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ay, Midweek Sin ,t'dCO. T1[in.leS Edition B:4, 2005: aial of the South 2 Sections Our 44th Year, No. 18 Spring training postponed Adams passes on coaching job On the e'e of his expectcd arrival in PerrN to begin a spnng practice session and set up for the summer program. Billy Ray Adams of Winfield. Ala.. h-as unexpectedly\ flipped-floppcd on his decil ilrn iti. accept the position .of Ta', lor Co:unt\, High School head arsul\ football coach. Adam, contacted TCHS Principal Mich.a:l Thi'mpson and Asi[;iant Principal Sand, Hendr Tuesday morning \nith the news. citing his wife's frail condition follow ing recent eye surgery. Adams told Thompson he had been extremelyy excited about the prospect of coaching at TCHS. but he had expected his wife to be in better health by now." Thompson and Hendry said they would go back to the short list given them by a search committee last month and attempt to find the next best candidate for the position, or potentially, may have to re-advertise for the job, they said. Superintendent of Schools Oscar Howard Jr., traveled to Winfield last week to meet Adams. While there, Howard said he spoke to several townspeople who all spoke highly of the man. "I spoke to regular people on the street; I spoke to former players; and I spoke to former players' parents and grandparents," he said. "Every single one of them sang ,- Please see page 2 FCAT math scores continue to improve Two for one Although no major damage or injuries were reported, two fender-benders occurred within minutes of each other Monday afternoon, on the same Jefferson Street block. Police said a SUV may have run through a stoplight, striking this car on the driver's side door. As soon as law enforcement arrived on the scene, two other cars hit each other just yards down the street. Police allowed those two parties to settle the incident between themselves as no damage or injuries were reported. .. For city election 5 meet qualifying deadline A total of five candidates met the John W\. Graham. James (Jim) Doug Everett and Don Cook 5 p.m. deadline Friday and will Box and Charles August all filed registered as candidates earlier in appear on the upcoming June 14 candidacy notices w ith Supervisor the week. April 27. ballot for city council seats in of Elections Molls H. Lilliott The qualifying period for the districts four and five. Friday. April 29. election was April 25-29. Graham announces bid for council seat John W. Graham has announced A longtime resident of Taylor his candidacy for the Perry City CountI. Graham graduated from Council, District 5, seat. Ta\lor County High School in I 1950. Some residents,,he said, may remember him as "Speedy Graham" from his high school football days. SGraham said he %as a "citizen of nthe world b\hile trailing as a .'. t career flight engineer with the SUnited State,. Air Force. A veteran, he ser ed in both the Korean and Vietnam conflicts. Sw i Het is also an active member of Calar Baptisr Church. Graham retired from the Air SFoirce \ th 1(0.1 percent service- connected disabilities and said he is "back home to stay." Graham ill face challengers Doug Everett and James (Jim) Box at the polls Tuesday. John Graham June 14. Perry's Hampton Inn named 'world's best' Sweeping the top three categories in ser ice. cleanliness and best overall stay, Perry's own Hampton Inn was named "ttl" in the world during ceremonies held recently in Las Vegas. Nev. Last week, Hampton Inn Senior Vice President of Brand Management Phil Cordell made it official. presenting the hotel an award signifying its top-ranked distinction. Guest Services Manager Wayne Jones said the secret to tdus hospitable success lies in having "a dedicated staff and owners on-sile seven days a week." Complimentary chocolate-dipped strawberries also help "s\'eeten" the Hampton Inn overnight-stay experience, he said. "WVe are the number one ranked Hampton in the world for guest satisfaction; we were number one for cleanliness: and number one as far as the best overall experience for a hotel stay. This is the first and only time that a single hotel has won in all three categories." Jones said. ... Please see page 2 Both Graham and Box will be competing against incumbent Everett for the district five seat. Cook and August will vie for the district four seat being vacated b\ Mayor Pam Feagle. who has announced she will not seek re- election. The list of registered candidates will be presented to the Perry City Council at its next meeting. Tuesday '. May 10. Under the city charter, the city council has the sole discretion of determining whether or not candidates have met qualifications for election to the council. -. Please see page 3 The Department of Education. has released preliminary 3rd grade FCAT scores to individual school districts, and for Taylor County students, the scores "are similar to scores of the past few years," according to Director of Instruction Wanda Kemp. "Math scores have been higher ,than reading scores in the past," she said, "and that's the case again this year. Math scores at Taylor County Elementary School show a substantial improvement this year. "There's a five percent decrease in Level 1 (scored out of five levels, with one being the lowest score); a two percent decrease in Level 2--which means fewer students are scoring below grade level. "We made a seven percent increase in Level 4 and a two percent increase in Level 5--that's more students 'working. above grade level in math. "This is exactly what we want to do...decrease the number of students below grade level and increase the number of students working at proficiency level," added Kemp. In reading, both TCES and Steinhatchee School saw an increase in the number of students in Level 1. "That's not a surprise during a year when the bar goes up," Kemp said. "This year the bar went up 13 ,-* Please see page 2 Boaters rescued By MARK VIOLA Staff writer Thanks to the quick action of fellow boaters, five people are safe after their boat capsized off Keaton Beach last Thursday morning. Scott Robinson, his wife and his mother, as well as two friends from Germany, reportedly set out from the public boat ramp at Keaton Beach in his boat, a 21-foot Grady White named "Foxy Lady." Around 10:15 a.m., Robinson sent out a mayday distress call over the radio. "We heard the mayday and ie gave his coordinates, but he said them too fast," said Tracie. Singletary of Keaton Beach Marina. "We tried to get himback on the radio, but couldn't. ., Please see page 3" County votes to sell old hospital Facing a potential cost of $4 million to renovate and "bring up to code" the old Doctors' Memorial Hospital building, the county commission voted Monday night to sell the complex. James Louis of Clemons, Rutherford and Associates addressed the council, presenting a report on the costs associated with renovating the old hospital building. "The old Doctors' Memorial Hospital is a structurally sound and reasonably maintained facility," the reports stated in summary. "The building, however, is over 30 years in age. During this period codes and .* Please see page 8 Senior Vice President of Brand Management Phil Cordell (center) was on hand to applaud the Perry Hampton Inn and its staff for being named "#1" in the world. Pictured with Cordell are Guest Services Manager Wayne Jones (left) and General Manager David Dickson, receiving the prestigious "Connie Award" in recognition of the hotel's "excellence in hospitality." r I ~ ~ s _ 1 -- I -I i I - . - A-2 The Taco Times May 4, 2005 'Focus on writing' leads to improved test scores here Florida Writes scores are in and school officials are happy with the improvement made by students in the Taylor County School district. "The scores are up," said Superintendent of Schools Oscar Howard Jr. S '"Fourth, eighth and tenth grade students all showed marked improvement in their writing scores this year," he said. "At Taylor !County Elementary School, there was a 15 percent average increase in student performance, with an overall 91 percent of all students scoring a 3.0 or higher. S "At Taylor County Middle School, similar gains were made, with ,an average of 47 percent of all students tested scoring a 4.0 or above. S"At Steinhatchee School, scores were mixed. Fourth graders declined slightly, averaging a 3.0 Eighth grade, however, improved with 50 percent of students scoring a 4.0 or-above. "At Taylor County High School, 71 percent of all students scored 3.5 or above, an 11 percent increase from last year," he added. "These scores are a direct result of the focus our administrators, teachers and students put on writing this year," he said. "High quality professional development for all our teachers, K-12 and a rigorous student writing effort were the keys. I salute all our staff and students. These scores are outstanding and I'm very, very Proud of the improvement. I feel like we're back on track with our writing and I expect our scores to improve like this every year in the future," Howard added. Random guest surveys ranked Hampton at top HAMPTON INN Continued from page 1 . The rankings are based on an independent random-survey of hotel Guests. "These surveys are sent to guests randomly. We can't pick and choose who they go to...this is how all the Hamptons are ranked," Jones explained. "We have been one of the top five hotels ranked by the survey since we -'opened." The hotel was also awarded the prestigious "Connie Award," named for famed hotel manager Conrad Hilton. "There are only two Hamptons in the world who havewon the Connie Award four times--that's us and the hotel in North Carolina," Jones said. The Perry Hampton Inn opened in May 2000 and is one of 1,289 Hampton Inns worldwide. In early May Individual scores will be released FCAT Continued from page 1 points on FCAT. That's a pretty significant increase for the individual student. It makes scoring Level 2 and Level 3 more difficult. "However, the more important data is in student learning gains. When we look at the students' data over this school year, from when they entered third grade until now, almost all of them have made learning gains in reading and math at both schools. That's the real measuring stick for student progress. "It tells our teachers, students and parents that students are getting a year's worth of learning, or more, for year's worth of Teachingg" Kemp added. "Overall, third grade scores at TCES indicate continued progress in reading and math, especially considering the increases made during a year when the bar went up," she said. "Steinhatchee School experienced a decline in both reading and math' School administrators and the director of instruction are already analyzing data and planning for next year." "We'll start with this new data base line and work with it for the next few years until the bar goes up again.". Superintendent of Schools Oscar Howard Jr. said; "The most important point I would make. is the fact that in our third grade at both schools, almost all of our students made learning gains. "We know that' when our students are making learning gains from one year to the next. they're getting the education they need for improvement. TTI hosts award program May 4 Taylor Technical Institute will host its annual Awards Day program. today (May 4). Ceremonies will begin at noon in the student commons. "I want to commend our teachers, administrators and staff for their steadfast commitment to their students and their learning. I want to thank our parents for working with their children at home and supporting our teachers in their efforts," he added. "I especially want to thank our Third grade students for their hard work this year. It's a team effort and as long as we work together, we're going to see increased student performance," Howard concluded. These third grade scores are only preliminary ones the DOE releases to the districts so they allow teachers to plan for third-grade reading camp. Individual student scores will be released to the schools in early May, Kemp said. Howard 'speechless' ADAMS Continued from page 1 praises about the man." Howard said he was almost speechless when told of Adams' decision. "We've taken all this time to go through the process to find the 0WWW right person for the job, and now this happens," he said. "But I found out a long time ago that all things work out for the best, and when something is not meant to be, then it's not meant to be. "We will immediately begin looking at some short-term options until this situation iS resolved," he added. w w^ *a{ (C w S10 t75% Off (on selected merchandise) '- I I " * `ai ^1 i S&L~o-df AM/FM/Stereo, A/C stk. #250108T $12A95 BIG REBATES LOW RATES MORE FOR YOUR TRADE FAST APPROVALS 2005 Ford F150 AM/FM/Stereo, A/C stk. #250158T $14995 2003 Ford Taurus 2004 Lincoln Towncar SE, V/6, CD, Alloy Wheels stk. #P447 t^M'liI Signature, Leather' stk. #P450 E^JFri 2001 ord Taurus SES, /6, Leather, CD, Alloy Wheels stk #P465 2002 Ford Taurus SEL, Wagon, Leather, CD, Alloy Wheels stk. #P460 (SSEI;r 2001 Chevrolet Tracker Auto stk.#250117A MI l, i " 2001 Ford Fscape XLT, V/6, Auto, 4x4 stk. #250074D EMU ;~C~ 2003 Ford Explorer 2003 Ford Windstar 2002 Chevrolet Tahoe Eddie Bauer, V/8, Leather 6, Dual SlidingDoors,A/C,LS 4xLoaded e .. .... Entertainment System LS 4x4Loa srk. #250087A k pA.iR stk. #250029A. 2002 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer, Leather stk. #250121A 2003 Ford Ranger Reg. Cab,,V/6, Auto, Bed Liner, Hitch stk.'#250122A .tH11 2001 Ford Ranger SuperCab, Auto, V/6,-Bed Liner stk. #P462 2003 Dodge .Quad Cab Hemi, V/8, SLT, Bed Liner, Tool Box stk, #25128A 2002 Ford F150 Lariat, FX4, Crew Cab, 5.4,V/8 stk. #P464 LiS^I 2002 Mazda V/6, Auto, Cab Plus, 4x4 stk. #P458A tIiin 2003 Chevrolet Silverado V/8, Auto stk. #250061B ingIi 2002 Ford F150 XLT, SuperCab stk. #250039A [thImi 2003 Ford F150 Super Crew, FX4, Lariat stk. #P452 2001 Ford F250 XL9, Super Duty, Diesel, Suto : stk. #P459 ImE-l 2003 Ford F150 XLT, SuperCab; V/8, Auto XL stk. #P454A 2004Ford F150 Lariat, Crew Cab, Leather, FX4 stk P449 2002 Ford F150 T, SuperCab, V/8, Auto stk. #P453 E^a 2001 Ford F250 XL, Reg. Cab, Super Duty stk. #P451A ti 1 f*1Ilr r^I^ 2002 Ford 2001 Ford F250 F350 Lariat, Crew Cab, XLT, Dually, Crew Cab, Diesel Hard Cover & Pull-out Bed stk. #P456 stk. #P457 -3 - Taylor Square Shopping Center 584-5200 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:30-5:30, Sat. 10-4:30 r ---II c I I I I- L I I Il~s Il -' -~--~- ~-- __ Biggest Ever Y 1$22,9 1--slum I~E~n *10%, 1 , 1, A A-3The Taco Times May 4,2005 By crew of 'Sandy's Money' Capsized boaters rescued within 15 minutes BOATERS Continued from page 1 "The Coast Guard called over with the coordinates. We had about six boats which wanted to respond. The Coast Guard gave the go-ahead." Among those who responded was Mike Hunter of Perry in his boat, "Sandy's Money." "We heard the distress call," Hunter said. "He was only able to send his coordinates before they capsized. "We punched in the numbers and we were only four and one-half miles away. We were the first ones there." The capsized boat was located approximately 15 miles out from Keaton Beach. "When we got there, they were hanging onto the bottom of their boat. I was able to bring them in the boat," Hunter said. "Right after we arrived, Impulse got there. He's out of St. Mark's, so he must have been speeding there. Then three or four other boats showed up." Due to a problem with his radio, Hunter was unable to communicate directly with the Coast Guard. Instead, Danny Ellison in "Beats Working," relayed their messages back and forth. "The response was great," Sirgletary said. "They were only in the water for about 15 minutes before Mike got there." "The seas were 2-4 feet and made the going rough. We arrived on the scene in about 40 minutes," said Charlotte Karns, onboard "Beats Working." "There were four boats who responded to the mayday and all arrived on the scene within 15-20 minutes of each other," Karns said. Hunter returned with the family to the marina,. where an ambulance was waiting to transport one victim, who apparently suffered a back injury during the ordeal, to Doctors' Memorial Hospital. "It ended well," Hunter said. "We were very fortunate. Keaton Beach didn't lose a boater. S"We only did what any other boater, would have done. We just got there first." According to Karns, the rescued family said, "It's great to be in an area where people care about each other and drop what they are doing to help." District books close May 16 DEADLINE Continued from page 1 Lilliott reminds residents in districts four and five that registration books for the election close Monday, May 16. As the city charter does not address provisional ballots and early voting, there will be only absentee voting and voting at the polls election day. Five people found themselves .clinging to their overturned boat after it capsized 15 miles off ::Keaton Beach last Thursday morning. Mike Hunter, captain of "Sandy's Money,".responded to -their mayday call and was able to rescue them. Another good Samaritan, Charlotte karns, -onboard "Beats Working," took this photo after arriving on the'scene. DMH, EMS smile about financial improvements SDoctors' Memorial Hospital's Emergency Medical (Ambulance) Service (EMS) saw some : improvement in its financial status over the last two months of Available data. : In February, including county -:support of $20,666, EMS :-:'registered a loss of $6,994. In -March, it showed a profit of $27,246. DMH CEO Rick Brown attributed this increase to a change in billing companies. Instead of billing only primary insurance companies, "we will now bill secondary insurances as well," Brown said. He warned, however, that the March numbers included the ,increased insurance payments for the past three months, so the numbers were inflated for that month. "We have increased our payment percentage from 35 to 40 percent," Brown said. "We were told that the new billing company would increase us to 42 percent, so we are on track." For the six-month period beginning in October 2004, EMS reported a $37,191 loss. Sfl Gift Certificates (/STOREWIDE MOTHER'S DAY SALE 20% off (Happy Mother's Day to All Monis on Sunday, May 8) * Dresses * Lingerie * Shoes Downtown 584-7774 *Sportswear Handbags * Jewelry Belts * Hose Brighton (No Jeanette charge on this sale) Juniors Missy Petites Plus Sizes Cash Check* Mc 'Visa Discover A Come See Our New Brighton Line Aon. Fri. 9-5 Sat. 9-4 louth House has over 128 Roclinor in stock We must clear out all recliners NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! Souh ose i HOETW Owned: ale SOUTH.HOUSE IN PERRY -7 BLOCKS WEST OF COURTHOUSE AT U.S. 19-27 I 1 3 --- -~- - A-4 The Taco Times May 4, 2005 ~iv~g John Kendall Fish and Mary'Jane Niles Nles, Fish to wed in June ceremony The Rev. Leroy and Marie Sherrill of Lake City announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Jane Niles of Lake City, to John Kendall Fish of Perry, the son of Stanley and the Rev. Glenda Fish of LaGrange, Ill. The bride-elect is a registered nurse. The groom-elect is a certified forester, who serves as the local district manager for'the Florida Division of Forestry. He also works locally as a paramedic and is a volunteer firefighter with Taylor County Fire-Rescue. The outdoor ceremony will be an event of Saturday. June 11. 