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A New Spin On The Dickens Classic .. .By C.J. Mouser 7B Shopping Days 'Til Christmas The 106th Year, No. 2 3 Sections, Pages 36 Herald-Advocate Hardee County's Hometown Coverage 460 Thursday, December 22, 2005 THE LIGHT OF CHRISTMAS .PHOTO BY RALPH HARRISON The highways and byways of Hardee County reveal the joy of Christmas to passersby. Large and colorful and bright displays can be seen in city neighborhoods and on lonely country roads. Here, a house at the entrance to Golfview Estates just west of Zolfo Springs invites motorists into that subdivision's twinkly treats. Other shiny examples of the Christmas spirit can been seen inside on 10 A. Judge Dupprrance To Heapr Crews Case By CYNTHIA KRAHL Of The Herald-Advocate A cifLcuit judge- w ho formeri, Crews served in Hardee County has been assigned to hear the second-degree . murdercase oa.Zolfo.S~prings ,man. who has chosen a Polk County ,enue foir his trial. Circuit Judge J. Dale Durrance will take over the case of Thomas Jessie Crews Jr., 40, who was arrested on July 21, 2004, in con- nection with the disappearance of Sondra Barrington, 20, of Bowling Green. Barrington did not return home. from her job in DeSoto County on Oct. 10, 2002. Her car was found abandoned alongside U.S. 17 just two miles south of the Hardee County line. In a Grand Jury indict- ment, Crews was accused of killing her either in .DeSoto, Hardee or Polk counties. It was-just that uncertainly that jllotted the defense to choose which of the three counties will try the case. An Oct. 31 notice from Assistant Public Defender J, Mel McKinley specified Polk County as his client's choice. .. And in a Nov, 9 order, Circuit Judge Robert L. Doyel, who cur- rently presides in Hardee County, transferred the, case to Polk County. Durrance's judicial assistant, Mary Carrier, confirmed on Tuesday that 'Durrance has been assigned to the case. She said a status conference has been set for 10 a.m. on Jan. 6 in.the Polk County Courthouse in Bartow. A pre-trial date of Feb. 8 also has been set, she said. * Durrance has served .'n the Hardee bench on tmo:' different occasions. In 1994, he was-the first full-time circuit judge assigned to this: county. And, in the routine rotation of judges, he was again assigned to Hardee County in 2002. GINGERBREAD HOUSE: Family Tradition Heads Overseas By LAUREN RAULERSON For The. Herald-Advocate Making elaborate and tasty gingerbread houses has been a long-stand- ing Christmas tradition for a Hardee County woman whose creations have traveled this nation and, now, overseas. Eunice Toms, of Wauchula, recently shipped off one of her remarkable gingerbread houses to her granddaughter serving in Iraq. Toms, who is 85 years old, has been making out-of-the-ordinary gin- gerbread houses for over 30 years. She has always made them for her youngest family members at Christmas time and is now making them for her great-grandchildren. She has lived in Wauchula for 35 years and has family all over the country. She travels every year to see her family, including four children, 12 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.. Her granddaughter and recipient of the first international house is Capt. Michelle Moore, who was sent to Iraq in, early August. Since women in Iraq are not allowed to see a male doctor, she recently started a clinic for Iraqi women. Though it has been a real challenge for her, it is going well, Toms relays. Toms has been sending over clothes for the Iraqi children and men. Since women in Iraq don't wear Westernized clothes, Toms doesn't send women's clothing. As she is still mailing clothing packages to her grand- daughter, she decided to add something along with the clothes for Christmas. Toms made gingerbread houses for Moore when she was a little girl and this year,. Toms decided to bring back childhood memories and share Christmas with those in Iraq by sending. her granddaughter a gingerbread house to display, share andenjoy in her clinic. Making a, gingerbread house has many steps. First, Toms makes the pattern of the gingerbread house out of paper. Then she makes a template out of cardboard. Each gingerbread wall and the roof are reinforced with cardboard. Toms learned that lesson the hard way. The first time she decided to make a gingerbread house she had about 45 people coming for dinner and she did not reinforce the house with cardboard. While she was letting the icing harden. the roof caved in! "It's always a learning process," Toms says. After she cuts out the template, she makes the gingerbread dough and rolls it out on a baking sheet. She cuts the patterns out of the dough and then bakes it. She then makes the frosting out of egg whites and sugar. The icing serves as the glue that sticks the house to the cardboard. The gingerbread has to be refrigerated for two or three days so it can See GINGERBREAD 2A Drugs At Stadium By CYNTHIA KRAHL Of The Herald-Advocate A Hardee Junior High School student who allegedly'brought mart ijuana to a football game has been expelled. The. Hardee, County School Board took that action in an expul- sion hearing following its regular December meeting. After listening to testimony from the boy, his .mother and school authorities, board niembers opted to expel the 16-year-old eighth grader for the remainder of this school year and the first semester of 2006-07. The student will be considered. for placement at Pioneer Career Academy, the district's alternative school in Zolfo Springs, on three conditions, board members said. He must undergo a drug evaluation, complete any resulting recommen- WEATHER DAlI HIH R LW aaM 1214 68 42 0.00 12/15 74 53 0.00 12/16 79 54 0.01 12/17 71 57 0.07 12118 74 58 0.01 12/79 78 57 0.00 12/20 65 52 0.00 ITAL. Rainfall to 72/20/05 61.85 Same period last year 63.42 Annual average 53.98 Source: Univ. ol Fla. Ona Research Center INDEX Classifieds.. 6A Community Calendar ...2A Courthouse Report.......4B Crime Blotter................8B Hardee Living................6B Information Roundup. 11B Obits 4A dations and submit to random testing at his parents' expense Deputy Superintendent = Expulsion m drug the Nov. 11 football playoff game ,e. Greg against Tampa Robinson. He said a girl who had been Dick said the case stemmed from reported missing was spotted by an incident in Wildcat Stadium at See DRUGS 2A Pedestrian Succumbs To Dec. 12 Injuries By JOAN SEAMAN Of The Herald-Advocate A man injured last week while crossing the road has died. Florida Highway Patrol Cpl. G. A. Freimuth's update said Enedine Avila died late last Tuesday 'night, Dec. 13, from injuries he suffered in Monday's accident. According to FHP Tpr. K. A Benavidez, the 23-year-old had gotten out of a vehicle parked on the south shoulder of SR 62 across from Village Drive,. His given -address was 26.18 Village Drive. At, the same time Judith Albritton,; 61, of 2021 SR 62, Bowling Green, was driving her four-door Chevrolet west, the young man apparently .decided to cross the highway, coming directly into the path of her vehicle. The right front of her vehicle hit him, and he was thrown several feet, landing on'. the northwest shoulder of SR 62 and Village Drive, said the patrol report. He was airlifted to Tampa General Hospital in critical condition. His death becomes the 10th traf- fic fatality on Hardee County roads this year. Charges, if any, are pending the outcome of the FHP's investiga- tion, the trooper said. PHOTO BY LAUREN RAULERSON Eunice Toms of Wauchula is pictured with two of her gingerbread houses, which are still under construction. These treats will soon be given to two of her great-grandchildren. I i 2A The Herald-Advocate, December 22, 2005 " The Herald-Advocate' Hardee County's Hometown Coverage JAMES R. KELLY Publisher/Editor CYNTHIA M. KRAHL , Managing Editor JOAN M. SEAMAN RALPH HARRISON Sports Editor Production Manager BESS A. STALLINGS NOEY DE SANTIAGO Hardee Living Editor S. Asst. Production Manager 115 S. Seventh Ave. Phone: (863) 773-3255 P.O. Box 338 Wauchula, FL 33873 Fax: (863) 773-0657 Published weekly on Thursday at Wauchula, Florida, by The Herald-Advocate Publishing Co. Inc Periodical Postage paid at U.S. Post Office, Wauchula. FL 33873 tLSPS 578-780I. "Postmaster." sendaddreis changes 10: The Herald-Advocate, P.O. Box 338. Wauchula. FL 33873. DEADLINES: Scho:,6s Thursday 5 p.m. Spons Monday noon Hardee Living Monday 5 p.m. General New Monday 5 p.m. L.. Ads Tuesday noon J SUBSCRIPTIONS: Hardee County 6 months S 16; 1 yr. 128, 2 yrs. $54 Florida 6 months 520; 1 yr. $37:2 yrs $72 Out of State 6 months $24; 1 yr. -1 $44: 2 yrs. $86 LETTERS: The Herald-Advocate welcomes letters to the editor on matters ofpub!ic inieresL Letters should be brief. and must be written in good taste, signed and include a daytime phcon number SLiBMISSIONS: S.Press rlea'se on communir' matters are welcome Submissions should be typed, dou- ble-spaced and adhere to the above deadlines. All items are subject to editing. Kelly's Column By Jim The Herald-Advocate staff wishes our readers a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season and a good 2006. The Tampa Bay Bucs could give their fans a holiday gift by making the NFL playoffs.' FSU fans are pretty happy over winning the ACC title again and play- ing in the Orange Bowl against Penn State, pitting the coaching legacies of Bobby Bowden and