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Ti Se m 7Midweek Ta y Since 1 961o Times September 7, 2005 Tree Capital.of the South 2 Sections Our 44th Year, No. 36 News Forum Legislators here Thursday Rep. Will S. -Kendrick (D) of. Carabelle, chairman of the Taylor County legislative delegation, reminds residents'that the delegation's annual Taylor County public hearing will be held Thursday, Sept. 8, at 3 p.m. The hearing will be in the Taylor County Commissioners' meeting room at the Administrative Complex, located at 201 East Green Street. According to the Rep. Kendrick, he and Senator Nancy Argenziano (R) of Crystal River, who make up the delegation, are looking forward to meeting with citizens and elected officials "in a town hall meeting to discuss issues of interest to both elected officials and the general public. Collection continues The collection drive continues to Help those impacted by Hurricane Katnna. SThe staff at Burns Funeral Home and Buckeye Community Federal Credit Union urge you to join them in demonstrating ."our .love; for our neighbors." Items may be dropped off at Burns Funeral Home, located on Johnson- Stnpling Road, or at the credit union. Blood drive to be held Sept. 10 In honor of 9/11, Burns Funeral Home is sponsoring a Community Blood Drive Saturday, Sept. 10, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at City Park. All donors will receive a hardbound copy of the book "Amerca's Heroes" For more information, contact Chris Starling at 584-4149. SAC meets TCHS The Taylor County High School Advisory Council (SAC) will meet Thursday, Sept. 8, at 3:15 p.m. The meeting will be held in the school's conference room. Parents invited There will be a meeting Monday, Sept. Sept. 12, from 5:30-6:30 p.m., in Sthe Taylor County School Board room for parents whose children are will be participating in the Supplemental Educational Services (SES) after- school program. For more information, contact Director of Instruction Wanda Kemp at - 838-2546. Blood drive planned Sept. 14 First United Methodist Church will hold a blood drive Wednesday, Sept. 14, from 2-7 p.m. To register, please contact Billie Wallis at 584-3206. The Southeastern Community Blood Center bloodmobile will be stationed at the church for the drive. difficulties Due to technical difficulties. stemming from Hurricane Katrina, Perry Newspapers, Inc., is unable to send or receive e-mail. Reports, press releases and requests should be directed to our downtown offices at 584-5513. information may also be faxed to 838- S1566. Index SLiving...page A-3 Sport...page A-4 ' Religioi...page A-5 : Community...page B-1 Editorial...page B-2 Cla5ssifieds...page B-4 The Florida Highway Patrol is investigating a one-vehicle crash which occurred Sunday Golf Course Road. Tasha Dione Driver, 26, was ejected from the vehicle and was pronounced de at Doctors' Memorial Hos'pital Placed on 'probation' Whalen cleared of ch large, vv~~~~~~f` ''hc ud uu uiiLO A former ESE teacher in the Taylor County School District who taught mentally challenged students has once again found herself on the winning end of a lawsuit brought against her by the Florida Education Practices Commission after she was charged '\ith "chaining a student to his chair" and "ramming another student's chair with her wheelchair." In a statement released'Tuesday, Dr. Natalie Whalen's attorney, Mar. F. Aspros said: "Perry educator, Dr. Natalie Whalen is finally exonerated. For almost four years, Dr. Whalen, former teacher's union president, has been defending herself against more than 15 serious charges of inappropriate conduct in the classroom, some dating back to as early as 1997. "The allegations were so serious that the Florida Department of Education was, at one' point, seeking to permanently revoke her teaching certificate. "On Aug. 25, however, the Education Practices Commission finally jruied and almost, completee, exonerated Dr. Whalen. The commission adopted the Sadministratih. law judge's recommended order which found that Dr. Whalen onlh isolated the principles of professional conduct, .concerning one minor instance. i when she admittedly drove, her .wheelchair into the back ,of a student's chair to reposition it. "For this -. conduct; the commission issued Dr. Whalen a letter of reprimand and placed her teaching certificate on:one-year of probation. "At' the Aug. 25 meeting. representatives from the SDepartment of Education attempted. unsuccessfully, to 'persuade the commission to increase the penalty to a 15-month suspension, of her teacher's certificate. "Dr. Whalen is relieved that this entire ordeal is finally over and she can go on with her life. "This decision comes on th heels of her win against the Tayli County ,School District. Th district attempted to terminate D Whalen for some of .the sam alleged conduct. "Ho,-weer, administrative la judge. Harry Hooper., dismiss that case outright and.ordered hi immediate reinstatement. To avoid extensive delays caused by th potential appeal of that decision b the Taylor County School Boar Dr. Whalen agreed to simple accept a.monetary settlement an submitted her letter of resignation "She is so happy to b exonerated and now just wants put this whole matter behind her Aspros added. Superintendent of Schools Osc Howard Jr. said Tuesda\. "Th .situation was unfortunate, but conclusion has been reached ar we're moving on to better thing things that .we do--educa , children." I. Please: see page 2 Mother of three killed in rollover A young mother of three was killed in a one-vehicle crash on Golf Course Road Sunday, Sept. 4. Tasha Dione Driver, 26, was pronounced dead at Doctors' Memorial Hospital; a second victim, Frederick A. Stringfellow, 33, was transported to Shands Hospital in Gainesville for treatment. Both Driver and Stringfellow were ejected from a 1991 Chevrolet Traiblazer involved in the roll-over crash, which occurred around 11:30 a.m. Sunday. In a statement released by. the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), crash investigator Troop Jon Leohner related that the vehicle was southbound on Golf Course Road when it drifted to the. right, off the roadway. The driver over-corrected and lost control of the vehicle, which then rolled over onto its left side first, then went airborne to .the grass shoulder where it landed:: on its right side. "Although the names of the occupants are known, which of the two was: driving is not known and is still under investigation," Leohner said. Charges are pending. Funeral services for Driver will be held Thursday at Beggs Funeral'": Home. Survivors include her three children: Judas Suade Perez, Ariel:: Brooke Perez and Meagan Alexandra Stringfellow. (See obit on page A-6.): TCHS teen 'critical': after Sunday crash on A Taylor County High School senior is in a Tallahassee Hospital fighting sad for his life after being critically injured in a one-vehicle crash in Jefferson County Sunday morning, according to a Florida Highway Patrol report. Thomas Matthew Hooper, 17, was driving south on County Road 259 about 6 a.m., when he reached a sharp curve. Hooper was unable to make the curve because of the car's speed, FHP:" Corp. John L. Haire said. ' - The car then traveled off the road onto the east shoulder and hit a large:: 1 pine tree. FHP said the crash was alcohol-related and that Hooper was hot wearing a seatbelt at the time of the incident. he- Hooper was taken to Tallahassee Memorial Hospital by Jefferson r. County Emergency Medical Services, where he was listed in critical he condition in the fourth-floor Neuro-Intensive Care 'Unit, as of presstime ?r. Tuesday. ne -The 1993 Acura which Hooper was driving was considered a total loss, with dam.iage e'.imaied at $8,000. 10 evacuees still remain in Taylor Wd, - io td er id he y d, ly nd n. be to * t ar e ,a id ;s, te 'According to Interim Emergency Management Director Brianne Hoover, there are 10 evacuees who fled Hurricane Katrina' still in Perry. Four families remain in town staying in area hotels. Late last week there were more than 40 people in Perry, a number of whom have started to work their way back west. The Red Cross and emergency management officials in Tallahassee are trying to transition evacuees there fr6m shelters to hotels, Hoover said. Tallahassee emergency Management, has secured grants which give up to $1,800 to each family for living expenses, she.- said. There are no.plans to open a shelter locally, she added. With help from GT Com GUlfnet 'back on-line' Two local. Internet service providers found common ground last week when GT Comn helped fellow provider Gulfnet. affected by Hurricane Katrina, reconnect its customers to the Internet. Gulfnet Internet subscribers lost access to the Internet last week following Katrina's devastating landfall in Louisiana and Mississippi and the resulting floods in New Orleans, La. The problem, according to Mike McKinney with Gulfnet. is that his company uses Sprint telephone lines to connect to the Internet and its connection is routed through 'New Orleans, where the Sprint, facility is currently in 12 feet of. water. "We had thought that' Sprint would be back up in a few days." McKinney said. Instead, automated .messages told him Monday that there was ,no' estimated time for reconnection. "It said theZ haven't e\en been able to get into the facility yet." McKinney said Sprint has some 650 DS3 lines (direct communication lines) routed through New .Orleans. He estimated Gulfnet's bandwidth uses approximately 1/100th ,of one of these lines. Mid-week last week he was contacted by Donald Bowden with GT Com with an offer to help, McKinney said. Over the next several days, Bowden and Ken Parker in Perry, along with o.ther. GT 'Corn employees from as far away as Kansas and Texas, held conference calls to help Gulfnet hook into GT Come's service. -Please- see page 2 Help wanted: city manager The Perry City Council put the finishing touches onl, its advertisement .for a new city manager during a special meeting Thursday. The advertisement will be published in larger :area newspapers and government trade magazines/newsletters. "Ih.,ope we are well down this process ,by the third week of September," Councilman Don Cook said. The council set the salary for the position at $61,940 or "commensurate with experience." The figure represents a $10,000 cut from the current salary .drawn by City Manager Bill Brynes, who announced his retirement last .month.- The add approved by the council reads, in part: "Chartered city manager/clerk form of government with five- member city council. Designated forest.capital of'the south and gateway to the Gulf of Mexico. 50 miles southeast from Tallahassee, the, capital of the State of Florida. Preferred dynamic, articulate, experienced administrator; excellent inter- personal and communication skills, team player; self-motivated and ability to nanagenmultiple projects. Ideal candidate is appreciable mixture of formal education and municipal experience with specific skills in budget/finance -preparation, rural development, personnel administration and project management. Manage daily operations, liaison between city council, department, heads, state and federal agencies, city and county boards and commission." Salute! The Veterans Memorial Park, located on North Jefferson Street, continues to take shape every week. Above, volunteers help place the last of the three flag poles at the site. The plumbing and irrigation systems are almost completed and work was set to continue on the electrical wiring this week. The park is scheduled to open Nov. 11, in honor of Veterans Day. -- A-2 The Taco Times September 7, 2005 At long last... Workers mobilize to begin sports complex Workers mobilized Tuesday morning at the future site of the Taylor County Sports Complex, marking the beginning of construction at the long-awaited facility. Slone Associates, a contractor from Valdosta, Ga., is in charge of the construction. Slone was selected as contractor for the project by the county commission in June with a $1,367,488 bid for Phase 1 of the project. According to a draft of the bid documents, Phase 1 construction 4 4 ..