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Serving 030 ayor ou..Since 1961dition August 17, 2005 Tree Capital of the South 2 Secktoiqn h. -No. 3 News Forum In drug bust Crystal meth, cannabis seized Ragin' Live Grammy winner Rhonda Vincent will be "Ragin' Live" at the 50th annual Florida Forest Festival. Best known for her contemporary. bluegrass style and cross-over country hits, Vincent will perform two shows at Forest Capital Park Saturday, Oct. 22. For more on Vincent and her band, The Rage, please see page B-1. Car Seat Day planned Aug. 23 The Taylor County Health Department will host a Car Seat Day Tuesday, Aug. 23, from 8-1.1 a.m. Cost will be $10 per seat (only one seat per child). Parents and guardians are asked to bnng their child (or children) and vehicle. For more. information, contact. the health. department at 584-5087. Meeting to address power plant issue The public is invited to a free information meeting on the proposed coal-fired power plant at the Chaparral Restaurant, Thursday, Aug. 18, at 7 p.m. Organizers ask that you arrive by: 6:30 p.m. if you plan to have dinner. The award-winning documentary "Kilowatt Ours--A Plan to Re-Energize America," by Jeff Barrie will be shown. Special guest speaker will be Holly, Binns of the Florida Public Interest Research Group. A question-and-answer session Will - be held to address concerns regarding the proposed coal-fired power plant issue. For more information, please call (850) 584-7087 or (850) 584-5555. - Information sought on horses Taylor County Animal Control is seeking information about two horse carcasses dumped in the San Pedro Bay area. One horse was brown with a rear left stocking and a right front sock.' The horse wore a purple halter. The second horse was brown with no distinguishing marks. Anyone, with information as to the owners) of these horses is asked, to contact animal control at (850)' 838-3525. Callers may remain anonymous. Last chance for senior portraits Taylor County High School seniors who wish to re-take their senior portraits have one final opportunity Friday, Aug. 19. Students' are encouraged to contact teacher Susan Nelson or call the school to schedule a session. The photographs will be taken in the school media center. Index Living...page A-4 Sports...page A-6 Religion...page A-7 Community...page B-1 Editorial...page B-2 Classifieds...page B-4 The Taylor Counit Sheriff's Office has stepped-up its drug eradication efforts with a large drug bust last week at the Hwy. 98 Bar that netted more than $3,000 in illegal drugs. The alleged drug dealer arrested in the bust remains in jail under a half-million dollar bond. According to a report filed with TCSO, Dep. Rusty Davis was conducting surveillance at the bar for .narcotics activities and for wanted persons on local arrest warrants when he saw Willie Washington Jr., 26 exit the bar and walk to a green Chevrolet Tahoe SUV which Washington had parked earlier. "While at the vehicle," Davis said, "Washington bent over at the back driver-side tire and placed a clear plastic bag behind the tire and then re-entered the bar. "I approached the vehicle and retrieved the concealed bag, which contained 15 bags of cannabis, one bag containing several ecstasy pills and five bags of crystal methamphetamine powder," he added. After securing the narcotics. Davis then entered the bar with Perry Police Department Pil. Garrett Campbell to locate the suspect, who was found and taken outside for questioning. During the interview, TCSO Sgt. Buddy Lee informed Davis that he had seen, in plain view, a large clear plastic bag containing suspected marijuana in the back ..'s-e of Washington's vehicle. At that time, Washington was placed under arrest for the concealed narcotics, and a search was conducted on his vehicle . During the search, a large clear plasitc bag containing marliujna was also seized. \Vashington \vas then taken to the Talor County jail, where he was charged with possession of cannabis with intent to sell, possession of amphetamine with intent to sell, possession of crystal Progress, support Every day brings new progress at Veterans Memorial Park, both in construction and continued support. Buckeye Community Federal Credit Union is the latest local business to contribute to the park. Above, credit union President Charlton Knowles presents a check to Veterans Memorial Park Committee Chairwoman Pam Feagle. Joining them are Barney Cobb', Ed and Jamie Sleffield, Ai 'rtibus, Louie Grubbs and Bill Brynes. Consolidation a 'pressing issue' Deeming it a "pressing issue," the Perry City Council has asked for regular updates from satellite committees developing plans for the consolidation of cily/county animal control and building departments. Last week, the council formally appointed Councilman Alphonso Dowdell to serve on the building committee and Councilman Don Cook on the animal control committee. Both representatives had volunteered for the positions during a special joint meeting with county commissioners last month. Jack Scott. who serves on the city's planning and zoning board. will join Dowdell on the building committee while local resident Jim Mitchell will join Cook on the animal control committee. Rounding out the committees will be county commissioners Clay Bethea (building) and Malcolm Page (animal control). Animal Control Director Brianne Hoover has also been named to the animal control committee: no decision has been made on a county representative for the building committee. When asked about possible conflicts with the Florida Sunshine laws governing discussion amofig .public officials, City Attorney Mike Smith related that "the law does not preclude a county ,, Please see page 2 meth with intent to sell and possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell within 1,000 feet of a church. Four days later, Davis conducted a walk-through at the Hwy. 98 bar, and discovered a large clear plastic bag containing 54 smaller bags of marijuana and one small bag with a suspected ecstasy pill in it. These drugs were also confiscated to be destroyed at a later date. Hike on bed tax proposed" The Taylor County Tourism: Development Council (TDC) was expected to request an additional one percent bed/ tax to fund: improvements at Forest Capital: Hall at Tuesday's county. commission meeting. Taylor County currently has a two percent bed tax which is applied to anyone staying at .establishments such as hotels" within -he county. According tq state statute 125.0104, known as the 'Local Option Tourist: Development Act, the county has the authority to impose such a tax tofiund tourism development and create a local tourism development council. The state collects the tax revenue and then sends it to the county, which gives the money to the council, according to TDC Director Dawn Taylor. "We then submit our requests to the county," Taylor said. "The IDC uses the money to promote and develop new events pertaining to tourism." Local events the TDC supports include: the Florida Forest Festival, the Florida State Bluegrass Festival, the recently held gymnastics national qualifier .- Please see page 3 Coastal project to be discussed The permitting process tied to the development of 3,800 acres of coastal property here will the topic' ,of a special meeting Thursday, Aug. 18,.at Keaton Beach. Lewis ,Mantini from the Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD) will discuss both the process and the terms of the permits sought for the new Jug Island Marina and CoCoPlum Resort. According to Chuck Olson, Taylor County's first Pine Tree Festival Queen Carol Smith waves during the very first Pine Tree Festival parade through downtown Perry. O;t^^t /r^^ ^v Rct Clad in a ruffled gown of white confection, complimented by elbow-length gloves and a sparkling tiara, young Carol Smith glowed on the grandstand qf.the.first Pine Tree Festival. 'The pretty Taylor County High School sophomore was crowned the first Miss Pine Tree Festival qupen in October 1956 and real$ .feeling so nervous ' l]t he rdi'dhlthr,.a word the keynote speaker,said that day. "There were 22 of us nominated to run. The high schools in Perry, Foley and Salem all had nominees...there were two nominees from each homeroom class in the schools and we were voted on by the students of each school. The best I can remember, the student body voted in all three schools and I guess my name came up the most. There was no talent competition, no bathing suit competition," the former beauty queen said. Now retired and living in St. Augustine with her husband, John P. Jagodinski, she speaks with great fondness of her day in the spotlight during the Taylor County's first forestry celebration. "The festival started as an educational tool because of the Please see page 2 project developer for the property owned by Dr. J. Crayton Pruitt, the proposed marina will lie just east of Jug Island and will feature a 25- acre basin with a six-foot-deep, '100-foot-wide channel extending 1.5 miles into the gulf. The meeting, sponsored by the Taylor Coastal Communities . Association (TCCA), will be held at the district building located at .. Please see page 2 'Meet and greet' planned Thursday Prospective gubernatorial candidate Congressman Jim Davis will be in Perry Thursday, Aug. 18, for a "meet and greet" at Joyce's Main Street Cafe. The morning reception, hosted by the Taylor County Democratic . Committee, will begin at 9:30. Taylor. is one of 30 counties Davis will visit in August to introduce himself and his platform "for a brighter future for Floridians as governor in 2006." "Congressman Davis will share his values, his vision for a world-. class education system and his experience in getting results for the people of Florida," committee members said. Jim Davis I I I I - A-2The Taco Times August 17, 2005 Jagondin iwil return for 50th QUEEN Continued from page 1. statewide. "The citizens of Taylor County working together on behalf of the Florida Forest Festival will only further promote the uniqueness of Taylor County and its industries." Summing up her experiences with the festival and Taylor County, Jagodinski said, "I thank the citizens of Taylor County for all they have given me throughout the years." Festival Queens S1956-2004 1956 Carol Smith 1957 Elizabeth Blume 1958 'Judy Warren 1959 Martha Carter 1960 Wanda Morgan 1961 Hazel Redd 1962 Mildred Hendry 1963 S Suzanne Redmon 1964 Marie McMillan 1965 Ann Williamson: 1966 Mary K. Brillhart 1967 Mary Clark 1968 Ann Massey 1969 .Reba McDaniel 1970 Martha Lott 1971 Georgia Puckett 1972 Kay Griner 1973 Sheryl Moore 1974 Susan Spradley 1975 Pam Ferrell 1976 Carol Fife 1977 Charise Williams 1-978 Kathleen Woodward 1979 Jogie Brown 1980 Diane Hagan 1981 Thalia Karakitsios 1982 SConnie Wentworth. 1983 Amy Eckel 1984 Kathy Archer 1985 Denise Lewis 1986 Beth Davis 1987 Cindy Chasteen 1988 Mina Krishnamurthy 1989 Allison Kinsey 1990 Jennifer McGlocklin 1991 Lori Cannon 1992 Shelly Ferguson S1993 Angie Bradshaw 1994 S Christy Massey 1995 Callie Whitfield 1996 1997 Nimi Patel 1998 I Lydia Veal 1999 ". : Lori Jones 2000 ': Kaci Blue , 2001 Ashley Wigglesworth : '. .2002 . Leah Brooks S2003 Sarah Milam 2004 Jessica Manning All former- Hlonra i-orest Festival queens are invited to . a "homecoming" reception planned in conjunction with the 50th anniversary celebration in October. For .:.more information, contact the. festival office at 584-TREE (8733). forest fires in the area that were crippling Taylor County's economic base in the timber industry. That was how it was conceived in 1956. "I didn't have to go and make speeches or anything of that nature, but I did ride the parade in front of all those people. We then went to the park and Mr. (Henry) Dorsett crowned me and gave a speech. I was so excited and overwhelmed I really don't know what he said in his speech. The next year, I crowned Elizabeth Blume as the second Miss Pine Tree Festival queen." Jagondinski said she plans to return for this year's 50th anniversary celebration of the Florida .Forest Festival and encourages the community to continue its support of the event. "The Florida Forest Festival is 50' years of tradition and is 'a symbol of Taylor County's timber industry past and present. The timber industry, as well as the Florida Forest Festival, has indeed put Taylor County on the map What played out Friday, was a case of civilians cooperating %with law enforcement to capture and detain a suspect after he led a deputy on a high-speed chase through Steinhatchee, crashing into several vehicles and a power pole. STaylor County Sheriffs Office Dep, Scott McKenzie said he saw a Cadillac SUV traveling east on Riverside Drive at a speed greater Than the posted 35 mph. ."I motioned for the driver to' slow down at which time he did comply," McKenzie said. "The SUV approached the stop sign at the intersection of Park Avenue, and. First Avenue South. The driver made a wide right turn and for approximately 30 feet, drove in the opposite lane of traffic." When the driver. later identified as Lee Clark, 27 of Alpharetta, Ga., entered the correct lane, he accelerated: to 46 mph in a 35 mph zone. McKenzie said when he got behind Clark. the suspect accelerated to an even higher rate of speed and began running stop, signs and, passing through intersections. "The driver finally reached a dead end on First Avenue South." said McKenzie, but he exited the paved road and drove onto a grassy area before making a left turn. reversing his direction of travel. "I attempted to stop the vehicle " by turning my patrol car at an angle in the road, but the driver drove around my patrol car. Once.again, Clark led the officer through several intersections and stop signs without slowing down. "Once the driver approached Fiddler's Restaurant," McKenzie said, "he lost control, rounding a curve and leaving the pa\ ed road on the right' ide of Riverside Drive. "The vehicle traveled- into Fiddler's parking lot,, hitting a stop sign and two of Fiddler's patron's cars. The front bumper from the second vehicle hit broke loose and struck a third vehicle next to it, causing minor.damage. "The suspect continued past the third vehicle and struck a power pole head-on," McKenzie'added. "As I exited ny patrol car, a drew my side armi and ordered the suspect to place his hands where I could see them. "The driver briefly raised his arms before.attempting to again exit his vehicle. I placed my side ,'arm back in its holster and as I approached, 'the vehicle, I announced who I was. "I grabbed the suspect with my left hand and removed him from his 'vehicle before placing him face-down on the, ground," McKenzie said. "The suspect continued to resist and I dry-tazed him to get' compliance, I ordered the suspect to stop resisting and yelled to him that he was under arrest. "At that time. Clark rolled to his right side and struck me in the left shoulder using his left elbow," McKenzie said. "I was thrown off balance ard lost control of the e Construction probably iI about 18 months away COASTAL PROJECT Continued from page 1 18820 Beach Road and starts at 7 p.m. The program will' include a question-and-answer session, along with a report from beach resident George Stamos. In June, Olson said he hoped to submit the finalized plans for permitting by the end of the summer, but did not expect construction to begin for more than 18 months. SPlans will have no | 'binding authority' The first Pine Tree Festival was held at Jaycee Park; above, Queen Carol Smith awaits her turn at the podium. CONSOLIDATION Continued from page 1 commissioner and a city council' member discussing matters with a committee. It does noit apply to members of different boards unless he or she has been delegated by their board to act on their behalf." ' Plans developed' by the committees will be submitted to the respective boards as recommendations to follow and will 'not have any binding authority. Civilans aid in Steinhatchee arrest Announcing Available Anywhere Pr Always On Sp PC or Mac Compatible Call us today to discover the WildBlue difference suspect, who then fled on foot.' 