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Since 1961 Ta. c oy .;- Edition i nimjMtiL JiU&-r ZJ-^^la ; , June 29, 2005 Tree Capital of the South News Forum . Steinhatchee celebrates with fireworks! The Steinhatchee Community Projects Board invites you to join them in celebrating the 4th of July with a bang! The group will sponsor the annual fireworks display and independence Day celebration in Steinhatchee, Monday, July 4. Activities will include a "red, white and blue banana splits" booth, children's games and live music. The festivities kick off at the Steinhatchee Community Center at 6 p.m. Fireworks will begin at 9 p.m. (dusk). Details of Keaton Beach's planned 4th of July celebration, which were being "fine-tuned" as of presstime Tuesday, will be announced in Friday's Perry News-Herald. Commissioners to discuss senior services Thursday- The Taylor County Board of Commissioners will hold a special joint meeting with the Taylor County Senior Services Board of Directors Thursday, June 30, at 6 p.m. Also taking part in the session will be representatives from the Area Agency on Aging. The topic will be senior services in Taylor County. The meeting will be, held at the Taylor County Administrative Complex. Hampton Springs closed for construction The park at Hampton Springs will be closed for the next several months for construction. A new parking lot is - currently under construction and work on a new bridge is expected to begin in the coming weeks. Holiday deadlines Perry Newspapers will be closed Monday for the 4th of July holiday.. Classified deadlines for the July 6 edition of Taco Times will be extended to 10 a.m. Tuesday. The classified deadline for next week's Perry News-Herald will remain Wednesday at 5 p.m. Community yard sale Saturday Summer is here and the AMVETS Post 20 Community Yard Sale will 'continue this Saturday, JfAly 2, from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Anyone can reserve a space (with a six-foot table) for a $5 donation. For more information or to reserve a table, call Mark Viola'at 584- 5513 or 584-8807 (after 5 p.m.). The yard sale is held the first Saturday of each month at the AMVETS post home (2499 Woods Creek Rd,). Index Livlng...page A-4 Sport.s...page A-6 Religion...page A-7 Community...page B-1 Editorial...page B-2 Classifieds...page B-6 In Coleman heater deaths Jury awards family $10 million A South Florida jury has awarded $111 million to the familI of two men who died of carbon monoxide poisoning while on a camping trip here in Noxember 1999. The bodies of Pedro Juan Covas. 41, and his stepson, Rolando Jose Revna, 16, were found Monda%. Nov. 23 11999), ling full' clothed in their sleeping bags at their campsite in the Breeding Ground Still Hunt Club. Both men were club members and were believed to have been in Perry since Thanksgiving. The club is located off Highway 221, on Cairo Parker Road. The men were found by another hunter who had last spoken with the Lake Worth men the previous Saturday. The hunter noticed late Monday evening that their vehicle and gear were in the same spot as before, prompting him to check on their welfare. He found them inside their tent, which had been zipped closed. Dog thefts implicate employee A Perry man working at the Taylor County Solid Waste facility. which also houses the county's animal shelter, faces felonN charges after witnesses say he mas have been involved in the theft of several bulldogs from the facility. According to reports fried by Taylor County Sheriffs Office Sgt Charles Campbell. the suspect, Jerry Edward Bailey. 26. was questioned recently about discrepancies in his story after he reported a burglary of bulldogs in progress at the animal shelter. The bulldogs had been placed with county and city animal control authorities after they were confiscated from Victoria Denise Williams. 32, when officers with Perry Police Department found them during the execution of a warrant for a different matter. "The 15 bulldogs were in various stages of health, with some showing signs of malnutrition...and some showed signs of being raised and bred for fighting," PPD Sgt. Jamie Cruse said. "Most of the dogs did not have adequate shelter," he added. "They did not have any potable water and there was no food available to them. Most of the dogs had scars and injuries to their heads and front legs. One of the dogs had a swollen head and appeared to have puncture wounds to the head. causing this swelling." .- Please see page 2 According to reports. ihc men ot the odorless. colorless ga:. %ere in an airtieht 9-b\ '-tooi rent Co.as.' \ ido\\ ilild Sill against along iih Colcman Fu us 5 Coleman in 201i.0. blaming the heater, which authorines ,jid .i..s company% for the detihs of her _on defective and emltted lethal levels and husband The suit claimed that the heater's fuellines could not be cleaned and that the company did not include a warning against using the heater indoors or a safety switch to shut the heater off in the presence of excess carbon monoxide, as new models have. .-, Please see page 3 State recommends reinstatement Teacher cleared in biting incident The Florida Di% vision of Administrati e Hearjins has recommended that Taylor County teacher Natalie Whalen be reinstated to her former position without I oss of pay or benefits. Whalen was suspended \ with pa\ following a Jan. 10 incident in which she was accused of biting a student. According to a statement issued by Harry L. Hooper. adminisratii\e la\\ judge with the Division of Administrative H-earings a female student in Natalie Whalen's class brought a CD player to class Whalen disco\ ered and confiscated it. "Dr. Whalen took possession of the CD player because school rules forbid students to have CD plasrs in class. Whalen put it in a drawer by her desk "The student later approached Whalen's desk. moving behind Whalen and reached for the drawer containing the CD player in an effort to retrieve it," Hooper said. When Whalen asked her what she was doing, the student said she was getting her CD player and cursed her. SThe child continued to attempt to get the player, opening the drawer and grasping the headset. "Whalen attempted to close the drawer, and the child reacted violently and this surprised Whalen. The student attempted to strike Whalen, who reared back to avoid the blow and then put her arm around the child. "When the child pulled away, this caused'Whalen to fall from her wheelchair on top of the child's back., - "The student bit Whalen several times, breaking her skin in three places," Hooper added. During the next few minutes, it took several teachers, aides,,and the assistant principal to "safely restrain" the child. Afterwards, the student said, "Whalen had bitten her." Two red marks between her shoulder blades were found during an examination of the child at the school health clinic. "Whalen said the marks must have been made by her chin or her teeth may have contacted the .* Please see page 2 Oversight committee established for coast tI.eyres dOn-me 3.>~- q NN I l ytF a iO ttthe rs .g:"of*Awo 't'ca that o cur~red6;fI-X.i rhd. ~ r" 1011'of' )rn anf'sreets: Perryk. r.. O UR ; V :~j~?r I- Ir .W ay WAY4 _q J, Q_ ~'if~lS~ef~ji~sn .n~ibnA RAN~EI The county commission voted last week to create a new coastal management committee to help oversee issues concerning the coastline of Taylor County. The action' came' after Commissioner Clay Bethea asked the board to consider a special legislative act from 1969 that gave the commission the option to create a port authority for the county. A similar act in 1959 created the Taylor County Development Authority. "There's a plethora of issues down there," Bethea said. "I think the coastline is a big enough issue to have someone out there looking just at that." The act begins, "There is created for and in Taylor County at Perry a body corporate with the usual corporate powers to sue and be sued and with additional powers specified herein to be known as the Taylor County Port Authority." The authority would consist of five members appointed by the commission to serve four year terms. Such an authority would have rights and duties that could include: acquiring lands and water rights and improving such lands in any form "which promotes or will have a tendency to promote the public good of the community;" operating a commercial port for vessels for the express purpose of ,> Please see page 3 .~I .~~i weew Ir~ ~ -r~li~rrrr~r~ral:Wrrn ~i.~-~ -t.Iv New t-hangars also planned Airport runway repaired; weather system is next The Perry/Foley Airport is receiving a series of facelifts and improvements, with several projects recently completed and pair of new projects about to S begin. According to County -Grants Coordinator Melody Cox, the airport runway rehab and security fencing projects have been And the winner is... completed. Also, repairs have been made to the. airport runway Members of the Perry Police Department held a drawing Saturday for the $100 gas/gift card lighting. being raffled. Pictured above are, from left, Jennifer Davis, Lavonne Blanton, Connie' Mack Sullivan (winner), Ptl. Gina Deeson, Ptl. Gene Franklin and Sgt. Ben Flowers. The raffle was At its June 20 meeting, the held to raise money for a bronze eagle to be placed in Veterans Park. county commission approved two Leaal meeting oendina Whalen: 'Judge ruled TEACHER Continued from page 1 child's back. She said that she had forced her chin in the child's back in an effort to stop the child from biting her," Hooper said. During this time, several witnesses at the scene all agreed that the marks looked like bite marks. "The child told her mother the day after the incident, that she had been bitten by a boy on the playground of Taylor Elementary School. "Another student was the only non-participant close to the actual combat who was a neutral observer. He did not see Whalen bite the child, but did see her chin contact the child's back and he heard Whalen say words to the effect of, 'I am going to make you say ouch.'" Juvenile identified 'pizza man' EMPLOYEE Continued from page 1 Williams was arrested and charged with cruelty to animals, training animals for fighting, possessing or owning equipment in animal baiting--all felonies and. another misdemeanor charge of cruelty to animals. Several daNs later. Campbell and TCSO Dep. Rusty Davis were dispatched to animal control about a burglary in progress. Campbell took several statements from Bailey, but said later they "just didn't make sense." While investigating the burglary, Campbell discovered that a Master Lock had been cut and. the gate pushed down, and seven bulldogs taken. Two weeks later, two juveniles were arrested after officers witnessed them fighting dogs on Magnolia Road. The dogs were confiscated and again taken to city and county animal control. County Animal Officer Carrie Tucker met Campbell at the city animal compound, where she identified three of the four dogs as some of those stolen from the county's animal compound. When the juveniles were interviewed, Campbell told them "that they could be facing more charges for having stolen dogs in, their possession and that they needed to tell me where the dogs came from. "After a while, (one of the juveniles) told me it's the'pizza man, that drives the red Blazer," Campbell added. "I knew this to be Jerry Bailey; he works part- time as a pizza delivery man. "I asked them how they met with Bailey and one of them told me that Bailey came to him asking him if he wanted some good dogs. "I then made. contact with Bailey," Campbell said. "I told him I needed to clear up some things he had told me, the original night of the theft. "I asked him about saying he was between two patrol cars shining a light that night, and he said he did not say that. He told me that he said he was standing in his driveway shining the light up in the air. "I reminded him that he said this in front of three other people," Campbell said. "I said that he told me he saw the dogs running around the compound. He told me that was not what he said, that he said he saw two of the dogs in his yard.. I then asked him how could the dogs leave the compound without leaving any tracks in the dirt which is around the compound and he said he did not" know," Campbell said. "I then told him that he took the dogs out of the compound on the 'shelter's leashes, onto the sidewalk. He got mad at this point and said that all these people were lying and that he worked 'there and had not stolen anything." A probable cause affidavit was sent to the State Attorney's Office for the arrest of Bailey, according to Campbell. A warrant was handed down, and Bailey "was arrested for dealing in stolen property, with the additional charge of felony tempering with evidence. bid committee recommendations regarding forthcoming projects. They accepted AJT & Associates, Inc. to install a AWOS III at the airport. AJT was one of three firms who bid for the project, and its $171,143 bid was the lowest. The AWOS, (Automated Weather Observation System) can be dialed-up by pilots allowing them to receive real-time weather updates at the airport. The existing AWOS is not operable. According to the bid committee, AJT has installed communications in my favor' Whalen denied biting the child. She stated at the time of the event, and under oath at the hearing, that. she forcibly contacted the child's back with her chin. She stated that it was possible that in the heat of the struggle her teeth may have contacted the child's back. "The opinion of the school personnel as to the origin of the marks upon the child's back is entitled to great weight," 'said Hooper. "On-the other hand, a study of the photographs exposed immediately after the incident, reveals no. teeth marks and no broken skin. "The marks are consistent with pressing one's chin upon another's back or pressing one's teeth in one's back. In the latter case, whether the child was bitten, may be a matter of definition.". According to Hooper, statutes provide, thaL.."an employee ,may'y use such force as i' demif "" reasonable in protection from Santacks. Whalen's reaction to the child's assault was reasonable. Under the circumstances, Whalen Used remarkable restraint.' Superintendent of Schools Oscar Howard Jr. said Tuesday that he' w. would not make a recommendation until a legal meeting could be held with school board members and the board attorney, just before the Tuesday night board meeting. In a statement issued last week, Whalen said, "I wish to thank all my friends' and co-workers who have stood by me during the past six months after being charged with'biting a student. I have been reinstated back into my teaching career as of Friday, June 17 and will be back to work starting Aug. .1. "The judge has ruled in my favor and for this, I am extremely happy. There are so many people who have prayed with me, who have given me positive messages to 'hang in there,' and have supported me through this terrible ordeal. "I could never have made it without the help of all my friends and for this and many other reasons, I thank you all." systems at Kissimmee Airport, Manhattan Regional Airport and Cheyenne, Wyo., Regional Airport among Others. They also designed and constructed the air traffic control tower at Kennedy Space Center. The commission also accepted Slone Associates, Inc. as contractor for the design and construction of t-hangars at the airport. Slone, the only firm to reply, bid $287,250. Slone, which was also chosen by the commission to work on Phase 1 construction at the Taylor County Sports Complex, has worked at St. Augustine/St. Johns Airport, Detroit Metropolitan Airport, O'Hare International and Jacksonville International. They are currently finishing up t-hangar construction in Suwannee County. According to Cox, the county is applying for a grant from the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) for the amount of the AWOS contract, in additional to administrative services and a "design-only" fee of $30,000 for the t-hangars. The total is $208,715. The FAA will pay 95 .percent of the cost, while the Florida Department of Transportation and the county will each pay two and one-half percent. The county's portion will be $5,217. A letter accompanying the grant application said, regarding the t- hangars, "The project may result in only site work and paving being accomplished during fiscal year 2006 and the sponsor may request fiscal year 2007 dollars to construct the actual t-hangars." TIMBERLAND FORD * Service Specials * COUPON COUPON Check Engine Light Diagnosis* $63.95 Savings! .Ford'models only. I See service advisor for'details. Expires 7-31-05 -..-- --- --- - COUPON COUPON Lube, Oil & Filter Change Includes up to 7 quarts Motorcraft oil & filter Lube chasis where applicable. I Quality Care Multi-Point Inspection. I ------- --- ----' ------ J " - COUPON l COUPON I Diesel Lube, Oil & Filter Change { Includes up to 15 quarts Motorcraft oil & filter | Lube chasis where applicable. V Quality Care Multi-Point Inspection --..--- ----------- - Call 850-584-3615 for your SAME DAY SERVICE APPOINTMENT A .- AI A SEAN PADGETT Congratulations and Good Luck at Nationalsi Sean competed on May 14, 2005, in Region IV, AAU Karate Program (comprises Fl., Ga. &Ala.) in Sebastian, Fl., where he won three gold medals in Kdbudo, Kumita, and Kata. He will compete on July 1, 2005, at Nationals held in Lakeland with 6,000 participants competing, making it the largest event in the USA and one 6f the largest in the world. 'You're Awesomel" Grandma Ann & Grandpa Grady ~1~~ l~tI lnara~ GklP ar~sandpa~~f CS~~ -- I i A-3 The Taco Times June 29, 2005 $5,000 in funding set aside 4-0 vote establishes coastal management OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE SContinued from page 1 inidusTriafddevelopment; eminent domain; imposing charges and tolls for the use of its facilities; adopting and'enforcing rules and regulations pertaining to the use and operation of its facilities; and employing personnel. Rice testified $10 MILLION SContinued from page 1 Coleman stopped making Focus heaters in 1996. Mark Stageburg, the Minnesota-based attorney) who represented Covas in the lawsuit, said the heaters have been linked to more than 60 deaths nationwide and an even greater number of injuries. Taylor County Sheriff's Office ,Lt. Rn Rice was called to testtl\ in the trial, which began earlier this month. The jury reached their $10 million verdict in the case SFriday, June 24. Biloxi Gaming Tours ,4 DAYS/3 NIGHTS Super 8 Mbte[$115.00 ppdo Beau Rivage $165.00 ppdo pick up in Perry Cruise & Stay on Discovery Cruise Line 2 night package to Bahamas starting at $179 per person Costa Rica 6 Days All Inclusive. 4 Star Luxury at a Budget Price $529 ppdo includes r/t air 7 Days Aruba in Style! $829 ppdo includes r/t air Your Travel Connection for. . CRUISES TOURS GROUPS Pack N Go Travel located in Chiefland 352-493-7622 toll free 1-888-852.0330 e-mail speubank@aol corn aebsite: w w pack-n-gotravel.comr The act states that the authority can "perform things herein enumerated separately or jointly." It also allows the commission to Fund the authority up to an amount of $5,000 annually. Bethea made a motion to fund the authority and Commissioner Jack Brown seconded for discussion. When asked by Brown whether bthe act had ever been put into use, ,County Clerk Annie Mae Murphy -, said, "I couldn't find it in the Records. Why it was created, I could not find out." 90,LIrev S '*- rI"/1ai? A '.