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I March 16, 2005 Tree Capital of the South 2 Sections Our 44th Year, No. 11 News Forum Survivorship reception to be held Thursday : Cancer survivors are invited to the 2005 Relay for Life "survivorship :reception" planned Thursday. March 17. at 6:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served. SThe event will be held at First, -.United Methodist Church For more information, contact Relay for Life .Chairwoman Jamie Clark at 584-4092 Mark your calendars... SThe 11th annual Perry Optimist Club Saltwater Fishing Tournament will be held Saturday, May 21 Ticket information will be 'announced at a later date. SSAC meets at :Taylor Elementary '; Thylor County.Elementary's School Advisory Council will meet Tuesday, -March 22, at 1 p m. The meeting will be held in the school media center .-(lbrary). The public is invited to attend. Seniors invited to Easter egg hunt Taylor-County Senior Services is sponsoring an Easter celebration Thursday, March 24, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. .An Easter egg hunt is planned for seniorss. 'and lunch will be served during the'ifetivities. The event will be held at the Senior Services Center (formerly!. Gladys Morse .Elerlentary School)' on West Ash-Street. 'For more information or to make a donation, please call 584-4924 Make a difference-- join MainStreet ,MainStreet Perry has kicked off a Spnring.2005 membership drive. ,. "Are you. interested in helping with future, events. that will benefit our entire.. community? Individual, family and business memberships are *available," MainStreet volunteer Vicki .Hatton said' ':For -more information, contact "Hattron at838-3852 or Donna Breer at 838-2644. .'Requirements ;::- r announced i:'Parents with children who will begin kindergartenn next year (2005-06) are .i-'ided of new registration ;'eirirerrments. .-"Beginning this year, we are 'eqiJired tQ;; have the'child's current *immuniation and current physical records den he or she is registered for. chdbool,' Perry Primary's Angie Roberts said. "The physical must have 'been performed within one year of- Aug. 8 (2005)." .bOther. required documentation ictdesthe child's birth certificate and a"l .al.Security'card. Registration for tIeitcpiool year begins in April. i' une in to talk radio' ', To- 'better- serve surrounding comintpltities,. Three Rivers Legal Seivices','In., and Bulldog 1400 WPFRY AM are producing a new radio show to address legal issues facing Residents. '. -'Everyday', Law for Everyday -People,; airs oai Mondays from 12:30- i'l m. ndex Living..':page A-4 - Sports...page A-6 eligior...page A-7 SCoUnirhiunit.y...page B-1 High school has 14 applicants Principal searches for 'mighty' coach In making the decision on hirinr a new Tavl:,r Counri High Sncho:':! head f,,othball coach TCHS Principal Michjael Thomp'i'in said he wvanted- someone "'.ho oi'uld return the Billdogs to the stairu', cf "m eight, and team s, % h':' '. ill instill tear in the hearts ot other team; on th'.ir ch'Idul,'. Tho'mpison s-aid the search for a head coach :as shaping1g up nlr:el,." ajtl r the resignation of fc.rme r Head Coach Dennis Kilziah r.'. ..' cck.: ago 'Currenil', I hIl c 14 applications cfr [he- po-iiLn." Thompson said. "but I expect that numbhLr to in.'rease to aT least 20 b' ith, deadline e aie of March 23 "So far, fi'. h..cal from this immediate area, ha' japplied t':', the position and fi.c othcrs from around the Pnihandil' area The other applicants are from farther a,'.J',. .'iiTm l trnm i[l-Itf-~[l i '.'l he" Iddd Thompion .laid ithe clob ,j.canij', h.jis been pi,'.ldr v.' ih [th Ta',i'r Schi..E Dl '.eri[.i tr..'m which no rLplis er'. re cei' ed. and the Fl,:rida High School Athletic .-.S,_clian[,n. from ,r hl.:h a fev. Monday madness' . SFirefighters': battled back-to-back vehicle fires Monday..-all before lunch. (Above) City and county units - responded to the first cali,. atV Woods-Creek Road and .Highway 19, quickly OXtinguishing 'he blaze.. .Ri it) -County fire/rescue units rolleded out -to a car fire on Gas . Plant Road late iriorning, battling both' the blaze which >^|,ey tf~.d thie vO"ht(4'atd-..4: lrsh f ir.,ic.Wich. was ignited y, . .... l April 1-2 Smith headlines bluegrass festival It has been said that iatiching \aleric Smith perform is "like being an eyte-tnuness to a thermo- nuclear explosion!" Smith brings her high-energy. expi.'luSi-sound show to Tailor Six soccer fields are promised first The construction of six soccer fields should get underva\ within the next 60 days at the Tavlor County Sports Complex on U.S. I1 N., county officials said this \eek. O\er ihe past several weeks the count\ considered doing much of the work itself but decided last week to proceed with bidding out malor portions of the project Counri Manager Buddy Humphries said Tuesday he plans to bid out the land preparation work as 'well as the parking lot paving, turn lane off li.S. 19 and the entrance drnvew ay. "\Ve contemplated hiring a project manager and subbing out the w ork but concluded we can't do the joi.b w ith the staff we've got." Humphries told the commission last %week. This phase of the project %will include three regulation and three junior soccer fields. Future phases %%ill feature numerous baseball fields. Humphries said irrigation for the soccer fields has already been contracted out. Lightng. electrical Please see page 3 County as headliner for the t20115 Florida Stati Blueirass Festii\al Formerly known at the Ta',lor County Bluegrass Festi ajl. the e'enit \% ill be held Friday. April 1. and Saturday. April 2. Smith leads a "\ ho's % ho" Iiit of bluegrass pcrfiorrn 'ers. ', ho %. ill take the stage at Forest Capital Park. including S"outhern Gentlemen. Fifth Gear. Cappsized. Southern Lite. The Palms Blue'ras;. Band. The Ri.er Cit, Connctuion and Swinging Bridge. Smuth's fjscinaton \ith music began at age fite. Her another. h% ho played bass and t ang. and her fath r. j dIbro pl.a,, er. introduced hcr to bhlucc-r 'ls;- nd co.untrr music in her homc:TvAn 'of Hollt. NM It v'. as there she bean listening to and ide it intIn v. ih suih pioneer artist, as the Carte-r Family, the Lou' in Br%,thc rs, Emm\ Lou Harm.;. Kitt, \cll-. Hank \\ illiams .ind Lorretj L nn Her ,-ong 'Rcd Cla', HHalo" '.aj nomin.at.Ld f>.'r the lo0, "Bluerajss Sonil ot ih. \Y.ir" and 'j.as Selected ai; #6' o',f the Ibes.t Hil one's of the de:c i.J as ',:'led I ?' Bluegrass Unlimited NMa.jzine. ,* Please see page 2 nibbles were received. "The football team booster team has helped to spread the word, and- we have a couple of applications; because of them," he said. The FHSAA currently has nine varsity high school head football. coach jobs listed, along with hundreds of assistant coaching positions. Thompson said he planned to. form a five-member committee this week, consisting of at least onel coach, three community members, at least one woman and "someone. else I have in mind. "When the deadline arrives, the committee will take the applications and draw the top five," Thompson said,' "and interview .* Please see page 3 Kendrick takes on net ban Rep. Will Kendrick has introduced a bill which would allow bigger mesh in mullet nets-- a move which could impact locl-: fishermen affected by the net ban. , put in place 11 years ago. Kendrick and Senator Al Lawson have introduced identical bills stating that a net made of "braided or twisted nylon, cotton,. linen tmine'or polypropy) ne twin;. regardless of its mesh size, not. exceeding 500 square feet shall not be considered a gill or entangling net and may be used to harvest mullet in the waters of this state.": Both bills are pending passage in House and Senate natural resources committees. : In making his 'case for the bill; Kendrick said that up to 90 percent of the mullet snagged by the "onen- inch bar" mesh nets allowed by law are smaller than the 11-inch minimum for keeping and many of the "immature" fish have not reproduced. Allowing the same net with two- inch holes, which stretch to four inches in the water, would mean 95 percent of the fish caught are legal, he said in a report Tuesday. "The constitution doesn't say anything about mesh size. Our bills are not about the 500 square- feet, but about mesh size," he said.&" -* Please see page 5 . ' Monday, March 21 Meeting targets Social Security Congressman Allen Bo\d will host a community meeting for constituents to express their concerns and ask questions about Social Security Monda\. March 21. Boyd will also explain the Social Security reform legislation he has recentlI introduced in Congress. "With the debate over Social Security reform dominating national news programs. I urge the residents of Taylor Coun\ 1to attend the community meeting so we can personal' discuss the issue of Social Securu\." Boyd said. "This meeting will allow for an open and honest discussion about Social Securtn, the long term. financial problems with the system, and the possible solutions for fixing this tital program so that all Americans can have a safe and secure retirement." The meeting will be held in the count' commission board room in the Taylor County Courthouse Annex told post office' from 11:30 a.m. to !2:30 p.m. I. Green trees & bluegrass 'Valerie Smith. and Liberty Pike headline this year's' Florida State Bluegrass Festival, which will be held April 1-2 at Forest Capital Park. The. event will include an arts and craft show, chili cook-off and free workshops for musicians. Taylk Sint Edition ,~4ibria...pg 13-2 q!5oaaiflcdE5... poe 5-4 _ __ ____ ~_ ". - : i =mom - -` -~---~ A-2 The Taco Times March 16, 2005 Teen injured at TCHS, but back in class now Brush fire Taylor County Fire/Rescue Chief Steve Miller, Lt. Karl McAfee and Terry Winstead were joined by volunteers Donald Bowden, Bruce Simmons, Charles Willis and others in putting out a brush fire ignited by a nearby vehicle fire Monday. Seven The Taylor County Animal Shelter was burglarized Saturday night, with thieves making off ;.with seven bulldogs. SCounty Animal Control Officer -Brianne Hoover describes the animals as: .* Large red male, wearing a -spiked collar,with ears cropped; medium brindle-colored male; brown female with black muzzle; *: tan male, with a cherry eye; black female with white feet; male, with black and white :stripe on nose, wearing orange -collar; and white female with brindle -face, possibly wearing red collar. S "Animal Control is making a S Physical Therapy for S Arthritis bulldogs plea to whoever took these dogs,."' said Hoover. "Four of these pets have never been away from their owners,and are. family pets. One of the dogs taken, is in need of medication. We would like to have them all returned with no questions asked. If you know the location of any of the animals, please call, anonymously, 838- 3525," she added. "Hoover added that Animal Control has had 'at least 10 calls. from county residents during the l,:.last two weeks. asking about . bulldogs which had been stolen from their, residences. ; stolen "I would like to ask everyone to keep their eyes on their bulldogs, because someone out there is taking them," she added. A 16-year-old Taylor County High School student was hurt last Thursday when he slipped in the second-floor boys bathroom, hitting his head. TCHS Principal Michael Thompson said custodians had "just checked the bathrooms," where they said the floors were not wet, prior to the student using it. Thompson said the teen lay on the floor for a short period of time after the fall, "because he was scared. He knew he had hit his head and he felt pain in his neck. He lay there until another student found him and alerted a teacher." Doctors' Memorial Hospital's Emergency Medical Services was called to the scene, where EMT Cecil Hall and Paramedic John Blauser worked on the youth, stabilizing his head and neck from movement, and transporting him to DMH. "It was a bad scene while it was happening," said Thompson. "The student was scared and his fear had me scared. I was holding his head still until medical help arrived, trying to calm him." Thompson said that he and Assistant Principal Sandy Hendry Seventh Day Adventist Church Saturday -. Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. .1" Worship Service 11:00 a.m. .I---I Wednesday . Prayer Meeting 7:00 p.m. i ;. Juan Rodrigues. Pastor 584-8506 604 W. Julia Dr. followed the youth to the hospital, where was x-rayed and treated for the fall, before being released a few hours later. "He missed school the next day (Friday), but was back in class on Monday, wearing a neck collar," said Thompson. "He said he was a little embarrassed about the whole thing, but that he felt okay. "I'm just glad it all turned out as it did," Thompson added. 3rd annual chili cook-off slated BLUEGRASS Continued from page 1 Her second album is slated for release this spring. Event sponsor for the two-day, bluegrass bonanza is Progress: Energy. The festival is coordinated, by the Taylor County Tourism Development Council (TDC) and the Perry/Taylor County Chamber' of Commerce. Admission is free. In conjunction with the festival, Perry Rotary will host its third annual Chili Cook-Off Saturday, April 2, beginning at noon. For entry information, contact the chamber at 584-5366. USDA United States Department of Agriculture The Tobacco Transition Payment Program (aso called "Tobacco Buyout"). Cindy Geick, physical therapist Looking at the news lately, one can't help but notice all of the concerns about the reported dangers associated with several anti-mnlammalory drugs commonly used to Ireat arthritis pain Some studies have Shown a possible-increased risk of heart attack and stroke with prolonged use of these nedicalions So, what can arthritis sufferers do to deal wilh pain besides the uncertainty of anti-inflammalory medicine? The answer is' A THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE PROGRAM designed by a physical therapist who understands the special needs of the arthritis sufferer. The National Institute of Arthritis Musculoskelelal and Skin Diseases reports hjal "exercise reduces join pair and siifness and increases flexibility. muscle .strength, cardiac ilness, and endurance." Exercise is just one part of an arthritis regimen. A comprehensive arthritis Irealment plan may include proper diet and exercise, as well as education for proper protection of Ihe arthritic points. However. arthritis sufferers need to make sure to also give Ihe'body recovery time. Exercising every other day can provide the desired benefits, but also allow for necessary recovery. Patients are always telling me thal they move better with daily activities and just genuinely feel less pain -after being involved with a regular, therapeutic, customized exercise program. The best advice is to incorporate exercise into something you enjoy, as it may take a month before you notice the benefits of a moderate exercise program. . Need help in deciding what exercise is appropriate for you? There are plenty of exercises I can teach you to do in your own home to get you moving and help you feel some relief. A physical therapist can also offer instruction in protecting your joints and conserving energy. Do you have a pool available? The Arthritis Foundation promotes pool exercises. Water helps to reduce the body weight felt on joints and can also be a fun workout too if you have any questions about treating your arthritis with physical therapy directed exercise, call me (Cindy Geick, PT) at TOSPT in Perry, 850-223-3997. -,TOPT-S 'TALLAHASSEE ORTHOPEDIC & SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY lAinn nfl va CkAnninn Anntar You've heard about it. Now be a part of it. This is it. The Federal tobacco marketing quota system is over. No more plant- ing restrictions. 