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Tayloo Since aco. Draaaed one-half mile Man killed in 'hit and run' that Berry was enroute to Doctors' Memorial Hospital to receive treatment he received in the earlier fight. He was met and arrested by other officers with FHP. "This was a terrible thing." said Ernst. "Darkness was not a factor. The fellow who was killed was Emergency works had to cuf the top off an overturned Ford truck Monday afternoon in order to extricate a Louisiana woman pinned under the dashboard. Workers used the "Jaws of Life" in the rescue, which took place about five miles north of Tennille. The family was fleeing Hurricane Katrina, which slammed into their home state early-Monday. Katrina slams Louisiana, Mississippi apparently a well-liked individual.. Sometimes we have trouble getting' witnesses or even potentiali witnesses to come forward, but this' time, everyone was coming forth, .* Please see page 2 Family fleeing hurricane. One injured in rollover crash Mon. A Louisiana family fleeing the: approach of Hurricane Katrina hadt their trip cut short Monday when their Ford truck crashed five miles north of Tennille. Carlette Jean Thomas, 46, of" Slidell. La.. was driving south on Highway 19 when she fell asleep at the wheel, according to a report filed by Florida Highway Trooper. Brian. Lundy. The vehicle drifted onto the west shoulder when Thomas "awoke and steered to the east in an attempt to re-enter the highway." Thomas crossed the southbound lanes and entered the center median, "then aggressively steered- to the west in an attempt to gain: control of the vehicle. This caused the vehicle to rotate clockwise," Lundy said. '"The vehicle overturned one time and came to a final rest on the driver's side facing west in the -, Please see page3 1 'Near miss' for Taylor coast for federal disaster assistance in the event it %was needed. A low pressure trough was expected to send Katrina northward into the western Florida panhandle. but even Mother Nature seemed to bend to Katrina's will as the hurricane continued westward taking aim on Louisiana and Mississippi. This extra push to the west probably spared Taylor County from the storm's fury. Even so. a storm surge of five to seven feet was predicted on the Taylor County coast, and a voluntary evacuation order was issued for the Taylor coastal areas Saturday morning. Interim Emergency Management Director Brianne Hoover said. The order was upgraded to a mandatory evacuation Sunday evening. A Red Cross shelter was opened Sat the Perry Elks Lodge, but when Sno one showed up. it was dosed four hours later. STaylor Coonty schools were also closed Monday due to the storm. "After meeting with emergency management and with, the prediction of high water and the possibility of tornados, we decided to close the school,". Superintendent of Schools Oscar Howard said. They wanted to err on the side of students' safety, he said. When Hurricane Dennis struck the Florida panhandle some 200 miles west of here in early July, a storm surge of three to five feet was predicted, but the water rose to over six feet catching many in the county by surprise. This time around, however, the opposite happened. According to' Hoover. county personnel monitored the beaches Sunday-. night and Monday morning during high tide and reported that water levels rose to higher than normal levels, but the canals contained the water and did not overrun their banks. ."No problems," she said. "There was no"'iter over the roads and no rep .s't" damage at this time." ,'Jls rose again during "g's high tide. Hoer-' also had people monitoring the rivers Tuesday in case of flooding due to the rain from Katrina, but there were no problems reported.so far, she said. Area hotels are reporting a large influx of people fleeing the storm. An estimated 50 people were staying at one local hot_-' When asked, an employee at a'separat : hotel said, "We've had tons. About: .- Please see page 2 Legislative delegation here Thursday Sept. 8 Rep. Will S. Kendrick (D) of Carabelle, chairman of the Taylor County. Legislative Delegation, has announced that the delegation's annual local public hearing will be held Thursday, Sept. 8, at 3 p.m. The hearing is planned in the Taylor County Commissioners' meeting room at the Adrdinistrative Complex, located at 201 East Green Street. According to the Rep. Kendrick, he and Senator Nancy Argenziano (R) of Crystal River, who make up the delegation, are looking forward to meeting with citizens and elected officials in a town hall meeting to discuss issues of interest to both elected officials and the general public. The staled purpose of the meeting is to bring up local issues and any proposed local legislation. "These hearings .are valuable in making us aware of the concerns and needs of Taylor County," said Rep. Kendrick. S:"We .look forward to hearing directly from our constituency as to how we can best be of service to them during the legislative session which begins March 7, 2006." Midweek Edition I.~5 I : ~i A-2 The Taco Times August 31, 2005 Highway closures announced Can you get home? To serve the numerous people Taylor County Emergency closures in areas affected by the here from all points west who fled Management has posted storm. the aDroach of Hurricane Katrina, information about highway In Florida, HighwaV 98 is A Red Cross shelter opened at the Elks Lodge on Ash Street Sunday evening, but when no one showed up, it was closed down four hours later. Nowhere to go? TAYLOR COAST Continued from page 1 half have left, but the others are from places like New Orleans, and have nowhere to go back to." A long-term shelter has been set up in Tallahassee for those unable to return to their homes. The shelter is located at the Mormon Church at 3717 Thomasville Road. For more information or directions to the church, call 850- 893-5563 or 850-893-4234. manslaughter charges levied HIT AND RUN Continued from page 1 with information. "I'm very glad we were able to do our job and locate the suspected driver. The people of Steinhatchee, merngenc\ services and TCSO did a great job in assisting FHP," he said. "This was a very large crime scene with several points which- had to be secured to keep evidence , fi-m being contaminated "Everyone worked together and we got what we needed," he'added. Berry- was charged with DUI manslaughter, habitual traffic offender and leaving the scene with a death. closed in Okaloosa County, SR 30 at Destin Bridge and 1-10 at Escambia County Bridge. In Alabama: SR 219 and SR 14 in Perry County; SR 39, SR 14 .and 1-59 in Greene County; SR 86 in Perkins County; 1-65 in Chilton County; SR 114, US 84 and SR 17 in Cboctaw County; SR 154 in Clarke County; US 98 in Mobile County; SR 17 in Sumter County; 1-165 and US 43 in Mobile County; and US 98 and US 90/98 in Baldwin County. In Mississippi: 1-10 and US 90 from Louisiana to Alabama borders; US 49 from Jackson to Gulfport; and 1-59 from Meridian to Picayeu. Information was not available for Louisiana. Do you live to ride? The Perry Police Department is organizing a Poker Run to benefit its Veterans Memorial Park fund. The 80-mile run will be held Saturday, Oct. 8, and will begin at 10 a.m. Registration will begin at 9 a.m. at the Ferry Elks Lodge; lunch will be. served at the lodge at 1 p.m. Contests will include "Best Hand," "Worst Hand"'and "Most Patriotic." All bikes and riders are welcome. Entry fee is $20 per bike; $5 per additional rider. All proceeds go toward the purchase of a bronze American eagle to be placed at Veterans Memorial Park. For more information, contact Lavonne Blantor at 584-5121. Looking [oi'an extra special gift for the golfer in the family? Chances are available to win a golf ball autographed by golfing legend Jack, Nicklaus. Contact the chamber at 5845366. -w -w -w I - Julia's Place presents their 1st Annual Karaoke, Contest continuing Sept. 3 & 10 Finals will be held Sept. 17 8:00 nightly Nicklaus collectible up for grabs The Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce will host its 12th annual Chamber of Commerce Golf Scramble Fund- raiser Friday, Sept. 2, at the Perry Golf and Country Club.; - New this year will be the chance to win a special prize--a golf ball autographed by golfing legend Jack Nicklaus. Chances for the golf ball are available at the chamber and will also be sold at. the scramble. To register a team, contact the chamber at.584-5513. $500 in prize money to be given away Sept. 17 $300 1st place $125 4 2nd place : $75 3rd place Al 3 winners chosen each night to compete in championship round Stop by'Julia's Place, 215 W. Hampton Springs Ave., for rules or more information (Must be 21 years of age to enter) -No phone calls please _.ddk. -.dmk.- 4'1l-_'dIlh' (850)386-7553 .Tallahassee 1882 Capital Circle NE, Suite 103 Tallahassee, FL 32308 (850)875-9992 Quincy 227 E. Jefferson St. Quincy, Fl 32351 Toll Free: 1-877-997-8181 The hiring of a lawyer'is an important decision and should not be base soley upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask the lawyer to, send yc free written'informatioh about their qualifications and experience. 4 l anrBrown Cary A. "Bo" Hardee, III Nakia D. Purdie-Lawson Hal Richmond, Of Counsel Personal Injury , & Wrongful Death * AUTOMOTIVE, TRUCK, & MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENTS * DEFECTIVE PRODUCTS * MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE/MALPRACTICE * SLIP & FALL PREMISES LIABILITY * NURSING HOME NEGLIGENCE $ No Fees or Costs until Recovery (850)997-8181 Monticello 1307 S. Jefferson Street Monticello, FL 32344 BIG BEND HOSPICE k. ,( ..- .. -1" _ Support For Life's Journey When someone you love is diagnosed with a life- limiting illness, let Big Bend Hospice help you through the physical, emotional and spiritual journeys you will face. 1723 Mahan Center Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32308 (850) 878-5310 www.bigbendhospice.org Hearing Aids *Expert Fitting .Highest Quality S All Makes & Models Need Contact Lenses? Order on the web at: Accenteyecarecenter.com or call 584-2200 Dr. Michael Walby Optometric Physician CONTACT ^^ LENSES The Pack Porch QUnique home decorations Dr. Jeffrey D. Russell antiques Audiologist dand-painteaJu rniture 9 gftrs Hamdan ENT Center 5 275 850-584-2075 :'CALL 3306 J-lwy. 19 S. Smyrnmios Painting, LLC -- Residential Commercial S'(FREE ESTIMATES) I Licensed/Insured Contractor Place Your Ad Here! GET YOUR NAME OUT INTO THE COMMUNITY... ADVERTISE! I I Jon D. Caminez 'BOARD CERTIFIED CIVIL TRIAL LAWYER TACO TIMES PERRY NEWS-HERALD 123 S. Jefferson St. Perry, Fl. 32347 P.O. Box 888 Perry, Fl. 32348 (850) 584-5513. Fax 838-1566 News Dept. perrynews@perry.gulfnet.com Gus and Manuel Smyrnios 850-223-1402 850-223-3595 * : R.W. MEISSNER & ASSOCIATES, INC. S;0 CIVIL ENGINEERING SERVICES BUILDING PLANS RENOVATIONS HOMES COMMERCIAL PERMITS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION JS ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SUWANNEE RIVER WMD 'SITE DEVELOPMENT PARKING LOTS S216 W. MAIN STREET ..PERRY, FLORIDA 32347 PHONE # 850-584-3887 E-MAIL rwmi@gtcom.net FRITH ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. Owners & Mortgage Title Insurance Policies Title Searches Real Estate Closings 501 N. Byron Butler Pkwy. 850-584-2672 Perry, FI. '1 tt Let our Commercial Connection work foryou! Get more than 265,000 copies of your business cards printed and delivered every week to your customers and potential customers over the next 12 months. ii r I -- MERCIAL -Z'' E* C .T IO:I"l In one year 265 will be .,000 copies of these ads delivered every week to your customers.. _ . -r ..---. II S - A-3 The Taco Times August 31, 2005 ~JL~C-L~-~.- ~"~iik~i~i~i r; r-r : ..lr : :.:-: ..-. -. -~r i : -r ;*1 .r I~ --`~''''' ~~r;r :;' ''' ~; ~- ....,. +(-, BI~.--E iT;T L~jr ..,...,. -I I "''' LI ~;bi~i 1 i~. ~ :~.,~ n-dp~i;~i~~: 57'T~ ~7.C : - ._...,...; e i h F'. I. ;~J b ~ Traffic stops as AirMedic One lands on the northbound lane of Highway 19 to transport the driver to Shands in Gainesville. of freed driver One of the dog. s rests xt to the overturned truck. One of the dogs rests next to the overturned truck. Animal control took the dogs for safe keeping .overnight. ROLLOVER Continued from page 1 center median." The passenger, Jessie Wayne Smith, 16, escaped the vehicle, but Thomas was trapped inside. Personnel from the Taylor County Sheriffs Office, Doctors' Memorial Hospital Emergency Medical Services, Florida Highway Patrol and -Taylor County Fire/Rescue responded to the.scene. It took some 15 minutes, and use of the "Jaws of Life," to free Thomas, whose legs were pinned under the dash. AitMedic One landed on the northbound lane of Highway 19 and transported her to Shan'ds in Gainesville.. Smith was transported by ambulance to DMH in Perry with minor injuries. DVDs, clothing and toys littered the highway around the truck,, apparently belongings packed up before fleeing the storm. - Also in the vehicle were five dogs, all of whom escaped serious injury. Animal Control Officer Carrie Tucker, who was off-duty at the time, reported to. the scene with an animal cage and took them into custody overnight for safe keeping. Need a College Placement Test? North Florida Community Persons taking the tests \ill be i Education) will also be given at ;College" wfll conduct College requiredd to register in NFCC NFCC on Mondays, Sept. 12, 19 Placement Tests (CPT) on Student Services, 24 hours before and 26 at 6.p.m.; and Tuesdays, computer every Thursday at 8:30 testing. Sept. 6, 13, 20 and 27 at 1:30 a m. and 1:30 p.m. in the NFCC For more information, please p.m. Technical Center on the Madison call (850) 973-9451., Photo ID and pre-registration is campus. TABE (Test of Adult Basic, required. . --- .:- .-- . #4 _, SNorth Central Florida's MOST UNIQUE SHOPPING EXPEREN i FOR HOME AND GARDEN ECOR Eclectic selections for nearly every taste! 