The Lake City reporter

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The Lake City reporter
Uniform Title:
Lake City reporter (Lake City, Fla. 1967)
Place of Publication:
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Community Newspapers Inc., Todd Wilson - Publisher
Creation Date:
March 3, 2012
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Vol. 95, no. 4 (Oct. 5, 1967)-
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Lake City ReporterFRIDAY & SATURDAY, APRIL 14 & 15, 2017 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | $1.00 LAKECITYREPORTER.COM CALL US: (386) 752-1293 SUBSCRIBE TO THE REPORTER: Voice: 755-5445 Fax: 752-9400 Vol. 143, No. 3 TODAYS WEATHER Obituaries . . . . . 3A Opinion . . . . . . 4A Faith & Values . . . 5-6A TV guide . . . . . . . 2B Advice & Comics . . 3-4B 81 58Partly cloudy, 2A Conspiracy alleged in meth case, See below. + PLUS >> TOYS FOR TOTSChristian Service Center recognized, Page 6A. Easter eventsCOMMUNITY CHS hosts PalatkaSPORTSSee Page 1B See Page 6A Wildfires pose a growing threat Conspiracy alleged in meth caseFrom staff and wire reportsMore than 100 wildfires were burning across Florida as the week began, with 23 consuming more than 100 acres, including one in Baker County. And the state has yet to get into the lightning-filled warmer months. On Tuesday, the Cabinet kickedoff a pre-planned wildfire awareness week with Gov. Rick Scott issuing an executive order that declared a state of emergency across Florida due to the increased wildfires. No wildfires have been reported in Columbia County, said Suwannee Forestry Center Manager John Raulerson. The closest blaze is in Baker County, around two miles north of State Road 2 on the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Raulerson said. The wildfire was nearly 9,000 acres large as of Thursday afternoon, Raulerson said. When the fire started on April 7, it was around 100 acres large by the end of the day, Raulerson said. Recent rain events have helped prevent fires in Columbia County, Raulerson said, but conditions are drying out. Caleb Knight, a senior forest manager with the Florida Forest Service here, cautioned local residents to remain vigilant. We are just as much at risk, he said. We have been lucky. Much of Central and South Florida are approaching drought-like conditions, and the chances for wildfires FIRES continued on 2ABy CARL MCKINNEYcmckinney@lakecityreporter.comA drug investigation sparked by a random traffic stop in March ended with the arrest of a local man on Tuesday, according to reports, after federal agents found 531 grams of methamphetamine and nearly $5,000 in a motel room. Danny James Davis, 29, of Northwest Bronco Terrace, faces charges for conspiracy to traffic drugs after an associate provided information to law enforcement, according to a heavily redacted Columbia County Sheriffs Office report. In March, a deputy arrested a Recent rains helped here, but things are drying out. The Price WAS Right WEEKEND EDITION By TAYLOR GAINEStgaines@lakecityreporter.comAs her national television debut drew closer, Melinda Pettyjohn could hardly contain herself. Everyone around her knew she was fulfilling a lifelong dream. But no one else knew she was about to win a new car. She kept sitting down and standing back up. She seemed to be at risk of breaking into dance at any moment. She kept announcing the excitement she felt at finally making it onto the Los Angeles stage. I waited 55 years for this! she said. Pettyjohn, along with her friends and family who had gathered to watch on Thursday, turned toward the television. Melinda Pettyjohn! Come on down! Youre the next contestant on The Price is Right! Pettyjohn was raised by her grandparents. She had watched The Price is Right with her grandmother, Myrtle Spradley, since she was a little girl. She lived a dream and did her grandma proud.Biggest non-nuclear bomb ever used in combat deployed against IS by USBy ROBERT BURNSAssociated PressWASHINGTON U.S. forces in Afghanistan on Thursday struck an Islamic State tunnel complex in eastern Afghanistan with the mother of all bombs, the largest non-nuclear weapon ever used in combat by the U.S. military, Pentagon officials said. The bomb, known officially as a GBU-43B, or massive ordnance air blast weapon, unleashes 11 tons of explosives. When it was developed in the early 2000s, the Pentagon did a formal review of legal justification for its combat use. The Pentagon said it had no early estimate of deaths or damage caused by its attack, which TodayLive musicThe Vintage Band will perform from 7 to 11 p.m. at Lake City VFW Post 2206. The event is free and open to the public. The Vintage Band, made up of guitarist Billy Aldrich, bass player Mark Bower, guitarist Mark Wilson and drummer Phil Marston, plays cover rock and roll songs from the 60s, 70 and 80s, as well as country songs by artists such as Kenny Chesney and George Strait. VFW Post 2206 is located at 343 Forest Lawn Way in Lake City. SaturdayBreakfast fundraiser8 to 10 a.m. at Applebees. Pancakes, eggs, sausage and beverage for $10. Tickets available from any cadet or at the door. Benefits the Liberty Division of the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps. Sea Cadets try-out/sign upFrom 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at American Legion, 2602 SW Main Blvd., Lake City. Girls and boys in fifth to 11th grade are welcome. A parent/guardian must remain on-site during the try out for insurance reasons.Easter Egg-stravaganza10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Live Oak Heritage Park & Gardens, 1004 Helvenston St. SE, Live Oak. Guests will be treated to a free BBQ lunch, live entertainment, an Easter egg hunt, games and more. For more, call Haven Hospice at 7529191 or Surrey Place Care Center at 364-5961. More Easter events are listed on Page 6A.Wellborn School ReunionMeeting at 11:30 a.m. and lunch at noon at the Wellborn Baptist Church social hall, located at Lowe Lake Road and U.S. 90. Doors will open at 10 a.m. Bring photos or stories relevant to the school or Wellborn in general. Bring covered dish.Glenel Bowden luncheonUnited States Congressman Alcee L. Hastings will be the keynote speaker at the Glenel Bowden Day Luncheon at noon at Miracle Tabernacle Church in Lake City. The event is a ticketed event, and those who wish to attend are encouraged to purchase tickets early, as seating is limited and tickets will not be sold at the door. For tickets, call 752-4074. BOMB continued on 2A SHOW continued on 2A Davis METH continued on 2ALocal woman wins big on iconic showPhotos by TAYLOR GAINES/Lake City ReporterTOP: Melinda Pettyjohn shows off her souvenir picture from her appearance on The Price is Right on CBS Thursday. ABOVE: A screenshot of Pettyjohn on Thursdays The Price is Right episode. She won about $21,000 in prizes, including a Kia. LEFT: Pettyjohn beams as she celebrates her Price is Right success with her friend Katherine Freeman. A1


2A FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 2017 DAILY BRIEFING LAKE CITY REPORTER 7a 1p 7p 1a 6a LAKE CITY ALMANAC SUN MOON UV INDEX EXTREME: 10 minutes to burn T odays ultra-violet radiation risk for the ar ea on a scale fr om 0 to 10+. FYI An exclusive service brought to our readers by The Weather Channel. SPONSORED BY City THE WEATHER WEA THER HISTORY Pensacola Tallahassee Panama City Valdosta Daytona Beach Cape Canaveral Gainesville Lake City Ocala Orlando Jacksonville Tampa West Palm Beach Ft. Myers Ft. Lauderdale Naples Miami Key West TEMPERATURESNormal high Normal low PRECIPITATIONMonth total Year total HI LO LO HI LO HI LO HI LO HI SaturdaySunday Cape Canaveral Daytona Beach Fort Myers Ft. Lauderdale Gainesville Jacksonville Key West Lake City Miami Naples Ocala Orlando Panama City Pensacola Tallahassee Tampa Valdosta W. Palm Beach April 19 April 26 May 2 May 10 LastNewFirstFull Quarter Quarter HOW TO REACH USMain number ........ (386) 752-1293 Fax number .............. 752-9400 Circulation ............... 755-5445 Online ... www lakecityreporter com The Lake City Reporter, an affiliate of Community Newspapers Inc., is published Tuesday through Friday and Sunday at 180 E. Duval St., Lake City, Fla. 32055. Periodical postage paid at Lake City, Fla. Member Audit Bureau of Circulation and The Associated Press. All material herein is property of the Lake City Reporter. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden without the permission of the publisher. U.S. Postal Service No. 310-880. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Lake City Reporter, P.O. Box 1709, Lake City, Fla. 32056. Publisher Todd Wilson ..... 754-0418 ( Robert Bridges ..... 754-0428 (rbridges@lakecityre DVERTIS ING ......... 752-1293 (ads@lakecityre ASSIFIEDTo place a classified ad, call 755-5440BUSINESSController .... 754-0419 ( RCUL AT IONHome delivery of the Lake City Reporter should be completed by 6:30 a.m. Tuesday through Friday, and by 7:30 a.m. on Sunday. Please call 386-755-5445 to report any problems with your delivery service. In Columbia County, customers should call before 10:30 a.m. to report a service error for same day re-delivery. After 10:30 a.m., next day re-delivery or service related credits will be issued. In all other counties where home delivery is available, next day re-delivery or service related credits will be issued. Circulation ............... 755-5445 ( delivery rates(Tuesday -Friday and Sunday) 12 Weeks .................. $26.32 24 Weeks ................... $48.79 52 Weeks ................... $83.46Rates include 7% sales tax.Mail rates12 Weeks .................. $41.40 24 Weeks ................... $82.80 52 Weeks .................. $179.40 Lake City Reporter See an error? The Lake City Reporter corrects errors of fact in news items. If you have a concern, question, or suggestion, please call the editor. Corrections and clarications will run in this space. Thanks for reading. Submissions The Lake City Reporter accepts photographs and caption information to run at the discretion of the editor. If you would like to see your organization in the newspaper, send the picture and information to associate editor Justin Caudell at Scripture of the DayFor all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Romans 3:23-24 (KJV) A river cuts through rock not because of its power, but because of its persistence. Unknown Thought for Today Winning Lottery Numbers Pick 3: (Thursday mid-day) 4-1-8 Pick 4: (Thursday mid-day) 0-1-4-2 Pick 5: (Thursday mid-day) 2-7-7-0-1 QUICK HITS When Spradleys health began to decline in 2000, she came to live with Pettyjohn. They watched the show together every day. Spradley passed away in 2001. That same year, Pettyjohn began trying to get on the show. She had tried seven times since 2001. She felt like she had been close. During one trip to Los Angeles, a friend of hers got called down. Another time, she gave an extra ticket to a guy who wound up going all the way to the showcase round and winning. Once, Pettyjohn wore a shirt that read, All I asked my husband for Christmas was a kiss from Bob Barker. She got to kiss him on the cheek during a commercial break. When Pettyjohn finally got her chance, it was Jan. 30 of this year. Barker had retired in 2007 and been replaced by Drew Carey. It had been more than 15 years since her grandmothers passing. But still, on the day the show was recorded and as the episode aired Thursday, all she could think about was her grandmother. She would have loved it, Pettyjohn said. I would have given anything for her to know. All I could think about was her. TV Pettyjohn was just as energetic as the real one as she kept dancing and running around the stage. To win a 2017 Kia Forte along with an outdoor fire pit, a set of kitchen knives and a toaster oven she just had to slide three numbers into the correct place, the total price of the prize package. She watched herself make her guess: $18,629. Carey turned toward her. Melinda, you done? I guess, she said. Is she right? Yes! TV Pettyjohn lost it. She ran from one end of the stage to the other screaming. In her living room Thursday, Pettyjohn was beaming. She was dancing, high-fiving and running around her house. Everyone finally knew. That was exciting, said her friend Katherine Freeman. Ive been dying for this day. Her phone was blowing up. She had 10 text messages and several Facebook notifications before the show had even finished airing Thursday. Theyll have to wait, she said. She showed off her I won this car on The Price is Right license plate holder, the nametag she wore during the show, the card a producer held up announcing her selection. I was bent over about to have a heart attack when I got called on, she said. Pettyjohn made it all the way to the Showcase round, where she guessed a slightly-too-high price on a prize package that would have sent her on a trip to Hawaii and won her a Mazda Miata convertible. Still, the other Showcase finalist went over, too, and Pettyjohns initial prize package made her the big winner for the day. Do I wish I had won the convertible and the trip to Hawaii? she asked. Yeah. But I am totally, totally, totally happy. I got to finally hear my name and go down. The car she did win hasnt come yet, but Pettyjohn said she is working with officials from CBS to get the car sent her way. Shes expecting it and the other prizes she won, including a six-stack digital smoker, to come sometime in May. Prizes aside, shes going to have plenty to take with her from the show. For instance, she never thought she would get on the day that she did. Looking back on it, though, it seems obvious. She had been planning to travel to Los Angeles with her daughter, but wound up going by herself after her daughter caught pneumonia. As she walked in, Pettyjohn introduced herself to the producer at the door. Im a momma, granny, tractor-driving wife, she said. After that, they made her sit by herself even though she had made some friends in line. Her name tag had a slight tear in it, and an assistant brought her a new one. I should have known right then, she said. As she walked out of the studio after filming in January, she ran into the producer who had apparently cho sen to get her on the show. He leaned over to her. Aint that better than driving a tractor? he asked. SHOWContinued From 1A woman after finding three ounces of methamphet amine in her vehicle during a traffic stop. Special agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms interviewed the woman about the drugs. The woman agreed to speak to authorities without an attorney present and signed a waiver for her Miranda Rights, the report states. Based on the information obtained from the inter view, the ATF agents raid ed room 120 at the Palm Garden Inn on South U.S. Highway 441, finding 531 grams of methamphet amine and $4,970 in cash. Law enforcement also found digital scales in the room, the report states. On March 22, an ATF agent interviewed an individual connected to the case, whose name was redacted in CCSOs report. While in jail, the woman arrested in the traffic stop received an email from Davis on March 19, with the subject line, call me, please, according to CCSO. ATF traced the email address to Davis, whose phone calls to the woman at the jail were recorded. Details of the phone con versations were redacted in the report. Authorities conducted surveillance on Davis and discovered he was located at Southeast Mohawk Way, according to CCSO. Davis immediately requested a lawyer after his arrest on Tuesday, the report states, but was taken to the Columbia County Detention Facility without incident. METHContinued From 1AThe car she did win hasnt come yet, but Pettyjohn said she is working with officials from CBS to get the car sent her way. Shes expecting it and the other prizes she won, including a six-stack digital smoker, to come sometime in May. are continuing to increase with hotter temperatures and low rainfall, Scott said. This may only get worse as we enter the hotter summer months, and it is crucial that we take every action right now to be prepared. The order is intended to make it easier for agencies to share firefighting resources. Since the start of the year, the Florida Forest Services has recorded just over 1,440 wildfires, collectively consuming nearly 70,000 acres, double the number of acres burned at this point a year ago. There is no corner of the state that is not facing severe wildfire conditions, Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam said in a prepared statement. The Forest Service reported 107 fires being battled Monday. As a sign of the extent of the threats, blazes were found in Miami-Dade County in South Florida, in Nassau County in the northeastern cor ner of the state and in Escambia County in the western end of the Panhandle. Firefighters have been deployed to combat wildfires in the Everglades and to battle a 300-acre fire near tourist-heavy International Drive in Orlando. Weve got a ways to go with no end in sight, Florida State Forester Jim Karels said. The concern is that dry conditions will keep Florida a tinderbox throughout the spring and summer, potentially setting up a repeat of 1998, when more than a half-million acres were consumed by fire across the state and one blaze destroyed about 50 homes in Port St. Lucie. Karels said about 90 percent of the wildfires in Florida so far this year have been caused by humans. We know the lightning is coming. Florida is the lightning capital of the world. Come April, come May, June and July lightning is going to hit this state hard as it always does every year. And the drought really intensifies that, because then you start to see a lot of these fires, Karels said. Our job is to prevent those human-caused fires, so that were prepared for the lightning. So that were not tied up with so many human-caused fires. Prevention means once again trying to educate people not to burn trash, toss cigarettes into vegetation or park vehicles on dry grass, Karels said. Putnam credited Franklin County firefighters this weekend with saving homes from a fire on St. George Island. Homes had to be evacuated from the barrier island southwest of Tallahassee. Dont think youre the one who can burn trash and get away with it, Putnam said.It just takes one spark to get caught by the wind to set a neighbors property on fire. Lake City Reporter staff writer Carl McKinney and the News Service of Florida contributed to this report. FIRESContinued From 1A President Donald Trump called a very, very successful mission. The U.S. military headquarters in Kabul said in a statement that the bomb was dropped at 7:32 p.m. local time Thursday on a tunnel complex in Achin district of Nangarhar province, where the Afghan affiliate of the Islamic State group has been operating. The target was close to the Pakistani border. The U.S. estimates 600 to 800 IS fighters are present in Afghanistan, most ly in Nangarhar. The U.S. has concentrated heavily on combatting them while also supporting Afghan forces battling the Taliban. Just last week a U.S. Army Special Forces soldier, Staff Sgt. Mark R. De Alencar, 37, of Edgewood, Maryland, was killed in action in Nangarhar. The MOAB is a custom-made Air Force weapon that has been in the arsenal for more than a decade but never used on the battlefield, although it was available throughout the Iraq war. It is designed to hit softer targets such as surface facilities, tunnel entrances and troop concentrations. It is pushed out the rear of the launching aircraft, guided to its target by GPS and slowed by a parachute. A separate non-nuclear weapon known as the Massive Ordnance Penetrator, or MOP, which is larger in its physical dimensions but carries a smaller load of conventional explosives, is designed to take out deeply buried targets like reinforced bunkers. The MOP has never been used in combat. BOMBContinued From 1A


