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C. .. 00. -, Ser " Taylor 4 Since 1961 Edition August 24, 2005 Tree Capital of the South 2 Sections Our 44th Year, No. 34 ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^_ i- *' *** News Forum Marijuana found in truck Driver dies on roadside A 73-year old Perry man is dead and authorities say he collapsed on the side of the road after his pick- Our Town: Perry delayed Editing is still ongoing for the upcoming documentary, "Our Town: Perry," therefore, the premiere party tentatively scheduled for this Saturday, Aug. 27, has been delayed until December. The documentary, produced by SWFSU in Tallahassee, will consist of a series of "shorts" filmed by Taylor County residents. The premiere party will be held - Thursday, Dec. 1, in Perry, producers said. The film.will then be shown during WFSU's December pledge period. .Steinhatchee School hosts Open House Steinhatchee School will host its annual Open House Thursday, Oct. 25, from 7-8:30 p.m. All students and their parents are -encouraged to attend. 'Round up' for Scouts is Thursday Parents and guardians are reminded that the annual Cub Scout/Boy'Scout-'round up" will'bev. held Thursday, Aug. 25, at 6:30 p.m: The informational meeting will be held at Perry Primary School. Capital City hosts Bake Sale Capital City Bank will host a bake a.saj.to benefit the March of Dimes' .WaikAmerica Friday, Aug. 26, beginning at 8:30 a.m. "Thesale will continue until 6 p.m. or "until all thegoodies are soldl' Gunter to speak Aug. 26 S Taylor, County Commissioner Daryll Guhter will address seniors. at the Talor. Senior Center Friday, Aug. 26, beginning at 11 a.m. . - Gunterwill discuss items of interest' .f6r. ti6hse in District 2 and will speak on the county commission's past, present and,future plans. ,;This will be the second in a series of '.know .your government". programs sponsored by the Senior Center. All 'members of the city,' council .and county commission are being invited to present programs at the Senior Center. A' Community inyitatibn is extended: For more information, call Carol Fdndo at 584-4924. Win free gas or Sa picnic table A raffle is currently being held to benefit the March of Dimes' 2005 WalkAnerica event... '. tickets for a chance'to win a $10. .gas',dard 'from Wal-Mart- or -a hanrid- ..rafted picnic table are available from volunteers at Buckeye. Community Federal'Credit Union. tie table was built and donated by .Wayne Stricklaid. Ihdex Livirig...page A-4 port's...pa3e A-S6 'eligion...page A'-7 COmmriunity...page B-1 ,: Eitorilal...page "B-2 .;$s5ifiieds...page BD-4 up truck broke down. Law enforcement officers also reported that as they were taking inventory of the man's truck. a total of 162 grams of marijuana was found under the seat and in the ..... ...... ..... .. .. ...... .....--- i - Kickoff time! -,.;New Taylor County High Head Football Coach Price Harris (far left) shouts instructions to his players during a break in the action last Thursday in Mayo. For more on the "Kickoff Classic," see today's sports page (A-6). back bed. According to' Taylor County Sheriff's Office Dep. Robert Luhdy, a call went out at approximately 2:45 p.m. "in reference to an older white male driving a pick-up truck who appeared to have had a heart attack and was unconscious." Lundy said that when he arrived, he determined that the man, .identified as Robert Cecil Rial, who lived.on Mixon Road, had just died. "After my initial observation of the body, I determined no foul play was suspected at this time," Lundy added. On the scene was Department of Environmental Protection Agency Off. Stacey Everett, who told Lundy that he had phoned in the initial report after another motorist flagged him down. Doctors' Memorial Hospital Emergency Medical Services was called to the scene and confirmed that Rial was dead. Lundy said he found two bags of marijuana inside Rial's truck. After TCSO Inv. Donna Lee arrived at the site and took over the investigation, more marijuana was found, bringing the total to 162 grams with an estimated street value of between $700 and $800. ,- Please see page 3 Man,, 22, killed in Cross City crash A Perry man was killed Saturday. in a one-vehicle automobile crash in Dixie County, according to reports filed with the Florida Highway Patrol. Jeffrey Lee Davis Jr., 22, was the passenger in a 2000 Dodge van driven by David Carrillo, 27, from Immokalee, when the vehicle entered a curve on U.S. Hwy 19, approximately 11 miles north of Cross City. According to FHP Trooper E. Johnson, the van "failed to negotiatethe curve and left the roadway on the west shoulder, traveling several hundred feet on the grassy shoulder before coming back onto the roadway. "The driver over-corrected the vehicle as it came back onto the roadway, which caused it to begin.a clockwise rotation," he.added. "The van then left the highway again, colliding with a pine tree in the driver's door area. The vehicle sustained heavy crush damage into the passenger compartment. "Both the driver 'and front seat passenger were pronounced dead at the -scene by Dixie County Emergency Medical Services." Johnson said. "The preliminary investigation revealed that speed was a factor in the crash." Complete obituary information for Davis may befound on page A-5. For Steinhatchee boat ramp Commission focuses on two sites The search for potential sites to locate a boat ramp in Steinhatchee is focusing on county streets with access to the river. The county commission directed the Steinhaichee Boat Ramp Committee to have site surveys performed on two streets in the First grader finds cocaine at school A ".ime bag" of cocaine was found by a seven-year-old student at Perry Primary School last week. According to the Taylor County Sheriffs Office, the first grader said he found the drugs next to an empty desk in hts classroom. The student turned over the small pink baggie to his teacher, who called the school's dean. Deputy Darell Upshaw was dispatched to the school, along with Perry Police Department Sgt. Dodd Franklin and Ptl. Wesley Cooper. The white substance in the bag field-tested positive for cocaine and was seized by the officers. Contact was made with the child's parents. who said they had spoken with him about the dangers of drugs. Officers were unable to determine the source of drugs or how it came to be on school grounds. City Council eyes 'in house' consolidation The Perry City Council is eyeing a possible "in house" consolidation of its recreation and public works departments. Mayor Emily Ketring first brought the idea to the table during the council's Aug. 9 meeting and members \were expected to continue discussions on the tbpic Tuesday night. Initial reactions to the move were mixed, with council members in falor and department heads raising concerns. "We keep hearing how we are short in both departments so w hy not look at combining them and better utilize our resources." KeLring said. "If we did that, we'd have more staff and could stagger shifts as needed," Councilman Don Cook said. "And you could keep our equipment running longer with the same people," Ketring noted. "If you do that, then (Recreation Director Glenn Ratlitf) is gaining and I'm losing because you'll have my people doing Glenn's work." Public Works Director Barney Johnson said. "I think as a council what we are saying is we would like ICitl Manager Bill Brynes) to look at what we're asking and bring us back a recommendation," Cook said. That recommendation was to be discussed at the council's regular meeting Aug. 23. community. At last Tuesday's meeting, the commission was presented with a list of 10 streets in Steinhatchee and the cost for each survey. The boat ramp committee had given the commissioners the list of sites at its previous meeting, but had not included a price estimate for each. "The objective of the surveys is to find a location with the least impact on the community which allows the most parking," a committee member said at that meeting. County Administrator Buddy Humphries subsequently contacted Delta Land Surveyors. Inc., which pro ided the cost estimates. The streets on the list were: Founh Street West. $950; Third Street West, $950: Second Street West. $400: Main Street, $950; Second Street East, $1.150; Thirteenth Street East, $600: Fourteenth Street East, $950; First Avenue South, $600; Central Avenue, $600; and First Avenue North; $600. The cost, of ihe ten surveys totaled $8,300. Commissioner Clay Bethea, whose district includes Steinhatchee, objected to'several of the streets on the'list. S"Some of these are not feasible," he said He then made a motion to fund the surveys, excluding Main Street, Thirteenth Street East, Fourteenth Street East and Central Avenue. Commissioner Malcolm Page. seconded the motion and Commissioner Jack Brown called for discussion. Brown said that Attorney Mike Smith had contacted him, stating that in his research of past board minutes he had found that several roads in the Steinhatchee Area had been closed and abandoned by the county in years past, particularly several in 1939, which were still on. the maps as county property. "I don't want to pay for surveys if I don't know if I own .the land," Brown said. Ways to conduct the research necessary to determine which roads, if any, had been abandoned by the county were discussed, including using the services of the newly hired planning board attorney,'John N. Weed. The commission decided to hire a firm to conduct title searches on the streets on'the committees list. Commission Chairman Daryll Gunter suggested limiting the search two or three sites and have the committee choose their top options. During the discussions, Bethea's motion was amended several times and the commissioners decided it .* Please see page 3. :Documentary- screening -. .All eyesJ.ere.on the big screen Thursday evening during a special presentation of the c-.iocumeritary "Kilowatt Ours--A Plan to Re-Energize America." The screening was part o."f. a public.meeting hosted by opponents of the proposed coal-fired power plant looking to build a.$1'.4 billion facility in North Florida. About two dozen local residents attended the IeetinQ, which was held at Chaparral Restaurant. -, .. . A-2 The Taco Times August 24, 2005 Opening the treasure . Verlyn Mason and Debbie Mason are shown during grand opening ceremonies at Beach Treasures, a home furnishings and accents shop, and Mason's Coastal Realty, with broker Shari Beth Olefson. Both businesses are located at Keaton Beach, just before Hodges Park. Hours are 10 a.m. 5 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday; 10 a.m. 7 a.m., Friday and Saturday; and 10 a.m. 4 p.m., Sunday. Beach Treasures can be reached at 578-2505; Coastal Realty at 578- 3119. Coastal group takes shape STaylor County's new coastal management committee came a step closer to fruition last week when commissioners agreed, on several details about the committee's form. Commissioner Clay Bethea, who first proposed the committee at the board's June 20 meeting, suggested it have seven members. Each commissioner would designate one member and two more would be chosen by the board as a whole from an at-large pool of candidates. Several members of the public spoke out about the committee, most expressing concerns that the committee would not include enough people from the coastline. Commissioners responded that they would like to see the board consisting of people representing 'I think the coastline is a big enough issue to have someone out there looking just at that. '-Bethea the various coastal communities in the county, including Steinhatchee, Keaton Beach, Econfina and Spring Warrior. The committee would have no pqier to make rules or regulations itself and would instead advise the board on issues pertaining to the coast, commissioners said when: questioned. It would also 'have to function under Florida Sunshine Laws. The commission agreed to Bethea's design and said they would bring the names of their designees to the board's next meeting, Tuesday, Sept. 6. The coastal committee was created after Commissioner Clay: Bethea told the board of a 1969 Legislative Act giving Taylor County the right to create a port authority to manage its coastline. The wording as well as the age of the act raised questions, and the commission decided to instead create the coastal committee. "There's a plethora of issues down there," Bethea said at the June 20 meeting. "I think the coastline is a big enough issue to have someone out there looking just at that." Florida Forest Festiual Thanksgiving ' i NeW Years \A0l S' everything in between i NMSUBSCR IBE! ------ I --------- ---In nntu I NAME i3 I in tu I A013HES *I I I I I I I CITY STATE ZIP I L -m- -m --- m m- m -- --- Timberland Ford and Ford Motor Company Announce the Continuation of the Ford Family Plan Sales Event going on thru the Labor Day Weekend! We have added the Hot New 2006 Super Duty Pick-ups, Escapes & Expeditions! Our Timberland Ford family extends their 'Welcome Mat" to the American family Eligible vehicles are all new 2005-2006 model Ford vehicles excluding trucks above F350 and Ford GT, Mustang, and Escape Hybrid *Ford discounts & rebates applied Explorer Sport Trac MSRP $24,940 EMPLOYEE 1,882 PRICE $ 9,882* 2001 Jeep Wrangler Sport.... $16,995 4x4, 6 cyl., Auto, A/C, New Top, New Tires stk #P478 2003 Chevrolet Silverado...$18,995 4x2, V8, Auto, Sport Package, 24K miles, Stk #250207A 2002 ford n50 XT_..' $18,995 4x4, Super Cab, FX4, V/8, Auto, New Tires, Silver, Perfect Truck stk. #P479 2004 Limited leep Libert.$19,995 V6, Auto, Leather Stk. #250012CB 2001 Ford F150 4x4 IT..$16,995 Super Crew, White/Gold, 5.4, V/8, Clean Truck Stk. #250166A Get Employee Discounts on the Ford Vehicle of Your Choice! No Hassles...No Gimmicks! 2005 Mustang GT............ .. $28,995 Auto, Interior Upgrade, 1,000 Watt Stereo, White, 5,200 miles, Stk #250050CA 1999 Dodge Ram 1500..... .. $10,995 Club Cab, V/8, Auto, stk. #250199B 2003 Toota Tacoma PreRunner. $18A95 Ext. Cab, 4 cyl., Auto, 25,372 mjles, Green, Stk. #250090A 2002 Ford n150.. $18,995 XLT, 5.4, V8, 4x4, Stk. #250163A 2002 Ford Focus.. $9,995 3 Door, Auto, While, Low Miles, Stk. #P473 Ford 500 2005 Ranger MSRP $22,795 MSRP $16,005 EMPLOYEE 9 *EMPLOYEE 11 S$19,872 $1,685 PRICE PRICE | 8 2000 Ford Windstar .. .. .$9,995 V/6, Auto, Dual A/C, Low Miles, White, stk. #250196A 2002 Ford F250RTWI .. $16995 SCB, 4x2, White/Silver, 5.4, V/8, Auto, Power Windows & Locks, Aluminum Wheels, One Owner, Local Trade stk. #P469A 2001 Ford F150 HT 4X4.... $18A95 Crew Cab, 5.4, V/8, Auto, stk. #P449A 2002 Ford Sport Trac XLT. $17,995 Power Windows & Locks, Tilt, Cruise, stk. #P472 2000 Pontiac Montana Van $9,995 V/6, Like New, Low Miles, Rear Air, Maroon, Stk. #250149A 2003 Chevrolet Silverado LS $19,995 Extra Cab, V/8,4x4, Auto, Black Stk. #250214A i 2004 Iord F150 Crew Cab..