5 oil 1 mom II).d . Whitecraft outdoor wicker Carter Grandle cast alLumirUlLrn fur niture Painted Adirondack chairs Indoor wicker, rattan and sea grass chairs. loveseats Flower pots of all sizes and colors SSurmmer shoes, purses. totes Italian: Geribi dishes and trays Decorative pillows Lamps anrd chandeliers Assorted platters *Jewelry and more! Just a short drive for big savings on beautiful items you can't find anywhere else in North Florida! MASON'S MARKET 815 1stAve. S.E. open Steinhatchee, Florida 7 am-10 pm 3; 52-498-3028 Open 7 am-10 pm SHO EAL I mA Y O L SUPPLIE ~SLITE NO RANH EK FRIDAY SE T 2 USDA Western Beef Whole Bone-In RIBEYE 419 LB. :Sliced Freel USDA Western Beef. ,Whole Top SIRLOIN 2d e! Sliced Free! 12-Oz. Pkg. Cottage Brand SLICED BACON..........3 FOR 3.99 1-Lb. Roll Lee's Fresh Pork SAUSAGE,..I.H.:;.. ......4 FOR 399 1-Lb. Sunset Farm BREAKFAST HAM......3 FOR 7.99 12-Oz. Sunset Farm Fresh SAUSAGE PATTIES.......3 FOR 4.99 10-Oz. Carolina Pride Smoked LINK SAUSAG1.E.......3 FOR 3.99 40-Lb. Size Box Grade 'A' Chicken LEG QUARTERS L 1-Lb. Bean Brothers *Hot *Mild 10 Lb. or More Fresh Ground SMOKED SAUSAGE...3 FOR 5.99 BEEF 1-Lb. Farmland (Reg. Thick) SLICED BOLOGNA.....4 FOR 3,99 B 1-Lb. Package Farmland SLB. JUMBO FRANKS,.....,4 FOR 3.99 Lee's Whole Only 1-Lb. Package Smoked Pork OLD TIMER RED HOTS.,.3 FOR 4.99 PICN IC 1-Lb. Package Foster Farms. CORN DOGS.,.............3 FOR 5.99 3-Lb. Package Grill Deli ht LLB. ANDY'S WIENERS.....2 FOR 6.99 2-Per Package Lean N' Tender Pork SPARERIBS 139 I LB. 10-Lb. Size Box Irish Pork SPARERIBS Frozen Lean N' Tender Whole Boneless PORK LOIN LB. Sliced Free! 2 Per Package Boston Butt PORK ROAST 119 LB. iO.Lb. Box Lee's Thick RindOn SLICED BACON,,,$i7,99 I I Living A-4 The Taco Times August 31, 2005 Football brownies surely score ingredients listed below and then pour batter into a jelly roll pan that's been lined with foil. According to culinary officials, brownies bake faster this way and will be easy to remove from the pan. When it comes to decorating your football shapes, the white chocolate icing looks like "laces," but you can also use decorating Wedding reminder Cardwell-Freemant SConnie Cardwell and Aaron Freeman remind friends and relatives of their wedding Saturday, Sept. 3, at 4 p.m. in Boyd Methodist Church. A reception will follow. For Iris Jackson 90th birthday party planned Sunday Iris Jackson will celebrate her 90th birthday on Sunday, Sept. 4, in the :Memorial Hall of First United Methodist Church, beginning at 2 p.m. :All friends and family members are invited to attend. Gifts are gratefully 'declined. Born in Mayo on Aug. 29, 1915, Mrs. Jackson has resided in Fenholloway and Perry for 75 years. She was married to Edwin J. Jackson (now deceased) for 56 years. New arrivals Colby Lane Sunderland David and Angela Sunderland of Oviedo announce the birth of their son, Colby Lane, on Aug. 18, 2005, in Florida Hospital, Orlando. The new arrival weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces, and was 19 inches long. Paternal grandparents are John and Be\ c rl Sunderland of Perry. His paternal great grandparents are Ben and Nell Sunderland of Corinth, Miss., and the late Nancy Sunderland. He is also the paternal great grandson of the late John and Eleanor Grizzard who lived in Norfolk, Va SColb\ Lane's maternal grandparenils are Johnnie "Winky" and Darlene Stephens of Athena. His maternal.peal grandparents are Jone Pridgeon of Athena, Billy and Pam Pridgeon of Old Town, Billie June Knight of Cross City and the late Oliver Knight. His maternal great, great grandpare nis jre Ida Mae Pridgeon of Athena and the late Berlin Pridgeon. Be n L Molly Elizabeth Lundy Brett and Leigh Anne Lundy of Perry announce the birth oftheir daughter, Molly Elizabeth, on Aug. 19, 2005, at 7:49 a.m. in Capital Regional Medical Center in Tallahassee. She weighed 7 pounds, 12- ounces, and was 20 inches long. _ Maternal grandparents are Connie and Andy Stimpson of Perry. The baby's maternal great grandmother is Irene Richardson of Virginia Beachh. - Va.. , Paternal grandparents are Margarei and Lamar Lund, of Perry. W.H. land Mary Paramorce of Live-Oak are the baby's paternal great grandparents. Molly Elizabeth was welcomed home by a brother, Nathan, who is two and a half \ears old. Teressa Lynn Zielinski Elizabeth "Beth", Mallory and Jamie Zielinski of Leesburg announce the [birth of their dau'hier. Teressa'Lyrn Zielinski, on Aug. 2". 2i.'5, at. Q11:09 a.m. in Leesburg Medical Center. She:weighed 11 pounds, 13 ounces, and \vas 20 and one-half inches long. ; Harriet '"Jackie" alllor\ of Perr\' the baby's maternalgrandmother. S' Susan Zielinski of Leesburg is the bt'jh's p:irnril 'randmirollicr ARMADILLO CONSTRUCTORS & ERECTORS INC. License 9CG3031636 CCC 058209 BUILDERS *ROOFERS HOME INSPECTIONS 800-719-9138 386-294-3914 .- D os as9 Household O0 0 A:9- Big or Small... Dependable Free Estimates Reliable Local :', S2'Guys, Truck & Trailer' 584-3776 (W) Licensed 584-2270 Servrig Perry & Surrounding Counhie',) office Apartment We can move it all! icings or gels to add color. If your team mascot comes in a cookie cutter shape, add that to the line- up. Cover tightly with foil to maintain freshness until you arrive at the tailgate party where you will surely get "brownie points"- from your fellow football fans. Football Brownies Chocolate Footballs: *1 large pkg. (19 oz.) chewy fudge brownie mix. 3/4 c. (1 and 1/2 sticks) butter or margarine, melted and cooled. 2 large eggs 1/3 c. water White Chocolate Laces 1/2 c: white chocolate ("'vanilla") chips 1 t. shortening Preheat oven to .350 degrees. Line a jelly roll pan, 15xl0xl inches, with foil. Spray foil with cooking spray; set aside. In medium mixing bowl, stir together brownie mix, butter, eggs ang water until smooth. Pour into Colby Lane Sunderland Look up for heaven. .. look downtown for us! "Our Floors Are Out of This World" WHY PAY MORE? Quality Flooring ', For Less! Professional Installation 838-3852 115 E. Green St Mon. Fri. 9- 5 Evenings by appt. Sat 1, 10-2 Got a weekend tailgate party planned? Football brownies are guaranteed to score a touchdown with family and friends. Here's the game plan: The recipe is so easy that you won't even need a scrimmage session or a playbook to enjoy 'great success. Begin with a large package of brownie mix (enough to fill a'13x9 inch pan), add A': Get a free tank installation and free propane from Ferrellgas. For a liri- r:l iill'- only, your hometown Ferrellgas team is prepared pan. Bake 18 to 20 minutes or until center is almost * set. Cool slightly. Using football-shaped cookie cutter, cut brownies into football shapes. (Save remaining brownie pieces for another- use.) Place white chocolate chips and shortening in a heavy duty resealable plastic bag. Microwave on medium for one minute or until chips are melted. Massage the bag to combine white chocolate with shortening. Cut off corner tip of bag; use. bag. as a tool to decorate the footballs with laces. Makes 3 dozen, two-inch footballs. Touchdown Trifle: Cut leftover brownie pieces into 1/2-inch cubes, then layer them with your favorite pudding or yogurt in clear bowl. Top with whipped cream. Quarterback Sneak: You can snack on the chewy 'brownie leftovers as .you cut out the .football shapes and no one will ever know. Note' Football-shaped cookie cutters are available in kitchen specialty stores. Bridal . n egistry :, , Keri Rachelle Bundrick Robert Christopher Ponder September 17,2005 Luanne Collins Jacob Faulkner October 1, 2005 -Hope K. Harvey Arthur W. Watkins III October 15, 2005 Al' Gunter James Parker October 31, 2005 Shanna Sadler Brian Jones November 12; 2005, Baby .Iei istry , Rachael Guy Kelly Moore Girl due September 2005 -Mary Ann & Chris Folsom ..rl hjue October 2005 Melissa Fouche TJ. Edwards Gid due January 2006 1 8 : : i 1 .GreSt .Eng agent and birth, annrounrcemenrt forms are available forpick up in our office and are published as space is available. SAVE FREE MONEY -, ESTIMATE COMMITTED TO QUALITY As seen on TV LIMITED TIME 8'LB. ORECK XL " VACUUM CLEANER * ill t.'.,,ilil & Easy To Use * 3-Yr. Warranty * Long 25-ft. Cord J, -- .--- *I 4f. 4- *FREL ,Err'i, ~ E.i. ir Oreck XL', and .:; .- Cordless Speed Iron' and the Compact Canister FREE! $100 value value /t Z -r.P:1 l-ilF'. F RE' .I-,-_Il 'i1 ', i :'':'p.ir, I r ir -nr ,illn .: i 'l . '. l i II h- .i -t f q .ir- .i . 8 Ferrelgaos 800-634-3951 'Certain restrictions apply. Offer expires September 30, 2005. Minimum fill may be required: New residential lease Customers only. 584-6021 803 W. Main St. Perry, Fl. 32347 Store Hours: 8 AM 6 PM Mon. Sat. southhouse@perry.gulfnet.com ,2M c o ns LC U19brm M odO k 00..,-,,. onf... : on,_ Code 9003 -.-B.ls. :i. ;_. if. ...u mT T l[iimmIIIPi Football brownies are sweet treats for tailgate parties Reunion planned Saturday The Morgan/Wilson Family Reunion will be held Saturday, Sept. 3, at 11 a.m. in Forest Capital Park. A covered dish lunch will be shared at 12:15 p.m with an auction following at 1:15 p.m Plates, cups, forks, napkins and ice will be provided; please bring a dish to share, beverage, lawn chairand auction item. IL --- ll -U Celebrating 30 Years! 3btokan Karate (Kids: 4:00-5:00 pm) (Teens: 5:30-6:30 pm) (Adults: 7-8 pm) (Executive 12:00-1:00 pm) TUESDAY & THURSDAY www.bowden. karate bowdenj/@gtcom.net PENOX Wide Spectrum Filtration System Removes IRON, TANNIN, SULFUR, MANGANESE and TURBIDITY. Kills BACTERIA Eliminates BAD TASTE, BAD ODOR and LAUNDRY & FIXTURE STAINS.. Our systems are. tailored to your particular needs ..All are LOW COST, LOW MAINTENANCE. GUARANTEED. Call today for FREE WATER TEST. No obligation. Prices $795 to $1995 IRON-FREE Well Water Company, Inc. Lisa McKinney, Representative. 850-584-5750 .800-437-1128 I - -I l I 124 S- Jefferson St'. Jimmy Bowd~n Instructorr 838-3656 When Brvnes' retirement begins Johnson will take reins MANAGER Continued from page 1 Councilman Doug Everett said S he would not want to restrict requirements to a degree if a S certain amount of managerial S experience could be show n Former NAACP president, Wayne Dunwoody encouraged the S. council to first "decide which direction you want to take the ciy and then be specific about what you wanm in a ciy manager." As, to the interim position Issue, Brynes reminded the council That a chain-of-command was : already in place for the city. "In the past, if I have been out. then Barney IJohnson filled in next in line after him would be i Perrv Police Department) Chief Wa.ne Puinal," Brynes said S "I make a motion that %we follow the current order," Eerett said. Cook gave a second and the .s motion passed unanimously. "I have full confidence in Barney as a interim manager until we fill the position with a permanent employee." Everett said. City Attorney Mike Smith noted that Johnson's appointment would not be in effect until the end of Br, nes'. 45-day notice. "You need to hav e a time period reflected in the motion for an effective date." he said. "I think we need to get the elephant out of the phone booth and talk about what's before us It was a rough meeting last week. There were hurt feelings on both sides. I think the question no\ is do we want to go ahead with the transition or pay Bill out for the remainder of his time here? What would be in the best interest of healing Cook said. "Pay Bill for his remaining 39 days and let Barney be the (interim) city manager?" Everett asked. "If it would promote a feeling of healing and moving forward," Cook said. ,"1 have no hard feelings toward anyone. I. chose to go ahead and retre. I hear what you are saying, but if you do that, put some time period in it, like a week or so. I am dealing \ith a contract and contractors this week and I need to finish that." Br, nes said "I didn't know v.hat vour mind- set was. Bill. It got so personal last w eek." Cook said, referring to a nearly -hourl, discussion in which Br nes responded to stinging evaluations submilled b the council on his job pertormance "What period of time would \ou need to bring Barnes up to speed?" Everett said. "If ,ou ..kant to do that' it could get done in a \week." Br',nes said. "Bill. is there way for \ou to stay?" Councilman Alphonso Dowdell said. "I ha'.e already applied for retirement," Br nes replied "I share \our same concerns, but I don't harbor any guilty feelings toward our conduct wv.ith Mr. Brynes would d it be possible to reach a compromise? Like maybe having Barne, take over in two weeks?" Everett said. "If he wants to work and we are going to pa) him tor it an\wa,,. v.h', not let him st[ and wrtrk it this -15-dav notice)" Councilman Syl'.ester Harns said. "In that case I rescind my motion and i'll just leave it w nth Barn t akine o \er as interim at the end of Bill's 45-da\s," Everett said. The council then asked Smith to draft a proposed advertisement for the citn manager position. A special meeting will be held Thursday at 6:15 p.m., for the council to re% iew the advertisement and approve it for distribution Deadline here for 'They Were Here' Today (Wednesdja,, is the deadline for submissions for book 16 of the "They \Vere Here" series Contact Tavlor County Historical Society President Wanda Cash for entry information. WE'VE MOVED 1700 S. Byron Butler Pkwy. (formerly Donna's Unlimited) Storage when you need it! BIGGER BETTER BUILDINGS Free Delivery Better Savings & Set-UP Wood or Steel A-Frame Carports & Garages Residential Commerical In-House Financing Concrete Work & Land Clearing Big Bend Buildings 584-2260 Heather Mosley, office manager Mon-Fn 9:00-5:30 Shane & Diane.Knowles, owners Sat. 10-2, Sun. by appt. * help you reach your goals, too. Happy Labor Day Monday, Sept. 5 This message is sponsored by: * FRITH ABSTRACT & TITLE COMPANY ZLmu. ~Ii CLOSED MONDAY 501 N. Bvron Butler Pkw:v. P.O. Box 515 Perry, FL 32348 Telephone (850) 584-2672 Fax .(850) 584-8841 Tree Capital Credit Union SIf you live or work in Taylor Counhty you can be a member of Tree Capital Credit Union. 