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Ser\ ,;' Taylor C. Since m I ml e Midweek Edition August 10, 2005 Tree Capital of the South 2 Sections Our 44th Year, No. 32 uq_- News Forum Suspect at-large Police car stolen Taylor's 'top dog' saluted Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) K-9 "officer" Buddy scored big during a five-day certification program held recently in Punta Gorda. For more on Taylor County's own "top dog," and his FWC handler Leonard "Cricket" Bailey, please see page B-1. SBA holds briefing today at annex A representative from the State Small Business Administration will hold a public assistance briefing for the following entities impacted by Hurricane Dennis: qualified private non-Iirofit organizations that provide educational, emergency, medical, utilities, custodial care or essential governmefital services; and state government agencies (and Native American tribes or authorized tribal organizations). The meeting will be held the Taylor. County Courthouse Annex (102 East Green Street) at 2 p.m. ' For more information, contact Taylor County Emergency Management at 838-3575. What began as a simple traffic stop Sunday night quickly escalated into \hat could ha'e been a scene from the television reality drama "Cops," complete with a stolen police car, high-speed chase and escaped prisoner. Perry Police Department Pil. Dwight Norris stated he observed an older model Ford pick-up traveling north on U. S. Hw\. 19. with no tag lights. When Norris conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle, the driver. Max Perez, 25. presented a Florida identification card. While talking with Perez. Norris learned that his driver's license was suspended for prior DUIs. "Perez's eyes were bloodshot," said Norris. "and he had an odor of alcohol coming from him." Norris said he handcuffed Perez hands behind his back) and placed him into the rear of his patrol unit. "I then read Perez his implied consent and he stated that he \would take a breath test." Norris said. While in the rear of the vehicle. Perez shifted his legs so that his hands \ere in front of him. On seeing the change. Norris said, "I told Perez that I hadn't put them on in the front and he then put his legs back through the cuffs." Norris then called PPD Pil. Robert Johns to assist in taking an in entorv of Perez's car Johns said as he and Norris were buss with Perez's car. Norris's patrol car took off heading north on Hw% y. 19. "I then ran to my patrol car and began to give chase. Perez had slipped through the cage door and gotten into the front seat and took off with Norris's patrol vehicle." Johns added. Perez then began a series of turns, accelerating to high rates of speed in between. "When Perez made a left turn onto Wilder Street, he was going too fast. causing him to run off the road and into a resident's \ard, striking a guide wire, a wooden fence and a tree stump. causing a puncture in the patrol car's radiator." said Johns. "He then got back onto Wilder Street. made a right turn onto Lafayelte Street and pulled o\er and exited the vehicle, running on fool," he added. Police are looking for Perez and asking for assistance from the community. .. Please see page 3 FEMA awards 106,500 tsfor What's or lunch? FEMA awards $106,500 Taylor' County studentsretu ar~~~~~~~~~Mirig me o r+Mtiliihd 1Li~~U~U uJ~ rned to the classroom Monday, h. nnr n rn k,5nnl 06 r Abno/v marking the official start of the 200 sc oo year. 5 elementary students take their turn in line for lunch. g g g as i fl h t b n a roved loralin business owners wi s rUIIUnas contUnue to LiV IUo victims of Hurricane Dennis, including some 106 applicants in Taylor County ywho have been approved to receive $106.539 in assistance to repair homes and replace personal property. According to officials of the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency - Management Agency (FEMA') and the Florida State Emergency Response Team, a total of 15.006 applications statewide for rental, housing and other needs assistance lid% O,. ,I -'-' VU tJ I II I L'," $15,391.8(09 Homeowners. renters and business owners in 10 designated counties, including Taylor, are eligible for individual assistance. including grants and U.S. Small Business Administration low- interest loans to help w ith losses. A disaster recovery center, which opened here at Forest Capital Hall Monday, will continue in operation through Friday, Aug. 12. open S a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Homeowners. renters and LIUQIK'- LI IM1 -- --- caused by Hurricane Dennis are reminded to register for assistance before going to a disaster recover) center by calling 1-800-621- FEMA (3362). Phone lines are open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.. Monday through Friday. Applicants for disaster assistance may visit any of these centers to meet tace-=ro-face with recovery specialists. Representatives of local, state and *- Please see page 3 claims Stewart Ross. Stalans Stewart, who was critically injured in a four-wheeler accident July 22, died T)hursday. He was 30. Funeral services were,held Sunday at San Pedro Baptist Church. As reported by the Florida Highway Patrol last week, Stewart and his wife,-Kaycee, were traveling north on U.S. Highway 19 South in one of the northbound lanes when, for unknown reasons, the vehicle overturned and ejected both riders. PI.ease see page 5 WCTV's McCall to speak Aug. 24 WCTV Chief Meteorologist Mike. McCall will present a special weather, program at the Taylor County Senior Center Wednesday, Aug. 24, beginning at 11 a.m. All interested persons are invited to attend. Survival guide available on-line' With .'4 days still left in the 2005 hurricane season, individuals and families throughout North Florida are invited to visit the web site' of the - Capital Area Chapter of the American Red Cross to view the hurricane survival guide for this area.' The guide can' be found at: http://www.tallytown.comlredcrosslhs g.html. Parent meeting planned Thursday There will be a "No Child Left Behind" parent choice meeting at Taylor County Elementary School Thursday, Aug. 11, at 6 p.m. For more information, contact Director of Instruction Wanda Kemp at 838-2541. Special hearing set today by school board The Taylor County School Board will hold a special meeting today (Wednesday) at noon. The meeting will be held in the Alton H. Wentworth Administrative Complex. Index Living...page A-4 Sports...page A-6 Religion...page A-7 Community...page B-1 Editorial...page B-2 Classifieds...page B-4 Improvements fueled by grants Taylor County has seen a number of state grants come its way recently. helping to fund a variety of local projects, including improvements at the Perry-Foley Airport, Hodges Park and Hampton Springs. According to Grants Coordinator Melody Cox, most of these grants have come at little or no cost to the county. Perry-Foley Airport saw its apron resurfaced earlier this year. and construction is set to begin soon on a new terminal as well as an AWOS-1ll. Cox said she expects construction on the terminal to be complete by April 2006. The new building %will be constructed to withstand and remain operational during Category 5 hurricane winds; it will be the only such building in the county. The terminal will include a conference facility for up to 50 people with a kitchen and wet bar. The project is funded by a $350.000 grant from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) A. iation Di' vision. The AWOS-II (Automated Weather Observation System) will allow pilots to receive real-time weather updates at the airport. "This is state-of-the-art technology." Cox said. She expects construction to begin in the next six to eight weeks on the AWOS. The county has been awarded a design-only grant for a series of T- hangars. which will have spaces to rent for airplane storage. Hodges Park at Keaton. Beach will also see improvements in the coming months with the help of a $150.000 Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) grant. The project will include a playground for children ages 2-12, two upraised pavilions, parking upgrades, restroom improvements Smoke signals It wasn't how they planned to end their first day back to school, but students on School Bus #38 had a few scary moments'when smoke began pouring outfrom under the left rear tire of the bus. The driver pulled over just nojTth.off the railrdod crossing on U.S. 27 South and radioed for help, sending police, EMS and fire personnel to the scene. The children were quickly evacuated from the bus'and'parents began arriving within minutes of responding units to .pick.ip thqi'rchildren. The cause of the -,noke reriains unknown. ' .. r and security lighting. Cox said she assistance with a baseball hopes construction at the park will diamond, a playground adjacent to be complete within the next six the ball diamonds, a bike trail months. around perimeter of site, a picnic She *as recently notified that the pavilion, parking area.and security county has received a grant for 55 lighting. truckloads of sand for the beach at The county will not know until the park from the Florida June 2006 if it will receive the Department of Environmental grant, she said. Protection. This application will be the third: The Taylor County Sports FRDAP grant the county has either: Complex was also a recipient of a received or is applying for, and it : FRDAP grant this fiscal year. The will not be able to apply for: grant, in the amount.of $200,000, another until one of the projects is,: will help construct basketball and' completed. tennis courts, parking, restrooms, a Restoration at Hampton.Springs- playground and a picnic pavilion, continues with the county: Cox is currently preparing an receiving grants for construction of application for a FRDAP grant for new' facilities as well as: Phase II of the complex. In the Please see page 2 : application, she is requesting Of drowning victim TCSOI dive team j assists in recover The Taylor County Dive Team assisted in the search for a possible: drowning victim in the Suwannee River last Wednesday, joining several other county and state agencies. On Wednesday, Aug. 3, Suwannee County Sheriff Tony Cameron called Taylor County Sheriff L. E. "Bummy" Williams, requesting assistance from the TCSO dive team at Telford Springs to help search for a four-year' old boy who had fallen into the Suwannee River and-could not be found. According to a report by SCSO, the victim, Trayvon Lee EbankSlBurns was last seen in the area of a rope swing near the springs, and was not able to swim. The brother of the victim told officers he saw Trayvon go into the water and was attempting to swim as he was going downstream from the swing. The witness also said he saw Trayvon go underwater. TCSO Lt. Audie Towles said the call for help came shortly after 9 p.m. "Sheriff Williams called me at home, after getting a call for help from Suwannee County," he said. "I called members of the dive team, but sent Dep. Buddy Lee ahead of us to gather the information we would need for the search. "When we arrived, acting upon witness statements, we initiated a search patterif where we thought the victim would possibly be," said Towles,. "We'searched for two hours. It was very hard work, due to the terrain. The bottom dropped off to about 25 feet and was full of trees and roots," he said. "We had about 18 to 20 inches visibility with our lights." ,- Please see page 2 I - I A-2 The Taco Times August 10, 2005 'No Wake' for Econfina? Two bird racks near the mouth of the Econfina River sustained major damaged due to Hurricane Dennis. The navigational light at the mouth of the river was also knocked down, according to reports. The pictures above were taken shortly after the hurricane struck the Gulf coast some 150 miles west of here. Boaters may soon. find themselves driving slower along the Econfina River after the county commission voted last week to draft an ordinance extending the "no wake" zone near the mouth of the river. Commissioner Malcolm Page began the discussion, saying that he had received a number of calls about near-miss accidents and bank erosion. "I don't like rules and I don't like regulations, but sometime we've got to have them," Econfina resident Charles Mincey said. "We have a problem on the Econfina, and we've had it for a long time." He cited an accident over the July 4 weekend, which injured two and severely damagedtwo boats. The other problem facing residents is bank erosion due to the wake caused by boats, he said. "We're getting bigger boats, faster boats;" Minc. said. "The problem is not going to stop until we find a way to slow them down." Page made a motion to draft an ordinance extending the no wake zone and advertise it for a public hearing. The proposed location for the extended zone is from the concrete bridge to roughly three- quarters of a mile from the mouth of the river. Commissioner Jack Brown seconded the motion. "If you remember the last time \we did this, it's a complicated issue." Brown said. He suggested County Administrator Buddy Humphries contact the state to begin the process. "I don't think we'll have the same problems as we had at Steinhatchee," County Attorney Conrad Bishop said. That time the county faced dual-jurisdiction with Dixie County, he said. Bishop cited a letter sent to then Commission Chairman Frank Russell from the state, which said the commission has the authority, to set no wake zones in the county. The measure passed unanimously. "There's room there for speed, but there's not room for two boats meeting at high speed," Jimmy Sauls, another resident, said. Mincy also told the commission that two bird racks near the Econfina had been damaged by Hurricane Dennis. "One is on its side and the other one is even worse," Mincy said. He also told the commission the navigational light at the mouth of the river was down. Grants continue for Hampton Springs GRANTS Continued from page 1 preservation, of the existing historical structures. The county recently received a $26,000 grant from the Bureau of Historic Preservation for Phase IV of restoration efforts there, which will fund excavations of the old tennis courts, dance theater. horse stalls, farming area and barn. , In addition, the couniv is narrowing down the list of prospective contractors for an .equestrian trail park with horse facilities, a man-made lake, restrooms and camping facilities. The park is funded by a S350,000t Grantt, Cox also said that she had just been notified that a FDOT grant has been approved \which will fund a path connecting Hampton, Springs to the Taylor Greenwa\s project. Phase 1 of the Taylor Greenways will begin at Heritage Park in Perry and continue to the Sports Complex. The Hampton Springs path will connect at Ash Street and follow Highway 98 to the park. Phase 1 construction should begin within three to four months, Cox said. Body found at 2:10 a.m. DIVE TEAM Continued from page 1 After the two-hour search, the team decided to call it off until daylight the next morning. At approximately 2:10 a.m., the boy's body was found by other searchers, approximately 100 yards down the river, caught in tree limbs on the surface of the river. There were no isible signs of injuries on the body and no foul play is suspected. Members of the TCSO Dive Team who participated in'the search include Towles, Sgt. Buddy Lee, Dep. Mark Hershberger and Perry Police Department Sgt. Jamie Cruse. "This was a terrible thing." said Towles. "The boy was just four years old. I cannot say enough to parents of children who are near water to keep an eye on them." he said. "And not just children--adults drown every day. Water safety is very important and should always be at the top of your list when you are in or on the water," he said. "This little boy could hot swim, and now, he will never get the chance the learn," Towles added. Ba~oc.8 COv BHadcock&more HOME FURNITURA.moE 1003 S. Jefferson St. Pete Fortner, Ow W Vd,',u?-. lnoho us~ .- A, 4ue rHalv 5r.Ian .- 2-SPEED SUPER CAPACITY WASHER $45995 Whirl 584-5891 Makes It Eas ner I Z- ,0 ,! thi7le Suppljes Last i The Hottest SPrices on Everything if That Cools starting al $9995 - Ai'C d 4ionCrs"95 18 Cu. Ft. REFRIGERATOR $39995 .Dishwasher $218 S Instalat/on i AAvailable Eleclioic Controls, Timer, Di Temp: Readout, EZ Access'F 8.C00 BTU, 11i5 vol (41AC| l1 10.00 BTU 115Oll I42ACI 12 SAVE 40 E g. ' 11,600 BTU 115 vollt I4AC) $2' SAVE 150 E '5 I 17 800 BiL 230volt 44AC) $45 24 000BTu 230volt (46AC) $49 SAVE S100I al. i' H 1, ~. ',...],: ii...; ... ri|:>IH ,1 ]i ,n i . gital liter: 9995 5995 99 95 49 95 59 95 66 ..C.. End of Summer Claance Sale All In-Stock Lamps, Wall Art, Trees, Florals and Accessories 20-50/ Off (regular retail) s L Prices effective thru August 31, 2005 S Portable TV 5 B&W TV w ith AM'FM Radio 3-Way Power oa wCrd AC aldarui ( c3ii-- n.;- ilj-c... rellC iuIiIB.E LeI d- 26 CU. FT. .:. STAINLESS STEEL SIDE BY SIDE REFRIGERATOR $109995 , ." .... 