Joe Paterno, the national coach of the year at age 79. Paterno has shown you don't have to sit in a rocking chair when you reach your 70s. Bowden is in his mid-70s. Gator fans are glad over the win against FSU, having.defeated the SEC and ACC champions and the successful recruiting but are not happy over the loss to Steve Spurrier's South Carolina Gamecocks. Miami, USF and Central Florida are all going to bowl games. The weather has been good lately. The citrus harvest is underway. A different policy may be coming on the citrus cariker program and the cur- rent 1,900-foot radius law . One local citrus grower said tree pushing, and burning has stopped reccnt-h a state-and, industry leader ; rethink the program- ,; (, t Being stubborn can be costly. The Brechner Report published by the Brechner Center for Freedom of Information at the University of Florida reports Highlands County "has spent more than $18,000 defending a public records lawsuit.by one of its citizen The. lawsuit \ j. filed by Preston Colby after the county claimed he owed about $5 for a request. "Highlands County sought to.obtain the money from Colby'even after 'a judge recently ruled that Colby could not be charged for the benefits paid- ,to an empl,,yee who '..as researchiri2 his request. Colby had requested to see copies of the notes and minutes of the count 's hurricane executive group, a decision-making committee that was'involved in storm prepara- tions during 2004."' "He paid the county $65 in advance to co% er the estimated costs of locating the d:cuuments This cost covered four hours of staff time that was killed at $10._- per hour The research actually took two hours, and the county subseqtestl. refunded Colb', more than $30 The county commis- sion has not yet decided %s whether it yvill appeal Circuit Court Judge David 'Langford's ruling." That .',unds like a story that belongs in Riple\'sBeliese It or Not!" The Brechner Report also stated Tite Inc. "will pay former Alabama coach'Mike Price $20 million to settle a defamation lawsuit that arose because of a Sports Illustrated i magazine) article about Pric&es night of, di inking jit topleys bar in the Florida Panhandle in April 2003 "Althuughl the coach admitted he %\as heaxil\ intoxicated that etenin-g he denied allegations that anything se\uall\ related occurred. Price %was -fired by. Alabama about the time the article was published." reported Brechner. By George! By George The Bear ' Hi Etery one It's George, your favorite talking bear, Mr. Ed.doesn't have anything over on me. just have to get some-of the workers to type it up for me, my paws. are to big for the keyboard. I guess \ou hate noticed that I haven't written anything in quite awhile. \\ell. there is no excuse, except for, Writer's block .. . Since I wrote to you last we have had our Grand Reopening on Aug. 13" and boy was there a turnout. It was a full year that we were closed and some people are still just finding out that we hate reopened. All of us ani- mals were doing fine, but it just wasn't safe for \ou folks on the boardwalk There were a.lot of'limbs-hanging.high and no one knew w hen they might -decide to fall. Our volunteers had worked \ery hard to get all of the limbs down, but there were some that-were just too high and dangerous for them to get So the\ called on the experts and Olliff Tree Surgeon took on the job of getting the high hangers The) did a great job and managed to lea\e us still looking as natural ai possible. A lot of people.brought us goodies and snacks that day and we fed them hot dogs. I tried to get a hot dog for myself bu't they told me that hot dogs weren't on my.diet, I wonder if they aren't food for me, what makes them,think they are so good for them, it seems like. double standards to me. Our faithful friend, the Sugar Cane man, came by and brought us another bunch of cane; we can always count on this man for a sweet tiona- tion and we just love it. We are rationed on. it so we don't mess up our bear-, ish figures but it is a wonderful treat. Buster and the trustees have really been beautifying our yards, putting in new mulch, removing the limbs that have fallen and cleaning our fences. The trustees have been working very hard trying.to get all of the moss off of our high fences so the visitorscan see us better, we were getting pretty overgrown and they have also been getting all of the debris off of the top of the raccoon and fox exhibits. We,, would like to thank the Sheriff for letting them come and help us with these tasks. The Bobcats have been having, some decorating doing on in their exhibit. They had sod put in and some cypress logs and limbs for them to S, RESY PHOTO -. . COURTESY PHOTO A few years ago, Toms constructed an extravagant gingerbread castle decorated with gumdrops and five tall spires. GINGtKBtAD Continued From 1A harden. The gingerbread baked to construct .the house sent to Iraq was refrigerated for five days to make it extra sturdy. After the gingerbread is hard, it is stuck to-. the cardboard with icing.- The cardboard pieces are then glued together with a hot glue gun. The decorating of the house is done with candy. What kind of candy does she'use to decorate with? Toms replies, "All different kinds, whatever looks pretty and tastes good." She always uses kisses, strawberry candy, peanut M&M's, chocolate Christmas bells and chocolate Santa Clauses. Her great-grandchildren seem to like the candy the best! The house Toms sent to Iraq took three days to make and decorate. It sat out for four or five days to harden and become like concrete, so it would -be strong enough to be shipped overseas. She mails the houses in a padding of real popcorn, whether they are sent across the state or across the world. Five of her family members have been in the military. Her husband, son, two of her grandsons and her granddaughter each serves or has served this country. Moore joined the Army in 2001, just before Sept. 11. Moore had attended medical school in Maryland but got her bachelor's degree at the University of Miami, just like her grandmother. Moore graduated as salutatorian of her class and was involved in the Reserve Officer Training Corps program in college. At first, she wanted to join the Air Force, but she ended up being a doctor in the Army. However, she does have'her paratrooper wings. Moore will come home in March for her rest and relaxation period and', then return back to Iraq for at least six more months. The gingerbread house arrived in Iraq on Monday while Moore was in Baghdad at a medical meeting, Toms reports. It took about a week to, arrive. Moore first saw the gingerbread house on Tuesday, when she got back from her meeting. The surprise package echoed the traditional greeting: Merry Christmas from my house to yours! COURTESY PHOTO This old photo shows Eunice Toms.with one of her past creations. She constructed a full-fledged plantation scene complete with a pillared mansion and d ai-ebo in the front yard.. HARDER ANO OPEN HOSE " HARDEE MANOR OPEN HOUSE PHOTO Br JIMf 'ELLY Hardee Manor nursing home observed an open house for its 25th anniversary on Dec. 13. From left in front row are Yolanda Esquivel, marketing; Sierra Coronado, 11, runner-up for Little Miss Hardee Manor; and Debi Collins, 12, Little Miss Hardee Manor. In back row are Elainna Allen, food service director; Janice Horton, administrator; and Joy Burke, director of nursing. The nursing home has 79 beds and is ldeated at 401 Orange Place in Wauchula. climb and perch on. They seem to be enjoying climbing and surprising folks who are not expecting to find them up so close as they are when they, iit up on the c. press limbs. Their nimes are Bonnie and Clyde and they live up to the reputation, theN can have a.very bad disposition at times. Roy the buck deer is very proud of himself this year, he, has a very nice 10-point rack that is almost perfect. Hardee Ranch Supply donates Purina antler growth feed for all of the deer and it seems to be doing the job.. Jack and Nora gate me and Brother a Christmas tree, but every time I try to get it decorated. Brother eats the decorations, what a roommate. Well, we want to wish.you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Come and see us over your Holiday break. If you just happen to have some extra fruit, nuts. jams. hone, or anything else you think the keepers will let me snack on. bring it with you.' THURSDAY, DEC..22 VBloodNet USA bloodmobile, Hardee County Health Depart- ment, 115 K.D. Revell Road, off U.S. 17 North, Wauchula, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. DRUGS Continued From 1A her mother at the game. The moth- er found a security officer and -reported that her daughter was' there, and was .in ,the company of. two boys. Dick said the officer could not find the girl, but did question one of the boys. . The boy, however, was uncoop-u erative, used profanity and keptI putting his hands in his pockets-i despite being asked to keep them iny sight as a safety precaution, Dickl alleged. T Because the boy could have been carrying a weapon in his pockets i he was searched. The officer found "a cigar-sized marijuana joint" ine the boy's pocket, Dick said. The boy was charged with,theI3 first-degree misdemeanor crime of. possession of marijuana on school grounds. L Dick said attendance at any' extra-curricular activity is "just like attendance at school." The