1402 S. Jefferson St. NCUA Closed Monday (850) 584-3002 .. "",....." ,, yCapital City Bank Closed Monday < "Over 100 Years of Building Financial Relationships" WH0ER Member FDIC 115 W. Green St. www.ccbg.com 584-2057 BUCKEYE COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Closed Monday S....r ,,, ,,., losed Monday 825 S. Jefferson St. NCUA Perry, FL 32348 www.bcfcu.coop (sso) 223-7100 TheM Closed QiZtizens ank Monday O-F P E*-R-R*Y Serving you with offices in Perry and Steinhatchee. 1' Member 2000 South Byron Butler Pkwy. Perry 850-584-4411 1nouSINO FDI9 905 First Avenue S.E. Steinhatchee 352-498-2951 ulND Lwamar oryaan, a2 ) FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY 313 N. Jefferson St. T Perry, Fl. 32347 Closed (850) 584-2674 Monday Perry Newspapers, Inc. 123 S. Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347 e-mail: perrynews@perry.gulfnet.com Closed Monday A-5 The Taco Times August 31, 2005 A Salute to American Labor The working men and women who form the backbone of our economy have earned our admiration, respect and best wishes. We're proud to salute them and we're always on hand to listen to ideas that can help this community prosper and grow. And we'll work harder to Sports Late score propels 'Dogs to 24-21 win A-6 The Taco Times Auaust 31,2005 --- ^ ^ --- -- -- -- -1 By AARON PORTWOOD A 28-yard field goal by John Crowley in the third quarter and fullback Sean Padgett's gutsy six- yard touchdown run with just over four minutes to play in the game propelled the Taylor County Bulldogs to a gut-wrenching 24- 21 season-opening victory over the Chipley Tigers, Friday night in Dorsett Stadium. The seesaw battle was knotted at 14-14 at halftime and turned into a defensive struggle in the second half, with each team managing only one touchdown drive. S Taylor County's defense held Chipley to just 98 yards of offense in the first half and even less in the second half (65) for a total of 163 offensive yards. However, the Tigers made up for it with two long kickoff returns S in the first half, including a 97- yarder for a touchdown by Joe Green on the opening kickoff that gave Chipley a 7-0 lead just 16 seconds into the game. After the Bulldogs tied the game on their first drive with a six-yard TD pass from Genario McNealy to Sebastian Ingrain, Green almost broke another return for a touchdown, scampering 53 yards to the Bulldogs' 42-yard line before being transported to the hospital for dehydration. The heroes,for the Bulldogs were too numerous, to list on both offense and defense, as the offensive line and Padgett (13 carries, 30 yards, TD) paved the way for two rushing touchdowns and protected, McNealy, who completed 7 of 15 passes for 157. yard, and a touchdo% n. : McNealy, who was held to just two yards rushing on six carries, was picked off one time, but made a key, one-handed, leaping, acrobatic interception on defense before. leaving the game temporarily on the Bulldogs' game-winning drive due to cramps. Back-up QB Marquis Ellis calmly stepped in to keep the drive alive, completing a:crucial 24-yard pass to Tony Powell on a 3rd and 10 play from the Chipley 30-yard line to set up Padgett's go-ahead touchdown run. , Padgett set-up the great pass by making key blocks to pick up blitzes on back-to-back plays to save Ellis (1 of 4, 24 yards passing) and McNealy, on critical passes. After McNealy re-entered the. game at QB, the Bulldogs faced a 3rd and goal play from the 6-yard line when a surprise hand-off to ,.Padgett. fooled the Chipley defense and he followed Drew Southerland into the endzone. Padgett was hit by three different Tigers on the play, but refused to go.down, churning his leI:. spinning off tacklers nd Dragging two defenders over the. goaltline. Ingram (4 catches, 107 jards. TD), Powell (2 catches, 27 yards, 2-point conversion catch.i Greg Snead (1 for 2S yards) and Ellis 11 catch, 19 \srds) all made key receptions for [he Ta 'lor offense. Bryckoski Jackion finished with five carries for 16 Nards. while e Powell had nine carries for seen yards anid a ke,, sii\-ard TD run from his % ingback position. Snead finished ,aith three carries for Yardstick Taylor' Chiplev 39/55/2 TD Rushing 35/128/2 TD 8/19/1 TD Passing' 4/12/0 181 Pass Yards 35 1 Interceptions 1 236 Total Offense 163 8 First Do\% ns 11 122 Return Yards 176 (1 TD) 4/34.3 Punts/A\g. 4/41.8 28-yarder Field Goals 0 3/1 Fumbles Lost 6/3 11/-90 Penalties/Yds 1 2-85 Powell (3) looks, for running room as Jackson (39) sets up to. block. eight yards, while Ellis and Jamar McIntyre finished with negative yardage. The Bulldog offensive line, led by Southerland, Billy Joe Wigglesworth, Adam Cook, Kane Miguel,. Marcus Humphries, Lance Rowell, Shane Padgett and Jake Wilson were impressive. Revels,. Jake Meacham, McNealy, Padgett, Georgie Armstrong, Gerald Walker, Shane Bailey, Wigglesworth, McIntyre and Jacks.on led the defense. Revels '(four tackles for loss, two forced. fumbles), Meacham (three tackles for loss), Armstrong, Bailey and Padgett all recorded crucial tackles. Chipley, who was victimized for two kick returns for touchdowns by Jefferson in their pre-season jamboree, drew first blood in the game with Green's electrifying 97-yard kickoff return for a touchdown to grab a 7-0 lead. Taylor responded with an eight- play, 76-yard touchdown drive. keyed by an 18-yard option keeper by McNeali and a beautiful 50- yard bomb to Ingram, who blew past a defender and sped underneath the perfect sideline pass from McNeal. A pne-yard run by Padgett set up Snead's five-yard carry down to the six-yard line. McNeal threw a laser to Ingram on a slant pass to pull Taylor within 7-6 %with 8.13 to play in the first quarter. Crowley's extra-point kick sailed wide left after the Bulldogs were hit ,\ith a penalty before the extra- point play. Green then returned the kickoff 53 yardss into Bulldog territory. but that drive ended when McNeal, made his spectacular interception and returned it 23 yards to the Chipley 42. Ellis, who alternated series at QB with NlcNealy, was sacked on first down and back-to-back penalties pushed the Bulldogs back to their own 30. More penalties on the Bulldogs %\ ho finished with 11 for -90 .ards) helped Chipley pick up first downs and set up a seven-yard TD run by Josh Potter (12 carries, 62 yards, 2 TD). The PAT gave Chiple. a 14-6 lead near the end of the first quarter. Taylor started from their own 43 when the Tiger kickoff went out of bounds. Carries by Padgett and Jackson gave the Bulldogs a first down, but McNealy threw into double coverage and was intercepted on the last play of the quarter. Big defensive plays by Meacham and Bailey forced the Tigers to punt and Powell followed some great blocking to return the punt 72 )ards dow n to the Chipley eight-yard line. Padgett bulled ahead for two yards to set up a sweep pla) to Powell, who ran around the end for six yards and a touchdo% n. On what appeared to be a designed play, McNealy picked up a bad extra point snap and threw a gorgeous jump ball to Powell, who. out-leapttwo defenders.in the endzone for the tying, twb-point conversion with 7:55 to play, in the half. SDefense and penalties,took over for the rest of the second quarter, as Padgett, Armstrong, Meacham,'i. ,Mcinityre, Jackson 'and Bailey miade.great defensive plays in the closing drive of the first half. 'The second half began as the first ended with defense in control, until Ingram broke up a third and 2) pass to force Chipley to punt and Taylor took over at midfield.;-- Short runs by Padgett and Jackson set up a 28-yard pass from McNealy to Snead on a key 4th and 5pla\ from Chipley's 45-yard line. &. "- ''-" ' Mclntr re lost three. yards on a : reverse, but Powell took a pitch': for 10 yards and McNealy hit Ingram for a 10-yard pass to set up 1st and goal from the five-yard/ line. McNealy .Was thrown for a - Plea see page 8 ,:1,'L '" . .. '.... ' Jackson (39) and McIntyre (6) bring down a Chipley runner as Revels (88) closes in. Here Thursday niaht JV to play Wakulla in opener .The Taylor County High Junior Varsity football team opens its 2005 season Thursday when the Bulldogs play host to Wakulla. Kickoff is set for 7 p.m. With a new coaching staff, a new offense and defense anid onl, a week's worth'of work in pads, Coach Dan Anderson seems to have his perspectives in order. "Our job is to prepare the team to be varsity players next year and to strengthen the football program at TCHS," he said, adding, "We are emphasizing grades, discipline and character." Assisting Anderson with the coaching duties this season 'are Ingram's (4) leaping catch set up the game-winning touchdown run by Padgett. Danny Glover, Kelly Armstrong, A.J. Dodge and Mark Jennings. "We "are young and we are learning but our guys have been working hard with a lot of enthusiasm," he said. Just like the varsity, the jayvee Squad will be running the "flexbone" offense and a 4-3 set on defense. Anderson said his perspective starting backfield includes Dale Pigford' at quarterback, Jarvis McGrew at fullback and Curtis Jones and Adrick Arnold at the wingbacks. Jonathan McKnight and Ethan Young are expected to get the start at wide receiver. On the offensive iine Tyler Jenkins will be at tight end with Johnny Young and Michael Wells at the tackles, Tyler Dubose and Josh Cook at the guards and Will Hall at center. On defense Sean Crowley and Ryan Baker will be at the ends and Tyrone Miller and Dubse will play the tackles. The linebacking corps will consist of Cody Davis, McGrew and Kendall Thompson while the secondary will be made up of Rodrick Wilson, Keith Gober, Dustin Murphy and Curtis Jones. Date Opponent Site Time/Result Sept. 1 Wakulla Home 7:00 p.m. Sept. 8 Madison Away 7:00 p.m. Sept. 22 Jefferson Home 7:00 p.m. Sept. 29 East Gadsden Away 6:30 p.m. Oct. 4 .Madison Home 7:00 p.m. Oct. 13 U.S. Coast Guard CAPTAIN'S LICENSE :Cross City starts Tuesday, Sept. 6 V$39900 SIncludes all equipment & books. Test after the class with Capt. Mike Adams TOLL FREE S877-447-1950 ',aa. m / / w> -v-*" Fort White Away 7:00 p.m. Attend ALL Bulldog Games Ethan, Have a great season! Junior Varsity vs. Wakulla Good Luck! Go Dawgs! Sisters' Mereantile 121 E. Green St. 838-2021 . -' v, Religion g1 on A-7 Taco Times August 31, 2005 Church offers English classes for internationals Is English your second language? First Baptist Church will begin. its second year of ESL (English As A Second Language) classes on Monday, Sept. 12, in the church annex house on the corner of Main and Center streets. Classes will be held each Monday from 8-10 a.m., and on Thursdays from 9:30-11:30 a.m., 3-5 p.m., and 7-9 p.m. Interested persons should contact Eleanor L. Grubbs at 584-6325 and leave a message including your name and phone number. Open registration for the classes will be held throughout the year, Grubbs said. Willing Servants, Sacred Hearts sing here The Perry First Church of God on Highway 221 will hold its monthly- sing on Saturday, Sept. 3, at 7 p.m. featuring Willing Servants and Sacred Hearts. Snacks will be served at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is invited. Two-day revival planned Sept. 3-4 SFor two days only, in the House of Deliverance at 404 W. Bacon St., Cards of Thanks 'Beffe The family of Brenda Belle would like to thank each and every one for all the kind expressions of sympathy extended to us during the Loss of our loved one. Thanks to DMH emergency staff and ICU unit for all your devoted care for her and the'family while we were there. Special thank you to Pastor Bill Meacham and the Ndrthside 'Church of God families, and to Pastor Justin Webb and the Evangel Christian bFellowship' families for the beautiful service as well as your prayers, love and support. To all the friends and families that stood by us, you'll never know how much it meant to us. To Joe Rodgers and staff of Obituary Drew Jones Drew Jones, 78, died Aug. 25, 2005, in Perry. A native of Welborn, he had lived in Perry for the past 15 years, coming here from Hollywood. Survivors include: one son, SStephen NMicqhael Jones of White, ,Springs, three daughters, Marsha Mule of Rochester, N.Y.,,Michelle Petullo of Hollywood and Vicki Waters of Live Oak; a brother, Marvin Price Jones of Welborn; a sister, Velma Bobo of Seymore, Tenn.; his long-time 'companion, Ella F. Bowden; 11 grandchildren; eight great grandchildren; and a host of nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his wife, Marjorie Josephine Jones, and a daughter, Barbara Schofill Jones. Funeral services were held Tuesday, Apg. 30, at Joe P. Burns _Funeral Home with interment following~at Pineview 'Memorial Gardens. Family members received friends Monday evening at Burns Funeral Home, which was in charge of the arrangements. -- Beggs Funeral Home, thanks for all your caring and dedicated services. We also thank the local law enforcement for the dedicated service as well. Thanks again and may God bless you all. The families of Brenda Belle {endry The family of Benji Hendry would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to everyone for the tremendous outpouring of love and sympathy extended to us during our time of sorrow and grief. We want to thank everyone for the food brought to our home, the visits, the phone calls, and prayers during this difficult time. Thank you alsb for the cards, the beautiful flowers, and plants that were sent to us, and for the many beautiful flowers sent for Benji's funeral in Tennessee. We have been comforted in so many ways because of everyone's kindness. Words cannot express how much these acts of kindness are appreciated. We are truly blessed to have so many friends I Pastor George7L. Will and congregation revival services will be held featuring a variety of ministers. Dinner will be served at Loughridge Park on Saturday, with services following at 7:30 p.m. On Sunday morning, services begin at 11la.m. Everyone is invited to attend. For more information, please call 838-2066, 584-4752 or 223- 3073. Tallahassee minister speaks here St. Peter's Primitive Baptist Church will hold revival services through Sept. 2 at 7:30 each evening featuring the Rev. Louis Anderson of Tallahassee. Elder Chester Davis, pastor, invites everyone to attend. Need to be revived? Pastor Byron C. Hughes will lead a three-day revival at Glorious Rain Church of God of Prophecy, Sept. 2-4, with services at 7 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. For Sunday's worship, services begin at 11 a.m. and include a baptism. A 6 p.m. services is also planned. For information, please call 223-1194 or 584-9437. We are pleased to announce the surgery welt well and he is home now recovering. A full recovery will take several months, but with hope and prayer, we have full confidence he will be back to his loving, carefree self in no time. Thanks again for all your, support. We love you all. Sincerely, Jody and Shannon Cannon that care. May God bless you. Clyde, Nancy and Brent Hendry Cannon We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that had thoughts, prayers and concerns for our son, LoganCannon, while he was going through, a difficult time with his epilepsy surgery at Shands. S ,Coming in September... Full Service Christian Bookstore Christian Books Christian Music Bibles Christian Videos DaySpring Cards Located inside O'Quinn Pharmacy / Downtown Perry Men gather Friday The monthly, informational gathering of men which includes lunch and a brief inspirational message by the Rev. Eddie Blalock, will be Friday, Sept. 2, at the M.A. Rigoni Cookhouse on North U.S. 19 (north of the former Highway Patrol Station). Lunch will be served from 11:30 a.m. until 12:15 p.m., followed by the message which will conclude at 12:35 p.m. The cost is $5, and all men are invited. "IS ONE YEAR'S SALARY ENOUGH LIFE INSURANCE" CALL ME TO FIND OUT HOW r MUCH LIFE INSURANCE YOU ( l REALLY NEED. Mark Pelt, Agent 584-5188 Allstate. 