MAY 11, HIGH Scattered afternoon, evening storms. PAGE A4 TODAY & next morning THURSDAY 65 89 LOW Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community VOL. 129 ISSUE 131 $1GOP lawmakers allege Biden family corruption / A9 INDEX Business ................... A6 Classi eds ................ B6 Comics ..................... B5 Crossword ................ B4 Entertainment ......... A10 Horoscope ................ B4 Nation/World ............. A9 Obituaries ................. A5 Opinion ..................... A8 TV Listings .............. A10 Weather .................... A4LifeStream CEO retires, company notifies public days later By FRED HIERS Chronicle Reporter There was another twist in Citrus County’s twist-and-turn saga to have a Bak-er Act facility here where patients would be closer to families, home, and fol-low-up treatment. The latest hard turn came this week when the LifeStream Behavioral Center board announced in a media release that the organiza-tion’s CEO and point man for Cit-rus County had retired three days before on May 5. The announcement about Jon Cherry was just the lat-est in a serious of setbacks during the past ve years in the county’s effort for a fa-cility to house and evaluate residents undergoing poten-tial mental health crisis. More than a month ago the Citrus County commission voted down a proposed con-tract by LifeStream for the county to kick in $2 million toward the $12 million Bak-er Act project. Under that plan the facility would have been built on LifeStream’s 10 acres near the College of Central Florida Citrus County campus. The county commission objected and reached a dead end with Cherry as to whether the county or LifeStream would own the property. Reaching no compromise, the county commissioners then agreed to instead work with the Citrus County Hospital Board to fund and build the facility, along with any grants they could gar-ner from the Florida Legis-lature. The hospital board owns HCA Florida Citrus Hospi-tal, its surrounding campus, and related satellite proper-ties, and leases it to Hospital Corporation of America. The hospital board and the county commissioner’s at-torneys are currently work-ing on a potential contract in which the two, and maybe Hernando County, could build the baker Act facility and have LifeStream oper-ate it for the county. Citrus County has pushed LifeStream and Jon Cher-ry for the past ve years to put together the funding for the Baker Act facility, ever since LifeStream took over the county’s mental health care and addiction contract. CHERRYNavigating through life By NANCY KENNEDY Chronicle Reporter People who have been helped, help others. Those who have been shown compassion, show compassion. Josh Langston-White is one of those people. He spends his days out and about, meeting with families, listening to their stories, gathering informa-tion while thinking of ways the Citrus County Educa-tion Foundation (CCEF) can help. White is the navigator for the foundation’s Communi-ty of Care program, which helps students and their families however they can to help kids succeed in school: from providing school sup-plies, personal care items or Wi-Fi “hot spots” to do their homework, all the way to nding a place to live if they’re homeless or in dan-ger of homelessness. For Josh White, a Marine veteran who served in Af-ghanistan where he lost his legs when he stepped on a pressure-plate mine, his help came after his accident in 2012 – help from the doc-tors and nurses, help from his now-wife, Brittni, who stayed by his side through-out his arduous recovery, help from organizations like Home For Our Troops that built him a home that’s spe-cially adapted for his phys-ical limitations, help from his family and community to cheered him on. In 2014, after a lengthy recovery at Walter Reed National Military Center in Bethesda, Maryland, White returned to Citrus Coun-ty where he was born and raised. He brie y owned his own lawn service business, and then served as Mission United coordinator with Citrus United Way. He had also started volunteering with the education foundation, starting out as “the guy with a truck and a trailer” to use for events. “I knew people involved with the foundation, and I love what they do,” he said. “I was on the board for a few years … and I started meeting random families and talking with them, and that became more regular – there’s a huge need out there.” Last year, he started the job at CCEF, a job that al-lows him to do what he does best, which is to help people like single mom Debra Lee who had been struggling while trying to raise her middle-school-age daugh-ter. “I was at my breaking point when I met Josh,” Lee said. Lee, like White, grew up in Crystal River. However, their lives took vastly dif-ferent paths. “My family goes way back – the Brooks and the Bunch families,” she said. “I graduated from Lecan-to High School in ’99 and went to college at FAMU for respiratory therapy. But when I moved back here in 2008 I got into drugs.” In 2019, Lee went to The Path and stayed for 11 months. Photos by Matthew Beck / Chronicle photo editor Citrus County Education Foundation Community of Care Program Navigator Josh Langston-White discusses how the care program has benefitted families within the Citrus County School District. At left sits Debra Lee, who along with her teenage daughter, has received housing and other assistance through the program.Marine veteran finding his purpose helping families Citrus County Education Foundation Community of Care Program Navigator Josh Langston-White speaks with Debra Lee Tuesday morning, May 9, after delivering some items to Lee’s Inverness home. Through the Community of Care Program, LangstonWhite has assisted Lee in securing housing for her and her teenage daughter.George Santos pleads not guilty to federal charges; says he won’t resign By JAKE OFFENHARTZ and MICHAEL R. SISAK Associated Press CENTRAL ISLIP, N.Y. — U.S. Rep. George Santos, infamous for fabricating his life story, pleaded not guilty Wednesday to charges he duped donors, stole from his campaign and lied to Congress about being a mil-lionaire, all while cheating to collect unemployment benets he didn’t deserve. Afterward, he said he wouldn’t drop his reelection bid and de ed calls to resign. Santos’ 13-count federal indictment was a reckoning for a web of fraud and deceit that prosecutors say over-lapped with the New York Republican’s fantastical public image as a wealthy businessman – a ctional biography that began to un-ravel after he won election last fall. Santos, 34, was released on $500,000 bond following his arraignment, about ve hours after turning himself in to face charges of wire fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds and making false statements to Congress. He surrendered his passport and could face up to 20 years in prison if convicted. “This is the beginning of the ability for me to ad-dress and defend myself,” a cheerfully combative Santos told reporters swarming him outside a Long Island feder-al courthouse. He said he’s been cooperating with the investigation and vowed to ght the prosecution, which he labeled a “witch hunt.” His lawyer, Joseph Murray, was more circumspect, saying: “Any time the feder-al government comes after you it’s a serious case. We have to take this serious.” Santos said he planned to return to Washington, where the indictment is amplifying doubts about the freshman’s ability to serve. House Re-publican leaders are taking a wait-and-see approach, saying Santos is innocent until proven guilty. Others are reiterating previous calls for Santos to step aside. “I think we’re seeing that the wheels of justice grind slow, but they grind ne,” said Sen. Mitt Romney, a Utah Republican who confronted Santos on the House oor at President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address in February. Alex Brandon / AP Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y., waits for the start of a session in the House chamber as the House meets for the fourth day to elect a speaker and convene the 118th Congress in Washington, on Jan. 6, 2023. See LIFESTREAM , page A4 See NAVIGATING , page A4 See SANTOS , page A4
A2 Thursday, May 11, 2023 Citrus County ChronicleHernando man arrested on charges of meth trafficking By AIDAN BUSH Chronicle Reporter A Hernando man was re cently arrested on suspicion of possessing over 18 grams of meth. Mark Russell Nichols, 43, faces two felony charges – trafcking over 14 grams of amphetamines and posses sion of a controlled substance – after his arrest May 4. Ofcers rst spotted Nich ols on the intersection of North Florida Avenue and East Apex Lane, where they saw Nichols driving a truck with only one working headlight, according to the arrest report. Law enforcement stopped Nichols and found his li cense was suspended for outstanding nancial obli gations. Nichols exited the car at the request of ofcers. When asked if he had any thing illegal in the car, Nichols allegedly said “No, not at all,” according to the arrest report. When ofcers opened the driverÂ’s door, they saw meth scattered across the oorboard. A pill and clear baggie carrying white sub stances were found in the car soon after. Field testing found 18.11 grams of meth and .67 grams of cocaine in the ve hicle, according to the re port. After being read his Mi randa rights, Nichols al legedly said the drugs were his, and that he was an ad dict. Nichols was arrested and taken to Citrus County De tention Facility with a total bond of $27,000. He was charged with one rst-degree felony and one third-degree felony; a rst-degree meth sentenc ing can face a sentence of up to three years in pris on and a ne of $50,000, according to Florida Stat utes. As of May 10, his next court hearing is not yet scheduled. Contact Chronicle reporter Aidan Bush at 352-270-1823 or via e-mail at aidan.bush@ is $27,000 FOR THE RECORD Citrus County SheriffÂ’s Office Arrests from May 9Q Kaylee Cumi Henderson , 29, Beverly Hills, arrested May 9 for felony driving while license sus pended or revoked first offense, possession of controlled substance and drug paraphernalia. Bond $5,500. Q Gregg David Atkisson , 36, Bev erly Hills, arrested May 9 for felony violation of probation. No bond. Q Tyler Scott Russell , 26, Inver ness, arrested May 9 for misde meanor violation of probation. No bond. Q Allyson Lynn Tompkins , 21, Crystal River, arrested May 9 for felony failure to appear and pick up order. No bond. Q Xavier DuraÂ’n , 25, Ocala, arrested May 9 for drug parapher nalia. No bond. Q Robin Lee Prebe , 63, Homosas sa, arrested May 9 for retail petit theft (value $100 or less). No bond. Q Kathy Jo Caperell , 62, Floral City, arrested May 9 for misde meanor DUI with damage to prop erty of another person. Bond $1,000. Q Sharon Ann Wilder , 65, Floral City, arrested May 9 for misde meanor torment/deprive/mutilate/kill. Bond $2,000. Q Douglas Eugene Garnett , 55, Beverly Hills, arrested May 9 for misdemeanor violation of proba tion. No bond. Q Travis Natchez Newberry , 44, Floral City, arrested May 9 for writ of bodily attachment. Bond $800. Q Frank Doyle Booth , 33, Beverly Hills, arrested May 9 for grand theft ($750 or more but less than $5,000). Bond $2,000.Regarding the animal shelterThis call is in regard to the animal shelter. I hope they donÂ’t drag their feet on getting it built now that everything seems to be moving forward. Look at how many animals will die until they get it built. If everybody would just give a few dollars every week, it would be such a wonderful thing. I, for one, could afford $5 a week. These animals need to be taken care of. The prices to get them xed are just astronomi-cal. LetÂ’s get this animal shelter up and going ASAP.Hospitals are not prepared for growthAs we all know, Citrus County is growing at a rapid rate and the commissioners are promising more amenities to attract more residents, visitors and snowbirds. The Chronicle writes of 250 home sites coming to Sugarmill Woods, and singleand multi-family homes to be built at County Road 491 and State Road 44. The two hos-pitals canÂ’t handle the load of patients they have now, let alone all of this growth. HCA Citrus Hospital appears to be land-locked. What is being planned for increased inpatient care, emergency department accom-modations and testing in the very near future? The quality of our life begins with the quality of our health care.What about this?I saw that our new animal shelter is estimated to cost $9 million-plus. I also saw in the real estate ads that you can buy a 2,000-square-foot, three-bedroom, two-bath home with two car ga rage on a quarter acre lot for just under $400,000. So, if you bought 20 of them, thatÂ’s only $8 million and youÂ’d get 60 bedrooms, 40 baths, 20 kitchens, 20 two car garages, air conditioning, heat and ve acres of land. YouÂ’d have tons of room for animals and staff and save at least a million dollars. How about that?Thank you Linda CoughlinI would like to thank Linda Coughlin for a great Letter to the Editor on May 1, For Sheriff Mike Prendergast to suggest that Democratic voters are somehow un-Amer ican is the height of irony. Eighty-one million “Savage Amer icans” voted out the most un-American GOP candidate in the history of this country just three years ago. Some of those voters were Democrats, some Independents, some were other parties and some were Republi cans fed up with Donald Trump. Sheriff Prendergast is an elected public ofcial who is sworn to protect and serve all of the people in his jurisdiction. Is Sheriff Pren dergast trying to suggest he has a very different mission statement? Perhaps he would like to clarify this for all the American citizens in Citrus County.Gun violence and rebellionWeÂ’re told the best way to prevent gun violence is to be aware of mentally unstable folks around us. Well, should we say something when someone calls into Sound Off saying the fol-lowing, and I quote, “ThatÂ’s why we have the second amendment. Thomas Jefferson said, ‘Every once in a while, there should be a good revolution.’” What was he talking about? Sitting at home on your hands while the country deteriorates? No, he was giving the people the right to rebel.”Commissioners refuse to talk to usOur county commissioners refuse to talk to the Sugarmill Woods residents opposed to building rental apartments in the middle of a neighborhood of single-family homes. My question is, are the commissioners also refusing to discuss this with Steve Ponticos? Is it alright to put their heads together with the guy trying to destroy our neighborhood and home values? I could be wrong, but it sure feels like the Citrus County “good ole boy” system has absolute power over the needs of the little people. We just need to understand that we can ever get between them and their pursuit of the almighty dollar.A good laughHad a good laugh this morning at Commissioner KinnardÂ’s remark that he sits on the board with four very business-minded women. I canÂ’t tell you the last time a commissioner in this county actually had a business mind. This county is a business, run it like one. You donÂ’t have the money; you canÂ’t afford it. Basically, the animal shelter.Where is he and what is he doing?Just read where our state is attempting to take over the in-spection of the monorail owned by Disney. First, let me ask where is our part-time governor? Israel, Europe, U.K., maybe even the Kremlin? He and his sancti-monious followers are attacking the largest employer that draws a huge number of tourists to our state and provides a big chunk of tax dollars to our state. Now, IÂ’m not saying that Disney should have a free ride, which they do not, but what are you doing when in the same breath you state that Florida is the “freest state in the U.S.” and we are footing the bills that you drive up. Again, what are you doing?RINOIn the paper today, May 3, front page, “Kinnard worried about the animal shelter cost. Â… IÂ’m not going to burden the taxpay-ers with all this money.” Then you turn the page and no wonder why. HeÂ’s seeking re-election. All this bum did is spend taxes. He is nothing but a RINO.Kinnard hung them out to dryIÂ’m calling in reference to Commissioner Kinnard and the article in the paper where he said, “I donÂ’t intend to bury the county in debt.” Commissioner Kinnard was not present at the meeting but came out a week later safely in doubt of the issue. He hung his colleagues out to dry. What do you think heÂ’s doing to us constituents?Cart before the horseTalk about putting the cart before the horse. The City of Inverness wants to put a beach on Lake Henderson. Fine. Have they done any studies on water quality? Did they check for fecal matter from the septic tanks? Pollution from the constant spraying of herbicides? Amoeba in the water? We know they are there. The water should have been tested for at least a year before going forward with this project. A weekly check to make sure the water is safe for people to go into at the beach. SOUND OFFCALL 563-0579 rn n r n n   r n rnn BabyBargains ThankyouCitrus Countyfor25years FREE Tote toallcustomers whilesupplylasts 25%off EntirePurchaseMay8-13th AdditionalsalesthroughoutMay
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 11, 2023 A3L CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLEAbuse shelter seeks donations The Citrus County Abuse Shelter Associa tion (CASA) is in need of: QFood items: Instant oatmeal, pasta/pasta sauce, canned soups, butter, milk, coffee, eggs, brown and white sugar, and kid-friendly snacks and drinks (Gatorade, juice). QNon-food items: Hair products, ethnic hair care products, face products, shaving cream/razors, Tupperware containers, non-drowsy allergy medi cations, dish sponges, dis posable straws, make-up and supplies, size 34B/C bras, deodorant and baby feeding spoons. The next time you’re out shopping, pick up some ex tra supplies and drop them off at the CASA Outreach ofce between 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, at 1100 E. Turner Camp Road, In verness. Shelter needs can also be dropped off at their alternative drop off loca tion, Carol’s Interiors and Floors, 6410 S. Suncoast Blvd. in Homosassa. For more information, email Kimberly Hauter at trip to Museum of Natural History Join the Friends of the Nature Coast Volunteer Center for a trip to the Florida Museum of Nat ural History on Saturday, June 3. The bus will depart at 8:30 a.m. from the Citrus County Resource Center. Trip cost is $55 per per son and includes the mo tor coach to Gainesville, access to the museum’s Always on Display exhib its, admission to the But tery Rainforest, special “Spiders Alive!” exhibit and boxed lunch. Tickets are available at the Citrus County Re source Center or by call ing 352-527-5952. Seat ing is limited, so reserve your ticket by May 20.Concert Choir to begin summer rehearsals The Citrus Community Concert Choir will begin rehearsals for its sum mer series of concerts at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 20, held at First Presbyte rian Church of Inverness, 206 Washington Ave., In verness. Concerts are set for Aug. 5 and 6 with more details to come. This summer’s program is titled “Songs That Make You Smile!” and singers are welcome through June 3. Arrive by 9:45 a.m. to sign up and receive and pay for your music. Call 352-634-3927.Orchid Society to hold repotting workshop Nature Coast Orchid So ciety will host a repotting workshop on May 20. Doors open 11 a.m. Meet ing starts at noon. Located in the Northcliffe Church Fellowship Hall behind the church, 10515 Northcliffe Blvd., Spring Hill. Bring necessary sup plies including items for clean up. Call 352-895-4035.Free classes on grilling food safely The UF/IFAS Exten sion Citrus County is providing free programs on Grilling Food Safely. The classes will be held at 1 p.m. on Monday, May 22, at the Central Ridge Library, 425 W. Roosevelt Blvd., Beverly Hills, and at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, May 30, at the Floral City Library, 8360 E. Orange Ave., Floral City. Pre-reg ister online at: IN BRIEF City moves to improve kayak launch facilities By FRED HIERS Chronicle Reporter The Kings Bay Park kay ak launch site project took a big step in getting per manent upgrades when the Crystal River Council voted to hire consultants to do de sign and permitting work. The decision to hire Kimley Horn for $135,000 to do the design and permitting work was the latest step stemming back to 2020 when the city consolidated all commercial kayak launches to Kings Bay Park on Northwest Third Street. The city council made that change through its fran chise agreements with six kayak companies. There are now four. “At that time immediate upgrades were put into place to improve the safety of the existing launch facilities with the understanding that future, permanent upgrades were necessary,” City Man ager Ken Frink wrote the council. “Revenue from the then-established franchise program was to be used for new improvements.” Frink told the council that revenues from the franchis es generated enough money to pay for the Kimley Horn design and permitting work. Permanent improve ments would include kayak launches and parking im provements. “Revenue predictions are such that the program can pay for the construction once the design and permitting are complete,” Frink wrote. “The city will also be ask ing for assistance from the Citrus County Tourist De velopment Council for con struction. The council voted 4-0 to approve the design and per mitting work. Councilman Pat Fitzpatrick was absent from the meeting. Frink told Crystal River Council members this week that the city has $500,000 budgeted for the project. “It’s pretty bad,” Frink told the council as to the condition of the launches now. “It’s just dirt.” Improvements to the launch area could also in clude restrooms, he said. Mayor Joe Meek said he supported the move given that the site was paying for its own improvements and that it enhanced visitors’ experience to the city. Councilman Ken Brown said the city was right to consolidate the kayak launches to Kings Bay Park and close the one at Hunter Springs Park, which is more a beach and swimming area. Fred Hiers is a reporter at the Citrus Chronicle. Email him at Crystal River’s Kings Bay Park, pictured August 2021. Matthew Beck / Chronicle photo editorCitrus County remains one of the driest counties in Florida By MICHAEL D. BATES Chronicle Reporterlorida Citrus, Hernando, Pasco, Pinellas and Hillsborough counties are the driest in the state. All ve counties are averaging over 600 on the Keetch-Byram Drought In dex (KBDI), which means the re danger risk is in creased. The index is a continuous reference scale used by the Florida Forest Service to assess the likelihood and se verity of brush res. With the index that high, it’s vital that residents ob serve the burn ban, said County Emergency Manage ment Director Chris Evan. “Until we get (signicant rain), we’ve got to be very careful,” he added. The KBDI scale begins at zero, which reflects no danger, and rises to 800, which reflects extreme danger. The current risk of brush fires and uncon trolled fires are a threat to life and property in Citrus County. The burn ban adopted April 11 by Citrus County commissioners remains in effect. The county needs rain and there is a 60 percent chance Thursday, according to the National Weather Ser vice. But the heat index for Thursday is 98 percent. “We have not had a sig nicant amount of rain and that is why we’re in the con dition that we’re in,” Coun ty Emergency Management Director Chris Evan said. “Other areas of the state have received more rain fall.” Michael D. Bates is a staff writer with the Citrus County Chronicle and can be reached at‘Until we get (significant rain), we’ve got to be very careful,’ County Emergency Management Director Chris Evan said School Board OKs $7.2 million purchase of new iPads By GEORGIA SULLIVAN Chronicle Reporter Students and staff through out the district will soon be receiving brand new iPads as the Citrus County School Board approved the $7.2 million purchase in antic ipation of the loss of their ESSER III Stimulus funds. At the regular meeting Tuesday, May 9, district ofcials brought the pro posal before the board for the budgeted purchase of 19,980 iPads to completely “refresh the eet,” or re place all their current iPads in one fell swoop. Essentially, the school district’s current iPads are aging as the newest are a model that is now ve years old. Plus, schools across the county have been complain ing to the district that they do not have enough iPads to go around and are usually having to borrow on-the-y from other schools so that they can have enough iPads for students to take exams. “Five years ago we didn’t have school nurses using iPads; we do now. We need them for screening,” said Kathy Androski, director of educational technolo gy. “We didn’t have main tenance workers using an iPad; they do now. It helps them when analyzing their equipment. Our Guardians use an iPad. This is no lon ger just our teachers, stu dents and admin, it is the majority of our staff are at the point where they use an iPad.” With this in mind along with the district’s current ve-year capital plan, dis trict staff came up with the amount of 19,980 Genera tion 9 iPads at the purchase price of $7.2 million, with about $3 million of that cov ered by the ESSER funds. This number will cover the roughly 15,600 students and 1,800 staff members, as well as allow a 2,500 buffer amount to account for future growth in student population and for loaners whenever a student’s iPad breaks and needs repairing. Additionally, once the “eet” is refreshed, the district will be able to then assess and sell their current iPads and get some com pensation back. The ones in best condition would be kept as additional loaners. Board member Doug Dodd, who voted against approval of the purchase, brought up concerns about mak ing such a large pur chase all at once, rather than fol lowing the original plan of using the ESSER funds to replace the 12,000 iPads that actually need replacing, and then doing a phased re placement of the rest which are being leased by the dis trict. Tammy Wilson, director of nance for the district, said, “A lease requires a whole different set of reporting requirements in our annual nancial report, and even the auditors were like ‘we suggest you don’t do a lease because there’s all this extra reporting you have to do.’” Dodd asked how much of the $7.2 million will be covered by ESSER funds, to which Wilson explained that about $3 million of ESSER funds will be going towards it. So, the $6 million that was already budgeted for iPads in the district’s ve-year work plan would shrink to $4 million, sav ing the district $2 million in capital funds by doing this purchase now. “This is a very good, stra tegic use [of ESSER funds] in Citrus County for this,” said Thomas Kennedy, board member and Florida School Boards Association presi dent. “The cost savings to this district, the impact that this has, if we don’t do this I’m afraid we’re going to cost ourselves a lot of money.” “It’s a huge purchase whether we pay it outright or whether we lease it,” said Superinten dent Sandra “Sam” Him mel. Dodd questioned, “Why can’t we use the ESSER funds to re place the Generation 6, that’s around 12,000, and stay on the plan that we’re on. These kids in K-3, they have excellent products, there’s nothing wrong with their iPads. So why do we want to change that plan? … Like a eet of buses, you don’t have to replace all your buses in the same year. We don’t do that. So I think that would be a better use of our ESSER dollars; Motion passes 4-1 after deliberation DODD KENNEDY HIMMEL Matthew Beck / Chronicle photo editor A paddler makes his way across Lake Hernando on Tuesday, May 9, on a sunny, warm morning. The weather for the remainder of the week is forecast to become increasingly cloudy and warm into the weekend with increased chances for scattered thunderstorms as the week comes to an end. Lows are expected to be in the lower 70s and high temperatures in the upper 80s to low 90s. WARMER WEATHER AHEAD Matthew Beck / Chronicle photo editor Chris Evan See BOARD , page A7
A4 Thursday, May 11, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle To start your subscription: Call now for home delivery by our carriers: Citrus County: 352-563-5655 13 weeks: $90.60* — 26 weeks: $151.01* — 52 weeks: $241.62* Subscription price does not include applicable state and local sales tax. Any promotional rate, other than whatÂ’s listed above, is non-refundable. Temporary suspension of your print newspaper delivery due to vacation and other reasons does not extend your subscription expiration date. Your subscription includes 24/7 digital access to all content available online. Call 352-563-5655 for details. Your account will be subject to a surcharge for premium issues. 1RWL¿FDWLRQRIWKHSUHPLXPLVVXHDQGVXUFKDUJHDUHOLVWHGEHORZ Your total bill will remain unaffected, but there may be a slight adjustment in your expiration date. Ezpay subscribers will see the increased surcharge on their monthly transaction in the applicable month. 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Published every Sunday through Saturday By Citrus Publishing LLC POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Citrus County Chronicle 1624 N. MEADOWCREST BLVD., CRYSTAL RIVER, FL 34429 PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT INVERNESS, FL 6(&21'&/$663(50,7 Exclusi Legend: YTD -Year to Date, PR -Daily Precipitation ve daily forecast by: ** Light only extreme allergic will show symptoms, moderate most allergic will experience symptoms, heavy all allergic will experience symptoms.rr r r rr For more information call Florida Division of Forestry at (352) 797-4140. For more informationon wildfire conditions, pleasevisittheDivisionofForestry ‹ sWebsite: nr  €‚ƒ„   Â Levels reported in feet above sea level. Flood stage for lakes are based on 2.33-year à ood, the mean-annual à ood which has a 43-precent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any one year. This data is obtained from the Southw est Florida Water Ma nagement District and is subject to revision. In no event will the District or the United States Geological Survey be liable for any damages arising out of the use of this data. If you have any questions you should contact the Hydr ological Data Section at (352) 796-7211. r r Â…rÂ…rr†  …‡ rr „ˆ Â r *From mouths of rivers**At King ‹ s Bay***At Mason ‹ s Creek rrr‰r‰ „ˆÂ (MORNING) (AFTERNOON) rRecordNormalMean temp.Departure from mean rTotal for the monthTotal for the yearNormal for the year Š‹Â0 -2 minimal, 3-4 low, 5-6 moderate, 7-9 high, 10+ very high ÂŒrÂ…Â… * r n Taken at Crystal River SATURDAY & SUNDAY MORNINGHigh: 89° Low: 66° Partly Cloudy Yesterday0.00" 0.00"4.64" 13.15" As reported from 30.01 Yesterday at 3 p.m.84%Yesterday observedGoodPollutantOzone May 12May 19May 27Jun 3 0 1Monday6 7Thursday2 3Tuesday 8 9 -or-Common AreasFriday 4 5Wednesday Daytona Bch.8272tFort Lauderdale8575pcFort Myers9272tGainesville8968tHomestead8773pcJacksonville8570tKey West8678pcLakeland9371shMelbourne8572pc WEDTHU Albany72360.007953sAlbuquerque80470.008048sAsheville74570.007757pcAtlanta84620.068265shAtlantic City68380.007358sAustin78670.198773mcBaltimore74550.008263sBillings65390.006149shBirmingham8664Trace8466tBoise66410.007448sBoston73480.007956pcBuffalo65390.006954pcBurlington, VT73360.007555pcCharleston, SC77680.097965mcCharleston, WV77460.008760pcCharlotte79610.008161pcChicago81510.007661pcCincinnati76400.008563pcCleveland63460.007357sColumbia, SC7964Trace8361pcColumbus, OH75430.008259pcConcord, NH73300.007849sDallas75690.188472mcDenver5750Trace6148shDes Moines82600.008063tDetroit76470.008057sEl Paso90660.008358sEvansville, IN79540.008167tHarrisburg7344Trace8154sHartford73370.008052sHouston72662.328574shIndianapolis75530.008265pcKansas City8462Trace7365shLas Vegas82640.008866sLittle Rock82690.377868tLos Angeles68560.007155pcLouisville81530.008365shMemphis87700.008269shMilwaukee72460.007353sMinneapolis7857Trace7863tMobile8471Trace8469shMontgomery82650.058767tNashville84600.008467sh WED Acapulco88/79/mcAmsterdam60/47/raAthens69/55/mcBeijing84/57/clBerlin67/54/mcBermuda69/66/raCairo98/70/mcCalgary64/46/raHavana86/77/raHong Kong76/74/cl Jerusalem86/64/pc 91/70n/a 90/64n/a 88/61n/a 92/62n/a 91/65n/a 6.30" WEDTUE Withlacoochee at Holder26.8026.8434.64Tsala Apopka-Hernando36.1336.1438.66Tsala Apopka-Inverness37.1337.1439.73Tsala Apopka-Floral City38.3538.3741.37 Lisbon73/58/sLondon62/47/raMadrid74/50/mcMexico City79/65/pcMontreal72/50/sMoscow62/48/mcParis62/47/mcRio74/70/raRome69/57/raSydney64/52/raTokyo68/60/mcToronto72/53/mc Warsaw63/44/s WEDTHU New Orleans86750.068472shNew York City72500.008060sNorfolk69580.008061sOklahoma City82640.007968tOmaha81590.007962shPalm Springs79590.009368sPhiladelphia72450.008058sPhoenix77660.008965sPittsburgh70460.008152smPortland, ME72350.007555sPortland, OR70470.007652pcProvidence, RI70410.007953pcRaleigh7954Trace8258sRapid City78470.006952shReno65410.007248sRochester, NY70390.007654sSacramento66490.008053sSalt Lake City70540.007049sSan Antonio81660.058873mcSan Diego6657Trace6656mcSan Francisco61540.006252pcSavannah81660.008168mcSeattle64470.007351pcSpokane64440.117549sSt. Louis81600.028067shSt. Ste Marie73420.007649pcSyracuse70390.007755sTopeka82600.387666shWashington72510.008260s Miami8477pcOcala9069shOrlando9071tPensacola8271mcSarasota9171tTallahassee9068tTampa9572shVero Beach8572pcW. Palm Bch.8178pc Chassahowitzka* 11:50 a.m.0.1 ft11:54 p.m.0.6 ft7:50 a.m.0.0 ft1:56 p.m.0.1 ft Crystal River** 10:23 a.m.1.4 ft9:46 p.m.2.2 ft4:25 a.m.0.0 ft3:22 p.m.1.0 ft Withlacoochee* 8:11 a.m.2.5 ft6:34 p.m.3.4 ft1:58 a.m.-0.1 ft1:44 p.m.1.8 ft Homosassa*** 12:01 p.m.0.4 ft9:55 p.m.1.5 ft7:16 a.m.0.0 ft3:24 p.m.0.3 ft 8:11 pm6:40 am1:36 am 12:06 pm 05/11THURSDAY6:406:498:117:1805/12FRIDAY6:407:458:118:12 Predominant: TreesThu lowmedhigh Yesterday at 3 p.m.70° 10 Yesterday93/62 98/4488/60 74 4 FRIDAY & SATURDAY MORNINGHigh: 88° Low: 63° A chance of isolated thunderstorms in the afternoon and early evening. TODAY & TOMORROW MORNINGHigh: 89° Low: 65° Scattered afternoon and evening thunderstorms. MODERATE. Burn ban in effect. For established lawns and landscapes, irrigation may occur during only one (1) of the specified time periods, 12:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m., or 4:00 p.m. 11:59 p.m., on the allowable watering days below:Addresses with house numbers ending in: Questions, concerns or reporting violations, please call: City of Inverness at 352-726-2321; City of Crystal River at 352-795-4216, Ext. 313; unincorporated Citrus County at 352-527-7669. For more information, visit: KEY TO CONDITIONS: c=cloudy; fg=fog; hz=haze; mc=mostly cloudy; pc=partly cloudy; ra=rain; rs=rain/snow; s=sunny; sh=showers; sm=smoke; sn=snow; ss=snow showers; t=thunderstorms 97, Sebring, Fla.15, Prescott, Ariz. Today: East winds 5 to 10 knots, becoming southwest in the afternoon. Seas 1 foot or less. Bay and inland waters light chop. A slight chance RIbWKXQGHUVWRUPV 82° FORECAST FOR 3:00 P.M. Thursday ALERT CITRUS SIGNUP Q To register for the Citrus County SheriffÂ’s OfficeÂ’s Alert Citrus weather program, visit and click on the links to register. Q Create a profile, list how you want to be contacted in case of a weather emergency (text, mobile phone, home phone, email), then include the address(es) you want alerts for. You can choose what types of emergencies you want to hear about, and set a quiet period for no conduct. Q Those without computer access may call 352-2492705. The Baker Act is a Florida law that enables families and loved ones to request emergency mental health services for an individual. That typically involves the temporary detention for the person who is impaired be-cause of their mental illness. The Baker Act law allows for adults and children to be committed for as long as 72 hours involuntarily for a mental health evaluation. Currently, Citrus County residents are sent to LifeStreamÂ’s Baker Act fa-cility in Leesburg for eval-uation. Citrus County has no Baker Act facility of its own, only a preliminary evaluation facility. The LifeStream board appointed Rick Hankey, exec-utive vice president, on May 5 to succeed Cherry as the interim chief executive ofcer. “On behalf of the Board of Directors, we want to thank Jon for his leader-ship and dedication after more than two decades of service,” said Tim Morris, LifeStream Chairman, in a media release. “Mr. Cherry has been a steadfast advocate for LifeStream as well as a stra-tegic leader. During his time with LifeStream, we were able to expand our services to three additional counties, providing our community with countless behavioral health and social services resources. We wish him the best in his next chapter,” he said. According to the media release, LifeStream board of directors unanimously voted to appoint Hankey to ll the interim seat vacated by CherryÂ’s retirement. “RickÂ’s proven leadership will continue to be a great asset to our company,” Mor-ris said. “We are con dent he possesses the skills to take our mission of creating hope, supporting recovery and pro-moting health to a new level.” “Effective immediately, Hankey will have respon-sibility for LifeStreamÂ’s 65 programs and services and 800 employees,” the media release said. “I want to thank Mr. Cherry for his leadership and guidance over the years. It has been an honor to serve alongside him,” Hankey said. “I am honored and excited to have the opportunity to continue to serve my community, in partnership with our leadership team, in a new capacity.” LifeStream would not answer Chronicle ques-tions about CherryÂ’s sud-den departure. A company representative asked that questions be sent in writ-ing and they would be for-warded to the new CEO and LifeStream board. Fred Hiers is a reporter at the Citrus Chronicle. Email him at LIFESTREAMFrom page A1 “2019 was the last time I did drugs,” she said. “But even when I was on drugs, I still did everything I could to take care of my daugh-ter.” Her daughter would stay with her father and grand-parents, she said. Also during that time, whenever Lee needed a place to stay, her mother would take her in. Her mom, Laverne Lee, died in 2020, and Lee went to live with her brother, then tried living with restaurant co-workers, but that didnÂ’t work out. Then she tried living with her daughterÂ’s father, but they didnÂ’t get along, so she started staying at a motel, spending as much as $500 a week for a place to sleep. “ThatÂ’s when I started sleeping in my car,” she said. “I was working 13-14 hours a day, six days a week, but I was sleeping in my car – nobody knew about it,” she said. One day, as she went to pick her daughter up from school, the school social worker saw her and said, “You look down.” Lee, normally a private person, started telling her about her situation, and the next thing Lee knew, she was meeting Josh White. “Debra was doing everything she was supposed to be doing, but she just need-ed that boost to get past that hurdle that was keeping her from moving forward,” he said. “Within two days, Josh found me a place to move in,” Lee said. White still regularly keeps in touch with Lee and stops by to bring toiletries and grocery gift cards and just to check in. “The goal is to get people to where they donÂ’t need us anymore,” White said. White said the main word the foundation staff uses is “self-sustainability.” “If someone comes in with no income, no transporta-tion and no willingness to change – weÂ’re spending donor dollars and we have to spend them responsibly,” he said. “So, if we write a check or spend money, we ask ourselves, ‘Is it going to lead to self-sustainability?Â’ “If not, we look at other avenues where we can help. If youÂ’re not employed, can we help you nd employ-ment? Things like that.” This school year, CCEF found housing for ve fam-ilies who were completely homeless and prevented 20 families from being home-less. “Prevention is what we want,” White said. “ItÂ’s cheaper, and we want to prevent a child from hav-ing to experience even one night sleeping in a car or a tent, which can be a trau-matic experience. We try to get to families as fast as we can so they donÂ’t have to ex-perience homelessness.” In all, they worked with 120 families this school year in one capacity or an-other. “Some were high school students who were couch-hopping or living completely on their own without any assistance, so weÂ’ll work with them,” White said. He said CCEF works yearround, even during summer break, because the needs donÂ’t end on the last day of school. “The whole idea for everything is really (to pro-vide) a roadmap and not just ‘HereÂ’s a check,’” White said. “WeÂ’re laying out a plan for the future for each family, and weÂ’re staying in touch with them. “Like with Debra, sheÂ’s self-sustainable, but IÂ’m still going to stay in contact with her.” he said. Lee said sheÂ’s grateful for the help she received that has her on a good path. “For me, thereÂ’s no going back,” she said. “My mom got to see me clean (from drugs) before she passed, and now my goal is to stay clean and take care of my daughter. “This is my one chance. I know if I fail again no-bodyÂ’s going to help me out again.” Nancy Kennedy can be reached at 352-564-2927 or by email at NAVIGATINGFrom page A1 Matthew Beck / Chronicle photo editor Debra Lee gives Josh Langston-White a hug Monday, May 9, outside of her Inverness home that the Citrus County Education FoundationÂ’s Community of Care Program helped her to secure. Langston-White is the programÂ’s Navigator and acts as a liaison between the Citrus County Education FoundationÂ’s program and those needing assistance. Asked about Santos on Wednesday, Biden said, “IÂ’m not commenting,” adding that anything he said would be construed by some interfering in the in-vestigation. Asked if Con-gress should expel Santos, Biden said, “ThatÂ’s for Congress to decide.” Among the allegations, prosecutors say Santos created a company and then induced supporters to donate to it under the false pretense that the money would be used to support his campaign. Instead, they say, he used the money for personal expenses, includ-ing designer clothes and credit card and car pay-ments. Santos also is accused of lying about his nances on congressional disclosure forms and obtaining unem-ployment bene ts while he was making $120,000 as regional director of an in-vestment rm that the gov-ernment shut down in 2021 over allegations that it was a Ponzi scheme. The indictment “seeks to hold Santos accountable for various alleged fraud-ulent schemes and brazen misrepresentations,” U.S. Attorney Breon Peace said. SANTOSFrom page A1
