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Lake City ReporterFRIDAY & SATURDAY, MARCH 31 & APRIL 1, 2017 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | $1.00 LAKECITYREPORTER.COM CALL US: (386) 752-1293 SUBSCRIBE TO THE REPORTER: Voice: 755-5445 Fax: 752-9400 Vol. 142, No. 253 TODAYS WEATHER Obituary . . . . . 3A Opinion . . . . . . 4A Religion . . . . . . . 5-6A TV guide . . . . . . . 2B Advice & Comics . . 3B 83 52May be storms, 2A Arrest made in Wednesdays hit-and-run, SEE BELOW. + PLUS >> County falls to 57th in health ranking Pair in jail on 4 drug chargesPIER REVIEWPHOTOS BY CARL MCKINNEY/Lake City ReporterA prison work crew dismantles the dock on Lake Montgomery. The dock was closed on Feb. 13 for safety reasons, said Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission spokeswoman Karen Parker. By TAYLOR GAINEStgaines@lakecityreporter.comColumbia County dropped three spots in the 2017 County Health Rankings released this week, finishing 57th out of 67 Florida counties. The rankings, compiled by the University of Wisconsin and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, are determined by more than 30 health factor and health outcome statistics based on items such as health behaviors, social and economic factors, and length and quality of life. Mark Lander, administrator for the Florida Department of Health in Columbia County, said the drop in the overall ranking isnt necessarily a cause for major concern as long as the county focuses on steadily improving in individual categories. RANKING continued on 2A LanderBy TAYLOR GAINEStgaines@lakecityreporter.comTwo out-of-state men were arrested earlier this month on meth trafficking charges, the Florida Highway Patrol said Thursday. Gregory Brian Melvin Jr., 30, of Hartwell, Georgia, and Tyler Duke, 23, of Calhoun Falls, South Carolina, were arrested March 14 after a trooper found drugs in their car during a traffic stop. Melvin was pulled over around 4 p.m. in his 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt for speeding and improper window tint on I-75. After troopers smelled cannabis, they searched the vehicle and found a tissue box which contained 208 grams of methamphetamine. Melvin also had a drug pipe in his pocket. Melvin and Duke were arrested and Duke Melvin But officials say they are making progress in important areas. Hit-and-run driver found on I-75By TAYLOR GAINEStgaines@lakecityreporter.comThe driver from Wednesdays hit-and-run crash on County Road 252 was arrested on Thursday. James Ryan Joiner Qualls, 32, caused a four-car accident on Wednesday after he failed to stop for traffic sitting at the intersection on 252 and SW Birley Avenue TONY BRITT/Lake City ReporterA B&M Towing tow truck driver helps put a Mercury Sable onto the back of a roll-top top truck following a four-vehicle crash that James Ryan Joiner Qualls caused on Wednesday. Baptist network receives accoladesRELIGION Streak ends for CHS softball teamSPORTSSee Page 1B See Page 6A COMMUNITYUnited Way honors its youngest volunteer at annual meeting, 2A. CHARGES continued on 2A DRIVER continued on 2ARIGHT/ BELOW: One-byone, state prisoners remove planks of wood from the dock. The city is looking to replace the pier. City workers on site said they were given few details about the project or the citys plan.TodayLend Me A Tenor beginsOpening night for Lend Me a Tenor, a side-splitting comedic farce set in two acts at the High Springs Playhouse, will feature a wine and cheese reception. Doors open at 7:15 p.m. with the performance beginning at 8. Regular Friday and Saturday performances are at 8 p.m. with doors opening at 7:30. Sunday matinees are at 2 p.m. with doors opening at 1:30. Tickets are $15 for adults; students and seniors on Sundays are $10. Tickets may be purchased online at www.highspringsplayhouse. com and at the door. The theater is located at 130 NE 1st Ave., High Springs. The last performance will be Sunday, April 23.SaturdayDiabetes workshopLearn how to manage diabetes with a free 2.5 hour workshop from 9 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturdays for six weeks (April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 and May 6) at Lake City Medical Center. Trained volunteer leaders with diabetes themselves or who have family members with diabetes will coordinate lessons and provide tips on setting goals and creating step-by-step plans. Call 7199371 to register. Pancake breakfast Bethel United Methodist Church Womens Group will have its annual spring pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. in the church fellowship hall. Eat in or take out for $6. Proceeds go to local mission projects.Acoustic jamThe March-April gathering of the SongFarmers of the Suwannee River Valley will be from 7-9 p.m. in Nelly Blys Kitchen at the Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park in White Springs. Musicians, friends and families welcome. No charge. For additional information, call Skip Johns at 344-2906 or visit the Suwannee Valley SongFarmers Facebook page.SundayFundraiser breakfastThe VFW Post 2206 Auxiliary hosts a breakfast the first and third Sunday of each month from 9 to 11 a.m. The menu varies and costs up to $6. Children younger than 3 is free and children ages 4-11 are half the price. Funds raised benefit the VFW post. For more information, call 7525001. (More community events can be found on Page 6A.) A1
2A FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 2017 DAILY BRIEFING LAKE CITY REPORTER 7a 1p 7p 1a 6a LAKE CITY ALMANAC SUN MOON UV INDEX EXTREME: 10 minutes to burn T odays ultra-violet radiation risk for the ar ea on a scale fr om 0 to 10+. FYI An exclusive service brought to our readers by The Weather Channel. SPONSORED BY City THE WEATHER WEA THER HISTORY Pensacola Tallahassee Panama City Valdosta Daytona Beach Cape Canaveral Gainesville Lake City Ocala Orlando Jacksonville Tampa West Palm Beach Ft. Myers Ft. Lauderdale Naples Miami Key West TEMPERATURESNormal high Normal low PRECIPITATIONMonth total Year total HI LO LO HI LO HI LO HI LO HI SaturdaySunday Cape Canaveral Daytona Beach Fort Myers Ft. Lauderdale Gainesville Jacksonville Key West Lake City Miami Naples Ocala Orlando Panama City Pensacola Tallahassee Tampa Valdosta W. Palm Beach April 3 April 11 April 19 April 26 FirstFullLastNew Quarter Quarter HOW TO REACH USMain number ........ (386) 752-1293 Fax number .............. 752-9400 Circulation ............... 755-5445 Online ... www lakecityreporter com The Lake City Reporter, an affiliate of Community Newspapers Inc., is published Tuesday through Friday and Sunday at 180 E. Duval St., Lake City, Fla. 32055. Periodical postage paid at Lake City, Fla. Member Audit Bureau of Circulation and The Associated Press. All material herein is property of the Lake City Reporter. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden without the permission of the publisher. U.S. Postal Service No. 310-880. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Lake City Reporter, P.O. Box 1709, Lake City, Fla. 32056. Publisher Todd Wilson ..... 754-0418 (twilson@lakecityreporter.com)NEWSEditor Robert Bridges ..... 754-0428 (rbridges@lakecityre porter.com)A DVERTIS ING ......... 752-1293 (ads@lakecityre porter.com)CL ASSIFIEDTo place a classified ad, call 755-5440BUSINESSController .... 754-0419 (sbrannon@lakecityreporter.com)CI RCUL AT IONHome delivery of the Lake City Reporter should be completed by 6:30 a.m. Tuesday through Friday, and by 7:30 a.m. on Sunday. Please call 386-755-5445 to report any problems with your delivery service. In Columbia County, customers should call before 10:30 a.m. to report a service error for same day re-delivery. After 10:30 a.m., next day re-delivery or service related credits will be issued. In all other counties where home delivery is available, next day re-delivery or service related credits will be issued. Circulation ............... 755-5445 (circulation@lakecityreporter.com)Home delivery rates(Tuesday -Friday and Sunday) 12 Weeks .................. $26.32 24 Weeks ................... $48.79 52 Weeks ................... $83.46Rates include 7% sales tax.Mail rates12 Weeks .................. $41.40 24 Weeks ................... $82.80 52 Weeks .................. $179.40 Lake City Reporter See an error? The Lake City Reporter corrects errors of fact in news items. If you have a concern, question, or suggestion, please call the editor. Corrections and clarications will run in this space. Thanks for reading. Submissions The Lake City Reporter accepts photographs and caption information to run at the discretion of the editor. If you would like to see your organization in the newspaper, send the picture and information to associate editor Justin Caudell at jcaudell@lakecityreporter.com. Scripture of the DayTeaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matthew 28:20 (KJV) If you cant do anything about it then let it go. Dont be a prisoner to things you cant change. Tony Gaskins Thought for Today Winning Lottery Numbers Pick 3: (Thursday evening) 8-1-5 Pick 4: (Thursday evening) 7-5-7-9 Pick 5: (Thursday evening) 1-7-2-1-2 QUICK HITS If you slip down one or two spots, it doesnt mean youre doing a worse job, he said. It means another county may have improved. Lander said the Community Health Advisory Panel will use the statistics to figure out what the county can improve upon. Its truly a whole community effort, Lander said. The panels job is to come up with innovative ideas on how we can address these rankings and improve health as an overall ben efit to the community. The main goal is not focusing on overall rankings but on the individual categories and what we can do as a community to work on those areas. Despite remaining on the lower end of the rankings in most categories, Columbia County saw many improvements and declines throughout the rankings. Some areas where the county fal tered in the rankings were premature deaths, STD infections and the ratio of residents to each primary care phy sician. Columbia County had 9,600 pre mature deaths per 100,000 (deaths before the age of 75), an unwanted increase from 9,300 premature deaths per 100,000 last year. The leading causes of death were cancer, heart disease and accidental death. Meanwhile, STD infections increased from 410.5 per 100,000 last year to 470.8 per 100,000 this year. Clinically speaking, there is only one primary care physician for every 2,420 people in the county. The state average is 1,380:1. On the positive side, Columbia County cut down on its smoking rate this year, increased its high school graduation rate and lowered its unem ployment rate for the fifth straight year. Adult smoking is at 18 percent, a number that has dropped steadily from 25 percent in 2013. The high school graduation rate is up to 71 per cent from 66 percent last year, which is still several points below the state average. Finally, unemployment is at 5.4 percent in the county, as opposed to the 10.7 percent rate Columbia faced in 2012. There are many more statistics based on length of life, quality of life, health behavior, clinical care, physical environment and social and economic factors available on www. CountyHealthRankings.org. The website also provides detailed strategies to combat the different issues measured in the rankings for both policymakers and individuals to look at. The biggest areas Columbia County needs to focus on, Lander said, are health behaviors and social and eco nomic factors. This includes areas such as adult obesity, impaired-driving deaths and rates of children in poverty. Theres evidence out there that supports that individuals from a lower socioeconomic status tend to have poor health outcomes, he said. Are there underprivileged areas we can go into and provide help? Lander said the community has worked to curb problems through various local programs, including free dental care for children in need during the summer, condom giveaways to prevent STDs and groups such as the Columbia County Traffic Safety Team to reduce impaired-driving deaths. Some issues need a different approach. For example, adult obesity is at 36 percent and has been a consis tent area of struggle in the county. The state average is about 26 percent. [Changing health behaviors] starts with education, Lander said. People dont look at what being overweight will mean 5, 10 years from now. The only way were going to get people to change their behaviors is educating them on whats going to happen if they continue down this path. He said it will be a full-on commu nity effort to make sure things are as good as they can be in Columbia County. Health is everybodys responsibili ty, he said. Every agency and every individual. We all have responsibility in it. RANKINGContinued From 1A KATRINA POGGIO/Lake City ReporterRonsonet Buick-GMC opens its doorsCommunity members gather at Ronsonet Buick-GMC on Duval Street on Thursday for a ribbon cutting event. and rear-ended a car, according to a Florida Highway Patrol report. He sent that car into the car in front of it, which proceeded to hit the car in front of it. Photographs from the accident were published in Thursdays Lake City Reporter. Driver Toby Mullis, 43, and passenger Leigh Mullis, 37, from Wellborn; driver Ernest Ebersole, 69, from Lake City; and a driver identified by FHP as Jessica, 16, from Fort White and passenger Erna Yeager, 84, from Lake City, were all involved in the accident. Ebersole was flown to University of Florida Health Shands Hospital with serious inju ries. FHP reported no other injuries. Qualls fled the scene after the accident and was even tually found with his vehicle disabled on I-75 southbound near mile-marker 393, according to the report. FHP said he was trans ported to North Florida Regional Hospital in Gainesville where he became combative with rescue personnel. After he was released from the hospital Thursday, Qualls was transported to the Alachua County Jail. He faces charges of battery on a paramedic and disorderly intoxication. FHP said crash charges are still pending. DRIVERContinued From 1A Qualls transported to the Columbia County Detention Facility where they are still in jail on $315,000 bond. They each face four separate drug possession-related charges. FHP Public Information Officer Pat Riordan said he didnt know why there was a delay in releasing the incident report and that he put it out as soon as he got it. CHARGESContinued From 1A CARL MCKINNEY/Lake City ReporterUnited Way honors its youngest volunteerOn Thursday evening, United Way Executive Director Rita Dopp honors the charitable organizations youngest volunteer, Kylie Cruz, 4, who handled the ticket booth during United Ways Dinner with Santa event. Pictured on the right is Kylies mother, Michelle Cruz. The organization hosted its annual meeting Thursday at Florida Gateway College, celebrating its endeavors over the past year.
FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 2017 STATE LAKE CITY REPORTER 3A Cash Sign-On $$ BONUS $$ The Lake City Reporter seeks newspaper carriers for motor routes in Lake City and Columbia County. Position is an independent contractor with unlimited income. Must have a reliable vehicle. APPLY IN PERSON: Lake City Reporter, 180 E. Duval St. Across from Downtown Lake City No phone calls STEPHEN FOSTER FOLK CULTURE CENTER STATE PARK 11016 Lillian Sanders Dr, White Springs, FL 32096$5 per carEvent Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.March 30 April 1, 2017 Stephen FosterAntique Tractor & Engine Show Robert Keith Nicholson, Sr. Mr. Robert Keith Nicholson, Sr., 79 of Gainesville and formerly of Lake City, passed away on Wednesday, March 29, 2017 at the VA Hospital in Gainesville, Florida. He was born in Crawfordsville, Indiana to the late Charles Franklin Nicholson, Sr. and Martha Jane Clouser Wyatt. Mr. Nicholson was a Veteran of the United States Marine Corps. He had made his home in Lake City and had worked for the Aero Corp. and the VA Hospital. Mr. Nicholson then moved to Gainesville and retired from the VA Hospital in 1999. He was preceded in James, Lynn, Marvin and John Nicholson and four sisters, Nancy Fairchild, Ruth Nine, Kathleen Nicholson and Sandra Kay Stagg. Survivors include his wife of 60 years, Frances H. Nicholson, Gainesville; two sons, Robert K. Nicholson, Jr. (Kizzie), Elkton, MD and Brian Nicholson, Lake City; two brothers, David Nicholson (Jim) and Lee Nicholson both of Gainesville; one sister, Donna Brock (Clifford), Crawfordsville, IN; eleven grandchildren and several great grandchildren also survive. Memorial services will be held on Sunday, April 2, 2017 at 3:00 PM at Christ Central Ministries in Lake City with contributions may be made to Christ Central Ministries Recovery Shelter, 217 SW Dyal Ave., Lake City, FL 32024. Arrangements are under the direction of GATEWAY-FOREST LAWN FUNERAL HOME 3596 S US Hwy 441, Lake City. 386752-1954 Please leave words of comfort for the family at www.gatewayforestlawn.comObituaries are paid advertise ments. Call 752-1293 for info. OBITUARY Groups rally to support embattled prosecutorBy RYAN RAYThe News Service of FloridaTALLAHASSEE Supporters of Central Florida State Attorney Aramis Ayala rallied Thursday outside the Capitol, hoping to persuade state leaders to stop bullying her, as one supporter put it. More than 100 people rode buses to Tallahassee from throughout the state to take part in the rally to back the embattled Ayala. The Orlando prosecutor made national news this month when she publicly declared she would not pursue the death penalty for alleged double murderer Markeith Loyd or in any other case. On March 16, Gov. Rick Scott promptly reassigned the Loyd case to another state attorney. Last week, legislative budget writers moved to slash her offices funding to the tune of $1.3 million and 21 positions. Ayala, who was elected last year as state attorney in Orange and Osceola counties, has called the potential cuts political posturing designed to punish her for a disagreement over policy, a sentiment her supporters echoed Thursday. [Ayala] wasnt afraid to speak the truth about how broken the death penalty is, said Christine Henderson, an organizer for Equal Justice USA. And what does she get in return? Floridas governor overstepping his authority by trying to put her in her place, trying to take away the power that the people gave to her to fulfill. But back in Orlando, critics of the state attorney led by former law enforcement officials and the families of murder victims scheduled their own rally demanding Ayala to be removed from office entirely. Also, Orange County Circuit Judge Frederick Lauten this week refused to reinstate Ayala as prosecutor in the Loyd case, after Scott reassigned it to Ocala-area State Attorney Brad King, an outspoken proponent of the death penalty. Loyd is accused of killing his pregnant ex-girlfriend, Sade Dixon, and murdering Orlando Police Lt. Debra Clayton. Rep. Bob Cortes, an Altamonte Springs Republican whose district includes part of Orange County, has been an outspoken critic of Ayala and continued calling Thursday for further action against the prosecutor. The Capitol is a place for free speech. They can come here and bring their concerns forward, Cortes said. I still insist on what Ive said from the beginning, which is that the governor reassign all of these cases and then suspend the state attorney because of the blanket statement of refusal to handle any death penalty cases. The NAACP and groups such as Latino Justice, the Florida Council of Churches, Orange County Black Voice, Color of Change, The 8th Amendment Project, and Equal Justice USA helped organize the rally.RED HUBER/Tribune News ServiceOrange/Osceola State Attorney Aramis Ayala, left, chats Monday with State Attorney Brad King. House and Senate budget proposals are $2 billion apartBy BRANDON LARRABEEThe News Service of FloridaTALLAHASSEE The House and Senate are on track to start budget nego tiations with a gap of $2 billion in their proposals, providing fresh reasons for skepticism that lawmakers will complete a spending plan by the scheduled May 5 end of the legislative ses sion. The Senate on Thursday published an initial draft of its budget that would spend $83.2 billion in the year that begins July 1. Shortly afterward, House lead ers announced that their spending plan would check in around $81.2 billion. That could set up a collision course between the two chambers, which will have to decide how much to spend before the smaller details of how to divvy up the money can be ham mered out by negotiating committees. House and Senate budget-writing panels are expected to vote next week on the competing budget plans, which come as state finances are expected to weaken in future years. The state is projecting a small surplus in the fis cal year that starts July 1, followed by a $1.3 billion shortfall the following year and a $1.9 billion hole the year after that. One of the few new details in the Senate plan unveiled Thursday was the outline of a long-promised increase in pay for state workers. The proposal would provide $219.7 million in raises for employees. Most workers making up to $40,000 a year would get a $1,400 raise, with an increase of $1,000 for those making more. Some workers, including front-line corrections offi cers and judges, would get larger pay increases. State law-enforcement officers would see their paychecks increase by 5 percent; assistant public defenders with at least three years of experience would receive a 6 percent hike. For far too long, the honorable and dedicated state employees who guard prisons, protect our high ways, care for abused and neglected children, and who provide many other critical government services, have gone without an increase in their pay, said Senate Appropriations Chairman Jack Latvala, a Clearwater Republican who has made raises one of his priorities. The Senate budget makes it clear that we value the contributions these public servants make to our state. House leaders focused on the future impact of their plan, which they said would turn the shortfalls in future years into surpluses. House Appropriations Chairman Carlos Trujillo, R-Miami, underscored a decision to slash about a quarter of $700 million of budget proj ects that were wedged into spending plans by past law makers and draw on yearafter-year funding. For the first time in at least my time up here, weve gone after recurring projects and member projects and have eliminated a substantial amount of them, he said. But many of those ideas seem destined to run into opposition in the Senate. The House would slash the budgets of colleges and universities, despite Senate President Joe Negrons focus on boosting higher education in the state. Cuts in health care are also likely to prove controversial in the upper chamber. And the House and Senate remain divided by whether to roll back school property-tax rates to make sure homeowners dont face larger tax bills even if the value of their properties increase. The House is expected to publish its full budget today. House takes aim at stadium projectsTALLAHASSEE Sports franchises wouldnt be able to build or renovate stadi ums on publicly owned land under a mea sure that won House approval Thursday. But while the House voted 82-33 to sup port the bill (HB 77), the Senate hasnt been in the same ballpark on the issue. Its fine here, but the Senate a lot of things are not moving over there, so well see how everything shakes out, said House bill sponsor Bryan Avila, R-Hialeah. The bill is part of an effort by House lead ers to limit public assistance to private com panies, reflecting a broader philosophical gulf from the Senate on business incentives, tourism marketing and government funding of professional sports facilities. A similar Senate proposal (SB 122) not been heard in committees, nor has another bill (SB 236) that would seek to repeal a 2014 law that potentially made available $13 million a year for stadium work. A sports franchise, or a team, is a busi ness. You will be hard-pressed to find many cases where the local government has provided publicly owned land to other busi nesses, Avila said Thursday on the House floor. When we talk about economic devel opment, and some people have mentioned this, do they provide as much economic development as lets say a UPS, a Subway, Dominos Pizza, McDonalds, some of these other businesses that are on every corner in the community? How many employees do they employ? How much economic activity do they generate? We do not give them pub licly owned land. The House during the past few years has virtually ignored the 2014 stadium-fund ing law, despite the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity saying that appli cations for EverBank Field in Jacksonville, Sun Life Stadium in Miami-Dade County, Daytona International Speedway, Raymond James Stadium in Tampa and a soccer sta dium in Orlando had satisfied state requirements. The state agency received just a single application, for Raymond James Stadium, for the current year. Rep. Richard Stark, D-Weston, objected to Avilas bill Thursday, saying it would prevent local governments from deciding what proj ects they consider right. Taking this away from local communities is just another chipping away that weve had continually against home rule, Stark said. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Miami Heat, Orlando Magic, Tampa Bay Lightning, Florida Panthers, Miami Marlins, Jacksonville Jaguars and Tampa Bay Rays play in stadiums on publicly owned land. Also publicly owned land is used for all but one of the states Major League Baseball spring-training facilities. Opposition to stadium funding has grown since a 2009 deal by Miami-Dade County to borrow about $400 million through bonds for Marlins Stadium that, according to pro jections, may come to a cost of more than $2.4 billion when the final payment is due in 2048.The News Service of Florida
I had a few friends, and played football in the ninth grade on the Gulf Coast. But I was also hanging with a bad group, and starting to get in some real trouble. So my parents moved us all the way across the country, to Los Angeles County, Redondo Beach. There I was, in a new high school, knowing no one, and having no school connections. I realized other teens knew each other well, for several years, hung out with their own cliques, and didnt seek out new members. It was a really lonely year for me. I was kicked out of the athletic bunch, the brainy nerds, and the social and popular class. I felt like a real outcast. Id walk around the campus at recess and lunch period every day, hoping to make everyone think I had someplace to go. It was painful, and I fought back an occasional tear. It was a year or so before I joined the swim team, and picked up surfing. Gradually I developed a few friendships and felt better about myself, and adjusted to the new life. Today, Im retired from satisfying careers of counseling, teaching psychology at Florida Gateway College, and feeling very happy in my own skin, confident, self-directed, and have built a satisfying, happy, and fulfilled life for myself. Psychological research indicates that the teen years are when a person is trying to find out who they are, forming a personal identity, building social skills, and developing self-confidence. I could have really used a lot of help in my first year of high school. But I didnt find it, and it took me years to resolve my issues, and some pain along the way. Sunday I watched the CBS show Sunday Morning, as reporter Steve Hartman told the story of Dennis A., a Haitian immigrant who was enrolled at Boca Raton High School, with 3,400 other students. He felt terribly alone, lonely, and sad, as a stranger in a strange land. I can identify with Dennis, who spent his lunch breaks alone and had no friends. But unlike me, he reached out to anyone who would put up with him. He also played football, and received a scholarship. He gradually became popular. He wasnt satisfied with his social success. He saw other students, and could see the loneliness and depression in their eyes. He started a club with a few friends, and named it We dine together. He and his friends would find a student having lunch alone, and join them and start up a conversation. His goal was No one should have to dine alone, or spend a break alone. The club grew rapidly, and he found himself spending lots of time for the cause. He gave up his football scholarship, and left the team, to make sure no one would feel the pain of loneliness that he felt in his first year. No one knows just how much pain and suffering hes prevented, but students are not seen alone at their school. Teens have a special need at that point in their lives, and must have social involvement to develop and be the wonderful people they can be. Maybe you notice a need somewhere in your community, or in a particular age group, where you could help and make a difference? I believe the gift of happiness is something everyone deserves a chance at. How about doing something yourself? Feel the reward you can get from bringing a little joy to others. OPINION Lake City Reporter Serving Columbia County Since 1874 The Lake City Reporter is published with pride for residents of Columbia and surrounding counties by Community Newspapers Inc. We believe strong newspapers build strong communities -Newspapers get things done! Our primary goal is to publish distinguished and profitable communityoriented newspapers. This mission will be accomplished through the teamwork of professionals dedicated to truth, integrity and hard work. Todd Wilson, Publisher Robert Bridges, Editor Jim Barr, Associate Editor Sue Brannon, Controller Dink NeSmith, President Tom Wood, Chairman ANOTHER VIEW LETTERS POLICY Letters to the Editor should be typed or neatly written and double spaced. Letters should not exceed 400 words and will be edited for length and libel. Letters must be signed and include the writers name, address and telephone number for verification. Writers can have two letters per month published. Letters and guest columns are the opinion of the writers and not necessarily that of the Lake City Reporter. BY MAIL: Letters, P.O. Box 1709, Lake City, FL 32056; or drop off at 180 E. Duval St. downtown. BY FAX: (386) 752-9400. BY EMAIL: rbridges@lakecityreporter.com Friday, March 31, 2017 www.lakecityreporter.com 4A Lake City Reporter Serving Columbia County Since 1874 The Lake City Reporter is published with pride for residents of Columbia and surrounding counties by Community Newspapers Inc. We believe strong newspapers build strong communities -Newspapers get things done! Our primary goal is to publish distinguished and profitable communityoriented newspapers. This mission will be accomplished through the teamwork of professionals dedicated to truth, integrity and hard work. Todd Wilson, Publisher Robert Bridges, Editor Frances Wainwright, Controller Dink NeSmith, President Tom Wood, ChairmanApply the law, dont rewrite itDuring her five-month campaign for state attorney last year, Aramis Ayala never directly disclosed to voters any intention to impose, unilaterally, a moratorium on capital punishment on cases in Orange and Osceola counties, the third largest circuit in Florida. Yet