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Tayl- - Sinr 3020 March 30, 2005 Tree Capital of the South 2 Sections Our 44th Year, No. 13 News Forum Florida to -^S^ 19 a Perry, Florida Taylor County hosts the third annual Florid6 State Bluegrass Festival this weekend, April 1 and 2. Inside today's edition you'll find a special sectiorf dedicated to the festival, highlighting all scheduled events and performers K-9 demonstration slated Thursday Nearly 100 K-9 law enforcement teams will take part in the third annual K-9 Training & Problem Solving Seminar's free public demonstration hosted by American Aluminum Thursday, March 31 The K-9s and their handlers will present a free program demonstrating their skills at Dorsetl Stadium, beginning at 6 p.m. The event is free and open to the public A special portion of the program will be dedicated to child safety tips. especially as related to child abduction. Children and families will be able to visit with the handlers and dogs at the end of the demonstration SWRMD board holds.public hearing The Suwannee River Water Management District's (SWRMD) Governing Board will meet Tuesday, April 12, at the Hampton Inn in Perry, starting at 9 a m. Public hearings on regulatory and land acquisition matters will be held. Why cook? The St James Relay for Life Team will host a spaghetti dinner Fnday, April 1, from 5-8 p.m Dinners are $6 per person and include spaghetti, salad, bread, beverage and dessert. All proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society. Dine-in and carry-out will be available: the dinner will be held in the church's parish hall. Sponsors needed Marshall Health & Rehabilitation and the Marshall Health Family Council will sponsor a fun day for residents and their families April 30, Irom 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Anyone wishing to sponsor a game for this event is asked to contact Patsy Padgett at 584-9762 or Nelda Parker at 223-2370. Hibiscus sale planned April 2 AMVETS Post 20 will hold its annual hibiscus sale Saturday, April 2, from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the post building on Woods Creek Road. The fund-raiser will be held in conjunction with the monthly community yard sale hosted by the post. The multi-colored hibiscus (available in three gallon pots) will be sold at $12 for individual plants and $20 for two. To reserve a space at the yard.sale, contact Mark Viola at 584-5513 or 584-8807 Index Living...page A-4 Sports...page A-6 Religion...page A-7 Commurlity...page B-1 Editorial...page B-2 cflassifieds...page 8'-3 Hundreds of vehicles damaged Taylor pounded by hailstorm Taylor County was pounded with "We actually had several law received hundreds of dents due to were reported, some citizens said systems came through this region, almost four inches of rain during enforcement vehicles .on our the hail, "with two Blazers having their electricity blinked several some developing in the Gulf of weekend storms which dumped property when the storm struck, their front windows busted in times during the storms. Mexico, while at least one other. hail--some golf ball size-- They all suffered hail damage, dozens of places." According to officials with the- I Please see page 2 throughoutt most of the county. ,too," she said. While no major power outages National Weather Service, several - Local insurance companies say that several hundred claims had been reported by Tuesday afternoon, for both automobile and home damage. Several businesses also reported damage to their roofs. American Aluminum Manager Chris Craft said the early-morning hailstorm Friday punched several holes in their building's roof, causing almost $10,000 in damage. KU S general Manager illy Dice. said that hail "busted through some of the skylights" in the plant area. Department of Forestry rain gauges recorded four inches of rain at the Foley Fire Tower, according to officials at DOE Emergency Management Director Roy Woods said vehicles with his department which were parked at the Perry/Foley Airport At beaches Fire safety threatened by lack of volunteers The Keaton Beach Volunteer Fire Department is doun to one person, prompting the county commission to undertake a campaign to beef up that unit as well as others around the county. The plight of the Keaton Beach department surfaced last week when Leisure Retreats resident Bill Stevart complained to the commission that no one from the nearby volunteer department responded to the fire at his home a few weeks ago. "I drove 16 miles and I beat the fire department there," Stewart said. "Thanks goes to my neighbors who helped control it with their garden hoses." County Manager Buddy Humphries said the lone volunteer at the Keaton Beach Station was at work in Perry and did not respond and the county's full-time unit took 22 minutes to arrive on the scene from its station at the Perry-Foley Airport. County Commissioner Clay Bethea said he asked Siewart to come before the board and tell his story. "We have a deficit in fire protection. As we go through the budget sessions for next year we need to consider rhat." Bethea said. .Humphries said the Division -of Forestry (DOF) actually was first to arrive on the scene, about 14 minutes after the call went out, but they did .- Please see page 3 For Saxton Street property Asleep at the wheel This Chevy pick-up was traveling north on U. S. 221 Friday morning when the driver,- Larry English, 24, of Greenville, "fell asleep at the wheel," according to.Florida Highway Patrol Trp. Jon T. Leohner. The vehicle traveled onto the northbound shoulder of the road; striking a culvert. It then went airborne and overturned onto its roof. The driver is. reported to have suffered minor injuries and was transported to Doctors' Memorial Hospital by DMH Emergency Medical Services. English was charged with careless. driving. 'Eminent domain' argued by council If the Perry City Council voted to accommodate a sidewalk and expert witnesses that would need to reason for the request. She also on the south side of the street, then to assert its powers of "eminent would have to secure additional be called in the case." he said. noted that the street has seen we should go ahead and take it-(the domain" o- claim property within the city limits, it could face up to a 16-month legal battle and untold costs in attorney fees and related property charges. The council requested information on the "eminent domain" provision after hearing a request to install a sidewalk along Saxton Street. Currently, the city does not have enough right-of-way property in order to meet safety standards. Last week. City Manager Bill Brynes told the council that if eminent domain was pursued, the city would be responsible not only for its own attorney fees. but also the attorney fees of the property owners involved in the suit. "You would also be responsible for the property appraisals and any For Taylor County Sapp dives into marine agent role STaylor County has a new Marine and Natural Resource Extension Agent. Justin D. Sapp. Originally from Central Florida, Sapp said he has been in Taylor County for only four weeks, and already loves it. Sapp's big focus in his new job will be on artificial reefs, he Justin D. Sapp said, but there are many other programs he will be working on. "Right now, we are considering holding a 4-H Fishing Tournament." he said. "We've already made the initial steps to get that going. This project will generate funds for youth education and would also benefit the anificial reefs." Sapp is currently working on a website, which will focus on Natural resources education. The new site is scheduled to roll out in a few weeks, he said. County Extension Agent Clay Olson said Sapp will also be involved in the Farm Pond Management Program, where he %will study weed control, feeding rates, water quality, species control and fish disease identification. An avid off-road cyclist, Sapp is also working with a program from the University of Florida called Sea Grants. The program, which is funded by NOAA ..* Please see page 2 "The final cost of the property. would be whatever a: jury determined was a fair value," he noted. "It would take about 16 months to resolve. If you negotiate with the property owners, you will still pay their attorney fees. If you sue' the property owners, you will pay for their attorneys." City Attorney Bill Blue said. ' The sidewalk issue was brought to the council by Saxtoh Street resident Jenny Miller. wfio cited safety concerns as the number one increased traffic.since the opening of the Wal-Mart shopping center. Mayor Pam Feagle said she would not agree with enforcing "eminent domain because it would cost the city money it does not have." "I don't think, we should be putting in another sidewalk when we don't have the money for bringing our current sidewalks up to standard," Councilwoman Emily Ketring said. "I think we should still work on .getting a sidewalk. If it can only go land)." Councilman Alphnsos Dowdell said. He then made a motionrto proceed with an eminent domain suit. Councilman Sylvester HI-ris- offered a second. The motion failed by a 3-2 ate with Councilman Doug Eveett,- Feagle and Ketring voting against it. "I have talked with ~oth landowners and one of them',aid absolutely not, he did not want to 0 Please see page 3 Audit prompts concerns at Taylor Senior Services County. staff will meet with meetings. We suggest that formal Murphy noted that the auditors officials from Taylor County board minutes be recorded for finished the work in September : Senior Services after 'each meeting to document of last year but it wasn't commissioners 'reviewed the all actions of the board of until January of this year organization's 2003 audit which directors," the audit found. i that the board received the pointed to several problems, Clerk of Court Annie Mae audit report. including cash loans to employees. "Several statements (in the audit) are very. concerning,"' County Commissioner Clay Bethea said. "I look at it and see that there are no m iriutes and there were the loans," he said. According to the findings of the audit compiled by James Moore & Co., the organization made cash loans to employees during the year ending Dec. 31, 2003. "Such-loans could be viewed as a diversion of organization assets that are not in the organization's best interests. For., this reason, 'the board should not approve such loans in .the future," the audit found. . The audit also found that the board of directors was not provided with timely, monthly financial statements. "We found months where there was no record of board of directors Comcast invests $13 million here Comcast has installed a new antenna that should clear up some reception problems in the Perry area, the county commission learned recently. Comcast General Manager KC McWilliams said after hearing:. about Commissioner Jack Brown's complaint of reception problems-. on some Tallahassee and Gainesville channels, she had work crews- adjust the existing antenna. "That appeared to fix it. but it only lasted one day," she said. McWilliams said the new antenna should make reception "as clear as can he " She said Comcast has spent more than $13 million in Taylor Courtly over the last 10 months. .- Please see page 2 C imeMidweek Edition C 2!,-- I I I I A-2 TheTaco Times March 30, 2005 When fronts mix 'things get nasty' HAILSTORM Continued from page 1 came from the western United States, "where it mixed with the warm air coming in from the water, causing the hail." "It's that time of year," Woods said. "It's warmer in the South, and when the cold fronts come from up North and mixes. it can really makes things get nasty." Improvements include high speed internet These golf-ball-size hailstones were photographed after the hailstorm which pounded Taylor and surrounding counties early Friday morning. Senior Center holds dance .--Music and dancing-for all ages will be staged at the Taylor County :Senior Services Center (800 West Ash Street) Saturday, April 9, from 7- F p m. SMusicians slated to perform include: Ronnie Wright. B.C. Brow n and Rick Knowles, formerly of the In-laws & Outlaws. Tax services in Steinhatchee SFree tax e-filing services will be offered at the Steinhatchee Community Center today (Wednesday) by appointment. S:Contact the AARP Tax Aide Program at (352) 498-2723. :No appointments are needed for tax services offered at the Taylor County Public Library Saturday. April 2, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. SOf the library ,Are you SAre you a friend of the Taylor GCounty Public Library? EThW: local '.Friends of the .Lirary" chapter invites interested .p rsons to join them Tuesday, AAprilf5, at 6 p.m., at the library (6.fr a business meeting and to -Esiare ideas. SRefreshments will be served. Sapp 'excited' itowork in the 'Nature Coast' SAPP -:: -Continued from page. . ilational. Oceanic Almospheric associationn), will focus on.coastal -.m munities and educational --programs,- such as the Clean _lSarine Piogram. ,-_:Sapp said he plans on working .z- iib 4-H'ers to.