APRIL 13, HIGH Partly sunny, chance of showers; breezy PAGE A4 TODAY & next morning THURSDAY 64 84 LOW Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community VOL. 129 ISSUE 103 $1Plastics fire forces hundreds from homes / A9 INDEX Business ................... A7 Classieds ................ B7 Comics ..................... B6 Crossword ................ B5 Entertainment ......... A10 Horoscope ................ B5 Nation/World ............. A9 Obituaries ................. A5 Opinion ..................... A8 TV Listings .............. A10 Weather .................... A4Bike thieves steal a bike, leave broken bike behind By FRED HIERS Chronicle Reporter An Inverness homeless man was arrested for steal ing a bicycle from under a home’s carport and leaving his broken bicycle behind in exchange. According to the arrest record for Brett Bear Bigel, 22, a Citrus Coun ty Sheriff’s Ofce dep uty on April 1 was called to a home on North County Point in In verness. The deputy met with the victim, who told the deputy that he had been away from his house running errands. According to records, the victim said that while gone, a man, known in the area as Brett, came onto his proper ty through a closed, outdoor gate. The deputy added that the victim had video sur veillance, which captured the event. The victim said the man then walked under the cov ered carport, which is at tached to the home and also covers the front porch and front door into the home. While at the front door of the home, the man saw the owner’s bicycle leaning against the house, took it, and quickly left the prop erty. The victim said the bicycle was a red, Huffy Highland Mountain bike worth $300. The security camera showed the man wearing a blue shirt, jean shorts, and sunglasses, according to re cords. Later during the deputy’s shift, while heading to an other call, the deputy saw the man and bicycle record ed on the surveillance cam era. According to records, the deputy stopped the man, later identied as Bigel, and asked where he got the bi cycle. Bigel said he took it from the victim’s home. When the deputy asked why, Bigel said because his own bike was broken, ac cording to records. But Bigel also said that al though he took the victim’s bike, he did leave his own behind at the victim’s home. The $300 theft, according to records, was a costly en deavor. The deputy charged Bigel with burglary of an unoc cupied dwelling, which is a felony, and petit theft of an item valued more than $100 Two separate bicycle thefts where thief stole a bike, left one BIGELOzello writers publish ‘Three Bridges to Paradise’ By NANCY KENNEDY Chronicle Reporter Here’s how to get to Par adise: From U.S. 19 in Crystal River, turn onto West Ozello Trail and follow the curvy road until you cross three bridges. That takes you to the is land community of Ozello. Or as the residents call it, “Paradise.” Recently, the Ozello Writ ers Guild published a book, “Three Bridges to Para dise,” a compilation of sto ries about Ozello. “It’s a very diverse book because we had so many people contributing stories and different historical per spectives,” said guild mem ber Abigail Morrison. Linda Florea added, “So many voices, and all differ ent and unique.” Proceeds from the book go to the Ozello Civic As sociation to benet the local charities they support. The idea for the book started with a historical talk guild member Kathy Mac Rae Foulk gave about the DeBusk family, a longtime Ozello island family. That caught the atten tion of guild member Dave Ferneding, who had been a part of creating a book about Key West years ago. He presented the idea of doing something similar for a book about Ozello to guild member Jane Van denbergh, and it grew from there. Ferneding is the book’s publisher. As a group, guild mem bers held meetings at the Ozello Island Outpost, a popular meeting place for islanders. As they started writing stories, they would meet and read them to each other and offer critiques. They also put a call out to other writers in the area or to people who had stories to tell. “When we started, I thought it would be more of a creative writing expe rience, more ction,” Van denbergh said. “But as peo ple started submitting, we saw that it was more about people’s memories.” Some of the writers went and listened to people’s sto ries and then retold the sto ries for the book. The book is divided into sections: autobiographies; local characters; history; Photos by Matthew Beck / Chronicle photo editor Ozello is a quiet, sleepy fishing village along the central coastline of Citrus County.Tales of their island community Paddlers make their way under the causeway in Ozello as they head out for a morning of fishing. Kayak fishing has become a wildly popular trend in the angling community in recent years and Ozello is a popular destination for kayak angling. The Ozello Writers Guild recently published the book “Three Bridges to Paradise,” a compilation of stories about life in the island community. Members include, from left: Kathy MacRae Foulk, Jane Vandenbergh, Linda Florea, Abigail Morrison, Cindy Hosch and Dave Ferneding.Stiff EPA emission limits to sharply curb gasoline vehicle sales By MATTHEW DALY and TOM KRISHER Associated Press WASHINGTON — The Biden administration is proposing strict new auto mobile pollution limits that would require up to two-thirds of new vehicles sold in the U.S. to be electric by 2032, a nearly tenfold in crease over current electric vehicle sales. The proposed regulation, announced Wednesday by the Environmental Protec tion Agency, would set tail pipe emissions limits for the 2027 through 2032 model years that are the strictest ever imposed – and call for far more new EV sales than the auto industry agreed to less than two years ago. If nalized next year as expected, the plan would represent the strongest push yet toward a once almost unthinkable shift from gaso line-powered cars and trucks to battery-powered vehicles. A look at what the EPA is proposing, how the plan serves President Joe Biden’s ambitious goal to cut Amer ica’s planet-warming green house gas emissions in half by 2030, and whether the auto industry can meet the new EV targets: Q: What is the EPA pro posing? A: The proposed tailpipe pollution limits don’t re quire a specic number of electric vehicles to be sold every year but instead man date limits on greenhouse gas emissions. Depending on how automakers com ply, the EPA projects that at least 60 percent of new pas senger vehicles sold in the U.S. would be electric by 2030 and up to 67 percent by 2032. For slightly larger, medi um-duty trucks, the EPA projects 46 percent of new vehicle sales will be EVs in 2032. EPA Administrator Mi chael Regan called the proposal “the most ambi tious pollution standards ever for cars and trucks,’’ and he said it would reduce dangerous air and climate pollution and lower fuel and maintenance costs for families. The agency will select from a range of options af ter a public comment peri od, Regan said. The rule is expected to become nal next year. Q: What is the auto indus try saying about the pro posed rules? A: John Bozzella, CEO of the Alliance for Auto motive Innovation, a trade group representing Ford, General Motors and other automakers, called the EPA proposal “aggressive by any measure” and wrote in a statement that it exceeds the Biden administration’s 50 percent electric vehicle sales target for 2030 an nounced less than two years ago. Reaching half was always a “stretch goal,” contingent on manufacturing incen tives and tax credits to make EVs more affordable, he wrote. “The question isn’t can this be done, it’s how fast can it be done,” Bozzella wrote. “How fast will de pend almost exclusively on having the right policies and market conditions in place.” European car maker Stel lantis said ofcials were “surprised that none of the alternatives” proposed by EPA “align with the president’s previously an nounced target of 50 per cent EVs by 2030.’’ Paul Sancya / AP An electric vehicle charges at an EVgo fast charging station in Detroit on Nov. 16, 2022. The Biden administration is proposing strict new automobile pollution limits that would require as many as two-thirds of new vehicles sold in the U.S. to be electric by 2032 – a nearly tenfold increase over current EV sales. See THIEVES , page A4 See WRITERS , page A4 See VEHICLES , page A4
A2 Thursday, April 13, 2023 Citrus County ChronicleHelp our veterans, not the monkeysIn reference to the April 6 article on Monkey Island. The monkeys are getting a new habitat; I think thatÂ’s great. Now they want to add air conditioning, and my question is, why? DonÂ’t they naturally live in a hot and humid environment? The money requested for this could be better used for Citrus residents. The monkeys now have a heater for chilly nights, protection from storms and free food service. I guess next is a porta potty, a snack bar and an ATM. We are treating them better than many of our veterans that need help. IÂ’m against an air conditioning unit for the monkeys.Family takes care of familyThis is in regard to Monkey Island. This is a lot of monkey business with our county commissioners. You can spend $100,000 for air conditioning and everything else. WhatÂ’s next? Their own boat slip and yacht to go down to the springs? You spend all this money and yet you drag your feet on the animal shelter. I guess family will take care of family. Thank you, commissioners.Rather have strong leaderThis is in reference to the Easter Bunny in the White House. IÂ’d rather have a strong president who has a lot of personal problems as far as with women and indictments, but who was good for the country and strong. All other leaders respected him. Not like the man and the Easter Bunny that has to lead him around by his hand. Just think of what was on Sunday, Easter morning, the wife or the Easter Bunny, whoever was dressed as the Easter Bunny, had to lead this man around.Pets need air conditioning tooReferencing the Monkey Island outlay of $100,000; what about the animal shelter in Inverness? That would be really nice to put half of it over for the animals. LetÂ’s put the shelter over there with air conditioning.Growth will destroy countyWho are these people that are running our county? Where did they come from? Did you vote to put them in control of what theyÂ’re doing to destroy forever what we have that is so enjoyable to us all? All they talk about for the future is to keep moving forward. To what? More growth, more people, more trafc, more taxes, more crime, more land clearing and paving over more of everything to destroy what we now have? Are these people in competition with counties to the south of us to see who can do it faster? No. It is all caused by greed to make more money out of all this growth, and after it has destroyed our county, the developers just pack up and move on. Is this what we have to look forward to? Controlled or not, growth will destroy.Might live with the monkeysIf I was a homeless person living in Homosassa, IÂ’d maybe want to swim over to Monkey Island and live with them.Use monkey money for communityYouÂ’ve got to be kidding me. The front-page news says theyÂ’re going to give $100,000 for a couple of monkeys when they could give that money to home-less people and children. When the people them-selves have $100,000 times $100,000 in money that own Homosassa River Â… ItÂ’s ludicrous.Why Ireland?I donÂ’t know why “Sleepy Joe” is going to Ireland when we have so much business going on over here with the shootings and everything else like that. You tell me why.Florida should improve teacher payThe governor has been boasting about an $8 million surplus this year. Meanwhile, FloridaÂ’s teachers are eeing over the Georgia state line like rats deserting a sinking ship because they can have a better life in another state, make more money and all of that, while we sit on $8 million that could be used to improve teacher pay and working conditions here in Florida. Do you see anything wrong with this picture?DonÂ’t publish racist Sound OffsIn the Chronicle on April 11, there was a Sound Off, and I quote, “and they now have a judge who is going to preside over Trump with south border Pedro.” I donÂ’t believe that the Chronicle is required to print every Sound Off, especially those that have racist comments. Please consider not publishing those types of Sound Offs.Helping rich get richerWhy does our Planning and Development Board constantly vote to make rich people richer? Their vote to allow Sweetwater Homes to build rental apartments in the middle of an HOA community serves one purpose: it allows developers to piggyback on the roads and utilities already in place. Can you imagine how much this will save them over developing some of the thousands of acres available outside of an established community? It matters not at all to our Planning and Development Board because, once again, theyÂ’re helping the rich get richer.Bring delivery back to lifeI agree that the new editor Jim Gouvellis is bringing the paper back to life. I have subscribed to the Chronicle since 1977. How about bringing it back to life by delivering it to the end of my driveway of our paved road straight off of paved Citrus Avenue, Pine Bluff Street? That would really bring it back to my life.Beware war with ChinaMark Levin on his program this evening made a very strong factual case that communist China is prepared for war. With whom? Not with Taiwan, with the United States. And what did they do a month or so ago? They paid Joe Biden $3 million to make it as easy for them as he possibly can. Sometime between now and the end of his term, Joe Biden will give communist China title to the United States, which they paid him $3 million for. Then “Red China” will accept all of it east of the Mississippi River and give all of it west of the Mississippi to their friend, Russia. Remember you heard it here.Weather channel is a jokeCan we all agree that the Weather Channel is a joke? Can they not look at the radar? Do they not know how to read a radar? Do their wind direction indicators not work? These are professional people. Rain every hour it says, and then zero rain. Good job reliable, accurate Weather Channel.WeÂ’re all just sitting ducksWeÂ’re all “sitting ducks” waiting for the “hunter” to show up. However, ducks are luckier than people as it is against the law for hunt-ers to use AR-15s to shoot animals. So, when another mass shooting occurs, we offer our prayers and condolences and wait for the next killing, knowing it will be soon. Instead of praying, “God, help me accept what I cannot change,” we need to pray “God, grant me the courage to make the changes neces-sary in gun laws.” SOUND OFFCALL 563-0579 Follow us on Facebook! rn rr n r  ÂÂÂÂÂr  Â€‚rÂÂrƒ  „…  †‡rˆÂ‰Šr‹„rˆrr††rÂÂŒŽÂ‘€€Œ…‘€r n  Â€‚€‚ nn‚Ân ƒ‚„Â…†…ƒ‡ˆ‚…‚‡‰Â € ‚…€„ˆˆ Š‚ …Ânn  Â€‚ r  ‡rr ‰  r Â’r“ Ӡ r • †“ rr r   Â –—  Ân ˜ — Œ Ân—ƒ— — •n”r rnrn Atime-honoredcommunitytradition! Sharethenewsofyouranniversarywith ourkeepsakeprintannouncements. Toplaceyouranniversaryannouncement, Goonlineto AnniversaryAnnouncements Subscribeorrenewtoday! 352.563.6363| Anniversary Announcements rr nnn r n n  Â
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 13, 2023 A3L CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLEPost 7122 holding yard sale fundraiser VFW Post 7122 is having a yard sale from 8 a.m. to noon Thursday, April 13, at the building next to the Post, 8191 S. Florida Ave., Floral City. They have linens, furni ture, sofas with recliners, queen box springs and mattresses with frames, glassware, lighting appli ances, purses, collectibles and much more. This is a fundraiser for the VFW and the Auxil iary.Raising Booty to Save The Booties fundraiser Attend a pirate-themed casino night fundraiser at the Raising Booty to Save The Booties event from 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, April 15, at the Inverness Depot Pavilion. Join us on the red-carpet entrance to an exciting evening of professionally led casino games, food, drinks, rafes and enter tainment to help support a new, local, nonprot charity that provides free resource information to colon cancer patients and health care professionals. Wear a pirate outt, fan cy red carpet outt or ca sual comfortable outt to this outdoor venue. They’ve got Tex as Hold’em, Roulette, Blackjack and of course, what colon cancer event would be complete with out CRAPS. Tickets are $25 for gen eral admission which includes food, nonalco holic drinks and a Pirate shot glass; or $75 for VIP admission which also in cludes 500 casino chips and one alcoholic bever age of your choice. Tickets can be pur chased at the website: or by calling 352-503-8777.Chronicle seeks photos of graduating home-schooled seniors The Chronicle wants to include graduating home-schooled seniors from Citrus County in the up coming graduation tab for 2023. Also welcome are graduating seniors from out-of-county schools who reside in Citrus County. Please email an attach ment of the graduate’s photo and his/her name to cconnolly@chronicle or mail the name and a photo to the Chronicle at 1624 N. Meadowcrest Blvd., Crys tal River, FL 34429 no lat er than Friday, April 14.Bravera offering five scholarships The Seven Rivers Med ical & Educational Foun dation of Bravera Health Seven Rivers is proud to announce that it will be awarding ve schol arships this spring up to $1,000 each. Scholarships will go to qualied applicants who will enroll, or are en rolled, in post-high school study in the healthcare profession. Preference will be given to Citrus County residents and those who have not re ceived a scholarship from the Foundation in the past. Apply online at Bravera The applica tion deadline is April 14.Annual Tricky Tray fundraiser The Catholic Women’s Club, Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church announc es this year’s Tricky Tray event at 11 a.m. on Satur day, April 15, at Our Lady of Fatima’s Parish Hall, 550 U.S. 41, Inverness. For more information, call 352-419-7249. IN BRIEF Plans to charge fees at Hunter Springs on hold By FRED HIERS Chronicle Reporter Any plans to charge visitors to enter Hunter Springs Park and its popular swimming hole to keep it from over crowding will have to wait a little longer. If this were any other park and swim area, this would have been accomplished months ago, but for this park it’s taken more than a year. The legal issues hampering the city’s plans for the pop lar springs attraction on the southern end of Northeast First Avenue are not compli cated, but getting it wrong could cost the city dearly. City Attorney Robert Bat sel Jr. told the Crystal River council that he hired a private investigator to see if he had missed anything. Here’s why.When Lida Martin sold the property of what’s now Hunter Springs Park to the city of Crystal River in 1938 for $145, she added a stipulation. “Swimming and bath ing privileges in and to the lands hereby conveyed shall be free to all persons of the white race … ,” the 85-year-old deed states. Batsel warns the city coun cil that the Hunter Springs Park property would revert back to the ownership of Martin’s heirs for $145 if one of them decides to take the city to court because it charges admission. For the past several months the city has looked for Mar tin’s heirs to waive that por tion of the deed, but to no avail. The city hasn’t found any of her heirs. If Batsel determines there aren’t any heirs, he told the council the next step would be to le a lawsuit. The law suit would ask a judge for a quiet title and the city would explain the work it’s done to try and nd Martin’s heirs. Batsel said the city’s argu ment is that not being able to charge to enter the park, which helps to maintain the property, is an “unreasonable restraint.” Batsel’s fear, of course, is because the deed has a revert er clause, meaning that if the stipulation about charging to enter the property is violated, the reverter is automatic, and the property belongs to the heir in exchange for $145. Batsel said hiring the pri vate investigator not only serves to have someone Matthew Beck / Chronicle photo editor In this file photo, volunteers load essentials into waiting vehicles at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Hernando as part of the SOS food pantry’s weekly food giveaway.Residents can donate supplies to help local food pantry By NANCY KENNEDY Chronicle Reporter Shepherd of the Hills Daughters of the King Es ther Chapter, in its third year of a monthly food donation drive-through to benet SOS Food Pantry, is reaching out to the commu nity to help them help this organization that feeds hun gry people. The drive-through food donation collection is the third Tuesday of each month from 9 a.m. to noon at Shep herd of the Hills Episcopal Church, 2540 West Norvell Bryant Highway (County Road 486), Lecanto. Donation drop-off is at the portico entrance at the church. The food collected on Tuesday will be taken to SOS in time for their distri bution on Thursday. Also, coolers will be on hand to store refrigerated or even frozen items. Nancy Kennedy can be reached at 352-564-2927 or by email at Board OKs rewritten policies By GEORGIA SULLIVAN Chronicle Reporter The public now has a clear outline of the pro cess to follow if they ob ject to potential classroom instructional materials as the Citrus County School Board has adopted a newly rewritten policy, keeping in line with Florida House Bill (HB) 1467. At the regular board meeting Tuesday, April 11, board members approved the rewrite of its policies concerning selection of in structional and educational media materials to keep up to date with HB 1467, passed by Gov. Ron De Santis in March of 2022, requiring school districts to be transparent about mate rials used in schools. They also approved an update to their policy cov ering appointment or em ployment requirements, adding language that ap plicants must “undergo background screening as required by Flori da Statute” and that the School Board “provides equal em ployment opportunities (EEO) to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, reli gion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic in formation, sexual orien tation, gender identity or expression, or any other reason prohibited by law.” Later in the meeting, the renewal of the contract for athletic trainers with the University of Florida for the 2023-24 school year was approved for the dis trict’s three public high schools and four middle schools. Jonny Bishop, assistant superintendent of Business & Support Services, ex pressed his optimism that this summer UF will be able to hire a trainer for ev ery position paid for in the contract. The district was also prorated the amount paid to UF for trainers for this year since they were unable to ll the position of the middle school trainer. Additionally, the renova tion projects at Floral City Elementary School are likely to be completed in phases due to supply chain issues that have already been encountered as the project goes underway. An addendum to the profes sional service agreement was just approved at the meeting, adding $255,400 to the original cost, for ad ditional design services to replace the portables at the school based on the 2016 Floral City Master Plan. Withlacoochee Technical College (WTC) saw the ap proval of its contract with Citrus Cardiology Consul tants, giving its medical as sistant students the oppor tunity to work on site and gain clinical experience. To view the complete agenda that was discussed, visit To watch Tuesday’s meet ing, visit Contact Chronicle Reporter Georgia Sullivan at 352-564-2929 or georgia.sullivan@ athletic trainer contract BISHOPSchlabach: War mats could fix bad roads By MICHAEL D. BATES Chronicle Reporter Citrus County Commis sioner Ruthie Schlabach has a possible answer to x the deteriorating roads in In verness Village 4: buy used war mats from Army sur plus stores and piece them together over the dirt. Schlabach, responding to public comments during Tuesday’s meeting, said she got the idea from stories told by her father, a World War II pilot. These “Marston Mats,” as they were called, were used to quickly build temporary runways and landing strips for troops. They are made of perforated steel planking and were used right up to the Vietnam War. “These are durable,” she said. “They’re almost like Legos that t together so that you could have roads where you wouldn’t have roads. “This would be a x,” she added. “This is a product that has been used for over 50 years or more.” Schlabach suggested the county buy used mats to hold down costs. Her fellow commissioners did not com ment on her idea and there was no discussion about preparing the dirt roads for the mats. She said she did not have time to investigate how many mats would be avail able or how much it would cost the county. Inverness Village residents have been urging commis sioners for over a year to re pair their roads, some of the worst in the county. One solution bandied about is to create a Munic ipal Service Benet Unit (MSBU) where everyone in the Village pays their fair share of the cost and reaps the benets of better roads. But Schlabach said she would not vote for that be cause it would cost an esti mated $80,000 per property owner. Inverness Village 4 has about 500 sites and 200-plus homeowners.These steel planks could solve Inverness Village 4 problems, commissioner said U.S. Navy Seabee Museum Archives Marston mats laid on the Navy’s auxiliary field on Tanaga Island in the Aleutians during WWII. Matthew Beck / Chronicle photo editor Some of the roads in the Inverness Village neighborhood have become difficult to drive upon due to their poor condition. See SPRINGS , page A4
A4 Thursday, April 13, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle To start your subscription: Call now for home delivery by our carriers: Citrus County: 352-563-5655 13 weeks: $90.60* — 26 weeks: $151.01* — 52 weeks: $241.62* Subscription price does not include applicable state and local sales tax. Any promotional rate, other than whatÂ’s listed above, is non-refundable. Temporary suspension of your print newspaper delivery due to vacation and other reasons does not extend your subscription expiration date. Your subscription includes 24/7 digital access to all content available online. Call 352-563-5655 for details. Your account will be subject to a surcharge for premium issues. 1RWL¿FDWLRQRIWKHSUHPLXPLVVXHDQGVXUFKDUJHDUHOLVWHGEHORZ Your total bill will remain unaffected, but there may be a slight adjustment in your expiration date. Ezpay subscribers will see the increased surcharge on their monthly transaction in the applicable month. Premium issue surcharges: Medical Directory (April) $2, Best of the Best (June) $2, Fun Book (September) $2, Discover (October) $2, and Thanksgiving Day (November) $2. For home delivery by mail: In Florida: $96.74 for 13 weeks Contact us about circulation/delivery issues: 352-563-5655 Questions: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday to Friday; Closed Saturday; 7 to 10 a.m. Sunday Main switchboard phone numbers: Citrus County — 352-563-6363 Citrus Springs, Dunnellon and Marion County residents, call toll-free at 888-852-2340. I want to place an ad: 7RSODFHDFODVVL¿HGDG&LWUXV± 0DULRQ± To place a display ad: 352-563-5592 I want to send information to the Chronicle: MAIL: 1624 N. Meadowcrest Blvd., Crystal River, FL 34429 FAX: Advertising – 352-563-5665, Newsroom – 352-563-5665 EMAIL: Advertising: Community News: WhoÂ’s in charge: Trina Murphy .....................................Publisher, 352-563-3232Jim Gouvellis ..........................Executive Editor, 352-564-2930Tom Feeney. ......................Production Director, 352-563-3275 Trista Stokes .....................Advertising Director, 352-564-2946Jackie Lytton ......................Circulation Director , 352-564-2914 John Murphy ...............................Digital Leader, 352-563-3255 Report a news tip: News .............................................. Jim Gouvellis, Sports stories................................ 0DWW3¿IIQHU Opinion page/letters .....................Jim Gouvellis, 352-564-2930Sound Off .......................................................... 352-563-0579 The Chronicle is printed in part on recycled newsprint. Published every Sunday through Saturday By Citrus Publishing LLC POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Citrus County Chronicle 1624 N. MEADOWCREST BLVD., CRYSTAL RIVER, FL 34429 PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT INVERNESS, FL 6(&21'&/$663(50,7 Exclusi Legend: YTD -Year to Date, PR -Daily Precipitation ve daily forecast by: ** Light only extreme allergic will show symptoms, moderate most allergic will experience symptoms, heavy all allergic will experience symptoms.rr r r rr For more information call Florida Division of Forestry at (352) 797-4140. For more informationon wildfire conditions, pleasevisittheDivisionofForestry ‹ sWebsite: nr  €‚ƒ„   Â Levels reported in feet above sea level. Flood stage for lakes are based on 2.33-year à ood, the mean-annual à ood which has a 43-precent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any one year. This data is obtained from the Southw est Florida Water Ma nagement District and is subject to revision. In no event will the District or the United States Geological Survey be liable for any damages arising out of the use of this data. If you have any questions you should contact the Hydr ological Data Section at (352) 796-7211. r r Â…rÂ…rr†  …‡ rr „ˆ Â r *From mouths of rivers**At King ‹ s Bay***At Mason ‹ s Creek rrr‰r‰ „ˆÂ (MORNING) (AFTERNOON) rRecordNormalMean temp.Departure from mean rTotal for the monthTotal for the yearNormal for the year Š‹Â0 -2 minimal, 3-4 low, 5-6 moderate, 7-9 high, 10+ very high ÂŒrÂ…Â… * r n Taken at Crystal River SATURDAY & SUNDAY MORNINGHigh: 85° Low: 65° Partly sunny. Yesterday0.00" 0.06"3.19" 11.36" As reported from 30.06 Yesterday at 3 p.m.72%Yesterday observedGoodPollutantOzone Apr 13Apr 20Apr 27May 5 0 1Monday6 7Thursday2 3Tuesday 8 9 -or-Common AreasFriday 4 5Wednesday Daytona Bch.7965shFort Lauderdale8371shFort Myers8272tGainesville8464shHomestead8569tJacksonville8065shKey West8575tLakeland8567shMelbourne8368sh WEDTHU Albany77550.008557sAlbuquerque79510.007944mcAsheville75370.007453sAtlanta79390.006959shAtlantic City82590.007157sAustin77510.008160sBaltimore86590.008662sBillings54370.004231raBirmingham79450.007060shBoise48370.005333pcBoston72610.008459sBuffalo59450.006349sBurlington, VT6351Trace7952sCharleston, SC75460.007565mcCharleston, WV79430.008353sCharlotte79440.007858sChicago82590.008353sCincinnati79390.008053sCleveland70600.007753sColumbia, SC79390.007961pcColumbus, OH79480.008053sConcord, NH6855Trace8256sDallas79540.008060sDenver82510.007842mcDes Moines82600.008356sDetroit82600.008353sEl Paso88550.008355sEvansville, IN77440.008256pcHarrisburg88640.008555sHartford81610.008958sHouston76550.008060pcIndianapolis79520.008055sKansas City79590.008254sLas Vegas83690.007652sLittle Rock79480.007754mcLos Angeles61560.006550mcLouisville79510.008155pcMemphis79480.007258mcMilwaukee82570.008153sMinneapolis86630.008661sMobile73640.027460tMontgomery74490.007460shNashville81450.007657mc WED Acapulco88/76/mcAmsterdam50/43/raAthens66/54/sBeijing80/48/mcBerlin53/45/raBermuda67/64/sCairo77/57/sCalgary44/31/raHavana84/74/raHong Kong74/71/ra Jerusalem54/46/ra 76/67Trace 75/64n/a 78/500.10" 80/63n/a 77/64n/a 4.20" WEDTUE Withlacoochee at Holder26.8226.8234.64Tsala Apopka-Hernando36.5936.6038.66Tsala Apopka-Inverness37.6137.6239.73Tsala Apopka-Floral City38.7738.7841.37 Lisbon63/50/mcLondon53/41/raMadrid61/43/mcMexico City76/60/mcMontreal70/46/mcMoscow59/47/clParis55/44/raRio83/72/raRome61/52/raSydney66/56/raTokyo65/54/raToronto74/57/s Warsaw59/46/pc WEDTHU New Orleans7066Trace7059shNew York City84640.008461sNorfolk81530.008457sOklahoma City77450.007860sOmaha88570.008659sPalm Springs90620.007455sPhiladelphia82550.008658sPhoenix90640.008157pcPittsburgh79570.008151sPortland, ME66530.006050sPortland, OR46370.235238mcProvidence, RI77590.008756sRaleigh82460.008154sRapid City65500.006639mcReno66390.005232sRochester, NY76520.007852sSacramento61430.006842sSalt Lake City75640.004734ssSan Antonio79520.008161sSan Diego61550.005850mcSan Francisco57480.006246sSavannah76480.007564tSeattle52370.005139shSpokane48260.015432pcSt. Louis81470.008154sSt. Ste Marie66370.006444mcSyracuse8151Trace8255sTopeka82570.008256sWashington85540.008759s Miami8274tOcala8564tOrlando8567shPensacola7563tSarasota8472tTallahassee8163shTampa8471shVero Beach8367shW. Palm Bch.8074sh Chassahowitzka* 12:07 a.m.0.6 ftNonen/a9:18 a.m.0.0 ftNonen/a Crystal River** 11:34 a.m.1.3 ft11:01 p.m.2.2 ft5:53 a.m.0.2 ft4:15 p.m.1.1 ft Withlacoochee* 9:48 a.m.2.2 ft7:50 p.m.3.2 ft3:18 a.m.0.0 ft2:54 p.m.1.9 ft Homosassa*** 2:07 p.m.0.3 ft11:11 p.m.1.4 ft9:09 a.m.0.1 ft4:23 p.m.0.3 ft 7:54 pm7:04 am2:47 am1:04 pm 04/13THURSDAY7:057:547:548:2404/14FRIDAY7:048:537:549:22 Predominant: TreesThu lowmedhigh Yesterday at 3 p.m.60° 10 Yesterday78/64 93/3382/53 68 4 FRIDAY & SATURDAY MORNINGHigh: 82° Low: 63° Partly sunny with a small chance of a stray shower. TODAY & TOMORROW MORNINGHigh: 84° Low: 64° Partly sunny with a chance of scattered showers, breezy. MODERATE. There is no burn ban. For established lawns and landscapes, irrigation may occur during only one (1) of the specified time periods, 12:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m., or 4:00 p.m. 11:59 p.m., on the allowable watering days below:Addresses with house numbers ending in: Questions, concerns or reporting violations, please call: City of Inverness at 352-726-2321; City of Crystal River at 352-795-4216, Ext. 313; unincorporated Citrus County at 352-527-7669. For more information, visit: KEY TO CONDITIONS: c=cloudy; fg=fog; hz=haze; mc=mostly cloudy; pc=partly cloudy; ra=rain; rs=rain/snow; s=sunny; sh=showers; sm=smoke; sn=snow; ss=snow showers; t=thunderstorms 102, Morrill, Neb.17, La Pine, Ore. Today: South winds 10 to 15 knots. Seas 2 to 4 feet. Bay and inland waters a moderate chop. A chance of showers with a slight chance of thunderstorms. Tonight: Southwest winds 5 to 10 NQRWV6HDVDURXQGbIHHW 70° FORECAST FOR 3:00 P.M. Thursday ALERT CITRUS SIGNUP Q To register for the Citrus County SheriffÂ’s OfficeÂ’s Alert Citrus weather program, visit and click on the links to register. Q Create a profile, list how you want to be contacted in case of a weather emergency (text, mobile phone, home phone, email), then include the address(es) you want alerts for. You can choose what types of emergencies you want to hear about, and set a quiet period for no conduct. Q Those without computer access may call 352-2492705. but less than $750. His bond is $6,000.This was not BigelÂ’s rst brush with the law. In 2019, he pleaded no contest to charges of break-ing into a car and petit theft. In 2022 he was arrested and charged with criminal mischief and damage ex-ceeding $1,000. The State AttorneyÂ’s Of ce dropped that case against Bigel. Stealing bikes and leaving one behind must not be too uncommon. On Tuesday morning, after arriving to work at Cattle Dog Coffee Roasters, Mi-chael Auerswald, 32, parked his 1970s era street bicycle behind the downtown Inver-ness business. It was 9 a.m. and about 20 minutes later when the barista walked to the back again, the bicycle was gone. To replace the vintage bike, Auerswald told the Chron-icle, would cost between $500$1,200. It was the rst time he rode the bicycle to work. His 1996 Jeep Cherokee wasnÂ’t running. The bicycle left behind was rideable, but not much more, he said. He led a report with the sheriffÂ’s of ce. But he said he wasnÂ’t too angry. While growing up in Oregon, when he was 14 or 15 years old, he too took some-oneÂ’s bike and left behind his own. Auerswald said he was chalking up the Tuesday theft to Karma. THIEVESFrom page A1 activities, sports and adven-ture – things to do in Ozello and the Nature Coast – and poetry and songs. The one story that made most of the guild members cry is “Paradise Found,” a story written by Vanden-bergh about her rst trip to Ozello and a conversation with an elderly gentleman, “Mr. Bill,” at the Island Outpost tiki bar. YouÂ’ll have to read it to see why it brought tears. Other stories in the book include one about the is-land peacocks, several love stories, shing stories and one about a “monster in the boat.” Ozello is known for its quirky characters, so thereÂ’s a story about local legend Luke, one about the “bee man,” Scarlet Begonia, the “saltwater cowboy” and a beloved Renaissance man, Harpo Leech. To make this truly a community collaboration, the cover art, a photo of a sunrise for the front cover and a sunset for the back cover, was chosen by a contest. Out of 40 contest entries, the winner was Ozello resident Marcia Chestnut. The book also contains 10 pages of local artwork and photos distributed throughout the book. Now the marketing of the book begins. The writers group plans to set up book talks/book sales at the local libraries and have booths at local fairs and events, including Crystal RiverÂ’s centennial celebration events. Currently, copies of “Three Bridges to Para-dise” are available for pur-chase at these locations:QOzello Island Outpost, 14231 W Ozello Trail, Crystal River, FL 34429QFintastic Treasures, 14014 W Ozello Trail, Crystal River, FL 34429QMs. Fins Oarhouse, 2130 S Waterman Drive, Crystal River, FL 34429 Also, books are available through the Ozello Civic Association, at 14095 W Ozello Trail, Crystal Riv-er, FL 34429. People can stop by after the monthly meeting on the second Saturday of the month at 10:30 a.m. They are in the process of getting the book on for online sales. “We are hiring a marketing person and the book will soon be found at many shops in Crystal River and Homosassa,” said guild member Cindy Hosch. “We are also working on a Facebook page and website.” For more information, leave a message on the Ozello Writers Guild Face-book page at WRITERSFrom page A1 Q: How will the proposal bene t the environment? A: The proposed standards for light-duty cars and trucks are projected to result in a 56 percent reduction in projected greenhouse gas emissions compared with existing standards for model year 2026, the EPA said. The proposals would improve air quality for communities across the nation, avoiding nearly 10 billion tons of car-bon dioxide emissions by 2055, more than twice the total U.S. CO2 emissions last year, the EPA said. The plan also would save thousands of dollars over the lives of the vehicles sold and reduce U.S. reliance on approximately 20 billion barrels of oil imports, the agency said. Q: Is the EPA proposal realistic? A: With electric vehicles accounting for just 7.2 per-cent of U.S. vehicle sales in the rst quarter of this year, the industry has a long way to go to even approach the Biden administrationÂ’s tar-gets. However, the percent-age of EV sales is growing. Last year it was 5.8 percent of new vehicles sales. Many auto industry analysts say it will be dif cult for automakers to meet the projected sales percentage. The consulting rm LMC Automotive, for instance, said new EV sales could reach 49 percent in 2032 but are unlikely to go above that, citing high prices for EVs compared with gas-powered cars. A new poll released Tuesday shows that many Ameri-cans arenÂ’t yet sold on going electric for their next cars, with high prices and too few charging stations the main deterrents. Only 19 percent of U.S. adults say itÂ’s “very” or “extremely” likely they will purchase an EV the next time they buy a car, while 22 percent say itÂ’s somewhat likely. About half, 47 per-cent, say they are unlikely to go electric, according to the poll. White House climate adviser Ali Zaidi said EV sales have tripled since Biden took of ce and the number of available EV models has doubled. Analysts have re-peatedly revised their fore-casts upward since Biden, a Democrat, took of ce, and the industry announced over $100 billion in EV invest-ments, Zaidi told reporters Tuesday. “The automakers have ... technology and the infra-structure and supply chain to be able to achieve this with the lead time theyÂ’ve got,Â’Â’ Zaidi said. Q: Why is the tailpipe rule so important? A: Transportation is the largest source of carbon emissions in the U.S., ac-counting for about 27 per-cent of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. in 2020, according to the EPA: Electric power generates the second largest share of greenhouse gas emissions at 25 percent. Environmental groups say stricter tailpipe pollu-tion standards are needed to clean the air we breathe and slow the impacts of se-vere weather events such as hurricanes, tornados and wild res. “Done right, these (new rules) will put the U.S. on the path to end pollution from vehicle tailpipes – while also slashing our de-pendence on oil, creating good domestic jobs and saving consumers money on fuel,” said Manish Bapna, president and CEO of the Natural Resources Defense Council. Margo Oge, former head of EPAÂ’s Of ce of Trans-portation and Air Quality, called the tailpipe rules “the single most important regu-latory initiative by the Biden administration to combat climate change and to really reduce the worst outcomes of climate change.” VEHICLESFrom page A1 check his own work, but also shows the judge that the city hired a third party in an effort to nd MartinÂ’s heirs. The cost for the investigator is $85 per hour plus actual costs. Batsel said while it delays the process, itÂ’s to make sure “no stone is left unturned” and not later nd a relative in Alaska.QAlso in city business, the Crystal River voted unani-mously to grant a city staff request to hike city fees to better re ect the true cost to city departments to provide services. The fees have not been updated since 2017. This was the councilÂ’s second and nal vote on the is-sue. Some examples include raising the fee for a potential utility lien searches by city staff would increase from the current $30 to a proposed $35. A preliminary building plan courtesy review for new res-idential construction would be available for 1.25 percent of the cost of construction. The minimum charge would be $120. The fee would be credited toward a full permit review later. A preliminary building plan courtesy review for new commercial construc-tion would be available for 1.50 percent of the cost of construction. The minimum fee would also be $120. The fee would also be credited toward a full permit review later. Special variance requests would increase from the current $250 to a proposed $400 for a residential vari-ance, from $500 to $600 for a commercial variance, and for an after-the-fact variance the charge would be double the regular fee charge. The cityÂ’s fee structure for nonpro t organizations to hold a street festival that in-volves closing one side of Citrus Avenue for one day would cost $1,500. A special event on city property would cost the nonpro t a $250 fee and $100 for a special event on private property. SPRINGSFrom page A3