$27,995 s Lariat, 5.4, V8, Leather, Auto, Low Miles stl. #P476 40 III UiUUU111it $49 Out of County Mall check to Perry Newspapers, Inc. P.O. Bo. 888 Perry, FL 32348 itl F150 Reg. Cab MSRP $20,075 EMPLOYEE 4 PRICE $14,24I 811~ - -- - etilvitsttt A-3 The Taco Times August 24, 2005 Jr. Olympics Local gymnasts excel in Louisiana 2005 Taylor County High School valedictorian Joey Jarvis was joined by his family during a special check presentation S.at the Perry Elks Lodge. Scholarships go to Jarvis, Reams SThe Perry Elks Lodge 41851 Recently awarded- youth Scholarships to two.2005 Taylor County graduates, Joey Jarvis and Rebecca Reams. On a national level, the BPO Elks provide scholarships to more deserving students than any other organization except the federal Government. Locally, the Elks' charitable endeavors are funded primarily by the Bingo program. Bingo sessions are conducted every Monday evening beginning at 7 .; p.m. SChairman David Lloyd and his Dedicated volunteers help conduct S Who will be inducted into the, Boys & Girls Club Hall of Fame'? Find out during the first All- Star Dinner Gala & Capital Campaign planned Friday, Aug.. 26, at the Perry Elks Lodge. Hosted by the Boys & Girls Club, the event will begin at 7 - p.m.; tickets are $50 per couple. "Join us for an evening of fun, dinner, live jazz, a silent auction, dancing and more," Executive Director Kevin Kidd said. .: S "Celebrate with us .as we S'recognize our achievements and SCommittee to choose top two sites the program, and the faithful bingo players contribute greatly to charity as well as having fun. doing it, organizers said. "The Elks are happy that 'these scholarships could be funded and extend best wishes to Joey and Rebecca as they pursue; their dreams." On the national level applications for scholarships will be available at the high school.' This year the two top national scholarship winners received $60.000 scholarships with more than $2 million being distributed to deserving students. SGala planned for this Friday: Need tickets? eed' c its* plan for the future." For tickets, please call 584- 8448., Five local gymnasts traveled to New Orleans, La., to compete in the 2005 Junior Olympics. Athletes from across the nation participated in this prestigious competition. "The boys were just incredible", says Coach Nasko AlaguenSki. Each boy made a personal improvement at this final competition of the season and had S a great time in New Orleans, he added. On the first day of competition, Luke Kallschmidt finished first on the Floor and Still Rings, second on the Pommel Horse and the All- Around. Skyler Hewitt was first on Vault and third on Floor and the All-Around while Micah Byrd captured the Gold medal on High Bar, Silver on Pommel Horse and Bronze on Rings. Myles Byrd had a great competition and finished third on the Parallel Bars. All gymnasts including Garrett Price advanced to the'Finals for their finish in the the top ten of their age group. "At the finals, Luke Kallschmidt gave a stellar performance and finished third on the Parallel Bars, second oh Floor, Pommel Horse, Vault and the All- Around while taking Gold on the Rings and High Bar. Skyler Hewitt was definitely on his game taking third on theParallel Bars, second on Pommel Horse, High Bar and the All-Around. while taking top honors with the Gold medal on Floor, Still Rings, and Vault. Skyler.tied the record high score for our gym with a 9.9 on' the Rings," said his coach. "We were all very excited and proud of him. Garrett Price finished fourth on the Rings and, Vault while ending up ninth, in the All-Around. Micah Byrd took first place on the High Bar, second on Vault and third in the All-Around while his brother Myles took third place on the Still Rings, Parallel- SBars, High Bar and in the All- Around. Myles also took the Gold medal on Vault. Myles, Micah and Skyler competed as a team and S',i; took first place in the 7-8 yr. old Level 4 competition. Garrett Price teamed up with two other, gymnasts from Florida to take BOAT RAMP , Continued from page 1 second place in the 12 year old team competition. "I was very pleased with our boy's performance in New Orleans. I credit their hard work and the coach for their success," said Lisa Arrowood, owner and manager of Taylor Gymnastics, Cheerleading and Dance. Deadline is announced The Taylor County Historical Society has set an Aug. 31 deadline for submissions for book 16 of the series "They Were Here." Photos and biographical information may be brought to the historical society museum, which is open every Thursday afternoon from 1-5 p.m. President Wanda Cash also reminds residents that the society has copies of the books "In Search of the Aucilla" and "Fishing for the Abundant Life, A Journey of Faith" by R.C. Balfour III available for purchase. Chesnutt sings The first Dixie Wheelin Jamboree, featuring country music star Mark Chesnutt, will be held Saturday, Sept. 3, at the Cross City Airport. Also slated to appear are Bryan White.and Earl Thomas Conley. The event is being sponsored by the Dixie County chapter of the Wheelin Sportsmen, which organizes fishing and hunting trips for persons with disabilities. Gates open at 3 p.m.; -the concert will start at 5 p.m. For ticket locations, call (352) 498- 0300 or e-mail mlhunt@inetw2.net. Investigation continues into death Coach Nasko Alaguenski with Junior Olympic gymnasts from Perry. WCTV's weather man speaks in Perry today WCTV Chief Meteorologist today (Wednesday), beginning at 'Mike McCall will present a 11 a.m. special weather program at the All interested persons are invited Taylor County Senior Center to attend. ROADSIDE Continued from page 1 An autopsy Tuesday revealed substantial enlargement and other irregularities to Rial's heart, but it was not clear at this point if he actually suffered a heart attack. An 'investigation is on-going, but authorities say Rial may have been attempting to get water for an over-heated radiator when he collapsed, as a bucket was found near the body. [ GreatD e'PeP.ons Should be simpler for him to Rescind hi's motion and: begin fresh. Bethea then made a new motion. authorizing the boar ramp Committee to perform site surveys and title searches on their top two sites, excluding the same 'four Streets as before. The cost was not to exceed $3,500, with the Money to be paid out of the 'county's contigency fund, he said. .; Page once again seconded the motion and the measure passed unanimously. . S 20( 6 Pose Special Choice of up to 6 poses (1) 16 x20 (4) 8x10 0 (8) 5x7 (setsof 2) (4) 4x5 (same pose) (70) wallets (sets of 7) $415.00 Sitting Fee $35.00- $50.00 S- 18A )5 Senior Portrait Sped 5 Pose Special 3 Pose Special / Choice of up to 5 poses Choice of up to 3 poses :(1)11 x14 (3) 8x10 (4) 8x1 0 (4) 5x7 (sets of 2) (8) 5x7 (sets of 2) (4) 4x5 (same pose) (63) wallets (sets of 7) $365.00 2 Pose Special Choice of up to 2 poses (1)11 x14 (1) 8x10 (2) 5x7 (same pose) (28) wallets (sets of 7) $145.00 (4) 4x5 (same pose) (56) wallets (sets of 7) $195.00 1 Pose Special (2) 8x10 (2) 5x7 (14) wallets $95.00 Call today for an a Feebee Houck photographer/owner Ann I-fudson. photographer Julia's Place $500 a stda.. presents their in prizemaney 4 er \ose :,::; ,tobegiven 10 IstAnnual tavsO hulv : araoke s$300 $125 .. contest < SS00 starting Saturday, Aug. 27 2ndplace ,es 6.- continuing Sept. 3& 10 c $75 ies" 5-7 Finals will be held Sept. 17 3r la 8:00 nightly A 3 winners chosen each night to compete in championship round Stop by Julia's Place, 215 W. Hampton Springs Ave., for rules or more information (Must be 21 years of.age to enter) No phone calls please ___ 4^^* .^^._^^ ^^^ ^^^_^^_^^k ial appointment! - rophies' M-F 9:00 5:3Q Closed Saturdayi -------- 0--s"IMO 14 100--= Fall ashins &Accesorie ArrvingDail Living A-4 The Taco Times August 24, 2005 Gunter-Parker Las Vegas wedding will unite couple on Oct. 31 Ronald and Shirley Gunter announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Ali, to James Parker, the son of John and Debbie Parker, all of Perry. The wedding will take place on Oct. 31, 2005, in Las Vegas, Nev., at the Viva Las Vegas Wedding ChapeL ,The ceremony can be viewed on line at www.vivalasvegashotel.com at 6 p.m. (EST), A wedding reception for the couple will be held at a later date. Clowns meet Thursday The Miles of Smiles Clown the art of clowning is invited to Alley meets the firsf Thursday of attend; the meetings begin at 7 each month at the Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. Anyone interested in learning p.m. For more information, contact Marcia Parker at 578-2582. Richard Hattaway, Jennifer Elyse Jackson. On October 15 Jackson, Hattaway to wed at 'Winterbourne Teresa and And\ Jackson of Perry announce the engagement of their daughter, Jennifer Elyse, to Richard Haitnaay of Jacksonville. the son of Jimmy 'and. Beverly Sorrells of Jacksonville and Richard Hattaway of Holly wood. The bride-elect graduated from the University of North Florida in 20(2 with a Bachelor .of Fine Arts degree in graphic design and advertising: She is currently employed as an advertising consultant at Horizon Promotional Products in Jackson\ ile. SMiss Jackson is the granddaughter of Helen and C.T. Burgess of Perry, Betty Dickert of Jacksonvdle and T.A. Jackson of Perry. ' The npnn eclivc room graduated from the Universinv of Norih' Florida Wedding reminder Gipson-qregory Joanna Gipson and Donal Gregory remind friends and relatives of their wedding this Saturday, Aug. 27, at 3 p.m. in the Word of Truth Tabernacle on Highway 221. A reception will follow. William Miles Hunter reunion this weekend at Ichetucknee The William Miles Hunter Family Reunion will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 7,. at the Ichetucknee River home of Jim and Carol Martin. A covered dish lunch will be shared at noon. AJI friends and relatives are invited to attend, and to assist in updating the Miles Hunter Family Tree. For more information (or directions), please call 386) 719-4866 after 5 p.m., or during the daytime, contact 386-365-3666. ~i.I I- TT. 1..!.u1. IA1___ Sin 2005 with a Bachelor's degree in international business. He is nappy Dirlm aay: currently training to become a financial advisor for New York Life. Makayla Levingston, the daughter The couple's wedding will be an everit of Saturday, Oct. 15, 2005, in of Michael and Amanda Levingston, The Winterbourne at Orange Park. Formal invitations ill be issued. will celebrate her first birthday on Aug. 26,2005. SGrafters, artists sught A for Steinhatchee festival ALTrif A Trip of a Lifetime! _ .:: A AA Travel hasa group sailing - rafters and anists are needed for The Steinhatchee River Festiv.al .AAA Travel hs a goup sai, g the upcoming Steinhatchee Ri .e is sponsored by the Steinhatchee on Holland America's Statendam SFestival planned Saturday, Oct. 1, Community Projects Board, with : June 2, 2006 S at the Sieinhatchee Community proceeds benefiting local projects. Center. ,r Booth:applications are available' by contact Rhoda Moehring at (352) 498-7376. Application' deadline is Sept. 15. Plans are also underway for a kayak/canoe Poker Run on the river to be held in conjunction with the, festival. For more. information, contact River Haven Marina. Planning a party, reunion k . or receptionT, Perry Elks Lodge is the perfect location!, We have meeting space for up to 300 people, with catering services available. 850-584-2541 For more information on this group or other Alaska sailihgs for 2006 meet with us', Thursday, Aug. 25 6:30 p.m. Covenant Christian Fellowship Church Fellowship Hall : (located at the intersection of S uckett & Golf Course roads RSVP AAA (850) 878-6000 ext. 233 or Bonnie Elliott @ 584-5269 ; Registry ": , KeriRachelle Bundrick Robert Christopher Ponder September 17,2005 Luanne Collins Jacob Faulkner October 1,2005 Hope K. Harvey Arthur W. Watkins III October 15, 2005 Ali Gunter James Parker Shanna Sadler . Brian Jones. November 12,2005 IBaby. | Registry Rachael Guy Kelly Moore Girl due September 2005 Mary Ann & Chris Folsom Girl due October 2005 Melissa Fouche ST.J.Edwards ) Girl ue January 2006 Ali Gunter, James Parker LIMITED TIME OFFER SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS SVCOMPLETE GAS SERVICE ( Only INCLUDES: Normal Installation $ lO O *1 Year Free Tank Rental i 2t-V 0 50 GALLONS OF GAS A enGas America's:Propane Company 850-973-2218 584-8201 Appliances Fast Installation 24 Hour Emergency Service Automatic Fuel Delivery Sales & Service f. Cross City / Dental, PA Stephen M. Henry DMD (352) 498-7001 David R.Schneck DMD New Patients Welcome whiter brighter 117 NE Hwy. 351 Cross City, FI. AUTHORIZED SERVICE CLITER STRICKLY .CEI1 IULAR 85,-223-I900 Monday Friday 8:30 am until 5:00 pm.,1306-A South Jefferson Street, Perry, FL. ."Ncxt.ll 00imp-i Fedea.l .I.r. Cm. I, L.I .C.i (MIIORI5 I o. 2...-. .CR inii am M '.u.. i.. unM ..ch. .... ...': .."':.'.' 'la".'*.'..; ... ... '.. ... ........ ''.'. .. .."". ."." .'-" .' .: ,, ,',.': ,, , .. .* ir-^ 'm r. r... Irjra l N. .;L, i 1 l -, '.PI *,- t, ,, ,ir 'L' '* =- 'd r ' t. .ir.. tiftth- V: -r?*'H irT- n-k.-Jnl isi -l/...*** I,- [iill^ -.N"*.H"^- -*--^" :'ij<\~: ."i.I~rb- 'i' ,: l*hwMvlalI. ''! l^ il LH- -*^" X~I,. \ _. -. *K ,~ ^ .-*-* '-' 1 " Tae whitening in a 3iter, 4out an hourP' P,/ ,'.-/ h ..;' ~ ,i ' r -1 r-' "; : r- '; 5' 5 ~I zi -- h i ;i - i .7 1~ - I ii -Z ~: ., '" ::: '' ; ri- r -' '; ;2: ''' QUESTION: What does behavioral research tell us about the best way to raise .children?, Have scientific studies spelled out. what works and what doesn't, especially regarding how to discipline properly? DR. DOBSON: My answer may sound like heresy coming from a man who spert 10 years of his life as a professor of pediatrics, responsible for medical and behavioral research, but I don't believe the scientific community is capable.of determining the best parenting techniques. There have been some worthwhile studies, to be sure, but the subject of discipline almost defies definitive investigation. Why? Because the only way to study this topic scientifically would be to'place newborns randomly in "permissive" vs. "disciplined" families, and then, keep them under close observation for 10 or 15 years. Since it is impossible. to do that, researchers have tried to tease out information where they could find it. But family relationships are so *multidimensional and complicated that they almost defy rigorous scrutiny..Indeed, most of the studies reported in the literature are scientifically useless. For example, Dr. David Larson, 4:'a psychiatrist and formerly a researcher at the National Institutes of Health, reviewed 132 articles in professional journals that purported to investigate the long-term consequences of 'corporal punishment. He found most of them flawed in design. Ninety percent of the studies failed to distinguish between good homes where spanking was :administered by' loving parents, and those bordering on (or actually ' inflicting) child abuse. This distinction is critical for obvious reasons. Dr. Larson concluded that the findings were.invalidated by this failure to consider the overall health of family relationships. To repeat, the consequences of various approaches to parental discipline appear to be beyond the reach of social research. It is simply not possible to study this complex subject scientifically without warping families to set up the research design. Even if such studies were conducted, the researchers would be studying contrived families, not typical parent-child relationships. s OCUS on The FarmiLy Parenting: what works, what doesn't By James Dobson At Temple of God Enrolled, eligible kids entitled to free meals The Temple of God Child Development Center, Inc., announces its participation in the U.S. Department of Agriculture Child Care Food Program. Meals :will be available at no separate charge to enrolled eligible children at the center. Parents and guardians of children Obituaries William A. Fletcher William A. Fletcher, 65, died' Aug. 18, 2005. A native of O'Brien, he had lived in Augusta, Ga., most of his life. He was retired from' International Paper Company after . 