same-. rules apply. Drugs are prohibited on school grounds at all times. Additionally, an expelled student,, mayl"not attend extra-curricular. activities. "No football, no basket- ball, no games," said Dick. This was the third expulsion of the current school year. HARDEE TROOPS A recent story on the. deployment of some local, National Guard members to Iraq inadvertently omitted Sgt. Audie Grantham, son of -Harvey and Evie Grantham and married to wife Joann for 30 years. He also has a daughter Jessica and son Audie, who await his safe return. BIG BUCKS A photo cutline showing a $2,250 check presented by Crown Ford to the Hardee High School Athletic Association misnamed the presenter. Mike Mathis is gen- eral manager of the local deal- ership. The check represented $50 for every touchdown the Wildcats made this season. *** ********* At The Herald-Advocate, we want accuracy to be a given, not just our goal. If you believe we have printed an error in fact, please call to report it. We will review the information, and if we find it needs correction or clarification, we will do 'so. here. To make a report, call Managing Editor Cynthia Krahl at 773-3255. FLORIDA MARKETS AT A GLANCE For the week ended December 15, 2005: Feeder Steers: Feeder Heifers: COURTESY PHOTO Brother (left) enjoys an apple while George plans to decorate the Christmas tree. Medium & Large Frame No. 1-2: 200-300 lbs., 140.00-220.00; 300-400 lbs., 124.00-172.50; and 400-500 lbs., 108.00-139.00. Medium & Large Frame No. 1-2: 200-300 lbs., 120.00-170.00; 300-400 lbs., 108.00-137.50; and 400-500 lbs., 100.00-127.50. Slaughter Cows: Lean: 750-1200 Ibs; 85-90 percent, 36.00-44.00. Slaughter Bulls: Yield Grade No. 1-2, 1000-2100 lbs; 50.00-63.00. December 22, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 3A Property/Roads Challenge Commission By JOAN SEAMAN Of The Herald-Advocate Special exceptions, minor subdi- vision plats, rezones and roads to accommodate them brought up a variety of issues.. At its most recent meeting, the Hardee County faced nearly a dozen decisions about what resi- dents could do with their property. Ironically, first on the zoning agenda was the commission's own request for a Special Exception to place a 350-foot communication tower on a .23-acre segment of a -70-acre parcel at Doyle Carlton and Altmap roads which also will the location for the Hardee'Park Soccer Complex. Commissioners wanted assur, ance that the tower would be designed to fall entirely within the property. There will be a six-foot fence around it and a six-foot perimeter fence beyond that. Commissioner Dale Johnson also questioned whether it would affect' the instrument approach to Wauchula Municipal Airport less than 10 miles away. The Federal . Aviation Administration will review the plans, said Zoning Director Mike Cassidy. The excep- tion was granted subject to those two conditions. A request for a temporary special use permit on 5.04 acres off Peeples Lane was withdrawn due to a change in circumstances. Next was the request, continued from Nov. 17, to rezone 1.8 acres on East Main Street just pass the Boyd Cowart intersection, for a convenience store with fuel sales. Project consultant Don Chancey, again represented the property owner in responding to questions from commissioners and three neighbors who objected to the store which would, they said, would bring more traffic problems to an already dangerous intersection, and affect drainage and "the quality of life" of the neighborhood. Commissioner Bobby Ray Smith abstained again because his father was one of the -petitioners against the plan and he wanted to avoid an appearance of conflict. After much discussion, the, rezone request was denied 3-1, with Commission Chairman Nick Timmerman in, favor of the store and commission- ers Minor Bryant, Gordon Norris abd Johnson voting to -deny it. The next two requests were approved, quickl.. Fidel, M. Hernamndez received a rezone from R-2 'to R-3 to 'eliminate thei non- conformity of his lot and others on Harris Road. Todd and Elizabeth .Morey were approved to change from C-2 back to the original F-R for a dwelling on Stenstrom Road and Florida Avenue. A request to rezone 6.13 acres to C-2 to allow operation of a retail vehicle sales at U S. 17 and Helen Road had been continued by the Planning and Zoning Board, and thus was continued for the commis- sion hearing. Discussion of a request to rezone 29.85 acres from A-1 to R-3 on Torrey Road for single- and multi- ple-family dwellings centered on the county's timetable to extend sewer service and update an inter- local agreement with Wauchula for water for the additional 4,400 linear feet past the college to this location. At 12 per acre of single-story two- story or condos, there' would be about 360 residents there, probably most retirees. Approval was grant- ed on condition that the developer would work with the county on the, phase-in of its services. The commission zoning meeting then broke during a public hearing for a rezone request from F-R to R- 2 for a single-family subdivision at Bostick and Barkdoll roads. After lengthy discussion of several alter- natives for widening and paving Bostick Road. for the half mile or more required, commissioners con- tinued the matter, until January to get more information on the ditch- es, slopes and road width needed to improved the already deteriorated road. A similar request for a minor subdivision plat for Earl C. Holland for the Olen and Alice Edwards subdivision off Theater Road and SR 62 was approved. Another for George S. Blanton III for El Jardin de Jorge minor subdivision was also approved. In other action, the commission: -approved an ordinance chang- ing the animal control requirements to allow three-year vaccinations for dogs and.cats. -approved a contract for Mroni- toring emergency debris removal, and disaster recovery to SCS' Engineering. -heard three 'possible consul- tants to represent the county on De% elopment of Regional Impact (DRI) projects. The commission will review the information and make, a decision at its Jan. 5 meet- ing. -issued a letter of approval to ^YoUl& Co 2 Full forvieo Hair'and Nail falon , "alk-Ins Welcomo" 8767-YOLI (9654) oc2:8f f107 S. 9th Ave., Wauchula : i t & sr '- v. ;. .. -. "X. ;.- t : I qiue che gift u | is Chrislt Gift Giving I Car Alarms Amplifiers Car Car Kits & Wireless H "| ^^^ flR- ^eW!AMlE-iN \ E~ &S1R ^ff. ^-r?: Signed Penny By Penny Johnson O&A With A Biblical Perspective CF Industries to begin its 2006 mining unit. -approved an amendment to the agreement with the National Resources Conservation Service fo add four more sites for the stream restoration project. -discussed the most recent five- year plan from the state Department of Transportation, which postponed design, engineer- ing, right-of-way purchase and four-laning of U.S. 17 from the DeSoto County line to .Zolfo Springs until at least 2011. The commission, which had reluctantly accepted the plan, decided to write their federal legis- lators urging more federal dollars for intermodal or intrastate roads. "We didn't approve .the newest plan, we just reluctantly recognized that it was their plan," said Johnson. -heard a brief report on the Florida Association of Counties meetings the commissioners and Albritton attended last week. Albritton said the three main issues were juvenile justice costs; changes to the Save Our Homes homestead limitations; and impact fees. Asa fiscally constrained county, Hardee is exempt frpm paying juvenile justice costs, the state picks up the tab, explained Albritton. Portability, being able to carry the Save Our Homes .three-percent increase limitation from county to E a ity, was widely discussed. uld a person be able to sell a e in one county and take that to 6w home in another county. That Id cost this county billions in revenue, said Albritton. commissioners decided they d to proceed quickly on setting act fees as the state task force is on its recommendation due to legislature in February. -discussed the five-cent gas tax :h becomes effective Jan. 1 and other it would be best to bond money. Albritton said Requests Proposals for a financial con- ant are going out shortly, hop- to get an expert to handle the ous financial issues the county s. presented Albritton with a ue of appreciation for all the k done during the 2004 hurri- as and recovery. Outgoing' rman Gordon Norris presented plaque, noting Albritton "that practically slept in his office, keeping a paper trail of every- g done. He went above and ind," said Norris." Unfortunately, it is still going Many, many staff have worked t," said Albritton. current chairman Timmerman , "We could give a plaque to y employees. They have all ea phenomenal job for us, aging the county back. We want cognizee them for a good job." --1u S~l~fe.. fea ___________________________ CIRCUIT OVERLOAD Q: How can I prevent stress? I am in danger of getting a circuit overload. If I'm already stressed, how can I get free from it? Signed, Circuit Overload A: Stress is defined as a mentally or emotionally disruptive or upset- ting condition occurring in response to adverse external influences and capable of affecting physical health, usually characterized by increased: heart rate, a rise in blood pressure,.muscular tension, irritability and depres- sion. 