- -, ,- -; , A bulldozer moved dirt as construction begins on the Taylor County Sports Complex. Phase I of the project, which has been in the works for several years, will include soccer fields, parking and picnic pavilions. A state grant awarded earlier this year to the county will fund tennis courts, basketball courts and a playground at the complex. At the Booking Desk was to include: construction of U.S. 19 turn lanes, paved parking and roadways, soccer fields, storm water management facilities, picnic pavilions, irrigation and site lighting. The irrigation and lighting will be installed by MUSCO Lighting and Russell Daniels Irrigation, respectively, and the cost was not included in Slone's bid. Phase 1 was also to include, according to the draft, a maintenance building, a concessions/restroom building and an administrative building (which is already on-site). - During negotiations with Slone to reduce the cost of the project, the restrooms at the soccer fields were removed from Phase 1, according to County Administrator Buddy Humphries. A recently awarded $200,000 Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) grant includes funding for, tennis courts, basketball courts, a picnic pavilion, a playground and parking areas, as well as restrooms, which will be built some 100 yards away from the fields, Humphries said. The lighting will be purchased from MUSCO on a three-year lease-to-own plan for an estimated $70,000 a year. Commissioner Malcolm Page pledged the remainder of his district paving funds, some $130,000, for paving at the complex. In the 2005-06 budget, $200,000 was included for Phase II construction on the complex.I At a special meeting, in early August, the commission decided to use $200,000 budgeted for Phase II in the 2005-06 budget to raise the money needed to ,begin Phase I construction. This will leave no money in the next year's budget for Phase II of the complex. City salutes Burns for hurricane help The City of Perry singled out the efforts of one local business for its humanitarian efforts in the wake ofHurricane Katrina. .During a special meeting held Thursday, Mayor Emily Ketring presented a certificate of special recognition to Burns Funeral Home. The certificate said: "Whereas, Burns Funeral Home has contributed much leadership, personal and civic service to our community for many years; and "Whereas, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, which caused catastrophic destruction and devastation and .loss of life and property in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, and other areas, Burns Funeral Home has been instrumental in being the outpost for collection and delivery of donations to those in need in thQse devastated areas; and "Whereas, we gratefully acknowledge the influence of good being accomplished in this humanitarian effort; and "Whereas, Burns Funeral Home has earned and justly deserves this public recognition of dedication and service to those in need." * Editor's note: It is the policy of this newspaper to run the names of all those arrested and booked at the. Taylor County Jail. All those listed below have been charged with a crime, but are considered innocent until proven guilty. Aug. 10: Willie Washingion Jr.. 26. East Green: Street, possession of cannabis with intent to sell, possession of amphetamines with intent to sell, possession of methamphetamine with intent to sell, possession of controlled substance with intent to sell 'GT Com really came through for us,' McKinney said ON-LINE Continued from page 1 "By Friday night at 8:30 p.m. we had reestablished Internet service," McKiriney said. He hoped to have e-mail back up, by today (Wednesday). . "GT Cor really came through for us, even though they're a competitor," McKinney said. "We appreciate it and .our customers appreciate it." "I don't have a problem helping them out," Parker said when asked about assisting a competitor. "It could have been us." "We both .use Sprint ifor connection. We happen to get routed through Orlando and they get routedthrough New Orleans. We just happened to get lucky.: was happy to help Mike out." Settlement was $45,000 cash WHALEN *Continued from page 1 Whalen was also in the spotlight last year; when she was - accused of biting one of her (mentally challenged) students on her back.. SWhen that case was heard before -the Division. of Administrative Hearings, it was recommended that Whalen be reinstated to her former position without loss of pay or benefits, saying that "Florida statutes provides that an employee may use such force as is deemed reasonable in protection from attack.". , In early August, Whalen accepted a cash settlement of $45,000, was told to tenure her resignation, with the stipulation that she would never again seek reinstatement of employment with the Taylor School District. within 1,000 feet of a church, Lee Clark, 27, 300 Antley, Dep. Davis, TCSO. Road, Alpharezta, Ga., aggravated Aug. 11: fleeing and attempting to elude, Billy John Johnson, 19, Hwy. battery on law enforcement officer, 98 West, reckless' driving, Trp: resisting with violence, escape, .Smyrnios, FHP. reckless driving with property Randall Jay Thomas, 19, damage, assault, driving while Johnson Stripling Road, VOP license suspended (knowingly), (warrant for petit theft), Dep. DUI (refusal to submit to, breath -Tuckcr: T-CSO." ""..Sr McKetC -fC'SO ' Morgan 'Paulk, 40, Fishcreek Anthony Thurman Corbin, 20, Road, Salem, theft, Dep. HC 61 Box 58, Steinhatchee, Thompson, TCSO. capias for resisting officer without Ben Adams, 35, County Road violence, Dep. Lundy, TCSO. 500, Brandford, passing worthless Alice Cruce, 43, Millinor Road, bank checks, Ptl. Deeson, PPD. domestic violence, Dep: Davis, Wilprt Clarpnence Sears, 25 TCSO. Orange Street, Madison, FTA for DWLS/R, Sgt. Murphy, TCSO. Aug. 12: Sherry Lin Russell, 34, Ben Eakins Road, Greenville, VOP for DUI, Ptl. Deeson, PPD, Charles Raymond Williams, 21, Dorman Peacock Road, capias for criminal mischief, VOP (warrant for burglary of a dwelling, grand theft III), Dep. Lundy, TCSO. Aug. 13: Aug. 14: Jimmy Lorenzo Welch, 35, Joann Street, Jefferson Couhty VOP (possession of cocaine), resisting without violence, Dep. Davis, TCSO. Aug. .15.: S.Sherrilyn Loraine Thomas, 43, 605 Schwartz Street, warrant for battery with a deadly weapon, Dep. Thompson, TCSO. 3 for $29995 Get my 8 lb. tpght, Compact Canister and Car Vac all for only $2990! The Famous 8 Ib. ORECK Upright S Car Vac w ijghl FREE' S* f L., Aw- -jr hi PPgsinrtor ttIAesoy Ojt , S. '-5 lb. COMPACT m ^Lg'i.rg$ To lCANISTER p. 8.. I x . ,-- 3i~ ng Erno tih P-K UP A b 6 D B ,ir.Lig m , 9 89 Atlachments ~ AUTHORIZED C DEALER 584-6021 803 W. Main St. Perry, Fl. 32347 Store Hours: 8 AM- 6 PM Mon. Sat. southhouse@perry.gulfnet.com I - Troy Dwane Rogers, 20, P. O. Box 1688, Cross City, possession of contraband in prison, Sgt. Cruse, PPD. SRick Ross, 40, 328 E. Park Street, VOP (failure to register as sex offender),. Off. Livingston, DOC. Aug. 16: S Jaiies B; nell Ro\ll. 43, 306 Folsom Streei, \OP tor petit. theft, Sgt. Murphy, TCSO. Burney Charvoski,' 22, 110 Dunwood Street, possession of cocaine, with intent to sell, possession' of more than 20 grams cannabis with intent to sell, Dep. Gilbreath, TCSO. Taurean Lavon Nobles, 19, DOC--Union County Correctional Institute, warrant for battery by detainee, Dep. Woods, TCSO. Timothy Vernon Thompson, 2, 1403 Martin Luther KingAvenue, aggravated battery (domestic), Ptl. Deeson, PPD. Aug. 17: John Ardis Simmons, 40 Pine Oak Road, Tallahassee, VOP for felony DWLS, Dep. Nowlin, TCSO., ATTENTION S.-.During the;month of August we were , closed on Tuesday... Starting in September we will be open Tuesday thru Saturday Come try our delicious GROUPER FLOUNDER - -l -b - Julia's Place ,,sd presents their 1st Annual Karaoke A -Contest continuing Sept. 10 Finals will be held Sept. 8:00 nightly' j19I -Toes ed.5. >: - > )i $500 in prize money to be given away Sept. 17 $301 1st piai $125 2nd pla $75 3rd pla U Ic C ice 3 winners chosen each night to compete in championship round Stop by Julia's Place, 215 W. Hampton Springs Ave., for rules or more information '(Must be 21 years of age to enter) No phone calls please m a ,- m - e ;e p- p mp i -. 4 ~ W>-4t L- ft Looking for a loved one? Living g Emily Peele Cannon, Alan Edward French Alan Edward French New arrivals Falisaty Nicole Memorial Hospital, and weighed 4 Jacksol pounds; -12.7 ounces. The new, r Jdrrelus 'and Jason arrival was 19 inches long. Amber Jerrels and Jason Maternal grandparents are Cindy Jackson of Perry announce the Cutter and Marty Jerrells. birth of their daughter. Falisaty The maternal great grandparents, Nicole, on July 31, 2005, at 2:53 are Bett and Jack Moais of p.m. Wakulla.' ,She x as born a Tallahassee Bridal rn 4 7 Registry Seri Rachelle Bundrick Robert Christopher Ponder September 17, 2005 Luanne Collins acob Faulkner.- ,. October 1, 2005 Hope K. Harvey , Arthur W. Watkins III October 15,'2005. AliGunter Falisaty Nicole Jackson James Prker- October31, 2005 . Karlee Angelina ShannaSadler Ratliff Brian Jones S, November 12,2005 anda .. Keaton Thomas ' Ratliff Todd and Nicole ( Neeley) Railiff Bab of Perry announce the birtih of f Registry' ." their twins: a daughter. Karlee ) : Anrgelina, and a son. Keaton Rachael Guy Thomas. Rachael Guy S. Kelly Moore They % ere born Aug. 26, 2005,: Girl due September 2005 in Tallahassee. Karlee weighed 6 pounds,' 7 ounces. and Keaton Mary Ann & weighed 5 pounds, 15 ounces. Chris Folsom ' Grandparents of, the new arrival Gir' due October 2005 are Way-ne and Barbara Ratliff. and M. .e .. F h Tommy and Earline Neelev. Great T Edwards grandmothers are Agnes Blanton Girl due January 2006 and Evelyn Neeley. The twins were welcomed hom0 si s 'by their sister Abigail. ho is 6. and Todd Jr.. who is 10.' ' SIt's a Girl It's a Boy, tt's Twins! Abigail (6 years old) and Todd Jr. (10 years old) -welcome home their new little sister. " Karlee Angelina (6 Ibs., 7oz.) and their new little brother Keaton Thomas (5 lbs., 15 oz.) who arrived August 26, 2005, in Tallahassee Proud parents are Todd and Nicole (Neeley) Ratliff. Grandparents are Wayne and Barbara Ratliff, Tommny and Earline Neeley. .Great grandmothers S are Agnes Blanton and Evelyn Neeley. A-3 The Taco Times September 7, 2005 sr~..n-rr ~- r. ur~ar~e~ LI~~PLL Apalachee secures 3-yr. accreditation Apalachee Center, Inc., a private, not-for-profit, behavioral healthcare organization, was awarded three-year accreditation by the Joint, Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) in July., Apalachee has maintained continuous full accreditation by JCAHO since 1981. Planning a party, reunion or reception? \ Perry Elks Lodge Is the perfect location! We have meeting space for up to 300 people, with. catering services available. 850-584-2541 For those wishing to reach loved one in areas affected by Hurricane Katrina, several hotlines have been established to help. For Alabama: (205) 280-2247 Public Info Office; (205) 280-2200 Main; (205) 280-2495 Fax http://ema.alabama.gov For Mississippi: (601) 352-9100 Public Info Line; (601) 352-8314 Fax http://www.msema.org For Louisiana: (225) 925-7525 Public Info Office/Emergency Line. (225) 925-7500 (225) 925-7591 Fax (800) 469-4828 State Road Info http://www.ohscp.louisiana.gov Silver Moon Boutiue Perry's Newest Shopping Experience ' Beautiful embroidered slkirt sets...classy enough for church yet comfortable enough for everyday wear 4^ Ever expanding teen/junior line SPlus size line coming soon - Come visit us in the Winn Dixie Shopping Center 584-5886 Open Mon.-Sat. * Suite 10 w w-UAW- w w w W- %w w w BUCKEYE COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION In conjunction with the local car dealers SBCFCU is conducting their Fall Car Sale during the month of September Get these Low Rates With our Personal Loan Program N Ca r Call our loan officers concerning our Personal Loan Program Your savings Insured to $100,000 S NCUAp 223-7100 1825 S. Jefferson St. Perry, FL 32348 National Credit Union Administration Perry, FL 32348 a U.S. GovernmentAgency Cannon, French will say vows in Canada Mrs. Joseph Whitley Cannon of Perry-announces the engagement and approaching marriage of her daughter, Emily Peete, of Ft. Worth, Texas, to Alan Edward French of Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada. The bride-to-be is the daughter of the late Joseph W. Cannon. She graduated from Taylor County High School and Florida State University. Miss Cannon is a contract instructor for UNIX operating system. The prospective groom is the son of Mrs. Wilfred A. French and the late Mr. French of Ketchener, Ontario. A graduate of the University of Waterloo in Ontario, he purchases tea for Mother Packers Tea & Coffee, Inc. The couple will be united in marriage on Oct. 22, 2005, in Toronto, Canada. Reunion Deal The Deal Family Reunion will be held at Forest Capital Park on Sunday, Sept. 11. Friends and family members are encouraged to,bring a covered dish to share. Drinks and utensils will'be provided. 0^^N~k^9^9 0 m &^A^ikRRS*3^^^ s A CUT ABOVE ~ Belinda Cruce A Family Salon ~ Stop by for all your hair care needs, Special styling occasions, ear piercing & facial waxing. SPA ESCAPE Rita Thomas Relax, unwind...treat yourself or a loved one to a one-hour facial or body wrap...discover "your" fountain of youth! g COVER YOUR HEAD 9 V Sun hats, sunglass for fishing, gardening, etc.