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 11, 2023 A5 OBITUARIES Bruce E. AllenMay 2, 2023ALLEN, BRUCE E. 61, of Lecanto, FL passed away on May 2, 2023 under the care of HPH Hospice in Lecanto, FL. Bruce was born and raised in Citrus County 1961 – 2023. He is sur vived by his wife Barbara Allen. Bruce has 2 children son Andrew Allen, Daugh ter Taylor Allen and step-son Matthew Locklear. Bruce has 5 grandchildren. Also, his mother Sue Ann Moehle Allen of Dunnel lon, Twin Sister Bernie Blakeslee of Pine Ridge, brothers Richard Allen of Punta Gorda, Todd Allen of Lecanto, half-brother Jason Allen and step-sister Pam Fowler. Bruce was a U.S. Army veteran who served in 101 ABN.DIV. FORT CAMP BELL, KENTUCKY. Bruce worked for his fa ther Bud Allen at Allen Site Development, then went on to work for D.A.B. Con struction. for 30 years. Bruce from a young man and throughout his years worked Construction and farmed. Bruce was a very simple and compassionate man. Bruce loved his grandchil dren and family. Bruce was a hard worker and devoted husband. Bruce was full of knowledge and honor; he was loved by all. He loved God, Family, and Trump. Services at 11am at First Baptist Church of Lecanto, FL 34461 @ 1020 S Lecan to Hwy Lecanto, FL 34461 on Saturday, May 13, 2023. Dinner after service. Arrangements by McGan Cremation Service LLC in Inverness, FL. Teachers unions challenge new Florida law By JIM SAUNDERS News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — Teachers unions have quickly led a constitu tional challenge to a new Florida law that places additional restrictions on public-employee unions, describing the measure as political retaliation by Gov. Ron DeSantis. The Florida Education Association, the United Faculty of Florida, the Alachua County teachers union and the University of Florida faculty union led a lawsuit Tuesday in federal court in Tallahas see, alleging that the law violates First Amendment, equal-protection and con tract rights. DeSantis signed the law (SB 256) during an event Tuesday in Miami. The Republican governor and teachers unions have re peatedly clashed about ed ucation policies, and the unions were key supporters last year of DeSantisÂ’ elec tion opponent, Democrat Charlie Crist. The lawsuit pointed to unions that represent law-enforcement ofcers, correctional ofcers and reghters – which have backed DeSantis and other Republicans – being ex empted from the restric tions. “In a bid to punish the ‘school unionsÂ’ and other public employee unions who have opposed him, Gov. DeSantis pushed for ‘unprecedentedÂ’ chang es to FloridaÂ’s collective bargaining law to harm disfavored unions while exempting those unions representing law enforce ment, corrections, and reghter employees who have supported him,” the lawsuit said. Among other things, the law prevents dues from be ing deducted from workersÂ’ paychecks, forcing union members to make separate payments. Also, it requires gauging how many eligible employees are dues-paying union members. If fewer than 60 percent of eligi ble employees are mem bers, unions will have to be recertied as bargaining agents. In addition, it requires unions to include specic information on member ship forms about Florida being a “right-to-work” state and about compensa tion of the ve highest-paid ofcers and employees of each union. Also, it requires unions to have audited nancial statements, which will need to be made available to members. Supporters have said the law would provide more transparency to workers about unions. During an appearance Wednesday in Jacksonville, DeSantis said the law will be “good for teachers.” “They can make more of an informed decision,” De Santis said. “They have a better sense of how much money is actually going and then they can evaluate what the union is actually doing for them. They are really not doing very much. They use that money for political, partisan activities. ThatÂ’s what they use it for.” But during a news confer ence Wednesday, state and national union leaders said the law is about political retribution. They likened it to DeSantisÂ’ battle with the Walt Disney Co. after the entertainment giant op posed a 2022 state law re stricting instruction about sexual orientation and gen der identity in schools. “The governor is using this legislation to retali ate against his critics, very similar to what weÂ’ve seen in the attacks on Disney as well,” Florida Education Association President An drew Spar said. The lawsuit alleges the measure violates First Amendment rights, in part, by requiring that specic information be included on union membership forms. “(The section of the law), by compelling disfavored unions to convey a promi nent, government-drafted, 91-word ‘right-to-workÂ’ afrmation in the member ship authorization forms that they present to pro spective members, and compelling those public employees who desire to become members of dis favored unions to sign that afrmation, violates the rights to freedom of speech and freedom of associa tion protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution,” the lawsuit said. The lawsuit also raises equal-protection arguments because the restrictions do not apply across-the-board to unions, exempting the unions for law-enforce ment ofcers, correctional ofcers and reghters. Also, it raises allegations about the law unconstitu tionally impairing existing union contracts. For exam ple, the contract between the Alachua County Educa tion Association union and the Alachua County school district allows union dues to be deducted from teach ersÂ’ paychecks. A contract between the United Faculty of Florida and the Univer sity of Florida has a similar provision. “By prohibiting disfa vored unions from collect ing voluntary membership dues via payroll deduc tion, (a section of the law) substantially impairs the contractual rights” of the United Faculty of Florida and the Alachua County Education Association, the lawsuit said. The law, which the Re publican-controlled Leg islature passed during the session that ended last week, applies to a variety of unions. The lawsuit, however, only names as plaintiffs the education unions. Members of the Florida Public Employees Rela tions Commission, which will carry out the law, are named as defendants. News Service Assignment Man ager Tom Urban contributed to this report.State and national union leaders said the law is about political retributionDeSantis signs illegal immigration measure By JIM SAUNDERS News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — With a federal change expected to lead to a surge in mi grants crossing the coun tryÂ’s southern border, Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednes day signed a controversial bill that targets illegal im migration. The bill (SB 1718), which the Republican-controlled Legislature passed during the session that ended last week, includes stepping up requirements on businesses to check the immigration status of workers, cracking down on people who bring undocumented immigrants into Florida and collecting data about whether hospital patients are in the country legally. It is part of a series of steps that DeSantis and other Republican leaders have taken in recent years aimed at undocumented immigrants. It also comes as DeSantis, who is widely expected to run for presi dent in 2024, blasts federal border policies. “This is just chaos,” DeSantis said during a bill-signing event in Jack sonville. “We are supposed to be the worldÂ’s leading superpower, and yet we canÂ’t even maintain control of our own southern border. The Mexican drug cartels have more to say about what goes on at the south ern border than our own U.S. government does.” But the bill drew heavy opposition from Demo cratic lawmakers and other groups that said it would hurt migrants and people who provide assistance. As an example, opponents said migrants might not seek needed hospital care be cause of concerns about be ing questioned about their immigration status. Hope CommUnity Cen ter, an Apopka organization that provides services to immigrants, issued a state ment Wednesday express ing concerns about the hos pital requirement and other parts of the bill. “Mr. DeSantis and his legislators are willfully ignorant of our immigra tion system,” Felipe Sou sa-Lazaballet, the centerÂ’s executive director, said in the statement. “Undocu mented immigrants want nothing more than to come out of the shadows. But the system is a dysfunctional maze that Washington re fuses to x. The Florida Legislature is punishing the wrong people for that and, in the process, dehumaniz ing their existence.” The bill includes: QRequiring all business es with 25 or more employ ees to use the federal E-Ver ify system to check the immigration status of work ers. Since 2021, such busi nesses have been required to use E-Verify or what are known as I-9 forms. QToughening criminal penalties for transporting undocumented immigrants into Florida. While the bill indicates the changes are aimed at curbing hu man smuggling, opponents raised the prospect of fam ily members and groups such as churches being prosecuted for transporting immigrants into the state. QRequiring hospitals to ask patients about whether they are U.S. citizens or are in the country legally. Hos pitals would be required to submit reports about the re sponses to the state. QRequiring law-en forcement agencies to take DNA samples from people being held on federal im migration detainers. The samples would be sent to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. QProviding $12 mil lion to the state Division of Emergency Manage ment for the “Unauthorized Alien Transport” program, which could transport un documented immigrants to other states. The program would be similar to the DeSantis administrationÂ’s controversial ights last year of 49 migrants from Texas to MarthaÂ’s Vineyard in Massachusetts. DeSantis signed the bill the day before the Biden administration plans to end what is known as a “Title 42” public-health order. That order, which stemmed from the COVID-19 pan demic, provided a way to help expel migrants.Florida detective accused of falsifying sex crimes casesFORT LAUDERDALE (AP) — A detective who has been with a South Flor ida sheriffÂ’s agency for nearly 21 years is accused of falsifying information in multiple cases and of threatening one victim with depor tation. Detective Demetrious Campbell, 48, was arrested Tuesday on nine counts of ofcial misconduct and one count of extortion, the Bro ward SheriffÂ’s Ofce said in a news release. He was suspended without pay and remained in the Broward County Jail on Wednesday morning. “Sex offenses are such heinous crimes to recov er from because of the emotional and sometimes physical scars endured by victims that last for many years,” Sheriff Gregory Tony said in a statement. “Failure to fully investigate such serious crimes is rep rehensible and downright disgraceful.” The investigation began when a victim called the agencyÂ’s sex crimes unit to ask about her case, the new release said, and Campbell told his supervisor the vic tim was uncooperative. The sergeant reopened that case, and also reviewed CampbellÂ’s les. He found eight cases this year and 25 in 2022 that were classi ed as “unfounded,” which means all leads were ex hausted, evidence was re viewed and the investigator determined no crime oc curred. Further investigation found 41 of the 99 sex crime and abuse cases Campbell investigated be tween October 2021 and March were classied as unfounded. Nine women have given sworn statements, includ ing one who said Campbell threatened to have her de ported. An investigation is continuing. A lawyer who could speak on CampbellÂ’s behalf was not listed on jail records. However, Matt Cow art, president of the local chapter of the International Union of Police Associa tions, told the Miami Her ald theyÂ’re aware of the charges. “As with anyone accused of a crime, Campbell will have the opportunity to defend himself as the case progresses through the ju dicial system,” he said. CAMPBELLDriver in 116-mph fatal house crash gets 27 years By TAMPA BAY TIMES ST. PETERSBURG — A Florida man who was driv ing his Tesla at least 116 mph before crashing into a house and killing two peo ple in 2021 has been sen tenced to 27 years in prison. Vaughn Mongan, 45, of Palm Harbor, was sentenced Monday in Pinellas County court, the Tampa Bay Times reported. He pleaded guilty in March to two counts of vehicular homicide and three counts of reckless driving with serious bodily injury. Mongan was driving near ly four times the legal speed limit on a Tampa Bay-ar ea road in September 2021 when he blew through a stop sign at a T intersection, hit a grassy embankment, crashed through a fence and slammed into the home, of cials said. The speed limit on the road was 30 mph. The vehicle was not on autopilot. A passenger in the car, Travis Meisman, died in the crash. Also killed were Donna Rein and her dog, who were inside the home. Three other passengers in the car were seriously in jured. 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A6 Thursday, May 11, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle Money & Markets A click of the wrist gets you more at 3,700 3,800 3,900 4,000 4,100 4,200 NM DJ FM A 4,040 4,120 4,200 S&P 500Close: 4,137.64Change: 18.47 (0.4%) 10 DAYS 31,200 32,000 32,800 33,600 34,400 35,200 NM DJ FM A 32,920 33,600 34,280 Dow Jones industrialsClose: 33,531.33Change: -30.48 (-0.1%) 10 DAYS Advanced 1297Declined 1052New Highs 52 New Lows 59 Vol. (in mil.) 3,827 Pvs. Volume 3,599 4,7263,781 19541454 89 155 NYSE NASD DOW 33,772.09 33,239.45 33,531.33 -30.48 -0.09% +1.16% DOW Trans. 14,096.79 13,757.71 13,916.08 -42.22 -0.30% +3.91% DOW Util. 969.91 957.51 966.64 +7.46 +0.78% -0.08% NYSE Comp. 15,441.99 15,228.42 15,349.17 -3.64 -0.02% +1.09% NASDAQ 12,337.69 12,180.86 12,306.44 +126.89 +1.04% +17.58%S&P 500 4,154.28 4,098.92 4,137.64 +18.47 +0.45% +7.77% S&P 400 2,471.06 2,424.96 2,449.02 +4.16 +0.17% +0.77% Wilshire 5000 40,821.06 40,263.73 40,810.56 +182.61 +0.45% +7.19% Russell 2000 1,772.93 1,743.63 1,759.51 +9.83 +0.56% -0.10% HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG %CHG YTD Stocks Recap AT&T Inc T 14.46 r 22.84 17.04 +.02 +0.1 t t t -7.4 -9.0 1.11 Ametek Inc AME 106.17 148.06 144.68 +.27 +0.2 t s t +3.5 +18.5 28 1.00f Anheuser-Busch InBev BUD 44.51 67.09 61.81 -1.70 -2.7 t t t +2.9 +19.1 25 0.82e Bank of America BAC 26.32 n 38.60 27.32 -.34 -1.2 t t t -17.5 -23.7 8 0.88 Capital City Bank CCBG 25.08 r 36.86 29.23 +.10 +0.3 t s t -10.1 +13.7 12 0.72f Citigroup C 40.01 54.56 46.37 -.15 -0.3 s t t +2.5 -6.2 6 2.04 Disney DIS 84.07 126.48 101.14 -1.04 -1.0 s s s +16.4 -6.6 56 ... Duke Energy DUK 83.76 114.50 99.14 +1.09 +1.1 t t s -3.7 -7.6 30 4.00f EPR Properties EPR 33.92 r 55.90 42.09 +.12 +0.3 t s s +11.6 -13.2 23 3.30 Equity Commonwealth EQC 19.41 23.57 20.58 +.02 +0.1 t t t -1.4 -1.8 45 5.25e Exxon Mobil Corp XOM 80.69 119.92 107.74 -1.40 -1.3 t t t -2.3 +22.9 8 3.64 Ford Motor F 10.61 16.68 11.89 +.03 +0.3 t t t +2.2 -6.6 17 0.60a Gen Electric GE 46.55 102.95 99.54 -1.46 -1.4 t s s +52.9 +65.8 0.32 HCA Holdings Inc HCA 164.47 294.02 278.54 +4.49 +1.6 s s s +16.1 +23.2 14 2.40f Home Depot HD 264.51 347.25 289.03 -1.55 -0.5 t t t -8.5 +0.5 17 8.36f Intel Corp INTC 24.59 44.93 29.97 -.13 -0.4 t t t +13.4 -27.8 15 0.50m IBM IBM 115.55 153.21 122.02 +.85 +0.7 r t t -13.4 -5.6 62 6.64f LKQ Corporation LKQ 46.20 59.33 56.87 -.33 -0.6 t s s +6.5 +14.5 13 1.10 Lowes Cos LOW 170.12 223.31 204.32 -2.80 -1.4 t s s +2.5 +8.3 17 4.20 Lumen Technologies LUMN 2.06 n 12.54 2.36 -.01 -0.4 s t t -54.8 -74.3 ... McDonalds Corp MCD 228.34 298.86 296.57 -.09 ... r s s +12.5 +20.6 36 6.08 Microsoft Corp MSFT 213.43 311.97 312.31 +5.31 +1.7 s s s +30.2 +13.3 35 2.72 Motorola Solutions MSI 195.18 295.10 289.55 +2.98 +1.0 s s s +12.4 +39.6 37 3.52 NextEra Energy NEE 67.22 91.35 76.89 +1.31 +1.7 s t t -8.0 +7.4 37 1.87f Piedmont Office RT PDM 5.99 n 15.57 6.57 +.01 +0.2 t t t -28.4 -52.9 10 0.84 Regions Fncl RF 13.94 24.33 16.09 -.21 -1.3 t t t -25.4 -18.7 7 0.80 Smucker, JM SJM 119.82 163.07 158.38 +1.12 +0.7 s s s -0.1 +14.4 20 4.08 Texas Instru TXN 144.46 186.30 163.05 +.05 ... t t t -1.3 +1.0 18 4.96 UniFirst Corp UNF 154.72 205.59 161.77 +.50 +0.3 t t t -16.2 -2.7 20 1.24f Verizon Comm VZ 32.76 52.18 37.63 +.06 +0.2 t t t -4.5 -16.3 7 2.61 Vodafone Group VOD 9.94 16.88 11.67 -.20 -1.7 t s s +15.3 -14.3 cc 1.06e WalMart Strs WMT 117.27 154.64 152.55 -.43 -0.3 s s s +7.6 +3.6 36 2.28 Walgreen Boots Alli WBA 30.39 n 44.96 31.59 +.15 +0.5 t t t -15.4 -23.7 6 1.92 52-WK RANGE CLOSE YTD 1YR NAME TICKER LO HI CLOSE CHG %CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN P/E DIV Stocks of Local Interest Dividend Footnotes: a Extra dividends were paid, but are not included. b Annual rate plus stock. c Liquidating dividend. e Amount declared or paid in last 12 months. f Current annual rate, which was increased by most recent dividend announcement. i Sum of dividends paid after stock split, no regular rate. j Sum of dividends paid this year. Most recent dividend was omitted or deferred. k Declared or paid this year, a cumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r Declared or paid in preceding 12 months plus stock dividend. t Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distribution date.PE Footnotes: q Stock is a closed-end fund no P/E ratio shown. cc P/E exceeds 99. dd Loss in last 12 months. The molecular diagnostics company raised its sales forecast for the year . The electric vehicle maker beat an-alysts’ first-quarter earnings fore-casts . The cloud services provider report ed encouraging first-quarter earn-ings and revenue. The oil company once owned by famed industrialist Armand Hammer reported weak first-quarter profit and revenue . The short-term rental giant gave in vestors a disappointing forecast for bookings in the second quarter . Wa ll Street closed slightly higher after a report showed inflation is easing, even if it remains too high. The S& P 500 rose 0.4% W ednesda y. The Dow ended just barely lower , while the Nasdaq gained ground. 100 120 140 $160 FM MA AirbnbABNB Close: $113.19 -13.88 or -10.9% $81.91$144.63 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 34.1m (5.4x avg.) $46.7 b 52-week range PE: Yield: 40.6 ... 55 60 65 $70 FM MA Occidental PetroleumOXY Close: $56.85 -2.11 or -3.6% $54.30$77.13 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 21.1m (1.5x avg.) $51.1 b 52-week range PE: Yi eld: 4.6 1.3% 70 80 $90 FM MA Akamai TechnologiesAKAM Close: $85.54 6.66 or 8.4% $70.65$102.83 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 4.3m (2.4x avg.) $13.4 b 52-week range PE: Yield: 28.8 ... 10 15 20 $25 FM MA Rivian AutomotiveRIVN Close: $14.11 0.25 or 1.8% $11.68$40.86 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 66.6m (2.4x avg.) $13.1 b 52-week range PE: Yield: ...... 60 70 $80 FM MA Exact SciencesEXAS Close: $78.73 7.73 or 10.9% $29.27$80.75 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 7.1m (3.6x avg.) $14.0 b 52-week range PE: Yield: ...... The yield on the 10-year Trea-sury note fell to 3.44% Wednes-day. Yields af-fect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans. NET 1YR TREASURIES LAST PVS CHG AGO 8.25 7.00 4.00 5.13 3.88 .88 PRIME RATE FED FUNDS 3-month T-bill 5.23 5.28 -0.05 .90 6-month T-bill 5.10 5.15 -0.05 1.43 52-wk T-bill 4.75 4.86 -0.11 1.95 2-year T-note 3.91 4.03 -0.12 2.62 5-year T-note 3.37 3.51 -0.14 2.91 7-year T-note 3.40 3.51 -0.11 2.99 10-year T-note 3.44 3.52 -0.08 2.99 30-year T-bond 3.80 3.84 -0.04 3.13 NAT'L WK 6MO 1YRCONSUMER RATES AVG AGO AGO AGO 48 month new car loan 7.03 s 6.98 6.92 6.14 Money market account 0.52 r 0.52 0.49 0.25 1 year CD 2.47 s 2.42 2.38 1.92 $30K Home equity loan 9.13 s 9.12 9.10 7.94 30 year xed mortgage 6.91 s 6.83 6.87 7.23 15 year xed mortgage 6.29 s 6.22 6.16 6.44 LAST 6 MO AGO 1 YR AGO Commodities Natural gas pric-es slumped over 3%, and U.S. crude oil closed 1.6% lower. Wholesale gas-oline and heat-ing oil finished slightly higher. Gold and silver prices slipped. Crude Oil (bbl) 72.56 73.71 -1.56 -9.6 Heating Oil (gal) 2.39 2.39 +0.13 -28.8 Natural Gas (mm btu) 2.19 2.27 -3.35 -51.0 Unleaded Gas (gal) 2.49 2.48 +0.60 +1.4 FUELS CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD Gold (oz) 2,030.50 2,036.20 -0.28 +11.6 Silver (oz) 25.46 25.70 -0.92 +6.7 Platinum (oz) 1,119.10 1,116.00 +0.28 +4.2 Copper (lb) 3.83 3.89 -1.57 +0.6 Aluminum (ton) 2,284.75 2,333.75 -2.10 -5.2 Palladium (oz) 1,613.10 1,587.70 +1.60 -9.9 METALS CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD Cattle (lb) 1.63 1.64 -0.56 +5.3 Coffee (lb) 1.86 1.87 -0.29 +11.2 Corn (bu) 6.46 6.42 +0.51 -4.9 Cotton (lb) 0.81 0.81 -0.28 -3.1 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 348.90 344.00 +1.42 -6.6 Orange Juice (lb) 2.67 2.66 +0.08 +29.1 Soybeans (bu) 14.37 14.52 -1.05 -5.5 Wheat (bu) 6.28 6.31 -0.36 -20.7 AGRICULTURE CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD American Funds AmrcnBalA m 29.66 +.10 +3.5 +2.2 +7.0 +6.1 CptWldGrIncA m 55.09 +.02 +7.2 +8.3 +10.3 +5.0 CptlIncBldrA m 64.22 -.01 +2.7 +3.4 +8.5 +4.7 FdmtlInvsA m 64.27 +.14 +7.0 +6.9 +12.2 +7.8 GrfAmrcA m 55.42 +.19 +12.0 +4.9 +8.8 +8.1 IncAmrcA m 22.70 -.02 +1.1 +1.3 +9.5 +5.8 InvCAmrcA m 44.31 +.15 +7.8 +7.8 +12.7 +8.3 NwPrspctvA m 52.61 +.11 +11.2 +8.5 +11.6 +8.5 WAMtInvsA m 52.77 +.12 +1.9 +3.0 +13.7 +9.1 Dodge & Cox IncI 12.50 +.06 +3.5 +1.1 -0.6 +2.1 StkI 213.14 -.87 -0.1 +0.4 +17.6 +8.5 Fidelity 500IdxInsPrm 143.72 +.65 +8.4 +5.2 +14.0 +10.6 Contrafund 13.66 +.04 +14.6 +7.7 +10.2 +9.6 TtlMktIdxInsPrm 113.86 +.52 +7.6 +4.7 +13.3 +9.7 USBdIdxInsPrm 10.45 +.07 +3.7 0.0 -3.1 +1.2 Schwab SP500Idx 63.39 ... +7.9 +5.0 +13.8 +10.7 Vanguard 500IdxAdmrl 382.14 +1.71 +8.4 +5.2 +13.9 +10.6 DivGrInv 35.56 +.03 +1.1 +5.7 +14.4 +11.8 EqIncAdmrl 81.82 -.19 -2.7 +0.8 +14.5 +8.5 GrIdxAdmrl 130.88 +1.37 +19.5 +8.3 +11.9 +12.3 InTrTEAdmrl 13.58 ... +2.7 +4.5 +0.8 +2.1 MdCpIdxAdmrl 255.95 +.69 +1.5 +0.9 +12.0 +7.3 PrmCpAdmrl 141.62 +.26 +8.2 +7.4 +14.5 +9.4 TrgtRtr2025Fd 17.69 +.06 +5.7 +3.4 +5.8 +4.7 TrgtRtr2030Fd 33.40 +.11 +6.1 +4.0 +6.9 +5.1 TrgtRtr2035Fd 20.67 +.07 +6.5 +4.5 +8.1 +5.5 TrgtRtr2040Fd 36.42 +.11 +6.8 +5.1 +9.3 +5.9 TrgtRtr2045Fd 24.52 +.07 +7.1 +5.6 +10.4 +6.4 TrgtRtr2050Fd 40.68 +.11 +7.3 +5.9 +10.6 +6.5 TtBMIdxAdmrl 9.73 +.06 +3.7 +0.1 -3.0 +1.2 TtInSIdxAdmrl 30.21 -.01 +8.7 +9.5 +10.5 +2.7 TtInSIdxInv 18.06 -.01 +8.7 +9.5 +10.4 +2.6 TtlSMIdxAdmrl 99.32 ... +7.1 +4.4 +13.1 +9.8 WlngtnAdmrl 69.22 +.27 +4.9 +4.8 +8.4 +7.2 WlslyIncAdmrl 59.57 +.16 +1.4 +0.7 +3.8 +4.8 TOTAL RETURNFAMILY FUND NAV CHG YTD 1YR 3YR* 5YR* Mutual Funds *– Annualized; d Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. m Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. x fund paid a distribution during the week. Interest rates (Previous and change gures reect current contract.)Wall Street edges higher after inflation report By STAN CHOE Associated Press NEW YORK — A mixed day of trading left Wall Street slightly higher on Wednesday after a report showed ination is making strides toward easing, even if it remains too high. The S&P 500 rose 18.47, or 0.4 percent, to 4,137.64 after swinging between gains and losses through the day. The Dow Jones Indus trial Average slipped 30.48, or 0.1 percent, to 33,531.33, while the Nasdaq compos ite rallied 126.89, or 1 per cent, to 12,306.44. Bond prices climbed af ter the highly anticipated report said ination at the consumer level edged down to 4.9 percent last month, its lowest level in two years. That was slightly better than economists expected, and other underlying mea sures of ination also came in very close to forecasts. Because of that, Wall Street still sees the door open for the Federal Re serve to leave interest rates alone at its next meeting in June. That would be the rst time it hasn’t raised rates at a meeting in more than a year, and a pause would offer some breathing room for the economy and nancial markets. “The concern coming in was that it would be hotter than feared,” said Ross Mayeld, investment strategy analyst at Baird. “While not exactly an excit ing report, I think there was enough good news baked in that it shouldn’t impact the Fed or the economic trajec tory all that much.” The Fed has jacked up rates at a furious pace in hopes of driving down in ation. But high rates do that by slowing the entire economy and hitting in vestment prices broadly. They’ve already sent stock prices tumbling, caused tur moil in the banking system and dragged on the econo my enough that many inves tors expect a recession to hit this year. Following the report, trad ers upped the probability they see of the Fed holding rates steady in June to near ly 94 percent, according to data from CME Group. Stocks that benet the most from an easing of in terest rates led the way on Wall Street, including Big Tech and other high-growth stocks. Amazon’s 3.3 per cent rise and Microsoft’s 1.7 percent climb were the two biggest forces pushing the S&P 500 higher. Of course, other econom ic reports will arrive before the Fed’s next meeting in the middle of June that will sway its decision. One will hit Thursday, showing how ination fared at the whole sale level last month. In the meantime, ination still remains way above the Fed’s 2 percent target and continues to squeeze house holds across the economy, particularly those with the lowest incomes. On the losing end of Wall Street, Lincoln National fell 3.9 percent after reporting weaker prot for the latest quarter than expected. Airbnb dropped 10.9 per cent despite reporting prot that matched analysts’ fore casts. It gave nancial fore casts for the current quarter that were weaker than some on Wall Street expected. The majority of compa nies in the S&P 500 have topped prot forecasts so far this reporting season, which is approaching its nal stretch. But they’re still on pace to report an over all drop in earnings from a year earlier, which would be the second straight quarter that’s happened. Icahn Enterprises, the part nership run by high-prole activist investor Carl Icahn, sank 15.1 percent after dis closing federal prosecutors asked for information re lated to its corporate gover nance and other matters. The request from the U.S. Attorney’s ofce for the Southern District of New York came a day after a short-selling research rm, Hindenburg Research, ac cused Icahn Enterprises of inating the value of some of its investments. Icahn called the accusations mis leading and self-serving and published a rebuttal Wednesday. In the bond market, in creased hopes for a coming pause from the Fed on rates pushed yields lower. The yield on the 10-year Treasury fell to 3.43 percent from 3.52 percent. It helps set rates for mortgages and other important loans. The two-year Treasury yield, which moves more on ex pectations for Fed action, fell to 3.90 percent from 4.03 percent. Besides worries about in terest rates and ination, some corners of the bond market are also swing ing on concerns about the U.S. government inching closer to a possible default on its debt. That’s nev er happened before, and economists warn a default could be catastrophic for the economy and nancial markets. The widespread expecta tion is that Congress will come to a deal before the June 1 deadline that many on Wall Street have circled, simply because the alter native would be so painful for everyone. But a meet ing in the White House on Tuesday between political leaders yielded no break through, and sniping con tinues between them.U.S. prices stay high, showing inflation pressures persist By CHRISTOPHER RUGABER AP Economics Writer WASHINGTON — Con sumer prices in the United States rose again in April, and measures of underlying ination stayed high, a sign that further declines in in ation are likely to be slow and bumpy. Prices increased 0.4 percent from March to April, the government said Wednesday, up sharply from a 0.1 percent rise from February to March. Com pared with a year earlier, prices climbed 4.9 percent, down slightly from March’s year-over-year increase. It was the smallest annual in crease in two years. Even with price pressures rising in April, the latest data did provide some evi dence of cooling ination. Grocery prices fell for a second straight month. And the cost of many services, including airline fares and hotel rooms, plunged. Though apartment rents rose in April, they did so more slowly than in previ ous months. The Federal Reserve’s policymakers have been closely watching services prices, and April’s gures could lead them to do what they had signaled after their meeting last week: Pause their rate hikes, after 10 straight increases, while they assess the economic impact the higher borrow ing costs have had. Measured year over year, last month’s decline in in ation was much less than in previous months, under scoring that consumer price increases might not fall back to the Fed’s 2 percent target until at least well into next year. Excluding volatile energy and food costs, so-called core prices rose 0.4 per cent from March to April, the same as from February to March. It was the fth straight month that they have risen at least 0.4 per cent. Core prices are re garded as a reliable gauge of longer-term ination trends. Compared with a year ago, core ination rose 5.5 percent, just below a year-over-year increase of 5.6 percent in March. “This is a story of stillsticky core ination at an elevated level,” said Blerina Uruci, chief U.S. economist for xed income at T. Rowe Price. “This report puts the Fed on track to keep rates high this year.” For everyday consumer items, Wednesday’s in ation report was mixed. Gasoline prices jumped 3 percent just in April. By contrast, grocery pric es dropped for a second straight month. Used car prices surged 4.4 percent af ter nine months of declines. Airline fares, though, dropped 2.6 percent in April, and hotel prices plunged 3 percent after four straight monthly increases. The Fed is paying particu lar attention to a measure of services ination that cov ers such items as dining out, hotel stays and entertain ment and that has remained chronically high for much of the past year. This mea sure, which excludes energy services and housing, rose just 0.1 percent from March to April, the smallest in crease since last July. Consumers and business es continue to struggle with higher costs, and there are signs that some are re sponding by reining in their spending. Donald Minerva, who owns the Scottadito Osteria Toscana, an Italian restau rant in Brooklyn, says he has had to raise his prices several times since the pan demic struck to keep pace with rising costs for raw in gredients, all kinds of insur ance and higher wages. Minerva has tried to nd ways to save on costs. He has stopped serving lunch during the week and is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. Even with the reduction in hours, though, his labor costs are about 10 percent higher than before the pandemic. With consumers starting to resist higher prices, Min erva said, he’s been forced to drop expensive menus for such holidays as Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. He introduced a more cost ly prix xe menu for New Year’s, only to see some customers cancel. “People are not spending as much money,” he said. For New Year’s Eve dinner, “we did what we normally did, and we lost the holi day.” A slowdown in consum er spending, which drives most of the U.S. economy, could help ease ination in the coming months. At the same time, average pay checks are still rising rap idly. Though benecial for workers, that trend likely means that many compa nies will keep raising prices to offset their higher labor costs. And some companies are still experiencing strong consumer spending. Del aware North, which runs food and hotel services at resorts, sports stadiums and national parks in the United States and abroad, is still enjoying healthy demand at destination resorts at places like the Grand Canyon. “They’re demonstrating this incredible resilience,” said Frank Mendicino, the company’s executive vice president. “People are trav eling to these bucket-list destinations like the Grand Canyon.” Mendicino acknowledged that the company has raised prices for some of its hotel rooms mostly in response to higher demand, not because of its higher labor costs. For more than two years, high ination has been a sig nicant burden for Ameri ca’s consumers, a threat to the economy and a frustrat ing challenge for the Fed. The central bank has raised its key interest rate by a sub stantial 5 percentage points since March 2022 to try to drive ination back down to its 2 percent target.
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 11, 2023 A7 To Reserve Your Space SAR008556 Call $QQD(352) 564-29 we could still use all of the ESSER dollars and not over-commit to having all our eggs in one basket.” Androski answered that in doing this large purchase all at once, it solves the issue of the district being short the amount of iPads that are actually needed by schools right now. Board member Sandy Counts conrmed that the district is looking into re quiring insurance for par ents and students to hold them accountable for taking care of the devices provid ed to them and to offset the losses incurred over time. Following Dodd bringing up needing to do another purchase when newer and better devices come out as technology evolves, An droski and Wilson explained that devices that came out ve or six years ago do still work now, so they should be comfortable with these new devices lasting at least the next ve years. Additionally, there is a dollar amount budgeted for the iPads every year, just like how the replacement of school buses is budgeted ev ery year. So, following this purchase then the capital funds for iPads will still be built in to the budget. “In the end, this saves us two to three million dol lars and provides everyone with the same technolo gy at the same time,” said Kennedy. “Fiscally this is a very wise move,” said Wilson. The purchase was ap proved by a 4-1 vote. Doug Dodd voted against based on the reasoning that the district should stay on the plan to replace iPads pe riodically using ESSER funds, rather than in one large purchase. To view the complete agenda that was discussed, go online to yxz3bfs4. To watch Tues dayÂ’s meeting, visit Contact Chronicle Reporter Georgia Sullivan at 352-564-2929 or georgia.sullivan@chronicle BOARDFrom page A3Judge who presided over Parkland school shooting trial announces resignation By TERRY SPENCER Associated Press FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — The Florida judge who gained a national pro le while presiding over the Parkland school shoot ing trial announced Wednesday that she is resigning June 30 to pursue un specied ca reer oppor tunities. Circuit Judge Elizabeth Scherer rose in prominence when she oversaw the tele vised penalty trial of Niko las Cruz. He received a life sentence last year after a divided jury was unable to agree on the death penalty for the 2018 mass killing of 14 students and three staff members at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. “It has been a a privilege to serve the people of the State of Florida for over 10 years,” Scherer wrote in her brief resignation letter to Gov. Ron DeSantis. The resignation was rst report ed by Court TV. Scherer, a 46-year-old former prosecutor, was appointed to the bench in 2012. Broward CountyÂ’s computerized system ran domly assigned her CruzÂ’s case shortly after the shoot ing. It was her rst murder trial. Her handling of the case drew frequent praise from the parents and spouses of the victims, who said she treated them with profes sionalism and kindness, but her clashes with CruzÂ’s attorneys and others some times drew criticism from legal observers. Before the trial she crit icized two reporters from the Sun Sentinel newspa per for publishing a sealed Cruz educational record that they obtained legally. She threatened to tell the paper what it could and couldnÂ’t print, but never did; legal experts say such a move would have been un constitutional. Scherer also had frequent heated arguments with CruzÂ’s lead public defend er, Melisa McNeill. Those boiled over for the rst time when McNeill and her team suddenly rested their case after calling only a small fraction of their expected witnesses. Scherer called it “the most uncalled for, unprofessional way to try a case,” though the defense has no obligation to call all of its witnesses or an nounce its plans in advance. McNeill countered angri ly, “You are insulting me on the record in front of my client,” before Scherer told her to stop. She then laid into her. “YouÂ’ve been insulting me the entire trial,” Scherer barked at McNeill. “Argu ing with me, storming out, coming late intentionally if you donÂ’t like my rul ings. So, quite frankly, this has been long overdue. So please be seated.” The two clashed again during CruzÂ’s sentencing hearing in November over the verbal attacks some victimsÂ’ family members made against the defense team during their court room statements. Scherer refused to curtail the state ments and ejected one of McNeillÂ’s assistants after he complained. After sentencing Cruz, 24, to life without parole as required, Scherer left the bench and hugged mem bers of the prosecution and the victimsÂ’ families. That action led the Flor ida Supreme Court last month to remove her from overseeing post-conviction motions of another defen dant, Randy Tundidor, who was sentenced to death for murder in the 2019 killing of his landlord. One of the prosecutors in that case had also been on the Cruz team, and during a hear ing in the Tundidor case a few days after the Cruz sentencing, Scherer asked the prosecutor how he was holding up. The court said SchererÂ’s actions gave at least the appearance that she could not be fair to Tundidor.Execution set for Fla. man convicted of rapes and murdersTALLAHASSEE (AP) — A man convicted of killing and sexually assaulting a teenage girl and another woman in separate South Florida attacks in 1984 is set to be executed next month under a death warrant signed Tuesday by Republi can Gov. Ron DeSantis. Duane OwenÂ’s execution is set for June 15 at 6 p.m. ItÂ’s the fourth execution scheduled in Florida this year after a break dating back to 2019. Donald Dill beck was executed in Febru ary, and Louis Bernard Gas kin was executed in April. Darryl B. Barwick was exe cuted earlier this month. The execution would be only the sixth under DeSan tis, a far slower pace than re cent Florida governors – and ahead of his widely expect ed presidential campaign. According to court re cords, Owen broke into a Delray Beach home in March 1984 and attacked 14-year-old Karen Slattery, who was babysitting two young children. Owen re peatedly stabbed the girl and then sexually assaulted her, investigators said. The young children werenÂ’t in jured. About two months later, Georgianna Worden, 38, was sleeping in her Boca Raton home when Owen broke in and fatally struck her in the head with a ham mer multiple times before raping her, ofcials said. Delray Beach and Boca Raton are both in Palm Beach County, about 50 miles north of Miami. Owen is also accused of attacking two other wom en in their homes, but they survived.Officials: Florida sex offender charged with illegal votingMELBOURNE (AP) — A registered sex offender in Florida has been arrest ed on charges that he voted illegally in the November 2020 election. Louis Palmieri, 77, of Melbourne, was charged Tuesday with false afr mation in connection with an election and voting by an unqualied elector, both third-degree felonies, ac cording to Brevard County jail records. Melbourne is on the Atlantic coast, about 60 miles southeast of Or lando. Palmieri voted in the No vember 2020 election after signing paperwork claim ing he was eligible to vote, the Florida Department of Law EnforcementÂ’s Elec tion Crime Unit said in a news release. Florida vot ers passed a state constitu tional amendment in 2018 to restore the voting rights of most convicted felons, but the amendment ex empted felons convicted of murder or sexual offences. Palmieri is on stateÂ’s sex offender registry following a 2003 lewd and lascivious conviction on a child under 16 from St. Lucie County. The case was originally spotted by the Florida De partment of State and will be prosecuted by the Ofce of Statewide Prosecution. Palmieri was being held on $10,000 bail. Jail records didnÂ’t list an attorney. During the 2022 legisla tive session, Republican lawmakers passed an elec tion police bill pushed by Gov. Ron DeSantis, a po tential 2024 GOP presiden tial candidate, who cited as justication unspecied cases of fraud. DeSantis echoed many talking points on voting problems that have gained traction in the GOP after former Presi dent Donald TrumpÂ’s false claims that his reelection was stolen from him. Last August, DeSantis an nounced the arrests of 20 convicted felons accused of voting illegally in the 2020 election. But voting advo cates have said the fact that the defendants were able to successfully register with their local election ofcials gave them a false sense of eligibility, so the cases were unfair. 