'I continued my pursuit, yelling numerous times for him to stop, bu. he continued running," McKenzie added. "I lost sight of the suspect.as he rounded several buildings at the Steinhatchee Rivergate home site." McKenzie said he then stopped his foot pursuit "because of the. number of vehicles damaged and the bystanders who were in the parking lot. ""I returned to my patrol car, when numerous civilians approached and asked if they could help.,' said, McKenzie. "I then werit back to the point where I had, last seen the suspect, when a civilian approached me and said. that several other civilians had stopped the suspect.and had him. surrounded." McKenzie said he dro\e to the spot, .and, saw. four ci. ilianis standing around Bell. . The t\o civilians identified as the ones who had stopped the suspect were Jared Hunt' and Austin Walker. S "They said they had located the suspect, and while attempting to assist and restrain him, the suspect sw ung at them and they were forced to restrain him in self defense," McKenzie said. ,"I noticed the suspect was bleeding from a cutunder his right eye and had several lacerations to the top of his head," he added. Clark was handcuffed and taken back to Fiddler'd Restaurant. A check of his Georgia identification showed his ID was for identification pfirposes only and not a valid drivers license. Three warrants out of Fulton County, Ga., were found to be active on Clark. They are for flight to avoid a law enforcement officer, driving with license suspended and failure to maintain lane weaving. When checked, Georgia, however, denied extradition outside the state. "I smelled a strong odor of alcohol coming from Clark, who was transported to Doctors' Capital City makes /- ,' Capital City Bank Group, Inc. has been named to the elite list of Di idend Achievers for 2005 by Mergent. Inc.. . Mergent develops and maintains the Dividend Achievers Indexes, a unique list of companies that have historically outperformed the overall market and helped to boost portfolio returns over the lohg term- ' The annual list of Dividend Achievers is made' up. of companies that have increased their regular annual, dividends every year for the past 10 years or longer and have met certain additional financial criteria. Such companies tend to have strong' cash flows, solid balance sheets and the potential for long-term out performance. .Capital City Bank Group, Inc., is a $2.63 billion financial services company headquartered inr Tallahassee, providing traditional deposit and credit services, asset management, trust, mortgage banking, bank cards, data processing and securities brokerage Perez stillat large ..A suspect who stole a Perry Police Department patrol car last week is still at large and PPD is.asking the community\ for help n bringing the man to justice. Max Perez, 25, is described as being 5' 7" tall, weighing 135 lbs. He has black hair and brown eyes and is of Hispanic decent. , If you know of Perez's whereabouts, please contact PPD at 584-5.121. All callers may remain anonymous. .Perez u'ed his'small frame to slip through a cage hole between the front . and back seats of the patrol car, before leading another officer in a high- S-speed chase which caused damage to the stolen % hicle When found, Perez will be facing charges which may include grand theft auto, DWLS habituall traffic offender), escape, flee and attempting to elude, reckless dri ing and leaving the scene of a crashwith proper\ damage. Memorial Hospital to be treated for his lacerations," McKenzie said. "I read Clark his Miranda warnings and implied consent at DMH and requested that he submit to a test of-his blood. Clark refused, stating that he wanted his lawyer present. Clark was booked at the Taylor County Jail and charged with aggravated fleeing and attempting to elude, battery on a law enforcement officer, resisting arrest with violence, escape, reckless driving with property damage, assault, driving with license suspended (knowingly) and DUI (refusal to submit)--all felonies. elite ist' services. Founded in 1895, Capital City. Bank has 68 banking offices, including in Taylor County. Max Perez ^^?;-^ ', T- ., - - f. 1 ; f'0 '. "** WILDBLUE,. Satellite Speed Internet ices start at $49/mo )eeds up to 1.5 mps down/256kps up PERRY CONNECTIONS .COM 888-499-1700 SThe Wait for Affordable HIGH SPEED INTERNET IS OVER! IICI A-3 The Taco Times August 17, 2005 Friends in fur Peek-a-poo available Looking for a back-to-school friend? The Taylor County Animal Shelter has the following dogs and cats available for adoption: --Peek-a-poo: male, groomed, one and one-half, years old, outside dog. --Two Chocolate Labs, male and female. --Two Black Lab mix dogs. --Three mix-breed puppies. --Beagle mix, female. --Yellow Lab mix, male. --Shar-Pei mix, female. --Kittens of various colors and ages. To make an meet any of contact the 838-3525. appointment to these animals, shelter at At Forest Capital Hall TDC looks at repairs BED TAX Continued from page 1 and the Optimist Club Fishing Tournament. The act also gives the county the authority to impose an one and one-half years old, current tax. The TDC wants to earmark that money for repairs and improvements at Forest Capital Hall, Taylor said. "We're proposing the tax for five years," Taylor said. "It's not going to be forever. We're looking Sto.upgrade the air condiloning and heating at the hall. That might be all we:can do with the money." In 1999 the county received $66,000 in revenue from the two percent tax.:That amount increased to $82,000 in. 2000, $85,000 in 2001, $89,000 in 2002, $94,000 in 2003 and $113,000 in 2004. So far in 2005 the, county has received $40,000 from the'taxi ,When: asked Tuesday how the process would proceed' for .approving the neiv tax, County Administrator Buddy Humphries said he didn't know. According to the :ict, the county can impose the additional tax by the' "i..traordinarN vote of the, governing board" or "by -referendum approval by the registered electors within the county." The effective date of the new tax, will be the first dayof the second month following approval of the ordinance or the first day of any subsequent, month as may be specified in the ordinance. A certified copy of the ordinance must be submitted to 'the Department of Revenue within 10 days after approval. To take action on such an ordinance, ihe county will need to hold an advertised public hearing on the issue. As temperatures rise Southern pine beetles busy By ADAM PARDEN Taylor County Forester Temperatures are on the rise and that can mean only one thing, besides high AC bills. Southern pine beetle (SPB) activity is heating up. Many landowners are familiar with this pest and the havoc it can cause. Sound forest management, .however, can help prevent SPB outbreaks and damage, as well as enhance recreation opportunities, reduce the risk of loss from wildfires, and increase the economic potential of forest land. Listed are tips forestland owners can use to better protect themselves from southern pine beetle infestation. Thin dense, overcrowded pine stands to increase vigor of remaining trees, make beetle spread difficult due to wider spacing and produce higher value wood products at final harvest. Prescribe burn to reduce competing hardwood vegetation and underbrush beneath pines, reduce wildfire hazard, and enhance wildlife and aesthetic value. Minimize or avoid wounds to pines during harvesting operations to reduce the production of pine odors that attract pine beetles. Match the site with the ideal :species of pine. Longleaf and slash pine are more resistant to southern pine beetles than other pine species, such as loblolly and shortleaf. A forester can helpyou determine which species, are appropriate for a given site. Remove pines weakened by disease, injury, lightning or other stress to increase overall stand ,vigor. By following simple tips like these, your timber stand will be better prepared to withstand the "heat" brought on by southern pine beetles. For more information on southern pine beetle prevention or any other forest-related issues, contact your Taylor County forester at (850) 838-2286. 12th annual chamber golf scramble Sept. 2 The Perry/Taylor County Chamber. of Commerce has announced that its 12th annual Chamber of Commerce Golf Scramble Fundraiser will be held Friday, Sept. 2, at the Perry Golf and Country Club. "Many activities will take place this year at the scramble including chances to purchase mulligan tickets, a chance at a hole-in one prize of a new Ford Ranger Truck sponsored by Timberland Ford, the Longest Drive contest, Closest to the Pin Contest, the Scratch-Off Challenge for a chance to win a- new set of clubs and for a nominal fee at Hole #9 you can tee pff from the lady's tee for half of the cash taken in from the fees," Director Dawn Taylor said. Breakfast will begin at 8 a.m. with tee-off soon, after. Lunch will be provided as well to all players. "All teams will be recognized and all players receive a participant t-shirt as well as other gifts from local chamber members. Dozens of local business leaders will be participating in this very popular event. The day promises to be a good one with ,many local business leaders networking and working together to support the Chamber of Commerce. To reserve your team, hole sponsor or to find out how you can get involved, call the chamber office at 584-5366. w_ -w -w wp Julia's Place $500 presents their in prize monee Sto be given st Annual away Sept. 17 RaraRoke ( $300 4 x j *i .l1stplace tatinesta 27 2 starting Saturday; Aug. 27 .2ndplace ': continuing Sept. 3 & 10 Finals'will be held Sept. 17, S8:00 nightly . 3 Winners chosen each night to compete in championship round Stop by Julia's Place, 215W. Hampton Springs Ave., for rules or more information S(Must be 21 years of age to enter) .No phone calls please .~ er 'r~ - BUILDERS * ROOFERS HOME INSPECTIONS 800-719-9138 386-294-3914 -D -D IaD - - ~''b _LC~~ -U ...I STRICTLY NEXFEL CELLULAR AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER 850-223-1900 Monday Frida. 8:30 am until 5:00 pm.,1306-A South Jefferson Street, Perry, FL, **Ncel also imp s Fder Proglains Cosa t covery o In CR fee of 15 55 or S2.3 The F'CR is MtI a or govmnelt reiquimi chati e, T .I.. -. .. ~,..,,,,,,, ,,,.......... ...~ , 4 'N /, WANTED IMMEDIATELY! Growing Company Needs 5 or more qualified people for day and night shifts MILLWRIGHTS OPERATORS Excellent Pay, Benefits, Insurance, 401K Apply in person at front office Friday, August 19 8:00 a.m. to noon Suwannee Cross City, Fl. 1-800-985-9939 S5- $75 4 3rd lace 4 ARMADILLO CONSTRUCTORS L& ERECTORS INC. License #CG3031636 CCC 058209 Hwy, 19 & 351A. I I-r I' I --- mallBrigton ewely 40 of -fa- JRW - II I mq r -.Mmt I 'p .rBk F Be Living A-4 The Taco Times August 17, 2005 Cruce, Gibson will marry at Willow Pond Plantation Jerry and Shelly Cruce of Perry announce the engagement of their daughter, Angela S., to Paul "Harper" Gibson Jr., the son of Howard and Debra Sadler, and Paul Gibson, of Perry. The bride-to-he is president of R.W. Meissner & Associates, Inc. She is the granddaughter of Nellie Cruce and the late David Cruce, 'Jean Edwards and the late Shelton Edwards. The prospective groom is employed with the Taylor County Sheriffs Office as a K-9 deputy. He is the grandson of Betty Parker, and. the late James Parker, the late Pete and Jimmie Gibson and the late Ella Kate Touchton, all of Perry. The couple plans an-April 22, 2006, wedding at 6 p.m. at Willow Pond Plantation in Monticello. Formal invitations will be issued, but all friends and relatives of the couple are invited to attend. Clean closets now, donate items Last call! The Perry Woman's Club needs additional items for its upcoming rummage sale (Saturday, Aug. 20 in the Club House on Jefferson Street), If you have items to contribute, please bring them to Capital City Bank during regular business hours, or to the Woman's Club from 4-7 any evening this week through Friday. For oversized donations (only), please, contact Debi Limoges at 584-8318. Glover wins prize package 90 candles will shine for party Son September4 Iris Jackson will celebrate her 90th birthday on Sunday, Sept. 4. Mrs. Jackson was born in Mayo on Aug. 29, 1915, and has resided in Fenholloway and Perry for 75 -. years. She was married to Edwin J. Jackson (deceased) for 56 years. All friends and family members .K are invited to celebrate this occasion at the First United Methodist Church Memorial Hall beginning at 2 p.m. No invitations will be sent. Gifts are gratefully declined. Iris Jackson Paul "Harper" Gibson Jr., Angela S. Cruce Gavin Trey Williams Roxana Hathcock and Jeff Williams of Perry announce the birth of'their son, Gavin Trey, on Aug. 6, 2005, at 12:24,p.m. He weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 21 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Richard and Sandi Hathcock of Perry. The baby's maternal great grandmother is Mae Fletcher. Paternal grandparents are Carl T. Williams of Port Charlotte and Leslie S; Bracket of Gray, Tenn. Gavin Trey joins two brothers, Nathan T. Bennett and Garrett T. Williamss. Elijah Haweis Williams Andrew and Jessica Williams of Perry announce the birth of their son, Elijah Haweis, on July 25,-2005, at .11:57 p.m. in Doctors' Memorial Hospital. The new arrival weighed 7 pounds, 4 and one-half ounces, and was 22 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Joe and Carol Lyles. Paternal grandparents are Andrew Williams Jr. and Earlene Sanders. ,,I -F"t"3?, p Elijah Haweis Williams Seventh Day Adventist Church Saturday a .- ,. 4, .. -. . Sabbat School 9:30 a.m. :i-'I..,.I " Worship Service 11:00 a.. ' Wednesday i"' '. i- r5n Prayer Meeting 7:00 p.m. .. Juan Rodrigues, Pastor 584-8506 604'W. Julia Dr Planning ) K "&II a party, ' ^Ljfj / reunion or Reception? PerrT Elks Lodge s the perfect location! We have meeting space for up to 300 people, with catering services available. w ~Call 850-584-2541 86 "51 Danny Glover of Perry was the winner of a golf prize package recently awarded by Lake.Park (Ga.) Outlets, in conjunction with Marlee Breanna Sadler Marlee Breanna Sadler Neal and Tammy Sadler of Perry announce 'the birth of their daughter, Marlee Breanna, on June 8, 2005, at 9:32 p.m. in the Tallahassee Women's Pavilion. The new arrival weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces and was 19 and one- fourth inches long. rMaternal grandparents are Franklin and Jenny Harry of Tallahassee. Maternal great, grandparents are Mattox and- Virginia Page of Dowling Park. 'Paternal grandparents are Wayne. and Brenda. Sadler of Perry. Paternal' great grandparents are Jessie Mae Mosley and Nora Lee Sadler of Perry. SThe baby was :welcomed home by a sister, Macy, who is 3. A Trip of a Lifetime! AAA Travel has a group sailing on Holland America's Statendam June 2, 2006 For more information n this group or other Alaska sailings for 2006 :meet With us Thursday, Aug. 25 6:30 p.m. Covenant Christian Fellowship Church SFellowship Hall (located at the intersection of. Puckett & Golf Course roads) RSVP AAA (850).878-6000 ext. 233. or Bonnie Elliott @ 584-5269 its Back To School celebration. Glover, who currently coaches football and baseball at Taylor County High School, won two rounds of golf at the Renaissance Resort, World Golf Village, in St. Augustine. In addition, he was presented two passes to the Hank Williams Jr. concert at Wild Adventures, by the 245-000 square foot shopping center which features more than 30 stores. Glover said he plans to attend Florida State University this fall, and majorin biology education. The families of George Washington Brannen and wife, Ceily Rebecca Green Brannen will gather on Saturday, Aug. 20, at Forest Capital Park for their 21st annual reunion. ! A picnic lunch will begin at noon. All friends and family are invited to attend. Bridal ^^1 Registry '^ *J Keri Rachelle Bundrick Robert Christopher Ponder September 17, 2005 Luanne Collins Jacob Faulkner October 1, 2005 Hope K. Harvey Arthur W. Watkins Ill October 15, 2005 Alli Gunter James Parker October 31, 2005 Shanna Sadler Brian Jones November 12, 2005 Registry S R'achael Guy Kelly Moore Girl due September 2005 Mary Ann & Chris Folsom j Girl due October 2005 -- Melissa Fouche T.J. Edwards Girl due January 2006 Mark Pelt, Agent . 584-5188 1000A Jefferson St. Allslale. You're in good hands. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company, Allstate Indemnity Company and Allstate Life Insurance Company, Home Office: Northbrook, Illinois. 2002 Allstate Insurance Company 50th anniversary celebrated The family of Bro. Bill and Omalene Carpenter invites everyone to the couple's 50th wedding anniversary which Will be celebrated Friday, Aug. 19, at 7 p.m. with a fellowship gathering. On Saturday morning, at 10 a.m., the couple will renew their vows. Both events will be held at Perry First Church of God located on Highway 221 North. iKids 4 005 lO pm) (leerns 30-6 30 pm IAdulls 7.8 pmr) iEe:ulve 12 00.1 00 pm1 TUESDAY & THURSDAY 124 S. Jefferson.. St. .... ,Jirim Bowuden, Instruclor 838-3656 S Get my lb. Upright, Compact Canister, and Car Vac all for only $2990! S-The Famous . 