2005. at 2 p.m., at Stephen Foster State'Park in White Springs. A reception will follow the ceremony. All friends and relatives are invited to attend. Wedding reminders Mauldin-Ross Amber Mauldin and Share Ross remind friends and family members of their wedding Saturday, May 7. A beachside ceremony at the Buccaneer Inn on St. George Island is planned at 6:45 p.m. SThe bride-elect is the daughter of Rhett and Kim Mauldin. The prospective groom is the son of Dennis Ross and Delane Bass of Perry. Raulerson, Weaver families gather for Saturday reunion The Raulerson-Weaver Family Reunion will be held Saturday, May 7, at 10 a.m. in Forest Capital Park. All family members and friends are invited to attend. Please bring a covered dish to .share. By DAWh TAYLOR Chamber Director In Florida, we're all a part of the tourism industry...and it's time to celebrate! In honor of National Tourism Week, May 9-13, the Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce will host an Open House Thursday, May 12 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., showcasing our in- house welcome center as well as displaying some of our tourism initiatives and answering questions about tourism. In 2004, Florida saw a record number of visitors with more than 76.8 million visitors enjoying the Boyd promotes U.S. heritage, awards school on Monday wSLci beauty of the Sunshine State and spending more than $56.5 billion to boost Florida's economy. These numbers once again prove that tourism is Florida's largest industry. More than 890,700 people with a combined income of $15.3 billion are employed statewide in the tourism field. In terms of visitors coming to the Sunshine State for vacation or business, New York City was the top domestic feeder market and Canada was once again the top international market. Last year, Allen Boyd Congressman Allen Boyd will speak to students at Perry Primary and participate in a "We the People" award presentation Monday, May 9, at 1 p.m. Perry Primary is receiving a grant through the "We the People" program sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities. The ,grant is for a number of books that focus on the nation's heritage with this year's theme being "freedom." Congressman Boyd will present an award to Principal George Clayton and the grant writers will be recognized. Bluegrass will take spotlight in Trenton If Taylor County's state bluegrass festival left you wanting more music, Trenton Train Depot will host the Suwannee Valley Bluegrass Pickin event on Saturday, May 7, beginning at 6 p.m. Music enthusiasts are encouraged to bring a lawn chair as well as an instrument. "There will be plenty of room to sit around and jam." Questions or directions? Call 800-990-5410. -Iu~ Gifts for any room she chooses... I Indoor Outdoor Bedroom Kitchen Living Dining Hppy 10Mother's 10% off Storewide Day8 FRE GIT RAPIN I Biloxi Gaming Tours, 4 DAYS/3 NIGHTS Super 8 Motel $115.00 ppdo Beau Rivage $165.00 ppdo pick up in Perry 'our Travel Connection for CRUISES -TOURS GROUPS Pack N Go Travel located in Chiefland 352-493-7622 toll free 1-888-852-0330 e-mail -speubank@aol.com website: www.pack-n-gotravel.com Bridal Registry ' Nikki Peake Keith Porter April 4, 2005 Amber Mauldin Shane Ross May 7,2005 Miranda Murphy Wyatt Poppell May 20, 2005 Jennifer Lee Andrews Justin Davis Amman June 25, 2005 Ashley Lawless Brandon Grubbs July 9, 2005 LeAnne Hodges Matthew Steiner July 11, 2005 Jennifer Leigh Hathcoc Jeremy John Jacobs July 16, 2005 Hollie Rowell Lee Durham July 30, 2005 Baby' Registry ., Robin (Lilliott) Charles Walker Sydney Ann born April 4 Britney Burroughs Chris Strickland Boy due June 2005 Keri Andrews Christopher Lynn Girl due June 2005 Brandi & Jay VanDee Girl due June 2005 Jennifer Aman Jason Campbell Boy due July 2005 visitors spent an average of five days in Florida. No matter the length of stay, the revenue from visitors to this state assists in providing Floridians with the resources necessary to improve our everyday lives. Whether it is our roads and highways, education system or local and statewide law enforcement, these areas aid others benefit from individuals placing Ihl Mc little strain, if any, on the services they help to provide. In Florida, everyone is part of the tourism business. For more information, please contact the chamber at 584-5366 or check out VISIT FLORIDA's web site at www.VISITFLORIDA.com, the state's official source for travel planning. Remember, We're All Florida's Tourism Business. in :m's Day Sale 20-40% off STOREWIDE (excludes wedding accessories) eccaS Jewelry &Gifts (850) 584-2505 213 E. Green St. S ,Look for the "purple" door i Becky Paramore, owner tt r ZpA Mother's Day Special Manicure & Pedicure Combo $30 Acrylic Nails & Pedicure Combo $35 Jirror Images Nail Salon Jennifer Lundy Jennifer Wallace Candace Bordine S Owner, Nail Tech Nail Tech Nail Tech NeHur:on 0 6 0 , 'Appointments or Walk-ins Welcome SGift Certificates Available : 115 E. Drew St. (around the corner from Johnson's Bakery) X . 1BAD WATER? IRON-FREE'S OWN HIGH PURITY MANDOX WIDE SPECTRUM/TRIPLE S ACTION FILTRATION SYSTEM Removes IRON, TANNIN, SULFUR, MANGANESE, TURBIDITY, BAD TASTE, BAD ODOR. KILLS BACTERIA. No more STAINED FIXTURES, DINGY CLOTHES. LOW COST, LOW MAINTENANCE, GUARANTEED. Call today for FREE WATER TEST. No obligation. $695 to $1995 IRON-FREE .Well Water Company, Inc. Lisa McKinney, Representative 850-584-5750 800-437-1128 ? Mr. and Mrs. Connie Ray Mathis and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sanchez Jr. request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their children Lacei "/ae' 97l1adii& anad 9t~m^ H^^'jfl C7 l4i^^ S(Mvc/ie^/ ^^^^^ on Saturday, the seventh of May Two thousand and five At seven o'clock in the evening Dancing Waters Chapel The Steinhatchee Landing Steinhatchee, Fl. Recep 'on imme,.llrely follocing ceremony at Fiddler's Restaurant. All friends andfamily invited to attend. Sale excludes erry Drapery -Gift Shop rle Norman & Furniture Gallery 1 Downtown Perry (850) 584-6818 Open 6 Days 65 Ila I ---- ~IMis -- L' I'1 i Celebrating tourism i aj Chamber slates open house Ih * A-5 The Taco Times May 4, 2005 Music begins at 7 on 7th TCMS Tropicana Speech Contest winners shown above are: (first row, left to right) Jarrod Robertson and Colby Robertson;.-(back. row, left to right) Zach Knowles, Samuel Briskett Emily Newman, Kevin Bartges, Jordan Williams, Katie Verges, Katie Holden and Samantha Curry. In Tropicana competition Top speakers awarded faylor County Middle School has' announced the winners of the Tropicana Speech Contest recently held at the school: -,-Sixth grade, Colby Roberts, first place; Katie Holden, second: place: Samuel Briskett, third place: and Katie Verges and Samantha Currm, honorable mention. --Seuenth eighth grade, Jarrod Robertson. first place; Zachary Wiggins. second place; Jordan Williams. third place; and Emily Soka Karate Celebraing (Kids 4 00.5 00 pm) (Teen, 5 30.6 30 prmn (Adulls 7-8 pmi IE'eculive 12 00l 00 pm) TUESDAY & THURSDAY 1riin l4 -4 e s ond--? S^ J mlm-L0 ,;8'3:8ci .8 3 1g^, i. Newman, Christie Thompson, Kevin Bartges and Zachary Knowles, honorable mention. A "Music Jamboree" will be held Saturday, May 7, beginning at 7 p.m., at the Taylor County Senior Services Center. The program will feature live music provided free bf charge by musicians from Tallahassee, Monticello, Valdosta and Perry. Admission is free. Tickets for door prizes will be on sale to help support the event. All proceeds benefit .the senior SGet your tickets Tickets are currently on sale for .a wood-smoked BBQ dinner planned by the VFW and IAmerican Legion. The fundraising event, which benefits Veterans Memorial Park, will be held Monday, May 30, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Duck Pond. Dinners will include your choice of pork or beef with coleslaw,. BBQ beans, tea or Pepsi. Sno cones anyone? S The Taylor County Historical Society's "Historical Social" Sno Cone Stands is officially open for the 2005 summer season. -The stand, located on Washington Street (behind the historical society building), will offer all your favorite summer treats--sno cones, popcorn and more. Proceeds benefit the historical society. The sno cone' stand will be open weekdays, from 1-5:30 p.m. services center. For more information, contact Ronnie Wright at 584-6063 or B.C. Brown at 584-7435. IN : Urban Wear for Meo . P Rocawear South Pole Ecko S'lI. ..., Hats & Belts (We also carry a line of women's dress suits & hats) SC&,DFasbions 304 E. Hampton Springs Ave. (across from Hughes Supply) 2231243 ,Mon.-Wed. 10-7, Th., Fri., Sat. 10-8 . 223-1243 Owned & operated by Claude & Barbara Plummer Cos S HOSPITAL I 11 a Thursday, May 12 7-10 a.m. At Doctors' Memorial Hospital (333 N. Byron Butler Pkwy.) ., and , ' Blood Screenings Available Basic Panel ($10.00) Lipid Profile (Cholesterol, HDL, LDL) Triglycerides Glucose (Blood Sugar) Basic + PSA ($15.00) Lipid Profile (Cholesterol, HDL, LDL) Triglycerides Glucose (Blood Sugar) P.S.A. (Prostate Cancer Test) Ths aefatngtsts.Plas hvenohig.toea anddrik olywatr aterminigt W dneda. For more information, or to pre-register, call (850) 584-0800 AirMedic e helicop wmw -- tEeric .d II I ~--- I res DOCTORS I Il Isaa~ i I I4 44 I go oI 44 11 al i a A MEMORIAL Sports A-6 The Taco Times May 4, 2005 Bulldogs score 4 in 7th to beat Wakulla, advance to semi-finals The Taylor County High baseball team advanced to the semi-finals of the district tournament Monday, scoring four runs in the bottom of the last inning to take a 9-8 win over Wakulla. The dramatic victory set up a late Tuesday game against Suwannee with the winner of that contest advancing to Thursday's The Masonic Lodge #187 will host a softball tournament on Saturday, May 21. The tourney will follow ASA sanctioned rules, 3 to 6 homeruns, then low bid. The entry fee for the tournament is $125 per team. The tourney will Members of the Ta lor CountN Middle School softball team %\%ere honored last week at their annual banquet. The team completed the 2005 season with a 6-9.record. "Our team was competitive in most of our games and we continued to improve throughout championship matchup at 7 p.m. against the Florida High-Madison winner. The district tournament is being played this week at Tallahassee's Florida High. The tournament winner and the runner-up will advance to the state playoffs. Taylor County, 11-9-1 on the year, jumped out to a 2-0 lead in the first inning following Josiah also feature a homerun derby with an entry fee of $10 per person. Trophies will be awarded to the. top three teams with individual trophies provided to the first place squad. For more information. contact, Walter White at 223-2584. the season,'" Coach Dale Brewer, said. Receiving awards at the banquet were: Mercedes McGrail. most improved; Korie Wilson, big stick award: Ellie Heartsfield. outstanding infielder; Sand% Weekley. outstanding outfielder and Ashlea McCranie and Tiffany Mock, coaches awards. Anderson's walk and Joey Jarvis' bunt single. Both later scored on sacrifice flies by Alex Kramer and Cody Walker. The Bulldogs kept their advantage until the fifth when Wakulla scored four runs to take a 4-2 lead. TCHS came right back in the bottom of the inning when Daniel Joiner hits a bases loaded double to score three runs and give the 'Dogs a 5-4 lead. Wakulla then scored three runs in the sixth and another in the seventh to take an 8-5 lead going into the Bulldogs' last at-bat. Opening up the final inning, Cody Walker led off with a single then. Joiner reached on an error. David Crews then ripped a single up the middle to score Walker and narrow the score to 8-6. Miguel Parga then moved both runners into scoring position with another single and Anderson hit a one-out single to score another run to make it S-7. Wakulla then intentionally walked Jan is to load the bases and Crews scored frpm third on a passed ball to tie the score at 8. Another intentional walk loaded the bases again but Wakulla's pitcher then walked in the winning run to end the game. While the,'Dogs only collected five hits in the contest, they were greatly helped by 13 walks given up by the Wakulla pitching staff. "This was aw big win for us to advance and give us a chance to make the state playoffs. This bunch never quit and showed a lot of heart by coming from behind twice," Coach Richard Carr said. The Bulldogs wrapped up their regular season last Thursday with a 4-0 shutout win over Tallahassee-Godby behind strong pitching by Rusty Walker, solid defense, one timely hit and, "a little luck." according to Carr. The timely hit came in the fifth when Jarvis hit a base-clearing double to account for three runs. Walker pitched the shutout, going the distance while allowing, Just four hits. He gave up only one walk and struck out two batters. State track meet Members of the Taylor County High track team that competed in last week's state meet include, front row (left to right) Blount and Stewart. Back row Whetsel, Hill, Flowers and Powell. Boys 4x100 relay team 7th Flowers places 4th in state meet Tambrika Flowers placed fourth in the high jump and the boys 4x100 meter relay team took seventh in the state 2A track meet 2005 TCHS Varsity Baseball Schedule DATE TEAM PLACE TIME/RESULT Feb. 14-19 Rickards Preseason Classic TBA Feb. 17 vs. Florida High 0-4 L - Feb 18 vs. Rickards 13-1 W Feb. 22 Hamilton Home 15-5 W. Feb. 25 NFC Away Rainout March 1 Madison Away 3-5 L March 4 Florida High Home 4-2 W March 7 NFC Away (makeup) 9-9 dark March 10 Godby Away 1-11 L .March 11- Wakulla Home 5-1 W March 15 E. Gadsden Away 10-0 W March 17 NFC Home Rainout March 18 Suwannee Home 4-8 L March 22 Rickards Away Rainout March 29 Dixie (DH) Home 3-4 L; 13=0 W April 1 Hamilton Away Rainout April 5 E. Gadsden Home 18-1 W April 8 Florida High Away 8-11 L, April 12 Madison Home 4-1 W April 15 Wakulla Away 2-6 L April 18 NFC Home 3-11 L April 19 Rickards Home 10-6 W April 22 Suwannee Away 3-11 L April 28 Godby Home 4-0 W May 2-5 District Tourney @ Florida High TBA May 2. Wakulla Florida High 9-8 W May 3 Suwannee Florida High 4 p.m. May 5 District Title Game 7 p.m. Coach Richard Carr Home games shaded District games bold Masons softball tournament scheduled to be held May' 21 ia~l~UIJIU L r~lul IlY Seckled Trout One More Caft Blues, etc. -S: Operating from Keaton Beach Afarina No Fishing License Required For Customers Sic (850) 584-9145 L Pai MC 200 Kate Dr. L PatMcriff U.S.C.. License Perry, FL 32348 Delivered to your home twice a week... FOR ONE LOW PRICE! Subscribe to the Taco Times & Perry News-Herald @ 584-5513 Seventh Day Adventist church Saturday Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:00 p.nm. Juan Rodrigues, Pastor 584-8506 604 W. Julia Dr. JM Forestry, Inc. Specializing in Wet Areas Timber Buyer 1231 East Parker St. P.O. Box 249 Baxley, Georgia 31515 Office (912) 367-6043 Ray Carter Home (912) 632-2755 Fax (912) 367-0380 Forester Mobile (912) 337-6740 held last week in Coral Springs. Flowers, who won the district title in the high jump last month, leaped 5 feet, 2 inches in the state finals. Tradelvan Whetsel, Lagarrette Blount, Keith Stewart and Toney Powell teamed up to take the WeIn. Quai seventh place medal in the 4x100 relay. Trabrea Hill finished just out of the medal competition at 9th in the 100 meter dash. Blount had a 10th place finish.in the long jump. The Bulldog track team was coached this season by Ed Harvey. Comprehensive Insurance (fire & theft) pays for windshield replacement 100% stall NO DEDUCTIBLE--NO PENALTY! A/ S , M '- A- 440 S.W. Range Ave. Madison, FL 32340 mobile service iIUESE 4APPERTM N6-hp Brit &' S&trron \in.- rd \'-T\. Itm En rne \..it:ble ,-l\ut'-'m.i tc Tr.n msiont , Diftfcrerit.l L.,ck Irdepcrndrntr Fr'ritr '5u:peri i':tn T,:,v. C'p--aI C:,. 