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L~-I Ser -S\\ 1 .Taylor countyy 7 Since 1961 i ies Edition IinmMesdweek 1 llx E'" March 23, 2005 Tree Capital of the South 2 Sections Our 44th Year, No. 12 News Forum Seniors invited to Easter egg hunt Thursday Taylor County Senior Services is sponsoring an Easter celebration Thursday, March 24, from 11 a m to 1 pm An Easter egg hunt is planned for senior citizens and lunch will be served during the festivities The event will be held at the Senior Services Center (formerly Gladys Morse Elementary School) on West Ash Street For more information or to make a Donation, please call 584-4924 Early dismissal slated Thursday Parents are reminded that Spring SBreak for all Taylor County students begins with early dismissal Thursday, March 24. SClasses resume Monday, April 4 Masons host annual Easter egg hunt Perry Masonic Lodge 187 will hold :its annual Easter Egg Hunt and picnic Sunday, March 27, at Loughridge Park. starting at 3 p.m Worshipful Master Eric Jones and SeniorWarden Moncref Ervin invite everyone to join them for an afternoon - of fun and fellowship. Adopt-A-Thon -set forSaturday The Humane Society of Taylor County will hold an Adopt-A-Thon -Saturday, March 26, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will be held at Perry Buildings on Hampton Springs Avenue S(next to Julia's). Currently, the society has six Puppies, three grown dogs and two S cats available for adoption. Hibiscus sale S .:planned April'2 S AMVETS Post 20 will hold its i annual hibiscus sale Saturday, April 2. :from 7 a.m to 2 p.m., at the post building on Woods Creek Road. The fund-raiser will be held in conjunction with the. monthly community yard sale hosted by the post. The multi-colored hibiscus (available in three gallon pots) will be sold for $12 for individual plant and .$.20 for two. S'To reserve a space atthe yard sale, contact Mark Viola at 584-5513 or 584-8807 School board to hold legal meeting The Taylor County School Board Swill hold a legal meeting prior to its Regular meeting Tuesday, April 5. The legal meeting is closed to the Public and will begin at 6 p.m. : The regular meeting, which is open .to the public, begins at 7 p.m. S Meeting canceled Due to lack of business requiring action, Chairman Eddie Martin has authorized the cancellation of the March 24 meeting of the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council. The next meeting of the council will be held April 28 in Lake City. Index Living...page A-4 Sports...page A-6 Religion...page A-7 Community...page B-1 Assurance from 4-star general No missile range here, Boyd says: . ." i .. - The Taylor County Joint Drug Task Force brought its total of drug arrests this year to 33 by "taking down" Calvin "Dank" Johnson arid Freddie Lee Johnson last weekend. TQSO lnv. Dewayne Bratcher said that during the arrests, .22- bags of cocaine,12 bags of mar ijuana and $555 were seized. Task Force nets 2 arrests, cocaine, marijuana seizure Th TyorCony oitDrg ~skFore rugt-is~~oa--f-d~uj~ce:ths yart 33 y takngdow" alvn Dak' ~hs~i~ad"Frddi ,eeJohis~i'lat weldnd*TPS Inv. De an rthrsi htdrig h aie',2 asOfC5'n,,12:aso m r t ijuana and $555 were s ize ... . Task.Forcenets 2aress cocaie, m r luna sizur Two more alleged drug dealers ha3e been arrested and 22 bajg of cocaine and 12 bags of marijujna seized altcr th. Tjalur COunit', Joint Drug Task Furce IJTFI Join the fight! Teams needed Teams are the backbone of : successful Relay for Life...and according to Team Development Charrperson Susan Nelson, more teams are needed for Taylor County's annual eent. "As of now. we have 18 teams conducted another sting last weekend. According to Perry Police -Department Det: Mike Anderson,; confidential informant'w e're ei% en monev and wired for sound before thei, were sent out to make controlled drug buys from Freddie SJohnson, 28, Calvin "Dank" Johnson, 39, and another suspect w hi is 19 years old. .-Aderson said his undercover agents made buys from all three, which were witnessed and recorded. A team consisting of PPD Ptl. Michael Franklin, Ptl. Gina Deeson, Ptl. Paul.Sunderland and Ta)lor County Sheriffs Office JTF Inv. Dewayne Bratcher, began surveillance of the three suspects t6 make the arrests. "Calvin Johnson was targeted first," Anderson said. "We followed'him to his residence on 42th Street, where he was arrested as he pulled' into his driveway. 0.* Please see page 2. Congressman Allen Boyd made a stop in Perry Monday to hold a town hall meeting on Social Security, but that topic soon took a- back seat to another one--the missile/bombing range. Earle Greene, spokesperson for the group opposing the missile range, addressed Boyd about their concerns. "We have a cross-section of people here who want to help stop this thing in its tracks. A bombing range -i& just simply' not. conducive to the vision of Taylor County and its citizens," he said. "We also realize that the potential for this thing to happen is still out there. Mr. Manclark (of the U.S. Air Force), said earlier that the $2.5 'million originally scheduled to be used here for an ,environmental impact study for the proposed missile range, was to be re-assigned, but we're hearing something different. "We want some kind of guarantee that the Taylor County nature coast will not be turned into a bombing range. "We represent 75 percent of this county--the percentage who voted against it. We want every official, whether they be city, county, state . or federal to know that the will of the people is to not have a bombing range come to our county," Greene added. Boyd assured the audience that this would not happen. "I do not want anyone here to think that the nature coast will be turned into.i bombing range .. "I took your message to the head man over the Air Force, and I have been assured by a four-star general that there is no need to worry," Boyd said. "I want everyone to take that message at face value. I also want you guys to stay alert to everything that happens and stay vigilant--but do not worry," he added. Greene told Boyd that the group had petitioned the county commission to adopt a- comprehensive plan which would prohibit military missile/bombingf ranges here, but the commission: ..* Please see page 3 - FCAT is 'testy' at TCMS Taylor County Middle School Principal Paul Dyal is standing hisi- ground amid allegations that-.: selected questions on the recently completed Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT), were included in practice materials students used at the school prior to_._ taking the test. Dyal said he received a call from Taylor County Elementary School Assistant Principal Vince Verges, (the day after the math portion o the test was given), reporting that student said a question on the test , was included on materials *. practiced in class before the testing.- "I assured. him there were no improprieties in my staff giving the test and that no security had been breached before, during or: after giving the test,"'Dyal said. "We conduct a very thorough and organized, test prep, where we- work extensively with the kids to give them the confidence to do well on the test. "We work smart in our reviews. Every student receives the same Please see page 5 5 Converge in Perry for seminar K-9s take bite out of crime registered, Nelson said. "If you Nearly 100 K-9 law, are out there raising money but enforcement teams will take part haven't registered your team. in the third annual K-9 Training & now is the time." Problem .Solving Seminar hosted The American Cancer Society by .American Aluminum March Relay for Life is an 18-hour 29-April 1. team fundraismg event where Beginning Monday, teams from participants walk around a track across the Southeast--iricluding relay style and. camp out Alabama, Georgia, Florida and overnight. Teams of cancer- North Carolina--will begin fighting enthusiasts will gather arriving for four days of intensive at the Taylor County High hands-on exercises and training. School track on April 15-16 to On Thursday, March 31, the show their support and K-9s and their handlers will dedication to fighting this present a free public disease. demonstration of their skills at .-* Please see page 2 Dorsett Stadium, beginning at 6 p.m. Candidates could register in April Council may amend city election policies Prospecti e candidates for the upcoming city elections may declare their candidacy as early as ne\[ month, if the Perry City Council adopts a new amendment addressing election dates and qualifications. Council members were to consider the amended proposal during their regular Tuesda\ night meeting. March 22. An early draft of the ordinance came under fire from leaders in the Afiican-American community who challenged the deletion of a "six months residency" requirement. The council opted to keep the residency requirement in the election amendment and directed Cit\ Attorney Bill Blue to re-write the draft. The latest proposal calls for extending the qualifying dates for candidates from "not less than 30 n'-or more than 45 days prior to the date of election" to "not less than 46 days nor more than.50 days prior to the date of election It also moves ciny elections forward one month, from the second Tuesday in July to the .ccond Tucndayy in June, and pushes back the date for a run-off election iit needed)i 1 he second Tuesday in August. Please see page 2 "The event is free and open to the public. We encourage parents to bring, their children and enjoy the show," American Aluminum's Laura Albritton.said. A special portion of the program will be dedicated to child safety tips, especially as related to child abduction, Albritton noted. "We will also have an I.D. booth for children and will have special handouts and other materials provided by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement," she said. Taylor County's own K-9 team, Deputy Harper Gibson and K-9 partner Jeremiah, will be featured in the demonstration, along with members of the local Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission (FWC) department- and the State Fire Marshall's Office. The event will also include a special on-field presentation of all K-9 teams taking part in the week- long seminar. Children and families will be able to visit with the handlers and dogs at the end of the demonstration. American Aluminum has Please see page 3. Editorial...page B-2 Classifieds...page B-4 : : Racing cars clocked at 99 mph Two Tallahassee men were arrested Sunday, after Florida Highway Patrol Trp. Brian Lundy caught them racing as they were leaving the Perry city limits, at speeds approaching 100 mph. "I was southbound on U. 'S. Hwy. 19, when I saw a small red Sponsor Tuesday fire -The State Fire Marshal's Office is investigating a fire which occurred at a residence on Union Street Tuesday morning. No one was home at the time of the fire, which apparently originated with the living room couch. While smoke filled the interior of the home and wafted out from the roof, no major structure damage was reported. Responding to the emergency call were city firefighters Capt. Jimmy Smith, Robby Moon and R.B. Lee. They were joined by Cliff Suber and Chad Arendale of county fire/rescue. Perry Police Department units helped in securing the scene. . Six dealers 'targeted .... _,. o e ._._ tSinte TASK FORCE Continued from page 1 When searched, officers found a bag of marijuana and a bag of powder cocaine on him." "We then set-up on Freddie Johnson," said Bratcher, "and later found him at the 98 Bar, We watched him until he left. When 'Timeline given for election amendment CITY ELECTION Continued from page 1 SContacted Tu'esday, Supervisor of Elections Molly Lilliott--whose office has traditionally handled the election process for the cii --said she was unsure of the impact the changes would have. "It is up to the city council to decide on the qualifying dates and deadlines." she said. SCity Manager Bill Brynes said Lilliott's office would continue to handle Candidate registration, as has been done in the past. Also detailed in the proposed amendment was a timeline tracking how Sthe changes came about: "In 2004 the dates for elections set forth in the'City Charter did not, provide sufficient time for candidates to contest the results of a primary election before conducting a run-off election: and "On Feb. 8. 2005, the City Council rejected the idea of moving the dates of city elections to coincide with count', state and federal elections Because of objections from the minority community that changing the dates of the elections to coincide with county, state and federal elections would also require the City Council to mo\e its city district lines to Coincide ith county district lines within the city limits and thus make. one of the now existing minority di.sricts a district with a majority of white N others instead of black voters: jnd "On March 8. 2005. the City Council rejected the idea of changing the residents requirements for candidates under the Charter to match the residency requirements under state law because of objections from the - minority community that such change-s would change the elections from single member districts to at-large e\en though the ordinance specifically. specified otherwise." Freddie was stopped a short time later, he was found to be in possession of 21 bags of cocaine, 11 bags of marijuana and $555 in cash." The drugs and money were seized, and both Johnsons were arrested and taken to the Taylor County Jail, where they were charged with possession of cannabis with intent to sell, possession of cocaine with intent to sell and possession of cocaine. According to Anderson and Bratcher, these arrests bring the total of drug arrests during the new fiscal year to 33. "That number is going to rise by six." said Anderson. "and very soon. We have warrants on six more drug dealers and we're going to get them." Cash rewards offered from Crime Stoppers Cash rewards are available for individuals who furnish information leading to the arrest of. and filing of charges against, felony crime offenders. Taylor County Crime Stoppers offers complete anonymity to all callers and will pay cash rewards up to $ 1.000. The Crime Stoppers number is: 1-8S8-521-1113. Citizens who call the number are guaranteed anonymity. NOTICE March 31, 2005 LAST DAY to pay property tax without a penalty. April 1, 2005 April 1,2005 April 29, 2005 April 30, 2005 May 26, 2005 May 27, 2005 3% Interest on Real Estate Property Tax (Including Non ad valorem assessments.) 