Citrus County chronicle

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Citrus County chronicle
Place of Publication:
Crystal River, FL
Citrus Publishing LLC
Gerald Mulligan
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Weekly[ FORMER <1939-1968>]
Semiweekly[ FORMER <1980-1981>]


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Newspapers -- Citrus County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
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MAY 4, HIGH Cool start, plenty of sunshine, low humidity. PAGE A4 TODAY & next morning THURSDAY 53 84 LOW Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community VOL. 129 ISSUE 124 $1Russia accuses Ukraine of attempted drone attack / A8 INDEX Business ................... A6 Classieds ................ B6 Comics ..................... B5 Crossword .............. A10 Entertainment ........... A9 Horoscope .............. A10 Nation/World ............. A8 Obituaries ................. A5 Opinion ..................... A7 TV Listings ................ A9 Weather .................... A4Ingoglia’s term-limit bill gets state Senate backing By MICHAEL D. BATES Chronicle Reporter State Sen. Blaise Ingog lia’s attempt to create term limits for school-board members is closer to reality. The Flor ida Senate on Monday gave nal approval to a bill that would im pose eight-year term limits on county school-board members, readying the issue to go to Gov. Ron DeSantis. The new limits would ap ply to terms of ofce be ginning on or after Nov. 8, 2022. The Leg islature and DeSantis last year approved a measure that capped board members’ terms at 12 years. During discussion Monday, Sen. Jason Pizzo, D-Hollywood, questioned why lawmak ers were coming back with eight-year term limits this year. “Why are we back here so fast on this?” Pizzo asked. Senate sponsor Ingoglia, R-Spring Hill, suggested that eight years was always the target of lawmakers. “I think that eight years was the preferred landing spot. We didn’t get that last year. We’re doing it this year,” said Ingoglia, who represents Citrus County. The Senate voted 30-7 to pass the bill (HB 477), with ve Democrats joining Re publicans in backing the measure. The House voted 79-29 in March to pass the bill. The House voted 79-29 in March to pass the bill. In goglia had originally sought an eight-year cap on county commissions as well but the House bill excised that part. Senate President Kathleen Passidomo, R-Naples, said she thinks eight-year term lim its is the “right number of years.”If approved, school board members would be limited to eight years PIZZO PASSIDOMO INGOGLIAMain Street gets new executive director By FRED HIERS Chronicle Reporter Most visitors to Crystal River seldom know that many of the city’s attrac tions that they came here to enjoy have a common origin. Instead, they may stop and admire the city’s town square mural, or watch their children play at Crys tal River’s new splash pad, or rent the city’s restored pump house beneath the city’s water tower, with out giving much thought about how they came to be. Few, if any, know that the non-prot, Crystal River Main Street, was essential in getting state grants, pri vate donations, working with local governments, and spearheading such projects. Even the popular replica of the Spirit of Crystal Riv er scow displayed for three years outside in the city’s downtown for three years was a gifted from Crys tal River Main Street after working with the Crystal River Boat Builders. To continue the organi zation’s momentum, the Main Street board hired last month Alison Pinkston as its new executive director to work with local govern ment, businesses, and the public to help preserve and improve Crystal River’s his toric downtown. Pinkston told the Chron icle that Main Street is in a unique position to “work with business owners, the (city) council, and the city employees … and as a li aison … help nd funding for projects that the city wouldn’t normally be avail able to the city. One recent example, she said, of that was when Crys tal River Main Street won a $50,000 grant to renovate the city’s Pump House, and raised another $50,000 in matching funds for the proj ect. Pinkston said there are large national and regional businesses that typically of fer grants to small commu nities wanting to preserve their community and histor ical places. Crystal River Main Street board member Carol Kim brough told the Chronicle that often these grants are not available to local gov ernments, but rather only to nonprots. That puts Crys tal River Main Street in a good position to get grants and use them for the preser vation and betterment of the city and its residents, a goal shared by the city’s council. Pinkston wasted no time after getting the job looking for potential grants. She is already applying for $65,000 in grants to further Main Street’s work. Matthew Beck / Chronicle photo editor Crystal River Main Street Executive Director Alison Pinkston will be working with local businesses, residents and the City of Crystal River to promote and help advance Crystal River. She started in the position this April.City in unique position to work with business ownersPolice capture suspect in Atlanta medical facility shooting By JEFF AMY and KATE BRUMBACK Associated Press ATLANTA — Police say they have apprehended a man who allegedly opened re inside the waiting room of an Atlanta medical fa cility, killing one woman and injuring four others Wednesday. Authorities had swarmed the city’s bustling midtown neighborhood earlier in the day in search of the suspect, who ed after the shooting. Police said in a statement that the gunman, who they identied as 24-year-old Deion Patterson, was cap tured Wednesday evening. Authorities did not imme diately release additional information about where Patterson was found. Authorities said Patter son stole a vehicle and drove away after shooting ve women on the 11th oor of a Northside med ical building shortly after noon. The facility is in a commercial area lled with ofce towers and high-rise apartments and news of the shooting prompted workers and lunchgoers to shelter in place for hours. Atlanta Police Chief Darin Schierbaum said a 39-year-old woman was pronounced dead at the scene of the shooting. The four injured victims were also women, aged 25, 39, 56 and 71. Hours after the shooting, Atlanta Mayor Andre Dick ens told reporters the surviv ing victims “are ghting for their lives at Grady Hospital.” Patterson’s mother, Min yone Patterson, told The Associated Press by phone that her son, a former Coast Guardsman, had “some mental instability going on” from medication he received from the Veterans Affairs health system that he began taking on Friday. She said she didn’t know where her son was. She said her son had wanted Ativan to deal with anxiety and depression but Alex Slitz / AP Law enforcement officers arrive near the scene of an active shooter on Wednesday in Atlanta. See BILL , page A4 See SHOOTING , page A4 See DIRECTOR , page A4 Nurses Appreciation 2023 LOOKfortheWinners inthisSunday’sChronicle


A2 Thursday, May 4, 2023 Citrus County ChronicleUnited Way’s Power of the Purse changes lives By NANCY KENNEDY Chronicle Reporter Is it really possible that bidding on a purse can change someone’s life? Since 2013, staff mem bers at the United Way of Citrus County have seen for themselves the power of a purse at their annual Pow er of the Purse fundraising event. The “girls night out” event begins with a social time of heavy hors d’oeuvres, two complimentary drinks and a chance to shop and bid on the hundred or more new or almost-new purses, includ ing designer bags that retail in the hundreds of dollars, for the silent auction. Then the fun begins with the live auction, always a rollicking good time with the lively and high-energy auctioneer, Anthony Holte, Citrus United Way’s board chairman. Items up for live auction are new designer purses combined with gift packag es from a spa day or jewelry to Botox or even a trip to Mexico. “It’s always really good stuff that people like,” said Jess Maloney, Citrus United Way community engage ment coordinator. In years past, funds raised have gone toward such things as the ReadingPals program or after-school math tutoring for mid dle-school students. This year, with the goal of $40,000, half the pro ceeds will go toward quar terly scholarships to local nonprots that serve their clients in the areas of health, education and/or nancial stability. The other half will go to help the ALICE population – Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. “These are people who are working but falling behind, and people are denitely struggling and need a little bit of help, especially with housing, helping them not get evicted,” Maloney said. “Every day we meet with these clients, and it’s awful. These are working people and when their rent goes from $1,000 to $2,000, not only can’t they afford it, but there’s nowhere for them to go; there’s nothing available that’s affordable.” This year’s Power of the Purse begins at 6 p.m. Fri day, June 2, at Citrus Hills Golf & Country Club, 505 E. Hartford St., Hernando. “This is the rst time we’re having it on a Friday, and that’s what people have been asking for,” Maloney said. Tickets are $40 and can be purchased through the United Way website at cit or by call ing Jess Maloney at 352-795-5483. Also, to be an event spon sor, call Jess. Donations of new or very gently used, like-new purs es are still being accepted. Drop them off during ofce hours, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, at the United Way ofce at 1582 N. Meadowcrest Blvd., Crystal River, FL 34429. Nancy Kennedy can be reached at 352-564-2927 or by email at Chronicle file In this photo from 2020, from left, Denise Segovia, Debby Stew art and Amy McLaughlin attend the annual United Way of Citrus County Power of the Purse event.Local United Way’s fundraising event will be June 2 FOR THE RECORD Citrus County Sheriff’s Office Arrests from April 30Q Michael Joseph Sawyer , 49, Inverness, arrested April 30 for felony driving while license suspended or revoked habitual offender. Bond $5,000. Q Tyler James Grimison , 30, Homosassa, arrested April 30 for misdemeanor retail petit theft (value $100 or less). Bond $500. Q Kathleen Marie Kiernan , 41, Beverly Hills, arrested April 30 for misdemeanor DUI and upon first conviction for know ingly driving while license sus pended or revoked for any of the underlying violations of (A)1-6. Bond $2,000. Q Jeremy Miles Bunker , 30, Citrus Springs, arrested April 30 for misdemeanor DUI with damage to property of another person. Bond $1,000. Q Dmitry Bezruk Oestreich , 27, Crystal River, arrested April 30 for burglary of unoc cupied residence. Bond $10,000. Q Jason Michael Harris , 27, Crystal River, arrested April 30 for misdemeanor violation of probation. No bond. Q Daniel Robert Parker , 35, Hernando, arrested April 30 for misdemeanor possession cannabis (less than 20 grams). Bond $1,000.Arrests from May 1Q Guy Gary Howard , 45, Inverness, arrested May 1 for felony possession of con trolled substance and drug paraphernalia. Bond $3,000. Q Gregg David Atkisson , 36, Beverly Hills, arrested May 1 for felony battery, battery on LEO/firefighter/EMS provider/public transport employee and resist officer without violence. Bond $7,000. Q Richard Edward Moore , 66, Inverness, arrested May 1 for misdemeanor no motor vehicle registration/vehicle not registered and driving while license suspended or revoked third offense. Bond $2,000. Q Justin Wiley II , 23, Crystal River, arrested May 1 for mis demeanor violation of proba tion. No bond. Q Deseraye Shanice Ford , 30, Homosassa, arrested May 1 for felony possession of controlled substance and drug paraphernalia. Bond $3,000. Q Ian Stephen Seilhamer , 46, Inverness, arrested May 1 for misdemeanor driving while license suspended or revoked and felony violation of proba tion. No bond.Thank you, editorThank you to the editor for enlightening us on the sheriff’s department’s fail-ure to communicate crime information in a timely and informative manner. We citizens in Citrus County expect and deserve better.Commissioners should fulfill their promisesThe unprecedented recent growth in our county is mind boggling. Our county commis sioners have no regard for what the majority of resi dents want, who, by the way, elected the same commis sioners based on their campaign promises of man aged growth. Their managing is not in the best interest of protecting our natural resources or taking into account the limited infrastructure and public safety. Maybe they should take a look at the bios listed on the BOCC website and remind themselves of their priorities. Oh, and forget about contacting them using the email provided. You get a generic response or none at all. I feel they should be responsible for fullling their promises.Thank you for commitment to public informationThank you to the Chroni cle editor Jim Gouvellis for his column today and his commitment to access to public information. It’s quite shocking and yet not sur prising that Sheriff Prender gast would attempt to bury a story about a local shooting, especially in light of its similarity to similar random shootings of children that have happened nationally. It doesn’t make me feel safer in Citrus County to know that our top public safety ofcer hides the truth about crime in our community.I agree about the sheriffI have to agree with the comments in today’s paper regarding the sheriff’s self-promotion and public relations versus public information. I would like to see how much money he spends on promotions, pro-moting himself and travel. The County Commission should look at this and the Chronicle should make a request to see if he will pro vide that information.Our kids shouldn’t be doing thisI went to the Citrus County Fair on Saturday, and I went in the south gate, and the rst thing I noticed was a bunch of kids playing la-ser tag and shooting at each other with ries for laser tag. I just kind of don’t re-ally think that’s very tting for kids to be doing, but that’s just my opinion. And yes, I’m just a snowbird, but anyway I was looking in the paper because I thought other people would notice that, too, but maybe I’m wrong. Maybe it’s a good thing to teach kids but I don’t think it is.Please print movie scheduleI’m calling Sound Off in re-gard to the movie schedule times that has been amiss in the paper for the past two weeks. I think it’s important that you put this schedule somewhere in the paper, so those of us who like to go to the movies know what is playing, as well as what’s in the Valerie Theater. We’d appreciate it. Thank you very much for your time, and the paper is looking better each day.Why can’t she do it?I’m calling in reference to the article, “County enlists outside counsel in owner-ship battle,” in the Friday, April 28, Chronicle. My question is if she thinks that’s a good idea, why didn’t she employ the tac-tics or whatever she needed at the very beginning to do this title search? I’m sure she must have assistants that do research work and such. It doesn’t seem to me to be any conict of inter-est. And Swiftmud, how can there be any conict of interest if there is a valid title that says this belongs either to the county or to Swiftmud? I just don’t get this, and I think Denise Dy-mond Lyn needs to explain this a lot more clearly for people to understand be-cause you’re using our tax money for this. Personally, this seems to be a job that could’ve been completed by her and her ofce.Response to ‘What about Katie?’I’m calling in refer ence to a Letter written by Renee Christo pher-McPheeters, “What about Katie?” It told the story of homeless young woman, 25 years old, who came to her door and what occurred during the interaction, and she ended with, “It’s wonderful that we’re going to have a new animal shelter, but what about Katie? What about the baby?” Katie may have had a rough start being a foster child, but that didn’t make Katie get pregnant and decide to have a baby when she’s living in a tent. There are people by 25 that have already started careers, have homes, have vehicles. While I do have empathy for Katie, it has nothing to do with the building of an animal shel ter. People make their own choices. You can choose the path that you want to take, even if you’ve had a hard start. The animals don’t have any choice.Why do you need names?A recent Sound Off asked why people don’t show their names with their posts. First thing I have to ask is, why do you need someone’s name? It almost sounds like a threat. Second, I used my name on another local forum and ended up having physical threats from a member of our far-right community. We actually had people on our yard in the middle of the night damaging our property as a way of threat-ening us. It is truly sad that we have so many unstable folks living amongst us.To Thomas Mitchell ...There are a few things that Thomas Mitchell of Inver ness should know, and he evidently does not. To begin with, no matter how rigid laws are or how heavily they are enforced, criminals will always have guns because they ignore laws. That’s why they call them crim inals and forced law will only disarm the honest.DeSantis needs to pick oneI’m calling about Democrats and Republicans. I’m an independent person, but what seems to be is more of a Republican state to allow our governor to keep his position as governor but can run for president. Any other races, people had to step down from their position if they’re running for a higher ofce. This is not right. This is too much power for Republicans like DeSantis, running all over the globe. He’s not here do-ing his job for the state of Florida. What’s he doing? He’s campaigning. And this stuff with Disney World, he should keep out of that. This has been going on for many years. I think this is completely wrong that he can still keep the gover-nor’s job while campaign-ing. And if he’s elected, which job is he keeping?Panda Man: The responseJesse Rumson was illegally arrested with a blank search warrant at his home in Citrus County, our sov-ereign soil. He was arrested for misdemeanor charges that they had to really dig hard to nd the photographs of, and we have proof that most of what they’re saying is not true. Was he inside the Capitol? Yes, but not intentionally. The doors were opened from the inside. If you don’t know the truth about what happened on Jan. 6, please attend the meetings around the county. You might learn something. He was not violent. He was protecting himself from being attacked by putting his hands in front of his face when he was hit severely and was treated for a concussion after. If people would pay attention to what’s really going on in this world, they wouldn’t be making trash judgments against a Hindu monk. He is nonviolent. Get over it.You’re dividing AmericaThis is for person attacking folks who don’t like it that the sheriff posted a hat that said that he would rather be an American than a Democrat. Those who said people that couldn’t appreciate that should have never moved here. Well, as a commonsense Republican I would like to say that a comment like that makes you sound like a fool. Peo-ple like that are dividing and destroying America and making me think it’s time to switch parties.It’s not everyone’s priorityI have to laugh at a comment on Friday, April 25, in Sound Off, “Actually, we do need electric vehicles.” The college children drove an electric car across the country, nding charging stations with no problem. The average car buyer can’t afford an electric car or the price for a new battery. Cli-mate change is not number one on the minds of people, but high grocery prices and economy is. SOUND OFFCALL 563-0579 rr n r rr nrrrnrrr rrrnrrnrrrnn nnnnnn  nn n   ­€ ‚ƒ€„„  ­€‚€ƒ„ƒƒ  ­€‚ƒ……  …†‡ƒƒˆ  ­€†ƒ‡€‡ˆ  ­€‚­ƒ‰Š‹ƒŒŽ‘€nŠnƒƒ’ƒ…“††n’‚“”†nnr €€‰Š‹Œ ŒŠ n    ­ €…‚ ƒ „‚„„ ‰n  rr nnrr nrr nnrrr rrrnrrr•–„•—„’•„ˆ„„r  ­€‚ 


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 4, 2023 A3L CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLENew Church Without Walls to hold yard sale The New Church With out Walls will be holding a yard sale with lots of items from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday, May 4, and Fri day, May 5, located at the church, 300 S. Kensington Ave., Lecanto.Memorial dedication at Stage Stand Cemetery The Homosassa River Garden Club will dedicate a memorial bench in mem ory of Rosemary “Mim” Brockett at 10 a.m. Satur day, May 6, at the Historic Stage Stand Cemetery in Homosassa. Brockett died Jan. 14, 2022. She was born in East Orange, New Jersey, and moved to Homosassa in 1993. She was very active in the community, belong ing to various clubs and enjoying golf and tennis. She joined the Homo sassa River Garden Club in 1994, where she con tributed generously of her time, talents and funds. She assisted Ruth Hawn and Gloria Peterson, who spearheaded the club’s ef fort to clean up and beau tify Stage Stand Cemetery in 2005. Since then, the cemetery has remained the club’s agship project. In 2017, the club dedicated a Blue Star Memorial Marker at Stage Stand Cemetery which honors military veterans with funds pro vided by Brockett. Alyssa’s Critters to host Meet and Greet Alyssa’s Critters will be hosting a Communi ty Meet and Greet from 2-4 p.m. on Saturday, May 6, located at 8459 W. Oak St., Crystal River. Come meet everyone and learn about their mis sion to care for the wild life of Citrus and beyond. Alyssa’s Critters wants to meet the community, share all of the exciting things that are going on with their licensing and opening process, and meet potential volunteers. For more information, contact Alyssa Clossin, founder and president, at 727-401-9851 or Alyssa shelter seeks donations The Citrus County Abuse Shelter Associa tion (CASA) is in need of: Food items: Milk, butter, Cup-a-Soup, ramen noo dles, oil of oregano and kid-friendly snacks and drinks (Gatorade, juice). Non-food items: Nail clippers, nail polish re mover, children’s under wear (all sizes), paper towels, sponges and AZO medication. For information, email Kimberly Hauter at If interested in volun teering, call 352-344-8111 or download the Volunteer Application at Completed ap plications can be emailed to ABC of Dementia workshop May 5 The Friends of Citrus and the Nature Coast will host a free ABC of De mentia workshop from 2 to 4 p.m. on Friday, May 5, located at 8471 W. Peri winkle Lane, Homosassa. The program will also include “Care Grieving,” a presentation by Friends Program Manager Jona than Beard. The workshop is free, but reservations are en couraged. For more in formation, call 352-422-3663 or 352-249-1470. IN BRIEF Inverness moves forward to explore dock move By FRED HIERS Chronicle Reporter Despite apprehension by some Inverness city council members, the council gave its city manager approval to investigate the process of moving the Wallace Brooks Park boat dock to the adja cent Liberty Park. The council opened the door for City Manager Eric Williams to meet with Environmental Resources Management and ask for ERM to investigate all that’s involved in the process, including permit require ments, if there are any. The city installed the boat dock at the park in Big Lake Henderson about three years ago to attract boaters and keep them from mooring their vessels along the shore. Councilman Gene Davis, also a boat owner, told the council the dock is too close to the proposed dredging and beach site. It’s also too iso lated and boaters don’t want to leave their boats there for fear of theft. He also said the dock is too far from Liberty Park, where there are many more attractions. The dock, if moved to Lib erty, could also be used there for the annual Big Bass Blue grass and BBQ event, which draws dozens of boaters and more every year, he said. Williams’ proposal is to convert the current dock site to a pier. He also warned that having boats drawn to the future swimming area is a safety issue. “This is not a good mix,” Williams said of boats and swimmers in close prox imity. “It’s a recipe to have something happen.” Council members Jacquie Hepfer and Cabot McBride and Mayor Bob Plaisted agreed the time to move the dock was now. But Council president Lin da Bega and Councilwoman Crystal Lizanich said they wanted to know more about the moving costs. The two, however, agreed to get the consultants to start the pro cess and give an estimate as to what they think costs will be. Lizanich said the city had many other needs and the dock issue should maybe have to wait. Williams said he could re turn in two weeks with some more information and some potential, funding sources. Fred Hiers is a reporter at the Citrus Chronicle. Email him at CORRECTION Dr. Peter Tan, who was proled in the Wednesday, May 3, Chronicle Live & Learn section, as well as the Pinnacle monthly pub lication, was mistakenly identied as both a medical doctor and a dentist. Tan has medical and den tal training with a surgical residency and a surgical fellowship, but in not a medical doctor. In addition to being an expert in oral, maxillofacial, and craniofa cial surgery and oro-facial pain, he also is an expert in anesthesiology. The Chronicle regrets the error.LHS 2003 grads team up for ‘Citrus County Reunion Weekend’ By NANCY KENNEDY Chronicle Reporter For their 20th reunion, members of the Lecanto High School class of 2003 plan to generate more than nostalgia. A team of seven grads de cided that their reunion could be more than just a meet-up telling 20-year-old stories. In addition to catching up with each other, the grads have teamed up with the Cit rus County Education Foun dation to raise funds for the nonprot. “There is something spe cial about growing up in Cit rus County,” said Amanda Larder, one of the reunion weekend organizers. “Many of the students I graduated high school with were in my elementary and middle school classes. “That’s extremely rare and something to celebrate. We knew we could do more than just throw a party. We want ed to raise money for a good cause, and that’s just what we’re doing.” Lecanto residents Krystal and Ryan Downs, both LHS 2003, are supporting plan ning via their company, Dig ital Hound Media. “We’re ongoing supporters of the Citrus County Edu cation Foundation,” Krystal said. “As (a) beneciary, the foundation has been a huge partner in planning. Our hope is that future graduat ing classes follow this model – to celebrate their reunion, and for a good cause.” Citrus County Reunion Weekend is being sponsored by Sodium Fishing Gear. “Aligning Sodium with Cit rus County Reunion Week end was an easy decision,” said Sodium owner Casey Damron. “We have a team of incredible organizers and the proceeds will all benet kids in our community. “We’re based in Crystal River and think an annual re union event is a perfect way to engage with our commu nity – and our amazing cus tomers.” While the event is host ed by the class of 2003, the community is encouraged and welcome to purchase tickets and to attend as many activities as they would like. Sponsorships are still avail able and range from a $250 “Grad Gift” to a $3,000 “Gold Sponsor.” Tickets are $45. Donations can be made in honor or in memory of any graduate of Citrus County Schools. “We’re honored to serve as beneciary of this incredi ble reunion weekend and hope everyone will consider joining – or donating – to this inaugural weekend,” said Shaunda Burdette, Executive Director, Citrus County Education Founda tion (CCEF). Activities will begin Fri day eve ning, May 12, with a welcome reception at Crump’s Landing, followed by a full lineup of activities on Saturday, May 13, including a school tour, discounted lunch at the Boil Yard and a culmi nating event with live mu sic and door prizes at Copp Brewery and Winery. For more information, to sponsor, purchase tickets or donate to CCEF, go on line to: https://citruscounty Nancy Kennedy can be reached at 352-564-2927 or by email at will raise funds for the Citrus County Education Foundation BURDETTECEO maps out proposed rental community By MICHAEL D. BATES Chronicle Reporter Citrus County commis sioners next week will tack le a developer’s controver sial plan to build up to 250 multi-family rental homes at Sugarmill Woods’ Oak Village community. The county’s Planning and Development Commission (PDC) has already recom mended approval with con ditions. County staff found the request consistent with the comprehensive plan. Now it’s in the coun ty commissioners’ court. They can support or deny the PDC’s recommenda tion. The new development will be a mix of 250 sin gle-family villas, duplexes and townhomes on 49 acres in Sugarmill’s Oak Village community. Many Sugarmill residents oppose the new Cherry Oaks development, fearing increased congestion, a loss of the community’s laid-back atmosphere and a drop in property values caused by renters. Steve Ponticos, CEO of Sweetwater Homes of Cit rus, is condent that once he explains the project in detail at next week’s Coun ty Commission meeting, it will put people’s minds at ease. Ahead of that meeting, Ponticos posted a video overview of the project “to set the record straight” and discuss details. “We’re asking the county to rezone,” he said. “In stead of going for high density, which would be 12-18 units per acre, we’re going for 5.1 units per acre.” Ponticos said he’s lived in Sugarmill Woods since 1975 and would not build anything there that would harm the community. Cherry Oaks Village, he said, will be marketed to seniors and young profes sionals. Ponticos said in 2020 that a new concept called “Build to Rent” (BTR) came into vogue. These are rental communities, consisting of homes, apartments, duplexes and villas – usually clustered together and with all the com forts of a single-family home. He said people in their 80s and 90s can no longer af ford their homes and seek to downsize. “They’re living in a home they can’t take care of any more,” he said. To view Ponticos’ vid eo and learn more about Cherry Oaks Village, visit The item will be discussed during the public hearing section of Thursday’s com mission meeting, which begins at 5:01 p.m. at the Citrus County Courthouse at 110 N. Apopka Avenue, Inverness. Michael D. Bates is a staff writer with the Citrus County Chronicle and can be reached at Submitted photo Steve Ponticos, CEO of Sweetwater Homes of Citrus, has released a video which spells out in more detail his proposed Cherry Oaks Village housing development in Sugarmill Woods.Steve Ponticos releases video ‘to set the record straight’ Submitted photo The new development will be a mix of 250 single-family villas, duplexes and townhomes on 49 acres in Sugarmill’s Oak Village community.


A4 Thursday, May 4, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle To start your subscription: Call now for home delivery by our carriers: Citrus County: 352-563-5655 13 weeks: $90.60* — 26 weeks: $151.01* — 52 weeks: $241.62* Subscription price does not include applicable state and local sales tax. Any promotional rate, other than what’s listed above, is non-refundable. Temporary suspension of your print newspaper delivery due to vacation and other reasons does not extend your subscription expiration date. Your subscription includes 24/7 digital access to all content available online. Call 352-563-5655 for details. Your account will be subject to a surcharge for premium issues. 1RWL¿FDWLRQRIWKHSUHPLXPLVVXHDQGVXUFKDUJHDUHOLVWHGEHORZ Your total bill will remain unaffected, but there may be a slight adjustment in your expiration date. Ezpay subscribers will see the increased surcharge on their monthly transaction in the applicable month. 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Published every Sunday through Saturday By Citrus Publishing LLC POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Citrus County Chronicle 1624 N. MEADOWCREST BLVD., CRYSTAL RIVER, FL 34429 PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT INVERNESS, FL 6(&21'&/$663(50,7 Exclusi Legend: YTD -Year to Date, PR -Daily Precipitation ve daily forecast by: ** Light only extreme allergic will show symptoms, moderate most allergic will experience symptoms, heavy all allergic will experience symptoms.rr r r rr For more information call Florida Division of Forestry at (352) 797-4140. For more informationon wildfire conditions, pleasevisittheDivisionofForestry ‹ sWebsite: nr  ­€‚ƒ„    ­­ Levels reported in feet above sea level. Flood stage for lakes are based on 2.33-year Á ood, the mean-annual Á ood which has a 43-precent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any one year. This data is obtained from the Southw est Florida Water Ma nagement District and is subject to revision. In no event will the District or the United States Geological Survey be liable for any damages arising out of the use of this data. If you have any questions you should contact the Hydr ological Data Section at (352) 796-7211. r r …r…rr†  …‡ rr „ˆ  r *From mouths of rivers**At King ‹ s Bay***At Mason ‹ s Creek rrr‰r‰ „ˆ (MORNING) (AFTERNOON) rRecordNormalMean temp.Departure from mean rTotal for the monthTotal for the yearNormal for the year Š‹0 -2 minimal, 3-4 low, 5-6 moderate, 7-9 high, 10+ very high Œr…… * r n Taken at Crystal River SATURDAY & SUNDAY MORNINGHigh: 88° Low: 65° Warm with partly to mostly sunny skies. A slim chance of an afternoon thunderstorm. Yesterday0.00" 0.00"4.64" 12.73" As reported from 29.87 Yesterday at 3 p.m.63%Yesterday observedGoodPollutantOzone May 5May 12May 19May 27 0 1Monday6 7Thursday2 3Tuesday 8 9 -or-Common AreasFriday 4 5Wednesday Daytona Bch.8068sFort Lauderdale8571sFort Myers8766sGainesville8457sHomestead8966sJacksonville8462sKey West8576sLakeland8962sMelbourne8270s WEDTHU Albany56440.175842shAlbuquerque7754Trace8044pcAsheville63480.006642sAtlanta72440.007453sAtlantic City55440.075748shAustin85640.008671shBaltimore56470.026449shBillings75530.008154pcBirmingham73440.007857sBoise82520.007251tBoston55450.045045shBuffalo48370.215140shBurlington, VT54460.275442shCharleston, SC75540.007558sCharleston, WV52390.096540pcCharlotte62480.007150sChicago57410.006250sCincinnati61430.016644pcCleveland50410.345340mcColumbia, SC73450.007451sColumbus, OH50390.086342pcConcord, NH55450.175144shDallas81640.008468mcDenver74480.007444shDes Moines68330.007953sDetroit55390.115943mcEl Paso84580.008358sEvansville, IN64430.007453sHarrisburg52440.026042shHartford5739Trace5643shHouston84630.018572mcIndianapolis6139Trace7047pcKansas City72390.007256shLas Vegas80570.007153pcLittle Rock76460.008161mcLos Angeles65500.006253raLouisville64450.007148sMemphis73480.007859mcMilwaukee50390.006146pcMinneapolis67370.007547sMobile79540.008264sMontgomery75470.008058sNashville70500.007454s WED Acapulco90/80/clAmsterdam64/44/mcAthens70/58/raBeijing66/59/raBerlin64/43/pcBermuda72/68/raCairo96/66/sCalgary75/54/raHavana83/75/sHong Kong80/77/ra Jerusalem84/64/s 84/56n/a 82/63n/a 80/57Trace 85/63n/a 82/64n/a 6.30" WEDTUE Withlacoochee at Holder26.9827.0134.64Tsala Apopka-Hernando36.2736.2938.66Tsala Apopka-Inverness37.2837.3039.73Tsala Apopka-Floral City38.5838.5941.37 Lisbon70/60/pcLondon66/48/clMadrid76/56/pcMexico City77/65/raMontreal48/39/raMoscow58/43/pcParis73/52/mcRio81/69/sRome73/54/sSydney65/52/sTokyo74/59/sToronto46/42/ra Warsaw62/43/s WEDTHU New Orleans81710.008468sNew York City5647Trace5747shNorfolk65490.036649mcOklahoma City6351Trace7762shOmaha70340.008157pcPalm Springs77550.007054shPhiladelphia52460.035944shPhoenix88680.007958sPittsburgh46360.325939shPortland, ME46430.644744shPortland, OR67500.005949tProvidence, RI53370.025242shRaleigh64440.007049sRapid City75460.007547sReno50330.835839tRochester, NY47370.255139shSacramento63440.016550shSalt Lake City79570.007247shSan Antonio84640.008772shSan Diego64540.006254shSan Francisco59510.416150shSavannah77480.007757sSeattle66520.006250mcSpokane82530.038652pcSt. Louis68370.007757sSt. Ste Marie4841Trace5542mcSyracuse48390.305541shTopeka74350.007457shWashington57480.026344mc Miami8473sOcala8658sOrlando8765sPensacola7965sSarasota8665sTallahassee8458sTampa9064sVero Beach8368sW. Palm Bch.8076s Chassahowitzka* 6:27 a.m.0.3 ft6:05 p.m.0.6 ft1:01 a.m.0.0 ft12:13 p.m.0.2 ft Crystal River** 4:41 a.m.1.9 ft4:25 p.m.2.2 ft10:52 a.m.0.7 ft11:29 p.m.-0.1 ft Withlacoochee* 2:09 a.m.3.1 ft1:40 p.m.3.4 ft8:43 a.m.1.0 ft9:19 p.m.-0.1 ft Homosassa*** 6:06 a.m.0.8 ft5:15 p.m.1.4 ft12:51 a.m.-0.1 ft11:32 a.m.0.2 ft 8:06 pm6:45 am7:19 pm6:01 am 05/04THURSDAY6:4512:138:0612:3605/05FRIDAY6:4512:598:071:24 Predominant: TreesThu lowmedhigh Yesterday at 3 p.m.43° 10 Yesterday84/65 97/4887/58 73 2 FRIDAY & SATURDAY MORNINGHigh: 88° Low: 61° Mostly sunny with a warm afternoon. TODAY & TOMORROW MORNINGHigh: 84° Low: 53° Cool start to the day with plenty of sunshine and low humidity. MODERATE. Burn ban in effect. For established lawns and landscapes, irrigation may occur during only one (1) of the specified time periods, 12:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m., or 4:00 p.m. 11:59 p.m., on the allowable watering days below:Addresses with house numbers ending in: Questions, concerns or reporting violations, please call: City of Inverness at 352-726-2321; City of Crystal River at 352-795-4216, Ext. 313; unincorporated Citrus County at 352-527-7669. For more information, visit: KEY TO CONDITIONS: c=cloudy; fg=fog; hz=haze; mc=mostly cloudy; pc=partly cloudy; ra=rain; rs=rain/snow; s=sunny; sh=showers; sm=smoke; sn=snow; ss=snow showers; t=thunderstorms 92, Rio Grande City, Texas16, Olancha, Calif. Today: North winds 5 to 10 knots. Seas 1 foot or less. Bay and inland waters light chop. Tonight: Northwest winds around 10 knots, becoming north after midnight. Seas 1 foot or OHVV%D\DQGLQODQGZDWHUVOLJKWbFKRS 76° FORECAST FOR 3:00 P.M. Thursday ALERT CITRUS SIGNUP Q To register for the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office’s Alert Citrus weather program, visit and click on the links to register. Q Create a profile, list how you want to be contacted in case of a weather emergency (text, mobile phone, home phone, email), then include the address(es) you want alerts for. You can choose what types of emergencies you want to hear about, and set a quiet period for no conduct. Q Those without computer access may call 352-2492705. “After all, the Legislature is term-limited out at eight years, and what’s good for us is good for pretty much anybody else,” Passido-mo told reporters after the measure passed. “I’m in favor of term limits. And since we (state lawmakers) do eight years, why not?” Monday’s approval came during a legislative session that has included lawmak-ers pursuing various oth-er changes dealing with school boards. For example, the Legislature last month approved a proposed constitutional amendment that seeks to shift to holding partisan school-board elections. Lawmakers’ approval put the measure on the 2024 ballot. If approved by voters, the amendment would do away with a requirement that school-board candidates run without party labels. Partisan elections could begin in 2026. Supporters of moving to partisan school-board rac-es argued that partisan pol-itics already are inherent in campaigns. During last year’s elections, DeSantis took the rare step of endorsing dozens of conservative can-didates – many of whom went on to win their races. Another measure (HB 411) seeks to change a requirement that school-board candidates have to live in the districts they are seeking to represent at the time they qualify to run. The proposal, which would require candidates to live in the districts at the time they assume of ce, needs House approval be-fore it could go to DeSan-tis. Michael D. Bates is a staff writer with the Citrus County Chronicle and can be reached at BILLFrom page A1that the VA wouldn’t give it to him because they said it would be “too addicting.” She’s a nurse and said she told them he would only have taken the proper dos-age “because he listened to me in every way.” “Those families, those families,” she said, starting to sob. “They’re hurting because they wouldn’t give my son his damn Ativan. Those families lost their loved ones because he had a mental break because they wouldn’t listen to me.” She ended the call without saying what medication her son had been taking. “We are horri ed and saddened to hear of the active shooter situation in Atlanta today,” Veterans Affairs Press Secretary Terrence Hayes said in an emailed statement. “Due to patient privacy, we cannot discuss the Veteran’s personal information without written consent.” After getting information that the shooter may have entered Cobb County, in-vestigators checked surveil-lance and traf c cameras, and found that the vehicle that appeared to be the one he was driving had en-tered Cobb County around 12:30 p.m., Cobb County police Sgt. Wayne Delk said. That discovery set off a massive search in the coun-ty just northwest of Atlanta. Delk said Atlanta police recovered the vehicle in a parking garage near the Battery, a mixed-use devel-opment which is next to the stadium where the Atlanta Braves play. In a statement, the U.S. Coast Guard said Patterson had joined the service in 2018 and was discharged from active duty in January. He was an electrician’s mate second class at the time. Crime Stoppers was offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information leading to the arrest and in-dictment of the suspect. Around the time of the shooting, Cassidy Hale, a medical device representa-tive, said she was driving to the facility to check on a machine in the building’s 12th oor outpatient sur-gery center. Hale saw retrucks but didn’t realize anything was wrong until after she parked and found the ele-vator wasn’t working. Hale said she called the operating room manager, who told her there was an active shooter and she should go back to her car. Hale said police kept her from leaving the parking garage and later checked each car and escorted her out to be interviewed. SHOOTINGFrom page A1 Kimbrough said for the city council’s part, the city is very effective at market-ing itself. It’s also success-fully ensured that down-town buildings are occupied and tourists visit and spend money in Crystal River. Meanwhile, Main Street works to preserve histor-ic buildings that re ect the city’s past rather than de-molish them. The organization was founded in 2015 to help preserve and improve the historic downtown district of Crystal River. It is Main Street’s goal to educate the general public about the his-toric signi cance of the dis-trict’s architecture, history and culture. It promotes and educates the public about historic preservation of the down-town area, which includes the Community Redevelopment Area (CRA). Crystal River Main Street is overseen by Florida Main Street, a program admin-istrated by the Division of Historical Resources under the Florida Department of State. Pinkston, 39, moved to Florida with her husband and three children from In-diana. Her husband works for Duke Energy. Before being a homemaker, she worked as a fundraiser for nonpro ts. The city council donates to Main Street $36,000 an-nually for its work. Pinkston said she will work closely with the city as growth comes to Crystal River. It can’t be stopped, she said, but by coordinat-ing with the city, Crystal River can remain a beauti-ful ocean side destination to tourists and home to its residents. Fred Hiers is a reporter at the Citrus Chronicle. Email him at DIRECTORFrom page A1 Matthew Beck / Chronicle photo editor Alison Pinkston, new Crystal River Main Street executive director, says she isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She proves the point while pitching in during a recent community-improvement project at Copeland Park in Crystal River.