8 Ib. ORECK Upright 3 /y 5 lb COMPACT iUFit&Ea'ToLse CANISTER 1 Hotel Sb~tg Ih* s~ FREE! i CeepCLpansCarpets FE XL-- r. \i \ .. . St ng EnnugfnQ Pick Up Ai Ib. BlingBalP' "'"^''L < BAtlachmnt" s AUTHORIZED 584-6021 803 W. Main St. Perry, Fl. 32347 Store Hours: 8 AM -,6 PM Mon. Sat. southhouse@perry.gulfnet.com New arrivals Brannens slate. k K te ebra reunion Saturday f OTOcan Karatc 30Years!g "IS ONE YEAR'S SALARY ENOUGH LIFE INSURANCE" S CALL ME TO FIND OUT HOW MUCH LIFE INSURANCE YOU ' 'REALLY NEED. ~. "' ''' I;; ~` ~-c~ ~-~--~~8~e~ls~$Bs~. : II A-5 The Taco Times August 17,2005 At the Booking Desk S Editor's note: It is the policy of this newspaper to run the names of all those arrested and booked at the' Taylor County Jail All those listed below have been charged with a crime, but are considered innocent until proven guilty. ' July 15: .Johnny Lee Crocker Sr., 60, Water Street, FTA for child support, Dep. Thompson, TCSO. George W., Robinson, 42, SBuffalo Drive, domestic battery, Sgt. Cruse, PPD, Priscilla Gibbs Johnson. 22, SBernard Johnson Road. VOP for retail theft, Dep. Nowlin. TCSO. Gary P. Forsythe. 24. 14480 Hwy. 18 South, Bolivar, Tenn., petir theft. burglars. grand theft. Dep. Da' is, TCSO. Jason S. Spencer, 22, 14420 Hwy. 18 South, Bolivar. Tenn., petit theft. burglary, grand theft, Dep. Da\ is. TCSO. Vincent Andrew Miller, 42. Walnut Street. domestic battery, robbery by sudden snatching. possession of cocaine. Ptl. Reis, PPD. July 16: Jason Shane Jorden, North Street. Dresden. Tenn., grand theft auto, warrant (hold for Weakley County, Tenn.), Ptl. Norns, PPD. Jacque Laverenton Huff, 28, no address. DWLS, Pil. Norris, PPD. Donald Ra Stepp, 46, North Street, Dresden. Tenn., grand theft auto. DWLS, Pil. Norris, PPD. Robert William Baker, 18, Golf Course Road. possession of alcohol by minor. Sgt. Kellerman. TCSO. Thomas John Zylstra, 19, Fred T. Road. Monticello. possession of alcohol by person under 21. Sgt. Kellerman. TCSO. Dannille Michelle Narki, 19, Old Magnolia Road, Tallahassee, reckless driving. Trp. Kennard. FHP. Jason Bolden. 20. 1010 Bryant Street. possession of cocaine within 1.000 feet of a church, FTA for possession of less than 20.grams cannabis, Ptl. Curry, PPD. Carlton Jerry Denton, 18, Jody. Morgan Grade, burglary, grand theft, Dep. Davis. TCSO. July 17: Tonya Lynn Reeves, 28, East Dundee Street, FTA for cheating, Ptl. Franklin, PPD. July 18:' .-Michael' Ponder, 33, Liberty County DOC, FTA for improper tag and DWLS/R, Dep, Ricketson. TCSO. Lee Runningbear Bell, 21, 708 W. Church Street. VOP for grand theft, Dep. Tucker, TCSO. Brian Tate, 26, 3469 James Lane, aggravated battery, Dep. Woods, TCSO. July 19: Anthony French, 28,:5035 Hampton Springs 'Road, possession of cocaine, possession of drug paraphernalia, Ptl. Curry. PPD. Estella Garza, 49, 4002 Southern Oaks Campground. domestic battery, Dep. Tucker, TCSO. Gary M. Robinson, 47. 4002 Southern Oaks Campground, battery (domestic), Dep. Tucker, TCSO. July 20: Kenneth L. Lundy, 37,-212 6th Street, Steinhatchee, VOP (felony DWLS or permanently revoked), Dep. McKenzie, TCSO. Charles N. Paris, 53, 925 Sam Pop'pell Road, DWLS (knowingly), Ptl. Deeson, PPD. John Wesley Jones, 42, 200 Walnut Street. possession of less than 20 grams cannabis, Dep. Davis. TCSO. George L. Cook, 36, 1015 W. Spring Street, domestic battery, Ptl. Johns, PPD. Vernon Abe Faulk Jr., 22, 103 S. Dupont Street, trafficking cocaine, possession of cocaine, resisting without violence, DWLS/R, Dep. Davis, TCSO. July 21: Troy Cruce. 46. 1306 S. Center Street, VOP (possession of drug paraphernalia). Dep. McKenzie. TCSO. Steven P. Anderson. 32, 1406 S. Robin Street, VOP (disorderly intoxication, trespass of a structure), Dep. Hawkins, TCSO. July 22: Gerard Bernard Pritcheit, 19, P. O. Box 1728, Tallahassee, FTA 'NOTICE The public is invited to a special informational meeting to answer questions concerning the proposed coal-fired power plant. Featuring the award-winning documentary Kilowatt Ours, A-Plan to Re-Energize America by Jeff Barrie www.KilowattOurs.org Come learn how you can save $600 per year on your electricity bill Special Guest Speaker Holly Binns Florida Public Interest Research Group For more information, please call (850) 584-7087 or (850) 584-555 Ethan John Young Happy 15th Birthday .! August 17,2005 , Oh Boy! DRIVER'S LICENSE Guess who gets to do all gege's out of town driving? YOU make me proud. I love you,. ,ee ,ge for arraignment (domestic battery),, Dep. Bell, TCSO. July 23: Tony L. Gilbert, 27, 561 SE Tiger Road, Mayo, DUI,'no valid drivers license, possession of drug paraphernalia, Ptl. Deeson, PPD. Erna J. Kinsey, 23, 837 White Drive, Tallahassee, VOP (grand theft III), Dep. Burford, TCSO. Richard Paul Avanzin, 48, 209 Hofstra Street, In\erness. leaving the scene of an accident. Trp. Kennard. FHP. July 24: Lee Clark, 27, 300 Aniley Street. Alpharetta, Ga., Possession of less than 20 grams. cannabis, possession of drug paraphernalia. Dep. Thompson, 'TCSO. Geoffrey Hatcher, 25, '100 Broadleaf Drive, Album. Ga., DUI, Dep. Thompson, TCSO. July 25: Donald G. Myers. 58. Cedar Street, Sieinhatchee, FTA for DWLS.R and improper tag. Dep. Hershberger, TCSO. Virgel Eugene Shelton, 44. 810 NW 12th Street. Okeechobee. VOP (battery on a law enforcement officer), Dep. Hershberger, TCSO. Nathaniel Rashaun Britt. 25, 602 W. Bacon Street. capias warrant for resisting without violence, Dep. Hershberger, TCSO. John H. Jackson, 70, 705 W. ,Duval Street, retail theft, Ptl. Johns, PPD. Klayton Daniel Rowell, 28, 12782 Morris Steen Road, Shady Grove, VOP (burglary), Off. Hendry, DOC. Tyrone Davis, 37, 639 N. Central Blvd., Orlando, child support, Dep. Hershberger,' TCSO. .Gwendolyn Williams Cauley, 30, '12415 N. U.S. Hwy. 19. Greenville. retail theft, Dep. Hershberger, TCSO. July 26: ,Dennis A. Thompson, 53, 114 S. Warner Street, cheating,; Trp.. Smyrnios, FHP. Thomas Rdyriguez Dixon, 26, South Woodard Street, VOP (sale of cocaine). Pil. Johns, PPD. Jamie Lynn Baumgardner; 18,. 900 E. Page Street. warrant for aggravated battery. Off. Woodall. DOC. Derek Cook. 35, 1500 Pine Bluff Road, VOP (possession of less than 20 grams cannabis). TCSO. Angelina U. Parker. 39, 21465 Heron Road. DWLS'R, VOP for passing worthless bank checks, "M 9 ~ 'e WHERE AI E YOU HEADED 1" 0gipy l10 dIt' The iJourney" Meetings will help you discover the answers to those and other questions you may have concerning the future of this earth, your life, and those around you. The. "Journey" Meetings are a series of Biblically based messages that will inspire you to walk deeply with Jesus Christ and Discover His plan for your life.: Juan Rodriguez will be your guide for these meetings. For 16 years he has helped thousands find their journey in life and has led them to understand that: each human being has been designed for a special purpose in life. AUGUST 20-22, 26-29 - Dep. Hershberger, TCSO, Anthony Prench, 28, 5035 Hampton Spring, Road, VOP (fleeing and eluding), Dep. Hershberger, TCSO. Jacob K. Tomlinson, 20, 139 Jenkins Road, armed burglary of a dwelling, grand theft of a firearm, dealing in stolen property, Ptl. Curry, PPD. July -27: Roscoe Burt Jr., 29, 606 W. Fourth Avenue, Tallahassee, VOP (aggravated assault with a firearm), Sgt. Cruse, PPD. Jessie R. Mathis, 37, 807 East Quail Street, trespass after warning, resisting with violence, Dep. Lundy, TCSO. James Wesley Moore, 33, 1912 Hill Road, contempt of court, Dep. McKenzie, TCSO. Jeffery Lee Sadler, 39, 505 W. Leon Street, disorderly conduct, Dep. McKenzie, TCSO. July 28: , ,. Seai Michael Reed, 36. 1301 . N. Jefferson Street, forgery, uttering forgery, grand theft. Ptl. Johns, ;PPD. Roderick Cornell Morgan. 42, 417 Mitchell Drive. possession of less than 20 grams cannabis, Trp. Ernst, FHP. Thomas Lane, 80, Rt. 221, Greenville, VOP (failure to report to probation and pay dourt fines), Dep. Hawkins, TCSO. Dexter Williams, 27, 902 East Wilson Street, VOP, Off. Livingston, DOC. Kenneth Brian Nix, 34, 104 W.- Fox Ridge Drive, Lyman, S. C., VOP, (possession of cocaine), Dep. Hawkins, TCSO. Harold James Flowers, 47 617 = S. Wobdard Street, VOP (DWLS), Dep. Hawkins, TCSO. Jerry Swallow, 30, 2785 S.= Byron Butler Parkway, VOP'E (minor child at residence), Off . Livingsion, DOG. Travis Tavoris Mobley, 22,E 2381 Woods Creek Road,= operating an unregistered vehicle, Pil. Norris, PPD. Edward Baugh Tunstill, 73,= 2474 Sydney Blanton Road, DUI, DUI with personal injury, Trp. Shaw, FHP, Douglas Dulin, 60, 6465 Beach = Road, aggravated battery with= firearm, discharge of firearm while intoxicated. Dep. Ricketson, TCSO. July 29: Paul Meeks Sr., 45, Leon Waiir Road. VOYP (introduction af coin.rabaidd' into jail), Dep_ HershbergerfCSO. Sports Bulldogs tangle with Mayo, Hamilton in kickoff classic Taylor County High football fans will get their first look at the 2005, team Thursday when the Bulldogs travel to Mayo for the annual kickoff classic. Taylor County, under first-year coach Price Harris, will take on host Mayo-Lafayette in the second half and Hamilton County in the third half. Mayo and Hamilton County will battle in the first half of the three-team exhibition which' begins at 7 p.m. S"I'm anxious to see what we got and who's going to step up and be a leader," Harris said. The Bulldogs open their regular season next week (Aug. 26) when Chipley comes to town. Having to open the 2005 season without the benefit of spring practice, Harris said his team still has a lot of work to do. "They are getting there but they still have a long way to go. You can't knock how hard they've been working, though," he said. Price, along with his new coaching staff, have been busy installing the "flexbone" offense. The flexbone is a.variation of the wishbone offense that utilizes a fullback and two wingbacks. Harris said from that initial set, the Bulldogs will run the inside veer, options and sweeps but they will also have a lot of different formations involving multiple wideouts and slot players. But don't expect to see a lot of Price's offense this Thursday. "We're still in the learning stages. We plan to keep it simple Thursday," he said. Price said expect to see Marvin Britt, Shawn Padgett and Tradelvin Whetsel sharing time at' fullback while Brokow.ski Jackson, Tony Powell, Gerald Walker and Greg Snead should all see action at the wingbacks. Calling signals for the Bulldogs will be Genario McNealy.and Marquis Ellis while Sebastian Ingram, Jamar McIntyre and SJoseph Proenza will share time at the wideouts. The offensive line should consist of Cole Revels at tight end and interior linemen Billy Joe Wigglesworth, Adam Cook, Cane Miguel, Drew Southerland and Marcus Humphrey. Taylor County will run a 4-3 defense with Revels and Shane Bailey playing' the ends and Britt and Jake Meacham at the tackles. Sharing time at linebacker will be Georgie Armstrong, Jackson, Padgett, Whetsel and Wigglesworth. Price said to look for McNealy, Proenza, Ingram, McIntr re and Powell in the secondary. 2005 Taylor County High Football Schedule Dato .-. . A Bulldog running back Flag footb, to be held Registration for the upcoming - city recreation flag football league Swill be held:Aug. 22-25 from 5:30 :p.m. until 6:30 p.m. SThe league is for youngsters, zsages 7-9 asOf Dec. 31, 2005. The - registration fe is $35 per player. Registration will take place in Onnnnant **rV rOIR; I* ***I[I * Aug. 18 Mayo Hamilton-Kickoff classic Mayo Aug. 26 Chipley Perry Sept. 2 Chiles Away Sept. 9 Marianna Perry Sept. 16 OPEN Sept. 23 Vernon Away Sept. 30 Madison Away Oct. 7 *East Gadsden* Perry Oct. 14 Dixie County Perry Oct. 21 NFC Perry Oct. 28 Fort White Perry Nov. 4 Jefferson County Away Home games shaded District games in Bold Head Coach Price Harrms takes the ball for a carry. all signup next week the portable building on the visitors' side of Dorsett Stadium. For more information,, contact the rec department at 584-3006. Each participant must .be:' accompanied by parent 'guardian and a birth certificate is required Cheerleaders register Aug. SCheerleader registration tor tne Registr -upcoming ciyi recreation flag and the port _- tackle football leagues will be: visitors' s "jIheld Aug. 22-25 from 5:30 p.m. F or more until 6:30 p.m. rec depan Cheerleading is for youngsters. ages 7-9 and -10-12 as of Dec. 31, Each S2005. The registraiion fee is 35 ccompal -y per participant, and a bin SMarvin and Jenny SI Swish to say "THANK YOU! Spatronage for the past 25.year! Our 25th anniversary is AL providing the same qu We invite new customers to call M keep prices down and in MANY S hundreds of $$$ by providing a p We do it right the first tim We guarantee our service. V\ WeofrAC brake semT~Trvie and repaceen an W will 22-25 action will take place in able building on the side of Dorsett Stadiumn. information, contact the iment at 5-4.-3i006. participant must be Iied by a parent guardian h certificate is required. U.S. Coast Guard . CAPTAIN'S LICENSE Cross City starts Tuesday, Sept. 6 $39900 Includes all equipment & books. Test after the class with Capt. Mike Adams TOLL FREE i877-447-1950 1 ._asIaayLasM'<>suWBBa^ YasiBsns need of Marvin's Auto Repair " to our many loyal customers for your s. We would not have made it without you. igust 31st and we are still going strong, lality service that we always have. larvin for your auto repair needs. We strive to cases we have saved individual customers roper diagnosis'when other companies erred. e 99% of the time (no one is perfect). Ve look forward to serving you in the future. Save yourself time--call for an appointment 584-8148 Mon.-Fri. 8:00 am 5:30 pm _.4 .W- e-mail: jsneed@gtcom.net 'MV-09347 C sB Bruo -"--a ~ 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7-00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 'Homecoming Game' Two Taylor County High players work on their blocking techniques during a recent practice session. Tackle registration to take place this week Registration for the upcoming citi recreation tacklk (ti-tball league will be held Aug. 16-18 at 5:30 p.m. The league, is for youngsters, ages. 10-12 as of Dec. 31, 2005. The registration fee is $40,per player. Registration will take place in the portable building on the visitors'.side of Dorsett Stadium. For more information, contact the rec department at 584-3006. Each participant must be accompanied by a parent/guardian and a birth certificate'is required. One More Cast , j-/ 'Operating from Keaton Beach Marina (850) 584-9145 200 Ka J Pat McGriff U.S.C.G. License Perry, FL te Dr. 3234S available through GT Corn High Speed Internet: > $29.95 per month until 2006! > FREE $25 gift card! > FREE professional installation. > BLAZING FAST internet access! > PLUS much more! * Offer available for a limited time only and subject to change without notice. DSL service not yet available in all areas. New customers only. Other terms and conditions apply. Please call for details. DIRECTV service available- through GT Corn: > ACT NOW and get over 155 all digital-quality channels for only $39.99 for the first 4 months, plus 4 FREE months of DVR service! (Offer ends 11/5/05. Just activate the TOTAL CHOICE PLUS pack- age and DVR service. New DIRECTV residential customers only. Hardware, programming and DVR service sold separately. Add $4.99/mo. for separate programming on 2nd and each additional TV. $19.95 handling and delivery fee not included. DIRECTV and the Cyclone Design Logo are registered trademarks of DIRECTV, Inc.) Get s60 back when you get High Speed Internet and DIRECT . service!* .;U:k ," high speed internet and DIRECTV service ff- - * , m Tim-/.Rpc.lt Relig Ion A-7 The Taco Times August 17, 2005. I I ~ ---~ -~ -- I II Revival scheduled at Lakeside Baptist Corbin to lead services Aug. 28-31 Lakeside Baptist Church will hold a Fall Revival Aug. 28-31, led by Jimmy Corbin, pastor of Mt. Nebo Baptist Church in Bell. On Sunday, Aug. 28, services are planned at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. On Monday through Wednesday, worship will begin at 7 p.m. Special music is promised nightly. 78th anniversary will celebrated Sunday Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church will- celebrate its 78th church anniversary on Sunday, Aug. 21, at 3 p.m. The Rev. Charlie Barfield and his congregation of Pineland Missionary Baptist Church will lead the service at the old. church, 1109 West North Avenue-- the final anniversary at this location. Pastor George Williams extends a cordial invitation to the public to celebrate this "joyous occasion." Salem plans 22nd Homecoming Salem Missionary Baptist Church invites the community to its 22nd Homecoming, with events planned for the approaching weekend. On Saturday, Aug. 20, Missions Night planned 'at 6 p.m., On Sunday,Aug. 21, services will be held at 11 a.m. with dinner on the grounds following. An evening song service will feature Southland at 7 p.m. Set for Saturday Brotherhood Breakfast By: B.D. WILLIAMS Brotherhood Ministry was held Monday night at New Brooklyn M.B. Church. Let us hope and pray that more young men will make up -their minds and become a part of this Ministry. "Men, stand up and be counted." Community Brotherhood will meet Saturday, Aug.. 20, at Stewart, Memorial A.M.E. Church at 9 am. Breakfast will be served. A city- wide invitation is extended. Men Sand women, come and let's enjoy, the Brotherhood Breakfast. The many, many friends of the city wish to extend their deepest heart-felt sympathy to the Florence Family in the loss of their loved one, a wife, mother, sister, grandmother,- great grandmother and friend, Mrs. Sarah Florence, Please see page 8 Thankful 28 wonde years Happ! Annivers August 17, S jack ooel Wooc for rful ;ary 2005 I Choir anniversary is Saturday Temple of God Baptist Church will celebrate its fourth choir anniversary on Saturday at 7 p.m. All choirs, soloists and praise dancers are encouraged to participate. Jessie Alexander is president with Ann Jones serving as choir director. The pastor is Robert E. French. Only one more yard sale... One more yard sale will be held at 804 N. Jefferson St.