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i3 .'- .5 Taylo ou'iln Since 1961 m es k Midweek Edition ll IV ,, 21005 Tree Capital of the South 2 Sections Our 44th Year, No. 21 v't ..',,: :,It" 1 ""l ^News Forum . STCMS will :celebrate FCAT Isuccess- Thursday Approximately 400 Taylor County Middle School students have been jnvited.. to the annual FCATr .Ielebratio 'i' thli : schio61b gy fl .Thufsday, lay ;y 26,. fro 5:307:30; p.m Students wh8 scored a-level 3 'o.l .above in both Reading .and lath,;lor, .moved their score up a leel i.n leading g or Math on the 2005 FCAT. test have been invited to this activity to. celebrate the.sc~hoop's, FC'ATsuctess. . "All' students. :who: received an iinvJatiboir .to:"ihe:. dcelebration- arer encouraged to6oife oubtaid enjoy the fun," Assistant Principal Jan-Walker.": Fund-raiser. rHumane Socity i-The Humane Society. -W ':Tay4 t. 'County will hqot a- p -grooming, floea aicg, ivcit- hq'oat a, ffJuri 4, at ~heille's.Bul' Pen (3480 Higiway 19. South),'from .10 a.m. to2 p.m. f 1 .All proceeds from the-'fund-raiser ,nitt'ie Huriiihe Si efiy. -. more. q ; please.call 584-6E SBatn clinic. |c!du ddJunri- flhng'al'majoref s--a baton ctnip 'bei'held JlUne1-3,,.from 9 a.mi i.t .i;" fofatl'ski3 levels (beginnerto, dyaence)..* j, .,... .,--. :. '.,..-- ta e.,.l )",e, sb a' r t .tre i- rlstbe ipaceis Iimited;-early regl rait'p sted. For details,: 'eoltai Amanda Flores at (850) 838-2336. SSirmans School Reunion -. planned June0 .-.TIe. annual Sirmans So: : o.t iunidnowill b.held Saturday, Juner 4* the' .Ghaparral.- Restaurant einnringat11:30a.rh'. . -All 'formerstuderitsof the school are vited to attend for an aftemoon -bf, fllowshTp. ; :. -,. .llws ColH ectiono schedule givenn: SThe City of. Perry has announced te: following .'garbage. pick~, 'Ichedule for the Memorial Day holiday week'(May 30-June,3):,. --Monday customers will receive ,service Tuesday, May 31 .. ', ' - --Tuesday; "(ustotneirs;:lill.. reeie "service WVednesday, June 1.. '.,,. ,.--Thursday and Friday Will be: a' regularly scheduled.' - iTCMS id, camp annpouna Summer band .camp' will.fW eidi ;June '2-29 for mmbs County Middid S d QTh cmp. opene. MSba O.c esiot-"ii wIrilqd:'be dIorl n4'egi~ yeon I 0. tpfc; ag SReItjior..pag^ 6 ' Coming ti ; a .a-- '. .. . Other schools don't fare as well TCMS scores big on FCAT FCAT scores are in and the ne w is good and bad for Taylor County\ students. Following a statewide trend, 10th grade reading scores are at a several year low. Onl\ 22 percent of TCHS 10th graders scored a level 3. 4 or 5. (Students who score 3 and above on FCAT reading hae scored at or abo'e a minimal\ acceptable level.) The state average is 32 percent. The good new s is that reading scores \ere up from last year's grades for fourth, sixth, sreenih and ninth grades Students also increased their math scores from last year in third. fourth, seventh. eighth and ninth grades. In writing, only fourth. eighth and tenth graders are tested, and all three grades made substantial gains this year. over last 'ear's scores. Steinhatchee School posted increases of students scoring letel 3 or above in fourth, seventh and Investigators 'proactive' in tracking sex offenders here While some counties in the state have scrambled to track do\ n individuals who may have absconded from Florida's sexual offender and predator register . Tavlor County's lau enforcement has been proactive in keeping track of the 53 registered offenders here. ".Al 53 have been \enfied as living at the addresses provided to law enforcement," Taylor County Sheriff's Office (TCSOI Inv. Donna Lee said. Under recent legislation. offenders, predators who fail to notify law 'enforcement of a change of address within 48 hours of the move may be sentenced to wearing an electronic GPS monitoring anklet, she noted. Last week. Go\. Jeb Bush announced the preliminary results of a month-long statewide effort to locate, and where appropriate, -. Please see page 2 eighth grades in the reading category. In math. fifth, se'.enth and eighth grades showed impro\ ement Ta lor County Middle School posted the best scores, showing improvement o er 200-1 scores in every grade and categor%, except eighth grade math. The school posted scores above state a erages in e\ery category. TCMS Principal Paul Dyal said he was 'erN pleased with his students' performance "Number one, we feel great about the outcome of the FCAT scores this year. But we are. happiest for the students and teachers because it shows that all the hard work they put forth, worked out. Now we are anxiously awaiting our school grade," he said. Taylor County Elementary Summer cleaning The City of Perry is continuing its clean-up program to clear away abandoned and dangerous buildings. Shown above is the first of two condemned residences burned last Thursday. In all, more than 50 buildings and homes have been demolished by the city's clean-up program in the past 18 months. At Saturday ceremony School also posted net gains overall except for fifth grade reading. (down by 1' percentage point), and fifth grade math (down by 9 percentage points). Superintendent of Schools Oscar Howard Jr. said he, also was very pleased. "There has been a.lot of hard work by students, teachers, parents and administrators," he said. "With the improvements we have been showing, it proves that together, we can make a difference...and we do make a difference." -** Please see page 2 Anderson says 'no' Search for head coach continues The search for a head football coach at Taylor County High School (TCHS) is still on, as a second" candidate for the position declined the offer. TCHS Principal Michael Thompson said that Freeport High School head coach Jim Anderson contacted him Friday with the bad news. "There are some negative things being said about TCHS within coaching circles, but we're not going to stop until the best candidate is, hired," Thompson said A. third candidate has been contacted, according to Thompson, and negotiations for the position "should rake place soon. -:'tWilly Ray Adams of Winfield, TCHS honors graduates sold drRaAamo TCH S honors graduates,:soldi -ilvWiersi Ala., :who led the field of Applicants, unexpectedly flip- flopped on his decision to accept B, all accounts, the first The flag was made part of Maxwell Ammons, the son of the position earlier, this month, Saturday graduation for Taylor Saturdays ceremony thanks to TCHS JROTC Col. David prompting the offer toAnderson. County High School held in years was an "orange and blue" success. One of the more poignant aspects of the ceremony, however, was the flag flying above it. The U.S. flag raised over graduation had been flown at locations around the world where American men and women in the armed ser ices were serx ing their country. Navy Lt. Scott Simpson. a graduate of TCHS himself Lt. Simpson warned the flag with him on his recent deployment aboard the U.S.S. Mason, an Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer, to -the Persian Gulf region. With the help of Army Captain Darren Whiddon, the son of Taylor County School board member Darrell Whiddon, and Amy Major Ammons, the flag was flown at a southern Iraq training base and over the capital of Baghdad. The flag was flown on: the U.S.S. Harry S. Truman; Naval Forces Central Command; the U.S.S. Mason; Faslane, Scotland; Rota, Spain; Suez Canal, Egypt; Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; Manama, Bahrain; Qual Range 5, Iraq; and Baghdad, Iraq. Optimist tournament 'nets $35,000 Perry Optimist Club officials said Tuesday they raised record proceeds of more than $35,000 at their 14th annual Saltwater Fishing tournament held last weekend out of Keaton Beach and Steinhatchee. Optimist Club President Danny Everett said 517 anglers participated in Saturday's event \while 46 teams signed up for the offshore rally. % which consisted of a grand prize of a 21-toot Contender boat complete \with a 130 HP Yamaha outboard donated by Big Bend Marine and rigging ptI-oided by Big Bend Fabricators. When the final tallies came in. the "Bad Company" team consisting of Junior Proenza. Terrell Smith. Ben Barbee and Billy Pillow took the top prize with an aggregrate weight cobiaa. king mackerel, grouper and amberjack) of 93 1 pounds. S.-~..1 s Everett said those going offshore Saturday faced some .rough conditions with seas running up to six feet. "This if the first year we. have had the offshore rally and we consider it a huge success," he said. Everett said special thanks go to the tourney's major sponsors-- Nature Coast Eye Care, Big Bend Marine, Gulf Coast Fabricators and the local Tourism Development Council. "Plus there were many, many others that helped us make this a success. We hope to formally thank all of them in the near future," he said. ..* Please see page 3 County inks cable deal The Taylor County Commission last week passed an ordinance to award Comcast of Perry a new 10-year non-exclusive franchise for the unincorporated area of Taylor County. Part of, the new .contract, according to County Attorney Conrad Bishop, is that Comcast will keep its office in Perry. "The ordinance was negotiated ad nauseam," he said, "for at least 18 months." "Can we back-date this?" Commissioner Daryll Gunter asked. ,-, Please see page 2 * I A-2 The Taco Times May 25, 2005 Three-year residency begins Lynn graduates, friends applaud Family, friends, hospital staff and other well-wishers in the community. gathered Monday to congratulate Dr. Joda Lynn on his graduation from the Florida State University.College of Medicine. Health care commission assembling Congressman Allen Boyd is in the process of establishing a 25- member council on health care issues in ihe Second Congressional District of Florida, including Taylor County. According to his representative, Bobby Pickles, who addressed the county commission at its May 17' meeting, each of the 16 county commissions in the district will' appoint one member to the council. The congressman will name the other nine. .The council will have three roles, Pickles said. The first is to. brief the congressman on health care issues coming before congress. Second is to serve as an education resource in the communities. And last is to prioritize funding requests, regarding health care issues for the congressman to consider in his position on the House Appropriations Committee. "It is very important that each county is represented," Pickles said. The council's first meeting will likely be in August and Pickles asked the commission to have a candidate by the board's next meeting. ,. The reception was held on the grounds of Doctors' Memorial Hospital. A few special guests appeared to show their support for his accomplishments and offer words of wisdom, including Morris Steen, president of North Florida Community College, and Dr. John Parker. Steen presented, Lynn a Certificate of Achievement and said a few words about Lynn's attendance at the community college prior to acceptance at FSU. Dr. Parker followed by passing along the last medical bag he owned before retiring as a local family practitioner and wishing Lynn the same success he enjoyed while practicing in Taylor County. "It was a very special moment, to know that a local student can be' supported by. the community.. achieve their goals and use their.: skills to care for those who supported him," DMH CEO Rick Brown said. Lynn was also given a South Florida "weekend getaway" from the hospital, as a last chance to rest before he begins his three-year residency at Morton Plant Hospital in Clearwater. The residency will be the final stage before Lynn is able to begin his own practice. In addition to being accepted as a member of the first class to graduate from the FSU College of Medicine, Lynn also earned, the 'Outstanding Graduate inFamily Medicine Award." The award is presented by the . Department of Family Medicine and Rural Health and the Florida Academy of Family Physicians in 'recognition of consistent commitment to. the principles and values of family medicine while embracing the mission of the FSU .Colleg e offMedijine." . ,.A .;o.l"l ,.e"ge":o .