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 4, 2023 A5 OBITUARIES Donald RamseyApril 30, 2023The Service of Remem brance for Mr. Donald Ramsey, age 63 years, of Citrus Springs, Florida, will be held 10:30 AM Saturday, May 6th, 2023 at the Bev erly Hills Chapel of Hoop er Funeral Homes. He died on Sunday, April 30, 2023 in Citrus Springs, Florida. Arrangements are under the direction of the Beverly Hills Chapel of Hooper Fu neral Home & Crematory. Olivia Carlyle Vawter MillsApril 29, 2023Olivia Carlyle Vawter Mills, age 89 of Maryville, TN, passed away peace fully on April 29, 2023, after a brief illness. She was born and raised in Maryville, the youngest of four girls. She graduated from Maryville High School and Maryville College, where she majored in Biology. She worked in the library at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, in administration for Royer Realty in Atlanta, Georgia, and as a homemaker raising her two children before re tiring to Inverness, FL with her husband. She returned to Maryville in 2018 to be closer to her children. She was preceded in death by her parents, Henry and Margaret Vawter, her hus band, Snell Mills Jr., her sisters Hettie Vawter, Dorothy (Dan) Win ter, and Sara (Charles, Mark) Barnes Lyons, and her son-in-law Ed Hensley. She is sur vived by her daughter Sharon Mills, her son Snell Mills, III, and daugh ter-in-law Carrie Eby Mills, as well as beloved nieces and nephews. A graveside service will be held on Friday, May 5, 2023, at 2:00 PM at Magno lia Cemetery, 500 Montvale Rd, Maryville, TN with a receiving of friends to im mediately follow from 2:30 until 4:30 PM at the Shan nondale of Maryville Com munity Center, 1507 New Providence Dr. In lieu of owers, donations may be made to The Carter Center or Habitat for Humanity. www.mccammonammons 865-982-6812 Cecil Clifton ‘Cliff’ Milam Jr.April 27, 2023Cecil Clifton “Cliff” Milam Jr. of Homosassa went home to live with Jesus on April 27, 2023. Cliff was an accom plished singer that performed under the name “Cliff Ritchie”. His ability to sing hits from any decade made him a crowd favorite. He is fondly remembered for his story telling and jo vial personality. Cliff was a beloved husband, stepfather, and grandfather. He is survived by his loving wife Sandra Milam, stepson Mat thew Baxter (Aimee) and stepdaughter Emily Hancock (Billy) along with several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In lieu of owers please donate to Kathis K-9. Controversial education law set to expand By RYAN DAILEY News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — In one of the most-controver sial education issues of the 2023 legislative session, the Florida Senate on Wednes day passed a measure that would expand last year’s “Parental Rights in Educa tion” law – known to critics as “don’t say gay.” The bill, which is ready to go to Gov. Ron DeSan tis, also seeks to restrict the way teachers and students can use their preferred pro nouns in schools, a provi sion that has drawn ire from LGBTQ-advocacy groups. The Republican-con trolled Senate voted 27-12 along straight party lines to pass the bill (HB 1069), with Democrats arguing the measure is an effort to “leg islate away the gay.” The House voted 77-35 to pass the bill last month. DeSantis is expected to sign it. Last year’s law bars in struction about sexual ori entation and gender identi ty in kindergarten through third grade. But the measure approved Wednesday would broaden the prohibition to pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. Senate sponsor Clay Yar borough, R-Jacksonville, and other bill supporters said it is geared toward protecting children who are “at more impressionable ages” and al lowing parents to be in con trol of such discussions. “This legislation will pro tect the rights of parents to have a say in their children’s education and ensure that students are not subjected to inappropriate material,” Yarborough said. “Teachers should be able to spend their time focusing on skills that help a child succeed in life, not delving into every social issue or be ing forced to use language that would violate their per sonal convictions,” Yarbor ough added. But Senate Minority Lead er Lauren Book, D-Davie, said the bill “marginalizes children” and represents an insult to teachers. “This bill insults the pro fessionalism of educators. It takes away freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom to be treat ed equally in our public schools,” Book said. Wednesday’s vote came after the State Board of Ed ucation last month approved a rule change that largely prohibited instruction on sexual orientation and gen der identity in all grades. The rule dealt with an ed ucators’ code of conduct and spelled out that teachers could face suspension or re vocation of their educator certicates for violations of the rule. Speaking to reporters after the bill passed, Yarborough said putting an expanded prohibition into law “estab lishes a oor.” Rules often can be more easily changed than laws. “Our bill, if that rule were to change, with the law still in place, the oor would be eighth grade,” Yarborough said.Critics call it ‘don’t say gay’ lawFla. lawmakers target campus ‘DEI’ efforts By JIM SAUNDERS News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — As Gov. Ron DeSantis and his allies target “woke” ideol ogy, the Florida House on Wednesday gave nal ap proval to a bill that includes preventing colleges and universities from spending money on diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. The bill (SB 266), which now will go to DeSantis, touched off a erce debate about Florida’s higher-edu cation system and campus speech. “Diversity, equity and inclusion, like so many other terms adopted by the woke left, is being used as a club to silence things, to say that if you don’t agree with them, you are some how racist or homophobic or whatever other word that you want to use to criticize people,” Rep. Randy Fine, R-Brevard County, said. “The fact of the matter is these terms have been hi jacked by those who want to use them to bully and use them to shut down debate, to actually do the opposite of what these words are supposed to do.” But bill critics said that diversity, equity and in clusion efforts are import ant and that the legislation will drive away top faculty members and students. “This attack on higher ed ucation is hurting Florida’s brand,” House Minority Leader Fentrice Driskell, D-Tampa, said. “We have a very good higher-education system with lower costs than many other states. But these radical changes risk throwing our colleges and universities into chaos.” The Republican-con trolled House voted 81-34 along party lines to pass the bill, which the Senate ap proved 27-12 last week. DeSantis has made “woke” ideology a frequent target in education and other issues, such as in the investment of government money. As an example, he overhauled the New Col lege of Florida Board of Trustees this year, with his appointees moving quick ly to scuttle diversity, eq uity and inclusion – often known by the shorthand “DEI” – initiatives. The bill that passed Wednesday includes a se ries of higher-education changes. For instance, it would require the State Board of Education and state university system’s Board of Governors to ap point faculty committees that would review gener al-education core courses. Those reviews could lead to the “removal, alignment, realignment, or addition” of courses based on various criteria in the bill. “General education core courses may not distort sig nicant historical events or include a curriculum that teaches identity politics … or is based on theories that systemic racism, sexism, oppression, and privilege are inherent in the institutions of the United States and were created to maintain social, political, and economic in equities,” the bill says. But the debate Wednes day focused on diversity, equity and inclusion. The bill, in part, would prevent spending money “to promote, support, or maintain any programs or campus activities that … (advocate) for diversity, equity, and inclusion, or promote or engage in po litical or social activism, as dened by rules of the State Board of Education and regulations of the (state university system’s) Board of Governors.” Rep. Ashley Gantt, D-Mi ami, disputed that diversity, equity and inclusion ini tiatives have hurt the high er-education system, saying Florida universities have risen in national rankings in recent years. She and other Democrats pointed to harm to schools and students if the initiatives are blocked. “Whenever people shield their children from the truth, a generation of igno rance is born,” Rep. Dianne Hart, D-Tampa, said. But House bill sponsor Alex Andrade, R-Pensaco la, said the initiatives hurt schools and students. “DEI’s intellectual fragil ity makes campuses less safe, less intelligent and less free for the students who should be learning to think for themselves,” An drade said.Bill critics said diversity, inclusion and equity efforts are importantWalmart employee fatally shoots customerLAUDERDALE LAKES, (AP) — An off-duty Walmart employee fatally shot a customer who tried to help a female employee who had gotten into a ght with the gunman, Florida law enforcement ofcials said Wednesday. Tironie Sterling, 22, is charged with rst-degree murder for Tuesday af ternoon’s shooting at a suburban Fort Lauderdale Walmart, the Broward County Sheriff’s Ofce said. According to investiga tors, Sterling went to the Lauderdale Lakes store to meet with a female col league. They got into an ar gument that escalated into a ght, with Sterling dropping a handgun onto the oor. A male customer came to the woman’s aid, but Ster ling retrieved his gun and shot the man several times, killing him, investigators said. The victim’s name and age have not been released. Sterling ed the store, but was arrested hours later, investigators said. He was being held without bond Wednesday awaiting his initial court appearance. It could not be immediately determined if he has an at torney. “Senseless violence like this is intolerable, and we’re heartbroken the cus tomer who intervened in an apparent attack on one of our associates has died from his injuries,” Walmart spokesman Charles Crow son said in a statement. “We offer our heartfelt condolences to his family during this difcult time and will continue working with our associates, provid ing support as needed.” He said Sterling has been suspended and “steps are underway to terminate his employment.”Following standoff, police kill man suspected of shooting Florida mom, 3 kidsLAKE WALES (AP) — After an hourslong standoff at a motel, police in cen tral Florida fatally shot a man suspected of killing a 40-year-old woman and her three children, authorities said Wednesday. Al Joseph Stenson, 38, quickly became a suspect Tuesday night after police were called to an apartment complex in Lake Wales, where the bodies of the woman and children, ages 21, 17, and 11, were found. Their names have not been released. Investigators said Stenson and the victims knew each other, but did not describe their relationship or release a motive in the family’s killing. After investigators tracked Stenson to the Slumberland Motel, he said “he would kill himself or force law enforcement to kill him,” Lakes Wales police said in a news release. Stenson’s brother was staying at the same motel in Sanford, which is about a two-hour drive from Lake Wales, and police there said they learned the suspect was in the room next door. Seminole County Sheriff Dennis Lemma said during a news conference at the motel that investigators convinced Stenson’s broth er to come out of the room. Eventually, Stenson also came outside, Lemma said. Authorities convinced him to put down his handgun and step away from it. The SWAT team then shot him with a 40 mm foam projectile “but it had little effect” and Stenson “im mediately went for the gun on the ground,” the sheriff said. Four ofcers shot him and he died at the scene, Lem ma said. Investigators believe the victims were shot around 5 a.m. Tuesday. Police were called just before 9 p.m. when someone found their bodies in the apartment. Stenson was wanted on four counts of rst-degree murder, Lake Wales Police Chief Chris Velasquez said. “Our hearts are broken” for the family, Velasquez said.Man executed for 1986 stabbingSTARKE, (AP) — A Florida man was executed Wednesday for breaking into a woman’s home and stabbing her to death in 1986, a crime committed months after he was released from prison for a rape. Darryl B. Barwick, 56, was pronounced dead at 6:14 p.m. Wednesday fol-lowing a lethal injection at Florida State Prison, the ofce of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said. The U.S. Supreme Court denied the inmate’s nal appeal for a stay of execution earlier in the day. After being brought into the death camber, Barwick said, “I can’t explain why I did what I did. It’s time to apologize to the family ... I’m sorry.” He added that he state needs to show more compassion and kindness for people, criticizing Flor ida’s sentencing of teenag ers to life in prison. Barwick began receiving the sedative at 6:02 p.m. and closed his eyes several minutes later. The warden checked Barwick’s eyes, shook his shoulders and yelled his name to make sure he was unconscious before the execution continued. Barwick had confessed to killing 24-year-old Re becca Wendt in her Panama City apartment on March 31, 1986, after watching her sunbathing outside and following her back to her room. He said he intended to rob Wendt but then killed her as she resisted, stabbing her 37 times as she tried to ght him off. Wendt’s bathing suit ap peared as though someone had tried unsuccessfully to remove it, ofcials said. There was no evidence of sexual assault, but medical examiners reported nding semen on a blanket where her body was found. Authorities said they linked Barwick to the crime through his confession, the semen stain, a witness who saw him heading toward and leaving Wendt’s apartment, and footprints left inside and outside the apartment. He was convicted of rst-degree murder, armed burglary, attempted sexu al battery and armed rob bery in November 1986, and sentenced to death two months later on the jury’s 9-3 recommendation. The Florida Supreme Court threw out that conviction in 1989 because of prosecuto rial misconduct. Barwick was again convicted at his 1992 retrial, and that jury unanimously recommend ed death. rnMonday-ApptOnly TuethruFri-9:30-4:30 r RichardT.Brown FuneralDirector/Owner BrownFuneralHome&Crematory Lecanto,Florida IgrayneBrownDias FuneralDirector TwoGenerationsserving youwithcompassionate, personalizedservice. 352-795-0111 rn   r n rrn r rnr rrrr rr rnn rn    rr  n r 1657W.GULFTOLAKEHWY(2MI.E.OFHWY.491&44)•LECANTO rrrn FauxWoodBlinds, Shades,Shutters, Verticals,Cellular


A6 Thursday, May 4, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle Money & Markets A click of the wrist gets you more at 3,700 3,800 3,900 4,000 4,100 4,200 ND JF MA 4,040 4,120 4,200 S&P 500Close: 4,090.75Change: -28.83 (-0.7%) 10 DAYS 31,200 32,000 32,800 33,600 34,400 35,200 ND JF MA 33,200 33,740 34,280 Dow Jones industrialsClose: 33,414.24Change: -270.29 (-0.8%) 10 DAYS Advanced 882Declined 1475New Highs 72 New Lows 90 Vol. (in mil.) 4,059 Pvs. Volume 4,267 5,5135,186 16971731 71 243 NYSE NASD DOW 33,811.84 33,396.05 33,414.24 -270.29 -0.80% +0.81% DOW Trans. 14,218.03 14,000.43 14,008.81 +22.49 +0.16% +4.61% DOW Util. 958.89 944.91 945.73 -2.81 -0.30% -2.24% NYSE Comp. 15,421.47 15,227.66 15,233.85 -80.72 -0.53% +0.33% NASDAQ 12,212.55 12,022.46 12,025.33 -55.18 -0.46% +14.89%S&P 500 4,148.30 4,088.86 4,090.75 -28.83 -0.70% +6.54% S&P 400 2,494.94 2,450.07 2,451.72 -2.84 -0.12% +0.88% Wilshire 5000 40,890.47 40,291.70 40,306.73 -227.17 -0.56% +5.86% Russell 2000 1,767.70 1,735.69 1,739.28 +7.17 +0.41% -1.25% HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG %CHG YTD Stocks Recap AT&T Inc T 14.46 r 22.84 17.09 +.02 +0.1 t t t -7.2 -1.3 1.11 Ametek Inc AME 106.17 148.06 144.58 -1.02 -0.7 s s t +3.5 +11.1 29 1.00f Anheuser-Busch InBev BUD 44.51 67.09 63.69 +.84 +1.3 t t t +6.1 +13.4 26 0.82e Bank of America BAC 26.32 38.75 27.86 -.30 -1.1 t s t -15.9 -16.2 8 0.88 Capital City Bank CCBG 25.08 r 36.86 29.16 +.14 +0.5 t t t -10.3 +24.3 12 0.72f Citigroup C 40.01 r 54.56 45.67 -.33 -0.7 t t t +1.0 +2.2 6 2.04 Disney DIS 84.07 r 126.48 100.86 +.26 +0.3 t s s +16.1 -8.4 55 ... Duke Energy DUK 83.76 114.50 97.33 -.27 -0.3 t t s -5.5 -6.4 29 4.00f EPR Properties EPR 33.92 r 55.90 41.78 +.57 +1.4 t s s +10.8 -14.3 23 3.30 Equity Commonwealth EQC 19.41 23.57 20.40 -.06 -0.3 t t t -2.3 -1.5 78 5.25e Exxon Mobil Corp XOM 80.69 119.92 107.93 -2.17 -2.0 t t t -2.1 +38.7 8 3.64 Ford Motor F 10.61 16.68 11.79 -.01 -0.1 t t t +1.4 -6.0 0.60a Gen Electric GE 46.55 102.03 101.77 +.26 +0.3 s s s +56.4 +74.5 0.32 HCA Holdings Inc HCA 164.47 294.02 278.21 -2.33 -0.8 t s s +15.9 +33.4 14 2.40f Home Depot HD 264.51 r 347.25 293.08 -1.20 -0.4 t s t -7.2 +1.7 18 8.36f Intel Corp INTC 24.59 46.64 30.65 +.88 +3.0 t t t +16.0 -27.1 16 0.50m IBM IBM 115.55 153.21 123.45 -1.71 -1.4 t t t -12.4 +0.4 63 6.64f LKQ Corporation LKQ 46.20 59.33 57.13 -.09 -0.2 t s s +7.0 +19.2 14 1.10 Lowes Cos LOW 170.12 223.31 205.31 -.66 -0.3 t s s +3.0 +7.4 17 4.20 Lumen Technologies LUMN 2.06 n 12.54 2.29 -.05 -2.1 t t t -56.1 -71.4 ... McDonalds Corp MCD 228.34 298.80 295.22 -2.85 -1.0 t s s +12.0 +21.8 35 6.08 Microsoft Corp MSFT 213.43 309.18 304.40 -1.01 -0.3 t s s +26.9 +11.0 34 2.72 Motorola Solutions MSI 195.18 295.10 288.62 -4.54 -1.5 t s s +12.0 +39.4 36 3.52 NextEra Energy NEE 67.22 r 91.35 75.39 -.55 -0.7 t t t -9.8 +10.6 36 1.87f Piedmont Office RT PDM 6.12 n 16.52 6.20 -.19 -3.0 t t t -32.4 -54.7 5 0.84 Regions Fncl RF 13.94 24.33 16.31 -.34 -2.0 t t t -24.4 -10.2 7 0.80 Smucker, JM SJM 119.82 163.07 157.09 -1.62 -1.0 s t t -0.9 +17.6 20 4.08 Texas Instru TXN 144.46 186.30 163.35 -.59 -0.4 t t t -1.1 +0.7 18 4.96 UniFirst Corp UNF 154.72 205.59 161.84 +.53 +0.3 t t t -16.1 -3.7 20 1.24f Verizon Comm VZ 32.76 52.18 37.98 +.31 +0.8 t t t -3.6 -10.8 8 2.61 Vodafone Group VOD 9.94 16.88 11.96 +.28 +2.4 s s s +18.2 -15.8 cc 1.06e WalMart Strs WMT 117.27 154.99 150.62 -.56 -0.4 t s s +6.2 +0.6 35 2.28 Walgreen Boots Alli WBA 30.39 45.30 31.96 -1.54 -4.6 t t t -14.5 -13.9 6 1.92 52-WK RANGE CLOSE YTD 1YR NAME TICKER LO HI CLOSE CHG %CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN P/E DIV Stocks of Local Interest Dividend Footnotes: a Extra dividends were paid, but are not included. b Annual rate plus stock. c Liquidating dividend. e Amount declared or paid in last 12 months. f Current annual rate, which was increased by most recent dividend announcement. i Sum of dividends paid after stock split, no regular rate. j Sum of dividends paid this year. Most recent dividend was omitted or deferred. k Declared or paid this year, a cumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r Declared or paid in preceding 12 months plus stock dividend. t Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distribution date.PE Footnotes: q Stock is a closed-end fund no P/E ratio shown. cc P/E exceeds 99. dd Loss in last 12 months. The maker of Jell-O and Kool-Aid easily beat Wa ll Street’s forecasts and raised its profit outlook . The company said its Asian travel retail business is under pressure due to a slower-than-anticipated pandemic recovery . The Seattle-based coffee chain said sales growth in China and North America could moderate as the year progresses . The parent company of the Ruth’s Chris Steak House chain is being acquired by Darden Restaurants for about $715 million. The health care giant cut its 2023 projections after closing a pair of multi-billion dollar deals that push it deeper into providing care. Stocks closed lower on Wa ll Street after the Federal Re-serve hiked its key interest rate. The S&P 500 fell 0.7%, the Dow Jones Industrial Av erage fell 0.8% and the Nasdaq lost 0.5%. The Fed signaled that it may now pause its streak of 10 rate hikes. 70 80 90 $100 FM A CVS HealthCVS Close: $70.08 -2.68 or -3.7% $69.32$107.26 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 15.2m (1.8x avg.) $89.7 b 52-week range PE: Yi eld: 22.4 3.5% 10 15 20 $25 FM A Ruth’s HospitalityRUTH Close: $21.48 5.45 or 34.0% $14.65$21.50 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 22.7m (56.1x avg.) $704.5 m 52-week range PE: Yi eld: 18.6 3.0% 90 100 11 0 $120 FM A StarbucksSBUX Close: $103.96 -10.50 or -9.2% $68.39$115.48 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 24.3m (4.2x avg.) $119.5 b 52-week range PE: Yi eld: 33.7 2.0% 150 200 250 $300 FM A Estee LauderEL Close: $202.70 -42.52 or -17.3% $186.47 $284.45 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 14.8m (10.7x avg.) $47.0 b 52-week range PE: Yi eld: 67.1 1.3% 36 38 40 $42 FM A Kraft HeinzKHC Close: $40.25 0.80 or 2.0% $32.73$44.87 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 20.6m (3.4x avg.) $49.4 b 52-week range PE: Yi eld: 20.5 4.0% The yield on the 10-year Trea-sury note fell to 3.34% Wednes-day. Yields af-fect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans. NET 1YR TREASURIES LAST PVS CHG AGO 8.25 7.00 3.50 5.13 3.88 .38 PRIME RATE FED FUNDS 3-month T-bill 5.24 5.23 +0.01 .91 6-month T-bill 5.05 5.03 +0.02 1.44 52-wk T-bill 4.73 4.76 -0.03 2.13 2-year T-note 3.82 3.99 -0.17 2.78 5-year T-note 3.37 3.46 -0.09 3.01 7-year T-note 3.37 3.44 -0.07 3.03 10-year T-note 3.34 3.44 -0.10 2.96 30-year T-bond 3.69 3.72 -0.03 3.01 NAT'L WK 6MO 1YRCONSUMER RATES AVG AGO AGO AGO 48 month new car loan 6.98 s 6.97 6.92 6.11 Money market account 0.52 s 0.50 0.48 0.25 1 year CD 2.42 s 2.40 2.41 1.86 $30K Home equity loan 9.12 s 8.74 9.11 7.87 30 year xed mortgage 6.83 s 6.82 6.70 7.22 15 year xed mortgage 6.22 s 6.21 6.00 6.46 LAST 6 MO AGO 1 YR AGO Commodities Energy prices fell sharply Wednesday, with U.S. crude oil losing over 4% and natural gas closing 2% lower. Gold and silver rose slightly. Crude Oil (bbl) 68.60 71.66 -4.27 -14.5 Heating Oil (gal) 2.23 2.29 -2.49 -33.6 Natural Gas (mm btu) 2.17 2.21 -1.99 -51.5 Unleaded Gas (gal) 2.32 2.44 -4.66 -5.6 FUELS CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD Gold (oz) 2,028.60 2,014.30 +0.71 +11.5 Silver (oz) 25.48 25.40 +0.28 +6.8 Platinum (oz) 1,061.80 1,078.30 -1.53 -1.1 Copper (lb) 3.83 3.85 -0.43 +0.7 Aluminum (ton) 2,330.75 2,382.75 -2.18 -3.3 Palladium (oz) 1,424.80 1,429.00 -0.29 -20.4 METALS CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD Cattle (lb) 1.62 1.63 -0.77 +4.4 Coffee (lb) 1.86 1.87 -0.67 +10.9 Corn (bu) 6.45 6.38 +1.14 -4.9 Cotton (lb) 0.77 0.79 -2.05 -7.7 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 344.00 341.00 +0.88 -8.0 Orange Juice (lb) 2.74 2.71 +1.31 +33.0 Soybeans (bu) 14.48 14.40 +0.59 -4.7 Wheat (bu) 6.26 5.96 +5.16 -20.9 AGRICULTURE CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD American Funds AmrcnBalA m 29.55 -.04 +3.1 -0.6 +7.4 +6.5 CptWldGrIncA m 54.68 -.05 +6.4 +2.6 +11.0 +5.3 CptlIncBldrA m 64.05 -.16 +2.4 +0.5 +8.8 +4.9 FdmtlInvsA m 63.71 -.24 +6.0 +0.9 +13.0 +8.4 GrfAmrcA m 54.64 -.15 +10.4 -4.1 +10.0 +8.5 IncAmrcA m 22.68 -.07 +1.0 -1.1 +9.9 +6.1 InvCAmrcA m 43.94 -.22 +6.9 +2.5 +13.6 +8.8 NwPrspctvA m 52.21 -.04 +10.4 +0.5 +13.0 +9.0 WAMtInvsA m 52.45 -.28 +1.3 -0.3 +14.6 +9.7 Dodge & Cox IncI 12.56 +.05 +4.0 +1.4 -0.6 +2.2 StkI 213.77 -1.67 +0.2 -2.3 +19.0 +9.3 Fidelity 500IdxInsPrm 142.05 -1.00 +7.1 -0.3 +14.9 +11.2 Contrafund 13.51 -.08 +13.4 +0.8 +11.6 +10.3 TtlMktIdxInsPrm 112.46 -.67 +6.3 -1.7 +14.3 +10.2 USBdIdxInsPrm 10.50 +.04 +4.1 +0.4 -3.1 +1.3 Schwab SP500Idx 63.38 ... +7.9 +0.8 +15.1 +11.3 Vanguard 500IdxAdmrl 377.71 -2.65 +7.1 -0.4 +14.8 +11.1 DivGrInv 35.52 -.23 +1.0 +2.3 +15.1 +12.4 EqIncAdmrl 81.82 -.66 -2.7 -1.2 +15.2 +9.1 GrIdxAdmrl 127.73 -.67 +16.6 -1.5 +12.9 +12.6 InTrTEAdmrl 13.56 +.01 +2.5 +3.6 +1.0 +2.2 MdCpIdxAdmrl 253.83 -1.21 +0.9 -5.8 +13.6 +7.7 PrmCpAdmrl 140.70 +.38 +7.5 +2.3 +15.6 +10.2 SmCpIdxAdmrl 88.15 -.03 +0.7 -5.7 +14.6 +6.1 TrgtRtr2025Fd 17.60 ... +5.5 0.0 +6.4 +4.9 TrgtRtr2030Fd 33.19 -.03 +5.8 -0.1 +7.5 +5.3 TrgtRtr2035Fd 20.52 -.02 +6.0 0.0 +8.8 +5.7 TrgtRtr2040Fd 36.11 -.06 +6.2 0.0 +10.0 +6.1 TrgtRtr2045Fd 24.29 -.05 +6.4 0.0 +11.3 +6.6 TrgtRtr2050Fd 40.27 -.09 +6.5 +0.1 +11.4 +6.6 TtBMIdxAdmrl 9.78 +.04 +4.2 +0.5 -3.0 +1.3 TtInSIdxAdmrl 29.88 +.04 +7.5 +2.2 +10.9 +2.6 TtInSIdxInv 17.86 +.02 +7.4 +2.1 +10.8 +2.5 TtlSMIdxAdmrl 98.55 -.58 +6.3 -1.7 +14.3 +10.2 WlngtnAdmrl 68.73 -.24 +4.2 +1.4 +8.7 +7.4 TOTAL RETURNFAMILY FUND NAV CHG YTD 1YR 3YR* 5YR* Mutual Funds *– Annualized; d Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. m Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. x fund paid a distribution during the week. Interest rates (Previous and change gures reect current contract.)Markets slip after rate hike By STAN CHOE Associated Press NEW YORK — Stocks dipped Wednesday after the Federal Reserve an nounced its latest hike to interest rates but said it’s not sure what may come next. The S&P 500 fell 28.83, or 0.7 percent, to 4,090.75. The Dow Jones Industri al Average lost 270.29, or 0.8 percent, to 33,414.24, and the Nasdaq composite slipped 55.18, or 0.5 per cent, to 12,025.33. The Fed’s move to raise its benchmark interest rate by another quarter of a per centage point was widely expected, and it’s supposed to slow the economy fur ther in hopes of getting in ation under control. The hope on Wall Street is that this is the nal increase following the Fed’s fastest urry in decades. The cen tral bank gave a nod toward the possibility in its state ment, where it dropped a reference saying it “antici pates that some additional policy rming may be ap propriate.” “That’s a meaningful change,” Fed Chair Jerome Powell said. But the Fed stopped short of declaring the end to rate hikes, which have already caused cracks in the U.S. banking system, sent stock prices well below their re cord heights and pushed many investors to expect a recession later this year. Powell also said that even though traders are hoping for cuts to rates later this year, which can act like steroids for markets, he doesn’t expect them to hap pen that quickly. The Fed’s next meeting is next month. So instead of sounding like a “hawk,” which is what Wall Street calls poli cy makers who want higher interest rates, or a “dove” who favors lower interest rates, Powell may have come off as something in between.How a Fed increase could affect credit card debt, auto loans By CORA LEWIS and ADRIANA MORGA Associated Press Writers NEW YORK — The Fed eral Reserve has raised its key interest rate yet again in its drive to cool ination, a move that will directly af fect most Americans. On Wednesday, the central bank boosted its benchmark rate by a quar ter-point to 5.1 percent. Rates on credit cards, mortgages and auto loans, which have been surging since the Fed began raising rates last year, all stand to rise even more. The result will be more burdensome loan costs for both con sumers and businesses. On the other hand, many banks are now offering higher rates on savings ac counts, giving savers the opportunity to earn more interest. Economists worry, though, that the Fed’s streak of 10 rate hikes since March 2022 could eventu ally cause the economy to slow too much and cause a recession. Here’s what to know:What’s prompting the rate increases?The short answer: ina tion. Ination has been slowing in recent months, but it’s still high. Measured over a year earlier, consum er prices were up 5 percent in March, down sharply from February’s 6 percent year-over-year increase. The Fed’s goal is to slow consumer spending, thereby reducing demand for homes, cars and other goods and services, even tually cooling the economy and lowering prices. Fed Chair Jerome Pow ell has acknowledged in the past that aggressively raising rates would bring “some pain” for households but said that doing so is necessary to crush high in ation.Who is most affected?Anyone borrowing mon ey to make a large pur chase, such as a home, car or large appliance, will likely take a hit. The new rate will also increase monthly payments and costs for any consumer who is already paying in terest on credit card debt. “Consumers should focus on building up emergency savings and paying down debt,” said Greg McBride,’s chief nan cial analyst. “Even if this proves to be the nal Fed rate hike, interest rates are still high and will remain that way.”What’s happening with credit cards?Even before the Fed’s latest move, credit card borrowing had reached the highest level since 1996, according to The most recent data available showed that 46 percent of people were car rying debt from month to month, up from 39 percent a year ago. Total credit card balances were $986 billion in the fourth quarter of 2022, according to the Fed, a record high, though that amount isn’t adjusted for ination. For those who don’t qual ify for low-rate credit cards because of weak credit scores, the higher interest rates are already affecting their balances.How will an increase affect credit card rates?The Fed doesn’t directly dictate how much interest you pay on your credit card debt. But the Fed’s rate is the basis for your bank’s prime rate. In combination with other factors, such as your credit score, the prime rate helps determine the Annual Percentage Rate, or APR, on your credit card. The latest increase will likely raise the APR on your credit card 0.25 percent. So, if you have a 20.9 percent rate, which is the average according to the Fed’s data, it might increase to 21.15 percent. If you don’t carry a bal ance from month to month, the APR is less important. But suppose you have a $4,000 credit balance and your interest rate is 20 per cent. If you made only a xed payment of $110 per month, it would take you a bit under ve years to pay off your credit card debt, and you would pay about $2,200 in interest. If your APR increased by a percentage point, paying off your balance would take two months longer and cost an additional $215.What if I have money to save?After years of paying low rates for savers, some banks are nally offering better interest on deposits. Though the increases may seem small, compounding inter est adds up over the years. Interest on savings ac counts doesn’t always track what the Fed does. But as rates have continued to rise, some banks have improved their terms for savers as well. Even if you’re only keeping modest savings in your bank account, you could make more signif icant gains over the long term by nding an account with a better rate. While the biggest nation al banks have yet to dra matically change the rates on their savings accounts (clocking in at an average of just 0.23 percent, according to Bankrate), some mid-size and smaller banks have made changes more in line with the Fed’s moves. Online banks in particu lar – which save money by not having brick-and-mor tar branches and associated expenses – are now offer ing savings accounts with annual percentage yields of between 3 percent and 4 percent, or even higher, as well as 4 percent or higher on one-year Certicates of Deposit (CDs). Some pro motional rates can reach as high as 5 percent.Will this affect home ownership?Last week, mortgage buy er Freddie Mac reported that the average rate on the benchmark 30-year mort gage edged up to 6.43 per cent from 6.39 percent the week prior. A year ago, the average rate was lower: 5.10 percent. Higher rates can add hundreds of dollars a month to mortgage pay ments. Rates for 30-year mort gages usually track the moves in the 10-year Trea sury yield. Rates can also be inuenced by investors’ expectations for future in ation, global demand for U.S. Treasuries and what the Fed does. Most mortgages last for de cades, so if you already have a mortgage, you won’t be im pacted. But if you’re looking to buy and already paying more for food, gas and other necessities, a higher mort gage rate could put home ownership out of reach.What if I want to buy a car?With shortages of computer chips and other parts easing, automakers are producing more vehicles. Many are even reducing prices or of fering limited discounts. But rising loan rates and lower used-vehicle trade-in values have erased much of the sav ings on monthly payments. Since the Fed began rais ing rates in March 2022, the average new-vehicle loan rate has jumped from 4.5 percent to 7 percent, ac cording to Edmunds data. Used vehicle loans dropped slightly to 11.1 percent. Loan durations average around 70 months – nearly six years – for new and used vehicles. Largely because of rate increases, the average monthly payment for both new and used vehicles has risen since March 2022, Edmunds says. The average new vehicle payment is up $72 to $729, Edmunds says. For used vehicles, the pay ment rose $20 a month to $546. The higher rates will keep out of the market people who have the ability to wait for more favorable terms, said Joseph Yoon, Ed munds’ consumer insights analyst. “But with inventory lev els improving, it’s a matter of time before discounts and incentives start coming back into the equation,” at tracting more buyers, Yoon said. New vehicle average pric es are down from the end of last year to $47,749. But they’re still high compared with even a year ago. The average used vehicle price dropped 7 percent from last May’s peak, to $28,729, but prices are edging back up. Financing a new vehicle now costs $8,655 in in terest. Analysts say that’s enough to chase many out of the auto market. Any Fed rate increase is typically passed through to auto borrowers, though it will be offset a bit by sub sidized rates from manufac turers.What about my job?The nation’s employers kept hiring in March, add ing a healthy 236,000 jobs. The unemployment rate fell to 3.5 percent, just above the 53-year low of 3.4 per cent set in January. At the same time, the report from the Labor Department sug gested a slowdown, with pay growth also easing. Some economists argue that layoffs could help slow rising prices, and that a tight labor market fuels wage growth and higher ination. Economists expect the unemployment rate to go up to 3.6 percent in April, a slight increase from Janu ary’s half-century low of 3.4 percent.


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 4, 2023 A7 ‘G overnments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed” – excerpt from the Declara-tion of Independence. That consent is granted by the governed to their represen-tatives through the election and voting process. The right to vote in America is an inalienable right. Right? Wrong.It has been a hard-fought right requiring six consti-tutional amendments to get it to where we are today. Sadly, restricting voters and making it more difcult for certain groups to vote has been a favorite pastime of political parties and govern-ments from small local ones to the national level. It is hard to lay blame at just the feet of politicians. Citizens have often been lazy, unimpressed with candidates or believe their one vote will not change anything. Sadly, these attitudes and the constant attack on vot-ers’ rights eventually erodes our republic. The Florida Legislature is considering a 98-page bill to address a problem that many do not believe exists or could be simply correct-ed without more restrictive legislation and nes. The focus is on volunteer groups that do voter registra tion drives. These third-party voter registration groups are from political party chap ters, nonpartisan community organizations, churches, and student groups. Apparently, several election supervisors complained about these groups not getting regis trations turned in timely and mistakes on the forms. These volunteer groups already face registration, numerous regulations and substantial nes pertaining to these issues. The new law, if passed, will increase regulations and nes. These groups are doing what the government should be concentrating on, getting the vote out. The increased regulation and nes only make it more difcult. Possible better training of these groups and closer supervision by election supervisors might be more benecial for voter partici-pation and the overall health of our republic. Realize, these are volunteers; some may be politically motivat-ed but many are doing so because they believe in our election system. On November 4, 2020, Gov. Ron DeSantis praised Florida’s election process, and said other states should follow the Sunshine State’s lead. “The way Florida did it, I think, inspired con-dence,” he said. Since that time the governor and legislature have created an election police force, claiming a need due to election fraud, which so far has found little to do, and now increased restrictions on third-party voter-registration volunteer groups. Any increased re-strictions that affect citi-zens’ access to the election process creates a stigma on the system and demoralizes potential voters. It is time for the state legislature and local election supervisors to focus on im-proving citizen condence in our political system and leaders. Stop placing road-blocks and encourage all to get registered and vote. Claiming something is bro-ken without proof is coun-terproductive to our Consti-tution and democracy. Thomas Jefferson wrote: “We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” Let us all participate, register to vote, and exercise that hard-won right. T he nation’s mining of critically important battery metals has gotten a boost from an unexpected source. Bill McKibben, arguably the most inu-ential envi-ronmental leader in the United States, has embraced mining and called for ramping up domestic production of lithium in batteries for renewables and electric cars. Writing in the magazine Mother Jones, McKibben, co-founder of the climate group and a professor at Middlebury College in Vermont, who has spread the word on the need for climate action in an open-mind-ed and pragmatic way, says the extreme danger of climate change requires new thinking by Greens opposed to mining and by not-in-my-backyard groups who oppose the siting of solar arrays and wind turbines. “Saying no is relatively simple, and sometimes right,” McKibben says. “But we live in a moment when our future – and the future of everyone and everything – depends on sometimes learning to offer a resounding yes.” In the face of climate change, McKibben says, environmen-talists need to view the world afresh – combat corporate and government projects that are climate problems but “say yes to some things: solar panels and wind turbines and factories to make batteries and mines to extract lithium.” Make no mistake, McKibben is a reluctant tolerator of mining, not an espouser. He opposes lithium mining in areas that Indigenous people consider their own. And he is concerned about Black and Latino communities whose opposition to some solar and wind projects, he says, should be given more weight in the decision-making process. And while he recognizes the central role of government in the ght against global warming, McKibben does not say whether he favors proposed changes to the mine permitting process, something that could remove a signicant obstacle to the creation of new mines and the production of vital raw materials for EV batteries and solar and wind. Remember, even with recycling, there is no way to reduce carbon emissions to the level that the United States agreed on in the Paris climate accord unless new mines are opened. However, McKibben lambasts those who portray themselves as environmentalists but, in reality, are obstructionists engaged in “foot-dragging,” making improp-er use of laws like the National Environmental Policy Act and the California Environmental Quality Act to delay projects – even clean-energy projects like solar and wind systems and mines – until plans for them are dropped. Today in the United States, the number of mines for battery metals is small – one each for lithium, cobalt, nickel and rare earths. None for manganese or graphite. Some copper mines are nearly depleted. The Internation-al Energy Agency says global demand for battery metals, especially lithium, will skyrock-et. So, to head off problems with mineral scarcity that are already reverberating around the globe, America desperately needs to start investing in its mineral resources. Now is the time for an honest reassessment of mining. And what that reassessment would nd is that we will fall short of what’s needed for the production of battery metals without action by Congress to streamline a badly awed permitting process – one that results in long delays due to overlapping federal and state regulations and repeated environmental challenges. The transition to a Green ener gy future has been blocked by regulatory ineptitude, political partisanship and misguided concepts of environmental rec titude. This is why I’m pleased to see a prominent environ mental leader like McKibben embrace mining. Jim Constantopoulos is a professor of geology and director of the Miles Mineral Museum at Eastern New Mexico University. He wrote this for Inside O Ozello project is troubling Stacey Worthington recently authored an Opinion column in the Chronicle, in which she stat ed that, although Citrus County is growing rapidly, residents have nothing to fear, because there is plenty of space left for development. She says that growth is inevitable, and that the County Planning and Develop ment Commission, which she chairs, will play a big role in planning and approving “excel lent projects that fit the character of Citrus County.” What she does not say is that, sometimes projects are brought before her commission that are far from excellent, and clearly do not fit the character of Citrus County. When that happens, the commis sioners have the responsibility to reject them, as they would only detract from the county’s char acter, and move it in a direction contrary to that envisioned in the Future Land Use Plan. A recent example of a project that does not fit the character of the county is the Sunshine RV Park/campground application for a 16-acre parcel in Ozello. This parcel is within an area that is 100 percent residential (single-family homes). It is also directly adjacent to the St. Martins Marsh Aquatic Preserve. It is within the high est-risk flood zone in the county. There would be huge risks to our coastal marsh if the developer is allowed to build a large septic system on the site, which would likely fail during flood events. When this application came before her commission this past February, five members of the P/D Commission recognized these problems associated with it, and voted to reject it. I applaud them for their good judgment. Ms. Worthington further states in her column that “property own ers have a right to sell and use their land to the extent allowed by zoning and land use”. She is right, but the key part of that statement is the last nine words. Mike Wright recently authored a blog piece in which he stated: “I keep hearing nonsense like people have a right to develop their property as they see fit. Yes – as it is NOW zoned. Property owners have ZERO right to up-zoning. None. Zilch. They only have the right to ask and, if they feel wronged by the decision, to appeal it in court.” It is a critical time for Citrus County right now. The decisions being made by these commis sioners, and the county commis sioners, will determine what kind of place our county ultimately becomes. Camella Ryan Citrus County I call them monsters I could call them many names which are not printable. So I will call them: “monsters.” These monsters are the ones involved in mass shootings. There are many reasons that these monsters exist. Many want fame and glory by performing such an evil heinous act. Florida had the Parkland shooting where Nikolas Cruz murdered 17 people and injured 17 others on Valentine’s Day in 2018. He got 34 consecutive life sentences without parole. But was this justice for the victims and their families? Thus recently, Governor DeSantis signed Senate Bill (SB) 450, which will reform the Flori da death penalty statutes. Once a unanimous jury finds a defendant guilty of a capital crime, it will now only require a supermajority (8 of the 12 jurors) to recom mend the death penalty. Many of the families know that that day in 2018 can never be erased from their memories; this bill will ensure that future families will not have to endure the injus tice and pain of learning that the shooter did not receive the death penalty. It can be argued that the threat of death may not prevent these monsters from carrying out their heinous acts. On the other hand, we would have sacrificed the lives of innocent victims whose murders could have been prevented. Some say the death penalty sacrifices the lives of the murderer who might be rehabil itated. It is better for us to take the gamble that the death penalty does deter to protect the lives of innocent people than to take the gamble that it doesn’t deter and protect the life of the murderer. This bill will provide justice for the victims and their families. I applaud the Florida Legislature and Governor DeSantis. Holly Pfister DunnellonAn environmental leader sees the light LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OPINIONS INVITED Q Viewpoints depicted in politi cal cartoons, columns or let ters do not necessarily repre sent the opinion of the editorial board. Q SEND LETTERS TO: The Editor, 1624 N. Meadowcrest Blvd., Crystal River, FL 34429; or email to letters@chronicle THE CHRONICLE invites you to call “Sound Off” with your opinions about local subjects. You do not need to leave your name, and have less than a minute to record. COMMENTS will be edited for length, libel, personal or political attacks and good taste. Editors will cut libelous material. OPINIONS expressed are purely those of the callers. CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE EDITORIAL CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE Founded by Albert M. Williamson “You may differ with my choice, but not my right to choose.” — David S. Arthurs publisher emeritus EDITORIAL BOARD Trina Murphy .................................................... publisher Jim Gouvellis ......................................................... editor Tiarra Alexander .................................. citizen member Curt Ebitz .............................................. citizen member Mac Harris ............................................. citizen member Rebecca Martin ................................... citizen member Don Hiers ............................................... citizen member Roger B. Krieger .................................. citizen member Trish Thomas ......................................... citizen member The opinions expressed in Chronicle editorials are the opinions of the newspaper’s editorial board. Gerard “Gerry” Mulligan publisher emeritusFlorida lawmakers refuel fight over elections laws YOUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Q District 1 (Crystal River, Ozello, Citronelle, Red Level): Jeff Kinnard,; Q District 2 (Homosassa, Sugarmill Woods): Diana Finegan,; Q District 3 (Beverly Hills, Pine Ridge, Citrus Springs): Ruthie Davis Schlabach,; Q District 4 (Floral City, part of Inverness): Rebecca Bays, rebecca.bays@;Q District 5 (part of Inverness, Hernando, Arrowhead): Holly L. Davis, Jim ConstantopoulosVarying Voices Our Viewpoibnt The issue: The need for new election laws regulating voter registrationOur Opinion : We don’t see where the system is broken. Then why fix it?