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 13, 2023 A5 OBITUARIES Helen Joanne ‘SisÂ’ SandersApril 4, 2023Helen Joanne “Sis” Sanders, age 93 of Bev erly Hills, Florida, passed away peacefully at home with her sons by her side on Tuesday April 4, 2023. Born in Detroit Michigan, she later moved to Day ton, Ohio, and attended the University of Dayton. While there she met and married Arlie “Sandy” Sanders, a U.S. Air Force ghter pilot stationed at Wright Patterson AFB in Dayton. Joanne and Sandy were then stationed at sev eral bases over his 20-year military career including Phoenix, Arizona, Taiwan, Panama City, Florida, and Fort Walton Beach, Flori da. After retirement from the Air Force in 1966, she and Sandy resided in Co lumbus, Ohio until 1993 when after their civilian career ended, they pro ceeded to retire to Beverly Hills, Florida. Joanne was an avid golfer and bowler before rheumatoid arthritis struck her in her mid-30s, a disease she bravely fought the rest of her life. She particularly enjoyed being an ofcial scorer for sev eral PGA and LPGA Tour events in central Ohio as well as an organizing of cial for community bowl ing leagues along with Parish fundraising events. She was passionate about gardening, horses and Old West history along with the Detroit Tigers and college football. Left behind to cherish her all giving and never asking for herself memory are son Steve Sanders and daugh ter-in-law Deanna Sanders of Williamsburg, Va., son Doug Sanders of Beverly Hills, Fl., son Tom of Sara sota, Fl., four grandchil dren along with numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband Sandy in 2012, her son Patrick in 2007, and by her brothers Robert Crotty, Frank Crot ty and William Crotty. We are deeply apprecia tive of the Vitas Hospice Program of Citrus Coun ty who treated Joanne as family for the past several months. Private cremation arrangements are being handled by Baldwin Broth er Funeral & Cremation Society, Ocala, Fl. Burial at Bushnell National Cem etery and a Celebration of Life will be held at a later date. Raymond RiddleyAug. 31, 1970 – Feb. 14, 2023INVERNESS — Beloved Son, Broth er, Father. Survived by his daughter Chloe Riddley & her Mother Cheryl Riddley of Floral City, FL. Predeceased by his fa ther Ellis R. Riddley, Sur vived by his mother Bettie S. Riddley of Inverness, FL, sister Kim Palmer of Inverness, FL, sister Ja mie (Rick) Roberson of Sikeston, Mo; 2 nieces Rae Lynn South, Crista Cornish of Sikeston, MO; 1 nephew Jacob (Cait) Palmer of Birmingham, AL; 1 niece Kiera Palmer of Inverness, FL; 1 great-nephew Bowen Cornish of Sikeston, Mo.; 1 great-niece Magnoila Grace Palmer of Birming ham, AL. Memorial ser vices will be held at FBC of Floral City, FL April 14, 2023 at 2:00pm. Fla. lawmakers eye higher loan rates By JIM SAUNDERS News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — Flor ida lawmakers are consid ering a proposal that would allow interest rates as high as 36 percent on consum er-nance loans, with sup porters saying it would in crease access to loans and opponents arguing it would hurt poor people. The House State Admin istration & Technology Ap propriations Subcommittee on Wednesday voted 10-3 to approve the proposal (HB 1267), which would replace a system that includes max imum interest rates of 30 percent. A Senate version of the bill (SB 580) began moving forward in late March. House sponsor Juan Al fonso Fernandez-Barquin, R-Miami-Dade County, said the state has a large number of “unbanked” res idents who have difculty getting loans. He said that leads many people to turn to online lenders who charge far-higher rates than con sumer-nance businesses in Florida. Fernandez-Barquin said allowing a maximum inter est rate to 36 percent would broaden “the base of risk” for consumer-nance com panies, allowing more peo ple to qualify for loans. “ThereÂ’s a whole segment of the population right now that wouldnÂ’t qualify for these loans right now,” Fernandez-Barquin said. “If we increase the interest rates, they can qualify for them.” But Rep. Russell Meyer, executive director of the Florida Council of Church es, described a 36 percent interest rate as “usury” that would take advantage of poor people who need help in paying living expenses. “What this does is charge people rent on living, rent on breathing, rent on feed ing the children,” Meyer told the House panel. “And every religious tradition has considered that immoral.” Rep. Angie Nixon, D-Jacksonville, described a maximum interest rate of 36 percent as “predatory.” “Thirty-six percent inter est rate?” she said. “That is wild to me.” But Scott Jenkins, a lobby ist who is executive director of the Florida Financial Ser vices Association, pushed back against the “predato ry” assertion, telling House members it is “a complete misnomer to get you guys red up, basically.” Under current law, Florida has a three-tier system of in terest rates for consumernance loans. Companies can charge 30 percent annual in terest on the rst $3,000 of principal amounts, 24 per cent on amounts between $3,000 and $4,000 and 18 percent on amounts between $4,000 and $25,000. The bill would set an across-the-board maximum annual 36 percent rate. Fernandez-Barquin said some of the loans are se cured by property, while others are not. The bill also would in crease regulations on con sumer-nance companies, including requiring that they submit annual reports to the state detailing loan data. Elizabeth Hammond, vice president of governmental affairs for Mariner Finance and a former North Caro lina regulator, said the bill would open loans to people who donÂ’t qualify under the current structure and would boost competition in the market. “This will bring additional competition to Florida, and thatÂ’s good for consumers,” Hammond told the House panel. “The more compe tition thatÂ’s there, the more that we compete against each other and the more that the customer gets a good, competitive rate instead of having to go online.” But Karen Woodall, exec utive director of the Florida Center for Fiscal & Eco nomic Policy, questioned how people could afford loans at a higher interest rate if they canÂ’t qualify at the current rates. “This is a signicant in crease in interest rate on consumers that are already nancially vulnerable,” Woodall said.The proposal allows maximum interest rates to 36 percentDeSantis surrogates escalate tit-for-tat versus Disney By MIKE SCHNEIDER Associated Press Florida Gov. Ron DeSan tisÂ’ appointees to Disney WorldÂ’s governing board have launched a fresh salvo in the ght to control the resort, seeking to expand their authority after their Disney-controlled prede cessors abdicated most powers to the company. Supervisors of the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District are oating a reso lution saying the board has “superior authority” over all land development deci sions for the 27,000 acres that make up Walt Disney World, including for two tiny Disney controlled cit ies in the district. The board is set to vote on the resolu tion next week. The proposal comes two weeks after board members say their Disney-controlled predecessors pulled a fast one by stripping the new board of most powers be fore DeSantisÂ’ hand-picked members could take their seats. Five new supervisors were appointed by the Re publican governor after the Florida Legislature over hauled DisneyÂ’s govern ment in retaliation for the entertainment giant pub licly opposing the stateÂ’s so-called “DonÂ’t Say Gay” legislation barring school instruction on sexual ori entation and gender identi ty in kindergarten through third grade. The proposed resolution is likely a starting point for future legal tussles between the new board and Disney, said Richard Foglesong, a Rollins College profes sor emeritus who wrote a denitive account of Dis ney WorldÂ’s governance in his book, “Married to the Mouse: Walt Disney World and Orlando.” “A key question will be whether a board created by the Legislature and ap pointed by the governor can rescind the constitu tionally granted authority of democratically elected local governments,” Fogle song said. In taking on Disney, De Santis advanced his repu tation as a culture warrior willing to battle political opponents and wield the power of state government to accomplish political goals. ItÂ’s a strategy heÂ’s likely to follow through his expected 2024 run for the White House. The new supervisors re placed a board controlled by Disney for the previous 55 years, which operated as the Reedy Creek Improve ment District. Among its last acts in February was giving Disney control over design and construction at the theme park resort. Reedy Creek board mem bers also prohibited their successors from using the name “Disney” or any symbols associated with the theme park without the companyÂ’s permission, and barred the new board from using the likeness of Mick ey Mouse, other Disney characters or other intellec tual property. An email seeking com ment from Disney was sent on Wednesday. Experts said the latest proposed resolution wonÂ’t impact the previous boardÂ’s agreement with Disney. “This is about the district controlled by the governorÂ’s appointees passing a law that its land development rules prevail over the rules of the cities, which are still controlled by popular vote (made up entirely of Disney voters),” Jacob Schumer, an Orlando attorney specializ ing in local government and land use, said in an email. Two tiny cities fall with in the Disney district. Ac cording to the 2020 census, Bay Lake had 29 residents and Lake Buena Vista had 24. The two municipalities were formed to support the legal framework of the Reedy Creek Improvement District, which was estab lished by the Florida Legis lature in 1967. The cities have elected city councils and mayors who contract with local law enforcement for police services at Disney World, and could be used to assert the companyÂ’s autonomy over the resort. The citiesÂ’ residents are employees, former employees or others with close ties to Disney.Space race! Meteorites hit Maine, museum offers $25K reward By PATRICK WHITTLE Associated Press PORTLAND, Maine — Somewhere in a re mote stretch of forest near MaineÂ’s border with Canada, rocks from space crashed to Earth and may be scattered across the ground – just waiting to be picked up. If youÂ’re the rst person to nd a big one, a museum says itÂ’ll pay out a $25,000 reward. The unusually bright reball could be seen in broad daylight around noon Saturday, said Darryl Pitt, chair of the meteorite division at the Maine Min eral and Gem Museum in Bethel. NASA says four radar sweeps detected “signa tures consistent with fall ing meteorites seen at the time and location report ed by eyewitnesses,” and people also heard sonic booms. ItÂ’s the rst time radar spotted a meteorite fall in Maine, the space agency said. The Maine Mineral and Gem Museum wants to add to its collection, which includes moon and Mars rocks, Pitt said, so the rst meteorite hunters to deliv er a 2.2-pound specimen will claim the $25,000 prize. That could be about the size of a softball. “With more people hav ing an awareness, the more people will look – and the greater the likelihood of a recovery,” Pitt said Wednesday. Pitt said that because the descent was spotted by ra dar, heÂ’s condent mete orites can be found on the ground. Still, thereÂ’s no guarantee there are any meteorites big enough to claim the payout. NASA said on its web site that the “meteorite masses calculated from the radar signatures range from 0.004 pounds to 0.7 pounds, although larger masses may have fallen.” The meteorites likely im pacted across a swath of ground spanning from the town of Waite, Maine, to Canoose, New Brunswick. According to NASA, the largest specimens will be strewn at the west end of the debris eld, closest to Waite – about a 3 1/2 hour drive from Portland. Locating a softball-sized space rock in the wilder ness may be similar to nd ing a needle in a haystack: Pitt said the estimated area where the meteorites hit is about a mile wide and stretches for 10-12 miles, all the way into Canada. The museum is asking as piring meteorite hunters to brush up on what meteorites look like before searching, so they know what theyÂ’re looking for, and avoid pri vate property unless they have permission. The museum has an ex tensive collection of speci mens, including the largest intact Mars rock on Earth. Pitt said the museum is also looking to purchase any other specimens found by meteorite hunters. He said the specimens “could easily be worth their weight in gold.” Richard T. Brown FuneralDirector/Owner Br ow n Fu neralHome&Crematory Le cant o, Fl orida IgrayneBrownDias FuneralDirector Tw oGener at ionsserving yo uwith co mpassiona te , personaliz ed servic e. 352-795-0111 ow rnn rr r r rrn r r rrr r rr  r€‚ƒ „ƒ …ÂĠ‚‡„ „rˆƒÂ ƒ‰  ÂÂÂrÂr n r  €r ‚r nrƒ „…†‡ˆÂrrˆÂr‰ ‚r nr€‰ rÂÂ… Š  ‰ † nr  r€…n€…‰ ‹rr€…n nn‹€ r‹ ÂŒr rr ‰Š€ r†Ž ‹ƒƒÂ Â‡ƒ‚ ˆƒ ÂŒ„ ŽÂˆ‘’’ ’€€  ‡ƒ‚ƒÂÂŽÂ r‹  ƒÂ Â‚„ ‹r r‹€nr†Ž‰ rrnrrrrnÂ…r r‹€nÂ… rr‰‘rnrrrrnrrrr‰†rr nrrrrÂ…rrr’†‰Ž‰r ‹‰ Ž‰ ŽrŠr Âr €rn“ ÂŽrrn ‚ …‹r rŠ ˆˆ‰ŠnnrrrrÂrr r€…n € Â…r Â”•Â‰‘rrrrnr rrnr rnr r r nrrrÂ…rnnrÂr nrÂ…rrr‰†–rrrnnr rnrrrr nrnr†nr ƒ —  ‚‰ …‹r” r Š ˆˆÂ”•ÂÂrrr n‰‘rrnrÂr ”••Â•’•Â•’””˜•’•Â•’””…ÂÂ…rŠrÂr…‰ rrr™rÂ…rr rršrr r›rr›Â•Â”•”‰ rnr‹rr€…nnn Šr r r n nn n  Ân Ân   Â     €‚ ‚ r r n r r r r r r r r r r rn rr rn n rn Â rÂn  Â nn €‚rn ƒÂ„ n rn… Â rn‚ Â rrn r rnr rrrr rr
A6 Thursday, April 13, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle To Reserve Your Space SAR008556 Call $QQD(352) 564-29 Florida executes ‘ninja killerÂ’ for coupleÂ’s 1989 death By BRENDAN FARRINGTON Associated Press STARKE — Florida exe cuted a man known as the “ninja killer” on Wednes day for the 1989 slayings of a couple visiting the state from New Jersey. Louis Bernard Gaskin, 56, was pronounced dead at 6:15 p.m. after receiving a lethal injection, the gov ernorÂ’s ofce said. He was convicted of killing Robert Sturmfels, 56, and Geor gette Sturmfels, 55, on Dec. 20, 1989, in their Flagler County winter home on FloridaÂ’s northeastern coast. Gaskin woke up at 4:45 a.m. Wednesday and had his last meal at 9:45 a.m., Department of Corrections spokesperson Kayla McLaughlin Smith said during a news confer ence. The meal included BBQ pork ribs, pork and turkey neck, Buffalo wings, shrimp fried rice, french fries and water. Gaskin was visited by his sister Wednesday, but he did not meet with a spiritual adviser, McLaughlin Smith said. No relatives of the victims had arranged to be in the witness room during the execution, which was scheduled for 6 p.m. and started without delay. When asked if he had any nal statement, Gaskin said: “Justice is not about the crime. ItÂ’s not about the criminal. ItÂ’s about the law.” He then referred to the le gal proceedings surround ing his case and the appeals and nished his statement saying, “Look at my case.” Gaskin began receiving the lethal cocktail of drugs at 6:02 p.m., causing him to breathe heavily as his chest rose and fell under a white sheet. The prisonÂ’s warden went to check on whether Gaskin was still conscious at 6:05 p.m. He didnÂ’t respond. GaskinÂ’s breathing appeared to stop at 6:07 p.m. A doctor en tered the death chamber at 6:14 p.m. to examine Gas kin and declared him dead a minute later. Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis has been signing death warrants at a rapid pace this year as he prepares his widely expected presi dential campaign. He over saw only two executions in his rst four years in ofce, both in 2019. GaskinÂ’s execution came six weeks after Donald Dill beck, 59, was put to death for the 1990 murder of Faye Vann, 44, in Tallahassee, and three weeks before the scheduled execution of Dar ryl B. Barwick for slaying Rebecca Wendt, 24, in 1986 in Panama City. GaskinÂ’s death marked the stateÂ’s 101st execution since the reinstatement of the death penalty in 1976. There are an additional 297 peo ple on FloridaÂ’s death row, which is located at Florida State Prison, about 40 miles southwest of Jacksonville. Gaskin, who was dubbed the “ninja killer” because he wore all-black ninja cloth ing during the crimes, shot his victims with a .22-cal iber rie, investigators said. He was convicted of rst-degree murder. Property that he stole from the SturmfelsÂ’ home – a clock, two lamps and a vid eocassette recorder – was found at his residence and were intended to be Christ mas gifts for his girlfriend, according to investigators. He was also convicted of armed robbery, burglary and the attempted murder that same night of another couple who lived nearby. Local media reported at the time that Gaskin quickly confessed to the crimes and told a psychologist before his trial that he knew what he was doing. “The guilt was always there,” Gaskin said. “The devil had more of a hold than God did. I knew that I was wrong. I wasnÂ’t insane.”House panel targets drag shows By NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA A day after the Sen ate passed its version of the bill, a House panel Wednesday approved a measure aimed at prevent ing children from seeing drag shows. The measure (HB 1423) would prevent children from being admit ted to an “adult live perfor mance” and could lead to venues facing penalties for violations. While the proposal doesnÂ’t specically single out drag shows, it comes after Gov. Ron DeSantisÂ’ adminis tration took steps such as ling a complaint against the Hyatt Regency Miami hotel for hosting a “Drag Queen Christmas” event in December, alleging minors were allowed to see the show. The complaint seeks to have the hotelÂ’s liquor license revoked. Also, other Republican-led states have targeted children going to drag shows. “I nd the debate on this bill to be stunning,” House sponsor Randy Fine, R-Bre vard County, said before the House State Administration & Technology Appropri ations Subcommittee vot ed 10-5 to approve the bill Wednesday. “This bill is about children.” But opponents have ar gued that parents should be able to make decisions about whether children at tend events and say the pro posal is part of a broader conservative attempt to take aim at LGBTQ people. Rep. Kristen Arrington, D-Kis simmee, described the bill Wednesday as “red meat to the right base.” On Tuesday, the Republi can-controlled Senate voted 28-12 along party lines to pass its bill. The bill denes “adult live performances” as “any show, exhibition, or other presentation that is per formed in front of a live au dience and in whole or in part, depicts or simulates nudity, sex ual conduct, sexual ex citement, specic sexual activities, Â… lewd conduct, or the lewd exposure of prosthet ic or imitation genitals or breasts.” The Senate vote came a day after Rep. Webster Barnaby, R-Deltona, lik ened transgender men and women to “mutants,” “de mons” and “imps” during debate on a separate propos al that would restrict which bathrooms people can use. The live-performance bill, sponsored by Jacksonville Republican Clay Yarbor ough, also would prohibit local governments from issuing public permits for events that could expose children to the targeted behavior. Critics said that could effectively shut down local pride parades. The bill – one of more than 400 pieces of legislation na tionwide aimed at transgen der people and the LGBTQ community – is among a number of proposals being considered during FloridaÂ’s 60-day legislative session, which is scheduled to end May 5. The bill would allow state regulators to immediately suspend or revoke licenses of restaurants, bars and other venues that violate the law. During debate Tuesday, Senate Democrats warned that arguments used to boost support for the restrictions could have dangerous con sequences for trans people, who already are at risk for violence. Drag shows and trans peo ple are the “target du jour” of Republican-led legis latures across the country, Sen. Tina Polsky, D-Boca Raton, said. “The bill is, as usual, so purposefully vague as to create an administrative nightmare and seeks to chill all of those (drag) shows,” Polsky said. “This bill feeds into that kind of dangerous rhetoric, and it will lead to violence. Here is yet another example of big government going too far to take away our freedom. ThereÂ’s no oth er way to describe it.” Polsky and other Demo crats pointed to comments made Monday by Barnaby during a House committee discussion of a bill that seeks to prevent transgender men and women from using bath rooms that donÂ’t align with their sex assigned at birth. “We have people that live among us today on planet Earth that are happy to dis play themselves as if they were mutants from another planet,” said Barnaby, call ing himself a “proud Chris tian conservative Republi can.” Barnaby spoke after trans men and women testied against the bill. Citing the Bible, Barnaby called them “demons and imps who come and parade before us and pretend that you are part of this world.” Sen. Shevrin Jones, a West Park Democrat who is gay, called BarnabyÂ’s “demon ization” of trans men and women “shameful” and railed against Republicans for failing to censure the re marks. “That type of vitriol is coming because that is the type of climate that has been created in this country. That is the type of climate that we are creating in this state to where we are basically giv ing people a hall pass to say crazy things like that,” Jones said. Pointing to the Bible, Jones, whose father is a pas tor, urged Barnaby and other lawmakers to “give grace to people. And that does not mean grace to people you agree with. God-dog it, that means grace to even people you donÂ’t agree with.” Yarborough, who was the only Republican who par ticipated in TuesdayÂ’s Sen ate debate on the bill, said “the violence and the name calling Â… is not acceptable. And I condemn that. That is not a Christ-like response, and IÂ’m totally proud and ne with saying that on the record.”It came a day after the Senate passed its version of the bill FINE PA INTING 35 2-4 65 -6 63 1 Fe rraroÂ’s Pa intingInterior & Exterior Pressur e Wa shing– FR EE ES TI MATES– “Repaint Specialist” rnr rnnnn ÂÂÂÂrn  EXTERIORCLEANING rnn TRANPRESSURE SOFT •Roofs•Houses•Gutters •Driveways•Lanais •Sof ts•PaverSealing TREE/YARDCLEANUP • Ge ne ral Re pa irs •G ut te r& Ro of Cl ea nin g • La nd sc ap ing& Ya rd Wo rk • Ro of Re pa irs• Tr ee Re mo va lFr ee Es ti ma te s 352-270-4847 OÂ’DONNELL ELECTRICAL LicensedandInsuredContractor r n r 352-746-1606 FERRARA ELECTRIC • FREEEstima te s • Residential • Ra inGuaran te e • Fu llyInsured WINDOW CLEANINGCa llBluebird WINDOW C LEANINGTO DA Y!Doug352.501.0402 WINDOWS DOORS SIDINGSOLAR HURRICANE ENERGYECOVIEWNORTHCENTRALFLORIDADIVISIONOFBEELINECONSTRUCTION CBC1261905“TheBest Wi ndows at theBestPrice”814-207-9498WWW.BEELINEBUILD.COM WINDOWS rr nrn nrrn RO OFING•NODEPOSITS• SHINGLEJOBSSTARTED5-10 DA YS •LIMITEDLIFETIME WA RRANTY •FREEESTIMATES License No . 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Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 13, 2023 A7 Money & Markets A click of the wrist gets you more at 3,400 3,600 3,800 4,000 4,200 OA ND JF M 3,960 4,060 4,160 S&P 500Close: 4,091.95Change: -16.99 (-0.4%) 10 DAYS 29,000 30,000 31,000 32,000 33,000 34,000 35,000 OA ND JF M 32,520 33,220 33,920 Dow Jones industrialsClose: 33,646.50Change: -38.29 (-0.1%) 10 DAYS Advanced 1083Declined 1292New Highs 47 New Lows 22 Vol. (in mil.) 3,361 Pvs. Volume 3,333 4,618 4,306 12082199 68 166 NYSE NASD DOW 33,895.43 33,593.32 33,646.50 -38.29 -0.11% +1.51% DOW Trans. 14,440.97 14,174.77 14,220.17 -140.61 -0.98% +6.18% DOW Util. 977.31 965.80 968.68 -2.35 -0.24% +0.13% NYSE Comp. 15,668.36 15,485.50 15,500.93 -19.99 -0.13% +2.09% NASDAQ 12,134.50 11,916.54 11,929.34 -102.54 -0.85% +13.98%S&P 500 4,134.37 4,086.94 4,091.95 -16.99 -0.41% +6.58% S&P 400 2,519.91 2,483.37 2,485.42 -13.91 -0.56% +2.26% Wilshire 5000 40,914.60 40,399.20 40,445.83 -194.20 -0.48% +6.23% Russell 2000 1,803.19 1,772.39 1,773.70 -12.89 -0.72% +0.71% HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG %CHG YTD Stocks Recap AT&T Inc T 14.46 22.84 19.77 +.08 +0.4 s s s +7.4 +15.0 1.11 Ametek Inc AME 106.17 148.06 138.53 +1.51 +1.1 s s t -0.9 +4.5 28 1.00f Anheuser-Busch InBev BUD 44.51 67.09 63.38 -1.73 -2.7 t s t +5.6 +11.4 26 1.10e Bank of America BAC 26.32 40.40 28.48 -.23 -0.8 s r t -14.0 -27.4 9 0.88 Capital City Bank CCBG 24.59 r 36.86 29.05 +.01 ... t t t -10.6 +22.8 12 0.72f Citigroup C 40.01 54.56 46.92 -.28 -0.6 s s s +3.7 -4.6 6 2.04 Disney DIS 84.07 133.59 97.94 -2.48 -2.5 t s t +12.7 -23.6 54 ... Duke Energy DUK 83.76 116.33 99.41 +.06 +0.1 t s s -3.5 -10.6 30 4.00f EPR Properties EPR 33.92 56.38 39.02 -.68 -1.7 s s s +3.4 -19.4 22 3.30 Equity Commonwealth EQC 19.41 r 23.57 20.91 +.01 ... t s s +0.2 -3.2 80 5.25e Exxon Mobil Corp XOM 79.29 119.63 115.23 -.12 -0.1 s s s +4.5 +36.0 9 3.64 Ford Motor F 10.61 r 16.68 12.67 -.20 -1.6 s s s +8.9 -7.5 0.60a Gen Electric GE 46.55 97.87 94.10 +.19 +0.2 s s t +44.6 +35.2 0.32 HCA Holdings Inc HCA 164.47 279.02 272.38 +.79 +0.3 s s s +13.5 +5.6 14 2.40f Home Depot HD 264.51 r 347.25 290.44 -3.33 -1.1 s s t -8.0 -3.9 17 8.36f Intel Corp INTC 24.59 r 48.90 32.02 -.33 -1.0 t s t +21.2 -27.7 16 0.50m IBM IBM 115.55 r 153.21 128.54 -1.88 -1.4 t s t -8.8 +7.8 73 6.60 LKQ Corporation LKQ 45.12 59.33 56.31 -.16 -0.3 s s t +5.4 +24.3 13 1.10 Lowes Cos LOW 170.12 223.31 199.77 -1.57 -0.8 s s t +0.3 -1.4 17 4.20 Lumen Technologies LUMN 2.37 n 12.54 2.46 -.11 -4.3 s t t -52.9 -74.0 ... McDonalds Corp MCD 228.34 285.54 285.30 +.82 +0.3 s s s +8.3 +15.2 34 6.08 Microsoft Corp MSFT 213.43 294.18 283.49 +.66 +0.2 t s t +18.2 -1.7 31 2.72 Motorola Solutions MSI 195.18 286.24 285.72 +2.22 +0.8 s s t +10.9 +19.8 36 3.52 NextEra Energy NEE 67.22 91.35 78.59 +.25 +0.3 t s s -6.0 -6.9 38 1.87f Piedmont Office RT PDM 6.35 n 17.25 6.72 -.22 -3.2 t t t -26.7 -51.8 6 0.84 Regions Fncl RF 13.94 24.33 18.33 -.17 -0.9 t s t -15.0 -7.6 8 0.80 Smucker, JM SJM 119.82 163.07 154.31 -1.34 -0.9 t s t -2.6 +15.1 20 4.08 Texas Instru TXN 144.46 186.30 177.55 -2.32 -1.3 t s t +7.5 +5.8 19 4.96 UniFirst Corp UNF 154.72 205.59 168.34 -.16 -0.1 s t t -12.8 -1.0 21 1.24f Verizon Comm VZ 32.76 55.51 39.20 -.25 -0.6 t s s -0.5 -21.6 8 2.61 Vodafone Group VOD 9.94 17.68 11.42 -.01 -0.1 s s s +12.8 -27.5 cc 1.06e WalMart Strs WMT 117.27 160.77 149.34 -.73 -0.5 t s s +5.3 -3.0 35 2.28 Walgreen Boots Alli WBA 30.39 r 47.28 35.69 -.62 -1.7 t s s -4.5 -16.3 7 1.92 52-WK RANGE CLOSE YTD 1YR NAME TICKER LO HI CLOSE CHG %CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN P/E DIV Stocks of Local Interest Dividend Footnotes: a Extra dividends were paid, but are not included. b Annual rate plus stock. c Liquidating dividend. e Amount declared or paid in last 12 months. f Current annual rate, which was increased by most recent dividend announcement. i Sum of dividends paid after stock split, no regular rate. j Sum of dividends paid this year. Most recent dividend was omitted or deferred. k Declared or paid this year, a cumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r Declared or paid in preceding 12 months plus stock dividend. t Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distribution date.PE Footnotes: q Stock is a closed-end fund no P/E ratio shown. cc P/E exceeds 99. dd Loss in last 12 months. The biopharmaceutical company announced a debt offering of $200 million. The energy equipment maker gave investors an encouraging business update. Investors were disappointed by the airline’s latest quarterly earnings forecast . The shipping container lessor is be ing bought by Brookfield Infrastruc-ture Partners . The maker of process control sys-tems, valves and analytical instru ments is buying National Instru ments. Stocks closed lower following the latest update on inflation and the latest warning of a possible recession. The S&P 500 lost 0.4% We dnesday af ter bouncing between small gains and losses earlie r. T he Nasdaq composite and the Dow also fell . 80 90 $100 JA FM Emerson ElectricEMR Close: $83.64 -0.80 or -1.0% $72.41$99.65 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 8.1m (2.2x avg.) $47.8 b 52-week range PE: Yi eld: 26.6 2.5% 40 60 80 $100 JA FM Tr iton InternationalTRTN Close: $83.34 20.33 or 32.3% $48.64$83.52 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 12.4m (27.4x avg.) $4.7 b 52-week range PE: Yi eld: 7.5 3.4% 12 14 16 $18 JA FM American AirlinesAAL Close: $13.00 -1.32 or -9.2% $11.65$21.42 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 96.7m (4.1x avg.) $8.5 b 52-week range PE: Yield: 1,226.4 ... 100 120 140 $160 JA FM Chart IndustriesGTLS Close: $126.02 13.62 or 12.1% $101.44 $242.59 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 1.8m (2.5x avg.) $5.4 b 52-week range PE: Yield: 293.0 ... 20 22 24 $26 JA FM Mirum PharmaMIRM Close: $23.51 -1.48 or -5.9% $17.32$30.55 Vo l.: Mkt. Cap: 5.6m (19.1x avg.) $892.2 m 52-week range PE: Yield: ...... The yield on the 10-year Trea-sury note fell to 3.4% Wednes-day. Yields af fect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans. NET 1YR TREASURIES LAST PVS CHG AGO 4.88 3.13 .38 PRIME RATE FED FUNDS 3-month T-bill 5.01 5.03 -0.02 .75 6-month T-bill 4.98 4.99 -0.01 1.20 52-wk T-bill 4.68 4.71 -0.03 1.71 2-year T-note 3.97 4.03 -0.06 2.39 5-year T-note 3.46 3.54 -0.08 2.66 7-year T-note 3.43 3.48 -0.05 2.73 10-year T-note 3.40 3.43 -0.03 2.72 30-year T-bond 3.63 3.62 +0.01 2.83 NAT'L WK 6MO 1YRCONSUMER RATES AVG AGO AGO AGO 48 month new car loan 6.92 r 6.92 6.75 5.99 Money market account 0.49 r 0.49 0.48 0.23 1 year CD 2.38 t 2.41 2.40 1.66 $30K Home equity loan 9.10 t 9.11 8.92 7.81 30 year xed mortgage 6.81 s 6.73 6.97 7.08 15 year xed mortgage 6.13 s 5.95 6.21 6.28 LAST 6 MO AGO 1 YR AGO Commodities Natural gas fell over 4%, while U.S. crude oil gained 2.1%. Wholesale gas oline and heat ing oil also closed higher. Gold and silver prices rose. Crude Oil (bbl) 83.26 81.53 +2.12 +3.7 Heating Oil (gal) 2.70 2.67 +1.31 -19.6 Natural Gas (mm btu) 2.09 2.19 -4.25 -53.2 Unleaded Gas (gal) 2.87 2.87 +0.26 +16.8 FUELS CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD Gold (oz) 2,010.90 2,004.80 +0.30 +10.5 Silver (oz) 25.40 25.13 +1.09 +6.5 Platinum (oz) 1,018.00 995.60 +2.25 -5.2 Copper (lb) 4.08 4.02 +1.49 +7.3 Aluminum (ton) 2,316.00 2,295.25 +0.90 -3.9 Palladium (oz) 1,452.60 1,440.30 +0.85 -18.8 METALS CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD Cattle (lb) 1.74 1.72 +1.14 +12.6 Coffee (lb) 1.89 1.88 +0.03 +12.7 Corn (bu) 6.56 6.51 +0.77 -3.3 Cotton (lb) 0.82 0.83 -0.36 -1.1 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 387.50 385.20 +0.60 +3.7 Orange Juice (lb) 2.78 2.85 -2.39 +34.7 Soybeans (bu) 15.04 14.97 +0.47 -1.0 Wheat (bu) 6.80 6.74 +0.82 -14.2 AGRICULTURE CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD American Funds AmrcnBalA m 29.63 -.03 +3.4 -3.9 +8.0 +6.3 CptWldGrIncA m 54.90 +.05 +6.8 -2.0 +11.7 +5.3 CptlIncBldrA m 64.60 +.11 +3.3 -1.8 +9.0 +4.9 FdmtlInvsA m 63.79 -.16 +6.2 -3.8 +13.8 +8.1 GrfAmrcA m 54.49 -.29 +10.1 -10.5 +11.8 +8.5 IncAmrcA m 22.90 +.01 +2.0 -3.0 +10.1 +6.0 InvCAmrcA m 43.71 -.07 +6.3 -3.5 +14.2 +8.5 NwPrspctvA m 51.98 -.01 +9.9 -5.3 +14.1 +8.7 WAMtInvsA m 52.76 -.10 +1.9 -3.8 +15.1 +9.5 Dodge & Cox IncI 12.53 +.02 +3.7 -0.8 -0.4 +2.0 StkI 218.05 -.73 +2.2 -5.1 +19.8 +9.3 Fidelity 500IdxInsPrm 142.02 -.59 +7.1 -5.3 +15.4 +10.9 Contrafund 13.34 -.03 +11.9 -7.2 +13.1 +10.0 TtlMktIdxInsPrm 112.98 -.52 +6.6 -6.4 +15.1 +10.0 USBdIdxInsPrm 10.48 +.02 +3.7 -2.0 -3.0 +1.1 Schwab SP500Idx 63.18 ... +7.5 -5.3 +15.6 +11.1 Vanguard 500IdxAdmrl 377.64 -1.56 +7.1 -5.4 +15.4 +10.9 DivGrInv 35.53 -.03 +1.0 -1.7 +14.7 +12.0 EqIncAdmrl 83.43 -.07 -0.7 -2.1 +15.3 +9.1 GrIdxAdmrl 125.91 -.77 +15.0 -9.1 +14.1 +12.3 InTrTEAdmrl 13.72 +.01 +3.5 +3.2 +1.0 +2.4 MdCpIdxAdmrl 259.10 -1.15 +3.0 -8.3 +14.6 +7.9 PrmCpAdmrl 140.17 -.62 +7.1 -1.3 +15.7 +9.8 SmCpIdxAdmrl 89.70 -.62 +2.4 -7.4 +15.8 +6.3 TrgtRtr2025Fd 17.59 -.01 +5.5 -3.4 +6.9 +4.7 TrgtRtr2030Fd 33.19 -.03 +5.8 -3.6 +8.1 +5.1 TrgtRtr2035Fd 20.53 -.01 +6.1 -3.7 +9.3 +5.5 TrgtRtr2040Fd 36.15 -.03 +6.3 -3.9 +10.6 +6.0 TrgtRtr2045Fd 24.32 -.03 +6.6 -4.0 +11.9 +6.4 TrgtRtr2050Fd 40.33 -.06 +6.7 -4.0 +12.0 +6.5 TtBMIdxAdmrl 9.76 +.01 +3.8 -2.0 -2.8 +1.1 TtInSIdxAdmrl 29.94 +.08 +7.7 -1.3 +11.4 +2.4 TtInSIdxInv 17.90 +.05 +7.7 -1.3 +11.3 +2.4 TtlSMIdxAdmrl 98.79 -.45 +6.5 -6.4 +15.1 +10.0 WlngtnAdmrl 68.65 -.01 +4.1 -2.5 +9.1 +7.1 TOTAL RETURNFAMILY FUND NAV CHG YTD 1YR 3YR* 5YR* Mutual Funds *– Annualized; d Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. m Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. x fund paid a distribution during the week. Interest rates (Previous and change gures reect current contract.)Stocks dip after inflation data, warning from Fed By STAN CHOE Associated Press NEW YORK — Stocks dipped to close an up-and-down Wednesday on Wall Street following the latest update on ination and the latest warning of a possible recession. The S&P 500 fell 16.99, or 0.4 percent, to 4,091.95 after drifting between small gains and losses through the day. The Dow Jones Indus trial Average slipped 38.29, or 0.1 percent, to 33,646.50, and the Nasdaq composite lost 102.54, or 0.9 percent, to 11,929.34. The main focus for more than a year on Wall Street has been high ination and how much painful medicine the Federal Reserve will have to dole out to contain it. Wednesday’s update on ination was a mixed one, showing prices at the con sumer level were 5 percent higher last month than a year earlier. That’s still well above the Federal Reserve’s comfort level, and some underly ing trends within the data were also concerning. That weighed on nancial mar kets. But on the upside for investors, the overall ination number was still better than the 5.2 percent that economists expected. It also marked a continued slowdown from ination’s peak last summer. Altogether, the data sent stocks bouncing, though the swings weren’t nearly as severe as they’ve been over the past year. Roughly 65 percent of the stocks within the S&P 500 fell. Traders are still largely betting the Fed will raise short-term interest rates by another quarter of a per centage point at its next meeting, according to data from CME Group. They shaded some bets toward the possibility that the Fed will merely hold rates steady in May, something it has not done for more than a year. “The Fed has every reason to take a pause and only a handful of reasons not to,” said Brian Jacobsen, senior investment strategist at All spring Global Investments. High rates can undercut ination, but only by bluntly slowing the entire economy. That raises the risk of a re cession later on, while hurt ing prices for stocks, bonds and other investments in the meantime. The Fed has al ready raised rates at a furi ous pace over the last year, enough that it’s hurt pockets of the economy and created strains within the banking system. That has many investors and economists expecting at least a shallow, short reces sion to hit the economy later this year. If banks pull back on lending as a result of all the troubles in their industry, it could tighten the vise even further on the economy. In minutes from the Fed’s last meeting, which were released Wednesday after noon, the central bank said its staff economists forecast a pullback in lending will cause a “mild recession” starting later this year. Ear lier, its staff had been fore casting subdued growth. The bond market has been showing more nervousness about a potential recession, and traders have built bets that the Fed will have to cut interest rates later this year in order to prop up the econ omy. Yields fell Wednesday im mediately after the ination report, pared their losses later in the day and then dipped again following the release of the Fed’s min utes. The 10-year Treasury yield slipped to 3.41 per cent from 3.43 percent late Tuesday. It helps set rates for mortgages and other im portant loans. The two-year Treasury yield, which moves more on expectations for the Fed, fell to 3.96 percent from 4.03 percent. The stock market, mean while, has been showing comparatively less fear. It’s still up for the year so far, in part on hopes the Fed can pull off the balancing act of slowing the economy just enough to suffocate ina tion but not so much as to cause a severe recession that undercuts corporate prots. Companies later this week will begin telling investors how much prot they made during the rst three months of the year. Expectations are low, with analysts forecast ing the worst drop in S&P 500 earnings per share since the pandemic was crushing the economy in 2020. But many analysts also expect this to mark the bottom, with forecasts calling for a return to growth later this year. American Airlines Group lost 9.2 percent after it gave a forecast for its rst-quar ter prot that fell short of some analysts’ expecta tions. It said it expected to report stronger results than it had earlier forecast, but it wasn’t high enough to meet many analysts’ estimates for earnings per share. It had one of the largest losses within the S&P 500 and helped drag down oth er airline stocks. United Airlines Holdings slid 6.5 percent, and Delta Air Lines shed 2.4 percent. Also weighing on Wall Street Wednesday was the fact that ination remains high, even if it is slowing. And underneath the surface, ination also remains sticky after ignoring food and en ergy costs. That’s some thing called “core ination” and can offer a better picture of where trends are heading. That has some investors girding for the “higher for longer” interest rates that the Fed has long been warn ing about.
