The Lake City reporter

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The Lake City reporter
Uniform Title:
Lake City reporter (Lake City, Fla. 1967)
Place of Publication:
Lake City, FL
Community Newspapers Inc., Todd Wilson - Publisher
Creation Date:
March 3, 2012
Publication Date:
Daily (Monday through Friday)[<1969>-]
Weekly[ FORMER 1967-<1968>]
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Newspapers -- Lake City (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Columbia County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
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Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida -- Columbia -- Lake City
30.18892 x -82.635512


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Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 95, no. 4 (Oct. 5, 1967)-
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Lake City ReporterTHURSDAY, APRIL 13, 2017 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | $1.00 LAKECITYREPORTER.COM CALL US: (386) 752-1293 SUBSCRIBE TO THE REPORTER: Voice: 755-5445 Fax: 752-9400 Vol. 143, No. 2 TODAYS WEATHER Opinion . . . . . . 4A Obituaries . . . . . . 5A TV guide . . . . . . . 2B Advice & Comics . . 3B TALL IN THE SADDLEFort White teacher rides to victory, Page 3A. 81 56Partly cloudy, 2A No train, but no answers, See below. + PLUS >> Spring Fling at FGCLOCAL CHS boys take district titleSPORTSSee Page 1B See Page 6APhotos by CARL MCKINNEY/Lake City Reporter Meth not real; charges areBy CARL MCKINNEYcmckinney@lakecityreporter.comThe drug sting in Wellborn on Monday morning was real, but the drugs were fake, according to the Suwannee County Sheriffs Office. David Anthony Cooper, 35, Lake City, Arielle Morgan Koon, 26, Lake City, and Brian Joseph Sheppard, 30, Wellborn, sold 123 grams of what appeared to be methamphetamine to a confidential informant for the Suwannee County Drug Task Force, SCSO stated in a report. The substance was later Trio sold rock salt to drug informant.OUT FOR BLOOD TOP: LifeSouth employees Danielle Graham, left, and Amber Burress hold a blood drive near WinnDixie. ABOVE: Burress and Graham wave at traffic to attract donors. LEFT: Graham awaits the days first donor. FAKE continued on 2A TRAIN continued on 2ABy CARL MCKINNEYcmckinney@lakecityreporter.comA Live Oak man was arrested on Tuesday for having sex with a 14-yearold victim on multiple occasions and sending lewd photos to the juvenile, according to the Suwannee County Sheriffs Office. James Tyler Garcia, 23, confessed to multiple sexual encounters with the victim over a period of several weeks, the report states. There is sufficient evidence to believe that the defendants confession was truthful, an SCSO deputy wrote. Investigators executed a search warrant at Garcias house on 137th Lane in Live Oak, finding a large quantity of rifle and shotgun ammunition during the search, which Garcia is prohibited from owning due to being a convicted felon. Garcia was booked into the Suwannee County Jail Allegedly had sex with 14-year-old. GARCIA continued on 2ALewd acts land man in jail GarciaSCSO: FAKING BAD Cooper Koon SheppardCritical shortage has workers scurryingBy CARL MCKINNEYcmckinney@lakecityreporter.comAmber Burress and Danielle Graham were out for blood on Wednesday morning. Blood is in short supply everywhere, especially in Lake City, the two LifeSouth employees said as they solicited donors for a blood drive in the WinnDixie parking lot. LifeSouth provides blood to local hospitals, meaning donors could be saving the life of someone they know, Graham said. People should think about that, Graham said. Around 10 a.m. Wednesday, Burress and Graham were still trying to attract their first donor of the day. Its always kind of an issue, Burress said. Hospitals in Lake City sometimes rely on blood collected in cities such as Gainesville, Burress added, but getting enough donors to meet the high demand is a challenge everywhere. Blood is always being used, Burress said. Bloodmobile making the rounds in LC. No train, but no answersBy KATRINA POGGIOkpoggio@lakecityreporter.comA train that blocked Northwest Lake Jeffrey Road for more than 20 hours was finally moved Tuesday evening. A crew dispatched from Jacksonville moved the train around 6 p.m. Tuesday after it had been abandoned by the crew around 9:30 p.m. Monday. CSX Transportation sent notifications Tuesday morning saying the train would be moved before noon, and No reason given for 20-plus hour roadblock. A3


pushed the time back as the day went on. CSX Transportation Media Relations Manager Laura Phelps, who did not return repeated phone calls but returned an email, did not respond to questions about what caused the delay in sending a relief crew. CSX apologizes for the inconvenience this may have caused neighbors and we appreciate their patience, Phelps wrote in the email. Phelps said the original crew had to leave the train because they reached their federal limit on work hours. Lake City Fire Department Chief Frank Armijo said the incident did not affect their emergency response. The fire department avoids routes that cross train tracks because they do not want to risk being delayed. In our response procedures, if the emergency is north of the tracks we always take the bridge to go over the railroad, Armijo said. Armijo does not remember anything similar happening during his 33 years with the department, but he was concerned for citizen safety because it wasnt known what was in the trains chemical container tanks. I was a little concerned about it being actual hazardous material, Armijo said. 2A THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 2017 DAILY BRIEFING LAKE CITY REPORTER 7a 1p 7p 1a 6a LAKE CITY ALMANAC SUN MOON UV INDEX EXTREME: 10 minutes to burn T odays ultra-violet radiation risk for the ar ea on a scale fr om 0 to 10+. FYI An exclusive service brought to our readers by The Weather Channel. SPONSORED BY City THE WEATHER WEA THER HISTORY Pensacola Tallahassee Panama City Valdosta Daytona Beach Cape Canaveral Gainesville Lake City Ocala Orlando Jacksonville Tampa West Palm Beach Ft. Myers Ft. Lauderdale Naples Miami Key West TEMPERATURESNormal high Normal low PRECIPITATIONMonth total Year total HI LO LO HI LO HI LO HI LO HI FridaySaturday Cape Canaveral Daytona Beach Fort Myers Ft. Lauderdale Gainesville Jacksonville Key West Lake City Miami Naples Ocala Orlando Panama City Pensacola Tallahassee Tampa Valdosta W. Palm Beach April 19 April 26 May 2 May 10 LastNewFirstFull Quarter Quarter HOW TO REACH USMain number ........ (386) 752-1293 Fax number .............. 752-9400 Circulation ............... 755-5445 Online ... www lakecityreporter com The Lake City Reporter, an affiliate of Community Newspapers Inc., is published Tuesday through Friday and Sunday at 180 E. Duval St., Lake City, Fla. 32055. Periodical postage paid at Lake City, Fla. Member Audit Bureau of Circulation and The Associated Press. All material herein is property of the Lake City Reporter. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden without the permission of the publisher. U.S. Postal Service No. 310-880. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Lake City Reporter, P.O. Box 1709, Lake City, Fla. 32056. Publisher Todd Wilson ..... 754-0418 ( Robert Bridges ..... 754-0428 (rbridges@lakecityre DVERTIS ING ......... 752-1293 (ads@lakecityre ASSIFIEDTo place a classified ad, call 755-5440BUSINESSController .... 754-0419 ( RCUL AT IONHome delivery of the Lake City Reporter should be completed by 6:30 a.m. Tuesday through Friday, and by 7:30 a.m. on Sunday. Please call 386-755-5445 to report any problems with your delivery service. In Columbia County, customers should call before 10:30 a.m. to report a service error for same day re-delivery. After 10:30 a.m., next day re-delivery or service related credits will be issued. In all other counties where home delivery is available, next day re-delivery or service related credits will be issued. Circulation ............... 755-5445 ( delivery rates(Tuesday -Friday and Sunday) 12 Weeks .................. $26.32 24 Weeks ................... $48.79 52 Weeks ................... $83.46Rates include 7% sales tax.Mail rates12 Weeks .................. $41.40 24 Weeks ................... $82.80 52 Weeks .................. $179.40 Lake City Reporter See an error? The Lake City Reporter corrects errors of fact in news items. If you have a concern, question, or suggestion, please call the editor. Corrections and clarications will run in this space. Thanks for reading. Submissions The Lake City Reporter accepts photographs and caption information to run at the discretion of the editor. If you would like to see your organization in the newspaper, send the picture and information to associate editor Justin Caudell at Scripture of the DayBut he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5 (KJV) It is the capacity to develop and improve their skills that distinguishes leaders from followers. Warren G. Bennis Thought for Today Winning Lottery Numbers Pick 3: (Wednesday mid-day) 7-9-3 Pick 4: (Wednesday mid-day) 1-8-3-9 Pick 5: (Wednesday mid-day) 8-9-7-8-0 QUICK HITS Ill show you how life insurance can come in handy for more immediate family needs, like college. We put the life back in life insurance. CALL ME TODAY. There are also benets now. With life insurance, the benefits live on. State Farm Life Insurance Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI) State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI) Bloomington, IL 1311019 John Burns III, Agent 234 SW Main Boulevard Lake City, FL 32056 Bus: 386-752-5866 Ill show you how life insurance can come in handy for more immediate family needs, like college. We put the life back in life insurance. CALL ME TODAY. There are also benets now. With life insurance, the benefits live on.State Farm Life Insurance Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI) State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI) Bloomington, IL1311019 John Burns III, Agent 234 SW Main Boulevard Lake City, FL 32056 Bus: 386-752-5866 Ill show you how life insurance can come in handy for more immediate family needs, like college. We put the life back in life insurance. CALL ME TODAY. There are also benets now. With life insurance, the benefits live on. State Farm Life Insurance Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI) State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI) Bloomington, IL1311019 John Burns III, Agent 234 SW Main Boulevard Lake City, FL 32056 Bus: 386-752-5866 Ill show you how life insurance can come in handy for more immediate family needs, like college. We put the life back in life insurance. CALL ME TODAY. There are also benets now. With life insurance, the benefits live on.State Farm Life Insurance Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI) State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI) Bloomington, IL1311019 John Burns III, Agent 234 SW Main Boulevard Lake City, FL 32056 Bus: 386-752-5866 the benefits Ill show you how life insurance can come in handy for more immediate family needs, like college. We put the life back in life insurance. CALL ME TODAY. There are also benets now. the benefits With life insurance, the benefits live on. With life insurance, the benefits live on. State Farm Life Insurance Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI) State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI) Bloomington, IL1311019 John Burns III, Agent 234 SW Main Boulevard Lake City, FL 32056 Bus: 386-752-5866 Ill show you how life insurance can come in handy for more immediate family needs, like college. We put the life back in life insurance. CALL ME TODAY. There are also benets now. With life insurance, the benefits live on.State Farm Life Insurance Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI) State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI) Bloomington, IL1311019 John Burns III, Agent 234 SW Main Boulevard Lake City, FL 32056 Bus: 386-752-5866 Ill show you how life insurance can come in handy for more immediate family needs, like college. We put the life back in life insurance. CALL ME TODAY. There are also benets now. With life insurance, the benefits live on.State Farm Life Insurance Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI) State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI) Bloomington, IL1311019 John Burns III, Agent 234 SW Main Boulevard Lake City, FL 32056 Bus: 386-752-5866 High-speed chase ends with arrestsBy KATRINA POGGIOkpoggio@lakecityreporter.comA high speed car chase Saturday night led to two arrests on drugrelated charges. After a pursuit exceeding 100 mph on U.S. Highway 441, Columbia County Sheriffs Office deputies arrested James Bradford Kelley, 32, and Annie Melissa Williams, 33, records show. Just after 10:30 Saturday night, a deputy saw a blue Dodge Ram pickup truck driving through a ditch off of U.S. Highway 441 and onto an abandoned property at 14321 S U.S. Highway 441, deputies said. When the deputy requested identification, Williams falsely identified herself as Amber and they explained they were looking at the residence because they were interested in it, deputies said. Kelley sped off south on U.S. Highway 441 while the deputy was checking the information, reports show. Deputies said Kelley lost control of the vehicle several times as the pursuit passed through Ellisville. Officers tried to pin the truck when Kelley struck a tree at the northeast corner of U.S. Highway 441 and County Road 349, but he continued driving on County Road 349. The chase ended when Kelley drove into a ditch on the north side of East County Road 349, deputies said. James was bleeding from the nose and was in a dazed condition, according to reports. Both Kelley and Williams had warrants for drug-related charges out of Georgia, where they live. Records show Kelley had a warrant for possession with intent to distribute meth. In addition to fleeing and eluding charges, Kelley was cited for speeding, failure to maintain and driving with a license expired more than four months. Williams is facing charges for providing a false name to law enforcement along with out-of-county charges for violation of probation for selling amphetamine. Kelley and Williams are being held at Columbia County jail without bond. Kelley Williams discovered to be rock salt, according to the report. Cooper made contact with the confiden tial informant at the Busy Bee gas station in Wellborn, the report stated. Koon was driving the trios vehicle, while Sheppard was a passenger. The informant used marked curren cy provided by the drug task force to purchase an unknown, clear crystal sub stance, according to SCSO. Law enforcement immediately detained Cooper, Koon and Sheppard after the transaction. After interviewing the suspects, SCSO concluded they went to Wal-Mart before the meet-up and bought rock salt. While detained, Sheppard had the opened box of rock salt between his feet on the floorboard, according to the report. Cooper said he wanted to make an easy $900 and that the rock salt in the bag gie was sold as meth, the report states. Cooper, Koon and Sheppard were all booked into the Suwannee County Jail on a charge of conspiracy to traffic in meth. Cooper also faces a charge for sale in lieu of meth. Koon faces additional charges for possession of meth and pos session of drug paraphernalia, according to the report. FAKEContinued From 1A TRAINContinued From 1A on charges of lewd and lascivious battery on a victim under 16, transmission of material harmful to a minor and possession of ammunition by a convicted felon. According to the Florida Department of Corrections website, Garcia was convicted in 2015 of possessing prescription medications with intent to sell and sentenced to five years probation. GARCIAContinued From 1A CARL MCKINNEY/Lake City ReporterJohns Street undergoes repairsA crew performs roadwork on Johns Street on Wednesday afternoon.


THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 2017 LOCAL LAKE CITY REPORTER 3A Holiday Inn of Lake City 213 SW Commerce Drive Lake City, FL APRIL 4, 2017 Congratulations to Holiday Inn of Lake City on their Grand Re-Opening & Ribbon Cutting MADSENS PHOTO SERVICE/Special to the ReporterTeacher rides to victoryFort White Elementary School teacher Michelle Stagg was named the South Florida Reining Association Rookie 1 Class Winner last weekend at a state competition. Last year, she was the 2016 Florida Reining Horse Association Rookie 1 Champion. Stagg ridesDunitinmywranglers, a registered American quarter horse. She bought the horse when he was just a few months old, and has trained him into a formidable eight-year-old. He has been a pleasure to raise, train and compete on the last few years, Stagg said. We are very proud of our success together and continue to grow, improve and compete in Floridas reining horse shows.I tell my students all the time, to get good at anything it takes lots of hard work and practice. COURTESYStudents get creativeThird grade students in Ms. Pinaires art class at Eastside Elementary work to create a mural for the fifth annual Night of the Arts on Friday, April 21. Exhibits will be on display from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. that evening and a music program will begin at 6:30 p.m. UF/IFAS to host Twilight Field Day near Live OakThe UF/IFAS Suwannee Valley Agricultural Extension Center near Live Oak will be holding a Twilight Field Day from 5 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 2. The event will feature trolley and walking tours showcasing the latest research being conducted at the center. Attendees will have the option to select two out of five tour options. The tours include: agronomic crops, vegetable crops, greenhouse/hydroponics, whole farm integrated pest management and diversified fruit orchard crops. In addition, youth ages 5-18 can join a youth tour that will include an introduction to Florida 4-H with activities such as taste testing, entomology and a couple of other surprises. The event is open not only to farmers, but to the community and to anyone in the region interested in learning about what the center does. The registration fee is $5 per person and admission is free for children 5-years-old or younger (dinner is included). To register online, visit www.2017twilight.eventbrite. com or For more information, call Dilcia Toro at 386-362-1725, ext. 102, or email dtoro@ The states manatee numbers could double in next 50 years GAINESVILLE Researchers say Floridas manatee population could double over the next half century if wildlife managers continue protecting the creatures and their habitat. The U.S. Geological Survey and Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute study released this week says the popular sea cows enjoy longevity and that enough habitat is available to support a growing population. The news comes after the recent decision by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to lessen federal protections for the manatee. The report says the manatee population in Florida will still likely grow over the next 50 years, but environmental and habitat changes will probably lessen numbers.Staff reportsState officials look for answers on worsening drug problemsBy JIM TURNERThe News Service of FloridaTALLAHASSEE Facing pressure to address drug overdoses across the state, Gov. Rick Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi rolled out plans this week for a series of work shops and gave support for legislation focused on opi oids and drug abuse. The announcement came as officials from Central and South Florida have been clamoring for a public-health emergency declaration on the raging epidemic. Flanked by law-enforcement officials in the hallway outside their Capitol offices, Scott and Bondi outlined an effort that also includes working with a pair of pharmaceutical compa nies Adapt Pharma and Amphastar to lower the cost of overdose-treatment medicine for first respond ers and local governments. Were hearing from people all over the state with their ideas, Scott said. The goal with this is to try to organize those ideas to see if we can find out exact ly some things we can do to have an impact. Bondi, who has been named to serve on President Donald Trumps Opioid and Drug Abuse Commission, said the crisis is not specific to Florida and no short-term fix is going to help this problem. Sen. Jeff Clemens, a Lake Worth Democrat who watched the press conference on Tuesday, said more immediate solutions are needed. He also questioned why a public-health declaration couldnt be issued, sim ilar to Scotts order last year regarding the mos quito-borne Zika virus or the governors 2011 effort against pill mills. Earlier today, we declared a state of emer gency for wildfires in the state of Florida that have killed exactly zero, Clemens said. I think we need to pay attention to an epidemic that has caused the death of thousands in the past several years. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which said the death rate from syn thetic opioids other than methadone increased 72.2 percent from 2014 to 2015, reported 3,228 deaths by overdose in Florida in 2015, the most recent year for statewide numbers. While not all the deaths were tied to the opioids targeted Tuesday, a year earlier the federal agency posted 2,634 overdose deaths in the state. Officials from Palm Beach and Martin counties have requested the pub lic-health emergency dec laration to heighten aware ness to the situation and to advance state general-revenue money in anticipation of $52 million that Florida is scheduled to receive this fall from the federal gov ernment to combat the epi demic. There are lots of peo ple that are going to die between now and the time DCF (the Department of Children and Families) starts holding these forums in our communi ties, Clemens said. Im excited that two of our Cabinet members are now talking about the problem. But there is so much more that can be done. Bondi said emergen cy declarations regarding Zika, hurricanes and one issued earlier on Tuesday for wildfires, are shortterm situations. This is a national, ongoing, long-term epidemic, thats why were going to tackle this from a national level, Bondi said. Scott has directed Department of Children and Families Secretary Mike Carroll, state Surgeon General Celeste Philip and Florida Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner Rick Swearingen to hold a series of workshops to gather input on the crisis from local leaders, law enforcement, health directors, treatment providers and community members. Were going to see what we can learn, Scott said. Scott said workshops will be held in Palm Beach, Manatee, Duval and Orange counties. No time line was given about when recommendations would be made. Were going to get the workshops done as quickly as possible, Scott said. Bondi said there is also an educational component to their effort. Kids dont get it. Twenty-somethings dont get it. A lot of adults dont get it, Bondi said. If you take one of these pills, you could be addicted for life or drop dead, because you dont know what is in them. Bondi and Scott pointed to two pieces of legislation that they are behind. One measure (SB 477) would add the synthetic drugs fentanyl, carfent anil and several others to Floridas drug trafficking statute. The proposal would give state prosecutors the ability to seek stronger sen tences against drug traf fickers selling those drugs. The second measure (SB 788), sponsored in the Senate by Clemens, is intended to regulate sober homes by cracking down on deceptive marketing practices used to attract people to the recovery residences. Bondi said the goal is to close uncertified sober homes. Theyre going around the country marketing themselves as, `Bring your child down here, bring your loved one down here, and were going to cure you, were going to help you, Bondi said. What theyre doing is further addicting them to drugs.Kids dont get it. Twentysomethings dont get it. A lot of adults dont get it. If you take one of these pills, you could be addicted for life or drop dead, because you dont know what is in them. Attorney General Pam Bondi


President Obama talked tough and acted meekly, and his policies were therefore a factor in thousands of people losing their lives, the Syrian refugee crisis, Middle East mayhem generally and U.S. leadership taking a dive worldwide, say such analysts as Robert Kagan of Brookings Institution. Here comes President Donald Trump. He sees a horror on TV and acts decisively, and this much we can be sure of: Syrian dictator Bashar Assad will never again use internationally forbidden chemical weapons on civilians. There are complications beyond that issue, but its nothing to sneer at, and other positives could flow from 59 U.S. Tomahawk missiles striking a Syrian airfield. It was home to the airplanes dropping nerve agents that caused the death and suffering of children. Seeing videos of the atrocities, Trump consulted with a top-notch team and made this cautionary statement heard round the world. On the issue of the nerve gas, Obama once behaved boldly, too, but in words only. His lassitude otherwise said go ahead and do what you want. In 2012, Obama said use of these chemicals by Assad or anyone else in the region would most certainly result in enormous consequences. Dont cross that red line, he warned. But Assad did just that a year later, killing 1,500 civilians 426 children among them. The enormous consequence turned out to be eliciting a faux promise from Syria and Russia that they would work together to destroy the chemicals. Instead, it has been noted, Russia intervened more on behalf of Assad as the WMD sat pretty. Under the umbrella of Obama naivete, a more assertive Iran signed up big time with Assad. China got more aggressive, Russia messed with Ukraine and allies wondered where we were. Think about Obama for a moment, how he came to the White House talking about ending our wars and instead was engaged in war longer than any other president ever. His exit strategies lacked the option of victory, and destabilization became a specialty. He extended our fighting presence geographically and spent $866 billion on military action compared to $811 billion by President George W. Bush, according to Atlantic magazine. Now we come to Trump, an isolationist in his campaign except for pledging more military strength and extermination of radical Islamic terrorism. Note as faults in this Syria strike that no broad strategy is apparent and he acted unconstitutionally in failing to ask Congress for permission. Its still clear that he will never let Assad get away with ignoring one of the relatively few restrictions on war, but what about the dictators continuing use of massacre-style barrel bombs? Will Trump sit by while this continues to transpire, or will he maybe wipe out Assads air force? That could be accomplished minus an all-out military effort to oust Assad, which could be a protracted calamity with no assurance of anything good at the end. What does make sense is pragmatic calculation seen in the Middle East coalition Trump is building with Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in addition to Israel. And an intermediate value of the retaliatory strike in Syria is others just maybe paying more attention to us, North Korea, for instance, and dont forget Iran. The Obama Iran deal was the Syria deal all over again. Clearly eager to build nuclear weapons, Iran had been kept from that venture by 20 years of threats from U.S. presidents. Leaders there then said they would hold off for another decade if we agreed to return billions of dollars plus other treats. As with Syria, there are multiple means by which Iran could evade detection in its transgressions, and reinstituting international sanctions could be nearly impossible until too late. Obama visited us with heightened peril and Trump has taken one small step in a better direction. Iran, North Korea and Russia are indulging in bellicose barking, but at least Obama is no longer empowered to make things worse. OPINION Lake City Reporter Serving Columbia County Since 1874 The Lake City Reporter is published with pride for residents of Columbia and surrounding counties by Community Newspapers Inc. We believe strong newspapers build strong communities -Newspapers get things done! Our primary goal is to publish distinguished and profitable communityoriented newspapers. This mission will be accomplished through the teamwork of professionals dedicated to truth, integrity and hard work. Todd Wilson, Publisher Robert Bridges, Editor Jim Barr, Associate Editor Sue Brannon, Controller Dink NeSmith, President Tom Wood, Chairman LETTERS POLICY Letters to the Editor should be typed or neatly written and double spaced. Letters should not exceed 400 words and will be edited for length and libel. Letters must be signed and include the writers name, address and telephone number for verification. Writers can have two letters per month published. Letters and guest columns are the opinion of the writers and not necessarily that of the Lake City Reporter. BY MAIL: Letters, P.O. Box 1709, Lake City, FL 32056; or drop off at 180 E. Duval St. downtown. BY FAX: (386) 752-9400. BY EMAIL: Thursday, April 13, 2017 Lake City Reporter Serving Columbia County Since 1874 The Lake City Reporter is published with pride for residents of Columbia and surrounding counties by Community Newspapers Inc. We believe strong newspapers build strong communities -Newspapers get things done! Our primary goal is to publish distinguished and profitable communityoriented newspapers. This mission will be accomplished through the teamwork of professionals dedicated to truth, integrity and hard work. Todd Wilson, Publisher Robert Bridges, Editor Frances Wainwright, Controller Dink NeSmith, President Tom Wood, Chairman Mending Obamas mistakes Friendly skies a thing of the pastFew business seem to be more under the thumb of bean counters than the major U.S. airlines: Seats and leg room shrink, baggage fees are imposed and rudimentary comforts like a bag of peanuts or a beverage are either nonexistent or get you charged. Cattle cars offer more comfort than the typical cross-country flight in economy class. Yet as much as flying the friendly skies already seems a thing of the past, never underestimate the industrys ability to drag its customers around kicking and screaming as thats more or less what happened on a recent United Airlines flight. Youve probably seen the viral video already: A Sunday night flight from Chicago to Louisville, Ky. was overbooked, and the airline had to free up seats on the already-boarded plane to make room for a dead-heading flight crew. Volunteers were sought, vouchers of up to $800 were offered, plus a hotel room with the promise of a Monday afternoon flight. Not enough passengers accepted, and so the airline chose passengers randomly. One of those chosen, David Dao, a Kentucky physician, refused to leave. Eventually, police were summoned and forcefully removed him from the plane with Dr. Dao striking his head in the process, his face bloodied as he was dragged down the aisle to the horror of his fellow passengers. Various versions of the video have been viewed more than 1 million times on YouTube by last count. Twitter and Facebook postings have similarly exploded with this favorite meme an illustration of the two classes on a United domestic flight, first class and Fight Club, a reference to the brutal Brad Pitt movie. To observe this is a bad public relations moment for United CEO Oscar Munoz is like suggesting the RMS Titanic was a setback for ocean travel in 1912. Yet Munoz, who was honored as a communicator of the year last month by PRWeek, seems not to have noticed. After issuing an initial statement calling the incident upsetting and apologizing for having to re-accomodate these customers while vowing a detailed review, he then sent a letter to United employees Monday reassuring them that proper procedures had been followed and that the passenger had been disruptive and belligerent. A more extensive apology was finally issued Tuesday. Dr. Dao, who was convicted of drug offenses more than a decade ago but regained his medical license in 2015, according to the Louisville CourierJournal, might have been ill-mannered, but that doesnt mean he should have been treated like a terrorist. For starters, the airline might simply have offered a bigger bribe (as they were empowered to do), found a volunteer and the standoff might have been avoided altogether. But heres the real problem. Airlines deliberately overbook flights to make sure there are few, if any, empty seats. Long ago, those bean counters figured out it was more profitable to overbook and deal with unhappy customers people who paid for their seats but didnt get to fly by offering vouchers for volunteers. Alas, that doesnt work every time. Records show there are tens of thousands of involuntary bumps from flights. The only extraordinary thing about the Chicago incident was that it took place after boarding, was captured on a cellphone video and, of course, sparked a violent removal by local aviation authorities. That needs to be corrected. Either the airlines become empowered to offer bigger bribes or Congress needs to set stricter standards on involuntary removals from flights. Its particularly galling in this case that it was done to accommodate Uniteds own employees. But thats just part of the airlines public