A8 Thursday, May 4, 2023 Citrus County ChronicleN & W CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLEUkraine denies Russian claim Kyiv sent drones to hit Kremlin By DAVID RISING Associated Press KYIV, Ukraine — Russia claimed it foiled an attack by Ukrainian drones on the Kremlin early Wednesday, calling it an unsuccessful as sassination attempt against President Vladimir Putin and promising retaliation for what it termed a “ter rorist” act. The Ukrainian president denied it, saying: “We don’t attack Putin or Moscow.” Putin wasn’t in the Krem lin at the time and was at his Novo-Ogaryovo resi dence outside Moscow, his spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Russia’s state news agency RIA Novosti. There was no independent verication of the purported attack, which Russia author ities said occurred overnight but presented no evidence to support it. Questions also arose as to why it took the Kremlin hours to report the incident and why videos of it also surfaced later in the day. A video posted overnight on a local Moscow news Telegram channel, shot from across the river from the Kremlin, appeared to show smoke rising over the buildings. It wasn’t possi ble to ascertain its veracity. According to text accompa nying the footage, residents of a nearby apartment build ing reported hearing bangs and seeing smoke around 2:30 a.m. Another video on so cial media, which looks to be taken from across Red Square, appears to show the moment a drone explodes in a ash of re above the roof of the Senate Palace in the Kremlin, near a agpole ying the Russian tricolor, with debris falling on the roof. It also was not possi ble to independently verify this footage. The Kremlin said Russian military and security forces had stopped the drones be fore they could strike. No body was hurt, it added. Its ofcial website said debris from the drones fell on the Kremlin grounds without damage. President Volodymyr Zel enskyy, on an unannounced visit to Helsinki for talks with the leaders of ve Nor dic countries, denied any role. “We don’t attack Putin or Moscow. We ght on our territory. We’re defending our villages and cities,” he said at a news conference. Ukraine presidential ad viser Mykhailo Podolyak said the claims could pro vide a pretext for Russia “to justify massive strikes on Ukrainian cities, on the ci vilian population, on infra structure facilities.” White House press sec retary Karine Jean-Pierre said the U.S. was “unable to conrm the authenticity” of Russia’s claim. Asked whether the U.S. believed Putin was a law ful target of any potential Ukrainian strike, Jean-Pierre said that since the start of the conict, the U.S. was “not encouraging or enabling Ukraine to strike beyond its border.” U.N. deputy spokesman Farhan Haq said that the United Nations “is not in a position to conrm these re ports. We strongly reiterate our call on all concerned to refrain from any rhetoric or action that could further es calate the conict,” Haq said. The purported drone at tack would be a signicant escalation in the 14-month conict, with Ukraine tak ing the war to the heart of Russian power. Phillips O’Brien, profes sor of strategic studies at the University of St. Andrews, said, “It certainly wasn’t an attempt to assassinate Putin, because he doesn’t sleep in the roof and he probably never sleeps in the Kremlin.” AP A view of a dome of the Senate Palace in the Moscow Kremlin, in Moscow, Russia, on Wednesday.Report: Chokehold killed man restrained by New York City subway passengers By JAKE OFFENHARTZ and BOBBY CAINA CALVAN Associated Press NEW YORK — A man who had been shouting at people aboard a New York City subway train died after fellow riders tackled him and one put him in a choke hold that lasted until his body went limp, according to police ofcials and video of the encounter. Jordan Neely, 30, died from compression of the neck, the city’s medical ex aminer determined Wednes day. Neely is recognizable to some New Yorkers as a Mi chael Jackson impersonator who regularly danced in the Times Square transit hub. On Monday afternoon, he was yelling and pacing back and forth on an F train in Manhattan, witnesses and police said, when he was restrained by at least three people, including a U.S. Marine veteran who pulled one arm tightly around his neck. Video of the altercation posted online by a free lance journalist showed the man lying beneath Neely, holding him in a headlock position for several minutes as Neely tried and failed to break free. A second pas senger pinned Neely’s arms while a third person held down his shoulder. It was unclear why the group had moved to restrain him. Neely, who is Black, lost consciousness during the struggle. EMTs and po lice arrived after the train stopped at a station. He was pronounced dead at a Man hattan hospital shortly after. The 24-year-old Marine veteran, who appeared to be white, was taken into cus tody and released without charges. His name has not been released publicly. The medical examiner’s ofce classied Neely’s death as a homicide and the manner as a chokehold, but noted that any determina tion about criminal culpa bility would be left to the legal system. The Manhattan district at torney’s ofce said it is in vestigating. “As part of our rigorous ongoing investigation, we will review the Medical Ex aminer’s report, assess all available video and photo footage, identify and in terview as many witnesses as possible, and obtain ad ditional medical records,” read a statement from a spokesperson for the DA. As news of Neely’s death spread online, video of the encounter evoked strong reactions from New York ers and ofcials. Some de scribed the act as a lethal overreaction to a person in the throes of mental illness and others defended the Marine veteran’s actions. A group of protesters gath ered Wednesday afternoon in the station where Neely died to call for an arrest. Kyle Ishmael, a 38-year-old Harlem resident, said the video of the incident left him feeling “disgusted.” “I couldn’t believe this was happening on my sub way in my city that I grew up in,” he said. Neely’s death comes amid a period of heightened pub lic attention to both home lessness and mental illness on New York City’s streets and subways. Following several high-prole inci dents, including a shooting on a subway train that left 10 people wounded last year, Mayor Eric Adams prom ised to deploy additional police ofcers and mental health workers throughout the transit system.Prosecutor: Suspected Texas mass shooter tried to escape to Mexico By JUAN A. LOZANO and NOMAAN MERCHANT Associated Press CLEVELAND, Texas — A man suspected of kill ing ve of his neighbors in Texas after they asked him to stop shooting his gun near their house hid out just miles away from the slayings while he and his domestic partner plotted his escape to Mexico, authori ties said Wednesday. Francisco Oropeza show ered and slept at the house outside the city of Conroe while Divimara Lamar Nava got him donuts from a near by store, a prosecutor said. Lamar Nava also acknowl edged delivering a message from Oropeza to his cousins in the area asking for their help getting him out of the country, the prosecutor said at Lamar Nava’s probable cause hearing. The cousins refused to help. Authorities believe Lamar Nava was talking to investi gators at the same time she was trying to help Oropeza, San Jacinto County District Attorney Todd Dillon said at a news conference. Oropeza, 38, was arrested late Tuesday at the house, just 20 miles from the city of Cleveland, where the shootings took place. Acting on a tip, authorities found him hiding under a pile of laundry in a closet after a four-day manhunt. Lamar Nava was arrested at the house on Wednesday. She is being held at the Montgom ery County jail on a felony charge of hindering the ap prehension or prosecution of a known felon. Her bail has been set at $250,000. Authorities identied La mar Nava as Oropeza’s wife, though jail records list her as not being married but sharing a home address with him. The slayings Friday sent shudders through a nation already dealing with a wave of shootings that have put the U.S. on a torrid pace for mass killings this year. Outside the Conroe-area home where the pair were taken into custody, yellow police tape could be seen in both the front and back, although the ofcers were gone. Neighbor Angel Loza no recalled looking up from unloading tools from his truck Tuesday night to see unmarked law enforcement vehicles streaming onto his normally quiet street. “A bunch of people got out with guns and they went straight to the house and surrounded the area,” Loza no, 39, said Wednesday, es timating that at least 50 of cers surrounded the home two doors down from his. “It was a really fast job they did. They got him without people getting hurt or an other shooting.” Several others have also been arrested, authorities said, although they only shared details about one of them. Domingo Castilla, a friend of Oropeza, was arrested on Tuesday in the Trail’s End neighborhood where the victims were shot, Dillon said. Castilla was charged with marijuana pos session but authorities also expect to charge him with obstructing Oropeza’s ap prehension, Dillon said. David J. Phillip / AP A man releases a balloon from the makeshift memorial outside the victims’ home Tuesday where a mass shooting occurred Fri day, in Cleveland, Texas. Nathan J. Fish / The Oklahoman Ashleigh Webster shows a photo Tuesday of Ivy Webster and Tiffany Guess at her home in Henryetta, Okla.Sex offender fatally shot 6, then killed self, official says By SEAN MURPHY Associated Press An Oklahoma sex offend er who was released from prison early shot his wife, her three children and their two friends in the head and then killed himself, author ities conrmed Wednesday as concerns grew about why he was free as his trial on new sex charges loomed. Okmulgee Police Chief Joe Prentice said that the victims had each been shot in the head one to three times with a 9 mm pis tol when they were found Monday near a creek and in a heavily wooded area in rural Oklahoma. The bodies apparently had been moved there from where they were originally killed, the scene “staged” before Jesse McFadden, a 39-year-old convicted sex offender, killed himself, Prentice said in the rst ma jor update on the case. The discovery of the bodies near McFadden’s home in Henryetta, a town of about 6,000 about 90 miles east of Oklahoma City, came on the very day that he was to stand trial on charges that he solicited nude images from another teen while he was impris oned for rape. Authorities have declined to release a motive for the shootings, but McFadden had vowed not to return to prison in a series of om inous messages with his young victim. According to screen grabs of the messages, forward ed to KOKI in Tulsa by the now 23-year-old wom an McFadden allegedly groomed from prison, he said he was having suc cess at a marketing job and “making great money.” His “great life” was now crum bling, he wrote, because of the soliciting and pos sessing images of child sex abuse charges. “Now it’s all gone,” he texted. “I told you I wouldn’t go back.” “This is all on you for con tinuing this,” he nished. A solicitation conviction can mean a 10-year sen tence; the pornography charge could mean 20 years behind bars. Prentice declined Wednesday to speculate on whether that is what led to the shooting. “Everyone wants to un derstand why,” he said. “Normal people can’t un derstand why. People who perpetrate crimes like this are evil and normal folks like us can’t understand why they do it.” Authorities began a search after 14-year-old Ivy Webster and 16-year-old Brittany Brewer, who were visiting the family over the weekend, were reported missing. Concerns grew when McFadden failed to appear at his long-delayed jury trial. McFadden had been sen tenced to 20 years in 2003 for rst-degree rape in the sexual assault of a 17-year-old and was freed three years early, in part for good behavior, despite facing new charges that he used a contraband cell phone in 2016 to trade nude photos with the woman, then 16. He was released in 2020 after serving 16 years and nine months, even though the new charges could send him back to prison for many years if convicted.Trump calls rape claim ‘ridiculous’ in video deposition By MICHAEL R. SISAK and LARRY NEUMEISTER Associated Press NEW YORK — Donald Trump called a writer’s claims that he raped her at a Manhattan department store “the most ridiculous, disgusting story,” testify ing in a deposition shown in court Wednesday that the allegations were “made up” and that the assault never happened. Lawyers for accuser E. Jean Carroll played about 30 minutes of excerpts from the former presi dent’s deposition, includ ing his emphatic denial of the longtime advice col umnist’s accusation that he attacked her in the mid-1990s in a Bergdorf Good man dressing room. “If it did happen, it would have been reported with in minutes,” Trump said, contending that shoppers and employees at the “very busy store” would’ve heard a commotion and alerted authorities. “It’s the most ridiculous, disgusting story. It’s just made up,” Trump said in the video deposition taken in October. Several jurors leaned for ward, watching without expression as the video played on individual mon itors in front of their seats. In other developments Wednesday, Trump’s attor neys said they would not call any witnesses, and the judge said closing arguments would likely happen Mon day before the jury begins deliberations on Tuesday. Trump has not attended the trial and will not testify, giving his deposition more weight. Asked about the case while traveling in Ireland on Wednesday, Trump told re porters: “I hear we’re doing very well in New York.” Jurors in federal court in Manhattan are expected to hear more of Trump’s deposition Thursday, fol lowed by three more wit nesses being called to the stand by Carroll’s lawyers. Carroll is seeking un specied monetary dam ages and a retraction of Trump statements that she alleges were defamatory. Trump has denied ever knowing Carroll, saying once that “she’s not my type” and arguing that her claims are politically moti vated attempts to smear his reputation and deny him the White House.


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 4, 2023 A9 r rnr n r r r rr rr r ( 2 ) (WESH)   ­ ­€ ­‚ƒ„„…†‡­ˆ (3) (WEDU) ‰„Š‹­ ƒŒŽ Œ„‘„ŽŒ Œ’Ž…Œ„ˆ­ ŠŽ„ˆŠ’­‹Ž„Šrn“Ž„Ž”­•“­„n (5) (WUFT) –– ‘Œ„ƒŒƒŒ Š‰„Š‰„Œ„„­„ŽŽ”ƒŒ (8) (WFLA) ”­ˆˆ­ŽŠ—”Ž”­ˆˆ­ŽˆŽ„Ž­Šˆ‰ˆŽˆŠ—”Ž ­‚ƒ„„  ­‚ƒ„„“‹Š­Š‹ŽŠ‰ˆŠŽ ­‚ƒ„„ƒ„—­ˆŠ˜„Š‰n”­€ˆˆˆŠ—”Ž ” (9) (WFTV) rr ­Ž“‰ ‘„…“­„™‘”’‡„ŽŒˆŽ­ŽŠˆ „šˆ­Ž‰n  ­€rnr…Š‰‰ ›Š‰‰ Šœ™ (10) (WTSP) rrr r­‰“­­œˆŠˆ—‘”’‡„ŽŒˆ…“­„™Œˆ—”ˆ”Ž“‚ƒ„—­ €nr­‰“­­ž„Ž (13) (WTVT) ‡ƒŸ ‡ƒŸrr‡ƒŸr¡¢Ž œ”’… †ˆŠ‰­ … ­›­Ž… ‡ƒŸrrr‡ƒŸrr‡ƒŸrr‡ƒŸr (20) (WCJB) r‘„ˆŠ†Ž­ŽŠˆ„šˆ­Ž‰rnr­Ž…†›Š‰‰ (22) (WCLF) ”„ŠŽŠ­ˆ„Š—­‡‹Œ„­Ž­•ˆŠˆ—ŠŽ”Žœ­ˆrˆ„‘‰‰‰‡”Š„Š‹”„­ (24) (WYKE) „­ˆ’„‰…Š”„­Ž­•ˆŠˆ—ŠŽ”ƒˆˆƒˆ­ Š’­ˆr‰‰›ˆ­Œ„Š—„­Ž (28) (WFTS) ‘„ˆŠ†Ž­ŽŠˆ„šˆ­Ž‰rnr…†›Š‰‰ (32) (WMOR) ”ˆ”ˆŠ—­ˆ—Š—­ˆ—‰‰ ­Ž­ˆ ­Ž­ˆŠ—”ž„Š—”ž„Š—­ˆ—”ˆ (38) (WTTA) 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BAHR Associated Press Anonymity can be an actor’s best friend, but this summer several tal ents are primed to make themselves known in major lm roles, whether it’s losing the alien makeup, the pro tective shield of character work or the comforts of niche small-screen fan doms. Here are six actors bound to have audiences buzzing this summer at the movies.Greta Lee in ‘Past Lives’Greta Lee cried through her rst reading of Celine Song’s “Past Lives,” out June 2. The writer-director had written a deeply personal story about childhood friends, and possible soul mates, who reconnect in New York decades later. Nora’s in a relationship but wondering “what if” in this aching romance. “Telling a love story from that point of view felt so radical to me,” Lee said. “It read so quiet, but I was struck by how cosmic it was too. It’s connec tive. It’s universal. It’s just about life and how short life is and how do we reconcile this.” Lee, a stylish chameleon with co medic chops, has always made the most of every scene she’s in, whether it’s cooing “Sweet Birthday Baby” hundreds of times to Natasha Lyonne in “Russian Doll,” frustrating Marni as Soojin in “Girls” or telling the di vas of “The Morning Show” the hard truth. But Nora would be something different. “There is a hiding in plain sight-ness in character work, with costume or the way people talk,” Lee said. “This felt so emotionally X-rated to me, so brutally exposing in a way. It was ut terly terrifying.”Xolo Maridueña in ‘Blue Beetle’Fans of “Cobra Kai” know Xolo Maridueña as Miguel Diaz, but the Los Angeles native is about to get a much bigger platform as the star of the new DC Comics movie “Blue Beetle” (Aug. 18). Maridueña plays Jamie Reyes, one of the highest pro le Latino comic book characters. “As a Mexican American playing a Mexican American, there’s a lot of pride that comes with representing your community in a positive light,” he said. “It was a little nerve wrack ing trying to encompass a culture in a movie. But we have like 40 Latinos who we get to show their perspec tives.” It’s a year of transition as he awaits the spotlight and says goodbye to “Cobra Kai,” which is in its nal sea son. But even with the higher prole, Maridueña joked that he’s still going to have to clean up for his dog.Pom Klementieff In ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3’ and ‘Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part I’French actor Pom Klementieff has been dreaming about being in a “Mis sion: Impossible” movie for years. In fact, she would even write the words “Mission: Impossible” in her stunt training schedule. “I wanted to manifest it,” she said. “I’m crazy like that.” She also made the smart move of telling her agency, who put her name forward when director Christopher McQuarrie started looking for a new actor with ghting skills. “I was ready for it,” she said. “I just punched and kicked hard. I was like, ‘let’s go.’” The specics of her character are still under wraps, but from trailers and teases it’s clear she gets a chance to go head-to-head with Tom Cruise’s Ethan Hunt. The lm hits theaters on July 12. But rst, she and her fellow “Guard ians of the Galaxy” are closing a chapter with “Vol. 3,” out Friday. Her turn as Mantis may have made her famous in Marvel households, but she’s also loved being able to “hide behind her antenna.” “Right now, a lot of people don’t actually recognize me, which is an amazing position to be in because I get to work with great people but I also can have just a private life,” she said. “But I know that could change. I have to get ready for that.”X Mayo in ‘The Blackening’ and ‘Please Don’t Destroy’X Mayo has always had big ambi tions. For a few years she even landed a gig writing for “The Daily Show.” For some, that would be the pinna cle. But she wanted to do more and it started to seem like the industry was putting her in a box of only being able to write political comedy. She knew she had to move on. “You can’t tell me I can’t do it all because I have been doing it all,” she said. “American Auto” helped but this summer she has two big movies: “The Blackening” (June 16), a hor ror comedy about a group of friends who go to a cabin in the woods and the “SNL” spinoff “Please Don’t De stroy” (Aug. 18). On the latter, she had the life-chang ing experience of working with and bonding with Meg Stalter (“Hacks”). “It was the rst time I’d done a mov ie alongside a woman who was my exact same size. That was so shifting in my spirit and esteem. Meg has no issues with her body. I had so many at the time,” she said. “So many ac tors are so short and little. With Meg it was not like that. I was free to be physically comedic and she was right there with me.”Jake Ryan in ‘Asteroid City’He’s the little Bishop brother who’s mad that Suzy stole his record play er in “Moonrise Kingdom.” He’s Llewyn Davis’s skeptical nephew. He’s the pre-teen who had an array of chicken nuggets and dips ready for Kayla in “Eighth Grade.” And this summer, Jake Ryan is front and center of Wes Anderson’s latest, “As teroid City” (June 16). Though he’s worked with Ander son many times – on commercials, shorts, “Fantastic Mr. Fox,” and even “Isle of Dogs,” which he recorded a voice part for on a lark some four years before the movie came out – he still had to audition for “Asteroid City.” It was not a short process ei ther. “It wasn’t hard but it wasn’t easy,” Ryan said. “At the end it was very rewarding.” In the lm, set in 1955, he plays Jason Schwartzman’s character’s son Woodrow. “He’s going through some stuff right now. He’s a very sensitive per son and he wants to leave a mark on the world. He wants to leave some thing for future generations,” Ryan said. “And he longs for a human con nection. I respect and totally get that.”Molly Gordon in ‘Theater Camp’Molly Gordon grew up in and around the entertainment industry, acting alongside her best friend Ben Platt in productions of “Fiddler on the Roof” and “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying” be fore she’d even turned 6. She was Triple A in “Booksmart” and Melissa McCarthy’s daughter in “Life of the Party,” but this summer is forging her own path forward as a writer-director-actor in the loving satire “Theater Camp” (July 14). Gordon plays Rebecca-Diane, who teaches music theory to kids at a crumbling but beloved summer camp in upstate New York. She co-directed with her friend Nick Liebermann and they share writing credits with co-stars Platt and Noah Galvin too. “I felt so inspired by so many col lectives of people that had come up together, like Christopher Guest, The Groundlings, The Lonely Island, who made (stuff) with their friends and wrote specically for their friends,” Gordon said. “We thought, let’s make something about a world that we know really well and a world that we love and because we love it, we can make a lot of fun of it.” By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Today is Thursday, May 4, the 124th day of 2023. There are 241 days left in the year. Highlight in history:On May 4, 1970, Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire during an anti-war protest at Kent State University, killing four stu dents and wounding nine oth ers. On this date:In 1776, Rhode Island declared its freedom from England, two months before the Declaration of Independence was adopted. In 1886, at Haymarket Square in Chicago, a labor demonstra tion for an 8-hour work day turned into a deadly riot when a bomb exploded. In 1904, the United States took over construction of the Panama Canal from the French. In 1942, the Battle of the Coral Sea, the first naval clash fought entirely with carrier aircraft, began in the Pacific during World War II. (The outcome was considered a tactical victory for Japan, but ultimately a strategic one for the Allies.) In 1998, Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski was given four life sentences plus 30 years by a federal judge in Sacramento, California, under a plea agree ment that spared him the death penalty. In 2006, a federal judge sen tenced Zacarias Moussaoui to life in prison for his role in the 9/11 attacks, telling the convict ed terrorist, “You will die with a whimper.” In 2011, President Barack Obama said he had decided not to release death photos of Osama bin Laden because their graphic nature could incite vio lence and create national secu rity risks. Officials told The Asso ciated Press that the Navy SEALs who’d stormed bin Lad en’s compound in Pakistan shot and killed him after they saw him appear to lunge for a weap on. In 2020, New York state reported more than 1,700 previ ously undisclosed coronavirus deaths at nursing homes and adult care facilities. Struggling fashion brand J.Crew became the first major retailer to file for bankruptcy protection since the start of the pandemic. Ten years ago: National Rifle Association leaders told mem bers during a meeting in Hous ton that the fight against gun control legislation was far from over, and vowed that none in the organization would ever have to surrender their weapons. Five years ago: President Donald Trump suggested that his newly-hired attorney Rudy Giuliani needed to “get his facts straight” about the hush money paid to porn actress Stormy Daniels just before the 2016 election; Giuliani had earlier said that Trump knew about the pay ment to Daniels made by his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, and that Trump had paid Cohen back. One year ago: Complaining that the West was “stuffing Ukraine with weapons,” Russia pounded railroad stations and other supply-line points across the country, as the European Union moved to further punish Moscow for the war by propos ing a ban on oil imports, a cru cial source of revenue. Today’s birthdays: Katherine Jackson, matriarch of the Jack son musical family, is 93. Jazz musician Ron Carter is 86. Pulit zer Prize-winning political com mentator George Will is 82. Pop singer Peggy Santiglia Davison (The Angels) is 79. Actor Richard Jenkins is 76. Country singer Stella Parton is 74. Actor-turned-clergyman Hilly Hicks is 73. Singer Jackie Jack son (The Jacksons) is 72. Sing er-actor Pia Zadora is 71. R&B singer Oleta Adams is 70. Violin ist Soozie Tyrell (Bruce Spring steen and the E Street Band) is 66. Country singer Randy Travis is 64. Actor Mary McDonough is 62. Comedian Ana Gasteyer is 56. Actor Will Arnett is 53. Rock musician Mike Dirnt (Green Day) is 51. Contemporary Christian singer Chris Tomlin is 51. TV personality and fashion designer Kimora Lee Simmons is 48. Sports reporter Erin Andrews is 45. Singer Lance Bass (‘N Sync) is 44. Actor Ruth Negga is 42. Rapper/singer Jidenna is 38. Actor Alexander Gould is 29. Country singer RaeLynn is 29. Actor Amara Miller is 23. Actor Brooklynn Prince (Film: “The Florida Project”) is 13. TODAY IN HISTORY Jon Pack / A24 via AP Greta Lee, left, and Teo Yoo in a scene from “Past Lives.”


A10 Thursday, May 4, 2023 Citrus County ChronicleA & P Aunt wants to step in where Dad won’t treadDEAR AMY: My brother has been married twice. He and his rst wife had two children. During the divorce, he tried to gain cus-tody of the children, but she was awarded custody, and he stayed in contact with his two chil-dren for a while. But then things turned for the worst when she accused my brother of child abuse. She also physically threatened him. He decided not to have any contact with her or his children. He told the fam-ily that we shouldn’t con-tact them or their mother. He had another child in his second marriage, which ended when their child was in elementary school. He hasn’t seen that child in years. In typical fashion, nobody in our family wanted to talk about it. When one of my nephews was graduating from high school, he contacted me to ask me why their father wasn’t coming to graduation. It was heartbreaking to hear the sadness in his voice, but I abided by my brother’s wishes not to connect them. We are now older, and his children are young adults. I don’t see my brother often. No one in the family ever mentions these children. I think about my nephews often and wish that they were a part of the family. I would like to contact them.My other siblings do not want to initiate any contact with our nephews. I also do not want to involve my parents who are elderly, in poor health, and have decided to abide by my brother’s wishes. I am willing to sacri ce my relationship with my brother to reach out, but should I? What should I say? Should I tell my brother? – Anguished Aunt DEAR AUNT: You are a thoughtful adult, and you have the right to pursue a rela-tionship with others, based on your own best judgment. You understand that by doing so, you will likely be sacri cing a relationship with your brother, but from your descrip-tion it doesn’t sound as if you have much of a relationship with him, anyway. Nor do I see any reason to inform or ask your brother’s permission. You don’t seem to have much knowledge of these nephews of yours. I further wonder if these half-brothers know about each other. If you are able to contact them, you don’t really need to say much. You could identi-fy yourself as their aunt and tell them that you’ve thought about them often. You can say, “Here is my contact information in case you want to be in touch.” I think it is vital for you to keep your expectations – and theirs – in check. They will have individual reactions to you. Given that no one else in your family is interested in these men, being in touch with them will not bring them into the family fold. Furthermore, it is impossible for you to have an accurate picture of their upbring-ings. You should assume that – like all of us – they carry childhood baggage. You cannot necessarily unburden them, but knowing that you are interested in them might help. DEAR AMY: An ethical dilemma. My family and I were recently getting food at a drive-thru after our high school softball game. It was a big order. When our food was handed to us, our mom basically quickly handed it back to us in the back seat and drove away from the restaurant. We dove in and were helping ourselves to some chicken from a bucket when we noticed that we had been handed part of someone else’s order. We told our mother that we’d gotten extra food that wasn’t ours, but she said there wasn’t anything we could do about it and that we just got lucky. We felt bad that someone else hadn’t gotten their food. What should we have done? – HungryDEAR HUNGRY: Because you had already started eating the food, returning it wouldn’t have been possible. You could have quickly called the restaurant to let them know of the mistake – as a courte-sy to clear up any subsequent confusion caused by the mix-up. DEAR AMY: Your response to “Tonguetied in Denver” brought tears to my eyes. Like you (and Tongue-tied), I have a be-loved family member with Down syn-drome. I don’t think most people realize how very special this attachment is. Thank you for recognizing and celebrating this rela-tionship. – Grateful Relative DEAR GRATEFUL: I’ve learned a lot from my wonderful nephew, who always seems happy to hang out with me. This relation-ship has brought my life a lot of joy. ACROSS 1 Little Jack +RUQHU·VSUL]H 7KLQOHDWKHUSLHFH 10 Street corner sign14 One and only15 Cut it out16 Sheltered inlet17 Alabama-toGeorgia direction 18 Catches an HVFDSHH 20 Needless fuss21 Hans Christian Andersen, e.g. 22 Fully awake23 Dice game25 Guacamole or salsa 1LQFRPSRRSV/LNHSRWDWRFKLSV31 Exchange32 Gives a meal to34 Dr. Dolittle, by trade 36 Sis and bro37 Long tales38 Game similar to lotto 39 At __ hours; day or night 40 BBQ utensil41 Dishwasher cycle42 Finds out 44 Leased45 Piece of turkey7KUHHOLQHSRHP47 2009 Nobel 3HDFH3UL]Hwinner 50 Nickel or dime)ORDWLQJ]RR54 Boring8QKDSS\58 Hotels%HWWHU·VRSSRVLWH60 Friend in battle([SHULPHQW:UDSSHGXS63 Goes blond DOWN &DOOIRUKHOS2 Burden 3 Not friendly 4 En countered 5 Doggie bag contents 6 Prom attendees5XQFRPSHWLWLYHO\8 As cool __ cucumber *HWXSDQGJR 10 Carve statues5LSSHG12 Do-__; new DWWHPSW 13 Nuisance19 Coin toss call21 Small fruit)LVKLQJSROHV25 Root beer brand26 “__ deal!”; words of agreement 'HQWLVW·VWRRO28 Baltic & Black29 At the end of the day 30 Slow to learn*URXSLHV33 __ on; encourage35 Three-__ sloth 3 7 Tune 38 Hose glitch40 “Trick or __!”+RUVHPDQ·V control 43 Just about/LIWHGXS46 Dwelling47 Fail to include 48 Fibula or femur 49 Curry & others50 Firewood measure 52 Govern53 Islets off Florida55 Carry a balance56 Prefix for sense RUVWRS 57 Lousy © 2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved.Created by Jacqueline E. Mathews 5/4/23Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved 5/4/23 (Answers tomorrow) HIPPO KHAKI CAUCUS SUPPLY

Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 4, 2023 A11F FOR F CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLEFresh meals set summer off to great start By FAMILY FEATURES Bright, beautiful spring days often call for fresh, delicious meals that give you energy to en joy the great outdoors. Whether you’re hitting the pavement for a run, powering up for an after noon at the ofce or picnicking with loved ones, nutrition and avor can go hand in hand with an easy-to-make salad. For your next springtime meal, lean on a versatile ingredient like sweetpotatoes as a key in gredient in this Sweetpotato Power Salad, a light yet lling solution that can feed the whole family. Easy to add to a variety of rec ipes to enhance avor and nutri tion content, sweetpotatoes can be used in sweet, savory, simple or elevated recipes. Plus, they can be prepared on the stove, baked, mi crowaved, grilled or slow cooked to t your favorite dishes as a natural sweetener without added sugar. According to the American Di abetes Association, sweetpota toes are a “diabetes superfood” because they’re rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and ber, all of which are good for overall health. Due to their high carbohydrate content, they’re an ideal option for athletes before and after exercis ing with complex carbohydrates that provide sustained energy. Additionally, the antioxidants help reduce inammation and aid in muscle repair, meaning sweet potatoes can help both your en durance and recovery. Another fun fact: the North Car olina Sweetpotato Commission deliberately spells “sweetpotato” as one word, a spelling ofcially adopted by the National Sweet potato Collaborators in 1989 to avoid confusion with the white potato or yam among shippers, distributors, warehouse workers and consumers. However, this spelling isn’t universal; you can help teach others and update dictionary entries by signing the petition to give this superfood its due. Find more information and springtime recipe inspiration at Power SaladRecipe courtesy of Carol Brown on behalf of the North Carolina Sweetpotato Commission Servings: 6 4-6 North Carolina Sweetpotatoes, peeled and diced (6 cups) 2 teaspoons, plus 1 tablespoon, olive oil, divided 3/4 teaspoon salt, divided1/4 teaspoon pepper1 1/2 bunches curly kale, rinsed and chopped (7-8 cups) 1/2 large lemon, juice only1 can (15 ounces) garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained 1 large avocado, pitted and diced1/2 cup cranberries1/2 cup coarsely chopped almonds1/4 cup red onion, chopped1/2-3/4 cup feta or goat cheese Dressing: 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup2 tablespoons olive oil1/4 cup balsamic or white vinegar Preheat oven to 375 degrees.Place sweetpotatoes in large bowl. In small bowl, lightly whisk 2 teaspoons olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper. Toss on sweetpo tatoes and place potatoes on large sheet pan. Bake 35-40 minutes until tender, ipping once during baking. Place chopped kale in large bowl. In small bowl, lightly whisk remaining olive oil, remaining salt and lemon juice. Pour over kale and massage with hands until mixed, about 1 minute. To make dressing: In bowl, whisk syrup, olive oil and vinegar. In bowl with kale, add garban zo beans, avocado, cranberries, almonds, red onion, sweetpota toes and cheese. Toss with salad dressing and serve. Note: Sweetpotatoes can be baked and refrigerated 1 day in advance. Carol Brown on behalf of the North Carolina Sweetpotato Commission Sweetpotato Power Salad. Let’s Eat ... The Chronicle distributes a FREE weekly food newsletter via email. Let’s Eat has links to stories about food, drink, restaurants and recipes. To sign up, visit spring meals with a powerful salad By FAMILY FEATURES Summer adventures can often take people just about anywhere, from down the street at the neigh borhood pool to across the coun try on a family road trip. Wherever the action takes you this summer, remember to stay refreshed and energized with easy snacks that provide the nutrition you need. For example, these Sweetpota to Summer Rolls offer a avorful way to recharge after some time in the sun. Made with peanut butter, celery sticks and North Carolina Sweetpotatoes, they’re ideal for serving your family fol lowing a day of fun. Classied as a “diabetes super food” by the American Diabetes Association, sweetpotatoes are rich in vitamins, minerals, ber and antioxidants, all of which are good for overall health. Plus, they offer a natural sweetener without the added sugar. Consider these additional sweetpotato facts as you prepare for summer excitement.VersatileAs one of the most versatile vegetables that’s easy to add to a variety of recipes for enhanc ing avor and nutrition content, sweetpotatoes can be a key ingre dient in both simple or elevated and sweet or savory dishes. They can be cooked and prepared on the stove, baked, microwaved, grilled or slow cooked.One-word spelling“Sweetpotato” should be spelled as one word, even if you aren’t familiar with that spell ing. In fact, the North Carolina Sweetpotato Commission delib erately spells it as one word (a practice adopted by the Nation al Sweetpotato Collaborators in 1989) as a way for shippers, distributors, warehouse workers and consumers to avoid confu sion with the equally unique and distinctive white potato or yam.Shelf life and storageNot only are sweetpotatoes abundant and found in just about any grocery store or farmers mar ket, but they also have a long shelf life – up to 4 weeks if stored prop erly in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from heat sources.Ideal for athletesDue to their high carbohydrate content, sweetpotatoes are solu tions for both before and after exercise sessions. With complex carbohydrates that provide sus tained energy and antioxidants that help reduce inammation and aid in muscle repair, sweet potatoes can elevate both endur ance and recovery. Find more summertime rec ipe ideas by visiting ncsweet Summer RollsRecipe courtesy of the North Carolina Sweetpotato Commission Servings: 4 2 1/2 cups North Carolina Sweet potatoes 2 tablespoons olive oil2 teaspoons sesame seeds3 tablespoons maple syrupSalt, to tasteCoarse pepper, to taste4 celery sticks1 red pepper2 tablespoons creamy peanut butter 1/3 cup hot water1/4 cup soy cooking cream1 tablespoon soy sauce12 sheets rice paper (22-centime ter diameter) 2 tablespoons chopped, roasted peanuts Peel sweetpotatoes and cut into 1-centimeter thick strips.In skillet, heat olive oil. Fry sweetpotato strips 3-4 minutes, turning occasionally; sprinkle with sesame seeds, deglaze with maple syrup and boil down brief ly. Season with salt and pepper, to taste, and let cool. Wash celery and red pepper; cut into strips. Mix peanut butter with water, cream and soy sauce. Let rice paper sheets swell ac cording to package instructions. Spread strips of sweetpotato, celery and red pepper on top half of one sheet rice paper. Drizzle with sauce. Fold lower half over strips then edges. Repeat with remaining rice pa per sheets and ingredients. Sprin kle summer rolls with chopped peanuts. Serve with remaining sauce.Recharge for summer fun with a sweet superfood North Carolina Sweetpotato Commission Sweetpotato Summer Rolls.Coconut Key Lime Cream Pie is the perfect summertime treat By CULINARY.NET Summer is the time to re lax, refresh and indulge in sweet and heavenly treats. While you’re lounging poolside and watching the kids play, enjoy a cool, creamy and absolutely di vine dessert that’s perfect on a hot day. This luscious Coconut Key Lime Cream Pie has a smooth texture with toasted shredded coconut on top. It’s sweet, but not too sweet, and will leave your taste buds wanting more as soon as you take your rst bite. Fresh out of the refriger ator, it’s ideal for everyone to share on those days when it’s just too warm outside to not have a chilled snack. Also topped with lime zest and maraschino cherries, visually this pie is a winner with fun pops of color that will leave your mouth wa tering. To make this cool, creamy creation, add vanilla wafers to a blender to make crumbs. Add melted butter and blend. Add crumb mixture to the bottom of a pie pan and press against the sides. Refrigerate to make crust. In another large bowl, beat cream cheese, condensed milk and coconut extract. In a different large bowl, beat whipping cream un til it starts to thicken. Add powdered sugar and lime juice. Reserve 1 cup of the whipped topping. Add lime juice, coco nut akes and the reserved whipped topping to the cream cheese mixture then stir to combine. Add cream cheese mixture to the pie crust and smooth it out. Top with whipped topping then garnish with toasted coconut, lime zest and maraschino cherries. It’s the perfect pie to en joy whether you’re outside enjoying some sunshine or inside, taking a break from the summer fun. After be ing chilled, all of the avors combine to leave you with a delicious, one of a kind treat. Find more summer recipes at If you made this recipe at home, use #MyCulinary Connection on your favorite social network to share your work.Coconut Key Lime Cream PieServings: 6-8 1 package (11 ounces) vanil la wafers 1/3 cup butter, melted2 cups heavy whipping cream 1/4 cup confectioners’ sugar 1/2 cup Key lime juice, divided 1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese, softened 1 can (14 ounces) sweet ened condensed milk 1 teaspoon coconut extract1 cup shredded coconut1/4 cup toasted shredded coconut Lime zestMaraschino cherries In blender, pulse vanilla wafers into crumbs. Add melted butter and pulse un til combined. Press crumbs into bottom and up sides of greased 9 1/2-inch deep-dish pie plate. Refrigerate 30 minutes. In large bowl, beat whip ping cream until it thickens. Add confectioners’ sugar and 1 tablespoon lime juice; beat until stiff peaks form. Remove 1 cup; set aside. In separate large bowl, beat cream cheese until smooth. Add sweetened condensed milk and coco nut extract; beat until blend ed. Add remaining lime juice and shredded coconut; stir until combined. Add re served whipped cream. Stir until combined. Pour into crust. Refrigerate 4 hours.Before serving, garnish with toasted coconut, lime zest and maraschino cher ries.