37-years of service. He, was a Jehovah's Wnness. Sur\ ivors include: his wife of nearly 40 years, Linda Fletcher; two daughters, Barbara-Spence and Donna Homschek. both of Augusta; three brothers, Orlan Fletcher of Perry, Irvin Fletcher of- Hephzibah, Ga., and Charles Fletcher of Harlem, Ga.; and four. grandsons. ' Funeral services were held Tuesday, Aug. 23, at 3 p.m. at Hatcher, Chance -& Hydrick SFuneral Home, with Elder James. STranter officiating. Interment Followed at \Westover NImnor,ial SPark. S Family: members received Friends Monday from 4 until 6 S'p.m. at Hatcher, Chance *&. H ydrick Funeral Home, which was in charge of the arrangements. Donald Lee Shaw Donald Lee Shaw, 55. died Aig. 14. 2005. in Juneau, Alaska. Surn i'ors include: his father and .:step-mother. Retdrnel Shaw and Miriam Shaw of Perry; two Children, Steve Shaw of Atlanta, Ga., and Donna Bender of Inverness: two brothers. Louis Shaw of Perry and Shelby Shaw of Alaska; a sister, Joann Wats of. Perry: and a host of nieces and nephews. :He was predeceased by his mother. Margaret Shaw. S; Graveside services will be held Saturday, Aug. 27, at 11 a.m. at N- Mingo Cemetery in Dixie County with Eddie Pridgeon officiating. :Jeffrey Lee Davis Jr. Jeffrey Lee Davis Jr.,.22, died Aug. 20. 2005, in Cross City. Born in Akron, Ohio, he was a laborer in logging. Survivors include: his parents. Jeffrey Lee Davis Sr. and Latin Isarangkoon; six brothers, Max , Perez, Carlos Grandison, Abraham -,Granidison, Darrel Gandison, Thai Perez and Keith Davis;. three sisters, Mary Grandison, Maxey Perez and Chrisiine Murrav: and one uncle, Carl Davis. Memorial services will be held today, Ang. 24, at 4 p.m. at 'oe (C P. Burns' Funeral Home with, SDonnie Gipson officiating. Burns Funeral' Home is in charge of the arrangements. Helen A. Strubell- Bowman Helen A. Strubell-Bowman, a homemaker, '76, died' Aug. 18, 2005, in Perry. Born in Lawrence Park, Pa.,-to: the late.Alfred C. Heyer and the late Helen C. Phifer Heyer, she :had lived in Perry since 2004, moving here from Holly Hill. She - was a Baptist. She was preceded in death by her: late husbands. Harvey Glynn jiMBMCARPETT LM TWe Also * CARPETS WOOD FLOORS Carpet VINYL -BINDING Travel * CERAMIC CUSTOM DESIGNED Trailers *REPAIRS AREA RUGS Campers 203 E. Drew St. (across nom Robbe s Searood) & Boats Hours: Mon. Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-12 James Musslewhite, owner, Licensed & Insured Visa MC. AmEx OFIC 84376HOE58-27u AVAILABLE I S"' Cashway Building Products, Inc. '301 W. Hampton Springs Ave. White Brown* Red* P 'erry, Fl. 32347 Black Green* Gray* (850) 584-3519 1-800-479-0912 Tan Blue $1299 .IN STOCK COLORS' ^" per48" x 79" sheet Strubell and William Clyde Bowman; an infant son, Jeffery 'Scott Strubell; and two brothers, William Heyer and Gary Heyer. Survivors 'include: two daughters, Diana L. Chaffin of Perry; Carolyn Strubell of Newberry; five sons, Harvey G. Strubell II and Larry W. Strubell, both of Daytona, Timothy O. Strubell of Shenandoah, Texas, John C. Strubell of El Cajon, Calif., and Christopher S. Strubell of Port Orange; three brothers, Jerre Heyer of Erie, Pa., and Alfred "Soriny" Heyer of Andersonville, SS.C.; 17 grandchildren; and six .' Please see page 7 eligible for free and reduced-priced meals must complete an application. Eligibility information includes the number and names of all household members, social security number of the adult household member signing the application or an indication that this household member does not have one, total monthly household income or Food Stamp case number or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families case number, ard the signature of the adult household member. Income eligibility guidelines for 2005-06 are:available from the Florida Department of Health Bureau of Child Nutrition Programs. Children from families whose income is at or below eligibility levels are eligible for free and reduced-price meals. Household are required to report increases in household income of over $50 per month or $600 per year and increases ot decreases in household size. The church is located.at 105 Sandra St' , PENOX Wide Spectrum Filtration System -o r, i.i .. .. m ...... --.. Removes IRON, TANNIN, SULFUR, MANGANESE and TURBIDITY. Kills BACTERIA FlimintEc RAn TASTi RA l D O R and LAUNDRY & FIXTURE STAINS. Our systems are tailored to your particular need: All are LOW COST, LOW MAINTENANCE. GUARANTEED. Gall today for FREE WATER TEST. No obligation. Prices $795 to $1995 IRON-FREE i Well Water Company, Inc. Lisa McKinney, Representative 850-584-5750 800-437-1128 frH AUTHORIZED OIECK DEALER 584-6021, 803 W. Main St. Perry, Fl. 32347 SStore Hours: 8 AM 6 PM Mon. Sat. southhouse@perry.gulfnet.com MAKE YOUR POINT... Something on your mind? Let the community know. Letters to the Editors must be signed and accompanied by a phone number for contact Please mail to P.O. Box 888, Perry, FL 32348 I.r~ **a S 0 0 ~ - 0R ^ODED3 The "Journey" Meetings will help,you discover the answers to those and other question you may have concerning the future of this'earth, your life, and those around you. The "Journey" Meetings are a series of Biblically based messages that will inspire you to walk deeply with Jesus Christ and Discover His plan for your life. Juan Rodriguez will be your guide for these meetings. For 16 years he has helped thousands find their journey in life and'has led them to understand that each human being has been designed for a special purpose in life. . AUGuST 20-22, 26-29 fePTemBer 2-17 FriDaY MonDaY eveninGS 7:30-p.m 2268 Green Farm Road U-Turn YouTH CenTer For more inFormaTion CaLL 584-8506 A-5 The Taco Times August 24, 2005 FDOT announces work now underway in Taylor The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has announced the following roadway projects underway in Taylor County: --State Road 51: Crews will be repainting the roadway lines from the Dixie County line to Roy's Restaurant in Steinhatchee. --U.S. 19: Crews will be repainting the roadway lines from north of Perry south to Salem. --U.S. 98: Crews will be repainting the roadway lines from County Road 356 to the Jefferson County line. --U.S. 19: Daytime lane closures to place the final layer of asphalt from the Steinhatchee River to just north of Josh McCall Road. I- ns ,, r -- -s J1 nn~ka~-l Sports Stop Jasper 15-0; fall to Mayo 22-12 A-6 The Taco Times August 24,2005 'Dogs 'impressive' in pre-season games By AARON PORTWOOD The new-look Taylor County B.Iulldogs opened the 2005 campaign with a pre-season "Kickoff Classic" jamboree in Mayo that could be best described as the "tale of two halves." The Bulldogs sat out the first half of the three-team jamboree and watched as Hamilton County defeated. Lafayette County, 12-6. Taylor then suited up against Hamilton County and dominated the Trojans, 15-0. However, the Bulldogs seemed to fade in the intense August heat, falling in their second half of play against the Lafayette, County Hornets, who used a powerful rushing attack to pound Taylor County, 22-16. All three teams finished tied with identical 1-1 records. (One interesting note: both teams that played back-to-back halves, lost the second half to the more rested, fresher team). In all, it was an impressive pre- season outing for the Bulldogs and first-year Head Coach Price Harris, who came into the Kickoff Classic .without the benefit of spring conditioning drills or a. spring Jamboree. 'Taylor was also playing without three senior starters, who each ~missed a workout session and therefore did' not travel with the team. True to his word before the game, Coach Harris saw that all 30 players' received significant playing time and alternated first and second team units on each ,possession, regardless of the-score or situation. QB Genario McNealy (6-1, 192- pound senior) looked especially sharp in' his 2005 debut, completing 5 of his 7 passes for 79 yards and a touchdown with no interceptions in addition to r iaing four times"J'6r 79 yards ;and another iouchdow\in. SMcNealy looked comfortable -running the Bulldogs' new :"Flexbone"' triple option offensive attack arid put added.pressure on Ithe defense by rolling out and hitting receivers on the run. Senior wingback Tony Powell (5-11, 175 Ibs.) alsb emerged as an offensive threat, contributing remarkable plays in both halves. including a 33-pard kickoff return and a 55-yard touchdown run against Hamilton, as well as a 34- yard TDcatch against Mayo. SThe Bulldogs' rushing attack,. which exploded for 165 yards and 2 TD's in the win over Hamilton-- before faltering for just 32 yards on 12 carries in the loss to Lafayette-saw 10 different players carry the ball. McNealy led the way with 4 carries for 79 yards and 1 TD,, followed by Powell (3 carries for 62 yards and a TD), junior fullback Delvan Whetsel (5 carries, 20 'yards), freshman wingback Bryckoski Jackson (1 carry for 20 yards), who had a 60- yard touchdo% n run called back on a holding penalty in the first half against Hamilton. Sophomore Greg Snead finished with 4 carries for 13 yards, followed by senior fullback Marvin Britt (2 carries, 7 yards), senior fullback Shawn Padgett (2 'carries, 2 yards), junior fullback Gerald Walker (2 carries, 0 yards), Carl Padgett (1 carry) and back-up QB Marquis Ellis, who struggled with the snap exchange and lost six yards on four carries, including two fumble recoveries. In adglition to Powell's four catches for 70 yards (including a two-point conversion pass from ; Shawn Padgett), Jamar. McIntyre hauled in a nine-yard'catch and Sebastian Ingram had a beautiful .,0-yard interception return for a touchdown against Lafayette in which he baited the QB to throw the ball andr broke in front of the intended receiver. The Bulldogs defense looked intimidating in the first half of action against Hfamilton; holding the Trojans to just 45 yards of Total offense .(all rushing). Hamilton managed 45 yards on 19 carries (2.4 yards per carry) and went 0 for 4 passing, including a pass deflection by .Zach Bradshaw. : "Led :by junior linebacker Jake. i' Meacham (5-11, 188 lb: junior 'linebacker), the Taylor County defense swarmed on Hamilton County ball carriers and harassed the Trojan QB. Defensive lineman Cole Revels (6-1, 195 lb. senior), linebacker Delvan Whetsel (6-2, 194 lb. junior), defensive lineman Drew Southerland (6-0, 202 lb. junior), Marvin Britt (6-1, 233 lb. senior), Shawn Padgett (5-10, 176 lb. senior) and the defensive line delivered some stinging hits and wrapped up well in the shutout of Hamilton. The Trojans managed to cross midfield only once on offense and that was when the Bulldogs gave Hamilton the ball at the Taylor 37-yard line due to a bad snap over punter John Crowley's head. Taylor had more trouble with the deep snapping later in the game against Mayo, when 'another high snapped sailed over Crowley and out of the endzone for a safety that helped Lafayette-who had just scored to pull ahead, 7-6--quickly take a16-6 lead. Taylor took control of Hamilton early, with Powell's 33-yard kickoff return and Jackson's 60- yard TD run that was called back. Powell caught a 24-yard pass and took an option pitch 55 yards for a touchdown twoplays later to give Taylor a 6-0 lead. Powell'also caught the two-point pass to make it 8-0. - The Taylor defense forced, Hamilton to punt and the Bulldogs had trouble moving the ball before a bad snap gave the Trojans good field position at the Taylor 42-.ard line. The Dogs' defense came up big, forcing a fumble that Taylor recovered on first down, but an "inadvertent whistle" ruled the play dead and negated the turnover. The Bulldog defense responded as Meacham made two big tackles for a loss and Hamilton turned the ball over on a 4th and 19 play from the Bulldogs'-32. On the very next, play McNealy faked a hand-off and looked off a defender before tucking the ball for a 68-yard TD run. Crowley's kick gave Taylor a 15-0 lead and Meacham recovered a fumble on the Trojans' second play. Taylor gaVe Crowley two long field goal attempts (34 and 60 yards) late in the half, but both were low or short, as the Bulldogs struggled ith their special teams ,snaps and holds. The Bulldogs looked to pick up where they left off in the second half with Lafayette-reco ering a fumble afterNMayo had picked up a first down on their first possession. Two big runs by Whetsel set up a nine-yard pass and a 34-yard TD pass from McNealy to Powell. The two-point play failed to give Taylor a 6-0 lead. The rested Mayo offense took over from there, ripping off long runs of 53 and 21 yards before scoring on a one-yard plunge to pull ahead 7-6. The bad punt snap gave Mayo a safety, a 9-6 lead and the ball, which the Hornets quickly marched to the endzone in six plays with a bruising ground attack. Trailing 16-6, the Bulldogs could move the ball and had to punt, but'Ingram gave Taylor a boost by scoring on defense with the highlight-reel interception return for a touchdown with 1:16 to play in the third quarter to pull the Bulldogs within 16-12. Mayo ground out the clock and wore down the Bulldog defense with a long drive, riding the backs of huge running backs Eric MdIntyre and Morgan Rutherford, before.- punting, but Taylor 'couldn't mount an attack and failed to pick up a first down from their own 20. Another Bulldog punt gave Mayo the ball and the Hornets scored five plays later on a 37-yard TD run by Rutherford to seal the 22-12 win. , Taylor County will open'the regular season this Friday night at home against the Chiple\ Tigers in their first home game of the .year'at 7:30 p.m. Shawn Padgett (20) prepares to take a handoff from QB Genario McNealy (7) during action Thursday night. Here Thursday, 7 p.m. TCMS opens with 80 players The Taylor County Middle School football team opens its 2005 season this Thursday when Cross City comes to town. Kickoff is set for 7p.m. Head Coach Dale Brewer expects to dress but 80 youngsters this year as his team tries to improve on last.year's 5-1 record. "The kids have been working hard and have come a long way in a short amount of time," Brewer said. This year's schedule features seven games -- four at home and. three on the road. "Quincy Shanks and Fort White are newcomers to our schedule. Long-time rival Florida High has decided not to play us anymore," Brewer said. This year's roster consists of 14 sixth graders, 31 seventh graders and 36 eight graders.. "We have some big kids and quite a bit of speed. We believe we should have another good year at TCMS," he said. Cheerleader registration ends -" *Cheerleader registration fdr the' upcoming city recreation flag and tackle football leagues will be held Aug. 22-25 from 5:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. Cheerleading is for youngsters, ages 7-9 and 10-12 as of Dec. 31, 2005. The registration fee is $35 per participant. Registration will take place in the portable building on the visitors' side of Dorsett Stadium. For more.information, contact the. rec department at 584-3006. Each participant must be accompanied by a parent/guardian and a birth certificate is required. Flag sign-up today Registration for the upcoming' city recreation flag football league will be held Aug. 22-25 from 5:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. The league is for. youngsters, ages 7-9 as of Dec. 31, 2005. The registration fee is $35 per player. Registration will take place in the portable building on the visitors' side of Dorsett Stadium. Head' Coach PieHriHoegm s W E *D.isticS-Sp**omcr Sn Freshman Bryckoski Jackson hurdles through the line ipnoto by Wayne Dunwoody). ARMADILLO CONSTRUCTORS & ERECTORS INC. SLicense #CG3031636 CCC 058209 * BUILDERS ROOFERS HOME INSPECTIONS 800-719-9138 386-294-3914 Speckled Trout On Mo Redfish One More Cst Blues, etc. Operating from Keaton Beach Marina No Fishing License Required For Customers 4 (850) 584-9145 200 Kate Dr. i- Pat McGriff u.S.C.G. License Perry, FL 32348 NMARII U.S. Coast Guard CAPTAIN'S LICENSE Cross City starts Tuesday, Sept. 6 $39900 SIncludes all equipment & books. Test after the class with Capt. Mike Adams TOLL FREE 1877-447-1950 ''/////V///?.'N\Y.1\AVV.