-I'11 "This may be a moot act," George Stamos, who was in attendance, said. He pointed out' that acts passed since 1969 could have voided the act. He pointed specifically to the 1988 Sawgrass Aquatic Preserve Act, which ,affects much of Taylor County's coastline. Several commissioners also questioned giving eminent domain powers,to an appointed board. "The coastline is a great asset," Brown said. "More helping hands aren't going to hurt us." "I agree that we need a group, Stwet Nightly Specials TUesday- Bread Bowl w/Salads \ Wednesday- Spaghetti .Thursday- Friday- Blue Crab Mullet & Swamp Cabbage:; Sunday 11 am 2 plm Buffe or Menul onday 7 am 2 pm Daily Breakfast Menu Specials SLunch Buffel & Menu . New Hours Tuesday Friday v 7 am 8:30 pm Daily Breakfast Menu Specials Lunch Buffel & Nlenu NEW Dinner Menu 108 E. Main St. Banquet Room Anniversaries Birthdays Team Dinners & more! Call for Reservations (Available nights & weekends also) 584-2232 down there," Commissioner Malcolm Page said. "However, I don't think we need to piggyback onto this legislation." "This may be something we can do by county ordinance," he said. SBethea amended his motion to: create a coastal management, committee, develop bylaws for it and allocate $5,000 in funding in the next fiscal year's budget. The new committee will not be structured following the 1969 act, but could borrow from, its guidelines. The commission still has the option of seeking a legislative act. The motion passed 4-0. Commissioner Pat Patterson was absent due to a family illness. SENIOR CITIZENS Extra Discount if you are older than Larry! (Offer good for a limiled iimes L.M. Howdeshell Plumbing 1-850-584-8603 Affordable Health Insurance FoTr It!2-rriviul ndTTIaT'hrriT * Your Choice of Doctors and Hospitals. :* 24-hour, worldwide coverage* * Coverage on or off the job** * Coverage can be individually tailored. * Cannot be singled out for Rate Increases or Cancellations. * Portable; keep coverage regardless of job status Call For Your No Obligation Quote Jessie Hill, Jr. 866-343-6575 Association membership required; Association group insurance is underwritten by Mid-West National Life Insurance Company of Tennessee. Home Office: Oklahoma City, OK. "Limited to the first 30 days of travel outside the.U.S. and Canada., "Provided you are not covered under any Workman's Comp Plan. MW/COMB0108 exp. 8/05 Premier Medical Clinic To the Ladies of Perry and Surrounding Communities... You have spoken, and we have listened. In response to the many requests of the young and the young at heart, we have actively sought out and recruited a new female provider to service your Womens Health and Internal Medicine needs. It is because of you that Premier Medical Clinic is honored to announce the addition of Dr. Shiva Mahinrad to our Medical Team New and established patients may call 584-3278, to schedule appointments. We offer same/next day appointments, because we understand that you need us today, not next week. After 5 pm and weekends, an after-hours answering service is available to take your calls and a receptionist will return your call the following business day. 315 E. Ash Street Perry, FL 32347 (850) 584-3278 Office Hours : Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. .,L James & Joyce Fletcher, owners *WVe . h) I I rr ... .s .~- ;. ~:.~~.-~;arS;UE~n;~\'E-:l '" I I """P" : 0II'Y~(~~h~1 L- ~irT Living Entries sought for 'Woman of the Year' Florida Agriculture Commissioner Charles H. Bronson recently announced that nominations are being accepted for the 2005 "Woman of the Year in Agriculture" award. The award, now in its 21st year, recognizes women who have made outstanding contributions to Florida agriculture. "This award spotlights the vital role .of women in Florida agriculture and serves to encourage other women to get involved in the business," Bronson said. Those nominated for the award will be judged by a panel familiar with Florida agriculture. The award will -be presented in February at the opening-day luncheon of the 2006 Florida State Fair in Tampa., The deadline for submitting nominations to the Department is November 1, 2005. For nomination forms, call Richard Gunnels at (850) 488- 3022 or visit www.myflorida- agriculture.com/marketing/awards. htm. Shawnda Palmer; Kevin Blair Palmer-Blair to exchange vows in August wedding Eli and Jan Sheffield of Athena'announce the engagement of their daughter, Shawnda Palmer., to Kevin Blair, the son of Shirley Blair of Perry and the late Rex Blair. The wedding will be an event of Aug. 6, 2005, at 3 p.m., at the Catholic Parish Hall: All friends and relatives of the couple are invited to attend. At Day Community Center Ezells gather for reunion The second Saturday in July brings the annual Ezell Family Reunion to the forefront. Friends and relatives are reminded to bring a basket lunch for fellowship at Da\ Communiit Center on July 9 Beginning at 10 a.m. For additional information, We are looking for homes and land in Taylor, Madison and Jefferson county areas to sell. If you are thinking of selling., please call for a FREE market analysis. Our team is ready to help. KELLY & KELLY PROPERTIES (850) 223-2370 ,_ please contact Zelda Ezell Dietrick at 386-294-2080 or Libby Ezell Singletary at 386-294-1168. IBridal Registry Ashley Lawless Brandon Grubbs July 9, 2005 Jennifer Leigh Hathcock Jeremy John Jacobs July 16, 2005 Hollie Rowell Lee Durham July 30, 2005 Daralyn McRory Jeremy Nix July 30, 2005 Joni Hill Cody McNeese August 13, 2005 Baby Registry ' Jennifer Aman Jason Campbell Boy due July 2005 Danyell & Chris Croft Boy due August 2005 Lyndsay Doyle Chad Kirtman Boy due August 2005 Valerie & Lee Wiles Boy due August 2005 Rachael Guy Kelly Moore Girl due September 2005 c I- o. m w2 J-* ^ 4 Tp4 '^-'4 00 B.M. 1 cxDI YES Sullivan, Underwood will say vows at Willow Pond Marvin Sullivan and Judith Sullivan of Dorsey, Ill., announce the engagement of their daughter, Dawn Marie, of Panama City, to Barry Duane Underwood, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Underwood of Perry. A Sept. 3, 2005, wedding is planned at Willow Pond in Monticello. Formal invitations will be issued,,but all friends and relatives of the couple are cordially invited to attend. ..t.. 1!' I" ,, I."; 4 r- UL Dawn Marie Sullivan, Barry Duane Underwood S, A CUT ABOVE -Belihda Criuce SA Family Salon ~ Stop by for all your hair care needs, special styling occasions, ear piercing & facial waxing. SPA ESCAPE ~ Rita Thomas Relax, unwind...treat yourself or a loved one to a one-hour facial or body wrap...discover "your" fountain of youth! COVER YOUR HEAD .Sun hats, sunglass for fishing, gardening, etc. ~ 100% UV protection HEALING TOUCH MASSAGE THERAPY S Darrin Ward, LMT MA-0026811 Whether you're tied up iri knots or just need II 111001 a some relaxation, try a one-hour massage. w I w . . CARPET" in We Also * CARPETS WOOD FLOORS Carpet * VINYL BINDING Travel * CERAMIC CUSTOM DESIGNED Trailers, * REPAIRS AREA RUGS Campers 203 E. Drew St. (across from Robbie's Seafood) & Boats . Hours: Mon. Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-12FINANCING James Musslewhite, owner Licensed & Insured VisaMCAmEx NANCING AVAILABLE I ~ica)~ ~Karate Celebrating 30 Years! (Kids: 4:00-5:00 pm) (Teens: 5:30-6:30 pm) (Adults: 7-8 pm). (Executive 12:00-1:00 pm) TUESDAY & THURSDAY 50th Anniversary 'James and Dorothy Slaughter celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with friends and family on Saturday, June 18, at Fiddler's Restaurant in Steinhatchee. Reminder W'ison Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Wilson Jr. remind friends and relatives of their 50th wedding anniversary reception on Saturday, July 2, from 2 until 4 p.m. in the social hall of First Baptist Church. The couple requests no gifts, please, but cordially invites friends and family members to attend. F "Sugar & Spice" MINI SPA ... (ages 11 & under) Gentle MVini Facial Spa Hand &Foot Treatment' Sparkling Nail Polish 10% of the proceeds Juice & Cookies from the "Just for Kids" Special Treats services go to Special rea March of Dimes Earline Neeley, esthetician Skin Care Department SHisi, lHerg @ Ours eSalon 9( 102 W Cedar St. 584-8889 ^ SX FORMING NEW Uf'it-Tfger CLASSES FOR , 4 & 5 YROLDS $25/month Classes start 11:00-11:45 ami Thursday, July 7 Uniform. White T-Shirt & Shorts Karate 'Doio 124 S Jefferson St 838-3656 J"V'i(VOxt IF'fZt~iCtiy Look up for heaven... look downtown for us! FLOORS "Our Floors Are Out of This World". WHY PAY MORE? Quality Flooring For Less! Professional Installation 838-3852 115 E. Green St. Mon.- Fri. 9- 5 Evenings by appt. Sat. 10-2 A-4 The Taco Times June 29, 2005 These fine businesses are YOUR PERSONAL CARE HEADQUARTERS and are located at 628 S. Jefferson St., Perry, Fl. Walk-ins welcome...appointments not always necessary 850-223-3706 - -- --- -- wm __I P%. - - p- "OP, -ip "lpl lqp 1mip 'u- -q -- % I -RMF --mop "Rimpr, -Iqqopp" i' The Taco Times June 29, 2005 2005-2006 TCHS Varsity Cheerleaders; (bottom row, left to right) Mandy Ridgeway, Stormie Knight, Captain Allison Bassett, Co-Captain Patrice Brown, Cianna Reaves and Casey Cooper; (top row) Brooke Walker, Tiffany Flowers, Kristen Stephens, Trey Bourland, Jessica Brock, Jennifer Padgett, Andrea Lee and Mascot Jennifer Tedder. Not pictured: Kristin Quicke. Cheerleaders bring home awards The Taylor County High ,.UCA All-Stars and she was also a School varsity and junior varsity finalist in the jump-off cheerleaders participated in a competition. They will have the Universal Cheerleaders opportunity to perform in the Association (UCA). camp this UCA Thanksgiving Tour at Walt summer at Panama City Beach, Disney World Resort. June 7-10. There they received On the varsity squad, Cianna extensive training -from UCA Reaves was a finalist in the jump instructors. Both squads'-were off competition. awarded first place blue "superior" Each cheerleader earned ribbons for their cheers, sideline, individual UCA awards for their Xtreme routine and stunt motivation, recognition and evaluation performance during the achievement. .The following week. categories and winners were: On the final day of camp, all Varsity squad:' Courageous squads compete in the Camp Captain and Responsibility Championships awards, and,the Award, Allison Bassett; Most TCHS varsity squad received the Motivated Award, Casey Cooper; first place trophy for their cheer Dance Diva, Patrice Brown; Super evaluation. Along with the five Jumper Award, Cianna Reaves and superior ribbons, the varsity squad Tiffany Flowers; Step Up to the received the "superior" trophy for Plate Award, Stormie Knight and their Xtreme routine. They also Jessica'Brock; Most Improved, participated in the home-dance Jennifer Padgett and Brooke competition category and they Walker; Team Work Award, received a"blue superior ribbon." Kristen Stephens, Mandy The JV squad participated in the Ridgeway, Andrea Lee and Trey home-dance competition category. Bourland. for the first time in several. years, JV squad: Courageous Captain, receiving a "blue superior ribbon." Laura Lundy; Responsible Award, Along with the five superior Marla Hathcock; Team Work ribbons, the squad was awarded the Award, Lynette Strickland; Dance "superior" trophy for the "Most Diva, Bonnie Batson; Most Improved JV Squad" overall, spirit Motivated, Meagan Hill; Super stick, and also received the UCA Jumper, Jasmine Jones; Step Up Excellent Award. to the Plate, Hannah Albritton; On the varsity squad, Casey Most Improved, Lori Yeagle; and SCooper was selected for UCA All- .Most Spirited, Shabrayla Q Stars, andN! *"the Jsqu'adp 9-nLwotdy.` ." ... X s Jasmine Jones was selected for ; "Mascot" Jennifer Tedder Adkins Land Clearing, LLC 38 4 04 0` Johnny Adkins 1777 NW CR 536 Mayo, Florida Seventh Day A Saturday Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. "Wednesday Prayer Meeting Juan Rodrigues, Pastor 584-8506 604 W. Julia Dr. Call Gary orLidia 850-223-1900 Monday Friday 8:30 am until 5:00 pm.,1306-A South Jefferson Street, Peny, FL. ~~ P~dn.j J'oonCoo, A on.M PCR*,no Sl 02.83: The rPCR Is,.ooooo oo**q*ol, W. S25 N6, -dM 1.*Wil0.20k~OO~ ,i~,,odo,*,I ...n~oMo*0o. 0~.N*O0O* *0 ~~~Fl n ..N~ul~lrmo~wsnlo~unY V Zncrl..d. Mn iool o *oo.ah Nooio l I* i .0 WloO 00**0 d0,O,11N0 0010CI*I ,O aln.oan. 0oU00Orn0O*Oo De on~ooobnoololnlob.: ioyood o0igo,~b~.T~ullvnNOO 000 ~ an~irrrrcu I-8g~666 11c t [.U8.5666111 rot~(d Wyoo*o. *ol ,o!.N,0-.1297.U II loinno 0 Co.A I o .Ido (0 Ao o = N..I, 30yonJ~olobS h.,1...t*O1obM*,,WVCOOIASO,.AC ll~bino I,0no S l0O** oo**1.p dNX)~trO.'hnq, ,.0*ormm Ild.1bIN,,noLO,.Adi onodo, .0,Noo~lrc Coopo~3outI.**&5 p10* dO0iood o*l0llOIldonSOi0O~o1l.Onh0p*0 oi0Nnso 00*0.N,*,Obe!,. ,.ou Orl290 attended a special camp just for mascots. There were 12 mascots total from all over the United States, with Tedder receiving the Most Improved trophy on the final day of camp. * Varsity Coaches Lindy Brock and Janet Johstono, and JV Coach Jodi Drawdy, completed the UCA advisor program, a comprehensive coaches' education program, inspiring leadership on and off the field. The coaches said, "'Cheerleading camp is a lot of hard work and a great opportunity to make an overall improvement for the already-impressive cheerleading squads." NEXTEL AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER 2005-2006 TCHS Junior Varsity Cheerleaders: (bottom row, left to right) Co-Captain Maria Hathcock and Captain Laura Lundy; (top row) Lorie Yeagle, Meagan Hill, Bonnie Batson, Lynette Strickland, Jasmine Jones, and Hannah Albritton. Not pictured: Shabrayla. Dunwoody. Richard & Beatrice 18, 2005 *-aL cc~-," -lll i .~=;z?: L~ CCCCCCCCCC U Eu-P STRICTLY CELLULAR Call Gary or Lidia 850-223-1900 Monday,- Friday 8:30 am until 5:00 pm.,1306-A South Jefferson Street, Perry, FL. --N.*9 1diop-.. F0*IW PW...Co. R.ooy (FPCR) fo..$135.,"n'3.12OF 1500 0000 ,qdodo, KNoWrw yTllt4M.-yw,qm&CWU)rkrqmim Ad.W mry ,dutb~ kePMWN nobi.,.,if..oo f"=.,on- Itoo kdlo3D on P00 1*o w bn a v AMh,& noI = Y, ;== yoo oosoSo0O 0popooo oold -o, ML**y. niq.o owoo-p dmnorp30dooo. a%OffA my)do o.8y olo, O.P.,o Ir~inoo nd n.000 o, Dosod 0000500 N. .,A" W x M-1- CpL- Su. PbU S- 'i =.T%. d -.- . 0* 0*500*30.0 301I~ 0.0..0* 0 o..00. *o0,00-i.. Ao Oo 0.80*850*97509.01 .iw- qn0dTolon 70 o., ~eO2m No.01 15sRn.non NyXIPiI. DI00CI CV1ONCC. NATJP.~NVIID DIRlECI CONNP8CT o slo, 0.8*0r ona .0.00 oos .0*010.80. No.50* Qouonoo0*o.O l~.-4 ..p41.y06.oW-onio oll June is National Safety Month The National Safety Council tells us that drivers who use cell phones have a higher risk of collision than drivers who don't. Know how to use your cell phone safely Put off using your cell phone when the traffic is hazardous Minimize the physical contact with your phone by using speed dial, headsets, etc. For more information visit www.nsc.org/nsm/cellphones.htm BUCKEYV Public Announcement SPRINGS PROTECTION WORKSHOP The Florida Department of Community Affairs and Florida Department of Environmental Protection will co- sponsor a public workshop on springs protection hosted by the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council. The workshop will be held July 14, 2005 10 am to Noon at the Quality Inn Lake City (U.S. 90 at 1-75),. Developers, engineers, landscape architects, planners, elected officials, environmental and public interest groups, and other interested parties are invited to attend this informational workshop to introduce and obtain comments on the Draft Springs Protection Implementation Guidebook. The Guidebook will provide information to local governments amending comprehensive plans and land development codes to incorporate groundwater protection. For meeting materials and information, contact: Scott Koons, Assistant Executive Director North Central Florida Regional Planning Council (352) 955-2200, ext. 104 or koons@ncfrpc.org Additional information is available at the Florida Department of Community Affairs website: www.dca.state.fl.us/fdcp/dcp/springs/index.cfm, PUBLIC NOTICE O THE TAYLOR COASTAL WATER & SEWER DISTRICT 2004 ANNUAL DRINKING WATER QUALITY REPORT (Consumer Confidence Report) has been prepared. Copies of this report will be mailed to customers only upon request and is also available at our District Office at 18820 Beach Road 7:00 p.m. NEXTEL AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER ":,SRCETJLAR. Sports A-6 The Taco Times June 29, 2005 a Three teams still alive !l 3 teams bow out of all-star play Three of Perry's all-star teams bowed out of postseason play this past weekend while three other squads remain alive as this week finds a lull in the action. Perry's 12-year-olds battled through the losers' bracket to face Wakulla in the district championship game Saturday in Monticello only to come up on the short end of a 4-3 decision in extra innings. Perry defeated Wakulla earlier in the day 6-3 to reach the title game. Perry's 9-year-old team, fresh off a district title, fought through two contests before being eliminated in the state tournament in Jacksonville. The 9s fell 13-0 to Mandarin, then 8-3 to Lake City after leading much of the contest. Perry's district champion 10- year-old team dropped its first game to San Jose 6-1 in the state tourney in Jacksonville. The local team then faced Julianton Creek in an elimination game but came up short, 9-4. Perry's 13-year-olds .get an automatic spot in their state tournament due to hosting the event here July 14-19. The district champion 15-under team will travel to Jacksonville July 14-19 for their state tourney while the 17-under squad will play in that state tourney beginning July 7 in Madison. Deer-dog rule is expanded statewide A member of Perry's 10-year-old all-star team attempts to drive in a runner during recent action in Madison. 7,481 acres in San Pedro WMA is now still-hunting 'The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) recently wrapped up a, three-day meeting in Daytona Beach. At the meeting the FWC adopted a rule change to establish a still-hunt area on a 7,481-acre Portion of the San Pedro Bay -". Witdlif Management Area S\\ NL- which is currently hunted with deer-dogs. Also, after reviewing findings from workshops on a proposal to launch a statewide deer-dog registration program, Commissioners adopted a rule to establish the program. The registration program is patterned after a pilot program the FWC implemented in northwest Florida last year. The Commission agreed to support a reduction in the red grouper recreational bag limit to one fish daily per person provided NMFS proposes a rule to establish the limit. However, Commissioners said they oppose temporary closure ,of the recreational grouper fishery. a- raL J~C L The Commission reviewed , proposed season dates and bag limits for early season migratory bird hunting. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) voted recently to expand statewide, a registration program for deer-dog hunting on private lands for the 2005-06 hunting season. The decision was based on the overall success of a.pilot program adopted last hunting season in the Northwest Region in lieu of more restrictive measures. According to a report presented by Lt. Col. Mike Wiwi, deputy director of the Division of Law Enforcement, the additional time and costs associated with administering this program across the state will be minimal and manageable for current FWC staff. . and budget. Wiwi said 70 individual properties, representing 55 deer- dog hunt clubs, participated in the pilot program. Those properties ranged from 40 to 31,000 acres and were situated in 14 of the 16 counties within the Northwest Region. With the pilot program in place, complaints dropped 27 percent, [ . Discount Air & Heat Refurb Center + f- "Serving Taylor County and the Beaches" Refrigerators Ice Makers Heating Units Same Day Service--24 hours a day, 7 days a week (No service charge with work done) $0 Down 6 months same as cash compared to the average of the previous four hunting seasons. More importantly, only five complaints were associated with registered deer-dog hunting clubs. In comparison,,a review of last season's complaint data for the North Central and Northeast regions, where registration was not required, showed an increase in deer-dog hunting complaints from the average of the previous four hunting seasons. At the conclusion of the 2004- 05 hunting season, the FWC conducted a survey of all. participants of the pilot program to determine levels of satisfaction associated with registration requirements afid to identify any Karate/Aerobic Kickboxing Friday, July 8 5:30- 6:30 Ages 13 thru adult ,< ; ,$36.00 monthly * Men and Women * Get in Shape * Tone Muscles * Burn Calories * Convenient Class Schedules * Learn the techniques of Self- Defense * Release Stress * No Previous Experience Necessary . Gain Cardiovascular Endurance * Safe, Comfortable Atmosphere S CalU838-3656 for more information. ;II=(1OING FOR fUN AND lMssI Karate Dojo 124 S. Jefferson St. Chandra Bowden, instructor Jimmy Bowden, guest instructor concerns with the program or process. Almost half the participants responded, and all said the process of completing the application, registering and complying with the new requirements was easy or very easy. Nearly 90 percent said they experienced no problems with affixing their assigned identification numbers to their dogs' collars, and almost 70 percent thought the, new registration was a valuable tool for helping manage deer-dog hunting on private lands. During May, the FWC conducted six public meetings across the state to make certain hunters and other interested groups: *were fully aware of the proposal for statewide registration, *had the opportunity to ask questions to better understand the specifics of the proposal, and *could provide comments. These meetings helped clarify some common misunderstandings about the proposal and fostered broader support from hunters and other stakeholders, Wiwi said. This new statewide registration program will require no-cost registration for anyone using dogs to hunt or pursue deer on private lands in Florida during the deer- dog training season and during any open.deer-hunting season when taking deer with dogs is permitted. 