1.5% interest per month on Tangible Personal Property Tax. DEADLINE to pay Property Tax before Advertising Begins. ADVERTISING COSTS WILL BE CHARGED LAST DAY TO PAY tAX BEFORE CERTIFICATE SALE. Tax Certificate Sale will be held at 8:30 a.m. on the second floor of the Taylor County Courthouse. Jack Tedder Taylor.County Tax Collector TEAMS Continued from page 1 With a theme of "Relay's Gone Hollywood," teams are asked to represent any movie or TV show of their choice with their team 'campsite and costumes. Teams comrmil to raise a minimum of $1,000 each and to have one, person walking the track at all times in honor of the fact that cancer never sleeps. "If you are thinking about: having a team or if you are still recruiting team members, please contact me at 838-2798 or susan.nelson@taylor.kl2.fl.us to learn some tips on how to make your Relay team a success." Nelson said. Last year. 25 teams participated in the Relay at Ta.lor Count High School Track, and the goal this year is 30 teams. "We're asking for help in our community." Nelson said. "Please gather friends, family, church members and co-workers to create a team of successful relayers. We also plan to have a Walk-On Team for anyone who is interested in coming out for a few hours to participate but doesn't have a team." American Cancer Society volunteers have challenged local community members to see who: can recruit the most teams for the Rela,. The "2005 Team Challenge" has been extended through the next Team Captain ; drivers arrested car in the northbound outside lane "It was very apparent that both traveling at a high rate of speed," vehicles were attempting to out- said Lundy. distance each other and were "In the inside lane was a black racing side by side," he added. car also traveling at a.high rate of Lundy said he clocked the speed. The traffic was heavy and vehicles at 99.mph before making the two vehicles were pulling a u-turn to catch up to the away from a pack of cars behind vehicles. them. "The black car entered the outside lane and began to slow Down. As I passed this vehicle, I saw that the small red car did not rsslow dbwn,; but continued to run s Inarl n ed in speeds surpassing 95 mph. "I saw this-car change lanes several times without using a turn Meeting, scheduled for April 5; at signal and make several lane First Presbyterian Church, at. 6:30 changes, nearly striking other p.m. The participant who recruits vehicles," he said. the most teams will receive Lundy make a traffic stop on recognition at the event and the red car, and stopped the black receive a special Relay For Life car as it was coming by. denim jacket. ; Both drivers, Anthony Louis To qualify for the "2005 Team Conetta, 19,. and Christian Andres Challenge." participants must Baena,' 18, were arrested and recruit a minimum of two teams charged with racing on the during the team blitz. Teams must highway and reckless driving. submit a $100 registration fee and Lundy noted that there were a completed team commitment vehicles stopped at the'stop sign form to Nelson, noting which on Pisgah Road while these community member recruited" vehicles were speeding on the them. highway. Current Bronze Sponsors for the "Had either one. of these 2005 e ent are Big Top inexperienced drivers lost control. NManufactunne. Buckeye. Progress a serious, more than likely fatal, Energy. P.A.C.E. International crash would have occurred," he Union Local 3-119 and Martin added. Electronics :+ " Licensed & Insured Lic. #2004-1946 CARE (850)584-4710 (850)843-0708 SatTAMP (forlmerl Gladys Morse Elementan, Auditorium) Thursday, March 24 (Registration & Dinner) ELECTION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS Come to the/ Annual Mleeting and see what we have to offer. Meet the Board ofDirectors, Staf and Committee Members qfYour credit union. 1402 South Jefferson Street Perry, FL32348 (850) 584-3002 .lur ,i:,,nr) ..*i:urwlei ;10 *uru NCUA U U Gv, v.+ ..i l ..-,,l : A-2 The Taco Times March 23, 2005 LOST "Children's Pet" Fawn colored male boxer with white on face and chest. He's nine months old, weighs 40 lbs. and waslast seen in the 'Boyd area 584-6865 or 838-4002 , ' I__.~____- . : 'I - I I - ' A-3 The Taco Times March 23, 2005 Community input sessions slated Beach residents surveyed Taylor County beaches area property owners soon will have a direct say in planning for. the beaches area, with the receipt of a comprehensive survey in the coming weeks from the Taylor Coastal Comrmunities, Association (TCCA). The TCCA, formerly known as the Keaton Beach Community Republican women form club in Taylor Congressman Alien Boyd (right) is shown speaking to Taylor County native Rudolph Parker Monday. Boyd was in town to discuss Social Security, but,the proposed missile range overshadowed the meeting's topic. 'Citizens, stay vigilant' BOYD Continued from page 1 recently rejected the text amendment 5-1. Boyd reminded the audience that they should "continue, to be vigilant and keep your local' officials abreast of how you feel." SMissile range opponent Gale Dickert presented Boyd with 2,000 signed petitions against the range. "The vast majority of the people in Taylor County don't want our communityy to be known as a place for bombing ranges and coal- powered plants," she said. "These. Plants are known to cause cancer. The people of this community do not want our nature coast to be viewed as a place where you put dirty industries." Boyd smiled and told the -audience that Gale and John Dickert have been "my friends for 25 years. Me and my wife, Cissy, have discussed this issue with them. I don't know how I can make my position more clear. "I'll say it again. The U. S. Air Force four-star' general I have Spoken to several times, told me :that he understood that the people U of Taylor County do not want a bombing range here--and there will not be." "We just wanted to. head this off at the pass," said Greene. Boyd laughed before saying, "Ya'll stopped this thing way before it ever got to the pass." Another audience member then spoke.' "We realize that you are but one person and you can be outvoted," she said. Boyd agreed. "That's true. But I'm the only person representing Taylor County in Congress, looking out for your best interests and wants, and the SAir Force has assured me that no missile or bombing range will be put in Taylor County," he 'said. "Another thing you can do is to contact the two senators who represent this region and make sure they know of your wants and desires," Boyd added. Another member of the group summed up their mission. "I learned a long time ago, that the more nails you put in a box, the tighter it will shut and stay shut., We're just making sure we've got a lot of nails," he said. The Taylor County Republican Executive Committee (REC) is organizing a Federated Republican Women's Club for Taylor County. The initial meeting date is scheduled for Thursday, April 7, beginning at 7 p.m., in the home 'of Larry and J. B. Cozine. Cozine serves the Taylor County REC as vice chairman. Interested registered women voters in Taylor County are being Invited to attend:the first meeting of the new political club. The Federated Republican Women's Club is a State of Florida and federally sanctioned organization for women activists involving political issues and'opinions. Registered women voters in Taylor County may obtain further Community is invited K-9s Continued from page 1 manufactured and provided K-9 transport units for the law enforcement community since 1991. The company had been involved with similar workshops and seminars in the past, deciding to host its own in 2003. "Each event has been more successful than the last. We appreciate the support of the community, and hope they will join us next week for the free demonstration," Albritton said. information about the Republican Women's Club from Taylor County REC Republican Women's Club Secretary/Treasurer A. J. Burch, who is organizing the formation of the new club, by e- mail: gritsrus@hotmail.com., For more information on the Taylor County ,REC, please contact Tommie Stanaland, chairman, at (850)584-8815, or by e-mail: tstanaland@yahoo.com. Association received the donated services of a professional research and facilitation firm, which wrote. the survey and will conduct four community input sessions for property owners. "We are delighted to offer property owners in the beaches area a direct opportunity to shape the future of our Taylor County beaches," said Lynn Aibejeris, president of the TCCA. "We are mailing this professionally developed survey to all property owners in late March and people will have several weeks to complete and return those to us by April 15," Aibejeris said. Treasurer Marcia Parker stated, "Everyone should be sure to complete these surveys as the survey asks about their perceptions of available services, amenities and other topics that are important in planning to meet the current needs and those caused by the growth expected in the future." Aibejeris said the summary of the survey responses will be - shared with property owners at its May 17 meeting. The : information will be reported to the county commission soon thereafter for use in any future planning the county may eventually initiate regarding the beaches' area. Beaches area property owners are invited to attend one of the . community input sessions, as well. Those are scheduled for Monday, April 25, 6 to 8 p.m.; Tuesday, April 26, 9 to 11 a.m.; Friday, April 29, 6 to 8 p.m.; Saturday, May 7, 9 to 11 a.m. All of the sessions will be held at the Taylor Coastal Utilities (Water District) building, 18820 Beach Road, Keaton Beach. For more information, contact Lynn Aibejeris at (850) 578-2484 or Debbie Mason at (850) 578- 2119. Largest Selection I i Around of Fashions Q K Iwas. WA andAccessories (b) \ SFirst in fashions" Dresses 20%off Storewide (sale ends Saturday) Shoes Sportswear Also a Large Section Accessories wear Accessories ,60% off Jewelry Handbags Lingerie Hose ( Attend the church ofyour choice on 'Easter Sunday LY# Downtown 584-7774 c- Juniors Missy Petites Half Sizes Cash Check *.MC Visa Discover 2 -5 **, c. Mon.-Fri. 9 Sat. 9-4 ..d ii I 1 68 Roeiners in stock SWe must move at least 100 out by Mother's Day &Fathor's Day (MAY 8) .(JUNE 19) NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! yss4 SOUTH HOUSE IN PERRY 7 BLOCKS WEST OF COURTHOUSE AT U.S. 19-27 _.^ I.-: Souh ose i HOETW Owned: -OrPrcs- r 07 rP -- %WTO(i;re4(,0,,0,00(0 SLiving :Easter Sunday wedding -to unite Woodfaulk, Gray Annie Woodfaulk announces the forthcoming marriage of her daughter, Venita Denise, to Thomas "Nathan" Gray, the son of Debra McGrew and Charlie Gray Jr. The bride-to-be is also the daughter of the late Clarence Woodfaulk. SShe is a 1995 graduate of Taylor County High School, attended North Florida Community College and also Taylor Technical Institute. She is currently employed with Doctors' Memorial Emergency Medical Services as an EMT. Her grandparents include Annie Ruth Prince, Viola Woodfaulk of Perry ' and the late Ulysses Woodfaulk. The prospective groom is a 1996 graduate of Taylor County High School, employed with Taylor Correctional Institute. His grandparents are Margaret McGrew and the late Rev. John McGrew Sr., the late Charlie Gray Sr. and Julia Gray. The ceremony will be an event of March 27, 2005, at 3 p.m. in the STemple of God. A reception will be held on April 2, 2005, at 6 p.m. in.the Perry Men's Club. No local invitations are being sent; all friends and Family are invited to attend. A-4 The Taco Times March 23, 2005 SWedding reminder 6Dodge-Meacham SAlexandria Dodge and Benjamin Meacham remind friends and relatives Sof their wedding on Saturday, March 26, at 2 p.m. in Pleasant Grove S ,I [ Baptist Church. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. :.; IIllusions - ,I-e 2 , "",,, -, '4 eannu C. K y D i .'