'hirl ,,'o S S,3e DE 'de Siani;s -Sle cl c laell a/a ,llOia il /_ns/ationA' OUIET POWER III UNDERCOUNTER "DISHWASHER GE -uU- SUPER CAPACITY PLuS DRYER BUY THE PAIR ,, ONLI"798 -- 2 SPEED SUPER CAPACITY WASHER LARGE CAPACITY DRYER l-tiroool GW. fg la.We OiAW tE 12ll WhtiNol I561E Firgdai OEX GE 04E/. s35995 $29995 Special Price BUY THE PAIR only $628 I I 4, ii X.LARGE CAPACITY DRYER 39995 E i:E DELUXE PAIR Frlgidaue 0iAW,03E Frgid 1 748 $698 YOUR CHOICE GAS OR ELECTRIC 30" RADIANT RANGE 55995 s*i....., available . $49995 model aailable- 18 CU. FT. STAINLESS STEEL REFRIGERATOR *'*" .. Ffli.il E V fl S Save $60 $59995 I' Regular $659 95 CARPET starting at $.89 sq. ft. LAMINATE WOOD FLOORING starting at $1.99 sq. ft. VINYL FLOORING starting at $.67 sq. ft. RUGS *RUGS RUGS Over 100 Patterns and Color Choices From 5' x 8' (in stock) at $79.95 to $329.95 When comparison shopping for flooring get the full price, including installation. See store for estimates on floor covering and installation. p Two Tools in One! WeedEater I21Pe) PIDr 49:)r Electric Trimmer & Edger $1788 :42" 18.5 HP Lawf Tractor Poulan I~.iu $159995 38" 5.5 HF LaA.' Ti3CI.;j Poulan (OORM $1399.95 421 (16RM) I, y .-f 94 48"'1i7AH.i 12,49'C :. Bagger ou no", $279.95 Other equipment available at all stores Poultn DUET ;Li'Ei C LPACITN $10999, DtIET '.1PER C APCIT I DRI FR' r~ ri I 'f --~46 1-r* -1 :wl 1~1 "' I- Pmaton\ j Briggs& Stratton Quantum 22" 6.5 HP Hi-Wheel Mower ' Poulan (03KM) $25995 22" Hi Wheel Mower Self Propelled Mower (20KM) $299.95 As5 Abou;t 0 .r rr Trademaster 02 5-PIECE BEDROOM Queen Headboard, Footboard & Rails, Dresser and Mirror Save $100 3 4rtA4^ $8499. IORA\GE DLR.AWER .B . Shiipr.l 29EU l 169.95 ea. wiC :L3ol Washes 22 bath towels, '- -. - 16 pairs of jeans, oiUIETr \~ASI PLUS SySTFM or a king size comforter! _' ',: Wale sa ing, o6 :Enert l S'.,r' Regular 999.90 Nightstand $239.95 Chest $299.95 2.SPEED SUPER CAPACT WASHER s39995,GE an a --- II I I - "' -5: "'' ,i, ; M1 V 00fi ~rt~" A-3 The Taco Ti mes August 10, 2005 Sept. 12,19 Budget ready for hearings Mission: 'A' Taylor County Middle School has a mission for the 2005-06 school year...earning an "A" grade from the Florida Department of Education. Banners and bulletins posted around the campus encourage students to do their best. Above, sixth' graders prepared. to juggle textbooks and lunch. Man jailed for allegedly shooting at two minors A Perry man is being held at the Taylor County Jail, after law enforcement officers say he fired a shotgun, loaded with birdshot, at two minors who were riding a dirt bike in front of his Beach Road home, striking them both with a combined 16 pellets. According to a report filed by Taylor County Sheriff's Office Deputy' Jay Ricketson, two youths, ages 5 and 17, were at Doctors' Memorial Hospital, recently, who- had been shot, possibly by a BB gun Ricketson said he saw several puncture wounds in both victims' legs. When asked what had happened, one of the youths told Ricketson that they "were riding a dirt bike along the Beach Road in the ditch, near an oak tree in front of Dulin's house. "I heard what I thought was a backfire from my bike, but I '--looked down and. saw my leg was bleeding and my friend's leg was . also bleeding. I knew that'we had been shot," said 'one of the victims. " .Whenofficers arrived at Dulin's Some, he told them he had no idea - what the\ were talking about., : H "He did, ho'we\er, say that he had shot a dog a couple of days before which had relieved itself in his yard," said Ricketson. "I then asked Dulin if he had any weapons in his home, and he said he had a 20-gauge shotgun by the front door. which was located and secured," added Ricketson.. "The gun had a live round in the chamber. "I then asked Dulin if he still. had the empty hulls from shooting the dog and he sid the\ '.'.1re still on the front porch. Due to my training and c\pericnce with ., Please see page 8 Dress code to change? Changes in the dress code for Taylor County students in grades 6 through 12 were discussed during a recent Taylor County School Board meeting. "It has been proposed to this board b\ the administrators from Taylor County Middle School and S a0lor County High School." said Superintendent of Schools Oscar -code saying they had to tuck their shirts in was put in place- because' of safety issues." . "Sometimes you have to modify the rules," Board Member Mark Southerland said. "We have more pressing safety issues than shirts." agreed Kenneth Dennis. Lundy then told the board he would "like to, do a conscientious survey of parents of students from every school site regarding uniforms." A vote passed unanimously to advertise for a possible change in the dress code, regardlng shirts Howard Jr.." that we consider a change in the dress code policy forre receive those schools which h will involvere the tucking in of shirts. * "There are (%o reasons that I. feel that ewe should consider his." public assstance unds he said. "One is that for kids with f weight problems, it has been an FEMA appellations. Sembarrassment for- them because. Continued from page 1 Written materials about various Most of them feel more. assistance programs will also be comfortable with their shirts out federal agencies will be o" hand o available. and not snug against them when they are tucked-in. "Two--it's very hard to enforce," he added. "This time last year, or some\ here there about," aid Board Member Danny Lundy, "the pro\ ide program, ana ser% ice information. A U.S.. Small Business SAdmin st raion representative will also. be on hand to assist indi iduals and business oIwners with low-interest disaster loan STaylor is also one of 19 counties in which local ,government boards are eligible for 'public assistance funds for emergencyi services and debris removal ard to help restore or, rebuild essential public facilities. The county commission held its final budget workshop Tuesday, Aug. 2, and after overcoming a last minute hiccup in the plans, the budget is ready for public hearings next month. At previous meetings, the commission had removed second- home exemptions from garbage fees to help offset a deficit in the MSTU fund. The exemptions must be paid for from the fund. The MSTU fund is for county services such as fire and animal control which are duplicated by city services, and can only be funded by a separate tax on Visit Florida Visit Florida, on behalf of the Florida Commission on Tourism, has awarded an advertising' .matching grant to the Perry/Taylor County, Chamber of Commerce and tourism development.office for Workshop set .on sales tax *The .Taylor Count' 'Small Business Outreach Center is hosting a sales tax workshop Thursday, Aug. 11, at 6:30 p.m. .Richard Gould, compliance enforcement tax specialist with the Department of Revenue, will facilitate the meeting. The workshop'will be held at the Perr\ Ta\ lor Count' Chamber Sof Commerce; there is no cost-to attend, compliments of the outreach center. For more information, contact, the chamber at 584-5366. citizens in the unincorporated area of the county. At the onset of the meeting, the commission was told by County Finance Director Tammy Taylor that the exemptions are part of an ordinance and cannot be removed without amending the ordinance, which would require a public hearing. This left the commission with a $66,832 deficit in the MSTU 'fund. The commission decided to use the MSTU capital outlay reserve, currently at $225,000, to balance the fund. The money in the reserve had been designated at the 2005-06 fiscal year, which began July.1. The commission is a private/public partnership responsible for marketing Florida as a visitor destination, Chamber Executive Director Dawn Taylor said. The announcement of the $2,500 grant, came during the commission's meeting in St. Augustine last month. ""The purpose of the these grants is to help local governments and non-profit entities do more effective tourism marketing. We are pleased that Visit Florida and the Florida Commission on Tourism selected us from among a large number of grant applicants," Taylor said. "These funds will be used for the printing of a fly fishing brochure and will help us better position Taylor County as a desirable destination to do so." previous meetings for a fire tanker truck for Steinhatchee and the beaches area. County Fire Cheif Steve Miller said the tanker could be purchased on a lease-to-own plan. Once an order is placed, it takes approximately eight months for the tanker to arrive. Once the MSTU fund was re- balanced, the millage rates were set at previous levels, the general fund millage at 8.076 and MSTU at 1,276. The next step for the budget is two public hearings scheduled for. Sept. 12 and 19. Max Perez Seen Perez? Call 584-5121 POLICE CAR Continued from page 1 Perez is described as being 5' 7"" tall, weighing 135 lbs. He has black hair and brown eyes and is of Hispanic decent. If you know of Perez's whereabouts, please contact PPD at 584-5121. All calls may remain anonymous. When .found, Perez will be facing charges which may include grand theft auto, DW'LS (habitual traffic offender), escape, fleeing and attempting to elude, reckless driving and leaving the scene of a crash with property damage. Recent statistics from the Tallahassee Multiple Listing Services placed Coldwell Banker Kelly & Kelly Properties 21st out of 243 offices for production from January through June 2005. Coldwell Banker Kelly & Kelly Properties sold over $15 million S of real estate during that period with 118 units sold. iH.' m& 7' I w Pictured from left to right: Beth Mortimer, Nelda Parker, Sharon Cone, Birdy Gardner, Pam Kelly and Barry Kelly. Not pictured is Jeanie.Sm yrnids. KELLYLY & KELLY PROPERTIES Serving Tafylor, Jefferson, Madison, Leon and WakullaCounties (866) 220-6998 TOLL FREE (850) 223-2370 (850) 843-1823 (after hours) W f~ 127 S. Jefferson St. Downtown Perry cbkkperry@gtcom.net :www.cbkkperry.coin : One that changed their life forever. Someone that believed in them when they thought no one else did. One teacher...with a dedication to education can affect positive change in a whole community. Support our local schools. NCUA *US Gow- 11tA9-y Community Mi nded... Just like you 1825 S. Jefferson St. Perry, FL 32348 (850) 223-7100 Advertising grant is awarded to chamber BUCKEYE COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION COLD1e BAN~eft Living A-4 The Taco Times August 10, 2005 Three weddings planned this Saturday, Aug. 13th Schiikr-Sessions Ezra Kim Schiller and Charles Dewitt Sessions remind friends and relatives of their wedding on Saturday, Aug. 13, at 5 p.m. in Pleasant Grove Baptist-Church. A reception will follow the ceremony, in the fellowship hall. H Hill-McNeese Joni Hill and Cody McNeese will be married on Saturday, Aug. 13, at 3 p.m. in Westside Baptist Church. A reception will follow at the Perry Woman's Club. All friends and relatives of the couple are invited to attend.- 'wils-CofCins Mandy Wilkes and Adam Collins remind friends and relatives of their' Aug. 13 wedding in the Cracker Homestead at 6 p.m. A reception will follow at the Catholic Parish Hall. (In case of rain! the wedding will be moved to the First United Methodist Church.) L Ji I -.. ..' h." H ; L For club projects Women turn trash to treasure The Perry Woman's Club is accepting donations for its upcoming yard sale through Friday, Aug. 19. The sale is planned for Saturday, Aug. 20. If you require pick-up of your items, please contact Debi Limoges at 584-8318. A drop-off site is also established at Capital City Bank. Please contact Nancy Joyal at 584- 2057 for additional information. New arrivals Cristian Caleb Campbell Jason Campbell and Kristin Aman of Perry announce the birth of their son, Cristian !Caleb, on July 4, 2005, at 6:17 p.m. in Tallahassee Women's Pavilion. The new arrival weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces, and was 19.7 inches long. Maternal grandparents'are Jerry and Geraldine Aman. Maternal great grandparents are Wilbur and Barbara Aman. Paternal grandparents are John and Ann Crum. The baby joins two half-sisters, Chelsie Campbell and Kaitlynn Mock. Tina Marie Livingston, Daniel Lee Read Livingston-Read wedding vows planned for Oct. 15 Gary and Ginger Livingston of Perry announce the engagement of their daughter, Tina Marie, to Daniel LeeRead, the son of Philip and Joyce Read of Perry. The bride-to-be is employed with Johnson's Bakery. She is the granddaughter of Jimmy and Lindle Livingston of Perry, Johnny and Lilly Carter of Perry, and Gerald and Marleen Coker of Pensacola. The ' prospective groom is employed at Buckeye. His grandparents include Clyde and Jean Pittman, and Jim and Sue Read, all of Perry. Their wedding will be an event of Oct. 15, 2005, at 3 p.m. in New Home Baptist Church. Formal invitations will be issued. Exhibit showcases Parade magazine An upcoming exhibit at LeMloyne Art Institute' ill shot casc'the pages of Parade magazine through the decades,. while celebrating the Tallahassee Democrat's 100th anniversary. The exhibit, which opens :Friday, will be accompanied by a photography display by Democrat staffers. LeMoyne is located .at 125 N. Gadsden St. in Tallahassee; admission is a $1 donation. TUPPERWARE1 "-1 Book a party or receive a free catalog Stephanie Towles,Tupperware consultant (850) 584-9001 ar pice" MINI SPA (ages'-11 & under) Gentle Mini Facial Spa Hand & Foot Treatment Sparkling Nail Polish 10% of the proceeds Juice & Cookies from the "Just for Kids" special Treats services go to Special Treats March of Dimes Earline Neeley, esthetician SSkin Care Department H is, ers & Ours Salon '( 102 W Cedar St. 584-8889 DOG GROOMING Call Beth Freeman @ 850-223-1149 Perry Animal Hospital PENOX Wide Spectrum 1 Filtration System Removes IRON, TANNIN, SULFUR, MANGANESE and TURBIDITY. Kills BACTERIA Eliminates BAD TASTE, BAD ODOR and LAUNDRY & FIXTURE STAINS. Our systems are tailored to your particular needs All are LOW COST, LOW MAINTENANCE. GUARANTEED. Call today for FREE WATER TEST. No obligation. Prices $795 to $1995 IRON-FREE 1Well Water Company, Inc. SLisa McKinney, Representative 850-584-5750 800-437-1128 Alana Matalan Hall Maci Jade Padgett Ella Katherine Dyer Todd and Katie (Holton) Dyer announce the birth of their daughter, Ella Katherine, on July 28, 2005, in RAF Lakenheath, England. She weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces, and was 21 inches long. Grandparents include David and Diane Holton of Perry, and Les and Connie Dyer of Peachtree City, Ga. 'Ella Katherine was welcomed home by her sister, Camdyn. Alana Matalan Hall Alan and Tracy Hall of Perry announce the birth of their daughter, Alana Mafalan, on July 8, 2005, at 11:06 p.m. in Tallahassee Memorial Hospital. She weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces, and was 19 and one-fourth inches long. Maternal grandparents are Howard and Angela Grambling. The baby's paternal grandmother is Barbara Whiddon. She was welcomed home by a brother, Andrew. Maci Jade Padgett Tanya and Michael Padgett'announce the birth of their daughter, Maci Jade, on July 27, 2005, at 4:14 p.m. She was born in Tallahassee Memorial Hospital, weighing 6 pounds and 11 ounces. Maci Jade was 19 and three-fourths inches long. Maternal grandparents are Cecelia and Tony Strevel. Maternal great grandmother is Louise Shiver. The baby's paternal grandparents are Peggy Padgett, Billyjo and Raymond Padgett. Her paternal great grandmother is Ella Gray. Maci Jade was welcomed by Mikey, Nicholas and Justin. LIMITED TIME OFFER SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS COMPLETE GAS SERVICE. Only INCLUDES: A Normal Installation $ IVMr 1 Year Free Tank Rental 1 50 GALLONS OF GAS AmeriGas America's Propane Company 850-973-2218 584-8201 Appliances Fast Installation 24 Hour Emergency Service Automatic Fuel Delivery Sales & Service A+ lanco Cleaning Service |.