A8 Thursday, April 13, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle T he 8th annual Citrus County Leadership Summit was recently held at the Lecanto Gov-ernment Center. It was attended by elected ofcials from the County Commis-sion, City of Inverness, City of Crystal River, and the School Board. For the rst time, Sheriff Mike Prender-gast also joined the group. There was a new vibrancy and sense of cooperation at the meeting this year. All representatives had an opportunity to speak about what they believe are the major issues facing all of Citrus County. Each partici-pant was treated respectful-ly as they discussed a wide range of topics of concern to our county: crime and safety, trafc and trash on the roadways, economic development, education, tourists, the Tourist De-velopment Council, the Suncoast Parkway, and the inux of people moving here. Of course the major issue is how to fund these issues. It was a full-ranging discussion. There was a recognition that the county, cities, school system and law enforcement are all in this together. The challenges of Citrus County are facing all of us, and it will take a united effort to successfully deal with them. The partic-ipants discussed the need to work collectively instead of each governmental entity working in their own silo. As the summit continued, the participants worked to create a road map to the future. In distilling their con versations and discussions, the leaders determined that the three top issues facing Citrus County are: public safety, economic develop ment and transportation. It was not lost on the elected ofcials that our county is at a point of tremendous change and growth that must be planned for, starting now. There is a need for continuing meetings and discussion about these matters, including how to fund them. The ad valorem taxes collected in Citrus are insufcient to provide sufcient funding to deal with the needs of the entire county. Citrus County is the only county in Florida that does not take advan-tage of the ability to charge an additional penny sales tax. It requires the citizens to vote to approve this tax that would provide about $20 million in revenue each year. This is certainly a matter for continuing dis-cussion by this group. At the conclusion of the meeting, the group decided to meet again in October to continue addressing the issues and potential fund-ing. School Board member Sandy Counts offered to have the school system host the next event at Withlaco-chee Technical College. As the meeting concluded, it was good to see the sense of collegiality in the room. There was a recognition that all governmental agen-cies must work together to create a successful path to the future for our county. Clearly the work will not be easy. There are many challenges ahead. The summit revealed a willingness on the part of the participants to face the challenges together, to create a dynamic future for Citrus County and its citizens. We applaud the new spirit of collegiality of our elected ofcials as they look to the future. ‘W hen she was in the room, you knew she was in the room,” my mother, professor Judith Stiehm observed of Janet Reno, the rst woman to serve as U.S. attorney general. They were friends and my mother wrote Reno’s biography after she died in 2016 at age 78. The book, “Janet Reno: A Life,” is a new portrait of a major gure in the 1990s. Reno, a Miami native who built her legal career as state attorney in her hometown after graduating from Harvard Law School, came to Washington as an outsider in a city of insiders. She didn’t care and never changed, a constant amid the hurly-burly. Some considered Reno naïve for not playing the political game. But her plain speaking and strong record commanded respect; she was conrmed by the Senate, 98-0. A straight arrow in the uid Clinton administration, Reno confronted three major crises during two terms in ofce. They live on in political memory and cultural vernacular: the Branch Davidian ery siege in Waco; President Bill Clinton’s im-peachment over a slight affair; and Elian Gonzalez, the small Cuban boy found at sea, subject of a erce struggle between his Miami relatives and his father. Stiehm’s new volume shines light on the independent char-acter at center stage of these dramas, and why Reno made the choices she did, with no regrets. For the rst time, we learn the price Reno paid for following her moral compass. “She was a character,” my mother said in conversation. “Tall, direct, serious, friendly.” In composing the rst denitive biography of Reno, my mother was granted access to all her papers, organized by Reno her-self in a shed. Her sister Maggy knew my mother had urged Reno to write a memoir and opened the shed to her. “I became friendly with the shed,” my mother said. One remarkable nding was that Re-no’s mother Jane built the home she grew up in, with a large screen porch for visitors. Her father was a crime reporter for The Miami Herald. The family of four children lived near the Everglades, out where geckos dwelled and paved roads ended. Two rules governed that homestead: tell the truth and be kind. As the author notes, “Janet Reno was no drama queen, but her tenure as attorney general was lled with crises.” In Waco, a re engulfed a cult that refused to surrender and shot at federal agents, killing four. Concerned about reports of child abuse, Reno ordered the tear gas raid. The FBI did not return re from the occupants inside. The re likely started with cult leaders, investigators found, with 70 lives lost. Publicly, Reno took responsibility right away and a strange thing happened: “From being unknown, she became the best-known member of President Clinton’s cabinet – and one with a strong approval rating.” Reno walked the perilous path of appointing Kenneth Starr as Independent Counsel investigat-ing Clinton for Whitewater real estate transactions – then his star-crossed affair with Monica Lewinsky. “She would do her job regardless of what Clinton wanted her to do,” Stiehm said. Reno saw herself as the nation’s top law-yer, not the president’s personal lawyer. The agonizing Elian Gonzalez case took months to resolve. His Miami relatives deed immigra-tion rulings to return him to his father in Cuba. Reno, well-ac-quainted with the anti-Castro stance of the Cuban exile com-munity, pressed for the boy to go home. Once again, she ordered a raid, this time to back up high court rulings. On Easter, Elian and his father returned to Cuba. Reno later said, “I should have gone in earlier.” When Reno ran for Florida governor in 2002, Cuban-Amer-ican voters shunned her, bitter about the custody decision. “(That) cost her dearly,” Stiehm noted. Parkinson’s, a diagnosis Reno openly discussed in 1995, slowly came to claim her. Bill Clinton praised Reno at her funeral: “She never cut a corner.” Her life lesson shows one can succeed in high ofce while remaining human and honest. Reno and Stiehm were born in the 1930s. They are known as the “Silents.” But it’s little noted that this is the rst wave of women to break professional barriers. Often they were the only women in the class or in the room. Jamie Stiehm writes for Creators Syndicate. O Sharing the blame On October 7, 2002, the U.S. went to war in Afghanistan in response to the September 11th al-Qaeda attack that killed 2,996 Americans. These terrorists were given safe haven in Afghani stan resulting in a 20-year war. During three presidencies, three major terrorist leaders were killed: Osama bin Laden (Obama), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (Trump), and Ayman al-Zawahiri (Biden). Trump saw the time to draw the war to an end by sign ing the Doha agreement with the Taliban, in which the U.S. pledged to withdraw all U.S. and NATO forces by May 1, 2021. The Taliban was to cease attack ing U.S. forces and must forsake ties with al-Qaeda. They were to hold peace negotiations with the Afghan government who controlled most of the country but were rapidly losing territory to the Taliban. Trump should be commended for starting the road to peace. But he must share some of the blame. An explicit pull-out date instead of ambigu ity, gave the Taliban less reasons to explore diplomatic options and be more on the offensive. The Doha Agreement made the Afghan government feel demor alized and many took bribes and surrendered to the Taliban, which led to rapid territorial advance ments. There should have not been a pull-out specific date. Biden was also to blame. He could have added more troops to further help the Afghan gov ernment through the transition. His decision to withdraw was ill-prepared as now Kabul was under Taliban control (August 15, 2021) and the Afghanistan government had collapsed. We still had control of Hamid Karzai Airport, which airlifted 82,300 people (August 14-25). During the chaotic operation there were 101 fatalities and 17 American aircraft crashes. Trump is to blame for setting an exact evacuation date. Biden is to blame for the not-well-planned evacuation. Biden delayed the evacuation date until August, but could have delayed it a year to stabilize Afghanistan. The Afghan war did protect America from any horrific ter rorist attacks like the one that happened on September 11th. We should honor our soldiers for their bravery, sacrifice, and strength. Lastly, Aristotle developed the concept of sungnome, which was instead of blaming, we should forgive. Both Trump and Biden inherited a long war. At the time, they acted in what they felt was the best interest and solution. Looking back, we can always see the mistakes that should’ve, could’ve, or might’ve been done. Rudy Brooks Crystal River Why are people leaving the church? I followed the teachings of Jesus Christ and have been a Christian most of my life, but I no longer attend church. Why?Politics. Any church that has a flag of the United States in the sanctuary shows its allegiance to the country, not to the Lord of all. Jesus gave us two command ments – Love the Lord your God and love your neighbor as yourself. There are still churches that teach these vital command ments, but too many have turned to hate and fear to justify their actions. These are not Christian churches, because Jesus told us to trust in the Lord and forgive our enemies. Kathy Dobronyi InvernessRefreshing Janet Reno: A new telling of her tale LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OPINIONS INVITED Q Viewpoints depicted in politi cal cartoons, columns or let ters do not necessarily repre sent the opinion of the editorial board. Q Groups or individuals are invited to express their opin ions in a letter to the editor. Q Persons wishing to address the editorial board, which meets weekly, should call Jim Gouvellis at 352-563-5660. Q All letters must be signed and include a phone number and hometown, including letters sent via email. Names and hometowns will be printed; phone numbers will not be published or given out. Q Letters must be no longer than 400 words, and writers will be limited to four letters per month. THE CHRONICLE invites you to call “Sound Off” with your opinions about local subjects. You do not need to leave your name, and have less than a minute to record. COMMENTS will be edited for length, libel, personal or political attacks and good taste. Editors will cut libelous material. OPINIONS expressed are purely those of the callers. CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE EDITORIAL CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE Founded by Albert M. Williamson “You may differ with my choice, but not my right to choose.” — David S. Arthurs publisher emeritus EDITORIAL BOARD Trina Murphy .................................................... publisher Jim Gouvellis ......................................................... editor Tiarra Alexander .................................. citizen member Curt Ebitz .............................................. citizen member Mac Harris ............................................. citizen member Rebecca Martin ................................... citizen member Don Hiers ............................................... citizen member Roger B. Krieger .................................. citizen member Trish Thomas ......................................... citizen member The opinions expressed in Chronicle editorials are the opinions of the newspaper’s editorial board. Gerard “Gerry” Mulligan publisher emeritusSummit allows county leaders to look toward the future YOUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Q District 1 (Crystal River, Ozello, Citronelle, Red Level): Jeff Kinnard,; Q District 2 (Homosassa, Sugarmill Woods): Diana Finegan,; Q District 3 (Beverly Hills, Pine Ridge, Citrus Springs): Ruthie Davis Schlabach,; Q District 4 (Floral City, part of Inverness): Rebecca Bays, rebecca.bays@;Q District 5 (part of Inverness, Hernando, Arrowhead): Holly L. Davis, Correspondences, including email, are public records once received by commissioners or county staff. As such, they may be requested by any member of the public. Jamie StiehmVarying Voices Our ViewpointThe Issue: Our county is facing many challenges that require collaboration among county leaders.Our Opinion: The Summit revealed a new sense of collegi ality among our county leaders.
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 13, 2023 A9N & W CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLEHundreds forced from Indiana homes as plastics fire burns By ARLEIGH RODGERS and RICK CALLAHAN Associated Press RICHMOND, Ind. — An evacuation order affecting more than 1,000 people re mained in place Wednesday night around a large indus trial re in an Indiana city near the Ohio border where crews worked to douse piles of burning plastics. Multiple res that began burning Tuesday afternoon were still burning within about 14 acres of various types of plastics stored in side and outside buildings at a former factory site in Richmond, 70 miles east of Indianapolis, Fire Chief Tim Brown said. He said the re was con tained but not under control. Brown said his goal was to nish dousing ames by Saturday morning but “that’s a guess.” “We are attempting to put the re out. We are not letting it burn. Evidently there’s some misinforma tion out there that we’re let ting it burn,” he said. Between 1,500 and 2,000 people who live within a half-mile of the plant were told to leave after the re began, said David Hosick, spokesperson for the Indi ana Department of Home land Security. The evacuation order re mained in place Wednesday night. People outside the half-mile radius who live downwind of the re were advised to keep windows closed and pets inside. Brown said the re’s cause remained under investiga tion and the only injury had been a reghter who suf fered a minor ankle injury overnight Tuesday. Some Richmond residents took shelter at Oak Park Pentecostals, after families picking up children from the church’s daycare learned they could not return home, said executive pastor Jesse Arthur. He was expecting the church’s expansive gym – with bathrooms, showers and the daycare – to ll up. “I think most everybody was exhausted. Long day. Traumatic. Everything’s up in the air,” Arthur told The Associated Press. State and federal regulators were at the scene to monitor air quality and other envi ronmental impacts. The site, which has been used to store plastics and other materials for recycling or resale, has been the target of enforce ment action in recent years. In 2020, a judge afrmed a cleanup order against Cor nerstone Trading Group by Richmond’s Unsafe Build ing Commission. Inspectors had found re sprinklers missing and what they cited as “excessive plastic materi als” considered to be a re hazard. It wasn’t clear what, if any, work had been done since the 2020 court ruling. Messages seeking comment from the city were not im mediately returned. “The nature of my business is I’m a commodities dealer. We gather scrap materials,” Seth Smith of Cornerstone Trading told the commis sion in 2019, according to meeting minutes. He said that each of the boxes rep resents 150-200 pounds in scrap. “When we process it inside my facility, that same box will weigh 1,500 pounds and we load them onto the containers that go out to 29 different countries around the world,” he said. Terry Snyder Jr. spent a restless night at a church Tuesday with his parents, who were worried about their home. All three were coughing from the smoke: Snyder and his mother, Wendy, have asthma, while his father, Terry Snyder Sr., has chronic obstructive pul monary disease. “I didn’t sleep all night. I was nervous,” Wendy Sny der said. “I’ve never been displaced from my home.” Michael Conroy / AP Workers knock down a section of site of an industrial fire the area as smoke billows from the site in Richmond, Ind., on Wednesday. Authorities urged people to evacuate if they live near the fire. The former factory site was used to store plastics and other materials for recycling or resale.U.S., Ukraine say many war secrets remain safe from intelligence leaks By ELLEN KNICKMEYER and HANNA ARHIROVA Associated Press WASHINGTON — Ukraine’s leaders say they don’t see a major U.S. in telligence leak as gravely damaging future offensives. A key reason: They have long held back on sharing their most sensitive opera tional information, doubt ing Washington’s ability to keep their secrets safe. Ukrainian and U.S. of cials said this week that only Ukrainians know some battle plans and other op erational information, not the Americans, their most important ally. That means the leak of secret military documents, including some assessing Ukraine’s battle eld strengths and weak nesses against Russia, may not have been enough – so far – to change the course of the war. “If military operations are planned, then only a very narrow circle of people know about the planning of the special operation,” Dep uty Defense Minister Hanna Maliar said Wednesday on Ukrainian television. “The risk of leaks is very mini mal” for the most important war matters. Still, the U.S. sees the leaks as grave. The docu ments include previously unreported sensitive disclo sures about Ukraine, South Korea, Israel, the United Arab Emirates and others. Senior Biden administra tion ofcials are working to stop the ow of classied information onto social me dia and websites and head off any lasting damage to relationships with allies and strategic partners. And more damaging ma terial could still surface. Leaked documents are continuing to appear on line, and future revelations may be more detrimental to Ukraine than the ones that have been publicized so far. Meanwhile, Russia is making clear that it is av idly studying each spilled secret. “Quite interesting,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said of the leaks. Still, online Russian-lan guage discussions groups showed Russian military bloggers arguing over whether the leaks them selves are U.S. disinforma tion, intended to mislead Russia by creating an im pression that Ukraine’s mil itary is vulnerable. Ukrainian ofcials and ordinary Ukrainians have made clear they could af ford no open split over the leaks with the United States, which has given Ukraine more than $100 bil lion in military and civilian support. “It is a pity that such things happen,” said one woman, Nataliia Maltseva, in Kyiv, where many people said their thoughts were on matters other than the U.S. intelligence breach. But “I trust Joe Biden, I know that he is an expe rienced person who loves Ukraine. I am sure that ev erything will only get bet ter,” Maltseva said Wednes day. Secrecy in one vital area, Ukraine’s plans for any up coming offenses to repel Russian forces, remains unbreached, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters in Washington on Tuesday after speaking with his Ukrainian counterpart. “They have a great plan ... but only President Zelen skyy and his leadership re ally know the full details of that plan,” the U.S. defense chief said. AP A Ukrainian soldier fires a grenade launcher on the frontline in Bakhmut, Donetsk region, Ukraine, Monday, April 10.Joe O’Biden? President says he feels he’s ‘coming home’ in trip to Ireland By COLLEEN LONG and DARLENE SUPERVILLE Associated Press DUNDALK, Ireland — Tracing his family lineage, President Joe Biden re ceived a rock star-like wel come Wednesday in this town in the Irish county where his mother’s family is from. Hundreds of peo ple lined up four and ve deep for block after block, and many had stretched out their hands hoping for even the slightest contact with Biden. County Louth’s most fa mous descendant declared, “I don’t know why the hell my ancestors left here. It’s beautiful.” Biden walked along a street of shops and restau rants in Dundalk, shaking hands, posing for photos and greeting local peo ple who are proud that he shares their Irish heritage. The president was joined by his son Hunter and sister Valerie. The experience was rep licated earlier in the day a short distance away in the seaside village of Carling ford, where the sound of bagpipes welcomed him on a cold, wet and windy after-noon. Biden gazed out at the water from the stone bal cony of Carlingford Castle, which would have been the last Irish landmark that Owen Finnegan, Biden’s maternal great-great-grand father, saw before sailing for New York in 1849. “It feels like I’m coming home,” Biden said as he was led on a tour and looked out over Carlingford Lough, a bay that empties into the Irish Sea. The president of ten cites his Irish lineage as a driving force in his public and private life. As for the soggy weath er, “It’s ne! It’s Ireland!” Biden said. The excitement was palpa ble even before his arrival in County Louth, on Ireland’s east coast, after a 90-min ute drive from Dublin. Well-wishers and curiosity seekers lined the motor cade route from the moment Biden’s limousine exited the highway. The Carlingford Pipe Band, a four-piece bagpipe and drum ensemble, ar ranged to play an original piece, “A Biden Return” for the occasion. County Louth is the home of Biden’s mother’s family, the Finnegans. According to a genealogy released by the White House, the pres ident’s great-great-great-grandparents lived in Tem pletown and were married in 1813. Their grandson, James Finnegan, born in 1840, emigrated to the Unit ed States with his family when he was 9 years old. The Finnegans settled in Seneca County, New York. James married Cather ine Roche in 1846; they were Biden’s great-grand parents. Biden’s mother was Catherine Eugenia Finnegan.Cheaper gas and food provide some relief from inflation By CHRISTOPHER RUGABER AP Economics Writer WASHINGTON — U.S. consumer ination eased in March, with less expen sive gas and food provid ing some relief to house holds that have struggled under the weight of surg ing prices. Yet prices are still rising fast enough to keep the Federal Reserve on track to raise interest rates at least once more, beginning in May. The government said Wednesday that consumer prices rose just 0.1 percent from February to March, down from 0.4 percent from January to February and the smallest increase since December. Measured from a year earlier, prices were up just 5 percent in March, down sharply from February’s 6 percent year-over-year increase and the mildest such rise in nearly two years. Much of the drop re sulted from price declines for such goods as gas, used cars and furniture, which had soared a year ago af ter Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Excluding volatile food and energy costs, though, so-called core ination is still stubbornly high. Core prices rose 0.4 percent from February to March and 5.6 percent from a year earlier. The Fed and many private economists regard core prices as a better mea sure of underlying ina tion. The year-over-year gure edged up for the rst time in six months. As goods prices have ris en more slowly, helping cool ination, costs in the nation’s services sector – everything from rents and restaurant meals to hair cuts and auto insurance – have jumped, keeping core prices elevated. “It’s comforting that headline ination is com ing down, but the ination story has had some shifts under the hood in the last couple of years,” said So nia Meskin, head of U.S. economics at BNY Mel lon’s investment division. “Overall ination still re mains much too strong.” Even so, the March data offered some signs that suggest ination is slowly but steadily headed lower. Rental costs, which have been one of the main driv ers of core ination, rose at the slowest pace in a year. And grocery prices fell for the rst time in 2 1/2 years. Grocery prices dropped 0.3 percent from Febru ary to March. The cost of beef fell 0.3 percent, milk 1 percent and fresh fruits and vegetables 1.3 percent. Egg prices, which had soared after an outbreak of avian u, plunged nearly 11 percent just in March, though they remain 36 per cent more expensive than a year ago.Emerging threat: Drug mix of xylazine, fentanyl By GEOFF MULVIHILL Associated Press The U.S. has named a veterinary tranquilizer as an “emerging threat” when it’s mixed with the powerful opioid fentanyl, clearing the way for more efforts to stop the spread of xylazine. The Ofce of National Drug Control Policy an nounced the designation Wednesday, the rst time the ofce has used it since the category for fast-grow ing drug dangers was cre ated in 2019. Dr. Rahul Gupta, director of the drug policy ofce, said xylazine has become increasingly common in all regions of the country. It was detected in about 800 drug deaths in the U.S. in 2020 – most of them in the Northeast. By 2021, it was present in more than 3,000 fatalities – with the most in the South – according to a report last year from the Drug Enforcement Administration. “We cannot ignore what we’re seeing,” Gupta said. “We must act and act now.” Xylazine was approved for veterinary use in 1971. Sometimes known as “tranq,” it’s been show ing up in supplies of illicit drugs used by humans in major quantities in only the last several years. It’s believed to be added to other drugs to increase prots. Ofcials are trying to understand how much of it is diverted from veteri nary uses and how much is made illicitly. The drug causes breath ing and heart rates to slow down, sometimes to deadly levels, and causes skin ab scesses and ulcers that can require amputation. With drawal is also painful. While it’s often used in conjunction with opioids, including fentanyl and related illicit lab-made drugs, it’s not an opioid. And there are no known antidotes.NPR quits Twitter over ‘government-funded’ label By MATT O’BRIEN AP Technology Writer National Public Radio is quitting Twitter after the social media platform owned by Elon Musk stamped NPR’s account with labels the news or ganization says are in tended to undermine its credibility. Twitter labeled NPR’s main account last week as “state-afliated media,” a term also used to identify media outlets controlled or heavily inuenced by authoritarian governments, such as Russia and China. Twitter later changed the label to “government-fund ed media,” but to NPR it’s still misleading. NPR said in a statement on Wednesday that it “will no longer be active on Twitter because the platform is tak ing actions that undermine our credibility by falsely implying that we are not ed itorially independent.” “Defund @NPR,” was Musk’s tweeted response. Twitter, more than any of its rivals, has said its users come to it to keep track of current events. That made it an attractive place for news outlets to share their stories and reinforced Twitter’s moves to combat the spread of misinforma tion. But Musk has long expressed disdain for pro fessional journalists and said he wants to elevate the views and expertise of the “average citizen.” The Public Broadcasting Service said Wednesday it has also stopped tweet ing from its main account and that the public TV or ganization has no plans to resume because “Twitter’s simplistic label leaves the inaccurate impression that PBS is wholly funded by the federal government.”
A10 Thursday, April 13, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle r rnrn ( 2 ) (WESH) n Ân €‚‚ Â€‚‚ Â€‚‚ƒ„… Â† (3) (WEDU) n‡‚ˆ‰ n€Š‹ Š‚Œ‚‹ÂŠŒŽŠÂ‹ˆÂ‹‚†ˆ‘ ‰Â‹‚ˆÂÂ’‹‚‹“ ”Â’ ‚r n (5) (WUFT) •• ÂŒÂnŠ‚€ÂŠ€ÂŠ ˆÂ‡‚ˆÂ‡‚Š‚‚ ‚‹Â‹“n€ÂŠ (8) (WFLA) n Ân“ ††Â ‹nˆ–“‹ÂÂÂÂn“ ††Â ‹†‹‚‹ ˆ†‡†‹Â†ˆ–“‹ Â€‚‚ Â€‚‚’‰ˆ  ˆ‰‹ˆ‡Â†ˆ‹  Â€‚‚€‚– †ˆ—Ân‚ˆ‡ Ân“ ˜††Â†ˆ–“‹ “ (9) (WFTV) n  ‹’‡ nŒ‚ƒ’ ‚™Œ“‘…‚‹Š†‹ ‹ˆÂ†nnn‚š† ‹Â‡Â   r€ÂÂnr‚rÂrnƒÂrrnn„ƒˆ‡‡ ›ˆ‡‡Âˆœ™ (10) (WTSP) n  ‡’  Ânœ†ˆ†–ÂŒ“‘…‚‹Š†ƒÂ’ ‚™Š†–“†“‹ÂÂÂÂ’ÂÂÂÂ…rÂn †Ânn†nn– ÂÂÂn ‡’  Ânž‚‹ (13) (WTVT) …€Ÿ …€ŸÂ…€ŸÂ¡¢‹œÂn“‘…Ân€ ÂÂn‡Âr†ˆ‡ Ân†‹‚ÂÂŒ‰‡‹Â‚ˆ…€ŸÂ…€ŸÂ…€ŸÂ…€Ÿ (20) (WCJB) n ÂŒ‚†ˆÂ„‹ ‹ˆÂ†nnn† ‹Â‡Â  ‹ƒ„›ˆ‡‡ (22) (WCLF) n“‚ˆÂ‹ˆ †‚ˆÂ– Â…‰ŠÂ‚ ‹ ”†ˆ†–ˆ‹“‹œ ††Â‚ŒÂ‡n‡‡…“ˆÂ‚ˆÂ‰Â“‚ (24) (WYKE) n ‚ †Â‘‚‡ÂƒˆÂ“£ˆÂ„‚ ‹ ”†ˆ†–ˆ‹“€† †€† Âˆ‘ †n‡‡›†Ân ŠÂ‚ˆÂ–‚ ‹ (28) (WFTS) n ÂŒ‚†ˆÂ„‹ ‹ˆÂ†nnn† ‹Â‡Â ƒ„›ˆ‡‡ (32) (WMOR) “†“†ˆ– †–ˆ– †–‡‡ Â‹ † Â‹ †ˆ–“žÂ‚ˆ–“žÂ‚ˆ– †–“† (38) (WTTA) ¢‹‚ … ‡ˆÂÂ…ŠÂ… ‡ˆÂ …ŠÂÂn“ ††Â‹ˆ‰ˆ Â ‡’  ‹Âˆ†Â‰‚‚n“ˆ‰ –„„Š‚‹r‚ (40) (WACX)  ˆÂ‚–„“nŠž ˆÂ‚–„ŒÂ‚‡’ ‰‹ ˆÂ‚–„ Â‹Â‚žƒ‘‘‚ ˆÂ‚–„n„‚… ˆ‹“‚ˆ†‰ (44) (WTOG) nŒ¤¤¤ ‡‚ˆ‰ †ÂŠÂˆ‘ ‡‚ˆ‰ †ÂŠÂˆ‘  †Â  ÂԠ  †Â  ÂԠ Œ Â”‚ŒÂnŒ‹Š’‚‡ †Âˆˆ‚ ‡’  Â ‹Â†nŒ¤¤ Â€‚‚ŒÂnn‚ ‚n‚ (50) (WVEA) ••• ‹ˆ‰ˆ Â‹ˆ‰ˆ‚ ‚ Š Â ÂŠ’ “‚†‰ˆ Â‚ˆ‰Â‹ ‡žˆ•†Â‚ † ‡ Â‚ Â‹‚ Â‹ˆ‰ˆ Â‹ˆ‰ˆ‚ (51) (WOGX) …€Ÿ …¢•Â– ‹ˆ– †–ˆ– †–¢‹œÂn“‘†ˆ‡ ÂŒ‰‡‹Â…€Ÿ•Â•Â ˜ (66) (WXPX) € n“ˆ‰ –„„…‚‹n“ˆ‰ –„„Š‚‹r‚n“ˆ‰ –„„‚‡ÂÂn“ˆ‰ –„„Ž‘ÂÂ’nrn“ˆ‰ –„„‚nr‚nn“ˆ‰ –ÂÂŒÂnn‚ (A&E) •¤¤•¤ “…ˆ‚‹¤†Â““…ˆ‚‹¤†r€…ÂÂr“…ˆ‚‹¤„„„…ˆ‚‹nÂÂ…Ânˆ‹Ân†‘ˆÂ†‹ˆ Â”“…ˆ‚‹¤ (ACCN) ””nnrn– Âž ÂÂr rÂnÂn‡ÂÂr‚ÂrÂÂnnÂÂnnÂÂnnÂÂnn (AMC) ••¤•• <++‰†‹Š‚ ‹‹‰‹ˆœ€•’r ‡Â“„ < + +ˆ‰‰ Â‡Â€–ƒr ‡Ânn—nnn‚˜Â‹„ ™<++ˆ‰‰ Â‡Â“ˆ‚…ˆ‚‹Âˆ–†‡†‹€– (ANI) ••• ‚„ ” ‹‚„šÂ‹r‚‹ˆÂ‚„ ” ‹‚„…rn‚‚„ÂÂnr‚Œ‹Â‚„ ” ‹ (BET)  Â† Â† Â†  Â† Â† Â†… ‡ˆÂ r“›rrn‹“ŽŠ†šÂ† <‚‚‚šÂn †Â„„„ (BIGTEN) ¤ Œ‡„ ‰‚ÂÂÂ’‚ˆ‰r‚Ânrr‹Â‚rŒ‡„ ‰‚“‚ÂnŒ‚‚nÂnr ˆœˆÂÂŒ‹ † (BRAVO) •¤••¤  †Â‚’Š‡’ŠÂ †Â‚’Š‡’ŠÂÂÂÂ’n“‘ˆr“›ÂÂnr‚ÂÂ’n“‘Œ ‹‰“Œ“ ‹Â‰ ” ÂÂ’n“‘ (BSFL) ••”“ Â †‹“‚‰”‡ÂÂr‚ˆÂÂr‚ÂnÂrÂŒ‚nÂr †‹“‚ †‹“‚ †‹“‚Â’‹ˆ–“‹…‰ŠÂ (CC) “€‘‘ˆ‰“€‘‘ˆ‰“€‘‘ˆ‰“ €‘‘ˆ‰“€‘‘ˆ‰“€‘‘ˆ‰“€‘‘ˆ‰“ €‘‘ˆ‰“€‘‘ˆ‰“€‘‘ˆ‰ÂŠ‹“ ‚ ” ˆ–‡ †™ (CMT) ¤•  Â‹ † Â‹ † Â‹ † Â‹ †Â‡Â‡Â‡Â‡Â‡Â‡Â‡Â‡ (CNN) ¤¤ ˆ‹Š ‹ˆÂ†Â‡r„„€Š‹…‚†‹rnÂÂ’‚rn†ˆ–“‹rn†ˆ–“‹rn†ˆ–“‹r (ESPN) ’‚‹Ân†‹‚r’‚‹Ân†‹‚‰”Ân„rÂn†ÂÂnÂÂr‰” (ESPN2) ¤  ˆÂÂŒ –‚r“ˆ†‹’‚‹Ân†‹‚’‰ˆ Â‡† Â‹ˆ‰Â‡‡Â r‚rn‚‚r‚’‚‹Ân†‹‚r (FBN) ¤ “‹‹Â‡ˆ†r›††ÂÂrŠ‰”… ‡ˆÂ‚ ÂŠ‚Š‰”… ‡ˆÂ‚ ÂŠ‚Š‰”… ‡ˆÂ‚ ÂŠ‚Š‰”… ‡ˆÂ‚ ÂŠ‚ (FLIX) <++“… ‡ˆÂ€™…  “’‚—š˜Ân†r„ < + +++‡‚ˆ‰ †‚ ‘‘ˆ‹ˆ€œšr†“„ <+++“‚Š‡ †“€•–’r ‡Â“„ Âœˆ (FNC) ¤¤¤¤ ’‰ˆ Â’‚‹rƒÂÂŒ ‹‹‚ÂrŠ‰”‚n ‚†r ††ˆ‹Âr†–‚ “ ‡rŠ‹‘™ (FOOD) •  ‹ÂžžÂ ‹ÂžžÂ ‹ÂžžÂ ‹ÂžžÂ ‹ÂžžÂ ‹ÂžžÂ ‹Âžž … Â‹…ˆÂ…ˆ ‹ÂžžÂ ‹ÂžžÂ ‹Âžž (FREEFORM) • … ‡ˆÂŠ… ‡ˆÂŠ“€‘‘ˆ‰“€‘‘ˆ‰“€‘‘ˆ‰“€‘‘ˆ‰“€‘‘ˆ‰“€‘‘ˆ‰Â‚ŠžÂ“nŠž (FS1) nŠžr……‹ž Â‡ r‚rr r‚‹Â nÂr‚„ŒrÂr n‰‰‚…r‹ÂŠ„n‹Âr (FX) ””<++… ‹…Š‚ˆÂŠÂ‚†‹ÂžžÂ“ €™• < + +›†ˆ–“‹ †Â Â€™”‡Â Â‚†rž—Œn‹—… ‡Âr„ < + +›†ˆ–“‹ †Â Â€™”… ‡Âr„ (GOLF) ‘n†‹‚ ÂrŠ‚‘……Ž‡Â r‚r—‚š‚ ˆÂ‰Âr‡‚n“ ‡˜r‚ŽÂ—ˆÂÂÂrr„rŠ‚‘ (HALL) • <Âœ‹‚ˆ”ˆ‰€Ÿ™Â“Ânn—ƒÂnrr‚“„ <“‚‘ˆ† Â‚ˆÂ‡ ˆÂ€Ÿˆ‚nƒr‚‹„ˆ‚ˆ‚ˆ‚ˆ‚ (HBO) ””<++€™”Š‰‰Âˆ†šÂŠ‰‰Âˆ† ”< + +‹šÂnÂ’€™”‚‚ Â† Âœˆ (HBO2) <++¤Â†ˆ†€™ˆr“‰r‚—ƒÂ‚š„ ˆ†Â–Šˆ‰Â¢ ™”<+ŠÂ“€”•†Â‰n‚‚r‚‹—‡ÂrŽ‚„Œ (HGTV) • …ˆ’’ˆ†–“…ˆ’’ˆ†–Š “…ˆ’’ˆ†–Š “…ˆ’’ˆ†–Š†‹‚Š†‹†‹Â ‚– ˆ†™•”€ÂÂr (HIST) ••¤•  ‡’…†Â¡‚ ‡’Â’ ‡’ÂÂ’ÂÂ…ÂÂr‚‚n ‡’Â’ ‡’Â’ž‚Ân (LIFE) ¤¤ n Â‹ÂÂÂnÂn Â‹Â›Â‰“Ârn Â‹Â†Â ÂÂn Â‹Ânƒ‚”n Â‹Â”n Â‹ÂÂ…r ÂrÂ… (LMN) • <ˆ–“‹‡ ‚ †Â‚€Ÿ”‡ÂÂr‚ˆÂÂÂr„ <‘n †š‹ œÂŠ€ŸÂr“ƒÂr—’‰¢ˆÂ“„Œ < †Â‚Œ †‹Â Â€ŸŒ (MSNBC) ¤¤¤ “ ‹Œˆ‹“r“ˆÂ€Š‹r†Œˆ‹“rŒ –†‚r Â‹ŒÂ‚Âr‹“Š‚r (NBATV) ” Â‘‘ ž ‰ ”  Â‘‘‚œˆÂ Â‘‘‚œˆÂ Â‘‘‚œˆÂ Â‘‘‚œˆÂ Â‘‘‚œˆ (NGEO) • ‹£Â‚ÂÂ…ÂÂn‹šr‡Ân‹šrnŒ“ r‚‹‚‹‰‹ˆÂ†Â Â” ™ˆ‘¡‚™‚‹‚‹‰‹ˆÂ†Â Â” (NICK) ŠÂŠÂŠÂŠÂ † Â Â’†–ž’†–ž…‚ˆ†ÂÂ…‚ˆ†ÂÂ…‚ˆ†ÂÂ…‚ˆ†ÂÂ…‚ˆ†Â (NWSNTN)  ‚– Â’‚‹€† Â †‰nŠÂ‡Â †ž‚ ‡Âˆœr †‘ˆÂÂnŠÂ‡ (OWN) •¤ †€ŒÂ†€ŒÂ†€ŒÂ†€Œ †€ŒÂ†€Œ (OXY) ¤¤ ›ˆÂ‚nŠ’ ‹Âˆ†‰‚‹ÂÂnr‚n ‰“‚nÂr‚ ‹Âˆ†‰‚‹Â†‰Âœ‚“n“r‚r‹‰“‡‚n“ˆÂ†‹…‚“ŒÂÂn™ (PARMT) ¤ †††† < + +“ Â‘‹‚‡‚‚€”’‰“‚—‚ˆ —†‚‚r¤Âr„ < + †ˆ†‰Â†Â (SEC) ¤•””…ˆ†ž Š‡rn– Âž Âƒ‚n‰“ÂnŠÂ ££nÂr r‚Ân‚š‹— „rnÂnÂnÂn (SHOW) ¤¤¤ ””<++ Â‹›ˆÂÂÂŒn ‹‰“ˆ†–ˆ–“‹†ˆ†–ŒÂÂn™ < + ++‚ˆÂ–‘’ˆÂ€™Â‰š“‚—‚—… ˆÂ‚‰„¦ ‰”‹Â†r‹nr Âœˆ (SUN) ’‹ˆ–“‹‚– ‡Â‰” ˆ–“‹†ˆ†– Â”‹ž Â (SYFY) • ”<+++“Š†–‚ ‡Â‰”ˆ†–¦ Âr ‚‹€™ < + ++†Â’†Â†‰ Â€••rŒ Â‚—’˜ —Âr rn„ <“ˆ‘‹ (TBS) ¤¤ “†“†ˆ– †–ˆ– †–ˆ–  †–ˆ– †–ˆ– †–ˆ– †–ƒÂ”‚ƒ”‚“†“† (TCM) • ”<++++“’ˆ‚ˆ‹Â‘‹„ŠˆÂ€œ’ nÂÂÂn„ < + +++“ ‚‰“‚€•’“ˆ‚n—’‚“‚„ ™<+++‚– †‹Š‹Â–€•”’“ˆ‚n„ (TDC) •¤•  ‹‹Â‹Â’‚‡Â ‹‹Â‹ÂÂŒržžÂÂŒÂÂn““ˆÂ ‚”ž‚Œ ‹‹Â‹ (TLC) •¤• Âœˆ† ‚ ÂˆÂ‚„ˆ‡’ÂÂ’’‚‚„ˆ‡’ÂÂ’’‚‚„ˆ‡’ÂÂ’’‚‚„†Â‹Š‰ ” nrnnr‚nŽ“ (TMC) •• <‡‚ˆ‰ ††ÂŠ‚‚‰‹ˆÂ†€Ÿ™Âr‚„ < + +“ˆœ‚€™’Âr‹„ < ‚ ÂˆÂˆÂ€™•Ž  Âš˜Ân„ <Œˆ‘ˆ” (TNT) ¤¤ ™<+++ ‰ˆ‘ˆ‰ˆ‡€™‡ÂÂrˆ‚‚ „ < + ++ Â ‚€†€™–rr‡‰—‚‚‚—…“Âr‚„ < + ++†‹€Ÿ” (TOON) •”†ˆ‹ †Â™‰Âž˜ ‰Âž˜Â›ˆ†–ˆÂ›ˆ†–ˆÂ›ˆ†–ˆÂŠ‚–‚Š‚–‚‡‚ˆ‰ †‡‚ˆ‰ †‡‚ˆ‰ † (TRAV) “‹Š†‹‚“‹Š†‹‚ “‹Š†‹‚“‹Š†‹‚“‹Š†‹‚“‹Š†‹‚ (truTV) •••• ƒÂ”‚ƒ”‚ƒ”‚ƒ”‚ƒ”‚ƒ”‚ƒ”‚ƒ”‚ƒ”‚†‹ÂŠ‚ – ƒÂ”‚ƒ”‚ (TVL) ¤ ‚ˆ‘‘ˆ‹“‚ˆ‘‘ˆ‹“‚ˆ‘‘ˆ‹“ ‚ˆ‘‘ˆ‹“ Â‡Â†Â Â‡Â†Â Â‡Â†Â Â‡Â†Â Â‡Â†Â Â‡Â†Â›ˆ†–›ˆ†– (USA) ¤¤  Â€‚‚ Â€‚‚ < + +ƒŠ‚ Âˆ‰ŒÂ‚€™ÂҠˆÂ—‚ƒÂ‚—‡ÂrÂŒÂÂnn„ ”< + +ƒŠ‚ Âˆ‰ ‚”€”™Â r„ (WE)  €‚‚n‹‚rrÂn €‚‚nrÂr‚r‚‹‚†ÂÂÂ’‚†ÂÂÂ’‚… ˆ‹“r“‚†ÂÂÂÂ’Â E Metallica returns with ‘72 SeasonsÂ’; band not slowing down By MARK KENNEDY Associated Press NEW YORK — Zoom has been credited for keeping students and teachers connected, the judicial system working and tness classes jumping. You can add a Metallica album to that list. The hard rockers met weekly over their computers to stay connected during the pandemic, a standing get-together that eventually became a songwriting factory. The rst step was an acoustic version of their song “Blackened.” “It proved to us that, yes, we can at least do something remotely while weÂ’re all still separated,” says guitar ist Kirk Hammett. “That grew into trying to get riffs together for the new album though Zoom.” Six or seven of those song sketch es ended up on “72 Seasons,” the bandÂ’s 12th full-length album, out Friday. ItÂ’s the sound of a band not slowing down, despite singer and rhythm guitarist James Heteld and drummer Lars Ulrich turning 60 this year and Hammett already on the other side of that milestone. Bassist Robert Trujillo is the baby, at just 58. “It ended up working really fantas tic,” says Heteld. “I know what we do. I know what we do best. I know what weÂ’ve done before. But thereÂ’s also an artist in me that wants to keep evolving and trying to do different stuff.” The album is a typical Metallica album – fast and furious with superb artistry – and lyrics that poke at the scab of pain and alienation. Yet there are some shoots of hope, as when Heteld snarls, “Without darkness/ThereÂ’s no light.” “Darkness is easy to talk about for me. So, so easy. And I wanted to of fer a little more light in it,” says Het eld, who has been frank with his battles with addiction. The title refers to the rst 18 years of a personÂ’s life and the album ex plores the cruelty of youth and the dangers of growing up. “I wish I knew then what I know now – you can take that sentence, and apply it to the whole concept of this album,” says Hammett. “ItÂ’s a real provocative sort of concept thatÂ’s somewhat challenging and somewhat introspective.” Noteworthy is “Screaming Sui cide,” with a nasty inner voice taunting the singer. While far from the rst time the band has tackled the issue, this time Heteld drives into it, singing “DonÂ’t ever speak my name/Remember youÂ’re to blame/Keep me inside/My name is suicide.” “That was some delicate territo ry to navigate. But in the words of Mister Rogers, ‘If itÂ’s a human ex perience, we should be able to talk about it,’” says Heteld. “IÂ’ve had those thoughts. Who hasnÂ’t had those thoughts? If you say you hav enÂ’t, maybe youÂ’re fooling yourself a little bit.” Hammett is full of admiration for HeteldÂ’s lyrics and hopes the songs can help listeners get a better under standing of themselves. “The topics are dark. The topics are taboo. But what heÂ’s doing is shining light on them. HeÂ’s bringing aware ness to them and saying this is a real issue that people need to deal with.” “72 Seasons” also sees Heteld experimenting with vocal effects and styles, like ghostlike chanting on “You Must Burn!” and an almost languid, glam vibe on “Crown of Barbed Wire.” “As far as vocals go, I really wanted to just explore some different stuff. I have a fear that all the songs kind of end up sounding the same. So I like giving them a little more character with different things,” he says. Another change is that on “72 Seasons,” Hammett and Trujillo were given writing credits on more than half the album, a return to the way previous albums came togeth er, like “Death Magnetic” and “St. Anger.” “All four guys were on the oor when we were writing, which is new for us. Usually itÂ’s just Lars and I sitting out there hashing it out. It felt really great to have the energy of all four,” says Heteld. “ThereÂ’s a lot more democracy on this album. Lars and I gave up the steering wheel a lit tle more than usual.” Hammett agrees: “It was much more collaborative. The attitude was just more open. There is less limita tions on everyoneÂ’s creativity and I think that shows.” His favorite song and riff on the album were supplied by Trujillo. The band has lately gotten a popu lar bounce from TV show “Stranger Things.” In the season four nale, fan-favorite character Eddie Munson heroically rocks out to MetallicaÂ’s “Master of Puppets” in the Upside Down, a sequence Hammett calls “the Metallica music video that was never made.” The song even reached No. 40 the Billboard Hot 100. “‘Stranger ThingsÂ’ denitely took ‘Master of PuppetsÂ’ to another lev el and it feels like fans of ours that maybe grew up with this are now in positions of power,” says Heteld. “You know, itÂ’s like, ‘Hey, IÂ’m a fan of Metallica. Why canÂ’t we put this in there?Â’ So IÂ’m super-grateful.” The album closes with “Inamo rata,” a sprawling song that uncoils with snarling riffs as Heteld sings, “Misery, she needs me/Oh, but I need her more.” It clocks in at 11:10, making it one of MetallicaÂ’s longest songs. “I hate long songs. I really do. I try to write shorter songs and Lars keeps making them longer. And thatÂ’s our kind of constant battle,” says Het eld, who is a fan of Motorhead, Mists and the Ramones. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Today is Thursday, April 13, the 103rd day of 2023. There are 262 days left in the year. Highlight in history:On April 13, 1970, Apollo 13, four-fifths of the way to the moon, was crippled when a tank containing liquid oxygen burst. (The astronauts man aged to return safely.) On this date:In 1743, the third president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, was born in Shad well in the Virginia Colony. In 1861, at the start of the Civil War, Fort Sumter in South Carolina fell to Confederate forces. In 1943, President Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicated the Jefferson Memorial in Wash ington, D.C., on the 200th anniversary of the third Amer ican presidentÂ’s birth. In 1953, “Casino Royale,” Ian FlemingÂ’s first book as well as the first James Bond novel, was published in Lon don by Jonathan Cape Ltd. In 1964, Sidney Poitier became the first Black per former in a leading role to win an Academy Award for his performance in “Lilies of the Field.” In 1997, Tiger Woods became the youngest person to win the Masters Tourna ment and the first player of partly African heritage to claim a major golf title. In 1999, right-to-die advo cate Dr. Jack Kevorkian was sentenced in Pontiac, Michi gan, to 10 to 25 years in pris on for second-degree murder in the lethal injection of a Lou GehrigÂ’s disease patient. (Kev orkian ended up serving eight years.) In 2005, a defiant Eric Rudolph pleaded guilty to car rying out the deadly bombing at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics and three other attacks in back-to-back court appear ances in Birmingham, Ala bama, and Atlanta. In 2009, music producer Phil Spector was found guilty by a Los Angeles jury of sec ond-degree murder in the shooting of actor Lana Clark son (he was later sentenced to 19 years to life in prison; he died in prison in January 2021). In 2011, A federal jury in San Francisco convicted baseball slugger Barry Bonds of a single charge of obstruc tion of justice, but failed to reach a verdict on the three counts at the heart of allega tions that heÂ’d knowingly used steroids and human growth hormone and lied to a grand jury about it. (BondsÂ’ conviction for obstruction was ultimately overturned.) In 2016, the Golden State Warriors became the NBAÂ’s first 73-win team by beating the Memphis Grizzlies 125-104, breaking the 1996 72-win record of the Chicago Bulls. Kobe Bryant of the Lak ers scored 60 points in his final game, wrapping up 20 years in the NBA. In 2020, Charles Thacker Jr., a crew member on the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roos evelt, died at the U.S. Naval Hospital in Guam, becoming the first active-duty military member to die from the coro navirus. Ten years ago: Francine Wheeler, the mother of a 6-year-old boy killed in the Connecticut school shooting, used the opportunity to fill in for President Barack Obama during his weekly radio and Internet address to make a personal plea from the White House for action to combat gun violence. TodayÂ’s birthdays: Former Sen. Ben Nighthorse Camp bell, R-Colo., is 90. Actor Edward Fox is 86. R&B singer Lester Chambers is 83. Mov ie-TV composer Bill Conti is 81. Rock musician Jack Casa dy is 79. Singer Al Green is 77. Actor Ron Perlman is 73. Actor William Sadler is 73. Singer Peabo Bryson is 72. Bandleader/rock musician Max Weinberg is 72. Blue grass singer-musician Sam Bush is 71. Rock musician Jimmy Destri (Blondie) is 69. Comedian Gary Kroeger is 66. Actor Saundra Santiago is 66. Sen. Bob Casey Jr., D-Pa., is 63. Chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov is 60. Actor Page Hannah is 59. Actor-comedian Caroline Rhea is 59. TODAY IN HISTORY Evan Agostini / Invision, File James Hetfield, left, and Kirk Hammett of Metallica perform during the Global Citizen Festival on Sept. 24, 2022, at Central Park in New York. MetallicaÂ’s latest album, “72 Seasons,” releases Friday.