. ' Kayla Lynn Holden, Daniel Shane Cruce Holden-Cruce wedding vows planned for April Jimmy and Tammy Holden announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Kayla Lynn, to Daniel Shane Cruce, the son of Doug Cruce of Perry and Debbie Clark of Pennington Gap, Va. The bride-to-be is a 2004 graduate of Taylor County High School, currently attending North Florida Community College in pursuit of a nursing degree. She is the granddaughter of Thomas and Sandra Forehand, and Bert and Linda Holden, all of Perry. The prospective groom is self-employed with Cruce Distributing. He is the grandson of Thelma Courtney of Perry, and the late Roy Cruce. Their wedding will be Saturday, April 9, 2005, at 4 p.m. in Friendship Baptist Church with a reception following at the Catholic Parish Hall. No local invitations will be issued; all friends and relatives are invited to attend. Family Hair Care & Body Piercing Great Prices... Check Us Out! K-. Semo Ciizn Dy 0%.ffTueda Located above Sisters' Mercantile 223-1767 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10:00 6:00, Saturdays by appt. only I~mWFA~UA S. "Hop" on over to see our New Silver Jewelry! REGISTER TO WIN a basket filled with Candles Tart Burner Gourmet Jelly Candy Silver Charm Gift Certificate Drawing to be held March 25 Closed Sat., March 26 S ebeCc S Jewelry & Gifts (850) 584-2505 213 E. Green St. SLook for the "purple" door i Becky Paramore, owner Ij: Thomas "Nathan" Gray, Venita Denise Woodfaulk Need camp for spring break? Need a camp for spring break? The Spring Break All-Star Cheer Camp is planned for grades K-5 beginning March 29 and ,.,continuing through April 1. The sessions will be held from 10 a.m. until 12 noon. The camp costs $40 per.student and includes a t-shirt as well as a ,performance with Taylor Elite at the April 24 exhibition at 4 p.m. in Taylor Gymnastics, Cheerleading & Dance. All proceeds from this event benefit the Taylor Elite Boosters who assist with expenses related to the team's exhibitions and travel. Mark calendars for Patsy Cline "Sweet Dreams--A Patsy Cline Tribute" is coming to the Perry Elks Lodge on April 16. Get your tickets now by calling 584-2542. Advance reserved tickets are $15 each; at the door, tickets cost $18. STERLING CASINO DAY CRUISE April 3rd,- $22.00 per person Includes roundtrip motorcoach from Chiefland or Old Town to Port Canaveral, buffet, beverages while gaming & entertainment BILOXI GAMING TOUR .4 days/3 nights. Super 8 Motel $112.00 ppdo SBeau Rivage $162.00 ppdo 5 night Dec. 3rd Caribbean Cruise Starting at $387.88 Only $25.00 will hold your space Roundtrip bus transportation PACK N GO TRAVEL located in Chiefland 352-493-7622 OR toll free 1-888-852-0330 e-mail: speubank@aol:com website: www.pack-n-gotravel.com: For more information, please call 584-7382. Jennifer Sheffield-Lu Owner, Nail T 'dne' is big in Texas! Zoey Wren Morgan celebrated her first birthday at her home in Houston, Texas, with family and friends on March 16. Her grandparents are Bryant and Marguerite Morgan, and Marty and .. Roseanna-.Morgan. Sharing the cake was her four-year-old sister, Bryanna. -I'l t 9 9 lifer Wallace Nail Tech Open Mon. Sat. By appt. only 584-2445 115 E. Drew St. (next door to Rotech) MADE T ORDER ^H~~ilIBCat'erigService, Inc. o Specializing in: Food Service for Wedding Receptions, Rehearsal Dinners, Class Reunions & other special occasions Also: * Wedding Cakes and .other party cakes * Wedding Accessory Rentals Free Estimates Thomas Matheny, owner (850) 973-2589 Madison, Fl. wft mo'wmw W ., - e. State License #067210 State License #067210 Bridal Registry Alexandria/b6dge Benjamin Meacham .March 26, 2005. Bethany Denison Bryon Freeman April 2, 2005 Kelly Pierce Heath Cannon I April 9, 2005 Melissa Kinsey Jimmy Land April 30, 2005 Amber Mauldin Shane Ross May 7, 2005 Baby Registry Shelyne Steele Ashley Smith Girl due March 2005 Tanya & Jeremy Oreal due March 2005 Angel & Bradley Mauldin Girl due March 2005 Michelle Sumrall Robert Hilson Boy due April 2005 Ashley Farrow Troy Padgett Boy due April 2005 Robin (Lilliott) & Charles Walker Girl due May 2005 Britney Burroughs & Chris Strickland Boy due June 2005 Jennifer Aman & Jason Canipbell Boy due July 2005 A (4 -1 i t~axxcop av:xvojLO%" Happy Birtbday SUncle Dink *O Lve yov _^v SMirror Images n Perry's Newest Nail Sal6n NOW OPE- tL Easter & Prom Specials Acrylic Nails Full Set $20 Manicures $15 Pedicures $25 SPRING BREAK HOURS 10-6 March Special FREE Paraffin Wax Jenn indy with each pedicure eeh ($8.00 value) rech. - - 9La(21 / 3rd to, otz sweecliwczt Julianna 71aic' 26. 20-05 Love, Mommy, Daddy & Jenna Haippy lst 2 irtti~iy r tO Our little 3inyl]j -Jenna J I r l 3I J ); II) i l~~ .4 - gistrs'Mreanile _ IL- II I I .. I I:""~s!l 0 I I I i Verges: 'No wrongdoing implied' Superintendent stands by TCMS A-5 The Taco Times March 23, 2005: Steven Shouppe Enterprises, LLC Residential & Commercial Construction New Business Promotional Rates ic # CBC1252662 (850) 584-8020 838-6158 FCAT Continued from page 1 preparation time. There is no way that any teacher could have access to the test before testing. They are sealed until 7:30 the morning the tests are given, and then the teacher has to sign for them," he added Dyal said shortly after he spoke with Verges, he received a letter from the Florida Department of Education requesting a copy of all review materials for the math, reading and science portions of the test. "We don't mind doing this," said Dyal, "because we have done nothing wrong. We have already Taylor's unemployment falls to eleventh in state Taylor County unemployment statistics have been hovering within the 10 counties with the highest unemployment in the state for the past several months, but the latest numbers show that STaylor is now ranked 11th. During December, Taylor SCounty was ranked 8th, but during SJanuary, those numbers jumped, giving our county the distinction of being ranked seventh, with an . unemployment rate of 5.8, which means that with a labor force of 7,502, there were 432 unemployed, or 5.8 percent. In order, from first, the top ten counties with the highest unemployment for the month of February include: Hendry and Madison counties were highest, with a 6.4 ranking each, followed by Indian River at 5.8; Hardee at 5.7; Hernando at 5.6; Okeechobee, Putnam, Hamilton and St. Lucie at 5.4; and Dixie County at 5.4. Other area counties and their unemployment rates include: Duval at 4.8; Gadsden at 5.1; Calhoun at 5.2; Columbia at 4.1; Suwannee at 4.1; Jefferson at 3.9; Leoh at 3.7; Wakulla at 3.2 (lowest in the state, along with Alachua County) and Lafayette at 3.9 percent. Alachua Jr. Miss wins Florida title Samantha Buxton representing Alachua County won the title of Florida's Junior Miss and cash scholarship awards totaling $1,600 Sunday in the 48th annual Florida's Junior Miss scholarship competition. A panel of five judges' selected her from a field of 10 high school , e.-. seniors, including Taylor County's 'Jr. Miss Jessica ,Manning, competing in Tallahassee. In addition to winning the .$1,000 state title scholarship, i xton won a $250 award for Being the winner in the fitness :-caegorv of-he compeitiion and a 2'25 a\vard tor being the winner : in the self-expression category. .. Buxton :Was also chosen by the other contestants to receive the $125 Spirit of Junior Miss Award. : Her title makes her eligible for her -. choice of a variety of college- granted scholarships. She vwi'll travel with .all S':e\pencs paid to Mobile, Ala., in June to take part in the 48th F FHP alerts citizens to j phone sca annual America's Junior Miss National Finals. She will compete there for the title of America's Junior Miss and a share of more ..than $100,000 in cash scholarships. The other winners were Anna Salzer representing Gulf County, the winner in the scholastic category and recipient of a $500 award, and the recipient of the S$125 "Be Your Best Self" award; and Ashto Kunkle representing Palm Beach County, the winner in the talent category and recipient of a $500 award. invested many man-hours and many, many reams of paper to copy all this information to give to DOE." Verges contends'that he in no way meant to imply any wrong- doing on the part of the TCMS staff. In a letter to the staff, Verges said he had, "spoken informally with Judy Hickman, a friend at DOE, who I have worked with over the past five years as a member of the state FCAT' committee. Judy seemed to think this was a good approach and I told her that Mr. Dyal and the teachers were confident there were no test items in their materials that they had checked out. I later told her that this had been enough to satisfy me, but for her own peace of mind, she felt the need to carry this further just as they look into similar reports elsewhere. "Since the nature of the preparatory materials has been all either publisher-produced items or DOE-provided practice materials, the central question has been whether or not test items were released by an item writer," said Verges. "DOE has said repeatedly," he added, "that this is not an investigation. They simply want to review the practice materials to make sure that publishers did not V Health / Business. 'Ih ~AUTHORIZED M Kl K DEALER , 84-6021 St. Perry, FI. 32347 - 6 PM Mon. Sat. rry.gulfnet.comn se igtsreeve. ttwrdnw s lgo, rdut oniurtin wrdadue ne h uhrt fOekHligLC include information which was, included on the actual tests." Dyal expressed his remorse over the situation. "We have done nothing wrong," he said, "and this just puts a cloud over the wholetesting procedure. It has tainted it, and for no reason. The pamphlet in question, came directly from the Department of Education. "I stand by my staff and the professionalism they show every day. Our school scores high and receives high grades. I do not want to take away from the hard work of our students and teachers. Our success comes from hard wdrk. "We do well because we work hard for it," he added. Superintendent of Schools Oscar Howard Jr. said Tuesday that he, also, stands by the integrity of .Dyal and the TCMS staff. "I do not want a cloud to be put over this, because there was nothing wrong done on our end," he said. "And I stand by Paul and his staff." When asked if disciplinary :action would be taken against Verges for breaking the chain of command in reporting his suspicions to DOE, instead of to him, Howard said he was "reviewing the situation for possible further action." "Helping You is What We Do Best." Call Us For a Quote! / Farm V Auto Perry Office (850) 584-2371 813 S. Washington St. www.floridafarm bureau.com unc OtThs GreaDeals 3 for 299" 9 Get my 3 ib. Upright, Compact Conister, I and Cordless Iron :m U3s11 I8 S The Florida Highway Patrol is O R : issuing an alert to citizens i ,ightu l regarding a-phone scam which is tela re .: spreading throughout Florida. Deep Cle :. Callers (con artists), who are : impersonaling FHP troopers, as .: %k \ell as other law enforcement : : officers, have been contacting' : citizens by telephone at random, ' ::T member has been involved in a i traffic crash. r The con artist urges the phone S: owner to dial either'*72 or 72# in 'E order to speak with a doctor. By doing this, the phone owner will ' Unknowingly permit the caller on the other end to use their phone line for making local or long Ir distance telephone calls which will ultimately be billed to the 5 phone owner's account. 803W. Main Citizens who suspect that they .3 ain may have fallen victim to a con Store Hours: 8 AM : artist phone scam must contact sout ,their-local phone company to' :southhouse@pe ascertain how to remove call -i forwarding from their telephone i forwarding system. Happy "Sweet 16" March 24, 2005 We loveyou! Mama & Aunt Tammy See! eOr Cmprete Line ofAIr Pirifiers! Peffect for HH e or Office! Blr:k XU' Air Punflfr l : 2 P e r -a -e -1F 1lv r N p'iRLNo, ~r.pLN~ *YVacuums the Air24 Hrs.a Day k,-WHISIIFY'IES LASI T. / Home / Life U -PA America's #1 Rider - On Sale * Powered by Briggs & Stratton, Kohler or Honda engines * Wide range of engine choices from 11-hp 20-hp models with recoil or electric start * -2", 30", 33" or 42" mowersx available * Quick rcep,:,n e steering helps nmaneuver around ritghIt (por. 803 W. Main St. 584-6021 *Offer valid subject to credit approval through Shoppers Charge Accounts Co. on purchases between 1/1/05 and 6/30/05. No payments required (except insurance premiums if applicable). Finance charges will be assessed' from date of purchase, unless the total purchase price and all related insurance premiums (if applicable) are paid in full within the promotional period. **Applies to select models only. See dealer for details. WW.W.SNAPPER.CO M BUCKEYE COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION II uriiiJI " 49th Annual Meeting Date: Tuesday, March 29th Place: Middle School Auditorium Time: 7:30 p.m. Board of Directors Elections Credit Committee Elections GRAND PRIZES Adult Grand Prize $500.00 Cash Youth Grand Prize Home Computer & Printer 1825 S. Jefferson St. Perry, FL 32348 (850) 223-7100 Your savings insured o $100,000 NCUA National Credit Union Administration a U.S. Govemment Agency www.bcfcu.coop 904-923-0522 Cordtass Iron FREE ]tE&asyTo Use aRgth ps Carpfft / 5 ib. Compact Canister . FREE! * Slin'jt"j ''l L's jW W -- - -- - I r I -e - 'I I I L I I I r Freddy Pitts Agency Mgr,] L:k Ir~P " '--- ~ ~Cc~~ *1~L1`2i~ r woos. Sports Now 7-4 on season TCMS sweeps Fla. High in two games The Taylor County Middle School baseball team ran its record to 7-4 on the year after sweeping Florida High in a double header Saturday at Pace Field. Behind strong pitching performances by Josh Gilbreath and Charlie Johnson. the Bulldogs eeked out one-run victories (5-4 and 3-2) in both games of the twin bill. SGilbreath got the start in the morning contest scattering six hits While striking out six and allowing four walks. Gilbreath scored in the first on a hard-hit ball by Tyler Jenkins. Jenkins, Zach Knowles and Caleb Murphy all scored in the bottom of the third to put TCMS up 4-1. SIn the inning. Knowles doubled followed by singles from Jenkins. Murphy and Wil Joiner. SFlorida High fought back to lie the score at 4 apiece going into the bottom of the' last inning but Murphy answered with a single to right field to dri'.e in Knok les for the w inning run. In the second game. the Bulldogs scored all three of their runs in the second, then held on for a 3-2 in Johnson pitched the distance. scattering four hits while striking out three and walking one. Jenkins led off the inning with a single and NMurphy reached first on a fielder's choice. Joiner was then hit by a pitch and Tony Southerland, who went 2-for-2 in the contest, loaded the bases with a single. Florida High's shortstop booted a Johnson grounder allowing two runs in. The Bulldogs' final run came oh Colby Murphy's fielder's choice. The Bulldogs were slated to play Tuesday before taking some time off for spring break. A-6The Taco Times March 23, 2005 2005. TCHS Varsity Baseball Schedule DATE TEAM PLACE TIME/RESULT Feb. 14-19 Rickards Preseason Classic TBA Feb. 17 vs. Florida High 0-4 L Feb 18 'vs. Rickards 13-1 W Feb. 22 Hamilton Home 15-5 W Feb. 25 NFC Away Rainout March 1 Madison Away 3-5 L March 4 Florida High Home 4-2 W March 7 NFC Away (makeup) 9-9 dark March 10 Godby Away 