| (850) 223-1523 Letty Blanco .. -. Licensed & Insured ~- ~'BP~-, i :"- S '" k; F;t A-5 The Taco Times August 1.0, 2005 Jeremy Hartman Hospice adds new feature to web site Big Bend Hospice has added a new feature to its web site, with Perry visitors, now able to access the forms needed to make advance care decisions in the State of Florida. At the main page for Big Bend Hospice's web site (www.bigbendhospice.org), click on "about us." The button for downloading advance directive forms is in the lower right-hand corner of this page. Florida and federal law give every competent adult, age 18 or older, the right to make their own health care decisions, including the right to decide what medical care or treatment to accept, reject or discontinue. The forms on the v Big Bend Hospice web site meet: Florida's legal requirements. Bridal Registry " Britney Burroughs. Chris Strickland , August 6, 2005 Joni Hill Cody McNeese e August 13, 2005 Mandy Wilkes ' Adam Collins August'13; 2005.' Keri Rachelle Bundrick Robert Christopher Ponder September 17, 2005 Hope K. Harvey Arthur W. Watkins III October. 15, 2005 Shanna Sadler Brian Jones November12, 2005 -en-- Janece & Garrett Campbell . Girl due August 2005 Valerie & Lee Wiles Boy due August 2005: Rachael Guy Kelly Moore Girl due September 2005 Melissa Fouche :T.J. Edwards . Girl due January 2006 REAL ESTATE COURSE Sept 7 Oct 24 Mon/Wed/Fri: 6-9 p.m. Prepare for the Fla. real estate exam For college credit or audit Cost: $184 +text .NFCC, Madison, FL : eorthi For information: Sori 850/973-1637 1 MazzoneE@nfcc.edu IT'S A 'DIGITAL WORLD By JEREMY HARTMAN In this article, I'd like to let everyone know about something truly interesting and quite neat. It is entirely, possible to have a damaged, old, or faded photo restored to mint (or near mint condition) by someone that can do digital enhancements. The whole process consists of scanning the paper photo into a digital medium Son a computer. Then the photo is manipulated and edited on the computer and after the enhancements'have been made, itis reprinted. Unfortunately, this isn't something just anybody can do. In fact,, it's not even something I know how to do but it is something that can be'learned. You'll need a program similar to either PhotoShop or PhotoStudio to begin with and the process for learning the intricacies of. both of those programs can be difficult. My personal recommendation is to take it to a professional and have them do it. You'll save yourself a lot of time and money by-doing so. In the local area, the only two places that I know of that can do. photo restorations are PennyLane Restoring your favorite old photographs Computers and Amanda Clark's Photography Studio. Of course, there maybe others but I know, for a fact, that these two companies provide that service. If you've got a photo that's old or damaged and is very dear to you-- like a veteran's service photo or a childhood memory-- it's definitely something worth looking into. EMS responded to scene STEWART Continued from page 1 'Doctors' Memorial Hospital Emergency Medical Services was called to the scene and the couple were flown to Shands Hospital in Gainesville. When the hospital was contacted Thursday, officials confirmed that Ross was in critical condition and on life-support. He died later that day. T- * New construction * New purchases * Refinancing * Home equity line of credit * On time closings A I * Fast prequalifications *'Available 7 days a week SYou can use local appraisers, surveyors & title company of your choice Love, Your Family One Mission: you! Your career. Your degree. Your future It all starts here....at NFCC. Earn a degree! Associate in Arts Degree (two-year degree) Earn an A.A. degree from NFCC and be guaranteed admission as a junior to a Florida public university. We help you prepare for and give you the tools to succeed. Associate in Science Degrees (A.S. two-year degree Business Administration and Management Criminal Justice Officer Technology Option in Law Enforcement Option in Corrections Emergency Medical Services Environmental Horticulture Techn'ology Landscape Technology Networking Technology Option in Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Option in Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) Registered Nursing Associate in Applied Science Degrees (A.A.S. less than two-year degree) Business Administration and Management Customer Service Technology Office Systems Technology Early Childhood Education Criminal Justice Option n Law Enforcement Option in Corrections Networking Technology Choose a Career! College Vocational Certificates (three months to two years) Administrative Assistant, Customer Service Technology Legal Administrative Assistant Architectural Drafting Mechanical Drafting .Early Childhood Education Aux Law Enforcement Officer CMS Law Enforcement Corrections Basic Recruit Combination Law Enforcement/Corrections Crossover Corrections to Law Enforcement Crossover Law Enforcement to Corrections Crossover CPO to LE Officer Emergency Medical Tech-Basic Patient Care Technician Practical Nursing Program SCollege Credit Certificate Programs Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Office Systems Specialist Paramedic Four-Year Degree Programs @ NFCC B.A. in Elementary Education, Human Services Administration and Business Administration & Management at Saint Leo University-- B.S. in Elementary Education or Criminal Justice at FAMU Continuing Education and Professional Training See our new Ed2Go online courses WWW.NFCC.EDU FREE Adult Basic Education and GED Prep courses. Day & Night Classes / On & Off Campus North 850.973.1654 MLi WWW.NFCC.EDU IlBII Schedule available online CLASSES BEGIN AUGUST 22, 2005 c northflorida MORTGAGE GROUP Whatever your mortgage loan need... Give me a call-and let me tell gow. what makes using a mortgage broker different. Paula Tuten Mortgage Broker 850-584-4200 850-843-1380 2810 Remington Green Circle i,: I l Tallahassee, Fl. .m alf IP11/7t st /uw uel sa lI f/ August 7, 2005 Ryan & Keely Lago I L.d",ANI;2 "'Ifflo- SSports Yellow Pine Drummers Turkey Federation to hold Jakes Day here A-6 The Taco Times August 10, 2005 The Yellow Pine Dtummers, local chapter for the National Wild Turkey Federation will be holding its 3rd annual Jakes Day youth ,event Saturday, Aug. 13, in the Forest Capital Armory from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Last year's event had over 100 ,-youngsters in attendance. Everyone went home with a prize or two and there, were trophies awarded for several contests. With this year's events, organizers are making plans for another fun-filled day of interesting seminars and 'contests. There will be plenty to eat and lots todo, so if you are a youth 18 years old or younger (parents are welcome too) please plan on attending this year's NWTF Jakes Day event. All of the above activities and events are included with your $5 admission fee along with a year's youth membership in the NWTF. Currently there are raffle tickets being sold by committee members. A $2 ticket will be for a 3 inch mossberg turkey shotgun drawing and $10 ticket drawing will be held for a new Mathews compound bow.'Only 100 bow tickets to be sold. For additional' info and raffle ticket purchases contact any committee member or call Becky Strickland at 584-5293 or Lindsey Shaw at 584-4927. PSA's fall soccer sign-up now underway 'til Aug. 15 The Perry Soccer Association has begun its fall registration..The sign-up ,period will continue through Aug. 15. Registration forms may be picked up at Thomas Chevrolet. Youngsters ages 4 through 15 are eligible to play. The cost is $35 per player:. -Participants will ,play in six leagues according to ages. Those leagues will be under-6, uqder-8, under-10, under-12, under-14 and under-16. Coaches are needed in all age groups. F6r more information, contact Kay Parker at 5'5--6-13S or Carol Wentworth at 584-5382. Coaches' meeting Aug. 9th A coaches' meeting' for the upcoming city recreation flag and tackle football leagues-will be held Aug. 9 at 6 p.m. in the rec. department offices. All coaches are required to attend. ,For more information, contact the recreation department at 584- 3006. Taylor County High Football Schedule Aug. 19 Aug. 26 Sept. 2 Sept. 9 Sept. 16 Sept. 23 Sept. 30 Oct. 7 Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 28 Nov. 4 Home games s Hamilton-Kickoff classic Jasper Chipley Perry Chiles Away Marianna Perry OPEN Vernon Away Madison Away *East Gadsden* Perry Dixie County Perry NFC Perry Fort White 'Perry Jefferson County Away headed DistriCt games inBold Head Coach Price Harris 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. *Homecoming Game* Hutt! Members of the Taylor'County High football team work on their exchange during workouts last week: The Bulldogs are .preparing, for the 2005 season under the direction of first- year coach Price Harris. Boat explosion injures man A Jackson\ ille man preparing to participate in the Ancient Cit\ Kingfish Tournament in St. Augustine was injured after a boat explosion early today. S According to Florida Fish'and Wildlife Conservation Commission Officer Joel Grant, the explosion 'was powerful enough to injure David J. Sutherland. 50. of 14517 PablhI TTerrace. Sutherland was Lifeflighted to Shands Hospital in Jacksonville with non'-life threatening injuries. .'Two passengers on the boat i ere not S injured :in the incident. A fourth' passenger was parking the boat .trailer when the incident occurred and was also not injured. The explosion happened w while. Sutherland was preparing his 23- foot, twin outboard 2004 KeriCraft Challenger off-shore fishing boat Flag football registration set : registration for the' upcoming city recreation flag football league will be held Aug. 22-25 from5:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. The league is for youngsters, ages 7-9 as of Dec. 31, 2005. The Registration fee is $35 per player. ". Registration will take place in the portable building on the visitors' side of Dorseit Stadium.' For more information, contact-the rec department at 58,4-3006.. S Each .participant .must bh accompanied b\ a parent guardian Sand a birth certificate is required. Cheerleaders to register soon Cheerleader registration for the' upcoming city recreation flag and tackle football leagues will be "held Aug..22-25 from 5:30 pm. until 6:30.p.m. Cheerleading is for youngsters. -ages 7-9 and 10-12 as of Dec. 31,. :2005. The registration fee is $35 per participant. Registration \ ill take place in 7the portable building, onthe :visitors' side of Dorseti Stadium. For more information, contact the, rec department at 584-3006. Each participant must be, Accompanied by a parent/guardian Sand a birth certificate is required. for a day of tournament fishing. He. and his three fishing companions launched the boat 'about 5:30 a.m., at the Vilano: boat ramp in St. Augustine, and tikd it off to tlie floating dock while the\ readied their equipment. Suttheiland opened a hatch in the bilge .area when apparently an, electrical short ignited gas vapors that had accumulated in the closed compartment. The 'apors were likely from fuel that had gathered in the compartment -from'a pre- existing fuel leak. The explosion ' quickly \ extinguished itself and did' not cause the boat to catch fire. However, in addition to injuring 'Sutherland, it blew out one hatch and three, built-in fishing rod holders, and separated the boat'. hull and cap. The hull is the boat's outer structure and the cap is the layer inside the hull. Boating safety tip:, Rouinely *check fuel systems, including. lines and connections for leaks, andd open hatches, to .look for accumulated fuel or smell for fuel, Seven on outboard motor boats. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is irivestititing the incident. For more infoiniation on boating safety, log onto MyFWC.com'and .click on "Boating." JILCARPET We Also *CARPETS *WOOD FLOORS Carpet * VINYL BINDING Travel * CERAMIC B CUSTOM DESIGNED Trailers, REPAIRS AREA RUGS Caer 203 E. D rew St. i .:. Ir..:..T, &e.,; :..:.i & Boats Hours: Mon. Fn. 9-5. Sat 9-12 James Musslevhilel. O*rer L,.ensed4 Insured Vi4a. MC AmE FINANCING AVAILABLE ARMADILLO CONSTRUCTORS & ERECTORS INC. License #CG3031636 CCC 058209 .:BUILDERS *ROOFERS* HOME INSPECTIONS 800-719-9138 386-294-3914 "IS ONE YEAR'S SALARY ENOUGH LIFE INSURANCE" r .. CALL ME TO FIND OUT HOW MUCH LIFE INSURANCE YOU REALLY NEED. Mark Pelt, Agent 584-5188 1000A Jefferson St. Allslale. You're in good hands. Allstate Propery and Casualty Insurance Company, Allstate Indemnity SCompany and Allstate Life Insurance Company, Home Office: Northbrook, Illinois. 2002 Allstate Insurance Company , ~r',- -SI. Religion A-7 Taco Times August 10, 2005 .~ ~ ., ,~ , Athena Baptist observes 108th Homecoming .'."~ n;a. '. s .. b .. -., 1-. . Former pastor tospeak Sunday On Sunday, Aug. 14, Athena Baptist Church will celebrate its 108th Homecoming A special day is planned with singing from the Harmony Boys of Camilla, Ga, and a message from the Rev. Ray DeBusk (former pastor 1971-1977). A Homecoming meal ill be served after the services. Singing starts at 10:30 a.m. "Everyone is inm ited to come and worship with us," said Pastor '". Da% id McMullen. For more information, please contact him at 584-3154. Presbyterians kick off Sunday School First Presbyterian Churcli \vill kick off its ness Sunday School year this Card of Thanks oppelff Earl. Vann and the Fellowship Primitive Baptist Church for The family of Olif Poppell conducting such a lovely service as would like to thank each and well as your love and support. everyone for the kind expressions To the entire staff of Joe P. Bums of sympathy extended to us during and to our local las enforcement, the loss of our beloved auntour caring and Thank ou to Marshall Health Care and Big Bend Hospice for diced service your devoted care of her. May God bless you all, A special thank you to Elders H.C. and Ava Jean Dorman Tommie Stanaland, Bert Holden. Dusty and JinA Cheatham Obituaries Wyly C. Thornton Wyly C. Thornton, 80, died July 31, 2005, at Doctors' Memorial Hospital. Mr. Thornton was the son of the late Louie Thornorn and Martha Jane (Cason). A native of Patterson, Ga., he had lied in Perry for the past 10 years having moved here from Tifton, Ga. He was a member of St. James Episcopal Church and Veterans of Foreign Wars, as well as a Mason. He was preceded in death by his wife, Geneva (Vann) Thornton. Survivors include: one son, Vann Thornton of Tifton: one daughter, Paula Campa of Biloxi. Miss.: one sister. Maelily Herrin of Patterson, Ga.; six grandchildren; and two ..* Please see page 8 You are invited to our Church & Pastor's Anniversary Sunday, August 14 10:45 a.m. .mud Lunch will be served , Following the morning worship Perry Church of God .1106. S. Center Street Robert Kirkland, pastor Prepare for an Exciting Career Sunday, Aug. 14, with Rally Day at 9:45 a.m. Teachers will introduce classes, for the coming year, with a breakfast of pastries and'casseroles promised. Worship will follow at 11 a.m., led by the Rev. Larry D. Neal. A nursery will be provided (for both Sunday School and church), and a cordial invitation is extended. The church is located at 310 Plantation Road. For more information, please call 584-3826. Church participates in'World Mission Drive The Church of God at 900 W. Ash St. is currently taking donations for a Little Bethel Church to hold day of 'praise and worship By: B.D. WILLIAMS The City Wide Mission will be held Sunday, Aug. 14, beginning at 2:30 p.m. at Sweet Home Missionary Baptist Church. A city- wide invitation is extended. Mr. Amos Bellamy is back home from the hospital feeling better. The Little Bethel Church family invites you to attend a day of praise, worship and celebration on Aug. 14 (second Sunday). Please come help us celebrate the blessings of the Lord. Lunch and dinner will be served. The church will celebrate its anniversary at 11 a.m. led by New Jerusalem Primitive Baptist Church, Elder Gregory Houston, pastor. An appreciation service for Pastor Altrus Campbell will be held at 4 p.m. with Christian Tabernacle, Elder Chester Demps, pastor. leading. Mrs. Katie Monroe. after having undergone surgery in Tallahassee hospital, is back home doing nicely. Family and friends are happy to have her back home. Mrs. Ruby Mae Franklin has been discharged from Doctors' Memorial Hospital and is now in the Perry nursing home, but feeling much better. Mrs. Ella Mae Moldin has returned to her house in Connecticut after spending some time here %with her aunt. Ella Mae Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cumming were the weekend house guests of their aunt, Mrs. Ella Mae Jones. A thought for today: Dear Lord, please untie the "notsr' that are invading my mind, my heart and my life. Please remove the have nots, the can nots and the do nots that invade my mind. You can afford a private education at THOMAS UNIVERSITY Call today and ask how. Open Registration is Jan. 12-14 Classes begin Jan. 18 - Open enrollment policy .,' Student friendly campus ,. Flexible.schedules Evening & online classes -Y Scholarships and financial aid available Florida residents qualify for in-state tuition Accredited Associate, Bachelor & .aster Degrees Business Administration (Accounting. General Business. Management. .Management Information Systems. Marketing); Counseling: Criminal Justice; Education (Early Childhood Education, Middle Grades. Secondary Grades Education, Teacher Certification): General Biology and Environmental Science; Humanities (English, Visual Arts and Music); Liberal Studies: Medical Technology; Nursing; Paralegal: Psychology; Recreation management: Rehabilitation Counseling; Rehabilitation Services; Social Studies (History and Anthropology); Social Work For more information and a free brochure, contact: THOMAS UNIVERSITY 1501 Millpond Road, Thomasville, GA31792 1-800-538-9784 229-226-1621, Ext. 214 www.thomasu.edu World Mission Drive. "We will be taking all donated items to Tennessee the last.week in August to be distributed to needy families all over the world," said Brenda Raulerson who is coordinating details for the local i church. : What do they need? Clothes (especially-men's suits and men's dress shoes, all sizes), bathroom items (shampoo, toothpaste), school supplies, Bibles (new and old), and musical instruments (tambourines requested). "They will appreciate any and all donations," :said Raulerson. You can contact her at 843-1287 to arrange pick-up or delivery. Church:: members will be available for this project Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.' "Remember, all donations are tax deductible," said: Raulerson. . New merchandise at weekend yard sale Two more \ard sales are scheduled at 804 N. Jefferson St.