Citrus County chronicle

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Citrus County chronicle
Place of Publication:
Crystal River, FL
Citrus Publishing LLC
Gerald Mulligan
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Weekly[ FORMER <1939-1968>]
Semiweekly[ FORMER <1980-1981>]


Subjects / Keywords:
Newspapers -- Inverness (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Citrus County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
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28.886556 x -82.539299


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Began in 1889?
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Description based on: Vol. 48, no. 51 (June 8, 1939).
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APRIL 20, HIGH Mostly sunny and warm. PAGE A4 TODAY & next morning THURSDAY 59 88 LOW Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community VOL. 129 ISSUE 110 $1Three arrested in Alabama Sweet 16 shooting / A9 INDEX Business ................... A7 Classieds ................ B6 Comics ..................... B5 Crossword ................ B4 Entertainment ......... A10 Horoscope ................ B4 Nation/World ............. A9 Obituaries ................. A6 Opinion ..................... A8 TV Listings .............. A10 Weather .................... A4Animal shelter designs are in, range from $6 million-$9 million By MICHAEL D. BATES Chronicle Reporter County commissioners Tuesday will be given two updated conceptual de signs to consider for its new animal shelter. Both designs are from MLM-Martin Architects and Tocoi Engineering. It will be up to the board to consider how many add-ons they want to spend. The more frills, the higher the cost. The rst option is to build a $6 million shelter, which balloons to $9 million when such items as permit and contingency fees are includ ed. The second option is for a $9 million building, or $12.5 million adding in re lated costs. Commissioners got sticker shock in December when the consultant presented a $22 million building. All along, they wanted this project to come in at a $9 million maximum. The board has been insis tent they don’t want to build a “Taj Mahal.” They want a no-frills building that is functional and meets the needs of the county. Commissioners will have to identify the fund ing source for which op tion they choose – or don’t choose. The particulars should be worked out during a work shop at 9 a.m. Tuesday, prior to the 1 p.m. regular meeting. The current animal shelter has the capacity to house 41 cats and 80 dogs. If com missioners go with the $6 million design, the facility would be able to accommo date 50 cats and 90 dogs. Here’s how it breaks down: QThe new shelter would increase in size from the current 14,000-square-foot facility to 18,708 square feet. QThe number of cat-holding cages decreas es from 41 to 20. However, the new design adds 30 “cat condos,” which allow for better viewing opportunities for potential adopters and creates less stress for the felines. QDog runs would in crease from 68 to 80 and the number of dog cages de creases from 12 to 10.County to review them at Tuesday workshopFood Bank expands; sees needs rising By FRED HIERS Chronicle Reporter The Community Food Bank of Citrus County celebrated this week its 10th year distrib uting food to the hungry. The nonprot also cut a ribbon the same day and in vited local dignitaries and other charities to celebrate its expansion after buying the 7,200-square-foot warehouse next door to its Homosassa distribution facility, doubling the operation’s size. The food bank doesn’t dis tribute to individuals, but rath er to 52 local charities that hand out groceries to their clients, making the food bank a good barometer for the food needs of the county and the lo cal level of donations to meet those needs. While the anniversary cel ebration and ribbon cutting were milestones, there have been others, but the kind you don’t want: growing numbers of people needing help, a de crease in donations, and a rise in prices for food that drive more people to seek help, as well as shrinking the buying power of the food bank. Barbara Sprague has been the chief executive ofcer of the Community Food Bank of Citrus County for the past three years. The Chronicle asked Sprague a few question: Q: Why has the need in creased in Citrus County? A: “The cost of living, the cost of housing, gas, food, utilities, plus everything else you need to live … and wag es don’t (keep up) with the cost of living here,” she said. Matthew Beck / Chronicle photo editor Community Food Bank executive director Barbara Sprague speaks with a member of the Citrus County Chamber of Commerce Monday evening, April 18, at an open house and ribbon cutting at the food bank’s Homosassa facility. Sprague says that each month the Community Food Bank partners with more than 60 community organizations to provide some 50,000 Citrus County residents with food and supplies. She says millions of pounds of food will be distributed from the food bank in 2023. Community Food Bank CEO Barbara Sprague speaks with a guest Mon day evening, April 18, at an open house at the the food bank’s Homo sassa facility. Com munity Food Bank partners with more than 60 community organizations to provide meals for tens of thousands of Citrus Countians annually. Q & A B ARBARA S PRAGUETrump, DeSantis compete for support from congressional Republicans By MEG KINNARD Associated Press COLUMBIA, S.C. — Ron DeSantis has yet to enter the 2024 presidential race, but former President Donald Trump is aiming to drum up support in the Florida gov ernor’s backyard, securing endorsements already from more than one-third of the Republicans in the state’s congressional delegation. Republicans hold 20 of Florida’s 28 U.S. House districts, and eight of those lawmakers have announced their support for Trump. They include Rep. Byron Donalds, who introduced DeSantis at his reelection party last year. Earlier this month, Donalds called Trump the only leader “at this time in our nation’s his tory who can seize the mo ment and deliver what we need.” Rep. John Rutherford backed Trump on Tuesday shortly after leaving a Wash ington meeting with DeSan tis. Others going with Trump are Reps. Vern Buchanan, Matt Gaetz, Anna Pauli na Luna, Brian Mast, Cory Mills and Greg Steube. In all, Trump has won the backing of more than 40 House Republicans across the country. His team, led by former White House po litical director Brian Jack, contacted some of those lawmakers, while others reached out to him. Endorsements rarely have a dramatic impact on whom voters ultimately support, especially this early in a presidential primary. But they do signal which can didates are gaining support within a party. That’s im portant as Trump tries to assert himself as the undis puted leader of the GOP in seeking the 2024 nomina tion. Trump’s endorsements are notable because they sug gest his criminal indictment in New York this month did little to erode his support among elected Republicans. If anything, the charges may have enhanced his standing within the party. “I think after the indict ment, a lot of people were willing to be very vocal with their endorsement,” Trump spokesman Steven Cheung said. DeSantis’ backers note that the governor hasn’t for mally launched his effort, making it harder for him to get ofcial endorsements. He has expanded his travel outside of Florida, mak ing his rst appearances Wednesday in South Caro lina, where support for any GOP nominee is critical, and where a few state law makers have said they will back him if he runs for the White House. So far, DeSantis has three congressional endorse ments, including one from Florida, rst-term Rep. Laurel Lee, who served as DeSantis’ secretary of state for more than three years. Rep. Chip Roy of Texas was the rst House member to sign on. Rep. Thomas Massie, who has endorsed DeSantis, ac knowledged Trump’s grow ing endorsement advantage but emphasized that the Florida governor hasn’t yet entered the 2024 race. “Ron DeSantis hasn’t asked anybody for an DESANTIS TRUMP See SHELTER , page A4 See Q&A , page A4 See ELECTION , page A4


A2 Thursday, April 20, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle PLANTSGALORE rn  ­€ ‚ƒ„…­……†­……‡†ˆ‰Š­‹­……†­…… ‡† nŒnŒŽ‚‘nŒŽ’Žˆ“ŒŽ‚“Žƒ† “r‡Žn‰Žn‰“” rn APRILSALEITEMS nnn r „Šn‰“    ­­€­ ­•‰ –………€‚ n  €­n ƒn n  n „ n­n€€‚ƒn€ €  n  ƒn­­…†r €‚„ƒ…†„€n‡nƒn„  n­ ˆn‡ƒ€ƒˆn† n •–…… n •–…… ƒ ­n‰Š‹n Œn‰Š‹n ‰ nŠ ƒ n ƒ’…—€‹n ƒn‰•–……… ƒn „‹n­ n„   n  n­ nn„†† ‡˜ŠŒˆn •˜†–……… n •–………… nŒ •–……… ŽnŒ •–………•€“‰ ƒ‚‚‰‡“‰ ‘…’n ‚ˆ‚ „ƒ€ƒ‘‹†  •–…………ƒ“Œˆ’ n‹ ˆ‹‚“­ƒ‚”n‘‹ n •–…… n •–……n‹†……†‘”†”‹n‚n n„ƒ†„n‹€‚†n‹•n ‘†ƒ‹‹ˆ ‘•‹‹ˆ‘nŠnn‚ ‹ƒƒ€n‚ –““ ­ƒ­„ ‡n€‘†‹” ƒ‹‘•†‘…n‹­†nˆn‹ Œn ‹n•‹€‚— Ž˜‹”†nnŠ‚ ‹‹­†–’n PRICESGOODTHRUAPRIL30TH


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 20, 2023 A3L CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLEHomosassa Library hosting free technology classes The Homosassa Pub lic Library will feature a Saturday technology class each month through June. If you are unable to at tend during the week, be sure to sign-up for a spot in one of the technology classes starting in April. Upcoming topics are: Resume Building 101 at 10:30 a.m. on April 22; Facebook: Getting Started at 10:30 a.m. on May 20; and Buying and Selling on eBay at 10:30 a.m. on June 17. These Saturday classes are free, and reg istration is required. To register for a class, use the online calendar, speak to a staff member at the branch or call the library at 352-628-5626.HPH Hospice seeks volunteers HPH Hospice in Lecan to, a Chapters Health af liate, needs volunteers willing to share their time with a patient at home, an assisted living or skilled nursing facility. Caregivers spend their waking hours caring for their loved ones. Howev er, at times, they need to run errands, go to the doc tor or just get out of the house for a while. Volunteers do not pro vide personal care, only companionship and would always be in a safe environ ment. Call 352-359-8373 or email lucass@chapters Women’s Political Network to meet The next Conservative Women’s Political Net work (CWPNCC) meeting will be held on Wednes day, April 26, at Ange lotti’s Restaurant, 138 Heights Ave., Inverness, in their meeting room. Come around 11:30 a.m. to order lunch. Meeting starts at 12:30 p.m. The speaker will be re tired Inverness City Man ager Frank DiGiovanni who will share his back ground and accomplish ments for Citrus County. Donations of toothpaste and toothbrushes for adults and children are requested for their out reach program Jessie’s Place. Contact Peggy Si mon, president, or Rosa lie Matt, vice president, at 352-746-7143.Beverly Hills Civic Association to have taco dinner The Beverly Hills Civic Association will be serv ing a taco dinner prior to their meeting at 7 p.m. on April 27 located at 77 Civic Circle. Their sponsor for April will be Los Magueyes in Beverly Hills. Food will be served before the meet ing from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. This is a fundraiser for BHCA. Price per person will be $12 for tacos, des sert and drinks. Open to the public.North Suncoast Conservative Club to meet North Suncoast Con servative Club will have Jesse Rumson as speaker at their meeting at 11 a.m. on Saturday, April 22, at Seagrass Restaurant, 10386 W. Halls River Road, Homosassa. Rumson was the victim of the “Knock and Shock raid” on Feb. 27 at his home on State Road 44 in Lecanto. He is also known as “Panda Man” and is a peace-loving Buddhist. The story of Rumson and his family will shock the county. Bring a friend. RSVP at so they have enough seating. IN BRIEF Inverness agrees to state $24 million grant proposal By FRED HIERS Chronicle Reporter An offer of more than $20 million in state funding to pay most of a municipal utili ty project in South Highlands was accepted Tuesday by Inverness, despite concerns that the city’s share would top $11 million. The Inverness council vot ed unanimously to accept a grant agreement from the Florida Department of En vironmental Protection af ter holding off for several weeks. The agreement earmarked $23.8 million in state monies for municipal utilities and new roads in South High lands. The problem was that in order to get the millions in state money, the city would have to kick in $11,148,750 once work began. Under the terms of the agreement, however, the city would not have to start spending the city’s share until work on the multi-year project began. But some council mem bers expressed concerns about how the city would come up with its share and postponed voting on the grant issue. During Tuesday’s regular ly scheduled council meet ing, council members vot ed to accept the agreement now and focus on how the city pays its share later. “We have to take care of what God has given us,” said Councilman Cabot McBride. “It’s essential we have the political will to get this done.” “This ($23.8 grant) is a gift from heaven,” McBride said, and the city should not pass it up. Councilman Gene Davis agreed, and said the city should approve the grant deal and worry about details later. The project would involve 46,500 feet of new gravi ty sewer lines and another 22,400 feet of forced sewer lines, 14 powered lift sta tions to provide 751 resi dential family lots munici pal sewer services. Most of the lots are developed and utilize septic tanks. Councilwoman Jacquie Hepfer said that it was in evitable that the state would continue to push cities to offer municipal sewer ser vices and do away with sep tic tanks. “You can’t keep kicking the can down the road,” she said. The longer the city waits, the more the project will cost, she said. The unanimous vote came after City Manager Eric Williams offered the ben ets of going along with the agreement and potential ways for the city to pay for its share. “Approving this tonight does not say you’re going to approve the project,” Wil liams said. “What it signals to the State of Florida is that (the state doesn’t) need to move on and take that $24 million to another commu nity and offer them the op portunity…” Williams also told the council that the city had three ways to pay its $11 million share once the multi-year project began. QThe city utility de partment could borrow the money and use the sewer treatment and water reve nues to pay back the loan. QThe city could assess each of the property owners for the $11 million, which would mean about $14,600 per homeowner. QOr the city could im plement a mix in which the city could bear some of the cost and the homeowners the rest. Williams said he wasn’t prepared to propose what the split would be, but for example a 50 percent split would cut that $14,600 in half. Property owners could pay their share in total or the city could arrange for that share to be put on the new customers’ utility or tax bill, allowing them to pay it over several years. Williams warned that while no one wants addition al taxes or fees, homeown ers should consider the cost of a new septic system and drain eld, or the cost if state lawmakers mandate home owners replace aging septic tanks with pricey, state-of-the-art septic systems rang ing $10,000 – $15,000. He also pointed out that hooking up to municipal water and sewer services in creases property values. In addition, the area would get roads repaved after the utility lines were placed in the ground, he said. The near $24 million grant offer from FDEP could be the largest for a single project that’s come to the county.Fentanyl dangers get airing at Tuesday’s BOCC meeting By MICHAEL D. BATES Chronicle Reporter Seventy-one Citrus Coun tians died of a substance overdose in 2022 and three-quarters of them in volved the use of fentanyl, according to the county health department. “It doesn’t mean fentanyl was the cause of the death but it was in the substance that they took,” said Amy Douglas, spokeswoman for the Florida Department of Health in Citrus County Those are scary numbers and county commissioners Tuesday will issue a “Fen tanyl Awareness Day” proc lamation, encouraging all residents to become aware of the dangers of Fentanyl and learn the signs of opioid overdose. Fentanyl, a synthetic opi oid 100 times more potent than morphine, cost Flo ridians $6.4 billion from 2016 to 2018. A lethal dose consists of two milligrams, equal in size to three grains of salt. And now, the deadly sub stance is being added to il licit drugs and counterfeit prescription drugs without the user’s knowledge. The county is responding to an increase in fentanyl overdoses by partnering with the local department of health to create a task force and develop a work plan to address drug use and addic tion. “Community partners and community members can work together to ensure that Narcan, a life-saving medi cation that can prevent over dose deaths, is available to all,” County Administrator Steve Howard wrote. The U.S. Centers for Dis ease Control and Preven tion (CDC) estimates that more than 107,000 people died from overdoses in the 12 months that ended Nov. 30, 2022. Before 2020, the number of overdose deaths had never topped 100,000. Most of the deaths were linked to fentanyl and oth er synthetic opioids. Like xylazine, they are often add ed to other drugs – and users don’t always know they are getting them. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers these signs to look for in opioid overdos es: QSmall, constricted “pin point pupils” QFalling asleep or losing consciousness QSlow, weak, or no breathing QChoking or gurgling sounds QLimp body QCold and/or clammy skin QDiscolored skin (espe cially in lips and nails) The commission meeting will begin at 1 p.m. Tues day, April 25, at the Citrus County Courthouse, 110 North Apopka Ave. in In verness. Michael D. Bates is a staff writer with the Citrus County Chronicle and can be reached at will issue awareness proclamation Botanist’s ‘crazy’ hunt for rare plants By NANCY KENNEDY Chronicle Reporter At 83, Linda Curtis still has re in her bones. As a botanist, she, along with her husband, Jim Cur tis, as her photographer, scour the countryside, traveling through forests and swamps accessible by 4-wheel drive vehicles, hunting for rare vegetation. “Botanists look every where, stop frequently,” she told the Chronicle in 2022. Recently, Linda Curtis has completed her fourth book, “Carex of Central Florida,” and is already working on the next book, “Carex of Florida,” which adds 25 more species. Carex is a class or genus of more than 2,000 species of perennial grass-like plants found throughout the world. Carex can be identied by its triangular, grass-like stems and short, spiky ow erheads – like little teeth. “All plants have structure and texture, and they’re all individually beautiful,” Curtis said. “I have a jew eler’s microscope, which is a little different from a biol ogy microscope, because it picks up facets.” As for her fascination Matthew Beck / Chronicle photo editor In this photo from February 2022, local botanist Linda Curtis is at one of her favorites places to explore vegetation, Three Sisters Springs. The 83-year-old recently published her fourth book, “Carex of Central Florida,” and is writing another book, “Carex of Flor ida.” Carex is a class or genus of more than 2,000 species of perennial grass-like plants found throughout the world.Linda Curtis pens fourth book, ‘Carex of Central Florida’ “Carex of Central Florida,” by Linda Curtis See BOOK , page A7


A4 Thursday, April 20, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle To start your subscription: Call now for home delivery by our carriers: Citrus County: 352-563-5655 13 weeks: $90.60* — 26 weeks: $151.01* — 52 weeks: $241.62* Subscription price does not include applicable state and local sales tax. Any promotional rate, other than what’s listed above, is non-refundable. Temporary suspension of your print newspaper delivery due to vacation and other reasons does not extend your subscription expiration date. Your subscription includes 24/7 digital access to all content available online. Call 352-563-5655 for details. Your account will be subject to a surcharge for premium issues. 1RWL¿FDWLRQRIWKHSUHPLXPLVVXHDQGVXUFKDUJHDUHOLVWHGEHORZ Your total bill will remain unaffected, but there may be a slight adjustment in your expiration date. Ezpay subscribers will see the increased surcharge on their monthly transaction in the applicable month. Premium issue surcharges: Medical Directory (April) $2, Best of the Best (June) $2, Fun Book (September) $2, Discover (October) $2, and Thanksgiving Day (November) $2. For home delivery by mail: In Florida: $96.74 for 13 weeks Contact us about circulation/delivery issues: 352-563-5655 Questions: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday to Friday; Closed Saturday; 7 to 10 a.m. Sunday Main switchboard phone numbers: Citrus County — 352-563-6363 Citrus Springs, Dunnellon and Marion County residents, call toll-free at 888-852-2340. I want to place an ad: 7RSODFHDFODVVL¿HGDG&LWUXV± 0DULRQ± To place a display ad: 352-563-5592 I want to send information to the Chronicle: MAIL: 1624 N. Meadowcrest Blvd., Crystal River, FL 34429 FAX: Advertising – 352-563-5665, Newsroom – 352-563-5665 EMAIL: Advertising: Community News: Who’s in charge: Trina Murphy .....................................Publisher, 352-563-3232Jim Gouvellis ..........................Executive Editor, 352-564-2930Tom Feeney. ......................Production Director, 352-563-3275 Trista Stokes .....................Advertising Director, 352-564-2946Jackie Lytton ......................Circulation Director , 352-564-2914 John Murphy ...............................Digital Leader, 352-563-3255 Report a news tip: News .............................................. Jim Gouvellis, Sports stories................................ 0DWW3¿IIQHU Opinion page/letters .....................Jim Gouvellis, 352-564-2930Sound Off .......................................................... 352-563-0579 The Chronicle is printed in part on recycled newsprint. Published every Sunday through Saturday By Citrus Publishing LLC POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Citrus County Chronicle 1624 N. MEADOWCREST BLVD., CRYSTAL RIVER, FL 34429 PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT INVERNESS, FL 6(&21'&/$663(50,7 Exclusi Legend: YTD -Year to Date, PR -Daily Precipitation ve daily forecast by: ** Light only extreme allergic will show symptoms, moderate most allergic will experience symptoms, heavy all allergic will experience symptoms.rr r r rr For more information call Florida Division of Forestry at (352) 797-4140. For more informationon wildfire conditions, pleasevisittheDivisionofForestry ‹ sWebsite: nr  ­€‚ƒ„    ­­ Levels reported in feet above sea level. Flood stage for lakes are based on 2.33-year Á ood, the mean-annual Á ood which has a 43-precent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any one year. This data is obtained from the Southw est Florida Water Ma nagement District and is subject to revision. In no event will the District or the United States Geological Survey be liable for any damages arising out of the use of this data. If you have any questions you should contact the Hydr ological Data Section at (352) 796-7211. r r …r…rr†  …‡ rr „ˆ  r *From mouths of rivers**At King ‹ s Bay***At Mason ‹ s Creek rrr‰r‰ „ˆ (MORNING) (AFTERNOON) rRecordNormalMean temp.Departure from mean rTotal for the monthTotal for the yearNormal for the year Š‹0 -2 minimal, 3-4 low, 5-6 moderate, 7-9 high, 10+ very high Œr…… * r n Taken at Crystal River SATURDAY & SUNDAY MORNINGHigh: 85° Low: 65° Partly sunny, a few showers Yesterday0.00" 0.18"3.31" 11.85" As reported from 30.08 Yesterday at 3 p.m.69%Yesterday observedGoodPollutantOzone Apr 20Apr 27May 5May 12 0 1Monday6 7Thursday2 3Tuesday 8 9 -or-Common AreasFriday 4 5Wednesday Daytona Bch.7968sFort Lauderdale8271tFort Myers8567sGainesville8659sHomestead8367tJacksonville8463sKey West8475sLakeland8663sMelbourne8169pc WEDTHU Albany4735Trace6444pcAlbuquerque73480.006536sAsheville81440.008253sAtlanta82450.008559sAtlantic City67330.006354sAustin7970Trace8466shBaltimore72460.008562sBillings43320.174427ssBirmingham83490.008659sBoise50270.025337pcBoston52450.006145sBuffalo4335Trace6253mcBurlington, VT49390.015541sCharleston, SC84520.008462sCharleston, WV81390.008859sCharlotte84500.008659sChicago72440.007548tCincinnati79360.008360sCleveland46390.007861sColumbia, SC85480.008858sColumbus, OH73350.008359sConcord, NH52390.006138sDallas8466Trace8161shDenver62340.005028pcDes Moines76530.036439shDetroit54340.007657pcEl Paso83640.008053sEvansville, IN82480.008356pcHarrisburg70390.008351sHartford54360.006344pcHouston83640.008169mcIndianapolis79450.008353pcKansas City77640.006845shLas Vegas66550.007556sLittle Rock8455Trace8161shLos Angeles71520.007858sLouisville8450Trace8562pcMemphis81550.008161pcMilwaukee46350.106541shMinneapolis46370.305035shMobile79480.008162sMontgomery84480.008858sNashville85520.008664s WED Acapulco87/76/pcAmsterdam50/42/raAthens66/55/raBeijing71/64/clBerlin57/41/raBermuda69/68/raCairo83/61/sCalgary38/28/raHavana83/74/raHong Kong81/75/ra Jerusalem71/57/mc 81/56n/a 83/53n/a 80/52n/a 86/49n/a 83/52n/a 4.70" WEDTUE Withlacoochee at Holder26.8526.8834.64Tsala Apopka-Hernando36.4636.4838.66Tsala Apopka-Inverness37.4937.5039.73Tsala Apopka-Floral City38.6138.6341.37 Lisbon69/54/sLondon56/43/sMadrid78/54/sMexico City82/66/mcMontreal51/32/pcMoscow60/44/mcParis55/43/raRio76/71/raRome64/50/sSydney65/63/raTokyo73/62/mcToronto46/39/ra Warsaw63/48/ra WEDTHU New Orleans79640.008167sNew York City62450.006553pcNorfolk69540.008664sOklahoma City84620.007449shOmaha75530.216138shPalm Springs79560.008764sPhiladelphia64410.007954sPhoenix81640.008659sPittsburgh64370.008457sPortland, ME50420.005441sPortland, OR49420.245245raProvidence, RI51390.006344sRaleigh84500.008961sRapid City57360.014426ssReno52270.006238sRochester, NY47360.015549mcSacramento61380.007250sSalt Lake City45330.004835ssSan Antonio8170Trace8468tSan Diego66530.007255sSan Francisco59460.006450sSavannah83500.008362sSeattle50370.025344shSpokane4827Trace5437pcSt. Louis83510.008051shSt. Ste Marie40300.004238raSyracuse43350.086250shTopeka82660.006844shWashington75450.008862s Miami8073tOcala8659sOrlando8366sPensacola7964sSarasota8865sTallahassee8862sTampa9065sVero Beach8069shW. Palm Bch.7974t Chassahowitzka* 7:24 a.m.0.3 ft7:04 p.m.0.6 ft1:56 a.m.0.0 ft1:04 p.m.0.1 ft Crystal River** 5:36 a.m.1.9 ft5:17 p.m.2.3 ft11:43 a.m.0.6 ftNonen/a Withlacoochee* 3:02 a.m.3.4 ft2:36 p.m.3.5 ft9:42 a.m.0.8 ft10:14 p.m.-0.5 ft Homosassa*** 6:51 a.m.1.0 ft6:05 p.m.1.4 ft1:31 a.m.-0.2 ft12:49 p.m.0.3 ft 7:58 pm6:57 am7:14 am8:44 pm 04/20THURSDAY6:581:317:581:5504/21FRIDAY6:572:207:582:45 Predominant: TreesThu lowmedhigh Yesterday at 3 p.m.54° 10 Yesterday85/49 94/3384/55 70 -3 FRIDAY & SATURDAY MORNINGHigh: 89° Low: 62° Partly sunny, warm, a stray shower TODAY & TOMORROW MORNINGHigh: 88° Low: 59° Mostly sunny, warm VERY HIGH. Burn ban in effect. For established lawns and landscapes, irrigation may occur during only one (1) of the specified time periods, 12:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m., or 4:00 p.m. 11:59 p.m., on the allowable watering days below:Addresses with house numbers ending in: Questions, concerns or reporting violations, please call: City of Inverness at 352-726-2321; City of Crystal River at 352-795-4216, Ext. 313; unincorporated Citrus County at 352-527-7669. For more information, visit: KEY TO CONDITIONS: c=cloudy; fg=fog; hz=haze; mc=mostly cloudy; pc=partly cloudy; ra=rain; rs=rain/snow; s=sunny; sh=showers; sm=smoke; sn=snow; ss=snow showers; t=thunderstorms 99, Derma, Miss.-2, Stanley, Idaho Today: East winds 10 to 15 knots, becoming northeast 5 to 10 knots in the afternoon. Seas around 2 feet. Bay and inland waters a moderate chop. Tonight: North winds 10 to 15 NQRWVEHFRPLQJHDVWDIWHUbPLGQLJKW 74° FORECAST FOR 3:00 P.M. Thursday ALERT CITRUS SIGNUP Q To register for the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office’s Alert Citrus weather program, visit and click on the links to register. Q Create a profile, list how you want to be contacted in case of a weather emergency (text, mobile phone, home phone, email), then include the address(es) you want alerts for. You can choose what types of emergencies you want to hear about, and set a quiet period for no conduct. Q Those without computer access may call 352-2492705. If commissioners go with the $9 million option, the shelter capacity increases from 41 cats and 80 dogs to 74 cats and 110 dogs.QSquare footage increases from the current 14,000 square feet to 24,450.QCat holding cages decrease from 41 to 20. But there would be 30 condos and 24 “catios,” which are secure open-air enclo-sures allowing cats to ex-perience outdoor sights, sounds, and smells.QDog runs increase from 68 to 100 and canine holding cages drop from 12 to 10. To view the shelter designs, visit les The animal shelter workshop will begin at 9 a.m. Tuesday, April 25, at the Citrus County Court-house, 110 North Apopka Ave. in Inverness. The reg-ular meeting is at 1 p.m. at the same location. Michael D. Bates is a staff writer with the Citrus County Chronicle and can be reached at SHELTERFrom page A1 “It’s not a living wage (that many county residents get paid).” Q: Do you ever charge local charities for food? A: “Most of the time we try to give it away. The group’s nonpro t status allows it to only charge 6 percent above what the food bank paid for the food or 18 cents a pound for rescued food” Q: There was an increase in food requests during the COVID pandemic. Did peo-ple recover and need less help as businesses opened again and people went back to work? A: No. About ve years ago the food bank distrib-uted 1.8 million pounds of food in a single year. The pandemic pushed that up and last year the food bank distributed 5 million pounds. In 2023, that’s ex-pected to go up to 6 million pounds. To meet demand and not have to turn local charities away, the food bank had to broaden the scope as to where it got food, which meant driving further and working with grocery stores to make sure anything that could be do-nated, is donated. Q: What are some of the grocery stores that donate, and what do you do with food that can’t be given away? A: “Publix, Walmart, Winn Dixie, Sam’s Club. They have pallets ready for us every day. The food bank will get about two million pounds of food this way in 2023.” Food that isn’t t for human consumption is given to area farms for livestock and local wildlife sanctuaries. Q: What is your operational budget and have dona-tions changed, if at all? A: “Donors have really been pulling back … as well as local businesses and foundations … Because their world has become more expensive too. And we’ve seen the (food) ordering process at the store level get tighter and more ef cient. Food donations from groceries have fallen about 50 percent. So we’ve had to go to Sumter Coun-ty (food) stores. We go to Tampa stores to make up for not enough food to dis-tribute because we have to keep pace.” Q: How is this impacting the families that need help with food? A: “Families that used to get 50-75 pounds of food a couple of times a month now get 25-30 pounds. As a result, those families sign up with more charities for help, which puts more strain on the charitable or-ganizations.” Q: Does it feel like demand will only increase and one day you won’t be able to keep up and people will have to go hungry? A: “We are ending hunger on a daily basis, but there’s that (changing) need de-pending on the economy, politics of the nation and community, but we try to keep meeting the need, and rise to the occasion.” Q: What message would you like to get out to the public? A: “People wait until they literally have nothing to eat. Don’t sacri ce that tank of gas you need to get to work (so you can afford to get food), or your medication. Come and get food. Our network will help you.” The food bank can be reached at 352-628-3663 and at Fred Hiers is a reporter at the Citrus Chronicle. Email him at Q&AFrom page A1endorsement,” Massie, R-Ky., said in an interview Wednesday. “He can’t ask anybody for an endorse-ment because he is not a candidate for president.” The real question, Massie said, is why Trump has yet to lock up more endorse-ments, given that the former president is essentially an incumbent. “I’m not concerned that Donald Trump is getting endorsements and getting a lot of them,” Massie said. “He should have all of Con-gress. Why doesn’t he have the whole Republican Con-gress?” DeSantis’ slow start in building out a national coalition underscores his long-standing disdain for investing in relationships with other Republican lead-ers. Fellow GOP governors and party of cials regularly grumble about his tendency to ignore their public gatherings, fundraisers and con-ference calls. In his recent book, DeSantis, who served nearly three terms in the House, referred to Congress as “grotesque.” As a practice, DeSantis typically does not attend meetings of the Republi-can Governors Association. During the height of the pandemic, he did not par-ticipate in regularly nightly conference calls of Republi-can governors, according to Gov. Chris Sununu, R-N.H. “All the Republican governors, for the most part, are pretty tight. We’re bud-dies,” Sununu said in a re-cent interview. “He didn’t get on the phone calls. He didn’t. He doesn’t come to our events. If he comes to a governors’ event, he shows up, makes a speech and leaves. That’s just him and his style. At rst, we were all taken aback by it, but that’s just him.” DeSantis’ unwillingness to engage with colleagues stands in stark contrast with successful candidates at the national level in the past. Former President George W. Bush’s lengthy Christ-mas card list is cemented in political lore. Former Secre-tary of State Hillary Clinton regularly sent handwritten notes to mark birthdays or graduations to local activ-ists in New Hampshire and Iowa. Trump, before and after his 2016 election, was almost always on the phone with party of cials, donors or business leaders. Massie, who served with DeSantis in Congress for six years, said he hosted a private reception with him on Monday night, in part, “to dispel this notion that he is not personable.” Massie noted that DeSantis spent less than 10 minutes of the two-hour event deliv-ering a speech. The rest of the time, he said, DeSantis spoke one on one with other members of Congress. “He surprised me with the degree to which he under-stood peoples’ districts,” Massie said. “He is a stu-dent of politics.” ELECTIONFrom page A1 Matthew Beck / Chronicle photo editor Citrus County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Josh Wooten makes a $500 donation to the Community Food Bank on behalf of the Chamber Monday evening, April 18.