Lorain H. Bishop Lorain H. Bishop, age 83 of Lake City, Florida, died on Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at the North Florida Regional Medical Center in Gainesville. Mrs. Bishop was a native of Springville, Maine and a daughter of the late Colby and Blanche (Leighton) Hanscom. She graduated from Lee Academy in Lee, Maine, class of 1951. Mrs. Bishop served in the United States Army during the Korean War. Mrs. Bishop worked in the Medical Administration Service at the VA Hospital in Lake City and retired in 1994 after 35 years of service. She was preceded in death by the father of her children, the late James H. Bishop in 2001, one son, James Colby Bishop; her daughter, Darlene Horton, one grandson, James Douglas Norris, her sister, Eda H. Merrill and two brothers, Keith and Lewis Hanscom. Survivors include her son, Steve and Frieda Bishop, Valdosta, GA; one grandson, Jesse Bishop, Valdosta, GA; two granddaughters, Jackie and Tim Tillman, Valdosta, GA and Christina and Eddie Verdecia, St. Cloud, FL; three great grandsons, Edwardo Verdecia, Jake Verdecia and Jackson Tillman; a special nephew and niece, Bobby and Bev Franz, White Springs, FL and Sherrie Franz Milam, Cantonment, FL; special friends, Betty and Ron Hamilton; other relatives, niec es and nephews also survive. Funeral services will be conducted on Saturday, April 15, 2017 at 11:00 AM in the Chapel of Gateway-Forest Lawn Funeral Home. Interment will follow at Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens Cemetery. Visitation will be one hour prior to the service at the funeral home from 10-11:00 AM. Arrangements are under the direction of GATEWAY-FOREST LAWN FUNERAL HOME, 3596 S US Hwy 441, Lake City. 386-752-1954 Please leave words of comfort for the family at Nancy L. ClementeNancy L. Clemente, 71 passed away at her home fol lowing an extended illness. She is preceded in death by her parents, brother Dale Nap per (Brenda), husband William (Bill) Clemente and several other family members. She is survived by her sister Loretta McCarty (Joe), OH, brother John Napper (Sharon), NC, son Burl Edward Hurley Jr. (Dona), TX, Timothy Hurley, TX, daughter Kyra Hur ley, FL, son Dustin Thorne, FL, local grandchildren, Joseph (Scotty) Davis Jr., Dasha Barn hart, and Rebecca Barnhart all from FL, 6 grandchildren from TX, 15 great-grandchil dren along with many friends. She enjoyed playing pool in the APA League, going to the beach and river, play ing cards, dice and scrabble. There will be a celebration of life service at the Oasis Lounge on Sunday, April 23, 2017 at 2:00 p.m., RSVP only. There is a go fundme account to help the fam can look it up under her name. Any and all donations are great ly appreciated by her family.Mr. Joseph FennellMr. Joseph Fennell life story began on August 20, 1932 in Madison County and his blessed life ended on April 4, 2017 at North Florida Regional Medical Center at the age of 84 terminating an extended illness. He was the son of the late Mr. Charles Fennell and Mrs. Leonia Wilson Fennell. He was a member of New Hope United Methodist Church under the Leadership of Pastor Theo Jackson. Mr. Joseph Fennell leaves to cherish his memory, his wife, Edna Mae Fennell; children, Maxine Fennell, James Fennell, and Tracy Fennell; grandchil dren, Dwight Fennell, Brandy Fennell, Tierra Fennell, Tantenniya Fennell, Traonia Fennell, Alesha Fennell and Ricky Fennell Jr.: great grandchildren, Keishara Jones, Tradarious Fennell, Shyteria McIntosh, Lil Bennie Thomas, Ka'Talenni Fennell and Dakota Fennell; brothers Marion Fennell, Gus Fennell; sisters, Betty Broom, Corrine Shelton and Aretha Turner; godchildren, Clayton Thomas and Jimmie Brown and a host of other relatives and friends. Services for Mr. Joseph Fennell will be Saturday, April 15, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. at Union A.M.E. Church, 357 N.W. Queen Road, Lake City, Florida, Rev. Ronald G. Williams, Sr. Eulogist. Interment will be at Easy Rest Cemetery, Lake Jeffery Road. Visitation for family and friends will be Friday, April 14, 2017 from 5:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. at Cooper Funeral Home Chapel, 251 N.E. Washington Street, Lake City. Arrangements entrusted to: COOPER FUNERAL HOME 251 N.E. Washington Street, Lake City, Florida 32055. Willis O. Cooper, L.F.D.,C.F.S.P.Obituaries are paid advertisements. For details, call 752-1293. FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 2017 LOCAL LAKE CITY REPORTER 3A OBITUARIES Students excel at state academic competitionFrom staff reportsNorth Florida Center of Excellence National Achievers Society members in Columbia County schools recently attended and participated in many events at the Florida Education Fund State Brain Bowl meet and Summit in Orlando. Achievers from across the state of Florida were in attendance and parents shared in the workshop activities that enlighten them in methods to help prepare the students for college. The Achievers work many months to prepare for competi tions in various areas. History and culture participants read several books, ranging from the middle school level through college/advanced placement history books. The students worked to develop the skills of answering high order response questions. The NFCOE team was coached by Jamual Thomas. The members were: DAndre Combs, captain; Vincent Gray; Jordan Mobley; Taffany Brown; and Kamari Williams. The team fought through double-elimina tion competition in Orlando and ranked fifth out of the 10 Centers of Excellence competing. Math competition teams were split across three levels. Eleventh12th grade worked in the area of SAT math problems. The team members were Jurne Luke, Deneb DeLos Trinos, Bernita Brown, Leon Graham and Kamya Bennett. They were coached by Trisheka Nelson. The ninth-10th grade team worked on PSAT math level questions. The team members were Linash Thomas, Avona Randolph, Gyros DeLos Trinos, Tyra Bennett and Alan Nelson. The coach was Marcy Braden. Sixth-eighth grade stu dents worked on common core math through Algebra I. The team was Jakiel Harris, Caden Perry, William Jones, Aleyiah Taylor and Mikaly Small. The Irrationals team, consist ing of students from Columbia High School, took first place in the ninth-10th grade math com petition. Students also participated in the Word Wizard competition, which consisted of spelling, word analogy and vocabulary. Representing NFCOE was Rico Washington (sixth-eighth grade), who finished second, and Jalesia Mayo (thirdfifth), who finished third. New this year was a coding competition. The NFCOE team consisted of Alonzo Brinson, Javon Smith and Jamechia Smith. In the Laws of Life essay contest, William Jones placed first. The NFCOE dance troupe coached by Jeanine Brinson also placed first in the talent portion of the com petition. Individually, Mercedes Brown represented well in the high school talent portion and Taffany Brown gave a sound ora tion in the NAS voice competition. Gloria Bradley is the director of the North Florida Center of Excellence.COURTESY PHOTOSThe Irrationals team, consisting of students from Columbia High School, took first place in the ninth-10th grade math competition at the Florida Education Fund State Brain Bowl meet and Summit in Orlando. The team was coached by Marcy Braden. Richardson Middle School student William Jones placed first in the Laws of Life essay contest. The NFCOE dance troupe, which consists of students from Eastside, Lake City and Richardson middle schools, placed first in the talent portion of the competition. Going on vacation?Take the Lake City Reporter with you. Subscribe to our E-edition. Call 755-5445 or fax 752-9400.


Some one thousand miles due east of Moscows always-tightly secured Kremlin, where Russias president and foreign minister met Wednesday with Americas secretary of state, life has long seemed pastoral and downright peaceful. It may well be that nothing about the small southwestern Siberian city of Shchuchye was on the minds of Vladimir Putin, Sergey Lavrov and Rex Tillerson as they confronted each others diplomatic demons. They may never have known the tranquility that a handful of Americans savored not too many years ago as they drove past a grove of white-barked birch trees and came to a rather bucolic rural spot outside Shchuchye, which is just up the road from Russias southern border with Kazakhstan. The visitors gazed across a field at 14 wooden buildings that looked like battered old barns, doors secured only by simple padlocks. Once inside, the Americans saw what looked like wine racks, stacked all the way up to the old corrugated-metal-and-wood-slat roofs. In some places, the racks were easy to see, thanks to the sunlight that poured through gaping holes in the roofs. After a few blinks it became obvious that it wasnt wine bottles on those racks. It was artillery shells. They were lying on their sides, rack after rack. The artillery shells contained chemical death. On that day in 2002, this was the Soviet Unions largest arsenal of chemical weapons, most of the shells containing nerve gas. When then-U.S. Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Ga., first saw the site, he said he wouldnt keep a good horse in a barn like that. Later, as Russian government officials watched approvingly, Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., showed a photographer how easy it would be for a thief to steal just one shell and get away with the hopes of selling it to a terrorist. Lugar picked up a shell, slipped it into his briefcase, and just looked like an ordinary nice guy (with a briefcase) on a farm not unlike his own back in Indiana. Lugar replaced the shell on the rack. But everyone there knew the shell, if detonated in a crowded city, could kill as many as 100,000 people. Nunn and Lugar visited the Shchuchye arsenal in their roles as the authors of the U.S. Congress Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Act, a historic agreement that helped safeguard the world after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Nunn, while visiting the Soviet Unions last president, Mikhail Gorbachev, who was under house arrest at his country dacha, had realized no one was in control of the Soviet Unions vast nuclear, biological and chemical arsenals. Suddenly Russias weapons of mass destruction were vulnerable and could fall into terrorist hands. The Nunn-Lugar program, an innovative partnership of the United States and Russia, set about securing the worlds vulnerable weapons of mass destruction and also funded the destruction of vast portions of these vulnerable arsenals. In Shchuchye, the program built a vast facility that secured and destroyed deadly and outmoded arsenals. The Nunn-Lugar program merited a Nobel Prize, but somehow that never happened. And now, as the worlds two major nuclear nations are locked in an era of new hostilities, the NunnLugar era of cooperation has ceased just when terrorist threats are increasing and a new innovative era of cooperation is urgently needed. On Wednesday, Putin, Lavrov and Tillerson exchanged counter-realities about the Syria chemical massacre. Russia insisted international experts are needed to prove who did what. America says theres no doubt: Syria did it. The only question is whether Russia knew in advance or got conned by its client, Syria. But the two nuclear adversaries realized they also still shared a common bond an urgent need to defeat global terrorism. Especially their common enemy: the Islamic State terrorists. And recently, an urgent new report, Pathways to Cooperation, reminded the two leaders of the urgency of their common cause. The report, the work of a joint U.S.Russian conference, was sponsored by the U.S.-based Nuclear Threat Initiative (founded by philanthropist Ted Turner and Nunn) and the Russian-based Center for Energy and Security Studies. It recommended more than 50 projects the two countries should implement. Just months ago, nuclear experts were confident Putin and his new best friend, Trump, would forge a new urgently needed era of cooperation. Now nothing is clear, except the urgency of todays threat. As NTI vice president Andrew Bieniawski said: Weve reached a key pivot point. Attention ex-Sens. Nunn and Lugar: Please return to your old battle stations. OPINION Lake City Reporter Serving Columbia County Since 1874 The Lake City Reporter is published with pride for residents of Columbia and surrounding counties by Community Newspapers Inc. We believe strong newspapers build strong communities -Newspapers get things done! Our primary goal is to publish distinguished and profitable communityoriented newspapers. This mission will be accomplished through the teamwork of professionals dedicated to truth, integrity and hard work. Todd Wilson, Publisher Robert Bridges, Editor Jim Barr, Associate Editor Sue Brannon, Controller Dink NeSmith, President Tom Wood, Chairman LETTERS POLICY Letters to the Editor should be typed or neatly written and double spaced. Letters should not exceed 400 words and will be edited for length and libel. Letters must be signed and include the writers name, address and telephone number for verification. Writers can have two letters per month published. Letters and guest columns are the opinion of the writers and not necessarily that of the Lake City Reporter. BY MAIL: Letters, P.O. Box 1709, Lake City, FL 32056; or drop off at 180 E. Duval St. downtown. BY FAX: (386) 752-9400. BY EMAIL: Friday, April 14, 2017 Lake City Reporter Serving Columbia County Since 1874 The Lake City Reporter is published with pride for residents of Columbia and surrounding counties by Community Newspapers Inc. We believe strong newspapers build strong communities -Newspapers get things done! Our primary goal is to publish distinguished and profitable communityoriented newspapers. This mission will be accomplished through the teamwork of professionals dedicated to truth, integrity and hard work. Todd Wilson, Publisher Robert Bridges, Editor Frances Wainwright, Controller Dink NeSmith, President Tom Wood, ChairmanAncient Korea may be known as the land of the morning calm, but today the divided peninsula is anything but. Tensions have been simmering for nearly 70 years, enlivened with frequent bursts of cross-border invective and sometimes violence. It threatens to erupt into something worse again, now that the United States has a president who takes seriously the erratic behavior of a dictator. North Korea armed with nuclear weapons is not merely an Asian Syria, but a nation with nuclear weapons of its own. Donald Trump must proceed with a careful eye, a keen ear and stay on the right side of the thin line between bluster and authentic provocation. Five years as the petulant leader, Kim Jong-un has surpassed his father and grandfather for manufacturing outrage. Three generations of nuclear ambition are reaching fruition with the assistance of a fellow rogue in Iran. The conjoining of nuclear capability with