--rain or shine --in the house located at the corer of Jefferson and Julia. For the next two : weekends, sales will be held Friday and Saturday, from 8 a.m. until, with - proceeds benefitting-the Outreach Center for Immaculate Conception'; Catholic Church. New\ items include name-brand golf shirts, t-shirts, caps and children's clothes. "All money raised just helps us help other people in need," said :: a spokesman for the church This new merchandise has been donated forf.-I the church's outreach efforts. Your patronage is encouraged. I As seen on TV AL3F $2 d d 4'~ 584-6021 803 W. Main St. Perry, Fl. 32347 Store Hours: 8 AM 6 PM Mon. Sat. southhouse@perry.gulfnet.com and egiterd tadearksareownd ad ued udertheautoriy ofOfek HldigsLLC STEINHATCHEE BIBLE COLLEGE l11' r If f you are interested in earning an accredited Bachelors as a Legal Research Real Estate*. Pa soalInti . Criiminar Law Civi;ititii .n BOsine l Private Lawr Firms, Titdiioiple p :or Law Enforcement *.Governmen encies ,, Benefits: &/ Career Placement Assistance ' Financial Aid for Those Who Qualify; / Bachelor & Associate Degree Programs P Day, Evening & OnlineiClasses . vi Schedules for Working Students . Additional Careers in: Computer Networking & ,'. SSecurityManagement f , .'Accountig . SMii medical Assisting ;-. :,;: 'Busi~ies, Admtnii .tr tito:; ',. Radilogy Technbl ony.,:.r ' Compute .Graphici`d, n: '".*Culinary Arts- ; Criminal Justice ,: I,:. Health ServicesAdminitration.: Baking and Pastry Arts: i.:: Bachelor Degree Programs in: * Business Adinistratio : !'.i; ,: Criminal :ijstice,. ., -: *7' ;: :' ^" CD KEISER R COLLEGE Tallahassee HH Admissions Office Open 9am 8pm oll Free 1.877825.2573 www.keisercollege.edu Fourth Quarter Classes Angels & Demons James The Second Coming I Peter Degree in Theology, or just want to learn more about. God's word, this is the perfect opportunity for you. Fourth quarter classes begin Thursday, Aug. 25 Registration begins on Monday, Aug. 22 You can register at the church Mon. Fri. 9am 5pm Registration Fee: $50 Classes: $20 per week (with degree) Classes: FREE (without degree) Nursery: $5.00 First Baptist Church 615 Riverside Drive, Steinhatchee "For more information call 352-498-2108 NOTICE SThe regular session meeting time of City Council meetings has been changed from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. T:he Council meets in session the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. Ji m~ OF A-8 The Taco Times August10, 2005 For volunteer support Hospice seeks materials Covenant Hospice is seeking material to make aprons that would be useful for Alzheimer patients in area nursing homes. Donations of solid color, light-weight canvas cloth or pre-made solid color aprons of the same materials would- be greatly appreciated. Scraps of brightly colored, patterned fabric, eight-inch zippers, Velcro, large buttons and wooden shapes in three-inch sizes to attach to the aprons are also needed. "The aprons are comforting to Alzheimer's patients when they feel restless. The repetitive motion of moving zippers, Velcro and buttons has a soothing effect. Once the material is collected, a sewing party will be held for interested volunteers who would like to help make the aprons," said Sandi Huster, Covenant Hospice director of volunteer programs. For more information, please call 584-9886. Obituaries Power tools AMVETS Post 20 recently donated a collection of power tools to Taylor Technical Institute. Accepting on behalf of the school were Glen Williamson and Izell Montgomery. Shown above are (from .l to r) Adjutant Jack Raulerson, Williamson, Commander Robert "Mo" Morrison and Montgomery. Suspect denies shooting SHOOTING SContinued from page 3 firearms, it appeared that the gun had just recently been fired "I asked Dulin when hehlad shot at the dog and he said a couple of weeks ago. While talking to Dulin, I noticed a strong odor of alcohol on his breath. I asked him if he had been drinking and he said he. had had a couple of shots of liquor," said Ricketson. TCSO Sgt. Charles Campbell who was also on the scene, told Ricketson' that he had located the empty shells from the gun, and "had also located where the bark on an, oak tree had been shot recently," said Ricketson. "Campbell also said he had located the dirt bike which the youths had been riding, and that more pellets were imbedded'in the fenders and cover plates," he added. "Due to evidence located at the scene and the victims' statements, it was determined that the only location the shot could have come From was.Dulin's house," *said Ricketson. "Dulin told us he was the only person at his home, all day long. SDulin was arrested and charged with aggravated battery with a firearm and discharging a firearm while intoxicated and taken to the Taylor County Jail with no bond." (Continued from page'7) great grandchildren; Memorial services will be held Saturday, Aug. 20, at St. James Episcopal Church with the Rev. Linda Lowry officiating. Interment. will follow at a later date at Wilcox Cemetery. Donations may be made in "Memory of Wyly" to Big Bend Hospice, 1723 Mahan Center Blvd., Tallahassee, FL 32308- 5428.' Joe P. Burns Funeral Home is in charge of/the arrangements. Ross Stalans Stewart Ross Stalans Stewart, 30, a- mechanic with Stalans Automotive, died Aug. 4, 2005, in Gainesville. Mr. Stewart was a native and lifelong resident of Taylor County. He was a member of San Pedro Baptist Church. Survivors include: his wife, Kaycee Stewart; mother and father, Brenda and David Stalans of Perry; father and mother, Jimmy and Seventh Day Adventist Church hS tokarf ^a~ rat -- -.-Celebratings (h.idc 401)5 00 prm) (Teens 5 30-6 ;0 pm) OAdulls 7.8 pm) E:<.eculive 12 00-1 00 pm) TUESDAY & THURSDAY 1I S I "11Vr.i mmc B,.''e. I 781& -'.1C0or 8 .38' 124 S Jefferson St. Jimmy Bowden, Instructor 838-3656 Christine Stewart of Perry; one son, Michael, Ross Stalans Stewart of Perry; one daughter, Alex Stalans Stewart of Perry:- siblings, Tonia Wright, ChriAs Stalans and Jeremy Stalans, all of Perry, Joey Stalans of Havana and Dawn Singletary of Hampton,. Va.; his grandfather, Joe Rainey of Perry; and a host of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Sunday, Aug. 7, at 2 p.m. at San Pedro Baptist Church with interment following at San Pedro Baptist Church Cemetery. Family members received friends Saturday from 6 until 8 p.m. at the church. Beggs Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements. Brenda Joyce Belle Brenda Joyce Belle, 49, died Aug. 7, 2005, in Perry. Mrs. Belle was a native of Tampa, having lived most of her life in Perry. She was a homemaker and a member of Northside Church of God in Perry. She was the daughter of Sarah Culverson of Perry and the late Morris Culverson. Survivors include: her husband of 26 years, Earl Belle of Perry; three sons, Ashley Belle and Dristin Belle, both of Perry, and Aaron Belle of Pahokee; four sisters, Toni Glover of Houston, Texas, Carol English and Sandy Murphy, both of Perry, and Leah Taylor of Tampa; three grandchildren; and a host of nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held Thursday, Aug. 11, at 11 a.m. at Beggs Funeral Home with interment following at Pisgah Cemetery. Family members will receive friends today, Aug. 10, from 5 until 9 p.m. at Beggs Funeral Home, which is in charge of the arrangements. Timberland Ford and Ford Motor Company Announce the Continuation of the Ford Family Plan Sales Event going on thru the Labor Day Weekend! We have added the Hot New 2006,Super Duty Pick-ups, Escapes & Expeditions! Our Timberland Ford family extends their 'Welcome Mat" to the American family Eligible vehicles are all new 2005-2006 model Ford vehicles excluding trucks above F350 and Ford GT, Mustang, and Escape Hybrid *Ford discounts & rebates applied F150 Reg. Cab Explorer Sport Trac MSRP $20,075 .MSRP $24,940 EMPLOYEE $1 tAL* "EMPLOYEE .R PRICE ll$4,245PRICE $19 v 2004 Ford Focus.. ........................ $11,995 4 Door, Auto; Silver, 18,853 miles, Sik. #P475. 2002 Chevrolet Tahoe IT 4x4 $22,995 5.3, V8; Auto Power Windows & Locks, Gold, Cruise, Tilt, Was $23, 995 stk. #250029A , 2004 Limited Jeep Liberty.. $19,995 'V6, Auto, Leather Stk. #250012CB 2001 Ford F150 4x4 XLT...._ $16,995 Super Crew, White/Gold, 5.4, V/8, Clean Truck Stk. #250166A S2003 Ford Focus.... $9,995 S4 Door, Auto Silver, Low Miles, Sl:. #P472 2002 Ford F150..... XLT, 5.4, V8, 4X4; Stk.k #250163A Get Employee Discounts on the Ford Vehicle of SYour Choice! :No Hassles.. No Gimmicks! 1998 GMC Sonoma Pickup................. $6,995 4x2, Ext. Cab. V/6, New Tires, Gold, Stk. #250188A 2003 Toyota Tacoma Prefunner.. $19,995 Ext. Cab, 4 cyl., Auto, 25,372 miles, Green, Stk. #250090A 2003 Mercury Grand Marquis GS... $13,995. 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NrI" . Community B-1i The Taco Times August 10, 2005 K-9 Bud By KAREN PARKER The dog FWC public relations mouth, run As the truck pulled into the field. .open field, the yellow Labrador in ''That d( the vehicle kennel began panting. Bailey said "Hear how excited he's getting,". Did you se asked Florida Fish and Wildlife track even S Conservation Commission (FWC) search? He' Law Enforcement Officer Leonard Bailey s "Cricket" Bailey, from Taylor the third do County. "This dog knows he's worked ii going to 'work.' He loves his program. 1 -job." enforcemer In the tall grass, bobwhite song and Freshy serving as background music, and now i Bailey paced out a "track" for the years. He's S dog to follow with a chew toy program f( marking the end. and has ha He returned to the truck to was six we release "Buddy," who is three, and training the has been part of the FWC's K-9 14 months program for two years. "We wer Buddy wiggled impatiently as K-9 acader Bailey fastenedthe dog's working -graduated f harness. x working "Hang on. I want to go too," explained. Bailey said io the dog as the "My oth( officer snapped the 30-foot lead to and Reba, the harness. program al Bailey commanded Buddy to before I re search. The dog took off like a great track shot with Bailey in tow and headed with Buddy directly for the chew toy. To .prov Grabbing the toy, Buddy ran back recently c to Bailey and placed it at the certification officer's feet. Gorda. "Good boy ... good boy," "Our dog Bailey praised. "Go.ahead..Have once a y fun." detection. 1 dyF took off, chew toy in ning circles around the og is a tracking fool," . "He can find anything. e how he alerted on the before I asked him to 's a good dog." should know. Buddy is g Bailey has trained and n the agency's K-9 Bailey has been a law nt officer with' the Game vater Fish Commission FWC for the past 19 Been a part of the K-9 or more than 16 years d Buddy since the dog weeks old. Bailey began e dog when Buddy was old. e part of the first FWC ny two years ago. We rom that and have been ever since," Bailey er two dogs, Wise Guy both worked in the K-9 bout seven years each tired them. Both were :rs. I've got another one ," Bailey said.: e that point, Buddy completed a five-day on program in Punta gs have to be certified ear in tracking and The U.S. Police Canine, Who's your mascot? Local businesses are encouraged to enter their mascots in the upcoming 50th annual Florida Forest Festival King Tree Parade. Community groups, schools ard other organizations are also encouraged to plan to participate in the parade. For more information. contact the festival office ai 584-TREE (8733). SMILE--photo contest underway Time to start snapping--a Sept. 30 deadline has been announced for the 50th annual Florida Forest Festival'g Baby Photo Contest. All ent ,ifs must be enlarged to 8 x 10 photos, matted (not framed) and must hae bedn taken.after April 1;.2005. Only one (amateur) photo per child may be entered. Entries will be judged in four areas: uniqueness of photo; capturing the moment; personality:and photogenic qualities.. Winners w ill be announced at the Florida Forest Festival Little King and Queen Pageant Saturday. Oct.,8. Entries should be turned in to Photos & Frames, 102 East Main Street. For more information, call Ann or Feebee at 584-6979. Jr. Miss? Little King? The Florida Forest Festival turns the big "5-0" this year...and plans a celebration to be remembered! Efforts are currently underway to contact all former Miss Florida Forest Festival queens and Jr. Miss title holders, as well as all former Little Kings and Little Queens. If you are a member of the "festival royalty" family, please contact the festival office at 5S4-TREE (8733). The 50th annual Florida Forest Festival.will be held Oct. 21 and 22. )roves he's Association sets course standards for police dog certification," Bailey explained. Former U.S. Secret Service trainer Raymond Rhienhart led the teams through the June 20-24 certification course in tracking and detection. According to Bailey, the detection course consisted of five vehicles set up with two deer hides hidden in two of the vehicles and three rooms with two hides hidden in two of the rooms. The requirement was to find at least three of the four hides. For the tracking portion of the certification, three tracks were laid out with an article hidden on each track and an article to be found by the dogs at the end of the track. The tracks are "aged" for 30 minutes before the dogs begin working. "Buddy located all the articles on the tracking course. I think he got a perfect score," Bailey said. "This was the Police Dog 1 course and we were certified: However, since we scored at least 165 on this course, we were able to go to the next level, the, Tracking Exceptional course which is set aside for the more experienced teams .. the advanced trackers," Bailey explained. "We had five FWC K-9 teams complete the Tracking Exceptional course," Bailey said. "This is the first time since 1993 where an FWC dog has completed the Tracking Exceptional course. The last time was when I worked Wise Guy through it. Now we have five teams who have completed it. That's quite an(accomplishment." The four othdr teams that proved exceptional in the course were Jeff Gier and K-9 Bubba, Avery Tubbs and K-9 Jack, Tim Miller and K-9 Jake, and Wayne Hargabus and K- 9 Madison. "Buddy is certified in tracking and the detection of deer and turkey meat. He's also trained in area searches, and search and'rescue missions," Bailey explained. The FWC K-9s do not receive: aggression training. "When we're called out, we don't know what we'll be doing. It's different every time. It all depends on the case," he said., According to Lt. Bruce Cooper, 'Bailey's supervisor, "From