>^ Kis, Tens&Adul n) (Executive 12:00-1:00 pm) (Kids: 4:00-5:00 pm) (Teens: 5:30-6:30 pm) (Adults: 7-8 pm TUESDAY & THURSDAY www.owden.karate bowder, 124 S. Jefferson St. Jimmy Bowden, Instructc I Religion A-7 The Taco Times August 24, 2005 "M" Creationist speaks at Pleasant Grove tonight "Creation vs. Evolution" through Friday Lundy invites the community to attend; dinner will be served each Dr. Grady S. McMurtry, a Biblical scientific creationist, will speak' evening at 5:45.. Wednesday through Friday nights at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in 7 G o'clock services. Gospel preaching promised at Spring Warrior "Dr. McMurtry was an evolutionist for 20 years before he was convinced Spring Warrior Church of Christ will hold services Aug. 28-Sept. 2 of the scientific foundation for the creation viewpoint," said Pastor Danny featuring Berry Kercheville of Fayetteville, Ark., as speaker. Sunday's Lundy. events get underway at 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., and again at 6 p.m. "I think all persons--from middle school through adult--will be Monday through Friday, Kercheville will speak at 7:30 p.m. captivated by his grasp of the facts." :.: The.church is located five miles south of.Perry, just off U.S. 19 on S. Red Jackson baby 'blessed' at Springhill By:.B.D. WILLIAMS On Sunday, Aug. 28, the New Mt. : Zioh Missionary Baptist Church will 'be celebrating their Pastor Rev. Izell Montgomery Jr:'s Annual Appreciation Day, beginning with Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. and worship service at 11.. The guest speaker 'for the morning will be Minister Jackie H. Barnes. At 3 p.m., the Rev. R. Knight, pastor of New Bethel M. JiB. Church, and his congregation will be in charge of the services. A city -wide invitation is extended throughout the day. There were memorial services, Sunday at 2 p.m. for Mr. Lonnie Thompson, who died recently in Jackson% ille, at New Bethel M. B. Church. The Rev. Knight was the guest speaker. On Sunday there was a spirit- filled and enjoyable occasion at Springhill Missionary Baptist Church when the church family, relati\ es and friends joined Mr. and Mrs. Archie Joe Jackson Jr. and their family, vwho came from thousands of miles away to bring their little baby, to Mr. Jackson's home to have the baby blessed inn his church, by his pastor, the Rev. Izell Montgomery, and church family. You may drift many miles away from ,home. We are so grateful and thank God for Mr. Jackson who listened, to the small voice when it spoke to him and said "take the baby home and have it blessed in my home church. by my pastor and church family." In. the presence of family and friends,'we do hope and pray that there will be some young man or woman--relative or, friend--who will say, "I have wasted many Precious years and I will now ,repent with bitter tears. But now Lord I am coming home." Young men and women, "give up the world and come around to a life for Christ." On Saturday, Aug. 27 at 7:30 p.m., 'there, will be a spirit-fed musical explosion, featuring Spiritual Nature from Lake City. This is an open door event with a free will offering, hosted by New Jerusalem Primitive. Baptist Church, the Rev. Houston, pastor. You may contact Deacon Franklin Miller, chairperson, at (850) 584- 8715. Padgett Road. For details, please call 584-5176 or 584-9821. Corbin to lead services Aug. 28-31 Lakeside Baptist Church will hold a Fall Revival Aug. 28-31, led by Jimmy Corbin, pastor of Mt. Nebo Baptist Church in Bell. On Sunday, Aug. 28, services are planned at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday . through Wednesday, worship will begin at 7 p.m. Special music is promised nightly. One more rehearsal left... Temple of God Baptist Church is making plans for its Annual Youth Program planned Sunday, Aug. 28, at 4 p.m. One more rehearsal is '- planned for Saturday, Aug. 27, at 6 p.m. All youth in the community are urged to participate. For information, please call Tori Hampton at 584-6064 or Nicole Pigford at 223-1933. Choir observes anniversary Saturday The Senior Choir of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church will observe its anniversary on Saturday, Aug. 27, at 6 p.m. Visiting choirs are asked to present two selections. President Annie Porter asks everyone to participate. "Without you, it will not be a success," she reminds. Are you ready for a journey? The U-Turn Youth Center, located at 2268 Green Farm Road, is holding a series of meetings on the journey each individual takes in this life. Led by Juan. Rodriguez, meetings will be held this weekend, Aug. 26-29, and into the month of September. Everyone is invited to attend; discussions will center around where your life is going, and what is in control of your destiny. For additional information, please call 584-8506. _-u , (Continued from page 5) great grandchildren.. Funeral services were held Monday. Aug. 22. at 11 a.m. at Beggs Funeral Home with Pastor Mark McElfresh officiating., Grav'eside services were held Tuesday at 11 a.m. at Greenwood Cemetery in Daytona Beach. Family members received friends Monda\ from 10 until 11 a.m. prior to the service at Beggs, Funeral Home, which was in charge of the arrangements. Clifford D. Russell Clifford D. Russell, a homemaker, 96, died Aug. 18, 2005, ..at 'Doctors' Memorial Hospital A native and lifelong resident of Salem. she was the daughter of the late William Walter Davis and .lma "Mliss (Livingston) Da\i. . Mrs. Russell was a member of, Athena Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Barney Russell, and two sons-in-law, Neville Pettitt and James Garvin. .Survivors include: three sons, Bryant J. Russell of Perry. Gene Warren Russell of Salem and Frank D. Russell of Perry; three daughters, Juanita R. Pettitt of Perry and Margie E. Cooper and ShirleA M. Garvin, both of Salem; 18 grandchildren; numerous great great grandchildren; and a.host of nieces and nephews. .Funeral services were held Sunday. Aug. 21, at 2 p.i. at Joe P. Burs Funeral Home with James Howell and David McMullen officiating.. Interment followed at New Hope: Cemetery. SFamily :members received friends Saturday from 6 untiL 8 p.m. at Burns Funeral Home, which' was iii charge of "the arrangements. K Coming in September... Full Service Christian Bookstore Christian Books Christian Music Bibles Christian Videos DaySpring Cards SLocated inside O'Quinn Pharmacy SDowntown Perry Fall Revival Guest Speaker Jimmy Corbin Pastor of Mt. Nebo Baptist in Bell, Fl. Sunday, Aug. 28 Wednesday,-Aug. 31 Sunday 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. Monday Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Special Music Nightly L Lakeside B artist Church S Hwy. 27 584-5688 Steven Ruff, pastor I Attend the church of yoir choice. Shamrock Veterinary Clinic & Fisheries .. Cros Cit Sr e Your et'sVelness Pr S .'. i, By Appointment please Linda Stoddard, D.V.M. Hank Stoddard, D.V.M., D.T.V.M. Jennifer McHale, D.V.M., MS Amy Stone, D.V.M., PhD W FOCUS SON Back- to School Sale -, .. RE ATIN Our Foundation S:f: s: series Wednesday, Aug. 24 Thursday, Aug. 25 Friday, Aug. 26 7:00 pm Tiffany Torrans, OD Includes:. * Kids Frames * Single Vision Lenses- EEye Exam * certain restrictions apply expires 9-30-05 Get answers to some tough questions! :* Creation or Evolution: -Which one do the facts fit best? *: How old are the earth, moon and universe? Guest Speaker Where did the "different races" of man come from? Missionary Are dinosaurs.biblical? What happened to them? Dr. Grady What is the biblical view of fossils? r S* is Noah's Flood a reality. Was it worldwide or local? McMurtry Is there any proof for human evolution? Biblical Scientific What about cavemen? Creationst .99. &Pleasant Grove SBaptist Church SLocated on State Rd. 14, between US 19 and US 221 N. 584-2778 Obituary 'V <1 y, Florida vider for Over 20 Years 352-498-5293 Preventative medicine Nutrition & dietary assistance Complete dental care Radiology & surgery Boarding facility S Aquaculture consultation Limited large animal services Mon.-Fri. 8:00 5:30, Saturday 8:00 Noon Turn right at 1st caution light on Hwy. 19 Cross City, South 1/2 mile on SW 10th St. :I: I "4i lmr .-M \^ .:.. ':4 _t_ ~ j \ A-8 The Taco Times August 24, 2005 -1 a L- w ...I' . Ye-nr I- * *'l al ^ _~_ _I~ii `-'': '~r~l2T~aI* r. .I - .- ; -- I l~iL -1. B~i:j I : ' :: c. ~r r ' 3'; i i: '' r :Ir , r 0~X Community r --- B-1 The Taco Times August 24, 2005 * DMH to host physicians Cooking for ,the community The'second annual Rowdy Girl Community Cook Out benefiting the March of Dtmes WalkAmerica will be held this Friday, August 26, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Call the chamber at 584-5366; tickets c are $5 and will include a BBQ chicken dinner Wvith all the trimmings and drinks. Coordinator Dawn Taylor, right, and assistant Jodi Giddens invite everyone to join. them at City Park for a. "good, dinner and a good cause!" For Hurricane Dennis victims Farm Service offering loans Beginning this fall, Doctors' Memorial Hospital, along with Chief of Staff Dr. Bilal Khodr, will host young physicians in training, and allow them to rotate through the hospital. These third-year residents from Tallahassee Memorial Hospital's Family Practice Residency Program will rotate through Dr. Khodr's clinic as well as DMH three days, a week, under the supervision of Dr. Khodr. In addition, residents from" the University of Florida's Internal Medicine Program will rotate through Khodr's practice and the hospital throughout 2005 and 2006. Dr. Khodr joined the faculty at the University of Florida in June 2004. He was also among the first clinical professors chosen at Florida State University. "Getting exposure to rural medicine is an excellent learning experience for young physicians," Khodr said. "Medicine is more difficult to practice in a rural setting as opposed to a large metropolitan area because there are few, if any, sub-specialists read ly available to assist you in diagnosing and treating your patients." He added, "Therefore, physicians need to know more, study more and expose themselves to more than just their primary specialty. Perry offers an excellent location to enhance the learning experience of these young physicians. Maybe I can even convince one of them to stay." "I applaud Dr. Khodr's actions; it will be great having these young physicians rotating through the hospital," DMH CEO Rick Brown said. "I believe, as Dr. Khodr does, that it will enhance their residency experience by being exposed to how medicine is practiced in the real world of rural medicine. It is also an excellent opportunity for us to show off our new hospital, show off Perry as a great location to practice medicine and the exciting future of Taylor County's , growth potential. It's a win-win situation...especially if we can convince some of the residents to stay and start their own medical practice here. Dr. Khodr should be congratulated for initiating this program," Brown said. Calling all former queens... October just around the corner and the Florida Forest Festival has stepped up its search for former festival dignitaries. "We have built a great database of former chairmen, Jr. Misses, queens and Little Kings and Queens...but we still are missing a few. If you know anyone of these individuals, please give us a call here at the office," Donna Breer said. The festival office can be reached at 584-TREE (8733). Contact information is needed for former Pine Tree Festival queens and Jr. Miss title holders, Ashley Wigglesworth, Lydia Veal, Nimi Patel, Angie Bradshaw, Mina Kristnamurthy, Thalia Karakitsios, Carol Fife, Susan Spradley, Martha Lott, Kay Griner, Anne Massey, Mary Clark, Mary Kathryf Brillhart, Ann Williamson, Hazel Redd, Martha Carter and Elizabeth Blume. Open house rescheduled Covenant Hospice has rescheduled its ribbon cutting ceremony and Open House for Friday, Sept. 16, to celebrate the opening of their new Perry Community Support Center at 2057 South Byron Butler Parkway, Suite 9, located in the Taylor Square Shopping Center. Members of the community are asked to join Mayor Emily Ketring, the Perry-Taylor County Chamber of Commerce, local dignitaries, business leaders and the Covenant Hospice Staff from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Luncheon hors d'oeuvres and refreshments provided. Please R.S.V.P. by contacting Ann McKeehan, Covenant Hospice, Perry Community Support Center, at 584-9886 by Sept. 12. .Farm Service Agency State Executive Director Kevin. L. Kelley has announced that the Farm Service Agency (FSA) is now offering federal disaster assistance loans to eligible family Farmers in Taylor and the following counties:, Alachua. Bay, Calhoun, Citrus, Collier, :Dixie, Escambia, Franklin, Gadsden, Gilchrist, Gulf, Holmes,' Jackson, Jefferson, Lafajyette., Leon, Levy, Liberty, Madison, Marion, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Wakulla, ,Walton and Washington. President George Bush' designated these counties as a major disaster area' on July 10, based on damages arid losses .caused by Hurricane Dennis. Eligible Florida farmers and ranchers riay qualify ffor emergency loan assistance, pursuant to the provisions of the "Emergency Agricultural Credit Act of 1984" (Public Law 98- 258). .,. . Emergency loan 'applications will be received through March '20, 2006, for Bay, Calhoun, Collier, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson,' Lafayette, Leon, Liberty., Madison, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Taylor, Wakulla, Walton and Washington counties. Farmers and ranchers in the above-named Florida counties who sustained physical and production 'losses as a result of the disaster and wish to apply for an emergency loan to assist them in recovering from the loss. resulting from this disaster may apply for such a loan at the following FSA offices: Escambia. Holrmes. Okaloosa, Santa Rosa. Walton: Either: 934 North Ferndon Blvd., Crestview, FL 3"536. (850) 682-2416, or 103 N. Okahoma Street, Bonifay, FL 32425, (850) 547- 2S50; :.Bay, Calhoun, Franklin, Gulf,. Jackson. Liberty,. Washington: 2741 Pennsylvania Avenue. Suite '8. Marianna. FL 32448, (850) 526-2610: Gadsden. Jcfferson, LafaN.ette. Leon. Madison. Taylor,'Wakulla: 1714 East Base Street, Suite A, Madison, FL 32340, (850) 973- 2205; Alachua, Dixie, Gilchrist, Levy, Marion: 5709 NW 13th Street, Gainesville, FL 32653, (352) 372- 4668; . ,Collier, Miami-Dade, Monroe: Either: 1450 N. Krome Avenue, Florida City, FL 33034; (305) 242-1197, or 3434 'Hancock Bricke Parkway; Fort Myers, FL 33903, (239) 997-7331; Citrus: 1725 David Walker. SDrive, Tavaras, FL 32778, (352) 343-2581.