1000c IF. Optional: On-Board Generator and Electric Winch New Turf Cruiser 803 W. Main St. 584-6021 *Offer valid subject to credit approval through Shoppers Charge Account Co. on purchases between 1/1/05 and 6/30/05. No payments required (except insurance premiums if applicable). Finance charges will be assessed from date of purchase, unless the totill purchase price and all related insurance premium's (i applicable) are paid in full within the promotional period. WW W.SNAPPER .COM At TCMS Spring football starts The Tj3lor'm Counity Middle saw lots of playing time last School football team got spring season. practice underway this week with "Luckily, we had a bunch of More than 30 youngsters Nyounger kids get playing time last participating. season so we are riot starting over TCMS Coach Dale Brewer said completely from scratch." he said. the team will practice in shorts for two weeks and work on basic M n's SOftball skills and techniques. .-.. Ift ll "The spring. is'designed to give: league form ing the coaches look at the rming prospective players coming out in f r the fall and to give kids the A men's softball league is being opportunity to see if they really organized here by the Taylor want to play," the coach said.. Correctional Institution Emplo- The Bulldogs are coming off a vees' Club. 5-1 season with their only blemish The league, which is slated to coming to Madison in a close, get underway in mid-May, is open hard-fought game that saw TCMS ,to all men's teams. ASA rules will threatening to win late in the apply to all league games. game. The entry fee is $400 for the Brewer said a strong and season with the deadline set for athletic group of eighth graders May 16. is leaving but he has confidence For more information, contact in numerous seventh graders w\ho Bean or Gillins at 838-4050. TCMS softball team has year-end banquet I --,-- C. -.. 'ity Religion A-7 The Taco Times May 4,2005 Men meet Friday for lunch, devotional S Jamaican Mutual Mission spotlighted Raymond Coke, a native Jamaican, will be the guest speaker for 11 a.m. worship at First Presbyterian Church Sunday, May 8. Coke is part of .the Jamaican Ecumenical Mutual Mission Program which is a'joint j venture of the St. Augustine Presbytery (of which First Presbyterian is a Member) and three denominations in Jamaica. Pastor Larry D. Neal invites members of the community to attend. : The Reapers' perform Saturday "The Reapers," along with local musicians, will perform for the monthly gospel sing at Perry's First Church of God on Highway 221 North this Saturday, May 7, at 7 p.m. Snacks will be served at 5:30 p.m. Everyone is invited. Yard sale set, fish dinners offered Triumph the Church and Kingdom of God In Christ will have a yard sale on Saturday, May 7, beginning at 8 a.m. Fish will also be sold, beginning at 11 a.m. The church is located at 207 Schwartz Street. Baccalaureate services planned The Taylor County Ministerial Association will meet again to finalize SPre-Mother's Day luncheon planned 'By B.D. Williams "What Have You Done?" Have you made your mother happy or made her sad? What have ;:you done for her with this day you :.had? SGod gave you a mother to do W hat you would. Did you neglect and forget her or do what was ~"-.good?7 Did you give her a smile or just gave her a frown? Did you help her up or just push her down? Did you visit your mother in the Health Care, or just leave her there? Did you take her a beautifid Mother's Day card and some flowers or just give her a weed? Let her know you love her and visit her on Mother's Day. Annual Women's Day will be held Sunday at New Jerusalem Primitive Baptist Church beginning with Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. and worship service at 11. A city-wide invitation is extended. B. D. Williams Court #200 will be sponsoring a pre-Mother's Day luncheon at 1 p.m. Saturday, May 7, at Jerkins Building. Many out-of-towners were here Wednesday, April 27, attending the funeral services of Raymond Jackson, held at New Brooklyn M.B. Church. Mr. Anthony Sneed of Birmingham, Ala., accompanied ,- Please see page 8 plans for the Baccalaureate Sermon on Monday, May 9, at noon in St. James Episcopal Church, 1100 West Green Street, Perry. St. James will provide lunch, and local ministers are cordially invited to: attend. Please call to confirm your luncheon reservation: 584-7636. Jenkins speaks at Mt. Carmel Revival services at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church on Pisgah Road-~illl begin Sunday evening, May 8, at 6 p.m. and continue on weeknights at. 7:00 through May 11. Evangelist Bill Jenkins will be the guest speaker. Pastor Billy Gipson invites everyone to attend. Worship held each week at Senior Services Pastor Randy Watts invites the community to Sunday worship services: each week at 11 a.m. in the Taylor County Senior Services building on Ash Street. Men are invited The monthly informal gathering of men will be held Friday, May 6, at the M. A. Rigoni Cookhouse, located on North U.S. 19 (north of the former Highway Patrol station). The meeting will include lunch, which will be served from 11:30 a.m. until 12:15 p.m., and a brief inspirational message by the Rev. Eddie Blalock. The cost is $5. All men are invited. Obituaries Denom "Ralph'! Storey Denom "Ralph" Storey, 83, died Thursday, April 28, 2005. Born in Perry, Mr. Storey was a graduate of Jacksonville Barber College, Stetson University, and earned his masters degree from the University of Florida. He was a decorated U.S. Army WWII veteran and retired from the Duval. County school system as an -elementary school principal. Mr. Storey served as an associate -pastor for Arlington Baptist SChurch where he was also a S sunday school teacher and a deacon for over 50 years. He 'received the Florida Credit Union S'Volunteer award in 1990 for his -30 years of service on the board of - Educational Communiiyv redit Union as a treasurer and chairman. He was preceded in;death by his Parents, W.A. Story Sr. and Callie A..Storey, as well as his brothers, Roy A. Storey and the Rev. Carl SE. Storey. Survivors include: his wife of S63 years, Helen Casteel Storey; Three daughters, Patricia McCall, LIMITED TIME OFFER Linda Storey, and Bonnie Baker; two brothers, Wallace L. Storey Sr. and W.A. Storey Jr.; sister, Elaine Muncy; three grandsons; and four.great grandsons. Funeral .services were held Monday, May 2, 2005, at Arlington Baptist. Church in Jacksonville with interment following in Arlington' Park Cemetery with military honors. Randy Connell Randy Shane Connell, the. infant son of John and Becky (Morgan) Connell of Homerville, Ga, died Tuesday, April 26, in Homerville. Survivors- include: paternal grandparents, C. L. Pickron and -Shhirl l---ark -of Geesv.ill; S.maternal grandparents, Danny arid Tracey Morgan of Greenville; and Betty Banks of Homerville; two, brothers, Daniel Weaver of Perry- and John Austin Connell of Homerville; a sister, Bethany Connell of Homerville; and a host of aunts, uncles and cousins. Graveside services were held Saturday, April 30, at 4 p.m. at SSEE DEALER FOR DETAILS COMPLETE GAS SERVICE iOnly INCLUDES: Oly00 AA Normal Installation n 6 Months Free Tank Rental 150 50.GALLONS OF GAS AmeanriGas Hwvy. 14 S. Madison. Florida 973-2218 "HOW MUCH LIFE INSURANCE DO YOU REALLY NEED?" IS ONE YEAR'S SALARY ENOUGH? CALL ME Mark Pelt, Agent 584-5188, 1000A Jefferson St. Allsladhd Allstale Property and Casualty Insurance Company. Allstate Indemnity Company ana Allstate Life Insurance Company, Home Office NortrbrooK. Illinois. '2002 Allstate Insurance Company Happy Birthday BABY ', May 3, 2005 I love you, Kasie Fellowship Primitive Baptist Church. Family members received friends Saturday from 3 p.m. until the service. Joe P. Burns Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements. Roberta Gill Renfrow Bramble Roberta Gill Renfrow Bramble, 84, of Gainesville, died May 1, 2005, at E.T. York Hospice Care Center. Mrs. Bramble was born in Memphis, Tenn., and moved to Archer from Perry in 1966. She worked in marketing and sales at the Atrium. She \< as a member of Gainesville Garden Cltibfand a member of St. Michael Episcopal Church., iv .. ,", ?,"'' She was preceded in death by husbands James A. Renfrow and Albert "Woody" Bramble. Survivors include: a daughter, Marilyn R. Bush of Archer; two sons, James A. Renfrow of San Antonio, Texas, and Robert G. Renfrow of Bdtwell, Wash.; six grandchildren and one great grandchild. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, May 10, at 11:00 a.m., at Stephenson Chapel Cemetery in Memphis, Tenn. Burial will follow. The family will receive friends on Thursday, May 5, from 6-8 p.m., at Milam Funeral Home in Gainesville, In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the 'American Cancer Society, 2121 SW 16th Street, Gainesville, Fla., 32608, or to Hospice of North Central Florida,, 4200 NW 90th .l TM Gciesyille, Flla,x326Q4. Milam Funeral and Cremation Services .is in charge of the arrangements. Friday, May 6.* 5:30 m Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception Parish Hall 2750 S. Byron Butler Pkwy. featuring The McCormick Family Also performing, Faith Quartet, Frankie Edwards, Norma Reynolds and Board Certified Music Therapist for Big Bend Hospice -Julie Callaham Gospel Music Dinner $5.00 Great Auction Items Door Prizes -Fellowship Big Bend O spiced All profits from this'event will be used for Hospie patient care in Taylor County. May 3,2005 i CHJO"A4 MAJ IrT| Love, Poppe & Granny Connell Delicious Boiled Peanuts Fresh 'Roadl* e Vidai-Ia Market Onions We will be CLOSED this Saturday, May 7 We'll re-open Tuesday Tuesday Sat. 9 am 6 pm Closed Sun. & Mon. We apologize for any inconvenience. 3306 Hwy. 19 S. Perry 584-3309 Perry Women's Center dba Women's Health Centers of |North 3iorida, PA located at. 1702 South Jefferson St. (next to the Post Office) announces its continued commitment to quality women's services: in Taylor and surrounding counties It has been a pleasure serving you since 2003 .. .'D : .nh 1',f..,,,i.. . Dr. Anthony P._ Board-ere e' YwMayN e Please call us at (850) 223-1744 or come by to schedule your next Women's Health appointment L office Hours: Mon. Fri. 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. `r I Introductory Special 11 J, A-8 The Taco Times May 4, 2005 For old hospital County accepting bids Flag sponsor :On behalf of himself, his wife Eleanor, and his family, Louie Grubbs presents a check to Veterans Memorial Park Chairman Pam Feagle. The funds will be used to purchase the state flag and flag pole at the new veterans park now underway. Also on hand for the presentation were, from the left, Steve Holton, Ed Sheffied, Al Grubbs, Bill Brynes and Tom Smith. At the Booking Desk Editor's note: It is the policy of this newspaper to run the names of all those arrested and booked at the. Taylor County Jail. All those listed below have been charged with a crime, but are considered innocent until proven guilty. March 29: Thomas Rodriguez Dixon, 26, 1515 S. Woodard Street, VOP for battery and domestic violence, Dep. Hawkins, TCSO. -Ben Sparks, 4'4, 3309 U. S. Hwy, 19 South, DWLS (knowingly), attached tag not assigned,, expired tag over 6 months, Ptl. Curry, PPD. March 31: Blake K. Jones, 27, Buckeyd Nursery Road, DUI, VOP, Dep. Hawkins, TCSO. April 1: -:Verl Flanders Jr., 21, South Park Street, VOP (possession of .' caine, possession of drug paraphernalia), Dep. Giacomucci, TCSO. SApril 2: :---Dallas Randy Chapman, 50,449 'Wood Road, DWLS (knowingly), _VOP (assault/domestic violence), Dcp. Tucker. TCSO. April 3: Charles Jonah King, 39, Bacon SStreet, VOP (opposing an officer without violence), Sgt. Cruse, PPD. S--Bill G: Howell; 32; Leon Ward :Road, VOP, Dep. Tucker, TCSO. ---=Robert Allan Moenich, 36, =Beach Road, battery (domestic), :eIp. Ricketson, TCSO -'=helina Turner, 61, Orangebug Way, Plant City, VOP (violation o:Rf anh injunction), Dep.. -iLiacomucci, TCSO. _:Linda Gear, 26, Leon Ward .Road, VOP (battery/domestic violence. Dep. Tucker, TCSO. y;-Jenetta Lavinne Miller, 40, S. B:i-]Ryant Street, domestic battery, Ptl. Gray, PPD. -.April 4: -,'Stephanie Michelle Rowell, 24, J:-. S. Hwy. 221 North, FTA for'no 'Valid drivers license, Sgt. Murphy, TCSO. April 5: Mary Susan Knight, 45, 3010 :Old Dixie Hwy., VOP (DUI), Trp. 'M. Smymios, FHP. 7Veron Abe Faulk, 22, 103 S. Diupont Street, resisting without -violence, FTA for DWLS, child support, Ptl. Sunderland, PPD. '-Donald G. 'Myers, 58, Cedar Street, Steinhatchee, DWLS (knowingly), attaching tag not assigned, Dep. Lundy, TCSO. Olunda J.. Bishop, 18, 500 S. Warner Street, aggravated battery, Ptl. Gray, PPD. :'Leon Robert Smith Jr., 24, 910 E; Green Street, possession of less than 20 grams cannabis, Ptl. __urry, PPD. d Clyde Laron' miller, 17, 500 Warner Avenue, grand theft, fleeing and attempting' to elude, reckless driving, no valid drivers license, burglary, felony fleeing, '-.rsisting without violence, Ptl. I:-Jbhns, PPD. ---Jeremy Tye Cooper, 26, W. aiain Street, domestic violence, ,Eep. Davis, TCSO. Seed sings |orSpringhill --B.D. WILLIAMS -Continued from page 7 -his mother, Mrs. Jeanette Flowers, back home and he 'attended the services Sunday throughout the day, beginning. 'with Sunday school. He touched 'our hearts, singing for the morning service. We were happy -to have him home and his visit i"with Spririghill M.B. Church was -enjoyable. : Mrs, Gertrude Baskin was able to attend services Sunday at New Brooklyn Church. April 6: Susan Ann Brown, 38, 4474 Beach Road, battery, Ptl. Sunderland, PPD. Steven Ward, 56, 2700 NW 174th Street, Trenton, FTA (warrant from Gilcrest County-- passing worthless checks), Trp. G. Smymios, FHP. James Anthony Netherton, 55, 593 Rosenburg Lane, GreenvilJe, domestic battery, Dep. Giacomucci, TCSO. April 7: ,Albert Lee Ross, 21, 613 S. Woodard Street, battery, criminal mischief, Ptl. Campbell, PPD. Joseph Michael Malone, 35, NE Ginger Trail, Lee, VOP, Sgt. Cruce, PPD. Courtney D. Allen, 20, 137 Kays Road, battery, Dep. Guldbrandsen, TCSO. April 8: Brian S. Wright, 22, James Lane, sentenced to weekends, Dep. Hawkins, TCSO. Brian Keith Jackson, 35, S. Myrtle Street, sentenced to weekends, Cpt. Johnson, TCSO. Ray L. McRoberts, 26, 364 'Crosswind, Lumberton, Texas, DWLS/R, Trp. Ernst, FHP,. Chadrick James Britt, 27, El Matador Street, sentenced to weekends, Cpt. Johnson. Christina Suzanne Bodiford, 26, Johnson Stripling Road, sentenced to weekends, Dep. Hawkins, TCSO. Wanda Sue Kuehn, 42, Agner Acres, FTA (pre-trial--passing worthless checks), Ptl. Griffith, PPD. April 9: Lacynthia M. Holmes, 41, W. Spring Place, giving 'false information, VOP (no valid drivers license), Ptl. Gray, PPD. April 10: Elizabeth Fay Walker, 41, Hwy. 51 First Avenue, Steinhatchee, DWLS, Dep. Davis, TCSO. OLD HOSPITAL Continued from page 1 regulatory standards have changed. During previous administrations the facility was not upgraded to reflect these changes. As a result even minor alterations within-the existing building will now have significant impact in economic terms. "Although the budget may not allow, it is recommended that all building systems be removed and most if not all architectural interiors be removed, leaving the exterior shell and structure. "The cost opinion for a nearly complete removal of systems: mechanic, electrical, plumbing, medical gas, and demolition of most of the interior, and remodeling 'for new business occupancy is $3,443,088." The use of inmate labor, the reports goes on to say, could reduce this price to $3,267,588. The inclusion of support buildings would add an additional $677,060. "I have seen instances where people have taken a building like this and have been successful with it," Louis said. "The Washington County Office, Complex for example." "In your professional opinion, what is the best course you think the board should take?" Commissioner Daryll Gunter asked. "It'd be difficult to say, because I don't know what your needs are," Louis said. "If you have a lot of need for office space and need it in a different locale than right there, and you had a piece of property in the right place, I would recommend you build a new facility. "If you were in the business of leasing space and you knew you had tenants that would go into that and generate revenue, I might renovate." "For $4 million, how large ,a facility can you design?" Gunter asked. "A rough estimate." Louis estimated approximately 30,000 square feet. Discussion then moved to the possibility of selling the complex. "What should the target price be if we were to sell it?" Commissioner Clay Bethea asked. "It's on the tax rolls for $2.6 million," County Administrator Buddy Humphries said. "We tried to get local appraisals before. One firm wouldn't touch-it, the other said they'd get back to us, and that's last we heard of it. "We have a.lot of recurring costs. We have a bill of $1,200 a month just for the elevator service contract." When questioned about the bill, Humphries stated the contract was kept in place due to a new enforcement code for elevators. If the contract expired, the elevators in the building would no longer be grandfathered in under the older standards and would most likely have to be replaced, Humphries explained. "Conrad, if we get bids, we could always reject them, right?" Gunter asked. "Yes," County Attorney Conrad Bishop said. Bethea then made a motion to. start the process to sell the property. "We can look at both avenues while we're in the process." "We don't