a patrol supervisor's standpoint, it's, an enormous asset to hate such an exceptional K-9 team working for you. On numerous occasions, we hate had people give up rather than attempt to flee. knowing we had Officer Bailey and Buddy available to conduct a search." Bailey said. "-.About six months ago. a gas station in Perry was robbed. We were called out to see if \e could track the subject. Buddy tracked him all the way down the shoulder of Highwa\ 19 into a neighborhood. That dog \went through about 80 people w ho' ere watching the events unfold during this search. I was amazed. I didn't know how he'd react to that many people milling around. I was afraid the track would be contaminated. "But he stayed focused, kept on the track and eventually\ found the clothes and the weapon the suspect had used in the robbery. The suspect's jacket. mask. pants and weapon had been discarded in the bushes. The authorities were able to pull DNA off the mask and identified the suspect who was later arrested. I was tery proud of exceptional' K-9 Officer Leonard "Cricket" Bailey and Canine Officer "Buddy" are on the hunt. him for helping put that case together," he said. Bailey explained that the most important thing for a K-9 handler is to trust the dog. ."We were working one case where someone was involved in a car chase with law enforcement. The suspect left.the car and we were able to track him into the woods. Buddy kept going back to this particular house, but the occupant insisted that the suspect had run through the yard and she didn't know who he was or where he was located. But Buddy kept alerting on that house. We found. out later that the suspect had been in the house and was known to the resident. Buddy knew it," Bailey said. "That suspect was later arrested." Buddy isn't perfect, however, and Bailey is quick to tell stories About him. "On one of his first tracking jobs, we had been called out to search for a suspect who had run into a wooded area. Buddy was. working hard, doing: exactly what he was supposed to do. I watched him work the area and head into a bunch of palmettos." Bailey said. "I could hear him roaming around in the underbrush when suddenly I heard him give a loud 'velp.' My first thought was he had a run-in with a snake. He came charging out of the brush. running toward me for all he was \orth. When he got closer. I discovered what the problem wjs. He had come up on a skunk and gotten sprayed." he laughed. "What was worse \was I had a two- hour ride back to Perry with him in the truck. That dog stunk!" With the chew toy still in his mouth. Buddy jumped back into his truck kennel for a well- deserved drink of water. "To get a drink. you're going to have to drop that thing." Bailec told the dog. "I'm not going to take it away from you " With that reassurance, Buddy dropped the chew to\ and began lapping the water, keeping a close eye on his toy. Bailey patted the dog's head and told him. "You're a good dog." I With tongue hanging out, Buddy returns to his mobile kennel. '.-' 'The Way: Christ centered'recovery group, If ibeets on Fridays at 7 p.m. at Serenity 'House on Hwy, 98 W, across from BP' .Station Open to alcoholics, addicts, family :_utetnbers and friends. SAARP: last Wed., 10 a.m, at First Baptist Chukrch a Ie ..Airport Advisory Commission: 4th n r l6nday, 12 noon, Perry-Foley Airport American Legion Post #96: 1st Tues, 7.,p.m., American Legion Hall, CenTer Street. '( BJg Bend Hospice Advisory Council: S. tt0ioa4 20, ladies aullary and th Tues, noon. 107 East Green Street S VET 3S. 3d Tueday. of each Chamber of Commerce: third Thurs., i~at28499.Wood~ Creek Road. 8 a n., chamber board room. .11 Legin,` Stelrlhatchee Post. City Council: 2nd and 4th Tues at 6:30 s..8pm. p npm. ljciAnonymob:,meetings, are ~v 'ivil Air Patrol (CAP): 2nd and 4th Mon., 6days, Fridays and Saturdays 7 p m -main hanger at airport S'm.,at' Heritage. House orn County Commission: first Mon and third SStreet, .cross from public .Tues at 6 p ., courthouse annex. r ryan anothdr.AA gro who meets Diabetes classes every Tuesday. 2 p.m. tvMi ays.. Wednesdays and Thursdays. at pocors' Memorial Hospital rnity; House; located at f260. Hwy. 98 FAMU Alumni. Chapter: -second Mon, -WeM~ .Cgss fromi the BP station at 8 p m. m., Jerkins Center. ALAN St James Eplscal Church :' Perry Masonic Lodge 123: meets first ).Wednesdays 12 no&:to 1 p m anc third Mondaynights, 7.30 p.m rsdays:is t 8:30 lor beginners Girl Scouts Service Unit: first Thurs, eI.i mi p.m. 1 i Scout Hut,.' Healthy Start Coalition: fourth Mon., 9 a.m, Taylor County School District Administrative Office Complex. Historical Society: open Thursday afternoons, 1-5 p.m. Home' Educators League of Perry; (HELP): second Thurs.. 1 30 p m., Forest Capital Hall. 584-8553 or 584-9207. Humane Society of Taylor County: 2nd Wednesday, 6 p.m. Forest Capital Hall Juvenile Justice Council: third Thurs, 9 a.m', at Juvenile Justice Office, 1719 S Jefferson. Taylor Coastal Communities Association: each 2nd Tuesday of month, 7 p.m at the Keaton Beach' Hot Dog Stand. Kiwanis Club: Wednesdays, noon, Joyce's MainStreet Cale: La Leche League International: 2nd Wed., 1030 a.m., Taylor County Public Library. Lady Elks: second.Thurs., 8 p.m, Elks Lodge. MainStreet Perry: First Monday of each month, Perry/Taylor' County Chamber of Commerce at noon. Mothers of. Pre-Schoolers: first and third Fri. Gall 584r3826. Muskogee Creek. Indian Nation: 2nd ... '' and 4th Sat., 7 p m. Tribal grounds. Lyman Hendry, Road. Muskogee Creek Indian Tribe: Oak Hill Village on Woods Creek Road, 1st Sat. Narcotics Anonymous: Wednesdays, 8 p m.. at 1260 W. Hwy 98, at Serenity House (dirt road across from BP Station) These are open meetings to those interested in addiction. Call 223-0036. Also, Saturdays. 10:30 a m --open meeting. NAACP: 2nd Sun, 6 p.m New Brooklyn Missionary Baptist'Church. National Wild Turkey Federation (Yellow Piine Drummers):.holds open monthly on first Thursday, Golden Corral, 7 p.m. 584-9185 Optimist Club: Thurs, noon at Joyce's Mainstreet Cafe. Perry Garden Club: third Wed., 10am Perry Elks Lodge: Tues., 8 p.m. Perry Lodge #187: 1st, 3rd Wed.. 7 p.m, Masonic Hall. Perry Lodge 123, F&AM: first and third Monday nights. 7:30 p.m Perry Woman's Club: 2nd Wed, noon (Sept. May; subject to change). Perry Shrine Club: 4th Thurs, 7 pm (clubhouse on Courtney Road) Planning Board: 1st Thurs., 6 -p.m. Courthouse annex (old post office) Republican Party of Taylor County: Second Thursday of every month at 315 N Quincy Street E-mail Tommie Stanaland at tstanaland@yahoo cor dr call 584-8815. Rotary Club: Tues. noon at Joyce's Main Street Cafe Taylor County School Board: 1st and 3rd Tuss, 7 p.m. SHARE distribution: 4th Sat., 10 a m Social Security: representatives 2nd Tues, 830 am to 12 noon, courthouse annex. Sons of Confederate Veterans: fourth Tuesday at VFW Post on Center Street 7 p.m. For information, call 584-5346 Taylor Adult Program (TAP): Thurs 10 a.m, 502 N Center Street. 223-0393 Taylor Coastal Water and Sewer: 3rd Wed. at 18820 Beach Road, 5 pm Taylor County Democratic Party: the third Monday, 7 p m at the Golden Corral Call 584-9656 or 584-3617 Taylor Development Council: 2nd Wed 4 p.m.. at Chamber Taylor County Development Authority: 2nd Mon., 5 p m. at Chamber. Taylor County Amateur RadioClub: 1st Monday, 7 p.m, Division of Forestry office, 618 Plantation Road Taylor County Habitat for Humanity, Inc.: board meeting. 2nd Tues., 5 30 p m, Room 208, Capital City Bank Taylor County Historical Society: 3rd Mon, 7 p m Historical Society building. Taylor County Horseman's Association Horse Show: 2nd Sat, 10 am Arena located on Bishop Blvd Taylor County Construction License. Board Meeting: 3rd Fr 2 p m. courthouse annex Taylor County Leadership Council: 2nd and 4th Friday. 7 p.m. Jerkins. Taylor County Quilters: Tuesdays, 10 am to noon, Taylor County Public Library Taylor County Reef & Research Team: 2nd Thurs 7 p m, Forest Capital Hall Taylor County Soil & Water Board: 4th Mon 7 pm, Chaparral Steakhouse Vogue XIII: first Mon. 730 p.m. (Call 584-2404 VFW Post #9225: 2nd Tues, 7 pm (American Legion building). if you would like to add your community groups meeting lo our calendar, please e-mail perrynews@perry gulfnet.com or call 584-5513 I - - ~" -- ~ i. :.~~F~ 1 Editorial B-2 Taco Times August 10, 2005 SLooking to the future: where will power lines be located? -Dear Editor: electricity. These hundreds of. Taylor County as its purpose was . SMany have heard or read about a proposed coal-fired electric power plant to be located, in Taylor County. Our political and community leaders have stepped forward to join forces with editorial writers as well as out-of- county officials to support construction of :this electrical facility in Taylor County. . The citizens of Taylor County hear no objections from citizens of adjoining counties. There are no objections. from the resource- consuming counties, .in. the southern parts of the state where virtually unabated development is: gulping huge amounts of land, water and electricity. Move the clock forward 10 years. Pretend that the plant was approved and constructed. Fifteen- hundred workers were employed to _build the plant and 150 workers are now employed to operate the plant. It is all fired off generating hundreds of thousands of volts of thousands of volts of electricity are off and away to other parts of the state, in particular to the counties' of the south.' Taylor County's problem has only now surfaced. Reality strikes. Wait! How, and where, are all those mega-volts of electricity traveling from the new power plant out of Taylor County? Where are the power distribution lines and their huge support structures located? Some years ago Florida Power proposed to bring power from the north, such as Georgia, by constructing high voltage power lines down 19/27 to bracket around- Perry and on south.. The power lines were, to be constructed on gantries seven to 10 stories high. It was not hard to imagine the ugly effect such a project would have on the 19/27 corridor to the north of the county as well as the land corruption through the county. There was to be no benefit to to send power to the southern part of the state. I wrote an article to the Taco Times. My wife and I traveled to Monticello to strongly protest. The project never went forward. In our step forward in time where are those power lines from the power plant located? Do they run down property west of 19/27? How about just east of Keaton and Steinhatchee? Maybe across the northern part of.the county and out 14? Perhaps 98 or 19/27 through Salem? Around the east or the west of Perry? Did they use existing rights-of- way or did they take property that became lost' to families and to Taylor County. for future development? What now is their effect? Are they encouraging ,people to move to Taylor County? Well, there you have it. A look into the future. Do you approve what you see? George Knoblock Dear Editor: My understanding is that the power plant will create at least 150 good permanent jobs. If that is so, I believe the citizens of our county desperately need access to these quality jobs. These jobs would provide the opportunity for some of our children and grandchildren to he trained here in Perry and go to work here also. Taylor Tech has proven in the past that we can provide relevant training for the power generation industry by partnering with the City of Tallahassee Power Generation and Progress Energy. From an industrial educator's point of view, there have been too many times that young talented individuals from our community have had to relocate to find quality employment. The power plant would give our : community the opportunity to. increase Taylor County's average income immediately and provide 150 very challenging careers as well. I know we will learn all about emissions as the plant is being permitted, but we will also have the opportunity to provide support or concerns as the process is undenvay. I want the power people to select Taylor County so the permitting process will happen here, not in some other county. , Sincerely, Scot Vaughn Industrial. Electrical and Instrumentation Instructor S'"' Taylor Technical Institute Littering offends letter witer Midweek Muddle Dear Editor: I am writing about the-ongoing litter problem I have seen in Taylor County in general. Apparently there will always be those people who just don't care about anyone or anything. That is how I view those who throw their garbage out their windows or throw it as they walk or ride bikes, etc. How else can they be described? Warm and fuzzy, they ain't. I would be willing to go so far as to say that a lt of them abuse animals too. I can see a letter coming hollering about that opinion right now. Make fun all you want to but you know that is true. If you don't care about the environment you have to live in, how could you care about God's creatures or other people, for -that matter? It is appalling to see, for those of us who wouldn't think about doing this deliberately. Accidents can happen, but stop and pick it up, for crying out loud. We have a great Keep Taylor Beautiful program going here and Dawn Taylor is the best of the best in being in charge along with those on the committee. , I don't belong to it, by the way. or am I.associated in any way. I would, but I have a thing about cleaning up after nasty people. If it is my job that is one thing, but on a volunteer basis for people who can do better? I don't think so. How can people go to every grocery store and fast-food restaurant and buy things, but somehow can't afford garbage service at home. I am so happy for you. You want to share your good fortune with everyone by throwing your food and bags out the windows of your vehicles or as you take your walk (exercising, are we??) for others to contend with and/or look at as they pass by. The other day I happened to be driving by the old hospital and it looked like someone had a party on the front lawn area and decided to let the maid clean up. The only solution is stiffer fines, more attention paid to this huge problem, to say the least, and education in schools. Apparently they think that they are being cute. Don't share I racof f Times Wednesday, August 10, 2005 123 S. Jefferson Street P.O. Box 888 Perry, Florida (850) 584-5513 DONALD D. LINCOLN Publisher DEBBIE CARLTON SUSAN H. LINCOLN Business Manager Managing Editor ANGELA M. CASTELUCCI BETH MANN Staff Writer Advertising Director CHARLES R. SADLER CAROLYN DuBOSE Staff Writer Promotional Advertising MARK VIOLA MELISSA FARRILL Staff Writer Classified Advertising The Taco Times (ISSN 07470967) is published each Wednesday by Perry News- papers, Inc., 123 S. Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347. Subscriptions are' $35.00 per year or $49.00 out of county. Periodicals postage paid at Perry Florida 32348. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the TACO TIMES, P.O. Box 888, Perry, FL 32348. The Taco Times welcomes Letters to the Editor reflecting responsible opinions and views on the news. Please submit letters by Monday at 5 p m. The Taco Times reserves the right to refuse publication of letters which are libelous or irre- sponsible.- Name may be withheld if circumstances so require, but all letters sub- mitted should be signed by the writer and accompanied by a phone number for verification. We look forward to hearing from youl Our.address is Perry, Newspapers, Inc.. P.O. Box 888, Perry, Florida 32348. e-mail: perrynews@perry gulfnet.com .Member Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. .. ....'. .. ...... ....-- ' your cuteness with me. You don't think it is a serious problem? This is one thing that has been treated too lightly too long. Our environment is fragile enough as it is after all we have done to it. Why can't these litter bugs be stopped? Any suggestions? I have some, I doubt our family style hometown' paper would be willing to print them. Grow up and act like somebody, will you? Is that too much to ask? Sincerely, SAnn Yates Writer has 'deep concerns' about coal-fired plant Dear Editor: Our elected officials, the Taylor County Commissioners, have taken it upon themselves to vote unanimously to invite a coal-fired power plant to locate in Taylor County without any prior public hearing. I have some deep concerns about this action: 1. Does the Nature Coast really need another major pollution bearing industry? 2. There has been no guarantee that even though this plant claims to be "clean" that there will be no ammonia, sulfur dioxide or mercury, etc., leached into our rivers and the air we breathe. 