A12 Thursday, May 4, 2023 Citrus County ChronicleFeast on traditional Mexican cuisine this Cinco de Mayo By METROCREATIVE Cinco de Mayo is a fes tive occasion that celebrates Mexican culture and food. Cinco de Mayo commem orates a minor Mexican vic tory over France that took place on May 5, 1862, at the Battle of Puebla. While it has never been a big deal in Mexico, especially in comparison to celebrations of Mexico’s independence, Cinco de Mayo has become a festive phenomenon north of the border. When it comes to food and beverage, many people see Cinco de Mayo as an excuse to indulge in a few margari tas and dine on tacos. Those who prefer more authentic fare may want to explore further. Pork loin is a quintes sential Mexican dish. It can be prepared in many ways with rich spices. This recipe for Stuffed Loin of Pork from “The Complete Mexican, South American & Caribbean Cookbook” (Metro Books) by Jane Milton, Jenni Fleetwood and Marina Filippelli, is stuffed with a ground pork mixture to make it even more savory.Stuffed Loin of PorkServes 6 3 to 3 1/2 pounds boneless pork loin, butterflied and ready for stuffing For the stuffing: 1/3 cup raisins1/2 cup dry white wine1 tablespoon vegetable oil1 onion, sliced2 garlic cloves, crushed1/2 teaspoon ground cloves1 teaspoon ground cinnamon1 1/4 pounds ground pork2/3 cup vegetable stock2 tomatoes1/2 cup chopped almonds1/2 teaspoon each salt and ground black pepperMake the stufng. Put the raisins and wine in a bowl. Set aside. Heat the oil in a large pan, add the onion and garlic, and cook for 5 min utes over low heat. Add the cloves and cinna mon, then the pork. Cook, stirring, until the pork has browned. Add the stock. Simmer, stirring frequently, for 20 minutes. While the pork is simmer ing, peel the tomatoes. Cut a cross in the bottom of each tomato, then put them both in a heatproof bowl. Pour in boiling water to cover. Leave the tomatoes in this water for 3 minutes, then lift them out on a slotted spoon and plunge them into a bowl of cold water. Drain. The skins will have begun to peel back from the crosses. Remove the skins com pletely, then chop the esh. Stir the tomatoes and al monds into the pork mixture, add the raisins and wine. Cook until the mixture is re duced to a thick sauce. Let cool. Preheat the oven to 350 de grees. Open out the pork loin and trim it neatly. Season the pork stufng with salt and pepper to taste. Spread on the surface of the meat in a neat layer, taking it right to the edges and keeping it as even as possible. Roll up the pork loin care fully and tie it at intervals with kitchen string. Weigh the pork and calculate the cooking time at 30 minutes per pound, plus another 30 minutes. Put the stuffed pork loin in a roasting pan, season with salt and pepper, and roast for the calculated time. When the loin is cooked, transfer it to a meat platter, place a tent of aluminum foil over it, and let it stand for 10 minutes before carving and serving with the roasted vegetables of your choice. MetroCreative Stuffed Loin of Pork.Pork loin is a quintessential dishCrisp, refreshing drink to toast Cinco de Mayo By METROCREATIVE Cinco de Mayo is a great opportunity to dance, eat and make a little noise. Often some well-crafted cocktails help celebrants to shake off their inhibitions and make the party a bit more festive. Many revelers may insist that no Cinco de Mayo cel ebration is complete with out margaritas. In Spanish, margarita refers to a daisy ower. Some believe that the margarita is a variation of the Daisy cocktail, which mixes citrus, orange liqueur, a spirit and soda. Others attest that the mar garita has always been its own unique drink and was developed in the Mexican city of Acapulco when a Texas socialite combined blanco tequila with lime juice and Cointreau. Tequila is a spirit made from the agave plant, a suc culent that grows in arid cli mates, which are common in areas of Mexico. Agave produces a sweet nectar that some people use as a sugar substitute. Blue agave juice can be fermented and turned into tequila. Agave also makes other spirits, including mezcal, sotol and baconara. Everyone should know how to make a margarita, especially those who plan to host Cinco de Mayo events. This version, courtesy of, puts a unique and spicy spin on the avor prole of margaritas.Spicy Margarita1 lime wedge2 jalapeno coins, seeds removed 2 ounces blanco tequila1/2 ounce orange liqueur1 ounce lime juice, freshly squeezed 1/2 ounce agave syrup Optional: garnish rim with salt and jalapeno coinRub the rim of a rocks glass with lime wedge, dip the rim in salt to coat (if de sired) and set aside. Add the jalapeno coins to a shaker and gently muddle. Add the blanco tequila, orange liqueur, lime juice and agave syrup, plus ice, and shake until well-chilled. Strain into the prepared glass over fresh ice. Garnish with a jalapeno coin if de sired. Ron Wingard Photography Try a Cinco de Mayo drink with a spicy twist.Try margarita with a spicy twistThese scrumptious shrimp tacos show how seafood, cheese can get along By CHRISTOPHER KIMBALL Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street If you think seafood and cheese don’t mix, these in credible shrimp tacos will change your mind. Tacos gobernador, or “governor’s tacos,” are a modern Mexican classic. A blend of shrimp and melty cheese is tucked inside torti llas that then are folded and cooked like a quesadilla. The cooks at Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street boost the avor of theirs with half a cup of fresh cilantro and pickled jalapeños. Shredded mozzarella offers the right melty consistency and mild avor that doesn’t overpow er the subtle natural sweet ness of the shrimp. The tacos are said to have originated in the coastal state of Sinaloa, supposedly in honor of the governor in the late 1980s. The lling can be as simple as sautéed chopped shrimp with garlic, fresh cheese and green pep pers. But in this recipe from our book “Cook What You Have,” which draws on pan try staples to assemble easy, weeknight meals, we boost their avor with half a cup of fresh cilantro and pickled jalapeños. Shredded mozzarella of fers the melty consistency we were looking for, as well as a mild avor that doesn’t overpower the subtle natu ral sweetness of the shrimp. The recipe calls for medium shrimp, but since they’re chopped, you can use large or extra-large – whatever is most convenient. If you prefer corn tortillas over our, swap them in if you like, though you’ll need to heat them before add ing the lling so they don’t break when folded. Just pop them in the hot skillet for a few seconds per side until pliable.Shrimp and Cheese Tacos (Tacos Gobernador)Start to finish: 40 minutes Servings: 4 1 pound medium (41 to 50 per pound) shrimp, peeled, deveined (tails removed), cut into 3/4-inch pieces and patted dry (see head note) Kosher salt and ground black pepper 3 tablespoons grapeseed or other neutral oil, divided 1 small white OR yellow onion, halved and thinly sliced 1 green bell pepper OR poblano chili, stemmed, seeded and thinly sliced 3 medium garlic cloves, thinly sliced 8 ounces moz zarella cheese, shredded (2 cups) 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilan tro, plus more to serve 3 tablespoons pickled jala peños, chopped, plus 1 tablespoon brine Eight 6-inch flour OR corn tortillas (see headnote)Season the shrimp with 1/2 teaspoon each salt and pepper; set aside. In a 12-inch nonstick skillet over medium, heat 1 tablespoon oil until shimmering. Add the onion, bell pepper and 1/2 teaspoon salt; cook, stir ring occasionally, until the vegetables begin to brown, 8 to 10 minutes. Add the garlic and shrimp, then cook, stirring occa sionally, until the shrimp turn opaque, 2 to 3 minutes. Transfer the mixture to a large bowl; wipe out and re serve the skillet. Stir in the cheese, cilantro and pickled jalapeños and their brine into the shrimp mixture. Taste and season with salt and pepper. Divide the lling evenly among the tortillas (about 1/2 cup each) and spread it to cover half of each tortilla. Fold the unlled sides over and press. In the same skillet over medium-high, heat 1 table spoon oil until shimmering. Add 4 of the tacos and cook until golden brown on the bottoms, about 2 minutes. Using a wide spatula, ip the tacos and cook, adjust ing the heat as needed, un til browned on the second sides, another 2 to 3 min utes. Transfer to a platter. Cook the remaining tacos in the same way using the remaining 1 tablespoon oil. Serve sprinkled with addi tional cilantro. Optional garnish: Lime wedges OR guacamole OR sour cream OR a combina tion. Recipe online at https:// -tacos-gobernador. Milk Street via Associated Press This image released by Milk Street shows a recipe for shrimp and cheese tacos.Modern Mexican classic is delicious 795-9722 Licensed&Insured “4 YearsAsYourHometownDealer” HWY.44 CRYSTALRIVERBlackshearsIIAluminum Rescreen•SeamlessGutters•GarageScreens NewScreenRoom•GlassRoomConversions SAVEENERGY! HOUSE REPLACEMENT WINDOWS 2021 2021 “46YearsAsYourHometownDealer”


S CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE Section B THURSDAY, MAY 4 , 2023 By MARK DIDTLER Associated Press ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Shane McClanah an became baseball’s rst six-game winner and the Tampa Bay Rays routed the Pittsburgh Pirates 8-1 on Wednesday night. In a matchup of small-bud get teams off to big starts, the major league-best Rays topped the NL Central-lead ing Pirates for the second consecutive day. McClanahan (6-0) gave up one run on ve hits over six innings, striking out nine and lowering his ERA to 2.03. “Throwing strikes, kind of mixing everything, being a little unpredictable, and trusting my defense behind me,” McClanahan said. Josh Lowe and Wander Franco homered off Pitts burgh relievers as the Rays improved to 25-6. Since 1961, only the World Se ries-winning 1984 Detroit Tigers (26-5) had more wins through 31 games. Tampa Bay has outscored its opponents 207-94. The Rays lead the majors with 64 home runs. Pittsburgh manager Derek Shelton was ejected in the fourth. He was yelling from the dugout at plate umpire Quinn Wolcott before com ing out to talk with crew chief and third base umpire Adrian Johnson. First base umpire Manny Gonzalez joined the discussion and followed Shelton down the foul line toward the plate before it appeared he redi rected the manager back to ward the bench. “I had a disagreement with how the clock was being run,” Shelton said. “I had a disagreement with how the clock was being run yesterday. This is an is sue I discussed with MLB this morning, and I’m sure we’ll probably discuss it tomorrow. In that situation, the 30-second clock runs, it stopped. I asked why it was stopped, and the umpire dis agreed with my assessment of it, and then we had a con versation about it.” The Pirates felt the um pires missed a number of calls in Tuesday night’s 4-1 loss to the Rays, including a pitch-clock violation and a balk. Overall, Shelton thinks the new pitch clock has worked well. “I thought they’ve done McClanahan improve to 6-0, Rays beat Pirates Chris O’Meara / AP Tampa Bay Rays starting pitcher Shane McClanahan delivers to the Pittsburgh Pirates during the first inning on Wednesday in St. Petersburg. CHRONICLECR’s Strom to state track Several members of the Crystal River track and eld team traveled across the state Wednesday to Astronaut High School in Titusville to compete in the Region 2A-2 Champi onships. At least one Pirate will be appearing in the Class 2A State Finals on May 18 in Jacksonville after earn ing an automatic berth. Kasey Strom nished second in the girls discus with a toss of 30.05 me ters to earn one of two au tomatic bids in the event. The Pirate senior was seeded fourth coming into regionals based on throws at districts but climbed two spots to assure herself a trip to the University of North Florida to compete at state for the rst time. The top two place n ishers automatically move on to state, with at-large berths handed out in each event for the next 10 best performances in the state across the four regionals. Bailee Einspahr, a state medalist last season in the javelin, nished sixth in that event at regionals with a toss of 30.87 me ters and will have to hope for an at-large berth to return to the state champi onships. Nevaeh Beauchamp won her ight in the girls shot put and nished sixth overall with a toss of 9.18 meters. In the girls pole vault, Pirate Lilyana Rodriguez cleared the rst three heights of the competition and nished in seventh place with a nal height cleared of 1.80 meters. Ben Williams jumped 3 meters in the boys pole vault and placed ninth. In the girls 400 hur dles Savannah Amsbury placed 14th with a time of 1:23.06. The boys 4x800 team also qualied for region als but did not run. Panthers edged in regionals The season came to an end for the Lecanto ag football team with a 6-0 Class 1A regional semi nal loss Wednesday night at Braden River High School in Bradenton. The Panthers wrapped up the year with an 11-4 re cord, while the Pirates (14-2) advance to the regional title game Monday night against powerhouse Robin son (18-2).Season ends for Hurricanes The Citrus baseball team lost 13-2 Wednesday night at North Marion in the District 4A-5 tournament seminals to end the sea son with an 11-15 record. The top-seeded Colts (215) move on to Thursday’s district title game at home against Dunnellon or The Villages. LOCAL SPORTS BRIEFS By MATT PFIFFNER Sports editor Mallori Grey will be very busy Thursday at the Re gion 3A-2 Track and Field Meet at Davenport High School and the Lecanto se nior would have it no other way. Grey qualied for region als in all four of her eld events and will be looking to continue her amazing season by qualifying for state in at least one of them. The Panther won the dis trict title in the javelin – her rst season in the event – and placed third in the high jump, long jump and triple jump at Lake Minneola High School. The top four place nishers in each event advanced to regionals. “It gets a little tiring, but I’m used to it. And the events were a little more spread out (at districts),” Grey said. Lecanto head coach Ben jamin Simmons said the Panther senior has done a great job this season pre paring for all of her events and is just a natural track athlete. “I believe Mallori does so well in so many differ ent events because she is so fantastic about managing her time at practice and she is so vocal about asking for feedback. She alternates be tween events at practice and communicates very well with her coaches as she ask for input on what events she should focus on each day,” he said. “At meets she of ten has to switch between events that draw on com pletely different skill sets and she often makes it look far easier then it should. She is just great about staying relaxed and resetting her mindset as she moves be tween events.” Grey broke her own school record in the javelin at dis tricts with a winning toss of 107-feet 5-inches. “I started it this year. I started track last year and didn’t do javelin last year because I did a little more running,” Grey said. “This is the rst year doing it and we have a new javelin coach (Beth Varney) so that’s helped too. “Since it’s something I just started, I can’t do any worse than I did in previous years. It’s just continually getting better. And the new coach has helped a lot with my form. She used to throw in college, and she got sec ond at state in high school.” Simmons said Grey start ed out the season strong and has just improved through out. “Mallori has done out standing all season long in any event that we put her into. As the season pro gressed, we moved her away from her running Proficient Panther Lecanto’s Grey set to compete in four events at regionals MATT PFIFFNER / Sports editor Mallori Grey of Lecanto gets set to release the javelin on her way to a gold medal April 27 at the District 3A-5 Track and Field Meet at Lake Minneola High School. Grey broke her own school record with a toss of 107-feet 5-inches and qualified for regionals in the javelin, as well as the high jump, long jump and triple jump. Special to the Chronicle Crystal River High School recently hosted a signing day celebration for senior volleyball player Riley Solomon. She signed her National Letter of Intent to continue her volleyball career at Sante Fe College in Gainesville. She will play for the Saints in the fall. Pictured, front row, from left, mother Kari Solomon, Riley Solomon, father Jeff Solomon and brother Brycen Solomon. Back row, from left, CRHS Athletic / Activities Director Bobby Verlato, CRHS Principal Phillip McLeod and CRHS Assistant Principal Brian Lancaster. SOLOMON SIGNS WITH SANTA FE By KYLE HIGHTOWER Associated Press BOSTON — Jaylen Brown scored 25 points and the Boston Celtics rolled past the Philadelphia 76ers 121-87 on Wednes day night, spoiling the return of reigning league MVP Joel Embiid. The Celtics tied the series at one game apiece as the Eastern Conference semi nals series shifts to Phil adelphia for Game 3 on Friday. Malcolm Brogdon add ed 23 points, connect ing on six of Boston’s 20 3-pointers. Derrick White and Marcus Smart added 15 points apiece. Jayson Tatum played most of the game in foul trouble and was held to seven points. Boston ratcheted up its defense and limited a 76ers team that hit 17 3-pointers in its Game 1 win to just 6 of 30 from beyond the arc on Wednesday. The Celtics led by as many as 36 points in the fourth quarter. Tobias Harris led the 76ers with 16 points. Embiid nished with 15 points, three rebounds and ve blocks in his rst game back from a sprained right knee that caused him to miss the nal game of the 76ers’ rst-round sweep of Brooklyn. He also sat out Philadelphia’s Game 1 win on Monday. Embiid’s return came a day after being voted MVP for the rst time. He was cleared to play by doctors and training staff following a pregame, on-court workout. That was af ter he did some light work during the 76ers’ morning shootaround. Tatum picked up three fouls in the rst half. He Brown scores 25, Celtics spoil Embiid’s return in 121-87 win See CELTICS , page B4 See GREY , page B4 See RAYS , page B4


B2 Thursday, May 4, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle Chassahowitzka* Crystal River** Homosassa*** Withlacoochee*6:27 a.m. 1:01 a.m. 6:05 p.m. 12:13 p.m. 4:41 a.m. 10:52 a.m. 4:25 p.m. 11:29 p.m. 6:06 a.m. 12:51 a.m. 5:15 p.m. 11:32 a.m. 2:09 a.m. 8:43 a.m. 1:40 p.m. 9:19 p.m.THURS 5/4FRI 5/5 SAT 5/6SUN 5/7MON 5/8TUES 5/9WED 5/10 High/Low High/Low High/Low High/Low7:13 a.m. 1:55 a.m. 6:45 p.m. 12:10 p.m. 5:26 a.m. 11:28 a.m. 5:01 p.m. ———— 6:39 a.m. 1:40 a.m. 5:39 p.m. 11:51 a.m. 2:53 a.m. 9:18 a.m. 2:08 p.m. 9:58 p.m. 7:58 a.m. 2:47 a.m. 7:27 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 6:09 a.m. 12:13 a.m. 5:38 p.m. 12:03 p.m. 7:10 a.m. 2:25 a.m. 6:07 p.m. 12:11 p.m. 3:38 a.m. 9:53 a.m. 2:38 p.m. 10:39 p.m. 8:42 a.m. 3:42 a.m. 8:13 p.m. 12:27 p.m. 6:52 a.m. 12:57 a.m. 6:17 p.m. 12:37 p.m. 7:42 a.m. 3:10 a.m. 6:39 p.m. 12:32 p.m. 4:26 a.m. 10:29 a.m. 3:11 p.m. 11:22 p.m. 9:24 a.m. 4:40 a.m. 9:02 p.m. 12:44 p.m. 7:37 a.m. 1:41 a.m. 6:59 p.m. 1:09 p.m. 8:19 a.m. 3:58 a.m. 7:17 p.m. 12:56 p.m. 5:17 a.m. 11:08 a.m. 3:49 p.m. ———— 10:07 a.m. 5:42 a.m. 9:55 p.m. 1:05 p.m. 8:27 a.m. 2:29 a.m. 7:46 p.m. 1:43 p.m. 9:05 a.m. 4:55 a.m. 8:01 p.m. 1:25 p.m. 6:12 a.m. 12:10 a.m. 4:34 p.m. 11:51 a.m. 10:54 a.m. 6:47 a.m. 10:52 p.m. 1:28 p.m. 9:24 a.m. 3:23 a.m. 8:41 p.m. 2:22 p.m. 10:11 a.m. 6:05 a.m. 8:53 p.m. 2:10 p.m. 7:09 a.m. 1:01 a.m. 5:28 p.m. 12:42 p.m. *From mouths of rivers. **At Kings Bay. ***At Mason’s Creek. Tide charts W e saw the last week and a half bring some sure enough windy weather with higher water and air temps, and much need-ed rain. I saw some pretty bet-ting angling the last week and a half with three trips and great anglers. The rst trip was with some newfound friends and clients Dan Dunkle and his son-in-law Tony from Ohio. Dan stays down here for the spring and Tony was visiting for the family. We launched out of Homosassa in quest of some trout and reds. The trout let us down only in size but not numbers. We were drift shing behind the keys area in about 3 feet of water. This happen to be one of the week’s more blustery days so I wanted to try and stay somewhat protected from the south-west winds. I don’t recall what the total count on trout caught that day was, but we ended up with three nice slot trout for the dinner table. Then we motored towards some of the nearby islands where I’ve been seeing redsh and trolled around ‘em to try our luck with the incom-ing tide. We saw plenty but most had other ideas besides wanting to eat. Dan did take one nice slot red on a Cajun-Thunder with a plastic white shrimp dangling underneath. All in all an ethical day considering not the rst hardhead catsh or lizardsh (knock on wood) brought aboard! Tuesday some good clients from the Tampa area, Mr. Bob Dow and daughters joined me for a day of shing. The weather was superb but I wish I could say the shing was the same. These were some pretty hard-core anglers that sure gave it their best college try. It sure wasn’t to say that we didn’t nd the sh and cast to the sh. But the good sh had other intentions besides eating. After the dust had settled, Bob ended up with one over the slot red and I ended up with one chunky 18-inch trout. The sh were there, just never turned on. Yes, that’s why they call it shing. If good weather still persists, we should see even some more good shing in store for the next week. Don’t forget this Saturday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. is the Homosassa Mullet Toss and Spring Festival at the Florida Cracker on the Homosassa River. Hope to see ya there.Good weather brings good fishing RickBurnsFishing Report By BETH HARRIS AP Racing Writer Secretariat had an unusu ally large heart, an engine that propelled him to a Tri ple Crown sweep 50 years ago. The colt nicknamed Big Red remains the heart beat of an industry that has yet to see such dominance on and off the track repli cated. His name recognition, even among those who don’t follow sports, is still strong 34 years after his death, and eight of his de scendants will run in the Kentucky Derby on Sat urday, including early 3-1 favorite Forte. “He’s still the bar to me,” said Bob Baffert, who trained Triple Crown win ners American Pharoah in 2015 and Justify in 2018. “I still ask strangers, ‘Who’s the best horse you ever heard of?’ and I’m hoping they say Pharoah. They say Secretariat.” Secretariat won the Der by, Preakness and Belmont in record times that still stand, and ended a 25-year Triple Crown drought. “It says he was beauti fully prepared for each of those races, and his com petition was not as good as he was,” said Dave John son, track announcer for the 1973 Belmont in which Secretariat won by an as tounding 31 lengths. “He was a special animal.” Big Red’s path to Triple Crown glory began in the Derby. He was the rst horse to cover the 1 1 / 4 -mile distance in under 2 min utes with a time of 1:59.40. It would not be repeated until Monarchos clocked 1:59.97 in 2001. Two weeks later, Secre tariat broke last out of the starting gate in the Preak ness. Jockey Ron Turcotte made a split-second de cision in the rst turn to swing Big Red to the out side in a rush to the front. They won by 2 1 / 2 lengths over Sham, who had also nished second in the Der by. “I could make ve, six moves with him in a race. A normal horse you could make one or two,” Turcotte told The Associated Press by phone from his home in Canada. “Down the lane I never asked him to run. He just galloped to the wire very easily.” The Pimlico track’s tim ing device showed Sec retariat clocked 1:55 for 1 3/16 miles, but it had malfunctioned. It wasn’t until 2012, at owner Penny Chenery’s request, that the Maryland Racing Commis sion reviewed video and revised his time to 1:53, another track record. Secretariat’s popularity exploded in the three weeks leading up to the Belmont. He became a pop culture phenomenon, appearing on the covers of Time and Newsweek while helping distract a nation dragged down by Watergate and the Vietnam War. “He had just about every thing,” Turcotte said. “He was a good-looking horse, he was a very strong horse, had a long stride that cov ered a lot of ground, a very cooperative and generous horse. He would give you whatever you asked of him.” In the Belmont, Secretar iat was the 1-10 favorite in the grueling 1 1 / 2 -mile race against just four rivals, in cluding Sham who was back for another try. Secretariat went to the early lead along the rail and was soon challenged by Sham, ridden by Laft Pin cay Jr. The two horses were even through a half-mile at a blistering pace in what became a match race with the rest of the eld about 10 lengths behind. Sham poked his head in front around the turn, but soon weakened. Secretariat began distancing himself from the eld. He ran the mile in 1:34.20 and reeled off 1 1 / 4 miles in 1:59, faster than his record time in the Derby. Big Red completed the last quarter in a scant 25 seconds. He nished in 2:24, his third record in as many races. “The Belmont was such a magnicent display of speed and stamina,” re called Johnson, who is now 81. Sham was injured and n ished last. He never raced again. Secretariat’s legend has only endured. He had his own U.S. stamp and was the subject of a 2010 Dis ney movie. “He was a beautiful horse,” said Pincay, now 76 and retired since 2003. “You never saw him do anything stupid. Some horses jump and down and get nervous. He was very businesslike.” Secretariat’s heart – which a 1989 necropsy found weighed 22 pounds, compared to 8 1 / 2 pounds for the average horse – was the basis for an Audi car commercial in 2017. “He could turn air to oxygen much faster than another horse could,” Tur cotte said. And on the 50th anniver sary of his history-making triumph, Secretariat is be ing given another round of celebration. The Kentucky Derby Museum is featur ing “Secretariat: America’s Horse,” a new exhibit that uses technology to show how his physique helped make him such a standout. His three Triple Crown vic tories can be viewed on a 10-foot wall. The National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame is taking a traveling exhibit to the Triple Crown cities of Louisville, Kentucky, Bal timore and New York – as well as Secretariat’s birth state of Virginia. The exhib it features his Triple Crown trophies and the story of the people who guided him.Triple Crown winner Secretariat still dominant 50 years onMahomes’ brother Jackson charged with sexual battery OVERLAND PARK, Kan. (AP) — Jackson Ma homes, the brother of Kan sas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes, was booked into jail Wednes day on aggravated sexual battery charges over an al leged altercation at a Kan sas restaurant in late Feb ruary. Jackson Mahomes, 22, was charged Tuesday in Johnson County, Kansas, with three counts of ag gravated sexual battery and one count of battery. He was being held on $100,000 bond. During a brief virtual court appear ance Wednesday, the judge scheduled the next online hearing for May 11. 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Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 4, 2023 B3 AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GBTampa Bay 25 6 .806 —Baltimore 20 10 .667 4½Toronto 18 13 .581 7Boston 18 14 .563 7½New York 17 15 .531 8½ Central Division W L Pct GBMinnesota 17 14 .548 —Cleveland 14 17 .452 3Detroit 12 17 .414 4Chicago 10 21 .323 7Kansas City 8 23 .258 9 West Division W L Pct GBTexas 18 12 .600 —Los Angeles 17 14 .548 1½Houston 16 15 .516 2½Seattle 13 16 .448 4½Oakland 6 24 .200 12 NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GBAtlanta 21 10 .677 —Miami 16 15 .516 5New York 16 15 .516 5Phila. 15 17 .469 6½Washington 12 18 .400 8½ Central Division W L Pct GBPittsburgh 20 11 .645 —Milwaukee 18 11 .621 1Chicago 15 15 .500 4½Cincinnati 13 18 .419 7St. Louis 10 21 .322 10 West Division W L Pct GBLos Angeles 19 13 .594 —Arizona 17 14 .548 1½San Diego 17 15 .531 2San Francisco 13 17 .433 5Colorado 10 20 .333 8 AMERICAN LEAGUE Tuesday’s Games Tampa Bay 4, Pittsburgh 1N.Y. Yankees 4, Cleveland 2Boston 7, Toronto 6Chicago White Sox 3, Minnesota 2, 10 inn.L.A. Angels 5, St. Louis 1Baltimore 11, Kansas City 7San Francisco 2, Houston 0Texas 6, Arizona 4Seattle 2, Oakland 1N.Y. Mets at Detroit, ppd. Wednesday’s Games Detroit 6, N.Y. Mets 5, 1st gameSan Francisco 4, Houston 2Arizona 12, Texas 7Detroit 8, N.Y. Mets 1, 2nd gameTampa Bay 8, Pittsburgh 1Kansas City 6, Baltimore 0N.Y. Yankees 4, Cleveland 3, 10 inningsChicago White Sox 6, Minnesota 4Boston 8, Toronto 3L.A. Angels 6, St. Louis 4Seattle at Oakland Thursday’s Games N.Y. Mets (Verlander 0-0) at Detroit (Rodri guez 2-2), 1:10 p.m.Pittsburgh (Velasquez 4-2) at Tampa Bay (Ein 3-0), 1:10 p.m.L.A. Angels (Canning 1-0) at St. Louis (Fla herty 2-3), 1:15 p.m.Baltimore (Rodriguez 1-0) at Kansas City (Lyles 0-5), 2:10 p.m.Minnesota (López 2-2) at Chicago White Sox (Giolito 1-2), 2:10 p.m.Seattle (Kirby 2-2) at Oakland (Rucinski 0-1), 3:37 p.m.Toronto (Gausman 2-2) at Boston (Bello 0-1), 6:10 p.m. Friday’s Games Toronto at Pittsburgh, 6:35 p.m.Chicago White Sox at Cincinnati, 6:40 p.m.N.Y. Yankees at Tampa Bay, 6:40 p.m.Boston at Phila., 7:05 p.m.Minnesota at Cleveland, 7:10 p.m.Baltimore at Atlanta, 7:20 p.m.Oakland at Kansas City, 8:10 p.m.Detroit at St. Louis, 8:15 p.m.Texas at L.A. Angels, 9:38 p.m.Houston at Seattle, 10:10 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE Tuesday’s Games Atlanta 6, Miami 0Tampa Bay 4, Pittsburgh 1Washington 4, Chicago Cubs 1L.A. Angels 5, St. Louis 1San Francisco 2, Houston 0Colorado 3, Milwaukee 2Texas 6, Arizona 4Cincinnati 2, San Diego 1, 10 inningsL.A. Dodgers 13, Phila. 1N.Y. Mets at Detroit, ppd. Wednesday’s Games Detroit 6, N.Y. Mets 5, 1st gameSan Francisco 4, Houston 2Arizona 12, Texas 7San Diego 7, Cincinnati 1L.A. Dodgers 10, Phila. 6Detroit 8, N.Y. Mets 1, 2nd gameTampa Bay 8, Pittsburgh 1Atlanta 14, Miami 6Washington 2, Chicago Cubs 1L.A. Angels 6, St. Louis 4Milwaukee at Colorado Thursday’s Games Chicago Cubs (Taillon 0-2) at Washington (Corbin 1-4), 1:05 p.m.N.Y. Mets (Verlander 0-0) at Detroit (Rodri guez 2-2), 1:10 p.m.Pittsburgh (Velasquez 4-2) at Tampa Bay (Ein 3-0), 1:10 p.m.L.A. Angels (Canning 1-0) at St. Louis (Fla herty 2-3), 1:15 p.m.Milwaukee (Miley 3-1) at Colorado (Seabold 0-0), 3:10 p.m.Atlanta (Dodd 1-1) at Miami (Luzardo 2-1), 4:10 p.m. Friday’s Games Miami at Chicago Cubs, 2:20 p.m.Toronto at Pittsburgh, 6:35 p.m.Chicago White Sox at Cincinnati, 6:40 p.m.Boston at Phila., 7:05 p.m.Colorado at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m.Baltimore at Atlanta, 7:20 p.m.Detroit at St. Louis, 8:15 p.m.L.A. Dodgers at San Diego, 9:40 p.m.Washington at Arizona, 9:40 p.m.Milwaukee at San Francisco, 10:15 p.m. TAMPA BAY 8, PITTSBURGH 1 Pittsburgh Tampa Bay ab r h bi ab r h bi Hayes 3b 4 0 0 0 Díaz 1b 5 1 2 0Reynolds cf 4 0 1 0 Franco ss 5 3 2 2McCutch dh 4 1 1 1 Ramírez dh 4 1 1 1Santana 1b 3 0 1 0 B.Lowe 2b 4 0 1 2Joe lf 4 0 1 0 Walls 3b 3 0 0 0Castro ss 4 0 1 0 J.Lowe rf 4 1 1 1Andujar rf 4 0 0 0 Siri cf 3 1 1 0Bae 2b 3 0 2 0 Raley lf 4 0 1 1Hedges c 3 0 0 0 Mejía c 4 1 1 0Suwinski ph 1 0 0 0 Totals 34 1 7 1 Totals 36 8 10 7Pittsburgh 001 000 000 — 1 Tampa Bay 003 021 11x — 8 E Castro (5), Bae (5). LOB Pittsburgh 8, Tampa Bay 6. 2B Reynolds (11), B.Lowe (3), Mejía (3), Raley (4). 3B Joe (3). HR McCutchen (6), J.Lowe (6), Franco (6). SB Bae 2 (13). IP H R ER BB SO Pittsburgh Keller L,3-1 5 5 5 1 1 8Hernandez 1 1 1 1 1 2Bolton 2 4 2 2 0 3Tampa Bay McClanahan W,6-0 6 5 1 1 2 9Anderson S,1-1 3 2 0 0 0 2WP McClanahan.Umpires Home, Quinn Wolcott; First, Manny Gonzalez; Second, Junior Valentine; Third, Adrian Johnson.T 2:22. A 15,247 (25,025). SAN FRANCISCO 4, HOUSTON 2 San Francisco Houston ab r h bi ab r h bi Slater cf-lf 4 1 2 1 Dubón 2b 4 0 1 0Estrada ss 3 0 1 0 Bregman 3b 4 1 1 2Haniger lf 4 0 1 1 Alvarez lf 4 0 1 0Stevensn cf 0 0 0 0 J.Abreu 1b 3 0 1 0Davis 3b 4 0 0 0 Tucker rf 4 0 0 0Flores dh 4 1 1 1 Peña ss 4 0 0 0Conforto rf 3 1 0 0 Meyers cf 4 0 0 0Villar 2b 2 0 0 0 Hensley dh 2 1 0 0Pederson ph 1 0 0 0 Maldonado c 2 0 1 0Wisely 2b 1 0 0 0 Bart c 3 1 2 1 Wade Jr. 1b 1 0 0 0 Totals 30 4 7 4 Totals 31 2 5 2San Francisco 000 002 101 — 4Houston 000 000 020 — 2E Wade Jr. (2), Villar (2). DP San Francisco 3, Houston 3. LOB San Francisco 3, Hous ton 5. 2B Bart (3). HR Flores (5), Bregman (4). SB Slater (2). S Wade Jr. (2). IP H R ER BB SOSan Francisco Webb W,2-5 7 2 / 3 5 2 2 2 5 Alexander H,2 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 1 Doval S,5-6 1 0 0 0 1 1Houston Valdez L,2-4 6 5 2 2 2 8Maton 1 1 1 1 0 1Martinez 1 0 0 0 0 1B.Abreu 1 1 1 1 0 2HBP Maton (Conforto). WP Doval.Umpires Home, Bruce Dreckman; First, Stu Scheuwater; Second, Malachi Moore; Third, Mark Wegner.T 2:14. A 40,405 (41,000). DETROIT 6, N.Y. METS 5 (GAME 1) New York Detroit ab r h bi ab r h bi Nimmo cf 5 0 0 0 Vierling rf 4 1 1 0Marte rf 4 0 1 0 Báez ss 3 3 2 1Lindor ss 4 1 1 2 Greene cf 4 1 1 0Alonso 1b 4 0 1 0 Haase dh 4 1 2 5Pham lf 4 1 3 1 Torkelson 1b 4 0 0 0McNeil 2b 4 0 1 0 Schoop 2b 2 0 1 0Canha dh 3 1 1 1 McKinsty ph 1 0 0 0Baty 3b 3 1 1 0 Ibáñez lf 2 0 0 0Nido c 3 1 1 0 Maton ph 1 0 0 0Vogelbac ph 1 0 0 0 Rogers c 3 0 0 0 Short 3b 2 0 0 0 Baddoo ph 1 0 0 0Totals 35 5 10 4 Totals 31 6 7 6 New York 020 030 000 — 5 Detroit 301 000 02x — 6 E Greene (1), Ibáñez (1). DP New York 0, Detroit 1. LOB New York 5, Detroit 2. 2B Alonso (3), Pham (2), Schoop (3). HR Pham (3), Canha (3), Lindor (5), Haase (1), Báez (1). SB Vierling (4). IP H R ER BB SO New York Lucchesi 4 5 4 4 0 1 Yacabonis 3 0 0 0 0 3Ottavino L,0-2 BS 1 2 2 2 0 2Detroit Wentz 6 9 5 5 1 2 Vest 1 2 / 3 1 0 0 0 2 Alexander W,1-0 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 0 Lange S,4-5 1 0 0 0 1 1 HBP Ottavino (Báez).Umpires Home, Scott Barry; First, Brian Walsh; Second, Adam Beck; Third, Dan Ias sogna.T 2:04. A 11,363 (41,083). DETROIT 8, N.Y. METS 1 (GAME 2) New York Detroit ab r h bi ab r h bi Nimmo cf 4 0 1 0 McKinsty 2b 2 1 1 0Lindor ss 4 0 1 0 Short 2b 1 0 0 0McNeil rf 3 0 0 0 Greene cf 4 1 2 1Alonso 1b 3 1 1 0 Báez ss 4 0 0 0Vogelbac dh 4 0 1 1 Maton 3b 3 0 0 1Canha lf 4 0 1 0 Torkelson 1b 4 1 2 1Baty 3b 3 0 0 0 Baddoo lf 4 1 1 0Guillorme 2b 3 0 0 0 Vierling rf 4 1 1 2Álvarez c 3 0 0 0 Haase c 4 2 2 1 Ibáñez dh 4 1 3 2Totals 31 1 5 1 Totals 34 8 12 8New York 000 100 000 — 1 Detroit 210 300 02x — 8 E Maton (1). DP New York 1, Detroit 1. LOB New York 5, Detroit 5. 2B Vogelbach (4), Nimmo (7), Torkelson (5), Haase (4). HR Haase (2), Vierling (2). SF Maton (1). IP H R ER BB SO New York Scherzer L,2-2 3 1 / 3 8 6 6 1 3 Muckenhirn 1 2 / 3 1 0 0 0 0 Butto 2 1 / 3 1 1 1 1 2 Curtiss 2 / 3 2 1 1 0 0 Detroit Lorenzen W,1-1 7 4 1 1 2 1 Holton 1 1 0 0 0 0 Foley 1 0 0 0 0 1 Umpires Home, Gabe Morales; First, Adam Beck; Second, Dan Iassogna; Third, Brian Walsh.T 2:18. A 16,734 (41,083). ARIZONA 12, TEXAS 7 Arizona Texas ab r h bi ab r h bi Marte 2b 3 2 1 2 Semien 2b 4 0 1 0Rivera dh 5 1 1 1 Jankowski lf 4 1 1 1Gurriel Jr. lf 3 3 2 1 Thompsn ph 1 0 0 0Walker 1b 4 3 2 5 Lowe 1b 4 1 1 0Longoria 3b 3 0 0 0 García rf 4 0 0 1Rojas ph-3b 1 0 0 1 Jung 3b 5 2 3 3Fletcher rf 5 0 1 1 Heim dh 5 1 1 1Ahmed ss 3 0 0 0 Duran ss 4 0 1 0Perdomo ph 2 0 2 1 Taveras cf 3 1 3 1Thomas cf 5 0 0 0 León c 4 1 1 0Herrera c 0 2 0 0 Carroll ph 2 1 1 0 Moreno c 0 0 0 0 Totals 36 12 10 12 Totals 38 7 12 7 Arizona 003 030 510 — 12 Texas 010 150 000 — 7 E Marte (1). LOB Arizona 5, Texas 8. 2B Perdomo (7), León (2), Jankowski (4). HR Walker 2 (7), Marte (5), Gurriel Jr. (2), Heim (6), Jung 2 (8), Taveras (1). SB Thomas (3). SF Rojas (3), García (4). IP H R ER BB SO Arizona Pfaadt 4 2 / 3 9 7 7 1 3 Ruiz 1 1 0 0 1 2 Mantiply W,1-0 1 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 1 Castro 1 1 0 0 1 1 Chafin 1 1 0 0 0 3 Texas Heaney 4 2 / 3 4 6 6 4 5 Sborz L,0-1 1 1 / 3 2 3 3 1 1 Leclerc 1 / 3 1 2 2 2 0 Kennedy 1 2 / 3 2 1 1 0 2 Rodríguez 1 1 0 0 0 0 Ruiz pitched to 4 batters in the 6th.Umpires Home, Nate Tomlinson; First, Sean Barber; Second, Jim Wolf; Third, Alan Porter.T 3:05. A 21,427 (40,000). ATLANTA 14, MIAMI 6 Atlanta Miami ab r h bi ab r h bi Acuña Jr. rf 5 2 1 3 Chisholm cf 3 0 1 0Olson 1b 5 1 1 0 Burdick cf 1 0 0 0Riley 3b 5 1 1 2 Soler dh 5 0 0 0Murphy c 3 1 2 0 Gurriel 1b 5 1 2 0Albies 2b 5 2 4 2 Arraez 2b 3 0 1 1Grissom ss 5 1 1 0 Edwards 2b 2 1 1 0Ozuna dh 5 3 3 5 Sánchez lf 4 3 3 2Pillar lf 5 2 3 0 Segura 3b 3 1 1 0Harris II cf 4 1 2 2 De La Cruz lf 1 0 0 0 Hilliard cf 1 0 0 0 Hampson rf 4 0 1 0 Fortes c 4 0 2 2 Berti ss-3b 3 0 0 0Totals 43 14 18 14 Totals 38 6 12 5 Atlanta 071 050 010 — 14 Miami 022 000 200 — 6 E Grissom (5). DP Atlanta 1, Miami 2. LOB Atlanta 5, Miami 7. 2B Albies 2 (6), Segu ra (3), Gurriel (3), Arraez (6). HR Ozuna 2 (4), Harris II (1), Acuña Jr. (6), Riley (6), Albies (9), Sánchez (2). IP H R ER BB SO Atlanta Wright 2 6 4 3 1 3 McHugh W,1-0 3 3 0 0 0 1 Chavez 1 1 0 0 1 1 Lee 1 2 2 2 0 2 Yates 1 0 0 0 0 3 Minter 1 0 0 0 0 1 Miami Garrett L,1-1 4 1 / 3 14 11 11 2 3 Smeltzer 3 2 / 3 3 3 3 0 2 Stallings 1 1 0 0 0 1 Wright pitched to 3 batters in the 3rd. HBP Smeltzer (Murphy). WP Wright.Umpires Home, Charlie Ramos; First, Ramon De Jesus; Second, Doug Eddings; Third, Lance Barrett.T 2:37. A 10,428 (37,446). L.A. DODGERS 10, PHILADELPHIA 6 Philadelphia Los Angeles ab r h bi ab r h bi Schwarber lf 5 0 0 0 Ferguson p 0 0 0 0Turner ss 5 1 1 0 Betts rf 4 0 1 1Harper dh 3 2 3 0 Freeman 1b 3 1 1 1Castellano rf 4 1 1 1 Smith c 4 1 0 0Stott 2b 4 0 1 2 Muncy 3b 5 1 1 4Bohm 1b 4 1 1 1 Heyward dh 3 0 0 0Marsh cf 3 1 1 0 Rojas ph-ss 1 0 1 0Sosa 3b 4 0 1 1 Outman cf 4 2 2 0Stubbs c 4 0 1 1 Vargas 2b 4 2 1 2 Peralta lf 3 1 2 0 Barnes ph 1 0 1 2 Graterol p 0 0 0 0 Taylor ss-lf 3 2 2 0Totals 36 6 10 6 Totals 35 10 12 10 Philadelphia 104 000 001 — 6 Los Angeles 001 200 124 — 10 E Muncy (4). DP Philadelphia 0, Los An geles 1. LOB Philadelphia 9, Los Angeles 5. 2B Turner (5), Harper (1), Castellanos (11), Freeman (9), Outman 2 (6). 3B Taylor (1). HR Vargas (2), Muncy (12). SB Per alta (1), Vargas (2), Taylor (3). SF Stott (1), Freeman (2). IP H R ER BB SO Philadelphia Nola 6 1 / 3 7 4 4 0 5 Domínguez H,4 2 / 3 0 0 0 1 1 Alvarado BS,5-7 1 3 2 2 0 0 Kimbrel L,1-1 1 / 3 2 4 4 2 1 Los Angeles Stone 4 8 5 4 2 1 González 1 2 / 3 0 0 0 0 2 Almonte 1 1 / 3 0 0 0 1 2 Ferguson H,5 1 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 1 Graterol W,1-1 2 / 3 2 1 1 1 1 HBP Nola (Taylor), González (Marsh).Umpires Home, Edwin Moscoso; First, Chris Guccione; Second, David Rackley; Third, Jeremy Riggs.T 2:56. A 36,539 (56,000). SAN DIEGO 7, CINCINNATI 1 Cincinnati San Diego ab r h bi ab r h bi India dh 4 0 2 0 Grisham cf 5 1 3 0Friedl cf 4 0 1 0 Tatis Jr. rf 4 1 0 0Steer 1b 4 1 1 1 Soto lf 2 0 1 3Stephensn c 3 0 1 0 Bogaerts ss 5 0 0 0Fraley lf 3 0 0 0 Carpenter dh 4 0 1 0Senzel 3b 4 0 1 0 Cronenwt 1b 3 1 2 0Fairchild rf 4 0 0 0 Kim 3b 3 1 0 0Newman 2b 4 0 1 0 Odor 2b 3 2 1 0Barrero ss 3 0 1 0 Sullivan c 4 1 2 4Totals 33 1 8 1 Totals 33 7 10 7Cincinnati 000 001 000 — 1 San Diego 020 203 00x — 7 DP Cincinnati 1, San Diego 2. LOB Cin cinnati 7, San Diego 9. 2B Sullivan (1), Soto (7). HR Steer (3), Sullivan (1). IP H R ER BB SO Cincinnati Cessa L,1-4 3 1 / 3 4 3 3 3 2 Young 2 / 3 2 1 1 1 0 Farmer 1 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 0 Sanmartin 1 / 3 2 2 2 0 0 Legumina 2 / 3 2 1 1 2 1 Law 2 / 3 0 0 0 1 1 Gibaut 1 0 0 0 0 1 San Diego Lugo W,3-2 6 7 1 1 2 5 Honeywell Jr. 1 1 0 0 0 0 Hill 1 0 0 0 0 0 Cosgrove 1 0 0 0 0 0 Umpires Home, Edwin Moscoso; First, Chris Guccione; Second, David Rackley; Third, Jeremy Riggs.T 2:55. A 30,531 (40,222). KANSAS CITY 6, BALTIMORE 0 Baltimore Kansas City ab r h bi ab r h bi Mullins cf 4 0 0 0 Witt Jr. ss 4 2 1 1Ruschman c 4 0 1 0 Pasquant dh 4 1 3 3Mountcas dh 4 0 1 0 Perez c 4 0 0 0Santander rf 4 0 2 0 Melendez rf 4 0 1 0Stowers lf 2 0 1 0 Olivares lf 3 0 0 0McKenna ph 1 0 0 0 Bradley Jr. lf 1 0 0 0Hendersn ph 1 0 0 0 Pratto 1b 4 1 3 0Mateo ss 3 0 0 0 Massey 2b 3 1 2 0Frazier 2b 2 0 1 0 Duffy ph-2b 1 0 0 0Urías 3b 3 0 0 0 Garcia 3b 3 0 1 1O’Hearn 1b 2 0 0 0 Isbel cf 3 1 2 1McCann ph 1 0 0 0 Totals 31 0 6 0 Totals 34 6 13 6Baltimore 000 000 000 — 0 Kansas City 000 101 40x — 6 DP Baltimore 1, Kansas City 2. LOB Balti more 5, Kansas City 5. 2B Mountcastle (8), Pratto (1), Pasquantino 2 (11), Isbel (8). 3B Witt Jr. (3). HR Pasquantino (6). SB Witt Jr. (8). SF Garcia (1). IP H R ER BB SO Baltimore Gibson L,4-1 6 2 / 3 10 6 6 0 0 Akin 1 1 / 3 3 0 0 0 0 Kansas City Greinke W,1-4 5 3 0 0 0 3 Clarke H,2 1 1 0 0 0 2 Chapman H,3 1 1 0 0 0 0 Garrett 1 0 0 0 1 1 Staumont 1 1 0 0 0 0 Umpires Home, Roberto Ortiz; First, Rob Drake; Second, Bill Miller; Third, Chad Whitson.T 1:59. A 10,362 (38,427). N.Y. YANKEES 4, CLEVELAND 3 (10) Cleveland New York ab r h bi ab r h bi Kwan lf 5 0 2 0 Volpe ss 4 0 0 0Rosario ss 5 1 1 0 Torres 2b 4 0 0 0Ramírez 3b 4 1 1 0 Rizzo 1b 4 0 2 0Naylor 1b 4 0 0 0 Peraza pr 0 0 0 0Bell dh 3 0 1 1 Hicks pr-cf 0 1 0 0Giménez 2b 4 0 1 1 LeMaheu 3b 4 0 1 0Brennan rf 4 0 0 0 Calhoun dh 3 1 2 2Straw cf 4 1 2 0 Bader cf 3 0 0 0Gallagher c 3 0 0 0 Cabrera lf 1 1 0 0Gonzalez ph 1 0 1 1 Bauers rf 3 1 1 1Zunino c 0 0 0 0 Kiner lf 3 0 1 0 Higashioka c 3 0 0 0 Trevino ph 1 0 1 1Totals 37 3 9 3 Totals 33 4 8 4Cleveland 200 000 001 0 — 3 New York 000 020 001 1 — 4 E Rizzo (2). DP Cleveland 2, New York 2. LOB Cleveland 8, New York 5. 2B Straw (4). HR Calhoun (2), Bauers (1). SB Rosa rio (6), Kiner-Falefa (4), Peraza (2). S Kin er-Falefa (1). IP H R ER BB SO Cleveland Bieber 8 5 2 2 1 4 Clase BS,10-13 1 2 1 1 0 0 Stephan L,1-1 1 / 3 1 1 0 1 0 New York Schmidt 4 1 / 3 6 2 0 2 4 Hamilton 1 2 / 3 0 0 0 0 2 Cordero 1 1 0 0 0 0 Marinaccio 1 2 / 3 0 0 0 0 2 Holmes 1 / 3 2 1 1 0 0 Abreu W,1-0 1 0 0 0 1 1 Cordero pitched to 1 batter in the 8th.WP Holmes.Umpires Home, Cory Blaser; First, Clint Vondrak; Second, Carlos Torres; Third, Jan sen Visconti.T 2:41. A 36,060 (47,309). WASHINGTON 2, CHICAGO CUBS 1 Chicago Washington ab r h bi ab r h bi Hoerner 2b 2 1 0 0 Call lf 4 0 0 0Swanson ss 4 0 0 0 García 2b 2 0 0 0Happ lf 2 0 2 0 Ruiz c 4 0 0 0Bellinger cf 4 0 0 0 Meneses dh 4 1 2 0Suzuki rf 4 0 2 1 Candlario 3b 4 0 1 0Mancini 1b 4 0 2 0 Smith 1b 3 0 0 0Hosmer dh 4 0 0 0 Thomas rf 3 1 2 0Velázquez pr 0 0 0 0 Abrams ss 3 0 1 1Wisdom 3b 2 0 0 0 Robles cf 2 0 2 0Barnhart c 3 0 0 0 Totals 29 1 6 1 Totals 29 2 8 1Chicago 100 000 000 — 1 Washington 010 000 10x — 2 DP Chicago 2, Washington 4. LOB Chi cago 7, Washington 6. 3B Thomas (1). SB Hoerner (11), Robles 2 (8), Wisdom (1), Thomas (3). IP H R ER BB SO Chicago Stroman 6 5 1 1 3 5 Alzolay L,1-1 2 / 3 3 1 1 0 0 Leiter Jr. 1 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 2 Washington Irvin 4 1 / 3 2 1 1 4 3 Machado 1 2 / 3 1 0 0 0 2 Edwards Jr. W,1-1 1 0 0 0 1 1 Harvey H,7 1 1 0 0 0 2 Finnegan S,7-8 1 2 0 0 0 0 HBP Irvin (Hoerner). WP Irvin.Umpires Home, Tony Randazzo; First, Todd Tichenor; Second, Brian Knight; Third, Alex Tosi.T 2:27. A 15,903 (41,376). CHICAGO WHITE SOX 6, MINNESOTA 4 Minnesota Chicago ab r h bi ab r h bi Kepler rf 4 0 1 0 Anderson ss 4 1 3 1Polanco 2b 4 1 2 0 Benintendi lf 4 1 1 0Correa ss 5 1 1 2 Vaughn 1b 3 0 1 0Buxton dh 2 0 1 1 Jiménez dh 4 1 2 1Larnach lf 4 0 0 0 Robert Jr. cf 4 1 1 3Gallo 1b 2 0 0 0 Sheets rf 4 1 1 0Solano ph 2 0 0 0 Haseley rf 0 0 0 0Gordon cf 2 1 1 1 Grandal c 4 0 3 0Miranda ph 2 0 0 0 Hamilton pr 0 1 0 0Castro 3b 3 1 1 0 Zavala c 0 0 0 0Jeffers c 3 0 1 0 Burger 3b 2 0 0 0 Alberto 3b 1 0 0 0 Andrus 2b 3 0 0 0Totals 33 4 8 4 Totals 33 6 12 5Minnesota 003 100 000 — 4 Chicago 300 100 11x — 6 LOB Minnesota 8, Chicago 7. 2B Correa (5), Buxton (7). HR Gordon (2), Robert Jr. (6). SB Buxton (2). S Alberto (1). IP H R ER BB SO Minnesota Varland 4 2 / 3 7 4 4 2 6 Pagán 1 1 / 3 1 0 0 0 2 Jax L,1-3 1 3 1 1 1 0 Moran 1 1 1 1 0 0 Chicago Cease 5 5 4 4 4 6 Bummer 2 / 3 0 0 0 1 1 Santos W,1-0 1 1 / 3 3 0 0 0 1 Graveman H,6 1 0 0 0 0 1 Middleton S,1-1 1 0 0 0 1 3 WP Varland.Umpires Home, Phil Cuzzi; First, Mark Ripperger; Second, Shane Livensparger; Third, Dan Bellino.T 2:42. A 11,468 (40,241). MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL THIS DATE IN BASEBALL STANDINGS AND SCORES May 4 1939 – Boston rookie Ted Williams became the first player to hit a home run that cleared the right field seats at Briggs Stadium in Detroit. It was his first at-bat at Detroit. The Red Sox edged the Tigers 7-6. 1966 – Willie Mays broke the National League record with the 512th home run of his career in a 6-1 victory over the Los Angeles Dodg ers at Candlestick Park. Mays passed another Giant, breaking the mark established by Mel Ott in 1946. 1969 – The Houston Astros set an NL record by turning seven double plays against the San Francisco Giants. First baseman Curt Blefary participated in all seven. 1975 – Bob Watson of the Houston Astros, sensing baseball history, raced around the bases on Milt May’s home run and crossed the plate at Can dlestick Park in time to score major league base ball’s 1 millionth run, sec onds ahead of Dave Con cepcion of Cincinnati. 1981 – New York Yankees relief pitcher Ron Davis strikes out eight consecu tive batters in a 4 – 2 vic tory over the California Angels at Anaheim Stadi um, tying an American League record set by Nolan Ryan. 1991 – Chris James drove in nine runs with two homers and two singles, breaking Cleveland’s club record for RBIs and leading the Indians to a 20-6 victo ry over the Oakland Athlet ics. 1996 – The Texas Rang ers became the first Ameri can League team in 79 years to pitch consecutive one-hitters as Roger Pavlik held Detroit to a fifth-inning home run in a 3-1 win. Ken Hill one-hit Detroit on May 3, retiring the last 26 bat ters he faced. 2001 – Raul Mondesi of the Blue Jays went 4-for-4, with two homers, two dou bles and six RBIs, leading Toronto to an 8-3 victory over Seattle. 2002 – Barry Bonds hits his 400th home run with the San Francisco Giants. 2018 – Los Angeles Angels superstar Albert Pujols got his 3,000th hit, reaching the mark with a broken-bat single in a 5-0 win against Seattle. Trout, Lamb homer in 9th, Angels beat Cardinals 6-4 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ST. LOUIS — Mike Trout and Jake Lamb hit solo homers in the 9th inning, Shohei Ohtani tied a career-high with 13 strikeouts and the Los Angeles Angels rallied to beat the St. Louis Cardinals 6-4 on Wednesday night. Los Angeles has won six of its last eight games, while the Cardi nals have lost ve in a row. Ohtani didn’t get the decision, but did become the second player in MLB history to record 500 ca reer strikeouts and hit at least 100 home runs, joining Babe Ruth. Ohtani gave up four runs on ve hits over ve innings and allowed two home runs for the second straight outing. He allowed ve earned runs on eight hits in an 8-5 win over Oakland on April 27. The Angels trailed 4-3 heading into the top of the ninth before Lamb launched his second ho mer of the season to right-center off Giovanny Gallegos (1-1), ty ing the game at 4. With one out, Trout hit his eighth home run of the season to left for the eventual game-winning run. Anthony Ren don added a run-scoring hit. Brandon Drury also homered for the Angels. Ryan Tepera (2-1) earned the win and Carlos Estevez picked up his seventh save of the season. Dylan Carlson and Nolan Gor man homered for St. Louis, which at 10-21 is off to its worst start since the 1973 squad opened the season 8-23. Carlson put the Cardinals ahead 4-3 with a two-run homer that capped a three-run outburst in the fourth inning. It was his rst ho mer of the season. Nolan Arenado and Willson Contreras opened the inning with back-to-back doubles. St. Louis starter Miles Mikolas allowed three runs on eight hits over 5 2 / 3 innings. ––– Tigers 6, Mets 5 (Game 1)Tigers 8, Mets 1 (Game 2) DETROIT — Eric Haase homered and drove in five runs and the Detroit Tigers rallied for a 6-5 win over the New York Mets on Wednesday in the first game of a doubleheader. Javier Baez also homered for the Tigers, who were hosting the Mets for the first time in seven years. The opening game of the series was rained out on Tuesday and rescheduled as a day-night doubleheader. The Tigers trailed 5-4 in the eighth, but Matt Vierling singled with one out and Adam Ottavino (0-2) hit Baez. Riley Greene grounded to first for the second out, but Haase hit a two-run single to right-center field. Tyler Alexander (1-0) got the win by retiring the last batter in the eighth. Alex Lange pitched the ninth for his fourth save. In the second game, Scherzer struggled against his former team. Detroit scored twice in the first inning, Haase homered in the second and Matt Vierling hit a two-run homer in the fourth. Scherzer (2-2) allowed six runs and eight hits in 3 1 / 3 innings. He was sus pended for 10 games by Major League Baseball on April 20 after getting ejected for having a foreign substance on his pitching hand during his April 19 start against the Los Angeles Dodgers. Giants 4, Astros 2 HOUSTON — Wilmer Flores homered and Joey Bart and Austin Slater had two hits each to lead San Francisco. Slater drove in a run to put the Giants up in a two-run sixth, and an RBI double by Bart extended the lead to 3-0 in the seventh. Alex Bregman got Houston within a run with a two-run home run in the eighth before Flores added some critical insur ance for the Giants with a solo shot in the ninth. San Francisco starter Logan Webb (2-5) yielded five hits and two runs in 7 2 / 3 innings, and Camilo Doval pitched a score less ninth for his fifth save. Houston’s Framber Valdez (2-4) allowed five hits and two runs with eight strikeouts in six innings. Dodgers 10, Phillies 6 LOS ANGELES – Max Muncy hit a game-ending grand slam and Los Angeles rallied from an early five-run deficit for a season-high sixth straight win. Bryce Harper doubled to start a fourrun second inning and reached base five times in his second game of the season for the Phillies, who lost their fourth straight. Los Angeles swept the three-game series, outscoring the defending NL cham pions 36-11 and reaching double digits in every game. Pinch-hitter Austin Barnes gave the Dodgers a 6-5 lead with a two-run single in the eighth, but Philadelphia tied it in the ninth. Harper singled, Nick Castellanos walked and Bryson Stott delivered an RBI single against Brusdar Graterol (1-1). Chris Taylor singled leading off the bot tom half against former Dodgers reliever Craig Kimbrel (1-1) and stole second. Mookie Betts struck out before Freddie Freeman was walked intentionally. Will Smith drew a walk that loaded the bases, and Muncy launched the next pitch into the right-field seats for his major league-leading 12th home run. Padres 7, Reds 1 SAN DIEGO – Rookie Brett Sullivan hit his first home run and had his first four RBIs, and Juan Soto hit a three-run double to make up for a baserunning blunder that cost Xander Bogaerts a club-record on-base streak as San Diego beat Cincin nati. Seth Lugo (3-2) pitched six strong innings for the Padres, who have won seven of 10 heading into a home weekend series against the rival Los Angeles Dodg ers. It’ll be the teams’ first meeting since the Padres eliminated the 111-win Dodg ers in four games in the NL Division Series to reach their first NL Championship Series in 24 years. The 29-year-old Sullivan, catching a day game after a night game, hit a two-run double down the right field line with one out in the second and then drove a two-run homer to right with two outs in the fourth. His two-run double, off Luis Cessa (1-4), snapped the Padres’ 0-for-15 skid with runners in scoring position. Diamondbacks 12, Rangers 7 ARLINGTON, Texas – Christian Walker homered twice before he drew a bas es-loaded walk that put Arizona ahead to stay. Walker put the Diamondbacks ahead 3-1 with his three-run homer in the third, added a solo shot in the fifth that chased Texas starter Andrew Heaney and walked on four pitches from Jose Leclerc in the seventh that drove in the run that snapped a 7-7 tie. Each team hit four homers on the most ly sunny, 79-degee day with the roof open. Ketel Marte and Emmanuel Rivera also homered for Arizona, which matched its season high for runs. Walker matched his career-best with five RBIs in his sixth career multihomer game. Josh Jung hit two homers for the Rang ers, who had a four-game win streak snapped. Jonah Heim and Leody Taveras also went deep. Joe Mantiply (1-0), the third Arizona pitcher, threw 1 1 / 3 scoreless innings. Josh Sborz (0-1), the second of five Texas pitch ers, allowed three runs over 1 1 / 3 innings. Braves 14, Marlins 6 MIAMI — Marcell Ozuna had a grand slam among his two home runs, Ronald Acuña Jr also homered and the Atlanta Braves went deep six times to roll past the Miami Marlins 14-6. Acuña’s three-run shot to center field in the fifth inning was his sixth home run of the season and con tinued his hot start. He is hitting .358 and leads the majors with 43 hits and 14 sto len bases. Only the Rays and Dodgers have more homers on the season than Atlanta. Miami starter Braxton Garrett allowed 14 hits, 11 runs, four home runs, walked two and struck out three in 4 1 / 3 innings. Joe Puetz / AP Los Angeles Angels pitcher Shohei Ohtani throws in the second inning of Wednesday’s game against St. Louis.