'No more. marketing cards. No more price support loans. Instead, the USDA's new Tobacco Transition Payment Program will provide money to eligible tobacco quota holders and producers to help in this transi- ti on that ends the old system. But sign up now or you will not get a 2005 payment. El gible:Q ,ot a Holder s .nd rdue rs > Did you own a farm as of October 22, 2004, with a 2004 basic marketing quota? > Are you an owner, operator, landlord, tenant, or sharecropper who shared in the risk of producing tobacco anytime between 2002 and 2004?' > Do you grow Flue-cured, Burley, Fire-cured, Dark air-cured, Virginia sun-cured, or Cigar filler/binder tobacco? Pleasesign up between March 14, 2005, and June 17, 2005, at your local USDA Service Center. Call 1-866-887-0140 or visit http://offices.usda.gov to find your local county Service Center. Farm Service Agency USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer Lic. #2004-1946 R (850)54-4Licensed 710 Insu)843-0708 (850)584-4710 (850)843-0708J ,j ---, waft.-- I --- A-3 The Taco Times March 16, 2005 Perimeter fencing is currently under construction at complex U.S. Chamber President and CEO Thomas Donohue, left, press with the "Spirit of Enterprise" award. Businesses salu' Congressman Alien Boyd :received the "Spirit of Enterprise" award March 11 from the United !States Chamber of Commerce for his strong support for a pro- -economic growth legislative -agenda in the second session of the 108th Congress. "It is such an honor to receive this award from the U.S. Chamber ,of Commerce," said Congressman Boyd. "The federal government can play a meaningful role in providing economic opportunity for our businesses, and I am proud to work with the: Chamber of Commerce to promote more economic growth. Our communities are stronger because of the work and dedication of the ,local chambers and their membership, and I will continue to support our chambers and the issues that are important for the economic development of North Florida." The chamber awards the "Spirit of Enterprise" based on rankings it gives members of Congress for key business votes. Among the key votes counted by the Chamber in 2004 were votes on medical liability reform, the U.S.- Australia free trade agreement, pension reform and tax relief. "As America's economy strengthens, we are clearly seeing the benefits of supporting pro- growth policies in Congress," said Chamber President and CEO Thomas Donohue. "On key te Boyd issues like cutting taxes, trade and health care reform, this award recognizes the lawmakers who are paving the way for our continued economic expansion." Chamber-designated "key votes" are recorded floor votes on issues established as priorities by the; Chamber's board of directors and on which the Chamber communicates its position prior to the vote. Members of Congress who support the Chamber's position on at least 70 percent of key votes receive the "Spirit of Enterprise" award. ' Good Friday closing announced The Taylor County Senior Services Center will be closed Friday,'March 25, in observance of Good Friday. The center will reopen for business Monday, March 28, at 8 a.m. Anyone needed assistance during the closure is asked to call the Elder Care hotline at (866) 467-4624. SOCCER FIELDS Continued from page 1 work and the grassing of the fields will also be done under contract. He added that the perimeter fencing is already under School board gets final vote COACH Continued from page 1 them. They will then be asked to bring their top three to myself and Assistant Principal Sandy Hendry, and we will choose the applicant we will take to Superintendent of Schools Oscar Howard Jr., for his recommendation to the school board. From there, it will be in the board's hands." Thompson said he wanted the Taylor County Bulldogs to be commonly referred to as "the mighty Bulldogs of Taylor County High School, as they once were. Other teams used to feel fear when it came time to play TCHS, and that's what we are working towards." Howard agreed ' "This is something that we can definitely do," he said, when contacted Tuesday morning. "We are looking for someone who can keep us in the hunt for the state championship year every year. Someone who can continue to lead us with wins, so we can climb the ladder of champions. "It's where we belong and it's where we're going to be again," Howard added.' Thompson said the vacancy would be filled before or by spring practice. Kizziah resigned after holding the position for four seasons in which his teams combined for a 16-24 record. He accepted the position of dean at TCHS, he said. construction and he hopes to utilize inmate labor to help construct a storage building, concession stand and picnic areas. "I believe once this phase is completed the community will see how nice a facility it is going to be and they will want to complete it as soon as possible," he said. The commission voted last month to use any excess funds left over from Phase I construction to improve existing fields operated by.the City of Perry. Those improvements will be made under the direction of what is to be a newly created seven member recreation committee comprised of government officials and citizen representatives. That committee hinges on the Perry City council approving a long-term interlocal agreement with the county. Humphries presented drafts of both the proposed interlocal agreement and an outline for establishing a recreation advisory committee to the council in February. The documents were drafted by him and City Manager Bill Brynes. At last week's city council meeting, council members directed Brynes and City Attorney Bill Blue to review the agreement before making recommendations to the council. Dance dedicated to Slaughter VISTA/Elder Care Services will host a "Dance for All Ages," Saturday, March 26, from 7-10 p.m. The dance is dedicated to the memory of the late Wynette "Winky" Slaughter and will be held at the Taylor County Senior Services Center. Tickets are $5 per couple and $3 per person. Music will be provided by deejay Eldon Sadler. Door prizes will be given away during the dance. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the senior center. "Come Grow With Us" 10+ Varieties of Tomatoes 15+ Varieties of Peppers Cabbage Collards Broccoli Cauliflower Lettuce Eggplant Squash Cucumber Okra ' 3 pk. 990 36 plants $10.99 Annuals Perennials Herbs Shrubs Ornamental Trees Fruit Trees Blooms of Greenbriar, Inc. (formerly Sheffield Nurseries) 400 W. Ash St. Perry, FI. | (850) 584-2088 Hours: Tues. Sat. 8-6 9outh House has over 175 Reeliners in stock We mut move at least 100 out by --W Mother's Day & Father's Day =: ::+ = = 1 (MAY 8) (JUNE 19) NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! South House is HOEW OS3ed: "Our PricesAr -I.e~lay! Living A-4The Taco Times March 16, 2005 Kinsey-Land wedding planned for April 20th Mitchell "Pete" and Donria Kinsey of Perry announce the engagement of their daughter, Melissa Kay, to James Ashley Land of Gainesville. The bride-elect is a 1999 graduate of Taylor County High School. She earned her Bachelor's degree in food and resource economics from the University of Florida in 2003, and is currently employed with Merchants and Southern Bank in Gainesville. The bride-elect is the granddaughter of the late Freddie J. Kinsey and Helen Kinsey of Perry, and Betty Ragland of Perry. The prospective groom is the son of the late Elton Land and the late Vivian Webb. He is a 1991 graduate of Gainesville High School, currently employed by Contrax Furnishings as operations manager in Gainesville. The ceremony will be Saturday, April 30, 2005, at 6 p.m. at Steinhatchee Landing with a cocktail reception following in the Conference Center at The Landing. No local invitations will be sent, but all friends and family members are invited to attend. Glenda Byrd, Pete Slaughter Aaren Shane Ross, Amber Kathryn Mauldin Beachside wedding will unite Mauldin, Ross at St. George Rhett and Kim Mauldin announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Amber Kathryn, to Aaren Shane Ross, the son of Dennis Ross and Delane Bass, all of Perry. The bride-to-be is a 2001 graduate of Taylor County High School and a 2003 graduate of the North Florida Community College Nursing Program. She is employed as an LPN with Prison Health Service. Miss Mauldin is the granddaughter of Dewey and Joan Mauldin, and Bob and Anne Millinor, all of Perry. The prospective groom is a 1993 graduate of Taylor County High School. currently employed with Masonry, Inc., of Tallahassee. He is the grandson of E. R. "Jim" Ross of Perry and the late Willie Jo Ross. Their beachside wedding will take place on May 7, 2005, at 6:45 p.m. at the Buccaneer Inn on St. George Island. All friends and relatives are invited to attend. -\ lusions IyJeanime Hair Care & Body Piercing 9at Prices... Check Us Out! )ove Sisters' Mercantile 223-1767 .-Fri. 10:00 -,6:00, Saturdays by appt. only *-* .. o *9 Il Family I Gre : Located at Hours: Mon q0=0 James Ashle.y Land, Melissa Kay Kinsey Livestock Show Byrd, Slaughter to marry on April 2nd Glenda Byrd 'and Pete Slaughter, both of Perry, announce their forthcoming marriage on April 2, 2005. The ceremony will begin at 6:30 p.m. at 720 S. Hendry Avenue. The bride-elect is a hairdresser at Cherie's Total Body Salon. The prospective groom owns C.L. Slaughter Construction. Friends and relatives of the couple are invited to attend; no formal invitations will be issued. ST. PATTY's BAY SALE ALL GOLD ALL SILVER 40% OFF 20% OFF -;. "' AeveCCaC S Gold, Silver & Gifts (850) 584-2505 I' I- ," 213 E. Green St. Becky Pararnore, owner . .- 7- '" in ',.l d".-,: r 1i Slai-e- F irn, iln urrn,:ei Breaking Forth in Worship Saturday, April 9 First Baptist Church Women's Conference Gifted singer, songwriter, TV host, author and worship leader 8:30 a.m. Coffee & Juice 9:00-2:30 Conference Sessions & Lunch Registration: $10 includes coffee, conference'and lunch To register, call (850) 584-7066 before April 1 deadline 102 N. Center Street ToGod bethe glory! Christian recording artist TROY NEED To purchase, please call presents Troy's mother, Jeanette Flowers presents @ 584-4934 or his aunt, A Sarah Petty @ 584-2259 tA State of.. SWorship / "" ^-" CD's $15 S' D % 'DVD $20 j I ;.:I( C [ ,,,..r,,r A-5 The Taco Times March 16, 2005 Crist speaks against proposed bill NET BAN Continued from page 1 On Monday, Attorney General Charlie Crist--who has proven himself a staunch supporter of the net han--told Kendrick and SIt's March... and time to clean up! -By DAWN TAYLOR 'KTCB Director Keep Taylor County Beautiful (KTCB) volunteers will improve -the quality of life in Taylor County as they clean up litter- strewn areas and fix up and beautify eyesores during Keep America Beautiful's Great American Cleanup, the nation's largest annual community improvement program, March 1 through May 31. KTCB's kick-off event will be held Friday, April 8, and volunteers are encouraged to roll up their sleeves and support clean communities. To volunteer, call 584-5366. STERLING CASINO DAY CRUISE April 3rd $22.00 per person Includes roundtrip motor coach from Chiefland or Old Town to Port Canaveral, buffet, beverages while. gaming & entertainment BILOXI GAMING TOUR 4 days/3 nights Super 8 Motel $112.00 ppdo Beau Rivage $162.00 ppdo 5 night Dec. 3rd Caribbean Cruise Starting at $387.88 Only $25.00 will hold your space Roundtrip bus transportation PACK N GO TRAVEL located in Chiefland 352-493-7622 OR tollfree 1-888-852-0330 email: speubank@aol.com website: wwwpack-n-gotravel.com Lawson that their proposed legislation violates Florida's constitution. "The proposed bill would conflict with Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission rules that prohibit use of nets with larger than two- 4. -I; Jonathan High inch mesh; and would conflict with consistent commission policy that large mesh nets are prohibited gill or entangling nets. I do not believe the Legislature can simply declare by fiat that a certain gear is not a gill net in the face of the findings of the various High receives 'Take Stock' scholarship Jonathan High is the newest Take Stock in Children scholarship winner from Taylor County Middle School. The signing reception for High will be. held Friday, March 18, from 3:30-5 p.m. in the school board meeting room at the Alton H. Wentworth' Administrative Complex. responsible entities and courts that large mesh nets are gill or entangling nets," Crist stated in a letter to both legislators. "I urge you to reconsider the sponsorship and support of this legislation. If passed, the proposed legislation will' result in litigation costs to taxpayers who have made their wishes known by amending the constitution to prohibit the activities this bill will' allow," he concluded. The net ban amendment was approved by 72 percent of Florida voters in 1994; voters in Taylor County voted overwhelmingly against the ban. "UM- ,DEALER 584-6021 803 W. Main St. Perry, Fl. 32347 Store Hours: 8 AM 6 PM Mon. Sat. _ southhouse@perry,gulfnet.com '14 ] Bridal ; ' Registry Alexandria Dodge SBenjamin Meacham March 6, 2005 Bethany Denison Bryon Freeman April 2, 2005 S Kelly Pierce S Heath Cannon 7' April 9, 2005 S Melissa Kinsey Jimmy'Land April 30, 2005 Amber Mauldin Shane Ross May 7, 2005 Baby Registry : " Shelyne Steele AshleySmith Girl due March 2005 Tanya & Jeremy Oneal due March 2005 Angel & Bradley Mauldin Girl due March 2005 Michelle Sumrall Robert Hilson Boy due April 2005 Ashley Farrow a Troy Padgett Boy due April 2005 Robin (Lilliott) & Charles Walker Girl due May 2005 Britney Burroughs & Chris Strickland S Boy due June 2005. S Jennifer Aman & '' Jason Campbell S Boy due July 2005 Enjoy your freedom and exercise your right to attend the church of your choice. Noble,. THE BETTER PIZZA PEOPLE THE BETTER PIZZA PEOPLE Bigger Better Subs l M\rr t$ A A A\%iSATURDAY AR A MARCH 19 Stop by and fill out an entry form to win an electric mini-chopper! Look for SM K~tAfJU4 on Gasoline with a Pizza or Sub purchase! FREE PEPSI 2-LITER with the purchase of any Large Pizza or Two 12" Subs! Saturday, March 19 only! One discount per parn per visi Epires 3/19i05 oNoble, Homaous THE BETTER PIZZA PEOPLE $7.99 1 -Topping Pizza Large Hand-Tossed Style Large (10 Slice) Hand-Tossed Style Pizza with 1-Topping. Additional Toppings just $1.00 each Pppri,,.iai, ,,age ham ir,,,i,,: trirhr ,,,uir.x s * taoL'n flr und til i, orien or ti i rv ',l-e1 i.V1iatiii l taCr, 'ildjren i ,p.r; -* ,nrlq.Ipr One discount per party per visit Limited ime Offer THE BETTER PIZZA PEOPLE V.