--'. Dr. John Parker, left, gave Dr. Joda Lynn the last medical bag he owned before retiring as, a,;local family practitioner and wished Lynn' 'the same success I had while practicing in Taylor County." Marketplace' sets cable boundaries CABLE DEAL Continued from page 1 "No.''Bishop. aid. : This says unincorporated area. but we have a different cable company in Keaton and a different one in Steinhatchee iIs :,there anything in here for boundaries? What keeps Comcast from going in there?" Commissioner Clay Bethea asked. "The marketplace," "County Administrator Buddy Humphries said. "They didn't even want lo go there when this was originally done 15 years ago." "With the franchise that we have .now, we could feasibly go in," Said a Comcast representative in attendance. "Their franchise is non-exclusive. If it was economically viable, we would go there." Commissioner Jack Brown made a motion to pass the ordinance with Pat Patterson seconding. The vote was 4-1, with Gunter opposing. "We've been trying for three or four.years to get this approved and basically .Comcast got three or four years free on us," Gunter said. Web site details sex offenders by address SEX OFFENDERS Continued from page 1 arrest individuals who escaped the registry. The Sexual Offender Apprehension Program (SOAP) resulted in the location of 537 absconders. Of those, 203 were arrested and 334 were verified as deceased, deported, incarcerated, determined to be no longer living in Florida or located and registered in accordance with the law. .. :': In. addition, addresses were verified for another 739 sexual predators and offenders, and 4t0 arrests were made on other charges. The .mission of the operation focused on locating absconded sexual offenders and predators, arresting those wvho were non-compliant, and venrdying the whereabouts of many others. SOAP was coordinated effort between the Florida Depanmenr of Law Enforcement (FDLE). sheri off's offices, police departments, the Department of Corrections and the U.S Marshal's Office that began April 15 and concluded May 15. FDLE has also unveiled a new, : easv-to-remember. se ual offender and predator web site address Visitors- can now., log on to www.floridasexoffender.net to search' for sexual offenders or predators living in their neighborhood. A new component of the web site allows' residents to enter any address in Florida and search the - Florida Sexual Offender.'Predator Register for an.yi: offenders/predators with current'" addresses within a one to tive mile i radius of the address entered. Earlier this month, Bush signed- into law The Jessica Lunsford Act, aimed at protecting all Floridians from sexual predators and: offenders. According to Bush, the Jessica Lunsford Act will: --Increase the penalty for lewd and lascivious molestation of a child to life in prison or a split sentence of a mandatory minimum 25-year prison term, followed by lifetime supervision with electronic monitoring. --Increase, from 20 to 30 years, the period of time before a sexual predator is allowed to petition to have the sexual predator designation removed. --Increase sexual predator/offender registration and reporting requirements. --Sexual predators who murder their victims now qualify for the'. death penalty in capital cases. --Designate failing to re-register as a sexual offender/predator or harboring or assisting a sexual predator/offender as a third degree felony. --Require those already convicted of sex crimes to have electronic monitoring for the remainder of their probation. --Require' all county misdemeanor probation officials to search the sexual offender registry when a new offender is assigned to them. --Provide more than $11 million in added funding for technology, electronic monitoring, prison bed construction and data sharing. Supt. Howard applauds the 'hard work' FCAT Continued from page 1 The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test is based on Florida's curriculum frameworks, the Sunshine State Standards. According to MIS Director Ursula Brown, "The overall trend in the district is upward and that's good news. We, are very encouraged by this year's scores." LIE NEW 2005 Chevrolet K-1500'4x4 V-8, Automatic Transmission, A/C, Tilt, Cruise, Off-Road Plates, Locking Differential, AM/FM/CD stk. #107 $1 8,900* NEW 2005 Chevrolet Colorado S"Crew" Z71 2WD, LS, Tilt, Cruise, Power Windows & Locks, AM/FM/CD, H.D. Trailer Pkg.,. Auto Transmission, A/C Stk. #190 $20,900* Come by and push the Hot Button for a chance to win one of the 1,000newGM vehicles that are being given away nationwide daily. (Last chance to.push the button is May.31) THOMAS CHEVROLET BUICK OLDS PONTIAC, INC. 2128Hwy.19S. Perry, Fl., 584-6221 1-800-711-3379 *Dealer retains rebates. Only add taxes & license. NO DEALER FEES., Certified USED VEHICLES THE RIGHT WAY. THE RIGHT CAR. Giing Back to the Community m i Ci t Councilman Doug Everett donating property to local church RE`ELECT Doug ****. ** ity Council District 5 qf 0 PJune 14, 2005 SPace Union Hall Pot. adv. paid for and approved by Doug Everett,. for City Council District 5 An American Revolution "DEAL OF THE WEEK" hotbutten Push 11 and)tou Co I A-3 The Taco Times May 25, 2005 Meandering in the median Every year, the wildflowers in the median of U.S. 19 North greet visitors with a showy display of yellow and fuschia. The Florida Department of Transportation recently dispatched maintenance crews to keep the weeds in these medians at bay. The clumps of wildflowers which remain will re-seed when their blooming days are done, and greet next year's crop of spring and summer visitors. $1,500 awarded for trout UOPTlMIi l Continued from page 1 Kindergarten registration continues Library puts books in focus for summer 'Read Around Florida' kicks off Thursday Catch a.good book during the 2005 Florida Library Y6uth Program slated this summer at the Taylor County Public Library. The summer reading program "kicks off" Thursday, May 26, at 3 p.m. with special guest performer singer/songwriter John Paul Walters. Programs continue each week on Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m., and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m..and 3.p.m. This year's theme is "Read Around Florida." Programs will feature stories, videos, crafts and other activities. Photos available for pick-up at TCHS Photos which appeared in the 2004-05 yearbook senior ads are available for pick-up at the Taylor County High School front office. Contact the office at(850) 838-2525. 'Wood:smoked' bar-h-que.dinner tickets on sale Tickets are currenilk on sale for a wood-smoke BBQ dinner planned by the 'TFW and American Legion. The fundraising event. which benefits Veterans Memorial Park, will be held Monday. May 30. from 11 a.m. to- 6 p.m at the Duck Pond Dinners dill include your choice of pork or beef- with coleslaw. BBQ beans, tea or Pepsi. Kindergarten registration continues in June Perry Primary School will hold kindergarten registration on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the month of June from 8:30-11:30 a.m. Required documentation inclUdes updated immunization records, current physical (dated after August 8, 2004) records, certified copy of birth certificates and, Social Security cards for incoming students. Dinner benefits senior citizens center Taylor.County Senior Services will be selling dinners to benefit local senior citizens Friday, May 27. The BBQ chicken dinners %w ill include BBQ chicken, Cajun rice, tossed salad, garlic bread and a fruit cup. Dinners will be $5 each; please call 584-4924 to reserve a plate today. The senior center is located at 800 West Ash Street in the former Gladys Morse Elementary School. Are you a runner/walker? If so, Diane Ching, chairperson of the 50th annual Florida Forest Festival 5-K:Run/Walk, invites you to join her for a volunteer meeting' Tuesday, July 12, at 5:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Florida Forest Festival office, located adjacent to -the Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. The run/walk will be held Saturday, Oct. 22, at 8:30 a.m. For more information, call 584-TREE (8733). Color screen Walkie-talkie GPS-enabled Speakerphone Li Call Gary or Lidia 850-223-1900 Monday,- Friday 8:30 am until 5:00 pm.,1306-A South Jefferson Street, Peiry, FL. O17cr cadl May 31,2005. i265 Phone offnc Requires two-year contncl and new activation. Additional fees: S200 rly termirnalion and up to S35 setup fe per phone. S25 Mail-I Rnbate: Allow 8-12 weeks alter new activation & rmiling in or a completed valid rebate form. Not alil-, abil inll iratc. PFull terms and c itlotons on rebate fom at nexll.coms/bates. Offer available only when new activation is purchased litough Nxeel Partnenr' local direct. Local indirect and Las Vegas Telesalcs. TcleNav: Firist 0 day of TelcNav service are free with new Nextle service activaion. After the Initial 60doay tiil period, a mon hly fee of $9.99 will apply unless you canel by collacriing Ncxtel Customer Cale al 1-888.' 566.611.TcleNavoffer includes 1MB of daa( 10 mules pe monlh). An overag raic of $.01/kb applies. Service available only on JavaiGPS enabled handael. Not available to Major w/VPL, Cotporasi, Slaiegic Account and Public Sector Custmcna .TeleNr v T rvi e available osilsb y in the Unied Stlal. Tc and ndi s of a io e wipp and mul be agreed o prior o acllvaino the TleNav service. Additional rsiCiom may apply. Ples call your Nexil Customcr Care precntialive at 1-888-566.6111 for pin detais and requiremens. Nexlel re es Ivthe righl lo cancel/extend offers withoul noeOic.tO t nay no be available in all orkels,. Nexe;l Nalionwide Nlework servcs 297 of the iop 300 mar- ket: 02005 Nexel Partners Inc. NXTEL, DIECT CONNECT. NATIONWIDE DIRECT CONNECT and other marks are r sic mark and Inldmarks of Ncxdl Communicadons, Inc. All third party product or service names are he property or thelr respective owners. All right reserved I ' Everett said the success of the tournament will allow the local civic club to continue its work of donating back to the community, especially where.it involves kids. Everett said the Optimist- Club, which consists of 19 members, put hundreds of man hours into the event. "Tournament Chairman >Troy Thompson did a great job but we also had help from various other groups including the Taylor County High cheerleaders, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and members of the TCHS Baseball team," he, said. Everett said a very successful Captain's dinner Friday night hosted by Jim Hunt at Fiddler's Restaurant kicked the event off. Other top prize winners in Saturday's fishing included Joey Landreneau with a 4.40-pound trout worth $1,500 and Jay. Dorsett with a 22.65-pound grouper, also worth $1,500. Complete results, including the junior division, will appear in Friday's Perry News-Herald. TCMS band students place orders tonight The Taylor County Middle School (TCMS) Band will hold a Parents Night with the Music & Arts Center tonight, May 25, from 3-6 p.m. "New band students will be. able to order instruments and receive information about the upcoming Summer Band Camp," Band Director Lee Cook said. Professional Results at Home * 18-hp Kohler OH\', 20-hp B&S \'-Twin or 21-hp B&S \Vanguard OHV engines * 44" or 50" mo\wers available * 0-7 mph intinite Speed Range * Commercial-Grade, Independenr Hvdrostatic Pumps FastCut 803 W. Main St. 584-6021 *Offer' :.ld ,l:. .:.: rl.l,,r p:;..,l rhi 'ouh h ..: ir 'Ch 1 ',.:: :,r,: i- ':. on purchases between 1/1/05 and 6'i,0,,'' Nr,. r .,n.cnr. ie'~uuiir i .:rl iruui-r .. F'r u'i .. .1 ,I : l,:,ble). Finance charges will be assessed i i, di le ,ii p ur: urle: rirT l ,.-l', 3 -. 1g,:C .i ill i.lated insurance premiums (if applicable) are paid in full within the promotional period. '''., .i R .. .. , ..... ,"": '.'"e ,'%-" "= N''+~~p.,` ""i" .. .... TCE The helpful place. 