-teach them sport Ilshing and responsible angling. =-lIn betweeni.earning his Masters degree e frbiom UF,, Sapp said he Sreiw-up chasirig."snook'' up and ifown Florida's east coast and hunting g deer "every chance he .,gets." "I'm really excited about the -ehance to work in and with the .:.itural resources that this area providess" he said. "It's something M-love to do. Everyone I've met so Slar has been very pleasant and "-ie.lpful, and, the area is beautiful. "I can'truly. see, why everyone calls Taylor County," 'Florida's :--Nature Coast,"' he added. -Look up for heaven... * look downtown for us! ).Our Flbors.Are SOut of This'World" .I: WHY PAY MORE? Quality Flooring For Less! S Professiorial Installation S838-3852 115 E. Green St. Mon. -Frl. 9-5 -Evenings by appt. Sat. 10-2 a friend? For more information, call 838- 3512. COMCAST Continued from page 1 Those improvements include a system rebuild, digital cable, high speed internet plus the addition of 12 new channels. "Perry now has what any large city in the country has," she said. Brown said many people in the county don't know that they may need to update.the wiring in their homes to receive better reception and to receive other Comcast services. He suggested that Comcast advertise who people need to contact in order to get the enhancements. McWilliams said Perr\ customers pay the same or a little less for services when compared to Tallahassee and other nearby cities. .. ,...... . sttRipe, prges, LLC Residential & Commercial Construction New Business Promotional Rates L.. IC (850) 584-8020 tAo'.~s5 965 838-6158 r ? PENOX Wide Spectrum Filtration System Removes IRON, TANNIN, SULFUR, MANGANESE and TURBIDITY. Kills BACTERIA Eliminates BAD TASTE, BAD ODOR and LAUNDRY & FIXTURE STAINS. Our systems are tailored to your particular needs All are LOW COST, LOW MAINTENANCE. GUARANTEED. Call today for FREE WATER TEST. SNo obligation. Prices $695 to $1995 IRON-FREE Well WaterCompany, Inc. Lisa McKinney, Representative 850-584-5750 800-437-1128 Delivered to your home twice a week... FOR ONE LOW PRICE! Subscribe to the Taco Times & Perry News-Herald @ 584-5513 In Honor of Doctors' Day BIG BEND HOSPICE Thanks Our Caring and Compassionate Physicians ..,I.- - ^E8iH^Sli '"1' 904-923-0522 Household Office Apartment Big or Small.. We can move it all! Dependable Free Estimates Reliable Local 2 Guys, Truck & Trailer 584-3776 (W) Licensed 584-2270 (H) (Serving Perry & Surrounding Counties) B. David Robinson, M.D. Medical Director Diane Haisten, D.O. Associate Medical Director Taylor County 3ig Bend 107 E. Green St., Perry, FL 32347 Hospice (850) 838-3086 USDA United States Department of Agriculture * iat as - -if tI *i - <- - The Tobacco Transition Payment Program (also called "Tobacco Buyout'). You've heard about it. Now be a part of it. This is it. The Federal tobacco marketing quota system is over. No more plant- ing restrictions. No more marketing cards. No more price support loans. Instead, the USDA's new Tobacco Transition Payment Program will provide money to eligible tobacco quota holders and producers to help in this transi- tion that ends the old system. But sign up now or you will not get a 2005 payment. > Did you own a farm as of October 22, 2004, with a 2004 basic marketing quota? i Are you an owner, operator, landlord, tenant, or sharecropper who shared in the risk of producing tobacco anytime between 2002 and 2004? ) Do you grow Flue-cured, Burley, Fire-cured, Dark air-cured, Virginia sun-cured, or Cigar filler/binder tobacco? Please sign up between March 14, 2005, and June 17, 2005, at your local USDA Service Center. Call 1-866-887-0140 or visit http://offices.usda.gov to-find your local county Service Center. Farm Service Agency USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer imm., MOVING .. '' ,5~7J~b:1 -^ . A-3 The Taco Times March 30, 20.05 commission that agency policy prohibits forestry firefighters from helping to battle structure fires. ."I'm not so sure why the truck issitting there and why they can't spray water on the fire. We Owners' wants unclear EMINENT DOMAIN Continued from page 1 absolutely not, he did not want to give up his land, and the other, I think, is waiting to hear what money we'd offer," Everett said. "There have been no studies done, nothing. All we have is one person saying there is a problem. How do we know there isn't a better place to put a sidewalk?" Public Works Director Barney Johnson asked. An alternative suggestion to the sidewalk was to make the street one-way and install a walking path along the closed portion of the roadway. It was determined that a poll of the residents in the area of Saxton Street was needed first to determine what they would like to see happen. FARMZ: BUEU] V Health J Business certainly assist them when there's a woods fire," Commissioner Jack Brown said. Shepherd said DOF firefighters do not have the protective equipment to fight structure fires. "We're not allowed to fight vehicle or equipment fires either," Shepherd said. Brown said there ought to be some common sense in DOF's policies. "Its a policy gone amiss. Our guvs aren't trained to fight "Helping You is What We Do Best." Call Us For a Quote! / Farm J Auto Perry Office (850) 584-2371 813 S. Washington St. www.floridafarm bureau.com J Home / Life - Shamrock Veterinary Clinic & Fisheries Cross City, Florida ,9 \ Your Pet's \\ 'elness Provider for Over 20 Years By Appointmentplease Linda Stoddard, D.V.M. Hank Stoddard, D.V.M., D.T.V.M. Jennifer McHale, D.V.M., MS Amy Stone, D.V.M,, PhD 352-498.5293 Preventative medicine Nutrition & dietary assistance Complete dental care Radiology & surgery Boarding facility Aquaculture consultation Limited large animal services Mon.-Fri. 8:00 5:30, Saturday 8:00 Noon Turn right at 1st caution light on Hwy. 19 Cross City, South 1/2 mile on SW 10th St. wildland fires but they help out," Brown said. The commission agreed to write a letter to the county's legislative delegation about DOF's policies. The commission also voted to begin advertising and actively pursuing new volunteers. It was pointed out, that volunteer firefighters now have to complete 160 hours of class work before they can qualify. A previous policy required them to complete only 40 hours. DOF prohibited from helping in structure fires Readiness Coalition announces meeting The Taylor County School Readiness Coalition will meet Thursday, April 7, at noon, in the coalition, office in the Alton H. Wehtworth Administrative Complex. The complex is located at 318 North Clark Street. All interested persons are invited to attend. Coalition members also remind parents to enroll their incoming pre-schoolers in the voluntary Pre-K programs which will be offered next year. FIRE SAFETY Continued from page 1 not help fight the fire. DOF's Stan Shepherd told the Doctors Day In recognition of National Doctor's Day, Doctors' Memorial Hospital applauds our physicians and all of our healthcare practitioners for all that they do. Physicians: Dr. Joanna Yao, Dr. Frederick Corpuz, Dr. TouficAbdo, Dr. Anthony Pacitti, Dr. Diane Haisten, Dr. Anthony Perrin, Dr. Firas Hamdan, Dr. Ghulam Mohammed, Dr. Bilal Khodr, Dr. Cesar Hidalgo, Dr. KhalilAfsh, Dr. Miles Nelson, Dr. Jaime Mejia, Dr. Peter DeSouza, Dr. Donna Schippers, A.R.N.P.s: Gina Sapp, Nunnie Emery, Maria Driver, Lori Hearne, Debbie Goddard, Ben Walker, Randy Hearne. Physician Assistants: Gena Plain, Sharon Schlick. Certified Nurse Midwife: Lori Asifor-Tuoyo. Not pictured: Dr. Tulio'Sulbaran, Cardiologist; Dr. Daniel Perkins, Family Practice, Dr. Joseph Walton, Cardiology, Dr. Robert Thornberry, Orthopedics, Dr. Edward Sambey, Orthopedics, Dr. Myrle Grate, ENT, Dr. Joseph Camps, Urology, Dr. Paul Reynolds, Podiatry, Thomas Cureton, P.A., Quint Young, P.A. I, 4e FreddY Living SA-4The Taco Times March 30,2005 . .... Gary Heath Cannon, Kelly Pamela Pierce :April 9 ceremony will Suite Pierce, Cannon Richard Pierce announces the engagement of his daughter, Kelly :Pamela, to Gary Heath Cannon, the son of Gary Cannon of Perry and SJudy Thomas of Okeechobee. " The wedding will be an event of April 9 at 4:00 p.m. in Blue Creek ^ Baptist Church. All friends and relatives are invited to attend. New arrival Jordyn Perez Gonzalez Eddie and Jessica Gonzalez announce the birth of their son, Jordyn Perez, March 14, 2005, at 12:20 a.m. in Dewitt Army Hospital in Virginia. He weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces, and was 19 and one-half inches long. Maternal grandparents are Donna Smith and Greg Holms, both of Perry. Paternal grandparents are Juan and Yolanda Gonzalez, also of Perry. Wedding reminder ^Byrd-Slaughiter Glenda Byrd and Pete Slaughter remind friends and relatives of their wedding on Saturday, April 2, at 6:30 p.m. at 720 S. Hendry Avenue. School advisory to meet April 5 A school advisory committee (SAC) meeting will be held on April 5, beginning at 3:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Taylor County High School conference room, according to Assistant Principal Sandy Hendry. Jordyn Perez Gonzalez Nicole, Mandi & Earline welcome new staff members | Amber Smith, nail technician Barbara Stewart, hair stylist .- .. ,- "n&MF&a -" -f-."IC Hair Nails Facials Body Treatments ~ Waxing Spray Tan Ear Piercing" Gift Certificates His, Hlers Ours eSalon A full service salon for the entire family 102 W Cedar Street 584-8889 (corner of N Jefferson and W Cedar St) L H s Bridal Registry Bethany Denisoh Bryon Freeman April 2, 2005 Kelly Pierce Heath Cannon April 9, 2005 Melissa Kinsey Jimmy Land April 30, 2005 Amber Mauldin Shane, Ross May 7, 2005 Baby Regist"y Robin (Lilliott) & Charles Walker Girl due May 2005 Britney Burroughs & Chris Strickland Boy due June 2005,, Engagement and birth announcement forms are available for pick up in our office and are published as space is available. perrynewsaperry gulfnet.com Please include phone number for contact. STERLING CASINO DAY CRUISE AprI 3rd 2'2 '01 per person Includes rourndlrp motor coach [r:om Chtelland or Old Toa,.n to P:rl C.aniveral, bulJrl[, beveragess wrnie gaming & entertainment BILOXI GAMING TOUR 4 ldays5,3 rnignis Super S Motel $112 00 ppdo Beau Rirae 1 62t l00 ppdo 5 night Dec. 3rd Car,Dbean Cruise ,Starting at $?87 88 Only $25.00 will r-olad your space Roundtrip 3us Irancsportaior PACK N GO TRAVEL located in Chiefland 352-493-7622 OR toll free 1-888-852-0330 email:, speubank@aol.com Swebsite: www.pack-n-gotravel.com Seduce home maintenance and protect Syour investment SRecomnmended by friends and neighborsas . the Number On)e GLtter Protection System < Installs over existing gutters f Lifetime, transferable manufacturer's warranty GUTTER 848 Blountstown Highway . 