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Sei Midweek \- ."" -" 1:' .p- "* ...... Since 1965,2005 Tree Capital of the South 2 Sections Our 44th Year, No. 24 June 15, 2005 Tree Capital of the South 2 Sections Our 44th Year, No. 24 News Forum Plan to attend 'Our Town" meetings Volunteers for the'upcoming WFSU documentary, "Our Town: Perry," are reminded to attend one of two volunteer meetings to be held in Perry today (Wednesday) and tomorrow (Thursday) at the Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. In addition to answering questions, producers will also show a short video with helpful tips for filming. Spots for the documentary are. open on a first come, first served bass Spaces remain available To volunteer, call (800) 322-9378 ext. 335. 114 travel to Camp Cherry Lake Schools buses were lined up for duty at Forest Capital Hall Monday as 4-H staffers loaded up 114 campers for a week at Camp Cherry Lake in Madison County. Of the 114, more than 60 were from Taylor County; others were from Wakulla and Suwannee counties. With staff included, some 125 traveled to Madison for a week of canoeing, archery, swimming and recreational activities. The value of Main.Street... Erika Hall reminds readers of the purpose and mission of MainStreet, while plugging the upcoming rehabilitation of the old depot See Editonal page, B-2. .If you're interested i .joirridg. MainStreet's historical restoration. please see the. membership application on page A-3. Meatloaf to go? Taylor County Senior Services continues its "fund-raising Fridays" with a meatloaf dinner Friday, June 17 Dinners are $5 each and must be reserved by 5 p.m. Thursday, meals can be picked up after 12:30 p.m at the Taylor County Senior Center (800 West Ash Street). The menu will also include rice. tomatoes and okra, flat pole beans and baked apples. Entries sought for 'They Were Here' The Taylor County Historical Society is accepting submissions for the 16th installment of its "They Were Here" series. Forms are available at the society's downtown museum, which is open every Thursday from 1-5 p m. Smile! Senior portraits set June 27, 28 Senior portraits for the Taylor County High School (TCHS) wilt be made by Prestige Portraits ot Lifetouch Studios this summer These are the portraits which will De used for the 2005-06 yearbook Formal and informal portraits are scheduled Monday and Tuesday. June 27 and 28, from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1-4 p.m. in the TCHS gymnatorium. The make-up date is Wednesday. July 13, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m Seniors may contact the studio tor more information regarding poses clothing and times by calling (8001 308-0014. Index Living...page ".-4' Sports...page -. Religion...page .--. Communiity...pace - Editorial...page 5-_1 C~lassifieds...13m- r At Taylor Senior Services Audit The financial stability of Taylor County Senior Services (TCSS) was questioned at last week's county. commission meeting following a 2003 audit report citing School Earl\ into last Tuesday night's regularly school board meeting, the board passed a recommendation that Patricia Bowden be permanently transferred from her job at Ta lor Technical Institute, to a position in the district finance office. However. a few\ minutes later. the board \was addressed by George Bowen. director of Su%\annee River Service Unit. field representative for the non- instructional union, w\ho told the board they would need to make a decision on a grievance filed by another district employee, who claimed seniority for the position. "A vacancyy announcement for the position in accounts payable \as posted and a recommendation was made to fill the position pending board approval." Bo%\en said. "The grie ance. filed by Charlotte Karns, pointed out that the employee recommended by the Superintendent (of Schools Oscar Howard Jr.) does not meet all reveals numerous financial and managerial missteps, leading the commission to add County Administrator Buddy Humphries and County Commissioner Malcolm Page to' budget flaws the organization's board of directors. TCSS Executive Director Barbara Bratcher asked the commission to release its second and third quarter budgeted funds, totaling $12,500, even though an audit was not submitted for 2004. The funds were held back by the county after financial problems with TCSS surfaced. "The findings of the 2004 audit would be very similar to the 2003 audit, so they (the auditors) didn't feel it was in the best interest of the organization to do an audit at this time," Bratcher said. "This has been a real dilemma for the Taylor County Senior Services," Humphries said. "Ms. Bratcher and the staff that's in place now are doing everything they can to rebuild what they have inherited." "I would hate to see the senior citizens suffer because of something the people here tonight "** Please see page 2 -. ... Development on :: the rise in Perry S, ; .'. : Development is the new buzz word at City Hall. On .a daily basis, ---. ." : officials are fielding calls and questions about site plans, building permits .. U\t and subdivision requirements. I' U 1"The City of Perry is experiencing a substantial development boom right '' now," Community Development Director Bill LaValle said, noting that "at S i er'' least, dozen new homes are currently under construction and we continue voters :to get inquiries about proposed new subdivisions." .,-could ?e'st While some projects remain in the speculative stage, others are a.: : w.. oi-k'r during preparing to break ground. Site plans have been approved for the following Sletion.s th projects: te~'turnout : --Phase II of the strip mall project adjacent to Wal-Mart on Jefferson St. f:n- 0U, bti '10 The new building will house one store, Aaron's (furniture sales and lease). a' vf1ed voters. in --An "out parce!" development in front of Wal-Mart. The proposed S- ~Iip.a a hd adcast 11,500 square foot building will have space for two restaurants (each with I 11 of :41, a drive-through) and additional retail stores. --- d 870 o --A new 28;000 square foot Badcock showroom on South Jefferson St. ,--Construction of anew car lot for Gulf Coast Auto, which is re-locating Eb ..-Iwo. to the forn-,er Bassett's Dairy property on Highway' 19. '.q .-'ct4, htarles "All three of those are waiting for contractors to pull building permits," ; P-' ..LaValle said. "And of course a new Subway shop is under construction .." -.... 2 now on Highway 19." Residential construction has also stepped up in 2005 with several new S 'homes 6eing built in the Quail Point subdivision as well as Pine Ridge. board rescinds transfer qualifications on posting, specifically a good attendance record in a pie' IOUs position. "The grie\an[ IKarns meets all qualifications and is most senior of applicants meeting qulifications at the time of deadline for appl ing." Houkard noted to the board that Bo\\den's absences \ete due to illness and death in her famnil\. and the boaid expressed pathth. Bo'\en pointed out that Bo\tden had missed 113.4 dai s during the 2004-05 school \ear It was also noted that prioi to family\ illness. Boi den \.as out 32 4 da\s during the 2002-03 school sear and 54 days during the 2003-04 school \ear Bo\ven also stated that during the three Nears preceding the grie\ance. Bo%\den had missed a total of 197 days--\ which exceeds a contract vea 1i 10 months i of employment Bowen indicated that Bo"\den works s 1t) months, not 12 months per %ear. After discussion and consideration by the board. Board Member Darrell \\ lddon made a motion to rescind their pre ious action of placing Bowden in the position. noting that she had not met the qualifications. Whiddon :ruled that grievance, which was filed, Karns, had merit and that applicants who applied on time, Karns and Paige Proenza, would be "*. Please see page 2 Southerland strives to preserve Titus' legacy Newest Ta\lor County School Board member Mark Southerland. o ho was appointed to the position by Go\. Jeb Bush Thursday. is happy to ser\e. but sad as to the circumstances surrounding- the position. The seat became available when board member Shirley Titus died April 13. lea ing the \aconc\. "One of the seasons I \\anted the board position," Southerland said Tuesday, "is that.Shirley was a great friend and I really wanted to help keep her legacy going. "Many years ago, when my mother died, Shirley brought me a book that she and my other English teacher, Mrs. Lanier, had signed. The book was called 'Remember the Soul,' and I have it to this day." Southerland said he had considered getting into the local political arena for "quite some time," but that now seemed like the most opportune time. ':: "I've seen things happen in this community for the last few years and I've wondered why they-' weren't changed," he said. "I guess sometimes you can't see the clear "*** Please see page 2 The Taylor Coun\t Planning Board will soon ha\e its okwn attorney. That's after the county commission voted last \week to put the issue into the budget for the next fiscal year. "The issues coming before the planning board are becoming more and more complicated all the time." Commissioner Jack Brown said. "One of the things \we discussed at the recent workshop was to gi\e more guidance to the planning board." The funds for the position could be at least partially raised, he said. by making changes to the fee structure for development. "That should help defray costs." Brow n said. "I agree we need an attorney at times." Commissioner Pat Pauerson said. But I think v.e need a part-time one. County Attorney Coniad Bishop said. "You don't- ha\e a full-time county attorneN." calling himself more of an on-call" attorney . He recommended that the board advertise for the position and get a "bid" for an hourly rate as well as a retainer. "It should cut down on appeals and help streamline the process.' Broc'n said "Noimall\. I wouldd \ore against something like this." Commissioner Cla\ Bethea said "But this is important Bethea made a motion to add the position starting in the ne\[t isci, l \eai. Brotn seconded and the measure passed 4- I. v. iih Pattei son voting no. District winners Members of the Perry All-Stars (10-year-olds) crowd into the dugout Friday in Madison, waiting their turn at bat. The team won the district title Sunday and will play in the state tournament next month. For highlights, please see Sports page A 6. For Planning Board County adds new attorney position ,I A-2 The Taco Times June 15, 2005 Southerland touts principal at TCMS SOUTHERLAND Continued from page 1 Fighting City Hall Around 6:20 Sunday morning, the driver of a 2001 Ford car, Tasha B. Colon, 35, was traveling nonh on Jefferson Street,. when she veered off the roadway, jumped the curb and first struck a small tree in front of City Hall. The car continued north on the sidewalk, striking an iron garbage can, an iron bench, another Iron street light pole, another. iron bench, another iron garbage can and then another tree, all owned by the City of Perry. The vehicle came to rest on the corner of Jefferson Street and Drew Street. The driver side and passenger side airbags deployed, but Ine driver stated that she did not sustain injuries in the crash, according to a report filed with Perry Police Department. Police say that $7,500 in damages was sustained to city property, while the vehicle sustained $2,500 in damage. Colon was charged with no proof of insurance, careless driving and failure to produce drivers license. picture unless you're a part of it." Southerland said that high on his list of "proposed changes" is Karns, Proenza to be interviewed SCHOOL BOARD Continued from page 1 given interviews and one of them would be selected by Finance Director Bill Hunter, to fill the position, if all qualifications are met. Board member Kenneth Dennis seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Hospital's kitchen equipment donated AUDIT Continued from page 1 had nothing to do with." he said. Bob Powell of James Mloore & Co., TCSS's auditing company, as well as Janice Wise with the Area Agency on Aging (AA-) for North Florida also addressed the board. TCSS receives most of its funding from AAA for North Florida, a private, non-profit organization that contracts with the state to coordinate federal and state programs for seniors.. In a letter sent to the commission, prior to the meeting, Wise said, "We began monitoring their fiscal and administrative performance on a monthly basis since last April. when, after a routine fiscal monitoring, we I realized they were not able to pay their bills on a timely basis and. that the prior executive director had paid herself leave time and additional salary outside their personnel policies. "There has been a' ast improvement :since Barbara Bratcher has been hired as executive director," the letter Continued. "At our last monitoring on May 19, we noted that all past bills have been paid, that there were also remaining funds to cover the end of the month payroll. atid that billings are being done timely so that additional funds would be received." In response to a list of procedural and managerial problems found in the 2003 audit. Bratcher sent a letter James Moore & Co.. dated N1Ma 24, including proposed changes in policy to correct the problems found Some of those measures include: "The former executive director was authorized to sign checks in 2004. The board of directors has adopted a dual signature policy. "Turning in cash 'was ambiguous at best and encouraged theft because there were no clear cut procedures in place for financial accountability Since March 1, 2005. monies have been received and deposited on a more frequent basis. "Policies and procedures are in place \ hereby no loans or cash advances will be made to employees under an. 