4.8 percent County jumps to sixth in April unemployment After staying out of the dreaded top 10 of Florida counties with the highest unemployment, Taylor County has once again attained that status, this time coming in at fourth place, but ranked sixth during the month of April, because of statistical 'ties of four other entities ahead of it. Hendry County is ranked first with a 6.0 ranking, followed by Madison with a 5.8 ranking. Indian River, Hernando and the United States overall have a rating. of 4.9 percent unemployment, followed by Taylor and Hardee with 4.8 ratings. Putnam, St. Lucie and Hamilton counties round out the top ten, with 4.7 ratings each. Other local counties of interest and their ratings include: Dixie at 4.7; Calhoun with a 4.3; Gadsden, at 4.2; Suwannee at 3.8; Columbia at 3.7; Lafayette and Jefferson at 3.4; and Wakulla at 2.9. #1 at 50! The Florida Forest Festival turns the big '5-0" this jear...and plans a celebration to be remembered! Efforts are currently underway to contact all former Miss Florida Forest Festival queens and Jr. Miss title holders. II you are a member of the "festival roallty" familN, please contact the festival office at (850) 584-5513. The 50th annual Florida Forest Festival will be held Oct. 21 and 22. You Pay '22'" Final Cost 990 Bamboo Torch 1 1 i I Repels insects, provides ou'door lighting SRefillable CitronellaeM ,' ',-,. (fuel not included) 7136930 Limt 4 rebates starts Friday May 27th h You Pay'10 l i i ai r' Ti tjt, in uraI eu nua/ Final $599 Spray Nozzle Set Cost 5/8" x 50' hose Includes bonus 6 position spray nozzle O , ,y-- im Hideaway Final Cost S $ 9Q99 Hose Reel s WI^ You Pay '29'. .i.i', = ,n '' You Pay $79"9 less $10 mail-in rebate Air Conditioner *5000 BTUs -2 cooling speeds 4186474 Unmit rebate while supplies last, quantities limited, no rainchecks Sale ends May 30. Final Cost $ 1999 9.'. -8 i ,aarhosele ,- i .....". ,"Foll ..eibled k t HARDWARE 805 S. Jefferson St. 584-2411 Mon. Sat. 7:30 6:00 Shanna Smith graduated May 6, 2005 from UCF with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Hospitality Management She is presently working with Marriott in Orlando INTRODUCING THE 1265. Only 99C:for a limited time after $25 mall-in rebate. NEXTEL AUJHOREECO URVICK CENTER- I STRICILY CYETLULAR C~lI~e ~Reab~ls~p ~-WAS& bill llj~E~8l lb~ a~~~rs* (,-' u A H^U,/ w IWARWlw m-Wlk ~af~isti*Lpnsu~ilss ;1 ~1S~PL~ePI~EBk~l~ T ~rmrJaol.~ j ~l[-]~lb ~~i~ I c~ 1 Is~l Livn g Kaycee Brown, Ross Stewart SBrown, Stewart will say vows in June ceremony SDanny and.Angela Brown of Perry announce.the engagement of their Daughter, Kaycee, to Ross Stewart, the son of David and Brenda Stalans of Perry. A June 4, 2005, ceremony, is planned at 3 p.m. in Crosspoint Baptist I Church with a reception following. Formal invitations are being issued, but all friends and relatives of the couple are invited to attend. SBlue Star Banners available AMVETS Post 20 and American Legion Post 96 are Vving 'out'."Blue.' Star Service . Banners. One star and two star banners .are available for free to anyone who has loved ones currently serving overseas in the armed forces. If you would like a banner to hang in your window, please 'contact any AMVETS or, American Legion member: The A-4 The Taco Times May 25, 2005 B New arrivals William Arrington Roland Mark and Ann (Davis) Roland of Marietta, Ga., announce the birth of fi their son, William Arrington, on April 21, 2005, at Kinnestone Hospital. Born at 4:13 a.m., he weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces, and was 21 inches SA long. '" Maternal grandparents are Shelton and Elizabeth Davis of Perry. Paternal grandparents are Mrs. Grace Roland of Pageland, S.C., and the late Dr. Nathan Roland. Mrs. Belle Davis of Madison is the baby's Maternal great grandmother. Launa Nevaeh McCray ^' Matthew and Nichole Brown McCray of Mayo announce the birth of their daughter, Launa Nevaeh, on April 9, 2005, at 2:33 p.m. in Doctors' .i Memorial Hospital. The new arrival, weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces, and was 20 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Clayton and Linda Brown of Perry. Paternal grandparents are Jerry and Gail McCray of Mayo. The baby was . welcomed home by Davin McCray. Wedding reminder Smith-Sadousky Amber Smith and Stacy Sadousky remind friends and relatives of their wedding on Saturday, May 28, at 5 p.m. in Crosspoint Baptist Church. A reception will follow the ceremony. Perry NNe' papers office. JNM. MOVINGI3 Household Office Apartment S Big or Small...We can move it all! Dependable *Free Estimates Wealso Reliable Local Pak & 2:Guys, Truck & Trailer Ship '584-3776 (W) Licensed 584-2270 (H) (Serving Perry & Surrounding Counties) May brings flurry of family reunions here Lynch Lynch family members remind, "In honoring our Mother's last request, we will again have our reunion at Forest Capital Park on Saturday, May 28." Lunch will be served at 12 noon. All friends and relatives are invited to attend. Mann The descendants of Math L. and Odie V. Mann will hold their annual family reunion at Forest Capital Park on Sunday, May 29, at 12 noon. Family and friends are encouraged to bring their favorite recipes and dishes for sharing. Stephens The Stephens Family Reunion, a Family and Friends Day, will be held Saturday, June 4, at the Perry Garden Club from 10 a.m. until. Lunch will be served at 12 noon and everyone is encouraged to bring a covered dish to share. "Or just come out and join us." If you have questions, please contact Charlotte Stephens Buck at 407- 466-9264 or Christy Stephens Cantrell at 407-877-3947. (Note change of reunion from Perry Woman's Club to Perry Garden Club.) OPENING 900N! a Hair & Nail 9alon Ful geric F amiyOa HAIR NAILS Cuts .- Acrylic Nails Perms Fill-ins Color Hot Oil Manicures Highlights Spa Pedicures Malibu Treatments and more! Microdermabrasion on hands &,feet Waxing Paraffin Waxing Walk-ins Welcome/Appointments Available Professional, friendly staff will be accepting new clients very soon! 108 West Green Street (across the street frorn Capital City Bank) Aimee Brunson & Bonnie Grinstead, owners ,%w %wRA VwIo w w dw,%W Rw,%W W VMW -4 m -- -- T : - -- , .~o~S: 9-5 F~ori s,. 9-~?- A-5 The Taco Times May 25, 2005 Engagement & birth announcement forms are available for pick up in our office and are published as space is available. Men in black Three Taylor County High School graduates became three Florida State University graduates earlier this month--all graduating with honors, and all with degrees in engineering. Shown from left are Christopher Eugene Chason, Thomas Keith Brooks and Daniel Jordan Brooks. In addition to the above-mentioned similarities, they are all three great, great grandsons of the late John Daniel and Mary Poppell of Perry. Eakins promoted in March Earnest Eakins of Eridu joined the ranks of Senior 'Warrant Officers of the United States Army Jennifer Ann Eakins when promoted to Chief Warrant Officer Four on March 15, 2005. Warrant officers serve in 57 Army career fields that constitute only two percent of the Army. General Peter Schoomaker, Army Chief of Staff, said, "Warrant officers are absolutely imperative to the success of today's mission." CW4 Eakins is assigned to the 321st Theater.' Materiel lMnagement Center, Baton Rouge, La. The unit manages all Arm, supplies for units serving in Southwest Asia. Eakins was the awarded the Meritorious Service'Medal for his war time duty with the 321st Theater Material Management Center: He completed the Warrant Officer Staff Course Feb. 27: The course material is taken from the U.S. Army War College and tailored to the technical expertise _i warrant olfcer service. EAins I., the so'n of Roland Eakins and the late Ruby Davis. His wife, Pattie, and daughter, Jennifer, reside in Eridu. .,. _ f_.csf .-" ,'.* , f C- Earnest Eakins Eakins slated to graduate Jennifer Ann Eakins will graduate from Marahatha Christian School Saturday, May 28. While at Maranatha she maintained a 3.5 GPA and was a member of the Lady Patriots softball team, the high school chorus and senior homecoming court.. Eakins plans to pursue a degree in early childhood education. She is the daughter of Earnie and Pattie Eakins of Eridu, and the- granddaughter of Curtis and Esther Jackson of Perry. Biloxi Gaming Tours 4 DAYS/3 NIGHTS Super 8 Motel $115 00 ppdo Beau Rivage $165.00 ppdo pick Lip in Perry Your Travel Connection for CRUISES TOURS GROUPS Pack N Go Travel located in Chiefland S. 352-493-7622 toll free 1-888-852-0330 email speubank@aol.com Swebsite: www.pAck-n-gotravel.com _:JLook up for heaven... look downtown OORS FL r "Our Floors Are SOut of This World" WHY PAY MORE? Quality Flooring For Less! Professional Installation 838-3852 115E. Green St. Mon.-Fri. 9-5 Evenings by appt. Sat. 10- 2 SBridal Registry S Miranda Mrp Wyatt Poppe May 20, 2005 Jennifer Lee An Justin Davis An June 25, 2005 Ashley Lawle Brandon Grut )l July 9, 2005 S LeAnne Hodg S Matthew Stein July 11, 2005 Jennifer Leigh Ha Jeremy John Ja SJuly 16, 2005 S Hollie Rowe Lee Durhan July 30, 2005 Daralyn McRi Jeremy Nix July 30, 2005 Baby Registry - Robin (Lilliot) Charles Walk< Sydney Ann born A Britney Burrou Chris Stricklal Boy due June 20 Keri Andrew Christopher L Girl due June 20 S. Brandi &-Jay Vai Girl due June,20 Jennifer Arma Jason Campb SBoy due July 20 Lyndsay Doy Chad Kirkma S Boy ,due Auousl 2 S Rahael Gu ll .SS Jrews iman ss bbs les ner Ithcock icobs II n ory c: J 1 t) er pril 4 ghs nd 105 S s ynn 005 nDee 005 in bell le 1005 In 'u0,I5 I -V Kelly Moore , irl duee Sc-plember 2 ii:, ( CLASSIFIED! Small Ads... ""BIG DEALS For 3 months, $19.99 will be the price, which is the same as, the price will be $19.99. Really, it's like falling down a rabbit hole where everyone's gone mad. Don't be late, this offer ends May 31! CALL TODAY, THIS OFFER ENDS SOON! 888-499-1 700 9 Local Retailer L 'Local Service PERRY CONNECTIONS .COM Fast Response Visit our Showroom at Jackson Furniture in Perry or our Friends at Dixie Appliance in Cross City Pay a $49.99 Activation Fee and receive a $49.99 credit on your first bill. Offer requires 1-year commitment to qualifying programming under the Digital Home Advantage program. If qualifying service I end of 1-year period, a cancellation fee equal to the lesser of $240 or $20 per month for each cancelled month f service will apply. After 3 months, the then-current price for the programming pack lid major credit cardand qualifying programming purchase. Participation Is subject to credit approval. If qualifying service is terminated or downgraded, equipment must be returned to DI includess $5.00 equipment rental fee for first receiver and assumes Standard Professional Installation of one receiver. Monthly $5.00 equipment rental fee applies for each rece sfee wil be charged for each dual-tuner receiver (DISH 322, DISH Player-DVR 522 or DISH Player-DVR 942). This fee will be waived monthly for each such receive o .t l.i.entl United State. Mu nt e a ne, nt-l e DISH Network residential custom r. All pric s, packages and programming subject to change . ming. and any other vices that are provided. are subject to the te rms and conditions of the promotlonal a Doi Oilnnatd MarbtAreat(DMaiCieM. cmn Icl hannelsayrK MAI lBS -oland wrelvelocal Channels S releaed to third parts All service mark and trademarks Sports A-6 The Taco Times May 25, 2005 I II .i i . S Five groups of children from the Steinhatchee and Alachua Boys and Girls Club spent the Fishing with experienced charter captains and local fisherman as their guides. day 67 teams fish, participate in Steinhatchee tourney By BRIAN GODDARD The 67'teams participating in the Doug Johnson Reeling for Kids Fishing Tournament out of Steinhatchee's Woods Gulf Breeze Marina Saturday, May 14, enjoyed nice weather and fast angling action. James McDavid of Gainesville caught the winning grouper, and collected $1,000 for the 19.8-pound brute. An impressive 33-pound King- fish whipped by James Sanchez of Green Cove Springs and an 18.6- pound cobia taken by Joey Landreneau rounded out the winners in the heavyweight .categories. Gainesville's Brian Holt weighed the legal redfish at 6,9 pounds and James Mock of Perry took the top Trout prize with a fine 5.1-pound specimen. In its second year, the Reeling for Kids event raised a whopping $42,000 for area Boys' and Girls Clubs. This is an amount unheard of in area fishing 'events, and it has been inspiring to see area businesses and anglers rally behind the former Gator and current NFL quarterback in his effort to lend a hand to his favorite cause, Five groups of children from the Steinhatchee and. Alachua Boys and Girls Club spent the day fishing with experienced charter captains and local fisherman as their guides: All the children had their picture taken with Doug Johnson; spent the day fishing, ate fresh hot barbeque and received their own fishing pole to take home, no wonder they all want to come back next year. Steinhatchee and Alachua Boys and 'Giris Club thank Ed and Mike Wessel, Don Hires, Butch Tumblin of Steinhatchee, Dick and Rick Jackson of Palatka and A- One NM Cast, -Guide Service Operating from Keaton Beach Marina (850) 584-9145 U.S.C.G. License Pat 200 Kate Dr.'