1000A Jefferson St. vw'-a ~, M,. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company, Allstate Indemnity Company and Allstate Life Insurance Company, Home Office: Northbrook, Illinois. 2002 Allstate Insurance Company SCross Cit / Dental, PA 498' 70 Stephen M. Henry DMD (352) 498-7001 David R. Schneck DMD New Patients Welcome whiter brighter faster whitening in about an hour 117 NE Hwy. 351 Cross City, FI. arns cordially invite you to attend their first service in their newly designedsanctuary Sunday, Sept. 4 ito 'clock Mt. Olive Missionary Baptzst Church 1149 W. Hampton Springs Ave. We are looking for homes and land in Taylor, Madison and Jefferson county areas to sell. If you are thinking of selling, please call for a FREE market analysis. Our team is ready to help. KELLY & KELLY PROPERTIES (850) 223-2370 Prepare for an Exciting Career in Learn the skills needed for the installation, configuration and repair of computer systems, peripherals, operating systems and application programs. Additional Associates Degrees in: Medical Assisting Radiology Technology Health Services Administration Nursing Accounting Business Administration Criminal Justice Paralegal Culinary Arts Baking & Pastry Arts Computer Graphics & Design Bachelor Degree Programs in: * Health Services Administration * Criminal Justice * Business Administration with Majors in: - Marketing - Human Resources SInternational Business & Trade G E S.EE j 0ouback S when you get High Speed Internet and DIRECT* service!* high speed internet and DIRECTV available through GT Com High Speed Internet: > $29.95 per month until 2006! > FREE $25 gift card! > FREE professional installation > BLAZING FAST internet access! > PLUS much more! * Offer available for a limited time ony and subject to change without notice. DSL service' not yet available in all areas. New customers only. Other terms and conditions apply. Please call for details. "mr -c -I -ZI Cd F- r" -DI service DIRECTVO service available through GT Corn: > ACT NOW and get over 155 all digital-quality channels for only $39.99 for the first'4 months, plus 4 FREE months of DVR service! (Offer ends 11/5/05. Just activate the TOTAL CHOICE PLUS pack- age and DVR service. New DIRECTV residential customers only. Hardware, programming and DVR service sold separately. Add $4.99/mo. for separate programming on 2nd and each additional TV. $19.95 handling and delivery fee not included. DIRECTV and the Cyclone Design Logo are registered trademarks of DIRECTV, Inc.) C O L LE TALLAHAS Admissions Office Open 9am 8pm Toll Free 1-877-825-2573 www.keisercollege.edu KEISER it her, i I ~Z~Z L3~c~fl~ ' : .4:( ._.. ,I .~x l 'E tJi~'-CI IaRh~..QfP ~Zt A- The Taco Times August 31,2005 McNealy (7) runs for daylight with help from Ingram ( (10) during action Friday night. Crowley boots 28-yard field goal in 3rd period -BULLDOGS Continued from 6 loss on an option keeper, forcing -the Bulldogs to attempt a field :goal. Crowley punched it through the -uprights from 28-yards out to give Tavlor a 17-14 lead with 1:57 left in the third quarter. i- Big plays by the defense, -including Revels' forced fumble, recovered by Rowell, gave the 1iilldogs the ball, but Crowley' :vcas forced to punt as the final -quarter began.- :Chipley converted a 3rd and 6 -ith a 20-yard pass, but Bailey, :Revels and Meacham all had -tacekles for a loss to force a punt, which bounced 52 yards. S__Starting from their own 31, the --4tldldogs turned the ball over -= hen officials ruled Snead - -mbled before his knee was E-.dvwn and Chipley took over deep iii. Taylor territory with time winding down. _.-_Three plays later, the exhausted ':Tylor defense gave up what appeared to be the game-clinching touchdonh iion a 20-yaidr iin by, .PltIer with 4:26 to play. PThe PAT gave,the Tigers a 21-. i1-7 lead, but the Bulldogs refused *- -lose, as McNealy started from .-fs own 35-yard line, shook off a -six-yard sack on first down and an .-overthrown pass on second down :.tohit Irngram for a 41-yard pass on ,d and 16. ..rMcNealy left the game with -.ramps after a hard hit on the next play and Ellis came in to save the Bulldogs' last-gasp drive .with the awesome 24-yard pass to Powell at the Tiger's six-yard line. Incomplete passes to McIntyre and Ingram by Ellis set .up McNealy's return to the game and his hand-off to Padgett for the game-winning touchdown with under three minutes to play. In a surprise call that caught everyone in the stadium off guard, first-year Bulldogs' Head Coach Price Harris called for Crowley to deliver an onside kick, which he executed perfectly. The ball bounced twice, careened off a Tiger blocker and was recovered by Snead, who made up for his Fumble by giving the Bulldogs a chance to run out the clock. Taylor picked up' a first down, thanks to runs by Padgett, Powell and Jackson, but Chipley still had one last chance when Snead was stopped short of a first down on a 4th and 10 carry at the Tigers' 22. Chipley went backwards, as Armstrong and Revels put the' icing on the cake with a big sack on 2nd and 23, but he officials -gave Chipley one mrre chance, calling a roughing the passer penalty on the Bulldogs on the final play. Howcer. Ingram knocked down a long pass to preserve the victory for Taylor County. The Bulldogs (1-0) will travel to Tallahassee to take on Chiles High in a 7 p.m. game this Friday night. Live Remote 92.1 Friday,Sept. 2 11-1 Free Hot Dogs & DrinKs U U -* S Time is running out! Hurry in before Sept. 6th to receive Your Employee Discount on the Ford vehicle of your choice! Including the Hot New 2006 Super Duty Pick-ups, Escapes & Expeditions! Eligible vehicles are all new 2005-2006 model Ford vehicles excluding trucks above F350 and Ford GT, Mustang, and Escape Hybrid *Ford discounts & rebates applied -, -... :.B~ lM F150 Reg. Cab Explorer Sport Trac Ford 500 2005 Ranger MSRP $20,075 MSRP $24,940 MSRP $22,795 MSRP $16,005 EMPLOYEE A245* EMPLOYEE 19882 EMPLOYEE $19,872* EMPLOYEE 685* PRICE, 14 A R45 PRICE O1PRICE 11, 2003 Ford Focus .. ............... .......$10,995 .4 Door, Low Miles, S/E, White Stk #P479 2002 Ford F150....................... $18,995 XLT, 5.4, V8, 4x4, Stk. #250163A 2001 Jeep Wrangler Sport.......$16,995 1 9 Dodge am 1500............ $10,995 4x4, 6 cyl., Auto,A/C, New Top, New Tires stk #P478 Club Cab, V/8, Auto, stk. #250199B 2002 Ford F150 XLT............. ........ $18,995 4x4, Super Gab, FX4, V/8, Auto, New Tires, Silver, Perfect Truck stk. #P479 2004 Limited Jeep Libert........$1 995 V6, Auto, Leather Stk: #250012CB 2000 Ford windstar............. $9,995 V/6, Auto, Dual A/C, Low Miles, White, stk. #250196A 2002 Ford Sport Trac xT...... $17,995 Power Windows & Locks, Tilt, Cruise, stk #P472 2001 Ford F150 4x4 T..............$16,995 2004 Ford F150 Crew Cab. $27,995 Super Crew, White/Gold, 5.4, V/8, Clean Truck Stk. #250166A Lariat, 5.4, V8, Leather, Auto, Low Miles stl. #P476 2002 Ford Focus........................... 3 Door, Auto, While, Low Miles, Stk, #P473 $9,995 2005 Mustang-GL ........... $28,995 Auto, Interior Upgrade, 1,000 Watt Stereo, While, 5,200 miles, Stk #250050CA 2003 Toyota Tacoma PrRunner $1895 2003 Chevrolet Silvelido LS $19,995 Ext. Cab, 4 cyl., Auto, 25,372 miles, Green, Stk. #250090A Extra Cab, V/8,4x4, Auto, Black Stk. #250214A .Sm L 9= V .=T, .TT..", a./, -fn one of the outstanding defensive plays of the game, McNealy ~) tipped the ball to.himself for aninterception. .Seventh Day Adventist Church Saturday ,' .,: Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. '-": -Worsiip Service 11:00 a.m. .. : ~- .. -.-'.. Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:00 p.m. Juan Rodrigues, Pastor 584-8506 604 W. Julia Dr. Our Timberland Ford family extends their "Welcome Mat" to the American family Sales: Mon.- Fri. 8-7, Sat. 9-5 Parts & Service: Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:30, Sat. 7:30-3 Saturday Parts & Service OPEN 7:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. All prices plus tax, tag, title & state fees. Dealer fees included in price. Rebates apply where applicable. Not responsible for typographical errors. Pictures for illustration only. R t Fi.EaaS Days o Hurry Sale Ends Sept. 6th c. ns,'~''Nisi Community j - w, B-1 The Taco Times August31,2005 Technology awaited returning students A wheelbarrow of supplies Perry Primary School Principal George Clayton, along with a number-'of students, welcomes members of the Taylor County High School National Honor Society with sponsor Estic Rolling, as they deliver their annual donation of school supplies to the younger students. Cherokees asked to register, join 'Gathering' A special event for the United "There are many Cherokee familiarize yourselves with your Two Cloud at (386) 758-2984; Cherokee Nation will be held descendants in this area," said heritage." Billy Welcome at (310) 869-7567; Sept. 9 and 10, and Tribal Chief Burke. "You owe it to yourselves For more information, please Janet Hostetler at (386) 758-2984 for Florida and Georgia, Chief to see what we have to offer, and' contact Burke at (386) 938-4843; or Little Bird at (229) 438-0134. "Eyes of Eagle" Burke invites all Taylor Countians with Cherokee blood to attend. :United Cherokee. Nation- Principal Chief Red Hawk will speak at Sheffield's Country- Kitchen, between Jennings and Jasper (1-75, exit 460), beginning at 1 p.m. each day.' "There will be food, drumming' and many other events during the day," said Burke. "I want to really urge everyone of Cherokee descent to.attend 'The Gathering.' Burke said everyone will have a chance to sign-up and register as an ofTicial Cherokee. NFCC chorus takes applications Dr. Rebecca Burkart, who leads the music program at North' Florida Community College; has put out a call for voices of all ages and abilities to join the NFCC Community\ Chorus. Rehearsals are Mondays from 7- 8:30 p.m. at the Hardee Music Center on the Madison campus. The first session is Aug. 29, but the chorus welcomes all interested singers for Monday rehearsals, according to Birkart. "No experience is required," said Burkart, "just a willingness to learn, plenty.of enthusiasm and. commitment." . The chorus performs for college and community events throughout the year. Dr. Arnold Burkart, professor emeritus of music education from Ball State University, is co-directing with Dr. Rebecca Burkart. The chorus ,may be taken for one-hour college credit or as a non-credit community education course. Some fees apply. I For.more information, please contact Dr. Rebecca Burkart, by calling (850) 973-1643 or e-mail to music@nfcc:edu. Afforded by the $600,000 Enhancing Education. Through .Technology grants received this year, Taylor County High School and Middle School students will come back to school to new technology. This includes two new 30- unit mobile laptop labs at each school, enabling each student in the classroom to have laptops when the lab is open. One-hundred new desktop machines will replace the oldest machines and new peripherals such as printers and scanners were purchased for the two schools. A dedicated technology specialist will be housed at each of the two schools to provide on-site trouble-shooting and will assist teachers in integrating technology into their classrooms and everyday teaching. Students will also have the, advantage of using the latest versions of instructional software, both in reading and math, purchased with grant funds. The speed of the internet will be doubled this year so that programs such as FCAT Explorer will run faster. TCHS also remodeled the front of the school and received a new sign. The locker pavilion has been 'remodeled, removing the lockers and opening up the area for students' use. The high school has also installed a new Phone Master system which will call parents when students are absent. It can also be used to call parents in case of an emergency. Each classroom at the school now has a telephone. The parent portal, Edline, has been upgraded this summer, so that selected schools will be able to supply parents with student, attendance and tardiness Real estate course- offered at Madison The real estate course being offered at NFCC beginning, Wednesday, Sept. 7, is a four-hour course, rather than a three-hour course as previously announced. Classes 'meet Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays from 6 to 9 p.m., through Oct. 24, The courses prepare students to take the Florida real estate examination for licensing as a sales associate. The four-hour course may be Pre-season pep talk Taylor County Middle School Head Football Coach Dale Brewer addresses his 80-member team after a recent practice. Calendar CIVIC GROUPS AARP: lai Wed 1I0 am at Firs Bapilst Church Civil Air Patrol (CAP): 2nd and 4th Mon,. 