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 13, 2023 A11F FOR F CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLESome classic Amish traditions, including recipes, are fading away By KEVIN WILLIAMS Editor of The Amish CookM rs. Graber’s (Gloria Yoder’s mother) Ultimate Amish Hamburger and Rice Comfort Casse-role recipe comes from the Swiss-Amish settlement around Berne, Indiana. I’ve said before that I’d love to have the time and resources to comb the backroads of Adams County, Indiana, and interview elderly Amish women about their recipes. There is so much culinary history in this Amish community and it is gradually fading away. Other traditions are having trouble hanging on, such as yodeling. Yodeling – part of the fabric of this unique Swiss-Amish enclave – is one of many traditions that distin guishes this quiet corner of northeastern Indiana from other Amish communities scattered throughout the United States and Canada. In many ways, these rural hinterlands have been frozen in time, rooted to their Swiss heritage. Yodeling music is piped out onto the main road in Berne. Edelweiss Florist is named after a white ower found high in the Alps. A lo cal beauty salon goes by the name Swiss Hair-atage and each July the city christens its new Swiss Miss. Cementing the city’s ties with Switzerland is the completion of the clock tower in Berne, modeled after a similar one in Bern, Switzerland, that has stood sentinel over that city since the 15th century. At least on the surface, Berne’s Swiss cultural heritage appears xed. But the currents of change are running swift beneath. The iconic open buggies of Berne are dwindling in number. Culinary favorites like raisin pie and wedding nothings – traditional fried dough disks – are being displaced by Big Macs and empanadas. And the beloved practice of yodeling is being abandoned by the young and scorned by Amish else where. But hearty recipes like Mrs. Graber’s Ultimate Hamburger and Rice Comfort Casserole still hold fast in the Amish kitchens around Berne, recipes like this hearty, easy casserole. Many of the Amish around Berne have their own steer, so the hamburger used would be incredibly fresh. This is a casserole that my parents love. I’ve had this recipe in my archives for over 20 years and it has been a favorite of my parents ever since I rst introduced them to it. So, give this a try, may be it’ll become a favorite in your house!Mrs. Graber’s Ultimate Hamburger and Rice Comfort Casserole2 pounds hamburger 1 1/2 teaspoon black pepper1 /2 teaspoon salt16-ounce can tomato sauce1 cup of cooked rice1 /4 cup chopped onion3 /4 cup chopped green peppers 1 tablespoon chili powder2 cups shredded cheese Cook hamburger and drain excess grease. Mix cooked hamburger and the rest of the ingre-dients in a large casserole dish, saving one cup of cheese to spread on top. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes or until cheese is golden and melted. Kevin Williams is the editor of The Amish Cook. Visit online at for tradi tional recipes, columns and more about the Amish communities. Gloria Yoder, The Amish Cook writer, is a young Amish mother homemaker in rural Illinois. Readers with culinary or culture questions or stories to share may write Gloria directly at: Gloria Yoder, 10510 E. 350th Ave., Flat Rock, IL 62427. Photo courtesy of Amish 365 Mrs. Graber’s Ultimate Hamburger and Rice Comfort Casserole.Dishing out the facts on benefits of good fats By FAMILY FEATURES For those seeking to be more health-conscious, the idea of eating nutritiously seems simple. How ever, understanding what’s truly “good for you” can sometimes be confusing. In honor of National Nutrition Month and Healthy Fats Day, Av ocados From Mexico is sharing how avocados – a delicious food and source of good fats and several vitamins – make everything better. Avocados From Mexico conducted a survey and found that while 76 percent of respondents believe fat is an essential component of a healthy diet, less than one-third are con dent they know why it’s important to have “good fats” in their diets. For starters, according to the sur vey, nearly half of Americans didn’t realize foods with good fats, like avocados, can help with weight management. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in avoca dos can lower the risk of becoming overweight, according to research published in “Nutrients.” “Most people are aware of the Mediterranean Diet, but nearly half (40 percent) of survey respondents didn’t realize that this eating pat tern does not limit fat coming from plant sources like avocados,” said nutrition expert and registered di etitian Barbara Ruhs. “These types of unsaturated good fats are also recommended by the American Heart Association for heart health. Eating avocados in place of foods containing saturated fat is an easy and delicious way to approach healthy eating.” Virtually the only fresh fruit with good fats, avocados can help peo ple meet both good fat and fruit and vegetable recommendations in the same bite with approximately 6 grams of good fats per serving (one-third of a medium avocado). They are nutrient-dense, making avocados a delicious food with su per benets. Avocados are also free of cholesterol and sodium and have nearly 20 vitamins and minerals. Another nding from the survey is that while people believe fat is essential to a healthy diet, one-third of survey respondents believe sat urated and trans fats are associat ed with health benets, indicating confusion about the various types of fats. Many Americans need to balance their overall fat intake by reducing “bad” or saturated fat in take and increasing “good” or un saturated (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) fat intake. Replac ing saturated fats with unsaturated fats can help reduce LDL, or bad cholesterol levels. Dietary fat helps the body absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K. These vitamins are fat soluble, which means they can only be absorbed by the body with the help of fats. Per one-third of a medium avocado (50 grams), avocados contribute 6 grams of unsaturated fats, which are known to be essential for nor mal growth and development of the central nervous system and brain. Make good fats a part of your next trip to the grocery store with this av ocado-inspired Harvest Bowl Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette certied by the American Heart Association’s Heart-Check Food Certication Pro gram. To nd more nutritional facts and gures, along with recipes, visit Bowl Salad with Balsamic VinaigretteServings: 8 Balsamic Vinaigrette: 1/2 Avocado From Mexico, diced1 tablespoon avocado oil2 tablespoons shallots, minced1 tablespoon Dijon mustard3 tablespoons white balsamic vin egar 1 tablespoon honey3 tablespoons water Salad: 2 Avocados From Mexico, diced2 sweet potatoes, roasted and diced2 cups quinoa, cooked2 cups arugula2 cups kale1 cup Brussels sprouts petals, roasted 2 Honeycrisp apples, diced2 tablespoons roasted pecans, unsalted 2 tablespoons roasted pepitas, unsalted 2 tablespoons dried cranberries To make balsamic vinaigrette: In food processor, process avocado, avocado oil, shallots, Dijon mustard, balsamic vinegar, honey and water to smooth consistency. Set aside. To make salad: In large bowl, com bine avocados, sweet potatoes, qui noa, arugula, kale, Brussels sprouts petals, apples, pecans, pepitas and dried cranberries. Pour balsamic vinaigrette over salad mixture. Toss salad to coat. Keep refriger ated until ready to serve. Nutritional information per serv ing: 390 calories; 16 g total fat; 0 g saturated fat; 0 g cholesterol; 370 mg sodium; 55 g total carbohy drates; 11 g dietary ber; 12 g sug ar; 15 g protein. Let’s Eat ... The Chronicle distributes a FREE weekly food newsletter via email. Let’s Eat has links to stories about food, drink, restaurants and recipes. To sign up, visit are delicious and great for maintaining weight Photos courtesy of Harvest Bowl Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette.Unique flavors shine through in this salad By METROCREATIVE People often turn to lighter fare when the weather warms because a dense, hot meal can con tribute to feeling sluggish or overheated when the mercury has risen. In addition to sand wiches and platters of nger foods, salads can be refreshing on warm days. They also tend to be less calorie-dense and healthier than other of ferings. This recipe for Mediter ranean Salad, courtesy of The American Heart As sociation, is full of vege tables and beans and ts with a heart-friendly diet. It’s lling and delicious any time of the day or year.Mediterranean SaladServes 4 1 medium head lettuce (green leaf, red leaf or romaine), cut into thin strips 1 medium cucumber, chopped 1/2 cup tomatoes, chopped 1 15.5-ounce can no-salt-added chickpeas, rinsed and drained 1/2 medium red onion, finely sliced 1/2 cup crumbled fat-free or low-fat feta cheese, or 1/2 cup shredded Par mesan cheese 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar or 2 tablespoons cider vinegar 1/2 teaspoon garlic pow der 1/2 teaspoon pepper In a large bowl, gently toss the lettuce, cucum ber, tomatoes, chickpeas, onion and feta. In a small bowl, whisk together the oil, vinegar, garlic pow der and pepper. Pour the dressing over the salad, tossing to combine.
A12 Thursday, April 13, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle Ricotta Puff Pastries with Strawberry CompotePuff it up for a sweet party treat By FAMILY FEATURES Perfect for a party or simply indulging yourself, these addictive pastry puffs make it hard to stop at one. Easy to assemble with these step-by-step instruc tions, the ricotta mixture and fresh strawberry com pote are dynamic together and provide a generous touch of sweetness. For the full video and in structions, plus more des sert ideas, visit Puff Pastries with Strawberry CompoteRecipe adapted from Milk Means More 2 sheets puff pastry1/2 cup, plus 1 tablespoon, heavy cream 1/2 cup granulated sugar, divided 1 tablespoon ground cin namon 1 tablespoon water1 package fresh strawber ries, hulled and sliced 1/2 cup homemade, partskim or whole milk ricotta cheese 1/4 cup powdered sugar1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract Heat oven to 400 degrees.Cut both puff pastry sheets into nine squares. Make slit in corner of each square toward middle of pastry. Fold corners to other corners to create pin wheel shape. Brush pastry with 1 tablespoon heavy cream. Combine 1/4 cup gran ulated sugar and ground cinnamon then sprinkle on each puff pastry. Bake 12-15 minutes until pastry is golden brown and raised. In medium saucepan on medium to high heat, pour in remaining gran ulated sugar and water. Once sugar is dissolved, pour in fresh strawberries. Bring mixture to boil then simmer 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, un til strawberries are broken apart and semi-thick sauce is created. Let chill in refrigerator 2 hours. To chill faster, put in freezer 45 minutes. In medium bowl, using mixer, whip heavy cream until stiff peaks form. Set aside. In separate me dium bowl, combine ri cotta cheese, powdered sugar and vanilla extract. Mix until uffy. Return whipped cream to ricotta mixture and whip 1-2 min utes until mixture is light and uffy. Spoon ricotta cream into center of each puff pastry pinwheel. Spoon strawber ry compote in middle of ricotta mixture.Spiced French cake so easy a kid can make it By CHRISTOPHER KIMBALL Christopher KimballÂ’s Milk StreetO ne beloved French cake is so easy that it is often the rst recipe children are taught. And the star ingredientÂ’s container is as important as the ingre-dient itself. Gâteau au yaourt, or yogurt cake, took hold in the early 20th century when yogurt began to be sold in tiny jars. The jar doubled as the measuring unit for the cakeÂ’s other ingredients. It makes a tender cake with a ne, moist crumb that is surprisingly light. YogurtÂ’s slight tang balances the sugar. Simply spoon the yogurt into the mixing bowl, then use the empty jar to mea-sure 1 container of oil, 2 of sugar and 3 of our. Mix the wet and dry ingredients separately then combine. Pour the loose batter into a pan and bake. The result is a moist, tender cake with a ne crumb similar to pound cake, but itÂ’s surprisingly light from using oil instead of butter, and the yogurtÂ’s slight tang balances the sugar. In this recipe from our book “Cook What You Have,” which draws on pantry staples to assemble easy, weeknight dishes, we sadly couldnÂ’t use the container to measure our ingredients since yogurt cups in the U.S. come in numerous sizes. But after standardizing the measurements, we boosted the avor by adding grated citrus zest and cinnamon (or allspice or ground gin-ger or a combination of the three) to the batter. To further lighten the cake, we whipped the eggs with the sugar to incor-porate air into the batter. Citrus juice whisked with powdered sugar makes a quick nishing glaze, though the cake is equally good without it. Or you can simply sprinkle sugar onto the uncooked batter for a crispy crust. Feel free to use whatever kind of citrus you have on hand – lemon, lime, orange or even grapefruit. The cake will keep for up to three days, tightly wrapped and stored at room tem-perature.Yogurt Cake with Citrus and SpiceStart to finish: 1 hour (15 minutes active), plus cooling Makes one 8-1/2-inch loaf cake 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for the pan 2 teaspoons baking powder1 teaspoon ground cinnamon OR ground allspice OR ground ginger 1/4 teaspoon plus 1/8 tea spoon table salt, divided 3 large eggs1 cup white sugar2 tablespoons grated citrus zest, plus 2 tablespoons citrus juice, plus more if needed (see headnote) 1/2 cup plain whole-milk yogurt OR 1/2 cup plain whole-milk Greek yogurt thinned with 3 tablespoons water 1/2 cup grapeseed or other neutral oil 1 cup powdered sugar Heat the oven to 350 degrees with a rack in the middle position. Mist an 8-1/2-by-4-1/2-inch loaf pan with cooking spray, dust evenly with our, then tap out the excess. In a medium bowl, whisk together the our, baking powder, cinnamon and 1/4 teaspoon salt; set aside. In a large bowl, whisk the eggs, white sugar and zest until well combined and lightened in color, about 1 minute. Add the yogurt, then whisk until well combined. Add the oil and whisk until homogeneous. Add the our mixture and whisk just until no streaks remain. The batter will be very uid. Pour the batter into the prepared pan. Bake until a toothpick inserted at the center of the cake comes out with a few crumbs at-tached, about 45 minutes. Let the cake cool in the pan on a wire rack for 10 minutes. Invert the cake onto the rack, lift off the pan and turn the loaf upright. Cool completely, about 1 1/2 hours, before glazing. In a small bowl, whisk together the powdered sugar and the remaining 1/8 teaspoon salt, then gradu-ally whisk in the juice; the glaze should be smooth, with the consistency of regular yogurt. If it is too thick, whisk in additional juice 1/2 teaspoon at a time to achieve the proper consistency. Set the wire rack with the cake on a rimmed baking sheet. Using a spoon, driz-zle the glaze over the top of the cake, letting some drip down the sides. Let the glaze set for about 30 minutes before slicing and serving. For more recipes, go to Christopher KimballÂ’s Milk Street at Milk Street via Associated Press Yogurt Cake with Citrus and Spice.Yogurt is star ingredient for moist, tangy treat rnMo nda y-A pp tO nly Tu et hru Fr i9:30 -4 :30 r 1657 W. GULFTOLAKEHWY(2MI.E.OFHWY.491&44)•LECANTO rrrn Faux Wo odBlinds, Shades,Shutters, Ve rticals,Cellular rn   Â r n WEDNESD AY ,APRIL19TH 2:00 P. M.INTHEHLC AT THEYMCA, 4127 W. NORVELLBRYANTHWY. LECANT O, FL34461EATtooptimizehormones FINDOUThowtodiet wi thout deprivation DISC OV ERthefoodsthatprevent inflammation,weightgain,anddisease OV ERCOMEweightloss re sistance PLEASESIGNUP AT THEDESK ORCALL352.500.9622 TO RESERVEYOURSPOT rnn n rn  nDr.Ben Lerner, fromhp2Medical. rn n FRIDAYFISHFRY  Ân €‚ƒ„€‚ rnr rrr nrr Ânr  nnn rn  r nr …†n‡Âˆ‡ˆn‰nnrr rr ÂrrÂÂÂÂÂrrÂÂÂÂÂrr Ârr€ ‚ƒr r„nÂ…†‡ˆ‰ Â… Š‹†ˆ Π ††ŒŽrr Ân‡Œ †ˆ‘ ’n“ˆŠ…‹†ˆÂ”•rr ’•n†– ŒŽrr ‚nŠ…‹n ÂŒÂÂn‚ n‡†n ‚‰‰ ÂŒŽ rn rrnn ShopHereForFreshIngredients *Recipeprovidedby: BlackenedFlorida GrouperSandwiches •4(6-ounce)Floridagrouper llets •2tablespoonsblackenedseasoning(yourfavorite) 4breadrolls,toasted •1cupFloridaromainelettuce,shredded•1largeFloridatomato,sliced 1lemon,juiced •Oilforcooking•1/4cupFloridaAvocadoRemouladeSauce Preheatalargesautepanorcast-ironskilletover medium-highheat.Generouslyseason shwith blackenedseasoningonbothsides.Addoiltopanandsaute lletsfor2to3minutespersideoruntil cookedthrough.Squeezelemonjuiceoverthecookedgrouper lletsandremovethemfromtheheat. To assemblethesandwiches,spreadanevenamount oftheremouladeontheinsideofeachbun.Addan evenamountofromainelettuceandtomatotothe bottomofeachbun.Addablackenedgrouper llet toeachofthedressedbuns.Addanotherdollopof remouladesauceifdesiredandtopwiththetopof thebun.Servesandwichwarmwithextraremoulade ontheside. DonÂ’ tM issThis Op portunity rrnr FRID AY TO -GOMEAL FISHFRY FRIEDGROUPER Fr ies ,C oleslaw ,H ushPuppies $19.95 ServedFrida yN oon -6p m 5636S. Fl or ida Av e. ,F lo ra lC ity ,FL3 4436 352-419-4495 Ho ur s: Tu e. -F ri .: 10AM-6PM ;S at .3 PM-6PMTJE Se af ood 32 oz .S we et Te a $1.25 CALLUSWECATER!
S CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE Section B THURSDAY, APRIL 13 , 2023 By MATT PFIFFNER Sports editor CRYSTAL RIVER — The tennis career of Crystal River senior Vijjearta Long may not have been a lengthy one, but she will always be remembered in the program as a district champion after winning the No. 3 singles title Wednesday morning on her home court. The Pirates hosted the Dis trict 2A-6 championships the past two days and a trio of Citrus County players reached the singles nals in their respective divisions. Long was the lone cham pion from the county, after completing a dominating run through the No. 3 sin gles bracket as the No. 6 seed. The Pirate routed No. 3 seed Amalie Howell of Central, 6-2, 6-0, and No. 2 Long claims district championship for CRCitrusÂ’ Hamilton falls short of state in No. 1 singles MATT PFIFFNER / Sports editor Emma Algor of Crystal River keeps her eyes on the ball during her doubles semifinal match Wednesday at the District 2A-6 Tournament in Crystal River. MATT PFIFFNER / Sports editor Rylee Elwell of Crystal River prepares to return a shot during the No. 1 doubles semifinals Wednesday at the district tournament in Crystal River. By MATT PFIFFNER Sports editor WEEKI WACHEE — The Lecanto boys and girls track and eld teams both nished second to Springstead at the annual Gulf Coast 8 Confer ence Meet held Wednesday at Weeki Wachee High School. The meet was pushed up a day to avoid possible weather issues on Thursday and it went off without any issues on a windy, cloudy afternoon. Springstead won the girlsÂ’ meet with 235 points, followed by the Pan thers (142), Hernando (89), Crystal River (66), Weeki Wachee (63), Na ture Coast Tech (57) and Citrus (14). The Springstead boys won with 190 points, followed by the Panthers (159.5), Nature Coast Tech (112), Weeki Wachee (88), Citrus (78), Crystal River (33.5), Hernando (25) and Central (6). Several athletes from Citrus County struck GC8 gold, but two of the dayÂ’s standouts were Lecanto eld event specialist Mallori Grey and Citrus distance runner Miles Tobin.Grey sets pair of PRsGrey turned in personal-best perfor mances in winning the javelin with a toss of 103-feet 9-inches and in the high jump with a runner-up leap of 4-9 3 / 4 . The Panther senior also won the triple jump with an effort of 31-3 1 / 4 and was third in the long jump with a leap of 14-5 3 / 4 . “I thought I did well. I think I used Best in GC8 decided Several county athletes win track and field gold MATT PFIFFNER / Sports editor Mallori Grey of Lecanto successfully clears 1.47 meters on her way to a runner-up finish in the high jump at the Gulf Coast 8 Conference Meet on Wednesday at Weeki Wachee High School. The Panther also won the javelin and triple jump and finished third in the long jump. MATT PFIFFNER / Sports editor Citrus teammates Logan Shaw, left, and Evan Tobin race to the finish line in the 1,600-meter run Wednesday at the GC8 meet. Shaw finished second and Tobin third. MATT PFIFFNER / Sports editor Crystal RiverÂ’s Kayla Bland finished fifth in the 1,600 Wednes day at the GC8 track and field meet. By MARK DIDTLER Associated Press ST. PETERSBURG — The Tampa Bay Rays won their 12th straight game to start the season, one short of the major league record, as Randy Arozarena hit a three-run homer in a 9-7 victory over the Boston Red Sox on Wednesday night. The 1987 Milwaukee Brewers and 1982 Atlanta Braves both opened 13-0, tying for the best mark in big league history. Tampa BayÂ’s 12-game winning streak matches the team re cord set in June 2004. Taj Bradley (1-0) won his major league debut for the Rays. The 22-year-old right-hander, recalled from Triple-A Durham when Zach Ein went on the in jured list, allowed three runs and struck out eight over ve innings. Arozarena made it 3-0 with an opposite-eld ho mer off Chris Sale (1-1) in the rst. Tampa Bay leads the majors with 30 home runs and has outscored op ponents 92-27. Rafael Devers, who had been hitless in 10 at-bats with six strikeouts in the se ries, pulled Boston to 8-7 on a three-run homer off Colin Poche in the seventh. ArozarenaÂ’s sacrice y made it 9-7 in the eighth. Red Sox reliever Zack Kel ly left in the fth with right elbow pain. After throwing a pitch that hit Yandy DÃaz, an emotional Kelly went into a squat on the mound and used his hands to cover his face. Sale (1-1) gave up six runs, ve earned, in four in nings. His ERA remained at 11.25. Pete Fairbanks, the fth Rays reliever, worked the ninth to get his second save. Wander Franco drove in a pair with a double during a three-run fourth as the Rays took a 6-1 lead. Alex Verdugo got the rst hit off Bradley with a lead off double in the fourth and scored on Justin TurnerÂ’s single. Kiké Hernández Rays win 12th straight, 1 shy of tying MLB record By FRED GOODALL Associated Press ST. PETERSBURG — The streaking Tampa Bay Rays are running out of su perlatives to describe base ballÂ’s best start in more than three decades. Remarkable, incredible, unbelievable – even crazy – are words players have used to describe the dominant, all-around team effort that has carried them to an 11-0 record thatÂ’s the toast of the big leagues two weeks into the season. The Rays, who have made the playoffs each of the past four years, expected to be good. But no one could have en visioned them joining the 1987 Milwaukee Brewers, 1982 Atlanta Braves, 1981 Oakland Athletics, 1966 Cleveland Indians, 1962 Pittsburgh Pirates and 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers as the only clubs to begin sea sons with double-digit win streaks. Of those teams, only the Dodgers won the World Series. “Pretty exciting. Doing it the way we have, every facet of our game is real ly performing, producing and contributing,” manager Kevin Cash said. “Normal ly it doesnÂ’t work out that way.” Through Tuesday nightÂ’s 7-2 victory against the Bos ton Red Sox, the Rays have swatted a majors-leading 29 homers and outscored opponents 83-20 for base ballÂ’s fastest getaway since the Â’87 Brewers won 13 in a row to tie the Â’82 Braves for the longest win streak to start a season. Tampa Bay won its rst nine games by four runs or more, the longest such streak at any point in a season since the New York Yankees rattled off 10 in a row in 1939. “Truthfully, I donÂ’t think weÂ’ve talked about it. WeÂ’re just here to play our brand of baseball. ... We just have fun with each other, and go out there and have a blast,” ace Shane McClanahan said. “ItÂ’s fun to be in this club house regardless of the streak, to be honest with you,” McClanahan added. “IÂ’ll tell you the truth, thatÂ’s Confident Rays not surprised by start See RAYS , page B7 See START , page B7 See DISTRICT , page B4 See GC8 , page B4
B2 Thursday, April 13, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle Chassahowitzka* Crystal River** Homosassa*** Withlacoochee*12:07 a.m. 9:18 a.m. ———— ———— 11:34 a.m. 5:53 a.m. 11:01 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 2:07 p.m. 9:09 a.m. 11:11 p.m. 4:23 p.m. 9:48 a.m. 3:18 a.m. 7:50 p.m. 2:54 p.m.THURS 4/13FRI 4/14SAT 4/15SUN 4/16MON 4/17TUES 4/18WED 4/19 High/Low High/Low High/Low High/Low1:19 a.m. 10:18 a.m. ———— ———— 12:46 p.m. 7:10 a.m. ———— 6:42 p.m. 3:16 p.m. 10:03 a.m. ———— 6:06 p.m. 11:06 a.m. 4:43 a.m. 9:31 p.m. 4:34 p.m. 2:36 a.m. 11:05 a.m. 5:03 p.m. 8:29 p.m. 12:13 a.m. 8:14 a.m. 2:14 p.m. 8:06 p.m. 12:44 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 3:53 p.m. 8:06 p.m. 11:58 a.m. 5:58 a.m. 11:06 p.m. 5:57 p.m. 3:52 a.m. 11:43 a.m. 4:56 p.m. 10:38 p.m. 1:38 a.m. 9:04 a.m. 3:04 p.m. 9:07 p.m. 2:38 a.m. 11:22 a.m. 4:24 p.m. 10:06 p.m. 12:37 p.m. 6:59 a.m. ———— 7:03 p.m. 4:58 a.m. 12:13 p.m. 5:21 p.m. 11:53 p.m. 2:58 a.m. 9:48 a.m. 3:38 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 4:18 a.m. 11:54 a.m. 4:53 p.m. 11:31 p.m. 12:20 a.m. 7:49 a.m. 1:10 p.m. 7:59 p.m. 5:54 a.m. 12:37 p.m. 5:53 p.m. ———— 4:00 a.m. 10:28 a.m. 4:11 p.m. 1:52 p.m. 5:23 a.m. 12:22 p.m. 5:19 p.m. ———— 1:21 a.m. 8:32 a.m. 1:40 p.m. 8:48 p.m. 6:42 a.m. 12:57 a.m. 6:28 p.m. 12:55 p.m. 4:51 a.m. 11:06 a.m. 4:43 p.m. 11:40 p.m. 6:11 a.m. 12:36 a.m. 5:43 p.m. 12:41 p.m. 2:14 a.m. 9:09 a.m. 2:08 p.m. 9:32 p.m. *From mouths of rivers. **At Kings Bay. ***At Mason’s Creek. Tide charts Head for the redsYes, we’ve had some unusual late cool fronts move through the nature coast area recently. Actually last week’s front dropped the water temp by 10 degrees! Just when things started to heat up, Mother Nature throws us but yet another curve. What was low to mid 70s in water temp didn’t rise above high 60s last week. Now ... pending any more crazy cold front the water should start to creep upwards to one of my favorite water temps of between 72 and 80. The sh, especially the reds have, believe it or not, started schooling up. It was one of those blustery (to say the least) days when I had a charter to get under our belt because of vacay time they had left. Being too windy and rough for offshore. Despite her conditions we switched gears and decided to do a tidal backcountry trip. We worked and casted our way around the points, banks, little hidey holes, coves and pools, trolling around. The reds are schooling like it was already August or something. The water temp is getting good, and the tides will be getting favorable. Start out by working your jerkbaits, spinnerbaits, and topwaters around the endless points and banks for best results. If they’re there, you’ll know it. So, get ready and geared up, get out, and â€head for the reds†upon your next adventure. We’ll see you on the waters. Rick BurnsFishing Report PGA Tour has seven tournaments in the fall to secure full cards By DOUG FERGUSONAP Golf WriterThe PGA Tour on Wednesday announced a fall schedule that will have seven tournaments for players to either retain full status, earn a spot in the Masters or become eligible for some of the $20 million events the following season. This will be the first time since 2013 the fall is not the start of a new season. The tour is returning to a calendar season that begins in January, part of a shakeup that allows the top players to compete against each other more often. Missing from the fall schedule is the Houston Open, which is moving to the spring in 2024, and the CJ Cup in South Korea. The CJ Cup has been played twice is Las Vegas and once in South Carolina since the COVID-19 pandemic. One possibility is that it returns in 2024 as the new title sponsor of the Byron Nelson, as AT&T is ending its title sponsorship of the longtime Dallas-area event. Only the top 70 players – down from 125 – qualify for the FedEx Cup playoffs this year, with the top 50 advancing to the second event. Those 50 players are eligible for every one of the designated events in 2024 that offer the $20 million purses. The top 30 advance to the Tour Championship. The FedEx Cup points continue into the seven-tournament fall schedule for players who finish No. 51 and beyond. That allows them to either finish in the top 125 to retain full tour status or be among the top 10 not already eligible who qualify for two $20 million events at the start of the new season. Winners of fall events, which offer a total of $56.6 million prize money, earn an invitation to the Masters, PGA Championship, The Players Championship and the Sentry Tour nament of Champions at Kapalua. Four of the seven fall tournaments are in the U.S., though the schedule manages a geographical flow. The fall starts Sept. 1417 in Napa, California, with the Fortinet Championship before taking a two-week break for the Ryder Cup in Italy. Then it goes westward on Oct. 5-8 from Mississippi to Las Vegas to Japan. After a week off, the tour heads east to the tip of Baja California in Mexico, then to Bermuda and ends with the RSM Classic at Sea Island along the Georgia coast on Nov. 1619. The HSBC Champions in Shanghai is no longer on the schedule. It has been a World Golf Championships event since 2009 but has not been played since 2019 because of the pandemic. That ends the WGCs; the Dell Match Play is not part of the 2024 schedule. Seth Wenig / APPGA Tour Commissioner Jay Monahan speaks during a news conference before the start of the Travelers Championship golf tournament at TPC River Highlands on June 22, 2022, in Cromwell, Conn. The PGA Tour on Wednesday, April 12, 2023, announced a fall schedule that will have seven tournaments for players to either retain full status, earn a spot in the Masters or become eligible for some of the $20 million events the following season. JGR’s Bell off to near-historic start By PETE IACOBELLIAssociated PressCOLUMBIA, S.C. — Christopher Bell, fresh off his rst victory of the season on the Bristol dirt, learned he was on a near-historic pace in NASCAR. His ve career wins in 116 starts is second most among active drivers, with only NASCAR champion Brad Keselowski winning more this early in his Cup Series career. “That’s pretty cool,†said the 28-year-old Bell, who is in his third full season driving for powerhouse Joe Gibbs Racing. “But I try to not look at the stats and focus on the task at hand,†Bell said Sunday night after leading the nal 100 laps to win at Bristol Motor Speedway. “That is very rewarding to hear, and hopefully I’m not done here.†Oh, Bell’s not done, and he’s rising as the corner stone driver at JGR, whose racers include NASCAR champ Martin Truex Jr. and three-time Daytona 500 winner Denny Hamlin.Bell’s four victories the past two seasons are the most at Gibbs. Hamlin’s won twice in that span while Truex Jr., the 2017 series champ, has gone winless. Kyle Busch, the longtime JGR centerpiece who left to join Richard Childress Racing this past offseason, won once in 2022. His replacement, Joe Gibbs’ grandson Ty Gibbs, is winless this season. It’s obvious the Gibbs organization knows Bell’s upside. They agreed on a long-term contract last year to keep Bell driving the No. 20, with Joe Gibbs citing Bell’s easy-going, professional manner with sponsors. “We think he’s a young guy that is going to be a star,†said Gibbs, who won three Super Bowls coaching Washington and ve NASCAR championships in a two-sport career. The Gibbs crew almost had another last season as Bell won a pair of playoff races (Charlotte’s Roval and Martinsville) and was among the nal four to compete for a title. He took third in the points standings. Bell is back in the playoffs after successfully navigating the Bristol dirt. He held off fellow dirt-ace Tyler Reddick at the end as a caution on the nal lap with Bell in front gave him the victory. “Well, he’s been so close so many times,†said Heather Gibbs, who was married to the late Coy Gibbs, is Ty’s mother and part of the JGR ownership group. “We’re thrilled to have the win. It mean so much to our family just being able to come here.†And Bell could be in for more this season, much more. He’s becoming a short track master, nishing fourth at Richmond before his Bristol win. Now, the Cup Series heads to Mar tinsville this week where Bell won last time out. “We knew this was going to be a good stretch of races,†he said. “Obviously, wanted to capitalize on it.†Bell’s rise is helping all JGR racers. There were three in the top 10 at Bristol (Truex was seventh and Gibbs 10th) and three in the playoff grid with about a third of the season complete. Bell took over the points lead with his win Sunday and gained his third straight playoff trip since joining JGR. Truex sits in seventh in points and Hamlin 12th with plenty of races left to make an impact. Toyota machines this year have lagged behind Chevrolet drivers, who’ve won ve times. Bell believes the gap is closing and the chase is on. “There was no doubt that we were behind them,†Bell said. “But we’re in a really good stretch of races for our cars.†The test will come starting at Talladega in two weeks when driver for Gibbs will try to muscle up on the longer tracks. “With that being said, we know there is room to improve,†Bell continued, “and hopefully that comes sooner rather than later.†Count on sooner, the way Bell has performed. “If we’re capable as a team to give him the balance (he) needs,†Bell’s crew chief Adam Stevens said, “with the equipment that we’re producing at Joe Gibbs Racing, he’ll take us through (to) the front, and he’s proven that.†Emily Ball / Bristol Herald CourierChristopher Bell celebrates after winning the NASCAR Cup Series dirt race on April 9 at Bristol Motor Speedway, in Bristol, Tenn. Emily Ball / Bristol Herald CourierChristopher Bell (20) battles Chase Briscoe (14) for the lead of the NASCAR Cup Series dirt race on April 9 at Bristol Motor Speedway, in Bristol, Tenn. Proudly serving Citrus County over 40 years. Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Proudly serving Citrus County over Citrus County over Citrus County over Citrus County over Citrus County over Citrus County over Citrus County over Citrus County over Citrus County over Citrus County over Citrus County over Citrus County over Citrus County over Citrus County over Citrus County over Citrus County over 40 40 40 40 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 40 40 Proudly ser ving Citrus County ov er 45 years. Sa ve time and Money rf fn tr r b rb fr r r f r r n f r r f fr r f rr rn f r n f f r ff rn f n n f f f f n rrf ntbf bf r f b n ffr f r n bf rr f r n r fn t b r 202 1 202 1