-- 990 Breadsticks & Spicy Cheese Dip Get an order of Breadsticks with Spicy Cheese Dip:for only 990 with any Noble Roman's purchase. One discount per party per visit Limited Time Offer ,'Noble, H omZZ Ls THE BETTER PIZZA PEOPLE Buy a 6" Sub & Get a 6" Sub FREEqr lesser e (Free sub must be of equal or lesser value) One discount per party' per visit Limited Time Offer Bigger Better Subs J illt U' e agcompetrt~ve P-ice r / s I i,~ .lll. i i I I = II-~sSl~sJL-aWsbP I I -- -C-- = ------- 1 ~i ~I i i ---- -. I ~rT~Tc 'c~rWe accept Waco Foo Stoe #4formrly ast redd's) 04 S jefe somill Call584m002for arry~ut or seor covenint riveeh Sports Bulldogs The Taylor County- High allowed only th baseball team overcame a striking out four lackluster, 11-1 loss to Godby last up one walk. Thursday by defeating district foe Taylor County Wakulla Friday by a 5-1 margin. War Eagles earl: Friday's win at Pace Field kept runs in the first the Bulldogs near the top in the Anderson led off district race with a 2-1 record. The followed by Alex team is 4-3-1 overall. Clint Murphy t Rusty Walker's strong outing on first run with a s the mound kept Wakulla at bay for Walker's double s the entire evening. Walker The 'Dogs add A-6 The Taco Times March 16, 2005 - jown Wakulla 5-1 iree hits while and only giving jumped on the y, scoring three Sinning. Josiah with a base hit, Kramer's walk. hen drove in the single and Cody cored two more. ed two more in Track teams place sixth, eighth at Santa Fe meet The Taylor County High boys Patrice Brown, 5th 100m, 13.20; :and girls track teams participated Flowers 7th 100m, 13.32; Chad :in the Santa Fe Invitational meet Ellis, 5th 4'00m, 53.72; Toney :Saturday with the boys placing Powell, 6th long jump, 19-5; :sixth and the girls eighth. Fourteen Keisha Jones, 8th high jump, 4-6. , teams competed in the meet. The Bulldogs' 4x100 relay S First place finishers included: teams also performed well with :Trabrea. Hill, 100m, 12.29 the boys placing fourth with a :seconds; Keith Stewart, 400m, season-best time of 43.87 seconds, :51.63 seconds; Veronica Fillmore, while the girls placed fifth with a 400m, 63.16 and Tambrika time of 54.15 seconds. Flowers, high jump, 5-4. The boys team is made up of Stewart, Ellis, Powell and Whetsel Other top finishers included: while the girls group consists of Tradelvan Whetsel, 3rd 100m, Brown,, Fillmore, Flowers and 10.93; Stewart, 7th 100m, 11.23;' Nakidra Cook. 15-under tryouts next week The Babe Ruth Baseball 15 and Sunder league will hold tryouts and registration March 22 and 23 at :,5:30 p.m. The league is for youngsters, ages 13 through 15, as of Aug. 1, 2005. ,Players must attend one of the tryout dates and go through basic ha.ie balL..f.jm.damentals.- All pariicip.iantToulld bring their gloves and come dressed to play ball. Registration will be held at the Loughridge Park Field on Hwy. 98. The fee is $30. per player. All who register by the appropriate dates will be drafted on to a team. For more information contact the City Recreation Department at 584-3006. Happy'18th S~Bi- .i irthday SB LAUREN March 19, 2005 'We love you! Gran-Daddy, Gran-Mama & Family the third to ice the game. The rally, started with Joey Jarvis' walk followed by Kramer's single. Cody Walker's deep fly allowed Jarvis to tag and score from third and Kramer later scored on a wild pitch. Taylor County Coach Richard Carr said he was pleased with his team's performance, especially after the disappointing loss to Godby. "When we do not walk people and play good, solid defense we can play with anyone. This was a .good, solid effort from our entire team," Carr said. The Bulldogs only managed two hits against Godby. Anderson hit a single while Jarvis doubled. S Taylor County has a busy week ahead with a road game Tuesday at East Gadsden, followed by two homes' games on Thursday and Friday against North Florida Christian and Suwannee. 2005 TCHS Varsity Baseball Schedule DATE TEAM PLACE TIME/RESULT Feb. 14-19 Rickards Preseason Classic TBA Feb. 17 vs. Florida High 0-4 L- Feb 18 "vs. Rickards 13-1 W Feb. 22 Hamilton Home 15-5 W Feb. 25 NFC Away Rainout March 1 Madison Away 3-5 L March 4 Florida High Home 4-2 W March 7 NFC Away (makeup) 9-9 dark March 10 Godby Away 1-11 L March 11 Wakulla Home 5-1 W March 15 E. Gadsden Away 3 p.m. March 17 NFC Home 6 p.m. March 18 Suwannee Home 6 p.m. March 22 Rickards Away 7 p.m. March 29 Dixie (DH) Home 7 p.m. April 1 Hamilton Away 6 p.m. April 5 E. Gadsden Home 6p.m. April 8 Flonda High Away 7 p.m. April 12 Madison Home 7 p.m. April 15 Wakulla Away 7 p.m. April 18 Dixie Co. Away 7 p.m. April 19 Rickards Home 7 p.m. April 22 Suwannee Away 7 p.m. April 28 Godby Away 4 p.m. May 1-5 District Tourney Away TBA Head Coach Richard Carr Home games-shaded AN AM com COWv &MnISO mmII~ I3 l~d urX *rP U -P PEs. I Professional Results at Home * 18-hp Kohler OHV, 20-hp B&S V-Twin or 21-hp B&S Vanguard OHV engines * 44" or 50" mowers available * 0-7 mph infinite Speed Range SCommercial-Grade, Independent Hydrostatic Pumps FastCut 803 W. Main St. 584-6021 *Offer valid subject to credit approval through Shoppers Charge Accounts Co. on purchases between 1/1/05 and 6/30/05. No payments required (except insurance premiums if applicable). Finance charges will be assessed from date of purchase, unless dhe total purchase price and all related insurance premiums (if applicable) are paid in full within the promotional period. WW W.SNAPPER.COM ERICAN REVOLUTION wue df B| wvami Anr m m coo X7I1 l4K rll II An. mum Cl aee *ma~s IealerRe s Reba Mut nanceith GM GMAC Finance Mu pproveWe H NODELER FEESOnAddTax& Lcen " Dealer Retains Rebates. Must Finance With GMAC. GMAC Finance Must Approve. We Have NO DEALER FEES, Only Add Tax & License 71 BUICK OLDS ___ 4.220 0 a-Oa GteT54~n ^ 3 ' Da@ Q1I ;* PONTIAC o. o [oP?, 7o LT uE^I337O ka, K ra te Celebrating 30OYears! (Kids 4 00-5 00 pml Teens 5:30-6 30 pm) (Adults 7-8 pm) (Executive 12:00-1'00 pm) TUESDAY & THURSDAY ww w.bowdcn. 7.karae bowden/'gltcc'n.ne) 124 S. Jefferson St. Jimmy Bowden, Instructor 838-3656 " i i-. .. -. --. ,. .. -.- .-:. :1.. l -.-, " HAPPY Billy Joe March 17, 2005 Love, Mom & Dad y iii ' r Religion gm-- A-7 The Taco Times March 16, 2005 Calvary sings, flies kites Easter cantata planned Sunday :The adult choir of Calvary Baptist Church will present an Easter cantata, "Behold the Lamb,,' on Sunday, March 20, at 10:45 a.m. Created, arranged and orchestrated by Sue C. Smith and Russel Mauldin, the musical will be directed by Don Bishop. The community is cordially invited to attend. A nursery will be provided for age 3 and under. The church is located at,2959 Golf Course Road. : Kite Day at Calvary Baptist -:Kite Day will be held at Calvary Baptist Church on Saturday, March 19, beginning at 9 a.m. Children are encouraged "to bring your parents, a:kite and come for a fun day!" : Lunch will be served at 12 noon for participants and well-wishers. Prizes will be awarded to the youngest and oldest youth kite-fliers, as well as to the young person with the highest flying kite. Steinhatchee observes Palm Sunday SPalm Sunday services are planned at First United Methodist Church in Steinhatchee. Pastor Winford Harris invites the community to attend Worship at 11 a.m. SBible studies on "The Wisdom of God" continue on Wednesday evenings throughout March, focusing on the book of I Corinthians. Men's Day at Little Bethel SLittle Bethel A.M.E. Church and the Rev..Altrus Campbell invite you to participate in Men's Day on the third Sunday, March 20, at 3 p.m. The-speaker for this event will be Col. Clint Wallace of Panama City. Choir rehearsal will be held on Friday, March 18, at 7 p.m. Two events atAntioch Missionary Baptist Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, located at 708 Tom's Dr., invites everyone to attend its Missionary Program on Saturday, March 19, beginning at 6 p.m. Annie M. Porter is president. ::On Sunday at 3 p.m., the church will honor its deacons and trustees during a 3 p.m. service featuring the Rev. Alzo Slade of Potter's House Ministries as guest speaker. Jurleen Clayton, chairperson, invites everyone to attend. Service honors B.D. Williams The matron and members of B.D. Williams #200, Heroines of Jericho, invite you to celebrate the life, legend and legacy of Past Most Ancient Matron B.D. Williams on Sunday, March 19, at.Springhill Baptist. Church. The event will be held from 3 until 5 p.m.,with a reception following. - Anyone who wishes to take part in this program is welcome and will reed to contact Brenda Phillips as soon as possible at 838-4153 (work). Planning a summer vacation? ,If you're planning a summer vacation to Taylor County's beaches, please nole that a Vacation Bible School's Beach Blast4s scheduled-forb -. June 13-17 with classes from 6 until 8:30 nightly at Blue Creek Baptist Church. "Plan your vacation so that your children can have a great break each night with Bible teaching, crafts, and lots of fun," organizers suggest. "Supper will be served every night." For additional information, please contact 584-4408 or 578-2364. Drug-free testimonies featured Living Word Ministries, located at 606 Colson St., invites everyone to attend a service at 3 p.m. Sunday, March 20, featuring "powerful drug-free testimonies." Joe Clark is pastor of the congregation. In Concert Heirline Sunday, March 20 S6:00 p.m. jA .P^ Heirline is one of today' most sought after groups. Their _,P dynamic way im a j of spreading A"'- God's word in A i' l L song is energetic, spirit-filled, W i land sincere. Heirline records with Cross & Crown Music. Their current project is "Alive In Christ."' Heirline has been nominated by the SGMA for Newest Artist of the Year. Calvary Baptist Clurcl N 2959 Golf Course Road *- U Holy Week services set SFriday's Perry News-Herald will feature the schedule of Holy Week `services at First United Methodist Church next week. . :Services are planned each weekday morning (except Thursday) at 6:45 with breakfast following. "A 7 p.m.: Maundy Thursday Service is planned on March 24. SLook for details Friday on special music aid. community. , ministers who are participating. S/Health ' / Business "Helping You is What We Do Best." Call Us For a Quote! / Farm / Auto Perry Office (850) 584-2371 813 S. Washington St., www.floridafarrn bureau.com / Home V Life STEINHATCHEE BIBLE COLLEGE If you are interested in earning an accredited Bachelors Degree in Theology, or just want to learn m6re about God's Word, this will be the perfect opportunity for you. We will be starting 'our third quarter March 25, 2005. .. Registration will begin on March 20. SPastor Leon Holden You can register at the church Mon. Fri. 9am 5pm Third Quarter Classes Registration Fee: $50 Tabernacle Classes: $20 Per Week (with degree) SThe Love Song of Solomon Classes: FREE (without degree) Exploring the Scriptures Nursery: $5.00 ) All the Wnmen nFthe Rihi *F6r more information call 352-498-2108 6 ~- .,w. Fredd RAWI 0 Lauren Lilliott Agent I Seating is Limited Doors Open at 6:30 n I Ll PC VVUI I UZI I Ul Ll K. LPILJIw A-8 The Taco Times March 16, 2005 Antioch celebrates missionary society's anniversary By B.D. WILLIAMS The homecoming celebration at New Brooklyn M.B. Church, the Rev. Donald McBride pastor, was so enjoyable Sunday, March 13, beginning with Sunday school. The morning worship was spirit-filled starting with the Praise Team rendering devotion. The homecoming message was delivered by the Rev. Victor Holmes of Atlanta, Ga. The entire service was spirit-filled and the homecoming attendance was wonderful. So many came home from far and'near saying, "It's just so good to be home." Food was served at the Jerkins building. The Rev. McBride's father, mother,, brother and family, as well as Mrs. McBride's mother, all attended the services and had lunch at Jerkins. Little St. John M.B. Church's pastor, Rev. W. W. Williams, and his congregation will render services with Springhill M.B. Church, the Rev. Izell Montgomery pastor, Sunday, March 20, at 3 p.m. A city-wide celebration is extended. Antioch Missionary Baptist Church will be celebrating their Mission Society's anniversary Obituaries Madie Belle Peacock Madie Belle Peacock, 83, a resident of Perry, died March 12, 2005, in Perry. A n active of Panama City, Mrs.:Peacock had lived in Perry for the past 21 years. She was a member of Perry First Church of God. Survivors include: three sons, Sonny Peacock of Perry, Charles .Peacock of Lehigh Acres and Roy Peacock of Felda; three daughters, Patricia Jones and Margie McCall, both of Perry,, and SuSie Howard of Okeechobee; a sister, Alice Henderson of Panama City; 21 grandchildren ; 32 great grandchildren; and a host of nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her