-~ 100% UV protection HEALING TOUCH MASSAGE THERAPY aL Darfin Ward,LMT MA-0026811 Whether you're tied up in knots or just need 1 .iIIii u some relaxation, try a one-hour massage. These fine businesses are YOUR PERSONAL CARE HEADQUARTERS and are located at 628 S. Jefferson St., Perry, Fl. I Walk-ins welcome...appointments not always necessary 850-223-3706 I orts A-4 The Taco Times September 7, 2005 Turnovers costly in Bulldogs' lackluster 19-0 loss to Chiles BY AARON PORTWOOD A lackluster defensive effort and four turnovers on offense sent the Taylor County Bulldogs to their first loss of the 2005 season, Friday night in Tallahassee, as SChiles High improved to 2-0 with "a 19-0 win. In a defensive battle that featured ,..numerous penalties on both teams, Taylor County's offense never seemed to get on track and the Bulldog defense gave up a,pair -.of touchdowns on short drives after fumbles by the offense and special teams. The Bulldogs showed little resemblance to the hard-hitting squad that defeated Chipley, 24-21 in the season-opener and the passing attack:fizzled after putting up impressive numbers (8 of 19, 181 yards, 1TD) in the first game of the year. Taylor County did manage to get its rushing attack on track after managing just 55 yards on the ground in the opener, as fullback Delvan Whetsel emerged as the 'Bulldogs' leading ball carrier, rushing 18 times for 85 yards. '.* However, Whetsel fumbled once ,to set up Chiles' second touchdown and QB Genario -McNealy (14 carries, 31 yards) fumbled four times and lost one, while completing just 2 of 8 passes for 47 yards and one interception. Fullback Shawn Padgett carried 5 times for 24'yards, while wingback Bryckoski Jackson finished with 18 yards oh 4 carries. Wingback Tony Powell 'had just three yards on two.carries and Gerald Walker lost four yards on his only carry. Powell's one catch went for 42 yards on the third play of the game and Sebastian Ingram (who caught four passes for 107 yards and a TD last week) had a single five-yard reception. McNealy was sacked twice and lost 20 yards on six tackles for losses as the Bulldog offense finished with 204 yards of total offense and .ere held without a single point while managing to penetrate the Chiles 30-yard line just twice-on the fist and last drives of the game. The. first driye ended 'at the Chile's 29 when McNealy fumbled on a 4th and 4 option play and the final drive ended on the Timberwolves' 29 with an incomplete pass as time expired. ' Chiles rushed 42 times for 166 yards and 3 TD's While completing 8 of 18 passes for 109 yards and one interception for a total of 275 yards. The Timberwolves fumbled five times, but lost only two and the Bulldogs were unable to capitalize. Taylor County's first offensive series' was marred by three illegal' motion penalties, as two players were. caught moving at the same, time prior to the snap. Padgett ran for five and McNealy scrambled 'for 10 yards before completing a 42-yard pass to Powell on 3rd and 5. A motion penalty put Taylor in a 1st and 15 hole and Padgett was held to no gain before Whetsel ran for five and McNealy ran an option keeper for six. However, on 4th and" 4 from the Timberwolves' 29, McNealy fumbled and recovered 'he ball oh another option play for no gain to give Chiles the ball. . Led by a huge, experienced offensive line and speedy tailback Darnell Jordan (21 carries. 114 yards, 2 TD's), Chiles picked up two first downs and moved into Taylor territory, but were hit with a penalty to force a punt midway through the first quarter. The Bulldogs began from their own 15 and Padgett busted up the 'middle for seven yards on back-to- : back fullback dives to set up a five-yard pass to Ingram for a first down. McNealy lost two ori an option keeper and Whetsel picked up 17 yards on four straight carries. An incomplete pass on 3rd and 5 forced injured kicker John Crowley to purt. SDespite a nagging injury,.; Crowley (who handled only puriting duties) averaged 31.2 yards on five punts. Chiles drove io midfield and .attempted a fake punt that was successful for a first down, but the ball carrier fumbled at the .end of. 'the play to give the. Bulldogs possessionon their own 42. Taylor w'ent backwards on their first drive of the second quarter, as SJackson lost yardage and runs by Powell and NMcNealy were wiped Speckled Trout Redfish Blues, etc. T: (850) 584-9145 S\ i200 Kate Dr. SiPat McGriff U.S.C.G. License Perry, FL 32348 The Taco Times & Perry News-Herald SPORTS PAGE makes great scrapbook memories for the athletes in your family! "O ROOFING SALE! The New Wave In Roofing. -r ~~"i~g "'" ..;~ * Can be applied over rusted metal. No need to remove old roofing * Guaranteed to never rust! * Not affected by corrosive materials such as fertilizers, farm chemicals or fumes from animal waste * Reduces noise,..Animals stay calmer * Lifetime Limited Warranty * Visit,us at www.bndura.com White Brown* SBlack Green* Tan Blue *IN STOCK COLORS Red* Gray* Cashway Building Products, Inc. 301 W. Hampton Springs Ave. Perry, Fl. 32347 (850) 584-3519 '1-800-479-0912 $12.99 per 48" x 79"sheet out by a 15-yard personal foul penalty, forcing Crowley's second punt. After both teams traded punts, Chiles started their final first-half drive from their own 33 and mounted a long time- consuming drive that ended with SJordan dancing in untouched from three yards out with under a minute left in the half. The 15-play, 67-yard drive ate Up most of the time on the clock and saw the Timberwolves overcome a fumble, three penalties' and a sack by Cole Revels and Whetsel. ' On a crucial 4th and 12 play from the Bulldogs' 17, QB Justin Wright dropped back to pass and had to scramble, breaking four tackles and scampering 15 yards'to Jhe two-yard line. The Timberwolves missed the PAT to take a 6-0 lead into halftime. Chiles' talented tailback Jordan returned the second half kickoff 29 yards to the Wolves' 43 and broke loose for a 20-yard gain on first down, however the drive ended at Taylor's 32 when Bulldog lineman Jake Wilson recovered a fumbled snap. :Taylor's offense went three and out and a big sack by Georgie Armstrong and the Bulldog defense forced Chiles to punt. The nightmarish third period Began when Whetsel fumbled and lost the ball on 1st down and .Chiles took over on the Bulldogs' 27. Five plays later, the Timberwolves scored when receiver Melvin Ray took an end around play 13 yards into the endzone with 5:15 left in the period. The two-point pass failed to leave Chiles' lead at 12-0. An onside-kick .was recovered by Armstrong. who fumbled after a 10-yard return, and Chiles started in excellent field position at the 41-yard line. Despite back-to-back penalties on the Timberwolves, Wright completed-a 33-yard pass to Daniel Bryant, but was picked * off by Bulldog defensive back Marquis Ellis at the Taylor 20- Syard line. A penalty and incomplete pass -, ., .. i -, ; 7,, i^ i 1 Taylor 44/157/0 2/8/0 47 1 204 8 28 5/31.2 0 7/3 11/-98 Yardstick Rushing Passing/TD Pass Yards Interceptions Total Offense First Downs Return Yards Punts/Avg. Field Goals Fumbles/Lost Penalties/Yds LIMITED TIME OFFER brought up 2nd and 15 when McNealy fumbled after a six-yard run to give Chiles the ball at the Bulldogs' 15-yard line. Three plays later the Timberwolves scored on Jordan's five-yard run to take a 19-0 lead with 2:08 to play in the third. Runs of nine and 20 yards by Whetsel were the only highlights of the Bulldogs next drive, as McNealy was thrown for a loss twice and Whetsel was tackled for a.loss before Crowley punted. Chiles punted and McNealy was picked -off before Chiles fumbled the ball back to the Bulldogs in a penalty-plagued final quarter of play. Defensive highlights for the Bulldogs included big tackles by Armstrong, Ellis, Shawn Padgett, Shane Bailey, Revels and Wilson on the final two Chiles drive, but the Bulldog offense never could drive into the red zone before time ran out., S7 SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS COMPLETE GAS SERVICE Only INCLUDES: Normal Installation S1 Year Free Tank Rental 12I 50 GALLONS OF GAS AmeniGas :America's Propane Company S 850-973-2218 584-8201 Appliances; Fast Installation 24 Hour Emergency Service Automatic Fuel Delivery Sales & Service i -- A .: <. ?,. :."* ..: :-:.-. . ..* * . -, '-,, -* *;. ..- *':., .4^- i' ". ."- ', : ', '" " ^-:. ." .: '' ' ' r,. $'. .4 ".1. aa: ": .~it~ :'';' a a. hands off to fullback Padgett during rr,~~i- I' Armstrong (13) drags down Chiles' quarterback as Shane Bailey (42) comes on to assist. 1 I I II i i I I e Chiles 42/166/3 TD 8/18/0 109 1 275 12 65 4/33.5 0 5/2 11/-85 A host of Bulldog defenders make a stop on a Chiles runner. a arate Celebrating S'" 30 Years! (Kids: 4:00-5:00 pm) (Teens: 5:30-6:30 pm) (Adults: 7-8 pm) (Executive 12:00-1:00 pm) TUESDAY & THURSDAY Swwwbowden.karate bowdenj@gtcom.net 124 S. Jefferson St. Jimmy Bowden, Instructor 838-3656 One Morn Cat Operating from Keaton Beach Marina No Fishing License Required For Customers ARMADILLO CONSTRUCTORS & ERECTORS INC. License #CG3031636 CCC 058209 BUILDERS ROOFERS HOME INSPECTIONS 800-719-9138 386-294-3914 D nddtBDTuKl Introductory Special ~p~ Religion A-5 The Taco Times September 7,2005 How do you help children deal with divorce? Church seeks to help children in broken families First Baptist Church will offer a support group for first through sixth graders entitled, "What Do I Do Now?' The study extends 12 weeks and is structured for parents and children, dealing with divorce. The introductory meeting will be held Wednesday, Sept. 14, at the Annex House on the corner of Main and Center streets. Please call Kid Share Coordinator Eleanor L. Grubbs at 584-6325 to register your children; leave a message with your name and phone number. Evening Precept classes start next week Have you ever pleaded, "Lord I want to know you"? A 10-week Precept study will focus on "God as He is--not as we think He is." The study suggests that the many names of God are indicators of His character and nature. "Come join us as we look at our Lord, the healer, the provider, the jealous and the all-sufficient," organizers urge. Studies will be held at two locations and times. Classes began Tuesday, Sept. 6, at 9:30 a.m. in the home of Bill and Virginia Maddox at 306 Glenridge. Night classes will begin Monday, Sept. 12, at 7:00 in the First Homecoming is Sunday at Friendship Baptist Baptist Church Annex., Homecoming is Sunday at Friendship Baptist w nofall denominations are invited to attend. For more Friendship Baptist Church will observe Homecoming on Sunday, Sept. Women of all denoorminations are invited to attend. For more 11, with Sunday School at 10 a.rn. and worship at 11. Dinner will follow information,please call Ena Reed at 584-5718 or Melody Greene at 584 the service at 12:30 p.m. Everyone is invited. 7619. The church is located at 3,500 Johnson-Stripling Road. Churches combine for Union Revival By: B.D. WILLIAMS The Union Revival of New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, Springhill Missionary Baptist Church and Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist' Church (with Pastor R. Knight, Izell Montgomery Jr. and Rev. George Williams and congregations) will be held Monday, Sept. 5, through Friday, Sept. 9, with services at 7 p.m. A city wide invitation is extended. The Annual Women's Day celebration will be held, Sunday, Sept. 11, at New Brooklyn M.B. SCard of Thanks icfeetson The family of Tillmanf Rex "Georgia Boy" Ricketson would -like to send a sincere thank you to those who visited, sent flowers, cards and offered prayers during the loss of our loved one. We would like to extend a warm thank you to Burns Funeral Home, Bro. Carpenter, First Church of SGod. Jeremy Lundy and Calvary *Bapust Church for their time. The Rev. Billy Gipson Conducted a beautiful service that has helped our, healing process '- I greatly.. We will always cherish those kind words. Finally, Big Bend Hospice was absolutely wonderful in helping us with this transition, We would gladly recommend them to an\ one. If we left someone out, please know that it was not intentional; your thoughtfulness meant the World to us. ,Ellene Ricketson Connie Gibson Rhonda Eastman S. Martiand Haleigh LaValle Rick and Diana Ricketson S and Family % ,. :- 1 Church, beginning with Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. and morning worship at 11 a.m. The Rev. Donald McBride is pastor. A city- wide invitation is extended. "Ya'll come." Annual Men's Day will be held at St. Peter's Primitive Baptist * Church, Sunday, Sept. 11, beginning with Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. and morning worship at 11 a.m. The guest speaker will be Elder David Grant of Deland. A city-wide invitation is extended. Choir rehearsal will be Saturday, Sept. 10, at 7 p.m. All chairmen and members of the various church are welcome to come. "Ya'll Come." The Holl Family and friends enjoyed the Virginia Holly's family reunion on Monday afternoon, at 'Ioughridge Park, All of Virginia's eight children were there, but two. One daughter in Atlanta, Ga. had recently had surgery and the other one just didn't come. It was an enjoyable occasion, with mother, all children, but two, her grands, great grands, sons-in-law and Sdaughters-in-law. Oh, how good and pleasant it is for family and friends to dwell together in "Love and Peace." SSunday there, was an enjoyable occasion, Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Cummings of Philadelphia, Penn., and Mrs. B.D. Williams,of Perry, all motored over to Gainesville, Saturday, to visit Mrs, Jones'.sister, Lillia McHomes and family. While there, B.D. Williams and E. B. Cummings visited with Mrs. Reletha Watson in Gainesville Health Center: Mrs. Watson was so happy to see them. Household Office Apartment Big or Small...Ii can move it all! ~At'.!