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i..B\r.~cv OFFRIiD~' tIc-TOi1. I~li C'ET:SI 'Y C_)!:- FLOR-IDA 404 LIc WI3 3GAINIESVlILL- r'-. ".. Serving Taylor County Since 1961 S C IMidweek Ta/ co i mesi Edition June 1, 2005 Tree Capital of the South 2 Sections Our 44th Year, No. 22 News Forum Prospective festival pageant candidates invited All interested high school senior girls Iwho will be seniors in 2006) and their parents are invited to attend the 50th annual Florida Forest Festival Junior Miss/ Miss Florida Forest Festival organizational meeting at the Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce Tuesday, June 7, at 6:30 p.m For more information, please contact the festival office at 584-TREE (8733) A guardian of the participant must attend the meeting. Coalition meets Thursday The Taylor County School Readiness Coalition will meeting Thursday, June 2, at noon, in the coalition office located in the Alton H. Wentworth Administrative Complex All interested persons and members are invited to attend. Band camp begins Thursday Taylor County Middle School (TCMS) Summer Band Camp will start Thursday June 2. All TCMS band officers are encouraged to attend. The hours of the camp are 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. "The early hours will be more for the seventh and eighth graders. The afternoon will be more for beginners. The camp will only be in session Monday through Thursday. Students will have Fridays off," Band Director Lee Cook said. "Students who intend to march at the TCMS football games in the fall need to attend at least one week." The camp will be in session through June 29. Plans underway for 50th festival The Florida Forest Festival Board of Directors will meet today (Wednesday), at 3:30 p.m. All members and event chairs are encouraged to attend. The meeting will be held at the Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. Ready for school? Perry Primary School will hold kindergarten registration on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the month of June from 8:30-11:30 a.m. For more information, please call 838-2506. Yearbooks for sale Copies of the 2004-05 Taylor County High School yearbook are still on sale; contact the high school to purchase your copy today. The cost is $45 (cash only). For more information, call 838-2525. Tune in on Monday Three Rivers Legal Services, Inc., and Bulldog 1400 WPRY AM are producing a local radio show to address legal issues facing residents. "Everyday Law for Everyday People," hits the airwaves every Monday at 12:30 p.m, on Bulldog 1400 WPRY AM. Listeners can reach the show by calling the radio station at 223-1400. Index Editorial...page A,-2 Living...page A-4 Sports...page A-6 Religion...page A-7 Comrnunity...page B-1 Class~iiecds..pagez 8~-2 Cocaine, pot seized Friday A man who was out of jail on bond for drug charges was busted Friday and law enforcement is now in possession of'$4,000 worth of drugs, "instead of them being on the streets and in the hands of the children of our community," according to TCSO Inv. Dewayne Bratcher. The Taylor County Joint Drug Task Force (DTF) executed a search warrant at Tidewater Apartments Friday evening, according to Bratcher. Shortly after arriving at the apartment to be searched, Freddie Lee Johnson (aka Man Man), 27, walked from a back room. Perry Police Department Det. Mike Anderson said the other occupants of the residence were told to sit 'down and stay seated while officers conducted the search. Anderson and Bratcher had walked outside the residence when they "heard officers yelling." "We turned around," said Anderson, "and Johnson was running from the .* Please see page 3 Man survives run-in -r 0 - - '.r "" "" *......' ^ . Wildlife Tech Jarnes 'Gan~ ni a nes a 400 iond be Whichwa. s- Sweek near .Erdu, after it W.as -ifpodrted .thb animal was- killing vlistbi Th~.i .relocated to another prl th biity . 'Un-BEARabi l .I '') ",, : . 400-lb. bear captured, released b' Residents in the.EridU. ar.ea.' ..G. .ha capur'ed h animal, t"' " are breathing a sigh ofrelief' lassl'eek~. door,'atl home ':n6't itk after officers wirh 'the 'Pl7rfda Pike spid he and Granlhari far e00ough ^ lidfife Con.eritt.in -vr.re .it.ring *in wait. last He wa-.yupSt' 'Commission (FWC) .trapped ..Vnesa': j night, 'round' "J .es al'.h and relocated a 400-pound ber'q .mininghyt- when heheard c6Ip]e oft ,"i~, which had been wreaking havtc :several s.nare. traps 'go 'off.' k ep 'th'doiidl '. with livestock and raiding. Moments'later the\ heard the Pike said.he .an~tiis p chicken pens. loud.sound.of the steel door o'a. left "thi.bear.'tedi1 According to, Biological' culvert trap falling. '. returtedeaiy.l? -l Scientist Jason Pike. the bear' Upon -reaching. the .large' ;i"Hw a'e s a had been eluding traps for more cylindrical ..rap, Pike said the morning,''Pike 'Said. than' .a month, when -he and bear wvas .riside. "in- a highly FWC Wildlife Tech James,.. t ratedstated .St .. .. P S. - with boat I A Perry man is alive--and thankful for it--after being severely injured by a boat propeller Saturday. Chris Croft, 32, and his nephew, Justin Sands, 15, were on their way' out to the Gulf, after launching from Peterson's Landing at the end of Hampton Springs Road. Croft said when they got about one and one-half miles out, the boat struck something in the water which caused it to make a hard right, throwing both him and Sands into the water. "We were going along about 15 to 18 mph when it happened," he said Tuesday. "I don't really remember what happened. All I know is that all of a suddenI regained consciousness and I was underwater. "I looked around for Justin and when I spotted him, I asked if he was okay, and he was. The boat was just out from us going in. clockwise circles. When it came close to me, I grabbed onto the' side, but I slid with it and the propeller hit my leg and foot. Glenn's dedication to children lives on Local volunteerr Willie Ann Glenn is remembered by the many people she touched with her dedication to, her church 'and community. Now, thanks to the Florida Legislature, her memory will continue tq live on in a new act that bears her name. The Willie Ann Glenn Act (House Bill 227) requires .each school district in 'the state to develop a., plan to sponsor a Workers donate Saturdays to build Vets Memorial Park .A number of City of Perry employees haie said they will donate their Saturdays to.help with the construction of the new Veterans Memorial Park. Last week, 'the Perry City Council approved allowing the voluhteers to use city equipment in' the work. ."It's a city project, a city park," Councilman Doug Everett said. Regarding the project, City Manager Bill Brynes' also announced that he had not received any bids for five key elements of the park recently advertised for bid specifications. , "We advertised for bids. I didn't expect to get any and we didn't. I've started contacting businesses directly, trN ing to get prices on the items we need," he said.' Brynes did note that two local businesses have said they would donate' in-kind services to the project, ,'as long as we buy the- materials." Phase I of the construction will include construction and installation of ani open plaza, fountain, bell tower, sprinkler system and foundations. 4 express interest in city attorney position A month after firing its attorney, the Perry City Council remains without a legal advisor. To date, only four law firms have expressed interest in the position: The Bishop Law Firm; John Weed, P.A.; Angela Ball, P.A.; and Thompson, Crawford & Smiley (of Tallahassee). At last week's council meeting, Mayor Pam Feagle--after passing the gavel--made a motion to hire the Bishop Law Firm. ;However, Councilwoman Emily Ketring asked that any action on the position be delayed while she awaited a ruling from the state ethics committee. . "I:have contacted them to see if it is even okay for us to review an application from the Weed firm (which is comprised of Ketring's father, John Weed, and her brother, John Weed Jr.)," Ketring said. "We have a motion on the table," Feagle said. 1"ased on our past actions when you (Feagle) wanted a delay to await a S I- Please see page 3 summer food program, a project for which. Glenn spent much of her time working with in Perry. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Ron Greenstein and Sen. Steve Wise, was unanimously passed by both houses of the Florida Legislature in April and Gov. Jeb Bush approved it last Thursday, May 24. Each school district will be required to sponsor a meal program within five miles of an elementary school where 50 percent or more of the students are eligible for free or reduced-price meals. The program is to be open for 35 consecutive days during summer. A school district may be exempted from the requirements' but it must include the issue on the agenda at a publicly noticed school board meeting. The issue must be then reexamined each year that the district wishes to remain exempt. The act goes into effect July 1. According to Florida Impact, a ,, Please see page 3 0% L40 Af IV I AVL jrujpeler "I managed to get away from it and told Justin that he would have to get it--and he did," Croft added. S-,Please see page.3 Boyd claims 'victory' for voters on testing site On Thursday, Congressman Allen Boyd, a member of the Military Quality of Life Subcommittee, voted in favor of the Military Quality of Life Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2006 (HR 2528), which includes language urging the Air Force to consider thLe interests of Taylor County when choosing a missile testing site. Boyd has been a staunch supporter of, and advocate for, the wishes of the local community which indicated by straw ballot that it did not want Air Force missile testing in Taylor County. "The people have spoken, and I will do everything in my power to make sure that this pristine community is not home to missile testing," said Boyd. "The language included in this legislation is a victory for the community and shows my continuing efforts to work for the residents of Taylor County in Washington." The language concerning missile testing in Taylor County states: -, Please see page 3$ 'Our town' shines spotlight on Taylor Lights, camera, action! "Our Town," a \FSU PBS The resulting film, "Our who live there." series that showcases small Town: Perry." will be a one-hour Producer Suzanne Smith said towns through the eyes of scrapbook of the people, places WFSU will take the first.. 1 residents, is coming soon to arid happenings in Perry "as volunteers with their own Perry. seen through the eyes of those personal camcorders. "There are IT." -- i' If you interested in filming your own segment for "Ot Town," contact Producer Suzanne Smith at (800) 32; 9378 ext. 335. no restrictions as. to age or experience and no cost to participate, just a willingness to be a part of the project," she said. Spots for the documentary are open on a first come, first served basis. To volunteer, call (800) 322-9378 ext. 335. Just about any topic is open, Smith said. Previous shorts have featured topics ranging from growing up in local schools, and information on area-beaches and rivers, to "day in the life" segments and even one about the local dogs in one town. The only exceptions are political issues or advertisements for businesses. '"Some people have an idea already in their head," Smith ur said. "Others want to 2- Please see page 5 Please see page 5 i a ti 'd, 8 n -e Editorial A-2 The Taco Times June 1, 2005 Businesses honor foster parents for 'compassion' Dear Editor: Everyday, there is an abused, neglected, or abandoned child in need of help in our community. When their families can no longer safely care for them, these children are moved out of their homes and into the foster care system. They often feel betrayed,, angry, *'resentful, afraid and alone. It-'is here that a very special group of people steps into help. Foster parents are everyday.people who open their hearts and their homes to the single most vulnerable population in our community. They provide consistency, stability and Compassion in young lives when iit is needed most. They do this with very little recognition, with Sminiflal compensation, and under heavy scrutiny. It takes very special people to take on these challenges successfully. May is National Foster Care Month, and several local agencies helped acknowledge the .tremendous work that foster parents do by hosting a Foster Family Fun Day on May 14. In order to make our Fun Day a success, many local businesses Sponsored the.event. We would like to say thank you to the following sponsors: Comcast, Julie's Place, Beach Realty Gulf Coast, Dollar General, Fun Machine Rentals, Red Lobster,. Movies at Governor's Square, Marshall's, Applebee's, Ultimate Sound and Light, Smoky Bones, Pizza Hut, Publix, TCC, Bed, Bath & Beyond, B. Merrill's, The Original ::Italian Pie, Lifeway Bookstore, Howdy's Rent-A-Toilet, The .:Scrapbook Market, Wakulla Bank :and Movie Gallery. This month, please remember that there are people in our 'Project Grad' :extends thanks to supporters ?Dear Editor: SProject Graduation was held at |the Taylor County High School Sgymnatorium Saturday, May 21, "following graduation ceremonies. We would like to thank all who Helped make this a safe, fun-filled event. We extend a special thanks :,i.to our commuriiit for the. many r; donations. SIt is with sincere gratitude that I say to you. "Thanks for helping. , provide a safe alternative for our Young adults." The day was Celebrated and everyone had a great i' and safe day. Taylor County Project. Graduation Planning Committee Brenda Carlton Martelle Shiver Jan Walker Geraldine Sparrow Debbie Beach George Clayton Rhonda Eastman ** -- .... .