The Lake City reporter

Material Information

The Lake City reporter
Uniform Title:
Lake City reporter (Lake City, Fla. 1967)
Place of Publication:
Lake City, FL
Community Newspapers Inc., Todd Wilson - Publisher
Creation Date:
March 3, 2012
Publication Date:
Daily (Monday through Friday)[<1969>-]
Weekly[ FORMER 1967-<1968>]
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Subjects / Keywords:
Newspapers -- Lake City (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Columbia County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
newspaper ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida -- Columbia -- Lake City
30.18892 x -82.635512


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Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 95, no. 4 (Oct. 5, 1967)-
Funded in part by the University of Florida, the Library Services and Technology Assistance granting program of Florida, the State Library and Archives of Florida, and other institutions and individuals.

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University of Florida
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Lake City reporter and Columbia gazette


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Lake City Reporter WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 2017 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | $1.00 LAKECITYREPORTER.COM CALL US: (386) 752-1293 SUBSCRIBE TO THE REPORTER: Voice: 755-5445 Fax: 752-9400 Vol. 143, No. 1 TODAYS WEATHER Opinion . . . . . . 4A Obituaries . . . . . . 5A Health . . . . . . . 6A TV guide . . . . . . . 2B Advice & Comics . . 3B DEAR PHARMACISTHow nerve gas poisons people, Page 6A. 81 54Patrly cloudy, 2A Bojangles coming to Lake City, See below. + PLUS >> United Way honoreesLOCAL CHS anglers go to stateSPORTSSee Page 1B See Page 3APhotos by KATRINA POGGIO/Lake City Reporter HAECO: 1st wave of jobs wasnt coming anywayDelivery driver Edwin Von Henry, 44, did not confess to recent thefts of which he is accused, a Columbia County Sheriffs Office report shows. A story in Tuesdays edition incorrectly reported the circumstances surrounding the investigation. The Lake City Reporter regrets the error.By CARL MCKINNEYcmckinney@lakecityreporter.comEven if the city had secured funding for a $2.7 million renovation project at Lake City Gateway Airport for aircraft mainte nance firm HAECO, the 400 new jobs that were promised werent coming anyway, City Manager Wendell Johnson says he was told by a top company executive. HAECO asked the city for $2.7 million in renovations at Lake City Gateway Airport to accom modate a ramp-up in the companys operations. The project failed due to an $830,000 funding gap, but issues with the local workforce were EATERY continued on 2AMORE INSIDEQuestions on HAECO expansion. Opinion, 4A. Blakely Lack of qualified workers the holdup, top exec says.The little engine that wouldntBy KATRINA POGGIOkpoggio@lakecityreporter.comA train blocked Northwest Lake Jeffrey Road for at least 18 hours after the crew abandoned it Monday night. The CSX engine and scores of cars remained in place at press time late Tuesday afternoon. CSX Transportation Media Relations Manager Laura Phelps said by email that the crew left because they were required to stop working when they reached 12 consecutive hours on duty, a federal limit. Phelps wrote that crews routinely change shifts without issue. However, nobody arrived to relieve them and move the train when the crew left the train blocking Lake Jeffrey Road around 9:30 p.m. on Monday. It is unclear why no relief crew was available. Train crews change shifts every day all over our network without delay, but in this case unforeseen Move, that is. Train blocks crossing for more than 18 hours. CCSO: Woman aided escapeeBy TAYLOR GAINEStgaines@lakecityreporter.comA romantic getaway ended with an escaped inmate and his lover behind bars at Columbia County Jail, according to a CCSO report. Cheaannah Leigh Cheshire, 25, was arrested Monday for harboring a Duval County escapee, Ryan Duval McLaughlin, 31. The Florida Department of Corrections said McLaughlin was at the Transition House of Dinsmore in Jacksonville, serving out the remainder of his sentence for a 2010 burglary conviction. He was scheduled to be released on June 12. Cheshire helped him escape on Sunday, CCSO said. According to her arrest report, Cheshire told police that she knew McLaughlin for years and had recently left her husband to be with him. She told deputies that she picked McLaughlin up in Jacksonville on Sunday and drove him to the Jacksonville Beach area, where he received a call about his ankle monitor and needing to return to the transition house. After the call, according to Cheshire, McLaughlin said, ---it I am going back Man fled Jax halfway house, reports show.A locomotive operated by CSX Corporation blocked Lake Jeffrey Road from 9:30 p.m. Monday through Tuesday afternoon. Throughout the day, motorists pulled up to the crossing, only to realize the train wasnt going anywhere. TRAIN continued on 2A Cheshire McLaughlinDriver did not confess Coming soon to eatery row: BojanglesBy TAYLOR GAINEStgaines@lakecityreporter.comAnother restaurant is joining the fray on U.S. 90 in Lake City, and this time chicken lovers may find their fix. Bojangles Famous Chicken n Biscuits will be located on U.S. 90 near Texas Roadhouse and on the former Pizza Hut site. The restaurant is part of an expansion into Florida by franchisee Bo Benton II Inc., which opened a Bojangles in Gainesville last week and also has one planned in Ocala later this year. Bo Benton Operations Partner Alan Chestnut said they are going to start COURTESYThe future home of Bojangles on U.S. 90 West at the site of a former Pizza Hut in Lake City. HAECO continued on 2ACORRECTION ESCAPEE continued on 2A A3


2A WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 2017 DAILY BRIEFING LAKE CITY REPORTER 7a 1p 7p 1a 6a LAKE CITY ALMANAC SUN MOON UV INDEX EXTREME: 10 minutes to burn T odays ultra-violet radiation risk for the ar ea on a scale fr om 0 to 10+. FYI An exclusive service brought to our readers by The Weather Channel. SPONSORED BY City THE WEATHER WEA THER HISTORY Pensacola Tallahassee Panama City Valdosta Daytona Beach Cape Canaveral Gainesville Lake City Ocala Orlando Jacksonville Tampa West Palm Beach Ft. Myers Ft. Lauderdale Naples Miami Key West TEMPERATURESNormal high Normal low PRECIPITATIONMonth total Year total HI LO LO HI LO HI LO HI LO HI ThursdayFriday Cape Canaveral Daytona Beach Fort Myers Ft. Lauderdale Gainesville Jacksonville Key West Lake City Miami Naples Ocala Orlando Panama City Pensacola Tallahassee Tampa Valdosta W. Palm Beach April 19 April 26 May 2 May 10 LastNewFirstFull Quarter Quarter HOW TO REACH USMain number ........ (386) 752-1293 Fax number .............. 752-9400 Circulation ............... 755-5445 Online ... www lakecityreporter com The Lake City Reporter, an affiliate of Community Newspapers Inc., is published Tuesday through Friday and Sunday at 180 E. Duval St., Lake City, Fla. 32055. Periodical postage paid at Lake City, Fla. Member Audit Bureau of Circulation and The Associated Press. All material herein is property of the Lake City Reporter. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden without the permission of the publisher. U.S. Postal Service No. 310-880. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Lake City Reporter, P.O. Box 1709, Lake City, Fla. 32056. Publisher Todd Wilson ..... 754-0418 ( Robert Bridges ..... 754-0428 (rbridges@lakecityre DVERTIS ING ......... 752-1293 (ads@lakecityre ASSIFIEDTo place a classified ad, call 755-5440BUSINESSController .... 754-0419 ( RCUL AT IONHome delivery of the Lake City Reporter should be completed by 6:30 a.m. Tuesday through Friday, and by 7:30 a.m. on Sunday. Please call 386-755-5445 to report any problems with your delivery service. In Columbia County, customers should call before 10:30 a.m. to report a service error for same day re-delivery. After 10:30 a.m., next day re-delivery or service related credits will be issued. In all other counties where home delivery is available, next day re-delivery or service related credits will be issued. Circulation ............... 755-5445 ( delivery rates(Tuesday -Friday and Sunday) 12 Weeks .................. $26.32 24 Weeks ................... $48.79 52 Weeks ................... $83.46Rates include 7% sales tax.Mail rates12 Weeks .................. $41.40 24 Weeks ................... $82.80 52 Weeks .................. $179.40 Lake City Reporter See an error? The Lake City Reporter corrects errors of fact in news items. If you have a concern, question, or suggestion, please call the editor. Corrections and clarications will run in this space. Thanks for reading. Submissions The Lake City Reporter accepts photographs and caption information to run at the discretion of the editor. If you would like to see your organization in the newspaper, send the picture and information to associate editor Justin Caudell at Scripture of the DayWho his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. 1 Peter 2:24 (KJV) Patience is not simply the ability to wait, its how we behave while were waiting. Joyce Meyer Thought for Today Winning Lottery Numbers Pick 3: (Tuesday mid-day) 4-6-1 Pick 4: (Tuesday mid-day) 7-0-4-2 Pick 5: (Tuesday mid-day) 7-1-9-5-5 QUICK HITS circumstances led to this crew unexpectedly reaching their federal limit for on-duty hours, Phelps wrote. Columbia County Sheriffs Office Public Information Officer Murray Smith said its unclear why CSX took so long respond to moving the train. He received an email about their efforts nearly 10 hours after the train stopped. CSX Transportation notified CCSO about 7:20 a.m. Tuesday that a Jacksonvillebased crew would move the train around 10:30 a.m. that day, but train was still blocking traffic Tuesday afternoon. We are a hub for railroads and this is the first time Ive experienced any of these issues, Smith said. After hours without an update, CSX reported the crew would instead arrive at 1:30 p.m. to inspect the train before moving it around 2:30 p.m., Smith said. The train still had not been moved by 3:30 p.m. CSX Transportation did not return repeated phone calls, but instead communicated by email. We work to minimize the impact of our operations on local vehicle traffic and we apologize for the inconvenience that this situation is causing, Phelps wrote. It is unclear why the crew did not stop the train where it would not block traffic, but there are alternate routes. It may not always be possible to stop a train in an area where it doesnt block roads, but in those cases we consider whether there are alternate routes for vehicle traffic, Phelps said. TRAINContinued From 1AKATRINA POGGIO/Lake City ReporterA locomotive operated by CSX Corporation blocked Lake Jeffrey Road from 9:30 p.m. Monday through Tuesday afternoon. Throughout the day, motorists pulled up to the crossing, only to realize the train wasnt going anywhere. remodeling the old Pizza Hut building soon and expect to open in August or September. We are really excited, he said. Lake City is a wonderful community, and we loved the interstate access there. Were kind of going into restaurant row, but we felt that the chicken market was underserved and there was an opportunity to bring some of our uniquely craveable food into the market. Bojangles was founded in Charlotte, North Carolina, in 1977 and serves fried chicken, buttermilk biscuits and several cajun-themed items. They serve breakfast and open their lunch menu around 9 a.m., Chestnut said. The hours for the Gainesville restaurant are 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. (drive-thru 11 p.m.) during the week and 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. (drive-thru 12 a.m.) on weekends. Chestnut said locals in Lake City should expect the same long hours of operation here. Thats how we have kind of differentiated ourselves from our competitors, he said. Chestnut said the restaurant should create about 70 fulland part-time jobs at its Lake City location. Bo Benton II Inc. owns 11 Bojangles locations in Myrtle Beach, S.C. and is just beginning its foray into Florida this year. EATERYContinued From 1A already derailing the companys plans, Johnson said he was told. HAECO executive Kip Blakely, in a Feb. 28 email to project stakeholders, announced the companys decision to pull out of the project. Johnson said he called Blakely for a followup conversation and was told it didnt matter whether the project moved forward, since the company couldnt get enough qualified workers to fill the positions anyway. When that happened, the grant died on the vine, Johnson said. Blakely could not be reached for comment. The companys local operation accounts for about a third of HAECOs employees in North America. There were many holes in the renovation project from the start, however, Johnson said. It was just almost impossible to get the funds together, he said. The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity approved an $820,000 grant to help fund the renovations, on the condition that the money equal 30 percent of the projects total cost. Another $465,359 was to come from the county, while the city agreed to contribute $618,091. North Florida Economic Development Partnership consultants Dianne Scholz and Jeff Hendry worked to secure an FDOT grant for the remaining expenses, even though Airport Manager Roland Luster told project partners that the grant could not be used to renovate a parking lot for a private business. The funding never came through, and the city looked for alternatives. Scholz and Hendry had been focusing their efforts on submitting a new application to the DEO for a lesser grant, in order to bring down the amount the city would have to contribute to meet its 70 percent matching obligation. Scholz suggested a loan aimed at rural communities, but Johnson said there was no revenue source to pay it back. County Economic Development Director Glenn Hunter said city officials were responsible for the projects failure. Johnson disputes that claim. The city has been as aggressive and diligent as we possibly could be in trying to work for HAECOs needs, he said. Hunter and the NFEDP pushed strongly for the city and countys support, Johnson said. The NFEDP and Glenn desperately needed to get a win, he said. To get something they could say, this is a jail anyways, and cut his ankle monitor off and threw it out the car window. Cheshire told deputies that McLaughlin said his ankle monitor had a -hour time frame where no one would look for him or issue a warrant, according to the report. The pair then drove to Lake City because McLaughlin said he had a relative in town. The report said that Cheshires story had many inconsistencies and that she changed it several times regarding how long they had been in Lake City and regard ing McLaughlins custody status. She later admitted that they had planned on being a couple once he was released from prison, CCSO said. McLaughlin was arrested in front of the Lucky Duck Casino on U.S. 90 after being spotted walking in front of the nearby Publix Monday night, according to the report. Cheshire was arrested after a series of conversations that began after she called CCSO dispatch asking where she could pick up McLaughlins belongings because he had her keys. The report said investigators later deter mined she would be arrested because she harbored McLaughlin and gave him assistance after his escape, including helping him flee to Lake City. Cheshire told deputies they had arrived in Lake City around 8 p.m. Sunday. According to the report, she said that they hung out at the Days Inn on U.S. 90 and went to Publix on Monday, where they were spotted. She said McLaughlin took her vehicle and left after an argument about her hus band. CCSO said she told deputies she hadnt heard from McLaughlin since he left and assumed he was in jail. McLaughlin is back in custody, and Cheshire is in Columbia County Jail on $5,000 bond. ESCAPEEContinued From 1A HAECOContinued From 1A


WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 2017 LOCAL LAKE CITY REPORTER 3A Weve got the perfect place to run your business!On a corner lot located at Hernando and Camp Streets, it has 8 oces, 2 baths, front reception, lots of storage, full-size kitchen and is close to hospitals, shopping, schools. Call for an appointment today! Deborah Myles at 386-719-1224. The Darby-Rogers Company 618 SW Florida Gateway Drive Lake City, FL 32024 Pregnancy Care Center is moving to a new location. United Way celebrates successes, looks aheadFrom staff reportsUnited Way of Suwannee Valley recently announced its achievement of the orga nizations 2016-17 community fundraising campaign goal as well as its receipt of grant funds for human services at its annual meeting and awards banquet at Florida Gateway College's Howard Center. In coordination with the achievement of the fundraising goal, numerous companies and individuals were acknowledged for their contributions toward the accomplishments achieved. The volunteer community fundraising leadership established a goal of $515,000. Chris Dampier, 2016-17 general campaign chairman, announced the achievement of the goal. The funds will help support the community safety net of services afforded through United Way affiliated agencies. As opposed to all of the community impact initiatives, which are grant funded, the community safety net services are supported by our community fundraising campaign, Dampier said. All of the dollars invested in United Way are maximized by these agencies. Dampier presented special recognition to Florida Gateway College for its contributions to a successful United Way and to PotashCorp-White Springs for its fundraising success. Bill Caley, executive director of the Boys and Girls Club of Columbia County, was recognized as an outstanding member of the United Way speakers bureau. Supporting the efforts of the general campaign team was the Challengers Club, the local United Ways leadership giving group. Overseen in 2015-16 by Don Fenneman, the Challengers Club contributed 32 percent of the overall goal by raising $165,718 with 180 members participating. Additionally, the local United Way garnered $1,227,760 in grants to fund specific community impact initiatives aligning with its focus areas of education, income and health. Of the total grant amount, $1,075,330 was received directly by United Way with another $152,430 awarded directly to a community project sponsor. Of funds received by United Way, a significant portion is sub-granted to project sponsors. An annual report enumerated the community impact initiatives and the project sponsors. Janie Richardson, chairwoman of the United Way Planning Committee, highlighted information from the annual report by focusing on initiatives that were expanded or new: The ReadingPals early literacy initiative expanded to include the Hamilton County School District, which joined the Columbia and Suwannee school districts that participated in 2015-16, the first year of the grant initiative; Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) services were reinstituted after a period of time without resources to offer the program focused on saving taxpayers the cost of tax return preparation fees and on ensuring receipt of tax credits such as the Earned Income Tax Credit; and a homeless street outreach team was launched as a result of funding through LSF Health Systems. Dr. Lawrence Barrett, president of Florida Gateway College, welcomed United Ways guests to the college, as did Karl Burkhardt, chairman of the committee responsible for planning the function. Gary Godwin, outgoing 2016-2017 United Way Board president, acknowledged those individuals and businesses whose contributions ensure a successful event and introduced James Montgomery, who was recognized by the United Way at last years annual meeting with the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. Montgomery presented this years award to John W. Burns III, a United Way past president, long-time volunteer and supporter, and, most recently, chairman of the committee responsible for overseeing the efforts to prepare United Ways new building for occupancy. Also during the event, attended by more than 130 community members, outgoing board members were recognized and the 2017-18 leadership team was announced. United Way 2016-17 Board President Gary Godwin passed the gavel to incoming 2017-18 Board President Chris Dampier after conducting the business meeting, which included the election of the slate of nominees to serve as board members for the coming year. The 2017-18 officers are: Don Fenneman, president elect and general campaign chairman; Mike Williams, secretary; Cammy Scott, treasurer; Gary Godwin, past president; Lori Simpson, Columbia County Campaign chairwoman; Pam Cochran, Suwannee County campaign chairwoman; Christine Cribbs, Hamilton County Campaign chairwoman; Dave Cobb, Challengers Committee chairman; John Burley, Admissions and Allocations chairman; Dr. Alvin Jackson Jr., Loaned Executives chairman; Karl Burkhardt, Communications Committee chairman; Janie Richardson, Planning Committee chairwoman; Dana Huggins, Homeless Coalition liaison; and Shayne Morgan, Community Disaster Preparedness, Recovery and Response liaison. Going on vacation?Take the Lake City Reporter with you. Subscribe to our E-edition. Call 755-5445 or fax 752-9400.CARL MCKINNEY/Lake City ReporterDr. Lawrence Barrett, president of Florida Gateway College, welcomes United Ways guests to the college for its annual meeting and awards banquet. Burns receives Presidential Volunteer Service AwardFrom staff reportsUnited Way of Suwannee Valley recognized John W. Burns III with the Presidential Volunteer Service Award at the agencys annual meeting and awards banquet at Florida Gateway Colleges Howard Center. Burns joins a distinguished list of community leaders who have been bestowed the honor by the local United Way. Past recipients include Tom Brown, the 2008 award recipient; Joe Persons, 2009; Jeff Parker, 2010; Keith Leibfried, 2011; Vern and Maureen Lloyd, 2012; Mike McKee, 2013; Dave and Renee Cobb, 2014; Jim Moses, 2015; and James Montgomery, the 2016 recipient. United Way initiated the annual presentation of the Presidential Volunteer Service Award, a national recognition of outstanding community volunteers who have given a lifetime of service, in 2008 in conjunction with the agencys 40th anniversary. The Presidential Volunteer Service Award is the highest honor the White House gives for volunteer service to thank and honor citizens who, by their demonstrated commitment and example, inspire others to serve. The award was initiated to acknowledge the U.S. long and proud tradition of volunteer service. In 2002, President George W. Bush issued a challenge to all Americans to dedicate at least 4,000 hours to volunteer service and help to foster a culture of service, citizenship and responsibility. In 2003, the Presidents Council on Service and Civic Participation was formed to find ways to recognize the valuable contributions volunteers are making to the nation. The Presidents Council on Service and Civic Participation created the Presidents Volunteer Service Award. Burns has a long and diverse history of participation in community volunteerism. He has been both actively engaged with a variety of service projects and local nonprofit boards as well as a supporter of many activities affecting a broad range of the communitys residents. He served two terms as the president of the United Way Board of Directors in 1992 and 1993. Since that time, Burns has continued to remain actively engaged with United Way as a committee member and as a resource for guidance. Most recently, he oversaw the building committee after the former building committee transitioned to the Capital Campaign Committee once the building was purchased, and a new committee was needed to prepare the building for occupancy. The building, which had fallen into foreclosure, had been vacant and fell into significant disrepair. The purchase was completed in July 2015, and preparations for occupancy continued until February 2016 due to the amount of work required. All of the interior dcor is the result of Burns contribution. In addition to Burns role with the United Way building, he assumed the responsibility of serving as registered agent for the nonprofit. This is a role which Tom Brown had filled since United Way was organized in 1968; however, it requires an office to which legal service can be made during specific hours. Burns did not hesitate in agreeing to assume the responsibility. Burns service to the community extends beyond his service to United Way. He served as the chairman of the board of the Early Learning Coalition of Floridas Gateway in 2003 and has remained on the board since then, currently serving as board secretary. He is active in Rotary and has been active with the Rotarys Purple Pinkie Project. Additionally, he has been a supporter of CARC Advocates for Citizens with Disabilities, has sponsored various baseball teams and supported the annual Columbia County Youth Livestock Show, Special Olympics, the March of Dimes, Big Brothers Big Sisters and the North Florida Community Health Fair. As has been the local United Ways custom since it began awarding the Presidential Volunteer Service Award, the prior year recipient, James Montgomery, presented Burns the 2017 award.CARL MCKINNEY/Lake City ReporterJohn W. Burns III receives the 2017 United Way of Suwannee Valley Presidential Volunteer Service Award from 2016 recipient James Montgomery. Local student inducted into universitys honor societyLexington, Va. Timothy S. Pierce of Lake City, a member of the class of 2020 at Washington and Lee University, was recently inducted into Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society, which is limited to students who complete the first term of their first year with superior academic records. To be eligible for Phi Eta Sigma, a student must be in the top 20 percent of the class at the end of his or her first term. Seventyseven first-year students were initiated at a recent ceremony. The academic accom plishments of the first year class, individually and collectively, are very impres sive, said Jason Rodocker, associate dean of students and dean for first-year experience and adviser to the W&L chapter of Phi Eta Sigma. Many Phi Eta Sigma inductees will obtain further academic accolades including graduate fellow ships. Washington and Lee University, the nations ninth oldest institution of higher education, is among the nations premier liberal arts colleges and universities. Patel named to Deans List at his universityST. LOUIS, Mo. Neal Patel of Lake City was named to the Deans List for the fall 2016 semester at Washington University in St. Louis. Patel is enrolled in the universitys College of Arts and Sciences. To qualify for the Deans List in the College of Arts and Sciences, students must earn a semester grade point average of 3.6 or above and be enrolled in at least 14 graded units.Associated Press