~ ciOat. g Dependable Free Estimates W alsoI *Reliable Local pak & G2,Guys, Truck & Trailer Ship 584-3776 (w) Licensea 584-2270 (H) (Serving Perry & Surrounding Counlies)' _ FU Christi Coming this month... ll Service - ian Bookstore S'Christian Books Christian Music Bibles Christian Videos DaySpring Cards SLocated inside O'Quinn Pharmacy Downtown Perry Cross City Ir Dental, PA SStephen M. Henry DMD (352) 498-7001 David R. Schneck DMD New Patients Welcome 117 NE Hwy. 351 Cross City, Fl. whiter brighter whienin whitening in' r Mark Pelt, Agent 584-5188 1000A Jefferson St. Alislale. fl*tU'r *Usd fwmnd Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company, Allstate Indemnity Company and Allstate Life Insurance Company, Home Office: Northbrook, Illinois. c.2002 Alistate Insurance Company ~Marilyn Headlee~ L.3d . IS COMPASSION AN OPTION OR NECESSITY? Let us remember those who have great needs because of Hurricane Katrina that recently stuck the Gulf Coast of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and the Florida panhandle LETUSPRAY... ...lor the families of those deceased due to the storm. ...for ithe thousands of families and individuals that no one knows if they are dead or alive. ...for the hospitals aad emergency medical personnel that they will be able to do what God has gifted them to do. ...for the churches in the Louisiana, lhssisstppi., Alabama and the Florida panhandle hiat the(' be able to conduct effective outreach ministries. ...ihat churches. Red Cross and other "help" organizations will be able to access the area to help the needy. ...that temporary housing will become available to those wlth short- term or long-term need. , ...for the elderly, the children and all those otherwise ieak. as they contend with the outside elements ofsunmmer in the Southeast while they are displaced. ...that food, water, lodging, and other necessities will be available for the storm victims. ...that the water will quit rising and quicklv dissipate. :..that Divine Guidance will be given as these cities begin to rebuild (in regard to government, law enforcement, local infrastructure, jobs, economy and health issues). ...that utilint companies will soon be able to provide electricity, water, and telephone services. ...that the storm victims will remember God in the heat, of their trials and then when ihe trials are over...Give God the Praise! ^~ ^ Over the river and through the woods three grannies they did go... SFor Madeline Belle to hug and be held with birthday gifts in tow. Payingwith toys and shaking balloons Sthe blue NEMO cake a-glow... IWe kissed her nose and tickled her toes and back home none wanted to go. SHappy 1t Birthday Love, Grammy Gunfer, MeMe Westberry and Sugar Mann aster n about an hour A Farewell to Robert Rial (Age 73, Robert died August 22, 2005) The Robert I knew was kind-hearted and a great friend to me and my husband. Because he was cremated in Tallahassee, we didn't get a chance to say goodbye. He lived in Perry and.none of his- friends got a chance to say goodbye either. So, Bob, we all loved you. It's hard to say goodbye, so I'll just say farewell, good friend. J.,M., MOVING I I 'Arl- mm%, \N h Gospel concert planned for Saturday The Church of God of Prophecy at 613 W. Hampton Springs Avenue will host a gospel concert on Saturday, Sept. 10, at 7 p.m. A city-wide invitation is extended. Women's Day celebration planned Antioch Missionary Baptist Church will hold its annual Women. Day celebration on Sunday, Sept. 18, with Sunday School at 11:30 a.m. and thie service at 11. A speaker from Patsy Dixon Ministries is scheduled. Jurleen Clayton is chairperson. . Is English your second language? First Baptist Church will begin its'second year of ESL (English As A Second Language) classes on Monday, Sept. 12, in the church annexiouse on* the corner of Main and Center streets. Classes will be held eaeh Monday from 8-10 a.m., and on Thursdays from 9:30-11:30 a.m., 3-$ p.m., and 7-9 p.m. -- Interested persons should contact Eleanor L. Grubbs at 584-6325- ad leave a message including your name and phone numbiera n registration for the classes will be held throughout the year. Grubbs said: "IS ONE YEAR'S- SALARY ENOUGH LIFE INSURANCE" CALL ME TO FIND OUT HOW MUCH LIFE INSURANCE YOU REALLY NEED. /v-,X A-6 The Taco TimeS September7, 2005 Boyd's rep visits 'A member of Congressman Allen Boyd's staff will be visiting Perry on the second Wednesday of every month so the people of Taylor County have the opportunity to personally discuss issues concerning them. Staff members are trained to assist constituents with a variety of issues relating to various federal agencies. The next visit is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 14, from 9:30-11:30 a.m., at the Supervisor of Elections office (located on the second floor of the Taylor County Courthouse). Out of gas The'Chevron station at ;he corner of Main Street and Byron Butler Parkway was closed Tuesday, due to a lack of fuel, a Clark Oil representative said. Obituaries; i .y ._.' : ,: ::-:;,, .; : : '.;" :'.- r" .-"' Prepare for an Exciting Career in Learn the skills needed for the installation, configuration and repair of computer systems, peripherals, operating systems and application programs,. Additional Associates Degrees in: Medical Assisting Radiology Technology Health Services Administration Nursing Accounting Business Administration Criminal Justice Paralegal Culinary Arts Baking & Pastry Arts Computer Graphics & Design Bachelor Degree Programs in: * Health Services Administration * Criminal Justice * Business Administration with Majors in: - Marketing - Human Resources - International Business & Trade KEISER CO L L E G E TALLAHASSEE Admissions Office Open 9am 8pm Toll Free 1.877.825.2573 ATTENTION- PLEASE HELP I will donate 250 for every load washed during the month of September to the Katrina Disaster Relief Fund / ask for everyone's help and thankyou in advance. -Ruben Morales County Wide Coil) Laudry s 7 am -11 pm (everyday) 1002 N. Jefferson St. KZMMxMM WWWWWWWWWWWWMWWWWWWWWWWWWWU Travis Aubrey Grimes S.Travis Aubrey Grimes, 45; died Sept. 3, 2005, in Madison. : Born in Tampa on Sept. 10, 1959, he had lived in Madison and Taylor counties since 1972. He S\as a rhechanic and a member of 'Sirmans Baptist Church.. -* Survivors include: one daughter, Angela Grimes of 'Perry; his" mother and step-father, Eloise, Grimes and. Leon J. Beck of Madison: one brother, Jim Perry ,Gimes of Perry: two sisters. Darlene Grimes Doty of Lee and TFoi i Grimes of. Pinetta: four, aunts; and a host of nieces, Sneph-ews and cousins. Frineral services will be held SThi-Yrday, Sept.8,. at 2 p.m. at Beggs Funeral Home Madison -Thapel with interment following in Fellowship Cemetery in M..adjson County. SFa-mily members received friefids today, from 7 until 9 p.n. at Beggs Funeral HR6ifi, wehiclijs in charge of the arrangements. In lieu of flowers. memorial contributions may be made to the Travis Grimes Fund. 301 N. Orange St., Madison, FL 32340. -Jacqueline Shell ' - _Jacqueline Shell. 80, a oibmemnaker. died Sept. 2, 2005, in : -Mavo. S-Mlis. Shell was a native of Taft." 0-Calif., residing in Perry for the- past several years. She taught in Germany and attended St. James Episcopal Church in Perry. She was preceded in death by her husband, Col. Claude O. Shell. Suvivors include her brother, Don L. Johnston of Posey, Calif., several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at a later date. Beggs Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements... Tasha Dione Driver Tasha Dione Driver, 26, a. homemaker, died Sept. 4, 2005, in Perry.' . A 'native of Live Oak, she had lived in Perry most of her life. Survivors include: her father, Cecil Driver of Wisconsin; her mother and step-father, Ramona Parker and Stephen McKinney of Perry;'one son, Judas Suade Perez, of Perry; two daughters, Ariel Brooke Perez and Meagan Ale\andra Stringfellow. botth of Perry; two brothers, Shawn Parker and Galan Gilmer, both of Perry; one' sister,' .Kilene Olvera of Atlanta, Ga.; and maternal grandmother, Donnie Mae Dykes of Perry. Graveside services will be held Thursday, Sept. 8, at 2 p.m. at SWaters Cemetery in Steinhatchee. Family members will receive friends today, Sept: 7, from 5 ufitil 9 p.m. at Beggs Funeral Home, which is in charge of the arrangements. '0 DOG EOI - Seventh Day Adventist church SSaturday Sabbath School 9:30 a. m." Worship Service 11:00 a.m. . Wednesday Pray er Meeting 7:00 p.m. Juan Rodrigues, Pastor 584-8506 604 W. Julia Dr. Happy 1st Birthday SMADELINE Thank you, Heavenly Father for our precious doll... our "Bubbles" Love, Sugar L I 10G Il~i _WW^ ,_ -- - neSweet Cheeks" Madeline Belle Gunter Happy lst . Birthday Love, .Grammy & Granddaddy A- 9%3p.A ;www.keisercollege.edu -- -- -- I I -j I -i ' ( 1 < ** I -'I - .AbAML am CD -I PC a ca coo r"r -w- w- w 19 Community B-1 The Taco Times September 7, 2005: Where are In 'celebration of its'50th anniversary, the Florida.Forest Fe stival will host a "homecoming" reception Friday, Oct. 21, for former festival- queens, little kings and queens, and chairpersons. While many of these individuals have been contacted regarding their participation in this golden event, a few are still in the "where are they now?" file. now? Information is needed on the following persons: 1965 queen Ann Williamson: 1968 Chairman Ron P'adgett; 1968 Queen Anne Massey; 1974 Queen Susan Spradley; 1976 Queen Carol Fife; 1979 Queen Jogie Brown; 1979 Chairman Kathy Faircloth; 1987 Chairman Sgt. Harold Brooks; 1993 Little King Stuart Williams; 1994 Little Queen Jesse Brock; 1994 Little King Trent Williams; 1995 Little. Queen Danielle Brummitt; 1996 Little King Derek Howell; 1997 Jr. Miss Nimi Patel; 1997 Little King Justin Cruce; 1998 Little Queen Megan Roberts; 1999 Little Queen Jade Mathis;' and 2000 Little King' Brandon Mattingly. If you have contact information for any of these individuals, please call the festival office at (850) 584-TREE (8733). The reception will be among a T e i l number of special events planned in conjunction with the 50th annual festival, which will be held Saturday, Oct. 22. Festival month kicks off Saturday, Oct. 1, with the Miss, Florida Forest Festival Program where 11 Taylor County High GTCom contribute on School seniors will .compete for GTCom recently contributed $500 to the Perry Police Department's "Bronze Eagle Drive," which will help place the eagle tlhe title. statue in the Veteran's Memorial Park, which is currently under construction on North Jefferson Street Pictured above are, welcome ge ivold cn from left, PPD Ptl. Lin Gray, Early Myers (GTCom), Inv. Cla Parker, Ptl. Katrina Slaughter, Lavonne Blanton, Doug Walker welcome. To e involved, contact (GTCom), Randy Newman.(GTCom), WayneDavis (GTCom) and Sgt. Dodd FranKlin., an event chair or the festival office. eStill First in Forestry Ate Who's your mascot? Local businesses are encouraged to enter their mascots if upcoming 50th annual Florida Forest Festival King Tree' Pari.d. Community groups, schools and other organizationss are7 4. encouraged to plan to participate in theparade - For more information, contact the festival office at. S4- (8733). . SMILE-photo contest underway " STime to start snapping--a Sept. 30 deadliJhas beeh alttQi d'e - the 501h annual Florida Forest Festival's.Baby Photo C-jn'tls', ':'r All entries must be enlarged to 8 'i 10: plntps, matted (not and must have been taken after April 1, 20 Only 0'1ope h child may be entered.. , Winners will be announced at'the Flonda Eorest.-Fsti. King and'Queen Pageant Sat!rday,''ctL8. ,'- -'. : ';'""-,. " Entries' should be turned ina toP os &YEraoiftEs.I-O2.t Street. For more information;icall bAn obr;Fe;beeb f:584-6.9._? ? : .. .... : .... -, ..