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 20, 2023 A5 Hope I never meet Judge HowardI’m reading the AARP Bulletin magazine for old people and it’s talking about how to avoid scams and stories about people who got caught and only received a few years’ sentence. What’s my point? What did Judge Howard give that young guy a few years ago for stealing a six-pack of beer out of his neigh-bor’s garage? 10 years, for a six-pack of beer. These people steal millions of dollars, they get ve or six years. 10 years for a six-pack when people steal millions and only get a few years.Commissioners should be more frugalYou do the math. Our county commissioner Ruth-ie Schlabach suggested that the county pay for the war mats to x the roads in the Inverness Villages because the cost would be exorbi-tant for the homeowners at $80,000 per property own-er. Since there are 200-plus homeowners and 500 sites in the Inverness Villages, the price tag to the county would be in excess of $16 million. It seems as though our commissioners are on a constant shopping spree to see how much of our tax dollars they can spend. If the Inverness Villages de-veloper is not accountable for providing dependable roads for those who pur-chased property from them, then the homeowner should be responsible to maintain their roads. We need a lot more frugality and less spend, spend, spend. By the way, our roads in Citrus County are deplorable.I have to laugh …Saturday morning, April 15, I’m reading the paper and I have to call about the one who said, ‘being 80, they’ve seen a lot of things change and not for the better,’ and ‘when they grew up, it was a kinder world and was not taught to hate in school.’ I don’t know where they went to school, but I’m also 80 and I grew up in the country and there was plenty of hate. I was beaten down and my lunch was sto len by my proper cousins. I had a lot of cousins in that same family, there was only two kids in my family, and they were very jealous. They had a big farm, plenty of food, but mine was better, apparently. My parents were from the city, so we had a better education, and we were bilingual. So, there was a lot of hate and, you know, I have to laugh at this Sound Off because they must have grown up in paradise. Even the teachers were not always that nice, they had prefer ences and they had pets and it wasn’t us. And they said they respected their parents? Sure, we did because if we didn’t, we got the strap or the stick or whatever they had that they could beat us with. I just think that’s real ly a funny Sound Off and it made my day.There’s a simple solutionThe people in charge of running this county are acting just like people running the United States. They both seem to think that having summit meet-ings to gure out ways to solve problems that have very simple solutions in both cases. These problems for both Citrus County and national leaders are so sim-ilar and can be solved very easily. Citrus County is being overrun by develop-ers and new people coming in, and instead of spending more money and trying to manage it, just try to stop it instead of encouraging it. The U.S. politicians have the problem of people pour-ing across our border freely and all they talk about is hiring more border guards and spending more money instead of just closing the border. Period. Problem solved. No more summit meetings needed.The way of the world nowI agree with all these Sound Offs for the last couple of weeks about the way the world is today. It’s not the way we grew up, this is true. Problem is they keep expecting it to change and get better. We need to stop this, stop this, stop this … Folks, it’s not going to stop. It’s only going to get worse and the quicker you understand that, the quicker you’ll handle it. This world’s going downhill so fast between the govern-ment and all the rules and regulations. The latest go-ing on this week is national security. My gosh, years ago, they’d put them up a wall and shoot them. But nowadays, mark my words, he won’t get ve years. And if he does, he’ll get out on two years for leaking national security, putting people’s lives in danger and maybe got someone killed. This is where we’re at, folks, and it’s getting worse, don’t expect it to get better. It’s getting worse.Difference between opinion and spreading falsehoodsI’m calling in reference to Sound Off in the Saturday, April 15, paper called “Free speech includes everyone.” And the person is speaking about a letter that was sent in regard to another letter about the “extermination of the white race.” And, of course, this person is kind of insulting here, like most people like them are. “Liberals think their thinking is the only voice to be heard.” There’s a dif-ference between opinions and spreading falsehoods. My opinion may be that the world is square, but it’s not, it’s round. So, it’s not that liberals think their voice is the only voice to be heard. The person who wrote that letter regarding the false statements from another letter writer about “white extermination” was trying to educate and stop a falsehood from being spread any further. There’s an old saying, “A lie has already been around the block while the truth is still putting on its shoes.”Banks should pay customers moreI was reading an article today, Saturday, April 15, titled, “Stocks slip as rate worries overshadow big bank prots.” Banks should take some of that prot and pay their customers that have a savings account, money market or checking account there. I closed my money market out and I closed my savings account out and sent it to get 4.5 per cent guaranteed without ty ing it up. I’m sorry I got my checking account there, but I keep quite a bit of money in my checking account. They don’t pay any interest, one-tenth of a percent. Start paying your customers a better interest rate.We should get to vote on monkeysI have nothing against the monkeys but, excuse me, why does it cost $98,000 to air-condition the building for three monkeys? Did you get that? Three monkeys. Did they take three bids? I got air conditioning for my 2,200-square-foot house for $6,200. Are they building a three-bedroom condo with ush toilets for these three monkeys? Or are they building a glass dome over the island? Let the voters decide on it or take it out of the commissioners’ budgets or their salaries. $98,000 to make three monkeys more comfortable. Did they ask the monkeys what they need? They didn’t ask the voters.Democrats versus RepublicansI grew up in the ’50s and ’60s. Republicans and Democrats were very sim-ilar. No arguing on either side that I can remember. It’s totally different now. It’s like the Civil War; brother against brother, sister against sister, friend against friend. Give me one good reason or one good thing that this party admin-istration has done.Donate for parents tooWhen contributing with food to the hungry at church collection points, why not bring in several jars of baby food and diapers? They’re expensive and parents could use them very badly.Start widening roads nowThe county better start thinking about making Pine Ridge Boulevard and Mus-tang Boulevard four lanes. The trucks have already discovered it, thus allowing them to avoid that night-mare intersection at County Roads 486 and 491, which will only get worse with all the construction that is go-ing on there. So, don’t wait ve years and say “Oh, we should have done that.” Get it done now.Adopt a petIf you’re lonely and depressed, why not go to the animal shelter and seek out some companionship. There are plenty of loving animals there that would love to go home with you.A simple question for youI have a simple question for our Planning and Development Board members and our county commissioners. Have you ever voted to put an apart-ment complex in your own neighborhood or are you just willing to destroy the property values of others?Give the money to the people, not monkeysThis is about the $100,000 for Monkey Island. I am a 68-year-old parent here in Citrus Coun-ty and I’ve been living here 30 years. I’m struggling now with the ination and everything else going on. I’m raising a 13-year-old child and you’re going to tell me you’re going to give $100,000 to monkeys? We need help. Senior citizens in this county need help.Just can’t understand itI try to understand the logic of so many fellow Re publicans … They go insane in their efforts to protect embryos, but rationalize our children being murdered by AR-15s is a reasonable price to pay so they can play big man with these weapons of war. Here’s some news for them: It doesn’t make you a big man, but a very small person.Sign your name to these opinionsI noticed that the Sound Offs are increasingly venomous to people of different political parties. People make accusations, they call names, make sweeping judgments about people they don’t even know, all anonymously. It used to be that Sound Offs were only for state and lo-cal issues. Now it seems to be free for all. I think that if people want to complain or make accusations or try to describe their fellow citi-zens, they should be willing to sign their name to it in a letter to the editor. SOUND OFFCALL 563-0579 PA INTING 35 2-4 65 -6 63 1 Fe rraro’s Pa intingInterior & Exterior Pressur e Wa shing– FR EE ES TI MATES– “Repaint Specialist” PA INTINGSERVICES Te d’sPaintin g&HomeServicesCo. PressureWashing Interior & Exterior Driveways/Decks Drywall/T ext ure 74 651 90Licensed&InsuredLic#240270 rnr rnnnn rn  EXTERIORCLEANING rnn TRANPRESSURE SOFT •Roofs•Houses•Gutters •Driveways•Lanais •Sof ts•PaverSealing ELECTRICAL LicensedandInsuredContractor r n r 352-746-1606 FERRARA ELECTRIC TREE/YARDCLEANUP • Ge ne ral Re pa irs •G ut te r& Ro of Cl ea nin g • La nd sc ap ing& Ya rd Wo rk • Ro of Re pa irs• Tr ee Re mo va lFr ee Es ti ma te s 352-270-4847 O’DONNELL • FREEEstima te s • Residential • Ra inGuaran te e • Fu llyInsured WINDOW CLEANINGCa llBluebird WINDOW C LEANINGTO DA Y!Doug352.501.0402 rr nrn nrrn WINDOWS DOORS SIDINGSOLAR HURRICANE ENERGYECOVIEWNORTHCENTRALFLORIDADIVISIONOFBEELINECONSTRUCTION CBC1261905“TheBest Wi ndows at theBestPrice”814-207-9498WWW.BEELINEBUILD.COM WINDOWS RO OFING •NODEPOSITS• SHINGLEJOBSSTARTED5-10 DA YS •LIMITEDLIFETIME WA RRANTY •FREEESTIMATES License No . 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A6 Thursday, April 20, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle Andrew J. WrightApril 16, 2023Mr. Andrew J. Wright, 68, of Hold er, Florida passed away on April 16, 2023. He is survived by 3 daughters: Yolanda Gore (Derrick), Bri anna Cocahran, Kali Tru del, and a loving mother, Dora Smith. Services will be held on Saturday, April 22, 2023, 12 noon, at Outreach Church of Christ Written in Heaven, 1581 West New Le nox Lane, Dunnel lon, FL 34434, with a viewing one-hour prior. Services are under the professional care of Carnegie Funeral Home, 217 SE 4th Ave., Chieand, Florida 32626. (352) 493-1857. “Providing Everlast ing Memories and Love” OBITUARIES Otis Redding III, who followed father into music, dies at 59MACON, Ga. (AP) — Singer and guitarist Otis Redding III, the son and namesake of the legendary 1960s soul singer, has died from cancer at age 59, his family said Wednesday. Redding was just 3 years old when his father, Otis Redding, perished along with several band members in a plane crash on Dec. 10, 1967. More than a decade later, the younger Redding and his brother, Dexter, formed the funk band The Reddings, which recorded six albums in the 1980s. “It is with heavy hearts that the family of Otis Red ding III conrms that he lost his battle with cancer last evening,” said his sister, Karla Redding-Andrews, in a statement posted on the Facebook page of the Otis Redding Foundation, the family’s charity in Macon. Though singles “Remote Control” and “Call The Law” by The Reddings made appearances on the Billboard music charts, the Redding brothers never matched their father’s suc cess. Redding continued playing and performing af ter the band recorded its nal album in 1988. He was once hired for a European tour as guitarist for soul singer Eddie Floyd, under whose guidance the younger Redding became comfortable performing “(Sittin’ On) the Dock of the Bay” and other songs of his famous father. “He said, ‘You can play guitar with me, but you’re going to have to sing a few of your dad’s songs,’” Red ding recalled in a 2018 in terview with WCSH-TV in Portland, Maine. “I was like, ‘Huh? I don’t sing,’ you know. And he was like, ‘Well, you’re going to sing “Dock of the Bay” with me tonight.’” Redding worked with his family’s foundation to or ganize summer camps that teach children to play mu sic, and served as board president for the local chap ter of Meals on Wheels. He continued to perform his father’s songs for au diences large and small, according to his website, from appearing onstage at Carnegie Hall for a 2018 Otis Redding tribute con cert to singing at weddings and private parties. Redding said he was grateful for the enduring legacy even if it overshadowed efforts to make music of his own.Charles Stanley, influential Baptist preacher, dies at 90ATLANTA (AP) — Charles Stanley, a promi nent televangelist who once led the Southern Baptist Convention, died Tuesday at his home in Atlanta at age 90, In Touch Ministries an nounced. No cause of death was an nounced. Born in rural Dry Fork, Virginia, Stanley was se nior pastor of First Baptist Church of Atlanta for 50 years. The church grew rapidly after he became its leader in 1971, moving from central Atlanta to a suburban campus in 1997 to accommodate a growing ock in the sprawling urban area. “We are forever grateful for his enduring legacy of faithful leadership and spir itual guidance,” the church said in a social media post. But his greatest fame came from his role in host ing “In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley,” a Chris tian teaching program that began airing on the newborn Christian Broadcasting Net work in 1978. That led to the creation of a separate nonprot, In Touch Min istries, that sent Stanley’s broadcasts across the nation and world through radio and television. It even created solar-powered audio play ers containing the Bible, some of Stanley’s sermons and other materials that are available in more than 100 languages. Stanley also wrote more than 40 books. When Stanley stepped down from First Baptist as senior pastor in 2020, he said he wasn’t planning to stop preaching, instead fo cusing his energies on In Touch Ministries. “I’ll continue to preach the gospel as long as God al lows, and my goal remains the same: to get the truth of the gospel to as many peo ple as possible as quickly as possible in the power of the Holy Spirit to the glory of God,” Stanley said in a video message to the church when he took on the title of pastor emeritus. Stanley served two oneyear terms as president of the Southern Baptist Con vention in 1985 and 1986, at the peak of a time when theological conservatives were ghting to oust more moderate leaders from lead ership roles in the conven tion and its seminaries, say ing the church needed to be truer to Biblical authority. “My election infuriated the opposition and ultimate ly revealed many of the un derlying problems that had existed in the convention for a long time but had either been ignored or denied,” Stanley wrote in a 2016 au tobiography. “All the liberal and moderate political forc es of the Southern Baptist Convention were against me, which included sem inary presidents and state convention newspapers.” In his rst term, Stanley helped stop congregations from ordaining women. His second election in 1985 was bolstered by a last-minute telegram of support from famous evan gelist Billy Graham, The Atlanta Journal-Constitu tion reported.Ingoglia backs bill to scuttle Disney agreements By JIM TURNER News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — Republican lawmakers Wednesday backed pro posals intended to nullify development agreements involving the Walt Disney Co. that incensed Gov. Ron DeSantis. The House State Affairs Committee and the Senate Rules Committee approved amendments to broader de velopment bills (HB 439 and SB 1604) that would over ride agreements the enter tainment giant reached with outgoing board members of the former Reedy Creek Im provement District. Lawmakers in February gave DeSantis power to appoint a new board for the district, which has long played a vital role for Dis ney. The new “board will now have an opportunity to go back, look at any agree ments that were made before they became the board and ... make a decision to leave agreements in place or not,” House bill sponsor Stan Mc Clain, R-Ocala, said. Senate sponsor Blaise In goglia, R-Spring Hill, called it a “reversion” of agree ments “put in place at the last second” to transfer pow ers by the outgoing district board. “It gives them (the new board) the option to accept the agreement or not ac cept,” said Ingoglia, who expects the former board’s agreements to end up in court. But House Democrats questioned the constitution ality of targeting a single en tity and using legislation to void contracts. “I don’t like that we’re in terfering with private busi nesses. I don’t like that the Legislature is being used as a pawn to promote some type of battle between the governor and a private enti ty,” said Rep. Michele Ray ner-Goolsby, a St. Peters burg Democrat who is an attorney. “You know, some times you just get out-law yered.” Under the proposal, special districts would be prohibited from com plying with development agreements executed three months or less before new laws take effect that change how district board members are selected. The amendment also would give new boards four months to review any devel opment agreements and de cide if they should be re-ad opted. After the approvals Wednesday, the bills are ready to go to the full House and Senate. DeSantis has targeted Dis ney since last year when the company publicly an nounced opposition to a controversial state law that restricts instruction about sexual orientation and gen der identity in schools. DeSantis and Republican lawmakers initially moved to dissolve the Reedy Creek Improvement District, which the state created in the 1960s and essentially gave Disney control over issues such as land use, re protec tion and sewer services that are typically handled by lo cal governments. But in February, lawmakers passed a DeSantis-backed bill that instead shifted con trol away from Disney and allowed DeSantis to appoint a ve-member Board of Su pervisors for the district. The bill also renamed the district as the Central Florida Tour ism Oversight District.After the approvals, the bills are ready to go to the full House and Senate ‘Don’t Say Gay’ expansion requested by DeSantis approved By ANTHONY IZAGUIRRE Associated Press TALLAHASSEE — The Florida Board of Education approved a ban on classroom instruction about sexual ori entation and gender identity in all grades on Wednesday, expanding the law critics call “Don’t Say Gay” at the re quest of Gov. Ron DeSantis as he gears up for an expect ed presidential run. The proposal will take ef fect after a procedural no tice period that lasts about a month, according to an ed ucation department spokes man. The rule change would ban lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity through 12th grade, unless required by existing state standards or as part of reproductive health instruction that students can choose not to take. Florida currently bans such lessons in kindergarten through third grade. The DeSantis administra tion put forward the proposal last month as part of the Re publican’s aggressive con servative agenda, as DeSan tis leans heavily into cultural divides ahead of his looming White House candidacy. DeSantis has not comment ed on the proposal. He pre viously directed questions to Education Commissioner Manny Diaz Jr., who said it is meant to clarify confu sion around the existing law and reinforce that teachers should not deviate from existing curriculums. “We’re not removing any thing here,” Diaz Jr. said on Wednesday. “All we are doing is we are setting the expectations so our teach ers are clear: that they are to teach to the standards.” The prohibition, which began last year with the law banning sexual orientation and gender identity lessons in kindergarten through third grade, has drawn in tense backlash from critics who argue it marginalizes LGBTQ+ people. “Let’s put it plainly: This is part of the governor’s assault on freedom,” Joe Saunders, senior political director of the LGBTQ advocacy group Equality Florida, said in a statement. The policy will “further stigmatize and isolate a population of young people who need our support now more than ever.” Opponents say the rule change doesn’t improve vague terminology in the law. They say phrases such as “classroom instruction,” “age appropriate” and “de velopmentally appropriate,” could be broadly interpreted and lead to self-censorship by educators. Educators have said they don’t expect a ma jor change in lesson plans given that teachers adhere to state education curric ulums, fueling criticism that the policy is a culture war cudgel meant to satisfy conservative Republicans.Florida lawmakers refuel fight over elections laws By JIM SAUNDERS News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — In the latest round in a years-long ght about Florida elections laws, the House moved forward Wednesday with a proposal that would make wide-ranging chang es such as placing addition al restrictions on voter-reg istration groups. Republican supporters said the bill, in part, would help ensure that voter-reg istration groups properly turn in registration forms and protect personal infor mation of people signing up to vote. “This is a fantastic piece of legislation that will keep Florida the gold standard in elections administration,” Secretary of State Cord Byrd said before the House State Affairs Committee approved the bill. But opponents said “third party” voter-registration groups play an important role in registering people such as Black voters, immi grants and felons who have completed their sentences. They said the bill would curb registration efforts. “If you love America and love democracy, this ain’t the bill for you,” Rep. Mi chele Rayner-Goolsby, D-St. Petersburg, said. The House bill (PCB SAC 23-01) is similar to a Senate version (SB 7050) that will be heard Thursday in the Senate Fiscal Policy Com mittee. Florida ran relatively smooth elections in 2020 and 2022, but Gov. Ron De Santis and other GOP lead ers have repeatedly pushed for elections-law changes that they say are needed to prevent potential fraud and other irregularities. The changes have sparked political and legal battles, with Democrats arguing that the GOP has tried to make it harder for groups such as Black voters – a key part of the Democratic base – to cast ballots. The 108-page bill ap proved Wednesday by the House State Affairs Com mittee would make myr iad changes. Some of the highest-prole proposals include: QPreventing people who are not U.S. citizens from collecting or handling vot er-registration applications for the third-party regis tration groups. Also barred would be people who have been convicted of certain felonies, such as violations of the state elections code. QShortening a time frame from 14 days to 10 days for voter-registration groups to deliver registra tion applications to super visors of elections. Also, the bill would increase nes for missing the deadline or not turning in applications. QRequiring that vot er-registration groups pro vide receipts when they collect applications from people. QRequiring voter-regis tration groups to re-register with the state after every general election. QEasing campaignnance reporting requirements for candidates and political committees. Under current law, candidates and com mittees have to le monthly reports during off-election years and until shortly after the campaign-qualifying pe riod in election years. They have to le more-frequent reports closer to elections. Under the bill, they would be able to le reports quarterly until qualifying time. At that point, they would resume the current reporting schedule. File photo Secretary of State Cord Byrd is backing a House bill to revamp elections laws.The bill approved Wednesday would make myriad changes rrn r rnr rrrr rr rnMo nda y-A pp tO nly Tu et hru Fr i9:30 -4 :30 r 1657W.GULFTOLAKEHWY(2MI.E.OFHWY.491&44)•LECANTO rrrn FauxWoodBlinds, Shades,Shutters, Verticals,Cellular Richard T. Brown FuneralDirector/Owner Br ow n Fu neralHome&Crematory Le cant o, Fl orida IgrayneBrownDias FuneralDirector Tw oGener at ionsserving yo uwith co mpassiona te , personaliz ed servic e. 352-795-0111 ow rn   r n rn rn n rr r rrn ­€‚ rƒ„€r n rr r rr r rr


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 20, 2023 A7 Money & Markets A click of the wrist gets you more at 3,600 3,700 3,800 3,900 4,000 4,100 4,200 OA ND JF M 4,040 4,120 4,200 S&P 500Close: 4,154.52Change: -0.35 (flat) 10 DAYS 30,000 31,000 32,000 33,000 34,000 35,000 OA ND JF M 33,320 33,720 34,120 Dow Jones industrialsClose: 33,897.01Change: -79.62 (-0.2%) 10 DAYS Advanced 1104 Declined 1261New Highs 44 New Lows 25 Vol. (in mil.) 3,267 Pvs. Volume 3,265 4,5084,383 1631 1768 55 120 NYSE NASD DOW 33,957.98 33,814.65 33,897.01 -79.62 -0.23% +2.26% DOW Trans. 14,437.35 14,235.22 14,434.87 +125.98 +0.88% +7.79% DOW Util. 969.97 960.24 966.75 +7.76 +0.81% -0.07% NYSE Comp. 15,684.96 15,594.22 15,653.62 -31.34 -0.20% +3.09% NASDAQ 12,191.10 12,060.17 12,157.23 +3.81 +0.03% +16.15%S&P 500 4,162.57 4,134.49 4,154.52 -0.35 -0.01% +8.20% S&P 400 2,512.71 2,490.46 2,509.72 +4.58 +0.18% +3.26% Wilshire 5000 41,140.18 40,850.31 41,064.58 +5.54 +0.01% +7.85% Russell 2000 1,802.79 1,782.72 1,799.44 +3.89 +0.22% +2.17% HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG %CHG YTD Stocks Recap AT&T Inc T 14.46 22.84 19.70 -.12 -0.6 t s s +7.0 +7.0 1.11 Ametek Inc AME 106.17 148.06 137.57 -1.68 -1.2 t t t -1.5 +10.3 27 1.00f Anheuser-Busch InBev BUD 44.51 67.09 65.97 +1.61 +2.5 s s t +9.9 +11.4 27 0.82e Bank of America BAC 26.32 40.37 30.06 -.50 -1.6 s s s -9.2 -16.9 9 0.88 Capital City Bank CCBG 24.63 r 36.86 29.15 +.65 +2.3 s t t -10.3 +17.9 12 0.72f Citigroup C 40.01 54.56 50.40 +.32 +0.6 s s s +11.4 +1.6 7 2.04 Disney DIS 84.07 133.19 98.75 -2.18 -2.2 t s t +13.7 -23.1 54 ... Duke Energy DUK 83.76 116.33 98.40 +.99 +1.0 s s s -4.5 -10.8 30 4.00f EPR Properties EPR 33.92 56.38 40.45 +.94 +2.4 s s s +7.2 -19.4 22 3.30 Equity Commonwealth EQC 19.41 r 23.57 20.70 +.18 +0.9 s s r -0.8 -4.6 80 5.25e Exxon Mobil Corp XOM 79.29 119.63 116.57 -.37 -0.3 s s s +5.7 +34.7 9 3.64 Ford Motor F 10.61 16.68 12.22 -.51 -4.0 t s t +5.1 -10.3 0.60a Gen Electric GE 46.55 98.52 99.03 +.56 +0.6 s s s +52.2 +37.0 0.32 HCA Holdings Inc HCA 164.47 279.02 272.99 +1.54 +0.6 t s s +13.8 +4.8 14 2.40f Home Depot HD 264.51 r 347.25 296.91 -2.04 -0.7 s s s -6.0 -0.4 18 8.36f Intel Corp INTC 24.59 48.90 31.15 -.68 -2.1 t s t +17.9 -26.4 16 0.50m IBM IBM 115.55 153.21 126.32 -1.46 -1.1 t s t -10.3 +6.2 72 6.60 LKQ Corporation LKQ 46.20 59.33 55.90 -.64 -1.1 t s t +4.7 +21.7 13 1.10 Lowes Cos LOW 170.12 223.31 208.83 +.73 +0.4 s s s +4.8 +3.8 17 4.20 Lumen Technologies LUMN 2.18 n 12.54 2.18 ... ... t t t -58.2 -75.8 ... McDonalds Corp MCD 228.34 291.19 291.27 +.36 +0.1 s s s +10.5 +17.8 35 6.08 Microsoft Corp MSFT 213.43 294.18 288.45 +.08 ... s s s +20.3 +4.1 32 2.72 Motorola Solutions MSI 195.18 293.32 288.87 -1.63 -0.6 t s s +12.1 +26.2 36 3.52 NextEra Energy NEE 67.22 91.35 78.94 +.64 +0.8 s s s -5.6 -3.1 38 1.87f Piedmont Office RT PDM 6.35 n 17.25 6.74 +.20 +3.1 s t t -26.5 -54.3 6 0.84 Regions Fncl RF 13.94 24.33 19.22 +.52 +2.8 s s s -10.9 -4.9 8 0.80 Smucker, JM SJM 119.82 163.07 152.17 -.43 -0.3 t s t -4.0 +12.7 20 4.08 Texas Instru TXN 144.46 186.30 177.08 -3.24 -1.8 t s t +7.2 +6.4 19 4.96 UniFirst Corp UNF 154.72 205.59 168.16 +1.20 +0.7 s t t -12.9 -1.6 21 1.24f Verizon Comm VZ 32.76 55.51 38.60 -.34 -0.9 t s t -2.0 -21.9 8 2.61 Vodafone Group VOD 9.94 17.56 11.23 -.09 -0.8 t s s +11.0 -29.2 cc 1.06e WalMart Strs WMT 117.27 160.77 150.01 +.16 +0.1 s s s +5.8 -3.4 35 2.28 Walgreen Boots Alli WBA 30.39 47.28 34.83 -.75 -2.1 t s s -6.8 -15.5 7 1.92 52-WK RANGE CLOSE YTD 1YR NAME TICKER LO HI CLOSE CHG %CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN P/E DIV Stocks of Local Interest Dividend Footnotes: a Extra dividends were paid, but are not included. b Annual rate plus stock. c Liquidating dividend. e Amount declared or paid in last 12 months. f Current annual rate, which was increased by most recent dividend announcement. i Sum of dividends paid after stock split, no regular rate. j Sum of dividends paid this year. Most recent dividend was omitted or deferred. k Declared or paid this year, a cumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r Declared or paid in preceding 12 months plus stock dividend. t Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distribution date.PE Footnotes: q Stock is a closed-end fund no P/E ratio shown. cc P/E exceeds 99. dd Loss in last 12 months. The insurer reported strong first-quarter financial results . The maker of surgical systems beat Wa ll Street’s first-quarter profit and revenue forecasts. The technology products and ser-vices provider for government agen-cies and schools gave investors a disappointing financial update. The airline beat analysts’ first-quar-ter earnings forecasts and said de mand remains strong. The electric vehicle maker cut pric es for the fourth time in the U.S. this yea r. Stocks are closing mostly flat on Wa ll Street We d nesday following mixed earnings re ports from big U.S. compa-nies. The S&P 500 was virtually unchanged, the Dow Jones Industrial Av erage slipped and the Nasdaq gained less than 0.1% . 100 150 200 $250 JA FM Te slaTSLA Close: $180.59 -3.72 or -2.0% $101.81 $363.54 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 11 5.7m (0.7x avg.) $572.4 b 52-week range PE: Yield: 49.8 ... 40 45 50 $55 JA FM United AirlinesUAL Close: $46.27 3.23 or 7.5% $31.58$55.04 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 23.8m (3.2x avg.) $15.2 b 52-week range PE: Yield: 8.0 ... 160 180 200 $220 JA FM CDWCDW Close: $165.12 -25.17 or -13.2% $147.91 $215.00 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 5.3m (6.5x avg.) $22.4 b 52-week range PE: Yi eld: 20.3 1.4% 200 250 300 $350 JA FM Intuitive SurgicalISRG Close: $298.57 29.29 or 10.9% $180.07 $308.00 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 6.2m (3.7x avg.) $104.6 b 52-week range PE: Yield: 81.7 ... 160 180 $200 JA FM Travelers CompaniesTRV Close: $182.57 10.57 or 6.2% $149.65 $194.51 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 3.0m (2.0x avg.) $42.2 b 52-week range PE: Yi eld: 15.5 2.0% The yield on the 10-year Trea-sury note rose to 3.59% Wednes-day. Yields af-fect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans. NET 1YR TREASURIES LAST PVS CHG AGO 4.88 3.13 .38 PRIME RATE FED FUNDS 3-month T-bill 5.16 5.19 -0.03 .83 6-month T-bill 5.10 5.09 +0.01 1.29 52-wk T-bill 4.84 4.81 +0.03 1.94 2-year T-note 4.25 4.20 +0.05 2.61 5-year T-note 3.71 3.69 +0.02 2.91 7-year T-note 3.66 3.63 +0.03 2.95 10-year T-note 3.59 3.58 +0.01 2.91 30-year T-bond 3.79 3.79 ... 2.99 NAT'L WK 6MO 1YRCONSUMER RATES AVG AGO AGO AGO 48 month new car loan 6.93 s 6.92 6.76 6.02 Money market account 0.49 r 0.49 0.48 0.25 1 year CD 2.39 s 2.38 2.40 1.72 $30K Home equity loan 9.10 r 9.10 8.94 7.84 30 year xed mortgage 6.93 s 6.87 6.94 7.16 15 year xed mortgage 6.22 s 6.16 6.18 6.37 LAST 6 MO AGO 1 YR AGO Commodities Energy prices closed broadly lower, with U.S. crude oil down 2.1% and natu ral gas prices closing 6.1% lower. Whole sale gasoline lost 3.8% and heating oil also fell. Gold fell and silver rose . Crude Oil (bbl) 79.16 80.86 -2.10 -1.4 Heating Oil (gal) 2.56 2.60 -1.62 -23.9 Natural Gas (mm btu) 2.22 2.37 -6.09 -50.4 Unleaded Gas (gal) 2.65 2.75 -3.83 +7.6 FUELS CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD Gold (oz) 1,995.20 2,007.40 -0.61 +9.6 Silver (oz) 25.37 25.25 +0.47 +6.3 Platinum (oz) 1,096.70 1,087.90 +0.81 +2.1 Copper (lb) 4.07 4.09 -0.43 +7.0 Aluminum (ton) 2,442.50 2,428.75 +0.57 +1.3 Palladium (oz) 1,615.50 1,639.60 -1.47 -9.7 METALS CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD Cattle (lb) 1.75 1.76 -0.60 +13.3 Coffee (lb) 2.00 2.03 -1.43 +19.6 Corn (bu) 6.72 6.78 -0.77 -0.9 Cotton (lb) 0.83 0.85 -1.55 -0.2 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 399.90 403.50 -0.89 +7.0 Orange Juice (lb) 2.72 2.74 -0.82 +31.7 Soybeans (bu) 15.07 15.19 -0.84 -0.8 Wheat (bu) 6.82 6.98 -2.33 -13.9 AGRICULTURE CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD American Funds AmrcnBalA m 29.69 -.05 +3.6 -4.1 +7.2 +6.3 CptWldGrIncA m 55.43 -.18 +7.9 -1.8 +11.1 +5.3 CptlIncBldrA m 64.97 +.09 +3.9 -1.6 +8.8 +5.0 FdmtlInvsA m 64.50 -.19 +7.4 -4.2 +13.1 +8.1 GrfAmrcA m 55.22 -.08 +11.6 -11.2 +10.2 +8.3 IncAmrcA m 23.03 -.02 +2.6 -2.9 +9.8 +6.1 InvCAmrcA m 44.46 +.09 +8.2 -3.2 +13.6 +8.6 NwPrspctvA m 52.63 -.17 +11.2 -5.3 +12.9 +8.7 WAMtInvsA m 53.26 -.12 +2.9 -3.9 +14.4 +9.5 Dodge & Cox IncI 12.44 -.01 +3.0 -0.3 -0.9 +1.9 StkI 220.45 +.10 +3.4 -5.1 +20.3 +9.3 Fidelity 500IdxInsPrm 144.22 -.01 +8.7 -5.3 +14.9 +11.0 Contrafund 13.51 -.04 +13.4 -7.2 +11.6 +9.9 TtlMktIdxInsPrm 114.50 +.01 +8.2 -6.5 +14.6 +10.1 USBdIdxInsPrm 10.36 -.01 +2.6 -1.6 -3.5 +0.9 Schwab SP500Idx 63.90 ... +8.7 -3.8 +14.9 +10.8 Vanguard 500IdxAdmrl 383.48 -.03 +8.7 -5.3 +14.8 +11.0 DivGrInv 35.94 +.06 +2.1 -1.9 +14.4 +12.0 EqIncAdmrl 84.37 -.02 +0.4 -2.1 +15.5 +9.3 GrIdxAdmrl 128.59 +.13 +17.4 -8.8 +13.0 +12.5 InTrTEAdmrl 13.53 -.04 +2.1 +2.6 +0.4 +2.1 MdCpIdxAdmrl 261.77 -.21 +4.1 -9.2 +14.5 +7.9 PrmCpAdmrl 141.59 -.36 +8.2 -1.9 +14.9 +9.9 SmCpIdxAdmrl 90.87 +.16 +3.8 -8.7 +16.5 +6.3 TrgtRtr2025Fd 17.64 -.03 +5.8 -3.3 +6.4 +4.6 TrgtRtr2030Fd 33.34 -.06 +6.3 -3.5 +7.6 +5.1 TrgtRtr2035Fd 20.65 -.04 +6.7 -3.6 +8.9 +5.5 TrgtRtr2040Fd 36.42 -.07 +7.1 -3.7 +10.2 +5.9 TrgtRtr2045Fd 24.54 -.05 +7.5 -3.9 +11.5 +6.4 TrgtRtr2050Fd 40.74 -.08 +7.8 -3.9 +11.6 +6.5 TtBMIdxAdmrl 9.65 -.01 +2.7 -1.6 -3.5 +0.9 TtInSIdxAdmrl 30.18 -.16 +8.6 -0.7 +11.2 +2.5 TtInSIdxInv 18.04 -.10 +8.5 -0.8 +11.1 +2.4 TtlSMIdxAdmrl 100.31 +.02 +8.2 -6.5 +14.6 +10.1 WlngtnAdmrl 68.77 -.14 +4.2 -2.5 +8.3 +7.1 TOTAL RETURNFAMILY FUND NAV CHG YTD 1YR 3YR* 5YR* Mutual Funds *– Annualized; d Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. m Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. x fund paid a distribution during the week. Interest rates (Previous and change gures reect current contract.)Stock results mixed By STAN CHOE Associated Press NEW YORK — Wall Street barely budged again on Wednesday following another set of mixed earn ings reports from big U.S. companies. The S&P 500 inched down by 0.35 points, or less than 0.1 percent, to 4,154.42. The Dow Jones Industrial Average slipped 79.62, or 0.2 percent, to 33,897.01, and the Nasdaq composite edged up by 3.81 points, or less than 0.1 percent, to 12,157.23. Tesla weighed heavily on the market after the elec tric-vehicle company cut prices for its two top-sell ing models, its fourth price cut in the U.S. this year. That could be a signal Tesla is trying to spur sales amid shifting U.S. tax credits for electric vehicles. Tesla fell 2 percent before releasing its latest earnings report af ter trading closed. Netix slumped 3.2 per cent after reporting weaker revenue for the latest quar ter than analysts expected, though its prot topped forecasts. Elevance Health dropped 5.3 percent despite report ing stronger prot and rev enue than expected. The health insurer gave a fore cast for earnings this year that fell short of some ana lysts’ expectations. So far, most companies have been beating prot forecasts to clear a bar that was set particularly low. Analysts came into this reporting season forecast ing the sharpest drop S&P 500 earnings since the pan demic torpedoed the global economy in 2020. Prots are under pressure because ination is high, interest rates are much higher than a year ago and portions of the economy are slowing. “That’s part of the rea son why the market has been kind of directionless” recently, said Megan Hor neman, chief investment ofcer at Verdence Capital Advisors. “We got mixed earnings, but not as bad as people expected.” Intuitive Surgical leaped 10.9 percent for one of the biggest gains in the S&P 500 after delivering stron ger prot and revenue for the latest quarter than ex pected. Abbott Laboratories rose 7.8 percent, Nasdaq Inc. gained 3.1 percent and United Airlines ew 7.5 percent higher after they also topped Wall Street’s expectations for prots. Particular focus has been on the health of banks after higher interest rates helped lead to the secondand third-largest U.S. bank fail ures in history last month. The industry’s behemoths have largely reported better results than expected, with several saying they benet ed from the industry’s tur moil as customers moved deposits to them and away from smaller banks that seemed at greater risk. The fear was how much pain smaller, regional banks would show in their quar terly reports, including how many of their customers ed. Western Alliance Ban corp., a Phoenix-based bank whose stock plunged nearly 64 percent over a ve-day stretch last month, surged after it said depos its stabilized after an initial drop and have been rising in recent weeks. Its stock jumped 24.1 percent. It helped lead the majority of nancial stocks higher. Synchrony Financial rose 1.8 percent after reporting better revenue than expect ed but weaker prot. Mor gan Stanley rose 0.7 percent after topping forecasts for both prot and revenue. In the bond market, yields climbed after a report showed U.K. ination re mained above 10 percent for a seventh straight month. Central banks around the world have been raising rates at a furious pace for more than a year, and the wide expectation is for the Federal Reserve to raise short-term U.S. rates again at its meeting next month. High rates can stie ina tion, but only by slowing the entire economy, raising the risk of a recession and hurting prices for invest ments. The yield on the 10-year Treasury rose to 3.59 per cent from 3.58 percent late Tuesday. The two-year Treasury yield, which more closely tracks expectations for the Fed, rose to 4.25 per cent from 4.20 percent. Another fear for markets is that smaller and mid-sized banks could pull back on their lending amid all the industry’s struggles, which would clamp the brakes even tighter on the econo my. The Federal Reserve said Wednesday that several of its 12 regional districts have noticed banks tight ening lending standards re cently. “When I look at econom ic growth, there’s so many components of economic growth that are screaming we’re either in a recession or heading that way,” Hor neman said. She has been preparing for more turbulence in the stock market on expectations in terest rates will stay high through the end of the year, despite forecasts by many traders that the Fed will cut rates. In markets overseas, stock indexes were mixed in Eu rope. Asian stocks were mostly lower. An earlier report showing China’s economic growth accelerated in the latest quarter has not had much of an impact on share prices. While consumption and re tail sales have grown, other indicators, such as indus trial output and xed-asset investments, were weaker and indicate an uneven re covery. “It may still be a worst-isover story, but recovery has shown to be more gradual than a one-shot wonder,” Yeap Jun Rong, market an alyst at IG, said in a report. and passion for carex, Cur tis said, “Almost all grass stems are round, but with carex, they’re triangular – and that doesn’t make sense. They’re marvelous ly triangular in more ways than you can imagine. “It’s architecture. It’s fas cinating to see how many different shapes are beyond what we can see normally. Am I crazy? Yes, I suppose I am.” Curtis, who grew up in Wisconsin, recently wrote a letter to friends and staff of the Crandon Public Library in Crandon, Wisconsin, re calling the many hours she spent in the reference sec tion, “reading way above my reading level in school,” she wrote. “I fall back in time and en vision the tables and chairs by the window that looked out to the courthouse grounds with its tree arbo retum. The trees had small signs with their names and I learned them all. “When I walked berry picking with my grand father, Max Scharf, over East Hill, I could spot them and announce their names. Grandfather, in turn, taught me the names of the herbaceous plants and shrubs.” Curtis left home at 18 to attend Stevens Point State College. She wanted to be a bota nist, but the school didn’t offer it as a course. They did, however, offer General Biol ogy, studying plants and ani mals, which she loved. “A single cabinet housed pressed plant specimens, and I sat after class, looking and looking, nding what I knew and discovering plants had two names, a common and a Latin scientic,” she said. She worked her way through college, eventually becoming assistant house mother of the women’s dor mitory, which paid her tui tion. “Women professors were scarce in the 1950s, and I planned a teaching career in public education rst,” she said. Her rst teaching job was in Milwaukee, which was serendipitous – she dis covered the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee of fered botany as a major and, while teaching, she also took a course a semester un til 1974 when she earned a master’s degree in botany. “What a blessing, as my rst job after (graduating) was teaching ‘The Ameri can Forest’ at Lake Forest College in Illinois, south of the Wisconsin border,” she said. “For the rst time I was a curator of the estab lished herbarium – an en tire room of cabinets with pressed plants.” She later began an her barium at College of Lake County, where she taught full time, and one for Volo Bog State Park Nature Cen ter in Illinois. “The Illinois State Muse um has many of my plant collections as does Univer sity of Wisconsin-Madi son, including my photo graphic images, macro and micro,” she said. “I even had a work space in the herbarium of the Kew Bo tanic Gardens in London, a botanical paradise. Also, as a special treat, I visited the retirement farm of Linnae us, the Father of Taxono my, and saw the herbarium of specimens he took with him from the University of Stockholm, Sweden, in the 1700s. “I included one of his Car ex specimens on page 18 in my Bog-Fen Carex book.” Her newest book, “Carex of Central Florida,” is avail able in paperback and Kin dle on Nancy Kennedy can be reached at 352-564-2927 or by email at BOOKFrom page A3 Seth Wenig / AP Traders work on the floor Monday at the New York Stock Exchange in New York.


A8 Thursday, April 20, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle P reemption legislation that would impede lo-cal control over local matters is on the verge of becoming law with Senate passage of SB 170 and its companion bill, HB 1515, having reached the House oor for a vote. Similar to legislation (SB 620) passed last year that was vetoed by Gov. Ron DeSantis, this year’s iter-ation is particularly worri-some because of its poten-tial for inviting vexatious legal challenges to local ordinances. Nevertheless, the Florida Association of Counties and the Florida League of Cities support the legislation, contending the preemption would benet small busi-nesses negatively affected by a local ordinance. Some counties and cities, howev-er, have broken ranks with the statewide organizations, viewing the legislation as more of a hindrance than a help because it stacks the litigation deck against local governments. If enacted, city and county governments would have to prepare a business impact statement prior to passing an ordinance that includes the estimated economic impact on businesses, how many businesses will be affected and the enforce-ment cost. On the other hand, businesses would be allowed to le a law-suit by simply claiming an ordinance is “arbitrary” or “unreasonable,” which would then necessitate the local government to suspend the ordinance pending a court ruling. Also, local governments must cover the plaintiff’s attorney fees up to $50,000, while business-es that le a lawsuit have no such liability, even if the local government prevails. With the litigation deck favoring businesses, a concern of opponents is that local governments could be faced with a urry of lawsuits to stall or overturn ordinances. Accordingly, opponents fear that local policies crafted to protect a community’s welfare, such as noise ordinances, parking regulations, and food safety permits, could become tar-gets for costly litigation. Although the intent of the legislation is to help small businesses by bolstering their legal challenges to city and county ordinances, the potential for litigation to hinder local policymaking that benets the interests of the community would further whittle away local government control over local matters. With the legislation more than likely to pass, Gov. DeSantis is urged to stay true to the foundational principle of Republicanism that government closest to the people governs best by vetoing SB 170, as he did last year with SB 620. I f there is one thing all par-ents can agree on, it’s that they want their kids to have an excellent education – one that prepares them for success in their lives and careers. Yet any parent knows that is easier said than done. Every child is unique, with in-dividual learning needs and skill sets Yet, as a na-tion, we still need to provide access to an array of ed-ucation options as diverse and multifaceted as the students in our classrooms. For millions of families, their neighborhood public school – of-ten one that has educated genera-tions and served as a community landmark – is precisely what the doctor ordered. Local public schools are the backbone of our society and play a crucial role in building the future for the next generation of leaders. For other families, the school closest to home may not be suited for their children. They may have a student needing support that the public school cannot or does not offer, have personal beliefs that conict with the traditional school curriculum, or seek an alternative model like Montessori, expeditionary, or blended learning that they believe better ts the children’s learning style. Unfortunately, whether it’s because they cannot afford after-school programs, they don’t have access to transportation, or they don’t have viable choices nearby, families all over the country lack access to options that could make a world of dif-ference for their kids. Access to a diverse array of education options is more im-portant now than ever following a pandemic that, understand-ably, devastated students of all ages – it drove massive learning loss across the country, espe-cially for kids of color. That once-in-a-generation challenge has had a domino effect on all aspects of learning, and children need innovative pathways that help ensure they will graduate able to read, write and do math at grade level. Their parents and caregivers know their time in school is limited and want the opportunity to explore options that can inspire their child to-ward success. Now is the time to empower parents to choose the education that is the best t for their child. For some, this will mean tradi-tional district schools; others will choose public charter schools; some families will want to send their children to religious private schools; and some will want to explore non-traditional learning models. That is precisely how the system should be – education is most effective when school models serve their families. Nearly a dozen states have taken a vital step toward em-powering learning wherever it suits kids best – offering families money to spend on a more in-dividualized education that will better help their child succeed. In Indiana, families are now receiving grants to support after-school tutoring. Arizona offers families $7,000 per year to spend on everything from private school tuition to education ther-apy, online learning programs, transportation expenses and tutoring. And Florida recently expanded its law to become the largest parent empowerment program in the country. Now, all Sunshine State families have the means to personalize their child’s learning experience. These programs supplement traditional public schools and help elevate learning models that are working for the kids because when parents can choose the best education option for their child, it helps spur innovation across the board. In public and private schools, as well as at tutoring and after-school programs, educators are all working to identify and adopt new tools and pedagogies that provide the best education possible. Our schools thrive when parents are invested in their children’s learning and take an active role in their academic lives, and the best way to make that happen is for states to en-gage families, listen to them, and trust them to know what is best for their children. Supporting traditional public schools and rooting for their success is not in conict with a steadfast belief that more options for parents are the key to ensuring access to a suitable education model is the best path forward. Likewise, supporting robust private school choice does not color the fact that traditional public schools play a critical role in helping tens of millions of kids learn daily. Educators, community leaders and elected ofcials must stand with parents in the belief that a diverse range of options can co-exist and deliver an excellent education for every child. That shared understanding should guide our approach to education policymaking and funding. Craig Hulse is the executive director of yes.every.kid, an organization that seeks to transform K-12 education. He wrote this for O Keep the editorial page a free speech zone In the courts of law, viewpoint discrimination is a form of con tent discrimination. Content dis crimination would be if the gov ernment or publication restricted speech on a particular subject. An example would be a ban on all subjects relating to COVID. A viewpoint discrimination would be singling out a particular opinion. A good example would be any mention that COVID vaccines do not work would be a viewpoint discrimination. If the Citrus County Chronicle were essentially taking sides in a debate and engaging in view point discrimination, it would be considered unconstitutional and restricting our First Amend ment rights. Someone recently mentioned in Sound Off that a certain woman’s views in an opinion letter was right wing extremism and should not be published by the newspaper. The newspaper can not restrict Free Speech unless it contains any of the following: incitement of lawless action, defamation, fraud, obscenity, child pornog raphy, fighting words, or threats. I commend the Citrus County Chronicle for printing all view points. This may help us to bet ter understand situations from other positions. Considering other beliefs and viewpoints may give us a better understanding, greater empathy, and help reduce bias and conflicts. The editorial page that we have today can be traced back to the Richmond Enquirer in the 1800s. It started publishing anonymous letters on current events to start a discussion and to also influence public opinion. Most newspapers today separate news from an opinion section. Readers write that the paper is leaning “left” or leaning “right.” Some feel they are on a crusade to divide the country or to ridicule the Biden administration. But the opinion page is important to get all view points and ideas that can help build a better nation or improve things in our county. Message to The Citrus County Chronicle: Keep doing what you do best: giving both sides of the issues Mary McKeown Citrus Springs You can be good without God Many houses of worship oper ate as a business, promoting a particular product, but not all are successful. Consider some past Gods, Egyptian, Greek and Roman. If today’s God is based upon the original Hebrew or Aramaic Bible, how accurate can the current English transla tion be? Some people may not need or require a church affiliation. As per the King James Bible: “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, when thou has shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.” Mat thew 6:6 (Is heaven a reward)? Many churches offer oppor tunities to socialize, plus enter tainment and programs for adults and children, to further increase church attendance. For those who have read the complete Bible, you may recall stories of war, incest, slavery, rape, infanticide and more. Did you ever wonder, “Why only 10 Commandments?” Each person is born without a religion. Religion is usually inherited through family and indoctrination. So your early religion depends upon the coun try, or state in which you were born. If you are reading today’s Chronicle, chances are you may consider yourself a Christian, and you are a conservative senior white person. Thank God the law of this land and our Republic is based upon our United States Constitution and not the Judeo-Christian Bible. There are now 29 percent of mostly younger Americans who describe themselves as atheists, agnostic or none. They are the future of our country and yes, you can be “good” without Gods or a church. V. Nero Inverness Give credit where credit is due The Op-Ed “Best way to unlock Florida’s economic potential” by Florida Tax Watch’s Dominc Calabro was informative and mostly correct. The Affordable Connectivity Program is surely a real benefit for lower income families and a stimulus for the economy. When the author states, howev er, that this new law (ACP) “is popular with elected officials on both sides of the aisle”, he fails to mention that every sin gle Republican Congressman in Florida voted against it. Let’s be honest. Maybe President Biden should get some credit for this good law, which he advocated and signed into law over all opposition. Andrew Whelan Beverly HillsSolving the education dilemma LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OPINIONS INVITED Q Viewpoints depicted in political cartoons, columns or letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the editorial board. Q Persons wishing to address the editorial board, which meets weekly, should call Jim Gouvel lis at 352-563-5660. Q Groups or individuals are invited to express their opinions in a letter to the editor. Q SEND LETTERS TO: The Editor, 1624 N. Meadowcrest Blvd., Crystal River, FL 34429; or email to letters@chronicle THE CHRONICLE invites you to call “Sound Off” with your opinions about local subjects. You do not need to leave your name, and have less than a minute to record. COMMENTS will be edited for length, libel, personal or political attacks and good taste. Editors will cut libelous material. OPINIONS expressed are purely those of the callers. CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE EDITORIAL CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE Founded by Albert M. Williamson “You may differ with my choice, but not my right to choose.” — David S. Arthurs publisher emeritus EDITORIAL BOARD Trina Murphy .................................................... publisher Jim Gouvellis ......................................................... editor Tiarra Alexander .................................. citizen member Curt Ebitz .............................................. citizen member Mac Harris ............................................. citizen member Rebecca Martin ................................... citizen member Don Hiers ............................................... citizen member Roger B. Krieger .................................. citizen member Trish Thomas ......................................... citizen member The opinions expressed in Chronicle editorials are the opinions of the newspaper’s editorial board. Gerard “Gerry” Mulligan publisher emeritusEnactment would impede local control Craig HulseVarying Voices Our Viewpoint The issue: Local Ordinances (SB 170)Our Opinion: Bill would invite legal challenges to local ordi nances


