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i aco bf the South.:'.'. m es Midweek Edition nas-.. S ... ". 4th Y. ar, No. 16. .'""-.:-',,.,2' ,. ~z : K:'__ ".' 2.:'$...,.,..;, .. N ~' . News Forum Second annual Foley Reunion is Saturday The second annual Foley Reunion, will be held Saturday, April 23. at Buckeye Park. beginning at 10 a m. A covered dish lunch will be served at noon Everyone is invited to "bnng a chair and enjoy sharing your memories of this former mill town " PPS to honor volunteers Perry Primary School will host a reception for volunteers today (Wednesday) from 1-2 30 p.m in the .school conference room All Perry Primary School volunteers are invited to attend. The school's advisory council will hold its next meeting Wednesday. April 27 at 1 p m., in the reading lab Gospel sing will benefit 'Take Stock...' A gospel sing benefiting the Take Slock in Children scholarship fund will ,be held Saturday, April 23. from 1:30- 6 .pm., at the Taylor County Elementary School cafeteria Admission is free: baked goods and refreshments will be sold SFeatured performers will include: Doug Cruce and the Cavaliers Quartet, soloist Valerne Clark, Higher Ground; The Maples; Jacksonville evangelist Ernest Setzler; and the Exceptional Praise Band. Elks host Poker Run April 30 Perry Elks Lodge #1851 will host its second annual "Poker Run' for all motorcyclists in the Big Bend area Saturday, April 30, beginning at 9 a.m. All motorcycle owners, riders and recreational vehicles are invited to participate in the fundraiser, which will benefit the Perry Elks Lodge renovation fund. Entry. fee is $20 per. motorcycle and $5 per additional rider. For more information, contact Wendy Cruce at (850) 838-5190, Richard Johnson at (850) 584-9288 or :Aaron Portwood at (850) 838-4834. TCHS prom slated Friday The Junior Class of Taylor County High School will host the annual Junior-Senior prom Fnday. April 22. Parents and other members of the community are invited to view this year's prom "Neverland" between 6 and 8 p m Friday night. Prom doors will open promptly at 9' p.m. and at that time only TCHS students and guests will be admitted. Sponsors encourage '.prom: attendees to be at the event by 10:36.' p.m., after.which time no one else Will be admitted Students and parents are thanked ahead of time ,for their consideration. TCHS students can purchase their. tickets at the gym any afternoon this week Donations sought The Friends of the Taylor County Public Library are now accepting- donations of used books, magazines,. phonograph records, tapes, videos, CDs and DVDs for their upcoming, Book Sale May 7. Please bring any. donations to the library, located at 403 North-Washington Street. Index Living...page A-4 Sports...page A-6 Religion...page A-7 Comrmunity..:page B-1 Editorial...page B-2 Fowler cleared by grand jury After a day-long session of testimony from available witnesses, a Grand Jury returned a "No True Bill" on Jared L. Fowler, 23, saying that he should not be criminally charged in the Feb. 18 death of Don Jared Bain, 23. Twelve witnesses were called before the Grand Jury, who returned a 19-0 vote df: "nay," in favor of Fowler. According to Assistant State Attorney Dave Phelps, the Taylor County Sheriffs Office tracked the events and activities of the two men and others involved in the situation. TCSO Investigator Donna Lee and Lt. Ron Rice gave the following account of the night of Bain's shooting in a report filed with TCSO: After spending time at the Elk's Club and Rocky Creek Lounge, Bain and two friends went to Fowler's' house after Bain told them he wanted to "come over and hang out.' "Fowler said Bain knocked on his door and when he opened it, Bain told him to get some shoes on. When Fowler asked why, Bain said 'because we're going to fight and I'm gonna kick your ---,' and then he said 'no, I'm going to kill you.' He then grabbed Fowler by his necklace and tried to pull him outside. "Fowler swayed away from him and the chain broke. As soon as the chain broke, Bain swung at Fowler and he said he believes that's when Bain hit him in the forehead and Fowler started backing up, trying to block and swing back at Bain. "Fowler said that Bain hit him in the back of his ear and his Adam's apple, but he thinks that was in the bedroom. Fowler stated that he tried to get to his bedroom to shut the door to keep Bain from getting ,, Please see page 5 Nearly three sears after the project first began, bids are being taken for construction of the new\ Veterans Memorial Park. Last week. April 12. the Perry 'Straw ballot' axed in favor of mail-out The Perry City Council will not hold a citywide "straw ballot" election to poll residents on howy they want. discretionary funds Instead, the council \\ill draft a questionnaire pinpointing key issues--which could range from recreation to financial support for - non-profit organizations--that will be mailed to city residents. Cost was apparently an underlying factor in the decision. made by unanimous vote during a special meeting Monday evening. Last year. the city paid the elections office $6.595.30 to hold a citywide election relating to a proposed change to the city charter. Three city council seats were also on the ballot for that June 2004 vote. On Tuesday, Supervisor of Elections Molly Lilliot said. "a lot of things have gone up, so to hold a citywide election now would cost closer to $10.000." .This year. two seats are up for election (districts four and five') and last week. the council said it would also consider putting a City Council approved advertising bids specifications for five key elements of the park: the open plaza. fountain, bell tower. sprinkler system and foundations. According to a report presented t. the council by Veterans Memorial Park Committee volunteer Richard Feagle, estimated costs for the overall project w ill be around $409.000. A previous cost estimate for the project, compiled on a voluntary basis by local construction company FruCon. was nearly double that figure at $730.000. "FruCon did that estimate on the park at no charge It w i, done April 29.- 200-, and it .a's put together on the Buckeye format," Feagle explained. "There has been some misconception by the public and by officials on that cost and'we need to try to make that straight." He then detailed how those costs had been broken down and adjusted to reach the current $409.1000 estimate. "That $730.00 includes $30,000 for engineering. however. we have much of that donated or partially donated. It also includes $75.000o for use as reserI es for the project. The current plan is not to use reser\es...so that takes it down to $655.000." he continued. Backing out some $106,000 in proposed donations (ranging from the use of prison' volunteer labor, plants, trees, benches and flag poles. put the project at $549.00. Feagle said. "We then placed a number of items on hold--a $75,000 sculpture, a $15.000 eagle and a ... Please see page 5 .-* Please see page 8 Relay raises $66,600 Amid Hollywood stars (of the cardboard variety). wanderingg hobos. living room couches, a dilapidated van and fried grouper. local residents took to the Taylor County High School track to "walk for a cure" Friday and Saturday. April 15-16. for the seventh annual Relay for Life. The event raised some $66,600-- and counting--to help support the American Cancer Society's fight against cancer. The relay began shortly after 6 p.m. with Honorary Chair John Fuller and other cancer survivors taking part in a "survivors' lap." They were joined for the second lap by their caregivers and loved ones. Then it was time for everyone else to join them. %Iassifiecls;...pae V-4 Volunteer relay teams were on hand selling food, photos, raffle tickets and trinkets to. participants as they walked, with all proceeds going to benefit cancer research. Each team took on some aspect of this year's theme, "kelay's Gone Hollywood," including: --First United Methodist Church members sold snap shots with '. Please see page 5' Shirley York Titus School board member dies Officials with the Taylor County j._. District School Board confirmed l Tuesday afternoon that newest. n Ian board member Shirley York Titus i a died sometime Tuesday, prompting the cancellation of, last I ',- night's regularly scheduled board j JJ meeting. SPersonnel Director ClIde Cruce said Titus was a close and valued friend 'to many and "will be immensely missed." Titus taught 'English/Language Arts for nearly 30 years, most of that time spent at the eighth grade level at Taylor County Junior High School and Taylor County Middle . School. It was not clear at' presstime as to the cause of death. Shirley York Titus Fencing, panic bars to be installed at schools After a parent walked into Taylor County High School, April 6, and allegedly assaulted a 17-year-old student, the Taylor County District School Board called a special meeting last Thursday to discuss safety and security in Taylor County schools. "The board should be aware of some of the measures which are now in: place, and other measures which will be put in place," began Superintendent of Schools Oscar Howard Jr. "Our goal now is to make every school in the district have a single-point- of-entry, after 8 a.m. "At Taylor County High School, fencing and 'gates with panic bars (which allows the doors to open from the inside only) will be placed where they are needed. The big difference at TCHS, however, will be a glass cubicle, from floor to ceiling, which will be placed just inside the front: doors. It will be built so that the person manning it will-be able to intercept anyone coming inside the school," he added. "If that person needs a student, then the person in the cubicle will make arrangements, so that the parent or visitor will not be roaming all over the school. "The incident with the irate parent showed us what imperfections we - have in the system," Howard said. "Parents are going to have to be patient. We're charged with the safety of the children of the county, and we are going to do as much as is humanly ** Please see page 2 Next step toward construction Veterans Memorial Park seeking bids _ __ ~ SA-2 The Taco Times April 20, 2005 During prescribed burn Smoke may reduce visibility Weather permitting, the Florida Division of Forestry (DOF) and local fire departments will be Conducting 'a prescribed burn in Perry sometime this week between Today (April 20) and Friday. "These carefully planned and executed' fires will be used to reduce the amount of fuel and lessen the impact of wildfires," said Forest Area Supervisor Stanley Shepard. The prescribed burn area targeted is approximately 5.44 acres. The burn will be conducted in the Green Acres subdivision, along both sides of Pimple Creek, which is along north Center Street from Ash Street to Pace Street. This location has been given priority due to the dangerous build-up for forest fuels in close proximity to homes, businesses and road. "It is known prescribed fires, lit under favorable conditions, consume fuels and reduce the chance of wildfires starting," Shepard said. "This reduction in fuels will cause wildfires to burn less intensely and ease firefighting efforts." Despite efforts to avoid negative impacts to nearby residences and roads, smoke may temporarily reduce visibility and air quality. Shepard advises residents to close windows and to reduce speed when driving in the area. "Please use extra caution--drive defensively and keep headlights on--when traveling near the prescribed burn. "Prescribed burning is the most effective and least expensive method for preventing catastrophic' wildfires. that have plagued our state in recent years. The smoke you see today may prevent our neighborhood from going up in smoke tomorrow." /Save . on new Duration \ Home" Interior Latex Coating '^_^ ^FT^"STh As security measures are implemented Supt. asks for visitors' patience 41OO AjQQa_ SCHOOLS Continued from page 1 possible to see that it happens," he added. Board member Danny Lundy asked about Perry Primary School, because "they. are our smallest kids and the most susceptible to abduction." ''All the schools' security is going to be addressed," answered Howard. "We just want every parent to know that we are sorry about any inconveniences they encounter, but with just a little patience, we will see that whatever they come to the schools for will happen. It may take just a little longer," added Lundy. Howard said the front glass doors and walls at Taylor County Middle School would be duplicated from the front office, across the front, running along the hallway, so that visitors would be forced to stop at the office to state their business. "We will also be using fencing at open entrances," Howard added. "The gates will be open until 8 a.m., but after that, they will be locked. Students and parents alike, who arrive after that time, will need to go to the front office, where they will either be buzzed in, or allowed entrance into the facility. "Perry Elementary School, our newest, is the most protected at this point. The school is completely enclosed and when you: lock the front fence, nobody should be able to get in without proper authorization," he added. "We've done some other'things there, at the other schools, too." Howard said Perry Primary School will receive a glass enclosure, just inside the front doors, and fencing will be added to the back "to ensure the kids' safety." "Steinhatchee School already has an enclosure in place to keep people from walking in at their leisure," Howard added. Board Member Darrell Whiddon added that the new gym would have to be fenced, "because of the classrooms which will be included in the facility." Lundy said he wanted to see the schools to a point, "where people who don't belong on the school campuses cannot get in, but in case of emergency, the kids and staff can get out." Howard assured Lundy and the rest of the board that every school will have safeguards such as the panic bars which "will ensure that our schools are as safe as possible. "We're still going to have an open door policy," he added, "but now there will be some restrictions. It's a different world now, unfortunately," he added. Whiddon and Board Chairman Brenda Carlton both asked about private security. "We are working with the Taylor County Sheriffs Office and Perry Police Department, for an even closer working relationship, but if we have to, we may have to look at private security. "The last thing I want is to have a school system that is like a prison. What we're doing is to take a fairly common sense approach in our endeavors," Howard said. Security Director Jim Brannen addressed the board. "During the past year," he said, "we have spent over $100,000 in upgrading security at our schools. By next week, all our new communications will be in place and it will enhance security greatly. "We've received two grants which allowed us to buy walkie talkie phones, fencing and other items which will lead to every site having a single point of entry. There will be a computer in the communication hub that-will send alerts school-wide in case of emergencies. "We again ask for patience," said Howard. "We ask that visitors to our schools not fly off the handle for any inconvenience. Just realize that we're trying to keep your children safe. There is a reason for these security measures. "This is an expensive thing to do, but you cannot place a dollar value on our children's safety," he added. "A lot of people may feel that their integrity is being questioned when they are stopped, but that is not so," added Lundy. "I agree with the rest of the board. We will do what we have to do, and we greatly appreciate the patience of the community. If you ever feel slighted, just think about the reason for the inconvenience. Think about the smiling faces of the children." on paints and stains* off our Everyday Low Prices on all Custom Order Wallpaper H. / Ask How. Ask Now. Ask Sherwin-WilliamsI Visit us at sherwin-williams.com R ET A IL S A L E S O N L Y A ll : lu .. .. f i, ,r i. j l.ll '.1.... .. Iu ; i ) j I j l H ,, L .i h ', I h :1 i ,1 ,P -ri 2SllS....l.. ...:4. 4rii.ur- i:om lr. liui .I ( .l- l .'' JE FIF O ST .'.-1 8 6 14 V li.] .ilnl,, :i ." ,.,r i,l v',* : 36-3 r,, *.Ii,' i,,',.W ,'r T,. 1v., iIa, Ci"', PERRY 2044 S JEFFERSON ST .........850-584-6514 '- .. -- -- * CARS * F-150 RANGER EXPLORER EXPEDITION ESCAPE h" FAobE U Emmfi TRUCKS SUV's UNDER INVOICE F1ST APPROVAlS FORD 500 TAURUS FOCUS FREE STAR CDEE CTVi E CROWNV VYIC (PLUS YOU GET ALL FACTORY & FINANCE REBATES) I I "2005 MUSTANG$ & DIESELS EXCLUDED g *~ -I-ltil elft ii ,(, 9 1qI L IN. ,i I L' L Plus tax, tag, tiCle. Dealer feeincluded in price Rebate applied when applicable. Not responsible for typographical errors. 2o ...8ERLA..O Lethr LwMie Sk #40 0 5 o d rck p cil44 utOf oaV/ tk P48 2003For Ta rusSE ................. $1,99 200 Fod F350..........-- ... .. **$21,99 V6 oddSk P4 us a gG .,V6 lthSas LCe a, islSk P5 AMF tro i,60#,G W akg 02FrdF20............... 3j9 2000 Foc s S ........................ i.$7 495 arit, rew ab,4 4,Dies l Sk. P45 Auto Slk 42000F C n v e tib e V 8 u t o200 F o d F 50 ...................... $1 ,99 196MruyGadMrus...... 