ballistic missile delivery tests has made the Norths periodic threats to rain nuclear destruction on an American city a greater-than-remote possibility. Thats something that President Trump, with his determination to make America great again, refuses to let slide. Aggression anywhere is a warning of aggression everywhere, and like it or not, dealing with it is the unique responsibility of the superpower. In short order Mr. Trump has answered Syrias use of chemical weapons and dispatched an aircraft carrier battle group to a station off the Korean Peninsula. He makes no apologies for his bold approach to resolving persistent problems, nor should he. I explained to the president of China that a trade deal with the U.S. will be far better for them if they solve the North Korean problem! Mr. Trump tweeted (with his trademark exclamation point) on Tuesday morning, and continued tweeting: North Korea is looking for trouble. If China decides to help, that would be great. If not, we will solve the problem without them! U.S.A. Rodong Sinmun, the official government newspaper in Pyongyang, responded with another nuclear threat: Our revolutionary strong army is keenly watching every move by enemy elements with our nuclear sight focused on the U.S. invasionary bases not only in South Korea and the Pacific operation theater but also in the U.S. mainland. Anniversaries are important in Asia, and with the birthday of Kim Il-sung, the nations founder, on Saturday, the grandson might well mark the occasion with a sixth nuclear test. American intelligence has struggled since the s to gauge with accuracy Pyongyangs progress toward a functional nuclear weapon, and Kims underground explosions and rockets have demolished the smug assurances that there is nothing to fear in the near term. The Trump administration is covering, as it must, a wide range of eventualities. The White House rightly observes that the North Korean threat is no threat at all if it is not credible, and H.R. McMaster, the National Security Adviser, says the Navys voyage toward Korea is prudent and that what must happen is the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Several American presidents have allowed North Koreas succession of dear leaders to play games with them, but the new president is not a willing participant in a game with nuclear weapons. Understanding the Korean culture is an acquired skill, and more complicated than the West sometimes recognizes. Vigilance is the right response to enemies that bear America ill. Replaying a classic thriller Congress must have say in going to warPresident Trumps decision to order 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles into Syria last week does nothing to bring stability to that country, protect American national security or strengthen our position in the world. It does, however, continue an unfortunate trend of American presidents committing acts of war with hardly even the pretense of legal protocol or long-term geopolitical strategy. Ostensibly in retaliation for the Syrian governments use of chemical weapons which killed upwards of 100 people, American cruise missiles were fired on the airbase believed to house aircraft that carried out the chemical weapons attack. Undoubtedly the use of chemical weapons is reprehensible and the pictures which surfaced in the aftermath were heart wrenching. President Trump argued that the strikes were in the vital, national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons. That means the American response to appears to have been more symbolic than anything practical. But whatever the impact of the strikes, President Trump ought to recall the words of candidate Trump: The president must get Congressional approval before attacking Syria big mistake if he does not! he tweeted in August 2013. President Obama, do not attack Syria, he warned on Sept. 7, 2013. There is no upside and tremendous downside. If there is anything we should have learned from our prolonged involvements in the Middle East and North Africa in recent decades, its that toppling governments and bombing sovereign nations without an overarching strategy doesnt serve our national interests. While such operations and interventions are well-intended, Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, said following the Syria strike, they should only be undertaken after serious consideration and approval by the elected representatives of the American people, ensuring that public accountability on war-making decisions exists. Last weeks strikes are a reminder that many of our interventions today have gone on without explicit Congressional authorization or even sensible limitations. Sens. Lee and Rand Paul, R-Ky., have introduced legislation requiring the president to seek congressional approval before using military force in response to humanitarian catastrophes. That would be a good start. As convenient at it might be for the Congress to leave war-making to the whims of whoever is president at the time, such abdication only minimizes accountability while facilitating perpetual war abroad. In order to prevent further, unchecked escalation of American involvements in Syria, any future actions against the Syrian government must be authorized by the Congress. Orange County (California) RegisterKeeping an eye on N. Korea Washington Times ANOTHER VIEW Martin SchramMcClatchy-Tribune News Service Martin Schram is a veteran Washington journalist, author and TV documentary executive. Readers may send him email at


FAITH & VALUES Friday & Saturday, April 14 & 15, 2017 5A To have your church listed in the directory or to be a Church Page Sponsor, call 755-5440. 755-7050FREE 1701 S. 1st Streetin Lake City Plaza MIKELLS POWER EQUIPMENT, INC.Your Lawn & Garden Headquarters 1152 US 90 WEST LAKE CITY, FL.386-752-8098 ANDERSON COLUMBIA CO., INC. ASPHALT PAVING 752-7585 871 NW Guerdon St., Lake City Competitive rates, not-for-profit, right here in your community.Lake City District 386-752-7447 Central States EnterprisesColumbia County's Feed Headquarters 668 NW Waldo St. 386-755-7445 GW Hunter, Inc. Chevron Oil Jobber Open 7 Days a Week 1036 E. Duval St., Lake City FL. (386) 752-0067 Fresh Meat, Fresh Produce!I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me Philippians 4:13 Pharmacy7 Locations to Serve You Lake City, Ft. White, Branford, Chiefland, Mayo & Keystone Heights Church Directory 386-752-8656 Heating & Air Conditioning Inc.Harry Mosley, President the environmentally sound refrigerant 752-2308 US 90 West across from Wal-Mart752-0054 BAPTISTFirst Baptist Church Because He Cares We Care 9:15 am 10:30AM & 6 pm 12 pm Olivet Missionary Baptist Church 11am 6:30pm Pine Grove Baptist Church 11 am & 6 pm 6 pm 6:30 pm Tabernacle Baptist Church 10 am 11 am 6 pm CATHOLICEpiphany Catholic Church 5 pm 9 am -10:15 amCHURCH OF CHRISTLake City Church of Christ 9 am 10 am & 6 pm Northside Church of Christ 9 am 10 am & 6 pm CHURCH OF GODEvangel Church of God 10:50 & 6:30 Lake City Church Of God Morning Worship 6 pm 6:30 pm Pastor: Carroll LeeLUTHERANOur Redeemer Lutheran Church LCMS 10 am 11:30 am Grace Lutheran Church (CLC) Worship 10:30 am Spirit of Christ (ELCA) METHODISTWatertown Congregational Methodist Church 11 am & 6 pm PENTECOSTALFirst Full Gospel Church 10 am Morning Worship 11 am Evangelistic Service 6 pm PRESBYTERIANFirst Presbyterian Church Sun. School 9:15 am Sun. Worship 10:30 am NON-DENOMINATIONALChrist Central Ministries 9 & 11 am Falling Creek Chapel CrossPoint Church Lake City Christian Church 9:30 am 10:30 am The sign of JonahOn this day over 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ hung on a cross after being beaten within an inch of his life. He hung there naked between two thieves. What was his crime? He claimed to be the Son of God. Thats it God in the flesh. Before this day, the Pharisees watched and plotted how they could remove Jesus from ministry. They demanded of him that he do an on the spot sign to prove that he was who he claimed to be. His response to this group can be read in Matthew 12:38-42. The only sign he would give them is the sign of the prophet Jonah. A sign can be defined as something that points to, or represents, something large or more important than itself according to Nelsons New Illustrated Biblical Dictionary. So its a message that is unmistakable. In order for this sign of Jonah to take place in Jesus life, he would have to spend three days and nights in the heart of the earth, just as Jonah was in the fishs belly. Jonah was a rebellious prophet who reluctantly obeyed the Lord. Jesus is the Prophet, Priest and King who willingly obeys his Father. Jealous, sinful leaders charged Jesus with blasphemy and turned him over to Rome to be crucified. Jesus submitted himself to his Fathers plan. The prophet Jonah was given a message and a mission by the Lord and he told God no and ran from him. Jesus was given a message and a mission by his father and he said yes. He obeyed his Father even to the point of death, even death on a cross. Jonah paid the price for running from God. We have Jonahs prayer of repentance and he followed up with obedience. Jesus obeyed his Father and willfully died on the cross as a sinless substitute for sin and was raised on the third day. This is why the sign of Jonah is important. Jesus being raised from the dead reveals to us that the Father accepted his payment for our sin. The Father gave Jesus the name that is above every name, Jesus Christ. Jesus has been given all authority, making him the Lord of heaven and earth. This sign of Jonah is a clear call to repentance and faith in him. On judgment day, Nineveh and the queen of the South will rise up and judge that generation for not believing Jesus. The message for all of us is this Jesus is the only One who has ever claimed to be God in the flesh and have his message validated by the God of Heaven that he is who he says he is. Jesus grave is empty, its located in Jerusalem. Mohammands grave is located in Medina, Saudi Arabia. His body is in there. Confucius grave is located in Qufu Shangdong Providence. Buddha was cremated and his grave is in Sri Lanka. Jesus Christ alone is the only one risen from the dead. Who will you worship? Robert Bass is pastor of First Baptist Church of Lake City. Robert Resurrection: Ours is no blind faithDuring the Easter season our thoughts turn to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most pivotal event in human history. Christianity is founded upon it and human history is divided by it. Indeed, Christianity stands or fails on its historical authenticity. Do we as Christians ask the world to blindly embrace the reality of the resurrection? While faith is an essential component of Christianity, there is a difference between faith and blind faith. We have not been left totally in the dark. The evidence for the resurrection is clearly seen in the lives of the apostles and the faith that was founded on their eyewitness accounts. I cannot formulate, nor have I ever read, a more compelling argument for the historicity of the resurrection of Christ than that offered by Scottish theologian Dr. Principal Hill. The late Dr. D. James Kennedy, in his book Why I Believe, shares the following statement by Dr. Hill: But if notwithstanding every appearance of truth, you suppose their testimony to be false, then inexplicable circumstances of glaring absurdity crowd upon you. You must suppose that 12 men of mean birth, of no education, living in that humble station which placed ambitious views out of their reach and far from their thoughts, without any aid from the state, formed the noblest scheme which ever entered into the mind of man, adopted the most daring means of executing that scheme and conducted it with such address as to conceal the imposture under the semblance of simplicity and virtue. You must suppose that men guilty of blasphemy and falsehood, united in an attempt the best contrived, and which has in fact proved the most successful, for making the world virtuous; that they formed this singular enterprise without seeking any advantage to themselves, with an avowed contempt of loss and profit, and with the certain expectation of scorn and persecution; that although conscious of one anothers villainy, none of them ever thought of providing for his own security by disclosing the fraud, but amidst sufferings the most grievous to flesh and blood CHRISTIAN CONCEPTS Gary Kinggarybkingcc@gmail.comThe evidence for the resurrection is clearly seen in the lives of the apostles and the faith that was founded on their eyewitness accounts.Jesus surrendered his life for yoursThis week we celebrate Good Friday and Easter Sunday. I hope you take time to be reminded of all the events leading up to the empty tomb found on that first Easter morning. Go back to the Gospels and read the accounts carefully. It is remarkable for an empty tomb to signify the potential for fullness, but it does exactly that! In John 10:10, Jesus said, I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. Jesus conveys to us the necessity of being filled by His overwhelming love and forgiveness, so that we can overcome the natural desire to live to please only ourselves. While it promises great results, living for ourselves will leave us searching, dry and empty every single time. We live in a culture that champions the paradox of being empty to the point of excess! We cant eat enough, drink enough, spend enough, sleep enough, exercise enough, work enough, take enough medicine or do enough drugs. All excess is rooted in emptiness. Emptiness screams to be filled, and there is never enough! Enough is enough! Emptiness also impacts our relationships by draining the people around us! Living on empty turns us into emotional beggars holding out our cup for the people in our lives to make daily deposits to make us feel good about ourselves. The problem is that even those who love us the most cant keep our neverending cup filled. Because they are human, they will let us down, and we will fall hard if our self-worth is tied to their opinions and care for us. The fullness that Jesus offers consists of His forgiveness for our mistakes, His grace for our lack and His purpose for our lives. Bring your cup before Him and He promises to fill it with a never-ending spring of living water! We have worth in Christ that is not measured by what we own, who we know, what we look like or what we can accomplish. We can rest in His fullness knowing that the price has been paid, His life for ours. And to receive it, all we have to do is ask because your heart matters! Heart Matters is a weekly column written by Angie Land, director of the Family Life Ministries of the Lafayette Baptist Association, where she oers many religious services.The fullness that Jesus offers consists of His forgiveness for our mistakes, His grace for our lack and His purpose for our lives.HEART MATTERS Angie FAITH continued on 6A