relations problems. Still, we wont hold onto our seat belts expecting reforms. Airlines like United seem pretty accustomed to public ridicule. Why? For most fliers, its all about the cost of a ticket, and carriers indifference to customer service seems not to have had much impact on bottom lines. The fastest growing U.S. carriers like JetBlue, Spirit and Southwest are all about the discounts while legacy airlines like United have seen modest revenue growth in recent years. Until travel customers make their choices based on the quality of their experience and not just ticket prices, the unfriendly skies arent likely to change all that much. Baltimore Sun Jay Jay Ambrose, formerly Washington director of editorial policy for Scripps Howard newspapers and the editor of dailies in El Paso, Texas and Denver, is a columnist living in Colorado.The violent legacy of Freddie GrayHealing is preferable to hurting but much harder to achieve. Thats the lesson in Baltimore two years after the death of Freddie Gray, whose death in police custody set off riots and mayhem. Faced with a choice between escalating crime and aggressive policing, the city has spurned the advice of the Trump administration and stuck with a strategy that promises more pain and heartbreak. Last week U.S. District Judge James Bredar approved a consent agreement between the city and the Obama Justice Department, giving a federal monitor wide-ranging supervision of the Baltimore Police Department. The agreement puts conditions on how police deal with criminal suspects and demands additional training for the handling of juveniles, political protesters and the mentally ill. None of this sounds particularly onerous, but it requires cops to tiptoe on eggshells in dealing with those eager to make trouble. Jeff Sessions, the new U.S. attorney general, says he has grave concerns that some provisions of this decree will reduce the lawful powers of the police department and result in a less safe city. Mr. Sessions opened a review of the consent decrees governing policing in the nations cities and asked Judge Bredar to delay implementation of the Baltimore agreement. The judge refused. The case is no longer in a phase where any party is unilaterally entitled to reconsider the terms of the settlement, he said. The parties are bound to each other by their prior agreement. Mr. Sessions is right to be concerned. Since the Gray riots of April 2015, the situation in Baltimore has grown worse. Violent crime was up 22 percent in 2016 and arrests down 45 percent. Homicides climbed 63 percent in 2015 and have remained consistently far above the old normal. In contrast, the FBIs preliminary report for 2016 shows violent crime up 5.3 percent nationwide. A case of police brutality was the ready assumption when the 25-year-old Freddie Gray suffered a fatal neck injury while being taken to a police station after he was arrested for possession of an illegal switchblade. Rioting, looting and burning in poverty-stricken precincts followed. It was one of several outbursts of urban violence that gave momentum to the Black Lives Matter movement that emerged after Barack Obama was elected the nations first black president. Baltimores elected leaders joined community activists in condemning the police for terrorizing citizens. Six Baltimore cops involved in the Gray arrest were themselves arrested and charged with various crimes. All were tried and exonerated. The Obama Justice Department opened an investigation of the department, looking for a pattern of excessive force against black residents. Men and women in blue became wary of a backlash if they appeared too eager to enforce the law. In response to charges of overaggressive policing in cities such as Baltimore and Ferguson, Mo., President Obamas attorneys general opened investigations of police practices. Fifteen jurisdictions nationwide are now supervised by federal monitors, making the police more accountable to Washington than to their local communities. Thugs lurk in the hiding places of Americas inner cities, and the innocent need fair and aggressive law enforcement. The death of Freddie Gray was a tragedy, but more the result of happenstance than malice. Mounting crime in Baltimore demonstrates the consequences of passive policing. The people who live in Charm City deserve better. Washington Times ANOTHER VIEW


Keith Lawrence Rick BellKeith Lawrence Rick Bell was born March 23, 1972, in Queens, New York. After High School graduation, Keith relocated to Lake City, Florida. Keith attended Lake City Community College and graduated with honors and was class Valedictorian. He obtained a degree in Cosmetology and Barbering and subsequently became a licensed Cosmetolo gist in 2004. He was a dedicat ed employee with DBI Service until his untimely demise. He is preceded in death by his son, Naquan Keith Bell; uncle, Chris Miller; grandparents, Mary and John Miller and Eddie Bell. Left to cherish precious memories: wife, Makenzie Bell; son, Keiyaun; daughters, Shakeirra Edwards, Leilani, Desmea, Shanique Bell; mother, Brenda Gibson (Elder Samuel); father, Rajaee Ricky Jamilah; stepfather, Carlton Tunsil; devoted adopted father, Vernon Paige; brothers, Carlton Tunsil, II (Marcia), Russel Miller; sisters, Sherita Tunsil, Diamond Nealy, Pebbles and Chardonnay Jamila; grandchildren, Ziya, Frederick, Kyla, Kyra Giddens; grandmothers, Sandi Bell, Willie Mae Sharp; mother-in-law, Alfreda Jones; brothers and sisters-in-law, Deadra, Scott (Ronkeirra), Kevin, Quincy (Beverly), Adarryl (Nancy); special nieces and nephews, Keeven, Brooklyn, Tyrin Young, Lyasia Tunsil, JaOnnie Brinson, Akaylee, Brandi, Quincy, Jordan, Jabari Jones, Aaron, Xavier Ross; godmother, Brownie Rollins; godsister, Valencia Perkins; godchildren, Talaja Richardson, Darreia Robinson; special family members; aunts, Cassandra Tunsil, Juanita Weston; uncle, Andre Miller; cousins, Marica Timmons, Tscharna Caldwell, Derrick Duhart, Wallace Jaybo Jones, Rodrick Young, Mantrell Weston, Mike Mixon, Al Williams; friends, Chris and Chad Owens, Andrew James and his DBI family; hosts of other relatives and friends. A Celebration of Keiths life will be 3:00 p.m. Saturday, April 15, 2017, at New Day Spring Missionary Baptist Church, 709 NW Long St. Lake City, FL, Rev. Lantz G. Mills, Pastor, Rev. Paul Missionary Baptist Church. The family will receive friends from 5:00 7:00 p.m. Friday, April 14, 2017, at New Day Spring MB Church. Arrangements entrusted to COMBS FUNERAL HOME 292 NE Washington St., Lake City, FL, (386) 752-4366, Marq Combs Turner, L.F.D. The Caring Professionals Corene Denise Smith Mrs. Corene Denise Smith, age 50 of Kansas City, Mo. A former resident of Olustee, Florida slept peaceful ly away March 29, 2017. She was the daughter of the late Albert Smith and Patricia Davis Smith. She was educated in the Public Schools of Baker and Man atee County School System. She was preceded in death by her husband W. C. Wilcox, paternal grand parents; Alb and Emma Smith, maternal grand parents; Jerome Owens, Odell and Mary Davis. Corene leaves to cherish her memory four sisters; Mary Smith, Patricia Smith (Gary) of Kansas City, MO, Erica Smith (Cardarro) of Valdosta, GA, Jreece Whitehead (Tourence) of Green Cove Springs, Florida. God Sister Tonie Skipper (Ben), four brothers; Anthony Smith, Albert Smith and Mark Smith all of Kansas City, MO, Lee Marvin Smith of Stark, Florida, Grandmother Freddie Owens, two aunts; Zelda Johnson of Clearwater, Florida, Peggy Smith of Stateline, Miss., two uncles Authur Neal Smith and Ray Smith of Stark, Florida. Three sister-in-laws Betty, Bessie, and Rose Wil cox, one niece; Latisha Mason, Special God Parents James and Rosetta Robinson and a host of other loving nieces, neph ews and sorrowing friends. Service for Corene Smith will be Saturday, April 15, 2017 at 11:00am Jerusalem Baptist Church Elder Johnell Morgan in Olustee, Florida. Interment will follow in Olustee Memory Cemetery. The family will receive friends April 14, 2017 at 6:00pm8:00pm McCray Chapel Holi ness Church in Olustee, Florida. Arrangements entrusted to: COOPER FUNERAL HOME, 251 N.E. Washington Street, Lake City, Florida 32055. Wil lis O. Cooper, L.F.D., C.F.S.P.Claretha Bernice Thomas WilsonMrs. Claretha Bernice Thomas Wilson, age 90 resident of nity Florida slept away peacefully April 11, 2017. She was the daughter of the late Rev. Joe Thomas and Mrs. Carrie G. Hudson Thomas. She was preceded in death by her brothers; Joe Thomas Jr., Benjamin Thomas, Joshus Thomas, Clayton L. Thomas, Vardell Thomas and her sisters; Ella M. Thomas, Alberta Thomas, Mamie Thomas, Carrie B. Thomas and her daughter Verlinda Galloway. She received her education solidated School of Columbia County School System. She accepted Christ as her Savior at an early age and attend ed Huntsville United Methodist Church until it closed. She joined Union A.M.E. Church which she was a very active member. She was a Missionary in her own right: She loved to cook and feed her family, friends and anyone that came into her path. Her she was a member of The Pride of B & S Combs Elks Temple #1238 and E. M. Birthday Club. She was employed at Northeast State Hospital and a School Buss Driver for Columbia County for many years. She leaves to cherish her loving memories seven children; James Bernard (Joyce) Wilson, Dec. Joe (Macy) Wilson, Kenneth (Alma) Wilson, Pastor Norman (Leasha) Wilson Sr., Elaine (Gerald) Wise, Connie (Donnie) Jones, Vincent (Ann) Wilson Sr., son-in-law Rents Galloway and her Special adopted children Evangelist Sandra Price, Grover Lewis and Ann Allen. She was blessed with 21 grandchildren, 30 great grandchildren, 5 great great grands and a host of other relatives and sorrowing friends. Homegoing Service for Mrs. Claretha Thomas Wilson will be Saturday, April 15, 2017 at 3:00pm at Union A.M.E. Church with Rev. Ronald G. William Sr. Pastor/Eulogy. Interment will follow at Forrest Lawn Memory Garden. Visitation for family and friends will be Friday, April 14, 2017, 7:00pm until 8:00pm at Cooper Funeral Home Chapel. Arrangements entrusted to: COOPER FUNERAL HOME 251 N.E. Washington Street, Lake City, Florida 32055. Willis O. Cooper, L.F.D., C.F.S.P. John Henry White, Sr. Deacon John Henry White, Sr., local nonagenarian, was born July 1, 1923, in Needmore, Florida to Rosette and Sam White. Both precede him in death. He transitioned from this earthly life on April 2, 2017, at Have Hospice, Lake City, FL. He was united in Wedlock to Everlina White who mothered their children. She also precedes him in death. He was employed as a Custodian with the Columbia County School Board and retired after several years of employment. Deacon White accepted Christ as his Savior and was a Deacon for Creek Baptist Church under Rev. George Simmons and currently at St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church under the Pastorate of Rev. Alvin Green. Deacon White was a Mason with Gold Standard Lodge #167. Others preceding him in death: children, Mary Rosette Jones, Louise Natire and Roy White; daughter-in-law, Pat White; son-in-law, Robert Jones. Precious memories will be left with wife, Roxanne White; chil dren, John White, Jr., (Evelyn), Freddie White, Armidella Jones, Lillie Mae Brown (Charlie), Alice A. Wills (James), Charlie White (Linda Gail) Nettie Ruth Hawk (Bernard), Wimpy White (Madeline), Walthea Roberts, Algenon White (Margie Ann), Madetha Sule, Marvin White; goddaughters, Irene Jenkins and ters-in-law; four brothers-in-law; more than 190 grands, greatgrands and great great-grands will treasure the Legacy left for them; hosts of nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Funeral services for Deacon John Henry White, Sr, will be 11:00 a.m. Saturday, April 15, 2017, at St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church, 222 NW Oosterhoudt Ln, Lake City, FL, Rev. Alvin Green, Pastor. The family will receive friends from 6:00 8:00 p.m. Friday, April 14, 2017, at St. Paul MB Church. Arrangements entrusted to COMBS FUNERAL HOME 292 NE Washington St. Lake City, FL, (386) 752-4366, Marq Combs Turner, L.F.D. The Caring Professionals THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 2017 LOCAL LAKE CITY REPORTER 5A If you are in need of a lawyer to handle a medical malpractice, wrongful death or serious injury claim... Were Here to Help! 934 NE Lake DeSoto Circle, Lake City, FL(NEXT TO COURTHOUSE) CELEBRATE EASTER WITH BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS!Easter is a celebration of new life and spring (386) 362-2333 We deliver to Lake City every week! WWW.NOBLESGREENHOUSE.COM CELEBRATE EASTER WITH BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS!Easter is a celebration of new life and spring (386) 362-2333 We deliver to Lake City every week! WWW.NOBLESGREENHOUSE.COM CELEBRATE EASTER WITH BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS!Easter is a celebration of new life and spring (386) 362-2333 We deliver to Lake City every week! WWW.NOBLESGREENHOUSE.COM OBITUARIES To submit your Community Calendar item, stop by the Reporter or email Justin Caudell at CALENDARTodayAcademic banquetPublic and private Columbia County students in grades 5-12 with both honor roll and perfect attendance for each of their academic years will be recognized by community business sponsors in a banquet on May 13. Parents should email Brandi Keen at or call 755-8041 by April 17 to register.DAR meetingThe Edward Rutledge Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will hold its monthly meeting at 10:30 a.m. in Room 102 of Wilson S. Rivers Library on the campus of Florida Gateway College. The Florida Museum of Natural History Staff will give a presentation on butterfly conservation. Visitors are always welcome. For more information, call 752-2903.North Central Florida Tea Party meeting7 p.m. at the Taylor Building, 128 SW Birley Road in Lake City. (approximately 3 miles west of the I-75 interchange on the corner of U.S. 90 and Birley Road). John Michael Chambers, an author and public speaker, will deliver comments on his recent book, Trump and the Resurrection of America. For more information, call 688-9402. FridayNo dinner and dancingThere will not be a dance at The Lifestyle Enrichment Center in observance of Good Friday. Dances will resume April 21 and each following Friday night from 7 to 10 p.m. at The Lifestyle Enrichment Center, 628 SE Allison Court (behind Baya Pharmacy). $7 admission includes pot luck dinner and music by a professional DJ. All proceeds benefit the center. Call 755-0235 for more information.Live musicThe Vintage Band will perform from 7 to 11 p.m. at Lake City VFW Post 2206. The event is free and open to the public. The Vintage Band, made up of guitarist Billy Aldrich, bass player Mark Bower, guitarist Mark Wilson and drummer Phil Marston, plays cover rock and roll songs from the 60s, 70 and 80s, as well as country songs by artists such as Kenny Chesney and George Strait. VFW Post 2206 is located at 343 Forest Lawn Way in Lake City. Lend Me A TenorLend Me a Tenor, a side-splitting comedic farce set in two acts, is on stage now at the High Springs Playhouse. Friday and Saturday performances are at 8 p.m. and doors open at 7:30. Sunday matinees are at 2 p.m. with doors opening at 1:30. Tickets are $15 for adults; students and seniors on Sundays are $10. Tickets may be purchased online at and at the door. The theater is located at 130 NE 1st Ave., High Springs. The last performance will be Sunday, April 23.SaturdayDiabetes workshopLearn how to manage diabetes with a free 2.5 hour workshop from 9 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturdays for six weeks at Lake City Medical Center. Trained volunteer leaders with diabetes themselves or who have family members with diabetes will coordinate lessons and provide tips on setting goals and creating step-by-step plans. Call 719-9371 to register. April 15 is the last day to register.Easter Egg-stravaganza10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Live Oak Heritage Park & Gardens, 1004 Helvenston St. SE, Live Oak. Guests will be treated to a free BBQ lunch, live entertainment, an Easter egg hunt, games and more. For more information, call Haven Hospice at 752-9191. (A complete schedule of community Easter events will publish on Friday.)Wellborn School ReunionMeeting at 11:30 a.m. and lunch at noon at the Wellborn Baptist Church social hall, located at Lowe Lake Road and U.S. 90. Doors will open at 10 a.m. Bring photos or stories relevant to the school or Wellborn in general. Bring covered dish.Live musicThe music duo Mark & Billy will perform from 8 to 11 p.m. at 406 on Duval in Live Oak. Guitarists Mark Wilson and Billy Aldrich are lifelong musicians and members of The Vintage Band. MondayDaughters of the Confederacy meetingThe Olustee Chapter 2488 of the Daughters of the Confederacy will meet at 5:15 p.m. at Oak Lawn Cemetery for a memorial service. Meeting to follow at the main branch of the Columbia County Public Library, 308 NE Columbia Ave., Lake City. For more information, call 754-3922.NAACP Youth Membership Drive6 p.m. at Richardson Community Center. All interested in joining and becoming a Youth Regular Member and a Youth Executive Official Committee member needs to be at the meeting. Membership fee is $10 per year, which includes CRISIS Magazine. Some membership fees will be waived depending on participation.COURTESYThe music duo Mark & Billy will perform from 8 to 11 p.m. Saturday at 406 on Duval in Live Oak. Guitarists Mark Wilson and Billy Aldrich are lifelong musicians and members of The Vintage Band.