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A8 Thursday, May 11, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle T he last Saturday in April was a grand day of celebration for Citrus County’s Golden Citrus Scholars. Education-al scholarships, gift bags, laptops, plaques, celebra-tory yard signs and confetti were the order of the day for each of these graduating seniors. Jumping on the Cit-rus Golden Scholar school bus, members of the School District and the Education Foundation arrived at each scholar’s home to recog-nize their achievements. As their families and friends looked on, each student was honored and presented with scholarship funds and other goodies that were capped off by a confetti celebration. The Golden Citrus Schol ars program, which started in 2011, was the brain child of then School Board member Pat Deutschman. It was designed to recog nize academic and personal achievements by students in the county’s three public high schools. Each school nominates and recognizes a student in the following categories: English Language Arts and World Languages; Fine & Performing Arts; Leadership & Service; Mathematics & Engineering; Science; So cial Studies; and Career & Technical. The educational scholarship for these win ners is $500. The Education Foundation then names a county-wide winner in each of these categories. These winners receive an addition al $500 scholarship. Addi tionally, all student winners receive a laptop computer. Also recognized each year is the student selected to be the County’s Hall of Fame Golden Citrus Scholar, who receives a $2,000 scholar ship. The two Golden Heart Scholars, recognized for facing personal adversity and perseverance, each re ceived a $2,000 scholarship as well. When the program rst started and for several years, it was a formal event held at the College of Central Florida with students and parents present for the cere mony. When COVID hit, the district and the foundation had to think creatively. Thus came the idea of celebrating each student’s accomplish ments at their homes. This has proven to be such a rousing success that it has continued into this year’s fourth home celebrations. Parents, grandparents, friends and neighbors have the opportunity to witness the ceremony where their student is the star. It is apparent that the Golden Citrus Scholars event showcases the amaz ing students in our county. Our community is proud of these young people and it shows by the collabora tion of the School District, Education Foundation and community partners who contribute nancially to provide the scholarships, laptops, and plaques. There is denitely a commitment to recognizing the excel lence in our school system. We salute the district and the foundation for the in credible hours dedicated to making this an unforgettable event for the students and their families. We commend our generous community individuals and organizations that underwrite this event each year. And we honor our high-performing students and wish them much success as they graduate from high school and move to the next stage of their lives. R epairing America’s refugee program was recently the focus of rare bipartisan support in Congress. Senators John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Alex Padilla, D-California, led a hearing on U.S. refugee policy, which was pri-marily a defense of plans to rebuild the system from the ground up. The hearing was a refreshing re-minder of Amer ica’s immigrant heritage and the dire need to improve our refugee program to live up to our values. The United States has long been a sanctuary for those ee-ing persecution and seeking a better life. Since 2016, however, the United States has made itself the new home of fewer people every year until 2022, as Padilla pointed out in his opening state-ment. Even last year, the total number of people resettled, 25,465, is a shadow of our 2014 level of 70,000. Even worse, the United States had set a goal of relocat-ing 125,000 people in 2022. That means we rescued only one out of ve people we planned to last year. This makes the U.S. refugee system a bipartisan failure. The worldwide refugee population grew during Republican and Democratic presidencies, yet our resettlement efforts did not. As both senators agreed in the hearing, we need to redesign our system to meet the challenges of today’s refugee crisis. We should offer protection to “victims of persecution,” as Cornyn put it. My recent study, published with colleagues at the Center for Growth and Opportunity at Utah State University, proposes ways to ensure that we live up to our own history and meet our moral obligation to help those most in need worldwide. To add to those at the hearing, our proposal is to bring some certainty to how many refugees are brought to the United States each year. This requires insu-lating resettlement efforts from political pressure. We propose taking 10 percent of the refugees most in need of resettlement. The United Nations already publishes this gure, but the United States could create its own version to rene and track. If we take 10 percent of these refugees, our formula implies that we should bring in closer to 160,000 people in 2023. That’s a bit more than the 125,000 goal for 2023. This may seem like a lot. In fact, once you adjust for pop-ulation size, the United States resettles many fewer people than Canada and several other countries. In one exceptional year, 2015, Germany brought in 1 million Syrian refugees. At rst, this created some bumps along the way, with commentators and polling suggesting Germans were becoming concerned about refugee policy. But just three years later, polls had returned to their pre-2015 trends. All this is to say that, as German leader Angela Merkel said in 2015, “We can do this.” This is the same message that Cornyn and Padilla put forward in the hearing. Unlike most hearings, you couldn’t call any exchanges acrimonious or mali-cious. No one was there to score political points or to turn the session into a campaign speech. This leadership is what the Unit-ed States desperately needs more of in discussions about refugee policy. Immigration topics, like refugee policy, are in part so divisive because it is about member-ship – who belongs here? Who is American? Leaders in both parties can calm the storm by asserting the fundamentally American idea that immigration is the sincerest form of attery. Fundamentally, refugees add to America. It’s not an erosion of what it means to be American to rebuild our reputation as the place for those downtrodden and persecuted. America’s immi grant history gives us a unique advantage in pulling in people and turning them into new Amer-icans. Padilla and Cornyn’s cooperation is a model for future policy discussions of immigration and refugee policy. It’s also a reminder that America is at its best when we capitalize on what we agree. It is time to put aside partisan politics and work toward a more humane and effective refugee resettlement process. Josh T. Smith wrote this for Inside Sources. O DeSantis wants clean energy Hydrogen is one of the earth’s most abundant elements and makes up 75 percent of the mass of the universe. It is a clean alter native fuel that can be produced from a variety of resources, such as natural gas, nuclear power, and renewable power (solar and wind). Clean hydrogen produces almost zero carbon emissions and can play a large role in reducing emissions and boosting our economy. It will also enable us to be more energy indepen dent while relying less on fossil fuel. Hydrogen is also an inno vative lightweight fuel option for future automobiles, planes and ships. DHL, a major transport company, is already using “H2 panel vans,” which are capable of traveling 311 miles (500 km) without refueling. Gov. DeSantis wants to pro mote clean hydrogen technology in Florida. On his recent trip to Asia, he signed an agreement with Low Carbon Hydrogen Cor poration in South Korea. It will be a partnership to create a clean hydrogen facility in Polk County by June 2023. Along with Space Florida, there will be research facilities for the development of clean hydrogen fuel for future aerospace and space flights. This will be a win for both the envi ronment and creation of new jobs in Florida. Florida has a great trade rela tionship with South Korea. The state imported more than $958 million in goods and exported over $341.6 million in goods in 2021. South Korea has over $107 million in total holdings in Flor ida, including Hyundai Motor Group and Korean Airlines. DeSantis was busy in other parts of Korea with President Karl Kim (Hyundai) and CEO Hosung Song (Kia) in possible expansion in Florida for possible eVTOL’s (electric vertical take-off and landing aircrafts), which could be in commercial use in the United States by 2028. This technology would be invaluable in highly concentrated urban environments to move people more quickly. Our governor wants to be on the cutting edge of new technologies for both the environment and creation of new jobs for a brighter future in the Sunshine State. Marty McKeown Citrus Springs Using common sense to solve problems Cortney Stewart’s “Seeing Beyond” column in Sunday’s paper (page C2) “Brinkman ship isn’t good for anyone” got my attention, particularly the paragraph where she offered: “Tackling the nation’s debt is important. We need a long-term, logical, and methodical solution to the problem. But not paying what we already owe cannot be the answer.” So, what IS that solution that is “long-term, logical, and methodical”? Without proposing any kind of a detailed answer, Cortney’s discussion of the cur rent and continuing debt-ceiling congressional deadlock, the Cold War, and the Cuban Crisis pro vides no “answer” to our addic tion to brinkmanship. We seem to have a mental (political?) block even on such very import ant matters as national survival. What would the details of such an apparently elusive answer look like? Fortunately, we live in an era where “artificial intelligence” has become smarter than humans, at least in some ways. For simplicity, let’s say that the “methodology” for freeing our selves from our brinkmanship addiction would have no more than 12 fundamental elements (like in Alcoholics Anonymous), but elements common to most or all problems, issues, and govern ment expenditures. Can we hope that everyone can deal with at least “12 steps”? With this in mind, we can sim ply ask “artificial intelligence” platforms such as our computer browsers and smart phones to answer questions like: “Using 12 common sense elements or less, what solution protocol should every good citizen know?” Problem solved! Charles Ray Jones HernandoHow the U.S. can remain a place of refuge LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OPINIONS INVITED Q Viewpoints depicted in politi cal cartoons, columns or let ters do not necessarily repre sent the opinion of the editorial board. Q Letters must be no longer than 400 words, and writers will be limited to four letters per month. THE CHRONICLE invites you to call “Sound Off” with your opinions about local subjects. You do not need to leave your name, and have less than a minute to record. COMMENTS will be edited for length, libel, personal or political attacks and good taste. Editors will cut libelous material. OPINIONS expressed are purely those of the callers. CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE EDITORIAL CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE Founded by Albert M. Williamson “You may differ with my choice, but not my right to choose.” — David S. Arthurs publisher emeritus EDITORIAL BOARD Trina Murphy .................................................... publisher Jim Gouvellis ......................................................... editor Tiarra Alexander .................................. citizen member Curt Ebitz .............................................. citizen member Mac Harris ............................................. citizen member Rebecca Martin ................................... citizen member Don Hiers ............................................... citizen member Roger B. Krieger .................................. citizen member Trish Thomas ......................................... citizen member The opinions expressed in Chronicle editorials are the opinions of the newspaper’s editorial board. Gerard “Gerry” Mulligan publisher emeritusGolden Citrus Scholars The Winners Hall of Fame Golden Scholar – Carson Edwards of Crystal River High SchoolGolden Heart Scholars – Laci Hindalong – Citrus High School, and Cage Newman – Lecanto High SchoolEnglish Language Arts & World Languages: Lecanto High School’s Zachariah Hooper, dis trict winner; Darla Edwards, of Citrus High School; and Sophia Monsalve, of Crystal River High School.Fine & Performing Arts: Citrus High School’s Jacob Bemis, dis trict winner; Olivia Riffe, of Crys tal River High School; and Alexis Rodriguez, of Lecanto High School.Leadership & Service: Citrus High School’s Brooke Sanders, district winner; Morgan Faust, of Crystal River High School; and Alissa Ward, of Lecanto High School.Mathematics & Engineering: Citrus High School’s Carl Wilson and Lecanto High School’s Nuwayrah Sami tie as district winners; and Carson Edwards, of Crystal River High School, Hall of Fame Scholar.Science: Citrus High School’s Lucia Dillersberger, district win ner; Garrett Hickman, of Crystal River High School; and Riya Patel, of Lecanto High School.Social Studies: Crystal River High School’s Austin Edwards, district winner; Chase Watkins, of Citrus High School; and Cage Newman, of Lecanto High School, Golden Heart Scholar.Career & Technical: Crystal River High School’s Kasey Strom, district winner; Rory Croasdale, of Lecanto High School; and Laci Hindalong, of Citrus High School, Golden Heart Scholar. Our Viewpoint The Issue: The Golden Citrus Scholars Awards recognizes high achieving students of our countyOur Opinion: Citrus County has much to be proud of in our Gold en Citrus Scholars Josh T. SmithVarying Voices
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 11, 2023 A9N & W CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLEGOP says Biden family financial records are a smoking gun By FARNOUSH AMIRI Associated Press WASHINGTON — Fac ing growing pressure to show progress in their in vestigations, House Re publicans on Wednesday detailed what they say are concerning new ndings about President Joe Biden’s family and their nances. The smoking gun, accord ing to the GOP, is recently obtained nancial records connected to the president’s son Hunter Biden, brother James Biden and a growing number of associates who received millions of dollars in payments from foreign entities in China and Roma nia. They suggest, without evidence, that the payments were part of a wide-rang ing scheme to enrich them selves off the family name. To help them get here, Congressional Republicans relied on more than 150 suspicious activity reports as a roadmap to follow what they call the Bidens’ com plicated nancial money trail. The condential reports, called SARs for short, are often routine, with larger nancial transactions au tomatically agged to the government. The ling of a SARs report is not evidence on its own of misconduct. But Rep. James Comer, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee lead ing the probe, said Wednes day that other types of nancial records obtained through congressional sub poenas and lawsuits have now become the focus of their investigation. The White House dis missed the whole investiga tion as “yet another political stunt.” “Congressman Comer has a history of playing fast and loose with the facts and spreading baseless innuen do while refusing to con duct his so-called ‘investi gations’ with legitimacy,” White House spokesperson Ian Sams said in a state ment. Here’s a deeper look at suspicious activity reports and how Republicans are using them as a roadmap to investigate the Biden fami ly:What is a suspicious activity report?Financial institutions are required to le a suspicious activity report to the Finan cial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) no later than 30 calendar days from when it detects a suspicious transaction that could have links to money laundering or terrorism nancing. First originated as a “criminal referral form,” suspicious activity reports were established through the 1970 Bank Secrecy Act. In 1996, according to Fin CEN, the form became the standard way to report sus picious activity in the nan cial system. The rules around the re ports were later amended under the U.S. Patriot Act. Today, banks and cred it unions routinely submit SARs.What triggers a SAR?Industries that deal in large sums of money are required to le SARs to the govern ment when they detect a transaction with possible links to money laundering, counterfeiting, fraud or il licit nance – this includes banks, casinos, loan compa nies and depository rms. Signs of insider trading and individual transactions of $5,000 or more often trigger an institution to le a report, but the Federal De posit Insurance Corporation states that entities “are en couraged to le nonetheless in appropriate situations in volving these matters, based on the potential harm that such crimes can produce.” Large transactions involv ing foreign payers – like the kind that Hunter and James Biden are known to have engaged in through their work – are the kinds of transactions often agged to federal authorities. SARs can also be led by individuals or entities outside the nancial sector, including law enforcement, public safety workers, city or state ofcials, business owners, and even the gener al public. Law enforcement agencies use the reports to uncover and prosecute illegal activ ity, as well as help identify and counteract fraudulent and criminal behavior be fore it becomes a larger is sue. In recent years, electron ic SARs reporting has in creased through FinCEN’s Bank Secrecy Act e-ling system. Nearly 42,000 re ports were led by the loan and nancial services in dustry in 2021, according to data compiled by FinCEN, a huge jump from the more than 1,500 reports led in 2015.History of SARs against political actorsThe ling of suspicious ac tivity reports against elected ofcials is not uncommon. During the Trump admin istration, Deutsche Bank’s anti-money laundering di vision recommended ling suspicious activity reports on transactions conducted by Trump companies, in cluding the Trump Founda tion, and rms owned by his son-law Jared Kushner. Michael Cohen, a onetime attorney for former President Donald Trump, had several suspicious ac tivity reports led against him, including one that re corded a $500,000 deposit from a company connected to a Russian oligarch who donated money to Trump’s inauguration fund. Most SARs are never made public. The records con nected to Trump and Cohen were revealed through leaks to the media and as part of federal investigations.Confidentiality in the reporting processSuspicious activity reports are cloaked in secrecy to make them useful for law enforcement. The person suspected of triggering a SARs is not routinely in formed about the pending report. Any discussion or disclo sure about SARs to outside groups such as news outlets would be considered an un authorized disclosure and is punishable as a federal criminal offense. In the case involving Cohen, Trump’s former personal lawyer, an IRS employee was charged by federal prosecutors in 2019 with leaking banking re cords that had been agged as suspicious activity. The condentiality rules have come up again as Comer conducts his probe into supposed suspicious activity reports by Biden family members. The Ken tucky lawmaker and some committee members and staff were recently able to view some of the thou sands of pages of the Biden family’s nancial records through subpoenas made to the Treasury Department and various nancial insti tutions since January. A handful of lawmakers immediately began talking on social media and cable news about what they had seen in the reports, asserting evidence of misconduct. House Democrats have ac cused Comer and other Re publicans on the committee of potentially violating the Bank Secrecy Act.What are Republicans investigating?Republicans vowed after winning the House majori ty last year that they would use their subpoena power to investigate foreign enti ties that did business with the family during Biden’s time as vice president and during the Trump adminis tration, including a specic focus on his son Hunter. This all comes as Hunter Biden’s taxes and foreign business work are already under federal investiga tion, with a grand jury in Delaware reportedly mak ing a charging decision in the next few months. And while Hunter Biden nev er held a position on the presidential campaign or in the White House, his membership on the board of a Ukrainian energy company and his efforts to strike deals in China have long raised questions about whether he traded on his father’s public service, in cluding reported referenc es in his emails to the “big guy.” Joe Biden has said he’s never spoken to his son about his foreign business. And there are no indications that the federal investiga tion involves the president in any way. An attorney for Hunt er Biden on Wednesday slammed years of Repub licans’ investigations as “chasing conspiracies.” “Today’s so-called ‘rev elations’ are retread, re packaged misstatements of perfectly proper meetings and business by private cit izens,” Abbe Lowell, a law yer for the president’s son, said.What evidence have they gathered?Up until now, Comer and Republicans have not pub licly revealed evidence to substantiate their claims of wrongdoing by the Biden family. But Comer said their investigation into the Biden family is widening. “This is not just about the president’s son. This is about the entire Biden family, including the pres ident of the United States,” Comer said during an ap pearance Sunday on Fox News. “So we believe there are a whole lot of accounts that the IRS and the DOJ don’t know about because we don’t believe they have done a whole lot of digging in this. And we have.” Andrew Harnik / AP House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman Rep. James Comer Jr., R-Ky., center, accompanied by House Republicans, speaks during a news conference on their investigation into the Biden Family on Capitol Hill in Washington on Wednesday.White House calls it a ‘political stunt’ Charles Krupa / AP People protest Wednesday outside a building on the campus of Saint Anselm College where a CNN televised town hall gath ering with former President Donald Trump was scheduled, in Manchester, N.H.Trump digs in on election lies, attacks accuser during town hall By JILL COLVIN Associated Press During a tense CNN town hall Wednesday, former President Donald Trump dug in on his lies about the 2020 election, down played the violence on Jan. 6, 2021, and repeatedly in sulted a woman in response to a civil jury’s nding this week that he was liable of sexually assaulting her. During the contentious back-and-forth in ear ly-voting New Hampshire – where moderator Kait lan Collins sometimes struggled to fact-check his misstatements in real time – Trump continued to in sist the election had been “rigged,” even though state and federal election of cials, his own campaign and White House aides, and numerous courts have rejected his allegations. Trump also repeatedly minimized the violence caused by a mob of his sup porters who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 in a bid to halt the certication of President Joe Biden’s win. Instead, he said he was in clined to pardon “a large portion” of Jan. 6 defen dants if he wins reelection. He also rejected a sugges tion that he apologize to his former vice president, Mike Pence, who was tar geted by the mob. “I don’t feel he was in any danger,” he said. In fact, Trump said, Pence was the one who “did something wrong.” Throughout, the audience of Republican and unafli ated voters cheered him on, laughing and applauding. The prime-time forum in New Hampshire brought together a network and candidate who have long sparred with each other. But the stakes were raised considerably Tuesday after jurors in New York found Trump had sexually abused and defamed advice colum nist E. Jean Carroll, though they rejected her claim that he raped her nearly three decades ago. The jury awarded her $5 million in damages. Trump said the ruling was “A DIS GRACE” and he vowed to appeal. Trump, at Wednesday’s event, again insisted he didn’t know Carroll, even as he attacked her in deep ly personal terms. “She’s a wack job,” he said, drawing laughs from the crowd. While the civil trial ver dict carries no criminal penalties, it nonetheless re vives attention on the myr iad investigations facing Trump, who was indict ed in New York in March over payments made to women to cover up their allegations of extramarital affairs with him. Trump is also facing investigations in Georgia and Washington over his alleged interfer ence in the 2020 election and his handling of classi ed documents and poten tial obstruction of justice. A small group of an ti-Trump protesters gath ered Wednesday evening outside the site where the town hall was being held at Saint Anselm College in Manchester. Their signs included messages like “Nobody is above the law” and “Elections not insur rection.” Trump, during the town hall, repeatedly refused to say whether he would sign a federal abortion ban if it landed on his desk, saying he would “negotiate” so “people are happy.” “I’m looking at a solution that’s going to work,” he said. The Carroll verdict re turned focus to questions about Trump’s treatment of women over the years that he likely will have to address from Collins and the audience. Carroll is one of more than a dozen women who have accused Trump of sexual assault or harassment over the years; Trump has denied the alle gations. Trump has generally not reacted well when pressed on stage about his behavior toward women, most nota bly during the rst Repub lican presidential debate of 2015, when he sparred with then-Fox News host Megyn Kelly. He later said she had “blood coming out of her wherever” when she was questioning him. Trump has a much more contentious relationship with CNN than he had with Fox at the time. Trump has called CNN “fake news” and sparred with Collins. She was once barred from a Rose Garden event after Trump’s team became up set with her shouted ques tions at an earlier Oval Of ce availability. Nonetheless, Trump’s team saw the invitation from CNN as an oppor tunity to connect with a broader swath of voters than those who usually tune into the conservative outlets he favors. “President Trump has been battle-tested and is a proven winner. He doesn’t shy away from anything and faces them head on,” said Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung.Huge number of asylum seekers at border as COVID-19 restrictions end By MARIA VERZA, COLLEEN LONG and MORGAN LEE Associated Press CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexi co — The Biden administra tion on Thursday will begin denying asylum to migrants who arrive at the U.S.-Mexi co border without rst apply ing online or seeking protec tion in a country they passed through. It marks a funda mental shift in immigration policy as the U.S. readies for the end of a key pandemic re striction. Asylum seekers have been showing up at the border in huge numbers in anticipation of this week’s end of the use of a restriction known as Title 42. That rule has allowed the government to quickly expel migrants to Mexico. U.S. ofcials warned of difcult days ahead as the program tied to the COVID-19 pan demic expires this week. The rule announced Wednesday is part of new measures meant to crack down on illegal border cross ings while creating new le gal pathways. Families who cross the border will face curfews and monitoring; the head of household will wear an ankle bracelet as their cas es are heard within 30 days. But there’s also a plan to open 100 regional migra tion hubs across the Western Hemisphere and granting hu manitarian parole to 30,000 people a month to enter the country from four countries. U.S. ofcials have detailed steps they’ve taken, includ ing increasing deportation ights, as they prepare for what many are expecting to be a substantial increase in migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border. “Our plan will deliver re sults, but it will take time for those results to be fully re alized,” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayor kas warned. Many migrants, spurred by concerns that it may soon become harder to stay in the U.S., were trying to cross be fore Title 42 expires and the new rule takes effect at the end of the day Thursday. Under Title 42, border of cials have quickly returned people – and they did so 2.8 million times since March 2020. But after the restric tions expire Thursday, mi grants caught crossing ille gally will not be allowed to return for ve years. They can face criminal prosecution if they do. At the Rio Grande in Mat amoros on Wednesday, mi grants arrived steadily. Many stripped down before de scending the steep riverbank grasping plastic bags lled with clothes. They slow ly waded into the river as more migrants arrived, some crossing themselves before following the line across the owing border. In Ciudad Juarez, migrants arrived this week in small groups by train or bus, leaving daily to sur render to the U.S. authorities.
A10 Thursday, May 11, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle r rnr n r r r rr rr r ( 2 ) (WESH)  €‚‚ ƒÂ ƒ‚„…rn†‡ˆ Â‰ (3) (WEDU) …‚„Š €‹Œ ‹‚Ž‚ŒÂ‹Ž‘‹Œ„Œ‚‰„’ ŠÂŒ‚„r“Œ‚Œ” •“ ‚ (5) (WUFT) –– Ž‹‚€Â‹€Â‹ „ÂÂ…‚„ÂÂ…‚‹‚‚ ‚ŒÂŒ”€Â‹ (8) (WFLA) ” ‰‰Â Œ„—”ŒÂ” ‰‰Â Œ‰Œ‚Œ „‰…‰ŒÂ‰„—”ŒÂ Â€‚‚ €‚‚  €‚‚€‚— ‰„˜Â‚„…rn” ƒ‰‰Â‰„—”Œ ” (9) (WFTV) rr  Œ“… Ž‚†“ ‚™Ž” ÂÂŒ Œ„‰ ‚š‰ ŒÂ…   rnr†„…… ›„……„œ™ (10) (WTSP) rrr r …“  Âœ‰„‰—Ž” Â†“ ‚™‹‰—”‰”ÂÂŒ €r“ ‚ƒ„…— r†‡r …“  Âž‚Œ (13) (WTVT) ˆ€Ÿ ˆ€Ÿrrˆ€Ÿr¡¢ŒÂœ”’‡…ˆ‰ŠÂ ‚…‚‡……‹rˆ€Ÿrrrˆ€Ÿrrˆ€Ÿrrˆ€Ÿr (20) (WCJB) rŽ‚‰„‡Œ Œ„‰‰ ŒÂ…  rnr Œ†‡›„…… (22) (WCLF) ”‚„Œ„ ‰‚„— ÂˆÂŠ‹‚ Œ •‰„‰—„Œ”Œœ ‰r‰Â‚ŽÂÂ…ÂÂ…Â…ˆ”„‚„ŠÂ”‚ (24) (WYKE) ‚ ‰’‚…†„”‚ Œ •‰„‰—„Œ”€‰Â‰€‰ Â„’ ‰rÂÂ…Â…›‰Â ‹‚„—‚ Œ (28) (WFTS) Ž‚‰„‡Œ Œ„‰‰ ŒÂ…  rnr†‡›„…… (32) (WMOR) ”‰”‰„— ‰—„— ‰—ÂÂ…Â… Œ ‰Â Œ ‰„—”žÂ‚„—”žÂ‚„— ‰—”‰ (38) (WTTA) ¢Œ‚ ˆ …ˆ‹Âˆ …ˆ‹Â” ‰‰ÂÂŒ„Š„ Â …“  ŒÂ„‰rÂr…”„Š —ÂÂŒr (40) (WACX)  „‚—‡”rr‹ž „‚—‡ŽÂ‚ÂÂ…“ ŠŒ „‚—‡ ŒÂ‚ž†’’‚ „‚—‡‡Â‚ˆ „Œ”‚„‰Š (44) (WTOG) Ž£££ …‚„Š ‰Â‹„’ ‹„’ r ‰Â  Â’‰  ‰Â  Â’‰ Ž •‚ÂÂ…‚  rÂrr ÂŒ‰Â„‚ ‡ …“  Â Œr‰Ž££Â Â€‚‚ ÂÂ… (50) (WVEA) ––– ÂŒ„Š„ ÂŒ„Š„‚ …Ž‚‰ ‰‹Œ‚ …‚„‰œ‰Š„žÂ žÂ‘‚‡‚’ÂŒ„Š„ ÂŒ„Š„‚ (51) (WOGX) ˆ€Ÿ ˆÂ¢–— Œ„— ‰—„— ‰—¢ŒÂœ‡…ˆ‰ŠÂÂrˆ€Ÿ–– ƒ (66) (WXPX) € ”„Š —‡‡”„Š —„”„Š —‡‡”„Š —‡‡”„Š —‡‡…“”„Š —‡‡ (A&E) –££–£ ”ˆ„‚Œ£ˆ„‚Œ£ÂŠ”ˆ„‚Œ£‚„Œ„Š Â„‰‹Œ„ŒÂ‰’„‰Œ„ Â”ˆ„‚Œ£ (ACCN) ””—’Œž ÂÂÂÂÂ’Œž Â„„‡•†‡r‰‡Â (AMC) ––£–– ”<+++‹„‰„‰‰Â–—˜™…‹ < + ++”‚‰„––•…„…•‡€‹ (ANI) –––  Â„Œ ŒŠ” ŒŠ”ŠŠÂ Â„Œ ŒŠ” Â„Œ ŒŠ” ŒŠ”ŒÂ“ ŒŠ”… (BET)  Â‰ Â‰ Â‰  Â‰ Â‰ Â‰ˆ …„š…ÂÂÂŒ”‘‹‰š‰ < + +‹”‹‚”› (BIGTEN) £r”—’Œž Â„œÂ’Œž Â›†‡•Âœ‚‡”””ˆÂÂŒž Â (BRAVO) –£––£ Š • ŠÂŠ•Â‰‰Â‚“”’“”’Ž ŒŠ”Ž” ŒÂ‹„œƒŒÂ ‰Œ Â ‰Š„‰— (BSFL) –– “”„‰ ‚„‰Â ž Â‡’‡“…ÂŒ— …‰‰„™Â žrÂ…Â (CC) ”€’’„Š”€’’„Š›””€’’„ŠÂ”€’’„Š—””€’’„Š™”€’’„Š”€’’„Š”€’’„Š”€’’„Š „”• ’„‰ (CMT) £–  Œ ‰Â Œ ‰Â Œ ‰Â Œ ‰ÂÂ…ÂÂ…ÂÂ…ÂÂ…ÂÂ…ÂÂ…ÂÂ…ÂÂ… (CNN) £r£r „Œ‹ Œ„‰ÂÂ…ŠÂ‡‡€‹Œˆ‚‰ŒŠÂ“‚rŠÂ‚„…Œ„…ŠÂ‰„—”ŒŠÂ‰„—”ŒŠ (ESPN) “‚Œ‰Œ‚ŠÂ •Œž Â„‚…r‡‚‡ŠÂ •Œž Â„‚…r‡‚‡Š (ESPN2) £ Ž —‚ˆÂ„œÂ Â‚–£ˆ„Â…ˆ„Â…“‚Œ‰Œ‚ŠÂ“‚Œ‰Œ‚Š (FBN) r£r ”ÂŒŒÂ…„‰ŠÂ›‰‰ÂŠ‹Š•ˆ …„‚ ‹‚‹Š•ˆ …„‚ ‹‚‹Š•ˆ …„‚ ‹‚‹Š•ˆ …„‚ ‹‚ (FLIX) r Âœ„ —<+++‚„‰•„‰—‹Â„› < + ++Âœ‰Œ‹‚ ‰Â”– ”< + + ‹Œ„’‹Â„‚–Ÿ•‡Â€‹ Âœ„ (FNC) ££££ “Š„ Â“‚ŒŠÂ†Ž ŒŒ‚ŠÂˆÂ¢Â‰„—”ŒŠÂ ‰‰„ŒÂŠÂ‰—‚ ” …ŠÂ‹Œ’™ (FOOD) – „ Â‹ ŒÂžžÂ ŒÂžžÂ ŒÂžžÂ ŒÂžžÂ ŒÂžž ˆ ŒˆÂ„ ŒÂžžÂ Œ žžÂ ŒÂžžÂ ŒÂžž (FREEFORM) – ”<+++‚ „‰‚Š • ›€•‡Âr…‡‹ < + ”Ž Œ‚žÂ–¡¢Â•‡r‹Â‚‹žÂ”rr‹ž (FS1) ‹žŠÂˆÂ‡‡r™“‡‡€‚‡r‹‹ ŽŽˆ‚„ „—”Œ… Š•Â‰ (FX) rrr ”<++“„‚ƒ ‰Âӣ < + ++ “Œ „‰…‚„Š ”ˆ„‚Œœ‰—‚››„¤Â‹ Œ„‰Œ Œ„‰Œ < + +” ‚•Â‚Âݣ (GOLF) ””‹‚ÂÂÂ’ÂÂ’‰Œ‚ ÂΥrÂÂ’žÂ•Â Â‡™„„ ……¢Â•‰ ‹r‚ Â„Œ„‰ (HALL) – <ˆÂ„‰—‹ŒŒ‚’„——¢Â…†Â•¢Â…‹ <Ž”‰ÂÂœ“‚„‰—— Â‹Â„‚„‚„‚„‚ (HBO) rrr Âœ„ <++€’’„Š“ ŠÂ–– ŠÂ‹‹ŠŠ„‰ ”< + ‹””–•„¤Â‹ ‚‚ÂÂ…žÂ (HBO2) rrr‹ŠŠ„‰ Š•Â Â Š•Â ÂÂÂ…žÂ < + ++‰ — Â‚ …—— ”< + + ’ œ‰Â›˜‡‹ (HGTV) – ˆÂ„““„‰—rˆÂ„““„‰—rˆÂ„““„‰—rˆ„¢ÂŠÂ‹‰Œ‚‹‰Œ‚‰ŒšÂˆÂ„““„‰—r (HIST) ––£– „ŒÂ‚‘r„ŒÂ‚€ÂŠ”‹‚Â’€ •Â ‰Â„——„‰—“‚ (LIFE) ££  ŒÂ ŒÂ‘† ŒÂ™ ŒÂ” ŒÂ¦¢” ŒÂ‡Â‡ (LMN) –r <”‚ ‚žÂ‹ŠŒ„‰—”˜r‹ <”‚—‰ ‰ŠÂ‚Â…„—‰r“…‹™ <”ÂÂŒŒÂ›„ÂÂÂÂŒ”‚— ‡Â‡‹™ (MS N B C) £££ ” ŒŽ„Œ”ŠÂ”„€‹ŒŠÂ‰Ž„Œ”ŠÂŽ —‰‚ŠÂ ŒŽÂ‚ŠŒ”‹‚Š (NBATV) rr “Š„ Â“Š„ Â ÂÂ’’“Š„ ÂŠŒ„‰“Š„ Â“Š„ Â ÂÂ’’‰Œ‚  (NGEO) r–r ÂÂŒ‚ ‹‚Â’—“ŒÂÂŒ‚ ‹‚Â’—“ŒÂÂŒ„ŒÂÂ’ Š”‹„ŠŠ”‹Â„’¡ÂÂŒ‚ ‹‚Â’—“ŒÂÂŒ„ŒÂÂ’ Š”‹„ŠŠ”‹ (NICK) “‰—ž“‰—ž ‰—‚‚„‰“‰—ž“‰—žˆ‚„‰Âˆ‚„‰Âˆ‚„‰Âˆ‚„‰Âˆ‚„‰Âˆ‚„‰ (NWSNTN)  ‚— “‚Œ€‰ Â ‰Š‹Â… ‰ž‚ …„œŠÂ ‰’„‹ÂÂ…Â (OWN) –£r rnr‰€Žrnr‰€Žrnr‰€Žrnr€ŽŒ‚rnr‰€Žrnr‰€Ž (OXY) ££ ›„‚‹“ ŒÂ„‰Š‚Œ ŒÂ„‰Š‚Œ ŒÂ„‰ Š‚Œ ŒÂ„‰ ŒÂ„‰Â (PARMT) £ ‰‰‰‰œ„ <++€ÂŠ””•Š‹ (SEC) £–””—’Œž ÂÂÂÂ’Œž ÂÂr¤„‡•Âœ‚‡Â (SHOW) £r££r <+++ ‰—Â’‚ • ”—•Š•„‡’•Š„‹Ž ŠÂ”„…¤ Š•Œœ < + +++”‰ŒÂ‹Š” ž (SUN) ””‰„‚‚— … ž Â‡ ƒƒŠÂÂŒ— … ÂˆÂ‚„ ‰„‚ (SYFY) – <++†‹‚ „ŠŽÂ‚›…€•Â‚¢•„™‹ Â< + +‹ • ”˜‚„•r‡¤•¤…‹ Âœ„ (TBS) ££ ”‰”‰„— ‰—„— ‰—„— ‰—„— ‰—„— ‰—„— ‰—”‰”‰”‰”‰ (TCM) – Âœ„ <+ ‰ˆ‚Â…€‹Œ‚“ ŠÂ– < + ++” „‰ …–™•ÂŠÂ‹ <++++„‰—„‰š„‰Œ” „‰Â—†¢Â‹ (TDC) –£–” ŒŒÂÂŒ ŒŒÂÂŒ ‚ • r•r’ ‚ • (TLC) –r£–r ÂrrƒÂž‡Â„’ÂrrƒÂž‡Â„’‚‡„…“§„¨‚‡„…“““‚ ‚„‰—‹‚„„œÂ ‚„‰—„ (TMC) –r–r ”< Â—›Â†•˜€‹ < + ++‚ ””„•r…‹ <+++ŸÂ——˜Œ•†‹ Â<‹Â (TNT) ££ Âœ„‚—‡ÂŠ•Âr… ‡ŠÂŠ•Âr… ‡Š (TOON) – ‰ŠÂžƒÂ›„‰—n„›„‰—n„›„‰—n„›„‰—n„‹‚—‚‹‚—‚…‚„Š ‰…‚„Š ‰…‚„Š ‰„Š • (TRAV) r ˜‚ …”ÂŒ‹‰Œ‚”ÂŒ‹‰Œ‚”ÂŒ‹‰Œ‚”ÂŒ‹‰Œ‚”ÂŒ‹‰Œ‚ (truTV) –––– †Â•‚†Â•‚†Â•‚†Â•‚†Â•‚† •‚†Â•‚†Â•‚†Â•‚‰ŒÂ‹‚ —†Â•†Â• (TVL) £ ‚„’’„Œ”‚„’’„Œ”‚„’’„Œ” ‚„’’„Œ” Â…‰ Â…‰ Â…‰ Â…‰ Â…‰ Â…‰›„‰—›„‰— (USA) ££  €‚‚ Â Â€‚‚r < + ++‚ŒŒÂÂŽÂ… ‰Â–”˜ “• ‡Â• …†‹ < + +‚‡Â‚‡…„Œ””™‹ (WE)  €‚‚ŠÂ €‚‚ŠÂ‚ ŒÂÂœ†‹Â‚ ŒÂÂœ†‹Â‚ ŒÂÂœ†‹Â‚ ŒÂÂœ†‹Â E Martin Scorsese set to stir Cannes again, 47 years after ‘Taxi DriverÂ’ By JAKE COYLE Associated Press When Martin Scorsese pre mieres his latest lm, “Killers of the Flower Moon,” at the Cannes Film Festival on May 20th, it will return Scorsese to a festival where he remains a key part of its fabled history. Scorsese premiered his master piece of urban alienation, “Taxi Driver,” in Cannes in 1976. Its de but was one of the most fevered in Cannes history, drawing boos and some walkouts for the violence in ScorseseÂ’s tale of the disillusioned New York cab driver Travis Bickle (Robert De Niro). The playwright Tennessee Williams, then the jury president, condemned the lm. “Films should not take a volup tuous pleasure in spilling blood and lingering on terrible cruelties as though one were at a Roman cir cus,” Williams said. Yet “Taxi Driver” nevertheless won CannesÂ’ top honor, the Palme dÂ’Or. Having heard of WilliamsÂ’ disapproval, Scorsese and compa ny had already own home, with dashed hopes of any big award. “I got a call from (publicist) Marion Billings around ve in the morning saying, ‘YouÂ’ve won the Palme dÂ’Or,’” Scorsese later re called to The Hollywood Reporter. “We thought we might get screen play or best actor for De Niro, so it was very surprising.” “Taxi Driver” wasnÂ’t ScorseseÂ’s rst time in Cannes. Two years ear lier, he had premiered his break through feature, “Mean Streets,” in Directors Fortnight, a selection of lms typically from up-and-coming directors that plays outside CannesÂ’ main stage, the Palais des Festival. “Cannes was the international platform for ‘Mean Streets,Â’ a lm I didnÂ’t think would even get dis tributed,” Scorsese said in a 2018 Cannes talk commemorating the lmÂ’s debut. “My visit was almost the best time, in terms of anonymity. And trying very hard to change that!” he said. “I was able to go from table to table on the Croisette and meet actors, directors, and so many oth ers. It was still a period of discov ery, not just for new lmmakers but older, neglected lmmakers.” Between “Mean Streets” and “Taxi Driver,” Cannes played a piv otal role in announcing ScorseseÂ’s arrival as a major lmmaking tal ent. He has ever since maintained a close relationship with the festival, though itÂ’s become rarer for Scors ese to launch a lm there. “Killers of the Flower Moon,” his much-awaited adaptation of the David Grann bestseller, is his rst new lm to premiere in the Cannes ofcial selection since “After Hours” in 1986. That lm, a darkly comic nocturnal New York esca pade, won Scorsese best director. His latest, which Apple, in part nership with Paramount Pictures, will open in theaters Oct. 6, isnÂ’t playing in competition in Cannes. Festival Director Thierry Frémaux, in announcing this yearÂ’s lineup, said he urged Scorsese to put it into competition for the Palme dÂ’Or but was rebuffed. “Killers of the Flower Moon,” with a 206-minute runtime, is about a series of murders of Na tive Americans in 1920s Oklahoma and the FBI investigation that fol lowed. The cast includes Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, Lily Gladstone, Jesse Plemons, Cara Jade Myers, JaNae Collins, Jillian Dion and Tantoo Cardinal. In between, Scorsese has often attended Cannes in other capaci ties. He was president of the jury in 1998 that chose Theo Angelopou losÂ’ “Eternity and a Day” for the Palme. He also chaired the Ciné fondation jury in 2002. And Scorsese has regularly been connected with other lms at Cannes, either as an executive pro ducer (for, among others, Joanna HoggÂ’s two-part “The Souvenir”) or to unveil newly restored classics by the Film Foundation, the lm preservation nonprot he founded. This year, the Film Foundation, with the Walt Disney Co., will de but a stored “Spellbound,” Alfred HitchcockÂ’s 1945 thriller. Before a Cannes screening in 2009 of Film FoundationÂ’s screen ing of Michael Powell and Emer ic PressburgerÂ’s 1948 masterpiece “The Red Shoes,” Scorsese said restoration only matters if people see the work. “The more audiences see these lms, the more they want to see other lms like them, and then what happens is the audience chang es which means the movies that are being made change,” Scorsese said. “There is an audience for spe cial movies, and good movies, for a different way of looking at the world – and not just blockbusters.” By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Today is Thursday, May 11, the 131st day of 2023. There are 234 days left in the year. Highlight in history:On May 11, 2010, Conserva tive leader David Cameron, at age 43, became BritainÂ’s youngest prime minister in almost 200 years after Gordon Brown stepped down and ended 13 years of Labour government. On this date:In 1647, Peter Stuyvesant arrived in New Amsterdam to become governor of New Netherland. In 1858, Minnesota became the 32nd state of the Union. In 1927, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sci ences was founded during a banquet at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. In 1935, the Rural Electrifi cation Administration was created as one of President Franklin D. RooseveltÂ’s New Deal programs. In 1946, the first CARE packages, sent by a consor tium of American charities to provide relief to the hungry of postwar Europe, arrived at Le Havre, France. In 1953, a tornado devastat ed Waco, Texas, claiming 114 lives. In 1960, Israeli agents cap tured Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In 1973, the espionage trial of Daniel Ellsberg and Antho ny Russo in the “Pentagon Papers” case came to an end as Judge William M. Byrne dismissed all charges, citing government misconduct. In 1981, legendary reggae artist Bob Marley died in a Miami hospital at age 36. In 1996, an Atlanta-bound ValuJet DC-9 caught fire shortly after takeoff from Miami and crashed into the Florida Everglades, killing all 110 people on board. Ten years ago: Former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif declared victory following a historic election marred by violence. A pair of car bomb attacks in Turkey killed 52 people near the Syri an border. A strong 6.2 mag nitude earthquake jolted the Arabian Sea port town of Jask in the south of Iran, injuring at least 15 people. Five years ago: President Donald Trump unveiled his long-promised plan to bring down drug prices; the plan mostly spared the pharma ceutical industry and didnÂ’t include his campaign pledge to use the Medicare pro gramÂ’s buying power to directly negotiate lower prices for seniors. R&B singer R. Kelly went ahead with a con cert in Greensboro, North Car olina, despite calls for a boy cott stemming from longstanding allegations of sexual misconduct. One year ago: The Senate fell far short in a rushed effort toward enshrining Roe v. Wade abortion access as fed eral law, blocked by a Repub lican filibuster. The move came after a draft report from the Supreme Court overturn ing the 50-year-old ruling. (The 6-3 decision would be issued essentially as drafted the following month.) Veteran Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was shot and killed while covering an Israeli mili tary raid in the occupied West Bank. ChristieÂ’s auction house said “The Rock,” an egg-sized white diamond billed as the largest of its kind to go up for auction, sold for more than 21.6 million Swiss francs ($21.75 million), TodayÂ’s birthdays: Nation of Islam leader Louis Farra khan is 90. Jazz keyboardist Carla Bley is 87. Rock singer Eric Burdon (The Animals; War) is 82. Actor Pam Ferris is 75. Former White House chief of staff John F. Kelly is 73. Actor Shohreh Aghdashloo is 71. Actor Frances Fisher is 71. Sports columnist Mike Lupica is 71. Actor Boyd Gaines is 70. Actor and former MTV VJ Mar tha Quinn is 64. Actor Tim Blake Nelson is 59. Actor Jef frey Donovan is 55. Actor Nicky Katt is 53. Actor Coby Bell is 48. Cellist Perttu Kivilaakso is 45. Actor Austin OÂ’Brien is 42. Actor-singer Jonathan Jackson is 41. Rap per Ace Hood is 35. Latin singer Prince Royce is 34. TODAY IN HISTORY Joel C. Ryan / Invision Martin Scorsese poses for photographers upon arrival at the opening ceremony of the 71st international film festival, Cannes, southern France on May 8, 2018.