695$ 4 9 5XTSue a,54 / k#44 LOW RATE S , Il -L I -~F ~P .m bii ir: r,.i L' IUj J I I I A-3 The Taco Times April 20, 2005 Relay for Life Team award winners for the 2005 Relay for Life were: Best Campelte, Friends United for a Fight; Best Cuisine, First United Methodist Church for their chili, soup and breakfast casseroles; Best Costume: Taylor County Elementary, "Pretty in Pink.;" and Spirit of Relay: First United Methodlst Church. From colorful clowns to reminders was an 18-hour event filled with survival. of the "Top 10," laughter, tears the 2005 Relay for Life and inspiring stories of Girf Certificates STOREWIDE MOTHER'S DAY SALE 20% off STARTING. TODAY! * Dresses * Lingerie * Shoes Downtown L. 584-7774 * Sportswear * Jewelry * Hose SHandbags . Belts * Brighton (No Jeanette charge on this sale) Juniors Missy' Petites Plus Sizes S Cash Cfwleck Mc 'isa Discover Come See Our New Brighton Line Mon.-Fri. 9-5 Sat. 9-4 htou ha. ovOr W must move at least 100 out by Mother' Day Fa r'trs Dagy i ii m E 4.1% 1 (MAY 8) (JUNt 19) NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! :l I SSit J'. L [ill S S -^^^^ South Hu se - -EOW wnd 'L II i I -.L 'A -~I~--- I r I,-- I-- --r 1 . ,-- ,r , ---man ---EM Living Maria Hathcock, 1st runner-up, won talent, 'Miss Popularity' awards. Lauren Hardin, was named 'Miss Congeniality,' second runner-up. A-4The Taco Times April 20, 2005 " .. Luncheon Saturday vBS^SS^9L~L B1 B^ ^^^^^^ B IIII^B~fIM^^^-^ iii .i^ R S s,. Miss Ashley Scott, named 2005 'Miss TCHS,' is shown with the other nine contestants. Pageant history made; Scott wins TCHS title For the first time in Taylor County history, an African- American was crowned Miss Taylor County .High School (TCHS) during competition on April 9 at Taylor County Middle School. Ashley Scott won the 2005 title during pageant ceremonies which opened with the Bee Gees' signature song, "Stayin' Alive," and showcased the pageant's theme, "Stayin' Alive in 05." The new Miss TCHS is the daughter of Eric and Nita Scott of Perry,.and n sophomore at the. .,cho'ol. First runner-up honors were awarded to Marla Hathcock, ,daughter of Lamar and Dianna Hathcock. Second runner-up honors went, to Lauren Hardin, daughter of Rob and Melissa Hardin. Ten contestants competed in the 2005 edition of the'pageant which was started at the school in the 1970s. After two decades, the pageant was discontinued, but returned in 2004. Last year's title- holder, Miss Sara Poppell, shared: Mistress of Ceremonies honors for this year's event with Susan Nelson. "Janet Johstono and I both feel the pageant is an important piece of Taylor County history that has been well worth reviving," said Jodi Drawdy who directed the pageant with Johstono. "We believe it promotes leadership skills, self-esteem, teamwork, school spirit and builds rapport," Drawdy added. Rick Olcott welcomed guests to the pageant and introduced v.i.p.s in the audience. Special entertainment for the night was provided by Jessica Manning. Florida Forest Festival Jr. Mi-s, who was also second runner-up in last year's Miss TCHS. Other entertainment was provided by Janay Flowers, first runner-up in 2004, and by' each of the 10 contestants who performed. Marla Hathcock won this year's talent award with her baton routine to Kelley Clarkson's "Respect." Hathcock was also awarded "Miss Popularity" honors, following a vote by the audience. Contestants chose Lauren Hardin for the "Miss Congeniality" award. Other contestants included: Dalretia Ross, Kasha Fisher, Brittiany Pigford, Kimbricka Price, Casey Cooper, Leslie Durham and Ashley Upshaw. "The new Miss TCHS will represent her school in the Florida Forest Festival and Taylor County High School parades," said Drawdy. "She will also speak to students in younger grades, promoting positive thinking and the importance of achieving academic success." Johstono added, "We appreciate all the hard work, long hours and dedication each girl has contributed to make this an enjioybl tipe for The reinstated Miss TCHS pageant serves as a senior class fundraiser, with proceeds benefitting the school-sponsored trip to New York City. Bridal SRegistry Nikki Peake Kenneth Porter April 14, 2005 Melissa Kinsey Jimmy Land April 30, 2005 Amber Mauldin Shane Ross May 7, 2005 Ashley Lawless Brandon Grubbs July 9, 2005 Jennifer Leigh Hathcock Jeremy John Jacobs July 16, 2005 Baby SReistry S Robin (Lilliott) Charles Walker Sydney Ann born April 4 Britney Burroughs Chris Strickland Boy due June 2005 Keri Andrews Christopher Lynn Girl due June 2005 Brandi & Jay VanDee Girl due June 2005 Jennifer Aman Jason Campbell Boy due July 2005 150 Byo Bte JM Forestry, Inc. Specia/izing in Wet Areas Timber Buyer 1231 East Parker St. P.O. Box 249 Baxley, Georgia 31515 Office (912) 367-6043 Ray'Carter Home (912) 632-2755 Fax (912) 367-0380 Forester Mobile (912) 337-6740 Seventh Day Adventist Church Saturday Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. -*- .. Worship Service 11:00 a.m." - Wednesday . Prayer Meeting 7:00 p.m. * Juan Rodrigues, Pastor 584-8506 604 W. Julia Dr. The Steinhatchee Garden Club will host a Tablescapes Luncheon on Saturday, April 23, from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Laura Mock of Perry will be designing flower arrangements. Each of the tables will be decorated by a Garden Club member with a different theme. Lunch will be served at noon. The menu will include quiche, fruit, salad and key lime pie. Floral arrangements will be auctioned at 2 p.m. Tickets are $10 with proceeds benefiting scholarships for students to attend summer camp. For tickets, please call Linda Johnson at .(352) 498-5806 or Char Chauncey at (352) 498-0214. Tickets will also be available at the next Perry Garden Club meeting, planned Wednesday, April 20, 10 a.m. "Everyone is invited to attend. You do not need to be a member to attend," Johnson said. Florida Forest Festival 2005 Little King Er Queen Program Wednesday, April 13 thru Friday, April 29 To register, the child must have been born by Sept. 1,1999 through Aug. 31, 2000 Drawing will be held Monday, May 2 PARENTS WILL BE NOTIFIED BY PHONE Call 584-8733 for more information 6-Speed On-The-Go Shifting Let's You Choose Your Speed. 6.5-hp Briggs & Stratton Quantum XRNI engine Dura-Steel 21" mower deck Si ,6tHoight-6f-Gut 'adjustments. 2-N-1 convertability mulch, side discharge (optional grass catcher) ' "'Exclusive rear wheel disc drive transmission MOES STATIN ASLWA 13999 803 W. Main St. 584-6021 *Offer valid subject to credit approval through Shoppers Charge Accounts Co. on purchie.s between 1/1/05 and 6/30/05. No payments required (except insurance premiums if applicahle). Finance charges will he assessed from date of purchase, unless the total purchase price and all related insurance premiums (if applicable) are paid in full within Ih i,..r .,,. r,.I i r. J WW W. SNAPPER. COM 9&paWpi 6i/i/ tatuwis~auf M, Willie James St osie Bumey &4i 20, 2005 9 1st -m Love, a Willie James 15847531 fc. ril 20, 2005? Autopsy results: Gunshot transected aorta FOWLER trigger." SAccording to two others at the Continued from page 1 scene, sitting in a truck outside the residence, about ten minutes getting in, but he busted through after Bain went inside, the door before he could get it "Fowler came out with a shotgun shut. and said that he shot him. (The "Fowler also stated that he kept witness) said Fowler was 'freaking telling Bain to quit, that he wasn't out.' (The witness) said that fighting him, and to get out of his Fowler said, 'Bain jumped on me house. Fowler said that Bain just and I told him I was gonna shoot kept on saying, 'I'm going to kill him if he didn't get off me.'" you.' When they were both in the Both witnesses later told law bedroom, Fowler said he didn't enforcement that Fowler, at that think about the gun until he saw time, said, 'I see what kind of Bain look at it." friends ya'll are, bringing him to a "I saw him look at the gun and I fight. (I) ought to shoot ya'll." saw it and Luckily I was right' Taylor County law enforcement beside it and I grabbed it.' Fowler was called to the scene, which, in said he wasn't sure if Bain actually turn, called an investigative unit got hold of the gun or not, but he from the Florida Department of was able to get it away from him. :-:''Law Enforcement (FDLE), who He said Bain reached to grab the aided a crime scene investigation. gun again and he told Bain to quit On Feb. 21, Lee said Bain's and get out and to leave him:,',' autopsy results revealed that his alone. aorta had been transected and that. "Fowler said that Bain said .. "Bain could not have survived for something about his girlfriend and, more than 15 to 20 seconds after that's when he went to grab the::':' the gunshot." gun again and it was at this point,.. Phelps said Tuesday that he was trying to get to the door av,.'\ not surprised by the Grand Jury's from Bain, when he pulled the findings and that the "Taylor 'Mail-out poll' chosen STRAW BALLOT Continued from page 1 number of "hot button" issues to a . "straw ballot" vote. "How much would a straw' ballot cost?" Mayor Pam Feagle asked City Manager Bill Brynes Monday. "I don't have any idea," he said S"One option, then, would be to take those same questions and mail them out with the (city) water bills and see what people think that-way,"Feagle suggested. "We may get a better response doing that, because I don't think a lot of people would come out to vote (just on the issues)," Councilman Sylvester Harris said. "If you have a special mailing. then you'll reach more people. If you do it the other way (straw' ballot), you get only registered voters," Brynes said. "We estimate it would cost the ciit"5ny'ii; $23'.700 to-'t-aiairha'lil .out....while you're talking about, thousands of dollars for an' election," he continued. At that, Feagle passed the gavel and made a motion to go with a "'mail out poll" versus a straw ballot election. SThe motion passed unanimously with Feagle, Harris, Councilman Alphonso Dowdell and 'Councilwoman Emily Ketring \oring in favor. -Councilman Doug E erett was not present. "By doing this; we will also ha.e a lot more'time and not be in a spot to get something done before our' regular city election (June 14)," Ketring noted. Feagle asked council members to submit their suggestions for the ballot to Brynes before the council's next meeting so that a list could be compiled for consideration. Other factors to be discussed Tuesday will be determining who the questionnaires will be mailed to and, "if you send it to an address, who is going to answer it?" Brynes asked. County Sheriff's Office, and in particularly Lt. Ron Rice and Lee, had done an outstanding job in their investigation. Wrap-up party set for May 12 RELAY Continued from page 1 cardboard stand-ups of celebrities including Marilyn Monroe and John Wayne. --St. James Episcopal Church offered Beanie Babies and food, as well as cancer preventing advice in the form of 10 commandments. --The "Hobos" team sent traveling hobos around the track begging for donations from passing walkers. ' :-Friends United for a Cure provided their version of the set of the TV show "Friends," complete with couches, as they sold friendship bracelets. Participants were also offered a chance by TCHS Key Club members to relieve some stress by taking a swing at an old van for $1. As the light waned, luminaria bags, each representing a cancer survivor or someone who had lost their battle with the disease, were lit. At 9 p.m., the lights were turned out and a prayer was given, the bags forming a ring of- flickering lights in the darkness. By Saturday morning, collected receipts of $66,667 were reported by the groups, with the Logging for a Cure team taking home top honors at the top fundraiser at $16,710. Rounding out the top teams were: First United Methodist teams, $4,650 each (total $9,300); St. James Episcopal, $4,630; Buckeye, $4, 630; Taylor County Elementary, $2,604; and Friends United for a Fight, $2,513. A Relay Wrap-Up Party will be 'held Thursday, May 12. ai 6:30; ; p.m., at First United Methodist Church. 2005 Chevrolet An-A erca Colorado I iReoui Ext. Cab Stock #04 *Dealer retains rebates. Only add taxes & license. A project of Chamber of Commerce Perry/Taylor County VILLAGE PROFILES CHAM BER MAP Call: (850) 5 84-5366 ; ' " It's that time again... Time to print our Chamber of Commerce City, County, Travel & Relocation MAP. Representatives Mr. Gail C. or Mrs. M.j. Ledebur from VILLAGE PROFILE will be calling or visiting you. This is the ONLY map that the Chamber of Commerce sponsors and the ONLY official map of PERRY/TAYLOR COUNTY. The Chamber would appreciate your support for this two-year map. The Chamber received 8000 maps two years ago and we are nearly out. This year we are ordering 8ooo plus maps. The map is the main document in our relocation and vacation packets plus what we hand out at all fairs and functions. Please give a friendly welcome to our Village Profile representatives when they call or visit your business. Invite them to come by and explain the benefits this map will offer you. The following advertisers have gotten their names on the list as of April 13, 2005: ACCENT EYECARE ACE HARDWARE (STEINHATCHEE) ALUMINUM MARINE PRODUCTS ANCHOR TRUST PROPERTIES BARNETT REALTY BATES HYDRAULIC/PERRY GOLDEN PAWN BAY BREEZE REALTY BUCKEYE COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION BUDDY'S HOME FURNISHINGS CAPITAL CITY BANK CLARK OIL COMPANY COMCAST CABLEVISION DOCTORS' MEMORIAL HOSPITAL FIDDLERS RESTAURANT PELICAN POINTE LODGE GOODMAN'S REAL PIT BAR-B-QUE GRADY MOORE REALTY GULF COAST BEACH REALTY GUNRUNNER HAMPTON INN HEAVENLY FLOORS HUDDLE HOUSE JOE P. BURNS FUNERAL HOME M.H. RATLIFF LAND SURVEYING MAMA'S ITALIAN FAMILY RESTAURANT OLD MEXICO MEXICAN RESTAURANT PENNYLANE COMPUTERS PERRY NEWSPAPERS, INC. PROFESSIONAL REALTY COMPANY SEA HAG MARINA SISTERS' MERCANTILE GIFTS & TEA ROOM STATE FARM INA PADGETT STATE FARM JIM TEDDER STEINHATCHEE RIVERGATE STRICKLY CELLULAR-NEXTEL TAYLOR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE TIMBERLAND FORD UNITED COUNTRY SAWGRASS REALTY VISION ARTS EYECARE CENTER WASHING WELL CLEANERS ~I I ~ CI I a I I- IIL II I-I __ I I Sports A-6 The Taco Times April 20, 2005 -! - .Bulldogs send 13to regionals 5 district cham The Taylor County High track seconds) and fourth in the long team produced five district jump. Kiesha Jones was fourth in champions and will send nine t athletes to the state regionals after C 0 :last Thursday in Fort White. SNine boys and four girls will Travel to Jacksonrville Bowles this SThursday for the regional meet. e SAmong them will be sophomore STrabrea Hill, who won first place The Ninth Annual -Citizens Sin the 100 meter dash (12.34 Bank 4-Ball Golf Tournament is Secondss, the 200 meters (27.04 set td get underway this weekend Seconds) and was a member of the at Perry Golf and Country Club 4x100 district champion relay with a full field expected to team (53.24 seconds). Other compete. Members of the relay team include Recent rains have hampered SNakida Cook, Veronica Fillmore preparations for the, tournament, Sand Tambrika Flowers. but organizer Marvin Brooks said Flowers also won a district title the course should be very playable iiin the high jump (5-2), placed by this weekend, third in the 10.0 meters (13.44 "The crews have worked hard Bulldogs drop 2 I: as season nearS The Taylor County High the fourth, scoring 7 runs. Baseball team dropped its second Rusty Walker took the loss for straight game Monday, an 11-3 the 'Dogs, pitching 3 1/3 innings I, decision to state-ranked North while giving up 7 runs on four hits Florida Christian. and three walks. He struck out 3. That loss followed Friday's 6-2 Brice.Cade came on in relief defeat to Wakulla in a key district and gave up three more runs. matchup. Josiah Anderson pitched 2 2/3 S"We were trying to battle for Sone of the top three seeds in the district tournament but, more than -likely, we will end up. facing the .same Wakulla team again," TCHS S; Bulldog Coach Richard Carr said. Friday's loss to Wakulla B ase -:dropped Taylor County to 5-4 in all S.district play with. one contest remaining this Friday at. district DATE TEAM '-leader Suwannee (5-2). The Feb. 22 Hamilton - district tourney is slated to begin March 1 Madison May 1 at Florida High. In Friday's gjmer at WIkuflA, tiei _- Bulldogs. as has been. the case in -each district loss, led in the first -: inning but saw the lead vanish. TCHS had scoring opportunities .in each of the first fit e innings but z managed only a lone run in the '"first and third. The 'Dogs only managed two hits in the contest, those coming from Alex Kramer and Cody Walker. Carr said Wakulla's pitcher was the hardest thrower his team has faced this season but the War Eagle hurler did walk eight batters. Even so, the Bulldogs could not capitalize. Miguel Parga started on the mound and took the loss despite having one of his best outings of the year, Carr said. Parga pitched 5 1/3 innings,, striking out eight while walking three. Of the five runs scored against him, only one was earned. Rusty Walker came on in relief, giving up one run on one hit while striking out one and walking one. "Miguel (Parga) had one of his best outings of the year but we made five errors and just did not hit the ball during our scoring opportunities," Carr said. In Monday's game, the Bulldogs came back in the bottom of the third to tie NFC 3-3 before the Crusaders blew the game open in March 4 March 11 March 14- March 22 