1-11 L March 11 Wakulla Home 5-1 W March 15 E. Gadsden Away 10-0 W March 17 NFC Home Rainout March 18 Suwannee Home 4-8 L March 22 Rickards Away 7 p.m. March 29 Dixie (DH) Home 7 p.m. April 1 Hamilton Away 6 p.m. April 5 E. Gadsden Home 6 p.m. April 8 Florida High Away 7 p.m. April 12 Madison Home 7 Ip.m. April 15 Wakulla Away 7 p.m. April 18 Dixie Co. Away 7 p.m. April 19 Rickards Home 7 p.m. April 22 Suwannee Away 7 p.m. April 28 Godby Away 4 p.m. May 1-5 District Tourney Away TBA Coach Richard Carr Home games shaded District games bold Medal winners Showing off medals they recently won as members of the Taylor County High track team are: (left to right) Tradelvan Whetsel, Trabrea Hill, Keith Stewart, Veronica Fillmore, Tyrone Nealy, Tambreka Flowers and Toney Powell. JLLCARPET * CARPETS WOOD FLOORS Carpet *VINYL *BINDING Travel * CERAMIC CUSTOM DESIGNED Trailers, * REPAIRS AREA RUGS' amb s Muss w Campers 203 E. Drew St. (across from Rbbips Seafood) & BOats SS Hours: Mon. -Fri. 9-5, Sdf 9-12 James Musslewhite, owner Licensed & Insured Visa MC AmEx FINANCING AVAILABLE "HOW MUCH LIFE INSURANCE DO YOU REALLY NEED?" IS ONE YEAR'S SALARY ENOUGH? CALL ME Mark Pelt, Agent 584-5188 1000A Jefferson St. A-lsae Allstate I Allstate Property andCasualty insurance Company, Allstate Indemnity Company and Allstate Life Insurance Company, Home Office: Northbrook, Illinois t-2002 Allstate Insuran,:e Corr panv Tmen s aofiaJf .registration is now underway SRegistration for the upcoming -men'si'church 'league softball -season is now underway. - The deadline to register has teen set for noon on March 30. For more information on dales, times. entry fees and coaches' ..meeting, contact Coach. Gillis at | ,38-41(50.. ' SPrep league, tryouts are, This week The Babe Ruth Baseball 15 and under league will hold tryouts and Registration this Tuesday and IWednesdav. March 22 and 23 at | 5:30 p.m. _ The league is for youngsters. ages 13 through 15, as of August 1, 2005.. I Players must attend, one of the Stryout dates and go through basic Baseball fundamentals. All. Participants should bring their 1 gloves and come dressed to play Ball. SRegistration and.tryouts wil.be . held at Ihe Loughridge. Park Field Son Hwy. 98. The'fee is $30 per = player. All who register by the .. appropriate dates will be drafted Son to a team. . For more information contact Sthe City Recreation Department at S584-3006. i," oooa Kara-te- Celebrating 30 Years! : (Kids: 4-00-5:00 pm) (Teens: 5:30-6-30 pm) (Adults- 7-8 pm) (Execuive 12 00-1:00 pm) TUESDAY & THURSDAY www.bowden. karate bowdenj(igt/com. ,te! 124 S. Jefferson St. Jimmy Bowden, Instructor 838-3656 *Pok.rr Customize the long distance you need with the calling features you want, and get the best services at the best price all in one bill! Clear Choice plans can include 1500 lrig distance minutes (25 hours!) and up to nine calling features.,Buy blocks of minutes, pay as you go, or just pay once and get extreme savings! Call a customer service representative today tor details. aitaccjheIce Foodland/Perry Square Ice and water are state inspected. Inspected and licensed as a food establishment. All weights are state certified. i.'::.l.rr: -I.~ :_i 1 1~: 4I_ 1 .5;11 ~I~I_ 1~1?~~ :CIrl;~lirPC1LI~4 r Get ~IIL --. -- Am -~~~- ---' - Religion A-7 The Taco Times March 23, 2005 Churches announce services for Easter Sunday Jennifer LaMountain sings here Thursday On Thursday, Jennifer LaMountain will be presented in concert at the Seventh Day Adventist Church located at 604 W. Julia Drive. Seating is limited; doors open at 6:30 p.m. LaMountain is a featured' artist on the "It Is Written" telecast, and has made television appearances throughout the United States as well as in Canada. The concert is free; everyone is invited. 'Glory in the Cross' will be presented Sunday "Glory in the Cross" is the title of the cantata to be presented at Midway Baptist Church on Sunday, March 27, conducted by Vanessa Knowles. Pastor Jack Anderson invites everyone to attend. Maundy Thursday worship planned The sacrament of communion and special niusic by the chancel choir will be part of the Maundy Thursday worship service at First Presbyterian Church on Thursday, March 24, beginning at 7 p.m. Two services are planned for Easter Sunday with early worship beginning at 8 a.m. Breakfast pastries will be shared, and lawn chairs are suggested. At 11 a.m., worship will be led by the Rev. Larry Neal, pastor of the church, who invites everyone to attend: First Presbyterian is located at 310 Plantation Road; please call 584- 3826 for additional information. Episcopals invite community to services The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church (meeting this week in Navasota, Texas) reaffirmed commitment to traditional Christian Biblical teaching as "the standard offaith and practice" and reaffirmed its desire to maintain its membership in the World Wide Anglican Communion. St. James Episcopal Church, 1100 West Green Street, celebrates its 80th year of "faithful Christian worshipp and serve ice to the community of .Taylor County," said the Rev. Linda Lowri.: "Weinvite the community 'to our services for Holy Week and Easter: "March 24: Maundy Thursday service, Footwashing and Holy -Eucharist: 6:30 p.m. S"March 25, 9:30 a.m. Adoration and Contemplative Prayer; 1: p.m., Confessions heard in Side Chapel: Stations of the Cross. 1 p.m; Good :Frida\ Liturgy: 6:30 p.m. S"March 27. Easter Sunday, Seriices at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.: Covered Dish Fellowship and Easter Egg Hunt for Children. "For further information please contact the church office: (850) 584- 7636.". . 'Life, Legend, Legacy !IL .... By B.D. WILLIAMS ;The BD,. Williams Heroines ;of Jericho Court #200 met , Saturday afternoon at Springhill *Mlissionary Baptist Church. the Rev Izell Montgomery Jr.. pastor. at 3 p.m. Family and friends of the citm joined the officers and members who presented "The B.D. Williams Appreciation Day: A Life, a Legend and a Legacy." Master of Ceremonies was Hero Johnnie Sirman. The occasion's speakers were Mrs. Corine Hoa ell. Mrs. Patricia Patterson, Heroine Barbara Plummer, Mrs. Thelma Newberry, Mr. SLaMichael Eddie and the Rev. W. W. Williams. Presentations were made .by the Rev. Izell' Montgomery, Mr. Charles August and Mrs. Thelma "Newberry. Awards were. given out by M.A.M. Joyce Reaves. The attendance was good and it was enjoyed by, all. At the close food was served in the dining area. Go to the church of your choice and the Easter programs Son Sunday and enjoy a "Happy Easter." Visit the sick and shut- 'ins at hospitals, nursing hones and at their homes. The many friends of the city wish to extend their deepest heartfelt sympathy to Mr. Frank Jones and other family members in the loss of their loved one. Mr. Willie. Fred Jones of Enjoy your FREEDOM to attend the church of your choice this Easter Season. SClearwater. The funeral services will be held Saturday morning in Clearwater. In Loving Memory of a Wonderful Brother and Son Frank Shannon June 16, 1963 March 8, 2002 Youth celebrate Easter at New Mt. Zion The youth department of New Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church will present its annual Easter celebration on Sunday, March 27, during 11 a.m. worship. A citywide invitation is extended. The theme for the day is, "Jesus--Wanted for Crimes." Thought to consider: If we were on trial, "accused" of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? Steinhatchee plans Easter observances Bible study continues on Wednesdays in the First United Methodist Church of Steinhatchee at 7 p,m. A Maundy Thursday service is planned for March 24, followed by a Bake and Yard Sale on Saturday, March 26, across from Steinhatchee School. On Easter Sunday, two services are planned. A SonRise Service will be held at 7 a.m. with breakfast following. Regular worship will still begin at 11 a.m. with a potluck dinner afterwards. "All are welcome; we always have plenty of food. Please come and help us celebrate Easter," said Pastor Winford Harris. 'Resurrection Service' set for Sunday Restoration Faith invites the community to its "Resurrection Service" UII ^ FIRST i BAPTIST CHURCH Peiny, FLoWuNa i,,w-.T-TNG CHRIST I -'OWN Two Special Easter Celebration Services 8:15AM & 10:45AM Bible Study at 9:30AM (There will not be a nursery for the 8:15 a.m. service) There ill be a showing of "The.Passioi of the Christ' in the Worship Center of First Baptist Church Saturday, March 26 7:00 p.m. The public is invited Come join us! 102 North Center Street Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Rev. Eddie Blalock Rev. Rob Lane Pastor Worship Minister God looked around His garden and found an empty place, He then looked down upon the, earth and saw your tired face. He put His arms around you and lifted you to rest, God's garden must be beautiful, He always takes the best. He knew you were suffering, He knew you were in pain, He knew you would never get well on earth again. ,He saw the road was getting rough, and the hills were hard to climb, So He closed your weary eyelids and whispered "Peace Be Thine." It broke our.hearts to lose you, but you did not go alone, For a part of all of us went with you, the day God called you home. a miss you and love you, Mom and Family on Easter Sunday at 10 a.m. The 4 p.m. Unity Service is canceled. Hats on Parade Saturday "Hats on Parade" (Reflections of a Lovely Lady) will be held at New- Jerusalem Primitive Baptist Church on Saturday at 6 p.m. Juanita Dennison will be the speaker; everyone is invited. _ I0 :- 5Z Juaene~ emen~&(LnCe Jof 9dc1 zA 25 1925- JdaA'fu 28 1992 Go Rest High on That Mountain Mom, we know your life on earth was difficult And only you could know the pain, You weren't afraid to face the devil you were no stranger to pain. Go rest high on that mountain Mom, your work on earth is done Go to heaven a shoutin' Love for the Father and Son. Oh, how we cried the day you left us We gathered round your grave to grieve We wish we could see the angels faces When they hear your sweet voice. Go rest high on that mountain lMom, your work on earth is done Go to heaven a shoutin' Love for the Father and Son. Adapte d from lyrics by i nce Gill P(LWon&, weOveWU ac1wentviduu to"3La tomotnow cuvna3au6 Love, Your mother, Rosa Roberson (deceased); your children, Ruby Jane, Johnnie Mae, Annie Ruth (Baby Sister), Lloyd (Buddy), Betty (Pokey), Pearl (deceased), Elizabeth (Sugar Mama), Sam (Dick); your grandchildren, S great grandchildren and great great grandchildren I- I r-STEINHATCHEE BIBLE COLLEGE If you are interested in earning an accredited SBachelors Degree in Theology, or just want to learn more about God's word, this will be the perfect opportunity for you. Third Quarter Classes 'Tabernacle The Love Song of Solomon Exploring the Scriptures All the Women of the Bible We will be starting our third quarter April 1, 2005. Registration will begin on March 20. You can register at the church Mon. Fri. 9am 5pm Registration Fee: $50 Classes: $20 Per Week (with degree) Classes: FREE (without degree) Nursery: $5.00 *For more information call 352-498-2108 Setig s Limited.- Dor Oenat 6:3 F~t al ki-1 Rrf U: ' SL.We, I .... AThe Taco Times March23, 2005 SPEAKER SPECIAL MUSIC WV"ehesday March 23 6:45 am Rev. Mike Neal First United Methodist Brdfast 7:05 am Perry First Church of God Quartet Tisday March 24 6:45 am Rev. Larry Neal Aimee Roberts B fast Mar 7:05 am First Presbyterian Church First Presbyterian Church SPEGIAL MAUNDY Rev. Matt Wallis **A special invitation to those TltISDAY 7:00 pm First United Methodist Church who would like to.join us for SWEE Maundy Thursday Mrhay 6:45 am Rev. Eddie Blalock First Baptist Church BEekfast March25 7:05 am First Baptist Church Rob Lane, Choir Dir. i j Week services continue at First United Methodist Church with morning worship/breakfasts through Friday. The Rev. Mg eVallis, pastor of the church, invites the community to Easter Sunday services with his congregation. Sunrise worship begimnat 7 a.m. with Sunday School at 9:45 and traditional morning Worship at 11. First United Methodist Church Obituaries t-Louise Joiner Graves Louise Joiner Graves -Louise Joiner Graves, 90. died M~i~h 16, 2005, at Doctors' Me; orial Hospital'. -Mrs. Graves was born Aug. 8, 9" l ,- in Cook County. Ga.. w"te-e she lived until she moxed tP; rP'v:' with her husband, LeroN : Graes. in 1950 They owned :. a.d-operated Graves Drive-In : Tha-ter in Perry until it closed inthe late 1980's. -.She was predeceased by her husband, Leroy Gra.es: one son, Roy Graves: three brothers: and 10siJsters. --Survivors include: two Sdaughters. Edwina Pate and . Jud.. Hart, both of Perry; one J. :-5-_ne- brother, J. E. Joiner of Decatur, Ga.; one sister, Myrtice Grimsley of Adel, Ga.; five grandchildren; seven great grandchildren; and four great great grandchildren. , Funeral services were held Saturday, March 19, at 11 a.nm. at Brushy Creek Baptist Church. Interment followed at Brushy Creek Bapist Church Cemetery. Family members received .friends 'Friday from 6 until 9 p m. at Boone-Lipsey Funeral. Home, which was in charge of the arrangements, , Myrtle Marie Dodd .Myrtle Marie Dodd, 86, died March. 