need to let it sit there," Commissioner Jack Brown. said, seconding the motion. "Are you talking about all the property, or just the hospital: building?" Humphries asked.: "Because we have a dentist office: out there and we still have the: hospital physical therapy. Youi would need to get it surveyed and: cut out the property you wanted to: sell." "Rick, how much longer are; you going to be using the therapy - portion?" Gunter asked DMH: CEO Rick Brown, who was in attendance. "We hope for no more than six months," Brown said. "It's going to cost about $140,000 to put: another triple-wide out behind the hospital." "Which dentist office is out: there?" Gunter asked. "The county allowed the health: department to use a building,": Humphries said. "I don't know: much about the agreement, but it was done a few years ago. The board approved it." "Mr. Chairman," Bethea said, "I would probably not cut out anything and see what bids we have and work out that issue then.: Let that be part of the negotiations." "Is that okay, Rick?" Bethea: asked. "That's fine," Brown said. "I don't want to be the one holding up the sale of an asset of the county, so I'll do whatever I can to support that," The motion to begin putting the hospital up for bids passed 5- 0. _ USDA United States Department of Agriculture The Tobacco Transition Payment Program (also called "Tobacco Buyout"). You've heard about it. Now be a part of it. This is it., The Federal tobacco marketing quota system is over. No more plant- ing restrictions. No more marketing cards. No more price support loans. Instead,'the USDA's new Tobacco Transition Payment Program will provide money to eligible tobacco quota holders and producers to help in this transi- tion that ends the old system. But sign up now or you will not get a 2005 payment. > Did you own a farm as of October 22, 2004, with a 2004 basic marketing quota? > Are you an owner, operator, landlord, tenant, or sharecropper who shared in the risk of producing tobacco anytime between 2002 and 2004? ) Do you grow Flue-cured, Burley, Fire-cured, Dark air-cured, Virginia sun-cured, or Cigar filler/binder tobacco? SPlease sign up between March 14,-2005, and June 17, 2005, at your local USDA Service Center. Call 1-866-887-0140 or visit http://offices.usda.gov to find your local county Service Center. Farm Service Agency USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer --MINIM Community CALENDAR Amvets Post 20, ladies auxilliary and Sons of AMVETS meet 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7 pm at 2499 Woods Creek Road American Legion, Steinhatchee Pos291 lounrth Tues 8 p m Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held Tuesdays Fridays and Saturdays (closed) 8 p m at Heritage House on Washington Street. across from public library, and another AA group who meets Monday, Wednesdays and Thursdays at Serenity House located at 1260 Hwy 98 West across Irom the BP station at 8 pm AL-ANON, St James Episcopal Church (in library), Wednesdays 12 noon to 1 pm 584-2146 Thursdays at 6 30 for beginners meeting with regular meeting al 7 p m The Way: Christ centered recovery group, meets on Fridays at 7 p m at Serenity House on Hwy 98 W. across from BP Station Open to alcoholics addicts family members and Inends AARP: last Wed 10 am at First Baptist Church Airport Advisory Commission. 4th Monday, 12 noon Perry-Foley Airpon American Legion Post #96 1st Tues 7 pm American Legion Hall. Center Street Big Bend Hospice Advisory Council: 4th Tues noon 107 East Green Street Chamber of Commerce: third Thurs 8 a m, chamber board room City Council: 2nd and 4th Tues at 5'30 p m Civil Air Patrol (CAP): 2nd and 4th Mon 7 pm main hanger at airport County Commission: lirst Mon and third Tues at 6 p.m., courthouse annex Diabetes classes every Tuesday, 2 p m.;:Doctors" Memorial Hospital FAMU Alumni Chapter, second Mon 7 pm., Jerkins Center Perry Masonic Lodge 123, meets first and third Monday nights. 7 30 p m Girl Scouts Service Unit: first Thurs. 6:30 p.m. Scout Hut Healthy Start Coalition: fourth Mon . 9 a.m Taylor County School District Administrative Office Complex Historical Society: open Thursday afternoons, 1.5 p.m Home Educators League of Perry .(HELP): second Thurs., 1-30 prm.. Forest Capital Hall. 584.8553 or 584- 9207. Humane Society of Taylor County, 2nd Wednesday, 6 p.m.. Forest Capital Hall Juvenile Justice Council: third Thurs, 9 a.m at Juvenile Justice Office. 1719 S. Jefferson. Taylor Coastal Communities Association meets each 2nd Tuesday of month, 7 p.m al the Keaton Beach Hot Dog Stand., Kiwanis Club: Wednesdays. noon, Joyce's'MainSIreer Cafe La Leche League International. 2no Wed, 10.30 am, Taylor County Public-- Library Lady Elks: second Thurs 8 p m Elks Lodce. Main Street Perry: First Monday of each month, .Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce at noon Mothers of Pre-Schoolers: first and third Fri Call 584-3826 Muskogee Creek Indian Nation: 2nd and 4th Sat., 7 pm Tribal grounds. .Lyman Hendry Road Muskogee Creek Indian Tribe: Oak Hill Village on Woods Creek Road ist Sat. i ..Nrcotics Anonymous: Wednesdays. 8 p'm. at 1260 W Hwy 98, at Serenity House (dirt road across irom BP Slation). These are opera meetings to those interested in Iddictlon Call 223-0036 .NAACP: 2nd Sun.. 6 pm. New 'Brooklyn Missionary Baptist Church National Wild Turkey Federation (Yellow Piine Drummers), holds open monthly on first Thursday, Golden Corral, 7 pm 584-9185 'Optimist Club: Thurs noon at Joyce's Mainsireet Caie. Perry Garden Club: third Wed 10 am SPerry Elks Lodge: Tues 8 p m Perry Lodge #187: 1st. 3rd Wed 7 p.m., Masonrc Hall ' Perry'Lodge 123, F&AM. Ilst and third.Menday nights. 7:30 p m. Perry Woman's Club 2nd Wed noon' SepF'": May, subject to change) Perry Shrine Club: 4th Thurs.. p m (club house on Courtney Road) Planning Board: 1st Thurs. 6 pm Courthouse annex (old post oft ice) Republican Party of Taylor County: To.keep abreast of Republican news, e- mail Tommie Stanaland at tstanaland@vahoo coam or call 584-8815 Rotary Clu'b: Tues noon at B J's Downtown Cafe ' School Board: 1st and 3rd Tues. 7 p.m. SHARE distribution: 4th Sat. 10 a m Social Security: representatives, 2nd jues., 8.30 a m. to 12 noon courthouse anrne.. Sons of Confederate Veterans meets fourth Tuesday at VFW Post on Center Street 7 pm Taylor Adult Program (TAP): Thurs 10 a m, 502 N Center Street 223-0393 Taylor Coastal Water and Sewer: 3rd Wed. at 18820 Beach Road. 5pm. Taylor County Task Force Against 'Domestic Violence/Sexupl Assault: 4th 'Wed, 12 noon at Joyce's Mainstreet Cafe. Taylor County Democratic Party meets the third Monday, 7 p m at the -Golden Corral. Call 584-9656 or 584- ,J B-1 The Taco Times May 4,2005 3617 :Taylor Development Council: 2nd ,Wed 4 p.m.. at Chamber Taylor County Development Authority: 2nd Mon 5 p m at Chamber Taylor County Amateur Radio Club: 1st Monday, 7 p m. Division of Forestry office, 618 Plantation Road Taylor County Habitat for Humanity, Inc.: board meeting. 2nd Tues, 5 30 p m, Room 208. Capital City Bank. Taylor County Historical Society: 3rd Mon 7 pm Hislorical Society building Taylor County Horseman's Association.Horse Show: 2nd Sat, 10 a m. Arena located on Bishoo Blvd VFW Post #9225: 2nd Tues.. 7 p m ,(American Legion building) 11111 1 Ready.. camera... action! Videos could brin \\ hat would you do if your child \%as missing? How would you get an accurate description to law enforcement officers? kWhat if ,,ou had a video tape of \our child filled with information that could help bring him or her home safe? That's the goal of the Masonic Lodge 123 Child Identification Program Spearheaded by Chairman Charles Sanders, and \ ith the partnership of Superintendent of Schools Oscar Howard Jr. and Sheriff Bummy Williams, the program is trying to produce as many identification videos as possible. "In 2000 in Florida, there were over 50,000 children reported missing," Sanders said. "There's enough missing children. right now to populate Taylor County and more." The latest round of filming began last week and organizers say In 1998 Floridians voted to combine the five agencies that were created to protect, manage and conser e Florida's wildlife, marine and freshwater fisheries into one agency. The outcome of the votes changed Florida's Consti ut io n, giving Constitutional authority to the newly created combined agency, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Rep. Will Kendrick has proposed a House Joint Resolution that will end the constitutional authority of the FWCC. HJR 1581 will give the regulation of wild animal life, fresh water aquatic life and marine life to an agency under the Legislature. Kendrick said he feels that the people of Florida would be better served with FWCC as a state agency, similar to the Department of Environmental Protection. Once the resolution is passed, the fate of changing the constitution would once again be in the hands of Florida voters. The repeal of Section 9, Article IV and Section 23 of Article XII, if passed, would be placed on the 2006 General Election ballot for voters to decide the final outcome. "Many user groups including hunters feel like they are currently at the mercy of the Commission and feel that they have often had their due process rights compromised. It is important for the' citizens of the state to have adequate due process," Kendrick said. Under the current Constitution revisions, there are those who feel that due process is not afforded them through FWCC. Kendrick also .feels that the creation of the FWCC in the Constitution was not intended to compromise the requirement of biological and scientific data for the implementation of agency rules. An example of such would be the rule relating to mesh size that is in the Constitutional amendment that was passed in 1994. People affected by the net limitation amendment have not had access to a fair due process, he said. NFCC to host GED testing North Florida Community College will conduct GED tests May 17 and 18, at 6 p.m. in the NFCC Technical Center on the Madison campus. Persons taking the tests will be required to furnish a photo ID. NFCC holds GED preparation courses free of charge; there is a fee for the test. Pre-registration is required. To register, please call (850) 973-1629. Florida Local Advocacy Council recruits new members for service The Florida Local Advocacy Council is a statewide organization which volunteers and advocates for children and disabled adults who are clients of one or more state agencies. Council members are approved by the governor for a four-year term. The Multi-Program Council/Service Area 4 (Ta' lor and Madison counties) is currently recruiting members for service. The council meets monthly in Perry or Madison with additional volunteer hours during the month. Members are reimbursed for travel expenses pertaining to council members. If ou are interested in learning more about the council, please contact Sara Paramore, client relations manager, Department of Children and Families at 1-800-342-0825 or (850) 488-9875. Information and membership packets can be mailed upon request. they plan to complete their work this week. "We've probably filmed 2,000 children before this current program," said Sanders, who has chaired the program for the past five years. He estimates they will have completed 225 more by the end of the current initiative. The videos begin with the children stating their name, age, school, best friends, hobbies and nicknames. Not only could this provide law enforcement with a voice print, Sanders said, but could also give clues to where they might be if they are not where they are supposed to be. They also film the children as they turn in place, as well as walking toward and away from the camera. The children stand next to a height chart and write their name on the board, giving both a handwriting sample and showing whether they are right or left- handed. Once completed, the tapes are given to the parents to keep, free of charge. "The videos are good for years," Sanders said. "They can be age enhanced." The free program is kept alive through donations. The tapes as well as supplies are donated by the Grand Lodge of Florida. Local restaurants have provided meals to the volunteers. "It's gratifying working with children and knowing you might be saving that child's life," Sanders said. "In case they do go missing, which we hope never happens, the parents will be able to bring this tape to law enforcement officers." The Perry program is one of many such programs around the state sponsored by the Grand Lodge of Florida. Sanders says he hopes to expand the program here to surrounding areas such as Mayo and Old Town. Sanders recommends parents pick up literature available at the sheriff's office with tips about how to protect their children. "The number of tapes we can make is determined by the number of volunteers we have. We're always looking for more help." If you would like to volunteer for the program, you can call the Perry Lodge 123 or Sanders may be reached at SR4-7571. Pictured above (left to right) are Video Child ID Program volunteers John O'Steen of Mayo, Charles Sanders, Norm Jester of Steinhatchee, TCES Media Aide Linda Brannon, and Denise Stiles, TCES parent liaison. Taylor students sweep art show Taylor County High School students brought home first, second and third place ribbons in the area's largest art competition fbr--routhful artists at North Florida Community College April 14. More than 400 works of art by talented high school students.vied for prizes in the twenty-seventh annual NFCC'High School Art Show. Artworks.by students in grades nine through twelve were displayed in the NFCC gymnasium. Outstanding two-dimensional works are also chosen for special recognition as Judges' Merritt award pieces and are on exhibit in the NFCC Art Gallery through May 3. Artworks by Brooke Davis, Nikki Farnell and Beth Calloway will be on display in the exhibit. Taylor County art students winning first, second or third place ribbons for individual works of art were Brooke Davis, Joshua Fowler, Joseph Fleck, Brandon Flowers; William Portwood, Jenna Dice, Nikki Farnell, Brittany Mavolis, Doug Hubbard, Caitlin Anderson, Marcha Weekly, Beth Calloway, Rebecca Wheeler, Katie' Coxwell, Chastity Taylor, Jerry Walker, Kayce, Jirk, Clayton Borst, Rosa Colen and Anne Karnes. SLisa Frank, who is in her first year of teaching at NFCC, coordinated the art show and exhibition, which allows students to compete individually at their own grade levels and for overall school prizes. The festival originated twenty-seven years ago, by NFCC retiree Dr. William Gardner, as a venue for talented high school art students to compete and show their works. For more information on the NFCC High School Art Festival, contact Lisa Frank by calling (850) 973-1642. Child ID Program volunteers David Durden (left) of Steinhatchee and Don Callaway between takes. Pregnancy issues addressed at TCHD By STEPHEN TULLOS TCHD administrator Taylor County Health Department in cooperation with the Tallahassee Memorial Hospital Family Practice Faculty Physicians and Nurse Practitioners is now accepting new. patients into the program for the 'management of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum care and future family planning needs. All women of childbearing age can take steps even before conceptions to improve their chances of having a healthy baby. A 1993 March of Dimes' report recommends that annual pre- conception or visits, as well as pre-pregnancy planning visits, should become standards of care for all women capable of becoming pregnant. If you suspect you might be pregnant, you can use a home pregnancy test or come by the health department as soon as the first day of your first missed menstrual period (about 14 days after conception). As soon as you know you're pregnant, it is important to make a prenatal appointment with your medical provider. Your first prenatal visit will provide baseline information which can be used to help monitor for any 'possible problems as your pregnancy progresses. Good care during pregnancy includes regularly scheduled prenatal exams. At each prenatal visit, you'll be weighed, have your abdomen measured and have your "* Please see page 8 Who's the best mom? Mary Jo Weirick of Perry, shown above surrounded by her family, has been named one of three semi-finalists in "Big Bend's Best Mom" contest, sponsored by WCTV Channel 6. She was nominated by her daughter Melissa, who said, "As I look over our childhood I remember a time when my mom worked three jobs,, all so my brothers and I could have the things she felt we should have, whether it was a necessity like groceries or our passion, a weekend trip out of town for a horse show." Weirick is the manager at Pizza Hut. The best mom will be announced on air Friday at 5 p.m. on WCTV. children home safe House Joint Resolution Kendrick urges turning FWCC into state agency 'For championing causes' SWriter salutes mayor Dear Editor: ' S Many in the city were saddened to read in the newspaper that Mayor Pam Feagle would not run for re-election. Ms. Feagle has been a vital leader in our community. Her intense work ethic is a model that pushes all of us to achieve more. She has Always championed causes for the common person. She is not afraid : ti speak out and stand alone for ''- xhat is right. She will be missed Was there C Dear Editor: 5 If the events surrounding the firing of City Attorney Bill Blue don't cause people to raise an eyebrow, what will? I have known Bill Blue for over 20 years and he is one of the most honest and conscientious people I know. To suggest he is pushing his own agenda is laughable. However, an agenda lii been pushed. The way this happened, it's obvious there has been a bull's eve on Mr. Blue for some time. The at City Hall. Her stewardship at the city has resulted in a formal budget review process, more city streets are in excellent condition, and service to the citizens of Perry is once again a top priority. We will miss her leadership with tough issues such as recreation; interface with the county, and future city finances. A small, but well-connected group, continues to attack the foundation of our city. We need the citizens' strength and resolve to challenge this group and insure issues get debated. Firing Bill Blue, city attorney, is the first step. I.know you have your reasons for leaving city service at this time and I am confident this community will benefit once you re-access your political options. God bless you, Mayor Feagle. Kenneth M. Albritton ,a bull's eye on Blue? question was asked, "who is running this city?" I think the question has been answered. Thd NAACP, with the help of puppets! It is absolutely hypocrisy that.people can call for the firing of Mr. Blue for working a political agenda days after meeting about their own political agenda. Do you really want the NAACP calling the shots for our city? Here is a small bit of information about the NAACP. Did you know they are affiliated with the Communist Party of America? Don't take my word for it, go to www.cpusa.com and see for yourself. They have links to organizations they are affiliated with, and there is the NAACP. So, is it fair to say that Mr. Blue was fired due to pressure from a group with a communist Agenda? You do the math. As.the .search for a new city attorney ''begins, be sure to list the size requirement for the job. Must be able to fit in a pocket! Thank you, Steve Johnson editorial Writer'disappointed' with reporting K ;,'^.