'circumstances. " "There were months where there was no record of board of directors meetings. Board meetings are (now) recorded electronically and manually to document all actions taken by board members in all meetings." At the commission meeting. Humphries pointed out that AA.A funds approximately $350,000 annually to TCSS. "We're talking about $15,000 from the county." "I read the packages of information that ou provided the board, and I'm impressed with the measures your organization has taken to get your affairs in order.". Commissioner Malcolm Page said. Page then made a motion to release the funds Commissioner Pat Patterson seconded. Commission Chairman Daryll Gtinter said he-would support the motion if the TCSS would appoint HTumphries as a member of the.:TCSS board as well' as a second person. ..Page volunteered to be the other member. "Your policy is to not. release funds without an audit." Humnhries said. "and 1 want to be sure \ou understand that before you make that decision." Commission Jack Brown asked Powell to address the board Powell said that his firm was prepared to begin the 2004 audit a month ago, but during meetings it \\as determined that conducting the audit was not the best course of action. "This is money they can save. Pa) ing us $5,000-6.000 to issue a report to you that is going to have the same findings that they had, just did not make sense." Powell said The 2005 audit would be completed next February' and ready to submit to the commission b} March. he said. "I wanted thai to come out." Brown said. "I wanted the public to understand. There will be other times with other organizations that will come up and we will sa\ 'no. we can't release the money at this time.' There's a \ hole lot of difference when >ou ha\e the auditor standing up before us." Powell also recommended that the TCSS provide the commission with a cops of their 2004 Q99' form (Federal tax form for non- profit organizations) giving the commission a look at the 2004 financial. The commission then voted on the amended motion and it passed unanimously. Bratcher also asked the board to consider a request that the couni) donate to TCSS kitchen equipment left at the old Doctors' Memorial Hospital buiding. The equipment included: one two-section gas deep fr'yer unit. one five-section hot well unit, one six-burner gas sto e, one refrigerated deli station, one condiment stand.'iray rack. one baker sheet rack, one butcher block table,stand, one wall pot rack and two large refrigerator units. "My suggestion to the board is we leave the equipment intact at the hospital until we have an opportunity to sell it," Humphries said. If the equipment was not an issue with the buyer, then it could be released to TCSS, he said. "The Department of Elder Affairs changed the nutritional guidelines for seniors and he had to hire a registered dietitian to plan out meals." Bratcher said. "We serve approximately -10 seniors a da\ and on Friday s we serve around 70. We're having to do all the cooking on the itw pieces of equipment we hate now." Brown:made a motion to give the equipment to TCSS and Page seconded. The motion passed unanimously. U.. - 1 n ; i7 an improvement' of morale at Taylor County High School. "When I was in school, I played sports. All the kids wanted to be involved in everything, especially sports," he said. "I feel like if we want a good sports program at our high school, the board has to support them. "I've always used Taylor County Middle School as a good example of the way a school should be run," Southerland said. "Principal Paul Dyal is a good leader and always has kids and parents to do their best because they want to., They participate in in-school and extracurricular programs. "People can learn from Paul. He's done a wonderful job, The school has great morale and the kids and teachers love him. "ITm not saying I have all the answerss" Southerland added.' "In .fact, I'll probably have more questions than anything. But I.can say this. If someone asks me something. I'm going to give them the best answer I can. It may not always be what they want to hear, and it may not always be right. But it will be to the best of, my knowledge." Results in Friday paper VOTERS Continued from page 1 August and Don Cook; and District 5, James "Jim" Box, Doug Everett and John W. Graham. Results were to be posted at the courthouse by Supervisor of Elections Molly H.. Lilliott shortly after the polls closed at 7 p.m. Complete coverage of the winners and voter turnout will be published in Friday's Perry News-Herald. RE-ROOFIG, S.-LE! The- Nw Wave In Roofing. * Fist. easy minsallation * Goe- directly\ o\er old roof * Won't rust or corrode * Reduces noise * Prot ides added insulation * Lifetime Limited Warranit * \isit us at wv -. ondura.com White : Brown* Black Green* Tan Blue 'IN STOCK COLORS Red* Gray* Cashway Building Products 301 W. Hampton Springs Ave. Perry, Fl. 32347 (850) 584-3519 1-800-479-0912 $12.99 per 48" x 79" sheet TIMBERLAND FORD Service Specials - ---.-.. ---- - S COUPON COUPON I Check Engine Light Diagnosis* $63.95 Savings! Ford models only. ' See service advisor for details. Expires 7.31-05 '. .moo -- mm- - / COUPON COUPON Lube, Oil & Filter Change Includes up to 7 quarts Motorcraft oil & filter Lube chasis where applicable. Quality Care Multi-Point Inspection. - --- ---- --------- -- S COUPON I COUPON 1 I Diesel Lube, Oil & Filter Change Includes up to 15 quarts Motorcraft oil & filter Lube chasis where applicable. Quality Care Multi-Point Inspection --- ----- --- -- -- ---" - Call 850-584-3615 for your SAME DAY SERVICE APPOINTMENT June is National Safety Month ta ,.. -., ,,, S Water Safety Notes Drowning claims the lives of nearly 3,000 people every year. Always provide personal flotation devices (life jackets) Teach kids to swim Always swim with a buddy Keep a watchful eye on children even if there is a lifeguard For more information visit www.nsc.org!nsm/watersafetyrisktip.htm BUCKEYE i - I I ,~"! LIIL - W V (/ Taylor County Christian Academy (located inside The Church of God) S-" 900 W. Ash. St. (850) 584-8804 i ,the 5: 1 h Ages 7-13 years -- 2nd thru 8th grades Please call584-8804 anytime to schedule an appointment. We willset up a time for you to come in to learn about our school, and pick up an application packet. If you are looking for something different for your child, this just might be the place. ,We have smaller classes, individualized work plans, no time limits (your child can take the time they need to master their curriculum or take advantage of the time to excel into the next grade level). We do not hold them back. We test to find their weakest points and develop a plan to help them master their individual skills. S < We are a Christian-based school! To find out if,yotir child is eligible for the McKay Scholarship Program go to www.opportunityschools.org and file a parent intent to see if they qualify. They will also have a list of parent responsibilities for you to keep you informed. SWe at T.C.C.A. will be praying for you and your child to make the right decision. We will be awaiting your call. L a a a a . t*'Vtl "OA I ."A AAA AA AAA.. -- I ~ti88~Si~t~5k~l~a~ ' - -- r I iH ----- A 1 I A-3 The Taco Times June 15, 2005 Here she is... Mrs. America visits fourth grader Reigning 2005 Mrs. America Julie Love-Templeton paid a surprise visit to Englewood Elementary School in Tuscaloosa, . Ala., to visit fourth grader Hannah Sheffield, the granddaughter of Dave and Molly Sheffield of Perry. Sheffield portrayed Love- Templeton in a school production spotlighting famous Alabamians and the impact they have had locally and nationally. While at the beauty parlor, Mrs. America's grandmother heard about the play and was told that a little girl had dressed up in a white gown and tiara, pretending to be Love-Templeton. She related the story to her granddaughter, prompting the school visit,. Mrs. America presented Sheffield with an autographed photo and a .rhinestone necklace ,and crown. The necklace and crown are gifts traditionally exchanged between contestants in the Mrs. America pageants. Sheffield is daughter of Dean and Sabrina Sheffield Tuscaloosa, Ala., and the granddaughter 'of Ronnie and Eloise Hinton, also of Tuscaloosa. Poppin' fun Taylor County High School Student Council members, along with the help Nelson, popped popcorn for high school students as a treat in celebration FCAT test. The popcorn was donated by Capital City Bank. of sponsor Susan of completing the Canadian phone scam targets senior citizens Sheriff L. E. "Bummy" Williams and the Taylor County Sheriffs Office have been notified by several citizens of a phone scam currently being conducted on Taylor County citizens. The scam originates from Canada, with'someone calling and telling the individuals that they have won a substantial amount of Hannah Sheffield Tuscaloosa, Ala., Templeton. welcomed a very special visitor to her school--Mrs. America Julie Love- money, which is tax-free. To receive the money, the person has to send money to the caller, usually by Western Union. "Please note that this is a scam," said Williams., "You have not won any money. Please do not send money to the caller."' If you have any. questions, please contact TCSO at 584-4225. Voluntary pre-K will start next school year Registration is .currently Hathcock or Salena Mrotz at 838- underway for the new' Voluntary. 2535 between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) program, p.m. which. begins this coming school year. VPK is a free, three-hour academic program for all four-year- old children. "Wrap around" care [ will be available. . For more information, contact ,* 20% off STOREWIDE* in stock items (excluding china, crystal & silver) [Fater' DaySpditoals Additional Markdowns 40-60% off New Hours Tuesday-Friday 7 am-8:30 pm Daily Breakfast Menu Specials . Lunch Buffei & Menu L NEW Dinner Menu i 108 E. Main St. 584-2232 ; James & Joyce Fletcher, owners cS't~eeb Sunday 11 am 2 pm Buffet or Menu , Monday 7 am 2 pm Daily Breakfast Menu Specials Lunch Buffet & Menu Banquet Room Anniversaries ~ Birthdays Team Dinners and more! Call for Reservations IA'.'ailable nights & weekends also mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MAINSTREET PERRY, INC % MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION __Business level: $75 per year S family level: $50'per year __ Individual level: $30 per year ___ Student level: $15 per year (must be under 18 or provi e valid college ID) Lifetime level- $500 one-time-paym'ent Name:. ' Address: . Phone: Fax: ' S Email: S' In which of the following ways would you be willing to contribute to MainStreet Perry? .,_Volunteer time, ' SClerical /Administrative services (typing /answering phones / etc) :.. =. Professional services (legal /financial /architectural /etc) .:Donate m 1 Special projects (fundraising events / community workdays) *" *. .. Donatemoney . On which of the following committees would you be interested in serving? :. Organization __ Membersnip Fundraising S__ Promotion _'- Special Events -Public Relations : Design / Preservation Economic Restructuring : Do you have any special skills, talents or knowledge that could be beneficial to our organization? SMake checks payable to. S" MainStreet Perry, Inc.. * .PO Box 2002 I Perry, FL 32348 mmmm.m,.,mm.mmmmm, m am. mm.m.m.m.mmm.. O-CJ OR GMON MAHAN OR' .~ 05 Cadillac STS #5sco207 05 Pontiac Grand Prix GT #5P893 MsRP64,130 Ov v7,700 'MSRP28,975 over 5,100 You Pay 56,389 You Pay 239785 WfTH THE PROCTOR GM EMPLOYEE DiscoUNT Wrn THE PROCTOR GM EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT You must take retail delivery by July 5, 2005. Price Includes $75.00 GM Admin. Fee You must take retail delivery by July 5, 2005. Price Includes $75.00 GM Admin. Fee DOCTOR GM .3122 E. Mahan Dr. 878-3171 v sit-us oln tw wpotras co Baby & Bridal Registry Monthly Drawings Register to Win! Sisters' VMercantile SGift Boutique Tea Xom (850) 838-2021 121 East Green Street ' Living By CHERYL GREGORY Publicity Perry's chapter of the Red Hat Society, the RoseHeads, held their May meeting at Fiddler's Restaurant in Steinhatchee. Davis-Daniels to exchange vows at Riverside Church Gary K. and Cathie Davis of Perry announce the engagement of their daughter, Virginia "Ginger" Louise, of Mayo, and Paul Williams Daniels Jr. of Mayo, the son of Paul Daniels Sr. of Miami and Betty Parker of Mayo. The wedding will be an event of July 16, 2005, at 3 p.m., at Riverside Baptist Church in Mayo. All friends and family of the couple are invited to attend. Lee Durham, Hollie Rowell July ceremony will unite Rowell, Durham Richard and Kay Rowell announce the engagement of their daughter, Hollie, to Lee Durham, the son of Lander and Sharon Durham, all of Perry. The bride-to-be is pursuing an RN degree while employed with Happytime Preschool. She is the granddaughter of Al and Lou Ellen Moore, and the late A.Y. Rowell and Mary Rowell. The groom-elect is employed with Big Top Manufacturing, and is the grandson of Robert and Judy Durham, and Margie Cooper. All friends and family\ of the couple are invited to attend. The wedding will be an event of July 30, 2005, at 2 p.m., at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, with a reception following. Hanners, Tull to exchange vows Saturday in Sirmans Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hanners of Lee announce the engagement of their daughter, Amber Lynn, of Shady Grove, to James Riley Tull of Shady Grove, the son of Valerie Jackson, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Tull of Alabama. A June 18, 2005, wedding is planned at 2 p.m. in Sirmans Missionary Baptist. Church in Sirmans. No formal invitations have been issued; all friends and relatives of the couple are invited to attend. Wedding reminder AIndrews-Amman Jennifer Lee Andrews and Justin Davis Amman remind friends-and relatives of their wedding Saturday, June 25, at 6 p.m. in the Hilton Grand Vacations Club in Orlando. Houcks gather on Saturday The Houck Family Reunion will be held at the Chaparral Steak House on Saturday. June 18, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. in the banquet room. Family members are urged to. bring pictures and mementos of family history. "Please contact any out-of-town relatives and bring everyone in We are looking for homes and land in Taylor, Madison and Jefferson county areas to sell. If you are thinking of selling, please call for a FREE market analysis. Our team is ready to help. KELLY & KELLY PROPERTIES (850) 223-2370 Paul William Daniels Jr., Virginia Louise Davis Mirror Images Hair & Nail Salon Twelve members gathered at noon on Saturday, May 28, to attend to business and "do lunch." Ten were Red Hatters (50 and over), and two were Pink Hatters (under 50). The May committee of Norma Collins, Cookie Workman, Laura Taylor and Martelle Shiver decorated tables with red and purple placemats and coordinating accessories. As mementos of the day, each place setting featured' Red Hat candy, a small Red Hat bear and a Red Hat decoration for a car antenna. Before lunch was served, Patricia Lindsey announced details of the June meeting. Cheryl Gregory asked if there was interest in having an entry ih the Forest. Festival Parade, and the response was positive with many volunteering to help, Debi Limoges reported that there are ample funds in the chapter's account to cover supplies and materials for decorations. After lunch, everyone sang, "Happy Birthday" to Norma Collins and Nancy Simons who remembered to reverse their colors to announce their May birthdays. Numbers were drawn for door prizes which included a mug filled with candy, Red Hat visors and other signature items. The hostesses also had a special gift for Queen Mother Hattie Adams. Everyone agreed that the food was delicious and the service was great. Fiddler's was a wonderful choice, especially for this time of year, and the May committee was commended for this successful meeting. New arrival McKinsey Renee Gilbert James L. Gilbert and Jeannie Revels of Mayo announce the birth of their daughter, McKinsey Renee Gilbert, on May 31, 2005, at 12:17 in Tallahassee Regional Hospital. She weighed 7.pounds, .13 ounces, and was 21 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Patsy Padgett, Milledge Revels, and Walter Johnson. Maternal great grandparents are Jean Johnson, Wilbur Revels, Ada Revels, and Jimmy Rae Padgett. Paternal grandfather is Fred Gilbert and paternal great grandmother is Darlene Gilbert. She is welcomed home by a brother, David James, and.a sister, Naomi Lynn.. F, Now accepting . freshly laundered clothing including maternity & nursing uniforms (please box items no bags) When: Friday, June 17 & Saturday, June 18 9:00 am 2:00 pm Where: 1723 S. Jefferson St. (Christian Bookstore) We buy gently used,name brand clothing of all sizes & ages:and also shoes, accessories, belts, purses & jewelry SDevApparela r, Devera Eakins, owner Fahrsa DySei a ~OVE~ Men's Haircut $9.00 Ladies Hi-Lights $5.00 off LTEN ^TE! k NMon.