President Donald Trumps sudden missile strike against a Syrian airfield in retaliation for a gas attack on civilians will not change one thing about that sad lands bloody civil war. It will, however, alter the strategic calculus in many places within but also far beyond the troubled Middle East. Politically, the missiles were also a big blast against allegations that Trump is a patsy of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Watch upcoming job approval polls for the popular verdict. The nearly 60 Tomahawk missiles used in the attack, costing $1 million apiece, took out Syrian air force planes, reinforced hangars, fuel storage tanks and ammunition dumps. The intended message to Syrian dictator Bashar Assad: You can no longer use chemical weapons with impunity. As columnist Charles Krauthammer aptly put it, following eight years of relative apathy and inaction after worse war crimes, the message from the new American president was not that theres a new sheriff in town, but that there IS a sheriff in town. Trump campaigned against the U.S. military being a global policeman. This single strike doesnt mean thats changed. His justification was based on the paramount importance of U.S. national security. It is in the vital national security interest of the United States, Trump said, to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons. ... Years of previous attempts at changing Assads behavior have all failed, and failed very dramatically. As a result, the refugee crisis continues to deepen and the region continues to destabilize, threatening the United States and its allies. It does mean, however, that Americas allies, especially Sunni Arab states like Jordan and Saudi Arabia that were awaiting U.S. leadership, are encouraged. The Saudis have even offered troops to fight the Islamic State. It does mean that bad actors such as Syria, Iran, Russia and even loopy North Korea must now factor in Trumps proven willingness to exercise American clout when he perceives a national security threat. After the sarin gas attack with photos of babies gasping for air, Trump acted swiftly and decisively. But not, as critics fretted last year, wildly. He could have attacked all six Syrian airfields. He could have ordered Special Forces to simultaneously move in eastern Syria. Instead, Trump targeted only the specific airfield that launched the gas attack. It was a measured response. No new ground troops. Not even pilots risking capture. U.S. missiles were programmed to ignore structures storing gas components and barracks housing several hundred Russians. In fact, U.S. officers gave them an hours notice to get out of the way, one reason Moscows subsequent denunciation was measured. Even chronic critics like Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York found it hard to argue with the approach. It was in striking contrast to President Barack Obama, who on Aug. 20, 2012, said of Syria, A red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus. That would change my equation. That was one of several times Obama got himself in trouble when not using a teleprompter. A year later Assad used chemical weapons again, killing more than 1,000. Obama threatened an attack as Secretary of State John Kerry reassured how minor it would be. Then they allowed Putin, Assads chief backer, to placate them with a plan to allegedly remove Assads chemical weapons stockpile. In the end, Obama did nothing, blaming congressional inertia. Clearly, that Russian guarantee was not honored, a point hammered home by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson last week: Either Russia has been complicit, or Russia has been simply incompetent in its ability to deliver on its end of that agreement. Tillersons upcoming scheduled visit to Moscow could prove interesting. Is this the end of it? Not likely. With the help of Russia and Iran, Assad is still winning. He could take the missile lesson. Or he could defy it and risk further attacks, as warned by U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley. Trumps staff must now include congressional consultations on his thinking. But Trumps action has also now become a new certainty that other international troublemakers must include in their assessments of American power. OPINION Lake City Reporter Serving Columbia County Since 1874 The Lake City Reporter is published with pride for residents of Columbia and surrounding counties by Community Newspapers Inc. We believe strong newspapers build strong communities -Newspapers get things done! Our primary goal is to publish distinguished and profitable communityoriented newspapers. This mission will be accomplished through the teamwork of professionals dedicated to truth, integrity and hard work. Todd Wilson, Publisher Robert Bridges, Editor Jim Barr, Associate Editor Sue Brannon, Controller Dink NeSmith, President Tom Wood, Chairman OUR OPINION LETTERS POLICY Letters to the Editor should be typed or neatly written and double spaced. Letters should not exceed 400 words and will be edited for length and libel. Letters must be signed and include the writers name, address and telephone number for verification. Writers can have two letters per month published. Letters and guest columns are the opinion of the writers and not necessarily that of the Lake City Reporter. BY MAIL: Letters, P.O. Box 1709, Lake City, FL 32056; or drop off at 180 E. Duval St. downtown. BY FAX: (386) 752-9400. BY EMAIL: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 Lake City Reporter Serving Columbia County Since 1874 The Lake City Reporter is published with pride for residents of Columbia and surrounding counties by Community Newspapers Inc. We believe strong newspapers build strong communities -Newspapers get things done! Our primary goal is to publish distinguished and profitable communityoriented newspapers. This mission will be accomplished through the teamwork of professionals dedicated to truth, integrity and hard work. Todd Wilson, Publisher Robert Bridges, Editor Frances Wainwright, Controller Dink NeSmith, President Tom Wood, ChairmanQuestions on HAECO expansionThe more we learn about the major pending expansion of HAECO at Lake City Gateway Airport, the more questions we have. The airplane maintenance company sent a top executive to Lake City two weeks back to bring folks here up to speed on what to expect. At a Chamber of Commerce gathering, Kip Blakely said big things lay ahead, and that his firm would need to hire 200-300 workers per year for the next five years to fill all the new jobs. He said the company expected to get those workers through a proposed aviation academy modeled on one in Greensboro, N.C., HAECOs U.S. headquarters. This newspaper took a closer look. As it turns out, the Greensboro school a considerably more sophisticated version of our current aviation academy, which would cost up to $3 million to get up and running produces only 2 or 3 qualified job applicants per year. We also found that the first wave of the HAECO expansion plan had already been scrapped, and that 400 additional jobs would not be coming at all. County Economic Development Director Glenn Hunter blamed the city for not having completed paperwork for a grant in time. That wasnt the whole story. As detailed in a story on todays front page, workforce or lack of it was the problem here too. Government grant or no, HAECO made clear as far back as February it wouldnt be pursuing this first-wave expansion because it didnt appear there were enough workers to fill 400 jobs. We are left with the following questions: First, why did Mr. Blakely make a trip to Lake City to expound on his companys ambitious plans when it still isnt clear how, at this point, they can be accomplished? We value HAECO as an important community partner, but need a better idea of where they are going in order to be able to offer the support and assistance they need. Second, why is Mr. Hunter, the man who should be leading the local charge on resolving these issues, more interested in political infighting than finding workable answers? Hunter took pains to blame city officials for the collapse of the initial jobs plan, but never bothered to mention the project was doomed from the start due to workforce deficiencies. It is possible, of course, that Mr. Hunter did not know of HAECOs worries on the workforce front. But if that is the case, what exactly are we paying him for? Too many people are working too hard to put bread on the table for the folks we put in charge to waste their time playing politics. Or to be simply inept. We are confounded, for want of a better word, and wont give up until we get some answers and better ones than we have received to date. What the attack on Syria did Wells Fargo probe shields boardMondays release of a 113page report examining the Wells Fargo sales scandal is an important step in the banks efforts to learn from the ordeal and start anew. But by heaping most of the blame and punishment on two people who are no longer with the company, the board of directors minimizes its own role and hinders a complete resolution. The report was produced by the independent directors themselves (with help from a New York law firm). So perhaps it is not surprising that the board is largely portrayed as having been left out of the loop through no fault of its own. As a result, though, it will be difficult for customers, employees and shareholders to believe the bank fully owns its misconduct. The directors probe says the root of the problem was a decentralized structure that empowered individual executives such as community banking leader Carrie Tolstedt to operate unchecked. Once problems surfaced, executives were slow to respond and Tolstedt and other leaders understated to the board the degree of risk and problems, the report says. The board, however, should have been more vigilant long before Tolstedt downplayed problems at a 2015 board meeting. Nearly two years earlier, in, 2013, Los Angeles Times reporter Scott Reckard published a 2,000-word article detailing the creation of fake accounts and describing the enormous pressure low-level employees were under to hit impossible sales goals. His reporting described a wide-ranging problem with significant risk. Yet in the years following, the board failed to push hard enough to rectify the situation. That caused much worse damage to Wells reputation than might have been. The directors do admit some fault in Mondays report. They say: toward centralization of the risk function earlier than it did. specificity, plans to fix the problem and ways to measure performance. The board should have insisted on more detailed and concrete plans, a practice initiated this year. more forceful in pushing then CEO John Stumpf to fire Tolstedt in 2015. Two shareholder advisory firms are urging shareholders to vote against the re-election of some or all directors at the banks April 25 board meeting in Florida. Institutional Shareholder Services recommends a vote against all 12 longer-serving directors. Glass Lewis urges a vote against six. The bank has taken steps to address the scandal, including ousting Stumpf, Tolstedt and a handful of other executives and clawing back $180 million in executive compensation. But directors make more than $300,000 a year and their most important job may be to identify and address risk to the bank. Their failure, particularly those on the corporate responsibility committee, to do so devastated the bank. Its hard to see how it opens its next chapter effectively with them still at the helm. Charlotte Observer Andrew Malcolm is an author and veteran national and foreign correspondent covering politics since the 1960s. Follow him @AHMalcolm. Andrew


WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 2017 LOCAL LAKE CITY REPORTER 5A Contributers1000 Degrees Chick-l-A City of Lake City Columbia Co. Fire Dept. Creative Outlet of FL Inc. Dollar General Eddie Haverland Kaplan Early Learning Little Caesars Local Child Care Providers N. FL 4-H Equestrian Team Ole Times Country Buet Olive Garden Party Down for Less Pelonis Pumping Quail Heights Rascally Rabbits 4-H ClubSponsorsLake City Medical Center Richardson Paint Store Columbia Bank Lube Specialists Miltons Country Store Publix Save-A-Lot TD Bank Vernon & Pam HittVolunteersAltrusa Club of Lake City Baye Ballew Carol Milton City Council Member, Melinda Moses Columbia County Sheri Department Columbia High School Eddie Medina Happy House Lake City Fire Department Lake City Police Department Lauren Steele Nannys Place Rob Summerall Staci Musgrove Tiana Airline For More Information Contact the Early Learning Coalition of Floridas Gateway, Inc. at 1-866-752-9770 or visit The Early Learning Coalition of Floridas Gateway, Inc., which provides FREE Resource and Referral Services to families regardless of their income, would like to say THANK YOU to all contributors, supporters and volunteers that assisted with CHILDRENS DAY 2017. Because of You...CHILDRENS DAY 2017 was a huge success!ELC-FG Resource & Referral services provides families with quality indicators to look for when seeking an aordable and accessible early learning program for their children. OBITUARIES To submit your Community Calendar item, stop by the Reporter or email Justin Caudell at CALENDARTodayAcademic banquetPublic and private Columbia County students in grades 5-12 with both honor roll and perfect attendance for each of their academic years will be recognized by community business sponsors in a banquet on May 13. Parents should email Brandi Keen at keenb@ or call 755-8041 by April 17 to register.ThursdayDAR meetingThe Edward Rutledge Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will hold its monthly meeting at 10:30 a.m. in Room 102 of Wilson S. Rivers Library on the campus of Florida Gateway College. The Florida Museum of Natural History Staff will give a presen tation on butterfly conservation. Visitors are always welcome. For more information, call 752-2903.North Central Florida Tea Party meeting7 p.m. at the Taylor Building, 128 SW Birley Road in Lake City. (approximately 3 miles west of the I-75 interchange on the corner of U.S. 90 and Birley Road). John Michael Chambers, an author and public speaker, will deliver com ments on his recent book, Trump and the Resurrection of America. For more information, call 6889402. FridayNo dinner and dancingThere will not be a dance at The Lifestyle Enrichment Center in observance of Good Friday. Dances will resume April 21 and each following Friday night from 7 to 10 p.m. at The Lifestyle Enrichment Center, 628 SE Allison Court (behind Baya Pharmacy). $7 admission includes pot luck dinner and music by a professional DJ. All proceeds benefit the center. Call 755-0235 for more information.Live musicThe Vintage Band will perform from 7 to 11 p.m. at Lake City VFW Post 2206. The event is free and open to the public. The Vintage Band, made up of guitarist Billy Aldrich, bass player Mark Bower, guitarist Mark Wilson and drum mer Phil Marston, plays cover rock and roll songs from the 60s, 70 and 80s, as well as country songs by artists such as Kenny Chesney and George Strait. VFW Post 2206 is located at 343 Forest Lawn Way in Lake City. Lend Me A TenorLend Me a Tenor, a side-split ting comedic farce set in two acts, is on stage now at the High Springs Playhouse. Friday and Saturday performances are at 8 p.m. and doors open at 7:30. Sunday mat inees are at 2 p.m. with doors opening at 1:30. Tickets are $15 for adults; students and seniors on Sundays are $10. Tickets may be purchased online at www. and at the door. The theater is located at 130 NE 1st Ave., High Springs. The last performance will be Sunday, April 23.SaturdayEaster Egg-stravaganza10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Live Oak Heritage Park & Gardens, 1004 Helvenston St. SE, Live Oak. Guests will be treated to a free BBQ lunch, live entertainment, an Easter egg hunt, games and more. For more information, call Haven Hospice at 752-9191. (A complete schedule of community Easter events will publish on Friday.)Wellborn School ReunionMeeting at 11:30 a.m. and lunch at noon at the Wellborn Baptist Church social hall, located at Lowe Lake Road and U.S. 90. Doors will open at 10 a.m. Bring photos or stories relevant to the school or Wellborn in general. Bring covered dish.Live musicThe music duo Mark & Billy will perform from 8 to 11 p.m. at 406 on Duval in Live Oak. Guitarists Mark Wilson and Billy Aldrich are lifelong musicians and members of The Vintage Band. MondayDaughters of the Confederacy meetingThe Olustee Chapter 2488 of the Daughters of the Confederacy will meet at 5:15 p.m. at Oak Lawn Cemetery for a memorial service. Meeting to follow at the main branch of the Columbia County Public Library, 308 NE Columbia Ave., Lake City. For more information, call 754-3922.NAACP Youth Membership Drive6 p.m. at Richardson Community Center. All interested in joining and becoming a Youth Regular Member and a Youth Executive Official Committee member needs to be at the meeting. Membership fee is $10 per year, which includes CRISIS Magazine. Some member ship fees will be waived depending on participation.KAYLA LOKEINSKY/Lake City ReporterThe Vintage Band will perform from 7 to 11 p.m. Friday at Lake City VFW Post 2206. The event is free. Dorothy MontiqueOur Beloved Dorothy Montique departed from us on March 21, 2017. Prior to her leaving, she led a very meaningful and that loved God and family; her love extended beyond family. It service, kindness and loyalty She enjoyed dancing and singing. But, she had a great passion for cooking. Cooking and hospitality management abilities. She attended Karen professional aspect of the craft. Our Beloved Dorothy is no longer in our midst. But, her goodness, kindness and love that impacted Dorothy, had made Lake City her home for the past nine years after moving here from Orlando, FL; She is the daughter of the late Johnathan and Eliza Johnson Fearon. She is survived by three sons Derik Montique (MargueMontique, Lake City, FL; three daughters Sonia Montique-Wat son (Maurice Watson); Carol Montique, and Danista Monall of Lake City, FL; one sister Minnette Prince, Long Island, great grandchildren also survive. at 2:00 P.M. in the Chapel of Dees-Parrish Family Funeral Memorial Gardens Cemetery 14, 2017 from 6:00 P.M. until 8:00 P.M. at Dees-Parrish FamDEES-PARRISH FAMILY FUNERAL HOME is in charge of all arPlease sign online guestbook at Marjorie Helen Nason Care Center. in Parkville, Illinois and had made her home in Lake City, Florida since 2006. reading and studying her Bible, and being active in her church, mond Pease and her husband of Survivors include her mothPalatka, FL; her children, James ners, Justin Chinners and Joshua three great-grandchildren, Sain Bushnell, Florida at 2:00 PM. evening at the funeral home. In butions may be made to either the rangements are under the direc tion of GATEWAY-FOREST LAWN FUNERAL HOME, Obituaries are paid advertisements. For details, call the Lake City Reporters classified department at 752-1293.