husband, Dave Peacock, and a daughter, Barbara Wilkinson. Funeral services will be held today, March 16, at 10 a.m. at First Baptist Church of Jena with interment following at Mt. Olive Cemetery in Steinhatchee. Family members received friends Tuesday from 6' until 8 :p.m. at Joe P. Burns Funeral Home, which is in charge of the arrangements. J. C. Dixon J. C. Dixon, 83, died Mdrch 12, 2005, in Tallahassee. A native of Taylor County and lifelong resident of Perry, he was a member of St. James Episcopal Church in Perry and a World War II veteran, serving in the U.S. Army. He had retired from Procter and Gamble after 25 years of employment. He also owned and operated Dixon Plumbing and Heating in Perry. He was a member of the Perry SVeterans of, Foreign wars and the Perry Elks Lodge. Survivors include: his wife of 25 years, Mary Jane Dixon of Perry; a son, John P. Dixon of Jacksonville; a son-in-law, Charles Maultsby of Perry; a step-daughter, Patricia White of Perry; a sister, Dona Everett of Perry; two grandchildren; three step-grandchildren; and 2 step- great grandchildren. He was predeceased by his wife, Bernice H. Dixon; his daughter, Linda Maultsby; a step-son, Louis DeVane; and a step-daughter, Sandra' B. Dixon. Funeral services were held Tuesday, March 15, at 11 a.m. at Joe; P. Burns Funeral Home Chapel with interment following at Woodlawn Cemetery. Family members received friends Monday from 6 until 8, p.m. at Burns Funeral Home, which was in charge of the arrangements. Memorial contributions may be made to Big Bend Hospice, 1712 MWhan Center Blvd., Tallahassee, FL 32308-5428. Earl Wayne Hudson Earl Wayne Hudson, 62, died March 9, 2005, in Jacksonville. A heavy equipment operator, Mr. Hudson was a Baptist. Survivors include: his wife of 14 years, Anita Hudson of Shady Grove; a son, Earl Wayne "Bo" Hudson of White Springs; four daughters, Ashli Hudson of Shady Grove, Susie Justus of Jacksonville and Staci Whiddon and Brandi Gunter, both of Perry; three brothers, D. C. Hudson, George Hudson and Dale Terrell, all of Sirmans; four- sisters, Carolyn Hoover of' Nashville, Ga:, Debbie Carter of Sirmans, Rose Marie Benefield of Donaldsonville, Ga. and Kay Thompson of' Crawfordville; 11 grandchildren; and three great grandchildren. He was predeceased by a daughter, Regina Hudson.., Funeral services were held 'Sunday, March 13, at 3 p.m. at Beggs Funeral Home. Interment followed at Evergreen Cemetery in Greenville. Family members received friends Saturday from 6 until 8 p.m. at Beggs Funeral Home, which was in charge of the arrangements. Steven Shouppe Enterprises, LLC Residential & Commercial Construction New Business Promotional Rates Lic #00B1252662 (850) 584-8020 838-6158 904-923-0522 Saturday, March 19, at 6 p.m. A city-wide invitation is extended. Remember those on the sick list: Mrs. Johnnie B. Moore, Mrs. Hazel J. Williams, Mrs. Catherine Ruffin and Deacon Ephriam Tillman. Mrs. Gertrude Baskin was able to attend the homecoming services at New Brooklyn Church Sunday. Sometimes a person passes through our life to bring us something special. MAy gift wasa angel named Sara. TIMBERLAND FORD * Service Specials 4U"A4"W-- - I COUPON DIESEL Lube, Oil & Filter Change I Includes: up to 15 qts. Motorcraft super duty diesel I motor oil, Motorcraft oil filter, lube chassis (where I applicable), top off all fluid levels and set tire pressure, FREE Quality Care multi-point inspection I 4- 0 COOUPO C lU o CAR & LIGHT TRUCK SLube, Oil & Filter Change Includes: ,up to 7 qts. of premium Motorcraft oil, Motorcraft oil filter, lube chassis (where applicable), top off all fluid levels and set tire pressure, FREE \ quality care multipoint inspection. 7 COUPON COUPON I I TIRE ROTATE & BALANCE 4'Whebel Tire Rotation Computer Balance 4 Wheels FREE Brake Inspection 3/4 and 1 ton dual rear wheel Inspect Front End rucks extra Call 850-584-3615 for your SAME DAY SERVICE APPOINTMENT '01C ER LAj 2005 Ford Focus ZX3, A/C, C/D FREE Dell 3000 PC with Flat Color Monitor stk: #2500030 MSRP $14,545 You Pay $11,999 iS35 miles per gallon highway driving. __E Drive to Tallahassee and back to Perry for less than $6.00 S New Car...Low Price... New Computer "FREE" 2005Ford Five Hundred SE V/6, Auto, AM/FM/CD, Premium Sound System, Traction Control stk. #250009C MSRP $22,795 You Pay 21,599 You will be amazed at the smooth, roomy ride. Plenty of leg room front and rear Luxury for a compact car price. 2005 Ford 2005 Ford F150 Freestyle SEL V/6, Auto, Leather, Loaded stk. #250056T MSRP $29,245 You Pay $27,699 Lots of extras, 6 C/D, Anti-Lock, Message Center, 17" Aluminum Wheels, Steering Wheel Audio Control, Fog Lamps, Continuously Variable Transmission, Power Seats, Dual A/C... Not enough time to list all the extras, just come by and see us! V/6, Auto, A/C, AM/FM Stereo stk. #250062T MSRP $21,690 You Pay $17,199 Best seIi/ng truck in the nation 28 years and counting. Come7, to the store and see why! 2004 Thunderbird 2004 Freestar Van Burgundy with Sand Leather, V/8, Auto, Limited, Dual Power Doors, Tri-Zone A/C, Convertible with Removeable Hard Top V/6 #240007T $42,320 $33,725 iTimberland Disc.-4,375 Timberland Disc.-2,800 ER LA% Timberland Disc.-4375 Rebate -5,000 Rebate -5,000 -m '6C R22oF0 .....FMC- Rebate -1,000 20MzTibute SU .....,C aA, D You Pay$32,945 S #P456 2002FordExpedn.............You Pay$V$24,925 .gI ILadS.P iPlus tax, tag, title. Dealer fee included in price. Rebate applied when applicable. Not responsible for typographical errors. 1999 .. .. S-10 $7 49 .. ... : :. .. .. -Reg..aiffb A/C Sk g #25008113 20014 .Lincoln Towncar .... .. .H.....$29,99 Spor, Yelow atSmg kAgM2 XLT, SuHUper|H b, 4,Auo V Sk.V34NAA eai $9,2 200 D dgeRa 300 ..............$1,99 198CheroetSIO.................. 599 MaiVn /,AtoDul /CSt. P42ALS SpeTa, pedA/ Sk.#P063 A Rtal 7,2 20 3 at rn L-00.................. $ 3,9 ~aRep~ ,---- = --,---; I i 4 Ir 'I 9CCI~L AAA &AAAA CALENDAR Amvets Post 20, ladies auxilliary and Sons of AMVETS.meet 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m., at 2499 Woods Creek Road. American Legion, Steinhatchee Post 291, fourth Tues. 8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays (closed), 8 p.m., at Heritage House on Washington Street, across from public library; and another AA group who meets Monday, Wednesdays and Thursdays at Serenity House; located at 1260 Hwy. 98 West, across from the BP station/at 8 p.m. AL-ANON, St. James Episcopal Church (in library), Wednesdays 12 noon to 1 p.m.; 584-2146. Thursday at 6:30 for beginners meeting with regular meeting at 7 p.m. The Way: Christ centered recovery group, meets on Fridays at 7 p.m. at Serenity House on Hwy., 98 W., across from BP Station. Open to alcoholics, addicts, family members and friends. AARP: last Wed., 10 a.m. at First Baptist Church. Airport Advisory Commission. 4th Monday, 12 noon, Perry-Foley Airport. American Legion Post #96 1st Tues., 7 p.m., American Legion Hall, Center Street. Big Bend Hospice Advisory Council: 4th Tues., noon, 107 East Green Street. Chamber of Commerce: third Thurs., 8 a.m, chamber board room. City Council: 2nd and 4th Tues. at 5:30 p.m. Civil Air Patrol (CAP): 2nd and 4th Mon., 7 p.m., main hanger at airport. County-Commission: first Mon. and third Tues. at 6 p.m., courthouse annex. Diabetes classes every Tuesday, 2 p.m., Doctors' Memorial Hospital. FAMU Alumni Chapter, second Mon., 7 p.m., Jerkins Center. Perry Masonic Lodge 123, meets first and third Monday nights, 7:30 p.m. Girl Scouts Service Unit: first Thurs., 6:30 p.m. Scout Hut. Healthy Start Coalition: fourth Mon., 9 a.m., Taylor County School District Administrative Office Complex. Historical Society: open Thursday afternoons, 1-5 p.m. Home Educators League of Perry (HELP): second Thurs., 1:30 p.m., Forest Capital Hall. 584-8553 or 584- 9207. Humane Society of Taylor County, 2nd Wednesday, 6 p.m., Forest Capital Hall. Juvenile Justice Council: third Thurs., 9 a.m., at Juvenile Justice Office, 1719 S. Jefferson, Kleaton Beach. Business & Community Association meets each 2nd Tuesday of month, 7 p.m. at the Keaton Beach Hot Dog Stand.. Kiwanis Club: Wednesdays, noon, Jdyce's MainStreet Cafe. La Leche League International: 2rnd Wed., 10:30 a.m., Taylor County Public Library. -Lady Elks. second Thurs., 8 p mr. Elks Lodge. Main Street Perry: First Monday of each month, Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce at noon; Mothers of Pre-Schoolers: first and third Fri.Call 584-3826, Muskogee Creek Indian Nation: 2nd and 4th Sat.; 7 p.m. Tribal grounds, Lyman Hendry Road. ' SMuskogee Creek Indian Tribe: Oak SHill Village on Woods Creek Road, 1st :Sat. Narcotics Anonymous: Wednesdays, 8 p.m., at 1260 W. Hwy. 98, at Serenity House (dirt road across from BP Station). These are open meetings to those interested in addiction. Call 223-0036. NAACP: 2nd Sun., 6 p.m., New Brooklyn Missionary Baptist Church. National Wild Turkey Federation (Yellow Piine Drummers, holds open monthly on first Thursday, Golden Corral, 7p.m. 584-9185 Optimist Club: Thurs., noon at Joyce's Mainstreet Cafe. Perry Garden Club: Palmetto Circle, 2nd Mon., 7 p.m.; Pine Tree Circle, third Wed., 10a.m. Perry Elks Lodge:, Tues., 8 p.m. Perry Lodge #187:1st, 3rd Wed., 7 p.m., Masonic Hall. Perry Lodge 123, F&AM, first and third Monday nights, 7:30 p.m. Perry Woman's Club 2nd Wed., noon (Sept. -.May; subject to change).' Perry Shrine Club: 4th Thurs., 7 p.m. (club hpuse on Courtney Road) Planning Board: 1st Thurs., 6 p.m. Courthouse annex (old post office). Republican Party of Taylor County,: To keep abreast of Republican news, e- mail- Tommie Stanaland at tstanaland@yahoo.com or call 584-8815. Rotary Club: Tues., noon at B. J.'s .Downtown Cafe. School Board: 1st and 3rd Tues., 7 p.m. SHARE distribution: 4th Sat., 10 a.m. Social Security: representatives, 2rnd Tues., 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon, courthouse annex. Sons of Confederate Veterans meets fourth Tuesday at VFW Post on Center Street, 7 p.m. For location, call 584-5346. Taylor Adult Program (TAP): Thurs. 10 a.m., 502 N. Center Street. 223-0393. Taylor Coastal Water and Sewer: 3rd Wed. at 18820 Beach Road, 5 p.m. Taylor County Task Force Against Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault: 4th Wed., 12 noon at Joyce's Mainstreet. Cafe. Taylor County Democratic Party meets the third Monday, 7 p.m. at the Golden 'Corral. Call 584-9656 or 584- 3617. Taylor Development Council: 2nd Wed. 4 p.m., at Chamber. Taylor County Development Authority: 2nd Mon,, 5 p.m. at Chamber. Taylor County Habitat for Humanity, Inc.: board meeting, 2nd Tues., 5:30 p.m., Room 208, Capital City Bank, STaylor County Historical Society: 3rd Mon., 7 p.m. Historical Society building. Taylor County Horseman's Association Horse Show: 2nd Sat., 10 a.m. Arena located on Bishop Blvd. Taylor County Leadership Council: 2nd and 4th Friday, 7 p.m., Jerkins. Community B-1 The Taco Times March 16, 2005 Uj - Academic team competes at UF The Taylor County academic team competed this past Saturday at the University of Florida, where members finished with a 6-7 record. Shown above are players Gerard Massey, Rachel Heartsfield, Jordan Robertson and Tim Machula. At Fanning Springs Red Belly Day celebrates 10th Red Belly Day, a Red-Letter Day spring festival extravaganza, is celebrating its 10th Anniversary with a day aimed at family fun with something for everyone from the youngest toddler to the patriarch and matriarch of the clan. Once again Red Belly Day will be held at Fanning Springs State Park and the festival has been mo\ ed back from the Memorial Day weekend to Saturday, April 30th. 'The entire State Park has been reserved for Red Belly Day festivalgoers.only and with lower ticket prices, the whole family can come for a day filled with a host of festival activities. Located on the banks of the ' Sl-jminne River. Fanning Springs State Park is the perfect setting for a one'day spring festival that includes a melange of musid, arts and crafts. food, games, rides, a fishing tournament, and swimming in the crystal clear waters.of Fanning Springs. This year's event features a ,, 950 theme with headliners Joey Dee ,and the Starlighters with Da\ id Brigati and Bobby Valli. But ihat's not all. This year' there are six bands for the festivalgoers entertainment. In Wakulla Website al to'ddive int' Virtual explorers can now take an underwater journey into one of the deepest cave systems in the world through their home, computer. The Florida Department of 'Environmental Protection (DEP) has unveiled its expanded website, Wakulla Springs: A Giant Among Us, which profiles the state's largest artesian freshwater spring. This website expansion allows audiences to dive into Wakulla's underwater caves from their home computer, said DEP Florida Springs Initiative Director Mike Bascom. The virtual tour takes % iewersthrough one of the world's deepest natural cave -systems, capturing the beauty and the history within the caves. One of the deepest in the world, the Wakulla Springs cave system reaches depths of more than 300 feet,,DEP's Florida Springs Initiative created the Wakulla Virtual Cave Dive to share facts and photographs from research dives through the.Internet. The virtual tour allows online explorers to learn about the Wakulla Springs cave system by moving a virtual diver along explored sections of the cave. Wakulla Springs flows from an underground river at 175,000 gallons per minute. The Wakulla Springs cave system was first explored by divers in the 1950s, who entered the caves in search of mastodon remains. Since then, researchers have explored more than 12 miles of the Wakulla Springs cave system. The Florida Springs Initiative, established by Governor Jeb Bush Along with Joey Dee and the Starlighters, CrossTyz and Rick Gordon and Friends are two power packed country music bands that will perform some of Nashville's great songs with a few original songs thrown in for good measure. Two more bands are on tap for contemporary music fans Dotti South and Rick Randlett, and area favorite DockStreet. For some good old fashion harmony, Southland Gospel rounds a musical variety bill that will delight young and old alike. To add to the fun and games and to provide something for the car enthusiast, the Tri-County Classic Car Club will be displaying dozens of vintage automobiles. A nd 'for race fairs; a display of Columbia Motorsports Park stock cars will be on display along with some of the best stock car drivers in the state.. Come out for a close look at these racing machines and get all of your race questions answer by the men behind the wheel. Contestants will line up at 2 PM for the ever popular and renowned Belly Flop and Melon Chunkin' contests. The festivities begin at 9 AM with Joey Dee and the Starlighters lows you o' springs in 2001, is the first comprehensive, coordinated plan to restore and protect Florida's more than 700 freshwater springs. This year, the Florida Springs Initiative set aside more than $350,000 to protect spring ecosystems, water quality and flow within Florida's award- winning state park system, including Wakulla Springs State Park. The state is also acquiring land surrounding springs through 'Florida Forever--the 10-year,.