Citrus County chronicle

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Citrus County chronicle
Place of Publication:
Crystal River, FL
Citrus Publishing LLC
Gerald Mulligan
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Weekly[ FORMER <1939-1968>]
Semiweekly[ FORMER <1980-1981>]


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Newspapers -- Citrus County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
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Description based on: Vol. 48, no. 51 (June 8, 1939).
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APRIL 27, HIGH Partly sunny, scattered p.m. showers. PAGE A4 TODAY & next morning THURSDAY 65 87 LOW Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community VOL. 129 ISSUE 117 $1Lecanto doubles team wins state championship / B1 INDEX Business ................... A7 Classieds ................ B7 Comics ..................... B6 Crossword ................ B5 Entertainment ........... A9 Horoscope ................ B5 Nation/World ............. A9 Obituaries ................. A5 Opinion ..................... A8 TV Listings ................ A9 Weather .................... A4More details emerge in shooting of Citrus Hills youth By FRED HIERS Chronicle Reporter Michael Regalski, 65, of Citrus Hills, is accused of shooting at two juveniles and an adult driving a utility vehicle by his home and hit ting one in the stomach. He pleaded not guilty Wednes day. He is scheduled to ap pear at the Inverness courthouse May 12. He is current ly free on a $65,000 bond with the require ment that he not have con tact with any of the victims. The Chronicle has ob tained new details about the incident. The juvenile who was shot in the stomach is now recovering at home after being airlifted to UF Health Shands hospital for treat ment, according to the sher iff’s ofce. Regalski was charged with attempted premedi tated murder, two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, shooting into a vehicle, and tamper ing with evidence. According to the sheriff’s ofce, no additional charges are pending. Sheriff’s Ofce spokes woman Madeline Scarbor ough told the Chronicle that the detective’s investigation concluded that the three vic tims’ were never on Regals ki’s property. According to Regalski’s arrest records, the CCSO investigating detective was dispatched to the corner of North Pavilion Loop and West Nieman Drive in Cit rus Springs about a shoot ing. The juvenile driver told the investigating detective he was driving his family’s utility vehicle with his two friends for fun. The driver said that one of his friends was sitting in the front passenger seat and the other friend in the rear. The driver said that while driving south on North Pa vilion Loop from one sand pit to another, he heard two loud noises as they passed a garage with its inside lights on. The driver pulled the ve hicle over to the south of Regalski’s home on North Pavilion Loop. That was when the front passenger told his friends he felt a pain in his lower, right side of his stomach. The front passenger reached down to feel the area and saw that his hand was cov ered in blood. The driver and passenger said they tried to stop the bleeding as they called 911 for help. The three victims are 18,15, and 14. It was one of the juvenile’s that was shot. According to the arrest report, Regalski told the de tective he was on the north side of his home when he heard the utility vehicle in the distance, which he saw earlier. Regalski told the detec tives he saw the utility ve hicle again traveling south on North Pavilion Loop just north of his home. As the three juveniles passed his Sheriff’s Office said teens were not driving ATVs on shooter’s property REGALSKINew rehabilitation center to open in Lecanto By FRED HIERS Chronicle Reporter About a third of Citrus County’s residents are 65 years old or older. And with age comes more trips to emergency rooms, operat ing tables, and rehabilita tion centers. Nationally, seniors 65 years old and older account for more than half of people going to physical therapists for help. And more than half of those patients are wom en. In Citrus County, there is no shortage of people need ing rehabilitation. So, it is no accident that New Mexico-based ClearSky Health will open its rst physical rehabili tation center in Florida in Lecanto. The company operates six rehabilitation centers in four states, but plans on opening 10 more soon. That’s a reection of the need for rehabilitation beds as our population ages. Here is a question-and-an swer conversation with Cathy Alonzo, ClearSky’s vice president of marketing and business development: Q: Why did ClearSky se lect Citrus County as its next location for a rehabil itation center? A: ClearSky Health is proud to be a part of the medical community of Cit rus County and Lecanto and looks forward to providing a much-needed post-acute service to this community. We have worked hand-in-hand with the county and economic development to determine the strategic lo cation that will best serve the fast growing population. Q: When do you anticipate the facility opening? When did construction begin? A: ClearSky Rehabilitation Hospital of Lecanto should open (the) third quarter of this year. (Construction be gan) September 2022. Q: What rehabilitation ser vices will the facility offer? A: Patients who are treated at the hospital will interact and set individual goals with an interdisciplinary team that includes a physician; re habilitation nurses; physical, occupational, and speech therapists; case managers; respiratory therapists; dieti tians; and other health care professionals. The average length of stay is 10-14 days. Q: Does there continue to be a growing need for reha bilitation here? A: Yes, there continues to be a need for rehabilitation in Citrus County and the surrounding area due to the growing population. Q: Is that because patients are discharged from hospi tals earlier than 30-40 years ago? A: Hospitals are discharg ing patients sooner and the need for medical rehabilita tion to get patients back to their prior level of function and continue medical man agement before discharging them back home safely. Q: Will there be anything unique about your new fa cility? A: Our hospital will differ from other rehabil itative programs because of its highly trained team, specialized equipment, Matthew Beck / Chronicle photo editor Construction on a new rehabilitation facility along County Road 486 in Lecanto Monday morning, April 24. Fred Hiers / Chronicle Reporter Rendering of the new rehabilitation center in Lecanto. Q & A C ATHY A LONZODisney sues Gov. DeSantis, calling park takeover ‘retaliation’ By ANTHONY IZAGUIRRE Associated Press TALLAHASSEE — Dis ney sued Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday over the Republican’s take over of its theme park dis trict, alleging the governor waged a “targeted campaign of government retaliation” after the company opposed a law critics call “Don’t Say Gay.” The lawsuit was led in Tallahassee minutes after a Disney World oversight board appointed by DeSan tis voted to void a deal that gave the company authority over design and construc tion decisions in its sprawl ing properties near Orlando. “Disney regrets that it has come to this,” the case said. “But having exhausted ef forts to seek a resolution, the Company is left with no choice but to le this law suit to protect its cast mem bers, guests, and local de velopment partners from a relentless campaign to wea ponize government power against Disney in retaliation for expressing a political viewpoint unpopular with certain State ofcials.” The legal ling is the lat est salvo in a more than year-old feud between Dis ney and DeSantis that has engulfed the governor in criticism as he prepares to launch an expected presi dential bid in the coming months. DeSantis, who has framed himself as a Republican rebrand able to deftly im plement his conservative agenda without drama, has dived headlong into the fray with the beloved company and major tourism driv er, as business leaders and White House rivals bash his stance as a rejection of the small-government tenets of conservatism. “We are unaware of any legal right that a company has to operate its own gov ernment or maintain special privileges not held by other businesses in the state,” said DeSantis spokeswoman Taryn Fenske. “This lawsuit is yet another unfortunate example of their hope to un dermine the will of the Flor ida voters and operate out side the bounds of the law.” The ght began last year after Disney, in the face of signicant pressure, public ly opposed a state law that bans classroom lessons on sexual orientation and gen der identity in early grades, a policy critics call “Don’t Say Gay.” Alex Brandon / AP Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks at the Heritage Foundation 50th Anniversary Celebration leadership summit on Friday in Oxon Hill, Md. See SHOOTING , page A4 See DISNEY , page A4 See CENTER , page A4


A2 Thursday, April 27, 2023 Citrus County ChronicleNo breeding until shelters emptyI’m calling about “Proposal would undermine ani-mal welfare” on the Friday, April 21, opinion page. My opinion is that there should be no breeding allowed until dogs are all out of the shelters. If people are forced to take dogs from the shelters, we wouldn’t need a $9 million animal shelter in this county. There are too many dogs in county custo-dy and breeding should be halted until these dogs have been taken. A dog is a dog. You don’t need a purebred dog. A lot of these dogs are mistreat-ed and neglected. I’m not saying all, but a majority of them are. There has to be some guidelines for animals, especially dogs. No dog should be bred until there’s none left in the animal shelter.Response about sheriff’s hat postThis is in regard to the Saturday, April 23, Sound Off about Sheriff Pren-dergast’s choice of a hat. You should have done your research before you moved here. Two and a half times as many Republicans than Democrats in Citrus County and no Democrat has been elected here since 2008, and I believe that was a sheriff. That in particular is why I moved here. If I played golf, I would have moved to The Villages. Now if this upsets you, you’re more than welcome to move to Gainesville, Tampa, Orlando or any oth-er place. You should have done your research.Daily ponderingMy daily pondering continues to have one question that truly stumps me. How can anyone call themselves a patriot while simultaneously backing a man for president who led an insurrection attempt to overthrow our government?Yes, let’s take a look at TrumpResponse to “Take a look at Trump” with the person complaining about Trump. Well, let me tell you some-thing. Look at what Trump did when he was president. We had the best economy, lower gas prices, totally energy independent, loads of jobs and it was a fair market trade off. Yeah, I don’t like some of the things he said on his Twitter, but the point is, he ran the country like a business like he should. So, yes, I would take a look at Trump because he deserves to be the president. To me, he was the best president ever. So, all these Demo-crats who voted for Biden and are now seeing your reward and yet are still blaming Trump, that is really pathetic.Response to Trump impeachment Sound OffI’m responding to a Sound Off, “Trump shouldn’t be back in,” where the person is appar-ently a diehard Trump hater because he was impeached twice. He might have been impeached twice, but he was not found guilty, so he was not removed from the presidency. You can say all you want about Trump, but he was the best president we ever had. Unfortunately, it’s people like you who despise one man and hate him so much, but he was the best president ever, bottom line.Something very wrong with commissionWhat is wrong with this commission? First, we got Schlabach who wants to lay out steel planks to correct a road. Secondly, we have the monkey asco, air conditioning. Next, we have the pet pavilion. And now here’s Holly Davis with this off-the-wall thing to bring in these people that, quite frankly, don’t t with this population here in Crystal River. We’re sort of low key. It is absolutely discouraging to see a great community like this held captive by such a bunch of spendthrifts.Growth equals destructionFriday, April 21, Chronicle headlines next phase of the parkway. That means more destruction to Citrus County, more land clearing, trees destroyed, more pav-ing over of water recharge areas, making more heat to add to global warming. Is this what we want? More homes, more people, more trafc, more taxes, more congestion, more destruc-tion of all the wonderful things that we were living with and enjoying before our county leaders let us be overrun by all this destruc-tion. It proceeds faster and faster every year, and one day in the near future it will all be gone. The only solution being discussed is planning ahead with ways to manage and control this destruction. There has been no managing or control of what has already been done and there will be nothing in the future that can get ahold of the destruction caused by any kind of growth.Listen to your people, commissionersWhy are the commissioners not listening to the peo-ple? They continue to build houses. They say there’s no water. They can’t x the roads. But they continue to issue permits for more houses, more building. Listen to the people. Leave the county alone.DeSantis is dangerousDeSantis is so dangerous. This week alone, he took away alimony payments to 3,000 old ladies that live in Florida that were getting the money from their husbands. These were stay-at-home moms that gave up their career for years so their husbands could get rich. I can’t imagine what DeSantis is going to do next? He knows all the laws and all the loopholes and how to get around anything. And now once a month he’s electrocuting people on death row and now he’s changed the vote to only eight people have to approve it out of 12. He’s unbelievable. He has to be stopped. You can stop it with one vote of yours.DeSantis taking trip on taxpayer dime tooI heard on Fox News that DeSantis will soon be traveling abroad to visit with leaders of America’s allies, which is something normal ly done by a candidate for presidency. Only thing is, DeSantis isn’t a declared candidate yet, so does that mean he’ll be traveling at the expense of Florida taxpayers? Must be. He isn’t yet working for the federal government. How many Republicans will be calling about that the same way they have recently about Presi dent Biden’s trip to Ireland at the expense of the Amer ican taxpayer? Can’t wait to read the Sound Offs.Uneducated societyAfter reading some of the Sound Offs about Donald Trump, I understand how we got an ineffective presi dent now. We have a society of uneducated people.This is ridiculousI think it’s totally ridiculous that all the schools in New York by 2025 must get rid of all Native American words like Indians, braves, warriors, any type of mas-cot from it. And they say that once they’ve removed the mascots, it could be-come a building barrier for safe and maturing school communities and improve academic achievements. That’s just ridiculous.Don’t forget Biden tooThis is in response to Saturday, April 22, “Same offense should mean both arrested” regarding the young man who was arrested for taking, keeping and showing off classied documents, and then they think Trump should be arrested for taking, keeping and showing off classied documents, but they failed to add Joe Biden who had stacks and stacks of taking for years and years when he wasn’t even president of the United States.Name your groomerIf you are happy with your pet groomer and you’ve been with them for 20 years, why don’t you put their name in the paper? I would love to go there.Presidents’ children aren’t running the countryHave you ever known a drug addict? Hunter Biden was a drug addict, admitted by the president, and then he got into trouble and now he may be reformed. Trump’s children had an illegal company. Jimmy Carter’s brother Billy was in trouble and Ronald Reagan’s sister or daughter was always in the papers. I don’t care about the presi-dents’ children. They’re not running the country. The president is. SOUND OFFCALL 563-0579 EMERGENCY GUIDE 2023 Helpresidents preparefor HurricaneSeason PUBLICATIONSUNDAY,MAY28 DEADLINEFRIDAY,MAY12 (352)563-5592 r n r nn n We stFloridaMedicalAssociates r n r n r rn nn   n  n      ­     rn r     ­€  € ‚ ƒ ‚ƒƒ  „€ƒ   …n €†n rn ‡ˆ‰‰Šƒn‹† †€ r‚n ‡‰ŒŽ‰  r ‘n‹†’“Œ ” †rn‡‰ŒŽŒ”‚ €  ‘‚‚ƒr†r ‚”•–——Ž–ˆ— NOW AC CEPTINGNEWHUMANA HMOGOLD , FREEDOMAND OPTIMUM PA TI EN TS Atime-honoredcommunitytradition! Sharethenewsofyournewbeginningwith ourkeepsakeprintannouncements. Toplaceyourweddingorengagementannouncement, Goonlineto WeddingAnnouncements Subscribeorrenewtoday! 352.563.6363| Wedding Announcements


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 27, 2023 A3L CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLELibraries making transition to digital content app Attention OverDrive app users: OverDrive is discontinuing the legacy OverDrive app for iOS, Android and Windows 8/10 on May 1 and will be transitioning users to the Libby app. Libby is OverDrive’s newer app for browsing and enjoying digital con tent from Citrus Libraries. If you haven’t already, it’s time to give Libby a try. All your loans, holds and wish list items will be waiting for you in Libby when you add your li brary card. Learn more about the transition by visiting libby/switchtolibby. If you are currently using the Libby app, the digital collection will continue to be available at https:// citrus on desktop and mo bile devices.Citrus County Retired Educators offers scholarship We all know that more teachers are needed ev erywhere. If you are cur rently working in any ca pacity in a school system, you may be eligible for the Citrus County Retired Educators Association (CCREA) scholarship. Are you working in the eld of education? Do you want to take more classes for certication as a teacher? Do you want to expand your studies as a teacher? You may quali fy for a $500 scholarship being offered by CCREA. Application is due by May 1. To obtain an appli cation, call Nancy Reyn olds at 352-212-2572.Christian Women’s Connection to meet The Christian Women’s Connection will hold their May meeting at 10 a.m. on May 9 at the Sugarmill Woods Country Club, 1 Douglas St., Homosassa. Brunch will be served for $15. Speaker will be Beverly Williams speak ing about pivotal mo ments that taught life les sons. RSVP no later than May 2. Call Chris at 727-247-6618.Drive-through chicken dinner Crystal River Woman’s Club is hosting a drive-through chicken dinner with pick-up time from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Fri day, May 12, at 320 N. Citrus Ave., Crystal River. Cost is $20. Contact Lorry to make reserva tions at 630-269-1096. Reservations are needed by May 5. Checks should be mailed to CRWC, P.O. Box 1672, Crystal Lake, FL 34423-1672. Money will go to support local community organizations. The chick en is prepared by William Bunch of Oysters.Free ABC of Dementia workshop May 5 The Friends of Citrus and the Nature Coast will host a free ABC of De mentia workshop from 2 to 4 p.m. on Friday, May 5, at 8471 W. Periwinkle Lane, Homosassa. The program will also include “Care Grieving,” a presentation by Friends Program Manager Jona than Beard. While the workshop speaks primarily to care partners, participants are encouraged to bring their loved ones who may have a dementia diagnosis. The workshop is free, but reservations are en couraged. For more infor mation or to reserve seats, call 352-422-3663 or 352-249-1470. IN BRIEF School’s almost out – time to find a job By MICHAEL D. BATES Chronicle Reporter Citrus County schools let out this month, and many high-schoolers will be look ing for jobs over the sum mer. Aware of that, Career Source Citrus Levy Marion (CLM) will host its Youth Job Fair from 10 a.m. to noon May 4 at the College of Central Florida’s Levy Campus, 15390 U.S. 19, just north of Chieand. The free event is geared for 16-to-24-year-olds and is ideal for students, graduating seniors and postsecondary graduates looking for fullor part-time employment. Jobs can be permanent, temporary or just for the summer. “Area businesses taking part in the job fair can gain access to their ‘next gen eration’ of workers,” said Dale French, executive vice president for CareerSource CLM It’s an opportunity, he said, “to nd your rst job, gain more experience, or nd a pathway toward a new career.” French said 15-20 busi nesses – all with immediate jobs to ll – are expected to take part. They include Capital City Bank, Cross City Correction al Institution, Farmers Furni ture, FedEx, Florida Depart ment of Transportation, Fun 4 Kids 2, the Levy County Sheriff’s Ofce, Rank Qual ity Restaurants (McDonalds) and SAS Electronics. If you plan to attend, register at YouthJobsLevy. Businesses wanting to take part – or place job orders if unable to attend – should con tact the CareerSource CLM business development team at (800) 746-9950, ext. 1145. Can’t make the event? CLM spokeswoman Laura Byrnes said folks can call (800) 434-5627 and staffers will pull the job orders and help them online to access the job positions. Byrnes said it’s also not too late for Citrus Coun tians to attend today’s other Youth Job Fair, happening from 3:30-5:30 p.m. at the Southeastern Livestock Pa vilion Auditorium, 2232 NE Jacksonville Road in Ocala. There is no charge but job seekers are encouraged to register at JOBS. Byrnes said this is also geared to people 16-24 and they can show up without registering, she said. The Citrus County Sheriff’s Of ce will have representa tives there. Michael D. Bates is a staff writer with the Citrus County Chronicle and can be reached at Citrus Levy Marion will host Youth Job Fair May 4Delays stall opening of apartments By NANCY KENNEDY Chronicle Reporter If you drive by the St. Ben edict Apartments complex behind Daystar Life Center in Crystal River, you’ll see 18 units that look ready for 18 families to move in. However, as Catholic Charities Executive Di rector Maggie Rogers ex plained, “There was a sink hole in front of the Daystar building, and because our permit is tied to the entire property we were delayed due to the work needing to be done to remedy the issue. “The delay put us behind about three or four weeks.” Delays have not been un common for this project. The groundbreaking was in 2018, with the Most Rev. Gregory Parkes, bishop of the Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg, in attendance. At that time, Parkes said that when he was rst ap pointed bishop in 2016, he asked people throughout the diocese three questions: What is the diocese doing well? What needs improve ment? And what should they focus on as a local church? “What I heard over and over, as a church we need to take care of the poor,” he said in 2018. “We believe that every person deserves to have a home and deserves to have a place where they can be safe and where they can grow and where they can be comfortable. And not just that, but to make it affordable.” Construction nally be gan in January 2022 – two buildings with nine apart ments in each building, with both one-bedroom and two-bedroom units. “They paved yesterday and should be nishing up today,” Rogers said Wednesday. “They will have to stripe the parking lot on a Saturday, either this coming Saturday (April 29) or the next.” A housing manager has been hired, Rogers said, and they’re almost ready to start accepting rental appli cations. “Right now I’m waiting to hear when we will have the water meters turned on and final plumbing and building inspections scheduled. Once I know this, we will schedule an open house/application day,” she said. That will be an onsite event. Prospective tenants will need to bring their ID for all adults, birth certif icates for all children in the household and proof of household income. Also, be prepared to ll out an appli cation. Applications will be re viewed in the order re ceived/completed, Rogers said. Although separate entities, Daystar and St. Benedict Apartments are both part of the Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg, with Daystar being a ministry of St. Ben edict Catholic Church in Crystal River and the apart ments a project of Catholic Charities. The St. Benedict Apart ments property is fully funded by Catholic Chari ties. Under Catholic Charities’ Shelters of Hope initiative, the diocese has built afford able, income-based rental apartments for individuals and families throughout Pi nellas, Hillsborough, Pasco and Hernando counties. This is the rst Shelters of Hope housing project in Citrus County, the northern most county in the diocese, but hopefully not the last, Rogers said. Although Shelters of Hope is a ministry of the Catho lic Church, the apartments, as all services offered by Catholic Charities, are for anyone, regardless of faith afliation. Nancy Kennedy can be reached at 352-564-2927 or by email at Matthew Beck / Chronicle photo editor Banegas & Galindo Remodeling worker Selvin Fernando-Flores carries drywall into one of the apartments at the St. Benedict Apart ment complex in Crystal River in this August 2022 file photo. The new housing complex is a ministry of Catholic Charities, Dioceses of St. Petersburg.But they’re back on track, accepting applications soonOzello Civic Association donates to three local nonprofits By NANCY KENNEDY Chronicle Reporter This year, members of the Ozello Civic Association chose kids, veterans and animals — and three local nonprot organizations that work with them – as recipi ents of the proceeds of their annual fundraising efforts. The group hosts a popular fundraising arts, crafts and blue crab festival each year, and now they have a book, “Three Bridges to Para dise,” and the proceeds from its sales will go toward their charitable giving. “It’s an honor for us to do this,” said Abigail Morrison, the civic association’s chari ty chairwoman. “There’s so many good organizations and so much help out there that’s available, and we’re happy to be a part of it.” In the past they’ve donated to The Sanctuary, Precious Paws, the Family Resource Center, the county’s “pet meals on wheels,” Citrus County Foundation for An imal Protection, Jessie’s Place, SOS food pantry, vet erans groups and more. Morrison said they like to choose groups that work with kids, animals and vet erans. On Tuesday, representa tives from Cayla’s Coats, the Citrus County Veterans Foundation and New Life Service Dogs were each given a check for $1,200 to help their organizations do what they do. Cayla’s Coats started af ter the drowning death of Nancy Kennedy / Chronicle Reporter The Ozello Civic Association donated $1,200 to Cayla’s Coats, Tuesday, April 25, 2023. Pictured from the left: Civic Association members Abigail Morrison, Dan Devillez (president) and Cindy Hosch; Cayla’s Coats founders Sean Barnes (rear), Jessica Barnes, Barbara Fletcher (rear) and Brantley and Aidan Barnes.County enacts permit moratorium at Inverness Village 4 By MICHAEL D. BATES Chronicle Reporter As of Wednesday morn ing, the county has stopped issuing new building per mits for three months at In verness Village Unit 4. This gives the county com missioners time to dig deep er into the road and drain age mess that has plagued that community for years. “We’re hitting the pause button so we can try to g ure out a solution residents can afford,” Commissioner Holly Davis told the Chron icle. Commissioner Rebecca Bays made the motion at Tuesday’s meeting, it was seconded by Davis and passed 4-0. Commis sioner Jeff Kinnard was not in atten dance. The board is also asking another law rm to look at the possi bility of a long-term mor atorium on issuing permits and inform the county of its rights and responsibilities concerning the roads there. Inverness Village 4 has about 500 sites and 200-plus homeowners. Residents have been urg ing commissioners at sev eral meetings over the years to repair their roads, which are some of the worst in the county. One resident Tuesday called out commissioners for not moving to x the problem. Davis reminded her that this problem began with a previous board. Davis, whose district cov ers Inverness Village, said she has made this issue a top priority since she was elected. One solution bandied about is to create a Munic ipal Service Benet Unit (MSBU) where everyone pays their fair share of the cost and reaps the benets of better roads.‘When you’re in a hole, you stop digging,’ Commissioner Holly Davis said DAVIS See MORATORIUM , page A5 See OZELLO , page A5


A4 Thursday, April 27, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle To start your subscription: Call now for home delivery by our carriers: Citrus County: 352-563-5655 13 weeks: $90.60* — 26 weeks: $151.01* — 52 weeks: $241.62* Subscription price does not include applicable state and local sales tax. Any promotional rate, other than what’s listed above, is non-refundable. Temporary suspension of your print newspaper delivery due to vacation and other reasons does not extend your subscription expiration date. Your subscription includes 24/7 digital access to all content available online. Call 352-563-5655 for details. Your account will be subject to a surcharge for premium issues. 1RWL¿FDWLRQRIWKHSUHPLXPLVVXHDQGVXUFKDUJHDUHOLVWHGEHORZ Your total bill will remain unaffected, but there may be a slight adjustment in your expiration date. Ezpay subscribers will see the increased surcharge on their monthly transaction in the applicable month. 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Meadowcrest Blvd., Crystal River, FL 34429 FAX: Advertising – 352-563-5665, Newsroom – 352-563-5665 EMAIL: Advertising: Community News: Who’s in charge: Trina Murphy .....................................Publisher, 352-563-3232Jim Gouvellis ..........................Executive Editor, 352-564-2930Tom Feeney. ......................Production Director, 352-563-3275 Trista Stokes .....................Advertising Director, 352-564-2946Jackie Lytton ......................Circulation Director , 352-564-2914 John Murphy ...............................Digital Leader, 352-563-3255 Report a news tip: News .............................................. Jim Gouvellis, Sports stories................................ 0DWW3¿IIQHU Opinion page/letters .....................Jim Gouvellis, 352-564-2930Sound Off .......................................................... 352-563-0579 The Chronicle is printed in part on recycled newsprint. Published every Sunday through Saturday By Citrus Publishing LLC POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Citrus County Chronicle 1624 N. MEADOWCREST BLVD., CRYSTAL RIVER, FL 34429 PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT INVERNESS, FL 6(&21'&/$663(50,7 Exclusi Legend: YTD -Year to Date, PR -Daily Precipitation ve daily forecast by: ** Light only extreme allergic will show symptoms, moderate most allergic will experience symptoms, heavy all allergic will experience symptoms.rr r r rr For more information call Florida Division of Forestry at (352) 797-4140. For more informationon wildfire conditions, pleasevisittheDivisionofForestry ‹ sWebsite: nr  ­€‚ƒ„    ­­ Levels reported in feet above sea level. Flood stage for lakes are based on 2.33-year Á ood, the mean-annual Á ood which has a 43-precent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any one year. This data is obtained from the Southw est Florida Water Ma nagement District and is subject to revision. In no event will the District or the United States Geological Survey be liable for any damages arising out of the use of this data. If you have any questions you should contact the Hydr ological Data Section at (352) 796-7211. r r …r…rr†  …‡ rr „ˆ  r *From mouths of rivers**At King ‹ s Bay***At Mason ‹ s Creek rrr‰r‰ „ˆ (MORNING) (AFTERNOON) rRecordNormalMean temp.Departure from mean rTotal for the monthTotal for the yearNormal for the year Š‹0 -2 minimal, 3-4 low, 5-6 moderate, 7-9 high, 10+ very high Œr…… * r n Taken at Crystal River SATURDAY & SUNDAY MORNINGHigh: 84° Low: 67° Mostly cloudy, showers, storms Yesterday0.01" 0.27"3.40" 12.31" As reported from 29.96 Yesterday at 3 p.m.82%Yesterday observedGoodPollutantOzone Apr 27May 5May 12May 19 0 1Monday6 7Thursday2 3Tuesday 8 9 -or-Common AreasFriday 4 5Wednesday Daytona Bch.8068tFort Lauderdale8574shFort Myers8873pcGainesville8768shHomestead8773pcJacksonville8468shKey West8677pcLakeland9070shMelbourne8270t WEDTHU Albany6230Trace6238pcAlbuquerque6439Trace7846sAsheville54460.166453shAtlanta63550.027261shAtlantic City62330.005952shAustin85680.088056shBaltimore66480.016856mcBillings63430.005835shBirmingham64550.107462shBoise68390.007345pcBoston5246Trace5743mcBuffalo52350.315745sBurlington, VT61340.005638pcCharleston, SC75610.007866shCharleston, WV71370.007554shCharlotte59550.216959shChicago49340.005946pcCincinnati6343Trace6752mcCleveland48430.025949sColumbia, SC74570.027861shColumbus, OH59390.006550pcConcord, NH57370.045836shDallas66551.427253mcDenver47380.026835mcDes Moines61390.006945sDetroit5232Trace5946pcEl Paso79540.008360sEvansville, IN70440.006356shHarrisburg63430.046649pcHartford62340.006142shHouston81640.008061shIndianapolis5939Trace6551mcKansas City66480.006445mcLas Vegas79570.009267sLittle Rock61520.807053shLos Angeles77570.007858sLouisville70450.006855shMemphis68520.057157shMilwaukee45340.006241sMinneapolis56330.006650shMobile81610.007767shMontgomery79540.008064shNashville71460.006859sh WED Acapulco86/75/pcAmsterdam55/36/pcAthens64/55/raBeijing71/50/mcBerlin53/36/mcBermuda69/67/raCairo91/69/sCalgary55/36/rsHavana86/77/mcHong Kong74/71/ra Jerusalem73/55/mc 87/63n/a 85/61n/a 84/60n/a 87/61n/a 86/65n/a 5.20" WEDTUE Withlacoochee at Holder26.9026.8634.64Tsala Apopka-Hernando36.3436.3638.66Tsala Apopka-Inverness37.3737.3739.73Tsala Apopka-Floral City38.6438.6541.37 Lisbon82/64/mcLondon58/45/clMadrid86/62/mcMexico City81/64/mcMontreal54/38/raMoscow66/49/mcParis59/49/raRio83/72/raRome70/51/pcSydney71/57/pcTokyo69/55/raToronto50/36/pc Warsaw51/37/ra WEDTHU New Orleans81660.007768shNew York City59460.006249shNorfolk68470.007158mcOklahoma City57501.176247shOmaha67420.007047pcPalm Springs93630.0010274sPhiladelphia63430.036549shPhoenix86630.009566sPittsburgh63380.006851pcPortland, ME47420.005040mcPortland, OR65460.007553pcProvidence, RI55430.005640mcRaleigh7148Trace6856shRapid City6636Trace6436shReno70410.008050sRochester, NY52370.165642sSacramento81480.009161sSalt Lake City63390.007141pcSan Antonio84700.008359shSan Diego70610.007256mcSan Francisco68500.007751sSavannah78590.038067mcSeattle60450.006448pcSpokane66370.006943pcSt. Louis65420.006352shSt. Ste Marie43340.004339raSyracuse5536Trace6142sTopeka70420.006645mcWashington68460.016954mc Miami8477shOcala8968shOrlando8870pcPensacola7668shSarasota8872pcTallahassee8466shTampa9272pcVero Beach8469tW. Palm Bch.8477sh Chassahowitzka* 11:47 a.m.0.2 ftNonen/a8:31 a.m.0.1 ft3:22 p.m.0.1 ft Crystal River** 10:40 a.m.1.3 ft10:23 p.m.2.0 ft5:08 a.m.0.4 ft3:29 p.m.1.0 ft Withlacoochee* 8:48 a.m.2.3 ft7:10 p.m.2.9 ft2:35 a.m.0.5 ft2:18 p.m.1.8 ft Homosassa*** 1:22 p.m.0.5 ft10:27 p.m.1.2 ft8:24 a.m.0.2 ft4:34 p.m.0.4 ft 8:02 pm6:51 am 12:46 pm 2:22 am 04/27THURSDAY6:517:328:027:5604/28FRIDAY6:518:198:038:42 Predominant: TreesThu lowmedhigh Yesterday at 3 p.m.64° 10 Yesterday90/63 96/4085/56 71 6 FRIDAY & SATURDAY MORNINGHigh: 82° Low: 66° Cloudy with showers, storms TODAY & TOMORROW MORNINGHigh: 87° Low: 65° Partly sunny, scattered pm storms MODERATE. Burn ban in effect. For established lawns and landscapes, irrigation may occur during only one (1) of the specified time periods, 12:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m., or 4:00 p.m. 11:59 p.m., on the allowable watering days below:Addresses with house numbers ending in: Questions, concerns or reporting violations, please call: City of Inverness at 352-726-2321; City of Crystal River at 352-795-4216, Ext. 313; unincorporated Citrus County at 352-527-7669. For more information, visit: KEY TO CONDITIONS: c=cloudy; fg=fog; hz=haze; mc=mostly cloudy; pc=partly cloudy; ra=rain; rs=rain/snow; s=sunny; sh=showers; sm=smoke; sn=snow; ss=snow showers; t=thunderstorms 95, Bombay Beach, Calif.13, Mtn. View, Wyo. Today: Southeast winds around 10 knots, becoming south in the afternoon. Seas 1 foot or less, then around 2 feet in the afternoon. Bay and inland waters a moderate chop. Tonight: South winds WRNQRWV6HDVDURXQGbIHHW 80° FORECAST FOR 3:00 P.M. Thursday ALERT CITRUS SIGNUP Q To register for the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office’s Alert Citrus weather program, visit and click on the links to register. Q Create a profile, list how you want to be contacted in case of a weather emergency (text, mobile phone, home phone, email), then include the address(es) you want alerts for. You can choose what types of emergencies you want to hear about, and set a quiet period for no conduct. Q Those without computer access may call 352-2492705. front yard, Regalski said he red his Glock 40-caliber handgun at the vehicle. The detective reported that Regalski told him he went back into his garage and into his home and put his pistol away, put his clothes into the washing machine and took a shower. The detective said Regalski also told him he had a security camera which re-corded the shooting, but that he erased the footage after watching it. The sheriff’s of ce conscated Regalski’s gun and another from the home. Both were purchased legally. The three victim’s invoked Florida’s Marsy’s Law, which affords victims the ability to shield their iden-tities. Court and sheriff’s of ce records indicate Regalski is being charged with premed-itated murder, but that is an error. The actual charge is premeditated attempted murder. The sheriff’s of ce website still lists the incor-rect charge in its Recent Ar-rests section Fred Hiers is a reporter at the Citrus Chronicle. Email him at SHOOTINGFrom page A1 As punishment, DeSantis took over Disney World’s self-governing district and appointed a new board of supervisors that would oversee municipal services in the sprawling theme parks. But before the new board came in, the company pushed though an 11th-hour agreement that stripped the new supervisors of much of their authority. The DeSantis board on Wednesday said Disney’s move to retain control over their property was effectively unlawful and performed without proper public notice. “Disney picked the ght with this board. We were not looking out for a ght,” said Martin Garcia, chair of the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District, before the vote, adding “bottom line, what our lawyers have told us, is factually and le-gally what they created is an absolute legal mess. It will not work.” DeSantis has also vowed additional retribution, with proposals to enhance state oversight of the re-sort’s rides and monorail, as well as a suggestion to build a prison nearby. Also Wednesday, the Florida Senate passed a bill seek-ing to put those retributions in place and to undo agree-ments made by the Reedy Creek board before the state took it over. The House still needs to approve before it can move forward. Disney has said all agreements made with the pre-vious board were legal and approved in a public forum. Disney CEO Bob Iger has also said that any actions against the company that threaten jobs or expansion at its Florida resort was not only “anti-business” but “anti-Florida.” The Disney lawsuit asks a federal judge to void the governor’s takeover of the theme park district, as well as the DeSantis oversight board’s actions, on the grounds that they were vi-olations of company’s free speech rights. “A targeted campaign of government retaliation – orchestrated at every step by Governor DeSantis as punishment for Disney’s protected speech – now threatens Disney’s business operations, jeopardizes its economic future in the re-gion, and violates its con-stitutional rights,” the law-suit said. DISNEYFrom page A1 state-of-the-art facility, and integrative approach. Our staff will go above and be-yond normal service expec-tations to provide patients with optimum outcomes for their recoveries. The new medical rehabilitation hos-pital will:QBe licensed and accredited.QUse an interdisciplinary team approach to care.QHave a physician with specialized training in reha-bilitation supervise medical services.QProvide rehabilitative nursing 24/7.QOffer patients therapy for a minimum of 15 hours a week. A national study shows patients treated at medical re-habilitation hospitals return home sooner, remain home longer, have fewer hospital readmissions and ER visits, and live longer versus those treated at nursing homes or skilled nursing facilities. Q: How will the facility be staffed? A: We will staff about 100 employees to include specially trained rehabilitation nurses, physical, occupa-tional and speech therapists, case managers, dietary, housekeeping and other an-cillary staff. This is a ClearSky Health hospital and is not a joint venture. We are working with developers to construct the building using our pro-totype model. Q: How was the size/number of beds determined? A: ClearSky Lecanto is a 36-bed hospital. We have a bed need methodology we use to base this off of. Q: Can the facility be expanded, that is to say can you add more rooms later? Any potential of building another facility in Citrus County? A: Yes, our facility is designed to be expanded in the future. There are no current plans to open another facility in Citrus County. Q: Did the age demographics in Citrus County help decide on opening a facility here? A: Yes, that was one factor amongst others based on our bed need methodology. Fred Hiers is a reporter at the Citrus Chronicle. Email him at CENTERFrom page A1 Fred Hiers / Chronicle Reporter Rendering of the new rehabilitation center in Lecanto.