803 W. Main St. 584-6021 *Offer valid subject to credit approval through Shoppers Charge Accounts Co. on purchases between 1/1/05 and 6/30/05. No payments required (except insurance premiums if applicable). Finance charges will be assessed from date of purchase, unless the total purchase price and all related insurance premiums (if SP AA.PP ER .COM a a u h l ._ C Congratulations Olivia Lee Simpson for graduating from Hawaii Pacific University during Spring Commencement held May 18, 2005, at the Waikiki Shell in Honolulu, Hawaii with a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work We are very proud of you Sand love you very much! Mama, Glen, Britnee, Darrell, Jackson, McKenzee', Mother, Papa, Nana & Papa -,' r 11 ^1 I ( Perry 10-Year-Old All-Stars aka District 12 Chamipions would like to thank coaches Michael Freeman, Keith Murphy and Dane Collins for doing a k wonderful job and most of all for believing in us! "We win as a Nam and we oseg as a feam 1-800-401-3918 Pin #12 Ready or not, Mom... our baby boy is almost Navy Seal bound Joshua, you have already madele us so proud the day you were born. , Just remember what we have talked about... "the only easy day was yesterday." Happy 17th Birthday, Son Your great big family loves you so much I i \ 188181 ~1C~rZ"~ 88"8 ~c~-4 ---"BPr ,if~LPhS A Religion A-7 Taco Times June 29, 2005 Pleasant Grove celebrates the Fourth Musical groups keynote July Fourth celebration The sixth annual God Bless America Celebration is planned for Monday, July 4, at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, located on* State Road 14, between U.S. 19 North and U.S. 221 North. "We hope everyone will bring their lawn chairs and celebrate with us," said Pastor Danny Lundy. Watermelons, boiled peanuts, hot dogs and soft drinks will be available. Special music will feature Vonnie Wood, the Pickerings, the Lighthouse Children's Home "Girls Choir," Randy Perry, The Ward Trio and Julie Boyd & Friends. The event gets underway at 4 p.m. For more information, please call 838-4979 or 838-0571. First Presbyterian announces early worship For the month of July, extending through the first two weeks of August, First Presbyterian Church will move Sunday morning worship services to 10 a.m. During this six-week period, Sunday School will be dismissed. Pastor Larry Neal invites members of the community to join the congregation in worship. Gospel sing scheduled Saturday Perry's First Church of God on Highway 221 North will hold its monthly Howell presides at prayer retreat By B.D. WILLIAMS The Record Book If all the things you ever said, were written down in a book; and all your thoughts were on display, so all could take a look; I guess there's not a living soul, who wouldn't hang his head, and feel ashamed before the Lord and wish that he were dead. There is a record book I'm told, with every deed and word; it even keeps the records of our thoughts that couldn't be heard. The good, the bad and every sin, -for nothing has been missed; it really makes me feel ashamed to think what's on my list. And yet the pages of my past shall never condemn me; for Jesus nailed them to His cross, one day on Calvary. And now I stand in Him Complete, redeemed from sin and :strife, and with His blood He wrote ;: my name down in the book of life. SIt was an enjoyable occasion at :,,First Bethlehem Student Center in STallahassee Saturday for everyone . who attended the 15th 'annual .:Prayer Retreat presented by the ,Women's Department of First Bethlehem Association of which .the Rev. Edward Gaines is moderator and Sister Corine Howellis president. The food was Delicious. Hats off to the Men's : Ministry which prepared all the meat for the occasion, Thanks for a job well done. Obituary Mary Ellen Smith husband, L. A. "Peck" Smith. Mary Ellen Smith, 93, died June:., Survivors include: two nieces, 24, 2005. a South Lake Hospital in Linda Moles of Clermont and Clermont. Leslie Ketiman of Houston, Texas; A native ofEdgefield, S.C., she and a brother and sisters-in-law, had lived in Perry since 1947. She Ernest and Kathleen Smith of was a. member of First United Rockledge and Helen Patton of Methodist Church in Perry and Gainesville. belonged to the: Ladies Guild. She Funeral services were held, was a former vice presidentof the Tuesday, June 28, at 11 a.m. at Lady Elks Auxiliary in Perry, a First United Methodist Church in Lady Shriner and a member .of the Perry with interment following at Order of the Eastern Star, Perry Pineview Mlemorial Gardens. I 0 lodge. Family members received She was a deputy in the Taylor friends Monday from 6 until 8 p.m. County Tax Collector's office at the at Joe P. Bums Funeral Home, time of her retirement. which was in charge of the She was predeceased by her arrangements. U Cross City .... 4Dental, PA (352) 48-7001 Stephen M. Henry DMD (352) 498-7001 David R. Schneck DMD New Patients Welcome whiter brighter faster whitening in about an hour 117 NE Hwy. 351 Cross City, Fl. 'An enjoyable Women's Day service was held Sunday at New Bethel M.B. Church. The speaker was Evangelist Georgiana Williams of Monticello. ,Attendance was very good from Perry and Monticello. The Rev. R. Knight is pastor. Angela Oliver Thompson, the daughter of Mrs. Jessie Bell Oliver, graduated from Pat Thomas Law Ash Street. Westside Enforcement Academy, June 21. There, she was presented the Sergeant Dale Green Memorial Award. Family and friends attended this grand occasion which was held at Tallahassee Community College. "Angela, prayers are extended for your success. Look to the hills from whence you cometh. Your help comes from the Lord." Two churches continue Vacation Bible Schools Ash Street Church of Christ is calling, "Anchors away!" for its Vacation Bible :School. The program, which began Saturday, June 25, will continue through Friday. Classes will be held from 6:45 until 8:45 p.m. daily at the church, which is located at 601. W. Ash Street. The Vacation Bible School program at Westside Baptist Church began Monday, June 27 and will continue through Saturday taking place daily from 5:30 until 8:30 p.m. "This construction project is following God's blueprint for our lives and we need all the crew members we can find. We will encourage students to learn God's word and hammer it home." "IS ONE YEAR'S S,,.,SALARY ENOUGH. , LIFE INSURANCE" CALL ME TO FIND OUT HOW MUCH LIFE INSURANCE YOU REALLY NEED. Mark Pelt, Agent 584-5188 1000A Jefferson St. AIlsaie. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company, Allstate Indemnity Company and Allstate Life Insurance Company, Home Office: Northbrook, Illinois. @2002 Allstate Insurance Company F sing on Saturday, July 2, beginning at 7 p.m. The musical event will be preceded by snacks at 5:30 p.m. Everyone is invited.. It's Wednesday: 'trek' to Pisgah Baptist V.B.S. Pisgah Baptist Church, located on Highway 19 North, will offer a once- in-a-lifetime adventure: a Serengeti Trek Vacation Bible School on Wednesday nights. Dinner begins each Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. with classes following from 7 until 8 p.m. For more information, please call Pat at 584-6576. The church is located on Highway 19 North, just past Big Top Trampoline. S3-DAY REVIVAL Friday, July 1 7:00 pm Saturday, July 2 7:00 pm Sunday, July 3 11:00 am ih G e* n Sha y rove se provided 4 4 4 Join us for the adventure! Please come! Mon., July 25 I.L ..,.. L. I unrhugn tt A ' Fri., July 29 6:45 8:45 pm Ash Street Church of Christ " 601 W. Ash Street Perry, Fl. 850-584-6867 r^^A A A AA^A^_^^^^.^_^^ 6A Mn God Bless ft w Anchors Away! Come Discover Bible Treasures at Vacation Bible School 1* AMERICA Celebration Monday, July 4 4:00 pm until The Pickerings Vonnie Wood Vonnie Wood The Ward T rio Lighhs C Lighthouse Children's Home "Girls Choir" ' Watermelon Boiled Peanuts Randy Perry :- . Hot Dogs Soft Drinks F Julie Boyd & Friends Bring your lawn chair and celebrate with us! For more information, call Rev. Danny Lundy at 850-584-4979 or 850-838-0571 Located on State Road 14, between US 19 and US 221 North _I -l I i Thank You 1 7V T 7-ml We would like to thank our family, friends and associates for the wonderful surprise 38th SAnniversary Celebration, held Saturday, June 18, at the Antioch Fellotship Hall. Thank you all for the gifts, donations, flowers and food. SMost of all, we thank you for your love, especially our daughters, 'Carla and Denise. (We both love you so much.) May God bless and keep you all in His loving hands. Sincerely, Deacon Carl and Mary Williams IWM "wo w w w w W w w w 1 Celebrate 'the'Fourth with us at Pleasant Grove, Baptist Church ', I a I---icr~c~------~-- a i^ -Im )i 1 ! 1 .4=IICI ^ *- ii 0 ' K_ A-8 The Taco Times June 29. 2005 l~~-BBDI-Y-~- z.~"~~r~~ ~c';~"~-"-~l lql~ ~ F I'p~-Bkf~~~i~~ LW9i I [I~- Great Deal! 2005 Ford Taurus V-6, Aluminum Wheels Power Seats sik. #250034C $15A,95 2002 Ford Taurus i SEL Wagon V6, Auto, Leather, .CD, Alloy Wheels, Gold sik #P460 01 21 Rec & 2000 Ford F250 KIT Super Cab Diesel Automatic sik. #250002F 2002 5.3, V8, 2003 Ford F150 Super Crew Lariat, 4x4, 5.4, V/8, Gold-Leather Local Trade, One Owner stk. #250018B 2003 Ford F150 Lariat 4x4 Super Crew 5.4, V8, Auto, Leather Seats, FX4 Pkg., Trailer Towing, Power Windows & Locks, Loaded, Green, Was $28,995 stK. #P452 2002 F La KL Gold, V8, 2003 GMC Envoy Leather Seats, White, Loaded, Very Clean SUV, Local Trade stk.20157A. WEDNESDAY JUNE29 THURSDAY JUNE 30 Pr cs Marked 4 Door Compai Additional $1 Sale ends Thursday, June 30 001 Ford Taurus SES 1, V6, Auto, Power Windows Locks, Tilt Cruise, Loaded StK #.P465 Chevrolet Tahoe LT 4x4 ,Auto Power Windows & Locks, Gold, Cruise, Tilt Was $23, 995 stK #250029A . 4 -. ord F250 Super Crew ariat, 4x4, 5.4, V/8, Blue One Owner stk #250164A 2002 Ford F150 , Super Crew 4x2 ,Auto, Power Windows & Locks, AC, CD Player slk #P453 2002 Ford Taurus SEL Wagon V6, Auto, Leather, CD, Alloy Wheels, Gold sik. #P460 S1 .:..- o .-' ;* v-, ..i.. 2004 Lincoln Towncar Signature Series, V8, Auto, Loaded, White, Low Miles Sik #P450 2000 Ford Windstar V/6, Auto, Dual A/C Low Miles, White stK #250196A 2001 Ford F250 XL Reg. Cab 4x2 SWhite, Auto, 5.4, V8, AM/FM, Low Mileage, Local Trade sik #P457A1 2003 Mercury Grand Marquis GS V8, Auto, Power Windows & Locks, Beige, New.Tires, Looks New, Local Trade sik .20f069A 2002 Ford Escape XLT Black, V6, Auto, Leather, Moon Roof, SLoaded, Nice Clean SUV Check Out the Lowest Priced F150 Available 2005 Ford F150 s Air Conditioning Cloth Interior AM/FM/Stereo sik #250122T $14795 re this price with any other dealer Price includes $2000 Factory Rebate. 1000 Ford Credit Cash, and $500 Home Depot Bonus 2001 Ford Escape KLT Gold, V6, Auto, Power Windows & Locks, Cruise, Tilt, CD, Local Tradesk #250074P 2001 FhId Rnger KIT SCB, 412 V6, Auto, 4 Door Option, CD Player, Gold, Bedliner 2002 Ford Sport Trac KLT V/6, Auto, Silver, Low Miles tlk .tP47n 2002 F250 Ford Super Crew Lariat, 4x4, Leather, Diesel, Auto, Off Road Package stk #P456 2004 Ford F150 Super Crew Lariat 4x4, Black, 5.4, V8, Auto, Power Windows & Locks, Leather, Loaded, Low Miles (Like new truck without new truck price "Must See") Was $31 stk. #P449 2000 Ford Explorer XLT, 4x4, Blue, Leather Seats, New Tires, Power S Windows & Locks, Local Trade stk. #250138A 2002 Ford F250 KLT SCB, 4x2, White/Silver, 5.4, V/8, Auto, Power Windows & Locks, Aluminum Wheels, One Owner, Local Trade stk. #P469A A6 Aj._~s .- A ,, i p~F~I~B~BB~TPlk~: ~j~Le~Blli~k^i---yl~---PI*lll --~31~8~1~ 'i' CCo m u it Aimets Post 20, ladles auxiliary and Sons of AMVETS meet 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7 p m, at 2499 ,Woods Creek Road. American Legion, Stelnhatchee 'Post 291, fourth Tued 8 p m Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays ,(closed),,8 p.m., at Heritage House on VWashington Street, across from public mI;pra y and another AA group who meets 'dhdays,'Wednesdays and Thursdays at Serenhy House, located at 1260 Hwy 98 West, across from the BP station at 8 p.m. AL-ANON, St. James Episcopal Church (in library), Wednesdays 12 noon to 1 p m., 584-2146. Thursday at 6330 ifor' beginners meeting with regular fleeting at 7 p m. T.he' Way: Christ centered recovery roup, meets on Fridays at 7 p.m at ISerenity House on Hwy., 98 W.. across from BP Station. Open to alcoholics addicts,;farriily members and friends S. AABP: last Wed., 10 a.m. at First 'Baptist Church. SAirport Advisory Commission. 4th Monday, 12 noon, Perry-Foley Airport S,'American Legion Post #96 1st Tues., 7 p.m.,. Amencan Legion Hall, Center Street ., Big Bend Hospice Advisory 'CduncHl: 4th 'Tues., noon, 107 East iGr'een Street. Chamber of Commerce: third Thurs., S8 a m., chamber board room City.Councll:'2nd and 4th Tues at i5:30.p.m. '" Civil'Air Patrol (CAP): 2nd and 4th !Mon., 7 p.m., main hanger at airport Coupty Commission: first Mon. and ,,hrd jues, at 6 p.m courthouse annex. :; Diabetes classes every Tuesday, 2 p.mn.,,QoltorS'"Memorial,Hospltal. i.IFAiU Alumni, Chapter, second I:an., 7-p.m Jerkins'Center. SPerry Masohic Lodge 123, meets 'flrst and third'Monday nights; 7.30 p.m, .: .Girl Scouts Service Unit: first Thurs., .6030:p.m. Scout Hbt. : SIHealthy StartCoalition: furthn Mon;, .9. ,m., Taylor County School District Adminislrative Office Corriplbx SHistorical Society: open Thursday i aftioons, 1-5 pim. SHome Educators League of Perry (HELP): second Thurs, 1:30 pm, "Forest Capital Hall. 584-8553 or 584- .9207. S0Humpne Society of Taylor County, 2nd Wednesday, 6 p m., Forest Capital Hall. .Juvenile Justice Council: third 'Thurs., 9'a m., at Juvenile Justice Office, A1719 S. Jefferson. Taylor Coastal Communities Association meets each 2nd Tuesday of ;month, 7 p.m. at the Keaton Beach Hot Dog Stand.. SKiwanis Club: Wednesdays, noon, :'Joyce's MainStreet Cafe La Leche League International. 2nd -Wed., 10'30 a.m., Taylor County Public. '.L brary : ~ e n^, d Thur. " ir Main Street Perry: First Monday of .each month, Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce at noon. Mothers of Pre-Schoolers:' first and Ihird Fri. Call 584-3826. S MuskOgee Creek Indian Nation: 2nd and 4th Sat., 7 p.m. Tribal grounds, 'LyranHendiy Road, -.Muitskgee Creek Indian.Tribe: Oak. Village on Woods Creek Road, 1st Sat.." N--aqotics Anonymous: Wednesdays, 0p':~ at. 1260 W. Hwy. 98; at Serenify S House (dirt'road across fiom BP Station). :,These.,are open meetings to those-' Sinterhsted.ln addiction Call 223-0036. 'Alsoi.,'Saturdas, 10:30 'a.m.--open' Meetingg. S.-...NAACP: 2nd .,Sun i 6 'pm., New 'Brobkly' Missionary Baptist Church.. * National Wild, Turkey Federatlon.- .(Yellow Pline Drummers), holds open monthly on first Thursday, Golden Corral, t.7 p.m: 584-9185 . ptimist .Club: ,Thurs., noon at 'Joyce's Mainstreet Cafe. y. Perryi Garden' Club: third Wed., 1'6 -a.m.-. ' SPerry ElksLodge: Tues., 8 p.m. ;.erry-Lodge #187: I t. 3rd Wed,, 7 tp,m., NMasonic Hall. !:. Perry Lodge 123, F&AM, first and third Monday nights. 7:30 p.m. erry;Wo ns.nClub..C 2nd Wed,, ,,on-(SpL..:'ay ubj c to change). ' Perry Shrine Club: 4tt Thurs., 7 p.m. o(Iubhguse on Courtney'Road) . l-. Pranhing Board: 1st Thurs.. 6 p.m. SCourthtouse.annex (old post office) ', Republican Party of Taylor -County:" .S-colnd Thur'sdBy. of every month -at 'Chamber of Commerce '.E-mail Tommie "Stanaland at tstanaland@lyahoo.com or ca'le584-81 5:' S,.RRotary CluT: Tueisay,- noon at r.Joyce's Malristreet Cafe; :'. School Board: 1st and 3rd Tues., 7, P .' : ' "- SHARE.distribution: 4th Sat. 10 a.m.: Social Security; representatives, 2nd STultes8:30 a.m. to 12'noot. courthouse" ,.annex .",'^ . :,q .its"obf. Confederate Veterans" meetss dirtlh Tuesday at YFW Post-on " ICen.'Stret, 7 p.m. For. location, call To r.Adult" Program ,(TAP):-Thurs: '1ip.502 N. Center. Street. 223-0393.. L.Taylor Coastal Water and Sewer: ?3todWed.-at 18820 Beach Rbad, 5p.m. i S o-Taylor Cunty Task Force Against .Dolnestc Violence/Sexual Assault: 4th We..2 npen:-at,.Joyce'S Mainstreet ;4ayorCoun ty.emocratic Party ;mee ts.heihird, Monday, 7,.m at the .qOldei'~rCd l.; Calli584-9656 or 584, 36t -." .z -'.X y : ..- ..' ;. . ". /Tfhbr i evelopment Council: 2nd. ..ed.'4 p.n,-fChanriber. i ^r<.'otn~t beeirelopment d;Mon n m. at Chamber' -iTalylor County Historal. Society;. :'."d.j^li:.,7 p..m, Histdflcal Society ; 'Tayl~or .County Hbrsemianri's .so!atln iHorsak Show;:,2nd Sat, 10 : Ar' alopat on Bishop.Blvd. As Cound lr !i ft [day, '7 p.rn.,'Jerlcins Usa#g221 2nd Tugs., 7 pi r Legionbuilding C' Retirees honored The 2004-2005 Taylor County School District retirees were recently honored by the Taylor County School Board. They are. from left, Betty Anne Gregory, Hilda Armstrong, Superintendent of Schools Oscar Howard Jr,, Tommie Stanaland, Annette Grantham and Eleanor Stephens. Nol pictured: Ellen Faircloth. Cennie Klopfer, Walt Lamb Jr., Faye Lashley, Gerald Oliver, Donna Osteen, Mary Parker and Ann Wight. Anna who? Anna Moo! Anna Moo, an award-winning songwriter, recording artist and entertainer for children and families, will be performing at the Taylor County Public Library Thursday, June 30, at 10:30 a.m. The morning presentation is part of the library's summer reading program series. Admission is free. Simpson earns degree from Hawaii University Protect yourself with 5 D's Florida Department of Health iDOH) officials are emphasizing the importance of Florida's residents and visitors protecting themselves against mosquito- borne diseases. Throughout the year, DOH works with partner agencies, including the. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, mosquito control agencies and state universities, to monitor for the presence of mosquitoes carrying illnesses. "During'the summer months, Florida experiences an increase in its mosquito populations," said DOH Secretary John 0. Agwunobi, M.D., M.B.A., M.P.H. "Mosquito-bore illne lsses are entirely preventable by taking a few simple steps to avoid mosquito bites." Symptoms of West Nile (WN) virus, St. Louis Encephalitis (SLE), and Eastern Equine Encephalitis, (EEE) may include headache, fever, fatigue, dizziness, weakness and confusion. Physicians should contact their county health department if they suspect an individual may have a mosquito-borne illness. DOH laboratories provide testing services for physicians treating patients with clinical signs of mosquito-borne disease. ,- Please see page 3 Olivia L. Simpson, a native of Perr.. was one of more than 500f students who received baccalaureate or master degrees at Hawaii Pacific ULnikersitv's 591h commencement ceremony held May 18 at the Waikiki Shell in Honolulu. Ha\waii. Simpson graduated with a Bachelor of Social Work degree and maintained a grade point Olivia L. Simpson average of 3.9 The graduates recei ed leis in honor of the occasion Hawaii Pacific liniversit\ is Hawaii's largest private university \iith more than S.O00 students from all 50 Li. S. states and more than 100i countries HPLi has more than 50 undergraduate and graduate degrees located within seven schools and colleges. Attending the graduation ceremony were Simpson's husband, Ste.en. and children, Nicholas and Ethan. Those attending the graduation from the mainland included her mother. Teena Phillips and Glen Patterson. grandparents. Ernest and Olive Jackson. and her sister, Britnee Cash, all of Perr\. Also in attendance %ere aunts and uncles, Joe and Andrena Knicely of Havana, and Terry and Jean Crews of Destin The graduate and her husband said they consider themselves "very fortunate" that so many of their family were able to travel to Hawaii. attend the ceremony and to take the opportunity to enjoy the island of Oahu that the Simpsons hate called home the past two ears 7 B-1 The Taco Times June 29, 2005 Eighteen North Florida Community College students have been named to the Florida Community College Activities Association All-Academic Team, including two from Taylor County. The recognition credits academic achievement among students who participate in college athletics, activities and organizations. NFCC students recognized by the FCCAA for earning a 3.3 grade point average or higher are: John Thomas Davis, music, Perry; Erin Sparkman, music, Perry; Jeffery W. Cone, brain bowl, Madison; Stephen Bochnia, music, Madison; Virginia Brantley, music, Madison; Andrew Harvey, music, Madison; Jessica Harvey, music, Madison; John A. Love, music, Madison; Molly McCormack, music, Madison; Stacy Lothridge, student newspaper, Madison; Suzanne Godfrey, student. government, Madison; Kelly Renfroe, student government and brain bowl, Madison; Ben Baylor, baseball, Monticello; Bradley Jackson, baseball, Tallahassee; Trent Taylor, baseball, Fitzgerald, Ga..; Kaitlyn Cheromaz, fast-pitch softball, Nanaimo British Columbia, Canada; Alana Gillies, fast-pitch softball, Greencove Springs; and Nina Green, women's basketball, Cottondale. Erin Sparkman, Kelly Renfroe, Virginia Brantley and Suzanne Godfrey were also named to the FCCAA's distinguished all- academic team for having a GPA of 3.8 or higher. For more information, visit awards and honors at http://www.flccaa.org/ or contact the NFCC office of college advancement at (850) 973-1653 or news@nfcc.edu. Website is in Spanish "Bienvenido a NFCC!" greets visitors to the new Spanish- language pages of the North Florida Community College website at www.nfcc.edu. In response to a growing influx of Spanish-speaking residents in north Florida and an increased Hispanic student population, NFCC has developed Spanish- language pages that can be accessed from its website frontpage. By clicking on a link titled En Espafol to the left of the NFCC main page, viewers By ROCKY M. CABAGNOT Equal Justice Works Fellow Attorney at Law Three Rivers Legal Services, Inc. Federal law prohibits harassment by collection agencies or attorneys. For example, they may not contact you at unreasonable hours: before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m., unless you give your permission. They also may not use obscene or profane language or call you constantly to annoy you. Consumers being harassed by debt collectors should: --Head off harassment before it starts. When financial setbacks prevent you from paying all of your bills, open pages in Spanish that give a brief description of the college and admissions procedures. Equally important, the pages include contact information for those on campus who can offer assistance in Spanish. Margaret Wilkerson, informa- tion specialist, and Efrain Bonilla, advisor with Student Support Services, developed the pages. Visitors may view the pages at htrp: '\www.nfcc.edu/spanish/home .html or go to www.nfcc.edu and cclik on the En Espafiol link. Stop being harassed by creditors call the creditor and explain your situation. Explain that you have to pay the landlord and utilities first, and that you will pay your other bills when you can. Don't over promise: it's better to be realistic about your prospects for paying. By contacting the creditor first, you may avoid having the debt turned over to a collection agency, which will usually be less flexible than the creditor in working out a payment plan. --Write a cease letter. If explaining the situation doesn't stop collection efforts, the simplest way to stop contacts is to write the collector a cease letter. Federal law requires collection *, Please see page ; irien ds n fur Shelter 'flooded' with pets S:. It's raining cats and dogs...and ' 'puppies and kittens!, ;. ,Summer is traditionally a busyy time of year for the Taylor 'County Animal Shelter and 2005 is no exception. The -shelter has b een inundated with dogs, cats, Puppies and kittens--all eligible -for adoption. Animal ,control invites you to .'."open your heart and your home toE" ,- .-Lab mix, approximately Sight .to nine months old, housebroken, current on all -Viaccinations and heartworm ;;'\revention. Puppy has been -.,raised in.a home with children and biherpets. "%-` i-Female Collie/Australian Sishep mix, housebroken, current .-on shots and spayed. .0 -Feriale Chiahuahua/Bulldog - iix. Great attitude, just wants to ,;:l .ease everyone. --Two white Bulldog puppies. --'1vo Hound mix puppies. --Several medium-size mix breed dogs. --Many cats and kittens, all ages and colors. "Due to the overwhelming amount of animals in our shelter at the present time we are unable to take 'owner turn ins.' Please contact the shelter before bringing an animal in to see if we have space available. We are being flooded with abandoned animals, neglected animals and strays who are reeking havoc in our neighborhoods. We ask the public to be patient with us, as our response time is slower than usual, due to the amount of animals that we are dealing with on a day-to-day basis," Animal Control Officer Carrie Tucker said. Grace has been waiting for the perfect home. She was severely neglected and has been rehabilitated to a beautiful, healthy dog. She requires a fenced yard due to her size and energetic disposition. For adoption information, please contact the Taylor County Animal -Control Shelter at 838- 3525. Two from Taylor honored for GPAs I I Editorial June 29, 200 Optimists thank donors for Taco Times fishing tournament support f )5 Dear Editor: S On behalf of the Optimist Club of Perry, I would like to'thank the following sponsors and donors who made our 14ih annual Saltwater Fishing Tournament a success. Through the efforts of Big Bend Marine, Contender Boats, Yamaha Motors and Yancey ) Brannen at Gulf Coast Fabricators we were able to give away a Contender boat, 150 HP Yamaha motor, T-Top and.leaning post to Sthe first place winner in the offshore category. Our two other major sponsors were Nature Coast Eye Care Institute and the Taylor County Tourism Development Council. You had a tremendous impact on Sour tournament I would like to thank the following donors- for their contributions .in random order: Perry Auto Supply, Thomas Chev.- Buick-Olds.-Pont., Inc., Ware: Oil & Supply, T&R Marine Corp.. Team Weldbill Boats. Timberland Ford, Buckeye Fla.. Tuten SLogging, Capital City Bank, Cashway Building Products, United Welding Service, Consolidated Forest Products. Steinhatchee River Realty. Grady Moore, Angela Ball, Atty.,The Fair Store, Rotech, Ace Hardware, K- Mart, Bassett's Dairy, J.R.'s Aucilla Store, Marine Liquidators. Subway, Old Pavilion RV' & Campground, Rita Thomas, RDS Manufacturing, Gunrunners, Aluminum Marine Products, Superliner, Blooms of Greenbriar, Reflections, Flint Equipment, Eric Slaughter Painting, FWC, Ina Padgett State Farm Insurance,- Pouncey's Restaurant, Wilson's Bait & Tackle, Budweiser, Cox Electronics, Crews Marine, Kei rings Electronics, Yarbrough Tire, Home Respiratory Solutions, Cline Moore. Atty., The Roach, 'Coach, Badcock Furniture, A Cut Above, Taylor County Sheriffs- Dept., Jack's Boats & Trailers, Perry Newspapers, Woods & Water SMagazine, Perry Home Center. Perry Repo Outlet, Weaver's Greedy Gut Bait Co., Keaton Beach Marina & Motel, Photos,' Frames & Trophies, Poppa Jim's Restaurant, Custom Design. Industries, South House. Home .Furnishings, McClellan's Shell,. Strategic Alliance Group, Gulf Coast Auto Sales. Shamrock Realty. Corner Store Chevron Special :hanks to Bubba Burett for letting us uie his property to host the \%eigh-in at Keaton Beach, Keaton Beach Marina, Sea Hag Marina and the Taylor County Chamber of Commerce for selling tickets, and Fiddler's Restaurant and Front Porch Realty. Frank Jackson, and Ramona Griner for Midweek Muddle Letters to the Editor 'Believe nothing without confirmation' Dear Editor: In aieft'f*PFiblTs'ied c:tith ", newspaper 'on June ', IT wrote that it is easy to be against something but, unless some valid alternative is suggested, mere protests are meaningless. I did not take a stand for or against the proposal to build a power generating plant here, but . two other letters on that subject in the same issue made my point about meaningless protests. One person wrote that "...we have been 'brainwashed'...we have been told lies" regarding the power plant. She had "learned" that it "...will pollute the whole area" and "...will cause much illness and even deaths." I have to ask: How does she know that the person who told her that she had been lied to - -wasn't lying? Did that source offer any factual evidence of its claims? Well-meaning persons who are interested in protecting our .,Southerlar Dear Editor: The staff and students at Taylor County Pre-K would like to thank local businessman and newly appointed school board member, Mark Southerland, for all his help, supplies and his dedication to the Pre-K students and all of Taylor Tacof ij Wednesday, Ju 123 S. Jefferson Street Perry, Florida DONALD D. Publish DEBBIE CARLTON Business Manager ANGELA M. CASTELUCCI Staff Writer CHARLES R. SADLER Staff Writer MARK VIOLA Staff Writer The Taco Times (ISSN 07470967) is public papers, Inc., 123 S. Jefferson Street Pe 35 per year or $49.00 out of county. P 32348. POSTMASTER: Send address c 888, Perry, FL 32348. The Taco Times welcomes Letters to the and views on the news. Please submit I Times reserves the right to refuse publicat sponsible. Name may be withheld if circus mitted should be signed by the writer and verification. We look forward to hearing from youl 0 P.O. Box 888, Perry, Florida 32348. e-ma SMember Perry/Taylor Count environment often seek They think their opinions should infofpiitirHid oh; intbrniet wibsite' subefhealstitlat-dbr everyone ,else' Unfortunately, iso'meof those ar'e 'They wilT" 'ava"bsolutely anything operated by some of the most that sounds plausible if it supports radical, militant, unscrupulous their cause, which is usually environmental activists. Some in "against" everything we need. those groups have burned Because of their unscrupulous expensive homes and apartment methods I would believe nothing complexes to protest the pollution they say without confirmation they think will be caused if humans from reliable sources. are allowed to live where they One writer stated that all of the don't want them to live. (I 'suppose high-paying technical employees the pollution they create by would be imported, and "We'd get burning lumber, plastic, shingles, the few jobs left over." I etc., doesn't count.) The destroyed immediately thought, "That buildings are usually replaced explains why almost no one from quickly, so they gained nothing. Taylor County is employed at Some have "spiked" trees, hoping Buckeye! Those big corporations that injuring or killing loggers will import most of their workers." discourage the legitimate One asked why, if the power harvesting of trees owned by generated is to be primarily for someone else. Some have ruined Jacksonville, the plant couldn't be expensive vehicles because they located conveniently near that city. think they are not environment- If we apply that standard, shouldn't fren'dly. we immediately seek someone to build a plant to provide our power p in Taylor County? One reason our i rad air is so incredibly clean is that d p ra is d power plants in other counties send County's children electricity here. Why should they His donations and pay the "pollution premium" for thoughtfulness have helped the us. Pre-K staff and students One wrote that, "We already tremendously over the years and have a soaring cancer rate here and tremendously over the years and we look forward to working with hh rates than other Florida Mr. Southerland in the future, counties of rare neurological Tylor i n th utu re. disorders and diseases." Now, TayorCouy Pre-K that's news! Where did she get that Information? Has anyone told the state health authorities? Where can TW we find comparisons with other counties? Those important details must be made known to the public immediately. une 29, 2005 The same writer cited a doctor in P.O. Box 888 Tallahassee who claimed that when (850) 584-5513 his asthma patients returned from visits to cities where coal-fired LINCOLN plants exist, "...they often return her home sick and often end up in intensive care." What responsible SUSAN H. LINCOLN doctor would make the diagnosis Managing Editor that his patients' illnesses were BETH MANN caused by brief, casual exposure to Advertising Director a single condition in a remote place? I would list him as an ally CAROLYN DuBOSE of the radical environmental Promotional Advertising activists. tISSA FARRILL In 1993 the CNN program Classified Adverising "Special Assignment," in an attack Classified Advertisg on Buckeye, claimed that our shed each Wednesday by Perry News- cancer rate was higher than other Trry, Florida 32347. Subscriptions are places in the state. The state health enodicals postage paid at Perry, Florida. changes t the TACO TIMES, FO. Bo authorities responded that it was about average; however, when they e Editor reflecting responsible opinions examined the data more closely' letters by Monday at 5 p.m. The Taco they determined that it was actually tion of letters which are libelous or irre- a little LOWER than average. stances so require, but all letters sub-ge I accompanied by a phone number for Which source would you believe? (I wrote to CNN, itemizing several ur address is Perry, Newspapers, Inc., unsubstantiated claims they made il: p eerrynews@pe.gulfnet.com that were contrary to the facts, but C hnamber oi commerce. a .. Please see page 4 How many Miss Daisy's must one man drive? As luck would have it, the husband ended up as the chauffeur for not one, not two, not three, but four women on a busy Saturday night in downtown Austin, Texas, where newspaper friends had gathered for an annual convention. The confusion presented by six lanes of traffic was compounded by a healthy pedestrian population, police officers on bicycles, and street vendors hawking tortillas and frozen drinks. It was nothing, however, compared to. the confusion within the car. Seeing friends just once a year--or maybe twice--makes for convoluted conversation, at best, as you try to piece together what was new last year with what is current this year. "So is Amanda dating the same boy?" I asked, knowing that this particular young man was a major blip on the radar at last year's get-together. "Oh yes," said the mother with raised eyebrows and careful composure. "He's the punter, right?" the husband asked, trying to remember the blip. And then he added for the rest of us, "He had the best punting record in the nation for all college punters last year." The reaction was an animated chorus of "wowwww,"'and "oh realllllly?" and even an, "Is that soooo?" "He's in New York now, trying out for the Buffalo Bills," the mother said. "He's a free agent," the husband interjected. / "Ohhhh, wowwwww, I seeeeee," the women chorus sang again. "I wonder how far he's had to kick it through the goal posts," said one woman in the back seat, clutching her purse as women will do. The husband paused,' wondering whether to be polite or strive for' accuracy, and then he jumped in. "No," he said, trying to re-arrange our thinking. "He punts--he doesn't do field goals or extra points. His specialty is punting." "So his objective," I explained, "is to kick it as close to the zero line as he can, without getting it over the line." The husband nearly came to a complete stop on the Texas Freeway. As the lights from highway signs pulsed off and on like a strobe, separating the darkness from the light, he cocked his head and repeated, "The zero line? Where in the world have you heard it" called the zero line?" - I knew I had let him down and,. granted, the "zero line" didn't sound right to me, either. "But that's what it is, isn't it?" I asked him. "If you count in a descending order from 10, it is the zero line--the one over which you score.". The back seat was consumed with laughter...friendly laughter. We had laughed this way through meetings and malls, through beef tenderloin and tex- mex enchilados. By SUSAN H. LINCOLN He put on his blinker.while shaking his head. "Most folks call it the goal line," he said. And they all chimed in. "That's right-- the -goal- line." More laughter. More oohing and aching. I knew the husband was in Female Purgatory and would rather be chained to the tampon aisle at a department store. "Well, I'll bet he has one lice leg," said Sthe friend clutching her purse. I tried not to laugh, but I couldn't help myself. It was like a middle age spend- the-night party. "I'll bet he has two," said I, wondering how effective a kicker would be with just one. Well, it didn't take much.with this group., They were doubled over with laughter, and patting the husband in a friendly way, hoping he was enjoying the ride as much as they were. I don't know why I said that," said the woman with the purse. Even in the dark, I could see her blush. "Are you still thinking about her daughter's boyfriend's legs?" I had to ask, and the back seat was out of control. After moments dedicated to regaining composure, another rider asked, "Well, what happens if he does kick it over the zero?" The husband was going deeper into hell, as the speedometer on the rental car kept time. "It's not the zero," he said. "It's the goal line," and that was no reason to laugh hysterically, but these women didn't need a reason. They laughed hysterically and loved him for driving them around, for putting up with their nonsense in a jovial manner. "If he does kick it over the goal, it comes back out to the 20-yard-line," the husband said, trying to keep a straight face and surely wondering how much further, before he could punt. The chorus began again. "That's right," they said in unison, having recalled that. detail from 50 previous football seasons where they ,stared at the t.v. and wondered how the majorettes stayed so slim. "Oh, this is so much fun," said one to, the others, shifting her purse and pulling down her skirt. SAnd just when she was enjoying herself the most, the artistically lighted lodge appeared on the horizon at Lake Tra\is, rising like a Phoenix to welcome the: husband, from the ashes of his crumbled world. Here,.where deer horns formed the chandeliers, there would be men who knew about pitching and politics; about printing presses and prime rib. And punting . He was at the zero line, having driven four Miss Daisy's well. hosting the Captains' meeting. Thanks to the Boy Scouts and the Taylor High School Varsity Baseball team. Without the help of Marilyn Ragans,' Amy Cooper, Tiffany Ragans and Casey Cooper, the weigh-in would not successful. The club thanks you sincerely. A special thanks to Pat McGriff of One More Cast Guide Service Sfor providing the-captains' bags each year and. the following captains' bag sponsors: Precision Tackle; Bass Assassin Lures, L & S -Bait Co., Sea Striker, Inc., Pure Fishing, TTI Companies, Carr Specialty Baits, Inc., Iceus, Inc., Perry Taylor County Chambe, of Commerce. Keaton Beach Marina. . Yarbrough Tire. Ragans Ace Hardware and Capital City Bank. Words cannot express our thanks to all of you for your support of our club and the support of the young people of Taylor County. To all of you who fish in our tournament, you are the catalyst that drives this fundraiser. Without you there is 'no way we could be Successful and impact as many ,young people as we do. We are 'deeply grateful and ask you to please fish with us next year. Sincerely, ;: .Troy Thompson Tournament Chairman Optimist Club of Perry I Elip~~llrraln~al~ B-3 The Taco Times June 29, 2005 Bird Island reunion planned for Saturday The annual Bird Island reunion will be held this Saturday, July 2, with lunch served at 12 noon. The children of Bill and Lucinda Wood welcome all friends and relatives 5 D's: dusk, dawn, d to this event. Everyone is encouraged to bring a covered dish and tea to share for lunch. ress, DEET, drainage 7.. Rear-end collision The driver of this Grand Cherokee Jeep slammed into the rear-end of a low-rider Nissan pick-up, denting both vehicles and knocking the back glass from the Nissan. Doctors' Memorial Hospital Emergency Medical Services answered the call to the scene but no major injuries were reported. Notify debtors SLEGAL AID Rivers Legal Services serves this Continued from e B-county. Three Rivers Lega Continued from page B-1 Services provides civil legal agencies to stop dunning after they receive a written request to'stop.' ittv i It's a good idea to include in the letter why you can't pay right now and