^ .-I- .* community with the strength, heart, and fortitude to be foster parents everyday. If you know anyone who is currently or was previously a foster parent, please take the time this month to let them know that you appreciate their efforts in caring for our community's most vulnerable citizens. Thank you, Erika Frisby-Moore Community scores 'home run' Dear Editor: The Taylor County High School Baseball Boosters hosted the 2005 TCHS Baseball Awards Banquet Tuesday, May 10, at the Catholic Parish Hall. The school, coaches, boosters and sponsors recognized players for their efforts for the 2005 TCHS Bulldog Baseball season. The guest speaker for the evening was Chip Parker. The Taylor County Baseball Boosters would like to thank the folipwing sponsors for helping make the event a success: Anderson- Columbia; Perry Newspapers. Inc.: Optimist Club of Perry; RDS Manufacturing; His Grace Ministries; Bro. Bill Jenkins; Doctors' Memorial Hospital: Railiff Surveyors: .Cox. Electronics Radio Shack; GT Com; South House Furnishings; Roberts Lumber; Gregory.'s Heating & Air; Goodman's BB-B-0; Perry Insurance-Mark Pelt; Tuten's Logging; United Welding; Cashway Building Center; Dr.. Perry, hospi Dear Editor: We would like every citizen of the community of Perry to know how we, as visitors to the town and'-:a' patieht'-:in the Doctors' Memorial Hospital. were treated recently when we \%ere required to spend 10 unplanned days in the town of Perry. Fred Hagemann,. 98-year-old father/brother, became ill and was a patient in the ICU of Doctors'. Memorial Hospital during this time. All the residents of Perry and the staff 'at:the hospital treated us u ith such care and understanding and deserve a. great round of applause. The doctor, Dr. Sulbaran, showed such compassion and caring. The nurses in ICU did everything, they could to help reduce the stress we were under. We feel as though we made great friends and feel the community and ,hospital has a great asset. The nurses exerted great effort and time in assisting us to secure a medical flight so that Fred Hagemann could be flown to his hometown of Waco, Texas, to be able ito spend his last days in his home with friends and family nearby We were guests at the Hampton : Inn and received great treatment there by Mr. Wayne Jones. guest services manager, and all his staff This was an experience that will never be forgotten, but it does not have the hurt and regret that could be associated with such an extent. Again, we wish to give a big Taco # Times Wednesday, June 1,2005 123 S. Jefferson Street P.O. Box 888 Perry, Florida (850) 584-5513 DONALD D. LINCOLN SUSAN H. LINCOLN Publisher Managing Editor DEBBIE CARLTON BETH MANN Business Manager Advertising Director ANGELA M. CASTELUCCI CAROLYN DuBOSE Staff Writer Promotional Advertising CHARLES R. SADLER CAROLBROOKS Staff Writer Promotional Advertising MARK VIOLA MELISSA FARRILL Staff Writer Classified Advertising The Taco Times (ISSN 07470967) is published each Wednesday by Perry News- papers, Inc., 123 S. Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347. Subscriptions are $35.00 per year or $49.00 out of county. Penodicals postage paid at Perry. Florida 32348. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the TACO TIMES, P.O. Box 888, Perry, FL 32348. S The Taco Times welcomes Letters to the Editor reflecting responsible opinions Sand views on the news. Please submit letters by Monday at 5 p.m. The Taco S Times reserves the right to refuse publication of letters which are libelous or irre- Ssponsible. Name may be withheld if circumstances so require, but all letters sub- ' mitted should be signed by the writer and accompanied by a phone number for verification. We look forward to hearing from youl Our address is Perry, Newspapers, Inc., PO. Box 888, Perry, Florida 32348. e-mail: perrynews@perry.gulfnet.com K Member Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. ... ........,> ... Ir..... s.. ..... .. ..... ... ..... .... ...." Miles Nelson; Badcock & More Home Furnishings; TCMS Baseball Boosters; Timberland Ford; Dr. Lamar Morgan; Beggs Funeral Home; Camp Misery Hunting Club; H & H Telecommunications; Chaparral Steak House; Andrews Drugs; Crews Marine; Thomas Chevrolet; Citizens Bank of Perry; Debbie's Jewels; Flowers Bakery; Weiss Building Center;'Keen's Kustom Designs; Dr. Daniel Snead; Ragans Ace Hardware; Pepsi Bottling Group: Super-Lube; Photos Frames & Trophies; Perry Repo Outlet; Sisters' Mercantile; Pepperhead's Pork & Poultry;. Buckeye Commnunit Federal Credit Union; Hardees of Perry; Amanda Clark Photography; WPRY AM 1400 Radio; Taylor S.W.A.T.; Happytime PreSchool; City of Perry Recreation Department; and Ta.lor County High School. Sincerely, 2005 Taylor County High School Baseball Boosters ital thanked thank you to the citizens of Perry,, and to the terrific hospital staff. We hope that you will be able.to publish this letter so that all with whom we were in contact will, know how much their thoughtfulness meant to us. Sincerely, Nancy Frazier Elizabeih Beazle' County spending tactics questioned Dear Editor: I am an old man, nearly 80, Living in the past, I guess, when right was right and wrong was wrong. I am at a loss trying to. understand the thinking of some of the people today. When the hospital got into a financial crisis, the, asked the count' commissioners for assistance. A couple of them didn't think they could afford it so they \oted to accept bids on it and sell it. Recently, several of the residents of Steinhatchee asked the commissioner from this district to clear the road right-of-way on a Couple of roads that lead to the river We got the same old answer: we can't afford it. However, this time it will not hold water. because the employees of the road department are paid every payday whether they are cleaning roadways in Sleinhatchee or cutting brush in Shady Grove. The commissioner from this district appointed a committee to search for a place that the counts could buy and build a public boat ramp on. It will cost millions of Taylor County taxpayers' dollars,; money that they couldn't afford to help the hospital w ith or to clear some roadways with. You will not' believe it, but the\ decided to try to buy land and build the ramp with Taylor County taxpayers' money in Dixie County. Another twist to this scenario is the fact that if the hospital is forced to close the clinics to keep' the main hospital open. one of the nurse practitioners that runs one of the clinics is married to one of the men on the committee that is advocating this expenditure. The county commissioner from this district seems to be- a fine man, but appears to' be off on the wrong track. If'everyone Who reads this note will call their respective commissioners, maybe they can help him get on the right track. This is his first stint as a public servant and will probably make some mistakes, that they can help him correct. Sincerely, H. T. Baxter 4^ 06 Gw ( (U U n U) L a- U) z E E E 0 4- f' -L j1~ 0 0 C) Cl) qw 6 I I Midweek Muddle Sr Choke the motor or choke :me?. i orc : By SUSAN H. LINCOLN As we pushed the husband out the door The husband was still on land, parking and toward the boat on Memorial Day, he the truck, and we were on water, flooding said plainti ely, "I don't know if we should the motor., be out on the Gulf today; they're predicting "Just stop it,' he declared, as we floated thunderstorms, you know." toward nothing. \e looked to the heavens and saw "You'd better start s1\imming,"-declared sunshine. a passerby who had sympathy for thW We called Keaton Beach for a more husband. accurate forecast. I should have been horrified or angry, We loaded the boat and headed south: but I was amused, and the two of us sat in the husband, 'the daughter and I: The son the boat, giggling uncontrollably while the had staked his claim at Keaton Beach husband was on the brink of a coronary earlier in the weekend, and still declares arrest on the bank. that the most fun on earth begins there. He calmed himself and gave the daughter It's a quieter ride from town, when it's more specific directions on cranking. just the three of us, and we were at the "Whatever you do, don't laugh," I said to Dekle Beach boat ramp when the husband her, and she laughed. Talk about actually realized that he didn't have a first rebellious children. My job was to push mate. the choke on the motor back in place S"Okay," he said, looking at me .like he when it cranked. was mj football coach. "I want you to get I, however, never got to do my job. in the truck and back the trailer straight "We're getting further out in this canal,":I down the ramp." observed, -when the husband shouted from "Okay, coach," I said. .the shore, "Throw me the rope." "I've got the truck and trailer lined uip," he And then as an afterthought, he added, added. "Just go straight down the ramp," "But hold on to one end of it.' he emphasized with hand movements, ell, that amused me, too, and I had to sit "Got it," I said, as the daughter stood on down and laugh a little bit more with the the sidelines, shaking her head and fearing daughter; we haven't seen each other in a the worst. long time, and this is what we do. First, I had to adjust the seat in the truck "Throw me the rope,' he said, perhaps because I'm vertically challenged. Then I secretly wishing weo would float out to had to adjust the rear view mirror, check sea. my hair, and find the gear shift: "I'll let you do that cowgirl," I said to the "Straight back," I said to myself as I daughter, since I had failed miserably at began easing the boat and: its trailer backing down the ramp, . toward the water. Her first throw fell short of the mark, I am absolutely certain that I was going: just as the husband's blood pressure straight. But the trailer started veering began to escalate.. toward the left, and then I tried to correct On the second one,,she re-grouped, it with rny steering, and rhe husband was envisioned herself as a member of a motioning wildly for me to stop and try professional rodeo, and actually lassoed again. hs flip-flop. iHe came to the. window. Calmly, he Not bad," said I. explained again. "Straight down the ramp, He pulled us toward him, got in the boat easy as she goes." 'with us, and thought all kinds of bad SAfter three tries, the coach pulled me. thoughts about the boat's motor as it "Maybe she can," I said, painting to the continued its mumbling, while refusing to daughter, fearing that she couldn't but crank. wishing to share that distinction with ."You want me to pull you,?" said a somebody else.- female friend on a nearby boat. He would S"Why don't you back the boat down the have rather had her shoot him, but she ramp and we'll get in the boat and crank only offered towing. it," the daughter: suggested, trying.role Moments later, the motor fired up. The reversal, daughter and I began to breathe again. "I'm not sure you can crank it," the We waved goodbye, and entered the husband said, having lost his confidence in wide and welconung Gulf of Mexico where his' seaworthy vessel last weekend. "But blue skies prevailed and white clouds whatever," he said, sensing defeat, and I floated by. withini n the first hour spent at knew he wished the weather had kept us Piney Point, we were glad we went, glad home. the weather was good, glad the day was a He backed that boat down the ramp as if holiday. he was born backing a boat down a ramp. Hours later, we collected the son before I just sat there, re-playing my life's getting that boat out of the water and he inadequacies while he made it look so nas an exemplary first mate, driving it simple. onto the traier by the second try. "Okay," said the daughter, enjoying being I lo'e happy endings," I said to the .in control. "Let's crank this boat and show daughter. him." And to me, she replied, "Well that's' too You know.the noise: zuhn-a-zhun-a- bad, because you're standing in a pile' of zhun-a-zhun. dog :'.oo. C) 0 I I I1MImm During chase Taser used to subdue SEIZED Continued from page 1 apartment. I chased him to Warner Avenue, yelling numerous times for him to stop or lie down, or he would be tazed. "I deployed the Taser and subdued him as other officers arrived at the scene," Anderson added. Johnson was searched and found to be. in possession of $307, which was seized. SUpon returning to the apartment, a search of a back room which Johnson occupied was conducted and the following was fund: bag with 10 smaller bags of cocaine and 18 bags of marijuana; scales and baggies; bag with approximately 454 grams (one-pound) of marijuana; a lock box containing 42 bags of marijuana, along with,$550 cash and a police scanner. 