3. Why will there no public input until the hearing on Sept. 15 in Taylor County? Are the commissioners waiting until after the sale of property to the JEA? 4. If this is such a clean industry, why is it not being located in Duval or Orange County where the power will be going? (Perhaps these counties have their fill of pollution and need to dump their pollution in Taylor County.) 5. Are we putting our children and ourselves at a greater risk for health problems in the future? As a retired teacher, 1 am appalled at the numbers of children with learning problems in Taylor County. Will we be contributing to this problem? A brochure released by The Learning Disabilities Association of America and The National Education Association .+, Please see page 3 Serving my country... through mosquito control By SUSAN H. LINCOLN When I answer the telephone, there is. now a. pause and it's not a telemarketer's pause. I can just about predict the iext sentence. But first, there's silence. It's uncomfortable silence, when the caller's thought processes obviously overwhelm the ability to speak. Then the brain gets back to the business of the moment and prompts the caller to ask, "Are you the one who sprays for mosquitoes?" No, I'm not that one. But that person is in great demand, SI'm here to report. If you want mosquito spraying, you must put an 838-prefix before that number. If you don't, you get me. "No, this is not the number for mosquito control," I explain at all hours of the day and night. "It has an 838 prefix." So far, people have been very kind and polite, except for the one woman who. was clearly perturbed--as if f had answered the wrong phone or something. I hope her mosquitoes have a lohg and happy life. Despite the discouragement from that one unkind caller, I have gone the extra mile for most of my mosquito control customers, without any compensation from the county. I remember John F. Kennedy's encouragement, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask' what you can do for your country." When checking the recorded messages on my answering machine, I note my callers' numbers and either' place a separate call .on -their behalf to the county office, or I call the individuals back and. provide-, the correct information. "Why thank you," the first woman' said. "That's very nice," a gentleman responded.: Hey; I have mosquitoes too. I know the horrors of it all and I have long. maintained that we must kill each others' mosquitoes. They can fly, you Know, without advance reservations to Sany location on the planet.. Of course, if I bought into half the Conspiracy theories I hear in an average week at the newspaper office, I would conclude that this was the county's intention: to pick a "nuisance" number which was close to lny telephone number, in order to inflict pain and hardship upon me and my family.. But, SI refuse to live that way. I already have enough enemies and mosquitoes to contend with; do I also want to imagine new ones? No, thank you. This recent phone phenomenon has surfaced before in my extended family. -My mother, who lives quietly in a three- bedroom brick house, had a terrible thing happen to her. Shortly after my father's death, 25 years ago, "Time & -Temperature" in my hometown changed its number. It is now one digit different from hers. I don't think the telephone company was picking on her; I don't think God singled her out for this madness; I think it just happened. Weeks will pass at her home without a problem, until hunting season opens. Then every third person in camouflage, calls at .5 a.m. to find out what the temperature is--like it matters. They're going hunting anyway,.I'm sure. "Why don't they stick their heads out the window?" she asks. It's a valid question. She could move, but she loves her house on the hill.. She could change her phone number, but all her friends and family members know it by. heart. She could assume a new identity, but she's comfortable with her current one, and doesn't want to live in Montana. So she just takes the phone off its hook. Why should we be slaves to modern technology, anyway? If you want her, or the time and temperature, you'll have to come knock on the back door and ask. And if it's 5 Sa.m., you'd better bring your shotgun. Letters to the Editor Industrial educator wants plant -) > Letters to the Editor Writer defends previous letter B-3 The TacoTimes ,August 10, 2005 ,C WOA ~I~cir~llTI~ ~~IONrlllY~~118 Dear Editor: I decided to respond'to the comments made in a recent "Lettersto t he Editor".. regarding (Who is Uninformed) published on Aug. 9, 2005. I typically would not spend time in responding to emotional comments, however I feel that there are others who might .have taken my "previous comments out of context as,this person has. Let-me clarify:. , ,First: In my original letter I stated that it would be a lack of understanding to oppose this power plant based on'i reconceived notions. In this person's response he states that I suggested. people who would oppose this power plant are uniformed and ignorant. This is not what was stated, being informed of an issue does not always make a person understand the issue. Dear Editor: For years my flaming pen has been idle, but my inquisitive nature has not. I have asked questions many times. Just what is the economic council of Taylor County doing w ith the money that is being funneled into it'? Why are .they not aggressively seeking positive businesses for the county? It is apparent from the reports I hae received that no one seems to know. The' e\ idence of new businesses b .being drawn to Taylor County, and blessed by the elected officials Sand the economic council, have not been a real asset to this .-community. The example of Alford's conning debacle--the bombing range--and now the coal plant. On June 1. I w\as driving west on 1-10 and discovered the new Family Dollar Distribution Plant. I wondered why Tay lor County did not secure this business. I am sure those in charge of the economic council surely don't think the people of Ta lor County are not capable of filling boxes for distribution to other areas So what is the economic council really doing for Taylor County'? I just read MN Florida ' Innovation, Quarterly and found : economic councils across the slate actively working for new businesses for their counties. So let us look at what we might have obtained with an aggressive economic council: 1) E-Stone LSA Corporation Second: I do not want or expect people reading this column to 'believe as I do without first understanding the facts of both good and bad regarding the proposed power plant. What would be unfortunate is o ha e people 'listening to emotional outbursts % which ha\e no facts behind them. Third: President Bush did sign off allowing coal pow er plants a' 15 Near moratorium to get into compliance. However please be aware this applies to existing plants not nee ones. In case you were wondering, I think 15 years is way too much time to get these plants' into compliance, so President Bush's decision to do this, I do not support. SFourth: Believing that Taylor County does hot have environmental issues with some very significant ones, would. certainly be a lack., .of understanding of what is going on here and now. Fifth: The comments made regarding the 50's and 60's vehicles versus a newer 2006 vehicle, my suggestion to .ou and ' ll oherlis ,s please read the reports from the. studies done, you ill find that this statement is simply inaccurate and appears to be based on one's personal opinion :han fact. Whether they will last longer or not remains unknown, I guess we will know in about--40 years. Sixth: In regards to the loyal union comment, I am not sure what this has to do with my comments made on a power plant? However my understanding of unions is that they make every effort ,to keep members safe from employers who might decide cutting corners a little won't hurt and like an) other organization Whether union or not there is always good and bad about ,it. Again, in ,case you 'were wondering, sorry to contradict your statement but I am not with: any union organization nor have I ever been. .opened the first international .Lastly, let me sa\ that this manufacturer of mosaics in proposed plant has a lot of Highlands County and they took opportunity for our county and its advantage of the Enterprise Zone. current future residents and The company praised the although it has great opportunity economic council and officials. I to offer, to believe it \ill be this am sure the people of Taylor flower in the meadow would County could work in this simply be foolish. It does ha\e a company. Creating 150 jobs. negative side; however, \ith 2) Jupiter Marine International technology. expertise and moved from Ft. Lauderdale to :monitoring it can be manageable Palmetto in Manatee County. I :and minimize the negatiCe. am sure people of Taylor County : ,Mark Deida .could work in this company." Creating 150 jobs. 3) Bradenton gets GE Infrastructure Security's world h no. . headquarters. Creating 70 jobs. W hy n prot 4) Precision Response o t Corporation opens newest call nature Coast? center in Putnam County. Creating 430 jobs. I am sure the people in Taylor County can CONCERNS answer the phone. Continued from page 2 5) Kaplan University "online" university chose Ft. Lauderdale for has identified mercury pollution as online support. Creating 660 lobs. one of the greatest threats facing I am sure we have plenty of developinging ftuses, infants and people in Taylor County that can'"oun chirn. I- usecomputer. hat coal-fired plants are the usenation's largest uncontrolle 6) Gammerier Corp.. a German- nation's largest uncontrolled based producer of inline-finishing source of mercury. equipment for commercial and Ihttp:."'cta.policy.net proactive,' newspaper print, moved its newsroom.release.vtmi?id=25831i headquarters to Palmetto with a Instead of allowing outside capital investment of $4.25 interests to take over with dirty air million. and water, why not develop our I.have listed only six businesses God given resources and care for from the latest MyFlorida issue our earth: as good stewards? with over 1.460 jobs created b\ TImagine .twenty years from these new businesses. All of the now....The Nature Coast....the businesses appear to be non- place to play. swim and fish and -........ :.... ...... rTk .... n breathe the fresh air! pIUIIULeIrs Ua rll aIIU o d"lVI. I ey aii .- Please see page 6 Sincerely. Mlargaret Gross Happy 2nd Birthday J" )August 9,2005 Mrs.i ^^^^^^^^^. ^^^^^FroFm a baby Awa~ "~ nusfuto a young man, l; look who's sh n "Terrible 2" Mom, Dad, brother, grandmas, aunts, rb c ,l, m ri' uncles, cousins & family t;i: f' "o 0 ^BaBoBSBTB^B'C^^^^B^S~a^^^^da~~ffi^^^~ffaJS S^ 0 3. 00 6 6 6 U^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^a^^ BIG BEND HOSPICE Need Cnacta Lenses? 2'a .' '..: J. 1 Support For Life's Journey ,When someone you love Is diagnosed with a lue- Unliting illness, let Big Bend Hospice help you Spiritual journeys you will face. 1723 Manan Center Blvd Tallahassee. FL 32308 (8501 878-5310 wwa bigbendhospice or.: Hearing Aids SExpert Fitting Highest Quality All Makes & Models SOrder on the web at: Accenteyecarecenter.com or call 584-2200 Dr. Michael Walby Opiometric Physician CONTACT LENSES 'The ,Back Porch Uiniq'i' home' decora tion s 111~-~ior ',2 i tiqii cS wrr U U*==***n.. -* ** O** Audiologist '- 7in i-pai iir l fi iiit re gifts Hamdan ENT Center 850-584-20o75 CALL 3300 Ht' ll 1 -. 584-8123 .1 ,,L,, Ii ,1(1 Iir u inra llm'iL;vackLri.icer ios uting, LLC Residential '"' "_ Commercial ... S" 1. (FREE ESTIMATES) Gus and Manuel Smyrnios 850-223-1402 850-223-3595 Licensea/llnsured Contractor Construction Design Site Development John Gentry. Professional. Engineer Sandra Bolton Office" MIanager I- u=I Laurl Bundrick ' -esigner Robert Harper Designer "Civil & Environmental Engineers" 114-B W. Green St. (850) 584-4408 Mon. Fri 9 00 a.m 5.00 p m. TACO TIMES PERRY NEWS-HERALD 123 S. Jefferson St. Perry, Fl. 32347 P.O. Box 888 Perry, Fl. 32348 (850) 584-5513 Fax 838-1566 News Dept. perrynews@lperry.gulfnetcom I R.W. MEISSNER & ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING SERVICES BUILDING PLANS RENOVATIONS HOMES COMMERCIAL PERMITS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SUWANNEE RIVER WMD SITE DEVELOPMENT PARKING LOTS 216 W. MAIN STREET PERRY. FLORIDA 32347 PHONE # 850-584-3887 E-MAIL: rwmi@gtcom.net FRITH ABSTR & TITLE CI Owners & Mortgage' Insurance Policies Title Searches Real Estate 501 N. Bycon Butler Pkwy. 850-584-2672 Not istd intheYeilw Pges Let our Commercial Connection work for you! Get more than 265,000 copies of your business cards printed and delivered every week to your customers and potential customers over the next 12 months. Writer asks: Economic council does what? IACT 0. Title s e Closings Perry, Fl. I --r. ,, M-" 0 mmmol i .. I I "If - -- S5,-4The Taco Times August 10, 2005 Small ads...big deals!! --eI m I- [iI SIDEWALK SALE All'remaining stock of County Christian Bookstore, 80% or more off retail price-- racks, tables, church bulletins, cards, soundtracks ($1.60), wedding gifts, and hundreds of books for $1.00 in paper and $2,00 in hardback. In front of 17 Apparel (former bookstore location, 1723 S. Jefferson). Saturday, August 13, 8 aim. -until. 8/10'-8/12CCB Yard sale. Friday & Saturday, 8-?, 804 N. Jefferspn (on corner of Jefferson & Julia). Caps, caps, caps, 3 for $5, t shirts (white & colors), golf shirts (all colors), some gifts and jewelry, everything is brand new. 8/10-8/12 , Yard sale. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, .8 a.m. until. 2687 Foley Cut-Off Rd., 2nd house on right after John Deere dealer. .8/10-8/12 1 apartment size stove, $75 call 584- 7094, Mon.-Thur., 9 A.M.-5.P.M, 7/22tfPHC Salon' Equipment For Sale, 2 Styling Chairs, 2 Dryer Chairs, 2 Styling Stations' and other extras, $1500, 1 New Sterilizer, $500,'call 584-5057. 8/3-8/26 SWolf tanning system sun quest pro 24 RS, brand new, about 3 hours on IT, $1400. Scall 584-2270. 8/3tfJM . 2 bedroom mobile home, fully furnished, very clean, central A/C. No pets. Will accept one very small child, 584-4366. 8/10-8/12 . 3/2 doublewide, good condition, quiet, , $400 a month, $300'deposit. 584-3835 8/10-8/12 , 3/2, fully furnished mobile home, quiet, country setting, call 584-5686, between 12- 7 p.m. 8/10-8/19 2BR/1BA trailer, screened in porch, good location, no kids, no pets, 584-8786. 8/3-8/12 2, 3 BR/1 BA houses for rent, call 584- 4678. 8/3-8/31 Tidewater Apartments 500 S. Warner Ave. 850-584-6842 For qualified applicants 2&3 bdrm'avail Section 8 Water/sewer/garbage/electric/gas/pest control included 7/27-8/31 Woodridge Apartments!! Looking for applicants! Apply now for 1, 2 and 3 bedroqm apartments. Equal Housing Opportunity. Call 850-584-5668. 709 W. Church St., Perry, FL 32347. TDD/TTY 711. tfWA VEGGIES TO YOUR DOOR! Fresh-Picked, blanched, flash frozen, shelled zippers, butter beans, black eyes, white acres, ford hooks, cream.corn, okra, green beans, broccoli Free delivery every Saturday with 3 or more bushels & 352-498-2580 ,Two pink Victorian chairs, good condition, -$200 for both. 584-7446.. 8/10(-8/12 Dining room set. Vintage 1940s light mahogany. Rdct. table, 3 leaves, 6 chairs, china cabinet. $700. 584-9659. 8/10-8/19 Pool table, oranrrneof aeacessories inc. $200. Call 584-6674: " 8/10 2 handy man specials, 12x65 mobile' 'homes, lots of'work has been done, in .good shape, 4500 ea call 584-3776 or 584-2270 . 7/27tfJM 1985 Double Wide on 1 acre, great location, fenced in back yard needs minor work 27Ko.bo., (850) 584.5186 One acre lot ,'in prestigious .Clark- subdivision. Cleared and ready 10 build you dream home! $40. 000 will go fast. Call 584-2000 7/29-8/10 NO T iCE $18,000 Builtin 1950s, 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bath All Pine Wood Floors New Central H/A Some Appliances House moved at buyer's' expense.. Call for appt. 584-5454 Wanted Investor/handy person looking for an EZ Quality 3Wi'b/1 car. detached GAR -SFH. On 1l3 acr lot, wheel chair accessible SFH, Vinyl sided for EZ mait. Needs cosmelic work1 .Call Now Toll Free 1-866-You- OwnaHOME(968-69624663). 8/5-8/31 2 4 acres with septic. power pole and cit water Mobile homes permitted $19 500. call 838-2755 8/StfDC Land for sale located on Hwy 221! between Shiloh Church Rd. and Cairo Parker Rd 1 acre lots with paved, roads: Owner financing available Please call (386) 658- 1346 or (850) 584-7466 Badcock's tfEF 2 Bedroom, 1 1/2' bath apt., partly 'furnished, water, elec. & cable included, $170 per wk. + $250 deposit, call 838-1524 +77(pin), 843-1267 or 843-1296 8/3tfWB .For Rent; 2 bedroom, 1 bath 'house, new carpet, call 850-584-5154; 8/3-8/12 Businesses for rent. 1. 