March 29 April 8 April 11 April 12 April 15 April 19 April 22 ps at track meet the high, jump (4-4). Fillmore grabbed second in the 400 meters Bank golf s set to go and I expect the course to be in as good a shape as it has ever been," Brooks said. The 36-hole tournament, which concludes Sunday, will feature 96 golfers competing in six flights in the two-man, best-ball format. The tournament's championship flight will feature several pro golfers as well as some of the top amateurs in North Florida. straight its end innings and gave up one run. Kramer came on to pitch a scoreless seventh inning. The Bulldogs accounted for six hits with Kramer and Joey Jarvis getting two each followed by Anderson and Davis Crews with one each. )05 Jayvee Schedule PLACE Home Away "Waakua Home Suwannee Tournament Rickards Away Dixie (DH) Home Florida High Away Suwannee Home Madison Home Wakulla Away Rickards Home Suwannee Away I Home games shade TIME/RESULT 12-0 W 8-11 L 0-4 L/2-8 L/14-4 W 13-1 W 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 5 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. with a time of 1:06.24. The top four finishers in each event qualified for the regional meet. Seven schools competed in the district meet with Taylor County placing third in both the boys and girls team competitions. The boys 4x100 relay team captured the district title with a time of 43.64 seconds. Team members include Keith Stewart, Toney Powell, Lagarrette Blount and Tradelvan Whetsel. Whetsel also placed third in the 100 meter dash (11.14) and second in the 200 meters (23.04), while Stewart was second in the 400 meters (53.60). The TCHS boys also placed second in the 4x800 relay.event (9:44.14) and the 4x400 relay (3:51.54). Members of the 4x800 team include Leroy Williams, Jamar McIntyre, Sebastian Ingram' and Dereke Franklin. The 4x400 team consists of Stewart, Powell, Williams and Franklin. Tyrone Nealy will compete in three distance events in the regionals following his performances on the district level. Nealy placed third in the 1600 meters (5:04.04), fourth in the 800 meters and second in the 3200 meters (11:40.24). Three members of the boys team will be competing in field events at the regionals after placing in last week's district meet. Blount was second in the long jump (21-4.25) and third in the shot put (53-02). Williams, placed third in the high jump (5-10) while Powell was fourth in the triple jump (39-00.25). Members of the Bulldog track team placing in the top four at the regionals will advance to the state ,track meet April 30 in Coral Springs, according to track Coach Ed Harvey. 2005 TCHS Varsity Baseball Schedule DATE TEAM PLACE TIME/RESULT Feb. 14-19 Rickards Preseason Classic TBA Feb. 17 vs. Florida High 0-4 L Feb 18 vs. Rickards 13-1 W Feb. 22 Hamilton Home 15-5 W Feb. 25 NFC Away Rainout March 1 Madison Away 3-5 L March 4 Florida High Home 4-2 W March 7 NFC Away (makeup) 9-9 dark March 10 Godby Away 1-11 L March 11 Wakulla Home 5-1 W March 15 E. Gadsden Away 10-0 W March 17 NFC Home Rainout March 18 Suwannee Home 4-8 L March 22 Rickards Away Rainout March 29 Dixie (DH) Home 3-4 L; 13=0 W April 1 Hamilton Away Rainout April 5 E. Gadsden Home 18-1 W April 8 Florida High Away 8-11 L April 12 Madison Home 4-1 W April 15 Wakulla Away 2-6 L April 18 NFC Home 3-11 L April 19 Rickards Home 7p.m. April 22 Suwannee Away 7 p.m. April 28 .Godby Away. 4 p.m. May 1-5 District Tourney @ Florida High TBA Coach Richard Carr Home games shaded District games bold LIMITED TIME OFFER SEE DEALER FOR DE COMPLETE GAS SERVICE Only INCLUDES: 11 o Normal Installation S* 6 Months Free Tank Rent 11. 500 50 GALLONS OF GAS AmneriGas Hwv. 14. Madison,, Florida 973-221 TAILS )ta 8 Thirteen Candles Thirteen Candles on a birthday cake, it's a sign of this wonderful age... The world is your playground, growing up you'll see That this is your day, so make it what you want it to be. So listen up girl, You know it's true That God made you special and we're so proud of you. Time to begin a new age all because of thirteen candles on your birthday. HAPPY 13H BIRTHDAY TESSA April 20, 2005 Love, Your Big Sis Cameron FLINT EQUIPMENT .COMPANY WANTED Competitive Salary Insurance Paid Holidays Vacation Sick Leave If interested, call 850-584-9200 Ask for Vance Flint Equipment Co. is a Equal Opportunity Employer and a Drug Free Workplace JoHNDEERE - __ LI ___ I Religion Eagle of the Cross Bishop John Ricard, S.S.J., D.D., presents Melissa Carter, left, the Eagle of the Cross Award at the Pensacola Tallahassee Diocese Catholic Youth Conference held recently in Destin. The award seeks to recognize outstanding teens "who exemplify Christian service, Catholic leadership and good moral standards." Obituaries A-7 The Taco Church slates antique car show Spring revival begins Monday The Perry First Church of God on Highway 221 North will begin Spring Revival services on Monday, April 25, continuing through Sunday, May 1. The evangelist will be Mike Hicks from Live Oak. Everyone is invited. Antique Car Show slated The Church of God of Prophecy will host an Antique Car Show and Barbecue with live gospel music on Saturday, April 23. Feartred groups Do you know the loop that's called confusion? t t I s f s .l h a i Walter Richard c Sheffield p Walter Richard Sheffield, 60, died April 14, 2005. a A native and lifelong resident of M Taylor County, he was a member b of Lakeside Baptist Church. Mr. n Sheffield previously worked as road director for the Couniy Road Department in Perr\ for many\ \~ejrs Sur\ ivor, include: hi,- wife of 42 \cjrs. Janie Sheffield of Lamont: itwo sons. Jerr\ Sheffield and Bradlel Sheffield. both of Perr;: four brothers. Ed Sheffield. Oils Sheffield. John Sheffield and Roscoe Sheffield, all of Perry: io 'isters. Donis Pruin and Noretta Sheffield. both of Perr\: fie grandchildren: and a host of nieces and nephe~s. * -. Ftuner-alI- e-epvices -re' Monda.. April 18. at Joe P. Burns Funeral Home \~uih Sreven Ruff and Dennis Olson officiating Interment follo%\ed at Oakland Church Cemetery . Family members received friends Sunday from 5 until 8 p.m. at Burns Funeral Home, which was in :charge of .the arrangements. Almeade Collins Hoffman Almeade Collins Hoffman, 98, a retired school teacher and homemaker, died April 11, 2005. She was born May 2, 1906, in Perry : and. had resided in Apalachicola for the past 73 years. Survivors include: one daughter. Carolyn Martina of Apalachicola; two brothers, George A. Collins Jr. of Perry and J. Ernest Collins of P'or St. Lucie; eighi nephews; two nieces; and a host of' ,-* Please see page 8 3y B.D. WILLIAMS "There is no way I can make it without God. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens ne." (Phi 4:13) The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called, failure, a loop called confusion, a speed bump called friends, red ights called enemies and cautions rights called family. You will have a flat called job, but if you have a spare called determination, .n engine called perseverance, insurance called faith and a driver called Jesus, you will make it to a lace called success. The revival meeting didn't start t Little St. John M.B. Church Monday night, April 18, but will ,egin at a later date. Watch the net spaper for a new date. Mrs. Thelma Newberry of Perry and Mrs. Elesta Pritchett of Greenville are back after attending the Grand Lodge last weekend in Jacksonville. They reported a grand session. Mrs. Pauline Crowder went to New York over a week ago to be at the bedside of her sick brother, Mr. Perice Crowder. He died and the funeral was held Friday, April 1. Mrs. Crowder has returned home. Let us call, visit and pray for the sick and shut-in. :Ori the first Saturday, May 7, the First Bethlehem Association Youth Fun Day will be held in Tallahassee. All youth of the churches of First Bethlehem District are expected to be present to enjoy the fun. Robert M. Hendry Sunday, May 1 SShad ve Methodist Church SPENOX Wide Spectrum Filtration System Removes IRON, TANNIN, SULFUR, MANGANESE and TURBIDITY. Kills BACTERIA Eliminates BAD TASTE, BAD ODOR and LAUNDRY & FIXTURE STAINS. Our systems are tailored to your particular needs All are LOW COST, LOW MAINTENANCE. GUARANTEED. Call today for FREE WATER TEST. S: No obligation. Prices $695 to $1995 IRON-FREE Well Water Company, Inc. Lisa McKinney, 850-584-5750 Representative 800-437-1128 Taylor County Christian Academy' would like to honor. Amelia Danielle Palmer for her special achievements. Danielle will be a graduate of the 2005 class, graduating with an outstanding 4.0 GPA. She has accomplished a total of 26 credits. She is an outstanding example of what one can be if they put their mind to it. At the :age of 15, Danielle has accomplished above and beyond what. is required for graduation. She has decided that "Destiny is :not a matter'of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not something to be waited for, but, rather, something to be achieved." (Quote: William Jennings Bryan) We at Taylor County Christian Academy are dedicated to the educating of our students. We are here to encourage and to edify each student to their fullest potential. We want to congratulate Danielle on a job well-done and wish her all the best in the future. will include The Crimson Flow and Fishers of Men. Donations for $2 tickets will be received for door prizes including gift certificates from local businesses.. The event gets underway at 11 a.m. and continues until 5 p.m. The Rev. Ray C. Chandler, pastor of the church, extends a cordial invitation. The church is located at 1304 N. Jefferson St. Spirit of Unity service is Sunday Restoration Faith Center will hold its Fourth Sunday "Spirit of Unity" service on April 24 at 4 p.m. featuring Prophetess Gail Oliver of Potter's House Ministries. This service replaces the regularly scheduled 10 a.m. worship. Hungry for spaghetti? Lighthouse Revival Center will have a spaghetti dinner on Friday, April 22, from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. to benefit the church's building fund. Dinners cost $5 and include spaghetti, salad, garlic bread and dessert. You may pick-up or request delivery by calling 223-3884. (If you wish to place an order before Friday, please call 223-1599 and ask for Vivian.) Diabetes Educational., Workshop Community Wide Invitation Speakers: Ruth Cuzzort, Registered Dietician Randy Hearne, ARNP Saturday, April 23 12:00 2:00 p.m. Jerkins Community Center 1201 W. Martin Luther King Ave. Perry c Lunch w/ilbe provided DIABETES--YOU AND YOUR FAMILY Sponsored by: New Brooklyr Missionary Baptist Church Health Ministry Rev. Donald L. McBride, Pastor RSVP as soon as possible if you plan to attend. .For more information contact: Almira Anderson, RN 584-5266 Dannette Turner, RN 584-3117 Barbara Steadman 584-2747 Times April 20, 2005 Deadline for local chJreh news is 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday & Thursdays. News is published as space is available. i~2 E FOCUS ON At Nature Coast EyeCare Institute we're focused on making it easier than ever to keep your family's vision as healthy as possible. We now accept most insurances,'- including MEDICAID. We also provide convenient hours - for your child's WELL-VISION APPOINTMENTS - After School. Our newest medical staff addition, TIFFANY TORRANS, OD continues our Nature Coast tradition of providing your family with comprehensive, compassionate care of the highest quality. You'll feel confident you are receiving the very best in care. At Nature Coast EyeCare Institute we're focused on you, and your vision. Best of all we're right here in your hometown. Call our friendly staff at (850) 584-2778 for an appointment today!' OUR SPECIALTIES INCLUDE: Eye Exams Cataract Surgery Laser Vision Correction LASIK . State-of-the Art Facilities & Techniques Laser Glaucoma Surgery - Diabetic Eye Treatment I I II .Rodmono SDarbor Shop S 584-8413 HAIRCUTS $9.00 Located at the corner of Green Farm Rd. & Hwy; 221 NEW HOURS: TUES.-FRI. 9-6 CLOSED MONDAY, SAT. 8-NOON In A lemo/! of Our Loving Husbadand n Father Billy Ray Spivey April 14, 1926 April 15, 2005 ~l~p('-9 I II- A-8 The Taco Times April 20, 2005 Feagle complains about 'negative press' MEMORIAL PARK Continued from page 1 $50,000 parking lot--which left us at $409,000. We currently have $350,000 in the Veterans Memorial Park bank account and whenyou add in the .additional $100,000 committed -by the county, we have $450,000. So we need to make it clear that we don't have a $730,000 project planned and we do plan to stay within our budget means," Feagle said. "This project has received a lot of negative press and I think it's time-to be positive about it," he concluded. After Feagle wrapped up his presentation, Mayor Pam Feagle, his wife and chairman of the Veterans Memorial Park Committee, asked, "Are there any questions on the budget? Does everybody understand what he said?" While council members offered no questions relating to the budget, some did express their concern for how other areas of the project have been handled. "When we have asked about the park, we were not told that a project manager had been hired and added to city staff. I found out about it by reading it in the newspaper and felt that we should be given all the information, especially after asking about it a couple of times (during open council meetings)," Councilwoman Emily Ketring said. "It happened in October (hiring of a project manager) and at that time I discussed it with our city attorney, who said he saw no problem with it and only Obituaries (Continued from page A-7) great nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Hal Hoffman. Funeral services were held Thursday, April 14, at First United Methodist Church in Apalachicola. Veta E. Dees Pinson Vela Elizabeth Dees Pinson, 54, a homemaker, died April 16, She had lived in Perry since 1955-and was a member of First United Methodist Church. She helped re-organize the Taylor County Special Olympics. Survivors include: her husband,, Charles Pinson of Perry; one son, Lee Pinson of Perry; two brothers, Richard Dees of Vero Beach and Chad- Dees of: Perry; one sister, Kay Parker of Perry; and her mother, Mary Dees of Perry. Funeral services were held Monday, April 18, at 2 p.m. at First-United Methodist Church in Perry .Family members received friends Monday from 1 until 2 p.nt.prior. to the service. : Memorial donations may be made to Special Olympics c/o Wachovia Bank,.200 W. Main St., Perry, FL 32347; or First United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 487, Perry, FL 32348. -Beggs Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements. Betty Green Crisp Betty Green Crisp, 73, of Wauchula, died April 15, 2005. Born May 13, 1931, in Perry, she moved to Wauchula in 1993 from Deltona. She was a homemaker and member of First Christian Church in Wauchula. She was preceded in death by her, husband, Charles E. Crisp; a son, Robert Brown; and a brother, James L. Green. Survivors include: three brothers, Billy Green of Wauchula, Clarence Green of Daytona Beach and Ted Green of Perry; two sisters, Kathleen Becker of Port Orange and Marcele Komniars of Canton, Mich.; and a sister-in-law, Cathryo Green of Crystal River. Funeral services were held Monday, April 18, at First Christian Church in Wauchula. Interment followed at Forest Meadows Memorial Park in Gainesville. Family members received friends Stiutdtay firom 6 t'util 7 p.m. at Robarts Family Funeral Home in Wauchula. Memorial donations may be made to First Christian Church, 1211 Louisiana St., Wauchula, FL 33873; or Good Shepherd Hospice, P.O. Box 1273, Wauchula, FL 33873. Robarts Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements. Everything this committee has done has been honest and open," she continued. "The only issue I have is the council being informed," Ketring said. "Are you satisfied with the answer? Are you satisfied with what you were trying to find out?," Feagle said. "Yes, but I'd like to say that as a council we need to be clear on questioned how we would handle workman's comp. We addressed that by hiring him (the project manager) as a part-time city employee," City Manager Bill Brynes said. As for not telling the council about hiring the project manager, Brynes said, "I messed up big time. I messed up by forgetting (to tell you) that he had been hired. He's been doing the work since October. It never crossed my mind." "My concern is that the council should have been informed. It is something that should have come up here," Ketring said. "Isn't that position temporary? " (Richard) Feagle interjected. "It doesn't matter. The bottom line is, if it's a city park, this council needs to be presented with all information," Councilman Doug Everett said. "That is the purpose for it being , on the agenda tonight. Ask all the questions...we want to set the record straight," (Pam) Feagle said. "We are not trying to hide anything. It was just a lapse of memory on Mr. Brynes' part. SAE: 'Av SK DN-L: being informed when we commit to a project," Ketring said. "That's all that can be said. What's done is done," Councilman Alphonso Dowdell said. 1 p15TH ANNUAL,, .7* Saturday, April 23 10:00am to 7pm F: ETIVAL AO~I- A4S4rbhC LY C ird(;I :U- V nDn~~pa y ADMISSION IS FREE Sunday, April 24 10am to 4pm h IAREIRS Perry Square 2030 S. Jefferson St. 850-584-8144 * subject to credit approval and a minimum credit rating score. Minimum '699 purchase required. finance charges and optional insurance charges will accrue from date of purchase, but finance charges will be rebated if the amount financed and an earned insurance charges are d in fulwithin .12 months of the purchase date. Delinquency in monthly payments beyond 30 days will result in orfeiture of no interest promotion. Finance charges will vary by state. With approved credit. Terms do not apply to prior purchases. Offer expires April 23, 2005. See store for full details. Allow 6 to 8 weeks for special orders. Eligibility for shopping sprees: Open to resident of the United States who are 18 years of age or greater except employees of Warehouse Home Furnishings Distributors Inc., its subsidiaries and their immediate linII, 'mIsrrlei e lim, s defined as: Employee's mother, father, spouse, children, brother, sister or brother's or sister s spouse or children), and Warehouse Home Furnishings children, brother, sister or brother's or s.stIrs ,pc.ue or childienl. and Warehouse Home Furnishings Distributors, Inc. affiliates, subsidiaries, or advertising agencies. Sale ends at dosing on April 23, 2005. '~4-n ~ mYrprir .' eIt~rliil~R~E- i Fine Art & Crafts Seafood Wildlife Exhibits Live Music Sand Sculptors Costumed Pet Parade Festival located on Marine Street along Carrabelle's Riverwalk For information call The Carrabelle Area Chamber of Commerce (850) 697-2585 I ---- ill ' CALENDAR Amvets Post 20, ladies auxilliary and Sons of AMVETS meet 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m., at 2499 Woods Creek Road. American Legion, Steinhatchee Post 291, fourth Tues. 8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are 'held Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays (closed), 8 p.m., at Heritage House on Washington Street, across from public library; and another AA group who meets Monday, Wednesdays and Thursdays at Serenity House, located at 1260 Hwy. 98 West, across from the BP station at 8 p.m. AL-ANON, St. James Episcopal Church (in library), Wednesdays 12 noon to 1 p.m.; 584-2146. Thursday at 6:30 for beginners meeting with regular meeting at 7 p.m. The Way: Christ centered recovery group, meets on Fridays at 7 p.m. at Serenity House on Hwy., 98 W., across from BP Station. Open to alcoholics, addicts, family members and friends. AARP: last Wed., 10 a.m. at First Baptist Church. Airport Advisory Commission. 