'The other occupants of the apartment confirmed to officers that Johnson stayed in the room where the drugs were found, according to Anderson. Samples of the powder field-tested positive for cocaine. Johnson was arrested and taken to the county jail, where he was booked for possession of cocaine with intent to sell within 1,000 feet of a church, possession of cannabis with intent to sell within 1,000 feet of a church and resisting officers without violence. He is being held on a $300,000 bond. City attorney choice on June 7 agenda CITY ATTORNEY Continued from page 1 ruling from the ethics commission-vhbich we granted as a courtesy to you---I think we should do the same for Mrs. Ketring," Cpuncilman Doug EvcrLit said. Feagle's motion to hire the Bishop firm died for lack of a second and the council agreed, by consensus, to table the item until its next meeting. On Tuesday, City Manager Bill Brynes confirmed that the city attorney position is on the agenda for the council's June 7 meeting. He also said that "nothing has come up since (former city attorney Bill Blue) was fired where we needed legal advice.", , On community preference Committee speaks out VICTORY Continued from page 1 "The committee understands the :Air Force is developing new long range munitions and is looking at several sites for required testing. The committee also understands the citizens of Taylor County, Florida, through a straw poll, overwhelmingly rejected a resolution to locate the testing range in that county. The committee urges the Air Force to ii give full consideration to local . community concerns' throughout the decision process." Wilie, Ann Glenn GLENN Continued from page 1 supporter of the bill, "The need for this law was best demonstrated by our national standing among states that leave the most federal dollars unused in Washington for summer PROPELLER Continued from page 1 Croft said that he and' Sands managed .to make it back to the landing and get the boat loaded up before heading back towards Perry. While enroute, Croft called 911 from his cell phone, which dispatched Doctors' Memorial Hospital Emergency Medical Services toward their direction. SParamedic Janie Sites and EMT Tim Noles met Croft' on Hwy.. 98,, where they stopped and gave medical attention. According to EMS Assistant Director Michael Lundy, the decision was-then made to airlift him to Tallahassee Memorial Hospital DMH transport helicopter AirMedic One met them at Perry/Foley Airport, where Croft was loaded to be transported. "It could have been a lot worse," A-3The Taco Times June 1,2005 Citizen of the Year 'Thank God for Willie Ann'I child nutrition: Florida ranks second. "Only 13 percent of the approximately one million children eligible for free and reduced-priced school meals are, served .by the federally underwritten Summer Food Service Program. And children in half a dozen Florida counties had no access at all last summer. This translates into many at-risk children and $106 million in federal tax dollars that never return to Florida." Glenn, who died March 4, 2004, coordinated a "nationally recognized" summer food program at Stewart Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Church. With the help of a small group of retired women, Glenn worked to receive federal money to fund the program. They fed an estimated 100 to 150 children a day. She was recognized as a "Citizen of the Year" and helped with a number of other projects including Students-Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) and the Second Harvest Food Bank. "She was a great person," said-. her mother, Leola Glenn. "I'm so proud of her. She was always a bright child. She kept her family in line and told us what was right. It's now coming back and we're realizing that. "I thank God for giving me a child like Willie Ann." Discount Air & Heat Refurb Center "Serving Taylor County and the Beaches" SRefrigerators I a-.-. Ice Makers Heating Units Same Day Service--24 hours a day, 7 days a week (No service charge with work done) $0 Down 6 months same as cash Yn 1BAD WATER? IRON-FREE'S OWN HIGH PURITY MANDOX WIDE SPECTRUM/TRIPLE )" ACTION FILTRATION SYSTEM Removes IRON, TANNIN, SULFUR, MANGANESE, TURBIDITY, BAD TASTE, BAD ODOR. KILLS BACTERIA. No more STAINED FIXTURES, DINGY CLOTHES. LOW COST, LOW MAINTENANCE, GUARANTEED. Call today for FREE WATER TEST. No.obligation. $695 to $1995 IRON-FREE Well Water Company, Inc. Lisa McKinney, 850-584-5750 Representative 800-437-1128 Croft said. "I'm just really glad that Justin was there and that he wasn't hurt. If I had been by myself, things could have been so much worse. "That far out is too far to try to swim back, especially hurt and bleeding. He sort of saved the. day," he added. SCroft received cuts to his right shin and foot, but "luckily, there weren't any nerves or tendons severed," he said. Croft said he didn't know what the boat struck, causing the accident, because there were no marks on the boat or propeller.- "There's a lot of things out'there in the water," he said, '"and it had to be something big enough to yank the wheel from me and turn the prop as hard as it did. "Yep, we are very lucky," he added. "But I believe that it's all going to work out for the best." ,~4.JJ1J ~ ,S ~1j, c*. l1j~ju LJ i IJ 4 ,:: ~~ :.;J~; ~ i 44; '' W : must cloar out all roeliners by Father's Day, June19 We have over S18 Recliners in stock NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! What did boat strike? No marks on propeller 1-800-401-3918 Pin #12 wayneh.2@netzero.net I , go- I . v v v VVVVVV" I 1 -2 kb.:- a ASH & CARRY----. ---a A A A A A A A SoUth House is HOMETOWN Owned: "Our Prices Are Better Always!" '. it '! 'ii? ri -? bd~s~h~ --- Li i iv g A-4The Taco Times June 1,2005 Red Hats meet for lunch By CHERYL GREGORY Publicity W. Hattie Adams, Queen Mother of the RoseHeads, and Red Hatter Patricia Lindsey were hostesses for the April meeting of Perry's chapter of the Red Hat Society. Fourteen RoseHead members met at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Fia L i s April 30, at Mama's Italian Restaurant. . M- B .`..n.. .' Patricia Lindsey welcomed everyone, and each lady introduced herself. SThe hostesses provided each with a cup of red and purple candy. Each Red ,- Hatter also received a red and purple bookmark, and each Pink Hatter a pink and lavender bookmark. These bookmarks were made by Red Hatter Patricia Lindsey and her daughter, Peggy Williams. Lunch orders were i s'. .. taken and everyone enjoyed visiting together. The blessing was said by Patricia Lindsey. I S ,. After enjoying a delicious lunch together, everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to Mary Becht who wore a purple hat and a red dress in honor of ' _,,? her April birthday. A sign-up calendar for future meetings was circulated and is filled : M" through August. : i?^^^^-^Wright-Willis engagement i ' Sold; June 11 vows planned The ceremony will be held at 3 p.m. on June 11, in Friendship Baptist Church. Formal inviitations have been issued; all friends and relatives of Four generations the couple are invited to attend. 1 Mrs. Elizabeth Barnette of Perry just returned from Brandon Grubbs. Ashley Lawless Dallas, and Alba, Texas where she gathered with other family i i i ri members to welcome her great grandson. Shown pictured Law less, G rubbs to say (seated, from left) are Annie Montez Daub with son Marco A, Roman Montez Daub: the baby's other great grandmother, vows I J ly 9 wedding.. ..1 Mrs. Martinez; (and standing) Cheryle Gunter Daub :Vs in Ju y 9 wple iclue Alie (grandmother), Mrs. Barnette and Beatrice Martinez Nipp Grandmotherr. The baby was born April 2, 2005. Jef Drln Puonyill o Prre held atnnn 3 p.m. on June 11, in Friendshipmn o hBaptistir : daughter. Ashl\C Ljwes.F i o Brnndon Grubb,.s he son of Sreea Grurbb ofelats Madison mnd Kmrcn Grubbs of Perr\. 91 S The bride-io-be is the granddaugher of Chrisine R of Perr\. The - prospeci\C groomi is rhe grandson of Robert mnd .nna Odom. .nd Lou ie w . and EEianor Grubbs ll o PPerry just returrrned from CTI c^ I n, \ua e h Ep lubangelHow the WateRx Plant Works... Formjl inir[lanon. \i Grll b isseLcd: lAl friend s and relali\ esD of Ih coupleallas, f ad io id iae ee i --- 'aAnnin or t weekly bachwash .'RomzReun D : te ion baby's other great gran othr SLinda Diane Wright, Christopher Wayne Willis c anai The iStphens Family Reunion. J Family and Frnds Day. oill beT he d Ve bab was brn r Jef Saturlda e une ctt of .h P err Gardn Club frthm 1e a .m until Lnchr will daughter es La 1ol nGn rand ne i nrubb- to bring a cA"'er nftered ael ter Mdish tn sh arena WaterGrub. Ben t prospect,,groomithe grandson of Robert and Anna Odom. and Louie a " and Eleanor Grubb. all o' Can shower Pwaeer Chrisn Felloshp.th a reception following at the ElkClub. How the WateRx Plant Works... WESSE NOW PEN IN OUR i"s mLooger faucer.nnure ile "CFormalal friends nd ra of theals couple the've been through a lot together. 1708 S. Byron Butler Pkwy. M we'll go through lots more. (across from Kmart) Soun s are i m glied to attend say yo re y sister. Come for weeby'an br e wash HaLinda Birthda and ChristopheChorr Waynee Willis C a ongratulat ons on b raduati l on ch nin l Love. Boo :1 h~Melvin and Tracey A~dkins and .Aulomaic WekWit will be a y noon andr C ou ty im, Chris, raegan and Dillon Touctontrin a covered ainboree cordially invite you to attend 0WH: Condo'home/ffRice up to 2,000 square ft. I -.Everyone ws~l~'elcome ~the wedding e is We W 2,000 to 4000 square ft. of their parents 100,000 gallons/year Dimensions: 64" x 13" Retail=$2,500 (1-5 people) andra Page WH Over 4000 square ft. s u150,000 galloLongerfauceturls/yearfe an OUDimensions 73x 14" Retail=$3,00 (1-10 people) -Congratulations on Graduation! a Pn0 g + ~ ve~oe .s Welome' h edingDimnsonsR6" v n,, Retaqil=$,500 (1-92 people) The ceremony will.be held at the home of. , Rhonda Vann on A.G. Sheffield Road in Shady Grove (Pass the Shady Grove store, A.G. Sheffield Rd. is on the left). If you were one of the ones who said "I'/ dance at your next wedding" ...see you there! cj9. Call today to subscribe! 584-5513 Loock \ho's rurnirL "4" ,) ^ , Ms. Attitude Jackson H irrt, -.a Khariomna Jackson t om, Dad &. F.Irmil, ' SLive Music- Free of Charge Musicians frdnim Tallahassee, Monticello, Valdosta, Perry, Jacksonville, and others from the Monticello Country Jamboree No admission fee--tickets for door prizes sold to help support the event Come enjoy the music and dancing! A-5 The Taco Times June 1, 2005 Pike: 'A fed bear is a dead bear' BEAR Continued from page 1 spent part of the night trying to get out and finally figured out that he couldn't." The bear was tranquilized by Pike with a blow-gun, and the two men relocated the giant animal to the opposite end of the county. Premier party planned in Aug. OUR TOWN Continued from page 1 participate. but don't have an idea ;et. W'c can help. them find something they want to film." Volunteers are asked to attend one of two volunteer meetings to be held in Perry June 15 and 16 at the Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. In additional to answering questions, producers will also show a short video with helpful tips for filming. WFSU will provide a video cassette for free, and will be able to provide most readily available tape formats. Producers will return to Perry June 25 for a "shoot day" when they will film interviews with the participants which will be added to the documentary. In, August a premier party will be held in town and all volunteers . as well as everyone from the- community will be invited to watch ."Our Town: Perry." The film will then be shown on ' WFSU in September during their pledge drive. "Our Town" was first developed,.