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 11, 2023 A11F FOR F CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLELetÂ’s Eat ... The Chronicle distributes a FREE weekly food newsletter via email. LetÂ’s Eat has links to stories about food, drink, restaurants and recipes. To sign up, visit leftovers daunting? By CLAIRE PHILLIPS LAXTONChronicle Correspondent Once you are used to cooking for an entire fam ily, it is hard at rst to only cook for one or two people ... but it can be done. One person can still cook tasty, nutritious food by preplanning meals and hav ing larger recipes converted to smaller amounts. Stephanie Clamer Mc Minds, Family and Con sumer Science agent with UF/IFAS Extension Ofce in Citrus County along with Krysta Reaves, the program assistant, did a workshop recently at the Homosassa Public Library. The library was lled with an audience who asked questions during the event while Reaves cooked a Lemon Pepper Risotto with Chicken Thighs, spin ach, feta cheese and more for the audience to taste afterward. It was prepared in an Instant Pot that sautés, browns, steams and is a rice cooker and much more. Plus, it cooks quicker than a Crock Pot. “Everything can go in the dishwasher except the base of the Instant Pot,” said Clamer McMinds. “Most recipes only use a cup of liquid,” added Reaves. Plan a nutritious meal for the week, advised the two. Always read labels when buying food, especial ly canned or frozen food. Look for low sugar and so dium content. “When using canned veg etables, rinse them before cooking to lessen the salt content,”’ said Clamer Mc Minds. “Sodium content should be less than 5 per cent.” “When choosing fruits and vegetables, choose a rainbow of colors,” said Reaves. Meals can be planned ahead and separated into air tight containers to freeze for future use. Claire Phillips Laxton / Chronicle Correspondent Krystal Reaves, left, program assistant, and Stephanie Clamer MCMinds, Family & Consumer Science agent at the UF / IFAS Extension Office Citrus County, do a cooking and PowerPoint demonstration at the Homosassa Public Library on “Cooking for One or Two.”‘Cooking for One or TwoÂ’ can help you reduce portionsRemembering baby prep, momÂ’s special lasagna By GLORIA YODER The Amish Cook EditorÂ’s note: This Amish Cook column originally ran in February 2018 as the Yoders readied for another child.)T he last couple of days IÂ’ve been becoming keenly aware of the reality that not too much time will be elapsing until the arrival of our precious little one. Along with that, my mind is trying to size up what I can do to make things ow as smoothly as possible during the time that I will have to step back and have others do my housework. Menus, weekly cleaning, laundry, little ones to feed and care for ... the list goes on. “Will we manage everything smoothly?” I ask myself once more. But then my mind goes to my calm, steady husband who is what I need. His advice rings in my ear, “We will take one day at a time, trusting God for each step; He will pro-vide as we trust in Him.” “ThatÂ’s true, I tell myself for the hundredth time,” but then once more I come to the realization that just knowing this wonÂ’t be enough. I will have to apply it to my heart and simply accept GodÂ’s provision then certainly we will be covered in all areas of our busy lives! Now the question still remains, “What can I do to simplify things for Daniel and my maud (maid)?” Dan iel will be taking a week or two off work to help around the house then his ever-ca pable sister Mary, who lives in Danville Ohio, will be here for a few weeks to go on with the many mother duties around here. Besides her help, I have three sisters and my mother that will be helping as needed. I love planning and organizing things. I confess though, I donÂ’t always have things down pat like I wish I would! Recently, I took the time to make a list of things IÂ’d like to do before babyÂ’s arrival such as, wash off furniture, sweep down cob-webs, reorganize recipes, make a list of friends to send birth announcements and such. Bit by bit IÂ’ve been chiseling away on it. Yesterday, the children and I were pleasantly sur-prised when someone came in our driveway; who could it be, we wondered? No one but my dear mother! Not only did she come to spend time chatting, but with a plan to help chop off part of my list, read stories to the children and have a tea party with us. Her homemade chocolate chip cookies with peppermint tea “took the cake.” Several hours later when she went out the door, I was blessed with clean cupboards, a table and chairs minus the crusty buildup they had begun to accumulate and happy children. Bless her heart; to me it just felt like God looking out for us in yet another way. Of course, the best part of getting ready for baby is washing newborn clothes, xing up the nursery and simply watching the excite-ment of Julia and Austin as we talk about the new addition that is ready to ll our home with more love. Another aspect I enjoy planning for is food. The past couple of days IÂ’ve had baking urges to stock up on an ample supply of baked goods to last us the days following babyÂ’s birth. WeÂ’ve been blessed with a nice variety of cookies from friends who dropped some off for us simply be-cause they knew I have my hands full right now, so we certainly wonÂ’t be lacking at all. Ready-made casseroles are another super simple option for days when things just donÂ’t all click like I wish they would. WeÂ’ve also enjoyed many casse-roles from people in church who made and shared these with us over the past months since we got our foster children. A simple yet ever tasty casserole that IÂ’d like to make, enough for a meal now and plenty to put in the freezer is homemade lasagna. My Mom is known for her good lasagna. When I was a young girl, she would often make it for guests who came to our house for a meal. “They would never guess how simple it is,” she would say. My brothers werenÂ’t fond of “that white stuff” as they would call it, so Mom would always leave one side “plain” for those who didnÂ’t care for the cream cheese mixture which is what I always thought made it so good. In fact, if youÂ’re like Mom and me, you will want to use a double batch of the cream cheese mixture! I doubt that I will ever make lasagna without thinking of Mom, even if IÂ’m cooking until 80 or 90 like some of you readers! EditorÂ’s notes on MotherÂ’s Cream Cheese lasagna: Lasagna is one of those classic “Italian” dishes that has become popular in many different culinary cultures. I mean, you can nd versions of Mexican lasagna using tortillas instead of pasta. Lasagna is just a popular dish that is lling and easy to make. Among the Amish, I have often talked about the natu-ral overlap between Italian and Amish food traditions. Pasta, homemade pasta, itÂ’s very popular among the Amish. So are tomatoes and ground beef, so itÂ’s not a stretch at all to see how lasagna has become popu-lar among the Amish. This lasagna has very basic, but very fresh, ingredients. Sour cream can be used in place of cream cheese. You can use homemade or store-bought lasagna noodles. – Kevin Williams, Amish Cook editorMotherÂ’s Cream Cheese Lasagna12 uncooked lasagna noo dles 1 1/2 pounds hamburger, fried 1 1/2 teaspoon salt2 teaspoons oregano, option al 3/4 teaspoon garlic powder, optional 3 cups pizza sauce, divided2 1/2 cups water4 ounces cream cheese1/4 cup milk1/2 cup chopped onion1 cup mozzarella cheese Fry hamburger with seasonings, add 2 1/2 cups pizza sauce. Next layer noodles and meat mixture alternately in a 9-by-13-inch pan, beginning and ending with 4 noodles. Pour water over all, then spread with the remaining 1/2 cup pizza sauce. Cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees for 1 1/2 hours or until noodles are tender. Mix cream cheese, milk and onions together and spread on top. Sprinkle with cheese then return to oven until cheese is melted. Note: One cup sour cream may be used to replace the milk and cream cheese. Serves 8-12. Gloria Yoder is a young Amish mother, writer and homemaker in rural Illinois. Readers with culinary or culture questions or stories to share may write Gloria directly at: Gloria Yoder, 10510 E. 350th Ave., Flat Rock, IL 62427. Photo courtesy of Amish 365 MotherÂ’s Cream Cheese Lasagna. See LEFTOVERS , page A12 TheWest82°BarandGrill LocallySourcedDining withSouthernStyle rnrrrnrr   €‚r  nrrnƒrrr ‚„ …†‚rn ‡ˆ‰nrŠ ‹r€ nnˆ‰ rŠ ‹ rnrrnrn rrrrrƒŒ Â…r rrÂŽnrr ƒrn nrÂÂÂn ‘ÂÂnrrnn‹nÂ’n r nr‹r rnn‹“r‹ƒ€”’rr‹nr •„‡Â „ n–n ƒŒ r„ “n——˜™šnÂnrnrnr “›•  nn  rˆÂÂrŠnÂŒr—œr™Âr‹€€ • €ržÂr  Ân …ƒ rr r ˆ€n‰ nnrŠ‚ rn n  Â € Â‚rnnnrrn nÂrnrnr nrÂnÂrÂrnr nr Ânr rrÂrÂrnn rnrnrÂÂÂÂnnnnnrÂn nnr rÂn€nnn €Ân nÂr nr‚ÂÂÂÂrnn‚n‚nÂn‚ƒÂÂnnnr n„n r nn n € nn€ r nn  n n ÂnƒÂÂÂ
A12 Thursday, May 11, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle Skinless chicken is best. You can bake several piec es of skinless chicken and package the rest up. For healthy eating, eat one for dinner along with a veg etable and a whole grain. Whole grains are high in ber. For dairy products, always check the dates. The items closest to the back usually have the longer expiration dates. “If the butcher isnÂ’t busy, you can ask that he take a large package of meats and put it into smaller amounts,” said Clamer McMinds. When buying food, many times the off brands are the same as big-name brands. One only needs 5 1/2 to 6 ounces of protein for a meal while eating 4 to 5 cups of fresh, canned or frozen seasonal fruits or veggies. Protein is not only found in meat, but in lentils, peas or dried beans. When you freeze food items, always put a date on the outside package and note what is inside. “Be creative with your cooking,” said Clamer Mc Minds. You can use left overs in salads, stir fry, soups and so forth. Convert your larger reci pes to smaller ones by going to or For more information, contact Stephanie Clamer McMinds at or call 352-527-5716. The extension ofce is at 3650 S. Sovereign Path, Lecanto. LEFTOVERSFrom page A11MotherÂ’s Day brunch made easy By FAMILY FEATURES Gathering friends and family doesnÂ’t need to be fancy. With its prime posi tioning between breakfast and lunch, brunch is a more casual and lighter alterna tive to the typical dinner party. When charged with host ing a mid-day gathering, a little pre-planning can go a long way toward ensuring your brunch get-together is as simple as it is scrump tious. When prepping your ta blescape, think outside the box. Opt for unexpected serving dishes such as tartlet tins and vases, and transfer syrups and jams from their everyday containers to glass bowls or creamers. Fresh owers and produce can add natural pops of color to the table and a bowl of fruit can make for an eye-catch ing centerpiece. Make sure you have a mix of both sweet and savory dishes on the menu that can please a wide variety of pal ates. Earmarking some reci pes that can be made ahead, like pastries and casseroles, can be a simple way to avoid waking up extra early to prepare. Save the morning of your event for dishes that are best served fresh, like this Herbed Spanish Omelet, which features potatoes; fresh, spring herbs; and red onions, and packs protein, B-vitamins and cancer-pro tective phytochemicals. Setting your spread out on the counter and allowing guests to help themselves not only makes it easier for the host to mingle, but it allows guests to customize their meals as they wish and gives the gathering a more casual vibe. Try themed stations, such as a coffee or mimosa bar, parfait bar or bread bar, in addition to more traditional dishes to let guests take the customization to the next level. For more brunch ideas and recipes, visit Spanish OmeletReprinted with permission from the American Institute for Cancer Research Servings: 4 1 pound potatoes, peeled and diced or shredded Water2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1/2 cup diced red onion2 cloves garlic, minced4 large whole eggs, lightly beaten 2 egg whites, lightly beaten2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh parsley 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh basil 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh chives Salt, to taste (optional)Fresh herb sprigs, for gar nish (optional)Place potatoes in large pan. Cover with water. Bring to boil and cook, uncovered, 3 minutes. Re move from heat. Cover and let stand about 10 minutes, or until potatoes are tender. Drain well. In deep, 10-inch nonstick skillet over medium heat, heat oil. Add onion and gar lic. Cook about 8 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add potatoes and cook 5 minutes. Combine whole eggs and egg whites. Stir in parsley, basil and chives. Season with salt, to taste, if desired. Pour mixture over potatoes in hot skillet. Reduce heat and cook, uncovered, about 10 minutes, or until bottom of omelet is golden. If desired, brown top un der toaster oven. Garnish with fresh herb sprigs, if desired. Nutritional information per serving: 260 calories; 12 g total fat (2 g saturated fat); 28 g carbohydrates; 11 g protein; 2 g dietary ber; 106 mg sodium. Tatiana Volgutova / Getty Images Herbed Spanish Omelet.Elegant, easy French braised chicken will impress Mom By CHRISTOPHER KIMBALL Christopher KimballÂ’s Milk StreetI f you associate chicken with dry, bland childhood dinners, you proba-bly were eating boneless, skinless breast. ItÂ’s inher-ently avorless and easy to overcook. Boneless, skin-on chicken thighs are juicier and more avorful. TheyÂ’re also more forgiving. ThatÂ’s why the cooks at Christo-pher KimballÂ’s Milk Street combine them with an elegant but simple classic French preparation that will impress Mom. Their simplied take on a classic Provençal braise combines canned arti-choke hearts with aromatic vegetables, herbs and white wine. After searing chicken thighs on the stovetop, the meat nishes in the oven. At the same time make a barigoule with carrots, garlic and onion that serves as both a vegetable accompaniment and a avorful sauce. If you associate chicken with dry, bland childhood dinners, you probably were eating boneless, skinless breast. It does the job, but itÂ’s inherently avorless and easy to overcook. ThatÂ’s why we often call for boneless, skin-on chicken thighs. Not only is darker meat juicier and more avorful, its higher fat content makes it more forgiving in the pan. Com-bine that with an elegant but simple classic French preparation, and you wonÂ’t have to worry Mom is forcing a smile during dinner on MotherÂ’s Day. In this recipe from our book “Tuesday Nights Mediterranean,” which features weeknight-friendly meals from the region, we take inspiration from arti chauts à la barigoule. This classic Provençal braise combines fresh artichoke hearts with aromatic vegeta bles, herbs and white wine. In our version, we sear chicken thighs on the stovetop, then nish cooking them in the oven. Meanwhile, we used canned artichokes in a simplied barigoule with carrots, garlic and onion that serves as both a vege-table accompaniment and a avorful sauce. For subtle lemony notes, we simmer strips of zest with the artichokes. A Y-style vegetable peeler is the best tool for removing zest in strips from the fruit, but try to take only the yel-low peel, as the white pith underneath is bitter. In this recipe, itÂ’s best to avoid jarred marinated artichoke hearts; the seasonings will overpower the other ingredients. Be sure to serve this with warm, crusty bread to dip in the sauce. To complete the meal, toss some mixed greens and halved cherry tomatoes with a drizzle of olive oil and squeeze of lemon juice.Chicken with Artichokes and WhiteStart to finish: 40 minutes Servings: 4 2 1/2 pounds bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs, trimmed and patted dry Kosher salt and ground black pepper 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 3 tablespoons salted butter, cut into 1-tablespoon pieces, divided 1 medium yellow onion, halved and thinly sliced 2 medium carrots, peeled, halved lengthwise and sliced crosswise 1/4 inch thick 4 medium garlic cloves, minced 1 cup dry white wine2 14-ounce cans artichoke hearts, drained, cut into quarters if whole 3 3-inch-long strips lemon zest, plus 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 cup low-sodium chicken broth 1/4 cup finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsleyHeat the oven to 475 degrees with a rack in the middle position. Season the chicken all over with salt and pepper. In a 12-inch skillet over medi-um-high, heat the oil until barely smoking. Add the chicken skin down and cook without disturbing until golden brown on the bottoms, 5 to 8 minutes. Using tongs, transfer the chicken skin up to a rimmed baking sheet and roast until the thickest part of the thighs reach 175 degrees, 15 to 20 minutes. While the chicken roasts, pour off and discard all but 1 tablespoon fat from the skillet. Set the pan over medium and melt 2 tablespoons of butter. Add the onion, carrots and 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/2 tea-spoon pepper, then cook, stirring occasionally, until the onion is translucent, 3 to 5 minutes. Add the garlic and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add the wine and cook, scraping up any browned bits, until reduced by about half, 2 to 4 minutes. Stir in the artichokes, lemon zest and broth. Bring to a simmer over medium-high and cook, uncovered and stirring oc-casionally, until the carrots are tender and the liquid is slightly reduced, 4 to 5 minutes. Remove from the heat, cover and set aside. When the chicken is done, using tongs, transfer it to a platter. Remove and discard the lemon zest from the artichoke mixture. Add the remaining 1 tablespoon butter and stir until melt ed, then stir in the lemon juice and parsley. Taste and season with salt and pepper. Spoon the mixture around the chicken. Recipe online: Wine rn n FRIDAYFISHFRY  Ân €‚ƒ„€‚ rnr rrr nrr Ânr ÂÂÂnnn rn  rnr…†n‡Âˆ‡ˆn‰nnrr rrÂrrÂÂÂÂÂrrÂÂÂÂÂrr Ârr€ ‚ƒrr„nÂ…†‡ˆ‰…Š‹†ˆŒ†††Œ„rr ÂŽnŠ…†„rrÂn‘ˆŠ…‹†ˆÂ’“rrÂŽn†”Œ„rr‚nŠ…‹n ÂŒÂÂn‚ n‡†n Ân†‡‚ rn rrnn POLYASPARTIC FLOORCOATINGS GARAGES•PATIOS•DRIVEWAYS FinancingAvailable AlsoOfferingBrickPaverSealing ROOFAND EXTERIOR SOFTWASHING ROOFS•HOUSES•POOLCAGES•DRIVEWAYS WELOOKFOWARDTOEXCEEDING YOUREXPECTATIONS! SAFEGUARD SoftWASH SAFEGUARD COATINGS
S CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE Section B THURSDAY, MAY 11 , 2023 By MATT PFIFFNER Sports editor2023 All-Chronicle Flag Football Team OffenseXena Bellamy, junior, Crystal River Elisha Bluford, sopho more, Lecanto Jaylin DeVaughn, senior, Crystal River Peyton Dison, freshman, Lecanto Ijy Edwards, junior, Crys tal River Kendyl Hunnicutt, sopho more, Citrus Kayla Negron, senior, Le canto Julia Parker, senior, Le cantoDefenseMya Connor, senior, Le canto Alanei Hart, freshman, Crystal River Mickayla Lucena, sopho more, Lecanto Devin Pulham, freshman, Lecanto Olivia Rojas, senior, Le canto Emma Seal, senior, CitrusWinnie Stevens, sopho more, Crystal River Chloe Tsacrios, senior, LecantoFinalists for Flag Football Offensive Player of the Year Xena Bellamy, junior, Crystal RiverThe Pirate led the team in catches, receiving yards and points scored as a depend able target at wide receiver and even lled in at quarter back when the regular start er was injured.Peyton Dison, freshman, LecantoThe Panther freshman threw for 1,517 yards and 21 touchdowns this season and also led the team in rushing with 872 yards and 11 touchdowns.Kayla Negron, senior, LecantoThe Panther was the top receiving target on the team, with 57 catches for 755 yards and 10 touchdowns. Was second on the team in scoring with 61 total points accounted for.Finalists for Flag Football Defensive Player of the Year Mya Connor, senior, LecantoLed an outstanding de fense with a team-high 86 ag pulls and 11 intercep tions. Her average return on those interceptions was nearly 18 yards.Alanei Hart, freshman, Crystal RiverThe Pirate freshman ex celled at rushing the quar terback in her rst season, leading the team in sacks.Olivia Rojas, senior, LecantoWas second on Lecanto with 72 ag pulls and also led the team with four sacks.Flag football’s finest MATT PFIFFNER / Sports editor Xena Bellamy, junior, Crystal River MATT PFIFFNER / Sports editor Peyton Dison, freshman, Lecanto MATT PFIFFNER / Sports editor Kayla Negron, senior, Lecanto MATT PFIFFNER / Sports editor Mya Connor, senior, Lecanto MATT PFIFFNER / Sports editor Alanei Hart, freshman, Crystal River MATT PFIFFNER / Sports editor Olivia Rojas, senior, Lecanto By NOAH TRISTER AP Baseball Writer BALTIMORE — In six games against baseball’s top two teams, the Baltimore Orioles looked as though they belonged. Dean Kremer pitched six scoreless innings and the Orioles edged the Tampa Bay Rays 2-1 on Wednes day night. Baltimore took two of three in the series to pull within 4 1 / 2 games of Tampa Bay atop the AL East. The Orioles went 3-3 over their past two series against the Rays and NL-leading Atlanta Braves, outscoring those teams 21-18. “We played extremely Orioles edge Tampa Bay 2-1, take 2 of 3 in series with MLB-best Rays Nick Wass / AP Tampa Bay Rays DH Harold Ramirez reacts after striking out during the eighth inning against the Baltimore Orioles on Wednesday in Baltimore. The Orioles won 2-1. See RAYS , page B3 By BRIAN MAHONEY AP Basketball Writer NEW YORK — Jalen Brunson had 38 points, nine rebounds and seven assists while playing all 48 min utes in a season-extending performance, and the New York Knicks beat the Miami Heat 112-103 on Wednes day night in Game 5 of the Eastern Conference semi nals. The Knicks denied the Heat’s rst attempt to be come just the second No. 8 seed to reach the conference nals and sent the series back to Miami for Game 6 on Friday night. RJ Barrett added 26 points and Julius Randle had 24 for the fth-seeded Knicks, who stayed alive in hopes of reaching the conference nals for the rst time since 2000. They did that by get ting by the Heat in seven games in the second round, a possibility that still exists. The Knicks built a 19-point lead in the third quarter, then hung on when the Heat nally got their 3-pointers to start falling and cut it to two with 2 1 / 2 minutes remaining. Jimmy Butler had 19 points, nine assists and sev en rebounds for the Heat, getting held below 25 points for the rst time in this postseason. Bam Adebayo Brunson, Knicks beat Heat in Game 5 to cut deficit to a game See HEAT , page B3
B2 Thursday, May 11, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB Tampa Bay 29 9 .763 –Baltimore 24 13 .649 4½Boston 22 16 .579 7Toronto 21 16 .568 7½New York 21 17 .553 8 Central Division W L Pct GB Minnesota 20 17 .541 –Detroit 17 19 .472 2½Cleveland 17 20 .459 3Chicago 13 25 .342 7½Kansas City 11 27 .289 9½ West Division W L Pct GB Texas 22 14 .611 –Los Angeles 20 18 .526 3Houston 19 18 .514 3½Seattle 18 19 .486 4½Oakland 8 30 .211 15 NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB Atlanta 25 12 .676 –Miami 19 19 .500 6½New York 18 19 .486 7Phila. 18 19 .486 7Washington 16 21 .432 9 Central Division W L Pct GB Pittsburgh 21 17 .553 –Milwaukee 20 17 .541 ½Chicago 18 19 .486 2½Cincinnati 15 21 .417 5St. Louis 13 25 .342 8 West Division W L Pct GB Los Angeles 23 15 .605 –Arizona 20 17 .541 2½San Diego 19 18 .514 3½San Francisco 16 20 .444 6Colorado 16 22 .421 7 AMERICAN LEAGUE TuesdayÂ’s Games Cleveland 2, Detroit 0Baltimore 4, Tampa Bay 2Chicago White Sox 4, Kansas City 2N.Y. Yankees 10, Oakland 5Phila. 8, Toronto 4Atlanta 9, Boston 3San Diego 6, Minnesota 1Houston 3, L.A. Angels 1Seattle 5, Texas 0 WednesdayÂ’s Games Detroit 5, Cleveland 0N.Y. Yankees 11, Oakland 3Texas 4, Seattle 3Houston 5, L.A. Angels 4Phila. 2, Toronto 1, 10 inningsBaltimore 2, Tampa Bay 1Kansas City 9, Chicago White Sox 1Boston 5, Atlanta 2Minnesota 4, San Diego 3, 11 innings ThursdayÂ’s Games San Diego (Darvish 2-2) at Minnesota (Ober 2-0), 1:10 p.m.Chicago White Sox (Clevinger 2-3) at Kansas City (Singer 2-4), 2:10 p.m.Tampa Bay (Rasmussen 3-2) at N.Y. Yankees (Germán 2-2), 7:05 p.m.Texas (Eovaldi 4-2) at Oakland (Waldichuk 1-2), 9:40 p.m. FridayÂ’s Games Seattle at Detroit, 6:40 p.m.Pittsburgh at Baltimore, 7:05 p.m.Tampa Bay at N.Y. Yankees, 7:05 p.m.Atlanta at Toronto, 7:07 p.m.L.A. Angels at Cleveland, 7:10 p.m.St. Louis at Boston, 7:10 p.m.Chicago Cubs at Minnesota, 8:10 p.m.Houston at Chicago White Sox, 8:10 p.m.Kansas City at Milwaukee, 8:10 p.m.Texas at Oakland, 9:40 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE TuesdayÂ’s Games Colorado 10, Pittsburgh 1Cincinnati 7, N.Y. Mets 6Phila. 8, Toronto 4Atlanta 9, Boston 3San Diego 6, Minnesota 1L.A. Dodgers 6, Milwaukee 2St. Louis 6, Chicago Cubs 4San Francisco 4, Washington 1Miami 6, Arizona 2 WednesdayÂ’s Games Colorado 4, Pittsburgh 3L.A. Dodgers 8, Milwaukee 1Washington 11, San Francisco 6Miami 5, Arizona 4Phila. 2, Toronto 1, 10 inningsN.Y. Mets 2, Cincinnati 1Boston 5, Atlanta 2Chicago Cubs 10, St. Louis 4Minnesota 4, San Diego 3, 11 innings ThursdayÂ’s Games N.Y. Mets (Senga 4-1) at Cincinnati (Law 2-4), 12:35 p.m.San Diego (Darvish 2-2) at Minnesota (Ober 2-0), 1:10 p.m.San Francisco (Cobb 2-1) at Arizona (Henry 1-0), 9:40 p.m. FridayÂ’s Games Cincinnati at Miami, 6:40 p.m.N.Y. Mets at Washington, 7:05 p.m.Pittsburgh at Baltimore, 7:05 p.m.Atlanta at Toronto, 7:07 p.m.St. Louis at Boston, 7:10 p.m.Chicago Cubs at Minnesota, 8:10 p.m.Kansas City at Milwaukee, 8:10 p.m.Phila. at Colorado, 8:40 p.m.San Francisco at Arizona, 9:40 p.m.San Diego at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m. BALTIMORE 2, TAMPA BAY 1 Tampa Bay Baltimore ab r h bi ab r h bi DÃaz 1b-3b 4 1 1 0 Mullins cf 4 0 1 0Franco ss 3 0 1 1 Rutschman c 3 1 1 0B.Lowe 2b 2 0 0 0 Santander rf 4 1 1 0Arzarna ph-lf 1 0 0 0 McKenna rf 0 0 0 0RamÃrez dh 4 0 1 0 Mtcastle 1b 2 0 0 0Raley lf-1b 4 0 1 0 Frazier 2b 4 0 1 1Pards 3b-2b 3 0 0 0 Hays lf 4 0 2 1Walls ph 1 0 0 0 Henderson 3b 2 0 0 0J.Lowe rf 4 0 1 0 Mateo ss 4 0 0 0Bethncrt c 3 0 1 0 OÂ’Hearn dh 2 0 0 0Siri cf 3 0 0 0 Totals 32 1 6 1 Totals 29 2 6 2Tampa Bay 000 000 010 — 1 Baltimore 000 002 00x — 2 DP–Tampa Bay 1, Baltimore 1. LOB–Tampa Bay 6, Baltimore 9. 2B–DÃaz (6), Frazier (5), Hays (9), Santander (12). SB–Franco 2 (11), Mullins (12). IP H R ER BB SO Tampa Bay Beeks 2 1 0 0 0 2 Chirinos L,1-1 5 5 2 2 4 1 Guerra 1 0 0 0 2 0 Baltimore Kremer W,4-1 6 4 0 0 2 4 Voth H,3 1 1 / 3 2 1 1 0 1 Coulombe H,8 2 / 3 0 0 0 0 2 Cano S,3-3 1 0 0 0 0 1 WP–Beeks.Umpires–Home, Alex Tosi; First, Tony Ran dazzo; Second, Todd Tichenor; Third, Brian Knight.T–2:23. A–14,395 (45,971). DETROIT 5, CLEVELAND 0 Detroit Cleveland ab r h bi ab r h bi McKinstry 2b 4 1 2 0 Kwan lf 4 0 0 0Short 2b 0 0 0 0 Rosario ss 4 0 0 0Báez ss 3 2 2 0 RamÃrez dh 4 0 0 0Greene cf 4 0 0 1 Bell 1b 2 0 0 0Torkelson 1b 4 1 1 1 Fry 3b-c 3 0 1 0Ibáñez 3b 4 1 2 1 Freeman 2b 4 0 2 0Baddoo lf 4 0 1 1 Zunino c 3 0 0 0Cabrera dh 4 0 0 0 Brennan rf 1 0 0 0Vierling rf 4 0 0 0 Arias rf-3b 3 0 1 0Rogers c 4 0 0 0 Straw cf 3 0 0 0Totals 35 5 8 4 Totals 31 0 4 0Detroit 203 000 000 — 5 Cleveland 000 000 000 — 0 E–Arias (1). LOB–Detroit 4, Cleveland 7. 2B– Ibáñez (4), Báez (6), Baddoo (5). IP H R ER BB SO Detroit Rodriguez W,4-2 7 4 0 0 2 8 Foley 1 0 0 0 0 1 Shreve 1 0 0 0 1 1 Cleveland Battenfield L,0-4 6 7 5 4 0 4 De Los Santos 1 1 0 0 0 1 Sandlin 1 0 0 0 0 1 Morgan 1 0 0 0 0 0 HBP–De Los Santos (Báez).Umpires–Home, Adam Hamari; First, Vic Carapazza; Second, Nick Mahrley; Third, Jerry Layne.T–2:01. A–16,128 (34,788). N.Y. YANKEES 11, OAKLAND 3 Oakland New York ab r h bi ab r h b i Ruiz cf 5 0 0 0 Volpe ss 5 1 1 4Noda 1b 2 0 1 0 Judge dh 4 2 3 0Rooker dh 5 0 2 0 Rizzo 1b 4 2 2 1Bleday rf 5 1 2 1 Bauers lf 1 0 0 0Diaz 2b 3 0 0 0 LeMhiu 3b-1b 4 2 1 2Kemp lf 4 0 0 0 Torres 2b 3 1 1 1Pérez c 3 1 1 1 Bader cf 3 1 1 3Peterson 3b 4 1 2 1 Calhoun ph-rf 1 0 0 0Allen ss 0 0 0 0 Knr-Flfa lf-cf 2 0 0 0Smith ss-3b 4 0 0 0 Higashioka c 3 1 1 0 Cabrera rf-3b 3 1 0 0Totals 35 3 8 3 Totals 33 11 10 11 Oakland 020 000 100 — 3 New York 400 070 00x — 11 LOB–Oakland 10, New York 6. 2B–Bleday (3), Rooker (5), Noda (8), Higashioka (2), Judge (6), Torres (8). HR–Pérez (2), Peter son (2), Bleday (3), Bader (3), LeMahieu (5), Volpe (4). SF–Torres (2). IP H R ER BB SO Oakland Muller L,1-3 4 5 6 6 3 6 Garcia 2 / 3 4 5 5 2 0 Fujinami 2 1 / 3 0 0 0 1 2 Lovelady 1 1 0 0 0 2 New York Brito 4 1 / 3 5 2 2 2 3 Cordero W,2-1 1 2 / 3 1 0 0 0 1 GarcÃa S,1-1 3 2 1 1 1 2 Muller pitched to 2 batters in the 5th.HBP–Muller (Kiner-Falefa), Brito (Noda), Cordero (Diaz).Umpires–Home, Erich Bacchus; First, Laz Diaz; Second, Mike Estabrook; Third, Andy Fletcher.T–2:47. A–40,687 (47,309). COLORADO 4, PITTSBURGH 3 Colorado Pittsburgh ab r h bi ab r h bi Profar lf 4 0 1 1 Hayes 3b 4 0 0 0Tovar ss 4 1 0 0 Rynlds lf-cf 3 1 1 0Bryant dh 4 0 0 0 McCtchn dh 3 1 3 2Cron 1b 4 0 1 0 Santana 1b 3 0 0 0Grichuk rf-cf 4 1 1 1 Joe rf-lf 2 0 0 0McMahon 3b 4 1 1 0 Suwinski cf 2 0 0 0Wynns c 3 1 1 1 Castro ph-2b 1 0 0 0Trejo 2b 4 0 2 1 Macao 2b-ss 2 1 1 1Doyle cf 2 0 0 0 Andujar ph-rf 2 0 0 0Blckmn ph-rf 1 0 1 0 Owings ss-cf 3 0 0 0 Bae ph 1 0 1 0 Hedges c 3 0 0 0 Palacios ph 1 0 0 0Totals 34 4 8 4 Totals 30 3 6 3Colorado 000 300 100 — 4Pittsburgh 012 000 000 — 3E–Hill (1). DP–Colorado 1, Pittsburgh 2. LOB–Colorado 7, Pittsburgh 6. 2B–Cron (8), Grichuk (3), Reynolds (14), Bae (3). HR–Mar cano (1), McCutchen (7). SB–Tovar (1), Trejo (2), McMahon (2). IP H R ER BB SO Colorado Senzatela 2 2 / 3 4 3 3 1 1 Lambert 2 1 / 3 0 0 0 1 4 Bard 1 / 3 1 0 0 2 1 Hand W,2-1 1 2 / 3 0 0 0 0 2 Lawrence H,5 1 0 0 0 1 3 Johnson S,6-6 1 1 0 0 1 2 Pittsburgh Hill 3 2 / 3 4 3 1 2 4 Moreta 2 0 0 0 0 3 Hernandez 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 0 Stephenson L,0-1 1 2 1 1 2 2 Holderman 1 1 0 0 0 2 Bednar 1 1 0 0 0 0 Moreta pitched to 2 batters in the 6th.WP–Bard.Umpires–Home, Mike Muchlinski; First, Alan Porter; Second, Nate Tomlinson; Third, Sean Barber.T–3:08. A–13,491 (38,753). L.A. DODGERS 8, MILWAUKEE 1 Los Angeles Milwaukee ab r h bi ab r h bi Betts rf 4 0 0 1 O.Miller 2b 3 0 1 0Freeman 1b 5 1 2 3 Turang ph 1 0 0 0Smith dh 4 1 1 1 Contreras c 4 1 1 1C.Taylor 3b 4 1 0 0 Adames ss 4 0 1 0Vargas 2b 5 1 1 2 Yelich lf 3 0 0 0Outman cf 4 1 2 0 Brosseau dh 3 0 1 0Rojas ss 4 2 2 0 Anderson 3b 3 0 0 0Thompson lf 1 1 0 0 Voit 1b 3 0 1 0D.Peralta ph-lf 2 0 1 1 T.Taylor rf-cf 3 0 0 0Barnes c 2 0 0 0 Wiemer cf 2 0 0 0 Winker ph-rf 1 0 0 0Totals 35 8 9 8 Totals 30 1 5 1Los Angeles 000 224 000 — 8 Milwaukee 000 100 000 — 1 E–Contreras (4). DP–Los Angeles 2, Mil waukee 0. LOB–Los Angeles 6, Milwaukee 2. 2B–Outman (8), Voit (3). HR–Freeman (6), Smith (6), Vargas (4), Contreras (3). SF–Betts (1). IP H R ER BB SO Los Angeles Kershaw W,6-2 7 5 1 1 0 8 Suero 2 0 0 0 0 3 Milwaukee Miley L,3-2 5 6 7 7 2 3 Rea 2 / 3 2 1 1 2 0 Payamps 1 1 / 3 1 0 0 0 1 Milner 1 0 0 0 0 1 Williams 1 0 0 0 0 1 Miley pitched to 3 batters in the 6th.HBP–Miley (C.Taylor). WP–Rea.Umpires–Home, Doug Eddings; First, Char lie Ramos; Second, Alfonso Marquez; Third, Ramon De Jesus.T–2:11. A–30,112 (41,700). TEXAS 4, SEATTLE 3 Texas Seattle ab r h bi ab r h bi Semien 2b 5 1 2 2 Crawford ss 3 1 1 1Grossman lf 5 1 1 0 France 1b 4 0 1 0Thompson lf 0 0 0 0 Kelenic lf 4 0 2 1Lowe 1b 5 1 1 1 Suárez 3b 3 0 0 0GarcÃa rf 5 0 2 0 Raleigh c 4 0 1 0Jung 3b 4 0 1 0 RodrÃguez cf 4 1 1 0Heim c 4 0 1 1 Hernández rf 4 0 0 0Duran ss 3 1 1 0 Pollock dh 4 0 0 0Taveras cf 4 0 2 0 Wong 2b 2 0 1 0J.Smith dh 4 0 2 0 Caalleo ph-2b 0 1 0 0Totals 39 4 13 4 Totals 32 3 7 2 Texas 003 001 000 — 4 Seattle 100 010 010 — 3 E–Grossman (1). DP–Texas 1, Seattle 0. LOB–Texas 9, Seattle 5. 2B–Lowe (11), Heim (8), J.Smith (2). 3B–Kelenic (1). HR–Semien (6). SB–GarcÃa (3), Suárez (1). IP H R ER BB SO Texas Dunning W,3-0 6 6 2 2 1 5 Sborz H,1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Burke H,6 2 / 3 1 1 1 0 1 J.Hernández H,8 1 / 3 0 0 0 1 1 W.Smith S,6-7 1 0 0 0 0 2 Seattle Castillo L,2-1 5 8 3 3 0 9 Brash 2 / 3 3 1 1 0 1 Speier 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 1 Then 1 1 0 0 0 0 Flexen 1 1 0 0 0 2 Sewald 1 0 0 0 0 1 HBP–Castillo (Duran), Burke (Caballero). Umpires–Home, Chad Whitson; First, Jer emy Riggs; Second, Rob Drake; Third, Bill Miller.T–2:33. A–22,480 (47,929). WASHINGTON 11, SAN FRANCISCO 6 Washington San Francisco ab r h bi ab r h bi Thomas rf 5 2 2 1 Wade Jr. 1b 4 1 1 3GarcÃa 2b 4 0 0 0 Pederson dh 4 1 1 0Meneses dh 4 1 2 1 Davis 3b 3 1 1 0Candelario 3b 4 1 1 0 Conforto rf 4 1 1 2Chavis 3b 1 0 0 0 Sabol lf 4 0 1 1Call cf 4 1 0 0 Slater cf 2 0 0 0Smith 1b 4 2 1 1 Villar 2b 1 0 0 0Garrett lf 4 3 2 2 Wisely 2b-cf 4 0 1 0Vargas ss 5 0 3 3 Schmitt ss 4 2 2 0Adams c 4 1 1 3 Bart c 4 0 0 0Totals 39 11 12 11 Totals 34 6 8 6Washington 044 101 001 — 11 San Francisco 001 001 022 — 6 E–Davis (3). LOB–Washington 6, San Fran cisco 6. 2B–Candelario (8), Vargas (1), Schmitt (1), Pederson (4). 3B–Vargas (1). HR–Adams (1), Thomas (4), Conforto (5), Wade Jr. (7). SB–Call (3). IP H R ER BB SO Washington Gray W,3-5 7 5 2 2 4 3 Ward 1 1 2 2 1 1 RamÃrez 1 2 2 2 0 0 San Francisco Manaea L,1-2 2 2 / 3 5 8 4 3 4 Beck 5 1 / 3 6 2 2 1 3 Waites 1 1 1 1 1 1 Umpires–Home, Brian OÂ’Nora; First, Pat Hoberg; Second, Emil Jimenez; Third, Chris Segal.T–2:29. A–21,283 (41,915). MIAMI 5, ARIZONA 4 Miami Arizona ab r h bi ab r h bi Chisholm cf 4 0 0 0 Rojas 3b 4 0 0 0Soler dh 4 1 1 0 Ahmed ph 1 0 1 0Arraez 1b 3 1 0 0 Marte 2b 3 1 1 0Sánchez rf 4 1 2 3 Carroll lf 2 1 0 0DeLaCruz pr-lf 0 1 0 0 Walker 1b 4 0 0 0Berti 3b 4 0 0 0 Gurriel Jr. dh 3 1 1 0Wendle ss 4 0 1 1 Smith rf 2 1 1 1Burdick lf-rf 4 1 2 0 Perdomo ss 4 0 1 1Stallings c 3 0 0 0 Thomas cf 2 0 0 1Hampson 2b 3 0 1 1 Longoria ph 1 0 0 0 Fletcher cf 0 0 0 0 Rivera ph 1 0 0 0 Herrera c 3 0 0 0 Moreno ph 1 0 0 0Totals 33 5 7 5 Totals 31 4 5 3Miami 000 310 001 — 5 Arizona 000 400 000 — 4 LOB–Miami 3, Arizona 7. 2B–Burdick 2 (2), Sánchez (9), Wendle (1), Gurriel Jr. (8). HR–Sánchez (3). SB–Perdomo (4). S–Stallings (2), Carroll (1). IP H R ER BB SO Miami Cabrera 3 1 / 3 2 4 4 4 5 Okert 1 1 / 3 0 0 0 1 1 Hoeing 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 0 Scott 1 2 / 3 0 0 0 1 5 Brazoban 1 / 3 1 0 0 0 0 Floro W,2-1 1 1 0 0 0 2 Puk S,6-7 1 1 0 0 0 2 Arizona Kelly 6 4 4 4 1 6 K.Nelson 1 1 0 0 0 1 Chafin L,2-1 1 1 1 1 0 2 Castro 1 1 0 0 0 1 Chan pitched to 1 batter in the 9th.Umpires–Home, Dan Bellino; First, Phil Cuzzi; Second, Mark Ripperger; Third, Shane Livensparger.T–2:45. A–10,482 (48,359). HOUSTON 5, L.A. ANGELS 4 Houston Los Angeles ab r h bi ab r h bi Peña ss 4 0 2 2 Ward lf 4 0 0 0Bregman 3b 4 0 0 0 Trout cf 4 1 1 0Alvarez lf 4 1 1 1 Ohtani dh 4 1 1 2Tucker dh 4 1 1 0 Rendon 3b 4 1 2 0Julks rf 4 1 1 0 Renfroe rf 2 1 2 2Diaz 1b 3 0 1 1 Drury 2b 4 0 0 0Hensley 2b 3 1 0 0 Thaiss c 4 0 1 0Meyers cf 4 1 1 1 Urshela 1b 4 0 1 0Maldonado c 3 0 1 0 Neto ss 3 0 0 0Totals 33 5 8 5 Totals 33 4 8 4Houston 100 400 000 — 5 Los Angeles 020 000 002 — 4 E–Canning (1). DP–Houston 2, Los Angeles 1. LOB–Houston 6, Los Angeles 4. HR–Alva rez (8), Renfroe (10), Ohtani (8). SF–Diaz (3). IP H R ER BB SO Houston Javier W,3-1 6 3 2 2 1 11 Neris H,4 1 0 0 0 1 0 B.Abreu H,5 1 1 0 0 0 2 Pressly S,6-6 1 4 2 2 0 1 Los Angeles Canning L,2-1 3 2 / 3 5 5 5 1 3 Herget 1 1 / 3 2 0 0 1 2 Tepera 1 1 0 0 0 2 Devenski 2 0 0 0 0 2 Davidson 1 0 0 0 1 1 HBP–Canning (Maldonado).Umpires–Home, Edwin Jimenez; First, James Hoye; Second, D.J. Reyburn; Third, John Libka.T–2:38. A–20,420 (45,517). PHILADELPHIA 2, TORONTO 1 Toronto Philadelphia ab r h bi ab r h bi Bichette ss 4 0 1 0 Stott 2b 5 0 0 0Guerrero 1b 4 0 1 0 Turner ss 4 0 1 0Varsho lf-cf 4 0 0 0 Harper dh 5 1 2 0Chapman 3b 4 0 0 0 Castellanos rf 4 0 2 0Mrrifild 2b-rf 4 0 1 0 Schwarber lf 4 0 1 0Belt dh 3 1 1 1 Realmuto c 4 0 1 1Lukes pr-rf 0 0 0 0 Bohm 1b 4 0 0 0Jansen c 4 0 0 0 Marsh cf 2 0 0 0Biggio rf 2 0 0 0 Sosa 3b 3 1 0 0Espinl ph-2b 2 0 0 0 Kiermaier cf 2 0 0 0 Kirk ph 1 0 0 0 Mayza p 0 0 0 0 Totals 34 1 4 1 Totals 35 2 7 1Toronto 000 010 000 0 — 1 Philadelphia 000 000 001 1 — 2 E–Bichette (4). LOB–Toronto 6, Philadelphia 9. 2B–Guerrero Jr. (8), Turner (7), Realmuto (9). HR–Belt (2). SB–Castellanos (1), Kier maier (3). S–Sosa (1). IP H R ER BB SO Toronto Gausman 6 3 0 0 0 9 GarcÃa H,7 1 1 0 0 0 1 Swanson H,9 1 0 0 0 1 1 Romano BS,9-11 1 3 1 1 1 1 Mayza L,1-1 2 / 3 0 1 0 1 1 Philadelphia Wheeler 7 3 1 1 1 7 Soto 1 0 0 0 1 1 DomÃnguez 1 1 0 0 0 2 Kimbrel W,2-1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Umpires–Home, Chad Fairchild; First, Alex MacKay; Second, Nic Lentz; Third, Jeremie Rehak.T–2:56. A–31,758 (42,901). N.Y. METS 2, CINCINNATI 1 New York Cincinnati ab r h bi ab r h bi Nimmo cf 5 0 3 1 India 2b 4 1 1 0Lindor ss 5 0 1 0 Friedl cf 4 0 0 0McNeil lf 5 0 1 0 Steer 1b 4 0 0 0Alonso 1b 3 1 1 1 Fraley lf 3 0 1 1Baty 3b 3 0 0 0 Stephenson c 1 0 0 0Marte rf 4 0 0 0 Senzel 3b 3 0 0 0Vogelbach dh 4 0 2 0 Myers rf 3 0 0 0Guillorme 2b 3 1 2 0 Ramos dh 3 0 0 0Ãlvarez c 3 0 0 0 Barrero ss 3 0 0 0Totals 35 2 10 2 Totals 28 1 2 1 New York 010 100 000 — 2 Cincinnati 100 000 000 — 1 E–India (3). DP–New York 0, Cincinnati 2. LOB–New York 11, Cincinnati 2. 2B–Guil lorme (2), Fraley (5). HR–Alonso (13). IP H R ER BB SO New York Verlander W,1-1 7 2 1 1 2 7 Ottavino H,3 1 0 0 0 0 1 Robertson S,7-7 1 0 0 0 0 2 Cincinnati Greene L,0-3 5 1 / 3 6 2 2 4 4 Gibaut 1 2 / 3 1 0 0 0 1 Farmer 1 2 0 0 0 2 Young 1 / 3 1 0 0 0 0 Legumina 2 / 3 0 0 0 0 0 HBP–Greene (Baty).Umpires–Home, Stu Scheuwater; First, Mal achi Moore; Second, Mark Wegner; Third, Bruce Dreckman.T–2:35. A–14,515 (43,891). KANSAS CITY 9, CHICAGO WHITE SOX 1 Chicago Kansas City ab r h bi ab r h bi Anderson ss 3 0 1 0 Witt Jr. ss 5 0 0 0Benintendi lf 3 0 0 0 Pasqntino dh 5 2 3 0Vaughn 1b 4 0 1 0 Perez c 4 0 2 1Robert Jr. cf 4 0 0 0 Fermin c 1 0 1 0Marisnick cf 0 0 0 0 Melendez rf 4 2 1 1Sheets rf 2 1 1 0 Olivares lf 4 2 1 1Grandal dh 4 0 1 0 Pratto 1b 4 2 2 3Alberto 3b 3 0 1 1 Duffy 3b 4 0 1 1Zavala c 4 0 0 0 Massey 2b 4 1 3 2Andrus 2b 3 0 1 0 Eaton cf 3 0 0 0Sosa 2b 1 0 0 0 Totals 31 1 6 1 Totals 38 9 14 9Chicago 010 000 000 — 1 Kansas City 400 121 10x — 9 E–Sheets (2). DP–Chicago 0, Kansas City 2. LOB–Chicago 8, Kansas City 7. 