. McGriff Perry; FL 323481 Motorhome carports also available WE ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS SVISA I 18121' I EXTRA CHARGE Double Carport PON $69500 14 GAUGE, 5 t .LEGS The ' J-TRIM AVAILABLE Tony Jackson of Mayo for taking our kids fishing and making dreams cqme true. The Steinhatchee Club wishes to thank large cash donors Ware Oil Co., Bay Breeze Realty, Roy's Restaurant and the Steinhatchee Community Projects Board for their generosity and also thank the many silent auction and raffle .donors for making the Reeling for Kids Tournament such a success. For Refuge House TCI to sponsor : golf scramble The -Taylor Correctional Institution Employees"Club will be sponsoring a golf scramble to benefit the Refuge House on June 10 at the Perry Golf & Country Club. The entry fee will be $200 per 4-player team with prizes awarded to the top three teams.,, Food and refreshments will be provided along with drawings and other events. The tournament is limited to the first 16 teams to enter. For more information. contact A. Washington at 838-4000. Tourney set for June 4th The Taylor County Middle School majorettes, will be hosting a softball tournament June 4. The tourney will be a five homerun and a single formal using ansy 47-core ball. The entry fee is $125 per team. For more information, contact Brad Flores at 838-2336. All proceeds will benefit the TCMS majorettes. New in town? Find out what Taylor County is .all about! SUBSCRIBE TO THE TACO TIMES & PERRY NEWS-HERALD .:.,K l even's , Portable Buildings. featuring * CARPORTS BUILDINGS GARAGES ANCHORS FOR GROUND INSTALLATION Will Manufacture Garages of Different Sizes Also Available S30X 31 $3095 Custom Sizes & Colors Available CALL YOUR DEALER 9se prices include FREE installation on your level land ?2' and 24' and 21' carports are 4 on center All other lengths may vary. 12 X 2 1 595 12 X 26 $795.. 12 X 31 "990"0 12 X 36 $119500 12 X 41- 129500 18 X 21: $695 18 X 26 $89500 18X31 $109000" 18X 36 $29500 18 X:41 :$149500 20 X 21 $895"c 20 X 26 $119000 20 X 31 $13900" 20 X 36 $159500 20 X 41 $189500 22 X 21 1,09510 22 X 26 '1395"0 22 X 31 1690c" 22X 36 $1895 22 X 41 2195c" 24 X 21 $129000 24X26 $154500 24 X 31 $199000 24nXo36 $219500 nX41 23950' ~____. ~.~_00051 ~ .I ) ALt, rate .- Celebrating lbotaow k Karate- V30 Years! | KIds 4 00-5 00 pm) Teens 5 3106 :': prmr) (4ul, 7 8 pI rr E eiiE culive 12 00-1 00 pm) TUESDAY & THURSDAY IIW OOII 1, ,' d," DL ,,4 '^*= r '7P '_.".'^: ," 124 S. Jefferson St. Jimrry. Bowden, Insiructor 838-3656 Discount Air & Heat Refurb Center "Serving, Taylor County and the Beaches" 5 ~Refrigerators " 'Ice Makers i Heating Units Same Day Service--24 hours a day, 7 days a week (No service charge with work done) $0 Down 6 months same ascash 1-800-401-3918 Pin #12 i wayneh.2@netzero.net R. (352) 498-7001 Cross City Dental, PA Stephen M. Henry DMD David R. Schneck DMD New Patients Welcome whit whitening in a er brighter 117 NE Hwy. 351 Cross City, Fl. ster about an hour A,, Igietewie COUPON "" COUPON I I 4-Wheel Alignment S" Cars & Light Trucks Additional labor & parts if needed extra. I .See service advisor for details. I Any make and model I ---------------,-- ---- 'COUPON COUPON 44 I Tire Rotation & Balance with alignments .. Dual wheel trucks not included S,, m---- -. Timberland Ford has the only alignment rack capable of extended wheelbase K trucks in Taylor County. I I I I I. 'I COUPON COUPON COUPON Dual Wheel Truck Alignments Additional labor & parts if needed extra See service advisor for details Any make or model Call 850-584-3615 for your SAME DAY SERVICE APPOINTMENT Call 850*584-3615 for your SAME DAY SERVICE APPOINTMENT "HOW MUCH LIFE INSURANCE DO YOU: REALLY NEED?" -' IS ONE YEAR'S SALARY ENOUGH? CALL ME . ".' Mark Pelt, Agent 584-5188 tt 10OOA Jefferson St. .I. Stae. You re in good hands Allslaie Property and Casualty Insurance Company. Allstate Indemnity Company and Allslate Life Insurance Company, Home Office: Northbrook, Illinois. *l,2002 Allstate Insurance Company I'-I I a I mll TlluR=,11!FTiT MIU11174,11717m- VVVVVVV V" 1. Religion A-7 The Taco Times May 25, 2005 'Ignite the Fire' youth event set Union convenes this weekend The Ministers, Deacons and Superintendents Union will convene this weekend for services Friday through Sunday at 7 p.m. in New Bethel Church, which will: also lead the local program. All interested persons are invited to attend. Youth Ministries Night planned Acknowledging that "nothing is more important than a teen's relationship with Jesus Christ," Community Church of Perry will hold a Youth Ministries Night June 6-11 New Mt. Zion plans V.B.S. By B.D. WILLIAMS Hope for Tomorrow There is hope for tomorrow, God is still in control. He will not forsake us, but keep watch over our souls. God holds our tomorrow, why should we despair? He counts our every tear drop and hears every prayer.. The many friends of the city are extending their deepest heartfelt sympathy to the NMcLeod family in.the loss of their loved one, a devoted mother. Mrs. Hattie McLeod, who died recently. "Just think of God's goodness to you." Another soldier is gone to get a great reward. She fought the fight, she kept the faith and now gone home to God. New Mt. Zion Baptist Church will sponsor Vacation Bible School June 6-11. All children and Svou: ^ arei'pmiedp o come. and. ' enjoy Go Gloal with Jesus' through Bible study, arts and crafts and music from the theme scripture, "Go in to all the world and preach the good news" (Mark 16:15 NIV). The school will be held from 5 until 8:30 p.m. Brother' Ize!! Montgomery is pastor. Some out-of-towners were here Saturday, May 21. attending the funeral services of Mr. Willie J. Hightower Sr. held at 1 p.m. at New Bethel Church. They included Mr. and Mrs. Willie Joe Hightower Jr. of Tallahassee: Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Williams of Tampa: Mr. and Mrs. Marquis SHightower of San Antonio, Texas; Mr. Robert Shorter and son Leon of Dawson. Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. James Collier of Huntsville. Ala.: and many other from Florida, Georgia, Alabama and Michigan. We are looking for homes and land in Taylor, Madison and Jefferson county l areas to sell. If you are thinking of selling, please call fora FREE market analysis. Our team is ready to help. KELLY & KELLY PROPERTIES (850) 223-2370 ^ ^ this Friday with free food at 5 p.m. "At 6, things really heat up as the worship service begins and a new chapter opens in Perry's religious history." For information on the event, please contact 578-2580 for 'information. The church is located two miles down Dennis Howell Road, eight miles down (850)386-7553 Tallahassee 1882 Capital Circle NE, Suite 103 Tallahassee, FL 32308 Beach Road. "Sometimes we allow the flame of our relationship to Christ to die down or worse, we never truly set it ablaze. Now is the time to rekindle or fire up your passion for Christ," organizers encourage. "Come and join us as we 'Ignite the Fire' this Friday night with a Youth Ministries event." (850)875-9992 Quincy 227 E. Jefferson St. Quincy, Fl 32351 Toll Free: 1-877-997-8181 The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based sole upon advertisements. Before you decide ask the lawyer to send yo free written information about their qualifications and experience. Community Breakfast planned in Steinhatchee A Community Breakfast will be held Saturday, May 28, at 9 a.m. at Steinhatchee United Methodist Church. "Our men cook a great breakfast; please join us for food and fellowship." lan Brown Cary A. "Bo" Hardee, III Nakia D. Purdie-Lawson Hal Richmond, Of Counsel Personal Injury & Wrongful Death * AUTOMOTIVE, TRUCK, & MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENTS * DEFECTIVE PRODUCTS * MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE/MALPRACTICE * SLIP & FALL PREMISES LIABILITY * NURSING HOME NEGLIGENCE C No Fees or Costs:- until Recovery i- (850)997-8181 Monticello 1307 S. Jefferson Street S Monticello, FL 32344 I June 6-10 :00-:00pm. New in town? Find out what Taylor County is all about! SUBSCRIBE TO THE TACO TIMES & PERRY NEWS-HERALD The Program (aiso caied "Tobacco Buyout"). You've heard about it. Now be a part of it. This is it. The Federal tobacco marketing quota system is over. No more plant- ing restrictions. No more marketing cards. No more price support loans. S Instead, the USDA's new Tobacco Transition Payment Program will provide money to eligible tobacco quota holders and producers to help in this transi- tion that ends the old system. But sign up now oryou will not get a 2005 payment. ) Did you own a farm as of October 22, 2004, with a 2004 basic marketing quota? Are you an owner, operator, landlord, tenant, or sharecropper who shared in the risk of producing tobacco anytime between 2002 and :2004? . Do you grow Flue-cured, Burley, Fire-cured, Dark air-cured, Virginia sun-cured, or Cigar filler/binder tobacco? Please sign up between March 14, 2005, and June 17, 2005, at your local USDA Service Center. Call 1-866-887-0140 or visit http://offices.usda.gov to find your local county Service Center. Farm Service Agency USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer USDA United States Department of Agriculture Tobacco Transition Payment Jlon D. Caminez BOARD CERTIFIED CIVIL TRIAL LAWYER I -=MEOW L'"9~~ ~ i-ri~ra ~+3, ooooo w-: _ i The Taco Times May 25, 2005 . .. .. '_ . -" ' Ir, - Es ..,,,"li -: o n ViT l' ,'-n si,-i.- J- ,, * ' DISCOUNTS S. ,'-,...* "", Come on in to your local truck center here in Perry for the best deal you will ever get on a new car, truck or GUVI You get the rebates, big discounts and tell us how much we can make over factory invoice. -YOU MAKE YOUR 258RA ERS OW N PRICE! si..k- 25015 #200TI IG R M I .,50,'S-A stk. #250079T stk. #250003C -'-c - . fI." 2001 Ford Taurus 2002 Ford Taurus 2002 Ford Taurus __ 4"S-':S1 o- SES, V/6, Leather, CD, Alloy Wheels SEL, Wagon, Leather, CD, Alloy Wheels Low Miles ,. t ,.t --" .stk. #P465 sik #TP460 stk #250023A"/ '. . *,, Li^ ;^.-*T^ ,- *B -'- "r i'*" "'- 2001 Ford Escape XLT, V/6, Auto, 4x4 : stk #250074D VII 2003 FordWlindstar V/6, Dual Sliding' Doors, A/C, Entertainment System slk. #P463 mm 1 2002 Cherolet Tahoe LS, 4x4, Loaded slk #250029A isa~; 2002 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer, Leather sik #250121A MIM R 1991 Lincoln Towncar sik. #250117B ELam 2001 Ford Ranger SuperCab, Auto, V/6, Bed Liner sil.' #P462 : M~ft~tl 2002 Mazda . V/6, Auto, Cab Plus, 4x4 stk #P458A tfflj 2002 Lincoln Towncar Signature, Leather s,. P450 E^mi~ 2000 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad Cab, V/8, Auto o ,cil::c 2003 Ford F150 XLT, SuperCab, V/8, Auto Srk, #P454, I!^ 2002 Ford F150 XLT, SuperCab, V/8, Auto sit, tP453 2001 Ford F350 Crew Cab, Auto,. 7.3. Diesel stk. #P457 2002 Ford F150 Lariat, FX4, Crew SCab, 5.4, V/8 S stk. #P464 2003Ford F150 Super Crew, FX4, Lariat sik #P452' 2000 Chevrolet Blazer, Auto, A/C stk. #250038B 2004 Ford F150 Lariat, Crew Cab, ,J -. Leather, FX4 srk #P s449 2002 Ford F250 Pat ric:i .NoLariat, Crew Cab, OPE7:0 -3:0pm178app #a- .Diesel B ni t n ,, .si!k #P456 _SM 7 .r ... .. zuu truru F250 XL, Reg. Cab, Super Duty siR #P451A 2001 Ford F350 XLT, Dually, Crew Cab, Hard Cover & Pull-out Bed s: #P457 1S11 n nin' I _ i 1m 1.... . L_ .Z~L -1 I I I Community CALENDAR. Amvets Post 20, ladies auxilliary and Sons of AMVETS meet 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m., at 2499 Woods Creek Road. American Legion, Steinhatchee Post 291, fourth Tues. 8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays (closed), 8 p.m., at Heritage House on Washington Street, across from public library; and another AA group who meets Monday. Wednesday and Thursdays at Serenity House, located at 1260 Hwy 98 West, across from the BP station at 8 p.m. AL-ANON, St. James Episcopal Church (in library), Wednesdays 12 noon to 1 p.m.; 584-2146. Thursday at 6 30 for beginners meeting with regular meeting at 7 p.m. The Way: Christ centered recovery group, meets or Fridays at 7 p.m at Serenity House on Hwy 98 W across from BP Station Open to alcoholics addicts family members and friends AARP: last Wed 10 am at First Baptist Church Airport Advisory Commission. 