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 27, 2023 A5 FOR THE RECORD Citrus County Sheriff’s Office Arrests from April 24Q William Devin Head , 45, Inverness, arrested April 24 for retail petit theft (value $100 or less). No bond. Q Omar Camejo , 55, Crystal River, arrested April 24 for felony possession of controlled substance. Bond $2,000. Q James Dury Robinson , 52, Dunnellon, arrested April 24 for writ of bodily attach ment. Bond $2,197. Q David Alan Smith Jr. , 19, DOC, arrested April 24 for borrowed for court. No bond. Q Seth Wayne Gunn , 21, Inverness, arrested April 24 for misdemeanor DUI, pos session cannabis (less than 20 grams) and drug para phernalia. Bond $3,000. Q Randy B. Millner , 47, Homosassa, arrested April 24 for fugitive from justice. No bond. Q Everett Ricky Dicks , 25, Homosassa, arrested April 24 for misdemeanor failure to appear. No bond. Q Jonathan Michael Opperman , 32, Inverness, arrested April 24 for felony carry concealed weapon and/or use/display/attempt to use weapon while committing fel ony and possession of con trolled substance. Bond $7,000. Q Glenn David Conner , 36, Beverly Hills, arrested April 24 for misdemeanor DUI. Bond $1,000. Stephen D. BurtonJuly 9, 1987 – April 24, 2023Stephen D. Burton, 35, born on July 9, 1987 passed away Monday, April 24, 2023 at Elliot Hospi tal in NH. He was the loving son of Mary-Anne Welcome-Bur ton of Citrus Springs, Flor ida and David Burton of Gloucester Massachusetts. He leaves behind a loving wife Lisa Cashman of Man chester, NH, Three loving sisters: Kaitlyn and Alexan dria Burton, both of Citrus Springs, Fl. and Laura Pe tellat of Fort Stewart, Georgia; as well as a son Ridley, 9, of Manchester, NH, as well as many nieces and nephews. Stephen had a fun ny sense of humor and could be quite enter taining. He loved to cook, and was a hard worker, as well as a protective big brother. One of Stephen’s favorite hobbies was going deep sea shing with his dad, and spoke of those times often. OBITUARIES Editor, Pulitzer admin Mike Pride dead at 76 By HOLLY RAMER Associated Press CONCORD, N.H. — Mike Pride, who cultivated excellence in journalism as a New Hampshire newspa per editor and later reward ed it as administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes, has died. He was 76. Pride, who died Monday in Florida from compli cations of a blood disor der, was the only person to serve as a juror, board member, board co-chair and administrator for the Pulitzers. But before he began bestowing some of journalism’s highest hon ors, he spent decades nur turing reporters often just starting their careers. Under his 25 years of leadership, the Concord Monitor expanded its staff and scope – attracting na tional attention for ambi tious projects and aggres sive coverage of both local issues and the national pol iticians who showed up every four years for New Hampshire’s presidential primary. The newspaper became something of a magnet for reporters look ing to learn a lot, quickly, and then move on. Sarah Koenig, host and co-creator of the award-winning podcast Serial, was a Monitor po litical reporter in the late 1990s. In their rst encoun ter, Pride walked up to her desk, informed her she had misspelled the word “sta tionery” and walked away. She recalled that moment Tuesday as “thrilling and terrifying,” but said she soon came to regard Pride as a fair, supportive leader. Pride was born on July 31, 1946, in Bridgeport, Conn., and grew up in Clearwa ter, Florida. After serving as a Russian linguist in the Army, he began his journal ism career as a sports writer at the Tampa Tribune. He became editor of the Mon itor in 1983 after serving as managing editor, retired in 2008 and then returned briey in 2014. During his time as edi tor, the paper won the New England Newspaper of the Year Award 19 times and was cited by Time mag azine and the Columbia Journalism Review as one of the best papers in the country. Pride was named Editor of the Year by the National Press Foundation in 1987 for directing cover age of the Challenger space shuttle disaster and death of New Hampshire teacher Christa McAuliffe.Court backs FAU over COVID-19 shutdown By JIM SAUNDERS News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — As the Florida Supreme Court considers a similar case, an appeals court Wednes day rejected a class-action lawsuit that Florida At lantic University students led because of a cam pus shutdown early in the COVID-19 pandemic. The FAU lawsuit is one of numerous cases led in Flor ida and other states alleging that colleges and universi ties breached contracts and should be required to refund money to students. But a panel of the 4th District Court of Appeal upheld a circuit judge’s decision to dismiss the FAU case, nding that the university didn’t have an “express, written contract” with the students named as plaintiffs, Amanda Heine and Jhayla Stready. “Students concede they were permitted to enroll in courses at the university in exchange for paying their tuition and fees, which is FAU’s only express obli gation found in any of the documents submitted for re view,” said the ruling, writ ten by Chief Judge Mark Klingensmith and joined by Judges Dorian Damoorgian and Ed Artau. “No express contract was formed by the attachments to the complaint (lawsuit) regarding what students would receive in return for paying the statu torily mandated fees. In fact, nothing in the attachments establish any contractual agreement to hold in-person classes or provide on-cam pus services at all, even though that was certainly a reasonable – albeit unen forceable – expectation.” The Florida Supreme Court is considering a case in which the 1st District Court of Appeal reached a similar conclusion in a po tential class-action lawsuit led against the Universi ty of Florida. Also, the 1st District Court of Appeal last week rejected a case led against Florida A&M Uni versity, and the 3rd District Court of Appeal has turned down a case led against Miami Dade College.Students sought refunds of fees paidFlorida ‘killer clown’ case finally ends with plea deal By TERRY SPENCER Associated Press FORT LAUDERDALE — A clown came to Marlene Warren’s door on a May morning in 1990, handed her carnations and balloons and then shot her dead in front of her son. On Tuesday, her husband’s second wife nal ly pleaded guilty to being the killer, closing a case that is strange even by Florida stan dards. Sheila Keen-Warren, 59, pleaded guilty to second-de gree murder in a deal that will likely see her released from prison in no more than two years. Long suspected of be ing the shooter, Keen-Warren has been jailed awaiting trial for rst-degree murder since 2017, when Palm Beach County sheriff’s investiga tors said improvements in DNA technology proved that a hair found in the clown’s getaway car came from her. Keen-Warren has insisted, however, that she is not the killer. Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg said in a statement that the plea deal “obtained a measure of justice” for Marlene Warren and her son. No public notice was given for Tuesday’s plea hearing in West Palm Beach, which otherwise would have drawn a throng of reporters and spectators. Instead, it was handled quietly during Circuit Judge Scott Suskau er’s lunch break from anoth er murder trial. “Sheila Keen Warren has nally been forced to admit that she was the one who dressed as a clown and took the life of an innocent vic tim. She will be a convicted murderer for the rest of her days,” Aronberg said. Her attorney, Greg Ros enfeld, told The Associated Press in a phone interview that “this is an incredible win for Ms. Keen-Warren,” still insisting she is not the killer. Keen-Warren has said she is not the killer. The deal calls for a 12-year sentence, but Keen-Warren has already served six years awaiting trial. Also, Florida law in 1990 allowed signi cant time off for good behav ior, so Rosenfeld expects her to be released early next year. Her trial was set to start next month, and if convict ed she would have received a life sentence. If she had received a life sentence, she likely would have been pa roled after serving 25 years. Originally, prosecutors sought a death sentence but eventually dropped that. “The State of Florida orig inally wanted to execute her, but now she is going home in 10 months,” Rosenfeld said. “While it was difcult to plead guilty to a crime she did not commit, it was kind of a no-brainer when there is a guarantee that you will be home with your family.” Aronberg’s ofce disputes Rosenfeld’s claim, saying she will be in prison at least two more years. Marlene Warren’s son, Jo seph Ahrens, watched the proceeding online. Only 21 when he saw his mother murdered and now in his 50s, his only message to the court and Keen-Warren was, may God be with her. The trial was delayed numerous times by the COVID-19 pandemic and ghts over evidence. At the time of the shoot ing, Keen-Warren was an employee of Marlene War ren’s husband, Michael, at his used car lot. Since 2002, she has been his wife – they eventually moved to Abing ton, Virginia, where they ran a restaurant just across the Tennessee border. Witnesses had told investi gators in 1990 that then-Shei la Keen and Michael Warren were having an affair, though both denied it. Over the years, detectives said, costume shop employ ees identied Sheila War ren as the woman who had bought a clown suit a few days before the killing. And one of the two bal loons – a silver one that read, “You’re the Greatest” – was sold at only one store, a Publix supermarket near her home. Employees told detectives a woman who looked like Keen-Warren had bought the balloons an hour before the shooting. The presumed getaway car was found abandoned with orange, hair-like bers inside. The white Chrysler convertible had been report ed stolen from Michael War ren’s car lot a month before the shooting. Keen-Warren and her then-husband repos sessed cars for him. Relatives told The Palm Beach Post in 2000 that Mar lene Warren, who was 40 when she died, suspected her husband was having an affair and wanted to leave him. But the car lot and other proper ties were in her name, and she feared what might hap pen if she did. She allegedly told her mother, “If anything happens to me, Mike done it.” He has never been charged and has denied involvement. But Rosenfeld said the state’s case was falling apart. One DNA sample somehow showed both male and fe male genes, and the other could have come from one out of every 20 women – even Marlene Warren, he said. And even if that hair did come from Keen-Warren, it could have been deposited before the car was reported stolen. He said Ahrens and another witness also told detectives that the car depu ties found wasn’t the killer’s, though investigators insisted it was. Aronberg, in his state ment, conceded that there were holes in the case, say ing they were caused by the three decades it took to get it to trial, including the death of key witnesses. But County Commission Chairwoman Ruthie Schla bach has said she would not vote for that because it would cost an estimated $80,000 per property owner. Commissioners agreed Tuesday to hire a consul tant to come up with a more accurate cost of an MSBU and report back. For now, the board hopes this stoppage of building more homes is a measure that will help in the short-term. “When you’re in a hole, you stop digging,” Davis said. The builder there contin ues to build on the lowest areas of the communi ty, which means “they’re continually skyrocketing the cost to x this because they are building where the drainage retention areas will go,” she said. MORATORIUMFrom page A3 Cayla Barnes in 2010. Her parents, Jessica and Sean Barnes, have since made it their mission to use their tragedy to educate about and advocate for water safety. “This money (from the Ozello Civic Association) will go for life jackets for our loaner stations and for swim lessons,” Jessica Barnes said Tuesday. Curt Ebitz from the Vet erans Foundation said the $1,200 donation will be used to help honorably dis charged veterans and their families. “We focus on keeping people in their homes,” Ebitz said. “We help with rent or mortgage pay ments, car payments and car repairs so people can get to work so they won’t get behind on their rent. “We do this because it’s better to keep someone in their home than to have them be evicted and home less.” The third organization, New Life Medical Service Dogs, seeks to “empow er people with disabilities to become highly skilled service dog handlers who have access to a safe and inclusive community,” as their website states. Merlyn Lewis, New Life president and trainer, said the money they received will go toward care and training for the dogs. Nancy Kennedy can be reached at 352-564-2927 or by email at OZELLOFrom page A3 Nancy Kennedy / Chronicle Reporter LEFT: The Ozello Civic Association (OCA) donated $1,200 Tuesday, April 25, 2023, to the Citrus County Veterans Foundation. Pic tured from the left: OCA member Abigail Morrison, OCA president Dan Devillez, Curt Ebitz from the Veterans Foundation and OCA member Cindy Hosch. RIGHT: The Ozello Civic Association (OCA) donated $1,200 Tuesday, April 25, 2023, to New Life Medical Service Dogs. Pictured with the dogs: Merlyn Lewis, New Life president and trainer, with Sterling (gray poodle) and Bella (black lab); Abigail Morrison, OCA member, with George (poodle), and Alyssa Vick. Holding the check: Dan Devillez, OCA president, and OCA member Cindy Hosch. Richard T. Brown FuneralDirector/Owner Br ow n Fu neralHome&Crematory Le cant o, Fl orida IgrayneBrownDias FuneralDirector Tw oGener at ionsserving yo uwith co mpassiona te , personaliz ed servic e. 352-795-0111 ow rn   r n rrn r rnr rrrr rr 1657W.GULFTOLAKEHWY(2MI.E.OFHWY.491&44)•LECANTO rrrn FauxWoodBlinds, Shades,Shutters, Verticals,Cellular rnMo nda y-A pp tO nly Tu et hru Fr i9:30 -4 :30 r rn r rn n ­ nn €n n  nr  rrn  r r€‚


A6 Thursday, April 27, 2023 Citrus County ChronicleFlorida House bill spurs debate on campus speech By RYAN DAILEY News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — The Florida House on Wednes day passed a measure that would put new requirements on universities related to debates and other campus forums, with supporters saying it would bolster free speech but critics arguing it could have unintended con sequences. The Republican-con trolled House voted 82-34 along near-party lines to approve the bill (HB 931), which still needs to pass the Senate before it could go to Gov. Ron DeSantis. The proposal (HB 931) also would prevent state colleges and universities from requiring students and staff to complete “political loyalty” tests as a condition of admission or employ ment. Under the bill, each uni versity would be required to establish an Ofce of Public Policy Events, which would be responsible for organiz ing, publicizing and staging at least four debates or fo rums per year. “Such debates and group forums must include speak ers who represent widely held views on opposing sides of the most widely dis cussed public policy issues of the day and who hold a wide diversity of perspec tives from within and out side of the state university community,” the bill says. But several House Dem ocrats criticized the bill for not dening “widely held views.” Rep. Anna Eskama ni, D-Orlando, argued that leaving the issue open to interpretation could benet some groups over others. “I think it’s hard to dic tate what is a widely held view. That often can take the shape of who is in political power at that time, who is the biggest donor to a uni versity, who’s the biggest donor to the governor. I just am very concerned that we actually are not creating an environment with freedom of speech, because some speech will be preferred over others,” Eskamani said. Supporters of the bill, how ever, argued that it would help protect campus free speech. Rep. Doug Bank son, R-Apopka, called high er-education institutions “a crucible of free thought.” “It is our foundational right to have freedom of speech. This great bill protects those things. It makes sure that all voices can be heard. Be cause truth has its own legs, it can stand on its own when it’s given the chance to be heard,” Bankson said. Rep. Rita Harris, D-Or lando, contended that not all arguments deserve equal airtime. “I’m sorry but Nazism, there is no pro (side), there is no ip-side to the coin,” Harris said. Bill sponsor Spencer Roach, R-North Fort Myers, pushed back on Harris’ ar gument. “I would argue that Na zism is not a widely held idea. But let me ask you this – if a speaker came onto campus advocating that we should reinstitute slavery; that we should exterminate the Jewish population, I would say this, ‘So what?’ And I will quote our 28th president, Woodrow Wil son, when he said, ‘The best way to expose a fool is to allow him to rent out a hall and put forth his ideas to his fellow citizens,” Roach said. The measure also would require that, if a school’s Ofce of Public Policy Events can’t “readily nd an advocate from within the state university community who is well-versed in a per spective,” the ofce would invite a speaker and provide a per-diem and a reimburse ment for travel expenses. Democrats also ques tioned why the measure did not include a cap on how much money could be pro vided to invited speakers. The part of the bill that seeks to prohibit political loyalty tests denes such tests as “compelling, requir ing, or soliciting a person to identify commitment to or to make a statement of personal belief in support of” things such as a specic partisan, political, or ideo logical set of beliefs. Colin Hackley / NSFfile Rep. Spencer Roach, R-North Fort Myers, is sponsoring a bill that would place new requirements on university debates and forums.The measure would put requirements on universities related to debates and other campus forums Fla. Senate backs bathroom bill; drag queens march By DARA KAM News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — A key Senate committee on Tues day approved a scaled-back proposal aimed at requiring transgender men and wom en to use restrooms that line up with their sex assigned at birth, as protesters marched to the Capitol to speak out against bills targeting the LGBTQ community. Florida is among more than two dozen Republi can-led states that are con sidering controversial mea sures seeking to prohibit or limit medical care for transgender people, prevent minors from attending drag shows and impose restric tions on which bathrooms trans people can use. The House last week passed a bill (HB 1521) that would prohibit trans gender people from using the restroom of their choice in restaurants, schools and other places, including pri vate businesses. But the Senate Fiscal Pol icy Committee on Tuesday approved a version of the bill (SB 1674) that would apply restroom restric tions to public and private schools, “public buildings” such as government facili ties and correctional institu tions, including prisons and jails. “There are differences be tween biological men and biological women, and this bill ensures uniformity in the use of restrooms and changing facilities,” Senate sponsor Erin Grall, R-Vero Beach, told the committee. Lawmakers have focused heavily during the annual legislative session on trans gender and LGBTQ-related issues, sparking Tuesday’s march to the Capitol from a nearby park. The House, for example, gave nal approval last week to a bill (SB 1438) that would block venues from admitting children to “adult live performances.” The bill, which is ready to go to Gov. Ron DeSantis, denes “adult live performances” as “any show, exhibition, or other presentation that is performed in front of a live audience and in whole or in part, depicts or simu lates nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, specic sexual activities, … lewd conduct, or the lewd expo sure of prosthetic or imita tion genitals or breasts.” While the bill doesn’t specically mention drag shows, it came after DeSan tis’ administration took steps such as ling a complaint against the Hyatt Regency Miami hotel for hosting a “Drag Queen Christmas” event in December. The measure would pro hibit local governments from issuing public permits for events that could ex pose children to the targeted behavior. The legislation, which would allow state reg ulators to suspend or revoke licenses of operators that violate the law, has already prompted some locales to cancel pride parades. The proposed bathroom restrictions approved by the Senate panel Tuesday would require schools to “establish disciplinary procedures for any student who willful ly enters … a restroom or changing facility designat ed for the opposite sex … and refuses to depart when asked to do so”’ by admin istrators or staff members, including school-safety ofcers. Under the bill, law-enforcement ofcers or security guards also would have the authority to order people to leave bathrooms at colleges and universities. People other than stu dents or instructional staff who violate the restrictions would commit the offense of trespassing. The measure also would allow people to le complaints with the attorney general’s ofce alleging that agencies or schools “failed to meet the minimum requirements for restrooms.” The attorney general’s ofce would have authority to le civil law suits to enforce the restric tions. The bill denes sex as “the classication of a person as either female or male based on the organization of the body of such person for a specic reproductive role, as indicated by the person’s sex chromosomes, natural ly occurring sex hormones, and internal and external genitalia present at birth.” Grall said her bill would allow unisex restrooms, which she said already are in use at some schools and public buildings. But Democrats on the committee and members of the public who spoke against the bill questioned how it would be enforced and said it could endanger trans people. “I’m going to use whatev er bathroom I want, because what are you going to do about it? It’s unenforceable. Are you going to check what’s in my pants? Is there going to be somebody there to check what’s in my pants? No, I am going to use whatever bathroom I want,” Tsi Day Smith, of the group Women’s Voices of South west Florida, said. Cindy Sullivan, a 53-yearold transgender woman from Land O’Lakes, argued that the bill – called the “Safety in Private Spaces Act” – would put her and other trans women at risk. “I would prefer to not have to drop my panties to prove who I am,” Sullivan said, adding that she is identi ed as female on her pass port and driver’s license. “This bill fails to address real safety concerns. Rath er, it purports a witch-hunt against the vulnerable mi nority, which I apologize that I am one of.” But Matthew Woodside, a Brevard County teach er, said the measure would make children safer at schools. “It is our job to protect their dignity, their privacy, and their safety, especially when they are at their most vulnerable state, when their pants are down, and when their shirts are off,” he said. As the committee signed off on Grall’s measure, about 200 drag queens and their allies gathered on the steps of the Old Capitol, decrying the spate of legis lation aimed at the LGBTQ community. “We are going to change hearts and minds. We’re go-ing to hold candidates and politicians to the task. We’re gonna go back to our com munities and ask the ques tions. We’re gonna record them on social media and ood the internet with their statements, to hold them ac countable,” Darcel Stevens, a drag-queen activist who helped organize Tuesday’s rally, told the crowd. Lawmakers also are con sidering a bill that would make it a crime for doctors to use gender-afrming care such as puberty blockers, hormone therapy or surger ies to treat children. The House signed off on its version of the measure last week. Ariel Rimm, a drag per former from West Palm Beach who attended Tues day’s march, said drag “kind of gave me the license to be the person I wanted to be.” “It freed me. It really al lowed me to nd happiness within myself and not nec essarily hate myself for all of the things I had been rid iculed about for my entire life, growing up,” Rimm said. Protesters marched to the Capitol to speak out against bills targeting the LGBTQ community rn n r n n  


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 27, 2023 A7 Money & Markets A click of the wrist gets you more at 3,700 3,800 3,900 4,000 4,100 4,200 A ND JF M 4,040 4,120 4,200 S&P 500Close: 4,055.99Change: -15.64 (-0.4%) 10 DAYS 31,200 32,000 32,800 33,600 34,400 35,200 A ND JF M 33,200 33,660 34,120 Dow Jones industrialsClose: 33,301.87Change: -228.96 (-0.7%) 10 DAYS Advanced 740 Declined 1621New Highs 15 New Lows 83 Vol. (in mil.) 3,590 Pvs. Volume 3,683 4,9894,503 1341 2094 44 364 NYSE NASD DOW 33,645.83 33,235.85 33,301.87 -228.96 -0.68% +0.47% DOW Trans. 13,894.30 13,400.45 13,444.01 -496.00 -3.56% +0.39% DOW Util. 972.76 953.66 954.82 -20.57 -2.11% -1.30% NYSE Comp. 15,363.53 15,201.10 15,228.58 -134.95 -0.88% +0.29% NASDAQ 11,967.99 11,833.07 11,854.35 +55.19 +0.47% +13.26%S&P 500 4,089.67 4,049.35 4,055.99 -15.64 -0.38% +5.64% S&P 400 2,454.90 2,426.31 2,430.17 -21.14 -0.86% -0.01% Wilshire 5000 40,335.59 39,928.64 39,993.13 -164.04 -0.41% +5.04% Russell 2000 1,747.28 1,725.82 1,730.41 -15.54 -0.89% -1.75% HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG %CHG YTD Stocks Recap AT&T Inc T 14.46 r 22.84 17.20 -.31 -1.8 t t t -6.6 -4.5 1.11 Ametek Inc AME 106.17 148.06 133.74 -2.18 -1.6 t t t -4.3 +9.0 27 1.00f Anheuser-Busch InBev BUD 44.51 67.09 66.20 +.55 +0.8 s s t +10.3 +11.6 27 0.82e Bank of America BAC 26.32 38.75 28.44 -.40 -1.4 t t t -14.1 -18.5 9 0.88 Capital City Bank CCBG 24.63 36.86 30.28 +.78 +2.6 s s s -6.8 +17.6 13 0.72f Citigroup C 40.01 54.56 46.86 -1.04 -2.2 t s t +3.6 -0.3 7 2.04 Disney DIS 84.07 126.48 96.61 -1.40 -1.4 t t t +11.2 -15.7 53 ... Duke Energy DUK 83.76 115.83 98.35 -1.39 -1.4 r s s -4.5 -10.0 30 4.00f EPR Properties EPR 33.92 55.97 40.23 -.51 -1.3 s s s +6.7 -21.8 22 3.30 Equity Commonwealth EQC 19.41 23.57 20.52 +.07 +0.3 t s t -1.7 -4.6 79 5.25e Exxon Mobil Corp XOM 79.29 119.63 115.45 -1.07 -0.9 t s s +4.7 +43.1 9 3.64 Ford Motor F 10.61 16.68 11.54 -.23 -2.0 t t t -0.8 -11.7 0.60a Gen Electric GE 46.55 102.01 96.21 -2.23 -2.3 t s s +47.8 +44.6 0.32 HCA Holdings Inc HCA 164.47 294.02 278.07 -3.92 -1.4 t s s +15.9 +37.0 14 2.40f Home Depot HD 264.51 347.25 288.07 -8.26 -2.8 t s t -8.8 +3.1 17 8.36f Intel Corp INTC 24.59 47.27 29.05 +.17 +0.6 t t t +9.9 -33.1 15 0.50m IBM IBM 115.55 153.21 125.85 -.04 ... s t t -10.7 -4.5 72 6.60 LKQ Corporation LKQ 46.20 59.33 56.22 -.33 -0.6 t s t +5.3 +18.0 13 1.10 Lowes Cos LOW 170.12 223.31 200.80 -5.08 -2.5 t s s +0.8 +8.7 17 4.20 Lumen Technologies LUMN 2.06 n 12.54 2.14 -.25 -10.5 t t t -59.0 -73.0 ... McDonalds Corp MCD 228.34 295.00 289.76 -1.75 -0.6 t s s +10.0 +19.5 35 6.08 Microsoft Corp MSFT 213.43 294.18 295.37 +19.95 +7.2 s s s +23.2 +3.8 33 2.72 Motorola Solutions MSI 195.18 294.54 287.69 -1.61 -0.6 t s s +11.6 +31.9 36 3.52 NextEra Energy NEE 67.22 91.35 74.07 -3.75 -4.8 t t t -11.4 +9.2 35 1.87f Piedmont Office RT PDM 6.12 n 17.04 6.17 -.02 -0.3 t t t -32.7 -56.1 5 0.84 Regions Fncl RF 13.94 r 24.33 17.72 -.09 -0.5 t t t -17.8 -10.8 8 0.80 Smucker, JM SJM 119.82 163.07 152.94 -1.40 -0.9 s t t -3.5 +9.5 20 4.08 Texas Instru TXN 144.46 186.30 164.46 -4.93 -2.9 t t t -0.5 +4.3 18 4.96 UniFirst Corp UNF 154.72 205.59 161.77 -2.07 -1.3 t t t -16.2 -1.8 20 1.24f Verizon Comm VZ 32.76 52.18 36.92 -.38 -1.0 t t t -6.3 -23.5 7 2.61 Vodafone Group VOD 9.94 16.88 11.67 +.43 +3.8 s s s +15.3 -26.8 cc 1.06e WalMart Strs WMT 117.27 158.13 150.91 -.66 -0.4 t s s +6.4 -1.2 35 2.28 Walgreen Boots Alli WBA 30.39 45.91 34.81 -.08 -0.2 t s s -6.8 -17.8 7 1.92 52-WK RANGE CLOSE YTD 1YR NAME TICKER LO HI CLOSE CHG %CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN P/E DIV Stocks of Local Interest Dividend Footnotes: a Extra dividends were paid, but are not included. b Annual rate plus stock. c Liquidating dividend. e Amount declared or paid in last 12 months. f Current annual rate, which was increased by most recent dividend announcement. i Sum of dividends paid after stock split, no regular rate. j Sum of dividends paid this year. Most recent dividend was omitted or deferred. k Declared or paid this year, a cumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r Declared or paid in preceding 12 months plus stock dividend. t Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distribution date.PE Footnotes: q Stock is a closed-end fund no P/E ratio shown. cc P/E exceeds 99. dd Loss in last 12 months. British regulators on W ednesday blocked Microsoft’s $69 billion pur chase of the maker of “Call of Duty” and other games . The drugmaker reported disappoint-ing first-quarter revenue. The heating and ventilation compa ny is buying Vi essmann Climate Solutions of Germany for about $12 billion in cash and stock. The airplane maker beat analysts’ first-quarter revenue forecasts and will raise production of its 737 Max jet. The software maker’s first-quarter fi nancial results beat Wa ll Street fore casts . W all Street closed lower again, though a rally for Microsoft and other Big Te ch stocks helped limit the losses. The S&P 500 fell 0.4% W ednes day. The index is coming off its worst day in a month, hurt by concerns about the strength of U.S. banks. 240 260 280 $300 A FM MicrosoftMSFT Close: $295.37 19.95 or 7.2% $213.43 $299.57 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 64.5m (2.1x avg.) $2198.7 b 52-week range PE: Yi eld: 32.0 0.9% 190 200 210 $220 A FM BoeingBA Close: $203.03 0.84 or 0.4% $113.02$221.33 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 9.1m (1.6x avg.) $121.7 b 52-week range PE: Yield: ...... 40 45 $50 A FM Carrier GlobalCARR Close: $40.65 -1.67 or -4.0% $33.10$49.17 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 13.6m (2.7x avg.) $33.9 b 52-week range PE: Yi eld: 13.8 1.8% 20 25 30 $35 A FM Alkermes PLCALKS Close: $28.38 -2.13 or -7.0% $21.75$32.79 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 2.6m (2.0x avg.) $4.7 b 52-week range PE: Yield: ...... 70 80 $90 A FM Activision BlizzardAT VI Close: $76.81 -9.93 or -11.5% $70.94$87.01 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 50.2m (7.4x avg.) $60.2 b 52-week range PE: Yi eld: 40.0 0.6% The yield on the 10-year Trea-sury note rose to 3.45% Wednes-day. Yields af-fect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans. NET 1YR TREASURIES LAST PVS CHG AGO 4.88 3.13 .38 PRIME RATE FED FUNDS 3-month T-bill 5.14 5.12 +0.02 .85 6-month T-bill 5.02 4.98 +0.04 1.40 52-wk T-bill 4.64 4.61 +0.03 1.97 2-year T-note 3.95 3.95 ... 2.54 5-year T-note 3.49 3.43 +0.06 2.79 7-year T-note 3.47 3.42 +0.05 2.80 10-year T-note 3.45 3.40 +0.05 2.77 30-year T-bond 3.71 3.66 +0.05 2.87 NAT'L WK 6MO 1YRCONSUMER RATES AVG AGO AGO AGO 48 month new car loan 6.97 s 6.93 6.76 6.10 Money market account 0.50 s 0.49 0.48 0.24 1 year CD 2.40 s 2.39 2.40 1.80 $30K Home equity loan 8.74 t 9.10 9.20 7.87 30 year xed mortgage 6.82 t 6.93 6.88 7.22 15 year xed mortgage 6.21 t 6.22 6.15 6.44 LAST 6 MO AGO 1 YR AGO Commodities Energy prices closed sharply lower Wednes day: U.S. crude oil and heating oil lost over 3% each and natural gas plunged over 8%. Gold and silver were little changed. Crude Oil (bbl) 74.30 77.07 -3.59 -7.4 Heating Oil (gal) 2.37 2.45 -3.19 -29.4 Natural Gas (mm btu) 2.12 2.31 -8.24 -52.7 Unleaded Gas (gal) 2.55 2.59 -1.51 +3.7 FUELS CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD Gold (oz) 1,985.70 1,994.00 -0.42 +9.1 Silver (oz) 24.87 24.88 -0.02 +4.2 Platinum (oz) 1,097.10 1,089.30 +0.72 +2.2 Copper (lb) 3.85 3.85 +0.10 +1.2 Aluminum (ton) 2,318.50 2,329.25 -0.46 -3.8 Palladium (oz) 1,505.10 1,477.60 +1.86 -15.9 METALS CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD Cattle (lb) 1.75 1.74 +0.13 +12.7 Coffee (lb) 1.92 1.88 +1.70 +14.5 Corn (bu) 6.42 6.47 -0.77 -5.5 Cotton (lb) 0.77 0.77 -0.64 -8.2 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 349.00 362.70 -4.05 -6.6 Orange Juice (lb) 2.76 2.86 -3.49 +33.9 Soybeans (bu) 14.36 14.45 -0.64 -5.5 Wheat (bu) 6.27 6.39 -1.80 -20.8 AGRICULTURE CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD American Funds AmrcnBalA m 29.38 -.13 +2.5 -1.5 +7.1 +6.2 CptWldGrIncA m 54.37 -.17 +5.8 +3.1 +11.0 +5.1 CptlIncBldrA m 64.33 -.31 +2.8 +0.7 +9.0 +4.9 FdmtlInvsA m 63.22 -.24 +5.2 +0.8 +12.7 +8.0 GrfAmrcA m 53.86 -.07 +8.8 -4.7 +9.3 +8.0 IncAmrcA m 22.73 -.14 +1.2 -1.2 +10.0 +6.0 InvCAmrcA m 43.52 -.11 +5.9 +1.9 +13.1 +8.3 NwPrspctvA m 51.53 -.19 +8.9 +0.3 +12.5 +8.6 WAMtInvsA m 52.14 -.36 +0.7 -0.9 +14.2 +9.1 Dodge & Cox IncI 12.51 -.05 +3.5 -0.2 -0.7 +2.1 StkI 213.59 -2.18 +0.1 -2.2 +19.2 +8.7 Fidelity 500IdxInsPrm 140.82 -.54 +6.2 -1.2 +14.5 +10.7 Contrafund 13.28 +.02 +11.4 -0.4 +10.9 +9.9 TtlMktIdxInsPrm 111.55 -.45 +5.5 -2.4 +14.1 +9.7 USBdIdxInsPrm 10.46 -.04 +3.7 -1.4 -3.3 +1.2 Schwab SP500Idx 62.63 ... +6.6 -3.6 +14.6 +11.0 Vanguard 500IdxAdmrl 374.44 -1.45 +6.2 -1.2 +14.4 +10.6 DivGrInv 35.22 -.33 +0.1 +0.2 +14.5 +11.6 EqIncAdmrl 82.08 -1.01 -2.4 -0.6 +14.9 +8.8 GrIdxAdmrl 125.72 +.63 +14.8 -2.6 +12.4 +12.3 InTrTEAdmrl 13.57 +.01 +2.5 +3.3 +0.9 +2.3 MdCpIdxAdmrl 253.32 -2.34 +0.7 -6.3 +13.6 +7.4 PrmCpAdmrl 137.56 -.78 +5.1 +1.7 +14.4 +9.4 SmCpIdxAdmrl 87.59 -.73 0.0 -5.8 +15.2 +5.7 TrgtRtr2025Fd 17.50 -.04 +5.2 -1.9 +6.4 +4.8 TrgtRtr2030Fd 32.99 -.09 +5.5 -2.1 +7.6 +5.2 TrgtRtr2035Fd 20.39 -.05 +5.6 -2.2 +8.8 +5.6 TrgtRtr2040Fd 35.89 -.09 +5.8 -2.2 +10.1 +6.0 TrgtRtr2045Fd 24.13 -.06 +6.0 -2.3 +11.3 +6.5 TrgtRtr2050Fd 40.01 -.10 +6.1 -2.2 +11.4 +6.5 TtBMIdxAdmrl 9.74 -.04 +3.7 -1.5 -3.2 +1.2 TtInSIdxAdmrl 29.77 +.01 +7.1 +1.1 +11.2 +2.5 TtInSIdxInv 17.79 ... +7.0 +1.0 +11.1 +2.5 TtlSMIdxAdmrl 97.74 -.40 +5.4 -2.4 +14.1 +9.7 WlngtnAdmrl 68.30 -.16 +3.5 +0.5 +8.4 +7.0 TOTAL RETURNFAMILY FUND NAV CHG YTD 1YR 3YR* 5YR* Mutual Funds *– Annualized; d Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. m Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. x fund paid a distribution during the week. Interest rates (Previous and change gures reect current contract.)Wall Street: First Republic falls more, tech rallies By STAN CHOE Associated Press NEW YORK — Wall Street fell again Wednes day, though a rally for Mi crosoft and some other Big Tech stocks helped to limit the losses. The S&P 500 dropped 15.64 points, or 0.4 per cent, to 4,055.99. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 228.96, or 0.7 percent, to 33,301.87, while the Nasdaq composite led the market with a gain of 55.19, or 0.5 percent, to 11,854.35. Wall Street was coming off its worst day in a month, hurt by concerns about the strength of U.S. banks. The spotlight has been harsh est on First Republic Bank, which lost another 29.8 percent after nearly halv ing the day before. That’s when it gave details about how many customers bolted amid last month’s turmoil in the industry. The worry is that it and other smaller and mid-sized banks could suffer debilitating runs of depos its from customers, similar to the ones that caused last month’s failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. Even without more shutdowns, the industry’s struggles could cause a pull back in lending by banks that saps the economy. PacWest Bancorp., another bank that’s been in inves tors’ spotlight, rose 7.5 per cent after reporting stronger results than expected and saying that its deposits have grown since late March. That may offer optimism that First Republic’s strug gles could be specic to it self, rather than a symptom of deeper issues with the system. Also dropping sharply Wednesday was Enphase Energy, which fell 25.7 per cent despite reporting stron ger prot and revenue for the latest quarter than fore cast. Analysts pointed to its revenue forecast for the cur rent quarter, which fell short of some expectations. The majority of companies have been topping expec tations so far this reporting season, but the low bar set for them has many inves tors paying more attention to what CEOs say about up coming trends than results for the past three months. Activision Blizzard, mean while, tumbled 11.4 per cent after U.K. regulators blocked its takeover by Mi crosoft on concerns it would hurt competition in the cloud gaming market. While the majority of stocks fell, gains for Micro soft and other Big Tech com panies prevented a sharper slide for the market. Microsoft rose 7.2 percent after reporting stronger prof it for the rst three months of the year than analysts expected. It carries a huge weight on the S&P 500 be cause it’s the second-largest stock in the index. Tech stocks have broadly been some of the year’s best performers so far as they’ve laid off workers and made other cost cuts to improve their protability. Hopes for a coming pause from the Federal Reserve on its bar rage of hikes to interest rates have also helped them in particular. Google’s parent company, Alphabet, also turned a big ger prot than expected. But its stock slipped 0.2 percent after drifting between gains and losses through the day. It reported its rst back-to-back drops in advertising revenue from a year earlier since it became a publicly traded company in 2004. More Big Tech compa nies are scheduled to follow with their own reports soon. Facebook’s parent compa ny, Meta Platforms, rose 0.9 percent ahead of its report. It jumped in afterhours trading after it said it earned more than expected. Chipotle Mexican Grill rose 12.9 percent for the big gest gain in the S&P 500 af ter reporting stronger prot than expected. It was one of a few companies that raised hopes consumer spending could remain resilient de spite a slowing economy. That’s key because it makes up the bulk of the U.S. econ omy. Stocks have been mostly listless in recent weeks, as Wall Street struggles with several questions. With few answers imminent, Mark Haefele, UBS Global Wealth Management’s chief invest ment ofcer, expects stocks to stay stuck in a range. Not only are investors wor ried about the possibility of a recession this year, he said stocks also look relatively expensive. That means “the scope for upside appears limited, in our view,” he said. Scott Wren, senior global market strategist at Wells Fargo Investment Institute, sees the S&P 500 largely remaining within a range of 3,700 to 4,200 this year. It’s within the top half of that range, and he said he’s not looking to “chase this equity rally.” All banks are contending with much higher interest rates, which have own higher over the past year to tighten the screws on the economy and nancial mar kets. The Federal Reserve has hiked its key overnight in terest rate to its highest lev el since 2007. It’s trying to rein in high ination, but its main tool to do so is a no toriously blunt one. High rates slow the entire econ omy and hurt prices for in vestments. That has many investors and economists preparing for a possible recession. Be sides the cracks in the bank ing system, high rates have already slowed the housing, manufacturing and other industries. The job market, meanwhile, remains rela tively solid. 2GuysShows rn LIKEANDFOLLOW2GUYSSHOWSON Forinformation,callGuyLemakosat rnn nn  n   ­­€‚ƒƒ„ April29th&April30th,2023 r nrnrnnnn   ­€ ­ ‚ 