B4 Thursday, May 4, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle NBA SECOND ROUND (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Tuesday, May 2 New York 111, Miami 105, series tied 1 – 1L.A. Lakers 117, Golden State 112, L.A. Lakers leads series 1 – 0 Wednesday, May 3 Boston 121, Phila. 87, series tied 1 – 1 Thursday, May 4 L.A. Lakers at Golden State, 9 p.m. Friday, May 5 Boston at Phila., 7:30 p.m.Denver at Phoenix, 10 p.m. NHL SECOND ROUND (Best-of-7) (x-if necessary) Tuesday, May 2 Florida 4, Toronto 2, Florida leads series 1 – 0Seattle 5, Dallas 4, OT, Seattle leads series 1 – 0 Wednesday, May 3 Carolina 5, New Jersey 1Edmonton at Vegas Thursday, May 4 Florida at Toronto, 7 p.m.Seattle at Dallas, 9:30 p.m. Friday, May 5 New Jersey at Carolina, 8 p.m. TRANSACTIONS BASEBALL Major League Baseball American League BALTIMORE ORIOLES — Acquired C Luis Torrens from Chicago Cubs in exchange for cash considerations. Designated RHP Joey Krehbiel for assignment.DETROIT TIGERS — Recalled RHP Brendan White from Toledo (IL) as the 27th man for a doubleheader.KANSAS CITY ROYALS — Selected the con tract of LHP Austin Cox from Omaha (IL). Transferred LHP Kris Bubic from the 15-day IL to the 60-day IL. Optioned RHP Jose Cuas to Omaha.MINNESOTA TWINS — Placed RHP Tyler Mahle on the 15-day IL, retroactive to April 30. Recalled RHP Louie Varland from St. Paul (IL). Sent RHP Ronny Henriquez to Fort Myers (FSL) on a rehab assignment.OAKLAND ATHLETICS — Recalled OF J.J. Bleday fro Las Vegas (PCL). Optioned CF Conner Capel to Las Vegas.TAMPA BAY RAYS — Placed RHP Pete Fair banks on the 15-day IL, retroactive to April 30. Designated RHP Zack Burdi for assign ment. Selected the contract of RHP Chase Anderson from Durham (IL). National League ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS — Selected the contract of RHP Brandon Pfaadt from Reno (PCL). Optioned RHP Peter Solomon to Reno. Designated INF Seth Beer for assignment.CHICAGO CUBS — Recalled RHP Javier As sad from Iowa (IL). Placed C Yan Gomes on the 7-day IL, retroactive to May 2.CINCINNATI REDS — Traded RHP Chase Anderson to Tampa Bay for cash consid erations.LOS ANGELES DODGERS — Optioned LHP Alex Vesia to Oklahoma City (PCL). Selected the contract of RHP Gavin Stone and placed him on the active roster.MIAMI MARLINS — Designated RHP Johan Quezada for assignment. Recalled CF Pey ton Burdick from Jacksonville (IL). Selected the contract of LHP Devin Smeltzer from Jacksonville. Placed 1B Garrett Cooper on the 10-day IL.NEW YORK METS — Recalled RHP Jose Butto from Syracuse (IL) and appointed him the 27th man for a doubleheader. Reinstat ed RHP Max Scherzer from his 10-game suspension.WASHINGTON NATIONALS — Recalled RHP Jake Irvin from Rochester (IL). Reinstated INF Ildemaro Vargas from the 10-day IL. Optioned INF Jeter Downs and RHP Cory Abbott to Rochester. Minor League Baseball Frontier League FLORENCE Y’ALLS — Released C Cole Brodnansky and RHPs Ian Codina and Jerry Davis.LAKE ERIE CRUSHERS — Released INF Dai wer Castllanos.QUEBEC CAPITALES — Signed C Ryan Roell.TRI-CITY VALLEYCATS — Trade LHP Ryan Williamson to Gastonia (Atlantic League). BASKETBALL Women’s National Basketball Association MINNESOTA LYNX — Waived G Keishana Washington. FOOTBALL National Football League ATLANTA FALCONS — Waived CB John Reid.BALTIMORE RAVENS — Signed CB Rock Ya-Sin to a one-year contract.BUFFALO BILLS — Signed DT Poona Ford.CINCINNATI BENGALS — Signed QB Trevor Siemian to a one-year contract.CLEVELAND BROWNS — Signed G Colby Gossett.GREEN BAY PACKERS — Signed QB Jordan Love to a contract extension.HOUSTON TEXANS — Signed TE Eric Tom linson.NEW YORK GIANTS — Named Blaise Bell area scout, Marcus Cooper national scout, Marquis Pendleton pro scout and Justin Marcus team scout for combines. Re-signed OLB Oshane Ximines.NEW YORK JETS — Signed WR Randall Cobb and DL Al Woods to one-year contracts.SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS — Signed QB Brandon Allen. Canadian Football WINNIPEG BLUE BOMBERS — Signed K Marc Orozco, OL Chris Ivy and LB Robbie Lewis. HOCKEY National Hockey League ARIZONA COYOTES — Signed F Aku Raty to a three-year, entry-level contract.SAN JOSE SHARKS — Signed G Georgi Ro manov to a two-year, entry-level contract. Minor League Hockey American Hockey League PROVIDENCE BRUINS — Released G Reid Dyck from his amateur tryout contract (ATO).UTICA COMETS — Signed G Mike Robin son to a professional tryout contract (PTO). Recalled D Jarrod Gourley from loan to Ad irondack (ECHL). SOCCER Major League Soccer NEW YORK RED BULLS — Signed M Ronald MLB 1 p.m. (SUN): Pittsburgh Pirates at Tampa Bay Rays 1 p.m. (MLBN): Los Angeles Angels at St. Louis Cardinals or New York Mets at Detroit Tigers4 p.m. (BSF): Atlanta Braves at Miami Marlins 4 p.m. (MLBN): Atlanta Braves at Miami Marlins or Seat tle Mariners at Oakland Athletics7 p.m. (MLBN): Toronto Blue Jays at Boston Red Sox COLLEGE BASEBALL 7 p.m. (ACC): NC State at Notre Dame 7 p.m. (SEC): Ole Miss at Missouri 8 p.m. (ESPNU): Vanderbilt at Alabama NBA PLAYOFFS 9 p.m. (ESPN): Los Angeles Lakers at Golden State War riors GOLF 7 a.m. (GOLF): DP World Tour DS Automobiles Italian Open, First Round2 p.m. (GOLF): PGA Tour Wells Fargo Championship, First Round6 p.m. (GOLF): LPGA Tour Hanwa LIFEPLUS International Crown, First Round NHL PLAYOFFS 7 p.m. (TNT): Florida Panthers at Toronto Maple Leafs 9:30 p.m. (TNT): Seattle Kraken at Dallas Stars PREMIER LEAGUE SOCCER 3 p.m. (USA): Brighton & Hove Albion vs. Manchester United TENNIS 7 a.m. (TENNIS): 2023 Mutua Madrid Open ATP Quarter final 3, WTA Semifinal 1 & ATP Doubles Semifinals2 p.m. (TENNIS): 2023 Mutua Madrid Open ATP Quarter final 4, WTA Semifinal 2 BASEBALL District 4A-5 Final7 p.m.: TBD SOFTBALL District 5A-5 Final at Belleview7 p.m.: No. 1 Lecanto vs. No. 2 Pasco District 4A-5 Final7 p.m. No. 2 Nature Coast Tech at No. 1 Citrus TRACK AND FIELD Region 3A-2 Meet at Davenport1 p.m.: Citrus and Lecanto ON THE AIRWAVES PREP CALENDAR LOTTERY NUMBERS POWERBALL Monday, May 1, 2023 3-38-55-61-66-1-x3 Next Jackpot: Wednesday, May 3, 2023 $71 MILLIONMEGA MILLIONS Tuesday, May 2, 2023 3-15-16-32-41-9-x2 Winning Numbers Next Jackpot: Friday, May 5, 2023 $68 MILLIONLOTTO Saturday, April 29, 2023 14-18-21-33-35-48 Next Jackpot: Wednesday, May 3, 2023 $32 MILLIONCASH 4 LIFE Tuesday, May 2, 2023 6-19-35-49-56-4 Winning Numbers Top Prize: Wednesday, May 3, 2023 $1,000/DAY FOR LIFEJACKPOT TRIPLE PLAY Tuesday, May 2, 2023 1-3-8-16-23-33 Winning Numbers Next Jackpot: Friday, May 5, 2023 $2 MILLION CASH POPWednesday, May 3, 2023 Morning -6 Wednesday, May 3, 2023 Matinee -9 Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Afternoon -2 Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Evening -9 Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Late Night -12 FANTASY 5 Wednesday, May 3, 2023 Midday -5-29-34-35-36 Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Evening -1-13-15-31-34PICK 5 Wednesday, May 3, 2023 7-8-7-0-8 6 Tuesday, May 2, 2023 0-9-4-9-7 7PICK 4 Wednesday, May 3, 2023 1-2-3-9 6 Tuesday, May 2, 2023 1-4-1-0 7PICK 3Wednesday, May 3, 2023 9-8-5 6 Tuesday, May 2, 2023 5-2-3 7 PICK 2Wednesday, May 3, 2023 8-4 6 Tuesday, May 2, 2023 8-2 7 events to allow her to focus more on her eld events and specically javelin,” he said. “She broke our school record with her very rst throw in competition and has continued to impress us every meet since. She is incredibly coachable, and she works hard to improve in all of her events each week.” Grey said she believes javelin is her best shot at qualifying for state, but she wants to do her best in each event at regionals. “Denitely jav, just be cause not as many girls do javelin, so the odds are just better in general. And that’s the highest ranking I had at districts. And probably triple jump as well,” she said of her state chances. “Since it could be my last meet in high school, you never know, I just want to do my best in every event. But jav is looking like my best chance to move on.” The Region 3A-2 Meet begins at 1 p.m. with ath letes from Lecanto and Citrus competing for state meet berths. The top two place nishers automati cally advance to Jackson ville and 10 at-large berths will be handed out for each event as well after all the regionals have been con cluded. GREYFrom page B1 a really good job of it this year,” Shelton said. “It’s been paid attention to, it’s been extremely con sistent. And that’s what I told MLB this morning. I thought it’s been consis tent. I did not think it was consistent the past two days.” Andrew McCutchen homered for the Pirates (20-11), who have their rst three-game losing streak of the season. Despite the skid, the Pi rates are still off to their best start since opening 20-11 in 1992 – the last time they won a division title. Pittsburgh went 0 for 7 with runners in scoring position and is hitless in 17 at-bats in those situa tions during the series. Yandy Díaz got the rst Rays hit off Mitch Keller (3-1) with a two-out sin gle in a three-run third. Díaz scored when short stop Rodolfo Castro was charged with an error after misplaying Harold Ramírez’s grounder. Brandon Lowe made it 3-1 with a two-run dou ble. McCutchen hit a solo homer in the top of the third. He is from Fort Me ade, about 75 miles away, and has ve homers in 15 games at Tropicana Field. Tampa Bay went ahead 5-1 in the fth when Fran co was credited with an RBI when second base man Ji Hwan Bae was given an error for booting a grounder and Ramírez had a run-scoring single. Bae had two hits and a walk, and also stole his 12th and 13th bases. Keller allowed ve runs – one earned – and ve hits in ve innings. Josh Lowe had a sixth-inning solo homer, and Franco went deep in the seventh.Long and successful dayNew Rays right-hander Chase Anderson was ac quired from Cincinnati on Wednesday and allowed two hits over three in nings to get his rst major league save. The 35-year-old Ander son had been scheduled to start a morning game for Triple-A Louisville at Omaha but instead got up around 4:30 a.m. to y to Florida, and arrived at the ballpark at 2 p.m. He made his 200th big league appearance, and 17th in relief. Anderson spent time with his family afterward – with game ball in hand. “It was awesome,” Mc Clanahan said. “The guy didn’t miss a beat. Good stuff.”Trainer’s roomRays closer Pete Fair banks went on the 15-day injured list with forearm inammation near his right wrist.Up nextPirates RHP Vince Velas quez (4-2) and Tampa Bay RHP Zach Ein (3-0) are Thursday’s starters. RAYSFrom page B1 was called for his fourth at the 7:34 mark of the third quarter when he knocked Harden to the oor while trying to ght through a screen. It forced him to play a little less aggressively and helped Philadelphia cut what had been an 18-point Boston lead to 73-60 with just over four min utes to play in the third quarter. But Tatum’s teammates picked up the slack, lead ing the way as the Celt ics closed the quarter on a 19-5 run to get it back up to 92-65 entering the fourth. Embiid started slow ly offensively, but with the 76ers struggling to make shots from the outside, he made an al most immediate impact defensively. First, he blocked an early shot by Smart and then forced White to ad just another attempt. Embiid had ve blocks his rst 13 minutes of action. But his conditioning was noticeably lacking as he lumbered into sets at times. He played just shy of seven minutes in the rst quarter before getting his rst rest. He returned for the nal 1:05 of the period. Embiid knocked down his rst eld goal of the night. a jumper over Grant Williams, with 21.4 sec onds left before tripping as he backpedaled back down the court. He quick ly rose to his feet. He n ished the rst half with 13 points, going 7 of 8 from the free throw line.Tip-ins76ers: Shot 1 of 13 from the 3-point line in the rst half. … Didn’t get their rst offensive rebound until the 9:41 mark of the second quarter Celtics: Tatum’s seven points marked the rst time he was held to single dig its in a playoff game since Game 2 of Boston’s 2021 rst-round series against Brooklyn, when he had nine. … Boston led 57-49 at halftime. … Had just three turnovers in the open ing 24 minutes. CELTICSFrom page B1 By AARON BEARD Associated Press RALEIGH, N.C. — The Carolina Hurricanes got goals from Brett Pesce and Seth Jarvis alongside a suffocating defensive performance in the open ing period to jump quickly on the New Jersey Devils for a 5-1 win Wednesday night in the opener of their second-round play off series. Jesperi Kotkaniemi, Brady Skeji and Jesper Fast also scored for the Hurricanes, who used a swarming effort to take control that took the Dev ils completely out of any type of rst-period ow. New Jersey managed a single shot on goal for the period compared to both Pesce and Jarvis nding the net, then Kot kaniemi followed early in the second for a 3-0 lead that chased Devils rookie goalie Akira Schmid to the bench. Game 2 is Friday night in Raleigh. Nathan Bastian scored for the Devils, who played this one without trade-ac quisition Timo Meier fol lowing his huge hit from New York Rangers for ward Jacob Trouba during Monday’s Game 7 win. Bastian’s goal came when he got loose coming into the zone to beat Andersen at 5:02 of the second pe riod and cut the decit to 3-1, but the Devils got not closer. The Hurricanes went back to Frederik Anders en in net over Antti Raan ta after Andersen got his rst start of the playoffs in the Game 6 clincher against the New York Is landers. He nished with 18 saves, though the rst part of his night was fair ly calm with the Hurri canes taking away space from the Devils at every turn. Pesce scored on a low-ying shot through trafc to beat Schmid, then Jarvis blew past Ryan Graves near the blue line to skate in and beat Schmid over his glove for the 2-0 lead that proved to be enough. Kotkaniemi’s putaway off a feed from Jordan Martinook at 1:55 of the second was enough to send Schmid to the bench after surrender ing three goals on 11 shots. Vitek Vanecek had 10 saves on 11 shots in relief. The Hurricanes pushed into the second round after beating the New York Is landers in the rst round, with the Game 6 clincher coming Friday night. That gave a team with an inju ry-hit bunch of forwards a few extra days to regroup, and it showed with the way Carolina established its style to play condent ly in front with the back ing of a loud home-ice crowd. The Devils are in the playoffs for the rst time since 2018 and won a se ries for the rst time in 11 years. But they had less than 48 hours follow ing the Game 7 clincher against the Rangers to get ready for Wednesday’s puck drop. This is a matchup of the top teams in the Metro politan Division, with the Hurricanes winning their nal regular-season game to edge the Devils by a point (113-112) in the standings. And with Bos ton gone in a rst-round stunner after a record-set ting regular season, the winner of this series will have home-ice advan tage for the rest of the playoffs.Back inCarolina forward Jack Drury returned to the line up for Game 1 after being knocked from the rst-round series against the Islanders. Drury was hurt in Game 4 after taking a jarring hit into the boards from Ryan Pulock, though he had resumed skating before the end of that series. For the Devils, forward Jesper Boqvist was back in the lineup with Mei er out. Boqvist played in ve of the seven games against the Ranges, the last being the Game 6 loss.Siren soundersNorth Carolina State football coach Dave Do eren sounded the pregame storm-warning siren for the Hurricanes to take the ice. NASCAR driver Ty Dillon and ESPN broad caster Dari Nowkhah were on duty for the inter missions.Hurricanes top Devils 5-1 in Game 1 of 2nd roundDonkor to a four-year contract with an op tion for 2027. COLLEGE BUCKNELL — Named John Griffin III head men’s basketball coach, Matt Griffin and Jesse Flannery assistant men’s basketball coaches and Mike Walley director of bas ketball operations.ETSU — Named Brian Jones assistant men’s basketball coach,SOUTH ALABAMA — Named Marcelo Huar te head women’s golf coach. By DOUG FERGUSON AP Golf Writer Lee Westwood, Ian Poulter and Sergio Garcia were among four players with Saudi-backed LIV Golf who resigned from the European tour instead of facing nes of 100,000 pounds ($125,000) for playing LIV events with out permission. The tour said 50-year-old Richard Bland also resigned. They were among those who played the inaugural LIV Golf event outside Lon don last June and violated the conicting tournament regulation policy. The tour in a statement thanked the four players for their contributions – par ticularly Westwood, Garcia and Poulter for their roles in Europe’s dominance of the Ryder Cup. “Their resignations, how ever, along with the sanc tions imposed upon them, are a consequence of their own choices,” the tour said. The decision stems from last month’s ruling by Sport Resolutions that a number of players committed serious breaches of the European tour’s code of behavior by playing in LIV Golf events last year. The ruling allowed the tour to impose nes of 100,000 pounds. Instead of paying the ne, the four players chose to resign. That likely is the end of Garcia’s record run through the Ryder Cup, which dates to 1999 when he was 19. The Spaniard holds the Ryder Cup record for most match es won (25) and most points contributed (28 1 / 2 ) in nine appearances. Poulter is best known for his “Postman” performance at Medinah in 2012 when he made ve straight bird ies in a fourballs match with Rory McIlroy, the spark that carried Europe to the great est comeback by a visiting team. Westwood spent three de cades on the European tour and remained devoted in the wake of so many stars joining the PGA Tour. He has 25 wins on what now is commercially called the DP World Tour, won the points title three times and reached No. 1 in the world toward the end of 2010. His 11 appear ances in the Ryder Cup are the most by a European. Westwood told The Daily Telegraph it was “a sad day.” “I could not really see any other option with all the pun ishments hanging over me,” Westwood said, adding that he doesn’t agree with the di rection European tour CEO Keith Pelley and the tour board “and I want to move on.”Westwood, Garcia, Poulter resign from European tour




B6 Thursday, May 4, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle Email: Website: To place an ad, call (352) 563-5966 Pets Real Estate CarsHelp Wanted SAR002800 ANNOUNCEMENTS FREEYogaClassesw/Aviva atUnityChurch,2628W WoodviewLn,Lecanto,FL 34461*ChairYoga,Mon.10am *AdvancedYoga,Tues& Thurs,4pm&Saturday,10am Forinfocall 352-419-7800 IBUY,jewelry,silver,gold, paintings,instruments, records,antiques,coins, watches&MORE! 352-454-0068 MothersDay Greeting Tellmomwhatyoulovemost abouther.Isshethebest? Ofcoursesheis! Placeapersonalized messagethatincludes: --Border --Upto10lines -Photoorspecialart topublishon Mother'sDay May14 Calloneofourclassified membersdirectlyat: 352.564.2912for EricaSpringer or 352.564.2906for BryanMozo Allentriesmustbesubmitted byWednesdayMay10 at5:00pm. WANTED ForeignorAmericanclassic cars,nonrunningok,unusual sportscarstopurchase. Samedaycashpayout!! Call352.529.0233 TODAY’S NEW ADS LovelySpaciousInterior 2bed2bath RecentlybeenremodeledNewwalkinshowers,NewAC Approx.1,600sqft Moreinfo.Call706-492-5119 BusinessLaptopComputer DellLatitude6430UforUltra book,setup,readytogo,updatedw/everythingincluding Microsoft10 Reasonableoffer 352-212-5140 6acres with 370ftofpavedroadfrontage Mixedresidential.LocatedEof Hwy19inHomosassa. Call352.422.6088 2017commercial Star-MaxelectricGriddle 48",thermostaticallycontrolled, 240AMPcircuitbreakers,been instorage, Reasonableoffer 352-212-5140 2007SushiCooler brandHoshizaki,48"long tabletop,Reasonableoffer 352-212-5140 Hernando SatMay68am-1pm RepurposedFurniture, andmore! 1133EWoodpeckerLn RepurposeFurnitureServices *Build*Paint*Recycle* *CreateUniquePieces* JANE561.339.9912 RUSS561.632.2616 Cul-de-sacYardSale! SaturdayMay6th9a-4p WSolaVistaPath Brentwood-Lecanto FREE OFFERS 26inTV OldermodelSharp. 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"Beyondjustamassage" Startingat$25-$30/hrwith downtimepayandbenefits Wewillprovidetrainingin bodywraps,percusser massageandanyofour otherservicesifneeded. Sendresumeto EMPLOYMENT Areyou selfmotivated & ableto multitask ? Wanttojoina CARINGTEAM ? LEARN&GROW inyourjob! Be EXCITED tocometowork! Learnabout holistic integrativevetcare ? VETERINARY TECH w/1yearexp,FTorPT Startingpay$13-15 dependingonqualifications withmanygreatbenefits!! TheHealingPlace in CrystalRiver,FL 352.795.0250 Submitresumeto AND KITCHENSTAFF AND SERVERS Wewilltrain motivatedpeople! Applyinpersonat 114WestMainSt Inverness,FL34450 orsendresumeto erica.springer@ -EOEADVERTISINGSALES REPRESENTATIVE Areyouahunterwithan entrepreneurialspirit? Wearegrowingtheteamand lookingforanadvertising salesrepresentative.Our teammembersworkwithnew andexistingclientstopurchaseadvertisinginourfamilyofnewspapersandahost ofdigitalsolutions. 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Applyinperson Mon-Fribetweenthehours of8:00amto3:00pm. MetalIndustries, 400WalkerAve., Bushnell,FL33513. Excellentbenefitspackage, 401k.DFW,EOE Experienced Maintenance -Must beabletoperform variousactivitiesrelativeto theinstallationonrelocation ofexistingmachinesand equipmenttoinvolve dismantling,leveling, fittingandaligningoperations. -Must beabletodiagnose machinemalfunctionsand operatingdifficultiesand makerepairsoradjustments tokeepequipment inproduction. -Must have knowledgeofhydraulics, pneumatics,electricaland weldingcapabilities. Priorexperienceinan industrialatmosphere preferred Applyinperson Mon-Fribetweenthehours of8:00amto3:00pm. MetalIndustries, 400WalkerAve., Bushnell,FL33513. Excellentbenefitspackage, 401k.DFW,EOE PAINTERS SubContract or Hourly (352)464-3276 EMPLOYMENT LEADPRESS OPERATOR FULL-TIME OurcentralofficeisinCrystalRiver,FLprinting newspapersthatserve Citrus,Sumter,Marionand LevyCounties. Musthaveaminimum5yrs exp.runningaGossCommunity/DGM430printing press.Thisisanightshift position,fourdaysperweek. Weofferanexcellentbenefitspackageincludinghealth, life,dental,eyecare,401K, paidvacationsandholidays. Applyinpersonor sendresumeto: CitrusCountyChronicle Attn.TomFeeney 1624NMeadowcrestBlvd. CrystalRiver,FL34429 Office352-563-3275or Fax#352-563-5665 TheWestCitrusElks LodgeinHomosassais inneedofa PARTTIME TREASURER * Mustbefamiliarwith QuickBooksandhave accountingexperience * Flexiblehours * Friendlypeople Callourofficeat: 352-628-1221 Monday,Wednesday& Fridaybetween9AMand 3PM.Ifthereisnoanswer, pleaseleaveamessageand wewillgetbacktoyou. PETS DOGCARRIER PetMateUltra,large,28"Lx 15"Wx21.5"D.Taupe/black $60 352-613-0529 DogCrate Large24'x36',2gatesfront& side,slideouttray, perfectcondition $60 352-513-5339 DogKennel Portable&foldable, 48"tall48"widesq. $45obo 352-287-1735 MINDACHSHUND PUPPIES Redsable&blackandtan smoothcoat.Males&femalesmindachshundavail. 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BIRDCAGE Olderstyle2doors,dometop, 4ftHx17inW $100OBO,865.201.6579 BlackTrousers+Skirt MacysAlfanisuit2piece,size 12,New,Macysretail$279, sellingfor $30 352-513-5339 BlackVelvetPants LizClairborneDesigner,Size 12,Excellentcondition,retail $150,asking $15 352-513-5993 AntiqueStroockCarriage LapBlanketThrow Mohair,beautifuldesign, greatcondition $250 865-201-6579 BOXESOFLADIES JEWELRY 4itemsperbox $10perbox. 352-726-1882