what your expectations are for the future, though this is not necessary. You should also note J,' in the letter any billing errors and/or abusive tactics debt collectors have used in their contacts with you. Be sure you Diabetic foot care keep a copy of the letter and send fo it certified, if possible. Here is a Fore foot/rear foot sample letter: Wound care [name of collection agency] Trauma [address] Dear Sir: Sports medicine I am writing to request that you m stop nomimunicating with me *,In, grpF Toenai about -my account, numltr '. r . with [name of *Heel Pain 'creditor] as required by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act 15 : N wAe" U.S.C. Sec. 1692c(c). N I will take care of this matter when I can. Your cooperation For appoi will be appreciated. Very truly yours, () [your name] [your address] Be sure to read the fourth and final part of our series, on debt NOW seeing collection. Tuesday This article is not to be 1211N. interpreted as legal advice, but is public information. Adjacent to The Lake City office of Three (formerly Dr. D PROTECT Continued from page B-1 There were a total of 42 confirmed human WN virus cases resulting in two deaths in Florida in, 2004, compared to 94 cases with six deaths in 2003. In 2002, there were 35 cases with two deaths. Additionally, no human EEE or SLE cases were reported in 2004' to the Florida State Health. Office. DOH continues to advise the public to remain diligent in protecting themselves from mosquito bites by following the "5 D's," which include: Dusk and Dawn--Avoid being outdoors when mosquitoes areseeking blood. For many species, this is during the dusk and dawn hours. Dress--Wear clothing that covers most of your skin. DEET--When the potential exists for exposure to mosquitoes, of delay service for low' income residents. The office number is 1-800-495- 0039. repellents containing DEET (N, N-diethyl-meta-toluamide, or N, N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide) are recommended. Picaridin and oil of lemon eucalyptus are other repellent options. Drainage--Check around your home to rid the area of standing water, which is where mosquitoes can lay their eggs. Tips on Repellent Use Always read label directions carefully for the approved usage before applying a repellent to skin. Some repellents are not suitable for children. Products with concentrations of up to 30 percent DEET are generally recommended. Other potential mosquito repellents, as reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in April 2005, contain picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus. These products are generally, available at local pharmacies. Look for active ', / Your Pet's V ^;7 "-^:?7 By Appointment please Linda Stoddard, D.V.M. Hank Stoddard, D.V.M., D.T.V.M. Jennifer McHale, D.V.M., MS Amy Stone, D.V.M., PhD ingredients to be listed on the product label. Apply insect repellent to exposed skin, or onto clothing, but not under clothing. In protecting children, read label instructions to be sure the repellent is age-appropriate. According to the CDC, mosquito repellents containing oil of lemon eucalyptus should not be used on children under the age of 3 years. DEET is not recommended on children younger than 2 months old. Infants should be kept indoors or mosquito netting should be used over carriers when mosquitoes are present. Taylor seniors: Are you prepared for a hurricane? Taylor County Senior Services will sponsor a hurricane preparedness program for seniors Tuesday, July 5, beginning at 10 a.m. Patsy Greene, of the Capital Area American Red Cross Chapter, will present the program. Hurricane season runs from June 1 through Nov. 30, with August, September and October as the busiest months of the season. Senior citizens are urged to attend this free seminar. For more information, please call 584-4924. wellness Provider for Over 20 Years 352-498-5293 Preventative medicine Nutrition & dietary assistance Complete dental care Radiology & surgery Boarding facility Aquaculture consultation Limited large animal services Mon.-Fri. 8:00 5:30, Saturday 8:00 Noofi Turn right at 1st caution light on Hwy. 19 Cross City, South 1/2 mile on SW 10th St. Prepare for an Exciting Career in Graphic Design Illustration Advertising Design Production Desktop Publishing 3D Modeling Animation & Rendering Additional Careers in: BENEFITS: V Career Placement Assistance V Financial Aid for those who qualify V Bachelor & Associate Degree Programs / Day, Evening & Online Classes V Schedules for Working Students Combining Text Multimedia Graphics Bachelor Degree Programs in: * Business Administration * Criminal Justice KEISER C LL TALL L AH BE C( ASSEE S15 Admissions Office Open 9am 8pm Toll Free 1-877-825-2573 www.keisercollege.edu Photos Videos Animation Shamrock Veterinary Clinic & Fisheries k. Cross City, Florida I -itW surgery Dr. Paul Reynolds ft/ng New Patients ntments, call )42-0096 patientss in Perry on a.nd Thursdays SCenter St. Dr. Tulio Sulbaran liane Haisten's office) Computer Networking & Security Management Accounting Medical Assisting Business Administration Criminal Justice Culinary Arts Paralegal Radiology Technology Health Services Administration Baking & Pastry Arts K m a -I =e = "O p Eu =B 0 Co " I I I - s l l i' I q-4 The Taco Times June 29, 2005 Summer food program continues The annual Summer Food Service Program continues at Sthe Boys & Girls Club of Perry/Taylor County through July. Nutritionally balanced meals are provided to all children regardless of race, color, gender, disability, age, or national origin during summer vacation when school breakfasts and lunches are not available. All children 18 years old and younger are eligible for meals at no charge and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service. The following sites will be -participating in the Summer Food Service Program: --Boys & Girls Club, Jerkins site. Breakfast will be served from 8-9 a.m. and lunch will be served from 12-1 p.m. --Boys & Girls Club, Washington Street site. Breakfast will be served from 7:30-8:30 a.m. Lunch will be served from 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. In one year 265,000 copies of these acts will beI 'No practical way of producing BIG BEND HOSPICE Nee Contact Lenes? energy would satisfy activists Oont a BELIEVE explore new energy sources' that proposals can be considered. And Accenteyecarecenter.com BEt drLIEV Bdon't exist. They suggest that we the protesters should keep in mind r ll 584-200 Continued from page B-2 cut back on energy usage. They that they as individuals are already o 584-2200 received no response.) One,writer are all 'against' but offer no contributing to air pollution Support For Life's Journey stated that none of the county practical 'for' proposals. They somewhere, right now. Dr. Michael Walby commissioners knew any of the ignore reality. Ray Evans When someone you love is diagnosed with a life-- IC ei Va y sDecific details about the plant, vet The U.S. population is Hlmiting illness. let Big Bend Hosnice help you Optometric Physician, she stated that she "understood" it would take 30 million gallons of water daily from the aquifer. (Water is boiled and converted to steam to drive generators in a power plant.) She also "heard" that surplus water would be dumped into the Fenholloway River (presumably from the unknown location of the plant). Wouldn't that help clear up the river? She should notify the commissioners where they can read those supposed details. In all of the rhetoric that I've read in the local newspapers and the Tallahassee! newspaper, not one person has suggested a practical method of producing electricity that would be acceptable from an environmental activist's viewpoint. They suggest that we growing. We all want more and more gadgets that consume electricity. There is no way to produce significant amounts of electricity without some pollution, but all new plants are much cleaner than plants of the same type built just a few years ago. About 115 new generating plants are being planned for the "lower 48" states. All will be subject to rigid air and water cleanliness standards, but there is absolutely no way to get more power with zero pollution. The opinions of those who plan to protest the local proposal (which is not yet even confirmed) should be heard, but opinions don't produce anything. Only definite, practical counter- Nurses did a 'wonderful job' Dear Editor: I just recently became ill and had to be put in the hospital. The reason I am writing this letter is to let the nursing staff know what a wonderful job they did taking care of me. I also wanted to give a very special thanks to Dr. Nelson and to everyone in outpatient surgery. Also, I would like to tell everyone else at Doctors' Memorial Hospital (where I work),, thank you for asking about me. It really meant a lot to me. Sincerely, William Hartzog through the physical, emotional and spiritual journeys you will face. 1723 Mahan Center Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32308 (850) 878-5310 www.bigbendhospice.org The B3ack Porch Q Unique home decorations Antiques -Cad-dainted furniture gfts 850-584-2075 3306 'Iwy. 19 S. 'Visit us online at www.mybackporcch.net q CONTACT LENSES I -I l ~ Pressure Cleaning Sidewalks *Driveways oofs Gutters ,7rmmercial FResidential 18501838-1546 (850) 843-0364 (cell) Gerald Murphy, owner Smyrn os Paining Licensed Contractor Construction Design Site Development John Gentry Professional Engineer Sandra Bolton Office Manager Laurl Bundrick Designer Robert Harper Designer "Civil & Environmental Engineers" 114-B W. Green St. (850) 584-4408 Mon. Fri. 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Residential Commercial (FREE ESTIMATES) Gus and Manuel Smyrnios 850-223-1402 850-223-3595 Hearing Aids * Expert Fitting Highest Quality All Makes & Models .In Perry Monday to Friday .t Dr. Jeffrey D. Russell Audiologist Hamdan ENT Center CALL 584-8123: E R.W. MEISSNE Roofing & Roof Repairs ASSOCIATES, CIVIL ENGINEEF Additions SERVICES New Construction BUILDING PLANS RENOVATIONS Gutters HOMES COMMERCIAL =R INC. RING Remodeling General Maintenance Big B Contract (850) 878-8758 Tallahassee (850) 5 cell (I tors 28-4975 ocal) Lic. #CBC059087 CCC057922 PERMITS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SUWANNEE RIVER WMD 7" SITE DEVELOPMENT PARKING LOTS 216 W. MAIN STREET PERRY, FLORIDA32347 PHONE # 850-584-3887 E-, AIL: rwmi@gtcom.net IS 49L r a L- L I -r a .,EsL198o -r NfV Servingau of Florida, Georgia. Alabama South Carolina and Tenneasee. Locallf Owned add Opeinted.LkenseA Bonded, Insured Because of the Customer, We Exist! PROGRANHINONG AYEOTTO CEO P.ROVAIANDREQuIRMDU SERVICE AOOURSNDSOCAI.SCITYNIMIU. DEPOITOR PUMOOT MAY REQUIRED. Sm,.Pm,,oImRaq.vuimaVldMrCWdtC" ewrW- 31 N.,dUu EmbD.,OlOISWd RulER pdi...5"yDs.TV;=s. 66M. vOU.UTE CMk. PM.1.,PT' f4du-Wfth. yIuT ICR. 1... ny.Irn od, 01- T Chlo. w my SpiOnrs. Get more than 265,000 copies of your business cards printed and delivered every week to your customers and potential customers over the next 12 months. FRITH ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. Owners & Mortgage Title Insurance Policies Title Searches Real Estate Closings 501 N. Byron Butler Pkwy. 850-584-2672 Perry, FI. I c I I M rs. C oiiin s,;ll-cMrl ~F-M~~I HEALER READER e ADVISOR 9 li~.W~ All wh are usuccesful, uluckydissatsfiedlet th womanwho knws hel you. he rmove evilinflence If our hsban or ife s unfithfl, se he no.Sh etls oer'qurelhep yuganth os ov afcto o h oneyo lve& hos yu hewa t hppies. henaesfrind ad neie -Mm=4 i Ir I ; 1 - 0 r I I ' --------- --------- NKF --;---I ----- -"~: i: ':~ m~ B-5 The.Taco Times Juna29, 2005 continually adds value to your televisionineup! avai ab e on c anne I FOR ONE YEAR-GUARANTEED! AVAILABLE TO NEW AND EXISTING CUSTOMERS! 'W I S.. s Call a0 . S! I-I L 1 NOW~ ___~ ._ A st I..11 for detail B 6 The Taco Times June 29, 2005 Small ads...big deals!! Perry Newspapers will be closed Monday, July 4, for Independence Day. The classified deadline for Wednesday's Taco Times will be extended to Tuesday, July 5, at 10:00 a.m. Yard Sale, Friday only, 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Everything from clothes & collectibles to watermelons. 1400 N. Calhoun St. 6/29, 7/1 Yard Sale, Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday. 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Thu.-Sat., 1 p.m.-5 p.m., Sun. Hwy 19 (across from Shriners). Look for big yard sale sign. Everything from clothes to watermelons, 1255 Hwy 19 N. 6/29, 7/1 Saturday, 8:00-1:00, Red Brick house, 2 miles down Beach Rd. 6/29,7/1 Can't prove your income? Go thru our, Stated income program, no proof necessary. Guaranteed financing w/approved credit, call for details, 352-490- 7420. 6/29, 7/1CGH BBQ pig for tale, approximately 125 Ibs., corn feed, $75, 584-5207. 6/29, 7/1. Dry Wall & Acolstical supplies & instillation equipment. Boat building equipment & supplies. Call 850-223-3900. 6/29, 7/1 Moving immediately, must sell everything. Porcelain dolls, refrigerator, stove, living room furniture, dining room group, large entertainment center, air conditioner, make me an offer! Ask for Theresa at 850-584-. 8188 or leave message. 6/29,7/1 Diamond Ring Sicarat round solitaire Color: F, , Clarity: S 1 Appraised. Value: $6,900 Asking: $3,500 584-7841 or 584-2301 1 loveseat, white wood frame, blue print, $100, call 584-5057 or 223-1767. ,6/24-7/1 Vintage Dining Room Set, honey blond Swood table w/3 leaves, china cabinet & 6 chairs, $700, call 584-9659. 6/29' ' Funding now available through aided program for eager hard-working families with incomes from 19K-89K per year. Funds are limited, so hurry, call for details 352-490-7420. 6/29, 7/1CGH Single parent program provided for incomes of at least $1600 per month. Funding limited, call for details 352-490- 7422.. 6/29, 7/1 CGH Relocating from Tallahassee area, looking for 3 bedroom house or Mobile Home, must allow yard dogs, must be clean, please call, (850)672-9135. 5/27-6/29000 Pre-construction luxury townhouses.,1,400 sq. ft., 584-4678. 5/13-6/29 Wanted, 10-20 acres, must be buildable for a residence, please call 941-628-4632,. ask [o' Richard 6/8-6/29 2005 4 Bed/2 Bath on 1 ac. cleared lot; turn key deal, $995 down and' $599 per month call for details 352-490-7422. '6/29, 7/1CGH $500 down payment get you into 3,4,5' -bedroom home on any land, anywhere. Land/Home specialist on site everyday, call for details 352-490-7422. ' 6/29, 7/1CGH First time buyers program, $500 down will For rent! Office space available at 800 get you into your very own land/home West Ash Street, site of Taylor County package, anywhere in the state. Call for Senior Services. Call 584-4924 for details while there's still time, 352-490- information. 7420. 6/15tfSS 6/29, 7/i CGH 65t 2005 3 Bed/2 Bath on 1/2 ac. wooded lot, turn key deal, $995 down and $489 per month, hurry on 1 at this price, 352-490- 7422. 6/29, 7/1CGH Geg St A $18,000 Built in 1950s 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bath All Pine Wood Floors New Central H/A Some Appliances House moved at buyer's expense. Call for appt. 584-5454 For Lease, Keaton Beach, 3b/2b on Canal, floating dock; large screened in area, fish cleaning station. No Sub Leases, 229-560- 1475. 6/1-6/29 Land for sale, located on Hwy 221 between Shiloh Church Rd. and Cairo Parker Rd. 1 acre lots with paved roads. Owner financing available. Please call (386) 658- 1346.or.(850) 584-7466 Badcock's. tfEF, SHandyman Special, 3 BR 1 Bath, 3/4 Complete, new woodwork, on city lot near Nursing Home. Asking $15,000. Job out of town, must sell. 386-329-8485, leave message. 5/18,7/8 Modular Home, R-1 housing, only $995 down, in beautiful community Paves streets on 1 ac. lots, payments as low ac $699 per month, 100% financing, 352-490-' 7422.. 6/29,7/1CGH ' aelJ__--_^^r ^--0 immaculate, 3 BR/2 S& kitchen floor, utility move, $25,000, 850- W. l L; ail6tj n, 96 Clayton 16x80, BA, new blinds, W/D shed included; you 656-5709. . 6,10 7,e ' 3UCKE'E ,'COMMUNITY FEDERAL OREDJT UNION s offering for sale a 1993 i Clayton mobile home angle wide 14\70, S bedrooms 2 baths Iving room, kitchen & dining area. Thi- mobile home will be sold on "as is" basis' and may be . inspected l y appoinlmen Tuesday-: Thursday 9 30am11 30arr, and 2:00pm- 4 00pm For appointment call Frances or, Darlene at 850-584-7100. 6/29-7/25 1993 28A50 DW 3Br,2B fireplace asking $8000, has (o be moved, call 838-1991 after 1 p.m. , 62476 ' Furnished Mobile Home, 3 bed, 2 bath, on 2. acres, nice and quiet, 904-751-3810, leave message. : 6/24-7/1 For Sale: Like new, 3BR, 1: BA mobile home, new carpet, excellent condition, leave messaaqe at 850-223-171'4. 6/17.7/6 Southern Villas of Perry!! New Management!! .HOD Vouchers accepted. 10 and 2 bedroom HC and non-HC 'accessible apartments. Call, 850-584-8111. TDD/TTY 711. 315 Puckett Rd. Perry, FL 32347. Equal Housing Opportunity. tfSV *Woodridae ADartments!! Looking for applicants Apply now for 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Equal Housing Opportunity. Call 850-584-5668. 709 W. Church St., Perry, FL 32347. TDD/TTY 711. tfWA Travel trailer 2000,-24' Prowler, queen bed, sleeps 6, full kitchen/bath, ducted heat/air, couch, dinette, lots of storage, plus weight distribution hitch, $7995/OBO/Trade, call 584-7003. 6/29, 7/1DG Boat for Sale: 2002 Bass Tracker & trailer with 40hp.tilt motor, can be seen at 3385 FPu'ren Rd Animal loving roommate wanted,' Old Perry; 2BR, 1BA private suite & entrance. Basic utilities included, $450 mo. + deposit, call 850-371-1922. 6/29-7/8 Double Wide, 3B/2B, central'H/A, dining room, clean, located on 2 shady lots, in. city limits, $500 mo. 1st & last mo., call 584-5057 or 223-1767 6/24-7(1 Large 1 bedroom' duplex apartment, equipped kitchen, central H & A, WD hook- up, wood floors, front porch, fenced yard,. Quiet neighborhood, $325 mo., $300 damage deposit One year lease required Call 838-1869 16/24 6/29 3/1 nouSe 350.mo $300 dep,; 602 W. :Crion St 584-4678. 6/10-7/1 REWARD-5 American Pitbull Terrier Litter Lost/Missing, Woods Creek Road Area. 2 Blue & whites (1 has "Lightening Strike" mark on back), 2 White w/Black patches, 1 Chocolate Red Nose. PLEASE Call 838- 6484 with any information, N 0 QUESTIONS ASKED. 6/29;7/1 Great Dane Puppies, born 5/13/05, will be ready for loving homes 7/11/05. 3 males all black, 1 female harlequin. Great family pets, raised in home w/small children. UTD shots & worming, no papers, $250 firm, please call 850-838-2376, leave message, or email mandagale@gtcom.net for info and pics. 6/29-7/8 15.1 1/2 hands Percheron/quarterhorse gelding, bay. 3 years old. Shots and worming up to date, good with farrier, was broke English, but we have been using him Western on trails this past year. Very stocky and can carry a large person. Not spooky, but is somewhat still green at 3 years old. He has been a great trail horse, but we have to thin the herd. Located in Dowling Park--$1,200 firm. Call 386-362- 1954 or 386-688-4954. Leave message. We will return your call. Calico female & Bob tail white/black male, medium length fur, current on shots, neutered & spayed, free to good home, 3 yrs. old, call 584-4376. 6/22-7/8. $60060, call 584-5086ou or 584-8168 6/17tfCR - .$100 Reward for Stolen Johnson, 8 hp, SOutboard Motor, Stolen From North Orange 93 Chevrolet Z71 Truck, 4WD, runs good Street Apartments, Call Drew Taylor @ & 4WD works, $2500, call 584-3140, leave 843-0269. message. 6/10-6/29 * 6/29,7/1 92 Chevy Camaro, 25th Anniversary Edition, V-8 305 93 000 ornginai miles tinted windows, Ihowmaslers. $4001 58 4 S2610, leave message. 6/29 Runs great-Looks great, I just need more room for my growing boys, 1995, white, 4 dr, Ford Explorer XLT, 2 wheel drive, cd and cassette player, 168K miles, $5500 c all 584973. 6/22tf 1998 Jisarn Mav..,ma GLE, fully loaded, leaihrr sunrool power l ij.: ;ilndows. * odl'.ptemyibonias.Knd sy i'Tm- :.78K milei. excellent condition, lo, s and runs araI $9500 firm: Call 534-6583 lea.e message 6/29-7/6 2000 GMC Sierra SLE nal Ion 3 door ext. cab excellent condition newt Ires. silver bed covered leave message at 223.1714 6/24-7/6 98 F50 bll & lan Lariat 88K miles '. condition r8000 call Chrns at 843-2322 r 838-3736. E24. 6i29 - For Sale: 1993 White, GMC Semi recent Motor over haul nev rear rind & new wvhe-c bearrings $10.:00 1all 581 -6003 leae' message. 6/22-7/15 Red VW Beetle, 2002, 41K miles, turbo, all extra's included,, sunroof, leather heated seats, $15,000 o.b.o., 850-933-171.1, ask for Terry.. 