-Sat. 584-2445 115 E. Drew St. (around the corner from Johnson's Bakery) IAb\ SE i HAPPINESS E FOR COUPLES IS A SATISFYING SEX LIFE Dr. Phil says 75% of all couples have problems in their sex life. Dr.Kozak says t' is even higher. It is a physical and mental health issue. NOKOMIS Eroxil' for him and Erosyn" for her to help regain sexual performance and satisfaction. Restores the sexual reproductive system in men and women and needs no scheduling. Be Ready anytime. It'sinexpensive. Regain your sexual youth and be the lover you were years ago. Skepticism will turn into delight, yours and hers. It is an all natural product with no side effects whatsoever. If it is not better than any other natural product you've tried, Nokomis .refunds your more. They are FDA approved for sale. Read l.hatl dozens of enthusiastic and delighted men and women .' sayu sn opur web site. Excerpts: "Ecstatic with new sex life"; Wihin 3 days performance like 20 years ago"; "Exhilarated S81:1 years old"; '1ife is delighted I'm not using costly drugs anymore."; "Erosyn excellent for women"' Sole Distributor: Bell Ufestyle Products Inc. .4k gwww.BellLifestyleProducts.com If^ iL 1-800-333-7995 1 I Store locations'on web-site B LL Know the truth! Mount Sinai School of Medicine newsletter states 50% of all men over 40 have problems to function sexually. Many millions of men. Add millions of frustrated wives plus children in strained or broken marriages. 1/3 of the whole population is unhappy. It's a shame that we have difficulties to communicate in this matter that affects so many people. AVAILABLE IN PERRY AT: D/W Health & Nutrition 1306"B" S. Jefferson St. (850-223-1100) A-4 The Taco Times June 15, 2005 Red Hats 'lunch' at Fiddler's your family, too," organizers suggest. ' Sridal' Registry *:. 1 Jennifer Lee Andrews 'Justin Davis Amman June 25, 2005 Ashley Lawless Brandon Grubbs July 9, 2005 Jennifer Leigh Hathcock Jeremy John Jacobs July 16, 2005 Hollie Rowell Lee Durham July 30, 2005 Daralyn McRory Jeremy Nix July 30, 2005 Joni Hill Cody McNeese, August 13, 2005 Baby Registry . SRobin (Lilliott) Charles Walker Sydney Ann born April 4 Keri Andrews Christopher Lynn Girl due June 2005 Jennifer Aman Jason Campbell Boy due'JUly 2005 Lyndsay Doyle Chad Kirtman Boy due August 2005 Valerie & Lee Wiles Boy due August 2005 Rachael Guy Kelly Moore, Girl, due September 2005 Sisters~' Mratl * , 1 From formal to woodland A-5 The Taco Times June 15, 2005 Steinhatchee welcomes Mock and 'Tablescapes' The Steinhatchee Garden Club hosted a Tablescapes luncheon May 23 at the Steinhatchee Community Center. Proceeds from the event will be used to send children to summer camp. "Some of the Garden Club members decorated tables with different themes.' We had everything from a formal table to a Harley Davidson table! Laura Mock from Perry made flower arrangements. Lunch consisted of quiche, broccoli salad, fruit and Key Lime pie. We had guests from Tallahassee, Madison, Monticello, Perry and Old Town. Everyone had a great time and we raised a lot of money for the kids," garden club member Linda Feifarek-Johnson said. Steinhatchee Garden Club's Tablescapes luncheon raised funds to send local youth to summer camp. Bloxi Gaming Tours : 4DAYS/3 NIGHTS Super 8 Motel $115.00 ppdo Beau Rivage $165.00 ppdo pick up in Perry Cruise & Stay on, Discovery Cruise Line -.: 2 night package to Bahamas starting at $179 per person Costa Rica 6 Days All Inclusive 4 Star Luxury at a Budget Price $529 ppdo includes r/t air 7 Days Aruba in Style! ' $829 ppdo includes r/t air CRYour Travel connection for CRUISES TOURS GROUPS Pack N Go Travel located in Chiefland 352-493-7622 toll free 1-888-852-0330 S. email speubank@aol.com website: www.pack-n-gotravel.co Elaine Howell is shown with her woodland-themed tablescape. Engagement and birth announcement forms are available for pick up inour office and are published as space is available. 1_O W Yo LL 05 Cadillac STS #5C20o7 05 Pontiac Grand Prix GT #5P893 MSRP .64 ,130 -Lr *7,700 MSRP '28,975 ve' 5,100 You Pay56,389 You ay ,23,785 WrTH HE PROCTOR GM EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT WIT THE PROCTOR GM EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT You must take retail delivery by July 5, 2005. Price Includes $75.00 GM Admin. Fee You must take retail delivery by July 5, 2005. Price Includes $75.00 GM Admin. Fee PROCTOR GM 3122 E. Mahan Dr. ,878-3171 visitus onine A wwwpro ora s.corf i~r ~ vii' hi,.ru'rr.- nmrr.'~ ~e :We must cear out all recliners by Father's Day, June 19 We have over 108 Recliners in stock NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! "ur PrcesA r Bet Awy! S S I -.~L. I I a I I I- LI I II ~- Elif PROCTORGMONo Sports A-6The Taco Times June 15, 2005 9s, 10s both sweep to win district titles Perry's 9-year-old and 10-year- old all star teams both swept through their district tournaments last weekend in Madison and now advance to their respective state tournaments next month. The 9s allowed just three runs in three games as they defeated Wakulla 13-2, Madison 8-1 and Wakulla, again, in the championship game 8-0. The 10s defeated host Madison 6-3 on Friday, then Wakulla 9-3 and Madison again in the title game 5-1. Details on the 10-year- old tournament will appear in Friday's Perry News-Herald. Perry's 9-year-olds faced Wakulla in the first game Friday and recorded a 13-2 victory. Joe Pelt started on the mound for Perry. After taking a 12-1 lead Pelt was relieved by Triston 10-year-old all star Gavin Lewis (above) lays down a bunt while team mate Dylan Harty (below) hurls a pitch during action last Friday in Madison. Barfield for the third inning. Daniel Wentworth came in for Barfield in the bottom of the .fourth inning to close the game. Pelt faced nine batters, giving up no hits while striking out three and walking one. Barfield faced three batters striking out one while Wentworth faced six batters giving up one hit and striking out two. Perry was led at the plate by Pelt who was 2 for2, followed by Jacob Barr 2 for 3, Chance Rodgers. 1 for 3, Wentworth 1 for 2, Grant Parker 1 for 2 and Daniel Dudley 1 for 3. Later in the day Perry faced host team Madison County and posted an 8-1 win. Wentworth pitched 5 scoreless innings scattering 4 hits while striking out 8 batters and walking 2. Barfield.came in to close the game striking out two and giving up only one run. Dustin Driver led the Perry team at the plate going 2 for 3 while Pelt, Barr, Jonah Nbwberry and Parker all added one hit each. Tough defense, timely hitting and strong pitching proved to be more than Madison could handle. On Sunday Madison faced Wakulla in the losers' bracket game with Wakulla coming out on top. This set up the rematch between Perry and Wakulla later in the afternoon. Pelt again took the mound for Perry and was able to pitch a complete game shutout allowing only 4 hits and recording .7. strikeouts while walking only 4 baters'in the 8-0 victory. SPelt and Wentworth both were 2 for 4 at the plate with Rodgers, Driver, Barr, 'Newberry, Parker and Evan Grambling all recording one hit each. Perry batters only struck out 4 times during the game and committed only one error which again.proved to be more than Wakulla could handle. "The players stepped up against two tough teams and gave 100 percent until the end. Our kids played with confidence and made the routine plays. When you make the routine plays and then add great pitching and hitting then you can win games the way we did this weekend," Coach Mark Wentworth said: Assisting with the coaching duties were Joe Rodgers and Mark Pelt. The 9s travel to Jacksonville next week for the state tournament. District Champs Members of the Perry 9-year-old all star team include, front row (left to right): Grant Parker, Evan Grambling, Caleb Wentworth, Dustin Driver, Daniel Dudley and Triston Barfield. Second row: Chance. Rodgers, Jarquise Simmons, Daniel Wentworth, Jonah Newberry, Jacob Barr and Joe Pelt. Back row are coaches Joe Rodgers, Mark Wentworth and Mark Pelt. In Madison and Wakulla 11s, 15s in action this week Something on your mind? E-MAIL US! Letters must include a name and daytime contact phone number. perrynews@perry.gulfnet.com SPerry's 11-year-old all stars and the 15-year-old squad begin post- cr seasonplay this \eek.. competing in their respective district tournaments. The 11s travel to Madison Friday for a 5:30 p.m. game against the winner of the Madison-Wakulla contest at 3 p.m. A win puts the local team in a 1:30 p.m. game on Saturday while a loss forces them to play Saturday at 11 a.m. -- The-,15s head4o-Wakulla Friday for a first round game against' Jefferson County. That contest will begin at 7 p.m. With a win on Friday, Perry will tangle with Wakulla Saturday at 11 a.m. while a lose puts them in .an elimination game Saturday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. The 12-year-old team travels to Monticello June 23 for its district tournament. Perry's 13-year-olds by-pass district play since they villbe hosting the state tournament here July 14-18 and get an automatic spot. The local 17-under all stars began their regular season last week and will compete in the state's northern division tournament starting July 7 in Madison. -A_ Being #1 is What We Do * Powered by Briggs & Scratton, Kohler or Honda engines * Wide range of engine choices. from 11-hp 2C-hp models with recoil or electric start. * 28", 30", 33" or 42" mowers a. ailable * Quick response steering helps maneuver around tight spots 803 W. Main St.; 584-6021 Clffer 'A1d !.cc t ta *x',t F~~.1'i--o, S-, rrt ? h itce Ac ,-u.,*. f.L* f..... ch /10 3nd 6/3010~5 N. 'TCfL e, tJ I'r"1r in r)-.,.c FFit-r1ct.l.! I Fir. ..c i, e I b a r *rn du l'e- -m I pv h .e e rde tie-; r .I p... h r Ie I A 'IC II r :lred tJr,11refe -. rIi -t., ippiicklel are pr d i r I..II ehr, [l re r pr .*r.'i*..'.,I j'. ] ii >E' i1.d.. Jul1 Speckled Trout Redfish Blues, etc; One More Cast SOperating from Keaton Beach Marina o Fishing License Required For Customers (850)584-9145 200 Kate Dr. McGriff U.S.C.G License Perry, FL 32348 SJonah Newberry it's not your Ist tooth It's not your 1st step It's not your 1st game But...i is your slt trip to the State Rnals! DIHWYFFH? ILY, Bebe p.s. I don't like that S "pickle' play Seventh DayAdventist church Saturday Sabbath School Worship Service Wednesday Prayer Meeting 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 7:00 pi.n. i K- -LP ..L :im Juan Rodrigues, Pastor 584-8506 604 W. Julia Dr. PROCTOR GM N MAHAN oD R 05 Cadillac STS #50c207' 05 Pontiac Grand Prix GT #5P893 M5RP 64,130 so 17,700 MSRPS28,975 over, 5,100 You Pay056,389 You P.,y23,785 Wrm THE PROCTOR GM EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT WITH THE PROCTOR GM EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT You must take retail delivery by July 5, 2005. Price Includes $75.00 GM Admin. Fee You must take retail delivery by July 5.2005. Prce Includes $75 00 GM Admin. Fee 2RocT OR GM 3122 E. Mahan Dr. 878-3171 Religion A-7 The Taco Times June 15, 2005 3 churches combine for V.B.S. next weeM 'Roadtrip' planned for 3 churches The Immaculate, Conception Catholic Church, First Presbyterian Church and St. James Episcopal Church announce that they will host a "Rambling Roadtrip" as this year's Vacation Bible School, June 20-23. Dinner will be served each evening at 5:30 p.m. in the Catholic Parish Hall, with Bible studies and fun activities following. Classes will be available for children 3 years old and up. For registration forms and more information, please contact Mary Carter at 584-9605. Cook-out kicks off V.B.S. Kids from 2 years to sixth grade are invited to attend Vacation Bible School at Crosspoint Baptist Fellovwship June 20-24 from 6 until 9 p.m. There will be.a cook-out on June 19 at 5 p.m. to kick off the event. Games and "all sorts of fun" are promised. The church encourages young people to "come join the fun as we'take off for an ad\ entire around our beautiful country." Questions' Call 584-5441. Yard sale Saturday; fish dinners offered Triumph the Church and Kingdom of God in Christ %%ill hold a yard sale on June 18 beginning at:8:30 a.m: Father's Day banquet set ' By B.D. WILLIAMS S.,-No Matter What : No natter wrhat the trouble, no. Smatter how bad you feel. God always loves you, and His love : will always heal. S When ever you face a problem, keep on saying your prayers, and you will receive a blessing, from a S:God who always cares. A Father's Day banquet will be held Saturday, June 18, at 6 p.m. at New Brooklyn Church's dining hall. A $6 donation is requested. SYour support and attendance is greatly appreciated. The event is sponsored by the Men's Ministry -of New\ Brooklyn M.B: Church. "Ya'll come!" The Talent and Fashion Show,'; sponsored,by Jenny Miller and others, has been canceled. i It was an enjoyable occasion Sunday afternoon beginning at 3 p.m. at New Brooklyn M.B. Church where George Kerr #125 O.E.S. celebrated its 81st anniversary. The attendance was .ery good; there were Masons. Stars and Heroines from Madison, Jefferson and Taylor counties. The service %as grand and the guest speaker was the Rev. Donald McBride. Mrs. Katie Monroe, Past Worthy Matron, and Worthy Matron Mrs. Thelma Newberry were honored and surprised by the chapter. At the close, refreshments were served in the dining area. Card of thanks SiHur at all, just thought of us that day. i .. .hate.ver you.did toconsole our Perhaps you sent a lovely card hearts, we thank you so much, or sat quietly in a chair, perhaps whatever the pan. you sent a funeral spray, if so we saw it there. Perhaps you spoke Thank you, the kindest words as anyone could The William "Bill" Wilbur say Perhaps you were not there Family U- : Sai Karate-.-; 30 Years! (Kios: 4 00-5:00 pm) (Teens: 5.30-6:30 pm) (Adults 7-8 pm) (E ww; wbowden.karate bowdenji2gt.on., net 124 S. Jefferson St. Jimmy Bowden, Instructor 838-3656 CARPET We Also CARPETS WOOD FLOORS Carpet VINYL BINDING Travel CERAMIC CUSTOM DESIGNED Trailers, REPAIRS AREA RUGS Campers 203 E. Drew St. acr,' Iro.a Roo .e S ecR.:.ia & Boats Hours: Mon. Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-12 IACI James Musslehaie. owner Licensed & Insured Visa MC AmEx INANCIN 2g2 q:11 U AVAILABLE m "HOW MUCH LIFE INSURANCE DO YOU REALLY NEED?" IS ONE YEAR'S SALARY ENOUGH? CALL ME Mark Pelt, Agent 584-5188 1000A Jefferson St. Allstate. You're in good hanOd Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company. Allstate Indemnity Company and Allstate Life Insurance Company, Home Office. NorthbrooK, Illinois. &*2002 Allstate Insurance Company SB I Happy 1st Birthday Johnson ' June14, 2005 Love, . Mama &,Daddy Fish dinners will be sold, at 11 a.m. .The church is located at 708 Swartz St. Glorious Praise Concert scheduled Glorious Rain Church of God of Prophecy presents its second annual Glorious Praise Concert on Saturday, June 18, with doors opening at 6:15 p.m. The concert begins at 7. Omega Forbes. Music Man Dre and the Family'& Friends Chorale will be featured. S011 Te .