7 p.rri main hangar at airport Kiwanis Club:. Wednesday, noon Joyce's MainStreet Cafe. MainStreet Perry: First Monday of each month, F'Perry'Tayior County Chamber of Commerce at noon. .' - NAACP: 2nd Sun;, 6 p.m., New Brooklyn' Missionary Baptist Church, Optimist Club: Thurs., noon at Joyce's Mainstreet Cafe. Perry Garden Club: third Wed., 10 a m. Perry Elks Lodge:. Tues.; 8 p.m. Perry Lodge 123, F&AM: first and third Mondaynights, 7:30 p.m., Perry Lodge #187: 1st, 3rd Wed., 7 p.m., * Masonic Hall. Perry Masonic Lodge 123: meets first and Ihird Monday nights. 7:30 p.m. Perry Shrine Club: 4th Thurs., 7 p.m, (club house on Courtney Road). Perry Woman's Club: 2nd Wed.,. noon (Sept o May, subject Ito change). Rotary Club: Tues, noon at Joyce s Main Street Cafe. Taylor County Leadership Council: 2nd and 4th Friday. 7 p m, Jerkns Vogue XIII: lirst Mon., 7:30 p.m. Call 584. .2404,. Airport Advisory Commission: 4th Monday 12 riocri, Perry-Foley Airport GOVERNMENT, Chamber of Commerce: third Thurs. 8 a m chamber board room City Council: 2nd and 4th Tues at 6 30 pm County Commission: firsi Mon and third Tues ai 6 p m courthouse annex Juvenile Justice Council: third Thurs 9 am at Juvenile Justice Office. 1719 S.' Jefferson Planning Board: isi Thurs, 6 p.m. Courthouse annex (old post office).' Social Security: representatives, 2nd Tues. 8 30 a m to noon courthouse annex.' Taylor County Construction License Board Meeting: 3rd Fri 2 p m, courthouse annex Taylor County Development Authority: 2nd Mon 5 pm at Chamber of Commerce Taylor County School Board: 1st and 3rd Tues 7 p.m Taylor County Soil & Water Board: 4th Mon, 7 pm. Chaparral Steakhouse. Taylor Coastal Water and Sewer: 3rd Wed at 18820 Beach Road, 5 p.m. Tourism Development Council: 2nd. Wed 4 p m, at Chamber of Commerce. . :.. a Diabetes classes every Tuesday, 2 p.m,, Doctors' Memonal Hospital, FAMU Alumni Chapter: second Mon., 7p'm. Jerkins Center. Florida Forest ,Festival ,Board of Directors: every Wednesday, 3:30 p;m., Chamber of Commerce. Call 584-TREE 18733. Girl Scouts Service Unit: first Thurs., 6 30 pm Scout Hut. Historical Society: open Thursday afternoons 1-5 pm Home Educators League of Perry (HELP): second Thurs 1:30 p.m., Forest SCapital Hall Call 584-8553 or 584-9207. :Humane Society of Taylor County: 2nd Wednesday,, 6 p.m., Forest Caiital Hall. Taylor Coastal Communities Association: 'each 2nd Tuesday of month, 7 p.m. at the district building Beach Road. La Leche League International: 2nd Wed., 10:30 a'm., Taylor County: Public Library. Mothers of Pre-Schoolers: first and third Fr Call 584-3826, Muskogee Creek Indian Nation: 2nd and- 4th Sat., 7 p.m. Tribal grounds, Lyman' ,,Hendry.Road. SMuskogee Creek Indian Tribe: Oak Hill Village on Woods Creek Road, 1st Sat. National Wild Turkey Federation (Yellow Pine Drummers): holds open. monthly on first Thursday, Golden Corral, 7 p.m. 584-9185. Republican Party of Taylor County: Second Thursdayof, every month at 315 N. . Quincy.Street. E-mail Tommie Stanaland at Ststanaland@yahoo.com or.call 584-8815. Taylor County Democratic Party: every Thursday at the Chamber of Commerce. Call 584-9656 or 584-3617 or e-mail taylor democrat@gtcom.net. Taylor Adult Program (TAP): Thursdays, 10 a,m., 502 N. Center Street. 223-0393. Taylor County Amateur Radio Club: 1st Monday, 7 p.m., Division of Forestry office, 618 Plantation Road. Taylor County Habitat for Humanity, Inc.: board meeting, 2nd Tues., 5:30 p.m., Room 208, Capital City Bank. Taylor County Historical Society: 3rd Mon., 7, p.m. Historical Society building. Society's museum is open every Thursday, S 1-5 p.m. Taylor County Horseman's Association Horse Show: 2nd Sat., 10 a.m. Arena located on Bishop Blvd. Taylor County Quilters: Tuesdays, 10 a.m. to noon, Taylor County Public Library. Taylor'County Reef & Research Team: 2nd Thurs., 7 p.m., Forest Capital Hall. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held Tuesdays, Fridays. and Saturdays (closed), 8 p.m., at Heritage. House on Washington Street, across from. public library; and another AA group who meets Monday, Wednesdays and Thursdays at Serenity House, located at 1260 Hwy. 98 West, across from the BP station at 8 p.m, AL-ANON: St. James Episcopal Church (in library) Wednesdays 12 noon to 1 p.m.; 584-2146. Thursdays'at 6:30 for beginners meeting with regular meeting at 7 p.m. Big Bend Hospice Advisory Council: 4th Tues., noon, 107 East Green Street. SHealthy Start Coalition: fourth Mon., 9 a.m., Taylor County School District Administrative Office Complex. Narcotics Anonymous: Wednesdays, 8 p.m., at 1260 W. Hwy. 98, at Serenity House (diht road across from BP Station). These are open meetings to those interested in assistance. Call 223-0036. Also, Saturday, 10:30 a.m., open meeting. SHARE distribution: 4th Sat., 10 a.m. The Way: Christ centered recovery group, meets on Fridays at 7 p.m. at Serenity House on. Hwy,, 98 W., across from BP Station. Open to alcoholics, addicts, family members and friends. AMVETS Post 20, Ladies Auxiliary and Sons of AMVETS: 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m., at 2499 Woods Creek Road. American Legion Post #96: lst Tues., 7 p.m., American Legion Hall, 'Center Street. American Legion, Stelnhatchee Post 291: fourth Tues. 8 p.m. Sons of Confederate Veterans: fourth STuesday at VFW Post on Center Street, .7 p.m. For information, call 584-5346. VFW Post #9225: 2nd Tues., 7 p.m. . (American Legion building). taken for college credit, continuing education or as an audited course. Cost of the class includes tuition, plus textbooks. Classes will be held in Room 103, the Business Education Building on the NFCC campus in Madison. For information on enrolling, please contact Enid Mazzone by calling (850) 973-1637 or e-mail to MazzoneE@nfcc.edu. Deadline for hurricane assistance is Sept. 8 Floridians affected by Hurricane number is 1-800-621-FEMA Dennis who have not yet (3362).. registered for federal and state disaster assistance have only two "If a person has questionsabout weeks to call the U.S. Department their registration or the assistance of Homeland Security's Federal available, FEMA is just a Emergency Management Agency telephone call away," said Federal to register; Thursday. Sept. 8, is Coordinating Officer Justin the disaster assistance registration DeMello with FEMA. "Telephone deadline. lines are open Monday through FEMA's toll-free registration Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m." :,B~~i~~~~ :~".. R~,Z-! ,,, 'Rowdy' lunch "Rowdy Girls" Dawn Taylor (left) and Libby Denmark hand out barbecue chicken lunches to those who turned out for the second annual Rowdy Girl Community Cook-Out Friday benefiting the March of Dimes. Organizers labeled the event a "huge success." -- -- -- ,,., information. Grades continue to be upgraded on a regular basis, and assignments, as well as upcoming .tests continue to be available for parents' review. A new version of Accelerated Reader will be available this year, so that students can access it from any computer in the district. Funding from the Emergency Response and Crisis Management grant has enabled the school district to take a proactive role in the safety of district faculty, staff: and students. Through a: collaborative community effort, a new Comprehensive Crisis Management Plan has been : developed. Members of the steering committee include the Taylor County Sheriff's Office, : Emergency Management Services, Doctors' Memorial Hospital' Emergency Medical Services, the Perry Fire Department, Taylor County Fire-Rescue and Appalachee Mental Health Center. The effort was coordinated by school district Safety Coordinator - Jim Brannan. The new plan has provided each school with a VHF base radio and hand-held radios for key personnel .. This system allows all schools in the district to communicate in the event of a power outage. In addition, all key personnel at each school and the district have pagers enabling group paging in case of- an emergency situation or weather related issues. The school district web-site, http://www.taylor.kl2.fl.us is a' valuable resource, posting the district calendar, individual school calendars through Edline, school menus, board agendas and minutes, and any upcoming. events. Editorial B-2 Taco Times August 31, 2005 --00 O a. a z C E - Letters to the Editor 'Every project has costs, benefits Dear Editor, As a former executive director/president of the Perry- Taylor 'County Chamber of Commerce "' and economic development practitioner for the Taylor County Development Authority, I understand the need for jobs for our community. As a citizen of Perry and Taylor County, I would like to see a more productive public discussion of the North Florida Power Project (coal plant) by our elected officials, 'community leaders and members of the Taylor County Development Authority. There is a cost and benefit of every economic development project, and there will be a cost and benefit of the coal plant., J Does the benefit of interim jobs during the construction phase and. eventual jobs at the coal plant produce a long-term benefit to our community that would offset the obvious environmental cost and impact on our community? -1 Will the initial positive, economic impact of 1,500 workers and their families during the construction phase of the coal plant offset the cost of the impact of the construction phase on our community's infrastructure and resources (roads, school system, law enforcement and water resources)? contain su If the coal plant is ultimately oxide and located in our community there noted byv needs to be a plan to ensure that manager I our community benefits as much as .- .'owerRroj possible during the construction W while ih phase and beyond, Much like cities by Mr. L prepare for hosting the Olympics, Florida Po we should prepare for the than facility construction phase by linking long- in Gaines\ i Term infrastructure projects (water, Complex sewer, wireless, fiber optic and Johns Rive roads) to the construction phase Nonhside i and mandate that the proponents going to be and benefactors of the North the cost of Florida Power Project pay for the have our infrastructure projects. mandating Elected officials and community benefactors leaders have the responsibility to. Power.Pro ensure that as much as possible the Doctors' ] benefits far exceed the costs of the establish coal plant. Even with 21st century training .technology, the emission levels healthcare "anticipated" for the North Florida. Power Project are measurable and Suggestions Dear Editor: No one asked me, but I have a few suggestions that I hopewill be helpful to those citizens who plan to present an "opposing point of view" when public hearings are held concerning the construction of . ,- ,.- -.- ..,' i .... . Taco fTimes' Wednesday, August 31, 2005 123 S. Jefferson Street P.O. Box 888 Perry, Florida (850) 584-5513 DONALD D. LINCOLN Publisher DEBBIE CARLTON SUSAN H. LINCOLN Business Manager Managing Editor ANGELA M. CASTELUCCI BETH MANN Staff Writer Advertising Director CHARLES R. SADLER CAROLYN DuBOSE Staff Writer Promotional Advertising MARK VIOLA MELISSA FARRILL Staff Writer Classified Advertising The Taco Times (ISSN 07470967) is published each Wednesday y Perry News- paers, Inc., 123 S. Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347. Subscriptions are $3.00 peryear or $49.00 out of county. Periodicals postage paid at Perry. Florida 32348. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the ACO TIMES P.O. Box 888, Perry, FL 32348. The Taco Times welcomes Letters to the Editor reflecting responsible opinions and views on the news. Please submit letters by Monday at 5 p.m. The Taco Times reserves the right to refuse publication of letters which are libelous or irre- sponsible. Name may be withheld if circumstances so require, but all letters sub- mitted should be signed by the writer and accompanied by a phone number for verification. We look forward to hearing from youl Our address is Perry, Newspapers. Inc., P.O. Box 888, Perry, Florida 32348. e-mail. errynews@perry.gulfnet corn SMember Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. ilfur dioxide, nitrogen particulate matter as Mike Lawson. project for the North Florida eftt. % -. I!" I e emnision levels stitaed awson for the North wer Project are' lower ies located at Deerha~en lie, Crystal Riler Energy in Crystal River, St. r Power Park and JEA n Jacksonville. there are ' emissions. Considering the emissions, why not community benefit by that the proponents and s of the North Florida ject pay for expanding Memorial Hospital or 'scholarships, for the of citizens in the, industry? Sincerely, Mike Deming follow a coal-fired power plant: If you plan to present more than one speaker, be sure each one says something different. Having 10 people say the same thing is no more effective than having one say something significant. If there are many speakers the moderator may impose a time limit on each one, or ask them not to repeat what has already been said. This increases ever one's opportunity to be heard. Whate\ er objections you plan to raise, be -assured that the organization planning to build the plant has already researched every one, and will probably present rebuttals to some of them even before you get to present them. Be certain that your objections are based upon fact. not emotion. "Anywhere but here" is not a factual objection. If you plan to bring reinforcements from other counties, don't be surprised if they are denied permission to speak until everyone from Taylor County has had that, opportunity. Even then, unless they have something constructive to say, there is no reason to expect that their comments will have any effect. If you plan to recommend some different type of power plant, be leery of the "ideal"' solutions recommended by many enn ironmental activists. Anything other than gas, oil, coal and nuclear pow er is still in the developmental or experimental stages; or is not practical in Florida. Although .