thats just what she did last week, declaring she wouldnt seek the death penalty against accused cop-killer Markeith Loyd or any other defendants during her time in office. Political junkies might have seen it coming when billionaire George Soros, a death penalty opponent, spent more than $1 million last year to help elect her. But a spokeswoman for the state attorney said earlier this week that Ayala would be seeking the death penalty in six pending cases. So for most voters, last weeks declaration came as a bolt out of the blue. And while the prosecutor insisted her decision was based on her own extensive research into the pros and cons of the death penalty, the arguments she cited against capital punishment its too costly, its not a deterrent, it subjects victims families to uncertainty and years of legal wrangling have been debated for years. Surely an experienced prosecutor like Ayala, who handled death penalty cases before, would have thought through these arguments before deciding to run for the circuits top job. Assuming she did, voters had a right to know where she stood on such a fundamental issue of criminal justice. Its true that it was only this week that Gov. Rick Scott signed into law a bill passed by the Legislature to reinstate capital punishment in Florida. However, that bill was a procedural fix that followed a temporary pause in executions. State law gives prosecutors, including Ayala, the discretion not to pursue the death penalty in individual cases. Her decision to adopt a general policy against the death penalty as long as she is in office her current term runs through 2020 is an abuse of that discretion. Scott took advantage of his authority under state law to remove Ayala from the case and replace her with the top prosecutor from the neighboring circuit that includes Lake County, State Attorney Brad King. (Ironically, King said Friday that he hadnt decided until he reviews all the evidence in the case whether to seek the death penalty against Loyd.) Any move by Scott against Ayala that goes beyond a case-by-case basis would be executive overreach. State law doesnt allow a governor to suspend an elected official for anything short of serious misconduct in office. We would urge Ayala to reconsider her policy, looking to former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno as her model. Reno, who was Miami-Dade Countys state attorney for 15 years before former President Bill Clinton appointed her as the nations top law enforcer, never made a secret of her personal opposition to the death penalty. Still, she pursued it in both her state and federal positions. Reno argued that she didnt write the law, but was obligated to enforce it. Before I ask for the death penalty, she said in a 1996 newspaper interview, I make absolutely certain in my mind that this is the person who committed the crime that the aggravating circumstances arguably outweigh the mitigating circumstances and the evidence supports it. Then we ask for it. Ayalas office declares on its website that its mission is fairly and equally applying the law to all. It doesnt say anything about rewriting it. Lots of lonely teenagers He gave repeal a try, Obamacare is still standing and now President Donald Trump is flat on his back, or so goes the narrative. Hes not. He is taking on sluggard, ineffective government with oomph and clarity and, as part of that effort, is going after one of the biggest killers in America the opioid epidemic. To achieve his ends, Trump has created something called the White House Office of American Innovation that starts with an assemblage of some of the countrys best retired business executives working with Jared Kushner, Trumps son-in-law. Its purpose, with the aid of high tech, data and the special vigor of these free-enterprise, thrive-or-die masters, will be to reframe federal programs to the point of actually getting something done. A chief issue for the new office, reports The Washington Post, will be to combat the monster opioid pills ravaging our human landscape. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is expected to be in charge of this fight against an immense threat. How immense? Every segment of society is affected. The drugs are devastating whole communities. They kill more people than either guns or auto accidents. They are a major cause of rising deaths in the less-educated white middle class, and get this: They are therefore a factor in the whole nation now suffering a death rate increase. Once upon a more morally observant, more socially tempered time, drug abuse in America was mainly an inner city phenomenon and doctors were extremely prudent in prescribing opioid pain killers. Then, as Christopher Caldwell discusses in First Things magazine, came the libertarians, the marketing-mad pharmacy companies, pill-mill physicians and old-style gangs. The libertarians snarled that nothing should get in the way of drug consumption, and the pharmaceutical companies, in search of dollars, spent plenty themselves in arguing that it was anti-scientific and cruel not to do everything possible to treat chronic pain. More and more doctors went along with this, some prescribing the pills so lavishly, carelessly and profitably as to make a humane person shudder. These drugs are addictive and, when used too much for too long, can produce zombies where people once stood. The consumption experience of such drugs as oxycodone, fentanyl or hydrocodone can be euphoric, the withdrawal experience agony and the search for more pills a primary purpose of life. Crime can enter in, and a poor addict will often secure pills through Medicaid, sometimes selling what was purchased with a $3 co-pay for thousands of dollars on the street, says another writer, Nicholas Eberstadt. When addicts reach the end of the prescription road, theres illegal heroin and gangs proffering that killer drug but with no medical degree to delude the innocent. Put it all together and you have a third of Americans receiving pain pill prescriptions every year, says Caldwell. Eberstadt, writing in Commentary magazine, points to the record-breaking numbers of prime age men dropping out of the work force and says half of them imbibe opioids daily. Many receive Social Security disability payments to help them survive, and here is the horror: millions of doped-up people spending their lives lying around their homes doing nothing but watching TV or playing with other electronic devices. The new White House office has a massive job ahead of it, especially when one considers other factors contributing to the opioid epidemic, such things as a slow-growth economy and declines in marriage, religion and our work ethic. We have what some have called a culture of despair among many low-wage or jobless Americans, with suicide and alcohol adding to the death toll. Trump has promised to cut back on heroin availability through tougher measures against smuggling. Caldwell says reducing supply is the main thing, and there could be more restrictions on prescription drugs. The right rehab programs can be important, and dont rule out innovation, the grand promise associated with this new White House office.Trump takes on the opioid epidemic Orlando Sentinel Bob DennyBob.Denny8@gmail.com Bob Denny, LMHC and retired instructor at Florida Gateway College, would appreciate your feedback. Please address your comments and suggestions to Bob. Denny8@gmail.com or phone (386) 4544950. Jay AmbroseSpeaktoJay@aol.com Jay Ambrose, formerly Washington director of editorial policy for Scripps Howard newspapers and the editor of dailies in El Paso, Texas and Denver, is a columnist living in Colorado.
FAITH & VALUES Friday & Saturday, March 31 & April 1, 2017 w ww.lakecityreporter.com 5A 755-7050FREE in Lake City Plaza MIKELLS POWER EQUIPMENT, INC.Your Lawn & Garden Headquarters 1152 US 90 WEST LAKE CITY, FL.386-752-8098 ANDERSON COLUMBIA CO., INC. ASPHALT PAVING 752-7585 871 NW Guerdon St., Lake City Competitive rates, not-for-profit, right here in your community.Lake City District 386-752-7447 clayelectric.com Central States EnterprisesColumbia County's Feed Headquarters 668 NW Waldo St. 386-755-7445 GW Hunter, Inc. Chevron Oil Jobber Open 7 Days a Week 1036 E. Duval St., Lake City FL. (386) 752-0067 Fresh Meat, Fresh Produce!I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me Philippians 4:13 North Florida Pharmacy7 Locations to Serve You Lake City, Ft. White, Branford, Chiefland, Mayo & Keystone Heights To have your church listed in the directory or to be a Church Page Sponsor, call 755-5440 Church Directory 386-752-8656 HARRYSHeating & Air Conditioning Inc.Harry Mosley, President the environmentally sound refrigerant 752-2308 US 90 West across from Wal-Mart752-0054 BAPTISTFirst Baptist Church Because He Cares We Care Olivet Missionary Baptist Church Pine Grove Baptist Church Tabernacle Baptist Church CATHOLICEpiphany Catholic Church CHRISTIANLake City Christian Church CHURCH OF CHRISTLake City Church Of Christ Northside Church of Christ 9 am CHURCH OF GODEvangel Church of God Lake City Church Of God Morning Worship LUTHERANOur Redeemer Lutheran Church LCMS Grace Lutheran Church (CLC) Spirit of Christ [ELCA] 145 Sweetbreeze Dr. 752-3807 Sunday Services: 9:30A Rev. Joy Bolander, Pastor METHODISTWatertown Congregational Methodist Church PENTECOSTALFirst Full Gospel Church Morning Worship PRESBYTERIANFirst Presbyterian Church Sun. Worship NON-DENOMINATIONALChrist Central Ministries Falling Creek Chapel CrossPoint Church Jesus plundersWith Jesus authenticating himself as the great I Am of the Old Testament, we now get to watch how the Pharisees respond once again when a demon-oppressed man is brought to him. Please read Matthew 12:22-32. Notice the crowds response they were amazed! They were continuously amazed and beside themselves as Jesus continued to heal all that was brought to him. The crowds began to ask the question, Can this be the Son of David? Jesus answer to this question is yes if you have ears to hear and eyes to see with. The Pharisees ministry and influence are decreasing and they became jealous of Jesus. They reveal to us just how wicked a persons heart can be. The Pharisees respond this way because they dont believe that Jesus is the Son of David. They accused Jesus of doing these miracles by the power of Beelzebul, the prince of demons. Gods word is right with these words: The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give to every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds. (Jeremiah 17:9-10) No matter what religion you may or may not practice, one truth is for sure: We do not know just how wicked and sinful our hearts are! As I reflect on my life, I do not know the depravity of my own heart. God does! Our sinful wicked heart is a divided heart. Jesus reveals this truth as he responds to the Pharisees accusations with this truth: A house divided against itself will fall (vs. 25). The same truth applies today. The same truth applies in a marriage, in a business and yes even in a local church body! The only way any person, or group, can have a united heart for one purpose is to take Jesus up on his invitation: Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Jesus has the authority and power to set you free from Satans control and transform your life. Jesus received the authority from the Father to bind Satan and plunder his house. Jesus paid for your sin debt in full on the cross when he shed his blood for your soul. Lets get one truth perfectly clear: Jesus satisfied the wrath of God because we as sinful humans were not and are not able to do so. Jesus under the authority of God the Father bound Satan up and plundered his house. Every person who has ever been plundered from the house of Satan has been washed in the blood of Jesus Christ. The classic hymn has it right: What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus! No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus. Jesus Christ is the only reason my life is different today. I invite you to give your life to him! Robert Bass is pastor of First Baptist Church of Lake City. Robert Bassrobertcbass@yahoo.com Religious freedom is essential in USOne of the issues that figured prominently in the past presidential election was that of religious freedom. Rumors are circulating that an executive order is being drafted to address recent encroachments on the religious freedom of individuals who own businesses and endeavor to practice what the Scriptures teach. The Constitution of the United States was ratified and became the law of the land on Sept. 13, 1788 when the Continental Congress passed a resolution to that effect after 11 of the 13 original states had ratified it. North Caroline and Rhode Island followed quickly, ratifying the Constitution by May of 1790. Fearful that a powerful federal government may infringe on the individual freedoms our forefathers had come to enjoy in the New World, the first Ten Amendments to the United States Constitution, known collectively as the Bill of Rights, were soon ratified by Dec. 15, 1791. The First Amendment to the Constitution is considered the cornerstone to the other nine that follow. The first words of the First Amendment read, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. I have always said I think it is significant that when our founding fathers sought to protect individual freedoms, the first one they secured was the freedom to exercise our faith and not be required to support with our taxes a state church. A free church in a free state is the Christian ideal. That ideal enshrined in the First Amendment has come under attack in recent years. Some have used laws that conflict with the First Amendment to force others to support and comply with practices that go against their conscience. Commenting on this issue in another forum, one person told me I should confine my beliefs about morality within the four walls of my church. When I countered that he should confine his immoral practices within the four walls of his bedroom, he replied with something that should not be printed CHRISTIAN CONCEPTS Gary Kinggarybkingcc@gmail.comThe first words of the First Amendment read, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.Put real proactive love into practiceI have the funniest picture of my grandson on my phone that I look at often, because it never fails to make me smile. What is it that brings the most joy into your life? I bet your answer involves someone rather than something. However, if you were asked what brings you the most frustration in life, chances are good your answer to that would be someone as well! Relationships tend to bring out the best and worst in all of us. Enjoying the best is easy, but what do you do about that relationship that often results in frustration, anger and/or confusion? First, realize that these feelings are indicators of an unhealthy element in your relationship and function like an internal alarm system. This alarm serves to let us know that things are not as they should be; someone important to us is affecting our life in a very negative way. In his book, Handling Difficult People, author Dr. John Townsend describes relationships as the delivery system for so many of the good things we need in life love, safety, grace, warmth, encouragement, truth, forgiveness, and more. These elements make life meaningful, purposeful, and enjoyable. But life with a difficult person is none of those things. Relationships with difficult people can bring feelings of isolation instead of connection, and can actually work to destroy the affection that you once held. We can also begin to believe that nothing we try will fix the problem; this leaves us frustrated and we often resort to becoming someone we dont want to be when we are with our difficult person. So what should we do? Take a look at 1 Corinthians 13:4-6, and read the Biblical definition of love from a different perspective: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps not record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Loves nature is to stay with the relationship as it develops, grows and matures. The fact that HEART MATTERS Angie Landangieland3@windstream.net LOVE continued on 6A FREEDOM continued on 6AWe are co-laborers with God, and He often shows us things to do in addition to prayer (we just often dont have the courage to follow through.)