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 20, 2023 A9N & W CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLEThree charged in Sweet 16 party shooting in Alabama By KIM CHANDLER Associated Press DADEVILLE, Ala. — Two teenagers and a 20-year-old man have been arrested and charged with reckless murder in connec tion with a shooting that killed four young people at a Sweet Sixteen birth day party in rural Alabama, investigators announced Wednesday. Tallapoosa County Dis trict Attorney Mike Segrest said two teens – Tyreese “Ty Reik” McCullough, 17, and Travis McCullough, 16, both of Tuskegee – would be tried as adults. That’s automatically required in Alabama for anyone 16 or older charged with murder. Investigators said Wednes day that Wilson LaMar Hill Jr., 20, of Auburn also was arrested on the same charge. Sgt. Jeremy J. Burkett of the Alabama Law Enforce ment Agency announced the latest arrest but declined earlier to discuss specics of how the shooting unfold ed or a possible motive. “We can’t get into a mo tive right now, because that would be part of an ongoing investigation,” Burkett said at a news conference ear lier Wednesday. “We can’t share that.” State law denes reckless murder as when someone causes a death by acting with extreme indifference to human life and recklessly engaging in conduct which creates a grave risk of death to a person. Segrest had said earlier that prosecutors would ask a judge to hold the teens without bail. A bond hear ing must be held by Friday under Alabama law. Online court records do not show any previous adult charges in state court for either of the arrested teens. Authori ties had no immediate infor mation about Hill’s arrest or when he might face an ini tial court appearance. It was not known Wednes day afternoon if any of the three had attorneys who could comment for them. Saturday’s violence shocked Dadeville, a sleepy town of 3,200 people about 45 minutes north of Tuske gee. The shooting was the 16th mass killing of the year in the United States. A 17th took place in Maine on Tuesday. A total of 88 peo ple have died in the killings so far in 2023. A mass killing is dened as when four or more peo ple were slain, other than the perpetrator, according to a database maintained by The Associated Press and USA Today in partnership with Northeastern Univer sity. The birthday girl’s broth er, 18-year-old Philstavious “Phil” Dowdell of Camp Hill, died in his sister’s arms. He and another vic tim, 17-year-old Shaunkiv ia Nicole “KeKe” Smith of Dadeville, were high school seniors. Families were left planning funerals instead of graduation cele brations. Also killed were Marsiah Emmanuel “Siah” Collins, 19, of Opelika and Corbin Dahmontrey Holston, 23, of Dadeville. Another 32 people were wounded and Segrest said four are still in critical condition. He said more charges would be coming. Kimberly Chandler / AP Flowers and balloons sit piled outside the Mahogany Masterpiece dance studio Wednesday in Dadeville, Ala.Supreme Court decision temporarily extends access to abortion pill By MARK SHERMAN Associated Press WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court is leaving women’s access to a wide ly used abortion pill un touched until at least Friday, while the justices consider whether to allow restric tions on the drug mifepris tone to take effect. The court is dealing with a new abortion controver sy less than a year after its conservative majority over turned Roe v. Wade and allowed more than a doz en states to effectively ban abortion outright. At stake now is whether to allow restrictions on mife pristone ordered by a lower court to take effect while a le gal challenge to the medica tion’s Food and Drug Admin istration approval continues. The justices had at rst given themselves a Wednes day evening deadline in a fast-moving case from Texas in which abortion opponents are seeking to roll back FDA approval of mifepristone, which is used in the most common method of abortion in the United States. But on Wednesday after noon, Justice Samuel Alito issued a one-sentence order giving the court more time and indicating it expects to act by Friday night. Alito, the justice in charge of han dling emergency appeals from Texas, provided no ex planation. The justices are scheduled to meet for a private con ference Friday, where they could talk about the issue. The additional time could be part of an effort to craft an order that has broad sup port among the justices. Or one or more justices might be writing a separate opin ion, and asked for a couple of extra days. The drug rst won FDA approval in 2000, and con ditions on its use have been loosened in recent years, in cluding making it available by mail in states that allow access. The Biden administration and New York-based Danco Laboratories, the maker of the drug, want the nation’s highest court to reject lim its on mifepristone’s use imposed by lower courts, at least as long as the legal case makes it way through the courts. They say women who want the drug and pro viders who dispense it will face chaos if limits on the drug take effect. Depending on what the justices decide, that could include requir ing women to take a higher dosage of the drug than the FDA says is necessary. Alliance Defending Free dom, representing an ti-abortion doctors and medical groups in a chal lenge to the drug, is defend ing the rulings in calling on the Supreme Court to re strict access now. Complicating the situ ation, a federal judge in Washington has ordered the FDA to preserve access to mifepristone under the cur rent rules in 17 Democrat ic-led states and the District of Columbia that led a sep arate lawsuit. The Biden administration has said the rulings conict and create an untenable sit uation for the FDA. Even as the abortion land scape changed dramatically in several states, abortion opponents set their sights on medication abortions, which make up more than half of all abortions in the United States. The abortion opponents led suit in November in Amarillo, Texas. The legal challenge quickly reached the Supreme Court after a federal judge issued a ruling on April 7 that would revoke FDA approval of mifepris tone, one of two drugs used in medication abortions.U.S.-made Patriot missiles arrive in Ukraine By ADAM PEMBLE Associated Press KYIV, Ukraine — Amer ican-made Patriot missiles have arrived in Ukraine, the country’s defense min ister said Wednesday, pro viding Kyiv with a long-sought new shield against the Russian airstrikes that have devastated cities and civilian infrastructure. The U.S. agreed in Octo ber to send the surface-to-air systems, which can tar get aircraft, cruise missiles and shorter-range ballistic missiles such as those that Russia has used to bom bard residential areas and the Ukrainian power grid. “Today, our beautiful Ukrainian sky becomes more secure,” Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov said in a tweet. The missiles are the latest contribution from West ern allies, who have also pledged tanks, artillery and some types of ghter jets as Ukraine gears up for an expected counterof fensive. Reznikov thanked the United States, Germa ny and the Netherlands, without saying how many missile systems had been delivered or when they ar rived. Ukrainian air force spokesman Yurii Ihnat said late Tuesday that delivery of the systems would be a landmark event, allowing Ukrainians to knock out Russian targets at a greater distance. Germany’s federal gov ernment website on Tues day listed a Patriot system as among the military items delivered within the past week to Ukraine. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock conrmed that to lawmakers Wednesday in Berlin. Germany has also de livered the second of four medium-range IRIS-T air defense systems that it pledged last year, Baerbock said. Reznikov said he rst asked for Patriot systems when visiting the U.S. in August 2021, ve months before Russia’s full-scale invasion and seven years after Russia illegally an nexed Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula. He described possessing the system as “a dream” but said he was told in the U.S. at the time that it was “impossible.” Ukrainian personnel have been trained on the Patriot battery, which requires up to 90 troops to operate and maintain it. “Our air defenders have mastered (the Patriot sys tems) as far as they could. And our partners have kept their word,” Reznikov wrote. Experts have cautioned that the system’s effec tiveness is limited and that it may not signicantly change the shape of the war, even though it will add to Ukraine’s arsenal against its bigger enemy. The Patriot was rst de ployed by the U.S. in the 1980s. The system costs approximately $4 million per missile, and the launch ers cost about $10 million each, analysts say. At such a cost, it’s not advanta geous to use the Patriot to shoot down the smaller, cheaper Iranian drones that Russia has been buying and using in Ukraine. In other developments Wednesday, China denied recent reports that Chinese drones have been found on Ukraine battleelds. China has insisted that it will not help arm Russia, one of its key allies. The Chinese Commerce Ministry said in a state ment that Beijing main tains strict control over the export of drones in keeping with international stan dards preventing them from being used for nonpeaceful purposes. NEWS BRIEFS Speaker McCarthy unveils $1.5T debt bill WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker Kevin Mc Carthy unveiled a sweep ing package Wednesday that would raise the na tion’s debt limit by $1.5 trillion into next year while imposing a long list of Re publican priorities, includ ing new spending caps, work requirements for recipients of government aid and others that are sure to be nonstarters for the White House. McCarthy announced that House Republicans were introducing their legisla tion just as President Joe Biden was taking the stage at a union hall in Maryland to warn of a looming scal crisis if Congress fails to take action to raise the debt ceiling, now at $31 trillion, to keep paying the nation’s bills. The 320-page “Limit, Save, Grow Act” unleashed by House Republicans has almost no chance of be coming law, but McCarthy is using the legislation as a strategic move, a starting point to draw Biden into negotiations that the White House has, so far, been unwilling to have over the debt crisis.Homeowner who shot Black teen pleads not guilty LIBERTY, Mo. (AP) — The 84-year old man who shot Ralph Yarl when the Black teenager went to his door by mistake pleaded not guilty Wednesday in a case that has shocked the coun try and renewed national debates about gun policies and race in America. Authorities say Andrew Lester shot the 16-year-old honor student rst in the head, then in the arm after Yarl came to his door because he had confused the address with the home where he was supposed to pick up his younger broth ers. Lester walked into the courtroom with a cane and spoke quietly during Wednesday’s hearing, his rst public experience since last week’s shooting. The case is among three in recent days involving young people who were shot after mistakenly showing up in the wrong places. A 20-year-old woman was killed in up state New York when the car she was in pulled into the wrong driveway. In Texas, two cheerleaders were shot after one of them mistakenly got into a car thinking it was hers. Yarl was shot at pointblank range in the head but miraculously survived the bullet. Only about 10 per cent to 15 percent of people who are shot in the head survive, said Dr. Christo pher Kang, the president of the American College of Emergency Physicians. Some civil rights leaders and Yarl’s family attorney, Lee Merritt, have urged the Department of Justice to investigate the shoot ing and for prosecutors to charge Lester with a hate crime, with Merritt noting that Yarl “was armed only with his Black skin.” Justice Department of cials have not responded to calls seeking comment. Clay County prosecutor Zachary Thompson said rst-degree assault is a higher-level crime, allow ing a sentence of up to life in prison, which is more than a hate-crime charge would carry.Are you a Facebook user? You could get settlement cash Anyone in the U.S. who has had a Facebook ac count at any time since May 24, 2007, can now apply for their share of a $725 million privacy set tlement that parent compa ny Meta has agreed to pay. Meta is paying to set tle a lawsuit alleging the world’s largest social me dia platform allowed mil lions of its users’ personal information to be fed to Cambridge Analytica, a rm that supported Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. It’s not clear how much money individual users will receive. The larger the number of people sub mitting valid claims, the smaller each payment will be since the money has to be divided among them. To apply for the settle ment, users can ll out a form and submit it online, or print it out and mail it. The case sprang from 2018 revelations that Cam bridge Analytica, a rm with ties to Trump political strategist Steve Bannon, had paid a Facebook app developer for access to the personal information of about 87 million users of the platform. That data was then used to target U.S. voters during the 2016 campaign that culminated in Trump’s election as the 45th president. Chicago Mayor-elect Johnson pledges ‘smart’ fight on crime SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — Chicago’s mayor-elect on Wednesday attempted to dispel the often-contentious relationship between the na tion’s third-largest city and the rest of the state, telling a joint session of the General Assembly, “There’s more than enough for everybody in the state of Illinois.” Brandon Johnson, whose victory in the mayor’s race this month provided a welcome boost for pro gressives, played to his fel low Democrats, who hold supermajorities in both the House and Senate. He extolled the “Blue Wall” they’ve built and pledged to “be a partner in this in credible, progressive body that has delivered for peo ple across the state.” Pounded later by reporters’ questions about reducing crime in Chicago, he prom ised to be “smart” as well as “tough,” putting resources into youth employment and other preventive measures as well as enforcement. But his primary message was one of collaboration. “They told us that if something is good for Chi cago, that means we’re taking something away from Peoria,” Johnson told lawmakers. “They tell us that the challenges that we face in the city of Chicago ... aren’t the same chal lenges shared by families from Rockford to Carbon dale. ... No one has to lose at the expense of someone else winning. There’s more than enough for everybody in the state of Illinois.”Anti-vaccine activist RFK Jr. launches presidential campaign BOSTON (AP) — An ti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launched his longshot bid to challenge President Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination next year. Kennedy, a member of one of the country’s most famous political families who has in recent years been linked to some far-right gures, kicked off his campaign in Boston on Wednesday and likened his campaign to the American revolution. “My mission over the next 18 months of this campaign and throughout my presidency will be to end the corrupt merger of state and corporate pow er that is threatening now to impose a new kind of corporate feudalism in our country,” Kennedy said. Self-help author Mari anne Williamson is also running for the Democratic nomination. Biden has said he’s planning on running again but has not formally announced a campaign.


A10 Thursday, April 20, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle r rnr n ( 2 ) (WESH)  ­€‚‚ ­€‚‚ ƒ‚„…rn†‡ˆ ‰ (3) (WEDU) …‚„Š  €‹Œ ‹‚‚Œ  ‚ Œ  n Ž„‰‘Œ’ ’ ‚ Œ “”‚„‰Š”Œ‚Œ’ •” ‚ r (5) (WUFT) –– —‹‚€‹€‹ „…‚„…‚‹‚‚ ‚ŒŒ’€‹ (8) (WFLA) ’ ‰‰ Œ„‘’Œ’ ‰‰ Œ‰Œ‚Œ „‰…‰Œ‰„‘’Œ ­€‚‚ ­€‚‚ rrr ­€‚‚€‚‘ ‰„˜‚„…r’ ƒ‰‰n‰„‘’Œ ’ (9) (WFTV)  Œ”… —‚†” ‚™—’šˆ‚Œ‹‰Œ Œ„‰r ‚›‰ Œ… ­€r’ŠŒ‚  €‚rn†„…… œ„……„Ž™ (10) (WTSP)  …”  Ž‰„‰‘—’šˆ‚Œ‹‰†” ‚™‹‰‘’‰ ’Œ”ƒ „‘  r …”  nž‚Œ (13) (WTVT) ˆ€Ÿ ˆ€Ÿˆ€Ÿ¡“ŒŽ’š…r‚ †‡r‰„… ‰Œ‚—Š…Œˆ ŒŠ’ ˆ€Ÿˆ€Ÿˆ€Ÿˆ€Ÿ (20) (WCJB) —‚‰„‡Œ Œ„‰‚›‰ Œ…‚ €‚r Œn†‡œ„…… (22) (WCLF) ’‚„Œ„ ‰‚„‘„„‰— •  ‰‰‚—………ˆ’„‚„Š’‚  (24) (WYKE) ‚ ‰š‚…†„’„„‰— •  „š ‰……œ‰ ‹‚„‘‚ Œ (28) (WFTS) —‚‰„‡Œ Œ„‰‚›‰ Œ…‚ €‚rn†‡œ„…… (32) (WMOR) ’‰’‰„‘ ‰‘„‘ ‰‘…… Œ ‰ Œ ‰„‘’ž‚„‘’ž‚„‘ ‰‘’‰ (38) (WTTA) “Œ‚ ˆ …„ˆ‹ˆ …ˆ‹’ ‰‰Œ„Š„  …”  Œ„‰’„Š ‘‡‡ˆ (40) (WACX)  „‚‘‡’‹ž „‚‘‡—‚…” ŠŒ „‚‘‡ Œ‚ž†šš‚ „‚‘‡‡‚ˆ „Œ’‚„‰Š (44) (WTOG) —¢¢¢ …‚„Š ‰‹„š ‹„š ‡ ‰  š‰  ‰  š‰ — •‚‹”‚… ‰­„‰r„…r …”   Œ‰—¢¢ ­€‚‚ˆ  (50) (WVEA) ––– Œ„Š„ Œ„Š„‚ Œ„‰‡ Œ„‰…‚„Š ‰‹„Š ‚‡Œ„Š„ nŒ„Š„‚ (51) (WOGX) ˆ€Ÿ ˆ“–‘ Œ„‘ ‰‘„‘ ‰‘“ŒŽ’š‰„… —Š…Œˆ€Ÿ––n ƒ (66) (WXPX) € ’„Š ‘‡‡†’„Š ‘‡‡’„Š ‘‡‡ˆŠr’„Š ‘‡‡r’„Š ‘‡‡‹’„Š ‘‡‡r (A&E) –¢¢–¢ ’ˆ„‚Œ¢…r‚’ˆ„‚Œ¢…‚…rˆ„‚Œ¢‹†ˆ„‚Œ‹†„Œ‰š„‰Œ„ Œ’ˆ„‚Œ¢Ž­ (ACCN) ŒŒ‡—…‡ Š‚‚r‡ (AMC) ––¢–– nŒ<+++‹„‰„‰‰‘’“Ž” < + ++‚ ‰‚„‰‘Œ•r­rr‚–—–‹€” < + ++’Š • ‘’˜r‚” (ANI) ––– ‚‡™‚‡r‚‡Š€r‚‡…r…rš‚‚‡†‚‡ • Œ (BET) <+++Œ‚ „‘’Œ€‹ŒŒ …”Œ‰‘›r‚œ€–Ž–™‘ŽŽr””ˆ …„rrœ­­‚Œ’£‹‰›‰ (BIGTEN) ¢ —…‡ Š‚™†r‡„‘‰‘ˆŒž ˆ­r ‡’’ˆŒž  (BRAVO) –¢––¢ ”’š­rr”’šœ‚—”’š”’šœ™Š • ”’š (BSFL) ––  ‚„”Œ„‘’Œ‰ ‘„Š‰„ Š„‰ Š„‰‚ Š’ž ‹‚™­ (CC) ’€šš„Šn’€šš„Š›Œ’€šš„Š’€šš„Š“Œ’€šš„Š…’€šš„Š’€šš„Š’€ šš„Š’€šš„Š „’n„‘… ‰™ (CMT) ¢–  Œ ‰ Œ ‰ Œ ‰ Œ ‰…………………… (CNN) ¢¢ „Œ‹ Œ„‰…‡‡‡€‹Œˆ‚‰Œ‡”‚‡‚„…Œ„…‡‰„‘’Œ‡‰„‘’Œ‡ (ESPN) ”‚Œ‰Œ‚‡Š•…r†‡Š•…r†‡ (ESPN2) ¢  „— ‘‚‡‘šŒž …r—r‡‘šŒž ™ž‡”‚Œ‰Œ‚‡ (FBN) ¢ ’ŒŒ…„‰‡œ‰‰‡‹Š•ˆ …„‚ ‹‚‹Š•ˆ …„‚ ‹‚‹Š•ˆ …„‚ ‹‚‹Š•ˆ …„‚ ‹‚ (FLIX) <+++„‰‘ „ ’‘’œrr‚–Ž” < + +++ ‰‰Œ‚‘’•ˆŸ” <+++’ ‚‘Œ•†­…–Ÿ” (FNC) ¢¢¢¢ ”Š„ ”‚Œ‡†— ŒŒ‚‡‹Š•‚ ‚‰‡ ‰‰„Œ‡‰‘‚ ’ …‡‹Œš™ (FOOD) – „ ‹ Œžž Œžž Œžž Œžž Œžž ˆ„ Œžž Œžž Œžž Œžž (FREEFORM) – ŒŒ<’Š‚Œ„šš””” <+++’ ‚‰Œ‚ ”‘’•Š¡–†r–‚”‚‹ž’‹ž (FS1) ‹ž‡„‰‘™¢ˆ—­­…„‰‘™¢ˆ—r­­­…„‰‘ (FX) ŒŒ<’…„ ‰’ ”””” <++†‹‚ „Š—‚ˆ ‰œ„‰‘…‘›•r‚Šœ€r–rr” <++†‹‚ „Š—‚ˆ ‰œ„‰‘…‘›•rr” (GOLF) ‹‚š‡r­­–…r†š‰Œ‚ ‡‹‚š£r€™r–…r†—‚‹‚š (HALL) – <€‰‚šŠŒ—„‰‘‘“›Žrr–‚r” <’—„‰‘ŒŒ ‘‘“n‹rŸr€”„‚„‚„‚„‚ (HBO) ŒŒ<+++’ Œ… ‰‹ŠŠ„‰‹ŠŠ„‰ Œ< + + ‹ ‚Œ‘“n”Œ „‰‘“Œ ‰­r… (HBO2) nŒ‹ŠŠ”” <+++‹Š‘›rŽ” „‰‘”‚Œ < + ++Ž„‘““œ–™‡ŠŽ–r” (HGTV) – —„‰„Œ’ ž’ˆ„””„‰‘‹ ˆ„””„‰‘…‚‚…­’ˆ„””„‰‘„‰‘‹ž „‹‰Œ‚‰Œ›‹‰Œ‚‰Œ› (HIST) ––¢–  …”‘‘‹‚ …”” …”” rrn …””n …””£„r r (LIFE) ¢¢  Œr Œ Œ‘‚ ŒˆrrŒ ŒŒ Œ (LMN) – < ““Œ‚‘““Ž r–r” <„Œœ„ˆ‚‘“n‚r‚” < Š Œ„‰…„‘’Œ… ‚‘“n„r‚†‚” (MSNBC) ¢¢¢ ’ Œ—„Œ’‡’„€‹Œ‡‰—„Œ’‡— ‘‰‚‡ Œ—‚‡Œ’‹‚‡ (NBATV) ”Š„  šš ššŠŒ„‰”Š„ ”Š„  šš‰Œ‚  (NGEO) – Œ‚ ‹‚š…Œ‚ ‹‚š…Œ‚ ‹‚š…‚Œ‚ŒŠŒ„‰ • ›Œ‚ ‹‚›‚Œ‚ŒŠŒ„‰ •  (NICK) ”‰‘ž¤‹ ‚ ‰Œ ‰‘‚‚„‰‚„‰”‰‘žˆ‚„‰ˆ‚„‰ˆ‚„‰ˆ‚„‰ˆ‚„‰ˆ‚„‰ (NWSNTN)  ‚‘ ”‚Œ€‰  ‰Š‹… ‰ž‚ …„Ž‡ ‰š„‹… (OWN) –¢ n‰€—n‰€—n‰€—n‰€—n‰€—nr€—œr (OXY) ¢¢ œ„‚‹” Œ„‰Š‚Œ Œ„‰Š‚Œ Œ„‰ Š‚Œ Œ„‰Ž Œ„‰rr (PARMT) ¢ ‰‰‰‰ < + ++„Œ‚‘’˜ž–r‚‹€–œœ” < + ++”‹‰‘•˜r” (SEC) ¢–nŒŒˆ„‰ž ‹…‡‘ ž r r…r…‚…– ”‡ (SHOW) ¢¢¢ ŠŠ <+++ˆ„‘’Œ‘›“Š–Ÿ‚†‚–Šš”— Š’™ < ‰ … ‘““œr” (SUN) ”Œ„‘’Œ‚‘ …Š• „‘’Œ‰„‰‘ •Œž  (SYFY) – Ž„ <+++”‘’Šœ­­r–r–Ÿ†‡” < + + ž ‰›‚ ‰‘‚‘›¤–Šrr‚” < + +œ„‰‘›• (TBS) ¢¢ ’‰’‰‚‘‡ Š•…r†‡Š•…r†‡ (TCM) – <++‰„Œ’— šˆ…‚„‰‘› < + ++„Š‰›Œ„Ž‚‰…‚‘¤ ›<++++ ‰Œ‚Œ‘¤n†„rŠr” (TDC) –¢–  ŒŒŒššr‚ ŒŒŒ‰„„’„ ‚•ž‚ ‚ •  ‚ • (TLC) –¢– ‚‡‚Š‚‡‚Š‚‡„…”‹žr‚‚‡„…”””‚ ‚„‰‘‹‚„„Ž ‚ƒ‹‚„…† (TMC) –– “Œ<’Ž„Š‘“›‚…r‚–ˆ„…r” <Š•‘“Œ–Ÿ‡Ž” n<‹‰š„‰Š‘“› ›Œ< + ++Ÿ‘““ ” (TNT) ¢¢ ŒŒ<+++ …„‘’Œ‚‘ … •Œž ‚‡ •Œž ‚‡ (TOON) – ‰‰ŠžƒŠžƒœ„‰‘n„œ„‰‘n„œ„ ‰‘n„‹‚‘‚‹‚‘‚…‚„Š ‰…‚„Š ‰…‚„Š ‰ (TRAV) ’Œ‹‰Œ‚’Œ‹‰Œ‚ ’Œ‹‰Œ‚’Œ‹‰Œ‚’Œ‹‰Œ‚’Œ‹‰Œ‚ (truTV) –––– †•‚†•‚†•‚†•‚†•‚† •‚†•‚†•‚†•‚‰Œ‹‚ ‘ †•‚†•‚ (TVL) ¢ ‚„šš„Œ’‚„šš„Œ’‚„šš„Œ’ ‚„šš„Œ’ …‰ …‰ …‰ …‰ …‰ …‰œ„‰‘œ„‰‘ (USA) ¢¢  ­€‚‚ r ­€‚‚Š < + ++‰”‰‰Š ‘’˜–Ž „–” < + +‚‡­‚‡…„Œ’‘Œ (WE)  €‚‚r €‚‚‚‰­”‚‰­”…”€ŽšŒ‚Š•‹” E Keri Russell evolves from silky spy to sweaty ‘Diplomat’ By JOCELYN NOVECK AP National Writer The rst sign is the hair. Not ex actly a total mess. But denitely not neat, either. Keri Russell’s hair on “The Dip lomat,” her new Netix series set in the world of high-stakes global diplomacy, is the hair of a woman – in this case, the U.S. ambassador to Britain – who simply had more urgent things on the morning to-do list than a blow-out. Like brieng the White House or huddling with the CIA station chief. Russell’s Kate Wyler also sweats – a lot. Which, like the messy hair, is something you never saw from Elizabeth Jennings, the Soviet spy Russell played with impeccable, de licious cool for six seasons on “The Americans.” Indeed, fans of that FX show will surely gasp at the sight of Russell’s Kate raising her arm so her husband can take a whiff and advise if she needs a shower. Just SO not Elizabeth. Russell laughs as she conrms that indeed, sweat was foreign to Elizabeth, whose blood ran cold while Kate’s runs decidedly hot. “I always used to think of (Eliz abeth) as like a panther,” she said in an interview ahead of the rst season of “The Diplomat,” creat ed by Debora Cahn, which drops Thursday. “Very little movement. And I always wore this really cool eyeliner, and my hair was perfect – all very smooth and panthery. This character, Kate, is not that! I’m con stantly sweating, the hair is a mess, and it’s probably a lot more like most of us in life.” It’s been ve years since we saw Elizabeth in that searing “Amer icans” nale, standing next to husband Philip (real-life partner Matthew Rhys) and gazing out at Moscow, their covers blown, con templating a future (spoiler alert!) without their kids. “We’ll get used to it” was her last line, delivered in Russian. But for some avid fans, it wasn’t so easy to “get used to it,” and they still wonder obsessively what Eliza beth and Philip might be doing these days. The actors were asked that question once again at a 10th-anni versary reunion panel last week at the Paley Center for Media. Russell had a pantherlike response, saying the ending was so perfectly written (by Joel Fields and Joe Weisberg) that she simply preferred to leave it there. It was also great writing, Russell says, that has brought her back to TV. Busy with three kids, she was de nitely not looking for a new show. But then “The Diplomat” came calling. Series creator Cahn is a vet eran of both “The West Wing” and “Homeland,” and “The Diplomat” can credibly be seen as a mashup of the two – with some spicy “Veep” humor thrown in – just for starters. “For me, it’s always about the writing,” Russell says, and “this is so smart and acerbic and full of all this political jargon, but it’s funny, too. (Cahn) has this real take on the minutiae of life and relationships.” And when Russell says the new show is “just lighter,” she doesn’t mean simply that she isn’t killing people and stufng them in suitcas es. “I mean, this character is ner vous and sweaty and awkward and messy, and it’s fun to get to do that, you know?” Like many, Cahn was a fan of “The Americans,” and says Rus sell was the dream choice for Kate – “the moon shot” – an actor with the rare ability to portray power and gravitas, but then turn on a dime to display expert physical comedy. “From the hair to everything else – falling down and dropping things – and just having an air about her of being on the verge of falling apart all the time,” Cahn says, “that takes a tremendous amount of skill and sense of comedy. And that’s what the role needed.” Not that Kate isn’t competent. A career diplomat, she’s about to be come ambassador in Kabul when we meet her, a role that would tap her wealth of experience in the re gion. But then a British aircraft carrier is bombed – by whom, we don’t know – and there’s no envoy in London. The U.S. president him self (Michael McKean, part of a su perbly cast ensemble) asks Kate to take the job, traditionally a political appointment with little substantive responsibility. Suddenly Kate is living in a pa latial English home, and aides are bringing racks of cocktail dresses. Kate does not like dresses. She likes pantsuits, and only black ones, so that when you use your water bottle before a brieng in the Oval to clean the yogurt stain from breakfast, it doesn’t show. “She is frazzled – a lot,” Russell says of Kate. “But she’s the be hind-the-scenes person who will get things done. She’s messy, in a great way.” Then there’s the marriage. Just as “The Americans” centered on a marriage, “The Diplomat” revolves around Kate’s complex relationship with husband Hal (Rufus Sewell.) An experienced former ambassador himself, Hal isn’t used to being “the spouse.” It’s the layered dynamic of this volatile union (just wait until you see them ghting in the garden) that drives the show, despite its broad global themes. “That’s what you care about,” Russell says. “You want to know how people feel and what’s stressing them out and how they’re living life.” Adds Sewell: “What is the whole globe except billions and billions of little couples, of people? When we both read it, it was that human dynamic, and the humor … that really cracked it open.” For cast and crew, the experience was also a deep dive into world diplomacy, a subject Cahn rst en countered during her “Homeland” research. “Nobody knows these sto ries because you don’t hear about it,” Cahn says. “If (diplomacy) is done right, nobody ever knows it happened.” David Gyasi, who plays the Brit ish foreign secretary, thought he knew something about diplomacy when he started, but this script was so dense and detailed, he says, that “there were moments where I had to go, ‘Why is this important?’” And then the creative team would launch into a history lesson. “It just opened us all up to another level of diplo macy that was fascinating,” he says. “What I didn’t realize,” notes Ato Essandoh, who plays Kate’s top aide, “is how human the interactions are, from the microscopic level of two humans trying to get together and understand each two countries trying to relate to each other.” Adds Ali Ahn, who plays the CIA station chief: “It’s all about, do I trust you? Do I like you? Those are the basic building blocks.” Russell, for research, read “The Ambassadors” by Paul Richter, sharing it with co-star Sewell, who listened to the audiobook on week end drives. They also watched “The Human Factor,” a documentary about the diplomats involved in Mideast peace negotiations. “Those guys who were orches trating those meetings before (Bill) Clinton comes in or before (Yitzhak) Rabin comes – they’re unsung and they’re sort of mysteri ous,” Russell says. “We don’t know about this whole world, and it’s re ally interesting.” And so, Russell is relishing her shift to the “good” side. “By the way, I loved ‘The Ameri cans’, too – it was so fun to play this character who was so much more cool than I was, and wore silk shirts and jewelry,” she says. “But this is lighter and snappier, and I’m really enjoying it.” By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Today is Thursday, April 20, the 110th day of 2023. There are 255 days left in the year. Highlight in history:On April 20, 2010, an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil platform, leased by BP, killed 11 workers and caused a blow-out that began spewing an estimated 200 million gallons of crude into the Gulf of Mexico. (The well was finally capped nearly three months later.) On this date:In 1812, the fourth vice president of the United States, George Clinton, died in Washington at age 72, becoming the first vice pres ident to die while in office. In 1861, Col. Robert E. Lee resigned his commission in the United States Army. (Lee went on to command the Army of Northern Virginia, and eventually became gen eral-in-chief of the Confed erate forces.) In 1912, Boston’s Fenway Park hosted its first profes sional baseball game while Navin Field (Tiger Stadium) opened in Detroit. (The Red Sox defeated the New York Highlanders 7-6 in 11 innings; the Tigers beat the Cleveland Naps 6-5 in 11 innings.) In 1916, the Chicago Cubs played their first game at Wrigley Field (then known as Weeghman Park); the Cubs defeated the Cincinnati Reds 7-6. In 1971, the Supreme Court unanimously upheld the use of busing to achieve racial desegregation in schools. In 1972, Apollo 16’s lunar module, carrying astronauts John W. Young and Charles M. Duke Jr., landed on the moon. In 1986, following an absence of six decades, Rus sian-born pianist Vladimir Horowitz performed in the Soviet Union to a packed audience at the Grand Hall of the Tchaikovsky Conservato ry in Moscow. In 1999, the Columbine High School massacre took place in Colorado as two stu dents shot and killed 12 classmates and one teacher before taking their own lives. In 2003, U.S. Army forces took control of Baghdad from the Marines in a changing of the guard that thinned the military presence in the cap ital. In 2008, Pope Benedict XVI celebrated his final Mass in the United States before a full house in Yankee Stadium, blessing his enormous U.S. flock and telling Americans to use their freedoms wisely. In 2016, five former New Orleans police officers pleaded guilty to lesser charges in the deadly shoot ings on a bridge in the days following Hurricane Katrina in 2005. In 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Preven tion said reports of acciden tal poisonings from cleaners and disinfectants were up about 20 percent in the first three months of the year; researchers believed it was related to the coronavirus epidemic. Today’s birthdays: Former Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., is 87. Actor George Takei is 86. Singer Johnny Tillotson is 85. Actor Ryan O’Neal is 82. Bluegrass singer-musician Doyle Lawson (Quicksilver) is 79. Actor Judith O’Dea is 78. Rock musician Craig Frost (Grand Funk Railroad, Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band) is 75. Actor Jessica Lange is 74. Actor Veronica Cartwright is 74. Actor Clint Howard is 64. Actor Crispin Glover is 59. Actor Andy Serkis is 59. Olympic silver medal figure skater Rosalynn Sumners is 59. Actor William deVry is 55. Country singer Wade Hayes is 54. Actor Shemar Moore is 53. Actor Carmen Electra is 51. Reg gae singer Stephen Marley is 51. Rock musician Marty Crandall (The Shins) is 48. Actor Joey Lawrence is 47. Country musician Clay Cook (Zac Brown Band) is 45. Actor Clayne Crawford is 45. Actor Tim Jo is 39. Actor Carlos Valdes (TV: “The Flash”) is 34. TODAY IN HISTORY Netflix Keri Russell as Ambassador Kate Wyler in a scene from “The Diplomat.”