-:"l:.:, Deadline is Friday for festival talent show Registration for the 2005; Applications are available for Sept. 24, at 6 p.m., at .the Perry song used during the preliminary presence. appropriate forallages.' '. lorioa Frorest IFeii \l Tlalent h.. -,. CJ-.c & Karaoke Compeiiiion has bcn limniiicL to 35 entries and .Ic Jidcldline is Frid:ai, Sept. 10. the preliminrIIIJ roun ofU LIhe competition at the.Florida Forest Festi\ al office. The eent \will be field Saturday, Spearheaded by New Brooklyn - Hurricane relief effort underway for victims Ne1 Brook]l,n MiioinIar\ Baptisi Church has mobilized its members in a hurricane relief effort, \ ith donations being accepted now. .. The church. whichh is located at the intersection of S. Byron Butler Parkv -,l. and Hlampion Sprinns A enue. will be accepting donations from 5:30 until 30 p m. on Monda\s. \ednesda\s and Thursday s. Pick-ups ;ir re 'alo posisbic it \ou contact \alter Bishop at 584-4372 or Sarah, Hall at 584-5314 \\ hat should \ou don a ?t The church suggests: , papet goods *personal h} gic ne iitem : c ... clothing non-pc rishable food items , and money. . Pastor D.L. McBride said this relief effort needs the support of the entire community. The church can be reached at 5S4-5723. The water's fine! Volunteers at the Veterans Memorial Park turned on the water last week, testing the lines and sending small sprays of water where a fountain will be located. More volunteers are always welcome, organizers said. Anyone wishing to help is welcome to stop by the park, located on North Jefferson Street. EIKS Lodge. Lene-ral admission will be $5; the entry fee' for contestants is $15. Cash prizes will be awarded, ($Oi52 for first place and $100 for second place) 7 Organizer, hate announced thait -the following, cuniest rules will apply: ; --The 2005 Florida Forest Festival Talent Showcase & Karaoke Competition is open to amateur ("...cannot make a majority of, their income by. singing") solo vocal performers only. --Contestants must be 13 years of age or older. --Order of performance at all contests will be decided by random drawing. --The top 10 ranked contestants will compete' \ith one song at the 2005 Florida Forest Festival' "NightFest" at Forest Capital Park Saturday. Oct. 22,' at 5 p.m. A different song selection must be used for the final competition cannot be the same 'civIicGROUP AARP: last Wed.. 10 a m. at First Baptist Church Civil Air Patrol (CAP): 2nd and 4th Mon., 7 p m, main hangar at airport Kiwanis Club: Wednesdays. noon, .Joyce's MainStreet Cafe MainStreet Perry: First Monday of each month, Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce at noon. NAACP: 2nd Sun. 6 p m. New Brooklyn MissionaryBaptisl Church Optimist Club: Thurs, noon at Joyce's Mainstreet Cafe. Perry Garden Club: third Wed, 10 a.m. Perry Elks Lodge: Tues 8 p m Perry Lodge 123, F&AM: first and third Monday nights, 7 30 p m Perry Lodge #187: 1st 3rd Wed. 7 p.m, Masonic Hall Perry Masonic Lodge 123: meets first and third Monday nights, 7 30 p m Perry Shrine Club: 4th Thurs, 7 p.m (club house on Courtney Road) Perry Woman's Club: 2nd Wed., noon (Sept. May, subject to change). Rotary Club: Tues.. noon at Joyce's Main Street Cafe Taylor County Leadership Council: 2nd and 4th Friday. 7 p m. Jerkins Vogue XIII: first Mon 7:30 p.m. Call 584- 2404 Airport Advisory Commission: 4th. Monday, 12 noon, Perry-Foley Airport. rounI .- --Decision of the judges is final. --Must be present to win. --Contestants must supply his/her own music. --Judges' scoring will be based on singing ability and stage --uotest uria nze rs reserve me right to 'disallow any material deemed inapproprale or offensive. The Florida ForeFetFestival Talent Showcase & Karaoke Competition is intended as family entertainment and, all song material should be --Any tie will be decided by a sing-off., Applications are available at the Florida Forest Festival office, adjacent to the Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. Clean up-now and Sept. 17 By DAWN V. TAYLOR Coastal Clean-up Coordinator for Taylor County Keep Taylor County Beautiful is pleased to announce the arrival of the 20th Annual International Coastal Clean-up to be held Sept. 17. Last year's event involved many hurricane debris clean-ups all over the entire State of Florida. Locally, we had over 200 Volunteers and 2,300 pounds of trash and debris collected from pur own coastal and river areas. The clean-up is an expression of individuals' commitment to clean and safe beaches and waterways-- Chamber of Commerce: third Thurs., 8 a m., chamber board room. City Council: 2nd and 4th Tues. at 6 30 p.m. County Commission: first Mon. and third Tues at 6 p m., courthouse annex Juvenile Justice Council: third Thurs. 9 a.m., at Juvenile Justice Office, 1719 S Jefferson. Planning Board: 1st Thurs. 6 p m Courthouse annex (old post office). Social Security: representatives, 2nd Tues., 8:30 a.m. to noon, courthouse annex Taylor County Construction License Board Meeting: 3rd Fn, 2 p.m, courthouse annex. Taylor County Development Authority: 2nd Mon, 5 p.m. at Chamber of Commerce Taylor County School Board: 1st and 3rd Tues. 7 p.m. Taylor County Soil & Water Board: 4th Mon, 7 p.m., Chaparral Steakhouse. Taylor Coastal Water and Sewer: 3rd Wed at 18820 Beach Road 5 p.m. Tourism Development Council: 2nd Wed. 4 p m., at Chamber of Commerce. WM--- - Diabetes classes every Tuesday, 2 p.m Doctors' Memonal Hospital. FAMU Alumni Chapter: second Mon. 7 p.m. Jerkins Center. Florida Forest Festival Board of Directors: every Wednesday, 3.30 p m, Chamber of Commerce. Call 584-TREE (8733). Girl Scouts Service Unit: first Thurs. 6:30 p m. Scout Hut. Historical Society: open Thursday afternoons, 1-6 p.m Home Fducators League of Perry (HELP): second Thur's., .:30 p,m., Forest Capital.Hall. Call -I848i: or 584;9207 it's all about doing'something responsible for the environment and finding solutions for the debris problem, which can kill thousands of wildlife ad fish each year and damage sensitive underwater habitats. It's a way to get involved locally with an international effort, in \which thousands of indi\ iduals are working together to clean-up their shores-and have fun in the process.' But the clean-up isn't just about, : picking up trash and debris. Clean- up volunteers also collect information about the items they find. and this data is given to the Humane Society of Taylor County: 2nd Wednesday, 6 p.m Forest Capital Hall. Taylor Coastal Communities Association: each 2nd Tuesday of month, 7 p.m at the district building Beach Road La Leche League International: 2nd Wed.. 10 30 am. Taylor County Public Library Mothers of Pre-Schoolers: first and third Fri Call 584-3826 Muskogee Creek Indian Nation: 2nd and 4th Sat., 7 pm. Tribal grounds, Lyman Hendry Road. Muskogee Creek Indian Tribe: Oak Hill Village on Woods Creek Road 1st Sat. National Wild Turkey Federation (Yellow Pine Drummers): holds open monthly on first Thursday, Golden Corral. 7 pm 584-9185. Republican Party of Taylor County: Second Thursday of every month at 315 N Ouincy Street E-mail Tommie Stanaland at tstanaland@yahoo.com or call 584-8815 Taylor County Democratic Party: every Thursday at the Chamber of Commerce. Call 584-9656 or 584-3617 or e-mail taylor democrat@gtcom net Taylor Adult Program (TAP): Thursdays, 10 am 502 N. Center Street. 223-0393. Taylor County Amateur Radio Club: 1st Monday, 7 p.m.. Division of Forestry office, 618 Plantation Road. Taylor County Habitat for Humanity, Inc.: board meeting. 2nd Tues. 5'30 p m., Room 208. Capital City Bank Taylor County Historical Society: 3rd Mon., 7 p m. Historical Society building Society's museum is open every Thursday. 1-5 p m Taylor County Horseman's Association Horse Show: 2nd Sat, 10 am Arena located on Bishop Blvd Taylor County Quilters: Tuesdays, 10 a m. to noon, Taylor County Public Library. Taylor County Reef & Research Team: 2nd Thurs, 7 p.m, Forest Capital Hall Ocean Conservancy, which then. compiles and studies the data in. order to learn, more about the. global debris problem, educate. C hanging' human behavior is the best prevention, since human fingerprints are on every piece of trash we find in the ocean. Thi,: year's clean-up will be held the-. weekend of Sept. 17, but you can-: clean-up .anytime during that month.: : To sign-up. call the chamber office at (850) 584-5366 and talk to Dawn. Get involved and get your official coastal clean-up t- shirt today. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays (closed), 8 p.m., at Heritage House 00 Washington Street, across from public: library, and another AA group who meets Monday. Wednesday and Thursdays at Serenity House, located at 1260 Hwy. 989 West, across from the BP station at 8 p.m. ' AL-ANON: St James Episcopal Churchf (in library), Wednesdays 12 noon to 1 p mi, 584-2146. Thursday at 6:30 for beginner* meeting with regular meeting at 7 p.m. :: Big Bend Hospice Advisory Councllc 4th Tues, noon, 107 East Green Street. Healthy Start Coalition: fourth Mon., S a m.. Taylor County School District Administrative Office Complex. Narcotics Anonymous: Wednesdays, 8 p.m., at 1260 W. Hwy 98, at Serenity House (dirt road across from BP Station), These are open meetings to those interested' in assistance Call 223-0036. Also. Saturday, 10:30 a.m., open meeting. SHARE distribution: 4th Sat, 10 a.m. The Way: Christ centered recovery group;. meets on Fridays at 7 p.m. at Serenity House: on Hwy., 98 W., across from BP Station, Open to alcoholics, addicts, family members and friends. C AMVETS Post 20, Ladles Auxiliary an d Sons of AMVETS: 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7 p m., at 2499 Woods Creel Road. American Legion Post #96:1 st Tes., 7 p.m. American Legion Hall, Center Street. American Legion, Stelnhatchee Post 291: fourth Tues. 8 p.m. Sons of Confederate Veterans: fourth' Tuesday at VFW Post on Center Street, 7 p m. For information, call 584-5346. VFW Post #9225: 2nd Tues., 7 p.m. (American Legion building). -s r . Editorial B-2 Taco Times September 7, 2005 iF1 AMI H0 l Qa) 0(j) %M Q %Mv I I Tremendous suffering from hurricane felt here in Perry U. 0 L. a- U) z o> E E 0 0 C. E 10 ,, on in those areas except pray for them, but pray we can surely do. We will at least have done something! One thing I can do is be kinder to my fellow man. I can love my neighbor as.much as I love myself. 'I can use the resources and talents God has blessed me with to help others. It's time we stop making excuses about what we can't do, and just do what we can. My daddy would say "Can't never could do nothing!" We can help those in our own community who need help. We can start loving the unlovable in our community and ministering to those in need. We can start patterning our life after Christ; after all, that is what Christian means! As a young woman I read a book. called "In His Steps." Although the pathways of my life have taken many different directions, I have never forgotten that book. If all Christians truly pattern their lives according to what Jesus would do, there would be no orphaned children. The church would be taking care of widows, and feeding the hungry, and clothing the poor. We would be visiting those who are in prison, in nursing homes. and in hospitals. We are supposed to be going into every area of our community witnessing and bringing the lost to Christ. Many of our churches have become "religious social clubs." As long as it doesn't affect us personally we don't get involved and don't .really care about the human suffering going on around us. Jesus did not separate Christians into different denominations such -as Baptist, Methodist, etc. Man did that. I have looked and looked in my Bible and I cannot find where two heavens were created so we wouldn't have to associate with other races or less desirable people. One thing this disaster has done is put everyone on an even playing field. Everyone is in the same predicament. Neither those that have money, nor those that do not, can buy bread or water or other human necessities because the stores have been destroyed too! How awful it must be to walk through water in the dark, be without water and food'for several days, and have your child die in your arms because you cannot feed *, Please see page 3 Midweek Muddle Letters to the Editor . 