6A FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 2017 RELIGION LAKE CITY REPORTER CHURCH CALENDARFish dinnerEpiphany Catholic Church will offer a fish dinner at 5:30 p.m. on Fridays through April 7. Includes fish, bake beans, potatoes, salad and desserts. Drinks are included with the meal. Clam chowder soup is also available ($1.50 for a small bowl and $3 for a large bowl). The church is located at 1905 Epiphany Court, Lake City. GriefShare First United Methodist Church offers a nondenominational Bible-based support group for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. The group meets at 4 p.m. on Sundays in the churchs fellowship hall. The meetings are open to the community, and participants do not have to attend every session. For more information, call 752-4488.Lenten lunchesAt noon every Tuesday during Lent (up to Holy Week), First Presbyterian Church will host Lenten lunches, serving a variety of soups and a short program reflecting on the Lenten season. The last lunch will be served Tuesday. First Presbyterian Church is located at 697 SW Baya Drive in Lake City. North Florida Community RevivalSpecial series of guest speakers and fellowship at 7 p.m. nightly, Tuesday-Friday, at Columbia County Rodeo Arena. Hosted by Northside Baptist Church. Call Pastor Burl Harkey at 719-0052 as to how you or your church can help.Lenten worship services 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at Grace Lutheran Church, 9989 CR 136, Live Oak. Message will be from the Gospel of St. John Pastor Doug Priestap. All are welcome. For more information, call 364-1851.Thursday Night ThunderNew Mount Pisgah African Methodist Episcopal Church, a church of faith, hope and love, will present a special guest speaker on Thursday. Rev. James Troutman, pastor of Atlas AMEC, will deliver the message. New Mount Pisgah AMEC is located at 345 NE Washington St., Lake City. For more information, call 752-1830.Fish fryOur Redeemer Lutheran Church, 5056 SW State Road 47, holds a fish fry on the first and third Friday of each month. Proceeds benefit the churchs missionaries. The church is also selling spaghetti dinners on the second Friday of each month to help fund its childrens playground. The meals cost $7. For more information, call 755-4299.Fried Chicken Friday (First Friday of each month)Spirit of Christ Lutheran Church, located at 145 SW Sweetbreeze Drive in Lake City, offers fried chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes, cole slaw, a roll and brownie for $7 from 4 to 7 p.m. on the first Friday of each month. Children are half price. Takeout available. For more information, call 7523807.Pancake breakfastSpirit of Christ Lutheran Church, located at 145 SW Sweetbreeze Drive in Lake City, will offer a pancake breakfast for a $5 donation from 8 to 11 a.m. Saturday, April 8. There are usually three choices (plain, chocolate chip or fruit banana, blueberry and apple) and they come with sausage, a fruit cup, coffee and juice. Takeout available. For more information, call 752-3807.Yard saleLake City Church of Gods Kids Club will hold a yard sale from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, April 8 at 173 SE Ermine Ave., Lake City.Easter Egg Hunt11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, April 8 at Evergreen Baptist Church, 2509 224th St., Lake City. For more information, call Brother Steven Pettere, Deacon, at 628-1692.From Palm Sunday to EasterA powerpoint presentation, From Palm Sunday to Easter, which speaks of the events in our Saviors life from His entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to His resurrection on Easter Sunday, will be presented from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 8 at Grace Lutheran Church, 9989 CR 136, Live Oak. Call 364-1851 for more information.Palm Sunday celebrationCelebrate Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem at special Palm Sunday services at 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. Sunday, April 9 at First United Methodist Church of Lake City, 973 S. Marion Ave. Bible studyFirst Baptist Church of Lake City, 182 NE Justice St., invites the community to Bible study at noon on Wednesdays. If you would like to have lunch, the cost is $5. Please RSVP by noon on Mondays by calling the church at 752-5422.A womens Bible study class at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church meets each Monday at 9:30 a.m. at 253 SW Woodberry Court in Lake City. All denominations are welcome. For more information, call Esther at 752-9909.Send your announcementsSend announcements about church events to Justin Caudell via email at jcaudell@lakecityreporter. com. Photographs and news submissions are also welcome. If you have any questions, call 754-0424.here. The simple truth is that those who now flaunt their immorality want to force the Christian faith into the same closet they came out of. While the Christian faith is intensely personal for the believer, it was never intended to be a private faith. Jesus said, What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim from the housetops, Matthew 10:27. In the Great Commission, Jesus told the church, Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations. He did not instruct us how to do that quietly. When the government makes and enforces laws that prevent people of faith from discriminating between what is good and evil, what is moral and immoral, then there is no free exercise of religion and the First Amendment isnt worth the paper it is written on. God told Pharaoh through Moses, Let My people go, that they may serve Me, Exodus 8:1. That is what the Christian is asking of our government. Gary B. King can be reached at garyb kingcc@gmail.com. Continued From 5A love is patient and kind does not mean that you minimize or deny hurtful behavior, nor are we to become passive: doing nothing to solve the problem and simply praying and hoping that God will fix our difficult person. We are co-laborers with God, and He often shows us things to do in addition to prayer (we just often dont have the courage to follow through.) Love is not proud, rude or self-seeking, meaning that we arent trying to change someone so that they become what we want, but that we long to see growth so they become who God created them to be. The always of love indicates that love must be protected to last and often the best way to accomplish this is to confront the harmful behavior of your difficult person and put consequences in place, not to punish, but to motivate change. If you continue to enable your difficult person, you are not helping them. On the contrary, you are encouraging them to continue down this destructive path. Evaluate that difficult relationship in your life, and put real proactive love into practice. Ask God for wisdom and instruction, and a dose of courage to follow through. What you put into practice today could bring great results in your relationship tomorrow. God wants your relationships to bring good things into your life because your heart matters! Heart Matters is a weekly column written by Angie Land, director of the Family Life Ministries of the Lafayette Baptist Association, where she teaches bible studies, leads marriage and family conferences, and oers biblical counseling to individuals, couples and families. Continued From 5A Despite some tensions, evangelical churches are booming now in Cuba By ANDREA RODRIGUEZAssociated PressHAVANA Fidel Castros government sent the Rev. Juan Francisco Naranjo to two years of work camp in the 1960s for preaching the Gospel in a Cuba where atheism was law and the faithful were viewed as suspect. For years, Naranjos church was almost abandoned, with just a handful of people daring to attend services. Naranjo died in 2000 but on a recent Sunday, his William Carey Baptist Church was packed and noisy. Government doctors treated disabled children at a clinic inside. A Bible study group discussed Scripture in one corner of the building before a service attended by 200 of the faithful. In the 1960s, the few brothers and sisters who came here had to hide their Bibles in brown-paper covers, said Esther Zulueta, a 57-year-old doctor. Its night and day. Trump administration officials have repeatedly said religious freedom is one of the key demands they will make of Cuba when they finish reviewing former President Barack Obamas opening with the island. The administration has never been more specific, but outside groups have accused Cuba of systemati cally repressing the islands growing ranks of evangelicals and other Protestants with acts including the seizure of hundreds of churches across the island, followed by the demolition of many. An Associated Press examination has found a more complicated picture. Pastors and worshippers say Cuba is in the middle of a boom in evangelical worship, with tens of thou sands of Cubans worshipping unmolested across the island each week. While the government now recognizes freedom of religion, it doesnt grant the right to build churches or other religious structures. It has demolished a handful of churches in recent years, but allowed their mem bers to continue meeting in makeshift home sanctuaries. And like the Roman Catholic Church, the islands dominant denomi nation, evangelical churches have begun providing social services once monopolized by the Communist government. Theres a revival of these churches, of the most diverse denomina tions in the country, and all of them are growing, not just in the number of mem bers, but in their capacity to lead and act in society, said Presbyterian pastor Joel Ortega Dopica, presi dent of Council of Churches of Cuba, an officially rec ognized association of 32 Protestant denominations. There is religious freedom in Cuba. Clergy and academics say Cubas 11 million peo ple include some 40,000 Methodists, 100,000 Baptists and 120,000 members of the Assemblies of God, which had roughly 10,000 members in the early 1990s, when Cuba began easing restrictions on public expressions of religious faith. The church council estimates there are about 25,000 evangelical and other Protestant houses of worship across the country. About 60 percent of the pop ulation is baptized Catholic, with many also following Afro-Cuban syncretic traditions such as Santeria. Naranjo was part of that opening. After the work camp, he returned to a church whose worshippers were barred from many state jobs. A thaw began in 1984 when visiting American civil rights activ ist Jesse Jackson stunned Cuba by taking Fidel Castro to a Protestant church service. In 1990, Naranjo was among a group of pastors who met with Castro to push for a greater freedom, and his own church worked on building ties between religious groups and the Communist Party. The opening culminated in the 1998 visit of Pope John Paul II, which led to new liberties for both Catholic and Protestant worshippers. The Cuban constitution now recognizes freedom of religion, but the law is silent on the issue of church con struction. In a system where the government has long monopolized public life, vir tually all activities are pre sumed illegal unless the law says otherwise. Authorities in some areas have prohibited new churches, even as they allow worship in religious buildings erected before Cubas 1959 revolu tion.COURTESYNorth Florida Baptist Network receives recognitionJames Roberts, center, director of the North Florida Baptist Network, receives a certificate from Samaritans Purse recognizing the network for being a drop-off Location for Suwannee Valley Area of Operation Christmas Child for 10 consecutive years.Also attending the presentation, front from left, are: Jo-Ann Pettigrew (logistics leader) and Susan and Joe Crocker (area coordinators). Back row: Harold Kirby (prayer mobilization leader), Bob Pettigrew (logistics leader) and Bonnie and Marvin Mosby (church relations leaders). Tribune News ServicePeople sing as they attend Sunday worship at the William Carey Baptist Church in Havana, Cuba.