- Please see page 3 Taylor Republicans commend commissioners on power plant Dear Editor: On behalf of the Taylor County Republican Executive Committee, we are writing in regard to the proposed power plant addition to our county. We highly recognize the efforts of our Taylor County Commission and our Chamber of Commerce in their foresight to bring this proposition to the citizens of Taylor County. We realize the positive impact of the possibility of the proposed power plant, and we commend them for supporting such a project. Their efforts and leadership involved in bringing further economic diversity to Taylor County in this manner is, in our opinion, outstanding. All of the members of our Taylor County Republican Executive Committee are in total agreement and support of the proposed power plant being brought to Taylor County, which we believe will have a tremendous economic impact on Taylor County and its residents. Taylor County Republican Executive Committee Tommie Stanaland, Chairman Larry Cozine, Vice Chairman Annetta Burch, Secretary/Treasurer Emily Ketring, State Committeewoman Daryll Gunter, State Committeeman Midweek Muddle All is calm, all is bright... or is it? S.. ::. By SUSAN H. LINCOLN I'm on sabbatical. I've never been on a we start;" he said. "I don't think there's sabbatical before. After teaching a thing in this world I could do to stop Sunday School for a consecutive 10 or her." 12 years (who can remember exactly?), I Dead silence. The kind of silence you was allowed a sabbatical until January. like when you teach, unless you can't It's wonderfull feeling. You know start teaching yet. how retired people always wonder, .All eyes were on the teacher. "How did I find time to work?" I now Moments became hours and stretched wonder, "How did I find time to prepare before him like the dead quiet of a-bad, a Sunday School lesson?" blind date. My co-teacher, who granted me this "Well, never mind, we'll just start sabbatical, now finds himself on the without her," he said, mustering up his stool in front of this classroom, with a courage and his notes. podium before him and a white board He repeated his first two sentences of behind him. introduction and, suddenly, the woman He was very casual about assuming barreled in again, with fan in hand. this responsibility. "It will be fine," he "I'm sorry," she said, "but I've just got said. "You take a few months off, and to have this fan." I'll handle it through December...unless He was quiet and watchful, as she you want to come back in December." looked for electrical outlets. S"No, January," I said. January is a good "This is where it usually sits," offered ' month for new beginnings, one class member. He, as predicted, has done a fine job "That's too far away," she said. with this class. which -is a curious The woman looked at her husband assortment of people ranging from and said, "I'm sorry; I know I'm an twenty-something to eighty-something, embarrassment to you." with couples, and singles, and cavalier "Yes, you are," he said. calmly and visitors. That's what I like about the quietly. class, anyway: it defies description. "You're a school teacher," another You can call it an adult class, but not.a class member said to her, noting the women's class or a men's class, or a disruption. "And I don't want to ever couples' class. It's just a group of hear you complain about how your people who are sometimes reverent, students don't sit down and listen." sometimes shameless, but always "How about this outlet?" asked interesting. another class member. I wanted to teach a class, with this.age Finally, the third outlet was the charm. bracket because I think I am more She placed the fan not far from her seat effective with adults. I don't enjoy the in the classroom, and sat back to be constant interruption of teaching cool and calm, if not bright. younger students; I want people who "Are we settled?" the teacher asked, own alarm clocks and cainget there on with hope resonating in his voice. time; I want students who drive their Everyone murmured and smiled, while own cars and have no excuse about shifting in their chairs. transportation; I want students who are "Okay then," he said. already professionals or parents, and That's when the woman sitting next to understand the importance of listening the hot mama, got up from her seat and and participating. said, "I'm sorry. If she's going to sit with Sunday, I realized--again--how wrong I that fan pointed right at us, I' e got to had been about this class. For what move." happened to the teacher this past week, "Well, I'm very sorry," said the first has happened to me countless times woman with sincerity. before. I felt nothing but great "That's all right," said the second, with sympathy and compassion for him.. a sweater around her shoulders.. "I just There he stood, armed with can't take a fan blowing right on me. information and questions. The teacher's eyes rolled around in his Behind him was the one question he head, as he crossed his arms and prayed had emblazoned on the white board, for patience (or the end of this world). "All is calm, all is bright, or is it?". Everyone shifted seats, making room He rifled through the welcomes, for our friend out of the fan's pathway. niceties and updates, and was ready to She sat down and the woman next to tackle great 'and wonderful theological her jumped up like a Jack in the Box. questions. "I'm sorry, too," said the new That's when a class member in .a disruption, "but I just knocked over my sleeveless black dress stood up abruptly coffee while she was changing seats." and asked aloud, "Where's our fan? So another one scampered out of the Who took our fan?" classroom in search of paper towels. She was fanning herself with both her A student from another classroom, hands, and looking for the oscillating reached through the door to borrow a fan which occupies a corner in this chair for their overflow. classroom that has among its The teacher looked at me. occupants, women with peculiar I smiled with all the sympathy and internal thermostats. compassion I could offer. "I'm really "They borrowed it next door for Bible sorry," I whispered in his direction. Study," said one, informed member. To say that things calmed down in this "They should have brought it back," classroom would- be a gross the fanning woman said, casually asking overstatement of events as I recall for permission to look for it, not waiting them. But in the confusion--that week for permission to be granted and filing and every week--there were teachable out of her seat and toward the moments when the quiet consumed the classroom next door. laughter and overtook the thermostat, The teacher, realizing his too. predicament, just looked left and right. And, suddenly, all was calm, all was "Well, I guess we'll wait for her, before bright. I B-3 The Taco Times August 31,2005' Letters to the Editor Writer asks: Do Taylor Countians want to 'grow or go backward' Dear Editor: I've kept quiet, just reading and listening so long as I can. The time has finally come when I must speak out for the future of my adopted city and county. Enough of half-truths, distorted opinions and scare tactics. Let's have some economic facts of life in the 21st century. A city, in many ways, is like a business. If a business ceases to grow, it stagnates and dies. This is also all too true for a city. With a limited economic base, where are the .living wage-paying jobs? What is there to hold our young people here? Are we to become a mere "bedroom" community for Tallahassee? Reality check neonle!'Dn we ..----. .- r-_-r- want to grow into the fu we want to stay as we backward? Any affordable alternative SUGGESTIONS Continued from page 2 electricity can be generated in limited amounts using Wind, solar or water power, no investors are presently lining up to build any such plants .in Florida. Some day they will come, I am sure, but not in the immediate future. I have communicated with several individuals whose names have appeared in the Tallahassee newspaper as opposing a plant here. I asked each of them to tell me what type of plant they would recommend as an alternative to coal. I received many strange bits of information. The only one who had an alternative proposal wanted solar power, but the largest solar plant in existence provides only a fraction of the coal-fired plant will pr at much greater cost. was against coal, but . them offered a workable alternative that w adcc piuble to them. Soi. i you plan to opposing point view, b offer one that produces now, that is affordable investors are seeking ti More than one thousa move to Florida every d s;iai must provide mor 'electricity to meet their If there is a bene obtained from the pre power plant, it might as to our county as to anot nearby. Gators hear offensive line cc Dear Editor: The Taylor County Gator Club was very pleased to have Gator fans from Taylor and Madisongounties meet at the Perry Club this summer to hear John Hevey\. the offensive, line co Florida Gators. Thosewho follow Gator football were encouraged to hear He on the positive attitude of the players during springg drills. The updated members on players who were r.cruiied,and the tear emphasis'on accountabiltNy. It was great to have such a great turn-out. We always wel members toour organization and urge participation froin all Ga this community. Betty'Culbreath Taylor County ( If we continue to say "no," "no says, "we don't want to change the don't want to acknowledge, and than emotion. Don't allo way," to new ideas like the status quo, leave us alone!" decide for ourselves which way we yourselves to be brain-washed I missile site or the power plant, we It's up to each and every one of want to go. Make your decisions half-truths and exaggerated claim: send a negative message; one that us to learn all the facts, even if we and choices based on facts, rather C. H. Cur 'People will not move here; they will leave' iture, or do Dear Editor: are and go I am writing in response to a letter published in the Aug. 3 issue of the Taco Times, titled "Writer perplexed by reactions." es? After reading the letter, I felt I es had to respond, but first I must say I agree with the writer's e power a comments regarding the coal plant oduce, and issue. The utility company claims Everyone that coal is "clean," but although not one of new technology uses a affordable supercritical boiler which burns at aould' be a higher heat, it is not cleaner. Anthracite is slightly less of a offer an pollutant than bituminous. The' e sure you price on coal is rising at the rate electricity of 12 percent a year compared to e, and that gas, which is rising at the rate of o buy into. 7 percent a year. What is the price and people the citizens of Taylor County will lay, and the pay for 150 jobs? If you do not e and more have a heart condition, or asthma, needs. or are not pregnant or a young efit to be person, the benefits or results of sence of a living with the "clean coal" will s well flow not be reaped as quickly as those :her county that are. Where is 'the verifiable, RaY Evans scientific proof of this clean coal? Why use coal instead of gas or solar energy? Is the government. )ach giving a grant to use coal, and if so, how much and why? Why is ,this plant not being put where it about 100 is most needed, in Jacksonville? SWoman's Is Jacksonville not willing to be ach of the polluted anymore, so the plant must be moved. elsewhere? Why vesy speak nt give the jobs to Taylor coach also County citizens and put this plant m's current somewhere other' than Taylor County? What questions have our come new representatives asked? We all agree. tors within Taylor County needs jobs, but at what, price? The utility Sincerely, representatives think we are ;President: Willing to become the "garbage Gator Club., can" for more affluent parts of the State of Florida. I have responded to the letter writer to tell the real story behind test range issue. If the land for the "test range" was simply big holes of limerock and acres of hunting woods and no lives were to be lost, the issue of the "test range" would not have been fought so hard. This "remote" test range impact area is 4.2 miles from our home, along with the homes of other families in the Econfina River community also just a short distance from the residents of Cabbage Grove and the Aucilla, River, and only 15 miles from Perry. The missile test range was not about saving' our soldiers' lives. It was, as the Talla- hassee Democrat referred to its as the "bombing range plot." Its real intention was to put money in the- pockets of Mr. Stephen Alford along with the military's reason for putting the range here; they don't want the Panhandle citizens exposed to the danger of the unreliable Lockheed missiles. As stated by Col. Robt. Nolan III, in the Tallahassee Democrat, April 15, 2004, issue, "fewer people will die if a missile' goes astray (in Taylor County) than if it goes astray in the Panhandle." After reading this statement, I am sure you would agree, the residents in the "remote" part of Taylor County were not excited about being included in the number of the "fewer people would die when. a missile goes astray," and astray they will, as you can read almost daily in any newspaper of accidents. The -2005 Department of Defense House appropriations bill stated the funding for Lockheed's JASM missile was in jeopardy because the accuracy rate of hitting the intended target is 53 percent. The question of the residents in the "remote" area of Taylor County is "where is the missile the other 47 percent of the time?" Mr. Manclark, from Washington, D.C., in October 2004, stated the proposed missile "test" 'range, including Hickory Mound, would be used 24/7, by every branch of the military, and used to test the biggest bombs ever made and yet to be made, used from now until eternity. Even though 75 percent of the voters in