beginning of the centerline of a 20 foot wide road easement, said easement being 10.00 feet each side of the following described centerline: From said point of beginning run South 89 deg. 04'27" East, 521.82 feet; thence run South 77 deg. 02'15" East, 173.77 feet; thence run North 85 deg. 14'23" East, 194.49 feet; thence run South 01 deg. 51'50" West, 1099.18 feet to the terminus of said easement. Included Is a 1998 Skyline Mobile/Manufactured Home, Serial # 8D610156K. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered In Civil No. 05- 188-CA now pending In the Circuit Court of the 3rd Judicial Circuit in and for Taylor County, Florida. Dated this 13 day of September, 2005. Marti LoValle, D.C. Clerk of the Court Taylor County, Florida ...CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true copy of the foregoing has been served by U.S. Mail on this 13 day of September, 2005 to: LESLIE S. WHITE, Post Office Box 3146, Orlando, FL 32802-3146, Attorney for Plaintiff: JOHN L. PREVATT, and UNKNOWN SPOUSE of John L. Prevatt, last known address, 4881 Timothy Street, Middleburg, FL 32068 Marti LaValle Court Clerk 9/28, 10/05 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JOAN S. PETERSON the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description, of the property, and the names in Which it was assessed are .follows:- Certificate No. 1039" Year of Issuance: 2003, Description' of Property: PARCEL No. R08314-200 Commence at the Northwest (NW) corner of the Southeast -one-quarter (SE1/4) of-the Northwest one-quarter (NW1/4) of Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 8 East. Thence run East 205.0 feet to an iron pipe at the intersection of the Eastright-of-way line of State Road #55, also known as U.S. No. 19; thence run, South 25- degrees 30' East 949.0 feet along said right-of-way line to an 'iron pipe for the POINT OF> BEGINNING; thence from said POB runthence North 84 degrees 52' East 424.43'feet; thence run South 0 degrees 13' West 19.97 feet; thence run southwesterly 413.23 feet to a point on the East, right-of-way line of U.S. No. 19; -rier: e ur, rlonr, '. .-J green 38' East along said East right-of-way line 27.0 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Name in which assessed JAMES F. and- GLORIA C. GARDNER Said property being In the County of STaylor, State of Florida. Unless .such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described Is such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the courthouse door on the 24th day of October, 2005 at 11:00 o'clock a.m. Dated this 19th day of September, 2005. Annie MOe Murphy Clerk of Circuit Court Tdylor, County, Florida 9/21,9/28, 10/05, 10/12 Subscribe today! 584-5513 NOTICE (PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 125.66) Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Taylor County, Florida will hold a public hearing on the passage of the proposed Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 98-12, the public hearing shall be held at the Board of County Commission Meeting Room, Taylor County Courthouse Annex, Old Post Office Building in Perry, Florida, at the regular board meeting on Tuesday, October 18, 2005, at 6:25 p.m. The title of the proposed ordinance is: AN ORDINANCE WHICH AMENDS ORDINANCE NO. 98-12 (SECTION 70-1) OF THE TAYLOR COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES TOURIST DEVELOPMENT (LODGINGS TAX) TO SET AN ADDITIONAL 1 PERCENT TAX OF EACH DOLLAR ABOVE THE TWO (2) PERCENT DEVELOPMENT TAX THROUGHOUT TAYLOR COUNTY PURSUANT TO THE "LOCAL OPTION TOURIST DEVELOPMENT ACT" SECTION 125.0104 FLORIDA STATUTES, REVENUES RAISED BY THIS ADDITIONAL TAX SHALL NOT BE USED FOR DEBT SERVICE ON OR REFINANCING OF EXISTING FACILITIES UNLESS APPROVED BY A RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY AN EXTRAORDINARY MAJORITY OF THE .TOTAL BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF ORDINANCE PROVISIONS AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The proposed ordinance may be Inspected be the public at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's Office at the Taylor County Courthouse, Perry, Taylor County, Florida. All members of the public are welcome' to attend. Notice is further hereby given, pursuant to Florida Statute 286.0105, that any person or persons deciding to appeal any matter considered at this public hearing will need a record of the hearing and may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. DATED this 3rd 'day of October, 2005, by ANNIE MAE MURPHY, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Taylor County, Florida.. 10/5 Don't miss a single event of the 50th Florida Forest Festival Check out the Taco Times & Perry News.Herald for up-to-date coverage. Ocober 22, 2005 Little King & Queen Kids' Parade Carnival Fireworks Mr. and Mrs. Tourist Bed Race Gaslight Antique Car Parade Cub Scout Pancake Breakfast: Arts and Crafts Show King Tree Parade World's Largest Free Fish Fry Lumber Jack Show & MUCH MORE! Times #.Perry r News-Herald $35 (in county) or $49 (out of county) P.O. Box 888, Perry, FL 32348 NAME I ADDRESS I I -I I ' CITY STATE ZIP / i_---_n-r----w- ------ r NEW EMAIL AbuKlSSES newsdesk@perrynewspapers.com ads@perrynewspapers.com I* IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION Case No. 05-657-CP In Re: The Estate of: JACQUELINE J. SHELL, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of" JACQUELINE J. SHELL, deceased, whose date of death was September 2. 2005; File Number 05-657-CP is pending In the Circuit Court for Taylor County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is Post Office Box 620, Perry, Florida 32348. The names and' addresses of the co- personal representatives and the co- personal representatives attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other. persons having claims or demands against decedentis estate, on whom a copy of this notice has been served, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE TIME OF SERVICE OF.A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedentis estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE.. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice Is: SEPTEMBER 28, 2005. " SMITH, SMITH & MOORE ATTORNEYS AT LAW, P.A. ,- MICHAEL S. SMITH : - Attorney for Personal "eoree,-iei1,. Florida Bar No. 169621 P.O. Drawer'579 2 Perry, Florida 32348 ', Telephone: (850) 58J -3812 Fax: (850) 584-7148 I. KENNETH LEE Personal epieienratoi. P.O. Box "3b3 Perry, FL 32348 9/28, 10/5 E-4 The Taco Times October 5, 2005 r. Thank You All of us at Buckeye are thankful for the many citizens who participated last Thursday night in the town hall meeting sponsored by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Some 200 plant neighbors and employees told the FDEP: complete work on the draft wastewater permit so Buckeye can move forward and continue to improve the Fenholloway River and Gulf waters near the river. This direct, positive message from citizens to the FDEP -- and to Buckeye was stated numerous ways. All of them were clear and compelling. During the meeting, several positive comments were made by members of the public about Buckeye and Buckeye employees. While it is hard to say if heartfelt testimonials impact the decisions of government agencies, we can tell you the kind words that were said deeply impacted those ofus who work for the company. Thank you for your support. John Crowe President & Chief Operating Officer Howard Drew Site Manager Terrence Reed Plant Manager EYv ii.. NM |