Lake City Reporter SPORTS Friday, March 31, 2017 www.lakecityreporter.com Section B Story ideas? Contact Eric Jackson or Tony Britt754-0420 754-0421ejackson@lakecityreporter.com tbritt@lakecityreporter.com HIGH SCHOOL WRAP-UPBRENT KUYKENDALL/Special to ReporterColumbia baseball hosts district rival Middleburg tonight. The Tigers play again on Saturday at noon against Lincoln at home. BRENT KUYKENDALL/Special to ReporterCHS boys weightlifting team has qualified 8 lifters for state. CHS travels to Deland next Friday in hopes of winning a 2A state title. CHRISTINA FEAGIN/Special to ReporterFort White baseball defeated Bell 7-2 on Monday night. The Indians host district foe Hilliard in tonights matchup. CHS SOFTBALL CHRISTINA FEAGIN/Special to ReporterFort White softball fell 15-2 vs. Baldwin Monday night. The Lady Indians try to bounce back host ing district foe Hilliard tonight. STREAK OVERPHOTOS BY ERIC JACKSON/Lake City ReporterColumbia pitcher CrisDeona Beasley unloads during Thursdays non-conference match against Aucilla Christian. The Lady Tigers were defeated 8-1 by the two-time defending 2A state champs in Monticello. Story Giebeig (left) stands in the batters box. Morgan Hoyle (below) waits at third base during the contest. Both teams split the regular season series. CHS tries to bounce back when it faces Suwannee in Live Oak Monday night. NFLAssociated PressBOSTON Former NFL star Aaron Hernandezs fiancee testified in his double-murder trial Thursday that she learned to keep her mouth shut and not to ask any questions in certain situations. Shayanna JenkinsHernandez testified against Hernandez under a grant of immunity from prosecutors. She and Hernandez have a 4-yearold daughter. She said she took Hernandezs last name in 2015. Hernandez, a former tight end for the New England Patriots, is accused of fatally shooting two men in Boston in July 2012 after an encounter at a Boston nightclub. He is also charged with witness intimidation in the shooting of Alexander Bradley, allegedly to silence him about the killings. Jenkins-Hernandez repeatedly said she could not recall details about conversations with Hernandez after the 2012 killings and after Bradleys shooting in 2013. She said she didnt ask Hernandez for details about Bradleys shooting, even though Hernandez and Bradley were close friends. He was not my friend. ...Yes, its a sad situation (but) why should I press about something like that? she said. Jenkins-Hernandez also said she did not recall getting a call from Hernandez at 2:37 a.m. on July 16, 2012, minutes after prosecutors say Hernandez shot Daniel de Abreu and Safiro Furtado as they sat in a car at a stop light in Boston. Prosecutors said phone records show a 17-second call from Hernandez to her at that time. Hernandez has denied shooting the men. His lawyer told the jury during opening statements that Bradley shot the men over a drug deal. Bradley testified he saw Hernandez shoot the men. He also said Hernandez shot him in the face months later after he made a remark about the Boston shootings. Hernandez is already serving a life sentence after being convicted in the 2013 killing of a man who was dating the sister of JenkinsHernandez.COURTESYShayanna Jenkins-Hernandez testified against Hernandez under immunity from prosecutors. Former Florida stars fiancee mum on details MARCH MADNESS Swoosh of success: Nike helps Oregon on trip to Final FourBy EDDIE PELLSAssociated PressGLENDALE, Ariz. Its one thing to have Nike as a sponsor. Its quite another to have the owner of Nike as your No. 1 fan. After a 78-year absence from college basketballs biggest stage, Oregon is at the Final Four this week. For a good deal of this success, the Ducks can thank Nikes billionaire owner, Phil Knight the man who keeps the money flowing into the hoops program, and all the rest of the sports, too. One of Knights most recent, and benevolent, gifts to Oregon was a $100 million donation to help fund the schools opulent basketball arena, named after Knights late son, Matthew. Phil Knight and Nike have essentially created a lab at the University of Oregon, said David Carter, executive director of the Sports Business Institute at Southern Californias Marshall School of Business. The students welcome that. As long as the programs perform well and stay out of trouble its rinse and repeat. Among the other beneficiaries of Knights largesse: The football team, which has played for the national title twice this decade; and the mens and womens track teams, which have combined for 13 indoor and outdoor NCAA titles since 2010. All this after Oregon spent decades playing in the second division of the Pac-12 and in relative obscurity in the college town of Eugene, population 160,000. Its not a booming metropolis, Carter said. But every team in the conference has something to hang its hat on. At Oregon, their hat is a Nike-branded hat. Hes hardly one-dimensional: Knight also recently contributed $500 million to build Oregons applied sciences research center, one-upping himself on the $400 million he gave to Stanford, where he studied business, to establish a grad-school scholarship program. But his biggest footprint has come in sports, where the company he co-founded five-plus decades ago is a leader in dozens of areas, not the least of which are basketball shoes and apparel. No surprise, then, that it was Oregon that first took a chance with a wide-ranging palette of get-your-Lady Warriors snap Lady Tigers 8-game winning streak Thursday afternoon NIKE continued on 6B B1
2B FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 2017 SPORTS LA KE CITY R EPOR TER SATURDAY EVENING APRIL 1, 2017 Comcast Dish DirecTV6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 3-ABC 3 -TV20 NewsWorld NewsEntertainment Tonight (N) The GoldbergsImaginary MaryThe Catch The New Deal 20/20 News at 11Scandal 4-IND 4 4 4News4JAX at 6PMPaid ProgramEntertainment Tonight (N) Blue Bloods Higher Education Big Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryNews Inside EditionNews4JAX1st Baptist Church 5-PBS 5 -The Lawrence Welk Show Antiques Roadshow Palm Springs Murder in Suburbia Estate Agents Miss Fishers Murder Mysteries Vicious Wedding Vicious Austin City Limits 7-CBS 7 47 47d 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament South Carolina vs Gonzaga. (N) d 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament Oregon vs North Carolina. (N) Action NewsAction Sports 9-CW 9 17 17Cats & Dogs (2001, Childrens) Jeff Goldblum, Elizabeth Perkins.The Doors (1991, Biography) Val Kilmer, Meg Ryan, Kevin Dillon.Dead Again (1991, Mystery) Kenneth Branagh, Emma Thompson. 10-FOX 10 30 30The X-Files Christmas Carol Two and Half MenPrison Bones (DVS) APB Signal Loss (DVS) Action NewsAction SportsKicking & Screaming (DVS) 12-NBC 12 12 12News NBC Nightly NewsWheel of FortuneJeopardy! Figure Skating World Championships: Ladies Free Skate. (N Same-day Tape) Saturday Night Live (N) News Sat. Night Live WGN-A 16 239 307Blue Bloods Innocence Blue Bloods A Night on the Town Blue Bloods Black and Blue Blue Bloods Lonely Hearts Club Blue Bloods The Uniform Underground Nok Aaut TVLAND 17 106 304The Golden GirlsThe Golden GirlsThe Golden GirlsThe Golden GirlsNobodies Love-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondKing of QueensKing of Queens OWN 18 189 279Iyanla, Fix My Life Fix My Love Life Iyanla, Fix My Life Iyanla, Fix My Life Love Thy NeighborLove Thy NeighborFor Peetes Sake From Boys to Men Iyanla, Fix My Life A&E 19 118 265(5:00) Live PD Live PD -03.25.17 Riding along with law enforcement. Live PD Live PD: Rewind No. 4 (N) Live PD Live PD -02.10.17 Riding along with law enforcement. HALL 20 185 312(5:00) Love by Chance (2016) Tulips in Spring (2016, Romance) Fiona Gubelmann, Lucas Bryant. Love at First Bark (2017) Jana Kramer. A woman falls for her dogs trainer. The Golden GirlsThe Golden Girls FX 22 136 248TransformersTransformers: Age of Extinction (2014, Action) Mark Wahlberg. Optimus Prime and the Autobots face fearsome challengers. Feud: Bette and Joan Pilot (:13) Feud: Bette and Joan CNN 24 200 202Smerconish CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera (N) CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera (N) CNN Special Report Believer With Reza Aslan Believer With Reza Aslan TNT 25 138 245(5:00) Pacic Rim (2013) Charlie Hunnam, Diego Klattenhoff. (DVS)Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011, Adventure) Johnny Depp, Penlope Cruz. (DVS)Blade: Trinity (2004, Horror) NIK 26 170 299The ThundermansThe ThundermansHenry DangerHenry DangerHenry DangerGame ShakersThe ThundermansNicky, RickyFull House Full House Friends Friends SPIKE 28 168 241Cops Cops Cops Arizona Cops Cops Fort Worth Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Dark Knight MY-TV 29 32 -The Wild, Wild West Incredible Hulk On the Line Wonder Woman (Part 1 of 2) Star Trek Turnabout Intruder Svengoolie Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man DISN 31 172 290Bunkd Fogd In Bunkd Stuck/MiddleL & M: Cali StyleK.C. UndercoverBizaardvark Spy Kids 3: Game Over (2003) Antonio Banderas. K.C. UndercoverK.C. UndercoverBizaardvark LIFE 32 108 252Stalkers Prey (2017, Suspense) Cynthia Gibb, Saxon Sharbino. Fatal Defense (2017, Suspense) Ashley Scott, David Cade. Premiere. (:02) Off the Rails (2017) Hannah Barefoot, Thomas Beaudoin. Premiere. USA 33 105 242Law & Order: Special Victims UnitLaw & Order: Special Victims UnitFifty Shades of Grey (2015, Romance) Dakota Johnson, Jamie Dornan. Premiere. (DVS)Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) Dakota Johnson. BET 34 124 329(5:05) All About the Benjamins (2002, Action) Ice Cube, Mike Epps.Takers (2010, Action) Matt Dillon, Paul Walker, Idris Elba. Skilled thieves plan the biggest heist of their careers. The Quad The Caged Bird ESPN 35 140 206SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Softball Auburn at Georgia. From Jack Turner Stadium in Athens, Ga. NFL Pro Bowl Skills Challenge Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN2 36 144 209a College BaseballE:60 Catching Hell (2011, Documentary) 30 for 30 NFL Pro Bowl Skills Challenge Boxing SUNSP 37 -Inside LightningLightning Pre.k NHL Hockey Montreal Canadiens at Tampa Bay Lightning. From Amalie Arena in Tampa, Fla. (N) Lightning Post.Inside LightningInside LightningThe Lost Treasure Fleet of 1715 DISCV 38 182 278Fast N Loud Fast N Loud Fast N Loud: Revved Up Racing a Dodge Dart Richard gets nostalgic. Fast N Loud: Revved Up (N) Fast N Loud (Part 1 of 2) TBS 39 139 247(4:30) The Interview (2014) 2 Broke Girls2 Broke GirlsBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryFull FrontalThe Detour HLN 40 202 204Forensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesHow It Really Happened Forensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic Files FNC 41 205 360Americas News Headquarters (N) Fox Report (N) Watters World (N) Justice With Judge Jeanine (N) The Greg Gutfeld Show (N) Watters World (N) E! 45 114 236(5:30) Easy A (2010, Comedy) Emma Stone. Hitch (2005) Will Smith, Eva Mendes, Kevin James. A smooth-talker helps a shy accountant woo an heiress. The Ugly Truth (2009) Katherine Heigl. Premiere. TRAVEL 46 196 277Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Stone Lion Inn Ghost Adventures (N) Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Zalud House HGTV 47 112 229Fixer Upper Home Town Homecoming Property Brothers Kristen & Ben Property Brothers House Hunters Renovation (N) Log Cabin LivingLog Cabin Living TLC 48 183 280Say Yes, DressSay Yes, DressSay Yes to the Dress: Unveiled (N) Say Yes to the Prom Helping prom dreams come true. (N) Say Yes, Dress(:02) Say Yes to the Dress (:02) Say Yes to the Prom HIST 49 120 269Counting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting Cars(:32) Counting Cars(:03) Counting Cars(:33) Counting Cars(:03) Counting Cars(:33) Counting Cars ANPL 50 184 282Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet Dr. Jeff: Extra Dose On the Edge (N) Dr. Jeff: Extra Dose (N) Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet (N) The Zoo Birds and the Bees (N) The Zoo A Star is Born FOOD 51 110 231Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive TBN 52 260 372The BibleMain Stage Precious Memories In Touch With Dr. Charles StanleyHour of Power With Bobby SchullerPathway to VictoryGraham ClassicSame River Twice (1997) FSN-FL 56 -d NBA Basketball Orlando Magic at Brooklyn Nets. From Barclays Center in Brooklyn, N.Y. (N) Magic PostgameInside the MagicInside the Magic UEFA Champions League Soccer FC Barcelona vs Paris Saint-Germain FC. SYFY 58 122 244The Matrix (1999) Keanu Reeves. A computer hacker learns his world is a computer simulation. The Matrix Reloaded (2003) Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne. Freedom ghters revolt against machines. AMC 60 130 254The Walking Dead (:05) The Walking Dead The Well (:10) The Walking Dead The Cell (:10) The Walking Dead Service (:35) The Walking Dead Go Getters The Walking Dead COM 62 107 249(4:40) Scary Movie 5 (2013) (6:50) South Park(:25) South ParkSouth Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park Fun With Dick & Jane (2005) CMT 63 166 327Last Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingWhere the Heart Is (2000) Natalie Portman, Ashley Judd. NGWILD 108 190 283Unlikely Animal Friends Pet Talk My Pet Ate What!? The Incredible Dr. Pol: Deja MOO!The Incredible Dr. Pol: Deja MOO!Animal ER Chaos in the OR The Incredible Dr. Pol: Deja MOO! NGEO 109 186 276To Catch a Smuggler To Catch a Smuggler Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna Trials & Tunalations Wicked Tuna Bluen Brotherhood Wicked Tuna Trials & Tunalations SCIENCE 110 193 284Worlds Strangest Places What on Earth? What on Earth? Secrets and Lies Bizarre markings observed from space. (N) (:04) What on Earth? (:06) What on Earth? ID 111 192 285See No Evil Dead on Reection To Be Announced To Be Announced Murder Comes to Town Murder Comes to Town (N) To Be Announced SEC 743 408 611 College Softball Alabama vs Missouri. (N Same-day Tape) a College Baseball Arkansas vs Alabama. (N) SEC Now (N) (Live) HBO 302 300 501(:10) Mamma Mia! (2008, Musical Comedy) Meryl Streep. PG-13 Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie (2016) R Big Little Lies (Part 6 of 7) Crashing Girls Absolutely Fab MAX 320 310 515(:05) The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008) Brendan Fraser.Species (1995, Science Fiction) Ben Kingsley, Michael Madsen. R (9:50) Species II (1998) Michael Madsen. R Species: Awake SHOW 340 318 545Billions Indian Four Axe negotiates. Love the Coopers (2015, Comedy-Drama) Alan Arkin. PG-13 Mothers Day (2016) Jennifer Aniston. Premiere. PG-13 Triple 9 (2016) Casey Afeck. FRIDAY EVENING MARCH 31, 2017 Comcast Dish DirecTV6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 3-ABC 3 -TV20 NewsABC World NewsEnt. TonightBe a MillionaireLast Man Standing(:31) Dr. Ken Shark Tank (DVS) (:01) 20/20 News at 11 Jimmy Kimmel Live 4-IND 4 4 4News4JAX at 6PMNews4JAXEnt. TonightInside Edition (N) Hot in ClevelandLast Man StandingBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryThe 10 OClock News (N) News4JAX(:35) The Insider 5-PBS 5 -DW NewsNightly BusinessPBS NewsHour (N) Washington WeekCharlie RoseGreat Performances Los Angeles Philharmonic performs. Great Performances The Los Angeles Philharmonic. 