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 13, 2023 B3 AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB Tampa Bay 12 0 1.000 -New York 8 4 .667 4Toronto 8 4 .667 4Baltimore 6 6 .500 6Boston 5 7 .417 7 Central Division W L Pct GBMinnesota 8 4 .667 -Cleveland 7 6 .538 1½Chicago 5 8 .385 3½Kansas City 4 9 .308 4½Detroit 2 9 .182 5½ West Division W L Pct GBLos Angeles 7 5 .583 -Texas 7 5 .583 -Houston 6 7 .462 1½Seattle 5 8 .385 2½Oakland 3 9 .250 4 NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GBAtlanta 9 4 .692 -New York 7 6 .538 2Miami 6 7 .462 3Phila. 4 8 .333 4½Washington 4 9 .308 5 Central Division W L Pct GBMilwaukee 8 4 .667 -Pittsburgh 7 5 .583 1Chicago 6 5 .545 1½St. Louis 5 7 .417 3Cincinnati 4 7 .364 3½ West Division W L Pct GBArizona 8 5 .615 -San Diego 7 6 .538 1Los Angeles 6 6 .500 1½San Francisco 5 6 .455 2Colorado 5 8 .385 3 AMERICAN LEAGUE TuesdayÂ’s Games N.Y. Yankees 11, Cleveland 2Pittsburgh 7, Houston 4Tampa Bay 7, Boston 2Toronto 9, Detroit 3Baltimore 12, Oakland 8Minnesota 4, Chicago White Sox 3, 10 in ningsChicago Cubs 14, Seattle 9Texas 8, Kansas City 5, 10 inningsL.A. Angels 2, Washington 0 WednesdayÂ’s Games Houston 7, Pittsburgh 0Minnesota 3, Chicago White Sox 1N.Y. Yankees 4, Cleveland 3Seattle 5, Chicago Cubs 2L.A. Angels 3, Washington 2Tampa Bay 9, Boston 7Oakland 8, Baltimore 4Toronto 4, Detroit 3, 10 inningsKansas City 10, Texas 1 ThursdayÂ’s Games Oakland (Oller 0-0) at Baltimore (Irvin 0-2), 1:05 p.m.Boston (Kluber 0-2) at Tampa Bay (Springs 2-0), 1:10 p.m.Minnesota (Ryan 2-0) at N.Y. Yankees (Brito 2-0), 7:05 p.m.Detroit (Turnbull 0-2) at Toronto (Bassitt 1-1), 7:07 p.m. FridayÂ’s Games San Francisco at Detroit, 6:40 p.m.Cleveland at Washington, 7:05 p.m.Minnesota at N.Y. Yankees, 7:05 p.m.Tampa Bay at Toronto, 7:07 p.m.Baltimore at Chicago White Sox, 7:10 p.m.L.A. Angels at Boston, 7:10 p.m.Atlanta at Kansas City, 8:10 p.m.Texas at Houston, 8:10 p.m.N.Y. Mets at Oakland, 9:40 p.m.Colorado at Seattle, 10:10 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE TuesdayÂ’s Games Pittsburgh 7, Houston 4Miami 8, Phila. 4San Diego 4, N.Y. Mets 2Atlanta 7, Cincinnati 6Chicago Cubs 14, Seattle 9St. Louis 9, Colorado 6Milwaukee 7, Arizona 1L.A. Angels 2, Washington 0San Francisco 5, L.A. Dodgers 0 WednesdayÂ’s Games Houston 7, Pittsburgh 0N.Y. Mets 5, San Diego 2Seattle 5, Chicago Cubs 2St. Louis 7, Colorado 4Arizona 7, Milwaukee 3L.A. Angels 3, Washington 2Miami 3, Phila. 2, 10 inningsAtlanta 5, Cincinnati 4L.A. Dodgers at San Francisco ThursdayÂ’s Games Phila. (Falter 0-1) at Cincinnati (Lodolo 1-0), 6:40 p.m.Pittsburgh (Velasquez 0-2) at St. Louis (Montgomery 2-0), 7:45 p.m.Milwaukee (Lauer 1-1) at San Diego (Marti nez 0-1), 9:40 p.m. FridayÂ’s Games Arizona at Miami, 6:40 p.m.Phila. at Cincinnati, 6:40 p.m.San Francisco at Detroit, 6:40 p.m.Cleveland at Washington, 7:05 p.m.Atlanta at Kansas City, 8:10 p.m.Pittsburgh at St. Louis, 8:15 p.m.Milwaukee at San Diego, 9:40 p.m.N.Y. Mets at Oakland, 9:40 p.m.Chicago Cubs at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m.Colorado at Seattle, 10:10 p.m. TAMPA BAY 9, BOSTON 7 Boston Tampa Bay ab r h bi ab r h bi Verdugo rf 4 1 2 1 DÃaz dh 3 0 0 1Devers 3b 4 1 1 3 Franco ss 5 2 3 2Turner dh 4 1 2 1 Paredes 1b 4 1 1 0Casas 1b 4 0 0 0 Arozarena lf 4 1 1 4Tapia lf 4 0 0 1 RamÃrez rf 3 0 1 0Dalbec ss 4 0 0 0 MejÃa c 1 0 0 0McGuire c 4 2 3 0 Margot cf 4 0 0 0Wong pr 0 0 0 0 Walls 3b 3 2 1 0Chang 2b 3 0 0 0 Bethancourt c 3 2 2 1 Hernández cf 4 2 2 1 J.Lowe pr-rf 0 0 0 0 Bruján 2b 3 1 2 1 B.Lowe ph-2b 1 0 0 0Totals 35 7 10 7 Totals 34 9 11 9 Boston 000 121 300 — 7Tampa Bay 300 320 01x — 9E-Dalbec (1). DP-Boston 0, Tampa Bay 1. LOB-Boston 3, Tampa Bay 8. 2B-Verdugo (2), Hernández 2 (2), Turner (2), Franco 3 (7), Walls (2), Bethancourt (2). HR-Devers (5), Arozarena (3). SB-Franco (3). SF-DÃaz (1), Arozarena (1). S-Chang (1). IP H R ER BB SOBoston Sale L,1-1 4 7 6 5 2 6 Z.Kelly 2 / 3 2 2 2 1 1 Brasier 1 1 / 3 1 0 0 0 1 Schreiber 1 0 0 0 1 2 Martin 1 1 1 1 0 1 Tampa Bay Bradley W,1-0 5 5 3 3 1 8 Beeks 1 1 1 1 0 1 Thompson 2 / 3 2 2 2 0 0 Poche H,2 1 / 3 1 1 1 0 0 Adam H,3 1 0 0 0 0 2 Fairbanks S,2-2 1 1 0 0 0 0 HBP-Z.Kelly (DÃaz).Umpires-Home, Chad Fairchild; First, Nic Lentz; Second, Jeremie Rehak; Third, Paul Emmel.T-2:44. A-17,136 (25,025). MIAMI 3, PHILADELPHIA 2 Miami Philadelphia ab r h bi ab r h biChisholm Jr. cf 4 0 0 0 Stott 2b 5 0 2 1 Soler dh 4 1 2 1 Turner ss 5 0 2 0 Fortes pr-dh 0 1 0 0 Schwarber dh 3 0 0 0 Arraez 2b 5 1 1 0 Castellanos rf 4 1 1 0 De La Cruz lf 5 0 3 2 Realmuto c 4 0 0 0 Gurriel 1b 5 0 1 0 Marsh cf 4 0 1 1 Segura 3b 4 0 0 0 Bohm 3b-1b 4 0 1 0 Sánchez rf 2 0 0 0 Cave lf 2 0 0 0 Hampson ph-rf 2 0 0 0 Sosa ph-3b 2 0 0 0 Stallings c 3 0 1 0 Clemens 1b 2 1 1 0 Berti ss 3 0 0 0 Harrison ph 1 0 0 0 Pache lf 1 0 0 0 Totals 37 3 8 3 Totals 37 2 8 2 Miami 000 100 010 1 — 3Philadelphia 000 110 000 0 — 2DP-Miami 1, Philadelphia 0. LOB-Miami 9, Philadelphia 7. 2B-Soler (5), Arraez (4), Stallings (2), Turner (2), Castellanos (8), Stott (4). HR-Soler (4). SB-Stott (3), Turner (3), Berti (3). IP H R ER BB SOMiami Cabrera 5 7 2 2 1 4Scott 1 0 0 0 0 1Nardi 1 0 0 0 0 3Floro 1 0 0 0 0 2Puk W,1-0 2 1 0 0 0 2Philadelphia Wheeler 6 3 1 1 3 6Alvarado BS,0-1 1 1 / 3 2 1 1 0 2 DomÃnguez 2 / 3 2 0 0 0 0 Soto L,1-2 1 1 / 3 0 1 0 1 3 Kimbrel 2 / 3 1 0 0 0 1 Umpires-Home, James Hoye; First, John Libka; Second, D.J. Reyburn; Third, Nate Tomlinson.T-2:40. A-29,584 (42,901). N.Y. YANKEES 4, CLEVELAND 3 New York Cleveland ab r h bi ab r h bi Volpe ss 4 0 1 0 Kwan lf 3 1 1 0 Judge dh 3 0 0 0 Rosario ss 5 1 1 1 Rizzo 1b 4 0 0 0 RamÃrez 3b 3 1 1 0 Stanton rf 4 0 1 0 Naylor dh 3 0 1 1 Torres pr-2b 0 1 0 0 Giménez 2b 4 0 0 0 F.Cordero lf 4 1 1 1 Bell 1b 4 0 1 1 Cabrera 2b-rf 4 1 2 1 Brennan rf 3 0 1 0 Kiner-Falefa 3b 4 1 1 0 Straw cf 4 0 0 0 Higashioka c 3 0 1 1 Gallagher c 3 0 0 0 Hicks cf 3 0 0 0 Gonzalez ph 0 0 0 0 Totals 33 4 7 3 Totals 32 3 6 3 New York 000 020 101 — 4Cleveland 201 000 000 — 3E-Kiner-Falefa (1), Giménez (1), Rosario (4). DP-New York 2, Cleveland 1. LOB-New York 3, Cleveland 8. 2B-Volpe (1), RamÃrez (6). HR-F.Cordero (4), Rosario (1). IP H R ER BB SONew York Schmidt 4 6 3 3 1 3 Marinaccio 1 0 0 0 2 2 King 2 0 0 0 0 1 Peralta W,1-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Holmes S,4-4 1 0 0 0 2 1 Cleveland Batteneld 4 2 / 3 4 2 1 0 3 Sandlin 1 1 / 3 0 0 0 1 1 Stephan BS,1-2 1 1 1 1 0 1 Karinchak 1 0 0 0 0 1 Clase L,1-1 1 2 1 0 0 1 HBP-Holmes (Brennan). WP-Marinaccio.Umpires-Home, Chris Guccione; First, David Rackley; Second, Larry Vanover; Third, Ed win Moscoso.T-2:44. A-23,164 (34,788). MINNESOTA 3, CHICAGO WHITE SOX 1 Chicago Minnesota ab r h bi ab r h bi Benintendi lf 4 0 1 0 Solano 1b 5 0 2 0 Robert Jr. cf 4 0 1 0 Buxton dh 4 0 1 0 Vaughn 1b 2 0 1 0 Miranda 3b 3 0 1 0 González pr-rf 0 0 0 0 Gordon lf-2b 4 0 0 0 Sheets rf-1b 4 0 0 0 Jeffers c 4 2 2 0 Grandal dh 4 0 1 0 Larnach rf-lf 4 0 0 0 Alberto 3b 4 0 0 0 Farmer ss 1 0 0 0 Sosa 2b 4 1 1 1 Castro pr-ss 2 1 2 1 Zavala c 3 0 1 0 Julien 2b 2 0 0 0 Andrus ss 3 0 0 0 Wallner rf 1 0 0 0 Taylor cf 4 0 2 2Totals 32 1 6 1 Totals 34 3 10 3 Chicago 000 000 001 — 1 Minnesota 000 100 02x — 3 DP-Chicago 0, Minnesota 1. LOB-Chicago 7, Minnesota 10. 2B-Robert Jr. (4), Zavala (1), Castro (1). 3B-Jeffers (1). HR-Sosa (1). IP H R ER BB SOChicago Giolito L,0-1 6 5 1 1 2 7 Middleton 2 / 3 2 0 0 0 2 Diekman 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 0 Bummer 2 / 3 2 2 2 0 1 Santos 1 / 3 1 0 0 0 0 Minnesota Gray W,2-0 5 3 0 0 2 5 Alcala H,2 1 0 0 0 0 0 J.López H,3 1 1 0 0 0 0 Jax H,4 1 0 0 0 1 0 Duran S,3-4 1 2 1 1 0 0 HBP-Giolito (Farmer). WP-J.López.Umpires-Home, Alan Porter; First, Jim Wolf; Second, Mike Muchlinski; Third, Sean Bar ber.T-2:37. A-17,658 (38,544). N.Y. METS 5, SAN DIEGO 2 San Diego New York ab r h bi ab r h bi Grisham cf 2 0 0 0 Nimmo cf 5 0 3 2 Machado 3b 4 1 0 0 Marte rf 4 0 0 0 Soto lf 4 1 2 2 Lindor ss 4 1 1 1 Bogaerts ss 4 0 1 0 Alonso 1b 3 2 2 1 Cronenworth 1b 3 0 1 0 Canha lf 3 0 0 0 Carpenter dh 3 0 1 0 McNeil 2b 1 0 0 0 Nola c 3 0 0 0 Pham dh 3 1 2 1 Cruz ph 1 0 1 0 Escobar 3b 3 1 0 0 Azocar pr-rf 0 0 0 0 Nido c 4 0 0 0 Odor 2b 3 0 0 0 Dixon rf 3 0 0 0 Campusano c 1 0 0 0 Totals 31 2 6 2 Totals 30 5 8 5 San Diego 200 000 000 — 2New York 011 011 10x — 5E-Honeywell Jr. (1). DP-San Diego 2, New York 2. LOB-San Diego 9, New York 9. 2B-Soto (3), Nimmo (2). HR-Soto (3), Lindor (2), Alonso (6). SB-Pham (2), Canha (1), Mc Neil (1). S-Escobar (1). IP H R ER BB SOSan Diego Snell L,0-2 5 6 4 4 5 5 Honeywell Jr. 1 2 / 3 2 1 1 2 1 Hill 1 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 1 New York Megill W,3-0 5 3 2 2 3 3 Raley H,5 2 / 3 1 0 0 0 0 Smith H,4 1 0 0 0 2 2 Robertson H,1 1 1 / 3 2 0 0 0 2 Ottavino S,1-1 1 0 0 0 1 0 Snell pitched to 2 batters in the 6th, Smith pitched to 4 batters in the 7th.HBP-Raley (Cronenworth).Umpires-Home, Ryan Additon; First, Dan Merzel; Second, Lance Barksdale; Third, Will Little.T-2:51. A-34,876 (42,136). HOUSTON 7, PITTSBURGH 0 Houston Pittsburgh ab r h bi ab r h biMcCormick cf-rf 4 2 2 0 Bae ss 2 0 0 0 Bregman 3b 3 1 1 3 Reynolds lf 4 0 1 0Tucker rf 3 0 1 1 McCutchen dh 3 0 0 0 Meyers cf 0 0 0 0 Santana 1b 3 0 1 0J.Abreu 1b 5 0 2 1 Smith-Njigba ph 0 0 0 0 Hensley dh 5 0 0 0 Hayes 3b 3 0 0 0Peña ss 4 0 1 0 Joe rf 3 0 0 0Julks lf 5 2 2 1 Suwinski cf 4 0 1 0Dubón 2b 5 1 2 0 Mathias 2b 3 0 0 0Diaz c 3 1 1 1 Heineman c 3 0 0 0Totals 37 7 12 7 Totals 28 0 3 0 Houston 001 100 320 — 7Pittsburgh 000 000 000 — 0DP-Houston 1, Pittsburgh 0. LOB-Houston 10, Pittsburgh 7. 2B-Dubón (3), J.Abreu (2), Julks (2), Santana (3). HR-Julks (1), Breg man (2). SB-McCutchen (3), McCormick (4), Bae (3). SF-Diaz (1), Tucker (1). IP H R ER BB SOHouston Urquidy W,1-0 6 2 0 0 3 2 Neris 1 0 0 0 1 2 B.Abreu 1 1 0 0 1 2 Blanco 1 0 0 0 1 2 Pittsburgh Hill L,0-2 6 5 2 2 2 0 Moreta 1 / 3 3 3 3 2 0 De Jong 1 2 / 3 3 2 2 1 1 Hernandez 1 1 0 0 0 1 Umpires-Home, Jerry Layne; First, Brock Ballou; Second, Nick Mahrley; Third, Adam Hamari.T-2:51. A-10,064 (38,753). SEATTLE 5, CHICAGO CUBS 2 Seattle Chicago ab r h bi ab r h bi RodrÃguez cf 5 0 2 0 Hoerner ss 4 1 1 0 France 1b 4 1 2 1 Madrigal 2b 4 0 1 0 Suárez 3b 5 0 1 1 Happ lf 4 0 0 0 Raleigh c 3 0 0 0 Bellinger cf 3 1 2 2 Hernández rf 4 1 2 2 Mancini dh 4 0 0 0 Kelenic lf 4 1 2 1 Hosmer 1b 4 0 0 0 Hummel dh 4 0 0 0 Wisdom 3b 2 0 0 0 Wong 2b 4 0 0 0 Mastrobuoni rf 3 0 1 0 Crawford ss 3 2 1 0 Barnhart c 3 0 0 0 Totals 36 5 10 5 Totals 31 2 5 2 Seattle 002 000 120 — 5Chicago 100 000 001 — 2LOB-Seattle 7, Chicago 4. 2B-Crawford (5). HR-Hernández (3), Kelenic (3), Bellinger (2). SF-Bellinger (1). IP H R ER BB SOSeattle Gilbert W,1-1 6 2 / 3 4 1 1 1 7 Brash H,2 1 / 3 0 0 0 0 0 Topa 1 0 0 0 0 1Sewald 1 1 1 1 0 1Chicago Stroman L,2-1 6 5 2 2 2 6Boxberger 1 2 1 1 1 2Merryweather 1 2 2 2 0 2Fulmer 1 1 0 0 0 1Umpires-Home, Manny Gonzalez; First, Quinn Wolcott; Second, Junior Valentine; Third, Adrian Johnson.T-2:31. A-26,944 (41,363). ST. LOUIS 7, COLORADO 4 St. Louis Colorado ab r h bi ab r h bi Donovan ss 5 0 1 0 Profar lf 4 1 1 2Burleson lf 4 0 1 0 Blackmon rf 3 1 2 0 Goldschmidt 1b 4 1 2 1 McMahon 2b 3 0 1 0 Arenado dh 4 1 1 2 Cron 1b 4 0 0 0Contreras c 5 1 0 0 Moustakas 3b 4 0 0 0 Gorman 2b 4 1 1 2 Daza cf 4 1 1 0OÂ’Neill cf 4 2 2 1 Castro dh 4 0 0 0Walker rf 4 1 1 0 Tovar ss 3 1 0 0Motter 3b 4 0 1 1 Serven c 2 0 1 0 DÃaz ph-c 1 0 1 1Totals 38 7 10 7 Totals 32 4 7 3 St. Louis 010 200 121 — 7Colorado 100 100 200 — 4E-Cron (2). DP-St. Louis 2, Colorado 0. LOB-St. Louis 7, Colorado 4. 2B-Goldschmidt 2 (4), Motter (2), Blackmon (3), Daza (4). HR-OÂ’Neill (2), Arenado (2), Gorman (4), Profar (2). SB-OÂ’Neill (1). IP H R ER BB SOSt. Louis Flaherty 5 1 / 3 5 2 1 1 6 Thompson H,1 2 / 3 0 0 0 1 1 VerHagen H,2 1 / 3 2 2 2 1 0 Pallante W,1-0 1 0 0 0 0 0Gallegos H,1 2 / 3 0 0 0 0 2 Helsley S,3-4 1 0 0 0 0 2Colorado Ureña 5 5 3 3 1 6Suter 1 1 / 3 2 1 1 0 3 Hand 2 / 3 0 0 0 0 2 Lawrence L,0-1 1 1 2 0 0 2Seabold 1 2 1 1 2 0Pallante pitched to 1 batter in the 8th.Umpires-Home, Phil Cuzzi; First, Mark Rip perger; Second, Shane Livensparger; Third, Dan Bellino.T-2:34. A-22,250 (50,144). ARIZONA 7, MILWAUKEE 3 Milwaukee Arizona ab r h bi ab r h bi Yelich lf 5 0 2 2 Rojas 3b 4 2 3 1Adames ss 4 0 0 0 Marte 2b 4 1 0 0Tellez dh 3 0 0 0 Gurriel Jr. dh 5 2 3 3 Anderson ph-dh 2 0 0 0 Walker 1b 4 0 0 1 Contreras c 4 0 3 0 Carroll lf 4 1 2 2Mitchell cf 4 0 1 0 McCarthy rf 4 0 0 0Voit 1b 4 1 2 0 Thomas cf 4 0 2 0Turang 2b 4 1 2 0 Perdomo ss 3 1 2 0Wiemer rf 3 1 0 0 Herrera c 4 0 0 0Brosseau 3b 3 0 1 1 Totals 36 3 11 3 Totals 36 7 12 7 Milwaukee 000 000 300 — 3Arizona 103 100 20x — 7E-Contreras 2 (3), Brosseau (2). DP-Milwau-kee 0, Arizona 2. LOB-Milwaukee 9, Arizona 8. 2B-Contreras (2), Gurriel Jr. (2), Thomas 2 (2), Rojas 2 (5). HR-Gurriel Jr. (1), Carroll (3). IP H R ER BB SOMilwaukee Junk L,0-1 4 2 / 3 7 5 4 2 2 Milner 1 1 0 0 0 1 Varland 1 1 / 3 3 2 2 0 0 Guerra 1 1 0 0 0 0 Arizona Jameson 4 3 0 0 0 4 Ginkel 2 / 3 1 0 0 1 1 K.Nelson W,2-0 1 1 / 3 1 0 0 0 3 FrÃas 0 3 3 3 1 0 Chan H,1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Castro 1 2 0 0 0 0 McGough 1 0 0 0 1 1 Milner pitched to 3 batters in the 6th, FrÃas pitched to 4 batters in the 7th.WP-Ginkel, K.Nelson.Umpires-Home, Gabe Morales; First, Dan Iassogna; Second, Scott Barry; Third, Clint Vondrak.T-2:40. A-13,136 (48,359). L.A. ANGELS 3, WASHINGTON 2 Washington Los Angeles ab r h bi ab r h bi Call lf 4 0 0 0 Ta.Ward lf 3 0 0 0Candelario 3b 3 1 2 0 Trout dh 3 0 0 0Smith 1b 4 1 1 0 Rendon 3b 3 0 0 0Meneses dh 4 0 1 1 Renfroe rf 3 1 2 0Ruiz c 4 0 2 0 Rengifo 2b 4 0 1 0GarcÃa 2b 4 0 0 1 Drury 1b 4 1 2 0Thomas rf 3 0 0 0 Urshela ss 4 0 1 0Abrams ss 3 0 0 0 OÂ’Hoppe c 4 0 1 1Robles cf 3 0 0 0 Phillips cf 1 1 0 1Totals 32 2 6 2 Totals 29 3 7 2Washington 000 200 000 — 2Los Angeles 001 101 00x — 3E-Ruiz (1), Smith (1). DP-Washington 3, Los Angeles 1. LOB-Washington 4, Los Angeles 8. 2B-Renfroe (3), Drury (3). SB-Phillips (2). IP H R ER BB SOWashington Gore 3 2 / 3 4 2 2 4 6 Thompson L,0-1 1 2 / 3 3 1 1 1 1 Harvey 2 / 3 0 0 0 1 1 Edwards Jr. 1 0 0 0 0 0 RamÃrez 1 0 0 0 0 1 Los Angeles Canning 5 5 2 2 0 4 Moore W,1-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Loup H,2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Tepera H,2 1 1 0 0 0 1 Quijada S,2-2 1 0 0 0 0 1 HBP-Canning (Candelario).Umpires-Home, Doug Eddings; First, Lance Barrett; Second, Ramon De Jesus; Third, Alfonso Marquez.T-2:22. A-17,780 (45,517). OAKLAND 8, BALTIMORE 4 Oakland Baltimore ab r h bi ab r h bi Kemp lf 5 1 2 0 Hays lf 4 0 0 0Noda 1b 4 1 1 0 Rutschman dh 3 0 1 1 Laureano cf-rf 3 1 1 0 Mountcastle 1b 4 0 0 0 Rooker rf 4 1 2 3 McCann c 4 0 0 0Ruiz pr-cf 1 1 1 1 UrÃas 2b 4 1 1 0 Peterson 3b-2b 4 1 2 0 Henderson 3b 3 1 1 0 DÃaz 2b 4 0 1 0 Mateo ss 4 0 2 1 Allen pr-ss 1 1 0 0 Frazier rf 4 1 1 0Aguilar dh 4 0 2 1 McKenna cf 1 0 1 1K.Smith ss-3b 3 0 0 1 Mullins ph-cf 2 1 1 1 Ca.Pérez c 4 1 3 2 Totals 37 8 15 8 Totals 33 4 8 4 Oakland 300 010 031 — 8Baltimore 020 000 200 — 4E-Rooker (1). DP-Oakland 2, Baltimore 3. LOB-Oakland 8, Baltimore 6. 2B-Kemp (2), Mateo (1), McKenna (1). HR-Rooker (1), Ca.Pérez (1). SB-Ruiz (2), Laureano (2). SF-Aguilar (1), McKenna (1). S-K.Smith (1). IP H R ER BB SOOakland Waldichuk 6 1 / 3 5 3 3 3 4 Familia BS,0-1 2 / 3 2 1 1 0 0 C.Smith W,1-0 2 1 0 0 0 3 Baltimore Kremer 4 1 / 3 5 4 4 2 1 Baumann 2 2 0 0 0 0 Akin L,0-1 2 / 3 3 2 2 0 2 Ci.Pérez 1 1 / 3 5 2 2 1 0 Gillaspie 2 / 3 0 0 0 0 0 Baumann pitched to 1 batter in the 7th.HBP-Kremer (Laureano).Umpires-Home, Bruce Dreckman; First, Stu Scheuwater; Second, Malachi Moore; Third, Mark Wegner.T-2:50. A-10,181 (45,971). TORONTO 4, DETROIT 3 Detroit Toronto ab r h bi ab r h bi Vierling rf 4 0 0 0 Springer rf 5 0 2 1 Maton 2b 3 1 1 1 Bichette ss 4 0 0 0 Schoop ph-2b 1 0 1 0 Guerrero Jr. 1b 3 2 2 0 Greene cf 4 1 1 0 Chapman dh 3 1 2 0 Báez ss 4 0 0 0 Varsho lf 3 0 2 0 Carpenter lf 4 1 1 2 Merrield 2b 3 0 1 2 Torkelson 1b 4 0 0 0 Espinal 3b 3 0 0 0 Cabrera dh 3 0 1 0 Kirk ph 0 0 0 1 Baddoo pr-dh 0 0 0 0 Biggio 3b 0 0 0 0 Haase c 4 0 1 0 Jansen c 4 1 0 0 Kreidler 3b 3 0 0 0 Kiermaier cf 3 0 0 0 Totals 34 3 6 3 Totals 31 4 9 4 Detroit 000 100 200 0 — 3Toronto 000 100 002 1 — 4DP-Detroit 1, Toronto 1. LOB-Detroit 3, To ronto 6. 2B-Haase (1), Cabrera (3), Chapman (8). HR-Maton (2), Carpenter (1). SF-Merri eld (2), Kirk (1). S-Kiermaier (1). IP H R ER BB SODetroit Rodriguez 6 7 1 1 1 3 Foley H,2 1 0 0 0 0 1 Lange H,1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Wingenter 0 1 2 2 1 0 Shreve L,0-1 BS,0-1 1 1 / 3 0 1 0 0 0 Cisnero 0 1 0 0 0 0 Toronto Gausman 8 5 3 3 0 11 Mayza 1 1 0 0 0 0 Romano W,2-0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Wingenter pitched to 3 batters in the 9th, Cisnero pitched to 1 batter in the 10th.HBP-Wingenter (Varsho). WP-Wingenter.Umpires-Home, Ryan Wills; First, Mike Estabrook; Second, Laz Diaz; Third, Erich Bacchus.T-2:40. A-35,300 (49,282). ATLANTA 5, CINCINNATI 4 Cincinnati Atlanta ab r h bi ab r h bi India 2b 4 2 1 0 Acuña Jr. rf 4 0 3 3Friedl cf 4 1 3 1 Olson 1b 4 0 0 0Fraley rf 3 0 0 0 Riley 3b 3 1 2 0 Stephenson dh 3 0 1 2 Murphy c 4 0 1 1 Myers 1b 4 0 0 1 Rosario lf 4 2 2 1Vosler 3b 4 0 0 0 Albies 2b 4 1 1 0Barrero ss 4 0 0 0 Arcia ss 0 0 0 0Maile c 3 1 1 0 Adrianza ph-ss 3 0 0 0 Steer ph 1 0 0 0 Ozuna dh 4 0 0 0Benson lf 2 0 0 0 Hilliard cf 2 1 0 0Fairchild ph-lf 1 0 0 0 Totals 33 4 6 4 Totals 32 5 9 5Cincinnati 201 000 100 — 4Atlanta 021 000 11x — 5LOB-Cincinnati 6, Atlanta 6. 2B-Acuña Jr. (3), Rosario (2), Murphy (4), Riley (2). HR-Ro sario (1). SB-Acuña Jr. (6), Hilliard (2). IP H R ER BB SO Cincinnati Greene 6 7 3 3 0 10 Gibaut BS,1-3 1 1 1 1 2 2 Farmer L,0-3 1 1 1 1 0 2 Atlanta Strider 5 4 3 3 2 9 Luetge 2 2 1 1 1 3 Yates W,1-0 1 0 0 0 1 1 Minter S,2-3 1 0 0 0 0 1 HBP-Greene (Arcia).Umpires-Home, Marvin Hudson; First, Hunt er Wendelstedt; Second, John Tumpane; Third, Ryan Blakney.T-2:32. A-30,648 (41,149). MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL STANDINGS AND SCORES THIS DATE IN BASEBALL By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 1914 – The first Federal League game was played in Baltimore and the Terrapins defeated Buffalo, 3-2, behind Jack Quinn. A crowd estimat ed at 27,000 stood 15 rows deep in the outfield to witness the return of major league baseball to Baltimore. 1921 – With new U.S. Presi dent Warren G. Harding, former president Woodrow Wilson, and VP Calvin Coolidge watch ing, the Washington Senators lose their home opener, 6-3, to the Boston Red Sox. 1933 – Sammy West of St. Louis went 6-for-6 in an 11-inning win over the Chicago White Sox. He had five singles and a double off Ted Lyons. 1953 – For the first time in half a century, a new city was represented in the American or National leagues. The Braves moved from Boston to Milwau kee and opened in Cincinnati, where Max Surkont set down the Reds, 2-0. 1954 – Henry Aaron made his major league debut in left field for the Milwaukee Braves and went 0-for-5 in a 9-8 loss to the Cincinnati Reds. Cincin natiÂ’s Jim Greengrass hit four doubles in his first major league game. 1963 – Pete Rose of the Cincinnati Reds tripled off PittsburghÂ’s Bob Friend for his first major league hit. 1972 – The first player strike in baseball history ended. 1984 – MontrealÂ’s Pete Rose got his 4,000th hit, a double off Philadelphia pitcher Jerry Koosman. The hit came exactly 21 years after his first hit. Rose would score on Tim Raines one out single, sliding into home to give Montreal a 4-1 lead in their eventual 5-1 victory. 1987 – The San Diego Padres set a major league record when the first three batters in the bottom of the first inning hit homers off San Francisco starter Roger Mason in their home opener. The Padres, trailing 2-0, got homers from Marvell Wynne, Tony Gwynn and John Kruk. RosarioÂ’s tie-breaking HR in 8th sends Braves past Reds By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ATLANTA (AP) – Eddie Rosario led off the eighth inning with a tie-breaking home run and the Atlanta Braves beat the Cincinnati Reds to sweep the three-game series. Buck Farmer (0-3) gave up the homer as the Reds fell to 0-5 in one-run games, including each of the three losses in Atlanta. CincinnatiÂ’s Hunt er Greene allowed three runs on seven hits with 10 strikeouts and no walks in six innings. Greene left the game with a 4-3 lead. Ron ald Acuña Jr. tied the game with his third hit, a single off Ian Gibaut in the seventh to drive in Sam Hilliard, who walked and stole second. After Kirby Yates (1-0) pitched a scoreless eighth, A.J. Minter recorded the nal three outs for his second save in three chances. ——— Diamondbacks 7, Brewers 3 PHOENIX – Lourdes Gurriel Jr. hit a three-run homer for his first long ball with the Diamondbacks, rookie Drey Jameson pitched four scoreless innings and Arizona took two of three in the series. Arizona took a 5-0 lead through four innings thanks to GurrielÂ’s third-inning drive and shoddy Brewers defense that committed three errors. Milwaukee starter Janson Junk (0-1) gave up five runs, including four earned, over 4 2 / 3 innings. The 27-year-old – making his first start of the season – surrendered eight hits, struck out two and walked two. Jameson – wearing his usual “Scooby Doo” themed shoes – gave up just three hits and struck out four in his first start this sea son. Gurriel and Josh Rojas both had three hits. Kyle Nelson (2-0) got the win on the mound. William Contreras had three hits for the Brewers, including a double. Christian Yelich had two RBIs. Twins 3, White Sox 1 MINNEAPOLIS – Sonny Gray threw five scoreless innings in a third straight strong start to open the season for Minnesota, outduel ing Lucas Giolito to beat Chicago. Gray (2-0) gave up three hits and two walks with five strikeouts. He was pulled after only 78 pitch es after lowering his ERA to 0.53. Jhoan Duran finished the ninth for his third save after allowing a two-out homer to Lenyn Sosa. The only setback for the Twins was yet another injury. Shortstop Kyle Farmer left the game in the fourth after being hit in the face with a fastball from Giolito. Giolito (0-1) struck out seven Twins in six innings, his only run allowed was on a bases-loaded groundout by Michael Taylor that scored Ryan Jeffers. Yankees 4, Guardians 3 CLEVELAND – Oswaldo Cabre ra hit a tiebreaking, two-out dou ble in the ninth inning off Cleve land closer Emmanuel Clase and the New York Yankees survived a nerve-racking finish. CabreraÂ’s shot to right off Clase (1-1) scored Giancarlo Stanton, who reached on an infield single with one out and went to second on shortstop Amed RosarioÂ’s throwing error. Yankees closer Clay Holmes loaded the bases in the ninth on a hit batter and two walks before striking out Rosario for the final out and his fourth save. Wandy Peralta (1-0) pitched a hitless eighth for the win. The series finale included Yan kees manager Aaron Boone being ejected in the first inning following a confusing and controversial play, and second base umpire Larry Vanover getting struck in the face by a relay throw in the fifth. Royals 10, Rangers 1 ARLINGTON, Texas – MJ Melendez drove in three runs to back another strong outing from Brad Keller, and Kansas City avoided a three-game sweep with a rout of Texas. Vinnie Pasquantino homered, and Bobby Witt Jr. had an RBI triple among three hits with a career-high three stolen bases against his hometown team as the Royals ended a three-game losing streak. Keller (2-1) didnÂ’t allow a run after giving up Nathaniel LoweÂ’s first-inning homer, leaving after his two-out walk in the seventh ended a streak of 10 consecutive batters retired. Nathan Eovaldi (1-2), one of three free agent additions to the Texas rotation, allowed 10 hits and six runs with seven strikeouts and a pitch clock violation over five innings in a second consecu tive loss. Blue Jays 4, Tigers 3, 10 innings TORONTO – George Springer singled home the winning run in the 10th inning and Toronto handed Detroit its sixth consecutive defeat. The Blue Jays erased a two-run deficit in the ninth on sacrifice flies by Whit Merrifield and pinch-hitter Alejandro Kirk off Chasen Shreve (0-1) after reliever Trey Wingenter loaded the bases. SpringerÂ’s single off José Cis nero scored automatic runner Danny Jansen, who advanced from second to third on Kevin KiermaierÂ’s sacrifice bunt. Jordan Romano (2-0) pitched a hitless inning for the Blue Jays, who have won seven of eight. Kevin Gausman struck out 11 in eight innings. Detroit took a 3-1 lead on Kerry CarpenterÂ’s two-run homer in the seventh. Nick Maton also hom ered for the Tigers (2-9). With warm weather in the Toronto area, the retractable roof was open at Rogers Centre. It was the earliest date the roof has ever been open for a game, the Blue Jays said. Astros 7, Pirates 0 PITTSBURGH – José Urquidy scattered two hits over six innings and rookie Corey Julks hit the first home run of his big league career as Houston shut out Pittsburgh. Urquidy (1-0) allowed singles by Carlos Santana and Jack Suwinski as the reigning champi ons took two of three in their first visit to Pittsburgh since 2013. Urquidy struck out two and walked three. Julks, Chas McCormick and José Abreu had two hits each for Houston. Alex Bregman homered for the second straight game, a three-run shot in the seventh that gave the Astros plenty of breath ing room. Rich Hill (0-2) worked six effi cient innings but received little support from his teammates. Mariners 5, Cubs 2 CHICAGO – Logan Gilbert pitched 6 2 / 3 innings of four-hit ball, Teoscar Hernández and Jarred Kelenic hit consecutive home runs in the eighth and Seattle snapped a three-game losing streak. KelenicÂ’s homer landed in the upper center field bleachers and traveled 482 feet, the second-lon gest at Wrigley Field since Stat cast began tracking in 2015 and trailing only Willson ContrerasÂ’ 491-footer in Game 4 of the 2017 NL Championship Series. Gilbert (1-1) recovered from a rocky start by retiring 12 consecu tive batters and allowing only two hits after Nico Hoerner and Nick Madrigal hit consecutive singles in the first. Cubs starter Marcus StromanÂ’s scoreless streak to start the sea son ended in the third at 14 innings when Eugenio Suárez hit an RBI single. Stroman (2-1) allowed two runs and five hits in six innings, and Brad Boxberger gave up an RBI single to Ty France in the seventh. Angels 3, Nationals 2 ANAHEIM, Calif. – Griffin Can ning pitched five solid innings in his first big league appearance in 22 months, and rookie Logan OÂ’Hoppe drove in the tiebreaking run for Los Angeles against Washington. Brett Phillips scored an early run, drove in another with a bas es-loaded walk and stole a proba ble homer from Keibert Ruiz in center field during his eventful first start for the Angels, who took two of three from Washington. John Bazemore / AP Atlanta BravesÂ’ Eddie Rosario (8) is greeted at the dugout by bench coach Walt Weiss, left, and manager Brian Snitker after hitting a solo home run against the Cincinnati Reds during the eighth inning of WednesdayÂ’s game in Atlanta.