**'.,^ ,is p i n.' .** -.'" ^ ^ ^ Dear Editor: The reason for my letter is two fold: 1) to tell everyone what a wonderful person Jared Bain, killed Feb. 19, 2005, was: and 2) to let you know what a disappointment it was in the way your newspaper covered this tragedy. First, Jared was such a. good young man, so steady, so determined, so goal oriented. so focused, so cute. such a great smile, had such compassion, w.as so helpful to so many people. He worked in the clerk's office, sold real estate for Coldwell Banker" and was a full-time student at FSU, working on a business administration major. He was one of the few young people who did -Fot get involved in drugs. He played focused on his goals. He Iad been writing down his goals and deciding how to reach them =ince he was about 15 years old. I just want everyone to know what a wonderful person he was and -how much our society will miss out on now that he is gone. I want people to know the article you published about the -grand jury decision did not tell the holee story, because the only other wimess to this tragic event is dead. Our Jared was not able to tell his side of the story. If only you had mentioned this in Nour :article, that you were reporting a statement from a person \who was able to say anything, because he .was the only living witness and of course, in my opinion he would say anything to stay out of jail. _ Now, back to the cold. .uncompassionate way this was .reported. Jared's mother went to get tme newspaper about 8:30 Tuesday evening to see w hat was said and it was this time that she read in bold print that her son's aorta was severed. You see. she had not had a chance to read the autopsy report or investigation reports. She was not only hysterical about this for herself, but for her mother who did not even know where her grandson had been shot and his brothers as w'ell. I wonder how you would have fell if your had to read something of this magnitude in the' newspaper. I assume you reported this from information you received from the State Attorney's office, however :::I we are a small community and it would have been nice if you would have taken the time to realize as this article was being written that Jared Bain was someone's son. someone's brother, someone's'best friend. It would have been nice if you would have contacted his mother for.her thoughts or at least stressed that you 'were reporting a one-sided store Let's get back to caring about people, thinilking about what you're w riding and not just reporting from some sheets of paper you get in your office. Do unto other as you would have them do unto you. Joan H. Sessions School criminally negligent? Dear Editor: What a joke! Go to our high school, ask ,directions to a student's class, barge in. beat the crap out the student, get arrested. go to jail. get released and go on your merry way. Like I said. what a joke. In our state you can discipline your minor child. However, if you leave a mark, you can and will most likely be charged with child abuse. Go to our high school, beat the crap out of a minor student with your fists and get charged with a misdemeanor and get a fine. Like I said, what a joke. There are a lot of things in our community that we do hot like. There are a lot of things that separate us either by religion, choice, race, political affiliation, etc. I believe' thai the safely and well-being of our children in our school system should bring us together. If this travesty of justice is allowed, what kind of example are we setting for our children. How- will you--the parents--be able to Look your child in the face and assure them the school is a safe place? Look them in the eye and tell them there are laws governing their behavior and actions? See their faces and say there is justice in our community? How will you?" If this doesn't tick off the parents (voting parents) in this community. nothing will. Or is it going to be business as usual, "it wasn't my child?" Ask yourself how is it that the school is not. criminally negligent? How would you feel if it were your child? What would you do? If it were my child I would personally hold the school and the superintendent responsible first, next the person committing the act and finally our judges and legal system which allowed these severe criminal acts to be reduced to misdemeanors. How can I or we hold them responsible? At the ballot box! Isn't it about time we got off our backsides and did something about our community? Do something about our elected officials who are supposed to represent us and enforce our laws? I believe it is up to us, the voters to change what we do not like. Not just by writing letters or running our mouths, but by going to the county, city and school board meetings, getting on the agendas, speaking out, asking questions and being heard, and most of all, voting. Danny Faircloth Something on your mind? E-MAIL US! Letters must include a name and daytime contact phone number. perrynews@perry.gulfnet.com Midweek Muddle Worm guts By SUSAN H. LINCOLN "Are those worm guts on your hands?" I that these questions are just another way asked the son as I was about to pass him of saying, "I love you." a sandwich Sunday night. I can hear the son challenge me now "I'm pretty sure I washed "em," he said. with a terse, "What?' "I think you'd. better try again," I The point is, we aren't the Cleavers; we suggested. can't.even be their bad neighbors. We are "Those worm guts are hard to get off a flawed family of four, trying to stress your hands," added the husband, shaking education, health, cleanliness and his head. godliness. I just grimmaced at the whole room. However feebly. This is not the way it was supposed to be. Motherhood, in reality, is much different T. grew up watching sitcoms of normal from Fantasy Motherhood. I, too, grew up families: the Cleavers, the Ricardos, with a baby doll. I believed I would be Father Knows Best.. The mother was adored by husband and children, alike-- always crisply dressed, had a tablecloth revered as the hub of their wheel and the on the table, and was serving a center.-of.their universe. nutritionally sound meal. I watched Kodak's "portrait of your lives" What a disappointment am I. and saiv those mothers in gauzy white "Did you wear insect repellant?" I asked gowns' "Do you have any homework?" I then colic, some 20 years ago. inquired, as I whisked through the room, In- F.'sy Motherhood, there are no picking up stacks of mail and homeless shouting matches, there are no broken socks. bones, there are no generation gaps. Our conversations aren't even normal. I There i:s:ve and communication. can hear June Cleaver asking now in a In 'Re0i4ty Motherhood, there are jock lilting voice, "So what did you do at school straps and worm guts. today, Beaver?" I miss;i'Fantasy Motherhood and that Beaver, though freckled-faced and '100 clean baby doll, but my life has been percent boy, would report on someone's enriched by....worm guts. behavior and end his report with a polite Our mornings are rather quiet during the "yes ma'am," all the while keeping his. school term, as the son stumbles through hands in his lap upon his linen napkin; breakfast and school preparations, and If I ask the question, I get a "Nothing" as .bids me a subdued farewell on his way to, the answer, unless 'there was a fight at well."prison," he would say: six hours in school that day; the boy can always the sanie-building, surrounded by books. remember the fights. He looks-like a condemned young man. So my life 'is reduced to Plenty Last-,:'eek, as he left for higher Questions: educational, I noticed one shoe untied, and Do you have money in your lunchroom he was-.loaded down with books and a account? ..baseball-bag, so I simply motioned for him Do you have baseball practice after to stop as 1 bent down to remedy the school? .. -. untied shoe. Did you do your homework? That's when the dog, in her effort to Brush your teeth? enrich my life too, out a dead squirrel right Comb your hair? under my nose as I crouched down on my Wash your face? all fours. Remember your binder? -It waA'the happiest morning of the boy's Find your shoes? school.year. He and the husband laughed Feed your dog? all the-way to town. Turn in your field trip money? I, the'inother, made that happen and all it In my defense as we approach Sunday's took 'was a dead squirrel. cele'ratiori of Mother's Day, let me say Takef that, June Cleaver. , B-2 The Taco Times May 4,2005 T cCO MTHRS 1 Taco $Tims Wednesday, May 4,2005 123 S. Jefferson Street P.O. Box 888 Perry, Florida (850) 584-5513 DONALD D. LINCOLN SUSAN H. LINCOLN Publisher Managing Editor DEBBIE CARLTON BETH MANN Business Manager Advertising Director ANGELA M. CASTELUCCI CAROLYN DuBOSE Staff Writer Promotional Advertising CHARLES R. SADLER CAROL BROOKS SStaff Writer Promotional Advertising MARK VIOLA MELISSA FARRILL Staff Writer Classified Advertising The Taco Times (ISSN 07470967) is published each Wednesday by Perry News- papers, Inc., 123 S. Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347. Subscriptions are $35.00 peryear or $49.00 out of county. Periodicals postage aid at Perr, Florida 32348. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the TACO TIMES, P.O. Box 888, Perry, FL 32348. The Taco Times welcomes Letters to the Editor reflecting responsible opinions and views on the news. Please submit letters by Monday at 5 p.m. The Taco Times reserves the right to refuse publication of letters which are libelous or irre- sponsible. Name may be withheld if circumstances so require, but all letters sub- mitted should be signed by the writer and accompanied by a phone number for verification. We look forward to hearing fronmyoul Our address is Perry, Newspapers. Inc., P.O. Box 888, Perry, Flonda 32348. e-mail: perrynews@perry gulfnet com L' Member Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. ~)11*al~ W. .. _0*i)IER ~ C ~l r L I I I i B-3 The Taco Times May 4, 2005 Letters to the Editor Letter sympathizes with city councilman, not 'sharks' Dear Editor: I am going to start this letter by saying: use me once, but please do not try it again. Yes 1 read the paper, yes I talked to Mr. Sylvester Harris, but the most important thing I want everyone to understand, I will not let him take the responsibility of this mess alone. Yes I called it a mess, because I am responsible for throwing a fresh fish into a pool of sharks without the proper training. 1 was thinking only about the district getting cleaned up, and I still stand behind that. Little.did I know, or wasn't thinking, that the sharks on board both the city and county have been trained for generations. They know how to play the game. If the truth be'told, we (blacks) have just started speaking up for ourselves this past year or so. Sylvester was used, he said it to me, and I told him, so was I, but 'one thing I do know we-are not NAACP discriminates? Dear Editor: I recently tried to go to an NAACP meeting held publicly in my town of Perry. Sad to say, I was asked to leave this meeting. Even though in the'newspaper it said it was open to the community, I was asked to leave. I am a white male and my close friend, who.was with me, was also white. The excuse given--after they repeatedly asked why we were there--was that it was a private meeting. Yet it took them three attempts of asking us why wg were there to decide this would be a private meeting. Before ever going into the room I asked another person, who would later join the samemeeting, if the meeting would be public. His reply was "yes," and I assumed it Sto be so. With the newspaper saying that the community (was invited) and another person attending the same "meeting saying that there would be no problems with me and my friend attending the NAACP meeting, I didn't think there would be a problem attending the meeting. I was wrong in this judgment and feel I was being discriminated against. I cannot understand \ hy a group with the intention of equal rights would do this and prohibit two white males from attending their meeting. I feel this is wrong and there should be something done to stop these actions from continuing. Thank you, Nathien Yates Brian Murphy the first and won't be the last. I myself cannot think of anyone already trained to step up to the plate and fight these sharks bite for bite. I also feel that it is my fault for not asking for training before I tried to train someone else. I realize that when you go up against politics you better be ready. Why am I saying this? Because now that I know I can't and never will trust anyone else on the council or county, I am ready. If a young man will accept the task of training our people that want to run for office it is Mr. Jack Scott. I personally have all the respect in the world in him. Now for the real part. Mr. Harris made a big, big mistake, and the.good part is he admitted that did; so do I. Anybody in Perry can take what I am about to say anyway you want to. Mr. Harris is already in office. Get him ready to face these people who think they are smarter than God. It is frightening to them that we blacks are speaking up for ourselves. Don't let them do what has been done to us all our lives, split us up and turn us against ourselves. We have been used by the white man ever since the slave ships; they used us to bring ourselves by paddling the boats ourselves. This is the time for us to stand together to stop acting like a bucket of crabs, just waiting to stab each other in the back. Prepare for an Exciting Career inO Full Service Restaurants Catering Operations Hotels Clubs and Resorts Health Spas Quantity Food Production Facilities Cruise Lines Benefits: t/ Career Placement Assistance V Financial Aid for Those Who Qualify v Bachelor & Associate Degree Programs V Day, Evening & Online Classes V Schedules for Working Students Iel I U I I stand by what I say, always will, so I am asking the big guns in our community to get our two people on the city council and talk, plan and then face these crooks. Remember do not trust any of them, and you know who I am talking about. If the shoe fits, put it on. There was a time I would call names, but I don't think it is important. Stay out of my face, do not.call my house, I am not your friend. You are not my friend, do you understand? Again, if the shoe fits, put it Jenny Miller Music jamboree offers thanks; more entertainment set May 7 Dear Editor: The Taylor County Music Jamboree would like to thank local businesses for their support and donations for the first music jamboree and dance. Thanks to Hicks Feed and Garden Center, Goodman's Barbeque; Mama's Italian Restaurant and Kmart. We would also like to thank all of the folks in Perry and surrounding counties for coming and helping make the jamboree a success. We would like to offer a big thank you to the Monticello Country Jamboree Musicians and supporters for all their help and support. We could not have done it without you! The second jamboree will be held on May 7 at the Taylor County Senior Center in Perry. We invite everyone to come and help support is and the Taylor Count Senior Center. Thank you, Ronnie and Belinda Wright B.C. Brown & Faye Brown iC. .