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By KATRINA POGGIOkpoggio@lakecityreporter.comA woman using her 11-year-old grandson as an accomplice was arrested Saturday for shoplifting at the Lake City Mall, reports show. Beverly Joyce Seay, 54, was taken into custody by the Lake City Police Department when she tried to leave Belk with $138.40 of merchandise in her purse, police said. Officers said Seay, who also goes by the alias Beverly J. Willis, claimed her godson put the items in her purse and ran off, but associates reported nobody except her young grandson was with her. Video surveillance showed the grandson hiding the hangers from the clothes his grandmother was rolling up to put in her bulging By CARL MCKINNEYcmckinney@lakecityreporter.comThe UPS driver accused of stealing the identities of customers along his route has been terminated, according to a company spokesperson, quelling concerns by Lake City Reporter readers who saw him delivering packages following his arrest. Edwin Von Henry, 44, continued making deliveries for four days after being released from the Columbia County Detention Facility on an $80,000 bond following his April 3 arrest, said UPS spokesperson Susan Rosenberg. Henry opened Sprint accounts for several people on his route and purchased cell phones in their names, according to the Columbia County Sheriffs Office. He faces six counts of grand theft, eight counts of attempted grand theft, 14 counts of identity theft and one count of scheme to defraud. UPS, which is still conducting an internal investigation, allowed Henry to continue working until April 7, Rosenberg said. We ascribe to the innocent until proven guilty philosophy, she said. Lake City ReporterTUESDAY, A PRIL 11, 2017 | YOU R COMMU NITY N EWSPAPE R S INCE 1874 | $1.00 LAKE CITY RE PORTER.COM CALL US: (386) 752-1293 SUBSCRIBE TO THE REPORTER: Voice: 755-5445 Fax: 752-9400 Vol. 142, No. 260 TODAYS WEATHER Opinion . . . . . . 4A Calendar . . . . . 5A S chools . . . . . . . 6A Puzzles . . . . . . . 2B A dvice & Comics . . 3B STUDENT FOCUSMeet S ummers E lementary first-grader Ian S aferite, 6A. 79 54Partly cloudy 2A LCPD: Shoplifter got grandson, 11, to help, See below. + PLUS >> Easter egg funCOMMUNITY Flag-folding ceremonySCHOOLSSee Page 6A See Page 5AUPS driver fired after arrest Continued on route for 4 days after release from jail on identity theft charges. HenryCARL MCKINNEY/Lake City ReporterT he Lake City V A Medical Center, where cancer was detected in the right lung of Robert Edgar T aylor in July 2013. A ccording to T aylors widow, he was not informed of the diagnosis until the cancer had become incurable.By CARL MCKINNEYcmckinney@lakecityreporter.comSixty-three-year-old old Robert Edgar Taylor should have gotten good news when he underwent tests at the Lake City VA Medical Center in July 2013. Instead, he received no news at all, according to a lawsuit Taylors widow filed against the federal government. Tests revealed a 2.89 square-centimeter mass of cancer in Taylors right lung, but it was only stage one and had not yet spread to his lymph nodes. However, the VA never followed up on the tests, said Fadi Chakour, the attorney representing Taylors estate. Nobody tells Mr. Taylor of this finding, nobody calls Mr. Taylor, Chakour said. Had he received treatment, Taylor would have gone on to live a normal life, said Chakour, who is also a physician. The beauty of stage-one cancer is it is 100 percent curable, Chakour said. By the time Taylor returned to the VA in March 2014, the mass had grown to nearly 33 square centimeters and had spread to his lymph nodes. He received some treatment, but it was already too late, Chakour said. Its not every day that such an error occurs, Chakour said. This was one of the worst Ive seen. Taylors widow filed the suit against the federal government in November, offering to settle for $10 million. This is a systemic failure, Chakour said. It is not a failure of one person. VA physicians should have been on heightened alert when Taylor, a smoker, complained during his initial July 2013 visit that hed been coughing blood, the attorney said. Thats usually malignant until proven otherwise, Chakour said. Since Taylors death, the CEO of the North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System, admitted that there had been gross negligence, Chakour said. A VA spokesperson did not return a call on Monday seeking comment. LCPD: Thief got grandson to helpSuit: Man never told of diagnosis By the time Robert Taylor returned to the hospital, his cancer was incurable. Seay THEFT continued on 3AWidow: Unreported cancer killed veteranBy KATRINA POGGIOkpoggio@lakecityreporter.comA woman was walking on U.S. Highway 41 on Sunday evening when a motorcyclist struck her, according to Florida Highway Patrol reports. Latasha Williams, 42, of North Las Vegas, was walking east to cross U.S. 41 near I-10 around 8:45 p.m. when a southbound Lake City man on a Suzuki GSX-5 hit her, reports show. Williams was thrown to the west side of the highway and suffered critical injuries, reports show. Troopers said she was airlifted to UF Health Shands Hospital in Gainesville for treatment. Tyler Wilson, 21, was wearing a helmet when he fell off the motorcycle and landed in the road with minor injuries, troopers said. The motorcycle continued south for about 700 feet before stopping in a grassy area on the west side of the road.Critical injuries for pedestrian in crash DRIVER continued on 3A JOHN STOKES/Special to the ReporterGrand prize winnerJohn S tokes of Lake City won the grand prize at the last weekends A lligator Lake Spring Festival photo contest with this photo of two giant swallowtails feeding on pickerel weeds. T he photo was taken from his kayak in A lligator Park, S tokes said. A3
7a 1p 7p 1a 6a LAKE CITY ALMANAC SUN MOON UV INDEX EXTREME: 10 minutes to burn T odays ultra-violet radiation risk for the ar ea on a scale fr om 0 to 10+. FYI An exclusive service brought to our readers by The Weather Channel. SPONSORED BY City THE WEATHER WEA THER HISTORY Pensacola Tallahassee Panama City Valdosta Daytona Beach Cape Canaveral Gainesville Lake City Ocala Orlando Jacksonville Tampa West Palm Beach Ft. Myers Ft. Lauderdale Naples Miami Key West TEMPERATURESNormal high Normal low PRECIPITATIONMonth total Year total HI LO LO HI LO HI LO HI LO HI WednesdayThursday Cape Canaveral Daytona Beach Fort Myers Ft. Lauderdale Gainesville Jacksonville Key West Lake City Miami Naples Ocala Orlando Panama City Pensacola Tallahassee Tampa Valdosta W. Palm Beach April 19 April 26 May 2 May 10 LastNewFirstFull Quarter Quarter 2A TUESDAY, A PRIL 11, 2017 DA ILY BRIEFING LAKE CITY R E PORTER HOW TO REACH USMain number ........ (386) 752-1293 Fax number .............. 752-9400 Circulation ............... 755-5445 Online ... www lakecityreporter com The Lake City Reporter, an affiliate of Community Newspapers Inc., is published Tuesday through Friday and Sunday at 180 E. Duval St., Lake City, Fla. 32055. Periodical postage paid at Lake City, Fla. Member Audit Bureau of Circulation and The Associated Press. All material herein is property of the Lake City Reporter. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden without the permission of the publisher. U.S. Postal Service No. 310-880. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Lake City Reporter, P.O. Box 1709, Lake City, Fla. 32056. Publisher Todd Wilson ..... 754-0418 (twilson@lakecityreporter.com)NEWSEditor Robert Bridges ..... 754-0428 (rbridges@lakecityre porter.com)A DVERTIS ING ......... 752-1293 (ads@lakecityre porter.com)CL ASSIFIEDTo place a classified ad, call 755-5440BUSINESSController .... 754-0419 (sbrannon@lakecityreporter.com)CI RCUL AT IONHome delivery of the Lake City Reporter should be completed by 6:30 a.m. Tuesday through Friday, and by 7:30 a.m. on Sunday. Please call 386-755-5445 to report any problems with your delivery service. In Columbia County, customers should call before 10:30 a.m. to report a service error for same day re-delivery. After 10:30 a.m., next day re-delivery or service related credits will be issued. In all other counties where home delivery is available, next day re-delivery or service related credits will be issued. Circulation ............... 755-5445 (circulation@lakecityreporter.com)Home delivery rates(Tuesday -Friday and Sunday) 12 Weeks .................. $26.32 24 Weeks ................... $48.79 52 Weeks ................... $83.46Rates include 7% sales tax.Mail rates12 Weeks .................. $41.40 24 Weeks ................... $82.80 52 Weeks .................. $179.40 Lake City Reporter Scripture of the DayThis poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. Psalm 34:6 (KJV) Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo. H. G. Wells, 1866-1946, English author.Thought for Today See an error? T he Lake City Reporter corrects errors of fact in news items. If you have a concern, question, or suggestion, please call the editor. Corrections and clarications will run in this space. T hanks for reading. Winning Lottery Numbers Pick 3: (Sunday p.m.) 4-7-6 Pick 4: (Sunday p.m.) 3-8-9-8 Fantasy 5: (Sunday) 9-11-13-30-31 QUICK HITS Submissions T he Lake City Reporter accepts photographs and caption information to run at the discretion of the editor. If you would like to see your organization in the newspaper, send the picture and information to associate editor Justin Caudell at jcaudell@lakecityreporter.com. Stand your Ground: House, Senate differ on changesBy JIM TURNERThe News Service of FloridaTALLAHASSEE The House and Senate are in a stand-off, for now, about a controversial bill dealing with stand your ground self-defense cases. The two chambers have approved different versions of a proposal (SB 128) intended to shift a key burden of proof in stand your ground cases from defendants to prosecutors in pre-trial hearings. As the bill returns to the Senate after the House approved its version this week, House and Senate leaders are maintaining support for their different positions. The House wants to require prosecutors in stand your ground cases to overcome the asserted immunity sought by defendants through clear and convincing evidence. The Senate, which rejected the clear and convincing evidence language earlier this session, has set a higher standard known as beyond a reasonable doubt. Ive said from the beginning, if the government wants to convict you of a serious crime and send you to prison, they should have the burden of proof at every stage of the proceeding beyond and to the exclusion of every reasonable doubt, Senate President Joe Negron, R-Stuart, told reporters on Thursday. Its the highest legal standard in the world. Its served us well. And in order for the government to prevail in the underlying criminal case theyre going to have to prove beyond and to the exclusion of every reasonable doubt. So I prefer the Senates higher legal standard. When asked if the House language could kill the bill, Negron, an attorney, replied, Its only week five [of the legislative session]. I assume theyll send the bill back to us, and it will be up to the senators on what they want to do. My preference would be that we stand on the beyond-areasonabledoubt criminal standard. The 60-day regular session is scheduled to end May 5. The over all proposal, backed by groups such as the National Rifle Association and the Florida Public Defender Association, stems from a Florida Supreme Court ruling in 2015 that said defendants have the burden of proof to show they should be shielded from prosecution under the stand your ground law. House sponsor Bobby Payne, R-Palatka, told reporters Thursday the clear-and-convincing-evidence threshold was a reasonable and fair place to land after hearing from numerous groups regarding how the 2005 law should be interpreted. We need to consider the opportunity for encouraging victims to come forward in those particular situations, Payne replied when asked why he supported the clear and convincing language. On Wednesday, before the House voted along party lines to support the bill, Rep. James Grant, a Tampa Republican who is an attorney, also defended the House clear and-convincing-evidence approach. If the government cannot beat the lesser, easier burden in an immunity trial, then they darned sure cant meet beyond and to the exclusion of each and every reasonable doubt when they ask for a conviction, Grant said. The Senate voted 23-15 to approve its version of the bill on March 15. The stand your ground law has long been controversial. It says people can use deadly force and do not have a duty to retreat if they think it is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm. In its 2015 ruling, the Supreme Court majority opinion --written by Justice Barbara Pariente --said immunity in the stand your ground law is not a blanket immunity, but rather, requires the establishment that the use of force was legally justified. But a dissenting opinion, written by Justice Charles Canady and now highlighted by Republican lawmakers, countered that the majority ruling substantially curtails the benefit of the immunity from trial conferred by the Legislature under the Stand Your Ground law. The factual question raised by the assertion of Stand Your Ground immunity in a pretrial evidentiary hearing is the same as the factual question raised by a Stand Your Ground defense presented at trial: whether the evidence establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendants conduct was not justified under the governing statutory standard, Canady wrote. The proposed change has been opposed by Democratic lawmakers and groups such as the Florida Prosecuting Attorneys Association and the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence, who have argued it would put an end to cases before all the facts are revealed. They also contend the stand your ground law has disproportionate effects on minorities, as it is used more successfully as a defense when white shooters kill AfricanAmericans.Colleges decry budget cutsBy LLOYD DUNKELBERGERThe News Service of FloridaTALLAHASSEE As the House and Senate prepare to take up their budget plans next week, state college leaders and students said Thursday the proposals contain unsustainable cuts for the 28-college system. The Senate budget includes a $55 million reduction in remedial education funding and suspends $30 million in performance funding for the colleges. The House cuts $9.9 million, representing money the colleges now use to pay for personnel in their foundations, and imposes a one-time, $63 million reduction to the colleges reserve funds. We cannot sustain any of those cuts, said Cynthia Bioteau, president of the Florida State College at Jacksonville. Bioteau and other college presidents and students said the cuts will hurt a system designed to provide a higher-education opportunity to non-traditional students, including many minority students, older students and veterans. These are folks that need access to higher education and job training right within their communities, said Bioteau, who said the median age of her student body was 27. And that is exactly what we proudly provide. But we must maintain the wholeness to our operating budgets. A major concern is the Senates proposed $55 million cut in remedial education funding. Senate leaders say the cut reflects a reduction in the number of students enrolled in remedial classes after the program was reformed four years ago. But college leaders maintain that many students still need remediation and, while more are taking mainstream classes, they still need additional support, such as tutors and other services. Sen. Gary Farmer, D-Fort Lauderdale, said he supports the restoration of the remedial funding. The numbers look a little funny on paper, but the need is still there, Farmer said. Jasmine Green, a sec ond-year student at Tallahassee Community College, was one of the students who appeared with state college leaders at a press conference Thursday. Preparing to transfer to Florida State University in the fall with her associates degree, Green said the ability to interact one-on-one with her college teachers and the lower cost of tuition were major factors that attracted her to the state college system. Rep. Shevrin Jones, D-West Park, emphasized the role of state colleges with helping minority students earn degrees and certificates. About six out of every 10 students in the system are either black or Hispanic, according to the state Department of Education. It bothers me the direction were moving in in the cuts in our college system, said Jones, a member of the House budget committee. Stop picking on the little guys and fund them properly. As the college leaders and some lawmakers criticized the potential cuts, the Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday voted 17-1 to send another major state college bill (SB 374) to the Senate floor next week. The measure would create a state Board of Community Colleges to oversee the 28 schools and it would cap enrollment for baccalaureate students at each college at no more than 15 percent of the total student body. What we ar e doing with this bill is creating additional oversight so we dont have a creep away from the primary mission that this Legislature determined was important to the college system, said Sen. Bill Galvano, R-Bradenton. The House has a similar bill (HB 929) but it calls for a review of the state college governance system, rather than creating a new governance board. The bill has cleared one committee but has two more committee assignments.When asked if the House language could kill the bill, Negron, an attor ney, replied, Its only week five [of the legislative session]. I assume theyll send the bill back to us, and it will be up to the senators on what they want to do. My preference would be that we stand on the beyond-areasonable-doubt criminal standard.