B4 Thursday, April 13, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle NHL EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division GP W L OT Pts GF GAz-Boston 81 64 12 5 133 300 173x-Toronto 81 49 21 11 109 276 220x-Tampa Bay 81 45 30 6 96 278 254 x-Florida 81 42 31 8 92 286 267 Buffalo 80 40 33 7 87 287 295 Ottawa 81 39 35 7 85 258 267 Detroit 81 35 36 10 80 240 274 Montreal 81 31 44 6 68 228 302 Metropolitan Division GP W L OT Pts GF GAx-Carolina 81 51 21 9 111 260 209x-New Jersey 81 51 22 8 110 286 222x-N.Y. Rangers 81 47 21 13 107 275 216x-N.Y. Islanders 82 42 31 9 93 243 222 Pittsburgh 81 40 31 10 90 260 261 Washington 81 35 37 9 79 251 260 Philadelphia 81 30 38 13 73 217 273 Columbus 80 24 47 9 57 209 323 WESTERN CONFERENCE Central Division GP W L OT Pts GF GAx-Dallas 81 46 21 14 106 284 218x-Colorado 80 49 24 7 105 272 221x-Minnesota 81 46 25 10 102 243 221x-Winnipeg 81 46 32 3 95 246 221 Nashville 80 41 31 8 90 222 231 St. Louis 81 37 37 7 81 263 300 Arizona 81 28 40 13 69 224 294 Chicago 81 26 49 6 58 200 296 Pacific Division GP W L OT Pts GF GAx-Vegas 81 50 22 9 109 269 228x-Edmonton 81 49 23 9 107 320 259x-Los Angeles 81 46 25 10 102 275 254x-Seattle 81 46 27 8 100 288 253Calgary 81 37 27 17 91 260 252 Vancouver 81 37 37 7 81 272 297 San Jose 80 22 42 16 60 231 313 Anaheim 81 23 46 12 58 206 333 NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for overtime loss. Top three teams in each di vision and two wild cards per conference advance to playoffs.x-clinched playoff spot y-clinched divisionz-clinched conference Tuesday’s Games Carolina 4, Detroit 1New Jersey 6, Buffalo 2Philadelphia 4, Columbus 3, OTBoston 5, Washington 2Toronto 4, Tampa Bay 3Chicago 5, Pittsburgh 2Winnipeg 3, Minnesota 1Edmonton 2, Colorado 1, OTVegas 4, Seattle 1Vancouver 3, Anaheim 2 Wednesday’s Games N.Y. Islanders 4, Montreal 2Dallas 5, St. Louis 2San Jose at Calgary Thursday’s Games Boston at Montreal, 7 p.m.Carolina at Florida, 7 p.m.Detroit at Tampa Bay, 7 p.m.New Jersey at Washington, 7 p.m.Ottawa at Buffalo, 7 p.m.Pittsburgh at Columbus, 7 p.m.Toronto at N.Y. Rangers, 7 p.m.Minnesota at Nashville, 8 p.m.St. Louis at Dallas, 8 p.m.Winnipeg at Colorado, 8 p.m.Philadelphia at Chicago, 8:30 p.m.San Jose at Edmonton, 9 p.m.Los Angeles at Anaheim, 10 p.m.Vancouver at Arizona, 10 p.m.Vegas at Seattle, 10:30 p.m. NBA Tuesday’s Games Atlanta 116, Miami 105 (Eastern Confer ence Play-in Round)L.A. Lakers 108, Minnesota 102, OT (West ern Conference Play-in Round) Wednesday’s Games Chicago 109, Toronto 105 (Eastern Confer ence Play-in Round)Oklahoma City at New Orleans, (Western Conference Play-in Round) Thursday’s Games No games scheduled. Friday’s Games No games scheduled. Saturday’s Games Brooklyn at Phila., 1 p.m. (Playoffs, Game 1)Atlanta at Boston, 3:30 p.m. (Playoffs, Game 1)New York at Cleveland, 6 p.m. (Playoffs, Game 1)Golden State at Sacramento, 8:30 p.m. (Playoffs, Game 1) TRANSACTION BASEBALL Major League Baseball American League CHICAGO WHITE SOX — Signed RHP Daniel Ponce de Leon to a minor league contract.DETROIT TIGERS — Placed RHP Matt Man ning on the 15-day IL. Recalled 3B Tyler Nevin from Toledo (IL).LOS ANGELES ANGELS — Reinstated RHP Griffin Canning from the 15-day IL. Optioned RHP Andrew Wantz to Salt Lake (PCL).MINNESOTA TWINS — Recalled INF Edouard Julien from St. Paul (IL).OAKLAND ATHLETICS — Placed RHP Do mingo Acevedo on the 15-day IL, retroactive to April 11. Recalled RHP Chad Smith from Las Vegas (PCL). Sent RHP Drew Rucinski to Las Vegas (PCL) on a rehab assignment.SEATTLE MARINERS — Selected the con tract of RHP Darren McCaughan from Ta coma (PCL). Optioned RHP Jose Rodriguez to Tacoma. Designated LHP Brennan Ber nardino for assignment.TEXAS RANGERS — Placed SS Corey Sea ger on the 10-day IL. Reinstated OF Leody Taveras from the 10-day IL. National League ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS — Reinstated RHP Scott McGough from the paternity list. Optioned RHP Carlos Vargas to Reno (PCL). Sent LHP Joe Mantiply to Amarillo (TL) on a rehab assignment.CHICAGO CUBS — Agreed to terms with OF Ian Happ on a three-year contract ex tension.COLORADO ROCKIES — Placed RHP Ger man Marquez on the 15-day IL, retroactive to April 11. Recalled INF/OF Nolan Jones from Albuquerque (PCL).NEW YORK METS — Named Katie Haas ex ecutive vice president, ballpark operations and experience.SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS — Selected the contract of INF/OF Darin Ruf from Sacra mento (PCL). Optioned RHP Sean Hjelle to Sacramento. FOOTBALL National Football League CAROLINA PANTHERS — Signed CB Eric MLB 1 p.m. (SUN): Boston Red Sox at Tampa Bay Rays 1 p.m. (MLBN): Boston Red Sox at Tampa Bay Rays or Oakland Athletics at Baltimore Orioles7 p.m. (MLBN): Minnesota Twins at New York Yankees or Detroit Tigers at Toronto Blue Jays10 p.m. (MLBN): Milwaukee Brewers at San Diego Padres or Pittsburgh Pirates at St. Louis Cardinals COLLEGE BASEBALL 7 p.m. (ACC): Miami at North Carolina 7 p.m. (SEC): Kentucky at LSU 8 p.m. (ESPNU): Missouri at Texas A&M GOLF 2 p.m. (GOLF): PGA Tour RBC Heritage, First Round 7 p.m. (GOLF): LPGA Tour LOTTE Championship, Second Round WOMEN’S COLLEGE GYMNASTICS 3 p.m. (ESPN2): NCAA Championships Afternoon Session 9 p.m. (ESPN2): NCAA Championships Evening Session HOCKEY 1:30 p.m. (NHL): 2023 IIHF Women’s World Champion ship United States vs. TBA. Quarterfinal5 p.m. (NHL): 2023 IIHF Women’s World Championship Canada vs. TBA. Quarterfinal NHL 7 p.m. (SUN): Detroit Red Wings at Tampa Bay Lightning 8 p.m. (ESPN): St. Louis Blues at Dallas Stars 10:30 p.m. (ESPN): Vegas Golden Knights at Seattle Kraken SOCCER 10 p.m. (FS1): CONCACAF Champions League – Tigres UANL vs. Motagua. Quarterfinal, 2nd Leg TENNIS 8 a.m. (BSF): 2023 Monte-Carlo Masters ATP Round of 16 FLAG FOOTBALL 6:45 p.m.: The Villages at Citrus BOYS VOLLEYBALL 6 p.m.: West Port at Seven Rivers BASEBALL 6:30 p.m.: Citrus at Dunnellon 7 p.m.: Cypress Creek at Lecanto SOFTBALL 6 p.m.: Lecanto at Citrus 7 p.m.: Springstead at Crystal River ON THE AIRWAVES PREP CALENDAR LOTTERY NUMBERS POWERBALL Monday, April 10, 2023 9-10-36-46-52-14-x2 Next Jackpot: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 $202 MILLIONMEGA MILLIONS Tuesday, April 11, 2023 31-35-53-54-55-24-x3 Winning Numbers Next Jackpot: Friday, April 14, 2023 $476 MILLIONLOTTO Saturday, April 8, 2023 1-3-9-34-35-42 Next Jackpot: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 $26.25 MILLIONCASH 4 LIFE Tuesday, April 11, 2023 1-14-30-45-49-4 Winning Numbers Top Prize: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 $1,000/DAY FOR LIFEJACKPOT TRIPLE PLAY Tuesday, April 11, 2023 1-3-9-17-27-46 Winning Numbers Next Jackpot: Friday, April 14, 2023 $1.45 MILLION CASH POPWednesday, April 12, 2023 Morning -12 Wednesday, April 12, 2023 Matinee -9 Tuesday, April 11, 2023 Afternoon -10 Tuesday, April 11, 2023 Evening -8 Tuesday, April 11, 2023 Late Night -6 FANTASY 5 Wednesday, April 12, 2023 Midday -6-11-14-23-32 Tuesday, April 11, 2023 Evening -13-15-22-30-36PICK 5 Wednesday, April 12, 2023 9-2-1-7-7 5 Tuesday, April 11, 2023 2-5-4-0-1 1PICK 4 Wednesday, April 12, 2023 4-7-2-7 5 Tuesday, April 11, 2023 6-1-1-0 1PICK 3Wednesday, April 12, 2023 2-2-6 5 Tuesday, April 11, 2023 0-0-2 1 PICK 2Wednesday, April 12, 2023 7-6 5 Tuesday, April 11, 2023 4-6 1 what the coaches told me in the practices coming into the meet. The goal was to score the most points as possible. Things went really well,” she said. “I would say I’m most happy with javelin. At the beginning of the season is when I got my best mark and I haven’t been able to work back up to that the rest of the sea son. So I’m glad I’m able to go into districts feeling good about that.” Speaking of districts, Grey said she plans to do all four eld events there as well. “We’re allowed to do four so I will do all four at districts most likely. We have two weeks to prepare for districts, so I’m excit ed to see how I can im prove in those two weeks and make it to regionals, hopefully.” The other GC8 cham pion from the county in the girls’ meet was Kasey Strom of Crystal River, with a toss of 101-1 in the discus. The Pirate also took third in the shot put with a toss of 27-10 3 / 4 . Lecanto freshman Mack enzie Dum took silver in the three distance events, with a time of 2:49.88 in the 800, 6:14.75 in the 1,600 and 13:48.86 in the 3,200. Teammate Mal lory Mushlit also took runner-up honors in three events. She had a time of 17.36 in the 100 hurdles, 1:17.31 in the 400 hurdles and a leap of 6-6 3 / 4 in the pole vault. Other top-three nish ers from Citrus County were the Lecanto 4x800 relay team, second in 11:44.65; the Crystal Riv er 4x400 relay team, third in 5:16.08; Mackenzi Grey of Lecanto, second in the long jump with a leap of 14-6 and third in the triple jump with an effort of 30-4 1 / 4 ; Nevaeh Beauchamp of Crystal River, second in the shot put with a heave of 28-0; Lauren Brady of Lecanto, second in the discus with a toss of 90-11; Bailee Einspahr of Crystal River, second in the javelin with a toss of 97-1; and Randi Bartram of Lecanto, third in the javelin with an ef fort of 83-7.Tobin races to GC8 doubleCitrus freshman Miles Tobin was very pleased with his winning times of 4:56.28 in the 1,600 and 10:17.42 in the 3,200. He won the 1,600 by 12 sec onds and the 3,200 by 42 seconds. “I felt pretty good. I did my best and that’s all I can ask for,” he said. “I ran about a 4:55, 4:56 for the mile which is close to my best time without anyone ahead of me. My PR is when people were ahead of me.” Tobin wasn’t pushed from behind in either race, so he had to push himself. “I just have to hear my times and go by my times. If my times are a little slow I just have to pick it up and keep moving,” he said. “I do feel like I’m peaking and getting at my peak right at districts, which I’m glad about. Hoping to make it to regionals, at least.” Teammates Logan Shaw (5:08.27) and Evan Tobin (5:09.13) followed Miles Tobin to the nish line in the 1,600, while Evan Tobin also took second in the 3,200 in 10:59.47. Hurricane Luke Martone won the 800 in 2:07.75, to give the Hurricanes the distance races sweep. Miles Tobin said hav ing such a strong distance program helps everyone. “It just helps a lot. We have people to pace with during workouts and just push each other the whole time,” he said. Another double-win ner from the county was Lecanto’s Darius Gainer, with winning leaps of 21-1 1 / 4 in the long jump and 41-8 1 / 2 in the triple jump. Also striking gold in the boys’ meet were the Citrus 4x800 relay team in 8:44.94, the Lecan to 4x400 relay team in 3:39.57, Logan Feuston of Lecanto with a toss of 124-6 in the javelin, Burke Malmberg of Le canto with a heave of 48-4 3 / 4 in the shot put and Le canto’s Morgan Resch with a height of 11-11 3 / 4 in the pole vault. Other top-three medal ists from Citrus County were the Lecanto 4x100 relay team, third in 47.82; Tez Joseph of Lecanto, second in the 400 in 53.98 and second in the triple jump with a leap of 39-3; Sho DeGroot of Lecanto, third in the 800 in 2:13.04; Donovan Foster of Le canto, third in the 200 in 23.39 and third in the tri ple jump with an effort of 38-11; Lane Komara of Crystal River, second in the javelin in 12-2; Malm berg, third in the dis cus with a toss of 103-4; Feuston, third in the high jump with a leap of 5-9 3 / 4 ; and Jonathan Recta of Lecanto, third in the pole vault with an effort of 10-6. GC8From page B1 MATT PFIFFNER / Sports editor Darius Gainer of Lecanto leaps to victory in the triple jump Wednesday at the GC8 meet. Gainer also won the long jump earlier in the day. MATT PFIFFNER / Sports editor In the boys’ 800-meter run Wednesday at the GC8 meet, Luke Martone of Citrus, left, leads Sho DeGroot of Lecanto, middle, and Springstead’s Andre Brittain Jr. Martone would win the race, followed by Britain and DeGroot. By IAN HARRISON Associated Press TORONTO — Zach LaVine scored 39 points, DeMar DeRozan had 23 against his former team and the Chicago Bulls over came a 19-point decit to beat the Toronto Raptors 109-105 in a play-in tour nament game Wednesday night. The Bulls will visit the Miami Heat on Friday night for the chance to earn the eighth seed in the Eastern Conference playoff bracket, and a rst-round playoff matchup with Gi annis Antetokounmpo and the Milwaukee Bucks. Nikola Vucevic had 14 points and 13 rebounds for the Bulls, who trailed 66-47 in the third quarter but took the lead by making four of seven attempts from 3-point range in the fourth. Chicago shot 3 for 19 from distance through the rst three quarters. Fred VanVleet had 26 points and 12 rebounds and Pascal Siakam scored 32 points, but Toronto’s sea son ended in disappoint ment as the Raptors – with DeRozan’s daughter, Diar, screaming when they shot – went a dismal 18 for 36 at the free throw line. Toronto missed six attempts from the line in the fourth quarter. Scottie Barnes had 19 points and 10 rebounds for the Raptors, and O.G. Anunoby scored 13 points.LaVine scores 39, Bulls beat Raptors 109-105 in play-in game seed Alexandria Lagness of team champion Weeki Wa chee, 6-0, 6-1, on Tuesday to reach the title match. It was a little closer Wednesday, but Long still prevailed over top seed Valentina Vega-Diaz of Hernando, 7-5, 6-3. “I never thought it was go ing to happen. I only started playing high school tennis last year. To win a tourna ment like this with all the other schools is crazy,” Long said. “She was my rst match the entire season and we’re always really close and level. Playing with her, I knew it was going to be hard. “My coach gave me con dence. From the other wins I had she thought I could do it today.” Crystal River had another nalist in No. 4 singles play er Lilyanna Rodriguez. After a pair of victories Tuesday, the Pirate was defeated in Wednesday’s title match 6-3, 6-2 by Olivia Shields of Wee ki Wachee. The third nalist from the county was Malena Hamil ton of Citrus in No. 1 singles. The Hurricane junior won her rst match Tuesday in come back fashion in a third-set tiebreaker and then knocked off No. 1 seed Emma Algor of Crystal River, 6-3, 6-3. In Wednesday’s championship match to decide the auto matic state qualier, Ham ilton was defeated 6-3, 6-1 by Morgan Maeder of Weeki Wachee. “She has improved a lot since ninth grade and I am excited to watch her play even better next year,” Citrus head coach Lita Stanton said. “This was her rst time mak ing it to the championship round in singles as No. 1 but I am condent it won’t be her last if she continues putting in the work.” The Pirates nished the tournament with seven points, just on the outside of a top-two nish and trip to re gionals. Weeki Wachee won the title, while Hernando and Central were still battling for second going into the dou bles seminals and nals Wednesday afternoon. Citrus nished with four points. “We’ll keep our No. 1 and 2 and our No. 4. And we have some other girls in the line up we’re working on. We’ll come back,” Crystal River head coach Sandra Story said. “And these other teams will as well. We kind of all reloaded at the same time.” Algor and Rylee Elwell were both seeded No. 1 in their singles brackets but lost their seminal matches Tues day. They came back as a No. 1 doubles team Wednesday and took on top-seeded Her nando. The Pirates dropped the rst set, but rallied to take the sec ond and force a third-set tie breaker. The Leopards never trailed in the tiebreaker and ran off the nal ve points to advance to the nals, 6-2, 3-6, 10-4. “Both those girls were seeded No. 1 as singles play ers, like they should have been. They were disappoint ed yesterday, but came back hard to try and do this today,” coach Story said of Algor and Elwell. “So I’m disap pointed for them, but they’re young. Just work for next year.” DISTRICTFrom page B1 Rowe.JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS — Released WR Willie Johnson.LAS VEGAS RAIDERS — Released P Julian Diaz and WR Isaiah Zuber.PITTSBURGH STEELERS — Released LB Jamir Jones. Signed DT Armon Watts.
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 13, 2023 B5A & P Theater kid’s future rests on a curtain callDEAR AMY: I am a major theater kid! I love everything about the theater. In 2020, I won a regional award from my production of “Guys and Dolls” (I was Sarah). This was right before COVID hit. In 2021, I started to do the school plays at my high school. I got some decent roles, but none as big as the ones I got before. At our school’s show for “The Sound of Music” (I was Marta) a casting agent came to our play to cast people for an off-Broad-way play. I didn’t hear much about it and thought no one got picked. A few days later one of my friends told me they picked seven kids from our pro-duction. I was devastated, as I have been performing all my life, and thought I was re-ally good at it. This is even more disappointing, considering it is my junior year and I’m consid-ering going to a college for theater. Should I quit? – Supporting Role Sadness DEAR SUPPORTING ROLE: To respond, I’m turning to an expert, my friend Mo Rocca. Mo is a grown-up theater kid who is a sought-after actor on television and had a leading role in “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” on Broad-way. (Check out his great podcast, “Mo-bituaries.”) Here’s Mo’s answer to you:“You’re only getting started. If your career is a two-act musical, you’re still in the overture. Heck, the horns are just warming up – and we the audience are ex-cited for what’s to come. “Here’s the thing about casting that’s both reassuring and (yes) frustrating: There’s little you can do if you’re just not right for a part. “I’m tall and skinny and so I’m never going to be cast as a sumo wrestler. On the bright side, when I audition for Bert the chimney sweep in a production of “Mary Poppins,” I know I’ll have a leg up on any sumo wrestler who might go out for the role. All of this is to say that if you’ve got talent, your day will come. You just gotta stick it out. (The great Angela Lansbury was almost 40 when she was in her rst musical.) To be clear, there will be disappointments along the way – most auditions don’t work out – but try to use those expe-riences to make you a better actor. One day you may play Liesl in “The Sound of Music” and you’ll have to act disappointed when you nd out that Rolf is a Nazi. Now go out there and break a leg! (And apologies to all the musical-loving sumo wrestlers out there. I meant no offense.) I’ll be rooting for you from an aisle seat (I have long legs).” I’d add to Mo’s response that these experiences in the theater – both the triumphs and the disappointments – will set you up beautifully for almost anything else you may pursue in life. On its own, partici-pating in live theater (even as an audience member) will bring you many experienc-es of joyful inspiration. DEAR AMY: For a while now, I’ve had an issue where I start to explain something or ask a question, but the other person jumps in and gives me an answer that has noth-ing to do with my query. I try to speak plainly and provide only relevant information, but it’s like people only hear the rst ve words and jump in to shut me off. This happens with store clerks, relatives, coworkers, etc. It feels like I spend so much time saying, “That wasn’t my question …!” What do I have to do to get people to listen to me? – Please Just Let Me Talk DEAR TALK: If this happens regularly with a speci c individual, then you might ask the other person why this dynamic persists. They might tell you something about your own behavior that you aren’t aware of, for instance if your voice trails off at the end of a sentence, or if you “up-talk.” More likely, this behavior is a re ection of how rude and impatient the rest of us have become. If/when you are interrupted, perhaps you could also interrupt to say, “You’ve interrupted me; could you please wait un-til I’ve nished?” DEAR AMY: Count me as one more reader who appreciated your response to “Try-ing Not to Judge, the writer who was very much judging and blaming obese people for being fat. Trying should stop judging and thank their lucky stars not to be saddled with this huge challenge. – Been There DEAR BEEN THERE: I agree! Thank you. A CROSS 1 Timid around others 4 Sabal __; )ORULGD·VVWDWHtrees 9 CBS drama series 13 Part of every wk.15 “__ and his money are soon parted” 16 As __ as pie17 Business rating website 18 Money, slangily19 Mouse catcher20 Dawdlers22 Actress Daly23 “Be __ as it may…” 24 Hurry26 Gives a speech29 Termite34 Sire children35 Smoothing appliances %ULW·VUHVWURRP37 Still snoozing38 Fork part39 Move about erratically 40 Guys41 Pencil sharpener part 42 Within reach43 Modifying45 Brief rainfall46 Fitness center47 Egg on48 Unexceptional51 Be the perfect example of 56 Bangkok native57 Ballot caster58 __ up; absorb60 Engine additives61 Item of value62 __ off; left suddenly 63 Sonnet or limerick 64 Starring roles65 Devious DOWN 1 Hog haven 2 Green & gray 3 Sh out 4 South American plains 5 Underway6 __-alikes; twins7 Internal spy8 Cutting prices drastically 9 Love seat 10 Cautious11 As sturdy __ oak12 Blood __; AB negative, e.g. 14 Like a dalmatian21 Sharpen25 “__ Impossible”; Perry Como song 7UXPS·V predecessor 27 Renegade28 GEICO employee 29 Mistaken30 Sound the horn31 Give permission to 32 Clamor33 Carrier35 Asian nation 3 8 Ancient 39 Bouquet arranger41 Bawl42 Buddy44 Conceit45 Baseball & tennis47 Trusty horse48 Say no more&OHYHODQG·VSODFH 50 Business deal 52 Prepare for a selfie 53 “__ Living”; 198082 ABC sitcom $QLPDOORYHUV· tourist stops 55 __ Grey tea59 C minor or A major © 2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved.Created by Jacqueline E. Mathews 4/13/23Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved 4/13/23 (Answers tomorrow) DIRTY FLEET NINETY SQUALL
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 13, 2023 B7 Email: Website: To place an ad, call (352) 563-5966 Pets Real Estate CarsHelp Wanted SAR002800 ANNOUNCEMENTS ElderlyMother&Family lookingforhouseormobile hometorent/rentoptiontobuy inCitrusCounty Callafter10am352-364-2143 orRelator352-512-2894 HomeImprovement /Service D on'tPayForCoveredHome R epairsAgain!AmericanResi dentialWarrantycoversALL M AJORSYSTEMSANDAPP LIANCES.30DAYRISK F REE/$100OFFPOPULAR PLANS. 877-351-2364 IBUY,jewelry,silver,gold, paintings,instruments, records,antiques,coins, watches&MORE! 352-454-0068 Inneedofahandymanforrepairsaroundmyhomeand someonetechsavytoassist withtheinternetnotworking properlyonmycellphone. Call 352.453.6991 STOPMANATEE EXPLOITATION! Swimmingwith manateesisNOT eco-tourism DoNOTbuythelie! FOLLOWUS! WANTED ForeignorAmericanclassic cars,nonrunningok,unusual sportscarstopurchase. Samedaycashpayout!! Call352.529.0233 TODAYÂ’S NEW ADS KENSINGTON ESTATES SATURDAY4/158am-? 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Part of what we do is no matter what, we have the same mentality out there.” In addition to swinging tor rid bats, the pitching and de fense have been superb, too, with No. 3 and No. 4 starters Jeffrey Springs and Drew Rasmussen each winning twice and posting 13 score less innings over their rst two outings. McClanahan, a rst-time All-Star a year ago, is 3-0 with a 1.59 ERA through three starts, while offseason acquisition Zach Ein (2-0, 3.27) has been impressive after signing a $40 million, three-year contract – the largest the budget-minded Rays have ever awarded in free agency. Ein was placed on the injured list Tuesday with back tightness. That group has thrived even without star right-hander Ty ler Glasnow, who has been sidelined by a left oblique strain since spring training. Ein and rookie reliever Kevin Kelly were the only new faces on the open ing-day roster, so itÂ’s not surprising that pieces have come together quickly. “This is incredible base ball that weÂ’re playing,” said second baseman Brandon Lowe, whose eighth-inning homer beat Boston 1-0 on Monday night. “We gotta keep it up.” That wonÂ’t be easy, espe cially in the rugged AL East, where the defending divi sion champion Yankees and young, talented Toronto Blue Jays once again are expected to contend for playoff berths. Tampa Bay won its rst nine games against the last-place Tigers, Nationals and AÂ’s, who were a combined 8-22 entering Tuesday night. Regardless of the competi tion, though, winning 10 in a row at any point in a season is difcult to do. Offensively, Lowe and 22-year-old shortstop Wan der Franco are off to strong starts after being hampered by injuries for much of 2022. Randy Arozarena, Harold Ramirez, Yandy DÃaz, Man uel Margot and Josh Lowe have been key contributors, too, as the Rays thrive on timely production through out a lineup that lost defen sive whiz Kevin Kiermaier, rst baseman Ji-Man Choi and catcher Mike Zunino from last season. Brandon Lowe noted the offense is producing much the way the Rays felt it could once all the key components recovered from injuries. “ItÂ’s just nice to see it all come together,” Lowe said. “TheyÂ’re doing something that hasnÂ’t been done in quite some time. We should be proud of that,” Cash said. “The good thing about this club is, they win, they enjoy it and ... theyÂ’re ready (to play) the next day. They hold themselves to a high stan dard and want to be ready to go.” The Rays also know itÂ’s early. “It feels nice to get in here and celebrate. ... But, you know, we are, what, 16 per cent done with the season, something like that,” reliever Pete Fairbanks said. Three of the six previ ous teams to begin at least 10-0 missed the postseason, so the hot start is certain ly no guarantee of October success. “So, thereÂ’s a lot of base ball to play, and I donÂ’t think we should ride too high or get too low after anything thatÂ’s happening in the rst 10 days of March and April,” Fairbanks added. “But it is a lot of fun to go out there and see what the guys on the offensive side are doing and then to watch our (pitchers) roll out our stuff.” STARTFrom page B1 stopped an 0-for-28 slide with an RBI double in a two-run fth that cut the decit to 6-3. Christian Bethancourt, who entered 2 for 19, got his second hit of the game with an RBI double during a two-run fth that put Tampa Bay ahead 8-3.TrainerÂ’s roomRays: RHP Tyler Glasnow (left oblique) is throwing off a mound.Up nextRays LHP Jeffrey Springs (1-0) and Boston RHP Co rey Kluber (0-2) are Thurs dayÂ’s scheduled starters. RAYSFrom page B1
B8 Thursday, April 13, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle 50059891 rnr rnr rn $599 $399 n $599  SERVINGCENTRALFLORIDAFOR10YEARS $30SERVICECALLrnn  PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DIRECTORY Bob'sDISCARDED LawnMowerService «FREEPICK-UP« 352-637-1225 ResidentialLawn MowerRepair Over20yearsofexperiencein CitrusCounty BobAlbert 352-422-0804 JEFF'S CLEANUP/HAULING Cleanouts/Dumpruns, BrushRemoval. Lic./Ins.352-584-5374 M&LHousekeeping PetorHouseSitting servicesalsoavail References-FreeEstimates 352.464.0115 NEEDNEWFLOORING? CallEmpireToday®to scheduleaFREEin-home estimateon Carpeting&Flooring. CallToday!855-919-2509 PressureWashing,int./ext., paverrepair,pooldecks& More/ FREEestimates Lic'd&Insr'd 352-464-7982 ROB'SMASONRY &CONCRETE Driveways,tearouts,tractor work/Lic#1476 352-726-6554 SMITTYS APPLIANCEREPAIR 352-564-8179 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DIRECTORY TILEWORK ******** KITCHENBACKSPLASH SPECIALIST/ Glass,Marble, Ceramic,Tile,Etc.-7yrsExp., Text/Call (706)502-5689 WANTED ALLCARS,TRUCKS,SUVs, RV's/Upto$1,000& MORE!!!-FREETOWING (352)342-7037 WHITEDIAMOND PRESSUREWASHING Registered&Insured 352-364-1372 HANDYMAN A-1CompleteRepairs Pres.Wash,Painting(Int/Ext), DrywallRepair,25yrs,Ref, Lic#39765, 352-513-5746 AFFORDABLEHANDYMAN ‡ FAST ‡ 100%Guarantee ‡ AFFORDABLE ‡ RELIABLE ‡ FreeEstimates 352-257-9508 AFFORDABLEHANDYMAN ‡ FAST ‡ 100%Guarantee ‡ AFFORDABLE ‡ RELIABLE ‡ FreeEstimates 352-257-9508 ANDREWJOEHL HANDYMAN Gen.Maint/Repairs PressureCleaning 0256271 ‡ 352-465-9201 HANDYMAN FENCING ******** CITRUSHANDYMAN SERVICES&FENCING Wehaveourbusinesslicense, $2mil.liabilityInsurance,& StateCertification. BeSafe! FairPricing.FREEEstimate 352-400-6016 RON&MINDY'S JUNKREMOVAL& HANDYMANSERVICE lic'd&insr'd352-601-1895 ALLHOME IMPROVEMENTS Repairs-Remodels FloorstoCeilings Lic/Ins352-537-4144 PRESSUREWASH: Homes, Mobiles,PoolCages,COOL SEAL... + HANDYMAN. CallStewart352-201-2169 VETERANOWNED PROFESSIONAL Handyman Kitchen,Bathroom,Tile&Light Construction.Lic/InsFree Estimates,352-422-4639 LAWN AND TREE SERVICES A-ChristianWeinkein TreeService-TrimmingRemovalFREEEst., 18yrsexp.Lic./Ins. 352-257-8319/LeaveMsg LAWN AND TREE SERVICES A ACE TreeCare *BucketTruck TractorWork 637-9008 Lic&InsVet/Srdisc AACTIONTREE (352)302-2815 Professional Arborist ServingCitrus 30yrs. Licensed&Insured ATREESURGEON ProudlyservingCitrusCounty Since2001.Licensed/Insured Lowestrates!FREEestimate 352-860-1452 AFFORDABLELAWN CARE & CLEANUPS . Startingat$20.WEDO ITALL!352-563-9824 CLAYPOOL'S TreeService Licensed/Insured 352-201-7313 Forstumps: 352-201-7323 STUMPGRINDING CHEAP,16"Stump$30 CallRich352-789-2894 LAWN AND TREE SERVICES Angie'sTreeTrim &Gardening StumpGrinding>Bush Hoggin>SmallTreeTrims& InstallsDonewithoutthe damagingheavyequipment. Licensed&Insured 352-699-0550 D&RTREE LAWN&LANDSCAPE SERVICES-Lot&Land Lic&Ins352.302.5641 LawnSprinklers Installation&ServiceRepairs Brian970.278.0939 SKILLED TRADES ALEX'SFLOORING Home,Commercial&RV Installations&Repairs LVP-12millwearlayer100% waterproof/petfriendly startingat4.75sqftinstalled 30yrsexp-Lic/Ins. 352.458.5050-786.286.1163 CARPENTRY&MOBILE HOMEREPAIR&DECKS 30yrsExperience,Hourly Rates. 352-220-4638 SKILLED TRADES FREEESTIMATE/ 30YEARSEXPERIENCE. Lic#CCC057537 352-563-0411 REMODELS, PANELUPGRADES, LIGHTINGFIXTURES, SERVICEandREPAIR 352-746-1606 Roofs,Soffit&FasciaRepairs Bo'sQualityRoofing at 352.501.1663 SCREENREPAIRS Pools,ScreenRms,Vinyl Windows&Lanai's,Freeest. Lic/Ins Mike352-989-7702 ROOFING WHYREPLACEIT,IF ICANFIXIT? GarySpicer352.228.4500 Sameownersince1987 ROOF Leaks,Repairs, Coatings&Maintenance License#CC-C058189 OTHER SERVICES PAINTING A-1CompleteRepairs Pres.Wash,Painting(Int/Ext) 25yrs,Ref,Lic#39765, 352-513-5746 PurintonHomeServices forallyour housekeepingneeds 12yrsexpFreeEstimate CallWanda352.423.8354 Services Directory EMPLOYMENT Experienced Plumbers StartingPay$25/hr 4/10Monday/Thursday LocalCitrus& HernandoCounty Musthave: -experienceintrac homeplumbing -1strough -2ndrough -ValidDriversLicense SteveSmithPlumbing Call352.302.6073or sendresumeto LEADPRESS OPERATOR FULL-TIME OurcentralofficeisinCrystalRiver,FLprinting newspapersthatserve Citrus,Sumter,Marionand LevyCounties. Musthaveaminimum5yrs exp.runningaGossCommunity/DGM430printing press.Thisisanightshift position,fourdaysperweek. Weofferanexcellentbenefitspackageincludinghealth, life,dental,eyecare,401K, paidvacationsandholidays. Applyinpersonor sendresumeto: CitrusCountyChronicle Attn.TomFeeney 1624NMeadowcrestBlvd. CrystalRiver,FL34429 Office352-563-3275or Fax#352-563-5665 PETS DOGCARRIER PetMateUltra,large,28"Lx 15"Wx21.5"D.Taupe/black $60 352-613-0529 FOUNDFEMALETABBYCAT Foundaveryyoungfemale tabbycatinInvernessnearthe VFWon44 352-419-3730 FREECATAngel 5yearoldcattogoodhome. FREE206-496-4700 UseItchNoMore®Shampoo ondogs&catstorelieve irritationfromflea&grass allergies:eliminatedoggy odor.AtTractorSupply®. ( PETS Westley islookingforhisFOREVER HOME!Wesleybarelymadeit outalivefromtheBainbridge shelterhewaslivinginfor2 years.Westleyisa3yearold blackmouthcurmixand weighs61lbs.Heisneutered, microchippedanduptodate withshots.Heispottytrained andcratetrained.Heisdog, catandkidfriendly.Heisa totalsweetheartandloves everyonehemeets.Ifyouare interestedinmeetingthis sweetheart,pleasego toourwebsiteat andcompletean applicationorcontact Deana at 813-928-3991 Backgroundcheck,reference andvetcheckswillbe completedpriortomeeting. FARM CHICKENBROODERLAMP CLAMP With10"Reflector,6'cord,and 2RedBulbs $25 352-621-7586 HANGINGWILDFLOWER POTw/Dahlia&Zinnia incoconutshells,$10ea. 352-746-4160 LOOFAHSEEDS Togrowyourownloofah sponges $3.00 352-746-4160 SAGOPALMS(PUS) babyplants,$5ea., 352-746-4160 SEEDS MultiColoredannualseeds $3perbag. 352-746-4160 MERCHANDISE 2MIRRORS Plasticframes20x50&wood frame38.5x24.5 $15each 352-344-9391 20"ElectricMower Usew/extensioncord$10 231-534-0018 24ft.FiberglassExtension Ladder type1A$150 717-421-3051 3WREATHS Grapevine/Woven/Twine $5 352-726-1882 360-DEGREETURBO SCRUBBER $15 352-726-1882 65"VizioT.V. GoodCondition$50 352-232-7527 7Piecesettingw/ Sangostonedishes oven&dishwashersafe $30 352-422-4802 8PieceFourCrownChina w/6martinglasses$35 352-422-4802 AGamecalledRummy-o Inacasealltogether Excellentcondition$8 352-220-1692 ANTIQUESILVER COMB/BRUSH/MIRRORSET $75.352-560-3019 BCIWalkInTubs arenowonSALE!Beoneof thefirst50callersandsave $1,500!CALL 888-687-0415 forafree in-homeconsultation. ANTONIOMELANI DESIGNERBRUSHED LEATHERPURSE $50.00 352-560-3019 MERCHANDISE WEBUYANTIQUES &VINTAGEITEMS ...PedalCars,Toys,Bicycles, CastIron,Pyrex,OldTools, MilitaryItems(Knives,Bayonets...),BBGuns,OldMetal Signs,Fenton,Lladro ... $CASH$ CallforInfo. Jim352-219-4134 Sheila352-219-1862 Back2Life Therapistmotion machinewithbooklet&DVD $25352.726.1882 BIRDCAGE Olderstyle2doors,dometop, 4ftHx17inW $100OBO,865.201.6579 BlackVelvetPants LizClairborneSize12, $20 352-513-5339 BOXESOFLADIES JEWELRY 4itemsperbox $10perbox. 352-726-1882 CHANDELIER 6lights,frostedglobes, $40352-560-3019 CHARCOALGRILL W/COVER Rarelyused-Includesbriquettes&starterfluid. Greatcond./Hardlyused $30 314-791-6789TextOnly CONAIROptiCleanPower PlaqueRemover Rechargeable,NEWINBOX $25OBO (352)410-8262 or(732)857-5120 COOKIEJAR CeramicPenguin $10 352-586-4576 COOKIEJAR CeramicSchoolhouse. 7"x9"x10" $20 352-586-4576 COOKIEJAR CeramicvintageMcCoy RockingHorse$20 callortext 352-586-4576 Women'sDenimClothing Designer,Large/Xlarge,Jackets,VestsJeans,&Dresses, NeworWornOnce,$10-20/ea. 352-410-8262 or732-857-5120 DesignerClothes BlouseNEWSizeL$10 352-513-5339 Dressw/BoleroJacketTop New,Size12,Sellingfor$25 352-513-5339 DUSTCOVER foraC-4Corvette $50 352.563.9810 ELECTRICSKILLET 5QT12innonstick $30352.726.1882 ELECTRICSKILLET Dashfamilysizeelectric skilletwithglasstop $30352.726.1882 EXTENSIONLADDER 28ft.,alum.,goodcond. $90; 352-254-0425 Phonecallsonly FINECHINA-PORCELAIN madeinJapan 14pieces, $35 AskforBill 352-503-9200 MERCHANDISE Full50GallonTank DieselorGas hashose,Polytank $150 864-247-6395 GUITARAMPLIFIER CRATE-Model#DX15R Likenewcondition. $65 352-621-7586 HOOVER 3in1vacum/mop $35352.726.1882 IRONMANTIRE SingleIronmanTire 22550ZR18 Asking$50 352-549-0603 JewelryCabinet 3.5ft.high,1.5ftwide, 8Drawers,2side,topopento mirror$45 352-220-1692 JewelryforSale GoodJewelrynotcostume. Ifinterestedgivemeacall 352-229-2319 JonesNewYork 2PieceSuit New,Size14,Chocolate Brown,$40 352-513-5339 KewpieDoll $20obo 352-422-1467 LADDER 3stepfoldingladder, verystrong,$22OBO 352-382-3280 LOOSEJEWELRY Cameobracelet/necklace $3 352-726-1882 Macy'sAlfani SuitTrousers&Skirt New,Size12,$40 352-513-5339 MAGAZINEHOLDER Brasswithhandle $10 352-726-1882 MITERSAW Ryobi10"mitersaww/laser. New,unused, inunopenedbox. $100 352-586-0469 NEW RECHARGEABLE TOOTHBRUSH INTERPLAK Inbox$10 727-247-3025 NorthFaceJacket Oliveblackw/hood,sizeM, Newneverbeenworn, Tag$85,selling $50 352-422-4802 Bob'sDISCARDED LawnMowerService «FREEPICK-UP« 352-637-1225 PRINTERTONER BrotherCompatibleToner CartridgeTN450 9Available $5each 352-586-4576 SEQUENTIAL COMPRESSIONDEVICE CircuFlow.Model5150with smallleggings.Usedverylittle. $50 352-302-3463 SILKFLOWERS $1-$3OBO 352-726-1882 SUVCarCover O riginallypurchasedfora201 6 NissanJukecrossoversuv $100obo 352-419-5723 T.V.TRAYS 3T.V.Trayswithholder $20 352-560-3019 TEAPOT Ceramic.Vintage.Wildwest catwithguns.Textforpic. $60 352-586-4576 TONERCARTRIDGE BrotherTN-550BrandNew, stillinoriginalbox$30 352-613-0529 WedgwoodEnglish BoneChina SenatorPattern,12placesettings,8pieceseach$1,200 352-613-6317 MERCHANDISE UPDATEYOURHOME with B eautifulNewBlinds& S hades.FREEin-home e stimatesmakeitconvenient t oshopfromhome. P rofessionalinstallation.Top q uality-MadeintheUSA.Call f orfreeconsultation: 866-6361910 .Askaboutourspecials! WET/DRYVACAUTO 12-Voltattachmentincluded $10 352-726-1882 APPLIANCES BissellBaglessVacuum barelyused,runsgreat PowerForce$30 352-560-3019 BLENDER RedHamiltonBeach$25 352.726.1882 CHARBROILEDGRILL 5BURNERWITHASIDE BURNERNEVERBEEN USED..$95.00 727-698-9582 COMMERCIALMIXER GLOBESP20Commercial 20QuartPlanetaryMixer AllAccessoriesincluded! ExcellentCond.!$1100OBO 352-212-4622LeaveMsg ElectricRange 4prongsupplycable$25 352-341-0302 SMITTYS APPLIANCEREPAIR 352-564-8179 APPLIANCES WASHER&DRYER Maytagbrand,white,good workingcondition. PICKUPONLY. $125forboth.Picturesavail. Pleasetext 321-750-6203 FURNITURE 2MatchingSofas VeryPretty,ColorfulFloral, Comfortable,excellentcondition,$275eachor$525both 239-691-2993 5PCPATIOFURNITURE Toudewickersetwithglass toppedtable.Likenew $150845-701-6023 AIRMATTRESS OZARKTRAILbrand fullsize,greatforcompany $40 865-201-6579 BathroomMirror 34"x40"bracketsincluded$15 352-613-6317 BLACKLSHAPEDDESK WITHOFFICECHAIR ASKINGPRICE$55.00 727-698-9582 BoxSpring&Mattress Excellentcondition,Double wide,togoodtothrowout Free 352-247-4491 CURIOCABINET 82"Hx40"Wx13"Dwith shelves-Whitewashed$100 352-613-0529 KingMattress VeryCleanCondition,8"thick, Highquality$1,500OBO 352-209-3177 or516-769-2136 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT SURELIFEARMBLOOD PRESSUREMONITOR MACHINEBRANDNEW $20 352-410-8262 or732-857-5120 INVERSIONTABLE $60352.726.1882