4th Monday, 12 noon, Perry-Foley Airport. American Legion Post #96 1st Tues., 7 p.m., American Legion Hall, Center Street. Big Bend' Hospice Advisory Council: 4th Tues., noon, 107 East 'Green Street. Chamber of Commerce: third Thurs., 8 a.m., chamber board room. City Council: 2nd and 4th Tues. at 5:30 p.m. Civil Air Patrol (CAP): 2nd and 4th Mon., 7 p.m., main hanger at airport. County Commission: first Mon. and third Tues. at 6 p.m., courthouse annex: Diabetes classes every Tuesday, 2 p.m., Doctors' Memorial Hospital. FAMU Alumni Chapter, second Mon., 7 p.m., Jerkins Center. Perry Masonic Lodge 123, meets first and third Monday nights, 7:30 p.m. Girl Scouts Service Unit: first Thurs., 6:30 p.m. Scout Hut. Healthy Start Coalition: fourth Mon., 9 a.m., Taylor County School District Administrative Office Complex. Historical Society: open Thursday afternoons, 1-5 p.m. Home Educators League of Perry (HELP): second Thurs., 1:30 p.m., Forest Capital Hall. 584-8553 or 584- 9207. Humane Society of Taylor County, 2nd Wednesday, 6 p.m., Forest Capital Hall. Juvenile Justice Council:. third Thurs., 9 a.m., at Juvenile Justice Office, 1719 S. Jefferson. Taylor Coastal Communities Association meets each 2nd Tuesday of month, 7 p.m. at the Keaton Beach Hot Dog Stand.. Kiwanis Club: Wednesdays, noon, Joyce's MainStreet Cafe. La Leche League International: 2nd Wed., 10:30 a.m., Taylor County Public Library. Lady Elks: second Thurs., 8 F rm Elks Lodge. . Main Street Perry: First Monday of each month, Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce at noon. Mothers of Pre-Schoolers: first and .third Fri. Call 584-3826. Muskogee Creek Indian Nation: 2nd and 4th Sat., 7 p.m. Tribal grounds, Lyman Hendry Road. Muskogee Creek Indian Tribe: Oak Hill Village on Woods Creek Road, 1st Sat. Narcotics Anonymous: Wednesdays, 8 p.m., at 1260 W. Hwy. 98; at Serenity House (dirt road across from BP Station). These are open meetings to Ih.-'.e interested inaddiction. Call 223-0036. NAACP: 2nd Sun., 6 p.m.,' New Brooklyn Missionary Baptist Church. National Wild Turkey Federation (Yellow Piine Drummers), holds open monthly on first Thursday, Golden Corral,' 7 p.m. 584-9185 Optimist Club: Thurs., noon at Joyce's Mainstreet Cafe. Perry Garden Club: third Wed., 10 a.m. Perry Elks Lodge: Tues., 8 p.m. Perry Lodge #187: 1st, 3rd Wed., 7 p.m., Masonic Hall. Perry Lodge 123, F&AM, first and third Monday nights, 7:30 p.m. Perry Woman's Club 2nd Wed., noon (Sept. May; subject to change).- Perry Shrine Club: 4th Thurs., 7 p.m. (club house on Courtney Road) Planning Board: .1st Thurs., 6 p.m. Courthouse arnn.. (,i:ld posl office). Republican Party of Taylor County: To keep abreast of Republican news, e- mail Tommie Stanaland at tstanaland@yahoo.com or call 584-8815. Rotary Club: .Tues., noon at B. J.'s Downtown Cafe. School Board: 1st and 3rd Tues., 7 p.m. SHARE distribution: 4th Sat., 10 a.m. Social Security: representatives, 2nd Tues., 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon, courthouse' annex. Sons of Confederate Veterans 'meets fourth Tuesday at VFW Post on Center Street, 7 p.m. Taylor Adult Program (TAP): Thurs.' 10 a.m., 502 N. Center Street. 223-0393. Taylor Coastal Water and Sewer: 3rd Wed. at 18820 Beach Road, 5 p.m. Taylor County Task Force Against Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault: 4th Wed., 12 noon at Joyce's Mainstreet Cafe. Community B-1 The Taco Times April 20, 2005 Taylor County Democratic Party meets the third Monday, 7 p.m. at the Golden Corral. Call 584-9656 or 584- 3617. Taylor Development Council: 2nd Wed. 4 p.m., at Chamber, Taylor County Development Authority: 2nd Mon., 5 p.m. at Chamber. Taylor CountyAmateur Radio Club: 1st Monday, 7 p.m., Division of Forestry office, 618 Plantation Road. Taylor County Habitat for Humanity, 'Inc.: board meeting, 2nd Tues., 5:30 p.m., Room 208, Capital City Bank. Taylor County Historical Society: 3rd Mon., 7 p.m. Historical Society building. Taylor County Horseman's Association Horse Show: 2nd Sat., 10 a.m. Arena located on Bishop Blvd. VFW Post #9225: 2nd Tues., 7 p.m. (American Legion building). Cadets honored during ceremony .The Taylor County High School JROTC held its annual awards ceremony Wednesday, April 13, to celebrate the achievements of its members during the school year. In front of parents, relatives, Cadet Major Tuesday Casey and Cdt. SSG Tedrick White received the academic achievement ribbon, presented to those students who maintain an "A" average (or, a 4.0 gpa) in all academic subjects during any grading period. and Davis earned an automatic and has demonstrated potential promotion' to the rank of staff for outstanding leadership." This sergeant. year's award winners were Cadet Each year the student who has PFC Justin Mortz and Cadet excelled in military and scholastic Private Savannah Whiddon. endeavors and who has participated The Daughters of the American in extra curricular activities and -Revolution presented an award to a SU. .. a .., r Taylor County High School JROTC cadets stand at attention during.a recent awards ceremony. school officials arid special guests, students were singled 'out for awards and promotions. Representatives from military and veterans groups were on hand to give out awards from their organizations. TCHS Principal Michael Thompson and Superintendent Oscar M. Howard Jr. also presented several of the a\\ards Cadet Major Tuesday Casey and Cadet SFC Tasha Gipson received the "Distinguished Cadet Award," given to the two cadets who maintain the highest academic average among all cadets in both first and second terms. Each ear selected cadets receive the JROTC academic excellence 'award. These awards recognize thtosistudents whose academic achteemenis place them at the head of their class. .Awardees were: Cadet Colonel Chris Ricketson, Cdt. Major Tuesday Casev. Cdt. Master Sergeant William Wright, Cdt. SSG Tedrick White, Cadet Colonel Kayleen Marshall 'Cdt. SFC Tasha Gipson, Cdt. PFC Brittany Hawes. Cdt. PFC Ricky Wilson and Cdl. PFC Thomas Dykes. The Senior Army Instructor Ribbon, given to those cadets who have displayed the highest degree of leadership throughout the year, was presented to Cadet Colonel Chris Ricketson, Cadet Colonel Kayleen Marshal, Cadet Corporal Jessica Weatherly, Cadet Major Tuesday Casey, Cadet SFC Seth Mardis, Cadet Command Sergeant Maior Jon Rose, Cadet Master Sergeant William Wright, Cadet Brittany Whitt, Cadet PFC Ben Davis, Cadet SFC Patricia Davis, Cadet PFC Brittany Hawes, Cadet Corporal Patrick Whitt, Cadet PFC Justin' Mortz, Cadet Private laura Wright, Cadet PFC Savannah Whiddon and Cadet Jim Arnold. This year's "Department of the Army,,_JRQoTC_ Superior Cadet Award," given to the most outstanding cadet in each year of JROTC based- on overall academic and military records, was given to five cadets this year. They were: Cadet Colonel Kayleen Marshall, Cadet Major Tuesday Casey, Cadet PFC Ben'Davis, Cadet Corporal Patrick Whitt and Cadet Command Sergeant Maljor Jonathan Rose. \\ith this a\kard. cadets Whltt who has shown "a desire to serve our great nation" is presented the "Military Order of World Wars Award." The medal and certificate were presented to Cadet SSG Jerrett Broghton. The certificate only was presented to Cadet Jim Arnold. The Sons of the American Revolution presented awards .to Cadet Corporal Jessica Weatherly and Cadet Private Laura Wright. for "demonstrating qualities of dependability and good character and adherence to and patriotic understanding of the importance of ROTC training." This year the American Legion presented four awards--two for general military excellence and two for scholastic excellence. The General Militar\ Excellence Award was presented to Cadet Major Tuesday' Casey and Cadet Command Sergeant Major Jon Rose. The Scholastic Excellence Award went to Cadet Second Lieutenant Stephanie Punda, and Cadet SFC Seirra Gray. The National Sojourners present an award annually to the cadet who "demonstrates most the. ideal of Aiericanism by deed and conduct cadet "who has demonstrated qualities of dependability and good character and adherence to and patriotic understanding ,of the importance of JROTC training." This award was presented to Cadet Private Ashley Taylor and Cadet PFC Amber Browning. This year the Veterans ,of Foreign Wars presented awards to two cadets who demonstrated outstanding leadership throughout the year. They were Cadet Master Sergeant Seth Mardis and Cadet SSG Patrick Whitt. The Reserve Officers Association Award is presented to the ,cadet "who displays exceptional leadership, loyalty and dedication to school, country, and JROTC." This year it was presented to Cadet Sergeant First SClass Patricia Davis. SThe Military Officers Association presents an award to the cadet who excels both in leadership and scholarship. The award was presented to Cadet SSG Crystal Moody. The United' States Army Recruiting Command awarded Cadet Master Sergeant William Wright for "exceptional leadership From TCMS and outstanding contributions to the corps of cadets." The American Veterans of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam (AMVETS) Award is presented to the cadet "who is most diligent in the discharge of duties and has demonstrated a willingness to serve both God and country for the mutual benefit of all." The award, as well as a $50.00 savings bond, was given to Cadet Colonel Kayleen Marshall. The Order of Daedalians, a fraternity of commissioned military pilots from all military services, offered an award to "encourage the development of the spirit of patriotism, love of country and those high ideals of self-sacrifice which place service to the nation above personal safety and position in JROTC cadets, and to interest them in a military career." The medal was presented to Cadet Brandon Elliott. The Scottish Rite Award was presented to Cadet PFC Thomas Dykes for "demonstrating outstanding ideals of Americanism, academic excellence, and leadership." The Military Order of the Purple Heart presented Cadet Colonel Chris Ricketson an award for "demonstrating exceptional qualities of leadership in the corps of cadets." The Noncommissioned Officers Association presented two awards to the top cadet noncommissioned officers in the corps of cadets: Cadet Master Sergeant William Wright and Cadet Sergeant Tedrick White. Each year a plaque is given to the commander of the Bulldog Battalion in appreciation "for their leadership and selfless service to the school and corps of cadets." This year it was given to Cadet Col:'nel Chric, Ricketson Anid Cadet Colonel Kayleen Marshall. TABE offered TABE (Test of Adult Basic Education) will be given at NFCC Technical Center on Monday, April 25, beginning at 6 p.m.; and Tuesday, April 26, beginning .at 1:30 p.m. Honor students listed Leading the way Local police, Sheriff's office, Department of Corrections and Department of Forestry personnel joined together to take part last Friday in the annual Law Enforcement Torch Run to benefit Special Olympics. Beginning at the Taylor County Courthouse, runners made their way down Jefferson Street to the Kmart parking lot. There they joined other law enforcement officers and local Special Olympics participants. Drawings 'were held for numerous prizes from raffle tickets that had been sold. Ticket sales were estimated at more than $3,100. The proceeds will be used to buy new uniforms and for hotel rooms during out-of-town competitions. (Above): Law enforcement members join local Special Olympics athletes to celebrate after the torch run. '(Right): Smokey Bear poses with Sheriff "Bummy" Williams. . !i: - The Taylor County Middle School has announced the honor roll students for the third nine- weeks. They are as follows: All A's: 6th Grade: Hunter Barfield, Renae Bennett, Samuel Briskett, MaryBeth Clark, Dorie Cruce, Samantha Curry, Michelle Denmark, Joann Devane, Shaen Farnell, Rachel Gilliam, Rebecca Hagberg, David Lamb, Katelyn Lynn, Sarah Meaham, Morgan' Pelt, Julia Proenza, Colby Robertson, Beau Rodgers, Katherine Verges and William Wentworth. 7th Grade: Kevin Bartges, Lauren Clover, Benjamin Ely, Deyla 'Gantt, Robert High, Priscilla Hunt, Charles Johnson, Kelly Kuehn, Byron McCoy, Courteney Mincy, Christopher Morgan, Emily Newman, Logan Parker, Stephen Smith, Jessica Strickland, Koal Swann, Gloria Taylor, Sarah Thompson, Sarah Vaughn, Jamie Warf, Kasey Whitehead and Jordan Williams. 8th Grade Nicholas Bennett, Benjamin Blue, Ella Heartsfield, Kathryn Powell and Jarrod Robertson. All A's and B's: 6th Grade:. Keyaira Anderson, Paige Arnold, Adrienne Barwick, Katelyn Bassett, Kyle Brooks, Alix Brown, Courtney Brown, Savannah Cantrell, Valerie Clarks, Cheyenne Dunnell, Warren Eakins, Erica Freeman, Kanisha Graham, Joshua Hare, 'Devin Hartsfield, Staff Hathcock, Katie Holden, Ashley Holton, Michael Horner, Shae Horner, Allison Johnson, Eric Jones, Brandon Knowles, Kameron Livingston, Curtis Mango, Jacinda Mann, Kayla Miller, Jaclyn Noles, Mikaela Patrick, Sarah Pomeroy, Caleb Rhodes, Chelsea Rivers, Meagan Roberts, Erica Scott, Joey Scruggs, Ryan Shaw, Kaley Sheffield, Regan Slaughter, Rashad Spain, Trey Stephens, Rachel Stryer, Jennifer Triestrar, Tyler Walker, Chelsea Wallace, Aaron Wallis, Joshua Wells, Leah Whitt and Ashlee Wright. 7th Grade: David Adkins, Brooke Bartofi, Hayden Barton, Brett Bassett, James Battles, Mark Baxter, Celia Bennett, Eunise Brown, Ashley Browning, Cody Cooke, Chalsnic Crooms, Joseph Cruce, Kelsea Edmonds, Tiffany Fondo, Chase Gray, Stephanie Handley, Jonathan High, Anthony Hooper, Haley Johstono, Erica Knight, Shawntell Lindsey, Samantha Lukens, Chelcy McGuire, Brian Monroe, Travis Morris and Caleb Murphy. Also, Colby Murphy, Arielle Murray, Clay Murray, Summer Murray, Holly Peake, Brittany Pomeroy, Hannah Portwood, Taylor Ratliff, Heather Roberson, John Sands, Michaesha Scott, Amanda Shiver, Lauren Simpson, Kayla Smith, Marissa Snodgrass, Brett Spradley, Cassidy Stephens, Codye Swaim, Thanh Tran, Melinda Veal, Elisa Webb, Zachary Wiggins, Matthew Wright and Alyssa Young. 