850.576-3222 877-240-7200 Ec www.gutterhelmet.com/bigbend 'a "IS ONE YEAR'S SALARY ENOUGH LIFE INSURANCE" CALL'ME TO'FIND OUT HOW MUCH LIFE INSURANCE YOU REALLY NEED. 9U'J) Mark Pelt, Agent 584-5188 Allstate 1000A Jefferson St. .:u.i R, -Qd .a Alstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company, Allstate Indemnity Company and Allstate Life Insurance Company, Home Office: Northbrook, Illinois. @2002 Allstate Insurance Company PROTECTION SYSTEM 8" :q r A I A-5 The Taco Times March 30, 2005 Cancer survivors to be honored during Relay for Life ceremonies April The American Cancer Society will be honoring cancer survivors and those who have lost their battle with the disease during the Relay for Life event at the Taylor County High School track Friday, April 15, and Saturday, April 16. A luminaria ceremony will be held at 9 p.m. Friday 'to pay tribute to those who have faced this disease. The luminaria bags area on sale now and will be available until, 8:15 p.m. the night of the event. "The luminaria bags consist of the name of the person you want to honor written on the outside of the bag with a candle inside," said Luminaria Chairperson Jessica I:lrrnimire. "The luminaria are -pla'ced around the track in alphabetical order and at 9 p.m., we will begin our Ceremony of Hope." At the event, cancer survivors will kick off the relay by walking Ithe Survivors' Victory Lap around the track, which will be followed by a lap dedicated to caregivers. .After that, members of the teams take to the track, and one person from each team remains on the track throughout the entire 18- ;hour event. The American Cancer Society is Seventh Day Adventist church Saturday Sabbath School Worship Senrice ..I - (Kids 4-00-5 00 pm) Teens 5 30.6 30 pTi) (Adults 7.8 pmr) |Eeculive 12 :,lr- 00 pm) TUESDAY & THURSDAY IVIVI. Vbolt cen. a.'ale la''Itr t 8,'g-cO, ~-' 124 S. Jefferson St. Jimmy Bowden, instructor 838-3656 still recruiting teams to participate in this event. For more information or if you are interested in volunteering, please call Relay for Life Chair Jamie Clark at 584-4092. $SMAPPERg Snapper Offers a Zero Turn that Makes Mowing Easy * New easy to use, twin lever or joystick available * 18-hp or 20-hp models to choose from * 33", 38", 42" or 48" mowers available * Hydrostatic (Automatic) Drive If you would like to purchase a luminaria in honor or in memory of a cancer patient, please contact Turnmire at recommended d luminaria bag. 15-16 584-8892. The nation is $5 per S- Licensed & Insured ... S LI'#2004-1946 -CARE L(850)584-4710 (85)843-0708J 803 W. Main St. 584-6021 *Offer valid subject to credit approval through Shoppers Charge Accounts Co. on purchases between 1/1/05 and 6/30/05. No payments required (except insurance premiums if applicable). Finance charges will be assessed from date of purchase, unless the total purchase price and all related insurance premiums (if applicable) are paid in full within the promotional period. WW W.S.NAPPER.COM BUCKEYE COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Need i new vehicle? Your wat is overfinance a new or used vehicle with BCFCU during Apr Tand receive a treduction in your qualifying rate*!! SEasy Terms! Low Rates! www.f op or call 850-223-7100 ..w.w.bcfc.coop or call 850-223-7100 1825.S. Jfferson St. SPeri L 32348 (850) 223-7100 Your savings insured to $100,000 NCUA National Credit Union Administration a U.S. Government Agency . 'Quai.ty;ng rate based on current credit score I L I -~~---~sC L new yea ~ Sports A-6 The Taco Times March 30, 2005 I m i . i 2005 TCHS Varsity Baseball Schedule DATE TEAM PLACE TIME/RESULT Feb. 14-19 Rickards Preseason Classic TBA Feb. 17 vs. Florida High 0-4 L Feb 18 vs. Rickards 13-1 W .Feb. 22 Hamilton Home 15-5 W Feb. 25 NFC Away Rainout lMarch 1 Madison Away 3-5 L arch 4 Florida High Home 4-2 W arch 7 NFC Away (makeup) 9-9 dark March 10 Godby. Away 1-11 L arch 11 Wakulla Home 5-1 W March 15 E. Gadsden Away 10-0 W arch 17 NFC Home Rainout arch 18 Suwannee Home 4-8 L March 22 Rickards Away Rainout March 29 Dixie (DH) Home 7 p.m. April 1 Hamilton Away 6 p.m. April 5 E. Gadsden Home 6 p.m. April 8 Florida High Away '7 p.m. April 12 Madison Home 7 p.m. April 15 Wakulla Away 7 p.m. April 18 Dixie Co. Away 7.p.m. April 19, Rickards Home 7 p.m. April 22 Suwannee Away 7 p.m. April 28 Godby Away 4 p.m. May 1-5 District Tourney Away TBA Coach Richard Carr Home games shaded District games bold Softball deadline today S Registration for the upcoming been set for noon today. "men's/church league softball For more information on dates, Season is now underway. :times,; entry fees and coaches' S' meine. contact Coach Gillis at The deadline to register has .-83-4050 "Boosters have website SThe Taylor County Baseball graphs, rosters and special Boosters have established a ,web announcements.. Site so that fans can keep up with - the favorite teams. To learn more about Bulldog ' The site includes game baseball, log on at www.taylor summaries, schedules, photo- county baseball.com. April 2-3 is free fishing weekend Now's the time to gas up the truck, load up the kids, break out your fishing gear and go fishing! On April 2 and 3, you won't even need a license to fish in freshwater, here in Florida--the number-one destination for anglers from all over the world. Bass, bream and crappie--they all start biting this time of year here in the state that claims bragging rights to ,the title "Fishing Capital of the World." The Florida Legislature and the Florida Fish and 'Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) set aside one weekend per year for residents and visitors to enjoy freshwater fishing without having to worry about buying 'a fishing license. Bob Wattendolf, an FWC fisheries biologist who helps promote the annual event, said the Free Freshwater Fishing Weekend is an opportunity for parents to open a whole new world of adventure with their children. "When you see a child catch his first fish and hear the squeals and. screams and you watch ihe breathless excitement,'' Wattendorf said, "you're seeing a magical moment the child will remember forever. And someday, the child may pass that moment on to yet another generation and carry on the tradition of fishing in Florida." Free fishing weekend isn't just for kids, though. It offers a convenient.opportunity for adults who haven't caught a 'fish in a while to get. reacquainted with angling, and do it-in some of the waters that have yielded more than 700 world-record fish catches. Free fishing weekend applies to freshwater fishing only. Florida residents who take advantage of free-fishing weekend and decide to settle into a lifestyle of recreational freshwater fishing, in this state's waters may want to check into another promotion the FWC has in progress. The first 3,000 Florida residents to purchase : the $61.50 five-year freshwater fishing license will receive $80 worth of free hooks, lures, fishing line, magazines and other goodies like t-shirts and fishing towels. "This is a great way to help contribute to the future of fish and wildlife conservation in Florida," Wattendorf said. "Anybody who is interested can get' more information--including up-to-date information about whether the 3,000 limit still is open--at http://myfwc.com." Quthouo ha. over ' T : i .- ** '* 1! ^ "''."1 '* **- -*' "" ** '- .1' *" *- ^ -. ,- .** ^ . ^um~o~u i158 Redineor instock We must movo at least 100 out by Mother's Day & Father's Day (i : MAY 8) (JUNE 19) ,CS & CARRY,. I .1 -, A ,& i AL At - * F~ll~~ 1S~ NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! Souh ous-i HOETW Owned: "Or riesAr -etr-lay! SOUTH HOUSE IN PERRY 7 BLOCKS WEST OF COURTHOUSE AT U.S. 19-27 f0i e he i e Foodland/Perry Square Ice and water are state inspected. Inspected and licensed as a food'establishment. All weights are state certified. [KKC Poker Roo'mI8 r : . : r i - L -~ At Religion presents A States Of Worship h .. CD's $15 41. DVD $20 ,\so av~allable 3t Cc-urimIT Chrnuan Bok scort Ilk 'What Not Yard Sale'a A-7 The Taco Times March 30, 2005 Church holds 'open house' tonight Missionary open house tonight The youth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints invite everyone interested in meeting the missionaries and learning more about their faith to a "Missionary Open House" tonight, March 30, at 6:30 p.m.,. in the chapel on Woods Creek Road. For more information, please contact Tonya Holton at 672-0432. Refreshments will be provided. SMen in Black program April 10 The New Brooklyn Missionary Baptist Church Men's Ministry extends 'God's love is a beacon By B.D. WILLIAMS Giving thanks is a course from which you never graduate. Thank You: A Beacon of Love God's love is like a beacon that can cause an inner glow. It can reach in hidden corners making them just overflow. His love can dispel sorrow, help a broken heart to heal, giving us a great assurance that the love of God is real. We can also be a beacon as we go from day to day, casting love beams around us, pointing.others to the way. Lifting someone who has fallen showing faith instead of doubt, telling people if they need us, we'll be gldd to help them out. As- the love of God surrounds us, bringing grace to aid in strife, may our love shine like a beacon, and continue all through life. Many thanks to George Clayton and family, Mrs. Helen Smith, Mrs. Juanita Scott, Ms. Ellen Smith, the Montgomery family, Mrs. Thelma Newberry and Veral, Springhill Baptist .Church and Mrs. Flora Woodfaulk. Thanks for gifts, donations, speakers, attendance, food and all the love shown on B.D. Williams Appreciation Day. May God continue to bless each of you. Love, B.D. Special thanks is extended to B.D. Williams Court #200 for presenting the B.D. Williams Appreciation Day. Thank you for the beautiful gifts and the ': ,-Please see page 8 To God bethe glory! Christian recording artist TROY NEED To purchase, please call : Troy's mother, Jeanette Fldwers .1 58-4.434 or his aunt, Sarah Pc[[y .' 584.2259 * Happy 6th S Birthday . Ashton Mnsxsey April 2, 2005 Love, Mama, Daddy, Ty &* all of your family. *f-O OlOfl Om an invitation to the public to attend their annual 100 Men in Black Walking with Christ program will be held April 10 at 3 p.m. Church of God to hold monthly sing The Perry First Church of God, located on Hwy. 221 North, will be holding its monthly sing on Saturday, April 2, starting at 7 p.m. The groups will be "The Singing Reflectsons" along with a local group. Snacks will be served at 5:30 p.mr. Everyone is invited, organizers said. Men are invited Friday The monthly informal gathering of men, which includes lunch and a brief inspirational message by the Rev. Eddie Blalock, will be held Friday. The gathering will be held at the M. A. Rigoni Cookhouse, located on U.S. 19 North, north oftthe former Highway Patrol station. Lunch will be served from 11:30 a.m. until 12:15 p.m., followed by the message, which will conclude at 12:25 p.m. The cost is $5; all men are invited. Breaking Forth in Worship Saturday, April 9 First Baptist Church Alicia Williamson Garcia Women's Conference Gifted singer, songwriter, TV host, author and- worship leader 8:30 a.m. Coffee & Juice 9:00-2:30 Conference Sessions & Lunch Registration: $10 includes coffee, conference and lunch To register, call (850) 584-7066 before April 1 deadline 102 N., .Center Street i (n2ebt kemeintiance o 2U 21 1925 -Jan 1, 11at.I 28,1992 Go Rest High on That Mountain Mom, we know your life on earth was difficult And only you could know the pain You weren't afraid to face the devil you were no stranger to pain. Go rest high on that mountain Mom, your work on earth is done Go to heaven a shoutin' Love for the Father and Son. Oh, how we cried the day you left us We gathered round your grave to grieve We wish we could see the angels faces When they hear your sweet voice. Go rest high on that mountain Mom, your work on earth is done Go'to heaven a shoutin' Love for the Father and Son. Adapted from lyrics by Vice Gill D^om, we x've owcv) we n,,MiA tkcU atciW aAm6 Love, Your mother, Rosa Roberson (deceased); your children, Ruby Jane, Johnnie Mae, Annie Ruth (Baby Sister), Lloyd (Buddy), Betty (Pokey), Pearl (deceased), Elizabeth (Sugar Mama), Sam (Dick); your grandchildren, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren Happy 11th Birthday WHITNEY March 31, 2005 We love you! Gran-Daddy, Gran-Mama & Family - 8-LB. ORECK XL" VACUUM CLEANER * Lightweight & Easy To Use * 3-Yr. Warranty * Long 25-ft Cord Bly ge tid ,& and1 II t iy ft'O0reck XL*. aWd eCodess 8peedklxw- he Conpad Canister 584-6021 803 W. Main St. Perry, FI. 32347 Store Hours: 8 AM 6 PM Mon. Sat. southhouse@perry.gulfnet.com 2004 Holdings .....ts.. in rg stre rae 'tsare .vndadusdudr h uhaivo OekH0 igL In Loving Memory - of a Beloved Aunt 1 Happy Birthday Ida Bell Conley March 24, 1910 January 17, 2004 Aunt Ida, on March 24,'2005, we would.have celebrated your 95th birthday. But the Lord saw fit to call you home on January 17, 2004. We all miss you so much. Special thanks goes to Meredith Van Loock for. .hosting the many birthday parties that we celebrated anidfor the kind deeds that you did through the years. We also thank you for your help in caring for Aunt Ida's dog, Callie, until the Lord called her home. Thanks to Mari Adams for ijoilr kindness and baking such good cookies for Aunt Ida. Thanks to Dorothy Smith for your kindness and good friendship. Many, many thanks to all ofA int da hI friends and associates in the town of Perny. You make Perry a loving place. S Love, Ann - I a ," ___ _______ ______ __ ^ ^ ^ K ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ planned for Saturday BY LAURA SCOTT REAVES City Wide Mission In continuing our efforts in giving out Bibles, we solicit your prayerful support and donations from businesses, churches and individuals. Saturday, April 2, a What Not Yard Sale will be held in front of the Church of God of Prophecy on Hampton Springs Avenue. Please stop by .. and choose your choice item. All money collected or personal donations will be used to purchase more Bibles. _ Youth directors or parents, the missionary committee needs the names of your church youth or any child--whether he attends church or not. We plan to teach moral values in the vincinity of Perry. Hopefully, we desire each retired teacher will talk with their pastor and youth director, and make. I. plans to continue teaching in this great needed plan.: Chairpersons are Shirley Scott, Sara Hall, Betty Lauria, Bertha - Washington and Laura Miller... "Come Grow With Us" 10+ Varieties of Tomatoes 15+ Varieties of Peppers Cabbage Collards Broccoli Cauliflower Lettuce Eggplant Squash Cucumber Okra 3 pk. 990 36 plants $10.99 Annuals Perennials Herbs Shrubs Ornamental Trees Fruit Trees Blooms of Greenbriar, Inc. (formerly Sheffield Nurseries) 400 W. Ash St. Perry, Fl. (850) 584-2088 Hours: Tues. Sat. 8-6 .. . ..