TUESDAY, A PRIL 11, 2017 NEWS LAKE CITY R E PORTER 3A Live Oak man killed in crashBy KATRINA POGGIOkpoggio@lakecityreporter.comA Live Oak man died Saturday night after driving off U.S. Highway 129, flipping and striking a fence and tree, according to a Florida Highway Patrol report. David Dean Manning, 57, was driving north on U.S. Highway 129 near 99th Lane just before 8 p.m. Saturday when he lost control of his car, troopers said. Troopers said Manning was approaching a left-hand curve when he drove his 2007 Chevrolet 1500 pickup off the east shoulder of the road. When he tried to regain control of his vehicle, he overcorrected in the opposite direction and crossed over both lanes of U.S. Highway 129 while spinning, reports show. He then went into a ditch on the west side of the highway and overturned before crashing into a barbed wire fence and a tree, troopers said. Manning, who was not wearing a seatbelt, was pronounced dead at the scene, reports show. Hair Angel & CompanySALON & BOUTIQUEG Y B L at Lake Citys newest salon & boutique2086 SW Main Blvd, Suite #111 Lake City, FL 32025 386-288-7549SE HABLA ESPAOL 10% OFF SERVICEwith this coupon Detectives began investigating the incident after a victim reported a $5,000 bill from Sprint for five iPhones they did not order, according to CCSO. The phones were falsely marked as delivered, the report states. Sprint provided authorities the names of four other potential victims on Henrys route. After checking the leads, CCSO determined that all five had their identities stolen. Detectives visited the Lake City UPS distribution center, discovering a Sprint package scheduled to be delivered on Henrys route. The person listed on the package was not a Sprint customer and had not ordered the three iPhones that were charged to their account, according to the report. A different driver was filling in for Henry on Friday, when the package was to be delivered. The driver told investigators Henry had asked for the package to be delivered to his privately owned barbecue food truck, referred to in the report as the Pit, on 183 S. Marion Ave. Henry called the replacement driver twice on Friday morning, the report states. During the second conversation, he anxiously asked whether the parcel was on the truck. The old man at the Pit was to receive the package, the replacement driver told deputies. Henry asked for the parcel to be dropped off at the barbecue stand but digitally logged at the real address, the replacement driver said. Deputies hid near the stand and waited for the delivery, later questioning the man who received the package, according to the report. The man told deputies Henry had asked him to lock up the parcel until he returned from Miami. Investigators interviewed Henry before his arrest on April 3. Henry claimed it was a different man who asked the old man to accept the package. However, he couldnt explain why several deliveries had been digitally logged as being delivered when he had never left his truck. After being confronted with a recording of him giving instructions to the replacement driver, Henry reportedly confessed but then changed his mind and asked for an attorney. DRIVERContinued From 1Apurse, police said. It was clear to investigators that the juvenile had done this before, reports show. The child told cops he thought his grandmother had already paid for the items. This is not the first time the Lake City woman has faced charges for theft. Seay is already serving probation, scheduled to end March 2021, for credit card fraud and petit theft, records show. The Lake City woman is now facing charges for felony retail theft and contributing to the delinquency of a minor, reports show. Police said the grandson would not face charges. THEFTContinued From 1ACARL MCKINNEY/Lake City ReporterNew gym taking shapeConstruction continues on a Planet Fitness in the lot adjacent to Cinema 90. T he gym is part of a recent development boom on U.S. Highway 90. Ayala fighting to stay on capital casesBy DARA KAMThe News Service of FloridaTALLAHASSEE Central Florida State Attorney Aramis Ayala is pushing forward with a challenge to Gov. Rick Scotts removal of her from 22 death penalty cases, including a high-profile case involving accused cop-killer Markeith Loyd. Scott stripped Ayala, the newly elected prosecutor in Orange and Osceola counties, from the Loyd case after she announced last month she did not intend to seek the death penalty for Loyd or any other defendants in capital cases during her time in office. Scott reassigned the Loyd case to outspoken death penalty proponent Brad King, the Ocala-area state attorney for the 5th Judicial Circuit, and last week put King in charge of 21 other death penalty cases currently being handled by Ayalas office. After Ayala challenged Scotts authority to remove her from the Loyd case, a circuit judge refused to put the case on hold while Ayala moved forward with her legal challenge. More than 100 legal experts, most of them death penalty opponents, and Ayala contend that Scott acted outside his executive role by reassigning the case, arguing that prosecutors like Ayala enjoy broad discretion in deciding whether to seek the death penalty in capital cases. On Thursday, Ayalas attorney, Roy Austin, requested that Attorney General Pam Bondi begin the process of asking a higher court to decide whether Scott has the authority to take the cases out of Ayalas hands. The request came despite Bondis public condemnation of Ayalas decision not to seek death in capital cases. By unconstitutional and unlawful executive orders issued by Gov. Rick Scott, State Attorney Brad King is wrongfully purporting to exercise the right of State Attorney Ayala to prosecute a number of cases in the Ninth Judicial Circuit, wrote Austin, an attorney with the Washington, D.C.based Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis law firm, in a letter asking Bondi to initiate what is called a petition for quo warranto writ. By CHRISTOPHER WEBERAssociated PressSAN BERNARDINO, Calif. Two adults were killed and two students critically wounded Monday in an apparent murder-suicide inside a San Bernardino elementary school that spread panic across a city still recovering emotionally from a terror attack at a community center just 15 months ago. Authorities said one of those killed was a teacher and the other was the suspected shooter who opened fire in a classroom at North Park School. A school official said the attack was believed to stem from a domestic dispute and that the teacher knew the gunman. The two wounded students were flown to a hospital where they were listed in critical condition, school district spokeswoman Maria Garcia told television station KNBC. The children we do not believe were targeted. The suspect had come to the classroom to visit, police Capt. Ron Maass told a news conference. The 600 other students at the school were bused to safety at California State Universitys San Bernardino campus, several miles away. Television news footage showed students, escorted by police officers, walking off campus hand-in-hand. As word of the shooting spread, panicked parents raced to the school. They were told to go to a nearby high school where they would be reunited with their children. As the buses pulled away, some parents raced frantically alongside, waving and trying to recognize their children inside. Many said their children were too young to have cellphones. Others said the phones rang unanswered. I just wish I could talk to them to make sure theyre OK because they dont know what this is all about, one parent said as she passed reporters. Marina Ramos told KABC that she rushed to the school to try to pick up her grandson. She said she spoke to him, and he was safe. He was crying. Hes scared, she said. It was a typical morning and then chaos broke out. A few minutes after buses began leaving the elementary school, they began arriving at the university, where students were seen bounding out of their doors. San Bernardino, a city of 216,000 people about 60 miles east of Los Angeles, was the site of a December 2015 terror attack that killed 14 people and wounded 22 others at a meeting of San Bernardino County employees. Husband-and-wife shooters Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik were later killed in a gunbattle with authorities. Mondays shooting was the latest tragedy for a city that has struggled in recent years with more than its share of them. Once a major rail hub and citrus producer, San Bernardino filed for bankruptcy in 2012 after struggling to pay its employees despite steep cuts to the budget. An outlying suburb of Los Angeles, it was hit hard when the Great Recession sent housing prices tumbling. As the city struggled with economic problems that forced layoffs of police and other government workers, violent crimes, particularly homicide, began to rise. In the past year, however, the city seemed to be making a recovery. Police Chief Jarrod Burguan, who won national praise for the way his department responded to the 2015 shootings, announced last year he was hiring additional officers. Associated Press writers Michael Balsamo, Brian Melley and John Rogers contributed to this story.Likely murder-suicide at California school kills 2 adults, wounds 2 kids Removed after refusing to seek death penalty.
If you wonder why most Asian countries have done so much better than Latin American nations in recent decades, I strongly recommend that you do what I did during a trip to South Korea visit a local school. I spent a recent afternoon at the Seoul Robotics High School, a vocational school where students learn to build and operate robots, as part of my research for a forthcoming book on automation and the future of jobs. I had long known, from visiting similar schools in China and Singapore in recent years, that Asian youths study much harder than their Latin American counterparts. But visiting the 455-student, staterun robotics school was a powerful reminder of why South Korea has become so much richer than Latin America. South Korea is as beset by political corruption scandals as most Latin American countries its recent president Park Geun-hye was put in jail last week and was as underdeveloped as the poorest Latin American nations only five decades ago. And yet its attitude toward education has been markedly different from Latin Americas. During my visit to the South Korean school, I asked 17-year-old student Surim Kim to describe a typical day. She told me that she wakes up at 6:30 a.m., has breakfast and starts classes at 8 am. The schools regular classes last until 4:10 p.m. From 4:10 p.m. to 8 p.m., she attends afterschool classes for help in getting her national certificate in math and other technical skills, she said. When does she do her homework? From 8 p.m. until 11 p.m., or later, she told me. Several days a week, I study until 1 a.m. When I raised my eyebrows, she shrugged, as if surprised by the fact that I found her daily schedule unusual. Thats normal here, she said. On the weekends, she studies for about six hours a day. And during her summer vacations, she either goes to a private school or does an internship at a company, she added. While Kim studies an average of sixteen hours a day, most Latin American high school students spend about half that time or less doing academic work. And while South Korea has a 220-day school year, most Latin American countries school years are 180 to 200 days, although because of frequent teachers strikes, they often end up closer to 170 days. Also, South Korean teachers have to pass much tougher examinations, are better paid and enjoy a much higher social status than their Latin American counterparts. Only the top 5 percent of South Korean college graduates can aspire to become teachers, while in Latin America teachers must meet relatively low academic requirements. Not surprisingly, South Korea comes up in the top 10 on international standardized PISA tests of math and reading comprehension for 15-year-old students, while most Latin American countries rank in the bottom 10. And not surprisingly, South Korea registered 18,000 patents of new inventions a key measure of innovation in the U.S. Office of Patents and Trademarks last year, compared with Brazils 320, Mexicos 170 and Argentinas 70. All Latin American countries together register less than 5 percent of South Koreas patents a year. In part because of its obsession with education, South Korea has become much richer in recent decades, whereas most Latin American countries have remained largely stagnate. According to the International Monetary Fund, South Koreas per capita GDP is $37,000, while Chiles is $24,100, Argentinas is $20,000, Mexicos is $18,000 and Brazils is $15,000. South Korea doesnt have all the answers. For example, its relatively high youth suicide rates may be an indication that something is wrong with its educational system. My opinion: South Koreas obsession with academic success may place too many burdens on young people, but Latin Americas culture of complacency is just as bad, if not worse. It breeds inequality and chronic backwardness. Visit any South Korean school, and you will realize why South Korea is developing so much faster than Latin America: It has a lot to do with education. OPINION Lake City Reporter Serving Columbia County Since 1874 The Lake City Reporter is published with pride for residents of Columbia and surrounding counties by Community Newspapers Inc. We believe strong newspapers build strong communities -Newspapers get things done! Our primary goal is to publish distinguished and profitable communityoriented newspapers. This mission will be accomplished through the teamwork of professionals dedicated to truth, integrity and hard work. Todd Wilson, Publisher Robert Bridges, Editor Jim Barr, Associate Editor Sue Brannon, Controller Dink NeSmith, President Tom Wood, Chairman ANOTHER VIEW LETTERS POLICY Letters to the Editor should be typed or neatly written and double spaced. Letters should not exceed 400 words and will be edited for length and libel. Letters must be signed and include the writers name, address and telephone number for verification. Writers can have two letters per month published. Letters and guest columns are the opinion of the writers and not necessarily that of the Lake City Reporter. BY MAIL: Letters, P.O. Box 1709, Lake City, FL 32056; or drop off at 180 E. Duval St. downtown. BY FAX: (386) 752-9400. BY EMAIL: rbridges@lakecityreporter.com Tuesday, April 11, 2017 www.lakecityreporter.com Lake City Reporter Serving Columbia County Since 1874 The Lake City Reporter is published with pride for residents of Columbia and surrounding counties by Community Newspapers Inc. We believe strong newspapers build strong communities -Newspapers get things done! Our primary goal is to publish distinguished and profitable communityoriented newspapers. This mission will be accomplished through the teamwork of professionals dedicated to truth, integrity and hard work. Todd Wilson, Publisher Robert Bridges, Editor Frances Wainwright, Controller Dink NeSmith, President Tom Wood, ChairmanNine againNeil Gorsuch is finally safe as a justice of the United States Supreme Court, survivor of a cheap campaign to impugn his character and his knowledge and devotion to the Constitution and the law. The justices number nine again, and Donald Trump has redeemed one of his most important promises. In fact, it might have been the most important promise of all. Many conservatives who could never quite accustom themselves to the Donalds sometime crude and easy vulgarity, swallowed hard and gave him their votes on his word to restore the courts devotion to the Constitution. With nine justices on the bench again, the court resumes its moderately conservative tilt, though Anthony Kennedy is subject to whim and emotion and to wandering into the no mans land of the law, as when he put the Constitution and settled law aside to find a constitutional right to a perversion called same-sex marriage. Establishing a true constitutionalist majority will require one more constitutionalist judge, another judge in the mold of Antonin Scalia. But conservatives will fool only themselves if they expect Mr. Gorsuch to render votes and write decisions that merely fit a conservative mold. He promises to be faithful to the Constitution, the founding document that conservatives owe first devotion to, but that will not necessarily guarantee that every decision will please conservative taste. Good men and true can interpret the Constitution in different ways. Mr. Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 52 to 48, rendered on a party-line vote, and until the High Court breaks sharply to the right or to the left not likely for a future that can be seen from here such close confirmations will be the norm. Unanimous confirmation votes were once not so rare, and votes of 88 to 12, or 68 to 31 were commonplace. Not any more. Chuck Schumers over-the-top predictions that the sky would fall, the oceans boil and democracy wiped off the face of the earth if the Senate rules were changed to enable confirmation of Justice Gorsuch by majority vote, have not happened yet, nor or they likely to. The dogs bark and the caravan always moves on. Mr. Schumer went over the top because thats what minority leaders do. But demonizing a lawyer as distinguished as Neil Gorsuch was something the senator will regret, if he does not regret it already. Mitch McConnell, the leader of the Republican majority who held firm under considerable pressure with his vow that neither Merrick Garland nor anyone else would be confirmed in the last year of the Obama presidency, can take considerable pride in doing what he said he would do. By one account, Mr. McConnell did Merrick Garland a favor with nothing less than a mercy killing. The stonewalling of Garland looked unreasonable, writes Jonathan Tobin in National Review. In retrospect, it was actually merciful. If [Mr.] Garland had been granted a hearing he would have been subjected by Republicans to the same sort of unreasonable vilification and distortions of his record that [Mr.] Gorsuch just got from the Democrats. The only difference is that [Mr.] Gorsuch suffered the ordeal secure in the knowledge he would eventually be confirmed. [Mr.] Garland would have been put through the same torture knowing there was no chance he would ever sit on the Supreme Court. Being vilified and lied about is never fun, but Justice Gorsuch can take comfort in the fact that nobody believed the lies and vilification. His reputation as a gentleman and a scholar survives, and if thats a faint last laugh at his tormentors expense, hes entitled. S. Korean schools doing it better Internet privacy rule should have stayedKudos to President Donald Trump and Congress for rolling back burdensome Obama-era regulations. But there is one rule they should have let stand. Republicans have rediscovered a useful regulation-busting tool in the form of the Congressional Review Act of 1996, which had been used successfully only one other time, in 2001, to repeal Occupation Safety and Health Administration ergonomics rules adopted during the last week of Bill Clintons presidency. The CRA allows a new Congress and administration to undo rules passed during the final days of a previous administration, and bar agencies from adopting similar rules in the future. So far, the CRA has been used to overturn 11 rules under the current administration, and two other such measures have reached the presidents desk, according to the advocacy group Public Citizen. The White House estimates that the repeal of the rules rescinded to date will save $10 billion over 20 years. Among the most recently approved measures under the CRA is Senate Joint Resolution 34/ House Joint Resolution 86, signed by Trump on Monday, which eliminates Federal Communications Commission rules set to take effect later this year that would have prohibited internet service providers from tracking and selling customers data browsing and app activity without their permission. In addition to the selling of customer data to marketing companies or others, the Electronic Freedom Foundation warns, this could open the door to other undesirable behavior, such as tracking which websites one visits and which apps one uses via preinstalled software on phones or tracking cookies, and inserting ads based on ones browser history. In an attempt to quell customers privacy concerns, several ISPs, including Comcast, AT&T and Verizon, issued statements reiterating that they do not sell web browsing histories or other personal information, and have no plans to do so in the future. Many people do not find these reassurances convincing, however, and note that policies could change at a moments notice, particularly in the presence of a significant profit opportunity. Nevertheless, the resolutions passed in a pair of close votes a 50-48 party-line vote in the Senate and a 215-205 vote in the House, with 15 Republicans, including members of the Freedom Caucus, joining Democrats in opposition. The issue is not quite as cut and dried as it might appear at first glance. The telecommunications industry has a point when it argues that the rules offered an unfair advantage to Google and Facebook, which would not have been covered by the same privacy protections, and which do essentially the same thing: mine users internet behavior and use that information to sell targeted advertising. Also, it could be argued that users have no property or privacy rights to their internet activity, which is possible only by voluntarily paying to use a private companys services, or that if such a demand for privacy is great enough, other businesses will step in to satisfy that demand. We choose to err on the side of privacy, however. In their zeal to overturn regulations, Republicans may have thrown the baby out with the bathwater in repealing the FCCs privacy rule. Orange County (California) Register Andres Oppenheimer is a columnist for the Miami Herald. Andres Oppenheimeraoppenheimer@miamiherald.comThis could open the door to tracking which websites one visits and which apps one uses, and inserting ads based on ones browser history. Washington Times
FORT WHITE MIDDLE/ HIGH FORT WHITE MIDDLE/HIGH Blood drive through Thursday. Rumph Banquet 6:30-9:00 in the FWMS Cafe LAKE CITY MIDDLE SCHOOL FSA ELA 7th Grade NIBLACK ELEMENTARY 3rd & 4th Grade FSA Math PATHWAYS ACADEMY -Phoenix Success Meeting @ I-Time Room, 1:15 p.m, Make-Up FSA ELA Reading Gr 6-10 @ Secondary, 7:30 a.m.;, Make-Up FSA Math Gr 3-5 @ Elem. side, 8:30 a.m. PINEMOUNT ELEMENTARY 2md Grade Field Trip to the Butterfly Museum; PreK, KIndergarten, and 1st Grade Egg Hunts RICHARDSON MIDDLE SCHOOL -Geometry Tutoring, Gr. 8 in Mr. Nelsons room, 8:00 a.m.; Before School Tutoring in Language Arts, Grades 6 @ Morgans classroom, 8:00 8:30 a.m.; FSA ELA 7th grade 8:30a.m. 12:00 p.m.; LCMC Faculty & Staff Appreciation Luncheon @ Wolf Den, 11:00 1:30 p.m.; Robotics Fundraiser @ Papa Johns, 11:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m.; After School Tutoring in Language Arts, Grades 6 @ Morgans classroom, 3:15 -4:00 p.m.; After School Math Tutoring, Gr. 6 & 7 @ Fowler, Diaz, & Lilys rooms 3:30 4:30 p.m. SUMMERS ELEMENTARY VPK Easter egg hunt @ Alligator Park, 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m.; 2nd Easter egg hunt, 12:30 -1:30 p.m.; Kindergarten Easter egg hunt @ Wesley Memorial UMC, 1:00 2:00 p.m.; Honor Choir practice @ Music Room, 2:15 3:00 p.m. WESTSIDE ELEMENTARY Kindergarten Egg Hunt; Tech Club @ Tech Lab, 2:30 4:00 p.m.FridayGood Friday No schoolMonday (April 17)Teacher workday Student holiday TUESDAY, A PRIL 11, 2017 LOCAL LAKE CITY R E PORTER 5A T o submit your Community Calendar item, stop by the Reporter or email Justin Caudell at jcaudell@lakecityreporter.com.COMMUNITY CALENDARTodayWater district meetingSuwannee River Water Management District will meet at 9 a.m. at District Headquarters, 9225 County Road 49, Live Oak. The meeting is to consider district business and conduct public hearings on regulatory, water, resource planning and various other matters.Medicare seminarThe Lifestyle Enrichment Center will sponsor a free educational Medicare seminar from 5 to 6 p.m. The seminar will be moderated by Irv Crowetz of C/C & Associates, Inc. Subjects covered will include: What you need to know about Medicare; When to enroll; What is covered under Parts A, B, C and D; and if a supplement needed. The seminar is not a sales pitch. RSVP by calling 755-3476, ext. 107.Turkish marbling classGateway Art Gallery, located at 168 N. Marion Ave. in Lake City (next to Wards Jewelry), will present a Turkish marbling class by Christine Brewer from 5 to 7 p.m. The class is $30, which includes supplies. Call 752-5229 for more information or to register.GeriActorsResidents are invited to join the Readers Theater Group on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the Lifestyle Enrichment Center, 628 SE Allison Court.Plant society meetingThe Sparkleberry Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society will meet at 6:30 p.m. at Hatch Park in Branford (403 SE Craven St.). For April, the society will focus on native plant identification using the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center website. For more information, call 364-9309.WednesdayAcademic banquetPublic and private Columbia County students in grades 5-12 with both honor roll and perfect attendance for each of their academic years will be recognized by community business sponsors in a banquet on May 13. Parents should email Brandi Keen at keenb@columbiak12.com or call 755-8041 by April 17 to register.Seed Lending LibraryThe Columbia Seed Lending Library is available at the main library branch in downtown Lake City on Tuesdays from 2 to 4 p.m. The CSLL meets at the Fort White branch from 2 to 4 p.m. on Wednesdays, and volunteers will also be on hand on the first and third Tuesday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon at the West branch, 435 NW Hall of Fame Drive (off U.S. 90 just past Interstate 75). Come and select a wide variety of seeds and receive advice from seasoned gardeners.Terrific TwosTerrific Twos, a library program for toddlers, is offered onWednesdays at 10:30 a.m. at the main branch of the Columbia County Public Library, 308 NW Columbia Ave. in downtown Lake City. For more information about the librarys childrens programs, call 758-2101.TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)Chapter #798 of TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets from 10 to 11 a.m. on Wednesdays at Live Oak Community Church of God, 10639 U.S. 129, in Live Oak. Members of the support group share information, encourage each other and hold each other accountable during their weight-loss journey. For more information, call Dori at 658-2767 or Barbara at 362-5933. The first meeting is free.Free soil testingFree soil pH tests are available every Wednesday morning at the Columbia County Extension Office, 971 W. Duval St., Suite 170, in Lake City. Residents may bring a sample to the office during regular business hours. For more information, call 752-5384.ThursdayDAR meetingThe Edward Rutledge Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will hold its monthly meeting at 10:30 a.m. in Room 102 of Wilson S. Rivers Library on the campus of Florida Gateway College. The Florida Museum of Natural History Staff will give a presentation on butterfly conservation. Visitors are always welcome. For more information, call 7522903.Christian MotorcyclistsChristian Motorcyclists Association, Iron Shepherds Chapter 826, meets at 6:30 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month at Gateway Baptist Church, 3252 SW State Road 247, in Lake City. For more information, call Gary Poucher at 2926640.Preschool StorytimePreschool Storytime, a library program for families with preschoolers, is held on Thursdays at 11 a.m. at the main branch of the Columbia County Public Library, at 308 NW Columbia Ave. in downtown Lake City. For more information about the librarys childrens programs, call 758-2101.Plant clinicBring your plant questions to the University of Florida Master Gardeners every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to noon at the Columbia County Extension Office, 971 W. Duval St. (U.S. 90), Suite 170. Call 752-5384.Community outreachThe Community Outreach Ministry is focused on teaching the Word of God to those in prison, those recently out of prison and trying to fit back into society, and those in assisted living facilities. Interested residents may join them on Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Plantation on Summers Road or on Thursdays at the Eastside Facility. Call Betty at 288-6101.American Legion bingoBingo games are offered every Sunday, Monday and Thursday at 6:45 p.m. at the American Legion Post 57, 2602 SW Main Blvd. in Lake City. There are three $250 jackpots each night. Quarter games are played at 3 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays. Refreshments are available at reasonable prices. For more information, call 752-7776.FridayNo dinner and dancingThere will not be a dance at The Lifestyle Enrichment Center in observance of Good Friday. Dances will resume April 21 and each following Friday night from 7 to 10 p.m. at The Lifestyle Enrichment Center, 628 SE Allison Court (behind Baya Pharmacy). $7 admission includes pot luck dinner and music by a professional DJ. All proceeds benefit the center. Call 755-0235 for more information.Baby & MeBaby & Me, a library program for parents and babies, is held onFridays at 11 a.m. at the main branch of the Columbia County Public Library, 308 NW Columbia Ave. in downtown Lake City. For more information about the librarys childrens programs, call 758-2101.12-step groupA 12-step addiction recovery group meets every Friday evening at 6 p.m. at the Community Revival Center, 244 NE Patterson Ave. in Lake City. For information call 867-6288.Lend Me A TenorLend Me a Tenor, a side-splitting comedic farce set in two acts, is on stage now at the High Springs Playhouse. Friday and Saturday performances are at 8 p.m. and doors open at 7:30. Sunday matinees are at 2 p.m. with doors opening at 1:30. Tickets are $15 for adults; students and seniors on Sundays are $10. Tickets may be purchased online at www.highspringsplayhouse. com and at the door. The theater is located at 130 NE 1st Ave., High Springs. The last performance will be Sunday, April 23.SaturdayEaster Egg-stravaganza10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Live Oak Heritage Park & Gardens, 1004 Helvenston St. SE, Live Oak. Guests will be treated to a free BBQ lunch, live entertainment, an Easter egg hunt, games and more. For more information, call Haven Hospice at 7529191 or Surrey Place Care Center at 364-5961.Riding ClubSpeed events are held the second and fourth Saturday of each month February through June and then resume the fourth Saturday of August though November. Leadline starts at 5 p.m., exhibition at 5:30 p.m. and ride starts at 6 p.m. SCHOOLSContinued From 6A COURTESYEaster Egg-StravaganzaT he 2017 Easter Egg-S travaganza was a great success S aturday at Darby Pavilion at Lake DeS oto, according to the Chamber of Commerce. T he children in attendance seem to agree.