4th .Monday 12 noon Perry.Foley Airport American Legion Post #96 1st Tues 7 pm American Legion Hall Center Streel Big Bend Hospice Advisory Council: 41h Tues noon 107 Easi SGreen Street Chamber of Commerce: third Thurs 8 a m. chamber board room City Council: 2nd and 4th Tues at 5 30 p m Civil Air Patrol (CAP): 2nd and 4th Mon 7 pm main hanger at airport County Commission: first Mon and third Tues at 6 p m courthouse annex. Diabetes classes every Tuesday 2 p m Doctors' Memorial Hospital FAMU Alumni Chapter, second Mon 7p m Jerkins Center Perry Masonic Lodge 123, meets first and third Monday nights. 7 30 p.m Girl Scouts Service Unit: first Thurs., 6 30 p m Scoul Hut Healthy Start Coalition: fourth Mon . 9 am Taylor County School District Administralive Office Complex Historical Society: open Thursday Salernoons 1-5 p m. Home Educators League of Perry (HELP): second Thurs. 1.30 p.m , Forest Capital Hall 584-8553 or 584- 9207 Humane Society of Taylor County, 2nd Wednesday 6 p m. Forest Capital SHall Juvenile Justice Council: third Thurs 9 am at Juvenile Justice Office. 1719 S Jefferson Taylor Coastal Communities Association meets each 2nd Tuesday ol month 7 p m. at the Keaton Beach Hot Dog Stand Kiwanis Club: Wednesdays, noon, Joyce's MainSlreet Cafe La Leche League International: 2nd Wed 10.30 am Taylor County Public L brary , Lady Elks: second Thurs, 8 pm., Elks Lodqe Main Street Perry: First Monday of each month PerryiTaylor County Chamber ol Commerce at noon Mothers of Pre-Schoolers: first and Ihlrd Fri Call 584-3826 Muskogee Creek Indian Nation: 2nd and 4ih Sat 7 pm Tribal grounds. Lyman Hendry Road Muskogee Creek Indian Tribe: Oak Hill Village on Woods Creek Road, 1st Sat Narcotics Anonymous: Wednesdays. 8 p m at 1260 W. Hwy 98 at Serenity House (dir road across from BP Station) These are open meetings to those interested in addiction Call 223-0036. Also. Saturday 10 30 a m.--open meeting NAACP: 2nd Sun 6pm. New Brooklyn Missionary Baptist Church. National Wild Turkey Federation (Yellow Piine Drummers), holds open monthly on first Thursday Golden Corral, 7pm 584.9185 Optimist Club: Thurs noon at Joyce's Mainstreet Cale Perry Garden Club: third Wed., 10 am Perry Elks Lodge: Tues 8 p m. Perry Lodge #187: Ist. 3rd Wed 7 pm Masonic Hall. Perry Lodge 123, F&AM. first and third Monday nights 7 30 p m Perry Woman's Club 2nd Wed.. noon (Sepl t May. subject to change). Perry Shrine Club: 4th Thurs., 7 p m. (club house on Courtney Road) Planning Board: 1st Thurs 6 p.m. Courthouse annex (old post office) Republican Party of Taylor County: Second Thursday ot every month at Chamber of Commerce E-mall Tommie' Stanaland at tsianalandyahoo corn or call 584-8815 Rotary Club: Tues noon at B. J,'s Downtown Cale School Board: ist and 3rd Tues., 7 pm SHARE distribution: 4th Sat. 10 a m. Social Security: representatives, 2nd Tues. 8 30 a m to 12 noon, courthouse annex Sons of Confederate Veterans meets fourth Tuesday at VFW Post on Center Street. 7 p.m For location, call 584-5346 Taylor Adult Program (TAP): Thurs. 10 am.502 N Center Street 223.0393. Taylor Coastal Water and Sewer: 3rd Wed at 18820 Beach Road, 5 p.m Taylor County Task Force Against Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault: 4th Wed 12 noon at Joyce's Mainstreet Cafe SB-1 The Taco Times May 25, 2005 Taylor County Democratic Party meets the third Monday. 7 p.m at the Golden Corral Call 584-9656 or 584- 3617 Taylor Development Council: 2nd Wed 4 p m at Chamber Taylor County Development Authority: 2nd Mon. 5 o.m at Chamber Taylor County Historical Society: 3rd Mon 7 pm Historical Society building Taylor County Horseman's Association Horse Show: 2nd Sat. 10 a m Arena located on Bishop Blvd Taylor County Leadership Council: 2nd and 4th Friday. 7 p m, Jerkins VFW Post #9225: 2nd Tues 7 p ni (American Legion building) Iii Volunteer firefighters recognized by county At its May 17 meeting, the county commission recognized eight local volunteer firefighters who recently completed training to become Certified Volunteer Firefighters I. The firefighters completed 160 Administrator Buddy Humphries hours of training during which told the board. "They were they worked two practice burns instructed by our own Chief Steve and covered 22 study subjects. Miller and he had a 100 percent "They met twice a week for four passing rate." hours a night," County "We are extremely pleased with n- -=---i our firefighter program," said Ken Olsen of Taylor Tech, which oversees the program. "They give of their own time," Humphries said. "They're called in the middle of the night to respond The county commission recognized eight local,volunteer firefighters for completing a 160-hour program to become certified Volunteer Firefighters I. Pictured above are (not in order) volunteer firefighters Donald Bowden, Ronald Etheridge, Gary Holden, James Jackson, Clyde Moody, Kenneth Parker and James Sauls, as well as County Commissioner Daryll Gunter and Fire Chief Steve Miller. Josh Ellison, not pictured, also completed the training. Special Nine Taylor County Special Olympics athletes traveled to Tampa for the State Gymnastics Games recently and the'athletes returned with more gold medals 'Olympians' bring home gold than ever before. Those participating in the event during the artistic performances included LaMarcus Robertson, 7 gold medals; Randy Holmes, 7 gold medals; Logan Nettles, 6 gold and 1 silver medal; Ricky Wagner, 7 gold medals; .Jerry Wayne Blaske, 7 gold medals; and Shirley Blaske, 7 gold medals. Participants in the rhythmic performances included Beverly Stager, 5 gold medals; Leah Whitt, 5 silver medals; and Ashley Soroka with 5 bronze medals The. athletes will again be performing in Tampa during the spring of 2006, but they are starting to work toward a major trip to Ames, Iowa, in July 2006. The Taylor County Sheriff's Department and other law enforcement agencies in the area will be holding fund raising events to be able to pay for travel expenses for this eight-day trip. Taylor County Special Olympics is also looking for volunteers to help with the gymnastics program on Thursday, beginning in August, so the program may be expended to work with as many qualified athletes as possible. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Lisa Arrowood at Taylor Gymnastics and Dance Center or Natalie A. Whalen at 672-9460. to a fire. They jeopardize their lives sometimes in the act of putting out a fire or saving someone else's life." Those who completed the training are: Donald Bowden, Josh Ellison, Ronald Etheridge, Gary Holden, James Jackson, Clyde Moody, Kenneth Parker and James Sauls. Each firefighter was presented a certificate of appreciation and those in attendance were given a chance to address the board. "I am green," said Etheridge, one of the newly certified volunteer firefighters. "Everyone else had experience. The course is not easy. It's study, study, study." "I appreciate you supporting us and getting us the training," said Parker. "I have been a firefighter for the county for 20 years. My first class was at TTI and it was 40 hours. We've gone now to enhance ourselves to better the county with service." "I've been a firefighter for 18 years," Holden said. "When the state came up with this idea of 160 hours and you're working shift work, I wasn't too keen on the idea. But I'm glad I did, for more reasons than one. Like Ken and Don, I had 40 hours of training way back when and a lot has changed since then. "We don't profess to be heroes, like a lot of people see us. We don't want people to look at us like that. All' we are is common people trying to help serve people, save lives and save property. That's all we're about." TABE to be given at NFCC i TABE (Test of Adult Basice Education) will be given at North1 Florida Community- College, ih; the Technical Cchter on lMay 30. TABE i rqirequirfor acceptance; into vocational and technical' programs. Photo ID is alsol required as Is pre-registration. To register please call (850) 973-9451. . Winners Several students from Taylor County High School competed in the recent FCCLA State Leadership Conference held in Orlando, where they were judged in state proficiency events. Shown above is Tamisha Miller, who won a gold medal for storytelling; Cianna Reaves-silver medal for poetry; Christina Reaves-bronze medal for original short story; and Caleb Reaves-gold medal for poetry. Below, all delegates participating in the event are shown. They include Patrice Brown, Keandra McNeal, Tiffany Mitchell, Cianna Reaves, Christina Reaves, and Temisha Miller. After the devastating 2004 hurricane season, many people in Florida are now beginning their preparations for the 2005 season, which begins June 1. The National Hurricane Center and the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration reminds Floridians that the 2005- 2006 hurricane season begins June I . The Florida Legislature also, looked ahead to the approaching hurricane season during its recent session. The State Senate recently passed a bill that creates a 12-day tax- exempt holiday from June 1-12 on certain hurricane preparedness supplies. . Similar to the school supplies tax holiday--which was also renewed for 2005--this new holiday w% ill cover the following: The Odd Flashlights ($20 or less) Portable, battery-powered radios, two-way radios or weatherband radios ($50 or less) Ground anchor systems or tie- down kits ($50 or less) First-aid kits ($30 or less) Gas or deisel fuel containers ($25 or less) Batteries: AA, C, D, 6-volt or 9-volt, excluding automobile or boat batteries ($30 or less) *.Non-electric coolers ($30 or less) Portable generators ($750 or less) The bill, House Bill 6001, passed unamiously in the Senate after passing in the House last month with a vote of 116-1. For more information about hurricane forecasts and Iracking, as well as safety tips, visit www.nhc.noaa.gov. CCouple to be presented The well-known relationship dysfunction found in Neil Simon's The Odd Couple is being served with a female twist for North Florida Community College's upcoming performances of the hit play) iih women playing the lead characters. It's The Odd Couple: Tire Female Version, with performances June 9-12 in the NFCC Student Center, Madison. Dinner theater is available June 10 and 11, at 6:30.p.m. Dessert theater is 7 p.m. opening night of June 9 and the June 12 Sunday matinee at 3 p.m. Tickets are $20 for dinner performances; $10 for dessert theater. Cast and crew are members of local communities and the NFCC campus. Mainstays in previous NFCC productions, Judie Baldwin. Judy McCormack, Molly McCormack and Bob Weiland of.' Madison, return to the NFCC stage. Newcomers are. Matt Register ( Madison), Trudie Benson (Li.e Oak) and Jennifer Kuvrkendall (Live Oak). Jessica Webb, who has directed NFCC productions for several years, is supervising director. She also takes on the role of Florence Unger. Making his directorial debut is student director and NFCC alumnus Justin Webb. Stage manager is Denise Bell and Matt Cruce is handling lights and sound for the show. "This.has been a fun show to put together," said Webb. The play takes place in the 80s and the. case will be in authentic period costumes, complete with 80s-style hairdos. "The cast and crew hope. to. transport the audience back in time for a fun-filled and delightful evening," she said. It's the classic story Unger and Madison are at it again! Only this time Florence Ungar and Olive Madison star in Simon's contemporary comic classic: the female version of The Odd- Couple. In the opening scene divorcees Unger and Madison kibitz with gal pals over not poker, but Trivial Pursuit. And so the games begin with hilarious jokes, girl talk, and all around fun as the flirtatious Constanzuela brothers attempt to woo Unger and Madison. Advance reservations are required. Tickets may be purchased from the .NFCC College Advancement Office or by calling (850) 973-1653 are mailing artistseries@nfcc.edu. Preparations starting for hurricane season Editorial Letters to the Editor Bad taste or good preparation? a 'd t ,:'o,. i / re p"... Dear Editor, In a letter last week (MayN. 18, 2005), Jenny Miller indicated that to go to a public meeting of an organization because you "just want to know what's going on" ,shows bad taste. It's kind of funny --I thought