*. L L E C E S, TALLAHASSEE Admissions Office Open 9am 8pm Toll Free 1 -877-825-2573 fl Swwww.capitalculinaryinstitute.com Taylor County Board of County Commissioners PUBLIC AUCTION WHEN: Saturday, May 7, 2005 8:00 a.m. WHERE: Forest Capital Hall 203 Forest Park Drive/Highway 19 South (Gates and doors open at 7:00 a.m. for preview) Bids will be verbal, open to the public. Acceptable methods of payment will be cash, money orders, traveler's checks, and cashier's checks. Personal checks will be accepted if from local bank and/or with commensurate letter of credit. Stationary item too large to move are at the Public Works Department. For further information, call 838-3500 Ext. 1 Office Equipment Computers Numerous Cars & Trucks Printers Fire Trucks Furniture Medical Equipment Miscellaneous Items ALL SALES FINAL-ITEMS SOLD "AS IS" Additional Careers in: Computer'Networking & Security Management Accounting Medical Assisting Paralegal Business Administration Radiology Technology Computer Graphics and Design Criminal Justice Health Services Administration Baking and Pastry Arts Bachelor Degree Programs in: * Business Administration * Criminal Justice I ~~TCIT~lip 4, 2005 Two Days Only! Thursday MAY 5 Friday MAY 6 WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! Perry Shopping Center 584-2565 TRUCK( USDA INSPECTED BONELESS BEEF TOP SIRLOIN STEAK $3.99LB. - V USDA INSPECTED FRESH PORK SPARERIBS $. $ 9LB . m USDA INSPECTED FRESH ASSORTED PORK CHOPS FAMILY PACK $149LB. 1i113L S1 - USDA INSPECTED BONELESS SKINLESS CHICKEN BREAST 1.99LB. 41: * * S USDA INSPECTED FRESH CENTER-CUT PORK CHOPS $1.99LB. FAMILY PACK USDA INSPECTED FRESH GRADE "A" CHICKEN SWINGS $1.19 LB. JUMBO PACK "" ' '* .'- '.. --. ' SMOKED HAM HOCKS II LYKES MEAT WIENERS 10 LB. BOX $7.90 OR BOLOGNA 12 OZ. 6.- D.L.LEED PC WHOLE SMOKED PICNICS 99(LB. $1.19 LB. SLICED USDA INSPECTED FRESH GROUND CHUCK FAMILY PACK S$1.89 B. f I iC~CL~,~ I I ii .i.~;I:e::~ I *. ~; 'I ~cc ...- d' '' ''' '' r: r- L ?YL:.(:ik Il;i:r:l: li 3 1-- :':~-r:'.' : .* I 2 DAYS AD SALE! PEPSI & PEPSI PRODUCTS 24 PK 12 OZ. CANS $4.99 I ^ ^ -- - ^ DELUXE MACARONI OR VELVEETA SHELLS & CHEESE 14 OZ. BOX 99( 4k HOMEBEST INSTANT LIGHT 'CL]ARCOAL 8' LB. BAG 2/$4.00 N FAVORITE LARGE EGGS DOZEN f?2 I 2/$1.00 SHOPPER'S VALUE LAUNDRY DETERGENT REG. OR W/BLEACH 100 OZ. 2/$3.00 KRAFT RILEY'S MAYONNAISE' FREEZER POPS 48 UZ. 100 CT. 1.99 FAVORITE SANDWICH COOKIES 2 LB. PKG. ASSORTED I I HOT SHOT ANT & ROACH SPRAY 17.5 OZ. CAN 2/$3.00 RUSSET POTATOES FRESH EXPRESS SALAD OR COLE SLAW MIX FRESH BANANAS 10 LB. BAG 2/$3.00 16 OZ. BAG 99( 3LBS./$1.00 r NORTHERN BATH TISSUE 24 LG. ROLL OR A 12 DOUBLE ROLL $4.99 I II I I II ~ I I -r alb I I I-I ~- I _r - I%= r I I -r - NMMWAkl -M -L~ I i B- 6The Taco Times May 4, 2005 1E_ Small ads...big deals!! --RNT I -3[ IL - Multi-Family yard sale, Saturday, 8 a.m. - Noon, 26 ft. travel trailer, 17 ft. boat, baby clothes, stroller, clothes & lots more. 2119 SFern St., 584-4232. : /4 Rfi SNordic Track MTN 750 Stepper-excellent condition, $350, call 584-6846. 5/4-5/11 Sea View Underwater Camera, 110 or 12 ,volt, Topside Monitor, Underwater Light, SExtra Bulbs, Infrared System .80 Degree, Wide Angle View, for fishing or treasure hunting, $250. Also, HP Pavilion 8000 SComputer with Windows 98 Microsoft, $150. Call 584-6567. 5/4,5/6 Hydraulic Facial Chair. Tilt.& Swivel, Excellent condition. Physician's Exam Table. Great for waxing! Also may be used for facial or massage. 850-584-4284 or 850-371-4284. 5/4 For Sale by-Owner: 516 W. Wilcox St., 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, board and batten cypress house, central heat & air, 2 brick fireplaces, lots of - character. $75,000. Call 850-584-4886 S4/6tfNB 259 Springhill Road, Perry FL., 2,351. sq.. ft., 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths. 1.97 acres, in Good neighborhood, fenced in 20'x40' pool, SGazebo with hot tub. Shown by .appointments, call 534.3341 4/15-5/9 SBack to nature, quiet and beautiful, 2 1/3 fenced, wooded acres. With 2/1 solid frame home and guest house. All for '$41,000. Home Sweet Home. Call Kevin at 223-2590 for appointment. 5/4 38 acres MOL with 3 wells and 40x60 .-.shop just. a.few miles from downtown Perry. Approximately 12 acres in perennial peanut hay, the rest in pasture with 1/4 mile of paved frontage. Located on East Ash Street, $210,000, 850-678-0536 5/4-5/13 c 2 & 3 Bedroom Homes 4-Sale, owner fin. - in city limits, M-F, 9 A.M.-5 P.M. only 584- ' 3221. c 5/4,5/6 :The Forestry Company 850-5848887 The Forestry Company Property for Sale Licensed Real Estate Broker -.91 acres MOL on HWy 19 S |435 ft frontage) 1/2 City Block owner/broker 30 acres MOL in Lake Bird ownerbroker $75.000 4/20-5/13 House for Sale' 710.W. Green Street, Perry, FL. 2,194 sq.: ft., 4 bedrooms/.1..5 baths/ .24 acres. $55,000 or make offer. Cal! 850-402-2475.. 3/9-3/25CC Land for sale, 221 N between Shiloh Church Rd. and Cairo Parker'Rd. 1Iacre lots with paved roads. Owner financing available. Please call 386) 658-1345 : or (850) 584-5891 (Badcock). 7/21tfEF Fixer-Upper. 1111.West Green St,,'Perry, FL. Drive by, then call Wilson toll free at 1- 866-899-HOME ext. 15 Follow pr,.mpit to be connected to my cell Enmai ddrei. wilson@sellyourhomenow.com 4/8-5/4 Boarder wanted in my home. Bedroom, private baih. small living room and private entrance Call 584-8045 5/4-5/27 2 bedroom/1 bath, "A" frame house, monthly rental, Cedar Island, FL., call 352- 498-3614 or 352-356-0707. 5/4-5/13 2 Bedroom trailer for rent, $80 a week, includes water & electric for up to $50 a month, 584-4381. 5/4-5/13' For. rent! Office space for nonprofit organization at 800 West Ash Street, site of Taylor County Senior Services. Call 584-4924 for information. 8/6tfSS WOODRIDGE APARTMENTS $199 MOVE-IN SPECIAL, For Basic to Market renters. 1, 2, or 3 BR HC and Non HC accessible apartments. HUD vouchers considered and rental assistance may be available. Equal Housing Opportunity. Office hours are, 8:00-5:00 Mon-Thurs. Call 850-584-5668, 709 W. Church St., Perry, FL 32348. TDD 711. 1/21tfWA Southern Viilas of Perry Looking For Applicants! HUD vouchers accepted. 1 & 2 BR HC and non-HC accessible apartments. Office hours are 8:00 to 5:00 Mon-Thurs. Call 850-584-8111. TDD/TTY 711. 315 Puckett Rd., Perry, FL 32347. Equal Housing CppornuNl-iir 1 t nrlS' For Sale Mobile home D/W, 5 bedrooms/3 bath, fireplace, excellent condition. Call .850- 223-1714, leave message. S4.27.'6 For Sale 2 Mobile Homes, great lor siorage-orne reinforced loor for r orkIlfl $500 each. 9-5. M-F only. 584-3221 5/4 5/6 Mobile home/R.V, lot for rent, includes water & sewer, $125 per month, call 850- 567-1523. 4/29, 5/4 Free mobile home, for parts or storage, you haul it, call 850-567-1523. 4/29, 5/4 OUTDOORS 4 horse trailer, saloon doors, brand new floor, $2500, call 850-838-6642 or 863-537- 1488: 4/29, 5/4 Traclor 9A ini Equipment trailer t$700 up Sm-.:i mower trailer $175 Slock Irailer, $795 850-948-4869. 5/4EMC Boat for Sale 23' Pioline Walk Around Cuddy Cabin, 175 HP, Yamaha Outboard, Aluminum Tardem Trailer, plus 'many extras, $10.900 Call 838-1032.. 5/4, 5.6 1996 Toyota Avalon, loaded-leather, power sunroof, premium stereo system, dual power seats, power windows and door locks, rear.spoiler. Great condition, runs great, looks great, $6800, 584-4076 (evenings) 672-0136 Idaytime), serious'.; buyers only. 4/29-5/4 2002 Buick Rendezvous SUV. Well maintained and garaged, fully equipped including V.6 engine 3/c, ps, pb, automatic, CD, traction :ornirl, 3rd seal (7 passenger),.alloy wheels, deluxe interior (leather & cloth seats), remote entry/locks, cruise,- power seat, etc. In excellent condition with 41,700 + miles. Priced below retail (' $13.yO00 Call 584-7883 4/29tfSD , 1988 Ford pickLup for sale.(for.parts), bring. vour own lools & lake off parts your self. I live on Barney Lane, call me for directions'. Joseph A iJeIeis, 838-4945 4/29, 5/4 95 Chev. 4x4 Truck, automatic, cold air, griat lopper $3995 firm, 850-948-4869 5/4EMC 3 bedroom / bath house for rent, 602 W. 91Troope ISuu 4t, 4 d automatic, V- Bacon St., call 584-4678 6,looks & uns great, 850-948;4869 4/22-5/6 5/4EMC GULF. COAST METAL 3'Wide 13' Wide' ROOFING Galvalume w rFululine of 3 Wide accessories in stock Painted Special Flashings Made All Types Warranted Metal Available Cut to your desired lengths Delivery Service Available Call Toll-Free 888-393-0335 352-498-0778 Horseshoe Beach, Fl. 81 4x4 Ford pickup, 6 cyl., 4 sp., good, dependable truck, 850-948-4869 5/4EMC 1986 Lincoln Towncar $1,700 OBO. 584- 8552 or 838-5317 (cell) tf '02 F-150 XLT, Ext. Cab., Triton V8, PW/AT/PL/CD, super clean, 46,000 miles, $17,000, call 584-5832. 4/27-5/6 1987 F350, 4x4, 351 W, New Heads, Comp cam, Radiator, single rear tires, 4 door crew cab, $1700, call 223-1813 4/29-5/4 1999 Cadillac Deville, 68,000 miles, asking $12,000. 2000 Nissan Maxima, 120,000 miles, asking $10,000. Both excellent condition, please call 838-2773 4/29-5/31 Low cost pet vaccinations. Saturday, May 7, from 12 noon to 2 p.m. at Country Time Feed (formerly Big Bend Feed). Dog; cat and horse, vaccination specials. Heartworm tests, FeLV tests and coggins. Flea and heartworm products available. Administered by a stale-licensed veterinarian. Pick up a flyer at Country Time Feed. 4/29-5 . Registered Arabian Mare,. no bad vises, very gentle, easy keeper, has been rode in Parades $1000 call 850-838-6642 or 863- 537-1488 14/29. 5/4 4 Bulldog puppies for sale, mother on premises, father down the road $100 each, call 223-1053 and leave message, will call you back that night. 5/4, 5/6 5 black male Labrador retrievers, excellent hunting bloodline, ready to go. $250 firm, call Neil at 838-3477 4/27-5/6 5 Trained, Beagle, Deer Hounds. Call 584- 6572. , 5/4'4527 eS.-rm ,:' " Part-time clerk .positions available at Sea Ha4 Iarra ApprcA, hour 25 35 Must be ldpernda,'!e h-jnresI and puri:cu?I Please ap.', in person at 322 Riversl.e Drive, Steinhatchee, Florida. 3/30tfSH Position:vacancies under Taylor County Board of County Commissioners: Park Attendant temporary (April Sept.) Part time (days and hour vary) max: 30 hrs/wk. $6 566 hr. Firefighter call in $905 hr Summer Library Reading Assistant - lemporaryipart lime. $6 18 per hour. Engineer- $36 504 $41.080 EOE/Drug Free Workplace. 0osition requirements and specifications' available at Taylor One ,Stop Career Center, 224 N. Jefferson Street; Perry, FL. 32347 or www.tcfl-libinfo.com Submit applications to Taylor One Stop Career Center. Positions open until filled. 5/4tfBOCC Busy title company'.seeking closing processor for the Perry Office. Position requires .ability to multi-task, strong. organizational and communication skills with'the ability to work effectively uhder time constraints, Pay commensurate with skills and experience. Please fax or email resume to North State Title Services, Attn. Lana Logan, email at northstatetitle@gtcom.net or fax to 850- 223-1942 5/4, 5/6 SDriver-DO ITNOWI 0. 36 Singles & 0. 44 Teams Students Welcome KLLM Transport Services. Be HomeA Lot! CDLA-EOE-Call 866-357-7351 5/4 Avon Reps Needed in your area Free gift with sign on before May 1st. Earn $250 fast start bonus. Contact Terri at 584-8463 or 843-1285, 4/13tfTC Crane Operator-Experience required, friction crane, E.O.E. Call 850-584-2335, 4/27-5/4 APALACHEE CENTER A Behavioral Health Care Center is currently seeking: ADULT CASE MANAGER #2156 AVAILABLE REGULAR STATUS (40 HOURS PER WEEK) QR TEMPORARY OPS STATUS (20-40 HOURS PER WEEK),, REQUIRES MINIMUM OF A BACHELOR'S DEGREE WITH A MAJOR IN COUNSELING, SOCIAL WORK, PSYCHOLOGY, CRIMINAL JUSTICE, NURSING, REHABILITATION, SPECIAL EDUCATION, HEALTH EDUCATION, OR A RELATED HUMAN SERVICES FIELD; OR A BACHELOR'S DEGREE + 2 YEARS FULL TIME OR EQUIVALENT EXPERIENCE WORKING WITH ADULTS EXPERIENCING SERIOUS- MENTAL ILLNESS. VALID DRIVER'S LICENSE REQUIRED. REGULAR STATUS RATE $10.75 PER HOUR/EXCELLENT BENEFITS .O TEMPORARY OPS STATUS RATE $12.92 PER HOUR/NO BENEFITS. SCHOOL BASED SPECIALIST #1732 AVAILABLE AS REGULAR STATUS RATE (40 HOURS PER WEEK) R TEMPORARY OPS STATUS RATE (20- 40 HOURS PER WEEK). A MINIMUM OF A BACHELOR'S DEGREE WITH A MAJOR IN COUNSELING SOCIAL WORK PS'CHOLOG' NURSING, REHABILITATION, SPECIAL EDUCATION. HEALTH EDUCATION, OR A RELATED HUMAN SERVICES FIELD AND. ONE YEAR OF RELATED PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE WORKING WITH THE TARGETED POPULATION, OR ONE YEAR OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE IN A MENTAL HEALTH SETTING, 8:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY. MODIFIED SCHOOL CALENDAR' SCHEDULE $13;50 PER HOUR/EXCELLENT- BENEFITS- REGULAR STATUS RATE OR $15.90 PER HOUR/NO BENEFITS-TEMPORARY : OPS STATUS RATE ., -. ; SECRETARY SPECIALIST #2210' (20 HOURS PER WEEK) HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA OR IT'S EQUIVALENT AND TWO YEARS OF SECRETARIAL/OFFICE CLERICAL EXPERIENCE, TYPING SCORE OF AT LEAST .35 CWPM, SHIFT:' VARIABLE/MONDAY THRU FRIDAY. SALARY: $7.05 PER HOUR. For more information and a complete listing of available positions: www.apalacheecenter.org (850)523-3217 or 1(800)226-2931 Human Resources, 2634-J Capital Circle N.E., Tallahassee, FL Pre-Hire Drug Screen & FDLE background check. Aln Equal Opportunity!Aflirmalive Action Employer. Drug-Free Workplace 5/4, 5/6AC Career Opportunities Fortune 500 Companies Looking for Reps in this area Part Time or Full Time To see, if you qualify Attend a 30 min free seminar SRefreshments will be served Thursday May;5 7:00 p.m. Location: First Assembly of God Fellowship. Hall Contact Cynthia @ 843-3111 5/4 Quality Plus Services' is updating employment files for upcoming work in the surrounding area, Pipe fitters ironworkers electricians, millwrights and labors, please call. 850-584-7000 to fill out a telephone application. 5/4 LPN'S, PRN 11 P,M,-7 AM. CNA'S, FT3 P.M.-11 P.M. & 11 P.M.-7 A,M Madison Nursing Center 973-4880 5/4-5/13, Experienced plumber laborers needed. Must have a driver's license. Call 584- 8603. 3/4tfHS Prestige Home Center Chiefland The Only Factory Outlet on the West Coast NO "DOUBLE TALK" WITH OUR ADVERTISING-- NO GAMES WITH OUR PRICES! Any New Home Purchased from Prestige Homes Includes FREE Delivery' & Set-Up...PERIOD! S .--.. --BRAND NEW-- t ti. Choose from S2 or 3 Bedroom -- -- 2Bath Exceeds New Gov't. Standards $32,44500 OR $275 mo. Includes AC, Heat, Skirting & Steps No Down Payment for Landowners! (60 Other Homes to Choose From!) Eggs are Cheaper in the Country, So are Prestige Homes! N. Hwy. 19, Chiefland 800-477-2492 DIRECTOR OF NURSING Nature Coast Regional Surgery Center Immediate management position opening for a licensed RN with current ACLS & BLS. Medicare-certified ASC that enhances quality of life through improved vision. Strong managerial, human relations and organizational skills are preferred. Salary commensurate with experience. Excellent benefits. Fax resume to Human Resources (850) 838-3937 or call (850) 584-2778. Ext. 639. Closing Date: 05/31/05-EOE S4/20-5/6 The District School Board of Taylor County Head Start. Program is accepting applications for the following vacant position: Family Services Advocate (1-position)-12 mos. 8 hrs. Minimum qualifications: A.A. Degree in Social Work or related field required. Three year's experience working with families and case management required. Functional knowledge of data entry procedures required. Must have a 'valid State of Florida driver's license. Applications are being taken for Sthe following position: UTILITY MECHANIC I (Gas Division) Req. High School'diploma or Equivalency. One year experience in gas service or pipefitting desirable. Must have valid Florida drivers license. Salary: $8.91 $12.67 hrly. Applications available atfHC{y of Perry Personnel Office and will be accepted until position is filled. CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office 224S. Jefferson. St. Perry, FL 32347 Phone: 850-584-7161 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER Interested applicants please contact Employment Connections, 584-7604. This position is open to school board employees and the general public. The Taylor County School Board adheres to a drug free workplace policy. Drug testing with a negative result is required. Head Start employees must pass health screening, fingerprinting, and background check required by DCF for licensing daycare workers. Closing date for these positions is May 6, 2005, 12:00 Noon. If reasonable ADA accommodations are needed for the application process, please notify our Personnel Director during the application period at 850-838-2500. 4/27-5/4dsb Experienced plumbers needed. Must have a driver's license, Call 584-8603. 3/4tfHS Classifieds work... Give it a try! The City of Perry is accepting resumes for the following position: FINANCE DIRECTOR The City of Perry is seeking an individual to fill the position of finance director with a degree in business administration, accounting, finance or related field; and experience in all phases of financial management. Governmental accounting experience and personal computer skills desirable Salary Range: $37,190.40- $50,016.95 annually with excellent benefit package. Send resume to: CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office 224 S. Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347 (850) 584-7161 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER M o d a d gy'. I Sg-o no nu $2,800 U LPN'S NEEDE All hift Avalabl ign-n Bous $,50 seeBrndaPrsslrDO Houseeepig Poitio GOODWILL ^s is looking for TARS! Come Join a Winning Team! RETAIL STORE MANAGERS Join a nationally recognized organization that provides essential services to our community. Get on the fast track to reaching your potential in our Management Training Program. * Complete Benefits Package * Tuition Reimbursement * Rewarding Work * Paid Vacation and Sick Leave * Employee Discounts * Great Opportunities for Advancement We are also accepting applications for future openings in Retail, Production, and Transportation. Please email resume to: price@agoodwillbigbend.com, fax: S0C.576.01t or mail to: Human Resources, Goodwill 300 Mabry StreetTallahaasce, FL 32304. No phone calls please. EOFJDF\WP o2odwill MOBILE HOMESr ~o~llO O ~I Wanted dead or alive; Junk cars, trucks, tractors, etc. Will buy, sell & trade 4x4 & truck parts. S*M*A*S*H Towing, 386-688- - 3999. 