6A TUESDAY, A PRIL 11, 2017 LOCAL LAKE CITY R E PORTER To leave an anonymous tip on a possible dangerous situation concerning Columbia County schools, call tollfree, (866) 295-7303. To leave an anonymous message on a possible truancy problem in Columbia County schools, call 758-4947. Items for the school page should be dropped off or mailed to the Lake City Reporter, 180 E. Duval St., Lake City, FL 32055; faxed to (386) 752-9400; or e-mailed to jcaudell@lakecityreporter.com by 5 p.m. Thursdays.CLASS NOTES Bulletin BoardNEWS ABOUT OUR SCHOOLSTodayCOLUMBIA CITY ELEMENTARY Chorus Rehearsal, 7:15 7:50 a.m.; Gr. 3 FSA Math COLUMBIA HIGH SCHOOL Lady Tiger Tennis District Games @ Oakleaf HS; JROTC Dinner @ Cafeteria, 4:00 p.m. EASTSIDE ELEMENTARY 5th grade FSA Math; Music in the Afternoon @ 2:15 p.m. FIVE POINTS ELEMENTARY-3rd and 4th Grade FSA Math FORT WHITE ELEMENTARY 3rd & 5th grade FSA Math FORT WHITE MIDDLE/HIGH Blood drive through Thursday. Junior Varsity/Varsity Baseball @ Keystone 4:00/7:00 p.m.; Varsity Softball vs. Newberry @ FWHS. 6:00 p.m. LAKE CITY MIDDLE SCHOOL FSA ELA 6th Grade; Baseball/Softball vs. Orange Park Home 4:00 p.m.; Chorus Musical Rehearsal 3:30 4:30 p.m. MELROSE PARK ELEMENTARY5th Grade FSA Math. NIBLACK ELEMENTARY 3rd & 4th Grade FSA Math PATHWAYS ACADEMY Phoenix Success Meeting @ I-Time Room, 1:15 p.m.; FSA ELA Reading Gr 6-10 @ Secondary, 7:30 a.m.; FSA Math Gr 3-5 @ Elem. side, 8:30 a.m. PINEMOUNT ELEMENTARY 4th Grade FSA Math RICHARDSON MIDDLE SCHOOL -Geometry Tutoring, Gr. 8 in Mr. Nelsons room, 8:00 a.m.; Before School Tutoring in Language Arts, Grades 6-8 @ Morgan & Weavers classrooms, 8:00 8:30 a.m.; FSA ELA 8th grade 8:30a.m. 12:00 p.m.; RoboWolves Fundraiser @ Panda Express, 10:00 a.m. 9:00 p.m.; After School Tutoring in Language Arts, Grades 6 -8 @ Morgan & Weavers classrooms, 3:15 -4:00 p.m.; After School Math Tutoring, Gr. 6 & 7 @ Fowler, Diaz, & Lilys rooms 3:30 4:30 p.m. SUMMERS ELEMENTARY Chorus Practice @ Music Room, 7:15-7:50 a.m.; 3rd FSA Math, 8:00 10:00 a.m.; Chorus Practice @ Music Room, 2:30-3:00 p.m. WESTSIDE ELEMENTARY -FSA Math Testing for 4th and 5th Grades; Chorus Practice @ Music Room, 2:30 3:30 p.m.WednesdayEASTSIDE ELEMENTARY Music in the morning @ 7:15 a.m. ; 5th grade FSA Math FIVE POINTS ELEMENTARY-3rd and 4th Grade FSA Math FORT WHITE ELEMENTARY 3rd & 5th grade FSA Math; Battle of the Brain practice @ The Fort, 2:30-3:30 p.m. FORT WHITE MIDDLE/HIGH Blood drive through Thursday LAKE CITY MIDDLE SCHOOL FSA ELA 7th Grade MELROSE PARK ELEMENTARY5th Grade FSA Math. NIBLACK ELEMENTARY 3rd & 4th Grade FSA Math; Chorus Practice @ Music Room, 2:15 p.m. PATHWAYS ACADEMY Make-Up FSA ELA Reading Gr 6-10 @ Secondary, 7:30 a.m.; Make-up FSA Math Gr 3-5 @ Elem. side, 8:30 a.m. PINEMOUNT ELEMENTARY 4th Grade FSA Math RICHARDSON MIDDLE SCHOOL Before School Tutoring in Language Arts, Grades 6 @ Morgans classroom, 8:00 8:30 a.m.; FSA ELA 7th grade 8:30a.m. 12:00 p.m.; After School Tutoring in Language Arts, Grades 6 @ Morgans classroom, 3:15 -4:00 p.m. SUMMERS ELEMENTARY 3rd FSA Math, 8:00 10:00 a.m.; Faculty Meeting @ Media Center, 2:30-3:30 p.m. WESTSIDE ELEMENTARY FSA Math Testing for 4th and 5th Grades, Kindergarten Play for the classes of Benefield and Crusaw @Cafe, 9:00 a.m., FSA Lab @ Tech Lab, 2:30 3:45 p.m.ThursdayCOLUMBIA CITY ELEMENTARY Chorus Rehearsal @ Music Room 7:15 7:50 a.m.; Mrs. Hunters KG class Easter Egg Hunter @ Media Center 8:45 a.m.; Gr. 1 Easter Egg Hunter 8:30 a.m.; VPK & PK Easter Egg Hunter 11:00 a.m. COLUMBIA HIGH SCHOOL CNA Pinning in Cafeteria, 3:30 p.m.; Lady Tiger Softball vs Lafayette HS @ home 5:00 p.m. EASTSIDE ELEMENTARY 5th grade FSA Math Make up day; Kindergarten Field Day; Music in the Afternoon @ 2:15 p.m. FIVE POINTS ELEMENTARY-3rd and 4th Grade FSA Math; 2nd Grade Community Field Trip FORT WHITE ELEMENTARY 3rd & 5th grade FSA Math; PreK Easter Egg Hunt @ football field, 12:0012:30 p.m.; Kindergarten Easter Egg Hunt @ grassy area beside kindergarten, 12:45 1:45 p.m.; Fitness Boot Camp @ exercise room, 2:45 3:45 p.m.SCHOOL CALENDAR SCHOOLS continued on 5A Ian SaferiteAge: 6 Parents: Lee and Renee S aferite. School: S ummers E lementary 1st Grade, Mrs. Ortizs Class Principals name: A my S tantonT yler What clubs or organizations, both in and out of school, do you belong to? Cub S couts. What would you like to do when you get out of school? Become a policeman. Achievements: I got Cub S cout badges for spending the night in the tiger enclosure at the Jacksonville Zoo and for racing my D erby car. I also earned A Honor Roll. What do you like best about school? I love going to Music! Ian is a wonderful student and I am so honored that he has been in my class this year. Ian is a wonderful student and always displays a positive attitude. He enjoys helping others and works hard to achieve academic excellence. I look forward to watching Ian grow and learn here at S ummers E lementary. It makes me feel special, thank you for choosing me. STUDENT FOCUS Lake City ReporterColumbia High S chool JRO T C cadets PFC. Andre Sheppard (clockwise from left), Sgt. Kassady McLean, PFC. Phalean Pettyjohn, Sgt. Hunter Peisel and Cpl. Rowell Bantigue fold the U.S. and Florida flags following classes at CHS. From staff reportsFlorida Gateway College, in partnership with Classroom-24-7, has launched an online, noncredit pharmacy technician program that prepares students for a new career in as little as six months. Pharmacy technicians help pharmacists dispense prescription med ication to customers or health professionals. They work in pharmacies found in grocery stores, drugstores and hospitals. FGC gives students up to 20 weeks to complete the online portion of the program. Most students finish the online portion of the program in about 10 weeks. The college also places each student in an 80-hour externship once the online portion of the course is successfully completed. For more information, contact program coordinator William Peace at 754-4229 or William.peace@fgc.edu.Online pharmacy tech program offered From staff reportsVolunteers are needed for United Way of Suwannee Valleys ReadingPals initiative. ReadingPals is an early literacy initiative focused on screening, training and engaging volunteer reading coaches. The program supports kindergarten students in beginning their school careers with the necessary literacy tutoring to overcome deficiencies at the preschool level. Interested residents must pass a background screening and attend a training program. Volunteers will be provided with reading curriculum materials. For more information, contact ReadingPals coordinator Rebecca Layman at 752-5604, Ext. 108, or rebecca@unitedwsv.org.ReadingPals volunteers are needed
Lake City Reporter SPORTS Tuesday, April 11, 2017 www.lakecityreporter.com Section B Story ideas? Contact Eric Jackson or Tony Britt754-0420 754-0421ejackson@lakecityreporter.com tbritt@lakecityreporter.com LOCAL GYMNASTICSPhotos by ERIC JACKSON/Lake City ReporterColumbias Brandon Parker trains with still rings during practice at the Sun Country Sports Center in Gainesville last week. The CHS junior joined the gym three years ago and since has emerged as a standout for the USA Junior Elite team. He recently competed at regionals in Georgia this past weekend. Parker, who also has a strong passion for JROTC, is pictured below peforming a handstand during practice last week. HIGH FLYERLocal teenager excels in competitive gymnastics, junior elite team By ERIC JACKSONejackson@lakecityreporter.comRoaming the halls of Columbia High, it doesnt take long to notice the plethora of athletes the school holds. Standouts are celebrated from gridiron stars to the softball queens but little is said about Brandon Parker. So adept at delicate flips and twirls, he maybe the nimblest of them all. Nearly thirty hours of training per week, theres no doubting his commitment. Parker, a gymnast and junior at Columbia, was once like any other Lake City middle schooler, trying his luck at baseball and soccer. But about five years ago things changed when Parker decided to hop on the mat. It was just fun, said Parker, who first took on gymnastics in Indiana where his family briefly relocated. Despite moving again returning to Florida, his passion for the sport continued and with much improvement started competing nationally. With little instruction offered in Lake City, Parker has received valuable coaching at the Sun Country Sports Center in nearby Gainesville. The teenage acrobat, under their tutelage, has grown from newbie to an elite level-10 USA gymnast. I was terrible, Parker said of when he first joined Sun Country three years ago. Parker credits Sun Country coach Mark Nelson for his vast improvement. Hes one of the main reasons Im this good. Nelson, a veteran coach who has sent numerous USA gymnasts to the collegiate ranks, says Parkers natural physique and persistence has sped up his learning curve in a sport where most competitors typically begin at younger ages. He was behind when he first got here but he caught up so fast, Nelson said. This is a sport you cant take days off use it or lose it. Parker competes in all six events: floor exercise, pommel horse, rings, vault, parallel bars and horizontal bar. He says He was behind when he rst got here but he caught up so fast. coach Mark Nelson said of Brandon Parker PARKER continued on 6BTHE MASTERSA long, tearful road to a major for Sergio Garcia By DOUG FERGUSONAssociated PressAUGUSTA Eighteen years and 71 majors later, more tears for Sergio Garcia. This time, they were accompanied by a smile. Sunday at the Masters was a most joyous occasion, far different from when Garcia teed it up in his first major as a pro in the 1999 British Open at Carnoustie. He was 19 and already heralded as a star and the most likely rival for Tiger Woods. Garcia was low amateur at the Masters that year. He shot 62 at the Byron Nelson Classic and tied for third in his pro debut on the PGA Tour. He won the Irish Open, and the next week he was runner-up to Colin Montgomerie at the Scottish Open. And then he shot 79-83 at Carnoustie and sobbed on his mothers shoulder on his way out. Garcia never would have imagined then how long it would take for him to win a major, and he had reason to believe it might never happen. Its been such a long time coming, Garcia said after his playoff victory over Justin Rose. No one had ever played as many majors as Garcia before winning his first one, so those tears were equal parts joy and relief. It showed. Phil Mickelson leaped not very high when he finally won his first major at Augusta National in 2004. Garcia, who only needed two putts from 12 feet on the first extra hole against Rose, crouched when his birdie putt curled in the back of the cup. He clenched both fists and shook them repeatedly. He shouted multiple times. He blew a kiss to the gallery as it chanted his name. He crouched one more time, placing his hand on the green and then slamming his fist into the turf. It was just a lot of things going through my mind, he said. Along with the happy reflections of the people around him including Angela COURTESYSergio Garcia edged Justin Rose for his first major on Sunday in Augusta. NFLAaron Hernandez lawyer objects to judges pick of white forewoman Associated PressBOSTON As jurors in the double-murder trial of ex-NFL star Aaron Hernandez deliberated for a second day Monday, one of Hernandezs lawyers told the judge that his selection of a white woman as forewoman of the mostly minority jury has troubling racial overtones. The jury has deliberated about 12 hours since Friday without reaching a verdict. Deliberations are set to resume Tuesday. Attorney Ronald Sullivan Jr., a black Harvard law professor, said the judges choice of a white woman as forewoman ensured she would remain on the jury instead of being dismissed as an alternate. He said each juror of color should have had the same opportunity to remain on the jury and serve as the foreman or forewoman. Judge Jeffrey Locke, referring to an objection the defense first made last week, said he found it astounding that Sullivan would make that claim. Accusing any court of being racist is not only offensive to the individual judge, but to the tribunal and the integrity of the tribunal, Locke said after the jury was sent out of the room to deliberate. TRIAL continued on 2B MAJOR continued on 6B B1