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 13, 2023 B9 CLASSIFIEDS Your Hometown Agents HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY .. NickKleftis .. NOWisthetimeto considerlistingyourhome, inventoryisdownand buyersareready. Callmefora FREEMarketAnalysis. Cell:352-270-1032 Office:352-726-6668 email: BETTYJ.POWELL Realtor "Yoursuccessismygoal... Makingfriendsalongtheway ismyreward!" BUYINGORSELLING? 352.422.6417 352.726.5855 E-Mail: DEB THOMPSON *Onecallawayforyour buyingandsellingneeds. *Realtorthatyoucanrefer toyourfamilyandfriends. *Servicewithasmile sevendaysaweek.ParsleyRealEstate DebThompson 352-634-2656 TIMETOBUY ORSELL YOURMOBILE InALeasedLandPark? CALL LORELIELEBRUN LicensedRealtor&Mobile HomeBroker Century21 NatureCoast, 835NEHighway19, CrystalRiverFl. 352-613-3988 HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY FRANKJ.YUELLING,JR. Lic.RealEstateBroker VETERANOWNED Callmeifyouare lookingto buyorsellyourhome orvacantlot, residentialorcommercial. Over30yearsexperience. Cell:352-212-5222 GARY&KAREN BAXLEY GRIRealtors YourChristianRealtor connectiontoyour nexttransaction 352-212-4678Gary352-212-3937Karen TropicShoresRealty Idonotstrivetobethe#1 AgentinCitrusCounty.I strivetomakeYOU#1 DOUGLASLINDSEY REALTOR 352.212.7056 ServingCitrusCounty forover18years. Ourofficecoversallof CITRUSandPINELLAS Counties! **FREE** MarketAnalysis PLANTATIONREALTY LISAVANDEBOE BROKER(R)OWNER 352-634-0129 www.plantation HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY Iputthe REAL in REALESTATE! JIMTHE"REAL" MCCOY I'mattentiveto yourrealestate needs! CALL&GET RESULTS! (352)232-8971 LaWanda Watt Thinkingofselling? Inventoryisdown andweneedlistings!! Callmefora FreeMarketAnalysis! 352-212-1989 Century21J.W.Morton RealEstate,Inc. MakingRealty DreamsaReality Mypassionandcommitment istohelpyoumake yourRealEstatedreams cometrue. CALLME forallyour RealEstateneeds!! LandmarkRealty KimberlyRetzer DirectLine 352-634-2904 38Clientsservedin2022 8.3 MILLION inSales 40yearsintheBusiness MayIhelpyounext? CALL(352)302-8046 DebInfantine-Realtor TropicShoresRealty HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY MICHELEROSE Realtor "Simplyput I'llworkharder" 352-212-5097 isellcitruscounty CravenRealty,Inc. 352-726-1515 MikeCzerwinski Specializingin *GOPHERTORTOISE SURVEYS&RELOCATIONS *WETLANDSETBACKLINES *ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS MichaelG.Czerwinski,P.A ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 352-249-1012 30+Yrs.Experience NADEENEHORAK Broker/Owner Serving Buyers&Sellers WaterfrontProperties Residential&VacantLand SUGARMILLWOODS AGENTONLY Sellers&Buyers FRUSTRATED? NEEDINGHELP? CALLME,NOW. HelloI'm WayneCormier KeyOne 352-422-0751 "Haveagreatday andGodBless" HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY PickJeanne Pickrelforall yourReal Estateneeds! CertifiedResidential Specialist. GraduateofReal EstateInstitute. 352-212-3410 Callfora FREE MarketAnalysis. Century21JWMorton RealEstateInc. Debra"Debbie"Cleary Professional Representation IstheKEYtoSuccess! PROVENPRODUCER! MeadowcrestSpecialist ServingALLofCitrusCounty (352)601-6664 TROPICSHORESREALTY SharonMiddleton Whetherbuyingorselling, contactmetoday. "It'sYOURMOVE!" Over38yrsofexperience asarealestatebrokerin bothNYandFL.Putmy experience,knowledge,and professionalismtoworkfor you!You'llbegladyoudid! Freehomemarketanalysis. Cell:518-755-3232 TropicShoresRealty HOME SERVICES DIRECTORY Century21JWMorton RealEstate,Inc StefanStuart Realtor 352.212.0211 Honest Experienced HardWorking ForAwardWinning CustomerServicecontact THINKINGOFSELLING YOURHOME? LETMY25YEARSOF EXPERIENCEHELPYOU SELLYOURHOME! EXPERIENCECOUNTS! CALLMETODAYFORALL YOURREALESTATE NEEDS! *FreeHomeMarketAnalysis MARTHASATHER Realtor (352)212-3929 TropicShoresRealty Unique&HistoricHomes, CommercialWaterfront& Land SMALLTOWNCOUNTRY LIFESTYLEOUR SPECIALTYSINCE1989 "LETUSFINDYOU AVIEWTOLOVE" (352)726-6644 CrosslandRealty Inc. Unique&HistoricHomes, CommercialWaterfront& Land SMALLTOWNCOUNTRY LIFESTYLEOUR SPECIALTYSINCE1989 "LETUSFINDYOU AVIEWTOLOVE" (352)726-6644 CrosslandRealty Inc. MEDICAL EQUIPMENT DrHo'sten'sunit Neverusedstillinbox $30352.726.1882 EQUATESHOWER&BATH CHAIR blackw/back,newin box,neverbeenopened,$30 352-410-8262 FannyPack forINOGENOneG4Portable OxygenConcentrators Brandnewstillinpackage $45727-247-3025 NewRaptorMobilityScooter paid$5,300,offeringonlyfor $2,500obo 352-513-5234 PAIROFALUMINUM CRUTCHES $10 352-726-1882 PRIDEGOCHAIR ElectricWheelchair $275FIRM Seriousinquiresonly 352.382.0772 ROVERKNEECYCLE withmanual$25 352.726.1882 TOILETSEATCHAIR $10 352-726-1882 SPORTING GOODS 20in.MongooseBike $45 864-247-6395 BOATOAR Alum.,$30.00 352-560-3019 SPORTING GOODS BICYCLES 2MoboTritonBikesKidsupto 200lbs.Excellentcond. $150 352-419-9119 BowlingBallBags 3BallBag$502BallBag$301BallBag$20 352-245-4233 INABOVEPOOLLADDER $20 352-560-3019 REDPHILIPSBIKE MadeinEngland usedfordisplayonly $85OBO 865-201-6579 SPORTINGGOODS 2SmallBikesfor$90.00 352-220-4695 STATIONARYSKIER $10, 352-422-4802 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT RoomforRent Privatebath,nopets,no smoking$595 Call 352-476-3598 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CRYSTALRIVER 3/2/1locatedinTropic Terrace$1,600permonth first-last-security smallpetwithonetimefee of$500backgroundcheck 352.453.7432 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 10210NSabreDrive CITRUSSPRINGS$315K Bigpool,largeeatinkitchen, familyroom,2large bedrooms,2cargarage& RVParking, NOHOA . Grandbeautyw/newroof in2016&more! RealtyConnect 352.212.1446 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 8.4WOODEDACRE FORSALEBYOWNER 3Bd/3BaHome,newporches front8x20,backporch12x30 w/newscreen,newmetalroof, completelyinspected. Readytomovein! $300KCashorBestOffer Ray:(828)497-2610Local BacktoNature 38.11AcresOffasecludeddirt road.SliceofOldFlorida, beautifulpropertywithlarge o aktreesandplentyofwildlife . $350,000 352-287-2213foratour DUNNELLON NorthWilliamsSt 3000SFMOL; Commercialbuilding on.042acre **Forsaleorlease** MotivatedOwner Contact:AlIsnetto, PalmwoodRealty. 352-597-2500x202 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 2bed2bath approx.1,600sqft Recentlybeenremodeled NewAC. Formoreinfo. Call706-492-5119 HOMEFORSALE 1570W.DaturaLn.Citrus Springs,FL. 3Bed/2bath, POOL .Approx. 1/4acre,fencedinrear.Many updatestotheinterior.Allappliancesincludingwasher/dryerincluded.HVAC(2009)contractserviceyearlysinceinstallation.Roof(2006)30year shinglesandRoofMaxresurface(2023)5yearwarranty. NewhotwaterheaterandNu Leafgutterguards(2022). HomesoldASIS. $255,000.00Contactfor additionalinformation. Phone:513-767-1086 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE DAVIDKURTZ Realtor VacantLand SPECIALIST Letmehelpyou BUY,SELLOR INVEST FREE/NoObligation MARKETANALYSIS foryourproperty. Residential&Commercial Century21 J.W.MortonRealEstate, Inverness,FL34450 CELL954-383-8786 Office352-726-6668
B10 Thursday, April 13, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle CLASSIFIEDS 0504THCRN2022-0834TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2022-0834TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-4094YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26LOT5BLK1646DESCINORBK 5 96PG1452&DCINORBK841PG69 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CARLABOMBARDDEC EASED,GLADYSSBOMBARD S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0044TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0044TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7436YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: H EATHERWOODUNIT1PB8PG2LOT64BLKALESSPT D ESCINORBK768PG1524DESCINORBK895PG1731& O RBK899PG314 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DENNISRMACNEIL S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0096TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0096TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7196YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: V ILLATERUNIT11OFHOMOSASSAPB1PG52LOT13 B LK349 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GULFHWYLANDCORP, P AULADPAXTONREGISTEREDAGENTOBOGULFHWY L ANDCORP S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0109TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0109TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5329YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT45BLK27DESCINORBK663PG1037 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DENTONIILLC,JOBATHANR P OLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBODENTONIILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0120TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0120TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-3361YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT17BLK1273 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ANDREWFISKEREG ISTEREDAGENTOBOCITYFIRSTMORTGAGECORP, C ITYFIRSTMORTGAGECORP S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0005TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0005TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-6096YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C OSTA&SONINCPB5PG59LOT85 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ANNETTEGIGLIO,JOHNR E VANGELISTA,ROSEEVANGELISTA,STEVENEVANG ELISTA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0015TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0015TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5067YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: B EVERLYHILLSUNIT8PH1PB12PG147PHASE1LOT32 B LK184 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:TERRYMITTEER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0125TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0125TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5319YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2PB6PG52LOT7BLK21 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0069TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0069TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:KAIZENCOMPANIESINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-3909YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT15BLK1243 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:PETERCDURRANT S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0078TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0078TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-3932YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT10BLK1614 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CHIFUNWONG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0081TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0081TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-3878YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT13BLK1613 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CHIFUNWONG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0085TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0085TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4136YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT7BLK1273 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:TUTUINVESTMENTSLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0094TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0094TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7212YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVLGPB6PG26LOT15BLK6 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:VINCENZODIGREGORIO S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0113TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0113TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5247YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT9BLK1625 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GWYNETHAHEMMINGS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS TRANSPORTATION CARGOTRAILER 20228'X16'Arisingw/2ftV noserearrampdoorandside door110Vlights&plugsinside.Pulledlessthan800mi. LocatedinHomosassa $8,000 CallsOnly 407.705.9141 SIDEBYSIDE 2019PolarisRZR HighLifterwithmanyextras 170hours,1,153miles Local515.460.1173 WANTED ALLCARS,TRUCKS,SUVs, RVs/Upto$1,000& MORE!!!-FREETOWING (352)342-7037 UTILITYTRAILER 6x8w/18insolidsides $500 352.513.5729 BOATS 1997SPORTSCRAFTFISHM ASTER ,27ft.,new2021twi n 350VortecMtrsw/650Holly doublepumpers,includeselectronics&safetygear,etc., alum.3-axleTrailer,$28,500 Local864-247-6395 2006KEYWEST15FTFISH &SKIINGBOAT ,newseats 2Biminitops,70HP2-stoke Evenrude,w/powertrim&tilt trailerincluded,cleantitle $6500, 585-690-0449 2010TRACKERBOAT 15foot,BassProShop Tracker,35HPEvinrudeElectricStartMotor.Electrictrolling motor.CarpetedInterior,2new pedalseats.3Anchorsand1 poleanchor.Fishfinderandall lightsworking.Recentengine tuneup.Pleaseleave $4,500 352-634-1789 OUTBOARDMOTOR 2022Mercury200Horsepower 4strokew/factorywarranty Guidemotor. Approx.230Hours. $13,500 352-422-4141 PleaseText PONTOONBOAT 22ftG3SuncatcherPontoon 115HPYamahawraparound benchseats.Livewell,2 biminis,brandnewtrailer& cover.Cleanvessel$20,000 OBOsellingduetohealth 515.460.1173 CARS/SUV 2006ToyotaSequoiaLTD 4x4,navigationsystem, DVD/CD,Sunroof,3rowseati ng,rearconsoleseat,coldAC , leather&powerseats,black exteriorgrayinterior Everythingingoodcondition 159,800mi 352-293-4504 2007ChryslerCrossfire 2DoorConvertible,Garage kept,61,300mi,3.2Lengine, $11,500 Isthisyourbucketlist, I'mholdingitforyou! 352-552-3484 2014HYUNDAISONATA Inexcellentcondition,loaded, backupCamera Callformoreinformation 352-601-3225 CADILLAC Black2008DTS165,000Miles Newtires,brakes,Battery 18"ChromeRims Notnewbutnicecar 352-342-3917 CHRYSLER 2005CrossfireConvertible 28,500milesBlack withblack/whiteleather SHOWROOMCOND $15,500352.586.4315 FORD 2019MUSTANGGT HighPerformance5.0460HP 17KSpecial,Maroonincolor $50,000 Tom352-341-3803 Tires&Rims 4BridgestoneWheelsDueler H/T255/70R16tubeless, radialnitrofilledandbalanced, ford6boltrims,usedlessthan 50mi$395 352-447-2324 CLASSICS 1971PLYMOUTHDUSTER 340 /NEWTires,DeepDish CragarWheels,StreetRod, Automatic,OriginalInterior, $10,995 MUSTSELL (352)425-1434 1971PLYMOUTHDUSTER 340 /NEWTires, DeepDishCragarWheels, Sweetpaintjob, Automatic,OriginalInterior, $9,500MUSTSELL (352)425-1434 Cadillac 1987Fleetwoodd'Elegance LowMiles,NoOilLeak, Spotless. $3,800/OBO 218-260-8218 CHEVY CAMARO 1981Z28 Coupe PerfectBody,norust,no dents,4speedmunci,NEW 355ciw/450to525HP-Looks &RunsAwesome-Toomuch tolist-$25K 352-364-7229 CLASSICS 1990CHEVY LUMINA EURO,red,4-DR,good tires,rebuiltmotor, $5,000OBOasis 352-212-4622 FORD 1966T-BIRD GoodCondition! $12,000OBO (352)746-0506 MOTORCYCLES 2019HDTriGlide Blue&Gray,9,400mi Inverness,FL$32,000 Call 603-448-8643 or 603-443-1934 BushtecMotorcycleTrailer includescooler,sparetire, customweathercover $750obo352-382-7397 CANAMSPYDER 2 013LikeNewSpyderRT-LT D ChromePackageithasevery option.AutomaticTransmission,ExcellentCondition, NO Scratches,lowmiles15,000 andalwaysgaragekept.EngineSize997ExteriorBrown $14,500Callortext Todd802.233.1704 FORSALE 2016PolarisSlinghot $18,000 352-770-5097 HARLEYDAVIDSON 93HeritageSoftail MooGlide Somanyextras,tohardtolist 3setsofseats-2setsofbags Thiscanbeamoneymaker! Asking$11,000 954.242.8184 or 352.270.8908 HarleySporster2005 883Low,Excellentcondition, lowmillage,extras $4,800Firm 352-270-6142 HeavyDuty MotorcycleRack forbackofTruckorRV OEOLPLWRER TRUCKS 2003Ranger basemodel,auto, longbed,serviced $5,500 352-201-4327 Notexting 2011FordF-150XLT4D CherryRed,fewcigarette burnsonseat,lowmillage 117,398k,USBmusicinput, cruise,wiredhitch,weather techliningthroughout $15,000OBO text 352-575-3621 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 202028ft.GrandDeign TravelTrailer M odel2250RK,$29,000,pristin e condition,cleantitle,PowerTon Jack,BlueOxSwayProHitch 750bls,ExtendedWarranty Callformoreinfo. 352-287-4442 2021LightWeight TravelTrailer withExtras-$17,900 352-212-6949 D UTCHMANCOLEMA N BRANDNEW 202217fttraveltrailer Sleeps6,features WinegardAIR360antenna Lotsofstorage$15,500 352-247-0788 2002VWRIALTIA 20ft,ClassB,73Kmi,ingreat shape,readytogocamping, everythingworks,newtires,new b att.,$29,000willconsideroffers , CallInverness 352-797-1845 HURRICANERV ClassA2010Fourwinds31D Lowmileage,twoslideouts, garagekept&veryclean 352.634.1874 TravelTrailer 2021GrandDesign ImagineXLS21BHE Likenew,manyupgrades,2 bunks,queenmurphybed.Inc everythingtotow&camp. $28,000 Local828.421.6489
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 13, 2023 B11 CLASSIFIEDS FORECLOSURE 0413THCRNNOSSPECTOR INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT, INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CaseNo.:2021-CA-73 8 J OHNCLARDY,asPersonalRepresentative a ndAgentfortheESTATEOFROBERTJEROME S PECTOR, Plaintiff, v . M IRANDAJ.PARKER,Individually,etal., Defendants. NOTICEOFSALE NOTICEISHEREBYGIVEN ,pursuanttothatcertainFina l J udgmentofForeclosuredatedMarch3,2023,andenteredi n C aseNo.2021-CA-738,oftheCircuitCourtoftheFifthJudici a l C ircuit,inandforCitrusCounty,FloridainwhichJOH N C LARDY,asPersonalRepresentativeandAgentfortheES T ATEOFROBERTJEROMESPECTOR,isthePlaintiffandi n w hichMIRANDAJ.PARKER,andDWANND.McCRAY,an d J ESSICASHANICEMcFADDEN,andCITRUSCOUNTYCLER K O FCOURT,andANYANDALLUNKNOWNPARTIESCLAIM I NGBY,THROUGH,UNDERORAGAINSTTHEHEREI N N AMEDINDIVIDUALDEFENDANTSWHOARENOTKNOW N T OBEDEADORALIVE,WHETHERSAIDUNKNOW N P ARTIESMAYCLAIMANINTERESTASSPOUSE,HEIR,DE V ISEE,GRANTEESOROTHERCLAIMANTS,UNKNOW N T ENANT(S)aretheDefendants.TheOfficeofAngelaVick,Cler k o ftheCircuitCourtwillofferforsaleandwillselltothehig hes t a ndbestbidderforcashbyelectronicsalebeginningat1 0:0 0 A .M.onApril20,2023 atwww.citrus.realforeclose.comthefol l owingdescribedrealpropertyassetforthintheSummaryFin a l J udgment: C OMMENCEATTHESOUTHEASTCORNEROFSECTION31 , T OWNSHIP17SOUTH,RANGE20EAST,CITRUSCOUNTY , F LORIDA,SAIDPOINTSALSOBEINGNORTHEAS T C ORNEROFSECTION6,TOWNSHIP18SOUTH,RANGE2 0 E AST,THENCESOUTH00°39'20"EASTALONGTHEEAS T L INEOFSAIDSECTION6,ADISTANCEOF1661.91FEETT O A POINTONTHECENTERLINEOFTSALAAPOPKAOUT F ALLCANAL,THENCESOUTH56°09'56"WESTALON G S AIDCENTERLINEADISTANCEOF538.28FEETTO A P OINTONTHEEASTRIGHT-OF-WAYLINEOFA50FOO T W IDEACCESSROADASDESCRIBEDINOFFICIALRE C ORDSBOOK221,PAGE415TO418,PUBLICRECORD S O FCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA,THENCEALONGSAI D E ASTRIGHT-OF-WAYLINETHEFOLLOWINGCOURSE S A NDDISTANCES:NORTH24°56'22"WEST617.48FEET , T HENCENORTH33°25'25"WEST192.02FEETTOTH E P OINTOFBEGINNING,SAIDPOINTBEINGTHEMOS T W ESTERLYCORNEROFUNRECORDEDMORTON'SSUBDI V ISION,THENCECONTINUENORTH33°25'25"WES T A LONGSAIDRIGHT-OF-WAYLINEADISTANCEOF191.0 3 F EET,THENCELEAVINGSAIDRIGHT-OF-WAYLINENORT H 4 4°05'35"EAST515.85FEET,THENCESOUTH37°03'56 " E AST299.39FEETTOAPOINTONTHENORTHWESTERL Y B OUNDARYOFSAIDUNRECORDEDMORTON'SSUBDIVI S ION,THENCESOUTH56°09'56"WESTALONGSAI D N ORTHWESTERLYBOUNDARYANDPARALLELTOTH E C ENTERLINEOFSAIDCANALADISTANCEOF 5 22.69FEETTOAPOINTOFBEGINNING,BEINGLOT12O F A NUNRECORDEDSUBDIVISION.TOGETHERWITHA N E ASEMENTOVERANDACROSSTHEFOLLOWINGDE S CRIBEDLAND:ASTRIPOFLAND30FEETWIDE,LYING1 5 F EETONEACHSIDEOFTHEFOLLOWINGDESCRIBE D C ENTERLINE:COMMENCEATTHESOUTHEASTCORNE R O FSECTION31,TOWNSHIP17SOUTH,RANGE20EAST , T HENCENORTH00°09'11"WESTALONGTHEEASTLIN E O FSECTION31,ADISTANCEOF192.32FEETTOAPOIN T O NTHECENTERLINEOFTHETSALAAPOPKAOUTFAL L C ANAL,THENCENORTH45°54'25"WESTALONGSAI D C ENTERLINEADISTANCEOF878.42FEETTOAPOINTO N T HENORTHLINEOFTHESOUTH800FEETOFTHESOUTH E AST1/4OFSAIDSECTION31,THENCENORTH89°40'48 " W ESTALONGSAIDNORTHLINEADISTANCEOF1589.1 4 F EETTOTHEPOINTOFBEGINNING,THENCESOUT H 8 9°40'48"EASTALONGSAIDNORTHLINEADISTANCEO F 7 94.11FEET,THENCESOUTH45°54'25"EASTPARALLE L T OSAIDCENTERLINE,ADISTANCEOF2766.72FEETTO A P OINTONTHENORTHWESTERLYRIGHT-OF-WAYLINEO F S AIDCANAL,SAIDPOINTBEINGONACURVE,CON C AVEDWESTERLYHAVINGACENTRALANGLEO F 1 02°04'21"ANDARADIUSOF350FEETANDTHEENDO F T HISCENTERLINEDESCRIPTION. A ND A STRIPOFLAND30FEETWIDELYING15FEETONEAC H S IDEOFTHEFOLLOWINGDESCRIBEDCENTERLINE:COM M ENCEATTHENORTHEASTCORNEROFSECTION6 , T OWNSHIP18SOUTH,RANGE20EAST,THENCESOUT H 0 0°39'20"EASTALONGTHEEASTLINEOFSAIDSECTIO N 6 ,ADISTANCEOF1651.91FEETTOAPOINTONTHE C ENTERLINEOFTHETSALAAPOPKAOUTFALLCANAL , T HENCESOUTH56°09'56"WESTALONGSAIDCENTER L INEADISTANCEOF538.28FEETTOAPOINTONTH E E ASTRIGHTOF-WAYLINEOFA50FOOTWIDEACCES S R OADASDESCRIBEDINOFFICIALRECORDSBOOK221 , P AGES415TO 4 18,PUBLICRECORDSOFCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA , T HENCENORTH24°56'22"WESTALONGSAIDRIGHT O FWAYLINEADISTANCEOF617.48FEET,THENC E N ORTH33°25'25"WESTALONGSAIDRIGHT-OF-WAYLIN E A DISTANCEOF207.02FEETTOTHEPOINTOFBEGIN N ING,SAIDPOINTBEING15FEETFROM,MEASUREDA T T HERIGHTANGLETO,THENORTHWESTERLYLINEOFA N U NRECORDEDMORTON'SSUBDIVISION,THENCELEAV I NGSAIDRIGHT-OF-WAYLINENORTH56°09'56"EAS T P ARALLELTOSAIDNORTHWESTERLYLINEADISTANC E O F1067.37FEETTOTHEENDOFTHISCENTERLINEDE S CRIPTION P ropertyAddress:6495N.NatureTrail,Hernando,FL34442 T HEREMAYBEADDITIONALMONEYFROMTHESAL E A FTERPAYMENTOFPERSONSWHOAREENTITLEDTOB E P AIDFROMTHESALEPROCEEDSPURSUANTTOTHISFI N ALJUDGMENT.IFYOUAREASUBORDINATELIENHOLD E RCLAIMINGARIGHTTOFUNDSREMAININGAFTERTH E S ALE,YOUMUSTFILEACLAIMWITHTHECLERKN O L ATERTHAN60DAYSAFTERTHESALE.IFYOUFAILT O F ILEACLAIM,YOUWILLNOTBEENTITLEDTOANYRE M AININGFUNDS. STEVEND.FICHTMAN,ESQ . FLBar#:001430 2 LawOfficeofStevenD.Fichtman,Esq . P.O.Box429 0 HomosassaSprings,F L (352)364-911 2 m m m ATTORNEYFORPLAINTIF F PublishedMarch23&30,2023andApril6&13,2023. 0420THCRNNOFSPOSILA22-00872 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHE5THJUDICIALCIRCUIT,IN ANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILDIVISIO N CASENO.2022CA000796 A W ILMINGTONSAVINGSFUNDSOCIETY,FSB,NOTINDI V IDUALLYBUTSOLELYASTRUSTEEFORFINANCEO F A MERICASTRUCTUREDSECURITIESACQUISITIONTRUS T 2 019-HB1, Plaintiff, v s. D ENNISE.POSILA;DENNISE.POSILA,ASTRUSTEEO F T HEDENNISE.&LINDAM.POSILAREVOCABLETRUST , D ATEDJUNE22ND,2011;UNITEDSTATESOFAMERICA , A CTINGONBEHALFOFTHESECRETARYOFHOUSIN G A NDURBANDEVELOPMENT;FAIRVIEWESTATESOFCIT R USHILLSPROPERTYOWNERS'ASSOCIATION,INC. ; G OODLEAP,LLC;UNKNOWNPERSON(S)INPOSSESSIO N O FTHESUBJECTPROPERTY, Defendant(s) NOTICEOFFORECLOSURESALE N OTICEISHEREBYGIVENpursuanttoaFinalJudgmento f F oreclosurefiledMarch2,2023andenteredinCaseNo.202 2 C A000796A,oftheCircuitCourtofthe5thJudicialCircuiti n a ndforCITRUSCounty,Florida,whereinWILMINGTONSAV I NGSFUNDSOCIETY,FSB,NOTINDIVIDUALLYBUTSOLEL Y A STRUSTEEFORFINANCEOFAMERICASTRUCTUREDSE C URITIESACQUISITIONTRUST2019-HB1isPlaintiffan d D ENNISE.POSILA;DENNISE.POSILA,ASTRUSTEEO F T HEDENNISE.&LINDAM.POSILAREVOCABLETRUST , D ATEDJUNE22ND,2011;UNKNOWNPERSON(S)INPOS S ESSIONOFTHESUBJECTPROPERTY;UNITEDSTATE S O FAMERICA,ACTINGONBEHALFOFTHESECRETARYO F H OUSINGANDURBANDEVELOPMENT;FAIRVIEWES T ATESOFCITRUSHILLSPROPERTYOWNERS'ASSOCI A TION,INC.;GOODLEAP,LLC;aredefendants.ANGELAVICK , t heClerkoftheCircuitCourt,willselltothehighestandbes tbid d erforcashBYELECTRONICSALEAT : W WW.CITRUS.REALFORECLOSE.COM,at 10:00A.M.,o n M ay4,2023 ,thefollowingdescribedpropertyassetforthinsai d F inalJudgment,towit: L OT02,BLOCKLOFFAIRVIEWESTATES,ACCORDINGT O T HEPLATRECORDEDINPLATBOOK12,PAGES49TO8 0 I NCLUSIVEOFTHEPUBLICRECORDSOFCITRU S C OUNTY,FLORIDA. A nypersonclaiminganinterestinthesurplusfromthesale,i f a ny,otherthanthepropertyownerasofthedateofthelispen d ensmustfileaclaimbeforetheClerkreportsthesurplusasu n c laimed. Datedthis4thdayofApril2023. /s/MarcGranger,Esq . Bar.No.:14687 0 Kahane&Associates,P.A . 1619NW136thAvenue,SuiteD-22 0 Sunrise,Florida3332 3 Telephone:(954)382-348 6 Telefacsimile:(954)382-538 0 m T hisnoticeisprovidedpursuanttoAdministrativeOrde r N o.2.065. I naccordancewiththeAmericanswithDisabilitiesAct,ifyo uar e a personwithadisabilitywhoneedsanyaccommodationinor d ertoparticipateinthisproceeding,youareentitled,atnocostt o y ou,toprovisionsofcertainassistance.Pleasecontactthe Cour t A dministratorat110N.ApopkaAvenue,Inverness,Fl34450 4 299,PhoneNo.(352)341-6700within2workingdaysofyourre c eiptofthisnoticeorpleading;ifyouarehearingimpaired, call1 8 00-955-8771(TDD);ifyouarevoiceimpaired,call1-800-99 5 8 770(V)(ViaFloridaRelayServices)orDial711. PublishedApril13&20,2023 0420THCRNNOSMENZIES22-325901 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILDIVISION Case#:2022CA000183 A R ocketMortgage,LLCf/k/aQuickenLoans,LLCf/k/aQuicke n L oansInc. Plaintiff, vs.K athleenA.Menziesa/k/aKathleenA.MedeirosasPersona l R epresentativeoftheEstateofKaraAnnMenziesa/k/aKaraA . M enziesa/k/aKaraMenzies;KathleenA.Menziesa/k/aKath l eenA.Medeiros;PaulD.Menzies;UnknownSpouseofKath l eenA.Menziesa/k/aKathleenA.Medeiros;UnknownSpouseo f P aulD.Menzies;AquaFinance,Inc.;UnknownPartiesinPos s ession#1,ifliving,andallUnknownPartiesclaimingby , t hrough,underandagainsttheabovenamedDefendant(s);Un k nownPartiesinPossession#2,ifliving,andallUnknow n P artiesclaimingby,through,underandagainsttheabovenam e d D efendant(s) Defendant(s). NOTICEOFSALE NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENpursuanttoorderreschedulin g f oreclosuresaleorFinalJudgment,enteredinCivilCaseNo . 2 022CA000183AoftheCircuitCourtofthe5thJudicialCircui t i nandforCitrusCounty,Florida,whereinRocketMortgage,L L C f /k/aQuickenLoans,LLCf/k/aQuickenLoansInc.,Plaintiff an d K athleenA.Menziesa/k/aKathleenA.MedeirosasPersona l R epresentativeoftheEstateofKaraAnnMenziesa/k/aKaraA . M enziesa/k/aKaraMenziesaredefendant(s),I,ClerkofCour t , A ngelaVick,willselltothehighestandbestbidderforcashB Y E LECTRONICSALEBEGINNINGAT10:00A.M.ONTHEPRE S CRIBEDDATEAT Ma y 4 ,2023 ,thefollowingdescribedpropertyassetforthinsaidFi n alJudgment,to-wit: C OMMENCEATTHEMOSTWESTERLYCORNEROFBLOC K 4 9A,BEVERLYHILLSUNITNUMBERFOUR,ASRECORDE D I NPLATBOOK5,PAGES130THROUGH132,PUBLICRE C ORDSOFCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA,THENCENORTH3 9 D EGREESEASTALONGTHENORTHWESTERLYLINEO F S AIDBLOCK49AADISTANCEOF112.50FEETTOTH E P OINTOFBEGINNING,THENCECONTINUENORTH39DE G REESEASTALONGSAIDNORTHWESTERLYLINEADIS T ANCEOF112.50FEET;THENCESOUTH51DEGREE S E AST75FEET,THENCESOUTH39DEGREESWESTPARAL L ELTOSAIDNORTHWESTERLYLINEADISTANCEO F 1 12.50FEET,THENCENORTH51DEGREESWEST75FEE T T OTHEPOINTOFBEGINNING. S UBJECTTOA15FOOTWIDEEASEMENTALONGTH E S OUTHWESTERLYBOUNDARYTHEREOFFORROADRIGH T O FWAY. S UBJECTTOA5FOOTWIDEEASEMENTALONGTH E N ORTHEASTERLYANDSOUTHEASTERLYBOUNDARIE S T HEREOFFORUTILITIES. B EINGLOT8OFANUNRECORDEDSUBDIVISIONOF A P ORTIONOFBLOCK49A. A NYPERSONCLAIMINGANINTERESTINTHESURPLU S F ROMTHESALE,IFANY,OTHERTHANTHEPROPERT Y O WNERASOFTHEDATEOFTHELISPENDENSMUSTFIL E A CLAIMNOLATERTHANTHEDATETHATTHECLERKRE P ORTSTHEFUNDSASUNCLAIMED. I fyouareapersonwithadisabilitywhoneedsanyaccom m odationinordertoparticipateinthisproceeding,youar e e ntitled,atnocosttoyou,totheprovisionofcertainassist a nce.PleasecontacttheADACoordinator;110NorthApop k aStreet,Inverness,Florida34450;(352)341-6700atleast 7 d aysbeforeyourscheduledcourtappearance,orimmedi a telyuponreceivingthisnotificationofthetimebeforeth e s cheduledappearanceislessthan7days.Ifyouarehear i ngorvoiceimpaired,call711. PublishedApril13&20,2023 FORECLOSURE 0420THCRNNOAROSE THECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CIVILACTION CASENO.:22CA78 5 N EWVISTAPROPERTIES,INC., a FloridaCorporation, Plaintiff, v s. F AYROSE,herdevisees,grantees,creditors,andallothe r p artiesclaimingby,through,underoragainstherandallun k nownnaturalpersons,ifaliveandifnowknowntobeoralive , t heirseveralandrespectivespouses,heirs,devisees,gran tees , a ndothercreditorsorotherpartiesclaimingby,though,oru nde r t hoseunknownnaturalpersonsandtheirseveralunknownas s igns,successorsininteresttrustees,oranyotherperson s c laimingbythrough,underoragainstanycorporationorothe r l egalentitynamedasadefendantandallclaimants,personso r p artiesnaturalorcorporatewhoseexactstatusisunknown , c laimingunderanyoftheabovenamedordescribeddefendant s o rpartieswhoareclaimingtohaveanyright,titleorinteres ti n a ndtothelandshereafterdescribed;andUNKNOWNSPOUS E O FFAYROSE, Defendants. NOTICEOFACTIONCONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE-PROPERTY T O:FAYROSE,herdevisees,grantees,creditors,andallothe r p artiesclaimingby,through,underoragainstherandallun k nownnaturalpersons,ifaliveandifnowknowntobeoralive , t heirseveralandrespectivespouses,heirs,devisees,gran tees , a ndothercreditorsorotherpartiesclaimingby,though,oru nde r t hoseunknownnaturalpersonsandtheirseveralunknownas s igns,successorsininteresttrustees,oranyotherperson s c laimingbythrough,underoragainstanycorporationorothe r l egalentitynamedasadefendantandallclaimants,personso r p artiesnaturalorcorporatewhoseexactstatusisunknown , c laimingunderanyoftheabovenamedordescribeddefendant s o rpartieswhoareclaimingtohaveanyright,titleorinteres ti n a ndtothelandshereafterdescribed;andUNKNOWNSPOUS E O FFAYROSE: YOUAREHEREBYNOTIFIEDthatanactiontoforecloseo n t hefollowingdescribedpropertyinCitrusCounty,Florida: L ot10,Block1438,CitrusSpringsUnit21,accordingtoth e m aporplatthereof,asrecordedinPlatBook7,Pages7 3 t hrough83,inclusive,ofthePublicRecordsofCitru s C ounty,Florida h asbeenfiledagainstyouandyouarerequiredtoserveacop y o fyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitonAlbertJ.Tiseo,Jr. , P laintiff ‹ sattorneywhoseaddressisGoldman,Tiseo&Sturges , P .A.,701JCCenterCourt,Suite3,PortCharlotte,Florida33 954 , t hirty(30)daysafterthefirstpublicationdate,andfileth eorigina l w iththeClerkofthisCourteitherbeforeserviceonPlaintif f'sat t orneyorimmediatelythereafter;otherwiseadefaultwillb e e nteredagainstyouforthereliefdemandedintheComplaint . WITNESSmyhandandsealofthisCourt April6, 2023. ANGELAVIC K CLERKOFTHECOUR T { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/AmandaSerrato s DeputyCler k PublishedonApril13&20,2023 FORECLOSURE 0420THCRNNOABRANDONBROWN INTHECOUNTYCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTYINTHESTATEOFFLORIDA CaseNo:2023-CC-11 3 A NGELAVICK,ASCITRUSCOUNTYCLERKOFCOURTAN D C OMPTROLLER, Plaintiff, v . J OED.BROWN;APRILMARIEBROWN,Individuallyanda s L egalGuardianforKEGANBROWN;RISKFREEREFUND , L LC;THERECOVERYAGENTS,LLC;andBRANDONBROWN , Defendants. NOTICEOFACTION T O:BRANDONBROWN,lastknownaddress:225NorthVer n onStreet,Apt.9,Herscher,IL60941 ,allpartiesclaimingin t erestsby,through,underoragainstthem. Y OUARENOTIFIEDthatanactionhasbeenbroughtagains t y ouforInterpleaderinCitrusCounty,Florida. T hisactionisrelatingtooverbidfundsintheamounto f $ 15,338.99resultingfromthetaxdeedsaleoftherealproper ty , f urtherdescribedbelow,onoraroundJuly13,2022andrefer e ncedasTaxDeed#2021-0191TD. R ealProperty:2690ECenterSt,Inverness,FL34453,Parce l I D19E19S030020000E00080,andLegalDescriptionHILL T OPVLGPB5PG42LOT8BLKE. Y ouarerequiredtoserveacopyofyourwrittendefensestoit, i f a ny,onCITRUSCOUNTYCLERKOFCOURTANDCOMP T ROLLER,whoseaddressisc/oKeithTaylorLawGroup,P.A. , P .O.Box2016,LecantoFL,34460,within30daysofthe1stpub l icationdate,andfiletheoriginalwiththeClerkofthisCou rta t C itrusCountyClerkoftheCourt,110N.ApopkaAvenue,In v erness,FL34450,beforeserviceonPlaintifforimmediatel y t hereafter. Ifyoufailtodoso,adefaultmaybeentere d a gainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthecomplaint. C opiesofallcourtdocumentsinthiscase,includingorders , a reavailableattheCitrusCountyClerkoftheCircuitCourt ‹ s o ffice.Youmayreviewthesedocumentsuponrequest. W ITNESSmyhandandsealoftheCourtonthe27thdayo f M ARCH,2023. ANGELAVIC K CLERKOFCOUR T { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/AmyHolme s DeputyCler k P ublishedintheCitrusCountyChronicleonMarch30 , 2 023;andApril6,2023;andApril13,2023;andApril20 , 2023. TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0114TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0114TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7679YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: H AZELTONSHILLUNRECSUBLOT7BLKDDESCAS C OMMATSWCORNOFNW1/4OFNW1/4OF25-19-17,THS 8 9DEG44M45SEALSLNOFSDNW1/4OFNW1/4520.59 F T,THN0DEG00M55SE500FT,THS89DEG44M45SE P ARATOSDSLN465FTTHS0DEG00M55SW80FTTO P OB,THS0DEG00M55SW80FT,THN89DEG44M45SW P ARATOSDSLN120FT,THN0DEG00M55SE80FT,TH S 89DEG44M45SEPARATOSDSLN120FTTOPOB D ESCINORBK1262PG2041&ORBK1829PG1434 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GERARDSTJEAN,MYRNA B AUDIN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0022TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0022TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9727YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: G REENACRESADD2PB5PG34LOT6OFLOT62:COM A TTHENWCOROFLOT62THS0DEG20M39SWALW L NOFSDLOT62444.11FTTOTHEPOBTHS0DEG20M 3 9SWALSDWLN100FTTHN88DEG22M41SE311.83 F TTOPTONELNOFSDLOT62THN0DEG21M15SEAL S DELN100FTTHS88DEG22M41SW311.85FTTOPOB T ITLEINORBK874PG323(SURVEYINORBK873PG328) O RBK1922PG194ORBK2249PG314ORBK2484PG 1 463 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAYSONRROSIO S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0115TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0115TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-3931YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT9BLK1614 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CHIFUNWONG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023
B12 Thursday, April 13, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle CLASSIFIEDS FORECLOSURE 0420THCRNNOAJOED.BROWN INTHECOUNTYCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTYINTHESTATEOFFLORIDA CaseNo:2023-CC-11 3 A NGELAVICK,ASCITRUSCOUNTYCLERKOFCOURTAN D C OMPTROLLER, Plaintiff, v . J OED.BROWN;APRILMARIEBROWN,Individuallyanda s L egalGuardianforKEGANBROWN;RISKFREEREFUND , L LC;THERECOVERYAGENTS,LLC;andBRANDONBROWN , Defendants. NOTICEOFACTION T O:JOED.BROWN,lastknownaddress:2690ECenterSt , I nverness,FL34453 ,allpartiesclaiminginterestsby,through , u nderoragainstthem. Y OUARENOTIFIEDthatanactionhasbeenbroughtagains t y ouforInterpleaderinCitrusCounty,Florida. T hisactionisrelatingtooverbidfundsintheamounto f $ 15,338.99resultingfromthetaxdeedsaleoftherealproper ty , f urtherdescribedbelow,onoraroundJuly13,2022andrefer e ncedasTaxDeed#2021-0191TD. R ealProperty:2690ECenterSt,Inverness,FL34453,Parce l I D19E19S030020000E00080,andLegalDescriptionHILL T OPVLGPB5PG42LOT8BLKE. Y ouarerequiredtoserveacopyofyourwrittendefensestoit, i f a ny,onCITRUSCOUNTYCLERKOFCOURTANDCOMP T ROLLER,whoseaddressisc/oKeithTaylorLawGroup,P.A. , P .O.Box2016,LecantoFL,34460,within30daysofthe1stpub l icationdate,andfiletheoriginalwiththeClerkofthisCou rta t C itrusCountyClerkoftheCourt,110N.ApopkaAvenue,In v erness,FL34450,beforeserviceonPlaintifforimmediatel y t hereafter. Ifyoufailtodoso,adefaultmaybeentere d a gainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthecomplaint. C opiesofallcourtdocumentsinthiscase,includingorders , a reavailableattheCitrusCountyClerkoftheCircuitCourt ‹ s o ffice.Youmayreviewthesedocumentsuponrequest. W ITNESSmyhandandsealoftheCourtonthe27thdayo f M ARCH,2023. ANGELAVIC K CLERKOFCOUR T { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/HanoraN.Cassel s DeputyCler k P ublishedintheCitrusCountyChronicleonMarch30,2023 ; andApril6,2023;andApril13,2023;andApril20,2023. 