A8 Thursday, April 27, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle O n the evening news, we routinely see the devastation resulting from oods, res, storms, tornadoes, and more. We hope that those bedrag-gled folks on the news will soon get their lives back, and we’re always grateful that the disaster-of-the-day didn’t happen here, to us. But it could.Think about it. One risk-assessment website notes that in 20 years, Citrus County has declared 26 emergencies. Most of these events have occurred during hurricane season – which is right around the corner, starting in June and running through Novem ber – but some have not. For example, wildre risk is high and Citrus County currently has a burn ban in effect. On the other end of the spectrum, torrential rains swelled rivers be yond their banks in some months, and ooded roads and homes. During storm season, Citrus County has experienced power outag es, gas shortages, fallen trees and impassable roads, in addition to ooding and tornado threats. Remember last year’s major Hurricane Ian that savaged southwest and parts of central Florida? And Hurricane Nicole that left so many homeless on the east side of our state? Our county ofcials braced for the worst when it looked as though we might not be spared, then sighed with re-lief that we dodged disaster again. The point is, stuff hap pens. It could happen here, to us. Everyone would do well to use these calm days and weeks to make plans for when things are highly challenging. You’ve probably started seeing notices about put ting together your hurri cane season emergency kits. Please take them seriously. We’d bet that not nearly enough of our 158,000 residents have giv en hard thought to emer gency kits. It’s far more than buy ing a little plastic box of bandages at the drugstore. For a real emergency kit, think about what you’d need to exist for a week on your own. Assume you’ll have no utilities (electric ity was out for a week for many during Irma). What would you need for shel ter, food, water, hygiene, clothing, rst-aid items, medicines and so on? What would everyone else in your household need, including the animals? Do you have sufcient fuel for the car or generator? As you go through your day, think through how you’d do things without all the conveniences we current ly take for granted. And don’t count on responders and retail outlets to spring back into service while the emergency is ongoing. Sound like a big task? Fortunately, there are y ers, information sheets and lists available for guidance, in addition to a number of helpful websites. If you’ve lived in Citrus County for a time, you can help the newcomers understand what’s needed, and maybe work together to develop your emergency plans. Planning and preparing are always smart. Avoid the last-minute panic of re alizing you’re not ready. If you don’t need to activate the plan this year, great. But to borrow a phrase, just do it. T he tax code has become so convoluted and the ramications of erring so onerous that tax preparers have become almost a priestly class of interces-sors between the IRS and taxpay-ers. And yet, most of us are simply report numbers that the IRS al-ready has. Filing our taxes is less about reporting our incomes than providing the IRS free secretarial support. This cesspool of confusion delivers a cornuco-pia of benets to lawyers, tax accountants, favored industries, lobbyists and politicians. In part, the tax code is a makework program. Congress digs legal holes, and we pay lawyers and accountants to ll them in again. Favored industries and lobbyists benet more subtly. The more intricate the tax code, the easier it is for politicians to hand out favors without attract-ing attention. Industries pay lob-byists to encourage politicians to create special tax favors, and politicians receive political and nancial support from the indus-tries. This symbiotic relationship thrives in an environment of complexity. Complexity benets the politicians both coming and going. Politicians decry the complexity and vow to close tax “loopholes” while counting on voters not to notice that those same politicians created the loopholes in the rst place. Politicians pledge to tax corporations while counting on voters not to notice that every tax on a corporation gets passed on to voters in one form or anoth-er. Politicians vow to make the rich pay their fair share while counting on voters not to notice that the richest 10 percent of taxpayers already pay almost 75 percent of all federal income taxes. History suggests simplifying what’s known informally as “Hauser’s Law.” For the past 70 years, it hasn’t mattered whether Congress taxed the rich or the poor, whether it taxed corpo-rations or individuals, whether it taxed capital gains or wages, whether it taxed a lot or a little. The result has always been the same: the federal government has collected around 18 percent (plus or minus 2 percent) of the economy in tax revenue. If 18 percent is the answer, regardless of the simplicity or complexity, let’s opt for sim-plicity and tax all income at 18 percent – no deductions, no exemptions, no credits, no caps, no different treatments for wages and capital gains. The problem is that taxpayers want simpli-cation, except for their favorite carve-outs. Homeowners want to deduct mortgage interest. Retirees want capital gains taxed differently from wages. The chronically ill want medical deductions. The poor want to be taxed at lower rates than every-one else. Replacing the federal income tax with a national sales tax would make the tax code simpler and more transparent. When we grow angry about “the rich,” we picture people living a high life off passive income. We don’t picture hard-working middle-class people who have amassed wealth through frugal living. An income tax hits the industrious. A consumption tax hits the spendthrifts. The major hurdle is that a national sales tax would require a constitutional amendment. And, if we didn’t simultaneously repeal the 16th Amendment, which established the income tax, we’d end up with both a national sales tax and an income tax. A simplied tax system would save taxpayers time and money and would reduce opportunities for the powerful to co-opt the tax code to their benet. Businesses would focus more on innovation instead of on co-opting the tax code. Entrepreneurs would focus more on attracting consum-ers than attracting politicians. Politicians would focus more on satisfying constituents than satisfying lobbyists. Lobbyists would nd less demand for their services, and the many smart people who serve as tax law-yers and tax accountants would re-direct their efforts to creating value rather than counteracting problems Congress creates for the rest of us. Antony Davies is associate professor of economics at Duquesne University and co-host of the weekly podcast Words & Numbers. He wrote this for InsideSources. O How much longer must we endure? How much longer must we endure the two-lane section of Highway 491 in Lecanto, and the do-nothing commissioners? It seems every time I read a story in the Chronicle regarding what the commissioners are trying to accomplish here in the county, it’s always about growth. They want to expand housing, and commercial business. They keep talking about the fast growth of Lecanto. Yet they are doing noth ing to resolve the traffic conges tion at the fast-growing intersec tion of Highways 486 and 491. They keep approving building permits for new businesses, yet our roads can’t handle the ones we currently have. I read a while back that they were “Fast Track ing” the widening of the road. Recently, County Commis sioner Rebecca Bays said the Parkway timeline has been fast-tracked for completion. “This can be a great opportuni ty for Citrus County if we plan properly, and I feel that this com mission and administration are working hard to get ahead of the curve,” Bays said. Merriam Webster’s definition of Fast-Track: Verb: To speed up the process ing, production, or construction of in order to meet a goal. County Commissioner Rebecca Bays in February met with Flor ida Department of Transporta tion (FDOT) officials to discuss traffic concerns generated from growth outside Citrus County. “As Citrus County grows, pop ulation increases and puts a bur den on existing roads.” It seems all that is being done is, talking about it. The next section of the Parkway between SR 44 and Highway.486 has begun and is planned to be completed in three years. I’m not a betting individual, but if I were, I would wager that the Parkway will be completed well before the coun ty gets a good start on the 491 widening project. Perhaps the next group of commissioners can get it done. Chuck Rizor Beverly Hills Don’t let money change the county Over the past few years Citrus County has been experiencing rapid, high-density growth in pop ulation, and this is beginning to have an impact on the environment and local communities. We are witnessing zoning changes in agri culture, rural and commercial zon ing in order to allow for massive growth in Citrus County. This will lead to many issues that Tampa, Sarasota, and several other coastal cities are presently dealing with. Many areas in the county are being rezoned to allow high-densi ty housing such as the apartments in Crystal River and Homosassa. If we continue with building high-density housing, we will no longer be able to call this county the Nature Coast! At this time, Citrus County is experiencing a drought and this could go on for some time. Droughts are inevitable anywhere in the world. Mark my words, “we will experience devastating fresh water shortages if the county does not address this issue.” Tampa is looking to build desalination plants to produce fresh water. Are we ready to do the same? What will this desalination plant cost the taxpayer? The existing sewer treatment sys tem is nearing its maximum with the current population especially during the winter months, when people from the cold climates come to Citrus County. Every household uses a toilet and as a result produces human waste along with solid waste that is taken to our reclamation center. As the population increases, we will see our wildlife paying the price. We will see red tide as in Tampa, fish kills and possible reduction in the manatee population. Contrary to the notion that “affordable housing” reduces the cost of living, the increase in population will raise property taxes and increase the overall cost of living in Citrus County. Tampa has all kinds of housing and the cost of living there is much higher than the towns and cities in Citrus County. The coun ty leaders must take into consid eration the environmental impact that extensive growth will have on our county. Doubling the cur rent population of 160,000 would decimate the Nature Coast. We cannot allow money to be the decision-maker for what is best for our community. Robert Finkelsen HomosassaTax code – a playground for the few LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OPINIONS INVITED Q Viewpoints depicted in politi cal cartoons, columns or let ters do not necessarily repre sent the opinion of the editorial board. THE CHRONICLE invites you to call “Sound Off” with your opinions about local subjects. You do not need to leave your name, and have less than a minute to record. COMMENTS will be edited for length, libel, personal or political attacks and good taste. Editors will cut libelous material. OPINIONS expressed are purely those of the callers. CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE EDITORIAL CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE Founded by Albert M. Williamson “You may differ with my choice, but not my right to choose.” — David S. Arthurs publisher emeritus EDITORIAL BOARD Trina Murphy .................................................... publisher Jim Gouvellis ......................................................... editor Tiarra Alexander .................................. citizen member Curt Ebitz .............................................. citizen member Mac Harris ............................................. citizen member Rebecca Martin ................................... citizen member Don Hiers ............................................... citizen member Roger B. Krieger .................................. citizen member Trish Thomas ......................................... citizen member The opinions expressed in Chronicle editorials are the opinions of the newspaper’s editorial board. Gerard “Gerry” Mulligan publisher emeritusNot too early to prepare for hurricane season Varying VoicesAntony Davies Our Viewpoint THE ISSUE: Hurricane season starts next monthOUR OPINION: We all need to prepare for disasters, and for all household members More Information Here are some sources for infor mation to help you prepare for disasters, and to monitor ongoing weather events. Q Citrus County Sheriff’s Office – to sign up for Alert Citrus and to access other local Emergency Management information, includ ing Citrus County evacuation zones: Q Excellent guides and informa tion to prepare for any disaster: Q National Weather Service: Q National Hurricane Center: Q FEMA: https://community. – get the FEMA phone app for mobile alertsCheck your FEMA flood zone sta tus: Q https://www.propertyshark. com/mason/fl/Citrus-County/Maps/Fema-Flood-Hazard-Areas Q understanding-my-flood-zone


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 27, 2023 A9N & W CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLEBiden, Yoon warn N. Korea on nukes, unveil deterrence plan By AAMER MADHANI, COLLEEN LONG and ZEKE MILLER Associated Press WASHINGTON — Pres ident Joe Biden and South Korea’s Yoon Suk Yeol un veiled a new plan Wednes day to counter North Ko rea’s nuclear threat, with the U.S. leader issuing a blunt warning that such an attack would “result in the end of whatever regime” took such action. The new nuclear deter rence effort calls for pe riodically docking U.S. nuclear-armed submarines in South Korea for the rst time in decades, bolstering training between the two countries, and more. The declaration was unveiled as Biden hosted Yoon for a state visit at a moment of heightened anxiety over an increased pace of ballistic missile tests by North Ko rea. “A nuclear attack by North Korea against the United States or its allies and part ners is unacceptable, and will result in the end of whatever regime were to take such an action,” Biden said during afternoon Rose Garden news conference with Yoon. Yoon said that the new commitment by the “righ teous alliance” includes plans for bilateral presi dential consultations in the event of a North Korean nu clear attack, the establish ment of a nuclear consul tative group and improved sharing of information on nuclear and strategic weap ons operation plans. “Sustainable peace on the Korean Peninsula does not happen automatically,” Yoon said. He added, “Our two countries have agreed to immediate bilateral pres idential consultations in the event of North Korea’s nu clear attack and promised to respond swiftly, over whelmingly and decisively using the full force of the al liance, including the United States’ nuclear weapons.” Biden and Yoon aides have been working on details of the plan for months and agreed that “occasional” and “very clear demonstra tions of the strength” of U.S. extended deterrence capabilities needed to be an essential aspect of the agreement, according to three senior Biden adminis tration ofcials who briefed reporters ahead of the an nouncement. The ofcials said the socalled Washington Declara tion was designed to allay South Korean fears over the North’s aggressive nucle ar weapons program and to keep the country from restarting its own nuclear program, which it gave up nearly 50 years ago when it signed the Nuclear Non-Pro liferation Treaty. Yoon earlier this year said his country was weighing developing its own nuclear weapons or asking the U.S. to redeploy them on the Korean Peninsula. The U.S. and South Korea also would coordinate more deeply on nuclear response strategy in the event of the North attacking the South – but operational control of such weapons would remain in U.S. control, and no nu clear weapons are being de ployed onto South Korean shores. “We are not going to be stationing nuclear weapons on the peninsula,” Biden underscored. Sean D. Elliot / The Day The United States Navy’s nuclear-powered attack submarine USS Vermont is christened at Electric Boat in Groton, Conn., Oct. 20, 2018. President Joe Biden and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol are set to sign an agreement including plans to have U.S. nuclear-armed submarines dock in South Korea for the first time in more than 40 years.Ukraine’s Zelenskyy upbeat after talk with China’s leader Xi By DAVID RISING and JOE MCDONALD Associated Press KYIV, Ukraine — Ukrainian President Volo dymyr Zelenskyy said he and Chinese leader Xi Jin ping had a “long and mean ingful” phone call Wednes day, their rst known contact since Russia invad ed Ukraine over a year ago, and Beijing appointed an envoy to pursue a “political settlement.” The hour-long call came two months after Bei jing, which has long been aligned with Russia, said it wanted to act as a mediator and a month after Xi visit ed Moscow. The call also coincided with indications that Ukraine is readying its forces for a spring counter offensive. Zelenskyy was upbeat about the conversation, which offered him the chance to insert his views into what had been a bilat eral dialogue between Mos cow and Beijing. Russian President Vladimir Putin is eager to keep Xi close as a counterweight to the United States, which has sided with Ukraine. “I believe that this call, as well as the appointment of Ukraine’s ambassador to China, will give a powerful impetus to the development of our bilateral relations,” Zelenskyy said on Face book. An ofcial readout on his website called the conversa tion “productive” and said it leads the way toward “pos sible interaction with the aim of establishing a just and sustainable peace for Ukraine.” Zelenskyy emphasized the need to regain all Ukrainian lands and stated, “There can be no peace at the expense of territorial compromises.” In an indirect reference to U.S. reports that China had considered supplying weap ons to Russia for its war, Zelenskyy’s ofce said he asked countries to refrain from doing so because “any support – even partial – is converted by Russia into the continuation of its ag gression, into its further re jection of peace.” China has said it won’t supply weap ons to either side in the con ict. The Chinese Foreign Min istry said Beijing’s “core stance is to facilitate talks for peace,” announcing that an envoy – a former am bassador to Russia – would visit Ukraine to seek a “po litical settlement.” The ministry’s statement struck a positive tone, giving a nod to Kyiv’s insistence that its territory cannot be broken up by Russia’s an nexations and making clear that Beijing values its long standing ties with Ukraine. “Mutual respect for sover eignty and territorial integri ty is the political foundation of China-Ukraine rela tions,” the statement said. “China’s readiness to devel op relations with Ukraine is consistent and clear-cut. No matter how the internation al situation evolves, China will work with Ukraine to advance mutually benecial cooperation.” LIBKOS / AP Ukrainian soldiers and volunteers try to load horses into a truck to evacuate them from an abandoned horse farm in war-hit Avdiivka, Donetsk region, Ukraine, on Tuesday.Writer tells jury in New York lawsuit trial: ‘Donald Trump raped me’ By JENNIFER PELTZ and MICHAEL R. SISAK Associated Press NEW YORK — At rst, she thought helping Donald Trump shop for a women’s lingerie gift at a luxury de partment store would sim ply be “a funny New York thing.” Even when, according to E. Jean Carroll, the then-businessman motioned her to a dressing room as they dared each other to try on a see-through body suit, she imagined some thing like a “Saturday Night Live” sketch she’d written. But soon, “my whole rea son for being alive in that moment was to get out of that room,” Carroll testied Wednesday in the trial of her rape lawsuit. “I’m here because Donald Trump raped me, and when I wrote about it, he said it didn’t happen. He lied and shattered my reputation, and I’m here to try and get my life back,” Carroll told jurors. As she took the stand to describe the alleged 1996 attack, Trump, from afar, repeated his insistence that Carroll’s claim is utter c tion. He wrote on his social media site that the case “is a made-up scam,” and more. “This is a fraudulent & false story – Witch Hunt!” Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform. His com ments prompted the judge to warn Trump’s lawyers that he could bring more le gal problems upon himself. Trump hasn’t attended the trial thus far, but his lawyers said Tuesday he still could decide to testify. The trial comes as Trump again seeks the Republican nomination for president, and weeks after he plead ed not guilty to unrelated criminal charges that involve payments made to silence a porn actor who said she had a sexual encounter with him. Carroll, 79, testied that she crossed paths with Trump at the revolving door to Bergdorf Goodman on an unspecied Thursday evening in spring 1996. At the time, she was writing a long-running advice col umn in Elle magazine, hav ing also written for “SNL.” Trump was a real estate magnate and social gure in New York. She said he asked her ad vice about selecting a gift for a woman, and she was delighted to oblige. As an advice columnist, to have Trump ask for gift guidance “was a wonderful prospect,” and Carroll gured she would end up with a funny story, she said. She testied that she sug gested a hat, but he piv oted to lingerie, and soon they were bantering about the bodysuit. Amused and irting with him, she went along, laughing even as he closed the door to the dress ing room, perhaps even as he pushed her against a wall. But then, she alleges, Trump stamped his mouth onto hers, yanked down her tights and shoved his hand and then his penis inside her while she struggled against him. She said she nally kneed him off her, ed and, for years, blamed herself. “I always think back to why I walked in there to get myself in that situation,” she said, her voice breaking. Carroll said that for de cades, she told no one except two friends because she was afraid Trump would retali ate, because she “thought it was my fault” and because she thought many people blame rape victims for what happened to them.House GOP passes U.S. debt bill, push Biden on spending By LISA MASCARO and KEVIN FREKING Associated Press WASHINGTON — House Republicans nar rowly passed sweeping legislation Wednesday that would raise the govern ment’s legal debt ceiling by $1.5 trillion in exchange for steep spending restric tions, a tactical victory for Speaker Kevin McCarthy as he challenges President Joe Biden to negotiate and prevent a catastrophic fed eral default this summer. Biden has threatened to veto the Republican pack age, which has almost no chance of passing the Democratic Senate any way, and the president has so far refused to negotiate over the debt ceiling which the White House insists must be lifted with no strings to ensure America pays its bills. But McCarthy’s ability to swiftly unite his slim ma jority and bring the measure to passage over opposition from Democrats and even holdouts in his own party gives currency to the Re publican speaker’s strategy to use the vote as an open ing bid forcing Biden into talks. The two men could hardly be further apart on how to resolve the issue. The bill passed by a ra zor-thin 217-215 margin. “We’ve done our job,” McCarthy said at the U.S. Capitol after the vote. “The president can no longer ignore by not nego tiating,” he said. ”Now he should sit down and nego tiate.” As the House debated the measure, Biden on Wednesday indicated he was willing to open the door to talks with McCar thy, but not on preventing a rst-ever U.S. default that would shake America’s economy and beyond. “Happy to meet with Mc Carthy, but not on whether or not the debt limit gets extended,” Biden said. “That’s not negotiable.” Passage of the sprawl ing 320-page package in the House is only the start of what is expected to be come a weekslong political slog as the president and Congress try to work out a compromise that would al low the nation’s debt, now at $31 trillion, to be lifted to allow further borrowing and stave off a scal crisis. The nation has never defaulted on its debt, and the House Republican ma jority hopes to maneuver Biden into a corner with its plan to roll back federal spending to scal 2022 lev els and cap future spending increases at 1 percent over the next decade, among other changes.Supreme Court on ethics issues: Not broken, no fix needed By JESSICA GRESKO Associated Press WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court is speaking with one voice in response to recent criticism of the justices’ ethical practices: No need to x what isn’t broken. The justices’ response on Tuesday struck some critics and ethics experts as tone deaf at a time of heightened attention on the justices’ travel and pri vate business transactions. That comes against the backdrop of a historic dip in public approval as mea sured by opinion polls. Deeply divided on some of the most contentious is sues of the day – including abortion, gun rights and the place of religion in public life — the court’s six con servatives and three liberals seem united on this particu lar principle: on ethics they will set their own rules and police themselves. Charles Geyh, an Indiana University law professor and legal ethics expert, said everything the justices detailed Tuesday evening about ethics was essential ly outlined in Chief Jus tice John Roberts’ annual year-end report from 2011, more than a decade ago. “They’re basically saying ... What we’ve been doing is just ne. Let’s just re-say it for those of you at the back...That just strikes me as, you know, pretty emp ty,” Geyh said. The most recent stories about the questionable ethics practices of justices began earlier this month. First came a ProPublica investigation that revealed that Thomas has for more than two decades accept ed luxury trips nearly ev ery year from Republican megadonor Harlan Crow without reporting them on nancial disclosure forms. Thomas responded by is suing a statement saying that he was not required to disclose the trips.Three teens arrested after Colorado driver killed by thrown rockGOLDEN, Colo. (AP) — Three teenagers have been arrested on rst-degree mur der charges in connection to the death of a 20-year-old Colorado woman, who was struck by a rock that inves tigators say was thrown through her windshield while she was driving. Alexa Bartell, of Arvada, was talking on the phone with a friend when she was hit by the rock northwest of Denver on April 19. After the call went silent, the friend tracked Bar tell’s location with a phone app and found the woman dead in her car, which had crashed into a eld, said Karlyn Tilley, a spokesper son for the Jefferson Coun ty Sheriff’s Ofce. Bartell was killed by the rock and not the crash, according to Tilley. Joseph Koenig, Nicho las “Mitch” Karol-Chik and Zachary Kwak, all 18, were arrested at their homes in Arvada, Colora do, overnight Tuesday and Wednesday. Online jail records did not indicate if they have attorneys who can speak on their behalf. Investigators believe the attack is linked to several other similar incidents in which rocks between 4 and 6 inches in diameter and weighing 3 to 5 pounds were thrown at cars in the area the night of Bartell’s death. The attacks started just after 10 p.m. and involved at least seven vehicles. In addition to Bartell’s death, two drivers suffered minor injuries.


A10 Thursday, April 27, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle r rnrn ( 2 ) (WESH) n n   ­r €‚ƒƒn„…† ‡ (3) (WEDU) nˆƒ‰Š  n‚‹Œ ‹ƒŽƒŒ‹‹‡Š Œ‹‰‡ ‰Œƒ‡‰‘ ŠŒƒ‰’ŒƒŒ“ ”’ ƒ (5) (WUFT) •• Žn‹ƒ‚‹‚‹ ‰ˆƒn‰ˆƒ‹ƒƒ ƒŒŒ“n‚‹ (8) (WFLA) n n“ ‡‡ Œn‰–“Œn“ ‡‡ Œ‡ŒƒŒ ‰‡ˆ‡Œ‡‰–“Œ €‚ƒƒ  €‚ƒƒ r €‚ƒƒ n“ ­‡‡n‡‰–“Œ “ (9) (WFTV) n  Œ’ˆ nŽƒ„’ ƒ—Ž“‘†ƒŒ‹‡†ƒ ‘Œ ­€r ‚ƒ‚ „  (10) (WTSP) n  ˆ’  n˜‡‰‡–Ž“‘†ƒŒ‹‡„’ ƒ—‹‡–“‡“Œ’… “ Œ Œ Œ Œ“…†‡ ˆ’  nn™ƒŒ (13) (WTVT) †‚š †‚š†‚š›œŒ˜n“‘ˆ‰ Šˆ‡‰ˆ n‡Œƒn ž Œ†‚š†‚š†‚š†‚š (20) (WCJB) n Žƒ‡‰…†ƒ ‘Œ† ‚ƒ‚‹ „ Œ (22) (WCLF) n“ƒ‰Œ‰ ‡ƒ‰– †Š‹ƒ Œ ”‡‰‡–‰Œ“Œ˜ ‡‡ƒŽˆnˆˆ†“‰ƒ‰Š“ƒ  (24) (WYKE) n ƒ ‡‘ƒˆ„‰“ƒ Œ ”‡‰‡–‰Œ“‚‡‡‚‡ ‰‘ ‡nˆˆž‡n ‹ƒ‰–ƒ Œ (28) (WFTS) n Žƒ‡‰…†ƒ ‘Œ† ‚ƒ‚‹ „ (32) (WMOR) “‡“‡‰– ‡–‰– ‡–ˆˆ Œ ‡ Œ ‡‰–“™ƒ‰–“™ƒ‰– ‡–“‡ (38) (WTTA) œŒƒ † ˆ†‹† ˆ†‹n“ ‡‡Œ‰Š‰  ˆ’  Œ‰‡n“‰Š –†† (40) (WACX)  ‰ƒ–…“n‹™ ‰ƒ–…Žƒˆ’ ŠŒ ‰ƒ–… Œƒ™„‘‘ƒ ‰ƒ–…n…ƒ† ‰Œ“ƒ‰‡Š (44) (WTOG) nŽŸŸŸ ˆƒ‰Š ‡‹‰‘ ˆƒ‰Š ‡‹‰‘  ‡  ‘‡  ‡  ‘‡ Ž ”ƒ­ €€ Œ‡‡r † ˆ’   Œ‡nŽŸŸ €‚ƒƒ …Œ ˆ­ (50) (WVEA) ••• Œ‰Š‰ Œ‰Š‰ƒ ŽŒ‘ƒ‡ ‡‹Œƒ ˆƒ‰‡˜‡Š‰™n ™Œ‰Š‰ nŒ‰Š‰ƒ (51) (WOGX) †‚š †œ•– Œ‰– ‡–‰– ‡–œŒ˜n“‘‡‰ˆ ž Œ†‚š••n ­ (66) (WXPX) ‚ n“‰Š –…… n“‰Š –……r…n“‰Š –……‹‰…n“‰Š –……­n“‰Š –’ ‡n“‰Š –……Š (A&E) •ŸŸ•Ÿ “†‰ƒŒŸ“†‰ƒŒŸ“†‰ƒŒŸ“†‰ƒŒŸn‰Œn‡‘‰‡Œ‰ ƒn“†‰ƒŒŸ (ACCN) ƒƒnnn– ™ ‹“„nnnnnnnn (AMC) ••Ÿ•• nƒƒ<+++ˆ™Œ‡‰”•–—–„ < + ++Œ“ Ž ’‡‰˜™­…—…­­—…€„ < + ++Œ“ Ž ’‡‰˜”…€„ (ANI) ••• Œ‰‘†Œ“Œ‰‘Œ‰‘•Œ‡r€­“Œ‰‘“Œ‰‘“Œ‰‘ (BET)  ‡ ‡ ‡  ‡ ‡ ‡† ˆ‰Œ“¡‹‡¢‡ ƒŒ‰‡ ƒŒ‰‡ (BIGTEN) Ÿ ‚“‰Œ Œ†Œ™ ‰‡‡’Œƒ“Œƒ‡‰–‡““ (BRAVO) •Ÿ••Ÿ ’n“‘’­•’n“‘’n“‘’š  ’n“‘Ž ŒŠ“Ž“ ŒnŠ ” n’n“‘ (BSFL) ••nƒ“ ’“‰‡ ™ Œ– ˆ ƒ‰‡ƒ‘ŠŒŽƒ”ƒ‹ƒ (CC) “‚‘‘‰Šn“‚‘‘‰Šƒ“‚‘‘‰Šn“‚‘‘‰Š‚ƒ“‚‘‘‰Šnn“‚‘‘‰Š“‚‘‘‰Š“‚ ‘‘‰Š“‚‘‘‰Š ‰“ ” ‘‰‡  (CMT) Ÿ•  Œ ‡ Œ ‡ Œ ‡ Œ ‡ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ (CNN) ŸŸ ‰Œ‹ Œ‰‡ˆ……‚‹Œ†ƒ‡Œn’ƒnƒ‰ˆŒ‰ˆn‡‰–“Œn‡‰–“Œ (ES P N ) nƒƒ ˆ †ƒ ‘Œn‹‡Œ‡†ƒ ‘Œ’ƒŒn… (ESPN2) Ÿ ’ƒŒn‡ŒƒŠ”‹††Š”‹†† (FBN) Ÿ “ŒŒˆ‰‡ž‡‡‹Š”† ˆ‰ƒ ‹ƒ‹Š”† ˆ‰ƒ ‹ƒ‹Š”† ˆ‰ƒ ‹ƒ‹Š”† ˆ‰ƒ ‹ƒ (FLIX) ˜‰ ‚n<++nŒ ‡„†ƒ˜ƒ‰‚ < + +Ž‰‡  ŒŽ‰Œ“  ˆ‰Œ‡—‰ƒ n< + +‡ŒŒ“‹‰ƒn“€—„ ˜‰ (FNC) ŸŸŸŸ ’Š‰ ’ƒŒ„Ž ŒŒƒ‹Š”ƒn ƒ‡ ‡‡‰Œ‡–ƒ “ ˆ‹Œ‘— (FOOD) • n‰ ‹ Œ™™ Œ™™ Œ™™ Œ™™ Œ™™ † Œ†‰ Œ™™ Œ ™™ Œ™™ Œ™™ (FREEFORM) • n‚ƒ<+“Ž Œƒ™‰”˜„ ‚n< + +“ƒ’ ‰ƒ”­­—„ƒ‹™“n‹™ (FS1) n‹™ŽŽ†ƒ‰ ‰–“Œˆ Š”‡††Œ™ r€„Œ (FX) ƒ<++„ ‡‹ƒ‡ <+++“ ƒŒ‰ ‡‰n“‡—–Œ—„ Œ‰‡Œ Œ‰‡Œ < + ++“ ƒŒ‰ ‡‰n (GOLF) ƒ‘‹ƒ‘“ŽŒ‡—‹‘n‡Œƒ ‹ƒ‘ (HALL) • <‹ˆˆƒˆ ‡Š‰”­­—Ž–r„ <‰‡Š“‘ƒŒ‹– ‰‚’’„‰ƒ‰ƒ‰ƒ‰ƒ (HBO) nƒn<¡‹ ‡Œ‹ˆ‘ Šnn‹ŠŠ‰‡ < + +ƒ‰˜‡–ƒ‰‡Œ„ˆ™n ƒƒnƒƒƒ ‡ ˜‰ (HBO2) nnƒ<++„‡‡‰‘ƒ‰–“Œ‰”‚­…„ ‰‡– Š”  < + ‹“‰ƒ”‹Œ—‡—‡Ž„ nn< + +ƒƒ‰™ (HGTV) • “†‰’’‰‡–‹ †‰’’‰‡–‹­­‹“†‰’’‰‡–‹ “†‰’’‰‡–‹‡Œƒ‹‡Œ‡Œ ƒŒ™ Œ’  (HIST) ••Ÿ•  ˆ’’ ˆ’Œ… ˆ’–Œ›‹n ˆ’’‹n ˆ’’† (LIFE) ŸŸ n Œn Œ†n Œ‡­n Œ†n Œ„œ„‡ƒnn Œ† (LMN) • <‡˜Ž‰Œ“ ƒŒ‡ƒ¢Ž‰‘‰‚‚…•„ <‰‡‹ƒƒ ‡‰‚Œ„ <ˆrŒ‡‰‚’—Œ„ (MSNBC) ŸŸŸ “ ŒŽ‰Œ““‰‚‹Œ‡Ž‰Œ“Ž –‡ƒ ŒŽƒŒ“‹ƒ (NBATV) ’Š‰  ‘‘ ‘‘ŠŒ‰‡’Š‰ ’Š‰  ‘‘n‡Œƒ  (NGEO) • Œƒ ‹ƒ‘–’ŒŒƒ ‹ƒ‘–’ŒŒƒ ‹ƒ‘–’ŒƒŒƒŒŠŒ‰ ‡ ” Œƒ ‹ƒ‘–’ŒƒŒƒŒŠŒ‰‡ ”  (NICK) ’‡–™£‹ ƒ ‡Œ ‡–ƒƒ‰‡’‡–™’‡–™†ƒ‰‡†ƒ‰‡†ƒ‰‡†ƒ‰‡†ƒ‰‡†ƒ‰‡ (NWSNTN)  ƒ– ’ƒŒ‚‡  ‡Šn‹ˆ ‡™ƒ ˆ‰˜ ‡‘‰n‹ˆ (OWN) •Ÿ ‡‚Žˆ‰Š‰’‡‚Žr‚Ž ’‡‚Ž‡‚Ž (OXY) ŸŸ ‡ ’’“­­ Œ‰‡’  Œ‰‡ŠƒŒ Œ‰‡ŠƒŒ‡Š˜ƒ‹­ Œ‰‡ŠƒŒ (PARMT) Ÿ ‡‡‡‡˜‰ < + +“‰Œˆ ‡¢–‹ ƒ‰™ (SEC) Ÿ•ƒƒ†‰‡™ ‹ˆn– ™ †nn (SHOW) ŸŸŸnnƒ‰‰ <++†ƒŒ Œ‘„‡‰žr‡Œ­„Ž Š“n¤ Š”Œ n< + ++‡‡‰“‰ Œ‰‡‰˜ (SUN) nƒƒ‡‰ƒƒ– ˆ ™ †­­‡ŒŸŒ– ˆ †ƒ‰ ‡‰ƒ (SYFY) • nn<++š­‡’Š ’‰ž‹€—“­„ < + +“ŒŽƒ„‹ƒ ‰Š ƒ ” ‰”™“—“  …€„ (TBS) ŸŸ “‡“‡‰– ‡–‰– ‡–‰–  ‡–‰– ‡–‰– ‡–‰– ‡–„”ƒ„”ƒ“‡“‡ (TCM) • nƒ<+++“‹‡‡ƒ‰žƒ€–„ < + ++‰ƒ‰˜˜•—Ž„Œ—‹„ < + +++‡‘ƒ–‰˜‡‰”‚ (TDC) •Ÿ•  ŒŒŒ†¡€€ ŒŒŒ†Œ“‰ ƒ”™ƒ ƒ ”  ƒ ” (TLC) •Ÿ• ­™… ­Ž­ƒ…‰ˆ’’’ƒƒ…‰ˆ’Œƒ…‰ˆ’’’ƒ ƒ‰‡–’—†¢ ƒ‰‡–‹ƒ‰‰˜ (TMC) •• <+++“†‰–“Œƒ‰ƒ‡—€Œ„ < + +“Œƒ‰ƒ™‘—€Œ„ ƒ< Š ” ‰‚—„ (TNT) ŸŸ n<++“ŠŠ‹‡Œ ‡Œƒ– ˆ ”Œ™ ­  †† ”Œ™ ­  †† (TOON) • ‡‡‡‡ž‰‡–‰ž‰‡–‰ž‰‡– ‰‹ƒ–ƒ‹ƒ–ƒˆƒ‰Š ‡ˆƒ‰Š ‡ˆƒ‰Š ‡ (TRAV) “Œ‹‡Œƒ“Œ‹‡Œƒ “Œ‹‡Œƒ“Œ‹‡Œƒ“Œ‹‡Œƒ“Œ‹‡Œƒ (truTV) •••• „”ƒ„”ƒ„”ƒ„”ƒ„”ƒ„”ƒ„”ƒ„”ƒ„”ƒ‡Œ‹ƒ – „”ƒ„”ƒ (TVL) Ÿ ƒ‰‘‘‰Œ“ƒ‰‘‘‰Œ“ƒ‰‘‘‰Œ“ ƒ‰‘‘‰Œ“ ˆ‡ ˆ‡ ˆ‡ ˆ‡ ˆ‡ ˆ‡ž‰‡–ž‰‡– (USA) ŸŸ  €‚ƒƒ ­‡ < + +ƒ ‡‘ƒˆƒ“ Œž‡‰–“Œ‰™­’—“—€Œ„ ˜‰ (WE)  n‰– ‚ƒƒnƒƒ Œ˜‰š­ƒ Œ˜„‹ƒ Œ˜„‹˜‘ŒƒŠ”‹’ E Judy Blume goes Hollywood in ‘Are You There God? ...’ By LINDSEY BAHR Associated PressT here is not a cynical molecule in the big-screen adaptation of “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret,” a sweet, playful and reverential adaptation of Judy Blume’s famed coming-of-age novel about the everyday problems of an 11-year-old girl. Perhaps it shouldn’t have been earth shattering for someone to write frankly about puberty for an audience who was going through it, but it was and, in many ways, still is. In one scene, Margaret (Abby Ryder Fortson), who has not yet started menstruating, decides to get ready for it by buying some pads at the convenience store with her friend Janie (Amari Alexis Price). The two girls watch in horror as the older woman at the checkout counter leaves for a break right as they approach and is replaced with a shaggy-haired teenage boy. In a panic, Margaret throws a pack of mints on the box-es. Writer-director Kelly Fremon Craig (“The Edge of Seventeen”) relishes in the excruciating awk-wardness, letting time slow down as the conveyer belt screeches along. It’s one of many lovely moments that evoke the strangeness of being 11. Not only are you dealing with the normal pains of everyday existence and coming to terms with the fact that your parents just might be people too – you and all of your classmates are morphing at wildly different and confusing rates. In one of the too-few shots illustrating Margaret’s literal point of view, the camera moves in to gaze at the armpit hair of a local boy, Moose. The craziest thing about “Are You There God? It’s Me, Marga-ret,” which opens in theaters Fri-day, is that it took Blume this long – over 50 years – to let Hollywood do it, at least ofcially. There have been decades of lms and series and books that have been created in the image of Blume and her perfectly imperfect young heroine, who may technically be stuck in 1970, but whose problems – faith, crushes, friends, bodies, parents – are evergreen. This familiarity is both a strength and a weakness of the lm. There is a wistful comfort to watching this turbulent year in Margaret’s life during which her parents, Barbara (Rachel McAdams) and Herb (Benny Safdie), move the family away from New York City, her friends and her beloved grandmother Sylvia (Kathy Bates, resplendent in sparkly caftans and semi-matching sets) – and into the unknown: suburban New Jersey. But there’s also a feeling that we’ve seen a lot of it before. One of the things that made the book so meaningful to so many was its unabashed honesty. It didn’t sound ltered or self-conscious. It was just the truth of a young girl’s weird, complicat-ed, naive, cruel, kind and fanciful mind and sometimes it was even unattering and (gasp) unlikable. It was like peering into another person’s diary that was sort of safe because it’s not your own, but sort of dangerous and transgressive because you realize you’ve also had thoughts like this. In the end it was comforting to know that you weren’t alone. The lm handles Margaret’s confessionals in a haphazard way. Sometimes she talks out loud to herself in her bedroom, sometimes it’s in voiceover. But a lot of that stream of consciousness goes un-said. And what is said sometimes comes up short. Without a history with the book, though, there is still plenty to enjoy – from the pleasant pres-ence of Fortson to a truly great performance from McAdams, who elevates every scene she’s in. Blume, also the subject of a terric documentary “Judy Blume Forever” (now streaming on Prime Video), called “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret” a nostalgia piece, meant for women who grew up reading her. Per-haps she knows that for whatever reason, there is a distance between the viewer and Margaret in the lm, which is the opposite of the experience of the book. At times, it even feels a little sanitized and rushed – checking off boxes, even dramatic climaxes – to get to the end of the year. Eleven is a kind of magic age for moviegoing, or at least it was for me. It was the year I started seeing movies in theaters with friends, not parents. When movies are some thing you’ve chosen – or believe you’ve chosen – to see, they hit a little differently. Some stay with you always, regardless of quality. I had the good fortune to turn 11 in late 1994, when, for whatever reason, Hollywood seemed to be making movies just for me. This is, of course, not true at all. At the very least, most of the movies were simply not NOT for me, and as a white, hetero girl in suburbia, it was not a niche target to hit. But there were a slew of not insignicant lms made with a tween girl in mind: “Little Women,” “Clueless,” “A Little Princess” and “Now & Then,” the most direct descendant of Blume and Margaret, and, on television, “My So-Called Life.” Movies like these barely exist anymore, and certainly not in the-aters. Tween girls would do well to seek “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret” out. It has all the makings of a classic for the next generation. “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret,” a Lionsgate release in theaters Friday, is rated PG-13 by the Motion Picture Asso ciation for “thematic material involving sexual education and some suggestive material.” Running time: 105 minutes. Two and a half stars out of four. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Today is Thursday, April 27, the 117th day of 2023. There are 248 days left in the year. Highlight in history:On April 27, 1994, former President Richard M. Nixon was remembered at an out door funeral service attended by all five of his successors at the Nixon presidential library in Yorba Linda, Califor nia. On this date:In 1521, Portuguese explor er Ferdinand Magellan was killed by natives in the Philip pines. In 1810, Ludwig van Bee thoven wrote one of his most famous piano compositions, the Bagatelle in A-minor. In 1813, the Battle of York took place in Upper Canada during the War of 1812 as a U.S. force defeated the Brit ish garrison in present-day Toronto before withdrawing. In 1865, the steamer Sulta na, carrying freed Union pris oners of war, exploded on the Mississippi River near Mem phis, Tennessee; death toll estimates vary from 1,500 to 2,000. In 1941, German forces occupied Athens during World War II. In 1973, acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray resigned after it was revealed that he’d destroyed files removed from the safe of Watergate con spirator E. Howard Hunt. In 1978, 51 construction workers plunged to their deaths when a scaffold inside a cooling tower at the Pleasants Power Station site in West Virginia fell 168 feet to the ground. In 1992, Russia and 12 other former Soviet republics won entry into the Interna tional Monetary Fund and the World Bank. In 2010, former Panamani an dictator Manuel Noriega was extradited from the Unit ed States to France, where he was later convicted of laundering drug money and received a seven-year sen tence. In 2011, powerful and deadly tornadoes raked the South and Midwest; more than 60 tornadoes crossed parts of Alabama, leaving about 250 people dead and thousands of others injured in the state. In 2015, rioters plunged part of Baltimore into chaos, torching a pharmacy, setting police cars ablaze and throw ing bricks at officers hours after thousands attended a funeral for Freddie Gray, a Black man who died from a severe spinal injury he’d suf fered in police custody; the Baltimore Orioles’ home game against the Chicago White Sox was postponed because of safety concerns. In 2019, a gunman opened fire inside a synagogue near San Diego as worshippers celebrated the last day of Passover, killing a woman and wounding the rabbi and two others. (John Earnest, a white supremacist, has been sentenced to both federal and state life prison terms.) Today’s birthdays: Actor Anouk Aimee is 91. Rock musician Jim Keltner is 81. Rock singer Kate Pierson (The B-52’s) is 75. R&B sing er Herb Murrell (The Stylis tics) is 74. Actor Douglas Sheehan is 74. Rock musi cian Ace Frehley is 72. West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice is 72. Pop singer Sheena Easton is 64. Actor James Le Gros is 61. Rock musician Rob Squires (Big Head Todd and the Monsters) is 58. Singer Mica Paris is 54. Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., is 54. Actor David Lascher is 51. Actor Maura West is 51. Actor Sally Hawkins is 47. Rock singer Jim James (My Morn ing Jacket) is 45. Rock musi cian Patrick Hallahan (My Morning Jacket) is 45. Rock singer-musician Travis Meeks (Days of the New) is 44. Country musician John Osborne (Brothers Osborne) is 41. Actor Francis Capra is 40. Actor Ari Graynor is 40. Rock singer-musician Patrick Stump (Fall Out Boy) is 39. Actor Sheila Vand is 38. Actor Jenna Coleman is 37. Actor William Moseley is 36. Singer Lizzo is 35. Actor Emily Rios is 34. Singer Allison Iraheta is 31. TODAY IN HISTORY Dana Hawley / Lionsgate Rachel McAdams, left, and Abby Ryder Fortson in a scene from “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.” MOVIE REVIEW