6A FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 2017 RELIGION LAKE CITY REPORTER Open 6 Days A WeekMon. Sat.Evening Appointments Available My dentist really listens to me!Thats a first... CareCredit financing available A Special Welcoming Gift For You We Are Offering: COUPON #008$4900For OnlyThe policy of our oce is that the patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any service, examination, or treatment if performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, examination or treatment.With This Ad We Are Offering: Dr. Robert J. Harvey Dr. Rameek McNair C o m m u n i t y E a s t e r C e l e b r a t i o n M e m o r i a l S t a d i u m S u n d a y A p r i l 1 6 1 0 : 3 0 a m C o m e w o r s h i p w i t h u s 2 6 8 N W L a k e J e e r y R d | p b c l c c o m | 3 8 6 7 5 2 0 6 8 1 CHURCH CALENDARGood Friday services11:50 a.m. today at Bethel AME Church, 838 SW CR 242A, Lake City. Noon and 7 p.m. today at First Presbyterian Church, 697 SW Baya Drive, Lake City.6 p.m. today at First United Methodist Church of Lake City, 973 S. Marion Ave.Candle light communion service6:30 p.m. today at Watertown Congregational Methodist Church, 1024 Okinawa Road, Lake City.Good Friday service and Lords Supper 7 p.m. today at Gateway Baptist Church, 3252 SW State Road 247, Lake City. A Service of DarknessThe Covenant First Presbyterian Church of Live Oak will present A Service of Darkness by Dale Wood at 7:30 p.m. today Good Friday. William Poplin will direct a choir of 20-plus voices in seven choral meditations on the last words of Christ. The Service of Darkness commemorates the suffering and death of Christ, and is based on the ancient Tenebrae. Dating from the eighth century, Tenebrae was originally celebrated on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of Holy Week. It represented the darkness that fell over the earth as the Son of God was crucified. In Christmas services, candles symbolize the coming of Christ, the Light of the World. The use of candlelight in a darkened church on Good Friday portrays the fading light of the world as Christ was leaving it. Candles are extinguished following each choral meditation, but one candle will remain, indicating that death only seems to triumph over Christ. The community is invited to the free presentation.Easter egg hunts10 a.m. Saturday at First United Methodist Church of Lake City, 973 S. Marion Ave. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at Pine Grove Baptist Church, 1989 N. Highway 441, Lake City. Egg hunt, bouncy house/ slide, food and prizes.Gold Standard Lodge No. 167 will have its annual Easter egg activities from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at Annie Mattox Park. There will also be games, prizes and fun. 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday at Gateway Baptist Church, 3252 SW State Road 247, Lake City. There will also be story time, games, hot dogs and chips. Easter sunrise services6:40 a.m. Sunday at Gateway Baptist Church, 3252 SW State Road 247, Lake City. 7 a.m. Sunday at Falling Creek Chapel, 1290 NW Falling Creek Road, Lake City.Son rise serviceA service celebrating Jesus resurrection will be held at 6:50 a.m. Sunday at Bethel AME Church, 838 SW CR 242A, Lake City. Scriptural motivation hour9:15 a.m. Sunday at Bethel AME Church, 838 SW CR 242A, Lake City. Easter Day services at GraceEaster breakfast: 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.; Easter video: 9:30 to 10:15 a.m.; Easter worship: 10:30 a.m. All events are on Sunday at Grace Lutheran Church, 9989 CR 136, Live Oak. Call 364-1851 for more information.Easter Day Services at FUMC9:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday at First United Methodist Church of Lake City, 973 S. Marion Ave.Easter Day service and program10:45 a.m. Sunday at Bethel AME Church, 838 SW CR 242A, Lake City. GriefShare First United Methodist Church offers a nondenominational Bible-based support group for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. The group meets at 4 p.m. on Sundays in the churchs fellowship hall. The meetings are open to the community, and participants do not have to attend every session. For more information, call 752-4488.Fish fryOur Redeemer Lutheran Church, 5056 SW State Road 47, holds a fish fry on the first and third Friday of each month. Proceeds benefit the churchs missionaries. The church is also selling spaghetti dinners on the second Friday of each month to help fund its childrens playground. The meals cost $7. For more information, call 755-4299.Womens Ministry ConferenceThe fourth annual Womens Ministry Conference will be held over two days at St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church, 222 Oosterhoudth Lane, Lake City. The theme is, Put A Praise on It, Psalms 86:11-12, and the celebration colors are pink and white. On Saturday, April 22, Sister Lisa Wilson and Beatrice Bedford will lead the conference beginning at 9 a.m. A $10 donation to attend includes lunch. On Sunday, April 23, Minister Martha Kelsey will speak at 11 a.m. and Sister Daffany Jones of New Covenant Baptist Ministries in Starke will speak at 3:30 p.m.Bible study Bible study is held from 6 to 7 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday of each month at McAlpin Advent Christian Church, 17214 County Road 89 in McAlpin. For more information, call 658-1099 or 243-0381. First Baptist Church of Lake City, 182 NE Justice St., invites the community to Bible study at noon on Wednesdays. If you would like to have lunch, the cost is $5. Please RSVP by noon on Mondays by calling the church at 752-5422. A womens Bible study class at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church meets each Monday at 9:30 a.m. at 253 SW Woodberry Court in Lake City. All denominations are welcome. For more information, call Esther at 752-9909. Our Redeemer Lutheran Church has breakfast, Bible study and fellowship each Wednesday morning from 7 to 8 a.m. Join us at the church, 5056 SW State Road 47, 1 mile south of Interstate 75. For more information, call the church office at 755-4299. True Church of God in Unity, 639 NE Annie Mattox St., holds Bible study from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays. The public is invited to attend.Send your announcementsSend announcements about church events to Justin Caudell via email at they persevered in their conspiracy to cheat the world into piety, honesty and benevolence. Truly, they who can swallow such suppositions have no title to object to miracles. History is replete with accounts of those of different faiths who have died for what they believed, but they died believing those things to be true. There is not a single record of anyone who died for what they knew was a lie. If the disciples stole the body of Christ and hid it to feign Christs resurrection, is it reasonable to believe they gave the remainder of their lives to suffer privations, persecutions and death knowing the resurrection was a lie? This is the point that Dr. Hill makes so cogently. Ours is not a blind faith. An empty tomb gives mute testimony to the angels words, He is not here, but He has risen (Luke 24:6). Gary B. King can be reached at Continued From 5ACOURTESYToys for Tots recognizes centerSgt. Phillip Greer, right, stopped by the Christian Service Center recently to present a plaque of appreciation on behalf of Toys for Tots for the centers participation with the program. Chris Walters, director of the Christian Service Center, left, accepts the plaque from Greer. Top US Catholic bishop plans for Trump meeting HOUSTON The top Roman Catholic bishop in the U.S. lauds President Donald Trump for his anti-abortion views, for comments on the importance of Catholic schools and for promising to defend religious liberties. When it comes to refugees and immigration, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo says he and Trump will have to agree to disagree. In a wide-ranging interview with The Associated Press, DiNardo, the archbishop for Galveston-Houston and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, expressed concerns about Trumps now court-stalled executive order blocking immigration from six Muslim-majority nations and about the effects the Trump administrations immigration policies could have on families. DiNardo in 2007 became the first Catholic cardinal in the Southern United States, an area where Catholicism has flourished as more people have moved there, from both inside and outside the U.S. In his first extended interview since his more than 400 fellow bishops in November elected him to a three-year term as president of the U.S. bishops conference, DiNardo said the conference has had quiet initial talks with the White House to arrange a session between him and Trump. The White House had no comment on prospects for a meeting, although such a session would continue a common practice for the head of the bishops conference to confer with the U.S. president.Associated Press


Lake City Reporter SPORTS Friday, April 14, 2017 Section B Story ideas? Contact Eric Jackson or Tony Britt754-0420 ssCHS BASEBALLBRENT KUYKENDALL/Special to the ReporterColumbias Sammy Walker takes a swing during Mondays game versus Suwannee. The Tigers were defeated 6-2 to the rival Bulldogs earlier this week. Columbia hosts Palatka tonight before facing Ridgeview, Baker County and Palatka again away next week. Columbia hosts Palatka before 4-game road tripBy ERIC JACKSONejackson@lakecityreporter.comAfter enduring a disappointing loss to rival Suwannee earlier this week, the Tigers look to bounce back in their final home match before a four-game road stretch. Columbias baseball team strives for a sixth home victory when Palatka arrives in town for tonights nonconference matchup, a makeup game from last week (rain). The Tigers (9-10) host the Panthers (5-12) before embarking on their longest road stand of the season. Columbia travels to West Nassau this weekend then the club will head to Ridgeview, Palatka and Baker County in three games next week. Columbia returns home for the regular-season finale, hosting Ridgeview on April 27. The district tournament begins the following week after the Senior Night contest. Were at that point of the season phase two, Columbia coach Brian Thomas said. We just need to get better with every game Get better, get better, get better and then peak a little bit heading into your districts. It just makes you tougher and none of these games are going to be easy by no stretch of the imagination. Palatka aims to get even with Columbia after the Tigers shut out the Panthers 9-0 in the previous meeting last season. The Tigers hope to get back in the win column following Mondays 6-2 loss to Suwannee. Columbia has won its last six of eight games and the Tigers could pick up a tenth victory tonight. The kids need to keep this going so when you get to the district tournament nobody is wide-eyed, Thomas said of his teams strong second-half. Its more NBAOrlando fires GM Rob Hennigan after missing playoffs for 5 years COURTESYAt 30, Rob Hennigan was the youngest general manager in the NBA when he was hired by the Magic in June 2012. By TERRANCE HARRISAssociated PressORLANDO The Orlando Magic have fired general manager Rob Hennigan, saying Thursday it was time to go in a different direction after missing the postseason for five straight seasons. We appreciate Robs efforts to rebuild the team, but feel we have not made any discernible improvement over the last few years specifically, Magic CEO Alex Martins said Thursday in a statement. Its time for different leadership in basketball operations. We certainly wish Rob and his family well. Magic assistant general manager Matt Lloyd was named the interim GM while the team searches for Hennigans replacement. Orlando also fired assistant GM Scott Perry on Thursday. Matt brings solid experience and his appointment as general manager on an interim basis will allow us to seamlessly continue our preparations for the upcoming draft, Martins said. At 30, Hennigan was the youngest general manager in the NBA when he was hired by the Magic in June 2012. But the Magic never won enough under Hennigans direction, missing the postseason all five years of his tenure and posting a 132-278 (.322) record the second-worst in the NBA over the five seasons. The Magic finished this season 29-53 after entering the year with expectations of breaking through to the postseason under first-year coach Frank Vogel. Hennigan has made several moves that didnt pan out. The most recent was trading Victor Oladipo to Oklahoma City for veteran power forward Serge Ibaka last June. Hennigan also signed center Bismack Biyombo during free agency, as the team looked to go big in its front-court during a small-ball era. The plan to playing two big post players at the same time never was effective and Ibakas time in Orlando was short-lived as the season quickly began falling apart He was under contract for only this season, and once it became clear he not likely re-sign with the Magic, he was traded in February to Toronto for Terrence Ross. Hennigans job was tough from the outset with perennial All-Star Dwight Howard demanding a trade prior to Hennigans hiring. The team has not been to the postseason since Howards departure as the roster has been primarily filled with young and unproven talent. Orlando has not developed the young players it has drafted under Hennigan, and has failed to lure bigname free agents during his tenure. The Magic has also a constant revolving coaching door under Hennigan, who has hire three coaches in his five years. Hennigan hired unproven Jacque Vaughn in 2012 and brought in 2015 Scott Skiles in 2015. Skiles lasted just a season before resigning and Hennigan hired defensive-minded Frank Vogel last offseason. The team believes in Vogel after his successful run in Indianapolis, but with the way the current roster is set the next GM will face a challenge to turn things around. The Magic have not set the criteria they want in the next general manager, or a timeline to hire someone. COURTESYFGC partners with Country Club at Lake City Country Club at Lake City PGA General Manager Carl Ste-Marie shakes hands with Rebecca Golden, Florida Gateway College Coordinator of Athletics, Thursday after FGC and the Country Club at Lake City reached an agreement to make the Country Club at Lake City the official home course of the colleges mens golf team this fall. The creation of a mens golf team, along with a womens volleyball team, marks the return of inter collegiate athletics to FGC after a nine-year hiatus. COURTESYHook em Local fishermen Lee Folsom and Michael Webb show off their freshly caught bass. Webb and Folsom took first place (13.50 lbs) out of Sandy Point in the weekly Wednesday night tournament. The duo also had the big bass (7.05). TIGERS continued on 2B B1


2B FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 2017 SPORTS LAKE CITY REPORTER TV LISTINGSTODAY AUTO RACING 11 a.m. NBCSN Formula One, Bahrain Grand Prix, practice, at Sakhir, Bahrain BASKETBALL 8 p.m. ESPN2 High school, Jordan Brand Classic, East vs. West, at Brooklyn, N.Y. BOXING 10 p.m. SHO Dmitry Bivol vs. Samuel Clarkson, for Bivols WBA interim light heavyweight title; Juan Ruiz vs. Malik Hawkins, welterweights; Glenn Dezurn vs. Leroy Davila, featherweights, at Oxon Hill, Md. COLLEGE BASEBALL 8 p.m. FS1 Oklahoma St. at Kansas COLLEGE FOOTBALL 7:30 p.m. SEC Kentucky spring game, at Lexington, Ky. COLLEGE GYMNASTICS 1 p.m. ESPN2 Women, NCAA Championships, first semifinal, at St. Louis 9 p.m. ESPN Women, NCAA Championships, second semifinal, at St. Louis GOLF 6:30 a.m. GOLF European PGA Tour, Trophee Hassan II, second round, at Rabat, Morocco 10:30 a.m. GOLF European PGA Tour, Trophee Hassan II, second round, at Rabat, Morocco 12:30 p.m. GOLF Champions Tour, Mitsubishi Electric Classic, first round, at Duluth, Ga. 3 p.m. GOLF PGA Tour, RBC Heritage, sec ond round, at Hilton Head Island, S.C. 7 p.m. GOLF LPGA Tour, LOTTE Championship, third round, at Kapolei, Hawaii MLB BASEBALL 2 p.m. MLB Pittsburgh at Chicago Cubs 7 p.m. MLB Regional coverage, St. Louis at N.Y. Yankees OR Baltimore at Toronto NHL HOCKEY 7 p.m. NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs, first round, Eastern Conference, Game 1, Columbus at Pittsburgh USA Stanley Cup Playoffs, first round, Eastern Conference, Game 1, N.Y. Rangers at Montreal 8 p.m. NBCSN Stanley Cup Playoffs, first round, Western Conference, Game 1, St. Louis at Minnesota 10:30 p.m. NBCSN Stanley Cup Playoffs, first round, Western Conference, Game 1, San Jose at Edmonton RUGBY 2:30 p.m. NBCSN English Premiership, Harlequins vs. Exeter SOCCER 7 p.m. ESPN MLS, New York City at PhiladelphiaMLB STANDINGSNational League East Division W L Pct GB New York 6 3 .667 Washington 5 4 .556 1 Miami 4 4 .500 1 Philadelphia 3 6 .333 3 Atlanta 2 6 .250 3 Central Division W L Pct GB Cincinnati 7 2 .778 Chicago 5 3 .625 1 Milwaukee 4 5 .444 3 Pittsburgh 3 5 .375 3 St. Louis 3 6 .333 4 West Division W L Pct GB Arizona 7 3 .700 Colorado 6 4 .600 1 Los Angeles 5 4 .556 1 San Diego 5 5 .500 2 San Francisco 4 6 .400 3 American League East Division W L Pct GB Baltimore 5 2 .714 Tampa Bay 5 4 .556 1 Boston 4 4 .500 1 New York 4 4 .500 1 Toronto 1 7 .125 4 Central Division W L Pct GB Detroit 6 2 .750 Minnesota 5 3 .625 1 Cleveland 4 4 .500 2 Chicago 3 4 .429 2 Kansas City 2 6 .250 4 West Division W L Pct GB Los Angeles 6 3 .667 Houston 6 4 .600 Oakland 5 4 .556 1 Texas 3 5 .375 2 Seattle 2 8 .200 4NASCAR STANDINGS1. Kyle Larson 2. Chase Elliott 3. Martin Truex Jr. 4. Brad Keselowski 5. Joey Logano 6. Ryan Blaney 7. Kyle Busch 8. Jamie McMurray 9. Clint Bowyer 10. Kevin Harvick 11. Jimmie Johnson 12. Trevor Bayne 13. Ryan Newman 14. Erik Jones 15. Kurt Busch 16. Denny Hamlin 17. Kasey Kahne 18. Aric Almirola 19. Ricky Stenhouse Jr. 20. Dale Earnhardt Jr. Steelers Golson briefly detained at Alabama airport MOBILE, Ala. (AP) Pittsburgh Steelers cornerback Senquez Golson was briefly detained when airport security agents in Alabama found an unloaded pistol in his carry-on bag. Mobile Regional Airport police chief Brian Fillingim says Golson was stopped Wednesday and questioned before being allowed to board his flight. He says similar incidents happen at the airport a couple of times a month and that the Transportation Security Administration typically imposes fines. Fillingim says his officer told him that Golson was extremely nice, polite, didnt give him any problems whatso ever. The Steelers drafted the former Mississippi player in the second round in 2015. Golson spent the past two seasons on injured reserve for shoulder and foot injuries. SCOREBOARD FRIDAY EVENING APRIL 14, 2017 Comcast Dish DirecTV6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 3-ABC 3 -TV20 NewsABC World NewsEnt. TonightBe a MillionaireThe Toy Box (N) Shark Tank (N) (DVS) (:01) 20/20 News at 11 Jimmy Kimmel Live 4-IND 4 4 4News4JAX at 6PMNews4JAXEnt. TonightInside Edition (N) Hot in ClevelandLast Man StandingBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryThe 10 OClock News (N) News4JAX(:35) The Insider 5-PBS 5 -DW NewsNightly BusinessPBS NewsHour (N) Washington WeekCharlie RoseGreat Performances at the Met Romeo et Juliette A production of Gounods opera. (N) 7-CBS 7 47 47Action News JaxCBS Evening NewsJudge Judy (N) Family Feud MacGyver Cigar Cutter Hawaii Five-0 Waimaka EleEle (N) Blue Bloods (N) (DVS) Action NewsLate Show-Colbert 9-CW 9 17 172 Broke Girls 2 Broke Girls Mike & Molly Mike & Molly The Originals I Hear You Knocking Reign Pulling Strings (N) Law & Order: Criminal Intent Judge Faith Anger 10-FOX 10 30 30Action NewsAction NewsTMZ (N) Access HollywoodRosewood (N) (DVS) You the Jury Racism online. (N) Action NewsAction NewsAction NewsModern Family 12-NBC 12 12 12News NBC Nightly NewsWheel of FortuneJeopardy! (N) First Dates (N) Dateline NBC Nightfall (N) Dateline NBC Good & Evil (N) News Tonight Show WGN-A 16 239 307Blue Bloods Brothers Cops Cops U.S. Marshals (1998) Tommy Lee Jones, Wesley Snipes. Sam Gerard gets caught up in another fugitive case. U.S. Marshals (1998, Action) TVLAND 17 106 304M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Love-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondKing of QueensKing of Queens OWN 18 189 27920/20 on ID A Last Dance in Texas 20/20 on ID Murder for Hire 20/20 on ID 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 20/20 on ID A&E 19 118 265(5:00) Live PD Live PD -04.08.17 Riding along with law enforcement. Live PD Live PD: Rewind No. 7 (N) Live PD Live PD -04.14.17 Riding along with law enforcement. (N) (Live) HALL 20 185 312Last Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingHome Improve.Home Improve.The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle The Golden GirlsThe Golden Girls FX 22 136 248(5:00) The Wolverine (2013) Hugh Jackman, Hiroyuki Sanada. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014, Science Fiction) Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana. X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) Hugh Jackman. CNN 24 200 202The Situation Room With Wolf BlitzerErin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) CNN Tonight With Don Lemon (N) CNN Tonight With Don Lemon (N) TNT 25 138 245Castle Strange murder scene. Castle (DVS)The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014, Fantasy) Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman. (DVS)The Island (2005) (DVS) NIK 26 170 299Henry Danger Space Invaders The Thundermans Henry Danger Danger & ThunderIce Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009) Voices of Ray Romano. Friends Friends SPIKE 28 168 241Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Bellator MMA Live (N) (Live) (:15) Bellator Kickboxing Budapest. MY-TV 29 32 -Mamas FamilyMamas FamilyM*A*S*H M*A*S*H American Ninja Warrior American Ninja Warrior Seinfeld Hogans HeroesCarol BurnettPerry Mason DISN 31 172 290Bunkd (N) Stuck/MiddleTangled: The SeTangled: The SeStuck/MiddleAndi Mack Shhh!Hop (2011, Childrens) James Marsden. Tangled: The SeStuck/MiddleAndi Mack Shhh! LIFE 32 108 252Bring It! Coach D swaps studios. Bring It! La La Land Bring It! (N) Bring It! Battle for Broadway (N) (:13) The Pop Game The Hot Seat (:11) Bring It! Battle for Broadway USA 33 105 242Law & Order: Special Victims Unitk NHL Hockey New York Rangers at Montreal Canadiens. Game 2 of the Eastern Conference quarternals. (N) Team Ninja Warrior Team Ninja Warrior BET 34 124 329Dr. Dolittle (1998) Eddie Murphy, Ossie Davis. A 20th-century doctor can talk with animals.Space Jam (1996) Michael Jordan. Live action/animated. Michael Jordan and Looney Tunes. Rebel Chasing Ghost ESPN 35 140 206SportsCenter With Michael and Jemelef MLS Soccer New York City FC at Philadelphia Union. (N) College Gymnastics SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN2 36 144 209Around the HornInterruptionNBA Playoff Preview Special (N) (Live) High School Basketball Jordan Brand Classic: East vs. West. (N) 30 for 30 SUNSP 37 -ACC All-AccessRays Pregamea MLB Baseball Tampa Bay Rays at Boston Red Sox. From Fenway Park in Boston. (N) Rays PostgameInside the RaysInside the RaysFacing Waves (N) DISCV 38 182 278Alaskan Bush People Never Give Up Gold Rush Gold Rush: Parkers Trail (N) Gold Rush Parkers Trail: Hypothermia Parker falls into freezing water. (N) (:01) Gold Rush TBS 39 139 247Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Horrible Bosses 2 (2014, Comedy) Jason Bateman, Charlie Day, Jason Sudeikis. (DVS)The Bounty Hunter (2010) Jennifer Aniston. HLN 40 202 204Forensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesHow It Really Happened How It Really Happened (N) How It Really Happened How It Really Happened FNC 41 205 360Special Report With Bret Baier (N) The First 100 Days (N) Factor Friday Greg Gufeld hosts. (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) Hannity Special (N) Factor Friday Greg Gufeld hosts. E! 45 114 236(5:00) Little Fockers (2010) E! News (N) Couples Retreat (2009, Comedy) Vince Vaughn, Jason Bateman, Jon Favreau. The KardashiansE! News (N) TRAVEL 46 196 277Ghost Adventures The National Hotel Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Amelia Earhart Expedition Unknown HGTV 47 112 229Tiny HouseTiny HouseTiny HouseTiny HouseDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeHouse HuntersHunters IntlHouse HuntersHunters Intl TLC 48 183 280My Big Fat American Gypsy WeddingMy Big Fat American Gypsy WeddingMy Big Fat American Gypsy WeddingMy Big Fat American Gypsy WeddingMy Big Fat American Gypsy WeddingMy Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding HIST 49 120 269American Pickers The Royal Risk American Pickers (DVS) American Pickers American Pickers Catch-32 (:03) American Pickers (:03) American Pickers ANPL 50 184 282Treehouse Masters Tanked Tanked Going for the Gold(sh) Tanked: Sea-Lebrity Edition MLB all-stars want home-run tanks. (N) Tanked Working with family members. FOOD 51 110 231Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive TBN 52 260 372John Gray WorldCreation Its Supernatural!The Potters TouchNo Wonder They Call Him the SaviorHal Lindsey End of the AgePerry StoneThe WatchmanNo Wonder They Call Him the Savior FSN-FL 56 -UEFA MagazineMarlins Pregamea MLB Baseball New York Mets at Miami Marlins. From Marlins Park in Miami. (N) Marlins PostgameInside the Marlins World Poker SYFY 58 122 244(5:00) Faster (2010, Action) Fast & Furious (2009, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. John Wick (2014, Action) Keanu Reeves, Michael Nyqvist. (DVS) (10:59) The Magicians AMC 60 130 254(5:00) Lethal Weapon 2 (1989) Mel Gibson. Lethal Weapon 3 (1992, Action) Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci. Lethal Weapon 4 (1998, Action) Mel Gibson, Danny Glover. COM 62 107 249(5:50) Futurama(:20) Futurama(6:55) South ParkSouth Park South Park Were the Millers (2013, Comedy) Jennifer Aniston, Jason Sudeikis, Will Poulter. Jim Gafgan: Obsessed CMT 63 166 327Last Man StandingLast Man StandingVarsity Blues (1999, Comedy-Drama) James Van Der Beek, Jon Voight. Premiere. Varsity Blues (1999, Comedy-Drama) James Van Der Beek, Jon Voight, Paul Walker. NGWILD 108 190 283Cesar Millans Dog Nation Whos Your Doggie? Puppies vs. the World (N) Cesar Millans Dog Nation (N) Pet Talk Dog Tricks & Tips (N) Puppies vs. the World NGEO 109 186 276Explorer Down to the Earths Core Naked ScienceNaked ScienceOrigins: The Journey of HumankindExplorer S10 Ep6 Origins: The Journey of Humankind SCIENCE 110 193 284MythBusters Challenging virtual worlds. Outrageous Acts of Science Outrageous Acts of Science (:02) Outrageous Acts of Science(:04) Outrageous Acts of Science(:06) Outrageous Acts of Science ID 111 192 285Unusual Suspects An Eye for Murder Unusual Suspects Last Curtain Call Mystery at the Valley River Inn (N) 48 Hours on ID The Soldiers Wife Detective Murder in Paradise (N) Mystery at the Valley River Inn SEC 743 408 611(3:00) The Paul Finebaum Show (N) SEC Now (N) e College Football Kentucky Spring Game. (N) SEC Now (N) (Live) SEC Now Best/Finebaum HBO 302 300 501(5:20) (2013) Chadwick Boseman. PG-13 VICE Criminal (2016, Action) Kevin Costner, Gal Gadot, Gary Oldman. R Real Time With Bill Maher VICE (:31) Animals (N) MAX 320 310 515(5:45) The Ninth Gate (1999, Suspense) Johnny Depp. R Black Mass (2015, Crime Drama) Johnny Depp. Premiere. R (:05) Marauders (2016, Suspense) Bruce Willis, Dave Bautista. R SHOW 340 318 545Crash (2004, Drama) Sandra Bullock, Don Cheadle. R The Man Who Knew Innity (2015) Dev Patel. Premiere. PG-13 s Boxing Dmitry Bivol vs. Samuel Clarkson. (N) SATURDAY EVENING APRIL 15, 2017 Comcast Dish DirecTV6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 3-ABC 3 -TV20 NewsWorld NewsThe Ten Commandments (1956, Historical Drama) Charlton Heston, Yul Brynner, Edward G. Robinson. Moses leads the enslaved Jews to the Promised Land. WCJB TV20 News 4-IND 4 4 4News4JAX at 6PMFlipping Entertainment Tonight (N) Blue Bloods Framed Big Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryNews Inside EditionNews4JAX1st Baptist Church 5-PBS 5 -The Lawrence Welk Show Easter Antiques Roadshow Salt Lake City Murder in Suburbia Salsa Miss Fishers Murder Mysteries Vicious Wake Vicious Cheat Austin City Limits 7-CBS 7 47 47Action News JaxWeekend NewsFamily Feud Family Feud Ransom Bulletproof Training Day Blurred Lines (N) 48 Hours Action NewsAction Sports 9-CW 9 17 17(5:30) Dead Again (1991, Mystery) Kenneth Branagh.House of Sand and Fog (2003, Drama) Jennifer Connelly, Ben Kingsley, Ron Eldard.Colors (1988, Crime Drama) Sean Penn, Robert Duvall. 10-FOX 10 30 30 UFC Fight Night: Johnson vs. Reis Prelims (N) UFC Fight Night: Johnson vs. Reis (N) Action NewsAction SportsKicking & Screaming (DVS) 12-NBC 12 12 12News NBC Nightly NewsWheel of FortuneJeopardy! k NHL Hockey Nashville Predators at Chicago Blackhawks. Game 2 of the Western Conference quarternals. (N) News Sat. Night Live WGN-A 16 239 307Blue Bloods Nightmares Blue Bloods Higher Education Blue Bloods Fathers and Sons Blue Bloods Secrets and Lies Blue Bloods Front Page News Underground Minty TVLAND 17 106 304The Golden GirlsThe Golden GirlsThe Golden GirlsThe Golden GirlsThe Golden GirlsLove-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondKing of QueensKing of Queens OWN 18 189 279Iyanla, Fix My Life Iyanla, Fix My Life Iyanla, Fix My Life Lotto Drama Iyanla, Fix My Life (Part 1 of 2) The Book of John Gray Iyanla, Fix My Life Lotto Drama A&E 19 118 265(5:00) Live PD Live PD -04.07.17 Riding along with law enforcement. Live PD Live PD: Rewind No. 8 (N) Live PD Live PD -04.15.17 Riding along with law enforcement. (N) (Live) HALL 20 185 312(5:00) Love Blossoms (2017) Moonlight in Vermont (2017, Romance) Lacey Chabert, Carlo Marks. Like Cats and Dogs (2017) Cassidy Gifford, Wyatt Nash. Premiere. The Golden GirlsThe Golden Girls FX 22 136 248(5:30) Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana. Iron Man 3 (2013) Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow. A powerful enemy tests Tony Starks true mettle. Prison Break Ogygia (DVS) CNN 24 200 202Smerconish CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera (N) CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera (N) Unseen Enemy A 21st-century rash of disease. Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown TNT 25 138 245(5:00) The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014) Ian McKellen.The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) Elijah Wood. Members of a fellowship battle evil Sauron and his pawns. (DVS) Lord of the Rings NIK 26 170 299The ThundermansThe ThundermansHenry DangerHenry DangerHenry Danger (N) Nicky, RickyThe ThundermansGame ShakersFull HouseFull HouseFriendsFriends SPIKE 28 168 241Cops Atlanta Cops In Atlanta. Cops Cops Cops (N) Cops Jail: Big Texas (N) Cops Shooter (2007, Suspense) Mark Wahlberg, Michael Pea. MY-TV 29 32 -The Wild, Wild West Incredible Hulk Prometheus Wonder Woman Star Trek Charlie X Svengoolie Curse of the Werewolf DISN 31 172 290K.C. UndercoverK.C. UndercoverStuck/MiddleL & M: Cali StyleTangled: The SeTangled: The SeUp (2009, Childrens) Voices of Ed Asner. Tangled: The Se(:15) Bunkd (:40) Andi Mack LIFE 32 108 252(5:00) The Devil Wears Prada (2006) Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway. Killer Mom (2017) Karen Cliche, Kirby Bliss Blanton. Premiere. (:04) Secrets in Suburbia (2017) Brianna Brown, Brody Behr. Premiere. USA 33 105 242Law & Order: Special Victims UnitLaw & Order: Special Victims UnitLaw & Order: Special Victims UnitLaw & Order: Special Victims UnitLaw & Order: Special Victims UnitModern FamilyModern Family BET 34 124 329(5:00) Madeas Family Reunion (2006) Tyler Perry, Blair Underwood.Annie (2014, Childrens) Jamie Foxx, Quvenzhan Wallis. Premiere. (:12) Madeas Family Reunion (2006) Tyler Perry, Blair Underwood. ESPN 35 140 206d(5:30) NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (N)d NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. NBA action from the rst round of the playoffs. (N)d NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (N) ESPN2 36 144 209SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenter Special We the FansWe the FansSportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SUNSP 37 -a MLB Baseball: Rays at Red Sox Rays PostgameInside the RaysInside the RaysInside the Rays MLB Baseball Tampa Bay Rays at Boston Red Sox. Inside the RaysInside the Rays DISCV 38 182 278Street Outlaws Street Outlaws The drivers race to win. Street Outlaws: Overdrive Episode 1 (N) Street Outlaws Showdown Lowdown TBS 39 139 2472 Broke Girls2 Broke Girls2 Broke GirlsBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryFull FrontalThe Detour HLN 40 202 204Forensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesHow It Really Happened Forensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic Files FNC 41 205 360(5:00) Americas News HeadquartersFox Report Julie Banderas hosts. (N) Watters World (N) Justice With Judge Jeanine (N) The Greg Gutfeld Show (N) Watters World E! 45 114 236(5:30) Couples Retreat (2009) Vince Vaughn, Jason Bateman. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003) Kate Hudson, Matthew McConaughey. Friends With Benets (2011) Justin Timberlake. TRAVEL 46 196 277Ghost Adventures Exorcist House Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures (N) Ghost Adventures Stardust Ranch Ghost Adventures HGTV 47 112 229Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Lakefront Bargain Hunt: RenovationHouse Hunters Renovation (N) Mountain Life (N) Mountain Life (N) TLC 48 183 280Say Yes to the Dress Say Yes: NorthernSay Yes: NorthernSay Yes to the Dress (N) Nate & Jeremiah by Design (N) (:01) Playhouse Masters (N) (:03) Say Yes to the Dress HIST 49 120 269Counting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting Cars (N)(:31) Counting Cars(:03) Road Hauks Bootlegger (N)(:03) Counting Cars(:33) Counting Cars ANPL 50 184 282The Vet Life Hope for Hoppy The Vet Life Training Day The Vet Life: Texas-Sized Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet (N) The Vet Life Baby kangaroos; pit-mix. The Vet Life Hello Houston FOOD 51 110 231Diners, DriveHelp My YelpChoppedChoppedChoppedChoppedChopped TBN 52 260 372The BibleMain Stage Precious Memories In Touch With Dr. Charles StanleyHour of Power With Bobby SchullerPathway to VictoryGraham ClassicThe Greatest Story Ever Told FSN-FL 56 -Golf Life Marlins Pregamea MLB Baseball New York Mets at Miami Marlins. From Marlins Park in Miami. (N) Marlins PostgameInside the Marlins World Poker SYFY 58 122 244(4:30) CatwomanJohn Wick (2014, Action) Keanu Reeves, Michael Nyqvist. (DVS)The Goonies (1985) Sean Astin. Young mists nd a 17th-century pirates treasure map. (:03) Oz the Great and Powerful AMC 60 130 254(4:20) Young Guns II (1990) (6:50) The Son Eli McCullough survives an attack. The Son Young Eli trains as a warrior. The Son Young Eli trains as a warrior.Young Guns (1988) COM 62 107 249(5:50) South Park(:20) South Park(6:55) South ParkSouth Park South Park South Park South Park South Park Big Daddy (1999, Comedy) Adam Sandler, Joey Lauren Adams. CMT 63 166 327(5:00) The Wedding Date (2005)Knocked Up (2007) Seth Rogen, Katherine Heigl. A one-night stand has an unforeseen consequence. Shallow Hal (2001) Gwyneth Paltrow, Jack Black, Jason Alexander. NGWILD 108 190 283The Incredible Dr. Pol: Deja MOO!The Incredible Dr. Pol: Deja MOO!The Incredible Dr. Pol: Deja MOO! (N) Boss Dog (N) How Dogs Got Their Shapes The Incredible Dr. Pol: Deja MOO! NGEO 109 186 276Hard Time Prison Gangs Hard Time Breaking In Wicked Tuna Bluen Brotherhood Wicked Tuna Who Needs a Captain? Wicked Tuna The Ego Has Landed Wicked Tuna Who Needs a Captain? SCIENCE 110 193 284Unearthed What on Earth? What on Earth? Bibles Greatest Secrets (N) (:04) Biblical Conspiracies (:06) What on Earth? ID 111 192 285See No Evil The Vanishing Babysitter Casey Anthony: American MurderCasey Anthony: American MurderCasey Anthony: American MurderMurder Comes to Town (N) Casey Anthony: American Murder SEC 743 408 611 College Softball Alabama vs Tennessee. (N) a College Baseball Kentucky vs Missouri. From Memorial Stadium in Columbia, Mo. (N) SEC Now HBO 302 300 501(5:25) Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) Ben Afeck. PG-13Suicide Squad (2016, Action) Will Smith. Premiere. PG-13 (:03) J. Cole: 4 Your Eyez Only (N) (10:55) CrashingGirls MAX 320 310 515(:05) Brooklyn (2015, Romance) Saoirse Ronan. PG-13 Australia (2008) Nicole Kidman. An Englishwoman and a cattleman struggle to save her ranch. PG-13 (10:50) Pan (2015) PG SHOW 340 318 545(5:30) American Jihad (2017) NR Homeland Pieces fall into place. Billions Axe faces opposition. I Am Number Four (2011, Action) Alex Pettyfer. PG-13 Mr. Brooks (2007) R than just another game, but it will [feel] like another game on the schedule. Columbia won the tiebreaker coin toss last week so the defending champs will host the district tournament this season. After these final five games of the regular season, the Tigers will try to capture a third-straight district title next month at home. Competing in hostile environments just before the tournament could be beneficial. Going on an extended road trip at the end of the year is big because we may have to get on the road after the district tournament, Thomas added. So were ready for it, and thats how were approaching it. Columbias six-game home stand ends tonight, and the Tigers could use a little momentum as they prepare for one of their most challenging stints of the year. We want to end our time here for a while on a good note. TIGERSContinued From 1BFILEColumbias Josh Boyette makes it safely to home during Mondays home game against Suwannee. B2