the whole reason for these meetings was to let people know what is going on. Why else would anyone want to go to a meeting? I am a mfiember of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and I can say that we .encourage anyone. member or not, to come out and attend any of our meetings, especially if you "just want to know what's going on." Many of ; our current members came to several of our meetings prior to joining. How else would you determine if the organization you are considering joining is right for you or not? To ask someone to leave a; meeting because they are not a member and are just trying to find. out what is going on with the organization would lead a lot of people to believe that the organization has a hidden agenda or some other business taking place in the meeting that they would not want the general community to know about. It's not like the two men. who were "asked to leave, were asking to \ote as members of the organization or disrupting the meeting in any way or form.. . As for other comments in her letter: All I can say is that I believe that II behooves all of us to know and understand our enemies. Knowing about or knowing how to research certain information about organizations, or any thing else for that matter, does not make you a parlyto that information. It is simply a method of learning as much information as you can about the subject in question. It's called educating yourself and I would strongly advise it to anyone. To me it is totally unacceptable to say to yourself "I don't know, don't care, and am not going to look." This.type of attitude turns a. blind eye to all factual information that is available on any subject Now, as far as communist influence within the National Association for the Ad\ancement of Colored People: I would recommend "Biographical Dictionary of the Left." by Francis N. Gannon; "The Enemy at the Gates. Part 1," b, Roger W. McCredie: or go to the NAACP's own national web site. In looking at the NAACP's web-site you can go into the organization's past resolutions and public statements. but It helps to have a fair amount of knowledge of socialism and how it works to be able to read between the lines. The social programs that the NAACP endorses are indicative of utilizing a central government to redistribute everything from wealth, to jobs. to education, etc. This concept is basic socialism, and it is not hard to identify when \ou know what you are looking for. : SDwayne Searcy Century Club thanks sponsors Dear Editor: The Century Club of TCHS and the sponsors of the junior-senior prom \would like to take this time to thank all the community members who helped make the :2005 TCHS prom a success. We would like to give a special thanks to Pepsi Bottling Group. Zeieler's Florist and Greenhouses. Kmari. W\al-Mart. Springhill Nursery. St. James Episcopal Church. Ragans Ace Hardware. Donna's Unlimited. GT Com, the Perry Police Department. the Taylor County Sheriff's Office, the office of Dr. Miles Nelson, Marilyn Kinsey, Ethel Carlton. Susan Nelson. Scarlet Morgan. Theresa Woods, Jayme and Clinton McCall and a host of other generous individuals. Pamela Yates Susan Braswell Lori Yates Sharon Janduia Something on your mind? E-MAIL US! Letters must include a - name and daytime .: contact phone number. perrynews@perry.gulfnet.com Letters are published in Wednesday's Taco Times and are run by available space. Letters to the Editor -2 The Taco Times I i 'SMay 25 'Holding breath' for Al Sharpton Dear Editor, to something underhanded, why even questioned them about why S After reading Jenny Miller's wouldn't you want members of the they were there? I'm sure Al Letter to the Editor, I was left public, no matter what color, to Sharpton and Jessie Jackson will scratching my head. Did she really see the wonderful things you are be here any day now to stand up say what is in print? trying to do? I think we know the for these two men that had their s First, she wondered how I would answer to that also. civil rights violated. Let's all hold S.F I know about the Communist party Were these men asked to leave our breath together. becauseboftthehcoormofntheirparty having a link to the NAACP on their web site. It's called research. try it! Did she really say she has not heard the word communist since the old war movies? Has she heard of China, Cuba. and until the late '1S:s, the U.S.S.R? She said she didn't look at the web site because she doesn't know .what I'm talking about. I couldn't agree more. Don't be afraid of facts and knowledge. Although I realize they don't support the arguments you make,. they are not bad things Just one time, try putting some supporting facts 'with your comments instead of your catchy "if the shoe fits" lines. : Now, 'for the meeting you referred to: was this the same "public" meeting that the city council members attended? Let's turn it.around. If you walked in to a meeting that was: advertised as a public meeting and you were asked to leaIe, howy would you react? I think we all know the answer to that. If \our organization wasn't .up because of the color of their skin? Isn't that racism? If they hadn't been white, would anyone have Thank yofi, Steve Johnson 'Thank you is not enough' Dear Editor: Thank you is not enough. It is with deep appreciation to God and Doctors' Memorial Hospital that I am here today to be able to tell you how wonderful the services, physicians, staff and facility are that I feel saved my life and made my stay in the hospital as well as any hospital in the country. On. May 10 I went .to my doctor's office for several reasons. I am the type of person that when someone : asks "how am you doing?" I will always sa), "fine." Well, on this visit when I said, "'fine," the nurse practitioner, Nunnie Emery, said "no. you're not." She' ran a few tests. explained to' me what.my situation was, and with' such kindness in her heart told me that I was going to the hospital. She could sed that I truly was not well. Wendy, Rhonda, Sharon and Linda were so compassionate in Dr. Mohammed's-office to me as well. Upon entering the emergency. room I was seen by Dr. Cordova and nurses. They were wonderful and caring to me and my husband. You could not have asked for better service and knowledgeable people. A little while later Dr. Mohammed came to see me. This man has always treated me so kindly and with such professionalism that I can't imagine being ill anywhere else. Dr. Mohammed did what any good doctor should do.with a patient with multiple diagnoses. He called Midweek Muddle Who are the true fishing optimists? ": -- "': .By SUSAN H. LINCOLN By SUSAN H. LINCOLN It is with foreign curiosity that I watch the boys prepare for any fishing trip. They don't even know I'm looking. We played baseball until 10:15' Friday night, and then returned home to a frantic "get ready for the Optimist Club tournament" workshop which inv.oled'" miles of fishing line and steady planning..- 'Where are we going first?" asked the son, who was making piles of used line on the floor and putting "fresh line" on the reels. I can't tell you the father's answer. except to say that it involved 'local waters." "And then where?" the son inquired, as the father completed an inventory of the hooks and lures within the tackle box--too close to the daughter's white sorority formal which is still languishing on the pool table while we attempt to find a place for all her worldly belongings before she leaves home again in two months. I grabbed the white dress and only got intent stares from both members of the' family with a "y" chromosome. "Can you get us together some drinks?'" the father asked, and I knew I should have stayed on that couch. So I grabbed up a half dozen waters and Gatorades, as well as some snacks and remembered not to include napkins. The boys are offended -when I add napkins; plus, it's a waste of paper. At 11:45 p.m., the boys trudged up the stairs to bed, setting their alarms for, the big tournament. "I wouldn't mind going out oni'the boat and getting some sun, I interjected, since no one had asked. S"Fine," the husband said. "We're leaving at 5 a.m. Forget that. . The next thing I remember, was the alarm and that herd of cattle going down my stairs. Then I returned to sleep and couldn't help but be happy that I wasn't getting any sun. For I was getting some peace and quet, and we can all thank the Optunists for that, once a year. I was just settling into my favorite couch for morning t.v., when the son appeared at the patio window. MIh heart dropped. "The husband's dead," I thought. I rushed to the window and the boy's,. face was a sad one. "The boat wouldn't :work," he said, with obvious disappointment. "Never could get it to crank,' he added, shaking his head. I looked to the side yard and the husband was venting... 'I am so...." I'll let you finish the sentence, but it was an animated expression of both anger and disgust. "We've been up since 5 a.m...." andI'll let you finish that sentence too. Like a good Jewish mother, I said, "Can I get you'something to eat?" It was the only thing I could think to say. "We don't want to eat," said the husband. ."We want to fish." ell, since I can't fix-the motor, is there anything else I can do?" "We lust came back to get the little boat, and we're going again," said the boy. I "In the john boat?" I asked. "Yeah," he said. . Thev'pulled oaut -the smaller..niobtr, for that boat and it cranked first titue. S"You can fix us some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches," said :the husband. instructing the son to remove the contents of the big boat and to pare them ,.own'for the little boat. The father hoisted the little boat into the back of the truck, with sheer andrenalin and rage, and within 30 minutes, they were gone again. "Poor boys," I said aloud, as I settled into my couch again, watching their dust settle in the. driveway. Ten nunutes later, the daughter--who had an, overnight babysitting job--arrived in their dust. "Can I have the couch?" she asked. "I am so tired."- I gave up my couch' and decided that the Optimist Tournament had not proven to be as much fun as I had hoped. I fed my. disappointment by going to the grocery store, and running three errands. When I returned home early afternoon, the truck and the little boat were parked in the side yard. "Uh oh," ,I said, and.I knew this couldn't be good. "We goti out about 300( yards, and -the little motor wouldn't crank," said the husband between snores and sighs. "I had to paddle us in against the current, load the stupid boat back on the truck..." "Oh no," I said, feeling his pain. "It cranked this morning." "I know,' he said, resisting the urge to bite my head off at that moment. "The boe was going to get out and push, and it looked like a. Tarzan movie with alligators sliding off the banks into the water." He just shook his.head; I thought he nught cry. "We've been up since 5 a.m., out twice with two different boats. It's 2 p.m. and we haven't even wet a hook." "I'll fix you a big dinner," said I, and how did I grow up Jewish in the Baptist church? "No;,we're going again," he said. "You're out of boats," I reminded him. "And, we're out of the tournament," he was sure, "but I've never let a fish stump me before and I won't today either." Two hours later, they loaded up for local waters within a local hunting club. And they caught fish--good fish. They came home after dark smiling, and overlooking the previous horror of the day. If the Optimist tournament had a category for optimistic fishermen, they would have won. It took two boats, two motors, six bags of ice and 14 .hours,-but as eternal optimists, they conquered the finned species. And beat their chests. It was a small step for a man and his boy, but a giant leap for all testosterone. '-C ~ nd-A 1 t l ~ 1* ? 123 S. Jefferson Street P.O. Box 888 Perry, Florida (850) 584-5513 DONALD D. LINCOLN SUSAN H. LINCOLN Publisher Managing Editor DEBBIE CARLTON BETH MANN Business Manager Advertising Director ANGELA M. CASTELUCCI CAROLYN DuBOSE Staff Writer Promotional Advertising CHARLES R. SADLER CAROL BROOKS Staff Writer Promotional Advertising MARK VIOLA MELISSA FARRILL Staff Writer Classified Advertising The Taco Times (ISSN'07470967) is published each Wednesday by Perry News- papers, Inc., 123 S. Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347. Subscriptions are $35.00 per year or $49.00 out of county. Periodicals postae paid at Perr, Florida 32348. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the TACO TIMES, .0. Box 888, Perry, FL 32348. The Taco Times welcomes Letters to the Editor reflecting responsible opinions and views on the news. Please submit letters by Monday at 5 p.m. The Taco Times reserves the right to refuse publication of letters which are libelous or irre- sponsible. Name may be withheld if circumstances so require, but all letters sub- mitted should be signed by the writer and accompanied by a phone number for verification. We look forward to hearing fromyoul Our address is Perry. Newspapers, Inc.. P.O. Box 888, Perry, Flonda 32348. e-mail: perrynews@perry gulfnet com Member Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. B-3 The Taco Times May 25, 2005 Saturday, 1977 N. Paul Poppell Rd., go North on HWY. 19, turn left at Highway Patrol Station, left on Paul Poppell. Boys clothes, size 14-16, women clothes, books, toys, dishes and more, also H&A unit, used computer, printer & alto saxophone. 5/25, 5/27 Grandpa's Trash & Treasures Huge Yard Sale Memorial Day Weekend Fri-Sat Irom 8 A M -4 P M & Sun from 12 P-.M.-4P.M. Furniture. tools,:clothes, .fishing equip., knives, collectables, old stuff and much more. Come bring table and set up for free. Call Daphne at 584-9617 or 672-0346. 1255 HWY 98 N. Across HWY from Shriners. 5/25, 5/27 Multi-Family Yaid/Bake sale, Saturday, 8 a m-until 3340 Johnson Stripiing Rd dishes women and mens clothing toy;. tools. collectables, furniture tons of baby items delicious baked goods and many more misc items 5/25, 5/27 Valentine Produce Fresh picked-Blanched-Flash Frozen- zippers, butter beans, black eyes, white acres, ford hooks,, cream corn, okra and green beans will deliver to Perry on Saturday 352498-2580 or 352-578-4256. 5/25-6/17 Funding now available through aided program for eager hard-working families with incomes from 19k-89k per year Funds are limited, so hurry call for details 352-490-7420 5/25 5/27CGH Single parent program provided for incomes of at least $1600 per month Funding limited. Call lor details 352-490- 7422 5/25 5/27CGH. . Can't prove your income" Go thru our stated income program, no proof necessary. guaranteed financing w/approved credit call for details 352-490. 7420 5/25, 5/27CGH Looking for or willing to start Carpool to Taiiahassee from Perry or Keato, each. SM-F, call Bruce for into 850-578 3006 5/20-5/27 . Rent to own, 3/2 fully furnished 21 acres, oad credit okay $750 mo., 407-736-8954 5/25-5/27 1999 Homes of Merit. 3 BR/2 Bath. living room, family room w/ fireplace located on 1 3 acres with large shady oak trees, two car carport. front porch three sheds (one; boat) call 850-584-4116 5/25, 5/27 $500 down payment gets you into 3 4 5 bedroom home on any land anywhere Land/Home specialist on site everyday Call for details 352-490-7422 5/25. 5/27CGH oic SLAS1I IpiRCf $18,000 Built in 1950s 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bath All Pine Wood Floors New Central H/A Some Appliances House moved at buyer's expense. Call for appt. 584-5454 First time buyers program $500 down will get you into your very own land/home package anywhere in the state. Call for details while there's still time 352-490- 7420 5/25. 5/27CGH Modular homes. R.1 housing. Only $995 down in beautiful community. paved streets on 1 acre lots, payments as low as $699 per month 1000 financing. 352-490- 7422 5/25 5/27CGH Back to nature, quiet and beautiful, 2 1/3 fenced, wooded acres With 2/1 solid frame home and guest house All for $36.500 Home Sweet Home. Call Kevin at 223-2590 for appointment 5/25 . Land for sale. 221 between Shiloh Church Rd and Cairo Parker Rd. I acre lots with paved roads. Owner financing available Please call (386) 658-1346 or (850) 584- 7466 dfEF 3 bedroom / 2 bath house, central na,. must see sunroom to appreciate new ceramic floors, move in condition 123 Ridge Road. 5174.900 call 584 3580 5/20-6/1 1 acre just outside of city limits, call 904)744-8451 5120-6/3 .. : , House for Sale 710 W Green Street, Perry. FL. 2,194 sq. fr.. 4 bedrooms/ 1.5 baths $55.000 or make offer Call 850-402-2475 3/9-3/25CC . Pre-construction luxury townhouses. 1,400 Ssq. ft 584-4678. 5/13-6/29 I -- Handyman Special, 3 BR 1 Bath, 3/4 complete, new woodwork, on city lot near Nursing Home. Asking $15,000. Job out of town, must sell. 386-329-8485, leave message. 5/18,7/8 M. 2 bedroom 1 '12 bath 2001 Single Wide on 7 acres very private, $400 month, no Inside pets, (850)584.6954. S5/25-6/3 Roommate(s) wanted-Often traveling owner needs animal loving, non smoking roommatess, 2. bedroom suite with private bath in Old Perry, shared kitchen, all Utilities except phone, $475 w/deposit and reference, 371-1922. 5/25-6/3 2005 3 bed!2 bath on 1/2 acre, wooded lot, turn key deal, $995 down and $489 per Smooth. Hurry on 1 at thisprice. 352-490- ; 7422 5,125. 527CGH 2005 4 bed/2 bath on 1 acre cleared lot, turned key deal, $995 down and $599 per Month, callfor details 352-490-7422 5/25, 5/27CGH For rent! Office space for nonprofit organization at 800 West Ash Street, site of Taylor County Senior Services. Call 584-4924 for information. 8/6tfSS 3 bedroom / 1 bath house for rent,.602 W. Bacon St, call 584-4678. '5/13-5/27 Furnished Sleeping Room, $110 per week 4 deposit. first and last week in advance. Call 843-1276, 8431296 or 838-1524 +77(pin). 5'6rl Boarde' wanted in my home Bedroom.. private :ath small living room and private enhance Call 584-8045 .5/45,27 Southern Villas of Perry!! ': New Management" HUD Vouchers accepted. 10 and 2 bedroom HC and non-HC accessible apartments Cal 8505848111. TDD/TTY 711. 315 Puc:ken Rd Perry, FL 32347. SEqual Housing Opportunity. Woodridge ADarntents!! Looking for applicants' Apply now for 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Equal Housing Opportnunirv Call 850-584.5668. 709 W. SChurch S.I Perry FL 32347. TDD/TTY 711. tfWA OUTDOOR Sl 1996. Pro sport 22 center console Garmin GPS Silex 206 Color Bonom Machine Marine VHS radio new CD player. 150 hp 'yamaha salt water series and double tandem galvanized trailer, $13000. 1979 55 hp Evinrude motor, $600 584-8491 5,20.6/1 16 ft Lucraft with 80 hp Mercury, electric tilt h3h finder center console & trailer. good condition, $3000 o b.o Call 223- 3743 . 5/206.8 . S544 E J D. Ouick Coupler $27 500. 505-22 J C B Telescopic lift. $15,900 7740 4WD Ford New Holland, 85 HP tractor 'l 0.900 Clauss 5'4 round bailer. $3000 All in good condition, located in Greenville. 770-329-2718 5/206/1 For Sale S14 nt 3 n Airboat. hull & cage. Also, 4 horse stocr Irailer gooseneck. Call 850- S578.3132 5/20-6/1 -AT L [i I 1999 Cadillac Deville, 68,000 miles, asking $12 000. 2000 Nissan Maxima, 120.000 miles, asking $10,000. Born excellent condition, please call 838-2773 4/29-5/31 I GULFCOAST ea METAL S 3' Wide ROOFING Galvalume Full lin of 3' Wide accessories in stock Painted Special Flashings Made All Types Warranted Metal Available Cut to your desired lengths Delivery Service Available Call Toll-Free 888-393-0335 352-498-0778 Horseshoe Beach, Fl. 1991 Honda Accord EX, 2 door, spoiler, sun roof, cool air, $900 o.b.o., call 223- 1497 or 672-9067, leave message, will return call. tf 1989 Jeep Cherokee, looks good, runs good, $2200,584-9288. 5/25 Winnebago motor home, 31 ft., sleeps 6, very good condition i 6 000 o b o 415 W. Green 5/25-6/3 .1981 Ford F250 PU, runs good, good tires, flatbed, $1000 or trade for smaller truck. Call 223-3314. 5/20 5/27 1989 Ford Ranger, $1500, call 584-2482. 5/18-5/27 1986 Lincoln Towncar $1,700 OBO, 584- 8552 or 838-5317 (cell) tf 2002 'Buick Rendezvous. A very comfortable, attractive vehicle, gets good gas mileage (about 26 on highways). araged and well cared for. Fully equipped with auto; CD, power seat, a/c, V-6 engine, ps, pb, leather/cloth seats, third row seats/7-passenger, alloy wheels, traction control, etc. Only 41,700 miles. Average NADA retail is $16,025. Priced at $13,700. Call 584-7883. 5/13tfSD --1~^^n 5 Trained, Beagle, Deer Hounds. Call 584- 6572. 5/4-5/27 15.1 1/2 hands Percheron/quarterhorse gelding, bay 3 vear? old. Shots and worminl up lo daeo. good with farrier, was broke Englih,. but we nave been using him Wesrern on trails Ihii past year. Very stocky and can carry a.large person. Not sp.oxlkv bur is somewhat still green at 3 years old. He has been a great trail horse, but we have to thin the -,erd Lo:aled in Dowling Park--$1,200 firm. Call 386-362- 1954 or 386-688-4954. Leave message.. We will return your call. 2 Black, female, full blooded,,lab puppies for sale. Wormed & have shots, call 584- ,, ,3600. ,. .... ... , 5/20 Lost: Cannon digital camera with case in area of Foley Cut-Off Road and Highway 30. Call 584-9300,. SSecretary Position This is a full-time or part-time position. Responsibilities include answering multi- line phone. filing sending correspondence, keeping accurate records for the office and being responsible for dealing with walk-in customers This person must be computer literate work well with others, organized, able to work in a high-stress situation and be multi- tasked. Must be proficient in the following computer software Microsoft Word Excel, Publisher and Microsoft Outlook. Salary is negotiable. Benefits include sick pay,- vacation time and holiday pay. Please send resume and references to Secretary Position. P 0 Box 892, Perry, FL 32348 5/13tfCH Boat Mechanic needed Monday-Friday, 8 a m.- p m. Starting salary $500 weekly. Must have experience working on motors & boat rigging References required Apply in person at 322 Riverside Drive,.- Steinhatchee, Florida. 4/27tf DIRECTOR OF NURSING for Madison Nursing Center 60 bed SNF in Madison. FL Current DON relocating. Excellent salary/benefits for exp RN with proven leadership skill Call (850) 973-4880 S. Fax (850) 973-2667 ATTN: Administrator 5/13-5/25M NOC Small ads...big deals. ty Part-time clerk positions available at Sea Driver- More Hellos & less Gooa Dy-- Hag Marina. Approx. hour 25-35. Must be Team Sins start up to 47 .39 t.) dependable, honest and punctual. Please Stumn ns start up to .310 10 apply in person at 322 Riverside Drive, Students s C Steinhatchee, Florida. KLLM, CDL-A -==:- 3/30tfSH 866-357-7351. EO. .. 3/30tfSH Maintenance/lawn position availabI-.at.=: Avon Perry Apartments. Please come by -ffie[ . is Always Hiring! for application. er Reps Needed in your area, 50% 5/18-6/10 L. commission. it Contact Terri at 584-8463 or 843-1285. Hairstylist position available for. new - er 4/i3tfTC salon. Call 584-3375 to set up :nter'vew. 5/25-6/1 - Position vacancies under Taylor Coun Board of County Commissioners: Park Attendant temporary (April Sep Part time (days and hour vary) max: 3 hrs/wk. $6.56 hr. Firefighter call in; $9.05 hr. Engineer- $36,504- $41,080 EOE/Drug Free Workplace. Position requirements and specification available at Taylor One Stop Care Center, 224 N. Jefferson Street, Perry, F 32347 or www.tcfl-libinfo.com Subn applications to Taylor One Stop Care Center. Positions open.until filled. 5/4tfBOCC Professional Nurse and Certified Nurs Assistant Full time 6 a.m. 2 p.m., and full time p.m, 10 p.m. for LPN/RN. One full time a.m. 2 p.m. C.N.A, opening. Small modern skilled nursing center where there is an opportunity to get to know resident and staff. Over two thirds of our nursing staff have been in their position at lea one year. Stable, comfortable wol environment. Must have excelled attendance and work performance record Contact Lyn Shine or Jennifer Richardso Lafayette Health Care Center, 512 V Main St., Mayo, FL. 386-294-3300 5/18-5/27LHC First Presbyterian Church of Perry seeking a parttime choir director who set music as ministry. Pay commensura with experience Send resumes by May2 to First Presbyterian Church, P.O. B( 837 Perry, Fl 32348 Attn: Music Ministr No phone calls please. 5/6tf Experienced plumbers needed Must hav .a driver's license. Call 584-8603 3/4tfHS Experienced plumber laborers needed -Must have a driver' license. Call 58' 8603. 