6A THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 2017 LOCAL LAKE CITY REPORTER College flings into spring with fun activitiesCOURTESY PHOTOSA Florida Gateway College student has fun on a zip line earlier this month as part of activities at the colleges Spring Fling. Faculty and staff also got in on the fun. Florida Gateway College President Dr. Lawrence Barrett gets suited up for his trip down the zip line. Barrett prepares to jump off the zip lines platform. College student Josiah Bray climbs a rock wall, one of the many activities at FGCs Spring Fling this month. Michele Cuadras, dual enrollment director at Florida Gateway College, takes a turn on the zip line. A FGC student has fun on a zip line earlier this month as part of activities at the colleges Spring Fling.


Lake City Reporter SPORTS Thursday, April 13, 2017 Section B Story ideas? Contact Eric Jackson or Tony Britt754-0420 CHS TENNISColumbia boys tennis team repeats as district champsCOURTESYColumbias boys tennis team repeated as district champs after an impressive performance in Jacksonville this week. Columbias PK Patel, Reid Wehrli and Tanner Thomas won their singles matches while Daniel Rendel and Christian Chiong were finalists. Patel and Wehrli were also successful in doubles, knocking off the competition. Patel will go on to compete at state in singles and in doubles alongside Rendel. The team continues its postseason run in regionals next week. SECCOURTESYRunner-up Lady TigersColumbias girls tennis team finished in second place in the district tournament behind Atlantic Coast this week in Orange Park. The Lady Tigers forced three tiebreakers but the reigning champs couldnt defend their title. CHS girls will now travel for regionals next week while the first-place boys will host the matches. See more photos on 6B. Attorney wants Sankey off NCAA panel of UNC case By AARON BEARDAssociated PressRALEIGH, N.C. An attorney in North Carolinas ongoing academic scandal wants Southeastern Conference Commissioner Greg Sankey removed as head of the NCAA infractions panel hearing the case because of a conflict of interest. Raleigh attorney Elliot Abrams wrote the NCAA this month saying Sankey has a personal, professional and institutional interest in the outcome of the case involving his client, Deborah Crowder, a retired UNC officer administrator. He compared Sankeys involvement to the Commissioner of the SEC refereeing a championship game between an (Atlantic Coast Conference) team and an SEC team. He also described Sankey as a potential witness regarding a previous case at Auburn during his time as an SEC associate commissioner that had similarities but didnt lead to major violations. In a second letter Tuesday, Abrams stated the third Notice of Allegations outlining charges against Crowder and UNC should be tossed out. He called it the result of inappropriate pressure from a conflicted hearing panel, adding that the entire panel is tainted by Sankeys involvement and should be recused. Abrams provided The Associated Press with copies of both letters. The requests are part of the latest snag in an oft-delayed case featuring five top-level charges first filed nearly two years ago. SEC spokesman Herb Vincent deferred questions Wednesday to the NCAA. NCAA spokeswoman Emily James and UNC spokeswoman Joanne Peters didnt immediately return emails Wednesday afternoon. The academic case is tied to irregularities in the formerly named African and Afro-American Studies (AFAM) department. Most notably, there were independent study-style courses misidentified as lecture classes that didnt meet and required a research paper or two courses featuring significant athlete enrollments and typically offering high grades. The NCAA reopened its investigation in summer 2014 and first charged UNC in a Notice of Allegations (NOA) filed in May 2015. It then revised the charges in a second version last April, and then changed them again in December UNCs response to the charges is on hold as Abrams said he is working to set up an interview for Crowder after she had previously refused to speak with NCAA investigators. Crowder, a former office administrator who graded many of the papers, defended the quality of the irregular courses in a March affidavit. Abrams wrote in Tuesdays letter that a Friday deadline to interview Crowder was arbitrary, saying it essentially ensures she cannot be adequately prepared to respond to specific questions about documents created between one and four decades ago. In seeking Sankeys SankeyUNC continued on 2BSECUT star recruit Trey Smith garnering plenty of attention around campus By STEVE MEGARGEEAssociated PressKNOXVILLE The massive frame that helped make Tennessees Trey Smith become one of the nations top football recruits now results in some strange looks from fellow students when he walks around campus. A lot of times people are scared, Smith said. Just a friendly public service announcement, I will not eat you. I will not harm you. I just want to say, Hi. Smith is listed as 6-foot-6 and 313 pounds, which helps explain why ESPN rated the early enrollee as the nations No. 1 overall prospect in his class. But when coaches rave about Smith, they discuss the incoming freshman offensive tackles mental toughness as much as his physical prowess. The first thing I can say about COURTESYOffensive lineman Trey Smith (left) of the Tennessee Volunteers and defensive lineman Paul Bain collide during spring practice. VOLS continued on 6B B1


2B THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 2017 SPORTS LAKE CITY REPORTER TV LISTINGSTODAY COLLEGE BASEBALL 8 p.m. FS1 Seton Hall at Xavier COLLEGE FOOTBALL 9:30 p.m. BTN Indiana spring game, at Bloomington, Ind. (same-day tape) GOLF 6:30 a.m. GOLF European PGA Tour, Trophee Hassan II, first round, at Rabat, Morocco 10:30 a.m. GOLF European PGA Tour, Trophee Hassan II, first round, at Rabat, Morocco 3 p.m. GOLF PGA Tour, RBC Heritage, first round, at Hilton Head Island, S.C. 7 p.m. GOLF LPGA Tour, LOTTE Championship, second round, at Kapolei, Hawaii MLB BASEBALL 2 p.m. MLB Regional coverage, L.A. Dodgers at Chicago Cubs OR Pittsburgh at Boston (subject to blackout in local areas) 5 p.m. MLB Texas at L.A. Angels (joined in progress) 7 p.m. MLB Regional coverage, Baltimore at Toronto OR Tampa Bay at N.Y. Yankees NHL HOCKEY 7 p.m. USA Stanley Cup Playoffs, first round, Eastern Conference, Game 1, Toronto at Washington 8 p.m. NBCSN Stanley Cup Playoffs, first round, Western Conference, Game 1, Nashville at Chicago 10:30 p.m. NBCSN Stanley Cup Playoffs, first round, Western Conference, Game 1, Calgary at Anaheim SOCCER 3 p.m. FS1 UEFA Europa League, Quarterfinal, 1st Leg, RSC Anderlecht vs. Manchester United FS2 UEFA Europa League, Quarterfinal, 1st Leg, AFC Ajax vs. Schalke WNBA BASKETBALL 7 p.m. ESPN2 2017 WNBA Draft, at New YorkMLB STANDINGSAMERICAN LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB Baltimore 4 2 .667 Tampa Bay 5 3 .625 Boston 4 3 .571 New York 3 4 .429 1 Toronto 1 6 .143 3 Central Division W L Pct GB Detroit 5 2 .714 Minnesota 5 2 .714 Cleveland 4 3 .571 1 Chicago 2 4 .333 2 Kansas City 2 5 .286 3 West Division W L Pct GB Los Angeles 6 2 .750 Houston 5 4 .556 1 Oakland 4 4 .500 2 Texas 2 5 .286 3 Seattle 2 7 .222 4 NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB New York 5 3 .625 Washington 5 3 .625 Miami 4 3 .571 Philadelphia 3 5 .375 2 Atlanta 1 6 .143 3 Central Division W L Pct GB Cincinnati 6 2 .750 Chicago 5 2 .714 Pittsburgh 3 4 .429 2 Milwaukee 3 5 .375 3 St. Louis 2 6 .250 4 West Division W L Pct GB Arizona 7 2 .778 Colorado 6 3 .667 1 Los Angeles 4 4 .500 2 San Diego 4 5 .444 3 San Francisco 3 6 .333 4 IndyCar tests at reconfigured Texas test minus some Hondas FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) Simon Pagenaud and IndyCar drivers have run their first laps on the repaved and reconfigured Texas oval. Pagenaud says the Texas Motor Speedway track is a different layout with the banking reduced in Turns 1 and 2 that were also widened from 60 to 80 feet. He says the bumps are gone and the turning radius into the first turn has definitely changed. More than 1,100 laps were completed before lunch by 13 cars on the 1 1/2mile track wher e the ser ies races June 10. The Texas test was supposed to be a full-field open test with 22 cars. But points leader Sebastien Bourdais and several Honda cars were held out as a precaution because their engines had higher mileage on them. SCOREBOARD THURSDAY EVENING APRIL 13, 2017 Comcast Dish DirecTV6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 3-ABC 3 -TV20 NewsABC World NewsEnt. TonightBe a MillionaireGreys Anatomy In the Air Tonight (:01) Scandal The Decision (N) The Catch The Hard Drive (N) News at 11 Jimmy Kimmel Live 4-IND 4 4 4News4JAX at 6PMNews4JAXEnt. TonightInside Edition (N) Hot in ClevelandLast Man StandingBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryThe 10 OClock News (N) News4JAX(:35) The Insider 5-PBS 5 -DW NewsNightly BusinessPBS NewsHour (N) The This Old House Hour (N) Murder in Suburbia The Wedding Cypress Sessions: Soul of FloridaBBC World NewsCapitol Update 7-CBS 7 47 47Action News JaxCBS Evening NewsJudge Judy (N) Family Feud Big Bang TheoryThe Great Indoors(:01) Mom (N) Life in Pieces (N) The Amazing Race (N) Action NewsLate Show-Colbert 9-CW 9 17 172 Broke Girls 2 Broke Girls Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Supernatural The Memory Remains Riverdale (N) Law & Order: Criminal Intent Judge Faith Anger 10-FOX 10 30 30Action NewsAction NewsTMZ (N) Access HollywoodMasterChef (N) (DVS) (:01) Kicking & Screaming (N) Action NewsAction NewsAction NewsModern Family 12-NBC 12 12 12News NBC Nightly NewsWheel of FortuneJeopardy! (N) Superstore (N) Powerless (N) Chicago Med Generation Gap (N) The Blacklist: Redemption News Tonight Show WGN-A 16 239 307Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Outsiders The Run TVLAND 17 106 304(5:48) M*A*S*H(:24) M*A*S*HM*A*S*H (:36) M*A*S*H(:12) M*A*S*H Death Takes a Holiday Love-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondKing of QueensKing of Queens OWN 18 189 27920/20 on ID Presents: Homicide 20/20 on ID Presents: Homicide 20/20 on ID Mystery in the Mansion 20/20 on OWN A woman is murdered. 20/20 on ID A Last Dance in Texas 20/20 on ID Mystery in the Mansion A&E 19 118 265The First 48 Easy Money; Ambushed The First 48 The First 48: Deadly Dealings (N) 60 Days In: Atlanta Tapping Out (N) (:01) Nightwatch Tough Love (N) (:02) The First 48 HALL 20 185 312Last Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingThe Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle The Golden GirlsThe Golden Girls FX 22 136 248(4:30) Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014, Action) Mark Wahlberg. Ride Along (2014, Comedy) Ice Cube, Kevin Hart, John Leguizamo. Ride Along (2014, Comedy) Ice Cube, Kevin Hart, John Leguizamo. CNN 24 200 202The Situation Room With Wolf BlitzerErin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) CNN Tonight With Don Lemon (N) CNN Tonight With Don Lemon (N) TNT 25 138 245Bones A celebrity chef is found dead. Major Crimes Shockwave Part 2The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) Ian McKellen. Bilbo Baggins joins the quest to reclaim a lost kingdom. (DVS) Hobbit: Desolation NIK 26 170 299Henry DangerHenry DangerThe ThundermansThe ThundermansRio (2011, Childrens) Voices of Anne Hathaway, Jesse Eisenberg. Full HouseFull HouseFriendsFriends SPIKE 28 168 241(5:00) The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006)Fast Five (2011, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. Dom Toretto and company ramp up the action in Brazil. Fast Five (2011) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. MY-TV 29 32 -Mamas FamilyMamas FamilyM*A*S*H M*A*S*H Bones The X in the File Bones The Proof in the Pudding Seinfeld Hogans HeroesCarol BurnettPerry Mason DISN 31 172 290Bunkd Bizaardvark K.C. UndercoverGood Luck CharlieStuck/MiddleGood Luck CharlieLiv and MaddieLiv and MaddieAndi Mack Tomorrow Starts Today Jessie Jessie LIFE 32 108 252Derailed (2005) Clive Owen. Adulterous lovers face a violent blackmailer.The Stepfather (2009, Suspense) Dylan Walsh, Sela Ward. (:02) Gone (2012, Suspense) Amanda Seyfried, Daniel Sunjata. USA 33 105 242Law & Order: Special Victims UnitLaw & Order: Special Victims Unit NHL Hockey Conference Quarternal: Teams TBA. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit BET 34 124 329(4:50) Boomerang (1992, Comedy) Eddie Murphy, Halle Berry.The Players Club (1998, Comedy-Drama) LisaRaye, Bernie Mac. A woman works as a stripper to pay her tuition. Martin (:36) Martin ESPN 35 140 206SportsCenter With Michael and JemeleSportsCenter Special (N) SportsCenter Special (N) 30 for 30 SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN2 36 144 209Around the HornInterruption2017 WNBA Draft From New York. (N) NFL Live College Football SEC Storied SUNSP 37 -Florida InsiderRays Pregamea MLB Baseball Tampa Bay Rays at New York Yankees. From Yankee Stadium in the Bronx, N.Y. (N) Rays PostgameFlorida Insider Fishing Report DISCV 38 182 278(5:00) Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch: Captains Legacy Uncharted Territory (N) Sacred Cod The collapse of the oldest U.S. shery. (N) (:32) Deadliest Catch (:32) Sacred Cod TBS 39 139 247Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryConan Actor Kunal Nayyar. (N) HLN 40 202 204Forensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesPrimetime Justice Forensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic Files FNC 41 205 360Special Report With Bret Baier (N) The First 100 Days (N) The OReilly Factor (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) Hannity (N) The OReilly Factor E! 45 114 236Botched A pair of co-dependent sisters. E! News (N) Keeping Up With the KardashiansKeeping Up With the KardashiansKeeping Up With the KardashiansE! News (N) TRAVEL 46 196 277Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum (N) Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum HGTV 47 112 229Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop VegasFlip or Flop House Hunters (N) Hunters IntlHouse HuntersHunters Intl TLC 48 183 280Dateline on TLC (N) (Part 2 of 2) Dateline on TLC The Reckoning (N) Casey Anthony: An American Murder Mystery Casey Anthony is charged with murder. Casey Anthony: American Murder HIST 49 120 269Swamp People Pressures On Swamp People (DVS) Swamp People: Blood and Guts (N) Swamp People Stranded (N) To Be Announced (:03) Swamp People Stranded ANPL 50 184 282North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law: Still Hunting (N) North Woods Law: Game Warden FilesNorth Woods Law: Game Warden FilesNorth Woods Law Hot on the Heels FOOD 51 110 231Chopped Naan and blood sausages. Chopped Clean Eatin Chopped Teams of twins face off. Chopped