21, 2005, at Cross City Health & Rehabilitation Center' in Cross City. A lifelong resident of Steinhatchee. Mrs. Dodd \\as a bookkeeper for Gulf Stream Crab Company. She \\as a Baptist Survivors include: two sons. Bobby Dodd of Steinhatchee and Billy Dodd of St. George Island: Iwo grandchildren: and one great grandchild. Graveside services will be held Thursday, March 24. at 10 a m. at waterss Memorial Cemetery in Ta lor County with the. Rev Bobb. Joe Hiers officiating. Family members will receive friends today, March 23, from 6 until 8 p.m. at Rick Gooding Funeral Home, which is in charge of the arrangements. N. Jack Alvarez N. Jack Alvarez, 96, died March '20, 2005, at Doctors' Memorial Hospital.. A native of Starke, he moved to Perry in 1948. He retired from the State of Florida Department of Transportation where he served. a three county area as road maintenance engineer. Mr. Alvarez was a member of First United Methodist. Church of, Perry, a life member of the'Elks Perry Lodge #18fl. a fifty-year member of the Perry Masonic Lodge #123. Perry Shrine Club, NMarzuq Temple and Tallahassee York Rite Bodies. He was preceded in death by his ~ife. Hazel Graham AJvarez. in 2002. Survivors include: a son. Jack R. Alvarez of Trenton: two daughters, Rhetta Rouse of Thomasville and Alice Brad\ of Perr\; four grandchildren: and two great grandchildren. Funeral services \\ill be held ThursdaN. March 24. at Joe P. Burns Funeral Home with the Rev. latt Wallis and the Re\. Danny Roberts officiating. Interment will follow at Pineview Memorial Gardens. Family members will receive friends today, March 23, from 6 until 8 p.m. at Burns Funeral Home, which is in charge of the arrangements. Mabel Alda Ritch Slaughter Mrs. Mab'el Alda Ritch Slaughter, 90, died March 19, 2005 in Perry. A natv\e and litflo-ng restdeni of Taylor Countc and Perry, Mrs. Slauehter was a member of Nevi Home Baptist Church and Order of the Ea.-tern Star She Swas a homemaker and was an, accomplished seamstres,. Sur' iors include: her husband of 32 \ears, Flo\d Slaughter of Perry: one son, WVne C. Ritch of Perr,: three grandchildren seven great grandchildren: and t\o great great grandchildren. She \\as predeceased b, her first husband. George C. Ritch Funeral services '.ill he held todaj. March 23. at 2 p m. at Joe P. Burns Funeral Home \%ith interment follow ing at \Voodlan'n Cemeter\ Famnil members ,.ill recer.e friends today, ine hour prior to the service at the funeral home Burns Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements. iHolV ^ S~eek ^ COUPON TIRE ROTATE & BALANCE I I 4 Wheel Tire Rotation I I *Computer Balance 4 Wheels S* FREE Brake Inspection 3/4 and 1 ton S Inspect Front End dual rar wheel --- ---- ----------- - Call 850-584-3615 for your SAME DAY SERVICE APPOINTMENT .\BERLA% Parts&Servic: 24U OPENATRA 7:303:0 5* * II- -I i III 2005 Ford 2005 F250 2005 Ford 2005 Ford Freestyle Crew Cab Lariat Explorer LT F150 Lariat --SEL, V/6, Auto, Power Diesel, Auto. V/6, Auto, Running SuperCab, 5.4, V/8, M-oon Roof, Power Seat, Limited Slip, Boards, Premium Sound 4x4, Auto, Leather, S Lumbar, Dual A/C, F Cab Steps, FX4, System, Cass/CD, Roof Limited Slip Two Pkg. -Aux. Climate Control, Tow Pkg. Rack, 3rd Row Seat #,2sCT',t ide Air Bags, Leather, "- "Jo,,2T | olor MSRP $35,580 Entertainment Center P MSRP $45,985 MSRP $31,625 S#250j2T Ford Rebate $2,000 SRP ,580 Ford Rebate 2,500 FC Reate $1,000 S$3180 Ford Rate $2,000500 FMC Rebate $,501,000 Demo Discount $2,500 Timberland Disc. $4,500a- S iscount2,500Timberland Disc. $2,300 Timberland Disc. $3,500 2 u Pay $29,000 You Pay $39,485 You Pay $25,325 You Pay $29,000 -.-z_ I PluP la, tao, Illt Dealer le I nolud.Id ,r pr,:e RtCbale Rpplbaed whe, i pp h 5tie rojl respo,'b tr .lp.......hl $rrl9. Ii\*E R*LAN .V6L2 2G.-4 uR Gn1. 196M ruyGadM rus......$,9 aiCl o ie l.O41 Card of thanks Griffin The family of Emily Taylor Griffin would like to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, telephone calls and the many beautiful flowers. Special thanks go to Preacher Raybom Dunnam and the ladies of San Pedro Baptist Church who prepared the food. Thank you, Joshua Griffin, Heidi Hale, and Families =DAY DATE TIME TIMBERLAND FORD SService Specials COUPON COUPON DIESEL Lube, Oil & Filter Change Includes: up to 15 qts. Motorcraft super duty diesel I motor oil, Motorcraft oil filter, lube chassis (where applicable), top off all fluid levels and set tire pressure, S FREE Quality Care multi-point inspection ---- -.------------ -.. Lube, Oil & Filter Change Includes: up to 7 qts..of premium Motorcraft oil, Motorcraft oil filter, lube chassis (where applicable), Stop off all fluid levels and set tire pressure, FREE Quality care multipoint inspection. S- ------- -- E4T v v vvr) I m 4e= CUPON ,,, w . CALENDAR Amvets Post 20, ladies auxilliary and Sons of AMVETS meet 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m., at 2499 Woods Creek Road. American Legion, Steinhatchee Post 291, fourth Tues. 8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays (closed), 8 p.m., at Heritage House on Washington Street, across from public library; and another AA group who meets Monday, Wednesdays and Thursdays at Serenity House, located at 1260 Hwy. 98 West, across from the BP station at 8 p.m. AL-ANON, St. James Episcopal Church (in library), Wednesdays 12 noon to 1 p.m.; 584-2146. Thursday at 6:30 for beginners meeting with regular meeting at 7 p.m. The Way: Christ centered recovery group, meets on Fridays at 7 p.m. at Serenity House on Hwy., 98 W., across from BP Station. Open to alcoholics, addicts, family members and friends. AARP: last Wed., 10 a.m. at First Baptist Church. Airport Advisory Commission. 4th Monday, 12 noon, Perry-Foley Airport. American Legion Post #96 1st Tues., 7 p.m., American Legion Hall, Center Street. Big Bend Hospice Advisory Council: 4th Tues., noon, 107 East Green Street, Chamber of Commerce: third Thurs., 8 a.m., chamber board room. City Council: 2nd and 4th Tues. at 5:30 p.m. Civil Air Patrol (CAP): 2nd and 4th Mon., 7 p.m., main hanger at airport. County Commission: first Mon. and" third Tues. at 6 p.m., courthouse annex. Diabetes classes every Tuesday, 2 p.m., Doctors' Memorial Hospital. FAMU Alumni Chapter, second Mon., 7 p.m., Jerkins Center. Perry Masonic Lodge 123, meets first and third Monday nights, 7:30 p.m. Girl Scouts Service Unit: first Thurs., 6:30 p.m. Scout Hut. Healthy Start Coalition: fourth Mon., 9 a,m., Taylor County School District Administrative Office Complex. Historical Society: open Thursday afternoons, 1-5 p.m. Home Educators League of Perry (HELP): second Thurs., 1:30 p.m., Forest Capital Hall. 584-8553 or 584- 9207., Humane Society of Taylor County, 2nd Wednesday, 6 p.m., Forest Capital Hall. Juvenile Justice Council: third Thurs.,,9 a.m., at Juvenile Justice Office, 1719 S. Jefferson. ' Keaton Beach Business & Community Association meets each 2nd Tuesday of month, 7.p.m. ai ithe Keaton Beach Hot Dog Stand.. Kiwanis Club: Wednesdays, noon Joyce's MainStreet Cafe. La Leche League International .-i "Ved., 10:30 am., Taylor County Public Library, . Lady Elks: second Thurs,,-8 p m Elks Lodge. Main Street Perry: First Monday of each month, Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce at noon.- Mothers of PreSchoolers: first and third Fri. Call 584-3826. , Muskogee Creek Indian Nation: 2nd and 4th Sat., 7 p.m. Tribal groLnds i Lyman Hendry Road. Muskogee Creek Indian Tribe: Oak Hill Village on Woods Creek Road, 1~i Sat. Narcotics Anonymous: Wedresdays, 8 p.m., at 1260 W. Hwy 98, at Serenity House (dirt road across from BP Station). These are open meetings to those interested in addiction. Call 223-0036.. NAACP: 2nd Sun.,,6p.m., New Brooklyn Missionary Bapliil Church National Wild Turkey Federation (Yellow Piine Drummers), holds open monthly on first Thursday, Golden Corral, 7 p.m. 584-9185 .Optimist Club: Thurs:, noon at Joyce's Mainstreet Cafe. Perry Garden Club: Palmetto Circle, 2nd Mon:, 7 p.m.; Pine Tree Circle, third Wed., 10 a.m, Perry Elks Lodge: Tues., 8 p.m. Perry Lodge #187: 1st, 3rd Wed., 7 p.m., Masonic Hall. Perry Lodge 123, F&AM, first and *third Monday nights, 7:30 p.m. Perry Woman's Club 2nd Wed,, noon (Sept. -'May; subject to change). Perry Shrine Club: 4th Thurs., 7 p.m. (club house on Courtney Road) Planning Board: 1st Thurs., 6 p.m. Courthouse annex (old post office). Republican Party of Taylor County: To keep abreast of Republican news,' e- mail Tommie Stanaland at tstanaland@yahoo.com or call 584-8815. Rotary Club: Tues., noon at B. J.'s Downtown Cafe. School Board: 1st and 3rd Tues., 7 p.m. SHARE distribution: 4th Sat., 10 a.m. Social Security: representatives, 2nd: Tues., 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon, courthouse annex. . Sons of Confederate Veterans meets fourth Tuesday at VFW Post on Center Street, 7 p.m. For location, call 584-5346. Taylor.Adult Program (TAP): Thurs. 10 a.m., 502 N. Center Street. 223-0393, Taylor Coastal Water and Sewer: 3rd Wed, at 18820 Beach Road, 5 p.m. Taylor County Task Force Against Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault: 4th Wed., 12 noon at Joyce's Mainstreet Cafe, . Taylor County Democratic Party meets the third Monday, 7 p.m. at the Golden Corral. Call 584-9656 or 584- 3617. Taylor. Development Council: 2nd Wed. 4 p.m., at Chamber. Taylor County Development Authority: 2nd Mon., 5 p.m. at Chamber. Taylor County Habitat for Humanity, Inc.: board meeting, 2nd Tues., 5:30 p.m., Room 208, Capital City Bank. Taylor County Historical Society: 3rd Mon., 7 p.m. Historical Society building. Taylor County Horseman's Association Horse Show: 2nd Sat., 10 a.m. Arenalocated on Bishop Blvd. Taylor County Leadership Council: 2nd and 4th Friday, 7 p,m., Jerkins. 0 unity Taylor County Elementary School has announced its honor roll for the third nine-week grading period.: 3rd grade, All A's Ashlee Albritton, Triston Barfield, Andrea Bartges, Colleen Bishop, Tre'Robyn Britt, Justin Calhoun, Makenzie Cannon, Makayla Crites, Claire Cruce, Kaylee Denmark, Daniel Dudley, Mark Ensley, Laura Freeman, S Joshua High, John Hilton, Layne Houck, Eli McCranie, Carrie McGuire, Ashlyn Mills, Morgan Mixon, Eric Morgan, Bobbie Lee Owens, Grant Parker, Joe Pelt, rida. Anderson Rhodes, Mitch ;t in Stephens, Dylan Strickland, Sarah Verges, Ernest Washington, Jessica Webb, Daniel Wentworth and Billie Whitehead. | 3rd grade, A/B II Amber Adkins, Wil Anderson, Hunter Armstrong, I'mani Bellamy, Jason Bennett, Autumn Blair, Jeni Bodiford, Annsley Bohlman, Ethan Brown, Katelyn with Butler, Dakota' Carter, Jarnell oring Coverson, Sierra Das, Shadowa vings pevane, Zeke Dillon,, Courtnei e first ,Doille, Austin .Emfinger, Alexis U.S. 'Flow\ers. Ty'ekia Flowers, Eli e and Fi.ske\. Brandi Franklin. Nicholas d for Dawn, ople's ill be t who speciall i erson ward. ill be tering st call . amber cation I 1l ' B-I The Taco Times March 23, 2005 - Kiwanis governor stops by Musicians entertain Kiwanians, Rotarians to promote festival By BOB CHILDS Kiwanis publicist Members of the Perry Kiwanis Club were entertained by an excellent bluegrass music duo at their March 16 meeting, following an introduction by Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Dawn V. Taylor, who arranged for their appearance to help promote the tlird annual Florida State Bluegrass Festival to be held April 1 and 2. Spokesman for the two Roscoe Kennedy on the bass, left, and Ernie Evans on the guitar, presented a selection of bluegrass music at the March 16 meeting of the Perry Kiwanis Club. Bill Rushing, Kiwanis governor for the State of Flor and his wife. made a surprise visit to the meeting, uLIS time for the bluegrass entertainment. Annual Rotary Club Chi Cook-Off slated April 1, The Rotary Club of Perry is spicing things up in Taylor Countt, by sponsoring its annual Roitjr Club Chili Cook-Off April 1 and 2. The event is being held in conJunction with the third annual Florida State Bluegrass Festival at Forest Capital State Park.. Great prizes are to be won Citizens Bank of Perry spons this event. A $500'U.S. Sa Bond will be awarded to the place winner, a, $200 Savings Bond for second place a $100 U.S. Savings Bon third place," Coordinator I Taylor said. There will also be a "Pe Choice Award" which wi decided by those at the even feast on the samplings. A s award will go to the p selected to receive this a Certificates and t-shirts w given to all participants. For information about en -your.prize winning chili, jus the Perry/Taylor County Ch; of Commerce for an applic 'and a set. of rules. musicians was Ernie Evans who related that bluegrass really holds a minority segment in the overall country music scene and was initially confined to the Appalachian section of the South, but has spread rapidly into Florida, influenced by the climate which allows aficionados the ability to gather for the festivals and other outings during the winter months. Evans mentioned that the bluegrass community is becoming organized into associations whose members number in the thousands throughout Florida with our Perry location being centrally located and the "word is getting out" that the upcoming festival is one of the more popular during the winter circuit. He added that the fact that one of the leading manufacturers of guitars, the Gibson Company, is now looking for a Florida base to house a proposed distribution center, is a testament to the increasing popularity of Bluegrass music in the state. It was apparent that, if the performance by these talented musicians is an indication of what can be expected at the bluegrass festival at Forest Capital Park April 1 and 2, everyone attending will be in for a real treat. 'Green trees and bluegrass' Bluegrass musicians entertained Rotary Club members at a recent meeting, in advance of the upcoming Bluegrass Festival, slated to be held April 1 and 2 at Forest Capital Park. "Florida Naturally" presented Visit the Taylor County Public Library Sunday, May 1, and enjoy "Florida Naturally," as discussed by Jack and Ann Rudloe of Panacea. The Rudloes are widely traveled speakers and authors, well-known in this area for their creation of the Gulf Specimen Marine Laboratory and Museum. "Please join us from 3-4:30 p.m. for a stimulating presentation and discussion about the treasures of Florida's ecosystems. Jack and Ann Rudloe will be autographing their books after the program," Library Director Pam Grigg said. Freeman, Chi Hon Giang, Garrett Gibson, Beverly Gillis, Evan Grambling,. Kacie Griner, Lori Gulbrandsen, Garrett Johnson, Parker Kellerman, Taylor King, Elijah Knight, Caitlin Lafluente, Jordan Lyle, Braden Mattingly, Kelsey McCall, Jesse McEwien, Bradley Miller, Amaree Mobley, Rebekah Monroe, William Murphy, Peyton Padgett, Tyler Pitts, Kaelen Reed, Lauryn Rew, Albrica Rivers, Caleb Roberts, Jamarcus Robertson, Chance Rodgers, Mercedez Rogers, Katlin Sistrunk, Te'a Smith, Brittany Stalans-Stewart, La'Quinta Stephens, McKenzie Sullivarn, Trent Thomas, Kadyn Uhl, Casey Viola, Elizabeth Walker, Jessica Welch, Cameron Wetherington, Catherine Whiddon, Brandon Wilson, and Joneshia Young. 