$3 billion land conservation program established by Governor Bush and the Florida Legislature. Florida has conserved more-than 27,000 acres of spring recharge area, including 3,000 acres around Wakulla Springs. Wakulla Springs State Park attracts close to 195,000 visitors each year, pouring close to $7.5 million into the local economy. Along with the new Wakulla Virtual Cave Dive, the Florida Springs Initiative website hosts information and activities involving a variety of other freshwater springs throughout the state. Since its release in November 2004, the enhanced Florida Springs Initiative website has welcomed more than 18,000 visitors. More than 1,500 teacher lesson plans have been downloaded from the site as well, giving teachers valuable activities and resources about Florida's springs to use in their classrooms. For more information about Florida's bowls of liquid light, visit www.floridasprings.org. set to take the stage at 4 PM. Red Belly Day is sponsored by the Dixie County Chamber of Commerce, a Florida non-profit corporation. Make plans now for you and the family to attend this exciting power packed festival. Tickets are $8 ($6 advance purchase) for ages 13 and up; $6 ($5 advance purchase) for ages 6- 12; and children 5 and under are admitted FREE! For more information call 352- 498-5454 or Ilog onto www.dixiecounty.org. The Taylor County academic team competed this past Saturday at the University of Florida in the National Academic Quiz Tournaments state championship. The team finished with a record of 6-7. The field consisted of 14 teams from around Florida which competed in a 13-round round-robin. Ransom Everglades placed first, going undefeated for the day. The players who traveled were- Gerard Massey, who finished the day with 16.54 points per game; Tim Machula, 28.85 points per game; Rachel Heartsfield, 6.92 points per game; and Jordan Robertson, 16.92 points per game. "They played well," said Coach Mark Viola. "All of our : losses were to teams that finished higher than us, and some of those we had a shot at winning..- "We still .need work, but considering we don't have any seniors on our first team, we can only go up from here." The team is now preparing for their last tournament of the school year, the Commissioners Academic Challenge, held April 21-23 at Disney World. Patriotism featured as Masons reach 100th Perry Masonic Lodge 123 celebrated its 100th anniversary with an evening featuring patriotism, according to member John Brady. The dinner event was attended by approximately 50 members, spouses and guests. A program was presented by members Don Love, Hershel McClellan and Randy Trammel, who shared interesting and amusing facts about the founding and existence of Lodge 123, said Brady. The program also featured local resident, Isadore Rommes, who reported on recent actual events in Iraq. His tour of duty included activities which were reported nationally, said Brady, and "it was enlightening to hear directly of his experiences." The meeting ended with declarations that all present were "proud of our country and proud to be Americans. God bless America," he added. Workshops address 'inevitable changes' What is the future of forests? Florida Agriculture and Consumer Services Commissioner Charles H. Bronson announced today that his department is launching a major planning project to help shape the future of forests in Florida. "How are our forests going to continue to provide the wood, clean water, recreation and diversity of wildlife 25 years from now?" Bronson is asking. "And what do we want them to look like 25 years from now?" As a result of development, hurricanes, wildfires, insect and disease outbreaks and the demand, for forestry products, Florida's forests today comprise only 14 million acres down from more than 20 million acres in the 1930's. Officials estimate that the figure will decline to 12 million acres by the year 2030. The planning effort that is getting underway will focus on how the state manages what are inevitable changes rather than merely reacting to those changes. Division of Forestry (DOF) officials have already taken the first "step, assessing the present conditions of forests in Florida, and the public can review that assessment by visiting DOF's website at www.fl-dof.com. The public 'is encouraged to participate by attending one of a series of six workshops that will be held around the state later this month to solicit opinions on the future of forests in Florida. The dates, cities and locations are as follows: March 22nd Milton - Pensacola Junior College, University of Florida Bldg, Room 4902. March 23rd Tallahassee - Eyster Auditorium, Conner Bldg., 3125 Conner Blvd. March 24 Lake City - Columbia County Extension Service, 164 SW Mary Ethel Lane. March 29th Tavares Lake County Ag/Horticulture Ext. Service, 30205 State Road 19. March 30 Palmetto- Manatee County Ag Center/Fairgrounds, Kendrick Auditorium, 1303 17th St. West. March 31 Lantana Lantana. Recreation Center, 418 South Dixie Highway. The regional workshops will be 'held from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and will be lead by a professional facilitator. A draft plan on the future of forests in Florida is expected to be posted on the DOF website next fall, and the public will be asked to comment on it. - Field trip Taylor County teacher Gloria Parker was among a group of educators who traveled to Washington, D.C., Feb. 17-20, courtesy of a U.S. Department of Education's Teachinr American History Grant awarded to the Panhandle Area Educational Consortium (PAEC). Teachers had to complete aR .project and meet various other criteria in order to participate in this "magnificent opportunity." The teachers learned first-hand about the nation's capitol and will be able- to share this in their classrooms. I editorial B-2 The Taco Times March 16, 2005- What if offends -Rpear Editor: -2 Will we still be the country of -hoice and still be America if we ,ontinue to make changes forced --n us by the people from other "-countries that came to live in America because it is the county f choice? Think about it! -=:All I have to say is when will f.hey do something about "my lights"? I celebrate Christmas, =-tbut because it isn't celebrated by everyone, we can no longer say 'l'Merry Christmas." Now it has to Season's greetings. It's not :Jhristmas vacation, it's winter ~beak. Isn't it amazing how this .winter break always occurs over t~lie Christmas holiday? We've 'gbne so far the other way, bent :,.:oer backwards to not offend E anyone, that I am now being . offended. But, it seems that no : one has a problem with that! -Immigrants, not Americans, :must adapt!' I am tired of this, ; nation worrying about whether we Share offending some individual or Stir culture. Since the terrorist Attacks on Sept. 11, we have Experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Americans. SHowever, the dust from the attacks : had barely settled, when the ' "politically correct" crowd began our patriotism other cultures? complaining about the possibility that our patriotism was offending others. I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to America. Our population is almost entirely made up of descendants of immigrants. However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to this country, and apparently some born here, need to understand. This idea of America being a multicultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Americans, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language, our own lifestyle, and our own way of lifting up God, the Father of Christ Jesus. This culture has been developed over centuries of struggles, trials, and victories by. millions of men and women who have sought freedom. We 'speak English! Not Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese,, Russian, or' any other language. "In God we trust" is our national motto. This is not some Christian right wing political slogan. We adopted this motto because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools! If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture. If stars and stripes offend you, or you don't like Uncle Sam, then you should seriously consider moving to another part of this planet. We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from. This is our country, our land, and our lifestyle. Our First Amendment gives every citizen the right to express his opinion, and we will allow you every opportunity to do so. But, once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about our flag, our pledge, our national motto, or our way of life, I highly encourage you to take advantage of one other great American freedom, the right to leave! Now, as Forrest Gump .would say, "that's all I have to say about that"! (Right now anyway). Sincerely, I am Ted Colson God bless America 'Quiet dignity' worth imitating A p Dear Editor: .by both the participants and the ev :I attended the Ta\lor County commissioners, and I hope the the Commission,.meeting March 7, road right-of-way question in u as did several citizens, from "Steinhatchee can still be St Steinhatchee. I would like to resolved in a way acceptable to tui applaud the consideration and all .ne -houghtfulne.s this commission Mr. Henry Garcia and his ca exhibited toward the partiicipani' i" West Wind Marina are a great qu :who appeared to state their case part of the charm and unique G; or concern. quality of our community. I do ex As this was a public hearing, I not believe .that anyone who appreciated the respect shown walks the path to his door has Former patient 'grateful' iDear Editor: alternative clinics in town, but I ne SI recently had an illness that can't imagine they can provide ce Required a seken-da 'stay at this level of service. I am m -Doctors' Memorial Hospital.: I grateful that we. have insurance fa vant to bring to the attention of and can afford our co-pay. But th =tour community how vital it is everyone can't, and for seven that we have this local facility and days I saw everyone getting the Di how proud I.am to support all same high level of care that I ph ,that the staff, doctors and did, by the same cheerful caring -volunteers: are doing every day. staff. A stay in the hospital is I was there for all shifts, for .all days of the week, and when i the hospital was full and when ItS not the only there were just a few of us. I received excellent attentive care Dear Editor, po fromi everyone. Our hospital I read the "Boyd Report bu provided the testing, intravenous placed by Congressman Boyd in all treatment, inhalation therapy the Wednesday edition of the to and round-the-clock care that Taco Times. It is true that future wh .-was necessary without my benefits will be under-funded for of having to leave family and. full Social Security benefits in the Bo -friends and require them to future with the fund's present in -travel 120 miles round-trip for a financial condition. The fund will m( "-visit. not be broke for several decades. "G -I realize that. there are. We are hearing from 'some sat do Son i Taco tTimes |. Wednesday, March 16, 2005 123 b. Jetterson Street Perry; Florida P.O. Box 888 (850) 584-5513 DONALD D. LINCOLN DEBBIE CARLTON Publisher Business Manager SUSAN H. LINCOLN BETH MANN Managing Editor Advertising Director ANGELA M. CASTELUCCI CAROLYN DuBOSE Staff Writer Promotional Advertising CHARLES R. SADLER CAROL BROOKS Staff Writer Promotional Advertising The Taco Times (ISSN 07470967) is published each Wednesday by Perry News- papers, Inc., 123 S. Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347 Subscriptons are $35.00 per year or $49 00 out of county Periodicals postage paid at Perrv Florida 32348. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the TACO TIMES PO. Box 888, Perry, FL 32348. The Taco Times welcomes Letters to the Editor reflecting responsible opinions and views on the news. Please submit letters by Monday at 5 p m The Taco Times reserves the right to refuse publication of letters which are libelous or irre- sponsible. Name may be withheld if circumstances so require, but all letters sub- mitted should be signed by the writer and accompanied by a phone number for verification. We look forward to heanng from you! Our address is Perry. Newspapers, Inc., P.O. Box 888, Perry, Florida 32348. e-mail: perrynews@'perry gulinet.com SMember Perry/Taylor County Chamber of Commerce. Y .... T .. s..... .... .. be the wo hal bon the bad Fu we cai go' wc CUi oth an not wa W; bal yo Sec to unc em Sy: to the po] the Co ad 'er been turned away. I know e many ventures that we have undertaken to benefit einhatchee have found us rning to NMr. Garcia and he has ever failed to find favor in our uses. I think observing the liet dignity\ exhibited by Mr. arcia should .be a learning :perience for us all. Rhoda Moehring for DMH ever pleasant, but I am rtainly confident that if I or y family ever needs the cility, they will be grateful at it is here. My thanks go to everyone at doctors' Memorial, and all our lysicians that support it. Sincerely, Peggy Eckel SS proposal... liticians that we have no choice t to accept legislation that will ow some Social Security funds be diverted to private accounts tich will belong to the investors those accounts. Congressman oyd said these private accounts his proposal will be safe as the money will be invested ,in government bonds in the exact ne way current Social Security liars are invested today,. the ly difference is the funds would placed in an account bearing e investor's name." Well Congressman Boyd, I uld like to see the two and one If trillion dollars that was rrowed by our governmentfrom e, Social Security. Trust paid ck into the Social Security Trust nd before you issue more worthless bonds. You know that n't be done, because our vernment is so far in debt that >uld be. impossible with the rrent government spending on her political fiascoes. That two d one half trillion dollars was t spent on Social.Security,. It Is spent by the clowns in ashington that we trusted to lance our budget.' Congressman Boyd, you closed ur report by saying "Social purity is not an asset belonging Individuals and if left changed it will turn out to be an ipty one." The Social. Security. stem was intended to be a trust the people that are paying into 6 trust Congressman. The liticians betrayed that trust over e years. You and your fellow ngressmen and Senators may dress the other problems in ,- Please see page 3 Midweek Muddle Even an orange boiled egg tastes white Every year, about this time, I have an uncontrollable urge to boil eggs. It happens when azaleas and dogwoods bloom, girls wear frilly dresses and bonnets, and boys do whatever boys do for the other 11 months of the year, minus a shirt. I knew the urge was coming last week when I observed the lunch of a neighbor's gardener. He had a large,' cold drink; a larger, plastic cup of ice; and two boiled eggs, to accompany his sandwich and fruit. I almost asked him for one of those eggs. For eggs, in my Mother's book, were a staple. She survived the Depression and grew up eating eggs for breakfast every morning, before they learned the word cho-les-ter-ol. Recently, a doctor told her she needs to quit eating those eggs because she ate, enough to last her a lifetime...before she was 30. But when she's feeling really gamey and no one's looking, she boils one. If it's Saturday night and she has nowhere to go, shemay fry one. Who will know? Boiled eggs were once staples in my lunchbox, either before lock-top bags were invented or before my mother agreed.'to invest in them (and rinse ,them. put). Instead, she'd wrap that boiled egg in wax paper, and put a rubber band around it to keep the wrap secure. After I threw my lunch box Around in the car, and in the hallway, and in my locker, the egg looked like it was in bad need of a plastic surgeon. But with a little salt and pepper, it was Easter all over again. Since boiled eggs rarely appear on our landscape, my children probably won't need to worry about cholesterol. But if nutritionists discover that cereal is detrimental to your health, we're all in trouble. Editor's Note: This column first appeared in The again--like the Cadbury bunny-- to celebrate Spring. By SUSAN H. LINCOLN Even though they aren't a favorite, we started the ritual boiling of eggs this year, our personal way of ushering in spring: twelve for Tuesday, all pink and blue, and orange, and- marbleized purple. "This is fun," said the littlest one. "Can I have one with my lunch?" "Why sure," I said, "But I'm not sure you really like boiled eggs. You didn't care for them the last time I fixed one for you. "But it was white," he said. "Well, the orange one is going to taste the same," I assured him. ' "PNo, the other one was white," he maintained. "But when we take the shell off this one, it will be white too," I explained. "It'll be fine," he said, patting me on the hand. I peeled the shell and handed the smooth and slippery egg to him. "I'm really glad you like boiled eggs," I said as he took his first bite. His first bite returned. "It tastes like the white one," he said with such disappointment. I retrieved the remains and looked fondly upon the three-quarters of: a boiled egg which was left. "It's been a long time since I had! a boiled egg," I told myself, so I sat down and partook. Then I looked longingly at the other 12 sitting so pretty in Easter grass. I think I could have eaten half of them, but I cautioned myself mightily against over indulgence and reached for an apple instead. Who knows, I'll probably die of an insecticidal spray which annually taints the apple crop, when I could have just eaten another egg and taken my chances. After all, it's Easter and time to celebrate. Taco Times in 1997. Eight years later, it returns v I-. _) O *0 0 a- CL E 0) z 1- C5 E E o 0 E 0 I- I- Q) a -EEEEEMMMM I.IiVIIPPdL Xr~ r- i I.-- I -Z . me ri ' B-3 The Taco Times March 16, 2005 Letters to the Editor -Writer laments planning board decision on land use Dear Editor: It is a cold December morning. One of those days when nature seems to somewhat yield, an advantage to humans. An invite if you will for hunters to prove their' skill upon the great outdoors. The man has been told of a trophy buck around the area, but he has yet to see it for himself.' After cloaking himself in camouflage he parks his truck on the main grade. By way of twilight, the hunter then proceeds more than a mile 'into the swamp until he finds the perfect spot. He harnesses up to his tree climber and attempts to mnake his way upward. There is a slight breeze from the west, so he decides to ascend higher than usual, just to be safe. For three hours the man sits without even seeing a squirrel. Then, just as he is about to give up and start his descent he looks to his left and there he is. Standing in the clearing is the most beautiful 10-point he has ever Seen. His muscular body glistens in the morning sun, and steam leaves his nostrils like a dragon. The hunter freezes with amazement. In the seconds that follow he thinks to himself, if I can take this monster to the house, it will not matter if I ever see another deer. By pure reaction, he eases his rifle upward in a slow but steady fashion, until the objective is visible through his scope. Never hearing or feeling How do you fix problem? PROPOSAL iContinued from page B-2 Sbcial Security to help clean up the program such as: Don't continue to give instant Social Security benefits to Cuban refuges the day they set foot on United States soil even when they have not contributed'a penny to - the program. -oZp gi\ ing Meeffist'W ffHIVI aliens' whom have not vested a penny in the system. Stop the Social Security fraud of people 'collecting benefits io which they are not entitled according to the law. Stop the huge influx of illegal aliens across our border Let our citizens pay fair and proportionate Social Security taxes into the trust fund according ..to what they earn and don't stop the tax at ninety thousand dollars Congressman, when my elected Officials run government the way :it was intended by .our fore-: ::fathers, then I will listen to a S. reasonable proposal to help our, country. Don't try to convince me That ydur proposal is the only solution to correct Social Security. ;Try harder. You are paid well: ,':You are all we have to speak up.: for all of us in Washington. 'George Stamos the shot the man realizes he has fired and the deer is lying down. The hunter becomes ecstatic and a blanket of warm joy wraps around him. So anxious is the man to get to his trophy, that he has a lapse in judgment and leaps out of his tree stand fastened 30 feet in the air! The hunter is shaken up but is numbed by excitement and still hurries over to his prize. Then, just as he approaches the still lying creature, the deer leaps up and begins to charge the man with his deadly rack. In an instant the hunter reaches at his shoulder for his rifle, but realizes at the same moment that his gun is still in the tree stand, three stories gg gy..y\r---," ,.-= 0i wm *^HPBISn W / \ ( ..... 8 0 (352)498-7001 above the ground! All the man can fact, turned out to, in fact be, do is watch helplessly as the fact. To say this statement opportunity of a lifetime runs like confusing obviously would be a wildfire until it can no longer be understatement. What is fact seen. The hunter had missed his that even with B-B-Q's, flyi aim and the shot had only placed billboards, radio / media ads, the deer in temporary shock. As promises of future euphoria the man watches in disbelief he the community, Taylor Cou says to himself, "I was so close, read through the propaganda but yet so far away." said, "No." They understand t If an underlined lesson in this no amount of money can buy short story has emerged and it community's safety and w sounds somewhat familiar, it is being. because of it taking-place right Now it appears that the voice now. Since the implementers of the people could turn out to the bombing range came to town only a bark without a bite. E over a year ago, the only thing the though Mr. Alford is report county has known to be fact, is out of the picture and Fc that everything it was told to be "'* Please see page 6 "'>**^: 't:'1 .. 4,I,", 1'/".,;.: ,,<. ', *" .^'' i : I '"-** R 13 P*^ '- :i '.4 - ":: : ' '- elta Connection| 2 "v .,.. : : ' Cross City Dental, PA Stephen M. Henry DMD David R. Schneck DMD New Patients Welcome 117 NE Hwy. 351 Cross City, FI. whiter Brighter -"-i 'AIi~v^OiC not is an t is ers, and for nty and :hat the well e of be ven :dly Iley New in town? Find out what Taylor County is all bout! SUBSCRIBE TO THE TACO TIMES & PERRY NEWS-HERALD .fi Jll i out an houre ( 1I ,i TH BS-SLIN RADOFM WIGEQIMETFO HELNDCPEPOFSIOA Close wat te pros use for beautifully mlanicurIl results every time. '" ,* .! ) .i ,' ' Mows up to ound.speeds up to The Lazer Z* continues to lead by example, . and is fast-becoming the preferred choice among large property and acreage owners. One reason, higher horsepower, commercial- grade engine options. Another, larger, heavy-.dqty,, formed and welded UltraCut'" deck sizes. A third, the simple-to-operate controls. All great reasons for you to check out the ultimate mowing ,system-the Exmark Lazer Z*. ' 0 20-, 23- and 27-hp Kohler', engine options. .. > 52", 60" or 72" Full-floating UltraCut" deck options. www.exmarl GORDON TRACTOR, INC. S;: Parts Sales Service 715 S. Range St., Madison 850-973-2245 : Ikac -k.com 1722 S. Ohio Ave., Live Oak. 386-362-1887 new yea - I rCI nL~-----wserw; -f :" ~i ~s~ is~ a 41' a i s r c '` E ; s 3 ~ : :.:' s i :-.. . u , ! ta c B-4 The Taco Times March 16, 2005 Small ads...big deals! Another Tent Sale! Saturday, 7 a.m. 3 p.m. Tons more of AVON products at GREATLY reduced prices!!! Don't miss it! 1025 West Ash St. Bring a friend! 3/16-3/18 Yard sale. Saturday, 8 a.m. until. Furniture, dishes, and misc. 1859 Johnson Stripling. 3/16-3/18 Florida Marine will be having a yard sale Saturday. Lots of stuff, also you. can bring your own items and tables and set up for free. We will be doing this every weekend. 1 miles down Beach Road. Any questions, call Angie at 584-8105. 3/16-3/30FM Triple-garage sale. Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m. noon. Household items, antiques. No early birds. 1093 Morgan Whiddon Rd. 3/16-3/18 For sale by owner: 3 bed/2 bath frame house on 1 acre w/metal barn. Call (850) 584-9580. 3/16-3/18 5 acres and 2 homes for sale. 5 beautiful acres with oaks, 1946 sq. ft. 4br/2ba home, plus 934 sq. ft., porch & carport, 7 yrs. old; and a 784 sq. ft. home, plus 264 sq. ft. porch, 6 yrs. old, great for mom or to rent out. 6 miles north of Perry. Both vinyl sided with Georgia pine interior. 48x36 5-stall horse barn, 3 large dog pens. $150,000. Call 584-5262 evenings or cell 843-1577. 3/16-3/18 House for Sale 710 W. Green Street, Perry, FL. 2194 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms/ 1.5 baths. $55,000 or make offer. Call 850-402-2475. 3/9-3/25CC -UMO lei I 1999 Chrysler LHS, loaded with everything. Heated leather seats, power windows, cruise, CD & cassette player, AM/FM radio, excellent condition. $9,500. 584-2230. 3/16-3/18 1988 Ford Conversion Van, excellent condition, TV, $1,395 firm. 850-948-4869. 3/16 1990 Dodge Grand Caravan. Seat 7 comfortably with plenty of cargo space in back. Cruise control, heat & A/C, auto locks & windows, 204,400 miles, 2 yr. old transmission, in good shape, $1,200. Call 584-5878. 3/11-3/18 1998 Nissan Frontier, $6,500. Call 838-7599. 3/11-3/23 four wheel drive. FOR SALE BY OWNER 2 bedroom, 2 bath frame board and batton cypress house located at 516 W. Wilcox St. Central heat & air, insulated windows, two brick fireplaces. Lots of character. $75,000. Shown by appointment. 584-4886 or 584-9489 I Auctions 3 times a week. Taylor County, every Friday 6:30 p.m., 3 miles south of Perry on Hwy. 19 next to Crews Marine. Dixie County, every Tuesday and Saturday 6 p.m., 3 miles south of Cross City on Hwy. 19 at Old Drive In. We do estate sales, bankruptcies, closeouts, big or small. Now taking consignments. Third Generation Auction Service, 352-356- 0721 AB#2424 AUN25.48 - ~!~L I Beauty shop equipment for sale. Must be moved by 3/27/05. 672-0254 (cell). 3/16-3/25 Ford F150 camper top, sliding glass windows, hinged rear window, coast 450, will sell for $150. Kawasaki.300 four wheeler; electric start, good condition, $1,500. Magic Chef electric stove, all burners and oven in good condition, $100. 584-6567, '3/9-3/18 Kellow Appliance Service In Home and Shop Service. We carry a large selection of new and used parts. We also sell refurbished appliances. 1302 N. Jefferson SSt. 584-7773. 3/2-4/1 S8" London blue topaz bracelet, diamond accents, 14 carat gold, $175 firm. 8" gold bead bracelet, 14 carat gold, $60. Call - 584-1697. 73/16-3/25 I Country living off Courtney Grade. 2/1 solid built home on 2 1/3 acres of fenced , wooded acreage including 14'x28' 1/1 mobile home efficiency. Must see to appreciate. No Realtors. 223-2590, Kevin. 3/16-3/18 Land.for sale, 221 N between Shiloh . Church Rd. and Cairo Parker Rd. 1 acre lots with paved roads. Owner financing available. Please call (386) 658-1346 or (850) 584-5891 (Badcock). 7/21tfEF 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath house for sale. All brick, 3 yrs. old. $250,000 oti: Call 838- S2773. 2/23-3/25 3/1 house for sale. 1/3 city block. $28,000. 602 W. Bacon St. 584-4678. 3/11-3/25 n*I Boarder wanted in my house. Bedroom, living room, private bath, furnished. 584- 8045. 3/9-3/30 For rent! Office space for nonprofit organization ai 800 West Ash Street, site o0 Taylor Cuniv Senior Services Call. 584-',8 24 tOr iriormail:jr, 8/6tfSS HOUSE FOR SALE Built in 1950s 3'Bedrooms, 1 Bath All Pine Wood Floors SNew Central H/A Some Appliances $25,000 Call for appt. 584-5454 WOODRIDGE APARTMENTS $199 MOVE-IN SPECIAL For Basic to Market renters. 