- .--- INSTANT RESULTS. GET MORE DONE WITH MORE. - Equip your business with revolutionary, business solutions. Connect coast-to-coast. with built-in walkie-talkie. GPS- Find your team and your way. - Mobile Credit Card Swipe-Get paid on the go. Two-Way Messaging-Send and receive detailed messages Instantly. Get a rate plan with Direct Connect* walkie-talkie. a... 99 ,Q per manth Other monthly Starting at$ 37 9 9y charges apply. See below.e Let Nextel help your business get things done. NEXTEL 1 STRICKLY AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER Call Gary or Lidia 850-223-1900 If Need, We'll Come To You! S; Monday Friday 8:30 am until 6:00 pm.,1306-A South Jefferson Street, Perry, FL. **Nextel also iLnpaes a Federal Pmrobams Cot Recovery (FPCR) fe of $1.55 or $2.83. The FPCR is not a tax or govemment required ch*s. The fee is charged for one or more of the following: E911, number pooling and wireless number portability. " Ilnstore purchases require two forms of valid idtification. Additional charge nay apply and may vary by market, including state and.frdr. alt taxes a Universal Sevice Assessmnt of either 1.343% or 1.5%. in sme sats a Gron Receipt Recovery Fee of .4% to 5%. a TRS chI c of approx. .07% and a stale-required E911 fee. Other Te s: Nextel reserves the right o modily or tcrminoat these olfes at any lime. Ort may not be available in all mank Ies. Other conditions may apply. Read scrvic agreement for tails. Nextel's Natlonwilde Network er esa- of the top 300 markNet. 2005. Nexltl artners In. NEXTEL. DIRECT CONNECT. NATIONWIDE DIRECT CONNECT and other markare service nmrks and trademarks of Nuxnel Communiations, Inc. All third party product or service narncs are property of their respctivaoW . All rights rerved. I As seen on TV "WA IawIWA "Rrw I iil , I Aei A-8The Taco Times March 30, 2005 Obituaries Rosa Robinson ,Rosa Robinson, 78, of Bronx, N.:Y,, died March 23, 2005, in Perry. 'She was a member of Mother Zion A.M.E. Church in Bronx and an affiliated member of Stewart Memorial A.M.E. Church in Perry. Survivors include: two brothers, Ira Robinson and James Robinson, both of Orlando; one sister, Leola Glenn of Perry; a nephew, Andrew Hatcher of Cleveland; and a host of other nieces, nephews and friends. Funeral services will be held Saturday, April 2, at 1 p.m. at Stewart Memorial A.M.E. Church with interment following at Springhill Cemetery. FEamily members will receive friends Saturday from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the church. Scott Young Taylor Scott Young Taylor, 61, died March 28, 2005, in Perry. A -native of Chicago, Ill., Mr. Ta-ylor lived in Deland for a time before moving .to Perry, where he lived the past 25 years. -Survivors include: his mother, Norma Collins of Perry; one son, Sean Taylor; two daughters, Sympathy given B.D. WILLIAMS Continued from page 7 flowers you gave me while I yet live: and am still able to see the beauty they give. ~the many friends of the city wish to extend their deepest -heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. Leola .Glenn and family in the loss of their loved one, her sister, Rosa. Just lean on the Lord, because He-is able, He cares and He will carry you through. He promises never to leave you. :--Mrs. Clara Moore had all of her:daughters and their husbands here with her for Easter. It was an=enjoyable occasion for her and showed, "Mother, we love you.' Denise Taylor and Jenessa 'Tayloi, one brother, Floyd Taylor of Perry; and one sister, Della Workman of Perry. Services will be announced at a later date. Beggs Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements. Lloyd Nolan Grubbs Lloyd Nolan Grubbs, 70, died March 1, 2005, in Tallahassee. He was a native and lifelong resident of Taylor County who served in the U.S. Navy. Memorial services will be held Sunday, April 3, at 2 p.m. at Pisgah Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to Big Bend Hospice at 1723 Mahan Center Blvd., Tallahassee, FL 32308- 5428. Frances Ruth McMullen Frances Ruth McMullen, 81, a homemaker, died March 26, 2005, in Panama City. She was preceded in death by her husband, Owen McMullen. Survivors include: daughters, Roselin McMullen of Conyers, Ga., Patricia Aguon of St. Hedwigs, Texas, Daphane Coleman of Macon, Ga., and Lou Molden of Panama City; her companion, Wayne Wilson of Panama City; step-children, J. W. McMullen of Spring Creek, Evelyn Johnson of Wacissa, " Lester McMullen of Tennessee, Otis McMullen of Everglades City, Gail Tillman of Tallahassee and Essie Walter of Spring Creek; 32 grandchildren; 49 great grandchildren; and a host of nieces, nephews and friends. Graveside services will be held Sunday, April 3, at 2 p.m. at New Hope Cemetery in Perry. Discount Air & Heat Refurb Center "Serving Taylor County and the Beaches" -Refrigerators iiDI Ice Makers B Heating Units Same Day Service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (No service charge with work done) wn 386-776-1136 : tsh wayneh2@netzero.net cash wayneh..2@netzero.net B $0 Do 6 mon same as TIMBERLAND FORD Service Specials COUPON COUPON DIESEL Lube, Oil & Filter Change Includes: up to 15 qts. Motorcraft super duty diesel I motor oil, Motorcraft oil filter, lube chassis (where I applicable), top off all fluid levels and set tire pressure, I S FREE Quality Care multi-point inspection I %M------ --------- -M '- COUPON -COU-PON- CAR & LIGHT TRUCK S Lube, Oil & Filter Change IIncludes: up to 7 qts. of premium Motorcraft oil, Motorcraft oil filter, lube chassis (where applicable), top off all fluid levels and set tire pressure, FREE S-quality care multipoint inspection. COUPON COUPON TIRE ROTATE & BALANCE 4 Wheel Tire Rotation Computer Balance 4 Wheels FREE Brake Inspection 3/4 and 1 ton Inspect Front End duks arwteeal Call 850-584-3615 for your SAME DAY SERVICE APPOINTMENT A.A )trh(i ~llIi ~ Il l-` I I II)I 6*C. III~~(I? I I~Olll 4 nS (ll('lA P A 3 Z ~ II.I1) )1il 3 A1- HEAER REDER*-,DVIOR- All wh are nsuccesfulunluck, disatisfed, le the oman wo knos hel - See you there...look for our sales rep this 2005 Ford Ranger IX AM/FM, A/C stk. #250108T $12,595 2005 Ford Crown Vic V/8, 8-Way Power Driver Seat, Cruise, Keyless Entry, C/D, Power Adjustable Pedals stk. #250005C $21,229 Saturday at the BLUEGRASS SFESTIVALI I 2005 Ford 2005 Ford 500 SE Taurus SE V/6, Auto, C/D, Premium Z V/6, Aluminum Wheels, Sound, Traction Control Spoiler, Power Seat stk. #250009C stk. #250023C $21,889 $19,889 .-TIMBERLAND Ford. P1I Iii kUPI Reg. ab, /C, lothSeat MSRP $21P825 III Wor Tuc Dscont -$A0 J - - - - CALENDAR Amvets Post 20, ladies auxilliary and Sons of AMVETS meet 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m., at 2499 Woods Creek Road. American Legion, Steinhatchee Post 291, fourth Tues. 8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays (closed), 8 p.m.,'at Heritage House on Washington Street, across from public library; and another AA group who meets Monday, Wednesdays and Thursdays at Serenity House, located at 1260 Hwy, 98 West, across from the BP station at 8 p.m. AL-ANON, St. James Episcopal Church (in library), Wednesdays 12 noon to 1 p.m.; 584-2146. Thursday at 6:30 for beginners meeting with regular meeting at 7 p.rm The Way: Christ centered recovery group, meets on Fridays at 7 p.m. at Seienity House on Hwy., 98 W., across. from BP Station. Open to alcoholics,' addicts, family members and friends. AARP: last Wed., 10 a.m. at First Baptist Church. Airport Advisory Commission. 4th Monday, 12 noon, Perry-Foley Airport. American Legion Post #96 1st Tues., 7 p.m., American Legion .Hall, Center Street. Big Bend Hospice Advisory Council: 4th Tues., noon, 107 East Green Street. SChamber of Commerce: third Thurs., 8 a.m., chamber board room. City Council: 2nd and 4th Tues. at 5:30 p.m. Civil Air Patrol (CAP): 2nd and 4th Mon., 7 p.m., main hanger at airport. County Commission: first Mon. and third Tues. at 6 p.m., courthouse annex. Diabetes classes every Tuesday, 2 p.m., Doctors' Memorial Hospital. FAMU Alumni Chapter, second Mon., 7.p.m., Jerkins Center. Perry Masonic Lodge 123, meets first and third Monday nights, 7:30 p.m. Girl Scouts Service Unit: first Thurs., 6:30 p.m. Scout Hut. Healthy Start Coalition: fourth Mon., 9 a.m., Taylor County School District. Administrative Office Complex. Historical Society: open Thursday afternoons, 1-5 p.m. Home Educators-League of Perry (HELP): second Thurs., 1:30 p.m., Forest Capital Hall. 584-8553 or 584- 9207. Humane Society of Taylor County, 2nd Wednesday, 6 p.m., Forest Capital Hall.. Juvenile Justice Council:: third Thurs., 9 a.m., at Juvenile Justice Office, 1719 S. Jefferson. Keaton Beach Business & Community Association meets each, 2nd Tuesday o: monin 7 p.m. at the. K.aton Bea:h Hjot Dog Siand 1 Kiwanis Club: Wednesdas. noon Joyce's ManSireer Cale La Leche League International 2nd -d. 10 1) a m, Taylor.County Public Library Lady Elks: second Thurs 8 p m Ells Lodge Main Street Perry: First Monday ol each month F'erry/Taylor Countly Chamber oi Commerce at noon Mothers of Pre-Schoolers: first and third Fri Call 584-3826 Muskogee Creek Indian Nation: 2nd and 4hi Sat., 7 p.m Tribal grounds Lymah Hendry Road. . Muskogee Creek Indian Tribe: Oak Hill Village on Woods Creek. Road, 1st Sat. , Narcotics Anonymous: Wednesdays,' 8 p m n a 1260 W Hwy 98, at Sereniry HOuSe (dirt road across Irom BP Station) These are open meetings to those iritereiled in addiction Call 223-0036 NAACP: 2nd Sun 6 p.m New Brooklyn Missionary Baptst Church National Wild Turkey Federation (Yellow Piine Drummers), holds open mronhly on lirs Thursday Golden Corral, 7 p.m. 584-9185 Optimist Club: Thurs., noon at Jovce's Mainstreet Caie. " Perry Garden Club: third Wed., 10 .a m Perry Elks Lodge: Tues., 8 p.m. Perry Lodge #187: 1st; 3rd Wed., 7 p m. Masonic Hall. Perry Lodge .123, F&AM, first and. third Monday nights 7 30 p m. Perry. Woman's Club 2nd Wed, ,* noon (Sept May. subject to change) Perry Shrine Club: 4th Thurs.. 7 p.m. (club house on Counney Roadl Planning Board: 1st Thurs., 6 p.m. Counhou.se arne< (old post office) Republican Party of Taylor County: To keep abreast o0 Republican news, e. 'mail Tommie Stanaland at isanalanala 'yahoo com or call 584-8815 Rotary Club: Tues noon at B J's Downtown Cale School Board: tst and 3rd Tues 7 p.m. . SHARE distribution: 4th Sat 1i a m Social Security: representatives, 2nd Tue- 8 30 a m to 12 noon courthouse a n n e ,: 1 * Sons of Confederate Veterans meets tourlh Tuesday at VFW Post on Center Streel 7 pm For location, call 584.5346 ' Taylor Adult Program (TAP): Thurs. 10 a.m.,,502 N. Center Street.,223-0393. Taylor Coastal Water and Sewer: 3rd Wed at 18820 Beach Road 5 p.m. Taylor County Task Force-Against Domestic ViolencelSexual Assault: 4th Wed 12 noon at Joyce's Mainstreet Cafe, Taylor County Democratic Party meets the third Monday 7 p m at Ihe Golden Corral Call 584-9656 or 584- 3617. Taylor Development Council: 2nd Wed 4 p m at Chamber, Taylor County Development Authority: 2nd Mon., 5 p.m. at Chamber. Taylor County Amateur Radio Club: tst Monday 7 pm Division of Forestry ' oice 618 Plantalion Road. Taylor County Habitat for Humanity, Inc.: coard meeting. 2nd Tues., 5,:30 p.m., Room 208, Capital City Bank. Taylor County. Historical Society. 