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 4, 2023 B7 C 50062710 rnr rnr rn $599 $399 n $599  SERVINGCENTRALFLORIDAFOR10YEARS $30SERVICECALLrnn  Services Directory PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DIRECTORY &KULVWRSKHU6DWFKHOO 3DLQWLQJ Interior-ExteriorResidential-CommercialWallCovering& Pressurewashing 352-795-6533 cell:352-464-1397 Bob'sDISCARDED LawnMowerService «FREEPICK-UP« 352-637-1225 ResidentialLawn MowerRepair Over20yearsofexperiencein CitrusCounty BobAlbert 352-422-0804 JEFF'S CLEANUP/HAULING Cleanouts/Dumpruns, BrushRemoval. Lic./Ins.352-584-5374 FREEESTIMATES Mow,Trim,WeedorMulching ServingmostofCitrusCounty 352.631.4263 M&LHousekeeping PetorHouseSitting servicesalsoavail References-FreeEstimates 352.464.0115 NEEDNEWFLOORING? CallEmpireToday®to scheduleaFREEin-home estimateon Carpeting&Flooring. CallToday!855-919-2509 HAULING&JUNKREMOVAL -VETERANOWNED-FREEESTIMATESCALL352-949-2760 PRESSUREWASHING *PriceMatchSpecials* Concrete Homes/RV Vehicles 352-282-5028 352-422-8557 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DIRECTORY PurintonHomeServices forallyour housekeepingneeds 12yrsexpFreeEstimate CallWanda352.423.8354 RepurposeFurnitureServices *Build*Paint*Recycle* *CreateUniquePieces* JANE561.339.9912 RUSS561.632.2616 ROB'SMASONRY &CONCRETE Driveways,tearouts,tractor work/Lic#1476 352-726-6554 BEAUTY Sandy'sBarbershop 725SE9thCircleNorth CrystalRiver (1500ftbehindKFC) ontheleft Walk-insWelcome (352)228-8912 Sandy/Owner SMITTYS APPLIANCEREPAIR 352-564-8179 TILEWORK ******** KITCHENBACKSPLASH SPECIALIST/ Glass,Marble, Ceramic,Tile,Etc.-7yrsExp., Text/Call (706)502-5689 TRASHHAULING YARDDEBRISREMOVAL THEDAMEDAY CHEAPTREESERVICE 352.340.9626 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DIRECTORY WANTED ALLCARS,TRUCKS,SUVs, RV's/Upto$1,000& MORE!!!-FREETOWING (352)342-7037 SOLARPANEL CLEANING WhiteDiamond PressureWashing Registered&Insured 352-364-1372 HANDYMAN A-1CompleteRepairs Pres.Wash,Painting(Int/Ext), DrywallRepair,25yrs,Ref, Lic#39765, 352-513-5746 AFFORDABLEHANDYMAN ‡ FAST ‡ 100%Guarantee ‡ AFFORDABLE ‡ RELIABLE ‡ FreeEstimates 352-257-9508 ANDREWJOEHL HANDYMAN Gen.Maint/Repairs PressureCleaning 0256271 ‡ 352-465-9201 RON&MINDY'S JUNKREMOVAL& HANDYMANSERVICE lic'd&insr'd352-601-1895 ALLHOME IMPROVEMENTS Repairs-Remodels FloorstoCeilings Lic/Ins352-537-4144 HANDYMAN FreeEstimates VETERANOWNED 352-949-2760 AFFORDABLEHANDYMAN ‡ FAST ‡ 100%Guarantee ‡ AFFORDABLE ‡ RELIABLE ‡ FreeEstimates 352-257-9508 HANDYMAN AFFORDABLEHANDYMAN ‡ FAST ‡ 100%Guarantee ‡ AFFORDABLE ‡ RELIABLE ‡ FreeEstimates 352-257-9508 PRESSUREWASH: Homes, Mobiles,PoolCages,COOL SEAL... + HANDYMAN. CallStewart352-201-2169 VETERANOWNED PROFESSIONAL Handyman Kitchen,Bathroom,Tile&Light Construction.Lic/InsFree Estimates,352-422-4639 LAWN AND TREE SERVICES A-ChristianWeinkein TreeService-TrimmingRemovalFREEEst., 18yrsexp.Lic./Ins. 352-257-8319/LeaveMsg A ACE TreeCare *BucketTruck TractorWork 637-9008 Lic&InsVet/Srdisc CLAYPOOL'S TreeService Licensed/Insured 352-201-7313 Forstumps: 352-201-7323 ATREESURGEON ProudlyservingCitrusCounty Since2001.Licensed/Insured Lowestrates!FREEestimate 352-860-1452 LAWN AND TREE SERVICES AACTIONTREE (352)302-2815 Professional Arborist ServingCitrus 30yrs. Licensed&Insured AFFORDABLELAWN CARE & CLEANUPS . Startingat$20.WEDO ITALL!352-563-9824 Bob'sProYardCare Affordable-QualityWork! 20yrsexp. 352-613-4250 D&RTREE LAWN&LANDSCAPE SERVICES-Lot&Land Lic&Ins352.302.5641 STUMPGRINDING CHEAP,16"Stump$30 CallRich352-789-2894 SKILLED TRADES Installations&Repairs Home&RVFlooring LVP-12millwearlayer100% waterproof/petfriendly startingat4.75sqftinstalled 30yrsexp-Lic/Ins. 352.458.5050-786.286.1163 BEAUTIFULBATHUP-D ATES inaslittleasONE D AY!Superiorqualitybathand s howersystemsatAFFORDA BLEPRICES!Lifetimewarr anty&professionalinstalls. CallNow!: 877-939-0015 Roofs,Soffit&FasciaRepairs Bo'sQualityRoofing at 352.501.1663 SKILLED TRADES CARPENTRY&MOBILE HOMEREPAIR&DECKS 30yrsExperience,Hourly Rates. 352-220-4638 FLOORING Vinyl,wood&tileflooring PLUSHandyman,FREE ESTIMATES.Veteranowned 352-949-2760 FREEESTIMATE/ 30YEARSEXPERIENCE. Lic#CCC057537 352-563-0411 REMODELS, PANELUPGRADES, LIGHTINGFIXTURES, SERVICEandREPAIR 352-746-1606 SCREENREPAIRS Pools,ScreenRms,Vinyl Windows&Lanai's,Freeest. Lic/Ins Mike352-989-7702 ROOFING WHYREPLACEIT,IF ICANFIXIT? GarySpicer352.228.4500 Sameownersince1987 ROOF Leaks,Repairs, Coatings&Maintenance License#CC-C058189 OTHER SERVICES Don'tPayForCoveredHomeR epairs Again!AmericanResi dentialWarrantycoversALL M AJORSYSTEMSANDAPP LIANCES.30DAYRISK F REE/$100OFFPOPULAR PLANS. 877-351-2364 PAINTING PLUShandyman,flooring, painting.FREEestimate Veteranowned352-949-2760 PAINTING A-1CompleteRepairs Pres.Wash,Painting(Int/Ext) 25yrs,Ref,Lic#39765, 352-513-5746 MERCHANDISE Heavydutyplastic CafeteriaFoodTrays over1000ofthem, differentcolors,allfor$200 352-422-3015 callafter9:30am CHRISTMASDOLLS(2) 18"long,vintagestyleclothing 1999-2000,$20ea. 352-344-1515 CIRRUSUPRIGHTVACUUM Neverused $75 Call352-423-1004 CONAIROptiCleanPower PlaqueRemover Rechargeable,NEWINBOX REDUCEDPRICE ,$20OBO (352)410-8262 or(732)857-5120 COOKIEJAR CeramicSchoolhouse. 7"x9"x10"$20 callortext352-586-4576 COOKIEJAR CeramicvintageMcCoy RockingHorse$20 callortext352-586-4576 COOKIEJAR CeramicPenguin$10 callortext 352-586-4576 Cookware 15piecespyrexaluminumpots etcsomebrandnew$30 352-428-0721 CoscoStepStool Farmstyle,RedVinyl $25 352-423-1088 Women'sDesignerClothing Large/Xlarge,Jackets,Vests, Jeans,Tops&Dresses,New orWornOnce,$5-20/ea. 352-410-8262 or732-857-5120 EDGER PowermateKingPro withextrablades $50OBO 352.382.8902 Electricgreenworks GardenRototiller used,worksgreat Homosassa$75 706-505-5691 FLOWERBASESFORCUT FLOWERS ,differentsizes andcolors,$5-$10each 352-560-3019 FLOWERPOTS plastic,wire,&clay $.50to$10each 352-560-3019 GreenleeWireCutters Electricalwirecutter no.718madeinUSA $30 352-428-0721 HoboAntiqueBarLamp 18"high8"base, veryuniquefrom50s $40 352-428-0721 Jacket&Trousersfullylined ChocolateBrown JonesNewYork2piecesuit, new,size14,retail$399, sellingfor $50 352-513-5339 KawasakiMotor 25hp,twincylinder,horizontal shaft,modelengine FH721D/CS01,runsgreat $900352-422-3015 callafter9:30am BusinessLaptopComputer DellLatitude6430UforUltra book,setup,readytogo,updatedw/everythingincluding Microsoft10 Reasonableoffer 352-212-5140 LAWNMOWER 22"cut,self-propelled;$35, 352-220-4158 MERCHANDISE LAWNTRAILER 30"Wx40"Lw/12"sides,tiltbed.Goodcondition. $40 352-419-4066 LanaiSunShades 4Shades,sizes48",96", 2148"wide,all84"high, all$199obo 352-586-0559 LOOSEJEWELRY Cameobracelet/necklace $3 352-726-1882 NAUTICALSHIPBELL StainlessSteelexccond Picturesavail. $35352.344.1515 NEW RECHARGEABLE TOOTHBRUSH INTERPLAK Inbox$10 727-247-3025 NEWHomeGoods ADJFillPillow neverused,Amazon$72, selling $35 352-513-5339 NordstromDress w/BoleroJackettop Size12,Blackw/whitebodice, retail$100,neww/tags $20 352-513-5339 OLDHORSESHOE&BRIDLE BITCOLLECTION Somevintage/somebarely used$90OBO Willsellseparately 352-344-1515 Bob'sDISCARDED LawnMowerService «FREEPICK-UP« 352-637-1225 RealPinkQuartzStones 5 0ofthem,fromsoftballsizet o baseballsize,Lg$10 352-527-0663 Records 200plusLPRecordsmost everykindofmusic $100forall 352-419-5892 RokuSmartTV 65"TV,screeniscracked Canbefixedfairlycheap Asking$50 352-501-8492 RUG Beigebackground6'x4'floral thickruginverygoodcond. $15 352-527-2729 SALVADORDALISIGNED ARTISTPRINTS Titled:" FiveSpanish Immortals " $5,000OBO 352-513-3031 SellingRocks Startingat$6apiece 352-527-0663 SheppardHooks onsingle$8 ondouble$8 352.527.0663 SHOESHINESTAND from30's&40's $20, 352-560-3019 SILKFLOWERS $1-$3OBO 352-726-1882 Wirelesshomemusicsystem new-neverused,2speakers, CDplayer,Bluetoothwireless, w/remote $20 865-201-6579 MERCHANDISE 2017commercial Star-MaxelectricGriddle 48",thermostaticallycontrolled, 240AMPcircuitbreakers,been instorage, Reasonableoffer 352-212-5140 SUNBEAMELECTRIC HEATER $20, 352-560-3019 2007SushiCooler brandHoshizaki,48"long tabletop,Reasonableoffer 352-212-5140 TEAPOT Ceramic.Vintage.Wildwest catwithguns.Textforpic.$20 callortext352-586-4576 TONERCARTRIDGE BrotherTN-550BrandNew, stillinoriginalbox$30 352-613-0529 U-HaulGrandWardrobeBox 24x24x48,used1x,asking$10 865-201-6579 UPDATEYOURHOME with B eautifulNewBlinds& S hades.FREEin-home e stimatesmakeitconvenient t oshopfromhome. P rofessionalinstallation.Top q uality-MadeintheUSA.Call f orfreeconsultation: 866-6361910 .Askaboutourspecials! VintageCroquetSet 6personwoodenSet,Excellentconditionfromthe50s $100 352-428-0721 VinylRecords FamilyCollectionVinylrecords 50centseach 352-463-8595 WildSageTwinSheets madeinIndia,Brandnew, 100%cotton,lightblue,$15 865-201-6579 XBOXONECONSOLE Includescontroller,powercord andonegame$110 (352)842-4489 APPLIANCES COMMERCIALMIXER GLOBESP20Commercial 20QuartPlanetaryMixer AllAccessoriesincluded! ExcellentCond.!$1100OBO 352-212-4622LeaveMsg NostalgicCoca-Cola Refrigerator 3.2cubeft.,verynice,$80 352-423-1088 SMITTYS APPLIANCEREPAIR 352-564-8179 OverStoveMicrowave Workswell$50 706-502-5691 APPLIANCES COMMERCIALMIXER GLOBESP20Commercial 20QuartPlanetaryMixer AllAccessoriesincluded! ExcellentCond.!$1000OBO 352-212-4622LeaveMsg NAPOLEON36" OUTDOORGAS FIREPLACEINSERT Craftedofstainlesssteel, requiresnoventing. GSS36N.$3400+new. $800SSCoverIncluded. 352-770-5458 FURNITURE 2BarStools Goodwood,Swivel, Darksolidwood,$25each 352-509-7397 callorleavemessage 4AluminumSwivelChairs forpatiouse,needfabric& cushionsreplaced $30obo 352-344-1515 AIRMATTRESS OZARKTRAILbrand fullsize,greatforcompany $25 865-201-6579 CURIOCABINET 82"Hx40"Wx13"Dwith shelves-Whitewashed$100 352-613-0529 DeskComputerorOffice VeryniceCondition,picsavail. $125 352-527-1193 DiningTable QueenAnne,2extraleaves, 8chairs$500obo 352-262-0200 Early60sWoodenDesk GreatShape$100 724-554-4761 LazyBoy RealLeatherCouch beautifullikenew,costwas $3,000, asking$1,500 352-422-6091 NewTempur-Pedic BoxSpring Queen9";boxspringNOT mattress,retail$380, selling$150 352-513-5339 PulloutSofaBed 3cushions,Green,Grey,Tan Plaidpattern,usedbut ingoodcondition $110 352-509-7397 callorleavemessage FURNITURE Rolltopdesk $225 352-513-2118 Solidwood VictorianKing b edroomset includesframe, 2 sidetablesw/beveledglass+ dresser $650 ;Brown(faux) leather doublereclinersofa $200 ;otheritemsavailable. MovingCall417-425-9541 SouthernLivingLoveseat likenewloveseat, usedverylittle $100608-617-4599 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT ATTENTIONOXYGENTHER-A PYUSERS! InogenOneG4 i scapableoffull24/7oxygen d elivery.Only2.8pounds. F REEinformationkit.Call 844958-2473. ELECTRICSCOOTERLIFT Electricormanualscooterlift thathooksintohitch. $1,100 352-601-0885 EQUATESHOWER&BATH CHAIR w/back,newinbox, neverbeenopened, REDUCEDPRICE ,$30 352-410-8262or 732-857-5120 FannyPack forINOGENOneG4Portable OxygenConcentrators Brandnewstillinpackage $45727-247-3025 InvacarePlatinumXL Oxygenconcentratorandfill, completesystem$800obo 352-287-1735 INVERSIONTABLE $60352.726.1882 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Merits3Wheel MobilityScooter Needsbatteries $150obo 352-287-1735 PAIROFALUMINUM CRUTCHES $10 352-726-1882 Pride4Wheelgo-goScooter Newbatteries&Switch$350 Leavemessage352-465-6580 ROVERKNEECYCLE withmanual$25 352.726.1882 BrunoScooterCarrier Pushoutforrearcaraccess, weightcapacity350lbs,with4 retractingstraps,lockkey listprice$2,600 DisabledVeteranasking $900 352.697.0240 SCOOTER/WHEELCHAIR/ MOTORCYCLEALUMINUM CARRIER Foldsupanddown,not electric,350LBcapacity, 52"Lx275/8"W, 2"hitchrequired. $570OBO 352-634-4906 EQUATEARMBLOOD PRESSUREMONITOR BrandNewinBox, PriceReduced,$20 (352)410-8262or (732)857-5120 TOILETSEATCHAIR $10 352-726-1882 TransportationWheelchair Usedtwice,$130whennew, asking $50 352-489-0887 SPORTING GOODS SCHWINNBICYCLEHELMET ventilated,adjustable,Model #SW124,$22, 352-344-1515


B8 Thursday, May 4, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle C Your Hometown Agents HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY .. NickKleftis .. NOWisthetimeto considerlistingyourhome, inventoryisdownand buyersareready. Callmefora FREEMarketAnalysis. Cell:352-270-1032 Office:352-726-6668 email: BETTYJ.POWELL Realtor "Yoursuccessismygoal... Makingfriendsalongtheway ismyreward!" BUYINGORSELLING? 352.422.6417 352.726.5855 E-Mail: DEB THOMPSON *Onecallawayforyour buyingandsellingneeds. *Realtorthatyoucanrefer toyourfamilyandfriends. *Servicewithasmile sevendaysaweek.ParsleyRealEstate DebThompson 352-634-2656 PROTECTYOURHOME from p estssafelyandaffordably. P est,rodent,termiteandmosq uitocontrol.Callforaquoteor inspectiontoday 888-498-0446 HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY FRANKJ.YUELLING,JR. Lic.RealEstateBroker VETERANOWNED Callmeifyouare lookingto buyorsellyourhome orvacantlot, residentialorcommercial. Over30yearsexperience. Cell:352-212-5222 GARY&KAREN BAXLEY GRIRealtors YourChristianRealtor connectiontoyour nexttransaction 352-212-4678Gary352-212-3937Karen TropicShoresRealty Iputthe REAL in REALESTATE! JIMTHE"REAL" MCCOY I'mattentiveto yourrealestate needs! CALL&GET RESULTS! (352)232-8971 HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY LaWanda Watt Thinkingofselling? Inventoryisdown andweneedlistings!! Callmefora FreeMarketAnalysis! 352-212-1989 Century21J.W.Morton RealEstate,Inc. MakingRealty DreamsaReality Mypassionandcommitment istohelpyoumake yourRealEstatedreams cometrue. CALLME forallyour RealEstateneeds!! LandmarkRealty KimberlyRetzer DirectLine 352-634-2904 MICHELEROSE Realtor "Simplyput I'llworkharder" 352-212-5097 isellcitruscounty CravenRealty,Inc. 352-726-1515 HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY MikeCzerwinski Specializingin *GOPHERTORTOISE SURVEYS&RELOCATIONS *WETLANDSETBACKLINES *ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS MichaelG.Czerwinski,P.A ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 352-249-1012 30+Yrs.Experience Ourofficecoversallof CITRUSandPINELLAS Counties! **FREE** MarketAnalysis PLANTATIONREALTY LISAVANDEBOE BROKER(R)OWNER 352-634-0129 www.plantation PickJeanne Pickrelforall yourReal Estateneeds! CertifiedResidential Specialist. GraduateofReal EstateInstitute. 352-212-3410 Callfora FREE MarketAnalysis. Century21JWMorton RealEstateInc. HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY Debra"Debbie"Cleary Professional Representation IstheKEYtoSuccess! PROVENPRODUCER! MeadowcrestSpecialist ServingALLofCitrusCounty (352)601-6664 TROPICSHORESREALTY Thankyoutoallwhoserved. 38Clientsservedin2022 8.3 MILLION inSales 40yearsintheBusiness MayIhelpyounext? CALL(352)302-8046 DebInfantine-Realtor TropicShoresRealty Century21JWMorton RealEstate,Inc StefanStuart Realtor 352.212.0211 Honest Experienced HardWorking ForAwardWinning CustomerServicecontact HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY AGENTFOR SUGARMILLWOODS Sellers&Buyers FRUSTRATED? NEEDINGHELP? CALLME,NOW. HelloI'm WayneCormier KeyOne 352-422-0751 "Haveagreatday andGodBless" THINKINGOFSELLING YOURHOME? LETMY25YEARSOF EXPERIENCEHELPYOU SELLYOURHOME! EXPERIENCECOUNTS! CALLMETODAYFORALL YOURREALESTATE NEEDS! *FreeHomeMarketAnalysis MARTHASATHER Realtor (352)212-3929 TropicShoresRealty TIMETOBUY ORSELL YOURMOBILE InALeasedLandPark? CALL LORELIELEBRUN LicensedRealtor&Mobile HomeBroker Century21 NatureCoast, 835NEHighway19, CrystalRiverFl. 352-613-3988 Unique&HistoricHomes, CommercialWaterfront& Land SMALLTOWNCOUNTRY LIFESTYLEOUR SPECIALTYSINCE1989 "LETUSFINDYOU AVIEWTOLOVE" (352)726-6644 CrosslandRealty Inc. SPORTING GOODS BeautyBeltMassager Messagesyourwaist.Suntentownbrand. $25 352-419-4066 ELLIPTOGO LikeNewpdover$3000will take$1000OBOElliptogo VehicleRackIncluded 352.586.8946 FishingPoleRack 16holes,blackmetalon wheels$20 352-423-1088 FishingWaders Tidewefishingwaders,size11 fitssize10,likenew $30 352-746-1017 REDPHILIPSBIKE MadeinEngland usedfordisplayonly $85OBO 865-201-6579 RIBSTICKGSKATEBOARD $10, 352-560-3019 Treadmill Pro-Form735Treadmill $100352-422-6750 WEIGHT 25lbcastirondumbbell $20 352.344.1515 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 8.4WOODEDACRE FORSALEBYOWNER 3Bd/3BaHome,newporches front8x20,backporch12x30 w/newscreen,newmetalroof, completelyinspected. Readytomovein! $300KCashorBestOffer Ray:(828)497-2610Local LOTFORSALE . 28AcrelotinSugarmillWoods $26,000 352-220-2891 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 6acres with 370ftofpavedroadfrontage Mixedresidential.LocatedEof Hwy19inHomosassa. Call352.422.6088 BacktoNature 38.11AcresOffasecludeddirt road.SliceofOldFlorida, beautifulpropertywithlarge o aktreesandplentyofwildlife . $350,000 352-287-2213foratour DUNNELLON NorthWilliamsSt 3000SFMOL; Commercialbuilding on.042acre **Forsaleorlease** MotivatedOwner Contact:AlIsnetto, PalmwoodRealty. 352-597-2500x202 LovelySpaciousInterior 2bed2bath RecentlybeenremodeledNewwalkinshowers,NewAC Approx.1,600sqft Moreinfo.Call706-492-5119 USMSONLINEAUCTION Civil A ctionNo.1:19-CV-626. B id5/1–5/12.3Propertiesinc ludingAirbnbinthemount ainsofAsheCounty,NCalon g t heNewRiver.RogersRealty & Auction-NCAL#685,fulldet ails: REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OPENHOUSE 5/6Sat1PM-3PM 71CypressBlvd Homosassa Outstanding3/2/2Pool Homeonanoversized LotinSMW Only$440,000 RE/MAX KathyGreen724.601.8619 HOMEFORSALE 1570W.DaturaLn.Citrus Springs,FL. 3Bed/2bath, POOL .Approx. 1/4acre,fencedinrear.Many updatestotheinterior.Allappliancesincludingwasher/dryerincluded.HVAC(2009)contractserviceyearlysinceinstallation.Roof(2006)30year shinglesandRoofMaxresurface(2023)5yearwarranty. NewhotwaterheaterandNu Leafgutterguards(2022). HomesoldASIS. $255,000.00Contactfor additionalinformation. Phone:513-767-1086 locatedonanIslandinNorth FloridawithAceHardware department,Conveniencest ore,Bar&3bed2bath house.Ownerretiringafter 10years.$1,400,000 352.498.5986 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE DAVIDKURTZ Realtor VacantLand SPECIALIST Letmehelpyou BUY,SELLOR INVEST FREE/NoObligation MARKETANALYSIS foryourproperty. Residential&Commercial Century21 J.W.MortonRealEstate, Inverness,FL34450 CELL954-383-8786 Office352-726-6668 TRANSPORTATION CARGOTRAILER 20228'X16'Arisingw/2ftV noserearrampdoorandside door110Vlights&plugsinside.Pulledlessthan800mi. LocatedinHomosassa $7500CallsOnly 407.705.9141 TruckTires CooperDiscoverHT3 LT225/75R16;Goodyear LT235/85R16;2CastelRock STRadialST226 ST235/80R16 $75each Leavemessage352-465-6580 TRANSPORTATION CUSTOMVAN 1998Savanna1500.Oneofa kind,rarefindw/only16,000 miles&garagekeptinTN. 2Captainchairseatsand entirecargoareaisopenand carpeted.Makingthisthe perfectcamperorhauling largerequipmentasthiswas designedforsuch. Refurbishedenginetiresand radio.Haveallreceiptstotaling 14,000alongwithletterfrom customcarshoponallwork donetobringthisvanbackto life.$18,500 Call901.377.4930 EZGOElectricGolfCart N ewJanuary2022;fullcanvas ; lowhours$9,700 Denny760-415-0653 SIDEBYSIDE 2019PolarisRZR HighLifterwithmanyextras 170hours,1,153miles Local515.460.1173 WANTED ALLCARS,TRUCKS,SUVs, RV's/Upto$1,000& MORE!!!-FREETOWING (352)342-7037 TRANSPORTATION PickuploadingRamps aluminumfolding,7.5ftby11", 1,500lbscompacity, neverused, $130 352-344-8493 BOATS 1997SPORTSCRAFTFISHM ASTER ,27ft.,new2021twin 350VortecMtrsw/650Holly doublepumpers,includeselectronics&safetygear,etc., alum.3-axleTrailer,$28,500 Local864-247-6395 2OutboardMotor VintageEvinrude Lighting3.0hp $300Pairobo 352-287-1735 FISHINGKAYAKS 1)Lifetime-TamahawkAngler 10010'Lx30"WV.G.C-$40 0 2)Pelican-RamXKayakSentinelAngler100X10"Lx30"W VGC$400 Bothfor$750 352-489-4127LeaveMessage IBUYBOATS CASHPAIDFOR ALLBOATS $$CALLVINCE$$ LOCAL 941-301-9946 Lowe14'aluminumBoat Bimini,trailer,&15hpTohatsu 4cycle$2,100 813-951-3253 OUTBOARDMOTOR 1972Chrysler2stroke8HP outboardmotor+stand.Fresh waterMidwestonly.Super clean.Lastserviced/ran (perfectly)2012. $575 352-770-5458


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 4, 2023 B9 CLASSIFIEDS FORECLOSURE 0511THCRNAMENDEDNOADEMPSEYFL-001756-22 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT, INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CASENO:23-CA-00010 6 R OCKETMORTGAGE,LLCF/K/AQUICKENLOANS,LL C F /K/AQUICKENLOANSINC., P laintiff, vsD AWNRAEDEMPSEYA/K/ADAWNR.DEMPSEYA/K/ A D AWNDEMPSEYF/K/ADAWNRAEMCCLELLANDF/K/ A D AWNRAEREEDF/K/ADAWNR.REED,UNKNOWNHEIRS , B ENEFICIARIES,DEVISEES,CREDITORS,GRANTEES,AS S IGNEES,LIENORS,TRUSTEESANDALLOTHERPARTIE S C LAIMINGANINTERESTBY,THROUGH,UNDERO R A GAINSTTHEESTATEOFEDWARDV.DEMPSEY,JR.,DE C EASED,UNKNOWNHEIRS,BENEFICIARIES,DEVISEES , C REDITORS,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES,LIENORS,TRUST E ESANDALLOTHERPARTIESCLAIMINGANINTERES T B Y,THROUGH,UNDERORAGAINSTTHEESTATEOFO F S HIRLEYANNDEMPSEYMARKERA/K/ASHIRLEYAN N M ARKERA/K/ASHIRLEYA.MARKER,DECEASEDANDUN K NOWNHEIRS,BENEFICIARIES,DEVISEES,CREDITORS , G RANTEES,ASSIGNEES,LIENORS,TRUSTEESANDAL L O THERPARTIESCLAIMINGANINTERESTBY,THROUGH , U NDERORAGAINSTTHEESTATEOFDEBORAHDENIS E L ONGF/K/ADEBORAHD.LONGF/K/ADEBORAHDENIS E D EMPSEY,DECEASED,PINERIDGEPROPERTYOWNER S A SSOCIATION,INC.,UNKNOWNTENANT1ANDUNKNOW N T ENANT2, Defendant(s) AMENDEDNOTICEOFACTION T O:UNKNOWNHEIRS,BENEFICIARIES,DEVISEES,CRED I TORS,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES,LIENORS,TRUSTEESAN D A LLOTHERPARTIESCLAIMINGANINTERESTBY , T HROUGH,UNDERORAGAINSTTHEESTATEOFEDWAR D V .DEMPSEY,JR.,DECEASED;UNKNOWNHEIRS,BENEFI C IARIES,DEVISEES,CREDITORS,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES , L IENORS,TRUSTEESANDALLOTHERPARTIESCLAIMIN G A NINTERESTBY,THROUGH,UNDERORAGAINSTTHEES T ATEOFSHIRLEYANNDEMPSEYMARKERA/K/ASHIR L EYANNMARKERA/K/ASHIRLEYA.MARKER,DE C EASED;UNKNOWNHEIRS,BENEFICIARIES,DEVISEES , C REDITORS,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES,LIENORS,TRUST E ESANDALLOTHERPARTIESCLAIMINGANINTERES T B Y,THROUGH,UNDERORAGAINSTTHEESTATEOFDE B ORAHDENISELONGF/K/ADEBORAHD.LONGF/K/ADE B ORAHDENISEDEMPSEYFORANDF/K/ADEBORAHD . F ORAND,DECEASED L astKnownAddress:3460NorthPalominoTerrace,Beverl y H ills,FL34465 Youarenotifiedofanactiontoforecloseamortgageonth e f ollowingpropertyinCitrusCounty: L OT6,BLOCK212,PINERIDGEUNITTWO,ACCORDINGT O T HEMAPORPLATTHEREOFASRECORDEDINPLA T B OOK8,PAGES37THROUGH50,INCLUSIVE,OFTHEPUB L ICRECORDSOFCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA 3 460NorthPalominoTerrace,BeverlyHills,FL34465 TheactionwasinstitutedintheCircuitCourt,FifthJudici a l C ircuitinandforCitrus,County,Florida;CaseNo.23-CA 0 00106;andisstyledROCKETMORTGAGE,LLCF/K/AQUICK E NLOANS,LLCF/K/AQUICKENLOANSINC.vs.DAWNRA E D EMPSEYA/K/ADAWNR.DEMPSEYA/K/ADAWNDEMP S EYF/K/ADAWNRAEMCCLELLANDF/K/ADAWNRAEREE D F /K/ADAWNR.REED;UNKNOWNHEIRS,BENEFICIARIES , D EVISEES,CREDITORS,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES,LIEN O RS,TRUSTEESANDALLOTHERPARTIESCLAIMINGA N I NTERESTBY,THROUGH,UNDERORAGAINSTTHEES T ATEOFEDWARDV.DEMPSEY,JR.,DECEASED;UN K NOWNHEIRS,BENEFICIARIES,DEVISEES,CREDITORS , G RANTEES,ASSIGNEES,LIENORS,TRUSTEESANDAL L O THERPARTIESCLAIMINGANINTERESTBY,THROUGH , U NDERORAGAINSTTHEESTATEOFSHIRLEYANNDEMP S EYMARKERA/K/ASHIRLEYANNMARKERA/K/ASHIRLE Y A .MARKER,DECEASED;UNKNOWNHEIRS,BENEFICIAR I ES,DEVISEES,CREDITORS,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES,LI E NORS,TRUSTEESANDALLOTHERPARTIESCLAIMIN G A NINTERESTBY,THROUGH,UNDERORAGAINSTTHEES T ATEOFDEBORAHDENISELONGF/K/ADEBORAHD.LON G F /K/ADEBORAHDENISEDEMPSEYFORANDF/K/ADE B ORAHD.FORAND,DECEASED;PINERIDGEPROPERT Y O WNERSASSOCIATION,INC.;UNKNOWNTENANT1AN D U NKNOWNTENANT2.Youarerequiredtoserveacopyofyou r w rittendefenses,ifany,totheactiononBrandiN.Wilson,Es q. , P laintiff ‹ sattorney,whoseaddressis255SouthOrangeAve , S uite900,Orlando,FL3280130daysfromthefirstdateofpub l icationandfiletheoriginalwiththeclerkofthiscourteit herbe f oreserviceonPlaintiff ‹ sattorneyorimmediatelyafterservice ; o therwise,adefaultwillbeenteredagainstyoufortherelie fde m andedinthecomplaintorpetition. TheCourthasauthorityinthissuittoenterajudgmentorde c reeinthePlaintiff ‹ sinterestwhichwillbebindinguponyou. D ATED:4/21/2023 ANGELAVIC K CitrusClerkoftheCircuitCour t AsClerkofCour t { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/HanoraN.Cassel s AsDeputyCler k PublishedMay4&11,2023 FORECLOSURE 0511THCRNNOJSMARSHALL INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDACIVILACTION CaseNo:2019CA00016 0 A NDREWWATSONandJACQUELYNR.WATSON-AR S ENAULT,astrusteesoftheThomasA.WatsonRevocabl e T rust,datedMay19,1994, Plaintiff, v s. J OHNT.MARSHALL,asthePersonalRepresentativeoftheEs t ateofWILLIAML.GAMBLE,SR.;ALLOTHERPARTIE S C LAIMINGANINTERESTBY,THROUGH,UNDERO R A GAINSTWILLIAMGAMBLE,SR.;WILLIAMGAMBLE,JR. ; S HARONGAMBLE;CATHERINEOWENS;MICHAE L B RANNEN;CAROLGAMBLE-TUCKER;DEBBIESALGUEIRO , A /K/ADEBBIECATHYPARKER;andUNKNOWNOCCU P ANTS, Defendants. NOTICEOFJUDICIALSALEPURSUANTTO SECTION45.031(1)OFTHEFLORIDASTATUTES T OWHOMITMAYCONCERN: Noticeisherebygiventhatpursuanttothefinaljudgmento f f oreclosureenteredonApril27,2023,inCaseNo.2019-CA 0 00160oftheCircuitCourtoftheJudicialCircuitforCitru s C ounty,Florida,inwhichANDREWWATSONandJACQUELY N R .WATSON-ARSENAULT,astrusteesoftheThomasA.Wat s onRevocableTrust,datedMay19,1994,plaintiff,andJOHNT . M ARSHALL,asthePersonalRepresentativeoftheEstateo f W ILLIAML.GAMBLE,SR.;ALLOTHERPARTIESCLAIMIN G A NINTERESTBY,THROUGH,UNDERORAGAINSTWILLI A MGAMBLE,SR.;WILLIAMGAMBLE,JR.;SHARONGAMBLE ; C ATHERINEOWENS;MICHAELBRANNEN;CAROLGAMBLE T UCKER;DEBBIESALGUEIROA/K/ADEBBIECATHYPARK E R;andUNKNOWNOCCUPANTS,aredefendants,Angel a V ick,ClerkofCourtsforCitrusCounty,Florida,willsellat publi c s alethefollowingdescribedrealproperty: L ots37,38,39and40,Block147,INVERNESSHIGHLAND S U NITNO.9,accordingtothePlatthereofrecordedinPla t B ook2,Pages175through177,inclusive,PublicRecordso f C itrusCounty,Florida. P arcelIdentificationNumber:19E19S020090-01470-0370 T hesalewillbeheldon June1,2023 at10:00a.m.toth e h ighestandbestbidderforcashheldonlinea t h ttps://,inaccordancewit hSectio n 4 5.031oftheFloridaStatutes. /s/RobertE.BoneJr.,Esquir e RobertE.BoneJr.P.A . 918W.MainStree t Leesburg,Florida3474 8 AttorneyforPlaintif f PublishedMay4&11,2023 LEGALS 0504THCRN2023-DR-148STONE INTHECIRCUITCOURTFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUITOF FLORIDAINANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY DOMESTICRELATIONSDIVISION CASENO.2023-DR-148 I NTHEINTERESTOF: B READYNLEEWURST, ( male;d/o/b-05/18/2011), AMinorChild; B RENDASTONEandDAVIDSTONE, Petitioners, v s. S HEALYNM.BURKHOLDER, M ATHEWM.WURST,CAINE S TEVENS,andVERONICASTOVER, Respondents. NOTICEOFACTION T O: MATHEWM.WURST L astknownAddress:22HopiRoad JimThorpe,PA18229 YOUARENOTIFIEDthatanAmendedPetitionforTempor a ryCustodybyExtendedFamilyhasbeenfiledregardingth e a bove-referencedminorchild.Youarerequiredtoserveacop y o fyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitonJACKA.MORING,Flor i daBar#499160,Moring&Moring,P.A.,7655WestGulftoLak e H ighway,Suite12,CrystalRiver,Florida34429,theattorne yfo r t hePetitioners,onorbeforeMay14,2023andfiletheorigina l w iththeclerkofthisCourtbeforeserviceonthePetitionersorim m ediatelythereafter. Ifyoufailtodoso,adefaultmayb e e nteredagainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthepetition . Copiesofallcourtdocumentsinthiscase,includingor d ers,areavailableattheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'soffice . Y oumayreviewthesedocumentsuponrequest. YoumustkeeptheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'sofficenoti f iedofyourcurrentaddress.Futurepapersinthislawsui t w illbemailedtotheaddressonrecordattheclerk'soffice . Thisisanactionfortemporarycustodybyextendedfamil y f iledbythematernalgrandparents.Thiscaseisbeingfiledi nth e C ircuitCourtoftheFifthJudicialCircuit,inandforCitrus County , l ocatedat110N.ApopkaAvenue,Inverness,Florida.Thetele p honenumberofthedivisionoftheCircuitCourtwherethispe ti t ionisfiledis352-341-6700.Theminorchildsubjecttothis peti t ionisB,L.W.,male,d/o/b05/18/2011,borninMonroeCounty , P ennsylvania. D ated:03/24/2023 ANGELAVIC K ClerkoftheCircuitCour t { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/SamanthaLea p DeputyCler k PublishedApril14,21&28,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0070TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0070TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5998YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: A PACHESHORESUNIT4PB4PG83LOTS33&34BLK23 T ITLEINORBK2596PG1043 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BANKOFNEWYORKMELL ONFKABANKOFNEWYORKASTRUSTEE,THEBANK O FNEWYORKMELLONFKATHEBANKOFNEWYORKAS T RUSTEEFORTHECERTIFICATEHOLDERSOFCWABS 2 005SD1ASSETBACKEDCERTIFICATESSERIES2005SD1 S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0080TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0080TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:KINGDOMMARKETHOLDING S L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4147YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT19BLK1274 D ESCRINORBK564PG1663 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:KIRKMKNOEPFELASSUCC ESSORTRUSTEEOFTHEKNOEPFELREVOCABLEFAMI LYTRUSTDATEDAUGUST221995,KIRKMKNOEPFEL S UCCTRUSTEE,KNOEPFELREVOCFAMILYTRUST S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0036TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0036TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9304YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: N EWHOMOSASSAVLGPB4PG92LOT52 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CAROLLUNSFORDAKA C AROLWALKER,HOWARDEDWARDLUNSFORDDEC EASED,HOWARDLUNSFORDDECEASED S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0042TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0042TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:PALLUM401KPLAN T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5353YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT27LOT5BLK1373DESCRINOR B K604PG178 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:EUGENEMOHRAKAEUG ENEVINCENTMOHRRIDILLA,EUGENEVMOHRDEC EASED,LOLINNEMOHRAKALOLINNEAPEREZ S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0044TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0044TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7436YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: H EATHERWOODUNIT1PB8PG2LOT64BLKALESSPT D ESCINORBK768PG1524DESCINORBK895PG1731& O RBK899PG314 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DENNISRMACNEIL S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS BOATS PONTOONBOAT 22ftG3SuncatcherPontoon 115HPYamahawraparound benchseats.Livewell,2 biminis,brandnewtrailer& cover.Cleanvessel TrollingMotors Minn-Kota 75lbsofthrust24v remotecontrol$950 Watersnake 54lbsofthrust12v $525OBO 352.586.8946 CARS/SUV 2006ToyotaSequoiaLTD 4x4,navigationsystem, DVD/CD,Sunroof,3rowseating,rearconsoleseat,coldAC, leather&powerseats,black exteriorgrayinterior Everythingingoodcondition 159,800mi $9,500OBO352-293-4504 2012HYUNDAIACCENT 91,000miles,excellentcond. $7,500OBO AskforCarl 352.400.8353 CADILLAC Black2008DTS165,000Miles Newtires,brakes,Battery 18"ChromeRims Notnewbutnicecar 352-342-3917 FORD 2019MUSTANGGT HighPerformance5.0460HP 17KSpecial,Maroonincolor $50,000 Tom352-341-3803 Lincolntowncar2007 Excellentcondition,always garaged2tonebronzebody, creaminterior. Withnewbrakes. $10,000askingprice. 352-489-7696BOB CLASSICS 1963StudabakerLark Regal4doorsedanV-8. Manynewitems .$9,850 606.207.7160 1990CHEVY LUMINA EURO,red,4-DR,good tires,rebuiltmotor, $5,000OBOasis 352-212-4622 CHEVY CAMARO 1981Z28 Coupe PerfectBody,norust,no dents,4speedmunci,NEW 355ciw/450to525HP-Looks &RunsAwesome-Toomuch tolist-$25K 352-364-7229 CLASSICS 1990CHEVY LUMINA EURO,red,4-DR,good tires,rebuiltmotor, $4,000OBOasis 352-212-4622 OLDSMOBILE 1981Cutlass4door3.8v6 AutomaticwithA/Cfaircond. $2,995Cash 352.445.5393 MOTORCYCLES BushtecMotorcycleTrailer includescooler,sparetire, customweathercover Mustsellneedspace Noreasonableofferrefused 352-382-7397 CANAMSPYDER 2 013LikeNewSpyderRT-LT D ChromePackageithasevery option.AutomaticTransmission,ExcellentCondition, NO Scratches,lowmiles15,000 andalwaysgaragekept.EngineSize997ExteriorBrown $14,500Callortext Todd802.233.1704 MotorScooters 2013Kymco150cc542mil& 201950cc105mil $2,200forBoth 727-415-7728 OILCHANGEKIT HarleyDavidsonbrandoil changekit,includesoilfilter (1999-2017H-D),7qt.20w50 oil,andmore. $35.00 231-534-0018 TRUCKS 2011FordF-150XLT4D CherryRed,fewcigarette burnsonseat,lowmillage 117,398k,USBmusicinput, cruise,wiredhitch,weather techliningthroughout $15,000OBO text 352-575-3621 2015Chevrolet SilveradoLTZ 3,5000HD4x4,duallydiesel, 44,000mil,leatherinterior,long bed,fullyequipped,$52,000 904-806-5378 TRUCK 2003FORDF150 4Welldrive,tough,large engine,wellmaintained.New brakes,A.C.,tunedup. $8,000 706-835-5068 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 2010HarmonybySunnybrook 21FBStandemwheels goodconditionw/slide $8,500 352-270-8028 2021LightWeight TravelTrailer withExtras-$17,900 352-212-6949 DUTCHMANCOLEMAN BRANDNEW 202217fttraveltrailer Sleeps6,features WinegardAIR360antenna Lotsofstorage$14,500 352-247-0788 29ftSAFARI 1998Motorhomewith83,000 miles,FordPowerstrokediesel engine.NewtiresExcellentcond, tomuchtolist!$20,500OBO Carl352.400.8353 HURRICANERV ClassA2010Fourwinds31D Lowmileage,twoslideouts, garagekept&veryclean 352.634.1874 IBUYRV's CASHPAID FORRV's $$CALLVINCE$$ LOCAL 941-301-9946 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES NewmarMountainAire 37.5ft1999RVwith 69,000originalmiles. GoodconditionLOCAL $25,000 207.502.2216