7-CBS 7 47 47Action News JaxCBS Evening NewsJudge Judy Family Feud MacGyver Compass (N) Hawaii Five-0 (N) Blue Bloods A Deep Blue Goodbye Action NewsLate Show-Colbert 9-CW 9 17 172 Broke Girls 2 Broke Girls Mike & Molly Mike & Molly The Originals Haunter of Ruins (N) Reign Hanging Swords (N) Law & Order: Criminal Intent Judge Faith Anger 10-FOX 10 30 30Action NewsAction NewsTMZ (N) Access HollywoodRosewood (N) (DVS) (:01) Sleepy Hollow Freedom Action NewsAction NewsAction NewsModern Family 12-NBC 12 12 12News NBC Nightly NewsWheel of FortuneJeopardy! (N) Grimm The End (Series Finale) (N) Dateline NBC Double Lives A mother of three goes missing. (N) News Tonight Show WGN-A 16 239 307Blue Bloods Scorched Earth We Are Marshall (2006, Drama) Matthew McConaughey, Matthew Fox, Ian McShane. We Are Marshall (2006, Drama) Matthew McConaughey, Matthew Fox, Ian McShane. TVLAND 17 106 304Andy Grifth ShowAndy Grifth ShowAndy Grifth ShowAndy Grifth ShowAndy Grifth ShowLove-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondKing of QueensKing of Queens OWN 18 189 27920/20 on ID Presents: Homicide 20/20 on ID Stolen at Birth 20/20 on ID Footprints in the Snow Vanity Fair Condential 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 20/20 on ID Footprints in the Snow A&E 19 118 265(5:00) Live PD Live PD -03.24.17 Riding along with law enforcement. Live PD Live PD: Rewind No. 3 (N) Live PD Live PD -03.31.17 Riding along with law enforcement. (N) (Live) HALL 20 185 312Last Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingHome Improve.Home Improve.The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle The Golden GirlsThe Golden Girls FX 22 136 248(5:30) Guns (2013, Action) Denzel Washington, Mark Wahlberg. Battleship (2012) Taylor Kitsch, Alexander Skarsg:ard. Earth comes under attack from a superior alien force. Shots Fired Hour One: Pilot CNN 24 200 202The Situation Room With Wolf BlitzerErin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) CNN Special Report (N) Anderson Cooper 360 TNT 25 138 245Castle An armored-car driver is killed. Castle Death Wish (DVS)The Help (2011, Drama) Viola Davis. An aspiring writer captures the experiences of black women. (DVS) Major Crimes Intersection NIK 26 170 299Henry DangerHenry DangerHunter Street (N) Rank the Prank (N) The ThundermansGame ShakersScooby-Doo (2002) Freddie Prinze Jr., Sarah Michelle Gellar. Friends Friends SPIKE 28 168 241Cops Cops Stings. Cops Cops Cops Cops Bellator MMA Live When ghters Rampage Jackson and King Mo rst met, Rampage got a heavily-disputed victory. MY-TV 29 32 -Mamas FamilyMamas FamilyM*A*S*H M*A*S*H American Ninja Warrior American Ninja Warrior Seinfeld Hogans HeroesCarol BurnettPerry Mason DISN 31 172 290Bunkd Bad Dog! L & M: Cali StyleTangled: The SeTangled: The SeStuck/MiddleDiary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (2012) Tangled: The SeStuck/Middle(:10) Bunkd (:35) Jessie LIFE 32 108 252Bring It! Black Ice Meltdown Bring It! The Dancing Dolls compete. Bring It! Coach D swaps studios. (N) Bring It! La La Land (N) (:02) The Rap Game (N) (:06) The Pop Game (N) USA 33 105 242Modern FamilyModern FamilyModern FamilyModern FamilyModern FamilyModern FamilyModern FamilyModern FamilyModern FamilyModern FamilyModern FamilyModern Family BET 34 124 329(4:30) Set It Off (1996, Action) Jada Pinkett, Queen Latifah, Vivica A. Fox. (7:58) Rebel Pilot A cop has to make tough choices. The Quad The Caged BirdBlue Streak (1999) ESPN 35 140 206SportsCenter With Michael and JemeleNBA Countdown (N) (Live)d NBA Basketball San Antonio Spurs at Oklahoma City Thunder. (N)d NBA Basketball Houston Rockets at Golden State Warriors. ESPN2 36 144 209d HS BasketballInterruptionW. Final Four 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament Stanford vs South Carolina. (N) 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament Mississippi State vs Connecticut. (N) SUNSP 37 -In the Spotlighthow to Do oridaInside the HEATInside LightningInside LightningIsland House Special OlympicsXTERRA World HEAT PostgameInside the HEATSport Fishing DISCV 38 182 278Gold Rush Todd runs two washplants. Gold Rush Viking Voyage Gold Rush: Pay Dirt Final Fury Gold Rush (N) (:01) Gold Rush (N) (:01) Gold Rush TBS 39 139 247Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010) (DVS) ELeague Preview Show (N) Percy Jackson-Lightning Thief HLN 40 202 204Forensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesForensic FilesHow It Really Happened How It Really Happened (N) How It Really Happened How It Really Happened FNC 41 205 360Special Report With Bret Baier (N) The First 100 Days (N) The OReilly Factor (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) Hannity (N) The OReilly Factor (N) E! 45 114 236Parks/RecreatParks/RecreatE! News (N) Easy A (2010, Comedy) Emma Stone, Penn Badgley. So Cosmo Vol. 1, No. 8: Cosmo AF E! News (N) TRAVEL 46 196 277Ghost Adventures Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Lasseters Gold HGTV 47 112 229Love It or List It Love It or List It Tree House Trouble Dream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeHouse HuntersHunters IntlHouse HuntersHunters Intl TLC 48 183 280Say Yes, DressSay Yes, DressA Haunting Love Curse A Haunting Face of Evil A phantom. A Haunting Ghostly Voices (N) Ghost Brothers Old City Jail (N) A Haunting Ghostly Voices HIST 49 120 269American Pickers (DVS) American Pickers (DVS)Fury (2014, War) Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf. A sergeant takes his men on a mission behind enemy lines. (:03) American Pickers ANPL 50 184 282Treehouse Masters Tanked: Tank Madness (N) Tanked: Tank Madness (N) Tanked: Tank Madness (N) (:01) Tanked: Tank Madness (N) (:01) Tanked: Tank Madness (N) FOOD 51 110 231Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive TBN 52 260 372John Gray WorldCreation Its Supernatural!The Potters TouchPraise Pastor and Author Chris Durso. Hal Lindsey End of the AgePerry StoneThe WatchmanPraise FSN-FL 56 -UEFA MagazineInside the MagicMagic Pregamed NBA Basketball Orlando Magic at Boston Celtics. From TD Garden in Boston. (N) Magic PostgameInside the MagicInside the MagicUEFA Europa SYFY 58 122 244(5:00) Resident Evil: RetributionZombieland (2009, Comedy) Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg. Pompeii (2014, Adventure) Kit Harington, Carrie-Anne Moss. The Magicians AMC 60 130 254(5:00) Sherlock Holmes (2009) Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011, Action) Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, Noomi Rapace. The Walking Dead COM 62 107 249(5:50) Futurama(:20) Futurama(6:55) South ParkSouth Park South Park South Park Scary Movie 5 (2013, Comedy) Ashley Tisdale, Simon Rex, Erica Ash. Aziz Ansari: Dangerously Delicious CMT 63 166 327Last Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingLast Man StandingThe Wedding Date (2005) Debra Messing, Dermot Mulroney. Hometown Heroes (N) The Wedding Date (2005) NGWILD 108 190 283Dr. Oakley: Yukon Vet An Animal ... My Vacation! Pet Talk Breaking Bad...Habits (N) Cesar Millans Dog Nation (N) Love & Vets All Paws on Deck Pet Talk Breaking Bad...Habits NGEO 109 186 276Alien Deep With Bob Ballard Naked ScienceNaked ScienceNaked ScienceNaked ScienceOrigins: The Journey of HumankindExplorer S10 Ep4 Origins: The Journey of Humankind SCIENCE 110 193 284Egypts Ten Greatest DiscoveriesUnearthed Unearthed Ghosts of the Great Wall (:02) Unearthed Mayan City of Blood (:04) Unearthed Summit of the Gods (:06) Unearthed ID 111 192 285Your Worst Nightmare Your Worst Nightmare Murder in Lehigh Valley: Keith Morrison Investigates 48 Hours on ID (N) Murder in Lehigh Valley SEC 743 408 611(3:00) The Paul Finebaum Show (N)a College Baseball Mississippi State vs Mississippi. From Swayze Field in Oxford, Miss. (N) College Track and Field SEC Indoor Championship. From Nashville, Tenn. HBO 302 300 501(5:40) Central Intelligence (2016) Dwayne Johnson. VICE (N) Independence Day: Resurgence (2016) Liam Hemsworth. PG-13 Real Time With Bill Maher (N) VICE (:31) Animals (N) MAX 320 310 515(5:50) Body of Lies (2008, Drama) Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Strong. RIn the Heart of the Sea (2015, Adventure) Chris Hemsworth. PG-13 (:05) Mission: Impossible 2 (2000, Action) Tom Cruise. PG-13 SHOW 340 318 545 (4:30) Bridge of Spies (2015)Out of the Furnace (2013, Crime Drama) Christian Bale. R Disgraced (2017, Documentary) Premiere. NR (:45) Billions Indian Four Axe negotiates. TV LISTINGSTODAY AUTO RACING 11:30 a.m. FS1 NASCAR, M onster Energy Cup Series, STP 500, practice, at Martinsville, Va. 1 p.m. FS1 NASCAR, C amping World Truck Series, A lpha Energy Solutions 250, practice, at M artinsville, Va. 3 p.m. FS1 NASCAR, C amping World Truck Series, A lpha Energy Solutions 250, final practice, at M artinsville, Va. 4:30 p.m. FS1 NASCAR, M onster Energy C up Series, STP 500, qualifying, at M artinsville, Va. BASKETBALL 3 p.m. ESPN2 H igh school, Dicks Sporting Goods Nationals, Boys, first semifinal, at Queens, N.Y. 5 p.m. ESPN2 H igh school, Dicks Sporting Goods Nationals, Boys, second semifinal, at Queens, N.Y. COLLEGE BASKETBALL 6:30 p.m. CBSSN 2017 College A ll-Star Game, at Glendale, Ariz. 7 p.m. ESPNU CBI Tournament, Finals (best-of-3), Game 3, Coastal C arolina at Wyoming (if necessary) 9 p.m. CBSSN CIT Tournament, championship, teams and site TBA DRAG RACING 6:30 p.m. FS1 NHRA, DENSO Spark Plugs Nationals, qualifying, at Las Vegas (same-day tape) FIGURE SKATING 1 p.m. NBCSN ISU World Championships, Ladies F ree Skate, at Helsinki, Finland 8 p.m. NBCSN ISU World Championships, Short Dance, at Helsinki, F inland (sameday tape) GOLF Noon GOLF LPGA Tour, ANA Inspiration, second round, at Rancho Mirage, Calif. 4 p.m. GOLF PGA Tour, Shell Houston Open, second round, at Humble, Texas 9:30 p.m. GOLF Champions Tour, Mississippi Gulf Resort Classic, first round, at Biloxi, Miss. MLB BASEBALL 1 p.m. MLB Spring training, Tampa Bay vs. Philadelphia, at Clearwater, Fla. 7:30 p.m. MLB Spring training, N.Y. Y ankees at Atlanta NBA BASKETBALL 8 p.m. ESPN San A ntonio at Oklahoma City 10:30 p.m. ESPN Houston at Golden State SOCCER 2:20 p.m. FS2 Bundesliga, Hertha BSC vs. Hoffenheim 7:30 p.m. FS1 MLS, Sporting Kansas C ity at Toronto 10 p.m. FS1 MLS, A tlanta at Seattle TENNIS 1 p.m. ESPN2 A TP World Tour-WT A Tour, M iami Open, mens first semifinal, at Key Biscayne, Fla. 7 p.m. ESPNEWS A TP World Tour-WT A Tour, M iami Open, mens second semifinal, at Key Biscayne, Fla. WOMENS COLLEGE BASKETBALL 3 p.m. CBSSN WNIT Tournament, championship, teams and site TBA 7:30 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Tournament, Final Four, first semifinal, at Dallas 9:30 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Tournament, Final Four, second semifinal, at Dallas --Saturday, April 1 AUTO RACING 10 a.m. FS1 NASCAR, M onster Energy Cup Series, STP 500, practice, at Martinsville, Va. 11 a.m. FS1 NASCAR, C amping World Truck Series, A lpha Energy Solutions 250, qualifying, at M artinsville, Va. 1:30 p.m. FS1 NASCAR, M onster Energy C up Series, STP 500, final practice, at M artinsville, Va. 3 p.m. FOX NASCAR, C amping World Truck Series, A lpha Energy Solutions 250, at M artinsville, Va. 5:30 p.m. FS1 FIA F ormula E Championship, at Mexico City BASKETBALL 10 a.m. ESPN2 H igh school, Dicks Sporting Goods Nationals, Girls championship, at Queens, N.Y. Noon ESPN H igh school, D icks Sporting Goods Nationals, Boys championship, at Queens, N.Y. BOXING 11 p.m. ESPN2 A ntonio Orozco vs. KeAndre Gibson, super lightweights, at Ls Vegas (same-day tape) COLLEGE BASEBALL 3:30 p.m. ESPN2 Texas A&M at LSU COLLEGE BASKETBALL 6 p.m. CBS NCAA Tournament, Final Four, first semifinal, at Glendale, Ariz. 8:30 p.m. CBS NCAA Tournament, Final Four, second semifinal, at Glendale, Ariz. COLLEGE SOFTBALL 7 p.m. ESPN A uburn at Georgia DRAG RACING 7 p.m. FS1 NHRA, DENSO Spark Plugs Nationals, qualifying, at Las Vegas (same-day tape) FIGURE SKATING 12:30 p.m. NBCSN ISU World Championships, Mens F ree Skate, at Helsinki, Finland 2:30 p.m. NBCSN ISU World Championships, Free Dance, at Helsinki, Finland 8 p.m. NBC ISU World Championships, Ladies F ree Skate, at Helsinki, Finland (taped) GOLF 1 p.m. GOLF PGA Tour, Shell Houston Open, third round, at Humble, Texas 3 p.m. GOLF Champions Tour, Mississippi Gulf Resort Classic, second round, at Biloxi, Miss. NBC PGA Tour, Shell Houston Open, third round, at Humble, Texas 5 p.m. GOLF LPGA Tour, ANA Inspiration, third round, at Rancho Mirage, Calif. MLB BASEBALL 1 p.m. MLB Spring training, Pittsburgh vs. Toronto, at Montreal 2 p.m. ESPN Spring training, Boston vs. Washington, at Annapolis, M d. 9 p.m. MLB Spring training, L.A. A ngels at L.A. Dodgers MOTOR SPORTS 8 p.m. FS1 AMA M onster Energy Supercross, at St. Louis SOCCER 7:30 a.m. NBCSN Premier League, Everton at Liverpool 9:20 a.m. FS2 Bundesliga, Schalke vs. Borussia Dortmund 10 a.m. CNBC Premier League, West Bromwich A lbion at M anchester United NBCSN Premier League, Crystal Palace at Chelsea 12:20 p.m. FS2 Bundesliga, Eintracht Frankfurt vs. Borussia Monchengladbach 12:30 p.m. NBC Premier League, Bournemouth at Southampton TENNIS 1 p.m. ESPN2 A TP World Tour-WT A Tour, M iami Open, womens championship, at Key Biscayne, F la. --NASCAR rookie Suarez has new crew chief at Joe Gibbs Racing HUNTERSVILLE, N.C. ( AP) NASCAR rookie Daniel Suarez has a new crew chief. Joe Gibbs R acing said crew chief Dave R ogers is out indefinitely on personal leave. Scott Graves will now call the shots for the No. 19 Toyota in the Cup series. Graves had served as the crew chief for JGR s No. 18 Xfinity team. H is replace ment will be named next week. Suarez won the second-tier Xfinity Series championship last season and was promoted to C up when Carl Edwards made the unexpected decision to step away from racing. SCOREBOARD B2