~. by PBS station WPSX in U'niersitv Park. Pa., and has been, in production with several other PBS stations throughout the country. WFSU's version of the program -.has pre\'iousl showcased : Thomas ille. Ga., Apalachicola, ' Panama City/ Bay Area, NMIonticello and Marianna. Pike said that although this is not a common experience in Taylor County, "such as this will be reported more and more in the coming years because there is no hunting season on them. "Black bear encounters, in Florida, have increased from 10 in 1980, to more than 1,100 in 2000," Pike said. "Often these calls involve bears which have been fed by humans, either intentionally or unintentionally. "Our motto at FWC is, 'A fed bear, is a dead bear,'" Pike said. "Once you start feeding. a bear, Here will be trouble. No two ways about that." Pike offers the following tips which people living in bear country (including Taylor County) should adhere to: Store pet food inside and feed pets inside. If pets must be fed outside, remove the food dishes and any spilled food immediately after feeding. Store garbage cans in the garage and set them out the morning of pick-up, not overnight. Store'barbecue grills in the garage. The grill and associated tools have food and grease remains. that are attractive to bears. Remove or relocate bird or squirrel feeders which contain grain,.corn or suet blocks. When feeding birds, put out smaller quantities at more frequent Seventh Day Adventist church Saturday Sabbath School Worship Service Wednesday Prayer Meeting 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p;m. Juan Rod 584-8506 604 W. Julia Dr. intervals or vary the feeding schedule to reduce attracting hungry bears. When camping in bear country, keep a clean campsite. Eliminating food odors will lessen the chances of attracting bears. Store food in bear-proof containers, suspend it above the ground or store it in the trunk of your car. Things that can't be removed (garbage dumpsters, bird pens, etc.), should be secured with a good electric fence. In general, take a look around your property and remove anything,that might be attractive to a bear, Remember, anything which is attractive to a raccoon, opossum, deer dog or cat may also be attractive to a bear. "I don't want to start a panic or anything like that," said Pike. "This was an isolated incident, but people need to know that the fact is that there are bears around us, and when bears are fed, they learn very quickly to associate people with food. Once they do that, they lose their natural fear of people and may become a nuisance. We just need to use common sense to keep them at bay." If you are experiencing nuisance bear problems, please contact the nearest FWC regional office. The phone number may be found in the "State Government" section of the phone book. Bridal 4 | Registry / Linda D. Wright Christopher W. Willis June 11, 2005 Jennifer Lee Andrews Justin Davis Amman June 25, 2005 Ashley Lawless Brandon Grubbs July 9, 2005 LeAnne Hodges Matthew Steiner July 11, 2005 Jennifer Leigh Hathcock Jeremy John Jacobs July 16, 2005 Hollie Rowell Lee Durham July 30, 2005 Daralyn McRory Jeremy Nix July 30, 2005 Joni Hill Cody McNeese August 13, 2005 Baby registry ." Robin (Lilliott) Charles Walker Sydney Ann bprn April 4 Keri Andrews Christopher Lynn Girl due June 2005 Jennifer Aman Jason Campbell Boy due July 2005 Lyndsay Doyle Chad Kirtman Boy due August 2005 Valerie & Lee Wiles Boy due August 2005 Remember last year's Hurricane Season? Don't get caught without a generator this time. Make your best deal on any New or Pre-Owned Vehicle and get a home GENERATOR! .;.imiiaf ju. shoM n Offe r end; 6,-15 -(, 2005 Ford F150 2005 Ford Ranger 2005 Ford Focus Reg. Cabsi 25solsr Reg Cab siR s#201o0T ZK3 $18,193 $15,643 $14,045 - $2000 Rebate $1500 Rebate $2000 Rebate - $2000 Cash/Trade $2000 Cash/Trade $2000 Cash/Trade $239 per month $199 per month $169 per month Plus lax. lag, nile 72 mos 6'' 6':, $2,000 cash irade dc wn V ; :l^ 1 -BIG REBATES 2001 Ford Taurus 2002 Ford Taurus 2002 Ford Taurus 2000 Dodge Ram 2004 Chevrolet REBA SES, V/6, Leather, CD, Alloy Wheels SEL, Wagon, Leather, CD, Alloy Wheels Low Miles 1500 Quad Cab,V/8, Auto 2500 HO Silverad O LELA HD Silv b rad 2001 Ford Escape 2003 Ford Windstar 2002 Chevrolet Tahoe XLT, V/6, Auto, 4x4 V/6, Dual Sliding Doors, NC, LS, 4x4, Loaded Entertainment System stk. #2500740D stlk #NP463 stk. #250029A 2001 Ford Ranger 2002 Mazda SuperCab, Auto, V/6, Bed Liner : .V/6, Auto, Cab Plus, 4x4 stk. #P462 BTwj*i 2001Ford S F350 Crew Cab, Auto, 7.3 Diesel stk #P457 2004 incoln Towncar Leather !Loaded stk. #P450 gS~jIE;i Sstk. #P458A 2003 Ford F150 2002 Ford Ranger X-Cab, V/6, Auto, Stepside stk. #P461 ,tBER stK. #P465l stk #P460' stk. #250023A * 'Ii1j1r &Lckll 2002 Ford E lxedition Eddie Bauer, Leather stk. #250121A SUM 2000 Ford Excursion XLT stk. #P464A H~rtJM Super Crew, FX4, - L iat st.. #P452 2000 Chevrolet Blazer Auto, A/C 5 :,, It. inprice.Nt s t k # 2 5 0 0 3t8 Bp o r p i l e r r P SdaSiufori $9P95 OEN :30a~m :00p~m (80) 54-678 ppl wlereappicale MI. xau stK #250099A 2000 F250 SuperCab, V/8, Auto stk. #P466A 2003 Ford F150 XLT, SuperCab, V/8, Auto stk. #P454A EEZNa 2004 Ford F150 Lariat, Crew Cab, Leather, FX4 stk. #P449 &ZfiJJ 2003 GMC Envoy Leather, Low Miles stk. #250157A 2002 Ford F150 XLT, SuperCab, V/8, Auto stk. #P453 u 1a 2001 Ford F250 XL, Reg. Cab, Super Duty stk. #P451A ti*1 2002 Ford 2001 Ford F250 F350 Lariat, Crew Cab, XLT, Dually, Crew Cab; Diesel Hard Cover & Pull-out Bed stk. #P456 u*13 stk. #P457 June is National Safety Month Child Passenger Safety Note National Safety Council statistics show that motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for kids age 2-14. Many injuries ban be avoided with the correct use of child safety seats. Utilize approved child safety restraints Never place a rear-facing safety seat in the front seat- Be a role model. Always buckle up! For more information visit www.nsc.org/nsm/childpassenger.htm 3UCKEVE / It's all in the BOX When you want something new or just a change...I care. Mark the box for BOX James (Jim) BOX For City Council District 5 Pol. adv. paid for and approved by James Box for City Council District 5 MM0 Y~~"'1 II stk(. #25011~7C; u i ul A1 ~F;T;D 1$4195 alp Sports * :1: 4 .- * 4 1 4 4 3/ Sau 5g S/eciil : *-s s, 140m DIStraL OQUIIAY CHANNEIB. Including Top L local Channels FOR FIRST 3 MONTHS! r--L6 r- -6 r, ,- -r---, S ATELLITE 1 sYs.o TV Serting all of Florda. Georglo, Alabira, Sourh Carolina and Tennessee. Locolt Owned and Operated.Licensed, Bonded, Insured 1-800-386-3896 Because pfthe Customer, We Exist! w cutma only. Proraming old M praly. Prorammng f of n $4.Wmo, orsion, d .euch ddltlonl r clnr. *Whill SuppRu LMti Hmtp Qulfy. ACTIVATION OF PROGRAMMING AY BE SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL AND REQUIRES VALID SERVICE ADDRESS AND SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. DEPOSIT OR PREPAYMENT MA BE REQUIRED. ome Promotions R'iulre Valid HMIa Crdit Cld., New rhdentia cutomn betwe.l 311/2005 and 7/ll, purchT e any DIrecTV stem ,nd subsribe to OI7retv Total Choice Prnmlum prurnmmlng ith aI yMr commitment to any Direlct Total Cholk Packlgeaor y DIret Pra Tode pckag will recelhe months FREE of The special Onf. A-6 The Taco Times June 1, 2005 Deer-dog hunting ban in Bay? The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) will meet at the Hilton Daytona 'Beach Ocean Front Resort June 15-17. The Wednesday (June 15) agenda includes two items deferred from the April meeting. One of them is a rule change to prohibit deer-dog hunting on a 7,481-acre portion of the San Pedro Bay Wildlife Management Area (WMA). The City pool to open June 13 The City Pool will open for the summer season June 13. The pool will be open Monday through Friday from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. and again from 7:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. Swimming lessons will be offered this summer with registration set for June 7 and 8 from 5:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m: . For more information, call 584- 7635. TCI sponsors golf scramble The Taylor Correctional Institution Employees' Club will be sponsoring a golf scramble to benefit the Refuge House on June 10 at the Perry Golf & Couftry Club. The entry fee will be $200 per 4-player team with prizes awarded to the top three teams. Food and refreshments will be provided along with drawings and other events.. The tournament is limited to the first 16 team to enter. For more information, contact A. Washington at 838-4000. Majorettes set SThe Taylor County Middle School majorettes will be hosting a softball tournament June 4. The .tourney will be a five homerun and a single format using Sany 47-core ball. The entry fee is other is a proposed rule change to manatee protection zones in the Matlacha Pass in Lee County. In other action, concerning hunting dogs, commissioners will review, findings from workshops on the proposal to launch a statewide deer-dog registration program, patterned after a pilot program in northwest Florida last year. Also, Commissioners will consider adoption of a rule to establish the deer-dog registration program. The FWC plans to consider proposed season dates and bag limits for early season migratory bird hunting. Staff is not proposing any changes from last year's dates and bag limits, but rules for the coming season won't be final until later this summer when federal authorities approve the final framework. In other marine fisheries action, the Commission will review and discuss proposed federal snapper- grouper regulation changes in the south Atlantic, possible federal actions to reduce the recreational harvest of red grouper in the Gulf of Mexico, and the annual marine fisheries management work plan. The meeting will.convene at 8:30 a.m. all three days. - -,V- w - 01'1 Thres.n better Kiwanis golf winners Members of the Buckeye team won the 2005 Kiwanis Golf Scramble which benefited the Relay for Life program. Team members included (left to right) Tim Kapperman, Jay Van Dee and George Oberschlake (not shown is Al Wolfkill). Shown at far right is Kiwanis President Dan Nunez. The 18-hole tournament was playedat the Perry Golf and Country Club. softball tourney $125 per team.. For more information, contact Brad Flores at 838-2336. All proceeds will benefit the ' TCMS majorettes. I[ -stoka& -Karat; Celebrating 30 Years! Kis Teen & Ault (Kis 4 00-5 00 pm) ije-ens 5 0. 6 30 pm) ({Adulis 7- pm) (E.ei.ulhe 120i6'' I' 1 pril TUESDAY & THURSDAY 124 S. Jefferson St. Jimmy BoWden, instructor 838-3656 U :: '"' ~' 41:~irl .i ,'!L j -'! i.. .I .1 ~ 803 W. Main St. 584-6021 *O offer valid subject tocredit i,, I i 'i .1, 1 .... I ,. and 6/30/05. No payments 'i ..... I .. .. ..... I ........ assessed from d'ite of purclh .- ..,., I- I .. .. i . applicable) are paid in full within the promitirinal period. **$58.00 monthly payment based on $2899.99 Retail Price. ...... ... Iur.i : .beween 1/1/05 S i,, I 1.. ,I I I I ., 1 .hargcs will be ...J ,ll .,. ,l .. .. ...r n premiu tm s.(if WWW.SNAPPER.COM .......----- --. . r .:, : ,: hi 2,: ,; r -n Viiir_,t ,n r tV i , .G .r Tl I ,.i CI it i Nr'1rr . SGET YOUR TICKETS NOW! The Odd Couple FOUR GREAT PERFORMANCES! Thursday. .June 9 De.rt Te-rheoter rn Friday, June 10 Dir.rner Theater ,:.-': pr n Saturday. June 1 1 Dinrrer tr-.eh r 5o r' pm Sunday. June 12 ;,ur-,ja, f linrr-e L.'e:-er T ihe r p m. NFCC Studc-n C-ri:er ',' : . Dinner Trh oter 520 :.: ,", .- -- North Florida -'I NFCC -Colleae cJl rn:e"rnr 850.973.1] 653 AcJ.,jirlcny R.'q~.rerJr 30 D 3 ; : Movie , 25 r ? : Sports i I _lli /starH HBO cineo ~TWnME SPORISPACK FREE! Includesa .olltde diskh, up to J ondard r eOibers ad ,l.ndard DsItaoIIoRon .. P - -dol&Am Gator Gathering Tuesday, June 21 Perry Woman's Club Social--6:30 pm Dinner--7:30 pm Guest speaker * John Hevesy, Qffensive Line Coach Door Prizes/Chances on Autographed Football & Basketball Perry contacts: SBetty Culbreath @ 584-2399 & Jeanne Raulerson @ 584-6444 Madison contact: B.F. Killingsworth @ (850) 973-6467 Cut Mowing Time In Half * New easy-to-use, twirin-lyer steering control * Spins on a dime ' * 33", 38", 42" or 48" mowers available * Hydrostatic (Automatic) Drive - I : - .qw AA*-d Amf .. I IL Reli gion Beach Blast promised Summer brings Vacation Bible Schools to churches Looking for a Beach Blast? SClub V.B.S.: A Beach Blast Celebrating God's Faithfulness will be held June 6-11 from 5:30 until 8:20 every night at Pisgah Bpi'it Church on Highway 19 SNorth: (just beyond Big Top STrampoline): . "We. will be digging into :,adventure-fillJd Bible stories, 'creatin- g ,onjd.rul beach crafts, cxpericncinL' extraordinary Beach Blast music and embarking on a : sand\ adventure'" S To pre-regisier. please come by Sthe church on Saturday, June 4, from 1-4 p.m.; there'will be hot dogs and games for all. For information, call 584-2487 or 584-6576. Haven't you 'herd' about all the fun? SAt Bo\d NMehodisj Church, a Scrcngeti Trek is planned June 5-9 S ever evening from 7 until 8-45 :p m. SFor more information on thie V\'acaiun Bibli School and a \%%ck : of "Bihlc-ILarning fun." plcuse : contact 5x4-47181 Which Way S Do You Go? Vacation Bible School at First Baptist Church will seek to *: answer that question as; it presents '.a "Rumblin' Road Trip" based on Psalm 255.. Obituaries Classes are planned from 9 a.m. until noon June 6-10 for children age 5 through sixth grade. Everyone is invited. Jena announces Vacation Bible School The First Baptist Church of Jena will have Vacation Bible School June 6-10 from 6 until 8:30 p.m., for age 3 through,sixth grade. "Our theme is Ranch House Kids-Adventure of the Open Door, and the study focuses on a relationship with God using the image of the open door from Matthew 7:7. We help the children know they can knock on God's doors at any time and God is there for them," said Betty Beck, and Vaughn Farnell for the church. Parents are reminded that if they deliver their children and need .hem transported home by bus, Beck should be contacted at 498- 5766,or Farnell.at 498-2190 Lakeside takes 'Ramblin' Road Trip' Lakeside Baptist Church is also gearing up for Vacation Bible School. planning for classes from 6 until 8:30 p.m. June 5-9. The Study \%ill be a "Ramblin' Road Trip." PaYtor Steven Ruff encourages everyone attend. For more information, please contact the church office 584-5688. Men gather Friday for lunch, message The monthly informal gathering of men that includes lunch and a brief inspirational message by the Rev. Eddie Blalock