1600 sq ft 1. 240Q ;. sq. If,. formally Walkers Food Mart.& Bookman Call Jr Walker at 584-2883. 7/15tf. , Southern Villas of Perry!! New Manaqemenl" HUD Vouchers accepted. 10 and 2 bedroom HC and non-HC accessible apartments. Call 850-584-8111. TDD/TTY 711, 315 Puckett Rd. Perry, FL 32347. Equal Housing Opportunity. tfSV 2004 Yamaha Bruin, automatic, 350 4- wheeler, great shape, $3,200. 2004 250 Beanracker 4-wheeler, $2,800. 850-948- 3922 8/10-8/12 1994 17' Stumprocker 3 w/1995 Mercury 60' h'p stainless prop fish finder, very good condiliori. 584-9084. 8/10-8/19 Allis 'Chalmers, D10, series 3 with one- year old, five-foot wood finish mower, call 584-6555. 8/3-8/12 . 22 GRADY WHITE SEAFARER. SEA-V2 hull, w-a cuddy cabin 1993 Evinrude 225 4-stroke 2001 Yamara 9 9 Au' motor orn bracket, 2005 Aluminum trailer, hard top, auto-pilot LOWRANCE .map-gps- fishfinder, dual batteries, S.S'. Prop, very good cond., $24,990. Call Crews Marine, Perry, FL. (850)584-3055. 8/3-8/12 . 2005 Fleetwood travel trailer, 8x29 ft, sleeps 8, awning, ducted ac, large bath, skylight, 'holding tanks, ready to travel,; $12,500 cash, call Jim at 850-838-7807. S8/3-8/12 .2005 Gulfstream cavalier, 32 ft, travel trailer park model, no holding tanks, sleeps 8, full fridge, ducted ac, $10,000 cash, great condition, call Jim at 850-838- : 7807. . 8/3-8/12 'Automobile for sale 1984 Mercury Grand Marquis 4-door, re-built engine; runs good clean interior, $1,200 o.b.o., call (850) 223- 3976. 815 8/10 1997 Lincoln Town Car (Signaturel fully loaded, with all, power options, leather seals Super condition $8.000, cash or, money order Call 850584-3909 8/10-8/12. 2000 GMC, 6. cyl., one owner, 84,000 miles. $4,200. 84-7536. 8/10-8/12 2002 Dodge 3500 Diesel, 11 ft. flatbed, AMFM/Cass, AC, cruise, good neck & Srear hitch 100 gal fuel 2 tool boxes, well maintained, highway miles. $16,900 obo, 8/10 1999 Explorer Sport, 92K miles, automatic, power windows & locks, A/C, Cd player, tinted windows, asking $5000, call 584- 3149. 7/15tf 2002 Mid Size Chevy SUV, 4 door, white w/sliver clading, fold down rear seats, automatic, pw, door & windows, keyless entry, perfect condition, 42K miles, luggage rack, c.d. player, power mode for off road driving, $12,500 ob.o, call 584- 8111 or 223-3927. 7/27tfSV '02 Ford F150 Lariet ft, 4x4, 4-door, excellent condition, 75K Hwy miles, $20, 000 o.b.o., call 838-2755 8/5tfDC 2003 Chevrolet Avalanche, still under factory Warranty (30,000 miles). One owner, garaged and well maintained, equipped with Z66 road package, a/c, ps, pb, pw, door locks, remote entry, tilt wheel, cruise,-AM/FM/CD, On Star, parking sensors, ABS, step tubes (stainless), towing package, alloy wheels, etc. White with tan cloth interior, black wheel moldings and .chrome trim. Asking $20,800 (retail is $24,735). Call, 584-7883. 7/15tf 2003, Ford Focus ZX3, Auto., Metallic Blue, like new, 1 owner, tinted windows, premium sound, cd player, still under warranty, asking $9,500, worth $11,200, call 850-445-3414.' 8/3-8/31 1999 Explorer Sport, 94K miles, automatic, power windows & locks, A/C, Cd player, tinted windows, asking $5000, call 584- 3149. 7/15tf' Man's wedding band taken at Doctor's Memorial hospital, three rows of diamonds, Channel set, square cut, middle row blue , diamonds, reward onered, call 584-5030. 7/20-8/12 AKC registered Cocker Spaniel puppies, $300, call Leah at-672-0063. 8/5, 8/10 For Sale: 3 laying hens and a rooster. $20. 584-2097, tfLD 4* '-'A7AP'ALHGEERE4-nTER '. :r2 A Behavioral Health Care Center is currently seeking: CLINICAL SUPERVISION SPECIALIST #1451. MASTER'S DEGREE WITH A MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL WORK, COUNSELING OR A RELATED HUMAN , SERVICES FIELD AND THREE YEARS OF. RELATED PROFESSIONAL- EXPERIENCE, ONE OF WHICH MUST HAVE BEEN IN AN ADMiNISTRATIVE/CLINICAL SUPERVISORY CAPACITY. LICENSURE PREFERRED. SHIFT:' 8 A.M. 5 P.M./ MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. For more information and a complete listing of available positions: www.apalacheecenter.org (850) 523-3217 or 1(800)226-2931 . Human Resources 2634.J Capital Circle N.E., Tallahassee, FL . Pre-Hire Drug Screenr& FDLE background check ', . 'An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Drug-Free Workplace 8/10-8/12AC- Route salesperson; for local distributing company, must possess a valid Florida class D driver's, license and pass a drug screen. Send resume to 1526 Paul Poppell Rd., Perry, FL, 32347. 8/10-8/19 Position under Taylor County Board of County Commissioners: RMT-$8.04 Submit applications to Taylor Employment Connections Positions open until filled Taylor County BCC is an EEO/ADA.drug testing employer 7/20rf BCC Experienced plumber's needed, must have *valid driver's license, we do. drug testing, call 850-584-8603. 7/20tfHS PT Cook-Weekends Only Advent Christian Village 658-JOBS (6527) -wc ACVillage ret' Prep/clean up included; cook for visitor groups, High school diploma or GED preferred. Great working environment. EOE. *DFW. Criminal Background Verification Required. Apply in person at SA(CV Personnel Department Mon thru Fri, 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., Carter Village Hall, 10680 CR 136, Dowling Park, FL. Fax resume to (386) 658-5160. 8/3-8/12 Do you have a passionri and knowledge of food? Mama's Italian Family Restaurant is seeking an experienced, motivated cook to join our Family, where we offer good pay, flexible hours and a fun work environment. Apply in person between 2pm and 4pm at 2275 S. Byron Butler Parkway. Contact person: Chuck. 8/3-8/12MI Badcdck Furniture & More 2 Positions Set up & delivery person, good license & driving .record required,. Full time sales person. Apply in person, 1003 S. Jefferson St. 7/ltfBC Mature Woman to watch 2 kids.& cook meals, must have own transportation, Monday-Friday, 7 A.M.-3:30 P.M., at our home. Background check & References required. For details please call, 584-8464. 7/13tf Florida Department of Transportation has a vacancy in Taylor County for the following position: Position Number: 55004468 Broad Band Title: Highway Maintenance Workers-Level 1 Working Title: Maintenance Technician. Closing Date: August 10, 2005 For more information concerning job description and requirements apply online: https://peoplefirst.myflorida.com/logon.htm or call toll free 1-877-562-7287. The. Department of Transportation is an Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action ,and Drug Free Workplace employer. 7/29-8/10 Check Station Positions Available The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation. Commis'.'ion is hiring personnel' for seas.onal ov'.r- at check stations during the upcoming archery and general gun hunting seasons. Positions available in Taylor County.' Pays $6.15 per hour. Positions begin September- 24, 2005. For details call (850) 838-9016, or stop by the Big Bend Field Office at 663 Plantation Rd. in Perry. EO/AA 7/27-10/23 Own your own business, groun opportunity merchandising mar Opening soon Seeking vei spaces. Call Ms. Jones at (850) 223 costs. : 8/5-8/19 Wanted dead or alive; J tractors, etc; Will buy, se truck parts. S*M*A*S*H 'T 3999 or 850-843-4227. 7/1tfS L t " D o V.,- 1; -K-z Reliable, quality residential cli services, call 672-0607 for free quot 8/5-8/12 Clay Swindle, L.L.C., All typ remodeling, docks, decks, window framing, add on additions, porches, enclosures, painting interior & exte yrs. exp., licensed & insured Estimate, call 850-223-1780 or 843 leave message. Cormmerc Residential. 8/5tfCS TREE CAPITAL CLEANING 584-CLEAN (253 Tupperware: To book a party or re free catalog, call 850-584-9001, Stephanie : Towles, TuppE Consultant. 8/5-8/31 Lindsey Tractor Service Lawn Service, bush nogging clearing, drive ways, tree trir hauling, food plots, debree removal Call 850-584-5193 or 850-838-4818. 4/27tf d floor A+ Blanco Home Cleaning Service rketplace 223-1523, Letty Blanco, Licen ndors to fill Insured. 3-3976; low 8/3-8/19 A2.2 Farm anrid Lawn Services 1- rrowinr g buh rhog mrwinrg, dirt I f rad'e wc5 i ar7 l, i:mplee .lawn se Call 584-6737, leave message. 7 0 | 4/1tfAZ J.D.'s Tree Service and Lawr unk cars, trucks, Licensed and insured. Free estima ell & trade 4x4owing, 386-688- also rind stumps. Call today 83 Towing, 386-688- Firewood for sale. tfJD t, ,,L .- .4 od nhot ;in ,,t a -- ,L .. Do you need your house cleaned? Free estimates, references furnished. 850-584- 3048 or 850-428-9445. 8/10 Affordable child care in my home in city- limits. All day child care or before/after. school care. Call Jackie Luther at 223-- 2770 or 371-0059: 8/10-8/19 The Handyman experts, honest work! Affordable, professional, licensed and insured. Specializing in house painting, interior, etc., mobile home repairs, home mainlenance pressure ashinq lNood and concrete carpl vinyl wood IO,.-,r ceramrnic tile and repar.s Call 584-2270 Ihome) or 584-3776 (ince) 25 years. tfJM --BRAND NEW-, Choose from 2 or 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath , Exceeds New Gov't. Standards 275ma. Includes AC, Heat, Skirting & Steps No Down Payment for Landowners! (60 Other Homes to Choose From!) Eggs are Cheaper in the Country, So are Prestige Homes! N. Hwy. 19, Chiefland 800-477-2492 meaning e. pes of s, door screen rior. 18 CARPET & VINYL Installation and repairs done at a good price. No overhead. Direct savings to you. 30 years experience. 850-838-9050, please leave a message. 11/3tfBR . Free STUMP GRINDING 3-1941, Trees + .Branches + Tropical ial & Storm/Hurricane=Trouble. Tree Trimming, Removal, licensed & insured. Free Estimates, call John at (850) 584-2027. S 8/3-8/31 CL ircle "T" Specializing in all types.of tractor work, bushhogging, root raking, harrowing, dirt hauling & leveling, debris removal, clean up, and lawn care. Call for free estimate, 584-2806. 8/3-8/31 2) receive a Notice is hereby given pursuant to . ask for Section 2.13 (B) of the.City Charter of the City of Perry, florida, that Ordinance erware No. 807 ORDINANCE NO. 807 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PERRY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO AN -:,,.ENDMENT OF TEN OR LESS ACRES OF LAND TO THE lan .FUTURE LAND USE PLAN MAP OF THE CITY Sland OF PERRY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, mining, PURSUANT TO AN APPLICATION BY THE ,etc... PROPERTY OWNER OF SAID ACREAGE, UNDER THE AMENDMENT PROCEDURES ESTABLISHED IN SECTIONS 163.3161 THROUGH 163.3215, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR A CHANGE IN LAND USE , -(850)- CLASSIFICATION FROM RESIDENTIAL, LOW sed & DENSITY (LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 2 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) TO COMMERCIAL OF CERTAIN LANDS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PERRY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; AND eveling, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. services was ADOPTED by the City Council on July 27, 2005. William E. Brynes City Manager Emily Weed Ketring 1 Care. Mayor rates. We 8/10 38-1280. Career Opportunity Must relocate to North Georgia PROJECT PLANNER position at the Industrial Maintenance Division Estimating & computer skills a plus 40K plus NEG. EOE 770-536-5959 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Next Class: Aug. 22nd National Certification Financial Assistance Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Traning Services www.atsn-schools.com The City of Perry is accepting applications for the following position: Superintendent (Wastewater) This is a responsible administrative, technical, and supervisory position involving the operation and maintenance of the municipal wastewater treatment plant and facilities. Complete job description available upon request. Req: Must have a standard high school diploma or equivalency. Must have a minimum of a Class "B" Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator's License as issued by the State of Florida Annual Salary Range: $33,696.00.- $45,317.37 Applications are available at City of Perry Personnel Office and will be accepted until the position is filled. CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office 224 S. Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347. Phone: (850) 584-7161 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER The Pepsi Bottling EPJs Group of Perry is now hiring- Field Service Technicians Please review the detailed job descriptions,. requirements, and apply online at wWW.pbgcareers.com No phope calls please PBG is a Equal Opportunity Employer Prestige Home Center Chiefland The Only Factory Outlet on the West Coast NO "DOUBLE TALK" WITH OUR ADVERTISING-- NO GAMES WITH OUR PRICES! Any Nbw Home Purchased from Prestige Homes Includes FREE Delivery & Set-Up...PERIOD! SERVICES MP618.7WffiN WANTED' HOMES REAL ESTATE * ' 9 Notilce.is e1e.9c g.Jer-n pursuant to Section'2.13 i61 or Ire City Charter ,of "the City of Perry, Florida, that Ordinance No. 808 ORDINANCE NO. 808 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PERRY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE REZONING OF LESS THAN TEN CONTIGUOUS ACRES OF LAND, PURSUANT TO AN APPLICATION BYr THE PROPERTY OWNER OF SAID ACREAGE;' -M.1EOIErIrG THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS OF THE CITY OF PERRY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGUL-.ilO'iIl PROVIDING.:FOR REZONTHIG FROM RESIDENTIAL, SINGLE FAMILY I (PSF. I 10TO COMMERCIAL INTENSIVE (CI). 'OF' CERTAIN LANDS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PERRY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE., . was ADOPTED by the City Council on July 26,2005. . 'W ilior E Br, ner . ,City Manager Emily Weed Ketring Mayor Notice of Public Hearing Hearing Date: September 6. 2005 Subject of Hearing: Annual Leave of Administrative Personnel THE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF-TAYLOR COUNTY WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ABOVE DATE FOR APPROVAL OF. SAID SUBJECT ITEM. THIS HEAfi lG WILL BE HELD AT THE SCHOOL BOARD MEE ING IHE 'PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND TO E.rPr, ESS THEi.? OFINIONS/CONCERNS. THE PUBLIC HErtiT-i;- WILL BE HELD AT THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLEX, SCHOOL BOARD MEETING ROOM, 318 North Clark Street. A copy of this policy may be obtained from the SjoeiirTiierdaeni ; Office. 0;cor TI Howard Ji s uDerirnenaenr ol Sno . 8'0. 8/17 8,,24 8/3i NOilCE IS HEREBf GIvEI IC, ,JACQUELINlE M BO, ilGTOII UlJLES, PA ,'MET IS TIAl 'E Cr 1i8l i Fl. m.L /I P3BB26IHG.5,74.,) '!EHICLE AILL BE UCICi Or Ti HE I1'iH Of 1 AUIJ- I JT 99 00 A 1. A TA L- -r' '. AC ,' A C.' .8/10 : NOTICE IS HEREBY G.'ENj iO JAMES P JONES UrILESS PA,'EEIIi IS MADE 0.1 1995 GEO VII 19tYIS 2 Z5055586' VEHICLE WILL BE AUCTIOli Ofl IHE 19iH OF AUGUST AT 00OA AM Al LAPR,'S lOW AND RECOVER / 8/10 NOTiCE IS HEPr'EB' GI .'ET irD GEORGE ATrIHOIJr E1HRIDGE UtILESS'3 F 'ME.1EJi iS S ADE Onr, 1F99 FCOr,iD 'vIjr;3FAPPi.3.IBPR'174. I VEHICLEL E WILL BE AUCTIOTI 011 iHE loinH Of AJuGUSi AT 900 M.1 AT LAIPFi S TOW AIJD RECOVER'' 8/10 I Ii IHE COUTIJ COURT. iHIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. IN AIID FOR I'T'LOR COUIIT., FLOPRIDA CASE rjO 62.2004 CC.196.00AA1 ROBEPT VAtNHORN, sPI ao,, r t r Delerdant NOTICE OF AC TIOIJ NOTICE 15 HEREBY Gi'.'ErT THAI A PElilOIl iO DEIERMITlF.OWilERSHIP OF A MOTOR VEHICLE HAS BEEII FILED ATID YOU ARE REQUIRED TO SERVE A COPY OF YOUR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS, IF ANY. ON ROBERT VAN HORN, WHOSE ADDRESS IS 9457 SCERTER AVE., BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA 34613 WHO IS THE PETITIONER, ON OR BEFORE SEPTEMBER 08, 2005, AND FILED THE ORIGINAL WITH THE CLERK OF THE COURT EITHER,BEFORE SERVICE ON THE PETITIONER, OR IMMEDIATELY THEREAFTER; OTHERWISE, A DEFAULT WILL BE ENTERED FOR THE RELIEF DEMANDED. III iHE EiiION. . SA'i tiES3 .i(/ HAND ijD SEtl OF THIS COURT ON THE 08TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2005,-AT TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT, BY: SALINA FORD DEPUTY CLERK 8/10, 8/17, 8/24, 8/31 Notice of Public Hearing Hearing Date: September 6, 2005 SSubject of .Hearing: Annual Leave of "a -irii'.rnrroa l. 