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 20, 2023 A11F FOR F CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLEYogurt flavors and protects tandoori-inspired chicken kebabs By CHRISTOPHER KIMBALL Christopher Kimball’s Milk StreetI n Indian tandoori cook-ing, much of the avor comes from a ripping-hot cooking temperature – up to 900 degrees. The meat is usually chicken or lamb threaded on skewers. It chars beautifully. But why does it emerge tender and juicy instead of incinerated? A yogurt marinade. The dairy has lactic acid that tenderizes the meat and holds the sea-soning in place. The result is a charred, beautiful crust with a mellow tang and crispy, avorful bits. The cooks at Cristopher Kimball’s Milk Street had this lesson in mind for chicken skewers that they marinate with yogurt, pa-prika, garam masala, cay-enne and a few aromatics. Cooked under a broiler, the kebabs brown beautifully. We took inspiration from this tradition for these yogurt-marinated chicken kebabs from our book “Cook What You Have,” which draws on pantry staples to assemble easy, weeknight meals. Our weeknight-friendly, tandoori-inspired skewers feature an easy marinade of yogurt, paprika, garam masala, cayenne and a few other aromatics. Just whirl everything in a blender, then combine with chunks of chicken. The marinade also helps the kebabs brown beautifully under the broiler. Rather than marinate the chicken for hours, 30 minutes will boost avor and tenderize the meat. If you have time, or if it makes things easier, you can mari nate the chicken overnight. Serve with warm naan or basmati rice.Tandoori-Inspired Chicken KebabsStart to finish: 30 minutes, plus marinating Servings: 4 to 6 1 cup plain whole-milk yogurt OR 3/4 cup plain whole-milk Greek yogurt thinned with 3 tablespoons water 4 medium garlic cloves, smashed and peeled 1 medium red OR yel low onion, half roughly chopped, half thinly sliced, reserved separately 1-inch piece fresh gin ger, peeled and roughly chopped 2 tablespoons grapeseed or other neutral oil 1 tablespoon sweet paprika1 1/2 teaspoons garam masala 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper OR 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric OR both Kosher salt and ground black pepper 2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts OR thighs, trimmed and cut into 1-1/2-inch piecesIn a blender, combine half the yogurt, the garlic, chopped onion, ginger, oil, paprika, garam masala, cayenne, 1 1/4 teaspoons salt and 1 teaspoon black pepper. Puree until smooth, about 1 minute, scraping the jar as needed. Transfer 2 tablespoons of the puree to a small bowl and stir in the remaining yogurt. Cover and refrig erate until ready to serve. Scrape the remaining puree into a medium bowl, add the chicken and stir to coat. Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes or up to 4 hours. Heat the broiler with a rack about 4 inches from the element. Line a rimmed baking sheet with foil, set a wire rack in the baking sheet and mist it with cooking spray. Thread the chicken onto 4 to 6 metal skewers, scraping off ex-cess marinade, and place on the prepared rack. Broil until charred on the surface, 4 to 5 minutes. Re-move the baking sheet from the oven, ip the skewers and continue to broil until well charred on the second sides and the chicken is just cooked through, 6 to 7 minutes. Serve the skewers with the yogurt sauce and sliced onion. Optional garnish: Chopped fresh cilantro OR chutney OR sliced toma-toes OR lemon wedges OR a combination. Recipe online at https:// 5 ways to savor summer seafood By FAMILY FEATURES Keep the grill cooking all summer long with a family favorite, seafood and satisfy taste buds with fresh a vors hot off the grates. While some people assume seafood is challeng ing to cook, it can actually be an easy meal for home chefs of all skill levels. To ensure your cookout is an un rivaled success, start with seafood that brings superior taste to the table. From crustaceans to a wide selection of unique-tasting oysters and sea scal lops, mussels and clams, Maine Sea food offers something for all seafood lovers. With a coastline that stretches 3,478 miles along the cold, clean North At lantic, the state is home to a diversity of both wild-caught and farmed spe cies. Get inspired by these Maine Sea food grilling tips, sure to elevate your at-home seafood experience with the state’s superior taste and quality:Littleneck clamsHeat grill to medium-high heat then place littleneck clams directly on grill grates or in a single layer on a large baking pan. After 5-7 minutes on the grill, clams will begin to open. With out spilling juice, carefully place clams on a serving platter. Serve with melted butter or in pasta. Discard clams that don’t open.OystersPlace oysters cupped sides down di rectly on grill heated to medium-high. Cover the grill and cook until oysters open and meat is opaque and cooked through, about 5 minutes for smaller oysters and 8-10 minutes for larger ones. Place on a serving platter, remove top shells and run a sharp knife along insides of bottom shells to detach oys ters. Top with garlic butter and serve with lemon.SalmonHeat grill to medium-high heat. Pat salmon dry; brush with olive oil and top with seasonings. Place salmon skin side down on grill grates and cook 6-8 minutes, or until meat turns opaque. You can also try a grill-safe cedar plank to infuse added avor.HaddockHeat grill to medium-high heat. Pat haddock – aky white sh that’s sweet and delicate – dry and brush with ol ive oil. Wrap llets in aluminum foil with herbs and seasonings; complete ly seal with seam sides facing upward. Grill 8-10 minutes, or until meat turns opaque.Lobster tailFor a delicious twist this summer, enjoy these tender, tasty Grilled Lob ster Tacos with vinegar slaw and ci lantro lime crema. For easy, delicious recipe inspiration and to order seafood straight to your door, visit Maine Lobster TacosTotal time: 25 minutes Servings: 8 Vinegar Slaw: 2/3 cup apple cider vinegar1 teaspoon celery seeds2/3 cup white sugar1 cup water1/2 small head green cabbage, shred ded or cut thinly (approximately 8 cups) Cilantro Lime Crema: 1/2 cup sour creamFresh cilantro leaves, chopped1/2 cup mayonnaise4 teaspoons fresh lime juice1 lime, zest only, minced1/2 teaspoon minced garlicKosher salt, plus additional to taste, divided Freshly ground black pepper, to taste Lobster Tacos: Extra-virgin olive oil4 large (4-6 ounces each) Maine Lob ster tails, defrosted 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, meltedSalt, to tastePepper, to taste8 small flour tortillasPico de gallo1 lime, cut into wedges for serving To make vinegar slaw: In small saucepan over medium heat, heat ap ple cider vinegar, celery seeds, sugar and water; stir until sugar dissolves. In large bowl, pour mixture over cab bage; cover and refrigerate. To make cilantro lime crema: In blender, blend sour cream, cilantro, mayonnaise, lime juice, lime zest and garlic. Season with salt and pepper, to taste; refrigerate. To make lobster tacos: Preheat grill to medium-high heat. Brush grill grates with oil to prevent sticking. Using kitchen shears, cut lobster shells in half lengthwise. Place skewer through meat to prevent curl ing during cooking. Brush lobster meat with melted but ter and season with salt and pepper. Grill lobster tails meat side down 5 minutes then ip. Brush meat again with butter and cook 5 minutes, or until opaque throughout. Cook to 140 degrees in ternal temperature. Remove meat from shells and cut into bite-sized chunks or leave whole, if desired. Place tortillas on grill 30-60 seconds per side, or until warmed and slightly brown. Add drained slaw to tortillas. Top with lobster meat, pico de gallo and cilantro sauce. Serve with lime wedges. Photo courtesy of Grilled Maine Lobster Tacos.Dessert is as easy as apple pie By METROCREATIVE The phrase “as American as apple pie” may lead one to believe that this classic dessert originated some where in the Americas. But this beloved dessert actually traces its origins to Europe. In fact, apples aren’t even native to North Ameri ca, according to experts. Apple pie is categorized alongside baseball and Coca-Cola as truly Ameri can, but even though it was brought over to the colo nies with settlers, it wasn’t until the 20th century that the treat was established as a symbol of national pride. By then, this apple-lled pastry had cemented itself in popular cuisine and has since been replicated and reimagined in more ways than one might imagine. Most families have an ap ple pie recipe that they love. This recipe for Grandma’s Apple Pie, courtesy of the Vancouver-based food rec ipe blog “Spend with Pen nies” by Holly Nilsson, is one to add to your culinary repertoire.Grandma’s Apple PieServings: 8 slices Double Crust Pie Pastry (see note below) 1 large egg, beaten6 to 7 cups apples, peeled and sliced, about 2 pounds 1 tablespoon lemon juice1/2 cup granulated sugar3 tablespoons flour1/2 teaspoon ground cin namon 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg Preheat oven to 425 de grees. Peel apples and cut in quarters. Remove the core and slice apples into 1/4 inch to 1/8 inch thick. In a large bowl, combine apples, lemon juice, sugar, our, cinnamon and nut meg. Toss well to combine and set aside. Roll half of the dough into a 12-inch circle. Line a 9-inch pie plate with the pastry dough. Fill with ap ple lling. Roll the remaining crust and gently place it over the apple mixture. Seal the edges by gently pinching the top and bottom crusts together. You can fold or decorate the edges by crimping or pressing with a fork. Remove any excess dough. Beat the egg and 2 tea spoons of water or milk. Cut 4 to 5 slits in the top crust to allow steam to es cape. Brush with egg mix ture and sprinkle with sug ar (optional). Place the pie plate on a baking pan lined with parchment paper. This is optional but will catch any drips or spills. Bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes, reduce heat to 375 degrees, and bake an additional 35 to 40 minutes or until the crust is golden and the apples are tender. Cool at least 30 min utes before serving. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce if desired. Note: You can use a premade refrigerated pie crust for this pie or try making a homemade pas try with the recipe below. Flaky Homemade Pie Crust Makes a double pie crust3 cups all-purpose flour1 teaspoon salt7 tablespoons cold butter, cubed 7 tablespoons shortening, cubed 1/3 to 2/3 cups ice cold waterCombine our and salt in a large bowl with a whisk. Using a pastry cutter, cut the butter and shortening until the mixture resem bles the size of peas. Add ice cold water a tablespoon at a time to one area of the dough and mix with a fork. Move to one side of the bowl and continue adding water just until dough is moistened (you don’t want it to be sticky). Once mixed, use your hands to quickly and gen tly fold over the dough a couple of times. Divide into two balls. Roll each of the balls into a 12-inch circle on a light ly oured surface. Use as needed in your recipe, or wrap and refrigerate to use later. Let’s Eat ... The Chronicle distributes a FREE weekly food newsletter via email. Let’s Eat has links to stories about food, drink, restaurants and recipes. To sign up, visit Photo courtesy of Spend with Pennies Grandma’s Apple Pie.Gloria masters new skill of driving Daniel’s tractor By GLORIA YODER The Amish CookI ’ve always classied myself as a farm girl. I’d romp in the hay with my brothers, help Dad milk the goats, and dream of marrying a farmer. I now enjoy all the animals on our little farm. There was one thing, however, that I would not do. I would not touch the steering wheel of a tractor. Accident scenes about to happen would ash through my mind. Nope! Driving a tractor was not for me. Being Amish, we drove a horse and buggy for transportation unless we hired a driver, and for times we had a bigger load to transport we used a tractor and trail-er. Now, since I had never driven a vehicle in my life, I was convinced driving a tractor wouldn’t t to me either. A dream I had some time ago got me recalculating a bit. In my dream I was whipping around the tractor as if it was nothing but a condent skill. Hmm, may-be someday. Then it so happened that my beloved went home to be with Jesus in Heaven. Photo courtesy of Amish 365 Layered Taco Potato Casserole. See AMISH , page A12


A12 Thursday, April 20, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle No more hubby driving the tractor through the chestnut eld as he’d keep an eye on them, re-staking them as needed, or stripping off the dead leaves. In recent years since I have overcome much of my child hood timidness, I’m learning to enjoy trying new things, but driving a tractor – I was not convinced. Then a couple of weeks ago I told Julia, “Let’s do it.” Taking my seat on Daniel’s Yanmar tractor, I racked my brain for every tip and detail Daniel had told me a few years before. Soon, Julia and I were cruising down the eld of green grass with chestnut trees in exact rows on either side. I saw it really was possible. To be honest, I was relieved. A couple of days later I gured out how to hook up the trailer to the faithful Yanmar. Daniel had built the trailer on winter eve-nings as all of us accom-panied him, admiring his skill. It was the perfect size for family projects. The sides are made with cedar boards, sturdy and high enough to keep children safe while escorting them through the eld. Now, as all of our six precious children trustingly sat on the trailer along with a picnic basket of snacks, the tractor made its way down the eld minus Daddy; my heart bled. These had been some of our best times together. It was an ache I could not mend. I had a choice to make once more, would I retreat into the cave of it’s not fair, or would I again hand it all over to God? By God’s grace, joy lled our hearts, as each took a row and made our way to the far end of the grove, placing a moth ball in each tube containing a sapling. These strong-smelling pieces would ward of the eld mice that have been digging around in the mulch around the trees and even chewing off some of the trees. As the project was nearing completion, Julia and Austin told me about a spot they found at the edge of the woods that may be perfect for us to enjoy our snack. I agreed to it and soon they were building a re which we huddled around to warm up. Our snack or supper, call it what you want, was basic. I go for the most simple, fuss-free ideas in hopes that we can get more picnics and special events in that way. After a song of thanks to God, Elijah passed out hard-boiled duck eggs, followed by our newest favorite veggie – avocados. Julia cut them in half and passed them out. Everyone salted their own and held them like a bowl spooning it out of the peelings. When those were nished we each had an orange and a healthy cookie made by Austin. We marveled how we were back yonder on the edge of the eld; no one but God knew where we were at, and surely He is also the One who gives us all we need. As the sun set behind the tree line the children were getting chilly and it was time to head for the house. I dropped the children off by the house then parked the tractor before going back to the cabin to turn off the heater. In my little sanctuary, I paused a moment as I stuck my nose deep into the bouquet of red roses, given by friends. As I did so, an exerpt from my book, “Jesus Calling”, caught my attention. It spoke volumes to my heart. It was written from Jesus’ perspective, “Many people spend a lifetime or a small fortune searching for someone who understands them. Yet I am freely avail-able to all who call upon my Name, who open their hearts to recieve me as their Savior. This simple act of faith is the beginning of a life long love story.” Amazing, nothing will ever, ever take the perfect lover of my soul, from meor you! It is up to us as individuals, to accept his love and leading. OK, I had wanted to give you one of our favorite av-ocado recipes, but there is too much to tell about it in the bit of space remaining, so we’ll go with our lay-ered taco potato casserole. My dear mother made a pan of Taco Potato Casse-role for our supper tonight. Enjoy!Layered Taco Potato Casserole2 1/2 pounds potatoes1 package Ranch dressing mix 1 cup sour cream1 cup milk2 pounds hamburger1/4 cup chopped onion1 pkg. taco seasoning2 teaspoons salt1/2 teaspoon black pepper3-4 cups cheese sauce Peel, cook, and shred potatoes. Mix with Ranch dressing mix, sour cream and milk. Put in the bottom of a casserole dish. Fry hamburger with onions and seasonings. Layer on top of potatoes. Top with cheese sauce.Bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes or until hot. Top with chips and serve.Gloria Yoder is a young Amish mother, writer and homemaker in rural Illinois. Readers with culinary or culture questions or stories to share may write Gloria directly at: Gloria Yoder, 10510 E. 350th Ave., Flat Rock, IL 62427. AMISHFrom page A11Feta makes full meal of Greek baked beans By CHRISTOPHER KIMBALL Christopher Kimball’s Milk StreetO n the Greek table, vegetable dishes called ladera are not intended as mere sides. Instead, these lling meals take center stage, often involving lavish amounts of legumes braised in olive oil and tomato. One much-loved ladera features white beans in that bake in a savory tomato sauce with feta cheese. The cooks at Christopher Kim ball’s Milk Street make a pantry-friendly version with cans of butter beans and tomatoes. But they boost the richness by rst browning tomato paste in the pan. A quarter cup of fresh dill adds welcome freshness. Briny feta cheese brightens the dish and crusty bread for dipping makes it a full meal. For that, you can thank the Orthodox Christian faith, which calls for meatand dairy-free diets 40 days be fore both Easter and Christ mas, as well as two weeks in August, plus every Wednes day and Friday the rest of the year. But the tradition has permeated the broader culture, with dishes such as gigantes plaki enjoyed in taverns and homes alike. This much-loved Greek dish, which is essentially a slightly more elaborate version of baked beans, braises enormous gigante white beans in a savory tomato sauce with copious extra-virgin olive oil for richness. The sauce typically is assembled on the stovetop, and once the dried gigantes are soaked and added to the sauce, the dish bubbles to completion in the oven. In this version from our book “Tuesday Nights Med iterranean,” which features weeknight-friendly meals from the region, we use canned butter beans for ease and speed. And since we’re using canned beans, we can keep all the cooking on the stovetop using just one pan. Besides using canned crushed tomatoes, we also brown tomato paste with softened onions for added depth. A quarter cup of fresh dill adds welcome freshness, and briny feta cheese bright ens the dish and rounds it out. If you like, offer the feta on the side; added to indi vidual portions, the cheese has a rmer texture and a sharper bite. To complete the meal, serve with a simple leafy salad and, of course, crusty bread for mopping up the sauce.Butter Beans in Tomato Sauce with Dill and FetaStart to finish: 40 minutes Servings: 4 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus more to serve 1 medium sweet onion or red onion, chopped Kosher salt and ground black pepper 2 medium garlic cloves, thinly sliced 2 tablespoons tomato paste1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes 14-1/2-ounce can crushed tomatoes 2 15-ounce cans butter beans, rinsed and drained 5 tablespoons chopped fresh dill or 2 1/2 table spoons chopped fresh marjoram, divided 3 ounces feta cheese, crum bled (3/4 cup)In a 12-inch skillet over medium, heat the oil until shimmering. Add the onion and ¼ teaspoon salt, then cook, stirring occasionally, until softened and translu cent, 5 to 7 minutes. Add the garlic, tomato paste and pepper akes, then cook, stirring, until the tomato paste darkens slightly and begins to stick to the pan, about 2 minutes. Stir in the crushed tomatoes, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon black pepper. Bring to a simmer, then reduce to medium-low and cook, stirring occasion ally, until slightly thickened, 7 to 10 minutes. Add the beans and bring to a simmer over medium, stirring occasionally. Off heat, stir in 4 tablespoons of dill (or 2 tablespoons of marjoram), then taste and season with salt and black pepper. Transfer to a serving dish, sprinkle with the feta and remaining dill (or marjoram), then drizzle with additional oil. Recipe online at https:// -tomato-sauce-tn-med Atime-honoredcommunitytradition! Sharethenewsofyournewbirthwith ourkeepsakeprintannouncements. Toplaceyourbirthannouncement,goonlineto BirthAnnouncements Subscribeorrenewtoday! 352.563.6363| Birth Announcements Nominate Yo ur Favorite! r Honoring Te achersfortheir hardworkanddedication ShopHereForFreshIngredients *Recipeprovidedby: GarlicRoastedFloridaShrimp andBlueberryBBQSauce •12jumboFloridashrimp,peeledanddeveinedwithtailon•2tablespoonsFloridaBlueberryBBQSauce•1tablespoonFloridaseafoodseasoningblend,divided•1tablespoonunsaltedbutter•1lemon,halfjuiced,halfslicedforgarnish•1tablespoonfreshherbs(parsley,oregano,thyme), chopped ne •1tablespoonfreshgarlic,minced•SeveraldashesofFlorida-madehotsauce,totaste•Seasaltandfreshgroundpepper,totaste Preheatalargecastironpanovermedium-highheat.Addhalfthebuttertothepreheatedpan.Carefullyaddtheshrimptothepanoneatatime,givingthemsomespacetocook.Seasontheshrimpwithhalfoftheseasoningblend.Cooktheshrimpwithoutmovingthemfor2minutes,thenusingtongs,carefully ipeachshrimp.Add anotherpinchoftheseasoningblend,garlicandfreshherbs.Aftercookingforanother2minutes,addtherestofthebutter,lemonjuiceandseveraldashesofhotsauce.Stiringredientstocoatandremovefromheat.Taste andadjustseasoningwithsalt,pepperandanyleftoverseasoningblend.ServewarmwithFloridaBlueberryBBQ Sauceandlemonslicesontheside. Don’tMissThisOpportunity rrnr FRIDAYTO-GOMEAL LOWCOUNTRYBOIL Shrimp,AndouilleSausage, Corn,&Potatoes $19.95 ServedFridayNoon-6pm 5636S.FloridaAve.,FloralCity,FL34436 352-419-4495 Hours:Tue.-Fri.:10AM-6PM;Sat.3PM-6PMTJESeafood 32oz.SweetTea $1.25 CALLUSWECATER!


S CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE Section B THURSDAY, APRIL 20 , 2023 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BOSTON — Brandon Montour scored twice and the Florida Panthers had four third-period goals to beat the Presidents’ Tro phy-winning Bruins 6-3 on Wednesday night and send Boston to its rst loss in 10 games. The Panthers – the NHL’s top regular-season team last season – tied the best-of-seven series and head home for Games 3 and 4 on Friday and Sunday. There will be a Game 5 back in Boston on Wednesday. Montour scored 22 sec onds into the third period to break a 2-2 tie, Carter Ver haeghe added an insurance goal, then Montour scored again for Florida and Eetu Luostarinen added an emp ty netter with 2:25 to play to make it 6-2. Alex Lyon stopped 34 shots, and Sam Bennett and Eric Staal also scored for the Panthers, who seemed overmatched by the NHL-best Bruins in a 3-1 se ries-opening loss. Brad Marchand scored a short-handed goal, and Ty ler Bertuzzi and Taylor Hall also scored for the Bruins, who won their last eight – and 15 of their last 16 – regular-season games while setting NHL records with 65 wins and 135 points. Li nus Ullmark made 24 saves. Bennett, who missed the opener with an undisclosed injury, took advantage of a turnover by Bruins defen seman Brandon Carlo in the Boston zone. Matthew Tkachuk kept it in, and slid it ahead to Bennett, who reached out to corral it and then extended to poke it be tween Ullmark’s pads. But the Panthers had an even worse turnover with a man advantage, when Anthony Duclair gave it right to Marchand for the short-handed goal that made it 1-1. Two minutes later, the Panthers were back in the lead when Sta al beat Ullmark, but Boston made it 2-2 just as a power CINCINNATI (AP) — Yandy Díaz homered on the third pitch of Levi Stoudt’s big league debut to spark a six-run rst inning, and the Tampa Bay Rays rout ed the Cincinnati Reds 8-0 Wednesday to improve to a major league-best 16-3. Tampa Bay pitched its second straight shutout and has six this season, more than half the Rays total of 10 for all of last year. The Rays tied for the most shut outs in a team’s rst 19 games, matching the 1876 St. Louis Brown Stockings, 1966 Cleveland Indians and 1981 Texas Rangers. Tampa Bay tops the big leagues with 133 runs and has allowed 50, tied for the big league low entering the day. Reds manager David Bell was ejected in the ninth inning by plate umpire Er ich Bacchus after coming onto the eld to argue. Pete Fairbanks threw his rst pitch to Stuart Fairchild be hind the batter’s head, then threw a 2-0 pitch up and in. The entire three-game se ries drew 31,794, including 10,205 for the series na le and 7,375 for the series opener, the Reds lowest for a home game since May 1, 1985, at Riverfront Stadi um, according to baseball blast Reds 8-0 Aaron Doster / AP Tampa Bay Rays right fielder Josh Lowe, right, scores a run on a double by Manuel Margot, ahead of the tag by Cincinnati Reds catcher Luke Maile during the first inning on Wednesday in Cincinnati.Yandy Díaz home run sparks 6-run 1st inning for Tampa Bay Special to the Chronicle Mallori Grey of Lecanto High School recently signed to continue her volleyball career at Pasco-Hernando State College in New Port Richey. Pictured, from left, father Paul Grey, nephew and niece Finn Storey and Adeline Story, Mallori Grey and mother Wanda Grey. GREY SIGNS WITH PASCO-HERNANDO CHRONICLEPirates reach title game The Crystal River ag football team defeated Dis trict 1A-5 top seed Weeki Wachee 13-6 Wednesday night at Tarpon Springs High School to advance to Thursday’s title game back at the same location. The Pirates (7-6) will face either Tarpon Springs or Central in the district cham pionship game at 7 p.m. to earn an automatic berth into the regional playoffs.Meet new Citrus football coach There will be a meet-andgreat event held Saturday, April 22, to introduce new Citrus High School head football coach Joshua Ross. The public is invited to at tend. The event will be from 6-8 p.m. at Florida Cracker Monkey Bar in Homosassa. Ross, an assistant the past season at Pasco High School in Dade City and a 2009 graduate of Hernando High School, was selected in Feb ruary to replace McKinley Franklin, who stepped down in November after three years on the job. Ross coached quarterbacks and was the strength and con ditioning coordinator while at Pasco this fall. He also had the same duties at a high school in Tennessee before moving back down to Florida.Warriors top Real Life The Seven Rivers Christian softball team defeated Real Life Christian Academy 11-1 to improve to 13-7 on the sea son. Joy Sullivan scattered four hits and struck out seven in ve innings in the circle for the win and also had a pair of hits and two RBIs at the plate. Madalyn Luider drove in four runs on three hits and Kacie Cunningham had two hits, two runs and an RBI for the Warriors. The Seven Rivers Christian baseball team also handled Real Life, 19-0. The Warriors improved to 11-7 with the home win.Panthers swat Hornets The Lecanto softball team posted a 4-2 victory at home over Weeki Wachee to move to 9-6 on the season. Melissa Plante had a pair of hits and drove in a run for the Panthers, while Hannah Mimnagh and Lorelei Mo hammadbhoy also had one RBI apiece. Mimnagh also scored a pair of runs. Kayla Bilbey earned the win in the circle, striking out three in four innings of hitless work. Abigail Males closed out the game and struck out four Hornets. In other Gulf Coast 8 Con ference softball action, Na ture Coast Tech edged Crys tal River, 4-3. The Pirates dropped to 15-7 with the loss.Baseball teams drop GC8 games The three Citrus County LOCAL SPORTS BRIEFS See BRIEFS , page B3 See RAYS , page B3Panthers cool off Bruins, return home 1-1 Charles Krupa / AP Florida Panthers goaltender Alex Lyon (34) makes a save as Boston Bruins center Pavel Zacha (18) looks for the rebound on Wednesday in Boston. See TIED , page B3


B2 Thursday, April 20, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GBTampa Bay 16 3 .842 —Baltimore 11 7 .611 4½New York 11 7 .611 4½Toronto 11 8 .579 5Boston 9 10 .474 7 Central Division W L Pct GBMinnesota 11 7 .611 —Cleveland 10 9 .526 1½Detroit 7 10 .412 3½Chicago 7 12 .368 4½Kansas City 4 15 .211 7½ West Division W L Pct GBTexas 12 6 .667 —Los Angeles 9 9 .500 3Houston 9 10 .474 3½Seattle 8 11 .421 4½Oakland 3 16 .158 9½ NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GBAtlanta 14 5 .737 —New York 12 7 .632 2Miami 10 9 .526 4Phila. 8 11 .421 6Washington 5 13 .278 8½ Central Division W L Pct GBMilwaukee 14 5 .737 —Chicago 11 6 .647 2Pittsburgh 12 7 .632 2St. Louis 8 11 .421 6Cincinnati 7 11 .389 6½ West Division W L Pct GBArizona 11 8 .579 —Los Angeles 9 10 .474 2San Diego 9 11 .450 2½San Francisco 6 11 .353 4Colorado 5 14 .263 6 AMERICAN LEAGUE Tuesday’s Games Detroit 4, Cleveland 3, 1st gameDetroit 1, Cleveland 0, 2nd gamePhila. 7, Chicago White Sox 4, 1st gameTampa Bay 10, Cincinnati 0Baltimore 1, Washington 0Chicago White Sox 3, Phila. 0, 2nd gameL.A. Angels 5, N.Y. Yankees 2Boston 5, Minnesota 4, 10 inningsTexas 12, Kansas City 2Toronto 4, Houston 2Chicago Cubs 4, Oakland 0Milwaukee 6, Seattle 5, 11 innings Wednesday’s Games Tampa Bay 8, Cincinnati 0Cleveland 3, Detroit 2Phila. 5, Chicago White Sox 2Texas 12, Kansas City 3Chicago Cubs 12, Oakland 2Milwaukee 5, Seattle 3Baltimore 4, Washington 0Minnesota 10, Boston 4N.Y. Yankees 3, L.A. Angels 2, 10 inningsHouston 8, Toronto 1 Thursday’s Games Minnesota (Maeda 0-2) at Boston (Houck 2-0), 1:35 p.m.L.A. Angels (Sandoval 1-0) at N.Y. Yankees (Cortes 2-0), 4:05 p.m. Friday’s Games Chicago White Sox at Tampa Bay, 6:40 p.m.Detroit at Baltimore, 7:05 p.m.Toronto at N.Y. Yankees, 7:05 p.m.Miami at Cleveland, 7:10 p.m.Houston at Atlanta, 7:20 p.m.Oakland at Texas, 8:05 p.m.Boston at Milwaukee, 8:10 p.m.Washington at Minnesota, 8:10 p.m.Kansas City at L.A. Angels, 9:38 p.m.St. Louis at Seattle, 10:10 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE Tuesday’s Games Phila. 7, Chicago White Sox 4, 1st gameTampa Bay 10, Cincinnati 0Miami 4, San Francisco 2Baltimore 1, Washington 0Chicago White Sox 3, Phila. 0, 2nd gameArizona 8, St. Louis 7Pittsburgh 5, Colorado 3Atlanta 8, San Diego 1Chicago Cubs 4, Oakland 0L.A. Dodgers 5, N.Y. Mets 0Milwaukee 6, Seattle 5, 11 innings Wednesday’s Games Tampa Bay 8, Cincinnati 0St. Louis 14, Arizona 5Phila. 5, Chicago White Sox 2San Francisco 5, Miami 2, 11 inningsPittsburgh 14, Colorado 3N.Y. Mets 5, L.A. Dodgers 3San Diego 1, Atlanta 0Chicago Cubs 12, Oakland 2Milwaukee 5, Seattle 3Baltimore 4, Washington 0 Thursday’s Games Cincinnati (Weaver 0-0) at Pittsburgh (Con treras 1-1), 6:35 p.m.Colorado (Feltner 0-2) at Phila. (Strahm 1-1), 6:40 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (Grove 0-1) at Chicago Cubs (Taillon 0-2), 7:40 p.m.San Diego (Wacha 2-1) at Arizona (Nelson 1-0), 9:40 p.m.N.Y. Mets (Senga 2-0) at San Francisco (Manaea 0-0), 9:45 p.m. Friday’s Games L.A. Dodgers at Chicago Cubs, 2:20 p.m.Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, 6:35 p.m.Colorado at Phila., 7:05 p.m.Miami at Cleveland, 7:10 p.m.Houston at Atlanta, 7:20 p.m.Boston at Milwaukee, 8:10 p.m.Washington at Minnesota, 8:10 p.m.San Diego at Arizona, 9:40 p.m.St. Louis at Seattle, 10:10 p.m.N.Y. Mets at San Francisco, 10:15 p.m. TAMPA BAY 8, CINCINNATI 0 Tampa Bay Cincinnati ab r h bi ab r h bi Y.Díaz 1b 4 1 2 1 India 2b 2 0 0 0B.Lowe 2b 5 1 2 1 Friedl cf 3 0 1 0Arozaren dh 5 1 3 0 Fraley rf 4 0 0 0Raley lf 4 0 0 0 Stephens dh 4 0 1 0Paredes 3b 5 1 1 1 Newman 3b 4 0 1 0J.Lowe rf 4 2 1 2 Vosler 1b-p 4 0 1 0Margot cf 4 1 1 1 Fairchild lf 2 0 0 0Walls ss 3 1 1 1 Barrero ss 3 0 1 0Bethancort c 3 0 1 0 Maile c 4 0 0 0Totals 37 8 12 7 Totals 30 0 5 0 Tampa Bay 601 001 000 — 8Cincinnati 000 000 000 — 0DP Tampa Bay 1, Cincinnati 2. LOB Tam pa Bay 7, Cincinnati 9. 2B Paredes (1), Margot (2). HR Y.Díaz (6). SB Arozarena (3), J.Lowe (3). S Friedl (3). IP H R ER BB SO Tampa Bay Rasmussen W,3-1 5 3 0 0 3 7Fleming H,1 3 1 0 0 0 3Fairbanks 1 1 0 0 2 2Cincinnati Stoudt L,0-1 4 9 7 7 1 3Sims 1 0 0 0 1 0Cruz 1 2 1 1 2 2Sanmartin 1 0 0 0 0 0Law 1 0 0 0 1 1Vosler 1 1 0 0 0 0WP Fairbanks.Umpires Home, Erich Bacchus; First, Ryan Wills; Second, Andy Fletcher; Third, Mike Estabrook.T 2:25. A 10,205 (43,891). PHILADELPHIA 5, CHICAGO WHITE SOX 2 Philadelphia Chicago ab r h bi ab r h bi Stott 2b 5 1 2 1 Benintendi lf 4 0 0 0Turner ss 5 2 3 2 Robert Jr. cf 4 1 1 0Schwarb dh 4 0 0 0 Vaughn 1b 4 1 2 2Castellano rf 4 0 1 1 Jiménez dh 4 0 1 0Marsh cf 4 1 2 1 Grandal c 3 0 0 0Realmuto c 3 0 1 0 Burger 3b 3 0 0 0Bohm 1b 4 0 0 0 Colás rf 2 0 1 0Cave lf 4 0 0 0 González ph 1 0 0 0Harrison 3b 3 1 0 0 L.Sosa 2b 3 0 0 0 Andrus ss 3 0 1 0Totals 36 5 9 5 Totals 31 2 6 2Philadelphia 111 200 000 — 5Chicago 200 000 000 — 2DP Philadelphia 1, Chicago 0. LOB Phil adelphia 6, Chicago 4. 2B Realmuto (5), Stott (7), Turner (3), Robert Jr. (6). HR Turn er (1), Marsh (3), Vaughn (1). SB Turner (4), Andrus (3). IP H R ER BB SO Philadelphia Walker W,2-1 6 1 / 3 5 2 2 2 3 Soto H,3 2 / 3 0 0 0 0 1 Kimbrel H,3 1 1 0 0 0 2Alvarado S,2-3 1 0 0 0 0 0Chicago Clevinger L,2-1 3 6 3 3 1 1Banks 3 3 2 2 0 3Middleton 1 0 0 0 0 1Santos 2 0 0 0 0 4HBP Banks (Harrison). WP Kimbrel.Umpires Home, Ben May; First, Jeff Nel son; Second, CB Bucknor; Third, Chris Segal.T 2:23. A 10,149 (40,241). MILWAUKEE 5, SEATTLE 3 Milwaukee Seattle ab r h bi ab r h bi Brosseau 3b 3 0 0 0 Rodríguez cf 4 1 2 2Tellez ph 1 0 1 2 France 1b 4 1 1 0Perkins pr 0 0 0 0 Suárez 3b 2 0 0 0Adames ss 3 0 0 0 Hernández rf 4 0 1 0Contreras c 4 1 1 0 Pollock dh 3 0 0 0Winker dh 4 1 1 0 Raleigh ph 1 0 0 0Anderson rf 4 1 1 0 Kelenic lf 4 0 1 1Voit 1b 4 1 1 1 Murphy c 3 0 1 0Miller lf-rf 4 0 1 0 La Stella ph 1 0 0 0Wiemer cf 2 0 2 0 Caballero 2b 4 1 1 0Yelich ph-lf 2 0 0 0 Crawford ss 3 0 0 0Turang 2b 4 1 1 2 Totals 35 5 9 5 Totals 33 3 7 3Milwaukee 000 000 500 — 5Seattle 002 000 001 — 3DP Milwaukee 0, Seattle 1. LOB Milwau kee 4, Seattle 5. 2B Wiemer (3), Caballero (1), France (9). HR Rodríguez (4). SB Mill er (2). IP H R ER BB SO Milwaukee Lauer W,3-1 7 2 / 3 4 2 2 1 4 Strzelecki H,5 2 / 3 3 1 1 0 2 Bush S,1-2 2 / 3 0 0 0 0 0 Seattle Gonzales 6 4 2 2 1 9Brash L,1-2, BS 1 4 3 3 0 1Gott 1 0 0 0 0 1Saucedo 1 1 0 0 0 1Gonzales pitched to 2 batters in the 7th.HBP Strzelecki (Suárez).Umpires Home, Mike Muchlinski; First, Nate Tomlinson; Second, Alan Porter; Third, Jim Wolf.T 2:20. A 17,461 (47,929). CHICAGO CUBS 12, OAKLAND 2 Chicago Oakland ab r h bi ab r h bi Hoerner 2b 5 0 3 0 Ruiz cf 3 0 1 0Swanson ss 2 3 0 0 Díaz 3b 4 0 0 0Happ lf 4 2 2 1 Aguilar 1b 3 0 0 0Bellinger cf 4 2 0 1 Langeliers c 4 1 0 0Ríos dh 2 0 0 0 Pérez dh 4 0 1 1Torrens ph 3 1 1 2 K.Smith ss 4 0 1 0Wisdom rf 4 1 1 2 Wade lf 2 1 0 0Hosmer 1b 5 3 2 1 Diaz 2b 2 0 1 1Madrigal 3b 4 0 2 2 Kemp ph-2b 1 0 0 0Barnhart c 3 0 0 1 Capel rf 3 0 1 0Totals 36 12 11 10 Totals 30 2 5 2 Chicago 000 114 015 — 12Oakland 000 110 000 — 2E Swanson (3), Ruiz (2). DP Chicago 1, Oakland 1. LOB Chicago 6, Oakland 5. 2B Happ 2 (8), Hoerner (5), Torrens (1), Capel (3), Pérez (1), Diaz (1). 3B Wisdom (1). HR Hosmer (1). SB Ruiz (5). SF Barnhart (1). IP H R ER BB SOChicago Steele W,3-0 6 4 2 1 2 5Thompson 2 0 0 0 1 1Merryweather 1 1 0 0 0 2Oakland Miller 4 1 / 3 4 2 2 1 5 C.Smith L,1-1 2 / 3 0 2 2 2 0 Moll 2 / 3 1 2 2 0 1 Familia 1 1 / 3 1 0 0 1 1 Oller 1 1 / 3 4 5 5 2 0 Jackson 2 / 3 1 1 1 1 1 HBP Steele (Ruiz), Miller (Barnhart). WP Miller, Moll(2), Jackson.Umpires Home, Adam Hamari; First, Brock Ballou; Second, Vic Carapazza; Third, Nick Mahrley.T 2:53. A 12,112 (46,847). TEXAS 12, KANSAS CITY 3 Texas Kansas City ab r h bi ab r h bi Semien 2b 5 2 3 2 Witt Jr. ss 4 1 1 1Jankowski lf 3 0 0 0 Olivares rf 4 0 0 0Thompsn ph 1 0 0 0 Pasquant 1b 4 1 2 0Lowe 1b 4 2 1 0 Perez dh 4 1 1 0García rf 4 1 1 2 Reyes lf 3 0 2 1Jung 3b 4 1 1 0 Melendez c 4 0 1 0Heim c 4 3 2 3 Duffy 2b-3b 3 0 1 1Duran dh 5 0 1 3 Eaton ph 1 0 0 0J.Smith ss 3 1 1 0 Dozier 3b 2 0 0 0Taveras cf 5 2 3 2 Massey ph 2 0 0 0 Bradley cf 3 0 1 0Totals 38 12 13 12 Totals 34 3 9 3 Texas 120 200 403 — 12Kansas City 001 002 000 — 3E Melendez (1). DP Texas 1, Kansas City 0. LOB Texas 7, Kansas City 5. 2B Taveras (2), Duran (1), Perez (5). 3B Taveras (1). HR Heim (3), Witt Jr. (3). SB Semien (2). SF García (2), Reyes (1). IP H R ER BB SO Texas Pérez W,3-1 5 2 / 3 8 3 3 0 3 J.Hernández H,3 1 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 0 Leclerc 1 1 0 0 0 1 Sborz 1 0 0 0 0 2 Kansas City Singer L,1-2 5 6 5 5 3 4 C.Hernández 1 0 0 0 0 2 Clarke 1 4 4 3 1 2 Chapman 1 0 0 0 0 1 Barlow 1 3 3 3 2 2 Umpires Home, Malachi Moore; First, Mark Wegner; Second, Bruce Dreckman; Third, Stu Scheuwater.T 2:40. A 10,388 (38,427). CLEVELAND 3, DETROIT 2 Cleveland Detroit ab r h bi ab r h bi Kwan lf 3 1 0 0 Maton 2b 4 0 0 0Giménez 2b 3 1 1 0 Greene dh 4 0 0 0Ramírez 3b 4 1 1 3 Báez ss 4 0 1 0Bell dh 4 0 0 0 Carpenter rf 4 0 2 0Naylor 1b 3 0 0 0 Baddoo lf 4 0 1 0Brennan rf 4 0 1 0 Torkelson 1b 3 1 2 1Arias ss 3 0 1 0 Nevin 3b 4 0 0 0Zunino c 2 0 1 0 Haase c 4 0 0 0Straw cf 4 0 0 0 Vierling cf 2 0 1 0 McKinsty ph 1 1 1 1Totals 30 3 5 3 Totals 34 2 8 2 Cleveland 000 003 000 — 3Detroit 000 000 110 — 2DP Cleveland 1, Detroit 2. LOB Cleveland 6, Detroit 6. 2B Torkelson (4), Vierling (3). HR Ramírez (2), Torkelson (2), McKinstry (1). SB Giménez (6). IP H R ER BB SOCleveland Quantrill W,1-1 6 4 0 0 1 4Stephan H,1 1 1 1 1 0 2Karinchak H,6 1 1 1 1 0 1Clase S,6-7 1 2 0 0 0 0Detroit Turnbull L,1-3 5 1 / 3 3 3 3 3 3 Alexander 1 2 / 3 1 0 0 1 2 Lange 1 0 0 0 1 2Cisnero 1 1 0 0 0 2HBP Turnbull (Zunino).Umpires Home, Todd Tichenor; First, Brian Knight; Second, Alex Tosi; Third, Tony Ran dazzo.T 2:23. A 11,230 (41,083). MINNESOTA 10, BOSTON 4 Minnesota Boston ab r h bi ab r h bi Kepler rf 3 2 1 0 Verdugo rf 4 0 0 0Correa ss 5 0 0 0 Tapia cf 4 0 0 1Castro ss 0 0 0 0 Turner dh 4 0 0 0Buxton dh 4 2 1 0 Devers 3b 4 0 0 0Larnach lf 3 2 1 4 Hernándz ss 3 2 2 1Gordon ph-lf 1 0 0 0 McGuire c 4 0 2 0Julien 2b 4 2 3 2 Casas 1b 2 1 0 0Miranda 3b 4 1 1 1 Ja.Duran lf 3 1 1 1Gallo 1b 5 1 2 3 Valdez 2b 4 0 2 0Jeffers c 4 0 0 0 Taylor cf 4 0 0 0 Totals 37 10 9 10 Totals 32 4 7 3 Minnesota 304 003 000 — 10Boston 001 011 001 — 4E Valdez (1). DP Minnesota 1, Boston 0. LOB Minnesota 6, Boston 6. 2B Buxton (2), Kepler (1), Ja.Duran (3), McGuire (4). HR Julien (2), Gallo (4), Larnach (2), Hernández (3). SF Ja.Duran (1). IP H R ER BB SOMinnesota Ryan W,4-0 6 6 3 3 1 3 Headrick S,1-1 3 1 1 1 2 3 Boston Kluber L,0-4 5 6 7 7 2 4 Brasier 1 3 3 3 1 1 Bleier 2 0 0 0 0 1 Ort 1 0 0 0 1 0 HBP Kluber 2 (Kepler,Julien), Ryan (Ver dugo).Umpires Home, Tripp Gibson; First, Bren nan Miller; Second, Mark Carlson; Third, Jordan Baker.T 2:37. A 30,027 (37,755). SAN FRANCISCO 5, MIAMI 2 (11) San Francisco Miami ab r h bi ab r h bi Estrada ss 5 1 1 0 Chisholm cf 6 0 1 0Flores 1b 5 1 1 0 Cooper 1b 5 0 1 1Ruf dh 2 0 1 1 Sánchez pr 0 0 0 0Conforto ph 2 1 1 2 Arraez 2b 5 0 1 0Davis 3b 5 0 1 0 Soler dh 3 0 1 0Villar 2b 5 1 1 0 De Cruz lf 5 0 1 0Ystrzemk cf 5 1 1 2 García rf 5 1 1 0Bart c 2 0 0 0 Berti 3b 5 0 1 1Ramos lf 4 0 0 0 Stallings c 4 0 1 0Wisely cf 0 0 0 0 Fortes pr-c 1 0 0 0Wade Jr. rf 4 0 0 0 Hampson ss 4 1 2 0Totals 39 5 7 5 Totals 43 2 10 2San Francisco 000 100 000 04 — 5Miami 000 010 000 01 — 2LOB San Francisco 8, Miami 15. 2B Ruf (2), Villar (3), Berti (2). HR Conforto (4), Yas trzemski (4). SB Hampson (1), Arraez (1), Chisholm Jr. (6). IP H R ER BB SO San Francisco Cobb 5 7 1 1 1 8Brebbia 1 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 2 Alexander 1 0 0 0 0 1 Ty.Rogers 1 1 / 3 2 0 0 0 1 Doval W,1-2 1 1 / 3 0 0 0 2 2 Hjelle 1 / 3 1 1 0 1 1 Ta.Rogers S,1-1 2 / 3 0 0 0 0 1 Miami Tr.Rogers 3 3 1 1 1 3 Soriano 2 1 0 0 1 1 Barnes 1 0 0 0 0 2 Nardi 2 / 3 0 0 0 1 0 Brazoban 1 2 / 3 0 0 0 0 2 Scott 1 2 / 3 0 0 0 0 2 Smeltzer L,0-1 1 3 4 3 0 1 Alexander pitched to 1 batter in the 8th, Tr.Rogers pitched to 2 batters in the 4th.HBP Nardi (Bart), Smeltzer (Bart), Ta.Rog ers (Cooper). WP Cobb.Umpires Home, Charlie Ramos; First, Alfonso Marquez; Second, Doug Eddings; Third, Lance Barrett.T 3:37. A 8,272 (37,446). SAN DIEGO 1, ATLANTA 0 Atlanta San Diego ab r h bi ab r h bi Acuña Jr. rf 3 0 1 0 Grisham cf 3 0 0 0Olson 1b 4 0 0 0 Machado 3b 4 0 1 0 Riley 3b 3 0 0 0 Soto lf 4 1 2 1Murphy c 3 0 0 0 Bogaerts ss 4 0 1 0Rosario dh 3 0 0 0 Carpenter dh 2 0 0 0Ozuna ph 1 0 0 0 Cronenw 1b 3 0 1 0Albies 2b 4 0 0 0 Kim 2b 2 0 0 0Grissom ss 3 0 0 0 Nola c 3 0 0 0Hilliard cf 3 0 2 0 Azocar rf 3 0 1 0Pillar lf 3 0 1 0 Totals 30 0 4 0 Totals 28 1 6 1Atlanta 000 000 000 — 0San Diego 000 100 00x — 1DP Atlanta 1, San Diego 0. LOB Atlanta 6, San Diego 6. 2B Cronenworth (5). HR Soto (4). SB Acuña Jr. (8), Hilliard (3). IP H R ER BB SOAtlanta Morton L,2-2 6 5 1 1 3 5 Jiménez 1 0 0 0 0 2 Lee 1 1 0 0 0 1 San Diego Martinez W,1-1 7 3 0 0 2 6 García H,6 2 / 3 1 0 0 0 2 Hill H,2 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 0 Hader S,5-5 1 0 0 0 1 1 Umpires Home, Roberto Ortiz; First, Rob Drake; Second, Bill Miller; Third, Chad Whit son.T 2:13. A 29,581 (40,222). N.Y. METS 5, L.A. DODGERS 3 New York Los Angeles ab r h bi ab r h bi Nimmo cf 5 2 5 2 Outman cf 5 0 1 0Marte rf 3 0 0 0 Freeman 1b 3 1 0 0Canha lf 2 0 1 2 Martinez dh 3 0 1 1Lindor ss 4 1 1 0 Taylor pr 0 0 0 0Alonso 1b 4 0 1 0 Muncy 3b 1 0 0 0McNeil lf-rf 3 0 0 0 Heyward rf 4 1 1 0Vogelbac dh 3 0 0 0 Vargas 2b 4 0 1 0Pham ph 0 0 0 1 Peralta lf 3 1 1 2Baty 3b 3 0 0 0 Williams ss 3 0 0 0Álvarez c 4 1 2 0 Hernándz ph 1 0 0 0Guillorme 2b 3 1 1 0 Wynns c 3 0 0 0 Thompsn ph 1 0 0 0Totals 34 5 11 5 Totals 31 3 5 3 New York 000 020 012 — 5Los Angeles 000 100 011 — 3DP New York 0, Los Angeles 2. LOB New York 7, Los Angeles 7. 2B Lindor (7), Canha (5), Heyward (1), Martinez (8). HR Nimmo (1), Peralta (1). SF Pham (1), Peralta (1). IP H R ER BB SONew York Scherzer 3 1 0 0 2 3Yacabonis W,2-0 2 2 / 3 2 1 1 1 1 Brigham H,1 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 0 Smith H,6 1 0 0 0 0 1Robertson H,2 1 1 1 1 2 1Ottavino S,3-3 1 1 1 1 0 1Los Angeles Syndergaard L,0-3 6 5 2 2 2 2Vesia 2 / 3 2 0 0 1 2 Almonte 1 / 3 2 1 1 0 0 Bruihl 1 0 0 0 0 0Miller 1 2 2 2 1 0WP Robertson.HBP Almonte.Umpires Home, Dan Bellino; First, Phil Cuzzi; Second, Mark Ripperger; Third, Shane Livensparger.T 2:51. A 43,990 (56,000). PITTSBURGH 14, COLORADO 3 Pittsburgh Colorado ab r h bi ab r h bi Hayes 3b 6 2 2 0 Profar lf 3 0 0 0Reynolds lf 4 0 0 0 Blackmon rf 4 0 0 0Bae cf 1 1 1 0 Bryant dh 1 1 0 0McCutch dh 5 2 2 2 Montero ph 1 0 0 0Marcano ph 1 0 1 1 Daza cf 0 1 0 0Santana 1b 4 3 2 1 McMahn 3b 5 0 3 1Smith rf 1 0 0 1 Moustak 1b 3 1 0 1Joe rf-1b 5 3 3 1 Trejo 2b 4 0 1 0R.Castro ss 6 2 2 4 H.Castro cf 4 0 1 1Mathias 2b 4 1 2 1 Tovar ss 3 0 0 0Suwinski cf 2 0 0 1 Serven c 4 0 0 0Delay c 5 0 3 2 Totals 44 14 18 14 Totals 32 3 5 3 Pittsburgh 540 003 002 — 14Colorado 000 100 011 — 3E Mathias (2), R.Castro (3). DP Pittsburgh 1, Colorado 0. LOB Pittsburgh 10, Colorado 11. 2B Hayes (5), McCutchen (4), Joe (5), Mathias (1), Delay (3), Marcano (1), McMa hon (6). HR McCutchen (4), R.Castro (2). SF Suwinski (2), Moustakas (2). IP H R ER BB SOPittsburgh Oviedo W,2-1 6 3 1 1 3 6 Ramirez 2 1 1 1 2 2 Moreta 1 1 1 1 2 0 Colorado Gomber L,0-4 2 9 9 9 3 1 Bird 3 1 0 0 1 4 Blach 2 6 3 3 0 1 Bard 1 0 0 0 0 0 H.Castro 1 2 2 2 1 0 HBP Ramirez (Tovar), H.Castro (Joe).Umpires Home, Adam Beck; First, Clint Vondrak; Second, Gabe Morales; Third, Dan Iassogna.T 2:32. A 18,511 (50,144). MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL STANDINGS AND SCORES April 20 1912 – Fenway Park was opened in Boston and the Red Sox defeated the visit ing New York Highlanders, later known as the Yankees, 7-6 in 11 innings. Tiger Sta dium in Detroit also opened its doors as the Tigers defeated the Cleveland Indians 6-5. 1916 – The Chicago Cubs played their first game at Weeghman Park – renamed Wrigley Field in 1926 – defeating the Cincinnati Reds 7-6 in 11 innings. 1939 – In his first major league game, Ted Williams hit a 400-foot double in four at-bats as the Boston Red Sox lost 2-0 to New York at Yankee Stadium. 1967 – Tom Seaver of the New York Mets recorded his first major league victory with a 6-1 triumph over the Chicago Cubs. Seaver went 7.2 innings and gave up eight hits and one run. 1988 – The slumping Bal timore Orioles set a major league record with their 14th straight defeat at the start of the season, losing to the Milwaukee Brewers 8-6. 1990 – Seattle’s Brian Holman lost his bid for baseball’s 13th perfect game with two outs in the ninth inning on Ken Phelps’ pinch-hit home run in the Mariners’ 6-1 victory over the Oakland Athletics. 1997 – The Chicago Cubs stopped their season-open ing losing streak at 14 games, rallying in the sixth inning to beat the New York Mets 4-3 in the second game of a doubleheader. The Mets won the opener 8-2. Chicago’s 0-14 start set a National League record and was the second worst behind the 1988 Bal timore Orioles, who began 0-21. 2001 – Carlos Delgado of the Blue Jays hit three homers for the second time this season, as Toronto beat the Kansas City Royals 12-4. 2006 – Julio Franco became the oldest player in major league history to hit a home run when he hit a two-run, pinch-hit shot in the eighth inning to help the New York Mets rally for a 7-2 win over San Diego. THIS DATE IN BASEBALLScherzer ejected for sticky stuff, says only rosin, sweat By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS LOS ANGELES — Max Scher zer was ejected in the fourth in ning after the umpires’ custom ary check of his glove, but New York’s bullpen came through and Brandon Nimmo went 5 for 5 in the Mets’ 5-3 victory over the slumping Los Angeles Dodgers on Wednesday. Nimmo hit a two-run homer off Noah Syndergaard (0-3) in the fth inning, and he singled and scored on Mark Canha’s two-run double in the ninth to complete his second career ve-hit game. Five Mets relievers lled in re sourcefully for Scherzer, who was furious when umpire Phil Cuzzi tossed him following the inspec tion of his glove. Scherzer yelled “It’s rosin!” at umpires when was ejected after three scoreless in nings of one-hit ball. Jimmy Yacabonis (2-0) pitched 2 2 / 3 innings of two-hit ball af ter getting the abrupt call to the mound following Scherzer’s ejec tion. Adam Ottavino got his third save. Guardians 3, Tigers 2 DETROIT – José Ramírez blasted a three-run homer off Spencer Turnbull (1-3) in the sixth inning. Detroit had won five straight after a 2-9 start. The game was played in cold conditions again. Paul Quantrill (1-1) allowed four hits over six shutout innings, then left after Kerry Carpenter’s line drive hit him on a leg. Emmanuel Clase pitching the ninth for his sixth save. Giants 5, Marlins 2, 11 innings MIAMI – Michael Conforto and Mike Yastrzemski hit two-run homers off Devin Smeltzer (0-1) in the 11th inning as San Francisco stopped a five-game losing streak. Miami had won six of its previous seven games Camilo Doval (1-2) got three outs in the 10th around intentional walks to Luis Arraez and Jorge Soler. Doval struck out Bryan De La Cruz and Avisail Garcia to end Miami’s threat. Taylor Rogers entered with two on and one out, struck out Jazz Chisholm Jr. and hit Garrett Cooper with a pitch. Rogers then retired Arraez on a groundout for his first save this year. Cardinals 14, Diamondbacks 5 ST. LOUIS – Tommy Edman had a three-run homer with a career-best five RBIs and Nolan Gorman hit his first big league grand slam as St. Louis Cardinals avoided a three-game sweep. Madison Bumgarner (0-3) allowed seven runs, seven hits and four walks in three innings. The 33-year-old left-hander’s ERA rose from 7.90 to 10.26 in four starts. St. Louis set a season high for runs, scoring three or more runs in four innings. Jake Woodford (1-2) earned his first win as a starter since last Aug. 23, allow ing four runs and eight hits in five innings. Rangers 12, Royals 3 KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Jonah Heim hit a three-run homer, Marcus Semien had three hits and drove in a pair of runs. Texas won its fourth straight. Martin Pérez (3-1) allowed three runs on eight hits over 5 2 / 3 innings. Kansas City has been outscored 52-15 while losing six straight games and is 4-15 under first-year manager Matt Qua traro. Brady Singer (1-2) allowed five runs, six hits and three walks in five innings. Phillies 5, White Sox 2 CHICAGO – Trea Turner hit his first home run for Philadelphia after leaving the Los Angeles Dodgers for a $300 million, 11-year contract, then singled and scored in the third and capped a two-run fourth with an RBI double. Brandon Marsh also went deep. Taijuan Walker (2-1) gave up two runs and five hits in 6 1 / 3 innings, and José Alvarado pitched the ninth for his second save. Mike Clevinger (2-1) gave up three runs and six hits in three innings as the White Sox lost for the sixth time in eight games. Pirates 14, Rockies 3 DENVER – Rodolfo Castro hit a 458-foot homer and drove in four runs as Pitts burgh completed a three-game sweep in which it outscored Colorado 33-9. Colorado has lost eight straight games and is a National League-worst 5-14. The game drew 18,511, the smallest crowd for a Coors Field game with unrestricted tick et sales since 18,341 on April 18, 2013. Andrew McCutchen put the Pirates ahead in the first with an RBI double off Austin Gomber (0-4) and hit a 442-foot home run in the second as Pittsburgh took a 9-0 lead. Johan Oviedo (2-1) gave up one run and three hits in six innings. Cubs 12, Athletics 2 OAKLAND, Calif. – Dansby Swanson scored the tiebreaking run standing up on an infield grounder to spark a four-run sixth inning, and Chicago finished a three-game sweep. The A’s have lost seven straight and at 3-16 are mired in their poorest 19-game start since the 1951 Philadelphia A’s. Eric Hosmer hit his first home run since last July 29 for San Diego, and Patrick Wisdom had a two-run triple. Justin Steele (3-0) struck out five in six innings, allowing two runs – one earned – and four hits. Mason Miller made his major league debut and allowed two runs, four hits and one walk with five strikeouts in 4 1 / 3 innings. Padres 1, Braves 0 SAN DIEGO – Juan Soto homered off Charlie Morton (2-2) leading off the fourth, his fourth homer of the season, stopping Atlanta’s eight-game inning streak. The Braves were blanked for the first time this season. Nick Martinez (1-1) allowed three hits in seven innings, and Josh Hader pitched the ninth for his fifth save. Hader, who can reach 100 mph, walked one batter but escaped the mini jam. San Diego won for just the second time in eight games and will welcome back superstar Fernando Tatis Jr. on Thursday in the opening game of a four-game series at Arizona. Tatis finished an 80-game PED suspension on Wednesday. Brewers 5, Mariners 3 SEATTLE – Eric Lauer (3-1) allowed just four hits over 7 2 / 3 innings as Milwaukee finished a three-game sweep, giving up Julio Rodríguez’s two-run homer in the third. Brice Turang hit a go-ahead single in a five-run seventh off Matt Brash (1-2), who relieved Marco Gonzales with two on and a 2-0 lead. Matt Bush got two outs for his first save this season. Orioles 4, Nationals 0 WASHINGTON – Kyle Bradish (1-0) allowed five hits over six innings in his return from a bruised left foot n April 3, combining with four relievers to extend Baltimore’s scoreless streak to 26 innings. Adam Frazier hit a two-run homer in the fourth off MacKenzie Gore (2-1). Washington has lost six of seven. The Orioles are on a season-high three-game winning streak. Twins 10, Red Sox 4 BOSTON – Joey Gallo hit a three-run homer in his return from the injured list, and Trevor Larnach and Edouard Julien also homered. Gallo, who missed 10 games with a right intercostal strain, had two hits and Larnach had a three-run homer and four RBIs. Joe Ryan (4-0) allowed three runs and six hits in six innings and Brent Headrick got a save in his major league debut, giv ing up one run and one hit in three innings. Corey Kluber (0-4) gave up seven runs and six hits in five innings, his ERA jump ing to 8.50. Ashley Landis / AP New York Mets starting pitcher Max Scherzer, left, is ejected from the game as he and manager Buck Showalter dis pute a call from umpires Phil Cuzzi, center, and Dan Bellino after they found a problem with Scherzer’s glove during the fourth inning of Wednesday’s game in Los Angeles. The Mets won, 5-3.