8th Graae: Hannah Allbritton, Jonathan Brooks, Cindy Carter, Tierra Cook, Jonathan Courtney, Abbey Curry, Cody Davis, Dylan Dayhaw, Clark Deming, Rebecca Gibson, James Ginther, Jim Grimes, Kathryn Hill, Megan Hill, Faith Horner, Samuel Jenkins, Jasmine Jones, Zachary Knowles, Kolby Livingston, Jacqueline McDonald, Ereecy McNeal, Jerry Meeks, Alexis Morgan, Mercedes Pridgeon, Megan Triestram, Courtney Valentine, Chrissy Ward, Sandy Weekley, Clifford White and Korie Wilson. Editorial h It 0. B-2 The Taco Times April 20, 2005 'Cycling for Success' salutes its supporters Hut, Linda Armstrong, Turner, Hilda Denise Stiles, Karl Stoyer, Kevin Cathy Wiggins, ,- Please see page 6 04) o U- ()mQ) Alw El 04 cn0 Cu Dear Editor: I am a cancer survivor and went to the Relay for Life this weekend, and was so disappointed. All the years before I have seen so much community support, but this year I said, "Where was everyone?" I'm grateful to WPRY, the many volunteers and survivors who showed up. But I've seen many tents, raffles and community support in the past few years, and it gave me and other survivors what we look for, "HOPE!" When I see all the people out there cheering us on as we make our "survivors lap" it gives me the strength to keep going, not give up. I know this year it came on tax day, but I still believe what we do is just as or more important. I want to thank all who showed up for their support. It still gives me hope that maybe my fellow survivors and I 'will be here another year to "Celebrate Life!" And for those of you who didn't show up, ask yourself, "What was I doing that was more important than showing the survivors of this dreadful disease, that I care?" Just another survivor, Denise Palmer Midweek Muddle Ge tting our Letters to the Editor Donor fears interference by hackers. Dear Editor: I feel it appropriate to alert those 'who donate blood to blood drives as to the existence of a system of recording and storing donors' prr.ate Social Security numbers. These unique numbers -are stored within blood bank -computer records. SThe local 25-county blood bank program serving Taylor and -surrounding Tallahassee areas, -according to Ms. Jeanne Dariotis, -blood bank manager, has close to 75.01101 such private numbers stored and available for cross- checking of names and addresses and blood records of donors. I went to the Perry "Bloodmobile" to donate' blood. The first question asked was for my Social Security number. I advised the receptionist that in light of the thousands of identity thefts occurring, I was not willing to provide that number. Further that computer records, including theirs, appear to be no longer safe 'American' savs thanks :Dear Editor: American Aluminum Accessories, Inc., would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the following Perry businesses and individuals that supported us and the many law enforcement K-9 teams, trainers and handlers who attended our third annual K-9 Training Seminar March.28-April 1: City Manager Bill Brynes, Bobby Counce and Glenn Ratliff, City of Perry; Taylor County Administrator Buddy Humphries; Clay Olson, Taylor Extension Office; Perry Police Department; Taylor County Sheriff's Office; Hampton.Inn; Doctors' Memorial Hospital; Burns Funeral Home; Mauldin's Collision; Hill's Country Kitchen; Huddle House/Don Everett; Subway; and Budweiser. Without your help and support, this seminar would not be possible. Sincerely; American Aluminum Accessories, Inc. WTacoeesd ATri Wednesday, April 20, 2005 123 S. Jefferson Street P rr- F7lnr idi P.O. Box 888 In\ c;195-q;5 58 e1 CLy, 1 ruiiua (upl J0- -J'*I' DONALD D. LINCOLN DEBBIE CARLTON Publisher Business Manager SUSAN H. LINCOLN BETH MANN Managing Editor Advertising Director ANGELA M. CASTELUCCI CAROLYN DuBOSE Staff Writer Promotional Advertising CHARLES R. SADLER CAROL BROOKS Stati Writer Promotional Advertising The Taco Times (ISSN 07470967) is published each Wednesday by Perry News- papers, Inc., 123 S Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347. Subscriptions are $35.00 per year or $49 00 out of county. Periodicals postage pad at Perry, Florida 32348. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the TACO TIMES, PO. Box 888, Perry, FL 32348. The Taco Times welcomes Letters to the Editor reflecting responsible opinions and views on the news. Please submit letters by Monday at 5 p.m. The Taco Times reserves the right to refuse publication of letters which are libelous or irre- sponsible. Name may be withheld if circumstances so require, but all letters sub- mitted should be signed by the writer and accompanied by a phone number for verification. We look forward to hearing from you! Our address is Perry, Newspapers, Inc., P.O. Box 888, Perry, Florida 32348. e-mail: perrynews@perry.gulfnet.com ,, Member Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. V T^f..-r' from hackers. They insisted that my Social Security number had to be provided or no blood would be drawn. I left without donating. A recent edition of the Perry News-Herald contained an article pointing out the serious blood shortage in the area. "'If the blood supply does not increase. the next Step will be to re-schedule elective surgeries so the blood will be available for emergencies," the article quotes Jeanne Dariotis, CEO, Southeastern Community Blood Center. I discussed with Ms. Dariotis thematter of the need for Social Security numbers, She advised that it was to prevent duplication of.donors with blood problems. So if a blood sample was found to ,have a "problem." the donor and recipients could be traced. A conclusion as to the .privacy of one's Social Security number becomes apparent. You then, as a donor, go into their "data bank." This brings up the question as to management of the blood supply. Certainly it appears that if the blood donations are adequately tested prior to consumption, there should be no need to store private Social Security numbers in their databank. Why not driver's license numbers? Addresses? Birth dates? Next of kin? Ms. Dariotis advised that, once the Social Security number was checked, she "could" delete it and provide a unique number to eliminate the need for keeping a record of the Social Security number. (We all know that deleting does, not. remove information from the hard disc storage and it .can easily be restored.) When questioned why they were not doing this, she stated that "the computer program was not set up for that" and that "no one she was aware of could, change the specialized program.' (I have news for her.) It would be safe to conclude that across the nation there is a huge bank of many thousands of Social Security numbers within the blood bank's systems. A hacker'sdelight. George Knoblock Something on your mind? E-MAIL US! Letters must include a name and daytime contact phone number. perrynews9perry.gulfnet.com _, money's worth By S The husband made mention of the new providing a Disney backs development, as a I folded a shirt, in the morning away from response laundry room. Except for the scores, it v S"They've made the: golf course a Par "Did I say this was a Pa Three until the water goes down," said he, Three. course?" I asked mn 'pontificating about the high,.riiver levels we finished, the,-first hole., and flooding rains we've had lately. my three, and six more for 6 "Is that so?" I said. "It still must be pretty ."That first one is alwa- soggy," I asserted, grabbing a clean sock reminded. which fell out of the dryer. "You're absolutely right "No," he said casually. "It's not too bad." recalled why we enjoy .o My eyes darted to the left and the right, much. We say things w as I considered my escape route from the believe. We believe in thin: laundry, really going to happen. I went upstairs and placed a call. "He Nicklaus and Arnetta Palme says it's a Par Three because of the and we have plenty of attitu water," said I. many skills. "Well, that probably means it's pretty And a few clubs. soggy," said she, on the other end of the "Where are my woods?" phone line. approached yet another opl "He says not," said I, adding, "This could famous. be our big chance. We could actually "Oh, you'll be fine; just i conquer this course." and your putter," said she. ,"'I really need to be at the office," said By the fifth hole, it was c she. Three. courses are only me "It's two hours--three at the max," said I. can reach the green in or "\'e could die before they make this some of these holes, eve: course a Par Three again." were 200+ yards long, we f That got her attention and she asked for in treacherous territory ha few hours to line up her ducks. I knew she. water the husband hadn't was hooked. She didn't have to call back, he played. He just goes f but she did. "See you at 10 in the the green and misses morning," she said, and our clandestine between. outing was only hours away. "Gosh, he hardly gets The day was bright and sunny. worth," said my friend. "Look where the tees are," I said and I "Yeah," I agreed, realizin could have cried. The first hole at Perry smelling the roses, exten Golf and Country Club is so long that we away, getting plenty of pra women golfers are often exhausted by the At that moment, when I time we get to the green. On this day, golfball hitting the green forever to be remembered, the tees were like those you see during beyond that monstrous ditch to the right came through my swing and halfway to our destination, hope and confidence that I We were already envisioning our And I hit the bog of all bo success. "We can post our scores, and was soggy and my ba not mention that it was while the course forward--only slightly-- b was a Par Three," said I, stopping as I spraying me from head realized there was no integrity in that genuine, unadulterated muc statement. I don't want to know wha "Yeah," said she, optimistically, and I toe, mind you. realized" that integrity is not an integral I haven't been that dirty in -part of our game. My friend was in shock. I believed with all my heart and soul that laugh for at least a minute. we were on the brink of success...that this there, with her mouth could be the most glorious golf outing of looking at me and the mess the decade. Maybe the century. things. Fool that I am. I, too, was aghast and sp Yeah, the tee boxes were halfway to the she collapsed in lau greens, but you still have to hit it straight resigned.. .fr.m tl or those pine trees to the left will swallow "Look at me," I said, and I your golf ball. The sand traps are still lot of pride in how I look. there, too. And if you didn't chip or putt But that day, I just picked well on a regulation course, nothing headed to the next hole. magical is going to happen wheh it left," she said, matter-of- becomes a Par Three. probably dry out by then." But the course, in its pared-down size, And so we motored on to was beautiful--lavished in that "new green" and like Life, we believed it which trees only wear at the first of the And like Life, we re-adji season. Greenskeepers were' mowing, wasn't. And like Life, we'll f landscape designers were planting again. petunias and lantana, the song birds were In about a week. ;USAN H. LINCOLN ground to our sibility. vas lovely. ir Six or a Par y partner after yitth, her -tjree, good measure. ys tough," she ," I said, as I ur outings so e don't really gs which aren't We are Jackie r in our hearts, ide, but we lack I asked as I portunity to be use your driver lear to us: Par aningful if you te shot. Since n pared down, found ourselves ilfway there, in even seen when rom tee box to everything in- his money's g that we were:: ding our time ctice:. envisioned my; in a perfect arc The Masters, I with as much could muster. >gs. The terrain all proceeded ut not before to toe. with 1 and grass and t else. Head to a 40 years. She didn't even She just stood hanging, open,: s I had made of eechless. Then: ghter and I; hat hole. generally take a up my club and 'We've got four factly. "You'll ) the next hole, could be grand. used when it foolishly do this;. 'ap Dear Editor: The Take Stock in Children Leadership Council would like to join with Vince Verges in thanking the following individuals ,and businesses for making donations toward the second annual Cycling for Success Bike Ride: Mr. & Mrs. Joe P. Burns, George W. Overschlake, Taylor County Middle School, Goodman's BBQ, Ina Padgett State Farm Insurance, Newport Insurance Agency Inc., W.H.' Simpson Logging, LLC, Mary Becht, Kiwanis, .Nan Albrittbn, Emily Ketring, JT Wells, Debby Powers, LaJune Stephens, Deborah Zink-Roffino, Jami Smith, Ruth Harvey, Ann Morgan, Union Street Church of God, D. Cooper, Berinda Schramm, Kathy Kreidler, Kelli Johnson, Tekecia McIntyre, Pizza il*YLiT I --~I - '''~" r ), !,. ii 'What was more important?' I "M-- of rC -- *Fun Festival ,is Saturday ,' The Early Learning Coalition of Taylor County is hosting its .. annual Children's Fun Festival Saturday, April 23, from 10 a.m. to noon at City Park. l The event will kick off Early Childhood Awareness Week, April 23-29. The festival is a day for families and children, with programs and organizations that serve young children participating. Each participant will host a booth that will include information and services provided by their organization. The booth will also include a fun activity for children. Complimentary snacks will be provided. The events for Early Childhood Awareness Week, April 23-29, -- - - The annual Children's Fun Festival will be held this Saturday, April 23. from 10 a.m. to noon, at City Park. include: --April 25-26, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.: Pre-school registration, for two, three and four year olds or children who will be two, three or four years old on or by Sept. 1, 2005. --April 29, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.: Public Officials Day at the Child Development Center. Letters to the Editor Senior Services report on egg hunt Dear Editor: members collected eggs scattered Taylor County Senior Services ., around the front lawn of the (TCSS) hosted its first Easter" center. Many of our guests found celebration on Thursday, March -the $1 prize eggs and two 24, at the center. Many seniors, participants, Haley Sadler, family and friends participated in granddaughter of Nora Sadler, and the week-long activities before the Mackenzie Nowlin, granddaughter big day, including decorating. j' of Inez Jacobs, found the two baskets and coloring eggs. grandd prize eggs, containing $10 While Dean Hightower ard and $ 20 respectively. After the egg Charlie Walker were busy grilling hunt, members of the TCSS Board hamburgers and hot dogs for of Directors and staff served lunch. lunch, seniors and family Family, friends and staff enjoyed Commitment violated? Dear Editor: commissioners, being law-abiding In the early 1990's at a meeting :'citizens, will endorse this scheme. in St,:inh::ichi.,-. the.Jico'tityb') h'riilnl .JW I -! 'Sincerel'y; commissioners told a laige group ') of residents that they would not close another road in Steinhatchee between Highway 51 and the river. *? To my knowledge, every commissioner since then has honored that commitment with the exception of Mr. Bethea. He has come up with a scheme that would violate that commitment. State laws says that when a county closes a road, it receives no' ' monetary benefit.. I am not a lawyer, but I believe that Mr. Bethea's scheme would not only violate the commitment, but it would be illegal. To close a . road and swap it for a valuable piece of property would be accepting a monetary benefit. I do not think that the other H. T. Baxter the afternoon and the celebration was a huge success. I would like to thank the many people and businesses, who without their time and generous donations, the success of this celebration would not have been possible: Burns Funeral Home, Goodman's Bar-B-Que of Perry, Pepper Heads (formerly Gas and Grill South), the Senior Ladies Exercise Group, Taylor Technical Institute, TCSS Inc. Board of Directors members Mike Brown, Bill Craft, Freddie Gunter, Wilbur Miller, Harvey Strickland and' staff. I would 'especially like to thank all of the seniors who joined .,in ihc- leslbriricln, who.c I4ughter, and smiles aife priceless. ' "IS ONE YEAR'S SALARY ENOUGH LIFE INSURANCE" CALL ME TO FIND OUT HOW " '" MUCH LIFE INSURANCE YOU :1 REALLY NEED.. ,Mark Pelt, Agent 584-5188 1000A Jefferson St. Allstate. *Wmo inamwd Cendat Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company, Allstate Indemnity Company and Allstate Life Insurance Company, Home Office: Northbrook, Illinois. 2002 Allstate Insurance Company Another thank you goes out to J. W. Monroe (VISTA/Elder Care Services) and his family for sponsoring the Dance for All Ages on Saturday Evening, Timothy Monroe for the food and Eldon Sadler for deejaying the dance. Although the rain may have been the reason for a low turnout, those who braved the weather enjoyed kareoke and dancing throughout the evening. All proceeds were donated to the Senior Center and Your unselfish acts have not gone unnoticed. Barbara K. Bratcher Executive Director : Taylor Count, Senior Services 1s- i / <1 P* s s i * B-3The Taco Times April 20, 2005 S -J Sponsored by ed es\ S \ Dixie County \,C'9 Chamber of Commerce 1 OthAnniversary Tickets $8 $6 Advance Purchase (Age 13 & Up) $6 $5 Advance - Purchase (5-12) Kids 5 & Under FREE Joey Iee and the Itarlighters fealturing vid rigal i 6 lobby Vall Rick Gordon & Friends CrossTyz Dock Street Southland ". Dotti South with Rick Randlet Belly Flop Melon Chunkin' Arts & Craft Vendors, Games, Contests, Rides & Classic Cars by Tri-County Cruisers Saturday, April 30 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fa n i ng Springs State Park Prepare for an Exciting Career Legal Research Real Estate Personal Injury Law Criminal Law Civil Litigation Business Law Private Law Firms Title Companies Corporate Law Law Enforcement Government Agencies Banks Benefits: v Career Placement Assistance / Financial Aid for Those Who Qualify ' Bachelor & Associate Degree Programs / Day, Evening & Online Classes ' Schedules for Working Students Additional;Careers in: Computer Networking & Security Management Accounting Medical Assisting Business Administration Radiology Technology Computer Graphics and Design Culinary Arts Criminal Justice Health Services Administration Baking and Pastry Arts Bachelor Degree Programs in: * Business Administration * Criminal Justice KEISER C COLLEGE Tallahassee ia3 I c Admissions Office Open 9am 8pm ' Toll Free 1-877-825-2573 ... www.keisercollege.ed u ';!" .'C as a CD it's the right f it i~~ y;e B-4The Taco Times April 20, 2005 Small ads...ig deals!! YARD] Collectable bar items, kitchen appliances, pots, pans, pictures, fax machines, mens, ladies & kids clothes, small maternity clothes, toys, dressers, entertainment center w/stereo, 2 new window A.C.'s, washer & dryer, rolls or carpet, nascar collectibles, toddler bed, pedestal fans, vacuums, x-mas tree, building supplies, doors, shower tile & foyer light. 