\ FawiLy QUESTION- If beauty is the most important attribute in determining personal worth in this culture, what is in second place? DR. DOBSON: It is intelligence as expressed in scholastic aptitude. When the birth of a first-born child is immithent, his parents pray that he will be normal -- that is, "average." But from that moment on, average will not be good enough. Their child must excel. He must James Edward Wallace James Edward Wallace, 71, died June'7. 2005, at his home in Perry after batling a rare neurological disease. Born Dec. 22, 1933. in Zeigler. II., he served 20 years in the U.S. Na v. serving aboard the Li S S. Fulton, U.S S. Sperry, U.S.S.. Buchannan and U.S.S. Norris. Mr. Wallace spent 16 years as a foster parent. Ain avid reader of Louis L'amour, he was an active member of the Tin Can Sailor'and the Fleet Reserne. Spending time with his children and grandchildren was his biggest pride. He was preceded in death ty his parents, Melvin and Locke bVallace; a sister ShirleN Wallace; a bother Lero. Wallace: and a grandson, Buddy Wallace Survivors include: his \ ife of 50 years, Shirley Ann Wallace; four sons, James Wallace and wife Mary, Jason Wallace'and Jeremy Wallace, all of 'Perr\, and John Wallace of Gorctile, Ill.: three daughters, Jami Smith and husband Herb, Jennifer Slaughter and hus- band Jimm\ of Perr. and Jacqueline Wallace of Carrabtlle; grandchildren, James Wallace Jr.,. Leslee Sunderland and husband: Paul, blanihes W\allace and wife Alisha, Tiffany Wallace. Russell and Kaitlyn Smith, Bryanne Dorman, Tomm5, Jessica, Seth and Abby Rucks: one great grandson, J. J. Sunderland; two sisters, Doime Bartoni and husband Charlie of \est Frankfort, Ill., and Betty Gulledge of Carterville, Ill; two sis- ters-ih-law, Sharon Wallace and \'erda illagomez ot Pheonix. Ariz.; and special friends. Ricky. Smiddy and John Wells. Graveside services were held Saturday. June 11, at 11 a.m. at Pineview Memorial Gardens. Family members recent\ ed friends Friday, June 10, from 6 until 8 p.m at Beggs Funeral Home. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the family succeed. He must triumph. He must be the first of his age to %%alk or talk or ride a tricycle; He must earn a stunning report card and amaze his teachers with.his' '"wit and wisdom. He must do well in Little League, and later he must be a track star. or first-chair trombone, or valedictorian. His sister must be a cheerleader, or senior, class president, or the soloist, or the best pupil in-her' advanced-placement class. . Throughout the formative years: of childhood, parents give their The church is located at 110 E. Maurice Linton Rd., directly behimd-: Buddy's Furniture Rental. Please call 223-1194 or 545-5697 fa. additional information. Evangelist to speak at Friendship Chapel Friendship Chapel Church of God will welcome Evangelist MiiE Carson Jr. for services June 20-24 in Steinhatchee. For additionriF- information, please contact-Pastor Chester Ash at 352-498-5403. 'We're counting on you to do something fantastic' kids the same message day after day: "Were counting on you to do "something fantastic. Now don't disappoint us!" The hopes, dreams and ambitions of an entire family sometimes rest on th shoulders of an immature child. And in this atmosphere of fierce competition, the parent who produces an intellectually gifted child is clearly holding the winning ticket. , Unfortunately, exceptional children are just that -- exceptions. -Seldom does a 5-year-old memorize the King James Version By James Dobson , of the Bible, or play chess blindfolded, or compose symphonies in the Mozart manner. To the contrary, the vast. majority of our children are not dazzlingly brilliant, extremely witty, highly coordinated, tremendously talented or universally popular. They are jiist- plain kids with oversized needs to- be loved and accepted as they areF: Thus, the stage is set for-:i unrealistic pressure on the younger:' generation and considerable:.- disappointment for their parents. Have you considered Physical Therapy? S; I: : Ask your doctor or call 223-3997 for information. We invite you to visit our Perry clinic located in the Wihn Dixie Shopping Center TALLAHASSEE ORTHOPEDIC &SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY / Prepare for an Exciting Career in HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Keiser College's Health Services Administration program prepares students for employment as phvsi- c!an's office managers and supervisors in health care organizations. Additional Careers in:' * Computer Network Engineering Technology * Accounting * Computer Graphics and Design * Business Administration SMedical Assisting * Cyber Security * Culinary Arts * Paralegal. * Radiology Technology * Criminal Justice * Baking and Pastry Arts Thank You A special heartfelt thank you to all of the Mama's Italian Restaurant family who went above and beyond for an outstanding anniversary dinner. You made our 27th anniversary avery - special night to remember. Our sincere thanks, Jimmy Chrissy Stewart KEISER C O L L E ,G E. TALLAHASSEE, Admissions Office Open 9am 8pm Toll Free 1-877-825-2573 www.keisercollege.edu .al l llllllI - ~ MMMI I I 1. 1 Taco Times June 15, 2005 h'I L i 'ii I I S2003 Ford F150 Lariat 4x4 Super Crew 5.4, V8, Auto, Leather Seats, FX4 Pkg., Trailer Towing, Power Windows & Locks, Loaded, Green (44,971 miles) Was $28,995 k. P452 SNOW$25,9895 2003 GMC Envoy Leather Seats, White, Loaded, Very Clean SUV Local Trade (47,963 miles) srk. n250157A $20.9195 I Bring it in now! CARS* TRUCKS VANS* MOTORCYCLES BOATS... ANYTHING OF VALUE will be worth at least $1,000 I I I1SR*II]LII 2005 Ford Focu A/C, C/D sTk 250 o003C $10,395 $2500 Ford Rebate, $500 Matching I 2002 Ford Taurus SELWagon V6, Auto, Leather, CD, Alloy Wheels, Gold (34,632 miles) sik. #P460 $12,995 2003 Ford Windslar SEI Blue/Silver, V6, Auto, Leather Seats, Power Sliding Rear Doors, Loaded, Low Mileage, "Must See" (31,297 miles) stk P463 ,',R . 2s 2 miles) 2002 Ford Taurus LX Beige, V6, Auto, Power Windows & Locks, Tilt, Cruise One Owner Great Clean Car (52,193 miles) sik. t250023A $8,995 et 2004 Lincoln I Towncar & Locks, Signature Series, V8, Auto, Loaded, niles) White, Low Miles 29A stk. #P450 5 $24A 95- 2000 Ford K-Cab RangerKLT V/6, Auto (64,500 Miles) stk sP454B .' -' 5nt h .. 0 2001 Ford F250 412 L Reg. Cab 4x2 ows & White, Auto, 5.4, V8, AM/FM, Low Smiles) Mileage, Local Trade (22,412 miles) stk. #P457A1 $15995 - 2003 Mercury Grand Marquis GS S8, Auto, Power Windows & Locks, Beige, New Tires, Looks New, Local Trade slk. #250069A 2002 Ford Escapel KT Black, V6, Auto, Leather, Moon Roof, -oaded, Nice Clean SUV (41,199 Miles) SI. P .468 :--. 320 odEcp L Check Out the Lowest Priced F150 Available 2005 Ford F150 sD'S Down 2001 Ford Taurus SES Red, V6, Auto, Power Windov & Locks, Tilt Cruise, Loaded (75,13; stk. #P465 $8,995 2002 Chevroli Tahoe LT 4x4 5.3, V8, Auto Power Windows G601, i0uis, Tilt (73,526 r Was $23, 995 s k. #25002 Nw $2991 1998 Toyota CamryvLE Auto, A/C (93,000 Miles) slk. #250038D S,. ,. .$. .$ ,9 9 2002 Ford F15 IT, Super Crew Gold, V8, Auto, Power Wind( Locks, AC, CD Player (56,898 stk. #P453 $18 9$1195 35 MPG Highway Low Payments Drs Air Conditioning Cloth Interior AM/FM/Stereo sik 250122T $14,795 are this price with any other dealer Price includes $2000'Factory Rebate, $1000 Ford Credit Cash, and $500 Home Depot Bonus 2001 Ford Escape KLT Gold, V6, Auto, Power Windows & Locks, Cruise, Tilt, CD, Local Trade (66,667 miles) stk. f4250074P 2001 Ford Ranger LT SCB, 4x2 V6, Auto, 4 poor Option, CD Player, ld, Bedliner slk. #P462 2001 Dodge Durango SLT Plus V/8, Auto (98,700 Miles) stk. #250065B 2004 Ford F150 Super Crew Lariat 4x4, Black, 5.4, V8, Auto, Power Windows & Locks, Leather, Loaded, Low Miles (Like new truck without new truck price "Must See") Was $31,995 stk #P449 2000 Ford Explorer XLT, 4x4, Blue, Leather Seats, New Tires, Power Windows & Locks, Local Trade, (78K miles) stk. #250138A S2002 Ford F250 KT SCB, 4x, White/Silver, 5.4, V/8, Auto, . Power Windows & Locks, Aluminum Wheels, One Owner, Local Trade sik. tP469A IF .: ~t - *L ,8~ Commun it CALENDAR Amvets Post 20, ladies auxiliary and Sons of AMVETS meet 3rd ,Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m., at 2499 Woods Creek Road. American Legion, Steinhatchee Post 291, fourth Tues. 8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays (closed), 8 p.m., at Heritage House on Washington Street, across from public library; and another AA group who meets Monday; Wednesdays and Thursdays at Serenity House located at 1260 Hwy. 98 West across from the BP station at 8 prn AL-ANON, St James Episcopal Church (in library). Wednesday 12 noon to 1 p.m.; 584-2146. Thursday aL 6 30 for beginners meeting with regular meeting 31 7 p m The Way: Christ centered recovery group meets on Fridays al 7 p m at Serenity House on Hwy 98 W, across from BF Slation Open to alcoholics add"if family members arnd iriends AARP: laIs Wed 10 am at Fir;t Bapiist Church Airport Advisory Commission. 4t-h Monday. 12 noon. Perry.Foley Airport American Legion Post #96 ist Tues. 7 p m American Legion Hall Center Sireei Big Bend Hospice Advisory Council: 4th Tues noon. 107 East Green Sireet Chamber of Commerce: third Thurs. 8 a rr chamber board room City Council: 2nd and ail Tues at 530 p m Civil Air Patrol (CAP): 2nd and 4th Mon 7 pm main hanger at airport. County Commission: first Mon and third Tues at 6 p m counhouse annex. Diabetes classes every Tuesday. 2 p m Doctors' Memorial Hospital FAMU Alumni Chapter, second Mon 7 p.m Jerhins Center Perry Masonic Lodge 123, meets first and Ihird Monday nights. 7 30 p m. Girl Scouts Service Unit: first Thurs. 6 30 p m Scout Hut Healthy Start Coalition: fourth Mon 9 am Taylor County School District Administrative Office Complex Historical Society: open Thursday afternoons 1 5 p m Home Educators League of Perry (HELP): second Thurs 1 30 p m Forest Capital Hall 584-8553 or 584- 9207. Humane Society of Taylor County. 2nd Wednesday, 6 p m. Forest Capital Hall. Juvenile Justice Council: third Thurs 9 a m.. at Juvenile Justice Office. 1719 S Jefferson ' Taylor Coastal 'Communities Association meets each 2nd Tuesday of rnnth, 7 p m at the Keaton Beach Hot Dog Stand Kiwanis Club: Wednesdays noon. Joyce's MainStreet Cale La Leche League International 2nd Wed 10 30 am Taylor County Public Library . Lady Elks: second Thurs, 8 pm, Eli's Lodge Main Street Perry: First Monday of each month, Perry/Taylor County Chamber ol Commerce at noon Mothers of Pre-Schoolers: first and third Fri Call 584-3826. Muskogee Creek Indian Nation: 2nd and 4th Sat 7 pm Tribal grounds. Lyman Hendry Road. Muskogee Creek Indian Tribe: Oak Hill Village on Woods Creek Road, 1st Sat Narcotics Anonymous: Wednesdays. 8 pm a 1260 W Hwy. 98 at Serenity House (dirt road across from BP Station). These are open meetings to those interested in addiction Call 223-0036. Also. Saturday, 10-30 a m--open meeting NAACP: 2nd Sun 6 pm, New Brooklyn Missionary Baptist Church. National Wild Turkey Federation (Yellow Piine Drummers), holds open monthly on first Thursday, Golden Corral. 7pm 584-9185 Optimist Club: Thurs, noon at 'Joyce's Mainstreel Cale Perry Garden Club: third Wed, 10 am Perry Elks Lodge: Tues 8 p m Perry Lodge #187: 1si 3rd Wed 7 p.m Masonic Hal: Perry Lodge 123, F&AM, first and third Monday nights 7 30 p m Perry Woman's Club 2nd Wed, noon (Sept May, subject to change). Perry Shrine Club: 4th Thurs, 7 p.m (club house on Counney Road) Planning Board: 1st Thurs. 6 p m. Courthouse annet (old post ohrice) Republican Party of Taylor County: Second Thursday ot every month at Chamber of Commerce E-mail Tommie Stanaland at tstanaland'@yahoo cornm or call 584-8815 Rotary Club: Tues, noon at B J.'s Downtown Cafe School Board: 1st and 3rd Tues. 7 p.m SHARE distribution: 4th Sat 10 a.m Social Security: representatives 2nd Tues., 8 30 a m to 12 noon, courthouse annex Sons of Confederate Veterans meets fourth Tuesday at VFW Post on Center Street. 7 pm For location, call 584-5346. Taylor Adult Program (TAP): Thurs. 10tO a m. 502 N. Center Street. 223-0393. Taylor Coastal Water and Sewer: 3rd Wed at 18820 Beach Road, 5 p.m. Taylor County Task Force Against Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault: 4th Wed, 12 noon at Joyce's Mainstreet Cafe B-1 The Taco TimeS June 15, 2005 I- Taylor County Democratic Party meets the third Monday. 7 p m at ;he Golden Corral Call 584-9656 or 584- 3617 Taylor Development Council: 2nd Wed. 4 p.m., at Chamber. Taylor County Development Authori.yL2nd Mon 5 p.m al Chamber.. Taylor County Historical Society: 3rd Mon. 7 p.m. Historical Society building Taylor County Horseman's Association Horse Show: 2nd Sat, 10 a.m. Arena located on Bishop Blvd Taylor County Leadership Council: 2nd and 4th Friday, 7 p m Jerkins VFW Post #9225: 2nd Tues, 7 p.mr (American Legion building) "M Fifteen advance to national corn Taylor County hosted a National Qualifier meet May 14- 15, with 15 local gymnasts among the 230 athletes competing. All 15 athletes advanced to the national competition, which was held the week of June 8-12 in Orlando at Walt Disney World Wide World of Sports. Of those attending the qualifier meet, Lisa Arrowood of Taylor Gymnastics, Cheer & Dance said: "People are always so impressed with our community. We had a couple who said they were thinking of moving here. Then others were already curious as to when we were going to host another meet. A meet of this ion stature would not be possible without the continuing support of our local businesses and individuals." Gymnasts adding to their 9.0 scores, include: .Level 3, Ashlyn Perry, 9.3 Vault; Level 4, Adrienne Barwick, 9.7 Vault, 9.0 Beam and .9.0 Floor; Alison Roberts 9.2 Vault, 9.0 Bars and 9.15 Floor; Haley Koon, 9.45 Vault, 9.0 Beam and 9.0 Floor; Kinzi Mattingly, 9.4 Vault; Jharmara Simmons, 9.1 Vault and 9.0 Floor; Sydney Gatewood, 9.0 Vault; Mod. Ops., Nikki Blaske, 9.0 Vault and 9.0 Floor; Level 5, Regan Slaughter, 9.4 Vault; and Darby Guyton, 9.2 Floor. Take me home... . National qualifiers shown above include: Ashlyn Perry, Kaylyn Wright, Kinzi Mattingly, Sydney Gatewood, Allison Roberts, Casey Viola, Adrienne Barwick, Haley Koon, Jharmara Simmons, Darby Guyton, Reagan Slaughter, Katie Verges, Alexis Burkett, Taylor Schmidt and Nikki Blaske along with coaches Nasko Alagenski and Maria Marinova. Read . Around -Florida City Mouse & Country Mouse ( The Taylor County Animal Shelter has the following animals available for adoption: --Austrahan Blue Heeler mix puppies, eight weeks old. --Bulldog mix puppies. 12 weeks old. --"Little B," female Chihuahua mix puppy. 