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 20, 2023 B3 NHL FIRST ROUND (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) EASTERN CONFERENCE Boston 1, Florida 1 Monday, April 17: Boston 3, Florida 1Wednesday, April 19: Florida 6, Boston 3Friday, April 21: Boston at Florida, 7:30 p.m.Sunday, April 23: Boston at Florida, 3:30 p.m.Wednesday, April 26: Florida at Boston, TBAx-Friday, April 28: Boston at Florida, TBAx-Sunday, April 30: Florida at Boston, TBA Tampa Bay 1, Toronto 0 Tuesday, April 18: Tampa Bay 7, Toronto 3Thursday, April 20: Tampa Bay at Toronto, 7 p.m.Saturday, April 22: Toronto at Tampa Bay, 7 p.m.Monday, April 24: Toronto at Tampa Bay, 7:30 p.m.x-Thursday, April 27: Tampa Bay at Toronto, TBAx-Saturday, April 29: Toronto at Tampa Bay, TBAx-Monday, May 1: Tampa Bay at Toronto, TBA Tuesday, April 18 N.Y. Rangers 5, New Jersey 1, N.Y. Rangers leads series 1–0Winnipeg 5, Vegas 1, Winnipeg leads series 1–0Seattle 3, Colorado 1, Seattle leads series 1–0 Wednesday, April 19 Carolina 4, N.Y. Islanders 3, OT, Carolina leads series 2–0Minnesota at DallasLos Angeles at Edmonton Thursday, April 20 Tampa Bay at Toronto, 7 p.m.N.Y. Rangers at New Jersey, 7:30 p.m.Seattle at Colorado, 9:30 p.m.Winnipeg at Vegas, 10 p.m. Friday, April 21 Carolina at N.Y. Islanders, 7 p.m.Boston at Florida, 7:30 p.m.Dallas at Minnesota, 9:30 p.m.Edmonton at Los Angeles, 10 p.m. Saturday, April 22 Vegas at Winnipeg, 4 p.m.Toronto at Tampa Bay, 7 p.m.New Jersey at N.Y. Rangers, 8 p.m.Colorado at Seattle, 10 p.m. Sunday, April 23 Carolina at N.Y. Islanders, 1 p.m.Boston at Florida, 3:30 p.m.Dallas at Minnesota, 6:30 p.m.Edmonton at Los Angeles, 9 p.m. Monday, April 24 New Jersey at N.Y. Rangers, 7 p.m.Toronto at Tampa Bay, 7:30 p.m.Vegas at Winnipeg, 9:30 p.m.Colorado at Seattle, 10 p.m. Tuesday, April 25 x-N.Y. Islanders at Carolina, TBAx-Los Angeles at Edmonton, TBAx-Minnesota at Dallas, TBA Wednesday, April 26 Florida at Boston, TBAx-Seattle at Colorado, TBA Thursday, April 27 x-N.Y. Rangers at New Jersey, TBAx-Tampa Bay at Toronto, TBAx-Winnipeg at Vegas, TBA Friday, April 28 x-Boston at Florida, TBAx-Carolina at N.Y. Islanders, TBAx-Dallas at Minnesota, TBAx-Colorado at Seattle, TBA Saturday, April 29 x-New Jersey at N.Y. Rangers, TBAx-Toronto at Tampa Bay, TBAx-Edmonton at Los Angeles, TBAx-Vegas at Winnipeg, TBA Sunday, April 30 x-Florida at Boston, TBAx-N.Y. Islanders at Carolina, TBAx-Minnesota at Dallas, TBAx-Seattle at Colorado, TBA Monday, May 1 x-N.Y. Rangers at New Jersey, TBAx-Tampa Bay at Toronto, TBAx-Los Angeles at Edmonton, TBAx-Winnipeg at Vegas, TBA NBA FIRST ROUND (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Tuesday, April 18 Boston 119, Atlanta 106, Boston leads se ries 2–0Cleveland 107, New York 90, series tied 1–1Phoenix 123, L.A. Clippers 109, series tied 1–1 Wednesday, April 19 Memphis 103, L.A. Lakers 93, series tied 1–1Miami at MilwaukeeMinnesota at Denver Thursday, April 20 Phila. at Brooklyn, 7:30 p.m.Sacramento at Golden State, 10 p.m.Phoenix at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 p.m. Friday, April 21 Boston at Atlanta, 7 p.m.Cleveland at New York, 8:30 p.m.Denver at Minnesota, 9:30 p.m. Saturday, April 22 Phila. at Brooklyn, 1 p.m.Phoenix at L.A. Clippers, 3:30 p.m.Milwaukee at Miami, 7:30 p.m.Memphis at L.A. Lakers, 10 p.m. Sunday, April 23 Cleveland at New York, 1 p.m.Sacramento at Golden State, 3:30 p.m.Boston at Atlanta, 7 p.m.Denver at Minnesota, 9:30 p.m. Monday, April 24 Milwaukee at Miami, TBAx-Brooklyn at Phila., TBAMemphis at L.A. Lakers, 10 p.m. Tuesday, April 25 x-Atlanta at Boston, TBAL.A. Clippers at Phoenix, TBAx-Minnesota at Denver, TBA Wednesday, April 26 x-Miami at Milwaukee, TBANew York at Cleveland, TBAx-Golden State at Sacramento, TBAx-L.A. Lakers at Memphis, TBA Thursday, April 27 x-Boston at Atlanta, TBAx-Phila. at Brooklyn, TBAx-Phoenix at L.A. Clippers, TBAx-Denver at Minnesota, TBA Friday, April 28 x-Milwaukee at Miami, TBAx-Cleveland at New York, TBAx-Sacramento at Golden State, TBAx-Memphis at L.A. Lakers, TBA Saturday, April 29 x-Atlanta at Boston, TBAx-Brooklyn at Phila., TBAx-L.A. Clippers at Phoenix, TBAx-Minnesota at Denver, TBA Sunday, April 30 x-Miami at Milwaukee, TBAx-New York at Cleveland, TBAx-Golden State at Sacramento, TBAx-L.A. Lakers at Memphis, TBA TRANSACTIONS BASEBALL Major League Baseball American League BALTIMORE ORIOLES — Reinstated RHP Kyle Bradish from the 15-day IL. Optioned RHP Logan Gillaspie to Norfolk (IL).BOSTON RED SOX — Placed INF Yu Chang on the paternity list. Recalled INF/OF Em manuel Valdez from Worcester (IL). Sent RHP Jake Faria outright to Worcester (IL).CHICAGO WHITE SOX — Agreed to terms with RHP Nash Walters on a minor league contract. Returned RHP Nicholas Padilla to Charlotte (IL).CLEVELAND GUARDIANS — Sent LHP Sam Hentges to Akron (EL) on a rehab assign ment. Recalled SS Brayan Rocchio from Co lumbus (IL). Optioned RHP Hunter Gaddis to Columbus. Optioned LHP Konnor Pilkington to Columbus (IL).DETROIT TIGERS — Returned RHP Will Vest to Toledo (IL).MINNESOTA TWINS — Reinstated OF Joey Gallo from the 10-day IL. Optioned OF Kyle Garlick to St. Paul (IL).OAKLAND ATHLETICS — Placed RHP Trevor May on the 15-day IL and CF Ramon Laure ano on the 10-day IL. Transferred RHP Dany Jimenez from the 15-day IL to the 60-day IL. Selected the contract of RHP Mason Miller from Las Vegas (PCL) and reinstated him the from the 15-day IL. Recalled 3B Jordan Diaz from Las Vegas. Sent RHP Domingo Acevedo to Las Vegas on a rehab assignment.SEATTLE MARINERS — Sent LHP Tommy Milone outright to Tacoma (PCL). National League CINCINNATI REDS — Optioned RHP Casey Legumina to Louisville (IL). Recalled RHP Levi Stoudt from Louisville.COLORADO ROCKIES — Reinstated RHP Daniel Bard from the 15-day IL. Optioned RHP Peter Lambert to Albuquerque (PCL).MILWAUKEE BREWERS — Placed OF Gar rett Mitchell on the 10-day IL. Recalled CF Blake Perkins from Nashville (IL).LOS ANGELES DODGERS — Reinstated INF Yonny Hernandez from the 10-day IL. Placed INF Miguel Rojas o the 10-day IL. MLB 1:30 p.m. (MLBN): Minnesota Twins at Boston Red Sox4:30 p.m. (MLBN): L os Angeles Angels at New York Yan kees or Colorado Rockies at Philadelphia Phillies7:30 p.m. (MLBN): Los Angeles Dodgers at Chicago Cubs or Colorado Rockies at Philadelphia Phillies10:30 p.m. (MLBN): New York Mets at San Francisco Giants or San Diego Padres at Arizona Diamondbacks COLLEGE BASEBALL 7 p.m. (SEC): Arkansas at Georgia 7:30 p.m. (ESPNU): Florida at South Carolina COLLEGE SOFTBALL 7 p.m. (ESPN2): Florida State at Virginia Tech 9 p.m. (ESPN2): Oklahoma State at Texas NBA PLAYOFFS 7:30 p.m. (TNT): Philadelphia 76ers at Brooklyn Nets 10 p.m. (TNT): Sacramento Kings at Golden State War riors10:30 p.m. (NBATV): Phoenix Suns at Los Angeles Clip pers COLLEGE FOOTBALL 8:30 p.m. (BIGTEN): Illinois Spring Game GOLF 11 a.m. (GOLF): LPGA Tour The Chevron Championship, First Round3 p.m. (GOLF): PGA Tour Zurich Classic of New Orleans, First Round11 p.m. (GOLF): DP World Tour ISPS Handa Champion ship, Second Round NHL PLAYOFFS 7 p.m. (SUN, ESPN): Tampa Bay Lightning at Toronto Maple Leafs7:30 p.m. (TBS): New York Rangers at New Jersey Devils9:30 p.m. (ESPN): Seattle Kraken at Colorado Avalanche 10 p.m. (TBS): Winnipeg Jets at Vegas Golden Knights HOCKEY 10 a.m. (NHL): 2023 IIHF U-18 Men’s World Champion ship United States vs. Latvia BOYS TENNIS Region 2A-3 Final3 p.m.: Crystal River at Citrus GIRLS TENNIS Region 3A-2 Final3 p.m.: Lecanto at Ponte Vedra TRACK AND FIELD District 2A-6 Meet at The Villages12 p.m.: Crystal River FLAG FOOTBALL District 1A-5 Final at Tarpon Springs7 p.m.: Crystal River vs TBD BOYS VOLLEYBALL 5 p.m.: ZCA at Seven Rivers BASEBALL 7 p.m.: Seven Rivers at Weeki Wachee 7 p.m.: The Villages at Lecanto SOFTBALL 7 p.m.: Central at Citrus 7 p.m.: Lecanto at Hernando 7 p.m.: Weeki Wachee at Crystal River ON THE AIRWAVES PREP CALENDAR LOTTERY NUMBERS POWERBALL Monday, April 17, 2023 23-25-35-63-64-25-x3 Next Jackpot: Wednesday, April 19, 2023 $251 MILLIONMEGA MILLIONS Tuesday, April 18, 2023 7-9-15-19-25-4-x2 Winning Numbers Next Jackpot: Friday, April 21, 2023 $20 MILLIONLOTTO Saturday, April 15, 2023 1-2-28-29-38-44 Next Jackpot: Wednesday, April 19, 2023 $28.25 MILLIONCASH 4 LIFE Tuesday, April 18, 2023 8-12-16-18-21-4 Winning Numbers Top Prize: Wednesday, April 19, 2023 $1,000/DAY FOR LIFEJACKPOT TRIPLE PLAY Tuesday, April 18, 2023 11-16-24-41-42-43 Winning Numbers Next Jackpot: Friday, April 21, 2023 $1.75 MILLION CASH POPWednesday, April 19, 2023 Morning -8 Wednesday, April 19, 2023 Matinee -7 Tuesday, April 18, 2023 Afternoon -11 Tuesday, April 18, 2023 Evening -11 Tuesday, April 18, 2023 Late Night -6 FANTASY 5 Wednesday, April 19, 2023 Midday -2-5-13-25-27 Tuesday, April 18, 2023 Evening -9-12-30-32-36PICK 5 Wednesday, April 19, 2023 2-1-6-6-5 3 Tuesday, April 18, 2023 8-8-2-1-6 4PICK 4 Wednesday, April 19, 2023 4-7-5-9 3 Tuesday, April 18, 2023 3-4-6-7 4PICK 3Wednesday, April 19, 2023 8-2-0 3 Tuesday, April 18, 2023 1-5-5 4 PICK 2Wednesday, April 19, 2023 9-9 3 Tuesday, April 18, 2023 0-9 4 Chassahowitzka* Crystal River** Homosassa*** Withlacoochee*7:24 a.m. 1:56 a.m. 7:04 p.m. 1:04 p.m. 5:36 a.m. 11:43 a.m. 5:17 p.m. ———— 6:51 a.m. 1:31 a.m. 6:05 p.m. 12:49 p.m. 3:02 a.m. 9:42 a.m. 2:36 p.m. 10:14 p.m.THURS 4/20FRI 4/21 SAT 4/22SUN 4/23MON 4/24TUES 4/25WED 4/26 High/Low High/Low High/Low High/Low8:02 a.m. 2:50 a.m. 7:42 p.m. 1:02 p.m. 6:16 a.m. 12:24 a.m. 5:51 p.m. 12:17 p.m. 7:26 a.m. 2:20 a.m. 6:28 p.m. 12:48 p.m. 3:47 a.m. 10:14 a.m. 3:05 p.m. 10:55 p.m. 8:36 a.m. 3:43 a.m. 8:21 p.m. 1:04 p.m. 6:53 a.m. 1:05 a.m. 6:26 p.m. 12:49 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 3:06 a.m. 6:52 p.m. 12:54 p.m. 4:31 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 3:34 p.m. 11:34 p.m. 9:09 a.m. 4:35 a.m. 9:03 p.m. 1:17 p.m. 7:31 a.m. 1:44 a.m. 7:02 p.m. 1:18 p.m. 8:34 a.m. 3:51 a.m. 7:20 p.m. 1:13 p.m. 5:16 a.m. 11:17 a.m. 4:06 p.m. ———— 9:42 a.m. 5:29 a.m. 9:49 p.m. 1:38 p.m. 8:11 a.m. 2:25 a.m. 7:42 p.m. 1:46 p.m. 9:14 a.m. 4:40 a.m. 7:53 p.m. 1:43 p.m. 6:01 a.m. 12:14 a.m. 4:40 p.m. 11:51 a.m. 10:17 a.m. 6:27 a.m. 10:40 p.m. 2:06 p.m. 8:56 a.m. 3:10 a.m. 8:28 p.m. 2:13 p.m. 10:10 a.m. 5:46 a.m. 8:33 p.m. 2:24 p.m. 6:49 a.m. 12:56 a.m. 5:20 p.m. 12:28 p.m. 10:58 a.m. 7:29 a.m. 11:36 p.m. 2:39 p.m. 9:47 a.m. 4:03 a.m. 9:23 p.m. 2:41 p.m. 11:47 a.m. 7:12 a.m. 9:22 p.m. 3:20 p.m. 7:42 a.m. 1:41 a.m. 6:08 p.m. 1:15 p.m. *From mouths of rivers. **At Kings Bay. ***At Mason’s Creek. Tide charts Drew Rasmussen (3-1), given an early cushion, al lowed three hits and three walks in ve innings with seven strikeouts. Josh Fleming pitched three in nings and Fairbanks n ished a ve-hitter. “It’s electrifying,” Ras mussen said of Tampa Bay’s offense. “When you get six in the rst, you can’t complain. It’s awesome. We’ve got a lot of depth. It’s a terrifying lineup.” Cincinnati dropped to a season-worst four games under .500 at 7-11 and was held scoreless in consec utive games for the rst time since three in a row in April 2019 against Mil waukee and Pittsburgh. The Reds totaled nine hits in their last two games, all singles. Randy Arozarena had three hits and is hitting .333 for the Rays, who have won three of four following con secutive losses. “When we lost those two games, we didn’t hit very well, but we came back,” Díaz said through a trans lator. “You have to keep battling.” Stoudt (0-1), a 25-yearold right-hander acquired from Seattle in last sum mer’s trade that sent Luis Castillo to the Mariners, al lowed seven runs, nine hits and one walk in four in nings with three strikeouts, leaving him with a 15.75 ERA. He threw 36 pitches in a top of the rst that took 16 minutes. “It was kind of a haze,” Stoudt said. “The rst in ning, I kind of came out of it, like what happened. There were a lot of emo tions. The game sped up on me a little bit. I think the biggest thing is I came back and fought through those last three innings. I am going to take away the positives.” Díaz turned on an up slid er and drove a line drive over the left-eld wall for his sixth homer this season, Tampa Bay’s big league-high 42nd. The Mariners have homered in each of their rst 19 games, one behind the record for a sea-son’s start set by the 2020 Mariners. Isaac Paredes had an RBI double, Josh Lowe a two-run single and Manu el Margot an RBI double. Stoudt also balked home a run. “We take the same ap proach – see the pitch and attack it – and that’s we did,” Díaz said.Leadoff popDíaz’s leadoff homer was his second of the season and sixth of his career. He led off with a homer against the Red Sox in a 9-3 win on April 13.Trainer’s roomRays: SS Wander Fran co got Wednesday off after starting every Tampa Bay’s rst 18 games. Reds: RHP Lucas Sims made season debut after opening the season on the 15-day IL (lower back spasms) and walked his rst batter before retiring three in a row.Up nextRays: RHP Calvin Faucher (0-0) starts Fri day’s homestand opener against the Chicago White Sox. Reds: RHP Luke Weav er (0-0) is scheduled to be activated from the 15-day injured list (right forearm tightness) and start the opener of a four-game se ries on Thursday in Pitts burgh. RAYSFrom page B1 baseball teams in the Gulf Coast 8 Conference dropped league games to begin the week. Hernando improved to an impressive 17-3 on the season with a 12-0 victory at Lecanto (6-15). Citrus fell to 10-12 on the year with an 11-3 loss at home to Weeki Wachee. Crystal River fell to 1-16 on the season with a 7-4 loss at home to Nature Coast Tech. BRIEFSFrom page B1 play was expiring on Dmit ry Orlov’s shot that went in off Bertuzzi’s skate. ——— Hurricanes 4, Islanders 3 RALEIGH, N.C. — Jesper Fast took a cross-ice pass from Jordan Staal and beat Ilya Sorokin at 5:03 of overtime to lift Carolina past New York for a 2-0 lead in the Eastern Conference series. Staal’s pass came from the left side near the boards and found Fast loose on the right for the fin ish over Sorokin’s pad, ending a game that had seen Carolina blow a two-goal lead before rallying to force overtime. Paul Stastny, Stefan Noesen and Jaccob Slavin also scored for the Hurricanes, and Antti Raanta had 23 saves. Kyle Palmieri, Mathew Barzal and Brock Nelson scored for the Islanders, and Sorokin finished with 32 saves. Game 3 is Friday night in New York. TIEDFrom page B1 By TERESA M. WALKER Associated Press MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Xavier Tillman scored a career-high 22 points and had 13 rebounds, and the Memphis Grizzlies tied their rst-round Western Conference series at 1-1 Wednesday night by beat ing the Los Angeles Lakers 103-93 with All-Star guard Ja Morant sidelined by an injured hand. No. 2 seed Memphis sat Morant after he tested the right hand originally hurt April 7 in a win at Milwau kee and aggravated driving to the basket in the opening loss to the Lakers. He had more exams on the hand before being declared inac tive and watched from the bench with his hand ban daged. Morant’s teammates more than made up for his ab sence. The Grizzlies led by as much as 20 and had fans waving their towels chant ing “Whoop That Trick” with 30 seconds left with this series guaranteed a re turn to Memphis for Game 5. The Grizzlies were able to dribble out the nal sec onds for the win. Jaren Jackson Jr., the NBA’s Defensive Play er of the Year, scored 18 points for Memphis. Des mond Bane had 17, while Tyus Jones had 10 points and eight assists lling in for Morant. Dillon Brooks added 12 points and Luke Kennard had 13. LeBron James led the Lakers with 28 points and 12 rebounds. Reserve Rui Hachimura had another strong performance with 20 points. Anthony Davis struggled mightily after posting a double-double in the opener, going 4 of 14 and nishing with 13 points and eight rebounds. The Lakers, winners of 11 of their previous 13, had a four-game winning streak snapped. Now they head home for Game 3 on Satur day night after never lead ing by more than three, and that came on the rst points of the game. Memphis took control in the rst quarter with a 22-8 run, with back to-back 3s in the span of 10 seconds from rookie David Roddy, then Kennard, who also drew a foul for a four-point play. With Bane scoring 10 points, Memphis led 30-19 after the rst. Jackson made his rst 3 with 58 seconds left, and the Griz zlies went into the half up 59-44 after outscoring the Lakers 29-25 in the second. Hachimura scored 11 in the third and helped the Lakers trim a Memphis lead that reached 66-46 to 73-67. The Grizzlies n ished the quarter on a 10-4 run to push the lead to 83-71 going into the fourth. The Lakers never got closer than 94-88 in the nal quarter on a James’ layup with 3:10 remain ing. Memphis scored ve straight to push it back to double digits.Tip-insLakers: They wound up outrebounded 49-47, though they matched Mem phis’ scoring in the paint at 50 apiece despite be ing outscored there 38-20 in the rst half. ... Austin Reaves had 12 points after having 23 in the opener. He was 5 of 12 in this game. ... D’Angelo Russell had ve points, shooting 5 of 11 af ter having 19 in Game 1. Grizzlies: Jackson was presented his trophy as the NBA Defensive Player of the Year before tipoff. ... Injuries now have kept Morant out of four of the Grizzlies’ last ve playoff games, dating back to last year’s conference semi nals.X factorTillman had more points in the rst quarter than he managed in all of the open ing loss. He made his rst six shots before missing his seventh, a 3 trying to beat the buzzer that hit off the right rim. He nished with a season high in rebounds. Reserve John Konchar had his moment too, going way up to block all ball on a shot by Davis in the sec ond quarter.No Ja Morant, no problem as Grizzlies tie up Lakers at 1-1 NEW YORK METS — Reinstated RHP Tom my Hunter from the 15-day IL. Optioned RHP Denyi Reyes to Syracuse (IL).PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES — Returned RHP Yunior Marte to Lehigh Valley (IL).ST. LOUIS CARDINALS — Sent RHP Adam Wainwright to Springfield (TL) on a rehab assignment.SAN DIEGO PADRES — Placed RHP Nabil Crismatt on the 15-day IL. Recalled LHP Ray Kerr from El Paso (PCL).SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS — Placed LHP Alex Wood on the 15-day IL. Recalled RHP Tristan Beck from Sacramento (PCL). Ac quired OF Cal Stevenson from Oakland in exchange for cash considerations. Desig nated LHP Sam Long for assignment. Minor League Baseball Frontier League FLORENCE Y’ALLS — Signed INF Angel Garced.TROIS-RIVIERES AIGLES — Signed INF Brock Ephan and INF Nolan Machibroda. Released RHP Nathan Torres. FOOTBALL National Football League BALTIMORE RAVENS — Signed WR Tarik Black.PHILADELPHIA EAGLES — Signed WR Ol amide Zaccheaus.TENNESSEE TITANS — Signed WR Chris Moore. HOCKEY National Hockey League DALLAS STARS — Recalled LW Riley Tufte from Texas (AHL).MINNESOTA WILD — Recalled F Sammy Walker from Iowa (AHL).NASHVILLE PREDATORS — Reassigned G Tomas Vomacka from Norfolk (ECHL) to Milwaukee (AHL). ECHL CINCINNATI CYCONES — Placed D Andrew Nielsen on reserve.KANSAS CITY MAVERICKS — Activated R Ryan Harrison from reserve Placed F Luke Santerno on reserve. SOCCER Major League Soccer COLORADO RAPIDS — Named Fran Tay lor sporting director, Ruth Fahy president of club administration and compliance and Drew Moore elite player development coach.FC CINCINNATI — Acquired $175,000 in general allocation money (GAM) from Nash ville SC in exchange for a 2023 internation al roster slot. MLS Next Pro NEW YORK RED BULLS II — Signed G Aidan Stokes. National Women’s Soccer league KANSAS CITY CURRENT — Announced head coach Matt Power has been released. Named Carolina Sjoblom interim head coach. COLLEGE GEORGE MASON — Named Marvin Lewis athletic director.