2B TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 2017 SPORTS LAKE CITY REPORTER TV LISTINGSToday MLB BASEBALL 4 p.m. MLB Chicago White Sox at Cleveland 7 p.m. ESPN St. Louis at Washington 10 p.m. MLB Regional coverage, Houston at Seattle OR Arizona at San Francisco NBA BASKETBALL 8 p.m. NBA Oklahoma City at Minnesota SOCCER 2:30 p.m. FS1 UEFA Champions League, Quarterfinal, 1st Leg, Juventus vs. Barcelona FS2 UEFA Champions League, Quarterfinal, 1st Leg, Borussia Dortmund vs. AS MonacoNBA STANDINGSEASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division W L Pct GB x-Boston 51 29 .638 x-Toronto 50 31 .617 1 New York 30 51 .370 21 Philadelphia 28 52 .350 23 Brooklyn 20 60 .250 31 Southeast Division W L Pct GB y-Washington 48 32 .600 x-Atlanta 42 38 .525 6 Miami 39 41 .488 9 Charlotte 36 44 .450 12 Orlando 28 52 .350 20 Central Division W L Pct GB y-Cleveland 51 29 .638 x-Milwaukee 41 39 .513 10 Indiana 40 40 .500 11 Chicago 39 41 .488 12 Detroit 37 43 .463 14 WESTERN CONFERENCE Southwest Division W L Pct GB y-San Antonio 61 19 .763 x-Houston 54 26 .675 7 x-Memphis 43 38 .531 18 New Orleans 33 47 .413 28 Dallas 32 48 .400 29 Northwest Division W L Pct GB y-Utah 49 31 .613 x-Oklahoma City 46 34 .575 3 x-Portland 40 40 .500 9 Denver 38 42 .475 11 Minnesota 31 49 .388 18 Pacific Division W L Pct GB z-Golden State 66 14 .825 x-L.A. Clippers 49 31 .613 17 Sacramento 31 49 .388 35 L.A. Lakers 25 55 .313 41 Phoenix 24 57 .296 42 x-clinched playoff spot y-clinched division z-clinched conferenceMLB STANDINGSNATIONAL LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB Philadelphia 3 3 .500 New York 3 3 .500 Miami 3 3 .500 Washington 3 3 .500 Atlanta 1 5 .167 2 Cen tral Division W L Pct GB Cincinnati 4 2 .667 Chicago 4 2 .667 Pittsburgh 3 2 .600 St. Louis 2 4 .333 2 Milwaukee 2 5 .286 2 West Division W L Pct GB Arizona 6 1 .857 Colorado 5 2 .714 1 Los Angeles 4 3 .571 2 San Diego 3 4 .429 3 San Francisco 2 5 .286 4 East Division W L Pct GB Baltimore 4 1 .800 Tampa Bay 5 2 .714 Boston 3 2 .600 1 New York 2 4 .333 2 Toronto 1 5 .167 3 Central Division W L Pct GB Minnesota 5 1 .833 Detroit 3 2 .600 1 Cleveland 3 3 .500 2 Chicago 2 3 .400 2 Kansas City 2 4 .333 3 West Division W L Pct GB Los Angeles 5 2 .714 Houston 4 3 .571 1 Oakland 3 4 .429 2 Texas 2 4 .333 2 Seattle 1 6 .143 4NASCAR GLANCESaturday At Texas Motor Speedway Fort Worth, Texas Lap length: 1.50 miles (Start position in parentheses) 1. (2) Erik Jones, Toyota, 200 laps, 0 rat ing, 0 points. 2. (4) Ryan Blaney, Ford, 200, 0, 0. 3. (14) Kevin Harvick, Ford, 200, 0, 0. 4. (3) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, 200, 0, 0. 5. (6) Cole Custer, Ford, 200, 0, 32. 6. (8) Darrell Wallace Jr, Ford, 200, 0, 36. 7. (5) William Byron, Chevrolet, 200, 0, 47. 8. (12) Ty Dillon, Chevrolet, 200, 0, 0. 9. (19) Matt Tifft, Toyota, 200, 0, 28. 10. (10) Elliott Sadler, Chevrolet, 199, 0, 36. 11. (9) Ryan Reed, Ford, 199, 0, 40. 12. (15) Daniel Suarez, Toyota, 199, 0, 0. 13. (20) Justin Allgaier, Chevrolet, 199, 0, 31. 14. (16) Spencer Gallagher, Chevrolet, 199, 0, 23. 15. (13) Brandon Jones, Chevrolet, 199, 0, 28. 16. (18) Blake Koch, Chevrolet, 198, 0, 24. 17. (23) Dakoda Armstrong, Toyota, 198, 0, 20. 18. (17) Ryan Sieg, Chevrolet, 198, 0, 23. 19. (24) Brendan Gaughan, Chevrolet, 198, 0, 20. 20. (34) Michael Annett, Chevrolet, 197, 0, 17. Red Sox fumigate clubhouse at Fenway Park to fight the flu DETROIT (AP) The Boston Red Sox have fumigated and disinfected their clubhouse at Fenway Park to help fight the flu. Boston manager John Farrell says it has been done a few times while the team has been on the road. After closing a series in Detroit on Monday, Boston is scheduled to begin a six-game home stand on Tuesday night against the Baltimore Orioles. The Red Sox have been hit hard by the bug. Hanley Ramirez has played just two games because of it, and Mookie Betts returned to the lineup Sunday after the flu kept him out for almost a week. Robbie Ross is on the disabled list with the illness, and even broadcaster Dave OBrien has been sidelined with symptoms. SCOREBOARD TUESDAY EVENING APRIL 11, 2017 Comcast Dish DirecTV6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 3-ABC 3 -TV20 NewsABC World NewsEnt. TonightBe a MillionaireThe Middle (N) Am HousewifeFresh Off the BoatImaginary Mary (N) Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (N) News at 11 Jimmy Kimmel Live 4-IND 4 4 4News4JAX at 6PMNews4JAXEnt. TonightInside Edition (N) Hot in ClevelandLast Man StandingBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryThe 10 OClock News (N) News4JAX(:35) The Insider 5-PBS 5 -DW NewsNightly BusinessPBS NewsHour (N) Nazi Mega Weapons (N) American Experience The Great War Americans ght in France. (N) BBC World NewsCapitol Update 7-CBS 7 47 47Action News JaxCBS Evening NewsJudge Judy Family Feud NCIS Enemy Combatant Bull Teachers Pet NCIS: New Orleans Man on Fire Action NewsLate Show-Colbert 9-CW 9 17 172 Broke Girls 2 Broke Girls Mike & Molly Mike & Molly The Flash Attack on Gorilla City iZombie Peyton reaches out to Ravi. Law & Order: Criminal Intent Judge Faith Anger 10-FOX 10 30 30Action NewsAction NewsTMZ (N) Access HollywoodBrooklyn Nine-Nine(:31) The Mick (N) Prison Break Kaniel Outis (N) Action NewsAction NewsAction NewsModern Family 12-NBC 12 12 12News NBC Nightly NewsWheel of FortuneJeopardy! (N) The Voice Road to Live Shows (N) (:01) Trial & ErrorTrial & Error (N) Chicago Fire (DVS) News Tonight Show WGN-A 16 239 307Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Outsiders The Run (N) Outsiders The Run (:01) Outsiders The Run TVLAND 17 106 304M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H (:36) M*A*S*H(:12) M*A*S*H Mulcahys War Love-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondKing of QueensKing of Queens OWN 18 189 279Undercover Boss If Loving You Is Wrong Su Ling Mai If Loving You Is Wrong If Loving You Is Wrong (N) Too Close to Home The town is abuzz. If Loving You Is Wrong A&E 19 118 265Intervention Kaylene Intervention Zeinah Intervention Katie Intervention Skyler & Jessa Intervention Mindie; Katherine 60 Days In: Atlanta HALL 20 185 312Last Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingThe Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle The Golden GirlsThe Golden Girls FX 22 136 248(4:00) White House Down (2013)Fast & Furious 6 (2013) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. Hobbs offers Dom and crew a full pardon for their help. The Americans Crossbreed (N) (:02) The Americans Crossbreed CNN 24 200 202The Situation Room With Wolf BlitzerErin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) CNN Tonight With Don Lemon (N) CNN Tonight With Don Lemon (N) TNT 25 138 245(5:30) Bad Boys II (2003, Action) Martin Lawrence, Will Smith. (DVS)Walking Tall (2004, Action) The Rock. (DVS)Bad Boys II (2003) Martin Lawrence. Two detectives battle a drug kingpin in Miami. (DVS) NIK 26 170 299Henry DangerHenry DangerThe ThundermansThe ThundermansNicky, RickyGame ShakersFull HouseFull HouseFull HouseFull HouseFriendsFriends SPIKE 28 168 241(5:30) The Fast and the Furious (2001) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. Fast 2 Furious (2003, Action) Paul Walker, Tyrese, Eva Mendes. XXX (2002, Action) Vin Diesel, Asia Argento. MY-TV 29 32 -Mamas FamilyMamas FamilyM*A*S*H M*A*S*H The X-Files Bad Blood The X-Files Travelers Seinfeld Hogans HeroesCarol BurnettPerry Mason DISN 31 172 290Bunkd Bizaardvark K.C. UndercoverGood Luck CharlieStuck/MiddleGood Luck CharlieLiv and MaddieLiv and MaddieBunkd Bunkd Jessie Jessie LIFE 32 108 252Little Women: LA Little Women: LA (N) Little Women: LA (N) Little Women: LA Elena gets heartbreaking news. (N) (:32) Little Women: LA Elena gets heartbreaking news. USA 33 105 242Modern FamilyModern FamilyModern FamilyModern Family WWE SmackDown! (N) Chrisley KnowsChrisley KnowsModern FamilyModern Family BET 34 124 329Jumping the Broom (2011) Angela Bassett, Paula Patton. A bride and grooms parents clash at the wedding. Rebel Disproving the claim about Malik. Rebel Chasing Ghost (N) Rebel Chasing Ghost ESPN 35 140 206SportsCenter (N) (Live) a MLB Baseball St. Louis Cardinals at Washington Nationals. From Nationals Park in Washington, D.C. (N) We the FansWe the FansSportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN2 36 144 209Around the HornInterruptionNFL Live Welcome/NFLSportsCenterSportsCenterWelcome/NFLBaseball Tonight (N) (Live) SportsCenterSportsCenter SUNSP 37 -Inside LightningInside the Rays MLB Baseball Tampa Bay Rays at New York Yankees. Inside the RaysInside the RaysIn the SpotlightFocused (N) Inside the HEATInside the HEAT DISCV 38 182 278(5:00) Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch: On Deck Episode 18 (N) Deadliest Catch Uncharted Territory The eet struggles as crabs vanish. (:08) Deadliest Catch TBS 39 139 247Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryThe Detour (N) Big Bang TheoryConan Comic Chelsea Handler. (N) HLN 40 202 204Forensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesPrimetime Justice Forensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic Files FNC 41 205 360Special Report With Bret Baier (N) The First 100 Days (N) The OReilly Factor (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) Hannity (N) The OReilly Factor E! 45 114 236(5:00) Little Fockers (2010) E! News (N) Fast & Furious (2009, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. Premiere. Total Divas The WWE draft arrives. E! News (N) TRAVEL 46 196 277Bizarre Foods With Andrew ZimmernBizarre Foods America Austin Delicious Delicious Bizarre Foods Eat Bugs...Save World Bizarre Foods With Andrew ZimmernBizarre Foods America HGTV 47 112 229Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Home Town A House With History House Hunters (N) House Hunters TLC 48 183 280Say Yes, DressSay Yes, DressMy Big Fat Fabulous Life Belly Up My Big Fat Fabulous Life My Big Fat Fabulous Life Toe to Toe (:02) Shes in Charge Pooh on Strike (:04) My Big Fat Fabulous Life HIST 49 120 269Forged in Fire Tabar Forged in Fire Chakram (7:59) Forged in Fire: Cutting DeeperForged in Fire Judges Pick Forged in Fire Deer Horn Knives (N) (:03) Road Hauks Tomahauk ANPL 50 184 282Worlds Scariest Animal Attacks Killer Whales: The Mega Hunt Monster Squid: The Giant Is Real Footage of the giant squid. Killer Whales: The Mega Hunt FOOD 51 110 231Chopped Junior Chia Frets Chopped JuniorChopped Junior Three Ring Kitchen Chopped Basket Buzz Chopped Four funny actors compete. Chopped Cheap Eats TBN 52 260 372John Gray WorldThe Jesus BibleSupernatural NowThe Potters TouchNo Wonder They Call Him the Savior Bil Cornelius Joyce MeyerWhy Israel MattersNo Wonder They Call Him the Savior FSN-FL 56 -Marlins Live! Pregame (N) (Live) a MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at Miami Marlins. From Marlins Park in Miami. (N) Marlins PostgameGolf Life World Poker SYFY 58 122 244(5:30) Jupiter Ascending (2015) Channing Tatum, Mila Kunis. (7:59) Face Off Face Off Tiki Twist (N) Cosplay Melee War Games (N) (:01) Face Off Tiki Twist AMC 60 130 254(5:00) The Fugitive (1993) Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones. The Godfather (1972, Drama) Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan. A maa patriarch tries to hold his empire together. COM 62 107 249(5:50) Futurama(:20) Futurama(6:55) South ParkSouth Park South Park South Park Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Detroiters The Daily ShowAt Midnight CMT 63 166 327Last Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingHome Alone (1990) Macaulay Culkin. A left-behind boy battles two burglars in the house. Sun Records No Favors Here Home Alone NGWILD 108 190 283Killer Queen A lioness leaves the pride. Secret Life of Predators Stealth Cougar v. Wolf Hippo vs. Croc Blood Rivals: Lion vs Buffalo Cougar v. Wolf NGEO 109 186 276Life Below Zero No Shortcuts Life Below Zero Confrontation Life Below Zero Blindsided Life Below Zero River of Rage Life Below Zero Head Above Water Life Below Zero Andy Bassich SCIENCE 110 193 284How the Universe Works What on Earth? Hunt for El Dorado What on Earth? The Curse of Merlin (:02) Spaces Deepest Secrets Counting down NASAs greatest moments. (:06) What on Earth? ID 111 192 285Web of Lies Only Way Out Web of Lies Love You to Death Web of Lies Final Sale Casey Anthony: American MurderCasey Anthony: American MurderWeb of Lies Final Sale SEC 743 408 611(3:00) The Paul Finebaum Show (N)a College Baseball Georgia Tech vs Georgia. (N) College Football Texas A&M Spring Game. HBO 302 300 501(4:00) Cast AwayReal Time With Bill Maher VICE News TonightSearch Party (2014) Adam Pally. Premiere. R (:35) Silicon Valley(:05) The Legend of Tarzan (2016) Alexander Skarsgard. PG-13 MAX 320 310 515Magic Mike XXL (2015, Comedy-Drama) Channing Tatum. R Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999) (:35) Bride Wars (2009) Kate Hudson. PG Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping SHOW 340 318 545(5:15) Premonition (2007) PG-13 Mothers Day (2016) Jennifer Aniston. Premiere. PG-13 Billions Axe faces opposition. Homeland Pieces fall into place. Dark Net My Best Friend Locke, whos white, said the woman he chose was attentive during the trial. The judge also said it is his practice to select a foreman or forewoman before alternate jurors are eliminated by lottery. Twelve jurors are deliberating in the case. Sullivan said the judges choice is troubling because the racial makeup of the jury is predominantly minorities. Hernandez, a former tight end for the New England Patriots, is charged with killing Safiro Furtado and Daniel de Abreu in a 2012 drive-by shooting in Boston. Prosecutors say Hernandez felt disrespected after one of the men accidentally spilled his drink at a nightclub. Hernandezs lawyers say Hernandezs former friend, Alexander Bradley, shot the men over a drug deal. The victims were Cape Verdean. Hernandezs father was Hispanic, and his mother is Italian. Hernandez, 27, is already serving life in prison in a 2013 killing. TRIALContinued From 1BCOURTESYSurrounded by his defense team, Aaron Hernandez looks to attorney Jose Baez during the double murder trial of former New England Patriots tight end Hernandez in Suffolk Superior Court in Boston on March 16. MLBFormer Atlanta Braves player who went missing is found safe By JEFF MARTINAssociated PressATLANTA Former Atlanta Braves player Otis Nixon, who went missing last weekend, has been located, police said Monday. Nixon has been found and hes safe, said Brittany Duncan, a spokeswoman for police in Woodstock, a suburb northwest of Atlanta. She had no other details about his condition, where he was found or the circumstances. Duncan said there was no foul play involved, and that Woodstock police consider the case closed. Nixon, 58, had been last seen around 10 a.m. Saturday leaving his home in Woodstock, Georgia, about 30 miles (50 kilometers) northwest of downtown Atlanta, police said. He left in a gray Range Rover and was on his way to a golf course where he had a tee time but never arrived, police said. Nixons girlfriend, who lives with him, had reported him missing, Duncan said. Nixon was an outfielder for the Braves. He played for nine teams in 17 major league seasons, with his best years coming in Atlanta. He had 1,379 hits and 620 stolen bases. In 1991, he was suspended for 60 days after testing positive for cocaine. As a Braves player, he used his left leg to launch himself up an outfield wall and made a spectacular, game-saving catch in a 1992 game against Pittsburgh that was considered by many fans among the best plays in baseball. As news of his disappearance spread on social media Monday, several fans posted video of the catch. NixonNHLPanthers reinstate Tallon as GM, remove Tom Rowe By TIM REYNOLDSAssociated PressSUNRISE Dale Tallon is back in his old job, and the Florida Panthers hope thats the first step toward getting back to the playoffs. The Panthers reinstated Tallon as general manager on Monday, removing Tom Rowe from both that position and his role as interim coach one day after a Florida season that began with Stanley Cup-contention expectations ended well short of a postseason berth. Whenever a new coach gets hired, this much is clear: Hell be answering to Tallon. Were turning the page on a disappointing season, Tallon said. From today, were moving forward with a singular voice, under my leadership in hockey operations. Were going to have one agenda and one agenda only and that is winning. It has been a muddled last 12 months for the Panthers, starting with Rowes promotion to general manager. Florida revamped its roster in the offseason, making decisions in large part based on data gleaned from analytics. And head coach Gerard Gallant who was well-liked in the locker room and led Florida to its best regular season ever was fired after 22 games and replaced by Rowe. In announcing the moves, Panthers owner Vincent Viola said Tallon will have the final say on major matters. I am confident that we have the necessary talent throughout our organization to win the Stanley Cup, Viola said. Panthers President and CEO Matt Caldwell insisted that Rowe should not take all the blame for the lost season. Rowe is being retained as a special advisor to Tallon, though its unclear what that will specifically mean. Everything was done with the best intentions, Caldwell said. We want to win. We wanted to look at a lot of things that were out there, a lot of voices. But the thing we learned is having a singular voice ... that reports to ownership is most important. We live and we learn. We still have a lot of great things going on with the company. B2