8-12 Friday, 8-? Saturday, 3990 Green Farm Road. 4/20,4/22 Kellow Appliance Service In Home and Shop Service. We carry a large selection of new and used parts. We also sell refurbished appliances. 1302 N. Jefferson St. 584-7773. 4/15-4/29 5 PC BEDROOM SET New in boxes. Headboard, frame, dresser, mirror, nightstand. $475. 850-425-8374 4/15tf Wanted. Someone to Transport blind mare approx. 25 miles, Dowling Park to Mayo. Price neg. 386-984-6833 4/8-4/19 Mattress Set, NEW King Pillow Top Mattress and Base in sealed plastic, factory warranty, $275. 850-545-7112 4/15tf New Bedroom: 7 piece sleigh bed set, $775. In storage, unopened boxes, can deliver. 850-222-2113 4/15tf Must sacrifice 3 Swannee River Jam ticket & 1 R.V. site reservation. Paid $415, will take $375. 386-984-6835 4/8-4/19 BED $275, Solid wood cherry sleigh bed. New, still boxed. 850-222-2113 4/15tf Brand new Micro Fiber Sofa, Hardwood frame, lifetime warranty. Must sell, $275. 850-425-8374 4/15tf QUEEN PILLOW TOP mattress set. New in plastic with warranty, Sacrifice.$175. 850-222-9879 4/15tf Lift Gate for service,truck $800, stack unit washer & dryer $400, 110 volt RV washer .& dryer $350, Wringer washer $300. Call, 584-7773 4/15, 4/20 New Motorized Wheelchairs Scooter Type. Diabetic Supplies NO COST if eligible. FREE delivery! Medicare/private insurance accepted. TLC Medical Supplies. 888-601-0641, 4/20 36inX36in, white tile table, two chairs, like new. $100 o.b.o., call 838-3851 4/20,4/22 . S Compound Bows, Left handed. (1) PSE Fire Flite, (1) Bear Flare, (2) Quick Quivers, Savage Pendulium Sight, (1) Hard Case, (1) Soft Case & box load of accessories, $200. Call 838-3888, leave a. message. 4/20-4/29 Country blue dining set, with 4 chairs, $75. . Ratan dining set / 4 chairs, newly covered cushions, $175. Call 838-2536 4/20,4/22 (1) Couch, good condition, clean, $100. Please call 584-9769 4/20 Push Lawn Mower, 5.0 HP Craftsman, 22" Rear Catcher, Mulcher, good condition, $75. Twin Mattress Set $25. Bridesmaid Dress, Pink, size 8-10,:matching shoes, $70. 584-9412. 4/20,4/22 The Forestry Company 850-584-8887 The Forestry Company Propertyfor Sale Licensed Real Estate Broker 1.91 acres MOL on Hwy 19 S. (435 ft frontage) 1/2 City Block owner/broker 30 acres MOL in Lake Bird owner/broker $75,000 '4/20-5/13 Land for sale, 221 N between Shiloh Church Rd. and Cairo Parker Rd. 1 acre lots with paved roads. Owner financing available. Please call (386) 658-1346 or (850) 584-5891 (Badcock). 7/21tfEF gorgeous 20.3 acres of pasture directly on north part of Beach Road. 2 ponds. Seller won't divide but can be divided. Possible commercial. $329,000 for all. No owner financing; 352-333-3853. 3/25-4/27 SFOR SALE BY OWNER: Commercial building in downtown Perry, 111' West Main St. Perfect for contractor's :--_ office or antique shop. Garage bays with office and large storage areas. $49,000. May be. eligible for historical restoration S grants. Call John at 584-5555. .. 3/30-4/29JD House for Sale 710 W. Green Street, Perry, FL. 2,194 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms/ 1,5 baths/ .24 acres., $55,000 or make offer. Cal! 850-402-2475. 3/9-3/25CC Back to nature, quiet and beautiful, 2 1/3 fenced, wooded acres. With 2/1 solid frame home and guest house. All for $41,000. Home Sweet Home. Call Kevin at 223-2590 for appointment. 4/13,4/20 WANTED TO BUY: 2 bdrm/1 bath Single- Wide mobile home in good condition on it's own lot in the city in desirable residential area. Contact John Courtney at Grady Moore R.E. 850-584-7514. 4/1-4/29 HOUSE FOR SALE Built in 1950s 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bath All Pine Wood Floors New Central H/A Some Appliances $25,000 Call for appt. 584-5454 Fixer-Upper. 1111 West Green St., Perry, FL. Drive by, then call Wilson toll free at 1- 866-899-HOME ext. 15. Follow prompts to be connected to my cell. Email address: wilson@sellyourhomenow.corn 4/8-5i4 Don't Rent, BUY! Let me help you find a loan right for you. Fast loan approvals, competitive rates. Call Joanne at 850-926-4044. 3/30-4/29 259 Springhill Road, Perry FL., 2,351 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths. 1.97 acres, in 2004 Riverhawk Shanoe 15 ft., camoflauge, camo swirel seats and brand new trailer, $800, call 223-3451. 4/15, 4/20 1985, sports craft fish master, twin marine diesel perkins engines, inboard/outboard, 30 ft., $15,000. 1967, arrowglass, 20 ft. 4 in, inboard/outboard, v6 engine, $1200. Call 578-2418 4/8-4/22 14 in, fiberglass boat, trailer and 25 Hp Johnson motor, $1200 obo. 4-Thunderbird Interior tires, 38x12.5-ISLT, $400. Call 584- 8687 after 6 p.m. or 584-6221 8-3 p.m.. Ask for Lynn Harper. 4/20, 4/22 MMMMMl=MM -AT OISN 1986 Lincoln Towncar $1,700 OBO. 584- 8552 or 838-5317 (cell) tf 1092 Honda Prelude, 5-speed, air, etc. $4,500. 584-3355. 3/2.fRK 2000 Nissan Maxima, excellent. Asking $10,000 obo. Please call 838-2773. 3/30-4/29 2002'Cadillac Escalade, loaded, excellent condition, 22 in. Cadillac wheels & tires, 6.0 liter engine, .345 H.P., all wheel drive, 49,000 miles. Call 850-584-9328 4/13, 4/15, 4/20, 4/22ABT 1995 Green Ford Crown Vic, $4000 o.b.o, call 884-8093. 4/20-4/27 I good neighborhood, fenced in 20'x40' pool, Gazebo with hot tub. Shown by appointments, call 584-3341 4/15-5/9 FOUN I Young Female white dog, brown ears, with brown on tail. Very friendly, very clean. Red flea collar & black collar, no tag, found on my front door stoop Fri. April 8th, ,', I EZA.797R 4/15,4/20 Used 9-15 h.p, o:b.o. motor in good cond. 584-7912. 4/20-4/29 Experienced plumbers needed, Must have a driver's license. Call 584-8603. 3/4tfHS For rent! Office space for nonprofit organization at 800 West Ash Streat, site of Taylor County Senior Services. Call 584-4924 for information. 8/6tfSS ,. .o , 2 bedroom, i bath mobile home. 14x56, set up in Everetts Mobile Home Park. .Water, sewer and garbage included in rent, $350 per month: Applications and references required,. call 584-7094. Monday through Wednesday 9 A.M. 5 P.M. 4/15tfEMH 2 bedroom, 1 & 1/2 bath mobile home, 14 x 56, set up in Everetts Mobile Home Park: Water, sewer and garbage included in rent, $350 per month. Applications and references required, call 584-7094, Monday through Wednesday 9 A.M. 5' P.M. 4/15tfEMH : WOODRIDGE APARTMENTS $199 MOVE-IN SPECIAL For. Basic to.Market renters. 1, 2, or.3 BR HC and Non HC accessible apartments, HUD vouchers considered and rental i ,3iance may be available. Equal Housing OCppo:ruriiiy. Office hours 'are 8:00-5:00 Mon-Thurs. Call 850-584-5668. 709 W. Church St., Perry, FL 323486 TDD 711. 1/21tfWA Southern Viilas of Perry Looking For Applicants! HUD vouchers accepted. 1 & 2 BR HC and non-HC accessible apartments, Office. hours are 8:00 to 5:00 Mon-Thurs. Call' 850-584-8111. TDD/TTY 711, 315 Puckett Rd., Perry, FL 32347. Equal Housing Opportunity. 11/3tfSV For Sale by Owner: 516 W. Wilcox St., 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, board and batten cypress house, central heat & air, 2 brick fireplaces, lots of character. $75,000. Call 850-584-4886 4/6tfNB Subscribe today! 1 584-5513 1, 000 Sign On Bonus PRITCHETT TRUCKING NEEDS EXPERIENCED CLASS A DRIVERS IN YOUR AREA FOR LOCAL HAULING. GOOD PAY AND BENEFITS CALL 1-800-486-7504 Driver- DO IT NOW! 0. 36 Singles & 44 Teams Students Welcome KLLM Transport Services Be Home A Lotl CDLA-A-EOE- Call 866-357-7351 4/20 Avon Reps Needed in your area! Free gift with sign on before May 1st. Earn $250 fast start bonus. Contact Terri at 584-8463 or 843-1285. 4/1 3tfTC APALACHEE CENTER A Behavioral Health Care Center is currently seeking: ADULT CASE MANAGER #2156 AVAILABLE REGULAR STATUS (40 HOURS PER WEEK) OR TEMPORARY OPS STATUS (20-40 HOURS PER WEEK). REQUIRES MINIMUM OF A BACHELOR'S DEGREE WITH A MAJOR IN COUNSELING, SOCIAL WORK, PSYCHOLOGY, CRIMINAL JUSTICE, NURSING, REHABILITATION, SPECIAL EDUCATION, HEALTH EDUCATION, OR A RELATED HUMAN SERVICES FIELD; OR A BACHELOR'S DEGREE + 2 YEARS FULL TIME OR EQUIVALENT EXPERIENCE WORKING WITH ADULTS EXPERIENCING SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS. VALID DRIVER'S LICENSE REQUIRED. REGULAR STATUS RATE $10.75 PER HOUR/EXCELLENT BENEFITS OR TEMPORARY OPS STATUS RATE $12.92 PER HOUR/NO BENEFITS. For more information and a complete listing of available positions: www.agalacheecenter.org (850)523-3217 or 1(800)226-2931 Human Resources, 2634-J Capital Circle N.E., Tallahassee, FL Pre-Hire Drug Screen & FDLE background check, An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Drug-Free Workplace. 4/20, 4/22AC Position vacancies under Taylor County Board of County Commissioners: Park Attendant temporary (April Sept.) Part time (days and hour vary) max: 30 hrs/wk. $6.56 hr. Day Camp Counselor Seasonal/ part time (average 29 hrs. week) $6.18 -10.08 hr. Seasonal Mosquito Sprayer part-time (include nights & weekends) $6.18 hr. Firefighter- call in; $9.05 hr, EOE Drug Fre Wo',ri pi,.:e ,- Position requirements and specifications available at Taylor One Stop Career Center, 224 N. Jefferson Street, Perry, FL. 32347 or www.tcfl-libinfo.com Submit applications to Taylor One Stop Career, Center. Positions open until filled. 4/13tfBOCC Experienced plumber laborers needed. Must have a driver's license. Call 584- 8603. 3/4tfHS There is a vacancy for a new member of the Taylor County Construction Industry Licensing Board. You must be a licensed contractor.' Anyone interested: in this VOLUNTEER position, may contact the Taylor County Building & Planning Department located in the Administrative Complex (Old Post Office) at 201 E. Green Street,.Perry, Florida 32347, (850) 838-3500 #1, or come by and pick-up an application. 4/20, 4/22BPD Position available for experienced Grill Cook. Cash handling/register experience a plus. Must be able to work 2 p.m. 10 p.m. & 10 p.m.- 6 a.m. Fax resume to 584- 8068 4/20-4/29 Now accepting applications for experienced breakfast Grill Cooks. Hill's Country Kitchen 3863 S Byron Butler Pkwy. " 4/20-4/29 DIRECTOR OF NURSING Nature Coast Regional Surgery Center Immediate management position opening for a licensed RN with current ACLS & BLS. Medicare-certified ASC that enhances quality of life through improved vision. Strong managerial, human relations and organizational skills are preferred. Salary commensurate with experience. Excellent benefits. Fax resume, to Human Resources (850) 838-3937 or call (850) 584-2778. Ext. 639. Closing Date: 05/31/05-EOE 4/20-5/6 Taylor County Health Department is recruiting for a full time Maintenance Repairman, position number 001302. This' position requires knowledge and experience in basic carpentry, electrical, plumbing repairs and equipment maintenance. Some general cleaning and janitorial duties included. Salary is $22,000.00 annually and includes full state benefits package. Fingerprinting is required. Closing date is 04/25/05. Please apply on line through People First at www.myflorida.com or send completed State of Florida application -to. Taylor County Health Department, 1215 N. Peacock Ave., Perry, FL 32347. 4/13, 4/15, 4/20, 4/22HD ! Ele:lrioian-3rd shift cosiiion- Monday - Friday, 10:30pm-7am. Requires 3 years work experience as Industrial Electrician, knowledge of 480 volts 3 phase electrical work, PLC experience preferred. Apply in person at Gilman Building Products, 1509 S. Byron Butler Pkwy., Equal Opportunity Employers Drug Free Work Place. 4/8, 4/13, 4/15, 4/20GBP Looking for single, retired/widowed person for live in house keeper, furnished room and expenses plus pay. Call 584-8714 4/15, 4/20 Maintenance person needed for Lime rock mine. Must be dependable and experienced in maintenance of plant and mobile equipment. Experienced only need to apply. Pay based on experience. Full benefit package included. Drug screen, physical and background search required. Apply in person, 23 MI. West on hwy 98, MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS HWY 98 WEST NUTALL RISE. Equal opportunity employer. 4/13, 4/15, 4/20, 4/22 The City of Perry is accepting resumes for the following position: FINANCE DIRECTOR The City of Perry is seeking an individual to fill the position of finance director with a degree in business administration, accounting, finance or related field; and experience in all phases of financial management. Governmental accounting experience and personal computer skills desirable. Salary Range: $37,190.40- $50,016.95 annually with excellent benefit package. Send resume to: CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office 224 S. Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347 (850) 584-7161 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER Part-time clerk positions available-at Sea Hag Marina. Approx. hour 25-35Mulst be dependable, honest and punctual. Please apply in person at 322 Riverside Drive, Steinhatchee, Florida. 3/30tfSH MAKE YOUR POINT... ADVERTISE Prestige Home Center Chiefland The Only Factory Outlet on the West Coast NO "DOUBLE TALK" WITH OUR ADVERTISING-- NO GAMES WITH OUR PRICES! Any New Home Purchased from Prestige Homes S Includes FREE Delivery & Set-Up...PERIOD! --BRAND NEW-- Choose from 2 or 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Exceeds New Gov't. Standards $ 9500 delivered 010 mo. & Set Up No Down Payment for Landowners! (60 Other Homes to Choose From!) Eggs are Cheaper in the Country, So are Prestige Homes! N. Hwy. 1,9, Chiefland 352-493-2492 Vocational Instructors needed for Masonry and Carpentry $18.00 per hour Closing Date 4/30/05 The Department of Corrections is looking for experienced persons to perform new construction work in the following trades located at the Taylor Correctional Institution, Perry, Florida; masonry, and carpentry. Applicants must have knowledge and be familiar with the applicable codes relative to commercial building construction and must have the ability to direct the work of others. These are temporary positions with no benefits. * A COMPLETED STATE OF FLORIDA APPLICATION IS REQUIRED TO APPLY'FOR THIS POSITION * REQUISITION I.D. NUMBER DCCor114 MUST APPEAR ON THE APPLICATION * ON-LINE APPLICATIONS ARE BEING ACCEPTED AT HTTPS://PeopleFirst.MyFlorida.com OR YOU CAN MAIL YOUR APPLICATION TO: PEOPLE FIRST STAFFING ADMINISTRATION PO BOX 44058 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32231 OR FAX TO: (904) 636-2627 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, CALL PEOPLE FIRST @ 877-562-7287 OR CONTACT BOB CABRAL, REGIONAL MAINTENANCE CONSULTANT @ 386-294-4513. TIG WELDERS is seeking experienced aluminum TIG welders for DAYTIME only--NO SHIFT WORK UWS offers competitive pay scale, new equipment, health, dental and life insurance, paid vacation and 401K retirement matching. UWS is an equal opportunity employer. No phone calls Please see David at 606 Industrial Park Drive in Perry, F.. _LI I I - I I b u m6m B-5 The Taco Times April 20, 2005 Advent Christian Village 658-JOBS (5627) www.ACVillage.net RN / Education Director FT RN / Education Director. Unrestricted Florida license, knowledge of LTC regs, and experience in LTC setting required. Training experience desired. Competitive wages, good benefits, great working environment. Apply in person at Personnel Department Mon thru Fri, 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., Carter Village Hall, 10680 CR 136, Dowling Park, FL, fax resume to (386)658-5160. EOE / DFW 4/8, 4/13, 4/15, 4/20 Reliable and trustworthy cleaning duo, will assist you with your household cleaning needs. References available. Call 584- 5470, after 3pm. 4/20-4/29 STUMP GRINDING Free estimates, reasonable'rates. 15% discounts for seniors. Call John at 584- 2027 or cell 850-591-8301. No stumps to big or to small.. 4/20-5/13 MR. MARZ LAWN SERVICE, FREE ESTIMATES. 850-371-1634, PERRY, FL. 4/15-5/31 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR TAYLOR COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA CASE NO.01-226-CA MID-STATE TRUST VI, A DELAWARE BUSINESS TRUST, Plaintiff, vs. -l.,:.r i~ if:i H- ..' A/K/A GLORIA HOWELL, and rE,-,r JF iA, Defendants. THIRD CLERK'S NOTICE OF SALE UNDER F.S. :CHAPTER, 45 .NOTICE IS HEREBY given pursuant to a 0 orr, rr., Final Judgment of SFr-e:r-.'-,e in the above-styled cause, ii ii r. the highest and best bidder for cash at the West end of the Taylor SCounty Courthouse Perry, Florida, on the 1' dav', of May, 2005, at 11:00 a.m., the c..:,et., described as follows: L.: ,. imr, West 1/2 Lot 8 of Block Seven ' (7) of-Blair and Hinely Addition to Town of Perry FL. A map and plot of said subdivision in the office of the Clerk of court Taylor County, Florida. Dated this 13 day of April, 2005. liE MAE MURPHY 'CLERK OF COURTS 'By: Marti Lavalle Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who need and accommodation in order to -participate in the proceeding, you're entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Taylor County Courthouse, .,,.