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 27, 2023 A11F FOR F CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLETasty meal for a heart-healthy summer By FAMILY FEATURES As you plan your summer fun, think also about adopting healthy habits that can help keep your blood pressure un der control. When your blood pressure is consistently high – a condition called hypertension – blood ows through ar teries at higher-than-normal pressures. This can cause serious health problems not just for your heart, but also for your blood vessels, kidneys, eyes and brain. Hypertension affects women and men of all ages but making small lifestyle changes can go a long way toward pre vention. Start with updating your sum mer menu with delicious, heart-healthy recipes, like Hawaiian Huli Huli Chick en. Following a heart-healthy eating plan, such as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH), which emphasiz es vegetables, fruits, whole grains, sh, poultry, beans, nuts, low-fat dairy and healthy oils, can help keep your blood pressure in a healthy range. Developed through research by the Na tional Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), DASH focuses on reducing sodium and limiting foods that are high in saturated fat, including fatty meats, full-fat dairy and tropical oils. Along with adding healthy recipes to your summer menu, NHLBI’s The Heart Truth program encourages these healthy habits that can help you control blood pressure: QMove more: Aim for at least 150 minutes (2 1/2 hours) of physical activ ity each week. Try keeping yourself on pace each week by shooting for 30 daily minutes of activity over ve days. QAim for a healthy weight: Research shows adults with overweight and obe sity can lower their blood pressure by losing just 3-5 percent of their weight. Ask a friend or family member to join a weight loss program with you; so cial support can help you both stay motivated. QManage stress: Reduce stress – which can increase blood pressure – with meditation, relaxing activities or support from a counselor or online group. QQuit smoking: Smoking damag es your heart and blood vessels. Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or nd other resourc es available online. Get your summer off to a heart-healthy start by talking to your health care pro vider about your blood pressure numbers and what they mean. To learn more about heart health and blood pressure, visit and nd DASH-friendly recipes at Huli Huli ChickenRecipe courtesy of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 30 minutes Servings: 4 2 tablespoons ketchup2 tablespoons light soy sauce2 tablespoons honey2 teaspoons orange juice1 teaspoon garlic (about 1 clove), minced1 teaspoon ginger, minced12 ounces boneless, skinless chicken breast (about 2 large breasts), cut into 1-inch cubes (about 24 cubes) 1 cup fresh pineapple, diced (about 24 pieces) 8 wooden skewers (6 inches each), soaked in waterTo make sauce: Combine ketchup, soy sauce, honey, orange juice, garlic and ginger; mix well. Separate into two bowls and set aside. Preheat grill to medium-high heat. Pre heat oven to 350 degrees. Alternately thread three chicken cubes and three pineapple chunks on each skewer. Grill skewers 3-5 minutes on each side. Brush or spoon sauce from one bowl onto chicken and pineapple every other minute. Discard remaining sauce from rst bowl. To prevent chicken from drying out, nish cooking to minimum internal tem perature of 165 degrees in oven. Using clean brush or spoon, coat with sauce from remaining bowl before serving. Celebrating early end to school year By GLORIA YODER The Amish CookE veryone arrived at our small, white country schoolhouse. It was a day when everyone gathered to celebrate an-other successful school year. We had taken very few days off throughout the term, so school was letting out early for the year. Children played happily on the playground, and smiles were as common as the cheery yellow dandelions on the lawn. By 9:30, we were all seated, ready for the 20 children and two teachers to le in and share the program they had diligently practiced. It looked stunning with girls wearing raspberry dresses, and the boys gray shirts, all sewed by the teachers for year-end gifts. In no time, Hosanna was begging to go sit with Julia. After two congregational songs and a brief devotional by our deacon, the chil dren stood to sing in beautiful harmony. Then, in perfect unison, they recited Max Lucado’s story, “You are Special,” in poem form, with most of it written by my mother. Next, Julia and the ve other little girls sang a song. To my mother heart, it was just too sweet. I was amazed how perfectly they sang songs and recited all 21 verses of “You Are Special” in various increments. As soon as the last notes died away, Hosanna dashed up and into Julia’s arms. Next, there were the congratulations to the graduates, a word of thanks to the drivers who brought children to school, and nally, a prayer of thanks was offered for the food which had been prepared. Nate Zehrs had graciously grilled chick en in honor of their daughter graduating eighth grade. Besides the delicious chick en, there were herbed potatoes, wedding salad, cheesecakes, pie,and hot drinks. The children and youth had scarcely nished eating when they rushed off to play softball, a highlight for all on our annual school picnics. The best game is the dads playing against their upper-grade children. Hats off to the upper-graders, they won! For the pre-scholars, who are too young to play ball, we had a shing game. First, we had activities for them to get their “shing license.” First, we talked about the word “praise” and introduced them to the verse, “Praise ye the Lord.” Soon they were saying what they’re thankful for, then I’d repeated it, saying, “Yes! Thank you, Jesus, for Mom and Daddy!” (Or whatever they were thankful for.) “See how easy it is to praise God? You just say, ‘Thank you, God’!” Next, we had a little discussion on how God also made our mouth to praise with songs and sang,“We Praise Thee O God.” Last, when the children recited their little verse, they got their shing pole, consist-ing of a stick with sh line string and a clothespin as the hook. They cast into the “pond,” a large box. Julia and one of her friends sat inside the box, fastening goodie baggies lled with snacks, balloons and a pair of sunglasses. By the time we were done, nger foods and drinks were being set out for all to enjoy. There’s always an extensive array of homemade goodies to choose from, along with ice cream cones and drinks. Next, Stephen Wengerd showed the children a kite he brought along for them to watch. Jesse, who loves heights, was utterly impressed. He didn’t miss a beat, taking everything in with his big blue eyes. Looking at Stephen, he said, “If I had one of those things (kites) fastened to my arms, I could y way up there!” All too soon, the day was over. Surely time ies when you’re having fun! OK, so here you go with the Ultimate Tossed Salad that we served at the pro-gram. It’s always hit no matter what!Ultimate Tossed SaladSalad: 1 head romaine lettuce1/2 head iceberg lettuce1/2 cup dried cranberries1 cup chopped bacon3/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese1 1/2 cups corn chips1 cup chow mien noodles1 cup dressing Dressing: 1/4 cup vinegar3/4 cup vegetable oil1/4 cup mayo2 tablespoons prepared mustard3/4 cup sugar3/4 teaspoon poppy seeds1/2 teaspoon salt For the salad, mix all ingredients in a large bowl. For the dressing, mix ingredients and refrigerate until well combined. This will keep in the fridge for months, so Gloria makes up to 10 batches at a time, as her family eats lots of salads! Also, she prefers using olive oil and healthy alternatives such as xylitol and stevia instead of sugar. Gloria Yoder is a young Amish mother, writer and homemaker in rural Illinois. Readers with culinary or culture questions or stories to share may write Gloria directly at: Gloria Yoder, 10510 E. 350th Ave., Flat Rock, IL 62427. Photo courtesy of Amish 365 Ultimate Tossed Salad.Dial up flavor with summer favorite spicy ribs By FAMILY FEATURES Turn up the heat this summer and spice your way to delicious warm-weather reci pes by using subtle ingredients that bring out bold avors in your favorite foods. Adding a taste-enhancing option to your repertoire – Tajín Fruity Chamoy Sauce – can make your summer get-togethers the talk of the neighborhood. Cool off while enjoying mildly spicy dishes. Made with 100 percent natural chil es, lime juice, sea salt and a hint of apri cot, Tajín Fruity Chamoy Sauce offers a unique sweet-and-spicy avor without too much heat. Perfect for drizzling over fresh fruits and veggies like mango, pineapple, watermelon and more, it’s also commonly used to bring fruity, subtle spice to a wide variety of recipes including beverages and snacks, like smoothies, mangonadas, ice pops and cold drinks. For example, in this Savory Mango Chamoy Daiquiri, the apricots create a fruity, tangy avor that’s a nice, refreshing twist on a traditional drink. Bringing a touch of heat to summer cook outs can be a breeze with mild hot sauc es added to dishes like these Spiced Pork Ribs, which can be created start-to-nish in the oven or taken outside to sear on the grill. Just a handful of ingredients are re quired to season the ribs to spicy perfection before wrapping them in foil and letting your oven do the work. The key ingredient for the right touch of subtle heat without being overwhelming is Tajín Mild Hot Sauce, a unique, avorful ad dition to your cabinet that pairs well with sa vory snacks like tortilla chips, chicken wings, pizza and even micheladas. The lime is what makes it different from other hot sauces. Made with 100 percent natural mild chil es, lime juice and sea salt without added sugars or coloring, it can be enjoyed by the whole family as a versatile way to enhance favorite foods with a mild but wild avor. Both recipes can be easily enhanced with a simple concept: just pair Tajín Clásico seasoning with either or both of the sauces to create unique avor combinations, a tasty “mix it” tactic to add to your warm-weather menu and make it uniquely yours. Find more recipes that crank up the heat this summer by visiting Tají Pork RibsTotal time: 3 hours, 10 minutes Servings: 6 2 racks (about 4 pounds) baby back ribs1/4 cup Tajín Clásíco Seasoning1/4 cup Tajín Mild Hot Sauce, plus additional for serving, divided 2 tablespoons olive oil2 tablespoons brown sugarLime wedges, for servingMashed potatoes or steamed rice, for serv ing (optional)Rub ribs with seasoning. Marinate at least 4 hours or overnight in refrigerator. Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Combine hot sauce, oil and brown sugar; brush over both rib racks. Line baking sheet with double layer of aluminum foil with enough overhang to wrap foil around ribs. Lay ribs, bone side down, on foil-lined baking sheet. Wrap foil around ribs and seal. Place on baking sheet. Fill large baking dish or roasting pan with 2 inches of boiling water. Place on lower oven rack to keep ribs moist as they bake. Place ribs on middle oven rack. Bake 2 1/2-3 hours, or until meat is tender and just starting to fall off bone. Preheat broiler. Unwrap ribs and place on foil-lined baking sheet. Broil 4-6 min utes on middle oven rack, or until lightly charred and caramelized. Serve with lime wedges and additional hot sauce. Serve with mashed potatoes or steamed white rice, if desired.Savory Mango Chamoy DaquiriTotal time: 15 minutes Servings: 2 Rim Glass: 2 tablespoons Tajín Fruity Chamoy Hot Sauce2 tablespoons Tajín Clásico Seasoning Drink: 4 tablespoons Tajín Fruity Chamoy Hot Sauce, divided 1 cup frozen mango cubes, plus additional for garnish, divided 1/3 cup natural syrup3 ice cubes1/3 cup orange juice1 tablespoon Tajín Clásico Seasoning, for garnishTo rim glass: Rim glass in chamoy hot sauce then seasoning. To make drink: Blend 3 tablespoons chamoy hot sauce, mango cubes, syrup, ice cubes and orange juice. In glass, pour remaining chamoy hot sauce.To serve, garnish with additional mango cubes and sprinkle with seasoning. Let’s Eat ... The Chronicle distributes a FREE weekly food newsletter via email. Let’s Eat has links to stories about food, drink, restaurants and recipes. To sign up, visit chicken with Hawaiian style Photo courtesy of Hawaiian Huli Huli Chicken.Add a mango daquiri on the side for refreshment


A12 Thursday, April 27, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle Photo courtesy of Pepperoni Pizza Sliders.Kid-friendly sliders put pizza on a bun By FAMILY FEATURES / CULINARY.NET For those busy nights plan, on this simple yet savory sliders recipe. Kids are al most certain to love the taste and you will enjoy how quick and easy they are to make.Pepperoni Pizza Sliders1 package slider rolls1/2 cup pizza sauce1/2 cup mini pepperoni1 1/2 cups shredded, low-moisture, part-skim mozzarella cheese 1/4 cup butter, melted1 teaspoon parsley flakes1/2 teaspoon dried oregano1/2 teaspoon garlic powder1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese Nonstick cooking spray Heat oven 350 degrees.Keeping rolls connected, cut sheet of rolls horizon tally, separating tops from bottoms. Place bottom halves of rolls in baking dish. Spread pizza sauce evenly over bottom halves. Sprin kle pepperoni over sauce. Sprinkle mozzarella over pepperoni and cover with top halves of rolls. Mix melted butter with parsley akes, dried orega no, garlic powder, and shredded Parmesan cheese. Spoon evenly over sliders. Cover baking dish with aluminum foil sprayed with nonstick cooking spray to keep cheese from sticking. Bake 20 minutes. Remove foil and bake ad ditional 5-10 minutes or un til Parmesan is melted and golden brown. Cut sliders and serve immediately.Ten ways to put rotisserie chicken to use By METROCREATIVE Once a novelty in select stores, rotisserie chicken is now ubiquitous in su permarkets and other food centers. People are drawn to rotisserie chickens by avor and convenience. Hot and ready to serve, rotisserie chicken makes for a quick and easy meal when time is of the essence and people don’t want to spend on din ing out at a nearby restau rant. Rotisserie chicken can be served right out of the con tainer just like a traditional roasted chicken. It also can be a component in many different meals. Consider these 10 ideas for putting rotisserie chicken to use. 1. After most of the meat from the chicken is eaten, boil the carcass with sliced onion, parsnips, carrots, turnips and your preferred herbs to make a soup stock. Add bits of leftover chicken and noodles to have a deli cious chicken soup. 2. Purchase premade pie crust and use it to line small ramekins. Mix chopped ro tisserie chicken with a can of cream of chicken soup and thawed frozen mixed vege tables. Spoon the mixture on top of the bottom crust, then top with another crust round, poking venting holes in the pastry. Heat up until the crust browns and the lling is piping hot. The result is a delicious chicken pot pie. 3. Rotisserie chicken can be used as the lling for enchiladas, fajitas and ta cos. Simply season with a packet of taco seasoning or make your own blend from a combination of paprika, chili powder and cumin. 4. Pulse rotisserie chick en meat in a food processor with celery, dill and a few dollops of mayonnaise or even Greek yogurt or ranch salad dressing. Add some crumbled bacon and serve the chicken salad between slices of toasted whole wheat bread. 5. Shred the rotisserie chicken and blend together with melted butter and hot sauce to make it Buffalo style. Use it as a topping for pizza served with a blue-cheese sauce on the crust. 6. Add pieces of rotisserie chicken to omelets and top with melted cheese for a savory breakfast or brunch option. 7. Rotisserie chicken chunks can be added to any of your favorite casse role recipes in lieu of fresh chicken. 8. Make mac and cheese a more substantial meal by mixing in shredded rotis serie chicken. 9. Recreate “chicken bog,” a traditional South Caroli na dish made from chicken cooked in broth and rice to make a thick and creamy meal. 10. Create a chicken stir-fry with the rotisserie chicken, Asian vegetables and seasonings. Serve over glass rice noodles. These are just a few of the many different ways to utilize rotisserie chicken in everyday cooking. MetroCreative Rotisserie chicken can be served right out of the container just like a traditional roasted chicken. It also can be a component in many different meals.Convenient doesn’t mean it isn’t delicious rr n Secretstomysuccess:Cuttingedgemarketing,strong negotiationsskills,communication&knowingwhatneedsto bedonetogetyoutotheclosingtableONTIME! nn Oremail: rn rrn Blackshears II Aluminum AirConditioning877-BAY-AREAbayareacool.comLic#CAC010415AluminumContractor352-628-7519advancedaluminumofcitrus.comCBC#1253853AirConditioning888-473-1669Senicaair.comLic#CAC1815564AluminumContractor352-795-9722www.blackshears.comCRC1331839Plumber866-314-4443mikescottplumbing.comRoo ng 352-563-0411www.aaaroo ng License#CCC057537 CALLAPROFESSIONAL ReadyyourhomeforthenewseasonwithaD-I-Ywalk-throughinspection, usingthischecklistasyourguidetosomeofthemostcommontroublespots. 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S CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE Section B THURSDAY, APRIL 27 , 2023 By MATT PFIFFNER Sports editor CASSELBERRY — One of the more decorated ten nis careers in Citrus Coun ty history came to a close Wednesday as the Citrus boys were eliminated from the Class 2A State Cham pionships at Red Bug Lake Park. Hurricane senior Riley Dodd was making his third straight trip to state and for the second year in a row as the top player on a team qualier. Satellite was the open ing-round opponent, and the Scorpions handed the Hurricanes their rst loss of any kind this season, 6-0. Citrus nished the year 15-1 in meets and won Gulf Coast 8 Conference, district and regional titles along the way. “Everything undefeated until they got to their state match. I don’t think that’s a bad deal. It’s a great accomplishment,” head coach Tia Nelson said.Citrus falls at state tennis to SatelliteScorpions knock out Hurricanes in 2A quarters MATT PFIFFNER / Sports editor Riley Dodd of Citrus prepares to hit a backhand shot during his doubles match Wednesday at the Class 2A State Tennis Championships in Casselberry. Dodd closed out an outstanding career with the Hurricanes’ quarterfinal loss to Satellite. MATT PFIFFNER / Sports editor Citrus’ Caleb Blanch plays a shot during doubles tennis action Wednesday at the Class 2A state tournament. By MATT PFIFFNER Sports editor ALTAMONTE SPRINGS — Mirabelle Tahiri and Nandini Karanam have set a new standard for tennis in Citrus County. In fact, you might say it’s a gold stan dard. The pair from Lecan to wrapped up a brilliant three-year run as doubles partners with the Class 3A state championship Wednesday at Sanlando Park. It was the rst time any one from the county was playing for a tennis state championship and the Pan ther duo is bringing home the gold after their oppo nents from St. Thomas Aquinas had to forfeit. One of the players was injured in the singles title match earlier in the day. “The girl who was play ing at overall No. 1 hurt her back in that match and they just went up and forfeited. They said she couldn’t play anymore,” Lecanto head coach Angela Rausch said. “I just kept checking the website and when I saw they forfeited I went up (to the head table) and asked if they were sure. It was really exciting to be able to share that with the girls.” Karanam said it was a wild nish to a day where the Panthers showed up ready to play at 10:30 a.m., but then found out the match wasn’t until 2:30 p.m. “We were watching Wire grass, because we like watching their team. We were walking back after they just nished their dou bles game and I saw Mrs. Rausch running,” Karanam said. “I was thinking some thing must have happened, what happened? What’s wrong? But she had a smile on her face so I was like, something good happened. She came up and gave us a hug and said ‘You’re cham pions.’ “This is a heck of a way to nish Mira’s senior year. I’m so happy we did this. The last time we’ll play and we end as state champions. I came into today expect ing a hard, close game. I’m a little surprised, but it’s a happy surprise.” Tahiri said she denitely wanted to play the match and felt the outcome would have been the same. “I’m not going to lie, I was a little bit mad we didn’t get to play, because I love to play and especially that nal match, so it was kind of disappointing,” she said. Panther pair strikes gold Tahiri, Karanam win Class 3A state tennis doubles title MATT PFIFFNER / Sports editor Nandini Karanam, left, and Mirabelle Tahiri of Lecanto show off their gold medals after winning the doubles championship Wednes day at the Class 3A State Tennis Championships in Altamonte Springs. By JOHN ZENOR Associated Press Southeastern Confer ence teams must replace a Heisman Trophy-winner, a two-time national champion and several potential rst-round draft picks at quarter-back. There’s still plenty of star power in the league head ing into next season, just not much of it at the game’s most important position. The expectations, of course, remain the same for a league that has claimed 14 of the last 20 national titles. Bryce Young has departed the Crimson Tide as the pre sumptive No. 1 NFL draft pick. Stetson Bennett led Georgia to back-to-back na tional crowns. Not to mention potential rst-round picks Anthony Richardson of Florida, Will Levis of Kentucky and Hen don Hooker of Tennessee. It could be the most fruit ful rst-round ever for SEC quarterbacks. The league has never had more than two quarterbacks picked in the rst round, with the latest in 2020 when Joe Burrow (Cincinnati Bengals) went rst and Tua Tagovailoa (Miami Dol phins) was picked fth in 2020. Plus, second-round pick Jalen Hurts, who had transferred from Alabama to Oklahoma. No SEC QBs went in the Top SEC QBs prep for draft, teams seek successors Matt Stamey / AP Florida quarterback Anthony Richardson (15) celebrates with teammates after a game against South Carolina on Nov. 12, 2022 in Gainesville. Bryce Young, C.J. Stroud, Richardson and Will Levis are projected to go anywhere from the top 5 to top 15 picks in this draft. See PANTHERS , page B2 By MARK DIDTLER Associated Press ST. PETERSBURG — Hunter Brown combined with two relievers on a two-hitter and the Houston Astros shut out the major league-best Tampa Bay Rays for the second straight game, 1-0 on Wednesday night. Brown (3-0) had a ca reer-high eight strikeouts and walked two in his sev en innings. Hector Neris pitched a perfect eighth and Ryan Pressly worked a 1-2-3 ninth for his second save. “He had command of his fastball, his breaking stuff, and had a good change up against some tough left ies, a tough lineup,” Astros manager Dusty Baker said of Brown. The 24-year-old, who made his big league debut last Sept. 5, became the rst pitcher this season to have three starts of at least seven innings and no earned runs. “Defense was great,” Brown said. “Obvious ly tonight one run was all we needed. It was a good game.” Houston went 5-1 on a six-game trip that included a three-game sweep at At lanta. The Astros had snapped the Rays’ 14-game home winning streak to start the season, the best in MLB since 1901, with Tuesday night’s 5-0 win. Luis Garcia and three relievers limited the Rays (20-5), who still lead the majors in scoring with 157 runs, to ve hits Tuesday. “To go out and there and score nine every night, it’s just not going to happen,” Rays slugger Brandon Lowe said. The Rays’ only hits in Wednesday’s game – which took 2 hours, 7 minutes – were singles by ninth-place hitter Manuel Margot against Brown in the third and sixth innings. “I’ve never seen a team go 162-0,” Margot said through a translator. “So, it’s just some of the things that happen in his game.” Alex Bregman was credit ed with an RBI when Rays shortstop Wander Franco was charged with an error for misplaying a potential inning-ending double-play Astros shut out Rays for 2nd straight game, led by Brown See CITRUS , page B4 See RAYS , page B3 See SEC , page B4