1, 2, or 3 BR HC arid Non HC accessible apartments. HUD vouchers considered and rental assistance may be available. Equal Housing Opportunity. Office hours are 8:00-5:00 Mon-Thurs. Call 850-584-5668. 709 W. Church St., Perry, FL 32348. TDD 711. 1/21tfWA Everything new!!!.4 bedroom, 2 bath house, HUD accepted. Central air & heat. 504 W. Willow St. $575/$625. 223-2484 or (203) 545-4173. Adrianne, 3/16-3/18 1 bedroom furnished apartment, No children. No pets..584-7170. 3/16-3/23 3/1 house for rent. HUD accepted. 584- 4678. 3/11-3/18 Southern Villas of Perry Looking For Applicants! HUD vouchers accepted. 1 & 2 BR HC and non-HC accessible; apartments. Office hours are 8:00 to 5:00 Mon-Thurs. Call 850-584-8111.TDD/TTY 711. 315 Puckett Rd., Perry, FL 32347. Equal Housing Opportunity. S11/3tfSV GULF COAST B METAL 3' ide ROOFING Galvalume _3' Wide Full line of accessories in stock Painted Special Flashings Made All Types Warranted Metal Available SCut toyour desired lengths Delivery Service Available Call toll-Free 888-393-0335 352-498-0778 Horseshoe Beach, Fl. 2004 Toyota 4 Runner SR5 Sport Edition (white), 20,100 miles, AM/FM/CD premium sound system, towing package, power moon roof. Fully electric including back door and glass. $29,000 or take over payments. 850-223-3112. No blemishes, excellent conditions. 3/9-3/18 2004 Chevy Silverado Ext. Cab, 5.3 Itr. V-8, 20,000 miles, AM/FM/CD premium sound system, towing package, 'fully 'electric with paint matching leer camper shell (red). $22,500. 850-223-3112. Call any time. No blemishes, excellent condition, .. - 3.9-318 ' 17 1/2' Sportscraft V-hull Bowrider, 130 hp Yamaha, runs good, needs 2 head gaskets, $1,600.obo. Call 584-8687, leave message if no answer. 3/9-3/18 '05 Meerkat 50 Kids ATV for younger riders, auto, 4-stroke 49cc engine, electric start, adj. speed limiter & safety cut-offs, brand new with-warranty. $850. 223-1952. 3/16-3/18 Looking for a pony for my three-year-old granddaughter to ride. She loves horses and we are horse people who can provide a great.home. Call 386-362-1954. Goats for sale. 850-223-3112. 3/9-3/18 Registered AQHA 2 year old filly, excellent breeding, $900. Other horses also available. 850-948-4869. 3/16 Beagles, 6 weeks old, 2 male, 5 female, been wormed. $50 each. Call 584-4374, anytime. 3/9-3/18 Beautiful, full-blooded miniature Dachshund male puppy (5 months) for sale-$50. Loves a lap--very playful. Got him on impulse, but larger dogs on property pose threat. He is a wonderful pet. Call 386-362-1954 or 584-5513. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT Z7 Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Next Class: March 28 National Certification Financial Assistance Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Traning Services www.Equipment-School.com 23 people needed to lose 5-30 pounds this month! All Natural, 100% Guaranteed. Call today for your FREE Electronic Health Evaluation. 1-888-458-4157 www. health386.com 3/16-3/18 Position vacancies under Taylor County .Board of County Commissioners: Park Attendant temporary (April Sept.) Part time (days and hour vary) max: 30 hrs/wk. $6.56 hr. Kennel Tech Part time (hours vary) $6.18 hr. RMT full time; $8.04 hr. Day Camp Counselor Seasonal/ part time (average 29 hrs. week) $6.18- 10.08 hr. Seasonal Mosquito Sprayer part-time (include nights & Weekends) $6.18 hr. Firefighter call in; $9.05 hr. EOE/Drug Free Workplace. Position requirements and specifications available at Taylor. One Stop Career Center, 224 N. Jefferson Street, Perry, FL. 32347 or www.tcfl-libinfo.com Submit applications to Taylor One Stop Career Center. Positions open until filled. 3/16tfBOCC Prestige Home Center Chiefland The Only Factory Outlet on the West Coast NO "DOUBLE TALK" WITH OUR ADVERTISING-- NO GAMES WITH OUR PRICES! Any New Home Purchased from Prestige Homes. Includes FREE Delivery & Set-Up...PERIOD! D .... .--BRAND NEI S ";" Choose from 2 or 3 Bedroom .-. 2 Bath Exceeds New Gov't, Stand 0 rEO(rver $29500 Det mo. No Down Payment for Landowners! (60 Other Homes to Choose From!) Eggs are Cheaper in the Country, So are Prestige Homes! N. Hwy. 19, Chiefland 352-493-2492 W-- ards red\ WN??? I AMVETS Post 20's community yard sale is growing and we are on the lookout for more tables. Do you have any 6-foot folding tables that you would like to donate or sell for a reasonable price? Please call Mark at 584-5513 or 584-8807. 3/11tf WANTED!! Chili Contestants who think there chili is worth $500.00!! Applications are available at the Charber office at 584-5366. 3rd Annual Rotary Club Chili Cook-off April 2nd 12:00 noon at Forest Capital State Park. You need to pre-register your chili so do not hesitate, call the Chamber NOW!! .Prizes galore and all contestants get a free "HOT" Chili T-shirt! 3/16-3/30CH Perry Newspapers, Inc. is currently seeking a Classified Manager This full-time position manages classified and legal advertisements as well as answering phones and helping customers at the front desk, Job responsibilities include, but are not limited to: answering phones, greeting customers at the door, receiving and typing classified ads, building and managing the classified pages, receiving and typing legal advertisements, maintaining accuracy of both classified and legal advertisements, billing for legals and maintaining proper records. Candidate must have a H.S. diploma, be dependable, have typing and computer skills, be able to work on strict deadlines ahd accurately handle money. Prior experience working with the public a plus.-Position is 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Mon-Fri. Pay is commensurate with experience.. Apply in person or fax your resume. An additional applications also required. Perry Newspapers, Inc., 123 S. Jefferson St., 850-584-5513 or 850-838-1566'(fax). 3/2tf APALACHEE CENTER A Behavioral Health Care Center is currently seeking: ADULT CASE MANAGER #2156 AVAILABLE REGULAR STATUS (40 HOURS PER WEEK) OR TEMPORARY OPS STATUS (20-40 HOURS PER WEEK). REQUIRES MINIMUM OF A BACHELOR'S DEGREE WITH A MAJOR IN COUNSELING, SOCIAL WORK, PSYCHOLOGY, CRIMINAL JUSTICE, NURSING, REHABILITATION, SPECIAL EDUCATION, HEALTH EDUCATION, OR" A RELATED HUMAN SERVICES FIELD; OR A BACHELOR'S DEGREE + 2 YEARS FULL TIME OR EQUIVALENT EXPERIENCE WORKING WITH ADULTS EXPERIENCING SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS. VALID DRIVER'S LICENSE REQUIRED. REGULAR STATUS RATE $10.75 PER HOUR/EXCELLENT BENEFITS OR TEMPORARY OPS STATUS RATE $12.92 PER HOUR/NO BENEFITS. For more information and a complete listing of available positions: www.apalacheecenter.orq (850)523-3217 or 1(800)226-2931 Human Resources, 2634-J Capital Circle N.E., Tallahassee, FL Pre-Hire Drug Screen & FDLE background check. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Drug-Free Workplace. 3/16-3/18AC Automotive part's department assistant needed. Apply in person at Thomas' Chevrolet or call 584-6212. 3/16tfCV Advent Christian Village Current JOBS Line Advertisement call 658-5627 or visit www.acvillage.net 24hrs/day, 7 days/week CNA/LPh Got a Passion for Compassion? Direct care staff in long-term care ielil-g. FT-and PT positions and various shifts available. Florida certification (CNA) or license (LPN) required. FT positions include health, dental, life, disability, supplemental insurance; 403b retirement account; paid time off, access to onsite daycare and fitness facilities. Apply in person at Personnel Office Monday through Friday from 9:00 a:m. until 4:00 p.m., or fax resume/ credentials to (386) 658-5160. EOE/ Drug-Free Workplace/ Criminal background checks required. 3/16-3/25ACV ATTENTION! Work from Home. $500-$4,500/month Part-time or Full-time 1-888-223-0829 www.income386.com '3/16-3/18 Accounting Instructor needed at North Florida Community College, Madison FL. Master's degree in accounting with 18 graduate hours in additional discipline preferred. Experience in use of technology intclassroom highly desirable. Duties: STeach 15 credit-hours each semester in accounting and other qualified area. Candidates chosen for interview will ge sample presentation jlIcin:i instructional technology. Duties'commence 3.'1/'005 Position also requires having *-iSatllihed office hours, j,:aril.:p3laing in leparlmenr and College activities. Teaching may be night and/or ddal enrollment courses on NFCC campus and/or at satellite locations. Applications to: Director HR, North Florida Community College, 1000 Turner Davis Drive, Madison, Florida 32340. Only complete application packets considered: letter of interest; resume and application; copy of transcripts (unofficial okay).' Application available at www.nfcc.edu. Questions call 850-973-9487. Application packet must be received by 03/25/2005 (Deadline extended). EOE 3/16 Driver: GOOD & PLENTY HOME TIME ** .5 i a n ./4 j .u rt. -- Single. :,lS ,ld r,|-: .n .`,T, KLLM-CDLA-EOE 866-357-7351 3/16 Possible permanent caretaker at 1764 Dice Rd. Call 843-8036. : 3/16 Experienced plumber laborers needed. Must have a driver's license. Call 584- 8603. 3/4tfHS Florida Maine is now seeking someone for the position in Fiberglass repair and boat building and also someone for boat mechanic work. Please call John at 584- 8105, serious inquiries only. 3/4-3/30FM Flowers Baking Company Perry Area Do you want to own your own business? As a flowers independent distributor you can own your own business distributing high quality:named brand bakery products to major supermarkets, convenience stores, fast food .accounts and others. If you have a good driving and credit record, you may qualify. We are seeking individuals wishing to establish a career not just looking for a job. Please fax or email resumes to 229-226-3717 debbie_thomasville@workstaffpersonnel.com EOE M/F/V/ADA Marshall Health & Rehabilitation Center Applications are being taken for the following positions: MECHANIC Requirements: High school diploma or equivalency. Must have a valid Florida Driver's License and be able to obtain a CDL class B within 6 months after employment. Salary: $10.90 $15.40 hrly. TRUCK DRIVER/LABORER -, (Sanatioe-PivisionL- ,., "" 1eqT.' Valid"loda'DFrr'r^irLicriin.s- and be able to obtain a CDL class B license within 6 months after employment. Salary: $8.12- $11.47 hrly. Applications are available at the CITY OF PERRY Personnel Office 224 S. Jefferson Street Perry, FL 32347 (850) 584-7161. DRUG FREE WORKPLACE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER I AUCTION LINEMAN POSITION AVAILABLE Tri-County Cooperative, Inc. has an opening for a full time lineman/lineman trainee in the Steinhatchee, Florida District location. The position is full time with full employee benefits, The successful applicant shall be required to live within 15 minutes response time of Steinhatchee office. Please send resume or completed Tri- -County Electric Employment Application on or before March 18, 2005 to: :Wayne Bass .Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 208 Madison, FL 32341 Tri-County Electric Cooperative is an Equal Opportunity Employer and a Drug Free Workplace. .3/9-3/16TCE Experienced plumbers needed. Must have a driver's license. Call 584-8603. 3/4tfHS - City of Monticello is accepting applications for the position of Police Patrol Officer. Requires a minimum ofa , high school diploma and Florida Police Standards. Must live in Jefferson County or be willing to relocate. Have demonstrated police skills, some advanced police Certification, i.e. Radar or Breathalyzer. Must complete a Department field training program within the first month. Background check required Salary and benefit information available upon request. Submit to: City of Monticello, 245 S; -Mulberry St., Monticello, FL 32344 by March 18, 2005. EOE/Drug-Free Workplace. 3/11-3/16MC LINEMAN POSITION AVAILABLE Tri-County Cooperative, Inc has an opening for a full time lineman/lineman trainee in the Perry, Florida District location The position is full time with full employee benefits The successful applicant shall be required to live within 15 minutes response time of Perry office. Please send resume or completed Tn- County Electric Employment Application on or before March 18. 2005 to: Wayne Bass. Tri-County Electric Cooperative inc. P.O. Box 208 Madison, FL 32341 Tn-County Electric Cooperative is an Equal Opportunity Employer and a Drug Free Workplace. 3/9-3/16TCE 10prm-am LPN and PRN Position Seeking individual for fulltime position. Shift differential. Must like being a hands- on leader. Must have history of being able to function at high level with minimum direction, and excellent attendance. Also, seeking person with flexibility to assist to cover the scheduled days off of fulltime staff and for call in assistance. Must have history of excellent attendance. Contact Lyn Shine. Lafayette Health Care Center, 512 W. Main St, Mayo, FL 386-294-3300. 39-3/18LHC S R.W. MEISSNER S & ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING -D SERVICES BUILDING PLANS RENOVATIONS HOMES COMMERCIAL PERMITS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SUWANNEE RIVER WMD SITE DEVELOPMENT PARKING LOTS 216 W. MAIN STREET PERRY, FLORIDA32347.' PHONE # 850-584-3887 E-MAIL: rwmi@gtcom.net Roofing & Roof Repairs Additions New Construction Gutters Remodeling General Maintenance BigB Contractors (850) 878-8758 (850)'528-4975 Tallahassee cell (local) 7L80NCBC059087 CCCO57922 Georgia-Florida Bark and Mulch is looking for a secretary. Duties: answering phones, accounts payable, accounts receivable, computer literate. All applicants must be able to put in 40 hours per week.5 days a week. For more information, please call Susan or Eric at 850-584-4807. 3/9.3/16 Springhill Nursery is looking for full time foreman and labor positions. Please fill out job applicallon with. Taylor Employment Connections and call 584-3435, 3/1it dcN AVON 2005 Sign-on Special! Only $5. Limited time. Earn $300 bonus. Call Terrie at 843-1285 or 584-8463. 2/11 tfTC Badcock &.More Set up and delivery. Must be 21 yrs. old. License required. Good driving record. No phone calls. Apply in person, 1003 S. Jefferson St. 1/21tfBC. Circle "T" Specializing in all types of tractor work, bishhogging, root raking, harrowing, dirt hauling & leveling, debris removal, clean up, and lawn care. Call for free estimate, 34-2806. 