3rd Mon., 7 p.m. Historical Society building. Taylor County Horseman's Association Horse Show: 2nd Sat., 10 a.m. Arena located on Bishop Blvd, ;VFW Post #9225: 2nd Tues., 7 p.m. (American Legion building). Community B-I The Taco Times March 30, 2005 Cook named as Boys & Girls Youth of Year Losing weight, feeding others Curves Fitness Center for Women joined,its sister stores around the nation in collecting food for the needy during the month of March. Manager Diare Law said the local fitness center has collected approximately 700 pounds of food, which will be distributed locally. Shown above are, from left, Erika Nettles, Law, Kim Carroll and Linda Andrews. Sixteen make 'pledge' Sixteen E. R. Jahna Cabbage Grove Mining employees made a serious commitment to, work safety Saturday, during the company's annual eight-hour safety refresher training held at Hampton Inn. ,The. miners volunteered to participate in the Joseph A. Holmes Professional Miner program, which is set up to promote a positive attitude toward safety and helping new miners,. according to Assistant Manager Jud\ Batten. While all Cabbage Grove miners received safety training duri-g--this session, these Riners met the qualification of haing worked a minimum of three years in the mining industry without an injury, enabling them to make a pledge to promote safety and mentor new miners, she noted. They received decals, patches and a fetter of recognition. In addition, three miners were nominated for individual safety accomplishments to be recognized by MSHA (Mining Safter, and Health Administration). They were: Mike Smith, a foreman with 20 years of employment with no injuries; Todd Borklund, plant leader with 10 years of employ\ ment. and Robert Mock, a haul truck operator for 111 ears. "\\e are happy\ to honor and request recognition for our miners who commit to working safely and helping new miners," said Batten. "Cabbage Grove Mining is active in safety training, both required and voluntary:" Others who made the safety pledge included: Kenny Baker, equipment operator; Kirt Carter, equipment operator; Joey Fowler, equipment operator; Victor Gerlack, welder; Chris Gunter, lab technician; Charles Holden, equipment operator, Teri Johns, office; Marn Lamb, equipment operator: Rick Lytle. maintenance; Richard Ta\lor. maintenance leader: Carl Smith. scale operator: Da.vid \ arrr-...-iJrller: and Bill Slinkard, mantag ment Cookie sales Girl Scout Troop #83 sold 3.300 boxes of Girl Scout cookies during their recent campaign. They have reserved 63 boxes to send to the 3rd Infantry Division, stationed at Ft Stewart, Ga., but who are currently serving overseas. Pictured above are (Iront row, from left) Kyani Beasley, Rochelle Goff. Stephanie Wenlz. Marybeth Johnson and Beverly Gillis; (back row, from left) Taylor McCroan. Krvstal Gol, Sarah Baumlardner, Jina Baumgardner and Kayla Beasley. Troop leaders are Lee Ann Johnson Boy's & Girls Club Executive Director Kevin Kidd. announced recently that Valshanta Cook, 17, has been selected as the 2005 Youth of the Year for the Boys & Girls Club of Perry/Taylor County. Sponsored by Reader's Digest Foundation and administered by Boys & Girls Clubs of America, the national program recognizes "superior leadership skills, academic achievement, overcoming obstacles and outstanding service to boys and girls." SA four-year member of the local club, Cook is a positive 'role model for today's young people, according to Kidd. She is president of the Keystone Leadership Club and is a member of the service program at the club. She is also listed among "Who's Who of American High School Students." "Val is very active within the New Brooklyn Baptist Church," said Kidd, "and she encourages the youth at the club to do their best in all activities of the club, through her involvement in the club service program." "Being named Youth of the Year by the staff and club members is a high honor for me," Cook said: "It gives me a sense of self-worth to know that I am appreciated for my efforts to encourage and perhaps help kids become better citizens." Valshanta Cook Cook will compete against other Boys & Girls Club youth for the State of Florida Youth of the Year title. Five regional winners selected from among the state winners will compete for the national honor in Washington D.C., where the president will install the national winner, who will receive a $10,000 scholarship from Reader's Digest Foundation. The Boy's & Girl's Club of Perry/Taylor County serves approximately 250 young people in the community, said Kidd. For more information about the club, please call (850) 584-8448. How prepared are you for wildfires? By CH'RISFLOYD Emergency Services Director Capital Area Chapter American Red Cross More and more people are making their homes in woodland setting--in or/near forests, rural areas or remote sites. There, homeowners enjoy the beauty of the environment, but face the very real danger of wildfire Wildfires often begin unnoticed. They spread, quickly. iuniling brush. trees and homes. Reduce your risk by preparing rno.a --betfoi wildfire .strikes. Meet'with your family to decide what to do and v'.heie'o i go ift: wildfires threaten your area. Practice wildfire safety People start most wildfires--find out how you can promote and practice wildfire safety. Contact. your local fire department or forestry office for information on fire laws. Make sure that fire vehicles can get to your home. Clearly mark all driveway, entrance and display your name and: address. Report hazardous conditions that could cause a wildfire. Teach children about fire safety. Keep matches out of their reach. Post fire emergency telephone numbers. Plan several escape routes away from your home--by car and by foot; Talk toyour neighbors about wildfire safety. Plan how the neighborhood could work together after a wildfire. Make a list of your neighbors' skills such as medical or technical. Consider how'you could help neighbors who have special needs such as elderly or disabled persons. Make plans to take care of children who may be on their own if parents can't get home. Before wildfire threatens...protect your home Sign and landscape your home with wildfire safety in mind. Select materials and plants that can help contain fire rather than fuel it. Use fire resistant or non-combustible materials on the roof and exterior structure of the dwelling. Plant fire-resistant shrubs and trees. For example, hardwood trees are less flammable than pine, evergreen, eucalyptus or fir trees. '* regularly clean roof and gutters. Inspect chimneys at least twice a year. Clean them at least once a year. Install a smoke alarm on each level on your home. Test monthly and change the batteries two. times each year. Teach family members how to use the fire extinguisher. Rake leaves, dead limbs and twigs. Clear all flammable vegetation. SRemove dead branches which'extend over the roof. 'Mow grass regularly. and Linda Gillis. Sick animals being tested :,, ': ': ; . Florida 'Agriculture ,and '. Consumer Services Commissioner Charles H. Bronson announced ;odaN that he is sending department veterinarians 'and inspectors to inspect and conduct testing on farm animals linked to a series of illnesses of children ,uho recently visited petting zoos or attended agricultural fairs. Although the Florida Department of Health (DOH):is investigating several possible sources that may be responsible 'for the outbreak, including food and-water the children may have consumed, Bronson said he is taking the proactive step of dispatching veterinarians to check on :animals in an effort to enhance and expedite the DOH inquiry. "We want to' do all that we can to support health officials to get to the bottom of this' case," Bronson said. 'We will provide all of our data to our colleagues at the Department of Health and stand ready to assist them in any way we can:" State veterinarians are tracking the animals that were present "at the recent Central Florida Fair in Orlando and at the Strawberry Festival in Plant City as a number of the illnesses were reportedly among children who attended one or the other of the festivals. They will theft conduct various tests on the animals traced to petting zoos at those fairs to determine what, if any infections, could have been transferred from the animals. At the same time, state -veterinarians are reviewing procedures in place at other petting zoos to determine whether adequate sanitary measures are in place to protect fair'goers. In the meantime, officials stress that it is critically important that anyone who comes in contact with animals takes sanitary precautions, including thoroughly washing one's hands after contact with the animals. Some bart'-ia. such as E. coli, can reside in animals without causing them any disease but can make humans sick if the bacteria lingers on the hands and is ingested along with food. Giant root crop Bryant Morgan proudly displays two rutabagas he recently grew at his farm, about 12 miles south of Perry. Together, the two jumbo vegetables weighed 26 Ibs. ~rl*i Editorial Letters to the Editor Resident upset over billing You can't fight city hall? SDear Editor: am a resident who lives in the .coiinty but has city utilities. I have never been so disgusted with the politics in this town. You knrw the old saying you can't fight City Hall? Well, the practice is 'alive and well in the City of Perry. O: n Feb. 2, my husband wert to SCity Hall and signed the. paperwork for a special pickup at oi residence. A special pickup is Sdone when you have an excessive number of loads due to logging or Cutting trees, which we had done. :On Feb. 5, I received a bill from the city for 13 loads. You can imagine my shock, because the day before, around 2 p.m., they were at my residence picking up their debris and the job was still not completed. So I called Barney Johnson, who is in charge of these services. I-told him there had been a mistake or that an estimate had been done on my special pickup. H: e stopped me at that point and said they were at my residence on , Feb. 2 and Feb. 3, and that the Sfreman had turned in 13 loads Fib. 3 and we were billed Feb. 4. S-Itold Barney Johnson that could -. not be correct since they were at n:my house on Feb. 3 and Feb. 4, -' aid did not finish until the Feb. 7. :-- He advised I should speak to Bill Br ynes, which I did with the same Results. Neither wanted to hear my Scmplaint and Bill Brines suggested I lake the. complaint Before the city council. So I attended the council meeting on March 8. I presented our complaint to the council and -our complaint was put on .the' agenda for the next meeting. SI then made a public records, request to the city and received a t eopy to the' DVD of the council meeting along with the log sheet kept by the city to track loads picked up bythe crew daily. SAfter I left the council meeting the foreman stood up and said he' fTt the council should.not have p~it the item on the agenda,and Sguld have stbod by his numbers. -Pam Feagle, mayor, told him Fiat he was right and that when I ee-ne back to the'next council' mIeeting they would stand by his numbers. -I was really disappointed to hear this from the mayor of this town. -bTow could she sit there and say s -he was going to stand by his numbers when she had not. even seen his numbers? The only thing sfie knew was that my records did "-not agree with the foreman. She trade up her mind at that point before fully hearing both sides of the story. So at the city council meeting STuesday March 22, my husband and I presented all ,the documentation we had to back up our story, which included the "log ::sheet" kept by the city that showed nine loads for my street; the invoice and envelope with the city meter stamp of Feb. 4; and the testimony of my neighbor who received a phone call from a member of the council inquiring about the trash-pickup Feb. 3. This same neighbor stopped and had a conversation with the foreman Feb. 4 between our houses--another day in question when the city said they were not in our area. Keep in mind this whole issue started over a discrepancy with the dates of pickup, since I received a bill before the job was completed. At this point (in the meeting) the foreman said, yes, he remembered the conversation with my neighbor on the 4th, and he was not sure of the dates, but was sure that there were 13 loads. From that point on the dates did not matter, it seemed. I maintained the dates did matter unless he could foresee the future because we were billed before the job was completed. (Councilman) Doug Everett said he felt that maybe there should be a compromise I agreed and said that we were willing to paj for the loads on the log for my street. which 's the only documentation that the city had regarding this pickup even though this included all the other debris on this street as well). Everything else was he said she said. Doug Everett made a motion and Emily Keiring seconded the motion that w\e compromise and we pay for the nine loads on the city log for our street on that day. At that point the issue' was \oted on--should I pa, for nine loads instead of 13 loads':' '. Emily Ketring and Doug Everett voted "yes," paying for nine loads was a fair compromise. Alphonoso Dowdell and Pam Feagle voted "no." Sylvester Harris at that point did not know .what they were even voting on, so when Pam Feagle summed it up for him he voted no also: Pam Feagle stated that she did not have any