ARIES (March 21-April 19): Keep moving regardless of the distractions you encounter. Stay focused on whats important and dont stop until you reach your endpoint. Show enthusiasm and you will sway others to think and do the same as you. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Decipher any hidden meanings behind information someone is revealing. Getting the message right will make a difference to the way you respond. If someone asks for help, make sure his or her needs are legitimate before you offer assistance. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Explore your inner feelings before you engage in a discussion with someone you share a work or personal space with. Its important to understand why you feel the way you do before pointing fingers or making accusations or assumptions. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Look at the size of a request before get involved. Taking on too much will result in falling short and looking bad. Its best to concentrate on what you feel you can offer successfully before making a commitment. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Do something that brings you joy, or get involved in activities or events that you can share with either a young person or someone who makes you feel young at heart. Concentrate on what you can do and you will make a difference. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Sensitive issues will surface at home and when dealing with personal relationships. Be careful how you respond and question anything that appears to be sketchy or deceitful. Honesty will be necessary if you want to avoid a tense environment. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Set your goals, discuss your plans with someone you like to work alongside, and divvy up what needs to be done. The dedication and hard work you put in will pay high dividends. A celebration will encourage better relations with your peers. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): When it comes to domestic decisions, be honest about what you want to see happen. Stewing over a change that is happening will not suffice. Step up and offer suggestions. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Honesty will be crucial when dealing with friends, family or your lover. Share your thoughts openly and be willing to make compromises when necessary. Meeting others halfway will ensure that you make progress and you dont damage your relationships. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Share something special with someone you love. You can make changes at home that will improve your lifestyle as well as your state of mind. Put greater emphasis on doing good work. Romance is encouraged. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Spend more time on yourself and your needs. Consider what you can do to improve your health and emotional well-being. Revamp your eating and exercise routine. Avoid getting into a debate with someone who will never see things your way. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Personal matters should take top priority. Express your feelings and make decisions that will affect your life. A day trip or romantic getaway will enhance your relationship with someone special and encourage positive lifestyle changes. DEAR ABBY: My friend recently had a baby and could really use my daughters old clothes, as our girls are only a year apart and I have saved practically everything. But it will cost a considerable amount to ship several boxes, and I could use the extra money myself if I sold the clothes at a tag sale. Would I be cheap if I asked that when my friend is done with them, she donate the clothes to a charity and send me back the tax donation forms? WANTS TO KNOW IN CONNECTICUT DEAR WANTS TO KNOW: First, a gentle reminder that once a gift is given, it belongs to the recipient. And yes, I believe you WOULD come across as cheap. Either give the clothes out of the goodness of your heart, knowing you will reap rewards beyond the financial or donate them yourself. DEAR ABBY: Full of Feeling in Arizona (Jan. 21) wrote about her husband lacking sympathy, and was worried he may not be there emotionally for her children in the event of her dying before he does. Your answer to her was to outlive him, which had me rolling in laughter. Perhaps another idea might be to write letters to her children NOW. A heartfelt letter taking family members through the loss of their mom (from their mom) or dad (from their mom who has already passed) may be very comforting to some. Or several letters for different occasions could be a beautiful gift. Just a thought. CHRISSY IN CALIFORNIADEAR CHRISSY: Other readers suggested letter writing (and a personalized video message) as potential solutions to this problem. Read on for a sampling of other comments: DEAR ABBY: Perhaps the mom should identify a relative or family friend to be aware of this issue and ready to step in and provide some support if needed. If the children and this person are alerted beforehand, they will know whom to turn to in case Mom predeceases her husband. Each child may wish to designate his or her own source of support, but the purpose of this exercise is to reassure the mother that her kids will not be alone. MAURA IN OREGON DEAR ABBY: This woman needs to know that its OK for her husband to be hard-nosed about death. While he SHOULD be more sympathetic to the feelings of others, he wasnt raised that way. His way of handling it is to put up a wall. Some people dont have the same depth of feelings as others. Mine are much more matter-offact than my friends. But I can appreciate that we all grieve in different ways. DAVID IN MICHIGAN DEAR ABBY: That womans husband could have Aspergers syndrome, a type of high-functioning autism. These individuals, although accomplished and intelligent in many areas, have difficulty processing empathy. It makes them seem uncaring. This con dition makes interaction between spouses extremely frustrating and difficult. Its worth considering. AUDREY IN PENNSYLVANIA DEAR ABBY: My mother-in-law recently moved close to us. She has a nice home and has lots of friends in the area, but she doesnt want any of them to come visit. Abby, her entire focus is on us! She walks right into our home, although she has been asked several times not to. She goes through my things and takes whatever she wants without asking. I can never relax unless my husband isnt home and I have locked the doors so she cant barge in. When he is here, she comes over, walks in, and if we have company, thinks she should join our guests. I recently retired, and I get anxious because I want it peaceful, but with her invading our privacy, its anything but. I feel like the bad guy, but I just want what most people do to feel content in my own home. What else can I do? WANTS TO RUN AWAY DEAR WANTS TO RUN AWAY: You should not have to feel like a prisoner in your own home. Keep all the entrances securely locked, especially the front door. While youre at it, if you havent already done so, tell her to stay out of your belongings because you dont want any more items to disappear. Because your MIL wont listen to you, have your husband tell his mother not to drop in without call ing first. If she does it anyway, when she shows up, rather than ask her not to do it, TELL her and dont let her in. DEAR ABBY: I am one of your male readers. I took in a teenager on his 17th birthday because he wanted to leave an abusive, neglectful situation from his mother and her husband. I have known him since he was 4. During the time he has been here, we have bonded, and his appearance and attitude have improved. With his permission, I recently legally adopted him. Our problem is that people are making comments that this is a sexual thing, which is absolutely not true. How can I quash these statements? He is very grateful to have a loving dad now, but is afraid of backlashes. ADULT ADOPTION DEAR A.A.: The problem with rumors of this kind is that some people love to speculate, and truth has nothing to do with it. Unless you can pinpoint where the rumors are coming from, nothing you or your son can do will prove they are untrue. If that should change, however, there may be legal steps you could consider because accusations that someone is taking advantage of a minor could be considered slander. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Mother can give away baby clothes or donate for taxes Abigail Van Burenwww.dearabby.comFRIDAY & SATURDAY, APRIL 14 & APRIL 15, 2017 ADVICE & PUZZLES LAKE CITYREPORTER 3B April 14: Actor Bradford Dillman (Falcon Crest) is 87. Country singer Loretta Lynn is 85. Actress Julie Christie is 77. Guitarist Ritchie Blackmore is 72. Actor John Shea (Gossip Girl, Lois and Clark) is 68. Actor Brad Garrett (Everybody Loves Raymond) is 57. Actor Robert Carlyle (Once Upon A Time) is 56. Singerguitarist John Bell of Widespread Panic is 55. Actress Catherine Dent (The Shield) is 52. Drummer Barrett Martin (Screaming Trees) is 50. Actor Anthony Michael Hall is 49. Actor Adrien Brody is 44. Singer David Miller of Il Divo is 44. Rapper Da Brat is 43. Actor Antwon Tanner (One Tree Hill) is 42. Actress Sarah Michelle Gellar is 40. Actor Rob McElhenney (Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia) is 40. Singer Win Butler of Arcade Fire is 37. Actor Claire Coffee (Grimm) is 37. Actor Nick Krause (The Descendants) is 25. Actor Graham Phillips (The Good Wife) is 24. Actress Skyler Samuels (Scream Queens) is 23. Actress Abigail Breslin (Little Miss Sunshine) is 21. April 15: Country singer Roy Clark is 84. Actress Claudia Cardinale (Son of the Pink Panther) is 79. Singer-guitarist Dave Edmunds is 74. Actor Michael Tucci (Diagnosis Murder) is 71. Puzzle Solutions on the next page. DEAR ABBY CELEBRITY BIRTHDAYS HOROSCOPES | THE LAST WORD BY EUGENIA LAST




Classi ed Department 755-5440 FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 2017CLASSIFIED LAKE CITY REPORTER5B CLASSIFIEDLAKE CITY REPORTER Ad to Appear:Call by:Email by: TuesdayMon., 10 a.m.Mon., 9 a.m. WednesdayTues., 10 a.m.Tues., 9 a.m. ThursdayWed., 10 a.m.Wed., 9 a.m. FridayThurs., 10 a.m.Thurs., 9 a.m. SundayFri., 3 p.m.Fri., 2 p.m.These deadlines are subject to change without notice.ADVANTAGEAd Errors: Please read your ad on the first day of publication. We accept responsibility for only the first incorrect insertion, and only the charge for the ad space in error. Please call 7555440 immediately for prompt correction and billing adjustments. Cancellations: Normal advertising deadlines apply for cancellation. Billing Inquiries: Call 755-5440. Should further information be required regarding payments or credit limits, your call will be transferred to the accounting department.Cancellations, Changes, and Billing Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advertising copy is subject to approval by the Publisher who reserves the right to edit, reject, or classify all advertisements under appr opriate headings. Copy should be checked for errors by the advertiser on the first day of publication. Credit for published errors will be allowed for the first insertion for that portion of the advertisement which was incorrect. Further, the Publisher shall not be liable for any omission of advertisements ordered to be published, nor for any general, special or consequential damages. Advertising language must comply with Federal, State or local laws regarding the prohibition of discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. Standard abbreviations are acceptable; however, the first word of each ad may not be abbreviated.General Information Take ADvantage of the Reporter Classifieds!755-5440 You can call us at 755-5440, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Some people prefer to place their classified ads in person, and some ad categories will require prepayment. Our office is located at 180 East Duval Street. You can also fax or email your ad copy to the Reporter. FAX: 386-752-9400 Please direct your copy to the Classified Department. EMAIL: Placing An Ad > $17.50Each additional line $1.654 LINES 3 DAYS GARAGE SALEIncludes 2 Signs COLUMBIA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS INVITATION TO BID ULV APPROVED ADULTICIDE BID NO. 2017-N Please be advised that Columbia County desires to accept bids on the above referenced items. Bids will be accepted until 11:00 a.m. on May 2, 2017 in the office of the Board of County Commissioners located at 135 NE Hernando Ave. Room 203, Lake City, Florida 32055. Specifications and bid forms may be downloaded at the County web site, st-purchasing-projects.aspx. Columbia County reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to accept the bid in the County's best interest. 334454 April 14, 21, 2017 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS CONCERNING AMENDMENTS TO THECOLUMBIA COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, SERVING ALSO AS THE LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Sections 163.3161 through 163.3248, Florida Statutes, as amended, and the Columbia County Land Development Regulations, as amended, hereinafter referred to as the Land Development Regulations, objections, recommendations and comments concerning the amendments, as described below, will be heard by the Planning and Zoning Board of Columbia County, Florida, serving also as the Local Planning Agency of Columbia County, Florida, at public hearings on April 27, 2017 at 6:15 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matters can be heard, in the School Board Administrative Complex located at 372 West Duval Street, Lake City, Florida. LDR 17-02, an application by the Board of County Commissioners, to amend the text of the Land Development Regulations, as amended, by amending Section 4.12.2, entitled "Permitted principal uses and structures"; by amending Section 4.13.2, entitled "Permitted principal uses and structures"; by amending Section 4.14.2, entitled "Permitted principal uses and structures"; by amending Section 4.15.2, entitled "Permitted principal uses and structures"; by amending Section 4.16.2, entitled "Permitted principal uses and structures"; by amending Section 4.17.2, entitled Permitted principal uses and structures; by amending Section 14.13, entitled "Site and development plan approval"; by amending Section 14.13.2, entitled "Procedure"; by amending Section 14.13.4, entitled "Issuance of a building permit"; by deleting Section 14.13.5, entitled "Sanitary Sewer"; by deleting Section 14.13.6, entitled "Potable Water"; by deleting Section 14.13.7, entitled "Drainage"; by deleting Section 14.13.8, entitled "Solid Waste"; by deleting Section 14.13.9, entitled "Recreation", by creating a new Section 14.13.5, entitled "Concurrency"; and, by creating a yyg new Section 14.13.6, entitled "Minor site and development plan approval". The public hearings may be continued to one or more future date. Any interested party shall be advised that the date, time and place of any continuation of the public hearings shall be announced during the public hearings and that no further notice concerning the matters will be published, unless said continuation exceeds six calendar weeks from the date of the above referenced public hearings. At the aforementioned public hearings, all interested parties may appear to be heard with respect to the amendments. Copies of the amendments are available for public inspection at the Office of the County Planner, County Administrative Offices located at 135 Northeast Hernando Avenue, Lake City, Florida, during regular business hours. All persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at the above referenced public hearing, they will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in the proceeding should contact Lisa K. B. Roberts, at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the hearing. Ms. Roberts may be contacted by telephone at (386) 758-1005 or by Telecommunication Device for Deaf at (386) 758-2139. 