CDC says report is false, backs breast-feedingCHICAGO A widely shared story that U.S. health officials are recommending a delay in breast-feeding to improve vaccine effective ness is false. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the agency named in the false reports, encourages breast-feeding. The CDC says breast milk is best for all infants except in rare cases such as when a mother has active, untreated tuberculosis. There is no recommendation from the CDC or the (American Academy of Pediatrics) that moth ers delay breast-feeding to enhance vaccine efficacy, said Dr. Joan Younger Meek, a Tallahassee physician who oversees a breast-feeding panel for the pediatricians group. Breast milk contains multiple immune protective factors, including whole cells which fight infection, Meek said. All breast-fed infants should receive vaccines according to the regular schedule, and there is no need to interrupt or delay breastfeeding, Meek said. Breast-fed babies sometimes respond better to immuniza tions than do infants on for mula, she said. Versions of the false story posted by healthy and food link to a 2010 study published in the Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. Researchers were looking into why a vaccine against rotavirus wasnt working as well in develop ing countries as in industri alized countries. Rotaviruses cause half a million deaths each year in children world wide, so improving a vac cines effectiveness would save lives. The small study, pub lished in 2010, looked at how the vaccine interacted with breast milk samples in a test tube or culture dish. Based on results on tests of breast milk from women in India and other countries, researchers suggested it was possible that the milk could make the vaccine less effective. But the study wasnt the final word. Later studies showed no reason to restrict breast-feeding in the hours before and after rotavirus vaccination. The World Health Organization has said breastfeeding doesnt significantly impair response to the vaccines.Associated Press 6A WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 2017 HEALTH LAKE CITY REPORTER WE ACCEPT MEDICARE NO OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSE! 386-755-2268 How sarin nerve gas poisons and kills peopleWhen the news broke of the chemical attack on Syrian civilians and babies, we were all disturbed and shocked that a weapon of mass destruction was unleashed. Sarin is its name and its 26 times more potent than cyanide. Being a curious sort, I looked it up to see what the mechanism of action was, as well as the antidote to sarin. With radiation, research supports greens (dulse, chlorella, spirulina etc.) or perhaps some iodine supplements. None of that works for sarin though. I did something I shouldnt have. People who are empathetic should not be allowed to Google images of such an attack! I cant unsee the damage done by sarin and other nerve agents. Ugh. This neurotoxin was outlawed in the 1990s. Its in the same Schedule 1 category like LSD, heroin, marijuana, GHB and Ecstasy. It doesnt work like those, its just categorized with them. Sarin blocks an enzyme in the human body called acetylcholinesterase (ACHE) that normally breaks down your memory neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. So some ACHE is good it supports learning and memory. In fact, memory supplements always put ingredients in their formula to gently block ACHE, so again, a bit more acetylcholine is fine. Too much will kill you. Sarin shuts down ACHE completely, so acetylcholine levels skyrocket within minutes. This is the same mechanism of action that bug spray and malathion utilizes. Most insecticides block ACHE, so Sarin is essentially just human insecticide. If you walk by it and inhale it, you wouldnt even know because you cant see it or smell it. Death occurs within five or 10 minutes. But how you wonder? When acetylcholine increases, your muscles cramp. Like most pesticide poisonings, SLUDGE occurs, which stands for: Salivation, Lacrimation, Urination, Defecation, Gastrointestinal distress, then emesis (vomiting). Twitching and jerking occurs, then the lungs cramp, paralyzing the airways. Its death by chemical asphyxiation. Hosing off the children with water reduces skin exposure slightly. I still see those images from the news of babies being hosed off and thrown into a truck. The watering down of people will certainly dilute the poison and possibly prolong life, but then you have to ask yourself, what kind of life will that person now lead? Neurological consequences cannot be healed. A total recovery is possible if exposure is low, not a lethal dose. And mainly, if recognition occurs. Remember, sarin (and many nerve gases) are completely colorless and odorless, and you could walk right past someone who had a little on their clothes 30 minutes ago, and it will poison you. Survival requires an antidote, which is usually atropine (but sometimes pralidoxime). These are drugs classified as anticholinergics. Atropine is a drug in the U.S., used to treat pesticide poisoning, tachycardia, overactive bladder and pupil dilation (yes, it comes as an eye drop). FYI, many herbs and over-the-counter medications have similar, but weaker anticholinergic properties. So now youre better informed as you watch the news, and heres hoping we never face that kind of brutality in our country. May those who perished rest in peace. Suzy Cohen is a pharmacist who got her start in Gainesville.DEAR PHARMACIST Suzy Prostate cancer tests are now OK with panel, with caveatsBy LINDSEY TANNERAssociated PressCHICAGO An influen tial U.S. government health panel is dropping its oppo sition to routine prostate cancer screening in favor of letting men decide for themselves after talking with their doctor. The new draft guidelines echo those of several lead ing medical groups, but they dont make the decision any easier for men: With their doctors help, they have to decide whether to take an imperfect PSA test that has a small chance of detecting a deadly cancer and a larger chance of trig gering unneeded worry and treatment with serious side effects. This isnt a one-sizefits-all recommendation, said the panels chair Dr. Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, a San Francisco internist who already follows the advice and discusses the poten tial pros and cons with her patients. Men whose greatest concern is reducing their chances of dying from can cer are sometimes willing to face the consequences and choose testing. Other men will realize the likely benefit is small and arent willing to risk the harms, she said. PSA screening to detect the most common male can cer is among the most heated topics in mens health. It involves a simple blood test for elevated levels of a protein that may signal cancer but also can be caused by less serious prostate problems. It can find cancer that frequently doesnt need treatment because its too small and slow growing to become deadly. Doctors say theres no good way to tell which early cancers might become lethal. The next step is often radiation or surgery to remove the prostate, which may result in impo tence and incontinence. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force says its latest recommendation is based on new evidence indicating that routine PSA blood tests can slightly reduce some mens chances of dying from prostate cancer and that drastic treat ment can be avoided with close monitoring when cancer is detected. The shift shelves the pan els 2012 guidance, which prompted criticism from some urologists specialists who treat the disease and angered some prostate cancer patients certain that PSA screening had saved their lives. The new advice published Tuesday closely aligns the panel with medical groups that also support shared-decision-making. The biggest remaining difference is timing. The task force draft says screening conversa tions should begin at age 55. Other groups say start earlier, depending on family history of prostate cancer and other factors. It recom mends against testing men aged 70 and older. The panel leaves open how often men should be screened. It does not rec ommend earlier testing for blacks and those with a family history but says they should know their risks are higher. Dr. Meir Stampfer, a Harvard University can cer expert, called the new advice a more reasoned approach. He said PSA tests make sense if they do not lead to overly aggres sive treatment. His research suggests that more than 1 in 5 men worldwide have undetected prostate can cer, including more than 40 million Americans, but that most will die of other causes. The task forces 2012 advice against screening said there was little evi dence that PSA screening was reducing deaths. Since then, PSA screening rates have declined by as much as 10 percent, and now fewer than one-third of U.S. men get the tests. Fewer men are being diagnosed with early-stage disease, when it is more treatable, while more are being diagnosed with more aggressive harder-totreat cancer. The panel says its new advice stems from longterm research indicating that for every 1,000 men offered PSA screening, one to two will avoid death from prostate cancer and three will avoid prostate cancer spreading to other organs. Newer research also has shown benefits from active surveillance of men whose initial PSA tests and biopsies indicate slow-growing cancer that hasnt spread, the panel said. This approach includes repeated PSA tests and close monitoring, which can delay or even avoid the need for treatment. The task forces recom mendations influence U.S. government policy and are widely followed by primary care physicians. Medicare and many private insurers have continued to pay for the screening. The govern ment-appointed volunteer panel reviews evidence and issues advice for a variety of screenings and treatments.STOCK PHOTOAn influential U.S. government health panel is dropping its opposition to routine prostate cancer screening in favor of letting men decide for themselves after talking with their doctor.


Lake City Reporter SPORTS Wednesday, April 12, 2017 Section B Story ideas? Contact Eric Jackson or Tony Britt754-0420 Diamond BoysCOLUMBIA and FORT WHITE baseball teams in action this week. Read more on 6B.Fort Whites Jacob Sosa Columbias Sammy WalkerCHS FISHINGColumbia angling team competes in state tourney By TONY BRITTtbritt@lakecityreporter.comColumbia High anglers competed in the state championship last weekend with a spot in the national high school anglers tournament on the line. However, none of the homegrown teams were able to secure a spot in the national competition. Kevin Swisher, CHS Bassmasters Fishing team advisor, said 10 CHS Bassmasters team members fished the 2016-2017 Florida Bass Nation High School State Championship last weekend at the Harris Chain of Lakes in Leesburg. The students fished as five teams, with two members per team on Saturday and Sunday. Going into the tournament, CHS had the 10th, 11th and 12th place teams in the competition. More than 90 teams from schools across the state competed. We did well in the aspect that we caught a lot of fish, Swisher said. We got a lot of experience. Our highest finishing team was around the 40th place team. We were all in the 40th place to mid-50 pack. We were all in about the middle pack of the field. To qualify for the event, students were required to fish a Florida Bass Nation qualifying event throughout the year in Palatka, the Winter Haven Chain of Lakes or Lake Talquin. Anglers were required to finish in the top 70 percent of the field in order to qualify for the state championship tournament. The local anglers qualified as a two-angler team and each team had a boat captain. Columbias highest scoring team was Seth Slanker and Jesse Altman, who had a two-day tournament bag weighing about 15 pounds. Jackson Swisher and Dalton Blakley were the next best scoring team with around a 14-pound sack for the two-day tournament. All our teams were very close on their weights, Swisher said. The kids caught CHS club falls short of national tournament berth TONY BRITT/Lake City ReporterColumbias Seth Slanker and Jesse Altman show their fish to the audience at the 2016-17 Florida Bass Nation High School State Champion.CHS continued on 2BAssociated PressJACKSONVILLE The Jacksonville Jaguars have traded fourth-year defensive end Chris Smith to the Cincinnati Bengals for a conditional pick in the 2018 NFL draft. A fifth-round selection in 2014, Smith was behind Yannick Ngakoue and Dante Fowler on the depth chart and unlikely to play much in the final year of his contract. The Jaguars previously traded their 2018 seventh-rounder to Miami for left tackle Branden Albert, so Tuesdays trade could help them regain a pick. Smith has appeared in 19 games in three seasons, totaling 19 tackles and 4 sacks. Smith played in six games in 2016 and was inactive for the other 10 while rookie Ngakoue emerged as the teams top pass rusher. Smiths exit continues a significant revamp of Jacksonvilles defensive line. The Jaguars released defensive linemen Jared Odrick, SenDerrick Marks and Roy Miller and opted not to re-sign former first-round draft pick Tyson Alualu. They signed veteran Calais Campbell to a four-year deal worth $60 million.Jags trade Chris Smith to Bengals for pick NFLCOURTESYJacksonville continues to revamp its defensive line trading Chris Smith. COMPETITIVE GAMINGVegas Strip getting e-sports arena with nightclub By REGINA GARCIA CANOAssociated PressLAS VEGAS The Las Vegas Strip is getting its first space dedicated to competitive gaming when the Luxor hotel-casino transforms its nightclub into a multi-level e-sports arena. MGM Resorts International on Tuesday announced plans for the arena that will feature a competition stage, LED video wall, daily gaming stations, food and drink and a streaming and television-quality production studio. Work on the venue will begin in early June with the goal of opening in early 2018. Weve closely watched the growth and excitement around e-sports, and we are always looking for new amenities for our Vegas customers, Niklas Rytterstrom, general manager of Luxor, said. He told The Associated Press that the decision to nix the LAX nightclub was not because of its performance, but instead, it was motivated by the desire to offer customers something really different. This will be the second e-sports arena in Sin City. The first one began hosting gamers in March in downtown Las Vegas. The arenas are part of a trend that the casino industry hopes will attract the millennial crowd. The announcement from MGM comes on the heels of a report showing that a third of Las Vegas 43 million tourists last year were millennials those between 18 to 35 up from less than a quarter in 2015. Competitive gaming now draws tens of millions of spectators to online platforms and real-world venues, including New York Citys Madison Square Garden, the Los Angeles Staples Center and Las Vegas MGM Grand Garden Arena. Permanent e-sports venues are prevalent in Asia, but few public facilities are dedicated to competitive gaming in North America.COURTESYPermanent e-sports venues are prevalent in Asia, but few public facilities are dedicated to competitive gaming in North America. B1