5/4-5/27 Circle "T" Specializing in all types of tractor work, bushhogging, root raking, harrowing, dirt hauling & leveling, debris removal, clean up, and lawn care. Call for free estimate, 584-2806. 5/4-5/27 Lindsey Tractor Service Lawn Service, bush hogging, land clearing, drive ways, tree trimming, hauling, food plots, debree removal, etc... Call 850-584-5193 or 850-838-4818 4/27tf MR. MARZ LAWN SERVICE, FREE ESTIMATES. 850-371-1634. PERRY, FL. 4/15-5/31 TREE CAPITAL CLEANING 584-CLEAN (2532) RENTAL BEACHHOUSE CLEANING Why spend your time cleaning when you can be at the-beach! We clean daily, weekly or monthly. Experienced-Good References-Reasonable. Call 850-578- 2713. 4/22-5/4 STUMP GRINDING S=ree estimates. reasonable rates. 15% discounts lor seniors. Call John at.584- 2027 or cell 850-591-8301..No stumps to big or to small. 4/20-5/13 Southem Siding &.Remodeling, LLC Vinyl siding & soffit, wood rot, fascia, decks aluminum screen rooms windows porches and more Jay Swindle (850) 843-1731 Licensed & Insured 4/29-5/31 Clay.Swindle, .LL.C. Painter,, interior & Exterior, Framing. 18 yr e:..perience Free est. Big or small. Call 850-223-1780 or S850-843-1941. If no answer, leaves Message ,..,. ,'27i '8 !?...- '" I i'-- *o00 ! The Handyman experts, honest work! Affordable, professional; licensed and insured. Specializing in house painting; nlenror, etc. mobile home repairs, home maintenance pressure washing (wood andi concrete) carpel vinyl, wood Iloor ceramic lie and repairs. Call 584-2270 homel or 584-3776 (office) 25 years. rtJM CARPET & VINYL - Installation.and repairs. ddne at a good price. No overhead Direct sa',i.-;s to you. 30 years experience 850-838-9050. please leave a r.'leasage S 11/3NrBR J D.'s Tree Service and Lawn Care. Licensed and insured Free estimates. We also grind stumps. Call today 838-1280 Firewood for sale tfJD A-2.Z Farm and Lawn Ser/;ces : Harrowing. bush hog mjwlng., dir'. evening, Srle work and complete lann ser'.ices Call 584-6737, leave r.:essage 4/1tIAZ IN iHE CIRCUII COURT IHiRD JUDICIAL IRC UI. IIN .JD FOR IALOR COUtili. FLORIDA PROBA E DIVISIONf : Ca ie.:. l05.180.CP in Re Ire Esrare of: DONrJ JAPED BArll Deceasea J- OiCE 10 CREDITORS Ihe. dminitraltion 1 rthe e:late ol DOrl JARED BAIh deceased whose Caae 01 -death .-as February 19' 2005 File Number 05.180.CP is penalng n, rre C'u Co u i i.:.ll '.a,l*c. Counlri .i:r ila Pi,:..ogl C DCii .,ic, rnme oaare;, or ,..nicr, is S- PosT Oicre eor 620 Perry Fcriida 32'3J8 iThe names ana ooaresres ol Ihe personal representative ana tre Derscnal repre.eniaives ornornev ore i' e f:.nn ,beio". S ni c'ife311i15 s rne aecederni on ,:ir,er person n.osng claims or1 lemonas agoincr aecedeni:. estate on rnorrm a copy or this notice has been se-vea. must file their claims lairn mis coujrr W.iHINI IHE LATER CF 3 IO1rjiHS AFIFP iHE DATE OF THE FiTSI PUBLICATIOCIl (OF 'THIS :rOiiCE OR 30 DAS AFiER iHE ri'.lE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NO'(ICE ON THEM. / Ai. itner credc.rs of Ire deceaenl ana olher per:ons having clairns or aemonds agaoinsr aeceaenl s esire musr file tner claims wirh trns c.:urr NilHltn 3 t.1IlrtIHS .AFIER IHE DA'E OF THE FlIRSi PUBLIC'ilOrJ OF THIS IrOTiCE "LL CLalf.15 rO1 SO5 FILErj WILL BE F..:-REvER B-RRED i! rOI1lrHSIANDjIrG iHE illMF. PERIOD SEi FORTH ABOvE Afr,' CLAIM r-ILED 'NO i() EAIR OR r10iOE AFTER iHE DECEDEIMS DAIE OF DEATH IS BARRED Ir; e rale of lils puDiLicall;,r of mis notice : .APRIL 2; 20005 il.lliH. S.11I1H & MOORE AITORIIE rS AT LAW. P .. MICHAEL S SMII.H rAnlone, ior PeironQ'. Represenlarive Florlao Bar Jo lio,9'21 P.O Doi.-,er 579 Parry. Fioiao 323.1Fr Telephone: (850)/584-3812 Fox (850) 58. 7 J 8 JEREM B41A11 Personal Renie'senlallve i 5552 Bent Groas Crl.e Aptl 107' Sarasota, FL 4,4235 4/27, 5/4 INVITATION TO BID The Taylor County Board of County Commissioners is soliciting sealed proposals for construction of the Dark Island Park Improvements. Qualified firms or individuals desiring to provide the required products or services must submit nine (9) packages in a sealed envelope or similar package marking "Sealed Proposal for Dark Island Park Improvements" to the Clerk of Court, 1st Floor Courthouse, 108 North Jefferson Street, Suite 102, or P.O. Box 620, Perry, Florida 32348, to arrive no later than 4:00 P.M., local time, on May 17, 2005. All Proposals MUST have the respondent's name and mailing address clearly shown on the outside of the envelope or package when submitted. Proposals will be opened and respondents announced at 6:20 P.M. local time, or as soon thereafter as practical, on May 17,2005, in the Taylor County Administrative Complex, 201 East Green Street, Perry, Florida 32347. RFP information MUST be obtained from the Clerk of Court, 1st Floor Courthouse, 108 North Jefferson Street, Suite 102, Perry, Florida 32348, (850) 838-3506, for a .$100.00 non-refundable fee. The County reserves the right, in Its sole and absolute discretion, to accept or i-recl any or all Proposals, to cancel or withdraw this solicitation at any time and waive any irregularities in the RFP process. The County reserves the right to award. any contract to the respondent which it deems to offer the best overall service; therefore, the 'cr, il, .: not bound to award any c.:,r,r,ac,:l.. based on the lowest 'quoted price. The County, in its sole and absolute discretion, also reserves the right to waive any minor defects in the process and to accept the proposal deemed to be in the County's best inr-i eii The County, in its sole and at:',:luie discretion, also reserves the right to assign a local business 'preference ir an amount of five (5) percent of the proposal price pursuant to Taylor County ordinance No. 2003-12. . r5o oa.e' F: Irjr:c,al .ai,, De a,.i::e.eied "..d3aiior.nal Irnlr.mrl..rr. rr.a/ be obtained 'from: Engineering Department 201 East Green Street Perry, FL 32347 (850) 838-3500 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Taylor County, Florida NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The Taylor Coastal Water and Sewer District (District) is, soliciting sealed statements of qualifications for Legal Service Support. Qualified firms or i-.a'.i.ualt desiring to provide the requtred.services must submit three (3) packages in. a sealed envelope or similar package marked "Sealed Proposal for Legal Services" to the Office r.rarager located at 18820 Beach rFoad Peirt Florida 32348, to arrive not later than 4 P.M. local time on Wednesday, May 18, 2005, All proposals must have the respondents name and mailing address clearly shown on the outside of the envelope or package. Proposals will be opened and iepc.rden'r announced at 5:30 p.m. :.r:ail ,me or as soon thereafter as practical on'May ,18, 2005 in the District Building located at 18820 Beach Road. Statement of Services Requested and a SB J,.iri.r';'- j;.,n .3.r'r ijr,| lq To tipr, Dpacka'ge) ma,' e rco i.nrea 'reorr, the - ,Oli e r aona. r .i':coir in r-,e allruic Building g o iT a8r' Beac, R.Po3jd or b,' calling ss50 5078.i.J-3 C',n.mpan.ie or Individuals'having questions pertaining to Disincti Duslrtne -ezvon."i whai is ,.c.rloainid in Ine i'rormoai'.'.r. oackaoge mu;t ,ujbmil ine .3ujeslor.s inr '..nril ic. rne C'iice I.lan Mo e, i e 1 u rii.r.t Ques-ion and: corresponding answers will be pr:,-.a e rto ALL parties that requested rte nr,Formaiir.r, package. The District reserves the right, In iiz sole absolute. discretion, to;reject any or all Proposals, 'td cancel or withdraw this bid solicitation at any time, and to waive :any' irregularities in the PFP proce.: The D,'m.c re-e.eis re rig'nt to award any c.ontra .ti rc. the lirfonaerr .*ni,rnici r .dernes to offer fne b,'sr oveiaill ser,.ie. Ihereiore me D,;rr'.il iS nor lound to awora 'rn c:onrr-.' I base on the l.O-c t ,'auole1 price .:.r rates r e D-strict, r. ius sole .ard aoD:.,iue da:cei..:n. also re.-se.es ine ir.rI i:, .'.O.'e an/ minor aerecis i ,r, e c.ri..ce3:s ana3 1 accept Ine bOc deemea Io be ir n, te Ditrict's be:I interest Irn.- Di isir, I on equal opporntuniry emplao ei .'.,,4 f- rJCTICE (FuRSL-u.Ii .10 FI.'iC'~r SiATrUTE 25 66; 1NoIlce is herO, g,,en inma rne Board of Counry Co3mmir,'ioner,ies ol avlor County, Florida will nolc'o a public rearing on ine poassa.g e if ne proD osed Oldinance ieneming to Comca.ol :r Pelrr, Inc.;'a len (101 'vo;'3ir nonr.eclul.,e Irancnise, the puIlic rearing riail De held I1 nme Borid of C;ounty Comrmilslon r.leir.ngl Room. fo, !or Counly Cournnouse Annex. 010 Post Office Bullding in Perry Floldoa a1 the re(ulaO DIoor'l meertng c.n fa.Io 17, 2000. at 6 15 P r.1 The ritie .r the pic.pcse.- ordainanrce i: 'A4. C.PDIrNAIICE RENEWING To, .'COC, AST OF PERR=. IrJC A iErl (1ii 'EAR IJOrJ.EXCLUSIVE FRArnCHISE 10 CONSIRUCT. OWN. OPERATE AIID M.AIr.'lIIAI A CABLE SSiELM WiHint IHE i.llllrJClCPPCORAiECD Rt-ES OF 1A'iLOR CouJr SErllirG FOiPiH cor:liiilOlS A: CCOIr.FA, lG iHE GRArItlliG OF ?.AID FRAIICHISE PRO'.'IDIIG FOR 'REGULAIOII AirD uSE Of IHE CABLE S',SIEM PPESCRIBIrlG PEIJALIIES FOR 'IlOLATIOfl OF IHE ORDINANCE ine .roposea oanarnce mao, be Inr,~i'cldiea / rn public: 1 rne Clerk of ihe Circuit Court i5 llice or iree Ta'lir Country l Couinouse Peiu', i, ior Country Flc.iaq ,All members oi Irre puDIC are welcome I;. oaena lJonice i lunnernr nereby g,.en, DpursuanT ro Florida Sltaure 286 0015 rnmat any person or Deri-'or deciding to poceol ano marrei :.:.r,. 'ldein.g at this Dubll:. hearing /nid need a record c.f the reoiing onr mov need o., ensurjIe mot a .erborIm record I1 the poi.:eeoing; Is moae wnlch record includes rhe resulmc.ny and e iaderce upon nilCfl the o'peoil is to oe bosea EDared rnli 2Sln a0o or April 2005, by ,Anne .Mace t.luipry CleK Or the Circuit Coun aor3 Clerk or me B'.oard of County. Corrn.m,,ioners ol [rylor Courinty, Florida. 5/ PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE TITLE V AIR OPERATION PERMIT REVISION The Department of: Environmental Protection.. ; . REVISED DRAFT Peimri Project No.: 1:230034-016-AV Peisloi, io Title V Air Operation Permit ric. I230034.l 01. l 3. Corr, c,'e: ..'. ioati.:.n ri.:. 15- Compressor Sioalic rt r., 15 Taylor ,COur,ily The Department of Environmental ,Protection (permitting authority) gives notice ol is Intent to Issue a Title V Air Operation Permit Revision to Richard Craig 2o Florida Gas' Transmission Componv for Compressor Station No. 15 localea .r 2065 Pisgah Road (CR I Section 766.1iod'i(2 oar a must be filed waIn he Aamlninis.lor or irne EPA at: U.S. EPA 40i1 .1 Slreel, 5 W a.nir.gicn. D.C. 20460. As complete project file is.available for public inspection during formal business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays, at: Permitting Authority: Department of Environmental Protection 7825. Bavrmeoa .;-i Wo/, Suite B-200, Jackson.llle. Floida 32256-7590 reler-eorne 0i OJ'8,'-j330 Fao r o ioJ/D.1j .J..j03 The complete project file includes the DRAFT Permit, the application, and the Information submitted by the responsible official, exclusive of confidential records under Section 403.111, F.S.. Interested persons may contact ChristopherlL, Kirts, P.E., at the above address, or call ~ml 361), Perry, Taylor County. This Is a revision to the Title V Air Operation Permit No. 1230034-013-AV. The applicant's name and address are: Richard Craig for Florida Gas Transmission Company - P.O. Box 1188, Houston, TX 77251. This permit revision Is being issued for the purpose of Incorporating the terms and conditions of, Air, Construction Permit No.(s) 1230034-01,1-AC for Compression Engine NO.(s) 1507 to uprate the engine to 15,000 bhp, and Administrative Correction issued April 14, 2004, for EU 002 (Engine No. 1506) to replace the PM emissions Limit with good combustion practices. The permitting' authority will issue the PROPOSED Permit, and subsequent FINAL Permit, in accordance with the conditions of 'the DRAFT Permit unless a response received in accordance with the following procedures results In a different decision or significant change of terms or conditions. The permitting authority will accept written comments concerning the proposed DRAFT Permit issuance action for a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of puj]:..latro- of this Notice, Written comments should be provided to the Department of Environmental Protection, 7825 Baymeadows Way, Suite B-200, Jacksonville, Florida 32256- 7590. Any written comments filed shall be made available for public Inspection. : If written comments received result In a significant change In 'this DRAFT Permit, the permitting authority shall Issue a Revised DRAFT Permit and require, if applicable, another Public Notice, A person whose substantial interests are affected by the proposed permitting decision may petition for an administrative hearing In accordance with Sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the FloIrida Statutes (FIS.). The petition must contain the information set forth below a ad must be filed (received) in the Department of Environmental Protection, 7825 Baymeadows Way, Suite' 8-200, Jacksonville, Florida '32256- 7590, (Telephone: 904/807-3300: Fax: 904/448-4363. Petitions filed 'by any persons other than those entitled to written notice under Section 120.60(3), SF.S., must be filed within fourteen days of publication of the.public notice or within r.ouneen a3 ,; ,:" receipt of the notice of Intent .rnrcr.r.e. occurs first. ,Under Section 120.60(3), F.S., however, any person, who asked the permitting authority for notice of agency action may.file a petition within fourteen days of receipt of that notice, regardless of the date of publication. A petitioner shall mail a copy of the petition to the applicant at the address indicated above, at the time of filing. The failure of any person to file a petition within the applicable time period shall constitute a waiver of that person's right to request Sard administrative .j'leerminat,.:.r. (.hearing) under Section '. 10 56'? anr 120.57,.F.S., or i .: inner. r e irn this proceedingg and pon.~rir. .e osi a party to it. Any subsequent Intervention will be only.at the approval of the presiding officer upon the filing -of a motion in compliance with Rule 28-106.205 of the Florida Administrative Code (F;A.C.). A petition that disputes the material facts on which the permitting authority's action. is based must contain the following information: (a) The name and aojre. *:,i eao.-r, agency alr-c ilel an.j- r,.-ri .i nr , file or idernilr ca 3l n rumrr er i kr,.:..r.. (b) The name, address and telephone. number of the petitioner; name address. and telephone number of the petitioner's representative, if any, which shall be the address for service .purc.os.; during the course of. the proceeding; and an explanation of how petitioner's substantial rights will be affected by the agency determination; (c) A statement.of how.and::when the petitioner received notice of the agency action or Dro.:po;ed action (d) A ;'ioamernt or .31 cdipuied 'o:ue: C~r material fact., IF there are none, the petition must'so sate: , (e) A concise statement cr ine ullimare fa.i' alleged as ,'.*ell a' -th rules and slauijirs v, r.n r, enurien peartii:.ne to relief;: (f) A statement of the.specific rules or Statutes the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the agency's plo ,: ,';e Oic.n ana r.g s:raemenri .:. r riciit sought by rr.e ei uCe i, i ;rat in. cre.-:i.e/; the action petitioner wishes the agency to take with respect to the agency's proposed action. A petition that does not dispute the .r3er 31ia C lo i;J uC',.n t.rnicr, Iihe p'permlrtin.l ouirnirit, : ocction In e, _a :r,.:li i rae tr.-or no ucn lacis are In d;:pure ana -otherwise shall contain the. same Information as set forth above, as required by Rule 28-106.301, F.A.C. Because Ihe administrative hearing prc.cesr i. e.igr-ed to'formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition means that the permitting authority's final action may .be different from the POsllic.rn aken b, II In ihli no.'ile ,r Inlrenr Persons wr.hose ublarnillO Inleresr will be affected by any such final decision of the permitting authority, on the application have the .lgr t1o perlllCo.rto *become a party to -re proceeding in acc..ordonce wmtr, the equlremenin set fonr, aoooe Mediarlon is not available for this proceeaing In addition ro ir.e above, pursuant to 42 Unriea States Code (U.S.C.) Section 7.6idri.2'i an,' person may ci:,nitln Ine AdmrrruSiu.mor of the EPA ...ir-in r, c0 i'siify daos cl the epiuraiion of the Aarnlniuriatoil 5 ilornviii'ei doay evie,w Deriod as e:tabllsneda 'I .12 U.S. Seciion 765.ld(l)(i) to oblact, to 4iuarce or an,' pDe lI ue.'li'n Any pemriuirn hnaiu De Dosed -"ni, dn n oDjecnic.nr,: rne peimii revs.ic.rn that were raised with.reasonable specificity during, the 3,- (thirty) day ,public corrmnen period pro~lide in inls no11ce. unies- Ihe cpieniuicner demonlrateis Io the Aaminstrator .:1 the EPA nmar Is was Improcrmcablie u.:, iase such objections ruitnir rne commeri r1eu,-:.d or unless the Grounds. for such objection arose after mne comment oeo.a Filing of a petition with the Adminslrlator of the EPA does noi sia, mIe ellecirve date 'of any permit proDertv I.iLued pursuant to the * prCslc.rnj .o CnapIer 62-213, F.A.C. .Pelhions illes .