Taylor County voted "no" on the bombing range after being told the real truth by Mr. Manclark, Congressman Allen Boyd has said to be "ever vigilant" on this issue. The citizens of Taylor County deserve to, know the whole truth about the "Big Footprint Bombing Range." Mr. Manclark stated there never was any intent to put the bombing range in Taylor County. After that meeting and hearing that statement, I filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for all information on the Taylor w by s. tis County bombing/missile testing range. It has been 10 months since I filed the FOIA request. Every two weeks I receive a letter from Wright-Patterson AFB informing me more time is needed to go through the "voluminous" amount of records about the Taylor County missile test range. It seems strange in light of the statement there never was any intent to put a bombing range in Taylor County. Remember Congressman Boyd said to be "ever vigilant" on the test range issue. Taylor County may have a coal plant and a 24/7 bombing tange yet! As you may remember the military promised employment: emergency rescue personnel (if someone is hit, the last thing they would need would be a funeral, not emergency rescue) and personnel to bury the missile contamination in the Taylor County limerock pits in our drinking water. If these come to pass, people will not move to Taylor County, they will leave Taylor County. Diana Langston Taylor County resident Let your community know what you think! / 'ie Letters must be signed, and a P ,, accompanied by a phone,number for contact. cPlease mail to P.O. Box 888, Perry, FL 32348 St W OR E-MAIL US! & x perrynews@perry.gulfnet.com: t/ Letters are published in Wednesday's o, Taco Times and are run by available space, Bass Bealls Outlet Bible Factory Outlet Big Dog Sportswear Black & Decker Bon.Worth Casual Male Big & Tall Outlet The Christmas Factory & More Deli Delites Dress Barn/Dress Barn Woman Factory Brand Shoes Gap Outlet Labor Da Weekend al Haggar Menswear Now Open Jodi's Accessories Kitchen Collection La Tienda Spanish Imports Outlet Opening Sept. 1 L eggs, Hanes, Ball, Playlex Lenox Factory Outlet Liz Claiborne Nine West Paper Factory Polo Ralph Lauren Factory Store Rack Room Shoes Reebok Factory Direct Samsonite Opening Soon SAS Factory Store S&K Menswear The Textile Studio tote's/Sunglass World U S. Golf Outlet WestPoint Stevens Bed. Bath & Linens 1-75. Exit 5. Lake Park Minutes south ofValdosta Monday-Saturday 9-8 Sunday 10-6* 229-559-6822 wwwv lakeparkoutlets.com The Nestle Waters bottling facility in Madison County, Florida is growing, and we would like to invite you to grow with us. Opportunities are available for: Maintenance Mechanic Blow Mold Technician Production Operator Forklift Operator Pay starts at $11.00 per hour Nestle Waters offers great pay and an outstanding benefits package that includes. health and dental insurance along with a 401K and profit-sharing plans. For information, call 850-971-2100. To pick up an application, drop by the bottling plant (directions below). 0- M. i -1 -S. s B 3 HEALER 9 READER *ADVISOR Auu, iek you. She remove evl influene. if you husband r wife isunfaithfu, see he now Se sttes ovrs qurrlshepsyougan te ostloe afecionofth on yuloe& hwsyu h wytohppnes Senae find ndeeme &,,,er ons.. From 1-10: Take exit 262 North through the town of Lee to SR 6. Turn East (RIGHT) for approx. 3 miles to Hawthorn Road. Look for the Deer Park sign. Turn RIGHT on Hawthorn Road and follow the signs to the parking area. From 1-75: Take exit 460 turn West approx. 15 miles. Entrance is on LEFT. Equal opportunity employer MIF/I/D NORTH AMERICA I I I B-4 The Taco Times August 31, 2005 Small as...big deals!! Moving Sale: Saturday, 8 am-12, Furniture, household goodies, etc. 610 S. Hendry Ave. Look for yellow signs. Need a Tutor? Learn Spanish: Read, write, speak, understand. Improve your English grammar, spelling, writing, reading. We teach children and adults. Call: 584-6968. 8/3;1-9/30 For Sale: Room full of household items, want to sell all to one person,'please make offer, will show, 584-3162. 8/3.1 Appliance parts, sales, service, 584-7773, 1002 N. Jefferson,, Kellow Appliance SService, also, window AC service and cleaning, we have reconditioned appliances in stock' . %12-8/31 70 gallon, salt water aquarium, $300 o.b.o., all accessories included, w/cabinet stand, wet dry &'supplies, call 838-0139 anytime. 8 9-9/2 Wolf tanning system, sun quest pro, 24 RS, brand new, about 8 hours on it, $1000, c~l 584-2270. 8/3tfJM Abetta western saddle, leather. multi color blanket. pad. lead rope & bridle S200 o. o. call 584-4207 or 838-6177 8124dJM Dodge Neon. high performance, -.res and rims, 2051401ZR17, $300 o.b.o., :all 223. 2768 ask for Jame. 8/24-9/2 1997 S/W Mobile Home, 3 bdr., 1 bath, new carpet. exceiient condition $12.500 for home and set up cost on your lot leave insg at 850-223-1714 8/19-8/31 bedroom, 1 bath mobile home, 14x56, -t up in Everett's Mobile Home Park, water, sewer and garbage included in rent, E8S75 .per month, $200 deposit, applications and references required, call -p84-7094, 9AM-5PM, Monday through * Wednesday. 8/24tfPHC 3 B/2 BA, brick home, on one lot, chain link fence, 10x22 storage bldg., central h/a, carport, 422 E. Elm St., $74,500, can be seen by appt. only, call 584-5583. 8/17-9/2 House for sale, 203 East Timberlane Street, please call 584-5580. 8/19-9/9 Beautiful 45 acres of rolling pasture, 3 ponds, large oaks, directly on Beach Road, perfect for horses, zoned residential or light commercial, great buy, $429K, call 904-608-5239. 8/17-9/9 VEGGIES TO YOUR DOOR! Fresh-Picked, blanched, flash frozen, shelled zippers, butter beans, black eyes, white acres, ford hooks, cream corn, okra, green beans, broccoli Free delivery every Saturday with 3 or more bushels 352-498-2580 7"- 10. gallon aquarium, ready to go, 3 plants, gravel, 1 large, hollow rock, 2 new filters, heater and thermometer, $30, call 584- 6002,.ask for Michelle. 8/12tf Fireplace wood, oak or pine, for pickup or delivery, call 584-6664. 8/17-9/2 Cd player/TV Stand, has open space to hold stereo with speaker space, television sits on top, has slots for cd's down bottom front portion and cubby holes on either side to hold, movies or books, $15, call Michelle at 584-6002. 8/2tf L For Lease:.1825 Sq. Ft. Office Building. Bldg. has four offices, small kitchen and restrooms, plenty of parking, facility is located at Perry-Foley Airport, prefer aviation related business. Building available October 1, 2005. Please contact: Melody Cox, Taylor County BOCC, 850- 838-3500 ext. 9. 8/19-8/31 Land for sale, located on Hwy 221 between Shiloh Church Rd. and Cairo Parker Rd. 1 acre lots with paved roads. Owner financing available. Please call (386) 658- 1346 or (850) 584-7466 Badcock's. tfEF One acre lot in prestigious Ciark subdivision. Cleared and ready to build your dream home! $40,000, will go fast.' Call 584-2000. 8/24-9/16 pR$CE 5$18,000 Built in 1950s 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bath All Pine Wood Floors New Central H/A Some Appliances House moved at,buyer's expense. Call for appt. 584-5454 Wanted Investor/handy person looking for .an EZ Quality 3b/1b/1 car, detached GAR 'SFH. On 1/3 acr. lot, wheel chair accessible SFH,.Vinyl sided for EZ mait. -Needs cosmetic work! Call Now-Toll Free 1-866-You- OwnaHOME(968-69624663). 8/5-8/31 2.4 acres with septic, power pole and city waler Mobile homes permined $19.500, c a 838.2.5 8,'StDC ' 2, 3 BR/1 BA houses for rent, call-584- 4678. 8/3-8/31 Boarder wanted in my home, private entrance, private bath, furnished, call 584- 8045. 8/12-8/31 Office space for rent, Hwy 27, beside Cashway. Contact: Shane Knowles, 584-. 2260 or 672-0547 (cell). 8/31-9/30BBB 2 bedroom, 2, bath, set up in Everetts Mobile .Home Park. Water, sewer & garbage included in rent. $425.00 per month, $300.00 deposit, application and references required. Call 584-7094, 9 am-5 pm, Monday through Wednesday. No Dogs Allowed. *8/31tfPHC 3 bedroom, 2 bath-den mobile home, set up in Everetts Mobile Home Park. Water, sewer & garbage included in rent. $475 per month, $200 deposit, application & references required. Call 584-7094, 9 am-5 pm, Monday through Wednesday. No Dogs Allowed. 8/31tfPHC Tidewater Apartments 500 S. Warner Ave. 850-584-6842 Fof qualified applicants 2&3 bdrm avail Section 8 Water/sewer/garbage/electric/gas/pest control included 7/27-8/31 Woodridqe Apartments!! Looking for applicants! Apply now for 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Equal Housing Opporiunrlv Call 850-584-5668. 709 W. S Church St, Perry, FL 32347. TDD/TTY 711. tfWA Southern Villas of Perry!! New Management!! HUD Vouchers accepted. 10 and .2 bedroom HC and non-HC accessible apartments. Call 850-584-8111. TDD/TTY 711. 315 Puckett Rd. Perry, FL 32347. Equal Housing Opportunity. ,tfSV OOTDO--1 2000 Duracrahf Boal for sale, Yamaha 90 motor, asking $8000, call 584-9121. 8/31,9/2 . 2005 Gulfstream cavalier, 32 ft, travel trailedi park model, no holding tanks, sleeps 8, full fridge, ducted ac, $10,000 cash, great condition, call Jim at 850-838- *7807. 8/107-8/31 1981 Sportscraft Fisherman 21 foot, new motor (350 1/0), new rebuilt foot by Shield Marna. new electroncs Great condition, 1oo many things to lisl. best offer, call Jim or valerie at 850-584-7928 'i tt - Lost: Ladies, prescription glasses in hard, dray case, please call 584-8403 if you havefound them. . 6826.9,2 Chocolate Labs, AKC w/papers, 3 1/2 weeks, deposits are o,k., 6 males, 2 females, vet shots & wormed, $400, trades considered, can be seen, call 850- 584-3178 (home) or 727-275-1355 (cell). 8/31-9/9 Double Yellow Headed Amazons for sale, breeders cage & stand included, $1250, call 584-9121. 8/31, 9/2 -~ [II? 1994 Capri Classic, excellent condition, asking $5000, call 584-4974. 8/31-9/16 i199 Fo..rd Ranqer '\LT, Supercab, 4x4, rnl .or.ndion .r92010, also, 1995, Toyota 4 Runner loaded, 4x4, needs a/c, $4000, call Drew at 843-0269. 8/31-9/9 2003 Pontiac Vibe silver, 4 dr., 22K miles, excellent condition, asking $12,500, please call 584-8937 after 5:30 p.m. and before 9:30 p.m. 8/26-9/2 2000 Silver GMC 1/2t truck, covered bed, one owner, excellenftcondition, Iv. msg, at 850-223-1714. 8/19-8/31. . 98 Grand Marquis, great condition, $5000, call 838-6945. 8/17-8/31 2003 Chevrolet Avalanche, still under factory warranty (30,000 miles). One owner; garaged and well maintained, equipped with Z66 road package, a/c, ps, pb, pw, door locks, remote entry, tilt wheel, cruise, AM/FM/CD, On Star, parking sensors, ABS, step tubes (stainless), towing package, alloy wheels, etc. White with tan cloth interior, black wheel holdings and chrome trim. Asking $20,800 (retail is $24,735). Call, 584-7883. 7/15ff 2003, Ford Focus ZX3, Auto., Metallic Blue, like new, 1 owner, tinted windows, premium sound, cd player, still under warranty, asking $9,500, worth $11.200, call 850-445-3414. 8/3-8/31 '02 Ford F150 Lariet ft, 4x4, 4-door, excellent condition, 75K Hwy miles, $20, 000 o.b.o., call 838-2755 8/5tfDC Mature Woman to watch 2 kids.& cook meals, must have own transportation, Monday-Friday, 7 A.M.-3:30 P.M., at our home. Background check & References required. For details please call, 584-8464. 7/13tf APALACHEE CENTER A Behavioral Health Care Center is currently seeking: CLINICAL SUPERVISION SPECIALIST #1451 ' MASTER'S DEGREE WITH A MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL WORK, COUNSELING OR A RELATED HUMAN SERVICES FIELD AND THREE YEARS OF RELATED PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE, ONE OF WHICH MUST HAVE BEEN IN AN ADMINISTRATIVE/CLINICAL SUPERVISORY CAPACITY. LICENSURE PREFERRED. SHIFT: 8 A.M. 5 P.M./-MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. For more information and a complete irl. ng ofavailable positions: www.apalacheecenter.org 18'50 523-3217 or 1(800)226-2931 Human Resources 2634-J Capital Circle N.E., Tallahassee, FL- Pre-Hire Drug Screen & FDLE background check An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Drug-Free Workplace 8/31, 9/2AC- Driver-Celebrate More Start up to 400+30 Bonus. NO NYC-KLLM Dry Van Graduate Students Welcome Home 7-10 Days CDL-A-KLLM 866-357-7351. EOE. 8/31 Position under Taylor County Board of County Commissioners: RMT-$8:04 Submit applications to Taylor Employment Connections. Positions open until filled. Taylor County BCC is an EEO/ADA/drug testing employer. 7/20tf BCC Delta Land Surveyors, Inc. is looking for Instrument men and Rod men for full time positions. Experience a plus, but not. necessary, we are willing to train. Apply in person at 114 W. Green St., Perry, FL. or email your resume 'to: dtaylordelta@gtcom.net, no calls please. 8/24-9/2 Clerical Position: Position responsibilities require strong accounting and general office duties. Candidate must be proficient in Microsoft office with strong knowledge of excel. Marketing skills are helpful. Apply in person at Steinhatchee Landing Resort, 203 Ryland Circle, Steinhatchee, FL. 8/24tfSLR Check Station Positions Available . The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is hiring personnel for seasonal work at check stations during the upcoming archery and general gun hunting seasons. Positions available in Taylor County. Pays $6.15 per hour. Positions begin September 24, 2005. For details call (850) 838-9016, or stop by the Big Bend Field Office at 663 Plantation Rd. in Perry. EO/AA 7/27-10/23 Part time CNA needed in the Perry area,at $8 an hour. For more information, please contact Gloria or F-i,.:, ail. 1-.888s.- - 9299. 8/26-9/2' The City of Perry is accepting applications for the following position: . METER READER (Water Department) Req: High School Diploma or equivalency. Valid Driver's License Salary: $9.88 $13.29 hrly. Applications are available at the City of Perry Personnel Office and will be accepted until the position is filled. CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office 224 S. Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347 (850) 584-7161 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER S.V. of Perry Apartments Manager position open. 32 hours per week with benefits. 