'People from all walks of life are victims of stress, including teachers, preachers and even children. Stress is no respecter of persons and can attack at any time., God says His yoke is easy and His burden is light. When we get stressed, it's because we've taken on too much or haven't learned to give God all our problems. When I feel overanxious about a situation, I pray, I sing a hymn or I read my Bible. God is the answer to all life's problems.) Remember, however, even great men of faith in the Bible showed human characteristics at times. Abraham went down to Egypt when famine hit his land instead of trusting God for his provision; he also failed when he grew weary waiting,for his miracle. Elijah, an anointed man of God, hid in a cave when Jezebel threatened his life and God came to him and said, "What are you doing here?" , Many times in life we allow-our flesh to override our faith in God. Is God saying, "What are you doing? I'll take the stress, the pressure and bur- den' if you'll just allow Me to." We need to bow at the feet of Jesus and leave our burdens at the cross.- gd' " Signed Penny For answers with a biblical perspective, send your questions to Signed .Penny, P.O. Box 2604. Wauchula, FL 33873, or e-mail penny5'5@earth-. lnk.e. , Sound nas! leas: Audio/Video/DVD * harnesses * *: Im ---- -..--- ... I AUD S We Carry Top Audio Competit Boss, Clarion, DHED, Earthquake, Exile, JBL, Jens I JVC, Kicker, MTX, PBX, Pioneer, Plantaudio, Sor I FREE INSTALLATION l with purchase of complete system SA&A STEREO fOUr SWauchula Sebring 1107 So. 6th Ave. 2530 US Hwy. 27 (863) 773-5877 (863) 314-00: Hablamos Espanol Z 1222c &*,^~a ^B t!iS ;a??^n& t -M;%:r "a :.-;^ IM-;:'r''& ": , 1s4 , PHOTOS BY JIM KELLY Snook of all sizes can be caught in Peace River. Above I hold up the 12 inch snook caught in Gardner, and in bottom photo I dis- play the 28-inch keeper size fish. Oh, dear children, don't let anyone deceive you about this. If you are constantly. doing what is good, it is because you are good, even as He is. But if you keep on sinning, it shows that you belong to Satan, who since he first began' to sin has kept steadily at it. But the Son of God came to destroy these works of the devil. The person who has been born into God's fam- ily does not make a practice of sinning, because now God's life is in him; so he can't keep on sinning, for this new life has been born into him and controls him - he has been born again. S-I1 John 3: 7-9 tors on, ny 41D No. 35 aM Those who live and practice righteousness abide in Jesus. They want to be obedient and want to know Him more and more. They have had a real experience with Him and want to please Him. No' one born of God wants to practice sin, for God's nature abides in him and God hates sin, so we will, too. This also means God is love and our nature will be to love one another as God loves us. (Read what love is in I Cor. 13.) But, those who are of the devil commit and practice sin and become like his character. It doesn't bother them to commit sin. Hate and bitterness is the nature of the devil. The Son of God, Jesus, was made manifest for us so as to undo and destroy the works of the devil so we could have ever lasting life. A Golden Nugget is to see what is in our own hearts. Do we have God's nature? Or the devil's? There are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less com- petition there. Step Outdoors With Michael Kelly if- Golden Nuggets By' Lorraine and John Gillespie Apnha & Omega Freedom Ministries of Wauchula - I " , L- Last Thursday I spent most of the day on the Peace River. Since it vwas the last day of snook season I decided to give them one last.shot for the year. That morning I was joined by Ken Sanders of Wauchula. We launched the boat shortly after daylight and ran down river aways to my.secret holes. Once we started fishing it did not take long before Kenny was hooked up with a fish. He landed about a 20-inch snook and released it. A few minutes later I caught one about the same size. The action slowed for about an hour, and then I hung what felt like a good fish. The fish ran up into a tree that had blown down into the water, and I wasn't sure how to get him out. I reeled down as far as I could and pulled it out back into the open water. He made another run and then came towards the boat right into the net Kenny had waiting for him. He measured about 28 inches and went into the cooler. We fished the rest of the morning and only caught one little bass and headed back. After fishing with Kenny, I picked up my dad from work and after a quick lunch we headed down to the Gardner boat ramp to try that stretch of the river. We ran up river about five miles and drifted back down. The river gets a little wider and swifter the farther south you go, so it is a little bit harder to fish. We fished for about three hours and caught several small bass. Although we could not keep them, they were awfully fun to catch. I also caught a very small snook which was only about 12 inches long. It is a nice change of pace to try fishing a new area. There are a lot of fish throughout the river, and it. never hurts to look at some different scenery once in a while. Along our float we saw two flocks of turkeys, sev- eral alligators and one deer. 4A The Herald-Advocate, December 22, 2005 ObituariesTownsend Second In Weightlifting I JAMES HARRISON James Harrison, 76, of Lake Placid, died Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005 at Florida Hospital-Lake Placid. Born Oct. 22, 1929 in Elba, Ala. to Mancil and Eunice Harrison, he moved to Lorida as a child. He married and moved to Lake Placid in 1956. He worked for Whitaker Brothers for several years, then for Highlands County. He established a caladium business in 1965. He was a member of the New Life Holiness Church of Lake Placid, served on the Lake Placid council and as a jury commissioner. He was preceded in death by his parents; stepmother Cressie Harrison; two brothers Alfred Har- rison and Grover Harrison, four sisters Hazel Mather, Cecil Keck, Maudie Harrison and Rachel Baker, and one daughter Janice Gayle Harrison. He is. survived by his wife Marlene Harrison of Lake Placid; three daughters, Karen Harrison of Lake Placid, Janet Hill of Sebring and Michelle Bennefield and hus- band Gary of Lake Placid; one son Laverne Harrison and wife Earlene of Lake Placid; five brothers, Paul Harrison of Elba, Ala., David Harrison of Lake Placid, Jessie Harrison of Venus, Ralph Harrisoni of Wauchula and Robey Harrison of Sampson, Ala.; two sisters, Vesta Mae Rhodes of Wauchula and Shirley Cauley of Opp, Ala.; eight grandchildren, Jennifer Harrison of Sebring, Jonathan Harrison of Lake Placid, Kyle, Amy and Amber Bennefield of Lake Placid, Donivan and Christy Cooper of SSebring and Loretta Hill of Sebring; and two great-grandchil- dren, Ethan Cooper of Lake Placid and Jayden Cooper of Sebring. Visitation was held Tuesday, Dec. 13 from 6 to 8 p.m. at New Life Holiness Church of Lake Placid. The funeral service was Wednesday, Dec. 14 at the church with the Rev. Samuel Caraway and, the Rev. Welsey Ard officiating. Burial followed in Oak Hill Cemetery with pallbearers Donald Bates, Gary Sapp, Chris Hendry, Jack Hendry, Malcom Harrison and Lamar Harrison. Chandler Funeral Home Lake Placid CARLEEN "KITTY" EURES ,Carleen "Kitty" Eures, 59, of Wauchula, died Sunday, Dec. 18, 2005, at Sarasota Memorial; Hospital., Born Dec. 5, 1946. in Charlotte, N.C., she was a resident of this area for 30 years. Survivors are her husband, Larry Eures; two daughters, Tracy Ann Moffitt and Bonnie Bearden both of St. Mary's, Ga.; one son, Robert Alexander of Clover, S.C.; two step-daughters, Donna Eures and Rhonda Eures both of Grovetown,; Ga.; three step-sons, Christopher Eures and Ivan Eures both of Wauchula and Larry Eures Jr. of Fayetteville, N.C.; one brother,, Carl A. White Jr. of Avon Park; two, sisters, Bonnie James of Zolfo Springs and Frances Dakers of Michigan;' 26- grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The family received friends Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2005, from 6 until 8 p.m. at Brant Funeral Chapel. Brant Funeral Chapel Wauchula ROGER LEE -FUGATE Roger Lee Fugate, 71, of Wauchula, died Dec. 15, 2005 at home. He was born Aug. 17, 1934 in Plymouth, Ill., and came to Wauchula 20 years ago from Macomb; Ill. .He" was a Methodist. He was a veteran having served in the U.S. Army, and had been employed as a homebuilder. Survivors include his wife, JoAnne; two sons, Randy Fugate of Wauchula, David Fugate and wife Bobby of Zolfo Springs; one brother, D\ eight Fugace and Sx ife llene of Dallas, Te\as; three sisters, Melba Applegae of SBardolph, III., Donna Stebbins of SFreeport, I1l., and Wanda Ulter , and husband Ronnie of Colchester, III.; four grandchil- dren, Da' id, Carl, DI.x and Can; and two great-grandchildren, SMichael and Matthew. FUNERAL HOMES 529 W. MainStrel.. :,; Wauchula , Provided as a courtesy of Robarts Family Funeral Home ROBERT EARL PIGG Robert Earl Pigg, 82, of Arcadia died Dec. 13, 2005. He was born April 2, 1923 in Sullivan, Ind. and moved to Arcadia in 1963. He worked at the DeSoto County Courthouse. He was preceded in death by his wife Beatrice Pigg; father Orval Pigg; mother Velma Pigg; step- mother Blanche Pigg; one sister Margarte Boone; and one son Thomas Pigg. He is survived by one daughter, Velma Pigg of Ft. Ogden; two sons Dean Pigg of Indiana, and Dennis Pigg and wife Joanne Pigg of Zolfo Springs; four sisters, Naomi Reeves, Louise Rogers, Evelyn Fry and Phyllis Clark all of Indiana; six grandchildren; 11 great-grandchil- dren and many friends. Visitation will be 6-8 p.m. Friday, Dec. 16 at Robarts Funeral Home in Arcadia. Services will be at 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 17 at Robarts Funeral Home in Arcadia with Minister Ron York officiating. Mary Ferris will assist Minister York in sign for Robert's hearing- impaired friends. Interment will be in Oak Ridge Cemetery. Robarts Funeral Home' Arcadia RUTH G. JETER Ruth G. Jeter, 91, of Wauchula, died Thursday, Dec. 15, 2005, at Hardee Manor Care Center. Born Jan. 20, 1914 in Opp, Ala, she came to Wauchula 12 years ago from Gallatin, Tenn. She was a Baptist and a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband, Leonard Jeter. She is survived by numerous nieces and nephews. Services were held on Tuesday, Dec. 20 at 6 p.m. atRobarts Family Garden Chapel, Wauchula with Pastor Louis Liotta and the Rev. Jimmy Morse officiating. Entomb- ment will be at 9 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 22 at Sumner Memorial Gardens in Gallatin, Tenn. Memorials may be made to the charity of one's choice. Robarts Family Funeral Home Wauchula L I --~ O- - --0 1o c 0 *- * - ~.