B2 Thursday, April 27, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle By ROB MAADDI AP Pro Football Writer It took the Carolina Panthers until this week to decide which quarter back they’ll select with the No. 1 overall pick in the NFL draft on Thursday night. They’re not saying, but odds makers believe it’ll be Alabama’s Bryce Young. The 2021 Heisman Trophy winner is an overwhelm ing favorite to go rst, according to FanDuel Sportsbook. Ohio State’s C.J. Stroud has dropped from fa vorite to having the third-best odds behind Kentucky’s Will Levis. Florida’s Anthony Richardson is a longshot. The Panthers traded four picks, including No. 9 overall and a rst-rounder next year, along with wide receiver DJ Moore to give new coach Frank Reich a quarter back to build around. The nal edition of the AP’s 2023 mock draft gives the nod to Young. 1. Carolina Panthers (from Chi cago): BRYCE YOUNG, QUAR TERBACK, ALABAMA Young can make every throw, has strong pocket presence and is a dynamic playmaker. The biggest question is his size – 5-foot-10, 204. It was never an issue while Young played at a high level at Al abama but the NFL is a different story and the Panthers need to pro tect their QB. 2. Houston Texans: C.J. STROUD, QUARTERBACK, OHIO STATE Stroud has the ideal size – 6-foot3, 214 pounds – to go with a strong, accurate arm and possesses the leadership ability and other intan gibles. The Texans made it known they’re not sold on a QB at No. 2 and Texas Tech defensive end Tyree Wilson is the favorite. Fran chise QBs win Super Bowls, not edge rushers. 3. Arizona Cardinals: WILL ANDERSON, EDGE, ALA BAMA New coach Jonathan Gannon beneted from having a dominant defensive line last season as a de fensive coordinator for the NFC champion Philadelphia Eagles. Anderson is the best pass rusher in the draft and Arizona has to replace T.J. Watt and Zach Allen. 4. Indianapolis Colts: ANTHO NY RICHARDSON, QUAR TERBACK, FLORIDA Another pick inspired by the Ea gles. New coach Shane Steichen, the former offensive coordinator in Philadelphia, had tremendous suc cess with quarterback Jalen Hurts. Colts owner Jim Irsay is a big fan of Hurts’ style. Richardson has in credible athleticism, a strong arm and elite talent. He needs time to work on accuracy and mechanics. 5. Seattle Seahawks (from Den ver): JALEN CARTER, DE FENSIVE TACKLE, GEORGIA Before his off-eld issues, Carter was a potential No. 1 overall pick if Chicago didn’t trade down. He’s too talented to slip further. Carter is the right t for Seattle and coach Pete Carroll. 6. Detroit Lions (from Los An gels Rams): DEVON WITHER SPOON, CORNERBACK, ILLI NOIS Witherspoon has slid on some drafts probably because a ham string injury limited his workouts. He was impressive at Illinois’ pro day and is widely considered the top cover cornerback. The Lions had the NFL’s second-worst pass defense in 2022. 7. Las Vegas Raiders: TYREE WILSON, EDGE, TEXAS TECH Size, build, speed, Wilson has it all for an edge rusher. The Raiders can team Wilson up with Maxx Crosby to get after the elite QBs in the AFC West. 8. Atlanta Falcons: BIJAN ROBINSON, RUNNING BACK, TEXAS The Falcons get a superstar game-breaker. 9. Chicago Bears (from Caroli na): PETER SKORONSKI, OF FENSIVE TACKLE, NORTH WESTERN The Bears need to protect Justin Fields so it starts with Skoronski covering his blindside. 10. Pittsburgh Steelers (mock trade with Eagles via New Or leans): PARIS JOHNSON, OF FENSIVE TACKLE, OHIO STATE Johnson has all the physical tools and intangibles to anchor the O-line and protect Kenny Pickett. 11. Tennessee Titans: WILL LEVIS, QUARTERBACK, KENTUCKY Titans can’t pass up this opportu nity to take Levis. He didn’t have eye-popping stats at Kentucky but he has size, build, makeup and ex perience in a pro-style offense that teams desire. 12. Houston Texans (from Cleveland): LUKAS VAN NESS, EDGE, IOWA After taking Stroud at No. 2, the Texans grab an elite edge rusher in Van Ness. 13. Green Bay Packers (from New York Jets): JAXON SMITH-NJIGBA, WIDE RE CEIVER, OHIO STATE Using the pick from the Aaron Rodgers trade, the Packers take the rst wide receiver. Smith-Njigba was the best WR at Ohio State two years ago on a team with Garrett Wilson and Chris Olave. 14. New England Patriots: BRODERICK JONES, OFFEN SIVE TACKLE, GEORGIA The Patriots get an athletic left tackle to protect the QB’s blind side. 15. New York Jets (from the Packers): DARNELL WRIGHT, OFFENSIVE TACKLE, TEN NESSEE The Jets select a powerful line man to block for Rodgers. 16. Washington Commanders: JOEY PORTER JR., CORNER BACK, PENN STATE The Commanders tab a physical cornerback, taking the son of former Pro Bowl linebacker Joey Porter. 17. Philadelphia Eagles (mock trade with Steelers) NOLAN SMITH, EDGE, GEORGIA Smith joins former Bulldogs teammates Jordan Davis and Na kobe Dean on a revamped defense in Philly. 18. Detroit Lions: CALIJAH KANCEY, DEFENSIVE TACK LE, PITTSBURGH After selecting a CB earlier, the Lions continue to bolster a poor defense with an interior d-lineman who can get after QBs. 19. Tampa Bay Buccaneers: MYLES MURPHY, EDGE, CLEMSON Murphy strengthens a defense that will have to carry the team. 20. Baltimore Ravens (mock trade with Seahawks): CHRIS TIAN GONZALEZ, CORNER BACK, OREGON Ravens move up to get Gonzalez, who provides immediate help for a pass defense that nished 26th. 21. Los Angeles Chargers: ZAY FLOWERS, WIDE RECEIVER, BOSTON COLLEGE Flowers slots in nicely with vet erans Mike Williams and Keenan Allen. 22. Seattle Seahawks (mock trade with Ravens): HENDON HOOKER, QUARTERBACK, TENNESSEE Coming off a knee injury, Hooker has time to get healthy and develop behind Geno Smith. 23. Vikings: JORDAN ADDI SON, WIDE RECEIVER, USC Addison is polished enough to instantly step in to replace Adam Thielen. 24. Jacksonville Jaguars: MI CHAEL MAYER, TIGHT END, NOTRE DAME Mayer upgrades the run game and pass game, giving Trevor Lawrence a potential top target. 25. New York Giants: JALIN HYATT, WIDE RECEIVER, TENNESSEE Giants get a wideout with game-breaking speed in Hyatt. 26. Dallas Cowboys: BRIAN BRANCH, SAFETY, ALA BAMA Cowboys bolster their secondary with the best safety in the draft. 27. Buffalo Bills: BRYAN BRE SEE, DEFENSIVE TACKLE, CLEMSON Bills get a run stuffer.28. Cincinnati Bengals: DEON TE BANKS, CORNERBACK, MARYLAND Bengals add a physical, athletic cornerback to a depleted second ary. 29. New Orleans Saints (from San Francisco): JACK CAMP BELL, LINEBACKER, IOWA The 2022 Dick Butkus award winner bolsters the defense. 30. Los Angeles Rams (mock trade from Philadelphia): MAT THEW BERGERON, OFFEN SIVE TACKLE, SYRACUSE Rams move up to get an offensive lineman with their rst rst-round pick since Jared Goff in 2016. 31. Kansas City Chiefs: MAZI SMITH, DEFENSIVE TACKLE, MICHIGAN In a draft stocked with interior d-linemen, Chiefs get a big man with freakish athletic skills.AP NFL Mock Draft: Panthers select Alabama quarterback Bryce Young No. 1“But I thought we were go ing to win anyway, so it was just a matter of how long it was going to be.” Tahiri, a senior, and Ka ranam, a junior, wrapped up the season with a 14-1 record playing doubles to gether. This was their third trip to state together as a doubles team. “I think that this year it just kind of clicked because of how much we’ve been working together. Nandi ni and I are friends, so that helps with playing togeth er,” Tahiri said. “She really stepped up her game and did really good. I’m just glad I could keep mine up to balance it out. “I’m glad that the season can end with a state cham pionship. It was a really fun experience. It was good to prove as a team that we’re good. It’s crazy that we ac tually won.” The Panthers reached Wednesday’s title match by winning all three of their matches Tuesday. The scores of those lopsided matches were 8-0, 8-1 and 8-2. “They fought hard to get here. Even though they didn’t get to play today for the overall championship, they made it here winning three matches yesterday. So they did their job,” Rausch said. “This just conrms how good they were and the legacy they’re leaving at Le canto. “Our goal this year was to get to states, especially Mira. She’s leaving a legacy behind. She’s led this team since her freshman year, so I’m very happy she went out with what her goal was, to be a state medalist.” Tahiri said even though they are the rst state ten nis medalists from Citrus County, it doesn’t matter where you grow up, it’s how hard you work. “I don’t really think it’s where you are, it’s who you have with you,” she said. “My dad has been my coach my entire life and honestly, I’m only good because of him.” PANTHERSFrom page B1 PA INTING 35 2-4 65 -6 63 1 Fe rraro’s Pa intingInterior & Exterior Pressur e Wa shing– FR EE ES TI MATES– “Repaint Specialist” rnr rnnnn rn  PA INTINGSERVICES Te d’sPaintin g&HomeServicesCo. 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Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 27, 2023 B3 AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GBTampa Bay 20 5 .800 —Baltimore 16 8 .667 3½Toronto 16 9 .640 4New York 14 11 .560 6Boston 13 13 .500 7½ Central Division W L Pct GBMinnesota 14 11 .560 —Cleveland 12 13 .480 2Detroit 9 14 .391 4Chicago 7 18 .280 7Kansas City 6 19 .240 8 West Division W L Pct GBTexas 14 10 .583 —Houston 14 11 .560 ½Los Angeles 12 12 .500 2Seattle 11 13 .458 3Oakland 5 19 .208 9 NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GBAtlanta 17 8 .680 —New York 14 11 .560 3Miami 12 13 .480 5Phila. 12 13 .480 5Washington 9 14 .391 7 Central Division W L Pct GBPittsburgh 17 8 .680 —Milwaukee 16 9 .640 1Chicago 13 10 .565 3Cincinnati 10 15 .400 7St. Louis 9 15 .375 7½ West Division W L Pct GBArizona 14 12 .538 —Los Angeles 13 12 .520 ½San Diego 13 13 .500 1San Francisco 10 13 .435 2½Colorado 8 18 .308 6 AMERICAN LEAGUE Tuesday’s Games Colorado 5, Cleveland 1Cincinnati 7, Texas 6Seattle 5, Phila. 3Boston 8, Baltimore 6Houston 5, Tampa Bay 0Toronto 7, Chicago White Sox 0Minnesota 6, N.Y. Yankees 2Detroit 4, Milwaukee 3Kansas City 5, Arizona 4L.A. Angels 5, Oakland 3 Wednesday’s Games Cincinnati 5, Texas 3N.Y. Yankees 12, Minnesota 6Toronto 8, Chicago White Sox 0Baltimore 6, Boston 2Cleveland 4, Colorado 1Milwaukee 6, Detroit 2Arizona 2, Kansas City 0Houston 1, Tampa Bay 0Phila. 6, Seattle 5Oakland at L.A. Angels Thursday’s Games Seattle (Kirby 2-1) at Phila. (Strahm 1-2), 1:05 p.m.Oakland (Sears 0-1) at L.A. Angels (Ohtani 3-0), 4:07 p.m.Baltimore (Gibson 4-0) at Detroit (Wentz 0-3), 6:40 p.m.Tampa Bay (McClanahan 4-0) at Chicago White Sox (Cease 2-0), 7:10 p.m.Kansas City (Greinke 0-3) at Minnesota (Mahle 1-2), 7:40 p.m.N.Y. Yankees (Cole 4-0) at Texas (Heaney 2-1), 8:05 p.m. Friday’s Games Kansas City at Minnesota, 4:10 p.m.Baltimore at Detroit, 6:40 p.m.Seattle at Toronto, 7:07 p.m.Cleveland at Boston, 7:10 p.m.Tampa Bay at Chicago White Sox, 7:10 p.m.N.Y. Yankees at Texas, 8:05 p.m.L.A. Angels at Milwaukee, 8:10 p.m.Phila. at Houston, 8:10 p.m.Cincinnati at Oakland, 9:40 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE Tuesday’s Games Colorado 5, Cleveland 1Cincinnati 7, Texas 6Seattle 5, Phila. 3L.A. Dodgers 8, Pittsburgh 7Washington 5, N.Y. Mets 0Atlanta 7, Miami 4Detroit 4, Milwaukee 3Chicago Cubs 6, San Diego 0San Francisco 5, St. Louis 4Kansas City 5, Arizona 4 Wednesday’s Games Cincinnati 5, Texas 3Cleveland 4, Colorado 1Milwaukee 6, Detroit 2Arizona 2, Kansas City 0Phila. 6, Seattle 5Pittsburgh 8, L.A. Dodgers 1Atlanta 6, Miami 4Washington 4, N.Y. Mets 1San Diego 5, Chicago Cubs 3St. Louis at San Francisco Thursday’s Games Miami (Garrett 1-0) at Atlanta (Wright 0-1), 12:20 p.m.L.A. Dodgers (Urías 3-2) at Pittsburgh (Keller 2-0), 12:35 p.m.Seattle (Kirby 2-1) at Phila. (Strahm 1-2), 1:05 p.m.San Diego (Lugo 2-1) at Chicago Cubs (Wesneski 1-1), 2:20 p.m.St. Louis (Mikolas 0-1) at San Francisco (Webb 1-4), 3:45 p.m.Washington (Williams 1-1) at N.Y. Mets (Luc chesi 1-0), 7:10 p.m. Friday’s Games Chicago Cubs at Miami, 6:40 p.m.Pittsburgh at Washington, 7:05 p.m.Atlanta at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m.L.A. Angels at Milwaukee, 8:10 p.m.Phila. at Houston, 8:10 p.m.Arizona at Colorado, 8:40 p.m.Cincinnati at Oakland, 9:40 p.m.St. Louis at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m. HOUSTON 1, TAMPA BAY 0 Houston Tampa Bay ab r h bi ab r h bi Dubón 2b 3 0 1 0 Díaz 1b 4 0 0 0Peña ss 4 1 2 0 Franco ss 4 0 0 0Tucker rf 3 0 1 0 Arozarena lf 2 0 0 0Bregman 3b 3 0 0 1 B.Lowe 2b 2 0 0 0J.Abreu 1b 4 0 0 0 Ramírez dh 3 0 0 0Julks lf 4 0 0 0 Bethancort c 3 0 0 0Meyers cf 4 0 0 0 Walls 3b 3 0 0 0Hensley dh 3 0 0 0 Siri cf 3 0 0 0Diaz c 2 0 1 0 Margot rf 3 0 2 0Totals 30 1 5 1 Totals 27 0 2 0Houston 100 000 000 — 1 Tampa Bay 000 000 000 — 0 E Franco (2). DP Houston 1, Tampa Bay 3. LOB Houston 6, Tampa Bay 2. IP H R ER BB SO Houston Brown W,3-0 7 2 0 0 2 8Neris H,1 1 0 0 0 0 1Pressly S,2-2 1 0 0 0 0 0Tampa Bay Faucher L,0-1 2 1 1 1 2 1Fleming 6 4 0 0 1 2Burdi 1 0 0 0 1 2Faucher pitched to 1 batter in the 3rd.WP Faucher(2).Umpires Home, Vic Carapazza; First, Nick Mahrley; Second, Jerry Layne; Third, Brock Ballou.T 2:07. A 14,168 (25,025). PITTSBURGH 8, L.A. DODGERS 1 Los Angeles Pittsburgh ab r h bi ab r h bi Betts rf 4 0 0 0 Hayes 3b 3 1 0 0Freeman 1b 4 1 2 1 Reynolds lf 4 0 1 1Heyward cf 3 0 0 0 McCutch dh 4 0 1 1Outman lf 4 0 0 0 Maggi ph-dh 1 0 0 0Vargas 2b 3 0 0 0 Santana 1b 4 1 1 0Busch 3b 4 0 0 0 Suwinski cf 2 1 1 0Taylor ss 3 0 1 0 Joe rf 4 0 0 0Peralta dh 3 0 0 0 Marcano pr 0 1 0 0Wynns c 3 0 1 0 Castro ss 4 2 2 2 Bae 2b-cf 4 2 3 1 Delay c 3 0 3 3Totals 31 1 4 1 Totals 33 8 12 8Los Angeles 000 000 010 — 1 Pittsburgh 000 021 50x — 8 DP Los Angeles 2, Pittsburgh 0. LOB Los Angeles 5, Pittsburgh 8. 2B Castro (4), De lay (4). HR Freeman (4). SB Suwinski (3), Santana (2), Vargas (1), Bae 3 (10), Castro (1). S Delay (1). IP H R ER BB SO Los Angeles Gonsolin 3 1 / 3 2 0 0 3 1 Bickford L,0-1 1 3 2 2 1 1Bruihl 1 3 1 1 0 1Almonte 1 1 / 3 2 4 4 1 0 Vesia 1 1 / 3 2 1 1 0 1 Pittsburgh Contreras W,3-1 6 2 0 0 2 5Stephenson H,5 1 1 0 0 0 1Moreta 2 1 1 1 0 4Bickford pitched to 5 batters in the 5th, Brui hl pitched to 4 batters in the 6th.Umpires Home, Jeff Nelson; First, CB Buc knor; Second, Chris Segal; Third, Ben May.T 2:48. A 12,152 (38,753). ARIZONA 2, KANSAS CITY 0 Kansas City Arizona ab r h bi ab r h bi Witt Jr. ss 4 0 1 0 Marte 2b 3 0 0 0Pasquant 1b 4 0 1 0 Rivera 3b 3 1 2 1Melendez dh 3 0 1 0 Rojas ph-3b 1 0 0 0Olivares lf 4 0 1 0 Gurriel Jr. lf 4 0 1 0Massey 2b 3 0 0 0 Walker 1b 4 0 1 0Duffy ph 1 0 0 0 Longoria dh 4 0 1 1Isbel cf 3 0 0 0 Carroll rf 1 0 1 0Reyes ph 1 0 0 0 Ahmed ss 3 0 0 0Fermin c 4 0 0 0 Thomas cf 2 1 0 0Lopez 3b 3 0 0 0 Herrera c 2 0 0 0Bradley rf 3 0 1 0 Totals 33 0 5 0 Totals 27 2 6 2Kansas City 000 000 000 — 0 Arizona 000 110 00x — 2 E Ahmed (2). DP Kansas City 1, Arizona 0. LOB Kansas City 7, Arizona 6. S Her rera (1). IP H R ER BB SO Kansas City Yarbrough L,0-3 4 4 1 1 1 2 Garrett 1 1 1 1 1 2 Staumont 1 0 0 0 0 2 Taylor 1 0 0 0 0 2 Cuas 1 1 0 0 0 1 Arizona Gallen W,4-1 6 1 / 3 4 0 0 0 12 McGough H,5 2 / 3 0 0 0 0 0 Castro H,4 1 1 0 0 0 0 Chafin S,4-5 1 0 0 0 1 1 HBP Yarbrough (Marte), Staumont (Carroll).Umpires Home, Edwin Jimenez; First, James Hoye; Second, D.J. Reyburn; Third, John Libka.T 2:31. A 14,343 (48,359). MILWAUKEE 6, DETROIT 2 Detroit Milwaukee ab r h bi ab r h bi McKinsty 2b 3 0 0 0 Yelich lf 3 1 0 0Haase ph-lf 1 0 0 0 Winker dh 2 1 0 0Greene cf 4 0 1 0 Adames ss 3 0 0 0Báez ss 0 0 0 0 Tellez 1b 4 1 1 1Schoop pr 3 0 1 0 Anderson rf 4 1 2 2Maton 3b 3 1 0 0 Caratini c 4 1 2 2Nevin ph-3b 1 0 0 0 Turang 2b 4 0 0 0Carpenter dh 4 0 0 0 Brosseau 3b 4 0 1 0Torkelson 1b 4 0 0 0 Perkins rf 0 0 0 0Baddoo lf-rf 4 1 2 1 Wiemer cf 4 1 2 1Rogers c 4 0 1 1 Vierling rf 3 0 1 0 Totals 34 2 6 2 Totals 32 6 8 6Detroit 000 200 000 — 2 Milwaukee 302 000 01x — 6 E Rogers (1), Anderson (1). LOB Detroit 6, Milwaukee 7. 2B Vierling (4), Baddoo 2 (3), Schoop (1), Tellez (2), Wiemer (5). HR Caratini (1), Wiemer (2). IP H R ER BB SODetroit Lorenzen L,0-1 5 7 5 5 2 5Vest 1 0 0 0 1 3Holton 2 1 1 1 0 2Milwaukee Peralta W,3-2 6 4 2 0 0 8Wilson H,1 2 / 3 1 0 0 0 1 Milner H,4 2 / 3 1 0 0 0 0 Strzelecki H,7 2 / 3 0 0 0 0 1 Williams 1 0 0 0 0 1HBP Peralta (Báez), Lorenzen (Yelich).Umpires Home, John Tumpane; First, Alex MacKay; Second, Marvin Hudson; Third, Hunter Wendelstedt.T 2:27. A 25,847 (41,700). CINCINNATI 5, TEXAS 3 Texas Cincinnati ab r h bi ab r h bi Semien 2b 4 1 0 0 Gibaut p-p 0 0 0 0Jankowsk cf 2 0 0 0 India 2b 2 0 0 0Taveras cf 3 1 1 0 Friedl cf 3 0 0 1Lowe 1b 3 0 1 1 Steer 1b 4 0 0 0García rf 2 0 1 1 Stephens dh 3 1 2 0Jung 3b 0 0 0 0 Fairchild pr 0 0 0 0Duran ph 2 0 0 0 Fraley lf-rf 4 0 1 0Heim c 3 0 1 0 Ramos rf 4 1 1 1Thompsn pr 0 1 0 0 Sims p 0 0 0 0Grossman lf 4 0 1 0 Newman ss 4 1 1 1León c 0 0 0 0 Senzel 3b 4 2 2 2Miller dh 3 0 0 1 Casali c 1 0 0 0J.Smith ss 3 0 0 0 Totals 29 3 5 3 Totals 29 5 7 5Texas 000 020 001 — 3 Cincinnati 020 010 002 — 5 E Duran (3), J.Smith (3). DP Texas 1, Cincinnati 0. LOB Texas 8, Cincinnati 6. 2B Lowe (9), Heim (4), Stephenson (5). 3B Ramos (1). HR Senzel (1). SB Senzel (2), Fairchild (2). SF García (3), Miller (1), Friedl (1). S Casali (1). IP H R ER BB SOTexas Gray 6 4 3 3 2 2 Sborz 2 1 0 0 1 4 Hernández L,0-1 0 2 2 2 0 0 Cincinnati Ashcraft 6 3 2 2 4 3 Young H,3 1 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 2 Gibaut H,3 2 / 3 2 1 1 0 1 Sims W,1-0 1 0 0 0 0 2 Hernández pitched to 2 batters in the 9th.HBP Ashcraft (Jung), Gray (Casali), Gibaut (Duran), Sims (J.Smith).Umpires Home, Dan Merzel; First, Lance Barksdale; Second, Will Little; Third, Ryan Additon.T 2:34. A 10,256 (43,891). CLEVELAND 4, COLORADO 1 Colorado Cleveland ab r h bi ab r h bi Blackmn dh 3 0 1 0 Kwan lf 3 0 0 0Profar lf 4 1 1 0 Rosario ss 4 0 1 0Bryant rf 4 0 2 1 Ramírez 3b 2 1 2 0Cron 1b 4 0 0 0 Naylor dh 4 1 2 2McMahn 3b 4 0 1 0 Bell 1b 4 0 0 0Trejo 2b 4 0 1 0 Arias 1b 0 0 0 0 Doyle cf 4 0 0 0 Giménez 2b 3 2 2 0Tovar ss 3 0 1 0 Gonzalez rf 3 0 2 1Serven c 3 0 0 0 Straw cf 1 0 1 0 Brennan cf 4 0 0 1 Gallagher c 4 0 0 0Totals 33 1 7 1 Totals 32 4 10 4Colorado 000 001 000 — 1 Cleveland 200 100 01x — 4 E Serven (2). DP Colorado 1, Cleveland 1. LOB Colorado 6, Cleveland 9. 2B To var (5), Profar (3), Ramírez (9), Giménez (6), Gonzalez (2). HR Naylor (3). SB Rosario (5), Kwan (7). IP H R ER BB SOColorado Márquez L,2-2 3 2 / 3 6 3 3 1 4 Bird 1 1 / 3 2 0 0 1 0 Bard 1 1 / 3 1 0 0 1 1 Hand 1 1 1 1 1 2 Johnson 2 / 3 0 0 0 0 0 Cleveland Bibee W,1-0 5 2 / 3 6 1 1 0 8 Morgan H,2 1 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 3 Stephan H,3 1 0 0 0 0 1 Clase S,8-9 1 1 0 0 0 0 Hand pitched to 3 batters in the 8th.HBP Bibee (Blackmon), Hand (Giménez).Umpires Home, Edwin Moscoso; First, Lance Barrett; Second, Ramon De Jesus; Third, Doug Eddings.T 2:32. A 9,841 (34,788). TORONTO 8, CHICAGO WHITE SOX 0 Chicago Toronto ab r h bi ab r h bi Andrus ss 4 0 0 0 Springer rf 1 1 0 0Vaughn 1b 4 0 1 0 Biggio ph-rf 3 0 0 0Robert Jr. cf 4 0 1 0 Bichette ss 4 2 3 3Jiménez dh 4 0 0 0 Guerrero 1b 5 1 2 2Benintendi lf 3 0 1 0 Chapman 3b 2 1 1 0Burger 3b 3 0 0 0 Lukes rf 1 0 0 0Zavala c 2 0 0 0 Varsho cf 2 1 0 0Sosa 2b 3 0 0 0 Kirk dh 3 0 0 0González rf 2 0 1 0 Merrifield lf 4 0 2 2Haseley ph 1 0 0 0 Jansen c 4 0 0 0 Espinal 2b 4 2 3 1Totals 30 0 4 0 Totals 33 8 11 8Chicago 000 000 000 — 0 Toronto 003 100 31x — 8 DP Chicago 2, Toronto 0. LOB Chicago 4, Toronto 8. 2B Guerrero Jr. 2 (5). HR Bichette (5). SB Espinal (1), Merrield (4). IP H R ER BB SOChicago Kopech L,0-3 5 6 4 4 2 4Lambert 1 2 / 3 3 3 3 2 2 Middleton 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 1 Santos 1 2 1 0 0 2Toronto Kikuchi W,4-0 5 2 / 3 4 0 0 1 8 Swanson 1 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 4 García 1 0 0 0 0 2Richards 1 0 0 0 0 3HBP Kopech 2 (Springer,Chapman), Lam bert (Varsho). WP Kikuchi.Umpires Home, Chris Guccione; First, Ryan Blakney; Second, David Rackley; Third, Jer emy Riggs.T 2:32. A 35,069 (49,282). ATLANTA 6, MIAMI 4 Miami Atlanta ab r h bi ab r h bi Chisholm cf 4 1 1 1 Acuña Jr. rf 3 1 1 1Cooper 1b 3 1 1 0 Olson 1b 5 1 1 1Soler dh 3 0 0 0 Riley 3b 4 1 1 0Arraez 2b 4 0 0 0 Murphy c 4 0 1 0García lf 3 1 1 1 Solak pr 0 1 0 0Sánchez rf 4 1 1 1 Tromp c 0 0 0 0Berti 3b 3 0 1 1 Rosario lf 3 1 1 1Stallings c 3 0 0 0 Albies 2b 2 1 1 0Segura ph 1 0 0 0 Grissom ss 4 0 2 2Hampson ss 4 0 0 0 Ozuna dh 4 0 1 0 Hilliard cf 4 0 0 0Totals 32 4 5 4 Totals 33 6 9 5Miami 011 101 000 — 4 Atlanta 000 002 04x — 6 E Floro (1). LOB Miami 5, Atlanta 8. 2B Berti (4), Riley (4). 3B Rosario (1). HR Sán chez (1), Chisholm Jr. (5), García (3), Acuña Jr. (4), Olson (7). IP H R ER BB SO Miami Alcantara 5 2 / 3 4 2 2 3 6 Brazoban H,3 1 1 / 3 1 0 0 0 0 Floro L,1-1 BS,0-1 1 / 3 4 4 3 1 0 Nardi 2 / 3 0 0 0 1 2 Atlanta Elder 5 1 / 3 5 4 4 2 3 Tonkin W,2-1 2 2 / 3 0 0 0 2 2 Minter S,5-7 1 0 0 0 0 2 WP Elder.Umpires Home, Pat Hoberg; First, Nestor Ceja; Second, Alfonso Marquez; Third, Brian O’Nora.T 2:28. A 30,282 (41,149). N.Y. YANKEES 12, MINNESOTA 6 New York Minnesota ab r h bi ab r h bi Volpe ss 3 3 2 3 Kepler rf 4 0 0 1Judge dh 4 1 3 3 Correa ss 2 0 0 0 Rizzo 1b 5 1 2 2 Jeffers c 2 0 0 0LeMaheu 3b 4 0 0 1 Larnach lf 3 1 0 0Torres 2b 5 2 2 2 Miranda dh 3 3 2 3Calhoun rf 5 1 2 1 Gallo 1b-cf 4 1 1 2F.Cordero rf 0 0 0 0 Solano 2b 4 0 1 0Kiner cf 5 1 1 0 Gordon cf 4 1 1 0Higashioka c 5 1 1 0 Vázquez c 4 0 0 0Cabrera lf 3 2 1 0 Castro 3b 1 0 0 0Totals 39 12 14 12 Totals 31 6 5 6New York 050 600 010 — 12 Minnesota 010 202 100 — 6 E Gordon (1), Maeda (1). DP New York 1, Minnesota 0. LOB New York 5, Minneso ta 2. 2B Judge 2 (5), Torres (3), Volpe (2), Rizzo (5). 3B Gordon (1). HR Torres (3), Miranda 2 (2), Gallo (7). SF LeMahieu (1). IP H R ER BB SO New York Germán W,2-2 6 5 6 6 2 8 Hamilton 2 0 0 0 1 2 Holmes 1 0 0 0 0 1 Minnesota Maeda L,0-4 3 11 10 10 2 2 Headrick 5 3 2 2 2 8 Pagán 1 0 0 0 0 1 Germán pitched to 1 batter in the 7th, Mae da pitched to 6 batters in the 4th.HBP Germán (Miranda).Umpires Home, Chad Whitson; First, Ro berto Ortiz; Second, Rob Drake; Third, Bill Miller.T 2:27. A 20,511 (38,544). PHILADELPHIA 6, SEATTLE 5 Seattle Philadelphia ab r h bi ab r h bi Rodríguez cf 5 1 1 1 Stott 2b 4 2 2 0France 1b 4 0 0 0 Turner ss 4 0 1 0Kelenic lf 4 0 0 0 Schwarber lf 4 0 1 1Suárez 3b 4 0 2 0 Castellanos dh 4 2 3 3Hernández rf 4 0 0 0 Marsh cf 4 1 1 0Raleigh c 3 1 0 0 Realmuto c 4 0 2 1Pollock dh 4 1 1 0 Bohm 1b 4 0 1 1Wong 2b 2 1 1 0 Cave rf 4 0 0 0Caballero ph 1 0 0 0 Sosa 3b 4 1 1 0Crawford ss 4 1 3 4 Totals 35 5 8 5 Totals 36 6 12 6Seattle 050 000 000 — 5 Philadelphia 201 010 02x — 6 LOB Seattle 5, Philadelphia 7. 2B Wong (1), Crawford (7). HR Crawford (1), Rodrí guez (5), Castellanos (3). SB Sosa (1). IP H R ER BB SO Seattle Gilbert 5 7 4 4 1 6 Gott H,5 1 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 2 Speier H,4 2 / 3 1 0 0 0 0 Topa L,0-2 BS,0-1 0 4 2 2 0 0 Murfee 1 0 0 0 0 0 Philadelphia Walker 4 5 5 5 2 6 Ortiz 2 1 0 0 0 2 Domínguez 1 1 0 0 0 2 Kimbrel W,1-0 1 0 0 0 0 2 Alvarado S,4-5 1 1 0 0 0 2 Topa pitched to 4 batters in the 8th.WP Gilbert.Umpires Home, Ryan Wills; First, Andy Fletcher; Second, Erich Bacchus; Third, Laz Diaz.T 2:34. A 32,641 (42,901). WASHINGTON 4, N.Y. METS 1 Washington New York ab r h bi ab r h bi Call lf 4 0 1 1 Nimmo cf 3 0 0 0García 2b 4 0 0 0 Marte rf 4 0 1 1Candlaro 3b 5 1 1 1 Lindor ss 4 0 0 0Meneses dh 4 0 1 0 Alonso 1b 4 0 0 0Ruiz c 4 1 1 0 Canha lf 4 0 0 0Do.Smith 1b 5 1 1 0 McNeil 2b 3 0 2 0Thomas rf 3 0 1 1 Pham dh 4 0 0 0Abrams ss 4 0 2 1 Escobar 3b 2 1 1 0Robles cf 2 1 0 0 Baty ph-3b 1 0 0 0 Nido c 2 0 0 0 Vogelbac ph 0 0 0 0 Álvarez pr-c 1 0 0 0Totals 35 4 8 4 Totals 32 1 4 1Washington 020 000 110 — 4 New York 001 000 000 — 1 E Abrams (6), Escobar (1), Alonso (1), Otta vino (1). DP Washington 0, New York 2. LOB Washington 11, New York 8. 2B Do.Smith (1). 3B Escobar (1). HR Candelario (4). SB Robles 2 (6). IP H R ER BB SO Washington Gore W,3-1 6 4 1 1 2 10 Edwards Jr. H,4 1 / 3 0 0 0 2 0 Harvey H,6 1 2 / 3 0 0 0 0 3 Finnegan S,5-6 1 0 0 0 0 2 New York Senga L,3-1 5 5 2 2 4 7 Brigham 1 2 / 3 2 1 1 1 2 Raley 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 0 Ottavino 1 1 1 1 1 2 Robertson 1 0 0 0 1 2 WP Senga.Umpires Home, Mark Carlson; First, Jordan Baker; Second, Tripp Gibson; Third, Brennan Miller.T 2:53. A 20,191 (42,136). MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL STANDINGS AND SCORES THIS DATE IN BASEBALL April 27 1909 – The Chicago White Sox win their third straight 1-0 game over St. Louis in three days. 1947 – Babe Ruth Day at Yankee Stadium drew a crowd of more than 58,000 to honor the ailing great. In the game, Sid Hudson of the Washington Senators beat Spud Chandler 1-0. 1968 – Tom Phoebus of the Orioles had a no-hitter vs. the Boston Red Sox, 6-0, at Baltimore. 1973 – Kansas City’s Steve Busby pitched his first of two career no-hitters with a 3-0 victory over the Tigers at Detroit. 1983 – Walter Johnson’s record of 3,508 career strikeouts was eclipsed by Houston’s Nolan Ryan – a record that stood for 56 years. Ryan fanned Montre al pinch-hitter Brad Mills in the eighth inning as the Astros beat the Expos 4-2. 1994 – Scott Erickson, who allowed the most hits in the majors the previous season, pitched Minneso ta’s first no-hitter in 27 years as the Twins beat Mil waukee 6-0. Last season Erickson led the majors in losses (19), hits (266) and runs (138). 1996 – Barry Bonds became the fourth major leaguer with 300 homers and 300 steals when he homered in the third inning of the San Francisco Giants’ 6-3 victory over the Florida Marlins. His father, Bobby Bonds, godfather Willie Mays, and Andre Dawson are the only other players to reach 300-300. 2000 – Chicago White Sox shortstop Jose Valentin hit for the cycle and drove in five runs in a 13-4 victory over the Baltimore Orioles. Valentin hit the cycle in order: single, double, triple, home run. 2002 – Derek Lowe, who struggled to keep his job as a closer last season, pitched a no-hitter against Tampa Bay. Boston won the game, 10-0. 2021 – Vladimir Guerrero Jr. has the first three-homer game of his career and drives in 7 runs in the Blue Jays’ 9-5 win over the Nationals. grounder with runners on the corners in the rst. Jeremy Peña singled and advanced to third on a pair of wild pitches by opener Calvin Faucher (0-1) before scor ing. Astros second baseman Mau ricio Dubón extended his hitting streak to 20 games with a fth-in ning single off Josh Fleming. It’s the longest by a Houston player since Hunter Pence’s 23-game run in 2011. “The guys loved it,” Baker said. “They’re all pulling for him. Take it all the way to 56.” Yankees great Joe DiMaggio had a major league-record 56-game hitting streak in 1949. Fleming went six scoreless in nings, and the Rays held the As tros to ve hits.Holding courtFred McGriff, who will enter the Hall of Fame in July, was at the game and spent batting practice talking with Baker.NumbersBrown has not allowed a homer in the majors over 50 2 / 3 innings. ... Houston slugger José Abreu is homerless in his last 149 at-bats, dating to last September 13. ... Lowe is 0 for 15, including 10 strikeouts, in his last four games.Welcome backRHP Zack Burdi, who was tak en in the rst round of the 2016 draft by Chicago White Sox but has seen his career derailed by in juries, struck out two and walked one in a scoreless ninth for the Rays. It was rst big league game since Sept. 6, 2021 with Balti more.Trainer’s roomAstros: Baker said the status of OF Yordan Alvarez (neck discom fort), who missed his third straight game, should be updated Friday. Avoiding the injured list is likely. Rays: Reliever Ryan Thompson (right lat strain) could be back Fri day.Up nextAstros: LHP Framber Valdez (2-2) and Philadelphia RHP Aar on Nola (1-2) are the starting pitchers Friday night in Houston when teams meet for the rst time since last year’s World Series. Rays: LHP Shane McClanah an (4-0) and Chicago White Sox RHP Dylan Cease (2-0) take the mound Thursday night. Tampa Bay recently swept Chicago. RAYSFrom page B1 Senzel’s walk-off home run lifts Reds over Rangers THE ASSOCIATED PRESS CINCINNATI — Nick Senzel hit a game-ending, two-run homer in the ninth inning, stopping Cincin nati’s longest homerless draught in 32 years and giving the Reds a 5-3 win over the Texas Rangers on Wednesday and their rst series sweep since last July. Brad Mills’ sacrice y off Lucas Sims (1-0) tied the score in the ninth. Kevin Newman singled leading off the bottom half against Jon athan Hernández (0-1) and took second on shortstop Josh Smith’s throwing error. Senzel hit a full-count slider off the yellow pad ding along the top of the left-eld wall, ending the Reds’ streak of 79 innings without a home run since Kevin Newman’s sec ond-inning drive against Tampa Bay on April 17. The eight games without a long ball were the most for the Reds since 1991. Cincinnati (10-15) com pleted a three-game sweep of Texas (14-10). ——— Yankees 12, Twins 6 MINNEAPOLIS – Aaron Judge had three hits and three RBIs and dodged an injury scare on his 31st birthday, helping the New York Yan Jeff Dean / AP The Cincinnati Reds’ Nick Senzel, center, celebrates with teammates after hitting a game winning two-run home run against the Texas Rangers in the ninth inning on Wednesday in Cincinnati. kees avoid a sweep and beat the Minnesota Twins 12-6 on Wednes day. Gleyber Torres drove a two-run homer into the second deck in a six-run fourth inning against Kenta Maeda (0-4), who left the mound with Twins athletic trainer Nick Paparesta for the second straight start. He was tagged with a career-worst 11 hits and 10 runs. Judge surprisingly tried to steal third base in the second inning after a three-run double, and he was thrown out on an awkward head-first slide as his shoulders lurched forward ahead of his arms. His right hand was jammed into the dirt underneath the weight of his body. Jose Miranda homered twice and Joey Gallo also went deep against Yankees starter Domingo Germán (2-2). Brewers 6, Tigers 2 MILWAUKEE – Victor Caratini and rookie Joey Wiemer homered to back Freddy Peralta (3-2), who allowed a pair of unearned runs and four hits over six innings as Milwaukee stopped a three-game losing streak. Javier Báez, who entered with a 10-game hitting streak, left in the first inning after being struck on the left hand by a 93-mph pitch. The Tigers said Báez’s hand was bruised and X-rays were negative. Michael Lorenzen (0-1), making his third start, gave up five runs and seven hits in five innings. Guardians 4, Rockies 1 CLEVELAND – Tanner Bibee (1-0) struck out eight and allowed one run and six hits over 5 2 / 3 innings to win his major league debut as Cleveland avoided a three-game sweep. Germán Márquez (2-2) made his first start since April 10 because of right forearm inflam mation but was removed with two outs in the fourth. Márquez allowed three runs and threw 58 pitches in 3 2 / 3 innings. Josh Naylor hit a two-run homer in the first and Oscar Gonzalez had an RBI double in the fourth. Eman uel Clase got his eighth save. Blue Jays 8, White Sox 0 TORONTO – Yusei Kikuchi (4-0) allowed four hits and struck out eight over 5 2 / 3 innings, Bo Bichette hit a solo home run and Toronto completed a three-game sweep that extended Chicago’s losing streak to seven. The White Sox, blanked for the second straight game, have lost nine of 10. Blue Jays star George Springer left in the fourth, one inning after he was hit on the right hand by a pitch from Michael Kopech (0-3). X-rays did not reveal a fracture. Chicago has lost nine of 10 and 15 of 18. Things aren’t getting any easier for the White Sox, who host MLB-leading Tampa Bay in a four-game series beginning Thursday. Orioles 6, Red Sox 2 BALTIMORE – Ramón Urías had a career-high four hits and scored three runs, Anthony Santander had two RBIs and the Baltimore won its fifth straight series. The Orioles have won 10 of their last 12 games. Tyler Wells (1-1) gave up two runs and four hits over 5 2 / 3 innings Tanner Houck (3-1) allowed four runs – three earned – and seven hits in five innings. Diamondbacks 2, Royals 0 PHOENIX – Zac Gallen (4-1) struck out 12 over 6 1 / 3 innings and gave up four hits, stretching his scoreless streak to 28 innings. Miguel Castro handled the eighth and Andrew Chafin threw the ninth for his fourth save. Arizo na has pitched four shutouts. Kan sas City has been blanked six times. Evan Longoria had a broken-bat RBI single in the fourth off Ryan Yarbrough (0-3) and Emmanuel Rivera had a run-scoring single in the fifth. Braves 6, Marlins 4 ATLANTA – Vaughn Grissom had two hits, including a single to drive in the go-ahead run in Atlanta’s four-run eighth inning, and the Braves rallied to overcome a strong start by Miami’s Sandy Alcantara and beat the Marlins 6-4. Dylan Floro blew a 4-2 lead in the eighth, which began with Matt Olson’s seventh homer. Grissom’s single to right field drove in Eddie Rosario, who tripled, for a 5-4 lead. Alcantara was sharp in his return after missing one start with right biceps tendinitis. Padres 5, Cubs 3 CHICAGO – Fernando Tatis Jr. drove in three runs with a pair of singles, lifting the San Diego Padres to a 5-3 win over the Chi cago Cubs on Wednesday night. Nick Martinez (2-1) pitched three scoreless innings for the win. Josh Hader worked around Yan Gomes’ double and a walk in the ninth for his ninth save.