333752 April 14, 2017 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGCONCERNING A SUBDIVISION VARIANCE AS PROVIDED FORIN THE COLUMBIA COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to the Columbia County Land Development Regulations, as amended, hereinafter referred to as the Land Development Regulations, as amended, objections, recommendations and comments concerning the subdivision variance, as described below, will be heard by the Planning and Zoning Board of Columbia County, Florida, at a public hearing on April 27, 2017, at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matters can be heard, in the School Board Administrative Complex located at 372 West Duval Street, Lake City, Florida. SV 17 01, a petition by Barbara E. Swanson, agent for Robert D. and Barbara E. Swanson & Gordon Phillip Swanson, owners, to request a subdivision variance be granted from the dimension and design standards of Section 5.23.2 of the Land Development Regulations to allow for a deviation from the three to one lot length to width ratio. The variance has been filed in accordance with a final plat submitted as part of a petition filed March 20, 2017, to be located on property described, as follows: PART OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 16 EAST, COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND INCLUDING LOT 2 OF BLOCK "A" OF "HICKORY RIDGE, A SUBDIVISION PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGES 100-102 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT A CONCRETE MONUMENT MARKING THE SE CORNER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 16 EAST, COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND THENCE S.87 DEGREES 58'04"W., ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 23, A DISTANCE OF 273.28 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT, LS 4708, AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED LANDS; THENCE CONTINUE S.87 DEGREES 58'04"W.,STILL ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 81.06 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT LS 4708, BEING ON THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHTOF-WAY LINE OF A 60 FOOT WIDE PRIVATE ROAD KNOWN AS NW SECLUDED GLEN, SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY BEING DEFINED BY A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SW AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 296.58 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 36 DEGREES 52'04" AND BEING SUBTENDED BY A CHORD HAVING A BEARING OF N.73 DEGREES 46'00"W, AND A CHORD LENGTH OF 187.56 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 190.84 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT, LS 4708, MARKING THE POINT OF TANGENCY OF SAID CURVE; THENCE S.87 DEGREES 47'58"W., STILL ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, 66.65 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT, LS 4708, MARKING THE SW CORNER OF LOT 3 OF BLOCK "A" OF "HICKORY RIDGE", A SUBDIVISION AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGES 100-102 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE 39 DEGREES 06'50"W., ALONG THE MONUMENTED EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 3, A DISTANCE OF 384.18 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT, LS 4708, MARKING THE SE CORNER OF LOT 1 OF BLOCK "A" OF SAID "HICKORY RIDGE"; THENCE N.31 DEGREES 13'02"E., ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 1, A DISTANCE OF 557.86 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT LS 4708, ON THE MONUMENTED SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHTOF-WAY LINE OF NW LAKE JEFFERY ROAD AND MARKING THE NE CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE S.51 DEGREES 07'45'E., ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, 360.06 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT, LS 4708; THENCE S.00 DEGREES 03'29"E., 596.21 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 7.14 acres, more or less. Tax Parcels 23-3s-16-02272053, 23-3s-16-02272-202, & 23-3s-16-02272-204 The public hearing may be continued to one or more future dates. Any interested party shall be advised that the date, time and place of any continuation of the public hearing shall be announced during the public hearing and that no further notice concerning the matter will be published, unless said conp tinuation exceeds six calendar weeks from the date of the above referenced public hearing. At the aforementioned public hearing, all interested parties may appear to be heard with respect to the variance. Copies of the variance are available for public inspection at the Office of the County Planner, County Administrative Offices located at 135 Northeast Hernando Avenue, Lake City, Florida, during regular business hours. All persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at the above referenced public hearing, they will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in the proceeding should contact Lisa K. B. Roberts, at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the hearing. Ms. Roberts may be contacted by telephone at (386) 758-1005 or by Telecommunication Device for Deaf at (386) 758-2139. 333713 April 14, 2017 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGCONCERNING A VARIANCE AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE COLUMBIA COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS BY THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to the Columbia County Land Development Regulations, as amended, hereinafter referred to as the Land Development Regulations, as amended, objections, recommendations and comments concerning the variance, as described below, will be heard by the Board of Adjustment of Columbia County, Florida, at a public hearing on April 27, 2017, at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matters can be heard, in the School Board Administrative Complex located at 372 West Duval Street, Lake City, Florida. V 0308, a petition by Brandon Stalvey, owner, to request a variance be granted from the required building setback. Whereas, Section 4.18.12 of the Land Development Regulations ("LDRs") require Planned Residential Developments ("PRD") to establish building setbacks. Whereas, the property owner has requested a variance in the south front building setback for Lot 45 of the Preserve at Laurel Lake, Unit 1, a Planned Residential Development ("PRD"), to allow for a deviation from 25 feet to 13 feet. The variance has been filed in accordance with a site plan dated March 17, 2017 and submitted as part of a petition filed March 17, 2017, to be located on property described, as follows: Lot 45 of "Preserve at Laurel Lake, Unit 1" a subdivision according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 19 of the public records of Columbia County, Florida. Containing 0.25 acres, more or less Tax Parcel Number 3-4s-1602731-045 IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 16-1123CC LYLE G DONALD Plaintiff, vs. JOHN H. RANDALL Defendant NOTICE OF ACTION TO: JOHN H. RANDAL YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for establishment of ownership of personal property described as: 1998 Dodge/Ply mini van VIN # 2P4FH21K1JR666401 has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Plaintiff, Lyle G. Donald, whose address is 297 NW Flamingo Gln, Lake City, FL 32055, on or before April 24, 2017, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court immediately thereafter; otherwise a Default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. DATED on March 22, 2017. P. DEWITT CASON As Clerk of the Court By: /s/ F. Quiles Deputy Clerk 328985 April 7, 14, 21, 28, 2017 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO. 15000158CAAXMX WILMINGTON TRUST NA SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE TO CITIBANK N.A. AS TRUSTEE F/B/O HOLDERS OF STRUCTURED ASSET MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS II INC. BEAR STEARNS ALT-A TRUST 2006-7 MORTGAGE PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES 2006-7, Plaintiff, vs. VALERIE M. BOGAN, et al. Defendant(s). NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated October 11, 2016, and entered in 15000158CAAXMX of the Circiut Court of the THIRD Judicial Circuit in and for Columbia County, Florida, wherein WILMINGTON TRUST NA SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE TO CITIBANK N.A. AS TRUSTEE F/B/O HOLDERS OS STRUCTURED ASSET MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS II INC. BEAR STEARNS ALT-A TRUST 2006-7 MORTGAGE PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES 2006-7 is the Plaintiff and VALERIE M. BOGAN; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF VALERIE M. BOGAN are the Defendant(s). P. Dewitt Cason as the Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at 173 NE Hernando Ave., Lake City, FL 32056, at 11:00 AM, on June 7, 2017, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: LOT 96, EMERALD COVE PHASE I, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8, PAGES 35 AND 36 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA. Property Address: 146 SW TIMBERLAND CT, LAKE CITY, FL 32024 Any person claiming an interest int eh surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITY ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. Dated this 30th day of March, 2017. P. Dewitt Cason As Clerk of the Court By: /s/ S. Weeks As Deputy Clerk 330963 April 7, 14, 2017 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File no. 17000065CPAXMX Division IN RE: ESTATE OF FRANK GRICE a/k/a FRANK CURRY GRICE Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of FRANK GRICE a/k/a FRANK CURRY GRICE, deceased, whose date of death was December 1, 2016, is pending in the Circuit Court for COLUMBIA County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is PO Box 2069, Lake City, Fl. 32056. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is April 6, 2017. Personal Representative: /s/ LESSIE MAE McCLAIN 169 NE Bristol Place Lake City, Florida 32055 Attorney for Personal Representative: /s/ RODOLFO SUAREZ, JR., ESQ. Florida Bar Number: 013201 2950 SW 27 Avenue, Ste. 100 Miami, FL 33133 Telephone: (305) 448-4244 Fax: (305) 448-4211 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: 330829 April 7, 14, 2017


6B FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 2017CLASSIFIED LAKE CITY REPORTERClassi ed Department 755-5440 Lg 4+BR/3.5 BA, 2 car garage, quiet, dogs ok, $1175/mo 240-274-9368 TRUCK DISPATCHER/OFFICE ASSIST Small but growing trucking company looking for truck dispatcher and office assistant. Trucking and dispatching exp req High School diploma req. pay based on experience. Please call 386-365-2534 to set up an interview. 2 Bartenders needed, must be HONEST, reliable, & able to be member of the American Legion in some form, smoking environment. References, background check & drug test required. Start at minimum wage. 386-365-5327 9am to 5pm 4 plus acres in White Springs city limits, sewer & water on property. 386-984-0215 Dryer white, good condition $75 386-965-6767 or 678-617-5560 Electric Stove white, works great $75 386-965-6767 or 678-617-5560 Washer white, works great $100 386-965-6767 or 678-617-5560 Avalon Healthcare is seeking professional Nursing Staff & CNAs, and offering $10.35 starting pay for CNAs who qualify. All candidates must pass a drug screen and background check, as well as possess an active certification. Please apply in person @ Avalon Healthcare, 1270 SW Main Blvd. Lake City, FL 22 foot Misty Harbor Pontoon boat. Very good condition. Low hour 90 HP Yamaha engine. Trinity Duel Axle trailer. Priced over $2,000 below Nada Boat Guide pricing. You will be pleased with the appearance. $19,900. Call Roger 605-310-6232 / 386-487-3952. Experienced Block Truck & Ready-Mix Truck Drivers needed. Must have CDL, Class B, clean driving record. Competitive pay with benefits. Apply at: Bell Concrete Products, 2480 N. US 129, Bell, FL The public hearing may be continued to one or more future dates. Any interested party shall be advised that the date, time and place of any continuation of the public hearing shall be announced during the public hearing and that no further notice concerning the matter will be published, unless said continuation exceeds six calendar weeks from the date of the above referenced public hearing. At the aforementioned public hearing, all interested parties may appear to be heard with respect to the variance. Copies of the variance are available for public inspection at the Office of the County Planner, County Administrative Offices located at 135 Northeast Hernando Avenue, Lake City, Florida, during regular business hours. All persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at the above referenced public hearing, they will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in the proceeding should contact Lisa K. B. Roberts, at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the hearing. Ms. Roberts may be contacted by telephone at (386) 758-1005 or by Telecommunication Device for Deaf at (386) 758-2139. 333757 April 14, 2017 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGCONCERNING AN AMENDMENT TO THE COLUMBIA COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, SERVING ALSO AS THE LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Sections 163.3161 through 163.3248, Florida Statutes, as amended, and the Columbia County Land Development Regulations, as amended, hereinafter referred to as the Land Development Regulations, objections, recommendations and comments concerning the amendments, as described below, will be heard by the Planning and Zoning Board of Columbia County, Florida, serving also as the Local Planning Agency of Columbia County, Florida, at public hearings on April 27, 2017 at 6:15 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matters can be heard, in the School Board Administrative Complex located at 372 West Duval Street, Lake City, Florida. Z 0572, is an application by Oaks of Lake City LLC, to amend the preliminary development plan of a previously approved Planned Rural Residential Development, Z 0565, adopted by Ordinance No. 2016-14, by revising the preliminary development plan to amend approximately 588.12 acres from PLANNED RURAL RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ("PRRD") to AGRICULTURE-3 ("A-3") and reduce the number of residential dwelling units in the remaining PLANNED RURAL RESIDENTIAL DEVLOPMENT ("PRRD") from 202 to 99, in accordance with an application and a revised preliminary developmentplan dated February 28, 2017, on the property described, as follows: PORTION TO REMAIN WITHIN THE PLANNED RURAL RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ("PRRD"): BEGIN at the Northwest corner of Section 17, Township 5 South, Range 17 East, Columbia County, Florida and run North 8721'02" East along the North line of Section 17 a distance of 1293.44 feet to a point on the West Right-of-Way line of County Road No. 131; thence South 0001'17" West along said West Right-of-Way line of County Road No. 131 a distance of 308.73 feet to the point of curve of a curve concave to the East having a radius of 22958.24 feet, a central angle of 0133'05", a chord bearing of South 0045'16" East, and a chord distance of 621.59 feet; thence Southerly along the arc of said curve, being said West Right-of-Way line of County Road No. 131, a distance of 621.61 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence South 0131'48" East still along said West Right-ofWay line of County Road No. 131, a distance of 2067.76 feet; thence South 8825'29" West a distance of 768.99 feet; thence South 0135'38" East a distance of 659.33 feet; thence South 7113'52" East a distance of 818.53 feet to a point on a curve, said curve being concave to the Northwest having a radius of 2824.65 feet, a central angle of 2221'07", a chord bearing of South 10 47'13" West, and a chord distance of 1094.96 feet; thence Southwesterly along the arc of said curve, being said West Right-of-Way line of County Road No. 131, a distance of 1101.94 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence South 2157'46" West still along said West Right-of-Way line of County Road No. 131, a distance of 314.44 feet to a point on the South line of Section 17; thence South 8728'10" West along said South line of Section 17 a distance of 926.41 feet to the Southeast corner of Section 18; thence South 88 12'35" West along the South g line of Section 18 a distance of 1461.01 feet; thence North 25 39'12" East a distance of 247.89 feet; thence North 26 53'13" West a distance of 1184.16 feet; thence North 63 06'47" East a distance of 206.90 feet; thence North 26 53'13" West a distance of 58.24 feet to the point of curve of a curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 175.00 feet, a central angle of 42 53'04", a chord bearing of North 4819'45" West, and a chord distance of 127.95 feet; thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 130.98 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence North 69 46'17" West a distance of 1408.99 feet to a point on a curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 1225.00 feet, a central angle of 5524'41", a chord bearing of North 4203'57" West, and a chord distance of 1139.08 feet; thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 1184.71 feet to the end of said curve; thence North 5954'56" West a distance of 196.51 feet; thence North 0309'03" West a distance of 1908.30 feet; thence South 8645'46" West a distance of 1016.51 feet; thence North 0454'35" East a distance of 1736.14 feet to a point on the North line of the South 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 7; thence North 88 23'26" East along said North line of the South 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 7 a distance of 935.15 feet; thence North 8824'05" East still along the North line of the South 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 7 a distance of 1318.38 feet to the Northwest corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 7; thence North 8824'05" East along the North line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 7 a distance of 1317.97 feet to the Northeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 7; thence South 01 24'42" East along the East line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 7 a distance of 1321.42 feet to a point on the North line of Section 18; thence North 8824'04" East along