- . * ~ ~.- - * S ~ S -~ RUTH G. JETER Ruth G. Jeter, 91, of Wauchula, died Thursday, Dec. 15, 2005, at Hardee Manor Care Center. ' IBorn Jan. 20, 1914 in Opp, Ala, 'she came to Wauchula 12 years ago from Gallatin, Tenn. She was a Baptist and a homemaker. She loved playing bingo at Hardee Manor arid' loved the Atlanta Braves, she attended every game that she could. She was preceded in death by Ierhusband, Leonard Jeter. She is survived by numerous nieces and nephews. Services were held on Tuesday, Dec. 20 at 6 p.m. at Robarts Family Garden Chapel. Wauchula with Pastor Louis Liotta and the Rev. Jimmy Morse officiating. Entomb-merit will be at.9 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 22 at Sumner Memorial Gardens in Gallatin, Tenn. Memorials ma\ be made to the charity of one's choice. FUNERAL HOMES r, 529 W. Main Sireet Wauchula Provided as a courtesy of: . Robarts Family Funeral Home By JOAN SEAMAN Of The Herald-Advocate Ninth grader Kember Townsend led the Hardee girls weightlifting team in its recent meet. She placed second in the 154- pound division with a combined lift of 200 pounds in the clean-and-jerk and the bench press. Junior Danielle Hines placed third in that division with a combined total of, 185. Freshman Brianna Nellis did not place. Divisions are set by the maxi- mum a girl may weigh to compete in it. For instance, weight class 101 includes all girls who weigh up to that limit. They may be only 80 or 90 pounds. Weight class 119 includes all those from 102 to 119 pounds, and so forth. Tenth grader Samantha Haggans was the -only Hardee girls in the 101 class. She placed third with a CELEBRA THE MIRACLE CHRIST BIRTH TE II .Tis the season to remember Cq-fRqS'tmas starts with ,, Merry CT(RqST1'mnas T roy and Cathy Brant B rant uneraC Chay e 773-9451 12 22c For Unto Us A Child Is Born, Unto Us a Son Is Given -ISAIAH 9:6 Ja god Hes yQou afd watch ovek glou and gouk Poved one0 at0 CWtiag aOd Te ti a id ebble Roba tg, aid te tat 0 FUNERAL HOMES S 12:1-22c combined total of 110 pounds. After checking the numbers, Coach Jan Brutus learned that freshman Candis Thomas did not place in the top five in the 119- pound division in a meet which also included girls from Sebring, Lake Placid and LaBelle. There was no Hardee girl entered in the 129-pound division. Hardee does not have enough lifters to fill all the slots, and thus placed fourth in the team totals, explained Brutus. At 139, sophs Nicole Bromley and Katie Bryan placed fourth and fifth respectively. Freshman Kimberlyn Cason did not place. At 169, Hardee's pair of juniors were Elizabeth Buffalo, who placed third and Madison Graham, who placed fifth. Hardee had no entries in the 183, 199 or unlimited classes. "It was our first meet, especially for our freshmen. The other coach- es and judges were really great and worked with them. It was pretty laid back. They would explain why technique was so important in the lifts and scoring. I think it helped the girls a lot," commented Brutus. Another home meet has been added to the schedule. Hardee starts the new year with a home meet Jan. 10 with LaBelle, Avon Park and Lake Placid teams included. Saturday, Jan. 14, is the sub- regional qualifier, held at Sebring High School. Hardee will be home again on Jan. 17, greeting the Lady Bulldogs of DeSoto. There is the Travis Todd Invitational at Avon. Park on Jan. 19. The district finals are at Sarasota Booker on Friday, Jan. 27. At the sectionals, Hardee faces 21 other schools, including Booker, Avon Park, Bradenton Bayshore, Tampa Berkeley Prep, Braden River, Charlotte, DeSoto, LaBelle, Lake Placid, Lakewood Ranch, Lemon Bay, Manatee, North Port, Northside Christian of St. Peters- burg, Palmetto, Port Charlotte, Sarasota Riverview, Sebring, Bradenton Southeast and Venice. 10 HOURS A MONTH! That's all it takes to speak up for a child. Volunteer to be a Guardian Ad Litem. 773-2505 (If office unattended, please leave message.) December 22, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 5A IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HARDEE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE 'IN RE: ESTATE OF ELNA G. MOORE, Case No. 252005CP000153 NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration-of the estate of Elna G. Moore, File Number 25 2005 CP 000 153, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hardee County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is Post Office Box 1749, Wauchula, Florida 33873. The name and address of the Personal Representative and the Personal A Representative's Attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this notice is served must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON .THEM. All other creditors of the decedent Sand persons having claims or * demands against the decedent's estate including unmatured, contin- gent or unliquidated claims must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of the first publication of thisNotice is December 22, 2005. M Gary Moore Personal Representative 1015 Knollwood Circle Wauchula, FL 33873 Jeff J. McKibben, Esq. Post Office Box 1748 waucnula, rL 33873 863.773.4449 Florida Bar # 168879 Attorney for Petitioner LEARNING TO READ COURTESY PHOTOS The Fred Dennis Child Development Center at 320 N. Ninth Ave. in Wauchula had a Reading Is Fundamental distribution on Wednesday of last week. The theme was "Hop aboard The Polar Express." Parents had an opportunity to read to the children. They also participated in "make- and-take" activities. Toddlers and preschoolers could choose their own books. The parents chose a book for their infants., This even enabled the children to have an opportunity to expand their literacy skills at home. The next RIF distribution will be on Feb. 14 at Fred Dennis and Bowling Green centers. Any volunteers from the community are more than welcome to come par- ticipate for this event. _ *.. NEEDS HELP COURTESY PHOTO Junior Lee Woods, shown in a recent photo with his niece Alana, was in a head-on collision of pickup trucks on Dec. 9 on Murphy Rd. He was airlifted to Tampa General Hospital and went through three surgeries. He expects to be in therapy at Tampa General for 12 weeks. The family needs help for gas and living expenses. There are donation jars at Nicholas' Restaurant in Wauchula. Woods lives at 1923 State Rd. 64 West. For more information call his sister Dottle Hicks at 781-3264. Woods' injuries included two broken legs, a fractured hip, a broken left arm and punctured liver. 12:22,29c STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF SPARTANBURG U CASE WILL REMAIN ACTIVE UNTIL 2-17-06 IN THE FAMILY COURT .J CASE NO. 05-DR-42-1694 SILVIA AYALA, Plaintiff S-vs- '. ANTONIO RAMOS-DIAZ, Defendant SUMMONS AND NOTICE TO THE DEFENDANT ABOVE NAMED: e. You are hereby summoned and required to answer the Compont In this agtjon a copy of,whip bhere-,. with served upqn you, jiih .is filed in the office of the. Clerk of this Court this same date and to serve a copy of your Answer to the Complaint upon the subscriber at P.O. Box 463, Pickens, South Carolina, 29671 with- in thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service. If you fail to answer the, i" Complaint within that time, the , Plaintiff will be awarded default judg- f ment against you for the relief , demanded in the Complaint. S.DATE: 5/11/2005 i Scott D. Robinson Attorney for Plaintiff P.O. Box 463 Pickens, SC 29671 (864) 898-1889, 12:8-22c IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HARDEE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 252005CA000627 IN RE: FORFEITURE OF $390.00 Cash / NOTICE OF ACTION TO: BENJAMIN BARBER AND ALL OTHERS CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN OR TO THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for forfeiture of the following described personal property in Hardee County, Florida:: $390.00 Cash has been filed against' you by Petitioner, THE CITY OF WAUCHULA, FLORIDA, POLICE DEPARTMENT, and, you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any,- on Anthony L. Ritenour, Ables & Ritenour, PA., Attorney for Petitioner, whose address is 551 South Commerce Avenue, Sebring, Florida 33870, on or before January 20, 2006, and file the original with the 'clerk of this court either before service on Petitioner's attorney or Immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be ?entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. iDated this 19.day of December. 