B4 Thursday, April 27, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle NHL FIRST ROUND (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) EASTERN CONFERENCE Boston 3, Florida 2 Monday, April 17: Boston 3, Florida 1Wednesday, April 19: Florida 6, Boston 3Friday, April 21: Boston 4, Florida 2Sunday, April 23: Boston 6, Florida 2Wednesday, April 26: Florida 4, Boston 3, OTFriday, April 28: Boston at Florida, TBAx-Sunday, April 30: Florida at Boston, TBA Toronto 3, Tampa Bay 1 Tuesday, April 18: Tampa Bay 7, Toronto 3Thursday, April 20: Toronto 7, Tampa Bay 2Saturday, April 22: Toronto 4, Tampa Bay 3, OTMonday, April 24: Toronto 5, Tampa Bay 4, OTThursday, April 27: Tampa Bay at Toronto, 7 p.m.x-Saturday, April 29: Toronto at Tampa Bay, TBAx-Monday, May 1: Tampa Bay at Toronto, TBA Tuesday, April 25 N.Y. Islanders 3, Carolina 2, Carolina leads series 3 – 2Dallas 4, Minnesota 0, Dallas leads series 3 – 2Edmonton 6, Los Angeles 3, Edmonton leads series 3 – 2 Wednesday, April 26 Florida 4, Boston 3, OTSeattle at Colorado Thursday, April 27 Tampa Bay at Toronto, 7 p.m.N.Y. Rangers at New Jersey, 7:30 p.m.Winnipeg at Vegas, 10 p.m. Friday, April 28 Boston at Florida, TBACarolina at N.Y. Islanders, TBADallas at Minnesota, TBAColorado at Seattle, 10 p.m. Saturday, April 29 x-Toronto at Tampa Bay, TBAEdmonton at Los Angeles, TBAx-Vegas at Winnipeg, TBANew Jersey at N.Y. Rangers, 8 p.m. Sunday, April 30 x-Florida at Boston, TBAx-N.Y. Islanders at Carolina, TBAx-Minnesota at Dallas, TBAx-Seattle at Colorado, TBA Monday, May 1 x-N.Y. Rangers at New Jersey, TBAx-Tampa Bay at Toronto, TBAx-Los Angeles at Edmonton, TBAx-Winnipeg at Vegas, TBA NBA FIRST ROUND (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Tuesday, April 25 Atlanta 119, Boston 117, Boston leads se ries 3 – 2Denver 112, Minnesota 109, Denver wins series 4 – 1Phoenix 136, L.A. Clippers 130, Phoenix wins series 4 – 1 Wednesday, April 26 New York 106, Cleveland 95, New York wins series 4 – 1Memphis 116, L.A. Lakers 99, L.A. Lakers leads series 3 – 2Miami at MilwaukeeGolden State at Sacramento Thursday, April 27 Boston at Atlanta, 8:30 p.m. Friday, April 28 x-Milwaukee at Miami, TBASacramento at Golden State, TBAMemphis at L.A. Lakers, TBA Saturday, April 29 x-Atlanta at Boston, TBA SECOND ROUND (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Phoenix at Denver, TBA FIRST ROUND (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Sunday, April 30 x-Miami at Milwaukee, TBAx-Golden State at Sacramento, TBAx-L.A. Lakers at Memphis, TBA NFL 2023 NFL Draft Order denotes picks involved in trades that are not yet official First Round 1. Carolina Panthers (from Chicago)2. Houston Texans3. Arizona Cardinals4. Indianapolis Colts5. Seattle Seahawks (from Denver)6. Detroit Lions (from L.A. Rams)7. Las Vegas Raiders8. Atlanta Falcons9. Chicago Bears (from Carolina)10. Phila. Eagles (from New Orleans)11. Tennessee Titans12. Houston Texans (from Cleveland)13. New York Jets14. New England Patriots15. Green Bay Packers16. Washington Commanders17. Pittsburgh Steelers18. Detroit Lions19. Tampa Bay Buccaneers20. Seattle Seahawks21. Los Angeles Chargers22. Baltimore Ravens23. Minnesota Vikings24. Jacksonville Jaguars25. New York Giants26. Dallas Cowboys27. Buffalo Bills28. Cincinnati Bengals29. New Orleans (from San Francisco through Miami and Denver)30. Phila. Eagles31. Kansas City Chiefs Second Round 32. Pittsburgh Steelers (from Chicago)33. Houston Texans34. Arizona Cardinals35. Indianapolis Colts36. Los Angeles Rams37. Seattle Seahawks (from Denver)38. Las Vegas Raiders39. Carolina Panthers40. New Orleans Saints41. Tennessee Titans42. New York Jets (from Cleveland)43. New York Jets44. Atlanta Falcons45. Green Bay Packers46. New England Patriots47. Washington Commanders48. Detroit Lions49. Pittsburgh Steelers50. Tampa Bay Buccaneers51. Miami Dolphins52. Seattle Seahawks53. Chicago Bears (from Baltimore)54. Los Angeles Chargers55. Detroit Lions (from Minnesota)56. Jacksonville Jaguars57. New York Giants58. Dallas Cowboys59. Buffalo Bills60. Cincinnati Bengals61. Chicago Bears (from San Francisco through Carolina)62. Phila. Eagles63. Kansas City Chiefs TRANSACTIONS BASEBALL Major League Baseball American League CLEVELAND GUARDIANS — Selected the contract of RHP Tanner Bibee from Colum bus (IL). Designated LHP Konnor Pilkington for assignment.LOS ANGELES ANGELS — Recalled RHP Chase Silseth from Salt Lake (PCL). Placed RHP Austin Warren on the 15-day IL, retro active to April 24.OAKLAND ATHLETICS — Sent 3B Dermis Garcia outright to las Vegas (PCL).TAMPA BAY RAYS — Selected the contract of RHP Zach Burdi from Durham (IL). Desig nated RHP Heath Hembree for assignment.TORONTO BLUE JAYS — Sent RHP Mitch White to Dunedin (FSL) on a rehab assign ment. National League ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS — Released LHP Madison Bumgarner.ATLANTA BRAVES — Recalled LHP Danny Young from Gwinnett (IL). Sent OF Michael Harris II to Gwinnett on a rehab assignment. Placed RHP Joe Jimenez on the paternity list.COLORADO ROCKIES — Reinstated RHP German Marquez from the 15-day IL. Des ignated RHP Jose Urena for assignment.LOS ANGELES DODGERS — Reinstated RHP Tony Gonsolin from the 15-day IL. Optioned RHP Andre Jackson to Oklahoma City (PCL).MIAMI MARLINS — Sent 2B Joey Wendle to Jacksonville (IL) on a rehab assignment. Sent RHP Jeff Lindgren outright to Jack sonville.MILWAUKEE BREWERS — Recalled RHP Ty son Miller from Nashville (IL). Optioned LHP Alex Claudio to Nashville.NEW YORK METS — Sent RHP Stephen Nogosek to Binghamton (EL) on a rehab assignment. AUTO RACING 5:25 a.m. (ESPN2): Formula 1 Racing Azerbaijan Grand Prix, Practice 1 MLB 12 p.m. (BSF): Miami Marlins at Atlanta Braves 12 p.m. (MLBN): Miami Marlins at Atlanta Braves or Los Angeles Dodgers at Pittsburgh Pirates3:30 p.m. (MLBN): St. Louis Cardinals at San Francisco Giants or San Diego Padres at Chicago Cubs6:30 p.m. (MLBN): Baltimore Orioles at Detroit Tigers or Tampa Bay Rays at Chicago White Sox9:30 p.m. (MLBN): New York Yankees at Texas Rangers or Tampa Bay Rays at Chicago White Sox COLLEGE BASEBALL 7 p.m. (ACC): Miami at Louisville 7 p.m. (SEC): Mississippi State at Tennessee 8 p.m. (ESPNU): Texas A&M at Arkansas NBA PLAYOFFS 8:30 p.m. (TNT): Boston Celtics at Atlanta Hawks GOLF 3:30 p.m. (GOLF): PGA Tour Mexico Open at Vidanta, First Round6:30 p.m. (GOLF): LPGA Tour JM Eagle LA Championship, First Round12 a.m. (GOLF): DP World Tour Korea Championship, Sec ond Round NHL PLAYOFFS 7 p.m. (SUN, TBS): Tampa Bay Lightning at Toronto Maple Leafs7:30 p.m. (ESPN2): New York Rangers at New Jersey Devils10 p.m. (ESPN2): Winnipeg Jets at Vegas Golden Knights HOCKEY 9 a.m. (NHL): 2023 IIHF U-18 Men’s World Championship Quarterfinal – Teams TBA11:30 a.m. (NHL): 2023 IIHF U-18 Men’s World Champi onship Quarterfinal – Teams TBA PREMIER LEAGUE SOCCER 2:45 p.m. (USA): Everton vs. Newcastle United TENNIS 1 p.m. (TENNIS): 2023 Mutua Madrid Open ATP First Round, WTA Second Round5 a.m. (TENNIS): 2023 Mutua Madrid Open ATP/WTA Second Round TRACK AND FIELD District 3A-5 at Lake Minneola12 p.m.: Citrus and Lecanto BASEBALL 7 p.m.: Seven Rivers at Umatilla 7 p.m.: South Sumer at Lecanto SOFTBALL 6 p.m.: Leesburg at Citrus ON THE AIRWAVES PREP CALENDAR LOTTERY NUMBERS POWERBALL Monday, April 24, 2023 19-21-55-66-68-3-x2 Next Jackpot: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 $37 MILLIONMEGA MILLIONS Tuesday, April 25, 2023 8-29-46-47-48-12-x2 Winning Numbers Next Jackpot: Friday, April 28, 2023 $38 MILLIONLOTTO Saturday, April 22, 2023 7-9-19-21-35-40 Next Jackpot: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 $30 MILLIONCASH 4 LIFE Tuesday, April 25, 2023 23-24-29-41-54-1 Winning Numbers Top Prize: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 $1,000/DAY FOR LIFEJACKPOT TRIPLE PLAY Tuesday, April 25, 2023 4-9-17-24-31-34 Winning Numbers Next Jackpot: Friday, April 28, 2023 $2 MILLION CASH POPWednesday, April 26, 2023 Morning -7 Wednesday, April 26, 2023 Matinee -9 Wednesday, April 26, 2023 Afternoon -3 Tuesday, April 25, 2023 Evening -4 Tuesday, April 25, 2023 Late Night -11 FANTASY 5 Wednesday, April 26, 2023 Midday -1-4-5-10-23 Tuesday, April 25, 2023 Evening -5-14-15-26-34PICK 5 Wednesday, April 26, 2023 7-2-5-9-1 7 Tuesday, April 25, 2023 6-8-9-3-4 4PICK 4 Wednesday, April 26, 2023 0-7-3-7 7 Tuesday, April 25, 2023 7-8-0-0 4PICK 3Wednesday, April 26, 2023 9-0-0 7 Tuesday, April 25, 2023 9-2-8 4 PICK 2Wednesday, April 26, 2023 5-8 7 Tuesday, April 25, 2023 1-8 4 rst round from 2015-2019 though Young could be come the eighth to go No. 1 overall since 1998. That, of course, leaves behind some questions and uncertainty. There are a handful of es tablished returning quarter backs, like LSU’s Jayden Daniels, Mississippi State’s Will Rogers, Arkansas’s KJ Jefferson and South Caroli na’s Spencer Rattler. Vanderbilt seems set with AJ Swann while Auburn’s Robby Ashford, Texas A&M’s Conner Weigman and Missouri’s Brady Cook are among those trying to fend off competition. Other teams are likely to plug in transfers either atop the depth chart or at least in the mix, with more ad ditions and subractions still possible to shake things up. Ole Miss coach Lane Kif n has a returning starter in Jaxson Dart, but also brought in plenty of com petition. Spencer Sanders was a four-year starter at Oklahoma State and Walk er Howard was a top recruit at LSU last year, but didn’t play much. Dart insists he welcomes the challenge. “Competition’s always good,” he said. “For me, I see myself as trying to de velop to be a rst-round draft pick, so I just try to keep getting better each and every day. “And it’s good to have guys like that push you. We compete day in and day out, so it’s fun being in a room like that.” And Kifn got his wish to upgrade the quarterback group overall. “The idea in the offseason was to improve that room, make it competitive, bring guys in,” he said. “It’s not just being competitive for that rst spot like every body thinks. It just makes you a better room.” Florida and Kentucky, meanwhile, appeared to nd their 2023 starters in the transfer portal.Saban’s choiceAlabama’s Jalen Milroe and Ty Simpson are the front-runners to replace Young, though both had some miscues in the spring game. Freshmen Dylan Lonergan and Eli Holstein are four-star recruits who went through spring. Add ing intriguing: Notre Dame quarterback Tyler Buchner jumped in the transfer por tal. He was recruited and played for new Tide offen sive coordinator Tommy Rees.Bennett’s replacementCarson Beck, Bennett’s backup the past two sea sons, appears to be leading Brock Vandagriff in the race for the starting job for Georgia. “It’s a good, healthy com petition between us two,” Vandagriff said.Another transferKentucky is replacing one transfer, Levis, with anoth er. Devin Leary started 26 games for North Carolina State over four seasons. He was the Atlantic Coast Con ference preseason player of the year last season but had it cut short by injury. He has passed for 6,807 yards in his career and was one of the top players available in the portal.Gator departuresAt Florida, three-year Wisconsin starter Graham Mertz is a stopgap for a program that has effec tively lost six scholarship quarterbacks, including Richardson, over a one-year span. The Gators are relying on Mertz to help avoid a third straight losing season. “I think that personally I grew as a player and as a young man,” Mertz said af ter the spring game.Milton’s momentTennessee’s 23-yearold Joe Milton helped the Vols close the season with an Orange Bowl rout of Clemson after Hooker was injured. He’s a veteran who has started nine of his 31 games over ve years, in cluding three at Michigan. Freshman Nico Iama laeaua, the nation’s No. 2 recruit, per the 247Sports composite rankings, looms. SECFrom page B1 Satellite advances to the team seminals with a 16-2 mark. Dodd said coming to state is always great no matter the outcome. “I love it. I play a decent amount of tennis but com ing to the state tournament has been my highlight ev ery season,” he said. “See ing the players who are better than you makes you want to just play more and get better. “We practiced a lot. Played a lot as a team be cause we wanted to go to states really bad. We got here and are super proud of ourselves. We wanted to come to states and we did it.” The doubles matches started the day. Dodd and Landon Hensley faced Ca leb Domkowski and Jack Lindstrom in No. 1 dou bles and Citrus’ Mason Bryant and Caleb Blanch took on Roman Visliotti and Marcus Hatzakis in the No. 2 match. Dodd and Hensley trailed just 3-2 in the opening set when the Scorpions went on a 3-0 run to end the set 6-2. The Hurricanes fell behind 4-0 in the second set on their way to a 6-2, 6-1 loss. In the other doubles match the Hurricanes weren’t able to pick up a game in a 6-0, 6-0 loss. After a short break the ve singles matches were sent onto the courts. Bryant lost 6-0, 6-0 to Visliotti in No. 3 singles to make it a 3-0 team lead for Satellite. Shortly after that, Blanch fell 6-0, 6-1 to Hatzakis in No. 4 singles and Hensley fell 6-0, 6-2 to Lindstrom in No. 2 singles to clinch the win for the Scorpions. In No. 5 singles Citrus senior Logan Shaw trailed 6-2, 4-2 when his match against Benjamin Frallic ciardi was called off the court due to the meet being clinched. Dodd had to nish his No. 1 singles match against Domkowski and suffered his rst loss of the season, 6-1, 6-0. “Every point is earned here. They got some on the board,” Nelson said of her players. The Dodd family has been a big part of Citrus tennis for decades, with Riley being the latest standout player for the Hurricanes. “That Dodd legacy is denitely a legacy throughout Citrus. Citrus tennis and Dodd kind of go hand in hand,” Nelson said. “If I had to name my court, I think I would name it Dodd Stadium or something.” Dodd said he expects the team to continue having success. “I think it will. We have some players coming up. The train’s moving so I think they’ll keep it going even when I’m gone,” he said. CITRUSFrom page B1 By JIMMY GOLEN Associated Press BOSTON — Matthew Tkachuk scored six minutes into overtime to help the Panthers beat the Boston Bruins 4-3 on Wednesday night and force their rst-round playoff series back to Florida for a sixth game. One game after Bruins goalie Linus Ullmark tried to ght Tkachuk, the Pan thers forward took advan tage of Ullmark’s sloppy puck play behind the net and cut the Presidents’ Tro phy winners’ lead in the best-of-seven series to 3-2. Sergei Bobrovsky made 44 saves for Florida, which has won back-to-back games in Boston but lost twice at home. Anthony Duclair, Sam Bennett and Sam Reinhart also scored – each one giving the Pan thers a lead. Patrice Bergeron scored in his return from an inju ry, and Ullmark stopped 21 shots for the Bruins. Brad Marchand and Taylor Hall had the other goals for Bos ton, which rallied from 1-0, 2-1 and 3-2 decits to force overtime. It was 2-1 Florida when Bergeron tied it ve sec onds into a Boston power play, tipping Marchand’s shot into the net. Seconds later, Tkachuk drew a hooking penalty on Jakub Lauko, and Reinhart quick ly put the Panthers back in front. With about 10 minutes left in regulation, though, Hall fought for a puck in the slot, turned and wrist ed it into the net to tie the game 3-3. The Panthers earned a faceoff in the Bos ton zone with 8 seconds left, but Marchand poked the puck free and chased it down, breaking free down the ice. Bobrovsky turned him aside with 1 second left on the clock.Panthers beat Bruins 4-3 in Game 5 OT to avoid elimination By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS CLEVELAND — Jalen Brunson scored 23 points, RJ Barrett added 21 and the New York Knicks beat the Cleveland Cavaliers 106-95 in Game 5 on Wednes day night to advance to the second round of the Eastern Conference playoffs for the rst time since 2013. The Knicks easily con trolled the series and the clincher even after Julius Randle aggravated his left ankle injury and missed the second half. The fth-seed ed Knicks will meet the Miami-Milwaukee winner next. Brunson averaged 24 points in the series and led New York in scoring all four wins while outplaying Donovan Mitchell for the second straight postseason. Last year, Brunson was with Dallas when he got the best of Mitchell. Mitchell scored 28 points and Darius Garland had 21 for the Cavs, who won 51 games during the regular season but whose inexpe rience showed throughout their rst playoff series in ve years. The Cavs got pushed around and outrebounded in all four losses, including 48-30 in the clincher. New York center Mitchell Robinson nished with 18 rebounds – 11 offensive. ——— Grizzlies 116, Lakers 99 MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Desmond Bane had 33 points and 10 rebounds, Ja Morant added 31 points and 10 boards, and Mem phis staved off elimination, forcing its first-round Western Conference series back to Los Angeles. Jaren Jackson Jr., the NBA Defensive Player of the Year, had 18 points and 10 rebounds for the No. 2 seed Grizzlies, who cut the seventh-seeded Lakers’ series lead to 3-2. Game 6 is Friday. LeBron James started 1 of 7 from the field but finished with 15 points and 10 rebounds, a modest follow-up after the 38-year-old played 45 minutes in Monday night’s overtime win in Los Angeles. Anthony Davis led the Lakers with 31 points and 19 rebounds.Brunson, Barrett help Knicks close out Cavaliers in Game 5 PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES — Sent RHP Nick Nelson to Reading (EL) on a rehab assignment.PITTSBURGH PIRATES — Reinstated OF Bryan Reynolds from the bereavement list. Selected the contract of RHP Cody Bolton from Indianapolis (IL). Reinstated OF Bry an Reynolds from bereavement leave. Placed RHP Wil Crowe on the 15-day IL, retroactive to April 23. Optioned OF Canaan Smith-Njigba to Indianapolis. Designated C Tyler Heineman for assignment.ST. LOUIS CARDINALS — Optioned OF Jordan Walker to Memphis (IL). Agreed to terms with INF/OF Taylor Motter on a one-year contract.SAN DIEGO PADRES — Recalled LHP Tom Cosgrove from El Paso (PCL). Optioned LHP Ryan Weathers to El Paso (PCL).Minor League Baseball Atlantic League LONG ISLAND DUCKS — Signed RHPs Jus tin Alintoff and James Varela, INFs Jesse Russo and Edward Salcedo and OF Mike Wilson. Signed RHP Chris Pike and placed him on the inactive list. BASKETBALL Women’s National Basketball Association MINNESOTA LYNX — Named Elaine Powell assistant coach and Michael Wexler video coordinator. FOOTBALL National Football League DETROIT LIONS — Re-signed DT Benito Jones.GREEN BAY PACKERS — Traded QB Aaron Rodgers and a first-round and fifth-round draft pick to New York Jets in exchange for a first-round, second-round and sixth-round draft pick.MINNESOTA VIKINGS — Named Mike Par son director of equipment services.NEW YORK JETS — Released RB Ty John son with a non-football injury designation.SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS — Re-signed WR Willie Snead to a one-year contract.TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS — Exercised OT Tristan Wirf’s fifth-year option. HOCKEY National Hockey League BOSTON BRUINS — Recalled G Kyle Keyser from Providence (AHL).DALLAS STARS — Returned LW Riley Tufte to Texas (AHL). Reassigned F Francesco Arcuri from Kitchener (OHL) to Texas (AHL).TAMPA BAY LIGHTNING — Reassigned D Roman Schmidt from Kitchener (OHL) to Syracuse (AHL).TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS — Reassigned D Mikko Kokkonen from Toronto (AHL) to Newfoundland (ECHL). AHL TEXAS STARS — Signed F Chase Wheat croft to an amateur try-out contract (ATO). ECHL FLORIDA EVERBLADES — Activated F Kody McDonald from reserve. Placed F Kyle Neu ber on reserve.IDAHO STEELHEADS — Activated F Jordan Kawaguchi from reserve. Placed F Ryan Dmowski on reserve.READING ROYALS — Activated G Pat Nagle and D Mike Chen from reserve. Placed G Kaden Fulcher and D Ryan Cook on reserve.SOUTH CAROLINA STINGRAYS — Activated D Matt Anderson and F Austin Magera from reserve. Placed Fs Lawton Courtnall and Baker Shore on reserve.UTAH GRIZZLIES — Activated D Brycen Martin from reserve. Placed F Dakota Raabe on reserve. SOCCER Major League Soccer ATLANTA UNITED — Signed G Vicente Reyes to a short-term loan contract.FC CINCINNATI — Agreed to transfer Bren ner Souza da Silva to Udinese (Italian Serie A).LA GALAXY — Signed D Mauricio Cuevas to a three-year contract, pending receipt of his international transfer certificate (ITC) and receipt of his P-1 visa.PORTLAND TIMBERS — Signed D Tyler Clegg and Ms Noel Caliskan and Victor Grif fith to short-term loan contracts.ST. LOUIS CITY SC — Named Diego Gigliani president and general manager.SPORTING KC — Signed F Stephen Afrifa to a one-year contract. National Women’s Soccer League SAN DIEGO WAVE FC — Signed G Shae Ya nez to a two-year contract.


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 27, 2023 B5A & P Possible stepmom worries about favoritismDEAR AMY: My boyfriend “Steve” and I have been together for over two years. He is extremely kind and generous to me. I can see a long-term future with him. Steve is divorced with three children, ages 5 (a son “A”), 7 (a daughter, “B”), and 9 (a son, “C”). He and his ex-wife have an acrimonious relation-ship, but have a loose agree-ment regarding the children. He gets the kids every other weekend and also sees them during the weekdays. The issue is this: Steve openly favors the youngest, “A,” and is openly disdain-ful of the middle child, “B.” I have spoken to him repeatedly of the obvious favoritism and the mistreatment of his daughter, but he then accuses me of favoring her. When we get into arguments about the kids, he will blame the kids for me being upset and will punish them. B recently con ded in me that their mother threatened to take him to court if he didn’t change his behavior toward them. B has told both me and her mother about this favoritism, but Steve will staunchly deny it, even though multiple people have brought it to his attention. I am worried that if he doesn’t start acknowledging the deeper issues and rectify-ing his relationship with his daughter, his ex will take him to court (rightfully so). I am also torn, wondering if I should stay with someone who refuses to accept any responsibility in con ict, particularly when it comes to his children. – Con icted Girl-friend in Tennessee DEAR CONFLICTED: No you should not stay with someone who refuses to accept any responsibility regarding con icts, and who blames and punishes his children if you become upset. Both of these parents seem quite awed – for instance, using a 9-year-old to convey a message regarding pulling her father into court shows poor judgment on the mother’s part. You are someone outside these family units who nonetheless has an inside view and a valid point of view regarding these children. When pondering life in the longer term with this man, I’d like you to imagine the next 10 years with three children growing into challenging adolescent and teen years, with you trying to mediate on the kids’ be-half between two warring parents, with at least one of these parents unwilling to even consider altering his behavior, even when it threatens to harm his relationship with his family. You should be with someone who is willing to co-parent through con ict, because when it comes to stepparenting, if you don’t work as a team, you don’t work. DEAR AMY: My husband was recently diagnosed with cancer (for the second time). While we have been assured that this is not a death sentence, we have an unpredict-able journey ahead of us with tests, treat-ments, lifestyle changes, and so on. Would you please ask your readers not to dismiss news like this? One person said to me, “Oh, that cancer is nothing!” Maybe it would be nothing to her, but it is certainly something to us. And I know that people mean well when they say, “I know several people who have had cancer and they’re ne.” More people are surviving cancer today, but we are in the early stages and uncertain about everything. What is even worse is one friend telling us about all of the people he knew with that cancer who subsequently died. Really, folks, comments like these don’t help, and create more anxiety for the pa-tient and family. Thank you for letting me vent. – Retired English Professor DEAR PROFESSOR: I am running your comment as yet another in a series of “pub-lic service announcements” regarding how people sometimes respond to troubling health news. I once watched someone dismiss a friend’s obvious concern regarding a cancer diagnosis with the familiar: “I had a friend with that, and it’s no big deal.” This might seem helpful or reassuring to the person saying it, but what they are doing is telling a very worried person that their current feelings are not legitimate. DEAR AMY: Like “Old Worrier,” I met a woman and knew immediately that she was “the one.” I gave her a ring and she gave me the news that she was pregnant by a one-night stand. I knew that she was a human – just like me. I also knew that if she was divorced or a widow with a child, I would still marry her. Well into our senior years now, we know this was the best choice we ever made. – Anonymous DEAR ANONYMOUS: Beautiful! You can email Amy Dickinson at askamy@ or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. ACROSS 1 Backus or Belushi4 Thin soup,WDO\·VVKDSH 13 Nights before holidays 15 Standard car feature 16 Covetous feeling7RXFDQ·V prominent feature 18 __ squash; winter veggie 19 Two-__; ballroom dance 20 Moved like a snake 22 Lacerated23 Water barriers24 Spanish one26 Not on good terms 29 More savvy34 Subdues35 Perspiration36 __ de cologne37 Not up yet38 Stays away from39 Jokes40 Cabin wall piece41 Destroys42 __-O-Fish; 0F'RQDOG·Vsandwich 43 Hatred45 Ridiculously small46 Burning47 Basil or oregano48 __ market; outdoor bazaar 0HGLDWRU·VJRDO56 Wander57 Dismal; depressing %XJ·VQHPHVLV60 Brute61 “__ It to Beaver”62 Neat63 Disarray64 Finished65 Jamie __ Curtis DOWN )ORULGD·V%XVK&XUULHU·VSULQWLQJ partner 3 Lunch or dinner 4 Lullaby composer 5 Churchill Downs events 6 Reason to bathe7 Spare __; flab8 Central American nation 9 Give, as a gift 10 Hold __; clutch for support 11 “__ the Rainbow”12 Blood donor card info 14 Slipped sideways on ice 21 Little bits25 Hair covering26 __ costs; no matter what 27 Forbidden thing3ODWR·VODVWOHWWHU29 Went for the pitch 30 Cacklers31 Distributed a deck32 Enthusiastic33 Out of practice35 __ splints; UXQQHU·VZRH 38 Appropriate39 Melissa or Sara 41 Fraternity letter 2OG0DF'RQDOG·V place 44 Long UK river45 Sneaked a quick look 47 Give the old __-ho to; fire 48 “__ Here to (WHUQLW\µ·ILOP 49 Theater box50 Mr. Potato Head pieces 52 Singer Campbell53 Peruse54 Metal fastener55 Laundry soap59 Prepare Easter eggs © 2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved.Created by Jacqueline E. Mathews 4/27/23Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved 4/27/23 (Answers tomorrow) FRAME OUNCE SWEATY RADIAL



Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 27, 2023 B7 C F Chronicle Classifieds To place an ad call 563-5966 ANNOUNCEMENTS ElderlyMother&Family lookingforhouseormobile hometorent/rentoptiontobuy inCitrusCounty Callafter10am352-364-2143 orRelator352-512-2894 Lecanto ESTATEFARM AUCTION SatApril29@9am 7205S.HobbsPt. '88FordBronco,'14Forest RiverRoyhaulercamper, MC's,trailers,dirtbikes,'19 Kubotatractor,'05Nissan Titan,tools,lift&safes 352-637-9588 4000S.FLAve.,Inv. Ab1667Au2246 15%bp IBUY,jewelry,silver,gold, paintings,instruments, records,antiques,coins, watches&MORE! 352-454-0068 Inneedofahandymanforrepairsaroundmyhomeand someonetechsavytoassist withtheinternetnotworking properlyonmycellphone. Call 352.453.6991 LOST 2PITBULLS Onemalemostlybrown withwhitearoundneck andpawsandone femalemostlywhite withbrownspots.Last seenaroundHwy44& 491onApril14.Please call352.513.2819or 352.770.3647 STOPMANATEE EXPLOITATION! Swimmingwith manateesisNOT eco-tourism DoNOTbuythelie! FOLLOWUS! WANTED ForeignorAmericanclassic cars,nonrunningok,unusual sportscarstopurchase. Samedaycashpayout!! Call352.529.0233 TODAY’S NEW ADS BeverlyHills Fri.4/288a-3p& Sat4/298a-12p Tools,Householdgoods, décoritems,muchmore! 4842NCrestlineDr FISHINGKAYAKS 1)Lifetime-TamahawkAngler 10010'Lx30"WV.G.C-$40 0 2)Pelican-RamXKayakSentinelAngler100X10"Lx30"W VGC$400 Bothfor$750 352-489-4127LeaveMessage *DUDJH6DOH BeverlyHills Thurs4/268a-4p,Friday4/27, &Sat.4/298a-12p LadiesClothes,Plants, Garden,Householditems, GoldClubs,muchmisc. 6081NKingwoodTer CitrusSprings ThursdaySunday9a-3p Manymiscellaneousitems! Don'tmissout! 2773WElginPL LeniSunShades 4Shades,sizes48",96", 2148"wide,all84"high, all$199obo 352-586-0559 6acres with 370ftofpavedroadfrontage Mixedresidential.LocatedEof Hwy19inHomosassa. Call352.422.6088 TODAY’S NEW ADS FIRSTCHRISTIANCHURCH Sat,April29th8–2at 7030WGroverCleveland Blvd,Homosassa. Householditems,tools, clothes,jewelry,plants, misc.Raffleitems.Church willbeprovidingfree hotdogs&bouncehouse. ProceedstosupportChild EvangelismFellowshipof NatureCoast. CITRUSSPRINGS April28,29&309a-4p Lg&Smpowertools,hunting andfishinggear.Pressure washer&edger.Household items.RainorShine 749WMadisonPlace Canyouwalkonamountain? Nexttoacliff? WithFlorida'stemperamental weather? Whileprovidingavaluable servicetonewclientsdaily? Thenwehavethejob foryou! Filloutanapplicationat 6735S.LewdingarDr. Homosassa34446 NOPHONECALLSPLEASE FREE OFFERS 26inTV OldermodelSharp. Worksgoodnotflatscreen FREE352.628.1783 FREEGUPPIES BRINGYOUROWN CONTAINER&NET (352)419-7132 FREE...FREE...FREE... Removalofscrapmetal a/c,auto's,appliances anddumpruns. 352-476-6600 OTHER $WWHQWLRQ 9,$*5$DQG&,$/,686(56 $FKHDSHUDOWHUQDWLYHWRKLJKGUXJ VWRUHSULFHV3LOO 6SHFLDO2QO\ JXDUDQWHHG&$//12: BATH&SHOWERUPDATESi naslittleasONEDAY!Afforda bleprices-Nopaymentsfor 1 8months!Lifetimewarranty& p rofessionalinstalls.Senior& M ilitaryDiscountsavailable Call: 888-460-2264 DONATEYOURVEHICLE to f undtheSEARCHFOR M ISSINGCHILDREN.FAST F REEPICKUP.24hour r esponse.Runningornot. M aximumTaxDeductionand N oEmissionTestRequired! Call24/7: 866-471-2576 WANTEDTOBUY Stamps,VideoGames, Watches,FamilyPhotos, Postcards,Jewelry,Sports Cards,Coins,Toys,Fishing Lures&MORE/FAIR PRICESPAID-$CASH$CallorTextChuck (443)421-8260 GARAGE / ESTATE SALES Hernando(CitrusHills) 508EBostonSt April27,28&29 Thurs&Fri9a-3p-earlybirds welcomedThursonly Sat10a-2p Salebroughttoyouby: CITRUSSPRINGS April28,29&309a-4p Lg&Smpowertools,hunting andfishinggear.Pressure washer&edger.Household items.RainorShine 749WMadisonPlace GARAGE / ESTATE SALES FIRSTCHRISTIANCHURCH Sat,April29th8–2at 7030WGroverCleveland Blvd,Homosassa. Householditems,tools, clothes,jewelry,plants, misc.Raffleitems.Church willbeprovidingfree hotdogs&bouncehouse. ProceedstosupportChild EvangelismFellowshipof NatureCoast. CitrusSprings ThursdaySunday9a-3p Manymiscellaneousitems! Don'tmissout! 2773WElginPL *DUDJH6DOH BeverlyHills Thurs4/268a-4p,Friday4/27, &Sat.4/298a-12p LadiesClothes,Plants, Garden,Householditems, GoldClubs,muchmisc. 6081NKingwoodTer CitrusSprings SaturdayApril29th9a-4p Noearlybirds 10543NHaitianDr MOVINGSALE 3442W.KEVIN.LN LECANTO 04/26-04/29 Lecanto Thursday,April27& Friday,April289a-3p 300SKensingtonAve (OnTheHill) Lotsofitems INSTRUCTION COMPUTER&ITTRAININGP ROGRAM! TrainONLINEto g ettheskillstobecomea C omputer&HelpDeskProfess ionalnow!GrantsandSchola rshipsavailableforcertain p rogramsforqualifiedapplica nts.CallCTIfordetails! 8557 38-9684 .(M-F8am-6pmET). C omputerwithinternetisrequired. EMPLOYMENT Areyou selfmotivated & ableto multitask ? Wanttojoina CARINGTEAM ? LEARN&GROW inyourjob! Be EXCITED tocometowork! Learnabout holistic integrativevetcare ? VETERINARY TECH w/1yearexp,FTorPT Startingpay$13-15 dependingonqualifications withmanygreatbenefits!! TheHealingPlace in CrystalRiver,FL 352.795.0250 Submitresumeto YourHolisticSource OurMassageand WellnessCenter wantstoadd2 (LMTs)withconnective tissue/medicalmassage training/experience NewgradorExperienced. "Beyondjustamassage" Startingat$25-$30/hrwith downtimepayandbenefits Wewillprovidetrainingin bodywraps,percusser massageandanyofour otherservicesifneeded. Sendresumeto NOWHIRING HVACTech 7745WHomosassaTrail (352)621-3444 orEmailresumeto EMPLOYMENT AND KITCHENSTAFF AND SERVERS Wewilltrain motivatedpeople! Applyinpersonat 114WestMainSt Inverness,FL34450 orsendresumeto erica.springer@ -EOEADVERTISINGSALES REPRESENTATIVE Areyouahunterwithan entrepreneurialspirit? Wearegrowingtheteamand lookingforanadvertising salesrepresentative.Our teammembersworkwithnew andexistingclientstopurchaseadvertisinginourfamilyofnewspapersandahost ofdigitalsolutions. Requirements: HSdiplomaorGED BAorAAdegreein advertising,communications,orrelatedfieldispreferred.--Provenexperienceworkingasasalesrepresentative.--ProficientinallMicrosoftOfficeapplications.--Soundknowledgeof marketingprinciplesandtechniques.--Excellentorganizationalandanalyticalskills.--Strongnegotiationandconsultativesalesskills.--Effectivecommunicationskills.--Exceptionalcustomerserviceskills. SendResumeto JohnMurphy: jmurphy@ Canyouwalkonamountain? Nexttoacliff? WithFlorida'stemperamental weather? Whileprovidingavaluable servicetonewclientsdaily? Thenwehavethejob foryou! Filloutanapplicationat 6735S.LewdingarDr. Homosassa34446 NOPHONECALLSPLEASE NowHiring Parttime Experienced DentalClinic Manager UrgentNeed forVolunteers DENTISTS, HYGIENISTS, &DENTAL ASSISTANTS Sendresumeto sonjamccaughey2008@ Or 352.422.4327or 813.833.4944 Non-Profit501C3 Reg#CH27626 EMPLOYMENT Experienced Electrician -Must beproficientinstallingrigidEMTconduitand motorcontrols,PLCandVFD knowledgewiththeabilityto install,repairandmaintain electricalandelectronic equipment,andmechanical componentsofindustrial equipmentusingschematics, blueprintsandelectrical meters. -Must beabletoassistwith automationandintegrationof newmachinesand equipmentandassistthe maintenanceteamasneeded. Applyinperson Mon-Fribetweenthehours of8:00amto3:00pm. MetalIndustries, 400WalkerAve., Bushnell,FL33513. Excellentbenefitspackage, 401k.DFW,EOE Experienced Maintenance -Must beabletoperform variousactivitiesrelativeto theinstallationonrelocation ofexistingmachinesand equipmenttoinvolve dismantling,leveling, fittingandaligningoperations. -Must beabletodiagnose machinemalfunctionsand operatingdifficultiesand makerepairsoradjustments tokeepequipment inproduction. -Must have knowledgeofhydraulics, pneumatics,electricaland weldingcapabilities. Priorexperienceinan industrialatmosphere preferred Applyinperson Mon-Fribetweenthehours of8:00amto3:00pm. MetalIndustries, 400WalkerAve., Bushnell,FL33513. Excellentbenefitspackage, 401k.DFW,EOE EXPERIENCED LEGALSECRETARY (PROBATE) ONLYExperienced Candidates needapplyto: PAINTERS SubContract or Hourly (352)464-3276 PETS Cat/DogCarrier 24"2ftlong14"wide$12 352-220-1692 DOGCARRIER PetMateUltra,large,28"Lx 15"Wx21.5"D.Taupe/black $60 352-613-0529 DogCrate Large24'x36',2gatesfront& side,slideouttray, perfectcondition $60 352-513-5339 DogKennel Portable&foldable, 48"tall48"widesq. $65obo 352-287-1735 UseItchNoMore®Shampoo ondogs&catstorelieve irritationfromflea&grass allergies:eliminatedoggy odor.AtTractorSupply®. ( LargePettravelKennel$25 LargepetwireCrate$25 LargeDogBedw/covers$35 352-586-8946 PETS MiniGoldenDoodle MalePuppy$600 352.568.5345 PUPPIESFORSALE CKCRegisteredMini Dachshunds.FLHouseCerts. Completepuppykit.Silver dapplelong-coatmale,anda Black/Tanmaleandfemale shortcoat.Homeraisedwith love.ReadyMay19th. 352-220-4231 FARM AUGER 5ftlongsteelgroundauger tobeusedPTO $30OBO 352-344-1515 HANGINGWILDFLOWER POTw/Dahlia&Zinnia incoconutshells,$10ea. 352-746-4160 HORSE&CATTLE BURIALS ...alsootheranimals 352-212-6298 KawasakiMotor 25hp,twincylinder,horizontal shaft,modelengine FH721D/CS01,runsgreat $900352-422-3015 callafter9:30am LivePlants BostonFern,Spider, ElephantEars,Loofa LecantoArea 352-464-3634 LOOFAHSEEDS Togrowyourownloofah sponges $3.00 352-746-4160 SAGOPALMS(PUS) babyplants,$5ea., 352-746-4160 SEEDS MultiColoredannualseeds $3perbag. 352-746-4160 MERCHANDISE 1PAIROFDARKWOOD SWIVELCHAIRS picturesavailable,std.height $12ea, 352-344-1515 1PAIROFDARKWOOD SWIVELCHAIRS picturesavailable,std.height $12ea, 352-344-1515 20lbIronANVIL 10inlong $25Picsavail. 352.344.1515 20"ElectricMower Usew/extensioncord$10 231-534-0018 30galPROPANETANKS(2) FULL$50.00each 352-586-8946 360-DEGREETURBO SCRUBBER $15 352-726-1882 AGamecalledRummy-O Inacasealltogether Excellentcondition$8 352-220-1692 Aerator LawnTenderLawnTractor Aerator30" $85 Housephoneleavemessage 352-726-4663 AluminumCargoCarrier Hookstoyourreceiver $50 352-287-1735 ANGELTABLELAMP w/silkwings $35, 352-560-3019 WEBUYANTIQUES &VINTAGEITEMS ...PedalCars,Toys,Bicycles, CastIron,Pyrex,OldTools, MilitaryItems(Knives,Bayonets...),BBGuns,OldMetal Signs,Fenton,Lladro ... $CASH$ CallforInfo. Jim352-219-4134 Sheila352-219-1862 ANTONIOMELANI DESIGNERBRUSHED LEATHERHANDBAG $50.00 352-560-3019 AvonMothersDayPlates 1981-1991,10Plates,Perfect condition$25 352-220-1692 BCIWalkInTubs arenowonSALE!Beoneof thefirst50callersandsave $1,500!CALL 888-687-0415 forafree in-homeconsultation. BeigeRug 6x8ft$10 352-220-1692 BIRDCAGE Olderstyle2doors,dometop, 4ftHx17inW $100OBO,865.201.6579 BlackTrousers+Skirt MacysAlfanisuit2piece,size 12,New,Macysretail$279, sellingfor $30 352-513-5339