B4 Thursday, April 20, 2023 Citrus County ChronicleA & P Dog parents bark at one another over sitterDEAR AMY: Several years ago, one of my neighbors asked if I would give her the name of my long-time (about 13 years at that point) dog sitter/walker. This neighbor said that she and her husband never traveled, so she would use the dog sitter only for oc-casional walks. I gave her the number.Now the neighbor and her husband have begun traveling and have been booking my dog sitter for a week (or longer peri-ods) sometimes a year in advance, so that I can no longer rely on the availability of the dog walker. This neighbor has also given the name and number of the sitter to another neigh-bor. I asked them, out of courtesy, to alert me a few weeks before they plan to use my dog sitter and to get a dog sitter of their own if I need my original sitter. They both say they won’t do this. They won’t even allow me to use my dog sitter to walk my dog while they are using the sitter for week-long stays. What is the etiquette in this situation? – Dognapped Woman DEAR DOGNAPPED: I understand how frustrating this is, but – a clari cation: This person is not your dog sitter, but a dog sitter who makes their living walking dogs and dog sitting for clients. This is not an etiquette question, but one of how to get your own needs met. You are one of this person’s clients, and – just like other clients – you will need to book your appointments well ahead of time in order to secure your slot in their increasingly crowded schedule. You should talk to the dog sitter and explore your options. Their other clients cannot insist that this person cannot walk dogs for other clients while dog sitting. It is the sitter’s responsibility to serve vari-ous clients responsibly. There are many in-home pet services advertising their business through vari-ous apps and websites. It might be time to nd a reliable backup for those times when your regular person is not available. DEAR AMY: A few years ago, I realized that I could afford to send small amounts of money, $25, $50 and, once in a while, $100 to worthy charitable organizations such as Doctors Without Borders, the National Geographic Society, Habitat for Humanity, etc. I am now practically buried by requests for money from the 30 or so charities I’m supporting, with letters coming two or three times a month, from each charity, long after I’ve sent in my yearly check. I recently took a massive box-load of these request letters to my recycling bin after an 18-day trip. It’s a terrible waste of paper and so hard on the environment. How can I make them stop? I thought of writing a letter that says I will donate one time a year and if you send me one extra appeal I will stop altogether, but I think that no human would ever see it and stop this inundation of paper. And an aside, I get mountains of return address labels that I’m now throwing away (I used to cut them up) and I wonder if this is a bad idea. Could someone get into my trash and use those return address labels for some nefarious reasons? By the way, even the museums I belong to do this same thing: long after you pay your membership fee, they keep hounding you. Managing all this junk mail is such a waste. Please help. – Buried in Santa Cruz DEAR BURIED: Charity Navigator ( has some helpful sugges-tions for how to stem the tide of unwanted and wasteful solicitations. Don’t give small amounts throughout the year, but a larger amount once a year. Go to the charity’s website, look for “mailing preferences” and ask for no so-licitations. Only donate to charities that have a veried “donor privacy” policy and won’t sell your information to other organizations. Contact the charity directly (by phone) and ask staff to immediately remove you from their mail solicitations. Notify them that if you receive any more paper solici-tations from them, your support will end. And yes, shred or destroy those mailing labels. DEAR AMY: “Sad and Suffering” was trying to control her partner’s life by claim-ing that she needed him to be with her every second while she underwent chemo treatments. He took his grandchildren away for a week for spring break. My re-action? Give me a break. – Disappointed DEAR DISAPPOINTED: So far I am the only person expressing sympathy toward this woman, who was coping with a new diagnosis. A CROSS 1 Empty spaces5 __ hug; family embrace 10 Gross14 Villain15 Line of travel16 Second to __; unequaled 17 __ canal; dental procedure 7DLORU·VMRE20 __ McMuffin; fastfood breakfast 21 Mimics22 Angry speeches23 Carnival attractions 25 End of the yr.26 Goes on a shopping spree 28 Confined31 Expenses32 Israeli seaport34 “Peter __”36 Too37 __ mignon38 Half a sextet39 Even score40 Fishing line holders 41 Electrical problem 42 Hateful44 Gratify45 Depressed46 See-through47 Deep chasm50 Flat-bottomed boat 51 Under the weather 54 Permanent giver57 Ma, for one´,FRXOGQ·WBB less!” 59 Chivalrous60 Owned by us61 Foam62 Snouts63 Does drugs DOWN 1 VP before Cheney 2 Very eager3 A dvanced; made headway 4 __ up; arrange5 Small fruits6 Film parts3LWFKHU·V delights 8 Western U.S. Indian 9 Part of MPH 10 Still whole11 Quarter, for one12 Shoelace problem 13 Hankerings19 Game venue21 Does first-grade math 24 Three __ nine is three 25 Skillful26 “Get lost!”6DON·VWDUJHW28 Holiday desserts29 Very funny30 Twosomes32 Rushes33 100%35 Memo79·V´)DPLO\BBµ38 Yo u, to Shakespeare 40 Cut of pork41 Slaughtered+DVBBLVQ·W okay emotionally 44 Verizon store display 46 Climb47 Basics48 Boyfriend .LGV·SOD\DUHD2QO\FKLOG·VODFN52 Early harp*DPEOHU·VZRH55 Sleepover spot3LJHRQ·VFU\´BB&DQ·W+XUU\ Love”; Supremes song © 2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved.Created by Jacqueline E. Mathews 4/20/23Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved 4/20/23 (Answers tomorrow) ADMIT RAINY SOCCER UNTOLD



B6 Thursday, April 20, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle Email: Website: To place an ad, call (352) 563-5966 SAR002800 Sell Your Car 6 Lines*In Print & Online10 Days ......................$25.00 20 Days ......................$40.00 Run Until It Sells .........$65.00*$2.00 each additional line, 1 vehicle per adPREPAY – NOT REFUNDABLE ANNOUNCEMENTS ElderlyMother&Family lookingforhouseormobile hometorent/rentoptiontobuy inCitrusCounty Callafter10am352-364-2143 orRelator352-512-2894 IBUY,jewelry,silver,gold, paintings,instruments, records,antiques,coins, watches&MORE! 352-454-0068 Inneedofahandymanforrepairsaroundmyhomeand someonetechsavytoassist withtheinternetnotworking properlyonmycellphone. Call 352.453.6991 LOST 2PITBULLS Onemalemostlybrown withwhitearoundneck andpawsandone femalemostlywhite withbrownspots.Last seenaroundHwy44& 491onApril14.Please call352.513.2819or 352.770.3647 STOPMANATEE EXPLOITATION! Swimmingwith manateesisNOT eco-tourism DoNOTbuythelie! FOLLOWUS! WANTED ForeignorAmericanclassic cars,nonrunningok,unusual sportscarstopurchase. Samedaycashpayout!! Call352.529.0233 TODAY’S NEW ADS ESTATESALE HOMOSASSA APR21,22,23-8AM Furniture,collectables,householditems,everythingmustgo! Wholehouse. 6675S.EASTERNAV.OFF OFCARDINALST. OPENHOUSE Sat4/221PMto3PM 2SpeceberryCt.S Homosassa Fabulous&stunning3bed/2 bathhomewithpool.$490,000 KathyGreen,REMAX 724-601-8619 YARDSALE INVERNESSCC Fri4/21&Sat4/229a-3p 8605EastSandpiperDrive CASHONLY 04HondaAccord 141,000runsgreat $3,950OBO 352-513-2819 ElectricWheelchair ForzaD091yrold,neverbeen used.Ultralight,foldable. $1,900OBO 352.212.0603 NowHiring Parttime Experienced DentalClinic Manager UrgentNeed forVolunteers DENTISTS, HYGIENISTS, &DENTAL ASSISTANTS Sendresumeto sonjamccaughey2008@ Or 352.422.4327or 813.833.4944 Non-Profit501C3 Reg#CH27626 LOST / FOUND LOSTRING YellowgoldringonApril8in BeverlyHillsPlazanearWinn DixieorWhat'stheScoop. 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Bringboxestofill 400EGlassboroCtApt.3B GARAGE / ESTATE SALES ESTATESALE HOMOSASSA APR21,22,23-8AM Furniture,collectables,householditems,everythingmustgo! Wholehouse. 6675S.EASTERNAV.OFF OFCARDINALST. MOVINGITEMSFORSALE HOMOSASSA SAT4/15-4/239AM Misc.Items,gardenstuff, mechanictools,house furniture. 352-634-1789 YARDSALE INVERNESSCC Fri4/21&Sat4/229a-3p 8605EastSandpiperDrive CASHONLY INSTRUCTION COMPUTER&ITTRAININGP ROGRAM! TrainONLINEto g ettheskillstobecomea C omputer&HelpDeskProfess ionalnow!GrantsandSchola rshipsavailableforcertain p rogramsforqualifiedapplica nts.CallCTIfordetails! 8557 38-9684 .(M-F8am-6pmET). C omputerwithinternetisrequired. EMPLOYMENT YourHolisticSource OurMassageand WellnessCenter wantstoadd2 (LMTs)withconnective tissue/medicalmassage training/experience NewgradorExperienced. "Beyondjustamassage" Startingat$25-$30/hrwith downtimepayandbenefits Wewillprovidetrainingin bodywraps,percusser massageandanyofour otherservicesifneeded. Sendresumeto EMPLOYMENT Areyou selfmotivated & ableto multitask ? Wanttojoina CARINGTEAM ? LEARN&GROW inyourjob! Be EXCITED tocometowork! Learnabout holistic integrativevetcare ? VETERINARY TECH w/1yearexp,FTorPT Startingpay$13-15 dependingonqualifications withmanygreatbenefits!! TheHealingPlace in CrystalRiver,FL 352.795.0250 Submitresumeto NowHiring Parttime Experienced DentalClinic Manager UrgentNeed forVolunteers DENTISTS, HYGIENISTS, &DENTAL ASSISTANTS Sendresumeto sonjamccaughey2008@ Or 352.422.4327or 813.833.4944 Non-Profit501C3 Reg#CH27626 EMPLOYMENT AND KITCHENSTAFF AND SERVERS Wewilltrain motivatedpeople! Applyinpersonat 114WestMainSt Inverness,FL34450 orsendresumeto erica.springer@ -EOENOWHIRING HVACTech 7745WHomosassaTrail (352)621-3444 orEmailresumeto Artistswhoareseeking GlobalMarketing&Promotion. PleasecontacttheMusicale NetworkGroupat musicale@ musicalenetworkgroup . com Veteranneedingassistance drivingtoappointments. Ifcapablepleasegivemeacal l Dean352-453-6991 By JOSH DUBOW AP Pro Football Writer Teams searching for the next Brock Purdy should have plenty of candidates when it comes to Day 3 of the NFL draft. After Purdy went from “Mr. Irrelevant” as the nal pick of the 2022 draft to the starter in the NFC cham pionship game for the San Francisco 49ers, other teams might be much more willing to take a chance on a late-round quarterback. There are several intrigu ing prospects who all have some of the tools necessary to succeed at the next lev el but come with questions about size, arm strength or decision-making. Among the possible quar terbacks who could be taken in the nal four rounds of the draft are Fresno State’s Jake Haener, UCLA’s Dorian Thompson-Robinson, Hous ton’s Clayton Tune, Purdue’s Aidan O’Connell, Georgia’s Stetson Bennett, TCU’s Max Duggan and BYU’s Jaren Hall. Here’s a look at some of those QBs: Haener: A three-year start er, Haener brings some sim ilar qualities to what Purdy had last year. He is under sized at just under 6-feet tall and lacks elite arm strength. But he is an extremely accu rate passer, showed tough ness with the ability to play through injuries in college and excels at the mental as pects of playing quarterback. In 29 starts the past three seasons at Fresno State, Haener threw for 9,013 yards with 67 TD passes and a 68.2 completion percentage. Thompson-Robinson: The mobile Thompson-Rob inson started ve seasons in college and showed im provement each season. He had career highs with 27 TD passes, 12 TD runs, 3,169 yards passing and 646 yards rushing last season. He is a little undersized but has a strong arm and is one of the better dual-threat QBs in this draft. Tune: A four-year starter in college, Tune showed im provement each season and had 40 TD passes and threw for 4,074 yards in 2022 in Houston’s version of the Air Raid offense. His decision-making is sometimes suspect with 39 interceptions in 42 starts over four seasons. But he has a good enough arm that he should get a chance to make a team. O’Connell: A zero-star recruit coming out of high school, O’Connell worked his way up the depth chart at Purdue from a walk-on backup to starter the past two seasons. O’Connell completed 66.7 percent of his passes but sometimes struggles with deep throws and nished his career with 30 interceptions. Bennett: Bennett went from a walk-on to a two-time national champion in col lege, beating out more her alded QBs to run the offense on the nation’s best team. He measured at just un der 6 feet and lacks a strong arm, but throws with great anticipation and performed well on the big stage, win ning MVP in all four Col lege Football Playoff games he started. Bennett also has good mobility and ran for 10 TDs last season. Duggan: Duggan was a break-out star as a senior, helping TCU become the country’s surprise team to make it all the way to the championship game. Duggan carried the team there with a strong arm, good running ability and tough ness, but will need to im prove his accuracy to thrive at the next level. Hall: The dual-threat quar terback started two seasons at BYU. He comes into the draft at age 25 after taking a two-year mission and miss ing the 2020 season with a hip injury. He has dealt with injuries throughout his college career and is a smaller QB at 6-feet, 207 pounds. But he is an accurate passer and has shown a good ability to scramble.Haener, Thompson-Robinson, Bennett among Day 3 QB prospects Darron Cummings / AP Fresno State quarterback Jake Haener runs a drill at the NFL football scouting combine in Indi anapolis on March 4. Haener bristles when asked about the obvious comparison to fellow expe rienced but undersized quarterback Brock Purdy. By SCHUYLER DIXON AP Pro Football Writer Bijan Robinson draws comparisons to Saquon Barkley as the former Tex as running back enters the NFL draft. There’s not a pundit on the planet who would say Rob inson is going with the sec ond overall pick as Barkley did to the New York Giants ve years ago. Experts are in near-uni versal agreement that the smooth and powerful Rob inson is a top-ve pros pect regardless of position. Where he might end up getting drafted in the rst round April 27 is another matter entirely because of the age-old question of du rability for running backs. “It’s hard to nd a per fect landing spot him for,” ESPN draft analyst Todd McShay said. When Barkley was draft ed, it marked the fourth consecutive year a running back went in the top 10. The former Penn State standout was the last of three straight to go in the top four. Before Todd Gurley was taken 10th overall in 2015, the value of running backs was a hot topic because there had been consecutive drafts without one going in the rst round, an NFL rarity. The position’s value is up for debate again with Rob inson rating as one of the best players in the draft but going as low as the 20s in plenty of mock drafts, in cluding one from The Asso ciated Press. According to, the two highest-rated backs behind Robinson – the clear No. 1 – are Alabama’s Jah myr Gibbs and Zach Evans, who nished at Mississip pi after transferring from TCU. “I think they value them, they just don’t prioritize them in the rst round,” ESPN analyst Mel Kiper Jr. said. “I think that’s what you have to differentiate there. They certainly have great value as a player and what they mean to your team.” The Dallas Cowboys, who have the 26th pick, have been linked to Robinson for reasons that illustrate why the value of running backs can be such an interesting topic. While Dallas has a start er with Tony Pollard set to play on the $10.1 million franchise tag, there’s still a need after the release of Ezekiel Elliott this offsea son in a cost-cutting move. Seven years ago, the Cow boys took Elliott fourth overall, then watched him win two rushing titles in his rst three seasons. Elliott’s production dropped off after he signed a $90 million, six-year ex tension in 2019, with the wear and tear from his early success often cited as the most plausible explanation. The Cowboys don’t sound as if they would draft a run ning back that high if they were in the same position with Robinson on the board.Former Texas star Robinson set to test RB value in NFL draft


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 20, 2023 B7 CLASSIFIEDS 50059891 rnr rnr rn $599 $399 n $599  SERVINGCENTRALFLORIDAFOR10YEARS $30SERVICECALLrnn  Services Directory PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DIRECTORY AirportTransportation RELIABLE 352-414-8456 Bob'sDISCARDED LawnMowerService «FREEPICK-UP« 352-637-1225 JEFF'S CLEANUP/HAULING Cleanouts/Dumpruns, BrushRemoval. Lic./Ins.352-584-5374 M&LHousekeeping PetorHouseSitting servicesalsoavail References-FreeEstimates 352.464.0115 NEEDNEWFLOORING? CallEmpireToday®to scheduleaFREEin-home estimateon Carpeting&Flooring. 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WEWILLBECLOSEDON FRIDAYAPRIL7 Excellentbenefitspackage, 401k.DFW,EOE EMPLOYMENT Experienced Maintenance -Must beabletoperform variousactivitiesrelativeto theinstallationonrelocation ofexistingmachinesand equipmenttoinvolve dismantling,leveling, fittingandaligningoperations. -Must beabletodiagnose machinemalfunctionsand operatingdifficultiesand makerepairsoradjustments tokeepequipment inproduction. -Must have knowledgeofhydraulics, pneumatics,electricaland weldingcapabilities. Priorexperienceinan industrialatmosphere preferred Applyinperson Mon-Fribetweenthehours of8:00amto3:00pm. MetalIndustries, 400WalkerAve., Bushnell,FL33513. WEWILLBECLOSEDON FRIDAYAPRIL7 Excellentbenefitspackage, 401k.DFW,EOE LEADPRESS OPERATOR FULL-TIME OurcentralofficeisinCrystalRiver,FLprinting newspapersthatserve Citrus,Sumter,Marionand LevyCounties. Musthaveaminimum5yrs exp.runningaGossCommunity/DGM430printing press.Thisisanightshift position,fourdaysperweek. Weofferanexcellentbenefitspackageincludinghealth, life,dental,eyecare,401K, paidvacationsandholidays. Applyinpersonor sendresumeto: CitrusCountyChronicle Attn.TomFeeney 1624NMeadowcrestBlvd. CrystalRiver,FL34429 Office352-563-3275or Fax#352-563-5665 PETS Cat/DogCarrier 24"2ftlong14"wide$12 352-220-1692 DOGCARRIER PetMateUltra,large,28"Lx 15"Wx21.5"D.Taupe/black $60 352-613-0529 FREECATAngel 5yearoldcattogoodhome. FREE206-496-4700 LargePettravelKennel$25 LargepetwireCrate$25 LargeDogBedw/covers$35 352-586-8946 PETS UseItchNoMore®Shampoo ondogs&catstorelieve irritationfromflea&grass allergies:eliminatedoggy odor.AtTractorSupply®. ( MiniGoldenDoodle MalePuppy$800 352.568.5345 FARM AUGER 5ftlongsteelgroundauger tobeusedPTO $30OBO 352-344-1515 HANGINGWILDFLOWER POTw/Dahlia&Zinnia incoconutshells,$10ea. 352-746-4160 LOOFAHSEEDS Togrowyourownloofah sponges $3.00 352-746-4160 SAGOPALMS(PUS) babyplants,$5ea., 352-746-4160 SEEDS MultiColoredannualseeds $3perbag. 352-746-4160 WIRECRATE POULTERYCRATEORRABBITCAGE$10352.527.1193 MERCHANDISE 1PAIROFDARKWOOD SWIVELCHAIRS picturesavailable,std.height $12ea, 352-344-1515 1PAIROFDARKWOOD SWIVELCHAIRS picturesavailable,std.height $12ea, 352-344-1515 10OLDFLIPPHONES w/chargers,variousbrands, $10forallOBO, 352-344-1515 2MIRRORS Plasticframes20x50&wood frame38.5x24.5 $15each 352-344-9391 20"ElectricMower Usew/extensioncord$10 231-534-0018 3WREATHS Grapevine/Woven/Twine $5 352-726-1882 30galPROPANETANKS(2) FULL$50.00each 352-586-8946 360-DEGREETURBO SCRUBBER $15 352-726-1882 65"VizioT.V. GoodCondition$50 352-232-7527 7Piecesettingw/ Sangostonedishes oven&dishwashersafe $30 352-422-4802 8PieceFourCrownChina w/6martinglasses$35 352-422-4802 AGamecalledRummy-O Inacasealltogether Excellentcondition$8 352-220-1692 Aerator LawnTenderLawnTractor Aerator30" $85 Housephoneleavemessage 352-726-4663 MERCHANDISE ANGELTABLELAMP w/silkwings $35, 352-560-3019 WEBUYANTIQUES &VINTAGEITEMS ...PedalCars,Toys,Bicycles, CastIron,Pyrex,OldTools, MilitaryItems(Knives,Bayonets...),BBGuns,OldMetal Signs,Fenton,Lladro ... $CASH$ CallforInfo. Jim352-219-4134 Sheila352-219-1862 ANTONIOMELANI DESIGNERBRUSHED LEATHERHANDBAG $50.00 352-560-3019 AvonMothersDayPlates 1981-1991,10Plates,Perfect condition$25 352-220-1692 BCIWalkInTubs arenowonSALE!Beoneof thefirst50callersandsave $1,500!CALL 888-687-0415 forafree in-homeconsultation. BeigeRug 6x8ft$10 352-220-1692 BIRDCAGE Olderstyle2doors,dometop, 4ftHx17inW $100OBO,865.201.6579 BOXESOFLADIES JEWELRY 4itemsperbox $10perbox. 352-726-1882 CHRISTMASDOLLS(2) 18"long,vintagestyleclothing 1999-2000,$20ea. 352-344-1515 CIRRUSUPRIGHTVACUUM Neverused $75 Call352-423-1004 CONAIROptiCleanPower PlaqueRemover Rechargeable,NEWINBOX $25OBO (352)410-8262 or(732)857-5120 COOKIEJAR CeramicPenguin $10 352-586-4576 COOKIEJAR CeramicSchoolhouse. 7"x9"x10" $20 352-586-4576 COOKIEJAR CeramicvintageMcCoy RockingHorse$20 callortext 352-586-4576 Women'sDesignerClothing Large/Xlarge,Jackets,Vests, Jeans,Tops&Dresses,New orWornOnce,$5-20/ea. 352-410-8262 or732-857-5120 DrComfortShoes Women'sAnniesize8 $30 Housephoneleavemessage 352-637-9012 DUSTCOVER foraC-4Corvette $50 352.563.9810 ELECTRICSKILLET 5QT12innonstick $30352.726.1882 MERCHANDISE ELECTRICSKILLET Dashfamilysizeelectric skilletwithglasstop $30352.726.1882 FABRICSTEAMER ConAir-Newinbox.Onehour ofcontinuoussteam. $50/OBOCallBob,leavemsg 352-527-1557 FILINGCABINETS 2Metalcabinetswithdrawer andlock.26inheightGood Cond. $35ea 352.527.1193 FINECHINA-PORCELAIN madeinJapan 14pieces, $35 AskforBill 352-503-9200 FLOWERBASESFORCUT FLOWERS ,differentsizes andcolors,$5-$10each 352-560-3019 FLOWERPOTS plastic,wire,&clay $.50to$10each 352-560-3019 HOOVER 3in1vacum/mop $35352.726.1882 Humidor 1997BombayHumidor #1840735 $60 Housephoneleavemessage 352-637-9012 IngroundPoolMotor NewCenturyB28523quart horsepower,$125 352-419-2149 IRONMANTIRE SingleIronmanTire 22550ZR18 Asking$50 352-549-0603 JewelryforSale GoodJewelrynotcostume. Ifinterestedgivemeacall 352-229-2319 MITERSAW Ryobi10"mitersaww/laser. New,unused, inunopenedbox. $100 352-586-0469 MERCHANDISE JohnDeereridinglawnmower, PowerWasher,Compressor, Standupfreezer.Men&WomenCallawayGulfclubsset, Brothercopierfaxprinter,Livingroomdinningroomset Noreasonableoffersrefused 847-445-0225 LOOSEJEWELRY Cameobracelet/necklace $3 352-726-1882 LUGGAGE Black&whitezipperedwith handle&wheels. $45 352-419-5549 MAGAZINEHOLDER Brasswithhandle $10 352-726-1882 NEW RECHARGEABLE TOOTHBRUSH INTERPLAK Inbox$10 727-247-3025 NorthFaceJacket Oliveblackw/hood,sizeM, Newneverbeenworn, Tag$85,selling $50 352-422-4802 OLDHORSESHOE&BRIDLE BITCOLLECTION Somevintage/somebarely used$90OBO Willsellseparately 352-344-1515 Bob'sDISCARDED LawnMowerService «FREEPICK-UP« 352-637-1225 PORTAPOWER/HYDRAULIC Completesetwithallaccessoriesincarryingcase. $ 150/OBOCallBob,leavems g 352-527-1557 PressureWasherHonda GCV1602800PSI, 2.3GPMRyobi $125 LeaveMessage 352-489-5077 Records 200plusLPRecordsmost everykindofmusic $100forall 352-419-5892


B8 Thursday, April 20, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle C Your Hometown Agents HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY .. NickKleftis .. NOWisthetimeto considerlistingyourhome, inventoryisdownand buyersareready. Callmefora FREEMarketAnalysis. Cell:352-270-1032 Office:352-726-6668 email: BETTYJ.POWELL Realtor "Yoursuccessismygoal... Makingfriendsalongtheway ismyreward!" BUYINGORSELLING? 352.422.6417 352.726.5855 E-Mail: DEB THOMPSON *Onecallawayforyour buyingandsellingneeds. *Realtorthatyoucanrefer toyourfamilyandfriends. *Servicewithasmile sevendaysaweek.ParsleyRealEstate DebThompson 352-634-2656 HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY GARY&KAREN BAXLEY GRIRealtors YourChristianRealtor connectiontoyour nexttransaction 352-212-4678Gary352-212-3937Karen TropicShoresRealty Idonotstrivetobethe#1 AgentinCitrusCounty.I strivetomakeYOU#1 DOUGLASLINDSEY REALTOR 352.212.7056 ServingCitrusCounty forover18years. Iputthe REAL in REALESTATE! JIMTHE"REAL" MCCOY I'mattentiveto yourrealestate needs! CALL&GET RESULTS! (352)232-8971 TIMETOBUY ORSELL YOURMOBILE InALeasedLandPark? CALL LORELIELEBRUN LicensedRealtor&Mobile HomeBroker Century21 NatureCoast, 835NEHighway19, CrystalRiverFl. 352-613-3988 HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY LaWanda Watt Thinkingofselling? Inventoryisdown andweneedlistings!! Callmefora FreeMarketAnalysis! 352-212-1989 Century21J.W.Morton RealEstate,Inc. MakingRealty DreamsaReality Mypassionandcommitment istohelpyoumake yourRealEstatedreams cometrue. CALLME forallyour RealEstateneeds!! LandmarkRealty KimberlyRetzer DirectLine 352-634-2904 MICHELEROSE Realtor "Simplyput I'llworkharder" 352-212-5097 isellcitruscounty CravenRealty,Inc. 352-726-1515 38Clientsservedin2022 8.3 MILLION inSales 40yearsintheBusiness MayIhelpyounext? CALL(352)302-8046 DebInfantine-Realtor TropicShoresRealty HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY MikeCzerwinski Specializingin *GOPHERTORTOISE SURVEYS&RELOCATIONS *WETLANDSETBACKLINES *ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS MichaelG.Czerwinski,P.A ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 352-249-1012 30+Yrs.Experience NADEENEHORAK Broker/Owner Serving Buyers&Sellers WaterfrontProperties Residential&VacantLand Ourofficecoversallof CITRUSandPINELLAS Counties! **FREE** MarketAnalysis PLANTATIONREALTY LISAVANDEBOE BROKER(R)OWNER 352-634-0129 www.plantation HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY PickJeanne Pickrelforall yourReal Estateneeds! CertifiedResidential Specialist. GraduateofReal EstateInstitute. 352-212-3410 Callfora FREE MarketAnalysis. Century21JWMorton RealEstateInc. Debra"Debbie"Cleary Professional Representation IstheKEYtoSuccess! PROVENPRODUCER! MeadowcrestSpecialist ServingALLofCitrusCounty (352)601-6664 TROPICSHORESREALTY SharonMiddleton Whetherbuyingorselling, contactmetoday. "It'sYOURMOVE!" Over38yrsofexperience asarealestatebrokerin bothNYandFL.Putmy experience,knowledge,and professionalismtoworkfor you!You'llbegladyoudid! Freehomemarketanalysis. Cell:518-755-3232 TropicShoresRealty HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY Century21JWMorton RealEstate,Inc StefanStuart Realtor 352.212.0211 Honest Experienced HardWorking ForAwardWinning CustomerServicecontact THINKINGOFSELLING YOURHOME? LETMY25YEARSOF EXPERIENCEHELPYOU SELLYOURHOME! EXPERIENCECOUNTS! CALLMETODAYFORALL YOURREALESTATE NEEDS! *FreeHomeMarketAnalysis MARTHASATHER Realtor (352)212-3929 TropicShoresRealty Unique&HistoricHomes, CommercialWaterfront& Land SMALLTOWNCOUNTRY LIFESTYLEOUR SPECIALTYSINCE1989 "LETUSFINDYOU AVIEWTOLOVE" (352)726-6644 CrosslandRealty Inc. MERCHANDISE PRINTERTONER BrotherCompatibleToner CartridgeTN450 9Available $5each 352-586-4576 RidingLawnMower Craftsmanlimitededition,42", 19HPKohlerautotransmission$750 352-489-5077 SEQUENTIAL COMPRESSIONDEVICE CircuFlow.Model5150with smallleggings.Usedverylittle. $50 352-302-3463 SHOESHINESTAND from30's&40's $20, 352-560-3019 SILKFLOWERS $1-$3OBO 352-726-1882 PelletSmoker&Grill Likenewusedtwice,has 35lbsofpellets,$200Firm Call352-765-3089 SUNBEAMELECTRIC HEATER $20, 352-560-3019 SUVCarCover Fora2016NissanJukecrossoverSUV,butwillfitsame sizevehicle $100obo 352-419-5723 TEAPOT Ceramic.Vintage.Wildwest catwithguns.Textforpic. $20 352-586-4576 TireAccessories Wheelcoverhubcaps15in silver6spoke.Newsetoffour inbox$40 757.272.3772 TONERCARTRIDGE BrotherTN-550BrandNew, stillinoriginalbox$30 352-613-0529 MERCHANDISE UPDATEYOURHOME with B eautifulNewBlinds& S hades.FREEin-home e stimatesmakeitconvenient t oshopfromhome. P rofessionalinstallation.Top q uality-MadeintheUSA.Call f orfreeconsultation: 866-6361910 .Askaboutourspecials! WedgwoodEnglish BoneChina SenatorPattern,12place settings,$1,200 352-613-6317 WET/DRYVACAUTO 12-Voltattachmentincluded $10 352-726-1882 APPLIANCES BLENDER RedHamiltonBeach$25 352.726.1882 WASHER&DRYER Maytagbrand,white,good workingcondition. PICKUPONLY. $125forboth.Picturesavail. Pleasetext 321-750-6203 SMITTYS APPLIANCEREPAIR 352-564-8179 GIBSONGASSTOVE clean,runsgreat $300, 352-560-3019 SMALLFREEZER 5.0cubicftchestfreezer $100352.212.0603 WhirlpoolCeramicStove goodcondition$150 352-270-8647 APPLIANCES COMMERCIALMIXER GLOBESP20Commercial 20QuartPlanetaryMixer AllAccessoriesincluded! ExcellentCond.!$1100OBO 352-212-4622LeaveMsg FURNITURE 2MatchingSofas VeryPretty,ColorfulFloral, Comfortable,excellentcondition,$275eachor$525both 239-691-2993 5PCPATIOFURNITURE SOLD AIRMATTRESS OZARKTRAILbrand fullsize,greatforcompany $25 865-201-6579 BathroomMirror 34"x40"bracketsincluded$15 352-613-6317 CURIOCABINET 82"Hx40"Wx13"Dwith shelves-Whitewashed$100 352-613-0529 FURNITURE DinningSet Table,4Chairs&Bench Darkwoodw/blackseats verygoodcondition $350obocashonly 352-302-1084 GrandfatherClock DUFAantiqueclock,circa 1930,darkoak,brassdial, $500 352-212-4342 KingSizedMattress VeryCleanCondition,12" thick,KingSized,Highquality Sterns&Fosterplush. $1,500 352-209-3177 or516-769-2136 KITCHENTABLE&CHAIRS 48inroundbrown&whitetablewithleafwith6padded chairs$125 352-270-2031 Sofa&2RockerRecliners camelcoloredfauxsuede v erygoodcond.,cantextphoto $650obocashonly 352-302-1084 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT BoseHearingAids atgreat p rices.Experienceclearconv ersationslikeneverbefore. Visit ElectricWheelchair ForzaD091yrold,neverbeen used.Ultralight,foldable. $1,900OBO 352.212.0603 EQUATESHOWER&BATH CHAIR w/back,newinbox, neverbeenopened,$35 352-410-8262or 732-857-5120 NewRaptorMobilityScooter paid$5,300,offeringonlyfor $2,500obo 352-513-5234 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FannyPack forINOGENOneG4Portable OxygenConcentrators Brandnewstillinpackage $45727-247-3025 INVERSIONTABLE $60352.726.1882 KNEEBIKE $75352.476.6378 PAIROFALUMINUM CRUTCHES $10 352-726-1882 PRIDEGOCHAIR ElectricWheelchair $275FIRM Seriousinquiresonly 352.382.0772 ROVERKNEECYCLE withmanual$25 352.726.1882 TOILETSEATCHAIR $10 352-726-1882 WalkerandCommode Deluxefoldingwalker$25 Foldablebedside commode$25 Newcondition 352.746.6450 SPORTING GOODS BitzenbergerFletchingJig $45352.746.6450 REDPHILIPSBIKE MadeinEngland usedfordisplayonly $85OBO 865-201-6579 RIBSTICKGSKATEBOARD $10, 352-560-3019 SCHWINNBICYCLEHELMET ventilated,adjustable,Model #SW124,$22, 352-344-1515 SPORTING GOODS STATIONARYSKIER $10, 352-422-4802 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CRYSTALRIVER 3/2/1locatedinTropic Terrace$1,600permonth first-last-security smallpetwithonetimefee of$500backgroundcheck 352.453.7432 RoomforRent Privatebath,nopets,no smoking$595 Call 352-476-3598 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 10210NSabreDrive CITRUSSPRINGS$315K Bigpool,largeeatinkitchen, familyroom,2large bedrooms,2cargarage& RVParking, NOHOA . Grandbeautyw/newroof in2016&more! RealtyConnect 352.212.1446