2005. B. HUGH BRADLEY As Clerk of the Court By: Edwina Murphy Deputy Clerk 12:22,29c LEARNING CHARACTER PHOTO BY JIM KELLY Webber International football players Gilbert Olvera and Travis Tubbs spoke to students at Bowling Green Elementary School on Dec. 16. They were invited by Phil Rasmussen, BGE phys- ical education teacher and Webber assistant football coach. This photo show Rasmussen, Olvera and Tubbs, in order from left, with some BGE fifth grade boys. They spoke on the importance of making good grades, working hard and having a good attitude to have a successful life. HANDY HELPERS In the latest in football news, seven Wildcats were among the seniors playing in the South-Central All-Star game on Saturday in Sebring. Justin English, Jeremy Kelly and Jose Salvador came home with scholarships. Jackson Frenot, Pierre Lazarre, Daniel Moore and Jackson Mosley were also among the more than three dozen on the Central All-Star team, which lost 17-16 to a tough South squad. Hopefully, all players got a good deal of exposure to the college coach- es attending the game and will get opportunities to play collegiate football. Among the scouts was former Wildcat coach Phil Rasmussen, now coach- ing at Webber International University at Babson Park, where there are already a half dozeil Wildcats on the roster. Attention turns to basketball, where the Hardee hoopsters are coming together as a team. The Cats won big against perennially tough Mulberry last Friday night 83-55. The Wildcats will play in the Manatee Invitational Dec. 27-30. With only two seniors, Lino Jena and Robbie Jones, the Cats will continue to grow and are already 4-2 in the young season. Lady Wildcat basketball stated the holiday break early because of the cancellation of two games last week. The DeSoto game has been reset to Jan. 5. The game against Heartland Christian will probably not be resched- ul . Hardee Junior High teams are ever improving, the boys getting within three points of a victory, and the girls closing the gap to five points in a recent game. Coaches. Carl Coleman and Ami Whilden have the task of molding future Hardee players. It's always good to hear good news on former Hardee players. Theo Jones, of Bowling Green, is now a senior guard'at Central Missouri State, which is ranked ninth in NCAA Division II. He has had several good recent games for the Mules. The latest efforts included games Dec. 16 and 18. At the Las Vegas High Desert.Classic against Eastern New Mexico State Jones had three blocked shots, a pair of assists and a steal. Against Rollins College. two days later, he hit four-of-seven from three-point range and finished with 17 points and five assists. " In weightlifting, freshman Kember Townsend placed second in a four- team meet at Sebring-recently. Other girls lifting for coach Jan Brutus are Danielle Hines, Brianna Nellis, Samantha Haggans, Candis Thomas, Nicole Bromley, Katie Bryan, Kimberlyn Cason, Elizabeth Buffalo and Madison Graham. Hardee will host two meets in early January, a quad-meet on Jan. 10 and a visit Jan. 17 from DeSoto. Congratulations to the Hardee soccer girls, who picked up their first win of the season against Avon Park last week. First-year coach Rob Beatty said recently he has seen tremendous improvement'in the girls. He has a lot of underclassmen on his roster, many completely new to the game. The addi- tion of senior goalie Heather McKinney has helped immensely. Boys soccer picked up wins over previously unbeaten DeSoto and Avon Park recently, losing a toughie to Fort Meade 2-1. The boys are presently seeded third in the district and will host playoffs beginning Jan. 23. It's almost time for Hardee County Youth Sports (formerly called Hardee County Little League) to get started with tee-ball, mini-minors and minors We should have information on schedules and teams in early January. Information from community and school athletic events is always welcome. Please call The Herald-Advocate (773-3255) or e-mail me at news.heral- dadvocate@earthlink.net with news for this biweekly column. The sports news deadline is noon Mondays. News will be included as soon as time and space allows. SH Colon & Lopez PA AGGRESSIVE REPRESENT IION A Safe Place DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CRISIS LINE 1 (800) 500-1119 End The Abuse! COURTESY PHOTO Boy Scout Troop 813 recently helped out the Hardee County Animal Refuge by weaving greenery into the chain-link perimeter fence. This greenery helps to give the animals a little privacy so they are not on exhibit 24 hours a day. It also helps the animal keepers to be able to keep their atten- tion on the animals as they work around them. This was service project for the star rank for the scouts. Scout Master Buddy Judah and Assistant Scout Master Sue Baker accompanied them. Their help is very much appreciated by the animals and staff at the refuge. Scouts helping (from left) are Kendall Grice, Matt Fite, Andrew Allison, Eddie Hunt, Clark Zelyk and Andy Hunt. 6A The Herald-Advocate, December 22, 2005 *The ABOUT ... Classifieds DEADLINE ....Tuesday noon RATES ..........Minimum of $3.75 for 10 words. Each additional word is 20 cents. Ads in all capitals are 32 cents per word. Headlines are $2 a line. Blind ad box numbers are $3 extra. BILLING........Ads must be pre-paid. CLASSIFICATIONS: Agriculture Appliances Automobile Boats Furniture Help Wanted Houses Livestock Lost & Found Miscellaneous Mobile Homes Notices Pets Plants/Produce Real Estate Recreational Vehicles Rentals Services Wanted Yard Sales HELP WANTED Childcare Counselors P/T High energy, must certification or be enrolled one month prior to Membership. Apply in person. have 30-hour hire. Free Y Wellness Instructor/Personal Trainer P/T 6 months of fit- ness/personal training experience. Possess current CPR/AED Certifications: basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology, nutrition & body mechanics. Free Y Membership. Contact Bonny at (863) 773-6445. Apply in person to: HARDEE COUNTY FAMILY YMCA 610 W. Orange St., Wauchula 773-6445 EOE DFWP cll2:22c Clas sifieds DIESEL INJECTION REPAIRS, pumps, starting at $195., injectors, turbos, misc. tractor repairs, clutches, engine rebuilds. 863-385-5596 9:2-12:29;05p 1997 NISSAN TRUCK, good shape, perfect air, $4000. 735-1333, 735- 1476. 12:22p DIESEL INJECTION REPAIRS. See Agriculture. 9:2-12:29,'05p HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT , Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Train in Florida National Certification Financial Assistance Job Placement Assistance 800-383-7364 Associated Training Services- www.atsn-schools.com ,*:1 __,. a.I BOAT 15' with 55 HP, walk thru wind- shield, $1500. 773-2478. 12:15-22p ARMOIRE 42"x84" CHERRY WOOD, good condition, $350; entertainment center 72"x72", fair condition, $100. Call 773-0296 to see. 12:22p TRUCK DRIVER needed for sod deliv- eries, CDL, 2 yrs. exp., clean record required. Call Ben and T&B Turf. 727- 638-1852. 12:22-1:12c ADON 79 BED SNF seeking ener- getic RN. with excellent supervisory communication & clinical skills. Fax resume to: Hardee Manor Care Center, 401 Orange Place, Wauchula, FL. Fax 863-773-0959 or phone 863- 773-3231. 12:22-29c B&L CITRUS, INC., 182 Boyd Cowart Rd., Wauchula is looking for depend- able, hard working semi-drivers to haul fruit. Stop by office to pickup application. Drug free workplace. 12:22-29c CREWLEADER/CREWS needed for the 2005/06 fruit season. No equip- ment required. Please apply at B&L Citrus or call for directions 863-773- 6195. 12:22-29c BJD ENTERPRISES, INC., 182 Boyd Cowart Rd., Wauchula. Dump truck drivers needed. Stop by office for application. Drug-free workplace. 12:22-29c C.N.A.s NEEDED: 40 hrs/wk, $7.25/hr. Dependable transportation required, Apply at HOPE of Hardee, 310 N. 8th Ave., Wauchula or call (863) 773-2022 for more information. EOE, DFWR 12:22-1:12c For Sale! Secluded Pasture For Sale! 24.25 Acres of secluded pasture S. of Zolfo Springs. $125,000 Call (863)773-2213 12:15tf I .- .'' ' b, ""-'""' "".: ."... .:. ,,,, THWK S TO OUR GREAT CUSTOMER, Because our customers are the best. we have sold more used cars, trucks, vans & SLUVs than any other dealer in Hardee County! All of our customers are invited to a Customer Appreciation CHRISTMAS PARTY Saturday, December 24 ~ 1 pm Toys Maria, Billy, Rosemary Come and join l s! HardeeCarSCo L AM BER REALTY INC. I 402 South 6th Avenue Wauchula, FL 33873 DORIS S. LAMBERT, G.R.I., Broker KENNETH A. LAMBERT, Broker S.Merry 4 U C Buyers Available - PERFECT HOMEFSITE! 15 acres in beautiful location - grea insesmnieni. Call for details. $17,500 per acre. 4 .CRES OF CONIMMERCI AL property plus suite of offices. fruil scales, outdoor workshop/shed, fenced; loated just outside of city limits. $198,500. BE ALIT IFUL \ OODED ACREAGE! 2308 square feet. 3B/2Blh CB home, located just outside of town on 15 acres, fenced, plus a large, vinyl siding, 80x80 barn %ilih 4 horse stalls. 