reason to doubt the foreman and we were the only people who had ever.complained regarding pickup, which is not true. One of our neighbors also had a problem with trash pickupat his residence, and this issue was addressed by the council last year. At that point, the only thing that mattered was the word of the foreman--not the log kept by the city which stated nine loads, not the statements they had sworn to since this whole thing started, which was Feb. 2 and Feb. 3, and billing on Feb. 4; and not my word or the testimony of my neighbors, one of whom had marked on her calendar the days they were in our area because she had complained the city had not picked up debris for 10 weeks.. My story of how things happened has never, wavered. I know exactly what happened and when. The' city on the other hand has wavered. First it was "definitely we were there on Feb. 2 and Feb. 3 and billed on Feb. 4," and then, "well maybe we.were there on Feb. 4, and it is possible we were there on the Feb. 7," I would like to thank Doug Everett and Emily Ketring for having the common sense to see how these numbers cannot add up. The citizens in those districts are getting their money's worth. I don't know that the other districts are. But then again that is my opinion. . However, there is something that the voters in those districts 'need to think about. What if it had been you and you brought the same information before the city council and were told that your word, your neighbor's word and the city's own paperwork did, not. matter only the word of one man whose story had changed? I live in the county and receive the city's services, but a lot of you do lile in the city. So search your ri'e'it -ai 1tift yourselftin our shoes. How would )ou feel? I am not trying to get our of paying my bill. But unless this foreman can' foresee the future, how can I be billed for 13 loads when the trash had not been picked up? Why did the log show my street and nine loads? It was not, my intention to imply that anyone was intentionally lying, I honestly felt like a mistake had been made or an estimation had been made, not an actual count. But I guess we will never know since there is no justice at City Hall for the citizens in this county. Karen Lee Patient thanks doctor for 'phenomenal' care Dear Editor: A few short weeks after my father passed ,away, I 'was faced with some unexpected surgery. This has been a very difficult time emotionally, physically and financially for me, my family, as Wds--y- Mach30 20 Tcaco Ti es l Wednesday, March 30, 2005 123 S. Jefferson Street Perry, Florida P.O. Box 888 (850) 584-5513 DONALD D. LINCOLN DEBBIE CARLTON Publisher Business Manager SUSAN H. LINCOLN BETH MANN Managing Editor Advertising Director ANGELA M. CASTELUCCI CAROLYN DuBOSE Staff Writer Promotional Advertising CHARLES R. SADLER CAROL BROOKS Staff Writer Promotional Advertising The Taco Times (ISSN 07470967) is published each Wednesday by Perry News- papers, Inc., 123 S. Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347. Subscriptions are $35.00 per year or $49.00 out of county. Penodicals postage paid at Perry, Florida 32348. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the TACO TIMES, P.O. Box 888, Perry, FL 32348. The Taco Times welcomes Letters to the Editor reflecting responsible opinions and views on the news. Please submit letters by Monday at 5 p.m. The Taco Times reserves the right to refuse publication of letters which are libelous or irre- sponsible. Name may be withheld if circumstances so require, but all letters sub- mitted should be signed by the writer and accompanied by a phone number for * verification. We look forward to heanng from youl Our address is Perry, Newspapers, Inc., P.O. Box 888, Perry, Florida 32348. e-mail: perrynews@perry gulfnet corn - Member Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. / .... M^ ___1_A~ j__B___!a __y ___-____^ rr .". . well as my friends. So often we are quick to complain, but very seldom do we take the time to give. thanks and credit where credit is due. : . I would like to take thiiis time, to thank Dr. Miles V. Nelson and his entire staff--and you know ho you are--who took such great care of .me at the DMH Outpatient :Surgery Center. and last but certainly not least. I would also like to thank my family and friends who were there with me through it all. I could not have asked for any better treatment, from the pre-op registration procedures to the follow-up call the: day after surgery, the care I received was phenomenal! I was treated with the utmost professionalism and everyone assigned to my care and well-being made a very difficult situation so much easier to endure. Words cannot express my heartfelt gratitude to all those * who took such good care of me. Keep up the good work! Thanks, again, and God bless. Sheryl Grubbs Vergara Something on your mind? E-MAIL US! Letters must include a name and daytime contact phone number. ,perrynews@perry.gulfnet.com I L-4v B-2 The Taco Times March 30, 2005 L1 *>dhlU 2Q 2 I , 0C, - 'O t- k I E '^t s -1 TT Midweek Muddle The Easter Dress of 2003 I - By SUSAN H. LINCOLN I remember when finding an Easter dress was a thing of joy. I even remember my favorite Easter dress of years gone by. It was pink brocade with very simple lines, and I liked that about it. I was 9 .and I felt 12. I also remember my .least favorite Easter dress.' My mother picked it out, made me wear it, and knew I hated it. It had a tremendous collar bedecked with every kind of lace known to man and some embroidery too. I looked like I should be sitting, on a shelf somewhere and I was far too sophisticated for that. I was 11 and I felt 7. To this day, I am still skeptical about wearing dresses which resemble wedding cakes. Having an "Easter" dress, in my adult life, has become little more than a rotation. I have to consult the previous year's pictures to make sure I don't wear the same Easter dress two years in a row. This year, the rotation became so limited that I decided it was time for a new frock. (I even sound like my mother.) I am here to report that the joy of finding an Easter dress is gone. It's not the fault of the retailers who work diligently to put dresses on their racks. I blame the absence of joy on the much-admired fashion designers who make millions of dollars draping shower curtains on women in front of audiences that don't resemble real people. All women don't live in Paris and are not anorexic. So I believe it is time for a revolt of the church ladies. We women of the cloth need to find a designer of the cloth in New York, Paris or Two Egg, Ga., who understands the needs of women who go to church. We need complete dresses, since we're paying complete prices. We need sleeves for air conditioning, and a dress that will co-exist with any undergarment you own--instead of requiring its own personal armor. Most of the dresses on the racks these days are missing backs, fronts and straps. That leaves a piece of fabric equivalent to the towel you wrap around yourself after a good bath. Or the wash cloth. I teach, Sunday School. I can't go to class looking like I just left the bathtub. I also can't go looking like I just left the bar. For some people, life may be one big cocktail party, but for most of us, it's not. I need straps to be sure, but I need a back on my dress. I don't want cut-outs on the sides, or a see-through blouse. I would be embarrassed, at the least, arid very possibly ex- commuricated. I doubt Paris Hilton needs a good church dress, and that's her decision. But I can't wear, what Paris wears, and it's time for somebody in Paris, France, who doesn't go to church to design something for the rest of us who do. It's not that hard. I took Home Economics. You need a pattern with a front, a back, a collar, a couple of sleeves and a zipper. Think outside of the box--how about pink, blue, yellow, green and lavender? I did find a couple of garments this spring: which could have easily resided in my pew on Easter Sunday, but I was not more charmed by them, than I was by what was in my closet. So I checked the pictures in the family album and went with The Easter Dress of 2003. Of course, I really wanted that pink brocade dress from 40 years ago, but time marches on. And fashion? It just marches by us. moll. I I r pqr : B-3 The Taco Times March 30, 2005 mall -d.;I-, deal -Z .^ J+:--"i : ".:-- .. .. ,,- .-^' .'-,-*... .'-* '-: _,. ,.O i ",.::,'.-.'..^ ;,-' ,:'. : ^ '^.- ,,- ~*44I The AMVETS Annual Hibiscus Sale will be held Saturday, April 2, along with our monthly community yard sale at the AMVETS Post Building at 2499 Woods Creek Rd., 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. These are beautiful multi-colored Hibiscus in 3 gal. pots at a donation of $12 for one or $20 for two. Come on out and show your support. Also, contact Mark for your space and table for the yard sale at 584-5513 or 584- 8807. 3/30-4/1 Yard sale. Friday, 8 a.m. 3 p.m., and Saturday, 8 a.m. noon. Saddles, wire, fence post, horse tack, truck, car, horse trailer, and baby items. 2199 E. Ellison Rd. 584-7781. 3/30-4/1 Yard sale. Saturday, 8 a.m. until. Ramps, wood swing set, rainsoft water conditioner, armoire, baby bed, rocker, mirror, quilt rack, tools, new educational toys, x-mas items, cypress dinette set, luggage, video & cassette tapes, golf clubs & bag, corner shelf, men's clothing (sm/med), women's shoes, blankets, glassware, shop vac, girl's bike, 5th wheel hitch, mini blinds, Ig. doghouse, angels, knickknacks, etc. 4380 Waldo Circle (6 mi. out Puckett Road, right on Courtney Grade, 1 1/2 mi. to Waldo). 584-7003. 3/30-4/1 DG Florida Marine will be having a yard sale Saturday. Lots of stuff, also you can bring your own items and tables and set up for free. We will be doing this every weekend. 1 miles down Beach Road. Any queiAticns, call Angie at 584-8105. 3/16-3/30FM I SAuctions 3 times a week. Taylor County, every Friday 6:30 p.m., 3 miles south of Perry on Hwy. 19 next to Crews Marine,. Dixie County, every Tuesday and/ Saturday 6,p.m., 3 miles south of Cross - .City on Hwy. 19 at Old Drive In. We do estate sales, bankruptcies, closeouts, big or small. Now taking consignments. Third Generation Auction Service, 352-356- 0721. AB#2424. AU#2548. 3/2-4/1 1.24-carat Marquise cut diamond ring, yellow gold setting. Appraisal $5,500. Clarity SI-3 to I-1, color (G-H). Platinum setting available for additional money. $2,000. Call 850-584-9668. 3/18-3/30 Couch and swivel rocker, good condition. $150 for both. 584-2133. 3/25-4/1 Kellow Appliance Service In Home and Shop Service. We carry a large selection of new and used parts. We also sell refurbished appliances. 1302 N. Jefferson St. 584-7773. 3/2-4/1 4 Ground Hawg tires, 15x38x16.5. $300. Call 584-3437 after 5 p.m. 3/30-4/1 Craftsman Diehard tractor.mower; 20.5 hp twin engine, 46" Hydro 46" cut, auto transmission, 3 blades. $600. 584-3600. 3/30-4/1 Computer parts & accessories, many new items, too many to list. $75 takes all. 578- 2230 or 838-9670 (cell). 3/30-4/1 Beanie & Teenie Beanie Babies (194); Excellent condition lags anached Book value $925-$1340. All 600 obo. 584-7003 3 304-1 DG -IME Land for sale, 221 N between Shiloh Church Rd. and Cairo Parker Rd. 1 acre lots with paved roads. Owner financing available. Please call (386) 658-1346 or (850) 584-5891 (Badcock). 7/21tfEF For sale by owner. Country living off Courtney Grade. 2/1 solid built home on 2 1/3 acres of fenced wooded acreage including 14'x28/ 1/1 mobile home efficiency. Must see to appreciate. 223- 2590, Kevin. 3/30-4/1 FOR SALE BY OWNER: Commercial building in downtown Perry, 111 West Main St. Perfect for contractor's office or antique shop. Garage bays with office and large storage areas., $49,000. May be eligible for historical restoration grants. Call John at 584-5555. 3/30-4/29JD Dont Rent, BUY! Let me help you find a loan right for you, Fast loan approvals, competitive rates. Call Joanne at 850-926-4044. 3/30-4/29 Land for sale, 4.22 acres, located 4 miles past city limits on Hwy. 27 East. Please call 229-242-7301 or 229-740-1548. 3/23-4/15 HOUSE FOR SALE Built in 1950s 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bath All Pine Wood Floors New Central H/A Some Appliances $25,000 Call for appt. 584-5454 '38 acres m/l with 40x60 shop in city limits of Perry. Approximately 12 acres in peanut *hay, the rest in pasture with 1/2 mile of road frontage. Located on East Ash Street, S$160,000. 850-584-6317. 3/23-4/1 Gorgeous 20 3 acres of pasture directly on norlh part of Beach Road. 2 ponds. Seller won't divide but can be divided. Possible commercial i 329,000 for all. No owner hnancing 352-333-3853. :. 