LAKECITY REPORTER ADVICE & COMICSTUE SD AY A PRIL 11, 2017 3B DEAR ABBY: A few years ago I met a wonderful person. I spent roughly three months with him in a budding relationship. My issue is that one night he said those three little words, and I panicked and disappeared from his life. I know it was a horrible and cowardly thing to do. I just didnt know how to handle it other than ask him why and saying, You cant mean me, right? I have felt horrible that I vanished without any explanation and most likely hurt him. I really would like to apologize for my actions and immaturity. He didnt deserve that type of treatment. I recently found his address and wonder if it would be all right to send an apology, or if it would be best not. DISAPPEARED IN ILLINOIS DEAR DISAPPEARED: Because you feel an apology and an explanation are in order, I see no harm in offering them. However, before you do, think this through. Is there more to this than a guilty conscience? Because years have passed, you both may be at different places in your lives than you were then. One or both of you may be married or involved with others. So before you do this, be absolutely sure not only of your motivations, but also of your expectations. DEAR ABBY: I have recently had discussions with friends and family about the best way to express concern for someone who is facing major surgery. Some say theyd prefer hearing about others who have undergone similar procedures successfully. (But might that set expectations that cant be met, since not all procedures and physical circumstances are the same?) Or is it best to keep comments general? For example: You will be in my thoughts/prayers/ heart, or I hope it goes even better than you hope it will. Whats the most helpful way to express concern? SENSITIVE SUBJECT DEAR S.S.: Unless the surgery is for something life-threatening in which case the thoughts, prayers and heart are necessary keep the message upbeat and positive. Example: Is there anything I can do for you while youre recuperating? And if the answer is no, say, Ill give you a call in a couple of days to see how youre doing, and well visit when youre up for it. DEAR ABBY: If you give a wedding shower gift, is it proper to also give a wedding gift? I have done both for many years, but recently was questioned about why I do it. I told the person thats the way my mother raised me. GIFT GIVER IN CONROE, TEXAS DEAR GIFT GIVER: Your mother raised you right. Weddings and showers are separate events. When attending a shower, it is customary to give a gift. The same is true for a wedding. That someone has given the bride a shower gift does not mean the person is not supposed to give a wedding gift. Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 Abigail Van Burenwww.dearabby.com Woman who fled from love now regrets her hasty retreat DILBERT BABY BLUES BLONDIE BEETLE BAILEY B.C. FRANK & ERNEST FOR BETTER OR WORSE ZITS HAGAR THE HORRIBLE SNUFFY SMITH GARFIELD CLASSIC PEANUTS DEAR ABBY HOROSCOPES | THE LAST WORD BY E UGENIA LAST ARIES (March 21-April 19): Share your dreams with someone you love and bring about positive changes to the way you live. Speak from the heart, but with the wisdom that comes from past experience. Take extra care of your health and well-being. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Get your facts straight and your personal papers in order. Dealing with government agencies and authority figures will turn out well if you are prepared. Helping someone with physical problems will encourage you to be more health-conscious. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): An unexpected opportunity looks promising. Consider what's being offered and who is involved. Don't let anyone pressure you into making a cash donation or covering costs that should be included automatically. A partnership agreement should be put in writing. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Keep an open mind, but don't feel like you have to agree with someone who is being frivolous or pressuring you. Anyone looking for an argument should be dealt with quickly. Aim to get along and promote peace over discord. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Don't waste time arguing. Get busy and make things happen that will improve your life. Using pressure won't work, but offering incentives will. Children and seniors in your life will have an impact on the way things unfold. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Make positive changes, but don't absorb more debt. Take the time to do the work rather than hiring someone to do it for you. You'll gain confidence, respect and feel the satisfaction that comes from achieving your goals. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Don't get caught up in an emotional disagreement. It's best to go about your business with a minimal amount of friction. Don't try to change others. Focus on personal gains, learning and achieving your goals. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Emotions will surface when dealing with the people you work with. Your insight will help you tune in to sensitive issues that others may overlook. A steady pace and hard work will be recognized and rewarded. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Your good nature and desire to be helpful will be taken advantage of by someone you least expect. Disillusionment will set in if you trust someone you shouldn't. Don't let anyone stop you from doing the things you enjoy doing most. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Sometimes it's best to take your time and observe what's happening around you. Exhibit common sense when dealing with people who are excitable or who respond emotionally. Do things your own way and at your own pace. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Go back to your roots and you will discover something that will help you advance now. Revisit an old idea that was ahead of its time and rework it to fit current economic trends. Hard work will pay off. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Don't lend or borrow. If you want to donate something, offer your time, not your cash. Become a part of something you believe in or want to see change. It's what you do that will bring the best results. Actor Joel Grey is 85. Actress Louise Lasser is 78. Actor Peter Riegart is 70. Actor Bill Irwin is 67. Country singer-songwriter Jim Lauderdale is 60. Guitarist Nigel Pulsford (Bush) is 56. Country singer Steve Azar is 53. Singer Lisa Stansfield is 51. Bassist Dylan Keefe of Marcy Playground is 47. CELEBRITY BIRTHDAYS
4B TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 2017CLASSIFIED LAKE CITY REPORTERClassi ed Department 755-5440 CLASSIFIEDLAKE CITY REPORTER Ad to Appear:Call by:Email by: TuesdayMon., 10 a.m.Mon., 9 a.m. WednesdayTues., 10 a.m.Tues., 9 a.m. ThursdayWed., 10 a.m.Wed., 9 a.m. FridayThurs., 10 a.m.Thurs., 9 a.m. SundayFri., 3 p.m.Fri., 2 p.m.These deadlines are subject to change without notice.ADVANTAGEAd Errors: Please read your ad on the first day of publication. We accept responsibility for only the first incorrect insertion, and only the charge for the ad space in error. Please call 7555440 immediately for prompt correction and billing adjustments. Cancellations: Normal advertising deadlines apply for cancellation. Billing Inquiries: Call 755-5440. Should further information be required regarding payments or credit limits, your call will be transferred to the accounting department.Cancellations, Changes, and Billing Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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Standard abbreviations are acceptable; however, the first word of each ad may not be abbreviated.General Information Take ADvantage of the Reporter Classifieds!755-5440 You can call us at 755-5440, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Some people prefer to place their classified ads in person, and some ad categories will require prepayment. Our office is located at 180 East Duval Street. You can also fax or email your ad copy to the Reporter. FAX: 386-752-9400 Please direct your copy to the Classified Department. EMAIL: classifieds@lakecityreporter.com Placing An Ad > $17.50Each additional line $1.654 LINES 3 DAYS GARAGE SALEIncludes 2 Signs IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO.: 16000453CAAXMX DIVISION: WELLS FARGO BANK, NA, Plaintiff, vs. BRANDON YOUNG, et al, Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated April 4, 2017, and entered in Case No. 16000453CAAXMX of the Circuit Court of the Third Judicial Circuit in and for Columbia Columbia County, Florida in which Wells Fargo Bank, NA, is the Plaintiff and Brandon Young, are defendants, the Columbia County Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in/on the third floor of the Columbia County Courthouse at 173 N.E. Hernando Avenue, Lake City, Florida 32055, Columbia County, Florida at 11:00AM on the 3rd day of May, 2017, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Foreclosure: LOT 15, BLOCK 9, LAKEWOOD, A SUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 6C, IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA. A/K/A 1431 SE VALE COURT, LAKE CITY, FL 32025 Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITY ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. Dated in Columbia County, Florida this 5th day of April, 2017. Clerk of the Circuit Court Columbia County, Florida By: /s/ S. Weeks Deputy Clerk 332705 April 11, 18, 2017 2 Bartenders needed, must be HONEST, reliable, & able to be member of the American Legion in some form, smoking environment. References, background check & drug test required. Start at minimum wage. 386-365-5327 9am to 5pm IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 16000206CAA FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff, vs. UNKNOWN HEIRS, BENEFICIARIES, DEVISEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHERS WHO MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT H. ROWE A/K/A ROBERT ROWE A/K/A ROBERT HARDIN ROWE, et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS, BENEFICIARIES, DEVISEES, ASSIGNEES, LEINORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHERS WHO MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE ESTATE OF SANDRA K. ROWE A/K/A SANDRA ROWE A/K/A SANDY K. ROWE Last Known Address: UNKNOWN ADDRESS Current Residence Unknown YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Foreclosure of Mortgage on the following described property: LOT 10, 11 & 12, OF BLOCK 4, OF UNIT 23, THREE RIVES ESTATES, AS PER PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGES 80 AND 80A, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it, on Choice Legal Group, P.A., Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address is P.O. BOX 9908, FT LAUDERDALE, FL 33310-0908 on or before May 1, 2017, a date which is within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice in the LAKE CITY REPORTER and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITY ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 24th day of March, 2017. P. DEWITT CASON As Clerk of the Court By /s/ S. Weeks As Deputy Clerk 329901 April 4, 11, 2017 FOUND: Set of keys on Baughn Rd Call 386-344-0226 and identify. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: 2016 CA 000077 GRAND BANK FOR SAVINGS, fsb, Plaintiff, v. REYNALDO BECERRA a/k/a REINALDO BECERRA and YUSDDAY MARTINEZ, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE By Clerk of Circuit Court Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, P. DeWitt Cason, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Columbia County, Florida, will on the 26th day of April, 2017, at 11:00 o'clock A.M., on the third floor of the Columbia County Courthouse, 173 N.E. Hernando Avenue, Lake City, Columbia County, Florida, in accordance with Chapter 45, F.S., offer for sale and sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property situated in Columbia County, to-wit: Township 6 South, Range 17 East, Section 35: Commence at the Southeast corner of NW 1/4 of said Section as established by Daniel Croft, PLS, and run S 88_ 14' 24" W, along the South line of said NW 1/4, per said Croft Survey, being also the Northerly maintained right of way line of Bible Camp Road (Osprey Road) a distance of 436.80 feet to the point of beginning; thence continue S 88_ 14' 24" W, still along the South line of said NW 1/4 per said Croft Survey, being also the Northerly maintained right of way line of Bible Camp Road (Osprey Road) a distance of 436.65 feet; thence N 00_ 21' 41" E, parallel with the East line of NW 1/4, per said Croft Survey 1318.55 feet to a point on the North line of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 per said Croft Survey; thence N 88_ 18' 00" E, along said North line 436.63 feet, thence S 00_ 21' 41" W, parallel with the East line of said NW 1/4, per said Croft Survey, 1318.10 feet to the Point of Beginning. LOT 5 Hawk Ridge-Phase 2 (an unrecorded subdivision) pursuant to the Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in a case pending in said Court, the style of which is Grand Bank For Savings, fsb, Plaintiff, v. Reynaldo Becerra a/k/a Reinaldo Becerra and Yusdday Martinez, Defendants. and the docket number of which is number 2016-CA000077. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the office of Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A., 30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502, (850) 433-6581, within two (2) working days of your receipt of this Notice of Foreclosure Sale; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of this Honorable Court, this 28th day of March, 2017. P. DeWitt Cason Clerk of the Circuit Court of Columbia County, Florida By: /s/ S. Weeks DEPUTY CLERK 330620 April 4, 11, 2017 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SPECIALIST 3 5 years recent heavy accounts payable experience required. Please apply at employflorida.com Exp janitorial person needed, PT or FT positions available, contact 386-292-9938 10a-2p Public Auction to be held May 8, 2017 at 8AM at Ozzie's Towing & Auto, LLC 2492 SE Baya Ave. Lake City FL, 32025. (386) 719-5608 Following VIN Numbers: 2001 JAGUAR SAJDA01N91FM09879 2014 BASH SCOOTER LHJTLBBN3EB001826 2005 ISUZU 4NUES16S456700188 332523 April 11, 2017 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 15000477CAAXMX JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Plaintiff, vs. JAMES W. GARRETSON A/K/A JAMES GARRETSON, et al Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of foreclosure dated March 28, 2017, and entered in Case No. 15000477CAAXMX of the Circuit Court of the THIRD Judicial Circuit in and for COLUMBIA COUNTY, Florida, wherein JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, is Plaintiff, and JAMES W. GARRETSON A/K/A JAMES GARRETSON, et al are Defendants, the clerk, P. Dewitt Cason, will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, beginning at 11:00 AM Columbia County Courthouse 173 NE Hernando Avenue, 3rd Floor, Lake City, FL 32055, in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes, on the 26th day of April, 2017, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: Lot 52, Emerald Forest Phase 3, a subdivision according to the plat thereof recorded at Plat Book 6, Page 85, in the Public Records of Columbia County, Florida. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus funds from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITY ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. Dated at Lake City, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Florida, this 28th day of March, 2017. P. Dewitt Cason Clerk of said Circuit Court By: /s/ S. Weeks As Deputy Clerk 330633 April 4, 11, 2017 Powell Lawn Service. Call for FREE Estimates! 386-487-6264 We will sell the following tenants units at Tellus Self Storage 814 SW State Road 247/ Branford Hwy. Lake City, FL, on Friday, April. 21, 2017 at 10:00AM. WE SELL FOR CASH ONLY. 386-961-9926. ANNIE CALHOUN Household Goods, Furniture KRISTINIA WOOD Household Goods, Boxes MELODY LANGFORD Household Goods, Boxes, Suitcases CRYSTAL ANDERSON Household Goods, Furniture, Boxes, Toys LEEANNA JATTA 2003 Chevy Avalanche WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ALL BIDS. Cash only, 10% Buyers premium, Nyle Wells #AU3814. 325779 April 4, 11, 2017 CDL DRIVERS CLASS A Warren Pine Straw Co is hiring local drivers. Home every day/night or every other day/night. Good pay. Contact 386-935-0476. **SIGN ON BONUS** Now hiring truck drivers. Must have CDL with Tanker endorsements, 1-2 years experience, 7 year MVR. We pay per mile loaded and unloaded. For more information please contact Williams Dairy Trucking at (912) 367-9160
Classi ed Department 755-5440 TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 2017CLASSIFIED LAKE CITY REPORTER5B Anniversary Announcement Birth Announcement Change of Address Delivery Issues or Concerns Engagement Announcement Give a gift subscription Letter to the Editor News Tips Obituary Form Place a Classified Ad Submit an Event to the Calendar Vacation Delivery Service Wedding AnnouncementLook at what you can doONLINE www.lakecityreporter.com GO TOClickFORMS & SUBMISSIONSLake City ReporterEASAND CONVENIENT Lg 4+BR/3.5 BA, 2 car garage, quiet, dogs ok, $1175/mo 240-274-9368 TRUCK DISPATCHER/OFFICE ASSIST Small but growing trucking company looking for truck dispatcher and office assistant. Trucking and dispatching exp req High School diploma req. pay based on experience. Please call 386-365-2534 to set up an interview. Dryer white, good condition $75 386-965-6767 or 678-617-5560 Electric Stove white, works great $75 386-965-6767 or 678-617-5560 Washer white, works great $100 386-965-6767 or 678-617-5560 Avalon Healthcare is seeking professional Nursing Staff & CNAs, and offering $10.35 starting pay for CNAs who qualify. All candidates must pass a drug screen and background check, as well as possess an active certification. Please apply in person @ Avalon Healthcare, 1270 SW Main Blvd. Lake City, FL 22 foot Misty Harbor Pontoon boat. Very good condition. Low hour 90 HP Yamaha engine. Trinity Duel Axle trailer. Priced over $2,000 below Nada Boat Guide pricing. You will be pleased with the appearance. $19,900. Call Roger 605-310-6232 / 386-487-3952. Experienced Block Truck & Ready-Mix Truck Drivers needed. Must have CDL, Class B, clean driving record. Competitive pay with benefits. Apply at: Bell Concrete Products, 2480 N. US 129, Bell, FL Coldwell Banker-Bishop Elaine Tolar 365-8414 MLS93551 80' covered porches, updated ki t w/ SS appliances, FP, lots o f storage, metal roof $299,000 Coldwell Banker-Bishop Patti Taylor 623-6896 MLS96190 4/5.5, many upgrades: ne w roof, pool, pool house & more REDUCED TO $449,000 Coldwell Banker-Bishop Elaine Tolar 365-1548 MLS96592 2/1 older home w/lots of character! Priced to sell, extra rm could be 3rd BR. $79,000 2BR/1BA, kit/dinette area, CH/A, 1 car garage, W/D hook up, new carpet. $580/mo, 1 mo sec. No pets. 386-961-8075 Century 21-Darby Rogers 7526575 MLS96045 $201,000 Brick 4/2.5 w/lots of covered space to entertain, big workshop, fenced w/fruit trees. Century 21-Darby Rogers 7526575 MLS96475 $109,900 3/2 offers plenty of room, close to town and schools. Century 21-Darby Rogers 7526575 MLS96583 $200,000 Modern country feel! Open-plan living & dining, kit w/stainless steel appliances. Century 21-Darby Rogers 7526575 MLS96671 $345,000 Classic brick Cape Cod w/hardwood flooring, stainless steel ki t overlooking family room. Century 21-Darby Rogers 7526575 MLS96720 $69,900 Coz y home w/metal roof, dbl insulated windows, garage/workshop, 2nd shop 1/1br apt. Century 21-Darby Rogers 7526575 MLS96767 $197,500 3/2 brick on 20 ac, brick wood FP, split plan, roughly 4ac planted oak & 7ac mature oaks. Homes of Merit is looking for experienced help in the following areas: Carpet installer, Exterior, Roof build, Cabinet builder, Painter, Final finish, Drywall finisher, Electrical & Framer. Apply in person at: 1915 SE SR 100 Drug Free Workplace Company Driver Needed Columbia Grain is recruiting for pickup and delivery in FL & S GA. Home most nights & all weekends. Requires good entire driving record & 6 mo verifiable experience. We offer steady work & good equipment, competitive pay & full benefit package. Call for details 386-755-7700 ask for Greg or Eddie Daniel Crapps Agency 7555110 MLS96883 Midtown commercial, 3 units to choose from, $800/mo for 1, call for details on other 2. Daniel Crapps Agency 7555110 MLS96625 $199,500 4BR/3BA brick, 10' ceilings, hand-scraped oak flooring, open kit & fenced backyard. Daniel Crapps Agency 7555110 MLS96695 $69,900 3/1 concrete block home tha t needs some TLC, in Suwannee Co.on 4 acres Daniel Crapps Agency 7555110 MLS96721 $50,887 2/1 bungalow-style on 2ac w/ variety of mature trees, workshop, 2 carports on concrete slabs Daniel Crapps Agency 7555110 MLS96707 $56,000 14 acres MOL w/oaks surrounding old sinkhole in NE corner plus cave. Daniel Crapps Agency 7555110 MLS96738 $71,500 2/2 Condo in great location, 2-story, covered patio, easy access to community pool. 1/2 to 10 acre lots; owner financing. some with w/s/pp Deas Bullard/BKL Properties 386-752-4339 www.landnfl.com United Country, Dicks Realt y 755-8585 MLS93123 $259,000 5/3, bonus room, master w / door to screened lanai, open airy rooms, lg closets. United Country, Dicks Realty 755-8585 MLS96302 $134,000 3/2 brick home w/1 car garage on corner lot east of town. United Country, Dicks Realty 755-8585 MLS96714 $39,900 2835 NW Suwannee Valley 3/2 DWMH move-in-ready, furnished on 2.21 ac. United Country, Dicks Realty 755-8585 MLS97053 $149,900 982 SW Lake Montgomery 3/2 brick, fenced and close to town United Country, Dicks Realt y 755-8585 MLS97066 $449,000 10728 SW Tustenuggee 4/3.5 on 10ac w/pool currently residence/Bed & Breakfast. United Country, Dicks Realty 755-8585 MLS96973 $87,000 3/2 2000 DWMH over 2000 sf on 6.3ac. Security Officers Needed in Live Oak & Lake City areas $10/hr Current D Security Lic., Clear background, Drivers Lic, phone, Diploma/GED. Benefits, DFWP EEO Must Apply at: www.dsisecurity.com BB9100030 Starting at $ 545/mo, tile floors, fresh paint. Great Area. Call ( 386 ) 752-9626 First Coast Homes 288-8379 2/2 on 1 acre in Lake City. Move in ready! $34,900 FirstCoastMHS.com First Coast Homes 288-8379 Overstocked 3/2 doublewide delivered & set up with A/C $39,900. 288-8379 FirstCoastMHS.com First Coast Homes. Mobile Home Show Spring 2017. All models are reduced to make room for new show models! FirstCoastMHS.com Five Ash Forest, Lake Citys premier 55 plus manufactured home community. 752-7207 Lot lease includes water, sewer, garbage & lawn maintenance. 1331 E Duval, Hwy 90 frontage. 4BR/2BA $77,500 386-755-6030 leave message Well drilling assistant wanted. Valid DL, CDL preferred, must pass drug and bkgd check. Must have flexible schedule. Competitive pay, benefits include IRA & health ins. Apply 904 NW Main Blvd, Lake City. Hallmark Real Estate Donna Dawson 288-5613 MLS95886 Spacious home on 4.08ac, detached storage bldg & pole barn. $89,900 Hallmark Real Estate Anita Tonetti 697-3780 MLS96015 3/2 totally fenced backyard, above ground pool, wooden playset. Move-in ready $79,000 Hallmark Real Estate Tanya Shaffer 397-4766 MLS96414 3/2, open floor plan, fenced back yard, landscaped w/oa k trees. $149.900 Hallmark Real Estate Janet Creel 719-0382 MLS96951 Brick 3/2 on 1ac, new roof, cabinets & paint throughout. $92,000 Hallmark Real Estate Tanya Shaffer 397-4766 MLS96960 3/2 in the country club. Needs a little TLC. $65,000 Hallmark Real Estate Anita Tonetti 697-3780 MLS93785 .30ac lot needs no prep, water, sewer & power pole are in place. $10,500 Medium-sized chest freezer, works well, $100 386-292-3927 Push Lawn mower, barely used, looks & runs like new. $100 386-292-3927 Part time Dental Assistant, Specialty office exp necessary. Fax resume to: 386-758-7742 kjurecko@jandgendo.com PUBLISHER'S NOTE All Yard Sale Ads Must be Pre-Paid. PUBLISHER'S NOTE Florida Law 828.29 requires dogs and cats being sold to be at least 8 weeks old and have a health certificate from a licensed veterinarian documenting they have mandatory shots and are free from intestinal and external parasites. Many species of wildlife must be licensed by Florida Fish and Wildlife. If you are unsure, contact the local office for information. PUBLISHER'S NOTE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the fair housing act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status or national origin; or any intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under the age of 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-9777, the toll free telephone number to the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. Magnolia Real Estate Group Nate Sweat 628-1552 2/1 on 20 acres. Live in while you build or rent for income. MLS94017 Magnolia Real Estate Group Nate Sweat 628-1552 Updated, renovated, private, deeded river access 3/2, new AC, stove, well & septic. MLS96042 Magnolia Real Estate Group Nate Sweat 628-1552 Vintage 4/3 needs some repair to bring back to its original grandeur, master on 1st floor. MLS96336 Magnolia Real Estate Group Teresa Brannon 365-834 3 Comm property S. side of Live Oak on Hwy 129, warehouse space MLS93437 $169,900 Magnolia Real Estate Group Teresa Brannon 365-8343 4BR handicap accessible, privac y fenced backyard, new roof in 2015 MLS96488 $79,000 Magnolia Real Estate Group Teresa Brannon 365-8343 3 parcels 37.19ac pastures w/grandfather oaks, partially fenced $171,074 MLS97070 Class A CDL drivers needed, minimum 1 yr exp. Must be willing to get HAZMAT. Home every night. Full benefit package avail. Call John 386-294-2024. 