2 roll up doors, 2 pole barns, many e-\lras nimu, see to appreciate! $465,500. BRING OMUR SUITCASE! This home is completely furnished and ready for:occupancy! 2B/1Bth, 12x60 M/ll, washer/drcer. la n'mower,'gas grill, all the e\lias! .49,9Q00. ROOM TO GRO\\ in this 2677 sq. ft. stucco home, like new inside "ith renovations just completed, 3B'2Bth, inside uliilt. fireplace, convenient location - ualk to schools and shopping! $207,000.' TA KE NOTICE! PRICE CHANGE on this large, 4B,2Bth )/W' on 5 \CRES; 2387 total square feet; built in 1998: reduced to $170,000. Lin el3 3B/2Bth, frame/Stucco home, built with steel trusses, inside uliilil., fireplace, updated appliances, 10\2f shed, metal roof; located on 5 acres; small pond. $25,00IIIU CON ILRAC T PENDING. \11 .1T .\ BONUS!I 1220 workshop/storage space with concrete flour and electricity PLUS a lovely, move-in read\ 3BH2BIh. built in 1998, D/W on corner lot; 1328 square feet, new washer and dryer, some furni- ture included. See today! $135,000. PEACE FIL. SETT ING for this 2B/2Bth home located on 5 acres, con% enient location, paved road access, large lish pond and plenty of nice oaks. Won't last long call iodai! $189,000. RE DUCiED! 15 acres cleared pasture with small barn and 3B/l Bth home: large oaks, pased road frontage. S400.001. . 1 OING, GO(ING. GONE! This country style home on' large, corner lot 13 IoLs total), 3B/lBth, new roof, large 12\24 shied, onenientto schools, won't last long with the price reduced to $85,000. N1OI 1.ATE) SE-.ELLER! 3B/2Bth home with many extras on 5 acres, fenced and cross fenced, large oaks and pond: horse barn with electricity; first class work- shop; 4 %elk on property. $314,900. BUs. (863) 773-0007 Fax: (863)773-0038 "** ^ E-mail:lambertd1@earthlink;net Charlotte Terrell :hristmas C We Need Your Listings! MUST SEE TO BELIEVE! This 2,500+ custom built home on 5 acres has too many extras to list! 3B/2Bth, built in 2003. Call today to see! 20.3 acres, fenced and cross fenced; excellent pasture- land. Call for details! ACROSS FROM INDUSTRIAL PARK -10 Acres - Zoned 1-2, Highway 62 road frontage; office space and service shop. Call for details! Park model D/W M/H on nicely landscaped corner lot; 2B/2Bth, 1656 square feet, some furniture included in sale. $85,000. HIGHWAY 62 FRONTAGE 5 acre tracts excellent building sites. $100,000. Commercial corner lot, good location. Call office for information. HUNTERS BE,AWARE! Abundant wildlife including turkey, deer, and hogs plus a 2B/1.5Bth Mobile Home on secluded 17 acres. $175,000. Vacant lot in restricted area, perfect for your mobile home; located short distance from town. $15,000. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! Ideal location on Highway 17 North. See Today! Commercial lot in Wauchula! Good location for all types of businesses. See today! $75,000. A total of 27.5 acres will sell as 7.5 acre tract and 20 acre tract or total tract; plenty of wildlife, convenient location; excellent home sites. Call for information. EXCELLENT BUILDING SITES CONVENIENT LOCATION! Two 5 Acre tracts located just outside of town. Call today for details! INVESTORS LOOK NO FURTHER! COMMER- CIAL PROPERTY Zoned I 2; high traffic area; Call for details! Beautiful, native 5 acres with large oaks, fronts on Hamilton Road, excellent home site, just minutes from town. NICE and QUIET 3B/1 Bth CB/Stucco home in secluded area; one acre lot; house has new roof and upgrades; great for small family or retirement. $150,000. THIS LISTING WON'T LAST! 4B/2 Bth CB/Stucco home on 4 acres 1732 square feet; nice oaks; seclud- ed area. $265,000. BE THE FIRST to see this charming home located in family. neighborhood; great room plan, 3B/2Bths; 2436 square feet, built in 2000. $170,000. www.lambertrealty.net SERVICE YOU CAN COUNT ON ASSOCIATE: DELOIS JOHNSON.............773-9743 ASSOCIATE: MICHAEL ADAMS .............781-2413 ASSOCIATE: MIKEY COLDING...............781-1698 ASSOCIATE: DAVID McCLINTOCK..........781-1226 ASSOCIATE: CHARLOTTE TERRELL......781-6971 I~Uk.. From the staff of Jim See Realty, Inc. , '., ,,. ,.* ".* .!z .., . .. !:i. ; ...,:: LJ RL cl112:22c . . _fti~ ,i~e~2~ December 22, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 7A The EXPERIENCED ADVERTISING sales: Must have own transportation & phone. Top commissions. Call 735- 1623. 12:22-29c SECURITY OFFICERS NEEDED, D&G license in Bowling Green and Fort Green area. D Class school available. 863-682-2023. E.O.E. 12:22-1:12c RANCH HAND needed. 494-7452 evenings or 781-5342 cell. 12:15-22p POSITIONS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE-- LY: Cashier, stock, and daily cleaning persons. Full or part-time, Duette Country Store. Intersection of SR62 & CR39, Manatee County. Call Lenora at (941) 776-1097. 7:21tfc Classifieds- WELDERS experienced in dragline bucket-repair. Shop and field posi- tions available. Long-term positions, benefits, vacation pay, paid holidays. 941-776-1211 or 863-683-6741. Call 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ask for Shawntel or Gary Norris. 12:15-22c CAE .-," ' ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - Excellent communication, computer and office skills required. Must have working knowledge of Excel, Word programs. Ajilon Communication, 916 N. 7th Avenue, Wauchula. 863-773- 5777. 12:15-1:12p .OL'S REALTY S1534 YANCY STREET PORT CHARLOTTE, FL. 33952 ****** WAUCHULA 1074 DOWNING CIRCLE 3 BEDROOMS 2 BATHROOMS FLORIDA ROOM (12 X 20) UTILITY ROOM AND STORAGE (10 X 12) CENTRAL HEAT CARPORT BUILT IN 1986 FENCED YARD (2 LOTS) DOUBLE WIDE MODULAR HOME (2280 SQ FT) INCLUDES ALL FURNITURE ASKING $79,900 MAKE OFFER JAMES COLLIE OFFICE 1-941-627-2769 CELL 1-941-628-7835 CELL 1-863-412-8932 FAX 1-941-627-1741 LIC. ASSOCIATE I4VA( ~OU~HG c11-'22c PERSON FOR GENERAL repair and maintenance of trucks, trailers, trac- tors and general farm machinery. Wages negotiable depending on experience. Apply at Buckhorn Nursery, 475 Lambert Rd., Zolfo Springs. (863) 773-6662. 12:15-22c TEACHER FOR 3 year olds, 40 .hour week, training preferred. 773-4701 Children's World. 12:15-22c WANTED MATURE BOOKKEEPER live on estate. Must have valid drivers license. Call 863-634-7552 or 863-763- 5321. 11:3tfc WORK @ HOME. $450-$1500 MONTH PT; $2000-$4500 FT. (303) 292-9960. www.OurAnswer.com 12:15-1:12p, DRIVER Delivery truck for ornamen- tal nursery. Class D CDL required. Apply Peace River Growers, 3521 N. Nursery Road, Zolfo Springs, $9.00' per hour. EOE 12:15-22c HANDYMAN SPECIAL. Cheap. Cash. 863-443-4835. 12:22p Help Wanted!! Immediate opening for person willing to work hard with a positive atti- tude and the ability to learn to service and install petroleum equipment and related services. Electrical, mechanical, and/or construction back- ground a+. Drivers License Required. Class A or B CDL preferred. Willing to train right person. Call 863-773-2213 for an appointment or send resume to: Heartland Pump and Tank Co., Inc. P.O. Box 873 -Wauchula, FL 33873 EOE DFWP Heartland Pump and TankCd., Inc. 11:17c tfc 11:17 ti /7io/idays from the staff of Coldwell 'Banker U-- D AM-SOUTH REALTY kAI IrldrflrderIN (Iv,,ed AjOfiff3rj~ik .Tr o C~r ul tha Roi 4~dH.JHl ie. Lu' ou.'lof' Richard Dasher Dane Hendry Donna Sleffens 702 SOUTH 6TH AVENUE WAUCHULA, FL 33873 Gary Delatorre Broker (863) 773-2122 FAX (863) 773-2173 AFTER HOURS CALL: Donna Steffens, Associate 781-3627 Jerry Carlton, Associate 375-2887 Richard Dasher, Associate 773-0575 Dane Hendry, Associate 381-2769 a Office hours 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM HOME WITH A HEARTH, feel the warmth of the fireplace through the winter months in this 3 bedroom, 2 bath CB home. Fenced yard, screened porch, central AC/H and more. $138,500. PRIME DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY close to Wauchula city limits. $350.000. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY HWY 17 includes commercial and residential lots. S138,000. PRICED TO SELL, Mobile Home on 5 acres S75,000. HWY 17 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 1.76 acres with build- ings. $389.900. LAKE FRONTAGE ON LAKE ISIS. This 3 bedroom, 3 bath home has an attached I bedroom, I bath apartment. $599,999. LARGE LOT corner of Main and Hwy 17 in Bowling Green. $200,000. PARTIALLY REMODELED 3 bedroom, 2 bath home In Riverview subdivision. New roof and more. $110,000. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY OR INVESTMENT PROPERTY HWY 17 FRONTAGE, Bowling Green north. Great loca- tion. $249,900. 311 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, 3 bedroom, 2 bath CB home. $129,900. RETIREMENT OR SMALL FAMILY, well maintained 2 bedroom, 2 bath dblw MH with central AC/H, screened porch and more in quiet neighborhood. Close to schools and shopping. $74,500. WOODED 6.6 ACRE TRACT building site for convention- al home or mobile home. $118,800. SERENE SURROUNDINGS 3 bedroom, 2 bath MH on 8 acres. Large barn and more. $195,000. HIGHWAY 66 FRONTAGE. Zolfo Springs lot. $40,000. PRICE REDUCED, OWNER SAYS SELL this 3B 1B home on South 7th Avenue, Wauchula. Fenced back yard. Great condition and location. S104,500. STARTER HOME in good neighborhood. 