2.2-3/30 ' '*The Handyman experts, honest,work! Affordable, professional, licensed and insured. Specializing in house painting, interior, etc., mobile home repairs, home maintenance pressure washing (wood and concrete carpet, vinyl. wood floor, ceramic: tile, and repairs Call 584-2270) (home) or 584-3776 (office). 25 years, tfJM. TREE CAPITAL Clay Swindle. LLC Painter, Interior & Exterior. Framing 18 yr experience. Free esl Big or small Call 850-223-1780 or 850-843-1941. If no answer, leave message. 10/27tfCS CARPET & VINYL Installation and repairs done ai a good price No overhead. Direci savings to you 30 years experience 850-838-905. please leave a message. 10/273fBR 'I 13"'B8R J.D.'s Tree Service and Lawn Care. Licensed and insured. Free estimates. We also grind stumps. Call today 838-1280. Firewood for sale. tfJD County Wide Household trash collection, once a week, $20 a month. Call 584-8009 anytime, leave rriessage. 2/23-3/30 A-2-Z Farm Services Harrowing, bush hog mowing, dirt leveling, rake work and lawn services. Call 584- 6737, leave message. 3/24AZ Excellent, experienced care for you loved one. Available .part time. 15 years experience. References available. Call 584-5165, please leave name and'number. 3/16-3/18 NOTICE Notice is hereby given to Dana Brereton, 134 Revolutionary Dr., Little Egg Harbor, N.J. 08087, unless payment is made on Unit 8, contents will be sold on the 19th day of, arch, 2005 at 12 noon at S&S Mini Storage, 1110 First Ave., Steinhatchee, FL. 3/16. 3/18 NOTICE Notice is hereby given to Donna Turcer, P.O. Box 63; Stelnhatchee, FL 32359, unless payment Is made on Unit 23, contents will be sold on the 26th day of, March, 2005 at 12 noon at S&S Mini Storage, 110 First Ave.,,Steinhatchee, FL. 3/16, 3/23 NOTICE- Notice is hereby given to Roberta. '.1 ;, rr,.-r. F -.. Box 63, Steinhatchee, FL -:; ;" a,': ,-i^.; cpqyment Is mode.op Unit 35, contents will be sold on -re .-.rr day of March, 2005 at 12 noon at S&S Mini Storage, 1110 First Ave., Steinhatchee, FL: 3/16, 3/23 SECTION 00010 Advertisement for Bids Separate sealed BIDS for a metal office building will be received by the City of per, h ,V triT ,.rt, -:: ..:', 1 . i, 1. Ir I re,, "- .en ,i I ,2 - b B:- ..-ii be received ui i 2:00 PM . eastern daylight savings time on April 14, ?nno ,3,,:j ih,-c, t :.;. _-f;:e -- ill be i re Pi frL c .., i c ..Ji C' ,i.:I,, ,,C- ng .:3r3 r, u i ori' m .31 ,i: t oIrll ,' 1e i ic -, IC,:-, Ir"e t.-,'".. ; .:". ili .- .3 I1- iri" l1- f i,:-,C,,',: a I t.u, 3_, -i,- ll, ,-.:.u-O :hin. g .-,:I ul rJ:I iIT.ie'z3 ,.-". T, :. ,":', il. iL,:. i. .: 1 1." 1 r ,, ,, b ,l e..arr..r..r- a3 ir e i.: .lin I.:..3 I, .3 .:..Ji '3illJ r.iclano.c 'A',), '.ul.?e I :.1 ii11r,.:;- c fi.rd:. o,3 :-"' i *:.-:,r ,- re r.-,ti ii-, ," ,L"'...:u uJ .ierii i ..3..r,) 3r.3 '.: .,-. ,'i.,lr' ,31i' rr,, 3, -. ..C r, ir.,,_ 3 ,J l 38i:l:l ].:r.,-l31-,,3, e .',' .3 *: l i .o lliaor. ,:ee F i.aa 2 i i uCi,-, C.: ,.,T re,, l ,_,:r ,3 aecC:"r-' ,-i', 00 I.: FRITH ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. Owners & Mortgage Title Insurance Policies Title Searches Real Estate Closings 501 N. Byron Butler Pkwy. Perry, Fl 850-584-2672 BIG BEND HOSPICE ,.a Support For Life's Journey When someone you love is diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, let Big Bend Hospice help you through die physical. emotional and spiritual journeys you wtll face. 1723 Manan Cener Blvd Talianassee, FL 32308 (850) 878-5310 wee bigbendfln'spice org each ser. Separate copies of the Specifications may be obtained upon payment of deposit of $40.00 per copy. Check should be made out to William M. Bishop Consulting Engineers. No refunds shall be given for the charge for plans and specifications. Each BID must be accompanied by a BID BOND payable to the OWNER for five percent of the total amount.of the BID. As soon as the BID prices have been completed, the OWNER will return the BONDS of all except the three.lowest responsible BIDDERS. When the Agreement is executed, the BONDS of the two remaining unsuccessful BIDDERS will be returned. The BID BOND of the successful BIDDER will be retained until the Labor and Material Payment Bond and Performance BOND have been executed and approved, after which it will be returned. A certified check may be used in lieu of a BID BOND. Date: March 16, 2005 William E. Brynes, City Manager 3/16 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 2.13 (B) of the City Charter of the City of Perry, Florida, that Ordinance No. 801. ORDINANCE NO. 801 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PERRY, FLORIDA, REFORMING CITY ELECTION LAWS TO CONFROM WITH STATE LAW; AMENDING SECTIONS 2.02 AND ARTICLE VII OF THE CHARTER FOR THE CITY OF PERRY AND CHAPTER 7 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES REGARDING DATES FOR CANDIDATE QUALIFYING AND ELECTIONS ALSO TO CONFORM TO LOCAL ELECTION LAWS TO THE FLORIDA ELECTION CODE; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN- CONFLICT; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECT .DATE. was REJECTED by the City Council on March 8, 2005.' William E. Brynes City, Manager Pam Feagle Mayor IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF iHE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR :TAYLOR COUNTY; FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO. 05-131-CP IN RE: ESTATE OF BARNEY PAGE. Deceased jlOTICE iO CPEDItORS ir.e adrrlnlsirali.n of rrn esioae .:i Bainev Page aeceaso-d File lumc-er i051 '. l-P Is Cen.oing in e i ic..l C.-,:jr '.. f, 3 I:i'. l C r.",. i:hrl 3 Prout le D0. .rnn.irme rmaiiing aiodic ; .:t ..rnir, .. P B...: -20, 'eir', Fioill.,.3 32 :J7 ir.e names and addrese, of ih-e .r.:,r.oI raereernaii e and Iner pet!:r.3r ,ePDre .eniaoi.e air.'.ir, ale ;el i,:.,ir, belo. . Ai.n ciediiorls or the dec.daeni .ana ,:,oner persons ravirng clairrn. or demarn.. agaoin:f aeceder, In : ei, e 3 ir. iu.r,. unrmoiurec c.ntringer.n ,:., urni.iuJid. oa ,clain-r ana /.rc, naoe beer .e. sed ,3 co ;Di -l ir a n.otice. m u. i e Ir lir CI..T.|: ,.ii.r, irihs C.-jn WilHIII iHE LIEPi' OF ' r.1OriTHS JFIER iHE D.lIE OF IHE Flr'i PiJBLICiA.iinr OF IHIS 1iOiICE C'O' -'1 D-'. .AF 'ERi HE C'-IIE F :EP.'iCE F - C;,3 COF THiS iOilCE ON iHIE. All oiner cicillo0rs orI tnr aecedeni ana Need Contact Lenses? Order on the web at: Accenteyecarecenter.com or call 584-2200 Dr. Michael Walby Optometric Physician CONTACT LENSES Women's Health centers of North 3lorida, P.A. Dr. Anthony Perrin Board-Certified OB/GYN Obstetrics & Gynecology Services S Prenatal Care S\Aginal Deliveries SC-Secliors SBilateralTubal Ligation Y Pap Smears Y Colposcopy YLaparoscopic GYN Surgeries Monday Friday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. For an appointment, call (850) 223-1744 - J - SERV-CE Get the FACTS each week in the Taco Times & Perry News-Herald! $35 (in county) or $49 (out of county) P.O. Box 888, Perry, FL 32348, or come by our office at 123 S. Jefferson St. ---- ------------------- g NAME I ADDRESS _ I STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP I I--- ----i------------ J Th e Back Porch Vi iiqlie fionie 7Ia Ii d~ I ted fl 11-11 ti ire I~ lifts 850-584-2075 330L-T thif. Io. iti'llIt'11111 1Ph kpo rch. I.let Hearing Aids * Expert Fitting Highest Quality All Makes & Models In Perry Monday to Friday Dr. Jeffrey D. RusseU Audiologist Hamdan ENT Center CALL 584-8123 Now under NEW MANAGEMENT Open 7 days a week Largest Grub Selection in Florida S Bait & Tackle Rod & Reel Combos Snacks Sodas Ice Beer Cigarettes Live & Frozen Offshore Bait Coming Soon.- :.. SIn.March We will be doing)', ,ii, boating repairs & fiberglassing.; Florida Marne 6041 Beach Rd. 850-584-8105 , r1 mile on the right daon Beach Rao I JA Open 7 Days 6:00 am 6-00 pm Pressure Cleaning Sidewalks Driveways Roofs* Gutters (8501838-1546 (850) 843-0364 (cell) Gerald Murphy, owner Construction S Design Site Development "Civil & Environmental Engineers" 114-B W. Green St. (850) 584-4408 Mon. Frl. 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. ia iAgeency, inc. WORKERS COMP AUTO/EQUIPMENT PROPERTY GENERAL LIABILITY "A" Rated Commercial insurance Local References Available 25 Years Servicing.the Southeast Callnow for a competitive no-hassle quoted!! Robert Johnson 352-367-8376 TACO TIMES PERRY NEWS-HERALD 123 S. Jefferson St. Perry, Fl. 32347 P.O. Box 888 Perry, Fl. 32348 (850) 584-5513 Fax 838-1566 News Dept perrynewSlperry.gulfnet.com Get more than 265,000 copies of your business cards printed and delivered every week to your customers and potential customers over the next 12 months. Place Your Ad Here! GET YOUR NAME OUT INTO THE COMMUNITY... ADVERTISE! B5 The T other persons who have claims or demands against the decedent's estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED., NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publication of this Notide is March 9,2005. Attorney for Rersonal Representative Carolyn D. Olive Fla. Bar No. 394475 Goldberg & Olive, Attorneys at Law Post Office Box 12458 Tallahassee, Florida 32317 (850) 222-4000 Personal Representative: Marilyn Eddie Lee .206 Cypress Road Perry, Florida 32346 3/9, 3/16 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Adrianne Spain-Conde the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are follows: Certificate No. 414 Year of Issuance 2002 Description of Property: Parcel No. R05135-000 Lot 9 Block D of Springlake Heights Subdivision as Recorded in the Official Record of Taylor County, Florida. Name in which assessed: Thomas H. Page, ETAL. Said property being in the County of Taylor, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law; the property described Is such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the courthouse door on the 18th day of April, 2005 at 11:00 o'clock a.m. Dated this 14th day of March, 2005. Annie Mae Murphy Clerk of Circuit Court Taylor County, Florida 3/16.3/23, 3/30, 4/6 . Li. ItY.V DUY f V WUL L e 17 .....5.., -~,1,,.,,.,.,.. ..~,,,.1.,., aco Times March 16, 2 Perry-Foley Airport has proposed an overall DBE goal of 10.97% for Airport : Improvement Projects (AlPs) awarded during FY 2005. The proposed goal and methodology are available for public: inspection at the Taylor County Director of Administrative Services office at 201 E.: Green St., Perry, FL. during normFal business hours for a period of thirty:(3S0) days, beginning 3/16/05. WrLtten: comments will be accepted for a:- period of forty-five (45) days beginning 3/11/05. Please send all written: comments to Ms. Melody Cox, DBELO at 201 East Green Street in Perry, FL 32347. 3/16 Notice of Public Hearing Hearing Date: April 5, 2005 Subject of Hearing: School Board Policy Handbook Revisions THE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF TAVYOR COUNTY WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING : ON THE ABOVE DATE FOR APPROVAL OE. SAID SUBJECT ITEM. THIS HEARING WinL-BE HELD AT THE SCHOOL BOARD MEETING. - THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND TO , EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS/CONCERNS- THE -: PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD AT-TH.E- ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLEX, SCHOOL,: BOARD MEETING ROOM, 318 North Cldirk Street. A c3poy of this policy may be- obtained from the Superintendent's : Office. Oscar M. Howard Jr. Superintendent of School . 3/9, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30 LEGAL NOTICE The Suwannee River Economic Council, Inc. Board of Directors will hold a: meeting of the Board of Directors-on.: Monday, March 28, 2005, 7:00 P.M. at: the Quality Inn & Conference Center in - Lake City, Florida. 3/16 - LEGAL NOTICE The Suwannee River Economic Council.. Inc. Board of Directors will hold a meeting for the Executive Committee -r. rr-,c.-, .: .n i.:I..ido,, March 21, 2005, :- 1 i :1 r.1 oi tr.e Quality Inn & c,: ,-i .i ,.: Center in Lake City, Florida. 3/16 R-6 The Taco Times March 16, 2005 Tell commissioners 'land use agreement is important' -DECISION Continued from page B-3 Timber and Land claims to have no intention of selling, there is still more than 30,000 acres of state land in our county that Governor Bush has authorized Eglin Airforce Base to have. This would be more than enough land for the government to place their test range. In this scenario tney could do so without even filing a letter of intent to the citizens of the surrounding areas. This would mean saying good-bye to Hickory Mound, and saying hello to check points. The determination of Taylor County, along with the fortitude of the county commissioners, will be in vain without the implementation of the land usage agreement. Who knows when the next "mover and shaker" will ride into town with the same agenda in mind. The land usage agreement only pertains to missile/bombing ranges. It will have no effect on. local businesses. As for property values being negatively affected by an ordinance to keep bombs out, one arrives at a loss. This is the same as : aying there is an unattainable demand for properties surrounding landfills. It just does not occur. Taylor County, you have faced adversity and shown true grit. Do. not allow what you have worked together so hard for go without a conclusion. Talk to your county commissioners and let them know that you are depending on them to finish this once and for all. Tell them that the land usage agreement is important, and that you are certain they will sign it for the betterment of the community and children. There is no reason to be standing in disbelief five years from now saying, "I was so close, but yet so far away." Andy Simmons N&.W.tMOVINGM~e- iAou 9-st Vt'a .1 Household Office Apartment Big or Small... We can move it all! Dependable Free Estimates Wealso Reliable Local Pak & 2 Guys, Truck & Trailer Ship S584-3776 (W) Licensed 584-2270 (H) S (Serving Perry & Surrounding Counties) "HOME. AUTO. i LIFE. ME." t I, *.,. ::j TALK TO A REAL, LIVE PERSON WHO'S IN THE SAME PHONE BOOK AS.YOU. Mark Pelt, Agent 584-5188 1000A Jefferson St. Allsldle. You're in good hands. Allstate Property and Casualty Insuiance Company, Allstate.Indemnity * Company and Allstate Life Insurance Company, Home Office: Northbrook, I Illinois. 2002 Allstate Insurance Company BadcockrMarch HOME FURNITURE &mor 1003 S. 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