2B–Pasquantino (13), Perez 2 (9), Massey (3). HR–Massey (1), Pratto (2), Olivares (3). IP H R ER BB SO Chicago Lynn L,1-5 5 9 7 7 2 4 Padilla 2 4 2 2 0 2 Middleton 1 1 0 0 0 0 Kansas City Keller W,3-3 5 3 1 1 4 4 Cuas 1 1 0 0 1 3 Garrett 1 1 0 0 0 2 Staumont 1 1 0 0 0 1 Clarke 1 0 0 0 0 1 WP–Cuas.Umpires–Home, Adrian Johnson; First, Quinn Wolcott; Second, Manny Gonzalez; Third, Junior Valentine.T–2:21. A–12,187 (38,427). BOSTON 5, ATLANTA 2 Boston Atlanta ab r h bi ab r h bi Refsnyder lf 3 0 0 0 Acuña Jr. rf 4 1 2 1Tapia ph-lf 2 0 1 1 Olson 1b 4 0 0 0Verdugo rf 4 1 0 0 Riley 3b 4 1 2 0Turner 3b-2b 2 1 1 0 Murphy dh 4 0 0 0Yoshida dh 4 0 0 0 Rosario lf 4 0 2 1Hernández ss 4 0 1 1 Albies 2b 4 0 0 0Duran cf 3 2 2 1 dÂ’Arnaud c 3 0 1 0Casas 1b 3 1 1 2 Harris II cf 3 0 1 0Wong c 4 0 0 0 Arcia ss 3 0 0 0Valdez 2b 1 0 0 0 Dalbec ph 0 0 0 0 Devers ph-3b 2 0 1 0 Totals 32 5 7 5 Totals 33 2 8 2Boston 000 200 102 — 5 Atlanta 000 002 000 — 2 DP–Boston 1, Atlanta 1. LOB–Boston 6, At lanta 5. 2B–Tapia (3), Duran (12), Rosario (6). HR–Casas (5), Acuña Jr. (7). SB–Harris II (4), Duran (6). IP H R ER BB SO Boston Bello W,2-1 6 6 2 2 1 5 Winckowski H,5 1 0 0 0 0 1 Martin H,7 1 1 0 0 0 3 Jansen S,9-10 1 1 0 0 0 1 Atlanta Lee 2 2 / 3 0 0 0 1 3 McHugh 1 1 / 3 3 2 2 1 1 Young 1 0 0 0 0 1 Chavez 1 0 0 0 0 2 Minter L,2-4 1 / 3 0 1 1 2 1 Anderson 1 2 / 3 1 0 0 1 2 Iglesias 2 / 3 3 2 2 0 2 Jiménez 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 0 HBP–Young (Valdez).Umpires–Home, Clint Vondrak; First, Carlos Torres; Second, Jansen Visconti; Third, Cory Blaser.T–2:43. A–40,270 (41,149). CHICAGO CUBS 10, ST. LOUIS 4 St. Louis Chicago ab r h bi ab r h bi Edman 2b 4 0 1 1 Madrigal 2b 5 1 0 0Gldschmdt 1b 4 1 1 0 Swanson ss 5 1 2 2Donovan 1b 1 0 1 0 Happ lf 5 1 2 0Contreras dh 4 0 1 1 Suzuki rf 4 1 2 1Arenado 3b 4 0 1 1 Wisdom 3b 4 1 1 2Carlson cf 4 0 0 0 Bellinger cf 5 0 1 0Yepez lf 2 1 1 0 Mancini 1b 1 3 1 0Brlesn ph-lf 1 0 0 0 Gomes c 3 1 3 2DeJong ss 4 1 2 0 Morel dh 4 1 2 2Nootbaar rf 3 0 1 1 Knizner c 4 1 1 0 Totals 35 4 10 4 Totals 36 10 14 9 St. Louis 101 001 001 — 4 Chicago 003 213 10x — 10DP–St. Louis 2, Chicago 1. LOB–St. Louis 9, Chicago 8. 2B–Swanson 2 (10), Suzuki (4), Happ (10), Morel (1). 3B–Arenado (1). HR–Wisdom (12), Gomes (6). S–Edman (2). IP H R ER BB SO St. Louis Montgomery L,2-5 5 7 6 6 3 3 VerHagen 1 4 3 3 1 0 Naile 2 3 1 1 2 0 Chicago Steele W,6-0 6 7 3 3 3 3 Fulmer 1 0 0 0 0 1 Boxberger 1 0 0 0 0 1 Thompson 1 3 1 1 1 0 Umpires–Home, Ben May; First, Jeff Nelson; Second, Jordan Baker; Third, Ryan Wills.T–2:31. A–36,413 (41,363). MINNESOTA 4, SAN DIEGO 3 San Diego Minnesota ab r h bi ab r h bi Tatis Jr. rf 5 0 1 0 Buxton dh 4 0 0 0Cronenworth 1b 1 0 0 0 Kepler rf 5 3 2 1Machado 3b 4 0 0 1 Correa ss 3 0 1 1Soto lf 3 1 1 1 Kirilloff 1b-lf 4 0 2 1Bogaerts ss 4 0 1 0 Polanco 2b 4 0 1 0Carpenter dh 5 0 0 0 Farmer 3b 3 0 1 0Odor 2b 4 1 0 0 Castro ph-3b 1 1 0 0Grisham cf 3 1 1 0 Gallo lf 3 0 0 0Sullivan c 2 0 0 0 Solano ph-1b 1 0 1 1Cruz ph 1 0 0 0 Vázquez c 4 0 0 0Nola c 0 0 0 1 Taylor cf 2 0 0 0 Gordon ph-cf 2 0 1 0Totals 32 3 4 3 Totals 36 4 9 4San Diego 000 000 110 10 — 3Minnesota 101 000 000 11 — 4E–Gallo (1). DP–San Diego 2, Minnesota 2. LOB–San Diego 8, Minnesota 8. 2B–Polan co (5), Kepler (5), Correa (6). HR–Soto (6), Kepler (6). SB–Soto 2 (3), Cronenworth (2). SF–Machado (2). S–Nola (3). IP H R ER BB SO San Diego Lugo 6 5 2 2 1 5 Honeywell Jr. 1 1 0 0 0 0 Hill 1 1 0 0 0 0 GarcÃa 1 0 0 0 1 0 Hader BS,11-13 1 1 1 0 1 3 Tapia L,0-1 0 1 1 0 1 0 Minnesota P.López 6 1/3 2 1 1 4 8Stewart H,1 2/3 0 0 0 0 1J.López BS,2-5 1 2 1 1 1 0 Duran 2 0 1 0 0 1 Jax W,2-4 1 0 0 0 2 1 Tapia pitched to 2 batters in the 11th.HBP–P.López (Cronenworth). WP–Hader.Umpires–Home, Brennan Miller; First, Brock Ballou; Second, Mark Carlson; Third, Tripp Gibson.T–2:51. A–18,467 (38,544). MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL STANDINGS AND SCORES THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SEATTLE — Marcus Semien homered and drove in a pair of runs, Dane Dunning allowed only two runs in six strong innings and the Texas Rangers beat the Seattle Mariners 4-3 on Wednesday. Dunning (3-0) scattered six hits, struck out ve and avoided any major trouble. SemienÂ’s solo home run led off the third inning, when the Rangers got to Seattle ace Luis Castillo. Nathaniel Lowe and Jo nah Heim both had RBI doubles later in the inning, HeimÂ’s coming with two outs. Castillo (2-1) needed 37 pitches to get out of the inning and was done af ter ve innings. He struck out nine and allowed eight hits. SeattleÂ’s J.P. Crawford scored on an error in the rst inning and had an RBI single in the fth. Jarred Kelenic hit a two-out RBI triple in the eighth off re liever Brock Burke to pull the Mariners within a run. Will Smith pitched the ninth for his sixth save. ——— Red Sox 5, Braves 2 ATLANTA — Kenley Jansen became the seventh player in major league history to earn 400 saves, pinch-hitter Raimel Tapia hit a go-ahead RBI double in the seventh inning, and Boston snapped a two-game skid. Jansen, who had 41 saves last year in his only season with the Braves, faced four batters for his ninth save in 10 chances. SemienÂ’s solo home run led off the third inning, when the Rang ers got to Seattle ace Luis Castil lo. Nathaniel Lowe and Jonah Heim both had RBI doubles later in the inning, HeimÂ’s coming with two outs. Castillo (2-1) needed 37 pitches to get out of the inning and was done after five innings. He struck out nine and allowed eight hits. SeattleÂ’s J.P. Crawford scored on an error in the first inning and had an RBI single in the fifth. Jarred Kelenic hit a two-out RBI triple in the eighth off reliever Brock Burke to pull the Mariners within a run. Dodgers 8, Brewers 1 MILWAUKEE — Freddie Free man homered and drove in three runs and Clayton Kershaw won his National League-best sixth game as Los Angeles beat Mil waukee to take the three-game series. Will Smith and Miguel Vargas also went deep for the NL West-leading Dodgers, who top the NL in home runs (64). Phillies 2, Blue Jays 1, 10 innings PHILADELPHIA — Edmundo Sosa scored on Bryce HarperÂ’s hard-hit grounder in the 10th inning after Toronto shortstop Bo BichetteÂ’s throwing error and Philadelphia came back for its third consecutive win. With Sosa on second base to start the 10th, Tim Mayza (1-1) struck out Bryson Stott before walking Trea Turner to put run ners on first and second with one out. Harper lined a bouncer toward the mound and Mayza made a good play to snare it and fired to second base to set up an apparent double play. But BichetteÂ’s throw went wide of first baseman Vladimir Guerrero Jr. and Sosa just beat GuerreroÂ’s throw home while sliding head first into the plate. Rockies 4, Pirates 3 PITTSBURGH — Jurickson Profar hit a tiebreaking RBI single in the top of the seventh inning and Colorado rallied past a strug gling Pittsburgh. Less than 24 hours after hom ering twice in a 10-1 rout, Profar gave the Rockies their eighth win in 10 games by lacing a Robert Stephenson (0-1) pitch into left field to score Austin Wynns. Alan Trejo had two hits and an RBI for Colorado. Randal Grichuk added a run-scoring double as the Rockies earned their third-straight series win. Yankees 11, Athletics 3 NEW YORK — Rookie Anthony Volpe hit his first career grand slam to cap a seven-run fifth inning and New York pulled away to rout Oakland and complete their first series sweep this sea son. Harrison Bader hit a three-run homer in the first inning that was upheld after a review and DJ LeMahieu added a two-run shot in the fifth. The Yankees hit nine homers in the series.Marlins 5, Diamondbacks 4 PHOENIX — Jesús Sánchez hit a three-run homer and started the winning rally in the ninth with a double and Miami improved to 12-0 in one-run games, the best start to a season in baseball his tory in that category. Sánchez led off the ninth against Andrew Chafin (2-1) with an opposite-field double to left. Miguel Castro relieved and Bryan De La Cruz ran for Sánchez and advanced to third on Jon BertiÂ’s groundout. Joey Wendle doubled down the line in left to drive in the go-ahead run. Astros 5, Angels 4 ANAHEIM, Calif. — Cristian Javier struck out 11 over six strong innings of three-hit ball, and Houston overcame Shohei OhtaniÂ’s two-run homer in the ninth inning to beat Los Angeles. Ohtani made things interesting with a two-run shot off Houston closer Ryan Pressly in the ninth, golfing a curveball below the zone into the right-field stands for his eighth homer following Mike TroutÂ’s leadoff single. Twins 4, Padres 3, 11 innings MINNEAPOLIS — Alex Kirill offÂ’s single in the 11th inning scored automatic runner Max Kepler and Minnesota pulled out a win against San Diego. With Kepler on second, Carlos Correa was intentionally walked. Kirilloff then pulled a pitch from Domingo Tapia (0-1) down the right-field line to help Minnesota snap a three-game losing streak. Griffin Jax (2-4) escaped a bases-loaded jam in the top of the 11th to secure the win for the Twins after both teams scored their automatic runners in the 10th. Mets 2, Reds 1 CINCINNATI — Justin Verland er pitched seven innings of two-hit ball for his first victory with the Mets, and Pete Alonso hit his major league-leading 13th home run as New York squeezed out a win over Cincinnati. Brandon Nimmo had three hits for the Mets, including a go-ahead single in the fourth to help New York win for only the fourth time in 16 games. Cubs 10, Cardinals 4 CHICAGO — Patrick Wisdom and Yan Gomes homered to lead unbeaten Justin Steele and Chi cago snapped a three-game skid. Steele (6-0) gave up three runs and seven hits in six innings, striking out three and walking three. He became the first six-game winner in the National League. Tigers 5, Guardians 0 CLEVELAND — Eduardo Rodriguez struck out eight over seven innings, Javier Báez had two hits and two runs and Detroit cruised over Cleveland to win the three-game series. Rodriguez (4-2) gave up four hits and two walks, allowing only two runners past first base in his sixth straight dominant perfor mance. The left-hander is 4-0 with a 0.43 ERA and 41 strike outs in 41 2 / 3 innings since April 12. National 11, Giants 6 SAN FRANCISCO — Riley Adams and Lane Thomas hom ered, Josiah Gray pitched seven strong innings and Washington beat San Francisco in the rubber match of a three-game series. Ildemaro Vargas went 3 for 5 with three RBIs, finishing a home run shy of the cycle. Royals 9, White Sox 1 KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Nick Pratto homered and Brad Keller won for the first time in nearly a month as Kansas City beat Chica go. Keller (3-3), who leads the majors with 32 walks allowed, got into immediate trouble walk ing the first two batters he faced, but escaped first-inning damage with a double play and strikeout.Semien, Dunning lift Rangers over Mariners, win series Lindsey Wasson / AP Texas Rangers shortstop Ezequiel Duran celebrates with team mate Marcus Semien (2) after a 4-3 win against the Seattle Mariners on Wednesday in Seattle. May 11 1904 – Cy YoungÂ’s 23-inning no-hit string ended. The streak included two innings on April 25, six on April 30, a perfect game against the Philadelphia AÂ’s on May 5, and six innings today. 1919 – Walter Johnson of the Washington Senators pitched 12 scoreless innings in a duel with Jack Quinn of the New York Yankees at the Polo Grounds. The Big Train allowed only two hits and retired 28 batters in a row. Future football star George Halas, batting leadoff for the Yankees, went 0-for-5, strik ing out twice. 1919 – Hod Eller of the Cin cinnati Reds pitched a no-hitter to beat the St. Louis Cardinals, 6-0. Eller struck out eight and walked three. 1923 – Setting several Pacific Coast League records, Pete Schneider of Vernon hit five homers and a double to knock in 14 runs in a 35-11 romp over Salt Lake City. 1955 – Ernie BanksÂ’ grand slam – the first of five on the year – led the Chicago Cubs to a 10-8 victory that snapped the Brooklyn Dodg ersÂ’ 11-game winning streak. 1963 – Sandy Koufax pitched the second of four career no-hitters to help Los Angeles beat San Francisco 8-0. 1971 – Cleveland pitcher Steve Dunning became the last American League p itcher to hit a grand slam before the inception of the designated hitter rule in 1973. DunningÂ’s homer off Diego Segui of the Oakland AÂ’s gave the Indians a 5-0 lead, but Phil Hennigan got the victory as the Indians won 7-5. 1972 – Tom Seaver wins his 100th game in a 2-1 New York Mets victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers. The Mets also acquire veter an outfielder Willie Mays from the San Francisco Giants for pitcher Charlie Williams and $50,000. THIS DATE IN BASEBALL
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 11, 2023 B3 NBA SECOND ROUND (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Tuesday, May 9 Phila. 115, Boston 103, Phila. leads series 3 – 2Denver 118, Phoenix 102, Denver leads series 3 – 2 Wednesday, May 10 New York 112, Miami 103, Miami leads series 3 – 2L.A. Lakers at Golden State Thursday, May 11 Boston at Phila., 7:30 p.m.Denver at Phoenix, 10 p.m. Friday, May 12 New York at Miami, TBAx-Golden State at L.A. Lakers, TBA NHL SECOND ROUND (Best-of-7) (x-if necessary) Tuesday, May 9 Carolina 6, New Jersey 1, Carolina leads series 3 – 1Dallas 6, Seattle 3, series tied 2 – 2 Wednesday, May 10 Toronto 2, Florida 1Vegas at Edmonton Thursday, May 11 New Jersey at Carolina, 7 p.m.Seattle at Dallas, 9:30 p.m. Friday, May 12 Florida at Toronto, TBAEdmonton at Vegas, TBA TRANSACTIONS BASEBALL Major League Baseball American League BALTIMORE ORIOLES — Sent RHP Dillon Tate to Norfolk (IL) on a rehab assignment.BOSTON RED SOX — Reinstated LHP James Paxton from the 15-day IL. Desig nated RHP Zack Littell for assignment.CHICAGO WHITE SOX — Designated RHP Alex Colome for assignment. Placed CF Billy Hamilton on the 10-day IL, retroactive to May 7. Recalled RHP Nicholas Padilla from Charlotte (IL). Selected the contract of CF Jake Marisnick from Charlotte.MINNESOTA TWINS — Reinstated INF Kyle Farmer from the 10-day IL. Optioned INF Jose Miranda to St. Paul (IL).NEW YORK YANKEES — Sent RHP Luis Sev erino to Scranton/Wilkes-Barre on a rehab assignment. Optioned RHP Greg Weissert to Scranton/Wilkes-Barre. Recalled RHP Deivi Garcia from Scranton/Wilkes-Barre.TAMPA BAY RAYS — Agreed to terms with LHP Jake Diekman on a contract. Designat ed RHP Chase Anderson for assignment. National League CHICAGO CUBS — Reinstated C Yan Gomes from the 7-day IL. Optioned C Miguel Ama ya to Iowa (IL).NEW YORK METS — Placed C Tomas Nido on the 10-day IL, retroactive to May 7. Se lected the contract of C Michael Perez from Syracuse (IL). Transferred RHP Elieser Her nandez from the 15-day IL to the 60-day IL. Sent LHP Brooks Raley to Binghamton (EL) on a rehab assignment.PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES — Placed LHP Jose Alvarado on the 15-day IL, retroactive to May 8. Reinstated RHP Andrew Bellati from the 15-day IL and rehab assignment in Clearwater (FSL).SAN DIEGO PADRES — Sent LHP Drew Pomeranz to El Paso (PCL) on a rehab as signment. Minor League Baseball Atlantic League LONG ISLAND DUCKS — Reinstated RHP Stephen Woods Jr. to the active list. Placed NF Jesse Russo on the inactive list. BASKETBALL National Basketball Association NBA — Named Mike Krzyzewski special adviser to basketball operations. WomenÂ’s National Basketball Association PHOENIX MERCURY — Claimed G Evina Westrook off waivers from Washington. FOOTBALL National Football League ARIZONA CARDINALS — Claimed DL Ben Stille off waivers from Cleveland.CAROLINA PANTHERS — Signed DE D.J. Johnson to a rookie contract. Re-signed OL Cameron Erving.DENVER BRONCOS — Released DE Jacob Martin.DETROIT LIONS — Signed DL Christian Covington.HOUSTON TEXANS — Signed G Shaq Ma son to a three-year contract.KANSAS CITY CHIEFS — Released DT Bryant Cowart. Waived DB Martez Manuel. Signed CB Lamar Jackson and DTs Matt Dickerson and Chris Williams.NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS — Waived WR Lynn Bowden Jr.NEW ORLEANS SAINTS — Signed TE Foster Moreau to a three-year contract.PITTSBURGH STEELERS — Released CB Arthur Maulet.SEATTLE SEAHAWKS — Signed RB Bryant Koback. Canadian Football League EDMONTON ELKS — Signed OL Javion Caldwell and DB Devious Christmon. Placed DB Donovan Olumba on the retired list.WINNIPEG BLUE BOMBERS — Transferred LB Robbie Lowes to the retired list. Signed OL Desmond Bessent, WR Dominick Fiscelli and RB Vance Barnes. Released WR Otis Lanier. HOCKEY National Hockey League BOSTON BRUINS — Signed D Mason Lohrei to a two-year, entry-level contract.CHICAGO BLACKHAWKS — Signed G Arvid Soderblom to a two-year contract exten sion.DALLAS STARS — Recalled D Dawson Bar teaux from Idaho (ECHL) to Texas (AHL).TAMPA BAY LIGHTNING — Signed G Matt Tomkins to a two-year, two-way contract.TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS — Reassigned C Ty Voit to Toronto (AHL) from Sarnia (OHL). Minor League Hockey American Hockey League ABBOTSFORD CANUCKS — Released D Andy Carroll, G Marco Costantini and C Max Sasson from amateur tryout contracts (ATO). ECHL CINCINNATI CYCLONES — Activated F Lin coln Griffin from reserve. Placed F Yushiroh Hirano on reserve.IDAHO STEELHEADS — Activated D Matt Register from reserve.JAKSONVILLE ICEMEN — Activated G Charles Williams from reserve. Placed G Olof Lindbom on reserve.TOLEO WALLEYE — Activat4ed F Conlan Keenan from reserve. Placed F John Albert on reserve. SOCCER U.S. Soccer Federation U.S. SOCCER FEDERATION — Named Ogu chi Onyewu vice president of sporting. Major League Soccer PORTLAND TIMBERS — Signed D Tyler Clegg and M Victor Griffith to short-term contracts. MLB 1 p.m. (MLBN): San Diego Padres at Minnesota Twins or New York Mets at Cincinnati Reds7 p.m. (SUN, MLBN): Tampa Bay Rays at New York Yan kees10 p.m. (MLBN): San Francisco Giants at Arizona Dia mondbacks COLLEGE SOFTBALL 11 a.m. (ACC): ACC Tournament – TBA vs. Florida State. Game 311 a.m. (SEC): SEC Tournament – TBA vs. Auburn. Game 6, First Quarterfinal12 p.m. (BIGTEN): B1G Tournament – TBA vs. Minnesota. Game 5, First Quarterfinal1:30 p.m. (ACC): ACC Tournament – Virginia Tech vs. Louisville. Game 42 p.m. (SEC): SEC Tournament – TBA vs. Georgia. Game 7, Second Quarterfinal2:30 p.m. (BIGTEN): B1G Tournament – TBA vs. Indiana. Game 6, Second Quarterfinal5 p.m. (ACC): ACC Tournament – TBA vs. Duke. Game 5 5 p.m. (SEC): SEC Tournament – TBA vs. Arkansas. Game 8, Third Quarterfinal5:30 p.m. (BIGTEN): B1G Tournament – TBA vs. North western. Game 7, Third Quarterfinal7:30 p.m. (ACC): ACC Tournament: North Carolina vs. Clemson. Game 68 p.m. (BIGTEN): B1G Tournament – TBA vs. Nebraska. Game 8, Fourth Quarterfinal8 p.m. (SEC): SEC Tournament – TBA vs. Tennessee. Game 9, Fourth Quarterfinal COLLEGE BASEBALL 8 p.m. (ESPNU): Auburn at Ole Miss NBA PLAYOFFS 7:30 p.m. (ESPN): Boston Celtics at Philadelphia 76ers, Game 610 p.m. (ESPN): Denver Nuggets at Phoenix Suns, Game 6 GOLF 7 a.m. (GOLF): DP World Tour Soudal Open, First Round 10:30 a.m. (GOLF): LPGA Tour Cognizant Founders Cup, First Round1 p.m. (GOLF): 2023 Regions Tradition First Round 4 p.m. (GOLF): PGA Tour AT&T Byron Nelson, First Round NHL PLAYOFFS 7 p.m. (TNT): New Jersey Devils at Carolina Hurricanes, Game 59:30 p.m. (TNT): Seattle Kraken at Dallas Stars, Game 5 TENNIS 8 a.m. (BSF): 2023 Internazionali BNL dÂ’Italia ATP First Round & WTA Second Round1 p.m. (TENNIS): 2023 Internazionali BNL dÂ’Italia ATP First Round, WTA Second Round5 a.m. (TENNIS): 2023 Internazionali BNL dÂ’Italia ATP/ WTA Second Round SOFTBALL Region 5A-2 Quarterfinals7 p.m.: No. 8 Lecanto at No. 1 Auburndale Region 3A-2 quarterfinals12 p.m.: No. 4 Crystal River at No. 5 Santa Fe ON THE AIRWAVES PREP CALENDAR LOTTERY NUMBERS POWERBALL Monday, May 8, 2023 15-20-33-36-43-12-x2 Next Jackpot: Wednesday, May 10, 2023 $109 MILLIONMEGA MILLIONS Tuesday, May 9, 2023 4-37-46-48-51-19-x3 Winning Numbers Next Jackpot: Friday, May 12, 2023 $99 MILLIONLOTTO Saturday, May 6, 2023 5-9-13-29-38-41 Next Jackpot: Wednesday, May 10, 2023 $33.50 MILLIONCASH 4 LIFE Tuesday, May 9, 2023 11-28-31-35-37-1 Winning Numbers Top Prize: Wednesday, May 10, 2023 $1,000/DAY FOR LIFEJACKPOT TRIPLE PLAY Tuesday, May 9, 2023 1-2-26-42-43-45 Winning Numbers Next Jackpot: Friday, May 12, 2023 $2 MILLION CASH POPWednesday, May 10, 2023 Morning -3 Wednesday, May 10, 2023 Matinee -15 Tuesday, May 9, 2023 Afternoon -9 Tuesday, May 9, 2023 Evening -11 Tuesday, May 9, 2023 Late Night -12 FANTASY 5 Wednesday, May 10, 2023 Midday -1-13-14-22-36 Tuesday, May 9, 2023 Evening -8-16-26-34-35PICK 5 Wednesday, May 10, 2023 6-8-4-1-0 4 Tuesday, May 9, 2023 0-4-2-7-1 6PICK 4 Wednesday, May 10, 2023 6-5-8-2 4 Tuesday, May 9, 2023 2-9-0-1 6PICK 3Wednesday, May 10, 2023 5-4-6 4 Tuesday, May 9, 2023 7-8-8 6 PICK 2Wednesday, May 10, 2023 3-1 4 Tuesday, May 9, 2023 9-1 6 CHRONICLESign up for Lecanto hoops camp The 2023 Lecanto Pan ther Basketball Camp will be held in June at the high school and middle school gyms. The dates are June 5-8 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. and June 12-15 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. The camp, for students entering 1st-9th grades, is $75 per week. There is a multiple sibling discount of $120 per week for two siblings, $160 per week for three siblings. Come out and enjoy a week of quality instruc tion and competition at the camp. Panther Camp offers quality basketball instruc tion at an affordable cost to area youth. Every camper receives a free T-shirt. All players should either bring a bag lunch to camp or they will be able to pur chase a lunch at camp for $3 per day (pizza, chips and drink). A concession will be open during the day also. To register online go to, click on Parents (Top right-hand), Scroll Down to Online Payment-RevTrak (Left side), Scroll down to Pan ther Basketball Camp and ll out the information on the left. Contact Frank Vilardi at 352-270-2246 for more in formation. Hurricanes knocked out The season came to an end for the Citrus softball team Wednesday night with a 9-2 Class 4A region al quarternal loss at Lake Region. The Hurricanes fell behind 3-0 in the rst inning, but got to within 3-2 with a pair of runs in the third inning. The Thunder scored three times in the fourth and fth innings to pull away for the playoff victory. Paisley Williamson had both hits for the Hurricanes and scored a run, while Ali cia Demott also scored a run for Citrus. The Crystal River softball team was scheduled to play a 3A regional quarternal contest Wednesday at Santa Fe, but the game was rained out until Thursday at noon. Also on Thursday, Lecan to will travel to Auburndale for a 5A regional quarter nal at 7 p.m. LOCAL SPORTS BRIEFS well,” Baltimore manager Brandon Hyde said. “The Atlanta series was a little bit of a bummer, honestly. We end up winning that rst one and had opportuni ties to win the next two and didnÂ’t. But end up coming here and playing against these guys, who are very difcult to play against. ... WeÂ’ve pitched extremely well the last six games.” Kremer (4-1) allowed four hits and the Orioles broke through for two runs in the sixth. After allowing a single and a double, Yon ny Chirinos (1-1) commit ted a pitch clock violation with the count 3-1 on Ryan Mountcastle. That walk loaded the bases with no body out. Adam Frazier grounded into a forceout to score the gameÂ’s rst run, and Austin Hays followed with an RBI single. Baltimore closer Félix Bautista threw 29 pitches in Tuesday nightÂ’s win, but the Orioles were able to n ish this game without him. Austin Voth got four outs before allowing Wander FrancoÂ’s RBI single in the eighth. Danny Coulombe then struck out pinch-hitter Randy Arozarena and Har old RamÃrez. Yennier Cano pitched a perfect ninth for his third save. “We had some difculties in Kansas City and kind of limped into Atlanta a little bit,” Hyde said. “DidnÂ’t pitch very well in Kansas City, and for this team to have success we need to pitch, and these last six games, like I said, weÂ’ve thrown the ball out standing.” Kremer lowered his ERA to 4.97. After a rough start to the season, heÂ’s allowed one run over his past two starts against Atlanta and Tampa Bay. The Orioles won both games. “Very pleased, regard less of who itÂ’s against,” Kremer said. “But IÂ’m glad itÂ’s against teams of that caliber.” Jalen Beeks pitched the rst two innings as the opener for the Rays, then Chirinos worked the next ve. Although Tampa Bay has earned a lot of attention for its torrid start, the Orioles are turning heads as well. Their 83-79 record last year was a 31-game improve ment from 2021, and now theyÂ’re 24-13 this season. ThatÂ’s just one win short of the best 37-game start in team history, accomplished by the 1997, 1970 and 1969 Orioles. Those teams all won the AL East with at least 98 victories. “I know you guys talked to us a lot in spring train ing about expectations. We were expecting this from ourselves – to come in and have a chance to win every night,” Hays said. “I think weÂ’ve grown a lot these past couple years.”Family occasionHyde said heÂ’ll miss Saturday nightÂ’s game against Pittsburgh to go to his daughterÂ’s graduation at Syracuse. Bench coach Fredi González will run the team in his absence.TrainerÂ’s roomRays: RHP Tyler Glas now, on the injured list because of a left oblique strain, exited his start for Triple-A Durham after one inning with left side sore ness.Up nextThe Rays begin a fourgame series against the Yankees in New York on Thursday night. Drew Rasmussen (3-2) starts for Tampa Bay against Domin go Germán (2-2). Baltimore has Thursday off before hosting the Pi rates. The Orioles send Kyle Bradish (1-1) to the mound Friday night against Johan Oviedo (2-3). RAYSFrom page B1 added 18 points and Dun can Robinson had 17. The 1999 Knicks, for now, remain the only No. 8 to get to a conference nals in the current playoff format that began in 1984. They got all the way to the NBA Finals after upsetting the top-seeded Heat in the rst round. The Heat used a pair of huge quarter-opening runs – 18-2 to begin the second and 23-7 in the third – to build a 73-54 lead midway through the third quarter. The Heat got it all the way down to 103-101 before Isaiah Hartenstein – in the game because the Heat were intentionally fouling starting center Mitchell Robinson – slammed home a follow dunk to start New YorkÂ’s nishing kick. Quentin Grimes also went all 48 minutes for the Knicks, nishing with eight points. The Heat dominated Game 3 and outworked the Knicks in the fourth quarter to hold on and take Game 4, positioning themselves to wrap up a series in ve games for the second time in this postseason. They be gan it by knocking off Mil waukee, which had the best record in the league. But they missed 21 of their rst 25 3-pointers and were still down 13 with 9 1 / 2 minutes before Robin son and Lowry each made a pair in a 12-3 burst that trimmed it to 95-91 with more than half the nal pe riod remaining. Butler had one of his typ ical do-everything stretches with a basket, a blocked shot and a free throw to cut it to 103-10, but the Heat couldnÂ’t come all the way back like they did in the deciding game against the Bucks, when they were down by 16 points. They led 24-14 after one, but Butler began the sec ond quarter on the bench and the Knicks capitalized. They pushed the pace to get rare easy shots and Barrett made two 3-pointers in an 18-2 spurt that gave them a 32-26 lead. RandleÂ’s 3-pointer made it 50-47 at the half. Kevin Love got the rst basket of the third, but Barrett and Brunson answered with consecutive 3-pointers to ig nite the KnicksÂ’ next spurt. The lead was eight before an 11-0 surge, featuring back-to-back 3-pointers by Brunson and Randle, pushed it to 73-54 midway through the period. Robinson nished 4 of 8 at the line, ending with eight points and 11 rebounds.Tip-insHeat: Max Strus scored 14 points. ... Butler was voted Wednesday to the All-NBA second team. It was his highest career n ish after being voted to the third team four times. Knicks: The Knicks were without sixth-man Imman uel Quickley for a second straight game because of a sprained right ankle and also without guard Evan Fournier, who has not been part of the rotation, be cause of illness. ... Randle was voted to the All-NBA third team, adding that to his second-team selection in 2021. HEATFrom page B1 By TIM REYNOLDS Associated Press SUNRISE — There was an unintentional assist from one of the referees. There was a nearly aw less performance from a rookie goalie making his rst playoff start. And there was no sense of pan ic. Toronto is going home – for another game, not to start the offseason. Joseph Woll stopped 24 shots in his rst playoff start, Mitch Marner and William Nylander had the goals and the Maple Leafs staved off elimination by beating the Florida Pan thers 2-1 in Game 4 of their Eastern Conference seminal series Wednes day night. “It was a pretty awesome game to get put into,” Woll said. Another pretty awesome chance awaits Friday, when Game 5 will be on TorontoÂ’s ice. Sam Reinhart scored for Florida, which got 23 saves from Sergei Bo brovsky. The Panthers still lead the series 3-1, though their franchise-playoff-re cord six-game winning streak is now over. “We lost a game today. That happens in the play offs,” Panthers coach Paul Maurice said. “WeÂ’re good. WeÂ’re OK. We get to play the next one. I think weÂ’re all good with that. It wasnÂ’t so fabulous a win that theyÂ’re not going to let us play the next one.” Nylander was the bene ciary of an odd bounce for a power-play score in the second period, Marner scored midway through the third and Woll did the rest as he took the place of injured starter Ilya Samsonov. Woll didnÂ’t have to do the job alone, either. To ronto blocked 21 shots as a team. “WeÂ’re just going to keep ghting,” Leafs forward John Tavares said.Woll stops 24, Maple Leafs avoid elimination by topping Panthers By TIM REYNOLDS AP Basketball Writer DenverÂ’s Nikola Jokic now knows how PhiladelphiaÂ’s Joel Embiid felt during two previous NBA award sea sons. Second in the MVP race – but only second-team All-NBA. Embiid — the newly crowned MVP — headlined the All-NBA team unveiled Wednesday night. He was the rst-team center, while Jokic was the second-team pick at that position. It was a reversal of the results from 2021 and 2022, when Jokic was MVP over Embiid, who then had to settle for the second-team All-NBA center spot. And this should be the nal time such a quirk happens. Starting next year, the All-NBA team will no longer be broken down by position – meaning the presumed sec ond-best player in the NBA one season, such as Embiid in 2021 and 2022 and Jokic now, will not have to be relegated to second-team anything. Joining Embiid on the rst team were BostonÂ’s Jayson Tatum and MilwaukeeÂ’s Giannis Antetokounmpo at forward, and DallasÂ’ Luka Doncic and Oklahoma CityÂ’s Shai Gilgeous-Alexander at guard. On the second team along with Jokic were MiamiÂ’s Jimmy Butler and BostonÂ’s Jaylen Brown at forward, and Golden StateÂ’s Stephen Cur ry and ClevelandÂ’s Donovan Mitchell at guard. The third team center was SacramentoÂ’s Domantas Sa bonis, with the Los Angeles LakersÂ’ LeBron James – now a 19-time selection, extend ing his record – and New YorkÂ’s Julius Randle getting the forward spots and Sacra mentoÂ’s DeÂ’Aaron Fox and PortlandÂ’s Damian Lillard the guard selections.MVP Embiid leads All-NBA team; runner-up Jokic lands on 2nd team
B4 Thursday, May 11, 2023 Citrus County ChronicleA & P Even with sobriety, alcohol dominates marriageDEAR AMY: From the day we met, over 40 years ago, my wife and I have been social drinkers. Get-togethers at weddings, holidays, concerts, sporting events, etc., have always featured alcohol. While I can have a couple of drinks and stop, when it comes to my wife – not so much. She will keep ordering drinks right up to 2 a.m. And while sometimes stu-pidly funny when we were younger, as we’ve aged the end results were becoming frequently embarrassing. I was becoming very concerned about my wife’s drinking and her health. One night when she went way over the edge, I lmed her, sent the video to her, and told her that I no longer wished to be a part of that lifestyle. I dumped all the alcohol in the house, and neither of us has had a drink since. I hardly miss it, and she had no trouble quitting, either, but mentally it has been very challenging for her. Alcohol was her social lubricant. Alcohol is what allowed her to get past her social anxiety and self-esteem issues. Now she either doesn’t attend events at all, or sometimes we leave early because she is so unhappy. How do I get her to see that she can still enjoy these same events without using alco-hol as a crutch? – Sober Husband DEAR SOBER: Your wife has managed to give up alcohol, but she has not success-fully dealt with the underlying reasons she used alcohol in the rst place. In recovery and 12-step circles, her challenges might be called “dry drunk syn-drome.” Her crutch is gone, and now she is limping along, trying to function without it. Even though your wife gave up drinking quickly, prompted by the videotaped shame of seeing what alcohol abuse was doing to her (and propped up by your subsequent sober support), she would still bene t from seeing an addiction specialist, a therapist, and/or by attending meetings with others in recovery. Spending time regularly talking with others who also struggle to “white knuckle” their way into and through recovery might help her to understand her anxious respons-es, and to feel less alone. I hope you’ll be patient and supportive as your wife continues in the life-changing process of recovery. DEAR AMY: My partner and I have broken up. I was blindsided. I thought he was happy with me, although he was struggling with depression and un-diagnosed (but obvious) ADHD. I adjusted my expectations and behavior to accommodate him on many occasions because I also have depression, so I under-stand the need for exibility. I never hounded him about not wanting to go out and would go by myself. We had a lot in common and a healthy intimate relationship. I was sad and confused when he said he wanted to break up. I started crying and asked him why he was doing this. He answered that I was being sel sh if I wanted him to stay with me as a couple. He said he felt trapped. I didn’t expect to hear that, either. I’ve always seen myself as a giving, loving person. I never imagined that anyone would ever call me sel sh. That hurt almost as much as the break-up. I told him that I wouldn’t stay where I wasn’t wanted, and made arrangements to move out. Can loving someone be a sel sh act? – Suddenly Single DEAR SUDDENLY SINGLE: People say hurtful things when they’re pushing a partner away. The way I would interpret your ex’s “selfish” statement refers back to the old apho-rism, “If you love something, let it go.” Your former partner is saying that he feels trapped in the relationship, and that (in his opinion) it would be sel sh of you to urge him to stay in a relationship that he no lon-ger wants to be in. And … he’s right. In that context, pressuring someone to hold on to a relationship can be a sel sh act. This doesn’t mean that you’re a sel sh person. You are on the unfortunate receiving end of a depressed man who might be spiraling. As hurt as you are, it would be kindest to peacefully part and to offer to keep the door open to friendship. DEAR AMY: “Time’s Ticking Away” wanted to lie to and cheat on her long-time part-ner, and you encouraged her to do that! I can’t believe you would be so heartless. – Upset DEAR UPSET: I didn’t encourage her to leave; I did encourage her to be honest and to understand the consequences of her choice. ACROSS 1 Like slick winter roads 4 __ as a wet hen9 Lingerie item 6WXQWSLORW·V maneuver 15 First word in most limericks 6WDU·VFDU17 Actor/singer Danny __ 7HQQLOOH·V namesakes 19 Game broadcaster 20 Imaginary vertical global line 22 “The __ bitsy spider…” 23 Severinsen & Holliday 'XVWHU·VQHHG26 Largest hot desert 29 Snide remarks34 Dark wood35 __ about; touts highly 36 Cut off37 Lie next to:DVQ·WZHOO39 Two-wheeler40 __ Padres National Forest 41 Bury42 Subject of a Poe poem 43 Not as wobbly45 Brief instant46 Family member47 Apply finger paint 1HDWQLN·V opposite 51 Slapping cuffs on56 Outdoor meal57 Contaminate58 Webster or Wyle60 Irritates61 Uneven62 Flow out slowly63 Fit snugly together 64 Daunt 65 Jennings of “Jeopardy!” DOWN 1 Sort; type2 Scuttle contents3 Numbskull4 New York prison5 Flu preventers:DLWHU·VRIIHULQJ7 Excessively dry8 Abandoned6DQWD·VYHKLFOH 10 Roster11 Mischief-makers12 Petting zoo animal 14 Necklace dangler21 Like a horror film25 Farm animal26 Makes watertight27 Monastery head28 Open __; UHDOWRU·VHYHQW 29 Not as colorful30 Above31 Extra virgin __ oil 32 Old subway fare 33 Exhausted35 Ceremony38 Like cartoons39 Italian nativity set figure 41 Matrimony vow42 Put to flight44 Attack from hiding 45 Learn well 47 Like thick fog48 Thin49 Attract; draw50 Shade trees52 Hard to find53 Hilarious person54 Kitchen recess55 Long look 59 Clucker © 2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved.Created by Jacqueline E. Mathews 5/11/23Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved 5/11/23 (Answers tomorrow) SKIER USURP COFFEE EITHER