10 weeks old. --Two full-blooded Rottweilers, male and female. both one year old. --Two male Redbone Hounds, one year old. --White Husky mix. one year old. --Walker Hound, male. two \ears old. --Light orange, Calico and dark tabby kittens. ages six to eight weeks. For adoption information, contact the shelter at 838-3525. The shelter. located at 3750 Highway 98 West, is open 7:30- 11:30 a.m. (after 11:30 a.m. by appointment only). Touring theatre to perform The Atlantic Coast Theatre for Youth will present an updated version of the Aesop's Fable "The City Mouse & Country Mouse!' at the Taylor County Public Library Thursday, June 16, at 3 p.m. The Atlantic Coast Theatre for Youth is an acclaimed professional touring theatre for young, audiences and families. It is based in the Orlando area and artists perform-for schools, theaters, art centers, communities and libraries. "This performance is part of the Florida Library Youth Program for 2005. You may piclk up program schedules and find out more information about the 'Read Around -Florida' activities at the library," Children's Librarian Suezette Stephens said. The library is located at 403 N. Washington Street. Library information can also be found on the library website www.tclf- libinfo.com. National honor roll students are named SCV support Henry Lee (center)'of Gunrunners Gun and Pawn recently presented a Beneli shotgun to the local Sons of Confederate. Veterans (SCV) chapter for a fund-raising raffle "to help preserve Our Confederate heritage." W.J. Rogers was the winner of the shotgun. Members of the SCV extend thanks to Lee "for his encouragement and, support of our efforts." They also thank all who participated in the fundraiser. From NFCC Bickel earns degree Ta\lor County local Andrew Bickel completed an A.A. degree at North Florida Community College in December 2004 and on lMay 5, 2005 graduated with an A.S. degree in Criminal Justice from NFCC. 'A packed auditorium df family and friends watched as Bickel and other NFCC graduates marched during commencement exercises held at Van H. Priest, Auditorium in Madison. NFCC President Morris G. Steen, Jr. presided over the ceremony. The ceremony included candidates for graduation in academic and vocational programs for the summer, fall and spring terms of 2004-2005: 176 Associate in Arts degrees, six Associate in Science degrees, 14 Associate in Applied Science degrees, 21 vocational certificates, and 43 GED diplomas were awarded. For more information contact the NFCC Office of College Advancement at news@nfcc.edu or 850/973-1653. The names of students who qualified for the 2004-2005 National Honor Roll have been announced and 33 area students are on the list. The National Honor Roll recognizes high-achieving high' school and middle school students. "Young people like our inductees, who work hard to attain academic success, deserve to be congratulated," said Lynn Romeo, publisher of the National Honor Roll. "Honoring their achievements provides motivation and encourages them to continue striving. We're proud to include them in the National Honor Roll." The local students who have. qualified are: Daniel Aman, Flint Archer, Shane I. Bailey, Ryan A. Baker, Chucketta M. Beaty, Kasie M. Cruce, Sonya D. Dowdell, Danisha. Ellis, C'mone K. Gillyard, Glen Hammers, Lauren K. Hardin, Derrick C. Harmon, Randy Hays, Kia F. Hill, Jennifer K. Hunter, Joey W. Jarvis, Sara K. Jones, Shauna Kapperman, Joe J. Kezele Ii, Keandra M. McNeal, Bryant K. Miller, James B. Mock, Blake A.. Moore, Jaren R. Murphy, Samantha V. Murray, Sara E. Poppell, Katherine V. Powers, Jennifer Reams, Bradley Straka, Laura Van Blaricum, Anastasia V. Wiggins, Heather Williams and Ethan J. Young. NFCC to publish 'Sentinel Review' North Florida Community College students, faculty, staff and alumni contributed poems, short stories and art work for the third edition of NFCC's literary and arts magazine, The Sentinel Review, published the first of May. The publication's cover features a black and white photograph entitled "Foggy Hike" taken by NFCC student Mario Peralta of Taylor County. Offered inside are 20 poems, two short stories and two digitally altered photographs. Contributing poetry are Kathleen Andersen, Monticello; Crystal Baxter, Live Oak; Kerry Cohen, Madison; Kenya Ellick, Madison; Danielle Fries, Live Oak; Andrew Harvey, Madison; Katie McGroarty, Perry; Edlnys Rodriguez, Madison; Lanee Sanders, Madison; Kim Scarboro, Madison; Steveh L. Schneitman, Live Oak; Thelma Thompson, Lee; Thomas A. Tuffin, Jennings;: Marie Waldrop, Madison; and Dashia Wallace, Madison. Linda Brown and Marie Waldrop, both of Madison, published short stories in The Sentinel Review and Stephen Bochnia of Madison contributed two digitally altered photographs. Faculty and staff of NFCC who served in creating the publication's third edition are John Grosskopf of Monticello, editor; Nancy White, associate editor; Lisa Frank, art editor; and Linda Brown and Kim Scarboro, production editors. Copies of The Sentinel Review are available in the NFCC Library. An online version can be: vie w ed a t http://www.nfcc.edu/stu/activities7 publications/SentinelReview.html I -M B-2 The Taco Times June 15, 2005 Writers share opinions on coal-powered plant 'Decent, good-paying jobs' anticipated Dear Editor: Re:,$1.4 billion plant here? Great! Now, we're talking good sense. We're in dire need of "good, clean" energy in Taylor County. It will be good for businesses, good for our people. It would be a blessing to have our children work near home. Give them decent, good-paying jobs with good benefits and retirement. This is what we need. Let's put feelers out. Cater to it, Rope 'em in! Don't give us a missile base, where we will live in fear and insecurity. We don't need a big mess made of our Nature Coast. Go for the better. Thanks for listening, Elizabeth Sadler Litwin: Is this really a win-win decision? Dear Editor: SIn response to the county commission's decision to approve the coal fired power plant, this concerned citizen would like to hear about the good things this 'would bring to.the county. One of our commissioners talked to people on both sides of the issue, did some research on the internet and declared that this is a win-win situation for the county. SIn the Tallahassee Democrat dated June 5, 2005, in an. article about the coal fired power plant, a Miss Holly Binns, who is a clean air advocate for the iFlorida Public Interest Research iGroup, said, and I quote, "Coal is ithe energy technology of the past, 'it is dirty and dangerous. I am very Disappointed that the city is ;interested in being a part of a coal plant. No matter what advancements are out there, inherently, coal is a dirty way to get our power." She also said medical studies have concluded that people who live near coal plants are at risk for lung, brain and heart damage, and newborns and young children are at risk for chronic mental.and developmental learning illnesses from mercury exposure. Is this what we need, more pollution in Taylor County? Binns did not have one positive thing to say about a coal fired power plant. In the short term it will create 1500 jobs for the construction part of the project, .but most of these jobs. will be filled by outside contractors who will then go on to their next job. Long term, it will create 150 jobs, that may or may not be filled by people from Taylor County. To our county commissioners, please give us the facts why this is a win-win for our county. -If this is such a win-win for our county, why did the people of Leon County refuse to have a coal fired" power plant in their backyard? A decision that affects our health as much as this one does, should not be made by our county commissioners. It should not be made by the Jacksonville Electrical Authority, and it should not be made by elected officials in Tallahassee. It should be made by the people of Taylor County, who will have to live with this decision. Sincerely yours, Ray Litwin irNSTRJEiEr M IINUI-TIE I I. -I r"n U n1n1I 11 I U U U Un n Un un lini Wll you st, I de o's ,.,e ByiERIKAHALL Will you support old depot's rehabilitation? i The purpose of this column is to .dispense general information on :the goals and objectives of [MainStreet Perry, as well as the State and national Main Street programs,. in addition to [addressing the issues and concerns of local residents and !stakeholders. THE EVOLUTION OF MAINSTREET PERRY, INC The National Main Street :Center was established by the iNational Trust for Historic ,Preservation,(NHTP) in 1980, and ,has forged a powerful nationwide Movement of more than 1,700 -volunteer-driven, comprehensive "commercial district revitalization -programs in cities large and small. IThe center provides on-site :technical assistance in ,neighborhood and downtown commercial revitalization to Ul Taco communities of all sizes. It also offers a certification program in professional downtown management, produces the Great American Main Street Awards, Operates the National Main Street Network, and serves as an advocate to both government and business for Main Street districts. Florida Main Street, which is administered by the Bureau of Historic Preservation, Division of Historical Resources of the Florida Department of State, is a technical assistance program available to traditional historic retail corridors designated as local Main Streets. The bureau conducts statewide programs aimed at identifying, evaluating, and-, preserving Florida's historic resources. Main Street, with its emphasis on preservation, is an effective strategy in achieving these goals in Florida's historic retail districts. Since 1985, the state has invested *Vrues Wednesday, June 15, 2005 123 S. Jefferson Street P.O. Box 888 Perry, Florida (850) 584-5513 DONALD D. LINCOLN SUSAN H. LINCOLN Publisher Managing Editor DEBBIE CARLTON BETH MANN Business Manager Advertising Director ANGELA M. CASTELUCCI CAROLYN DuBOSE Staff Writer Promotional Advertising CHARLES R. SADLER CAROL BROOKS Staff Writer Promotional Advertising MARK VIOLA MELISSA FARRILL Staff Writer Classified Advertising The Taco Times (ISSN 07470967) is published each Wednesday by Perry News- papers, Inc., 123 S. Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347. Subscriptions are $35.00 per year or $49.00 out of county. Periodicals postage aid at Perr, Florida S??348. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the TACO TIMES, P.O. Box 888, Perry, FL 32348. SThe Taco Times welcomes Letters to the Editor reflecting responsible opinions and views on the news. Please submit letters by Monday at 5 p.m. The Taco Times reserves the right to refuse publication of letters which are libelous or irre- sponsible. Name may be withheld if circumstances so require, but all letters sub- mitted should be signed by the writer and accompaniedby a phone number for verification. We look forward to hearing from you! Our address is Perry, Newspapers. Inc, PO. Box 888, Perry, Florida 32348. e-mail: perrynews@perry.gulfnet.com Member Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. ..... ' over $4 million in state funds to more than 90 participating communities, yielding a total public/private investment of more than $1 billion, 3,000 new businesses and more than 10,000 new jobs. MainStreet Perry, Inc., is a non- profit advocacy and action association 'dedicated to the Sre italization of the heart of Perry. 'Funding for the goals of MnainStreet Perry is provided by local and :state governments, businesses, memberships. and the voluntary contributions of individuals. MainStreet Perry seeks to preserve the community's heritage by restoring its historic .and traditional downtown to a working and profitable economic center, strives to represent local interests by/ coordinating the efforts of others, supports efforts to improve aesthetics of the environment from storefronts to parks, strives to preserve the community heritage through both historic preservation and economic restoration, and recruits a mixed balance of new businesses and assists those businesses by attracting customers to. the downtown. WHY ARE MAIN STREETS IMPORTANT? As we move into summer 2005, we are gearing up for our first major project--the rehabilitation of Rosehead Station, the former train depot on the southern perimeter of the downtown area. Eventually, we,hope to house offices, a local history gallery and a visitor's center within the structure. With this effort, we anticipate 'the ignition of revitalization and preservation efforts throughout Perry. But community involvement is key to success. To realize such an accomplishment, we need to foster sincere community interest and commitment. And that's why we need you! So join Main Street Perry today. Help re-invigorate your community and preserve its heritage for generations to come. Erika Hatt, a graduate student at the University of Florida, is interning with the City of Perry's .Department of Planning & Zoning. Editorial -E b Icu' vprC o Midweek Muddle i Let's ask somebody .. By SUSAN H. LINCOLN It was with great joy that we met the "Thank you," I said to the young man, Grandmother and the Aunt on the banks of and then in a tone which resembled an the Chattahoochee River in Eufaula, Ala., order, I added, "We've got it under control for a wet family reunion in a series of wet and you can go along now." He watched family reunions. .me, watch4ifim fgo.a,good half-mile,until I, "We really should contact some drought- determined the distance to be stricken area in the United States and see comfortable. if they'd like for .us to have a family "Don't just ask anybody anything," I said reunion there," said the Cousin as she to the Grandmother. struggled to remove deviled eggs and "Well, I thought he worked here," she luggage from her car. said, and then in the next breath, "Let's gi, I was pulling the Aunt's suitcase, while get lunch." holding my umbrella, when I noticed a We piled into the car which had young man approaching from the distance. previously carried ice chests and picnic I had already done a closer survey of the food, and headed to a barbecue restaurant .hotel grounds and observed an entourage which had been recommended by other of passers-by who were not affiliated with family members. the establishment. "It's on the way to the state park," the "Let me help you with that," said a young 'Cousin said confidently as the windshield man, coming down the sidewalk. wipers kept time. He didn't know that. I had been to New "Let's ask somebody," said Aunt No. 2. York recently and was, therefore, a savvy "Oh God," said I. traveler. "It can't be much further," said the "I can manage it myself," said I, for I Cousin. realized it would be quite easy for him to "Pull over and let me ask somebody," roll that suitcase for a couple of miles said her mother. before I finally caught up with him on foot, A brawl was about to ensue, when the but I-would have caught up with him on Cousin relented as we have learned to do foot because it was the Aunt's suitcase, (only on occasions) in our middle-age and I'd rather die trying to save it than years. She forcefully veered the car into a meet defeat. parking lot and said to her mother, "Ask As family traits become clearer with age, somebody." it occurred to me that this kind of We were next to a truck holding three stubbornness runs wide and large in my passengers. Its windows were rolled up, family. In most cases, it has served us but Aunt No. 2 had lowered hers to ask the well. Surely one day, it will kill us. As my question. thoughts rambled, I also observed that the The truck's passengers looked .at us and Grandmother would rather ask somebody found us as suspicious as I found the else a question than find the answer young man wanting to help with the herself. And I note this with due respect suitcase. and a certain amount of admiration. So they didn't roll down the windows. I had a death grip on the Aunt's suitcase What