Four funny actors compete. Beat Bobby FlayBeat Bobby FlayBeat Bobby FlayBeat Bobby Flay TBN 52 260 372John Gray WorldLysa UninvitedDrive Thru HistoryThe Potters TouchPraise Joseph PrinceHillsong TVJoel Osteen Christine CainePraise FSN-FL 56 -Inside the MarlinsMarlins Pregamea MLB Baseball New York Mets at Miami Marlins. From Marlins Park in Miami. (N) Marlins PostgameGolf Life World Poker SYFY 58 122 244(4:30) G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013)Faster (2010, Action) Dwayne Johnson, Billy Bob Thornton. Fast & Furious (2009, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. (:15) Wrecker (2015) Anna Hutchison. AMC 60 130 254(3:30) Wyatt Earp (1994, Biography) Kevin Costner, Dennis Quaid. Smokey and the Bandit (1977, Comedy) Burt Reynolds, Sally Field. (:15) Crocodile Dundee (1986) Paul Hogan, Linda Kozlowski. COM 62 107 249(5:50) Futurama(:20) Futurama(6:55) South ParkSouth Park South Park South Park Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 South Park The Daily ShowAt Midnight CMT 63 166 327Last Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingSun Records Finishing School (N) Sun Records Finishing School NGWILD 108 190 283Caught in the Act Secret Life of Pearls Monster Fish Thai-tanic Titans Monster Fish Freaks of Nature Monster Fish The Monsters of Oz Monster Fish Thai-tanic Titans NGEO 109 186 276The Hunt for the Lost Ark Search for Noahs Ark Noahs ark. Killing Jesus (2015, Historical Drama) Haaz Sleiman, Kelsey Grammer. The life and death of Jesus Christ. Killing Jesus (2015) Haaz Sleiman. SCIENCE 110 193 284How Its MadeHow Its MadeImpossible Engineering Impossible Engineering (:02) Impossible Engineering (:04) Impossible Engineering (:06) Impossible Engineering ID 111 192 285Your Worst Nightmare Your Worst Nightmare Black Widow Fear Thy Neighbor Fear Thy Neighbor (N) Real Detective Puppet Master (N) Fear Thy Neighbor SEC 743 408 611(3:00) The Paul Finebaum Show (N)a College Baseball Auburn vs Tennessee. From Lindsey Nelson Stadium in Knoxville, Tenn. (N) SEC Now (N) (Live) SEC Now HBO 302 300 501(4:40) The Aviator (2004) Leonardo DiCaprio. VICE News TonightWar Dogs (2016, Comedy-Drama) Jonah Hill, Miles Teller. R Unforgiven (1992, Western) Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman. R MAX 320 310 515(:10) Death Race (2008, Action) Jason Statham, Tyrese Gibson. R Lights Out (2016) Teresa Palmer. PG-13 (:25) The Purge: Election Year (2016) Frank Grillo. (:15) Mechanic: Resurrection R SHOW 340 318 545 Out of the Furnace (2013) Christian Bale. Premiere. R Homeland Pieces fall into place. Billions Axe faces opposition. Dark Net (N) Penn & TellerGigolos Dark Net OUTDOOR SPORTSLearning about firearmsFrom staff reportsThe Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission held its annual Outdoor Womens Basic Pistol Safety Course at the Osceola Gun Range near Lake City last weekend with 28 participants. The event is hosted annually by the FWC and this year was presented by Halls Firearm Training, LLC of Live Oak. In addition to the 28 participants, there were six certified pistol instructors, and 12 volunteer range safety officers from the FWCs Hunter Safety Education Program in attendance. This training qualifies participants for the Florida Concealed Weapon/Firearm License and also fulfills the live-fire requirement of the Florida Fish and Game Conservation Commissions Hunter Safety Permit. The training lasted approximately five hours and included classroom instruction and live-fire shooting on the firing range with revolvers and semi-automatic pistols. Everyone also enjoyed a delightful meal of grilled chicken, corn-onthe-cob, baked beans, fruit salad, and a tossed salad. They were also given an opportunity to try some mystery meat where they werent told what the mystery meat was until after all who wanted a taste had tried it. This years mystery meat was Australian goat meat.Former Rio mayor probed in Olympic-linked scandalOLYMPICSAssociated PressRIO DE JANEIRO Former Rio de Janeiro Mayor Eduardo Paes, the moving force behind organizing last years Olympics, is being investigated for allegedly accepting at least 15 million reals ($5 million) in payments to facilitate construction projects tied to the games. Paes is one of dozens of top politicians implicated in a sweeping judicial corruption investigation in which construction giant Odebrecht illegally paid billions to help win contracts. Paes name appears in documents published Tuesday by Brazils top court, and could stand trial if the countrys attorney general decides to prosecute. In a statement Wednesday from his spokeswoman, Tereza Fayal, the former mayor strongly denied the allegations made in several plea bargains signed by former and present Odebrecht employees, calling the accusations absurd and untruthful. He vehemently denies that he has accepted bribes to facilitate, or to benefit, the interests of the Odebrecht company, the statement said. Paes stepped in forcefully about two years before the Olympics opened, shortly after International Olympic Committee Vice President John Coates called Rios preparations the worst hed ever seen and woefully behind schedule. The IOC repeatedly credited Paes with speeding up preparations and cutting through red tape. As rumors swirled around Olympic preparations, Paes often challenged reporters to find any corruption in city-hall contracts. Days after the trouble-plagued Olympics ended, Paes and Carlos Nuzman an IOC member and the president of the organizing committee were awarded the Olympic Order by IOC President Thomas Bach. In a statement Wednesday to The Associated Press, the IOC said Paes should be regarded as innocent until proven otherwise. These are allegations which he (Paes) strenuously denies, the IOC said. Odebrecht was involved in building many Olympic-related projects, including several arenas at the Olympic Park in suburban Barra de Tijuca, a subway-line extension, and the renovation of Rios port area. The Supreme Court documents showed Paes received more 11 million reals ($3.5 million) in local bank accounts, and the rest in off-shore accounts. In the statement, Paes said hes never had off-shore accounts. Paes left office on Jan. 1 after a term-limited eight years. He was once viewed as a presidential candidate, hoping to use the Olympics as a springboard. He recently said he hoped to run next year for governor of the state of Rio de Janeiro. He is referred to in the Odebrecht documents as The Little Nervous One. Plea bargains also indicate that irregularities none of them involving Paes were seen in awarding contracts for at least three stadiums for the 2014 World Cup: Sao Paulo, Recife and Brasilia. In the case of the Sao Paulo stadium of Brazilian club Corinthians, plea bargains showed that Vicente Candido, a federal congressman and former official of the Brazilian Football Confederation, appeared to receive 50,000 reals ($16,000) from Odebrecht to help secure public financing. Odebrecht built the stadiums in Sao Paulo and Recife. Brazilian constructor Andrade Gutierrez built the stadium in Brasilia.COURTESYThe 28 participants in the annual FWCs Outdoors Womens Basic Safety Course at Osceola Gun Range with their safety instructors and volunteers on Saturday. removal, Abrams April 4 letter stated he could be a witness to discuss an NCAA investigation at Auburn tied to independent study courses in 2005 and 2006. In that case, the NCAA investigated claims that an Auburn sociology professor was helping football players and other athletes stay eligible through the courses that required little or no classroom time. The NCAA determined in 2008 that Auburn didnt commit academic fraud and found only secondary violations. Abrams wrote he would want to highlight ... the difference between the NCAAs response in this case compared to the Auburn probe. Abrams also sought details of communication between the NCAA and former U.S. Justice Department official Kenneth Wainstein during Wainsteins 2014 investigation of the AFAM irregularities. Crowder cooperated with that probe, which estimated more than 3,100 students were affected between 1993 and 2011, with athletes across numerous sports accounting for roughly half the enrollments. UNCContinued From 1B B2


LAKECITY REPORTER ADVICE & COMICSTHURSDAY, APRIL 13, 2017 3B DEAR ABBY: Could you explain to me why, as a species, men are so blind and stupid? There are millions of smart, funny, sweet, attractive even sexy eligible women to whom men do not give a second glance, or even acknowledge that these wonderful women exist. Then, these clueless guys moan about how they cant find a good woman, cant find love, have a hard time getting sex, etc., when there are scores of potentially awesome partners right under their noses! Why dont men ever grow up? ELIGIBLE LADY IN ALABAMA DEAR ELIGIBLE: Coupling up can be complicated these days, because many variables can come into play. Individuals of both sexes can be addicted to a type they fantasize about, chase the illusion of eternal youth by pursuing unsuitable partners and/or be commitment-phobic. That said, you might have better luck with men if you didnt stereotype them, because some of them are encountering the same problems you are. And believe me, they are mystified, too.DEAR ABBY: I am a 12-year-old girl who has a lot of friends at school, but lately there has been some tension coming from one of them. Belle missed an event that was very important to her. Shes usually easygoing, but since then she hasnt been herself, and its starting to worry some of us. We have tried everything from talking about her favorite topic to trying to write a song for her. Sometimes she acts like herself, but other times she gives me and another friend the silent treatment and the cold shoulder. Is she a friend worth keeping? CONCERNED FRIEND IN ALABAMA DEAR CONCERNED: You wont know whats causing Belle to act the way she is unless you ask her directly. There may be more going on in her life than you are aware of that has nothing to do with you. If shes doing it because shes hurt and you werent at fault, clear the air so she knows it. But understand that the time to be a friend is when somebody needs one. DEAR ABBY: Three years ago, I lost my wife of 32 years. Every month, on the anniversary of her death, I buy flowers for my house to honor her. I am now engaged to a wonderful woman. She understands that I will always grieve for the wife I lost, and she has always shown respect for the way I show my grief. My question is, should I stop buying flowers to honor my first wife once my fiancee and I get married and move into a house of our own? TIME TO MOVE ON IN PENNSYLVANIA DEAR TTMO: Im glad you asked. Although the sentiment behind those flowers is beautiful, I do not think it would be appropriate for you to bring flowers for your late wife into the home you will share with your next one. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 Abigail Van Eligible woman bemoans the hordes of clueless men DILBERT BABY BLUES BLONDIE BEETLE BAILEY B.C. FRANK & ERNEST FOR BETTER OR WORSE ZITS HAGAR THE HORRIBLE SNUFFY SMITH GARFIELD CLASSIC PEANUTS DEAR ABBY HOROSCOPES | THE LAST WORD BY EUGENIA LAST ARIES (March 21-April 19): Take a moment to formulate a good plan before you plunge into unfamiliar territory. Know what you are talking about and what you want to accomplish before you discuss matters with someone. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Take on concerns with determination. Your attitude will make others take note and help you execute your plans. Dont forget to put time aside for someone you love. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Use your imagination when it comes to work and you will outsmart someone who is trying to manipulate a situation that involves you. Make a point to please others, but not at the expense of your reputation or your pocketbook. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Get into the swing of things and participate in func tions that can help you connect with those who work in a similar industry as you. The friendships you start will inspire you to explore ideas that can lead to greater opportunities. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Youll end up in a face-off with someone who doesnt share your beliefs or lifestyle. Choose not to engage in an argument that could end up costing you financially, physically or emotionally. Its in your best interest to agree to disagree. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Spend time and money to make personal improvements to your home. Gather infor mation that will help you get ahead or will make your life easier and your relationships better. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Put a cre ative spin on a job you are asked to do and you will be rewarded for your innovative imagination. Setting a high standard will ensure that you sidestep complaints from someone trying to make you look bad. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Explore new possibilities and engage in activities that are geared toward personal improvement projects or events related to children or romantic relationships. Creative hobbies will become an important outlet for stress. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Get out and make a difference. Participate in events that will give you the platform you require to show off your skills, ideas and knowledge. The interaction you have with a colleague will lead to an interesting opportunity. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You can come up with plenty of good ideas that will put you in a good position for advance ment. A personal change to the way you look or do things will have a positive influence on the way others perceive you. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Added responsibilities will keep you busy. Taking care of a friend or relative will lead to mixed emotions. Do your best, but dont get sucked into someone elses dilemma. You will offer better advice and assistance if you keep your distance. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Negotiate and sign contracts that will benefit you. Dont sit back when its up to you to ask for what you want and offer what you are willing to give. Settlements, contracts and financial matters look prom ising. Actor Lyle Waggoner (The Carol Burnett Show) is 82. Actor Edward Fox is 80. Actor Paul Sorvino is 78. Singer Lester Chambers of The Chambers Brothers is 77. Musician Jack Casady of Jefferson Airplane is 73. Actor Tony Dow (Leave It To Beaver) is 72.CELEBRITY BIRTHDAYS