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Take pride in whatever you do. Don't waffle or think someone else is better than you. Use your intelligence and street smarts to outmaneuver anyone who stands between you and what you want to conquer. Do what makes you happy. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Stubbornness will work against you. Ease up and get along with others in order to get things done quickly and efficiently. Stability should be your goal, not letting trivial matters dismantle your plans or hurt your reputation. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): An opportunity to make alterations to your professional direction or to improve your health through fitness and nutritional changes should be recognized and put into play. A celebration with someone you love will bring you closer together. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Partnerships can make a difference to what you accomplish and how. Nurture the relationships you have with others to ensure you both get the best of everything life has to offer. Erase negativity with positive thoughts and action. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): A playful game with someone you love will set the stage for a wonderful weekend. Turn your energy into passion and use your intelligence to attract positive attention. A commitment can and should be made. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Be careful not to offend someone who is in a position of authority. Criticism isn't the best way to get attention. Stay focused on the positives and show a willingness to pitch in and help. Actions will speak louder than words. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Look at the possibilities that will help you get the highest returns. Express your thoughts and feelings, look for inner strength and the possibilities to expand your creative skills and improve the way you present yourself. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Ease into difficult situations. Say little until you know exactly what's coming down the pipeline. It's up to you to monitor and control whatever comes your way if you want to come out on top. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Work-related matters should be taken care of before you depart for the weekend. Knowing that you have everything in place will ease your stress, allowing you to concentrate on personal matters, home improvements and romantic adventures. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Make personal changes that require your mental, physical and emotional input. The plan should be to improve the way you live, not to make life more difficult. Live within your means and avoid overreacting. Set reasonable standards. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Don't take the bait if someone tries to provoke an argument. Opt to do your own thing or align yourself with people who are more in tune with the way you do things. A personal change will lead to compliments. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Work alongside people you have worked with in the past. Finding common goals will give you a better chance to reach your goals. Put your heart and soul into bringing about the changes that will improve your lifestyle. Don't stop believing. DEAR ABBY: There is a boy I like at school. He is a very well-known person around school. Im not. I do have a wide vari ety of friends, and I even talk to some of his. My friends know I like him, and they would like for me to talk to him. I wouldnt mind that, but what would I say? They want it to happen in person, but I want to do it by text, where I feel more me. What should I do? TENNESSEE TEEN DEAR TEEN: Listen to your friends and approach him in person. A smile and a hello should break the ice. Then follow it up with a question about some activity thats happening at school. DEAR ABBY: Could you please address the etiquette of tasting samples at stores, events, food shows, etc.? People walk up and try to grab a sample with dirty, bleeding, scabby hands not realizing that other people will also be sampling that food. Samples are supposed to be GIVEN to each person. And when that happens, the food handler should be wearing clean gloves and be the only person touching the food. Please let people know that once someone without gloves touches this food, the demonstrator must discard it for health reasons. Also, samples cannot be given to children without their parents permission, and any food allergies must be addressed before someone asks for a sample. MARY IN FLORIDA DEAR MARY: Your suggestions are not only good manners, they also make common sense. I hope that readers who dont know better will learn from your letter for the sake of everyones health. DEAR ABBY: Enough to Share (Dec. 5) was interested in supporting her daughters friends through the college application process. Enough could mention to the family that SAT and ACT fee waivers should be available through the school counseling department if the twins are considered low-income. Students should also know about government assistance programs, such as the Pell Grant, which can give additional money toward tuition for any low-income student. They can get more information through their schools when they fill out their FAFSA forms. TITLE I TEACHER DEAR TEACHER: Thank you for the pertinent information. Read on for some instructive input from another reader: DEAR READERS: Once again, I cant let April Fools Day pass without printing a few of the more interesting letters that have crossed my desk during the past year: DEAR ABBY: I own a champion Airedale terrier I have been trying to breed for more than a year. Finding her the right match has proven difficult. But recently, we found a perfect match. Their genetics are superb, and they seem to like each other. The males owner and I took the two dogs on a dog run last month and, except for a bit of mud, it was a perfect afternoon. There have been other afternoons and evenings. The problem is the males owner. She will only allow her dog to breed mine if she and I also breed. She claims it is the only true way to know if our canines are a perfect match. Im not a prude, but since my divorce, I havent dated much. The woman is attractive, and Im lonely, but her proposition felt odd to me. And if the breeding is a regular thing, would that be good for the dogs? What should I do? OVERWHELMED IN KANSAS CITY DEAR OVERWHELMED: Keep your romances and those of your pooch separate unless youre willing to risk your love life going to the dogs. DEAR ABBY: I wanted to show my elderly co-worker some photos I had taken of the countryside. Without thinking, I handed her my phone so she could browse through them while I went to get coffee. When I returned, my phone was on my desk and she was nowhere to be found. Only then did I realize she must have seen the many nude pictures of me and my husband. (We like to send each other naughty selfies.) Whats more, the photos are clownthemed rainbow wigs, red noses, makeup, etc. My co-worker has never said anything, but now I sense shes avoiding me. Should I pull her aside and see if she wants to talk about anything? Pretend it never happened? Casually mention the circus and see if she gives a reaction? NAUGHTY IN NEW MEXICO DEAR NAUGHTY: The less said the better. This mess was caused by your greatest show on earth of bad judgment. You have only your selfie to blame for the uncomfortable silence happening in your office. DEAR ABBY: I love my girlfriend so much. Im trying to think of a unique romantic gesture to show her what she means to me. Would it be acceptable to have a carnivorous plant delivered to her office? Although Ive considered traditional ones, I think the carrion flower is my pick. Its huge, pink and smells like rotting flesh. I think its the perfect way to express my love. What do you think? OFFBEAT IN ST. PETE DEAR OFFBEAT: I think your idea stinks worse than the flower. Happy April Fools Day to you and to all my readers! LOVE, ABBY Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Teen would rather text than talk to her crush at school Abigail Van Burenwww.dearabby.comFRIDAY & SATURDAY, MARCH 31 & APRIL 1, 2017 ADVICE & PUZZLES LAKE CITYREPORTER 3BMarch 31: Actor William Daniels (St. Elsewhere) is 90. Actor Richard Chamberlain is 83. Actress Shirley Jones is 83. Musician Herb Alpert is 82. Actor Christopher Walken is 74. Comedian Gabe Kaplan (Welcome Back Kotter) is 73. Guitarist Mick Ralphs of Bad Company and of Mott The Hoople is 73. Actress Rhea Perlman (Cheers) is 69. Actor Robbie Coltrane (Harry Potter films) is 67. Actor Ed Marinaro (Hill Street Blues, `Sisters) is 67. Guitarist Angus Young of AC/DC is 62. Bassist Bob Crawford of The Avett Brothers is 46. Actor Ewan McGregor is 46. Rapper Tony Yayo is 39. Actress Kate Micucci (Raising Hope) is 37. Guitarist Jack Antonoff of fun. and of Bleachers is 33. Actress Jessica Szohr (Gossip Girl) is 32. April 1: Actress Jane Powell (Seven Brides for Seven Brothers) is 88. Actor Don Hastings (As The World Turns) is 83. Actress Ali MacGraw is 78. Singer Rudolph Isley (Isley Brothers) is 78. Reggae singer Jimmy Cliff is 69. Keyboardist Billy Currie of Ultravox is 67. Actress Annette OToole (Smallville) is 65. Actor Jose Zuniga (Mission Impossible: 3, `Twilight) is 55. Puzzle Solutions on the next page. DEAR ABBY CELEBRITY BIRTHDAYS HOROSCOPES | THE LAST WORD BY EUGENIA LAST
Classi ed Department 755-5440 FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 2017CLASSIFIED LAKE CITY REPORTER5B CLASSIFIEDLAKE CITY REPORTER Ad to Appear:Call by:Email by: TuesdayMon., 10 a.m.Mon., 9 a.m. WednesdayTues., 10 a.m.Tues., 9 a.m. ThursdayWed., 10 a.m.Wed., 9 a.m. FridayThurs., 10 a.m.Thurs., 9 a.m. SundayFri., 3 p.m.Fri., 2 p.m.These deadlines are subject to change without notice.ADVANTAGEAd Errors: Please read your ad on the first day of publication. We accept responsibility for only the first incorrect insertion, and only the charge for the ad space in error. Please call 7555440 immediately for prompt correction and billing adjustments. Cancellations: Normal advertising deadlines apply for cancellation. Billing Inquiries: Call 755-5440. Should further information be required regarding payments or credit limits, your call will be transferred to the accounting department.Cancellations, Changes, and Billing Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advertising copy is subject to approval by the Publisher who reserves the right to edit, reject, or classify all advertisements under appr opriate headings. Copy should be checked for errors by the advertiser on the first day of publication. Credit for published errors will be allowed for the first insertion for that portion of the advertisement which was incorrect. Further, the Publisher shall not be liable for any omission of advertisements ordered to be published, nor for any general, special or consequential damages. Advertising language must comply with Federal, State or local laws regarding the prohibition of discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. Standard abbreviations are acceptable; however, the first word of each ad may not be abbreviated.General Information Take ADvantage of the Reporter Classifieds!755-5440 You can call us at 755-5440, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Some people prefer to place their classified ads in person, and some ad categories will require prepayment. Our office is located at 180 East Duval Street. You can also fax or email your ad copy to the Reporter. FAX: 386-752-9400 Please direct your copy to the Classified Department. EMAIL: classifieds@lakecityreporter.com Placing An Ad > $17.50Each additional line $1.654 LINES 3 DAYS GARAGE SALEIncludes 2 Signs IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO.: 16000179CAAXMX BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., Plaintiff, vs. EVA SMITHSON, et al, Defendants(s). NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated March 10, 2017, and entered in Case No. 16000179CAAXMX of the Circuit Court of the Third Judicial Circuit in and for Columbia County, Florida in which Bank of America, N.A., is the Plaintiff and Eva Smithson, Todd Smithson, First Tennessee Bank, national Association successor by merger to First Horizon Home Loan Corporation, are defendants, the Columbia County Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in/on on the third floor of the Columbia County Courthouse at 173 N.E. Hernando Avenue, Lake City, Florida 32055, Columbia County, Florida at 11:00 AM on the 19th day of July, 2017, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Foreclosure: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4, SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 17 EAST, LYING AND BEING IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND RUN SOUTH 89 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 20 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST 1/4, 893.40 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF EMMERSON ROAD, THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 40 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID EMMERSON ROAD 1,030.56 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, AND RUN THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 20 SECONDS WEST, 493.26 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 1/2 OF SAID NORTHEAST 1/4, THENCE NORTH 1 DEGREE 02 MINUTES 48 SECONDS WEST, 100.00 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 20 SECONDS EAST, 494.23 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID EMMERSON ROAD, THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 40 SECONDS EAST 100.