-.: l .:-..,I Division 108 N, Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida; .Telephone (850)838-3506 within 2 working days of your receipt of this summons; If you are hearingin, or voice impaired call: 1-800- '"!55-8771 jl;4,j20.4/?7 CARPET & VINYL Installation and repairs done at a good NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS price. No overhead. Direct savings to you. THE TAYLOR COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY 30 years experience. 850-838-9050, COMMISSIONERS IS SOLICITING SEALED please leave a message. STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR 11/3tfBR i, j.Lc COUNTY CLOSED LANDFILL I .rlAilI,- AND FERTILIZING. The Handyman experts, honest work! ,=.iULnFIEo FIRMS OR INDIVIDUALS Affordable, professional, licensed and E' t-Erii'. TO PROVIDE THE REQUIRED insured. Specializing in house painting, ,.lD" i OR SERVICES MUST SUBMIT ee"N;iiNE (9) PACKAGES IN A SEALED interior, etc., mobile home repairs, home NVELOPE OR SIMILAR PACKAGE maintenance, pressure washing (wood and .JMARKED "SEALED PROPOSAL FOR TAYLOR concrete) carpet, vinyl, wood floor, ceramic COUNTY CLOSED LANDFILL MOWING tile, and repairs. Call 584-2270 (home) or .iic, FERTILIZING" TO THE CLERK OF 584-3776 (office). 25 years. COURT, 1ST FLOOR COURTHOUSE, 108 tfJM NORTH JEFFERSON STREET, SUITE 102, OR P.O. BOX 620, PERRY, FLORIDA 32348, TO ARRIVE NO LATER THAN 4:00 P.M., LOCAL TIME, ON MAY 2,2005. ALL PROPOSALS TRE A ITATR MUST HAVE THE RESPONDENT'S NAME TREE CAL RAND.MAILING ADDRESS CLEARLY SHOWN CLEAN ING ,rPN THE OUTSIDE OF THE ENVELOPE OR CLEANING '.;PACKAGE WHEN SUBMITTED. PROPOSALS WILL BE OPENED-AND RESPONDENTS S'- lJIr_,l:rI r:tr i 20 P.M. LOCAL TIME, S,.- I -'. 11- i i:THI.E AFTER AS PRACTICAL, UlUJ r.lM, 2,2005, IN TAYLOR COUNTY A''DMINISTRATIVE COMPLEX, 201 EAST AR GREEN STREET, PERRY, FLORIDA 32347. :., RFP INFORMATION.MUST BE OBTAINED -FROM THE CLERK OF COURT, 1ST FLOOR :COURTHOUSE, 108 NORTH JEFFERSON. 584 EAN 1 ) 'PEETi ,Jii-: '102, PERRY, FLORIDA 32348, 584-CLEAN (2532) ES1THE RI.H, I THE ,_-CullT. RESERVES THE RIGHT, IN ITS 'SOLE AND ABSOLUTE DISCRETION, TO Clay Swindle, L.LC Painter, Interior & iEJECT ANY OR ALL PROPOSALS, TO Cly Swindle, L.LC. Painter, Interieor & CANCEL OR WITHDRAW THIS Exterior, Framing. 18 yr. experience. Free SOLICITATION AT ANY TIME AND. WAIVE est. Big or small. Call 850-223-1780 or A;,, iirrE,-1.1 II.AiiiE3 IN THE RFP PROCESS. 850-843-1941. If no answer, leave FIE c.-..unii, PLIer.'E3 THE PI"GHT TO * ,- ,-'.S "' 8?flOilaoq ).. ... mni-jf i l "r9lt i' ':"u ,' .i'r!iirt',Fl ?'-".''I,1' J THE 1, 27ti .S E 'S ci E ll i ,'HICH li ttl E l, 1 -_ OFFER S'i-E EE ii .E LL SERVICE ; THEREFORE, A-2-Z Farm and Lawn Services '. 4E. COUNTY IS NOT BOUND TO AWARD Harrowing, bush hog mowing, dirt leveling, ''' Y CONTRACT(S) BASED ON THE rake work and complete lawn services. ,'OWE i Q..UED PRICE. THE DSCOUNTY,N Call 584-6737, leave rnessage..S, SOLE "riD ABSOLUTE DISCRETION, Call 584-6737, leave message: 5.LSO,F PEE. F. iHE RIGHT TO WAIVE ANY 4/itfAZ MINOR DEFECTS IN THE PROCESS AND TO .:,EFT THE PROPOSAL DEEMED TO BE Circle "T" IN THE COUNTY'S, BEST INTEREST. THE Specializing n ail lype. of tractor work, cI.Ni,.,r IN ITS'SOLE AND ABSOLUTE bushhogging, root raking, harrowing, dirt DiCfiicE-.i ALSO RESERVES THE RIGHT hauling & leveling, debris removal, clean 10 SS3i3" A LOCAL BUSINESS up,and lawn care. Call for free estimate, PREFERENCE IN AN AMOUNT OF FIVE (5) U584-2p, PERCENT' OF THE PROPOSAL PRICE 584-2806. .F ur,':,ui i' TAYLOR COUNTY 4/6-4/29 ,-ur;Di r,.:E II 1.. 2003-12. NO FAXED Lj'..-rO';- l.; .ill. BE ACCEPTED. J.D.'s Tree Service and Lawn Care L:'r'il"- In FORMATION. MAY BE Licensed and insured Free estimates. We '<,BI,, ,ct.: also grind stumps. Call today 838-1280. ,.-. ENGIINEERING DEPARTMENT Firewood for sale. ''".,1 AST GREEN STREET tfJD -. FERRY, FL 32347 i BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY ,\",i'..'lh:i.,",_rE:.'. TAYLOR COUNTY, AU.CI ON FLORIDA.. ; ' 4 ,3'1- : . Auctions 3 times a week. Taylor County, rJl ilc F V_ E rEi.isi FOR PROPOSALS every Friday 6:30 p.m., 3 miles south of Te i.,I :, ';:.,r Board of County Perry onHwy. 19 next to Crews Marine:' lbmmissioners is soliciting sealed Dixie County, every Tuesday and : pr"u"ou.l for MODERNIZATION OF Saturday.6 p.m., miles south of Cross Q,,, E rhm-: .L:., Individuals desiring to City on Hwy, 19 at Old Drive In. We do F,,..ide the required services must Estate sales, bankruptcies, closeouts, big .ujt.m,i their proposals package in an or small. Now taking consignments. Third' ,..()enyelope, or similar package marked . Generation Auction Service, 352-356- .sl. .ia rl:.-posal for MODERNIZATION OF 0721. AB#2424. AU#2548. ..UI'.IPH.:L.E ELEVATORS" to the Clerk of 4/15-4/29 Court,;.1st Floor Courthouse, 108 North j. i ,- ef .r:.:nr, eel Suite 102, or P.O. Box 4 Per t,. -FI:' lida 32348, to arrive'no .i rei' irar. J '0o P.M., local time, on May S1', 2100. 'il )proposals MUST have the irep..,.rCl eani name and mailing address clearlyy shown on the outside of the S'-ahveibpe or. package when submitted. PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE, ,, proposals will be opened and THE STORAGE PLACE-,HIGHWAY 98W IN., I-Ide-l ie:.:.ra.-nir announced at PERRY, FLORIDA ANNOUNCES A :i6BL..' ll 'pH1 i:.o' time, or as soon SALE TO BE HELD ON SATURDAY, P: lpl thereafter as practical, on May 17,2005, .23,2005 AT 9:00AM. THE SALE WI :L E r. the Taylor County Administrative HELD AT THE STORAGE PLACE FA :iLii., '-"'e 201 East Green Street, Perry, -LOCATED-ON HWY 98W IN PERRY, .. Floria 32347. FLORIDA. :' .-opofal documents MUST be obtained THE SALE IS BEING HELD TO SATISFY :from the Clerk of Court, 1st Floor LANDLORD'S LIEN: EVERYTHING SOLD IS *C,-.u,1n.:.u:e 108 North Jefferson St., Suite PURCHASED "AS IS" "WHERE IS" FOR CASH. '102 'er, Florida 32347. THE STORAGE PEACE RESERVES THE RIGHT' 'i T,'. uty reserves the right, in its sole TO CANCEL ANY PUBLIC SALE THAT IS and absolute discretion, to reject any or SADVERTISED THE STORAGE PLACE ALSO all proposals, to cancel or withdraw this HAS THE RIGHT TO NO SALE A UNIT IF ',-'. -request at any time and waive DEEMED NECESSARY. THE' LII ir; BEIG any irregularities in the proposal process. SOLD ARE AS FOLLO WS: The County reserves the right to award P02-MELISSA ROBINSON. ba re a.t. Nhch t deems to P13-ANGELA CLARK.... e i n' e c. serice therefore P18-VICTORIA GRAHAM Ine cr l .' ol services t herefoe, P23-DELANA SLAUGHTER e. ni.; ISi E noound to award any SP31-SARA WILLIAMS :nnlra.i-i based on the lowest P32&P34-GAIL OLIVER gulea r..1D.: ir,e C.:,unl,, n ,l, ; :ce or, P39-ROSEMARY PARKER .!d .' .U:.:.,-,i also reserves the P76-LINDA GAIL POWELL rgr' I ... rr.'nor defects in the 4/6, 4/8, 4/13, 4/15, 4/20, 4/22 Poces'.a,-,.3 I.:. accept the proposal deemed to be in the County's best interest. The' County, in its sole and LEGAL AD absolute discretion, also reserves the The City of Perry is se.-l.cilln :aealea .d: right, to a:i.:inr a local business *to construct a Plazc o.l .ur. r our.' ,rr, ie C:.'eerer.nce ,r.' r, amount of five (5) Veterans' Memorial P ark in- C.ri, ...Ill prr,.er.r rne proposal price, No foxed provide necessary materials for the r'.is ..1 e ac,-.:eote. project. Bids will be received until 2:00 For ad.:dai3 n.i ,r, ,:.rma.3ll.n .:.,-,t.r.; p. m. eastern daylight savings time on i0,1'0.r ."-.u, F.o-.iirie: r.lo.n-rnance May 5, 2005, at the City Manageris Department office at City Hall, 224 S. Jefferson Street, 201 Est Green Street, Perry, Florida Perry, Florida. Bids will then be publicly 32347 opened and read aloud in said office. I601 '0 83;. I'"0:l. Ext. 1 SBid :.-.rn,,.ler.i3.,n .sor.c.ric r, s may B.' ', i"DE 1: IHE BOARD OF COUNTY be obtained from the city managers :"; COCMl.1SSiC'riEr':. Taylor County, Florida. office at the above location. a. _" '2 THE CITY OF PERRY CITY MANAGER' EXPRESSLY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT,. i' LEGAL AD ANY OR ALL BIDS, WAIVE ANY The City of Perry is soliciting sealed bids INFORMALITIES, OR TO ACCEPT ANY BID .l'o insloll ar irgation system in the .DEEMED TO BE IN THE BEST INTEREST OF elej''"i"i ..ll.rr,~i.'l Park. The City will THEEMED TO BE IN THE BEpr.'de necessary materials for the 4/20 'D :lec. Pi3 ..ll be received until 2:00 a. m. eastern daylight savings time on May 5, 2005, at the City Manageris office at City Hall, 224 S. Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida. Bids will then be publicly opened and read aloud in said office. Bid considerations/specifications may be obtained from the city managers office at the above location. THE CITY OF PERRY CITY MANAGER EXPRESSLY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, WAIVE ANY INFORMALITIES, OR TO ACCEPT ANY BID DEEMED TO BE IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY. 4/20 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA. Case No: 05-219-CA ROBERT LYNN a/k/a ROBERT M. LYNN and NELL LYNN a/k/a NELL N. LYNN, Plaintiffs v. KAREN LAFAYETTE HALL a/k/a KAREN L. HALL, DAISY 0. BLAIR, ANTHONY C. PARENT, ANTHONY C. PARENT, ESTATE, TINA M. BISHOP PARENT, ANGELA F. GROSS, JAMES VEREEN, and C.T. ELY, if alive, and if dead their unknown, spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, creditors, and all other parties claiming by, through, under, or against them; and all unknown natural persons if alive, and If dead or hot known to be dead or alive, their several and respective unknown spouses, heirs devisees, grantees, and creditors, or other parties claiming by, Through, or under those unknown natural persons; and the several and respective unknown assigns, successors in interest, trustees, or any other person claiming by, through, under, or against any corporation or other legal entity named as 'a defendant;and all claimants, persons or parties, natural or corporate, or whose exa6t legal status is unknown, claiming under any of the above named or described defendants or parties or claiming to have any right, title, Defendants NOTICE OF ACTION To: All Above- Named Defendants Addresses Unknown YOU,.KAREN HALL, ARE NOTIFIED that an action to quiet title to real property on the following property in Taylor County, Florida: Commence at the Northeast (NE) corner of Lot 6, Block E of the N. L.-SMITH SUBDIVISION as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 82 of the Public Records of Taylor County, Florida. Thence run West along the North boundary line 75.0 feet for the Point of Beginning. Thence continue West 62.50 feet; thence run South 0 degrees 08' 00" East parallel with the East boundary line of said Lot 6 118.0 feet; thence run East parallel with the North boundary line 62.50 feet; thence run North 0 degrees 08' 00" West parallel' with East boundary line 118.0 feet to Point of Beginning. YOU, DAISY O. BLAIR, ARE NOTIFIED that an action to quiet title to real property on the following property In Taylor County, Florida: Commence at the SW Corner of the NE1/4 of NW1/4 of Section 35, Township 7 South, Range 7 East, thence run East 700 feet, thence North 296 feet for the Point of Beginning, thence run East 93.5 feet, -r,-r,:- l|.:.nr,r..-o r i [-er -ter -.:r - run eA.;r i0- rtet rrer,:e :..:utin 0 rEet to the Point of Beginning. Lot 81, Ezell Beach. Located in Section 35, Township 07 South, Range 07 East, Taylor County, .Florida. YOU, ANTHONY C. PARENT, ANTHONY C. PARENT ESTATE, TINA M. BISHOP PARENT, ANGELA F. GROSS, and JAMES VEREEN, ARE NOTIFIED that an action to quiet title to real property on the following property in Taylor County, Florida: Beginning at road right of way of Keaton Beach Road, S-361, on East side of road at North boundary line of Section 35, Township-7 South, Range 7 East; run 210 feet East, then South 210 feet, then West 210 feet, thence North 210 feet to point of beginning, containing one (1) acre, more or less, and lying in North portion of , NE1/4 of Section 35; Township 7 South, Range 7 East. YOU, C. T. ELY, ARE NOTIFIED that an action to quiet title to real property on .the following property in Taylor County, Florida: From Southwest Corner of NE1/4 of NW1/4 of Section 35, Township 7 South, Range 7 East; run East 600 feet, thence North 166 feet for a point'of beginning;- thence East 50 feet; thence North 80 feet; thence West 50 feet; thence South 80 feet to the point of beginning. Lot 87, Ezell Beach. Has been filed against you and you, and each of you, are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on John Weed, the plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 605 South Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347 on or before May 18, 2005 and file the original with the clerk of this court either before service on the plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition; Dated on April 8, 2005 Annie Mcpe Murphy As Clerk of the Circuit Court . By: Marti LaValle As Deputy Clerk 4/14, 4/20, 4/27, 5/4 INVITATION TO BID THE TAYLOR COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY. COMMISSIONERS IS SOLICITING ,SEALED PROPOSALS/6IDS FOR A PER TON PRICE FOR CHIP-N-SAW, PINE PULP WOOD, AND WHOLE TREE HARVESTING FOR THE PERRY/FOLEY AIRPORT TIMBER HARVEST. QUALIFIED FIRMS OR INDIVIDUALS DESIRING TO PROVIDE THE REQUIRED SERVICES MUST SUBMIT THEIR PROPOSAL/BID PACKAGE IN A ENVELOPE OR SIMILAR PACKAGE MARKED "SEALED PROPOSALS/BIDS FOR AIRPORT TIMBER HARVEST" TO THE CLERK OF COURT, 1ST FLOOR COURTHOUSE, 108 NORTH JEFFERSON STREET OR P.O. BOX 620, PERRY, FLORIDA 32348, TO ARRIVE NO LATER THAN 4:00 P.M., LOCAL TIME ON MAY 2, 2005. ALL PROPOSALS/BIDS MUST HAVE THE RESPONDENT'S NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS CLEARLY SHOWN ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE ENVELOPE OR PACKAGE WHEN SUBMITTED. PROPOSALS/BIDS WILL BE OPENED AND RESPONDENTS ANNOUNCED AT 6:15 P.M. LOCAL TIME,'OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS PRACTICAL, ON MAY 2, 2005, IN THE TAYLOR COUNTY. ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLEX, OLD POST OFFICE, 201 EAST GREEN STREET, PERRY, FLORIDA 32347. PROPOSAL INFORMATION MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE CLERK OF COURT, 1ST FLOOR COURTHOUSE, 108 NORTH JEFFERSON ST., OR P.O. BOX 620, PERRY, FLORIDA 32348, (850)838-3506. THE BOARD RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SELECT A FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL SOLELY ON THE CONTENT OF THE PROPOSAL/BID DOCUMENTS, OR TO REQUEST THAT RESPONDENTS MAKE ORAL PRESENTATIONS OF THEIR QUALIFICATIONS. THE COUNTY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY AND/OR ALL RESPONSES AND AWARD THE CONTRACT TO THE FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL THAT IS BEST IN THE OPINION OF THE COUNTY. NO FAXED PROPOSALS/BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM: TAYLOR COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE 203 FOREST PARK DRIVE PERRY, FL. 32348 (850)838-3508 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA. 4/13, 4/20BCC IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF JEFF DAVIS COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA MELISSA A. REEVES, Plaintiff v. TAMMY LEE IVES, Defendant Civil Action File No. 2004-SU-V-175 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION To: Tommy Lee Ives 1619 Pine Tree Road Steinhatchee, Florida 32359 You are hereby notified that the above- styled action seeking damages was filed against you in said Court on April.8, 2004, and that by reason of an Order for Service of Summons by .Publication entered by the Court on MARCH 18, 2005, you are hereby commanded and required to file with the Clerk of said Courtand serve upon F. Frank Smith, Jr., Smith & Cannon, P.C., P. O. Box 27, Vidallo, Georgia 30475, an Answer to the Complaint within 60 days of March 17, 2005. WITNESS the Honorable E.M. Wilkes III, Judge of Said Court. This 18 day of March, 2005. Myra Murphy . Clerk, Superior Court, Jeff Davis County 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR TAYLOR . i,'UIl1. FLOPI"Rc C.3':e lr. r5I.: .; P "" - IN RE: THE ESTATE OF - JULIA ANN CRUCE Deceased. Notice To Creditors The administration of the estate of Julia Ann Cruce, deceased File Number: 05- 235-CP, Is pending in the Circuft Court for Taylor County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is Clerk of the Court, P.O. Box 620; Perry, Florida 32347. The name and address of the Personal Representatives are set forth below. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against Decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice has been served, must file their claims 'with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and ' other persons .having claims or demands against decedents estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of-the first publication of this Notice Is April 20, 2005 Subsequent date of publication is April 27, 2005 Edith T. Dick, Personal Representative P.O. Box 8088 Jupiter, FL 33468 John N. Weed Attorney for the Personal Representatives . 