will be held Friday, June 3, at the M.A. Rigoni Cookhouse on North U.S. 19 (north of the former Highway Patrol Station). Lunch will be served from 11:30 a.m. until 12:15 p.m., followed by the message which will conclude at 12:35 p.m. The cost is $5; all men are invited. Monthly gospel sing set at Church of God The Perry First Church of God on Highway 221 North will have its monthly sing on Saturday, June 4, beginning at 7 p.m. Groups will include The Cavaliers, One Accord and Faith. Snacks will be served at 5:30 p.m. Everyone is invited. Jn 6-10.S *i6:00-8:00 A-7 The Taco Times June 1, 2005 Camp Meeting Thursday-Sunday,. June 2-5 Special SiPini$ Anioilted Preaclbip Fat & G6ames Guest Speakers: Thursday 7:30 p.m. Rev. John Minyard from Ozark, Ark. Friday 10:00 a.m. Rev. Wil Cohron from Jacksonville, Fl. Friday 1:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship Brother Israel Garza, youth leader Friday 7:30 p.m. Rev. Mitchell Shelby from Sarasota, FI. Saturday 7:30 p.m. & Sunday 3:00 p.m. Rev. John Minyard EVERYONE WELCOME Come Expecting Your Miracle Hwy. 98 West Rev. James Box, pastor Deadline (lor local church news is 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday & Thursdays. News is published as space is available. USDA United States Department of Agriculture The Tobacco Transition Payment Program (also caed "Tobacco Buyout"). Billie Joe Odom Billy Joe Odom Billy Joe Odom. a homemaker, 76. died May 28, 2005. A native of Taylor Counvy, she was a member of New Hope Church of God before moving to Sevierville, Tcnn. in 1998. She was preceded in death by her parents, Will and Norie Ricketson: her husband. John L. Odom: two sons. Johnny Odom and Wayne Odom: three brothers. J. T. Ricketson. William Henry Ricketson and Edward Ricketson: and four sisters. Zelma Turner, Martha Yarbrough. Lois Proctor and Mtllie Goswick. Survivors include: her daughter. Candis Woods of Sevierville: two sons. William Craig Odom of Knoxillc. Tenn. and James Bruce Odom of Tallahassee: three sisters. Marguerite Morgan and Bobbie Ann O'Onnn. both of Perry. and Mary Kate Mitchell of Stei.ihatchee; two grandchildren: and one great grandchild Memorial services will be held Thursday, June 2. at I p m. at Center Street Church 6f God with the Rev. Don Henderson officiating Leo Edward Wambolt Leo Edward Wamboll, age 86. died May 26, 2005. in Lake Cit\ A retired foreman of a sugar factory, he was a native of Lincoln, Neb., and raised in Jerome, Idaho, before moving to Perry in 1971. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II and was of the Lutheran faith. He was preceded in death by his parents, Henry Wambolt and Lydia Miesner Wambolt; his wife, Marvine Johnson Wambolt; a son. Edward Wambolt; and a daughter, Linda Sant. Survivors include: three sons, Mike Wambolt of Jerome, Idaho, Gary Wambolt of Perry and Eddie -'Wambolt of Ft. Lauderdale; tm\o daughters, Jean Wambolt Gonzales of Wenatchee, Wash., and Melvean Wambolt of Port St. Joe; .- Please see page 8 You've heard about it. No be a part of it. This is it. The Federal tobacco marketing quota system is over. No more plant- ing restrictions. No more marketing cards. No more price support loans. Instead, the USDA's new Tobacco Transition Payment Program will provide money to eligible tobacco quota holders and producers to help in this transi- tion that ends the old system. But sign up now or you will not get a 2005 payment. Eligible: Quota H o lders and Prodcr SDid you own a farm as of October 22, 2004, with a 2004, basic : marketing quota? : Are you an owner, operator, landlord, tenant, or sharecropper who shared in the risk of producing tobacco anytime between 2002 and 2004? ) Do you grow Flue-cured, Burley, Fire-cured, Dark air-cured, Virginia sun-cured, 6r Cigar filler/binder tobacco? Please sign up between March 14, 2005, and June 17, 2005, at your local USDA Service Center. Call 1-866-887-0140 or visit http://offices.usda.gov to find your local county Service Center. Farm Service Agency USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer I I c I in. ~t :~UFL~'P;iY "i~il , 4 A-8 The Taco Times June 1,2005 Obituaries Continued from page A-7 two brothers, Gary Wambolt of Twin Falls, Idaho, and Albert Wambolt of Denver, Colo.;' and one sister, Rachel Womack of Houston. SGraveside services were held Sunday, May 29, at 2 p.m., at Lake Bird Methodist Church Cemetery in Lake Bird. :Beggs Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements. Elva Virginia George :Elva Virginia George, age 89, died' May 29, 2005, at Doctors' Memorial Hospital in Perry. Born in Greenville, she was a homemaker and the daughter of David Walker McLeod and Linnie Cowart McLeod. S he is preceded in death by her 'husband, Wilson "Homer" George of-Georgia. -Survivors include: a sister, Elizabeth McLeod Sadler of Perry, and a host of nieces and nephews. -,ervices will be, held today (Wednesday) at Beggs Funeral I-ome in Perry, at 11 a.m. Ii-erment will follow at Andrews Cemetery in Greenville. SFamily received friends May 31 'fim 5-7 p.m. at Beggs Funeral Enjoy your freedom to attend the church of your choice. Home. Memorial contributions may be made to Our Father's Storehouse, c/o First Baptist Church, 102 N. Center St., Perry, FL 32347. Freddie Lloyd Smith Freddie Lloyd Smith, 52, died May 27, 2005 at his home. A native of Winter Gardens, he had lived in Perry for,the past 15 years. The son" of the late Lloyd Thomas Smith and the late former Louise Pittman Smith. He is survived by his wife of 26 years, Vikki A. Smith of Perry; a brother, Glenn Smith of Tallahassee; and a sister, Wendy Morris of Perry. No services are planned at this time. Joe P. Burns Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements. June 6 Vacation Bible School set By B.D. WILLIAMS Vacation Bible School will begin at New Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church Monday, June 6, at 5 p.m. A city- wide invitation is extended. There were out-of-towners from the north, south, east and west here Saturday, May 28, attending the funeral services of Mrs. Hattie McLeod held at Antioch Missionary Baptist Church. Theodore Marshall and family were- here over the weekend visiting Aunt "D" as well as other relatives and friends. The friends of the city extend their deepest heartfelt sympathy to the Holmes family in the loss of their loved one, a son, husband, father, brother and friend. "Just look to the hills from whence cometh your help. Your help comes from the Lord." Deacon Henry Clay Summers is .still in Doctors' Memorial Hospital in Perry. Others on the sick list are Deacon Ephriam Tillman and Mrs. Erie Jones and others. SJlCARPET T We Also CARPETS WOOD FLOORS Carpet *VINYL BINDING Travel CERAMIC CUSTOM DESIGNED Trailers, REPAIRS AREA RUGS Campers 203 E. Drew St. (across from Robbie's Seafood) & Boats Hours: Mon. Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-12 James Musslewhite, owner Licensed & Insured Visa* MC AmEx "77 0713 S 'Mrs.,Collins4, HEALER READER ADVISOR All who are upsuccessful, unlucky, dissatisfied, let the woman who knows help you, She removes evil influence. If your husband or wife is unfaithful, see her now. She settles- lovers' quarrels, helps you gain the lost love & affection of the one you love-& shows you the way to happiness. She names friends and enemies and tells you if friends are true or false. She locates lost and stolen property. She does not claim to be God. She is just a servant of the Lord who was brought here to help humanity. If you have any problem concerning the past, present, future, love, marriage, business, lawsuits, finances, health; if you are in trouble, sick,,or in love, there's no problem so great that she-canno solve. 1823 South Ohio Ave. Live Oak Hwy. 129 -South Across the street from the library Look for her sign in front of her home 4 386-,362 AW GUARANTEED RESULTS IN 3 DAYS Prepare for an Exciting Career in SKeiser College's. Medical Assisting Program is designed to train the student to function effectively as an integral member of the physicians health care team: Our graduates will possess laborato- ry skills and perform laboratory tasks including blood chemistry Sand urinalysis; clinical skills including' X-ray, EKG, assisting in minor surgery, taking vital signs, giving injections, and venipunc- ture. Administrative skills including computer operation, record Sweeping, typing, insurance procedures, charting, and medical ethics Instruction are also included in this program. : 'Additional Careers In: Computer Networking & Security Management Accounting Criminal Justice Paralegal Business Administration Radiology Technology Computer Graphics and Design Culinary Arts Health Services Administration Baking and Pastry Arts Benefits: g Career Placement Assistance II Financial Aid for Those Who Qualify ~ Bachelor & Associate Degree Programs Sv Day, Evening & Online Classes v Schedules for Working Students Bachelor Degree Programs in: .. .. Business Administration Criminal Justice EISER COLLEGE i.- .7T a I I a h a s s e e Admissions O'lice Open 9am Spm Toll Free S1877.825-2573 w v\ .keiserco lege.edu I -) () -U (a / r BLUEBERRIES - -..-.. NOTICE CHANGES IN QUOTA HUNT APPLICATION BEGINNING JUNE 1 AT 10:00 AM The application process for regular (general gun) quota hunt permits and special (archery/muzzleloading) has changed. The quota hunt applications will no longer be accepted through the mail. Applications must be submitted at any location that sells hunting and fishing license or.online at www.myfwcc.com Hunters may apply individually or as a group up to 5. The group leader must apply first to set up the group and get a group number. Members will join using the group, number given to the group leader. If you do not have the group num- ber, you will not be able to apply for the group license. Phase I June 1 thru June 11 Applications are submitted online for a random drawing. At the time of applica- tion, you will receive a print out of your application choice. The drawings will be conducted after June 11 and customers will receive either a Quota Hunt Permit or a rejection notice prior to August 1, 2005. Customers can apply once per quota hunt type (regular and special) for up to 5 hunts for each type. If successful, they will receive a permit for one hunt per hunt type. Applications and additional information are available online at www.myfwcc.com Jack Tedder, Tax Collector Happy Happy Happy BIRTHDAY Jeannie Sessions S Love, Your "bouy" friend - o-pS - - ---- ---- -- -- 1 unity I Jw B-1 The Taco Times June 1, 2005 19 walk line Taylor County graduates named by North Florida 'Ag 'Day Taylor County 4-H recently held Ag Day on the grounds surrounding Forest Capital Hall. 4hldren received information on agriculture and were allowed to feed and interact with the "liyestock. Coordinator Lori Wiggins said the day was a great success. A.ylor County Elementary n Wnu ihs honor students S..Taylor County- Elemeitary Crumpler, Rea Das. Santina School has announced its honor Deming. Collis Dunwoody, Sarah .* .ol for the fourth nine-weeks Durden, Ke'Varius Franklin. Keria .-period. It is as follows: Gibson, Damion Hamilton. THIRD GRADE Samantha Hilton, Arthur Hoiles. S A' HONOR ROLL Jeda Holmes, Cheyenne Hoover, '" Ashlee Albritton, Triston Tyler Jackson. Skylar Johns. .''Barfield: Andrea Bartges. Colleen Katie Johnson, Ga\in Lewis. .: Bishop, Justin Calhoun,.Makenzie Taylor Lillott, Heather Lowry, '.Cannon, Dakota Carter, Claire Chelsea Lytle, Jason Madison. :. 'ruce, Sierra. Das, .Kaylee Mikey,.McGroarty, Alice Padgett, ..ehmark, Daniel Dudley, Laura Unnati Patel. Zuqua Ray. Ashton :IFreeman, E\an Grambling. Kacie Reichard. .Alson Riley, Jeffery -,iner, John Hilion, Layne Roberson. Alison Roberts. Shana po'ck. Taylor King, Ashl yr Sadler. Tanner Schwab, Tiana 'Iills, Morgan Mixon, Rebekah Sherburne, Kanah Smith. Katelin .pnroe Eric Morgan. Bobbie Story, Jennifer Sullivan. Jazzette ens, Peyton Padgett, Grant Taylor, Kalsee Tuten, Devin. "Parker, Joe Pelt, Lauryn Rew. Urbanski, Darick Ward and Drew BBrittany Stalans'Stewart, Mitch Williams. ,'tephens, McKenzie Sullivan. FIFTH GRADE Sariah Verges. Ernest Washmgton. 'A' HONOR ROLL essica Webb, Daniel .Wentworth Jabrayla Bell, Connor Bishop, ';and Bilie Whitehead. Aaron Crew\s. Josh Franklin, S"' Valerle Gardner, Eli Grambling. '.THIRD GRADE Mlacy Gregory, Ashley Harper. S, A/B' HONOR ROLL Taylor Kellerman. Ashley Knight. Pictured left to right 1 Amber Adkins. Wil Anderson. Margaret L'undy. Julia Monroe, j'.acob Barr, Teaondra Bellamy. Carolvn Nowlin. Kristen Reed, 'b-ason.Bennett. Ga'kia Bishop, Taylor Schmidt and Kristina u ,i uumn Blair, Tre'Robyn Britt. Wald. ithan Brown, William Buchanan,' FIFTH GRADE :.'ateil n. Butler, Tamara .Cobb, 'A/B' HONOR ROLL ''avfiell'lCoversbn; Makayla-Crites, Tabitlia Barber.. Kristin Blue, XJl~eadna Ciowlev: Ronald Dillon. Whitnev Blue, Casev Borkland, S`ar:Ensley, Dakota Faircloth, Blaine Brenner, Cody Butler, " 'i ee'm F'ow'eibs, Nicholas Jesika Byrd. Kayla, Campbell, teenan. Garrett Gibson. Beverly Caitlin Carter. Desiree Cary. Beau b;:,;illis, Kayla .Griffin, Dylan Collini, Bryce Craighead, Sheryl . Iarper,-Krysan Hathcock, Joshua Ann Curles, Melissa Darnell,. : ."High. .Garrett Johnson, Parker Jennicia Dowdell. Kiley Faircloth, t" SKelleinan,,Jordan Lyle. Braden Joseph Franklin, Ashanti Graham. ttihgly, Kelsey McCall, Eli Brittany Hall. James Hatcher, .t: . IcCranie, Jess Mcl vin, PaW. Jonathan Hornsby. Miranda " eks, LeWis -MilloT, Marcus Howell. Ricky Hudson, Joshua icolas, Tyl.er OversiteeiTyler, Hygema. Shamouri Island, Paige rice ,1,Tbtlit .R 'd, Kaelen Jacobs. Jennifer Kelly. Justice ' SpAndi;de 6Rhode, Jamarcus Kelly, Coreshia;Kimble. Rabecca 'obe.,tso~ Charice' ;: dgers, Lamb, Daniel Lowry, Brandon 'Mrcedez'Rogers..Amber Russell. Mathews. Melanle McAfee, h,"*Clristoplher Spuza,.e:La'Quinia McDonald; Justin McGuire, .Stephens, Dylan Strickland, Sharis McKnight, Berleatha SKadyn Uhl, Case Viola, Miller, Raven Mitchell. Ashley - .Elizabeth Walker. Jessica Welch, NMixon, Kaleb Mixon. Brandi im ,Cameron Wetheringtoh, Catherine Moore. Kevin Moore. Jabrika ,.