'Do our elected officials represent us?' Dear Editor: Do our elected officials represent us?. I know that mine does not represent me because his ideas of what is good for the county and mine are entirely different. He was all for the bombing range and now is strongly behind the coal-burning plant. The coal-burning plant is something that I cannot support. SThink of uncovered coal cars (100 or more) lumbering through town. The coal dust blowing off them and coating everything black. Have you ever been to a Pennsylvania coal mine or steel mill town? Dirty dust ; on everything and pieces of coal Alongside of the railroad tracks. : When I was a kid, in the early :days f World War It, we used to walk along the railroad and pick up .coal to bur in the fireplace at Some. Times were hard then and every lump of coal helped. That Iwas just from the engine's coal: tender car, now we are talking about a hundred coal cars every. day! Who is going to pay for an- overpass so the train won't block the road and prevent the firetruck or ambulance from getting to your house in a timely manner? Any Taco Wednesday, Sep 123 S. Jefferson Street Perry, Florida DONALD D. Public DEBBIE CARLTON Business Manager ANGELA M. CASTELUCCI Staff Writer CHARLES R. SADLER Staff Writer MARK VIOLA Staff Writer The Taco Times (ISSN 07470967) is pub papers, Inc., 123 S. Jefferson Street, P $35.00 per year or $49.00 out of county. F 32348. POSTMASTER: Send address 888, Perry, FL 32348. The.Taco Times welcomes Letters to th and views on the news. Please submit Times reserves the right to refuse public sponsible. Name may be withheld if circu mitted should be signed by the writer an Verification. We look forward to hearing from youl ( P.O. Box 888, Perry, Florida 32348. e-m ., Member Perry/Taylor Count T-.......... ,. v way you. look at it, the coal- burning plant is going to cost you money! It will hurt the ecology thus costing you money. Tell your county commissioners that you want a chance to vote on whether or not Taylor. County will Vets to retul Dear Editor: The Association of Sons and Daughters of World War II Veterans will lead a group. to England and France during April 2006 to commemorate the 62nd allow a coal-burning plant in the county. Tell them that you demand the right to vote and they do not have your permission to make the decision for you. Sam H. Duckworth, MSgt USAF Ret. rn to Eurpe Argentina, Falaise and Paris. A memorial service will be held at the American Military Cemetery at Colleville Siur Mer in France. For information call Sy Canton anniversary of these historical at the Association of Sons and events: the D-Day landings, the Daughters of World War7 II Battle for Normandy and the drive Veterans at 561-865-8495 or send. through France to the Rhine. inquires to 5121 B Nesting Way, The itinerary will include' Delray Beach, FL 33484. London, Portsmouth, Cherborg, Thank you, OMAHA and UTAH beaches, SyCanton, Caen. St. Mere Eglise. Caretan, Executive Director Striking pa dirt? Dear Editor: /. :wisdom and offer. of support Perhaps the coal-fired power should not go to waste. plant has struck pay dirt in the form One headlined letter was of high level local support. Such entitled, "Taylor Republicans commend commissioners on tember-7, 2tpower plant." This letter recognizes the efforts Sof the Taylor County Commission (5 58 5 Rand the Chamber of Commerce for their foresight in supporting' "the positive impact of the possibility of member 7, 2005 the proposed power plant.. . P.O. Box 888 the members of the Taylor County (850) 584-5513 Republican Executive Committee are in total agreement and support LINCOLN the proposed power plant." LherI Now here is the pay dirt! Who. among the executive committee SUSAN H. LINCOLN Z will go on record today to offer Managing Editor their property for the hundreds of BETMANN thousands of volt, high tension dverti Director power lines, 10 stories high, Advertising Director powerful enoughto flow a CAROLYN DuBOSE fluorescent tube held nearby? Will Promotional Advertising those folks, and the other public officials supporting this project, do . MELISSA FARRILL MELISSA FARRILL likewise? We all know who they Classified Advertising are and so do they. If a 300-foot lished each Wednesday by Perry News- right-of-way is required, will the erry, Florida 32347 Subscriptions are tax assessor reduce the value of the 'eriodicals postage paid at Perry Florida abutting properties which will be changes to the TACO TIMES, P.O. Box properties which will be negatively impacted? Will they ie Editor reflecting responsible opinions move and construct new residences letters by Monday at 5 p.m. The Taco or continue to live in close nation of letters which are libelous or irre- proximity to power lines and instances so require, but all letters sub- tsmes tt for d accompanied by a phone number for transformers that have, for years, Been statistically listed as causing Our address is Perry, Newspapers, Inc., eleva l levels of cancer? ail: perrynews@perry.gulfnet.com Let's all wait for their public ty Chamber of Commerce.e ....... .... ... .... ... .. Pleaseseepage 3 Whatever floats your boat... S' By SUSAN H. LINCOLN Fighting off images of a Labor Day I stood at the back door in my some 28 years removed, I pleaded with bathingsuit cover-up, horrified. "This the husband: "Let's go out on the Gulf can't. be happening," I said to the this weekend. Let's take the boat. Let's husband who also loves the boat, but get some sun..." was having trouble remembering that The boat, howe\'er, was in the shop. sentiment at this particular moment. All the shadetree mechanics we knew: The next hour and a half was filled had diagnosed and treated 6ur vessel, with 30-minute intervals of waiting, but it had refused to respond (with repeat attempts at cranking the completely to. treatment.;: I think the boat), with new spark plugs, and pure boat, which has served us well and desperation as I faced another whole faithfully, chose this summer for its day cleaning. own vacation, cranking only when it "Okay, last try," the husband said at wants to. It likes cranking during the High Noon. I could see the clock from week. It loves firing up in the presence the movie by the same name. Tick, tock. of mechanics. 'But on Saturday Will it crank? Will justice be done? mornings and holidays, it would rather I stood with the door cracked ever so sleep in. This boat we love 'has slightly. "It's going to crank this time," I disappointed us on more than one said as a testament to positive thinking, occasionthis summer, so we took it to and then I heard it again: yanh-ya-yanh- the Boat People--not those who come to ya-yanh-ya-yanh. America on rafts, but,those people who We exchanged no words, the husband fix boats. and I, because neither of us wanted to The Boat People adjusted 'the hear the other person's. The husband enrichment screws which certainly went straight to the phone, dialed a sounds beneficial. The boat cranked number, and asked, "Does your fine for them. It cranked every time invitation still stand? The boat won't they tried it. They called us. We crank." .brought it home happily, welcomed it Anybody who owns a boat has, at one back to the fold. time, belonged ,to the Boat Won't Crank "We're going to get to go tohe Gulf Club. Everybody has a story; everybody this weekend," I said, my spirits lifting. speculates on the solution; nobody "We're going to take the boat and get minimizes the pain. Somewhere out some sun." there,, I'm sure there's a support group That was all the incentive I needed to for boat owners who deal with personal spend my weekend completing chores-- disappointment and family discontent cleaning' bathrooms, doing laundry--in in the wake of yanh-ya-yanh-ya-yanh-ya- order to take Monday as a holiday. yanh. Friends called Sunday night, however, I tried to forget that 28 years ago, on with a good offer. "Would you like to this day, I began my career in come lounge around the pool tomorrow newspaper work--laboring through and maybe grill something?'" Labor Day. "Oh, we'd love to," I said, hating to "It's not a holiday?" I remember miss a good opportunity to lounge, "but asking. the boat is out of .the shop and we "Honey, we don't get holidays," said haven't used it since the Fourth of July. my friendly managing editor, who was Please ask us again." always recovering from a hangover. On Monday, we slept late so that the So, on this Labor Day, I reminded boat could too. myself that I should just be glad I didn't Then we gathered up our drinks and have to go to work,, remembering thit snacks, our beach towels, sorted people not too far away just want their through the' fishing rods, grabbed the houses and their lives back. I tried nobly camera and a book that I had bought for to pull myself out of the mire, which is just such an occasion. a mere mud puddle compared to theirs. I had a smile on my face. Then friends -appeared at our door I was going out on the Gulf. with sympathy, steak and shrimp. Out in the boat. Nothing soothes members of the Boat Out in the sun. Won't Crank Club, or pulls you out of It was a happy day: the mire, like sympathy, steak and That's when I heard one of the most shrimp. horrible noises known to a boat owner. It's the Triple Crown of Compassion, The yanh-ya-yanh-ya-yanh of a boat and I wish everybody along the which just wants to stay home. devastated Gulf Coast had that....an SAt first I was speechless. more. 91 f r I I Dear Editor: I have never felt compelled nor have I ever written a letter to the editor until today. My heart and soul have been overcome with the tremendous suffering in the Gulf coast regions of regions of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida brought on by Hurricane Katrina. I have been reaching into the depths of my heart all day as I mowed my lawn (thank God I still have one to mow) about how I might be able to help in this great disaster and total devastation. I can send a contribution to help and even though it would be small, all the small ones together will definitely help. I am finally at a place in my life, that I have no one on this earth to impress. My life is totally complete and my cup .runneth over!. I have a wonderful. family that encompasses many people of all religions and races. I' am thankful to God every day for ' His many wonderful blessings. This devastation our neighbors are involved in could just as easily have come to us. Life on this earth: lasts such a short time, and we may. not be able to do much about the tremendous human suffering going / a 91 B-3 The Taco Times September 7, 2005 Letters to the Editor Writer: 'We are th Dear Editor: Re: Devastation of Hurricane Katrina I just heard it was the "wrath of God." It was brought on by the wicked lines of Mississippi casings and gamblers. Mississippi was deluded into believing casinos would create thousands of jobs. True, indeed, they did. Most of the people in Mississippi are not gamblers, but go to their jobs to make a living. They have better sense than to e worst g. gamble. It is always a fact that the innocent and hard working get caught up in the sins of the guilty--just by doing their jobs. But, whoa, who are we to throw stones? Aren't we doing the same thing? For the sake of a few jobs, Alternatives? Barge canal suggested PAY DIRT Continued from page 2 "letter to the editor" offering their properties (or acreage of their. relatives) for power lines existing in Taylor County. Sign in here please (We are waiting). Now to "any affordable alternatives?' Okay. How about this? Are you familiar with the Cross Florida Barge Canal? South near Crystal River? It runs inland What about old hospital? HURRICANE Continued from page 2 them or given, them anything to drink. There are lots of things we can do as a community to help. A lot of refugees from this destruction will be'displaced for weeks, or even months. Where will they go? What will they eat and drink? We have the old hospital here that can be put to good use for a period of time to house some of these people! They would at least have clean water, a place to prepare meals, bathroom facilities, and air and heat. We can'put our idle words into action by truly helping our fellow man. I urge everyone to contact our community leaders Sand see if this is do-able. We, as Christians, can totally trust God and open our churches. Many of our churches are large enough to house several families. '"We can help a lot of the victims if Swe are just willing to step out and say "We have a place for you. Come to our house." My Daughter, Lori, said that God gives each of us a knowing within our soul that lets us know what is right and wrong. She calls this our "Knower." In my "Knower" I know that these are the right things to do. I wonder if there are ;-others in our community who feel : he same. Thank you for listening to what I had to say. Caroline Beach Barclay from the Gulf. Originally, it was planned for barge traffic all the way to Jacksonville. The Corps of Engineers was stopped due to public pressure wherein it was felt that barge traffic was outdated and trucks were the operation of the day. Using this canal, coal can be moved by barge from the Gulf to land. Thousands of acres of land are nearby where a coal plant can be located, thereby saving millions of dollars of land acquisition and delivery expense. After the Corps spent millions digging it, the canal is unused for its original purpose. There are pollutants other than air quality. High tension power line electromotive forces, transmission sub stations, visual pollution of 10-story transmission gantries with their mega-sized, sagging transmission lines. Not to mention the aquifer cone of depression caused by large use of water. Sighed, George Knoblock 30-year resident : ~ i~c~l; Pli9WHOLLAND II, amblers' which may -or may not come our way, for dividends not there, we dump on our citizens taxes for a "coal-burning plant." We are the worst gamblers! We gamble with our health and the health of our future generations. We don't really care for the young, the old or anyone else. We don't care about our God- given environment, our rare plants and animals. We can desecrate Indian mounds, the lands or our forefathers. We can pollute the rivers, lakes, streams, our own Gulf of Mexico. We can foul the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink. It's all in our power and our bank book. We, above all, can rob our citizens, our taxpayers, of their constitutional rights to vote on any given matter, without guilt or conscience. Are we not gamblers? Sinners? Yes, we are--and we are losing big time! But for the grace of God, this Hurricane Katrina could have wiped us out. Think about it. Sincerely, Elizabeth Sadler Shamrock Veterinary Clinic & Fisheries Cross City, Florida Linda Stoddard Hank Stoddarc Jennifer McHa Amy Stone, DO Your Pet's Wellness Provider for Over 20 Years ? .