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. BEING THE SAME AS LOT 29, EASTBROOK VILLAGE SUBDIVISION, AN UNRECORDED SUBDIVISION. A/K/A 196 SE EMMERSON CT, LAKE CITY, FL 32025 Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITY ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Carrina Cooper, Court Administration at 173 NE Hernando Avenue, Room 408, Lake City, Florida 32055, 386-758-2163 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. Dated in Columbia County, Florida this 10th day of March, 2017. DeWitt Cason, Clerk of the Circuit Court Columbia County, Florida By: /s/ S. Weeks Deputy Clerk 326704 March 24, 31, 2017 4+BR/3.5BA mansion style home, near hospitals & VA, quiet neighborhood. $1800/mo 240-274-9368 Dryer white, good condition $75 386-965-6767 or 678-617-5560 Electric Stove white, works great $75 386-965-6767 or 678-617-5560 Washer white, works great $100 386-965-6767 or 678-617-5560 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: AUTO EMPORIUM OF LAKE CITY INC. give Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 04/12/2017, 10:00 am at 2832 SW MAIN BLVD, LAKE CITY, FL 32025, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statues. AUTO EMPORIUM OF LAKE CITY INC. reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. WDDGF54X98F015452 2008 MERCEDES-GENZ 1FAFP53265A121882 2005 FORD-TARUS 330321 MARCH 31, 2017 Experienced Block Truck & Ready-Mix Truck Drivers needed. Must have CDL, Class B, clean driving record. Apply at: Bell Concrete Products, 2480 N. US 129, Bell, FL Public Auction 2001 Nissan 1N4DL01D61C129005 2006 Kia KNADE123366029298 2001 Suba JF1SF63591H750006 2001 Honda 1HGCG22561A011031 1988 Honda JMHED6347JS025347 To be held 4/15/2017, 8:00 am at Bryants Tire and Towing 1165 East Duval St. Lake City FL 32055 BRYANT'S TIRE & TOWING reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 330489 March 31, 2017 Homes of Merit is looking for experienced help in the following areas: Carpet installer, Exterior, Roof build, Cabinet builder, Painter, Final finish, Drywall finisher, Electrical & Framer. Apply in person at: 1915 SE SR 100 Drug Free Workplace NOTICE OF FILING, CITY OF LAKE CITY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FY 2016 ANNUAL REPORT At the regularly scheduled City Council meeting of March 20, 2017 the City of Lake Community Redevelopment Agency filed their FY 2016 Annual Report. This report includes a complete financial statement setting forth the assets, liabilities, income and operating expensed of the CRA. This report is available for inspection, during regular business hours, at the Office of the City Clerk and also the Office of the Community Redevelopment Administrator, City Hall, 205 North Marion Avenue, Lake City, Florida 32055. You may also download a PDF version on the Lake City website at www.lcfla.com under the CRA Department in the City Administration tab. 330523 March 31, 2017 GUNSHOW: 4/1 & 4/2 @ The Columbia County Fairgrounds, Hwy 247 Lake City. $5 Sat 9am4pm, Sun 9am-3pm. Info: 386-325-6114 Company Driver Needed Columbia Grain is recruiting for pickup and delivery in FL & S GA. Home most nights & all weekends. Requires good entire driving record & 6 mo verifiable experience. We offer steady work & good equipment, competitive pay & full benefit package. Call for details 386-755-7700 ask for Greg or Eddie 1/2 to 10 acre lots; owner financing. some with w/s/pp Deas Bullard/BKL Properties 386-752-4339 www.landnfl.com Great location includes water, electric, cable, pool, W/D, kit, No pets $500/mo 386-628-2465 leave message if no answer. 2648 SW King St Sat Apr 1 7-2, Baby items, children's clothing, sports memorabilia, Rubbermaid dresser, gas cans, & misc Security Officers Needed in Live Oak & Lake City areas $10/hr Current D Security Lic., Clear background, Drivers Lic, phone, Diploma/GED. Benefits, DFWP EEO Must Apply at: www.dsisecurity.com BB9100030 Starting at $ 545/mo, tile floors, fresh paint. Great Area. Call ( 386 ) 752-9626 Available Position: Revenue Specialist III Florida Department of Revenue, General Tax Administration, Collections Location: Lake City Apply at People First website https://peoplefirst.myflorida. com The State of Florida is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer / Affirmative Action Employer. Part-time Bookkeeper wanted experience with QuickBooks a must. Email resume to medicalpractice71@gmail.com 1331 E Duval, Hwy 90 frontage. 4BR/2BA $77,500 386-755-6030 leave message Well drilling assistant wanted. Valid DL, CDL preferred, must pass drug and bkgd check. Must have flexible schedule. Competitive pay, benefits include IRA & health ins. Apply 904 NW Main Blvd, Lake City. 1/1 West side of town., recently remodeled, smoke free, no pets $475/mo 386-867-9231 Part time Dental Assistant, Specialty office exp necessary. Fax resume to: 386-758-7742 kjurecko@jandgendo.com LAKE BUTLER HOSPITAL MLT/MT 12 Hour Shifts Director of Nursing, Patient Access Coordinator-FT Nights, Clinic Financial Specialist, IT/Network Tech/Accounting Asst., Certified Dietary Manager, Certified Ultrasound Tech, Dietary Aide, RN, LPN, CNA, Housekeeping Aide. Please visit our website www.lakebutlerhospital.com for more information and to fill out an application. PH. 386.496.2323 Ext 9258, Fax 386.496.2105 Equal Employment Opportunity / Drug & Tobacco Free Workplace Advertising Director The Lake City Reporter has an immediate opening for an advertising director to lead its five-person sales team. We publish a community daily, plus 8 magazines, all of which offer digital components. Smaller community newspapers are thriving and this position offers a lucrative base salary plus a generous bonus opportunity. Lake City is a growing retail market and the newspaper matters in our community. Email your resume and a cover letter to: Todd Wilson, publisher, at: twilson@lakecityreporter.com PUBLISHER'S NOTE All Yard Sale Ads Must be Pre-Paid. PUBLISHER'S NOTE Florida Law 828.29 requires dogs and cats being sold to be at least 8 weeks old and have a health certificate from a licensed veterinarian documenting they have mandatory shots and are free from intestinal and external parasites. Many species of wildlife must be licensed by Florida Fish and Wildlife. If you are unsure, contact the local office for information. PUBLISHER'S NOTE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the fair housing act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status or national origin; or any intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under the age of 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-9777, the toll free telephone number to the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. 3BR/1BA brick home on 5ac, CH/A, lg yard, storage bldg, $800/mo $800/dep 365-8543 Mid-State Industrial is now accepting applications for Welders, Pipefitters & Millwrights. Apply online at midstatefl.com click apply here, fill out general application. RECORD STORAGE CLERK FULL TIME Detail oriented, People oriented Excellent customer service and Phone skills, Excellent computer skills. Good driving record. Lifting required, light maintenance. Handyman skills a plus. $10.00 to $12.00 per hour based on Experience. Drop off resume and fill out an Application between 8 am and 5 pm Monday Thru Friday @ MiniStorage & Record Storage Of Lake City 442 SW Saint Margaret Street, Lake City, FL 32025 No phone calls! Handyman 3/1 Close to VA, lg corner lot. 954 SE Putnam St. Owner Finance $39,900, $3000 down, $380/mo Discount for cash. 352-215-1018 LandOwnerFinancing.com ACCOUNTANT/ AUDITOR Position available at local CPA firm. Must have accounting degree and Microsoft Office skills. Salary based upon relevant experience. Send resume to rpowel6@bellsouth.net Powell Lawn Service. Call for FREE Estimates! 386-487-6264 Full Time position open for Purchasing, Shipping/Receiving, Data Entry and general office duties. Experience in Purchasing and good computer skills necessary, knowledge in steel fabrication/mechanical equipment fabrication and/or AutoCAD helpful. Send Resume to; Fab Purchasing 3631 US Hwy 90 East, Lake City Fl. 32055 Industrial Maintenance Technician, Experience Required in Electrical, Controls and General Millwright/ Mechanical work. Experience in Hydraulics and Pneumatics helpful. Send resume to Maintenance Technician, 3631 US 90 East, Lake City Fl 32055. REWARD, One black & one chocolate lab retrievers, LOST 3/17 near Herlong & 47 S, Call 386-438-4466 LPN's Needed immediately for FT and PRN positions. No experience needed but preferred. Apply in person at: Still Waters West ALF, 507 NW Hall of Fame Dr, Lake City, 32055 386-755-5560 Now hiring experienced lawn maintenance laborer. Winning attitude. Apply at stoneridgemgmt.com IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: 2017-10605 FMDL Division: 03 IN THE MATTER OF THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS FOR THE PROPOSED ADOPTION OF MINOR CHILDREN. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR TERMINATING PARENTAL RIGHTS TO: KYLE MITCHELL SPEIRS Current Address Unknown Last known Address is: 392 Woodgate Terrace Lake City, Florida 32024 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written pyy defenses, if any, to it on LORI SUE RAY, c/o Linda L. Gaustad, Attorney for Petitioner, whose address is 815 S. Volusia Avenue, Suite 1, Orange City, FL 32763 on or before April 17, 2017, and file the original with the clerk of this Court at: DIANE M. MATOUSEK Clerk of the Court P.O. Box 6043 DeLand, FL 32721-6043 (386) 736-5907 before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future Papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. Dated: March 1, 2017. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: /s/ A. Arnold Deputy Clerk 323675 March 10, 17, 24, 31, 2017 Local company looking for exp. Auto/Light Truck Alignment Tech. Also exp. Auto Repair Tech. Drug Free Workplace, send resume to Box 2752, Lake City, FL 32056 SAT. 4/1, 8-5, 139 SW Joshua Ct., off Sisters Welcome, fishin' tackle, cookbooks, videos, home decor & lots more. CDL DRIVERS CLASS A Warren Pine Straw Co is hiring local drivers. Home every day/night or every other day/night. Good pay. Contact 386-935-0476. On Site Auction: Sat April 1st @ 10AM Between Brooker & Gainesville. Hwy 121 N & NW 156th St (Signs) auctionzip.com #20822 *House is Loaded* Furn, Primitives, glass, Hoosiers, butter churn, signs, Flo-Blu, Blue Onion, B&G, Art 10% B.P. 352-258-0604 Red Williams AU437/AB3447 **SIGN ON BONUS** Now hiring truck drivers. Must have CDL with Tanker endorsements, 1-2 years experience, 7 year MVR. We pay per mile loaded and unloaded. For more information please contact Williams Dairy Trucking at (912) 367-9160 3BR's as low as $699/moWindsong ApartmentsWe offer 1, 2, & 3 BR's2580 SW Windsong Circle386-758-8455All amenities included!
6B FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 2017 SPORTS LA KE CITY R EPOR TER rf ntrbnbnr fntbbtbbtb nbrnbnr fntbbtbbtb b ntr bt bbb t ttbb ftb n b btbrt tb fbb b tnr bttb bbtbttbt tbbbbbtt nnnrf btbtt tbbbtbbt bfbttb tfnntrrtbb tbbt bbtbbtbbb bbtttb rfntrrbttt tbbtbttbtbtb bbbbbt ttbbt ntrbtfbtbbrbt tbb bbttbbt tbtbbbtbtbbt nbbtttrt btbtbtttbt btbtbtr btbt btbtbtbtbt tttfbt bbtttb btbtbt btbttrbtfrttb tbt fbtbt tbbtbtt tbbtbbfbtbtbf rtttbb btttbt tttbtrbtfftt bttb bttttbt btbttbtbt btttbbbt bb b n rbtt btt bb ftt rn tttb tb r bt t nrnrtbbt tbtbbt tbttbtb rnttbt ttbbtbt tbbttt bttt nnnrff bbtbtt bttt ttbtbt nnnrr tbbbtbtb bttttbb tbtbbtbt nbtbtbtt tbbttbtbttrtt bttbtbt tfbttb rntttbtt btttbtt fbttbtbttbtbtt tbtbbtbr btb frbttbtbtbbt btbtbtb fbtbbtbt bbtt ttbb bbbtt ttbbtbt brbttfbt btbttbbrr btbbfrtt bbbtbtbt tbtbtbt tbtbbtb bbtttt b bbt btbttb btbtnbttbtf btrrb btbbbtt frtttt btbttbt n n nfr rn rnfr r get-your-sunglasses-out uniforms, all in neon-shaded hues of the school colors green and gold. These days, dozens of schools feature those sort of uniforms. You cant market the players, you can only market the program, marketing expert Joe Favorito said. They recognized that those bright and unique colors help connect to the younger audience. Knight, who Nike officials said was not giving interviews this week, is hardly alone as a big-name, big-money donor at a major school. T. Boone Pickens subsidizes Oklahoma States athletic program to the tune of hundreds of millions. At Maryland, Under Armour owner Kevin Plank recently gave $25 million to go toward a redo of Cole Field House It may not come as a coincidence that Under Armour is also taking nibbles out of Nikes dominance in the college-sponsorship apparel market. Two years ago, Nike sponsored 48 of the 68 teams in March Madness, according to Sports Business Daily. This year, its 40. Under Armour is also making a debut of sorts at the Final Four, as apparel maker for South Carolina, which has both its mens and womens team in the title hunt. But Nike has been in this business since it began, and has been pumping money into Oregons programs throughout the 2000s. In 2001, Oregon reset the template on how to market a Heisman Trophy candidate, while also increasing its national profile, by spending $250,000 to splash quarterback Joey Harringtons likeness on a 10-story billboard in Times Square. Joey Heisman, the sign read. From there, things only got bigger. Among Knights investments were $30 million toward renovating the scoreboard at Autzen Stadium, $41.7 million for an academic center for athletes and $68 million toward a new football training facility. For the most part, the scholarships at these schools are all the same, they cover the same elements of someones life, said Dan Rascher, director of academic programs for the Sport Management Program at University of San Francisco. It can be hard to differentiate. So all these little things end up becoming important. The details are painstaking: The lettering on the marquee spells out Matt in a Japanese-inspired Torii gate shape, according to the arena website Theres artwork outside the arena and fan-tribute displays on the concourse. The floor, emblazoned with the Matt logo set above the words Deep in the Woods is designed with the silhouette of a Pacific Coast tree line, in honor of Oregons 1939 title team, known as The Tall Firs A few years ago at a basketball game, Oregon held Uncle Phil Appreciation Night for Knights 76th birthday. Maybe they can hold another one at the Final Four, too. Phil Knight is one of the legends, Ducks guard Tyler Dorsey said. Its great having him on our side. NIKEContinued From 1B B6