B6 Thursday, May 11, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle Email: Website: To place an ad, call (352) 563-5966 Pets Real Estate CarsHelp Wanted SAR002800 ANNOUNCEMENTS FREEYogaClassesw/Aviva atUnityChurch,2628W WoodviewLn,Lecanto,FL 34461*ChairYoga,Mon.10am *AdvancedYoga,Tues& Thurs,4pm&Saturday,10am Forinfocall 352-419-7800 IBUY,jewelry,silver,gold, paintings,instruments, records,antiques,coins, watches&MORE! 352-454-0068 WANTED ForeignorAmericanclassic cars,nonrunningok,unusual sportscarstopurchase. Samedaycashpayout!! Call352.529.0233 TODAY’S NEW ADS FridayJune2nd9a-3p 92CivicsCirBeverlyHillsKellnerAuditorium VendorsNeededtorenttable ContactIrene352-586-2031 Inverness FridayMay12th& SaturdayMay13th8a-3p 9002EGospelIslandRd TODAY’S NEW ADS Inverness ComeanytimeThursday5/11 orFriday5/12tillnoon 10035EBassCir 6acres with 370ftofpavedroadfrontage Mixedresidential.LocatedEof Hwy19inHomosassa. Call352.422.6088 BeautifulQueenWaterBed GreatCondition,$350 352-651-4658 CITRUSSPRINGS Fri&SatMay12&139a-4p Furniture,household,womans clothing,holidayitems, appliances&patiofurniture 2425WJonquilDrive TOYPOODLEPUPPY 6monthsoldsilverfemale4lbs AKC,housebroken,knows basiccommands. Verysweetandloving. 352.777.2217 TODAY’S NEW ADS LECANTO Fri&Sat May12-13 8a-3p 3pcNatuzzii leatherliving roomset,3pccoffeetableset, matchinglamps,diningroom setsandmanymore furniturecombos. 1588SLecantoHwy NOW Fulltimepositionavailablefor acertifieddentalassistantin ourbusyfastpacedoffice. Sendresumeto DOUBLED TRACTORSERVICE BrushHogClearing BoxBladeGrading 352.220.0224 TODAY’S NEW ADS INVERNESS 6895ECulpepperCt May11,12&13 Thurs&Fri9a-3p Openbefore9forearly birdsThursonly Sat10a-2p Salebroughttoyouby: CrystalRiver ThursdayMay11th& FridayMay12th8a-4p MiscellaneousItems 9981WHawthorneSt FREE OFFERS BEIGERECLINER ExcellentCondition FREE 352-419-6553 BOAT 14ftfiberglass,floor needsrepaired Notitle,motorortrailer FREE352.651.9371 FREEGUPPIES BRINGYOUROWN CONTAINER&NET (352)419-7132 FREE OFFERS FreeRabbitwithcage Lookingforahomewithspac e f orrabbittoroamaroundin. 352-423-4163 FREE...FREE...FREE... Removalofscrapmetal a/c,auto's,appliances anddumpruns. 352-476-6600 LeatherChair Black,Verylarge HeavyDutyChair. FREE 352-422-0137 StationaryBicycle Givingaway,heavy, Goodcondition 352-344-5896 WoodDeskw/hutch GivingAwayforFree 352-586-1024 OTHER $WWHQWLRQ 9,$*5$DQG&,$/,686(56 $FKHDSHUDOWHUQDWLYHWRKLJKGUXJ VWRUHSULFHV3LOO 6SHFLDO2QO\ JXDUDQWHHG&$//12: DISCOUNTAIRTRAVEL Call F lightServicesforbestpricing o ndomestic&international f lightsinsideandfromtheUS. S ervingUnited,Delta, A merican&Southwestand m anymoreairlines.Callfora f reequotenow!Havetravel datesready! 866-245-7709 OTHER DONATEYOURVEHICLE to f undtheSEARCHFOR M ISSINGCHILDREN.FAST F REEPICKUP.24hour r esponse.Runningornot. M aximumTaxDeductionand N oEmissionTestRequired! Call24/7: 866-471-2576 FREONWANTED :Certified b uyerlookingtobuyR11,R12, R 22&more!CallClarissaat 312-535-8384. GARAGE / ESTATE SALES FridayJune2nd9a-3p 92CivicsCirBeverlyHillsKellnerAuditorium VendorsNeededtorenttable ContactIrene352-586-2031 INVERNESS 6895ECulpepperCt May11,12&13 Thurs&Fri9a-3p Openbefore9forearly birdsThursonly Sat10a-2p Salebroughttoyouby: Plenty may be caughtL ast weekend’s warm weather and low humidity allowed better conditions for yielding some nice sh. The longer days of summer allow enthusiastic anglers along Florida’s Na-ture Coast to take pleasure in spending their afternoons after work relaxing on the water. Warming coastal waters draw streams of baitsh north followed by warm water predators, as our prevailing easterly winds give way to sum-mers genially shifting sea breezes. On the inshore ats and surrounding mangrove islands, redsh and spotted sea trout will provide the majority of action for light tackle and y anglers. The water has warmed up to the point where jack crevalle, ladysh, some smaller tarpon, black drum and still a few sheepshead have been brought in. Although they will bite all day, I like to target redsh and sea trout at rst light or at dusk with top wa-ter plugs like the Rapala Skitterwalk, or Storm Chug Bug. As the day heats up, change your focus to the deeper edges of the ats (2 to 4 feet deep) jigging with a 1 / 8 oz. jig and favorite plastic. Like a DOA shrimp, Fishbites “extreme scented plastics”, gulp, or 4 inch & 5.5 inch jerk baits. Offshore, grouper shing will be the focus of blue water anglers this month. April and May are the time of year when the larger gags, blacks, and red grouper are taken off the Florida Nature Coast waters. The early season grouper bite has already yielded some big sh. As a bonus, the potential of taking a cobia or kingsh are good while target ing and trolling for the grouper. As the seas settle down and the bait schools move closer to the near shore areas, look for the kingsh action to move in also. As there have been reports already of some caught near the marine science dock off Crys tal River. And, in these nearby surrounding spots, you’re only talking around 8 feet of water. Keeper kings in 8 feet of water! That’s what I’m talking about. Be safe, and hope to see ya on the water. Special to the Chronicle Jill just about showed up her dad and grandpa. At least she did contribute with these nice eating trout! RickBurnsFishing Report Chassahowitzka* Crystal River** Homosassa*** Withlacoochee*11:50 a.m. 7:50 a.m. 11:54 p.m. 1:56 p.m. 10:23 a.m. 4:25 a.m. 9:46 p.m. 3:22 p.m. 12:01 p.m. 7:16 a.m. 9:55 p.m. 3:24 a.m. 8:11 a.m. 1:58 a.m. 6:34 p.m. 1:44 p.m.THURS 5/11FRI 5/12 SAT 5/13SUN 5/14MON 5/15TUES 5/16WED 5/17 High/Low High/Low High/Low High/Low———— 8:46 a.m. ———— ———— 11:18 a.m. 5:31 a.m. 10:52 p.m. 5:04 p.m. 1:26 p.m. 8:14 a.m. 11:15 p.m. 4:58 p.m. 9:17 a.m. 3:03 a.m. 7:55 p.m. 3:02 p.m. 1:00 a.m. 9:33 a.m. 3:02 p.m. 6:53 p.m. 12:13 p.m. 6:37 a.m. ———— 6:42 p.m. 2:11 p.m. 8:59 a.m. ———— 6:44 p.m. 10:15 a.m. 4:14 a.m. 9:33 p.m. 4:28 p.m. 2:09 a.m. 10:11 a.m. 3:36 p.m. 9:38 p.m. 12:02 a.m. 7:35 a.m. 1:11 p.m. 7:57 p.m. 12:56 a.m. 9:35 a.m. 2:48 p.m. 8:40 p.m. 11:02 a.m. 5:21 a.m. 11:03 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 3:19 a.m. 10:40 a.m. 4:11 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 1:23 a.m. 8:23 a.m. 2:04 p.m. 8:55 p.m. 2:38 a.m. 10:07 a.m. 3:23 p.m. 10:19 p.m. 11:42 a.m. 6:18 a.m. ———— 6:49 p.m. 4:25 a.m. 11:03 a.m. 4:46 p.m. ———— 2:46 a.m. 9:05 a.m. 2:48 p.m. 9:46 p.m. 3:56 a.m. 10:33 a.m. 3:56 p.m. 11:35 p.m. 12:16 a.m. 7:07 a.m. 12:17 p.m. 7:44 p.m. 5:26 a.m. 12:07 a.m. 5:22 p.m. 11:18 a.m. 3:51 a.m. 9:43 a.m. 3:26 p.m. 10:34 p.m. 4:56 a.m. 10:51 a.m. 4:26 p.m. ———— 1:18 a.m. 7:50 a.m. 12:51 p.m. 8:33 p.m. *From mouths of rivers. **At Kings Bay. ***At Mason’s Creek. Tide chartsJaguars will play twice in London, 2 Germany games set By ROB MAADDI AP Pro Football Writer Trevor Lawrence and the Jacksonville Jaguars will be come the rst NFL team to play two international games in the same season when they spend back-to-back weeks in London this year. The Jaguars will “host” the Atlanta Falcons at Wembley Stadium on Oct. 1 and “visit” the Buf falo Bills at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium on Oct. 8. The Jaguars were set to play two designated home games in London in 2020 but the pandemic canceled those plans. The NFL also announced dates for three other in ternational games and re leased the opponents for a few other games, includ ing the rst Black Friday matchup. The Tennessee Titans will “host” the Baltimore Ra vens at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium on Oct. 15. NFL MVP Patrick Mahomes and the defending Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs will “host” the Mi ami Dolphins in Germany at Eintracht Frankfurt Sta dium on Nov. 5. The New England Patriots will “host” the Indianapolis Colts on Nov. 12, also in Frankfurt. Aaron Rodgers and the New York Jets will host the Dolphins on Nov. 24. The reigning NFC cham pion Philadelphia Eagles will host the New York Giants on Christmas Day in a playoff rematch. The Chiefs will host the Cincin nati Bengals on New Year’s Eve in another playoff re match. The entire NFL schedule will be released on Thurs day night. “Hosting the Falcons at Wembley Stadium will be awesome only to be fol lowed by playing on the road against the Bills at Tot tenham Hotspur Stadium,” Lawrence said in a state ment. “I’m pumped for the experience and know the support from Duval will be strong at both games.” The Jaguars have played nine games in London, in cluding a 21-17 loss to the Denver Broncos last Octo ber in front of an NFL-re cord international crowd of 86,215 fans at Wembley Stadium. Under rst-year coach Doug Pederson, who guided Philadelphia to a Super Bowl title in 2017, the Jaguars last year be came the rst team to win a playoff game after having the worst record the previ ous season. It’ll be the second trip to London for the Titans and the Ravens. “It’s exciting to witness and play a role in the NFL’s rise in popularity across the globe,” Ravens president Sashi Brown said. “This is an incredible opportuni ty to play in front of and connect with Ravens fans in the United Kingdom and throughout Europe.” The Tampa Bay Bucca neers defeated the Seattle Seahawks in Munich in the NFL’s rst regular-season game in Germany last year. “We are thrilled to be headed to Frankfurt this fall to play the Dolphins,” Chiefs owner Clark Hunt said. “The Chiefs have a long history of helping to grow the game of football around the world, and we have been eagerly antici pating our chance to play in Germany.” Uncredited / AP Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott , left, and Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes greet each other in the Red Bull garage before the Formula One Miami Grand Prix at the Miami International Autodrome on Sunday in Miami Gardens. PGA Championship has 99 of top 100 in the field for Oak Hill By DOUG FERGUSON AP Golf Writer The PGA Championship stuck to its mission of get ting the strongest eld of the four majors, announcing a eld Wednesday that in cludes 99 of the top 100 in the world ranking no matter what tour they play. Missing from the 155-player list is Sergio Garcia, the former Masters champion who had been eli gible for every major dating to the 1999 British Open at Carnoustie. Kerry Haigh, the chief championships ofcer for the PGA of America, had said in February that players from all tours would be con sidered to assemble a strong eld, and he delivered a eld that looks no different from previous years. The PGA Championship starts May 18 at Oak Hill just outside Rochester, New York. The eld has 18 players from Saudi-funded LIV Golf – the same number from the 89-man eld at the Masters last month. That includes Phil Mick elson, who won the 2021 PGA Championship at Ki awah Island at age 50 to become the oldest major champion. He missed his title defense last year while taking time off after his inammatory comments about both the Saudis and the PGA Tour. The only player from the top 100 not in the eld is Will Zalatoris, who is No. 9 in the world and out for the rest of the season after surgery on his lower back. Tiger Woods is not playing, either, because of ankle sur-gery last month that likely will keep him out of the next two majors. LIV Golf still does not get Ofcial World Golf Ranking points for its 48-man elds and 54-hole events while its application remains under review. A number of players who fell out of the top 100 were not invited – Cameron Tringale (103), Jason Kokrak (110), Sebastian Munoz (111) and Kevin Na (117). Kokrak, Na and former British Open champion Louis Oosthuizen (163) were at the Masters from having been among the top 50 at the end of last year. Oosthuizen, a runner-up at Kiawah Island two years ago, had been eligible for every major dating to 2009.
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 11, 2023 B7 CLASSIFIEDS 50062710 rnr rnr rn $599 $399 n $599  SERVINGCENTRALFLORIDAFOR10YEARS $30SERVICECALLrnn  Services Directory PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DIRECTORY &KULVWRSKHU6DWFKHOO 3DLQWLQJ Interior-ExteriorResidential-CommercialWallCovering& Pressurewashing 352-795-6533 cell:352-464-1397 Bob'sDISCARDED LawnMowerService «FREEPICK-UP« 352-637-1225 ResidentialLawn MowerRepair Over20yearsofexperiencein CitrusCounty BobAlbert 352-422-0804 (+, (GG\+RPH,PSURYHPHQW 7,/(/$0,1$7(,167$// .,7&+(1$1'%$7+ 5(02'(/6 JEFF'S CLEANUP/HAULING Cleanouts/Dumpruns, BrushRemoval. Lic./Ins.352-584-5374 FREEESTIMATES Mow,Trim,WeedorMulching ServingmostofCitrusCounty 352.631.4263 M&LHousekeeping PetorHouseSitting servicesalsoavail References-FreeEstimates 352.464.0115 NEEDNEWFLOORING? CallEmpireToday®to scheduleaFREEin-home estimateon Carpeting&Flooring. CallToday!855-919-2509 HAULING&JUNKREMOVAL -VETERANOWNED-FREEESTIMATESCALL352-949-2760 SOLARPANEL CLEANING WhiteDiamond PressureWashing Registered&Insured 352-364-1372 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DIRECTORY PRESSUREWASHING *PriceMatchSpecials* Concrete Homes/RV Vehicles 352-282-5028 352-422-8557 PurintonHomeServices forallyour housekeepingneeds 12yrsexpFreeEstimate CallWanda352.423.8354 Ray'sEconoHaul House/GarageCleanOuts YardRubbish Brush/Tree RemodelDebris Furn/Appl ShedDemoetc.&Deliveries Ray352.300.4575 RepurposeFurnitureServices *Build*Paint*Recycle* *CreateUniquePieces* JANE561.339.9912 RUSS561.632.2616 ROB'SMASONRY &CONCRETE Driveways,tearouts,tractor work/Lic#1476 352-726-6554 BEAUTY Sandy'sBarbershop 725SE9thCircleNorth CrystalRiver (1500ftbehindKFC) ontheleft Walk-insWelcome (352)228-8912 Sandy/Owner SMITTYS APPLIANCEREPAIR 352-564-8179 WANTED ALLCARS,TRUCKS,SUVs, RV's/Upto$1,000& MORE!!!-FREETOWING (352)342-7037 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DIRECTORY TILEWORK ******** KITCHENBACKSPLASH SPECIALIST/ Glass,Marble, Ceramic,Tile,Etc. 7yrsExp.,Text/Call (706)502-5689 TRASHHAULING YARDDEBRISREMOVAL THEDAMEDAY CHEAPTREESERVICE 352.340.9626 WindowPaneSolutions WindowandDoor Sales&Service CBC#1262591 727-251-1959 HANDYMAN A-1CompleteRepairs Pres.Wash,Painting(Int/Ext), DrywallRepair,25yrs,Ref, Lic#39765, 352-513-5746 AFFORDABLEHANDYMAN ‡ FAST ‡ 100%Guarantee ‡ AFFORDABLE ‡ RELIABLE ‡ FreeEstimates 352-257-9508 ANDREWJOEHL HANDYMAN Gen.Maint/Repairs PressureCleaning 0256271 ‡ 352-465-9201 FENCING ******** CITRUSHANDYMAN SERVICES&FENCING Wehaveourbusinesslicense, $2mil.liabilityInsurance,& StateCertification. BeSafe! FairPricing.FREEEstimate 352-400-6016 RON&MINDY'S JUNKREMOVAL& HANDYMANSERVICE lic'd&insr'd352-601-1895 ALLHOME IMPROVEMENTS Repairs-Remodels FloorstoCeilings Lic/Ins352-537-4144 HANDYMAN FreeEstimates VETERANOWNED 352-949-2760 HANDYMAN AFFORDABLEHANDYMAN ‡ FAST ‡ 100%Guarantee ‡ AFFORDABLE ‡ RELIABLE ‡ FreeEstimates 352-257-9508 AFFORDABLEHANDYMAN ‡ FAST ‡ 100%Guarantee ‡ AFFORDABLE ‡ RELIABLE ‡ FreeEstimates 352-257-9508 PRESSUREWASH: Homes, Mobiles,PoolCages,COOL SEAL... + HANDYMAN. CallStewart352-201-2169 VETERANOWNED PROFESSIONAL Handyman Kitchen,Bathroom,Tile&Light Construction.Lic/InsFree Estimates,352-422-4639 LAWN AND TREE SERVICES A-ChristianWeinkein TreeService-TrimmingRemovalFREEEst., 18yrsexp.Lic./Ins. 352-257-8319/LeaveMsg A ACE TreeCare *BucketTruck TractorWork 637-9008 Lic&InsVet/Srdisc ATREESURGEON ProudlyservingCitrusCounty Since2001.Licensed/Insured Lowestrates!FREEestimate 352-860-1452 LAWN AND TREE SERVICES AACTIONTREE (352)302-2815 Professional Arborist ServingCitrus 30yrs. Licensed&Insured AFFORDABLELAWN CARE & CLEANUPS . Startingat$20.WEDO ITALL!352-563-9824 Bob'sProYardCare Affordable-QualityWork! 20yrsexp. 352-613-4250 CLAYPOOL'S TreeService Licensed/Insured 352-201-7313 Forstumps: 352-201-7323 D&RTREE LAWN&LANDSCAPE SERVICES-Lot&Land Lic&Ins352.302.5641 STUMPGRINDING CHEAP,16"Stump$30 CallRich352-789-2894 SKILLED TRADES Installations&Repairs Home&RVFlooring LVP-12millwearlayer100% waterproof/petfriendly startingat4.75sqftinstalled 30yrsexp-Lic/Ins. 352.458.5050-786.286.1163 CARPENTRY&MOBILE HOMEREPAIR&DECKS 30yrsExperience,Hourly Rates. 352-220-4638 SCREENREPAIRS Pools,ScreenRms,Vinyl Windows&Lanai's,Freeest. Lic/Ins Mike352-989-7702 SKILLED TRADES FLOORING Vinyl,wood&tileflooring PLUSHandyman,FREE ESTIMATES.Veteranowned 352-949-2760 FREEESTIMATE/ 30YEARSEXPERIENCE. Lic#CCC057537 352-563-0411 REMODELS, PANELUPGRADES, LIGHTINGFIXTURES, SERVICEandREPAIR 352-746-1606 Roofs,Soffit&FasciaRepairs Bo'sQualityRoofing at 352.501.1663 ROOFING WHYREPLACEIT,IF ICANFIXIT? GarySpicer352.228.4500 Sameownersince1987 ROOF Leaks,Repairs, Coatings&Maintenance License#CC-C058189 OTHER SERVICES Don'tPayForCoveredHomeR epairs Again!AmericanResi dentialWarrantycoversALL M AJORSYSTEMSANDAPP LIANCES.30DAYRISK F REE/$100OFFPOPULAR PLANS. 877-351-2364 DOUBLED TRACTORSERVICE BrushHogClearing BoxBladeGrading 352.220.0224 PAINTING PLUShandyman,flooring, painting.FREEestimate Veteranowned352-949-2760 PAINTING A-1CompleteRepairs Pres.Wash,Painting(Int/Ext) 25yrs,Ref,Lic#39765, 352-513-5746 GARAGE / ESTATE SALES CITRUSSPRINGS Fri&SatMay12&139a-4p Furniture,household,womans clothing,holidayitems, appliances&patiofurniture 2425WJonquilDrive ESTATESALE Lecanto 5/12&5/139AM-3PM Tools,appliances, household/lawnitems, furniture. 5105WMapleleafCt. LECANTO Fri&Sat May12-13 8a-3p 3pcNatuzzii leatherliving roomset,3pccoffeetableset, matchinglamps,diningroom setsandmanymore furniturecombos. 1588SLecantoHwy Inverness ComeanytimeThursday5/11 orFriday5/12tillnoon 10035EBassCir Inverness FridayMay12th& SaturdayMay13th8a-3p 9002EGospelIslandRd CrystalRiver ThursdayMay11th& FridayMay12th8a-4p MiscellaneousItems 9981WHawthorneSt EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCED MARINEFORKLIFT OPERATOR Paystartingat$18/Hrandup dependingonexperience. Applyat: TwinRiversMarina 2880NSeabreezePt CrystalRiver,FL34429 EMPLOYMENT AND KITCHENSTAFF AND SERVERS Wewilltrain motivatedpeople! Applyinpersonat 114WestMainSt Inverness,FL34450 orsendresumeto erica.springer@ -EOEWORKON THEWATER rn EMPLOYMENT NOW Fulltimepositionavailablefor acertifieddentalassistantin ourbusyfastpacedoffice. Sendresumeto NOWHIRING -LABORERS-GreatCareer Opportunity -TOPPAY 352.746.5951352.302.0673 ColonyStone& Plastering LEADPRESS OPERATOR FULL-TIME Ourcentralofficeisin CrystalRiver,FLprinting newspapersthatserve Citrus,Sumter,Marionand LevyCounties. Musthaveaminimum5yrs exp.runningaGoss Community/DGM430 printingpress.Thisisanight shiftposition,fourdaysper week. Weofferanexcellent benefitspackageincluding health,life,dental,eyecare, 401K,paidvacationsand holidays. Applyinpersonor sendresumeto: CitrusCountyChronicle Attn.TomFeeney 1624NMeadowcrestBlvd. CrystalRiver,FL34429 Office352-563-3275or Fax#352-563-5665 PETS DOGCARRIER PetMateUltra,large,28"Lx 15"Wx21.5"D.Taupe/black $60 352-613-0529 PETS DogKennel Portable&foldable, 48"tall48"widesq. $45obo 352-287-1735 MINDACHSHUND PUPPIES Redsable&blackandtan smoothcoat.Males&femalesmindachshundavail. Excellenttemperament CKCregistered &FLhealthcerts$1000 352.652.9646 JACKRUSSELLPUPPIES Claws&TailsDone,CKCreg isteredw/HealthCerts.shots , SmoothCoatw/shortlegs, Readytogo! FamilyraisedMother&Father onpremises$700 508-971-9920(Inverness) MiniGoldenDoodle MalePuppy$600 SOLD PUPPIESFORSALE CKCRegisteredMini Dachshunds.FLHouseCerts. Completepuppykit.Silver dapplelong-coatmale,anda Black/Tanmaleandfemale shortcoat.Homeraisedwith love.ReadyMay19th. 352-220-4231 PETCARRIER Smallpetcarrierblack $15 352-419-5549 TOYPOODLEPUPPY 6monthsoldsilverfemale4lbs AKC,housebroken,knows basiccommands. Verysweetandloving 352.777.2217 FARM AUGER 5ftlongsteelgroundauger tobeusedPTO $30OBO 352-344-1515 BigDogZeroTurn AlphaTractorLawnMower 42"deck,newbattery, twokeys,goodcondition $2,000firmJohn 352-220-1623 HORSE&CATTLE BURIALS ...alsootheranimals 352-212-6298 LiveAloeVeraPlants 1.5Gallargeplants 6"to12"leaves$5 352-513-5339 LiveSnakePlants AKAMotherIn-lawTongue size1Gal$5;XLrg5Gal$30 352-513-5339 FARM PlanterPotsBlackPlastic 1Gal,2Gal,3Galapprox. POTSgoodcondition$15 352-513-5339 PlanterPotsBlackPlastic 6"Pintto15"6Gal100smultisizes 0.50cents 352-513-5339 MERCHANDISE 1PAIROFDARKWOOD SWIVELCHAIRS picturesavailable,std.height $12ea, 352-344-1515 20lbIronANVIL 10inlong $25Picsavail. 352.344.1515 360-DEGREETURBO SCRUBBER $15 352-726-1882 AluminumCargoCarrier Hookstoyourreceiver $50 352-287-1735 AntiqueSodaShopStools Threemetal24"highstools fromthe50s $30 352-428-0721 CONAIROptiCleanPower PlaqueRemover Rechargeable,NEWINBOX REDUCEDPRICE ,$20OBO (352)410-8262 or(732)857-5120 Women'sDesignerClothing Large/Xlarge,Jackets,Vests, Jeans,Tops&Dresses,New orWornOnce,$5-20/ea. 352-410-8262 or732-857-5120 MERCHANDISE WEBUYANTIQUES &VINTAGEITEMS ...PedalCars,Toys,Bicycles, CastIron,Pyrex,OldTools, MilitaryItems(Knives,Bayonets...),BBGuns,OldMetal Signs,Fenton,Lladro ... $CASH$ CallforInfo. Jim352-219-4134 Sheila352-219-1862 BareTrapMuleSneakers Newinboxneverworn,White, Size7,Retail$39,Selling $20 Picsavailable 352-513-5339 BlackTrousers+Skirt MacysAlfanisuit2piece,size 12,New,Macysretail$279, sellingfor $30 352-513-5339
B8 Thursday, May 11, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY .. NickKleftis .. NOWisthetimeto considerlistingyourhome, inventoryisdownand buyersareready. Callmefora FREEMarketAnalysis. Cell:352-270-1032 Office:352-726-6668 email: BATH&SHOWERUPDATESi naslittleasONEDAY!Afforda bleprices-Nopaymentsfor 1 8months!Lifetimewarranty& p rofessionalinstalls.Senior& M ilitaryDiscountsavailable. Call: 888-460-2264 BETTYJ.POWELL Realtor "Yoursuccessismygoal... Makingfriendsalongtheway ismyreward!" BUYINGORSELLING? 352.422.6417 352.726.5855 E-Mail: LaWanda Watt Thinkingofselling? Inventoryisdown andweneedlistings!! Callmefora FreeMarketAnalysis! 352-212-1989 Century21J.W.Morton RealEstate,Inc. HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY DEB THOMPSON *Onecallawayforyour buyingandsellingneeds. *Realtorthatyoucanrefer toyourfamilyandfriends. *Servicewithasmile sevendaysaweek.ParsleyRealEstate DebThompson 352-634-2656 FRANKJ.YUELLING,JR. Lic.RealEstateBroker VETERANOWNED Callmeifyouare lookingto buyorsellyourhome orvacantlot, residentialorcommercial. Over30yearsexperience. Cell:352-212-5222 GARY&KAREN BAXLEY GRIRealtors YourChristianRealtor connectiontoyour nexttransaction 352-212-4678Gary352-212-3937Karen TropicShoresRealty PROTECTYOURHOME from p estssafelyandaffordably. P est,rodent,termiteandmosq uitocontrol.Callforaquoteo r inspectiontoday 888-498-0446 HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY Iputthe REAL in REALESTATE! JIMTHE"REAL" MCCOY I'mattentiveto yourrealestate needs! CALL&GET RESULTS! (352)232-8971 MakingRealty DreamsaReality Mypassionandcommitment istohelpyoumake yourRealEstatedreams cometrue. CALLME forallyour RealEstateneeds!! LandmarkRealty KimberlyRetzer DirectLine 352-634-2904 MICHELEROSE Realtor "Simplyput I'llworkharder" 352-212-5097 isellcitruscounty CravenRealty,Inc. 352-726-1515 HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY MikeCzerwinski Specializingin *GOPHERTORTOISE SURVEYS&RELOCATIONS *WETLANDSETBACKLINES *ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS MichaelG.Czerwinski,P.A ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 352-249-1012 30+Yrs.Experience Ourofficecoversallof CITRUSandPINELLAS Counties! **FREE** MarketAnalysis PLANTATIONREALTY LISAVANDEBOE BROKER(R)OWNER 352-634-0129 www.plantation PickJeanne Pickrelforall yourReal Estateneeds! CertifiedResidential Specialist. GraduateofReal EstateInstitute. 352-212-3410 Callfora FREE MarketAnalysis. Century21JWMorton RealEstateInc. HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY Debra"Debbie"Cleary Professional Representation IstheKEYtoSuccess! PROVENPRODUCER! MeadowcrestSpecialist ServingALLofCitrusCounty (352)601-6664 TROPICSHORESREALTY Thankyoutoallwhoserved. 38Clientsservedin2022 8.3 MILLION inSales 40yearsintheBusiness MayIhelpyounext? CALL(352)302-8046 DebInfantine-Realtor TropicShoresRealty Century21JWMorton RealEstate,Inc StefanStuart Realtor 352.212.0211 Honest Experienced HardWorking ForAwardWinning CustomerServicecontact HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY AGENTFOR SUGARMILLWOODS Sellers&Buyers FRUSTRATED? NEEDINGHELP? CALLME,NOW. HelloI'm WayneCormier KeyOne 352-422-0751 "Haveagreatday andGodBless" THINKINGOFSELLING YOURHOME? LETMY25YEARSOF EXPERIENCEHELPYOU SELLYOURHOME! EXPERIENCECOUNTS! CALLMETODAYFORALL YOURREALESTATE NEEDS! *FreeHomeMarketAnalysis MARTHASATHER Realtor (352)212-3929 TropicShoresRealty TIMETOBUY ORSELL YOURMOBILE InALeasedLandPark? CALL LORELIELEBRUN LicensedRealtor&Mobile HomeBroker Century21 NatureCoast, 835NEHighway19, CrystalRiverFl. 352-613-3988 Unique&HistoricHomes, CommercialWaterfront& Land SMALLTOWNCOUNTRY LIFESTYLEOUR SPECIALTYSINCE1989 "LETUSFINDYOU AVIEWTOLOVE" (352)726-6644 CrosslandRealty Inc. SAR011149 MERCHANDISE BlackVelvetPants LizClairborneDesigner,Size 12,Excellentcondition,retail $150,asking $15 352-513-5993 BOXESOFLADIES JEWELRY 4itemsperbox $10perbox. 352-726-1882 CHRISTMASDOLLS(2) 18"long,vintagestyleclothing 1999-2000,$20ea. 352-344-1515 CIRRUSUPRIGHTVACUUM Neverused $75 Call352-423-1004 COINS Eisenhower"Silver"pieces from1970s,Moondollars $2Each 352-445-2680 COOKIEJAR CeramicSchoolhouse. 7"x9"x10"$20 callortext352-586-4576 COOKIEJAR CeramicvintageMcCoy RockingHorse$20 callortext352-586-4576 COOKIEJAR CeramicPenguin$10 callortext 352-586-4576 Cookware 15piecespyrexaluminumpots etcsomebrandnew$30 352-428-0721 CoscoStepStool Farmstyle,RedVinyl $25 352-423-1088 MERCHANDISE EDGER PowermateKingPro withextrablades $50OBO 352.382.8902 GRANDFATHERCLOCK 7ftRidgeway BeautifulandWorks $100.00352-382-8902 GreenleeWireCutters Electricalwirecutter no.718madeinUSA $30 352-428-0721 HoboAntiqueBarLamp 18"high8"base, veryuniquefrom50s $40 352-428-0721 Jacket&Trousersfullylined ChocolateBrown JonesNewYork2piecesuit, new,size14,retail$399, sellingfor $50 352-513-5339 Jeans-3Pairs Size18,Greatcondition, $3each,allfor$9 352-419-5549 KEYBOARDCOVER Yamaha76keyboard cover-NEW $10 352-513-5339 BusinessLaptopComputer DellLatitude6430UforUltra book,setup,readytogo,updatedw/everythingincluding Microsoft10 Reasonableoffer 352-212-5140 LAWNTRAILER 30"Wx40"Lw/12"sides,tiltbed.Goodcondition. $40 352-419-4066 MERCHANDISE LEATHERPANTSW/BELT Genuineleatherpantsw/belt, women'ssize10. $75 352-586-4576 CallorText LOOSEJEWELRY Cameobracelet/necklace $3 352-726-1882 MISC.STARWARS FIGURESANDMISC.DOLLS $5TO$50 CALLBEFORE6PM 352-637-6702 TOOLS HitachiC15FBMiterSaw module380,15"Blade,extra blade,guidesetc.$425/obo 516-233-6040 NAUTICALSHIPBELL StainlessSteelexccond Picturesavail. $35352.344.1515 NewClogsw/FleeceLining SizeMed,Pinkw/White FleeceliningfromRuralKing Retail$29,Asking $10 352-513-5339 NEW RECHARGEABLE TOOTHBRUSH INTERPLAK Inbox$10 727-247-3025 NordstromDress w/BoleroJackettop Size12,Blackw/whitebodice, retail$100,neww/tags $20 352-513-5339 SILKFLOWERS $1-$3OBO 352-726-1882 MERCHANDISE OLDHORSESHOE&BRIDLE BITCOLLECTION Somevintage/somebarely used$90OBO Willsellseparately 352-344-1515 Bob'sDISCARDED LawnMowerService «FREEPICK-UP« 352-637-1225 PROPANECAMPFIRE Portablepropanecampfire, logs,cover,regulator,& 20LBaluminumtank. SOLD Queenairmattress builtinpump,newinbox $45cash 352-765-3475 RealPinkQuartzStones 50ofthem,fromsoftballsizeto baseballsize,Lg$10 352-527-0663 Records 200plusLPRecordsmost everykindofmusic $100forall 352-419-5892 2017commercial Star-MaxelectricGriddle 48",thermostaticallycontrolled, 240AMPcircuitbreakers,been instorage, Reasonableoffer 352-212-5140 2007SushiCooler brandHoshizaki,48"long tabletop,Reasonableoffer 352-212-5140 TEAPOT Ceramic.Vintage.Wildwest catwithguns.Textforpic.$20 callortext352-586-4576 MERCHANDISE TONERCARTRIDGE BrotherTN-550BrandNew, stillinoriginalbox$30 352-613-0529 UPDATEYOURHOME with B eautifulNewBlinds& S hades.FREEin-home e stimatesmakeitconvenient t oshopfromhome. P rofessionalinstallation.Top q uality-MadeintheUSA.Call f orfreeconsultation: 866-6361910 .Askaboutourspecials! VintageCroquetSet 6personwoodenSet,Excellentconditionfromthe50s $100 352-428-0721 WildSageTwinSheets madeinIndia,Brandnew, 100%cotton,lightblue,$15 865-201-6579 Wirelesshomemusicsystem new-neverused,2speakers, CDplayer,Bluetoothwireless, w/remote $20 865-201-6579 XBOXONECONSOLE Includescontroller,powercord andonegame$110 (352)842-4489 APPLIANCES NostalgicCoca-Cola Refrigerator 3.2cubeft.,verynice,$80 352-423-1088 SMITTYS APPLIANCEREPAIR 352-564-8179 APPLIANCES COMMERCIALMIXER GLOBESP20Commercial 20QuartPlanetaryMixer AllAccessoriesincluded! ExcellentCond.!$1100OBO 352-212-4622LeaveMsg FURNITURE 2VintageSouthernsofasin excellentcondition Perfectforgrandma! $200eachor$375both Textforpictures! 239-691-2993 ChinaCabinet GoldenColored,Wood,$150 352-601-3088 CURIOCABINET 82"Hx40"Wx13"Dwith shelves-Whitewashed$100 352-613-0529 Early60sWoodenDesk GreatShape$100 724-554-4761
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 11, 2023 B9 CLASSIFIEDS FORECLOSURE 0518THCRNNOFSTAKACH INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIAL CIRCUITINANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CASENO.:2022CA000167 A U .S.BANKTRUSTNATIONALASSOCIATION,NOTINITSIN D IVIDUALCAPACITYBUTSOLELYASOWNERTRUSTE E F ORLEGACYMORTGAGEASSETTRUST2021-GS1, Plaintiff, v s. C HARLESRICKYTAKACHA/K/ACHARLESTAKACH,SR. ; U NKNOWNSPOUSEOFCHARLESRICKYTAKACHA/K/ A C HARLESTAKACH,SR.;UNKNOWNTENANT(S)INPOSSES S ION#1and#2,andALLOTHERUNKNOWNPARTIES,, Defendant(s). NOTICEOFFORECLOSURESALE N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN pursuanttoaFinalJudgmento f F oreclosuredatedApril20,2023,enteredinCivilCaseNo.:2 02 2 C A000167AoftheCircuitCourtoftheFifthJudicialCircuiti n a ndforCitrusCounty,Florida,whereinU.S.BANKTRUSTNA T IONALASSOCIATION,NOTINITSINDIVIDUALCAPACIT Y B UTSOLELYASOWNERTRUSTEEFORLEGACYMORT G AGEASSETTRUST2021-GS1,Plaintiff,andCHARLE S R ICKYTAKACHA/K/ACHARLESTAKACH,SR.isDefendant . A NGELAVICK,TheClerkoftheCircuitCourt,willselltoth e h ighestbidderforcash,,at10:0 0 A M,onthe 20th dayof July,2023 ,thefollowingdescribedrea l p ropertyassetforthinsaidJudgment,towit: T HESOUTH1/3OFTHENORTH3/5OFLOT141,BLOCK18 , O FHOMOSASSAHILLS,UNIT2,ACCORDINGTOTHEPLA T T HEREOFASRECORDEDINPLATBOOK4,PAGES128T O 1 30,OFTHEPUBLICRECORDSOFCITRUSCOUNTY,FLOR I DA. T OGETHERWITHTHATCERTAIN1997SHADMOBIL E H OME,VIN#FLA14611757AANDFLA14611757B I fyouareapersonclaimingarighttofundsremainingafterth e s ale,youmustfileaclaimwiththeclerkbeforetheclerkrepo rt s t hesurplusasunclaimed.Ifyoufailtofileatimelyclaimyou wil l n otbeentitledtoanyremainingfunds.Afterthefundsarerep or t edasunclaimed,onlytheownerofrecordasofthedateofth e L isPendensmayclaimthesurplus. I FYOUAREAPERSONWITHADISABILITYWHONEED S A NYACCOMMODATIONINORDERTOPARTICIPATEINTHI S P ROCEEDING,YOUAREENTITLED.ATNOCOSTTOYOU , 1 0THEPROVISIONOFCERTAINASSISTANCE.PLEAS E C ONTACTTHEADACOORDINATORATTHEOFFICEOFTH E T RIALCOURTADMINISTRATOR,CITRUSCOUNTYCOURT H OUSE.110N.APOPKAAVENUE,INVERNESS,FL34450 , ( 352)341-6700,ATLEASTSEVEN(7)DAYSBEFOREYOU R S CHEDULEDCOURTAPPEARANCE.ORIMMEDIATEL Y U PONRECEIVINGTHISNOTIFICATIONIFTHETIMEBE F ORETHESCHEDULEDAPPEARANCEISLESSTHANSEV E NDAYS;IFYOUAREHEARINGORVOICEIMPAIRED,CAL L 7 11. D ated:May5,2023 AttorneyforPlaintiff : /s/BrianL.Rosaler,Esquir e Popkin&Rosaler,P.A . 1701WestHillsboroBoulevar d Suite40 0 DeerfieldBeach,FL3344 2 Telephone:(954)360-903 0 Facsimile:(954)420-518 7 PublishedMay11&18,2023 0511THCRNNOSVILLADAMIGO/VALLADARES INTHECIRCUITCIVILCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT OFFLORIDA,INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY CIVILDIVISION CaseNo.2021CA000598 A Divisio n F INANCIALFIRST,LLC Plaintiff, v s. P ATRICIAVILLADAMIGO,FAUSTINOVALLADARES,TH E C LERKOFTHECIRCUITCOURTFORCITRUSCOUNTY , F LORIDA,ANDUNKNOWNTENANTS/OWNERS, Defendants. NOTICEOFSALE Noticeisherebygiven,pursuanttoFinalJudgmentofFore c losureforPlaintiffenteredinthiscauseonApril20,2023, inth e C ircuitCourtofCitrusCounty,Florida,AngelaVick,Clerko fth e C ircuitCourt,willsellthepropertysituatedinCitrusCoun ty,Flor i dadescribedas: T RACT11,OFANUNRECORDEDSUBDIVISION,BEIN G M OREPARTICULARLYDESCRIBEDASFOLLOWS:COM M ENCEATTHENORTHWESTCORNEROFLOT8,BLOC K C ,MAYFAIRGARDENACRES,ASRECORDEDINPLA T B OOK2,PAGES141AND142,OFTHEPUBLICRECORD S O FCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA,THENCEN89°58'40" E A LONGTHENORTHLINEOFSAIDLOT8,ADISTANCEO F 3 19.02FEETTOTHEPOINTOFBEGINNING,THENCECON T INUEN89°59'20"EALONGSAIDNORTHLINEADIS T ANCEOF106.34FEET,THENCES00°26'30"E,226.8 0 F EET,THENCEWEST106.34FEET,THENCEN00°26'30"W , 2 26,75FEETTOTHEPOINTOFBEGINNING. T OGETHERWITH1998CYPREDOUBLEWIDEMOBIL E H OME,IDENTIFICATIONNUMBERSGMHGA4199819952A & G MHGA4199819952B,SITUATEDTHEREON T OGETHERWITHTHATCERTAIN1998CYPR E D OUBLEWIDEMOBILEHOMEMOBILEHOME,VIN(S ) G MHGA4199819952A&GMHGA4199819952B a ndcommonlyknownas:6560WAVOCADOST,CRYSTA L R IVER,FL34429;includingthebuilding,appurtenances,and fix t ureslocatedtherein,atpublicsale,tothehighestandbest bid d er,forcash,electronicallyatwww.citrus.realforeclose .com,o n J une8,2023 at10:00A.M.. Anypersonsclaiminganinterestinthesurplusfromthesale , i fany,otherthanthepropertyownerasofthedateofthelispe n d ensmustfileaclaimbeforetheclerkreportsthesurplusasu n c laimed. AMERICANSWITHDISABILITIESACT.Ifyouareaperso n w ithadisabilitywhoneedsanyaccommodationinordertopart i c ipateinthisproceeding,youareentitled,atnocosttoyou, t o t heprovisionofcertainassistance.PleasecontacttheADAC o o rdinatorforCitrusCounty,KathyRector,at(352)341-6700 a t l east7daysbeforeyourscheduledcourtappearance,orimmed i a telyuponreceivingthisnotificationifthetimebeforethe sched u ledappearanceislessthan7days;ifyouarehearingorvoic e i mpaired,call711. DatedthisApril26,2023. By:/s/DavidR.Byar s AttorneyforPlaintif f ( 813)229-0900x K assShuler,P.A. 1 505N.FloridaAve. T ampa,FL33602-2613 F PublishedMay4&11,2023 0525THCRN2023-0180TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0180TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SAVVYFLLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-6205YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: B ERRYS2NDADDTOFLORALCITYLOTS8&9LESSRD D CINORBK819PG636&DCINORBK714PG858 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ARTHURNORTONEST, B ETTYJEANYOUNG,CORAJOHNSON,ESTATEOFART HURNORTONDECEASED,REGINALDYOUNG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS FORECLOSURE FURNITURE LazyBoy RealLeatherCouch beautifullikenew,costwas $3,000, asking$1,500 352-422-6091 BeautifulQueenWaterBed GreatCondition,$350 352-651-4658 Rolltopdesk $225 352-513-2118 SouthernLivingLoveseat likenewloveseat, usedverylittle $100608-617-4599 TALLCABINET Solidwood-Shelvesandglass upperdoor $150 352-513-5339 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT ATTENTIONOXYGENTHER-A PYUSERS! InogenOneG4 i scapableoffull24/7oxygen d elivery.Only2.8pounds. F REEinformationkit.Call 844958-2473. DolomiteMaxi+650Walker Retail$500,sellingused$100 706-412-2378 EQUATESHOWER&BATH CHAIR w/back,newinbox, neverbeenopened, REDUCEDPRICE ,$30 352-410-8262or 732-857-5120 FannyPack forINOGENOneG4Portable OxygenConcentrators Brandnewstillinpackage $45727-247-3025 HospitalBed Withtrapeze,likenewmattresswithpillowtop. $350OBO 352-726-0480 INVERSIONTABLE $60352.726.1882 Merits3Wheel MobilityScooter Needsbatteries $150obo 352-287-1735 MOBILITYSCOOTER 3-Wheeled,batterypowered $400OBO 352-726-0480 PAIROFALUMINUM CRUTCHES $10 352-726-1882 QuantumMotorized PowerChair Neverused/BrandNew-mulitipositional,lifting/layingdown, etc. $7,500OBO 352-726-0480 ROVERKNEECYCLE withmanual$25 352.726.1882 BrunoScooterCarrier Pushoutforrearcaraccess, weightcapacity350lbs,with4 retractingstraps,lockkey listprice$2,600 DisabledVeteranasking $900 352.697.0240 EQUATEARMBLOOD PRESSUREMONITOR BrandNewinBox, PriceReduced,$20 (352)410-8262or (732)857-5120 TOILETSEATCHAIR $10 352-726-1882 SPORTING GOODS BeautyBeltMassager Messagesyourwaist.Suntentownbrand. $25 352-419-4066 ELLIPTOGO LikeNewpdover$3000will take$1000OBOElliptogo VehicleRackIncluded 352.586.8946 FishingPoleRack 16holes,blackmetalon wheels$20 352-423-1088 GOLFBALLS ExcellentTitleist,Callaway, Taylormade,Bridgestone. $10/doz. 352-228-9030 KAYAK Heritage11'kayak Riggedforfishing. $175 352-201-2656 SCHWINNBICYCLEHELMET ventilated,adjustable,Model #SW124,$22, 352-344-1515 Treadmill Pro-Form735Treadmill $100352-422-6750 WEIGHT 25lbcastirondumbbell $20 352.344.1515 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED *** INVERNESS 2/1GreatNeighborhood W/DHookup,Storage Rm.$725/mo.+Sec. 352-634-5499 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 8.4WOODEDACRE FORSALEBYOWNER 3Bd/3BaHome,newporches front8x20,backporch12x30 w/newscreen,newmetalroof, completelyinspected. Readytomovein! $300KCashorBestOffer Ray:(828)497-2610Local 6acres with 370ftofpavedroadfrontage Mixedresidential.LocatedEof Hwy19inHomosassa. Call352.422.6088 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE DUNNELLON NorthWilliamsSt 3000SFMOL; Commercialbuilding on.042acre **Forsaleorlease** MotivatedOwner Contact:AlIsnetto, PalmwoodRealty. 352-597-2500x202 LovelySpaciousInterior 2bed2bath RecentlybeenremodeledNewwalkinshowers,NewAC Approx.1,600sqft Moreinfo.Call706-492-5119 HOMOSASSA 71CypressBlvd Outstanding3/2/2Pool Homeonanoversized LotinSMW Only$440,000 RE/MAX KathyGreen724.601.8619 locatedonanIslandinNorth FloridawithAceHardware department,Conveniencest ore,Bar&3bed2bath house.Ownerretiringafter 10years.$1,400,000 352.498.5986 DAVIDKURTZ Realtor VacantLand SPECIALIST Letmehelpyou BUY,SELLOR INVEST FREE/NoObligation MARKETANALYSIS foryourproperty. Residential&Commercial Century21 J.W.MortonRealEstate, Inverness,FL34450 CELL954-383-8786 Office352-726-6668 TRANSPORTATION CARGOTRAILER 20228'X16'Arisingw/2ftV noserearrampdoorandside door110Vlights&plugsinside.Pulledlessthan800mi. LocatedinHomosassa $7500CallsOnly 407.705.9141 CUSTOMVAN 1998Savanna1500.Oneofa kind,rarefindw/only16,000 miles&garagekeptinTN. 2Captainchairseatsand entirecargoareaisopenand carpeted.Makingthisthe perfectcamperorhauling largerequipmentasthiswas designedforsuch. Refurbishedenginetiresand radio.Haveallreceiptstotaling 14,000alongwithletterfrom customcarshoponallwork donetobringthisvanbackto life.$18,500 Call901.377.4930 SIDEBYSIDE 2019PolarisRZR HighLifterwithmanyextras 170hours,1,153miles Local515.460.1173 WANTED ALLCARS,TRUCKS,SUVs, RV's/Upto$1,000& MORE!!!-FREETOWING (352)342-7037 BOATS 17ftBaylinerCapri w/Matchingtrailer,130HP,i/o w/lifejackets $3,950obo 352-270-8917 1997SPORTSCRAFTFISHM ASTER ,27ft.,new2021twi n 350VortecMtrsw/650Holly doublepumpers,includeselectronics&safetygear,etc., alum.3-axleTrailer,$28,500 Local864-247-6395 BOATS 1999SeaPro 235Walkaround,200HPJohnson,lowhours,2004Aluminumtrailer,$14,900 352-447-1244 97Hydrosport 22'withbrandnewSuzuki150 h as3hoursonit,boat&trailer . $18,000 352-302-4705 Canoe AmericanTrador-Wooden 121/2Ft,40"beam,needsrepairs,paddles,oars,seats $750/obo 516-233-6040 IBUYBOATS CASHPAIDFOR ALLBOATS $$CALLVINCE$$ LOCAL 941-301-9946 Lowe14'aluminumBoat Bimini,trailer,&15hpTohatsu 4cycle$2,100 813-951-3253 OUTBOARDMOTOR 2022Mercury200Horsepower 4strokew/factorywarranty Guidemotor. Approx.230Hours. $13,500 352-422-4141 PleaseText TrollingMotors Minn-Kota 75lbsofthrust24v remotecontrol$950 Watersnake 54lbsofthrust12v $525OBO 352.586.8946 CARS/SUV 06BuickRainierCXL RWD118k,Black/tan.Very nice,garaged,dealermaintainedSUVw/vortec5.3V8 towpackage,bosesound. $9300 352-382-4008 2006ToyotaSequoiaLTD 4x4,navigationsystem, DVD/CD,Sunroof,3rowseati ng,rearconsoleseat,coldAC , leather&powerseats,black exteriorgrayinterior Everythingingoodcondition 159,800mi $9,500OBO352-293-4504 CHEVYTAHOE 2007-newJasper engine&transmission Ingoodshape$13,500 352.256.5980 2007ChryslerCrossfire 2DoorConvertible,62,400mi, 3.2Lengine, $11,200 Pristine Condition!Garagekept! BeautifulInterior! Runs160MPH (Butdon'tdoit!!LOL) 352-552-3484 2010VOLKSWAGEN GOLFTDI TurboDiesel,auto,fullpower 62Kmi.,silverw/blackinterior $8500 352-697-1805 2012HYUNDAIACCENT 91,000miles,excellentcond. $7,500OBO AskforCarl 352.400.8353 2014HYUNDAISONATA Inexcellentcondition,loaded, backupCamera,73,000mil Callformoreinformation 352-601-3225 CARS/SUV CADILLAC Black2008DTS165,000Miles Newtires,brakes,Battery 18"ChromeRims Notnewbutnicecar 352-342-3917 FORD 2017EscapeEconomyBoost Onemancar31,500miles Excellentcond.$20,000 352.445.9448 FORD 2019MUSTANGGT HighPerformance5.0460HP 17KSpecial,Maroonincolor $50,000 Tom352-341-3803 Lincolntowncar2007 Excellentcondition,always garaged2tonebronzebody, creaminterior. Withnewbrakes. $10,000askingprice. 352-489-7696BOB CLASSICS 1963StudabakerLark Regal4doorsedanV-8. Manynewitems .$9,850 606.207.7160 1990CHEVY LUMINA EURO,red,4-DR,good tires,rebuiltmotor, $4,000OBOasis 352-212-4622 CHEVY CAMARO 1981Z28 Coupe PerfectBody,norust,no dents,4speedmunci,NEW 355ciw/450to525HP-Looks &RunsAwesome-Toomuch tolist-$25K 352-364-7229 MOTORCYCLES CANAMSPYDER 2013LikeNewSpyderRT-LTD ChromePackageithasevery option.AutomaticTransmission,ExcellentCondition, NO Scratches,lowmiles15,000 andalwaysgaragekept.EngineSize997ExteriorBrown $14,500Callortext Todd802.233.1704 TRUCKS 2011FordF-150XLT4D CherryRed,fewcigarette burnsonseat,lowmillage 117,398k,USBmusicinput, cruise,wiredhitch,weather techliningthroughout $15,000OBO text 352-575-3621 2014FORDF-1504x4 Crewcab206,000miles $11,700Cash 352-460-2162 TRUCKS 2015Chevrolet SilveradoLTZ 3,5000HD4x4,duallydiesel, 44,000mil,leatherinterior,long bed,fullyequipped,$52,000 904-806-5378 TRUCK 2003FORDF150 4Welldrive,tough,large engine,wellmaintained.New brakes,A.C.,tunedup. $8,000 706-835-5068 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 2021LightWeight TravelTrailer withExtras-$17,900 352-212-6949 D UTCHMANCOLEMA N BRANDNEW 202217fttraveltrailer Sleeps6,features WinegardAIR360antenna Lotsofstorage$14,500 352-247-0788 29ftSAFARI 1998Motorhomewith83,000 miles,FordPowerstrokediesel engine.NewtiresExcellentcond, tomuchtolist!$20,500OBO Carl352.400.8353 A-FRAMEPOP-UPCAMPER 2012FlagstaffVerygoodcond. $4,000 352-302-4705 HURRICANERV ClassA2010Fourwinds31D Lowmileage,twoslideouts, garagekept&veryclean 352.634.1874 IBUYRV's CASHPAID FORRV's $$CALLVINCE$$ LOCAL 941-301-9946 NewmarMountainAire 37.5ft1999RVwith 69,000originalmiles. GoodconditionLOCAL $25,000 207.502.2216 TRAVELTRAILER 2019SalembyRiverForest26' w/slideout.ExcellentCond. 17,500 352-215-0027 To place your ad call: 352-563-5966 E-mail Classifieds Your House. Your Car. Your Old Guitar.Get it SOLD Find a job