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 20, 2023 B9 CLASSIFIEDS LEGALS 0427THCRNDISSOFMARRIAGEKUEPPERS,JR. INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CaseNo.:09-2023-DR-0015 8 Division : E DWARDL.KUEPPERS,JR., Petitioner, a nd P AMELAL.KUEPPERS, Respondent, NOTICEOFACTIONFORDISSOLUTIONOFMARRIAGE (NOCHILDORFINANCIALSUPPORT) T O:PamelaL.Kueppers L astKnownAddress:144BerkshireWay, Stephentown,NY12168 Y OUARENOTIFIEDthatanactionfordissolutionofmarriag e h asbeenfiledagainstyouandthatyouarerequiredtoserve a c opyofyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitonEdwardL.Kuep p ers,Jr.,whoseaddressis1465E.AmberjackDrive,Hernando , F L34442onorbyMay6,2023.andfiletheoriginalwiththecler k o fthisCourtat110N.ApopkaAvenue,Inverness,FL34450be f oreserviceonPetitionerorimmediatelythereafter. Ifyoufailt o d oso,adefaultmaybeenteredagainstyouforthereliefde m andedinthepetition. T heactionisaskingthecourttodecidehowthefollowingreal o r p ersonalpropertyshouldbedivided:None. C opiesofallcourtdocumentsinthiscase,includingorders , a reavailableattheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'soffice.Yo u m ayreviewthesedocumentsuponrequest. Y oumustkeeptheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'sofficenotifie d o fyourcurrentaddress.(YoumayfileDesignationofCur r entMailingandE-MailAddress,FloridaSupremeCourtAp p rovedFamilyLawForm12.915.)Futurepapersinthislaw s uitwillbemailedore-mailedtotheaddress(es)onrecor d a ttheclerk'soffice. W ARNING:Rule12.285,FloridaFamilyLawRulesofProced u re,requirescertainautomaticdisclosureofdocumentsan d i nformation.Failuretocomplycanresultinsanctions,in c ludingdismissalorstrikingofpleadings. D ated03/31/2023 ANGELAVIC K CLERKOFTHECIRCUITCOUR T { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/SamanthaLea p DeputyCler k PublishedApril6,13,20&27,20233 0511THCRNNOA2022-DR-1798McDUFFIE INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT, INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CaseNo.:2022-DR-179 8 Division : C HRISTINAMcDUFFIE, Petitioner A nd C HERELLMcDUFFIE, Respondent, NOTICEOFACTIONFORDISSOLUTIONOFMARRIAGE (NOCHILDORFINANCIALSUPPORT) T O:CherellMcxDuffie 973E21stAvenue,Columbus,OH43211 Y OUARENOTIFIEDthatanactionfordissolutionofmar r iagehasbeenfiledagainstyouandthatyouarerequiredt o s erveacopyofyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitonChristin a M cDuffie,whoseaddressis10290E.PikeDrive,Inverness , F lorida34450onorbeforeMay20,2023,andfiletheorigin a lwiththeclerkofthisCourtat110NApopkaAve.,In v erness,FL34450beforeserviceonPetitionerorimmedi a telythereafter. Ifyoufailtodoso,adefaultmayb e e nteredagainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthepeti t ion. T heactionisaskingthecourttodecidehowthefollowingrea l o rpersonalpropertyshouldbedivided:NONE C opiesofallcourtdocumentsinthiscase,includingor d ers,areavailableattheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'sof f ice.Youmayreviewthesedocumentsuponrequest. Y oumustkeeptheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'sofficenoti f iedofyourcurrentaddress.(YoumayfileDesignationo f C urrentMailingandE-MailAddress,FloridaSuprem e C ourtApprovedFamilyLawForm12.915.)Futurepaper s i nthislawsuitwillbemailedoremailedtoth e a ddress(es)onrecordattheclerk'soffice. W ARNING:Rule12.285,FloridaFamilyLawRulesofPro c edure,requirescertainautomaticdisclosureofdocu m entsandinformation.Failuretocomplycanresulti n s anctions,includingdismissalorstrikingofpleadings . Dated:04/04/2023 ANGELAVIC K CLERKOFTHECIRCUITCOUR T { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/SamanthaLea p DeputyCler k PublishedonApril20&27,2023andMay4&11,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0034TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0034TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7613YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L ANEVIEWUNRECSUBLOTS26,27&28DESCAS:LOT26 : C OMATNWCOROFE1/4OFS1/2OFNW1/4OFSEC25,TH S 1DEG12M1SEALWLNOFE1/4387.58FT,THS89DEG 4 7M21SW1129.88FTTOPOB,THS89DEG47M21SW 1 40.83FT,THS1DEG23M45SE309.86FT,THN89DEG 4 7M21SE140.83FTTHN1DEG23M45SW309.86FTTO P OBSUBJTOEASMLOT27:COMATNWCOROFE1/4OF S 1/2OFNW1/4OFSEC25,THS1DEG12M1SEALWLN O FE1/4387.58FT,THS89DEG47M21SW1270.71FTTO P OB,THS89DEG47M21SW140.83FT,THS1DEG23M 4 5SE309.86FTTHN89DEG47M21SE140.83FTTHN1 D EG23M45SW309.86FTTOPOBSUBJTOEASMLOT 2 8:COMATNWCOROFE1/4OFS1/2OFNW1/4OFSEC 2 5,THS1DEG12M1SEALWLN387.58FT,THS89DEG 4 7M21SW1411.54FTTOPOB,THS89DEG47M21SW 1 40.83FT,THS1DEG23M45SE309.86FT,THN89DEG 4 7M21SE140.83FT,THN1DEG23M45SW309.86FTTO P OBSUBJTOEASMDESCINORBK1369PG322 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BARBARASTEINERAKA B ARBARAANNSTEINERAKABARBARAANNROODE, C HARLESSTEINER,ESTATEOFCHARLESSTEINERAKA C HARLESCLAUDESTEINERDECEASED S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 LEGALS 0504THCRN2023-DR-148STONE INTHECIRCUITCOURTFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUITOF FLORIDAINANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY DOMESTICRELATIONSDIVISION CASENO.2023-DR-148 I NTHEINTERESTOF: B READYNLEEWURST, ( male;d/o/b-05/18/2011), AMinorChild; B RENDASTONEandDAVIDSTONE, Petitioners, v s. S HEALYNM.BURKHOLDER, M ATHEWM.WURST,CAINE S TEVENS,andVERONICASTOVER, Respondents. NOTICEOFACTION T O: MATHEWM.WURST L astknownAddress:22HopiRoad JimThorpe,PA18229 YOUARENOTIFIEDthatanAmendedPetitionforTempor a ryCustodybyExtendedFamilyhasbeenfiledregardingth e a bove-referencedminorchild.Youarerequiredtoserveacop y o fyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitonJACKA.MORING,Flor i daBar#499160,Moring&Moring,P.A.,7655WestGulftoLak e H ighway,Suite12,CrystalRiver,Florida34429,theattorne yfo r t hePetitioners,onorbeforeMay14,2023andfiletheorigina l w iththeclerkofthisCourtbeforeserviceonthePetitionersorim m ediatelythereafter. Ifyoufailtodoso,adefaultmayb e e nteredagainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthepetition . Copiesofallcourtdocumentsinthiscase,includingor d ers,areavailableattheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'soffice . Y oumayreviewthesedocumentsuponrequest. YoumustkeeptheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'sofficenoti f iedofyourcurrentaddress.Futurepapersinthislawsui t w illbemailedtotheaddressonrecordattheclerk'soffice . Thisisanactionfortemporarycustodybyextendedfamil y f iledbythematernalgrandparents.Thiscaseisbeingfiledi nth e C ircuitCourtoftheFifthJudicialCircuit,inandforCitrus County , l ocatedat110N.ApopkaAvenue,Inverness,Florida.Thetele p honenumberofthedivisionoftheCircuitCourtwherethispe ti t ionisfiledis352-341-6700.Theminorchildsubjecttothis peti t ionisB,L.W.,male,d/o/b05/18/2011,borninMonroeCounty , P ennsylvania. D ated:03/24/2023 ANGELAVIC K ClerkoftheCircuitCour t { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/SamanthaLea p DeputyCler k PublishedApril14,21&28,2023andMay4,2023 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 8.4WOODEDACRE FORSALEBYOWNER 3Bd/3BaHome,newporches front8x20,backporch12x30 w/newscreen,newmetalroof, completelyinspected. Readytomovein! $300KCashorBestOffer Ray:(828)497-2610Local BacktoNature 38.11AcresOffasecludeddirt road.SliceofOldFlorida, beautifulpropertywithlarge o aktreesandplentyofwildlife . $350,000 352-287-2213foratour DUNNELLON NorthWilliamsSt 3000SFMOL; Commercialbuilding on.042acre **Forsaleorlease** MotivatedOwner Contact:AlIsnetto, PalmwoodRealty. 352-597-2500x202 2bed2bath approx.1,600sqft Recentlybeenremodeled NewAC. Formoreinfo. Call706-492-5119 HOMEFORSALE 1570W.DaturaLn.Citrus Springs,FL. 3Bed/2bath, POOL .Approx. 1/4acre,fencedinrear.Many updatestotheinterior.Allappliancesincludingwasher/dryerincluded.HVAC(2009)contractserviceyearlysinceinstallation.Roof(2006)30year shinglesandRoofMaxresurface(2023)5yearwarranty. NewhotwaterheaterandNu Leafgutterguards(2022). HomesoldASIS. $255,000.00Contactfor additionalinformation. Phone:513-767-1086 LOTFORSALE . 28AcrelotinSugarmillWood s $26,000 352-2202891 LOTINOakVillage LovelySugarmilllotOakvillageonquietstreetw/nice neighbors.Longleafpineand clusteredLiveOak.Priced andundermarket$23,500 Forpics,infoorimportdetails 334.363.2516or locatedonanIslandinNorth FloridawithAceHardware department,Conveniencest ore,Bar&3bed2bath house.Ownerretiringafter 10years.$1,400,000 352.498.5986 OPENHOUSE Sat4/221PMto3PM 2SpeceberryCt.S Homosassa Fabulous&stunning3bed/2 bathhomewithpool.$490,000 KathyGreen,REMAX 724-601-8619 DAVIDKURTZ Realtor VacantLand SPECIALIST Letmehelpyou BUY,SELLOR INVEST FREE/NoObligation MARKETANALYSIS foryourproperty. Residential&Commercial Century21 J.W.MortonRealEstate, Inverness,FL34450 CELL954-383-8786 Office352-726-6668 TRANSPORTATION CARGOTRAILER 20228'X16'Arisingw/2ftV noserearrampdoorandside door110Vlights&plugsinside.Pulledlessthan800mi. LocatedinHomosassa $8,000 CallsOnly 407.705.9141 WANTED ALLCARS,TRUCKS,SUVs, RV's/Upto$1,000& MORE!!!-FREETOWING (352)342-7037 UTILITYTRAILER 6x8w/18insolidsides SOLD TRANSPORTATION SIDEBYSIDE 2019PolarisRZR HighLifterwithmanyextras 170hours,1,153miles Local515.460.1173 BOATS 1997SPORTSCRAFTFISHM ASTER ,27ft.,new2021twi n 350VortecMtrsw/650Holly doublepumpers,includeselectronics&safetygear,etc., alum.3-axleTrailer,$28,500 Local864-247-6395 1998Stingray 22ftCabinCruiser,good interior,newengineinboard withanoutdrive.Sink,stove& toilet,Trailerhasbeenrebuilt, newrollers,tires,brakes& wheelbearings.$20,000 352.201.4822 2010TRACKERBOAT 15foot,BassProShop Tracker,35HPEvinrudeElectricStartMotor.Electrictrolling motor.CarpetedInterior,2new pedalseats.3Anchorsand1 poleanchor.Fishfinder andalllightsworking. OUTBOARDMOTOR 2022Mercury200Horsepower 4strokew/factorywarranty Guidemotor. Approx.230Hours. $13,500 352-422-4141 PleaseText PONTOONBOAT 22ftG3SuncatcherPontoon 115HPYamahawraparound benchseats.Livewell,2 biminis,brandnewtrailer& cover.Cleanvessel$20,000 OBOsellingduetohealth 515.460.1173 CARS/SUV 04HondaAccord 141,000runsgreat $3,950OBO 352-513-2819 2006ToyotaSequoiaLTD 4x4,navigationsystem, DVD/CD,Sunroof,3rowseati ng,rearconsoleseat,coldAC , leather&powerseats,black exteriorgrayinterior Everythingingoodcondition 159,800mi $9,500OBO352-293-4504 2007ChryslerCrossfire 2DoorConvertible,Garage kept,61,300mi,3.2Lengine, $11,500 Isthisyourbucketlist, I'mholdingitforyou! 352-552-3484 2016DodgeDart 85kmileage,4doorsedan, 4cyl,cleantitle,exteriorpewter,interiorblack, willincludekayakrack $9,300obo Cantextpic.802-558-0434 CADILLAC Black2008DTS165,000Miles Newtires,brakes,Battery 18"ChromeRims Notnewbutnicecar 352-342-3917 CHRYSLER 2005CrossfireConvertible 28,500milesBlack withblack/whiteleather SHOWROOMCOND $15,500352.586.4315 FORD 2019MUSTANGGT HighPerformance5.0460HP 17KSpecial,Maroonincolor $50,000 Tom352-341-3803 INTAKEMANIFOLD Edelbrock.Newinbox.Pontiac325-455CID. $ 150OBOCallBob,leavems g 352-527-1557 STREETRODDER MAGAZINES 1990's-28inall.Verygoodto excellentcond. $20/OBOCallBob,leavemsg. 352-527-1557 Tires&Rims 4BridgestoneWheelsDueler H/T255/70R16tubeless, radialnitrofilledandbalanced, ford6boltrims,usedlessthan 50mi$395 352-447-2324 WIRINGKIT-GM New-completeforGMcars. AmericanAuto-wire. $ 150/OBOCallBob,leavems g 352-527-1557 CLASSICS 1963StudabakerLark Regal4doorsedanV-8. Manynewitems .$9,850 606.207.7160 1971PLYMOUTHDUSTER 340 /NEWTires, DeepDishCragarWheels, Sweetpaintjob, Automatic,OriginalInterior, $9,500MUSTSELL (352)425-1434 CLASSICS Cadillac 1987Fleetwoodd'Elegance LowMiles,NoOilLeak, Spotless. $3,800/OBO 218-260-8218 1990CHEVY LUMINA EURO,red,4-DR,good tires,rebuiltmotor, $5,000OBOasis 352-212-4622 CHEVY CAMARO 1981Z28 Coupe PerfectBody,norust,no dents,4speedmunci,NEW 355ciw/450to525HP-Looks &RunsAwesome-Toomuch tolist-$25K 352-364-7229 MOTORCYCLES BushtecMotorcycleTrailer includescooler,sparetire, customweathercover $750obo352-382-7397 CANAMSPYDER 2013LikeNewSpyderRT-LTD ChromePackageithasevery option.AutomaticTransmission,ExcellentCondition, NO Scratches,lowmiles15,000 andalwaysgaragekept.EngineSize997ExteriorBrown $14,500Callortext Todd802.233.1704 FORSALE 2016PolarisSlinghot $18,000 352-770-5097 HARLEYDAVIDSON 93HeritageSoftail MooGlide Somanyextras,tohardtolist 3setsofseats-2setsofbags Thiscanbeamoneymaker! Asking$11,000 954.242.8184 or 352.270.8908 HarleySporster2005 883Low,Excellentcondition, lowmillage,extras $4,800Firm 352-270-6142 OILCHANGEKIT HarleyDavidsonbrandoil changekit,includesoilfilter (1999-2017H-D),7qt.20w50 oil,andmore. $35.00 231-534-0018 TRUCKS 09ChevySilverado 1,500extendedcab, 5.3F.I.Motor,134kmi, tomanynewpartstolist, $20,000orreasonableoffer 352-489-2823rec. 2011FordF-150XLT4D CherryRed,fewcigarette burnsonseat,lowmillage 117,398k,USBmusicinput, cruise,wiredhitch,weather techliningthroughout $15,000OBO text 352-575-3621 TRUCK 2003FORDF150 4Welldrive,tough,large engine,wellmaintained.New brakes,A.C.,tunedup. $8,000 706-835-5068 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 2021LightWeight TravelTrailer withExtras-$17,900 352-212-6949 D UTCHMANCOLEMA N BRANDNEW 202217fttraveltrailer Sleeps6,features WinegardAIR360antenna Lotsofstorage$15,500 352-247-0788 2002VWRIALTIA 20ft,ClassB,73Kmi,ingreat shape,readytogocamping, everythingworks,newtires,new b att.,$29,000willconsideroffers , CallInverness 352-797-1845 HURRICANERV ClassA2010Fourwinds31D Lowmileage,twoslideouts, garagekept&veryclean 352.634.1874 RVTire&Wheel sizeST225/75R156lug.$60 352-586-8946 TravelTrailer 2021GrandDesign ImagineXLS21BHE Likenew,manyupgrades,2 bunks,queenmurphybed.Inc everythingtotow&camp. $28,000 Local828.421.6489 To place your ad call: 352-563-5966 E-mail Classifieds Your House. 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B10 Thursday, April 20, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle CLASSIFIEDS MISCELLANEOUS 0420THCRNPERMITERPNO.,38-0411156-001 NOTICEOFPERMITISSUANCE T heDepartmentofEnvironmentalProtectiongivesnoticeofi ssu a nceofanindividualpermittoDukeEnergyFlorida,LLC.,330 0 E xchangePlace,LakeMary,Florida32746,torebuildtheCrys t alRiver–Bronson230kVTransmissionLine(ERPNo.38 0 411156-001)thatrunsfromtheCrystalRiverPowerPlanttot h e B ronsonSubstation.TheprojectoccurswithinCitrusandLev y C ounties.Theprojectinvolvesreplacementoftransmissionstruc t ures,permanentat-gradeandabove-graderoadsandstructu r e p ads,andtemporarymattingwithinwetlands.Tooffsetunavo id a bleimpacts,DukeEnergypurchased0.4estuarineherbaceou s c reditsfromtheNatureCoastMitigationBankandplaced158. 1 a cresofforestedandherbaceouswetlands,anduplandsinto a r ecordedConservationEasement. T heapplicationhasbeenfullyscannedandisavailableforpu b l icinspectionviatheDepartment ‹ sInformationPortal : h ttps:// hell?com m and=hitlist&[freeText=]&[folderName=]&[profile=Perm itting_Au t horization]&[creator=]&[entityType=any]&[createdDat eTo=]&[ca t a log=23]&[searchBy=Profile]&[sortBy=Document+Date]&[ cre a tedDate=]&{County=_EQ_LEVY}&{District=_EQ_NED}&{Fac il i ty-Site+ID=_EQ_ERP_411156} I fyouhaveanyquestionsorareexperiencingdifficultyview in g t heelectronicapplication,pleasecalltheFDEPNEDistrict a t 9 04-256-1700. T hisactionisfinalandeffectiveonthedatefiledwiththeCl erko f t heDepartmentunlessatimelypetitionforanadministrativ epro c eedingisfiledpursuanttotheprovisionsofSections120.5 6 9 a nd120.57,F.S.Onthefilingofatimelyandsufficientpetit ion , t hisactionwillnotbefinalandeffectiveuntilfurtherorde rofth e D epartment.Becausetheadministrativehearingprocessisd e s ignedtoformulatefinalagencyaction,thehearingprocess ma y r esultinamodificationoftheagencyactionorevendenialof th e a pplication. A personwhosesubstantialinterestsareaffectedbytheDepa rt m ent ‹ sactionmaypetitionforanadministrativeproceedin g ( hearing)underSections120.569and120.57,F.S.Pursuantt o R ule28-106.201,F.A.C.,apetitionforanadministrativehe arin g m ustcontainthefollowinginformation: ( a)Thenameandaddressofeachagencyaffectedandeac h a gency ‹ sfileoridentificationnumber,ifknown; ( b)Thename,address,anyemailaddress,anyfacsimilenum b er,andtelephonenumberofthepetitioner;thename,addres s , a ndtelephonenumberofthepetitioner ‹ srepresentative,ifany , w hichshallbetheaddressforservicepurposesduringth e c ourseoftheproceeding;andanexplanationofhowthepetiti on e r ‹ ssubstantialinterestsareorwillbeaffectedbytheagency de t ermination; ( c)Astatementofwhenandhowthepetitionerreceivednotice o f t heagencydecision; ( d)Astatementofalldisputedissuesofmaterialfact.Ifthe rear e n one,thepetitionmustsoindicate; ( e)Aconcisestatementoftheultimatefactsalleged,includ in g t hespecificfactsthatthepetitionercontendswarrantreve rsalo r m odificationoftheagency ‹ sproposedaction; ( f)Astatementofthespecificrulesorstatutesthatthepeti tione r c ontendsrequirereversalormodificationoftheagency ‹ spro p osedaction,includinganexplanationofhowtheallegedfac t s r elatetothespecificrulesorstatutes;and ( g)Astatementofthereliefsoughtbythepetitioner,statin gpre c iselytheactionthatthepetitionerwishestheagencytotakewit h r especttotheagency ‹ sproposedaction. T hepetitionmustbefiled(receivedbytheClerk)intheOffic eo f G eneralCounseloftheDepartmentat3900Commonwealt h B oulevard,MailStation35,Tallahassee,Florida32399-300 0o r v iaelectroniccorrespondenceatAgency_Clerk@dep.state. . A lso,acopyofthepetitionshallbemailedtotheapplicantat th e a ddressindicatedaboveatthetimeoffiling. I naccordancewithRule62-110.106(3),F.A.C.,petitionsfo ra n a dministrativehearingbytheapplicantmustbefiledwithin 2 1 d aysofreceiptofthiswrittennotice.Petitionsfiledbyany per s onsotherthantheapplicant,andotherthanthoseentitledt o w rittennoticeunderSection120.60(3),F.S.,mustbefiledw ithi n 2 1daysofpublicationofthenoticeorwithin21daysofreceip to f t hewrittennotice,whicheveroccursfirst.UnderSectio n 1 20.60(3),F.S.,however,anypersonwhohasaskedtheDepart m entfornoticeofagencyactionmayfileapetitionwithin21d ay s o freceiptofsuchnotice,regardlessofthedateofpublicati on . T hefailuretofileapetitionwithintheappropriatetimeper io d s hallconstituteawaiverofthatperson'srighttorequestan ad m inistrativedetermination(hearing)underSections120.5 69an d 1 20.57,F.S.,ortointerveneinthisproceedingandparticip atea s a partytoit.Anysubsequentintervention(inaproceedingin iti a tedbyanotherparty)willbeonlyatthediscretionofthepre sid i ngofficeruponthefilingofamotionincompliancewithRule 28 1 06.205,F.A.C. U nderRule62-110.106(4),F.A.C.,apersonwhosesubstantia l i nterestsareaffectedbytheDepartment ‹ sactionmayalsore q uestanextensionoftimetofileapetitionforanadministra tiv e h earing.TheDepartmentmay,forgoodcauseshown,grantth e r equestforanextensionoftime.Requestsforextensionofti m e m ustbefiledwiththeOfficeofGeneralCounseloftheDepart m entat3900CommonwealthBoulevard,MailStation35,Talla h assee,Florida32399-3000,beforetheapplicabledeadline fo r f ilingapetitionforanadministrativehearing.Atimelyreq uestfo r e xtensionoftimeshalltolltherunningofthetimeperiodfor filin g a petitionuntiltherequestisactedupon. M ediationisnotavailableinthisproceeding. T heapplicant,oranypartywithinthemeaningofSectio n 3 73.114(1)(a)or373.4275,F.S.,mayalsoseekappellaterev ie w o fthisorderbeforetheLandandWaterAdjudicatoryCommis s ionunderSection373.114(1)or373.4275,F.S.Requestsfor re v iewbeforetheLandandWaterAdjudicatoryCommissionmus t b efiledwiththeSecretaryoftheCommissionandservedonth e D epartmentwithin20daysfromthedatewhenthisorderisfile d w iththeClerkoftheDepartment. PublishedApril20,2023 MISCELLANEOUS 0420THCRNPERMITSTATE404NO.38-0411156-002 NOTICEOFPERMITISSUANCE TheDepartmentofEnvironmentalProtectiongivesnoticeo f i ssuanceofapermit(filenumber:State404No.38-0411156 0 02)toDukeEnergyFlorida,LLC.,3300ExchangePlace,Lak e M ary,Florida32746,torebuildtheCrystalRiver–Bronso n 2 30kVTransmissionLine(State404No.38-0411156-002)tha t r unsfromtheCrystalRiverPowerPlanttotheBronsonSubsta t ion.TheprojectoccurswithinCitrusandLevyCounties.Th e p rojectinvolvesreplacementoftransmissionstructures,p erman e ntat-gradeandabove-graderoadsandstructurepads,an d t emporarymattingwithinwetlands.Tooffsetunavoidableim p acts,DukeEnergypurchased0.4estuarineherbaceouscredi t s f romtheNatureCoastMitigationBankandplaced158.1acreso f f orestedandherbaceouswetlands,anduplandsintoarecorde d C onservationEasement. TheDepartment ‹ sissuanceoftheState404ProgramStat e 4 04No.38-0411156-002IndividualPermitisfinalunlessati mel y p etitionforanadministrativeproceedingisfiledpursuant toth e p rovisionsofSections120.569and120.57,F.S.Onthefiling of a t imelyandsufficientpetition,thisactionwillnotbefinal andef f ectiveuntilfurtherorderoftheDepartment.Becausethead min i strativehearingprocessisdesignedtoformulatefinalage nc y a ction,thehearingprocessmayresultinamodificationofth e a gencyactionorevendenialoftheapplication. Theapplicationfileisavailableonlineandcanbeaccesse d t hroughtheDepartment ‹ sInformationPortalat : h ttps:// tronic-docu m ents/ST404_411156/facility!search I fyouhaveanyquestionsorareexperiencingdifficultyview in g t heelectronicapplication,pleasecallFDEPNEDistrictat9 04 2 56-1700. ApersonwhosesubstantialinterestsareaffectedbytheDe p artment ‹ sactionmaypetitionforanadministrativeproceedin g ( hearing)underSections120.569and120.57,F.S.Pursuantt o R ule28-106.201,F.A.C.,apetitionforanadministrativehe arin g m ustcontainthefollowinginformation: ( a)Thenameandaddressofeachagencyaffectedandeac h a gency ‹ sfileoridentificationnumber,ifknown; ( b)Thename,address,anyemailaddress,anyfacsimilenum b er,andtelephonenumberofthepetitioner;thename,addres s , a ndtelephonenumberofthepetitioner ‹ srepresentative,ifany , w hichshallbetheaddressforservicepurposesduringth e c ourseoftheproceeding;andanexplanationofhowthepetiti on e r ‹ ssubstantialinterestsareorwillbeaffectedbytheagency de t ermination; ( c)Astatementofwhenandhowthepetitionerreceivednotice o f t heagencydecision; ( d)Astatementofalldisputedissuesofmaterialfact.Ifthe rear e n one,thepetitionmustsoindicate; ( e)Aconcisestatementoftheultimatefactsalleged,includ in g t hespecificfactsthatthepetitionercontendswarrantreve rsalo r m odificationoftheagency ‹ sproposedaction; ( f)Astatementofthespecificrulesorstatutesthatthepeti tione r c ontendsrequirereversalormodificationoftheagency ‹ spro p osedaction,includinganexplanationofhowtheallegedfac t s r elatetothespecificrulesorstatutes;and ( g)Astatementofthereliefsoughtbythepetitioner,statin gpre c iselytheactionthatthepetitionerwishestheagencytotakewit h r especttotheagency ‹ sproposedaction. Thepetitionmustbefiled(receivedbytheClerk)intheOffi c e o fGeneralCounseloftheDepartmentat3900Commonwealt h B oulevard,MailStation35,Tallahassee,Florida32399-300 0 . A lso,acopyofthepetitionshallbemailedtotheapplicantat th e a ddressindicatedaboveatthetimeoffiling. I naccordancewithRule62-110.106(3),F.A.C.,petitionsfo ra n a dministrativehearingbytheapplicantmustbefiledwithin 2 1 d aysofreceiptofthiswrittennotice.Petitionsfiledbyany per s onsotherthantheapplicant,andotherthanthoseentitledt o w rittennoticeunderSection120.60(3),F.S.,mustbefiledw ithi n 2 1daysofpublicationofthenoticeorwithin21daysofreceip to f t hewrittennotice,whicheveroccursfirst.UnderSectio n 1 20.60(3),F.S.,however,anypersonwhohasaskedtheDepart m entfornoticeofagencyactionmayfileapetitionwithin21d ay s o freceiptofsuchnotice,regardlessofthedateofpublicati on . T hefailuretofileapetitionwithintheappropriatetimeper io d s hallconstituteawaiverofthatperson'srighttorequestan ad m inistrativedetermination(hearing)underSections120.5 69an d 1 20.57,F.S.,ortointerveneinthisproceedingandparticip atea s a partytoit.Anysubsequentintervention(inaproceedingin iti a tedbyanotherparty)willbeonlyatthediscretionofthepre sid i ngofficeruponthefilingofamotionincompliancewithRule 28 1 06.205,F.A.C. U nderRule62-110.106(4),F.A.C.,apersonwhosesubstantia l i nterestsareaffectedbytheDepartment ‹ sactionmayalsore q uestanextensionoftimetofileapetitionforanadministra tiv e h earing.TheDepartmentmay,forgoodcauseshown,grantth e r equestforanextensionoftime.Requestsforextensionofti m e m ustbefiledwiththeOfficeofGeneralCounseloftheDepart m entat3900CommonwealthBoulevard,MailStation35,Talla h assee,Florida32399-3000,beforetheapplicabledeadline fo r f ilingapetitionforanadministrativehearing.Atimelyreq uestfo r e xtensionoftimeshalltolltherunningofthetimeperiodfor filin g a petitionuntiltherequestisactedupon. M ediationisnotavailableinthisproceeding. T heapplicant,oranypartywithinthemeaningofSectio n 3 73.114(1)(a)or373.4275,F.S.,mayalsoseekappellaterev ie w o fthisorderbeforetheLandandWaterAdjudicatoryCommis s ionunderSection373.114(1)or373.4275,F.S.Requestsfor re v iewbeforetheLandandWaterAdjudicatoryCommissionmus t b efiledwiththeSecretaryoftheCommissionandservedonth e D epartmentwithin20daysfromthedatewhenthisorderisfile d w iththeClerkoftheDepartment. PublishedApril20,2023 0420THCRNNOFSPOSILA22-00872 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHE5THJUDICIALCIRCUIT,IN ANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILDIVISIO N CASENO.2022CA000796 A W ILMINGTONSAVINGSFUNDSOCIETY,FSB,NOTINDI V IDUALLYBUTSOLELYASTRUSTEEFORFINANCEO F A MERICASTRUCTUREDSECURITIESACQUISITIONTRUS T 2 019-HB1, Plaintiff, v s. D ENNISE.POSILA;DENNISE.POSILA,ASTRUSTEEO F T HEDENNISE.&LINDAM.POSILAREVOCABLETRUST , D ATEDJUNE22ND,2011;UNITEDSTATESOFAMERICA , A CTINGONBEHALFOFTHESECRETARYOFHOUSIN G A NDURBANDEVELOPMENT;FAIRVIEWESTATESOFCIT R USHILLSPROPERTYOWNERS'ASSOCIATION,INC. ; G OODLEAP,LLC;UNKNOWNPERSON(S)INPOSSESSIO N O FTHESUBJECTPROPERTY, Defendant(s) NOTICEOFFORECLOSURESALE N OTICEISHEREBYGIVENpursuanttoaFinalJudgmento f F oreclosurefiledMarch2,2023andenteredinCaseNo.202 2 C A000796A,oftheCircuitCourtofthe5thJudicialCircuiti n a ndforCITRUSCounty,Florida,whereinWILMINGTONSAV I NGSFUNDSOCIETY,FSB,NOTINDIVIDUALLYBUTSOLEL Y A STRUSTEEFORFINANCEOFAMERICASTRUCTUREDSE C URITIESACQUISITIONTRUST2019-HB1isPlaintiffan d D ENNISE.POSILA;DENNISE.POSILA,ASTRUSTEEO F T HEDENNISE.&LINDAM.POSILAREVOCABLETRUST , D ATEDJUNE22ND,2011;UNKNOWNPERSON(S)INPOS S ESSIONOFTHESUBJECTPROPERTY;UNITEDSTATE S O FAMERICA,ACTINGONBEHALFOFTHESECRETARYO F H OUSINGANDURBANDEVELOPMENT;FAIRVIEWES T ATESOFCITRUSHILLSPROPERTYOWNERS'ASSOCI A TION,INC.;GOODLEAP,LLC;aredefendants.ANGELAVICK , t heClerkoftheCircuitCourt,willselltothehighestandbes tbid d erforcashBYELECTRONICSALEAT : W WW.CITRUS.REALFORECLOSE.COM,at 10:00A.M.,o n M ay4,2023 ,thefollowingdescribedpropertyassetforthinsai d F inalJudgment,towit: L OT02,BLOCKLOFFAIRVIEWESTATES,ACCORDINGT O T HEPLATRECORDEDINPLATBOOK12,PAGES49TO8 0 I NCLUSIVEOFTHEPUBLICRECORDSOFCITRU S C OUNTY,FLORIDA. A nypersonclaiminganinterestinthesurplusfromthesale,i f a ny,otherthanthepropertyownerasofthedateofthelispen d ensmustfileaclaimbeforetheClerkreportsthesurplusasu n c laimed. Datedthis4thdayofApril2023. /s/MarcGranger,Esq . Bar.No.:14687 0 Kahane&Associates,P.A . 1619NW136thAvenue,SuiteD-22 0 Sunrise,Florida3332 3 Telephone:(954)382-348 6 Telefacsimile:(954)382-538 0 m T hisnoticeisprovidedpursuanttoAdministrativeOrde r N o.2.065. I naccordancewiththeAmericanswithDisabilitiesAct,ifyo uar e a personwithadisabilitywhoneedsanyaccommodationinor d ertoparticipateinthisproceeding,youareentitled,atnocostt o y ou,toprovisionsofcertainassistance.Pleasecontactthe Cour t A dministratorat110N.ApopkaAvenue,Inverness,Fl34450 4 299,PhoneNo.(352)341-6700within2workingdaysofyourre c eiptofthisnoticeorpleading;ifyouarehearingimpaired, call1 8 00-955-8771(TDD);ifyouarevoiceimpaired,call1-800-99 5 8 770(V)(ViaFloridaRelayServices)orDial711. PublishedApril13&20,2023 LEGALS 0420THCRNFNNATURECOASTBATHCOMFORTS PUBLICNOTICE FictitiousName N oticeunderFictitiousNameLaw.pursuanttoSection865.09 , F loridaStatutes. N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN thattheundersigned,desiringt o e ngageinbusinessunderthefictitiousnameof: NATURECOASTBATHCOMFORTS l ocatedat923TulaneTerrace,Inverness,FL34450inth e C ountyofCitrus,intendstoregisterthesaidnamewiththeDi vi s ionofCorporationsoftheFloridaDepartmentofState,Tall a h assee,FL. DatedatInverness,FL,this17thdayofApril,2023. D anielleS.Rogers O wner PublishedApril20,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0035TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0035TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-8477YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: R IVERHGTSAPARCELOFLANDKNOWNASTRACT37 S ITUATEDINLOT60MOREPART'LYDESCRASFOL:COM A TTHESWCOROFSDLOT60,THN272.79ALTHEW B DRYOFSDLOT60,THN88DEG57MIN00SECE2512.38 F T,THN1DEG23MIN05SECW262.34FTFORTHEPOB, T HN42DEG58MIN05SECW115.26FT,THW'LY72.55FT T HROUGHACENTRALANGLEOF21DEG27MIN22SEC A LATANGENTCURVECONCAVETOTHESHAVINGA R ADIUSOF193.73FT,THONARADIALLINEOFSD C URVEN25DEG35MIN33SECE200FTTOAPTONA C URVECONCENTRICTOAFORESDCURVE,THE'LY 1 47.44FTTHROUGHACENTRALANGLEOF21DEG27MIN 2 2SECALSDCURVEWHICHISCONCAVETOTHES&HAS A RADIUSOF393.73FTTOAPTOFREVERSECURVE,TH E 'LY151.33FTTHROUGHACENTRALANGLEOF6DEG46 M IN56SECALAREVERSECURVECONCAVETOTHEN H AVINGARADIUSOF1278.42FT,THS57DEG44MIN00 S ECW211.98FTTOTHEPOBSUBJTOEASEOFRECORD D ESCRINORBK489PG276&DCINORBK729PG178T OGETHERWITHEASEANDRIGHTOFUSEINLOT45 R IVERHEIGHTSPB1/57INPERPETUITYFORTHEPURP OSEOFINGRESSANDEGRESSTOTHEWATERSOFTHE W ITHLACOOCHEERIVERTOGETHERWITHRIGHTTO L AUNCHANDLOADBOATSFROMRAMPLOCATEDONSD E ASEPEREASE/AGREE7-1-72ORBK329/722 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CARLWCODY,ESTATEOF C ARLWCODYAKACARLCODY,ESTATEOFCARLW C ODYAKACARLWILBURNCODYDECEASED,ESTATEOF J UNEGCODYAKAJUNESAMSCODYDECEASED,JUNEG C ODYDECEASED S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0014TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0014TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-0569YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: W HISPERINGOAKSN1/2OFLOT38BLKADESCINORBK 8 31PG1579 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JOHNNYDWILLIAMSDEC EASED,PHYLLISJWILLIAMSAKAPHYLLISWILLIAMS A KAPHYLLISWILSON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0019TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0019TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3923YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT17LOT21BLK1222 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:REPAMELALBROOKSREG ISTEREDAGENTOBOWPTSOLUTIONSLLC,WPTSOLUT IONSLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0025TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0025TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:C3REALTYMANAGEMENTLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-9769YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT3PB5PG116LOT13BLK302 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BUILDERSPROPERTY G ROUPLLC,JAYFERTIGREGISTEREDAGENTOBO B UILDERSPROPERTYGROUPLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0097TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0097TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-3972YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT28BLK1188 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BHANMATTIERAMNAUTH S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 LIENS 0427THCRNNOSMOONRISERESORT NOTICEOFPUBLICSALE M oonriseResortLLC givesnoticeandintenttosell,fornonpay m entofstoragefeesperFLStatutes715.104,715.105, & 7 15.109byLindaDeptola&LindaJoyceDeptolaforthefollow i ngMobilehomeon 05/03/2023at8:30AMat8801EMoonris e L n.Lot47,FloralCity,FL34436 SaidLandlordreservesth e r ighttoacceptorrejectanyandallbids. 1 984PALMVIN#23630354AT 1 984PALMVIN#23630354BT PublishedonApril20&27,2023 FORECLOSURE