B8 Thursday, April 27, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle CLASSIFIEDS 50059891 rnr rnr rn $599 $399 n $599  SERVINGCENTRALFLORIDAFOR10YEARS $30SERVICECALLrnn  PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DIRECTORY AirportTransportation RELIABLE 352-414-8456 Bob'sDISCARDED LawnMowerService «FREEPICK-UP« 352-637-1225 JEFF'S CLEANUP/HAULING Cleanouts/Dumpruns, BrushRemoval. Lic./Ins.352-584-5374 FreeEstimateson MULCHINSTALLATION ServingmostofCitrusCounty 352.631.4263 M&LHousekeeping PetorHouseSitting servicesalsoavail References-FreeEstimates 352.464.0115 NEEDNEWFLOORING? CallEmpireToday®to scheduleaFREEin-home estimateon Carpeting&Flooring. CallToday!855-919-2509 PurintonHomeServices forallyour housekeepingneeds 12yrsexpFreeEstimate CallWanda352.423.8354 ROB'SMASONRY &CONCRETE Driveways,tearouts,tractor work/Lic#1476 352-726-6554 TILEWORK ******** KITCHENBACKSPLASH SPECIALIST/ Glass,Marble, Ceramic,Tile,Etc.-7yrsExp., Text/Call (706)502-5689 SMITTYS APPLIANCEREPAIR 352-564-8179 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DIRECTORY BEAUTY Sandy'sBarbershop 725SE9thCircleNorth CrystalRiver (1500ftbehindKFC) ontheleft Walk-insWelcome (352)228-8912 Sandy/Owner SUPERIORCARE PrivateDutyHome HealthcareAvailable 352.476.4202or 352.476.1276 TRASHHAULING YARDDEBRISREMOVAL THEDAMEDAY CHEAPTREESERVICE 352.340.9626 WANTED ALLCARS,TRUCKS,SUVs, RV's/Upto$1,000& MORE!!!-FREETOWING (352)342-7037 SOLARPANEL CLEANING WhiteDiamond PressureWashing Registered&Insured 352-364-1372 HANDYMAN A-1CompleteRepairs Pres.Wash,Painting(Int/Ext), DrywallRepair,25yrs,Ref, Lic#39765, 352-513-5746 HANDYMAN AFFORDABLEHANDYMAN ‡ FAST ‡ 100%Guarantee ‡ AFFORDABLE ‡ RELIABLE ‡ FreeEstimates 352-257-9508 AFFORDABLEHANDYMAN ‡ FAST ‡ 100%Guarantee ‡ AFFORDABLE ‡ RELIABLE ‡ FreeEstimates 352-257-9508 ANDREWJOEHL HANDYMAN Gen.Maint/Repairs PressureCleaning 0256271 ‡ 352-465-9201 FENCING ******** CITRUSHANDYMAN SERVICES&FENCING Wehaveourbusinesslicense, $2mil.liabilityInsurance,& StateCertification. BeSafe! FairPricing.FREEEstimate 352-400-6016 RON&MINDY'S JUNKREMOVAL& HANDYMANSERVICE lic'd&insr'd352-601-1895 ALLHOME IMPROVEMENTS Repairs-Remodels FloorstoCeilings Lic/Ins352-537-4144 VETERANOWNED PROFESSIONAL Handyman Kitchen,Bathroom,Tile&Light Construction.Lic/InsFree Estimates,352-422-4639 HANDYMAN PRESSUREWASH: Homes, Mobiles,PoolCages,COOL SEAL... + HANDYMAN. CallStewart352-201-2169 LAWN AND TREE SERVICES A-ChristianWeinkein TreeService-TrimmingRemovalFREEEst., 18yrsexp.Lic./Ins. 352-257-8319/LeaveMsg A ACE TreeCare *BucketTruck TractorWork 637-9008 Lic&InsVet/Srdisc AACTIONTREE (352)302-2815 Professional Arborist ServingCitrus 30yrs. Licensed&Insured Bob'sProYardCare Affordable-QualityWork! 20yrsexp. 352-613-4250 LAWN AND TREE SERVICES ATREESURGEON ProudlyservingCitrusCounty Since2001.Licensed/Insured Lowestrates!FREEestimate 352-860-1452 AFFORDABLELAWN CARE & CLEANUPS . Startingat$20.WEDO ITALL!352-563-9824 Angie'sTreeTrim &Gardening StumpGrinding>Bush Hoggin>SmallTreeTrims& InstallsDonewithoutthe damagingheavyequipment. Licensed&Insured 352-699-0550 CLAYPOOL'S TreeService Licensed/Insured 352-201-7313 Forstumps: 352-201-7323 D&RTREE LAWN&LANDSCAPE SERVICES-Lot&Land Lic&Ins352.302.5641 STUMPGRINDING CHEAP,16"Stump$30 CallRich352-789-2894 SKILLED TRADES FREEESTIMATE/ 30YEARSEXPERIENCE. Lic#CCC057537 352-563-0411 SKILLED TRADES Installations&Repairs LVP-12millwearlayer100% waterproof/petfriendly startingat4.75sqftinstalled 30yrsexp-Lic/Ins. 352.458.5050-786.286.1163 CARPENTRY&MOBILE HOMEREPAIR&DECKS 30yrsExperience,Hourly Rates. 352-220-4638 Roofs,Soffit&FasciaRepairs Bo'sQualityRoofing at 352.501.1663 SCREENREPAIRS Pools,ScreenRms,Vinyl Windows&Lanai's,Freeest. Lic/Ins Mike352-989-7702 ROOFING WHYREPLACEIT,IF ICANFIXIT? GarySpicer352.228.4500 Sameownersince1987 ROOF Leaks,Repairs, Coatings&Maintenance License#CC-C058189 OTHER SERVICES Don'tPayForCoveredHomeR epairs Again!AmericanResi dentialWarrantycoversALL M AJORSYSTEMSANDAPP LIANCES.30DAYRISK F REE/$100OFFPOPULAR PLANS. 877-351-2364 PAINTING A-1CompleteRepairs Pres.Wash,Painting(Int/Ext) 25yrs,Ref,Lic#39765, 352-513-5746 Services Directory MERCHANDISE BlackVelvetPants LizClairborneDesigner,Size 12,Excellentcondition,retail $150,asking $15 352-513-5993 AntiqueStroockCarriage LapBlanketThrow Mohair,beautifuldesign, greatcondition $250 865-201-6579 BOXESOFLADIES JEWELRY 4itemsperbox $10perbox. 352-726-1882 Heavydutyplastic CafeteriaFoodTrays over1000ofthem, differentcolors,allfor$200 352-422-3015 callafter9:30am CHRISTMASDOLLS(2) 18"long,vintagestyleclothing 1999-2000,$20ea. 352-344-1515 CIRRUSUPRIGHTVACUUM Neverused $75 Call352-423-1004 CLASSICALORGAN YamahaElectricOrgan,45"W x37"Hx28"Dgoodcond. $75 352-419-4066 CONAIROptiCleanPower PlaqueRemover Rechargeable,NEWINBOX $25OBO (352)410-8262 or(732)857-5120 COOKIEJAR CeramicPenguin $10 352-586-4576 COOKIEJAR CeramicSchoolhouse. 7"x9"x10" $20 352-586-4576 COOKIEJAR CeramicvintageMcCoy RockingHorse$20 callortext 352-586-4576 Women'sDesignerClothing Large/Xlarge,Jackets,Vests, Jeans,Tops&Dresses,New orWornOnce,$5-20/ea. 352-410-8262 or732-857-5120 DrComfortShoes Women'sAnniesize8 $30 Housephoneleavemessage 352-637-9012 Electricgreenworks GardenRototiller used,worksgreat Homosassa$75 706-505-5691 FABRICSTEAMER ConAir-Newinbox.Onehour ofcontinuoussteam. $50/OBOCallBob,leavemsg 352-527-1557 FLOWERBASESFORCUT FLOWERS ,differentsizes andcolors,$5-$10each 352-560-3019 FLOWERPOTS plastic,wire,&clay $.50to$10each 352-560-3019 Humidor 1997BombayHumidor #1840735 $60 Housephoneleavemessage 352-637-9012 IngroundPoolMotor NewCenturyB28523quart horsepower,$125 352-419-2149 Jacket&Trousersfullylined ChocolateBrown JonesNewYork2piecesuit, new,size14,retail$399, sellingfor $50 352-513-5339 OLDHORSESHOE&BRIDLE BITCOLLECTION Somevintage/somebarely used$90OBO Willsellseparately 352-344-1515 MERCHANDISE JohnDeereridinglawnmower, PowerWasher,Compressor, Standupfreezer.Men&WomenCallawayGulfclubsset, Brothercopierfaxprinter,Livingroomdinningroomset Noreasonableoffersrefused 847-445-0225 LAWNMOWER 22"cut,self-propelled;$35, 352-220-4158 LAWNTRAILER 30"Wx40"Lw/12"sides,tiltbed.Goodcondition. $40 352-419-4066 LeniSunShades 4Shades,sizes48",96", 2148"wide,all84"high, all$199obo 352-586-0559 LOOSEJEWELRY Cameobracelet/necklace $3 352-726-1882 LUGGAGE Black&whitezipperedwith handle&wheels. $45 352-419-5549 MAGAZINEHOLDER Brasswithhandle $10 352-726-1882 NAUTICALSHIPBELL StainlessSteelexccond Picturesavail. $35352.344.1515 NEW RECHARGEABLE TOOTHBRUSH INTERPLAK Inbox$10 727-247-3025 NEWHomeGoods ADJFillPillow neverused,Amazon$72, selling $35 352-513-5339 NordstromDress w/BoleroJackettop Size12,Blackw/whitebodice, retail$100,neww/tags $20 352-513-5339 Bob'sDISCARDED LawnMowerService «FREEPICK-UP« 352-637-1225 PORTAPOWER/HYDRAULIC Completesetwithallaccessoriesincarryingcase. $ 150/OBOCallBob,leavems g 352-527-1557 PressureWasherHonda GCV1602800PSI, 2.3GPMRyobi $125 LeaveMessage 352-489-5077 PrimitiveSythew/metalblade Excellentcondition $125 352.586.9498 PRINTERTONER BrotherCompatibleToner CartridgeTN450 9Available $5each 352-586-4576 Records 200plusLPRecordsmost everykindofmusic $100forall 352-419-5892 RidingLawnMower Craftsmanlimitededition,42", 19HPKohlerautotransmission$750 352-489-5077 RokuSmartTV 65"TV,screeniscracked Canbefixedfairlycheap Asking$50 352-501-8492 SellingRocks Startingat$6apiece 352-527-0663 MERCHANDISE RUG Beigebackground6'x4'floral thickruginverygoodcond. $15 352-527-2729 SHOESHINESTAND from30's&40's $20, 352-560-3019 SILKFLOWERS $1-$3OBO 352-726-1882 PelletSmoker&Grill Likenewusedtwice,has 35lbsofpellets,$200Firm Call352-765-3089 Statues VintageDisneycharactersmadeofconcrete.Mickey, Minnie&Pluto$100 352.586.9498 SteppingStones originallypaid$350,sellingfor $1each25stones 352-527-0663 SUNBEAMELECTRIC HEATER $20, 352-560-3019 TEAPOT Ceramic.Vintage.Wildwest catwithguns.Textforpic. $20 352-586-4576 TireAccessories Wheelcoverhubcaps15in silver6spoke.Newsetoffour inbox$40 757.272.3772 TONERCARTRIDGE BrotherTN-550BrandNew, stillinoriginalbox$30 352-613-0529 U-HaulGrandWardrobeBox 24x24x48,used1x,asking$10 865-201-6579 UPDATEYOURHOME with B eautifulNewBlinds& S hades.FREEin-home e stimatesmakeitconvenient t oshopfromhome. P rofessionalinstallation.Top q uality-MadeintheUSA.Call f orfreeconsultation: 866-6361910 .Askaboutourspecials! VinylRecords FamilyCollectionVinylrecords 50centseach 352-463-8595 APPLIANCES COMMERCIALMIXER GLOBESP20Commercial 20QuartPlanetaryMixer AllAccessoriesincluded! ExcellentCond.!$1100OBO 352-212-4622LeaveMsg NAPOLEON36" OUTDOORGAS FIREPLACEINSERT Craftedofstainlesssteel, requiresnoventing. GSS36N.$3400+new. $800SSCoverIncluded. 352-770-5458 APPLIANCES OverStoveMicrowave Workswell$50 706-502-5691 SMITTYS APPLIANCEREPAIR 352-564-8179 SMALLFREEZER 5.0cubicftchestfreezer $100352.212.0603 WASHER&DRYER Maytagbrand,white,good workingcondition. PICKUPONLY. $125forboth.Picturesavail. Pleasetext 321-750-6203 WhirlpoolCeramicStove goodcondition SOLD FURNITURE 2BarStools Goodwood,Swivel, Darksolidwood,$25each 352-509-7397 callorleavemessage AIRMATTRESS OZARKTRAILbrand fullsize,greatforcompany $25 865-201-6579 CURIOCABINET 82"Hx40"Wx13"Dwith shelves-Whitewashed$100 352-613-0529 DeskComputerorOffice VeryniceCondition,picsavail. $125 352-527-1193 DinningSet Table,4Chairs&Bench Darkwoodw/blackseats verygoodcondition $350obocashonly 352-302-1084 DinningTable QueenAnne,2extraleaves, 8chairs$500obo 352-262-0200 LeatherRecliner "BigMansChair" Qualitybrownleather, Excellentcondition. Onlyacoupleofmonthsold. Adjustableforcomfort. $1200orbestoffer. CALL(352)-527-2778 Formoreinformation. NewTempur-Pedic BoxSpring Queen9";boxspringNOT mattress,retail$380, selling$150 352-513-5339 PulloutSofaBed 3cushions,Green,Grey,Tan Plaidpattern,usedbut ingoodcondition $110 352-509-7397 callorleavemessage Sofa&2RockerRecliners camelcoloredfauxsuede verygoodcond.,cantextphot o $650obocashonly 352-302-1084 Solidwood VictorianKing bedroomset includesframe,2 sidetablesw/beveledglass+ dresser $650 ;Brown(faux) leather doublereclinersofa $200 ;otheritemsavailable. MovingCall417-425-9541 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT AdultPullups PrevailBriefsSize218ct packageexpandexwings 352.422.6088 BoseHearingAids atgreat p rices.Experienceclearconv ersationslikeneverbefore. Visit DolomiteMaxi+650Walker Retail$500,sellingused$150 706-412-2378 ELECTRICSCOOTERLIFT Electricormanualscooterlift thathooksintohitch. $1,100 352-601-0885 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT ElectricWheelchair ForzaD091yrold,neverbeen used.Ultralight,foldable. $1,200OBO 352.212.0603 EQUATESHOWER&BATH CHAIR w/back,newinbox, neverbeenopened,$35 352-410-8262or 732-857-5120 FannyPack forINOGENOneG4Portable OxygenConcentrators Brandnewstillinpackage $45727-247-3025 InvacarePlatinumXL Oxygenconcentratorandfill, completesystem$800obo 352-287-1735 INVERSIONTABLE $60352.726.1882 Merits3Wheel MobilityScooter Needsbatteries $150obo 352-287-1735 PAIROFALUMINUM CRUTCHES $10 352-726-1882 Pride4Wheelgo-goScooter Newbatteries&Switch$350 Leavemessage352-465-6580 ROVERKNEECYCLE withmanual$25 352.726.1882 SCOOTER/WHEELCHAIR/ MOTORCYCLEALUMINUM CARRIER Foldsupanddown,not electric,350LBcapacity, 52"Lx275/8"W, 2"hitchrequired. $570OBO 352-634-4906 EQUATEARMBLOOD PRESSUREMONITOR BrandNewinBox, PriceReduced,$20 (352)410-8262or (732)857-5120 TOILETSEATCHAIR $10 352-726-1882 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT TransportationWheelchair Usedtwice,$130whennew, asking $50 352-489-0887 SPORTING GOODS 2008GEMGulfCart 72volts,StreetLegal, Fullenclosure, Excellentcondition $6,000 352-302-6200 BeautyBeltMassager Messagesyourwaist.Suntentownbrand. $25 352-419-4066 FishingWaders Tidewefishingwaders,size11 fitssize10,likenew $30 352-746-1017 REDPHILIPSBIKE MadeinEngland usedfordisplayonly $85OBO 865-201-6579 RIBSTICKGSKATEBOARD $10, 352-560-3019 SCHWINNBICYCLEHELMET ventilated,adjustable,Model #SW124,$22, 352-344-1515 WEIGHT 25lbcastirondumbbell $20 352.344.1515 Women'sBicycle Excellentcondition, Red,3speed$35 David954-383-8786 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT RoomforRent Privatebath,nopets,no smoking$595 Call 352-476-3598 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BacktoNature 38.11AcresOffasecludeddirt road.SliceofOldFlorida, beautifulpropertywithlarge o aktreesandplentyofwildlife. $350,000 352-287-2213foratour


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 27, 2023 B9 CLASSIFIEDS Your Hometown Agents HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY .. NickKleftis .. NOWisthetimeto considerlistingyourhome, inventoryisdownand buyersareready. Callmefora FREEMarketAnalysis. Cell:352-270-1032 Office:352-726-6668 email: BETTYJ.POWELL Realtor "Yoursuccessismygoal... Makingfriendsalongtheway ismyreward!" BUYINGORSELLING? 352.422.6417 352.726.5855 E-Mail: DEB THOMPSON *Onecallawayforyour buyingandsellingneeds. *Realtorthatyoucanrefer toyourfamilyandfriends. *Servicewithasmile sevendaysaweek.ParsleyRealEstate DebThompson 352-634-2656 HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY GARY&KAREN BAXLEY GRIRealtors YourChristianRealtor connectiontoyour nexttransaction 352-212-4678Gary352-212-3937Karen TropicShoresRealty Iputthe REAL in REALESTATE! JIMTHE"REAL" MCCOY I'mattentiveto yourrealestate needs! CALL&GET RESULTS! (352)232-8971 LaWanda Watt Thinkingofselling? Inventoryisdown andweneedlistings!! Callmefora FreeMarketAnalysis! 352-212-1989 Century21J.W.Morton RealEstate,Inc. TIMETOBUY ORSELL YOURMOBILE InALeasedLandPark? CALL LORELIELEBRUN LicensedRealtor&Mobile HomeBroker Century21 NatureCoast, 835NEHighway19, CrystalRiverFl. 352-613-3988 HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY MakingRealty DreamsaReality Mypassionandcommitment istohelpyoumake yourRealEstatedreams cometrue. CALLME forallyour RealEstateneeds!! LandmarkRealty KimberlyRetzer DirectLine 352-634-2904 MICHELEROSE Realtor "Simplyput I'llworkharder" 352-212-5097 isellcitruscounty CravenRealty,Inc. 352-726-1515 MikeCzerwinski Specializingin *GOPHERTORTOISE SURVEYS&RELOCATIONS *WETLANDSETBACKLINES *ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS MichaelG.Czerwinski,P.A ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 352-249-1012 30+Yrs.Experience 38Clientsservedin2022 8.3 MILLION inSales 40yearsintheBusiness MayIhelpyounext? CALL(352)302-8046 DebInfantine-Realtor TropicShoresRealty HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY NADEENEHORAK Broker/Owner Serving Buyers&Sellers WaterfrontProperties Residential&VacantLand Ourofficecoversallof CITRUSandPINELLAS Counties! **FREE** MarketAnalysis PLANTATIONREALTY LISAVANDEBOE BROKER(R)OWNER 352-634-0129 www.plantation PickJeanne Pickrelforall yourReal Estateneeds! CertifiedResidential Specialist. GraduateofReal EstateInstitute. 352-212-3410 Callfora FREE MarketAnalysis. Century21JWMorton RealEstateInc. HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY Debra"Debbie"Cleary Professional Representation IstheKEYtoSuccess! PROVENPRODUCER! MeadowcrestSpecialist ServingALLofCitrusCounty (352)601-6664 TROPICSHORESREALTY SharonMiddleton Whetherbuyingorselling, contactmetoday. "It'sYOURMOVE!" Over38yrsofexperience asarealestatebrokerin bothNYandFL.Putmy experience,knowledge,and professionalismtoworkfor you!You'llbegladyoudid! Freehomemarketanalysis. Cell:518-755-3232 TropicShoresRealty Century21JWMorton RealEstate,Inc StefanStuart Realtor 352.212.0211 Honest Experienced HardWorking ForAwardWinning CustomerServicecontact HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY AGENTFOR SUGARMILLWOODS Sellers&Buyers FRUSTRATED? NEEDINGHELP? CALLME,NOW. HelloI'm WayneCormier KeyOne 352-422-0751 "Haveagreatday andGodBless" THINKINGOFSELLING YOURHOME? LETMY25YEARSOF EXPERIENCEHELPYOU SELLYOURHOME! EXPERIENCECOUNTS! CALLMETODAYFORALL YOURREALESTATE NEEDS! *FreeHomeMarketAnalysis MARTHASATHER Realtor (352)212-3929 TropicShoresRealty Unique&HistoricHomes, CommercialWaterfront& Land SMALLTOWNCOUNTRY LIFESTYLEOUR SPECIALTYSINCE1989 "LETUSFINDYOU AVIEWTOLOVE" (352)726-6644 CrosslandRealty Inc. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 10210NSabreDrive CITRUSSPRINGS$315K Bigpool,largeeatinkitchen, familyroom,2large bedrooms,2cargarage& RVParking, NOHOA . Grandbeautyw/newroof in2016&more! RealtyConnect 352.212.1446 8.4WOODEDACRE FORSALEBYOWNER 3Bd/3BaHome,newporches front8x20,backporch12x30 w/newscreen,newmetalroof, completelyinspected. Readytomovein! $300KCashorBestOffer Ray:(828)497-2610Local 6acres with 370ftofpavedroadfrontage Mixedresidential.LocatedEof Hwy19inHomosassa. Call352.422.6088 LOTFORSALE . 28AcrelotinSugarmillWoods $26,000 352-2202891 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE DUNNELLON NorthWilliamsSt 3000SFMOL; Commercialbuilding on.042acre **Forsaleorlease** MotivatedOwner Contact:AlIsnetto, PalmwoodRealty. 352-597-2500x202 2bed2bath approx.1,600sqft Recentlybeenremodeled NewAC. Formoreinfo. Call706-492-5119 HOMEFORSALE 1570W.DaturaLn.Citrus Springs,FL. 3Bed/2bath, POOL .Approx. 1/4acre,fencedinrear.Many updatestotheinterior.Allappliancesincludingwasher/dryerincluded.HVAC(2009)contractserviceyearlysinceinstallation.Roof(2006)30year shinglesandRoofMaxresurface(2023)5yearwarranty. NewhotwaterheaterandNu Leafgutterguards(2022). HomesoldASIS. $255,000.00Contactfor additionalinformation. Phone:513-767-1086 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTINOakVillage LovelySugarmilllotOakvillageonquietstreetw/nice neighbors.Longleafpineand clusteredLiveOak.Priced andundermarket$23,500 Forpics,infoorimportdetails 334.363.2516or locatedonanIslandinNorth FloridawithAceHardware department,Conveniencest ore,Bar&3bed2bath house.Ownerretiringafter 10years.$1,400,000 352.498.5986 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE DAVIDKURTZ Realtor VacantLand SPECIALIST Letmehelpyou BUY,SELLOR INVEST FREE/NoObligation MARKETANALYSIS foryourproperty. Residential&Commercial Century21 J.W.MortonRealEstate, Inverness,FL34450 CELL954-383-8786 Office352-726-6668 TRANSPORTATION CARGOTRAILER 20228'X16'Arisingw/2ftV noserearrampdoorandside door110Vlights&plugsinside.Pulledlessthan800mi. LocatedinHomosassa $7500CallsOnly 407.705.9141 TRANSPORTATION CUSTOMVAN 1998Savanna1500.Oneofa kind,rarefindw/only16,000 miles&garagekeptinTN. 2Captainchairseatsand entirecargoareaisopenand carpeted.Makingthisthe perfectcamperorhauling largerequipmentasthiswas designedforsuch. Refurbishedenginetiresand radio.Haveallreceiptstotaling 14,000alongwithletterfrom customcarshoponallwork donetobringthisvanbackto life.$18,500 Call901.377.4930 EZGOElectricGolfCart N ewJanuary2022;fullcanvas ; lowhours$9,700 Denny760-415-0653 SIDEBYSIDE 2019PolarisRZR HighLifterwithmanyextras 170hours,1,153miles Local515.460.1173 TRANSPORTATION WANTED ALLCARS,TRUCKS,SUVs, RV's/Upto$1,000& MORE!!!-FREETOWING (352)342-7037 TruckTires CooperDiscoverHT3 LT225/75R16;Goodyear LT235/85R16;2CastelRock STRadialST226 ST235/80R16 $75each Leavemessage352-465-6580 BOATS 1997SPORTSCRAFTFISHM ASTER ,27ft.,new2021twin 350VortecMtrsw/650Holly doublepumpers,includeselectronics&safetygear,etc., alum.3-axleTrailer,$28,500 Local864-247-6395 2OutboardMotor VintageEvinrude Lighting3.0hp $300Pairobo 352-287-1735 FISHINGKAYAKS 1)Lifetime-TamahawkAngler 10010'Lx30"WV.G.C-$40 0 2)Pelican-RamXKayakSentinelAngler100X10"Lx30"W VGC$400 Bothfor$750 352-489-4127LeaveMessage


B10 Thursday, April 27, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle C 0504THCRN2023-DR-148STONE INTHECIRCUITCOURTFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUITOF FLORIDAINANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY DOMESTICRELATIONSDIVISION CASENO.2023-DR-148 I NTHEINTERESTOF: B READYNLEEWURST, ( male;d/o/b-05/18/2011), AMinorChild; B RENDASTONEandDAVIDSTONE, Petitioners, v s. S HEALYNM.BURKHOLDER, M ATHEWM.WURST,CAINE S TEVENS,andVERONICASTOVER, Respondents. NOTICEOFACTION T O: MATHEWM.WURST L astknownAddress:22HopiRoad JimThorpe,PA18229 YOUARENOTIFIEDthatanAmendedPetitionforTempor a ryCustodybyExtendedFamilyhasbeenfiledregardingth e a bove-referencedminorchild.Youarerequiredtoserveacop y o fyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitonJACKA.MORING,Flor i daBar#499160,Moring&Moring,P.A.,7655WestGulftoLak e H ighway,Suite12,CrystalRiver,Florida34429,theattorne yfo r t hePetitioners,onorbeforeMay14,2023andfiletheorigina l w iththeclerkofthisCourtbeforeserviceonthePetitionersorim m ediatelythereafter. Ifyoufailtodoso,adefaultmayb e e nteredagainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthepetition . Copiesofallcourtdocumentsinthiscase,includingor d ers,areavailableattheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'soffice . Y oumayreviewthesedocumentsuponrequest. YoumustkeeptheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'sofficenoti f iedofyourcurrentaddress.Futurepapersinthislawsui t w illbemailedtotheaddressonrecordattheclerk'soffice . Thisisanactionfortemporarycustodybyextendedfamil y f iledbythematernalgrandparents.Thiscaseisbeingfiledi nth e C ircuitCourtoftheFifthJudicialCircuit,inandforCitrus County , l ocatedat110N.ApopkaAvenue,Inverness,Florida.Thetele p honenumberofthedivisionoftheCircuitCourtwherethispe ti t ionisfiledis352-341-6700.Theminorchildsubjecttothis peti t ionisB,L.W.,male,d/o/b05/18/2011,borninMonroeCounty , P ennsylvania. D ated:03/24/2023 ANGELAVIC K ClerkoftheCircuitCour t { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/SamanthaLea p DeputyCler k PublishedApril14,21&28,2023andMay4,2023 LEGALS 0427THCRNFN SHERRISCLEANINGANDPRESSUREWASHING PUBLICNOTICE FictitiousName N oticeunderFictitiousNameLaw.pursuanttoSection865.09 , F loridaStatutes. N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN thattheundersigned,desiringt o e ngageinbusinessunderthefictitiousnameof: SHERRISCLEANINGANDPRESSUREWASHING l ocatedatPOBox164,Holder,FL34445intheCountyofCitrus , i ntendstoregisterthesaidnamewiththeDivisionofCorpora t ionsoftheFloridaDepartmentofState,Tallahassee,FL. DatedatCitrusSprings,FL,this24thdayofApril,2023. S herriTaliaferro O wner PublishedApril27,2023 LEGALS 0427THCRNFNHANDYMANATEEHOMEIMPROVEMENTS PUBLICNOTICE FictitiousName N oticeunderFictitiousNameLaw.pursuanttoSection865.09 , F loridaStatutes. N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN thattheundersigned,desiringt o e ngageinbusinessunderthefictitiousnameof: HANDYMANATEEHOMEIMPROVEMENTS l ocatedat10359WestHallsRiverRoad,Homosassa,FL3444 8 i ntheCountyofCitrus,intendstoregisterthesaidnamewith th e D ivisionofCorporationsoftheFloridaDepartmentofState, Tall a hassee,FL. DatedatHomosassa,FL,this21stdayofApril,2023. M ichaelDennis O wner PublishedApril27,2023 FORECLOSURE 0504THCRNRE-NOTICEFSBROEHMDCL#22-00359 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHE5THJUDICIALCIRCUIT, INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILDIVISION : CASENO.:2022CA017 0 U .S.BANKNATIONALASSOCIATION, Plaintiff, v s. D ANIELS.BROEHM;UNITEDSTATESOFAMERICA,ACT I NGONBEHALFOFTHESECRETARYOFHOUSINGAN D U RBANDEVELOPMENT;WELLSFARGOBANK,N.A.,SUC C ESSORBYMERGERTOWELLSFARGOFINANCIALBANK ; U NKNOWNSPOUSEOFDANIELS.BROEHM;UNKNOW N T ENANTINPOSSESSIONOFTHESUBJECTPROPERTY , Defendants. RE-NOTICEOFFORECLOSURESALE N OTICEISHEREBYGIVENpursuanttoan OrderonMotiont o C ancelandRescheduleForeclosureSaledatedthe11thda y o fApril2023,andenteredinCaseNo.2022CA0170 ,ofth e C ircuitCourtofthe5THJudicialCircuitinandforCITRU S C ounty,Florida,whereinU.S.BANKNATIONALASSOCIATIO N i sthePlaintiffandDANIELS.BROEHMUNITEDSTATESO F A MERICA,ACTINGONBEHALFOFTHESECRETARYO F H OUSINGANDURBANDEVELOPMENTWELLSFARG O B ANK,N.A.,SUCCESSORBYMERGERTOWELLSFARG O F INANCIALBANKUNKNOWNSPOUSEOFDANIELS . B ROEHM;andUNKNOWNTENANTINPOSSESSIONOFTH E S UBJECTPROPERTYaredefendants.ANGELAVICKasth e C lerkoftheCircuitCourtshallselltothehighestandbestbi dde r f orcashelectronicallyat th e C lerk'swebsiteforon-lineauctionsat,10:00AMonthe1s t d ayofJune2023 ,thefollowingdescribedpropertyassetfort h i nsaidFinalJudgment,towit: L OT33,34,35AND36,BLOCK116OFINVERNESSHIGH L ANDSUNITNO.3,ACCORDINGTOTHEPLATTHEREO F A SRECORDEDINPLATBOOK2,PAGE(S)103THROUG H 1 08,OFTHEPUBLICRECORDSOFCITRUSCOUNTY,FLOR I DA I FYOUAREAPERSONCLAIMINGARIGHTTOFUNDSRE M AININGAFTERTHESALE,YOUMUSTFILEACLAIMWIT H T HECLERKNOLATERTHANTHEDATETHATTHECLER K R EPORTSTHEFUNDSASUNCLAIMED.IFYOUFAILT O F ILEACLAIM,YOUWILLNOTBEENTITLEDTOANYRE M AININGFUNDS.AFTERTHEFUNDSAREREPORTEDA S U NCLAIMED,ONLYTHEOWNEROFRECORDASOFTH E D ATEOFTHELISPENDENSMAYCLAIMTHESURPLUS. I fyouareapersonwithadisabilitywhoneedsanyaccom m odationinordertoparticipateinthisproceeding,youar e e ntitled,atnocosttoyou,totheprovisionofcertainassist a nce.PleasecontacttheADACoordinatorforCitrusCounty , K athyRector,at(352)341-6700atleast7daysbeforeyou r s cheduledcourtappearance,orimmediatelyuponreceivin g t hisnotificationifthetimebeforethescheduledappearanc e i slessthan7days;ifyouarehearingorvoiceimpaired,cal l 7 11. Datedthis19thdayofApril2023. By:/s/LindsayMaisonet,Esq . FloridaBarNumber:9315 6 D eCubas&Lewis,P.A. P .O.Box771270 C oralSprings,FL33077 T elephone:(954)453-0365 F acsimile:(954)771-6052 T ollFree:1-800-441-2438 D ESIGNATEDPRIMARYE-MAILFORSERVICE P URSUANTTOFLA.R.JUD.ADMIN2.516 e PublishedApril27,2023andMay4,2023 FORECLOSURE 0427THCRNNOFSPHILLIPSCA000726 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHE5THJUDICIALCIRCUIT,IN ANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILDIVISIO N CASENO.:2021CA00072 6 W ILMINGTONSAVINGSFUNDSOCIETY,FSB,/B/ACHRISTIA NATRUSTASTRUSTEEFORPNPMSTRUSTIII, Plaintiff, v s. D AWNPHILLIPSA/K/ADAWNR.PHILLIPS;MILBONC.PRI E R;UNKNOWNSPOUSEOFDAWNPHILLIPSA/K/ADAWNR . P HILLIPS;UNKNOWNSPOUSEOFMILBONC.PRIER;SEC R ETARYOFHOUSING&URBANDEVELOPMENT;UN K NOWNTENANT#1ANDUNKNOWNTENANT#2, Defendants. NOTICEOFFORECLOSURESALE NOTICEISHEREBYGIVEN pursuanttotheFinalJudgmen t o fForeclosureenteredonthe9thdayofMarch2023,inCas e N o.2021CA000726,oftheCircuitCourtofthe5THJudicialCir c uitinandforCitrusCounty,Florida,whereinWILMINGTO N S AVINGSFUNDSOCIETY,FSB,D/B/ACHRISTIANATRUS T A STRUSTEEFORPNPMSTRUSTIIIisPlaintiffandDAW N P HILLIPSA/K/ADAWNR.PHILLIPS;MILBONC.PRIER;UN K NOWNSPOUSEOFDAWNPHILLIPSA/K/ADAWNR.PHIL L IPS;UNKNOWNSPOUSEOFMILBONC.PRIER;SECRET A RYOFHOUSING&URBANDEVELOPMENT;UNKNOW N T ENANT#1ANDUNKNOWNTENANT#2areDefendants.Th e C lerkofthisCourtshallselltothehighestandbestbidderfo r c,the Clerk' s w ebsiteforon-lineauctionsat,10:00AMonthe 11thdayofMa y 2 023, thefollowingdescribedpropertyassetforthinsaidFina l J udgment,towit: L OT134,RIVERGARDENS,UNITNO2,ACCORDINGT O P LATTHEREOFASRECORDEDINPLATBOOK2,PAG E 1 52,INCLUSIVE,PUBLICRECORDSOFCITRUSCOUNTY , F LORIDA. A ddress: 12331NELFPOINTDUNNELLON,FL34433 A NYPERSONCLAIMINGANINTERESTINTHESURPLU S F ROMTHESALE,IFANY,OTHERTHANTHEPROPERT Y O WNERASOFTHEDATEOFTHELISPENDENSMUSTFIL E A CLAIMWITHIN60DAYSAFTERTHESALE. I FYOUAREAPERSONWITHADISABILITYWHONEED S A NYACCOMMODATIONINORDERTOPARTICIPATEI N T HISPROCEEDING,YOUAREENTITLED,ATNOCOSTT O Y OU,TOTHEPROVISIONOFCERTAINASSISTANCE . P LEASECONTACTTHEADACOORDINATOR,TELEPHON E ( 352)341-6700,110NAPOPKAAVENUE,INVERNESSFL , 3 4450,ATLEAST7DAYSBEFOREYOURSCHEDULE D C OURTAPPEARANCE,ORIMMEDIATELYUPONRECEIV I NGTHISNOTIFICATIONIFTHETIMEBEFORETHESCHED U LEDAPPEARANCEISLESSTHAN7DAYS.IFYOUAR E H EARINGORVOICEIMPAIRED,CALL711. Datedthis 4th dayof April2023. By:/s/DavidDilts,Esq . BarNumber:6861 5 D ELUCALAWGROUP,PLLC 2 101NE26THSTREET F ORTLAUDERDALE,FL33305 P HONE:(954)368-1311|FAX:(954)200-8649 D ESIGNATEDPRIMARYE-MAILFORSERVICE P URSUANTTOFLA.R.JUD.ADMIN2.516 s PublishedApril20&27,2023 FORECLOSURE 0504THCRNRE-NOITCEFSSTERLINGDLG#22-05015 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHE5THJUDICIALCIRCUIT, INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILDIVISIO N CASENO.:2022CA000150 A L AKEVIEWLOANSERVICING,LLC, Plaintiff, v s. R OBERTE.STERLING;UNKNOWNSPOUSEOFROBERTE . S TERLING;VIRGINIAS.DUVAL;SECRETARYOFHOUSIN G A NDURBANDEVELOPMENT;MICHAELDITHEODOREWILLI A MS;BRIANL.STERLING;UNKNOWNTENANT#1ANDUN K NOWNTENANT#2, Defendants. RE-NOTICEOFFORECLOSURESALE NOTICEISHEREBYGIVEN pursuanttotheFinalJudgmen t o fForeclosureenteredonthe3rddayofMarch2023,inCas e N o.2022CA000150A,oftheCircuitCourtofthe5THJudicia l C ircuitinandforCitrusCounty,Florida,whereinLAKEVIE W L OANSERVICING,LLCisPlaintiffandROBERTE.STERLING ; U NKNOWNSPOUSEOFROBERTE.STERLING;VIRGINIAS . D UVAL;SECRETARYOFHOUSINGANDURBANDEVELOP M ENT;MICHAELDITHEODOREWILLIAMS;BRIANL.STER L ING;UNKNOWNTENANT#1ANDUNKNOWNTENANT# 2 a reDefendants.TheClerkofthisCourtshallselltothehighe s t a ndbestbidderforcashelectronicallyatwww.citrus.realf ore c,theClerk'swebsiteforon-lineauctionsat,10:0 0A M o nthe 25thdayofMay2023 ,thefollowingdescribedpropert y a ssetforthinsaidFinalJudgment,towit: L OT12,BLOCKJOFLEISUREACRES,UNITNO.5,AC C ORDINGTOTHEMAPORPLATTHEREOFASRECORDE D I NPLATBOOK5,PAGE88,PUBLICRECORDSOFCITRU S C OUNTY,FLORIDA. A ddress:5590SGRAYOAKTERRACE,LECANTO,FL34461 A NYPERSONCLAIMINGANINTERESTINTHESURPLU S F ROMTHESALE,IFANY,OTHERTHANTHEPROPERT Y O WNERASOFTHEDATEOFTHELISPENDENSMUSTFIL E A CLAIMWITHIN60DAYSAFTERTHESALE. I FYOUAREAPERSONWITHADISABILITYWHONEED S A NYACCOMMODATIONINORDERTOPARTICIPATEI N T HISPROCEEDING,YOUAREENTITLED,ATNOCOSTT O Y OU,TOTHEPROVISIONOFCERTAINASSISTANCE . P LEASECONTACTTHEADACOORDINATOR,TELEPHON E ( 352)341-6700,110NAPOPKAAVENUE,INVERNESSFL , 3 4450,ATLEAST7DAYSBEFOREYOURSCHEDULE D C OURTAPPEARANCE,ORIMMEDIATELYUPONRECEIV I NGTHISNOTIFICATIONIFTHETIMEBEFORETHESCHED U LEDAPPEARANCEISLESSTHAN7DAYS.IFYOUAR E H EARINGORVOICEIMPAIRED,CALL711. Datedthis21stdayofApril,2023. By: /s/DavidDilt s DavidDilts,Esq . BarNumber:6861 5 D ELUCALAWGROUP,PLLC 2 101NE26THSTREET F ORTLAUDERDALE,FL33305 P HONE:(954)368-1311|FAX:(954)200-8649 D ESIGNATEDPRIMARYE-MAILFORSERVICE P URSUANTTOFLA.R.JUD.ADMIN2.516 s PublishedApril27,2023andMay4,2023 BOATS IBUYBOATS PAYINGCASH,WILLCOME TOYOUTOSEEIT& MAKECASHOFFER $$CALLVINCE$$ LOCAL 941-301-9946 OUTBOARDMOTOR 1972Chrysler2stroke8HP outboardmotor+stand.Fresh waterMidwetonly.Super clean.Lastserviced/ran (perfectly)2012. $575 352-770-5458 OUTBOARDMOTOR 2022Mercury200Horsepower 4strokew/factorywarranty Guidemotor. Approx.230Hours. $13,500 352-422-4141 PleaseText OUTBOARDMOTOR Yamaha2.5HPNeverUsed, boughtassparekicker New-2008$850 352.212.6326 PONTOONBOAT 22ftG3SuncatcherPontoon 115HPYamahawraparound benchseats.Livewell,2 biminis,brandnewtrailer& cover.Cleanvessel$20,000 OBOsellingduetohealth 515.460.1173 TrolleyMotors Minn-Kota 75lbsofthrust24v remotecontrol$900 Watersnake 54lbsofthrust12v $525OBO 352.586.8946 CARS/SUV 2006ToyotaSequoiaLTD 4x4,navigationsystem, DVD/CD,Sunroof,3rowseating,rearconsoleseat,coldAC, leather&powerseats,black exteriorgrayinterior Everythingingoodcondition 159,800mi $9,500OBO352-293-4504 CADILLAC Black2008DTS165,000Miles Newtires,brakes,Battery 18"ChromeRims Notnewbutnicecar 352-342-3917 CHRYSLER 2005CrossfireConvertible 28,500milesBlack withblack/whiteleather SHOWROOMCOND $15,500352.586.4315 CHRYSLER 2007SebringConv.97,000mi 6cylat,A/C,CD,newfront& rearsuspseafoamgreen. Needsmotorwork $1,250 352.586.9498 FORD 2019MUSTANGGT HighPerformance5.0460HP 17KSpecial,Maroonincolor $50,000 Tom352-341-3803 INTAKEMANIFOLD Edelbrock.Newinbox.Pontiac325-455CID. $150OBOCallBob,leavemsg 352-527-1557 STREETRODDER MAGAZINES 1990's-28inall.Verygoodto excellentcond. $20/OBOCallBob,leavemsg. 352-527-1557 WIRINGKIT-GM New-completeforGMcars. AmericanAuto-wire. $150/OBOCallBob,leavemsg 352-527-1557 CLASSICS 1963StudabakerLark Regal4doorsedanV-8. Manynewitems .$9,850 606.207.7160 1971PLYMOUTHDUSTER 340 /NEWTires, DeepDishCragarWheels, Cadillac 1987Fleetwoodd'Elegance LowMiles,NoOilLeak, Spotless. $3,800/OBO 218-260-8218 1990CHEVY LUMINA EURO,red,4-DR,good tires,rebuiltmotor, $5,000OBOasis 352-212-4622 CHEVY CAMARO 1981Z28 Coupe PerfectBody,norust,no dents,4speedmunci,NEW 355ciw/450to525HP-Looks &RunsAwesome-Toomuch tolist-$25K 352-364-7229 OLDSMOBILE 1981Cutlass4door3.8v6 AutomaticwithA/Cfaircond. $2,995Cash 352.445.5393 MOTORCYCLES BushtecMotorcycleTrailer includescooler,sparetire, customweathercover Mustsellneedspace Noreasonableofferrefused 352-382-7397 MOTORCYCLES CANAMSPYDER 2 013LikeNewSpyderRT-LT D ChromePackageithasevery option.AutomaticTransmission,ExcellentCondition, NO Scratches,lowmiles15,000 andalwaysgaragekept.EngineSize997ExteriorBrown $14,500Callortext Todd802.233.1704 FORSALE 2016PolarisSlinghot $18,000 352-770-5097 HARLEY2007FLSTC Excellentcondition,Garage kept,seniorrider. $4,900 352-422-3812 HARLEYDAVIDSON 93HeritageSoftail MooGlide Somanyextras,tohardtolist 3setsofseats-2setsofbags Thiscanbeamoneymaker! Asking$11,000 954.242.8184 or 352.270.8908 OILCHANGEKIT HarleyDavidsonbrandoil changekit,includesoilfilter (1999-2017H-D),7qt.20w50 oil,andmore. $35.00 231-534-0018 TRUCKS 09ChevySilverado 1,500extendedcab, 5.3F.I.Motor,134kmi, tomanynewpartstolist, $20,000orreasonableoffer 352-489-2823rec. 2011FordF-150XLT4D CherryRed,fewcigarette burnsonseat,lowmillage 117,398k,USBmusicinput, cruise,wiredhitch,weather techliningthroughout $15,000OBO text 352-575-3621 TRUCK 2003FORDF150 4Welldrive,tough,large engine,wellmaintained.New brakes,A.C.,tunedup. $8,000 706-835-5068 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 2021LightWeight TravelTrailer withExtras-$17,900 352-212-6949 D UTCHMANCOLEMA N BRANDNEW 202217fttraveltrailer Sleeps6,features WinegardAIR360antenna Lotsofstorage$14,500 352-247-0788 HURRICANERV ClassA2010Fourwinds31D Lowmileage,twoslideouts, garagekept&veryclean 352.634.1874 NewmarMountainAire 37.5ft1999RVwith 69,000originalmiles. GoodconditionLOCAL $25,000 207.502.2216 RVTire&Wheel sizeST225/75R156lug.$60 352-586-8946 TravelTrailer 2021GrandDesign ImagineXLS21BHE Likenew,manyupgrades,2 bunks,queenmurphybed.Inc everythingtotow&camp. $28,000 Local828.421.6489