2B WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 2017 SPORTS LAKE CITY REPORTER TV LISTINGSWednesday, April 12 GOLF 7 p.m. GOLF LPGA Tour, LOTTE Championship, first round, at Kapolei, Hawaii MLB BASEBALL 1 p.m. MLB Regional coverage, Tampa Bay at N.Y. Yankees OR Minnesota at Detroit 8 p.m. MLB Regional coverage, L.A. Dodgers at Chicago Cubs OR Oakland at Kansas City NBA BASKETBALL 8 p.m. ESPN Atlanta at Indiana 10:30 p.m. ESPN New Orleans at Portland NHL HOCKEY 7 p.m. NBCSN Stanley Cup Playoffs, Eastern Conference, first round, Game 1, N.Y. Rangers at Montreal NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs, Eastern Conference, first round, Game 1, Boston at Ottawa 7:30 p.m. USA Stanley Cup Playoffs, Eastern Conference, first round, Game 1, Columbus at Pittsburgh 9:30 p.m. NBCSN Stanley Cup Playoffs, Western Conference, first round, Game 1, St. Louis at Minnesota 10 p.m. USA Stanley Cup Playoffs, Western Conference, first round, Game 1, San Jose at Edmonton SOCCER 2:30 p.m. FS1 UEFA Champions League, Quarterfinal, 1st Leg, Bayern Munich vs. Read Madrid FS2 UEFA Champions League, Quarterfinal, 1st Leg, Atletico Madrid vs. Leicester CityNASCAR Monster Energy Cup-OReilly Auto Parts 500 Results Sunday At Texas Motor Speedway Fort Worth, Texas Lap length: 1.50 miles (Start position in parentheses) 1. (24) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, 334 laps, 0 rating, 49 points. 2. (32) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, 334, 0, 47. 3. (4) Joey Logano, Ford, 334, 0, 36. 4. (1) Kevin Harvick, Ford, 334, 0, 44. 5. (37) Dale Earnhardt Jr, Chevrolet, 334, 0, 34. 6. (5) Brad Keselowski, Ford, 334, 0, 40. 7. (6) Jamie McMurray, Chevrolet, 334, 0, 46. 8. (7) Martin Truex Jr, Toyota, 334, 0, 39. 9. (33) Chase Elliott, Chevrolet, 334, 0, 34. 10. (10) Kurt Busch, Ford, 334, 0, 32. 11. (3) Clint Bowyer, Ford, 334, 0, 30. 12. (2) Ryan Blaney, Ford, 334, 0, 45. 13. (12) Trevor Bayne, Ford, 334, 0, 24. 14. (11) Ricky Stenhouse Jr, Ford, 334, 0, 26.MLB STANDINGSNATIONAL LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB New York 4 3 .571 Washington 4 3 .571 Miami 3 3 .500 Philadelphia 3 4 .429 1 Atlanta 1 5 .167 2 Central Division W L Pct GB Cincinnati 5 2 .714 Chicago 5 2 .714 Pittsburgh 3 3 .500 1 St. Louis 2 5 .286 3 Milwaukee 2 5 .286 3 West Division W L Pct GB Arizona 6 2 .750 Colorado 5 3 .625 1 Los Angeles 4 4 .500 2 San Diego 4 4 .500 2 San Francisco 3 5 .375 3 AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB Baltimore 4 1 .800 Tampa Bay 5 3 .625 Boston 3 3 .500 1 New York 3 4 .429 2 Toronto 1 5 .167 3 Central Division W L Pct GB Minnesota 5 1 .833 Detroit 4 2 .667 1 Cleveland 3 3 .500 2 Chicago 2 3 .400 2 Kansas City 2 5 .286 3 West Division W L Pct GB Los Angeles 5 2 .714 Oakland 4 4 .500 1 Houston 4 4 .500 1 Texas 2 4 .333 2 Seattle 2 6 .250 3 UConn s mascot helps pair of alumni get engaged on campus HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) The Siberian husky that serves as the mascot for the University of Connecticut has helped two alumni make a love connection. Jonathan the Husky served as wingman Monday when Daniel Bronko surprised his girlfriend, Holly Korona, on a trip back to campus with a wedding pro posal. The two had met in 2013 while students at UConn. Bronko had reached out to Jonathans handlers in advance. He brought Korona to a favorite spot by the lake on campus, then dropped to one knee when the dog showed up with the engagement ring attached to his collar. She said yes and received a kiss from Bronko and lick on the face from Jonathan. The couple live in Enfield and are both elementary school teachers in Ellington. They plan to wed next summer. Forbes: Yankees worth big leaguehigh $3.7 billion NEW YORK (AP) Forbes ranks the New York Yankees as baseballs most valuable team for the 20th straight year and lists the Tampa Bay Rays with the lowest valuation. Forbes said Tuesday it estimates the Yankees are worth $3.7 billion, up 9 per cent from last year. The Dodgers are next at $2.75 billion, a 10 percent increase. Boston was third at $2.7 billion, followed by the Chicago Cubs ($2.675 billion), San Francisco ($2.65 billion) and New York Mets ($2 billion). At the bottom were the Rays ($825 million), Oakland ($880 million), Cincinnati ($915 million) and Cleveland ($920 million). SCOREBOARD WEDNESDAY EVENING APRIL 12, 2017 Comcast Dish DirecTV6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 3-ABC 3 -TV20 NewsABC World NewsEnt. TonightBe a MillionaireThe GoldbergsSpeechlessModern Family(:31) blackishDesignated Survivor Party Lines (N) News at 11Jimmy Kimmel Live 4-IND 4 4 4News4JAX at 6PMNews4JAXEnt. TonightInside Edition (N) Hot in ClevelandLast Man StandingBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryThe 10 OClock News (N) News4JAX(:35) The Insider 5-PBS 5 -DW NewsNightly BusinessPBS NewsHour (N) Nature Puerto Ricos natural history. (N) American Experience The Great War The Meuse-Argonne Offensive. (N) BBC World NewsCapitol Update 7-CBS 7 47 47Action News JaxCBS Evening NewsJudge Judy Family Feud Survivor (N) Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders (N) Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders (N) Action NewsLate Show-Colbert 9-CW 9 17 172 Broke Girls 2 Broke Girls Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Arrow Vigilante attacks Oliver. Whose Line Is It?Whose Line Is It?Law & Order: Criminal Intent Judge Faith Anger 10-FOX 10 30 30Action NewsAction NewsTMZ (N) Access HollywoodShots Fired Hour 4: Truth (N) Empire My Naked Villainy (N) Action NewsAction NewsAction NewsModern Family 12-NBC 12 12 12News NBC Nightly NewsWheel of FortuneJeopardy! (N) Law & Order: Special Victims UnitLaw & Order: Special Victims UnitChicago P.D. Dont Bury This Case News Tonight Show WGN-A 16 239 307Blue Bloods Down the Rabbit Hole Underground Whiteface Underground Minty (N) (:08) Underground Minty (:04) Underground Minty Harriet Tubman reects on life. (:17) Underground TVLAND 17 106 304M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Love-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondNobodies (N) Lopez (N) King of QueensKing of Queens OWN 18 189 279For Peetes Sake Citizen Peete Greenleaf Strange Bedfellows Greenleaf A Mothers Love Greenleaf Calvarys Fall Revival. Greenleaf Point of No Return (N) OWN Tonight! Episode 4 (N) A&E 19 118 265Storage WarsStorage WarsStorage WarsStorage WarsStorage WarsStorage WarsStorage WarsStorage Wars (N) ExterminatorExterminator(:03) Storage Wars(:33) Storage Wars HALL 20 185 312Last Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingThe Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle The Golden GirlsThe Golden Girls FX 22 136 248(5:00) Fast & Furious 6 (2013, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014, Action) Mark Wahlberg. Optimus Prime and the Autobots face fearsome challengers. Safe House CNN 24 200 202The Situation Room With Wolf BlitzerErin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) CNN Tonight With Don Lemon (N) CNN Tonight With Don Lemon (N) TNT 25 138 245Bones The 200th in the 10th Bones The Psychic in the Soup Major Crimes Shockwave Part 1 Major Crimes Shockwave Part 2 Major Crimes Shockwave Part 2 Hawaii Five-0 A scuba diver is killed. NIK 26 170 299Henry DangerHenry DangerThe ThundermansThe ThundermansNicky, RickyGame ShakersFull HouseFull HouseFull HouseFull HouseFriendsFriends SPIKE 28 168 241(5:00) Fast 2 Furious (2003) Paul Walker. The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006, Action) Lucas Black, Zachery Ty Bryan. The Mummy (1999, Adventure) Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz. MY-TV 29 32 -Mamas FamilyMamas FamilyM*A*S*H M*A*S*H Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Seinfeld Hogans HeroesCarol BurnettPerry Mason DISN 31 172 290Bunkd Bad Dog! Bizaardvark K.C. UndercoverGood Luck CharlieStuck/MiddleAndi Mack Tomorrow Starts Today Liv and MaddieBunkd Bunkd Jessie Jessie LIFE 32 108 252Little Women: Dallas Man Up Little Women: Dallas Little Women: Atlanta (N) Little Women: Atlanta (N) (:02) Little Women: Dallas (N) (:04) Little Women: Dallas USA 33 105 242American Ninja Warrior Philadelphia Finals The top 30 contestants compete. NHL Hockey Conference Quarternal: Teams TBA. (Taped) Team Ninja Warrior BET 34 124 329(5:00) Dear White People (2014) Tyler James Williams, Kyle Gallner. The Janky Promoters (2009, Comedy) Ice Cube, Mike Epps. (:02) Martin (:36) Martin (:10) Martin (:44) Martin ESPN 35 140 206SportsCenter (N) (Live) NBA Countdown (N) (Live)d NBA Basketball Atlanta Hawks at Indiana Pacers. From Bankers Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis. (N)d NBA Basketball: Pelicans at Trail Blazers ESPN2 36 144 209Around the HornInterruptionSportsCenter (N) (Live) We the FansWe the FansSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SUNSP 37 -Reel Animalshow to Do oridaCelebrity GolfInside the Rays MLB Baseball Tampa Bay Rays at New York Yankees. Florida Keys: Ultimate VacationThe Lost Treasure Fleet of 1715 DISCV 38 182 278Gold Rush The Last Alaskans The Last Alaskans Legacy in Danger The Last Alaskans Bear Intruder (N) Bering Sea Gold Episode 1 (N) (:01) Alaskan Bush People Pile It On TBS 39 139 247Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryFull FrontalConan (N) HLN 40 202 204Forensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesPrimetime Justice Forensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic Files FNC 41 205 360Special Report With Bret Baier (N) The First 100 Days (N) The OReilly Factor (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) Hannity (N) The OReilly Factor E! 45 114 236Total Divas The WWE draft arrives. E! News (N) Total Divas The WWE draft arrives. Total Divas Feel the Glow (N) Total Divas Feel the Glow E! News (N) TRAVEL 46 196 277Bizarre Foods With Andrew ZimmernExpedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown (N) Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown (Part 1 of 2) HGTV 47 112 229Property Brothers: Buying & SellingProperty Brothers: Buying & SellingProperty Brothers Property Brothers House HuntersHunters IntlProperty Brothers TLC 48 183 280My 600-Lb. Life (Part 3 of 4) My 600-Lb. Life (Part 4 of 4) My 600-Lb. Life Lupe & Ashley D. Lupe still cant walk. (N) My 600-Lb. Life Lupe still cant walk. HIST 49 120 269American Pickers (DVS) American Pickers Law & Hoarder American Pickers (DVS) American Pickers California Gold (N) (:03) American Pickers (:03) American Pickers ANPL 50 184 282Insane Pools: Off the Deep End Insane Pools: Off the Deep End Insane Pools: Off the Deep End Insane Pools: Second Splash (N) Insane Pools: Second Splash (N) Insane Pools: Off the Deep End FOOD 51 110 231Chopped All Stars: Judge Remix Chopped All Stars Grand Finale Cooks vs. Cons Burrito Incognito Cooks vs. Cons Patty Meltdown (N) Cooks vs. Cons Tarts and Hearts Cooks vs. Cons Tailgate Takedown TBN 52 260 372No WonderCaroline LeafRestoringThe Potters TouchJohn Gray WorldTurning PointJoseph PrinceSteven FurtickLiving ProofThe Blessed LifeJohn Gray WorldDrive Thru History FSN-FL 56 -Destination PolarisIn the SpotlightInside the MagicMagic Pregamed NBA Basketball Detroit Pistons at Orlando Magic. From Amway Center in Orlando, Fla. (N) Magic PostgameInside the MagicInside the Magic SYFY 58 122 244(4:58) Resident Evil: Apocalypse(6:58) G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013, Action) Dwayne Johnson. (DVS) The Magicians Ramications (N) (:02) The Expanse (N) (:03) The Magicians Ramications AMC 60 130 254(5:00) The Godfather (1972, Drama) Marlon Brando, Al Pacino. Wyatt Earp (1994, Biography) Kevin Costner, Dennis Quaid, Gene Hackman. Portrait traces him from boy to lawman. COM 62 107 249(5:50) Futurama(:20) Futurama(6:55) South ParkSouth Park South Park South Park South Park South Park The Comedy JamSouth Park The Daily ShowAt Midnight CMT 63 166 327Last Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingAlvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (2009) Zachary Levi. Premiere.Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (2009) Zachary Levi. NGWILD 108 190 283Africas Deadliest Ganglands The Secret Life of Mr. Fox Wild Scotland Spring Awakening Wild Scotland Wild Scotland Into the Woods Wild Scotland Spring Awakening NGEO 109 186 276Our Dream of Water Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Trail of Blood Bomb Squad NYC: Line of Fire (N) Counterterror NYC: Special ForcesBomb Squad NYC: Line of Fire SCIENCE 110 193 284NASAs Unexplained Files NASAs Unexplained Files NASAs Unexplained Files (:02) NASAs Unexplained Files (:04) NASAs Unexplained Files (:06) NASAs Unexplained Files ID 111 192 285Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda See No Evil On Her Watch See No Evil Eye in the Sky (N) Murder Chose Me Deadliest Sin (N) See No Evil On Her Watch SEC 743 408 611(3:00) The Paul Finebaum Show (N) College Softball Florida State vs Florida. (N) SEC Storied College Football Auburn Spring Game. HBO 302 300 501(5:40) Mamma Mia! (2008) Meryl Streep. PG-13VICE News TonightThe Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) Tilda Swinton. PG A Goodbye to GirlsRock and a Hard Place MAX 320 310 515(5:55) Trainwreck (2015, Romance-Comedy) Amy Schumer. R Stuck on You (2003, Comedy) Matt Damon, Greg Kinnear. PG-13 The 33 (2015, Drama) Antonio Banderas, Rodrigo Santoro. PG-13 SHOW 340 318 545 Tyler Perrys the Family That Preys (2008) Kathy Bates. PG-13 American Jihad (2017, Documentary) NR Dj Vu (2006, Suspense) Denzel Washington, Val Kilmer. PG-13 (:45) Triple 9 a lot of fish, they were just struggling to find the bigger fish. Swisher said the ultimate goal for the CHS Bassmasters fishing club is to have one of its teams compete in the national championship, which will take place on Kentucky Lake at the end of June. One of the Columbia teams could make the national championship tournament field if it fishes well in at a state qualifer in Lake Okeechobee in May. If they can finish in the top 2 there, they can qualify for nationals, Swisher said. On the local front, the Columbia High School Bassmasters will hold its monthly fishing tournament on April 23 on Lake Sampson and Rowell. It will be the final regular season tournament for the club before it holds its season-ending Classic Tournament on Rodman Reservoir in May. Swisher was happy to see that 10 members of the Columbia High fishing team competed in the state competition in the inaugural year of the club. Im ecstatic that its happened, he said. Weve gained a lot of respect in the Bass Nation community. The state director was on the stage this weekend bragging about how we brought 10 teams in our first year to the state tournament. Weve done a great job and weve gotten a great response from the kids and the community. To bring 10 kids to the state tournament in our first year is more than I anticipated and Im very pleased with that.COURTESYJackson Swisher and Dalton Blakley proudly display their catch during the Florida bass championship. CHSContinued From 1BCOURTESYColumbia High Bassmasters and boat captions fishing in the state tourney during the weekend were: (Front row, from left) Cason Griffin, Brendan McIntosh, Jesse Altman, Kyle Hardy, Josh Lewis, Dylan Haynes, Coltan Parrish, Seth Slanker, Jackson Swisher and Dalton Blakley. (Back row, from left) Boat Captains: Brian Griffin, Danny Hardy, Brian Slanker, Kevin Swisher and J.B. Parrish. CHAMPIONS LEAGUEPlayer hurt in blasts near Dortmund bus By MARTIN MEISSNERAssociated PressDORTMUND, Germany Three explosions went off near the team bus of Borussia Dortmund, one of Germanys top soccer clubs, as it set off for a Champions League quarterfinal match on Tuesday evening, slightly injuring a player. Police said in a statement they were working on the assumption that the blasts ahead of the teams match against Monaco were caused by serious explosive devices, which may have been hidden in a hedge near a car park. They didnt elaborate on the possible nature of the devices or say who might have planted them ahead of the first-leg match between Borussia Dortmund and Monaco, which was subsequently called off and rescheduled for Wednesday. Police said that there were three explosions near the Dortmund team bus as they left their hotel on the outskirts of the western city of Dortmund for the stadium, around 10 kilometers (6 miles) away, at around 7 p.m. local time (1700 GMT). A window on the bus was damaged and Spanish defender Marc Bartra was injured. Dortmund said Bartra was taken to a hospital. Dortmund chief executive Hans-Joachim Watzke said Bartra was injured in the arm and hand but nothing life-threatening. Dortmund goalkeeper Roman Buerki said the team bus had just pulled out of the hotel driveway when an explosion a huge bang happened and sent glass flying. The Switzerland international told Swiss daily Blick that he was sitting in the last row of the bus, next to Bartra. Bartra was hit by shards from the broken back window, he added. Players ducked for cover, wondering whether there would be more explosions. Were all shocked nobody thought about a football match in the minutes after that, he said. Inside the packed stadium, supporters of Monaco, which plays in the French league, chanted Dortmund, Dortmund in sympathy for the German side. Dortmund residents, for their part, used social media to offer accommodation to stranded Monaco supporters ahead of their rescheduled match in Europes premier soccer club competition. The team is totally shocked, thats clear. Its our task now to digest this somehow because its only 24 hours before we have to play. Thats our job, Watzke said. He added that there was no alternative to rescheduling the match for Wednesday, as Monaco also has to play at the weekend and the return Champions League match is scheduled for next week. Its a very unfortunate situation but there was no other way, he said. Stadium spokesman Norbert Dickel informed fans of the cancellation, saying that there is no reason for panic here at the stadium. Dortmund recommended that fans stay in the stadium and remain calm to facilitate an orderly departure. Police say that nearly all people in the stadium have left, with no problems. B2