4B THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 2017CLASSIFIED LAKE CITY REPORTERClassi ed Department 755-5440 CLASSIFIEDLAKE CITY REPORTER Ad to Appear:Call by:Email by: TuesdayMon., 10 a.m.Mon., 9 a.m. WednesdayTues., 10 a.m.Tues., 9 a.m. ThursdayWed., 10 a.m.Wed., 9 a.m. FridayThurs., 10 a.m.Thurs., 9 a.m. SundayFri., 3 p.m.Fri., 2 p.m.These deadlines are subject to change without notice.ADVANTAGEAd Errors: Please read your ad on the first day of publication. We accept responsibility for only the first incorrect insertion, and only the charge for the ad space in error. Please call 7555440 immediately for prompt correction and billing adjustments. Cancellations: Normal advertising deadlines apply for cancellation. Billing Inquiries: Call 755-5440. Should further information be required regarding payments or credit limits, your call will be transferred to the accounting department.Cancellations, Changes, and Billing Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advertising copy is subject to approval by the Publisher who reserves the right to edit, reject, or classify all advertisements under appr opriate headings. Copy should be checked for errors by the advertiser on the first day of publication. Credit for published errors will be allowed for the first insertion for that portion of the advertisement which was incorrect. Further, the Publisher shall not be liable for any omission of advertisements ordered to be published, nor for any general, special or consequential damages. Advertising language must comply with Federal, State or local laws regarding the prohibition of discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. Standard abbreviations are acceptable; however, the first word of each ad may not be abbreviated.General Information Take ADvantage of the Reporter Classifieds!755-5440 You can call us at 755-5440, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Some people prefer to place their classified ads in person, and some ad categories will require prepayment. Our office is located at 180 East Duval Street. You can also fax or email your ad copy to the Reporter. FAX: 386-752-9400 Please direct your copy to the Classified Department. EMAIL: Placing An Ad > $17.50Each additional line $1.654 LINES 3 DAYS GARAGE SALEIncludes 2 Signs NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received in the Columbia County Managers office until 11:00 A.M. on May 23, 2017, for Columbia County Project No. 2017-01 This office is located on the second floor of the Courthouse Annex at 135 Hernando Avenue, Room 203 Lake City FL 32055. This project consists of repairs to End Bent 9 of Bridge #294447, (Croft Street over Olustee Creek). Scope of Work for the Base Bid includes partial removal of the existing structure, timber piling and timber lagging at End Bent 9, timber wingwalls at End Bent 9, deadman anchor & tiebacks, embankment, limerock, and incidental items. Scope of Work for Bid Alternate #1 incudes rubble-rap, bedding stone, and incidental items for the slope protection. The Bid Forms and Construction specifications may be obtained from the County's web site at Deadline for questions regarding construction plans, specifications, and/or bid documents must be received before 11:00 A.M. on May 18, 2017 The successful bidder will be required to furnish the County Manager with a bid bond, performance bond, and proof of liability insurance prior to commencing work. The Columbia County Commission reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to add to the contract or delete from the contract to stay within their funding capabilities. Columbia County Board of County Commissioners Ron Williams, Chair 334004 April 13, 20, 2017 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO. 14000215CAAXMX CITIFINANCIAL SERVICING LLC, Plaintiff, Vs. CHARLES A. MATTHEWS JR.; et. al., Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated April 4, 2017, entered In Case No. 14000215CAAXMX of the Circuit Court of the Third Judicial Circuit, in and for Columbia County, Florida, wherein CitiFinancial Servicing LLC is the Plaintiff and Charles A. Matthews Jr.; Dianne E. Matthews; Mary L. Reilly(deceased); Capital One Bank (USA), N.A.; StokesNassau, Inc. d/b/a Pine Oak Hammock Owners Association, Inc.; Unknown Tenant(s); Patrick Lee McCarthy; The Unknown Spouse, Heirs, Devisees, Grantees, Assignees, Lienors. Creditors, Trustees, and all other parties claiming an interest by, through, under or against the Estate of Mary L. Reilly, Deceased are the Defendants, that I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at, the Columbia County Courthouse, 173 NE Hernando Ave, Lake City, FL 32055, beginning at 11:00 AM on the May 3, 2017, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: LOT 6, PINE OAK HAMMOCK, A SUBDIVISION AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGES 28-28D OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA. TOGETHER WITH THAT CERTAIN 1990 FUQUA MOBILE HOME, VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER FH361117990A AND FH361117990B. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITY ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. Dated this 5th day of April, 2017. P. Dewitt Cason As Clerk of the Court By: /s/ S. Weeks As Deputy Clerk 332744 April 13, 20, 2017 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 17-128-CA THE ARKY ROGERS LAND TRUST, Plaintiffs, v. ELEANOR WARREN; the Estate of ELEANOR WARREN; the personal representative of the Estate of ELEANOR WARREN; the unknown, spouse, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, creditors, lienors, and trustees of ELEANOR WARREN, deceased, or other parties claiming by, through, under or against any Defendant, or any known or unknown person who is known to be dead or not known to be dead or alive, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO:ELEANOR WARREN; the Estate of ELEANOR WARREN; the personal representative of the Estate of ELEANOR WARFLORIDA GATEWAY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES LAKE CITY, FLORIDA Florida Gateway College (FGC), located in Lake City Florida is requesting a Statement for Qualifications (RFQ) from individuals or firms interested in providing programming, architectural design, engineering, and related services for the design and construction of a new Science Technology Engineering and Math Building located at 149 SE Academic Way, Lake City Florida 32025. Architectural Firm Qualifications/Skills Architectural firms submitting an RFQ must possess the professional skills and services required to produce the desired product and contract bid documents to include the following: mechanical, electrical, structural, and architectural. Firms must have demonstrated experience and expertise in areas such as: programming, design, permitting, cost estimating, construction bidding, facility planning, project management, and post construction services. While the degree of emphasis is likely to vary, all skills are necessary to achieve a cost effective and optimum design. All firms submitting an RFQ must be registered to do business in the State of Florida and must be licensed in accordance with Part I, Chapter 481 Florida Statutes (FS). Background Florida Gateway College is a small rural college of 2200 FTE serving a five county service area including: Columbia, Union, Baker, Dixie and Gilchrest Counties. This new STEM facility will house all of the Colleges STEM related labs, classrooms, offices and emerging program offerings in Engineering and Water Quality. The proposed project site is located on 4.3 acres of land at the beginning of the FGC campus property near the campuses current newest building the FGC Library. The building is expected to be about 40,000 Gross Square Feet and will like the Library represent the new generation of buildings on campus. Connections to its Library neighbor and the campus as a whole is very important. It is expected that this building be the showcase building for the campus and be both transformative and provide state of the art facilities in STEM programs for FGC. For the purpose of developing a submittal, individuals or firms should consider the site a blank slate, as the College is seeking the most efficient and attractive building to help transform the campuses look. It will be important to incorporate the traditional STEM related areas in Chemistry, Biology, Anatomy, and Physics along with labs reyg lated to Engineering and Water Quality. RFQ Due Date Six (6) copies of the Response package, of which at least one (1) copy will have the original signature, must be received in the Procurement and Contracts Office located in Room 138, Building 001 on the Main Campus of Florida Gateway College no later than 2:00PM EST, April 27, 2017. Responses received after that time will not be considered for this RFQ. Responses via facsimile, email or any other media will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal Site Visit All interested Responders are encouraged to attend a nonmandatory pre-submittal campus tour and site visit to be held at 10:00AM EST on Tuesday, April 11, 2017 in the Conference Room in Building 001, Room 103. RFQ Response Packages All parties interested in being considered for providing the described services may request an Architectural Services RFQ Response package from: Misty Taylor Director of Procurement and Contracts Florida Gateway College 149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025 (386)754-4381 Response packages may also be obtained via e-mail by sending a request to: Schedule The following is a tentative schedule the College will follow throughout the selection process. The schedule is subject to change at the discretion of the College. March 30, 2017Advertise RFQ April 11, 2017Non-Mandatory Pre-Submittal Site Visit April 18, 2017 Last Day for Questions April 20, 2017 Addenda Issued (if necessary) April 27, 2017 RFQ Response Packages Due at 2:00PM EST May 1, 2017Selection Committee meets at 9:00AM in Building 001, Room 103 to evaluate RFQs and develop a short list of firms. May 3, 2017 Short List firms notified of interview schedule May 15, 2017Short List firms interviewed May 17, 2017College will begin negotiations May 30, 2017 Notice of Intent to Recommend Award posted June 13, 2017 Board of Trustees awards contract Right to Waive and Reject The College reserves the right to waive minor irregularities and technicalities and to reject any and all Request for Qualifications. Public Meetings All RFQ Selection meetings are open to the public. 330484 March 30, 2017 April 6, 13, 20, 2017 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 16000423CAAXMX Division No. ROSE ACCEPTANCE, INC. Plaintiff, vs. VERA MAE FARNELL A/K/A VERA MAE KNIGHT FARNELL, et al, Defendants NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated March 28, 2017, and enterApril p 4, 11, 2017ed in Case No. 16000423CAAXMX of the Circuit Court of the THIRD Judicial Circuit in and for Columbia County, Florida, wherein Rose Acceptance, Inc. is the Plaintiff and VERA MAE FARNELL A/K/A VERA MAE KNIGHT FARNELL and WORLDWIDE ASSET MANAGEMENT, L.L.C., INACTIVE CORPORATION the Defendant. P. Dewitt Cason, Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Columbia County, Florida will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at the front steps of the Columbia County Courthouse, 173 N.E. Hernando Ave, Lake City, FL 32055 at 11:00 AM on 26th day of April, 2017, the following described property as set forth in said Order of Final Judgment, to wit: THAT PART OF PARCEL NO. 5 OF UNRECORDED SUBDIVISION SURVEY PLAT OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 IF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 16 EAST, COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID SURVEY PLAT DATED FEBRUARY 23, 1970 AND SIGNED BY LONNIE LEE, REGISTERED SURVEYOR, CERTIFICATE NUMBER 1950, BEING MORE PARTICULARY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 16 EAST, COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND RUN SOUTH 01 DEG. 23 MIN. 52 SEC. EAST ALONG WEST LINW OF SAID SECTION 30, A DISTANCE OF 2125.45 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 88 DEG. 19 MIN. 44 SEC. EAST, 181.07 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RUN SOUTH 01 DEG. 23 MIN 52 SEC. EAST, 480.89 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 88 DEG. 10 MIN. 51 SEC. EAST. 181.19 FEET; THENCE RUN WEST, 181.19 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNApril 4, 11, 2017ING. LESS AND EXCEPT COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY TOGETHER WITH A 1975 CONCORD MOBILE HOME SERIAL NUMBER 8931 TITLE NUMBER 13398815 IF YOU ARE A PERSON CLAIMING A RIGHT TO FUNDS REMAINING AFTER THE SALE, YOU MUST FILE A CLAIM WITH THE CLERK OF COURT NO LATER THAN 60 DAYS AFTER THE SALE. IF YOU FAIL TO FILE A CLAIM, YOU WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO ANY REMAINING FUNDS. AFTER 60 DAYS, ON THE OWNER OF RECORD AS OF THE DATE OF THE LIS PENDENS MAY CLAIM THE SURPLUS. If the sale is set aside, the Purchaser may be entitled to only a return of the sale deposit less any applicable fees and costs and shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's Attorney. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITY ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. DATED at Columbia County, Florida, this 28th day of March, 2017. P. Dewitt Cason, Clerk Columbia County, Florida By: /s/ S. Weeks Deputy Clerk 330873 April 6, 13, 2017 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: 2017-222-DR Division: Domestic Relations IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: MARYSA SERVIN, Wife, and FRANCISCO JAVIER UDAVE, Husband NOTICE OF ACTION FOR PUBLICATION TO: Francisco Javier Udave YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Dissolution of Marriage, including claims for dissolution of marriage, payment of debts, division of real and person property, and for payments of support, has been pp filed against you. You are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to this action on Lisa A. Schlitzkus, Petitioner's attorney, whose address is 118 N. Marion Ave., Lake City, FL 32055, on or before May 5, 2017, and file the original with the clerk of this court at Columbia County Courthouse, 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Lake City, Florida 32055, either before service on Petitioner's attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED this 4 day of April, 2017. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: /s/ T. Brewington Deputy Clerk 333005 April 13, 20, 27, 2017 May 4, 2017 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 16000381CA DIVISION: CIRCUIT CIVIL FIRST FEDERAL BANK OF FLORIDA, Plaintiff, vs. CHESTER M. TURNSPLENTY; YOLANDA Y. TURNSPLENTY; UNKNOWN TENANT IN POSSESSION 1; UNKNOWN TENANT IN POSSESSION 2, Defendant(s). CLERK'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS GIVEN that, in accordance with the Plaintiff's Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered on March 27, 2017 in the above-styled cause, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash on May 17, 2017, at 11:00 a.m. (EST), at the Third Floor of the Columbia County Courthouse, 173 N.E. Hernando Avenue, Lake City, FL. LOT 10, BLOCK B, UNIT 2, SOUTHWOOD MEADOWS, A SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 84, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA. Property Address: 398 Southwest Erin Glen, Lake City, FL 32024 ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN THE SURPLUS FROM THE SALE, IF ANY, OTHER THAN THE PROPERTY OWNER AS OF THE DATE OF THE LIS PENDENS MUST FILE A CLAIM WITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER THE SALE. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITY ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. Dated: March 27, 2017. P. DEWITT CASON, CLERK COLUMBIA COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT By: /s/ S. Weeks Deputy Clerk 330834 April 13, 20, 2017 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 12-2017-CP-000072 IN RE: ESTATE OF TERRY RANDAL DOWLING Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Terry Randal Dowling, deceased, whose date of death was November 7, 2016, is pending in the Circuit Court for Columbia County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 173 NE Hernando Ave., Lake City, FL 32055. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representatives attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedents estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedents estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE () AFTER THE DECEDENTS DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is April 13, 2017. Personal Representative: /s/ Michael J. Dowling 992 NW 231st Way Newberry, Florida 32669 Attorney for Personal Representative: SAM W. BOONE, JR., P.A. By: /s/ Sam W. Boone, Jr. Attorney for Personal Representative Florida Bar No. 0278963 4545 NW 8th Avenue, Suite A Gainesville, FL 32605 Telephone: (352) 374-8308 Facsimile: (352) 375-2283 333830 April 13, 20, 2017 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 12-2017-CA000050 REGIONS BANK D/B/A REGIONS MORTGAGE SUCCESSOR BY MERGER WITH UNION PLANTERS BANK, N.A., Plaintiff, vs. RONALD P. PARRISH, BRANDY LEE DELAND PARRISH A/K/A BRANDY LEE DELAND, UNKNOWN TENANT IN POSSESSION NO. 1, UNKNOWN TENANT IN POSSESSION NO. 2, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION To the Defendants BRANDY LEE DELAND PARRISH A/K/A BRANDY LEE DELAND, and all others whom it may concern: You are hereby notified that an action to foreclose a mortgage lien on the following property in Columbia County, Florida: Commence at the Southeast corner of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 Section 3, Township 4 South, Range 17 East, Columbia County, Florida, and run thence South 89 degrees 30' 20" West along the South line of said Southeast 1/4 of Northeast 1/4, 393.40 feet; thence North 00 degrees 29' 40" West, 1134.05 feet to the point of beginning, thence continue North 00 degrees 29' 40" West, 169.95 feet to a point on a curve that is 115.00 feet South from this Southerly rightof-way line of Emerson Road; thence Westerly along said curve concave to the right and a parallel with said Southerly right-of-way line and having a radius of 1235.34 feet along a chord bearing North 89 degrees 12' 29" West, 103.03 feet, thence South 00 degrees 29'40" East 172.26 feet, thence North 89 degrees 30' 20" East, 103.00 feet to the point of beginning, Columbia County, Florida. ALSO Commence at the Southeast corner of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 3, Township 4 South, Range 17 East and run South 89 degrees 30' 20" West, along the South line of said Southeast 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 393.40 feet; thence North 00 degrees 29' 40" West 1304.00 feet to a point South 00 degrees 29' 40" East 115.00 feet from the Southerly right-of-way line of Emerson Road and to the point of beginning; thence Westerly along a curve concave to the right with a radius of 1235.34 feet, a distance of 12, 50 feet; thence continue Westerly along said curve concave to the right with a radius of 1235.34 feet, along a chord bearing North 84 degrees 06' 20" West, a distance of 169.30 feet; thence North 11 degrees 45' 06" East, 114.99 feet, to the Southerly right-of-way line of Emerson Road; thence Easterly along a chord concave to the left with a radius of 1120.34 feet, along a chord bearing South 84 degrees 03' 50" East, a distance of 144.77 feet; thence continue Easterly along said curve concave to the left, a distance of 25.20 feet; thence South 00 degrees 29'40" East, 115.00 feet; thence Westerly along a curve concave to the right with a radius of 1235.34 feet, a distance of 12.50 feet to the point of beginning, said lands lying wholly within the Northeast 1/4 of said Section, Columbia County, Florida. has been filed against you. You are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Michael C. Caborn, Esquire, Winderweedle, Haines, Ward & Woodman, P.A., Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 329 Park Avenue North, Second Floor, Winter Park, Florida 32789, on or before 30 days from the date of the 1st publication, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorneys or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. See 9.09, Fla. Stat. This Notice of Action shall be published once during each week for two (2) consecutive weeks under 9.10(c), Fla. Stat. Dated on April 6, 2017. Clerk of Circuit Court By: /s/ S. Weeks As Deputy Clerk 332935 April 13, 20, 2017


Classi ed Department 755-5440 THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 2017CLASSIFIED LAKE CITY REPORTER5B Lg 4+BR/3.5 BA, 2 car garage, quiet, dogs ok, $1175/mo 240-274-9368 TRUCK DISPATCHER/OFFICE ASSIST Small but growing trucking company looking for truck dispatcher and office assistant. Trucking and dispatching exp req High School diploma req. pay based on experience. Please call 386-365-2534 to set up an interview. 2 Bartenders needed, must be HONEST, reliable, & able to be member of the American Legion in some form, smoking environment. References, background check & drug test required. Start at minimum wage. 386-365-5327 9am to 5pm Dryer white, good condition $75 386-965-6767 or 678-617-5560 Electric Stove white, works great $75 386-965-6767 or 678-617-5560 Washer white, works great $100 386-965-6767 or 678-617-5560 Avalon Healthcare is seeking professional Nursing Staff & CNAs, and offering $10.35 starting pay for CNAs who qualify. All candidates must pass a drug screen and background check, as well as possess an active certification. Please apply in person @ Avalon Healthcare, 1270 SW Main Blvd. Lake City, FL 22 foot Misty Harbor Pontoon boat. Very good condition. Low hour 90 HP Yamaha engine. Trinity Duel Axle trailer. Priced over $2,000 below Nada Boat Guide pricing. You will be pleased with the appearance. $19,900. Call Roger 605-310-6232 / 386-487-3952. Experienced Block Truck & Ready-Mix Truck Drivers needed. Must have CDL, Class B, clean driving record. Competitive pay with benefits. Apply at: Bell Concrete Products, 2480 N. US 129, Bell, FL Coldwell Banker-Bishop Elaine Tolar 365-8414 MLS93551 80' covered porches, updated ki t w/ SS appliances, FP, lots o f storage, metal roof $299,000 Coldwell Banker-Bishop Patti Taylor 623-6896 MLS96190 4/5.5, many upgrades: new roof, pool, pool house & more REDUCED TO $449,000 Coldwell Banker-Bishop Elaine Tolar 365-1548 MLS96592 2/1 older home w/lots of character! Priced to sell, extra rm could be 3rd BR. $79,000 2BR/1BA, kit/dinette area, CH/A, 1 car garage, W/D hook up, new carpet. $580/mo, 1 mo sec. No pets. 386-961-8075 Bullfrogs And Butterflies Teacher. Staff credential preferred. Email resume to: or apply a t 1226 SW Grandview St. LC Century 21-Darby Rogers 7526575 MLS96045 $201,000 Brick 4/2.5 w/lots of covered space to entertain, big workshop, fenced w/fruit trees. Century 21-Darby Rogers 7526575 MLS96475 $109,900 3/2 offers plenty of room, close to town and schools. Century 21-Darby Rogers 7526575 MLS96583 $200,000 Modern country feel! Open-plan living & dining, kit w/stainless steel appliances. Century 21-Darby Rogers 7526575 MLS96671 $345,000 Classic brick Cape Cod w/hardwood flooring, stainless steel kit overlooking family room. Century 21-Darby Rogers 7526575 MLS96720 $69,900 Cozy home w/metal roof, dbl insulated windows, garage/workshop, 2nd shop 1/1br apt. Century 21-Darby Rogers 7526575 MLS96767 $197,500 3/2 brick on 20 ac, brick wood FP, split plan, roughly 4ac planted oak & 7ac mature oaks. Homes of Merit is looking for experienced help in the following areas: Carpet installer, Exterior, Roof build, Cabinet builder, Painter, Final finish, Drywall finisher, Electrical & Framer. Apply in person at: 1915 SE SR 100 Drug Free Workplace Immediate openings for InHome Healthcare Providers. Call 352-363-4336 for info. Company Driver Needed Columbia Grain is recruiting for pickup and delivery in FL & S GA. Home most nights & all weekends. Requires good entire driving record & 6 mo verifiable experience. We offer steady work & good equipment, competitive pay & full benefit package. Call for details 386-755-7700 ask for Greg or Eddie Daniel Crapps Agency 7555110 MLS96883 Midtown commercial, 3 units to choose from, $800/mo for 1, call for details on other 2. Daniel Crapps Agency 7555110 MLS96625 $199,500 4BR/3BA brick, 10' ceilings, hand-scraped oak flooring, open kit & fenced backyard. Daniel Crapps Agency 7555110 MLS96695 $69,900 3/1 concrete block home tha t needs some TLC, in Suwannee Co.on 4 acres Daniel Crapps Agency 7555110 MLS96721 $50,887 2/1 bungalow-style on 2ac w/ variety of mature trees, workshop, 2 carports on concrete slabs United Country, Dicks Realt y 755-8585 MLS93123 $259,000 5/3, bonus room, master w / door to screened lanai, open airy rooms, lg closets. United Country, Dicks Realty 755-8585 MLS96302 $134,000 3/2 brick home w/1 car garage on corner lot east of town. United Country, Dicks Realt y 755-8585 MLS96714 $39,900 2835 NW Suwannee Valley 3/2 DWMH move-in-ready, furnished on 2.21 ac. Security Officers Needed in Live Oak & Lake City areas $10/hr Current D Security Lic., Clear background, Drivers Lic, phone, Diploma/GED. Benefits, DFWP EEO Must Apply at: BB9100030 Starting at $ 545/mo, tile floors, fresh paint. Great Area. Call ( 386 ) 752-9626 REN; the unknown, spouse, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, creditors, lienors, and trustees of ELEANOR WARREN, deceased, or other parties claiming by, through, under or against any Defendant, or any known or unknown person who is known to be dead or not known to be dead or alive. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that Plaintiff has filed a Verified Complaint to Quiet Title in the above-styled court as to the following described property in Columbia County, Florida: TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH RANGE 17 EAST Section 34: Commence at the Southwest corner of the SE 1/4 of Section 34, Township 4 South, Range 17 East, and run S 8940" W, 15.8 feet to the East right of way line of U.S. Highway No. 41; thence N 4 23" W along said R/W line 1236.0 feet for a POINT OF BEGINNING; and run thence N 423" W along said R/W line, 137.5 feet; thence N 8741" E, 345.3 feet; thence S 423" E, 149.5 feet; thence S 8940" W, 345 feet to POINT OF BEGINNING. Tax Parcel No.: 34-4S-1709016-001 has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on MARLIN M. FEAGLE, Plaintiffs attorney, whose address is 153 NE Madison Street, Lake City, Florida 32055, on or before May 12, 2017, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on the Plaintiffs attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise, a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. DATED this 6th day of April, 2017. P. DEWITT CASON Clerk of Court By:/s/ S. Weeks Deputy Clerk 333329 April 13, 20, 27, 2017 May 4, 2017 Five Ash Forest, Lake Citys premier 55 plus manufactured home community. 752-7207 Lo t lease includes water, sewer, garbage & lawn maintenance. 1331 E Duval, Hwy 90 frontage. 4BR/2BA $77,500 386-755-6030 leave message Well drilling assistant wanted. Valid DL, CDL preferred, must pass drug and bkgd check. Must have flexible schedule. Competitive pay, benefits include IRA & health ins. Apply 904 NW Main Blvd, Lake City. Hallmark Real Estate Donna Dawson 288-5613 MLS95886 Spacious home on 4.08ac, detached storage bldg & pole barn. $89,900 Hallmark Real Estate Anita Tonetti 697-3780 MLS96015 3/2 totally fenced backyard, above ground pool, wooden playset. Move-in ready $79,000 Hallmark Real Estate Tanya Shaffer 397-4766 MLS96414 3/2, open floor plan, fenced back yard, landscaped w/oa k trees. $149.900 Hallmark Real Estate Tanya Shaffer 397-4766 MLS96960 3/2 in the country club. Needs a little TLC. $65,000 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: JIM'S AUTO SERVICE gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 04/28/2017, 08:30 am at 2550 SW MAIN BLVD. LAKE CITY, FL 32025, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. JIM'S AUTO SERVICE reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1FAFP5228YA155215 2000 FORD 1FAFP66L7WK197147 1998 FORD 1GMDV33L76D104329 2006 PONTIAC 1N6SD11S0MC423052 1991 NISSAN 2GBJG31M0H4121956 1987 CHEVROLET 3VWEF71K17M190201 2007 VOLKSWAGEN AGC30041G203 2003 BOAT 334147 April 13, 2017 Part time Dental Assistant, Specialty office exp necessary. Fax resume to: 386-758-7742 PUBLISHER'S NOTE All Yard Sale Ads Must be Pre-Paid. PUBLISHER'S NOTE Florida Law 828.29 requires dogs and cats being sold to be at least 8 weeks old and have a health certificate from a licensed veterinarian documenting they have mandatory shots and are free from intestinal and external parasites. Many species of wildlife must be licensed by Florida Fish and Wildlife. If you are unsure, contact the local office for information. Magnolia Real Estate Group Nate Sweat 628-1552 2/1 on 20 acres. Live in while you build or rent for income. MLS94017 Class A CDL drivers needed, minimum 1 yr exp. Must be willing to get HAZMAT. Home every night. Full benefit package avail. Call John 386-294-2024. 