3/25-4/27 Available April 1 2 B,R mobile home central heat!AC located in small cleaLn quiel park 2 miles down Beach Road Water. sewer. lawn care and larbt~aqe included $350 per month plus ?.20 deposit Some resrincions apply For appl:cadon 584-3889 3,23rfRB SouthernVillas of'Penv Looking For Applicants! HUD vouchers accEpled 1 & 2 BR HC an,3 non-HC acce-sible apartmernti OIf:e hours are 8:00 to 5:00 Mon-Thurs. Call, 850-584-8111. TDD/TTY 711. 315 Puckett Rd., Perry, FL 32347. Equal Housing Opportunity. 1 1/3tfSV For rent! Office space for nonprofit organization at 800 West Ash Street; site of Taylor County Senior Services. Call 584-4924 for information. S8/6tfSS ,; Furnished efficiency apartment. $120 Weekly, $120 sec., includes all utilities, W ater, ele:, cable. Very clean. No pets. * 223-2472 or578-2263. 3.254-/1' i Boarder wanted in my house. Bedroom, living room, private bath, furnished. 584- 8045, ',3/9-3/30. ATTENTION RENTERS Eio Due to the small number of applicants presently on our waiting list for federal rental assistance for Taylor County, the Northwest Florida Regional Housing Authority is resuming the acceptance of applications for the Section 8 Rental S Assistance Program effective 4/01/05. Funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), S pursuant to 24CFR 882.209 (8). ror information, call 1-800-365- 9527 Ext. #25. Furnished room for rent $85 a weel 1 l10 deposit Call 838-1521+77 or 843-1267 (cell) or 843-1296 (cell) 3/25trWB WOODRIDGE APARTMENTS $199 MOVE-IN SPECIAL For Basic to Market renters. 1, 2, or 3 BR' HC and Non HC accessible apartments. HUD vouchers considered and rental assistance may be available. Equal Housing Opportunity. Office hours are 8:00-5:00 Mon-Thurs. Call 850-584-5668.- 709 W. Church St., Perry, FL 32348. TDD 711. 1./21tfWA. I Classified work... I Give it a try! *4BR, 2BA doublewide, 1 acre, $45,000. 3026 Woods Creek Rd. 838-3927. 3/23-4/8 I 1992 Honda Prelude, 5-speed, air, etc. $4,500. 584-3355. 3/23tfRK 1989 Ford F150 4x4, New paint, tinted windows, CD player, 5 spd., runs great, Asking $3,000 obo. Call 584-9534 or 838- ! 3146. 3/25-3/30 1977 Ford Flipped Front End -302 engine, 35 Ground Hawgs on back, 315 Coyotes on front, 1-ton, 4-speed transmission, 1-ton rear end. $2,500. Call Charlie at 223-1530 pin 420. Can be seen on M. L. Fleming Road just north of FHF station. 3/25-3/30 Position vacancies under Taylor County Board of County Commissioners: Park Attendant temporary (April Sept.) Part time (days and hour vary) max: 30 hrs/wk. $6.56 hr. Mechanic pay ranqe $11.88-$12.98. RMT- full time; $8.04 hr. Day Camp Counselor Seasonal/ part time (average 29 hrs. week) $6.18 10.08 hr. Seasonal Mosquito Sprayer part-time (include nights & weekends) $6.18 hr. Firefighter call in; $9.05 hr. EOE/Drug Free Workplace. Position requirements and specifications available at Taylor One Stop Career Center, 224 N. Jefferson Street, Perry, FL. 32347 or www.tcfl.libinfo.com Submit applications to Taylor One Stop Career Center. Positions open until filled, 3/16tfBOCC Experienced plumbers needed. Must have Sa driver's license. Call 584-8603. 3/4tfHS GULF COAST ' METAL 3' Wide ROOFING Galvalum e ... ,3' Wide .b "Full line of . accessories in stock Painted Special Flashings Made All Types Warranted Metal Available Cut to your desired lengths Delivery Service Available Call Toll-Free 888-393-0335 352-498-0778 Horseshoe Beach, Fl. 2002 GMC Sonoma, 5 spd., A/C, toolbox, mag-rims clean. Asking $7,300. Call S Holly al .84-7221. 3,25 3, 30 1997 Pontiac Bonneville SE, 4-door, PW, PDL, AM/FM cassette, 10 disc CD player, 106,000 miles. Asking $5,000 obo. 850- 838-6779. 3/30-4/8 1999 Chrysler LHS. Only 51,000 miles. Completely loaded with everything, leather, cruise,.automatic, air, PW, in great condition. Reduced to $9,200. 584-2230. 3/30-4/1 1999 B2500 SE Mazda P/U, excellent cond., 81,000 miles, cruise, tilt, CD player, lac:lory liberqla'ia I topp., r b5,200 Call 578- 22l30 ('vel or 838.967, (daV';. .'.' 3 30.4l/1 2000 Nissan Maxima, excellent. Asking $10,000 obo. Please call 838-2773. 3/30-4/29 2001 Kia Rio, 60,000 miles, cold A/C, 5- speed, great gas mileage. $4,000 obo. 223-1843. 3/30-4/1 OUTDOORS'I '05 Meerkat 50 Kids ATV for younger riders, auto, 4-stroke 49cc engine, electric start, adj. speed limiter & safety cut-offs, brand new with warranty. $800. 223-1952. 3/30-4/1 1987 Mariner 30 hp 0/B. Runs great and includes spare 0/B motor with rebuilt lower unit. Both short shaft. $585. Call Mike at 850-843-0650. 3/25-4/1 Low cost pet vaccinations. Saturday, April 2, from 12 noon to 2 p.m. at Country Time Feed (formerly Big Bend Feed). Dog, cat, and horse vaccination specials. Heartworm tests, FeLV tests and coggins. Flea and heartworm products available. Administered by a state-licensed veterinarian. Pick up a flyer at Country Time Feed. 313D04/1 WANTED!! Chili Contestants who think their chili is worth $500.00!! Applications are available at the Chamber office at 584-5366. 3rd Annual Rolary Club Chili Cook-off April 2rnj 1:00 n:.on at Forest Capital State PrK 'i',u need ito pre-register your chili .o do nol hesilale call the Chamber NOW!! Prizes galore and all contestants get a free 'HOT" Chili T-shirt! 3/16-3/30CH Junk cars,'trucks, tractors. Will buy, sell and trade parts. Bobcat Service and Towing. 386-688-3999, 3/23-4/15 Greeting Card Co. hiring P/T merchandisers to service local supermarket. Maintenance and stock replenishment. 10-20 hours weekly. $7.25/hr. Mon-Fri a.m. hours. EOE. Www.hiringedge.com. Input code: 110414. 3/30-4/1 AVON 2005 Sign-on Speciall Only $5. Limited lime. Earn $300 bonus. Call Terrie at 843-1285 or 584-8463 2/11 tfTC . Part-time clerk positions available at Sea, Hag Marina. Approx. hour 25-35. Must be dependable, honest and punclual Please .aoply in person at 322 Riverside Drive, Steinhaichee Florida 3!30tiSH 23 people needed to lose 5-30 pounds this month! All Natural, 100% Guaranteed. Call today for your FREE Electronic Health Evaluation. 1-888-458-4157 www..health386.com 3/30-4/1 APALACHEE CENTER Auc A Behavioral He ll:L Carp Cenrer. i. currently seeking ADULT CASE MANAGER #2156 AVAILABLE REGULAR STATUS (40 HOURS PER WEEK) QB TEMPORARY OPS STATUS (20-40 HOURS PER WEEK). REQUIRES MINIMUM OF A' BACHELOR'S DEGREE WITH A MAJOR IN COUNSELING, SOCIAL WORK, PSYCHOLOGY,. CRIMINAL JUSTICE, NURSING, REHABILITATION, SPECIAL EDUCATION, HEALTH EDUCATION, OR A RELATED HUMAN SERVICES FIELD; OR A BACHELOR'S DEGREE + 2 YEARS FULL TIME OR EQUIVALENT EXPERIENCE WORKING WITH ADULTS EXPERIENCING SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS. VALID DRIVER'S LICENSE REQUIRED. REGULAR STATUS RATE $10.75 PER HOUR/EXCELLENT BENEFITS OR TEMPORARY OPS STATUS RATE $12.92 PER HOUR/NO BENEFITS. For more information and a complete listing of available positions: www.apalacheecenter.org (850)523-3217 or 1(800)226-2931 'Human Resources, 2634-J Capital Circle N.E., Tallahassee, FL Pre-Hire Drug Screen & FDLE background check. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Drug-Free Workplace. 3/30-4/1 AC ,DCapital City f Bank OFFICE MANAGER Capital City Bank is seeking an Office Manager for our Monticello location, to efficiently operate the office by meeting sales goals as well as coordinating sales activities. Responsibilities include supervising retail service audits, handling office maintenance as well as hiring new associates, Ideal.candidate must have office management and banking experience; loan experience is a plus. Interested applicants should send their resumes to: Capital City Bank 1860 Capital Circle, NW Tallahassee, FL 32308 Fax: 850-878-9139 E-mail: jobs@ccbg.com Please reference SP in all correspondence. CCB offers competitive benefits package. EOE/Drug Free NOTICE OF FUNDS AVAILABILITY Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program (EHEAP) will have funds available to assist individuals, 60 years and older, with cooling costs beginning April 1, 2005. Appointments for assistance will be March 28-Aprill, 2005. Please call 584-4924 for more information. Springhill Nursery is looking for full time foreman and labor positions. Please fill out job application with Taylor Employment Connections and call 584-3435. 3/11tfSN TAYLOR County Health Department is recruiting for a full time career service Maintenance Repairman, position number 001302. This position requires knowledge and experience in basic carpentry, electrical, and plumbing repairs and equipment maintenance. Some general cleaning and janitorial duties included. Fingerprinting is required. Closing date is 04/08/05. Please apply on line through People First at www.myflorida.com. 3/25-4/6HD Illusions by Jeannie, new family hair care, opening 3/21/05, has one opening for a hair dresser or a hair braider/weaver. Reasonable booth rental. Call 584-5057 or 223-1767. 3/25-3/30 Badcock & More Set up and delivery. Must be 21 yrs, old, License required. Good driving record. No phone calls. Apply in person, 1003 S. Jefferson St. 1/21tfBC Automotive part's department assistant needed. Apply in p,-r:on at Thomas Chevrolet or call 584-6212. 3/16tfCV Florida Maine is now seeking someone for the position in Fiberglass repair and boat building and also someone for boat mechanic work. Please call John at 584- 8105 serious inquiries only. 3/4-3/30FM I Marshall Health GoODWILL S is looking for STARS! Come Join a Winning Team! RETAIL STORE MANAGERS Join a nationally recognized organization that provides essential services to our community. Get on the fast track to reaching your potential in our Management Training Program. * Complete Benefits Package * Tuition Reimbursement * RewardingWork * Paid Vacation and Sick Leave * Employee Discounts * Great Opportunities for Advancement We are also accepting applications for future openings in Retail, Production, and Transportation. Please email resume to: price@goodwillbiglbend.com, fax: 850.576.0165 or mail to: Human Resources, Goodwill 300 Mabry Street Tallahassee, FL 32304. No phone calls please. EOE/DFWP odwill Vocational Instructors needed for Masonry and Carpentry $18.00 per hour Closing Date 4/30/05 The Department of Corrections is looking for experienced persons to perform new construction work in the following trades located at the Taylor Correctional Institution, Perry, Florida; masonry, and carpentry. Applicants must have knowledge and be familiar with the applicable codes relative to commercial building construction and must have the ability to direct the work of others. These are temporary positions with no benefits. * A COMPLETED STATE OF FLORIDA APPLICATION IS REQUIRED TO APPLY FOR THIS POSITION * REQUISITION I.D. NUMBER DCCor114 MUST APPEAR ON THE APPLICATION * ON-LINE APPLICATIONS ARE BEING ACCEPTED AT HTTPS://PeopleFirst.MyFlorida.com OR YOU CAN MAIL YOUR APPLICATION TO: PEOPLE FIRST STAFFING ADMINISTRATION PO BOX 44058 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32231 OR FAX TO: (904) 636-2627 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, CALL PEOPLE FIRST- @ 877-562-7287 OR CONTACT BOB CABRAL, REGIONAL MAINTENANCE CONSULTANT @ 386-294-4513. FORREN I WANTED I~IZI Experienced plumber laborers needed. Must have a driver's license. Call 584- 8603. 3/4tfHS Clay Swindle, L.L.C. Painter, Interior & Exterior, Framing. 18 yr. experience. Free est. Big or small. Call 850-223-1780 or 850-843-1941. If no answer, leave message. 10/27tfCS HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT Bulldozers, Backhoes,- Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Next Class: April 18 National Certification Financial Assistance Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Traning Services www.Equipment-School.com AUTOM BILS1101 AUCTION 3 B-4 The Taco Times March 30, 2005 The Handyman experts, honest work! Affordable, professional, licensed and insured. Specializing in house painting, interior, etc., mobile home repairs, home maintenance, pressure washing (wood and concrete) carpet, vinyl, wood floor, ceramic tile, and repairs. Call 584-2270 (home) or 584-3776 (office). 25 years. tfJM TREE CAPITAL CLEANING 584-CLEAN (2532) CARPET & VINYL Installation and repairs done at a good. price. No overhead. Direct savings to you. 30- years experience. 850-838-9050, please leave a message. 11/3tfBR J.D.'s Tree Service and Lawn Care. Licensed and insured. Free estimates. We also:grind stumps. Call today 838-1280. Firewood for sale. tfJD: County Wide Household trash collection, oneda week, $20 a month. Call 584-8009 anytime, leave message. 2/23-3/30 Circle "T" Specializing in all types of tractor work, bushhogging, root raking, harrowing, dirt hauling & leveling, debris removal, clean up, and lawn care. Call for free estimate, 584-2806. 