B10 Thursday, May 4, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle C FORECLOSURE 0504THCRNRE-NOTICEFSBROEHMDCL#22-00359 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHE5THJUDICIALCIRCUIT, INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILDIVISION : CASENO.:2022CA017 0 U .S.BANKNATIONALASSOCIATION, Plaintiff, v s. D ANIELS.BROEHM;UNITEDSTATESOFAMERICA,ACT I NGONBEHALFOFTHESECRETARYOFHOUSINGAN D U RBANDEVELOPMENT;WELLSFARGOBANK,N.A.,SUC C ESSORBYMERGERTOWELLSFARGOFINANCIALBANK ; U NKNOWNSPOUSEOFDANIELS.BROEHM;UNKNOW N T ENANTINPOSSESSIONOFTHESUBJECTPROPERTY , Defendants. RE-NOTICEOFFORECLOSURESALE N OTICEISHEREBYGIVENpursuanttoan OrderonMotiont o C ancelandRescheduleForeclosureSaledatedthe11thda y o fApril2023,andenteredinCaseNo.2022CA0170 ,ofth e C ircuitCourtofthe5THJudicialCircuitinandforCITRU S C ounty,Florida,whereinU.S.BANKNATIONALASSOCIATIO N i sthePlaintiffandDANIELS.BROEHMUNITEDSTATESO F A MERICA,ACTINGONBEHALFOFTHESECRETARYO F H OUSINGANDURBANDEVELOPMENTWELLSFARG O B ANK,N.A.,SUCCESSORBYMERGERTOWELLSFARG O F INANCIALBANKUNKNOWNSPOUSEOFDANIELS . B ROEHM;andUNKNOWNTENANTINPOSSESSIONOFTH E S UBJECTPROPERTYaredefendants.ANGELAVICKasth e C lerkoftheCircuitCourtshallselltothehighestandbestbi dde r f orcashelectronicallyat th e C lerk'swebsiteforon-lineauctionsat,10:00AMonthe1s t d ayofJune2023 ,thefollowingdescribedpropertyassetfort h i nsaidFinalJudgment,towit: L OT33,34,35AND36,BLOCK116OFINVERNESSHIGH L ANDSUNITNO.3,ACCORDINGTOTHEPLATTHEREO F A SRECORDEDINPLATBOOK2,PAGE(S)103THROUG H 1 08,OFTHEPUBLICRECORDSOFCITRUSCOUNTY,FLOR I DA I FYOUAREAPERSONCLAIMINGARIGHTTOFUNDSRE M AININGAFTERTHESALE,YOUMUSTFILEACLAIMWIT H T HECLERKNOLATERTHANTHEDATETHATTHECLER K R EPORTSTHEFUNDSASUNCLAIMED.IFYOUFAILT O F ILEACLAIM,YOUWILLNOTBEENTITLEDTOANYRE M AININGFUNDS.AFTERTHEFUNDSAREREPORTEDA S U NCLAIMED,ONLYTHEOWNEROFRECORDASOFTH E D ATEOFTHELISPENDENSMAYCLAIMTHESURPLUS. I fyouareapersonwithadisabilitywhoneedsanyaccom m odationinordertoparticipateinthisproceeding,youar e e ntitled,atnocosttoyou,totheprovisionofcertainassist a nce.PleasecontacttheADACoordinatorforCitrusCounty , K athyRector,at(352)341-6700atleast7daysbeforeyou r s cheduledcourtappearance,orimmediatelyuponreceivin g t hisnotificationifthetimebeforethescheduledappearanc e i slessthan7days;ifyouarehearingorvoiceimpaired,cal l 7 11. Datedthis19thdayofApril2023. By:/s/LindsayMaisonet,Esq . FloridaBarNumber:9315 6 D eCubas&Lewis,P.A. P .O.Box771270 C oralSprings,FL33077 T elephone:(954)453-0365 F acsimile:(954)771-6052 T ollFree:1-800-441-2438 D ESIGNATEDPRIMARYE-MAILFORSERVICE P URSUANTTOFLA.R.JUD.ADMIN2.516 e PublishedApril27,2023andMay4,2023 FORECLOSURE 0504THCRNRE-NOITCEFSSTERLINGDLG#22-05015 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHE5THJUDICIALCIRCUIT, INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILDIVISIO N CASENO.:2022CA000150 A L AKEVIEWLOANSERVICING,LLC, Plaintiff, v s. R OBERTE.STERLING;UNKNOWNSPOUSEOFROBERTE . S TERLING;VIRGINIAS.DUVAL;SECRETARYOFHOUSIN G A NDURBANDEVELOPMENT;MICHAELDITHEODOREWILLI A MS;BRIANL.STERLING;UNKNOWNTENANT#1ANDUN K NOWNTENANT#2, Defendants. RE-NOTICEOFFORECLOSURESALE NOTICEISHEREBYGIVEN pursuanttotheFinalJudgmen t o fForeclosureenteredonthe3rddayofMarch2023,inCas e N o.2022CA000150A,oftheCircuitCourtofthe5THJudicia l C ircuitinandforCitrusCounty,Florida,whereinLAKEVIE W L OANSERVICING,LLCisPlaintiffandROBERTE.STERLING ; U NKNOWNSPOUSEOFROBERTE.STERLING;VIRGINIAS . D UVAL;SECRETARYOFHOUSINGANDURBANDEVELOP M ENT;MICHAELDITHEODOREWILLIAMS;BRIANL.STER L ING;UNKNOWNTENANT#1ANDUNKNOWNTENANT# 2 a reDefendants.TheClerkofthisCourtshallselltothehighe s t a ndbestbidderforcashelectronicallyatwww.citrus.realf ore c,theClerk'swebsiteforon-lineauctionsat,10:0 0A M o nthe 25thdayofMay2023 ,thefollowingdescribedpropert y a ssetforthinsaidFinalJudgment,towit: L OT12,BLOCKJOFLEISUREACRES,UNITNO.5,AC C ORDINGTOTHEMAPORPLATTHEREOFASRECORDE D I NPLATBOOK5,PAGE88,PUBLICRECORDSOFCITRU S C OUNTY,FLORIDA. A ddress:5590SGRAYOAKTERRACE,LECANTO,FL34461 A NYPERSONCLAIMINGANINTERESTINTHESURPLU S F ROMTHESALE,IFANY,OTHERTHANTHEPROPERT Y O WNERASOFTHEDATEOFTHELISPENDENSMUSTFIL E A CLAIMWITHIN60DAYSAFTERTHESALE. I FYOUAREAPERSONWITHADISABILITYWHONEED S A NYACCOMMODATIONINORDERTOPARTICIPATEI N T HISPROCEEDING,YOUAREENTITLED,ATNOCOSTT O Y OU,TOTHEPROVISIONOFCERTAINASSISTANCE . P LEASECONTACTTHEADACOORDINATOR,TELEPHON E ( 352)341-6700,110NAPOPKAAVENUE,INVERNESSFL , 3 4450,ATLEAST7DAYSBEFOREYOURSCHEDULE D C OURTAPPEARANCE,ORIMMEDIATELYUPONRECEIV I NGTHISNOTIFICATIONIFTHETIMEBEFORETHESCHED U LEDAPPEARANCEISLESSTHAN7DAYS.IFYOUAR E H EARINGORVOICEIMPAIRED,CALL711. Datedthis21stdayofApril,2023. By: /s/DavidDilt s DavidDilts,Esq . BarNumber:6861 5 D ELUCALAWGROUP,PLLC 2 101NE26THSTREET F ORTLAUDERDALE,FL33305 P HONE:(954)368-1311|FAX:(954)200-8649 D ESIGNATEDPRIMARYE-MAILFORSERVICE P URSUANTTOFLA.R.JUD.ADMIN2.516 s PublishedApril27,2023andMay4,2023 0511THCRNINGRAHM22-32703FC01RFT INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILDIVISION Case#:2022CA000649 A R ocketMortgage,LLCf/k/aQuickenLoans,LLC Plaintiff, vs.U nknownHeirs,Devisees,Grantees,Assignees,Creditors,L ien o rs,andTrusteesofWilliamE.Ingrahma/k/aWilliamEdwinIn g rahm,Deceased,andAllOtherPersonsClaimingbyan d T hrough,Under,AgainstTheNamedDefendant(s);LisaKimber l eaBennetta/k/aLisaBennetta/k/aLisaKimberleaBell;Lor iPa t riciaIngrahm;VictoriaMichelleStepkaa/k/aVictoriaMic helleIn g rahma/k/aVictoriaM.Ingrahm;AlexanderVincentIngrah m a /k/aAlexanderIngrahm;UnknownSpouseofLisaKimberle a B ennetta/k/aLisaBennetta/k/aLisaKimberleaBell;Unknow n S pouseofLoriPatriciaIngrahm;UnknownSpouseofVictori a M ichelleStepkaa/k/aVictoriaMichelleIngrahma/k/aVicto riaM . I ngrahm;UnknownSpouseofAlexanderVincentIngrahma/k/ a A lexanderIngrahm;UnknownPartiesinPossession#1,iflivi ng , a ndallUnknownPartiesclaimingby,through,underandagain s t t heabovenamedDefendant(s);UnknownPartiesinPossessio n # 2,ifliving,andallUnknownPartiesclaimingby,through,u nde r a ndagainsttheabovenamedDefendant(s) Defendant(s). NOTICEOFSALE NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENpursuanttoorderreschedulin g f oreclosuresaleorFinalJudgment,enteredinCivilCaseNo . 2 022CA000649AoftheCircuitCourtofthe5thJudicialCircui t i nandforCitrusCounty,Florida,whereinRocketMortgage,L L C f /k/aQuickenLoans,LLC,PlaintiffandUnknownHeirs,De v isees,Grantees,Assignees,Creditors,Lienors,andTrust eeso f W illiamE.Ingrahma/k/aWilliamEdwinIngrahm,Deceased,an d A llOtherPersonsClaimingbyandThrough,Under,AgainstTh e N amedDefendant(s)aredefendant(s),I,ClerkofCourt,Ange l a V ick,willselltothehighestandbestbidderforcashBYELEC T RONICSALEBEGINNINGAT10:00A.M.ONTHEPRE S CRIBEDDATEAT Ma y 2 5,2023 ,thefollowingdescribedpropertyassetforthinsaidFi n alJudgment,to-wit: L OT9,BLOCK406OFINVERNESSHIGHLANDSWEST,AC C ORDINGTOTHEPLATTHEREOFASRECORDEDINPLA T B OOK5,PAGE(S)19-33,OFTHEPUBLICRECORDSOFCIT R USCOUNTY,FLORIDA. A NYPERSONCLAIMINGANINTERESTINTHESURPLU S F ROMTHESALE,IFANY,OTHERTHANTHEPROPERT Y O WNERASOFTHEDATEOFTHELISPENDENSMUSTFIL E A CLAIMNOLATERTHANTHEDATETHATTHECLERKRE P ORTSTHEFUNDSASUNCLAIMED. I fyouareapersonwithadisabilitywhoneedsanyaccom m odationinordertoparticipateinthisproceeding,youar e e ntitled,atnocosttoyou,totheprovisionofcertainassist a nce.PleasecontacttheADACoordinator;110NorthApop k aStreet,Inverness,Florida34450;(352)341-6700atleast 7 d aysbeforeyourscheduledcourtappearance,orimmedi a telyuponreceivingthisnotificationofthetimebeforeth e s cheduledappearanceislessthan7days.Ifyouarehear i ngorvoiceimpaired,call711. PublishedMay4&11,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2022-0795TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2022-0795TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:LOCHSTONE1LLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-0451YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C RYSTALAIRECAMPSITESUNRECORDEDSUBLOTS11& 1 2BLKDFURTHERDESCRIBEDASFOLLOWS:BEGINAT A POINTTHATIS150FEETNORTHOFTHESOUTHERN B OUNDARYANDISONTHEWESTBOUNDARYOFTHEE 1 /2NE1/4SE1/4NE1/4OFSECTION3,TOWNSHIP19S, R ANGE18E,THNNORTH80FEET,THNEAST95FEETTO J ANICERD,THNALONGTHEWESTROWOFJANICEROAD S OUTH80FEET,THNWEST95FEETTOTHEPOB. N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MARGARETCDELLE S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril20,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,2023 MEETINGS 0504THCRNMTG5/11REGBD PUBLICNOTICE T heCitrusCountyMosquitoControlDistrictwouldliketoan n ouncetotheCitizensofCitrusCountythattheRegularBoar d M eetingwillbeheldon Thursday,May11,2023 .Themeetin g w illbeheldat 8:00a.m. atthe District ‹ sHeadquarter ‹ sOffice , l ocatedat968N.LecantoHwy.Lecanto,FL34461. J oeAdams C hairmanoftheBoard A nypersonrequiringreasonableaccommodationatthismeeti n g b ecauseofadisabilityorphysicalimpairmentshouldcontac tth e C itrusCountyMosquitoControlDistrict,968N.LecantoHwy, Le c anto,Fl.34461(352)527-7478atleasttwodaysbeforeth e m eeting. A nypersonwhowishestoappealanydecisionmadebyth e B oard,AgencyorCommissionwithrespecttoanymattercon s ideredatsuchmeetingorhearing,willneedarecordofthepr o c eedings,andthatforsuchpurpose,mayneedtoensurethat a v erbatimrecordoftheproceedingsismade,whichrecordin c ludesthetestimonyandevidenceuponwhichtheappeali s b ased. PublishedMay4,2023 0511THCRNNOSVILLADAMIGO/VALLADARES INTHECIRCUITCIVILCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT OFFLORIDA,INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY CIVILDIVISION CaseNo.2021CA000598 A Divisio n F INANCIALFIRST,LLC Plaintiff, v s. P ATRICIAVILLADAMIGO,FAUSTINOVALLADARES,TH E C LERKOFTHECIRCUITCOURTFORCITRUSCOUNTY , F LORIDA,ANDUNKNOWNTENANTS/OWNERS, Defendants. NOTICEOFSALE Noticeisherebygiven,pursuanttoFinalJudgmentofFore c losureforPlaintiffenteredinthiscauseonApril20,2023, inth e C ircuitCourtofCitrusCounty,Florida,AngelaVick,Clerko fth e C ircuitCourt,willsellthepropertysituatedinCitrusCoun ty,Flor i dadescribedas: T RACT11,OFANUNRECORDEDSUBDIVISION,BEIN G M OREPARTICULARLYDESCRIBEDASFOLLOWS:COM M ENCEATTHENORTHWESTCORNEROFLOT8,BLOC K C ,MAYFAIRGARDENACRES,ASRECORDEDINPLA T B OOK2,PAGES141AND142,OFTHEPUBLICRECORD S O FCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA,THENCEN89°58'40" E A LONGTHENORTHLINEOFSAIDLOT8,ADISTANCEO F 3 19.02FEETTOTHEPOINTOFBEGINNING,THENCECON T INUEN89°59'20"EALONGSAIDNORTHLINEADIS T ANCEOF106.34FEET,THENCES00°26'30"E,226.8 0 F EET,THENCEWEST106.34FEET,THENCEN00°26'30"W , 2 26,75FEETTOTHEPOINTOFBEGINNING. T OGETHERWITH1998CYPREDOUBLEWIDEMOBIL E H OME,IDENTIFICATIONNUMBERSGMHGA4199819952A & G MHGA4199819952B,SITUATEDTHEREON T OGETHERWITHTHATCERTAIN1998CYPR E D OUBLEWIDEMOBILEHOMEMOBILEHOME,VIN(S ) G MHGA4199819952A&GMHGA4199819952B a ndcommonlyknownas:6560WAVOCADOST,CRYSTA L R IVER,FL34429;includingthebuilding,appurtenances,and fix t ureslocatedtherein,atpublicsale,tothehighestandbest bid d er,forcash,electronicallyatwww.citrus.realforeclose .com,o n J une8,2023 at10:00A.M.. Anypersonsclaiminganinterestinthesurplusfromthesale , i fany,otherthanthepropertyownerasofthedateofthelispe n d ensmustfileaclaimbeforetheclerkreportsthesurplusasu n c laimed. AMERICANSWITHDISABILITIESACT.Ifyouareaperso n w ithadisabilitywhoneedsanyaccommodationinordertopart i c ipateinthisproceeding,youareentitled,atnocosttoyou, t o t heprovisionofcertainassistance.PleasecontacttheADAC o o rdinatorforCitrusCounty,KathyRector,at(352)341-6700 a t l east7daysbeforeyourscheduledcourtappearance,orimmed i a telyuponreceivingthisnotificationifthetimebeforethe sched u ledappearanceislessthan7days;ifyouarehearingorvoic e i mpaired,call711. DatedthisApril26,2023. By:/s/DavidR.Byar s AttorneyforPlaintif f ( 813)229-0900x K assShuler,P.A. 1 505N.FloridaAve. T ampa,FL33602-2613 F PublishedMay4&11,2023 0504THCRN2023-0029TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0029TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4058YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT19LOT22BLK1240DESCRINORBK 5 97PG1881 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFMICHAELGIALL ELLAAKAMICHAELPGIALLELLA,ESTATEOFMICHAEL G IALLELLADECEASED,ESTATEOFVITODGIALLELLA A KAVITOGIALLELLADECEASED,MICHAELGIALLELLA, V ITODGIALLELLA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0113TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0113TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5247YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT9BLK1625 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GWYNETHAHEMMINGS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0525THCRN2023-0174TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0174TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3176YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT10LOT24BLK852DESCRINOR B K442PG582 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MARYANNEVARGA,MARYE V ARGA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 LEGALS 0511THCRNNOA2022-DR-1798McDUFFIE INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT, INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CaseNo.:2022-DR-179 8 Division : C HRISTINAMcDUFFIE, Petitioner A nd C HERELLMcDUFFIE, Respondent, NOTICEOFACTIONFORDISSOLUTIONOFMARRIAGE (NOCHILDORFINANCIALSUPPORT) T O:CherellMcxDuffie 973E21stAvenue,Columbus,OH43211 Y OUARENOTIFIEDthatanactionfordissolutionofmar r iagehasbeenfiledagainstyouandthatyouarerequiredt o s erveacopyofyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitonChristin a M cDuffie,whoseaddressis10290E.PikeDrive,Inverness , F lorida34450onorbeforeMay20,2023,andfiletheorigin a lwiththeclerkofthisCourtat110NApopkaAve.,In v erness,FL34450beforeserviceonPetitionerorimmedi a telythereafter. Ifyoufailtodoso,adefaultmayb e e nteredagainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthepeti t ion. T heactionisaskingthecourttodecidehowthefollowingrea l o rpersonalpropertyshouldbedivided:NONE C opiesofallcourtdocumentsinthiscase,includingor d ers,areavailableattheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'sof f ice.Youmayreviewthesedocumentsuponrequest. Y oumustkeeptheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'sofficenoti f iedofyourcurrentaddress.(YoumayfileDesignationo f C urrentMailingandE-MailAddress,FloridaSuprem e C ourtApprovedFamilyLawForm12.915.)Futurepaper s i nthislawsuitwillbemailedoremailedtoth e a ddress(es)onrecordattheclerk'soffice. W ARNING:Rule12.285,FloridaFamilyLawRulesofPro c edure,requirescertainautomaticdisclosureofdocu m entsandinformation.Failuretocomplycanresulti n s anctions,includingdismissalorstrikingofpleadings . Dated:04/04/2023 ANGELAVIC K CLERKOFTHECIRCUITCOUR T { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/SamanthaLea p DeputyCler k PublishedonApril20&27,2023andMay4&11,2023 LEGALS 0504THCRNFNPRESTIGEEXTERIORCLEANING NoticeunderFictitiousNameLaw,pursuanttoSectio n 8 65.09,FloridaStatutes. N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN thattheundersigned,desiringt o e ngageinbusinessunderthefictitiousnameof: PRESTIGEEXTERIORCLEANING l ocatedat7831ENorthlakeDrive,intheCountyofCitrus,int h e C ityofFloralCity,Florida34436intendstoregisterthesai d n amewiththeDivisionofCorporationsoftheFloridaDepart m entofState,Tallahassee,FL. DatedatFloralCity,FL,this1stdayofMay,2023. P RESTIGETRANSPORTATIONOFFLORIDALLC PublishedMay4,2023 FORECLOSURE


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 4, 2023 B11 CLASSIFIEDS 0525THCRN2023-0248TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0248TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JAMESWWEIR T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7348YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T HATISLANDKNOWASCEDARISLANDDESCASFOLL: C OMATTHESECOROFSEC23T17SR19ETHNRUNAL T HEESECLNN0D58M24SE1509.38FTTOTHESECOR O FLT57INCEDARCOVEUNRECTHNALTHEPROJECT IONOFTHESLNOFSDLT57N88D11M31SW690.46FT M OLTOTHEWATERSOFCEDARLAKETHNACROSSTHE W ATERSOFSDLAKEN85D43M27SW172.15MOLTOCED ARISLANDANDTHEPOBTHALTHEWATERSEDGETHE F OLLCOURSEANDDISTN38D33M3SW142.07FT,S32D 4 7M27SW214.78FT,S72D8M36SE186.83FT,ANDN12D 2 M15SE129.58FTMOLTOTHEPOB. N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JORDANJTHOMAS,SCOTT J ORDAN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 MEETINGS 0504THCRN5/11REGSESSION PUBLICNOTICE N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN thattheCitrusCountyBoardo f C ountyCommissionerswillmeetin RegularSession o n T hursday,May11,2023,at1:00P.M. ,intheCitrusCount y C ourthouse,110NorthApopkaAvenue,Inverness,Florida,fo r t hepurposeofconductingtheregularbusinessofCitrusCoun ty . A nypersonrequiringreasonableaccommodationatthismeeti n g b ecauseofadisabilityorphysicalimpairmentshouldcontac tth e C ountyAdministrator'sOffice,3600W.SovereignPath,Suit e 2 67,Lecanto,FL34461,(352)527-5210,atleasttwodaysbe f orethemeeting.Ifyouarehearingorspeechimpaired,dial7 -1 1 ,1-800-955-8771(TTY)or1-800-955-8770(v),viaFloridaR e l ayService. I fyouneedaSpanishTranslatorpleasemakearrangementswit h t heCountybytelephonewithintwodaysofthepublicationnot ic e a t352-527-5370 S inecesitauntraductordeespañolporfavorhagaarreglosco n e lCondadodentrodedosdíasdelanotificacióndel a p ublicación352-527-5370 A nypersonwhodecidestoappealanydecisionoftheGovern i ngBodywithrespecttoanymatterconsideredatthismeetin g w illneedarecordoftheproceedingsandforsuchpurposema y n eedtoprovidethataverbatimrecordoftheproceedingismad e , w hichrecordincludestestimonyandevidenceuponwhichth e a ppealistobebased.(Section286.0101,FloridaStatutes). PublishedMay4,2023 FORECLOSURE 0511THCRNNOAERDEK22FL373-1439 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT, INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILDIVISIO N CASENO.:2023CA000017 A F REEDOMMORTGAGECORPORATION PLAINTIFF, v s. J ACQUELINEERDEK,ROGERERDEKETAL., DEFENDANTS. NOTICEOFACTION T O: UNKNOWNSPOUSEOFMARIATERESANIETO L astKnownAddress: 5785NHAZELWOODDR,BEVERL Y H ILLS,FL34465 C urrentResidence: UNKNOWN Y OUARENOTIFIEDthatanactionforForeclosureofMortgag e o nthefollowingdescribedproperty: L OT1,BLOCK94,PINERIDGEUNITONE,ACCORDINGT O T HEPLATTHEREOFRECORDEDINPLATBOOK8,PAGE S 2 5THROUGH36INCLUSIVE,PUBLICRECORDSOFCITRU S C OUNTY,FLORIDA h asbeenfiledagainstyouandyouarerequiredtoserveacop y o fyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toit,onMILLER,GEORGE & S UGGS,PLLC,AttorneyforPlaintiff,whoseaddressis2200W . C ommercialBlvd,Suite103,Ft.Lauderdale,FL33309withino n o rbeforeadatethirty(30)daysafterthefirstpublicationo fthi s N oticeintheCitrusCountyChronicleandfiletheoriginalwi thth e C lerkofthisCourteitherbeforeserviceonPlaintiff'satto rneyo r i mmediatelythereafter;otherwiseadefaultwillbeentere d a gainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthecomplaint. I fyouareapersonwithadisabilitywhoneedsanyaccom m odationinordertoparticipateinthisproceeding,youar e e ntitled,atnocosttoyou,totheprovisionofcertainassist a nce.PleasecontacttheADACoordinatorforCitrusCounty , K athyRector,at(352)341-6700atleast7daysbeforeyou r s cheduledcourtappearance,orimmediatelyuponreceivin g t hisnotificationifthetimebeforethescheduledappearanc e i slessthan7days;ifyouarehearingorvoiceimpaired,cal l 7 11. W ITNESSmyhandandthesealofthisCourtthis28thdayo f A pril,2023. ANGELAVIC K AsClerkoftheCircuitCour t { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/HanoraN.Cassel s AsDeputyCler k PublishedMay4&11,2023 FORECLOSURE 0511THCRNNOSMARTIN22-327193FC01CGG INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILDIVISION Case#:2022CA000655 A J .P.MorganMortgageAcquisitionCorp. Plaintiff, vs.S tephenMartin;DarlanaBencinia/k/aDarlanaMartin;Unkno w n S pouseofStephenMartin;UnknownSpouseofDarlanaBencin i a /k/aDarlanaMartin;StateofFloridaDepartmentofRevenue ; C itrusSpringsCivicAssociation,Inc.;UnknownPartiesinP os s ession#1,ifliving,andallUnknownPartiesclaimingby , t hrough,underandagainsttheabovenamedDefendant(s);Un k nownPartiesinPossession#2,ifliving,andallUnknow n P artiesclaimingby,through,underandagainsttheabovenam e d D efendant(s) Defendant(s). NOTICEOFSALE NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENpursuanttoorderreschedulin g f oreclosuresaleorFinalJudgment,enteredinCivilCaseNo . 2 022CA000655AoftheCircuitCourtofthe5thJudicialCircui t i nandforCitrusCounty,Florida,whereinJ.P.MorganMortga g e A cquisitionCorp.,PlaintiffandStephenMartinaredefenda nt(s) , I ,ClerkofCourt,AngelaVick,willselltothehighestandbes tbid d erforcashBYELECTRONICSALEBEGINNINGAT10:0 0 A .M.ONTHEPRESCRIBEDDATEA T h ttp:// May25,2023 ,thefollow i ngdescribedpropertyassetforthinsaidFinalJudgment,to -wit : L OT14,BLOCK612,CITRUSSPRINGSUNIT9,ACCORDIN G T OTHEMAPORPLATTHEREOF,ASRECORDEDINPLA T B OOK6,PAGE(S)61THROUGH66,INCLUSIVE,OFTH E P UBLICRECORDSOFCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA. A NYPERSONCLAIMINGANINTERESTINTHESURPLU S F ROMTHESALE,IFANY,OTHERTHANTHEPROPERT Y O WNERASOFTHEDATEOFTHELISPENDENSMUSTFIL E A CLAIMNOLATERTHANTHEDATETHATTHECLERKRE P ORTSTHEFUNDSASUNCLAIMED. I fyouareapersonwithadisabilitywhoneedsanyaccom m odationinordertoparticipateinthisproceeding,youar e e ntitled,atnocosttoyou,totheprovisionofcertainassist a nce.PleasecontacttheADACoordinator;110NorthApop k aStreet,Inverness,Florida34450;(352)341-6700atleast 7 d aysbeforeyourscheduledcourtappearance,orimmedi a telyuponreceivingthisnotificationofthetimebeforeth e s cheduledappearanceislessthan7days.Ifyouarehear i ngorvoiceimpaired,call711. PublishedMay4&11,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0035TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0035TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-8477YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: R IVERHGTSAPARCELOFLANDKNOWNASTRACT37 S ITUATEDINLOT60MOREPART'LYDESCRASFOL:COM A TTHESWCOROFSDLOT60,THN272.79ALTHEW B DRYOFSDLOT60,THN88DEG57MIN00SECE2512.38 F T,THN1DEG23MIN05SECW262.34FTFORTHEPOB, T HN42DEG58MIN05SECW115.26FT,THW'LY72.55FT T HROUGHACENTRALANGLEOF21DEG27MIN22SEC A LATANGENTCURVECONCAVETOTHESHAVINGA R ADIUSOF193.73FT,THONARADIALLINEOFSD C URVEN25DEG35MIN33SECE200FTTOAPTONA C URVECONCENTRICTOAFORESDCURVE,THE'LY 1 47.44FTTHROUGHACENTRALANGLEOF21DEG27MIN 2 2SECALSDCURVEWHICHISCONCAVETOTHES&HAS A RADIUSOF393.73FTTOAPTOFREVERSECURVE,TH E 'LY151.33FTTHROUGHACENTRALANGLEOF6DEG46 M IN56SECALAREVERSECURVECONCAVETOTHEN H AVINGARADIUSOF1278.42FT,THS57DEG44MIN00 S ECW211.98FTTOTHEPOBSUBJTOEASEOFRECORD D ESCRINORBK489PG276&DCINORBK729PG178T OGETHERWITHEASEANDRIGHTOFUSEINLOT45 R IVERHEIGHTSPB1/57INPERPETUITYFORTHEPURP OSEOFINGRESSANDEGRESSTOTHEWATERSOFTHE W ITHLACOOCHEERIVERTOGETHERWITHRIGHTTO L AUNCHANDLOADBOATSFROMRAMPLOCATEDONSD E ASEPEREASE/AGREE7-1-72ORBK329/722 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CARLWCODY,ESTATEOF C ARLWCODYAKACARLCODY,ESTATEOFCARLW C ODYAKACARLWILBURNCODYDECEASED,ESTATEOF J UNEGCODYAKAJUNESAMSCODYDECEASED,JUNEG C ODYDECEASED S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 FORECLOSURE 0504THCRNNOAYELTON INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTYFLORIDA CASENO:2023CA000536 A J OANNEM.IRVINE Plaintiff, v s. E STATEOFJAMESBERTYELTON;EMMAC.YELTON,I F L IVINGANDIFDECEASED,ANYANDALLUNKNOW N S POUSES,HEIRS,ORDEVISEES,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES , C REDITORS,LIENORSANDTRUSTEES; Defendants. NOTICEOFACTION T O: ESTATEOFJAMESBERTYELTON;EMMAC.YELTON,I F L IVINGANDIFDECEASED,ANYANDALLUNKNOW N S POUSES,HEIRS,ORDEVISEES,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES , C REDITORS,LIENORSANDTRUSTEES, a ndallothersclaimingby,throughorunderthemandtoalloth e rswhomitmayconcern: Y OUARENOTIFIED ofanactiontoquietandconfirmtitleonth e f ollowingpropertyinCitrusCountyFlorida: P LEASANTACRESUNRECORDEDSUBDIVISION,LOT3 , B LOCKAASDESCRIBEDINOFFICIALRECORDSBOO K 5 36PAGE109. S aidactionhasbeenfiledagainstyou,andyouarerequiredt o s erveacopyofyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitonJoanneM . I rvine,Plaintiff,whoseaddressis1301S.HerculesAve.,Ap t.10 , C learwater33764onorbeforeMay13,2023,andtheorigina l w iththeClerkofthisCourteitherbeforeserviceonthePlain tiffo r i mmediatelythereafter:otherwiseadefaultwillbeentere d a gainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthecomplaintormotion . W itnessmyhandandsealofthisCourtonthis6thdayofApril , 2 023. ANGELAVIC K CLERKOFTHECIRCUITCOUR T { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/AmandaSerrato s DeputyCler k PublishedApril13,20&27,2023andMay4,2023 0525THCRNNOAWOODLEAINVESTMENT INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTYFLORIDA CASENO:2023CA000112 A J OANNEM.IRVINE Plaintiff, v s. W OODLEAINVESTMENTCOMPANY,LLC; C ITRUSSPRINGSCIVICASSOCIATION,INC; A NYANDALLUNKNOWNHEIRS,OR D EVISEES,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES, C REDITORS,LIENORSANDTRUSTEES; Defendants. NOTICEOFACTION T O: WOODLEAINVESTMENTCOMPANY,LLC;CITRU S S PRINGSCIVICASSOCIATION,INC;ANYANDALLUN K NOWNHEIRS,ORDEVISEES,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES , C REDITORS,LIENORSANDTRUSTEES; a ndallothersclaimingby,throughorunderthemandtoalloth e rswhomitmayconcern: Y OUARENOTIFIED ofanactiontoquietandconfirmtitleonth e f ollowingpropertyinCitrusCountyFlorida: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT17LOT39BLOCK1163ASRECOR D EDINPLATBOOK7,PAGE1OFTHEPUBLICRECORD S O FCITRUSCOUNTY S aidactionhasbeenfiledagainstyou,andyouarerequiredt o s erveacopyofyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitonJoanneM . I rvine,Plaintiff,whoseaddressis1301S.HerculesAve.,Ap t.10 , C learwater33764onorbeforeJune3,2023,andtheorigina l w iththeClerkofthisCourteitherbeforeserviceonthePlain tiffo r i mmediatelythereafter:otherwiseadefaultwillbeentere d a gainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthecomplaintormotion . W itnessmyhandandsealofthisCourtonthis24thdayofFeb r uary,2023. ANGELAVIC K CLERKOFTHECIRCUITCOUR T ( (CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/HanoraN.Cassel s DeputyCler k PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0034TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0034TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7613YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L ANEVIEWUNRECSUBLOTS26,27&28DESCAS:LOT26 : C OMATNWCOROFE1/4OFS1/2OFNW1/4OFSEC25,TH S 1DEG12M1SEALWLNOFE1/4387.58FT,THS89DEG 4 7M21SW1129.88FTTOPOB,THS89DEG47M21SW 1 40.83FT,THS1DEG23M45SE309.86FT,THN89DEG 4 7M21SE140.83FTTHN1DEG23M45SW309.86FTTO P OBSUBJTOEASMLOT27:COMATNWCOROFE1/4OF S 1/2OFNW1/4OFSEC25,THS1DEG12M1SEALWLN O FE1/4387.58FT,THS89DEG47M21SW1270.71FTTO P OB,THS89DEG47M21SW140.83FT,THS1DEG23M 4 5SE309.86FTTHN89DEG47M21SE140.83FTTHN1 D EG23M45SW309.86FTTOPOBSUBJTOEASMLOT 2 8:COMATNWCOROFE1/4OFS1/2OFNW1/4OFSEC 2 5,THS1DEG12M1SEALWLN387.58FT,THS89DEG 4 7M21SW1411.54FTTOPOB,THS89DEG47M21SW 1 40.83FT,THS1DEG23M45SE309.86FT,THN89DEG 4 7M21SE140.83FT,THN1DEG23M45SW309.86FTTO P OBSUBJTOEASMDESCINORBK1369PG322 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BARBARASTEINERAKA B ARBARAANNSTEINERAKABARBARAANNROODE, C HARLESSTEINER,ESTATEOFCHARLESSTEINERAKA C HARLESCLAUDESTEINERDECEASED S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 MISCELLANEOUS 0504THCRN5/11WORKSHOPPAYCLASSSTUDY PUBLICNOTICE N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN thattheCitrusCountyBoardo f C ountyCommissionerswillconducta PUBLICWORKSHOP t o d iscussthe PayClassStudy on Thursday,May11,2023a t 1 0:00A.M. intheCitrusCountyCourthouse,110N.ApopkaAv e nue,Inverness,Florida. A nypersonrequiringreasonableaccommodationatthismeeti n g b ecauseofadisabilityorphysicalimpairmentshouldcontac tth e C ountyAdministrator ‹ sOffice,3600W.SovereignPath,Suit e 2 67,Lecanto,FL34461,(352)527-5210,atleasttwodaysbe f orethemeeting.Ifyouarehearingorspeechimpaired,dial7 -1 1 ,1-800-955-8771(TTY)or1-800-955-8770(v),viaFloridaR e l ayService. I fyouneedaSpanishTranslator,pleasemakearrangement s w iththeCountybytelephonewithintwodaysofthepublicatio n 3 52-527-5370 S inecesitauntraductordeespanolporfavorhagaarreglosco n e lCondadodentrodedosdiasdelanotifaciondelapublicacio n 3 52-527-5370 A nypersonwhodecidestoappealadecisionoftheGovernin g B odywithrespecttoanymatterconsideredatthismeetingwil l n eedarecordoftheproceedingsandforsuchpurposema y n eedtoprovidethataverbatimrecordoftheproceedingismad e , w hichrecordincludestestimonyandevidenceuponwhichth e a ppealistobebased.(Section286.0101,FloridaStatutes) PublishedMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0114TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0114TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7679YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: H AZELTONSHILLUNRECSUBLOT7BLKDDESCAS C OMMATSWCORNOFNW1/4OFNW1/4OF25-19-17,TH S 8 9DEG44M45SEALSLNOFSDNW1/4OFNW1/4520.59 F T,THN0DEG00M55SE500FT,THS89DEG44M45SE P ARATOSDSLN465FTTHS0DEG00M55SW80FTTO P OB,THS0DEG00M55SW80FT,THN89DEG44M45SW P ARATOSDSLN120FT,THN0DEG00M55SE80FT,TH S 89DEG44M45SEPARATOSDSLN120FTTOPOB D ESCINORBK1262PG2041&ORBK1829PG1434 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GERARDSTJEAN,MYRNA B AUDIN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0136TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0136TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-1027YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C IRCLEMRANCHETTESRESUBLOT3OFTRACTZ1DESC A SFOLLOWS:COMATNWCOROFNW1/4OFSE1/4OF S E1/4OFSEC7-17-18THN89DEG10M49SEALNLNOF S DNW1/4OFSE1/4OFSE1/4655.64FTTOAPTONW R /WLNOFA50FTRDTHS0DEG02M23SWALSDWR/W L N320FTOPOBTHCONTS0DEG02M23SWALSDR/W L N160FTTHS89DEG10M49SWPARTOSDNLN320.49 F TTHN0DEG03M20SE160FTTHN89DEG10M49SE P ARTOSDNLN320.44FTTOPOBDESCINORBK1652 P G214 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAMESJMILLER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0151TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0151TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TBINVESTMENTTRUSTFB O T ERRYBAYLISS T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9077YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L OT62OFBLOCK12FURTHERDESCRIBEDASFOLLOWS: C OMATTHENWCOROFSECTION34,TOWNSHIP18S, R ANGE17E,THNS1DEG17"03"EALONGTHEWEST L INEOFSAIDSECTION330FEET,THNS89DEG25'42"E 4 00FEET,THNS01DEG17'03"EPARALLELTOSAID W ESTLINE498FEET,TOTHEPOB,THNCONTINUES 0 1DEG17"03"E300FEET,THNS89DEG25'42"E206.08 F EET,THNN01DEG17'03"W300FEET,THNN89DEG25' 4 2"W206.08FEETTTOTHEPOB. N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ALSPAWNSHOP,MARYL B ANKSTON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023