LAKECITY REPORTER ADVICE & COMICSWEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 2017 3B DEAR ABBY: I have been with my husband for 12 years, married for three. I had an affair a little over a year ago that he found out about. He has let me back into the house, but he demeans my character at every opportunity. I dont fight back because I know I am the cause of his pain. We have a 3-year-old daughter, and I am now six weeks pregnant with his child. I do not want to argue with him, because if I had been a better wife, he would not be so angry. But the hurt I feel from his words over the past months is weighing heavy on me, especially with my new hormones. Im holding it in, but should I leave? Become a single mother? How can I get him to a counselor? NEEDS COUNSELING DEAR NEEDS: I do not mean to minimize your infidelity, but you had better take a stand and give your husband an ultimatum: Heal the marriage through marriage counseling, or you leave. Be prepared to follow through, because without professional intervention nothing will change. The situation you describe is unhealthy not only for you and your unborn child, but also for your little girl. Your daughter should not be raised to think that this toxic environment is normal. DEAR ABBY: Im a lesbian and have been in a relationship with a woman for two months now. She never offers to pay for our dates, and she hasnt planned or executed one, either. Were both very feminine, although she would be considered slightly more so than I am. I feel this is important because Im somehow the more dominant one. How can I address this concern without hurting her? DOMINANT IN CALIFORNIA DEAR DOMINANT: Address the imbalance in your relationship by being straightforward about it. Good manners dictate that when someone has been asked out, treated, etc., that person should reciprocate. Because thats not happening, you need to discuss it with her. To do so isnt hurtful; its common sense. DEAR ABBY: I have been with the same man for six months. He has been separated from his wife for 10 years but not legally. When he finally decided to tell her there is someone else and hes moving on, she went crazy. She said she wants alimony and half of everything, plus the house will have to be sold because she will not allow the new woman to live in her house. Its been a month since he told her. All he keeps saying is, I love you, but I dont want to lose my house or pay her money. What should I do? FIGHT OR FLIGHT IN MASSACHUSETTS DEAR FIGHT OR FLIGHT: Your boyfriend appears to be unwilling to pay the price for a divorce. So what you should do is flee. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 Abigail Van Wife punished for infidelity must insist on counseling DILBERT BABY BLUES BLONDIE BEETLE BAILEY B.C. FRANK & ERNEST FOR BETTER OR WORSE ZITS HAGAR THE HORRIBLE SNUFFY SMITH GARFIELD CLASSIC PEANUTS DEAR ABBY HOROSCOPES | THE LAST WORD BY EUGENIA LAST ARIES (March 21-April 19): Get organized and move forward with your plans. Learn as you go, but dont let pride stand between you and your success. Take care of personal matters pertaining to taxes, investments and dealing with institutions. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Emotions will surface, making it easier for you to say exactly what you think and what you want to see happen to people who sometimes make it difficult for you to stand up for yourself. Follow through with your demands. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Do some fact-finding before you discuss your plans or the changes you are going to put in place. Knowing what you are up against before you make a promise to take part in a challenge will be necessary. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Be prepared to voice your opinion if someone tries to force you into something you dont feel is in your best interest. Stay focused on whats important to you and bring about the changes that will help you get ahead. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Be ready to prove your point. Have your facts ready and prepare for battle. Once you establish your position, it will be much easier to manipulate the situation to suit your needs. Dont take risks while traveling or engaging in physical activities. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Make a point to show interest in someone who looks up to you. How you handle youngsters and peers will determine how much help you receive. Sharing personal information or taking a day trip to visit someone you miss is favored. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Use past experiences to deal with personal issues. Once you isolate what the problem is, it will be easier to find a workable solution. Change can be good if everyone agrees. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Dreams can turn into reality. Let your imagination lead the way and your intense and passionate approach to your goals carry you to the finish line. Victory will be yours, but it should be shared with someone you love. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Youll have trouble facing up to facts when it comes to emotional matters and the way someone treats you. Dont believe everything you hear when it comes to someone who is using emotional manipulation to get his or her way. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Look for alternative options when dealing with work-related problems. Working quietly on your own will help you avoid interference. Finish what you start before you decide to put your work on display. Romance will lift your spirits. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Emotions will be difficult to control once you let them out into the open. Think before you say something you might regret. Stay focused on making personal changes that will lead to greater satisfaction and confidence. Avoid senseless arguments. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Speak up about the way you feel. Share your expectations and put together a plan that will help you reach your goals. You will gain ground as well as funds to help you turn your ideas into a reality. Musician Herbie Hancock is 77. Musician John Kay of Steppenwolf is 73. Actor Ed ONeill is 71. Actor Dan Lauria (The Wonder Years) is 70. Talk-show host David Letterman is 70. Singer-actor David Cassidy is 67. Singer J.D. Nicholas of The Commodores is 65. CELEBRITY BIRTHDAYS


4B WEDNESDAY APRIL 12, 2017CLASSIFIED LAKE CITY REPORTERClassi ed Department 755-5440 CLASSIFIEDLAKE CITY REPORTER Ad to Appear:Call by:Email by: TuesdayMon., 10 a.m.Mon., 9 a.m. WednesdayTues., 10 a.m.Tues., 9 a.m. ThursdayWed., 10 a.m.Wed., 9 a.m. FridayThurs., 10 a.m.Thurs., 9 a.m. SundayFri., 3 p.m.Fri., 2 p.m.These deadlines are subject to change without notice.ADVANTAGEAd Errors: Please read your ad on the first day of publication. We accept responsibility for only the first incorrect insertion, and only the charge for the ad space in error. Please call 7555440 immediately for prompt correction and billing adjustments. Cancellations: Normal advertising deadlines apply for cancellation. Billing Inquiries: Call 755-5440. Should further information be required regarding payments or credit limits, your call will be transferred to the accounting department.Cancellations, Changes, and Billing Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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Standard abbreviations are acceptable; however, the first word of each ad may not be abbreviated.General Information Take ADvantage of the Reporter Classifieds!755-5440 You can call us at 755-5440, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Some people prefer to place their classified ads in person, and some ad categories will require prepayment. Our office is located at 180 East Duval Street. You can also fax or email your ad copy to the Reporter. FAX: 386-752-9400 Please direct your copy to the Classified Department. EMAIL: Placing An Ad > $17.50Each additional line $1.654 LINES 3 DAYS GARAGE SALEIncludes 2 Signs NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Sec. 197.241.F.S. Notice is hereby given that Margaret Sullivan Living Trust the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property and name in which it was assessed is as follows: Certificate Number: 1759 Year of Issuance: 2011 Description of Property: SEC 06 TWN 6S RNG 16 PARCEL NUMBER 03784-104 (AKA LOT 4 ICHETUCKNEE WILDERNESS UNREC) W1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SE 1/4. ORB 739-624, 938-2437, WD 1059-1776, WD 10732548, DC 1168-906 Name in which assessed: DEBRAH LANDERS All of said property being in the County of Columbia, State of Florida. Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder at the Courthouse on Monday the 8th of May, 2017 at 11:00 A.M. P. DEWITT CASON CLERK OF COURTS AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. 326009 March 29, 2017 April 5, 12, 19, 2017 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Sec. 197.241.F.S. Notice is hereby given that TLGFY, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property and name in which it was assessed is as follows: Certificate Number: 2566 Year of Issuance: 2014 Description of Property: SEC 09 TWN 4S RNG 17 PARCEL NUMBER 08301-129 LOT 9 BLK B HIGH HAMMOCK. ORB 965-264, WD 1107-1486. Name in which assessed: SHANE L. HALSTEAD All of said property being in the County of Columbia, State of Florida. Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder at the Courthouse on Monday the 8th of May, 2017 at 11:00 A.M. P. DEWITT CASON CLERK OF COURTS AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. 326007 March 29, 2017 April 5, 12, 19, 2017 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Sec. 197.241.F.S. Notice is hereby given that 5T Wealth Partners LP the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property and name in which it was assessed is as follows: Certificate Number: 268 Year of Issuance: 2014 Description of Property: PARCEL NUMBER 00891-000 LOT 54 & 55 UNIT 12 THREE RIVERS ESTATES & DC ORB 1208-133, PB 1287-2073 Name in which assessed: FRANK P. VERNA ESTATE All of said property being in the County of Columbia, State of y Florida. Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder at the Courthouse on Monday the 8th of May, 2017 at 11:00 A.M. P. DEWITT CASON CLERK OF COURTS AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. 326002 March 29, 2017 April 5, 12, 19, 2017 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Sec. 197.241.F.S. Notice is hereby given that 5T Wealth Partners LP the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property and name in which it was assessed is as follows: Certificate Number: 2715 Year of Issuance: 2014 Description of Property: SEC 26 TWN 4S RNG 17 PARCEL NUMBER 08747-038 BEG 643.99 FT N OF SE COR OF SE 1/4 OF NW 1/4, RUN W 997.88 FT, N 150 FT, E 346.46 FT, NE 229.43 FT, E 499 FT, S 300.57 FT TO POB, EX COMM NE COR OF NE 1/4 OF SW 1/4, RUN N 643.99 FT FOR POB, N 305.47 FT, W 444.40 FT, SE 161.99 FT W 575 FT TO E R/W OF PEACOCK TER, S 149.80 FT, E 997 FT TO POB. ORB 694-621, WD 9981523, CT 1199-1835, WD 1200-1977 Name in which assessed: DAVID M. SINGLEY All of said property being in the County of Columbia, State of Florida. Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder at the Courthouse on Monday the 8th of May, 2017 at 11:00 A.M. P. DEWITT CASON CLERK OF COURTS AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. 326005 March 29, 2017 April 5, 12, 19, 2017 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Sec. 197.241.F.S. Notice is hereby given that Margaret Sullivan Living Trust the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property and name in which it was assessed is as follows: Certificate Number: 2953 Year of Issuance: 2012 Description of Property: SEC 22 TWN 5S RNG 17 PARCEL NUMBER 09340-023 SE 1/4 OF BLOCK 49 MASON CITY. ORB 734-019, 868-2481, 871-720, 912-965, WD 10831850 Name in which assessed: SUMMIT PROPERTIES TRUST/MICHAEL J. MCCRAINIE TRUSTEE All of said property being in the County of Columbia, State of Florida. Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder at the Courthouse on Monday the 8th of May, 2017 at 11:00 A.M. P. DEWITT CASON CLERK OF COURTS AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any yy accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. 326010 March 29, 2017 April 5, 12, 19, 2017 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Sec. 197.241.F.S. Notice is hereby given that Equity Trust the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property and name in which it was assessed is as follows: Certificate Number: 3436 Year of Issuance: 2014 Description of Property: PARCEL NUMBER 11114-000 NE DIV: 40 FT E & W BY 55 FT N & S OFF S & W SIDE OF NW 1/4 BLOCK 28 MCELROYS S/D. LIFE ESTATE ORB 339-234 Name in which assessed: BENREATHA LONG (DECEASED) All of said property being in the County of Columbia, State of Florida. Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder at the Courthouse on Monday the 8th of May, 2017 at 11:00 A.M. P. DEWITT CASON CLERK OF COURTS AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. 326008 March 29, 2017 April 5, 12, 19, 2017 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Sec. 197.241.F.S. Notice is hereby given that Lake Shore Hospital Authority the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property and name in which it was assessed is as follows: Certificate Number: 3521 Year of Issuance: 2016 Description of Property: PARCEL NUMBER 11793-00 N DIV: N 1/3 OF SE 1/4 OF LOT 75 BLOCK E. TD 11372014, QC 1155-417 Name in which assessed: HOW ABOUT THEM APPLES INC All of said property being in the County of Columbia, State of Florida. Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder at the Courthouse on Monday the 8th of May, 2017 at 11:00 A.M. P. DEWITT CASON CLERK OF COURTS AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. 326015 March 29, 2017 April 5, 12, 19, 2017 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Sec. 197.241.F.S. Notice is hereby given that Lake Shore Hospital Authority the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property and name in which it was assessed is as follows: Certificate Number: 3709 Year of Issuance: 2016 Description of Property: PARCEL NUMBER 11794-000 N DIV: CENTER 1/3 OF SE 1/4 OF LOT 75 BLOCK E. Name in which assessed: FLORENCE DIXON All of said property being in the County of Columbia, State of Florida. Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder at the Courthouse on Monday the 8th of May, 2017 at 11:00 A.M. P. DEWITT CASON CLERK OF COURTS AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. 326012 March 29, 2017 April 5, 12, 19, 2017 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Sec. 197.241.F.S. Notice is hereby given that Cazenovia Creek Funding I, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property and name in which it was assessed is as follows: Certificate Number: 3827 Year of Issuance: 2014 Description of Property: PARCEL NUMBER 13277-000 E DIV: W 42 FT OF LOT 5 & E 10.5 FT OF LOT 6 R G CORNWALL S/D. ORB 584-304, 595696, 740-1749, 765-1632, 7651634 Name in which assessed: JIMMY & ANDREA H. SALAZZAR All of said property being in the County of Columbia, State of Florida. Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder at the Courthouse on Monday the 8th of May, 2017 at 11:00 A.M. P. DEWITT CASON CLERK OF COURTS AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. 326001 March 29, 2017 April 5, 12, 19, 2017 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Sec. 197.241.F.S. Notice is hereby given that Tana Norris the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property and name in which it was assessed is as follows: Certificate Number: 3933 Year of Issuance: 2014 Description of Property: PARCEL NUMBER 14105-000 S DIV: E 1/2 EX 67.7 FT OFF N END & EX 205 FT N & S IN SE COR BLOCK 322. LIFE ESTATE ORB 639-777 & 7431863, DC A EDWINA HAMMOND 944-1568 Name in which assessed: JUDITH (DECEASED) & EUGENE ALBRIGHT All of said property being in the ppyg County of Columbia, State of Florida. Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder at the Courthouse on Monday the 8th of May, 2017 at 11:00 A.M. P. DEWITT CASON CLERK OF COURTS AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. 326011 March 29, 2017 April 5, 12, 19, 2017 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Sec. 197.241.F.S. Notice is hereby given that Cazenovia Creek Funding I, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property and name in which it was assessed is as follows: Certificate Number: 44 Year of Issuance: 2014 Description of Property: SEC 25 TWN 3S RNG 15 PARCEL NUMBER 00214-000 BEG NE COR, RUN S 1322.42 FT, W 1187.78 FT, SE 618.07 FT, CONT SE 144.33 FT, SW 439.35 FT TO N R/W US 90, NW'LY ALONG R/W 893.71 FT TO A CURVE, CONT W'LY ALONG CURVE 429.61 FT, N 81 DEG W 1010.39 FT, N 1631.76 FT TO N LINE OF SEC, RUN E ALONG N LINE OF SEC TO POB. ALSO PART OF A 60 FT STRIP OF LAND USED AS AN ESMNT DESC IN ORB 1176-2465, EX 5 AC (PRCL #7) DESC IN ORB 1103-1522 & EX 5 AC DESC IN WD 1243-353. ORB 772506, WD 939-2718, QC 10031515. Name in which assessed: TLC MINISTRIES, INC All of said property being in the County of Columbia, State of Florida. Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder at the Courthouse on Monday the 8th of May, 2017 at 11:00 A.M. P. DEWITT CASON CLERK OF COURTS AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. 325995 March 29, 2017 April 5, 12, 19, 2017 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Sec. 197.241.F.S. Notice is hereby given that 5T Wealth Partners LP the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property and name in which it was assessed is as follows: Certificate Number: 55 Year of Issuance: 2013 Description of Property: SEC 26 TWN 3S RNG 15 PARCEL NUMBER 00246-005 COMM SW COR NW 1/4 OF SE 1/4, RUN E 11.79 FT TO E R/W OF CR 252-A, N ALONG R/W 743.98 FT TO POB, RUN N ALONG R/W 148.80 FT, E 1300.21 FT TO E LINE OF NW 1/4 OF SE 1/4, S 148.26 FT, W 1301.30 FT TO POB. ORB 441-752 Name in which assessed: ESSIE SEYMOUR All of said property being in the County of Columbia, State of Florida. Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in ppy such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder at the Courthouse on Monday the 8th of May, 2017 at 11:00 A.M. P. DEWITT CASON CLERK OF COURTS AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. 326004 March 29, 2017 April 5, 12, 19, 2017 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Sec. 197.241.F.S. Notice is hereby given that Cazenovia Creek Funding I, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property and name in which it was assessed is as follows: Certificate Number: 739 Year of Issuance: 2014 Description of Property: SEC 26 TWN 3S RNG 16 PARCEL NUMBER 02308-052 LOT 12 FAIRWAY VIEW UNIT 2-A. ORB 448-75, 806-362, 841-778 Name in which assessed: O P DAUGHTRY III All of said property being in the County of Columbia, State of Florida. Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder at the Courthouse on Monday the 8th of May, 2017 at 11:00 A.M. P. DEWITT CASON CLERK OF COURTS AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. 325990 March 29, 2017 April 5, 12, 19, 2017 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Sec. 197.241.F.S. Notice is hereby given that The Bascom 4, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property and name in which it was assessed is as follows: Certificate Number: 927 Year of Issuance: 2013 Description of Property: SEC 01 TWN 4S RNG 16 PARCEL NUMBER 02664-199 LOTS 1, 2, 3 & PART OF LOT 27, QUAIL RIDGE ESTATES S/D UNIT 2 UNREC AS DESC ORB 843-1031 THRU 1038 ORB 774-908, 875-20 THRU 24, 984-2104 Name in which assessed: THREE RIVERS HOUSING CORP All of said property being in the County of Columbia, State of Florida. Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder at the Courthouse on Monday the 8th of May, 2017 at 11:00 A.M. P. DEWITT CASON CLERK OF COURTS AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before