--rain or shine-- in the house located at the corer of Jefferson and Julia. The sale will be held Friday and Saturday, from 8 a.m. until, with proceeds benefiting the Outreach Center for Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. New items include name-brand golf shirts, t-shirts, caps and children's clothes. "All money raised just helps us help other people in need," said a spokesman for the.church. Musical program at St. Peter's The youth of St. Peter's Primitive Baptist Church will present a musical program on Saturday, Aug. 20, at 6:30 p.m. with soloists and choirs "on parade." Everyone is invited. Women's Day planned at Christian Tabernacle Sunday, Aug. 21 at 5 p.m.; is the day, time and place to celebrate Women's Day at Christian Tabernacle, 435 Warner Ave. (adjacent to the Jerkins Boys and Girls Club). The celebration will begin with a colorful, royal procession of.women embracing the theme, "Daughters of Royalty: Discovering our Kingdom Identity." Guest speaker will be Evangelist Martha Robbin of Tallahassee. Pastors Carolyn and Chester Demps invite women of all faiths to celebrate with, Fall Revival Guest Speaker Jimmy Corbin Pastor of Mt. Nebo Baptist in Bell, Fl. Sunday, Aug. 28- Wednesday, Aug. 31 Sunday, 11 a.m. &7 p.m. Monday Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Special Music Nightly 8Lakesidel Baptist Church Hwy. 27 584-5688 Steven Ruff, pastor I Deadline for local church news is II a.m.on Tuesdays and Thursdays.News is published as space is available. them, and if you like to sing, join the Women's Day choir for rehearsal on Saturday at 5 p.m. Ventriloquist will be featured at Mt. Gilead Mt. Gilead will celebrate 155 years of faithful service on Sunday, Aug. 21, with worship beginning at 10:30 a.m. Gospel singing will be featured along with Ventriloquist Julie Boyd and friends. A meal will follow at 1 p.m. SCurt Whitfield, pastor, invites everyone to join the congregation inthis' celebration. Church marks pastor's anniversary New Jerusalem Primitive Baptist Church invites everyone to join ii:thel celebration of Elder Greg Houston's first anniversary. On Frida.i night. Aug. 19, the Rev. Izell Montgomery and New Mt. Zion M.B. Church A ill lead services. On Sunday, Aug. 21, at 11 a.m., the Rev. Ulysses Jones and New Bethel P.B. Church of Madison will be the honored guest. -The celebration concludes at 4 p.m. Sunday with the Rev. Robert French and the Temple of God Baptist Church leading. Annual Youth Program slated Temple of God Baptist Church is making plans for its Annual Youth Program planned Sunday, Aug. 28, at 4 p.m. Two rehearsals are planned, for Thursday, Aug. 18 and Saturday, Aug. 27, both at 6 p.m. .MI southh in the conmmunny are urged to participate. For intormation3 plias. call Tor Hanmpton at 5S4-n0:164 or Nicole PIgford at 223-1933. S- =-- --- -- ---- ---- ---- ii 44n SThe public is invited to our weekend celebrations : 22N HOMECOMING : Sunday, August 21 i Morning services at 11 a.m. i! Dinner on the grounds following service S Evening music by "Southland" at 7:00 p.m. --- SSalem Missionary - Baptist Churcb P/ease come and fellowship with us ...... ..... ............ ......... .... ...-I In Kememorance Otis L. Williams: August 16,1949-April 7,2005 "Happy Birthday"' It broke our hearts to lose you; but you did not go alone for part of us went with you on the,day God called you home. In spirit and memory Love is a bond of hearts that parting cannot sever. So many times we do not see, that all of life is a memory. "With All of Our Love" . The Williams .. 93-5 Household Office Apartment go 9.2 Big or Small...We can move if all! Dependable Free Estimates We also Reliable .*Local Pak& 2 Guys, Truck & Trailer Ship 584-3776 (W) Licensed 584-2270 (H)j (Serving Perry & Surrounding Counties) Cross City Dental, PA Stephen M. Henry DMD (352) 498-7001, David R. Schneck DMD New Patients Welcome whiter brighter Ta! whitening in a 117 NE Hwy. 351 Cross City, Fl. otear: bout an hour ,//I 1 I I r rA ' - ---= -- o-8 The T Obitua Benjamin W Hendry -Benjamin Wesley "Benji" Hendry, 30, formerly of Perry, died Aug. 7, 2005, in Columbia, Tenn. : Mr. Hendry was raised in Perry, but had lived for the past several years in Tennessee. A 1992 graduate of Taylor County High School, he was a member '.f- Lakeside Baptist Church inr Pey.- ' He was a millwright and a member of the Millwright Union Hall of Nashville, Tenn. ~HFIe was preceded in death by his grandfathers, Earl Rhodes and Joel Maddox, and grandparents, Roland and Thyra Hendry. Stirvivors include: his wife, Heather Prater Hendry; a daughter, Ashlyn Hendry; a son, Blaine Hendry; his parents, Clyde and, Nancy Hendry of Perry and Pam and Bob Slaughter of Columbia; a brother,' Brent Hendry of Perry; grandmothers, Oakley and Althea Slaughter, both of Perry; and a host of nieces, nephews and cousins. _Funeral services .were held Wednesday, Aug. 10, at 11 a.m. at Williams Funeral Home in Columbia with Pastor Jim Cox officiating. Interment followed at Polk Memorial Gardens. -Family members received friends Tuesday at Williams Funeral Home, which was in charge of the arrangements.. Jimmy Johnson -Jimmy Johnson, 72, died Aug. 1, 2005, at Citrus Memorial Hospital. SHe was born July 16, 1933, in Madison to George Washington and Jerusha Johnson. ... Mr. Johnson retired from Florida :Power Corporation:after more than 40 years of service, mostly as a .plant electrician at the Crystal River'site. He was a devoted full- time minister of Jehovah's Witnesses. He was preceded in death by his parents; two brothers, Shirley -Johnson and.Johnny B. Johnson; and two sisters, Alvilda Carlton and Marvine Wambolt. SSurvivors include: his wife of 40 years, Norma Johnson; five .. 1i's 'n .of S ;err Johnson of DeLand7Jeanne Kennedy ot Dade City, Cindy Larson of Lecanto and Angela Oliverio of Crystal River; one brother, Herald Johnson of Monticello; four sisters,. Dardenella Tuten of Madison, Bessie Crouch and Iris Shiver, both of Perry; and Wilma C~opland .of. Branford; 19 r l riKtd',B; four : 'great granB5hiIdren; and a host of nieces and nephews. Memorial services were held Sunday, Aug. 7, at 4 p.m. at Hernando Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses with Minister STerry Wagner officiating. Teresa G. Richardson Rice Teresa G. Richardson Rice, 40, of Valdosta, Ga., died Aug. 12, 2005, at South Georgia Medical Center. Born July 11, 1965, in Johnson City, Tenn., she had lived in Valdosta for 15 years. She was a member of Lake Park Church of God. Survivors include: her husband, Robert "Bob" Rice of Valdosta; her son, Thomas Wayne Grantham of Florida; her daughter, Rebecca Lewis of Lake Park; two step-sons, Jonthan Rice and Dustin Rice, both of Fairbanks, Alaska; one granddaughter; her sister, Betty Jo Richardson of Valdosta; her brother, David E. Rountree of West Palm Beach; stepfather and stepmother, Hugh and Harriett Rountree of Perry; a sister-in-law, Elaine Richardson of Perry; and a host of nieces and nephews . She was preceded in death by her mother. Patsy Rountree; her brother, Billy Ray Richardson; her grandmother, Maggie Dykes; and her father, Ollie Richardson. Funeral ,services were held Sunday, Aug. 14, at 2 p.m. at. Carson McLane Funeral Home with the Rev. Keith Sandlin officiating. Graveside services w'& e held Monday at 2 p.m. at Pineview Memorial Gardens in Perry. Condolences to the family may be conveyed online at www. mclanefuneralservices.com Carson McLane Funeral Home in Valdosta was in charge of the arrangements. D. L. Levingston D. L.. Levingston, 69, of Steinhatchee, died Aug. 15, 2005. Born Oct. 30, 1935, in Salem, Mr. Levingston was a lifelong resident of the Steinhatchee area. He retired from Buckeye Cellulose in 1991, where he had held various positions for 37 years. Mr. Levingston was a member of First Bapist Church of Jena and the' Sandhill Hunting Club. Survivors include: his wife of 50 years, Ann Levingston; children, Penny Philmon of Steinhatchee, Duane Levingston of Everglade City and, Kellie White of Trenton; sisters, Hettie Carter of Salem and' Myrtice Brown of Tallahassee; seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Thursday, Aug. 18, at 11' a.m. at First Baptist Church of Jena with the Rev. Vaughn Farnell and the Rev. Jimmy Corbin officiating. Interment will follow at Waters Memorial Gardens in Steinhatchee. Family members will receive friends today, Aug. 17, from 6 until 8 p.m. at Rick Gooding, Funeral Home, which is in charge of the arrangements. Tillman R. Ricketson Tillman R. "Georgia Boy" Ricketson, 72, died Aug. 11, 2005 in Perry. Born in Jeff Davis County, Ga., he had lived in Perry for the past 42 years, moving here from Hazelhurst, Ga. He was preceded in death by his parents, the late Joe Ricketson and the late Mamie (Holton) Ricketson; a sister, Myrtice Foskey; a brother, Floyd Ricketson; a daughter, Tammy Ricketson; and a grandson, Baby SCharlie Deal Jr. Survivors include: his wife of 49 years, Ellene (Foskey) Ricketson of Perry; a son, Tillman Ricketson of Tallahassee; two daughters, Connie Gibson and Rhonda Eastman, both of Perry; four brothers, Joe Ricketson of Bay Springs, Miss., Martin and James' Ricketson, both of Hazelhurst, and J.L. Ricketson of Alma, Ga.; six grandchildren; two step-grandchildren; and one great grandchild. Funeral services were held Sunday, Aug. 14, at 2 p.m. at Joe P. Burs Funeral Home with Billy Gipson officiating. Interment followed at Woodlawn Cemetery. Family members received friends Saturday from 6:30 until 9 p.m. at Burns Funeral Home, which was in charge, of the arrangements. 'Sick list' named for area residents BROTHERHOOD Continued from page 7 whb died recently. "Look to the hills from whence cometh your help. All your help comes from the Lord." He is too just to do wrong and too wise to make. a mistake. Those on the. sick list are Mr. Jimmie Watkihs at. Doctors' Memorial Hospital of Perry, Mr. Isaac Anderson at a Tallahassee hospital, Mr. Ezekiel Griffin at a Tallahassee hospital, Mrs. Ruby Mae Franklin at the Perry nursing home, Mrs. Christine Watkins at the nursing' home in Monticello, Mrs. Dazcelee Patterson and Mr. Ephriam Dillman at home. Let us say a prayer, call, visit or send a card to someone who is,sick and shut ip . NFCC is offering a seven-week real estate course beginning Wednesday, Sept. 7. Classes meet Monday, Wednesdays. and Fridays' from 6 9 p.m. through Oct. 24., The course prepares students to: take the Florida real estate examination for licensing as a sales associate. The three-hour course may be. taken for college credit, continuing Real estate course will begin Sept. 7 at NFCC education or as an audited course. Cost of the class includes tuition, .plus textbooks. Classes will be held in room 203, the Business Education Building on the NFCC campus in Madison. For information on enrolling, contact Enid Mazzone by calling 850/973-1637 or email . MazzoneE@nfcc.edu. McCall speaks Aug. 24 . WCTV Chief Meteorologist Mike McCall will present a special weather program at the Taylor County Senior Center Wednesday, Aug. 24, beginning at 11 a.m. All interested persons are invited to attend. New in town? "Find out wha-t.Taylor County is, all about! SUBSCRIBE TO THE TACO TIMES & PERRY NEWS-HERALD Timberland Ford and Ford Motor Company Announce the Continuation of the Ford Family Plan Sales Event going on thru the Labor Day Weekend! We have added the Hot New 2006 Super D Pick-ups, Escapes & Expeditions! Our Timberland Ford family extends their "Welcome Mat" to the American family Eligible vehicles are all new 2005-2006 model Ford vehicles excluding trucks above F350 and Ford GT, Mustang, and Escape Hybrid *Ford discounts & rebates applied F150 Reg. C b Explorer Sport Trac MSRP $20,075 M RP $24,940 EMPLOYEE 4$ A4" EMPLOYEE 82* PRICE 14 PRICE $i9 * ,1 ; '.." !: -T't .,'. _" l. ,-^ --c ",' ;' !* ** 2003 Mercury Grand Maruis GS $13,995 V8, Auto, Power Windows & Locks, Beige, New Tires, Looks New, Local Trade, stk. #250069A 2003 Chevrolet Silverado41,995 4x2, V8, Auto, Sport Package, 24K miles, Stk #250207A 2002 Chevrolet Tahoe IT 4x4. $22,995 5.3, V8, Auto Power Windows & Locks, Gold, Cruise, Tilt, Was $23, 995 stk. #250029A 2004 Limited Jeel Libertv. $19,9 5 V6, Auto, Leather Stk. #250012CB 2001 Ford F150 4x4 KLT...- 6995 Super Crew, White/Gold, 5.4, V/8, Clean Truc (Stk t125066A 2002 Ford F150... $18,995 XLT, 5.4, V8, 4x4, Stk.#250163A 2002 Ford Focus- 95 3 Door, Auto, While, Low Miles, St .S S. Get Employee Discounts on the Ford Vehicle of Your Choice! No Hassles.,No Gimmicks! 2005 Mustang G T..... ... $28,995 Auto, Interior Upgrade, 1,000 Watt Stereo, White, 52,000 miles, Stk #250050CA 1000999 Dodge Ram 1500............. $10,995 Club Cab, V/8, Auto, stk. #250199B 2003 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner. $19,995 Ext. Cab, 4 cyl., Auto, 25,372 miles, Green, Stk. #250090A Ford 500 2005 Ranger MSRP $22,795 MSRP $16,005 EMLOEE$19,872' EMPLO YEE 2000 Ford Windstar- ... V/6, Auto, Dual A/C, Low Miles, White, stk. #250196A 2002 Ford F250 KLT.__ SCB, 4x2, White/Silver, 5.4, V/8; Auto, Power Windows & Locks, Aluminum Wheels, One Owner, Local Trade stk. #P469A 2001 Ford F150 KIT 4-.4 Crew Cab, 5.4, V/8,:Auto, stk. #P449A 2002 Ford Sport Trac KLT. Power Windows & Locks, Tilt, Cruise, stk. #P472 2000 Pontiac Montana Van V/6, Like New, LoN Miles, Rear Air, Maroon, Stk. #250149A 2002 Ford Escape KIT....... Black, V6, Auto,.Leather, Moon Roof, Loaded, Nice Clean SUV, stk. #P468 2004 Ford F150 Crew Cab. .. Lariat, 5 4, V8, Leather, Auto, Low Miles stl. #P476 I MU, l'I~tW' Augul~t~lf 'ZWO -- I--I I I r" Artists, crafters wanted The call is out for crafters and artists to show their wares at the Steinhatchee River Festival planned Saturday, Oct. 1, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the Steinhatchee Community Center. Booth fee is $10 for a 10 x 10 space. Booth applications are available from Rhoda Moehring at (352) 498-7376. Entry deadline is Sept. 15. Applications for the kayak/canoe poker run on the river are available from Linda Johnson (352-498-5806) or at River Haven Marina. The Steinhatchee River Festival is sponsored by the Steinhatchee Community Projects Board, Inc., with proceeds to benefits projects in the community. SAC meets Thursday The Perry Primary School Advisory Council will meet Thursday, Aug. 18, at 1 p.m., in the reading lab. The public is invited to attend. The school has also announced that its open house is planned for Thursday, Sept. 8. Contact the school at 838-2506 for times. Community B-1 The Taco Times August 17, 2005 Rn I Ra Live Grammy winner Rhonda Vincent and The Rage will headline the '005 Florida Forest Festival, with two high-energy performances Saturday, Oct. 22. Hailed as "The Mandolin . Mama," Vincent can be seen today .