said North line of Section 18 a distance of 1318.26 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 634.50 acres, more or less. PORTION AMENDED TO AGRICULTURE-3 ("A-3"): BEGIN at the Southwest corner of Section 18, Township 5 South, Range 17 East, Columbia County, Florida and run North 0120'20" West along the West line of Section 18, being also the East line of Section 13, Township 5 South, Range 16 East, Columbia County, Florida, a distance of 1326.78 feet to the Southeast corner of the North 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 13; thence South 8824'14" West along the South line of the North 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 13 a distance of 2632.77 feet to the Southwest corner of said North 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 13; thence North 0126'55" West along the West line of the North 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 13 a distance of 1315.87 feet to the Southwest corner of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 13; thence North 0126'48" West along the West line of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 13 a distance of 2656.21 feet to the Southwest corner of the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 16 East, Columbia County, Florida; thence North 0057'02" West along the West line of the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 12 a distance of 1330.89 feet to the Northwest corner of the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 12; thence North 8825'39" East along the North line of the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 12 a distance of 3024.45 feet; thence South 04 54'35" West a distance of 1736.14 feet; thence North 86 45'46" East a distance of 1016.51 feet; thence South 03 09'03" East a distance of 1908.30 feet; thence South 59 54'56" East a distance of 196.51 feet to a point on a curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 1225.00 feet, a central angle of 5524'41", a chord bearing of South 4203'57" East, and a chord distance of 1139.08 feet; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 1184.71 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence South 694617 East a distance of 1408.99 feet to the point of curve of a curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 175.00 feet, a central angle of 4253'04", a chord bearing of South 481945 East, and a chord distance of 127.95 feet; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 130.98 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence South 2653'13" East a distance of 58.24 feet; thence South 6306'47" West a distance of 206.90 feet; thence South 2653'13" East a distance of 1184.16 feet; thence South 2539'12" West a distance of 247.89 feet to a point on the South line of Section 18; thence South 8812'35" West along said South line of Section 18 a distance of 1186.96 feet to the Southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 18; thence South 8814'05" West still along said South line of Section 18 a distance of 2645.11 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 588.12 acres, more or less. Z 0573, an application by Matthew Cason of Concept Development, Inc., agent for Michael McCranie as Trustee of Brushy Creek Asset Holding Trust and Glenn I. and Christina F. Jones, owners, to amend the Official Zoning Atlas of the Land Development Regulations by amending the zoning district of certain lands, the Planning and Zoning Board, serving also as the Local Planning Agency, recommends to the Board of County Commissioners that the zoning district be amended from AGRICULTURE-3 ("A-3") to COMMERCIAL, NEIGHBORHOOD ("CN") for the property described, as follows: A PORTION OF LOTS OR BLOCKS 76, 77, AND 87, ALONG WITH THOSE VACATED PORTIONS OF BUSH STREET AND REYNOLDS STREET ADJACENT TO LOTS OR BLOCKS 76 AND 87, ALONG WITH THAT PORTION OF DOWLING STREET ADJACENT TO LOTS OR BLOCKS 76 AND 77, ALL BEING A PART OF THE MAP OF THE SURVEY OF COLUMBIA CITY, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK B, PAGE 7 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, LYING IN SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 16 EAST, COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 47 (100 FEET WIDE RIGHT OF WAY) WITH THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF A PAVED COUNTY ROAD, NOW NAMED SOUTHWEST WINGATE STREET; THENCE NORTH 8921'14" WEST, ALONG SAID SOUTH RIGHT OF LINE OF SOUTHWEST WINGATE STREET, A DISTANCE OF 279.37 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT (PLS #1079) AT THE INTERSECTION OF SAID SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE AND THE CENTERLINE OF BUSH STREET, A 33 FEET WIDE RIGHT OF WAY, VACATED PER INSTRUMENTS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 798, PAGE 751 AND OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 798, PAGE 1992 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE, SOUTH 0253'09" WEST, ALONG SAID CENTERLINE OF VACATED BUSH STREET, A DISTANCE OF 450.61 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT (PLS #1079) ON THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF COUNTY ROAD 240 (50 FEET WIDE RIGHT OF WAY); THENCE LEAVING SAID CENTERLINE, NORTH 8929'53" EAST, ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 140.94 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 50.00 FEET, AND BEING SUBTENDED BY A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF NORTH 5229'42" EAST, 60.19 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7400'23", AN ARC LENGTH OF 64.58 FEET TO THE END OF SAID CURVE, BEING ON THE AFOREMENTIONED WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 47; THENCE NORTH 15 29'30" EAST, ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 424.43 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 2.35 acres, more or less. Tax Parcel Numbers 10-5s-1603551-000 & 10-5s-16-03546000 Z 0574, an application by Megan Carter of Legacy Engineering Solutions, Inc., agent for Gary Sorensen and My Jewel Home of Florida, LLC, owners, to amend the Official Zoning Atlas of the Land Development Regulations by amending the zoning district of certain lands, the Planning and Zoning Board, serving also as the Local Planning Agency, recommends to the Board of County Commissioners that the zoning district be amended from RURAL RESIDENTIAL ("RR") and RESIDENTIAL, SINGLE FAMILY-2 ("RSF-2") to PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ("PRD") for the property described, as follows: COMMENCE at the Northeast corner of Section 4, Township 4 South, Range 16 East, Columbia County, Florida and run North 8936'03" West along the North line of said Section 4 a distance of 74.82 feet to a point on the Westerly Right-ofWay line of Pinemount Road (County Road 252); thence South 0715'01" West along said Westerly Right-of-Way line of Pinemount Road (County Road 252) a distance of 64.97 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue South 0715'01" West still along said Westerly Right-of-Way line of Pinemount Road (County Road 252) a distance of 241.92 feet to the point of curve of a curve concave to the Northwest having a radius of 1105.92 feet and a central angle of 4536'19"; thence Southwesterly along the arc of said curve, being still said Westerly Right-of-Way line of Pinemount Road (County Road 252), a distance of 880.27 feet; thence South 60 33'18" West still along said Westerly Right-of-Way line of Pinemount Road (County Road 252) a distance of 134.16 feet; thence North 4621'12" West a distance of 485.27 feet; thence South 8955'01" West a distance of 331.25 feet; thence South 0004'59" East a distance of 547.23 feet to a point on the North line of the South 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 4; thence continue South 0004'59" East a distance of 137.52 feet to a point on the Northerly Right-of-Way line of Pinemount Road (County Road (y 252), said point being a point on a curve concave to the North having a radius of 2241.83 feet and a central angle of 0720'39"; thence Southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 287.36 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence South 7715'37" West still along said Northerly Right-of-Way line of Pinemount Road (County Road 252) a distance of 499.97 feet; thence South 8332'59" West still along said Northerly Right-ofWay line of Pinemount Road (County Road 252) a distance of 100.66 feet; thence South 7657'21" West still along said Northerly Right-of-Way line of Pinemount Road (County Road 252) a distance of 60.19 feet to the point of curve of a curve concave to the South having a radius of 2351.83 feet and a central angle of 0329'55"; thence Southwesterly along the arc of said curve, still being said Northerly Right-of-Way line of Pinemount Road (County Road 252) a distance of 143.61 feet to the end of said curve; thence South 6818'18" West still along said Northerly Right-of-Way line of Pinemount Road (County Road 252) a distance of 242.87 feet to the point of curve of a curve concave to the South having a radius of 2341.83 feet and a central angle of 0108'53"; thence Southwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 46.92 feet to a point on the West line of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 4; thence North 0006'00" West along said West line of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 4 a distance of 507.62 feet to the Southwest corner of the North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 4; thence North 0011'13" West along said West line of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 4 a distance of 1333.51 feet to the Northwest corner of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 4, being also the Southwest corner of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 33, Township 3 South, Range 16 East, Columbia County, Florida; thence South 8936'03" East along the South line of said Section 33 a distance of 132.00 feet; thence North 07 18'13" East a distance of 296.05 feet; thence South 89 36'03" East along a line parallel to the South line of Section 33 a distance of 495.11 feet; thence North 6134'33" East a distance of 672.07 feet; thence North 0028'49" West a distance of 683.87 feet to a point on the North line of the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 33; thence North 8959'44" East along said North line of the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 33 a distance of 246.89 feet; thence South 89 38'39" East along said North line of the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 33 a distance of 279.20 feet; thence South 0002'46" West a distance of 701.77 feet; thence South 8957'14" East a distance of 892.90 feet to a point on the Westerly Right-of-Way line of Pinemount Road (County Road 252); thence South 07 15'30" West along said Westerly Right-of-Way line of Pinemount Road (County Road 252) a distance of 406.76 feet; thence North 8934'19" West a distance of 240.00 feet; thence South 0713'13" West a distance of 205.12 feet to a point on the South line of Section 33, being also the North line of Section 4, Township 4 South, Range 16 East, Columbia County, Florida; thence continue South 0713'13" West a distance of 64.92 feet; thence South 8935'26" East a distance of 249.96 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 110.41 acres, more or less. Tax Parcel Numbers 33-3s-1602439-000, 33-3s-16-02439264, 4-4s-16-02439-242, & 44s-16-02745-003 The public hearings may be continued to one or more future date. Any interested party shall be advised that the date, time and place of any continuation of the public hearings shall be announced during the public hearings and that no further notice concerning the matters will be published, unless said continuation exceeds six calendar weeks from the date of the above referenced public hearings. At the aforementioned public hearings, all interested parties may appear to be heard with respect to the amendments. Copies of the amendments are available for public inspection at the Office of the County Planner, County Administrative Offices located at 135 Northeast Hernando Avenue, Lake City, Florida, during regular business hours. All persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at the above referenced public hearing, they will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in the proceeding should contact Lisa K. B. Roberts, at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the hearing. Ms. Roberts may be contacted by telephone at (386) 758-1005 or by Telecommunication Device for Deaf at (386) 758-2139. 333726 April 14, 2017 2BR/1BA, kit/dinette area, CH/A, 1 car garage, W/D hook up, new carpet. $580/mo, 1 mo sec. No pets. 386-961-8075 Bullfrogs And Butterflies Teacher. Staff credential preferred. Email resume to: or apply a t 1226 SW Grandview St. LC Homes of Merit is looking for experienced help in the following areas: Carpet installer, Exterior, Roof build, Cabinet builder, Painter, Final finish, Drywall finisher, Electrical & Framer. Apply in person at: 1915 SE SR 100 Drug Free Workplace Immediate openings for InHome Healthcare Providers. Call 352-363-4336 for info. Company Driver Needed Columbia Grain is recruiting for pickup and delivery in FL & S GA. Home most nights & all weekends. Requires good entire driving record & 6 mo verifiable experience. We offer steady work & good equipment, competitive pay & full benefit package. Call for details 386-755-7700 ask for Greg or Eddie 1/2 to 10 acre lots; owner financing. some with w/s/pp Deas Bullard/BKL Properties 386-752-4339 WAREHOUSE WORKER Full time position available a t Nettles Sausage. Apply in person between 9 am and 4 pm at 190 SW County Road 240. Security Officers Needed in Live Oak & Lake City areas $10/hr Current D Security Lic., Clear background, Drivers Lic, phone, Diploma/GED. Benefits, DFWP EEO Must Apply at: BB9100030 Starting at $ 545/mo, tile floors, fresh paint. Great Area. Call ( 386 ) 752-9626 Well drilling assistant wanted. Valid DL, CDL preferred, must pass drug and bkgd check. Must have flexible schedule. Competitive pay, benefits include IRA & health ins. Apply 904 NW Main Blvd, Lake City. PUBLISHER'S NOTE All Yard Sale Ads Must be Pre-Paid. PUBLISHER'S NOTE Florida Law 828.29 requires dogs and cats being sold to be at least 8 weeks old and have a health certificate from a licensed veterinarian documenting they have mandatory shots and are free from intestinal and external parasites. Many species of wildlife must be licensed by Florida Fish and Wildlife. If you are unsure, contact the local office for information. PUBLISHER'S NOTE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the fair housing act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status or national origin; or any intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under the age of 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-9777, the toll free telephone number to the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. Class A CDL drivers needed, minimum 1 yr exp. Must be willing to get HAZMAT. Home every night. Full benefit package avail. Call John 386-294-2024. 3/2 new construction, lease option. No Pets. 1st, last + $800 sec, $1100/mo South of town. Credit ref's req'd 386-397-5425 5 acre lot. Lake City, beautifully cleared homesite, Owner Financing! NO DOWN! $39,900. $410/mo 352-215-1018. Exp janitorial person needed, PT or FT positions available, contact 386-292-9938 10a-2p Full Time position open for Purchasing, Shipping/Receiving, Data Entry and general office duties. Experience in Purchasing and good computer skills necessary, knowledge in steel fabrication/mechanical equipment fabrication and/or AutoCAD helpful. Send Resume to; Fab Purchasing 3631 US Hwy 90 East, Lake City Fl. 32055 Hiring Warehouse clerk fulltime position for industrial warehouse shipping, receiving, loading, unloading and ticket picking, computer knowledge needed, will train apply in person 3631 E US Hwy 90, Lake City FL, email: Portable Garage w/metal siding 12x24 w/rolled top door & standard side door. Like new. $3500 Call 386-288-5838 Security company seeking full time employee for customer service, scheduling and managing the warehouse. Full benefit package, including retirement. Send resume to Needed Exp Grill Cook, Daytime only, no Sunday's & no nighttime. Apply in person at Shirley's, 746 E Duval. Graphic design, production asst. entry or exp. Email PC Tech-entry or exp Imm Opening. Busy shop. Email Now hiring experienced lawn maintenance laborer. Winning attitude. Apply at Looking for serviceman or helpers to install & do maintenance on dairy farms, tig weld, refrigeration, & electrical. Call 963-2842 or 19205 County Rd 49, O'Brien. Office space, warehouse space and storage units available. PRIME LOCATION just off US-90! 386-752-1444 CDL DRIVERS CLASS A Warren Pine Straw Co is hiring local drivers. Home every day/night or every other day/night. Good pay. Contact 386-935-0476. Lg 2br/2ba, DR, updated kit, CH/A, by VA, $725/mo 6/mo lease w/sec dep 813-784-6017 **SIGN ON BONUS** Now hiring truck drivers. Must have CDL with Tanker endorsements, 1-2 years experience, 7 year MVR. We pay per mile loaded and unloaded. For more information please contact Williams Dairy Trucking at (912) 367-9160 3BR's as low as $699/moWindsong ApartmentsWe offer 1, 2, & 3 BR's2580 SW Windsong Circle386-758-8455All amenities included!

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