- Individual examination will be. made of each application to determine the type of emergency loan benefit for which the applicant is eligible. Farm emergency loans may include funds to repair or restore damaged farm property as well as reimburse applicants for expenses already incurred for such purposes. Loans based on qualifying production losses may include funds to reimburse applicants for.. production expenses which went into damaged or destroyed crop and livestock enterprises and to 'produce new crops. Payment terms depend on the purposes for which the loan is used and the applicant's ability, to repay the loan. The emergency loan program is limited to family-size farm operators. The loan amount is limited to 100 percent of the calculated actual production loss and 100 percent of the actual physical loss. CPT offered North Florida Community College will conduct College Placement Tests (CPT) :on.. computer every Thursday at 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. in the NFCC Technical Center (Bldg. #13) on the Madison campus. Persons taking the tests will be required to register in NFCC Student Services 24 hours before testing. For more information, please call (850) 973- 9451. Fish Fry Taylor County seniors were treated a fish fry Friday morning at the senior center located on Ash Street. Top: John Brady (left) and Don Love, both with the Mason Perry Lodge #123, fry the catfish in two fryers they brought for the occasion. Below: Seniors eagerly await their meal. NEE. Calendar Amvets Post 20, ladies auxiliary and Sons of AMVETS: 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m., at 2499 Woods Creek Road., American Legion, Steinhatchee Post 291: fourth Tuds. 8 p.m. " Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held -Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays (closed),, 8 p.m:, at Heritage House ,on Washington Street, across from public library; and another AA group who meets. Monday, Wednesdays and Thursdays at Serenity House, located at 1260 Hwy. 98. West, across from the BP station at 8 p.m. ,AL-ANON: St. James Episcopal Church' S(in.library), Wednesdays 12 noon to 1 p.m.; 584-2146. Thursday at 6:30 for beginners meeting with regular meeting at 7 p,m. The Way: Christ centered recovery group meets on Fridays at 7 p m at Serenity House on Hwy, 98 W., across tromBP Station Open to alcoholics, addicts, family members and friends. AARP: last Wed., 10 a.m. at First Baptist Church Airport Advisory Commission: 4th Monday, 12-noon, Perry-Foley Airport. American Legion Post #96: 1st Tues., 7 p.m., American Legion Hall, Center Street. Big Bend Hospice Advisory Council: 4th Tues.. noon 107 East Green Street. Chamber of Commerce: third Thurs., 8 a m chamber board room' . City Council: 2nd and 4th Tues. at 6:30 p.m. Civil AirPatrol (CAP): 2nd and 4th Mon., 7 p.m., main hanger at airport. County Commission: first Mon. and third STues at 6 p.m., courthouse annex. DiabeteS'classes every Tuesday, 2 p.m., Doctors' Memorial Hospital. FAMU Alumni Chapter: second Mon., 7'p m, Jerkins Center Perry Masonic Lodge 123: meets first and third Monday nights, 7:30 p.m. Girl Scouts Service Unit: first Thurs., 6;30 p.m. Scout Hut, Healthy Start Coalition: fourth Mon 9 Sm Taylor Counlv School Dislrict Administraive Ori'ce Comple, Historical Society: open Thursday afternoons, 1-5 p.m. - Home Educators League of PeTry- (HELP): second Thurs., 1:30 p.m., Forest Capital Hall. 584-8553 or 584-9207. Humane Society of Taylor County: 2nd Wednesday, 6 p.m., Forest Capital. Hall. . Juvenile Justice Council: third Thurs., 9 a.m., at Juvenile Justice Office, 1719 S. Jefferson. Taylor Coastal Communities Association: each 2nd Tuesday of month, 7 p.m. at the Keaton Beach.Hot Dog Stand. Kiwanis Club; Wednesdays, noon, Joyce's MainStreet Cafe. La Leche League International: 2nd Wed., 10:30 a.m., Taylor' County Public Library. Lady Elks: second Thurs., 8 p.m., Elks Lodge. , : MainStreet Perry: First Monday of each month, Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce at noon. Mothers of Pre-Schoolers: first and third Fri. Call 584-3826., Muskogee Creek Indian Nation: 2nd and 41h Sat. 7 p m Tribal grounds. Lyman Hendry Road Muskogee Creek Indian Tribe: Oak Hill Village on Woods Creek Road, 1st Sat. ' Narcotics Anonymous: Wednesdays, 8 p.m., at 1260 W; Hwy. 98, at Serenity House (dirt road across from BP Station). These are open meetings to those interested in addiction. Call 223-0036. Also, Saturdays, 10:30 a.m.--pen meeting. :NAACP: 2nd Sun., 6 p.m., New'Brooklyn' Missionary Baptist Church. National Wild Turkey Federation (Yellow Pine Drummers): holds open monthly on first Thursday, Goldern Corral, 7 p.m. 584-9185 Optimist Club: Thurs,-, noon at Joyce's Mainstreet Cafe. Perry Garden Club: third Wed., 10 a.m. Perry Elks Lodge: Tues., 8 p.m. Perry Lodge #187: 1st, 3rd Wed., 7 p.m., .Masonic Hall. Perry Lodge 123, F&AM: first and third Monday nights; 7:30 p.m. Perry Woman's Club: 2nd Wed., noon (Sept. May; subject to change). Perry Shrine Club: 4th Thurs., 7 p.m. (club house on Courtney Road) Planning Board: 1st Thurs., 6 p.m. Courthouse annev (old post office) Republican Party of Taylor County: Second Thursday of every month at 315 IN Quincy Street. E-mail Tommie Stanaland at tstanaland@yahoo.com or call 584-8815. Rotary Club: Tues., noon at Joyce's Main. Street Cafe;. Taylot County School Board: 1st and 3rd Tues., 7 p.m. SHARE distribution: 4th Sat., 10 a.m. Social Security: representatives, 2nd Tues., 8:30 a.m. to noon, courthouse annex. Sons of Confederate Veterans: fourth Tuesday at VFW Post on Center Street, 7 p.m. For information, call 584:5346. Taylor Adult Program (TAP): Thursdays, 10 a.m., 502 N. Center Street. 223-0393. Taylor Coastal Water and Sewer: 3rd Wed. at 18820 Beach Road, 5 p.m. Taylor County Democratic Party: every Thursday at the Chamber of Commerce. Call 584-9656 or 584-3617 or e-mail taylor democrat@gtcom.net. Tourism Development Council: 2nd Wed. 4 p.m., at Chamber. Taylor County Development Authority: 2hd Mon., 5 p.m. at Chamber. Taylor County Amateur Radio Club: 1st Monday, 7 p.m., Division of Forestry office, 618 Plantation Road. Taylor County Habitat for Humanity, Inc.: board meeting, 2nd Tues., 5:30 p.m., Room 208, Capital City Bank. . Taylor County Historical Society: 3rd Mon., 7 p.m. Historical Society building. .. Taylor County Horseman's Association Horse Show: 2nd Sat., 10 a.m. Arena located on Bishop Blvd. Taylor County Construction License Board Meeting: 3rd Fri., 2 p.m., courthouse annex. Taylor County Leadership Council: 2nd and 4th Friday, 1 p.m., Jerkins. Taylor County Quilters: Tuesdays, 10 a.m. to noon, Taylor County Public Library. Taylor County Reef & Research Team: 2nd Thurs., 7 p.m., Forest Capital Hall. Taylor County Soil & Water Board: 4th Mon., 7 p.m., Chaparral Steakhouse. Vogue XIII: first Mon., 7:30 p.m. (Call 584-2404 VFW Post #9225: 2nd Tues., 7 p.m. (American Legion building). If you would like to add your community group's meeting to our calendar, please e-mail: perrynews@perry.gulfnet.com or call , 584-5513. , I editorial B-2 Taco Times August 24, 2005 I m (4a' DC *0 4: Letters to the Editor 'Gone in 60 seconds?' He's back Dear Editor: Hello. My name is Harvey "Scott" Jordan IIl. I am 19 years old and a longtime Perry resident. I'm currently incarcerated at Charlotte Correctional Institution, a Florida state prison, doing a six- year sentence for a vehicle theft spree which I committed in March, 2003. I then escaped from the Taylor. County Jail in July, 2003. I'm sure you probably recognize my' name, because 1 was constantly in the Perry paper the- whole year-:of' 2003. My letter is directed to mother teens who are going down a one- way street to nowhere. I would like to reach out to these adolescent teens and explain to them that the road they're taking isn't worth it, because I don't want anyone to make the same mistakes I have and end up coming to prison :and experience the same things I have.r I've been behind prison bars for two and a half years; I'm about five land a half hours away from my family, friends and loved ones; and still won't be able to see'any of' them for another three and a half years. I've been through a lot since I've been here. This prison that I'm currently in is classified to be the. second worst prison in Florida and I would really hate to see another teen walk through these doors. So if you cah, please publish this for. me. SPerry youth hopes to ,steer teens away from a life of crime SIn today's world of fast cais, fast. money, fast, women, media hype and drugs. youth adolescence is quickly being lost to the streets of law breaking, violence and gangs. I am one youth trying to reach out to teens from a correctional institution to give insight on a road that will lead to nowhere. I am in my last year of teenhood --"the wonder years." At 19 years of age, I am being held at Charlotte Correctional Institution. But loday I have a message for teens going down that road to nowhere. Even before the movie "Gone in 60 Seconds." 1 was stealing cars and always looking for a way 'to make quick cash. 'I could be any - leen in any town or county. It's no different in the city or the country; drugs are everywhere and since I was 14 years old. I've been, drinking. doing drugs and joined a gang--most of which I started doing after my parents' divorce. I don't think it'was to rebel; I just got caught up in the wrong crowds and started watching too many violentt gang and mob movies. A. lot of what happens in the mo ies isn't mwmE v lrA JV% W I.laLAjiiT u.iir Wednesday, August 24, 2005 123 S. Jefferson Street P.O. Box 888 Perry, Florida (850) 584-5513 DONALD D. LINCOLN Pubhsher' DEBBIE CARLTON SUSAN H. LINCOLN Business Manager Managing Editor ANGELA M. CASTELUCCI BETH MANN ,, Staff Writer Advertising Director CHARLES R. SADLER CAROLYN DuBOSE Staff Writer Promotional Advertising MARK VIOLA MELISSA FARRILL Staff Writer Classified Advertising The Taco Times (ISSN 07470967) is published each Wednesda by Perry News- papers, Inc., 123 S. Jefferson Street. Perry, Florida 32347. Subscriptions are $35.00 peryear or $49.00 out of county. Periodicals postage paid at Perry, Florida 32348. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the TACO TIMES, P.O Box 888, Perry, FL 32348. The Taco Times welcomes Letters to the Editor reflecting responsible opinions and views on the news. Please submit letters by Monday at 5 p.m. The Taco Times reserves the right to refuse publication of letters which are libelous or irre- sponsible. Name may be withheld if circumstances so require, but all letters sub- mitted should be signed by the writer and accompanied by a phone number for verification. We look forward to hearing fromyoul Our address is Perry, Newspapers, Inc., P.O. Box 888, Perry, Florida 32348. e-mail: perrynews@perry.gulfnet.com Member Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. IS~g giBB~eS "F.-" "*> '*"e -.- i ^^^ actually true-life scenarios. In real life. it's much more serious. Thank Grd. I have never hurt anyone, but my thing was grand theft auto. and I am one of those that could steal a car in less than 60 seconds, but no matter how good I, thought I was, the police finally found me and gave me a new home in jail. Then I got sent to state prison and it's literally scared me straight. I've seen rape, stabbings. suicide attempts, people getting jumped and lots of other atrocities. I'm not overly religious, but I associaie with a group of religious people from the prison ministries, and although I was one of those who. said, "I will never find God." well, I did, and of all places. It's never too late! : Today I'm enrolled in G.E.D. classes, I'm drug-free, I quit smoking and am currently working on ge!!iing my terrible driving'. .record erased. I'm about halfway' done -with my time and looking forward to, getting reunited with my family I love my family very - much and now have respect for the law.' ' Please see page 6 Proposed power plant generates more questions Dear Editor: Taylor County citizens may wish to ponder a few questions concerning the proposed coal powered electric plant. How do they intend to bring in (he coal? Trucks cost 'too much. Rail will take more wetlands. What about the other chemicals that they will,bring in with their. coal'? How many wells will they drill? How much water will they need? What: are theygoing to do with the waste? Why do they need a 3000-acre buffer'? What is going to happen that they need that, much? " Yes, you can pollute our water, air and food. But safer sources of pow er exist, such as solar, gas and wind. So what is driving the need to pollute Taylor County? Maybe, they will, hire locals, you think, and that will somehow make it okay. You 'know better than that. Can we not learn anything from past experience with Buckeye and the prisons? Think, Taylor County. Question your leaders. Demand answers. Sarah Paris Pilot thanks Taylor's 'superb ambassadors' Dear Editor: Of Sunday, Aug. 7, this old pilot was forced by bad weather to land his aircraft with its three lady passengers at Perry-Foley Airport to wait out the storm's passage. The field was deserted except for the presefice of the Taylor County Fire & Rescue squad on duty there. The squad consisted of Lt. Darien Brown, Firefighter Cliff Suber and Firefighter Chad Arrendale. These gallant gentlemen gave us shelter from the thunderstorm, and they made sure we were comfortable during our three-hour unscheduled lay-over. They acted in keeping with the proud heritage of the Maltese Cross they all wear. Not only that, but they were superb ambassadors for the friendliness and hospitality of Perry and Taylor County. In liberty, Carl J. Strang Jr. Midweek Muddle Don(te)'s Inferno By SUSAN H. LINCOLN This is how I will remember the Great I quietly closed the door to compose Move of 2005: "It's 350 degrees in'this myself. When I cracked it again, the attic and I'm about to black out," husband was still ranting and the son That was the message shouted down was just shaking his head. by the husband, from the rafters of the I noticed the mattress and bed frame house. were on ground level but the bedsprings The daughter, now in her third year of were still on high. college, lefrhom' for the Land of Higher "It won't ,go -through," said the Learning the first weekend in August, husband, with sweat literally dripping and we were 'to follow the next off his face onto the concrete floor. weekend--with all her worldly "Mama,- I promise, it won't go belongings. Every one of them. through," the son reiterated. For 15 SSince this is her first.apartment, her minutes, they had tried' every worldly belongings now include small configuration of rafters, floor and box pieces of furniture which have been springs, to no avail. waiting in the attic for just such an I hated to resort to "what goes up, occasion. We had spent'the summer must come down," but I had to ask, months sanding, painting and cleaning, "Well, then, how did we get it up there?" and had positioned most items near the That's- when I thought the son was Door for this much-anticipated move. going to fall through the flooring. But on the eve of our departure, the '"Careful," I shouted to him, from husband faced the final and below. "This piece of plyboard is phenomenal hurdle which he had long splitting." been dreading: getting the queen "That's it,'"said thehusband. "\e had mattress, box springs and bed frame to saw off and replace a section of the out of the attic. plyboard flooring to get