B10 Thursday, May 11, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle C MISCELLANEOUS 0511THCRNBID:23-B-06 SECTION00020–INVITATIONTOBID CITYOFCRYSTALRIVER–INDIANWATERSRESIDENTIAL SEPTICTANKREMOVALANDCONNECTIONPROJECT D ATE:May8,2023BidNumber:23-B-06 N OTICEISHEREBYGIVENthattheCityofCrystalRiverwillre c eivesealedbidsfortheconstructionofthe IndianWatersRes i dentialSepticTankRemovalandConnectionProject .Al l q ualifiedcontractorsandplumberslicensedbytheStateofF lor i daareherebyinvitedtosubmitabidontheabove-reference d p roject.Bidswillbereceiveduntil11:00amE.T.,onJune12 , 2 023,attheCityofCrystalRiverCityHall,123US-19,Crysta l R iver,FL34428.Thelastdayforquestionsis5:00PME.To n J une1,2023.BidswillbeopenedonthestepsoftheCityHal l C ouncilChambersat11:10amE.T.onJune12,2023.Formor e i nformation,contactStacyBoney,Kimley-HornandAssociat esa t ( 352)438-3000. D ESCRIPTIONOFWORK: TheCityofCrystalRiverhasob t ainedanFDEP319granttoconnectapproximately77lotswith i ntheIndianWatersPhaseIsubdivisiontothecentralsewers ys t em.Thisprojectistoperformtheresidentialsewerconnect ions . A llworkfortheProjectshallbeconstructedinaccordancewi t h t heregulationsforseptictankabandonmentandconnectiont o t hecentralsewerasprovidedbytheFloridaDepartmento f H ealth(FDOH,FloridaDepartmentofEnvironmentalProtecti o n ( FDEP),CitrusCountyMinimumStandardsandConstructio n S pecificationsforWater&WastewaterSystems,andtheFlori d a B uildingCode,whichareincorporatedtotheconstructiondo cu m entsbyreference.Theworkperformedgenerallyinvolvesth e f ollowingactivities: T heprojectconsistsof3majorcomponents;1)abandonmen t a nddemolitionoftheestimatedexisting77residentialsept i c t anksidentifiedintheIndianWatersPhase1UnityofTitlean d U tilityEasementMap,2)Constructionofthesewerlateralst oth e C ityofCrystalRiver ‹ sgrinderstationlocatedontheresident ‹ s p ropertyorROW,3)Constructionoftheelectricalconnectio n f romtheresidentialpowersupplytotheCityofCrystalRiver ‹ s g rinderstation,4)Restorationoftheresidentiallottoaco nditio n e qualtoorbetterthanexistingconditions.Additionally,t heCon t ractorshallalsoincludetheregradingorresettingofthee xistin g E -Onegrinderstationstoprovideaminimumlateralslopefro m t hestationlidstotheexistinggrade.Thecontractorwillap plyfo r a llpermitsandcovertheassociatedfeesrequiredtoabando n t heseptictankandconnecttheresidenttothegrinderstatio n . T heabandonmentoftheseptictankmustbeinaccordancewit h t heFDOHandFDEPrequirements.Thecontractorisrespons i bletopaytheCityfortheexpansionfeeandconnectionfeea s d etailedinthebidformandtheninvoicetheCityforreimburs e m entoftheexpansionfeeandconnectionfee. O ncetheunitcostsareestablishedandthecontractorissele c t ed,thecontractorwillbeexpectedtoperformthefollowing dur i ngconstruction. 1 .MeetwitheachpropertyownerandtheCityrepindividually fo r e achlot. 2 .EstablishaconstructioncostforeachlotusingtheProjec t W orksheetForm(includedherein)andunitcostsestablished i n t hebid.Thecontractor,Cityrepresentative,andthehomeow ne r w illsigntheprojectworksheetformandsubmitittotheCity. a .Iftheconstructioncoststoconnecttheresidentialunitt oth e c entralsewersystemarelessthanorequaltothegrant-funde d a mountforeachlotthenthecontractorwillinvoicetheCityf o r t hatwork. b .Iftheconstructioncostsexceedthegrant-fundedamountf o r e achlotthenthecontractorwillinvoicetheCityforthework upt o t hegrant-fundedamountandinvoicethehomeownerforthere m ainingcosts. c .Thebidformandtheprojectworksheetformincludetheex p ansionandconnectionfeesforeachlot.Thecontractormus t p aythesefeesaspartoftheinvoicingforeachlotandtheCit y w illreimbursethecontractorforthefeeswiththeinvoicepa y m ent. 3 .Oncethecostformisdevelopedandexecutedthecontracto r w illperformtheworktoconnecttheresidentialunittothece ntra l s ewersystemandrestoretheresidentialpropertiestoexist in g c onditionsusingsodasnecessary.Thisworkwillgenerallyc on s istofthesewerconnection,electricalconnection,septic tan k d emolition,andrestorationasdescribedabove. 4 .Priortoinvoicingforthework,thecontractormustcontac tth e C itytoperformafinalinspectionforthework. 5 .Afterconstructioniscompletedforeachlot,thecontract ori s r equiredtosubmitthefollowinginformationtotheCityforp ay m ent. a .Itemizedinvoicefortheworkperformedoneachlotalongwi t h p aymentfortheconnectionandexpansionfees. b .Addressforthelotwhereworkwasperformed. c .ProofoffinalinspectionsandapprovalfromtheCountyBui ld i ngDeptandFDOH. d .Time/Datestampedpicturesshowingtheexistingconditio n , c rushedseptictank,connectiontogrinderstation,andrest ore d c onditionfortheworkperformedonaper-lotbasisandinclud e a nypermittingfeespaidforduringconstruction. B idsubmittalsshallbesubmittedforfurnishing,deliverin g,an d i nstallingallmaterials,equipment,andservices,includi nglabo r f ortheWork,supervision,tools,accessories,permittingf ees , t esting,surveys,mobilization,inspections,andallother essentia l m easuresgenerallyinvolvewiththeactivitiesdescribedab ove . T hebidformincludedwiththisinvitationtobidisintendedt ob e r epresentativeofanaveragelot.Thecontractorshouldcomp let e t heunitpricingforthisbidformbasedonwhattheyexpectth e a verageinstallationtocost. C ONTRACTTIME: ConstructiontimetoachieveSubstantia l C ompletionis335consecutivecalendardaysfromthedateo f t heNoticetoProceed,withanadditional30consecutivecale n d ardaystoachieveFinalCompletion. R EVIEWOFDOCUMENTS: Alldocumentsmaybeexamineda t C ityHallatnocharge,downloadedforfreeontheCitywebsit e ( ),ormaileduponrequestatnocharge . R espondentswhoutilizetheCitywebsiteforthedocumentsar e a dvisedtocheckthewebsiteregularlyforupdatesandaddend a . A ddendawillbeissuedbye-mail.AllAddendaissuedduringti m e o fbiddingshallformapartoftheContractDocuments,shallb e c overedintheBid,andshallbecomeapartoftheContract.Re c eiptofeachAddendumshallbeacknowledgedintheBidForm ; f ailuretodosomaysubjecttheBiddertodisqualification.T h e c ontactpersonisTheresaKrim,352-795-4216,extension314 o r t P ROJECTMANUALANDDRAWINGS: CopiesoftheProjec t M anualandDrawingsareavailableforreviewattheCityofCry s t alRiverCityHallortheOfficeoftheEngineer.Bidpackage s m aybeobtainedbycontactingtheofficeoftheEngineervi a e mailtothecontactinformationshownbelow: Kimley-HornandAssociates,Inc.1700SE17thStreet,Suite200Ocala,Florida34471Phone:(352)438-3000 A llbidsshallbepreparedusingtheProjectManualandDraw i ngs.Addendawillbesentviae-mailtoallplanholdersuptoo n e w eekbeforetheBidclosingtime.TheOwner/Engineerisnotre s ponsibleforthedeliveryofaddendatoprospectivebidders . E lectronicBidDocumentsarenocharge;however,paymentwil l b erequiredforeachpaperhardcopysetofBidDocuments.Thi s p aymentrepresentsreproductionandhandlingcostsandisno n r efundable.Paymentshallbeintheformofcashormoneyorde r o nly. E lectronic(.pdf)BidDocuments-NoCharge H ardCopyBidDocuments-$100.00(pickupatEngineer s O ffice);$200.00(FedEx2-dayDelivery) P RE-BIDMEETING: Anon-mandatorypre-bidmeetingwillb e h eldforthisprojectat10:00AMonMay18,2023,atCrysta l R iverCityHall. B IDSECURITY: Abidsecurityisnotrequiredforthisproject. P ERFORMANCEANDPAYMENTBOND: TheOwnerwillre q uirethattheContractorfurnishaPerformanceandPaymen t B ondintheamountof$100,000.AllPaymentandPerformanc e B ondsshallbesecuredfromorcountersignedbyanagencyo r s uretycompanyrecognizedingoodstandingandauthorizedt o d obusinessintheStateofFlorida. T heCityreservestherighttorejectanyorallsubmittals,se lec t m orethanonecontractor,waiveanyirregularity,amendthep e r l otinvoicingprocess,andtakeallsubmittalsunderadvisem en t f orsixty(60)days. PublishedMay11,2023 FORECLOSURE 0511THCRNAMENDEDNOADEMPSEYFL-001756-22 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT, INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CASENO:23-CA-00010 6 R OCKETMORTGAGE,LLCF/K/AQUICKENLOANS,LL C F /K/AQUICKENLOANSINC., P laintiff, vsD AWNRAEDEMPSEYA/K/ADAWNR.DEMPSEYA/K/ A D AWNDEMPSEYF/K/ADAWNRAEMCCLELLANDF/K/ A D AWNRAEREEDF/K/ADAWNR.REED,UNKNOWNHEIRS , B ENEFICIARIES,DEVISEES,CREDITORS,GRANTEES,AS S IGNEES,LIENORS,TRUSTEESANDALLOTHERPARTIE S C LAIMINGANINTERESTBY,THROUGH,UNDERO R A GAINSTTHEESTATEOFEDWARDV.DEMPSEY,JR.,DE C EASED,UNKNOWNHEIRS,BENEFICIARIES,DEVISEES , C REDITORS,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES,LIENORS,TRUST E ESANDALLOTHERPARTIESCLAIMINGANINTERES T B Y,THROUGH,UNDERORAGAINSTTHEESTATEOFO F S HIRLEYANNDEMPSEYMARKERA/K/ASHIRLEYAN N M ARKERA/K/ASHIRLEYA.MARKER,DECEASEDANDUN K NOWNHEIRS,BENEFICIARIES,DEVISEES,CREDITORS , G RANTEES,ASSIGNEES,LIENORS,TRUSTEESANDAL L O THERPARTIESCLAIMINGANINTERESTBY,THROUGH , U NDERORAGAINSTTHEESTATEOFDEBORAHDENIS E L ONGF/K/ADEBORAHD.LONGF/K/ADEBORAHDENIS E D EMPSEY,DECEASED,PINERIDGEPROPERTYOWNER S A SSOCIATION,INC.,UNKNOWNTENANT1ANDUNKNOW N T ENANT2, Defendant(s) AMENDEDNOTICEOFACTION T O:UNKNOWNHEIRS,BENEFICIARIES,DEVISEES,CRED I TORS,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES,LIENORS,TRUSTEESAN D A LLOTHERPARTIESCLAIMINGANINTERESTBY , T HROUGH,UNDERORAGAINSTTHEESTATEOFEDWAR D V .DEMPSEY,JR.,DECEASED;UNKNOWNHEIRS,BENEFI C IARIES,DEVISEES,CREDITORS,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES , L IENORS,TRUSTEESANDALLOTHERPARTIESCLAIMIN G A NINTERESTBY,THROUGH,UNDERORAGAINSTTHEES T ATEOFSHIRLEYANNDEMPSEYMARKERA/K/ASHIR L EYANNMARKERA/K/ASHIRLEYA.MARKER,DE C EASED;UNKNOWNHEIRS,BENEFICIARIES,DEVISEES , C REDITORS,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES,LIENORS,TRUST E ESANDALLOTHERPARTIESCLAIMINGANINTERES T B Y,THROUGH,UNDERORAGAINSTTHEESTATEOFDE B ORAHDENISELONGF/K/ADEBORAHD.LONGF/K/ADE B ORAHDENISEDEMPSEYFORANDF/K/ADEBORAHD . F ORAND,DECEASED L astKnownAddress:3460NorthPalominoTerrace,Beverl y H ills,FL34465 Youarenotifiedofanactiontoforecloseamortgageonth e f ollowingpropertyinCitrusCounty: L OT6,BLOCK212,PINERIDGEUNITTWO,ACCORDINGT O T HEMAPORPLATTHEREOFASRECORDEDINPLA T B OOK8,PAGES37THROUGH50,INCLUSIVE,OFTHEPUB L ICRECORDSOFCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA 3 460NorthPalominoTerrace,BeverlyHills,FL34465 TheactionwasinstitutedintheCircuitCourt,FifthJudici a l C ircuitinandforCitrus,County,Florida;CaseNo.23-CA 0 00106;andisstyledROCKETMORTGAGE,LLCF/K/AQUICK E NLOANS,LLCF/K/AQUICKENLOANSINC.vs.DAWNRA E D EMPSEYA/K/ADAWNR.DEMPSEYA/K/ADAWNDEMP S EYF/K/ADAWNRAEMCCLELLANDF/K/ADAWNRAEREE D F /K/ADAWNR.REED;UNKNOWNHEIRS,BENEFICIARIES , D EVISEES,CREDITORS,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES,LIEN O RS,TRUSTEESANDALLOTHERPARTIESCLAIMINGA N I NTERESTBY,THROUGH,UNDERORAGAINSTTHEES T ATEOFEDWARDV.DEMPSEY,JR.,DECEASED;UN K NOWNHEIRS,BENEFICIARIES,DEVISEES,CREDITORS , G RANTEES,ASSIGNEES,LIENORS,TRUSTEESANDAL L O THERPARTIESCLAIMINGANINTERESTBY,THROUGH , U NDERORAGAINSTTHEESTATEOFSHIRLEYANNDEMP S EYMARKERA/K/ASHIRLEYANNMARKERA/K/ASHIRLE Y A .MARKER,DECEASED;UNKNOWNHEIRS,BENEFICIAR I ES,DEVISEES,CREDITORS,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES,LI E NORS,TRUSTEESANDALLOTHERPARTIESCLAIMIN G A NINTERESTBY,THROUGH,UNDERORAGAINSTTHEES T ATEOFDEBORAHDENISELONGF/K/ADEBORAHD.LON G F /K/ADEBORAHDENISEDEMPSEYFORANDF/K/ADE B ORAHD.FORAND,DECEASED;PINERIDGEPROPERT Y O WNERSASSOCIATION,INC.;UNKNOWNTENANT1AN D U NKNOWNTENANT2.Youarerequiredtoserveacopyofyou r w rittendefenses,ifany,totheactiononBrandiN.Wilson,Es q. , P laintiff ‹ sattorney,whoseaddressis255SouthOrangeAve , S uite900,Orlando,FL3280130daysfromthefirstdateofpub l icationandfiletheoriginalwiththeclerkofthiscourteit herbe f oreserviceonPlaintiff ‹ sattorneyorimmediatelyafterservice ; o therwise,adefaultwillbeenteredagainstyoufortherelie fde m andedinthecomplaintorpetition. TheCourthasauthorityinthissuittoenterajudgmentorde c reeinthePlaintiff ‹ sinterestwhichwillbebindinguponyou. D ATED:4/21/2023 ANGELAVIC K CitrusClerkoftheCircuitCour t AsClerkofCour t { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/HanoraN.Cassel s AsDeputyCler k PublishedMay4&11,2023 0525THCRN2023-0072TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0072TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefor a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyear o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesin w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-8835YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: V ILLATERUNIT9OFHOMOSASSALOT14BLK296DESC I NORBK519PG449,ORBK614PG202&ORBK770PG 7 49 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BRIANGMCKENZIEREG ISTEREDAGENTOBOMCKENZIEINVESTMENTPROPERT IESLLC,MCKENZIEINVESTMENTPROPERTIESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t he p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghest b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0511THCRNNOSMARTIN22-327193FC01CGG INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILDIVISION Case#:2022CA000655 A J .P.MorganMortgageAcquisitionCorp. Plaintiff, vs.S tephenMartin;DarlanaBencinia/k/aDarlanaMartin;Unkno w n S pouseofStephenMartin;UnknownSpouseofDarlanaBencin i a /k/aDarlanaMartin;StateofFloridaDepartmentofRevenue ; C itrusSpringsCivicAssociation,Inc.;UnknownPartiesinP os s ession#1,ifliving,andallUnknownPartiesclaimingby , t hrough,underandagainsttheabovenamedDefendant(s);Un k nownPartiesinPossession#2,ifliving,andallUnknow n P artiesclaimingby,through,underandagainsttheabovenam e d D efendant(s) Defendant(s). NOTICEOFSALE NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENpursuanttoorderreschedulin g f oreclosuresaleorFinalJudgment,enteredinCivilCaseNo . 2 022CA000655AoftheCircuitCourtofthe5thJudicialCircui t i nandforCitrusCounty,Florida,whereinJ.P.MorganMortga g e A cquisitionCorp.,PlaintiffandStephenMartinaredefenda nt(s) , I ,ClerkofCourt,AngelaVick,willselltothehighestandbes tbid d erforcashBYELECTRONICSALEBEGINNINGAT10:0 0 A .M.ONTHEPRESCRIBEDDATEA T h ttp:// May25,2023 ,thefollow i ngdescribedpropertyassetforthinsaidFinalJudgment,to -wit : L OT14,BLOCK612,CITRUSSPRINGSUNIT9,ACCORDIN G T OTHEMAPORPLATTHEREOF,ASRECORDEDINPLA T B OOK6,PAGE(S)61THROUGH66,INCLUSIVE,OFTH E P UBLICRECORDSOFCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA. A NYPERSONCLAIMINGANINTERESTINTHESURPLU S F ROMTHESALE,IFANY,OTHERTHANTHEPROPERT Y O WNERASOFTHEDATEOFTHELISPENDENSMUSTFIL E A CLAIMNOLATERTHANTHEDATETHATTHECLERKRE P ORTSTHEFUNDSASUNCLAIMED. I fyouareapersonwithadisabilitywhoneedsanyaccom m odationinordertoparticipateinthisproceeding,youar e e ntitled,atnocosttoyou,totheprovisionofcertainassist a nce.PleasecontacttheADACoordinator;110NorthApop k aStreet,Inverness,Florida34450;(352)341-6700atleast 7 d aysbeforeyourscheduledcourtappearance,orimmedi a telyuponreceivingthisnotificationofthetimebeforeth e s cheduledappearanceislessthan7days.Ifyouarehear i ngorvoiceimpaired,call711. PublishedMay4&11,2023 FORECLOSURE 0525THCRN2023-0174TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0174TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3176YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT10LOT24BLK852DESCRINOR B K442PG582 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MARYANNEVARGA,MARYE V ARGA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0179TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0179TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-4043YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26LOT1BLK1642DESCINORBK 7 76PG1189 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFJOHNMROSA TODECEASED,JOANTROSATODECEASED,JOHNM R OSATO S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0206TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0206TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-10194YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSHGLDSWEST1STADDPB5PG44LOT1& W 1/2OFLOT2BLK429DESCINORBK473PG541 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JONATHANRPOLITANOREG ISTEREDAGENTOBOWINDERVILLC,WINDERVILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0176TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0176TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5998YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: A PACHESHORESUNIT9PB4PG143LOT3BLK34 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GEORGIASMITHBRACKETT A KAGEORGIASMITH,JUNNIEBRACKETT,MRSGEORGIE J EANETTESMITHBRACKETT S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0182TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0182TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:LOCHSTONE1LLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-0119YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: E 50FTOFW170FTOFS90FTOFN210FTOFS1/2OF N W1/4OFSE1/4OFNE1/4SEC2-19-18DESCINORBK1957 P G2345ORBK2360PG114 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JEANNETTEESTRELLA, P EDROHESTRELLA,PEDROHESTRELLAROCA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 11, 2023 B11 CLASSIFIEDS 0511THCRNINGRAHM22-32703FC01RFT INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILDIVISION Case#:2022CA000649 A R ocketMortgage,LLCf/k/aQuickenLoans,LLC Plaintiff, vs.U nknownHeirs,Devisees,Grantees,Assignees,Creditors,L ien o rs,andTrusteesofWilliamE.Ingrahma/k/aWilliamEdwinIn g rahm,Deceased,andAllOtherPersonsClaimingbyan d T hrough,Under,AgainstTheNamedDefendant(s);LisaKimber l eaBennetta/k/aLisaBennetta/k/aLisaKimberleaBell;Lor iPa t riciaIngrahm;VictoriaMichelleStepkaa/k/aVictoriaMic helleIn g rahma/k/aVictoriaM.Ingrahm;AlexanderVincentIngrah m a /k/aAlexanderIngrahm;UnknownSpouseofLisaKimberle a B ennetta/k/aLisaBennetta/k/aLisaKimberleaBell;Unknow n S pouseofLoriPatriciaIngrahm;UnknownSpouseofVictori a M ichelleStepkaa/k/aVictoriaMichelleIngrahma/k/aVicto riaM . I ngrahm;UnknownSpouseofAlexanderVincentIngrahma/k/ a A lexanderIngrahm;UnknownPartiesinPossession#1,iflivi ng , a ndallUnknownPartiesclaimingby,through,underandagain s t t heabovenamedDefendant(s);UnknownPartiesinPossessio n # 2,ifliving,andallUnknownPartiesclaimingby,through,u nde r a ndagainsttheabovenamedDefendant(s) Defendant(s). NOTICEOFSALE NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENpursuanttoorderreschedulin g f oreclosuresaleorFinalJudgment,enteredinCivilCaseNo . 2 022CA000649AoftheCircuitCourtofthe5thJudicialCircui t i nandforCitrusCounty,Florida,whereinRocketMortgage,L L C f /k/aQuickenLoans,LLC,PlaintiffandUnknownHeirs,De v isees,Grantees,Assignees,Creditors,Lienors,andTrust eeso f W illiamE.Ingrahma/k/aWilliamEdwinIngrahm,Deceased,an d A llOtherPersonsClaimingbyandThrough,Under,AgainstTh e N amedDefendant(s)aredefendant(s),I,ClerkofCourt,Ange l a V ick,willselltothehighestandbestbidderforcashBYELEC T RONICSALEBEGINNINGAT10:00A.M.ONTHEPRE S CRIBEDDATEAT Ma y 2 5,2023 ,thefollowingdescribedpropertyassetforthinsaidFi n alJudgment,to-wit: L OT9,BLOCK406OFINVERNESSHIGHLANDSWEST,AC C ORDINGTOTHEPLATTHEREOFASRECORDEDINPLA T B OOK5,PAGE(S)19-33,OFTHEPUBLICRECORDSOFCIT R USCOUNTY,FLORIDA. A NYPERSONCLAIMINGANINTERESTINTHESURPLU S F ROMTHESALE,IFANY,OTHERTHANTHEPROPERT Y O WNERASOFTHEDATEOFTHELISPENDENSMUSTFIL E A CLAIMNOLATERTHANTHEDATETHATTHECLERKRE P ORTSTHEFUNDSASUNCLAIMED. I fyouareapersonwithadisabilitywhoneedsanyaccom m odationinordertoparticipateinthisproceeding,youar e e ntitled,atnocosttoyou,totheprovisionofcertainassist a nce.PleasecontacttheADACoordinator;110NorthApop k aStreet,Inverness,Florida34450;(352)341-6700atleast 7 d aysbeforeyourscheduledcourtappearance,orimmedi a telyuponreceivingthisnotificationofthetimebeforeth e s cheduledappearanceislessthan7days.Ifyouarehear i ngorvoiceimpaired,call711. PublishedMay4&11,2023 0518THCRNNOFSBARRY22-00766 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT OFFLORIDAINANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY GENERALJURISDICTIONDIVISIO N CASENO.09-2022-CA-00045 6 R OCKETMORTGAGE,LLCF/K/AQUICKENLOANS,LLC, Plaintiff, v s. A MYMICHELEBARRY,etal., Defendants. NOTICEOFFORECLOSURESALE NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENpursuanttoaSummaryFina l J udgmentofForeclosureenteredApril20,2023inCivilCaseN o . 0 9-2022-CA-000456oftheCircuitCourtoftheFIFTHJudicia l C ircuitinandforCitrusCounty,Inverness,Florida,wherei n R OCKETMORTGAGE,LLCF/K/AQUICKENLOANS,LLCi s P laintiffandAMYMICHELEBARRY,etal.,areDefendants,th e C lerkofCourt,ANGELAVICK,willselltothehighestandbes t b idderforcashbyelectronicsalea t w inaccordancewithChapter45 , F loridaStatutesonthe 8thdayofJune,2023at10:00AM o n t hefollowingdescribedpropertyassetforthinsaidSummary Fi n alJudgment,to-wit: L OT7,BLOCK161,BEVERLYHILLSUNITNUMBERSIX , S ECTIONTWO,ACCORDINGTOPLATTHEREOFASRE C ORDEDINPLATBOOK11,PAGES132THROUGH134,IN C LUSIVE,OFTHEPUBLICRECORDSOFCITRUSCOUNTY , F LORIDA. Anypersonclaiminganinterestinthesurplusfromthesale, i f a ny,otherthanthepropertyownerasofthedateofthelispen d ens,mustfileaclaimbeforetheclerkreportsthesurplusas un c laimed. /s/RobynKatz,Esq . McCallaRaymerLeibertPierce,LL C AttorneyforPlaintif f 110SE6thStreet,Suite240 0 FortLauderdale,FL3330 1 Phone:(407)674-185 0 Fax:(321)248-042 0 m Fla.BarNo.:014680 3 I fyouareapersonwithadisabilitywhoneedsanyaccom m odationinordertoparticipateinthisproceeding,youar e e ntitled,atnocosttoyou,totheprovisionofcertainassist a nce.PleasecontacttheADACoordinatorattheOfficeo f t heTrialCourtAdministrator,CitrusCountyCourthouse,11 0 N .ApopkaAvenue,Inverness,FL34450,(352)641-6700,a t l eastseven(7)daysbeforeyourscheduledcourtappear a nce,orimmediatelyuponreceivingthisnotificationifth e t imebeforethescheduledappearanceislessthanseve n d ays;ifyouarehearingorvoiceimpaired,call711. PublishedMay11&18,2023 0511THCRNNOATHOMPSON2022-CA-000933 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CASENUMBER:2022-CA-00093 3 M 18LANDLLC,AFLORIDALIMITEDLIABILITYCOMPANY, Plaintiff, v . W INSTONTHOMPSON;MAUREENTHOMPSON;NEWVIST A P ROPERTIES,INC.,aFloridaProfitCorporation;CITRU S S PRINGSCIVICASSOCIATION,INC.aFloridaNotForProfi t C orporation Defendants. NOTICEOFACTION T O:NEWVISTAPROPERTIES,INC. RegisteredAgentJohnEhrling5557EastPriceBlvdNorthPort,FL34288 YOUARENOTIFIED thatanactiontoQUIETTITLET O R EALPROPERTYonthefollowingresidentialrealpropertyin , F lorida: L ots18and19,Block1731ofCITRUSSPRINGSUNIT23,ac c ordingtothePlatthereofasrecordedinPlatBook7 , P age(s)115-133,ofthePublicRecordsofCITRUSCounty , F lorida. S TREETADDRESS:1431WBELENDR,HERNANDO P ARCELNUMBER:18E-17S-10-0230-17310-0180 h asbeenfiledagainstyouandyouarerequiredtoserveacop y o fyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitontheplaintiff Š sattorney , w hosenameandaddressare: B erryJ.Walker,Jr.,Esquire F loridaBarNo.0742960 W alker&Tudhope,P.A. 2 25SouthWestmonteDrive,Suite2040 A ltamonteSprings,FL32714 P hone:407-478-1866 F ax:407-478-1865 E A w ithin30daysofthefirstpublicationofthisNoticeofActio n,an d f iletheoriginalwiththeclerkofthiscourteitherbeforese rviceo n t heplaintiff Š sattorneyorimmediatelythereafter;otherwiseade f aultwillbeenteredagainstyouforthereliefdemandedinth e c omplaintorpetition. DATEDonApril6,2023. AngelaVick,asClerkoftheCour t { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/HanoraN.Cassel s AsDeputyCler k PublishedApril20&27,2023andMay4&11,2023 0511THCRNNOJSMARSHALL INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDACIVILACTION CaseNo:2019CA00016 0 A NDREWWATSONandJACQUELYNR.WATSON-AR S ENAULT,astrusteesoftheThomasA.WatsonRevocabl e T rust,datedMay19,1994, Plaintiff, v s. J OHNT.MARSHALL,asthePersonalRepresentativeoftheEs t ateofWILLIAML.GAMBLE,SR.;ALLOTHERPARTIE S C LAIMINGANINTERESTBY,THROUGH,UNDERO R A GAINSTWILLIAMGAMBLE,SR.;WILLIAMGAMBLE,JR. ; S HARONGAMBLE;CATHERINEOWENS;MICHAE L B RANNEN;CAROLGAMBLE-TUCKER;DEBBIESALGUEIRO , A /K/ADEBBIECATHYPARKER;andUNKNOWNOCCU P ANTS, Defendants. NOTICEOFJUDICIALSALEPURSUANTTO SECTION45.031(1)OFTHEFLORIDASTATUTES T OWHOMITMAYCONCERN: Noticeisherebygiventhatpursuanttothefinaljudgmento f f oreclosureenteredonApril27,2023,inCaseNo.2019-CA 0 00160oftheCircuitCourtoftheJudicialCircuitforCitru s C ounty,Florida,inwhichANDREWWATSONandJACQUELY N R .WATSON-ARSENAULT,astrusteesoftheThomasA.Wat s onRevocableTrust,datedMay19,1994,plaintiff,andJOHNT . M ARSHALL,asthePersonalRepresentativeoftheEstateo f W ILLIAML.GAMBLE,SR.;ALLOTHERPARTIESCLAIMIN G A NINTERESTBY,THROUGH,UNDERORAGAINSTWILLI A MGAMBLE,SR.;WILLIAMGAMBLE,JR.;SHARONGAMBLE ; C ATHERINEOWENS;MICHAELBRANNEN;CAROLGAMBLE T UCKER;DEBBIESALGUEIROA/K/ADEBBIECATHYPARK E R;andUNKNOWNOCCUPANTS,aredefendants,Angel a V ick,ClerkofCourtsforCitrusCounty,Florida,willsellat publi c s alethefollowingdescribedrealproperty: L ots37,38,39and40,Block147,INVERNESSHIGHLAND S U NITNO.9,accordingtothePlatthereofrecordedinPla t B ook2,Pages175through177,inclusive,PublicRecordso f C itrusCounty,Florida. P arcelIdentificationNumber:19E19S020090-01470-0370 T hesalewillbeheldon June1,2023 at10:00a.m.toth e h ighestandbestbidderforcashheldonlinea t h ttps://,inaccordancewit hSectio n 4 5.031oftheFloridaStatutes. /s/RobertE.BoneJr.,Esquir e RobertE.BoneJr.P.A . 918W.MainStree t Leesburg,Florida3474 8 AttorneyforPlaintif f PublishedMay4&11,2023 0511THCRNNOAERDEK22FL373-1439 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT, INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILDIVISIO N CASENO.:2023CA000017 A F REEDOMMORTGAGECORPORATION PLAINTIFF, v s. J ACQUELINEERDEK,ROGERERDEKETAL., DEFENDANTS. NOTICEOFACTION T O: UNKNOWNSPOUSEOFMARIATERESANIETO L astKnownAddress: 5785NHAZELWOODDR,BEVERL Y H ILLS,FL34465 C urrentResidence: UNKNOWN Y OUARENOTIFIEDthatanactionforForeclosureofMortgag e o nthefollowingdescribedproperty: L OT1,BLOCK94,PINERIDGEUNITONE,ACCORDINGT O T HEPLATTHEREOFRECORDEDINPLATBOOK8,PAGE S 2 5THROUGH36INCLUSIVE,PUBLICRECORDSOFCITRU S C OUNTY,FLORIDA h asbeenfiledagainstyouandyouarerequiredtoserveacop y o fyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toit,onMILLER,GEORGE & S UGGS,PLLC,AttorneyforPlaintiff,whoseaddressis2200W . C ommercialBlvd,Suite103,Ft.Lauderdale,FL33309withino n o rbeforeadatethirty(30)daysafterthefirstpublicationo fthi s N oticeintheCitrusCountyChronicleandfiletheoriginalwi thth e C lerkofthisCourteitherbeforeserviceonPlaintiff'satto rneyo r i mmediatelythereafter;otherwiseadefaultwillbeentered a gainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthecomplaint. I fyouareapersonwithadisabilitywhoneedsanyaccomm odationinordertoparticipateinthisproceeding,youar e e ntitled,atnocosttoyou,totheprovisionofcertainassist a nce.PleasecontacttheADACoordinatorforCitrusCounty , K athyRector,at(352)341-6700atleast7daysbeforeyou r s cheduledcourtappearance,orimmediatelyuponreceivin g t hisnotificationifthetimebeforethescheduledappearanc e i slessthan7days;ifyouarehearingorvoiceimpaired,cal l 7 11. W ITNESSmyhandandthesealofthisCourtthis28thdayo f A pril,2023. ANGELAVIC K AsClerkoftheCircuitCour t { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/HanoraN.Cassel s AsDeputyCler k PublishedMay4&11,2023 FORECLOSURE 0518THCRNRE-SCHEDFSBUARON2021CA397A INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUITIN ANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILACTION CASENO.:2021CA000397 A N ATIONSTARMORTGAGELLCD/B/ACHAMPIONMORT G AGECOMPANY Plaintiff, v s. T HEUNKNOWNHEIRS,BENEFICIARIES,DEVISEES , G RANTEES,ASSIGNEES,LIENORS,CREDITORS,TRUST E ESANDALLOTHERSWHOMAYCLAIMANINTERESTI N T HEESTATEOFRAFAELV.BUARON,DECEASED,etal. Defendant(s) NOTICEOFRE-SCHEDULEDFORECLOSURESALE N OTICEISHEREBYGIVENpursuanttoAdministrativeOrde r C 2012-10-Ccasenumber2021CA000397AoftheCircuitCour t o ftheFifthJudicialCircuitinandforCitrusCounty,Florid ai n w hichMORTGAGEASSETSMANAGEMENTLLC,isthePlaintif f a ndTHEUNKNOWNHEIRS,BENEFICIARIES,DEVISEES , G RANTEES,ASSIGNEES,LIENORS,CREDITORS,TRUST EESANDALLOTHERSWHOMAYCLAIMANINTERESTI N THEESTATEOFRAFAELV.BUARON,DECEASED, e theDefendants,TheClerkoftheCourtandComptrollershall sel l t hesubjectpropertyforcashbyelectronicsalea t w ww.citrus.realforeclose.comtothehighestbidderon JUNE1 , 2 023 beginningat10:00a.m.,thefollowingdescribedpropertya s s etforthintheInRemFinalJudgmentofForeclosure. L OT29,BLOCK13,CLEARVIEWESTATESSECONDADDI T ION,ACCORDINGTOPLATTHEREOFRECORDEDINPLA T B OOK15,PAGES3THROUGH12,INCLUSIVE,PUBLICRE C ORDSOFCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA. P ropertvAddress:426NCHERRYPOPDRIVE,INVERNESS , F L34453 A nypersonclaiminganinterestinthesurplusfromthesale,i f a ny,otherthanthepropertyownerasofthedateoftheLisPen d ensmustfileaclaimwithin60daysafterthesale. WITNESSMYHANDandthesealofthisCourtonApril21 , 2 023. ANGELAVIC K ClerkoftheCircuitCourtandComptrolle r { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/AmyHolme s DeputyCler k PublishedMay11&18,2023 FORECLOSURE 0525THCRNNOAWOODLEAINVESTMENT INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTYFLORIDA CASENO:2023CA000112 A J OANNEM.IRVINE Plaintiff, v s. W OODLEAINVESTMENTCOMPANY,LLC; C ITRUSSPRINGSCIVICASSOCIATION,INC; A NYANDALLUNKNOWNHEIRS,OR D EVISEES,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES, C REDITORS,LIENORSANDTRUSTEES; Defendants. NOTICEOFACTION T O: WOODLEAINVESTMENTCOMPANY,LLC;CITRU S S PRINGSCIVICASSOCIATION,INC;ANYANDALLUN K NOWNHEIRS,ORDEVISEES,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES , C REDITORS,LIENORSANDTRUSTEES; a ndallothersclaimingby,throughorunderthemandtoalloth e rswhomitmayconcern: Y OUARENOTIFIED ofanactiontoquietandconfirmtitleonth e f ollowingpropertyinCitrusCountyFlorida: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT17LOT39BLOCK1163ASRECOR D EDINPLATBOOK7,PAGE1OFTHEPUBLICRECORD S O FCITRUSCOUNTY S aidactionhasbeenfiledagainstyou,andyouarerequiredt o s erveacopyofyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitonJoanneM . I rvine,Plaintiff,whoseaddressis1301S.HerculesAve.,Ap t.10 , C learwater33764onorbeforeJune3,2023,andtheorigina l w iththeClerkofthisCourteitherbeforeserviceonthePlain tiffo r i mmediatelythereafter:otherwiseadefaultwillbeentere d a gainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthecomplaintormotion . W itnessmyhandandsealofthisCourtonthis24thdayofFeb r uary,2023. ANGELAVIC K CLERKOFTHECIRCUITCOUR T ( (CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/HanoraN.Cassel s DeputyCler k PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0199TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0199TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-0735YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: S HELTERINGOAKSUNRECSUBLOT32:COMATTHESW C ORNOFSEC5-19-20,THS89D59M45SELATHESLINE O FSDSEC5ADISTOF346.23FT,THN0D18M40SE 8 15.49FT,THS84D16M10SW24.32FT,THN34D39MW 9 1.38FT,THN55D21ME23.25FT,THN22D34M30SW 7 .62FTTOTHEPOB,SDPTBEINGONAPTOFACURVE C ONCAVESEHAVINGACTRLANGOF30DANDRADOF 1 21.96FT,THSWALTHEARCOFSDCURVEADISTOF 2 5.04FTTOTHEPT(CH=S61D13M58SW25FT),THS55D 2 1MW47FT,THN34D6M10SW70.95FTMOLTOTHE W ATERSOFACANAL,THN68D37MEALSDWATERSA D ISTOF85FTTOAPTTHATBEARSN22D34M30SW F ROMTHEPOB,THS22D34M30SE55.22FTTOTHEPOB T ITLEINORBK2159PG2163ORBK2427PG59ORBK 2 449PG1898 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DEVLINENGLISH,LORRAINE D EIDERICH,LORRAINETDEIDERICH,TIMOTHYH D EIDERICH S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 FORECLOSURE FORECLOSURE FORECLOSURE LEGALS 0525THCRN6/8SHERIFF'SSALE NOTICEOFSHERIFF ‹ SSALE N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN thatpursuanttoaWritofExecu t ionissuedinthe Circuit Courtof Citrus County,Florida,onth e 2 8thdayofMarch,2023 ,inthecausewherein SMSFINAN C IALJDCLP ,wasPlaintiff,and JudyA.SheltonandPaulD . S helton wereDefendants,beingCaseNo 2017-CA-000788A ,i n t hesaidCourt,I, MIKEPRENDERGAST ,asSheriffofCitru s C ounty,Florida,havelevieduponalltheright,titleandint eresto f t heabove-namedDefendant(s), JudyA.SheltonandPaulD . S helton ,inandtothefollowingdescribedrealproperty,to-wit : D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY:LOT45,BLOCKC,POINTO ' W OODS,UNITNO.2,ACCORDINGTOTHEMAPORPLA T T HEREOFASRECORDEDINPLATBOOK4,PAGE74,PUB L ICRECORDSOFCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA. P ARCELIDNO.20E19S020020000C00450;ALTKEY : 1 720923 9 121E.AQUAVISTADRIVE,INVERNESS,FL.34450 a ndonthe 8thdayofJune,2023 at CITRUSCOUNTYSHER I FF ‹ SOFFICE,1DR.MARTINLUTHERKINGJR.AVE. ,in IN V ERNESS ,CitrusCounty,Florida,atthehourof11:00a.m.ora s s oonthereafteraspossible,Iwillofferforsaleallofthesa idDe f endant(s), JudyA.SheltonandPaulD.Shelton ,right,titlean d i nterestintheaforesaidpropertyatpublicoutcryandwills ellth e s ame,subjecttotaxes,allpriorliens,encumbrancesandjud g m ents,ifany,tothehighestandbestbidderorbiddersfor CAS H I NHAND .Theproceedstobeappliedasfarasmaybetoth e p aymentofcostsandthesatisfactionoftheabove-described ex e cution.Propertywillbeavailableforviewingonehalfhour prio r t osale.Saleandalldocumentationwillbeexecutedinaccord a ncewithFloridaStateLaw.Pleasecallourofficeat352-341 6 525withanyquestions. I NACCORDANCE withtheAmericanswithdisabilitiesact,per s onswithdisabilitiesneedingspecialaccommodationtopar ticip a teinthisproceedingshouldcontacttheA.D.ACoordinatort ele p hone#352-341-6400notlaterthanseven(7)dayspriortoth e p roceedings.Ifhearingimpaired,(TDD)1-800-955-8770,vi a F loridaRelayService. P UBLISHEDFOUR(4)TIMES I NTHECITRUSCOUNTY C HRONICLEONFOLLOWING D ATES:May4,2023; M ay11,2023;May18,2023 M ay25,2023 MIKEPRENDERGAST,SHERIF F CITRUSCOUNTY,FLORID A /s/GregPopovich,DeputySherif f PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023