3/4tfHS se 2 6 ir, re ts ig st rk nt d. n N. is es te 25 ox y. e d. 4- HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT -- , S ._ , Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Next Class: June 20th National Certification Financial Assistance S- Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Traning Services www atsn-schools.com AEROTE( If you have experience in MIG/TIG or aluminum wire welding, please contact Michael Cady at (850) 219-4700. SWe currently have temp. to hire openings at $11-$14/hour. OT is available. Company will pay relocation and'completion'bonus. EOE The City of Perry is accepting resumes for the following position: FINANCE DIRECTOR The City of Perry is seeking an individual to fill the position of finance director with a degree in business administration, accounting, finance or related field; and experience in all phases of financial management. Governmental accounting experience and personal computer skills desirable. Salary Range: $37,190.40- $50;016.95 annually with excellent benefit package. Send resume to: CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office 224 S. Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347 (850) 584-7161 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER The City of Perry is taking applications for the following position: TRUCK DRIVERILABORER (Street Division) -_ - Req: Must have validH- Florida Drivers License,. and be able to obtain a CDL within 6 months after employment. Salary: $8.12 -$11.47 hourly - Applications are available at the City of Perry Personnel Office and will be accepted until the position is filled. i *. . CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office 224 S. Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347 (850) 584-7161. DRUG FREE WORKPLACE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER RN SUPERVISOR NEEDED Monday Friday13 Sin-n Bous$280 LPN'S NEEDED)SZ Commercial PropertI For Sale 5,626 sq. ft. $240,000 850-223-7104 '~~~ 85 -2 -70. HELP WANTED Front Desk Clerk Night shift 11pm 7am including weekends Computer skills essential. Apply in person between 10 am 3 pm Mon. Fri. at Days Inn I - HOMES & r7 71 REAL ESTATE -.4he Taco Times May 25, 2005 APALACHEE CENTER ri-ehavioral Health Care Center is Ti___ ntly seeking: B 'T CASE MANAGER #2156 1AtLABLE REGULAR STATUS (40 iWFORS PER WEEK) Qf TEMPORARY OPS--:STATUS (20-40 HOURS PER REQUIRES MINIMUM OF A '*BACHELOR'S DEGREE WITH A MAJOR , --LCOUNSELING, SOCIAL WORK, . PSYGHOLOGY, CRIMINAL JUSTICE, ,lgNURSING, REHABILITATION, SPECIAL ,;''.S0IGATION, HEALTH EDUCATION, OR '~A:R lATED HUMAN SERVICES FIELD; _R A BACHELOR'S DEGREE + 2 YEARS *FULL TIME OR EQUIVALENT 'EXPERIENCE WORKING WITH ADULTS EXPERIENCING SERIOUS MENTAL t ELLNESS. VALID DRIVER'S LICENSE 3iEQWiRED. REGULAR STATUS RATE $10.75 PER W I-JR/EXCELLENT BENEFITS Q.E TEMPORARY OPS STATUS RATE 12:- PER HOUR/NO BENEFITS. .For:=fore information and a complete jitstig of available positions: 'waDalgcheeenter.oorg ., .85)523-3217 or 1(800)226-2931 --Flilan Resources, 2634-J Capital Circle S.JE--E;Tallahassee, FL SP!.!ire Drug Screen & FDLE background ,ibeck An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative :' tion Employer. Drug-Free Workplace. : I f5/27AC :Re Taylor Coastal Water & Sewer District p' district ) is looking for candidates to fill the position of Office Manager. The individual -Selected for this position will be ~sr nsible for maintaining all id snistrative and financial records of the iDisftict. Specific duties include the preparation and mailing of utilities bills, recording payments, making bank depnsits, preparing monthly financial statements and presented monthly reports ;it4e Board of Directors. The individual receives and reviews all incoming _correspondence and directs to appropriate imprsonnel for action, organizes and Ssiinaitains filing system for all business trinsaction, correspondence, contracts, grants, and loans, and serves as customer iljpison and handles routine matters =regarding billing, payments, new -ioninections, and other general business items. The individual may consult with a .C on matters pertaining to financial fis, audits, and reports. The applicant fortbis position must have demonstrated i~'.iency in accounting skills; good nworing knowledge of accounting software 5pregrams, ability to effectively Scolimunicate both written and verbally, an;itrong interpersonal skills to deal with riety of personnel and office -administration issues. The applicant must YieOexperienced in the 'use of iEACHTREE or QUICK BOOKS -ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE. lE-u have an interest in this position V"pan0e send a letter with your resume to "raylor Coastal Water & Sewer District, =-8820 Beach Road. Perry, Florida, 32348. Applicants must submit their letter and --ceSiUme by COB Jbne 30 2005 to be --considered for this position. The Taylor LC-Qoestal Water & Sewer District is an Eqgal Opportunity Employer. -5_, 5/27 EDriBers =S45000-$55.000+ per year to start, --SHDRT HAUL PREMIUM PAY and =excellent benefits with Automatic semiannual increases CDL-A 6 months T/Itexp., call Sunday or anytime 800-893- 6 7 or toll free 866-816-1704. 5125-5/27 _z. Advent Christian Village Current JOBS Line Advertisement call 658-5627 or visit www.acvillage.net 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week CNA/LPN Got a Passion for Compassion? Direct care staff in long-term care setting. FT and PT positions and various shifts available. Florida certification (CNA) or license (LPN) required. FT positions include health, dental, life, disability, supplemental insurance; 403b retirement account; paid time off, access to onsite daycare and fitness facilities. Apply in person at Personnel Office Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., or fax resume/credentials to (386)658-5160. EOE/Drug-Free Workplace/Criminal background checks required. 5/25-6/3ACV * Wanted dead or alive; Junk cars, trucks,' tractors, etc. Will buy, sell & trade 4x4 & truck parts. S*M*A*S*H Towing, 386-688- 3999 or 850-843-4227 5/4-5/27 LOOKING FOR LAND Wanting to buy 1 to 5 acres,l Please call 223-3704, if no answer, leave message. 5/20-5/27 Schools Out Will babysit in my home, Monday thru Friday, call Kim at 584-9051. 5/25 TREE CAPITAL CLEANING 584-CLEAN (2532) Clay Swindle, L.L.C. Painter, Interior & Exterior, Framing. 18 yr. experience. Free est. Big or small. Call 850-223-1780 or 850-843-1941. If no answer, leave message. 10/27tfCS CARPET & VINYL Installation and repairs done at a good price. No overhead. Direct savings to you. 30 years experience. 850-838-9050, please leave a message.' . 11/3tfBR J.D.'s tree S r.'ce arid Lawe i'6. Licensed and insured. Free estimates. We also grind stumps. Call today 838-1280. Firewood for sale. tfJD SMR. MARZ .LAWN SERVICE, FREE ESTIMATES. 850-371-1,634. PERRY, FL. 4/15.5131 . Father & Son to do light and heavy yard wore We also do rim work. Call Rodney , Watts. 584-8324 5/13-6/29 Clowns Clowns "Miles of Smiles Clowns", Balloons, Magic, Face Painting, Dancing & Fun For All Ages. Available for Special Events and Kids Birthday Parties. 578- 2582. 5/20-6/15 TREE REMOVAL & STUMP GRINDING Lowest Rates Around, Free estimates, Licensed & Insured. Call John at 584- 2027. No job to big or to small. 5/20-6/29 ATTENTION FARMERS, HOMEOWNERS & BUSINESSES Nuisance wildlife & small animal trapping, by licensed individual. Call Bennie at 850- 578-3132 or 850-672-0311. 5/20-6/1 PRESSURE WASHING Houses, decks, walk ways, just about anything. Also, lawn mower repairs. Call John at 223-1273 for quotes on any job. 5/20-6/1 Circle "T Specializing in all types of tractor work, bushhogging, root raking, harrowing, dirt hauling & leveling, debris removal, clean up, and lawn care. Call for free estimate, 584-2806. 5/4-5/27 Southern Siding & Remodeling, LLC Vinyl siding & soffit, wood rot, fascia, decks, aluminum screen rooms, windows, porches and more. Jay Swindle (850) 843-1731 Licensed & Insured 4/29-5/31 A-2-Z Farm and Lawn Services Harrowing, bush hog mowing, dirt leveling, rake work and complete lawn services. Call 584-6737, leave message. 4/ltfAZ Lindsey Tractor Service Lawn Service, bush hogging, land clearing, drive ways, tree trimming, hauling, food plots, debree removal, etc... Call 850-584-5193 or 850-838-4818 4/27tf NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that WILKIE GIBSON the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Th'e certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names In which It was assessed are follows: Certificate No. 472, Year of Issuance 2001, Description of Property PARCEL No. R05239-000-260407 ONE (T) ACRE IN SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NW1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 4, SOUTH RANGE & EAST. Name, In which assessed MRS. W.B. LEE ESTATE Said property -being in the County of Taylor, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described is such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the courthouse door on the 20th day of JUNE, 2005 at 11:00 o'clock a.m. Dated this 16th day of May, 2005. Annie Mae Murphy Clerk of Circuit Court Taylor County, Florida 5/18, 5/25, 6/1, 6/1 IF ^ NOTICE: LIEN SALE Notice is hereby given to James Walker 2305 Bowden Ave. Perry, Florida 32348, unless payment is mode on Unit 8-16 (Contents: household goods), contents will be sold on the 7th day of June, 2005, at Handy Rentals Self Storage, 900 Industrial Park Dr.. Perry, FL 32348. 5/25-6/3 Notice of Public Hearing Hearing Date: June 21, 2005 Subject of Hearing: Workers' Compensation -Return to Work Policy. THE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF TAYLOR THANK YOU Continued from page B-2 in a cardiologist, Dr. Sulbaran to assist in my care at the hospital. He was wonderful and helped in any way possible. The second floor nurses and housekeeping treated me like a queen and were so sweet to my husband. My needs were met in a. timely manner and with respect. I can't say enough about how sweet they were. Last but not least were Melissa COUNTY WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ABOVE DATE FOR APPROVAL OF SAID SUBJECT ITEM. THIS HEARING WILL BE HELD AT THE SCHOOL BOARD MEETING. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS/CONCERNS. THE PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD AT THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLEX, SCHOOL BOARD MEETING ROOM, 318 North Clark Street. A copy of this policy may be obtained from the Superintendent's Office. Oscar M. Howard Jr. Superintendent of Schools 5/25, 6/1, 6/8, 6/15 and John from Home Respiratory Solutions who always seem to keep track of my whereabouts. They came daily for visits and to see if there was anything they could do for me and my husband. Words cannot express my gratitude to all those who helped me and continue to help with my care. I will always be grateful and our community should be grateful that we have such wonderful doctors and the staff who.represent our hospital and community. Sincerely, Fannie Townsend -Prestige Home Center Chiefland _The Only Factory Outlet on the West Coast o: "DOUBiBLETALK" WITH OUR ADVERTISING-- .:. 140 G;. :ES:WITH OUR PRICES! S.Any New Horne Purchased from Prestige Homes,-. I.ncludes FREE Delivery.& Set-Up...PERIOD!,i . Ltt -_ -- Lx $32,44500 Includes AC, Heat, SNo Down Payment S(60 Other Homes to SEggs are Cheaper So are Presti N. Hwy. 19, Chiefland BRAND NEW-- Choose from 2 or 3 Bedroom 2 Bath OR $275 mo Skirting & Steps for Landowners! Choose From!) in the Country, ge Homes! 800-477-2492 1,000 ; .; I Sign On Bonus PRITCHETT TRUCKING SEEbS EXPERIENCED CLASS A DRIVERS IN YpUR AREA FOR LOCAL HAULING. GOOD PAY AND BENEFITS 1-800486750 CAL 1-800-486-7504 Perry Square 2030 S. Jefferson St. " (850) -584-8144 OVER 140 STORES, SINCE 1949 *Subject to credit approval and a minimum credit rating score. Minimum '699 purchase required. Finance charges and optional insurance charges will accrue from date of purchase, but finance charges will be rebated if the amount financed and any earned insurance charges are paid in full within 12 months of the purchase date. Delinquency in monthly payments beyond 30 days will result in forfeiture of no interest promotion. Finance charges will vary by state. With approved credit Terms do not apply to prior purchases. Offer expires June 30, 200. See store for lull details. Allow 6 to 8 weeks for special orders. Sale ends at closing on June 30, 2005. - Sale held pursuant to Taylor County going out of business sale no._2005-1000 granted the 2nd day of May 2005. At DMH 'Treated like a queen' 1 b-MINL. m '' :i |