the bedsprings Sure, we could have done this earlier-- to fit." like in January when it's not 350 He sent the son down to dislodge the degrees in the attic, but where are you section from below while he stayed in going to casually place box springs for, the inferno we call an attic. They six months or six days? On a coffee .,removed the piece and the husband table? positioned himself to release the I don't think so. These three items-- bedsprings. alone--consume more space than we "Catch it," he said to the son. currently have for living, so they had:to. "Catch it?" I said back to him with stay out of sight (but not out of mind) disbelief. "Don't you dare drop that on In preparation for the final hurdle, we him. Just let it fall." had moved' the car from the garage and And fall,,it did, barely grazing the side .,cleared the path. "Remember," we're of the-son's head which is hard enough saving money," I said to the husband; to resist most injuries and instructions, the queen mattress was our old one, too. stored for one of the children's The husband descended the stairs like departures into the real world. a bear who had been hibernating in the The son scaled the ladder to help with dead of summer. He was filthy, the extrication, and I returned to wash dripping with sweat and irritable. I dishes--an important task, mind you, wanted to suggest that he not enter my although the husband belittled it, and house or sit upon any of the furniture, wanted it.. When I noticed that 15 but he looked at me and said, "Nobody minutes had passed, and the men of the talk to me." house had not re-appeared, I went, to Hours later, when we were talking the back door and asked, upward, "Is again, we realized that Plan Z could there a problem?" work. And, lo and behold, it It was a rhetorical question, to be sure. did...splendidly. There were boyfriends There had been a problem with. this and roommates a'plenty to help so that projected move, every day of. the the arrival and second phase of the previous week. First, the moving trailer move was seamless, which is a good we' needed wouldn't be available. "We thing. measured the trailer that would be When you're down to Plan Z, there's available; we measured the old not much left. mattress; one serious inch was going to After the 8:30 a.m. move-in, set-up prevent them from being compatible, and picture session, we gathered for We were also watching the weather, lunch in air conditioning around good knowing how unpredictable showers food with relatives and friends, are on any given summer day. celebrating a grandmother's birthday We came up with so.many Plan B's that and a new college year. I can't even recall them all. "For the cost of that trailer for three At the last minute, we found a larger days, and two tanks of gas, we could trailer but had to rent it for three days have bought a new bed, had it delivered instead of one, to make sure it would be and set-up," the husband said, available., remembering his good old college days Then we learned that the move-in date when he moved an orange crate of stated by the apartment complex didn't record albums and a few clothes in coincide with the move-in date allowed plastic garbage bags. by the daughter's schedule, so we went "Well, if we decide we don't like this to Plan Z, which involved both of our apartment, you can do that next time," vehicles ,and every family member said the daughter in a perky voice, within a 300-mile radius. trying to be helpful. So when I asked, "Is there -a problem?" Suddenly, it felt like it was 350 the husband seized the moment. As he degrees again and I thought the vented.his five days of frustration and husband might black out. I patted him neared heat exhaustion, I could see the on the hand and assured him quietly, "I son--high in the attic--with his head won't let her move; I promise." bowed and his hand over his face so the It's a promise I must keep, and the hot father couldn't see him snicker., flashes just serve as reminders. I I - 40mb --I ppFin : -.- 1. . \is I ~i9 Letters to the Editor 'Unwelcome' at power plant meeting? B-3 The Taco Times August 24, 2005 BI noneyar5,00 sose Dear Editor: The "meeting to address power plant issue" was a farce. If the group in attendance was any indication of the individuals against the power plant, they have nothing better to do. Approximately 15 ladies from here in Perry were present. The gentleman from Panama City needs to stay there and help clean up his own area. One gentleman said he had never been below Orlando, and the others from Tallahassee, who knows? The two of us for the plant were Quiette's service to others saluted Dear Editor: The Steinhatchee Community Projects Board, Inc., wishes to express condolences to the family, of Rosa Lea Quiette. Mrs. Quiette had many years of service on this board, as well as with the Steinhatchee Chapter of AARP and the Steinhatchee Garden Club. These years reflect her commitment to her community and.its activities. Her spirit and dedication will be missed. Rhoda Moehring, Chairman Steinhatchee Community Projects Board, Inc. Band Boosters thank merchants Dear Editor: The Taylor County High School "Pride of Taylor" Band Boosters would like to give a special thanks to all of the merchants and businesses that donated gift. cards and food to the band students during Band Camp Week. Also, we would like to. hank all of the parents and "Ms. Gwen" for helping us in the cafeteria. The students worked very hard all week and were able to enjoy nice meals each evening as a result of your generosity. : TCHS Band Boosiers; quickly made to feel unwelcome. I spoke to one lady about asbestos and its dangers. She obviously didn't know and didn't care. When I spoke about 'the turbine windmills and ecology, the answer was, "So what?" These people worry about the food we eat, the water we drink, etc. You consume the sugar from the fields which have caused the destruction of the Florida Everglades by mercury. What are you eating? The fields in Southern Florida produce most of the produce we eat, not to mention Mexico and Central America. What are you ingesting? Our coal-powered electric plants of today are safe--far more safe than the food we eat and the destruction of the ecology around us. My daughter once said, "Everything we eat, drink or breathe has a potential for our health, yet life goes on." The little-to-no emission from a coal-powered plant will not hurt us, much less the emission from nuclear plants here in Florida. I'm 72 years old and have lived a healthy life for which I thank God. I enjoy life and don't sit dormant. Thank God for what He has given you. It's because of God's will for progress that we are a free county. I have traveled across this great county, and wherever you go, there are problems. But we're still here. Ladies and gentlemen, wake up and live. You might actually see the beautiful side of life. Anita Baker Wanted: clean industry Dear Editor: Two score and eleven years ago, the good people of Taylor County allowed the Fenholloway River and all the underground waters near it, to be polluted for all time. This to bring industry to Taylor County! Okay, I agree that the county needed jobs. The big lumber mills had cut out all the timber, both here and in the Everglades! They were through, with us and we were fed to the wolves...hence the expression "cut and run!" Procter and Gamble built Buckeye Cellulose and stunk up, the county, ruined the land and \water, but they provided good- paying jobs! Give them credit for paying good wages, some young Smen went to work there and retired 30 years later, wealthy or at least very .comfortable. This is wonderful, but look at the cost to our environment. Last.year, some men came here and tried to convince the people that having a bomb/missile range located here would be great. I am !: .s thankful-th the aood people of Taylor County saw through this deceitful scheme, and sent these men back to Fort Walton. Now, we are once again set upon to allow another polluter to come amongst us. What a terrible precedent we set when we allowed the Fenholloway to be polluted 50-plus.years ago! They think we still do not care about our land and water!! Now is the time for all good men and women to stand pp and tell the polluters to go elsewhere. We need good clean industry. We so not need more pollution! Take your coal-fired electric plant to Tallahassee or Jacksonville where they want the electricity and will get the use:of it. None of the electricity it produces will come to Taylor County; it will not lower our electric bills and will only provide a very few local jobs. Our clean air, water and environment are much more important. County' commissioners,' are you listening? Sam H. Duckworth i-,-,; .I MSgtT S.AF Rei. BIG BEND HOSPICE Need Contact Lenses? Support For Life's Journey When someone you love is diagnosed with a life- limiting illness, let Big Bend Hospice help you through the physical, emotional and spiritual journeys you will face. 1723 Mahan Center Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32308 (850) 878-5310 www.bigbendhospice.org Hearing Aids * Expert Fitting SHighest Quality SAll Makes & Models In Perry Monday to Friday Dr. Jeffrey D. Russell Audiologist Hamdan ENT Center CALL 584-8123 Order on the web at: Accenteyecarecenter.cor or call 584-2200 Dr. Michael Walby Optometric Physician S CONTACT LENSES II U The Back Porch Unique home decorations antiques J-and-painted furniture gfts 850-584-2075 3306 3-Cwy. 19 S. Visit us online at www.mybackporch.net I SmyrniosPaintin, LLC I L Licensed/Insured Contractor Construction Design Site Development John Gentry Professional Engineer Sandra Bolton Office Manager Lauri Bundrick Designer Robert Harper Designer "Civil & Environmental Engineers" 114-B W. Green St. (850) 584-4408 Mon. Fri. 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. I II TACO TIMES PERRY NEWS-HERALD 123 S. Jefferson St. Perry, Fl. 32347 P.O. Box 888 Periy, Fl. 32348 (850) 584-5513 Fax 838-1566 News Dept. perrynews@pery,gulfnetconi I Residential Commercial (FREE ESTIMATES) Gus and Manuel Smyrnios 850-223-1402 850-223-3595 H R.W. MEIS & ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINE SERVICE BUILDING PLANS RENOVATIONS HOMES -COMMERC PERMITS DEPARTMENT 01 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTI US ARMY CORPS OF ENG SUWANNEE RIVER W SITE DEVELOPMENT PARKING LOTS 216 W. MAIN STREET PERRY, FLORIDA 32; PHONE # 850-584-38 E-MAIL: rwmi@gtcom FRITH ABSTR & TITLE CI Owners & Mortgage 1 Insurance Policies Title Searches Real Estate 501 N. Byron Butler Pkwy. 850-584-2672 1SNER ES, INC. LEERING EES IAL F SECTION mINEERS IMD IT HT 347 187 .net ACT D. Title Closings Perry, Fl. Not istd intheYeilw Pges Let our Commercial Connection work for you! Get more than 265,000 copies of your business cards printed and delivered every week to your customers and potential customers over the next 12 months. -I I WNW" 2 M" m -- IMEMMEM I I I B-4 The Taco Times August 24, 2005 Small ads...big deals! Wolf tanning system, sun quest pro, 24 RS, brand new, about 8 hours on it, $1000, call 584-2270. 8L3tfJM Abetta western saddle, leather, multi color blanket, pad, lead rope & bridle, $200 o.b.o., call 584-4207 or 838-6177. 8/24tfJM Dodge Neon, high performance, tires and rims, 205/40/ZR17, $300 o.b.o., call 223-. 2768, ask for Jamie, 8/24-9/2 Firearms for sale, call 584-7829. 8/24, 8/26 Jet 3 (ultra) motorized wheel chair, like new, $850; Preform crosswalk treadmill. with power incline, like new $400 firm, (no answering machine) call 584-3553. 8/24, 8/26 lAll _l IBI House for sale, 203 East Timberlane Street; please call 584-5580. 8/19-9/9 For Lease: 1825 Sq. Ft. Office Building. Bldg. has four offices, small kitchen and restrooms, plenty of parking, facility is located, at Perry-Foley Airport, prefer. aviation related business. E. i nji'l available October 1, 2005, Please contact: Melody Cox, Taylor County BOCC, 850- 838-3500 ext. 9. 8/19-8/31 Wanted Investor/handy person looking for an EZ Quality 3b/1b/1 car, detached GAR SFH. On 1/3 acr, lot, wheel chair accessible SFH, Vinyl-sided for EZ malt. Needs cosmetic work! Call Now Toll Free 1-866-You- OwnaHOME(968-69624663). 8/5-8/31 VEGGIES TO YOUR DOOR! Fresh-Picked, blanched, flash frozen, shelled .zippers, butter beans, black eyes, white acres, ford hooks, cream corn, okra, green beans, broccoli Free delivery every Saturday with 3 or more bushels 352-498-2580 For Sale: Ladies wedding set, size 6, also, ladies cluster diamond ring, size 6, both :10K, yellow gold, call Toni at 584-8382 for price. f/17 : Salon Equipment For Sale, 2 Styling Chairs, 2 Dryer Chairs, 2 Styling Stations and other extras, $1500, 1 New Sterilizer, $500, call 584-5057. W/3-8/26 SAppliance parts, sales, service, 584-7773, :1302 N. Jefferson, Kellow Appliance :Service, also, window AC service and cleaning. we have reconditioned -appliances in stock -8/12-8/31 ' LCd player/TV Stand, has open.space to _hold stereo with speaker space, television _.sits on top. has slots for cd!s down bottom front portion and cubby holes on either -side to hold movies or books, $15, call -Michelle at 584-6002., -87.2 tf 10 gallon aquarium, ready to go 3 plans, gravel, 1 large, hollow rock, 2 n*w fillers, heater and'thermometer $30, call 584- - 6002, ask lor Michele 8/l2 ; ' 70 gallon, salt waler aquarium r300 o b o all accessories included wicabjnet island Sweet dry & supplies. call 838-0139 anvime 8/19-9/2 Fireplace wood oak or pine for pickup or Sdelivey call 584-6664. 8/17-9/2. . 2 handy man specials 12x65 mobile -homes, iots or work has been done, in good shape, reduced price $3800 call 584-3776 or 584 2270. -7/27tfJM 2 bedroom, 1 bath mobile home, 14x56, S set up in Everett's. Mobile Home Park, water, sewer and garbage included in rent, $375 per month, $200 deposit, applications and references required, call 584-7094, 9AM-5PM, Monday through Wednesday. 8/24tfPHC 3b/2d, double wide, mobile home, 28x40, $25,000 assumable mortgage, parked at 12995 Spring Warrior Road, call 561-929- 0487, ask lor Martha 8/19-8/26 1997 S/W Mobile Home, 3 bdr., 1 bath, new carpet, exceilen r n:ordition, $12 500 for home and set up cost on your lot, leave msg. at 850-223-714 8/19-8/31 * '3 or 4 bedroom house, 2.5.bath, large kitchen with kitchen nook, formal dining' room, groom with fireplace, 0.62 acres 'on creek, work shed and 2 car garage, for appointment call 584-5001. 8/24,8/26 One acre lot in prestigious Clark, subdivision Cleared and ready to build your dream home $40 )000. iill go fast. -Call 584-2000. 8/24-9/16 * Land for sale, located'6n Hwy 221 between SShiloh Church Rd. and Cairo Parker Rd. 1 acre lots with paved roads.' Owner Financing available Please call (3861 658- .1346 or (850) 584-7466 Badcoc-'s: tfEF Beautiful 45 acres df rolling pasture, ponds, -la'rge oaks, directly on Beach Road, perfectfor horses, zoned residential or light commercial, great buy, $429K, call 904-608-5239. , 8/17-9/9 3 B/2 BA, brick home, on one lot, chain link fence, 10x22 storage bldg., central Sh/a, carport, 422.E, Elm St., $74,500, can be seen by appt only. call 584-5583. 8/17-912 2.4 acres with septic, power pole and city water. Mobile homes permitted, .1' Er' , call 838-2755. 8/5tfDC Businesses for rent, 1, 1600 sq.,ft., 1, 2400 sq. ft., formally Walkers Food Mart & Bookmart, Call Jr, Walker at 584-2883. 7/15tf 2, 3,BR/1 BA houses for rent, call 584- 4678. 