B12 Thursday, May 11, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle CLASSIFIEDS 0525THCRN2023-0248TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0248TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JAMESWWEIR T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7348YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T HATISLANDKNOWASCEDARISLANDDESCASFOLL: C OMATTHESECOROFSEC23T17SR19ETHNRUNAL T HEESECLNN0D58M24SE1509.38FTTOTHESECOR O FLT57INCEDARCOVEUNRECTHNALTHEPROJECT IONOFTHESLNOFSDLT57N88D11M31SW690.46FT M OLTOTHEWATERSOFCEDARLAKETHNACROSSTHE W ATERSOFSDLAKEN85D43M27SW172.15MOLTOCED ARISLANDANDTHEPOBTHALTHEWATERSEDGETHE F OLLCOURSEANDDISTN38D33M3SW142.07FT,S32D 4 7M27SW214.78FT,S72D8M36SE186.83FT,ANDN12D 2 M15SE129.58FTMOLTOTHEPOB. N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JORDANJTHOMAS,SCOTT J ORDAN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0136TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0136TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-1027YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C IRCLEMRANCHETTESRESUBLOT3OFTRACTZ1DESC A SFOLLOWS:COMATNWCOROFNW1/4OFSE1/4OF S E1/4OFSEC7-17-18THN89DEG10M49SEALNLNOF S DNW1/4OFSE1/4OFSE1/4655.64FTTOAPTONW R /WLNOFA50FTRDTHS0DEG02M23SWALSDWR/W L N320FTOPOBTHCONTS0DEG02M23SWALSDR/W L N160FTTHS89DEG10M49SWPARTOSDNLN320.49 F TTHN0DEG03M20SE160FTTHN89DEG10M49SE P ARTOSDNLN320.44FTTOPOBDESCINORBK1652 P G214 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAMESJMILLER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0151TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0151TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TBINVESTMENTTRUSTFB O T ERRYBAYLISS T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9077YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L OT62OFBLOCK12FURTHERDESCRIBEDASFOLLOWS: C OMATTHENWCOROFSECTION34,TOWNSHIP18S, R ANGE17E,THNS1DEG17"03"EALONGTHEWEST L INEOFSAIDSECTION330FEET,THNS89DEG25'42"E 4 00FEET,THNS01DEG17'03"EPARALLELTOSAID W ESTLINE498FEET,TOTHEPOB,THNCONTINUES 0 1DEG17"03"E300FEET,THNS89DEG25'42"E206.08 F EET,THNN01DEG17'03"W300FEET,THNN89DEG25' 4 2"W206.08FEETTTOTHEPOB. N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ALSPAWNSHOP,MARYL B ANKSTON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0205TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0205TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-8122YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: S HADYLANERIVERROADAREAUNRECSUBLOT56: C OMATSECOROFSW1/4OFSEC29-17-20,TNN0DEG 5 8M11SWALELNOFSW1/4693.74FTTOPTONS'LY R /WLNOF60FTWDRD,TNN61DEG03M10SWALSD S 'LYR/WLN247.94FT,TNN71DEG07MWALSDR/WLN 4 5.56FTTOPOB,TNCONTN71DEG07MW70FT,TNS18 D EG53MW150FT,TNS71DEG07ME70FT,TNN18DEG 5 3ME150FTTOPOB.SUBJTOEASMOFRECDESCRIN O RBK398PG526&ORBK1952PG818ORBK2492PG 2 30ORBK2505PG1344 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DALESWEET S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0148TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0148TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TBINVESTMENTTRUSTFB O T ERRYBAYLISS T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9063YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L OT61OFBLOCK12FURTHERDESCRIBEDASFOLLOWS: C OMATTHENWCOROFSECTION34,TOWNSHIP18S, R ANGE17E,THNS1DEG03"00"EALONGTHEWEST L INEOFSAIDSECTION300FEET,THNS89DEG25'42"E 4 00FEET,THNS01DEG17'03"PARALLELTOSAIDWEST L INE498FEET,TOTHEPOB,THNCONTINUES01DEG17" 0 3"E300FEET,THNS89DEG25'42"E206.08FEET,THNS 0 1DEG17'03"W300FEET,THNN89DEG25'42"W206.08 F EETTTOTHEPOB. N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ALSPAWNSHOP S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0149TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0149TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SAVVYFLLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5157YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: R IVERRETSANNEXUNRECSUBLOT19:COMAT1/4SEC C ORONSLNOFSEC11-21-20,TNN0DEG12M55SW 1 97.54FT,TNS83DEG30ME39.40FT,TNN0DEG08M 4 3SE162.37FT,TNS89DEG47M30SE260FTTOPOB, T NS0DEG08M43SW179.60FT,TNN88DEG03ME85.05 F T,TNN0DEG08M43SE176.42FT,TNN89DEG47M30S W 85FTTOPOB;SUBJTO25FTRDEASEACSSDTHEREO F.DESCINORBK658PG1795 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BEVERLYINMAN,CECILW I NMAN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0116TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0116TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:NATASHAYOUNG T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-0472YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C RYSTALAIRECAMPSITESUNRECLOT20BLKADESC A S:BEGATAPT500FTNOFTHESBNDRYAND125FTW O FTHEEBNDRYOFW1/2OFSE1/4OFSE1/4OFNE1/4 O FSEC3-19-18THFROMSDPTN40FTALWSIDEOF R USSELLRDTHW95FTTHS40FTTHE95FTTOPOB D ESCINORBK631PG1602&ORBK632PG1591 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ALEXMAPONTEAKAALEX A PONTE,HANKFISHER,HAROLDFISHERSR,SEAN M URPHY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0133TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0133TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CARLOSISAACHEREDIA T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-0474YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C RYSTALAIRECAMPSITESUNRECSUBLOT28BLKABEG INNINGATPT180.0FTNORTHOFSBOUNDARYAND 1 25.0FTWOFEBOUNDARYOFW1/2OFSE1/4OFSE1/4 O FNE1/4INSEC319S18ETOPOB,FROMPOBRUNNING T HNN40.0FT,THNRUNNINGW95.0FT,THNRUNNINGS 4 0.0FT,THNRUNNINGE95.0FTTOPOB N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:RIEDLINGERPROPERTIES I NC,SPIEGEL&UTRERAPAREGISTEREDAGENTOBO R IEDLINGERPROPERTIESINC,THOMASRIEDLINGER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0150TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0150TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TBINVESTMENTTRUSTFB O T ERRYBAYLISS T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9074YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L OT60OFBLK12COMMNWCORSEC34-18-17THS1DEG 1 7M03SEALWLNSEC34DIST330FTTHS89DEG25M 4 2SE400FTTHS1DEG17M03SEPARSDWLNDIST 4 98FTPOBTHCONTS1DEG17M03SE300FTTH206.08FT T HN1DEG17M03SW300FEETTHN89DEG25M42SW 2 06.08FTPOB N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:KEVINSWATLINGAKAKEVI NSCOTTWATLING S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0177TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0177TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ALLISONBOWIE T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9062YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L OT17BLK10:COMATNWCOROF34-18-17,THS1DEG 1 7M3SEALWLNOFSEC34,1303.26FTTOSWCOROF N W1/4OFNW1/4THS89DEG25M42SEALSLNOFNW1/4 O FNW1/4510.5FTTOPOB,THS89DEG25M42SEALS L N,53.5FT,THN1DEG17M3SWPARTOAFRMTDWLN O FSEC34,125FT,THNF89DEG25M42SWPARTOSLN, 5 3.5FT,THS1DEG17M3SEPARTOWLN125FTTOPOB D ESCINORBK984PG21 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:AARONDAVIDLOCKHART S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0143TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0143TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SAVVYFLLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-0320YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L OTS76&77BLK145UNIT9INVERNESSHGLDSSUBPB 1 12PG435---SUBJTOEASEMENTSOFRECORD N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BETTYRWINEREGISTERED A GENTOBOWORLDEVANGELISMINC,MARIADIMARIA, M ARIADIMARIADECLARATIONOFTRUSTDATED,WORLD E VANGELISMINC,WORLDEVANGELISMINCASTRUSTEE F ORMARIADIMARIAPURSUANTTODECLARATIONOF T RUSTDATEDOCTOBER61978 S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0157TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0157TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:FOLEYASSETHOLDINGSLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-7596YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: H ORSESHOEISLANDOFLAKEESTSLOT4DESCINOR B K239PG551 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:AUGUSTAWITTMER,EST ATEOFAUGUSTAEWITTMERDECEASED,ESTATEOF A UGUSTAEVELYNWITTMERDECEASED,JOHNJOSEPH W ITTMERAKAJOHNJWITTMERDECEASED,JOHN W ITTMER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0172TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0172TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-2254YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT4LOT8BLK417DESCRINORBKA43 P G115 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFRAYMONDH L ORENZDECEASED,ESTATEOFRAYMONDHOWARD L ORENZDECEASED,RAYMONDHLORENZEST,ROBERT A LORENZ S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0127TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0127TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:KINGDOMMARKETHOLDING S L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7011YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2PB 6 PG52LOT32BLK11 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:A1PROPERTYHOLDINGS L LC,BURTEEISENBERGREGISTEREDAGENTOBOA1 P ROPERTYHOLDINGSLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0152TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0152TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SAVVYFLLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-4768YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L OT60DESCAS;S1/2OFW1/5OFS1/2OFSE1/4OFSE1/4 O F10-21S-20ELESSN'LY25FTFORRDEASMTTOGETHE RWITHEASMOFRECDESCINORBK1187PG1415 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFROBERTJERICS SON,ESTATEOFROBERTJERICSSONDECEASED,KENN ETHJROCHEFORTDECEASED,ROBERTJERICSSON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 LIENS 0511THCRNLIENS5/23&26NOS NOTICEOFPUBLICSALE N ATURECOASTTOWING,LLC givesnoticethatonthedate s a ndtimeslistedbelowthefollowingvehicles(s)maybesoldb y p ublicsaleat6521SSUNCOASTBLVDtosatisfythelienforth e a mountowedoneachvehicleforanyrecovery,towing,orstor a geserviceschargesandadministrativefeesallowedpursuantt o F loridastatute713.78. S aleDateMay23,2023at9:00a.m. J H2PC35046M7041932006HOND J S1VT53A3221009342002SUZI S aleDateMay26,2023at9:00a.m. J KAZXDP12YA0508442000KAWK PublishedonMay11,2023 LIENS 0511THCRNLIENS5/24NOS E xtraSpaceStoragewillholdapublicauctiontosellpersona l p ropertydescribedbelowbelongingtothoseindividualslis tedbe l owatthelocationindicated: ExtraSpaceStorage1227Sout h L ecantoHwyLecanto,FL34461on5/24/2023at1:30PM A udraLasley -Compressor,handtools,powertools,boxes , b ags A myLeslie -Handtools,ladders,sewingmachine,wallart , b oxes,totes T heauctionwillbelistedandadvertisedonwww.storagetrea s u t t heabovereferencedfacilityinordertocompletethetransa ction . E xtraSpaceStoragemayrefuseanybidandmayrescindan y p urchaseupuntilthewinningbiddertakespossessionofthep er s onalproperty. PublishedMay4&11,2023 LIENS 0511THCRNLIENS5/24NOS A DVERTISEMENTOFSALE Propertydescribedbelowwillb e s oldpertheFloridaSelfStorageFacilityAct.SaleonWednes d aythe 24thdayofMay,2023 at 10:00AM withbiddingtotak e p laceon .Paymentandpickupatfacility. Mis s ionStorage-Hernando,1274E.NorvellBryantHwy , H ernando,FL,34442 . Bossinger,Lydia;Carte,Lydia ;Person a lpropertySaleissubjecttocancellationintheeventofset tle m entbetweenownerandobligatedparty. PublishedMay4&11,2023
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 11, 2023 B13 CLASSIFIEDS 0525THCRN2023-0183TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0183TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:LOCHSTONE1LLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-0120YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: S 'LY90.0FTOFTHEN'LY210.0FTOFTHEE'LY50.0FTOF W 'LY220.0FTOFS1/2OFNW1/4OFSE1/4OFNE1/4OF S EC2-19-18DESCRINORBK128PG565&ORBK1980P G 1 738ORBK2360PG115 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JEANNETTEESTRELLA, P EDROHESTRELLA,PEDROHESTRELLAROCA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0184TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0184TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:LOCHSTONE1LLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-0121YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: E 100FTOFN90FTOFS211.4FTOFS1/2OFNW1/4OF S E1/4OFNE1/4DESCINORBK761PG1195&ORBK1032 P G771&ORBK1156PG1925(LOVETTAJUNEANDERSON H AS50%INTNOW) N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CUSHAMCDONALDJR, L OVETTAJUNEANDERSON,MILDREDMCDONALD S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0117TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0117TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5214YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT25BLK4 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CTCORPORATIONSYSTEM R EGISTEREDAGENTOBOFLEETFINANCE&MORTGAGE I NC,FLEETFINANCE&MORTGAGEINC,SDACORP S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0129TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0129TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-1202YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: H ILLSOFFLORIDAWOODSUNRECSUBLOT4&RDEASM D ESCINORBK564PG432,ORBK593PG1689&ORBK 7 01PG1525 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:TARPONIVLLC,TWJPAN F LORIDALLCREGISTEREDAGENTOBOTARPONIVLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0134TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0134TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CARLOSISAACHEREDIA T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-7675YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNSITEOFHERNANDOPB1PG16LOT171DESCINO R B K1107PG1365 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BRIANGMCKENZIEREG ISTEREDAGENTOBOMCKENZIEINVESTMENTPROPERT IESLLC,MCKENZIEINVESTMENTPROPERTIESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0138TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0138TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-6767YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSHGLDSSOUTHPLATBK3PGS51THRU66 L OT18BLK227DESCINORBK590PG386 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GRACEWARD,ROBERTJ W ARD S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0140TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0140TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TRACYCORSON T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5289YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT45BLK11DESCRINORBK589PG1963&DCINOR B K658PG517 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:EMMABWALKERDEC EASED,HAROLDAWALKER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0161TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0161TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-4042YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26LOT13BLK1641DESCINORBK 8 23PG1743 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFJOHNMROSA TODECEASED,JOANTROSATODECEASED,JOANT R OSATOEST S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0164TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0164TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SAVVYFLLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-0316YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSHGLDSUNIT9LOTS24,25,26,27,28,29,30, 3 1,32,33,34,35,36,37,38&39BLK141DESCINORBK 1 94PG521 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JOSEPHANTHONY C HAPTER,VALENTINECHAPTER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0166TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0166TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:LOCHSTONE1LLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-0122YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: E 50FTOFW170FTOFN120FTOFS1/2OFNW1/4OF S E1/4OFNE1/4EXCEPTN'LY30FTFORRDDESCINOR B K1957PG2344 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JEANNETTEESTRELLA, P EDROESTRELLA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0167TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0167TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-2775YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT7LOT6BLK781DESCRINORBK 5 43PG638 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MARYANNEVARGA,MARYE V ARGA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0173TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0173TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3123YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT10LOT3BLK818DESCRINORBK 5 79PG1534 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LUKESQUILLACE,MARY S QUILLACE S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0163TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0163TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3337YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT20PB7PG52LOT16BLK1306 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:WILLIAMBRYANMCMULLEN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0210TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0210TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CARLOSISAACHEREDIA T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-0370YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSHGLDSUNIT8LOTS58&59BLK10 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:SHIRLEYBERNARD S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 LEGALS 0511THCRNFNOCALADUMPSTERRENTALS PUBLICNOTICE FictitiousName N oticeunderFictitiousNameLaw.pursuanttoSection865.09 , F loridaStatutes. N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN thattheundersigned,desiringt o e ngageinbusinessunderthefictitiousnameof: OCALADUMPSTERRENTALS l ocatedat6062NW53rdCourt,Ocala,FL34482intheCount y o fMarion,intendstoregisterthesaidnamewiththeDivision o f C orporationsoftheFloridaDepartmentofState,Tallahasse e , F L. DatedatOcala,FL,this25thdayofApril,2023. R DRPropertyMaintenance&DumpsterRentals,LLC PublishedMay11,2023 LEGALS 0511THCRNNOA2022-DR-1798McDUFFIE INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT, INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CaseNo.:2022-DR-179 8 Division : C HRISTINAMcDUFFIE, Petitioner A nd C HERELLMcDUFFIE, Respondent, NOTICEOFACTIONFORDISSOLUTIONOFMARRIAGE (NOCHILDORFINANCIALSUPPORT) T O:CherellMcxDuffie 973E21stAvenue,Columbus,OH43211 Y OUARENOTIFIEDthatanactionfordissolutionofmar r iagehasbeenfiledagainstyouandthatyouarerequiredt o s erveacopyofyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitonChristin a M cDuffie,whoseaddressis10290E.PikeDrive,Inverness , F lorida34450onorbeforeMay20,2023,andfiletheorigin a lwiththeclerkofthisCourtat110NApopkaAve.,In v erness,FL34450beforeserviceonPetitionerorimmedi a telythereafter. Ifyoufailtodoso,adefaultmayb e e nteredagainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthepeti t ion. T heactionisaskingthecourttodecidehowthefollowingrea l o rpersonalpropertyshouldbedivided:NONE C opiesofallcourtdocumentsinthiscase,includingor d ers,areavailableattheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'sof f ice.Youmayreviewthesedocumentsuponrequest. Y oumustkeeptheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'sofficenoti f iedofyourcurrentaddress.(YoumayfileDesignationo f C urrentMailingandE-MailAddress,FloridaSuprem e C ourtApprovedFamilyLawForm12.915.)Futurepaper s i nthislawsuitwillbemailedoremailedtoth e a ddress(es)onrecordattheclerk'soffice. W ARNING:Rule12.285,FloridaFamilyLawRulesofPro c edure,requirescertainautomaticdisclosureofdocu m entsandinformation.Failuretocomplycanresulti n s anctions,includingdismissalorstrikingofpleadings . Dated:04/04/2023 ANGELAVIC K CLERKOFTHECIRCUITCOUR T { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/SamanthaLea p DeputyCler k PublishedonApril20&27,2023andMay4&11,2023 FORECLOSURE 0518THCRNNOFSPOMPONIO22-01765 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT OFFLORIDAINANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY GENERALJURISDICTIONDIVISIO N CASENO.09-2022-CA-00074 4 M ORTGAGERESEARCHCENTER,LLCD/B/AVETERAN S U NITEDHOMELOANS,AMISSOURILIMITEDLIABILIT Y C ORPORATION, P laintiff, v s. M ELISSAPOMPONIO,etal., Defendants. NOTICEOFFORECLOSURESAL E NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENpursuanttoaSummaryFina l J udgmentofForeclosureenteredApril20,2023inCivilCaseN o . 0 9-2022-CA-000744oftheCircuitCourtoftheFIFTHJudicia l C ircuitinandforCitrusCounty,Inverness,Florida,wherei n M ORTGAGERESEARCHCENTER,LLCD/B/AVETERAN S U NITEDHOMELOANS,AMISSOURILIMITEDLIABILIT Y C ORPORATIONisPlaintiffandMELISSAPOMPONIO,etal. , a reDefendants,theClerkofCourt,ANGELAVICK,willselltoth e h ighestandbestbidderforcashbyelectronicsaleat www.cit r inaccordancewithChapter45,Florid a S tatutesonthe 8thdayofJune,2023at10:00AM onthefol l owingdescribedpropertyassetforthinsaidSummaryFina l J udgment,to-wit: L ot3,BlockG,OAKFOREST,AccordingToTheMapOrPla t T hereofAsRecordedInPlatBook11,Page84,PublicRe c ordsofCitrusCounty,Florida . Anypersonclaiminganinterestinthesurplusfromthesale, i f a ny,otherthanthepropertyownerasofthedateofthelispen d ens,mustfileaclaimbeforetheclerkreportsthesurplusas un c laimed. /s/RobynKatz,Esq . McCallaRaymerLeibertPierce,LL C AttorneyforPlaintif f 110SE6thStreet,Suite240 0 FortLauderdale,FL3330 1 Phone:(407)674-185 0 Fax:(321)248-042 0 m Fla.BarNo.:014680 3 I fyouareapersonwithadisabilitywhoneedsanyaccom m odationinordertoparticipateinthisproceeding,youar e e ntitled,atnocosttoyou,totheprovisionofcertainassist a nce.PleasecontacttheADACoordinatorattheOfficeo f t heTrialCourtAdministrator,CitrusCountyCourthouse,11 0 N .ApopkaAvenue,Inverness,FL34450,(352)641-6700,a t l eastseven(7)daysbeforeyourscheduledcourtappear a nce,orimmediatelyuponreceivingthisnotificationifth e t imebeforethescheduledappearanceislessthanseve n d ays;ifyouarehearingorvoiceimpaired,call711. PublishedMay11&18,2023
B14 Thursday, May 11, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle CLASSIFIEDS 0525THCRN2023-0073TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0073TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5278YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT44BLK8 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:PATDIXONAKAPATRICIAT D IXONAKAPATRICIADIXON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0132TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0132TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TRACYCORSON T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7095YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: U NIT1OFHOMOSASSALOTS3&4BLK45DESCINORBK 1 48PG306 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CCOURTLANDSMITH,DORI SGSMITH S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0137TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0137TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:KAIZENCOMPANIESINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5293YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT15BLK12 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CAROLYNPLATTENCAMPB ELL,SDACORP S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0142TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0142TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3078YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT17LOT5BLK1195DESCRINOR 5 46PG289 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ROLANDRKYI,SHELLEYT K YI S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0144TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0144TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7291YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: P INELAKEPB4PG67LOT32BLKL N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MAINPROPERTIESLLC,MIC HAELTKOVACHJRESQREGISTEREDAGENTOBOMAIN P ROPERTIESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0145TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0145TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3227YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT19LOT16BLK1244DESCRINOR B K578PG680 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LUCYKUNST,MARY D ONATO S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0147TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0147TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SAVVYFLLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5654YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: S UGARMILLWOODSCYPRESSVLGPB9PG86LOT21 B LK46 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MIDOHIOSECURITIESCORP F BOFRANKBIANCOSR S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0154TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0154TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3071YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT17LOT22BLK1191DESCRINOR B K593PG458 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFLAZIOKALMAR D ECEASED,LASZLOKALMAREST S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0162TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0162TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3305YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT20LOT13BLK1294DESCINORBK 6 64PG310 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MARTAESTENGER C ATALANO S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0165TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0165TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-2566YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT5LOT4BLK546DESCRINORBK 4 24PG547 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:VENUSALIVIADOCABUCOS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0181TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0181TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3160YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT10PB6PG67LOT2BLK844 D ESCRINORBK572PG377 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DORJEEDAMDUL S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0191TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0191TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7198YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: V ILLATERUNIT11OFHOMOSASSAPB1PG52LOT27 B LK349 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ELAINERBOISVERT,RAYM ONDNBOISVERT S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0202TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0202TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BUFFALOBILLLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5826YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT22LOT12BLK1554DESCRINOR B K559PG2146 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:TARPONIVLLC,TWJPAN F LORIDALLCREGISTEREDAGENTOBOTARPONIVLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0203TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0203TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3297YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT12PB6PG87LOT4BLK891 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:PROFESSIONALAUTOBODY S UPPLYCOINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0204TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0204TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3426YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT13PB6PG98LOT17BLK996 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAMMEDLLC,JULIEANG ELONEREGISTEREDAGENTOBOJAMMEDLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0207TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0207TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7813YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L AKEESTATESLOT21BLK12DESCRINORBK586PG 1 560 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:KLAUSWIEDEMANNTRUSTE E S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0075TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0075TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5285YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT36BLK9 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0076TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0076TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5291YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2PB 6 PG52LOT18BLK10 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0156TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0156TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3538YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT21PB7PG73LOT3BLK1514 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ANNASBONDARCHUK S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0201TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0201TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-6346YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSHILLSPB8PGS5-6LOT98BLK9 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ROBERTFLEWIS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS LEGALS PUBLICNOTICE FictitiousName N oticeunderFictitiousNameLaw.pursuanttoSection865.09 , F loridaStatutes. N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN thattheundersigned,desiringt o e ngageinbusinessunderthefictitiousnameof: l ocatedat6062NW53rdCourt,Ocala,FL34482intheCount y o fMarion,intendstoregisterthesaidnamewiththeDivision o f C orporationsoftheFloridaDepartmentofState,Tallahasse e , F L. DatedatOcala,FL,this25thdayofApril,2023. R DRPropertyMaintenance&DumpsterRentals,LLC PublishedMay11,2023
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 11, 2023 B15 CLASSIFIEDS 0525THCRN2023-0077TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0077TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5292YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT19BLK10 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0079TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0079TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-1506YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT2PB5PG108LOT7BLK131 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ELLAIIILLC,JONATHANR P OLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOELLAIIILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0083TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0083TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:M&VHOLDINGS T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-3880YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT12BLK1182 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ZLATKOSNIKOLOUAKA Z LATKOSNIKOLOV S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0103TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0103TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5351YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT45BLK30DESCRINORBK414PG70 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0104TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0104TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5592YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVLGPB6PG26LOT7BLK16 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MARYFLORES,RALPH F LORES,RALPHFLORES&MARYFLORESFAMILY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0105TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0105TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7776YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L AKEESTATESLOT6BLK1DESCRINORBK239PG567 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CHESTERJOHNKACINSKI, G LORIAJEANKACINSKI S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0107TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0107TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-1504YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT2PB5PG108LOT5BLK131 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ELLAIIILLC,JONATHANR P OLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOELLAIIILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0111TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0111TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5538YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVLGPB6PG26LOT24BLK14 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DOROTHYPROCACCINI, T HOMASPROCACCINI S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0112TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0112TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-3881YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT7BLK1157 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CHUNGJOHA,MALSAENG H A S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0119TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0119TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-2916YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT15LOT22BLK1144DESCRINOR B K550PG849 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GARYBUFFALINO S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0122TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0122TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-2128YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT5PB6PG1LOT14BLK511 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:OLANDOBCLARKE, O 'LANDOBCLARKE S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0123TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0123TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADAMDOWNS T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-8871YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: V ILLATERUNIT10OFHOMOSASSAPB1PG51LOT4BLK 3 47 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:SYLVIESAINVIL S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0126TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0126TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CARLOSISAACHEREDIA T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7806YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L AKEESTSLT17BLK8DESCRINORBK570PG1360 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JONATHANRPOLITANOREG ISTEREDAGENTOBOWINDERVILLC,WINDERVILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0131TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0131TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TRACYCORSON T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-8783YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: U NIT1OFHOMOSASSAPB1PG43LOTS19&20BLK31 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ARLINEGORDON,CATHERI NEROSE S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0135TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0135TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-2814YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT13PB6PG98LOT15BLK996 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ELBERTHALL,SHARONK H ALL S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0139TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0139TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:KAIZENCOMPANIESINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7003YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT10BLK10 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:WILLIAMGERDMANIV S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0141TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0141TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3216YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT18PB7PG34LOT10BLK1028 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CEFERINOPEREZ,ELIZAB ETHPEREZ S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0153TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0153TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3866YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT37BLK1243 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JOSEPHGEORGEAKA J OSEPHJGEORGE,NEWVISTAPROPERTIESINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0158TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0158TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CARLOSISAACHEREDIA T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-4802YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: K EATINGSPARKN1/2OFLOT12BLK6DESCINORBK77 8 P G1683 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAMESLBROOKS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0160TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0160TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ALBERTGOUSARIO T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7224YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: U NIT4OFHOMOSASSAPB1PG46LOTS24&25BLK178 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BILLYGBLACK,ESTATEOF B ILLYGBLACKAKABILLYGENEBLACKDECEASED S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0169TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0169TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JGINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-10605YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNOFHOMOSASSALOT12BLK111DESCRQCDINO R BK613PG525 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GEORGEWHAEFEKER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023
B16 Thursday, May 11, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle CLASSIFIEDS Fun By The Numbers Like puzzles? Then youÂ’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! SOLUTIONS rrnÂÂÂÂÂrÂn rn ÂÂÂr   €‚ƒ „rÂ…rr…… „rÂ…r WEDO SCREEN REPAIRS! r rn rn rr WIDESELECTIONOF FLAVOREDPELLETS r ÂÂrÂÂr r ÂÂrÂÂn    r n WORD SEARCH (Literary Word)ADVANCEANNOTATEDAUTHORBINDINGBOARDSBROADSIDECOPYCOVERSEDITIONFLYLEAFFOLIOFORMAT GUTTERIMPRINTINSCRIBEDISSUEJACKETPLATEPRINTPROSPECTUSPUBLISHEDREADINGSPINEPeanuts 5/11/23 Siding Sof t Fa scia Skirting Ro of ov ers Ca rp orts Screen Roo ms De cks Wi ndo ws Do ors Ad ditions Pe rmi t An d En gineering Fe es Al lofour structures withstand 120mph winds 352-628-7519 WILLCONSTRUCTIONCORP. 352-628-2291 We alsoofferSafetyGrabBars, We atherStripping,InsuranceInspections r TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0178TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0178TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JGINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-9538YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L AKEESTSPB3PG135LOT5BLK9 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ELLAIIILLC,JONATHANR P OLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOELLAIIILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0185TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0185TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JGINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-9596YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L AKEESTATESLOT4BLK9 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DAVIDCLEARY,MEGAN C LEARY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0186TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0186TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:LORIBENNETT T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-1126YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: N ORTHSIDEADDTOCITYOFINVERNESSLOT3 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CARLENETGOLUB,GERA LDGOLUB S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0194TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0194TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3665YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT16PB6PG145LOT14BLK972 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MUSTEHEBALSHEWAIE S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0196TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0196TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3738YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT17PB7PGS1-18-LOT1BLK1167 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MOSAEDALGARNI S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0244TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0244TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:VINMASHOLDINGSLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7232YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVLGPB6PG26LOT28BLK23 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JOHNGBRADLEYIV,KATHR YNLBRADLEY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0128TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0128TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3156YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT17PB7PG1LOT13BLK1228 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CLINTSALEXANDER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0146TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0146TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-3292YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT4BLK1265 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:HEATHERNCLARKE S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0155TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0155TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3357YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT20LOT17BLK1324 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BEVERLYGREENLY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023
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Description based on: Vol. 48, no. 51 (June 8, 1939).
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