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 27, 2023 B11 CLASSIFIEDS 0511THCRNNOA2022-DR-1798McDUFFIE INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT, INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CaseNo.:2022-DR-179 8 Division : C HRISTINAMcDUFFIE, Petitioner A nd C HERELLMcDUFFIE, Respondent, NOTICEOFACTIONFORDISSOLUTIONOFMARRIAGE (NOCHILDORFINANCIALSUPPORT) T O:CherellMcxDuffie 973E21stAvenue,Columbus,OH43211 Y OUARENOTIFIEDthatanactionfordissolutionofmar r iagehasbeenfiledagainstyouandthatyouarerequiredt o s erveacopyofyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitonChristin a M cDuffie,whoseaddressis10290E.PikeDrive,Inverness , F lorida34450onorbeforeMay20,2023,andfiletheorigin a lwiththeclerkofthisCourtat110NApopkaAve.,In v erness,FL34450beforeserviceonPetitionerorimmedi a telythereafter. Ifyoufailtodoso,adefaultmayb e e nteredagainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthepeti t ion. T heactionisaskingthecourttodecidehowthefollowingrea l o rpersonalpropertyshouldbedivided:NONE C opiesofallcourtdocumentsinthiscase,includingor d ers,areavailableattheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'sof f ice.Youmayreviewthesedocumentsuponrequest. Y oumustkeeptheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'sofficenoti f iedofyourcurrentaddress.(YoumayfileDesignationo f C urrentMailingandE-MailAddress,FloridaSuprem e C ourtApprovedFamilyLawForm12.915.)Futurepaper s i nthislawsuitwillbemailedoremailedtoth e a ddress(es)onrecordattheclerk'soffice. W ARNING:Rule12.285,FloridaFamilyLawRulesofPro c edure,requirescertainautomaticdisclosureofdocu m entsandinformation.Failuretocomplycanresulti n s anctions,includingdismissalorstrikingofpleadings . Dated:04/04/2023 ANGELAVIC K CLERKOFTHECIRCUITCOUR T { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/SamanthaLea p DeputyCler k PublishedonApril20&27,2023andMay4&11,2023 LEGALS 0427THCRNDISSOFMARRIAGEKUEPPERS,JR. INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CaseNo.:09-2023-DR-0015 8 Division : E DWARDL.KUEPPERS,JR., Petitioner, a nd P AMELAL.KUEPPERS, Respondent, NOTICEOFACTIONFORDISSOLUTIONOFMARRIAGE (NOCHILDORFINANCIALSUPPORT) T O:PamelaL.Kueppers L astKnownAddress:144BerkshireWay, Stephentown,NY12168 Y OUARENOTIFIEDthatanactionfordissolutionofmarriag e h asbeenfiledagainstyouandthatyouarerequiredtoserve a c opyofyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitonEdwardL.Kuep p ers,Jr.,whoseaddressis1465E.AmberjackDrive,Hernando , F L34442onorbyMay6,2023.andfiletheoriginalwiththecler k o fthisCourtat110N.ApopkaAvenue,Inverness,FL34450be f oreserviceonPetitionerorimmediatelythereafter. Ifyoufailt o d oso,adefaultmaybeenteredagainstyouforthereliefde m andedinthepetition. T heactionisaskingthecourttodecidehowthefollowingreal o r p ersonalpropertyshouldbedivided:None. C opiesofallcourtdocumentsinthiscase,includingorders , a reavailableattheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'soffice.Yo u m ayreviewthesedocumentsuponrequest. Y oumustkeeptheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'sofficenotifie d o fyourcurrentaddress.(YoumayfileDesignationofCur r entMailingandE-MailAddress,FloridaSupremeCourtAp p rovedFamilyLawForm12.915.)Futurepapersinthislaw s uitwillbemailedore-mailedtotheaddress(es)onrecor d a ttheclerk'soffice. W ARNING:Rule12.285,FloridaFamilyLawRulesofProced u re,requirescertainautomaticdisclosureofdocumentsan d i nformation.Failuretocomplycanresultinsanctions,in c ludingdismissalorstrikingofpleadings. D ated03/31/2023 ANGELAVIC K CLERKOFTHECIRCUITCOUR T { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/SamanthaLea p DeputyCler k PublishedApril6,13,20&27,20233 0427THCRNDR.KEVINHOFFMAN,D.C. A ccordingFloridastatute,noticeofsaleofachiropracticp ractic e m ustappearinthelocalnewspaperweeklyfor4consecutiv e w eeks.Notwithstandingtheprovisionsofs.456.058,record s o wnersshallplaceanadvertisementinthelocalnewspapero r n otifypatients,inwriting,whentheyareterminatingpract ice,re t iring,orrelocating,andnolongeravailabletopatients,a ndoffe r p atientstheopportunitytoobtainacopyoftheirmedicalrec ord . A ssuch,HoffmanChiropracticWellness(Dr.KevinHoffman)w il l b esoldtoFamilyChiropracticCenterforWellness(Dr.Bria n D ahmer)onApril1,2023.Dr.Dahmerwillbecomethelegalcus t odianofthepatientrecords.Hecanbereachedat(352)419 4 949tomakeanappointment,getacopyofyourrecordsort o h aveanyquestionsanswered.Thepracticewillremainat222 0 H ighway44WestInverness,FL34453. PublishedApril6,13,20&27,2023 LEGALS 0427THCRNFNHATTIELA'TRESE PUBLICNOTICE FictitiousName N oticeunderFictitiousNameLaw.pursuanttoSection865.09 , F loridaStatutes. N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN thattheundersigned,desiringt o e ngageinbusinessunderthefictitiousnameof: HATTIELA'TRESE l ocatedat2573N.DonovanAvenue,CrystalRiver,FL34428i n t heCountyofCitrus,intendstoregisterthesaidnamewithth e D ivisionofCorporationsoftheFloridaDepartmentofState, Tall a hassee,FL. DatedatCrystalRiver,FL,this24thdayofApril,2023. J ackieL.Umland O wner PublishedApril27,2023 FORECLOSURE 0427THCRNNOAREID22CA784 THECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILACTION CASENO.:22CA78 4 N EWVISTAPROPERTIES,INC., a FloridaCorporation, Plaintiff, V S. A NDREWR.REID,hisdevisees,grantees,creditors,andallot h e rpartiesclaimingby,through,underoragainsthimandallu n k nownnaturalpersons,ifaliveandifnowknowntobeoralive , t heirseveralandrespectivespouses,heirs,devisees,gran tees , a ndothercreditorsorotherpartiesclaimingby,though,oru nde r t hoseunknownnaturalpersonsandtheirseveralunknownas s igns,successorsininteresttrustees,oranyotherperson s c laimingbythrough,underoragainstanycorporationorothe r l egalentitynamedasadefendantandallclaimants,personso r p artiesnaturalorcorporatewhoseexactstatusisunknown , c laimingunderanyoftheabovenamedordescribeddefendant s o rpartieswhoareclaimingtohaveanyright,titleorinteres ti n a ndtothelandshereafterdescribed;andUNKNOWNSPOUS E O FANDREWR.REID, Defendant. NOTICEOFACTION CONSTRUCTIVESERVICE-PROPERTY T O:ANDREWR.REID,hisdevisees,grantees,creditors,andal l o therpartiesclaimingby,through,underoragainsthimanda l l u nknownnaturalpersons,ifaliveandifnowknowntobeoraliv e , t heirseveralandrespectivespouses,heirs,devisees,gran tees , a ndothercreditorsorotherpartiesclaimingby,though,oru nde r t hoseunknownnaturalpersonsandtheirseveralunknownas s igns,successorsininteresttrustees,oranyotherperson s c laimingbythrough,underoragainstanycorporationorothe r l egalentitynamedasadefendantandallclaimants,personso r p artiesnaturalorcorporatewhoseexactstatusisunknown , c laimingunderanyoftheabovenamedordescribeddefendant s o rpartieswhoareclaimingtohaveanyright,titleorinteres ti n a ndtothelandshereafterdescribed;andUNKNOWNSPOUS E O FANDREWR.REID: YOUAREHEREBYNOTIFIEDthatanactiontoforecloseo n t hefollowingdescribedpropertyinCitrusCounty,Florida: L ot12,Block758CitrusSpringsUnit8,accordingtoth e m aporplatthereof,asrecordedinPlatBook6,Pages4 3 t hrough49,inclusive,ofthePublicRecordsofCitru s C ounty,Florida h asbeenfiledagainstyouandyouarerequiredtoserveacop y o fyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitonAlbertJ.Tiseo,Jr. , P laintiffsattorneywhoseaddressisGoldman,Tiseo&Sturge s , P .A.,701JCCenterCourt,Suite3,PortCharlotte,Florida33 954 , t hirty(30)daysafterthefirstpublicationdate,andfileth eorigina l w iththeClerkofthisCourteitherbeforeserviceonPlaintif fsat t orneyorimmediatelythereafter;otherwiseadefaultwillb e e nteredagainstyouforthereliefdemandedintheComplaint . WITNESSmyhandandsealofthisCourtAPRIL11,2023. ANGELAVIC K CLERKOFTHECOUR T { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/AmandaSerrato s DeputyCler k PublishedApril20&27,2023 FORECLOSURE 0427THCRNNOAKEANE22FL373-1120-1 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT JUDICIALCIRCUIT,INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILDIVISIO N CASENO.:2022CA000578 A F REEDOMMORTGAGECORPORATION PLAINTIFF, v s. O LGANANKEANE,UNKNOWNSPOUSEOFOLGANA N K EANE,ANDUNKNOWNTENANTINPOSSESSIONOFTH E S UBJECTPROPERTY, DEFENDANTS. NOTICEOFACTION T O: UNKNOWNSPOUSEOFOLGANANKEANE L astKnownAddress: 6521EGRAYSONST INVERNESS,FL34452612CAUTHENSTROCKHILL,SC29730 C urrentResidence: UNKNOWN Y OUARENOTIFIEDthatanactionforForeclosureofMortgag e o nthefollowingdescribedproperty: L OT20,BLOCK331OFINVERNESSHIGHLANDSWEST,AC C ORDINGTOTHEPLATTHEREOFASRECORDEDINPLA T B OOK5,PAGE19THROUGH33,OFPUBLICRECORDSO F C ITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA. h asbeenfiledagainstyouandyouarerequiredtoserveacop y o fyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toit,onMILLER,GEORGE & S UGGS,PLLC,AttorneyforPlaintiff,whoseaddressis2200W . C ommercialBlvd,Suite103,Ft.Lauderdale,FL33309withino n o rbeforeadateatleastthirty(30)daysafterthefirstpubli catio n o fthisNoticeintheCitrusCountyChronicleandfiletheorig ina l w iththeClerkofthisCourteitherbeforeserviceonPlaintif f'sat t orneyorimmediatelythereafter;otherwiseadefaultwillb e e nteredagainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthecomplaint . A MERICANSWITHDISABILITIESACT.Ifyouareaperso n w ithadisabilitywhoneedsanyaccommodationinordert o p articipateinthisproceeding,youareentitled,atnocostt o y ou,totheprovisionofcertainassistance.Pleasecontac t t heADACoordinatorforCitrusCounty,KathyRector,a t ( 352)341-6700atleast7daysbeforeyourscheduledcour t a ppearance,orimmediatelyuponreceivingthisnotificatio n i fthetimebeforethescheduledappearanceislessthan 7 d ays;ifyouarehearingorvoiceimpaired,call711. W ITNESSmyhandandthesealofthisCourtthis11thdayo f A pril,2023. ANGELAVIC K AsClerkoftheCircuitCour t { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/AmyHolme s AsDeputyCler k PublishedApril20&27,2023 FORECLOSURE 0511THCRNNOATHOMPSON2022-CA-000933 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CASENUMBER:2022-CA-00093 3 M 18LANDLLC,AFLORIDALIMITEDLIABILITYCOMPANY, Plaintiff, v . W INSTONTHOMPSON;MAUREENTHOMPSON;NEWVIST A P ROPERTIES,INC.,aFloridaProfitCorporation;CITRU S S PRINGSCIVICASSOCIATION,INC.aFloridaNotForProfi t C orporation Defendants. NOTICEOFACTION T O:NEWVISTAPROPERTIES,INC. RegisteredAgentJohnEhrling5557EastPriceBlvdNorthPort,FL34288 YOUARENOTIFIED thatanactiontoQUIETTITLET O R EALPROPERTYonthefollowingresidentialrealpropertyin , F lorida: L ots18and19,Block1731ofCITRUSSPRINGSUNIT23,ac c ordingtothePlatthereofasrecordedinPlatBook7 , P age(s)115-133,ofthePublicRecordsofCITRUSCounty , F lorida. S TREETADDRESS:1431WBELENDR,HERNANDO P ARCELNUMBER:18E-17S-10-0230-17310-0180 h asbeenfiledagainstyouandyouarerequiredtoserveacop y o fyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitontheplaintiff Š sattorney , w hosenameandaddressare: B erryJ.Walker,Jr.,Esquire F loridaBarNo.0742960 W alker&Tudhope,P.A. 2 25SouthWestmonteDrive,Suite2040 A ltamonteSprings,FL32714 P hone:407-478-1866 F ax:407-478-1865 E A w ithin30daysofthefirstpublicationofthisNoticeofActio n,an d f iletheoriginalwiththeclerkofthiscourteitherbeforese rviceo n t heplaintiff Š sattorneyorimmediatelythereafter;otherwiseade f aultwillbeenteredagainstyouforthereliefdemandedinth e c omplaintorpetition. DATEDonApril6,2023. AngelaVick,asClerkoftheCour t { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/HanoraN.Cassel s AsDeputyCler k PublishedApril20&27,2023andMay4&11,2023 FORECLOSURE 0504THCRNNOAYELTON INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTYFLORIDA CASENO:2023CA000536 A J OANNEM.IRVINE Plaintiff, v s. E STATEOFJAMESBERTYELTON;EMMAC.YELTON,I F L IVINGANDIFDECEASED,ANYANDALLUNKNOW N S POUSES,HEIRS,ORDEVISEES,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES , C REDITORS,LIENORSANDTRUSTEES; Defendants. NOTICEOFACTION T O: ESTATEOFJAMESBERTYELTON;EMMAC.YELTON,I F L IVINGANDIFDECEASED,ANYANDALLUNKNOW N S POUSES,HEIRS,ORDEVISEES,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES , C REDITORS,LIENORSANDTRUSTEES, a ndallothersclaimingby,throughorunderthemandtoalloth e rswhomitmayconcern: Y OUARENOTIFIED ofanactiontoquietandconfirmtitleonth e f ollowingpropertyinCitrusCountyFlorida: P LEASANTACRESUNRECORDEDSUBDIVISION,LOT3 , B LOCKAASDESCRIBEDINOFFICIALRECORDSBOO K 5 36PAGE109. S aidactionhasbeenfiledagainstyou,andyouarerequiredt o s erveacopyofyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitonJoanneM . I rvine,Plaintiff,whoseaddressis1301S.HerculesAve.,Ap t.10 , C learwater33764onorbeforeMay13,2023,andtheorigina l w iththeClerkofthisCourteitherbeforeserviceonthePlain tiffo r i mmediatelythereafter:otherwiseadefaultwillbeentere d a gainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthecomplaintormotion . W itnessmyhandandsealofthisCourtonthis6thdayofApril , 2 023. ANGELAVIC K CLERKOFTHECIRCUITCOUR T { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/AmandaSerrato s DeputyCler k PublishedApril13,20&27,2023andMay4,2023 LIENS 0427THCRNNOSMOONRISERESORT NOTICEOFPUBLICSALE M oonriseResortLLC givesnoticeandintenttosell,fornonpay m entofstoragefeesperFLStatutes715.104,715.105, & 7 15.109byLindaDeptola&LindaJoyceDeptolaforthefollow i ngMobilehomeon 05/03/2023at8:30AMat8801EMoonris e L n.Lot47,FloralCity,FL34436 SaidLandlordreservesth e r ighttoacceptorrejectanyandallbids. 1 984PALMVIN#23630354AT 1 984PALMVIN#23630354BT PublishedonApril20&27,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0035TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0035TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-8477YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: R IVERHGTSAPARCELOFLANDKNOWNASTRACT37 S ITUATEDINLOT60MOREPART'LYDESCRASFOL:COM A TTHESWCOROFSDLOT60,THN272.79ALTHEW B DRYOFSDLOT60,THN88DEG57MIN00SECE2512.38 F T,THN1DEG23MIN05SECW262.34FTFORTHEPOB, T HN42DEG58MIN05SECW115.26FT,THW'LY72.55FT T HROUGHACENTRALANGLEOF21DEG27MIN22SEC A LATANGENTCURVECONCAVETOTHESHAVINGA R ADIUSOF193.73FT,THONARADIALLINEOFSD C URVEN25DEG35MIN33SECE200FTTOAPTONA C URVECONCENTRICTOAFORESDCURVE,THE'LY 1 47.44FTTHROUGHACENTRALANGLEOF21DEG27MIN 2 2SECALSDCURVEWHICHISCONCAVETOTHES&HA S A RADIUSOF393.73FTTOAPTOFREVERSECURVE,TH E 'LY151.33FTTHROUGHACENTRALANGLEOF6DEG46 M IN56SECALAREVERSECURVECONCAVETOTHEN H AVINGARADIUSOF1278.42FT,THS57DEG44MIN00 S ECW211.98FTTOTHEPOBSUBJTOEASEOFRECORD D ESCRINORBK489PG276&DCINORBK729PG178T OGETHERWITHEASEANDRIGHTOFUSEINLOT45 R IVERHEIGHTSPB1/57INPERPETUITYFORTHEPURP OSEOFINGRESSANDEGRESSTOTHEWATERSOFTHE W ITHLACOOCHEERIVERTOGETHERWITHRIGHTTO L AUNCHANDLOADBOATSFROMRAMPLOCATEDONSD E ASEPEREASE/AGREE7-1-72ORBK329/722 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CARLWCODY,ESTATEOF C ARLWCODYAKACARLCODY,ESTATEOFCARLW C ODYAKACARLWILBURNCODYDECEASED,ESTATEOF J UNEGCODYAKAJUNESAMSCODYDECEASED,JUNEG C ODYDECEASED S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0022TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0022TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9727YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: G REENACRESADD2PB5PG34LOT6OFLOT62:COM A TTHENWCOROFLOT62THS0DEG20M39SWALW L NOFSDLOT62444.11FTTOTHEPOBTHS0DEG20M 3 9SWALSDWLN100FTTHN88DEG22M41SE311.83 F TTOPTONELNOFSDLOT62THN0DEG21M15SEAL S DELN100FTTHS88DEG22M41SW311.85FTTOPOB T ITLEINORBK874PG323(SURVEYINORBK873PG328) O RBK1922PG194ORBK2249PG314ORBK2484PG 1 463 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAYSONRROSIO S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023


B12 Thursday, April 27, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle CLASSIFIEDS 0504THCRN2023-0030TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0030TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5953YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: A PACHESHORESUNIT9LOTS1&2BLK32ANDBEGAT N ECOROFLOT2BLK32THGOEWITHANEXTENSION O FNBDRYOFSDLOT2,75FT,THGOSALALNPARTO E LNOFLOT2,50FT,THGOW75FTTOSECOROFLT2, T HGONTONECOROFLT2&POBDESCINORBK1056 P G2032 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:NANCYBURGESSAKA N ANCYDBURGESS,NATHANREGISTER,RICHARDREG ISTERAKARICHARDLEWISREGISTERSR S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0091TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0091TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5205YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT46BLK1 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DOROTHYDSHOEMAKER, D OROTHYDSHOEMAKERASTRUSTEEUNDERTHEPROV ISIONSOFACERTAINDECLARATIONOFTRUSTDATED T HE2NDDAYOFAUGUST1994,MEDFORDMSHOEM AKER,MEDFORDMSHOEMAKERASTRUSTEEUNDER T HEPROVISIONSOFACERTAINDECLARATIONOFTRUST D ATEDTHE2NDDAYOFAUGUST1994 S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0130TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0130TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TBINVESTMENTTRUSTFB O T ERRYBAYLISS T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9083YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L OT24BLK9:COMATNWCOROFSECTION34TOWNS HIP18SRANGE17E,THS1DEG17M3SEALWLN 1 303.26FTTOSWCOROFNW1/4OFNW1/4,THS89DEG 2 5M42SEALSLNOFNW1/4OFNW1/4150FTTOPOB,TH S 89DEG25M42SEALSLN50FT,THN1DEG17M3SW P ARTOWLN120FT,THN89DEG25M42SWPARTOSLN 5 0FT,THS1DEG17M3SEPARTOWLN120FTTOPOB N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LISALLEWIS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0029TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0029TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4058YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT19LOT22BLK1240DESCRINORBK 5 97PG1881 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFMICHAELGIALL ELLAAKAMICHAELPGIALLELLA,ESTATEOFMICHAEL G IALLELLADECEASED,ESTATEOFVITODGIALLELLA A KAVITOGIALLELLADECEASED,MICHAELGIALLELLA, V ITODGIALLELLA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0070TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0070TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5998YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: A PACHESHORESUNIT4PB4PG83LOTS33&34BLK23 T ITLEINORBK2596PG1043 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BANKOFNEWYORKMELL ONFKABANKOFNEWYORKASTRUSTEE,THEBANK O FNEWYORKMELLONFKATHEBANKOFNEWYORKAS T RUSTEEFORTHECERTIFICATEHOLDERSOFCWABS 2 005SD1ASSETBACKEDCERTIFICATESSERIES2005SD1 S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0080TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0080TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:KINGDOMMARKETHOLDING S L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4147YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT19BLK1274 D ESCRINORBK564PG1663 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:KIRKMKNOEPFELASSUCC ESSORTRUSTEEOFTHEKNOEPFELREVOCABLEFAMI LYTRUSTDATEDAUGUST221995,KIRKMKNOEPFEL S UCCTRUSTEE,KNOEPFELREVOCFAMILYTRUST S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0121TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0121TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-8607YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: S OUTHLANDESTSPB13PG71LOT11 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BANKOFAMERICANATIONA LASSOCIATION,BARNETTBANKOFCITRUSCO, B ARNETTBANKOFCITRUSCOUNTYNA,CTCORPORAT IONSYSTEMREGISTEREDAGENTOBOBANKOFAMERI CANATIONALASSOCIATION S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0014TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0014TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-0569YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: W HISPERINGOAKSN1/2OFLOT38BLKADESCINORBK 8 31PG1579 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JOHNNYDWILLIAMSDEC EASED,PHYLLISJWILLIAMSAKAPHYLLISWILLIAMS A KAPHYLLISWILSON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0023TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0023TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-8177YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSHGLDSWESTPB5PG19LOT5BLK326 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFSHARONGOLD H ENRYAKASHARONGHENRY,ESTATEOFSHARON G OLDHENRYDECEASED,SHARONGOLDHENRYAKA S HARONGHENRY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0027TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0027TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7534YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: P ARSONSPTADDTOHERNANDOPB2PG19LOT13LESS T HEW20FT&ALLOFLOT14BLK12 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFJEANEBRELSF ORDAKAJEANELIZABETHBRELSFORDDECEASED, J EANEBRELSFORD S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0041TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0041TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7208YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: V ILLATERUNIT10OFHOMOSASSALOT9BLK344DESC I NORBK583PG2169 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DONALDGENEMORRIES, E STATEOFJOYCEANNSMITHDECEASED,JAMESA T EDDY,JOYCEANNSMITH,THERESALDOERING S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0087TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0087TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5437YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: E DENGARDENS1STADDPB3PG87LOT71LESS&EXW 5 0FTFORR/W N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:SETHISRAELREGISTERED A GENTOBOTAXCERTIFICATEREDEMPTIONSINC,TAX C ERTIFICATEREDEMPTIONSINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0024TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0024TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-8855YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNOFHOMOSASSAPB1PG6LOT4BLK141DESCR I NORBK577PG179 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BRANDONSWILSONAKA B RANDONSCOTTWILSON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0036TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0036TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9304YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: N EWHOMOSASSAVLGPB4PG92LOT52 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CAROLLUNSFORDAKA C AROLWALKER,HOWARDEDWARDLUNSFORDDEC EASED,HOWARDLUNSFORDDECEASED S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0042TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0042TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:PALLUM401KPLAN T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5353YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT27LOT5BLK1373DESCRINOR B K604PG178 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:EUGENEMOHRAKAEUG ENEVINCENTMOHRRIDILLA,EUGENEVMOHRDEC EASED,LOLINNEMOHRAKALOLINNEAPEREZ S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0044TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0044TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7436YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: H EATHERWOODUNIT1PB8PG2LOT64BLKALESSPT D ESCINORBK768PG1524DESCINORBK895PG1731& O RBK899PG314 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DENNISRMACNEIL S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0045TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0045TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5371YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT9BLK38DESCRINORBK533PG1925 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LORETTARSMITH,LORE TTASMITH,ROBERTLSMITH S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0092TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0092TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5210YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT1BLK3DESCINORBK559PG471&DCINORBK905 P G276 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:TARPONIVLLC,TWJPAN F LORIDALLCREGISTEREDAGENTOBOTARPONIVLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 27, 2023 B13 CLASSIFIEDS 0504THCRN2023-0096TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0096TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7196YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: V ILLATERUNIT11OFHOMOSASSAPB1PG52LOT13 B LK349 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GULFHWYLANDCORP, P AULADPAXTONREGISTEREDAGENTOBOGULFHWY L ANDCORP S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0109TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0109TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5329YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT45BLK27DESCINORBK663PG1037 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DENTONIILLC,JOBATHANR P OLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBODENTONIILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0120TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0120TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-3361YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT17BLK1273 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ANDREWFISKEREG ISTEREDAGENTOBOCITYFIRSTMORTGAGECORP, C ITYFIRSTMORTGAGECORP S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0016TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0016TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5072YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: B EVERLYHILLSUNIT8PHASE2PB13PG33LOT17BLK 1 88DESCINORBK761PG1816 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GAILPOSLUSZNY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0019TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0019TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3923YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT17LOT21BLK1222 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:REPAMELALBROOKSREG ISTEREDAGENTOBOWPTSOLUTIONSLLC,WPTSOLUT IONSLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0025TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0025TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:C3REALTYMANAGEMENTLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-9769YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT3PB5PG116LOT13BLK302 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BUILDERSPROPERTY G ROUPLLC,JAYFERTIGREGISTEREDAGENTOBO B UILDERSPROPERTYGROUPLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0026TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0026TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:C3REALTYMANAGEMENTLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-9770YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT4PB5PG133LOT16BLK356 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BUILDERSPROPERTY G ROUPLLC,JAYFERTIGREGISTEREDAGENTOBO B UILDERSPROPERTYGROUPLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0032TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0032TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TRINGALIFAMILYINVEST M ENTPROPERTIESLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7245YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVLGPB6PG26LOTS3&4BLK19 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFSTELLAGERS A KASTELLATHERESAGERSDECEASED,STELLAGERS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0043TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0043TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-0801YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C INNAMONRIDGEPB12PG35LOT22BLKH N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DARRENSUNDQUIST,VICKY T OWERS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0048TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0048TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JAMESHALLEN T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7039YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT12BLK26DESCINORBK881PG213 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DENTONIILLC,JONATHANR P OLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBODENTONIILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0049TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0049TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5344YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2PB 6 PG52LOT46BLK29 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0058TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0058TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4555YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT21LOT12BLK1501DESCRINOR B K586PG1296 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTOFSTEPHENSTHEFNDA TION,THOMASJSTEPHENS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0061TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0061TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5342YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT38BLK29 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0062TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0062TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-8783YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNOFHOMOSASSALOT3BLK59DESCRINORBK11 P G590,DC583PG2031&ORBK635PG175 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JUANITAWBUCKNER, L AURENDBUCKNER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0064TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0064TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5343YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT45BLK29 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0018TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0018TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SPACEONEARTHLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-10114YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C HEROKEEVILLAGEUNRECSUBLOT40:COMATSW C OROFSE1/4OFSE1/4OFSEC30-17-20THN01DEG17M 0 4SWALWLNOFSDSE1/4OFSE1/41181.98FTTOINT ERSECTIONWITHW'LYPROJECTIONOFCENTERLINEOF S QUAWCTA50FTPRIVATERDTHS88DEG08M01SEAL S DCENTERLINE350FTTOINTERSECTIONWITHAN'LY P ROJECTIONOFE'LYR/WLNOFNBEADPT50FT P RIVATERDTHS01DEG17M04SEALSDN'LYPROJECT IONANDSDE'LYR/WLNPARWITHWLNOFSE1/4OF S E1/4OFSDSEC30480.04FTTHS88DEG08M01SE250 F TTOAPTONW'LYR/WLNOFA50FTUNNAMED P RIVATERDTHN01DEG17M04SWPARWITHWLNOF S E1/4OFSE1/4379.20FTTOPOBTHCONTN01DEG17M 0 4SWALSDW'LYR/WLN75.84FTTHN88DEG08M01SW 1 25FTTHS01DEG17M04SEPARWITHSDWLNOFSE 1 /4OFSE1/475.84FTTHS88DEG08M01SE125FTTO P OBDESCINORBK1876PG675(SURVEYINORBK1876 P G674) N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:FLORIDAPJGROUPINC, J USTINBURNETTREGISTEREDAGENTOBOFLORIDAPJ G ROUPINC,KARNINEJEAN-JOSEPHREGISTEREDAGENT O BOFLORIDAPJGROUPINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0034TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0034TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7613YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L ANEVIEWUNRECSUBLOTS26,27&28DESCAS:LOT26: C OMATNWCOROFE1/4OFS1/2OFNW1/4OFSEC25,TH S 1DEG12M1SEALWLNOFE1/4387.58FT,THS89DEG 4 7M21SW1129.88FTTOPOB,THS89DEG47M21SW 1 40.83FT,THS1DEG23M45SE309.86FT,THN89DEG 4 7M21SE140.83FTTHN1DEG23M45SW309.86FTTO P OBSUBJTOEASMLOT27:COMATNWCOROFE1/4OF S 1/2OFNW1/4OFSEC25,THS1DEG12M1SEALWLN O FE1/4387.58FT,THS89DEG47M21SW1270.71FTTO P OB,THS89DEG47M21SW140.83FT,THS1DEG23M 4 5SE309.86FTTHN89DEG47M21SE140.83FTTHN1 D EG23M45SW309.86FTTOPOBSUBJTOEASMLOT 2 8:COMATNWCOROFE1/4OFS1/2OFNW1/4OFSEC 2 5,THS1DEG12M1SEALWLN387.58FT,THS89DEG 4 7M21SW1411.54FTTOPOB,THS89DEG47M21SW 1 40.83FT,THS1DEG23M45SE309.86FT,THN89DEG 4 7M21SE140.83FT,THN1DEG23M45SW309.86FTTO P OBSUBJTOEASMDESCINORBK1369PG322 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BARBARASTEINERAKA B ARBARAANNSTEINERAKABARBARAANNROODE, C HARLESSTEINER,ESTATEOFCHARLESSTEINERAKA C HARLESCLAUDESTEINERDECEASED S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0114TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0114TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7679YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: H AZELTONSHILLUNRECSUBLOT7BLKDDESCAS C OMMATSWCORNOFNW1/4OFNW1/4OF25-19-17,THS 8 9DEG44M45SEALSLNOFSDNW1/4OFNW1/4520.59 F T,THN0DEG00M55SE500FT,THS89DEG44M45SE P ARATOSDSLN465FTTHS0DEG00M55SW80FTTO P OB,THS0DEG00M55SW80FT,THN89DEG44M45SW P ARATOSDSLN120FT,THN0DEG00M55SE80FT,TH S 89DEG44M45SEPARATOSDSLN120FTTOPOB D ESCINORBK1262PG2041&ORBK1829PG1434 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GERARDSTJEAN,MYRNA B AUDIN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023


B14 Thursday, April 27, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle CLASSIFIEDS 0504THCRN2023-0065TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0065TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5345YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT49BLK29 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0066TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0066TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5346YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT50BLK29 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0067TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0067TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5381YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2PB 6 PG52LOT39BLK38 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GRACELYNBOSWELL,ROY B OSWELL S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0082TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0082TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7731YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: P ROPOSEDTOWNOFSOUTHCITRONELLEPB1PG18 L OT4 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DANIELFREDBUCKAKA D ANIELBUCK S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0102TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0102TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5314YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2LOT17BLK17DESCINORBK 4 61PG688 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:PAULINECLARK S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0106TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0106TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:AVANTAGE1LLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-6726YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNSITEOFCRYSTALPARKN1/2OFLOT615DESCIN O RBK489PG387 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ELAINETURK,JEANTURK, K ARLSZOLLOSY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0108TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0108TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5250YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT1BLK13 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:STELLAKARAKANTASET A L,ZOENUNES S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0118TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0118TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-3384YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT6BLK1277 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CAROLESHAREKFINNEGA N,WILLIAMROBERTMORRIS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0031TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0031TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:LAWRENCESTEPHENPARKER T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5410YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT10BLK1643 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ARLEENGKHATIBI,JUNEM S MITH S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0033TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0033TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5064YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: B EVERLYHILLSUNIT7PB12PG101LOT29BLK174 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CAMILLEAFIELDS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0040TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0040TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ENVISIONHOMEIMPROVE M ENTLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-8812YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: U NIT6OFHOMOSASSAPB1PG48LOTS19&20BLK234 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAMESJBOHASH S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0047TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0047TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-8890YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNOFHOMOSASSAPB1PG6LOT10BLK109 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JACKGREEN,MARYF G REEN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0050TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0050TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5350YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVILLAGEUNIT2PB6PG52LOT29BLK30 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:NATLRECLANDLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0052TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0052TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-1503YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT2PB5PG108LOT4BLK131 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CRYSTALILLC,JONATHAN R POLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOCRYSTALILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0056TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0056TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-6556YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C RYSTALMANORUNIT2PB8PG112LT1BLK55 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DANIELGARCIA,MICHEL G ARCIA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0057TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0057TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4518YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT21LOT7BLK1451DESCINORBK685 P G2004 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAMESJDEJESU S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0006TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0006TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-8373YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: R AINBOWFORESTPB3PG147LOT12BLKC N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:PATRICIAATHOMAS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0021TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0021TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5715YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT27PB9PG54LOT6BLK1470 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:PILIENHSU S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2022-0834TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2022-0834TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-4094YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26LOT5BLK1646DESCINORBK 5 96PG1452&DCINORBK841PG69 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CARLABOMBARDDEC EASED,GLADYSSBOMBARD S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0005TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0005TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-6096YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C OSTA&SONINCPB5PG59LOT85 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ANNETTEGIGLIO,JOHNR E VANGELISTA,ROSEEVANGELISTA,STEVENEVANG ELISTA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0015TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0015TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5067YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: B EVERLYHILLSUNIT8PH1PB12PG147PHASE1LOT32 B LK184 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:TERRYMITTEER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 27, 2023 B15 CLASSIFIEDS 0504THCRN2023-0012TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0012TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:NORMANMCKENZIECORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-2087YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT4PB5PG133TRACTT N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MARTINALLENSWARTZAK A M ARTINSWARTZ S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0028TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0028TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3852YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT17PB7PG1LOT2BLK1203 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JONATHANRPOLITANOREG ISTEREDAGENTOBOWINDERVILLC,WINDERVILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0059TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0059TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-6639YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNSITEOFCRYSTALPARKE50FTOFW100FTOF L OT377DESCINORBK279PG666 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAMESSIMMONS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0060TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0060TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9483YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C RYSTALHGTSDEVSEC2LOTS29&30BLK19DESCRIN O RBK522PG186 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DAVIDDYER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0068TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0068TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-1502YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT2PB5PG108LOT3BLK131 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DENTONIILLC,JONATHANR P OLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOCRYSTALILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0071TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0071TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:HYCAVESERVICES T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-2296YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT5PB6PG1TRACTJ N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MARTINALLENSWARTZAK A M ARTINSWARTZ S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0074TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0074TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SECURELYNESTED2LLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5270YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT28BLK9 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JANDYPROPERTIESINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0084TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0084TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7018YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT23BLK12DESCINORBK687PG2019 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:VLADIMIRZABRODSKY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0086TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0086TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7089YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: U NIT4OFHOMOSASSALOTS1&2BLK178DESCINOR B K554PG755 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MICHAELPDIMON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0088TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0088TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5280YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT25BLK28DESCRINORBK579PG1472 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LARRYRHALL S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0089TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0089TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5251YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT9BLK13DESCRINORBK563PG938 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:RONALDBRADEN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0090TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0090TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-1505YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT2PB5PG108LOT6BLK131 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CRYSTALILLC,JONATHAN R POLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOCRYSTALILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0093TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0093TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SECURELYNESTED2LLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5271YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT29BLK9 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JANDYPROPERTIESINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0095TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0095TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-5510YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L T73,B13,INVERNESSVLGU3,ASUBDACCTOPB6 P GS26-29PRCCF. N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0099TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0099TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-3980YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT5BLK1621 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:HSIUYINGCHEN,HSIU-YING C HEN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0100TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0100TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5390YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26LOT6BLK1640DESCINORBK760 P G1054 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:WAIWONG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0101TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0101TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4144YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT3BLK1274 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CRYSTALILLC,JONATHAN R POLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOCRYSTALILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0124TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0124TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:KAIZENCOMPANIESINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5209YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT14BLK2 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MICHAELJACOBS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0125TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0125TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5319YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2PB6PG52LOT7BLK21 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0051TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0051TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-8831YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: V ILLATERUNIT9OFHOMOSASSALOT30BLK294 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MARGERITAANNLARSON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0069TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0069TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:KAIZENCOMPANIESINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-3909YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT15BLK1243 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:PETERCDURRANT S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS


B16 Thursday, April 27, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle CLASSIFIEDS Fun By The Numbers Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! SOLUTIONS r rn r n rn r  ­ €‚ƒ „r…rr…… „r…r WEDO SCREEN REPAIRS! r n rn rr r WIDESELECTIONOF FLAVOREDPELLETS r rr r rnn  ­  r n WORD SEARCH (Chicken Breed)AMERAUCANAANCONAANDALUSIANASEELBARNEVELDERBRAHMACAMPINECATALANACHANTECLERCOCHINCORNISHCUBALAYA DELAWAREDOMINIQUEDORKINGFAVEROLLESFAYOUMIHAMBURGHOLLANDJAVAJERSEY GIANTLAKENVELDERLEGHORNMARANSPeanuts 4/27/23 WILLCONSTRUCTIONCORP. 352-628-2291 We alsoofferSafetyGrabBars, We atherStripping,InsuranceInspections r Siding Sof t Fa scia Skirting Ro of ov ers Ca rp orts Screen Roo ms De cks Wi ndo ws Do ors Ad ditions Pe rmi t An d En gineering Fe es Al lofour structures withstand 120mph winds 352-628-7519 0504THCRN2023-0078TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0078TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-3932YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT10BLK1614 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CHIFUNWONG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0081TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0081TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3878YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT13BLK1613 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CHIFUNWONG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0085TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0085TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4136YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT7BLK1273 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:TUTUINVESTMENTSLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0094TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0094TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7212YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVLGPB6PG26LOT15BLK6 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:VINCENZODIGREGORIO S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0097TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0097TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-3972YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT28BLK1188 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BHANMATTIERAMNAUTH S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0098TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0098TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-3930YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT8BLK1614 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CHIFUNWONG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0110TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0110TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-5507YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVLGPB6PG26LOT19BLK10 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:WESTHAWAIIREALTYINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0113TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0113TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5247YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT9BLK1625 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GWYNETHAHEMMINGS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0115TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0115TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-3931YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT9BLK1614 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CHIFUNWONG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS

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Description based on: Vol. 48, no. 51 (June 8, 1939).
funding This project was funded under the provisions of the DLIS Florida American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Florida's DLIS Florida ARPA program is administered by the Department of State's Division of Library and Information Services.
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