they didn't know is that if they had when the young man asked, "Well, if you not complied, she would have hurled won't let me take that suitcase for you, herself on the truck hood. Not to be could you loan me a little money?' denied, she made a rolling motion with her I am always conscious. of my hand, indicating their responsibility to roll surroundings and had already determined down the windows and talk to us. my trmbrella and my car keys to be my Carefully, the passenger on the far right best weapons. If he came one step closer did so. Only halfway, though, and to me or the Aunt's suitcase, when he probably while telling the driver to be regained consciousness, he was going to ready to "gun it." remember this family reunion, and not for "Let'me ask you something," she said. the rain. "Can you tell us how to get to L.A.'s "I'm afraid I cannot," I said, trying to be Barbecue?" firm but polite. A look of relief crossed over his face. As I struggled with luggage and this We hadn't killed him. Oh joy. stranger, my mother--in the distance-- We found the restaurant and were shouts at him, "Let me ask you something; seated. can you tell me where Room 131 is?" "I wanted French fries," said Aunt No. 2. From behind him, I shook my head at her Her daughter and I looked furiously, thinking how uncomfortable it sympathetically in her direction and said was that he now knew which room we plainly, "I don't see that on the menu. were staying in. "Let's ask somebody," she said, and we I just shoved right past him and shouted all just rolled our eyes as the 48 hours of back to the Grandmother, "He doesn't sheer psychology, antiques, rain, fried work here; I'm coming." chicken and cake took place under the "Oh," she said, then realizing that I was guise of a family reunion. double-timing on the sidewalk nearest the Did we have fun? car. Let's ask somebody. II I I II> L. V 3 0 I L. a- E E MMM V6 Austin Emfinger shows off his seafood handling skills at the 4-H "Wild for Water" Day Camp. Lan raL how at workshoD: B-3 The Taco Times June 15, 2005 Improve customer service. The Tailor Count Small All those who register before register after June 24 will be $30). Business Outreach Center will June 24 will receive a free Florida To learn more about this:.i host a Small Business Customer Business Disaster Survival Kit workshop or to pre-register, please Ser ice \Workshop \\ednesdav. CD., (The fee for those who call the chamber at 584-.5366. June 29, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Golden Corral Restaurant. Lunch is complimentary. "This workshop is for anyone, who takes customer service serious\ and \%ants to either impro% e theirs or learn more about how to maintain good customer serv.ice. Anyone \'ho owns a business -hould attend this event. Our-guest speaker i ll be Gayle Lee with Ga\le Lee & Associates. LLC." Director Dau n Ta Ior said Registration for this event ill cost $15 for chamber members and $25 for non-chamber members. TCMS ends year with a 'Hoot' Taylor County Middle School ended with the 2004-05 school year with a bang with the entire. student body reading the book "Hoot" -by Carl Hiaasen, a native of Florida and currently a resident in the Florida Keys. She also \. rites for the Miami Herald. SThe book as part of Gov. Jeb Bush's "Read Together Florida Project," which aims to have "all Florida students be able to read at or above grade level by the year 2012." Teachers said most TCMS students agreed that "Hoot" was a ; funny 'knd enjoyable, adventure book. Chrissy Ward, an 8th grade student, said, "It is an intriguing story that leaves you in suspense." Wild for Water Summer Day Camps are in full swing. Shown here are Christina Portwood, left, and Kaylee Denmark visiting the Gulf Specimen Marine Lab during the 4-H "Wild For Water" Day Camp. Supplies free! Clean up your neighborhood By DAWN TAYLOR Director Keep Taylor County Beautiful Liter and graffiti can lake its toll on a neighborhood and invite crime. but Keep Taylor County Beautiful (KTCB) has a solution. KTCB partners with community groups that would like to "spruce up" their neighborhoods. KTCB can pro ide all the supplies. including trash bags. disposable gloves and t-shirts to let everyone , know that oui''re helping' 6'ur community. All we ask in return is for the group coordinator o' report the number of volunteers who participated and the amount of S rash collected. Participating in a neighborhood clean-up helps instill a sense of community pride, sends a message to would-be offenders that crime will not bt tolerated and-reduces the risk of exposure to our local %% wildlife. The elimination of illegal dumpsites can also reduce the risk of mosquitoes. rodents and the threat of West Nile virus Research has shown that one (abandoned) tire can produce 10,000 mosquitoes, which help spread the disease. If you are.interested in learning more about getting involved with a community clean up, please call 584-5366. NEXTEL~ STRICTLY CET IULAR Call Ganr or Lidia 850-223-1900 hltmdJ! Frij3! 3.31`lam Iln~ll 5l:ICi Fm .lli16-.~ Sr?~rh Icftri~,n Srri~~ Perr,. Fi. ~~: i~~~cs .,.....;~,-;--~~-. ~~~ .~..-- '~~'~-~i~L~~:~ ,* ?.~ .... l.-i..~ ~ ~-.; ...-,.. .- ... .'J. s n.. ..lr i....~n. ..~.: r.-rr .r I .-r a;. i.l, i~N rr LJ c~t.;,'.~:~~ ~:;I~.;."' ~:' l:~Jr'.~~'~'~ ~~:.i ::'z::.,~:~~ : U ~~'''~''''" '' "-"j';"''' -":~"'" ,r. ~rr~~n~:;' -'-" ''-~':" r-.~"?'~~- .,~,,,;,,,;~~.~,~,, ,~~ ~,,..,,,...~,,., ': .r~~:~. ~r~.:;i :?,~:,:..w~.~i;:~, ;.. r.r~ I*I .-.~n r- II -.I-~-;? NEXTEL I STRCKLY .....I ..... I CELJLULAR Call Gary or Lidia 850-223-1900 NMondJa Frida- S % 31 am untl 5 00) pm .1306-A South Jctle rson Street. Perr, FL. I ... .. ;" '.:.'. ,' :' .';..- : '.: : :. . .'C T-,1I.....I.L'l~c'r . GetOver 30 Premium MOile channels and 2. 5 Premium SprtS Channels staZ HB c ne "lWTIME SPOlI PICK eta,4 Room System for FREE! Includes saellife dish, up to 4 standard receivers and standard installation. - *- *3 T: % + +-X -* S g SpIecial *GE TNER 140 DITAl UAITfI CHANNELS Including Top Local Channels FO. 'OIRS fONT H! : F,'k aJ ,fcw n&,,,li In PLU' qri, r rh O F04 'nrWds ,Iq t-S FOR FIRST 3 MONTHS! SAT E L LIT8 o EsTTV Serving alt of Florilda, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina and Tennessee. Locally Owned and Operated.Lceosed, Bonded, Insrurd Because of the Customer, We Exist! NS O MAYu B IUOB ICB I i TO CREWIT APP4OiA. A INDREQUIarOSA nL',SEH'CE ar.rOQ 'no '.5 SFCUIr VNrfl M OuN Oi W SE P00' AV ANENTr MAY B I ~nnW. '.E.' D- 1"C'.. I- pmIl I.,I.P ,rhn u .1'..'sn .o. sI* 7..MU I1 ln. ~-~ 1T11~ I . ... \% ... . .. * I At the Booking Desk Editor's note: It is the policy of this newspaper to run the names of all those arrested and booked at the Taylor County Jail. All those listed below have been charged with a crime, but are considered innocent until proven guilty. May 11: Donald Jarvis, 43, 831 Scott Road, possession of burglary tools, loitering/prowling, disorderly intoxication, Dep. Tucker, TCSO. Tasha Dione Driver, 25, 800 N. James Smith Road, VOP (possession of less than 20 grams cannabis, possession of drug paraphernalia), Ptl. Norris, PPD. John Kevin Smith, 48, Hwy. 27 West, DWLS/R (knowingly), Ptl. Norris, PPD. Billy Jack Gilliland, 31, 581 Bryant Russell Road, VOP (manufacturing a controlled substance, introducing contraband into county detention center), Dep. Davis, TCSO. Jana Wade Baumgardner, 20, Paige Street, uttering forgery, Dep. Hawkins, TCSO. Richard Talmadge Mathis, 41, P. O. Box 412, 6th Street, Steinhatchee, capias, (burglary of a dwelling), VOP (DWLS/R, Habituall, Dep. Davis, TCSO. Andrea Jabbar Green, sentenced to 270 days in county jail, DWLS (knowingly), careless driving, possession of less than 20 grams cannabis, Off. Bickel, FWC. May 12: Edward Shawn Oglesby, 22," 202 N. Young Blvd., Chiefland, bond revoked, Cpt. Johnson, TCSO. Anthony Joseph Strain, 27, 1206 1/2 N. Jefferson, possession of stolen property, DWLS/R (knowingly), Dep. Nowlin, TCSO. Michael William Henry, 35, Spees Harris Road, grand theft, cheating, warrant from Levy County for fraudulent checks,. PtL Gorby, PPD. James Spencer Brown, 48, 300 Nebraska Avenue, Tampa, DWLS, FTA for no valid drivers license, Trp. Smyrriios, FHP. Emanuel Angel Nunez, 33, 117 Mazelle, Houston, Texas, no valid drivers license, Dep. McKenzie, TCSO. Steve Garza, 106 Maril n Drive, Houston, Texas, DWLS, Dep. Lundy, TCSO. Tyrone David Miller, 33, 19 W. Walnut Street, disorderly intoxication, Ptl. Johns, PPD. May 13: Candace Nichole Morgan, 20, 1503 Woodard Street, possession of cocaine, possession of drug paraphernalia, Ptl. Franklin, PPD. May 14: Eric Harris, 20, Pate Street, possession of cocaine, Ptl. i:Deeson, PPD. Billy Ray. Agner, 21, West Fair Road, leaving the scene of a traffic crash, Ptl. Deeson, PPD. Jade Danielle Lilliott, .516 Morgan Whiddon Road, resisting without violence, possession of jHJH A alcohol by minor, Dep. Giacomucci, TCSO. Nakylia Keshie McCallister, 17, East Jane Avenue Apartments, aggravated battery, Ptl. Norris, PPD. Johnny Lawrence Walker, 47, East Grant Road, Mount Dora, VOP (DWLS, habitual offender), Sgt. Cruse, PPD. Robert David Hqndry, 22, 3590 Woodmore Lane, VOP (grand theft, burglary of a structure), Ptl. Cruse, PPD. Justin E. Sarsfield, 26, inmate, VOP (introduction of contraband into prison), St. Cruse., PPD. Daniel Williams Haynes, 24, San Leon Texas, VOP (assault with a deadly weapon), Dep. Thompson, TCSO. May 15: Kristina Nicole Holmes, 22, E. Elm Street, DUI, Sgt. Cruse, PPD. Joe Shawn Dykes, 34, Dice Road, attaching tag not assigned, no valid drivers license, Sgt. Cruse, PPD. John Dempsey Brooks, 46, 659 Blue Waters Court, Tallahassee, VOP (DWLS), Dep. Hawkins, TCSO. Sonya Caddell, 39, Puckett Road, unemployment fraud, DUI, Dep. Hawkins, TCSO. William Carl Merritt, 52, 5628 Pompano Place, domestic aggravated assault, Dep. Woods, TCSO. May 16: Michael Rossman, 33, 810 E. 9th Place,.Panama City, FTA for pretrial (no valid drivers license), VOP (no valid drivers license), Dep. Thompson, TCSO. Ixio Nunez, 31, 108 1/2 Magnolia Road, back for court, Dep. Hawkins, TCSO. Military actions Anthony B. Gillis Army National Guard Pvt. Anthony B. Gillis. has graduated from the. Light-Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic Advanced Individual Training (AIT) course at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Aberdeen, Md. The course is designed to train soldiers to perform unit maintenance and recovery operations on gasoline and diesel fueled light-wheeled vehicles, including prime movers designated as five-ton or less and their associated trailers and associated items. Soldiers were trained to perform maintenance and recovery operations on track and heavy-wheeled vehicles, and on material handling equipment; maintain power assisted brake systems, vehicle suspension systems, wheel/hub assemblies, mechanical steering systems, hydraulic power steering systems and crane/hoist/winch assemblies. The private is a 1990 graduate of Taylor County High School. * Diabetic foot care * Fore foot/rear foot surgery * Wound care * Trauma * Sports medicine '. . Ingrown Toenails *Heel Pain Dr. Paul Reynolds NowAccepting New Patients For appointments, call (850) 942-0096 Now seeing patients in Perry on Tuesday and Thursdays 1211 N. Center St. SAdjacent to Dr. Tulio Sulbaran (formerly Dr. Diane Haisten's office) BIG BEND HOSPICE Support For Life's Journey When someone you love is diagnosed with a life- limiting illness, let Big Bend Hospice helpyou through the physical, emotional and S spiritual journeys you will face. 1723 Mahan Center Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32308 (850) 878-5310 www.bigbendhospice.org Women's Health Centers of North 31orida, P./. Dr. Anthony Perrin Board-Cerified OBIGYN Obstetrics & Gvnecology Services Prenatal Care S \ginal Deliveries j C-Sections SBilateralTubal Ligation SPap Smears Y Colposcopy S. Laparoscopic GYN Surgeries Monday Friday 8:00 a.m 5:00 p.m. For an appointment, call (850) 223-1744 Licensed Contractor Construction Design Site Development John Gentry Professional Engineer Sandra Bolton Office Manager I Need Contact Lenses? Order on the web at: Accenteyecarecenter. cor or call 584-2200 Pressure Cleaning Dr. Michael Walby Optometric Physician CONTACT LENSES kpiI Sidewalks Driveways Roofs Gutters Commercial Residentia/ (8501838-1546 (850) 843-0364 (cell) Gerald Murphy, owner Residential -Comlomercial,, w (FREE. ESTIMATES) Gus and Manuel Smyrnios 850-223- 1 402 850-223-3 595 I I U Lauri Bundrick Designer Robert Harper Designer "Civil & Environmental Engineers" 114-B W. Green St. (850) 584-4408 Mon. Fri. 9:00 am. 5:00 p.m. I !. I I.,E I Roofing & Roof Repairs Additions New Construction Gutters Remodeling ,General Maintenance Big B Contractors (850) 878-8758 Tallahassee En Hr L & (850) 528-4975 cell (local) Lic. #CBC059087 CCC057922 | R.W. MEISSNER & ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING SERVICES BUILDING PLANS RENOVATIONS HOMES COMMERCIAL PERMITS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SUWANNEE RIVER WMD SITE DEVELOPMENT PARKING LOTS 216 W. MAIN STREET PERRY, FLORIDA 32347 PHONE # 850-584-3887 E-MAIL: rwmi@gtcom.net p _______________________________________a-- A Hearing Aids . * Expert:Fitting SHighest Quality SAll Makes & Models In Perry' " Monday to Friday Dr. Jeffrey D. Russell Audiologist Hamdan ENT Center, CALL 584-8123 The Jack Porch S Unique home Decorations Antiques 3306 jfwy. 19 S. Visit us ofinle nt www.iybaclk. yorcC.ir C FRITH ABSTRACT & TITLE CO, Owners & Mortgage Title Insurance Policies Title Searches Real Estate Closings 501 N. Byron Butler Pkwy. 850-584-2672 Perry, Fl. Smyrnios Paintng MERCIAL 1) waft, TI 6\,J C 0 In one year 265,000 copies of these ads will be delivered evety week to your customers... --- I 1 ILI JL J A i~ o %.owFA A A A%-7 Y HEALER-* READER *ADVISORI~Ulrll All who are nsuccessfulunlucky, disatisfied, le the woman wo knows hel yo. h rmve ei ifuece f7Ulbn o wf i nfitflse e now.Shesetleslovrs'quarel, hlps ou aintffM rwr&affctin o th oneyo lve& hos ou hewa t hppnes.ShenaesfrU9M neie and tells you if friends ae true or false. She locats lost and stolen property She oes ot caim o beGod.She s jut a ervat ofthe ord ho ws brugh I 5chool'5 O~d4 B-5 The Taco T timess June 15, 2005 can offer hours of 4-AL Sha170 ~reU th1eseacivt ies wit~Yh yourL.E y~oungster... Locate the mast head of your newspaper.... Who is the publisher? How often is the newspaper published? I What is the email address? Who would you call if a flying saucer landed in your i backyard? I i How muchs-i. suObsoription to the newspaper? Which section of the newspaper has the results from your local high school baseball game? If you could buy your mom a car for her birthday, which one would you choose and how much money will you need? Imagine you are looking for a job. Which job would you apply for? Which page of the paper would you find Vacation i Bible school listings? What is your favorite part of the newspaper? I - - - - Taco Times I Full Year $35 In County 849 Out of County " ' -- ---- ---------*---*---"-*--- "- n-- : 8KG- short news articles and challenge your child to come up with headlines for them. Or read headlines and ask him to predict what the stories will be about. Set a timer for five minutes. See how many different examples of M IW BUJ V your youngster can find in one section of the paper. i Examples: time, temperatures, percentages, , I I money. Turn to the sports pages to brush up on I OCAM @JAA R. Ask your youngster to find words that she could substitute for the I I word "won." Examples: defeated, toppled, outscored, upset. I Have your child W/REJIma make-believe news story about a book character. Example: Describe how Goldilocks broke into the Three Bears' house. I I & Perry News-Herald r----------- ------ ---* ' I NAME I I ADDRESS I Mail to SPerry .Newspapers, Inc. CITY l P.O. Box 888 STATE ZIP Perry, IL 32348 - . i N. .. .1 .., 1, 5chool5's Out... Bu Reading's Not, rI B-6 The Taco Times June 15, 2005 Small ds...big deals!! Mutli-Family Yard Sale, Friday, 8-12, clothes, desk, bathtub, juicer, crockpot, collectibles, antiques (sewing machine, Cushman smoking stand, bottles), mason jars, CB, boat seats, wood boxes/lids, fireplace insert, wood stove, much more, 1272 Langford Lane-(lst road past San Pedro Rd. sharp curve), Rain or Shine. 