2/2-3/30 A-2-Z Farm Services Harrowing, bush hog mowing, dirt leveling, rake work and lawn services. Call 584-. 6737, leave message. 3/24-6/30AZ Excellent, experienced care for you loved one. Available part time. 15 years experience. References available. Call 584-5165, please leave name and number. 3/30-4/1 NOTICE (PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 125.66) Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Taylor County, Florida will hold a public hearing on the passage of the proposed Ordinance relating to the amendment of Ordinance 2000-10 and 2004-08, the public hearing shall be held at the Board of County Commission Meeting Room, Taylor County Courthouse Annex, Old Post Office Building In Perry, Florida at the regular board meeting on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, at 6:25 p.m. The title of the proposed Ordinance Is: AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2000-10 AND 2004-08, CREATING A SPECIAL WATER AND SEWER $1000 Sign On Bonus PRITCHETT TRUCKING NEEDS EXPERIENCED CLASS A DRIVERS iN YOUR AREA FOR LOCAL HAULING. GOOD PAY AND BENEFITS CALL 1-800-486-7504 a ,, m DISTRICT IN THE AREA OF THE UNINCORPORATED TAYLOR COASTAL COMMUNITY; DEFINING ITS BOUNDARIES; PROVIDING FOR A WATER OR SEWER SYSTEM OR BOTH; PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF RcVENUE BONDS OR CERTIFICATES TO BE REPAID FROM THE REVENUES OF SAID SYSTEMS; PRESCRIBING THE POWERS OF THE DISTRICT INCLUDING THE POWER TO CONTRACT WITH ANY MUNICIPALITY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY; OR OTHER ENTITY FOR WATER DISTRIBUTION AND SEWER COLLECTION; DEFINING POWERS, FRANCHISES AND PRIVILEGES; PROVIDING FOR GOVERNING BODY OF SAID DISTRICT; AUTHORIZING THE DISTRICT FOR PURPOSE OF CARRYING ON ITS OPERATIONS TO ACQUIRE BY GIFT, PURCHASE OR EMINENT DOMAIN LANDS AND TITLE TO RIGHTS-OF-WAY OVER LANDS AND UNDER NAVIGABLE WATERS WITHIN AND WITHOUT SAID DISTRICT NECESSARY IN OPERATION OF SYSTEM; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The proposed Ordinance may be inspected by the public at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's Office at the Taylor County Courthouse, Perry, Florida. All members of the public are welcome to attend. Notice is further hereby given, pursuant to Florida Statute 286.0105, that any person or persons deciding to appeal any matter considered at this public hearing will need a record of the hearing and may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. . DATED this 23rd day of March, 2005, by ANNIE MAE MURPHY, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Taylor County, Florida. 3/30 NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR BIDS The Taylor County Board of County Commissioners is soliciting sealed bids for ROADSIDE RIGHT-OF-WAY MOWING. Qualified firms or individuals desiring to provide the required services must submit their bid package in an envelope or similar package'marked "Sealed bids for ROADSIDE RIGHT-OF- WAY MOWING" to the Clerk of Court, 1st Floor Courthouse, 108 North Jefferson Street, Suite 102, or P.O. Box 620, Perry, Florida 32348, to arrive no later than 4:00 P.M., local time, on April 19, 2005. All bids MUST have the respondent's name and mailing address clearly shown on the outside of the envelope or package when submitted. Bids will be opened and bidders/respondents announced at 6:15 P.M., local time, or as soon thereafter as practical, on April 19, 2005, in the Taylor County. Administrative Complex, Old Post Office, 201 East Green Street, Perry, Florida 32347. Bid documents MUST be obtained from the Clerk of Court, 1st Floor Courthouse, 108 North Jefferson St., Suite 102, or P.O. Box 620, Perry, Florida 32348, (850) 838- 3506. The county reserves the right, In Its sole and absolute discretion, to reject any or all bids, to cancel or withdraw this bid at any time and waive any irregularities in the bid process. The County reserves the right to award any contracts) to the bidder/respondent which it deems to offer the best overall service, therefore, the County'is not bound to award any contracts) -based on the lowest quoted price. The County, in Its sole and absolute discretion, also reserved the right to waive minor defects in the process and to accept the bid deemed to be in the County's best interest. The County, in its sole and absolute discretion, also reserves the right to assign a local business preference in an amount of five (5) percent of the bid price, pursuant to Taylor County Ordinance No. 2003-12. No faxed proposals/bids/SOQs will be accepted. For additional information contact: Andy McLeod 587 Hwy. 27 East Perry, Florida 32347 (850) 838-3528 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Taylor County, Florida. 3/?20 4/6 SUWANNEE RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT PUBLIC NOTICE OF APPLICATION Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, the following application for permit was received on March 23, 2005: Taylor Correctional Institution Work Camp, Department of Corrections, 2601 BldIr Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, has submitted an application for an Environmental Resource Permit Number 93-0104M, for a total project area of 17.1 acres. The project Is located in Township 5 South, Range 6 East, Section 15, In Taylor County. Interested persons may comment upon the application or submit a written request for a staff report containing proposed agency action regarding the application by writing to the Suwannee River Water Management District, Attn: Resource Management, 9225 C.R. 49, Live Oak, Florida 32060. Such comments or requests must be received by 5:00 PM within 21 days from the date of publication. No further public notice will be provided regarding this application. A copy of the staff report must be requested in order to remain advised of further proceedings. Substantially affected persons are entitled to request an administrative hearing, pursuant to Title 28, Florida Administrative Code, regarding the proposed agency action by submitting a written request after reviewing the staff report. 3/30 Public Notice for Legal Counsel The North Florida Workforce Development Board, Inc. is issuing an Invitation to Negotiate for legal counsel services. North Florida Workforce Development Board, Inc. Is a non-profit organization, is the administrative entity for certain job training and job placement provisions of the Social Security Act, Title IV (Excess Temporary Assistance to Need Families funds) the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998; Chapter 2000-165, Laws of Florida; et al. Among other things, North.Florida Workforce Development Board, Inc. is responsible for the operation of the Employment Connections offices in Suwannee, Taylor and Madison counties. Instructions: Parties may apply by submitting a letter of interest which; Describe Their Qualifications to provide appropriate legal services; Contains a summary of applicable experiences Provide appropriate references; Indicates their ability to perform the work; and Contains a schedule of fees Submit letter of interest to: William M. Deming, Executive Director, North Florida Workforce Development Board, Inc.. P.O. Box 267, Madison, FL 32341-0267 by 4:00 p.m. on April 30, 2005. Late submittals will be disqualified. Facsimile or other electronic submittals will not be accepted or considered. North Florida Workforce Development Board, Inc. reserves the right to reject any or all submittals in the best interest of the North Florida Workforce Development Board, Inc. North Florida Workforce Development Board, Inc. is an equal opportunity training provider/employer. 3/23, 3/30, 4/1, 4/6 Notice of Public Hearing Hearing Date: April 5, 2005 Subject of Hearing: School Board Policy Handbook Revisions THE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF TAYLOR COUNTY WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ABOVE DATE FOR APPROVAL OF SAID SUBJECT ITEM. THIS HEARING WILL BE HELD AT THE SCHOOL BOARD MEETING. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS/CONCERNS. THE PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD AT THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLEX, SCHOOL BOARD MEETING ROOM, 318 North Clark Street. A copy of this policy may be obtained from the Superintendent's Office. Oscar M. Howard Jr. Superintendent of School 3/9, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Adrianne Spain-Conde the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are follows: Certificate No. 414 Year of Issuance 2002 Description of Property: Parcel No R05135-000 Lot 9 Block D of Springlake Heights Subdivision as Recorded in the Official Record of Taylor County, Florida. Name in which assessed: Thomas H Page, ETAL. Said property being in the County of Taylor, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to low, the property described is such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the courthouse door on the 18th day of April, 2005 at 11:00 o'clock a.m. Dated this 14th day of March, 2005. Annie Mae Murphy Clerk of Circuit Court Taylor County, Florida 3/16, 3/23, 3/30, 4/6 TAYLOR COUNTY BEACHES! SUBSCRIBE TO THE TACO TIME & PERRY NEWS-HERALD $35 (in county) or $49 (out of county) to P.O. Box 888, Perry, FL 32348 NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP S R.W. MEISSNER S& ASSOCIATES, INC. S CIVIL ENGINEERING 'c3l SERVICES BUILDING PLANS RENOVATIONS HOMES COMMERCIAL PERMITS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SUWANNEE RIVER WMD SITE DEVELOPMENT PARKING LOTS 216 W. MAIN STREET PERRY. FLORIDA 32347 PHONE E 850-584-3887 E-MAIL: rwmrni, glcon.net Roofing & Roof Repairs Additions New Construction Gutters Remodeling General Maintenance Big B Contractors (850) 878-8758 (850) 528-4975 Tallahassee cell (local) Construction Design Site Development John Gentry Lauri Bundrick Professional Designer Engineer Designer Sandra Bolton Robert Harper Office Manager Designer S"Civil & Environmental Engineers" 114-B W. Green St. (850) 584-4408 - -.. Mon. Fri; 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. FRITH ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. Owners & Mortgage Title Insurance Policies Title Searches Real Estate Closings 501 N. Byron Butler Plwwy Perry, Fl. 850-584-2672 BIG BEND HOSPICE -- . Support For Life's Journey \TWhen sorrm ne you lo\e is diagnosed mith a lie-limitmng illness. ler Big Bend Hospice help you through the ph',ys.ial. eniotional and spiritual Journeys you SMI i, er 1l iace sI i M r.rehj n i',iF r fL i '1 SI ll1851i.1678; FL :i 3 ) ww l r,:,p,: . Davis-Garvin Agency, Need C Lens Order on t Accenteyeca or call 51 contact Ses? he web at: recenter.com 84-2200 Dr. Michael Walby Opiomeinc Physician CONTACT LENSES Women's Health Centers of North 3lorida, P.A/. Dr. Anthony Perrin Board-Certified OBi'G'i N Obstetrics & Gvnecology Services v Prenar I C.are '. ncmafDn elieres Y .ecil,ons t BdlatralTubtal Li qalin Y Pap Smears V Colposcppy ,1 YVLap!ar'oci F: 3''rJ Sur:qerr; Monday Friday 8:00 a m 5 00 p m. For an appointment, call (850) 223-1744 Inc WORKERS COMP AUTO/EQUIPMENT PROPERTY GENERAL LIABILITY "A" Rated Commercial Insurance Local References Available 25 Years Servicing the Southeast Call now for a competitive. no-hassle quote!!!. Robert Johnsonr . 352-367-8376 TACO TIMES PERRY NEWS-HERALD 123 S. Jefferson St. Perry, Fl. 32347 P.O. Box 888 Perry, Fl. 32348 (850) 584-5513 Fax 838-1566 News Dept. perrynews@peiry.gulfnet.com 'The Back Porch :H~lr~l- Jiriqlerl frriric 5 qij-rs S85-5S 4-2 075 30cl"l HI 'fv I oS. I r~i It o11111 It' 7t 1 i1' 111kv iuii 1',i oL II )Ii,'lr Hearing Aids * Expert Fitting SHighest Quality *All Makes & Models In Perry Monday it, Friday SDr Jeffrey D Russell Audioloqist Harmdan ENT Center CALL 584-8123 Get more than 265,000 copies of your business cards printed and delivered every week to your customers and potential customers over the next 12 months. Now under NEW MANAGEMENT Open 7 days a weep Largest Grub Selection in Florida -, Bait & Tackle Rod & Reel Combos Snacks Sodas JU Ice Beer Cigarettes Live & Frozen Offshore Bait Coming Soon In March we will be doing boating repairs & fiberglassing Florda marine 6-41 ee.r Rd 50.5. -U+I AUL Op ,n 1 ,: i n', r 1:10 rr Sidewall Drivewa Roofs Gu Commercial Res (850) 838-1 '850 84 ?--,64 3-, 31, [ r ,, ,,.- I .ii-- ys tters ,/denla/l 546 {Ic l Place Your Ad Here! GET YOUR NAME OUT INTO THE COMMUNITY... ADVERTISE! I- .. ,,.I.~.i.. .'l ,.. .iII 1. ~i;. I I I Wi ME I 4 M c cu A AW Won TI !In one year 265, 000 copies of thec.. ee ads will be delivered every week to your customenf,' --* r, :I? dlf i ::i-~t i~ ~I*PII~Y~ hp I I . 'llnique home decoratiolis %,. I |