3/2 new construction, lease option. No Pets. 1st, last + $800 sec, $1100/mo South of town. Credit ref's req'd 386-397-5425 RECORD STORAGE CLERK FULL TIME Detail oriented, People oriented Excellent customer service and Phone skills, Excellent computer skills. Good driving record. Lifting required, light maintenance. Handyman skills a plus. $11.00 to $13.00 per hour based on Experience. Drop off resume and fill out an Application between 8 am and 5 pm Monday Thru Friday @ MiniStorage & Record Storage Of Lake City 442 SW Saint Margaret Street, Lake City, FL 32025 No phone calls! Remax, Missy Zecher 6230237 MLS96723 $135,000 Remodeled home move-in ready, updated kit, metal roof is 2 1/2 yrs old, fenced backyard. Remax, Missy Zecher 6230237 MLS96724 $287,500 Stunning home on 4.7ac w/majestic oaks, chef's kit w/farm sink, gas range & granite island Remax, Missy Zecher 6230237 MLS96766 remodeled home on 5ac, mother-in-law suite, stocked pond, lg maste r w/office or sitting rm $245,000 Remax, Missy Zecher 6230237 MLS96861 $48,000 Estate home, great front porch, newer appliances, city water & gas avail, nice size yard Remax, Missy Zecher 6230237 MLS96891 $125,000 Cozy home on oversized lot, roof less than 1 yr old, electric has been upgraded. Pole barn Remax, Missy Zecher 6230237 MLS96917 $139,900 Move-in ready, open floor plan, covered back porch & nice sized yard. Handyman 3/1 Close to VA, lg corner lot. 954 SE Putnam St. Owner Finance $39,900, $3000 down, $380/mo Discount for cash. 352-215-1018 LandOwnerFinancing.com Remax, Pam Beauchamp 3032505 $349,000 MLS94106 4/3 on 5ac, parquest & h/w floors, FP, garden rm, huge workshop, less than 10 min to town. Remax, Pam Beauchamp 3032505 $299,000 MLS96832 4/3, 5ac, well maintained home, stone FP, det 3 car garage, whole house generator. Remax, Pam Beauchamp 3032505 $1,300,000 MLS96956 Approx $150,000 in used car inventory, 1620sf show rm, 3 offices, 2 bay service center. Poole Realty Vern Roberts 6881940 Live Oak 3/3.5, HVAC 2 yrs old, completely remodeled inside 2 yrs ago, 20x41 metal shed $263,500 MLS94616 Poole Realty Glenda McCall 208-5244 MLS94714 $299,900 Two-story home on 9.54 acres Poole Realty Anita Handy2085877 Move-in ready 2BR/2BA 1656 sq ft, $139,000 MLS95912 Poole Realty Vicki Prickitt 5901402 MLS96500 $425,000 Custom 4BR/3BA home on 13.79 acres Poole Realty Kellie Shirah 2083847 MLS96835 $229,000 Immaculate 4/2 brick on 4+ acres Poole Realty Ronnie Poole 208-3175 MLS96842 $285,900 Beautifule 3BR/2BA on 60 ac w/fincing & cross fencing Medical help wanted for busy doctors office. Looking for experienced medical assistant & front office personnel Email resume to echo@ primarycaremedic.com Full Time position open for Purchasing, Shipping/Receiving, Data Entry and general office duties. Experience in Purchasing and good computer skills necessary, knowledge in steel fabrication/mechanical equipment fabrication and/or AutoCAD helpful. Send Resume to; Fab Purchasing 3631 US Hwy 90 East, Lake City Fl. 32055 Hiring Warehouse clerk fulltime position for industrial warehouse shipping, receiving, loading, unloading and ticket picking, computer knowledge needed, will train apply in person 3631 E US Hwy 90, Lake City FL, email: guy@qiagroup.com Industrial Maintenance Technician, Experience Required in Electrical, Controls and General Millwright/ Mechanical work. Experience in Hydraulics and Pneumatics helpful. Send resume to Maintenance Technician, 3631 US 90 East, Lake City Fl 32055. Portable Garage w/metal siding 12x24 w/rolled top door & standard side door. Like new. $3500 Call 386-288-5838 Rockford Realty Group, Debi Bennefield 288-1208/Scot t Stewart 867-3498 MLS94086 $109,900 3/1 w/bonus rm, shed & fenced. Recently remodeled. Rockford Realty Group, Debi Bennefield 288-1208/Scott Stewart 867-3498 MLS94885 $120,000 3/2 open floor plan in new, well-located S/D Rockford Realty Group, Debi Bennefield 288-1208/Scot t Stewart 867-3498 MLS97056 $219,900 Ranch home on 8ac, lg back deck, lg live oaks Rockford Realty Group, Debi Bennefield 288-1208/Scot t Stewart 867-3498 MLS96791 $269,900 4/2 new construction, open floor plan. Rockford Realty Group, Debi Bennefield 288-1208/Scot t Stewart 867-3498 MLS96938 $179,900 '05 mfg home, screened bakckporch Rockford Realty Group, Debi Bennefield 288-1208/Scot t Stewart 867-3498 MLS94358 $39,900 3.7ac on cul-de-sac in High Pointe Farms. REWARD, One black & one chocolate lab retrievers, LOST 3/17 near Herlong & 47 S, Call 386-438-4466 Needed Exp Grill Cook, Daytime only, no Sunday's & no nighttime. Apply in person at Shirley's, 746 E Duval. Graphic design, production asst. entry or exp. Email bdj@startech.cc PC Tech-entry or exp Imm Opening. Busy shop. Email bdj@startech.cc Now hiring experienced lawn maintenance laborer. Winning attitude. Apply at stoneridgemgmt.com Looking for serviceman or helpers to install & do maintenance on dairy farms, tig weld, refrigeration, & electrical. Call 963-2842 or 19205 County Rd 49, O'Brien. Office space, warehouse space and storage units available. PRIME LOCATION just off US-90! 386-752-1444 100 Temp. Farm Workers needed 05/22/2017 09/08/2017. 3 months of verifiable experience hand-harvesting produce is required. Workers will plant, cultivate, harvest peaches and diversified crops. Worksites in Edgefield Co., SC. Random drug testing of employees at employers expense. Guaranteed of contract hours. Free housing provided for non-commuting workers. Transportation & subsistence reimbursed to workers upon completion of 50% of contract, or earlier, if appropriate. Work tools, supplies, and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. $10.62/hr plus applicable piece rate depending on crop activity. Report or send a resume to the nearest SC Employment Security Commission office at 803-641-7640 & ref. job order # 710944. Titan Peach Farms, Inc. Ridge Spring, SC Lg 2br/2ba, DR, updated kit, CH/A, by VA, $725/mo 6/mo lease w/sec dep 813-784-6017 3BR's as low as $699/mo Windsong ApartmentsWe offer 1, 2, & 3 BR's2580 SW Windsong Circle386-758-8455 All amenities included!
6B TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 2017 SPORTS LAKE CITY REPORTER GOLF! GOLF! TUESDAY SPECIAL 18 HOLES & CART $26!7 Days a Week: QUAIL HEIGHTS COUNTRY CLUB Lake City, FL 32025 386-752-3339 CALL FOR TEE TIMEBook Our Ballroom: PLUS TAX ONLYIncludes lunch coupon and a bucket of range balls.floor is his favorite event. The Junior Olympic member has taken his talents across the country and is revered by his Columbia peers, who enjoy watching Parker do handstands and other tricks. Parker recently finished his third season, falling short of a national-berth at regionals in Georgia this past weekend. Despite not advancing, the Columbia standout is proud of what hes accomplished this season. But his days of competition are likely numbered. Parker, a raider team member, plans to use his senior year to focus on school and JROTC. An aspiring West Point student, Parker will take a break from the mat and enjoy his final year of high school without the rigors of a USA gymnast schedule. Moving forward he plans to maintain his fitness level, and will keep building on the self-discipline in which he practiced in three Junior Olympic seasons. Im going to miss it quite a bit. PARKER Continued From 1BERIC JACKSON/Lake City ReporterBrandon Parker plans to stay in top shape despite his exit from competitive gymnastics. The Columbia cadet hopes to attend West Point. Akins, the former Golf Channel reporter he plans to marry in July that final burst of emotion was thinking about moments that unfortunately didnt go the way I wanted. Garcia is not the first player that endured bad breaks and heartache in the majors before finally winning one. Tom Kite won the PGA Tour money title twice and had played in 67 majors as a pro before he finally won the 1992 U.S. Open at Pebble Beach when he was 42. Corey Pavin was 36 when he hit that 4-wood onto the 18th green at Shinnecock Hills and won the 1995 U.S. Open. Mark OMeara had 14 victories on the PGA Tour when he won the 1998 Masters at 41. Most different about Garcia is that he made it easy to root against him, blaming everything but his own shots and missed putts. There was that time at Bethpage Black in the 2002 U.S. Open when he complained about having to play in the rain, suggesting the USGA would have stopped play if Woods had been on the course. He lost a three-shot lead in the final round at Carnoustie in the 2007 British Open, and after losing in a playoff to Padraig Harrington, he said he was playing against more than the field, intimating that somehow, the golfing gods were out to get him, too. A year later, Harrington rallied from three down to Garcia on the back nine and beat him at Oakland Hills in the PGA Championship. When asked later if he thought he was going to get his first major, Garcia snapped, Next question, please. Lets try to keep this as positive as we can, please. Losing hurt, and it reached a point where Garcia acted as though he no longer cared. That why his comments all week at the Masters that he had changed his attitude, that he was learning to accept bad bounces, was met with skepticism. What he found on Sunday, starting with his drive to the golf course, was a calmness he had never felt in the previous three times he played in the final group. And from that calm emerged the grit that Garcia had lacked. He salvaged par from a certain bogey on the 13th that kept him in the game. He made eagle on the par-5 15th to tie for the lead. He reached the 18th green and stood over a 5-foot putt for the victory. The last time he had a putt to win a major was at Carnoustie in 2007. He missed and had to go into a playoff. He missed this one, too, and headed into a playoff against Rose, only this time he didnt lose hope. I knew what I was capable of doing, and I believed that I could do it, he said. Thanks to that, I was able to do it. Garcia is no longer that 19-year-old with curly hair and freckles, sprinting up the fairway at Medinah as he tried to chase down Woods in the 1999 PGA Championship. There is gray in his goatee. There are scars from majors. And there was a green jacket on his shoulders. It looked as though it belonged there all along. MAJOR Continued From 1BCOURTESYPGA star Sergio Garcia finally captured his first major after plenty bad breaks and heartache in big matches in his career. IN THE PITS IndyCar has stable feeling for first time in years By JENNA FRYERAssociated PressLONG BEACH, Calif. Two races into the IndyCar season and neither Penske nor Ganassi has been to victory lane. The slots instead went to smaller teams, Honda-powered teams, in fact, as the balance of power in the beleaguered series seems to have shifted. Sebastien Bourdais, who once reeled off four consecutive titles in the defunct Champ Car Series, is the current points leader after a surprise win for tiny Dale Coyne Racing in the season opener at St. Petersburg. Then came James Hinchcliffes victory Sunday at Long Beach his first since he nearly bled to death in a 2015 accident at Indianapolis to give Schmidt-Peterson Motorsports a rare win. Yes, Honda is showing renewed strength after several years of Chevrolet dominance. Honda is headquartered in nearby Torrance and had to slink home the last two years embarrassed after Chevrolet took eight of the top 10 spots, including podium sweeps. So the Honda celebration was sweet on Sunday when the manufacturer claimed three of the top four finishers, and the Chevrolet beating could have been a lot worse if not for a slew of electrical issues that plagued the four-Honda Andretti camp. (Michael Andretti at least oneupped his rivals this year with a palatial hospitality zone that he unabashedly called a percent investment in customer experience). At long last, thanks in part to a more competitive circuit, IndyCar is heading in the proper direction. Its trending in the right direction, things are looking positive and theres traction, Ryan Hunter-Reay said, pointing to strong crowds at the two street races so far, plus the planning for a new car in 2018. The Honda-Chevy competition is as tight as its ever been, he said, and it is anybodys guess who is going to win the championship or let alone who is going to win the next race. Theres more, too. IndyCar celebrated its kickoff by announcing that all four of its major partners Chevrolet, Honda, Firestone and Dallara signed multiyear contract extensions. American Josef Newgarden landed a plush new ride with Team Penske that should raise his exposure. Hinchcliffes runner-up stint on Dancing With The Stars helped one of the most popular drivers reach a new audience. AJ Foyt Racing and Andretti Autosport both announced Indianapolis 500 entries over the weekend: Indy Lights winners Zach Veach (Foyt) and Jack Harvey (Andretti) will both attempt to make their IndyCar debut. On Monday, Indianapolis businessmen Mike Harding and Dennis Reinbold announced a technical alliance that created Harding Racing, giving Gabby Chaves a seat in the Indy 500. The Harding Group has been a partner with Indianapolis Motor Speedway in paving projects and client hospitality, but will be fielding a car for the first time. Three-time Indianapolis 500 winner Helio Castroneves feels the momentum in the series was built around last years 100th running at the Brickyard. Finally we are getting in our groove, Castroneves said. Last years Indy 500 probably caught a lot of attention from a younger group, and I think theres more room for us to grow. We still need to improve our TV numbers, the social media side, the marketing part, but we are making gains. Of course, everything hinges on next months 500, the showpiece of the season. The 100th was rich in history, tradition and a renewed love around the American classic. The race even got a surprise American winner, Alexander Rossi, to boot. There have been rumors of a showstopping driver parachuting into the event Tony Stewart? Danica Patrick? A Formula One star? but nothing has stuck. Still, this years race could draw attention as the start of sendoffs for Castroneves and Tony Kanaan, who are celebrating their 20th seasons, or Juan Pablo Montoya, who lost his job with Penske but is driving the 500 for his former boss. Roger Penske has discussed using Castroneves and Montoya if he fields a sports car team, and all three former winners could be shaping into Indy-only drivers. Not a single storyline will matter, Chip Ganassi said, if the weather is no good during the buildup to the race, so some Chamber of Commerce days will be needed to stir any early buzz. From there, the marketing of the new Indy car, a sexier version of the current Dallara, must be the focal point in creating hype for the series. I like the job that management is doing, Ganassi said. I like the new car, I like the new attitude and I see a lot of buzz on social media. The ratings are a little better. All the signs are pointing in the right direction and, obviously, we have to have a good May.COURTESYSebastien Bourdais is the current points leader after a win in the season opener. B6