4th grade, All A's Lucas Allbritton, Lauren Allen, Ashley Anderson, Kacy Bass, Hannah Blanco, Elaine Brannen, Abigail Bratcher, Alexis Burkett, James Clover, Rhea Das, Sarah Durden, Justin Folsom, Garrett McCoy, Thomas Neshat, Daimeun Praytor, Alison Roberts, Enii, Sh... L. Lul;.: SL~ u-llL -. Jon Thomas, Madison Thomas, Justin Walker, Nicole Willis and Au.InJ r lln "; n. 4th grade, A/B Victoria Allbritton, Adam Anderson, John Arnold, Torey Baggett, Kayla Beasley, Dominique Bell, Rebecca Blount, Shelby Blue, Alec Bourland, Taylor Chaffin, Jonathan Collins, Melissa Coxwell, Gail Crawford, Peyton Cribbs, Santina Deming, Anna Ferrer, Keysha Finecey, Kaley Freeman, Stacy Garand, Danielle Ghent, Samantha Hilton, Cheyenne Hoover, Skylar Johns, Katie Johnson, Olivia Lee, Taylor Lillott, Maverick Lollis, Heather Lowry, Chelsea Lytle, Jason Madison, Hunter Martin, Paul Martin, Timothy Murphy, Alexandria Padgett, Alvin Parker,: Kristina Portwood, Alyson Riley, Nicholas Sadler, Shana Sadler, Caroline Schwab, Michael Seeds, Breyunna Smith, Gus Smyrnios, Manuel Smyrnios, Cody Sparks Megan Stager, Jazzette Taylor; Derek Thompson, Caleb Willis, Joshua Watkins, Brittany Williams, and Lauren Williams.:- Please see page 4 Many to choose from Adopt a pet today Celebrate spring with a new pet! Taylor County Animal Shelter- has the following animals available for adoption: --Many cats and kittens of different ages and colors. All very playful and loving. --Bulldog/mix, Brindle, female, eight weeks old. --Rotweiler/Collie, black/tan with blue eyes, 12 months old, fully "vetted." The following animals have been picked up by animal control and will be available for adoption if not claimed: --Bulldog/mix, tan, female, two years old; found on Warrior Creek Road. --Hound/mix, black/tan with white ticking, 12 months old; found on Spring Warrior Rd. --Lab/mix, black with brown (flea) collar, two months old and found near Hwy. 27 and Noel's Garage. All ages are approximate. Karaoke winners The Perry Elks hosted their annual Spring Music Festival Saturday, March 5, at the lodge on Puckett Road. The event featured the final round of the Elks' karaoke challenge. Winners in the junior division included -Marybeth Clark (right, front) winning first place; Amber Habbord (center, front) winning second place; and Sara Hughes taking third place. Adult winners included Kate Jenkins winning first and Dusty Green taking second place. Judges for the event were (back row, from left), Ed Harvey, Beth Mann and Ted Colson. TCES names honor roll students I C3~- ~! 'I" C - Editorial B-2 The Taco Times March 23, 2005 UNHINGED Letters to the Editor Writer makes appeal to county Dear Editor: This open letter is an appeal to the. citizens of Taylor County and the county commission in S reference to the construction of public boat ramps. God has given ..us the natural resources of rivers" and the gulf to enjoy and manage. I was involved with the boat ramp situation before there \as a - boat ramp committee while serving as chairman of the -Artificial Reef Committee for several years. While enhancing the old reefs. building the ne\' r-enes and reconstructing the old bird racks, I envisioned and recommended to the committee and county the constriction of at leastone artificial reef and public boat ramp near every river and 'navigable tributary in Taylor County. I have/been disappointed. burdened and annoyed that the county comlmissionms 'have; allowed a few people to dela\ and prevent better access by the public to our rivers and ihe gulf for, several years. This has happened partly because many people who own property near the rivers and gulf want the boat ramps to be located "somewhere else" or do not want them at all. I should point out that these very people that are being denied adequate access, the public at large, are paying for 85+% of the cost associated with many of the benefits and improvements provided by the government, such- as: Warning systems to: coastal residents. Taylor County Emergency Services.. Dredging to provide better marine mobility . Channel markers. The U.S. Coast .Guard services. : NOAA weather service and mapping. Florida Game and Fish Commission services. Artificial reefs. And the list goes on. My observation over the years, has been that those people who speak out against the public boat ramps have a personal interest they are promoting. Allow me to give an example: In the NMarch 11,12 issue of the paper there was 1an article reporting a recent county, commission meeting where a boat ramp location was being discussed. Someone- brought up manatee safety. Taco ITimes Wednesday, March 23, 2005 123 S. Jefferson Street Perry, Florida P.O. Box 888 (850) 584-5513 DONALD D. LINCOLN DEBBIE CARLTON Publisher Business Manager SUSAN H. LINCOLN BETH MANN Managing Editor Advertising Director ANGELA M. CASTELUCCI CAROLYN DuBOSE Staff Writer Promotional Advertising CHARLES R. SADLER CAROL BROOKS Staff Writer Promotional Advertising The Taco Times (ISSN 07470967) is published each Wednesday by Perry News- papers, Inc, 123 S. Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347 Subscriptions are $35.00 per year or $49.00 out of county. Periodicals postage paid at Perry, Florida 32348. POSTMASTER- Send address changes to the TACO TIMES, P.O. Bo:x 888, Perry, FL 32348. The Taco Times welcomes Letters to the Editor reflecting responsible opinions and views on the news. Please submit letters by Monday at 5 p m. The Taco Times reserves the right to refuse publication of letters which arelibelous or irre- sponstble. Name may be withheld if circumstances so require, but all letters sub- mitted should be signed by the writer and accompanied by a phone number for verification. We look forward to hearing from you! Our address is Perry. Newspapers, Inc., P.O. Box 888, Perry, Florida 32348. e-mail: perrynews@perry qulfnet.com SMember Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. "- ..." r. '... ..... ... .' ' A very carefully worded Sentence was stated, "My wife recently saw 11 while canoeing. It is documented that the number one killer of manatees is boat traffic." I found it interesting that this individual has an offshore boat with a large outboarda slkiff with a mid sized outboard and 24. 7 availability to the river. If there is real concern for the manatee. his family should stay in the canoe. They should also lobby the Florida legislature to stop all motor boat traffic on the river, not just the new or different traffic created by a new public'ramp. My appeal is two fold: For those families that atre blessed with property near the rivers and the gulf to show. compassion and tolerance to those who are not as fortunate. For the county commission to be sure that everyone is identified who makes a comment, and then evaluate the reason or motive for' that comment. Thank you, SAaron Hendry Steinhatchee says thanks Dear Editor:.; The Steinhatchee Community Projects Board would like to thank the following people and businesses for their help in making- the 4th. annual Steinhatchee Community Fishing Tournament a success: --Tournament corporate sponsors: Saltwater Assassin' Lures, Sureketch Lures, Weaver Bait Co. of Moultrie, Ga. (Greedy Gut Lures), Mann. Tackle Company, Woody Wax Boat Products, L & S.Bait Company ( Mirror: Lures), Eagle Claw Fish Hooks, Triple Fish Fishing Line, Buckeye Technologies. Citizens" Bank of Perry,. Coke Cola Bottling of Gainesville, Cone Distributing of Gainesville and Pepsi Boitling of Perry, (Bay Breeze Realty. Gulf Breeze Realty, Saw Grass Really and Roy's Restaurant) provided can cozies for the captains bags. --Raffle sponsors: Sea Hag Marina, River Haven Marina, Ideal Marina, West Wind Fish Camp, Keaton Beach Marina, Gulf Stream Marina, Fiddlers Restaurant and Pelican Pointe Inn, Tackle Outlet & Gun Shop of Jena, Cross City Marine, Big' B pnd Marine of Perry, P&J ,, Please. see page 4 Thanksgiving in March? Scouts collect more than one ton of food Dear Editor:. . During the month of February, local Cub Scouts and Boys Scouts collected over one ion of food as part of Scouting's annual Good Turn. A number of our neighborhoods had bags placed on doors and then were revisited during the week of Feb. 12-19. Cub Scouts also solicited food items outside of the Winn Dixie store on Saturday, Feb. 19.. Thanks to the generosity of our local residents, the scouts were able to collect more than a ton of non-perishable food items. All items collected stay in Perry knd are distributed throughout the year by local area churches. Food items collected are stored in ihe New Brooklyn Baptist Church and First Baptist Church food pantries. Boy Scouting involves young men from ages six to 18. Cub Scout Pack 603 is sponsored by the Perry Kiwanis Club. Boy Scout Troop 600 is sponsored by the Perry Elks Club. Thank you, Perry, for assisting area Scouts in helping our neighbors so generously. Sincerely, John Sunderland Fences make good neighbors? Dear Editor, MainStreet Perry, Inc., would like to thank Cashway Building Products for donating all. the materials needed to build a new picket fence around the Old Depot. We would also like to express our gratitude to Buddy Humphries and John Hatton for their help on this project. Sincerely, MainStreet Perry Survivorship reception successful Dear Editor: I wanted to personally thank everyone that helped me with having a successful Survivorship Reception on March 17. All of my donors, supporters, sub- committee members, and especially, the survivors. You are the reason we Relay! A sincere thank you to Zeigler's Florist, Perry' Florist, Hazel Snow, Ludille Carroll, Inez Cone, Libby Denmark, Doctors' Memorial Hospital, Donna Rogers, Linda Brannon, Tammy Taylor, Wade Goodman and Belinda Praytor. Thank you all so very much. I truly appreciate everything you did for me. Sincerely, Sheri Snow-Moon Relay For Life Survivorship Chairperson 2005 Midweek Muddle The bag lady I've become I I~ Since the day the bat cellophane wrapping, its bag left its natural good looks have been declining. .-..... The bat bag was a gift from the son's aunt,, who knows how life can revolve around. a baseball diamond from late January until school starts again in August. If the son's future apartment ever looks anything like his current bat bag, our trouble is only beginning. Every few days, I look in it--cautiously, mind you. Typically, there is a layer of loose sunflower seeds, red clay from, the infield, some gum wrappers, a couple of empty Gatorade bottles and dirty clothes that haven't made it to the laundry room yet-- maybe even an extra pair of shoes. His idea of cleaning it out is to remove only as much trash, as necessary in order .-to fit in the new stuff. . "Y'our, clean practice clothes are going to get dirty just sitting in your bag," say I, the domestic goddess. "They're just gonna get dirty anyway," -says he, the daily laundry challenge. In the name of sanity and self preservation, I've let many of these battles go unfought. It is a survival technique I learned in between the births of-the first and second children; if I had learned'it yeais .ago, I'd already be wearing my bedroom shoes to the grocery store, just because I want to. Since I'm a late bloomer, I still struggle with the details of personal cleanliness which I hope isn't equivalent with :godliness, for we're certainly doomed to dirty hell. So when no one's looking, I (because I care) take the bat bag out in the yard, shake all the dirt out of it, let the birds eat the sunflower seeds, let the dog play with the empty bottles and wonder why a girl's belt is in there. I deem that question worth asking. "Why is a girl's belt in your bat bag?' I have to knoiv "Found it," he says. "Found it where?" I ask. "At P.E." (The longest answer I ever get during interrogation is two words.) "And why didn't you leave it at P.E. or turn it in?" I ask, wondering if the F.B.I. should be contacted. "We were playing with it--I was just the one that ended up with it when the bell rang. It's been there for days, in the rain and everything." What a lovely thought. I. place the clean bat bag by'the back door, ask him to pack it again, and minutes later, I creep back in to check it. I hear all you good parents out there: "I'd let him pack his own bat bag and if he didn't have everything he needed, it would be his own fault." You're absolutely right, Dr. Spock and friends, and I -was once a good parent, too, but since he doesn't drive, it would be By SUSAN H. LINCOLN me traveling at a high rate of speed to the house to retrieve whatever he left. Doing .... Tmj.og.Qej&pr''Qn._ly seems logical given my schedule-. Thus the bat bag and I have something of a love-hate relationship. I loye its value in keeping all the necessary accoutrements in one place. But I hate the way it sits There silently--concealing dirt and secrets, giving no clue as to what it contains. As the season progresses, my relationship with the bat bag gets more strained. Steel cleats are necessary for middle school ball, but restricted from recreational league.play. So now we need different cleats, on different days. Oh joy. "Is this your:glogve?",I ask, going through the bat bag, like a bag lady. "Mama, it's all in there," he says, as if I might interrupt the order of his disorder. "But is:this your glove?" I ask again. "Yeah,", he says, fighting the urge to ask, "Who's glove do you think it is?" I can see it in his eyes. The truth is, all gloves look alike to me. He's got- several with his name on them-- they're all brown. If they came in rainbow colors with monogramming, I'd know which one was his. "Does the coach want you to wear the orange jersey or the blue?" I ask. "Orange," he says shortly. "It's in there." That Very night, I woke up in a cold sweat a 3 a.m. "I've got to go to Buckeye Park," I said to the husband. He enjoys our middle-of-the-night conversations, which I often deny to just make him crazy. This one I remember. I was deep in a dream which wasn't worth the energy I expended for it. I realized during the dream that the son, who had played basketball at Buckeye Park the previous afternoon, had left the .team jersey and hat there. "If I go now, no one will have the time to steal it," I said. "Just lay back down and go to sleep; it will be ,all right," said the husband, wondering why he married me. When the alarm went off that morning, I rushed 'downstairs and there was the wicked bat bag--staring at me, giving no clue as to whether it was about to start my day off right, or ruin my chance of personal happiness. I squinted as I unzipped. the bag, and there they.were: the team jersey and hat, right on top. "What? We didn't leave anything at Buckeye Park?" I asked the husband and son as they departed for school and work. "That's unlike us. Is something wrong? Are you into something I need to know about?" "Goodbye, Mama," he said, in an obligatory tone. I hope he grows up and has a son just like him. And a wonderful wife. I I ;: I B-3 The Taco Times March 23, 2005 I -1116 , Yard sale. Friday, 9 a.m. 2 p.m. Saturday,, 9 a.m. 2 p.m. Take Woods Creek Road to North Page Road and follow signs. 