605 S. Jefferson Street Perry, Florida 32347 (850)223-1665 FBN: 324840 4/20, 4/27 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA. Case No. 05-238-CP IN RE: THE ESTATE OF CHARLES PAUL FREEMAN Deceased. Notice to Creditors The administration of the estate of Charles Paul Freeman, deceased File Number: 05-238-CP, is. pending in the Circuit Court for Taylor County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which Is Clerk of the Court, P.O. Box 620, Perry, Florida 32347. The name and address of the Personal Representatives are set forth below: ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against Decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice has been served, must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedents estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of the first, publication of this Notice is April 20, 2005 Subsequent date of this publication is April 27,2005 Lajuanna Pillow Personal Representative 301 West Cedar Street Perry, Florida 32347 John N. Weed Attorney for the Personal Representatives 605 S. Jefferson Street Perry, Florida 32347 (850)223-1665 FBN:324840 4/20, 4/27 NOTICE OF FISCAL YEAR 2005 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION FIRST PUBLIC HEARING The City of Perry is considering applying to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for a Small Cities Community Development Block Grant of up to $700,000. These funds must be used for one of the following purposes: 1. To benefit low- and moderate- income persons; or 2. To aid in prevention or elimination of slums or blight; or 3. To meet other community development needs having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to .health or welfare of the community and where other financial resources are not available to meet such needs. The category, of. activities for which these funds may be used are in the area of housing, neighborhood revitalization, commercial revitalization, or economic.development and include such improvement activities as acquisition of real property, rehabilitation of houses and commercial buildings, code improvement activities, and construction of infrastructure, including water and sewer improvements, street Improvements, and drainage and neighborhood facilities. Additional Information concerning the range of activities that may be undertaken will be provided at the public hearing. At least 70% of the funds must be proposed to be spent on activities that benefit low-and moderate-income persons. In developing an application for submission to the Department, the applying local government must plan to minimize displacement of persons as a result of planned Community Development Block Grant activities. In addition, the applying local government is required to develop a plan to assist displaced persons. A public hearing to receive citizen views concerning housing, community development and economic development needs will be held in the City Council Meeting Room, City Hall located at 224 South Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida on April 26, 2005 at 5:30 p.m., or as soon, thereafter as the matter pan be heard. To obtain additional information concerning the public hearing contact William M. Lavalle, Director of Development, located at 224 South Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida, telephone number (850) 584-7161. The public hearing is being conducted in a handicapped accessible location. Any handicapped person requiring an interpreter for the hearing impaired or the'visually impaired should contact William M. Lavalle at least five calendar days prior to the public hearing and an interpreter: will be provided. Any non English speaking person wishing to attend the public hearing should contact William M. Lavalle at least five calendar days prior to the public hearing and a language interpreter will GULF COASTr METAL 3' Wide ROOnNG Galvalume Sglineo, 3 'Wide accessories in stock Painted Special Flashings Made All Types Warranted Metal Available Cut to your desired lengths Delivery Service Available Call Toll-Free 888-393-0335 352-498-0778 Horseshoe Beach, Fl. Get the FACTS each week in the Taco Times & Perry News-Herald! Subscribe today and save $17 a year off newsstand prices! I= = I I i I Must have clean CDL Class A license Daily runs from Perry to South Florida 850-584-9328 I' I ' be provided. Any handicapped person requiring special accommodation at this meeting should contact William M. Lavalle at least five calendar days prior to the public hearing. To access a Telecommunication Device for Dear (TDD) please call (850) 584-5622 A FAIR HOUSING/EQ UA. OPPORTUNITY/HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE JURISDICTION 4/20 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA PERRY HOME CENTER, INC., A Florida Corporation, Plaintiff, Case No. 05-180-CA v. LANA MARIE BARRON, d/b/a LORD OF LOVE, if alive, and if dead, her unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, creditors and all other parties claiming by, through, under or against her; the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees and creditors of deceased persons, and all other parties claiming by, through, under or against them; and all unknown natural persons if alive, and if dead or not known to be dead or alive, their several and respective unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees and creditors, or other parties claiming by, through or under those unknown natural persons; and, the several on'd respective unknown assigns, successors in interest, trustees or any other person claiming by, through, under or against any corporation or other legal entity named as defendant; and all claimants, persons or parties, natural or corporate, or whose exact legal status is unknown, claiming under any of the above named or described defendants or parties claiming to have any right, title or interest in and.to the lands hereinafter described, Defendants. AMENDED NOTICE OF,ACTION TO: LANA MARIE BARRON, d/b/a LORD OF LOVE, if alive, and if dead, her unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, creditors and all other parties claiming by, through, under or against her; the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees and creditors of deceased persons, and all other parties claiming by, through, under or against them; and all unknown natural persons if alive, and if dead or not known to be dead or alive, their several and respective unknown, spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees and creditors, or other parties claiming by, through or under those unknown natural persons; and, the several and respective unknown assigns, successors in interest, trustees or any other person claiming by, through, under or against any corporation or other legal entity named as defendant; and all claimants, persons or parties, natural or corporate, or whose exact legal status is unknown, claiming under any of the above named or described defendants or parties claiming to have any.righttitle or interest in and to the lands hereinafter described, defendants: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Verified Complaint to Foreclose Mortgage to the following property in Taylor County, Florida: Parcel No. 27-03-07-01970-330 Commence at the SE corner of the SW 1/4 .of the Section 27, T3S, R7E, and run S 89' 56'42" W, along -r.. .section,: line (bearing base), 482.64 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence run N 01" 04' E, 300.0 feet; thence run S 89' 56'42" W, 157.93 feet; thence run-S 01' 04' W, 300.00 feet to the Section line; thence -run N 89' 56'42" E, 157.93 feet to the Poinr of Beginning. Said parcel is located in the SW 1/4 of Section 27, T3S, R7E, and contains 1.09 acres, LESS AND EXCEPT THE NORTH 30 FEET FOR ROAD R/W. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on the plaintiffs attorney, MICHAEL S. SMITH, SMITH, SMITH & MOORE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, P.A., P.O. Drawer 579, Perry, Florida 32348; on or before May 20, 2005, and file the original answer or pleading with the Clerk of this .Court either before service on the Plaintiff(s attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Verified Complaint to Foreclose Mortgage. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this 14th day of April, 2005. ANNIE MAE MURPHY, Clerk of the Circuit Court Taylor County, Florida Marti Lavalle Deputy Clerk 4/20, 4/27 B-6 The Taco Times April 20, 2005 New Master Loggers added to ranks Jody Devane of Devane Timber Service, Jared Compton of Compton Timber Services, Inc. and Williams Simpson of W. H. Simpson Logging, LLC, all of Perry, completed a three-day education program designed to train loggers in environmentally sound, safe and efficient logging practices. Completion of the training earned these men the industry designation of "Master Logger," a professional logger with at least one successful year of operating experience. Over 1,000 forest professionals have completed this training in Florida. Upon completion of the three- day course, Devane and Simpson voluntarily submitted to a written comprehensive exam and passed, which earned them the relatively new designation of Florida Master Logger +Plus, a designation signifying that they have gone above and beyond and are committed to a high level of professionalism. Currently, there are a total of 40 Florida Master Logger +Plus loggers in the state. These professional loggers return to the Taylor County area with "improved credentials to offer. logging and forestry services in this growing segment of the local and state economy," said Bob Moore, Logger Education Task Force Chair. In 1996 timber harvesting in Taylor County produced a $9,350,000 harvest. Approximately 1,800 employees work directly in the forestry industry, which that same year generated a $60.6 million payroll. in Taylor County. Forest products and paper companies within the' state collectively generate $8.6 billion in manufactured products and-inject $1.37 billion into local communities in payroll. These men traveled to Lake City where they participated in sessions with 23 other loggers. The classes covered technological innovations in the logging industry, environmental management, the changing wood supply and demands for more sophisticated business 'practices. Courses included topics on logger and equipment safety, endangered species,' planning for harvesting forests, business finance, wage and hour management, logging safety, legal affairs and the latest in environmental regulations. According to Moore, "the program has as its goals the enhancement of professionalism among loggers, the improvement 'of our quality of life, the provision of a continuing flow of goods and services and the protection cf environmental qualities of Florida's forests." To date, over 600 loggers have completed the training and earned the title "Master Logger." Forests cover 16.5 million acres in Florida, nearly 48% of the state's total land area. The forest products industry ranks sixth in total employees and seventh in payroll of all manufacturing interests in Florida. The Master Logger program is sponsored by the Florida Forest Association in cooperation with the Southeastern Wood Products Association. Interested parties can view the complete list of Master Loggers at its website. at www.floridaforest.org. Master Loggers Pictured above are, from left to right: Bob Moore, Logger Education Task Force newly named Master Loggers, Jody Devane, Jared Comptorn and William Simpson. Chair, and Fourth graders get applause CYCLING Continued from page B-2 Kidd, Jim Bassett, Melvelyn Putnal, Wanda Kemp, Sandra MacDonald, Chris Olson, Oscar Howard, Jr., Ken Olsen, Penny Wood, Kate E. Courtney, John R. Weed, Licia A. Lee, Mary J. Carter, Jim Creech, Mrs. John Robertson, Josette A. Brafford, Linda Rommes, L. Gay Kallschmidt, Melanie A. Soto, Mrs. Joseph W. Cannon, Joanna Gnapp, Doris Lapoma, Anne Seasock, Foley Timber & Land Company, Meridy Robertson, Andrew J. Stimpson, Karl Morgan, Phyliss Yates, Leigh A. Lundy, Velinda Root, Optimist Club, Big Tire Inc., Brandi Monk, Sandra Bogart, Cindy Geick, Sharon Hathcock, Larry Hendry, Janice Walker, Diane Whitfield, Shelly Strickland, Kathy Jester, Nancy Bell, Sandy Murphy, Teresa Lee Newman, Sandra Quicke, Pam Padgett, Beverly Battillo, Vince Verges, Perry Primary PTO, Denise and Danny Griner, Sylvia Ivey, Teva Harris, Anne Hendry, Yarbrough Tire Company Inc., Becky Strickland, Kim Gordon, Citizens Bank of Perry, Barbara Stedman, Betsy Stephens, Capital City Bank, Melanie Morgan, Courtney Bethea, Michael E. Kane, Clyde Cruce, Ursula Brown, Ruthie Mae Parker and Renee Ratliff. Because of the community's involvement, more than $6,000 was raised, allowing a. scholarship named in Verges' honor to awarded to a deserving seventh grader. Congratulations to Mrs. Wetherington's fourth grade homeroom for raising more than $100 and winning the pizza lunch in Taylor County Elementary's fundraising effort for this cause. Sincerely, Take Stock in Children Leadership Council -N Celebrating 30 Years! (Kids: 4:00-5:00 pm) (Teens: 5:30-6:30 pm) (Adults: 7-8 pm) (Executive 12:00-1:00 pm) TUESDAY & THURSDAY www bowden. karate bowdenj@gtcom.net 124 S. Jefferson St. Jimmy Bowden, Instructor 838-3656 JJjCARPET ^^'tv J-^We Also : *CARPETS WOOD FLOORS Carpet *VINYL *BINDING Travel *CERAMIC CUSTOM DESIGNED Trailers, *REPAIRS AREA RUGS Campers 203 E. Drew St. (across from Robbie's Seafood) & Boats Hours: Mon. Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-12 James Musslewhite, owner Licensed & Insured Visa* MC AmEx FINANCING *:rr r%.j.- T I ,e AVAILABLE INSTANT RESULTS. GET MORE DONE WITH MORE. Equip your business with revolutionary business solutions. Connect coast-to-coast with built-in walkie-talkie. GPS- Find your team and your way. Mobile Credit Card Swipe-Get paid on the go. Two-Way Messaging- Send and receive detailed messages instantly. Get a rate plan with Direct Connect" walkie-talkie. 00 per month. their monthly NET Starting at 39.99 charqn apply. See below. Let Nextel help your business get things done. NEXTEL STRICTLY CELLULAR Call Gary or Lidia 850-223-1900 Monday Friday 8:30 am until 6:00 pin.,1306-A South Jeflerson Street, Perry, FL. All .. .. h ... . . ,: . . W F R.W. MEISSNER &ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING SERVICES BUILDING PLANS RENOVATIONS HOMES COMMERCIAL. PERMITS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SUWANNEE RIVER WMD SITE DEVELOPMENT PARKING LOTS 216 W. MAIN STREET PERRY, FLORIDA32347 PHONE # 850-584-3887 E-r4IAIL. rwmIrri.i'icom.nel Roofing & Roof Repairs Additions New Construction Gutters Remodeling General Maintenance Big B Contractors (850) 878-8758 (850) 528-4975 Tallahassee cell (local) Lic. #CBC059087 CCC057922 n-' Construction O Site Development John Gentry Lauri Bundrick Professional Engineer Designer Sandra Bolton Robert Harper Office Manager Designer "Civil & Environmental Engineers" 114-B W. Green St.. (850) 584-4408 Mon. Fri.'9:00 a.m. 5;00 p.m. FRITH ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. Owners & Mortgage Title Insurance Policies Title Searches 'Real Estate Closings 501 N. ByronButler Pkwy, Perry, Fl. 850-584-2672 BIG BEND HOSPICE Support For Life's Journey When someone you love is diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, let Big Bend Hospice help you through the physical, emotional and spiritual journeys you 4 will face. 1723 Mahan Center Blvd. " Tallahassee, FL 32308 www.bigbendhospice.org Need C Lens Order on tl Accenteyeca or call 51 contact he-web at: recenter.com 84-2200 Dr. Michael Walby Optometric Physician CONTACT LENSES 'T e 'Back Porch SUnique home decorations .Antiques -and-yaintedfur niture 850-584-2075 3306 fwy~ 19 S. 'Visit us on ine at www.miytac porcfi.net Women's Health eentes Hearing Aids of Alorth jlorida, .ea Dr. Anthony Perrin Exert Fitting Board-Certified OB/GYN Highest Quality All Makes & Mode Obstetrics & Gynecology Services In Perry Y Prenatal Care Monday to Friday e'a \agna Ue iveries '1I- Davis-Garvin Agency, Inc. WORKERS COMP AUTO/EQUIPMENT PROPERTY GENERAL LIABILITY "A" Rated Commercial Insurance Local References Available 25 Years Servicing the Southeast Call now for a compettitve no-hassle quote/! Robert Johnson 352-367-8376 Y vaginall Deliveries C-Sections BilateralTubal Ligation Pap Smears Colposcopy YLaparoscopic GYN Surgeries Monday Friday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. For an appointment, call S(850) 223-1744 TACO TIMES PERRY NEWS-HERALD 123 S. Jefferson St. Perry, Fl. 32347 P.O. Box 888 Perry, Fl. 32348 (850) 584-5513 Fax 838-1566 News Dept. perrynews@perry.gulfnet.com Now under NEW MANAGEMENT Open 7 days a week Largest Grub Selection in Florida Bait & Tacklle Rod & Reel Combos SSnacks 'Sodas Ice Beer* Cigarettes Live & Frozen Offshore Bait Coming Soon... S In March we will be doing boating repairs & fiberglassing Florida Marine 6041 Beach Rd. 850-584-8105 (1 mile on the right down Beach Rd,) iJ1; AUL Open 7 Days 6:00 am 6:00 pm Pressure els Dr. Jeffrey D. Russell Audiologist Hamdan ENT Center CALL 584-8123 Ro Com (8 ( Sidewalks Driveways )ofs Gutters 7mercial Residental/ 501838-1546 850) 843-0364 (cell) Gerald Murphy, owner i Smyrnios Painting Seg Residential SCommercial ^ (FREE ESTIMATES) Gus and Manuel Smyrnios S850-223- 1402 I icenrd Cnntra0tnr -850 223-3595 I --n a I-bat~e hKar~ate-- |