-.. .* 352-498-5293 Preventative medicine Nutrition & dietary assistance Complete dental care Radiology & surgery Boarding facility ointment please Aquaculture consultation Limited large animal services 1, D.V.M. d, D.V.M., D.T.V.M. Mon.-Fri. 8:00 5:30, Saturday 8:00 Noon le, D.V.M., MS Turn right at 1st caution light on Hwy. 19 - VM., PhD Cross City, South_/2 mile on SW 10th St. Zero in on low monthly payments when you ea TC29DA, TC33DA or TC30 compact tractor equipped with a loader. Choose five-year interest-free financing or ask us about cash back options. Don't delay, zero in now! Offer ends September 30, 2005. Stop by today for a firsthand look at the, innovative features that have helped make New Holland #1 in tractors worldwide. OPEN PLATFORM WITH OUTSTANDING VISIBILITY RELIABLE POWER SMOOTH SHIFTING OPTIONAL SUPERSTEERT" FWD CNH Capital G RDON TRACTOR, INC. SParts Sales Service 715 S. Range St., Maison 1722 S. Ohio Ave., Live Oak 850-973-2245 386-362-1887 See your New Holland dealer for details. Financing is available for credit qal customers through CNH Capital America LLC ("CNH Capital'). Offer good through September 30, 2005, at participating New Holland dealers in the United Slates. Example: 0.00% APR for 60 n,,ths with scheduled payments due during the term of the contract will be $16.67 monthly for every $1,000.00 financed. A'down payment pursuant to standard CNH Capital terms is required. Some avinnistrative fees may.apply. Standard CNH Capital terms and conditions apply. CNH Capital reserves the right to cancel any program without notice. 02005 CNH America LC. New Holland Is a ren, ered trademark of CNH America LLC. CNH Capital is a trademark of CNH America L.C. Mrs C ~~~119 s'11 HEALER,@ READER\%%, ADVISOR Al h aeusccgfl ulcy dsaisid ettewma h noshl you Se emve eil inflence.If yor husand r wif is ufaithul, se he now.Shesetles oves' uarrlshels yo gan te lot lve affctin o th one ou ove& sows ou he ay o hppinss.Shenams frend an enmie and tlf9'Mnf ffYs re tre orfalse Shelocats lot andstoln proerty - ' r,~F~ t' s ~L;'L IJ~.1 nicnanlF rovid b Small ads...big deals! -., SFriday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and Three family yard sale Saturday 8 a.m.-until, 2995 Slaughter SRoad (behind Hwy Patrol Station), clothes, all sizes (kids-xxl adults), couch, acoustic guitar w/accessories, Halloween & Christmas decorations and lots of misc. Sites. g9/7, 9/9 ;Moving Sale, Thursday, Friday & Saturday, 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m., look for signs. on Robert Aman, just past Green Farm Road, 850-223-1843, all in one loft bed, dining table & chairs, sofa & coverseat w/tables, nick nacks, glassware, baby swing, bassinet, mobile patio future and picnic table . 9/7,9/9 NI. 10 gallon aquarium, ready to go, 3 plants, Gravel, 1 large, hollow'rock, 2 new filters, heater and thermometer, $30, call 584- 6002, ask for Michelle. 8/12tf Dell Computer, 2 yrs. old, 17" flat panel, pentium 4, 2.2 GHZ, 512 memory, 80 GIG hard drive w/ dell all in one printer and L shape desk, asking $850, call 838-1186. 9/2-9/16 VEGGIES TO YC Fresh-Picked, blanched, flt 'zippers, butter beans, black eyes, cream corn, okra, green Free delivery every Saturday v 352-498-2 For Sale: Stripped house trailer frame, plus, 3 axles, $150, 584-7348. 9/7,9/9 2 new trailers for sale, 15" tires, 2x8 wood floor, 5x10, $750, also, 6'4"x12, $800, call 584-6717, leave message. 9/7,9/16 High performance, tires and rims, 205/40/ZR17, $300 o.b.o., call 223-2768, ask for Jamie. 9/7-9/16 Cd player/TV Stand,.has open space to hold stereo with speakerspace, television sits on top, has slots for cd's down bottom front portion and cubby holes on either side to hold movies or books, $15, call Michelle at 584-6002. 8/12tf boedroom, 1 bath mobile home 14x56, set up in Everen's Mobile Home Park, water, sewer and garbage included in rent, $375 per month, $200 deposit, -applications and references required, call -584-7094, 9AM-5PM Monday through .Wednesday - 8/24tPHC Land for sale, located on Hwy 221 between Shiloh Church Rd. and Cairo, Parker Rd. 1 acre lots with paved roads. Owner financing'available. Please call (386) 658- 1346 or (850) 584-7466 Badcock's. tfEF ASt.A D (SLDLSL p CE $18,000 Built in 1950s 3 Bedrooms,l Bath All Pine Wood Floors New Central H/A Some Appliances House moved at buyer's expense. Call for appt. 584-5454 Beautiful 45 acres' of rolling pasture, 3 ,ponds, large oaks, directly on Beach Road, perfect for horses, zoned residential or light commercial, great buy, $429K, call 904-608-5239. \ 8/17-9/9 2.4 acres with septic, power pole and city water. Mobile homes permitted, $19,500, call 838-2755. 8/5tfDC )UR DOOR! ash frozen, shelled , white acres, ford hooks, beans, broccoli vith 3 or more bushels 2580 3 bedroom, 2 bath, older 24x54 mobile home w/above ground pool & deck, new roof, plus 12x16 room &\10x16 porch, 2 miles from school,'& hospital, good neighborhood, 1 1/2'acres, in fifties, best offer, call 223-3482. 9/2,9/7 Southern Villas of Perry!! tlew Mariagemrnrll HUD Vouchers accepted. 10 and 2 bedroom HC and non-HC accessible apartments. Call 850-584-8111. TDD/TTY 711. 315 Puckett Rd. Perry, FL 32347. Equal Housing Opportunity. tfSV 2003 17' DLX Carolina Skiff, '03 50HP Yamaha w/trailer, front deck, 'center console &cooler seat, like new, $7900, call 838-11 86. 9/2-9/16 1981 Sportscraft Fisherman 21 foot, "new motor (350 I/O), new rebuilt foot by Shield Marina, new electronics, Great condition, too many things, to list, best offer, call Jim or Valerie at 850-584-7928. 8/17tf Low cost pet vaccinations, Saturday,' September 10, 2005 from 12 noon-2 pm at CountryTime Feed in Perry.,Dog, cat & hdrse vaccination specials. Heart worm test & coggins, heart worm, & flea- prevention available. Pick up flyer today at' CountryTime Feed. 9/7 9/9 Chocolate Labs, AKC w/papers, 3 1/2 weeks, deposits, are o.k.,'6 males, 2 females, vet. shots & wormed, trades considered, can be, seen, call 850-584- 3178 (home) or 727-215-1355 (cell). 8/31-9/16 For Sale: Pure bred Chihuahua puppies, ready to go, 8 weeks old, 3 females, 1 male, $100 each, 850-838-9311. 9,; 9,'9 I FOR I PESOAL For Rent: 2 bedroom/1 bath house, call 584-5154 from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 00 pm to 5:00 p.m. 9/7,9/9 3 bedroom, 2 bath-den mobile home, set up in Everetts Mobile Home Park. Water, sewer & garbage included iri rent $475 per monih '200 deposil application & references required Call 584-7094, 9 am-5 pm, Monday through Wednesday. No Dogs SAllowed. .8/31tfPHC Woodridge ADartments!! .oO.,in. I ,r applicanisl Apply now for 1 2 and 3 bedroom apanrmenli Equal Housing pporunCry Call 850-584-5668. 709 W. Church St., Perry; FL 32347 TDD.TTY 71.1. StfWA. 1 I; Judy Leon, will not be responsible for any debts other than my own effective September 2.2005 9/2 917 ./ -UOMBLES I FOR SALE 1999 Chevy Truck step side good condion clean, all highway miles linied windows and 1ool box Very comlonable ride, must sell! .8500 00, call 584.6126 9,2-9,9 FOR SALE: 1998 Astro Van; Must sell! $3500.00 o.b.Q., call 584-6126. 1994 Capri Classic, excellent condition, asking $5000 call 584-4974 3,31-9,'i 6 1999 Ford Ranger, X-LT, Supercab, 4x4, mint condition $9200 also, 1995, Toyota 4 Runner loaded 4;:4. needs a/c 41000 call Drew at 84 3-0269 8/31.9/9 : '2000 Ford F250, black, al ac power windows, locks. 4x4.73K miles (8501584- 6302 9i7.9123 Certified Dietary Manager Madison SNursing Center (located in Madison, FL between Tallahassee and Valdosta GAI s1 a 60-bed Skilled Care Facility. looking lor an energetic and carinq team member. lo lead our Dietary staH Prior experience in a Nursing Home with MDS and Care . Planning is a musttr" We are small but are a part of a wonderful company witri :arinq individuals who have a desire, to'. prove the lives of our Residents and.. Staff. Call 85'0-973-4880- Ask for Jare Davis, Administrator. S9/2tfMNC, Become ARegional 0/0 Home Daily . We Finance/No Credit CK. Great FSC - 800-252-3182 9/2,9/7 Badcock & More Set up & Delivery Must be 18 yrs, old, license required, good driving record, no phone calls, apply in person at 1003 S. Jefferson St. 8/12tfBC Check Station Positions Available The Florida. Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is hiring personnel for seasonal work at check stations during the upcoming archery and general gun hunting seasons. Positions available in Taylor County. Pays $6.15. per'hour. Positions begin September 24, 2005. For details call (850) 838-9016, or stop by the Big Bend Field Office at 663 Plantation Rd, in.Perry. EO/AA 7/27-10/23 The City of Perry is accepting applications for the following position: . Superintendent (Wastewater) This is a responsible administrative, technical, and supervisory position involving the operation. and maintenance of the municipal wastewater treatment plant and facilities. Complete job description available upon request. Req: Must have a standard-high school diploma or equivalency. Must have a minimum of a Class "B" Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator's LicenSe as issued by the State of Florida Annual Salary Range: $33,696.00 $45,317.37 Applications are available at City of Perry Personnel Office and will be accepted until the position is filled. CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office .224 S. Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347 Phone: (850) 584-7161 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER - 'AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER Position under Taylor County Board of County Commissioners: RMT-$8,04. Submit applications to Taylor Employment Connections. Positions open until filled. Taylor County BCC is an EEO/ADA/drug testing employer. 7/20tf BCC S.V. of Perry Apartments Manager position open. 32 hours per week with benefits. 8:00-5:00 Monday-Thursday. Need office, computer and 'people skills. Some travel required. Drug-free workplace. Must have valid dr..license & transportation. Send resume to Karen McMillen c/o Sutton Creek Apartments, 16978 N.W. Mayo Street, Blountstown, FL 32424. Equal Opportunity Employer. 8/12tfSV Mature Woman to watch 2 kids. &cook meals,. must have own transportation', Monday-Friday, 7 A.M.-3:30 P.M,, at our home. 3ad ground check & References required. For details please call, 584-8464. 7/1.3tf Needed at once, an individual that has had experience in working in a plumbing company that understands the needs of its customers and respect for -office personnel. Call 850-584-8603 for an interview. 9/7tfHS Experienced plumber's needed, must have valid driver's license, we do drug testing, call 850-584-8603.- ' LijnHi The City of Perry is accepting applications for the following position: METER READER (Water Department) Req: High School Diploma or equivalency. Valid Driver's License Salary: $9.88 $13.29 hrly. Applications are available at the City of Perry Personnel Office and will be accepted until the position is filled. CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office 224 S. Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347 (850) 584-7161 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Florida Department of Transportation has a vacancy in Madison Cpunty for the following position: Position Number: 55004540 Broad Band Title: Highway Maintenance Workers-Level 1 Working Title: Highway Maintenance Technician Last date to apply: September 16, 2005 For more job information call 850/838- 5800. To apply online go to: http://peoplefirst.myflorida.com/logon.htm or call People First-at 1-877-562-7287. .The Department of Transportation is an Eqlul Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action and Drug Free Workplace employer. 