*sln rne Administrator of EPA must meea ine rqau,rerne,'li of 42 U.S.C. 904/807-3300, ext. 3235, for additional information. 5/4 INVITATION FOR QUALIFICATIONS AND BIDS TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA PERRY-FOLEY AIRPORT DESIGN BUILD SERVICES FOR GENERAL AVIATION TERMINAL BUILDING Sealed bids and qualifications will be received by Taylor County at the office of the Taylor County Clerk of Courts at 108 N. Jefferson Street (PO Box 620), Perry, Florida 32347 until 4:00 P.M. June 6, 2005 local time. The bids shall' be opened at 6:1.5 P.M. local time, June 6, 2005. They shall be opened in the Taylor County Administrative Complex at 201 E. Green Street, Perry, Florida 32347 for: DESIGN/BUILD SERVICES FOR GENERAL AVIATION TERMINAL BUILDING Theproject Is to Include design/build services to construct an approximately 1800 square foot general aviation terminal building with a remote restroom facility for the Perry Foley Airport located In Taylor County. There will be a MANDATORY Pre-Bid Conference held In the General Aviation Terminal Building, Perry-Foley Airport, at 1:30 PM on May 12, 2005. Bid security in the, amount of five percent (5%) of. the base bid will be required to accompany bids. Contract Bonding shall also be required; The Owner reserved the right to reject any or all bids and to waive irregularities in bidding. Participation in the Owner's Minority/Woman Owned Business Enterprises Program Is required. The goal 'for this-iontract is ten percent (10.97%) to be performed by certified MBE/WBE firms. The County reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to 'reject any or all bids, to cancel or withdraw this bid at anytime and waive any irregularities in the' bid process. The County reserves, the right to award any contracts) to the bidder/respondent which it deems to offer the beri *:.era l ;:er.l.:e trerref,:ie the County ,: noi c.ourd 10 a..,-rd a.n,, contracts) ca';d or, Ire I,:i.. , quoted price. The County, in its sole and absolute discretion, also reserves the right to waive any minor defects in the process and to accept the bid deemed to be In the County's best. interest. The County, in it's sole and absolute discretion, also reserves the right to ,assign a local .business preference in an amount of (5) percent of the bid price, pursuant to Taylor County ordinance No. 2003-12. No faxed bids will be accepted. This project will be bid as a-single contract. Bid prices may be held for up to 60 days. All bids must be submitted in accordance with Project Manual, which may be examined in the Taylor County Administrative Complex, F.W. Dodge/AGF in Tallahassee, FL or .lacIsc-.r,.,ile L or obtained from: Reynolds, Smith and Hill, Inc. 10748 Deerwood Park Boulevard South Jacksonville, Florida 32256-0597 C/O:-Payton Piety_ Voice: (904) 256-2290 Fax: (904) 245-2501 . ii is the :-le rei'pC nibilil/ of each p:,.:oD e.i.e i.3jaer I.:, .3. e that the Engineer anr, O'..rner is epi n-fo'rmed of his or her current mailing address, telephone number and fax number. Complete sets of drawings "-and ":.e,:i.a:.a ir, .3, be purchased from Pe.,noia, ".r-,, i arnd Hills, Inc. for $75.00 pcr ,ei pilj: Itre cost of mailing or overnight shipping, after 3:00 p.m., May '6, 2005. Partial sets of dra..vings and specifications will not be issued. The purchase price for the contract a.:..:um.er.r, not refundable. 5/4 IN THE 3RD CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No. 05-188-CA VANDERBILT MORTGAGE & FINANCE, INC., Plaintiff, vs. JOHN L. PREVATT, and UNKNOWN SPOUSE of John L. Prevaft, . Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: JOHN L. PREVATT, and UNKNOWN SPOUSE of John L. Prevatt last known address, 4881 Timothy ..Street, I.,l,0ale urJg FL "20b8. Notice is hereby given to JOHN L. PREVATT, and UNKNOWN SPOUSE of John L. Prevatt that an action of foreclosure on the following property In Taylor County, Florida: E :HIBIi 4 Commence at the Southeast Corner of the Northeast One-Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 31, Township 5 South, Range 8 East, Taylor County, Florida, thence run S 89 aeg 32 55 W-esl.along the forty acre line, 420.00 -feet for. the Point of Beginning, thence continue South 89 deg. 32'55" West, 577.86 feet; thence run North 07 deg. 48'27" East, 226.78. feet;, hence run North 89 deg; 32'55" East, parallel wir, said forty acre line, 554.36 feet, thence run South 01 deg. 51'50" West, 224.61 feet back to the Point of Beginning, ALSO TOGETHER WITH A 20 FOOT EASEMENT 'for Ingress and egress, the centerllne being 'described as follows: Commencing at the SE Corner of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 31, Township 5 South, Range 8 East and run.North 89 deg. 55'34" West, along the forty acre': line,' 210.00 feet; thence run North 01 deg. 51'50" East, 13.00 feet; thence run South'85 deg. 14'23" West, 415.86 feet; thence run North 77 deg. 02'15" West, 1.73.77 feet;thence run North 89 deg. , 0427' West 521 82 leer 1o the East right ,lt 'Oi line or R #.3i ana me palnr C.r iDeglnnlrq Ir r, e irireine *;'r a 20 roa wide road eierrmenl saia eaiemhenl being 10.00 feet each side of the following described centerline: From said point of beginning ruh South 89 deg., 04'27" East, 521.82 feet; thence run South 77 deg. 02'15" East, 173.77 feet; thence HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR B-7 The T E---m run North 85 deg. 14'23" East, 194.49 feet; thence run South 01 deg. 51'50" West, 1099.18 feet to the terminus of said easement. Included is a 1998 Skyline Mobile/Manufactured Home, Serial #8D610156K has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Leslie S. White, Esquire, the Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is, 109 E. Church Street, 5th floor, P.O. Box 3146, Orlando, Florida 32802- 3146 on or before June 1, 2005, and file the original with the clerk of the court either before service on the Plaintiff's attorney or Immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. DATED ON April 25, 2005. Taylor County Clerk of Circuit Court By; Marti Lavalle Deputy Clerk 5/4 INVITATION FOR BIDS TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA PERRY-FOLEY AIRPORT - AWOS III (P/T) REPLACEMENT Sealed bids, and qualifications will be received by Taylor County at the office of the Taylor County. Clerk of Courts at 108 N. Jefferson Street (PO Box 620), Perry, Florida 32347 until 4:00 P.M. June 6, 2005 local time. The bids shall be opened at 6:10 P.M., local time, June 6, 2005. They shall be opened in the Taylor . County Administrative Complex at 201 E. Green Street, Perry, Florida 32347 for: PERRY-FOLEY AIRPORT AWOS III REPLACEMENT Construction to include the replacement of an existing Automated Weather Observation System (P/T) and related equipment. There will be a MANDATORY Pre-Bid Conference held in the General Aviation Terminal Building, Perry-Foley Airport, at 11:00 AM on May 12, 2005. ,Bid security in the amount of five percent (5%) of the base bid will be i,';i--,d .:, ac, .: rr,.Dor,/ bids. Contract B;.rn.,ng irjii .i:o be required. The owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive irregularities in bidding. Participation in the Owner's .1.n:..rlr,, ._-.rr,.3r, Owned Business Enterprises Program is required. The goal Sfor this contract is ten percent (10I97%) to be performed by certified MBE/WBE firms. The County reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to. reject any or all bids, to cancel or withdraw this bid at "any time and waive any Irregularities in -the bid process. The County reserves Sthe.right to award any contrqct(s) to the bidder/respondent which It deems to offer the best overall service, therefore, the County is, not bound to award any contracts) based on the lowest quoted price. The County, in- it's sole and absolute discretion, also reserves the right to waive any minor defects in the process and to accept the bid deemed to be in the County's best interest. The County, in It's sole and absolute discretion, also reserves the right to assign a local business preference in an.amount of (5) percent of the bid price, pursuant to-Taylor County ordinance .No. 2003-12. No faxed bids .**..i, e .cc.iea Thi; clciect .-,ill I, b id as a ;rngle .;:rllaI. Bia cICe- mr, be r.end i..r up to.-. 2 u0,.a, All tl' urr,-Jt O ;ui:. urn'l in r o: c-*:'. 3 -l, .:- e .i ur Pro:jel f r l rl.u -'i ..rh r, rl.'), C? ,_ .'3rr-,r,e., ir n Ire i ,1, County Administrtive Complex, F.W. Dodge ,/ AGF in Tallahassee, -FL or Jacksonville, FL cr :ta.3rnea r'.:.rn Reynolds, Smith and Hill, Inc. 10748 Deerwood Park Boulevard South 'Jacksonville, Florida 32256-0597 C/O: Payton Piety Voice:-(904)256-2290 Fax: (904)245-2501 It is the sole re.;.:.r,,.` l il, o,.f each prospective aciaer to assure that the Engineer and Owner is kept informed of his or her current mailing address, telephone, number and fax'number. Complete sets of drawings and .specifications'may be purchased from Reynolds;,Smith and Hills, Inc. for $75.00 per set, plus the. cost: of mailing or overnight shipping, after 3:00 p.m., April 29, 2005. Partial sets of drawings and specifications will not be Issued. The purchase price for the contract documents is not refundable. 5/4, 5/11 I-: 'THE CIRCUIT COURT, THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA. Case No: 05-219-CA ROBERT LYNN a!k/a ROBERT M. LYNN and NELL LYNN a/k/a NELL N. LYNN, Plaintiffs v. KAREN LAFAYETTE HALL a/k/a KAREN L. HALL, DAISY 0. BLAIR, ANTHONY C.' PARENT, ANTHONY C. PARENTT, ESTATE, TINA M. BISHOP' PARENT, ANGELA F. GROSS, JAMES VEREEN, and C.T. ELY, if alive, and if dead their unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, creditors, and all other' parties .claiming by, through, DRIVER3 ND F OR LAM Must have clean CDL Class A license Daily runs from Perry to South Florida 850-584-9328 ~6 Sign On Bonus OPRITCHETT TRUCKING NEEDS EXPERIENCED CLASS A DRIVERS iN YOUR AREA FOR LOCAL HAULING. GOOD PAY AND BENEFITS CALL 1-800-486-7504 raco Times May 4, 2005 under, or against them; and all unknown natural persons if alive, and If dead or not known to be dead.or alive, their several and respective unknown spouses, heirs devisees, grantees-and creditors, or other parties claiming-by, Through, or under those unknown natural persons; and the several and respective unknown assigns, successors in interest, trustees, or any other person claiming by, through, under, or against any corporation or other legal entity named as a defendant;and all claimants, persons or parties, natural or corporate, or whose exact legal status Is unknown, claiming under any-'Tfthe above named or deserT ed defendants or parties or claiming to have any right, title, Defendants NOTICE OF ACTION To: All Above Named Defendants Addresses Unknown YOU, KAREN HALL, ARE NOTIFIED that an action to quiet title to real property on the following property in Taylor County, Florida: . Commence at the Northeast (NE) corner of Lot 6, Block E of the N. L.SMIT.H SUBDIVISION as recorded in Plat BoRanki:; Page 82 of the Public Recora;: .:._Tao'ic.r County, Florida. Thence run /'Ne i-along the North boundary line 75.0 feet for the Point of Beginning. Thence conrar.ue West 62.50 feet; thence run S'.rjl. degrees 08' 00" East parallel wltth.trhe East boundary line of said Lot 671:18.0 feet; thence run East parallel witl.'the North boundary line 62.50 feet; thence run North 0 degrees 08' 00" West parallel with East boundary line 118.0 feet to Point of Beginning. YOU, DAISY. O. BLAIR, ARE NOTIFIED that an action to quiet title to real property. on the following property in Talfor County, Florida: Commence at the SW Corner of the NEI/4'of NW1/4 of Section 35, Township 7 South, Range 7 East, thence ran East 700 feet, thence North 296 feet for the Point of Beginning, thence rulh East 93.5. feet, thence Northeast 51.5 feet; thence 'run West 107 feet, thence South 50 feet to the Point of Beginning. Lot 81, Ezeli Beach. Located in Section 35, Township 07 South, Range 07 East, Taylor County, Florida. YOU, ANTHONY C. PARENT, ANTHONY C. PARENT ESTATE, TINA M. BISHOP PARENT, ANGELA F. GROSS, and JAMES VEREEN. ARE NOTIFIED that an actiento quiet title to real property or-The following property in Taylor County, Florida: Beginning at road right of way of Keaton Beach Road, S-361, on East side of road at North boundary line of Section 35, Township 7 South, Range 7 East; run 210 feet East, then South 210 feet, then West 210 feet, thence North 210 feet to point of beginning, containing one (1) acre, more or.less, and lying in North portion of NE1/4 of Section 35, Township 7 South, Range 7 East. YOU, C. T. ELY, ARE NOTIFIED that an action to quiet title to real property on Sthe following property in Taylor County,. Florida: From Southwest Corner of NE--/4-of- NW1/4 of Section 35, Township 7 South, I ar'a.e. 7 East; run East 600 feet, thence rl.:-rin 166 feet for a point of beginning; Ir,,nce East 50 feet; thence North 80 feet; thence West 50 feet; thence South 80 feet to. the point of beginning. Lot 87, -Ezell Beach.,' c I .. -',rn '.- C. Has been filed against you and you, and each of you, are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on John Weed, the plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 605 South Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347 on or before May 18, 2005 and'file the original with the clerk of this court either before service on the plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you-for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. Dated on April 8, 2005 . Annie Mae Murphy As Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Martl LaValle As Deputy Clerk 4 1J. 4/20, 4/27 5/4 ...: New in town?. Find out what. .i Taylor County i15 all about! l SUBSCRIBE' TO THE TACO TIMES & PERRY NEWS-HERALD 584-5513 I EMPLOYMENT Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Next Class: May 31 National Certification Financial Assistance Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Tranihg Services www.atsn-schools.com B-8 The Taco Times May 4, 2005 SJLCARPET * CARPETS WOOD FLOORS *VINYL *BINDING * CERAMIC CUSTOM DESIGNED *REPAIRS AREA RUGS 203 E. Drew St. (across from Robbie's Seafood) Hours: Mon. Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-12 James Musslewhite. owner Licensed & Insured Vis Junior honor society inductees The Taylor County Middle School Erudite Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society held its annual Induction Ceremony in the April 18. Some 55 new member were inducted this year. "Teacher of the Year" Kathy Kreidler served as guest speaker. May 10 Health fair planned P for Steinhatchee Every thg1 We Also Carpet Travel Trailers, Campers & Boats a MC AmEx S\ ( St (352) 498-7001 D New Patients whiter brighter faster whitening in about an hour -Steinhatchee and Keaton Beach icrsdent. are invited to Doctors' Memorial Hospital's Steinhatchee Community Health Fair Tuesday, 'May 10, from 7-9 a.m. --The fair will be held at the DMH Steinhatchee Family Medicine Clinic, located at 1209 1st XAenue South.' As part, of it annual Steinhatchee community health fair, DMH will offer a Basic Panel blood screening for $10 and a Basic Panel plus a prostate' cancer test (PSA) recommended for men ages 50 and older for $15. The basic panel includes a Lipid Profile (cholesterol level, HDL and LDL), triglycerides and glucose (blood sugar). The PSA test for men is a screening test taken from the same blood sample. The health screenings will be offered in Perry Thursday, May 12, at DMH from 7-10 a.m. TCHD provides classes on childbirth education PREGNANCY -Cohtinued from page B-1 Firne and blood pressure checked. ---f-se this time to discuss your list i1-0E pregnancy concerns or :-.-_blems with your health p-rfessional. At different times in iour pregnancy, you will have additional exams and tests performed. While some are routine, others are only done when a potential problem is suspected or you have a risk factor for one. TCHD also offers childbirth education classes. For additional information or an appointment, please contact TCHD at 584-5087. My name is LEXIE / need a loving home. SI am 6 months old. I am a sweet tiny Female registered Pomeranian. If you want to take me home, I cost $500. My mom is moving and cannot take me with her. SCall her at 584-5262, 584-0651 or 843-1577 SFOR SALE JAZZY 1170 XL PPWER CHAIR Weight Capacity: up to 400# Measures: 45" Long x 26.5" Wide Batteries: 2-12 Volt. Goes up to 25 miles per charge at 6 mph. Excellent condition. Was $7200 new, asking $2500 S-I I 584-5262, 584-0651 or 843-1577 Perry Square 2030 S. Jefferson St. 4" 7'i (850) -584.8144 OVER 140 STORES, SINCE 1949 "'jubi l lu r r d il j r ,Jl ,ni ] a.,mu, o dl r hinr ',g .,)r ri n m un'- '699 pu .h .e r it u efted I r n e t i 'i r i, :dp C r l insuorii c r(, hlgr, ril 11 (ruc IrO T i i 'l U h0 bul iri, ,*i, b. iebul.d Il Ihe iiT,,uunl rliIju .,dlrd in y Ilir ,',ntd ,riiur .,nr hirj;l i ,lr, p3,d I," lull .ll-hl i rrI u2lh', ,: Ihe purthli .e Delirur, r, ,nr, i T,, b p:,,d :1 d|', ",1 r,, ,,1 .riu. ,1 ,'. irlnrrit. prImOLon rn.- i,',hr '. ll <,r ,ic We ih M c r ced r d, l nor ppi 10 p r p r r ipuri .e Oir e re u' U. ii 11 j r ,.,r, ,. lul diI l '. t. I.:, :' piet,.il rdwr, ,lie eiid 1 l '.,', W r, D urt i Ul]) Sale held pursuant to Tailor County going out of business sale no _2005-1000 granted the 2nd day of Ma3 2005 1iSiI IWTAVAILABLE II ross City mental, PA :ephen M. Henry DMD )avid R. Schneck DMD sWelcome 117 NE Hwy. 351 Cross City, Fl. IL-1 19(nite the white' ,Wqpl.cvW.rfF ......................vu u Illou 0 . IF |