6/1 7fiTM Lost r'daF digiial camera with case in area of Folev CulOti Road and Hghway 30. Call 58 9300 REWARD OFFERED Found, young female, black lab, in Shady Gro)e call 584-9011. 62.1 6/29 Boat Mlechanic needed Mo.'-day-Friday, 8' a m.- p m Sarting salary $500 weekly. Mu;r have e.:perience vtorking on motors & boat rigging Refer.-:r-e: reiquirgd. Apply in person at 322 Fliversid Drive,. Sleinhatchee Florida 4(27t1 A+ Owner Operators Needed! Fleet Seeking Professional Owner Op's in your area!! SIGN ON BONUS!!! ".All runs local or short haul. Home time Stable schedule 95% No Touch Pay for loading, unloading, detentions & stop offs' PLUS MUCH MORE! INTERMODAL 800.833.9616 $1,000 Sign On Bonus SPRITCHETT TRUCKING NEEDS EXPERIENCED CLASS A DRIVERS IN YOUR AREA FOR LOCAL HAULING. GOOD PAY AND BENEFITS CALL 1-800-486-7504 NOW RENTING 1 & 2 Bedrooms Available Handicapped Units Available Central Heat/Air- Laundry Facilities Rent Based on Income--Basic Rent We Accept HUD Vouchers Pine View Apartments 427 Puckett Rd. Perry, Fl. 32348 (850) 584-8995 1i SVOICEfTYACCESS 711 Equal Housing VOICETTY CCES 711Opportunity Fuel $1.25 per Gallonl!! OWNER OPERATORS Rinker Materials Transport Division d/b/a New Line Transport (a major Flat Bed carrier in Florida) seeking owner-operators to run loads in Florida. Loads every day? Yesl Home every weekend? Yes! No more than 2 moving violations in 3 years. No accidents in the past 3 years. We offer Weekly Pay Settlements. Plenty of Freight. Our Trailers and securement equipment with no fees. Home every weekend A Nice Sign-On Bonus. Our owner operators also enjoy fuel prices that are held at $1.25. If you are an owner- operator, what are you waiting for, call today. Other opportunities are also available. New Line Transport 888-714-0056 Full-time, salaried position, responsible for answering multi-line telephone system, typing, filing, keeping attendance records, ordering and issuing office supplies, keeping inventory of office supplies, company newsletter, handling of incoming and outgoing company mail, and assisting ,all departments as needed. Must be proficient with Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel and Publisher. Must have high school education, at least one year of general office and switchboard experience, good interpersonal skills, ability to type at least 40 correct words per minute. All applicants are subject to pre- employment drug screening and a criminal background check. Please send resume to Employment Connections, 224 North Jefferson Street, Perry, FL 584-7604. Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer, Veteran Preference. 6/24, 6/29 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FQR EMPLOYMENT 1 _ Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Next Class: July 11th -National Cenification Financial Assistdance Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Traning Services wWw.atsn-schools.com Office Assistant Local John Deere Dealership is looking for a qualified individual to assist with general office duties. Must be customer service oriented and have excellent communication skills. Will be responsible for incoming calls, entering invoices into accounts payable system for processing, petty cash and other clerical duties. Must be proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel. Our company offers a professional drug- free environment, competitive pay, excellent health and dental benefits, and 401 (K) Retirement & Profit Sharing Plan. Please send resumes to: Human Resources Manager P.O. Box 3329, Albany, GA 31706 No phone calls please. 6/17tfFEC Subscribe today! I 584-5513 I The City of Perry is taking applications for the following position: TRUCK DRIVER/LABORER S(Street Division) Req: Must have valid Florida Drivers License and be able to obtain a CDL within 6 months after employment. Salary: $8.12-$11.47 hourly Applications are available at the City of Perry Personnel 'Office and will be accepted until the position is filled. CITY.OF PERRY Personnel Office 224 S. Jefferson Street rq ,'1", PerryPFL-32347 '- -(850) 584-7161. DRUG FREE WORKPLACE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER Prestige Home Center Chiefland The Only Factory Outlet on the West Coast NO "DOUBLE TALK" WITH OUR ADVERTISING-- NO GAMES WITH OUR PRICES! Any New Home Purchased from Prestige Homes Includes FREE Delivery & Set-Up...PERIOD! .- .. --BRAND NEW-- i Choose from S 2 or 3 Bedroom -, 2 Bath SExceeds New Gov't. Standards $32,445o00 R $275 mo. Includes AC, Heat, Skirting & Steps No Down Payment for Landowners! (60 Other Homes to Choose From!) Eggs are Cheaper in the Country, So are Prestige Homes! N. Hwy. 19, Chiefland 352-493-2492 "-!8 NOW RENTING Elderly, Handicapped & Disabled '1 Bedroom Apartments Available Handicapped Units Available Centra/Heat/Air Laundry Faclities S Rent Based bn Income--Basic Rent We Accept HUD Vouchers Stonegate Apartments 544 Puckett Rd. Perry, Fl. 32348 S(850)584-7888 . .VOICE/TTYACCES711 Ou gount I HOMES REAL ESTATE RN Faculty Positions North Florida Community College Madison, FL Fulltime RN Faculty Positions (2) for new RN Program. 10 mo./yr. contracts. Requires masters in nursing; current Fla. RN license,- at least 3 years fulltime clinical experience as RN. Experience as a nursing educator and clinical experience in medical-surgical, intensive care, obstetrical and pediatric nursing preferred. i Generous benefits. Parttime Laboratory Skills Instructor. 9 mo./yr. position, 20-25 hours/wk. Requires bachelor's in nursing; current Fla. RN license, at least 3 years fulltime clinical experience as RN. Experience in nursing education preferred. Some benefits. Teaching may be nights, weekends at NFCC or satellite locations. Positions require participation in College and department activities. Applications to HR Director, NFCC, 1000 'Turner Davis Dr., Madison, FL 32340. Only complete application packet considered which include cover letter; resume, NFCC application; transcripts (unofficial OK); copy of Fla. nursing license. Application available at www.nfcc.edu. 850-973-1662. Deadline 7/1/05. EOE 6/22, 29 APALACHEE CENTER A Behavioral Health Care Center is 'currently seeking: ADULT CASE MANAGER #2156 AVAILABLE REGULAR STATUS (40 HOURS PER WEEK) OR TEMPORARY OPS STATUS (20-40 HOURS PER WEEK). REQUIRES MINIMUM OF A BACHELOR'S DEGREE WITH A MAJOR IN COUNSELING, SOCIAL WORK, PSYCHOLOGY, CRIMINAL JUSTICE, NURSING, REHABILITATION, SPECIAL EDUCATION, HEALTH EDUCATION, OR A RELATED HUMAN SERVICES FIELD; OR A BACHELOR'S DEGREE 2 YEARS FULL TIME OR EQUIVALENT EXPERIENCE WORKING WITH ADULTS EXPERIENCING SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS. VALID DRIVER'S LICENSE REQUIRED. REGULAR STATUS RATE $10.75 PER HOUR/EXCELLENT BENEFITS EOR TEMPORARY' OPS STATUS RATE $12 92 PER HOUR/NO BENEFITS For more information and a complete listirg. f available positions www.apalacheecenter.org (850)523-3217 or 1(800)226-2931 Human Resources,2634-J Capital Circle NE Tallahassee. FL SPre-Hire Drug Screen & FDLE background check An Equal Opportunity/Alfirmative Action Employer. Drug-Free Workplace 6/29,.7/1- " Badcock Furniture & More 2 Posri ons Set up,& delivery person, good license &'. driving record required Part lime sales person Apply in person, 1003 S. Jefferson St. 6/29tfBC Regional Therapy Services has a poslion Available for a pan-time Rehab Paiient Coordinator. Must be motivated. energetic and enjoy working with others Clerical skillsneeded Please fax your Resumes to 584-4007 or call 584-4006. 6/29-7/8RTS Substance Abuse Counselor Civigenics. Inc the largest provider of in- prison Irealment programs in the United States, is seeking lull-ime counselors to deliver substance abuse services in our Treatment program located at Ihe Taylor Correctional institution in Perry Must be experienced in substance abuse counseling and motivated to work in a correctional facility. Degreed or related experience preferred CAP/CCJAP certification and forensic experience a plus Send resume to. V.L. Burgess, Civigenics 8501 Hampton Springs Rd Perry FL 32348 or email to. Burgess.Vernon@mall dc stale fl.us EOE 6/29.7/1 Position vacancies under Taylor County Board ol County Commissioners Park Attendant temporary (April Sept Part time (days and hour vary) max: 30 hrs/wk $6 56 hr Engineer- $36.504 $41,080 EOE/Drug Free Workplace. Position requirements and specifications available at Taylor One Stop Career Center. 224 N Jefferson Street. Perry. FL. " 32347 or www tcfl-libinfo com Submit, applications to Taylor One Stop Career Center Positions open until filled 5/4tfBOCC Secretary Position Clay Swindle, L.L.C., All types of This is a full-time or part-time position. remodeling, docks, decks, windows, door Responsibilities include answering multi- framing, add on additions, porches, screen line phone,. filing, sending enclosures, painting interior & exterior, correspondence, keeping accurate records now that Hurricane Season has arrived. for the office and being responsible for' Should you experience Storm damage, I dealing with walk-in customers. This will work with your insurance company, 18 Person must-be computer literate, work yrs. exp., licensed & insured. Free well with others, organized, able to work in Estimate, call 850-223-1780 or 843-1941, a high-stress situation and be multi- leave message. Commercial & tasked. Must be proficient in the following Residential. computer software: Microsoft Word, Excei, 6/15tfCS - Publisher and Microsoft Outlook. Salary is negotiable. Benefits include sick pay, SouthemSiding&Remodeling, LLC. Vacation time and holiday pay. Please Vn hiding & sof, rot, fascia, send resume and references to Secretary Vinyl siding & soffit, wood rot, fascia, Position, P.O. Box 892, Perry, FL 32348 decks, aluminum screen rooms, windows, ,Postion P.O. porches and more. S5/13tfCH Jay Swindle S N (850)843-1731 LPN Licensed & Insured Seeking calm, mature, team participant 6/10-7/29 and leader who is a good communicator and can function with some independence. CARPET & VINYL Must possess positive outlook and installation and repairs done at a good approach to working with residents,, price. No overhead. Direct savings to you. families, and staff. Applications are being 30 years experience. 850-838-9050, accepted for 2pm-1 Opm. Smaller, modern please leave a message. facility with excellent PTO system. 11/3fpBR Contact Lyn Shine. Lafeyette Health Care .11 Center, 512 W. Main St., Mayo, FL. Circle "T" 386-294-3300. Specializing in all types of tractor work, 6/29-7/8 bushhogging, root raking, harrowing, dirt SD P hauling & leveling, debris removal, clean Activities Director: Pine Lake Nursing up, and lawn care. Call for free estimate, Home is seeking a motivated energetic 584-2806. organized Activity Director. Above all this 6/1-6/29 applicant.will be committed to excellent resident care and making a genuine TREE REMOVAL & STUMP GRINDING contribution to our resident's quality of life. Lowest ates Around. Free estimates, COTA credentials or a current certificate Linsed & Insured. Call John at 584 or long term careI experience will be Licensed & Insured. Call John at 584- or long term care experience will be 2027. Nojobtobigortosmall. Considered very desirable. Interested b . person please contact Catherine Krentzat "5/20-6/29 948-4601 orfaxresumeto948-1702 PRESSURE WASHING 6/29 Houses, decks, walk ways, just about Mature Woman to watch 2 kids & cook anything, call John at 223-1273 forquotes meals, Monday-Friday. 7 A M.-1 P.M., at on anyjob. our home. Background check & 6/8-6/29. References required. For details please call, 584-8464.. 'Father Son to do light and heavy yard 6/24tfDN work. We also do trim work. Call Rodney Watts, 584-8324. Full-lime instructors for fall term North Fla; 5,13-6129 Community College. English. math: require master's w/18 hours in field. UnllmitedTruck Service, Inc. Developmental English dev'l math- require 3995 Charles Sadler Lane bachelor's Teach al nearby correctional Perry FL 32347 facilities Flexible hrs/days Background 24 HR SERVICE TRUCK check required Full benefits. Send 850672-0920(cell)BobbyRucker resume, NFCC application, 'transcripts, 850223-2579 (off.) Owner/Operator co better to HR, NFCC, 1000 Turner Master Mechanic & Mechanical Fabricator Davis 'Dr., Madison, Fla.' 32340,. FOR Applications at www.nfcc edu or call 850- Heavy Duty Haulors, Heavy Duty 973-1614. Deadline 7/1/05. EOE .' Equipment 6/24-6/29NFCC Over 25 yrs of Experience and S Technology Avon 6/8-6/29 Always Hilingl Reps Needed in your area, 50% commission. Contact Tern at 584.8463 or 843-1285. /113ffTC Part-time clerk positions available at Sea Hag Manna Approx hour 25-35. Must be dependable honest and punctual Please .apply in person al 322 Riverside Drive.. 'Stienalchee-Flonda r 'd i 3/30rtSH Want to buy lumber or logs, reasonable priced, cedar cherry, heart cypress, pecky cypress, etc call 850-584-4374, ask for Bo 6/15-7/29 Excellent care lor your elderly loved one 15 yrs experience, references available Cooking & shopping Please call 584- 5165, leave name, number & short message. 6/29. 7/1 CLEANING 584-CLEAN (2532) For Sale: 1987 Chevrolet Silverado New motor and transmission. $3,000 firm. Call 838-2280. INVITATION TO BID The Taylor County SHIP program requests sealed bids from general contractors for the following projects: Demo Reconstruction Demo Reconstruction Rehabilitation to Structure Rehabilitation to Structure Rehabilitation to Structure A scheduled walk-thru to review the above structures is:-; Friday, July 8,2005 @ 10:00 a.m.: To receive the bid packet, interested contractors should contact the Taylor County SHIP office at 850-838-3500 (ext. 8) fnQ-later than July 5, 2005. Bids will be received at the Clerk's Office. County Courthouse, First Floor. 108 North Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347. no later than Tuesday. July 19. 2005. at 4:00 p.m. The sealed bids will be publicly opened and read aloud on Tuesday, July 19, 2005, at 6:20 p.m. in the Taylor County Administrative Complex (Old Post Office), County Commissioners Board Room, 201 East Green Street, Perry, FL 32347, by the Taylor County Board of County Commissioners. (The Taylor County Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject.any and/or all bids in the best interest of Taylor County.) The Handyman experts, honest work Affordable, professional, licensed and insured. Specializing in house painting.: interior, etc, mobile home repairs, home maintenance, pressure washing'(wood and concrete) carpet, vinyl, wood floor, ceramic tile, and repairs. Call 584-2270 (home) or 584-3776 (office) 25 years tfJM A-2.Z Farm and Lawn Services Harrowing, bush hog mowing d.rt leveling, rake work and complete lawn services. Call 584-6737 leave message 4/l tAZ Lindsey Tractor Service Lawn Service. bush hogging land clearing, drive ways. tree trimming,: hauling, food plots, debree removal, etc . Call 850-584.5193 or 850-838-4818 4/27tf J.D.'s Tree Service and Lawn Care. Licensed and insured. Free estimates. We also grind, stumps. Call today 838-1280. Firewood for sale. tfJD Paint Jobs, Body Work, Boat Fiberglass Repair, Insurance Jobs. New, Used, After Market Parts. ,28 Years Experience. Lic#2004-1657. James O'Neal. 850-578- 2530. 6i24-7/6 irJ THE CIRCUIi COLRl1i iHIRD'JUDICIAL CIRCUIr. INr AiD FOR TAYLOR COUNti' FLORIDA CASE NO 05-180-CA PERRi' HOME CENTER. INC Ploainn.f, -vs- LAIA MARIE BARRON, d/b/a, LORD OF LOVE, Defendant NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE INOTCE is hereby given mrn ANNIE MAE MURPHY. Clerk of rne Ciucult Court of roylor County Fronoro. will on the 12TH aa of July. 2005. or 11 00 a.m. at the front door atr rne rovior County courthouse In the City of Perry, Florida, of.ner fr sale and sell at public outcry to nte nigresr and best bidder for cash, the following described property situated In tayloi Counry Floiiaa. io-wit: Parcel No 27.03 07 01970 330 Commence r rt -e SE corner of the SW ' l/4 of me Secnion 27. 1iS R7E, and run S 89' 56-2 w', along ire section line hearingg base). 482 6. leet to the Point ol Beginning, thence run N 01* 04' E, 300 0 feer, thence run 5 890 56'42" W, 157;93 feet; 'thence run S 01 04' W, 300.00 feet to. the Section line; thence run N 890 56'42" E, 157.93 feet, to the Point -of Beginning., 'Soa parcel Is located In the SW 1/4 of Secilon 27 T3S, R7E, and contains 1.09 acres, LESS'AND 'EXCEPT IHE INORtH 30FEEI FOR RCAD R/W.^ pursuant ro rne inal judgment of foreclosure entered in a case pending In sold Courn rhe syle or wnlcn Is as set out aoove, and the Sdockel number of wnlcn Is 05-180-CA. wrITNESS my nand anao he olildla seal of said Court, hls 16rn day ofat June, 2005. ANNI.E MAE MURPHY Clerk or ire Circuit Court Taylor County, Florida By; Marti Lavalle Deputy Clerk 6/22, 6/29 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR TAYLOR COUNti' FL JUVENILE DIVISION CASE NO 04.27-DP IN TFHE INIERESI OF: S.S. 4/21/1998. MINOR CHILD NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Unknown father LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: unknown MOTHER OF CHILD: Sue Ann Thomas Stephens YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a petition under oath, has been filed in the above- styled court for the termination of parental rights and the permanent commitment of S.S.. a female child born on 4/21/1998 In Alachua County, Florida to the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, Adoption and Related Services a licensed child placing agency, for subsequent adoption and you are hereby to be and appear in the above court at the Taylor County Courthouse, Perry, Florida 32347 on Monday, July 18th, 2005 at 9:00 A.M.,for a Termination of Parental Rights Advisory Hearing and to show cause why said petition should not be granted. You must appear on the date 6nd time specified. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THE ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES YOUR CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE PETITION. WITNESS my hand and official seal as the Judge of said court this 3rd day of June, 2005. 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, 6/29 Notice of Public Hearing Hearing Date: July 19, 2005 Subject of Hearing: 1.) Workers Compensation-Return to Work Policy and 2.) Revision to Certification of Administrative and Instructional Personnel Policy. THE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF TAYLOR COUNTY WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ABOVE DATE FOR APPROVAL OF SAID SUBJECT ITEM. THIS HEARING WILL BE HELD AT THE SCHOOL BOARD MEETING; THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS/CONCERNS. THE PUBLIC HEARIlNG WILL BE HELD AT THE ADMIIISiPAIIVE COMPLEX SCHOOL BOARD MEETING ROOM, 318 North Clark Street. A copy of this-policy' maybe obtained from the Superintendent's * Office. Oscar M. Howard Jr. Superintendent of Schools 6/22, 6/29, 7/6, 7/13 PUBLIC NOTICE COtlICERiiiri3 F ~ ? HOUSING On November 6, 1980, the City Council of the City of Perry, Florida adopted Ordinance No. 431, which established the policy ol rre Cit-' ro piomote equal ,ppon'jrnr, to obrain adeauole housing ot all persons. regardless o r:ace color age irligion'. ancestry :Ie\ PaOCe of olnn, ranaicoac i national oigir. On ,Septemoer 25 190 me Cir, Council ot the City of Perry, Florida adopted Ordinance No. 600, amending Ordinance No. 431 to odd familial status asa o priec.red ciass from discrimination . Irn re .aie or r.e raoi .:' rn":slng. these c..rilr.arncel are available for public inspearion T rne .Office of. the Clty M.iar.ager Cir, Hall located at 224 South Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347; onday through Friday between the hour; of 8 0 0 MI ro "2 00 P 1.1 ona 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Any aggrieved person may file a complaint of a housing discrimination' act with the: SFlorida Commission on Human Relations 325 John Knox Road, Bldg. F, Suite 240 Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4149 Toll-free Teledhone: 1-800-342-8170 or Su 3 Debpnmleni fc' Hcu!lna ana u.iran Deaieloprnent 451 Seventh Street, S.W Washington, D.C: 20410 Toll-free Telephone: 1-800-424-8590 To request Information or assistance locally,, you, may contact William la'Valle, Director of Community Development, at\City Hall or telephone .(850) 584-7161. 