8/3-8/31 pBSI $18,000 Built in 1950s 3 Bedrooms, 1 Batn, All Pine V\o.::i Flonors New Central H/A * Some Appliances House moved at buyer's expense. Call for ,appt. 584-5454 Boarder wanted in my home, 'private entrance, private :ihr, furnished, call584- S8045 8/12-8/31 Tidewater Apartments 500 S. Warner Ave. *"*I? ..I ': FI-r qui iii.'j 1 'ipli,: l, 2&3 bdrm avail. o,-,r:icn r W ler .w- r, r. arlq --,:'I': ji ; p.:li control included ' Woodridae Apartments!! Looking for applicants! Apply now for 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Equal Housing Opportunity. (C ll tu I'.-5,.4.8r- : 709 W.' 7Church St., Perry, FL 32347. TDD/TTY 711. tfWA Southern Villas of Perry!! New Management!! HUD' Vouchers .accepted. 10 and 2 bedroom HC and non-HC accessible apartments. :' ll y850I.-4: 111. TDD/TTY 711. 315 Ful-.-r Rd PFrri FL 32347, Equal H:ou.ij-in3 '*ip|lr' l i r,. r rnS : GULF COAST METAL ROOFING 1994, 19 ft., Keywest 115 Yamaha, $4500, Scall 838-2069 after 6:00 p.m. 8/19, 8/24 2005 Gulfstream cavalier, 32 ft, travel trailer park model, no -.llIjJ tanks, sleeps 8, full fridge,.ducted ac, $10,000 cash, i-i :.:.,,dn'Or. call Jim at 850-838- 7807. 8/17-8/31 1981 Sportscraft Fisherman 21 foot, new, motor (350 I/O), new rebuilt foot by Shield Marina, new electronics, Great condition, too many things to list, best offer, call Jim or Valerie at 850-584-7928. 8/17tf 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee, white, limited edition, V8, 4-wd, auto, ac, 132K, leather, fully loaded, $5800, o.b.o., call 584-4207 or 838-6177. 8/24, 8/26JM 2000 Silver GMC 1/2t truck, covered bed, one owner, excellent condition, Iv. msg. at 850-223-1714. .i'3.'il 2000 Mercury Grand Marquis GS, gold, "a : au- ulliu car", .great condition, 53K mileage, asking $9000, call 85.0-584-7841. 8/17-8/26 98 Grand Marquis, great condition, $5000, call 838-6945. 8/17-8/31 2003, Ford Focus ZX3, Auto., Metallic Blue, like new, 1 owner, tinted windows, premium sound, cd player, still under warranty, asking $9,500, worth $11,200, call 850-445-3414. 8/3-8/31 '02 Ford F150 Lariet ft, 4x4, 4-door, excellent condition, 75K Hwy miles, $20, 000 o.b.o., call 838-2755 8/5tfDC 2003 Chevrolet Avalanche, still under factory warranty (30,000 miles). One -. .,i ri l'ra wd -i d ni i,-I .rrit rila ir, dI 1.cu&pe iI i'ptt a ud rk.aae a,. p" I, .- ,J,,':,r :[, : ,, i',' :i .:i., ,- .nrr-, a .,' hi , cruise, rn FM.l:D On Star, parking sensors, ABS, step tubes (stainless), towing r,-acl'agp 3llo' wheels, etc. White with tan .:,jir, ,rrerior, black wheel mirlinc? and chrome trim. Asking $20,800 5/I l ii '1 ,1 Call;584-7883. S7/15tf * Sp.- ,I:ri, j plhirrlb.l' needed, must have ". ~hd ri r "r li:,.-rl we do Jlju le i .ir, n .all ".,,584. ,:, ; "' ,-' hlriH -. , Check Station Positions Available The- Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commissiont is hiring personnel for seasonal work' at check stations during the upcoming archery and general gun hunting seasons. Positions available in Taylor County. Pays $6.15 per hou Po':o'li'nr tell-, n Septemberr 24, S2005. F:.r ,1l i i 1:i 31i r ) 838-9016, or Stop by Ii- .1. 6bri d F,i-ij Office at 663 Plantation Rd. in Perry. EO/AA ' S .10 ' Position under Taylor County Board of County Commissioners: RMT-$8.04 Submit applications to Taylor Employment C,:,rr,:i.:,r:. Positions open uniii liled. Taylor County BCC is an EEQ/ADA/drug Testing employer. 7/20tf.BCC . m :~3'IWide Full line of accessories in stock Galvalume 3' Wide Painted E ri'pecial Flashings Made All Types Warra;ted Melal Available S Cut to.your desired lengths Deliver Service Available CICai Toll-Free 888-393-0335 352-498-0778 Horseshoe Beach, FI; Cetiie Act v it Dreto 'Floor M i ea eP Delta Land Surveyors, Inc. is looking for Instrument men and Rod men for full time positions. Experience a plus, but not necessary, we are willing to train. Apply in * person at 114 W. Green St., Perry, FL. or email your resume to: dtaylordelta@gtcom.net, no callsplease. 8/24-9(2. Clerical Position: Position -eponrrilitlell.i" require strong accounting and general office duties. Candidate must.be proficient in Microsoft office with strong knowledge of excel. Marketing skills are helpful, Apply in person at Steinhatchee Landing Resort, 203 Ryland Circle, Steinhatchee, FL. 8/24tfSLR APALACHEE CENTER A Behavioral Health Care Center is currently seeking: CLINICAL SUPERVISION SPECIALIST #1451 MASTER'S DEGREE WITH A MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL WORK, ,COUNSELING OR A RELATED HUMAN SERVICES FIELD AND THREE YEARS OF 'RELATED PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE, ONE OF WHICH MUST HAVE BEEN IN AN SADMINISTRATIVE/CLINICAL SUPERVISORY CAPACITY. LICENSURE PREFERRED. SHIFT: 8 A.M. 5 P.M./ MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY., For more information and a complete listing of available positions: www.apalacheecenter.org (850) 523-3217 or 1(800)226-2931 Human Resources 2634-J Capital Circle N.E., Tallahassee, FL Pre-Hire Drug Screen & FDLE background check An Equal Cpporiijruly.'Ahrm ,ii.e i':orn Employer Drug-Free Workplace 8/24, 8/26AC Badcock & More Set up & Delivery Must be 18 yrs. old, license required, good driving record, no phone calls, apply in person at 1003 S. Jefferson St. 8/12tfBC SMature Woman to watch 2 kids.& cook i,-ail, must have own ranrporiair-n, '.'rnay-Friday, 7 A.M;-3:30 P.M., at our home. Background check & References required. For details please call, 584-8464. 7/13tf S.V. of Perry Apartments Manager position open. 32 hours per week with benefits. 8:00-5:00 Monday-Thursday. Need office, computer and people skills. Some travel required. Druq.free wor- place MuI havee valid dr. Ic,:enr: Iranip'i Orliiorin Send resume :c Karen MclMillen c,' Sutton Creek Apartments, 16978 N.W. Mayo Street, Blountstown, FL 32424. Equal pporFurnirv Errployer S, i, 1211SV Wanted dead or alive; Junk cars, trucks, tractors, etc. Will buy, sell & trade 4x4 & truck parts. S'M'A'..'H Towing, 386-688- 3999 or850-843-4227, 7/ltfS The City of Perry is accepting applications for the following position: Superintendent. (Wastewater) This is a responsible administrative, technical, and supervisory position involving the operali;nrl and maintenance of the municipal wastewater treatment plant and facilities. Complete job description available upon request. Req: Must have a standard high school diploma or equivalency. Must have a minimum of a'Class "B" Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator's License as issued by the State of Florida Annual Salary Range: $33,696.00 $45,317.37 Applications are available at City of Perry Personnel Office and will be.accepted until the position is filled. CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office 224 S. Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347 Phone: (850) 584-7161 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER Auction, open to public every Friday at 6:30 on South 19, next to Crews Marine, now taking consignments, we do estate sales, liquidation's, bankruptcies, Third Generation Auction Service, AB#2424 AU#2548, Tri State Auction. Service, serving Florida, Georgia. & Alabama, SAB#2021 AU#2011. Call 1-866-243-8972, toll free. 8/12-8/31 STUMP GRINDING Trees + Branches + Tropical Storm/Hurricane=Trouble. Tree Trimming, Removal, licensed & insured. Free Estimates, call John at (850) 584-2027. 8/3-8/31 Southern Siding & Remodeling, LLC. Vinyl siding & soffit, wood rot, fascia, decks, aluminum screen rooms, windows, porches and more. Jay Swindle (850) 843-1731 Licensed & Insured 8/12-9/30 Need a Tutor? Learn Spanish: Read, write,. speak, understand. Improve your English grammar, spelling, writing, reading. We teach children and adults. Call: 584-6968. 8/12-8/26 TREE CAPITAL CLEANING UPHOLSTERY & CARPET CLEANING Dries in 3-4 hours 584-CLEAN (584-2532) Circle "T" Specializing in all types of tractor work, bushhogging, root raking, harrowing, dirt hauling & leveling, debris removal, clean p, I anddawn'care.1 C,.a fr ifce e mi T. 584-2806. 8/3-8/31 Tupperware: To book a party or receive a free catalog, call 850-584-9001, ask for Stephanie Towles, Tupperware C:r inuilani 8/5-8/31 CARPET & VINYL Installation and repairs done at a good price. No overhead. Direct savings to you. 30 years experience. 850-838-9050, please leave a message. 11/3tfBR Clay Swindle, L.L.C., All types of remodeling, docks, decks, windows, door framing, add on additions, porches, screen enclosures, painting interior & exterior. 18 yrs. exp., licensed & insured. Free Estimate, call 850-223-1780 or 843-1941, leave message. Commercial & Residential. 8/5tfCS J.D.'s Tree Service and Lawn Care. Licensed and insured. Free estimates. We also grind stumps. Call today 838-1280. Firewood for sale. .tfJO Do you need a babysitter that is responsible, call Jessica at 584-3474, references at request. 8/19, 8/24 A-2-Z Farm and Lawn Services Harrowing, bush hog mowing, dirt leveling, rake work and complete lawn services. Call 584-6737, leave message. 4/1tfAZ Lindsey Tractor Service Lawn Service, bush hogging, land clearing, drive ways, tree trimming, hauling, food plots, debree removal, etc.,. Call 850-584-5193 or 850-838-4818 4/27tf The Handyman experts, honest workI Affordable, professional, licensed and insured. Specializing in house painting, interior, etc., mobile home repairs, home maintenance, pressure washing (wood and concrete) carpet, vinyl, wood floor, ceramic tile, and repairs. Call 584-2270 (home) or 584-3776 (office). 25 years. tfJM, IN THE COUNTY COURT, THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA SCASE NO 62-2004-CC-196-00A-01 ROBERT VANHORN Plaintiff, -vs- WILLIAM LAUREN BURGIN Defendant. NOTICE OF ACTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO DETERMINE OWNERSHIP OF A MOTOR VEHICLE HAS BEEN FILED AND HELP WANTED ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE GT Com, a Total Communications Company Provider in Northwest Florida, has an immediate opening for an Account Executive at their Perry, Florida location. Successful candidate will be responsible for identifying and capturing new sales opportunities for the sale of telecommunication equipment, broadband, VOIP, .private line services, and managed LAN/WAN solutions.to business markets. An Associates Degree, or equivalent, with a minimum of one to three years of proven sales ability along with excellent verbal and written communications skills required. Experience in any other information technology application a plus. We pffer a competitive salary and benefits package. Please respond in confidence, via mail or fax to: Susan Machemer, Human Resources Manager, GTCom, P.O. Box 220, Port St. Joe, Florida 32457 FAX: 850-229-8689. EOE/MFDV GOE Prestige Home Center' Chiefland The Only Factory Outlet on the West Coast NO "DOUBLE TALK" WITH OUR ADVERTISING-- NO GAMES WITH OUR PRICES! Any New Home Purchased from Prestige Homes Includes FREE Delivery & Set-Up...PERIOD! --BRAND NEW-- 6'3j Choose from l 2 or 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Exceeds New Gov't. Standards $275 mo. Includes AC, Heat, Skirting & Steps No Down Payment for Landowners! (60 Other Homes to Choose From!) Eggs are Cheaper in the Country, So are Prestige Homes! N. Hwy. 19, Chiefland 800-477-2492 . MBIlE HOMESnr O O B-5 The Taco Times August 24, 2005 YOU ARE REQUIRED TO SERVE A COPY OF YOUR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS, IF ANY, ON ROBERT VAN HORN, WHOSE ADDRESS IS 9457 SCEPTER AVE., BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA 34613 WHO IS THE PETITIONER, ON OR BEFORE SEPTEMBER 08. 2005, AND FILED THE ORIGINAL WITH THE CLERK OF THE COURT EITHER BEFORE SERVICE ON THE PETITIONER, OR IMMEDIATELY THEREAFTER; OTHERWISE, A DEFAULT WILL BE ENTERED FOR'THE.RELIEF DEMANDED IN THE PETITION. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF THIS COURT ON THE 08TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2005, AT TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BY: SALINA FORD DEPUTY CLERK 8/10,88/17, 8/24, 8/31 Notice of Public Hearing 'Hearing Date: September 6, 2005 Subject of Hearing: Annual Leave of S. ,a-,,rr: .. 1e Personnel THE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF TAYLOR COUNTY WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ABOVE DATE FOR APPROVAL OF SAID SUBJECT ITEM. THIS HEARING WILL BE HELD AT THE SCHOOL BOARD MIEETING... THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS/CONCERNS. THE PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE .tELD AT THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLEX, SCHOOL BOARD MEETING ROOM, 318 North Clark Street. A copy of this policy may be obtained 'from the Superintendent's Office. Oscar M. Howard Jr. Superintendent of Schools 8/10, 8/17, 8/24, 8/31 Notice of Public Hearing Heading Dote: September 6, 2005 - Subject of'Hearing: Revised Dress Code Policy for Grades.6-12 THE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF TAYLOR COUNTY WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ABOVE DATE FOR 'PIPr, .:. OF SSAID SUBJECT ITEM. THIS HEARING WILL BE HELD AT THE SCHOOL BOARD MEETING. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO. ATTEND JO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS/CONCERNS. THE PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD AT THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLEX, SCHOOL BOARD MEETING ROOM, 318 North Clark Street. A copy of this policy may be, obtained, from the Supeiintendent's Office. Oscar M. Howard Jr. Superintendent of Schools 8/10, .8/17, 8/24, 8/31 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR TAYLOR COUNTY, FILORIDA PROBATE DIVISION fle tl,:. LT 9 F, r Ili; f IfE .. ' Deceased. NpTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of BRYAN W. MCRORY, ,-:ea.isea whose date of deair, .*: .ianouar, 27 2005 and whose i'.:,ioI le unv rlJr e, ,. 2..J.'J i-'j80 : C-ndr. irn ine Ciir- i C .:"url r.:,r ijyl,',l ..:.unr, hl.-, a,- Pl' cbat,3 SDivision, the'address of which is P.'O. Box 620,. Perry, FL 32348. The names and addresses of the. personal representative and the personal representative's, or.:, r.e, are "et forth i., c I.,l .*, ,', AIr *.i,',:i.- _',' .,:.r rne *d cetdenri oni o nln-r Icr:.:r.r.i r.n..in :l3aiTrr i.i *:i1 n-,rnni; : a ..a r,:i a : eae,-r i or: iate or, .-..r.m .3 c, p,' .',I thi; ic'ihce i: I".unea 'o-" be 'ei.ei d -mur r j .i trrier cloarr, .*..,ir. Ir. C:oC,.I AliHIIl IHE L.iER OF i l.IOCiIHS Fii"PI THE ili .E l .)F iTH Fii'i PiUi ll,"All ',tl ,OF iHI' IIOTl-CE 1? 31j iA4'S AFE i-tE CA-iE -,fSER'.E F COP. F 1I COP' S' JiiE ON 1HEIr. All other creditors of the decedent.and other cerb'.-.nr having claims or, .Jr'amorn.A against 3e.:Cae ni e:rate n' r rnii ..e i ,..,r ,claim .iir. trr,; C:.ourt SAl Hiri 3 1.10,.fiH J HitEP IHE Di T OF THE' Fir':li Fi.iLICAii nC_)rl 'f HIS lo i cEc ALL CLAIMS NOi SO FILED wiLL -BE FCriE. EPr Bir,FO IJ.T2iAllHi .I I ,iDIJG iHE ilI.iE PEllOCD SEi F.2jPijR i,-,E f, r Ai1 FIIED IrWcO 2i E r-'S 'r .I.i-,E FTFi' ITHE DECEL'DEIII3 D'-IE OfF CLETH Is B PiEC in.- aa e :-1 il, ub lh,.3':r'.r, .:.r IrI r noi .e .is 'ugu:r i 21050 Aritoinr, Icr Pei;':nao Ieresenraoh.e JI LL ., T.UB', . F l ri 3 8.j tic 2,bi85. ei & 1.Ia: LLF' 1~.51", lie., Born Roo0. .u.te 10 i f.1,Om,. La. e Fl:.l.Oa .'..."OlJ :eleO r, :re ,i05i -'v 230 , Pe 'er.