6/15,6/17 Moving Sale, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 2 1/2 miles North of Old Highway Patrol Station, Across from Boyd Road, furniture, clothes, truck, chip vans, etc. Rain or Shine. 6/15 The Biggest Yard Sale Ever! Fri & Sat, 7 am-until. Whatever you need we have...Furniture, Jewelry, Clothing (Plus, Big&Tall, Baby, Boys & Girls), Rugs, Chair:....Come one, come all, 2150 Golf Course Rd., off Hwy 98. Rain or Shine. 6/15,6/17 Batting Cage, 55' long, pitching machine, pitches rubber bells, buyer takes down, $900, Tommy or Debbie Hall 584-7537 or 838-5656 6/15, 6/17 An A.R.E Truck Topper, $275, also, equipment & horse/stock trailers, new & used, 850-948-4869. 6/15 Garage equipment, to much to list, also, computer with real time labor guide, call for, list, 850-948-4869. 6/15 Antique 54", tiger oak pedestal table with two 10" leaves, $1200, also, six matching ornate spindle back antique chairs, $1200, 584-2063 6/8-6/17 Appliance Service and Sales We have washer, dryers, stoves, refrigerators, window AC units, wringer. washer, freezers, in stock now $100 and . up..Get the most out of your window AC this summer by letting us chemically ,clean your AC, 1302 N. Jefferson, 584- 7773, Hydraulic Liftgate for sale, $800. 6/8-6/17 ,HP Computer, like new, has complete "'features; plus package includes disk, books PC for Dummies & Internet' for Dummies. 3/4 Sofa bed, wing back chair ( brown tweed). Call 584-4493. 6/3-6/15 - Valentine Produce S Fresh picked-Blanched-Flash Frozen- zippers, butter beans, black eyes, white acres, ford hooks, cream corn, okra and green beans, will deliver to Perry on SSaturdays. 352-498-2580 or 352-578-4256. 5/25-6/17 New leather sbfa and loveseat, $750, can deliver, 850-222-2113. 6/3tf SCome in Southern Oaks and see our, new line of Florida Jewel&y. 584-3221. S5/13-5/20 NASCAR. SCollector's Cars For Sale,.Various Drivers Available Including Earnhart'Sr. and Jr., Jeff Gordon, Mark Martin, Rusty Wallace, Bobby,Labonte and SMany Morell ' Interested .buyers can' call 584-5086, SMonday-Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p;m. S6/10, 6/15 Cl I Emma S Relocating from Tallahassee are. 'lootling for 3 bedroom houie or Mobile Home, must allow yard dogs, must be clean, please call, (850)672-9135. 5/27-6/29000 Handyman Special, 3 BR 1 tath, 3/4 Complete, new woodwork, on city lot near Nursing Home. Asking $15,000. Job out of Stown,,must sell. 386-329-8485, leave Message. S 5/18,78 'For Sale, s/wide.moble home 3 bedroom S 1 bath, completely remodeled e:celerin condition, leave msg. at 850.-23-1714 S6/1-6/17 SLand for sale, 221 between Shiloh Church Rd; and Cairo Parker Rd. 1 acre lots with paved roads. Owner financing available. Please call (386) 658-1346 or (850) r84. j 7466, Badcock's. tfEF SWanted, 10-20 acres, must be buildable for a residence, please call 941.628-4632, Sask for Richard. 6/8-6/29 HMS&OTOI REAL ESTATErr~~ Pre-construction luxury townhouses. 1,400. sq. t. 584-4678. 5/13-6/29 0I ~ I P c $18,000 Built in 1950s 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bath All Pine Wood Floors .New Central H/A Some Appliances House moved at buyer's expense. Call for appt. 584-5454 For Sale 4 acres, $16,00b, 3 acres, $12,000, end of Johnson Stripling Road, call 584-5898. 6/8-6/24 1999 Homes of Merit, 3 BR/2 Bath, living. room, family room w/ fireplace, located on 1.3 acres with large shady oak trees, two car carport, front porch, three sheds (one boat), call 850-584-4116. 5/25, 6/29 2 & 3 Bedroom Homes 4-Sale, owner fin. - in city limits, M-F, 9 A.M.-5 P.M, only, 584- 3221.. 5/13-5/20 For Lease, Keaton Beach, 3b/2b on Canal, floating dock, argue sireenred in area. fish clearing siallon N..o Sub Leases- 229-56I. 1475. 6/1-6/29 3/2 BA, Block home on 1 acre, completely fenced w/separated block shed for utilities, located,outside city limits, $48,500, 850- 584-8904. 4/15,4/17 5 bedroom, 3 bath, L'/,'i;:d mobile home, fii piar",, garden tub, excellent condition, leave message at 223-1714. 6/8-6/17 For Sale 2 Mobile Homes, great for storage-one reinforced floor for forklift, $500 each, 9-5, M-F only, 584-3221 5/13-5/20 96 Clayton 16x80,immaculate, 3 BR/2 BA, new blinds, W/D &kitchen floor, juiyiy shed included you move, $28,000, 850- 656-5709. 6/10-7/6 For rent! Office space available at 800 West Ash Street, slae ol Taylor Cdunty Senior Services. 'Call 584-4924 for inlormaiorn 6/15 itSS 3/1 house, $350 mo.; $300 dep., 602 W. Bacon St., 584-4678. 6,'10-7/1 ', ". ' Southern Villas of Perrv! N.-r v ManaqiTmenl" HUD Vouchers 'accepted. 10 and 2 bedroom HC and non-HC 3 cessiib apairtmenir C.all 850-.84-81 I1 TODTT i 711. 315 Puckett.Rd. Perry, FL 32347 Equal Housing Opportunity. tfSV Woodridge Apartments!! Looking for applicants! Apply now for 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Equal Housing Opporluniry Call 850-584-5668. 709 W. Church SI, Perry, FL 32347. TDD/TTY 711. tfWA O is,. -- 1991 Bayliner, 17.5.ft, 1/O, 135 hp., mercruiser, exc. condition, new bilge, runs great, trailer inc., $4000, call for more info, 850584E27'9 o '50 5.98-0506 . 6/10, 6/22 . 2005 Kids.50 cc 4 wheeler new with warranty, $800,o b o 223-1952 . 6/15 Travel trailer; 2000 24' Prowler. queen bed, sleeps 6, lull klicnen!barh, dueled hell/air, couch dinette lors of storage, plus weiqnh disiribulion hilch $8500/o.b o/Trade, 584-7003 6/15, 617 2002 Yan Mar, 1500D, 4WD tractor, model SIrondog with 4' razor mower, $5000 o.b.o.,. call (850) 223-2956 or cell 1954) 298-0595 S 610. 6/ . 1999 .Pathfinder 19' Bay Boat w/trolling motor, Bimini top, CD Player & Trim Tabs. 1999 130 hp Yamaha, $14,500, 850-672- S0403, leave message. 1991 Bayliner, 17.5 ft, I/O, 1'35 hp , mercruiser, exc. condition; new bilge, runs great, trailer inc., $4000, call for more info, 850-584-2779 or 850-598-0506. 6/10, 6/15 -T[BLS [ I 2002 Buick Rendezvous. A very comfortable, attractive vehicle, gets good gas mileage (about 26 on highways). Garaged and vMell cared for. Fully equipped with auto, GD, power seat, a/c, V-6 engine, ps, pb, leather/cloth seats, third row seats/7-passenger, alloy wheels, traction control, etc. Only 41,700 miles. Average NADA retail is $16,025. Priced at $13,700. Call 584-7883. 5/13tfSD 1991 Cadillac Sedan de Ville, 4 dr, fully loaded, garage kept, exc, condition, $5000 firm, 584-3212. 6/15-6/24 Good dependable transportation starting at $500.00 & up, 850-948-4869. 6/15 For Sale or Trade, 1996 Chrysler LHS, very good condition, $5000, 584-2268 or 843-0606. 6/15-6/24RW 99 Honda Civic LX, 77K miles, automatic, 'four door, cruise control, power steering, power windows, power locks, -keyless entry, .am/fm stereo, .cd player, tinted windows, 4 new tires, 850-584-3378, leave message if no answer, asking $6,500: S6/15,6/17 ; .--ii^ir11^!" Young Ringneck Pheasants and 8 week old Cornish Rock Chickens, call 1-850- 223-2307, leave message if no answer. 6/15,6/17 For sale, White Poodle, 5 mo, old, for more info., call 584-3380. 6/15-7/8 15.1 1/2 hands Percheron/quarterhorse' gelding, bay. 3 years old. Shots and worming up to date, good with farrier, Was broke English, but we have been using him Western on trails this past year. Very stocky and can carry a large person.- Not po:,,: bul is somewhat still green at 3 veir : :.dI.j e has been a great trail horse, but we have to thin the herd. Located in Dowling Park--$1,200 firm. Call 386-362- 1954 or 386-688-4954. Leave message: We will return your call. -I $ 10 Reward for Sl,:,ri .In:.,nsJuri hp .Outboard Motor, Stolen From North Orange' Street Apartments, Call Drew Taylor @ 843.:26 3. , F6/ 10.6/29 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT S- - Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Next Class: June 20th National Certification Financial Assistance Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Traning Services www.atsn-schools.com I 'g Lost: Kodak digital camera with case in area of Foley Cut-Off Road and Highway 30. Call 584-9300. REWARD OFFERED. Lost male Siamese cat, answer to Emo, lost in the White Tail Drive in Deerwood Estates,' call Greta @ 850-578-2943. 6/3-6/15 Equipment Operator, dozier, backhoe, etc, knowledge of underground utilities, site work. Drug Free Workplace. Pay based on experience. Valid DL preferred. Call 850- 584-6540. 6/15-6/24 Machine Operator/Line Technician (Night Shift) SMaking adjustments as needed to ensure assembly machine is running properly, experience preferred. Production Supervisor (Night Shift) Experience Required, One Stop Career Center.For Applications or Call Dawn Couey @ (850) 838-2250 x100. . 6/10,6/15 APALACHEE CENTER A Behavioral Health Care Center is currently seeking: ADULT CASE MANAGER #2156 AVAILABLE REGULAR STATUS (40 HOURS' PER WEEK) OR TEMPORARY OPS STATUS (20-40'HOURS PER WEEK). REQUIRES MINIMUM OF A BACHELOR'S DEGREE WITH A MAJOR IN COUNSELING, SOCIAL WORK, PSYCHOLOGY, CRIMINAL JUSTICE, NURSING, REHABILITATION, SPECIAL EDUCATION, HEALTH EDUCATION, OR A RELATED HUMAN SERVICES FIELD; OR A BACHELOR'S DEGREE + 2 YEARS FULL TIME OR EQUIVALENT EXPERIENCE WORKING WITH ADULTS EXPERIENCING SERIOUS -MENTAL ILLNESS. VALID DRIVER'S LICENSE REQUIRED. REGULAR STATUS RATE $10.75 PER HOUR/EXCELLENT BENEFITS OR TEMPORARY OPS STATUS RATE $12.92 PER HOUR/NO BENEFITS. For more information and a complete listing of available positions: www.apalacheecenter.org (850)523:3217 or 1(800)226-2931 yurnlan Resources, 2634-. Capilai C;rcle N.E., Tallahassee, FL Pre-Hire Drug Screen & FDLE background check. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative ,Actiop Employer. Drug-Free Workplace. 6/15, 6/17AC Avon Always Hiring! Reps Needed in your area, 50% commission. Contact Terri at 584-8463 or 843-1285. 4/13tfTC Part-time clerk positions available at Sea Hag Marina. Appo.r, hour 25-35: Must be ',-,,: rdIlj c, hr:,,n li and punctual. Please apply in person at 322 Riverside Drive, Steinhatchee, Florida. 3/30tfSH . Over 55 and unemployed? Interested in working in the healthcare field? If you qualify, Experience. Works has paid CNA training arid job opportunities funded by grants from SBA. Call Georgia at 850-973-9922 A national nonprofit organization. EEO/AA "These U.S. Small Business Adminis- tration (SBA) Grant Awards, #SBAHQ- 02-1-0034 and #SBAHQ-03-1-0058, arefitnded by the SBA. SBA'sfunding, is not an endorsement of any products, opinions or services. All SBA funded programs are extended to the public on a non discriminatory basis." Position vacancies under Taylor County Board of County Commissioners: Park Attendant temporary (April Sept.) Part time (days and hour vary) max: 30 hrs/wk. $6.56 hr. Summer Library Reading Assistant - temporary/part time,'$6.18 per hour. Engineer- $36,504- $41,080 EOE/Drug Free Workplace. Position requirements and specifications available at Taylor One Stop Career Center, 224 N. Jefferson Street, Perry, FL. 32347 or www.tcfl-libinfo.com Submit applications to Taylor One Stop Career Center. Positions open until filled. 5/4tfBOCC Florida Department of Transportation has a vacancy in Taylor County: Position Number: 55004468 Broad Band Title: Hirghway Maintenance Workers-Level 1 Working Title: Highway Maintenance Technician Closing Date: June 23, 2005 For more information concerning job description and requirements and to apply online go to: https://peoplefirst.myflorida.com/logon.htm or call 1-877-562-7287. The Department of Transportation is an Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action and Drug Free Workplace employer. 6/15-6/22FDT DIRECTOR OF NURSING For Madison Nursing Center 60 bed SNF in Madison, FL. Current DON relocating. Excellent salary/benefits for exp. RN with proven leadership skill, Call (850) 973-4880 Fax (850) 973-2667 ATTN: Administrator 6/8, 6/17 The City of Perry is taking .applications for the following'position: STRUCK DRIVER/LABORER (Street Division) Req: Must have valid Florida Drivers License and be able to obtain a ' CDL within 6 months after employment. Salary: $8.12 $11..47 hourly Applications are available at the City of Perry Personnel Office and will be accepted until the position is filled. CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office 224 S. Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347 (850) 584-7161. DRUG FREE WORKPLACE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER GULF COAST, ,a- METAL 3' Wide ROOFING, Galvalume 3' Wide Full line of accessories in stock Painted Special Flashings Made All Types Warranted Metal Available Cut to your desired lengths 'Delivery Service Available SCall Toll-Free 888-393-0335 352-498-0778 Horseshoe Beach, Fl. RN SUPERVISOR NEEDEDm Monday Frida 1,000 Sign On Bonus PRITCHETT TRUCKING ,NEEDS EXPERIENCED CLASS A DRIVERS IN YOUR AREA FOR LOCAL HAULING. GOOD PAY AND BENEFITS CALL 1-800-486-7504 FT Carpenter Advent Christian Village 658-JOBS(5627) FT carpenter. High school diploma or equivalent desired. Experience with residential/industrial siding installation required. Competitive benefits includes health, dental, life, disability, savings, AFLAC supplemental policies, access to onsite daycare and fitness facilities. EOE; Drug Free Workplace, Criminal background checks required. Apply in person at ACV Personnel Department, Mon thru Fri, 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., Carter Village Hall; 10680 CR 136, Dowling Park, FL: fax resume to (386)658- 5160; or visit www.ACVillage.net. 6/15-6/24ACV Machine Operator/Line Technician (Night Shift) Making adjustments as needed to ensure assembly machine is running properly, experience preferred. Production Supervisor (Night Shift) Experience Required One Stop Career Center For Applications or Call Dawn Covey @ (850) 838-2250 x100. 6/10, 6/15 Accolades Hair & Nail Salon, Opening June 30 has hairstylist position.available. Convenient downtown location, flexible hours, friendly environment, call 584-3375 for more information. 6/10-6/24 Boat Mechanic needed. Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.- p.m. Starting salary $500 weekly. Must have experience working on motors- & boat rigging. References required. Apply: in person at 322 Riverside Drive, Steinhatchee, Florida. 