6/29 NOTICE (PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 125.66) Notice Is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Taylor County, Florida will hold a public hearing on the passage of the proposed Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 98-8 specifically amending the-Occupational License a',. the public hearing shall be held at the Board of County Commission Meeting Room, Taylor County Cqurthouse Annex,. Old Post Office Building in Perry, Florida, at the regular board meeting on July 19, 2005, at 6:25 P.M. The title of the proposed ordinance Is: AN ORDINANCE WHICH. AMENDS ORDINANCE NO. 98-8, (THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF TAYLOR COUNTY, . FLORIDA SECTION 18-61 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE SCHEDULE).. SPECIFICALLY AMENDING THE OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAX, PROVIDING THAT IN THE FUTURE THE . AMOUNT OF THE TAX MAY BE AMENDED BY RESOLUTION, PROVIDING FOR SEVERBILIrl. PROVIODIlNG AN EFFECTIVE DATE. .The propo ed ordinance may be Inspectead y nme public at the Clerk of the Circuit Court s Office at the Taylor County Courthouse, Perry. Taylor County, Florida. All members of the public are welcome' to arena rioiice Is runner hereby given. pursuant to Florlaa Stature 286 0105. hoat Sandy person or persons: deciding to appeal any matter considered at this public hearing will need a record of the hearing and may'need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings Is made, which record Includes the resrimony ana e.ldence upon which the appear is ro De based. Dated this 23rd day of June, 2005, by ANNIE MAE MURPHY, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Taylor County, Florida. 6/29 ' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 3RD 'JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR TAYLOR' COUNTY, FLORIDA - GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NUMBER: 2005-CA-168 HOUSEHOLD FINANCE.CORPORATION III, a Delaware corporation, Plaintiff, vs. MICHAEL WRIGHT, et, al., Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. pursuantto a Final Summary Judgment of Foreclosure dated -June 22, 2005 entered In Case No. 2005-CA-168 of the Circuit.Court In and for Taylor County, Florida, wherein HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION III, ,a Delaware Corporation Is the Plaintiff and MICHAEL WRIGHT, et. al., are the Defendants, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, at the Front Steps of the Taylor County Courthouse, 108 North Jefferson Street, Perry. Florida 32347, at 11:00 AM on the 11th day of August, 2005 the following described property, as set forth In sold Final Summary Judgment of Foreclosure, to wit: REAL ESTATE IN TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA:, BEGIN AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE. SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE B-7 The 7 EAST THENCE RUN SOUTH 349.8 iEET, THENCE WEST 525 FEET FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE NORTH 210 FEET, THENCE WEST 210 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 210 FEET, THENCE EAST 210 FEET. DATED this 23 day of June 2005. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: Marti Lavalle Deputy Clerk 6/29 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS NOTICE OF INTENT TO FIND THE CITY OF PERRY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS) IN COMPLIANCE DOCKET NO. 05-1-NOI-6026-(A)-(1) The Department gives notice of its intent to find the Amendment(s) to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Perry, adopted by Ordinance no(s). 796 and 798 on March 22, 2005, IN COMPLIANCE, pursuant to Sections .163.3184, 163.3187 and 163.3189, F. S. The adopted City of Perry Comprehensive Plan Amendment(s) and the Department's Objections, Recommendations and Comments Report, (if any), are available for public Inspection Monday through Friday, except for legal holidays, during normal business hours, at the City of Perry, City Hall, 224 South Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347. Any affected person, as defined in Section 163.3184, F.S., has a right to petition for an administrative hearing to challenge the proposed agency determination that the Amendment(s) to the City of Perry Comprehensive Plan are In Compliance, as defined in Subsection 163.3184(1), F.S The petition must be filed within twenty -one (21) days after publication of this notice, and must Include all.of the information and contents described In Uniform Rule 28- 106.201, F.A.C. The petition must be filed with the Agency Clerk, Department of Community Affairs, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Talldhassee, Florida 32399- 2100, and a copy mailed or delivered to the local government. Failure to timely file a petition shall constitute a waiver of' any 'right to request an administrative proceeding as a "petitioner under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. If a petition is filed, the purpose of the administrative hearing will be to present evidence and testimony and forward a recommended order to the Department. If no petition is filed, this rlo,..re of Intent shall become final agency action. If a petition is filed, other affected persons may petition for leave to intervene In the proceeding. A petition for intervention must be filed at least twenty (20) days before the, final hearing and must include all of the information and contents described in Uniform Rule 28-106.205, F.A.C. A petition for leave to Intervene shall be filed at the Division of Administrative Hearings,, Department of Management Services, 1230 Apalachee Parkway, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060. Failure to petition to Intervene within the allowed time frame constitutes a waiver of any right such a person has to request a hearing'under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S., or to participate In the administrative hearing. After an administrative hearing petition is timely filed, mediation is available pursuant to Subsection 163.3189(3)(a), F.S., to any affected person who Is made a party to the proceeding by filing that request with the administrative law judge assigned by the Division of Administrative Hearings. -hr :,:.;.:e of medication' :roii rct .ffe. r O: a ,po3tr : lrghf t':. o ,n can lhn a i e rl e,',,ng Mike MsDaniel, Acting Chief Division of Community Planning Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 6/29 IN THE. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY *COURT FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF GEORGIA COLUMBUS DIVISION In re: TOM'S FOODS INC., Debtor. Chapter 11 Case No. 05-40683 (RFH) Judge Robert F. Hershner, Jr. 'NOTICE OF DEADLINE TO FILE PROOFS OF 'CLAIM AGAINST THE DEBTOR. PLEASE iAKE NOTICE that the Court has set a bar date (a deadline for filing proofs of claim) of August 31, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. prevailing Eastern time (the "Bar Date") In the.Chapter 11 case of the abo.e captioned Debtor (the LDetdior .r I.e "Company"): IF YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FILE A PROOF OF CLAIM BUT DO NOT DO SO IN THE MANNER AND BEFORE THE TIME PRESCRIBED BELOW, YOUR CLAIM WILL BE BARRED AS A CLAIM AGAINST THE COMPANY'S ESTATE, IN WHICH EVENT SYOU WILL NOT BE ENTITLED 10 RECEIVE ANY DISTRIBUTIONS OR RECEIVE ANY FURTHER NOTICES ON ACCOUNT OF SUCH CLAIM. 1. Who Must File: You must file a proof of claim by the Bar Date if you assert a claim against the Debtor arising before , April 6, 2005, provided, however, that: (a) you need not file a proof of claim if: (I) your claim is listed in the'Schedules of 'Assets and Liabilities (the "Schedules") filed with the Bankruptcy Court by the Debtor; (II) your claim is not listed in the Schedules as "disputed," "contingent," or "unliquldated"; and (ill) you do not dispute the listed 'amount or stated characterization of your claim; (b)'the deadline for filing a proof of claim for a claim of the type, described in -Section 502(g) of the Bankruptcy Code shall be the later of the Bar 'Date or the 30th day after entry of an order of the Bankruptcy Court providing for rejection of the contract or lease giving rise to the claim. The deadline for filing a proof of claim for a claim of the type described in Section 502(h) of the Bankruptcy Code shall be the later of the Bar Date or the 30th day after entry of a judgment or order of any court providing for the recovery of property giving rise to the claim. The deadline for filing a proof of claim for a claim of the type described in Section 502(1) of the Bankruptcy Code shall be the later of the Governmental Bar Date or the 30th day after the tax giving rise to the claim arises; (c) the Bar Date for governmental units to file a proof of claim Is October 3, 2005, In accordance with Section 502(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code (the "Governmental Bar Date"). 2. Definition of "Claim": As used herein, and as defined In Section 101(5) of the Bankruptcy Code, a "claim" means: (a) a right to payment, whetheror not such right is reduced to judgment, liquidated, unliquldated, fixed, contingent, matured, unmatured, disputed, undisputed, legal, equitable, secured, or unsecured; or (b) a righf to an equitable remedy for breach of performance if such breach gives rise to a right to payment, whether or.not such right to an equitable remedy 'is reduced to judgment, liquidated, unliquidated, fixed, contingent, matured, unmatured, disputed, undlspu' secured, or unsecured. Taco Times June 29, 2Q05 . 3. When and Where to File: The' deadline established for filing a proof of claim is 4:00 p.m. prevailing Eastern time on August 31, 2005 (or October 3, 2005 for governmental units). A proof of claim is not filed until it is ACTUALLY RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE August 31, 2005 by the claims agent at one of th1 following designated addresses: (i) for a proof of claim sent by regular mail Tom's Foods, Inc., c/o JP Morgan. Trust Company, N.A., PO Box 56636-. Jacksonville, FL 32241-6636, (904) 807- 3023; or (ii) for a proof of claim sent by overnight. or hand delivery Tom's Foods, Inc., c/o JP Morgan Trust Company, N.A., 8475 Western Way, Suite 110, Jacksonville. FL 32256. Facsimile or electronic submission of proof(s) of claim shall not constitute. proper filing pursuant to this notice, and. any proof(s) of claim so.submitted shall be invplid and forever'barred. Only proof(s) of claim bearing an ink signature of an individual authorized-to execute and deliver such, proof of claim shall constitute a proper filing. 4. What to File: NO DOCUMENTATION OR COMMUNICATION WILL BE EFFECTIVE OTHER THAN A PROOF OF CLAIM FORM: Proof of claim forms may be obtained by contacting the claims agent at the above address or on the Internet at www.administar.net/t6msfoods. Only- one proof of claim should be filed for each distinct claim asserted. Dated: June 20, 2005 GREENBERG TRAURIG, LLP Dbvid B. Kurzweil Georgia Bar No. 430492 James R. Sacca Georgia Bar No. 621843 The Forum, Suite 400 3290 Northside Parkway Atlanta, GA 30327 (678) 553-2100 and - GREENBERG TRAURIG, LLP Scott D. Cousins (No. 3079) William E..Chipman, Jr. (No. 3818)' The Brandywine Building 1000 West Street, Suite 1540 Wilmington, DE 19801 (302) 661-7000 Counsel to the Debtor Schedules are available for viewing-at the United States Bankruptcy Court.for the Middle District of Georgia, 433 Cherry Street, Macon, GA 31202 and are also available at http://www.gamb.uscourts.gov/ on PACER. 6/29 ORDINANCE NO. 2005-4 AN ORDINANCE RENEWING TO COMCAST OF PERRY, INC., .A TEN (10) YEAR NON-EXCLUSIVE FRNACHISE TO CONSTRUCT, OWN, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A CABLE SYSTEM WITHIN THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF TAYLOR COUNTY; SETTING FORTH CONDITIONS. ACCOMPANYING THE GRANTING OF SAID FRANCHISE; PROVIDING FOR REGULATION AND USE OF THE CABLE SYSTEM; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE ORDINANCE. BE IT RESOLVED BY. THE BOARD OF- COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF TAYLOR COUNTY: SECTION 1. Definitions For the purposes of this Ordinance, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivation shall have the meanings given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural number include, the singular, number and thi-ewords In the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory. a. "Cable Mile"'is a linear mile. b. "County" is the unincorporated areas of Taylor County, Florida. c. "Cable System", hereinafter referred to as "Cable System" or "system", means a facility, consisting of a set of closed transmission paths and associated signal generation, reception, and control equipment that is designed to provide Cable Servide-. which includes video programming and- which is provided to multiple customers within a community, but such term does- not include. (A) a facility that serves only- to retransmit the television signals of one or, more television broadcast stations; (B) a facility that serves customers without using any public right-of-way; (C) a facility of a common carrier which is subject, in whole or in part, to the provisions of Title II of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. Sections 201-226), except that su-c'h facility shall be considered a Cable System (other than for purposes :-of Section 621(c) of the Cable Act) to-the extent such facility is used in the transmission of video programming directly to customers, unless the extent of such use is solely to provide interactive on-demand service; (D) an open video system that complies with Section 653 of the Cable Act; or (E) any facilities of any electric utility used solely for operating its electric utility systems. ' d. "Company" or "Grantee" shall be Comcast of Perry, Inc., or anyone who succeeds it in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance. 'e. "Person" is any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or organization of any kind'. SECTION 2. Grant of Non-Exclusive Franchise The County hereby, grants to the Company the non-exclusive franchise right, privilege, authority and easeme'nft for a period of ten (10) years from tih effective date hereof, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance to construct, erect, suspend, install, renew, maintain, and otherwise own and operate throughout the County, in, upon, along, across, above, over and under the streets, alleys, easements, public ways and public places as now laid out or dedicated, and all extensions thereof, and additions thereto, in the County a system of poles, wires, cables, underground conduits, ducts, trenches, conductors, amplifying equipment, manholes, fittings, and any and all other fixtures, appliances and appurtenances necessary for the Installation, ownership, maintenance and operation n the County of a Cable System. This franchise shall further Include the right, privilege, easement, and authority to construct, erect, suspend, Install, lay, renew, repair, maintain and operate such poles, wires, cables, underground conduits, manholes, ducts, trenches, fixtures, appliances and appurtenances for the purpose of distribution of cable service and' other services not prohibited by applicable law to Inhabitants within the limits of the County Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this franchise shall and does hereby include the right. In, over and upon the streets, sidewalks, alleys, easements, public grounds and places in the county for the purpose of Installirig, erecting, operating or in any other way acquiring the use of, as by leasing, all poles, lines and equipment necessary to operate a cable system and the right to make connections to subscribers, thg right to repair, replace and enlarge and extend said lines, equipment and. SB-8 The Taco Times Jun connections. The rights are granted herein by the County after due consideration of the legal, character, financial, technical, and other qualifications of the Company, and the ,adequacy and feasibility of Its construction arrangements, in a full public proceeding which including notice of the consideration of the Company's construction policy, and the County approved the Company's qualifications as a part of said public proceeding which afforded due process. SECTION 3. ComDliance with Applicable Lows and Ordinances The Company shall at all times during the life of this Ordinance be subject to all lawful exercise of the policy power by the County and to such reasonable regulations by the County in exercise of such power as the County shall heredfter provide.. The company shall comply with all laws, statutes, codes, ordinances, or as may be adopted from time to time, of general applicability and which do not conflict with provisions of the franchise agreement. SECTION 4. Effective Date and Term This Ordinance shall take effect on 5/17/05 and be in full force after final passage'and publication hereof, as provided by law, and said Ordinance shall continue'in full force and effect for' a term of ten (10) years upon the terms and conditions set forth herein ending on 05/17/05. An option for renewal, under the terms and conditions mutually agreeable to both parties, may be exercised by the Company pursuant to provisions of Section 626 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. Such renewal shall be granted by the County after consideration of the Company's qualifications and after full public proceedings affording due process. This Ordinance, when; accepted by the ,. Company, shall be and become a valid and binding contract between the County and the Company, but this Ordinance shall be void unless the Company shall, within thirty (30) days after passage and publication of same by the Company, file with the county, its unconditional acceptance of the Ordinance as hereinafter provided. SECTION 5. Territorial Area Involved This Ordinance is related to the present territorial limits of the county and to any area henceforth added thereto during the term of this agreement; provided, however that the company shall not be required to build those sections or areas :of.the County that do not meet a general density standard of'thirty-five (35) homes per cable mile as measured from existing distribution plant including interconnection trunk. The Company shall be required to provide service at regular rates to all structures, which are not covered under Section 8 of this Ordinance, within one hundred and fifty (150) feet of its trunk linds., Nothing herein contained is intended to precludejthe Company from extending its cables and equipment outside the County for the purpose of serving other areas provided the Company is legally enfranchised to serve.the other areas. a. Where potential subscribers reside in a portion of the service area with dwelling, density hot meeting the 'foregoing standard the Company shall extend the service., to such potential suoD:Co er ij ur.aer Ith .' .ll.:. ving .conair.ar. (1 ii th a aor'. .*.ll'i" to. pay a one Timer, en.orae e.'jlu ailertI the Compon l ..:on.l. :ii].,r. -'ost per d.'ellng pa':ed above the Company's cost at the minimu-nm dwelling density; or (2) if twenty-five (25) potential subscribers per cable mile measured from existing cable plan commit themselves to taking, service in a manner reasonably satisfactory to the Company. SECTION-6. Liability and Indemnification. a. The Company shall pay all damages and penalties, which the County may legally be required to pay.as a -result of the actions or omissions of Company., These damages or penalties shall IncJlu e a11 domoage: .3'lsi.-.g :-.ji j.'r he insailaiao n npe o'i : .:.r m o, r.: ra, 'e of the cable system,, authorized herein, whether or not any act of omission' complained of is authorized, allowed, or pionD .lea C ., II'i : O:'aJor.al.r - b ine coi.-an', r.oali ar:ier..i3 nd indemn.r' Ire ,ounu-,1 .,llr ire.t o, i': all damage ar. oDenrolte:, rrent.,ire.3 in section 'a at.o.e c Ine Compan., r,.na rrmnroratin rinougr..-.uil re term of this Ordinance : Io el.nv .n;ijrar.': e In.uhrng rr,- C:'ujrl .rl -- -r.e CorriCor.' r, r the rl'iirirrj 3rr-i.n.ijr.nt; CI. 0 1. . (I) ic rnrilior t.,,i' o,-.'Ji,' iiI", or i .,3-: 31i to ' an, ore OenLnro, rih. re mi rn,..,'/er, $1 millicr. 1oi c', IIl, Inlul. e.ui '; .ath resulting from any one accident. .(2) $1 million for property damage resuirin irom an, one accn e.