3/23-3/25 Florida Marine will be having a yard sale Saturday. Lots of stuff, also you can bring your own items and tables and set up for free. We will be doing this every weekend, '" 1 miles down Beach Road. Any questions,. call Angie at 584-8105. 3/16-3/30FM I Auctions 3 times a week. Taylor County, every Friday 6:30 p.m., 3 miles south of Perry on Hwy. 19 next to Crews Marine. Dixie County, every Tuesday and Saturday 6 p.m., 3 miles south of Cross City on Hwy. 19 at Old Drive In. We do estate sales, bankruptcies, closeouts, big or small. Now tahng conEsinmenrs Third Generation Auction Servi:e. 352-356- 0721. AB#2424. AU#2548. 3/2-4/1 MISCLLAEOU Round table w/leaf and 4 chairs. Architect's drawing board desk w/pine stool to match. Glass-top table, Rattan with 4 newly covered Rattan chairs. 4 bar stools, like new. Queen-size bed, mint condition. Call 584-7750. 3/18-3/23' Kellow Appliance Service- In'Home and Shop Service. We carry a'large selectionI, of new and used parts. We also' sell' refurbished appliances. 1302 N. Jefferson St. 584-7773. 3/2-4/1 Sure-Vocal Master PA system, $300' Aul,'malic sholiqun '$250 Pump ShOilgun, $250 A must see 1995 21' Coachman camper Irailer near $8 350 rne 584.2184 3/23-3/25 Queen size box spring, new:still in plastic. Call 584-8290 or after 5 p.m. call 584- 8453 . 3/23 5': 10 ullitry Irailer $350 850-584-6317 1 3 For sale by owner. Country living off Cogrtney Grade. 2/1 solid built home on 2 173 acres of fenced wooded acreage including 14'x28' 1/1 mobile home efficiency. Must see to appreciate. 223- '2590, Kevin. .3/23-3/25 Land for sale 4.22 acres, located 4 miles pall city iilniison Hwy. 27 East. Please 'call 229-242-7301 or 229-740-1548. 3/23-4/15 3/1 house for sale. 1/3 city block. $28,000. 602 W. Bacon St. 584-4678. 3/11-3/25 U' 2001 Acura CL. Beautiful with a/c, ps, pw, pdl, tilt, cruise, Bose premium sound 6CD, front & side airbags, 4 wheel ABS, traction control, leather heated dual power seats, moonroof, rear spoiler, chrome wheels, brand new tires. Excellent condition, low mileage, $16,500 obo. 584-5262 or 843- 1577. 3/18-3/23 1999 B2500 SE Mazda P/U, excellent cond., 81,000 miles, cruise, tilt, CD player, factory fiberglass topper, $6,000. Call 578- 2230 (eve) or 838-9670 (day). 3/23-3/25 FOR SAL 2 bedroom, 2 bath frame board i and batton cypress house Located at 516 W. Wilcox St. SCentral heat & air, insulated Windows, two brick fireplaces. . Lots of character. $75,000. SShown by appointment. 584-4886 or 584-9489 A;louse for Sale , 10 W. Green Street, Perry, FL. 2,194 sq: Sft 4 bedrooms. 1.5 baths. $55,000 or make offer. Call 850-402-2475. Junk cars, trucks, tractors. Will buy, sell and trade parts. Bobcat Service and Towing. 386-688-3999. 3/23-4/15 *. Florida Maine is now seeking someone for the position in Fiberglass repair and boat building and also someone for boat mechanic work.Please call John at 584- 8105, serious inquiries only. i 3/4-3/30FM E BY OWNERE- ~: F.~. "Sr. 4L'C\~. ." I -v *"''~ ' at '"4 ','v'... 1992 Honda Prelude, 5-speed, air, etc. $4,500.584-3355. 3/23tfRK 1/9-3/25CC ' -DOORSI Boarder wanted in my house. Bedroom livng room, private balh, lurnished 584. 8045. '3/9-3/30 For rental Office space for nonprofit organization ai 800 West Ash Street. site of Taylor County Senior Services. Call 584-4924 for information 8/6OSS 1 24 carat Marqui;e cut diamond rin :, WOODRIDGE APARTMENTS yellow iold Selting Appraisal $5 500 $ 199 MOVE-IN SPECIAL Ci.arrvy Si-3 o10 i1 color (G-H) Platinum For Basic to Market renters. 1 2 cr 3 BR seninmq a ailable lor additionall money HC and Nor HC accessible apartments. $2 00i Call 850.584.9668 'HUD vouchers considered and rental 3/18. 13130 assistance may be available Equal Housing Opportunity Ofice hours are 3ejul~ sho-p equiperint ior siae Mu;I:l be 8-00-5 00 Mon-Tiurs Call 850-584-5668. ,morvd b 3/27,065 672-0254 Icelll. 709 W Churcr Si Perry. FL 32348. TDD S3/ .-3' :1.1, ,711 1/21ltfWA a LOn'ron blue topaZ bracelet diamond S. ac:eni' 14 ca rat gold, $175 lirm 8" gold b ad bracelet 14 'cral gold $60 Call S584.-11697 3,16.3'25 Land for. sale, '221, N. between Shiloh Church Rd. and Cairo Parker Rd 1 acre lots with paved roads. Owner financing available Please call (386) 658-1346 or (8501 5845891 iBadcock). 7/21i rEF HOUSE FOR SALE Built in 1950s S3 Bedrooms, 1 Bath All Pine Wood Floors New Central H/A Some Appliances $25,000 Call for appt. 584-5454 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath house 'or sale All brick, 3 yrs; old. $250.000 cbo Call 838- 2773. .'; 2j23-3/25 38.acres m/l with 40x60 shop in city limits of Perry Approximately 12 acres in peanut hay,-the rest in pasture with 1/2 mile.of Road rontaqe Localed on East Ash Sireet. $160,000 850-584-6317 3/23.4/1 '1' bedroom lurnijrulhd apar rienti. No children tIo pel- 584-7170 3 16-3/23 Available April I 2 BiR mobile home central hea/AC located in small, clean. quiel park 2 miles down Beach Road Water sewer lawn care ard garbage -Included $350 per month, plus '1250 deposit Some restrictions apply For application. 5843889 S 3123tfRB ,Southern Villas of Perry Looking For Applicants! HUD vouchers accepted. 1 & 2 BR HC and iion-HC accessible apartments. Office ilours are 8.00 to 5 00 Mon-Thurs. Call 850-584-8111 TDD/TTY 711. 315 Pucken Rd, Perry, FL 32347. Equal Housing Opportunity 11/3IfSV 4B6, 2BA doublewide, I acre, $45,000, 3026 Woods Creek Rd 838.3927 a'23.4/8 I ; 1,993 Toyota Corona A/T, A/C, runs good, 1 500otio Call 584 2709. S3/183/23 1998 Nissan Frontier, four wheel drive. $6.500, Call 838-7599 3/1.1-3/23 GULF COAST METAL SCS3' Wide ROOFIN..G..' Galvalume Full lineof 3' Wide accessories,in stock Painted Special Flashings Made All Types Warranted Metal Available Cut to yourdesired lengths Deliers) ServiceAvailable Call Toll-Free 888-393-0335 352-498f0778 Horseshoe Beach, FI. 1985 deep-V, 18.5 ft. Malibu, center console, 1992 Mercury 135 Black Ma'. Hummingbirdi T ,' 3001 iih ln-ider AM'FM cassette stereo, -STS r.jd'o gaiv.3ri:i'd trailer with new axle and springs. $4,000 obo. 584-2693. 3/18-3/25 '05 Meerkat 50 Kids ATV for younger riders, auto, 4-stroke 49cc engine, electric start, adj. speed limiter & safety cut-offs, brand new with warranty. $800. 223-1952., A:3/,?:3/25 ,0-,o(: ."' A. " Priced for quick sale. '02 37 ft So ririersei fifth-wheel camper with,3 slide outs, fully loaded. Low book $30,000, make offer. Tour vehicle for sale or trade: 584-2428. 3/23-3/25 Looking for a pony for my three-year-old granddaughter to ride. She loves horses and we are horse people who can provide a great home. Call 386-362-1954. Easter puppies, purebred lab, 8 wks., $100 each. Call 843-1852 or 584-5135. 3/23-3/25 Min-Pin puppy, female, CKC reg., blk & rust, $450 firm. 838-3480. 3/23-3/25 . AMVETS Post 20's community yard sale is growing and we are on irie lookout.for more tables Do you have any 6-foot folding tables that you would like to donate or sell for a reasonable price? Please call Mark at 584-5513 or 584-8807. 3/i tff WVrlTEII Chili Contestants who irinh there chili is worth $500.00!! Applications are available at the Chamber office at 584-5366. 3rd Annual Rotary Club Chili Cook-off April, 2nd 12:00 noon at Forest Capital State SPark. You need to pre-register your chili so do nol riep;.,i--e call the Chamber NIOWlii Pr:es lI Qiire and all contestants get a free "HIOT" Chil T..;hirt S3;'1 H F'Poitiorn vacancies under Taylor County Board of County Commissioners: Park Attendant temporary (April Sept.) Part time (days and hour vary) max: 30 hrs/wk. $6.56 hr. RMT full time; $8.04 hr. Day Camp Counselor Seasonal/ part time (average 29 hrs, week) $6.18 10,08 hr. : Seasonal Mosquito Sprayer part-time (include nights & weekends) $6.18 hr. Firefighter-call in; $9;05 hr. EOE/Drug Free Workplace. Position requirements and specifications available at Taylor One Stop Career Center, 224 N. Jefferson Street, Perry, FL. 32347 or.www.tcfl-libinfo.com Submit applications to Taylor One Stop Career Center. Positions open until filled. 'Accounting Instructor needed at North Florida Community College, Madison FL. Master's degree, in .accounting with 18 graduate hours in additional disipiir. preferred. Experience in use of technology intclassroom highly desirable. Duties: Teach 15 credit-hours each semester in arccouriling .and other qualified area. Candidates chosen for interview will give ,sample presentation utilizing instructional technology. Duties-commence 8/1/2005.' Position also requires having established office hours, participating in department and College activities. Teaching may be night and/or dual enrollment courses on NFCC campus and/or at satellite locations. Applications to: Director HR, North Florida ,Community College, 1000 Turner Davis Drive, Madison, Florida 32340. Only complete application packets considered: letter of interest; resume and application; copy of transcripts (unofficial okay). Application available at www.nfcc.edu. Questions call 850-973-9487. Application packet must be received by 03/25/2005 (Deadline extended). EOE ' 3/23 E.,perienced plumber laborers needed. Must have' a driver's license. Call 584- 8603. 3/4tfHS Automotive part's department assistant needed. Apply in person at Thomas Che'.role or call 584-6212. S3/16ti: . Experienced plumbers needed. Must have a driver's license,.Call 584-8603. 3/4tfHS AVON 2005 Sign-on Speciall Only $5. Limited time. Earn $300 bonus. Call Terrie at 843-1285 or 584-8463. 2/1.1tfTC . Prestige Home Center Chiefland The Only Factory Outlet on the West Coast NO "DOUBLE TALK" WITH OURADVERTISING-- NO GAMES WITH OUR.PRICES! Any New Home Purchased from Prestige Homes Includes FREE Delivery & Set-Up...PERIOD! 1 /-f"-- ^ ~ --BRAND NEW-- Choose from 2 or 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Exceeds New Gov't. Standards Small ads...big deals!:f '. *- . r ???3 GOODWILL is looking for STARS! Come Join a Winning Team! RETAIL STORE MANAGERS Join a nationally recognized organization that provides essential services to our community. Get on the fast track to reaching your potential in our Management Training Program. * Complete Benefits Package Paid Vacation and Sick Leave * Tuition Reimbursement Employee Discounts * RewardingWork Great Opportunities forAdvancement We are also accepting applications for future openings in Retail, Production, andTransportation. Please email resume to: price@goodwillbigbend.com, fax: 850.576.0165 or mail to: Human Resources, Goodwill 300 Mabry StreetTallahassee, FL 32304. No phone calls please. EOE/DFWP goodwill Marshall Health & Rehabilitation Center $29500. S No Down Payment for Landowners! (60 Other Homes to Choose From!) Eggs are Cheaper in the Country, So are Prestige Homes! S N. Hwy. 19, Chiefland 352-4932492 APALACHEE CENTER A Behavioral Health Care Center is currently seeking: ADULT CASE MANAGER #2156 AVAILABLE REGULAR STATUS (40 HOURS PER WEEK) OR TEMPORARY OPS STATUS (20-40 HOURS PER WEEK). REQUIRES MINIMUM OF A BACHELOR'S DEGREE WITH RK, PSYCHOLOGY, CRIMINAL JUSTICE, NURSING, REHABILITATION, SPECIAL EDUCATION, HEALTH EDUCATION, OR A RELATED HUMAN SERVICES FIELD; OR A BACHELOR'S DEGREE + 2 YEARS FULL- TIME OR EQUIVALENT EXPERIENCE WORKING WITH ADULTS EXPERIENCING SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS. VALID DRIVER'S LICENSE REQUIRED. REGULAR STATUS RATE $10.75 PER HOUR/EXCELLENT BENEFITS OR TEMPORARY OPS STATUS RATE $12.92 PER HOUR/NO BENEFITS. For more information and a complete listing of available positions: www.apalacheecenter.org (850)523-3217 or 1(800)226-2931 Human Resources, 2634-J Capital Circle N.E., Tallahassee, FL Pre-Hire Drug Screen & FDLE background check. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Drug-Free Workplace. 3/23-3/25AC Badcock & More.- Set up and delivery. Must be 21 yrs. old. License required. Good driving record. No phone calls. Apply in person, 1003 S. Jefferson St. 1/21tfBC Springhill Nursery is looking for full time foreman and labor positions. Please fill out job application with Taylor Employment Connections and call 584-3435. 