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 20, 2023 B11 CLASSIFIEDS FORECLOSURE 0420THCRNNOSMENZIES22-325901 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILDIVISION Case#:2022CA000183 A R ocketMortgage,LLCf/k/aQuickenLoans,LLCf/k/aQuicke n L oansInc. Plaintiff, vs.K athleenA.Menziesa/k/aKathleenA.MedeirosasPersona l R epresentativeoftheEstateofKaraAnnMenziesa/k/aKaraA . M enziesa/k/aKaraMenzies;KathleenA.Menziesa/k/aKath l eenA.Medeiros;PaulD.Menzies;UnknownSpouseofKath l eenA.Menziesa/k/aKathleenA.Medeiros;UnknownSpouseo f P aulD.Menzies;AquaFinance,Inc.;UnknownPartiesinPos s ession#1,ifliving,andallUnknownPartiesclaimingby , t hrough,underandagainsttheabovenamedDefendant(s);Un k nownPartiesinPossession#2,ifliving,andallUnknow n P artiesclaimingby,through,underandagainsttheabovenam e d D efendant(s) Defendant(s). NOTICEOFSALE NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENpursuanttoorderreschedulin g f oreclosuresaleorFinalJudgment,enteredinCivilCaseNo . 2 022CA000183AoftheCircuitCourtofthe5thJudicialCircui t i nandforCitrusCounty,Florida,whereinRocketMortgage,L L C f /k/aQuickenLoans,LLCf/k/aQuickenLoansInc.,Plaintiff an d K athleenA.Menziesa/k/aKathleenA.MedeirosasPersona l R epresentativeoftheEstateofKaraAnnMenziesa/k/aKaraA . M enziesa/k/aKaraMenziesaredefendant(s),I,ClerkofCour t , A ngelaVick,willselltothehighestandbestbidderforcashB Y E LECTRONICSALEBEGINNINGAT10:00A.M.ONTHEPRE S CRIBEDDATEAT Ma y 4 ,2023 ,thefollowingdescribedpropertyassetforthinsaidFi n alJudgment,to-wit: C OMMENCEATTHEMOSTWESTERLYCORNEROFBLOC K 4 9A,BEVERLYHILLSUNITNUMBERFOUR,ASRECORDE D I NPLATBOOK5,PAGES130THROUGH132,PUBLICRE C ORDSOFCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA,THENCENORTH3 9 D EGREESEASTALONGTHENORTHWESTERLYLINEO F S AIDBLOCK49AADISTANCEOF112.50FEETTOTH E P OINTOFBEGINNING,THENCECONTINUENORTH39DE G REESEASTALONGSAIDNORTHWESTERLYLINEADIS T ANCEOF112.50FEET;THENCESOUTH51DEGREE S E AST75FEET,THENCESOUTH39DEGREESWESTPARAL L ELTOSAIDNORTHWESTERLYLINEADISTANCEO F 1 12.50FEET,THENCENORTH51DEGREESWEST75FEE T T OTHEPOINTOFBEGINNING. S UBJECTTOA15FOOTWIDEEASEMENTALONGTH E S OUTHWESTERLYBOUNDARYTHEREOFFORROADRIGH T O FWAY. S UBJECTTOA5FOOTWIDEEASEMENTALONGTH E N ORTHEASTERLYANDSOUTHEASTERLYBOUNDARIE S T HEREOFFORUTILITIES. B EINGLOT8OFANUNRECORDEDSUBDIVISIONOF A P ORTIONOFBLOCK49A. A NYPERSONCLAIMINGANINTERESTINTHESURPLU S F ROMTHESALE,IFANY,OTHERTHANTHEPROPERT Y O WNERASOFTHEDATEOFTHELISPENDENSMUSTFIL E A CLAIMNOLATERTHANTHEDATETHATTHECLERKRE P ORTSTHEFUNDSASUNCLAIMED. I fyouareapersonwithadisabilitywhoneedsanyaccom m odationinordertoparticipateinthisproceeding,youar e e ntitled,atnocosttoyou,totheprovisionofcertainassist a nce.PleasecontacttheADACoordinator;110NorthApop k aStreet,Inverness,Florida34450;(352)341-6700atleast 7 d aysbeforeyourscheduledcourtappearance,orimmedi a telyuponreceivingthisnotificationofthetimebeforeth e s cheduledappearanceislessthan7days.Ifyouarehear i ngorvoiceimpaired,call711. PublishedApril13&20,2023 0427THCRNNOFSPHILLIPSCA000726 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHE5THJUDICIALCIRCUIT,IN ANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILDIVISIO N CASENO.:2021CA00072 6 W ILMINGTONSAVINGSFUNDSOCIETY,FSB,/B/ACHRISTIA NATRUSTASTRUSTEEFORPNPMSTRUSTIII, Plaintiff, v s. D AWNPHILLIPSA/K/ADAWNR.PHILLIPS;MILBONC.PRI E R;UNKNOWNSPOUSEOFDAWNPHILLIPSA/K/ADAWNR . P HILLIPS;UNKNOWNSPOUSEOFMILBONC.PRIER;SEC R ETARYOFHOUSING&URBANDEVELOPMENT;UN K NOWNTENANT#1ANDUNKNOWNTENANT#2, Defendants. NOTICEOFFORECLOSURESALE NOTICEISHEREBYGIVEN pursuanttotheFinalJudgmen t o fForeclosureenteredonthe9thdayofMarch2023,inCas e N o.2021CA000726,oftheCircuitCourtofthe5THJudicialCir c uitinandforCitrusCounty,Florida,whereinWILMINGTO N S AVINGSFUNDSOCIETY,FSB,D/B/ACHRISTIANATRUS T A STRUSTEEFORPNPMSTRUSTIIIisPlaintiffandDAW N P HILLIPSA/K/ADAWNR.PHILLIPS;MILBONC.PRIER;UN K NOWNSPOUSEOFDAWNPHILLIPSA/K/ADAWNR.PHIL L IPS;UNKNOWNSPOUSEOFMILBONC.PRIER;SECRET A RYOFHOUSING&URBANDEVELOPMENT;UNKNOW N T ENANT#1ANDUNKNOWNTENANT#2areDefendants.Th e C lerkofthisCourtshallselltothehighestandbestbidderfo r c,the Clerk' s w ebsiteforon-lineauctionsat,10:00AMonthe 11thdayofMa y 2 023, thefollowingdescribedpropertyassetforthinsaidFina l J udgment,towit: L OT134,RIVERGARDENS,UNITNO2,ACCORDINGT O P LATTHEREOFASRECORDEDINPLATBOOK2,PAG E 1 52,INCLUSIVE,PUBLICRECORDSOFCITRUSCOUNTY , F LORIDA. A ddress: 12331NELFPOINTDUNNELLON,FL34433 A NYPERSONCLAIMINGANINTERESTINTHESURPLU S F ROMTHESALE,IFANY,OTHERTHANTHEPROPERT Y O WNERASOFTHEDATEOFTHELISPENDENSMUSTFIL E A CLAIMWITHIN60DAYSAFTERTHESALE. I FYOUAREAPERSONWITHADISABILITYWHONEED S A NYACCOMMODATIONINORDERTOPARTICIPATEI N T HISPROCEEDING,YOUAREENTITLED,ATNOCOSTT O Y OU,TOTHEPROVISIONOFCERTAINASSISTANCE . P LEASECONTACTTHEADACOORDINATOR,TELEPHON E ( 352)341-6700,110NAPOPKAAVENUE,INVERNESSFL , 3 4450,ATLEAST7DAYSBEFOREYOURSCHEDULE D C OURTAPPEARANCE,ORIMMEDIATELYUPONRECEIV I NGTHISNOTIFICATIONIFTHETIMEBEFORETHESCHED U LEDAPPEARANCEISLESSTHAN7DAYS.IFYOUAR E H EARINGORVOICEIMPAIRED,CALL711. Datedthis 4th dayof April2023. By:/s/DavidDilts,Esq . BarNumber:6861 5 D ELUCALAWGROUP,PLLC 2 101NE26THSTREET F ORTLAUDERDALE,FL33305 P HONE:(954)368-1311|FAX:(954)200-8649 D ESIGNATEDPRIMARYE-MAILFORSERVICE P URSUANTTOFLA.R.JUD.ADMIN2.516 s PublishedApril20&27,2023 FORECLOSURE 0420THCRNNOAROSE THECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILACTION CASENO.:22CA78 5 N EWVISTAPROPERTIES,INC., a FloridaCorporation, Plaintiff, v s. F AYROSE,herdevisees,grantees,creditors,andallothe r p artiesclaimingby,through,underoragainstherandallun k nownnaturalpersons,ifaliveandifnowknowntobeoralive , t heirseveralandrespectivespouses,heirs,devisees,gran tees , a ndothercreditorsorotherpartiesclaimingby,though,oru nde r t hoseunknownnaturalpersonsandtheirseveralunknownas s igns,successorsininteresttrustees,oranyotherperson s c laimingbythrough,underoragainstanycorporationorothe r l egalentitynamedasadefendantandallclaimants,personso r p artiesnaturalorcorporatewhoseexactstatusisunknown , c laimingunderanyoftheabovenamedordescribeddefendant s o rpartieswhoareclaimingtohaveanyright,titleorinteres ti n a ndtothelandshereafterdescribed;andUNKNOWNSPOUS E O FFAYROSE, Defendants. NOTICEOFACTIONCONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE-PROPERTY T O:FAYROSE,herdevisees,grantees,creditors,andallothe r p artiesclaimingby,through,underoragainstherandallun k nownnaturalpersons,ifaliveandifnowknowntobeoralive , t heirseveralandrespectivespouses,heirs,devisees,gran tees , a ndothercreditorsorotherpartiesclaimingby,though,oru nde r t hoseunknownnaturalpersonsandtheirseveralunknownas s igns,successorsininteresttrustees,oranyotherperson s c laimingbythrough,underoragainstanycorporationorothe r l egalentitynamedasadefendantandallclaimants,personso r p artiesnaturalorcorporatewhoseexactstatusisunknown , c laimingunderanyoftheabovenamedordescribeddefendant s o rpartieswhoareclaimingtohaveanyright,titleorinteres ti n a ndtothelandshereafterdescribed;andUNKNOWNSPOUS E O FFAYROSE: YOUAREHEREBYNOTIFIEDthatanactiontoforecloseo n t hefollowingdescribedpropertyinCitrusCounty,Florida: L ot10,Block1438,CitrusSpringsUnit21,accordingtoth e m aporplatthereof,asrecordedinPlatBook7,Pages7 3 t hrough83,inclusive,ofthePublicRecordsofCitru s C ounty,Florida h asbeenfiledagainstyouandyouarerequiredtoserveacop y o fyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitonAlbertJ.Tiseo,Jr. , P laintiff ‹ sattorneywhoseaddressisGoldman,Tiseo&Sturges , P .A.,701JCCenterCourt,Suite3,PortCharlotte,Florida33 954 , t hirty(30)daysafterthefirstpublicationdate,andfileth eorigina l w iththeClerkofthisCourteitherbeforeserviceonPlaintif f'sat t orneyorimmediatelythereafter;otherwiseadefaultwillb e e nteredagainstyouforthereliefdemandedintheComplaint . WITNESSmyhandandsealofthisCourt April6, 2023. ANGELAVIC K CLERKOFTHECOUR T { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/AmandaSerrato s DeputyCler k PublishedonApril13&20,2023 0427THCRNNOAREID22CA784 THECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILACTION CASENO.:22CA78 4 N EWVISTAPROPERTIES,INC., a FloridaCorporation, Plaintiff, V S. A NDREWR.REID,hisdevisees,grantees,creditors,andallot h e rpartiesclaimingby,through,underoragainsthimandallu n k nownnaturalpersons,ifaliveandifnowknowntobeoralive , t heirseveralandrespectivespouses,heirs,devisees,gran tees , a ndothercreditorsorotherpartiesclaimingby,though,oru nde r t hoseunknownnaturalpersonsandtheirseveralunknownas s igns,successorsininteresttrustees,oranyotherperson s c laimingbythrough,underoragainstanycorporationorothe r l egalentitynamedasadefendantandallclaimants,personso r p artiesnaturalorcorporatewhoseexactstatusisunknown , c laimingunderanyoftheabovenamedordescribeddefendant s o rpartieswhoareclaimingtohaveanyright,titleorinteres ti n a ndtothelandshereafterdescribed;andUNKNOWNSPOUS E O FANDREWR.REID, Defendant. NOTICEOFACTION CONSTRUCTIVESERVICE-PROPERTY T O:ANDREWR.REID,hisdevisees,grantees,creditors,andal l o therpartiesclaimingby,through,underoragainsthimanda l l u nknownnaturalpersons,ifaliveandifnowknowntobeoraliv e , t heirseveralandrespectivespouses,heirs,devisees,gran tees , a ndothercreditorsorotherpartiesclaimingby,though,oru nde r t hoseunknownnaturalpersonsandtheirseveralunknownas s igns,successorsininteresttrustees,oranyotherperson s c laimingbythrough,underoragainstanycorporationorothe r l egalentitynamedasadefendantandallclaimants,personso r p artiesnaturalorcorporatewhoseexactstatusisunknown , c laimingunderanyoftheabovenamedordescribeddefendant s o rpartieswhoareclaimingtohaveanyright,titleorinteres ti n a ndtothelandshereafterdescribed;andUNKNOWNSPOUS E O FANDREWR.REID: YOUAREHEREBYNOTIFIEDthatanactiontoforecloseo n t hefollowingdescribedpropertyinCitrusCounty,Florida: L ot12,Block758CitrusSpringsUnit8,accordingtoth e m aporplatthereof,asrecordedinPlatBook6,Pages4 3 t hrough49,inclusive,ofthePublicRecordsofCitru s C ounty,Florida h asbeenfiledagainstyouandyouarerequiredtoserveacop y o fyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitonAlbertJ.Tiseo,Jr. , P laintiffsattorneywhoseaddressisGoldman,Tiseo&Sturge s , P .A.,701JCCenterCourt,Suite3,PortCharlotte,Florida33 954 , t hirty(30)daysafterthefirstpublicationdate,andfileth eorigina l w iththeClerkofthisCourteitherbeforeserviceonPlaintif fsat t orneyorimmediatelythereafter;otherwiseadefaultwillb e e nteredagainstyouforthereliefdemandedintheComplaint . WITNESSmyhandandsealofthisCourtAPRIL11,2023. ANGELAVIC K CLERKOFTHECOUR T { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/AmandaSerrato s DeputyCler k PublishedApril20&27,2023 0427THCRNNOAKEANE22FL373-1120-1 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT JUDICIALCIRCUIT,INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILDIVISIO N CASENO.:2022CA000578 A F REEDOMMORTGAGECORPORATION PLAINTIFF, v s. O LGANANKEANE,UNKNOWNSPOUSEOFOLGANA N K EANE,ANDUNKNOWNTENANTINPOSSESSIONOFTH E S UBJECTPROPERTY, DEFENDANTS. NOTICEOFACTION T O: UNKNOWNSPOUSEOFOLGANANKEANE L astKnownAddress: 6521EGRAYSONST INVERNESS,FL34452612CAUTHENSTROCKHILL,SC29730 C urrentResidence: UNKNOWN Y OUARENOTIFIEDthatanactionforForeclosureofMortgag e o nthefollowingdescribedproperty: L OT20,BLOCK331OFINVERNESSHIGHLANDSWEST,AC C ORDINGTOTHEPLATTHEREOFASRECORDEDINPLA T B OOK5,PAGE19THROUGH33,OFPUBLICRECORDSO F C ITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA. h asbeenfiledagainstyouandyouarerequiredtoserveacop y o fyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toit,onMILLER,GEORGE & S UGGS,PLLC,AttorneyforPlaintiff,whoseaddressis2200W . C ommercialBlvd,Suite103,Ft.Lauderdale,FL33309withino n o rbeforeadateatleastthirty(30)daysafterthefirstpubli catio n o fthisNoticeintheCitrusCountyChronicleandfiletheorig ina l w iththeClerkofthisCourteitherbeforeserviceonPlaintif f'sat t orneyorimmediatelythereafter;otherwiseadefaultwillb e e nteredagainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthecomplaint . A MERICANSWITHDISABILITIESACT.Ifyouareaperso n w ithadisabilitywhoneedsanyaccommodationinordert o p articipateinthisproceeding,youareentitled,atnocostt o y ou,totheprovisionofcertainassistance.Pleasecontac t t heADACoordinatorforCitrusCounty,KathyRector,a t ( 352)341-6700atleast7daysbeforeyourscheduledcour t a ppearance,orimmediatelyuponreceivingthisnotificatio n i fthetimebeforethescheduledappearanceislessthan 7 d ays;ifyouarehearingorvoiceimpaired,call711. W ITNESSmyhandandthesealofthisCourtthis11thdayo f A pril,2023. ANGELAVIC K AsClerkoftheCircuitCour t { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/AmyHolme s AsDeputyCler k PublishedApril20&27,2023 0511THCRNNOATHOMPSON2022-CA-000933 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CASENUMBER:2022-CA-00093 3 M 18LANDLLC,AFLORIDALIMITEDLIABILITYCOMPANY, Plaintiff, v . W INSTONTHOMPSON;MAUREENTHOMPSON;NEWVIST A P ROPERTIES,INC.,aFloridaProfitCorporation;CITRU S S PRINGSCIVICASSOCIATION,INC.aFloridaNotForProfi t C orporation Defendants. NOTICEOFACTION T O:NEWVISTAPROPERTIES,INC. RegisteredAgentJohnEhrling5557EastPriceBlvdNorthPort,FL34288 YOUARENOTIFIED thatanactiontoQUIETTITLET O R EALPROPERTYonthefollowingresidentialrealpropertyin , F lorida: L ots18and19,Block1731ofCITRUSSPRINGSUNIT23,ac c ordingtothePlatthereofasrecordedinPlatBook7 , P age(s)115-133,ofthePublicRecordsofCITRUSCounty , F lorida. S TREETADDRESS:1431WBELENDR,HERNANDO P ARCELNUMBER:18E-17S-10-0230-17310-0180 h asbeenfiledagainstyouandyouarerequiredtoserveacop y o fyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitontheplaintiff Š sattorney , w hosenameandaddressare: B erryJ.Walker,Jr.,Esquire F loridaBarNo.0742960 W alker&Tudhope,P.A. 2 25SouthWestmonteDrive,Suite2040 A ltamonteSprings,FL32714 P hone:407-478-1866 F ax:407-478-1865 E A w ithin30daysofthefirstpublicationofthisNoticeofActio n,an d f iletheoriginalwiththeclerkofthiscourteitherbeforese rviceo n t heplaintiff Š sattorneyorimmediatelythereafter;otherwiseade f aultwillbeenteredagainstyouforthereliefdemandedinth e c omplaintorpetition. DATEDonApril6,2023. AngelaVick,asClerkoftheCour t { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/HanoraN.Cassel s AsDeputyCler k PublishedApril20&27,2023andMay4&11,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0114TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0114TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7679YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: H AZELTONSHILLUNRECSUBLOT7BLKDDESCAS C OMMATSWCORNOFNW1/4OFNW1/4OF25-19-17,TH S 8 9DEG44M45SEALSLNOFSDNW1/4OFNW1/4520.59 F T,THN0DEG00M55SE500FT,THS89DEG44M45SE P ARATOSDSLN465FTTHS0DEG00M55SW80FTTO P OB,THS0DEG00M55SW80FT,THN89DEG44M45SW P ARATOSDSLN120FT,THN0DEG00M55SE80FT,TH S 89DEG44M45SEPARATOSDSLN120FTTOPOB D ESCINORBK1262PG2041&ORBK1829PG1434 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GERARDSTJEAN,MYRNA B AUDIN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 MEETINGS 0421MXDCRNMTG4/26PUBLICSAFETY PUBLICNOTICE NOTICEISHEREBYGIVEN thattheCitrusCountyPubli c S afetyCoordinatingCouncilwillmeeton Wednesday,April2 6 a t3:00P.M. attheCitrusCountyCourthouse,110NorthApopk a A venue,JuryAssemblyRoom(JAR),Inverness,Florida,todis c ussbusinessofthePublicSafetyCoordinatingCouncil,whi c h m ayproperlycomebeforethem. Anypersonrequiringreasonableaccommodationatthi s m eetingbecauseofadisabilityorphysicalimpairmentshoul d c ontacttheCountyAdministrator'sOffice,3600W.Sovereig n P ath,Suite267,Lecanto,FL34461,(352)527-5210,atleastt w o d aysbeforethemeeting.Ifyouarehearingorspeechimpaired , d ial7-1-1,1-800-955-8771(TTY)or1-800-955-8770(v),via Flor i daRelayService. IfapersondecidestoappealanydecisionmadebythePub l icSafetyCoordinatingCouncilwithrespecttoanymatterco n s ideredatthismeeting,he/shewillneedtoensurethataver b atimrecordoftheproceedingsismadewhichrecordshallin c ludethetestimonyandevidenceuponwhichtheappealistob e b ased. BY:/s/DougWright,DougWrightExecutiveAssistanttotheBoard PublishedApril17,18,19,20&21,2023 MEETINGS 0420THCRN4/27BDOFDIRMTG MEETINGNOTICE A meetingofthe BoardofDirectors oftheCitrusCountyCom m unityCharitableFoundation,Inc.willbeheldon Thursday , A pril27,2023 at6:00pmintheLecantoGovernmentBuilding , R oom166,3600WSovereignPath,Lecanto,FL34461. M eetingsareopentothepublicandpublicinputiswelcome . C opiesoftheagendaforeachmeetingareavailablebyemailin g t heCitrusCountyCommunityCharitableFoundation,Inc.Per s onswhorequirespecialaccommodationsundertheAmerica n w ithDisabilitiesActshouldcontacttheCitrusCountyCommu nit y C haritableFoundation,Inc.atexecutivedirector@ccccf.u s.Addi t ionalinformationabouttheFoundation,Inc.,andupdatest o m eetingtimes,locations,orcancellationsareavailableon th e F oundation'swebsiteorbycalling(352)201-6142. T hisnoticeinformsandnotifiesthepublicthatmember(s)of th e C itrusCountyHospitalBoardmayattendtheabove-listedmee t i ng.TheCitrusCountyHospitalBoardwillnotvoteorconduc t b usinessbutmayactivelyparticipateinthediscussions. PublishedApril20,2023 FORECLOSURE FORECLOSURE FORECLOSURE


B12 Thursday, April 20, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle CLASSIFIEDS 0420THCRNNOABRANDONBROWN INTHECOUNTYCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTYINTHESTATEOFFLORIDA CaseNo:2023-CC-11 3 A NGELAVICK,ASCITRUSCOUNTYCLERKOFCOURTAN D C OMPTROLLER, Plaintiff, v . J OED.BROWN;APRILMARIEBROWN,Individuallyanda s L egalGuardianforKEGANBROWN;RISKFREEREFUND , L LC;THERECOVERYAGENTS,LLC;andBRANDONBROWN , Defendants. NOTICEOFACTION T O:BRANDONBROWN,lastknownaddress:225NorthVer n onStreet,Apt.9,Herscher,IL60941 ,allpartiesclaimingin t erestsby,through,underoragainstthem. Y OUARENOTIFIEDthatanactionhasbeenbroughtagains t y ouforInterpleaderinCitrusCounty,Florida. T hisactionisrelatingtooverbidfundsintheamounto f $ 15,338.99resultingfromthetaxdeedsaleoftherealproper ty , f urtherdescribedbelow,onoraroundJuly13,2022andrefer e ncedasTaxDeed#2021-0191TD. R ealProperty:2690ECenterSt,Inverness,FL34453,Parce l I D19E19S030020000E00080,andLegalDescriptionHILL T OPVLGPB5PG42LOT8BLKE. Y ouarerequiredtoserveacopyofyourwrittendefensestoit, i f a ny,onCITRUSCOUNTYCLERKOFCOURTANDCOMP T ROLLER,whoseaddressisc/oKeithTaylorLawGroup,P.A. , P .O.Box2016,LecantoFL,34460,within30daysofthe1stpub l icationdate,andfiletheoriginalwiththeClerkofthisCou rta t C itrusCountyClerkoftheCourt,110N.ApopkaAvenue,In v erness,FL34450,beforeserviceonPlaintifforimmediatel y t hereafter. Ifyoufailtodoso,adefaultmaybeentere d a gainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthecomplaint. C opiesofallcourtdocumentsinthiscase,includingorders , a reavailableattheCitrusCountyClerkoftheCircuitCourt ‹ s o ffice.Youmayreviewthesedocumentsuponrequest. W ITNESSmyhandandsealoftheCourtonthe27thdayo f M ARCH,2023. ANGELAVIC K CLERKOFCOUR T { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/AmyHolme s DeputyCler k P ublishedintheCitrusCountyChronicleonMarch30 , 2 023;andApril6,2023;andApril13,2023;andApril20 , 2023. FORECLOSURE 0420THCRNNOAJOED.BROWN INTHECOUNTYCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTYINTHESTATEOFFLORIDA CaseNo:2023-CC-11 3 A NGELAVICK,ASCITRUSCOUNTYCLERKOFCOURTAN D C OMPTROLLER, Plaintiff, v . J OED.BROWN;APRILMARIEBROWN,Individuallyanda s L egalGuardianforKEGANBROWN;RISKFREEREFUND , L LC;THERECOVERYAGENTS,LLC;andBRANDONBROWN , Defendants. NOTICEOFACTION T O:JOED.BROWN,lastknownaddress:2690ECenterSt , I nverness,FL34453 ,allpartiesclaiminginterestsby,through , u nderoragainstthem. Y OUARENOTIFIEDthatanactionhasbeenbroughtagains t y ouforInterpleaderinCitrusCounty,Florida. T hisactionisrelatingtooverbidfundsintheamounto f $ 15,338.99resultingfromthetaxdeedsaleoftherealproper ty , f urtherdescribedbelow,onoraroundJuly13,2022andrefer e ncedasTaxDeed#2021-0191TD. R ealProperty:2690ECenterSt,Inverness,FL34453,Parce l I D19E19S030020000E00080,andLegalDescriptionHILL T OPVLGPB5PG42LOT8BLKE. Y ouarerequiredtoserveacopyofyourwrittendefensestoit, i f a ny,onCITRUSCOUNTYCLERKOFCOURTANDCOMP T ROLLER,whoseaddressisc/oKeithTaylorLawGroup,P.A. , P .O.Box2016,LecantoFL,34460,within30daysofthe1stpub l icationdate,andfiletheoriginalwiththeClerkofthisCou rta t C itrusCountyClerkoftheCourt,110N.ApopkaAvenue,In v erness,FL34450,beforeserviceonPlaintifforimmediatel y t hereafter. Ifyoufailtodoso,adefaultmaybeentere d a gainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthecomplaint. C opiesofallcourtdocumentsinthiscase,includingorders , a reavailableattheCitrusCountyClerkoftheCircuitCourt ‹ s o ffice.Youmayreviewthesedocumentsuponrequest. W ITNESSmyhandandsealoftheCourtonthe27thdayo f M ARCH,2023. ANGELAVIC K CLERKOFCOUR T { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/HanoraN.Cassel s DeputyCler k P ublishedintheCitrusCountyChronicleonMarch30,2023 ; andApril6,2023;andApril13,2023;andApril20,2023. FORECLOSURE 0504THCRNNOAYELTON INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTYFLORIDA CASENO:2023CA000536 A J OANNEM.IRVINE Plaintiff, v s. E STATEOFJAMESBERTYELTON;EMMAC.YELTON,I F L IVINGANDIFDECEASED,ANYANDALLUNKNOW N S POUSES,HEIRS,ORDEVISEES,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES , C REDITORS,LIENORSANDTRUSTEES; Defendants. NOTICEOFACTION T O: ESTATEOFJAMESBERTYELTON;EMMAC.YELTON,I F L IVINGANDIFDECEASED,ANYANDALLUNKNOW N S POUSES,HEIRS,ORDEVISEES,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES , C REDITORS,LIENORSANDTRUSTEES, a ndallothersclaimingby,throughorunderthemandtoalloth e rswhomitmayconcern: Y OUARENOTIFIED ofanactiontoquietandconfirmtitleonth e f ollowingpropertyinCitrusCountyFlorida: P LEASANTACRESUNRECORDEDSUBDIVISION,LOT3 , B LOCKAASDESCRIBEDINOFFICIALRECORDSBOO K 5 36PAGE109. S aidactionhasbeenfiledagainstyou,andyouarerequiredt o s erveacopyofyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitonJoanneM . I rvine,Plaintiff,whoseaddressis1301S.HerculesAve.,Ap t.10 , C learwater33764onorbeforeMay13,2023,andtheorigina l w iththeClerkofthisCourteitherbeforeserviceonthePlain tiffo r i mmediatelythereafter:otherwiseadefaultwillbeentere d a gainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthecomplaintormotion . W itnessmyhandandsealofthisCourtonthis6thdayofApril , 2 023. ANGELAVIC K CLERKOFTHECIRCUITCOUR T { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/AmandaSerrato s DeputyCler k PublishedApril13,20&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0030TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0030TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5953YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: A PACHESHORESUNIT9LOTS1&2BLK32ANDBEGAT N ECOROFLOT2BLK32THGOEWITHANEXTENSION O FNBDRYOFSDLOT2,75FT,THGOSALALNPARTO E LNOFLOT2,50FT,THGOW75FTTOSECOROFLT2, T HGONTONECOROFLT2&POBDESCINORBK1056 P G2032 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:NANCYBURGESSAKA N ANCYDBURGESS,NATHANREGISTER,RICHARDREG ISTERAKARICHARDLEWISREGISTERSR S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0091TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0091TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5205YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT46BLK1 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DOROTHYDSHOEMAKER, D OROTHYDSHOEMAKERASTRUSTEEUNDERTHEPROV ISIONSOFACERTAINDECLARATIONOFTRUSTDATED T HE2NDDAYOFAUGUST1994,MEDFORDMSHOEM AKER,MEDFORDMSHOEMAKERASTRUSTEEUNDER T HEPROVISIONSOFACERTAINDECLARATIONOFTRUST D ATEDTHE2NDDAYOFAUGUST1994 S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0029TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0029TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4058YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT19LOT22BLK1240DESCRINORBK 5 97PG1881 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFMICHAELGIALL ELLAAKAMICHAELPGIALLELLA,ESTATEOFMICHAEL G IALLELLADECEASED,ESTATEOFVITODGIALLELLA A KAVITOGIALLELLADECEASED,MICHAELGIALLELLA, V ITODGIALLELLA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0070TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0070TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5998YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: A PACHESHORESUNIT4PB4PG83LOTS33&34BLK23 T ITLEINORBK2596PG1043 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BANKOFNEWYORKMELL ONFKABANKOFNEWYORKASTRUSTEE,THEBANK O FNEWYORKMELLONFKATHEBANKOFNEWYORKAS T RUSTEEFORTHECERTIFICATEHOLDERSOFCWABS 2 005SD1ASSETBACKEDCERTIFICATESSERIES2005SD1 S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0121TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0121TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-8607YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: S OUTHLANDESTSPB13PG71LOT11 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BANKOFAMERICANATIONA LASSOCIATION,BARNETTBANKOFCITRUSCO, B ARNETTBANKOFCITRUSCOUNTYNA,CTCORPORAT IONSYSTEMREGISTEREDAGENTOBOBANKOFAMERI CANATIONALASSOCIATION S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0023TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0023TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-8177YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSHGLDSWESTPB5PG19LOT5BLK326 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFSHARONGOLD H ENRYAKASHARONGHENRY,ESTATEOFSHARON G OLDHENRYDECEASED,SHARONGOLDHENRYAKA S HARONGHENRY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0027TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0027TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7534YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: P ARSONSPTADDTOHERNANDOPB2PG19LOT13LESS T HEW20FT&ALLOFLOT14BLK12 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFJEANEBRELSF ORDAKAJEANELIZABETHBRELSFORDDECEASED, J EANEBRELSFORD S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0096TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0096TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7196YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: V ILLATERUNIT11OFHOMOSASSAPB1PG52LOT13 B LK349 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GULFHWYLANDCORP, P AULADPAXTONREGISTEREDAGENTOBOGULFHWY L ANDCORP S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0120TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0120TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-3361YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT17BLK1273 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ANDREWFISKEREG ISTEREDAGENTOBOCITYFIRSTMORTGAGECORP, C ITYFIRSTMORTGAGECORP S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0005TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0005TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-6096YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C OSTA&SONINCPB5PG59LOT85 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ANNETTEGIGLIO,JOHNR E VANGELISTA,ROSEEVANGELISTA,STEVENEVANG ELISTA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0016TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0016TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5072YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: B EVERLYHILLSUNIT8PHASE2PB13PG33LOT17BLK 1 88DESCINORBK761PG1816 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GAILPOSLUSZNY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0026TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0026TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:C3REALTYMANAGEMENTLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-9770YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT4PB5PG133LOT16BLK356 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BUILDERSPROPERTY G ROUPLLC,JAYFERTIGREGISTEREDAGENTOBO B UILDERSPROPERTYGROUPLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 LEGALS 0427THCRNDR.KEVINHOFFMAN,D.C. A ccordingFloridastatute,noticeofsaleofachiropracticp ractic e m ustappearinthelocalnewspaperweeklyfor4consecutiv e w eeks.Notwithstandingtheprovisionsofs.456.058,record s o wnersshallplaceanadvertisementinthelocalnewspapero r n otifypatients,inwriting,whentheyareterminatingpract ice,re t iring,orrelocating,andnolongeravailabletopatients,a ndoffe r p atientstheopportunitytoobtainacopyoftheirmedicalrec ord . A ssuch,HoffmanChiropracticWellness(Dr.KevinHoffman)w il l b esoldtoFamilyChiropracticCenterforWellness(Dr.Bria n D ahmer)onApril1,2023.Dr.Dahmerwillbecomethelegalcus t odianofthepatientrecords.Hecanbereachedat(352)419 4 949tomakeanappointment,getacopyofyourrecordsort o h aveanyquestionsanswered.Thepracticewillremainat222 0 H ighway44WestInverness,FL34453. PublishedApril6,13,20&27,2023 FORECLOSURE


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 20, 2023 B13 CLASSIFIEDS 0504THCRN2023-0022TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0022TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9727YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: G REENACRESADD2PB5PG34LOT6OFLOT62:COM A TTHENWCOROFLOT62THS0DEG20M39SWALW L NOFSDLOT62444.11FTTOTHEPOBTHS0DEG20M 3 9SWALSDWLN100FTTHN88DEG22M41SE311.83 F TTOPTONELNOFSDLOT62THN0DEG21M15SEAL S DELN100FTTHS88DEG22M41SW311.85FTTOPOB T ITLEINORBK874PG323(SURVEYINORBK873PG328) O RBK1922PG194ORBK2249PG314ORBK2484PG 1 463 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAYSONRROSIO S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0130TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0130TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TBINVESTMENTTRUSTFB O T ERRYBAYLISS T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9083YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L OT24BLK9:COMATNWCOROFSECTION34TOWNS HIP18SRANGE17E,THS1DEG17M3SEALWLN 1 303.26FTTOSWCOROFNW1/4OFNW1/4,THS89DEG 2 5M42SEALSLNOFNW1/4OFNW1/4150FTTOPOB,TH S 89DEG25M42SEALSLN50FT,THN1DEG17M3SW P ARTOWLN120FT,THN89DEG25M42SWPARTOSLN 5 0FT,THS1DEG17M3SEPARTOWLN120FTTOPOB N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LISALLEWIS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0080TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0080TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:KINGDOMMARKETHOLDING S L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4147YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT19BLK1274 D ESCRINORBK564PG1663 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:KIRKMKNOEPFELASSUCC ESSORTRUSTEEOFTHEKNOEPFELREVOCABLEFAMI LYTRUSTDATEDAUGUST221995,KIRKMKNOEPFEL S UCCTRUSTEE,KNOEPFELREVOCFAMILYTRUST S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0041TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0041TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7208YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: V ILLATERUNIT10OFHOMOSASSALOT9BLK344DESC I NORBK583PG2169 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DONALDGENEMORRIES, E STATEOFJOYCEANNSMITHDECEASED,JAMESA T EDDY,JOYCEANNSMITH,THERESALDOERING S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0087TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0087TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5437YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: E DENGARDENS1STADDPB3PG87LOT71LESS&EXW 5 0FTFORR/W N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:SETHISRAELREGISTERED A GENTOBOTAXCERTIFICATEREDEMPTIONSINC,TAX C ERTIFICATEREDEMPTIONSINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0024TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0024TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-8855YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNOFHOMOSASSAPB1PG6LOT4BLK141DESCR I NORBK577PG179 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BRANDONSWILSONAKA B RANDONSCOTTWILSON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0036TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0036TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9304YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: N EWHOMOSASSAVLGPB4PG92LOT52 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CAROLLUNSFORDAKA C AROLWALKER,HOWARDEDWARDLUNSFORDDEC EASED,HOWARDLUNSFORDDECEASED S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0042TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0042TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:PALLUM401KPLAN T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5353YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT27LOT5BLK1373DESCRINOR B K604PG178 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:EUGENEMOHRAKAEUG ENEVINCENTMOHRRIDILLA,EUGENEVMOHRDEC EASED,LOLINNEMOHRAKALOLINNEAPEREZ S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0044TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0044TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7436YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: H EATHERWOODUNIT1PB8PG2LOT64BLKALESSPT D ESCINORBK768PG1524DESCINORBK895PG1731& O RBK899PG314 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DENNISRMACNEIL S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0045TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0045TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5371YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT9BLK38DESCRINORBK533PG1925 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LORETTARSMITH,LORE TTASMITH,ROBERTLSMITH S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0092TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0092TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5210YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT1BLK3DESCINORBK559PG471&DCINORBK905 P G276 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:TARPONIVLLC,TWJPAN F LORIDALLCREGISTEREDAGENTOBOTARPONIVLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0109TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0109TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5329YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT45BLK27DESCINORBK663PG1037 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DENTONIILLC,JOBATHANR P OLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBODENTONIILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2022-0834TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2022-0834TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-4094YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26LOT5BLK1646DESCINORBK 5 96PG1452&DCINORBK841PG69 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CARLABOMBARDDEC EASED,GLADYSSBOMBARD S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0015TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0015TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5067YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: B EVERLYHILLSUNIT8PH1PB12PG147PHASE1LOT32 B LK184 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:TERRYMITTEER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0118TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0118TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-3384YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT6BLK1277 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CAROLESHAREKFINNEGA N,WILLIAMROBERTMORRIS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0085TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0085TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4136YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT7BLK1273 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:TUTUINVESTMENTSLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0094TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0094TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7212YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVLGPB6PG26LOT15BLK6 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:VINCENZODIGREGORIO S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0098TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0098TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-3930YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT8BLK1614 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CHIFUNWONG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0018TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0018TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SPACEONEARTHLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-10114YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C HEROKEEVILLAGEUNRECSUBLOT40:COMATSW C OROFSE1/4OFSE1/4OFSEC30-17-20THN01DEG17M 0 4SWALWLNOFSDSE1/4OFSE1/41181.98FTTOINT ERSECTIONWITHW'LYPROJECTIONOFCENTERLINEOF S QUAWCTA50FTPRIVATERDTHS88DEG08M01SEAL S DCENTERLINE350FTTOINTERSECTIONWITHAN'LY P ROJECTIONOFE'LYR/WLNOFNBEADPT50FT P RIVATERDTHS01DEG17M04SEALSDN'LYPROJECT IONANDSDE'LYR/WLNPARWITHWLNOFSE1/4OF S E1/4OFSDSEC30480.04FTTHS88DEG08M01SE250 F TTOAPTONW'LYR/WLNOFA50FTUNNAMED P RIVATERDTHN01DEG17M04SWPARWITHWLNOF S E1/4OFSE1/4379.20FTTOPOBTHCONTN01DEG17M 0 4SWALSDW'LYR/WLN75.84FTTHN88DEG08M01SW 1 25FTTHS01DEG17M04SEPARWITHSDWLNOFSE 1 /4OFSE1/475.84FTTHS88DEG08M01SE125FTTO P OBDESCINORBK1876PG675(SURVEYINORBK1876 P G674) N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:FLORIDAPJGROUPINC, J USTINBURNETTREGISTEREDAGENTOBOFLORIDAPJ G ROUPINC,KARNINEJEAN-JOSEPHREGISTEREDAGENT O BOFLORIDAPJGROUPINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023


B14 Thursday, April 20, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle CLASSIFIEDS 0504THCRN2023-0032TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0032TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TRINGALIFAMILYINVEST M ENTPROPERTIESLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7245YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVLGPB6PG26LOTS3&4BLK19 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFSTELLAGERS A KASTELLATHERESAGERSDECEASED,STELLAGERS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0043TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0043TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-0801YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C INNAMONRIDGEPB12PG35LOT22BLKH N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DARRENSUNDQUIST,VICKY T OWERS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0048TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0048TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JAMESHALLEN T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7039YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2PB 6 PG52LOT12BLK26DESCINORBK881PG213 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DENTONIILLC,JONATHANR P OLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBODENTONIILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0049TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0049TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5344YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT46BLK29 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0058TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0058TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4555YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT21LOT12BLK1501DESCRINOR B K586PG1296 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTOFSTEPHENSTHEFNDA TION,THOMASJSTEPHENS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0061TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0061TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5342YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2PB 6 PG52LOT38BLK29 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0062TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0062TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-8783YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNOFHOMOSASSALOT3BLK59DESCRINORBK11 P G590,DC583PG2031&ORBK635PG175 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JUANITAWBUCKNER, L AURENDBUCKNER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0064TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0064TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5343YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT45BLK29 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0065TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0065TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5345YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2PB 6 PG52LOT49BLK29 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0066TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0066TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5346YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT50BLK29 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0067TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0067TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5381YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT39BLK38 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GRACELYNBOSWELL,ROY B OSWELL S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0082TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0082TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7731YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: P ROPOSEDTOWNOFSOUTHCITRONELLEPB1PG18 L OT4 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DANIELFREDBUCKAKA D ANIELBUCK S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0102TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0102TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5314YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2LOT17BLK17DESCINORBK 4 61PG688 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:PAULINECLARK S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0106TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0106TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:AVANTAGE1LLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-6726YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNSITEOFCRYSTALPARKN1/2OFLOT615DESCIN O RBK489PG387 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ELAINETURK,JEANTURK, K ARLSZOLLOSY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0108TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0108TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5250YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2PB 6 PG52LOT1BLK13 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:STELLAKARAKANTASET A L,ZOENUNES S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0006TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0006TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-8373YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: R AINBOWFORESTPB3PG147LOT12BLKC N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:PATRICIAATHOMAS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0078TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0078TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-3932YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT10BLK1614 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CHIFUNWONG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0081TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0081TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3878YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT13BLK1613 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CHIFUNWONG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0110TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0110TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-5507YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVLGPB6PG26LOT19BLK10 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:WESTHAWAIIREALTYINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0113TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0113TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5247YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT9BLK1625 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GWYNETHAHEMMINGS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0115TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0115TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-3931YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT9BLK1614 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CHIFUNWONG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023


Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 20, 2023 B15 CLASSIFIEDS 0504THCRN2023-0012TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0012TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:NORMANMCKENZIECORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-2087YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT4PB5PG133TRACTT N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MARTINALLENSWARTZAK A M ARTINSWARTZ S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0028TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0028TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3852YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT17PB7PG1LOT2BLK1203 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JONATHANRPOLITANOREG ISTEREDAGENTOBOWINDERVILLC,WINDERVILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0031TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0031TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:LAWRENCESTEPHENPARKER T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5410YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT10BLK1643 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ARLEENGKHATIBI,JUNEM S MITH S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0040TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0040TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ENVISIONHOMEIMPROVE M ENTLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-8812YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: U NIT6OFHOMOSASSAPB1PG48LOTS19&20BLK234 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAMESJBOHASH S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0047TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0047TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-8890YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNOFHOMOSASSAPB1PG6LOT10BLK109 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JACKGREEN,MARYF G REEN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0052TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0052TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-1503YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT2PB5PG108LOT4BLK131 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CRYSTALILLC,JONATHAN R POLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOCRYSTALILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0056TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0056TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-6556YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C RYSTALMANORUNIT2PB8PG112LT1BLK55 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DANIELGARCIA,MICHEL G ARCIA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0057TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0057TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4518YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT21LOT7BLK1451DESCINORBK685 P G2004 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAMESJDEJESU S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0059TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0059TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-6639YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNSITEOFCRYSTALPARKE50FTOFW100FTOF L OT377DESCINORBK279PG666 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAMESSIMMONS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0060TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0060TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9483YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C RYSTALHGTSDEVSEC2LOTS29&30BLK19DESCRIN O RBK522PG186 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DAVIDDYER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0068TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0068TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-1502YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT2PB5PG108LOT3BLK131 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DENTONIILLC,JONATHANR P OLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOCRYSTALILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0071TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0071TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:HYCAVESERVICES T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-2296YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT5PB6PG1TRACTJ N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MARTINALLENSWARTZAK A M ARTINSWARTZ S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0074TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0074TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SECURELYNESTED2LLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5270YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT28BLK9 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JANDYPROPERTIESINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0084TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0084TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7018YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT23BLK12DESCINORBK687PG2019 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:VLADIMIRZABRODSKY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0086TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0086TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7089YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: U NIT4OFHOMOSASSALOTS1&2BLK178DESCINOR B K554PG755 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MICHAELPDIMON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0088TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0088TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5280YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT25BLK28DESCRINORBK579PG1472 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LARRYRHALL S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0089TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0089TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5251YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT9BLK13DESCRINORBK563PG938 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:RONALDBRADEN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0090TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0090TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-1505YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT2PB5PG108LOT6BLK131 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CRYSTALILLC,JONATHAN R POLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOCRYSTALILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0093TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0093TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SECURELYNESTED2LLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5271YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT29BLK9 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JANDYPROPERTIESINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0095TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0095TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-5510YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L T73,B13,INVERNESSVLGU3,ASUBDACCTOPB6 P GS26-29PRCCF. N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0050TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0050TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5350YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVILLAGEUNIT2PB6PG52LOT29BLK30 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:NATLRECLANDLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023


B16 Thursday, April 20, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle CLASSIFIEDS Fun By The Numbers Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! SOLUTIONS r rn r n rn r  ­ €‚ƒ „r…rr…… „r…r WEDO SCREEN REPAIRS! r n rn rr r WIDESELECTIONOF FLAVOREDPELLETS r rr r rnn  ­  r n WORD SEARCH (Sports Play)ADVANTAGEBENCHEDCALLCONTACTDEFENSEDIVISIONFANFOULGAMEHANDICAPHUDDLELEAGUE LOSINGOFFENSEOFFICIALPITCHPLAYPOSITIONRECORDRULESSCORINGSPECTATORTEAMMATEWINNINGPeanuts 4/20/23 Siding Sof t Fa scia Skirting Ro of ov ers Ca rp orts Screen Roo ms De cks Wi ndo ws Do ors Ad ditions Pe rmi t An d En gineering Fe es Al lofour structures withstand 120mph winds 352-628-7519 WILLCONSTRUCTIONCORP. 352-628-2291 We alsoofferSafetyGrabBars, We atherStripping,InsuranceInspections r TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0099TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0099TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-3980YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT5BLK1621 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:HSIUYINGCHEN,HSIU-YING C HEN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0100TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0100TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5390YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26LOT6BLK1640DESCINORBK760 P G1054 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:WAIWONG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0101TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0101TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4144YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT3BLK1274 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CRYSTALILLC,JONATHAN R POLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOCRYSTALILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0124TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0124TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:KAIZENCOMPANIESINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5209YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT14BLK2 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MICHAELJACOBS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0125TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0125TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5319YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2PB6PG52LOT7BLK21 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0021TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0021TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5715YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT27PB9PG54LOT6BLK1470 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:PILIENHSU S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0051TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0051TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-8831YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: V ILLATERUNIT9OFHOMOSASSALOT30BLK294 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MARGERITAANNLARSON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0069TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0069TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:KAIZENCOMPANIESINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-3909YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT15BLK1243 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:PETERCDURRANT S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0033TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0033TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5064YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: B EVERLYHILLSUNIT7PB12PG101LOT29BLK174 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CAMILLEAFIELDS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023

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dates or sequential designation Began in 1889?
Description based on: Vol. 48, no. 51 (June 8, 1939).
funding This project was funded under the provisions of the DLIS Florida American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Florida's DLIS Florida ARPA program is administered by the Department of State's Division of Library and Information Services.
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