Classi ed Department 755-5440 WEDNESDAY APRIL 12, 2017CLASSIFIED LAKE CITY REPORTER5B Now Accepting Firearm Consignments 6549 Broadway Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32254www.Laneauctions.comLane Auctions, LLC wholesale 904-654-3682Join us for our nextPUBLIC AUCTION AB3147 Chocolate and Bed Sheets and Guns, Oh My! Thursday April 27 at 6:30 PMFind all the bargains on new merchandise you have come to expect from us plus some guns. We will be offering a selection of pre-owned hand guns in good condition. Check out pictures and specs on our website and Facebook page. Also join us every 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month for our bi-weekly Public Auctions. Anniversary Announcement Birth Announcement Change of Address Delivery Issues or Concerns Engagement Announcement Give a gift subscription Letter to the Editor News Tips Obituary Form Place a Classified Ad Submit an Event to the Calendar Vacation Delivery Service Wedding AnnouncementLook at what you can doONLINE GO TOClickFORMS & SUBMISSIONSLake City ReporterEASAND CONVENIENT Lg 4+BR/3.5 BA, 2 car garage, quiet, dogs ok, $1175/mo 240-274-9368 TRUCK DISPATCHER/OFFICE ASSIST Small but growing trucking company looking for truck dispatcher and office assistant. Trucking and dispatching exp req High School diploma req. pay based on experience. Please call 386-365-2534 to set up an interview. 2 Bartenders needed, must be HONEST, reliable, & able to be member of the American Legion in some form, smoking environment. References, background check & drug test required. Start at minimum wage. 386-365-5327 9am to 5pm Dryer white, good condition $75 386-965-6767 or 678-617-5560 Electric Stove white, works great $75 386-965-6767 or 678-617-5560 Washer white, works great $100 386-965-6767 or 678-617-5560 Avalon Healthcare is seeking professional Nursing Staff & CNAs, and offering $10.35 starting pay for CNAs who qualify. All candidates must pass a drug screen and background check, as well as possess an active certification. Please apply in person @ Avalon Healthcare, 1270 SW Main Blvd. Lake City, FL 22 foot Misty Harbor Pontoon boat. Very good condition. Low hour 90 HP Yamaha engine. Trinity Duel Axle trailer. Priced over $2,000 below Nada Boat Guide pricing. You will be pleased with the appearance. $19,900. Call Roger 605-310-6232 / 386-487-3952. Experienced Block Truck & Ready-Mix Truck Drivers needed. Must have CDL, Class B, clean driving record. Competitive pay with benefits. Apply at: Bell Concrete Products, 2480 N. US 129, Bell, FL Coldwell Banker-Bishop Elaine Tolar 365-8414 MLS93551 80' covered porches, updated kit w/ SS appliances, FP, lots of storage, metal roof $299,000 Coldwell Banker-Bishop Patti Taylor 623-6896 MLS96190 4/5.5, many upgrades: new roof, pool, pool house & more REDUCED TO $449,000 Coldwell Banker-Bishop Elaine Tolar 365-1548 MLS96592 2/1 older home w/lots of character! Priced to sell, extra rm could b e 3rd BR. $79,000 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COLUMBIA COUNTY Columbia County is accepting applications for a Secretary Specialist (Public Works Department). Primary responsibilities will be secretarial, clerical, & technical support work within the department. Minimum Experience: High School graduate or GED, two years experience in responsible secretarial work and one year experience in customer service and personnel work; or an equivalent combination of training and experience. Salary is $12.50/hr. plus benefits. Applications may be obtained at the Human Resources Office or from our website (, Board of County Commissioners, 135 NE Hernando, #203, Lake City, FL 32055, (386)719-2025, TDD (386)758-2139. Applications must be received by close of business April 12, 2017. Columbia County is an AA/EEO/ADA/VP Employer. 2BR/1BA, kit/dinette area, CH/A, 1 car garage, W/D hook up, new carpet. $580/mo, 1 mo sec. No pets. 386-961-8075 Century 21-Darby Rogers 7526575 MLS96045 $201,000 Brick 4/2.5 w/lots of covered space to entertain, big workshop, fenced w/fruit trees. Century 21-Darby Rogers 7526575 MLS96475 $109,900 3/2 offers plenty of room, close to town and schools. Century 21-Darby Rogers 7526575 MLS96583 $200,000 Modern country feel! Open-plan living & dining, kit w/stainless steel appliances. Century 21-Darby Rogers 7526575 MLS96671 $345,000 Classic brick Cape Cod w/hardwood flooring, stainless steel kit overlooking family room. Century 21-Darby Rogers 7526575 MLS96720 $69,900 Coz y home w/metal roof, dbl insulated windows, garage/workshop, 2nd shop 1/1br apt. Century 21-Darby Rogers 7526575 MLS96767 $197,500 3/2 brick on 20 ac, brick wood FP, split plan, roughly 4ac planted oak & 7ac mature oaks. Homes of Merit is looking for experienced help in the following areas: Carpet installer, Exterior, Roof build, Cabinet builder, Painter, Final finish, Drywall finisher, Electrical & Framer. Apply in person at: 1915 SE SR 100 Drug Free Workplace the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. 326902 March 29, 2017 April 5, 12, 19, 2017 Immediate openings for InHome Healthcare Providers. Call 352-363-4336 for info. Company Driver Needed Columbia Grain is recruiting for pickup and delivery in FL & S GA. Home most nights & all weekends. Requires good entire driving record & 6 mo verifiable experience. We offer steady work & good equipment, competitive pay & full benefit package. Call for details 386-755-7700 ask for Greg or Eddie Daniel Crapps Agency 7555110 MLS96883 Midtown commercial, 3 units to choose from, $800/mo for 1, call for details on other 2. Daniel Crapps Agency 7555110 MLS96625 $199,500 4BR/3BA brick, 10' ceilings, hand-scraped oak flooring, open kit & fenced backyard. Daniel Crapps Agency 7555110 MLS96695 $69,900 3/1 concrete block home tha t needs some TLC, in Suwannee Co.on 4 acres Daniel Crapps Agency 7555110 MLS96721 $50,887 2/1 bungalow-style on 2ac w/ variety of mature trees, workshop, 2 carports on concrete slabs United Country, Dicks Realty 755-8585 MLS93123 $259,000 5/3, bonus room, master w/ door to screened lanai, open airy rooms, lg closets. United Country, Dicks Realty 755-8585 MLS96302 $134,000 3/2 brick home w/1 car garage on corner lot east of town. United Country, Dicks Realty 755-8585 MLS96714 $39,900 2835 NW Suwannee Valley 3/2 DWMH move-in-ready, furnished on 2.21 ac. United Country, Dicks Realty 755-8585 MLS97053 $149,900 982 SW Lake Montgomery 3/2 brick, fenced and close to town Security Officers Needed in Live Oak & Lake City areas $10/hr Current D Security Lic., Clear background, Drivers Lic, phone, Diploma/GED. Benefits, DFWP EEO Must Apply at: BB9100030 Starting at $ 545/mo, tile floors, fresh paint. Great Area. Call ( 386 ) 752-9626 Notice of Annual Meeting of Members of First Federal Bancorp, MHC Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Members of the above named mutual holding company will be held at the main office located at 4705 West U.S. Highway 90, Lake City, Florida, at 3:00 p.m. on the 19th of April, 2017. By order of the Board of Directors. Keith C. Leibfried, President First Federal Bancorp, MHC 331203 April 5, 12, 2017 Five Ash Forest, Lake Citys premier 55 plus manufactured home community. 752-7207 Lo t lease includes water, sewer, garbage & lawn maintenance. Livelinks is the best chatline for meeting real, fun-loving singles. Call 855-334-7726 and make a REAL connection. AIRLINE SERVICE DISPATCHER Get FAA approved training in weeks not years to become a certified aircraft dispatcher. Job placement assistance. Call AIM 888-242-2649. KILLS ROACHES-GUARANTEED! Buy Harris Roach Tablets or Spray. Odorless, Long Lasting. Available: Hardware Stores, The Home Depot, Try Harris Bed Bug Killers Too! Viagra!! 52 Pills for Only $99.00 Your #1 trusted provider for 10 years. Insured and Guaranteed Delivery. Call Now 1-800-224-0305 1331 E Duval, Hwy 90 frontage. 4BR/2BA $77,500 386-755-6030 leave message Well drilling assistant wanted. Valid DL, CDL preferred, must pass drug and bkgd check. Must have flexible schedule. Competitive pay, benefits include IRA & health ins. Apply 904 NW Main Blvd, Lake City. Hallmark Real Estate Donna Dawson 288-5613 MLS95886 Spacious home on 4.08ac, detached storage bldg & pole barn. $89,900 Hallmark Real Estate Anita Tonetti 697-3780 MLS96015 3/2 totally fenced backyard, above ground pool, wooden playset. Move-in ready $79,000 Hallmark Real Estate Tanya Shaffer 397-4766 MLS96414 3/2, open floor plan, fenced back yard, landscaped w/oa k trees. $149.900 Hallmark Real Estate Janet Creel 719-0382 MLS96951 Brick 3/2 on 1ac, new roof, cabinets & paint throughout. $92,000 Hallmark Real Estate Tanya Shaffer 397-4766 MLS96960 3/2 in the country club. Needs a little TLC. $65,000 Part time Dental Assistant, Specialty office exp necessary. Fax resume to: 386-758-7742 PUBLISHER'S NOTE All Yard Sale Ads Must be Pre-Paid. PUBLISHER'S NOTE Florida Law 828.29 requires dogs and cats being sold to be at least 8 weeks old and have a health certificate from a licensed veterinarian documenting they have mandatory shots and are free from intestinal and external parasites. Many species of wildlife must be licensed by Florida Fish and Wildlife. If you are unsure, contact the local office for information. Magnolia Real Estate Group Nate Sweat 628-1552 2/1 on 20 acres. Live in while you build or rent for income. MLS94017 Class A CDL drivers needed, minimum 1 yr exp. Must be willing to get HAZMAT. Home every night. Full benefit package avail. Call John 386-294-2024. 3/2 new construction, lease option. No Pets. 1st, last + $800 sec, $1100/mo South of town. Credit ref's req'd 386-397-5425 RECORD STORAGE CLERK FULL TIME Detail oriented, People oriented Excellent customer service and Phone skills, Excellent computer skills. Good driving record. Lifting required, light maintenance. Handyman skills a plus. $11.00 to $13.00 per hour based on Experience. Drop off resume and fill out an Application between 8 am and 5 pm Monday Thru Friday @ MiniStorage & Record Storage Of Lake City 442 SW Saint Margaret Street, Lake City, FL 32025 No phone calls! Remax, Missy Zecher 6230237 MLS96723 $135,000 Remodeled home move-in ready, updated kit, metal roof is 2 1/2 yrs old, fenced backyard. Remax, Missy Zecher 6230237 MLS96724 $287,500 Stunning home on 4.7ac w/majestic oaks, chef's kit w/farm sink, gas range & granite island Remax, Missy Zecher 6230237 MLS96766 remodeled home on 5ac, mother-in-law suite, stocked pond, lg maste r w/office or sitting rm $245,000 Remax, Missy Zecher 6230237 MLS96861 $48,000 Estate home, great front porch, newer appliances, city water & gas avail, nice size yard Remax, Missy Zecher 6230237 MLS96891 $125,000 Cozy home on oversized lot, roof less than 1 yr old, electric has been upgraded. Pole barn Remax, Missy Zecher 6230237 MLS96917 $139,900 Move-in ready, open floor plan, covered back porch & nice sized yard. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SPECIALIST 3 5 years recent heavy accounts payable experience required. Please apply at Exp janitorial person needed, PT or FT positions available, contact 386-292-9938 10a-2p Remax, Pam Beauchamp 3032505 $349,000 MLS94106 4/3 on 5ac, parquest & h/w floors, FP, garden rm, huge workshop, less than 10 min to town. Remax, Pam Beauchamp 3032505 $299,000 MLS96832 4/3, 5ac, well maintained home, stone FP, det 3 car garage, whole house generator. Poole Realty Vern Roberts 6881940 Live Oak 3/3.5, HVAC 2 yrs old, completely remodeled inside 2 yrs ago, 20x41 metal shed $263,500 MLS94616 Poole Realty Glenda McCall 208-5244 MLS94714 $299,900 Two-story home on 9.54 acres Poole Realty Anita Handy2085877 Move-in ready 2BR/2BA 1656 sq ft, $139,000 MLS95912 Poole Realty Vicki Prickitt 5901402 MLS96500 $425,000 Custom 4BR/3BA home on 13.79 acres Poole Realty Kellie Shirah 2083847 MLS96835 $229,000 Immaculate 4/2 brick on 4+ acres Poole Realty Ronnie Poole 208-3175 MLS96842 $285,900 Beautifule 3BR/2BA on 60 ac w/fincing & cross fencing Powell Lawn Service. Call for FREE Estimates! 386-487-6264 Medical help wanted for busy doctors office. Looking for experienced medical assistant & front office personnel Email resume to echo@ Full Time position open for Purchasing, Shipping/Receiving, Data Entry and general office duties. Experience in Purchasing and good computer skills necessary, knowledge in steel fabrication/mechanical equipment fabrication and/or AutoCAD helpful. Send Resume to; Fab Purchasing 3631 US Hwy 90 East, Lake City Fl. 32055 Hiring Warehouse clerk fulltime position for industrial warehouse shipping, receiving, loading, unloading and ticket picking, computer knowledge needed, will train apply in person 3631 E US Hwy 90, Lake City FL, email: Industrial Maintenance Technician, Experience Required in Electrical, Controls and General Millwright/ Mechanical work. Experience in Hydraulics and Pneumatics helpful. Send resume to Maintenance Technician, 3631 US 90 East, Lake City Fl 32055. Portable Garage w/metal siding 12x24 w/rolled top door & standard side door. Like new. $3500 Call 386-288-5838 Rockford Realty Group, Debi Bennefield 288-1208/Scot t Stewart 867-3498 MLS94086 $109,900 3/1 w/bonus rm, shed & fenced. Recently remodeled. Rockford Realty Group, Debi Bennefield 288-1208/Scot t Stewart 867-3498 MLS94885 $120,000 3/2 open floor plan in new, well-located S/D Needed Exp Grill Cook, Daytime only, no Sunday's & no nighttime. Apply in person at Shirley's, 746 E Duval. Graphic design, production asst. entry or exp. Email PC Tech-entry or exp Imm Opening. Busy shop. Email Now hiring experienced lawn maintenance laborer. Winning attitude. Apply at Looking for serviceman or helpers to install & do maintenance on dairy farms, tig weld, refrigeration, & electrical. Call 963-2842 or 19205 County Rd 49, O'Brien. Office space, warehouse space and storage units available. PRIME LOCATION just off US-90! 386-752-1444 CDL DRIVERS CLASS A Warren Pine Straw Co is hiring local drivers. Home every day/night or every other day/night. Good pay. Contact 386-935-0476. Lg 2br/2ba, DR, updated kit, CH/A, by VA, $725/mo 6/mo lease w/sec dep 813-784-6017 Shamrock Farm seeks 1 temp FT Farm Worker 5/1/17 3/1/18. Worksite: 4926 Woodbine Rd, Woodbine, MD 21797. Responsible for cleaning stalls, groom horses, harvest hay. Repair & maintain fences, lead horses, drive tractor, utilize machinery to perform general farmwork,, plow, fertilize, plant, cultivate, spray, & harves (hay & horses). Work hours: 7AM4PM, M-Sun. Day off rotates. $12.19/hr. Employer guarantees to offer employment for a min. of 3/4 of workdays for total specified period during which work contract & all extensions thereof are in effect, beginning w/ the 1st day after worker arrives @ place of employment & ending on expiration date specified in work contract or extensions thereof. 3 mo. exp. req. Work tools, supplies & equip. provided w/o cost to worker. Housing provided w/o cost to workers, including U.S. workers who cannot reasonably return to their perm residence at end of each work day. Expenses for subsistence & transp to worksite provided or paid by employer, w/ payment made no later than completion of 50% of contract. To apply, call Jim Steele at 410-795-0723 between 8AM & 5PM or contact nearest MD Workforce Development office using job listing 644367. **SIGN ON BONUS** Now hiring truck drivers. Must have CDL with Tanker endorsements, 1-2 years experience, 7 year MVR. We pay per mile loaded and unloaded. For more information please contact Williams Dairy Trucking at (912) 367-9160 3BR's as low as $699/moWindsong ApartmentsWe offer 1, 2, & 3 BR's2580 SW Windsong Circle386-758-8455All amenities included!