0504THCRN2023-0035TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0035TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-8477YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: R IVERHGTSAPARCELOFLANDKNOWNASTRACT37 S ITUATEDINLOT60MOREPART'LYDESCRASFOL:COM A TTHESWCOROFSDLOT60,THN272.79ALTHEW B DRYOFSDLOT60,THN88DEG57MIN00SECE2512.38 F T,THN1DEG23MIN05SECW262.34FTFORTHEPOB, T HN42DEG58MIN05SECW115.26FT,THW'LY72.55FT T HROUGHACENTRALANGLEOF21DEG27MIN22SEC A LATANGENTCURVECONCAVETOTHESHAVINGA R ADIUSOF193.73FT,THONARADIALLINEOFSD C URVEN25DEG35MIN33SECE200FTTOAPTONA C URVECONCENTRICTOAFORESDCURVE,THE'LY 1 47.44FTTHROUGHACENTRALANGLEOF21DEG27MIN 2 2SECALSDCURVEWHICHISCONCAVETOTHES&HA S A RADIUSOF393.73FTTOAPTOFREVERSECURVE,TH E 'LY151.33FTTHROUGHACENTRALANGLEOF6DEG46 M IN56SECALAREVERSECURVECONCAVETOTHEN H AVINGARADIUSOF1278.42FT,THS57DEG44MIN00 S ECW211.98FTTOTHEPOBSUBJTOEASEOFRECORD D ESCRINORBK489PG276&DCINORBK729PG178T OGETHERWITHEASEANDRIGHTOFUSEINLOT45 R IVERHEIGHTSPB1/57INPERPETUITYFORTHEPURP OSEOFINGRESSANDEGRESSTOTHEWATERSOFTHE W ITHLACOOCHEERIVERTOGETHERWITHRIGHTTO L AUNCHANDLOADBOATSFROMRAMPLOCATEDONSD E ASEPEREASE/AGREE7-1-72ORBK329/722 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CARLWCODY,ESTATEOF C ARLWCODYAKACARLCODY,ESTATEOFCARLW C ODYAKACARLWILBURNCODYDECEASED,ESTATEOF J UNEGCODYAKAJUNESAMSCODYDECEASED,JUNEG C ODYDECEASED S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 FORECLOSURE 0504THCRNNOAYELTON INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTYFLORIDA CASENO:2023CA000536 A J OANNEM.IRVINE Plaintiff, v s. E STATEOFJAMESBERTYELTON;EMMAC.YELTON,I F L IVINGANDIFDECEASED,ANYANDALLUNKNOW N S POUSES,HEIRS,ORDEVISEES,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES , C REDITORS,LIENORSANDTRUSTEES; Defendants. NOTICEOFACTION T O: ESTATEOFJAMESBERTYELTON;EMMAC.YELTON,I F L IVINGANDIFDECEASED,ANYANDALLUNKNOW N S POUSES,HEIRS,ORDEVISEES,GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES , C REDITORS,LIENORSANDTRUSTEES, a ndallothersclaimingby,throughorunderthemandtoalloth e rswhomitmayconcern: Y OUARENOTIFIED ofanactiontoquietandconfirmtitleonth e f ollowingpropertyinCitrusCountyFlorida: P LEASANTACRESUNRECORDEDSUBDIVISION,LOT3 , B LOCKAASDESCRIBEDINOFFICIALRECORDSBOO K 5 36PAGE109. S aidactionhasbeenfiledagainstyou,andyouarerequiredt o s erveacopyofyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitonJoanneM . I rvine,Plaintiff,whoseaddressis1301S.HerculesAve.,Ap t.10 , C learwater33764onorbeforeMay13,2023,andtheorigina l w iththeClerkofthisCourteitherbeforeserviceonthePlain tiffo r i mmediatelythereafter:otherwiseadefaultwillbeentere d a gainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthecomplaintormotion . W itnessmyhandandsealofthisCourtonthis6thdayofApril , 2 023. ANGELAVIC K CLERKOFTHECIRCUITCOUR T { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/AmandaSerrato s DeputyCler k PublishedApril13,20&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0034TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0034TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7613YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L ANEVIEWUNRECSUBLOTS26,27&28DESCAS:LOT26: C OMATNWCOROFE1/4OFS1/2OFNW1/4OFSEC25,TH S 1DEG12M1SEALWLNOFE1/4387.58FT,THS89DEG 4 7M21SW1129.88FTTOPOB,THS89DEG47M21SW 1 40.83FT,THS1DEG23M45SE309.86FT,THN89DEG 4 7M21SE140.83FTTHN1DEG23M45SW309.86FTTO P OBSUBJTOEASMLOT27:COMATNWCOROFE1/4OF S 1/2OFNW1/4OFSEC25,THS1DEG12M1SEALWLN O FE1/4387.58FT,THS89DEG47M21SW1270.71FTTO P OB,THS89DEG47M21SW140.83FT,THS1DEG23M 4 5SE309.86FTTHN89DEG47M21SE140.83FTTHN1 D EG23M45SW309.86FTTOPOBSUBJTOEASMLOT 2 8:COMATNWCOROFE1/4OFS1/2OFNW1/4OFSEC 2 5,THS1DEG12M1SEALWLN387.58FT,THS89DEG 4 7M21SW1411.54FTTOPOB,THS89DEG47M21SW 1 40.83FT,THS1DEG23M45SE309.86FT,THN89DEG 4 7M21SE140.83FT,THN1DEG23M45SW309.86FTTO P OBSUBJTOEASMDESCINORBK1369PG322 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BARBARASTEINERAKA B ARBARAANNSTEINERAKABARBARAANNROODE, C HARLESSTEINER,ESTATEOFCHARLESSTEINERAKA C HARLESCLAUDESTEINERDECEASED S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0018TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0018TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SPACEONEARTHLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-10114YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C HEROKEEVILLAGEUNRECSUBLOT40:COMATSW C OROFSE1/4OFSE1/4OFSEC30-17-20THN01DEG17M 0 4SWALWLNOFSDSE1/4OFSE1/41181.98FTTOINT ERSECTIONWITHW'LYPROJECTIONOFCENTERLINEOF S QUAWCTA50FTPRIVATERDTHS88DEG08M01SEAL S DCENTERLINE350FTTOINTERSECTIONWITHAN'LY P ROJECTIONOFE'LYR/WLNOFNBEADPT50FT P RIVATERDTHS01DEG17M04SEALSDN'LYPROJECT IONANDSDE'LYR/WLNPARWITHWLNOFSE1/4OF S E1/4OFSDSEC30480.04FTTHS88DEG08M01SE250 F TTOAPTONW'LYR/WLNOFA50FTUNNAMED P RIVATERDTHN01DEG17M04SWPARWITHWLNOF S E1/4OFSE1/4379.20FTTOPOBTHCONTN01DEG17M 0 4SWALSDW'LYR/WLN75.84FTTHN88DEG08M01SW 1 25FTTHS01DEG17M04SEPARWITHSDWLNOFSE 1 /4OFSE1/475.84FTTHS88DEG08M01SE125FTTO P OBDESCINORBK1876PG675(SURVEYINORBK1876 P G674) N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:FLORIDAPJGROUPINC, J USTINBURNETTREGISTEREDAGENTOBOFLORIDAPJ G ROUPINC,KARNINEJEAN-JOSEPHREGISTEREDAGENT O BOFLORIDAPJGROUPINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0030TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0030TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5953YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: A PACHESHORESUNIT9LOTS1&2BLK32ANDBEGAT N ECOROFLOT2BLK32THGOEWITHANEXTENSION O FNBDRYOFSDLOT2,75FT,THGOSALALNPARTO E LNOFLOT2,50FT,THGOW75FTTOSECOROFLT2, T HGONTONECOROFLT2&POBDESCINORBK1056 P G2032 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:NANCYBURGESSAKA N ANCYDBURGESS,NATHANREGISTER,RICHARDREG ISTERAKARICHARDLEWISREGISTERSR S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0091TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0091TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5205YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT46BLK1 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DOROTHYDSHOEMAKER, D OROTHYDSHOEMAKERASTRUSTEEUNDERTHEPROV ISIONSOFACERTAINDECLARATIONOFTRUSTDATED T HE2NDDAYOFAUGUST1994,MEDFORDMSHOEM AKER,MEDFORDMSHOEMAKERASTRUSTEEUNDER T HEPROVISIONSOFACERTAINDECLARATIONOFTRUST D ATEDTHE2NDDAYOFAUGUST1994 S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0130TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0130TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TBINVESTMENTTRUSTFB O T ERRYBAYLISS T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9083YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L OT24BLK9:COMATNWCOROFSECTION34TOWNS HIP18SRANGE17E,THS1DEG17M3SEALWLN 1 303.26FTTOSWCOROFNW1/4OFNW1/4,THS89DEG 2 5M42SEALSLNOFNW1/4OFNW1/4150FTTOPOB,TH S 89DEG25M42SEALSLN50FT,THN1DEG17M3SW P ARTOWLN120FT,THN89DEG25M42SWPARTOSLN 5 0FT,THS1DEG17M3SEPARTOWLN120FTTOPOB N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LISALLEWIS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 MEETINGS 0413THCRNMTG4/24 NOTICE T heCitrusCountyHospitalBoardshallmeetonMonday,Apri l 2 4,2023,Monday,May22,2023,andMondayJune26,2023,a t 6 :00pm.IntheConferenceRoomoftheCitrusMemorialHospit a lBuildinglocatedat123S.PineAve.,Inverness,FL34452.T h e f ollowingwillbediscussed: ‡ ApprovalofMinutes ‡ CitrusCountyHospitalBoardFinanceReport ‡ CCHBLegal ‡ Other T hisnoticeinformsandnotifiesthepublicthatmember(s)of th e C itrusCountyCommunityCharitableFoundationwillbeinat t endanceattheCitrusCountyHospitalBoardmeetings.TheCi t r usCountyCommunityCharitableFoundationwillnotvoteo r c onductbusinessbutmayactivelyparticipateinthediscuss ion . C opiesoftheagendaareavailablebycallingtheCitrusCount y H ospitalBoardat352-341-2250.Anypersonwishingtoappea l a nydecisionmadebythisBoard,withrespecttoanymattercon s ideredatsuchmeeting,mustensurethataverbatimrecordo f t heproceedingsismade,whichrecordmustincludethetesti m onyandevidenceuponwhichtheappealistobebased. P ersonswhorequirespecialaccommodationsundertheAmeric a nwithDisabilitiesshouldcontacttheCitrusCountyHospit a l B oardOffice,123S.PineAve.,Inverness,Florida34452(352 ) 3 41-2250 PublishedApril13,2023 MISCELLANEOUS 0413THCRNPERMIT#866296DILLRESIDENCE N oticeisherebygiventhattheSouthwestFloridaWaterManag e m entDistricthasreceivedsurfaceorEnvironmentalResourc e p ermitapplicationnumber866296fromDillResidence.Appli ca t ionreceived:March6,2023.Proposedactivity:SingleFami l y R esidencewithOutbuilding(s).ProjectName:DillResidenc e . P rojectSize:5.01acres.Location:Section(s)01Township1 8 S R ange17E,inCitrusCounty.OutstandingFloridaWater:no . A quaticreserve:no.Theapplicationavailableforpublicin spec t ionMondaythroughFridayat7601U.S.Highway301North , T ampa,FL33637orthroughthe“Application&PermitSearc h T ools”functionontheDistrict ‹ swebsitea t w spec t a copyoftheapplicationandsubmitwrittencommentsconcern i ngtheapplication.Commentsmustincludethepermitapplic a t ionnumberandbereceivedwithin14daysfromthedateofthi s n otice.Ifyouwishtobenotifiedofintendedagencyactionor a n o pportunitytorequestadministrativehearingregardingth eap p lication,youmustsendawrittenrequestreferencingthepe rmi t a pplicationnumbertotheSouthwestFloridaWaterManagemen t D istrict,RegulationBureau,7601U.S.Highway301North , T ampa,33637orsubmityourrequestthroughtheDistrict ‹ sweb s inat e b asedondisability.Anyonerequiringaccommodationundert h e A DAshouldcontacttheRegulationBureauat(813)985-7481o r ( 800)836-0797,TTDonly(800)231-6103. PublishedApril13,2023 MISCELLANEOUS 0413THCRNPERMIT#868589ROCKWOODPARK N oticeisherebygiventhattheSouthwestFloridaWaterManag e m entDistricthasreceivedEnvironmentalResourcepermitap p licationnumber868589fromtheHamptonHills,LLC.Applica t ionreceived:April10,2023.Proposedactivity:Community Par k a ndsportsplex.Projectname:RockwoodParkSportsplex . P rojectsize:13.26acresLocation:Section(s)26Township1 8 S outh,Range18East,inCitrusCounty.OutstandingFloridaW a t er:No.Aquaticpreserve:No.Theapplicationisavailablef o r p ublicinspectionMondaythroughFridayat2379BroadStreet , B rooksville,FL34604-6899.Interestedpersonsmayinspect a c opyoftheapplicationandsubmitwrittencommentsconcerni n g t heapplication.Commentsmustincludethepermitapplicati o n n umberandbereceivedwithin14daysfromthedateofthisno t ice.Ifyouwishtobenotifiedofintendedagencyactionoran op p ortunitytorequestanadministrativehearingregardingth eap p lication,youmustsendawrittenrequestreferencingthepe rmi t a pplicationnumbertotheSouthwestFloridaWaterManagemen t D istrict,RegulationPerformanceManagementDepartment,2 37 9 B roadStreet,Brooksville,FL34604-6899orsubmityourrequ es t t hroughtheDistrict ‹ t rictdoesnotdiscriminatebasedondisability.Anyonerequ irin g a ccommodationundertheADAshouldcontacttheRegulatio n P erformanceManagementDepartmentat(352)796-7211o r 1 (800)423-1476,TDDonly1(800)231-6103. PublishedApril13,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0070TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0070TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5998YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: A PACHESHORESUNIT4PB4PG83LOTS33&34BLK23 T ITLEINORBK2596PG1043 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BANKOFNEWYORKMELL ONFKABANKOFNEWYORKASTRUSTEE,THEBANK O FNEWYORKMELLONFKATHEBANKOFNEWYORKAS T RUSTEEFORTHECERTIFICATEHOLDERSOFCWABS 2 005SD1ASSETBACKEDCERTIFICATESSERIES2005SD1 S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 LIENS 0413THCRNNOS4/30ARRECOVERY NOTICEOFPUBLICSALE A RRECOVERY givesnoticethaton 4/30/2023 at 09:00AM th e f ollowingvehicles(s)maybesoldbypublicsaleat 829SSUN C OASTBLVDHOMOSASSAFL34448 tosatisfythelienforth e a mountowedoneachvehicleforanyrecovery,towing,orstor a geserviceschargesandadministrativefeesallowedpursuantt o F loridastatute713.78. 1 GNCS13W4Y22955272000CHEVYBLAZERBROWN 1 N6DD26S51C3556562001NISSANFRONTIERWHITE PublishedonApril13,2023 LIENS 0413THCRNLIEN4/25NOS NOTICEOFPUBLICSALE N ATURECOASTTOWING,LLC givesnoticethatonthedate s a ndtimeslistedbelowthefollowingvehicles(s)maybesoldb y p ublicsaleat6521SSUNCOASTBLVDtosatisfythelienforth e a mountowedoneachvehicleforanyrecovery,towing,orstor a geserviceschargesandadministrativefeesallowedpursuantt o F loridastatute713.78. S aleDateApril25,2023at9:00a.m. J KAZX4P107A0231862007KAWASAKI PublishedonApril13,2023 0504THCRN2023-0051TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0051TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-8831YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: V ILLATERUNIT9OFHOMOSASSALOT30BLK294 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MARGERITAANNLARSON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 13, 2023 B13 CLASSIFIEDS 0504THCRN2023-0080TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0080TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:KINGDOMMARKETHOLDING S L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4147YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT19BLK1274 D ESCRINORBK564PG1663 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:KIRKMKNOEPFELASSUCC ESSORTRUSTEEOFTHEKNOEPFELREVOCABLEFAMI LYTRUSTDATEDAUGUST221995,KIRKMKNOEPFEL S UCCTRUSTEE,KNOEPFELREVOCFAMILYTRUST S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0121TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0121TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-8607YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: S OUTHLANDESTSPB13PG71LOT11 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BANKOFAMERICANATIONA LASSOCIATION,BARNETTBANKOFCITRUSCO, B ARNETTBANKOFCITRUSCOUNTYNA,CTCORPORAT IONSYSTEMREGISTEREDAGENTOBOBANKOFAMERI CANATIONALASSOCIATION S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0014TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0014TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-0569YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: W HISPERINGOAKSN1/2OFLOT38BLKADESCINORBK 8 31PG1579 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JOHNNYDWILLIAMSDEC EASED,PHYLLISJWILLIAMSAKAPHYLLISWILLIAMS A KAPHYLLISWILSON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0023TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0023TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-8177YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSHGLDSWESTPB5PG19LOT5BLK326 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFSHARONGOLD H ENRYAKASHARONGHENRY,ESTATEOFSHARON G OLDHENRYDECEASED,SHARONGOLDHENRYAKA S HARONGHENRY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0027TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0027TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7534YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: P ARSONSPTADDTOHERNANDOPB2PG19LOT13LESS T HEW20FT&ALLOFLOT14BLK12 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFJEANEBRELSF ORDAKAJEANELIZABETHBRELSFORDDECEASED, J EANEBRELSFORD S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0041TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0041TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7208YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: V ILLATERUNIT10OFHOMOSASSALOT9BLK344DESC I NORBK583PG2169 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DONALDGENEMORRIES, E STATEOFJOYCEANNSMITHDECEASED,JAMESA T EDDY,JOYCEANNSMITH,THERESALDOERING S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0087TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0087TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5437YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: E DENGARDENS1STADDPB3PG87LOT71LESS&EXW 5 0FTFORR/W N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:SETHISRAELREGISTERED A GENTOBOTAXCERTIFICATEREDEMPTIONSINC,TAX C ERTIFICATEREDEMPTIONSINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0024TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0024TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-8855YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNOFHOMOSASSAPB1PG6LOT4BLK141DESCR I NORBK577PG179 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BRANDONSWILSONAKA B RANDONSCOTTWILSON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0036TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0036TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9304YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: N EWHOMOSASSAVLGPB4PG92LOT52 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CAROLLUNSFORDAKA C AROLWALKER,HOWARDEDWARDLUNSFORDDEC EASED,HOWARDLUNSFORDDECEASED S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0042TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0042TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:PALLUM401KPLAN T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5353YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT27LOT5BLK1373DESCRINOR B K604PG178 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:EUGENEMOHRAKAEUG ENEVINCENTMOHRRIDILLA,EUGENEVMOHRDEC EASED,LOLINNEMOHRAKALOLINNEAPEREZ S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0045TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0045TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5371YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT9BLK38DESCRINORBK533PG1925 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LORETTARSMITH,LORE TTASMITH,ROBERTLSMITH S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0092TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0092TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5210YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT1BLK3DESCINORBK559PG471&DCINORBK905 P G276 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:TARPONIVLLC,TWJPAN F LORIDALLCREGISTEREDAGENTOBOTARPONIVLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS LEGALS 0504THCRN2023-DR-148STONE INTHECIRCUITCOURTFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUITOF FLORIDAINANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY DOMESTICRELATIONSDIVISION CASENO.2023-DR-148 I NTHEINTERESTOF: B READYNLEEWURST, ( male;d/o/b-05/18/2011), AMinorChild; B RENDASTONEandDAVIDSTONE, Petitioners, v s. S HEALYNM.BURKHOLDER, M ATHEWM.WURST,CAINE S TEVENS,andVERONICASTOVER, Respondents. NOTICEOFACTION T O: MATHEWM.WURST L astknownAddress:22HopiRoad JimThorpe,PA18229 YOUARENOTIFIEDthatanAmendedPetitionforTempor a ryCustodybyExtendedFamilyhasbeenfiledregardingth e a bove-referencedminorchild.Youarerequiredtoserveacop y o fyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitonJACKA.MORING,Flor i daBar#499160,Moring&Moring,P.A.,7655WestGulftoLak e H ighway,Suite12,CrystalRiver,Florida34429,theattorne yfo r t hePetitioners,onorbeforeMay14,2023andfiletheorigina l w iththeclerkofthisCourtbeforeserviceonthePetitionersorim m ediatelythereafter. Ifyoufailtodoso,adefaultmayb e e nteredagainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthepetition . Copiesofallcourtdocumentsinthiscase,includingor d ers,areavailableattheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'soffice . Y oumayreviewthesedocumentsuponrequest. YoumustkeeptheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'sofficenoti f iedofyourcurrentaddress.Futurepapersinthislawsui t w illbemailedtotheaddressonrecordattheclerk'soffice . Thisisanactionfortemporarycustodybyextendedfamil y f iledbythematernalgrandparents.Thiscaseisbeingfiledi nth e C ircuitCourtoftheFifthJudicialCircuit,inandforCitrus County , l ocatedat110N.ApopkaAvenue,Inverness,Florida.Thetele p honenumberofthedivisionoftheCircuitCourtwherethispe ti t ionisfiledis352-341-6700.Theminorchildsubjecttothis peti t ionisB,L.W.,male,d/o/b05/18/2011,borninMonroeCounty , P ennsylvania. D ated:03/24/2023 ANGELAVIC K ClerkoftheCircuitCour t { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/SamanthaLea p DeputyCler k PublishedApril14,21&28,2023andMay4,2023 LEGALS 0427THCRNDISSOFMARRIAGEKUEPPERS,JR. INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHEFIFTHJUDICIALCIRCUIT INANDFORCITRUSCOUNTY,FLORIDA CaseNo.:09-2023-DR-0015 8 Division : E DWARDL.KUEPPERS,JR., Petitioner, a nd P AMELAL.KUEPPERS, Respondent, NOTICEOFACTIONFORDISSOLUTIONOFMARRIAGE (NOCHILDORFINANCIALSUPPORT) T O:PamelaL.Kueppers L astKnownAddress:144BerkshireWay, Stephentown,NY12168 Y OUARENOTIFIEDthatanactionfordissolutionofmarriag e h asbeenfiledagainstyouandthatyouarerequiredtoserve a c opyofyourwrittendefenses,ifany,toitonEdwardL.Kuep p ers,Jr.,whoseaddressis1465E.AmberjackDrive,Hernando , F L34442onorbyMay6,2023.andfiletheoriginalwiththecler k o fthisCourtat110N.ApopkaAvenue,Inverness,FL34450be f oreserviceonPetitionerorimmediatelythereafter. Ifyoufailt o d oso,adefaultmaybeenteredagainstyouforthereliefde m andedinthepetition. T heactionisaskingthecourttodecidehowthefollowingreal o r p ersonalpropertyshouldbedivided:None. C opiesofallcourtdocumentsinthiscase,includingorders , a reavailableattheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'soffice.Yo u m ayreviewthesedocumentsuponrequest. Y oumustkeeptheClerkoftheCircuitCourt'sofficenotifie d o fyourcurrentaddress.(YoumayfileDesignationofCur r entMailingandE-MailAddress,FloridaSupremeCourtAp p rovedFamilyLawForm12.915.)Futurepapersinthislaw s uitwillbemailedore-mailedtotheaddress(es)onrecor d a ttheclerk'soffice. W ARNING:Rule12.285,FloridaFamilyLawRulesofProced u re,requirescertainautomaticdisclosureofdocumentsan d i nformation.Failuretocomplycanresultinsanctions,in c ludingdismissalorstrikingofpleadings. D ated03/31/2023 ANGELAVIC K CLERKOFTHECIRCUITCOUR T { {CountyCourtSeal}} By:/s/SamanthaLea p DeputyCler k PublishedApril6,13,20&27,20233 0427THCRNDR.KEVINHOFFMAN,D.C. A ccordingFloridastatute,noticeofsaleofachiropracticp ractic e m ustappearinthelocalnewspaperweeklyfor4consecutiv e w eeks.Notwithstandingtheprovisionsofs.456.058,record s o wnersshallplaceanadvertisementinthelocalnewspapero r n otifypatients,inwriting,whentheyareterminatingpract ice,re t iring,orrelocating,andnolongeravailabletopatients,a ndoffe r p atientstheopportunitytoobtainacopyoftheirmedicalrec ord . A ssuch,HoffmanChiropracticWellness(Dr.KevinHoffman)w il l b esoldtoFamilyChiropracticCenterforWellness(Dr.Bria n D ahmer)onApril1,2023.Dr.Dahmerwillbecomethelegalcus t odianofthepatientrecords.Hecanbereachedat(352)419 4 949tomakeanappointment,getacopyofyourrecordsort o h aveanyquestionsanswered.Thepracticewillremainat222 0 H ighway44WestInverness,FL34453. PublishedApril6,13,20&27,2023 LEGALS 0413TUCRNFNBEADERY N oticeUnderFictitiousNameLawPursuanttoSection865.09 , F loridaStatutesNOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthattheunder s igned,desiringtoengageinbusinessunderthefictitiousn am e o f BLACKBIRDBEADERY L ocatedat 2920NPageAve:CitrusCounty intheCityo f H ernando:Florida,34442 intendstoregisterthesaidnamewit h t heDivisionofCorporationsoftheFloridaDepartmentofSta te , T allahassee,Florida.Datedat Hernando, Florida,this Apri l d ayofthe 3rd,2023 P amelaGarbig PublishedonApril13,2023 0504THCRN2023-0029TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0029TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4058YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT19LOT22BLK1240DESCRINORBK 5 97PG1881 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFMICHAELGIALL ELLAAKAMICHAELPGIALLELLA,ESTATEOFMICHAEL G IALLELLADECEASED,ESTATEOFVITODGIALLELLA A KAVITOGIALLELLADECEASED,MICHAELGIALLELLA, V ITODGIALLELLA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023
B14 Thursday, April 13, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle CLASSIFIEDS 0504THCRN2023-0016TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0016TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5072YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: B EVERLYHILLSUNIT8PHASE2PB13PG33LOT17BLK 1 88DESCINORBK761PG1816 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GAILPOSLUSZNY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0019TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0019TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3923YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT17LOT21BLK1222 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:REPAMELALBROOKSREG ISTEREDAGENTOBOWPTSOLUTIONSLLC,WPTSOLUT IONSLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0025TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0025TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:C3REALTYMANAGEMENTLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-9769YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT3PB5PG116LOT13BLK302 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BUILDERSPROPERTY G ROUPLLC,JAYFERTIGREGISTEREDAGENTOBO B UILDERSPROPERTYGROUPLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0026TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0026TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:C3REALTYMANAGEMENTLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-9770YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT4PB5PG133LOT16BLK356 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BUILDERSPROPERTY G ROUPLLC,JAYFERTIGREGISTEREDAGENTOBO B UILDERSPROPERTYGROUPLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0032TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0032TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TRINGALIFAMILYINVEST M ENTPROPERTIESLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7245YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVLGPB6PG26LOTS3&4BLK19 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTATEOFSTELLAGERS A KASTELLATHERESAGERSDECEASED,STELLAGERS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0043TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0043TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-0801YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C INNAMONRIDGEPB12PG35LOT22BLKH N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DARRENSUNDQUIST,VICKY T OWERS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0048TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0048TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JAMESHALLEN T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7039YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT12BLK26DESCINORBK881PG213 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DENTONIILLC,JONATHANR P OLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBODENTONIILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0049TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0049TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5344YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT46BLK29 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0058TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0058TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4555YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT21LOT12BLK1501DESCRINOR B K586PG1296 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ESTOFSTEPHENSTHEFNDA TION,THOMASJSTEPHENS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0061TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0061TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5342YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT38BLK29 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0062TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0062TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-8783YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNOFHOMOSASSALOT3BLK59DESCRINORBK11 P G590,DC583PG2031&ORBK635PG175 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JUANITAWBUCKNER, L AURENDBUCKNER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0064TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0064TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5343YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2PB 6 PG52LOT45BLK29 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0065TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0065TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5345YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT49BLK29 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0066TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0066TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5346YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT50BLK29 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0067TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0067TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5381YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2PB 6 PG52LOT39BLK38 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:GRACELYNBOSWELL,ROY B OSWELL S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0082TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0082TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:BEAMIFALLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-7731YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: P ROPOSEDTOWNOFSOUTHCITRONELLEPB1PG18 L OT4 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DANIELFREDBUCKAKA D ANIELBUCK S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0102TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0102TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-5314YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2LOT17BLK17DESCINORBK 4 61PG688 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:PAULINECLARK S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS 0504THCRN2023-0106TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0106TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:AVANTAGE1LLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-6726YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNSITEOFCRYSTALPARKN1/2OFLOT615DESCIN O RBK489PG387 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ELAINETURK,JEANTURK, K ARLSZOLLOSY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0097TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0097TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-3972YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT28BLK1188 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:BHANMATTIERAMNAUTH S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0098TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0098TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-3930YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT8BLK1614 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CHIFUNWONG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0110TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0110TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-5507YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVLGPB6PG26LOT19BLK10 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:WESTHAWAIIREALTYINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023
Citrus County Chronicle Thursday, April 13, 2023 B15 CLASSIFIEDS 0504THCRN2023-0108TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0108TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5250YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT1BLK13 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:STELLAKARAKANTASET A L,ZOENUNES S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0118TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0118TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-3384YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT6BLK1277 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CAROLESHAREKFINNEGA N,WILLIAMROBERTMORRIS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0012TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0012TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:NORMANMCKENZIECORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-2087YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT4PB5PG133TRACTT N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MARTINALLENSWARTZAK A M ARTINSWARTZ S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0028TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0028TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-3852YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT17PB7PG1LOT2BLK1203 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JONATHANRPOLITANOREG ISTEREDAGENTOBOWINDERVILLC,WINDERVILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0031TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0031TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:LAWRENCESTEPHENPARKER T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5410YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT10BLK1643 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:ARLEENGKHATIBI,JUNEM S MITH S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0033TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0033TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:CAPITALONENAASCOLLAT E RALASSIGNEEOFTLGFYLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5064YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: B EVERLYHILLSUNIT7PB12PG101LOT29BLK174 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CAMILLEAFIELDS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0040TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0040TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ENVISIONHOMEIMPROVE M ENTLLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-8812YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: U NIT6OFHOMOSASSAPB1PG48LOTS19&20BLK234 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAMESJBOHASH S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0047TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0047TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-8890YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNOFHOMOSASSAPB1PG6LOT10BLK109 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JACKGREEN,MARYF G REEN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0050TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0050TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:ADVIXIOOPPORTUNITYFUND I L LC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5350YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSVILLAGEUNIT2PB6PG52LOT29BLK30 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:NATLRECLANDLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0052TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0052TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-1503YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT2PB5PG108LOT4BLK131 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CRYSTALILLC,JONATHAN R POLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOCRYSTALILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0056TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0056TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-6556YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C RYSTALMANORUNIT2PB8PG112LT1BLK55 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DANIELGARCIA,MICHEL G ARCIA S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0057TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0057TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4518YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT21LOT7BLK1451DESCINORBK685 P G2004 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAMESJDEJESU S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0059TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0059TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-6639YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: T OWNSITEOFCRYSTALPARKE50FTOFW100FTOF L OT377DESCINORBK279PG666 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JAMESSIMMONS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0060TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0060TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:RAJENDRAINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-9483YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C RYSTALHGTSDEVSEC2LOTS29&30BLK19DESCRIN O RBK522PG186 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DAVIDDYER S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0068TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0068TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-1502YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT2PB5PG108LOT3BLK131 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:DENTONIILLC,JONATHANR P OLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOCRYSTALILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0071TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0071TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:HYCAVESERVICES T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-2296YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT5PB6PG1TRACTJ N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MARTINALLENSWARTZAK A M ARTINSWARTZ S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0074TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0074TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SECURELYNESTED2LLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5270YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT28BLK9 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JANDYPROPERTIESINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0084TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0084TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-7018YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT23BLK12DESCINORBK687PG2019 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:VLADIMIRZABRODSKY S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0086TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0086TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:19-7089YEAROFISSUANCE:2019 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: U NIT4OFHOMOSASSALOTS1&2BLK178DESCINOR B K554PG755 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MICHAELPDIMON S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0006TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0006TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-8373YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: R AINBOWFORESTPB3PG147LOT12BLKC N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:PATRICIAATHOMAS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0021TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0021TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:GMINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5715YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPRINGSUNIT27PB9PG54LOT6BLK1470 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:PILIENHSU S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS
B16 Thursday, April 13, 2023 Citrus County Chronicle CLASSIFIEDS Fun By The NumbersLike puzzles? Then youÂ’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! SOLUTIONS r rn ÂÂÂÂÂr Ân rn ÂÂÂr   €‚ƒ „rÂ…rr…… „rÂ…r WEDO SCREEN REPAIRS! r n rn rr r WIDESELECTIONOF FLAVOREDPELLETS r ÂÂrÂÂr r ÂÂrÂÂnn    r n WORD SEARCH7UDIÀF0LVWDNHACCESSACCIDENTACTIVITYANGLECENTERLINECOLLISIONDEPLOYMENTIMPACTINSURANCEINVOLVEMENTJURISDICTIONLANE LICENSELIMITMAINTENANCEPASSINGSIGNALSPEEDSPEEDINGVEHICLEVIOLATIONVISIBILITYWORK ZONEPeanuts 4/13/23 WILLCONSTRUCTIONCORP. 352-628-2291 We alsoofferSafetyGrabBars, We atherStripping,InsuranceInspections r Siding Sof t Fa scia Skirting Ro of ov ers Ca rp orts Screen Roo ms De cks Wi ndo ws Do ors Ad ditions Pe rmi t An d En gineering Fe es Al lofour structures withstand 120mph winds 352-628-7519 0504THCRN2023-0088TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0088TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5280YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT25BLK28DESCRINORBK579PG1472 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LARRYRHALL S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0089TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0089TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5251YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2 L OT9BLK13DESCRINORBK563PG938 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:RONALDBRADEN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0090TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0090TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-1505YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT2PB5PG108LOT6BLK131 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CRYSTALILLC,JONATHAN R POLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOCRYSTALILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0093TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0093TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:SECURELYNESTED2LLC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:20-5271YEAROFISSUANCE:2020 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2P B 6 PG52LOT29BLK9 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:JANDYPROPERTIESINC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0095TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0095TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:TEINVESTMENTTRUST T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-5510YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: L T73,B13,INVERNESSVLGU3,ASUBDACCTOPB6 P GS26-29PRCCF. N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:LEVENTURESLLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0099TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0099TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:18-3980YEAROFISSUANCE:2018 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26PB9PG7LOT5BLK1621 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:HSIUYINGCHEN,HSIU-YING C HEN S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0100TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0100TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:STEPHENHEREFORD T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-5390YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT26LOT6BLK1640DESCINORBK760 P G1054 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:WAIWONG S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0101TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0101TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:JPLINVESTMENTSCORP T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:16-4144YEAROFISSUANCE:2016 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: C ITRUSSPGSUNIT19PB7PG40LOT3BLK1274 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:CRYSTALILLC,JONATHAN R POLITANOREGISTEREDAGENTOBOCRYSTALILLC S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 0504THCRN2023-0124TD PUBLICNOTICE APPLICATION:2023-0124TD NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONFORTAXDEED N OTICEISHEREBYGIVEN:KAIZENCOMPANIESINC T heholderofthefollowingcertificatehasfiledsaidcertif icatefo r a taxdeedtobeissuedthereon.Thecertificatenumberandyea r o fissuance,thedescriptionoftheproperty,andthenamesi n w hichitwasassessedareasfollows: C ERTIFICATENO:17-5209YEAROFISSUANCE:2017 D ESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: I NVERNESSACRESUNIT2AKAINVERNESSVLGUNIT2PB 6 PG52LOT14BLK2 N AMEINWHICHASSESSED:MICHAELJACOBS S aidpropertybeingintheCountyofCitrus,StateofFlorida. U nlesssuchcertificateshallberedeemedaccordingtolaw,t h e p ropertydescribedinsuchcertificateshallbesoldtothehi ghes t b idderonline,onMay17,2023at10:00AMat w D atedMarch14,2023 A NGELAVICK,ClerkoftheCircuitCourt,CitrusCounty,Florida B y:TifaniL.White,DeputyClerk PublishedApril13,20,&27,2023andMay4,2023 TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS TAX DEEDS
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Description based on: Vol. 48, no. 51 (June 8, 1939).
funding This project was funded under the provisions of the DLIS Florida American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Florida's DLIS Florida ARPA program is administered by the Department of State's Division of Library and Information Services.
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