8:00-5:00 Monday-Thursday. Need office, computer and people skills. Some travel required. Drug-free workplace. Must have valid dr. license & transportation. Send resume to Karen McMillen c/o Sutton Creek Apartments, 16978 N.W. Mayo Street, Blountstown, FL 32424. Equal Opportunity Employer. 8/12tfSV PRITCHETT TRUCKING NEEDS EXPERIENCED CLASS A DRIVERS IN YOUR AREA FOR LOCAL HAULING. GOOD PAY AND BENEFITS CALL 1-800-486-7504 Badcock & More Set up & Delivery Must be 18 yrs. old, license required, good driving record, no phone calls, apply in person at 1003 S. Jefferson St. 8/12tfBC HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators NextClass: Sept. 12th Train in Florida National Certification Financial Assistance Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Traning Services www.atsn-schools.com Experienced plumber's needed, must have valid driver's license, we do drug testing, call 850-584-8603. 7/20tfHS Full-Time orPart-Tim P.rtTim e Full- ~rrTime Cetiie ctviyDieco Full-Time GULF COAST METAL S 3' Wide AOOFING. Galvalume Full line of 3Wide accessories in stock Painted Special Flashings Made All Types Warranted Metal Available Cut to your desired lengths Delivery Service Available ,Ill Toll-Free 888-393-0335 352-498-0778 'Horseshoe Beach, Fl. Prestige Home Center Chiefland The Only Factory Outlet on the West Coast NO "DOUBLE TALK" WITH OUR ADVERTISING-- NO GAMES WITH OUR PRICES! Any New Home Purchased from Prestige Homes Includes FREE Delivery & Set-Up...PERIOD! .--BRAND NEW-- S... Choose from Mt- 2 or 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Exceeds New Gov't. Standards S\L 275MO. Includes AC, Heat, Skirting & Steps No Down Payment for Landowners! (60 Other Homes to Choose From!) Eggs are Cheaper in the Country, So are Prestige Homes! N. Hwy. 19,Chiefland 800-477-2492 Businesses for rent, 1, 1600 sq, ft., 1, 2400 sq. ft., formally Walkers Food Mart & Bookmart, Call Jr. Walker at 584-2883. 7/15ff The City of Perry is accepting applications for the following position: Superintendent (Wastewater) This is a responsible administrative, technical, and supervisory position involving"the operation and maintenance of the municipal wastewater treatment plant and facilities. Complete job description available upon request. Req: Must have a standard high school diploma or equivalency. Must have a minimum of a Class "B" Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator's License as issued by the State of Florida Annual Salary Range: $33,696,00 $45,317.37. Applications are available at City of Perry Personnel Office and will be accepted until the position is filled. CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office 224 S. Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347 Phone: (850) 584-7161 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER Own your own business, ground floor opportunity merchandising marketplace Opening soon Seeking vendors to fill spaces. Call Ms. Jones at (850) 223-3976, low costs. 8/26-9/16 Auction, open to public every Friday at 6:30 on South 19, next to Crews Marine, now taking consignments, we do estate sales, liquidation's, bankruptcies, Third Generation Auction Service, AB#2424 AU#2548, Tri State Auction Service, serving Florida, Georgia & Alabama, AB#2021 AU#2011. Call f-866-243-8972, toll free. 8/12-8/31 New in town? Find out what Taylor County is all about SUBSCRIBE TO THE TACO TIMES & PERRY NEWS-HERALD 584-5513 B-5 The Taco Times August 31,2005 Wanted dead or alive; Junk cars, trucks, tractors, etc. Will buy, sell & trade 4x4 & * truck parts. S*M*A*S*H Towing, 386-688- 3999 or 850-843-4227. 7!ltfS Southern Siding & Remodeling, LLC. Vinyl siding & soffit, wood rot, fascia, decks, aluminum screen rooms, windows, porches and more. Jay Swindle (850) 843-1731 Licensed & Insured 8/12-9/30 Circle "T" Specializing in all types of tractor work, bushhogging, root raking, harrowing; dirt hauling & leveling, debris removal, clean up, and lawn care. Call for free estimate, 584-2806. 8/3-8/31 TREE CAPITAL .CLEANING UPHOLSTERY & CARPET CLEANING Dries in 3-4 hours 584-CLEAN (584-2532) Tupperware: To book a party or receive a ,free catalog, call 850-584-9001, ask for Stephanie- Towles, Tupperware S Consuliarnt 8; /5.8/31 CARPET & VItlYL Ir, laiiatior and repairs done at a good price rio overriead Direct savings to you '30 years e.perence 850-838-9050 please leave a message. 11/3tfBR A-2-Z Farm and Lawn Services Harrowing. bush hog mowing dirt leveling rake work ard complete lawn services Call 584-6737. leave message l4,11rfAZ a -I t nil wlln nr l .h ,1,- -- ',i Lindsey Tractor Service Lawn Sebrvice, "bush hogging,' land clesarinq driv ways iree Irimming hatiirnq oo1d plos debree removal etc SCall 850-584.5193 or 850838-4818 4127di The:Handyman experts, honest work! Affordable. professional, licensed and insured. Specializing in house painting, Interior. etc mobile home repairs, home maintenance pressure washing (wood and concrete) carpel vinyl, wood floor, ceramic ' tile. and repairs Call 584-2270 (home) or 584-3776 (office) 25 years St'JM i'.. STUMP GRINDING Trees + Branches Tropical StormiHurrcane= Trouble Tree Trimming, Remoial. licensed & insured Free Estimates. call John at (850) 584-2027. 8/3-8/31 Clay Swindle L LC All types of remodeling, docks, decks, windows, door framing, add on additions, porches screen enclosures, painting interior & exerior. 18 yrs exp licensed & insured Free Estimate call 850-223-1780 or 843-1941. leave message. Commercial & Residential. 8/5TICS -: :: . JD's Tree Service and Lawn Care Licensed and insured Free estimates. We also grind stumps Call today 838-1280. Firewood tor sale tfJD ricrlice or Publc Hearng I:F:. i H ie.i, DCole SeDomber 6 2L05 Sulbicr .:"-I Hainin.. AnnuOl Leoje of rJdmni-.Qlla1.e Peir:,rnnel THE CiSir-Qi Ci:CHOOL BOARD OF TALOR lCOurii WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEAIriNG Oil THE ABOvE DAiE FOR APPROVAL OF ;AID SUB.ECI tEM IHIS HEARING WILL BE HELD it IHE SCHOOL BOAP'OD MEEIlRlG IHE PUBLIC IS INVTirED 10 ATTEND TO E''.PRES$ HERPOPInJiOrSICOCIJCERIIl IHE PUBLIC HE/.iirIG WILL BE HELD Atl HE ADrEIPJiSTRAti ,'E COMPPLE' SCHOOL B OAR iD MEEIIrjG POOM 318 North Clairk Snreer A coD of inis DolicV may De ooloined irom Ire Superir,erndenr OCo'. rM.1 HOvaora .I SJucr.ellnrenaet ol Scnoois - 8/10 8,,17 8/21 8/31 S, -. < -*' ,- ^ ll'i'ce ot Public Heoring Heading CDoe SeDremoer 6 2005 SuoDeci oi Heaonrg Rei'.ea Dress Code PoliC' lor Grades 6 12 IHE DiSiRIC SCHOOL BOARD OF i I/LOR COUllI, WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARrIG OlJ rTH ABO''E DATE FOR APPROVAL OF SAIO SUBJECT IIEM IHIS HEARING WILL BE HELD AT THE SCHOOL BOARD MEETING THE PUBLIC :S IviTED TO AIIENO TO EXPRESS iHEIR OPirOIOJS/COrjCEPr'iS THE PUBLIC HEAPING WILL BE HELD Ar IHE ADC.ltlISIIE AiVE COMPLEX SCHOOL BOARD MEETING.ROOM; 318 lorin Clark Street. A copy of thls nolicv mov be. S obtained from the Supeiinienaen O C ffOice . co' i~,ro M Ho.v. rd.Jr. Sucerineendeni o Scnools ' 8/10,:8/17, 8/24 8/31 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO: 05-478-CA BRUCE FOSTER, Plaintiff, V. %. MARVIN J. CLARK, GLADYS M. CLARK, SHARON McDUFFIE. MARY THOMAS, ROBERT R. CLARK, NANCY HILL, CHARLENE MAJORS AND JACKIE CLARK, if olive, and if dead their unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, creditors, and all other parties claiming by, through, under, or against them Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: MARVIN J. CLARK, GLADYS M. CLARK, SHARON McDUFFIE, MARY THOMAS, ROBERT R. CLARK, NANCY HILL, CHARLENE MAJORS, AND JACKIE CLARK, and All Above Named Defendants, if any. Addresses Unknown YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an Amended Coripiar,i 1,:. Ejectment, Quiet Title, and Declaratory Judgment has been filed -by the Plaintiff in the Circuit Court of Ta/i,:.r C.':,,rr ', F:hi,,:i. aoir,.: ,o..j on the i-rll.e r,ig .-e.: bed property in Taylor ri ther.,: .iri.n3 nr, *e- re I minute Ea rl al .ng-.r a :o r.: T .-r ,.a, "re II 1 feet to trie POB; thence from sald POB continue North 89 degdrees 21 minutes st, along South anR/W 220 feet; thence run south 01 degmee: miriu r. EL:a East of the NW corner of South Half of SE 1/4 NW 1/4 SEen.ction 225,4 R7E on the. :oui. r-, : 'l-C i ..,u r,i, :, [r r :.i -a on., r .11H[I %lEEDC trn riointarr lrer,.:'e ,,, rJr, ~ ": :3 3 re ; 2 i rr l .er Eo; lr o r. ';. ,d r Ie ,-r ,. I Ir 3J7 feet to r r.e OB; thencefrom s5 and POB Continue North 89 degrees 21 minutes East, along said R/W 220 feet; thence run South 01 dege "5-': ,:,;r,,u're. E.t. Li .210 r e-i thence r.c, '.:. r, Ir a? .arr e' l1in, Cm, r ji ~r. A 2 1S feet; trineri c lr, S .onr, i-i0l ."iegr .e. m n',ir,.ies. Weji 210 - fleer h ul enCre ' tacgr, Lien3or,. ti oh n or. reeanjiied i,: ,: ). *:c'' :'1 "*'* u .*arllen ,aO ier,.C L . ,"r.,, i IJ)HNI .,'.'E 'C trn- 1 aiorniri, . me e .:..-.r, eel P ,'i.,-',-..' 323 7 or o-r..- i i e-,I..er "9, 2005 and file ie .:.i;,ni ...;it h ,e : this Court eBy:r Tra -i'e Hawki r, ir l ns atha'ri~e,,c. r irnrr,.,iaei,, iricreaile, .,rne,. le r kaetaul ..111 e n re 8111812d.8/31, 9/7 o,':0or,i ',cu ,:,t ihi. .,ie ei deFTona ," ,r, ir, He C.-D'OlTirCOURT THIRD CIICUie. Ilr,; ii 3,FOR I,. P COUNTY;5 FLORIDA' CfriSE r 6i i.L-196-00A-01H, "A ,Ci-i 1 en- Cir,.:lt Court' By: Traie Hawkins LLAM LAU,' Clerk GIN OTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN31, HA A PEilion-%F !.-- DCTREII f1JE OWNERSHIP OF A Ir i.Hi cEUHIrCL HCO BEEN FILED AND YOu ARE REQUIRED TO SERVE A COUNTY YOUR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS, IF ANY, ON ROBERT VAN HORN, WHOSE ADDRESS IS FLORIDA34613 H ITHE PETITIONER, ON OR BEFOREr, SEPTEI.BEr 08 2005-1 AND FILEDTHE oiS w iTHE CLERK'OF THE COUPi ElIHER BEFOiPE 7E-.'ICE ON THE EItvs EDI EL WILLIAM LAUREN BRGIN Defendant. NOTICE OF ACTION OTICEIS H EREBY GIVENAL THIS A PCi -iPT, i: OTHE 081r DL W OF AUGUST, -:LEReK OF IHE 0,-_UIT --OURT 3, 1,411iL FORD EFI.Oi .'Hi.CLE H.S BEEN FILED AND '8/10, 8/,17, 8/24, 8/31 fN THE CIPC.IlI COURT OF iHE in-IC. JUDICIAL CIRCUIRED T O SERVE A COPY OF YOUR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS, IF ANY. ON ROBERT VAN HORN, EYHOSE ADDRESS IS OL I SCEPTER AVE., BrOO .'L.E FLORIDA 34613o DISCOVERY BArIK AIAlEPICAri GENERAL WHI ISTHE PETITIONERS ON OR BEFORE 8 1.1 r.11.1SIC -I10 I.IONT:OP.1ERP /jAmD CC) irIC. WESTERN Al11 5IORE ALL SEPTEIIBEP 083 2005 AND FILED THE OSUBGEC REAL WiE E CLERK 'OF THEU W C C"u.i Eu HE? uEFOI"E 2T.i 'iCE ON THE OSTHEREAFTER; A OTHERWISE, HEE E L 'AILL BE ENTERED FORMS LTHE RELIEF DEMANDED (JAMES APE Ultjkr]Cw ri WHO CL-11fI 41'J IN THE PETITION.HE SJEC L ESTE Defendants WiIlti.SS Mi H'HLE .rJEi SEAL OF THIS AEiPED O JlHlCE OF OF AUGUST, Iltone is hereD, glen Irior. pursuaoni tc Plainmill Summarv Firal Juagm3ni or cor~rtior, acLton I .Iill Ueii ir La io e. sii i n loC'P C o:r Inti, FLORIDA.oo CLERiK Ci HE is rCll uit COURT. . E8 SAiLiil] FOR i, '8/10, 8/17, 8/24, 8/3.1 , IN THE C'Cl.l COURT OF IHE iithN'ED JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOr QiLC'rL COUNTYSIO FLORIDAIA SOUTH 1 DEGREE 0.3 EAST J48 41 FEET TO CORrjER LOTi HO 8. IHEN.-E 5 1 DE-PEE CS E 5 FEET TO 4 P.Olr2- I F BE THEIJCE SOUTH 13 DEG-PEES 16 EzI 6M. FEET 10 SOUiHwESi COPIER LO3i 8 THEfjCE SOUiH 25 E-EGREES 09 EA,i ?0 ALFEE 0 iOUTHWG'E OR ER LP,L.C 7 PHEICE o lOiH5J DEG S Ei FEE CO.'E0 BOriK OijliElCAri GlEEFrJL FIArCE PROLOi .. TEDE rAio'iH L6 EBaREES .A L.iS.i10.,i 1 TO1 i.O r.T .OLER1 i A WARi .A CO ESC 1WE 20 EErN IO SPORE ALL OCCUPAIItS ArID [Etllrri OBEF IHE SUBJECT REAL ESt-ItE ALL UrIKIr11Wr, 'SI OuSE COF A, PART HEIE10 iA. Ll., OrHER PEir intIERESt Itl tHE SUBJECT PEAL ESTATE Delenanse o the highest and best AMdder, n at the front SALE ourlhoue is ne gl.er, ITaor. Couruanity Plaintilir. Summer'/ Fiinai Jujagmeri or Forecic ure er.M.ng ir,on there o20 dy ofe. Dcorloredi acor I fii ;eiAuguse ioev005. slorua uin oylorer of Ciunit Courti .laesclioed a rol o i.'.Vi COCMr.rEriCirG AT THE tlORtHA'ESi CO5RrrER OF ELOCK tiC .6 QuirinrC, ALE SUBDIvISIOH. PERRY, FLORIDA RUn 31,UIH DEGREE 04 EASt 1 J4? EEr ro POIrT OF CuRVE BEiNG ICRIHWESt CORnER LOT tlO 8. tHENICE S I DEGREE 5.5 E 5 FEEt TO A POinT ,',F BEGitrinnG tiHEtiCE SOUTH I3 DEGREES 16 EASI 65 FEEt to SOUiHWESt CORnER LOi 8 IHEriCE SOUiH 25 ,EGREES 09 EAST 70 fEEl 10 SC'UTHWESt CORER LOi 7. iHEnCE IOt'H 5- DEGREES S'; ETi 157 FEET tO POlltI Otl LIiIE EtA'EEn Lt 7 AritD lOT A,. THEtICE NOriH "6 DEGREES 29' wESt 1E520 FEET T1 POlrI OF : BEC-iNrnuinlG BEING F'RIt OF LOt 8 AiJd PART Of LOI BLOCK 6, QUINNDALE Su6!i',/liOi t r l 3"ID LATID StiuATE L ilrG .tIE, BEInG in IA. LOP COUIit FLORIDA., _, or Du.iic ; ore ro the highest and best Didder, to, cain at the front door of the .:Ourihou'ie ir, Perry, TayJor" County, ' Fiorida anii 1 00 A.M., on the 20 day of September 2005 " Doied ins i, aoy of August; 2005. loylo' Counr./ Clerk of Circuit Court Man, l l~oiie Depufv Clerk 8/31.9/7 'Keaton Beach here we Come 0 0 Have a Safe & Happy abor Day Keep the highways and waterways safe thiweek for our hard-wor ng American families rimng under the influence does just mean alcohol. Driving whie impaired is al.eading caLise of car accidents, but alcohol is not the ,only culprit. Drugs, including pr-escription and over-the-counter drugs, can also impair yoiir driing.. Some medications, such as antihistamines and anti'anxietr medications for example, may affect your driving skills by inducing drowsiness or excitabilityor by alteing, reaction mes.. In fact, yoLt may be impaired and not even.,knot . .- .:, ..:.. -,.. : .: Classifieds work... Give it a try! 584-5513 I B' B-6 The Taco Times Auqust 3, 2005 ._ :, . A-' - : - ', - j4" .1 A' .j3 i4 04 '1- .- . ':. 'r 'i f 'i~: : .pl"s;' '' ;. - ;~ rr , i. i. I" ''''~ 3: ; : iE i !- 6~. b, '1 1..- 5 :~~:~ ?:?~ -i:"I .;~ .~~-~ '"~~ZI;S :: trr .~.. r :i *1, A 1Z ' 4. & : - i -... ., .: !- ;t i - ii' I I ,.- * H? ~ t'i~b~ 1 , .,~X" irr r. Ct~ ~:~-~a 14''' 4': LW S'; U'` -,4t. A'h : 1. . - -- - ~~Alww .. " . : - -~ - ,. II 1I.,' .. ' ; - - ';e ;: .i ! Aft7 |