6B WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 2017 SPORTS LAKE CITY REPORTER 6B CLASSIFIED rffrntbbt Daniel Crapps Agency 7555110 MLS96707 $56,000 14 acres MOL w/oaks surrounding old sinkhole in NE corner plus cave. Daniel Crapps Agency 7555110 MLS96738 $71,500 2/2 Condo in great location, 2-story, covered patio, easy access to community pool. 1/2 to 10 acre lots; owner financing. some with w/s/pp Deas Bullard/BKL Properties 386-752-4339 United Country, Dicks Realty 755-8585 MLS97066 $449,000 10728 SW Tustenuggee 4/3.5 on 10ac w/pool currently residence/Bed & Breakfast. United Country, Dicks Realty 755-8585 MLS96973 $87,000 3/2 2000 DWMH over 2000 sf on 6.3ac. First Coast Homes 288-8379 2/2 on 1 acre in Lake City. Move in ready! $34,900 First Coast Homes 288-8379 Overstocked 3/2 doublewide delivered & set up with A/C $39,900. 288-8379 First Coast Homes. Mobile Home Show Spring 2017. All models are reduced to make room for new show models! Hallmark Real Estate Anita Tonetti 697-3780 MLS93785 .30ac lot needs no prep, water, sewer & power pole are in place. $10,500 PUBLISHER'S NOTE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the fair housing act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status or national origin; or any intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under the age of 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-9777, the toll free telephone number to the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. Magnolia Real Estate Group Nate Sweat 628-1552 Updated, renovated, private, deeded river access 3/2, new AC, stove, well & septic. MLS96042 Magnolia Real Estate Group Nate Sweat 628-1552 Vintage 4/3 needs some repair to bring back to its original grandeur, master on 1st floor. MLS96336 Magnolia Real Estate Group Teresa Brannon 365-834 3 Comm property S. side of Live Oak on Hwy 129, warehouse space MLS93437 $169,900 Magnolia Real Estate Group Teresa Brannon 365-8343 4BR handicap accessible, privacy fenced backyard, new roof in 2015 MLS96488 $79,000 Magnolia Real Estate Group Teresa Brannon 365-8343 3 parcels 37.19ac pastures w/grandfather oaks, partiall y fenced $171,074 MLS97070 5 acre lot. Lake City, beautifully cleared homesite, Owner Financing! NO DOWN! $39,900. $410/mo 352-215-1018. Remax, Pam Beauchamp 3032505 $1,300,000 MLS96956 Approx $150,000 in used car inventory, 1620sf show rm, 3 offices, 2 bay service center. Rockford Realty Group, Debi Bennefield 288-1208/Scot t Stewart 867-3498 MLS97056 $219,900 Ranch home on 8ac, lg back deck, lg live oaks Rockford Realty Group, Debi Bennefield 288-1208/Scot t Stewart 867-3498 MLS96791 $269,900 4/2 new construction, open floor plan. Rockford Realty Group, Debi Bennefield 288-1208/Scott Stewart 867-3498 MLS96938 $179,900 '05 mfg home, screened bakckporch Rockford Realty Group, Debi Bennefield 288-1208/Scot t Stewart 867-3498 MLS94358 $39,900 3.7ac on cul-de-sac in High Pointe Farms. Enjoy Easter Weekend with .. rf nnf MEET THEEASTER BUNNY! EASTER EASTER tb b b b 3076 95th Drive Live Oak, FL 32060 tb FRIDAY, APRIL 14TH NATURALLY SOUTHERN BAND 8 PMSATURDAY, APRIL 15TH MICHAEL MILLER BAND 8 PMSOS MUSIC HALL nnnn nnnnnn ff nnnrnnnfnrf nnf nnf Photos by BRENT KUYKENDALL/Special to the ReporterStingrays strike Lady TigersColumbias SK Lewis tries to make a play at second base Monday night. Story Giebeig (middle) rounds the bases during the 3-1 loss to Atlantic Coast. Alaina Perry lays down a bunt in the nonconfer ence matchup. The Lady Tigers hope to bounce back at home versus Lafayette on Thursday night. Photos by BRENT KUYKENDALL/Special to the ReporterBulldogs chew on TigersColumbias Caleb Strickland (above) stretches out at first base during Mondays game versus Suwannee. The Tigers were defeated 6-2 in their second loss of the season to the Bulldogs. CHS pitcher Tyson Ellis (left) got the start on the mound. The Tigers try to return to the win column when they face Palatka at home Friday night. COURTESY PHOTOS Tiwahe road tripFort Whites Jeremy Barber (left) unloads a pitch during Mondays game ver sus Newberry. The Indians defeated the Panthers 3-1. Fort Whites Cody Morgan (right) awaits a pitch during the contest. The Indians fell to Williston 5-0 last week. It was the first of a three-game road stand for the Indians. Fort White played its second on Tuesday and finishes the road trip at Bell on Monday night B6