-:'1i l Re1 le7 .ere ri -e " Di. J A r.IlC. .., . ,04 Jud.XC.r, i" ,' i J J Lri. 5;, i; l 1, The City of Perry is accepting applications for the following position: RECORDS CLERK (Police Department) Req: High School Diploma or . equivalency. Must have'a valid' Driver's License Must have the ability to type 35 correct wpm, must be able to satisfactorily complete courses as required by police standards and training as arranged after employment Prefer 6 months to 1 year vocational training or clerical experience, SAnnual Salary Range: $15,308.80- $21,630.93 Applications are available at the City of Perry Personnel Office . and-will be accepted until the S position is filled. S CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office 224 S. Jefferson Street SPerry, FL 32347 (850) 584-7161 S. DRU FREEWORKPLACE EQUAL OPPORTUIITi EMPLOfER IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 05 181 CA CITIFINANC!AL MORTGAGE COMPANY, INC. PLAINTIFF VS. CATHERINE BORKLUND, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST CATHERINE BORKLUND; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF CATHERINE BORKLUND IF ANY; JOHN DOE AND' JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS IN POSSESSION DEFENDANTS) RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order Granting the Motion to Reset Foreclosure Sale dated August 8, 2005 entered in Civil Case No. 05 181 CA of the Circuit Court of the 3RD Juditial Circuit in and for TAYLOR County, PERRY, Florida, I will sell to the highest and besi bidder for cash at THE WEST DOOR of the Taylor County Courthouse, 108 N. JEFFERSON ST., PERRY, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 13th day of September, 2005 the following described property as set forth in said Summary Final. Judgment, to-wit: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 1; TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE.7 EAST, AND RUN WEST 2 FEET ALONG THE SECTION LINE TO A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING RUN SOUTH 259 FEET, THENCE RUN WEST 328.5 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 259 FEET, THENCE RUN EAST 328.5 FEET BACK TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Dated this 10 day of August, 2005'. Annie Mae Murphy. Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Marti Lavalle Deputy Clerk IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, persons with disabilities: rieeding a special accommodation should contact COURT ADMINISTRATION, ao r.e i LOP County Courthouse. at, 1;800-955-8771 (TDD) or 1-800-955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. SDAVID J. STERN,' P.A.' 801 ? Url .E'"iF .-'i. E .JIliE 500 FII. lf-ll h. FL33324 (954) 2??-9000 8/17, 8'22 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT .OF THE.THIRD '. JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR -TAYLOR. *COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO: 05-478-CA BRUCE FOSTER, .Plaintiff, i I". CLARK, .-L.C.S M CLRL ' :.H ,;,J McDUFFIE L.1'l'. :H, :.1 '. ROBERT R. CLARK, '-NANCY HILL, CHARLENE MAJORS AND JACKIE CLARK, If -alive, and' if' dead their unknown spouses, heirs, devisees,. grantees, Creditors, and all other parties claiming by, trn,:..j.:r, ijr,.'. or against them Defendants. *NOTICE OF ACTION TO: MARVIN J. CLARK; GLADYS M. CLARK, .SHARON McDUFFIE, MARY THOMAS, ROBERT R. CLARK, NANCY HILL, :H-I: El'il r i,',f :, rnc. jAC,-'IE CL 4 'i' onr,. ll -D ?.. rJ.3rrn,.3 CI:,el en .lnr. ir. any. Addresses Unknown :YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an Amended Complaint for Ejectment, Quiet Title, and De.laral:,r., J.udgrnent h.: been filed b, in- PFi.3inhrr r, rre Crcult Court of la,ic.r Cr .jnr, FIoIia aga irl y,:.u On the . ii.-I'...,ri3 .j.';ciltea cr.O r etiv In .Taylor C.:.uri, Fioii,3 1 O .lr.lEtriCE 33 reel S.uir, on. 21:1 l eei taSi o.Ir ir.. w .jcorr.-r :.1 S ournr Hall ci 5E S1/4.NW, il4 Siecrr, 22, T4S,:R7E on the South P. n' e li Ce I c:.uh',, Road 1Ho 356 S trer,; rujir IJi:.rh .le'ieg ee 21 nilrnule- Eo:i. aion:.Q so.o rgrr .':.r ...ay Iirne i Srer Ii, tre FOB Irr..-ce fromrsaid POB :oniinj r l.rlr, 89' degrees 21 minutes East, along said. R/W 220 feet; thence run Sioth 01 degree: 3-5 minutes Ea"t 2,1: leer pierce lun, S,-ruJl 89 lgre,:-, i'i mnirur: we:r 'l' i- et irirl .ce ,un l]:Cir. l ;I a .A ec : ST rriruei S iel 2 10 riel tr, FOB Ea.3n lDeen.janant ii any oae re-aired to ser.e a co'I:.f l ,u r.nern ererene: ii any, r:. .JlHIll WEEtC ms ialinriii att.:.rnre ,.,r,.ose oaare':. ,u 605i Souln SJer.ier.:.r,n reet Peii, Floriia 3234` or, Sor ieie .eoiem-rro *' 2005 and ille the ,rgnainol .vlir, trih .ei o.,i riii' C.ojr eit-,er teorine ';iri,e or, rr e plolnilll att','ir', .c':r immrrn-ea, i.il irieair er othrr..:- a a lioul ..i.i be enrere.a against you for the reler .'em.norded In: irne :.'.m ,.3inl ''Darie.3 irni i do,' i a ,ijui .lu0 5 ANNIE (..A1E l.II.PPH, As Clerk of the'Circuit Cout By:.Tracle Hawkins' As Deputy Clerk . 8/1' 8,24J 8,' I 9/7 IN THE CIRCUIT 'COURT OF THE 3RD 'JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF. FLORIDA,'IN 'AND FOR TAYLOR COUNTY Case #: 04-422CA Di.i .i,-r, if: ur. i: U.S.., BANK, N.A.,, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE $1,000 Sign On Bonus PRITCHETT RUCKING NEEDS EXPERIENCED CLASS A DRIVERS IN YOUR AREA FOR LOCAL HAULING. GOOD PAY AND BENEFITS CALL04867504 1-800-486-7504 HOLDERS OF MORGAN STANLEY DEAN y/ITTER CAPITAL I INC. TRUST 2002-HE1 MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES 2002 HE1 Plaintiff, -vs.- ROBERT ,-'-I l.;iEP AND CAROL GRANGER, HIS WIFE;. UNKNOWN PARTIES IN POSSESSION #1; IF LIVING, AND ALL 'UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER AND AGAINST THE ABOVE NAMED.DEFENDANT(S) WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEESS, GRANTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS Defendant(s). The City of Perry is accepting applications for the following position: METER READER (Water Department) Req: High School Diploma or equivalency. Valid Driver's License Salary: $9,88 $13.29 hrly. Applications are available at the City of Perry Personnel Office and will be accepted until the position is filled. CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office 224 S. Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347 (850) 584-7161 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE .EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER . AMENDED NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order rescheduling foreclosure sale dated August 8, 2005, entered in Civil 'Case No. 04-422CA of the Circuit Court of the 3rd Judicial Circuit In and for Taylor County, Florida, wherein U.S. BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR THE HOLDERS OF MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTER CAPITAL I INC. TRUST 2002-HEI MORTGAGE PASS- THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2002 HE1, Plaintiff and ROBERT GRANGER AND CAROL GRANGER, HIS WIFE are defendantss, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, AT THE WEST DOOR OF THE'TAYLOR COUNTY COURTHOUSE, LOCATED AT 108 NORTH JEFFERSON, PERRY, TAYLOR' COUNTY, FLORIDA, AT 11:00 A.M. September 1, 2005, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment to-wit:' COMMENCE AT T.HE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, CITY OF PERRY, FLORIDA, AND RUN THENCE NORTH 4 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST, ALONG THE SECTION LINE 270.0 FEET, THENCE RUN NORTH 89 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 42. SECONDS EAST 633.92 FEET FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RUN NORTH 89 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 42 SECONDS EAST, ,263.76 FEET, RUN NORTH 3 DEGREES 17 MINUTES 43 SECONDS EAST, 224.76 FEET, RUN SOUTH 89 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST 200.66 FEET, RUN SOUTH 4 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST 75.0 FEET, RUN 89 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST, 60.0 FEET, RUN SOUTH 4 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST, 150.0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. UAitUI at erry, oronao, mis iu aqy.Tr August, 2005. - ANNIE MAE MURPHY:- CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Taylor County, Florida By: Marti Lavalle Deputy Clerk ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF: SHAPIRO & FISHMAN WOODLAND CORPORATE CENTER 4505 WOODLAND CORPORATE BLVD-'-- SUITE 100 TAMPA, FLORIDA 33614 (813) 880-8888 8/17,.8/24 NOTICE The City of Perry is constructing a-spgry field consisting of about 200 acres. Some of the uses that have been discussed are hay fields, sod farrns.or pasture land. If you have any interest for use or other suggestions, please contact the City of Perry at (850) 584-7161. All interested parties must Indicate their interest: no later than September 9, 2005. You can contact the Administration Office of City Hall, 224 S. Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida between the hours of 8:0Q a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. William E. Brynes City Manager Emily Weed Ketring Mayor 8/19,24 ClassifiedsM C circulation Over 5,100 people read the paper on a weekly basis. Sonvenience-Call our Classified Dept. at * 584-5513 for more information. Sost--$5 for 25 words or less for the first run and $3 for each edition thereafter. 100 for each word over 25. .2oo5 KICK OF I -' 'I "~ I MmM m . 16. ML ~Iml B-6The Taco Times Auqust 24, 2005 At the Booking Desk: Editor's note: It is the policy of this newspaper to 'run the names of all those arrested and booked at the Taylor County Jail. All those listed below have been charged with a crime, but are considered innocent until proven guilty. Aug. 3: Sylvia McIntosh, 35, Drew Street, VOP (selling of a controlled substance), Dep. Hawkins, TCSO. Freddy O. Cockerham, 60, A. V. Brannen Road, DUI, Dep. Liufidy, TCSO. Mandy Marie Blue, 20, Olin Davis Road, battery (domestic), Dep. Hershberger, TCSO. Kimberly Ciera Hockaday, 18, Oakshore Drive, Panama City, burglary of a vehicle, theft, possession of cocaine, possession of drug paraphernalia, Ptl. Franklin, PPD. Jessica Jones, 51, East Drew Street, burglary of a vehicle, theft, possession of cocaine, possession of drug paraphernalia, Ptl. Franklin, PPD. Dallas Randy Chapman, 50, Woods Road, VOP (DWLS), Dep. Hershberger, TCSO. Raquel Daena Tucker, 34, Lewis Drive, DWLS/R, Dep. Davis, TCSO. Aug. 4: Amberly Raquel Smith, 24, sentenced to 30 days in county jail or pay $1,264.56 cash, Dep. Hawkins, TCSO. Kiley Ramond Hall, 25, Buffalo Drive, criminal mischief, VOP (grand theft III), Dep. Davis, TCSO. Amberley Raquel Smith, 24, Sam Poppell Road, VOP for worthless checks, Dep. Davis, TCSO. Aug. 5: Carl Jordan. Melton, 34, Southern Inn Motel, VOP, Off. Clyde Hendry, DOC. Daniel Brannen, 41, South Byron Butler Parkway, VOP, Off. Hendry, DOC. Aug. 6: Jimmy Gear, 29, Agner Acres, warrant (passing worthless checks), Dep. Hawkins, TCSO. Aug. 7: Michelle Lynn Reckwald, 22, Mixon Road, aggravated battery, 'burglary, Ptl. Schneider, PPD. Aug. 8: William Lee Haney, 36, Morgan Street, unlawful activity, grand theft, Sgt. Kellerman, TCSO. Donna Lynn Breedlove, 41, South Center Street, petit theft, Ptl. Curry, PPD. Rex Johnny Roberts, 30, 402 W. Main Street, failure to appear Letters to the Editor .'. . Writer 'shames' commissi Dear Editor: I received mine. On the same day, Aug. 6, 2005, the headline in the. Florida Times-Union caught my eye: "EPA sets out plan for ash clean-up:..but city has t9 pay $100 million bill." So why didn't the North Florida Power Project just stay in Duval. County--if, indeed, it is so great? Does this. answer a lot of questions? 'The article quotes one resident stating, "We don't want our community to be laid fallow by contamination." 'I:_ remember moving to Jacksonville for ny first realjob, from Madison County. The year was. 1943, during World War II. (We had no pollution in Madison -or -aylor.) I smelled, for the first time. a pulp mill. I asked my aunt, "Do they have outhouses in Duval County?". As forjobs, I saw no mention, of 150 jobs for Taylor County and, if indeed there are any, we're looking at 2012 Don't wait for them, if you have to feed a family. They'll starve to death. -:If they want to help Taylor County for their pollution,' they can paj their own taxes. Why, should the citizens of Taylor -ounty pick up their "tab" for thousands of acres? SAs for you commissioners, who \oied unanimously\ in favor of a power plant (we, the people, did not have a vote), it's our county, our country too. You are. not "dictators" to us, but "servants" of the people. Wevoted you in, and pay your salaries. Shame on you; you do not have the right to rob us of out constitutional right to vote! I can see where a lot of people will get rich, but. not us. Jobs and dividends. I can't believe it. So, breathe the fresh air while you can. 'I am never, ever going back to jail' for hearing, VOP, Dep. Hershberger, TCSO. Edna Aleta Foskey, 39, Tahoe Drive, Waynesville, N.C., VOP for domestic battery, Off. Woodall, DOC. Christina Suzanne Bodiford, 26, Johnson Stripling Road, pick-up order, Dep. Hershberger, TCSO. .James Michael Beaty, 37, North Washington Street, VOP, Dep. Davis, TCSO. Robin Ann Hilson, 23, P. O. Box 338, Beach Road, FTA, Dep. Hershberger, TCSO. Aug. 9: James Benny Hester Jr., 23, South Sparrow Street, VOP, FTA for unlawful use of temporary tag, driver's license expired more than four months, resisting without violence, Dep. Whetsel, TCSO. James Raymond Carter; 32, Old Dixie Highway, VOP, Off. Livingston; DOC. Pamela Blue Neal, 52 .8330 Gordon Brown Lane, FTA, Ptl. Norris, PPD. oners Aug. 10: o n e rs AgThomas Lament Leagall, 27, Russ ,Lane, Lithonia, Ga., Sincerely, possession of cocaine, Inv. Parker, Elizabeth Sadler PPD. ---7 1'1 w U U Prepare for an Exciting Career in Learn the skills needed for the installation, configuration and repair of computer systems, peripherals, operating systems and application programs. Additional Associates Degrees in: Medical Assisting Radiology Technology Health Services Administration Nursing Accounting Business Administration Criminal Justice Paralegal Culinary Arts Baking & Pastry Arts Computer Graphics & Design Bachelor Degree Programs in: * Health Services Administration * Criminal Justice * Business Administration with Majors in: SMarketing Human Resources International Business & Trade KEISER CO L L-E TALLAHAS G E SEE Admissions Office Open 9am 8pm Toll Free 1-877.825-2573 www.keisercollege.edu 60 SECONDS Continued from page 2. If you don't care' about your family, friends or yourself, "this" place cares even less about you. So no matter how tough, you think you may be, they will break' you and demoralize you in here. I'm getting out in three more ydars, and believe me when I say, "I'm never, ever coming back to prison." I just don't want you to go down that same one-way street to nowhere like I did! Sincerely, Harvey "Scott" Jordan ITI H sb bu hii L appy 1st Birthday Erinlee unshine Hayes August 22, 2005 You are miles away, ut I send you presents, love and kisses on this special day. O (XO xo ove you, Granna Carol SLordy, Lordy Saint she fine Look who's turning 29! Happy Birthday SMELISSA August 25, 2005 We love you, Amanda, Brad, Maci & Beth ca cm PC CDI m rm =P "IS ONE YEAR'S SALARY ENOUGH LIFE INSURANCE" CALL ME TO FIND OUT HOW S MUCH LIFE INSURANCE YOU S REALLY NEED. .: Mark Pelt, Agent 584-5188 AII"Iulo u 1000A Jefferson St. You're n o han,. Allsiare Properry and Casualty Insurance Company. Allstate Indemnity Company and Allstate Life Insurance Company. Home Office Nornnorook. Illinois. '-2002 Allslare Insurance Company I |