'e ,,nnel 'n , IHE 'IDSirliC i ,HO'I. bO PE' OF TAYLOR COuri ,rILL H.I::,.L PUBLI: -EAPlrIG ON THE ABOVE DATE FOR APPROVAL OF SAID SUBJECT ITEM. THIS HEARING WILL BE HELD AT TIHE SCHOOL BOARD MEETING. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS/CONCERNS. THE PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD AT THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLEX, SCHOOL, BOARD MEETING ROOM, 318 North Clark S'Street. A copy of this policy may be obtalrred from the Superintendent's Office. Oscar M. Howard Jr. . nSe oer dent .:. ;choots 8/10 8, 1" 2P % '3c 31 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING: The District SBoard of Trustees of North Florida Co.rr ri it,rr. Coiiege .111 r.. i d its regular mor.rhl ii.-lr..g lueJaao, August 16 2 *005 0at .ii 1ir. in rnme TnIFCC Stuoent enre, I al.ece Ioorr, ilfCC 100t0 u i.ili 'Do.1- [0 r.io.odl r, FL A copy ol trie agenao t-.ral'V be oDlalned by ,.'.ing rIFCC ,Ih ce or ine President 1000 ) uine DEa.'i D: aMoion. FL 323d40 F:,r ai;ac.:li,'. r eiaie., ocommoaatrons contact the rIFCC Oi.:e ol College ., .,n.* eri.eri 3'50.9-' .l6t.3 TJFCC 15i Soan eau, olj:cce';,e-Qua3l oj'P-rtunlly, NJOhCE OF APfLIC Ai-iCI FORT iA.,: DEED rlOIICE IS HE"'`B GI JErl tha LLOYD WOODS trie r,.,ialdei 01 the roiiowing cenldcote hoa illlea i, cernllicare or oa Oa daeed to be isiJed thereon The certlicore nurorier ard year ol Issuance the description of mene pro.eny, ana the names in wnich IT was as-essed are iollows Cenrlicore ric. 3 ',ear or Isuonce 1998 Desrciticr:r c.-i Fr.oerit Poicel Iid R '.010 50,' ,'C 0 7 .l -1 .'. Cormner.cing al tre S'.,utneo'i Corner D01 ie TiE l,'J i:,r Ine SW I o01 SecIron 7 ioT.'.n nip 4 ,r.cjrn. Fonge 4 East thence Tun Tionn I 605 leel. Inence run West 1205 feet i i oa point or egilnrninrg inence run ve:lr 50 leelr tence run Jornn agrees 10 minutes West 1256 leei thence run rJc.nn 85 degrees East 50 ieet rnence rur Sourn 7 degrees 10 mrn'nules East 134 9 reel to rne polnr of beginning Name I, wn.cn o azesea AARON M I DA'.'ENPOPI Sa.a oioperrn. Deing in the Counrt of ilai r Saieor or ,ida U. ie-.l ; r, *i, ,':. 1 t': oe :;n il be redeernedc oc:caling to lo thne prOD'eri/ descr'ea i ; I:ucn certificore snioll e SOld I the n.gnres Dlader or the Courthouse door or, rne 22nd day of Auqgu. 2005 at I I 00 o'clock ao m HELP WANTED Warehouse/Delivery/Set-up Person Must have valid driver's license No phone calls South House Drug Free Workplace 602 W. Main Street Part-Tim $ 1.0 sleoc .n W h.' Sign On Bonus ", PRITCHETT TRUCKING NEEDS EXPERIENCED CLASS A DRIVERS IN YOUR AREA FOR LOCAL HAULING. GOOD PAY AND BENEFITS O .8- a.- .7 80486-=7504 Dated'this 18th day of July, 2005. Annie Mae Murphy' Clerk of Circuit Court -Taylor County, Florida 7/20, 7/27, 8/3, 8/.10 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA JOSEPH L. PAULK, Plaintiff, v. CASE NO. 05-498-CA RAY LYNN, Defendant. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: RAY LYNN YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action to quiet title to the following property in Taylor County,, Florida:' NW of the NE of Section 21; T6S, R7E Taylor County, Florida. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, it aony to It on the plaintiff's attorney, MICHAEL S. SMITH, SMITH, SMITH & MOORE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, P.A., P.O. Drawer 579, Perry, Florida 32348, on or before SEPTEMBER 2, 2005, and file the original answer or pleading with the Clerk of this Court either before service on the PlaIlntlffis attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will.be entered against you for the relief demanded In the Complaint to Quiet Title. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this 27th day of July, 2005. AnNIE M 2AE MURPHY, Clerk ol me Circuit Court Taylor County, Florida P.O. Drawer 620 Perry. Florida 323481 By: MARTI LAVALLE Deputy Clerk 8/3,10 II IHE, COUNTY' COUpi Il THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUi iTN IHE COUNrT% CIr''CUIi IN THETHIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT I AND FOR r A,'LOFr ,-OurifY, FLORIDA SECURIfT' PROPERTIES Tri. Plainn ' Cose ,c, 200I5.9.CC JOSEPH HARRY / HAi'. O,',oJJH HLi. S on ,3 CEC ILI'" B HAES II Oll.e ,rd I dead rnelr unknown rpouies neir: deisees. gaionree; creaoitDr: ain, OIi Soher parties clamring a inrougn. jundei *or against her. me ,jr-knor. 5pou,'uS ers, devisee; granrees and ,:redrios So deceased persons ania all other paoties claiming oy lhiojgri unaei o against rnem. ona oil unknown noaural persons il alive ona It daea or nr.:. knwr. I oe deoa or ai e. i T',e. r,', l ana respectl'.ve unltrio.'.n .,ouie: reI,: de/isees gionlees aor.a c:iOor: or otre, carries cloaming j, inrirug ri..r under tho'.e unkno..n ri-iariu pertscr.: Sar. .tre several on n reapeci.e unKxn:./rn assigns succesci r in Ilrer;r. trustees or an' olhei person cloraming by through. urdarer O, againlr '.1' corporation or other legal enrtiy named as detendaon anda Oil claoimarts persons or parties. natural or corporate or whose exact legal slolu- is uni.nown ,"claiming under an or mie above . roamed or described defendants or. parties claiming to have any right, title or interest in arnd to the lands hereinafter aercrinea. Deiaenioni i . SNOTI'IC OF ACTION : O JOSEPH HARPR Hr'E' oa., ,, JH HAYES, and CECILIA B H1,ES ai alive, and iI deoa. tieir unkrn.:.*n soouses, nells ae.iseas. grantee: creditors and oil other paonies claiming b'- through under or against rner tin unknown spouses heirs devrsees granrees and creditors of aeceoase persons and all other parties claiming by through, under or ogainnrt rhem ,r,a all unknown natural Dersorn, il alie ,rda if aeaa or nor known iTo e oaea or oir.e. ineir se.,eali and respecti.. unK.rown spouse; rnemr ae.'I'ees granrees ona Creadiors tr ,:.rhet c'ar claoimning by. trrougn or unaer Ih,:.,: unknown natural persori aora rthe se.'eral and ree.Tec,'e unkrnc....'r assigns successors in nieresr Irjstees or any other person claiming ray, ihrugnh. under or against any coi'poranon or olher legal entity named as deiendont and all cloalmoans pesors or poares. natural or corporate. :1 whose e.ocI legal status is urrnown claiming unaer any of Me aloo.e nomea or ae:crioea, aefendanit cor panles claiming to rno.e any i.ghl, tnile or interest in and ir.' ine lands hereinaofer aesciic'ea defendant; YOU ARE HEREBT' IOIiFED troa a Complaint to oreclose and Set A ae Agreement (fo Deeda o me follo.jmin, property In Taylor Counr,,.. Fionao- Parcel lID Nro RE,6578.175 Lot 175. Block flo G. Leisure Retreats Suodivision. Section Ill, as ine come appears of record in Plot Book I ar Page 129. ol tne Puolic Pecords or1 ravlor County. Florida has been flied ogoains youj and oJ ore reaulired to serve o copy C, your millerr, defenses if ony to i ,n tr e plamnrnrr: attorney MtICHAEL S S.11TH Sr.,IITH SI.TliH &r MOORE. AT.ORiE.'S aT LAN PA PC Drawer 579. Per., FIorida 3.2"M ,:-r, :,i before Septemc.er 2 .'00r5 or,1 file ihe ", original annei ,t p.l-oding Itr, ire, Clerk of this Couirt elrner oerote ,el ,'ice on the Plaintllis artrorrev c, immeahaiel, rhereoaier. otner,-li:e o aeaoJIr eMin be entered against you rot the reirer demanded In tne Comploini to Foreclose ond Set Aside Agreement 1o Deed WITTlESS my hand and orliciai Seal, in r: 28th day of July. 2'005 ANNIE MAE lMURPH,' Clerk pof the Circuit Court . Taylor County, Florida. By: SALINA FORD Deputy Clerk 8/3, 10 At the booking i Editor's note: It is the p newspaper to run the na those arrested and bool Taylor County Jail. All ti below have been charge crime, but are consider until proven guilty. July 11: Latasha Nicole Ray, Warner Street, VOP (de intent to defraud, forge theft), hold for Leon Coi Whetsel, TCSO. Larry Allen Wyckoff, Avenue, Punta Gorda, conduct, resisting arrest violence, Ptl. Cooper, P July 12: Robin T. King, 3 Avenue, Punta Gorda, 'conduct, Ptl. Cooper, PP Vearl A. Flanders, 45, Street, VOP. Dep. Davis Thomas Laverne Du 34, Yancy Street, Tal bond revoked, Dep. TCSO. July 13: Quincy J. .Baker. 2 Street, VOP resistingn without violence). Dep. TCSO. Rusty Allen Mayn Ellison Gamble Road. w domestic battery, Dep. TCSO. Otis Leroy Thomas, 4I Luther King, possession than 20 grams cannabis. without violence, no -al license. Ptl. Franklin. P1 Jetty K. Sadousky, Houck Road, FTA worthless check), (arraignment for passing check). Dep. Woods, TC Kenyaia Creashay San 1045 S. Warner Avenu theft, Ptl. Gray, PPD. July 14: S Shance Shanie Bulger W. Church Street (battery/domestic/crimin Smith. DOC. Wiley Jim Hendry, . HP Padgett Road, posse less than 20 grams cann Gray, PPD. Kaci Brooks Faircloth, Hwy. 221, DWLS Th6mpson. TCSO. Denise. Cobb, 27, Malloy Street. aggrat.ate tampering with evident Gray,,TCSO. Louis Daron Gaddy; Saxton Street, parole v DWLS (knowingly), attack not assigned. Pil. Norris, SBarbara Ann Harris, 48 Spring Place, assault (ac tampering with ev possession of cocaine, po of drug paraphernalia. concealed weapon, (possession of drug paraph Ptl. Gray, PPD. July 15: Michael S. Haywoi Lipscomb Street, VOP the scene), battery, Dep TCSO. Cornelius LaJordan V\ 18. Third Street, (delivery./purchase of. possession of cocaine Cooper, PPD; STammy L. Collins, 4 Reddick Drive, domestic battery, burglary. Dep. TCSO. MEITAL3' Wide ROOFING Galvalume Full line of3'Wide accessories In stock Painted Special Flashings Made All Types Warranted Metal Available Cut to your desired lengths Dehlern Service Avadable LCal Toll-Free 888-393-0335 352-498-0778 Horseshoe Beach, Fl. B-5 The Taco Times August 10,2005 RECYCLE.. Old News is desk Good News policy of this ames of all ked at the hose listed led with a. d innocent 27, South posit with cry, grand unty, Dep. 41, Mark disorderly st without PD. 58, Mark disorderly PD. Schwartz . s, TCSO. uckworth, lahassee. lJon us in creating a Whetsel, betteworld, in which our 1, Susan Hawkins, precous resources are 'arrant .oro lard. 21 9. S an 9 1, ,arrant for prese ed replenished Bow den. 0, Nlartin We all need to do outr part, n of less resisting. an recyc ling is a great star id drivers PD. 57, 2244 , (passing FTA %orth less SO. nders, 18. - ie, grand Recycling sites are available at each a;,A709 roll-off site in the county VOP , al). Off. Carlton Ceretery, Shady Grove, 25, 6030 Harrison-Blue, Salem, Stenhatchee, session of abis. Pl. /Blue Springs, Eridu, Hwy. 98 & 14, and 24,5710 Johnson Stripling Rd. Newspapers car Dep. also be taken directly to the county's 515 W. d assault. recycling facility on Highway 98 where ice, Ptl. hours are 7:30a.m. to 4:00 p.mr 21, 310 violation, ching tag PPD.", 500 W. ' cessory), t ;0 .t ssessione, Taco Times warrant and hermalia), . Perry News-Herald od, 45, (leaving 85) 4- 1 Davis. r ----." -" "" .'illiams,n $35 In County' $49 Out of County I v VMail check to Perry Newspapers, Inc.YP.O. Box. 888, Perry, FL 32348 cocaine, I, e), Ptl. N 4 'E - 2. West I ADDRESS I battery,. I CITY STATE ZIP Woods,. L.. ...... , Top Reasons 4 to advertise in the Classifieds! 1. Circulation Over 5,100 people read the Taco Times and Perry News-Herald on a weekly basis. 2.. Convenience Simply call our Classified Department at 584-5513 for more information. 3. Cost Only $5 for 25 words or less for the first run and $3 for ea6W edition thereafter. 100 for each word over 25. 4. Results :-he You get them when you sell through the classifieds.'I mb e6 TheTaco Times August 10, 2005 Letters to the Editor :Soccer SDear Editor: The 2004-2005 Taylor County i : ie to take this opportunity to than generous donations, all of.our chil Bassett's Dairy, Buckeye lorida, Gulf Coast Auto Wholesale, Ironw i- re, Greg Parker Attorney-at-Law S I aPadgett and Timberland Ford. I personally would also like to t Asthma boosters thank supporters .and Denise Eelt for keeping the concession stand stocked and keeping Middle School Soccer Boosters would things organized, and Traci for all.your extra help all season long. ik several businesses. Because of their A special thanks to Bruce Ratliff and those who wish to remain ldren (53) received very nice trophies: anonymous, for your time and support throughout the season. To the Cribbs & Sons, Delta Land Surveyors, coaches, thank you for caring and for the time you spend with our kids. 'ood Homes, NAPA, Nature Coast Eye v, Roach Coach, State Farm Insurance- Babs Barton, Treasurer :hank Traci Rowell, Andrea Robertson TCMS Soccer Boosters C 'I specialist: 'choose clean air' S-Dear Editor, Does anybody in their right ind want to breathe poisoned air? t is not in the- best interest of Taylor County residents nor their S commissioners to build a coal fired p6wer plant. Having a coal fired power plant ii the community is; analogous to smoking; .the risks are well ; tablished and have been known : lr years. FFloridians -' erwhelmingly voted for smoke- i 'ee restaurants and work places. Wecan now enjoy a nice mealjn -' fmoke-free restaurant, why i oidld anybody in their right mind S ant a smoke filled outdoor environment? Just like cigarettes, S hei. is no such thing as a safe S coal fired power plant. They emit poisonous gases which cause asthma attacks, heart attacks and S kill people. Sadly, air pollution i cutting short the lives of E; 4,000 Americans a year; their lives are cut short not by a few weeks or months but by an average of 12 years! : Sixty-seven different pollutants -h ave been detected in the flue gas o-' f coal-fired power plants. Of these, 55 are known to affect the * development of a child's brain or i' .:erous system or to affect the :_iayiia child's body develops. -People living nearby a coal fired -power plant have higher rates of' i dath and disease because of all the poisonous gases emitted. Unless S the commissioners will be S-:walking around with gas masks, they will be increasing their own chance of death and disease as well as the community's. As a Tallahassee asthma; .specialist I've treated thousands of patients with asthma.. Many are well-controlled until they travel to r "Serv polluted places like Pensacola or Atlanta and develop an asthma attack. Witnessing someone with an asthma attack is a humbling experience; patients are struggling for their next breath of air. I routinely counsel many of my asthmatic graduates not to move 'to polluted cities like Atlanta. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if I told my patients not to move to Taylor County as well? Citizens all over the country worry about their health, jobs and, their community. New evidence is now showing that air pollution causes chromosomal damage in' fetuses and low birth weight babies. Exposure to high levels of pollution over a long time is now thought, not only to worsen asthma but, to cause it as well. Do you think businesses will be attractedto Taylor County if it becomes even more polluted than it now is?' Was distribution center pursued? ECONOMIC COUNCIL Continued from page 3 appear not to want to blow people up either. So 'my question is again, exactly what is the economic Council of Taylor County doing? I would also like to know how; aggressively did they seek the Family Dollar Distribution Center or any of the other businesses bsted above? Pat Cook Discount Air & Heat Refurb Center >ing Taylor County and the Beaches" Refrigerators Ice Makers Heating Units -_Same Day Service--24 hours a day, 7 days a week (N(o service charge with work done) :$0 Down S-6 months same as cash .A power plant in the community will definitely .Stimulate job growth in the funeral home and undertaker sectors. It is doubtful that a coal fired plant will cause your electricity bill to go down but it is certain that there will be more health costs to burden the taxpayers; more doctors visits, medications, lost work days and an increase in ER visits, hospitalizations, heart and asthma attacks and death. Choose clean air, not poisoned air. Don't turn 'Taylor County into a sacrifice zone. You are. entitled to breathe clean air: A coal fired power plant in Perry could rob' you of your health and kill you. Remind your commissioners that they will also be breathing in poisoned air if this plant is built. Does anybody in their right mind want to breathe poisoned air? Ronald H. Saff, M.D. Allergy and Asthma Diagnostic Treatment Center Council Member, American Lung Association Member, Physicians for Solid Responsibility NEXTEL AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER STRICKLY CELLULAR 850-223-1900 Lance Burford, Outside Sales 850-672-0050 Monday Friday 8:30 am until 5:00 pm.,1306-A South Jefferson Street Perry, FL. ' it-sinv a e, on (r .~ JustT**. ANNOUNCED EDDIE ACCARDI t IhAU FOR YOUR -s FOR YOUR 1-800-401-3918 Pin 12 wayneh.2@netzero.net I - v I |