-g hiddon arid Brandon Wilson. Morris, Chelsey O'Quinn, Ciera '* FOURTH GRADE Ormsby, Micha Palmer, liraj S A' HONOR ROLL Patel. Brandon Peeples. T'Keyah SLucas Allbritton. Lauren Allen. Peterson, Krisiy Potter. Ashlyn "..hi'ey Anderson, Kayla Beasley, Price. 'Brion Scott, Meijah Rebecca Blount,. Elaine Brannen. ,Skeleton. Chelsea Snodgrass, Wil ,.. Abtigail Bratcher, Taylor Chaffin. Tuten, Samantha Tyler. Hanna Sj1ri:'Jaes Clove', Peyton Cribbs.- Valentine. Abbigail Walker, rfinia Ferrer; Justin Folsom. Amanda Warf. Caitlin Weatherly, - i aley'Ra Freeman'. ta;ev Garand, Tyler Whitfield, Nic Williams, Hunter Martin. Garrett McCoy. Tevin Williams, Anna Winstead, Si. Tnomas Neshat, Daimeun Prayvor, Whitney. Winstead, Trent Wolfe. Em'alee Shaw, Luke Slaughter, and Whitney Young. ij:a'ka',Sinyrnios. Jonathan Thomas, M::' iadison Thomas. Justih Walker, i C":teb,-Wallis, Joshui' Watkins. II 'Brittany.' Williams, Nicole Willis, A"tsti.n W'ynn and Cody + I.Y erton. i':(;.' FOURTH GRADE A /B'. HONOR ROLL a 'vA' Akins, Victoria Allbritton,'- '. i d~ Anderson, Shon Anderson, 0,,John'Arnold, .Tessa Arnold,..-Kacy S ,ass, Jina ..Bau.mgardneti S ; rlique Bell;.:Hanahi-Blanco,. 'AtI ISd.l r Biue ,iec-,Bourland, n Biown,.Alexis Burkett, "rik.ttany .Ca-lafio.re, Melissa Shown above are, irom left, Pam ,Ox'el;.Gail Crawvford, Cade Mart to Whitfield This is as a result ,~s ;:?""" ' A packed auditorium of tfmik and friend, watchede d as gradiu.ies marched during NFCC > commLencement exercises Thursdai evening. NMa 5. at .Van H. Pricst Auditorium in Madison Pr-sident Morris G. Seen Jr presided o',r the ceremony . The ceremony included candidates .for gradluatton in academic and vocational programns for the summer. fall and spring terms of 200t4-(205: 1 '( Assoc'lje in Arts degrees. si\ Asociaic in Science degrees. 14 Associiae in Applied Sctence degrees. 21 ocalonal certificates. and 43 GED diplomas \~ere awarded NFCC Student GoLernment Association President, Studcnt of the Year and graduate Keil', Rentroe .'.as tile keynote speaker Renfroe spoke on taking her first steps to wards getting a degree as a nontraiitionai student Renfroe said her motivation has been her family and friends The Re' Richard Quakenbuih. pastor of Lee Uniied Methldri, Church. Madison, ga e the invocation and the ReC Octavius Tookes, pastor of Damascus Nlissionar\ Baptitt Church, IMadison, ga e the benediction Dr. Rebecca Burkart along with daughter Laurel Burkart provided - special music. Following commencement. a reception was held on the portico of Van H. Priest Auditorium T.a lor graduates %with an .-A o ere' Charlotte R. Barbaree. - A.rranda Brann. John NI Harizog, Jade Michelle Ho\well. John Matthewv Howell. Ollsia Ingram., Brian Eric Johnson. Scott E. Murra,. Erika Nettles, Lace.\ M. Ratliff, Chantel Ashley Sanders. Lindsey Sue Shaw Austin \anLoock. April Michelle Wiles and Belle Marie Williams Barbara Draw.dy completed the .AAS Earl\ Childhood Education program., v.hile Brian Cruse. lKi, aris D. Hightovi er and Dimitri Alan \Villiams completed the criminal justice program. jJJ JJJ 0 , Tim Archer, Pam Johnson, Mary Tedder and Eric Scott. Johnson. Felcia Whitfield and Calvin Cone, who presented a $100 gift card from Wal- of a fundraiser spearheaded by band boosters. 0 I COMMUNITY I B-2 The Taco Times June 1,2005 Small ads..big deals!! Grandpa's Trash & Treasures Huge Yard Sale Rain Or Shine Fn-Sat from 8 A M -2 P M & Sun from 12 PM.-4P.M Furniture tools, clothes, fishing equip., knives, collectables, old sluf and much more Come bring table and set up lor Iree Call Daphne at 584-9617 or 672-0346. 1255 HWY 19 N. Across HWY Irom Shriners. 6/1,6/3 YARD SALE Friday & Saturday. 8 A.M.-Until 1475.-folly Dr 6/1 6/3 3 family Yard/Craft sale, Thursday thru Saturday. 8.30 A.M -4 PM 149 Falling Street 6/1,6/3 The AMVETS Post 20 Community Yard Sale will be held this Saturday from 7 a m until 2 pm at the post home at 2499 Woods Creek Rd You can reserve-a I'space (with 6 ft table) for only $5 For more information. call Mark Viola at 584- 5513 or 684.8807 after 5 p.m 6/1, 6/3SAV Saturday 29th & Saturday 5th, books. crafts workouts Christmas items and lots of misc. items, 405 W. Ash. 5/25 6/3 Valentine Produce Fresh picked-Blanched-Flash Frozen- zippers, butter beans, black eyes, white -acres, ford hooks, cream corn. okra and green beans, will deliver to Perry'on :Saturdays 352-498-2580 or 352-578-4256 .5/25-6/17 Full-size Captain's bed wil 'bookcase :headboard & 4 large drawers in bottom,. .$150. Lane wilngback recliner $50. 125 'gal. aquarium w/cabnet base $350. 185 gal aquarium $150. Call 584-8326 6/1-6/10 Fortease.,Keaton-Beach. 3b/2b on Cer'A l rlioalng dock large screened in area iish leaning station No Sub Leases 229-560- 1475. 6/1-6/29 For Sale, s/wide mobile home, 3 bedroom. 1 bath. completely remodeled,, excellent condition. Jeave msg.-at 850-223-1714 6/1-6/17 - : A W Wu A:II11`1:4 P $18,000 Built in 1950s 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bath All Pine Wood Floors New Central H/A Some Appliances House moved at buyer's expense. OA CAA I Call for appt. O15 -O4 4 S For Sale 216 W. Bay Street Work from home' 3 bedroom. 2 1/2 bath home. located downtown. This home includes a beauty shop with Ihe equipment S and is perfect for someone wanting to work from hdme..call today. 584-7514. ask for Cheryl G Moore. Reallor/Associate Grady Moore Real Estate, Inc S 5/27.61 S Relocating from Tailahassee area, looking for 3 bedroom house or Mobile Home. must allow yard dogs. must be clean, please '-call (850)672-9135 5/27-6/29000 Handyman Special, 3 BR 1 Bath,.3/4 Nursing Home. Asking $15,000. Job,out of town, must sell. 386-329-8485,: leave message. , 5/18, 7/8 Land for sale, 221 between Shiloh Church Rd and CalroParker Rd I acre lots with paved roads Owner financing available Pleae call-(386) 658-1346or '(850) 584. 7466 StfEF -3 bedroom / 2 bath house, central h/a, must, see sunroom to appreciate new', ceramic floors, move in, condition. 123 Ridge Road,$174.900, call 584-3580,, . 5/20-6/1 , AER,0T78 If you have expeerience-in MIG iG orialkriinum wire welding-, ," - .. .,please. contact Mic ael Cady at (8.50 219-4700. S W rrently have temp. S. tb oireopehnings.at . $1 1' 1- 4/hour. O -is available. . Company will pay relocation and completion bbnus. EOEn Pre-construclion luxury townhouses. 1,400 sq. ft. 584-4678. 5/13-6/29 t acre just outside ol city limits call (904)744-8,151 5/20-6/3 FOR' RENT rol 3 bedroom/2 bath single wide set up in Everett's Mobile Home Park, $450 per month plus $100 deposit, includes water sewer and garbage Applications and references required, come by Perry Repo Oullet, Monday through Wednesday 9 A.M.-5 30 P.M, ask for Betty. 584-7094 5/27tfEMH Roommale(s) wanted-Often Iraveling owner needs animal loving, non smoking roommate(s). 2 bedroom suite with private bath in Old Perry, shared kitchen all utilities except phone. $475 w/deposit and reference 371-1922 5/25-6/3 For rental Office space for nonprofit organization at 800 West Ash Street, site of Tpylor Counly Senior Services Call 584-4924 for information. 8/6tfSS Furnished Sleeping Room. $110 per-wesek 4 deposit, first and last week in advance Call 843-1276. 8431296 or 833-1524 -77(pin) 5!,6,' Greene's Real Estate investors, inc HUD vouchers accepted, house for rent. 3 . bedroom-1 bath. located at 200 N -Elmo Scott Avenue, recently remodeled central A/C. carpeted/tiled. $600 month & $600 deposit owner will work with applicant with the deposit. To inspect the house, call (8501584.4934 or (305)246-235'9. for additional information, Equal Housing Opportunity 6i/1618 2 rooms for rent. older w/male, call 223- 2632 5/270, 6/1 Southern Villas of Perry!! New Management!! HLD Voucher accepted 10 and 2 bedroom HC and non-HC accessible apartments. Call 850-584.8111. TDD/TTY 711 315 Puckett Rd. Perry. FL 32347 Equal Housing Opporlunity t'SV : WoodridaeAnartmentsl! 'LooKing for.applicants! Apply now for 1. 2 ahd'3 bedroom apartments. Equal Housing', Opportunity. Call 850.584-5668. 709 VV Church, St, Perry FL 32347 TDDTITY 711 ' tfWA ill 1996 Pro sport, 22 center console. Garnrrin GPS. Sitex 206''Color Bottom Machine Marine VHS radio, new CD player, 150 hp Yamaha salt water- series and double arandem, galvanized Irailer. $13000 '1979 . 55 hp Evinrude motor. $600. 584-8491. 5/2016/1 16 Ih Lucrarn with 80 hp Mercury. electric till, lish hnder center console & trailer. good condition, $3000 o b o Call 223,- 3743 5/20-6/8 544 E J'D Quick Coupler. $27,500. 505.22 J.C.B Telescopic lift. $15.900 774'0 4WD Ford New Holland, 85 HP tractor. $10,900 Clauss 5x4 round baller, $3000 All in good condition. 'located in Greenville. 770-329.-2718 5/20-6/1', . For Sale ' .14 ft 3 in Airboat. hull & cage. Aloe, 4 horse stock trailer, gooseneckk Call 850- 578-3132 - 5/20.6/1 . Travel Trailer. 20' Coachman, good condition $2200 irm call 5844283 leave a rmersage. 6/611/ i For Sale- Fancy Dayliliesi Starting a1 3 a clump Abe Whilield & Daughters' Turkey Roosi nursery 584.7395 6/1.6/10 Winnebago motor home. 31 ft sleeps 6, very good condition. $16 000 o b.o 415 W. Green 5/25-6/3 AUTOMI E S . 1 95 Ford Escort, runs, good on gas, standard, 2 door, hatchback, blue, $1000 obo call 672-0349 5/27rt Ford F 50 2002. V-8. 4 dr X-cab. PW cruise PL AT, lilt low package. 46.000 miles loan value $17.500. super clean at $15.900 584.5832 5/27.6/8 2002 Buick Rendezvous A very comfortable attractive vehicle, gets good gas mileage (about 26 on highways) Garaged and well cared for. Fully equipped with auto, CD. power seat, a/c, V-6 engine, s p pb, leathericloih seats third row seats/7-passenger, alloy wheels, traction control, etc. Only 41,700 miles. Average NADA retail is $16,025 Priced at $13,700 Call 584.7883 5/13ttSD ~1I 1999 Lincoln Town Car. ahile 75 000 miles all leather 6 disc CD player excellent condition $10 37. call 54. 7412 6/1-6/10 PET1 15.1 1/2 hands Percheron/quarterhorse gelding, bay 3 years old Shols arid worming up 1o dale good with larrir. was= broke English but we have been using him Western on rails this pasl year Very stocky and cfn carry a large person N,1r spool'y, bul Is somewhail '.-ll green at 3 years old He has been a great trail horse but we haie to trin the herd Localed in Dowling Harl-$1 Kl iC hirrti Call 38.j362- 1954 or 3864.88 4954 Lea..e message We will return your call. Free o1 good home" Brindle colored PII Bull m>.. about 3 years old ver, loving playful and calm, loves children and gelts along with other animals Call lor more into. 584-3806, leave a message 6/1 Lost Cannon digital camera with case in area f Foley Cut.Orf Road and Highway 30 Call 584 9300 SSubscribe today! - 584-5513 Scrap Gold & Gold Comic Books Silver Dollars I Pocket Watches Postcards Pocknet W Sports Memorabilia i'Taylor County Historical Items \/intano metal tnr~e/w\inrd-in t n\/ GULF COAST METAL .i ROOFING ,S, ,'Full line of accessories in stock . 3' Wide Galvalume 3' Wide Painted Special Flashings Made All Types Warranted Metal Available SCut to your des5ird 1Inviel Del/nr Smrvice ai.la he Call Toll-Free 888-393-0335 '352-498-0778 Horseshoe Beach, Fl. Sign Oni Bonus PRICHETT TRUCKING NEEDS EXIPRIENCED CLASS A DRIVERS SIN YOUR AREA FOR; LOCAL HAULING. GOOD PA, AND BENEFITS 800.. 486- 75 04 1800-486-7504 Secretary Position This is a full-time or part-time position. Responsibilities include answering multi- line phone liung sending correspondence, keeping accurate records tor the office and being responsible lor dealing with walk-in customers This person must be computer literate, work well with Others organized, able lo work in a high-stress situation and be multi- tasked Must be proficient in Ihe following computer software Microsoft Word. Excei, Publisher and Microsoft Outlook Salary is negotiable. Benefits include sick pay vacation time and holiday pay Please send resume and references to Secretary Position, P.O Bo. 892. Perry. FL 32348 5/1 3tCH First Presbyterian Church of Perry is seeking a parttme choir director who sees music as ministry Pay commensurate with experience Send resumes by May 25 to First Presbyterian Church. P.O Box 837 Perry Ft.32348 Attn Music Ministry No phone calls please 5/,3i The City of Perry is taking . applications for the following position: TRUCK DRIVER/LABORER (Street Division) Req: Must have valid Florida Drivers License and be able to obtain a CDL within 6 months after employment. Salary: $8.12 -$11.47 hourly Applications are available at the City of Perry Personnel_ Office and will be accepted unrti the position is filled. CITY OF PERRY " Personnel Office 224 S. Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347 (850) 584-7161. aRIJG FREE WORItPL.A'E EQUAL OPPORTUNITY, EMPLOYER, AFFIRMATivE ACTION EMPLOrER The Lily 01 Monticello s accepting applications for the position of Police Patrol Oficer This position requires a minimum or 3 high school diploma and Florida Police Standards The successful candidate must live in Jefferson County or be willing to relocate The ideal candidate will have demonsiraled police skills have iome advanced education and some advanced police cerilicallon such as Rador or Breathalyzer The successful candidate music complete a Department held training program within the firsi month The position requires a background check Salary arid benefit inlormaiion available upon request Submit application and resume to- Ciry of Monticello Police Dept 195 S Mulberry St Moniicello FL 32344 by June 10 2005 EOE/Drug Free Workplace Boal Mechanic needed Monday-Friday 8 am p m. Starting salary $500 weekly Must have experience working on molors & boat rigging References required Apply in person at 322 Riverside Dr.ve, Sleinhalchee. Florida 4/27tf The City of Perry is accepting resumes for the following position: FINANCE DIHnLu On The City of Perry is seeking an individual to fill the position of finance director with a degree in business administration, accounting, finance or related field; and experience in all phases of financial management. Governmental accounting experience and personal computer skills desirable. Salary Range: $37,190.40- $50,016.95 annually with- excellent benefit package. Send resume to: CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office 224 S. Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347 (850) 584-7161 ODuG FREE WO,RKPLACE EOLAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLO ER AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLO'lER Ul Icll7P1il iI RN ES N Monday Frd- Sign--on Bonu1.se$2,800 Commercial Property For Sale &, ,... .& -. , 850-223-7104 wigt^ ^"FnA Prestige Home Center SCiefland The Only Factory Outlet on; the West Coast .. a... --,. .z T. r - n".. *r' n .'&'1''A S Choose from : .2 or 3 Bedroom S-2'Bath Exceeds New Gov't. Standards $32,44500OR $275 mo. Includes AC, Heat, Skirting & Steps .No Down paymentt for Landowners! Eggs are Cheaper, in the Country, So are Prestige Homes! :;:' N. Hwy. 19, Chiefland' 800-477-2492 li L I 'I I - LOST & -.FOUND I IF bl B-3 The Taco Times June 1,2005 gEI E-S APALACHEE CENTER A Behavioral Health Care Center currently seeking ADULT.CASE MANAGER #2156 AVAILABLE REGULAR STATUS ( HOURS PER WEEK) QR TEMPORA OPS STATUS (20-40 HOURS PI WEEK) 'REQUIRES MINIMUM OF BACHELOR'S DEGREE WITH A MAJ( IN COUNSELING. SOCIAL WOF PSr'CHOLOGY CRIMINAL JUSTiC NURSING. REHABILITATION. SPECI EDUCATION, HEALTH EDUCATION ( A RELATED HUMAN SERVICES FIELD OR A BACHELOR'S DEGREE + 2 YEA FULL TIME OR EOUIVALEI EXPERIENCE WORKING WITH ADUL EXPERIENCING SERIOUS MENT ILLNESS VALID DRIVER'S LICEN' REQUIRED REGULAR STATUS RATE $1075 PI HOUR!EXCELLENT BENEFITS Q TEMPORARY OPS STATUS RA $12 92 PER HOUR/NO BENEFITS For more information and a compel lisling of available positior www.aoalacheecenter.org (850)523-3217 or 1(800)226-2931 Human Resources, 2634-J Capital Cir N E Tallahassee. FL Pre-Hire Drug Screen & FDLE backgrou check An Equal Opportunity/Alihrmat Action Employer Drug-Free Workplace 6/1 6/3AC Position vacancies under Taylor Cour Board of County Commissioners' Park Attendant temporary (April Sei Part time (days and hour vary) max: hrs/wk. $6.56 hr. Firefighter call in; $9 05 hr. Engineer- $36,504- $41,080 EOE/Drug Free Workplace Position requirements and specification available at Taylor .One .Stop. Car Center, 224 N. Jefferson Street; Perry, I 32347 or www.tcfl-librinf6:oom. .Sub applications to Taylor.One.Stop Car Center. Positions open until filled. 5/4dBOCC Experienced plumbers needed Must ha a driver's license Call 584-8603. 3/4rfHS Experienced plumber laborers needed Must have a driver's license. Call 68 8603 3/4tiHS Part-lime clerk positions available at S Hag Marina Approx hour 25-35 Must dependable honest and punctual Plea apply ip person at 322 Riverside Dri Steinhaichee. Florida. 3/30rfSH Hairstylist position available for n salon. Call 584-3375 to set up interview 5/25-6/1 Maintenance/lawn position available Perry Apartments Please come rby offi for applicallon. E A 1vZ -At; Driver-All About YOU is Teams star up to 47c Company Singles up to 39c & Students slart up to 31e 40 Orientation Pay + Lots of Bonus Pay RY KLLM.CDL-A ER 866-357.7351 EOE 6/1 A Advent Christian Village OR Current JOBS Line Advertisement RK call 658-5627 or visit www.acvillage.net 'E 24 hrs/day,'7 days/week AL CNAILPN OR Got a Passion for Compassion? LD Direct care staff in long-term care setting RS FT and PT positions and various shil.s NT available Florida certification (CNA) or TS license (LPN) required FT positions AL include health dental, lile disability SE supplemental insurance 403b retirement account paid time off. access to onsite ER daycare and illness facilities Apply in DR person at Personnel Office Monday TE Ihro.ugh Friday from 9 00 a m until 4 00 p r. or fax resume/credentiais to ete (386)658-5160 EOE/Drug-Free rs Wolkplace./Criminal background checks required 5i25-6/3ACV cle ;Avon ind Always Hiring! ive Reps Needed in your area. 500. commission Contact Tern at 584-8463 or 843-1285. 4/13tfTC nty 30 Clay Swindle -L.L C Painter., Interior & Ex-tenor Framing 18 yr experience Free ns est Big or small Call 850-223-1780 or es :.850843-r941; It. no answer, leave r message . Fr 10,27tffCS mit . eer l . TREE CAPITAL e CLEANING ;J-S d I4- be 584-CLEAN (2532) 356 Ve, Circle "T. Specializing in all.types of Iractor work'. bushhogging root raking harrowing, dirt ew hauling & leveling debris removal, clean up, and lawn care Call-for free estimae 584.2806 6/1-6/29 at Father & Son to do light and heavy yard ce work We also do trim work. Call Rodney Watts, 584-8324. t' |,- ,, .-M -,q *,*- ,- -. .. -r Clowns Clowns "Miles of Smiles Clowns" Balloons. Magic. Face Painting Dancing & Fun For All Ages Available for Special Events and Kids Binrhday Parties 578- 2582 5/206/15 TREE REMOVAL & STUMP GRIfNDING Lowest Rates Around Free estiialei Lici:e ed & Insured Call .ohn al 5814. 2027 No lob to big or to small 5/20.6i29 A T E NTIO FARMERS HOMEOWNERS & BUSINESSES Nuisance wildlife & small animal Irapping by licensed individual Call Bennie at 850. 57.3132 or 850-672.0311 5/20-6/1 PRESSURE WASHING Houses decks walk ways lust about anything Also lawn mower repair; Call John at 223-1273 for quotes on any lob 5/20-6/1 Lindsey Traclor Service Lawn Service. bush hogqing, land clearing, drive ways tree trimming, hauling, food plots debree remoal etc . Call 850-584-5193 or 850-838-4818 4/2711 J D's Tree Service and Lawn Care Licensed and insured Free estimates We also grind slumps Call today 838-1280 Firewood for sale ffJD CARPET & VINYL Installatron and repairs done at a good price No overhead Direct savings to you 30 years eTperience 850-83&8.9050. please leave a message 11/3tfBR The Handyman experts, honest work! Affordable, professional. licensed and insured. Specializing in house painting. interior. etc mobile home repairs home maintenance, pressure washing (wood and concrete) carpet, vinyl, wood floor. ceramic .lile,-and repairs Call 584-2270 (home) or .584-3776 (office) 25 years. IfJM A-2Z Farm and Lawn Services Harrowing. bush hog mowing dirt leveling rake work and.complete lawn services Call 584-6737. leave message 4iltfAZ fiCriCiE LIEIJ ALE f11i:c-e ia nereDyc gi.ern lo .Jarime Aoi'ir. 2'0'5 Boadern A.e PerPo,, FI,'rioo 323J8 iunle'. prrmeni is rraae on unir B--i (C.-r.ienrc i rouser.nil groodsr conie.r o *,,Ilil e 6 ld .-rn the 7tr do',' o ,1 Jure 2005 -at Hona, P r['ol: seir rI3oge 900 indulrri]l P 'n. Or Peri', FL .32i Ji .-5 3. notiCe A Specilol Callea r.lseeIn. or .r. e Bc.ora ,:i iru.iec oc ii C:c.rir., Elecriic .':.ac.e rair.e in,.: wIrl ce r.el,3 1 't 00 F r.1 triudao ,, June 2 2j005 o ne inl 'C urli, e, icr. Coull perai l.', i r.e,.liJ,'irl, ouiling ic.: i-rea 1- LI i Hnti.'r,'i l OC.POlrimOrel, i ri mr':il": rie :; ir I r,r r.q m od,:or. il, a1 ir.'- :.C:,- : ',o11,3 l.laeerr ing iS 1o t 3 'u:: *nra Tort .:r'i, :.n .eniinrri.rnt .:. Cli, ti- .: i i.: 'C.ci, Oei Il.c Ini Iiigio nll. rJ,:.ti,: i. rei'ie ,' ag.-n rI. i n-rn-,, Ournn ur.i-c:: r,n--rt .. moae *:.n 0i rodic iin I -" :-E I. i.152 i 3 enhicic- 'vll e C rbe o'Ja ored oin ire I 'rH ao. .i~ .lun? 1005 .i' r10 a m at inormon ,.'re :.'i r 'i q H- ,, 1' F'-ri, FL '_," i-t ,,,-,I: Hi FL.hH c-.I ,P i tiiji-.'. i i i- e r, irr, ire 6:,a, .:.r *ur .:.| TI :1: oi:n I 10 : .it i iiil r_ ,: u.. i r. t I, ir.3', iIll.Aj t,.i i.l'3 1r3 e : C,.er,.iir.i i.-]i. n.:.r ir,- :,3., ;.;''"', rnon. r.te rei,.3 31 Tr. '',,3 ,.' r Cojrn Cr.-rh''.i:r,;r, r leelirr,. S,-:T,,: ,i 3,1 l ,, c url, ,C.:.urlrO, j ir ;e r ..l,. O31i P.:i, ,Cll.:e Buij liii r, in 'e r, :l-,ld,. oa'- Junre .' 2,j3, at '5 Si4 p Ti Cei'iea :o'urr reC,,:ler rolll Ce pri esent I.. iecor l,313 e:; 3 r, r r. ciurlt iAc ri ?' e3 noi l cn Cei ri-: ja.:o: .t-c', hre, Delonse iler, clr. rr,. ..e'...'n r.i'al ii cc F',iii:ic: Fallier-,.-. Clo, Beirn :-, r.3 i.:lrn- PFe3- Ciir, i , ur iie, .ia'.k r,.:..,ri Bu a,J Hunrriphirie .rnrioaq C Bi'r,;.p Jr Ir.e Cl.ie. or .i ,.:ull :i ,url H.:,n a"r.-ie tl o Tr. url r, i.1-c irs ".jl i, P -.:.i T-i "Ai i nl' ir, 2ilr. 1.3, .:. i1.1,3, -I:,0t1 i L'.'.A' C.rr:il li FLOPIrD- i. L'"1 'P LLL Giu iier' C, iOi,..r-r ,,IIIIIE r. 1 t l. LP r'FH Clerk ' I rOTiCE OF APPLlCAcOn fO rJ i ; DEED ril:ilCE IS HEREB'' GIvEIJ tihJo WILKiE IBSOli Ine holder or me rOilloi ng cerlincote no; ried oaid ,cerirllcole icr a to< deed to oe sisueq ntereon ine certlricole number ona ,'ear c'i lisuOnce rie .aescripiorn of ine property/ and the nomes In nicn it wia oasessed ore Iollow~ Cermitlcote lo .172 ieai %i i suonce 2001' Descilsonc.rn oc Properi, P4PCEL ri. P'052 ).0O0.260407 COE ill ACPE Il ISC'UTHEAsi CORPIEf' *,F THE rwi!.J OF tHE SW'A 1, Of ,ECiC'ri I t26OwI HipP SOUit r<-tlGE & EAit rnom- in ..riich oisr;sea rLPSr w B LEE ESifiE Sold property/ Dering in the Countly .,I Tii'/ioi, Statev o FIOirdo Unless 3ucn ceiiiricate rnoai oe redeemed occoraing to loa, ire properly aesciloDe3 is suc, certificate rhaoll De iold to the hiqhe i Dldae, or rnem courthouse door on tne 20th dao c-I JUIIE. 2005 or 1I 0i0 o'clock a rri Dored Mils i6th oay o0 Mab 2005 Annie .1oe I.eurphy Clerk or Circull Court ioylcr County. Florida 5,18 5/25. 6/1 6/8 ifj To-p :i ,u Ii Ir iiy i i.,i ii, tc I- .I .-I. Cm': Liii if 1 r jE I:o r, -1 11 i 1: Pim j l :i-i 'r Cie.- co' c ro. e I r r- I r I incr-nI I.. I3.I: 11 ir..ir-i-.OcI: ii''.ru.F i nc-or, ,jrr ire 1",4 Is,-' ire ciii':: -r. rin tr., a ; I uri i,::, riF I.:-J, -,',,i:j,' no.r.'l Cr, ir ,m O-. dooj~r. I .ac.4'-co-r.Tr: : '. .mn .. r m I -. L, .:.T ir,,, rATr,,.:. r~,,r o'e.: ,I - in r.-D.ig I i u -. ...rr.ir.,':r' Ii r c ..:i i i .1 Fiv~i-.ii:.'i .'.i*1; i-ri. iir.. .'iiCE T'HE i C- i i-:-F THir Ciil .i 1 i'E _. I- i JII-i i _-L LHE III 1 niH 1 tijiiri-r ry '-Ij ji-ifr I 1j 5~ I I lrr ':1:.-'~ j rrij Fjrt rr,., Fi, Ir.r.In P''L L i F-1 '- lli 'I. L P D I- E F IF I F ::i-l I-. F C -~j F.l:.,,.~ F~irri i~C 3 ".i : f~n ~: _ 1AC~i"'Ji :!HE ill I t "'I :.: I Cl.ji1 .r II I j 1 1: rE & "I;. EL -r. Fri r irIi ii F "F i DE .-i C1- L I if iiC-ir'CS K'-iHiB. ~i ic r. .jrd.:- .:.IA I r~ erit I .:. ;,ii ie C: i m CiH7..1H':.T I 1'A --ie Fa.rr .:I'T ui J-D niil.-~ iors ,jr.ir~ni:il~~nr~e ,i.-i '~ji .uC.ir. Air J-D 3 "Ji iilr~ Fr-i-ia Cc;I 'unr,'~~ r :i. ic ) i.JT '.Ari F ira,.) iocI .:E. rIi 5itCr...e I I r. I i,.:ri' ri Dr T 0r iB3Tjm Pe-". f,,Jln-ei.iriunt lso.r.%,user.old good - i.M,1-1c .Il.,nie Unr C?.r~ ,el' sncla goods I a,iee ,-reen.un.i 7.n.u-.uesnoi. goop S - i'f,'no':E. rr,'o s i paO 10io a me lirnei .I ,,ji.:r,3 ae irn .- ;h ,:.r credll/d.Dil or - ,r-i,1 I c.1,, -,':ro,',, ujnili a. io w- ei .: n.1.j i'3rerm-nius ce eiom.'d Ornd unit - .:L aOr i .sj 1 Ir- rime of Is le S le iS- jrule.:l rlo : irceiOllicin in r he e;enl oi- sefrieinreni oei'.' ein e :,,nei a:rnd *.C.li,3 1.? ca ci, aoi-ej r.i. 27tr, 30, ,* 1.13i D 05 I. Fij'tiIC: riCliCE i,: .?.- re ei,'c. .g[er, Iior ine lo :-ic ,-''unlr,. rCit ,: Ir P rr, Con or:5.n Boarod. ..,11 '.: .. en i o 600 'P i. on Tje:aoo j i.- I1 2i00. ir. nre i ucO.uDe: i r i.- Ele:,: O'rce irne C.n.ao:ing Boaor. z ..,Il ,re i r,:. can.o'. Ine O e-ni'ee - colioi: ro.r irn i Cr, .I f'rPryv Electon to0- ,e,:i.e qujei'-s Irrom Ine pu DiIc bOcJu in- .,er ,iee oall:oi:., ond co'nr'ucT O - I.:..3 : n.3 os c urc. ,/ re'r on inr . bL. e-ir, IOtuljir riQ eipQJp erri L- .l, -.lee .ll11.:,I, ..11 be rc roc:-e sed,.: ' ri .. r,.:.i ,:.:.urlr- i[ loculatij on 51 - ,3[,,: c,-,-'- : ,,,i C,,i, 'ir, orT 7 00 p m c.* '-',,e i 2'i:nj" in-e Con.oD ,ri'ng B:oo.3 l"- . i- ii .