-. SECTIoi 7 S-i ..I.'p "nria,.3. i,.e o,,.n R eaullrmerl: a. The Company shall maintain its service in accordance withthe best- accepted customer service standards. of the industry, so as to provide its subscribers with the highest possible level of:quallty and reliability. The company shall maintain an office In the SC./y o 'Petry Flnai . b. Inre v.rm roall meet all opplicable , FCC rechrni.oi randr.an.3. a.: in: .In , amended ire'e :r.nralards are not leclrea ,n irn: Ordinoncs because they are roi te-r.gm, .r c.loae In this aocmernt r ic.:.r.o.rmorr,.:e to said i.rn.arji. t.' enr.uie nacn-interference' *.illn onry .:.tln, ri, .:i .:.mmunications s':r'.rr, .,Dertal,,-e ,r, .: .-. 'ear the County. . "- C Wnnere.ei Ir :nls ,e ri p ece:: rs, i':i snuL Ol l '.. intetrru pi : er.i.: e r.l in eI puirDo te at maigti rep.3ii'. a3nt, lt,ti 'r.nl; or IntOllaori.n: e Crb. p9' r npo rt nl :rn, .:. T. 'at such time as .will cause the.least amount of inconvenience to its SuDiciIber'; d In Ine event, of any Interruption of service whether planned or unforeseen, the C.i.n'on', hr.ail ..iceed with due dligence ana ieilIle ;er.,ce as quickly as possible under the circumstances. e:Upon request; the Company, will provide the Chairperson of the Board of County': Comminssioners, procedures' for the Investigation and resolution of complaints related' to the operation of the Company's 'Cable SyStem. The County shall hao.e the primary iesDonsr.ib.llrv ic, Ihe anmrriitration and Implemernilartior un .rocedures. 'SECIIOF, 8 So ,:lol S IIP" ", ' a ll tpubt.C ch.,.I ull jIl,,' and private jcnool siesm Dullaing i ic.ated in the. Caunri a,' re.ue:te3 iii be conne.leda I Ire S,ilenm as .'I, each munl :ipi ou.aal ng loc.ata within one : huntied ana rit, I I.C). ieet'from the -ompany : .ltiig ei I.,,c fOacnit:ie: the nillla conrectlor, ro ea.0n ''uJllalng .'.l i be made free of charge.' .b In the ca:e of an emergency or a disaster, the Company shall, upon request of the Civil Defense Director and Emergency Management Director,: make available its facilities to the County for emergency use during the emergency or disaster period to the extent that such does not conflict with : da'd Isconsistent with national and state ie 29, 2005 plans, FCC regulation and Emergency Alert System operation. SECTION 9. Safety Reaulrements a. The Company shall at all times employ ordinary care and shall install and maintain in use commonly accepted methods and devices for preventing failure and accidents which are likely to cause damage, injuries, or nuisances to the public. b. The Company shall install and maintain its wires, cables, fixtures, and other equipment in accordance with the requirements of the National Safety code and local ordinances, which are generally applicable. c. All structures and all lines, equipment, and connections in, or over, under and/or upon the streets, sidewalks, alleys, and public ways or places of the County wherever situated or located, shall be kept and maintain at all times in a safe, suitable, substantial conditions; and In good order and repair. SECTION 10. New Develooments It shall be the policy of the county to amend this Ordinance liberally, upon application of the company, when necessary to enable the Company to respond to changes in Federal Communications Commission regulations, and to take advantage of any developments in the field of transmission of television signals and related services which will afford It an opportunity more ener' li, efficiently, or economically to serve its customers. SECTION 11. Conditions on Street Occuoancyv. a. All transmission and distribution structures, lines and equipment erected by the Company within the County shall be so located as to cause minimum interference with the proper use of streets, alleys, and other public ways and places, and to cause minimum Interference with the rights and reasonable convenience, of property owners whose land may adjoin any of. the said streets, alleys, or. other public' ways and places. b. In case of disturbance of any streets, sidewalk, alley, public way, or paved area, the Company shall, at its b'wn cost and expense and in a' manner approved by the county appropriate Authority, replace and restore such street, sidewalk, alley, public way, or paved area I as good a s condition as immediately before the work involving such disturbance was done. c. Any pole.: .-.: -r.te, i.1.jure placed In. any public '..3, c., ire C..mrpany shall be placed Ir. :ucri monne' asnot to Interfere with the usual travel on 'such public way. d. The Company shall have the authority, under the supervision of the County's oacu'r.c.-'..a' .auln':.nt, to trim trees upon o.ni3 c.'-..r.ar..grg streets, alleys, ::.e..o .a .3.- r c.ublic ways and places 'i tr,.e .:.:.ur., .3; to prevent the branches of such-trees from coming in contact with-the wires and cable of the Company. e. The Company shall, at the request of any person holding a building moving permit issued by the County temporarily raise or lower its wires to permit the ,moving of the building. The expense of such temporary removal, raising or lowering of Wires, shall be paid by the person requesting the same, 'and the Company shall have authority to require such payment in advance. The Company shall be given not less than i'e e', t.',., I rno..rs advance written r.:,.-,e i.:. 3,,a,-, e ior.such temporary -1, cr rn""o . SECTION 12. Deposits. a. The Company may, in its discretion, require from 'any subscriber or prospective subscriber a deposit to j.3.,- -n, ,.-m,',- t bof subscriber fees. .:,-h oe.-,:l. :r.,rll not-exceed an amount equivalent to the maximum bill for subscriber service for 90 days. The Company shall keep records to show: 1. The name of the subscriber making the deposit. 2. The account number or other identification of the premises occupied by the subscriber when the deposit was made. 3. The amount and date of making the deposit. 4. A record of each transaction concerning the deposit. Such deposits may be retained by the Company as long as required by S r..ue ci..3,rnl ..f: :ub,.:rt bel feeI , I. lc.l.r, [,i-.l ,3,'.:,":,-,t,-,Jar,.ce ,j\ cet.ice Ir.' ,,-::.r' ...r i .3.. Ci, I',cr. nepc,. I. .31,-1, IT..:.ur.l ue I'.Til Ir.- :.jub,: ric."r I.:'r : I:e Ur r, cOal.nr e .ju me u'jl:-,:i aO .i.ill c, C'o -,mrt. ei.jr.u.ea, I 0 m l,- r,-, r-,i31 ,-I; ,.:r.r].jarce ,: i -e ; *n ,l.,'c.: m. r I.3, .e i r Ifji'ne, ,o trie, .'-b so.'ri ;i.3 'iacron, -i cliit rl.a the Company.. *SECTION 13. f- -rrei .,nir,.al ir Discriminatory Practices Prohibited,' a. .n.its rates, charges, service, facilities, rules, regulations or in any other respect, the Company shall not make or grant any preference or advantage. to any person nor subject any person to any prejudice or disadvantage within the, same classification of service. The Company shall have the right ,to establish different classiflcatlons of service for residential and commercial ,isers and to adopt charges and. rate schedules to which any subscriber within al',, ,,1.3'" 'll.,nl'i',, *:riall cs =nhlled t. i r, ,.:.T. C ..3.,; i.eri.,r.; ne riant to iri-ic.e .3e i'r *;l.,: l,. ,.irite: .luirlnr theo Fp.o.3 h.s t r ,eqe 'in.or nce -,a any i n ,rC 1. r: ir. ns]e,:.r h- C *:.rrIn 3rn .i.rit, i' I c .:.rfenir.g ,il.: ,,,jr,; I,:, ,: :, r ".rrmer-no'3 ,r.d niilicie rolTs,' ,.. ellnr .bulC.:i o'ed, C id rean or a .,jll, tO 3.i; I- I oi.'.rr-.:,t]i.;.l'n I i',::. ur.l; Et: ii:, l J'i ii I 'T'I"' ,l'31 'i1 Fi, illl e 'ic' o ri Upon termination of service too any. subscriber, the C'.-'rr -a.n / :r.all i'omr ll, remove all its facilities and equipment. from the premises of such subscriber upon his request In accordance with applicable law. , SECTION 15. Transfer of o Franchise. Neither the Grantee nor any other person may transfer this. Franchise without the prior written consent of the Franchising Authority, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 'No such consent shall be required, however, for (I) a' transfer In trust, by mortgage, -,,c:..or. 3,iio,-. ..-r ,:..' assignment of .any ignri' 1ile .'. r Iere's r .-.f the Grantee in this Franchise or the CableSystem in c.de lo I:ej;ure irde',bledrnen: or (l) an intro-corporate transfer. Within thirty (30) da.,: .:r lieirl. .ii-a ,e u.3e't for transfer, tr,' irar..:ni .. -uir .-_.Iir,. shall, in .o.c.: r Ct..3,c.-, o,,ri r, : : rules and reg.iuiti,-r.. -r.:,t.r Ir ,- .-.3,~r. in writing cf .o aoii .,-r. oai .r.:.i'nr,3iii. n I. requires, f . cr,, r.,:. .1c ie rm.r In..' iE 3n 1 financial and technical qualifications of the transfereee. If the Franchising Authority has not taken action' on the Grantee's request for transfer within one hundred twenty (120) days after receiving such request, consent to the transfer shall be deemed given..- SECTION 16. Communication Services Tax. Ali,-taxes collected pursuant to this Franchise Agreement shall be consistent with Chapter 202, Florida Statues, as may be amended from time to time. In the event the tax rate Is amended, the Franchise .Authority shall endeavor to give the Grantee written notice of the change In accordance with Chapter 202, Florida Statutes. SECTION 17. County's Riahts in Ordinance. a. The right Is hereby reserves to the County to adopt, in addition to the provisions contained herein and in 'existing applicable agreements, such additional laws of general applicability as it shall find necessary in the exercise of the police power; provided that such laws, shall be reasonable and not in conflict with the right herein granted. b. The County shall have the right, during the life of this Ordinance to install and maintain free of charge, upon the poles of the Company'and wire and pole fixtures necessary for a. police alarm system, or traffic control system on the condition that such wire and pole fixtures do not interfere with the Cable System and operations of the Company. c. Upon reasonable written notice, the County shall have the right to inspect the maps, plans, and other like materials of the Company at any time during normal business hours. d. The County shall have the right to Inspect all construction or Installation work performed subject to the provisions of the Ordinance bnd make' such inspections as It shall find necessary to ensure-compliance withthe terms of this Ordinance and other pertinent provisions of law. SECTION.18,. A. Notice of VIOlation or Default, In the event the Franchising Authority believes that the Grantee has'not complied with the material terms of this Franchise Agreement, It shall notify the Grantee In writing with specific details regarding the exact nature of the alleged noncompliance or default. B. Grantee's Right to Cure or Resoond The Grantee shall have forty-five (45) days from the receipt of the Franchising Authority's notice described In Section A, above: (1) to respond to the Franchising Authority, contesting the assertion of noncompliance or default, or,(2) to cure such default, or (3) In the event that, by nature of the default, such. default cannot be cured within the ' forty-five (45) day period, Initiate reasonable. steps to remedy such default and notify the Franchising Authority of the steps being taken and the projected date that' inev .1ll be completed. C. Public Hearings. In the event the Grantee fails to respond to the Franchising Authority's notice described in Section A., above, or in the event that the alleged default is not remedle'd within forty-five (45) days or the date projected by the Grantee pursuant to Section B, above, the Franchising Authority shall schedule a public hearing to investigate.the default. Such public hearing shall be held at the next regularly scheduled meeting of .the Franchising Authority that is scheduled at a time, which is no less than ten (10) business days therefrom. The Franchising Authority shall notify the Grantee In writing of the time and place of such meeting and provide the Grantee with a reasonable opportunity to be heard. D. Enforcement. Subject to applicable federal and state law, in the event the FIn.pij:irng ,Atho:)r;v, affTaequh meeting. derermines that rhe Gra.ntee in anArOui or an, pr.. ion of t1re Francnise, ne. Franchising Authority may: 1. seek specific performance of any provision, which reasonably lena; .:enr to such remearv a. on oare.na.1.e ro damages or eeker orea equlla3ble resiel or 2. in the case of a substantial default of a material provision of the Franchise, declare the Franchise Agreement to be revoked In accordance with the following: (A) The F;:nchising Authority shall give written notice to the Grantee of itp intent to revoke the Franchise on the basis of a:pattern of noncompliance by the Grantee, including one' or more instances of substantial noncompliance with a material provision of this Franchise Agreement. The notice shall.set forth with specificity the exact nature of the ,noncormpliance. -The Grantee, shall have ninety (90) days from the receipt' of such nol;e ,o object in riiinrg aid io state Its lrea3nr. fotr :ucr, ojec.ihor, ir. t'i e..enr the Finh'. lung Autl,oriiI, :r.ll cau:e o1 be sereea upon Ine Grantee at.least ten."(10) days prior to such public' heair.ig b .,oririer, i.otice soecllvlrng Ine rime ana place. of such nearing and stating irs inent to request termihatlon of the Franchise . (B) At the designated hearing; the Franchising Authority shall gave the Grantee an oc.porunliv to state its position on ino maner present evidence and 'question witnesses, dfter which it shall determine whether or not the Franchise shall be revoked. The public hearihg-shall be on the record and a written transcript shall be made available to the Grantee within ten (10) business days. : The decision of the Franchising Authority shall be In writing and shall be dellvered'to the Grantee. (C) The Franchising Authority may, at Its sole ,dlscreton, take any lawful action that It deems appropriate to enforce Its rights under the Franchise in lieu or re .ocallon .. ' '3. Technical Violation. The Frar.:r.iir,.g , Aulricnrlr, aqgee; I'oa I I1 i n.-,I ii; inre l,,I.n t. ;uCjet: rI e. ,Gia ee I.. oaernltl, fines, f,:,nei ure; or ie.'o.:iinc.r. .:i In Franchise for so-called "technical" reuacl n(e 'i Oi .jiar l.r..m a .li rrae F ,n.:r, ; *.;vnl.nr, ,allhh i j'l3l e cui noir D, limited, to the following: 1. in instances r for'matters'where a .violation or a breach of the Franchise by the Grantee was good faith error that resulted in no- or minimal negative impact on the customers within the Franchise Area; or 2. Where there existed circumstance. reasonably beyond the.cor.trole of the Grantee and which precipitated o violation by the grantee of the Franchise, or which were deemed to have prevented the Grantee from complying with a term or condition of. the Frahchlse. : SECTION 19. Signal Carriage, TheCompany shall maintain, throughout the term hereof, broad categories of programming consistent with the requirements of the Cable Television Consumer Protection Act of 1.992, as amended. SECTION 20. Erection, Removal and Common User of Poles, Poles of other wireholding structures may be erected on public land by the Company subject to the approval of the County with regard to location, height, type and other pertinent aspects. SECTION 21. Refunds Refund checks will be issued promptly, but no later than either the customers' next billing cycle following resolution of the request or thirty (30) days, whichever Is earlier, provided that customer returns all of the equipment . supplied by the Company In the case where service is terminated. SECTION 22. System Secutity - Tamoering with Cable System EaulomenT. The Company shall have the right at all times to take any and all legal action it deems necessary to preserve the 'security of Its System and to assure appropriate use thereof by its subscribers. In addition to the foregoing rights reserved to. the Company, any .person who willfully or maliciously damages or causes to be damaged, any wire, cable, conduit, apparatus or equipment of the Company with Intent to obtain a signal or impulse therefrom without authorization of the Company, shall be fined or punished as prescribed in the Florida State Statutes prohibiting said poaching of Cable Service signals. SECTION 23. Severabilitv. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid, or unconstitutional by any 'court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be.deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. SECTION 24. Advisory Committee. A Cable Television Advisory Committee will be established by the Board of County Commissioners. The role of this committee will be'to advise the board on matters pertaining to cable television. SECTION 25. Public Service The Company shall make a reasonable amount of public service time available for these of civil defense, police, fire and other community departments, associations or bodies which are designated by the County Commission Antiques Appliance Repair Automobiles For Sale as serving the community interest and necessity, provided, however, that such ' types of broadcasting is not prohibited by the Federal Communications Commission, or by any laws superseding the ordinances of the County. The Company shall provide time for notice of news; Information, instruction or advice on the part of these organizations in the public interest, provided such broadcast is. requested and authorized by the 'County Commission. The Company shall at all t mesViln accordance with applicable law reserve the right to control or reject all or any part of the content of any broadcast should it, in its opinion, fail to comply with any rule or regulation of the Federal Communications Commission or any law of the State of Florida 6r the United States. The Company agrees to run advertisements promoting Taylor County. SECTION 26. Records and Reports The County shall have access upon reasonable pr!or written.request to all of the Company's technical plans, and engineering, statistical, c i:t..mer er.l :e records, and other records rc. te r-acTer as may be reasonably required by:the County ro carry out its regulatory responsibilities pursuant to this Ordinance. SECTION 27. Duration and AcceDtrpqe of the Ordinane, a. This Ordinance and the rights, privileges and authority hereby granted shall take effect and be in force from and after final passage'and publication hereof, as provided by law, and any franchise permitted or 'permitted or operated hereunder shall continue in force and effect for a term of ten (10) years. The Company shall file with the -County its unconditional acceptance of the franchise and promise to comply with and abide by all its provisions, terms and conditions. Such acceptance and promise shall be in writing duly executed and sworn to, by the appropriate officials of the Company. b.Should the Company fall to comply with 'subsection (a) above, it shall acquire no rights, privileges, or authority under this Ordinance whatever. SECTION 28. Entire Aareement. This Franchise Agreement, including all Exhibits, embodies the entire understanding and agreement of the Franchising Authority and the Grantee with respect to the subject matter hereof. All ordinances or parts of ordinances or other agreements whether written, verbal, or otherwise between the Grantee And the Franchising Authority that are in conflict with the provisions of this Franchise Agreement are hereby declared invalid and superseded and this Franchise Agreement shall control. SECTION 29. Effective Date This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and mailing by certified mail to the Secretary of State by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Taylor County, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session this 17th day of May, 2005. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: DARYLL GUNTER, Chairperson ATTEST: ANNIE MAE MURPHY Clerk 6/29 Discover the Power of the CLASS(FIEDS! Small Ads... -^ BIG Deals! Automotive Repair Business Opportunities ..Z.... Child Care Services Commercial Property Computers Employment Financial Services Home Furnishings Homes For Rent. Homes For Sale Lost & Found LLUL circulation Over 5,100 people read the Taco Times and Perry News-Herald on a weekly basis. o nvenience Simply call our Classified Department at 584-5513 for more information. rost $5 for 25 words or less for the first run and $3 for each edition thereafter. 100 for each word over 25. It Works! Deadline for Wednesday's Taco Times is Monday by 5:00 p.m. Deadline for Friday's Perry News-Herald is Wednesday by 5:00 p.m. (no exceptions) SUBSCRIBE Taco Times & PPs & erry News-Herald Pets & Supplies 1 Full Year 2 Newspaper a Week $35 In County $49'Out of County MAIL TO: Perry Newspapers, Inc. P.O. Box. 888 Perry, FL 32348 llwiliAil i I |