3/2 new construction, lease option. No Pets. 1st, last + $800 sec, $1100/mo South of town. Credit ref's req'd 386-397-5425 Remax, Missy Zecher 6230237 MLS96723 $135,000 Remodeled home move-in ready, updated kit, metal roof is 2 1/2 yrs old, fenced backyard. Remax, Missy Zecher 6230237 MLS96724 $287,500 Stunning home on 4.7ac w/majestic oaks, chef's kit w/farm sink, gas range & granite island Remax, Missy Zecher 6230237 MLS96766 remodeled home on 5ac, mother-in-law suite, stocked pond, lg maste r w/office or sitting rm $245,000 Remax, Missy Zecher 6230237 MLS96861 $48,000 Estate home, great front porch, newer appliances, city water & gas avail, nice size yard Remax, Missy Zecher 6230237 MLS96891 $125,000 Cozy home on oversized lot, roof less than 1 yr old, electric has been upgraded. Pole barn ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SPECIALIST 3 5 years recent heavy accounts payable experience required. Please apply at Registration of Fictitious Names We the undersigned, being duly sworn, do hereby declare under oath that the names of all persons interested in the business or profession carried on under the name of LEIGH ANN MILLS REALTY, LLC D/B/A NEXTHOME GATEWAY REALTY, 725 SE BAYA DR, STE 107, LAKE CITY, FL 32025 Contact Phone Number: (386) 478-7393 and the extent of the interest of each, is as follows: Name: LEIGH ANN MILLS Extent of Interest: 51% by:/s/ LEIGH ANN MILLS Name: RICHARD T. MILLS Extent of Interest: 49% by:/s/ RICHARD T. MILLS STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLUMBIA Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11TH day of APRIL, A.D. 2017. by:/s/ REGINA SIMPKINS Notary 334138 April 13, 2017 NCGA and its farmer members are currently recruiting 510 Temporary farm laborers to plant, cultivate, and harvest tobacco/diversified crops in various NC counties statewide. Contact the local Employment Service for the name, location, and farm specific crop information/full disclosure for each NCGA farmer member. Work will begin 06/2/17 and will end 11/11/17. The wage offer is the highest of $11.27 per hour or applicable piece rates depending on crop activity. Guaranteed 3/4 of contract hours. Free housing provided for non-commuting worker. Conditional transportation/subsistence reimbursed at 50% of the contract, or sooner if appropriate, for eligible workers. Work tools/equipment/supplies provided at no cost. NCGA members are equal opportunity employers. To apply, contact the nearest Employment Service office (10674172). Exp janitorial person needed, PT or FT positions available, contact 386-292-9938 10a-2p Remax, Pam Beauchamp 3032505 $349,000 MLS94106 4/3 on 5ac, parquest & h/w floors, FP, garden rm, huge workshop, less than 10 min to town. Remax, Pam Beauchamp 3032505 $299,000 MLS96832 4/3, 5ac, well maintained home, stone FP, det 3 car garage, whole house generator. Poole Realty Vern Roberts 6881940 Live Oak 3/3.5, HVAC 2 yrs old, completely remodeled inside 2 yrs ago, 20x41 metal shed $263,500 MLS94616 Poole Realty Glenda McCall 208-5244 MLS94714 $299,900 Two-story home on 9.54 acres Poole Realty Anita Handy2085877 Move-in ready 2BR/2BA 1656 sq ft, $139,000 MLS95912 Poole Realty Vicki Prickitt 5901402 MLS96500 $425,000 Custom 4BR/3BA home on 13.79 acres Poole Realty Kellie Shirah 2083847 MLS96835 $229,000 Immaculate 4/2 brick on 4+ acres Poole Realty Ronnie Poole 208-3175 MLS96842 $285,900 Beautifule 3BR/2BA on 60 ac w/fincing & cross fencing Medical help wanted for busy doctors office. Looking for experienced medical assistant & front office personnel Email resume to echo@ Full Time position open for Purchasing, Shipping/Receiving, Data Entry and general office duties. Experience in Purchasing and good computer skills necessary, knowledge in steel fabrication/mechanical equipment fabrication and/or AutoCAD helpful. Send Resume to; Fab Purchasing 3631 US Hwy 90 East, Lake City Fl. 32055 Hiring Warehouse clerk fulltime position for industrial warehouse shipping, receiving, loading, unloading and ticket picking, computer knowledge needed, will train apply in person 3631 E US Hwy 90, Lake City FL, email: Industrial Maintenance Technician, Experience Required in Electrical, Controls and General Millwright/ Mechanical work. Experience in Hydraulics and Pneumatics helpful. Send resume to Maintenance Technician, 3631 US 90 East, Lake City Fl 32055. Portable Garage w/metal siding 12x24 w/rolled top door & standard side door. Like new. $3500 Call 386-288-5838 Rockford Realty Group, Debi Bennefield 288-1208/Scot t Stewart 867-3498 MLS94086 $109,900 3/1 w/bonus rm, shed & fenced. Recently remodeled. Rockford Realty Group, Debi Bennefield 288-1208/Scott Stewart 867-3498 MLS94885 $120,000 3/2 open floor plan in new, well-located S/D Security company seeking full time employee for customer service, scheduling and managing the warehouse. Full benefit package, including retirement. Send resume to Needed Exp Grill Cook, Daytime only, no Sunday's & no nighttime. Apply in person at Shirley's, 746 E Duval. Graphic design, production asst. entry or exp. Email PC Tech-entry or exp Imm Opening. Busy shop. Email Now hiring experienced lawn maintenance laborer. Winning attitude. Apply at Looking for serviceman or helpers to install & do maintenance on dairy farms, tig weld, refrigeration, & electrical. Call 963-2842 or 19205 County Rd 49, O'Brien. Office space, warehouse space and storage units available. PRIME LOCATION just off US-90! 386-752-1444 CDL DRIVERS CLASS A Warren Pine Straw Co is hiring local drivers. Home every day/night or every other day/night. Good pay. Contact 386-935-0476. Lg 2br/2ba, DR, updated kit, CH/A, by VA, $725/mo 6/mo lease w/sec dep 813-784-6017 **SIGN ON BONUS** Now hiring truck drivers. Must have CDL with Tanker endorsements, 1-2 years experience, 7 year MVR. We pay per mile loaded and unloaded. For more information please contact Williams Dairy Trucking at (912) 367-9160 3BR's as low as $699/moWindsong ApartmentsWe offer 1, 2, & 3 BR's2580 SW Windsong Circle386-758-8455All amenities included!


6B THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 2017 SPORTS LAKE CITY REPORTER 6B CLASSIFIED rffnftbb Daniel Crapps Agency 7555110 MLS96707 $56,000 14 acres MOL w/oaks surrounding old sinkhole in NE corner plus cave. Daniel Crapps Agency 7555110 MLS96738 $71,500 2/2 Condo in great location, 2-story, covered patio, easy access to community pool. 1/2 to 10 acre lots; owner financing. some with w/s/pp Deas Bullard/BKL Properties 386-752-4339 United Country, Dicks Realty 755-8585 MLS97053 $149,900 982 SW Lake Montgomery 3/2 brick, fenced and close to town United Country, Dicks Realt y 755-8585 MLS97066 $449,000 10728 SW Tustenuggee 4/3.5 on 10ac w/pool currently residence/Bed & Breakfast. United Country, Dicks Realty 755-8585 MLS96973 $87,000 3/2 2000 DWMH over 2000 sf on 6.3ac. First Coast Homes 288-8379 2/2 on 1 acre in Lake City. Move in ready! $34,900 First Coast Homes 288-8379 Overstocked 3/2 doublewide delivered & set up with A/C $39,900. 288-8379 First Coast Homes. Mobile Home Show Spring 2017. All models are reduced to make room for new show models! Hallmark Real Estate Janet Creel 719-0382 MLS96951 Brick 3/2 on 1ac, new roof, cabinets & paint throughout. $92,000 Hallmark Real Estate Anita Tonetti 697-3780 MLS93785 .30ac lot needs no prep, water, sewer & power pole are in place. $10,500 PUBLISHER'S NOTE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the fair housing act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status or national origin; or any intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under the age of 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-9777, the toll free telephone number to the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. Magnolia Real Estate Group Nate Sweat 628-1552 Updated, renovated, private, deeded river access 3/2, new AC, stove, well & septic. MLS96042 Magnolia Real Estate Group Nate Sweat 628-1552 Vintage 4/3 needs some repair to bring back to its original grandeur, master on 1st floor. MLS96336 Magnolia Real Estate Group Teresa Brannon 365-834 3 Comm property S. side of Live Oak on Hwy 129, warehouse space MLS93437 $169,900 Magnolia Real Estate Group Teresa Brannon 365-8343 4BR handicap accessible, privac y fenced backyard, new roof in 2015 MLS96488 $79,000 Magnolia Real Estate Group Teresa Brannon 365-8343 3 parcels 37.19ac pastures w/grandfather oaks, partiall y fenced $171,074 MLS97070 Remax, Missy Zecher 6230237 MLS96917 $139,900 Move-in ready, open floor plan, covered back porch & nice sized yard. 5 acre lot. Lake City, beautifully cleared homesite, Owner Financing! NO DOWN! $39,900. $410/mo 352-215-1018. Remax, Pam Beauchamp 3032505 $1,300,000 MLS96956 Approx $150,000 in used car inventory, 1620sf show rm, 3 offices, 2 bay service center. Rockford Realty Group, Debi Bennefield 288-1208/Scot t Stewart 867-3498 MLS97056 $219,900 Ranch home on 8ac, lg back deck, lg live oaks Rockford Realty Group, Debi Bennefield 288-1208/Scot t Stewart 867-3498 MLS96791 $269,900 4/2 new construction, open floor plan. Rockford Realty Group, Debi Bennefield 288-1208/Scot t Stewart 867-3498 MLS96938 $179,900 '05 mfg home, screened bakckporch Rockford Realty Group, Debi Bennefield 288-1208/Scot t Stewart 867-3498 MLS94358 $39,900 3.7ac on cul-de-sac in High Pointe Farms. him is maturity, Tennessee coach Butch Jones said. Smith is mature beyond his years. Great person of character. Competes every day. Hes come into our football family and has just worked. He continues to earn the respect of his peers, teammates and everyone around him with the way he carries himself on a daily basis. Were obviously very excited about it. Smith developed that maturity in the toughest way imaginable. He was 15 years old when his mother, Dorsetta Smith, died of heart complications. Smith said the loss of his mother made him realize he needed to grow up. It was just time to sort of put the childish things aside, really time to get prepared for my future, Smith said. My mom always wanted me to get my degree and be a successful young African-American man. It was time. I had to take the transitional steps. Thats why I wanted to early enroll. It was just time for me to make my path in order to make her proud. Smith has acclimated himself to college life two months before his 18th birthday. One of the few reminders of Smiths youth came recently when he missed a scrimmage to attend his senior prom. His ability to adapt so well doesnt surprise his high school coach, who remembers how the heralded prospect handled all the hoopla that came along with being a prize recruit. Everywhere that we went, it was a red carpet event with people taking pictures and asking for autographs and stuff, said Rusty Bradley, who coached Smith at University School of Jackson (Tennessee). He never let it faze him, just stayed focused on what he was doing. The way that he handled that, Ive seen other guys let all that get to their head, and that was never the case with Trey. While showing the versatility to play either tackle or guard, Smith has performed well enough that he could have a featured role as a freshman. Smith downplays that possibility and notes how much he and incoming freshman offensive lineman Riley Locklear have discovered they still have to learn. If your hand is like 6 inches to the outside or you dont take a proper step forward, youre beat automatically, Smith said. I think its just getting acclimated to that. Although hes about a five-hour drive away from home, Smith says he hasnt gotten homesick. He has benefited from the campus presence of his older sister, Ashley Smith, who is on Tennessees football staff as an executive assistant to the head coach. If I dont see her in the office, shell probably give me a call late at night, Smith said. Smith doesnt need any help in remaining level-headed as he gets accustomed to the occasional stares from classmates. He deals with that kind of attention by relying on the lessons he learned from his mother. Just being (ranked) No. 1 out of high school, obviously theres a lot of heat next to your name, almost like a heat-seeking missile with people coming for you a lot of times in recruiting, Smith said. I know I have to carry myself a little bit differently than the average Joe in regard to how I act. VOLS Continued From 1B COURTESYHistory in the makingColumbias PK Patel (left) and Daniel Rendel will be competing at state this month. The two are the first ever Columbia boys to compete at the highest level. Patel will also take the court in singles play as well. COURTESYDivision winnersColumbias Brittany Helms (right) and Stephanie Roberts won their divisions playing at the No.3 and No.5 slot for the Lady Tigers. Helms, Roberts and the rest of the team looks for more success at regionals next week. COLLEGE FOOTBALLFlorida expects QB Trask back in 4 weeks after knee surgery Associated PressGAINESVILLE Florida quarterback Kyle Trask had knee surgery Wednesday and is expected to make a full recovery in four weeks. A redshirt freshman from Manvel, Texas, Trask fell behind projected starter Feleipe Franks during spring practice and was outplayed in the annual Orange & Blue game last week. Working mostly with the second-team offense and against the starting defense, Trask completed 6 of 15 passes for 66 yards, with an interception. The Gators also said linebacker Camrin Knight had right knee surgery Wednesday and will have his left knee operated on next month. The team also said defensive end Jordan Sherit, receiver Rick Wells and tight end Harry Gornto are not on track to be medically cleared in time for fall practice.COURTESYKyle Trask will miss a month of play due to surgery. MLBMLB commissioner urging Indians to scrap Wahoo logo Associated PressCLEVELAND Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred has made his strongest comments on wanting the Cleveland Indians to eradicate their Chief Wahoo logo. Manfred has been in talks with Indians owner Paul Dolan about abolishing the divisive symbol, which has sparked debate for decades. In the past, Manfred has only gone as far as saying he understood why many people find the logo offensive. Now, Manfred appears to be pressuring the Indians, who have reduced Wahoos visibility in recent years, to make more significant changes. MLB spokesman Pat Courtney said in a statement to The Associated Press on Wednesday that league officials are confident about reaching a positive resolution for the game and the club. Thus far, there have been productive discussions with the Cleveland Indians regarding the Commissioners desire to transition away from the Chief Wahoo logo, Courtney said. We have specific steps in an identified process and are making progress. On Tuesday, protesters gathered outside Progressive Field to demonstrate against the teams usage of the red-faced, smiling logo, which has been part of the teams history dating back to the 1940s. The Indians have decreased Chief Wahoos profile, switching their primary logo to a block C several years ago. However, the symbol still appears on some of the sleeves of some of the teams uniforms and caps and the Indians have continued to sell Wahoo merchandise. Some anti-Wahoo protesters want the team to change its nickname as well. We are people, not mascots, not logos, not imagery, said Carla Getz, a member of the Potawatomi Tribe. Getz was one of several dozen peaceful protesters that chanted for change on a plaza outside Tuesdays game. B6

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