- i.:. l. niiihi 311 r ul 0' 1 O r Trre. Il, i l.: ..: i ,r,.3 .r. l 1or '.n ,eeh ,,a Ir. .-,.c.:"a' o' : ...,rr in Ir .ji- r.sinr L. -, of. Fnli o cili C ar .. .r. ) bo ira rieeri. .3j i. : +r :. ire punjcic Ij.,.T 1 P ',:O n' o'iC. i a..i a r.o ec i e tr e *. n I.:. 3Oppcl nr,, dec,:c.r. moS or tr,' meetrin the, iii neeo r ecod of' . inre .o.:,., 3irig,, *nd.- rior ~j crn, : rpose . ir, mo, need To erin:.re IhaO a .c, oirr,. rc.-rI or f in i.roceeaing .ii. mi e.- i ,.ri,.:.n ir-co. .iiilufjes the reIin -.ri, ,rnd .,ic eri=ce up-'-n wnicn Inrs- ,', l i E'I, c '.o -,d per Secion. - 1 .-,11/ H i', d,,' i", I. l h.. l i., i -..: r 1 :1 Please see page 4 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT --- Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, . Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Next Class: June 20h'" National Certification Financial Assistance Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Traning Services www atsn-schools.com 1 11 In year25,f .~ ~~~~~ "_ .' .- ', t ,.. .. ,- ,r,. .. '" : 'x -- -' " R.W. MEISSNER - & ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING , BUILDING PLANS RENOVATIONS HOMES COMMERCIAL. PERMITS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SUWANNEE RIVER WMD SITE DEVELOPMENT : ,1 .,ARKiNG:LpTS." ', S2:1.6VW.i MAIN STREET ', :. -. -PERRY, FLORIDA'32347Tl-' ~ .. . PHQNE # 850-'58'4-3887', ..,. :-. E-MAIL: rwmi'@gtcomn.nerl-'" .- ' FRITH ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. Owners & Mortgage Title Insurance Policies. Title Searches Real Estate Closings 501 N. Byron Butler Pkwy. 850-584-2672 Perry, Fl. Need Contact Lenses? Order on the .web at: Accenteyecarecenter.com or call 584-2200 SDr. Michael Walby t' Optometric Physician CONTACT LENSES The B3ack Porch decora tioi is 850-584-20T-5 3300 71"l 10 S. 'Vi~ir 16 O 'Hii/iH r witt it, i' Ilimi',kiil h uri't Davis-Garvin Agency, Inc.] WORKERS COMP AUTO/EQUIPMENT PROPERTY GENERAL LIABILITY "A" Raied Commercial Insurance Local Relerences Available 25 Years Servicing the Southeast Call now ,for a compe//iive no-hassle quoae/.' Robert Johnson 352-367-8376 i ,Ii -i.. .. Roofing & Roof Repairs SAdditions : New' Construction O 'Gutters S Remodeling, 1-.General Maintenance, : ___. -_ .''_. I ' ; COntra;tors (850) 878-8758 (850) 528-4975 Tallahassee, cell (local) lI- m. BcosB 0ss e ,,ccco, 579' -- :.' -.' I Constructio6n ' Design I Site Development co",: v, 'A ".J y;'l-., Laurl Bundrick i,-Pr.essional' ..esigne - Eg .. Designer, SanIdrafBoltoahn. Robert Harper -. .dffiellanager,.. Designer', ,,: "Civil & Environmental Engineers" S114-B;W. Green St. -' (850) 584-4408 SMon. Fri 9:00 a m. -'5.00 p.m. BIG BEND HO: 'FtPTIRE S,' ;Support.For Life's Journey When..someoee you love Is diagnosed ilth a life fl'hiiting illness, let Big Bend Hospice help you through the physical, 'emotional'and splrltual'Joirneys-you '. will face>. 1723 Mahan Cener,Blvd Talianase FL 32308 1850) 878:5310-.' www b gbendhospicerorg : ........... Women's Health Centers of northh 31orida, P.A. 'Dr. Anthony Perrin Board'.Certified OB/GYN Obstetrics & Gynecoloay Services V i PrenatalCare . S V-kigirnal Deliveries V C.Sctoris . S' BilateralTU al Ligation v Pap Smears V Colposcopy VLaparoscopic GYN Surgeries 1 Monday Friday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. For an appointment, call (850) 223-1744 TACO: TIES PERRY 'NEWS-HERALD 123 S. Jefferson St. Perry, Fl. 32347- P.O. Box 888 Perry, Fl., 32348 (850) 584-5513 Fax 838-1566 News Dept. i perrynews@iperry.guifnet.com Get more than 265,000 .. copies of your business cards printed and delivered every week to your customers and potential customers over the next 12 months. Hearing Aids SExpert Fitting S Highest Quality All Makes & Models In. Perry Monday to Friday Dr. Jeffrey D. Russell Audiologist Hamdan ENT Center CALL 584-8123 Pressure Cleaning ..... Sidewalks Driveways Roofs Gutters Commercial Residential. (8501838-1546 (850) 843-0364 (cell) Gerald Murphy, owner Residential Commercial (FREE ESTIMATES) Gus and Manuel Smyrnios 850-223-1402 I i...... rContrnr 850-223-3595 .- ~ ----- -~-1 . I,.. .r-.-r . I 1 r ,., k .1 -- -- - June 1, 2005 Cat-Dog When Kendall Cruce's chihuahua died just days after giving birth to three puppies, -Veterinarian Dr. Tom Fletcher guided the Cruce family to the Taylor County Animal Shelter where a cat had just become a mother. An unusual relationship emerged, as the cat then nursed her four kittens along with the three chihuahua puppies. The Cruce family has since adopted the mother cat and her four kittens, which-are siblings to the three puppies, and everyone gets along just grand. It could be an episode of the popular cartoon, "Cat-Dog," or even a new commerciall for "Meow Mix." "HOW MUCH LIFE INSURANCE DO'YOU REALLY NEED?" IS ONE YEAR'S SALARY ENOUGH? CALL ME Mark Pelt, Agent 584-5188 .1000A Jefferson St. Allstate. You're In good huoncs - Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company. Allslale Indemnity -Company and Allslale Lite Insurance Company. Home.Offloe, *tNornhbrook, Illinois. c.,2002 Allstate Insurance Company Class of S99S JUNE 18, 2005 Registration Deadline: June 6, 2005 Visit www.tchs1995.com Email tchs1995@yahoo.com Call Angie Goodman Bembry 584-8278 or 371-0946 B-4The Taco Times .4J"35 Fund-raiser benefits local Humane Society The Humahe.Society of Taylor County will host a pet grooming, flea dip, car wash.and adopt-a-pet fund-raising event Saturday, June 4, at Michelle's Bull Pen (3180 Highway 19'South), from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. " All proceeds from the fund- raisers benefit the Humane Society. For more information, :please call 584-6700. Majorette clinic slated here for all skill levels Calling all majorettes--a baton clinic will be held June 1-3, from 9 a.m. to noon, for all skill levels (beginner to advance)., Instructor will be former Florida State University majorette Kristen Fewell. Space is limited: early registration is suggested. For details, contact Amanda Flores at (850) 838-2336. Sirmans School reunion is scheduled for June 4 The annual Sirmans School Reunion will be held Saturday. June 4. at the Chaparral Restaurant, beginning at 11:30 a.im. All former students of the school are invited to attend for an afternoon of fellowship. INTRODUCING THE 1265. Only 99 for a limited time aftr 525 mil-n r ,ebat. NEXTEL' AUT .-il'*n SOVIlCE CENTER STmCKLY CETCTLAR ..Call Gary or Lidia 850-223-1900 Monday Jrida 8:30 am unti 5:00 pm..1306-A South Jeffersnn SEreet. Perry FT. Oii.r c-l-.Nlrl, 1. NOQ 65 '! m26Ti f,,oAir IRcl.- rrI S,,uiu. ,..i.'.. ui,. : --,' .- a.. V55 hin I 5 .. PU li.. i.'..-A. .,.ir.,.i N abc ,iIawn AMl Ow Fall t 4ii. m Wio31iaii. 4i. m) ..l=. i A l int ri l ..'fl11 lr i i:- ,,-,li nic..i. ..,.. I l* U F*. 4 'll mn. P loi Lo.nl,l r L c 'idinl anl,110 m lf.h .1.4 Tki.L: Ar- T .ioN in I iU rI. & i,)0 i, '.*.. .i-f n , cniiiwrh.dw6 L I Nij il.dbhlt a M..1a I ..PL Corp4ra &Uei. A.i.f. Lga Pur.A- ..viC:u'.1-C. i ar. ....r., 0: .....r I i. ii. isa ur.iw ima Torn .nd .Nunul R.i 1. o a 1 1uiI pl, rJ iui o u4'u:J ira i ..uii *13 it Ta. ..r ,.. jta..,j, ., To:..;i- r in. .r. 'pi Piuaio Cll 500 eiie CCY Cu~.i..o C..i i rrimtn.Iiiai or I mCI 'isod, I I.'llYl 1.1lll~T.i UiI 4.., up .1.'.. i 'a 1. ocr is..or o~rmJoinm .nhuur n.m., Oliom Mu, n 1j I..nLblr A 11io.rhlm lil :aeii.i .lI. 1. i. I ,,A C. .. ,. . Ci'Ii N ull- P.VI"n-We NELXTE. IRFCT CONNECT N'IiONd Eflfl IREFi Cilr) i7t, i. I .i,.Cn. c .1... uuJo i.k -1 F N, l CKnAlluua.n. In All Uia ,.Njf lij rwW .i '-w ci r..- .i n r' c. j-r p i I'..' c 4-1 si.rl fl ;Fliil~E 3FS~C~-EE lrrSS FB !HE :LOL0liGC OF SiflEi[ iH0FoCuGHf-'l3 ::ci.j v ill tope r mot1 Irip :itr ~Cu~I i:.:rnm.r:r.i :~jl~ n1 roI.n, .:.u13 rr ~C~clnr, ~_)m~is ~ :4 $ l o lo -71i C:ur, ricOd150D Cer'I Idi dtrr~l I:.- the c-Serrnlrip .i....xrrd n-iri dell .a OCICII~rrlC D.,rclt-re Ire -.rnni ,.ll perr.uncie and dr zlcim Or. arid 011 ornl. ..3)l lr.d C.:iijl l .arid CitJCn ll. in0 1.-.I.0 s;lleel. In.5,cuanlalr arid olle.,l vrlrcrl lurl j. uQ 01 Itr-iougri tr Ire 11 ..lng -dr'" riled lor i : CIC C1l a pa~ ictais r.( iori-i oj, jlzpjc- Fler.ii a-on-. Telerr.e r.l .1).-.e e b lrg a palace of lond cl'ng ard ocing In icirfio .ounr, i iloirdc 01 ae0Cwzied a O, t01ilrj., -DE- lQiliJII Begin 1 Ir I cijth u~l corner e* L.-1 7 ~:'1C3ildc03 in PIJI Bo6., I Poge 26 ir. InC C'-ll~l., !,3hl, .,l11103 Inence hom, :olcl 'POll I C8F BEGllItll'., Iir. Eciv alorng In. ie:lt~ n Diricjoi.~ rscer.D i. il .-z .Ia I -li4 in Ine ODillce :Cl. i~re Cleio l,: i-I n Ijr e's ~.e nt r., ijlr o lolrlr. .r ;Ciiciiii _oun odn-r .aj cun r, .10001-1 f e~~ ir.~rl.. I 3Y :II l~J iel i. Ire l3 11'.lln ~,. :un; ~ lire : .r .oet dliewr Di In JCIl.I~ dl 3i'e.:'d 8OC*L j~i PoqeZ 225 -.-b. ruflddi' Ilin .100 00 I.~CtlV Ir~e EojlilI, Id r ?nl ..0i ,~ Iline .r Elghlh SIreer CEat ljde~r2 !lnIrl, ogr g st -.I a 1 1' liariQr 01 10. line ~ ?Or) I~i~l 10j Ire _~"'-'url.r'-'l C3lrreI CII LOId iCI ', dnid Irel EDFtnI Bgienning 5010 Dir OICI .7 land =-1-3i ciilr '1 fo c ':I Boo3le or le 25 -,nir once rr. e9,.led ma,' aopeaOnd bi h_.eald at p1 blmearidp10c00 1 C4f t 0,'e 7Bu.,D OF: C7iirJTrt' Cot,..ieis l.)IiSEEs ZTAiL I LOUIII~r i ,FLC:'RIDA i6', AIITIIE I.IAE tTURlPH'l' oLEPI'l alZ.: run 'si iubllC Healing' .ZHedlirrg Dale. June 21, 22Cln, Z1nio le4 l 'I1He0l1 7, WDIridieI -c.:im;onso lror 28 ctulre m lM~orl P'lec', ZlE DISIRICI SCHOOL BOARD OF iA ,LOi' =iTOuA, tIl II. HOL) AF PLLI-F, HE.IIDiG :OBY iHE ABcr'IJE DMTE FUl' AHPlOVLL OF uaiD SIJOJECi ITE1 THI HE 1Airg t WILL BE --wHELD Al tHE SCHOOL BOARD OIFIET4LGR JE. PIJUBLIC 15 I[-IVliECr -10 iiENO TO '=EXPRESS iHE IROPIIlllSISCOI ICErdJS [HE ZPlJBLIC HEAlrING WILL BE HELD AT tHE ='ADNIINS -1rimTTl.E COM.PLEX SCHOOL *_-1OARD OMEETING ROOM 31ii rorth Clalof -=tree.i. ,A cloor. 'of n IN oliCv may be zT,`tacIned ftarl th-e, 'Sperirriendrl s c01 Ice Z0'3co1 1.1 ~l- ofld Ji 2ZaupeilnrlendenT l Sch~ojls '8E25.6/, LIR. 1 . inl THE CIRCUil CO'UPrr OF iHE iHIFRD JUDICIAL cIr LCui Ii AIrID FOR iAiLOr COullii. FLORtI, .... , Cose llo 05.i32,iCA FrAtI.LLIIIr DEIiJrIS HOVWELL oan C r-APL .1 HOWNELL Pto,rlrIi, v. The EiJfoe Ci CLr EEHCE W rI.AUIi'ER LI'r.'OllA F.14"LPEFi i BilEP E.'ERETi ABIJEP I ali 'e. oar if deoa1 irir unirno..,n spouse, nells,. .ie.~;spe. grantees Cledlltor. rn'd nll ~.iher pa ni: claimiong o' tInrCrugjlg uinjaer 01 agpln't ne m and oil ijnknown nolulOl perscn II alive and Ir dead or not kr irn tI D1 dead c'r .311. their :e.'e.l ar.n ilea peCili' Lnkrno.".n ispoue' rleired. as'ee. alonlees. anr3 cedil3tli or clrer parrlle 'claimlrg or Itrough or' rundei Ihoce jnkrno.n riolural .peisorns d an th ,eveial.. nar':'res8dlhve unkno.vn assrins successors In initerelel lruees SOr any t.-.nerl per's.on cloiming t;,. t nic.ugr under' or .agalnr oar, corporoarIorn i .:.in6er lega1 eriry named o0 a defendants' and Ol clairront, Deri.o.n or ponries rnolural or CrIDCOi ole or nwr:ose aocl leaial sllatus unkri..';n claiming under or' 01 the oaove named or descriB,.Ae .elenlantl or0 pOrtle '.,' ClOarning I.t nr,3.e6 o3, iignri Iltle. Or Intrlear in he Dl:.C.e,'I h'le.illear de.cribea Delen,arlnts S lOTlCE OF ACIt[I.O i0 InerEslle 3of CLA.REnCE wA' UTIu'EP LI'/OrIA l.1U f.'EI? ABIlEI'. or..3 E.EREli A.BlJER ana' ,411 &c..e r ramea. Delencrapis JlLR.i.A.'ddr e5 !es unr nown /OU .APE IiOTIFIED mr;t ~ Comnplirnt rir a Oerse Poc'ession no. Deor.n led o ~ Ihe Planlllff I Inn In Clicull Courl Cr iovlor County. Ficlldo ogorinl : u on there .. following described proper, in T~,lIor County Florida . The S'1/2.01 Sw 1/J 01 SE 11i ore Seci l:r . 10 I6S RE said parcel containing 20 acles more or i i- ArD J., ". ;"- ' Ire SW I4 :,f n e N.Jw i J c.t S -clotn 27 T6S. R7E, ,laid COrcel conloirnr.g .10 acre' rmole or 1c : Eoch Derenoont, it an/; re required to lerve o cop'y of -you. nrtr.en deiene-: II ony 10 JOHll WEE-. Ine plaintils artorr;ey .vn.:,e oadiresc Is 605 Sourn Jefferioin Sieet Perry Flc.iao .32347 oW or Before June 20.-2005 anra file me ,orlglnol'A .'lh mte clerk of rin COuil either Deloe '"servi".~h'6'"he"oplOi.Il l otlorne i or immedaloel, Inereonrl otner1i,.se a deoullt '.,vill be esneled ag3Oanst /icu for Ihe leller demanded in rthe complalnl Doted rr15 b6 do 01l I.1la' 200i5. Annie M.loe I.ulrphv AS Clerk of Ine Cilcull Cour B, Mlortl LOvolle A C'-eiLvy'CCrerr "'**K ' 5-18,5/25. 6,1 6!8 ,. , Perry Square 2030 S. Jefferson St. . (850) 584.8144 OVER 140 STORES, SINCE 1949 "'ubil 10o credit Jpploial and a minimum credl racing store Ilnimum '699 purchase required Ininen chh.lge and opli opl Insirante charge il ac1 ue Irom date ol purthlu e. bul frinnire dt.rgePi ll bP irb3led I1 the 3mourl llanced and iny erned inur:,nC: chirgris are pard in lull w;hin 12 -monilh O1 Ihe purhailse dlt. Delinquen() in monlhlly piimenti beyold 30 dys wll llull .I. lolfrlullr or o ailerli [lromtrior, Finance Lhirges will ,ray lite Wilh approve udiu L 'rmi dr 1o0l apply to prior purchases. Oller xpirts jure 30 200 lee store fi lull ell Al. 6 6 I'm oeek lot peijl orderi ',ale ends a i sing our June 30, 0 5 Sale held pursuant to Taylor County going out of business sale no._2005-1000 granted the '2nd day of May 2005. Color screen Walkie-talkie GPS-enabled Speakerphone |