9/7-9/16 APALACJ-IEE CENTER A Behavioral Health Care Center is currently seeking: CLINICAL SUPERVISION SPECIALIST #1451 MASTER'S DEGREE WITH A MAJOR IN- PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL WORK, COUNSELING OR A RELATED HUMAN SERVICES FIELD AND THREE YEARS OF RELATED PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE, ONE'OF WHICH MUST HAVE BEEN IN AN AD;MlNlSTRATrE 'CLrJIC,.L SUPERVISORY CAPACITY. LICENSURE PREFERRED. SHIFT: 8 A:M. 5 P.M./ MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. For more irforri3l.:ir, and a complete listing of available positions: www.apalacheecenter.org (850) 523-3217 or 1 (800)226-2931 Human Resources 2634-J Capital Circle N.E., Tallahassee, FL Pre-Hire Drug Screen & FDLE background check An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Drug-Free Workplace 9/7, 9/9AC Own your own business, ground floor opportunity merchandising marketplace Opening soon Seeking vendors to' fill spaces. Call Ms. Jonres at (850) 223-3976, low costs. 8/26-9/16 Wanted dead or alive; Junk cars, trucks, tractors, etc. Will buy, sell & trade 4x4 & truck parts. S*M*A*S*H Towing, 386-688- 3999 or 850-843-4227. 7/ltfS TREE REMOVAL, STUMP GRINDING Free Estimates, Bucket Truck Available, will clean off house roofs. Licensed & Insured. Call John (Sesock), (850) 584- 2027 or (850) 591-8301. 9/2-9/30 Looking for yard work! Raking, mowing, hedge trimming, etc. Please call Scott @ 584-6126. 9/2-9/9 ' TREE CAPITAL CLEANING UPHOLSTERY & CARPET CLEANING Dries in 3-4 hours 584-CLEAN (584-2532) Need a Tutor? Learn Spanish: Read, write, speak, understand. Improve your English grammar, spelling, writing, reading. We teach children and adults. Call: 584-6968. 8/31-9/30 Southern Siding & Remodeling, LLC. ,V. ini sidring & :.foi d w.::i ro,. fascia ,:ie -_n..' a inu, r urr, :.,r.e n r,-,i'iTi iris w '.- d , porches and more. Jay Swindle (850) 843-1731 Licensed & Insured 8/12-9/30 CARPET & VINYL - Installation and repairs done at a good price. No overhead. Direct savings to you. 30 years experience. 850-838-9050, please leave a message. 11/3tfBR A-2-Z Farm and Lawn Services Harrowing, bush hog mowing, dirt leveling, rake work and complete lawn services. Call 584-6737, leave message. 4/1tfAZ Lindsey Tractor Service Lawn Service, bush .hogging, land clearing, drive ways, tree trimming, hauling, food plots, debree removal, etc... Call 850-584-5193 or 850-838-4818 4/27tf J.D.'s Tree Service and Lawn Care. Licensed and insured. Free estimates. We also grind stumps. Call today 838-1280. Firewood for sale. tfJD GULF COAST METAL D 3' Wide ROOFING GalTvalume ... ,3' Wide Full line of accessories in stock Painted Special Flashings Made All Types Warranted Metal Available SCut to your desired lengths Delivery Service Available Call Toll-Free 888-393-0335 352-498-0778 Horseshoe Beach, Fl. " Ar jpiiall~ll Rouse for sale, 203 East Timberlane Street, please call 584-5580. ;8/19-9/9 One acre lot in prestigious Clark subdivision. Cleared and ready to build your dream home $40 000, will go fast. Call 584-2000 8/24-9/16 Once space for rent, Hwy 27, beside Cashway. Contact Shane Knowles, 584- 2260 or 672-0547 (cell). 8/31-9/30BBB 2 bedroom, 2 bath, set up in Everetts Mobile Home Park. Water, sewer & garbage included in rent. -125 00 per month, $300.00 deposit, appi;c:alion and References required Call 584-7094, 9 am-5 pm, Monday through Wednesday No Dogs' Allowed. . S8/31tfPHC Prestige Home Center Chiefland The Only Factory Outlet on the West Coast NO "DOUBLE TALK" WITH OUR ADVERTISING-- NO GAMES WITH OUR PRICES! Any New Home Purchased from Prestige Homes Includes FREE Delivery & Set-Up...PERIOD! --BRAND NE W- D.' -- .. Choose from ^i "_.^ 2 ,or 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Exceeds New Gov't. Standards 2- $275mo Includes AC, Heat, Skirting & Steps No Down Payment forlandowners! (60 Other Homes to Choose From!) Eggs are Cheaper in the Country, So are Prestige Homes! S N. Hwy.19, Chiefland 800-477-2492 -- ~I I I B-5 The Taco Times September 7, 2005 ' The Handyman experts, honest work! 'Affordable, prdfessiqnal, licensed and insured. Specializing in house painting, interior, etc., mobile home repairs, home maintenance, pressure washing (wood and concrete) carpet, vinyl, wood floor, ceramic tile, and repairs. Call 584-2270 (home) or 584-3776 (office). 25 years. tfJM Clay Swindle, L.L.C., All types of remodeling, docks, decks, windows, door framing, add on additions, porches, screen enclosures, painting interior & exterior. 18 yrs. exp., licensed & insured. Free Estimate, call 850-223-1780 or 843-1941, leave message. Commercial & Residential. 8/5tfCS LEGAL NOTICE Suwannee River Economic Council, Inc. intends to operate the low income Home Repair Program'in an eleven county area, from the present time to the end of the existing contract. It is anticipated that approximately $300,000.00 will be spent on home repair materials before September 30, 2006. All materials purchased must meet minimum standards as published In the Federal Register. Materials are secured by Suwannee River Economic Council, Inc. issuing a purchase order to participating Vendors based on prices quoted. All local building material suppliers who desire to do business with Suwannee River Economic Council, Inc. should submit a letter to the Executive SDirector, PO Box 70, Live Oak, FL 32064, so stating. This letter should be postmarked before October 1,, 2005. Vendors will be selected on quality materials for lowest prices. S9/7 NOTICE (PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 125.66) Notice is hereby given that the Board of . county Commissioners of Taylor County, Florida, will hold a Public Hearing regarding the proposal to locate a power generating plant within the boundaries of Taylor County. The Public Hearing shall be held at the Taylor County Middle School Auditorium, 601 E. Lafayette Street, in Perry, Florida on Thursday, September 1.5th, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. All members of the public'are welcome to attend. Notice is further hereby given, pursuant to Florida Statute 286.0105, that any person or persons deciding to appeal any matter considered at this public hearing will need a record of the hearing and may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. 9/7, 9/9 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO: 05-478-CA BRUCE FOSTER, Plaintiff, v. MARVIN J. CLARK, GLADYS M. CLARK, SHARON McDUFFIE, MARY THOMAS, ROBERT R. CLARK, NANCY HILL, .CHARLENE MAJORS AND JACKIE CLARK, if alive, and if dead their unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, creditors, and all other parties claiming by, through, under, or against them Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: MARVIN J. CLARK, GLADYS M. CLARK, SHARON McDUFFIE, MARY THOMAS, ROBERT R. CLARK, NANCY HILL, CHARLENE MAJORS, AND JACKIE CLARK, and All-Above Named Defendants, .if any. . Addresses Unknown YOU ARE NOTIFIED that on Amended Complaint for Ejectment, Quiet Title, and Declaratory,Judgment has been filed by the Plaintiff in the Circuit Court of Taylor County, Florida against you on the. following described property in Taylor County, Florida: COMMENCE 33 feet South and 20 feet East of the NW-corner of South Half of SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Section 22, T4S, R7E'on the South R/W line of County Road No. 356; thence run North 89 degrees 21 minutes' East, along said right of way line 1155 feet to the POB; thence from said POB continue North 89 degrees 21 minutes East,; along said R/W 220 feet; thence run South 01 degrees 36 minutes East,' 210 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 21 minutes West, 220 feet; thence run North 01 degrees 36 minutes West, 210 feet to POB. Each Defendant, if any, are required to serve a copy of you written defenses, if any, to JOHN WEED, the plaintiff's attorney, .whose address Is 605 South Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347 on or before September 9, 2005 and file the original with the clerk of this Court either before service on the plaintiff's 'attorney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated this 11 day of August, 2005. ANNIE MAE MURPHY As Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Tracie Hawkins As Deputy Clerk 8/17, 8/24, 8/31, 9/7 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 04-245CA ALAMO MORTGAGE GROUP, LLC, Plaintiff v. RANDOLPH M. FOSKEY, CAROLYN L. FOSKEY, DISCOVER BANK, AMERICAN GENERAL FINANCE, PROVIDIAN NATIONAL BANK, M & M MUSIC LTD, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. INC., WESTERN AUTO STORE, ALL OCCUPANTS AND TENANTS OF THE SUBJECT REAL ESTATE, ALL UNKNOWN SPOUSES OF ANY PARTY HERETO, AND ALL OTHER PERSONS LIVING OR DEAD WHOSE NAMES ARE UNKNOWN, WHO CLAIM ANY. INTEREST IN THE SUBJECT REAL ESTATE, Defendants. AMENDED NOTICE OF SALE Notice.is hereby given that, pursuant to Plaintiff's Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure entering In the above- captiohed action, I will sell the property situated In Taylor County, Florida, described as follows, to-wit: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF BLOCK NO. 6, QUINNDALE SUBDIVISION, PERRY, FLORIDA, RUN SOUTH 1 DEGREE 04' EAST 448.43 FEET TO POINT OF CURVE BEING NORTHWEST CORNER LOT NO. 8; THENCE S 1 DEGREE 55' E 5 FEET TO A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 13 DEGREES 16' EAST 65 FEET TO SOUTHWEST CORNER LOT 8, THENCE SOUTH 25 DEGREES 09' EAST 70 FEET TO SOUTHWEST 'CORNER LOT 7; THENCE NORTH 54 DEGREES 59' EAST 157 FEET TO A POINT ON LINE BETWEEN LOT 7 AND LOT 6; THENCE NORTH 76 DEGREES 29' WEST -165.20 .FEET TO "POINT OF BEGINNING./BEING PART OF LOT 8 AND PART OF LOT-7, BLOCK 6, QUINNDALE SUBDIVISION. SAID LAND SITUATE LYING AND BEING IN TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA. at public sale, to the highest ard best bidder, for cash, at the front door of the courthouse in Perry, Taylor County, Florida, at 11:00. A.M:, on the 20 day of ,September, 2005. Dated this 19 day of August, 2005. Taylor County Clerk of Circuit Court Marti Lavalle Deputy Clerk 8/31,9/7 Antes Discover the Power of the Appliance Repair CL S SIFI D CL SE IG Automobiles For Sale SmaNllAds... Br :BIG Deals! & .- '*A *. 4. lb -- i-. .- * Automotive repair Business Opportunities hild.. U11 i Child Care Services ,i llll Commercial Property Computers Employment Financial Services Home Furnishings Homes For Rent Homes For Rent l circulation Wo Over 5,100 people read the Taco Times and Perry News-Herald on a weekly basis. convenience Simply call our Classified Department at 584-5513 for more information. ost /,$,$5 for 25 words or less for the first run and $3 for each edition S thereafter. 100 for each word over 25. It Works! Deadline for Wednesday's Taco Times is Monday by 5:00 p.m. Deadline for Friday's Perry News-Herald is Wednesday by 5:00 p.m. (no exceptions) , . BIG BEND HOSPICE kl,, r, Order c Accenteye or cal Support For Life's Journey When someone you love is diagnosed with a life- limiting illness, let Big Bend Hospice help you through the physical, emotional and Spiritual journeys you will face. 1723 Mahan Center Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32308 (850)878-5310 www.bigbendhospice.org BIGGER BETTER BI Residential Corm A Ca G Free Delivery & S In-House Finan Big Bend Bu 1700 S. Byron Butler Pkw (formerly Donna's U Heather Mosley, office manager Shane & Diane Knowles, owners BUILDINGS imerical L-Frame airports & iarages Set-Up icing. ildings vy. 584-2260 limited) Mon-Fri 9:00-5:30 Sat. 10-2, Sun. by appt. Ct$ uli tact Lenses? t 3n the web at: ecarecenter.com I 584-2200 Dr. Michael Walby;,": Optometric Physician CONTACT LENSES. - ._" The -ack Porc f i Unique home decorations , A antiques fand-yaintCdjurture .gft = 850-584-2075 3306 ~fwy. 19 S. 'Visit us online at www.mni6ackporch.net Smyrnios Painting, LLC Residential SCommercial I (FREE ESTIMATES) Gus and Manuel Smyrnios Licensed/Insured Contractor Hearing Aids * Expert Fitting Highest Quality All Makes & Models In Perry Monday to Friday Dr. Jeffrey D. Russell SAudiologist SHamdan ENT Center I CALL '584-8123 TACO TIMES PERRY NEWS-HERALD 123 S. Jefferson St. Perry, Fl; 32347 P.O. Box 888 Perry, Fl. 32348 (850) 584-5513 Fax 838-1566 News Dept. perrynews@perry.gulfnetcom I ;. ;` ~ - * E R.W. MEISSNER -: t & ASSOCIATES, INC.:- S CIVIL ENGINEERING- SERVICES - BUILDING PLANS ---: RENOVATIONS - HOMES- COMMERCIAL PERMITS DEPARTMENT OF .- ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS - SSUWANNEE RIVER WMD .-- SITE DEVELOPMENT PARKING LOTS 216 W. MAIN STREET - PERRY, FLOFIIDA 32347 PHONE # 850-584-3887 . E-MAIL: rwmi@gtcom.net . FRITH ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. Owners & Mortgage Title Insurance Policies Title Searches Real Estate ClosingsE 501 N. Byron Butler Pkwy. Perry, Fl .' 850-584-2672 Let our Commercial Connection work for you! Get more than 265,000 copies of your business cards printed and delivered every week to your customers and potential customers over the next 12 months. 850-223 1402 8s0-223-3595 I -, --I - r- I BUY it SELL is TRADE Not listed in the Yellow Pages? I 1 7 ---- I ~I~BB I I r 1 I i L: a v I rrl: rz .:-.... :r -I iwum uvri w B-6 Th Taco Times September 7, 2005 ,i -;- tz ".4--'-. -' ~r A ,*, -_ ,' -. 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