(Wednesday) on CMT's "Wide Open Country" along with country artists Dwight Yoakam, Kathleen Edwards and Marc Broussard. The show, which features artists from a wide variety of alternative country' and bluegrass, airs at 2 p.m. Vincent's latest album, Ragin' Live, was released earlier this year and continues to make its mark on the music :charts. It follows her. highly acclaimed 2004 album, One Step Ahead, on Rounder Records. Vincent began performing with her parents at age three. The musical' Vincent family became TV regulars in Iowa when Rhonda was five. -A year later the clan took to the radio air waves over KIRX in Kirksville, Mo. Then the Vincents became the "house band" at the Frontier Jamboree in nearby Marceline, backing every bluegrass and country star from Ernest Tubb to Bill Monroe.. Vincent made her recording debut as a tot in 1967. Her first solo single was a 1971 rendition of the Jimmie Rodgers' classic "Muleskinner Blues." By 1985, she had recorded eight albums with her family. Dr. Ralph Stanley and Rhonda Vincent in Coeburn, Va. Vincent will headline the 50th annual Florida Forest Festival. (Photo by Rick Hannon) To community groups 1- ,a V< Vincent has made several television appearances, the most memorable a "live" performance of her first nationally released single/video "I'm Not Over You" on "Prime Time Country." As the draped curtain began to rise, it caught the boom end of her microphone, and just before it hit her face, she grabbed it. and held it as the curtain raised it higher. Without missing a single note, Vincent started singing the song while holding a guitar in one hand, the microphone in the .other, propped on a rall chair in a flo\ ing dress., After singing the first two lines of the song, she burst ihto laughter, recovered the microphone and finished the performance. This episode of "Prime Time Country" landed on Dick Clark's "Bloopers" show. A frequent performer on the "Grand Ole Opry," Vincent said, "I see bluegrass as the sister music of country music and am glad to, finally see that radio programmers are beginning to agree." Her latest single. "I've Forgotten You," is on the play lists of many i country stations, along with past singles "If Heartaches Had Wings'" and "You Cantt Take It With You When You Go." Vincent has performed with Alan Jackson, Dolly Partoh, The Statler Brothers, Vince Gill, Ricky Skaggs, Alison Krauss, Earl United Way awards $173,911 Taylor. County volunteers completed the United Way of the' jBig Bend community investment, process July 21, and funds will soon be distributed to 18 agencies that provide services in Taylor County. A group of Taylor volunteers spent 12 hours over the course of -itwo days at the Big Bend Hospice office in Perry to ensure that $173,911 was allocated "in ,a fair and unbiased manner so that these select agencies can provide services for local people' ii need throughout the year. "Our group was very congenial and was able to agree on what was best for Taylor County," said Shirley G. Scol., Taylor Allocation Team member "We were on the same wavelength and were able to S analyze the importance of the services that these agencies provide to our community. Our main goal was to be sure that each agency received a fair amount of funds so that they could continue supporting people in need throughout Taylor County. We!i thank the people of Taylor County. for their continued support of United Way " The Tailor County Community Investment Team included Scott Barton (Buckeye 'Technologies). June Evans (retired). Kristine Lutz (Taylor County Health Department) and Scott (retired). , The team's agency review process includes several components that take' time 'to complete properly. Taylor agencies or new applicants submit an application to remain or become a .rWBB agency for Taylor. This application' is comprised of a description of programs offered to clients, numbers of clients served in that county, how the lies of their local clients were unproved because of their programs. budget information on the agency and a list of the board of directors. The team also makes on-site visits to the agencies, studies their budgets and hears testimonials from clients and/or, agency volunteers. Upon completion, they'determine which agencies will be funded and how much they will rece\ie. The team reviewed 19 agency applications, and 18 agencies were funded: 2-.1-1 Big Bend, Ability 1st, American Red Cross (Capital Area Chapter),, America's Second Harvest of the Big Betd,'Big Bend Cares, Big Bend Hospice, Boy 'Scouts. of America (Suwannee River Area' Council), Boys and Girls Club of Perry/Taylor County, Brehon Institute for Family Services,' Elder Care Services, Fellow.ship of Christian Athletes. Girl Scouts of the Apalachee Bend. Kids Incorporated. Leon ARC, Need' School Children's Fund. Refuge House. Taylor County Senior Services and Tri-County Foster Parents .-\socialion. "It's inspiring to see these volunteers in Taylor take time out of their busy schedules to; go through,' this, agency review process." said Glenda" Hamby, United Way campaign manager for Taylor.: !This; process is critical to .ensuring that these funds are :,allocated properly and make the most impact in this county. We're very proud of the bottom-line results these agencies are producing and how they help people in need throughout Taylor County." " The $173,911 that Taylor County 'volunteers were able' to allocate. includes a direct grant from UWBB, said ,Corinne Reed, community investment assistant. This direct grant is part of the S150,000 that United Way sets aside each year to supplement neighboring county campaigns. In addition to the $173.911 allocated b) the team, about another $3.77 Please see page 5 Scruggs, Steve Wariner and many others. She takes the. stage at Forest Capital, Hall Saturday, Oct. 22, at 1. p.m. and 3.p.m. The concert is part of the 50th annual Florida. Forest Festival entertainment line-up,, which includes the Ironjack Timber Team lumberjack show, a Talent Showcase & Karaoke Competition finals, as well as-a special guest appearance by Justin Guarini of American Idol fame. Who will be the next big star? Do you have what it takes to be Ta [lor County's next big star? Applications are now available for the preliminary round of the 50th annual Florida Forest Festival's Talent Showcase & Karaoke Competition. The event will be held Saturday, Sept. 24, at 6 p.m., at the Perr. Elks Lodge. General admission will be $5; the entry tee for contestants is $15. Cash prizes will be awarded ($s 20 for first place and $100 for Second place) Organizers have announced that the following contest rules will apply: --The 2005 Florida Forest ob22,20 Festival Talent Showcase & or 2Z. 205 Karaoke Competition is open to amateur ("...cannot make a majority of their income by singing") solo vocal performers only. --Contestants must be 13 years of age or older. --Order of performance at all contests will be decided by random drawing. --The top li ranked contestants will compete with one song at the 2005 Florida Forest Festival "NighlFest" at Forest. Capital Park Saturday. Oct. 22. at 5 p.m. A different song selection must be used for the final competition--cannot be the same song used during the preliminary round. --Decision of the judges is final -*-Must be present to win. --Contestant must supply his-her own music. --Judges' scoring will be based on singing ability and stage presence. --Contest organizers reserve the right to disallow any material deemed inappropriate or offensln e. The Florida Forest Festival Talent Showcase & Karaoke Competition is intended as family entertainment and all song material should be appropriate for all ages. --Any tie will be decided by a sing-off. Applications are available at the Florida Forest Festival office, adjacent to the PerryfTaylor County Chamber of Commerce. Entry deadline is Friday, Sept. 10. Festival board meets The Florida Forest Festival Board of Directors will meet today (Wednesday) at 3:30 p.m. All members are encouraged to attend. The meeting will be held in the PerryTaylor County Chamber of Commerce. Members unable to attend are asked to forward event reports to the festival office Contact Donna Breer at 584-TREE (8733). The Way: Christ centered recovery group, Healthy Start Coalition: fourth Mon, 9 and 4thpSat. 7 p m. Tribal grounds, Lyman Courthpuse annex (old post office). meets on Fridays at 7 p m. at Serenity am... Taylor County School Distnct Hendry Road Republican Party of Taylor County: lose on Hwy, 98 W, across from BP Administrative Office Complex. Muskogee Creek Indian Tribe: Oak Hill Second Thursday ot every month at 315 N Station Open to alcoholics, addicts, family Historical Society: open Thursday Village on Woods'Creek Road, it Sat." Qincy Street. E-mail Tommie Stanaland at members and friends afternoons, 1-5 p m Narcotics Anonymous: Wednesdays, tstanaland@yahoo.com or call 584-8815. AARP: last Wed., 10 a.m. at First Baptist Home Educators' League of Perry .8 p.m., at 126~ ,.Hwy. 98, al.Serenity Rotary Club: Tues, noon at Joyce's Main Church. (HELP): second'Thurs, 1:30. p m Forest House (dirt roaLa8cross frbiri B. Station), Street Cafe aliAirport Advisory Commission: 4th Capital Hall 584-8553 or 584-9207. These are.open meetingsto thpse interested Taylor County School Board: 1st and SI n Monday, 12 noon, Perry-Foley Airport: Humane Society of Taylor County:.2nd' in ddiction.-Cdll 223-0036. Also. Saturday, 3rd Tues., 7 p.m. lv.U. American Legion Post #96: 1st Tues., Wednesday, 6 p.m Forest Capital Hall.. 10:30 a.'m--open meeting. SHARE distribution: 4th Sat., 10 a.m. 7 p.m.. American Legion Hall. Center Street. Juvenile Justice Council: third Thurs;, 9 -NAACP~2nd Sun., 6 p.m., New Brooklyn Social Security: representatives. 2nd SBigBend Hospice Advisory Council: am at Juvenile Justice Office, 1719 Missionary Baptist Church. Tues., 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon, courthouse S.Aivots Post'20, ladies auxiliary and 4th Tues., roon, 107 East Green Street. Jefferson National Wild Turkey Federation annex SSOns of AMVETS: 3rd Tue.day' of each ..:Chamber of Commerce: third Thurs. Taylor Coastal oimunities (Yellow Pine Drummers): holds open Sons of Confederate Veterans: fourth monthh, i7.m.; t,2499 Woods Creek Road., 8 a.m.; chamber board room. Association: each 2nd Tuesday'of month; monthly 'on first Thursday, Golden Corral, Tuesday at VFW Post on Center' Street. '1 ~A .rtcath u'glpr Stelhdliatchee Post -. ;ity Council: 2nd and 4th Tues. at 6 30 7 p.m. at the Keaton Beach Hot Dog Stand. 7 p.m. 584-9185 7 p.m. For information, call 584-5346. ',29ij furthTues.o:ipm. t: .. p,ni; Kiwanis Club: Wednesdays, noon, Optimist Club: Thurs., noon at Joyce's Taylor Adult Program (TAP): Thurs. 10 4Alcoholics Anonymour, meetings are 9Civil Air Patrol (CAP): 2nd and 4th Mon, Joyce's MainStreet Cafe, Mainstreet Cafe a.m., 502 N. Center Street. 223-0393 Shield Tuesdays, Fridays and. Saturday 7 p.m.,'main hanger atairport La Leche League International: 2nd Perry Garden Club: third Wed., 10a.m. .Taylor Coastal Water and Sewer: 3rd -;(cloSed) :8. p.m., at Heritage House on ', County Commission: rirst Mon. and third Wed, 10.30 a n.. Taylor County Public Perry Elks Lodge; Tues., 8 p.m. Wed at 18820 Beach Road, 5 p.m. ,'Wash.ington Street, across from public ,,Tues: at 6 p.m.. courthouse annex. Library Perry Lodge #187: 1st, 3rd Wed.,.7 p.m, Taylor County Democratic Party: the Library; and another AA group who meets blDabetes classes every Tuesday, 2 p.m.. Lady Elks: second Thurs, 8 p m. Elks Masonic Hall. .third Monday, 7 p m. at the Golden Corral. Monday., Wednesdays and Thursdays at Doctors' Memorial Hospital. Lodge Perry Lodge 123, F&AM: first and third Call 584-9656 or 584-3617. , Serenity House located at 1260 Hwy. .98 FAMU Alunni Chapter: second Mon, MainStreet Perry: First Monday of each Monday nights, 7:30 p m. Taylor Development Council: 2nd Wed. SWept, across.from the BP station at 8 p m. 7 p.m., Jerkins Center month. Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Perry Woman's Club: 2nd Wed., noon 4 p.m., at Chamber A ON,, $t. James Eplsqopal. Church perry Masonic Lodge 123: meets first Commerce at noon (Sept.; May; subject to change). Taylor County Development Authority: ) ', p !2.ion to 1- p.t: ad.thlrd Monday nights, 730pm .. -. Mothers 9f re-Schoolers: first and 'Perry Shrine.Club:.4th Thurs., 7 p.m. 2nd Mon., 5 p m. at Chamber I4gt.6,30' Tfor 'begCiners, 'i.'rl, Scput. i Service' nil 'first. ili hfrlFri- 584i386 :'. ';< ,..(club' qus on Courtgiey Road)' Taylor County Amateur Radio Club: 1st :4 ethgi.'crgucVr,-rnteetchat.:'P-m,-p ..... 'r. Scput .-ti Monday, 7tp"m., Division of Forestry office. ,;*::,. :'.'.' '..; .- .: .' .. ... M nda; ,..., ,... "- o 7 p .,., Divsion of Forestr7onofF rsy office. 618 Plantation Road. Taylor County Habitat for Humanity, Inc.: board meeting, 2nd Tues., 5:30 p.m., Room 208, Capital City Bank. Taylor County Historical Society: 3rd Mon., 7 p.m. Historical Society building. Taylor County Horseman's Association Horse Show: 2nd Sat., 10 a.m. Arena located on Bishop Blvd. Taylor County Construction License Board Meeting: 3rd Fri., 2 p.m., courthouse annex Taylor County Leadership Council: 2nd and 4th Friday, 7 p.m., Jerkins. Taylor County Quilters: Tuesdays, 10 am to noon, Taylor County Public Library. Taylor County Reef & Research Team: 2nd Thurs.. 7 p.m. Forest Capital Hall Taylor County Soil & Water Board: 4th Mon.. 7 p.m., Chaparral Steakhouse. Vogue XIII: first Mon., 7.30 p.m. (Call 584-2404 VFW Post #9225: 2nd Tues. 7 p.m. (American Legion building). - If you would like to add your community group's meeting to our calendar, please e-mail perrynews@perrygulfnet.com or call 584-5513 Editorial B-2 Taco Times August 17, 2005 i.; :. i, j, -1 I, ;- Q3) B 4, I Gra .2'sI ES' o I- 0a CC ____ >1l L SLetters to the Editor Former resident questions power plant -:Dear Editor: : :Even though I've been gone from S.Perry since the first half of the last :century, I still go back for the , occasional visit, and try to catch up with the news while I'm there. SDuring my spring visit, I learned S ihat Taylor County's newest controversy was a proposed .bombing range. Somehow the two just didn't go together in my mind: bombs and the "Nature Coast." I do Believe that the serenity promised ..by the very term "Nature Coast," :? would have been blasted to .smithereens when the first bomb 'dropped. I was so glad to learn last week that this project is on "hiatus" ::now, and hope that will be a :permanent thing. It appears that at :least the "gentleman" who wanted 'to bring it to Taylor County will no 'longer be involved. : Now, I don't know much about :"coal-burning power plants, but that S'appears to be the next project threatening the Nature Coast. I do remember running to get the clothes off the line before, when the old coal-fired steam engine trains came through, so they .wouldn't be covered with soot. Of ' course, you couldn't bring in grass, ::trees, flowers, lawn furniture, and .such... they just had to sit there and t.-take it, much as the people will have to do, if the county succumbs once again to the lure laid out for them. Sure, the construction of such a place promises many jobs, but how many permanent jobs will there be when it's in operation? And will those jobs be for the Taylor County folks, or for experts in the field. brought in from somewhere else? But let's look at the bright side: probably the hospital will do more business as the folks with respiratory problems have even more problems just ir mng to catch '.a breath of fresh air. Sometimes it seems that no one learned anything from the Fenholloway fiasco so many years ago, for they seem to continually search for new ways to pollute the water, the environment and even the heavens above. I may speak a little whimsically, but I'm afraid next time I go for a visit I may catch a whiff of fire and brimstone, for possibly the devil himself is buying up souls, just so he can ruin the Nature Coast! Alda Higdon Kids Day a success' Dear Editor: The Boys & Girls Clubs of Perry/Taylor County celebrated the first annual National Kids Da\ on July 25, 200)5. The National Kids Day was .a great success in: promoting adults to spend meaningful time \,ith children of the community. We would d like to thank the following sponsors for their man\ contributions: Melody Cox. county grants coordinator. Pepsi, Wal- Mart. Kman, Family Dollar and How ell's. Office Supply. We% wouldd like 'to also. extend a great STaco Times Wednesday, August 17, 2005 123 S. Jefferson Street P.O. Box 888 Perry, Florida (850) 584-5513 DONALD D. LINCOLN Publisher DEBBIE CARLTON SUSAN H. LINCOLN Business Manager Managing Editor ANGELA M. CASTELUCCI BETH MANN Staff Writer Advertising Director CHARLES R. SADLER CAROLYN DuBOSE Staff Writer Promobonal Advertising MARK VIOLA MELISSA FARRILL Staff Writer Classified Advertising The Taco Times (ISSN 07470967) s published each Wednesday by Perry News- papers, Inc., 123 S. Jefferson Street, Perry, Flonda 32347. Subscriptions are 5.00 per year or $49.00 out of county Penodicals postage paid at Perry, Florida 32348. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the TACO TIMES, P.O Box 888, Perry, FL 32348. The Taco Times welcomes Letters to the Editor reflecting responsible opinions and views on the news. Please submit letters by Monday at 5 p.m. The Taco Times reserves the right to refuse publication of letters which are libelous or irre- sponsible. Name may be withheld if circumstances so require, but all letters sub- mitted should be signed by the writer and accompanied by a phone.number for verification. We look forward to hearing from youl Our address is Perry, Newspapers, Inc., P.O. Box 888, Perry, Florida 32348. e-mail perrynews@perry gulfnet.com Member Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. &iiiliiiii. iiaa, ._. ^^ appreciation to all of our parents of , Boys & Girls Club members for Their contributions. We would like to thank Mayor. Emily Ketring for supporting National Kids Day and proclaiming the first Sunday in August as National Kids Day here in Perry. We would also like to thank all of our members of the community for joining us in celebrating and making a Kids Day. . Thank you, : Staff and club members of SBoys & Girls Clubs of- Perry/Taylor County. Power plant letter prompts citizen reply Dear Editor: In response to Mike. Lawson's letter, I have to say, it saddens me to think that anyone in this community would consider a coal- burning plant. After all of the stench and pollution we have, to put up with already. I have family that has to live near the pulp mill and they polluted water and air everyday of their lives to deal with. : Our own greed for money and prosperity will be the death of us! I just hope Perry will wake up and realize that Mike Lawson won't be Living here. Concerned citizen, Barbara Samson Letters to the Editor must indutde a name and daytime contact phone number. perrynews@perry.gulfnet.com Diversification a 'major factor' for any economy Dear Editor: I must acknowledge that our elected' officials have a difficult. task in making decisions that will have an impact on the community as they cannot satisfy everyone regarding the outcome of the process. Sometimes I have been on the short end of the process as I have felt that our elected officials may not have considered all aspects of a particular situation. However, when the decisions involve economic development it becomes even more difficult to make those decisions as people will have an array of opinions depending on their particular interests. Every proposed economic development will have its pluses and minuses and nothing is perfect.- Sometimes the, special interest groups have difficulties in looking at the total picture. My particular interest is for the economic well being of the community. Over the years people have used different clichess" to express their thought process: One that comes to mind is the "Heartbeat of America" which relates to the economic structure or the business climate of the community.. The business community (including government) provides the employment base for individuals to receive an income to purchase goods and services and to live comfortably. Perry and Taylor County have been in existence since the mid 1800s and had an. agricultural-based economic system until the mid 1900s. During the twentieth century, the economic base began to shift to an industry-' based economic system. A major factor in any economic system is diversification. Since, the late 50s, the economic base improved for the local economy with the addition, of Buckeye, sawmills, Tom's Food, Sportcraft Boats, and other various retail and service industries. In the 90s, the local economy came to a standstill due to pressures from outside interest groups which resulted in higher unemployment rates for Taylor County. On numerous occasions the elected officials and the business community joined .together and worked to save these jobs and attract additional employers such as the Department of Corrections. Today the community has .-* Please see page 5 Midweek Muddle What do I have in common with Russian sailors? Who would have thought that I would have suffered mightily with a Russian submarine crew stranded at the bottom of the ocean? I'm often compassionate, but Russians?--the very people I spent my childhood fearing, as I hovered under my second-grade desk during the Cuban missile crisis...the very people I feared would bring our nation's demise. The wall came down, I know. We all grew up, I know. But our personal walls often stay in place. And I thought about that, as I agonized with this crew surrounded by frigid water and a- diminishing oxygen supply. My- compassion quickly surfaced while I prayed that the sailors would too. If you want to kill me, please whack me over the head once and be done with it. Don't put me underwater with a slowly declining oxygen supply. I'm not, an amphibian; I gasp when you put a: washdoth over my face. . Early reports noted that the ,submarine was trapped when, its propeller became entangled in a maze of cables, lines and fishing nets. I pondered that dilemma, thought of sea turtles and then followed the fishing line of this story back to my own garage, one of the great black holes in the universe. Shoes, gardening implements and even boys can go missing in my garage.- Some are. never heard from. again; others surface from the experience, looking much like the' Russian sailors--dazed and subdued. I don't know why our garage is the albatross it is, but I think a large share of the credit goes to the husband who resists departing with life's many treasures. "What is this?" I asked the other day. It was the old, bafiged-up headlight unit from the husband's truck that had been replaced by a new one...months, years ago. "And this?" I ask, looking at the inner workings of :a toilet which had been replaced months, years ago. "And this?" I ask, and as I ask it, I hear the back door slam. The husband doesn't stand around long for. my soliloquies. I don't even blame him. ,It's hard to defend yourself, when surrounded by Sanford & Son's junkyard. In the spirit of full disclosure, I' will admit to having a broken-down chair I. can't depart with, 'and the daughter's wooden wagon fromi'toddler days which sits on wheels that barely work. I like hoarding vases and baskets, and know I might need those 12 paint cans for touch-up. I have stacks of flower pots and bags of fertilizer,. Seed pods are drying on one shelf, while hydrangea blooms are curing on another. I have tiki lights for mosquito 'control and stakes for tomato plants. When we Samfords add "Son" to the By SUSAN H. LINCOLN mix, the outcome is even more eclectic: dried-up locusts, containers of earthworms in various stages of decay, old shoes caked with mud and manure. Even the snakes are afraid to come in.:. "Make sure no one sees the garage," says the daughter if we're about to have company. If police tape wouldn't attract attention to the area, I'd resort.to that. On one of my recent attempts at "shoring up the garage" (we never call it cleaning--that would imply an outcome that we simply can't produce), I was astounded by the number of spools of fishing line. I picked up every spool I could and then confronted the husband. "I have found 18 spools of fishing line out there. How many do you need, and why aren't you using -the .ones you :.' have?"' "Really," he said, hardly looking up ,from Fox news.. "You know they come in different weights--it's not one size fits all." "Well, yeah, but 18? Are the fish really that picky?" "You,.don't get it," said the son, whizzing by. ".And look at this stack over here by the t.v.--there are-six more spools right there in front of you. That's 24. My gosh, we'd have money if we didn't have fishing line." The back door slammed again, and I was alone \with my thoughts. Not long after that day of toil and organization, I went to produce a pair of shoes from their proper place in my garage, and was instantaneously caught in a .wicked web of fishing line. It \rTapped around my foot, through the slats in the shelves, beyond the shoes, through the foldable chairs, one large fishing net and eventually to the post hole diggers in the distance. If I moved, the diggers were going to land on my new vehicle. I stood .there in complete silence, looking around for help. There was none. I could scream, but that would just make me sweat more. "I wish you were Lassie,"' i said- to the dog, and I'm afraid it hurt her feelings, but at least she didn't slam the door on me. I studied my dilemma carefully and soon determined that it was like getting a knot out of a necklace. If I crawled between the loop made by my shoe and the set of shelves, then I could grab the foldable chairs and liberate the .post- hole diggers from the fishing line, thus saving my vehicle. "Easier said than done" to be sure, but the procedure, I'm happy to report, worked, and I emerged both dazed and subdued, willing to sell all the husband's, fishing line and treasures at the next yard sale. It occurred to me that, in Russia, they may want to do the same thing with that submarine. I I I :e po /A ; B-3 The Taco Times August 17, 2005 Vehicle simulates impaired driving Youth in Taylor County will soon get a chance to feel what it's like to drive under the influence thanks to ,a new vehicle that simulates impaired driving. The Boys and Girls Club of Perry/Taylor County recently purchased a Simulated Impaired Driving Experience (SIDNE) through a grant in hopes of discouraging driving under the influence. "SIDNE is a battery-powered vehicle that simulates the effects of impairment from alcohol on a person's driving skills. It operates in two modes. In normal mode, the vehicle's steering, braking and acceleration respond appropriately. In impaired mode, the vehicle reacts with delayed steering, braking and acceleration simulating the effects of a vehicle being driven by an impaired driver," Prevention Coordinator Teresa Newman said. "The ultimate goal of the SIDNE is to decrease impaired driver related crashes, injuries dnd death." For more information regarding the program, contact Newman at (850) 584-8448. Prepare for an Exciting Career in Learn the skills needed for the installation, configuration and repair of computer systems, peripherals, operating systems and application programs. Additional Associates Degrees in: Medical Assisting Radiology Technology Health Services Administration Nursing Accounting Business Administration Criminal Justice Paralegal Culinary Arts Baking & Pastry Arts Computer Graphics & Design (From the top) MIS Director John Hornbuckle, Superintendent of Schools Oscar Howard Jr., Director of Finance Bill Hunter and Director of Personnel of Clyde Cruce all took turns behind the wheel of SIDNE. Padgett continues on NFCC board Gov. Jeb Bush appointed two to the District Board of.Trustees of North Florida Community College. Michaelena Wilson of Madison was reappointed to a four-year term and Verna M. Horne of Jasper was appointed for a a firlt'idn ., '. !"I am extremely delighted that Ms. Verna Home from Hamilton County has been appointed to the NFCC District Board of Trustees. Ms. Home has a distinguished Career, of public service and civic Involvement and brings a wealth of experience to the board. I ant also delighted that Ms. Mikey Wilson from Madison County has been reappointed to the board for a REAL ESTATE COURSE Sept7 Oct 24 Mon/Wed/Fri: 6-9 p.m. *. Prepare for the Fla. real estate exam For college credit or audit Cost: $184 + text NFCC, Madison, FL North For information: Florida 850/973-1637 orn MazzoneE@nfcc.edu third term. Her reappointment adds stability and credibility to our very experienced Board of Trustees," said President Morris G. Steen Jr. Horne directed nursing services for the Hamilton County Public Health department from 1971 until 'ier retire mrien in l1)'j. Wilson \\aj initially appointed to the NFCC board in 1999 and again in 2001. She recently retired from the Fla. Dept. of Revenue. Other members of the NFCC board are Chairman John T. Maultsby and Linda Gibson from Madison; Walter Boatright and ,Brantly: Hetvenston. 6f iVe-'..Oak; ' Lester Padgett of Perry; Betty Land of Mayo and Vice-Chairman Albert Thomas of Monticello. For information telephone (850) 973-1618, email News@nfcc.edu or go online to www.nfcc.edu (keyword--Trustees). .1 - Bachelor Degree Programs in: * Health Services Administration * Criminal Justice * Business Administration with Majors in: - Marketing * Human Resources * International Business & Trade KEISER C 0 L LE TALLAHAS G E SEE Admissions Office Open 9am 8pm Toll Free 1-877-825-2573 www. keisercollege.edu NOTICE The City Council is considering CLOSING the following city parks: BRINCE HENRY PARK (located in the Colonial Homes subdivision) FOLSOM PARK (located on Center Street) If the council chooses to keep these parks open, the city is looking for volunteers willing to maintain these parks. Please contact'the Administration Office of City Hall, 224 S. Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. William ,E. Brynes City Manager Emily Weed Ketring Mayor lam -w rrm I pA r"r CD Url ar U~e =p HELP! ' I'm lost and I need to come' ,l home to my family. If you have seen me, please call .' a '' 672-0422 I am a male Chocolate Lab , wearing'a brown collar with my owners name, address '' and phone number. , Please help me make it ' back home!! ' ,:.,O ear hoic I , I B-4The Taco Times August 17, 2005 Small ads...big deals!! iO RNT AI [BI ESJ F2 7; KI, 1 [oil11 Friday & Saturday, 8-?, 804 N. Jefferson (on corner of Jefferson & Julia). Caps, caps, caps, 3 for $5, t-shirts (white & colors), golf shirts (all colors), some gifts and jewelry, everything is brand new. 8/17, 8/19 Moving Sale, Wed.-Sat., Taco Heights, 112 Crit Jone Dr., washer, dryer, refrig., stove and lots more, call 584-6574 (code 19). 17, 8/19 For Sale: Ladles wedding set, size 6, also, ladies cluster diamond ring, size 6, both 10K, yellow gold, call Toni at 584-8382 for price. 8/17tf Wolf tanning system, sun, quest pro, 24 * RS, brand new, about 8 hours on it, $1400, call 584-2270. 8/3tfJM Wanted Investor/handy person looking for an EZ Quality 3b/1b/1 car, detached GAR SFH. On 1/3 acr. lot, wheel chair accessible SFH, Vinyl sided forEZ malt. Needs cosmetic work! Call Now Toll Free 1-866-You- OwnaHOME(968-69624663). 8/5-8/31 2.4 acres with septic, power pole and city water. Mobile homes permitted, $19,500, call 838-2755. 8/5tfDC 3 B/2 BA, brick home, 'on one lot, chain link fence, 10x22 storage bldg., central h/a, carport, 422 E. Elm St:, $74,500, can' be seen by appt..only, call 584-5583. 8/17-9/2 Beautiful 45 acres .of rolling pasture, 3 ponds, large oaks, directly on Beach Road, perfect for horses, zoned residential or light commercial, great'buy, $429K, call 904-608-5239. 8/17-9/9 VEGGIES TO YOUR DOOR! Fresh-Picked, blanched, flash frozen, shelled zippers, butter beans,'black eyes, white acres, ford hooks, -cream corn; okra, green beans, broccoli Free delivery every Saturday with 3 or more bushels 352-498-2580 Fireplace wOOd oak or pine, for pickup or delivery, call 584-6664. 8/17-9/2 Roper Washing Machine, 4 cycle, 2 Speed, $75, 4 265/75/16, Wild country tires, S75% tread, 3-35x15 swampers, $75, 30% tread, call 838-5915: 8/17 : Salon Equipment For Sale, 2 Styling . :Chairs, 2 Dryer Chairs, 2 Styling Stations Sand other extras, $1500, 1 New Sterilizer, S$500, call 584-5057. 8/3-8/26 T ruck topper, 5 ft across, like new, fits Nissan Frontier, asking $200, call 850- .. 584-5108. 8/12, 8/17 10 gallon aquarium, ready io go 3 plants, gravel. 1 large hollow roci', 2 new filters, healer and thermometer 530, call, 584- ;" 6002. ask. for Michelle. 8/12tf * Cd player/TV Siand, has open space to - hold stereo with speaker space, television. Ssits on top has slols for cd's down bottom " front portion and cubby holes on either Side to hold movies or books, $15, call Michelle at 584-6002. 8/12tf SAppliance pafts, sales; service; 584-7773, 1302 N Jefferson, Kellow Appliance Service, also window AC service and cleaning, we have reconditioned appliances in stock 8/12-8/31 Dining room set. Vintage 1940s light mahogany Rect able, 3 leaves 6 chairs, china cabinet $700 58-.9659 : 8/10-8/19 ,2 handy man specials 12x65 mobile homes, lots'ol work riha. been done; in good shape, 34500 ea call 584-3776 or 584-2270.' 7:27tJM -OiMES & REAL~ ESTAT Land for sale localed on Hwy 221 between Shiloh Church Rd and Cairo Parker Rd 1 acre lots with paved roads Owner financing available Please call 13861 658 1346 or (850) 584.7466 Badcock's S tfEF S rLj vnm lu The City of Perry is'accepting Applications for the following position:. METER READER (Water Department) Req High School Diploma or equivalency 'Valid Driver's License , Salary: $9.88 $13.29 frly. Applications are available at the City of Perry Personnel Office and will be accepted until the p .position is filled. : -CITY OF PERRY. Personnel Office S224 S. Jfferson Street Perry, FL 32347 (850) 584-7161 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE EQUAL OPPOR lrdiT, EMPLOYER Two trailers witlh land 3835. 8/17,8/19 lor sale 311 584- Greene's Real Estate Investors, Inc. HUD voucher accepted, or private tenant, 3/1, rental home, recently remodeled, with central A/C, electrical stove, refrigerator, completely carpet or tiled., Located at 200 Elmo Scott Avenue. $500.00 per month and $475.00 deposit, which can be worked out with owner. For review of the house, call (850) 584-4934 or (305) 246-2359. 