B12 Thursday, May 4, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle CLASSIFIEDS 0525THCRN2023-0205TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0205TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-8122YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: S HADYLANERIVERROADAREAUNRECSUBLOT56: C OMATSECOROFSW1/4OFSEC29-17-20,TNN0DEG 5 8M11SWALELNOFSW1/4693.74FTTOPTONS'LY R /WLNOF60FTWDRD,TNN61DEG03M10SWALSD S 'LYR/WLN247.94FT,TNN71DEG07MWALSDR/WLN 4 5.56FTTOPOB,TNCONTN71DEG07MW70FT,TNS18 D EG53MW150FT,TNS71DEG07ME70FT,TNN18DEG 5 3ME150FTTOPOB.SUBJTOEASMOFRECDESCRIN O RBK398PG526&ORBK1952PG818ORBK2492PG 2 30ORBK2505PG1344 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DALESWEET S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0504THCRN2023-0022TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0022TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9727YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: G REENACRESADD2PB5PG34LOT6OFLOT62:COM A TTHENWCOROFLOT62THS0DEG20M39SWALW L NOFSDLOT62444.11FTTOTHEPOBTHS0DEG20M 3 9SWALSDWLN100FTTHN88DEG22M41SE311.83 F TTOPTONELNOFSDLOT62THN0DEG21M15SEAL S DELN100FTTHS88DEG22M41SW311.85FTTOPOB T ITLEINORBK874PG323(SURVEYINORBK873PG328) O RBK1922PG194ORBK2249PG314ORBK2484PG 1 463 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAYSONRROSIO S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0030TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0030TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5953YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: A PACHESHORESUNIT9LOTS1&2BLK32ANDBEGAT N ECOROFLOT2BLK32THGOEWITHANEXTENSION O FNBDRYOFSDLOT2,75FT,THGOSALALNPARTO E LNOFLOT2,50FT,THGOW75FTTOSECOROFLT2, T HGONTONECOROFLT2&POBDESCINORBK1056 P G2032 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:NANCYBURGESSAKA N ANCYDBURGESS,NATHANREGISTER,RICHARDREG ISTERAKARICHARDLEWISREGISTERSR S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0091TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0091TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5205YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT46BLK1 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DOROTHYDSHOEMAKER, D OROTHYDSHOEMAKERASTRUSTEEUNDERTHEPROV ISIONSOFACERTAINDECLARATIONOFTRUSTDATED T HE2NDDAYOFAUGUST1994,MEDFORDMSHOEM AKER,MEDFORDMSHOEMAKERASTRUSTEEUNDER T HEPROVISIONSOFACERTAINDECLARATIONOFTRUST D ATEDTHE2NDDAYOFAUGUST1994 S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0130TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0130TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TBINVESTMENTTRUSTFB O T ERRYBAYLISS T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9083YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L OT24BLK9:COMATNWCOROFSECTION34TOWNS HIP18SRANGE17E,THS1DEG17M3SEALWLN 1 303.26FTTOSWCOROFNW1/4OFNW1/4,THS89DEG 2 5M42SEALSLNOFNW1/4OFNW1/4150FTTOPOB,TH S 89DEG25M42SEALSLN50FT,THN1DEG17M3SW P ARTOWLN120FT,THN89DEG25M42SWPARTOSLN 5 0FT,THS1DEG17M3SEPARTOWLN120FTTOPOB N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LISALLEWIS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0525THCRN2023-0116TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0116TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:NATASHAYOUNG T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-0472YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C RYSTALAIRECAMPSITESUNRECLOT20BLKADESC A S:BEGATAPT500FTNOFTHESBNDRYAND125FTW O FTHEEBNDRYOFW1/2OFSE1/4OFSE1/4OFNE1/4 O FSEC3-19-18THFROMSDPTN40FTALWSIDEOF R USSELLRDTHW95FTTHS40FTTHE95FTTOPOB D ESCINORBK631PG1602&ORBK632PG1591 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ALEXMAPONTEAKAALEX A PONTE,HANKFISHER,HAROLDFISHERSR,SEAN M URPHY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0133TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0133TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CARLOSISAACHEREDIA T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-0474YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C RYSTALAIRECAMPSITESUNRECSUBLOT28BLKABEG INNINGATPT180.0FTNORTHOFSBOUNDARYAND 1 25.0FTWOFEBOUNDARYOFW1/2OFSE1/4OFSE1/4 O FNE1/4INSEC319S18ETOPOB,FROMPOBRUNNING T HNN40.0FT,THNRUNNINGW95.0FT,THNRUNNINGS 4 0.0FT,THNRUNNINGE95.0FTTOPOB N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:RIEDLINGERPROPERTIES I NC,SPIEGEL&UTRERAPAREGISTEREDAGENTOBO R IEDLINGERPROPERTIESINC,THOMASRIEDLINGER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0150TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0150TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TBINVESTMENTTRUSTFB O T ERRYBAYLISS T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9074YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L OT60OFBLK12COMMNWCORSEC34-18-17THS1DEG 1 7M03SEALWLNSEC34DIST330FTTHS89DEG25M 4 2SE400FTTHS1DEG17M03SEPARSDWLNDIST 4 98FTPOBTHCONTS1DEG17M03SE300FTTH206.08FT T HN1DEG17M03SW300FEETTHN89DEG25M42SW 2 06.08FTPOB N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:KEVINSWATLINGAKAKEVI NSCOTTWATLING S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0177TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0177TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ALLISONBOWIE T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9062YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L OT17BLK10:COMATNWCOROF34-18-17,THS1DEG 1 7M3SEALWLNOFSEC34,1303.26FTTOSWCOROF N W1/4OFNW1/4THS89DEG25M42SEALSLNOFNW1/4 O FNW1/4510.5FTTOPOB,THS89DEG25M42SEALS L N,53.5FT,THN1DEG17M3SWPARTOAFRMTDWLN O FSEC34,125FT,THNF89DEG25M42SWPARTOSLN, 5 3.5FT,THS1DEG17M3SEPARTOWLN125FTTOPOB D ESCINORBK984PG21 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:AARONDAVIDLOCKHART S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0143TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0143TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SAVVYFLLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-0320YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L OTS76&77BLK145UNIT9INVERNESSHGLDSSUBPB 1 12PG435---SUBJTOEASEMENTSOFRECORD N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BETTYRWINEREGISTERED A GENTOBOWORLDEVANGELISMINC,MARIADIMARIA, M ARIADIMARIADECLARATIONOFTRUSTDATED,WORLD E VANGELISMINC,WORLDEVANGELISMINCASTRUSTEE F ORMARIADIMARIAPURSUANTTODECLARATIONOF T RUSTDATEDOCTOBER61978 S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0184TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0184TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:LOCHSTONE1LLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-0121YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: E 100FTOFN90FTOFS211.4FTOFS1/2OFNW1/4OF S E1/4OFNE1/4DESCINORBK761PG1195&ORBK1032 P G771&ORBK1156PG1925(LOVETTAJUNEANDERSON H AS50%INTNOW) N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CUSHAMCDONALDJR, L OVETTAJUNEANDERSON,MILDREDMCDONALD S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0504THCRN2023-0024TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0024TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-8855YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNOFHOMOSASSAPB1PG6LOT4BLK141DESCR I NORBK577PG179 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BRANDONSWILSONAKA B RANDONSCOTTWILSON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0094TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0094TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7212YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVLGPB6PG26LOT15BLK6 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:VINCENZODIGREGORIO S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0097TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0097TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-3972YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT28BLK1188 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BHANMATTIERAMNAUTH S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0110TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0110TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-5507YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVLGPB6PG26LOT19BLK10 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:WESTHAWAIIREALTYINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0525THCRN2023-0176TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0176TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5998YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: A PACHESHORESUNIT9PB4PG143LOT3BLK34 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GEORGIASMITHBRACKETT A KAGEORGIASMITH,JUNNIEBRACKETT,MRSGEORGIE J EANETTESMITHBRACKETT S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0173TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0173TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3123YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT10LOT3BLK818DESCRINORBK 5 79PG1534 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LUKESQUILLACE,MARY S QUILLACE S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0179TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0179TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-4043YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26LOT1BLK1642DESCINORBK 7 76PG1189 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFJOHNMROSA TODECEASED,JOANTROSATODECEASED,JOHNM R OSATO S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 4, 2023 B13 CLASSIFIEDS 0511THCRNLIENS5/24NOS E xtraSpaceStoragewillholdapublicauctiontosellpersona l p ropertydescribedbelowbelongingtothoseindividualslis tedbe l owatthelocationindicated: ExtraSpaceStorage1227Sout h L ecantoHwyLecanto,FL34461on5/24/2023at1:30PM A udraLasley -Compressor,handtools,powertools,boxes , b ags A myLeslie -Handtools,ladders,sewingmachine,wallart , b oxes,totes T heauctionwillbelistedandadvertisedonwww.storagetrea s u t t heabovereferencedfacilityinordertocompletethetransa ction . E xtraSpaceStoragemayrefuseanybidandmayrescindan y p urchaseupuntilthewinningbiddertakespossessionofthep er s onalproperty. PublishedMay4&11,2023 LIENS 0511THCRNLIENS5/24NOS A DVERTISEMENTOFSALE Propertydescribedbelowwillb e s oldpertheFloridaSelfStorageFacilityAct.SaleonWednes d aythe 24thdayofMay,2023 at 10:00AM withbiddingtotak e p laceon .Paymentandpickupatfacility. Mis s ionStorage-Hernando,1274E.NorvellBryantHwy , H ernando,FL,34442 . Bossinger,Lydia;Carte,Lydia ;Person a lpropertySaleissubjecttocancellationintheeventofset tle m entbetweenownerandobligatedparty. PublishedMay4&11,2023 0504THCRN2023-0121TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0121TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-8607YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: S OUTHLANDESTSPB13PG71LOT11 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BANKOFAMERICANATIONA LASSOCIATION,BARNETTBANKOFCITRUSCO, B ARNETTBANKOFCITRUSCOUNTYNA,CTCORPORAT IONSYSTEMREGISTEREDAGENTOBOBANKOFAMERI CANATIONALASSOCIATION S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0525THCRN2023-0157TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0157TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:FOLEYASSETHOLDINGSLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-7596YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: H ORSESHOEISLANDOFLAKEESTSLOT4DESCINOR B K239PG551 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:AUGUSTAWITTMER,EST ATEOFAUGUSTAEWITTMERDECEASED,ESTATEOF A UGUSTAEVELYNWITTMERDECEASED,JOHNJOSEPH W ITTMERAKAJOHNJWITTMERDECEASED,JOHN W ITTMER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0172TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0172TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-2254YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT4LOT8BLK417DESCRINORBKA43 P G115 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFRAYMONDH L ORENZDECEASED,ESTATEOFRAYMONDHOWARD L ORENZDECEASED,RAYMONDHLORENZEST,ROBERT A LORENZ S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0504THCRN2023-0014TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0014TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-0569YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: W HISPERINGOAKSN1/2OFLOT38BLKADESCINORBK 8 31PG1579 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JOHNNYDWILLIAMSDEC EASED,PHYLLISJWILLIAMSAKAPHYLLISWILLIAMS A KAPHYLLISWILSON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0023TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0023TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-8177YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSHGLDSWESTPB5PG19LOT5BLK326 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFSHARONGOLD H ENRYAKASHARONGHENRY,ESTATEOFSHARON G OLDHENRYDECEASED,SHARONGOLDHENRYAKA S HARONGHENRY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0027TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0027TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7534YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: P ARSONSPTADDTOHERNANDOPB2PG19LOT13LESS T HEW20FT&ALLOFLOT14BLK12 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFJEANEBRELSF ORDAKAJEANELIZABETHBRELSFORDDECEASED, J EANEBRELSFORD S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0041TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0041TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7208YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: V ILLATERUNIT10OFHOMOSASSALOT9BLK344DESC I NORBK583PG2169 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DONALDGENEMORRIES, E STATEOFJOYCEANNSMITHDECEASED,JAMESA T EDDY,JOYCEANNSMITH,THERESALDOERING S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0087TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0087TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5437YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: E DENGARDENS1STADDPB3PG87LOT71LESS&EXW 5 0FTFORR/W N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:SETHISRAELREGISTERED A GENTOBOTAXCERTIFICATEREDEMPTIONSINC,TAX C ERTIFICATEREDEMPTIONSINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0525THCRN2023-0072TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0072TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-8835YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: V ILLATERUNIT9OFHOMOSASSALOT14BLK296DESC I NORBK519PG449,ORBK614PG202&ORBK770PG 7 49 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BRIANGMCKENZIEREG ISTEREDAGENTOBOMCKENZIEINVESTMENTPROPERT IESLLC,MCKENZIEINVESTMENTPROPERTIESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0127TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0127TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:KINGDOMMARKETHOLDING S L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7011YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT32BLK11 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:A1PROPERTYHOLDINGS L LC,BURTEEISENBERGREGISTEREDAGENTOBOA1 P ROPERTYHOLDINGSLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0152TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0152TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SAVVYFLLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-4768YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L OT60DESCAS;S1/2OFW1/5OFS1/2OFSE1/4OFSE1/4 O F10-21S-20ELESSN'LY25FTFORRDEASMTTOGETHE RWITHEASMOFRECDESCINORBK1187PG1415 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFROBERTJERICS SON,ESTATEOFROBERTJERICSSONDECEASED,KENN ETHJROCHEFORTDECEASED,ROBERTJERICSSON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0183TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0183TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:LOCHSTONE1LLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-0120YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: S 'LY90.0FTOFTHEN'LY210.0FTOFTHEE'LY50.0FTOF W 'LY220.0FTOFS1/2OFNW1/4OFSE1/4OFNE1/4OF S EC2-19-18DESCRINORBK128PG565&ORBK1980P G 1 738ORBK2360PG115 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JEANNETTEESTRELLA, P EDROHESTRELLA,PEDROHESTRELLAROCA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS MEETINGS 0504THCRNMTG5/25BDOFDIR MEETINGNOTICE A meetingofthe BoardofDirectors oftheCitrusCountyCom m unityCharitableFoundation,Inc.willbeheldon Thursday , M ay25,2023 at6:00pmintheLecantoGovernmentBuilding , R oom166,3600WSovereignPath,Lecanto,FL34461. M eetingsareopentothepublicandpublicinputiswelcome . C opiesoftheagendaforeachmeetingareavailablebyemailin g t heCitrusCountyCommunityCharitableFoundation,Inc.Per s onswhorequirespecialaccommodationsundertheAmerica n w ithDisabilitiesActshouldcontacttheCitrusCountyCommu nit y C haritableFoundation,Inc.atexecutivedirector@ccccf.u s.Addi t ionalinformationabouttheFoundation,Inc.,andupdatest o m eetingtimes,locations,orcancellationsareavailableon th e F oundation'swebsiteorbycalling(352)201-6142. T hisnoticeinformsandnotifiesthepublicthatmember(s)of th e C itrusCountyHospitalBoardmayattendtheabove-listedmee t i ng.TheCitrusCountyHospitalBoardwillnotvoteorconduc t b usinessbutmayactivelyparticipateinthediscussions. PublishedMay4,2023 FORECLOSURE 0511THCRNNOATHOMPSON2022-CA-000933 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CASENUMBER:2022-CA-00093 3 M 18LANDLLC,AFLORIDALIMITEDLIABILITYCOMPANY, Plaintiff, v . W INSTONTHOMPSON;MAUREENTHOMPSON;NEWVIST A P ROPERTIES,INC.,aFloridaProfitCorporation;CITRU S S PRINGSCIVICASSOCIATION,INC.aFloridaNotForProfi t C orporation Defendants. NOTICEOFACTION T O:NEWVISTAPROPERTIES,INC. RegisteredAgentJohnEhrling5557EastPriceBlvdNorthPort,FL34288 YOUARENOTIFIED thatanactiontoQUIETTITLET O R EALPROPERTYonthefollowingresidentialrealpropertyin , F lorida: L ots18and19,Block1731ofCITRUSSPRINGSUNIT23,ac c ordingtothePlatthereofasrecordedinPlatBook7 , P age(s)115-133,ofthePublicRecordsofCITRUSCounty , F lorida. S TREETADDRESS:1431WBELENDR,HERNANDO P ARCELNUMBER:18E-17S-10-0230-17310-0180 h asbeenfiledagainstyouandyouarerequiredtoserveacop y o fyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitontheplaintiff Š sattorney , w hosenameandaddressare: B erryJ.Walker,Jr.,Esquire F loridaBarNo.0742960 W alker&Tudhope,P.A. 2 25SouthWestmonteDrive,Suite2040 A ltamonteSprings,FL32714 P hone:407-478-1866 F ax:407-478-1865 E A w ithin30daysofthefirstpublicationofthisNoticeofActio n,an d f iletheoriginalwiththeclerkofthiscourteitherbeforese rviceo n t heplaintiff Š sattorneyorimmediatelythereafter;otherwiseade f aultwillbeenteredagainstyouforthereliefdemandedinth e c omplaintorpetition. DATEDonApril6,2023. AngelaVick,asClerkoftheCour t { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/HanoraN.Cassel s AsDeputyCler k PublishedApril20&27,2023andMay4&11,2023 TAX DEEDS LEGALS 0525THCRN6/8SHERIFF'SSALE NOTICEOFSHERIFF ‹ SSALE N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN thatpursuanttoaWritofExecu t ionissuedinthe Circuit Courtof Citrus County,Florida,onth e 2 8thdayofMarch,2023 ,inthecausewherein SMSFINAN C IALJDCLP ,wasPlaintiff,and JudyA.SheltonandPaulD . S helton wereDefendants,beingCaseNo 2017-CA-000788A ,i n t hesaidCourt,I, MIKEPRENDERGAST ,asSheriffofCitru s C ounty,Florida,havelevieduponalltheright,titleandint eresto f t heabove-namedDefendant(s), JudyA.SheltonandPaulD . S helton ,inandtothefollowingdescribedrealproperty,to-wit : D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY:LOT45,BLOCKC,POINTO ' W OODS,UNITNO.2,ACCORDINGTOTHEMAPORPLA T T HEREOFASRECORDEDINPLATBOOK4,PAGE74,PUB L ICRECORDSOFCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA. P ARCELIDNO.20E19S020020000C00450;ALTKEY : 1 720923 9 121E.AQUAVISTADRIVE,INVERNESS,FL.34450 a ndonthe 8thdayofJune,2023 at CITRUSCOUNTYSHER I FF ‹ SOFFICE,1DR.MARTINLUTHERKINGJR.AVE. ,in IN V ERNESS ,CitrusCounty,Florida,atthehourof11:00a.m.ora s s oonthereafteraspossible,Iwillofferforsaleallofthesa idDe f endant(s), JudyA.SheltonandPaulD.Shelton ,right,titlean d i nterestintheaforesaidpropertyatpublicoutcryandwills ellth e s ame,subjecttotaxes,allpriorliens,encumbrancesandjud g m ents,ifany,tothehighestandbestbidderorbiddersfor CAS H I NHAND .Theproceedstobeappliedasfarasmaybetoth e p aymentofcostsandthesatisfactionoftheabove-described ex e cution.Propertywillbeavailableforviewingonehalfhour prio r t osale.Saleandalldocumentationwillbeexecutedinaccord a ncewithFloridaStateLaw.Pleasecallourofficeat352-341 6 525withanyquestions. I NACCORDANCE withtheAmericanswithdisabilitiesact,per s onswithdisabilitiesneedingspecialaccommodationtopar ticip a teinthisproceedingshouldcontacttheA.D.ACoordinatort ele p hone#352-341-6400notlaterthanseven(7)dayspriortoth e p roceedings.Ifhearingimpaired,(TDD)1-800-955-8770,vi a F loridaRelayService. P UBLISHEDFOUR(4)TIMES I NTHECITRUSCOUNTY C HRONICLEONFOLLOWING D ATES:May4,2023; M ay11,2023;May18,2023 M ay25,2023 MIKEPRENDERGAST,SHERIF F CITRUSCOUNTY,FLORID A /s/GregPopovich,DeputySherif f PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023


B14 Thursday, May 4, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle CLASSIFIEDS 0504THCRN2023-0045TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0045TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5371YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT9BLK38DESCRINORBK533PG1925 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LORETTARSMITH,LORE TTASMITH,ROBERTLSMITH S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0092TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0092TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5210YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT1BLK3DESCINORBK559PG471&DCINORBK905 P G276 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:TARPONIVLLC,TWJPAN F LORIDALLCREGISTEREDAGENTOBOTARPONIVLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0096TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0096TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7196YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: V ILLATERUNIT11OFHOMOSASSAPB1PG52LOT13 B LK349 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GULFHWYLANDCORP, P AULADPAXTONREGISTEREDAGENTOBOGULFHWY L ANDCORP S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0109TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0109TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5329YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT45BLK27DESCINORBK663PG1037 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DENTONIILLC,JOBATHANR P OLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBODENTONIILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0120TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0120TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-3361YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT17BLK1273 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ANDREWFISKEREG ISTEREDAGENTOBOCITYFIRSTMORTGAGECORP, C ITYFIRSTMORTGAGECORP S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0525THCRN2023-0117TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0117TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5214YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT25BLK4 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CTCORPORATIONSYSTEM R EGISTEREDAGENTOBOFLEETFINANCE&MORTGAGE I NC,FLEETFINANCE&MORTGAGEINC,SDACORP S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0129TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0129TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-1202YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: H ILLSOFFLORIDAWOODSUNRECSUBLOT4&RDEASM D ESCINORBK564PG432,ORBK593PG1689&ORBK 7 01PG1525 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:TARPONIVLLC,TWJPAN F LORIDALLCREGISTEREDAGENTOBOTARPONIVLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0134TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0134TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CARLOSISAACHEREDIA T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-7675YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNSITEOFHERNANDOPB1PG16LOT171DESCINO R B K1107PG1365 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BRIANGMCKENZIEREG ISTEREDAGENTOBOMCKENZIEINVESTMENTPROPERT IESLLC,MCKENZIEINVESTMENTPROPERTIESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0138TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0138TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-6767YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSHGLDSSOUTHPLATBK3PGS51THRU66 L OT18BLK227DESCINORBK590PG386 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GRACEWARD,ROBERTJ W ARD S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0140TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0140TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TRACYCORSON T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5289YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT45BLK11DESCRINORBK589PG1963&DCINOR B K658PG517 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:EMMABWALKERDEC EASED,HAROLDAWALKER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0161TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0161TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-4042YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26LOT13BLK1641DESCINORBK 8 23PG1743 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFJOHNMROSA TODECEASED,JOANTROSATODECEASED,JOANT R OSATOEST S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0164TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0164TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SAVVYFLLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-0316YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSHGLDSUNIT9LOTS24,25,26,27,28,29,30, 3 1,32,33,34,35,36,37,38&39BLK141DESCINORBK 1 94PG521 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JOSEPHANTHONY C HAPTER,VALENTINECHAPTER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0166TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0166TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:LOCHSTONE1LLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-0122YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: E 50FTOFW170FTOFN120FTOFS1/2OFNW1/4OF S E1/4OFNE1/4EXCEPTN'LY30FTFORRDDESCINOR B K1957PG2344 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JEANNETTEESTRELLA, P EDROESTRELLA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0167TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0167TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-2775YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT7LOT6BLK781DESCRINORBK 5 43PG638 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MARYANNEVARGA,MARYE V ARGA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0199TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0199TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-0735YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: S HELTERINGOAKSUNRECSUBLOT32:COMATTHESW C ORNOFSEC5-19-20,THS89D59M45SELATHESLINE O FSDSEC5ADISTOF346.23FT,THN0D18M40SE 8 15.49FT,THS84D16M10SW24.32FT,THN34D39MW 9 1.38FT,THN55D21ME23.25FT,THN22D34M30SW 7 .62FTTOTHEPOB,SDPTBEINGONAPTOFACURVE C ONCAVESEHAVINGACTRLANGOF30DANDRADOF 1 21.96FT,THSWALTHEARCOFSDCURVEADISTOF 2 5.04FTTOTHEPT(CH=S61D13M58SW25FT),THS55D 2 1MW47FT,THN34D6M10SW70.95FTMOLTOTHE W ATERSOFACANAL,THN68D37MEALSDWATERSA D ISTOF85FTTOAPTTHATBEARSN22D34M30SW F ROMTHEPOB,THS22D34M30SE55.22FTTOTHEPOB T ITLEINORBK2159PG2163ORBK2427PG59ORBK 2 449PG1898 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DEVLINENGLISH,LORRAINE D EIDERICH,LORRAINETDEIDERICH,TIMOTHYH D EIDERICH S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0504THCRN2023-0018TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0018TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SPACEONEARTHLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-10114YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C HEROKEEVILLAGEUNRECSUBLOT40:COMATSW C OROFSE1/4OFSE1/4OFSEC30-17-20THN01DEG17M 0 4SWALWLNOFSDSE1/4OFSE1/41181.98FTTOINT ERSECTIONWITHW'LYPROJECTIONOFCENTERLINEOF S QUAWCTA50FTPRIVATERDTHS88DEG08M01SEAL S DCENTERLINE350FTTOINTERSECTIONWITHAN'LY P ROJECTIONOFE'LYR/WLNOFNBEADPT50FT P RIVATERDTHS01DEG17M04SEALSDN'LYPROJECT IONANDSDE'LYR/WLNPARWITHWLNOFSE1/4OF S E1/4OFSDSEC30480.04FTTHS88DEG08M01SE250 F TTOAPTONW'LYR/WLNOFA50FTUNNAMED P RIVATERDTHN01DEG17M04SWPARWITHWLNOF S E1/4OFSE1/4379.20FTTOPOBTHCONTN01DEG17M 0 4SWALSDW'LYR/WLN75.84FTTHN88DEG08M01SW 1 25FTTHS01DEG17M04SEPARWITHSDWLNOFSE 1 /4OFSE1/475.84FTTHS88DEG08M01SE125FTTO P OBDESCINORBK1876PG675(SURVEYINORBK1876 P G674) N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:FLORIDAPJGROUPINC, J USTINBURNETTREGISTEREDAGENTOBOFLORIDAPJ G ROUPINC,KARNINEJEAN-JOSEPHREGISTEREDAGENT O BOFLORIDAPJGROUPINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0525THCRN2023-0148TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0148TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TBINVESTMENTTRUSTFB O T ERRYBAYLISS T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9063YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L OT61OFBLOCK12FURTHERDESCRIBEDASFOLLOWS: C OMATTHENWCOROFSECTION34,TOWNSHIP18S, R ANGE17E,THNS1DEG03"00"EALONGTHEWEST L INEOFSAIDSECTION300FEET,THNS89DEG25'42"E 4 00FEET,THNS01DEG17'03"PARALLELTOSAIDWEST L INE498FEET,TOTHEPOB,THNCONTINUES01DEG17" 0 3"E300FEET,THNS89DEG25'42"E206.08FEET,THNS 0 1DEG17'03"W300FEET,THNN89DEG25'42"W206.08 F EETTTOTHEPOB. N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ALSPAWNSHOP S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0149TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0149TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SAVVYFLLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5157YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: R IVERRETSANNEXUNRECSUBLOT19:COMAT1/4SEC C ORONSLNOFSEC11-21-20,TNN0DEG12M55SW 1 97.54FT,TNS83DEG30ME39.40FT,TNN0DEG08M 4 3SE162.37FT,TNS89DEG47M30SE260FTTOPOB, T NS0DEG08M43SW179.60FT,TNN88DEG03ME85.05 F T,TNN0DEG08M43SE176.42FT,TNN89DEG47M30S W 85FTTOPOB;SUBJTO25FTRDEASEACSSDTHEREO F.DESCINORBK658PG1795 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BEVERLYINMAN,CECILW I NMAN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 4, 2023 B15 CLASSIFIEDS 0525THCRN2023-0180TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0180TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SAVVYFLLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-6205YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: B ERRYS2NDADDTOFLORALCITYLOTS8&9LESSRD D CINORBK819PG636&DCINORBK714PG858 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ARTHURNORTONEST, B ETTYJEANYOUNG,CORAJOHNSON,ESTATEOFART HURNORTONDECEASED,REGINALDYOUNG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0182TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0182TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:LOCHSTONE1LLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-0119YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: E 50FTOFW170FTOFS90FTOFN210FTOFS1/2OF N W1/4OFSE1/4OFNE1/4SEC2-19-18DESCINORBK1957 P G2345ORBK2360PG114 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JEANNETTEESTRELLA, P EDROHESTRELLA,PEDROHESTRELLAROCA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0206TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0206TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-10194YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSHGLDSWEST1STADDPB5PG44LOT1& W 1/2OFLOT2BLK429DESCINORBK473PG541 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JONATHANRPOLITANOREG ISTEREDAGENTOBOWINDERVILLC,WINDERVILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0504THCRN2022-0834TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2022-0834TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-4094YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26LOT5BLK1646DESCINORBK 5 96PG1452&DCINORBK841PG69 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CARLABOMBARDDEC EASED,GLADYSSBOMBARD S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0005TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0005TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-6096YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C OSTA&SONINCPB5PG59LOT85 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ANNETTEGIGLIO,JOHNR E VANGELISTA,ROSEEVANGELISTA,STEVENEVANG ELISTA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0015TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0015TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5067YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: B EVERLYHILLSUNIT8PH1PB12PG147PHASE1LOT32 B LK184 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:TERRYMITTEER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0016TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0016TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5072YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: B EVERLYHILLSUNIT8PHASE2PB13PG33LOT17BLK 1 88DESCINORBK761PG1816 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GAILPOSLUSZNY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0019TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0019TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3923YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT17LOT21BLK1222 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:REPAMELALBROOKSREG ISTEREDAGENTOBOWPTSOLUTIONSLLC,WPTSOLUT IONSLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0025TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0025TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:C3REALTYMANAGEMENTLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-9769YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT3PB5PG116LOT13BLK302 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BUILDERSPROPERTY G ROUPLLC,JAYFERTIGREGISTEREDAGENTOBO B UILDERSPROPERTYGROUPLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0026TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0026TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:C3REALTYMANAGEMENTLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-9770YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT4PB5PG133LOT16BLK356 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BUILDERSPROPERTY G ROUPLLC,JAYFERTIGREGISTEREDAGENTOBO B UILDERSPROPERTYGROUPLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0032TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0032TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TRINGALIFAMILYINVEST M ENTPROPERTIESLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7245YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVLGPB6PG26LOTS3&4BLK19 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFSTELLAGERS A KASTELLATHERESAGERSDECEASED,STELLAGERS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0043TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0043TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-0801YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C INNAMONRIDGEPB12PG35LOT22BLKH N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DARRENSUNDQUIST,VICKY T OWERS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0048TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0048TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JAMESHALLEN T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7039YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT12BLK26DESCINORBK881PG213 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DENTONIILLC,JONATHANR P OLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBODENTONIILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0049TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0049TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5344YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT46BLK29 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0058TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0058TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4555YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT21LOT12BLK1501DESCRINOR B K586PG1296 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTOFSTEPHENSTHEFNDA TION,THOMASJSTEPHENS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0061TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0061TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5342YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT38BLK29 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0062TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0062TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-8783YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNOFHOMOSASSALOT3BLK59DESCRINORBK11 P G590,DC583PG2031&ORBK635PG175 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JUANITAWBUCKNER, L AURENDBUCKNER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0064TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0064TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5343YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2PB 6 PG52LOT45BLK29 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0085TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0085TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4136YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT7BLK1273 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:TUTUINVESTMENTSLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0525THCRN2023-0201TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0201TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-6346YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSHILLSPB8PGS5-6LOT98BLK9 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ROBERTFLEWIS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0210TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0210TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CARLOSISAACHEREDIA T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-0370YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSHGLDSUNIT8LOTS58&59BLK10 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:SHIRLEYBERNARD S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023


B16 Thursday, May 4, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle C 0504THCRN2023-0065TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0065TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5345YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT49BLK29 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0066TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0066TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5346YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT50BLK29 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0067TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0067TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5381YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2PB 6 PG52LOT39BLK38 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GRACELYNBOSWELL,ROY B OSWELL S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0082TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0082TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7731YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: P ROPOSEDTOWNOFSOUTHCITRONELLEPB1PG18 L OT4 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DANIELFREDBUCKAKA D ANIELBUCK S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0102TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0102TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5314YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2LOT17BLK17DESCINORBK 4 61PG688 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:PAULINECLARK S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0106TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0106TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:AVANTAGE1LLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-6726YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNSITEOFCRYSTALPARKN1/2OFLOT615DESCIN O RBK489PG387 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ELAINETURK,JEANTURK, K ARLSZOLLOSY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0108TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0108TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5250YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT1BLK13 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:STELLAKARAKANTASET A L,ZOENUNES S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0118TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0118TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-3384YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT6BLK1277 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CAROLESHAREKFINNEGA N,WILLIAMROBERTMORRIS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0525THCRN2023-0073TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0073TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5278YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT44BLK8 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:PATDIXONAKAPATRICIAT D IXONAKAPATRICIADIXON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0132TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0132TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TRACYCORSON T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7095YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: U NIT1OFHOMOSASSALOTS3&4BLK45DESCINORBK 1 48PG306 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CCOURTLANDSMITH,DORI SGSMITH S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0137TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0137TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:KAIZENCOMPANIESINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5293YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT15BLK12 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CAROLYNPLATTENCAMPB ELL,SDACORP S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0142TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0142TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3078YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT17LOT5BLK1195DESCRINOR 5 46PG289 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ROLANDRKYI,SHELLEYT K YI S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0144TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0144TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7291YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: P INELAKEPB4PG67LOT32BLKL N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MAINPROPERTIESLLC,MIC HAELTKOVACHJRESQREGISTEREDAGENTOBOMAIN P ROPERTIESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0145TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0145TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3227YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT19LOT16BLK1244DESCRINOR B K578PG680 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LUCYKUNST,MARY D ONATO S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0147TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0147TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SAVVYFLLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5654YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: S UGARMILLWOODSCYPRESSVLGPB9PG86LOT21 B LK46 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MIDOHIOSECURITIESCORP F BOFRANKBIANCOSR S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0154TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0154TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3071YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT17LOT22BLK1191DESCRINOR B K593PG458 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFLAZIOKALMAR D ECEASED,LASZLOKALMAREST S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0162TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0162TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3305YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT20LOT13BLK1294DESCINORBK 6 64PG310 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MARTAESTENGER C ATALANO S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0165TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0165TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-2566YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT5LOT4BLK546DESCRINORBK 4 24PG547 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:VENUSALIVIADOCABUCOS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0115TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0115TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-3931YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT9BLK1614 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CHIFUNWONG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0128TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0128TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3156YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT17PB7PG1LOT13BLK1228 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CLINTSALEXANDER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0146TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0146TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-3292YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT4BLK1265 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:HEATHERNCLARKE S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 4, 2023 B17 CLASSIFIEDS 0525THCRN2023-0181TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0181TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3160YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT10PB6PG67LOT2BLK844 D ESCRINORBK572PG377 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DORJEEDAMDUL S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0191TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0191TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7198YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: V ILLATERUNIT11OFHOMOSASSAPB1PG52LOT27 B LK349 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ELAINERBOISVERT,RAYM ONDNBOISVERT S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0202TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0202TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BUFFALOBILLLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5826YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT22LOT12BLK1554DESCRINOR B K559PG2146 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:TARPONIVLLC,TWJPAN F LORIDALLCREGISTEREDAGENTOBOTARPONIVLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0203TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0203TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3297YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT12PB6PG87LOT4BLK891 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:PROFESSIONALAUTOBODY S UPPLYCOINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0204TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0204TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3426YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT13PB6PG98LOT17BLK996 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAMMEDLLC,JULIEANG ELONEREGISTEREDAGENTOBOJAMMEDLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0207TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0207TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7813YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L AKEESTATESLOT21BLK12DESCRINORBK586PG 1 560 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:KLAUSWIEDEMANNTRUSTE E S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0504THCRN2023-0012TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0012TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:NORMANMCKENZIECORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-2087YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT4PB5PG133TRACTT N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MARTINALLENSWARTZAK A M ARTINSWARTZ S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0028TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0028TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3852YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT17PB7PG1LOT2BLK1203 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JONATHANRPOLITANOREG ISTEREDAGENTOBOWINDERVILLC,WINDERVILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0031TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0031TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:LAWRENCESTEPHENPARKER T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5410YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT10BLK1643 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ARLEENGKHATIBI,JUNEM S MITH S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0033TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0033TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5064YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: B EVERLYHILLSUNIT7PB12PG101LOT29BLK174 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CAMILLEAFIELDS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0040TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0040TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ENVISIONHOMEIMPROVE M ENTLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-8812YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: U NIT6OFHOMOSASSAPB1PG48LOTS19&20BLK234 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAMESJBOHASH S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0047TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0047TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-8890YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNOFHOMOSASSAPB1PG6LOT10BLK109 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JACKGREEN,MARYF G REEN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0050TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0050TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5350YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVILLAGEUNIT2PB6PG52LOT29BLK30 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:NATLRECLANDLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0052TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0052TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-1503YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT2PB5PG108LOT4BLK131 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CRYSTALILLC,JONATHAN R POLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOCRYSTALILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0056TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0056TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-6556YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C RYSTALMANORUNIT2PB8PG112LT1BLK55 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DANIELGARCIA,MICHEL G ARCIA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0057TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0057TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4518YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT21LOT7BLK1451DESCINORBK685 P G2004 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAMESJDEJESU S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0059TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0059TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-6639YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNSITEOFCRYSTALPARKE50FTOFW100FTOF L OT377DESCINORBK279PG666 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAMESSIMMONS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0098TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0098TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-3930YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT8BLK1614 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CHIFUNWONG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0525THCRN2023-0155TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0155TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3357YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT20LOT17BLK1324 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BEVERLYGREENLY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0156TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0156TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3538YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT21PB7PG73LOT3BLK1514 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ANNASBONDARCHUK S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0163TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0163TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3337YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT20PB7PG52LOT16BLK1306 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:WILLIAMBRYANMCMULLEN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023


B18 Thursday, May 4, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle CLASSIFIEDS 0504THCRN2023-0060TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0060TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9483YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C RYSTALHGTSDEVSEC2LOTS29&30BLK19DESCRIN O RBK522PG186 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DAVIDDYER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0068TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0068TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-1502YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT2PB5PG108LOT3BLK131 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DENTONIILLC,JONATHANR P OLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOCRYSTALILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0071TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0071TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:HYCAVESERVICES T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-2296YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT5PB6PG1TRACTJ N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MARTINALLENSWARTZAK A M ARTINSWARTZ S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0074TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0074TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SECURELYNESTED2LLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5270YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT28BLK9 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JANDYPROPERTIESINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0084TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0084TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7018YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT23BLK12DESCINORBK687PG2019 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:VLADIMIRZABRODSKY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0086TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0086TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7089YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: U NIT4OFHOMOSASSALOTS1&2BLK178DESCINOR B K554PG755 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MICHAELPDIMON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0088TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0088TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5280YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT25BLK28DESCRINORBK579PG1472 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LARRYRHALL S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0089TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0089TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5251YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT9BLK13DESCRINORBK563PG938 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:RONALDBRADEN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0090TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0090TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-1505YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT2PB5PG108LOT6BLK131 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CRYSTALILLC,JONATHAN R POLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOCRYSTALILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0093TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0093TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SECURELYNESTED2LLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5271YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT29BLK9 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JANDYPROPERTIESINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0095TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0095TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-5510YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L T73,B13,INVERNESSVLGU3,ASUBDACCTOPB6 P GS26-29PRCCF. N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0099TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0099TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-3980YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT5BLK1621 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:HSIUYINGCHEN,HSIU-YING C HEN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0100TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0100TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5390YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26LOT6BLK1640DESCINORBK760 P G1054 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:WAIWONG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0101TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0101TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4144YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT3BLK1274 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CRYSTALILLC,JONATHAN R POLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOCRYSTALILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0124TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0124TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:KAIZENCOMPANIESINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5209YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2PB 6 PG52LOT14BLK2 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MICHAELJACOBS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0125TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0125TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5319YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2PB6PG52LOT7BLK21 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0525THCRN2023-0075TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0075TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5285YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT36BLK9 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0076TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0076TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5291YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2PB 6 PG52LOT18BLK10 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0077TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0077TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5292YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT19BLK10 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0079TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0079TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-1506YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT2PB5PG108LOT7BLK131 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ELLAIIILLC,JONATHANR P OLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOELLAIIILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0083TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0083TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:M&VHOLDINGS T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-3880YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT12BLK1182 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ZLATKOSNIKOLOUAKA Z LATKOSNIKOLOV S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, May 4, 2023 B19 CLASSIFIEDS 0525THCRN2023-0103TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0103TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5351YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT45BLK30DESCRINORBK414PG70 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0104TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0104TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5592YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVLGPB6PG26LOT7BLK16 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MARYFLORES,RALPH F LORES,RALPHFLORES&MARYFLORESFAMILY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0105TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0105TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7776YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L AKEESTATESLOT6BLK1DESCRINORBK239PG567 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CHESTERJOHNKACINSKI, G LORIAJEANKACINSKI S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0107TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0107TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-1504YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT2PB5PG108LOT5BLK131 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ELLAIIILLC,JONATHANR P OLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOELLAIIILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0111TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0111TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5538YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVLGPB6PG26LOT24BLK14 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DOROTHYPROCACCINI, T HOMASPROCACCINI S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0112TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0112TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-3881YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT7BLK1157 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CHUNGJOHA,MALSAENG H A S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0119TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0119TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-2916YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT15LOT22BLK1144DESCRINOR B K550PG849 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GARYBUFFALINO S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0122TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0122TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-2128YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT5PB6PG1LOT14BLK511 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:OLANDOBCLARKE, O 'LANDOBCLARKE S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0123TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0123TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADAMDOWNS T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-8871YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: V ILLATERUNIT10OFHOMOSASSAPB1PG51LOT4BLK 3 47 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:SYLVIESAINVIL S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0126TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0126TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CARLOSISAACHEREDIA T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7806YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L AKEESTSLT17BLK8DESCRINORBK570PG1360 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JONATHANRPOLITANOREG ISTEREDAGENTOBOWINDERVILLC,WINDERVILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0131TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0131TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TRACYCORSON T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-8783YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: U NIT1OFHOMOSASSAPB1PG43LOTS19&20BLK31 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ARLINEGORDON,CATHERI NEROSE S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0135TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0135TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-2814YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT13PB6PG98LOT15BLK996 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ELBERTHALL,SHARONK H ALL S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0139TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0139TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:KAIZENCOMPANIESINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7003YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT10BLK10 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:WILLIAMGERDMANIV S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0141TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0141TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3216YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT18PB7PG34LOT10BLK1028 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CEFERINOPEREZ,ELIZAB ETHPEREZ S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0153TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0153TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3866YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT37BLK1243 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JOSEPHGEORGEAKA J OSEPHJGEORGE,NEWVISTAPROPERTIESINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0158TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0158TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CARLOSISAACHEREDIA T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-4802YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: K EATINGSPARKN1/2OFLOT12BLK6DESCINORBK77 8 P G1683 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAMESLBROOKS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0160TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0160TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ALBERTGOUSARIO T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7224YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: U NIT4OFHOMOSASSAPB1PG46LOTS24&25BLK178 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BILLYGBLACK,ESTATEOF B ILLYGBLACKAKABILLYGENEBLACKDECEASED S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0525THCRN2023-0169TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0169TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JGINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-10605YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNOFHOMOSASSALOT12BLK111DESCRQCDINO R BK613PG525 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GEORGEWHAEFEKER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0178TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0178TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JGINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-9538YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L AKEESTSPB3PG135LOT5BLK9 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ELLAIIILLC,JONATHANR P OLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOELLAIIILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0185TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0185TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JGINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-9596YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L AKEESTATESLOT4BLK9 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DAVIDCLEARY,MEGAN C LEARY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0186TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0186TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:LORIBENNETT T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-1126YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: N ORTHSIDEADDTOCITYOFINVERNESSLOT3 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CARLENETGOLUB,GERA LDGOLUB S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023


B20 Thursday, May 4, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle CLASSIFIEDS rrnrn rn  r  ­ €‚ƒ „r…rr…… „r…r WEDO SCREEN REPAIRS! r rn rn rr WIDESELECTIONOF FLAVOREDPELLETS r rr r rn    r n Fun By The Numbers Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! SOLUTIONS WORD SEARCH (Writer’s Corner)ANTAGONISTANTIHEROARCHETYPEBACKSTORYCHARACTERCLICHECONFLICTDENOUEMENTDIALOGUEEPILOGUEEVIDENCEFICTION FIRST PERSONGENREHOOKIMAGERYINTRODUCTIONMANUSCRIPTNARRATIVENONFICTIONSUMMARYTHEMETRAITSVOICEPeanuts 5/4/23 WILLCONSTRUCTIONCORP. 352-628-2291 We alsoofferSafetyGrabBars, We atherStripping,InsuranceInspections r Siding Sof t Fa scia Skirting Ro of ov ers Ca rp orts Screen Roo ms De cks Wi ndo ws Do ors Ad ditions Pe rmi t An d En gineering Fe es Al lofour structures withstand 120mph winds 352-628-7519 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0194TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0194TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3665YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT16PB6PG145LOT14BLK972 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MUSTEHEBALSHEWAIE S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0196TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0196TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:COMIANXIVTAXLIENFUN D L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3738YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT17PB7PGS1-18-LOT1BLK1167 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MOSAEDALGARNI S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 TAX DEEDS 0525THCRN2023-0244TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0244TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:VINMASHOLDINGSLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7232YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVLGPB6PG26LOT28BLK23 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JOHNGBRADLEYIV,KATHR YNLBRADLEY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onJune7,2023at10:00AMat w D atedApril11,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedMay4,11,18&25,2023 0504THCRN2023-0006TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0006TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-8373YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: R AINBOWFORESTPB3PG147LOT12BLKC N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:PATRICIAATHOMAS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0021TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0021TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5715YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT27PB9PG54LOT6BLK1470 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:PILIENHSU S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0051TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0051TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-8831YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: V ILLATERUNIT9OFHOMOSASSALOT30BLK294 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MARGERITAANNLARSON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0069TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0069TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:KAIZENCOMPANIESINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-3909YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT15BLK1243 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:PETERCDURRANT S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0078TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0078TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-3932YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT10BLK1614 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CHIFUNWONG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0081TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0081TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3878YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT13BLK1613 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CHIFUNWONG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023

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dates or sequential designation Began in 1889?
Description based on: Vol. 48, no. 51 (June 8, 1939).
funding This project was funded under the provisions of the DLIS Florida American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Florida's DLIS Florida ARPA program is administered by the Department of State's Division of Library and Information Services.
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