4/27ff The City of Perry is accepting ,resumes for the following position: FINANCE DIRECTOR The City of Perry is seeking an individual to fill the position of finance director with a degree in business administration, accounting, finance or related field; and experience in all phases of financial management. Governmental accounting experience and personal computer skills desirable. Salary Range: $37;190.40- $50,016.95 annually with excellent benefit package. Send resume to: CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office 224 S. Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347 (850) 584-7161. DRUG FREE WORKPLACE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER MOBILE HOMES 11 Iu ai B-7 The Taco Times June 15, 2005 I Secretary Position This is a full-time or part-time position. Responsibilities include answering multi- line phone, filing, sending correspondence, keeping accurate records for the office and being responsible for dealing with' walk-in customers. This person must be computer literate, work well with others, organized, able to work in a high-stress situation and be multi- tasked. Must be proficient in the following 'computer software: Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher and Microsoft Outlook. Salary is negotiable. Benefits include sick pay, vacation time and holiday pay. Please sehd resume and references to Secretary Position, P.O: Box 892, Perry, FL 32348. 5/13tfCH Experienced plumbers needed. Must have a driver's license. Call 584-8603. 3/4tfHS First Presbyterian Church of Perry is seeking a parttime choir director who sees music as ministry. Pay commensurate with experience. Send resumes to First. Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box 837, Perry, FL 32348. Attn: Music Ministry. No phone calls please. 5/6tf Advent Christian Village Current JOBS Line Advertisement call 658-5627 or visit www.acvillage.net 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week CNA/LPN Got a Passion for Compassion? Direct care staff in long-term care setting. FT and PT positions and various shifts available. Florida certification (CNA) or license(LPN) required. FT positions include health, dental, life, disability, supplemental insurance; 403b retirement account; paid time.off, access to onsite. daycare and fitness facilities. Apply in person at Personnel Office Monday through Friday from 9:00, a.m until 4:00 p.m., or fax resume/credentials to. (386) 658-5160. EOE/Drug-Free Workplace/ Criminal background checks required. 6/8,6/17 'pC~I Want to buy lumber or logs, reasonable priced, cedar, cherry, heart cypress, pecky cypress, etc., call 850-584-4374, ask for Bo. 6/.15-7/29 All types of remodeling, docks, decks, windows, door framing, add on additions, p rches, screen enclosures, painting interior & exterior, now that Hurricane Season has arrived. Should you experience Storm damage, I will work with your insurance company; 18 yrs. exp., licensed & insured. Free Estimate, call 850-223-1780. or'o 843:194 1,- leave. Message. Commercial & Residential. 6/15tfCS Southern Siding & Remodeling, LLC. Vinyl siding & soffit, wood rot, fascia, decks, aluminum screen' rooms, windows, porches and more. Jay Swindle (850)843-1731 Licensed &Insured 6/10-7/29 Circle "T" Specializirlg in all types of tractor work. bushihogging rool raking, harrowing, dirt hauling & leveling, debris removal, clean up, and lawn care. Call for free estimate, 584-2806. 6/i -6/29 Unlimited Truck Service, Inc. 3995 Charles Sadler Lane Perry, FL 32347 24 HR SERVICE TRUCK 850-672-0920(cell) Bobby Rucker 850-223-2579 (off.) Owner/Operator Master Mechanic & Mechanical Fabricator FOR Heavy Duty Haulors, Heavy Duty Equipment Over 25 yrs of Experience and Technology 6/8-6/29 PRESSURE WASHING Houses, decks, walk ways, just about anything, call Johniat 223-1273 for quotes on any job. 6/8-6/29 TREE CAPITAL CLEANING 584-CLEAN (2532) Father & Son.to do light and heavy yard work. We also do trim work. Call Rodney Watts, 584-8324. 5/13-6/29 Lindsey Tractor Service Lawn Service, bush hogging, land clearing, drive ways, tree trimming, hauling, food plots, debree removal, etc... Call 850-584-5193 or 850-838-4818 4/27tf A-2-Z Farm and Lawn Services Harrowing, bush hog mowing, dirt leveling, rake work and complete lawn services. Call 584-6737, leave message. *4/1tfAZ J.D,'s Tree Service and Lawn Care. Licensed and insured. Free estimates. We also grind stumps. Cal today 838-1280. Firewood for sale. tfJD Clowns Clowns "Miles of Smiles Clowns", Balloons, Magic, Face Painting, Dancing & Fun For All Ages. Available for Special Events and Kids Birthday Parties. 578- 2582. S5/20-6/15 TREE REMOVAL& STUMP GRINDING Lowest Rates Around. Free estimates, Licensed & Insured. Call John at 584- 2027. No job'to big or to small. -5/20-6/29 CARPET'& VINYL r n,.Illatijo .3 ryp l,.y d',,r 3at A. :'od nrc ro l. ,i e nrhea, Uir:ecI sat ings to you 30 .years experience. 850-838-9050, please leave a message. 11/3tfBR The Handyman experts, honest workI Affordable, professional, licensed and insured. Specializing in house painting, interior, etc., mobile home repairs, home maintenance, pressuYe washing (wood and concrete) carpet; vinyl, wood floor, ceramic tile, and repairs. Call 584-2270 (home) or 584-3776 (office). 25 years. tfJM I Subscribe today! 584-5513 Every Friday, 6:30 p.m., 3 miles South of Perry on Hwy 19, next to Crews Marine, Friday June 10th, Meat & Groceries and General Merchandise, June 17th, Department Store Returns. Auction in Cross City, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays and Every Saturday, 6:00 p.m. Third Generation Auction Service, 352-356- 0721, Col. Robert Kellow, AB#2424, AU#2548. 6/8-6/17 TAYLOR COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The Taylor County Board of County Commissioners is soliciting sealed proposals for. EIGHT (8) PORTABLE TOILETS, WITH SERVICE, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR. Qualified firms or individuals desired to provide the required services must submit their proposal package In an envelope or similar package marked "Sealed Proposals for "EIGHT (8) PORTABLE TOILETS WITH SERVICE, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR" to the Clerk of Court, 1st Floor Courthouse, 108 North Jefferson Street or P.O. Box 620, Perry, Florida 32348, to arrive no later than 2:00 P.M., local time, on Tuesday, July 5, 2005. All proposals MUST have the respondent's name and mailing address clearly shown on the outside of the envelope or package when submitted. Proposals will be opened anc( respondent's announced at 6:10 P.M., local time or as soon thereafter as practical, on Tuesday, July 5, 2005 in the Stelnhatchee Community Center, Steinhatchee, Florida. Proposal Information MUST be obtained from the Clerk of Court, 1st Floor Courthouse, 108 North Jefferson St., or P.O. Box 620, Perry, Florida 32348. (850). 838-3506 The County reserves the right, in Its sole and absolute discretion, to reject any or all proposals, to cancel or withdraw this solicitation at any time, and to waive any irregularities in the proposal process. The County reserves the right to award any contracts) to the respondent which it deems to offer the best overall service; therefore, the County is not bound to award any contracts) based on the lowest quoted price. The County, In its sole and .absolute discretion, also reserves the right to waive minor defects in the proposal process and to accept the proposal deemed to be in the County's best interest. The County, in its sole and absolute discretion, also reserves the right to assign a local 'business preference in an amount of flve(5) percent of the proposal price pursuant to Taylor County Ordinance No. 2003-12. No faxed proposals will be accepted. For additional Information contact: John Singer, Director Taylor County Environmental Services 3750 W.-Highway 98 Perry, Florida 32348 (850) 838,3533 BY.ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Taylor County, Florida. 6/15, 6/22 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL'CIRCUIT, IN, Ai ID fF rAYLOR COUNTY, FL JUVENILE DIVISION CASE NO.: 04-27-DP IN THE INTEREST OF: S.S. 4/21/1998 MINOR CHILD NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Unknown father LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: unknown MOTHER OF CHILD: Sue Ann Thomas Stephens YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a petition under oath, has been filed in the above- styled court for the termination of parental rights and the permanent commitment of S.S., a female child born on 4/21/1998 in Alachua County, Florida to the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, Adoption and Related Services a licensed child placing agency, for subsequent adoption and you are hereby to be ,and appear in the above court at the Taylor County Courthouse, Perry, Florida 32347 on Monday, July 18th, 2005 at 9:00 A.M., for a Termination of Parental Rights . Advisory Hearing and to show cause why said petition should not be granted. You must appear on the date and'time ;C.e.iied F-ILUI'rE 10 PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THE ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES YOUR CONSENT TO-THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE PETITION. WITNESS my hand and official seal as the Judge of said court this 3rd day of June, 2005. 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, 6/29 Notice of Public Hearing Hearing Date: June 21, 2005 Subject of Hearing: Workers' Compensation -Return to Work Policy. THE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF TAYLOT COUNTY WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ABOVE DATE FOR APPROVAL OF SAID SUBJECT ITEM. THIS HEARING WILL BE HELD AT THE SCHOOL BOARD MEETING. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS/CONCERNS. THE PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD AT THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLEX, SCHOOL BOARD MEETING ROOM, 318 North Clark Street. A copy of this policy may be obtained from the Superintendent's Office. Oscar M. Howard Jr. Superintendent of Schools 5/25, 6/1, 6/8, 6/15 Classifieds work... Give it a try! I mmm.;T Why give him just 1 gift.."" when you can shower him with gifts all vear lonca Give him a GIFT CERTIFICATE to the Taco Times & Perry News-Herald! $35 In County $49 Out of County. Mail to Perry Newspapers, Inc. P.O. Box 888, Perry, FL 32348 r -II I I --- ---------------- NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP L.-- ---------------------a rPrestige Home Center Chiefland The Only Factory Outlet on the West Coast NO "DOUBLE TALK" WITH OUR ADVERTISING-- NO GAMES WITH OUR PRICES! Any New Home Purchased from Prestige Homes Includes FREE Delivery & Set-Up...PERIOD! g t .-. ..BRAND NEW-- I:::. bChoose from 2 or 3 Bedroom I -- -' 2 Bath I Exceeds New Gov't. Standards $32,44500 oR $275mo. Includes AC, Heat, Skirting & Steps No Down Payment for Landowners! (60 Other Homes to Choose From!) Eggs are Cheaper in the Country, So are Prestige Homes! N. Hwy. 19, Chiefland 352-493-2492 FOR SALE 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage brick Home on 5 acres New ceramic tile, new carpet, Si~- kitchen remodeled with new Appliances & marble countertops, Culligan water system with all new pipes and other miscellaneous i improvements. Central Heat/ Air, 20x30 shop, fenced backyard. Located on Morgan Whiddon Rd. Asking $200,000 (850) 584-1457 or (850) 578-2133 (after 6 pm) Wes or Robin Blue SERVICES AUCTIONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 03-850-CA GMAC MORTGAGE CORPORATION PLAINTIFF VS. CHARLES F. BROADWATER, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST- BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST CHARLES F. BROADWATER; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF CHARLES F. BROADWATER, IF ANY, IF ANY; APRIL.F. BROADWATER A/K/A APRIL FAWN BROADWATER, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST APRIL F. BROADWATER A/K/A APRIL FAWN BROADWATER; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF APRIL F. BROADWATER A/K/A APRIL FAWN BROADWATER, IF ANY; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS IN POSSESSION DEFENDANTS) RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order Granting the Motion to Reset Foreclosure Sale dated May 18, 2005 entered In Civil Case No. 03-850-CA of the Circuit Court of the 3RD Judicial Circuit in and for TAYLOR County, Perry, Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at the West Door of the TAYLOR County Courthouse at 108 North Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 21st day of June, 2005 the following described property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment, to-wit: LOT 11 AND 12 OF BLOCK ONE (1) OF THE QUINNDALE SUBDIVISION OF THE TOWN OF PERRY, FLORIDA, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT OF SAID SUBDIVISION ON THE RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA. Dated this 19 day of May, 2005. Annie Mae Murphy Clerk of Circuit Court By: Marti Lavalle Deputy Clerk IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, persons with disabilities needing a special accommodation should contact COURT ADMINISTRATION, at the TAYLOR County Courthouse at NONE, 1-800-955- 8771 (TDD) or 1-800-955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. 5/27, 6/15 Notice Is hereby given to James and Sherri Petri, 360 Tram Road, Columbia. S.C. 29210, unless storage fees are paid by June 16, 2005, on the 1985 Vessel, vehicle I.D:#FSJBA8401485 to Edward M. Collins Auto Sales, 7434 SW Moseley Hall Rd., Greenville, Fl..32331; a mechanics lean and Florida title will be applied for. 6/15 Notice Is hereby given to Shannon Ryan Todd Unless payment is made on 1994 Chevrolet C1500 P/U VIN: 1GCEC14KORZ244660 . Vehicle will be auctioned on the 30th day of June, 2005 @ 10 am at Thomas Chevrolet 2128 Hwy 19S, Perry, FL 6/15 WANTED RECYCLE Old News is Good News Join us in creating a better world, in which our precious resources are preserved and replenished. We all need to do our part, and recycling is a great start! Recycling sites are available at each roll-off site in the county: Carlton Cemetery, Shady Grove, Harrison-Blue, Salem, Stenhatchee, Blue Springs, Eridu, Hwy. 98 & 14, and Johnson Stripling Rd. Newspapers can also be taken directly to the county's recycling facility on Highway 98 where hours are 7:30 a.m. to 400 p.m. B-8 Taco Times June 15, 2005 Over 250 channels to choose from. Clear reception in all kinds of weather. Multiple screens of premium channels available - SHBO, Cinemax and Showtime. No contracts or hidden fees. No extra charge for local channels. Local customer service and technical support. No satellite dish on, your house! No equipment to buy. 45 CD quality, 24-hour commercial free digital music channels. Call 584-2295 today! S Available to new or current Comcast customers in good standing and In residential wired and serviceable areas. Promotional price Is guaranteed for one year. Regular prices will apply after promotional period. Taxes, fees, and installation or equipment rental charges not included. Limited time offer. Some restrictions may S apply. Call Comcast for details 584-2295, Get Comcast Digital Cable with 5 screens of HBO for only $ .95 per month for 12 months-- guaranteed! Already have Comcast Digital Cable? You can still take advantage of this great offer when you call today. (comcast |