3/11tfSN HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT f _ Bulldozers. Backhoes, ' Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators, Next Class: April 18 National Certification Financial Assistance Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Traning Services www. Equipment-School.com II IMBIEHOE I . Illusions by Jeannie, new family hair care, opening 3/21/05, has one opening for a hair dresser or a hair braider/weaver. Reasonable booth rental. Call 584-5057 or 223-1767. 3/18-3/23 Maintenance Mechanic We are recruiting for a qualified individual to provide -reliable shift coverage by performing basic mechanical repairs to operating equipment. Prime skills required in millwright craft, machine practices and welding. Individual must be capable of diagnosing equipment problems and making repairs with minimum supervision. Ideal candidate must have 3-5 years e.perierce in related mechanical work. PosJii.ri requires shift work. lQjualied injivi.jluals may send resume in :,rinfden:e IO St. Marks Powder A General Dynamics Company Attn: Patrick Hutto 7121 Coastal Highway St. Marks, FL EOE M/F/V/D DFW 3/23 FLORIDA Applications are being taken for--- the following positions: MECHANIC - Requirements: High school diploma:: or equivalency. Must have a valid:: - ,Florida Driver's License and be ableW to obtain a CDL class B within 6 months after employment. Salary: $10.90 $15.40 hrly. TRUCK DRIVER/LABORER~ (Sanitation Division) Req: Valid Florida Drivers License~-: and be able to obtain a CDL class B license within 6 months after employment. ,. Salary: $ 12 .$j11,,47 hrly, Applications are available at the CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office 224 S. Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347 (850) 584-7161. DRUG FREE WORKPLACE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER AUCTION ~E~n~llO O I~I I AUTOMO.I ES im B-4 The Taco Times March 23, 2005 ] Mark your calendar fo Fire & Security Technician Entry-level Fire & Security Technician needed. Responsible for industrial plant fire protection & security. Responsibilities include: fire alarm response, HAZMAT incidents, rescue & security; inspecting, testing, troubleshooting & repair of plant fire' protection systems & equip.; plant access control, shift first aid. Requires HS diploma or equivalent & valid driver's license. Rotating shift work required. Preferred candidates will have experience in fire fighting as first responder and successful completion of courses in firefighting, security, emergency medical, or law enforcement. Send resume in confidence to: St. Marks Powder Attn: Patrick Hutto P.O. Box 222 St. Marks, FL 32355 EOE M/FN/D Drug Free Workplace 3/23 Advent Christian Village Current JOBS Line Advertisement call 658-5627 or visit www.acvillaoe.net 24hrs/day, 7 days/week CNA/LP '--ot a Passion for Compassion? Direct care staff in long-term care setting. FTI.and PT positions and various shifts available. Florida certification (CNA) o'r licehee (LPN) required. FT positions include health, dental, life, disability, supplemental insurance; 403b retirement acco-lnt; paid time off, access to onsite daycare and fitness facilities. Apply in person at Personnel Office Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. Until 4:00 p.m.ror fax resume/ credentials to (386) 658-5160. EOE/ Drug-Free Workplace/, Criminal background checks required. 3716-3/25ACV Clay Swindle, L.L.C. Painter, Interior & Exterior, Framing. 18 yr.' experience. Free est.Big or small, Call 850-223-1780'or 850--843-1941. If no answer, leave message. 10/27tfCS S CARPET &VINYL Installiilr,,-n and' repairs done at a good price. No ,..erhead DirecI svingAs ao yu. ;30 years experience: 85:0-838-905i, _pleasl leave a message. Circle "T" . Specializing in all types of.tractor work, bushhogging,'root raking, harrowing, dirt hauling & leveling, debris removal, clean up, and lawn care. Call for free estimate, 584-2806. 2/2-3/30 J.D.'s Tree Service and Lawn Care., Licensed and insured. Free estimates. We also grind stumps;. Call today 838-1280. Firewnojod lor a31E- (f hd Ret. nurse available for home care. No nights. Full-time or part-time. Call 584- 9013. 3/23-3/25 Excellent, experienced care for you loved one. Available part time. 15 years experience. References available. Call 584-5165, please leave name and number. 3/23-3/25 TREE CAPITAL CLEANING 584-CLEAN (2532). The Handyman experts, honest work! Affordable, professional, licensed and insured. Specializing in house painting, interior, etc., mobile home repairs, home maintenance, pressure washing (wood and concrete) carpet, vinyl, wood floor, ceramic tile, and repairs. Call 584-2270 (home) or 584-3776 (office). 25.years. tfJM A-2-Z Farm Services Harrowing, bush hog mowing, dirt leveling; .rake work and lawn services. Call 584- 6737, leave message. 3/24AZ Southern Siding &Remodeling, LLC Vinyl siding & soffit, wood, rot, fascia, decks, aluminum screen rooms, windows, porches and more Jay Swindle: [8501843-1731 Licensed & Insured County Wide Household trash collection; once a week, $20 a month. Call 584-8009 anytime, leave message. 2/23-3/30 NOTICE Notice is hereby given to Donna Turcer, P.O.. Box 63, SteinhOtchee, FL 32359, unless payment is made on Unit 23, contents will be sold on the 26th day of March, 2005 at 12 noon at S&S Mini Storage, 1110 First Ave., Stelnhatchee, FL. 3/16, 3/23 NOTICE Notice Is hereby given to Roberta McKlmmy, P.O. Box 63, Steinhatchee, FL 32359, unless payment is made on Unit 35, contents will be sold on the 26th day. of March, 2005 at 12 noon at S&S Mini Storage, 1110 First Ave., Steinhatchee, FL. 3/16, 3/23 Notice is hereby given to Carolyn A: Elrod, unless storage fees are paid on 1986 Chevy VIN#1GIJC69PXGK121091 to Collins Auto Center, 503 N. Main St., Chiefland, FL, a mechanics lean will be placed on the automobile. 3/23 NOTICE BID #2006-03 THE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF TAYLOR COUNTY IS PRESENTLY ACCEPTING BIDS ON 2005-2006 SCHOOL PICTURES FOR PRIMARY, ELEMENTARY, MIDDLE AND STEINHATCHEE SCHOOLS. BIDS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN 9:45 A.M. ON THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005. THE BID SPECIFICATIONS AND STATEMENT OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS MAY BE OBTAINED AT THE FINANCE OFFICE, 318 NORTH CLARK STREET, PEhRY, FLORIDA 32347. FOR' FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT WILLIAM HUNTER, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AT (850) 838- 2503. 3/23 Notice of Public Hearing Hearing Date: April 5, 2005 Subject df Hearing: School Board Policy Handbook Revisions THE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF TAYLOR. COUNTY WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ABOVE DATE FOR APPROVAL OF' SAID SUBJECT ITEM. THIS HEARING WILL BE HELD AT THE SCHOOL BOARD MEETING. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS/CONCERNS. THE PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD AT THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLEX, SCHOOL BOARD MEETING ROOM, 318 North Clafk Street. A copy of this policy. may be obtained from the Superintendent!s Office. Oscar M. Howard Jr. Superintendent of School 3/9, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30 NOTICE (PURSUANT TO FLORIDAi -i.li 125.66) Notice is hereby given that the.Board of County Commissioners of Taylor Cpunty, Florida will hold a public hearing on the passage of the proposed Ordinance relating to the annual budget, the public hearing shall be held at the Board of County Commission Meeting Room, Taylor County Courthouse Annex, Old Post Office Building in Perry, Florida, at the regular board meeting on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, at 6:10 p.m. The title of the proposed ordinance is: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ANNUAL BUDGET OF TAYLOR COUNTY, FLORIDA; ESTABLISHING T.HE PROCESS AND REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO THE COUNTY BUDGET WITH REGARD TO AMENDING THE COUNTY BUDGET; CONTINGENCY FUNDS AND MID YEAR FUNDING 'REQUEST FROM OUTSIDE AGENCIES IN ACCORDANCE, WITH STEINHATCHEE Continued from page B-2 Outta Here Charters, Brown Land Clearing & Backhoe Service, , Manuel Smyrnios Land Clearing Backhoe Service, Truman Lundy Land Clearing & Trenching, Wayne Philman Air Conditioning Sales & Service, Craig Cannon of Gulf Coast Services, Roberts Marine Service, Bedford Tile and Flooring, Brian and Gina Smith of Big Bend Charters, Keith Reed of Half Fast Tractor Service, Big CHAPTERS 125, 129, 200, AND 218 OF THE FLORIDA STATUTES AS AMENDED, PROVIDING FOR SEVE'RABILITY AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The proposed ordinance may be inspected by the public at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's Office at the Taylor, County Courthouse, Perry, Taylor County, Florida. All members of the public are welcome to attend. Notice is further hereby given, pursuant to Florida Statute 286.0105, that any person or persons deciding to appeal any matter considered at this public hearing will need a record of the hearing and may need to'ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record Includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based., DATED this 16th day of March, 2005, by ANNIE MAE MURPHY, Clerk-of the Circuit Court and Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Taylor'County, Florida. 3/23 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Adrianne 'Spain-Conde the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax ,deed to be issued rr,-..:. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are follows: ' Certificate No. 414 Year of Issuance 2002 Description of Property: Parcel No. R05135-000 , Lot 9 Block D of Springlake Heights Subdivision as Recorded in the Official Record of Taylor County, Florida. Name in which assessed: Thomas H. Page, ETAL. Said property being in the County of Taylor, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described is such certificate' shall be sold to the highest bidder at the courthouse door on the 18th day of April, 2005 at 11:00 o'clock a.m. Dated this 14th day of March, 2005. Annie Mae Murphy Clerk of Circuit Court Taylor County, Florida 3/16,,3/23, 3/30, 46 Marine of Gainesville, Crews Marine of Perry, Woods Marina and RV Park, Ramona Griner of Front Porch Realty, Mary Ross Herring Realty, River Gate LLC of Steinhatchee, Becky Morris of Bay Breeze Realty, Jim & Ina Von Stein of Bay Breeze'Realty, Glenn Senter of Beach Realty, Tom Gaughn of Steinhatchee River Realty, Dewey Hatcher of Mitchell Realty, Tina Barrnett of Barnett Realty, Dot Futch of Sawgrass Realty, Pam Wessel of Anchor Trust Properties, Ann Hodges of Gulf Breeze Realty, Casey's Cove of Jena, Roy's Restaurant, Julius and Mary 'Cooey for Quail Run subdivision and Steinhatchee Acres, Jena Fire Dept., Boathouse Lounge, Steinhatchee Lounge, White Tail Lounge, Walmart of Chiefland,. Boys Play Toys of Palatka , Bennett's True Value Hardware of High Springs, Sunset Place Condos Home Owner. Association, Jiffy Store, Cypress' Inn Restaurant, Paces Cottages, Florida Forrest Products, ADT. r next year enterprises, Mayo Bait and Tackle, Wilson Tackle of Perry, Napa Auto.Parts of Cross City, Ace Hardware of Steinhatchee, Lynn Rich Caf6, Bridge End Cafe, Fix-it Upholstery, Linda Dellapoali Artist, Huckleberry's Bar-B-Q of Fanning Springs and Custom Meats of Chiefland. We hope everyone enjoyed themselves and will mark this event on their calendar for next year. The Steinhatchee Community Projects Board would like to thank all the sponsors for their generosity and their involvement in the tournament. Their participation makes the tournament a success and in turn makes a difference in the community. The funds raised by the Steinhatchee community projects board will serve the community through. scholarships, non-funded school programs, improve our parks and community center plus fulfill other community needs." Brian Goddard Fifth graders earn All-A status at TCES TCES Continued from page 1 ,5th grade, All A's Jabrayla Bell, Aaron Crews, Eli Grambling, Macy Gregory, Elizabeth Harper, Taylor Kellerman, Justice Kelly, Ashley Knight, Kaleb Mixon, Julia " Monroe, Carolyn Nowlin, Kristen Reed, Taylor Schmidt, Kristina Wald and Katelyn Welch. 5th grade, A/B Connor Bishop, Whitney Blue, Caitlin Bogart, Jacob Brannan, Blaine Brenner, Kien Cade, Caitlin Carter, Nikolas Cook, Sheryl Ann Curles, Brittany Faircloth, Kiley' Fairclt'ih. Tyneisha Fead, Josh Franklin, Valerie Gardner, Styles .Gibson, Ashanti Graham, James Hatcher, Melissa Hauser, Miranda Howell, Ricky Hudson, Shamouri Island, Paige Jacobs, Jennifer Kelly, Corneshia Kimble, Ashley Lundy, Margaret Lundy, Robert Martin, Brandon. Mathews, Melanie McAfee, Taylor McCroan, Tyler McDonald, Justin McGuire, Raven Mitchell, Ashley Mixon, Brandi Moore, Ciera Ormsby, Miraj Patel, Brandon Peeples, T'Keyah Peterson, Meghan Pomeroy, Kristy Potter, Ashlyn Price, Brion Scott, Meijah Skeleton, Gage Sluiter, Chelsea Snodgrass, Rusty Stringfellow, Wil Tuten, Samaitha Tyler, Hanna Valentine, Abbigale Walker, Caitlen W'\eatherly, Samuel Whitfield, Nic Williams, Anna Winstead and Whitney Young. Ironwood Homes of Perry is proud to announce that their latest customer is now their newest employee!!- -"--- .. .. . Bill Griffin and his wife, Pam, moved to Perry from Tampa this past January. They purchased their new home from Ironwood and were so pleased with their home that Bill inquired about an open sales position...he was hired on the spot. Bill has been in maintenance, construction, and sales of new homes for over twenty years and is looking forward to meeting new customers and friends in the Taylor County area. Stop by Ironwood to welcome one of Perry's newest residents to the area. Ask Bill to show you Ironwood's newest homes while you're there! 'ome8r The top 2 selling names in the mobile home business. Ironwood Homes S- Open 7 Days aWeek 3483 Hwy.': 9 S. "Mon.-Sat. 9-6, Sun. 1-5 (850) 838-9090 year... new. ea rf L- SERVICES ma |