812-8/19 Sjp1jjV^ p S $18,000 Built in 1950s 3 Bedrooms,, 1Bath All Pine Wood Floors New Central H/A Some Appliances House moved at buyer's expense. Call for appt. 584-5454 Boarder wanted in my home,. private. entrance, private bath, furnished, call 584- 8045. 8/12-8/31 Businesses for reni, 1 lit l' q l 1. 2400 sq l., formally Walkers Food Mart & 3'ookmArl, Call'Jr. Wal er a1 58i-28S3 7,.' f .. 3/2' fully furnished moille home, quiel, country senlin call 5845686; between 12- 7 p.m.' . '8/10-8/19. ., . 2; 3 BR/1 .4678. 8/W-8/31 BA houses for rent, call 584- I The City of Perry is accepting applications for the following! position' RECORDS CLERK * '.. ., ,: (Police Department)- .. Req:. High School Diploma or equivalency Must have a valid Driver's License. Musl have the ability 1o type 35 correct wpm, must be able to;satisfactorily complete courses;as required by police standards and training as arranged after employmentt. Prefer 6' months to 1 year vocational training or clerical, erperienrce Annual Salary Range: $15,308.80 $21,630.93 Applications are available at the City of Perry. personnel Office and will be accepted until the S position is illed. CITY OF PERRY: Personnel Office' 224 S. Jefferson Street SPerry, FL 32347. -(850) 584-7161 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Tidewater Apartments 500 S. Warner Ave. 850-584-6842 For qualified applicants 2&3 bdrm avail Section 8 Water/sdwer/garbage/electric/gas/pest control included 7/27-8/31 Woodrldae Apartmentsl! Looking for applicants Apply now for 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Equal Housing Opportunity. Call 850-584-5668. 709 W. Church St., Perry, FL 32347. TDD/TTY 711. tfWA Southern Villas of Perry!! New Managementll HUD Vouchers accepted. 10 and 2 bedroom HC and non-HC accessible apartments. Gall 850-584-8111. TDD/TTY 711. 315 Puckett Rd. Perry, FL 32347. Equal Housing Opportunity. tfSV OIUTDOOR 2005 Gulfstream cavalier, 32 ft, travel trailer park model, no holding tanks, leeps 8 full fridge, ducted ac, $10,000 cash, greal condiliorn call Jim at 850-838- 7807. 8/17-8/31 1981 Sp':'ns.irah Fisherrran 21i f':.l, new motor ('150 l!), new ribuil clo l by Sieldj Marina, new electronics, Grear condition too many vIhngs tO Ilil beal ojier, call JIm or Valriie 3t 850s2-e'A79P. 8/17ff .1996 Javelin, 369 FS, 17 ft.,:.90 hp Johnson, low hours, trolling motor, 2 coolers, 2 live wells, 2 dry storage, nada $6500, will sell for $5500 o.b.o., call 850- 672-0477 8/12-8/19 1994 17' Stumprocker 3 w/1995 Mercury 60 h.p., stainless prop, fish finder, very good condition, 584-9084. 8/10-8/19 2iOC' Mvlercury irand Marquis GS q,':ld "a beautiful. Car" greil c,'rnd1iion, 53K mileage, asking $9000, call 850-584-7841. ,8/17-8/26 98 Grand Marquis, greal c,:ndrtion, $5000, call 838-6945. 8/17-8/31 1997 Jeep Grand Cheroi- ee whi-e, limited edition, V8, 4.wd aulo ac 132K. leather, fully loaded: $5800 o.b;o.; call 584-4207, call 838-6177. 8/17, 8/19 I 2003,, Ford Focus ZX3, Auto., Metallic Blue, like new, 1 owner, tinted windows, premium sound, cd player,-still under Warranty, asking $9,500, worth .11 200.i -. call 850-445-3414. : 8'.8" .3 '02 Ford F150 Lariet ft, 4x4, 4-door, excellent condition, 75K Hwy miles, $20, 000 o.b:o., call 838-2755 8/5tfDC 2003 Chevrolet Avalanche, still under factory warranty (30,000 miles). One owner, garaged and well maintained, equipped with Z66 road package, aJc, ps, pb, pw, door locks, remote entry, tilt wheel,. cruise, AM/FM/CD, On Star, parking sensors, ABS, step tubes (stainless), towing package, alloy wheels, etc. White with tan cloth interior, black wheel moldings and chrome trim, Asking $20,800 (retail is $24,735). Call, 584-7883. S7/15tf f -noI REWARD: $100 Lost and very much missed adult male cat. Gray with shuttle tabby markings, call 223-3448. 8/12-8/19 Amrericjan Bull Dog puppies, 1- male,-2 female, with papers, $350 other dog with papers, $500, call 584-5549. 8/17 Free Puppies! Pit Bull and Australian Shepherd mix, black and white, born June' 18, call 584-3327. 8/12, 8/17 Route salesperson for local distributing' company, must have a valid Florida drivers license, pass a drug screen, send resume to 1267 Antioch Church Road, Perry, FL 32348 or, call 850-584-5494, leave name and phone number. 8/10-8/19 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT . i Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Next.Class: Aug. 22nd National Certification Financial Assistance' Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Traning Services www.atsn-schools.com 1,000' Sign On Bonus PRITCHETT TRUCKING NEEDS EXPERIENCED CLASS A DRIVERS IN YOUR AREA FOR LOCAL HAULING. GOOD PAY AND BENEFITS CALL 1-800-486-7504 HOMES &I I Experienced plumber's needed, must have valid driver's license, we do drug testing, call 850-584-8603. 7/20tfHS Position under Taylor County Board of County Commissioners: RMT-$8.04 , Submit applications to Taylor Employment Connections. Positions open until filled. Taylor County BCC is an EEO/ADA/drug testing employer. 7/20tf BCC GULF COAST .F METAL 6 de L3Wide ROOFING Galvalume Full line of 3' Wide accessories in stock Painted Special Flashings Made All Types Warranted Metal Available Cut to your desired lengths Delivery Service Available Ca! Toll-Free 888-393-0335 352-498-0778 Horseshoe Beach, Fl. Prestige Home Center Chiefland The Only.Factory Outlet on the West Coast "NO "DOUBLE TALK" WITH OUR ADVERTISING-- NO GAMES WITH OUR PRICES! Any New Home Purchased from Prestige Homes Includes FREE Delivery & Set-Up...PERIOD! --BRAND NEW-- 3L n :l-- Choose from JI.. 2 or 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Exceeds New Gov't. Standards S$275mo Includes AC, Heat, Skirting & Steps No Down Payment for Landowners! (60 Other Homes.to Choose From!) Eggs are Cheaper in the Country, So are Prestige Homes! N. Hwy. 19, Chiefland 800-477-2492 FulTm r Pat-im Part-Time Full-Timeso Full.-Time Floo ~ rr ManeacePsto Pat-im Roofers, roofers helpers, carpenters. wanted, call Armadillo Constructors at 386-294-3914. 8/17, 8/19 Looking for 3 people that will evaluate the Journey Meetings coming to Perry, August 20, accepted evaluators will be paid, please call 584-9508. 8/17, 8/19PSA Rotech Healthcare now has an available ::...itio'n for a patient service technician/delivery driver. To qualify for the position you need a high school diploma, you must have a valid drivers license, and need to be able to'lift 50-100 lbs. You will be delivering/setting up equip, and servicing/cleaning equipment in the patients homes per our guidelines. You will also be required to pull call. We Offer' benefits to all full time employees. We are a drug free, workplace. Please come by our office to pick up an application, or fax your resume to 850-584- 8267. 8/17, 8/19RT Part Time Housekeeping and Laundry Positions . Seeking person for 5:30 am to 1:30 pm time slot; and 1:30 pm to 9:00 pm time slot. 60 bed skilled nursing facility with 'excellent.appearance. Applicants should have desire to have surroundings neat and clean, be organized, able to work SindcprndEnrlv and be comfortable working with elderly and handicapped individuals. Corilacl Bobby Roberts' Lafayette Health Care Center, 512 W. Main'St., Mayo, FL. 386-294-3300. 8/12-8/19' . Badcock & More Set up & Delivery Must be 18,yrs. old, license required, good driving record, no phone calls, apply in person at 1003 S. Jefferson St. 8/12tfBC '1caireer Opportunity Must relocate to North Georgia PROJECT PLANNER position at the Irdustrial Maintenance Division Estimating &'computer skills a plus 40K plus NEG. EOE 770-536-5959 IMO.BILE HOMES 0 MP I i ~rs I rdLs I -- -II a as m I 1 The City of Perry is accepting applications for the following position: Superintendent (Wastewater) This is a responsible administrative, technical, and supervisory position involving the operation and maintenance of the municipal wastewater treatment plant and facilities. Complete job description available upon request. Req: 'Must have a standard high school diploma or equivalency. Must have a minimum of a Class "B" Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator's License as issued by the State of Florida Annual Salary Range: $33,696.00 $45,317.37 Applications, are available at City of Perry Personnel Office and will be accepted ujnl1,t position is filled. CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office 224 S. Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347 Phone: (850) 584-7161 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER ,r, ~II loc~l HELP$ WANTED~t1 APALACHEE CENTER A Behavioral Health Care Center is currently seeking: CLINICAL SUPERVISION SPECIALIST #1451 MASTER'S DEGREE WITH A MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL WORK, COUNSELING OR A RELATED HUMAN SERVICES FIELD AND THREE YEARS OF RELATED PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE, ONE OF WHICH MUST HAVE BEEN IN AN ADMINISTRATIVE/CLINICAL SUPERVISORY CAPACITY. LICENSURE PREFERRED. SHIFT: 8 A.M. 5 P.M./ MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. For more information and a complete listing of available positions: wwwapalacheecenter.org (850) 523-3217 or 1(800)226-2931 Human Resources 2634-J Capital Circle N.E., Tallahassee, FL Pre-Hire Drug Screen & FDLE background check An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Drug-Free Workplace 8/17-8/19AC Driver-All You Want... .400 Start & NO NYC Home 7-10 days. .KLLM Dry Van Students also Welcome! 866-644-0432 (M-F-8-5) ASK FOR BRENDA 866-357-7351 ANY TIME. CDL-A. EOE.. 8/17 . Mature Woman to watch 2 kids.& cook meals, must have own transportation, Monday-Friday, 7 A.M.-3:30 P.M., at our home. Background check & References required. For details please call, 584-8464. 7/13tf S.V. of Perry Apartments Manager position open. 32 hours per week with benefits, 8:00-5:00 Monday-Thursday. Need office, computer and people skills. Some travel required. Drug-free workplace. Must have valid dr. license & transportation. Send Resume to Karen McMillen c/o Sutton .Creek Apartments, 16978 N.W. Mayo Street, Blountstown, FL 32424. Equal Opportunity Employer. 8/12tfSV .Check Station Positions Available The Florida Fish and Wiidlile Conservation Commission is hiring personnel for seasonal work at check Stations during the upcoming archery and general gun hunting seasons Positions available in TaylorLCounty Pays $6.15 per hour. Positions begin September 24, 2005: For details call (850) 838-9016, or Stop by the Big Bend Field Office at 663 Plantation Rd. in Perry. EO/AA 7/27-10/23 - .. .' +: ':i .. ' 99%I1 Wanted dead or alive. Junk cars, trucks, tractors, etc. Will buy. sell & trade 4x4 & truck parts S'M'A'S*H Towing. 386-688- 3999 or 850-843-4227. 7/1 tfS .Auction,open to public every Friday at 6.30 on South 19 next to Crews Marine, now taking consignments we do estate. sales, liquidation's, bankruptcies. Third. SGeneration Auction Service. AB#2424 AU#2548. Tr State Auction Service serving Florida Georgia & Alabama, AB#2021 AU#2011 Call 1-866-243-8972, toll free 8/12-8/31 Southem Siding & Remodeling, LLC. V;. inyl siding & soffit. wood rot. fascia, decks. aluminum screen rooms windows, porches and more. Jay Swindle (850) 843-1731 Ucensed & Insured 8/12-9/30 "'Need a Tutor? Learn Spanish Read write, ... i speak, understand. Improve your English grammar, spelling, writing, reading. We teach children and adults Call 584-6968 S8/12-8/26 TREE CAPITAL CLEANING UPHOLSTERY & CARPET CLEANING Dries in 3-4 hours 584-CLEAN (584-2532) The Handyman.experts, honest work! Affordable, professional, licensed and insured. Specializing in house painting. interior, etc., mobile home repairs, home maintenance, pressure washing (wood and concrete) carpet, vinyl, wood floor, ceramic- tile, and repairs Call 584-2270 (home) or 584-3776 (office) 25 years..: .fJM Affordable child care in my home in city Limits. All day child care or before/after :. school care Call Jackie Luther at 223- 2770 or 371-0059. 8/10-8/19. Clay Swindle, L.L.C., All' types of remodeling, docks, decks, windows, door` framing, add on additions, porches, screen enclosures, painting interior & exterior. 18 yrs. exp., licensed & insured. Free Estimate, call 850-223-1780 or 843-1941, leave message. Commercial & SResidential;. 8/5tfCS , Circle "T" Specializing in all types of tractor work, bushhogging, root raking, harrowing, dirt hauling & leveling, debris removal, clean up, and lawn care. Call for free estimate, 584-2806. 8/3-8/31 STUMP GRINDING Trees + Branches + Tropical Storm/Hurricane=Trouble. Tree Trimming, Removal, licensed & insured. Free Estimates, call John at (850) 584-2027. 8/3-8/31 SLindsey Tractor Service Lawh Service, bush hogging land clearing, drive ways, tree trimming, hauiir, lood plots degree removal, etc... Call 850.5845193 or 850-838-4818 4/27tf Tupperware: To book a party or receive a free catalog, call 850-584-9001, ask for Stephanie Towles, Tupperware Consultant. 8/5-8/31 A+ Blanco Home Cleaning Service, (850) .223-1523, Letty Blanco, Licensed & Insured.' 8/3-8/19 A-2-Z Farm and Lawn Services .Harrowing, bush hog mowing, dirt leveling, rake work and complete lawn services, Call 584-6737, leave message. 4/1tfAZ J.D.'s Tree Service and Lawn Care. Licensed and insured. Freeestimates. We also grind stumps. Call today 838-1280. Firewood for sale. 'tfJD CARPET & VINYL Installation and repairs done at a good price. No overhead. Direct savings to you. 30 years experience. 850-838-9050, please leave a, message. 11/3tfBR Own your own business, ground floor opportunity merchandising marketplace Opening soon Seeking vendors to fill spaces Call Ms Jones at (850) 223-3976; low ccsts 8/5-8/19 ' -IN THE COUNTY COURT, IHIR.D JUDICIAu L .'Ci1oC.ii il AIIN FOR TAYLOR COUNTY, FL OPDA : C1 SE IJO C,2-200.JCC 16 004 r01 ROBElRT ArJHCPrl . Piarrnri S-vs- WILLIAM LAUREN BURGIN Defendant. NOTICE OF ACTION riOiiCE IS HEPEB', GIVEN THAT A PEililOll T) DETERMINE OWNERSHIP. OF A MCOitR VEHICLE HAS BEEN FILED AND YOU -RE REQUIRED TO SERVE A COPY OF OtJUR WRIIlEI .OBJIECTIJniS. IF ANY. ON iCOBEPI ..ArH HORr. WHOSE ADDRESS IS 9457 SCEPTER AVE., BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA 34613 WHO IS THE PETITIONER, ON OR BEFORE SEfrEMBER 08, 2005, AND FILED THE ORIGINAL WITH THE CLERK-OF THE COURT EITHER BEFORE SERVICE ON THE PETITIONER, OR IMMEDIATELY SiHEREAFrEr OTHERWISE, A DEFAULT WILL BE ENiTERED FOR THE RELIEF DEMANDED SII THE PElilOir ' WITNESS MY HAN4 ATND SEAL'OFTHIS ,', .UPT Ol ITHE 08iH DA/ OF AUGUSI. J'. ,u AT r/ li.OR COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT SB' SALIIA FOPD DEPUTY CLERK 8/10, 8/17, 8/24, 8/31 Notice of Public Hearing, Hearing Date: September 6,.2005' 'Subject of Hearigg: Annual Leave of "amir:arI'. .'e Peisonre el THE DiSli)Ci SCHOOL BOARD OF TAYLOR COltrUHi 'WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ABOVE:DATE FOR APPROVAL OF SAID SuBJEC ITEM. THIS HEARING WILL BE HELD AT THE SCHOOL BOARD MEETING. THE PUBLIC ISINVITED TO ATTEND TO. EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS/CONCERNS. THE PUBLIC HEARING .WILL BE HELD AT THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLEX, SCHOOL BOARD MEETING ROOM, 318 North Clark Street, A copy ,of this policy may be obtained from the' Superintendent's Office. Oscar M..Hpward Jr. Suc.eiinrendert of Scnoc.S \ 8,'10 8/17, 8/24, 8/31 Notice of. Public Hearing Heading Date: September 6, 2005 Subject of Hedring: Revised Dress Code Policy for Grades 6-12 iHE DISTPICI SCHOOL BOARD OF TAYLOR COUNTY WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ABOVE DATE FOR APPROVAL.OF SAID SUBJECT ITEM. THIS HEARING WILL BE HELD Ar rHE SCHOOL BOARD MEETING IHE PUBLIC IS inviIED 10 ATTEND TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS/CONCERNS. THE PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD AT THE ADLirtilSIPATIVE COMPLEX, SCHOOL BOARD MEETING ROOM. 318 North Clark Street A copy.ofthis policy may be obtained from the Superifttendent's - Office. Oicar M Howard Jr.. S.jpeiintendeni of Schools 8;10 8117 8/24, 8/31 IrI THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR TAYLOR COUNTY. Case #: 04-422CA Division #: UNC: U.S. BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR THE HOLDERS OF MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTERI:CAPITAL I INC. TRUST 2002-HE1 * MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERIFICAfES SERIES 2002 HE1 Pyaintiff -vs.- ROBERI GRANGER AND CAROL. GRANGER. HIS WIFE; UNKNOWN PARTIES IN POSSESSION #1; IF LIVING,'AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER AND AGAINST THE'. ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS) WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE, DEAD OR ALIVE WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS Defendant(s). SERVICES The date of first publication of this notice Is Augist 17, 2005. Attorney for Personal Representative JILL D. TOUBY Flordoa Bar No. 285536 ' Baxter & Elias, LLP 15500 New Barn Road Suite 104 Miami Lakes, Florida 33014 Telephone: (305) 823-2300 Personal Representative: DIANA MCRORY 504 Judson Drive Perry, FL 32348 8/17, 8/24 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO: 05-478-CA BRUCE FOSTER, a B-5 The Taco Times August 17,2005 Letters, continued... AMENDED NOTICE OF SALE ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order rescheduling foreclosure sale dated August 8, 2005, entered in Civil Case No. 04-422CA of the Circuit Court of the 3rd Judicial Circuit in and for Taylor County, Florida, wherein U.S. BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR THE HOLDERS OF MbRGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTER CAPITAL I INC. TRUST 2002-HEI MORTGAGE PASS- THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2002 HE1, Plaintiff and ROBERT GRANGER AND CAROL GRANGER, HIS WIFE are defendantss, I will sell to.the highest and best bidder for cash, AT THE WEST DOOR OF THE TAYLOR COUNTY COURTHOUSE, LOCATED AT 108 NORTH JEFFERSON, PERRY, TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA, AT 11:00 A.M.., September 1, 2005, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment to-wit: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 4 Si.OUTH RANGE 7 EAST, CITY OF PERRY, FL.OICL,' ArID rIq.lIr iHErJCE iIjPTH 4 DEGREES 06. MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST, ALONG THE SECTION LINE 270.0 FEET, THENCE RUN NORTH 89 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 42, SECONDS EAST'633.92 FEET FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RUN NORTH 89 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 42 SECONDS EAST, 263.76 FEET, RUN NORTH 3 DEGREES 17 MINUTES 43 SECONDS EAST, 224.76 FEET, RUN SOUTH 89 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST 200.66 FEET, RUN SOUTH 4 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST 75.0.FEET, RUN 89 DEGREES 28 MINUTES, 42 SECONDS WEST, 60.0 FEET, RUN SOUTH 4 DEGREES 06' MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST, 150.0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. DATED at Perry, Florida, this 10 day of August, 2005. ANNIE MAE MURPHY CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Taylor County; Florida By: Marti Lavalle Deputy Clerk ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF: SHAPIRO & FISHMAN WOODLAND CORPORATE CENTER 4505 WOODLAND CORPORATE BLVD. SUITE 100 TAMPA, FLORIDA 33614 (813) 880-8888 8/17, 8/24 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR TAYLOR .COUNTY, .FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTIONDIVISION . CASE NO: 05 181 CA CITIFINANCIAL MORTGAGE COMPANY, INC. PLAINTIFF VS. CATHERINE BORKLUND, IF'LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST SBY,' THROUGH. UNDER OR AGAIltSt CATHERINE BORKLUND UiIIKHllic'vr SPOUSE OF CATHERINE OfiiLUNiD F . ANY;.JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS. UNKNOWN TENANTS IN POSSESSION DEFENDANTSS' RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to on Order Granting the Motion to Reset Foreclosure Sale dated August 8, 2005: entered in Civil Case No. 05 181 CA of the Circuit Court of the 3RD Judicial Circuit in and for TAYLOR County, PERRY, Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at. THE WEST DOOR of the Taylor County Courthouse, 108 N. JEFFERSON ST., PERRY, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 13th day of September, 2005 the following described property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment, to-wit: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF 'SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH,- RANGE 7 EAST, AND RUN WEST 2 FEET ALONG iHE SECTION LINE TO ;~ POItii ,.,F BEGINfIIfG: THENCE FROM SAID POirrJ OF BEGiflilriG RUN SOUTH 259 FEET; THENCE RUN WEST 328.5 FEET; THENCE RUN ,NORTH 259 FEET, THENCE RUN EAST 328.5 FEET BACK TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING.' Dated this 10 day of August, 2005. Annie Mae Murphy Clerk of me Circurr Cc.urr By: Marti Lavalle Deputy Clerk IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH .DISABILITIES ACT, persons with' disobillrile needing a special accommodati.o.n snouid contact' COURT ADMINilSrP liOfI at the TAYLOR County C.,ourtrouse a, i.800-955-8771 (TDD) or 1-800-955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. DAVID J. STERN, P.A. 801 S. UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 500 PLANTATION, FL 33324 S(954) 23:.8000 8/1 '. 824 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR TAYLOR COUNTY, FILORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 05-539 CP IN RE: ESTATE OF BRYAN W' MCRORY, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of BRYAN W. MCRORY,'deceased, whose date of death was January 27, 2005, and whose Social Security Number Is 264-74-8807, is pending In the Circuit Court for Taylor County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which Is P.O. Box 620, Perry, FL 32348. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims. or demands against, decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice Is required to be served must file 'their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION .OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE .DATE-OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against aeceaenr's etrate must file their .Cloims InrT this court WITHIN 3 MONTHAFTER rlE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB'.ICAriON OF TIIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED rJOTWIIHSIAtJDItnG fHE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO.(2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. Dear Editor: We would like to thank the Taylor County Commission for having the foresight to pursue the proposed power plant and diversify the economic base of Taylor County. As we all know, a. strong economic base is the life blood of an\ community; without it a community cannot survil e. For a number of years we have been a supporter of Buckeye, its employees and its related forest industries. Buckeye has been good to our citizens and Taylor County has been good to Buckeye. However, our community's dependency on Buckeye is so strong that each time the environmentalist groups and the media attacks the river issues we have seen our local economy come to a standstill. From our viewpoint the vast majority of the citizens of Taylor County get very nervous about the thought of Buckeye no longer existing here. It would be devastating for us if something happened to Buckeye. This is the primary reason Taylor County needs to diversify' its economic dependency. We need more industry (in addition to our forestry industry) with good 'Plaintiff, v. MARVIN J. CLARK, GLADYS M. CLARK, SHARON McDUFFIE, MARY THOMAS, ROBERT R. CLARK, NANCY HILL CHARLENE MAJORS AND JACKIE CL ',. II alive, and if dead their..unknown .spo.J;e: heir; de..lie: granieeti ,:i.; dloi'~ ono 'all otner corcie: ,ci13mir,. C.y tri.,ugn urle' r again: Inert, ' Defendants. ' NOTICE OF ACTION TO: MARVIN'J. CLARK. GLADYS M. CLARK, SHARON McDUFFIE, MARY THOMAS, ROBERT R. CLARK, NANCY HILL, CHARLENE MAJORS, AND JACKIE CLARK, 'and All Above Named Defendants, if any. .dh re '.:e: U il orl ,, YiU ARE .tlClfiEC, rrat an rrnenaei Corr, lain ior ElEectnment. Quiel Tille. an. Dec.laia.or Juagrpeni r, as been iled 0,. Tri Pinlirirf irn ire Cir.,cuj C, ounr - Taylor Counr, Fi,:.iaj against ,,ou or the following desciloaed prosrt, inr, Taylor County, Florida; COMMENCE 33 feet South and 20 feet East of the NW corner of South Half of SE 1/4.NW.1/4 Section 22, T4S, R7E on the South R/W line of Counr,,' Road Nfo ?56 thence run North 89 degree' 2i minute; East, along said-right or va, lin e 115 Feet to the POB; -nence hlom oaia POB continue North 8? degrees 21r mirnure East, along said R/W 220 feet; thence run South 01 degrees 36 minutes East, 210 feet; thence ruri South 89 degrees 21 miriutes West, 220 feet; thence .run North 01 degrees 36 minutes West, 210 feet to POB,' Each Defendant, if any, are required to s-erje a cope or ,ouj ,,iern defense; if aon' to .iCHTr WEEO rhe iarritt ; attorney, whose adare-: ., 605 Souir, Jefferson Street, Perry, Foiiaoa 3237? on " or before September 9 2005.r and lie the o-linai inr, tne clerk .:,i iths Court " either before ser..ce wor, me plaintiff's attorney or Immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded In' the complaint. Dated this 11 day of August, 2005. ANNIE MAE MURPHY As Clerk of the Circuit Court, By: Trace Hawkins As Deputy Clerk 8. 17 8,24. 8/31, 9/7 PUBLIC NOTICE The Taylor County Building and Planning Board will hold a .public hearing on Thursday, September 1, 2005 at 6:05 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible (and may be continued as deemed necessary by this Board), in the Steinhatchee Community Center located at 1013 Riverside Drive In Steinhatchee, Florida 32359. To consider a proposed Major Development (Subdivision) 58 parcels. Lands are situates in SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 09. RANGE 09, TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA. Description of property for proposed Fish Tale Subdivision: DESCRIPTION: Official Record Book 523, Page 333: Commence at the Southeast Corner of Section 24, Township 9 South, Range 9 East, and run 'North, 01 degrees 01 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 424.93 feet to the North right-of-way line of Second Avenue North, a public right- of-way; thence run South 89 degrees 20 minutes 07 seconds West along said right-of-way line, a distance of 2766.03 feet; thence run North 00 degrees 39 minutes 53 seconds West a distance of S1198.11 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING thence from saia Point of Beginning r-n riormn 00 degrees 39. minutes 53 seconds West a distance of 1158.42'feet; thence run Sourn 88 degrees 35 minutes 38 seconds Easta distance of 1384.49 feet, thence run South 00 degrees 39 minutes 53 seconds East a distance of 1108.39 feet, thence runr South 89 degrees 20 minutes 07 seconds West a distance of 1383.58 .feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 36.00 acres nute or less. All members of the public are welcome to attend trotfce is lurtnet nereo, given, pursuant'o Florida Statute 286 0105. rhat any person or persons aeciaing to appeal- any matter considered at this public hearing will need a record of the hearing and may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings Is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. This subdivision application Is available for Public Inspection In the Taylor County Building and Planning Department located In Administrative Complex, (Old Post Office) 201 E. Green Street, Perry, Florida 32347. 8/17, 8/19 paying jobs in Taylor County. This is no different from your own investment strategies. You should never put all your eggs in one basket. If you do, the minute that particular industry takes a hit, your financial well being is paralyzed or worse, even-bankrupt. We have witnessed how Enron even affected some of Taylor County's own citizens. We now have the chance to improve our economic base by leaps and bounds, not only through new industry but also through real estate developments that will increase our tax base two fold. We may finally be able to afford additional fire protection for the beaches areas,-additional police protection, upgrade our recreational facilities for our children, and enhance our school system with the additional property tax income. We cannot afford to lose the opportunity of getting new industry in our area, especially a business such as the proposed power plant. That type of business is economically solid and will be here for decades to come. According to demographic studies Florida is growing by more than two thousand people a day. Someday, if we are not prepared, we could be like California, black- outs from a deficiency 'of electricity and paying enormous energy costs to boot. Not only would Taylor County benefit from the jobs that a power plant would bring, but we could benefit from lower costs of energy with more power placed into the grid system for us to ultimately purchase. We all have to.make sacrifices every day of our lives. We may not think what those sacrifices are sometimes, like polluting the air every time you drive your vehicle, but we have needs we are not willing to do without. We must prepare for the future now. We understand people are concerned about the environment around us. So are we. With the technology we have today this proposed power plant will be one of the most efficient and cleanest producers of electricity of our time. This will openthe door for more of our children to stay in Taylor County and secure good paying jobs. Taylor County lias been and always will be a great place to raise a family. .We support economic development for the sake of our community aind children. Again,, thank you Taylor County Commissioners! Sincerely, Marvin Brooks S Randy Hemdon 'Take it to Leon County?' Dear Editor: Early in the year of 2004, the county commission, -refusing to have a vote, was actively helping Stephen Alford to establish a deadly bombing range in Taylor County. It took Mr. Alford so long toget his ducks in a row that two of the commissioners had to run for re-election. Because of their efforts to have the deadly bombing range established in Taylor County over the objections of many citizens, they were soundly defeated. Well, well, well. Guess what. Early in the year of 2005, even without a public hearing, the county commissioners are actively trying to help Mr. Lawson erect a deadly coal-fired electric plant in Taylor County over the objections of many citizens. Same song, second verse. Before Mr. Lawson will be able to get all his ducks in a row, all five commissioners will have to run for re-election. Same- song, third verse, because of their efforts to. force the erection of this deadly coal-fired plant on the citizens, they too will be soundly defeated. If they are interested in retaining their seats on the board, I would suggest that they tell Mr. Lawson to pack up his plans for that deadly coal-fired plant and go back to Jacksonville--today, not tomorrow. Or better still, since Tallahassee decided to contribute several millions of dollars to-have it built in. Taylor County, take it to Leon County where they want H. T. Baxter DIVERSIFICATION Continued from page 2 improved its diversification by retaining jobs in the timber industry along with the growth in aluminum fabrication, shelter manufacturing, healthcare, and retail and service industries. In addition, I have seen the escalation of property values in the coastal areas of the county with the promotion of tourism. With all things considered I must commend the elected officials and the business community for their joint efforts in attracting new businesses, expanding existing businesses and retaining existing businesses within the community. We cannot afford to rest on our accomplishments, but must diligently work to support-the growth in the coastal areas of the county, support the growth of the existing industries within the county, support the retail''and service industries, support "the tourism industries such as' the sports complex and the riature coast attractions, support 'the medical facilities and any -new industries such as the coal power plant that is being proposed." I encourage the elected officials to sincerely consider the "Heartbeat of America" and the "Diversification" in their decision process regarding the coal power plant and/or other industries, the coastal developments, and other expansion that will be taking place in Perry and Taylor County. Sincerely, Roger Brooks Want to volunteer? UNITED WAY Continued from page 1 million is allocated by United Way to agencies serving citizens all across the Big Bend, including Taylor County residents. "We're grateful for the support we receive from Taylor County Through the United Way of the Big Bend campaign," said Karen Hagan, American Red Cross, Capital Area Chapter executive director. "We receive a total of $122,800 from [UWBB], which plays a large part in helping us serve tens of thousands of people in need throughout the Big Bend." For more information about becoming a UWBB volunteer or the agencies funded in this process, please call Hamby at (840) 414-0861 or Arnold McKay at (850) 414-0844. New businesses? Attract, expand, retain PF I ~DI ________ ______ Writers thank commissioners WANTED *i : BThe Taco I - Times August 17, 2005 f:.'.2u fl. 7: .._/ . in 4~ IN, .1'..,.r, :,".* i ."' ...... r. 4~ kz A+*:;7~;~i.~ Ia u-, ~- c~. ... : ~*':~ -;~ -- :r. ~ar B I t C : ;s~t; ;~- 'b -:--; - is ;.:- : ~"X*7 :I I~f ~''`":': " X * i ''" :4 r :* ':. ~?%I~B~k~m~6~i 0I ;J u I ~i~a~ T~ .P.c :L i- -11 x I : t i * r Sil. mrl L!9 |