2 bedroom, I bath in excellent condition. $110,000. NICE QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD, 2 bedroom, 1 bath with large lot. 555.000 24 ACRES GREAT FOR HUNTING AND RECREATION. Cabbage palms, oaks and secluded. $6,000 per acre. We need listings We have qualified buyers! Member of the Wauchula Board of Realtors and the Multiple Listing Service. Look for us at Mid-FloridaHomes.com WE SELL HUD HOMES, CALL US FOR LISTINGS FLORES &J lift *i'b. "" .: .appy flew ear. c112 15C 12 22c Quick Holiday Cash! ( Sell your house to Billy Hill! FIREFIGHTER/PARAMEDIC PAY RATE: ($34,124.30 $44,774.04) Wanted for the Hardee County Fire Rescue Department. Must be State Certified as a FireFighter and Paramedic. Possession of a valid FL Class D CDL w/E endorsement. Must. be able to work rotating shifts and have ability to perform prolonged and arduous physical work. Complete job description and Fire Rescue Application forms posted on County website: www.hardeecoun- ty.net. Applications accepted in the Human Resources Department, 205 Hanchey Road, Wauchula, FL 33873, Phone:(863) 773-2161, Fax: (863) 773-2154. Position closes at 5:00 p.m., January 6, 2006. Excellent Benefits including State Retirement. EOE - F/M/V c112:22-29c MAINTENANCE WORKER i PAY RATE: ($17,595.34 $23,086.62) Wanted for the Hardee County Road & Bridge Department. Applicants must have some knowledge of the general maintenance trades. Ability to perform heavy manual labor. Must have High School Diploma or GED. Valid FL Class B CDL is required. Complete job description and Application forms post- ed on County website: www.hardeecounty.net. Applications accepted in the' Human Resource Department, 205 Hanchey Road, Wauchula, FL 33873. Phone: (863) 773-2161, Fax:(863) 773-2154. Position closes at 5:00 p.m., December 30, 2005. E E /M/V.. :112 22. -' .L,. Billy Hill pays all closing costs! No Hassle! Quick Closings ! SCall Billy Hill FIRST (863) 781-1062 cI 12:8tfc 100 Florida Institute For Neurologic Rehabilitation, Inc. "Where a Job Can Become a Career" Our New Starting Rate of Pay is $9.00 PER HOUR We are currently accepting applications for the fol- lowing positions: R.S.A.'s "Weekend" Shift-full time or part time. High School Diploma or G.E.D. $9.00 per hour starting rate. Environmental Technician Weekend (Sun, Mon, Fri, Sat). HS Diploma or G.E.D. Training provided. $9.00 per hour starting rate. Experienced preferred/will train. RN's B & C shift. Rate of pay $28-32 per hour. C.N.A.'s'- 2nd, 3rd, and Weekend shifts available. Current Florida Licensure & HS Diploma or GED required, experience preferred. C.N.A.'s start at $9.50. Dietary Server- Must have HS Diploma or'GED. Hours vary with rotation Of weekends. Waitress experi- ence preferred. Starting rate of pay is $9.00 per hour. FINR offers an excellent benefit package, is an EOE and a Drug Free Workplace. If you are interested in joining a fast growing company, please stop by 1962 Vandolah Rd., Wauchula, FL to fill out an application, fax resume to 863-773-2041 or e-mail to annettedhr@finr.net. d112:15su [SOLDI ,)1a1?1w C_- 8A The Herald-Advocate, December 22, 2005 The Classifieds Diesel Heavy Equipment Mechanic needed F/T for SMR Aggregates mining company. Ability to repair plant and heavy equipment. Working knowledge of mechani- cal, pneumatic, hydraulic and electrical systems. Previous experience as heavy equipment or plant mechanic. Email qualified resumes to human.resources@smrranch.com attn: HR EOE Drug Free cli2:22c State of Florida Department of Transportation JOB OPPORTUNITY COMPUTER SYSTEMS SPEC./FISCAL ASSISTANT Position Number: 55003229 Work Hours: 7:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Monday ThUrsday Bi-Weekly Salary Range: $750.47 $1025.00( Depending on experience) This position will be responsible for inputting large amounts of data, producing reports from input data, answering multi-line phone system, operate 2-way radio and other clerical duties. Must be experienced in MS Word, Excel and Internet. Required to have valid Florida Driver License. Apply on-line via the People First (1-877-562-7287) by completing a State of Florida online job application at www.myflorida.com by 5 p.m. EST closing date or call 863-993-4634. CLOSING DATE: 1/3/06 cl112:22,29c s Realtor 1 220 N. 6th Avenue Wauchula, Florida 33873 (863) 773-3337 Fax: (863) 773-0144 www.floresrealty.net SPECIAL OF THE WEEK **JIUST LISTED Conveniently Located 3BR/2BA 2002 Home with 1,440t Heated Sq. Ft, 2 Car Garage, Central Air & Heat. Home in great location just west of Wauchula on 1.3 Acres. Call us today. A Great Buy in Wauchula Hills - 2003 4BR/2BA Double Wide Mobile Home with Central Air & Heat. Skylights in bathrooms, spa- cious kitchen. Overall in excellent condition. Asking $85,000!! 1991 Wassau Home 3BR/2BA Completely renovated home in Wauchula with Central Air & Heat. Walking distance to Schools, Hospital and Restaurants. Must See To Appreciate. 4+ Acres Close to Town New school and shopping center close by. You can build a new home or set up a mobile home on this prop- erty. Take a look today. $80,000. Great Family Home 3BR/2BA 2001 Frame Home on 2.50 Acres in Zolfo Springs. Nice and Peaceful living. MLS# 177992. Asking $198,000.00. 2 Story Home in Riversiew - Very well maintained 3 BR/2BA CB with central air & heat. Nicely landscaped yard with front and back screened poich. 1,966 heat- ed square feet. Move; in ready everything that you have been looking for and so much more. MLS#178258 Asking $179,900.' This really is a great investment opportunity 2 CB Duplexes=4 Rental Opportunities. Very well maintained on nice quiet neigh- borhood. Buy one or both. Being offered a $157,000. Per duplex. 10.26 Acres with 2 Ilobile Homes and Room for a Third Bu) this property and start up a nursery. Fenced in area for horses or cattle. Quiet country living off paved road. Minutes from town and shopping. MLS#178440 Asking $210,000. Homesite within 7 miles from town - 20 Acres mostly pastureland and some; natural woodlands with access from Ed Wells Road and Rabbit Run. Asking $13,900 an acre. . Nature at its's Best Spacious secluded home located off Murphy, Road in South Western Hardee County. 7.5 acres surrounded by Florida Native woodlands, Stocked Pond, several outbuildings and state of the art dog pens. This is definitely. a MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE. ALL THIS FOR ONLY $399.000. Location Location Location! - 3BR/2BA CB Home with Pole Barn on 5 ACRES ON S. HWY 17. Ceramic tile floors, Carpet in bed- rooms, Fireplace and Updated Kitchen. Asking $298.000.00. Unbelievable Never thought we would see $40,000 for a home again! This 1994 2BR/IBA Mobile Home is priced to sell just west of Zolfo Springs. For more details call todam. REDUCED Investors take a look at this!, 51 Acres; with develop- ment potential zoned Farm Residential. Property currently has approximately 35 acres of income producing grove and approximate- ly 16 acres of natural woodlands. Conveniently located, between Wauchula and Bowling Green. Call for your appointment today. Asking $13,900 an acre. Good Homesite 5 Acres paved road frontage, approximately 2 miles west of town. Don't Let this Deal Pass You By! Asking $110.000. REDUCED!! (2) 5.85 Acre Tracts and (1) 17.95 Acre Tract on 62 West of US HWY 17. Good Land ideal for Residential. Asking $19,900 an acre. Nice and Quiet 6BR/3BA Spacious Family Home in Knollwobd with Inground Pool. extra lot, ceramic tile throughout and so much more. Great Home for a growing family. Being offered at $320,000. Large Corner Lot 3 BR/2BA Large frame home within Wauchula city limits. Lots of poten- tial. Asking $205,000. ** Whether you're buying or selling. The pro- fesionpls at Flores & Flores, Inc. will be happy tO assist you. Let one of our associates help mike your Real Estate dreams come true.** WE BUY HOUSES FAST CLOSINGS Contact After Hours O.R. (Tony) Flores, Broker, tony@floresrealty.net Oralia D. Flores, Broker, oralia@floresrealty.net After hours ...........863-773-2840 Lawrence A. Roberts..................(863) 773-9256 Noey Adam Flores (863) 781-4585 John Freeman (863) 773-6141 Amanda.Mishoe (863) 781-3587 Steve Lanier (863) 559-9392 LIsa Douglas (863) 781-3247 c112:22c 2/1 FRAME, by St. Michael Church, must sell, $55,000. (863) 781-2541. 12:22-1:5p BLOCK HOUSE, 3/1, 2 car garage, Fort Meade, $95,000. 863-781-2541. 12:8-1:5p -HOUSE 3/2, 5 acres, fenced, Wauchula, $152,000. 863-781-2541. 12:8-1:5p CA] la~ot 2 Bedroom KENNY SANDERS.........781-0153 RICK KNIGHT ..............773-2472 MONICA REAS ..........7....773-9609 U.S. HIGHWAY 17 SOUTH. WA 4/2 BLOCK, 4 acres east of town. Good for horses. 904-282-7300. 12:22-1:19p 3/1 BLOCK ON 1 ACRE, 7 miles east of Wauchula, $120,000. 904-282- 7300. 12:22-1:19p 3/3 BLOCK, 1 acre by 4 lakes, Avon Park, $105,000. 863-781-2541. 12:8-1:5p ROL'S REALTY 1534 YANCY STREET PORT CHARLOTTE, FL. 33952 1 Bath Concrete Block & Stucco ASKING $90,000 MAKE OFFER JAMES COLLIE OFFICE 1-941-6272769 CELL# 1-941-6287835 CELL# 1-863-412-8932 FAX# 1-941-6271741 LIC. ASSOCIATE OPPORTUNITY c112:22c Joe LtoDais IN C., REALTO SR S (863) 773-2128 SREALTORS L 5 .: .m JOE L. DAVIS --J.L REALTOR JOE L. DAVIS, JR. ..B--" JOHN H. O'NEAL Sandy Larrison H . See more listings at- www.joeldavis.com REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Country living in this 3 BR, 1 bath home sitting on .9 ac. Just east of tow n $168.000. Remodeled inside. Nice lot with room to grow! 34.4 ac. Valencia grove with red & green jets. Good produc- er. $18,000/ac! Palmetto Ridge Subdivision: 3 beautiful homesites on 15 acs. 3 miles west of Zolfo Springs. Good scrub land w ith oaks and deer. $300,000! 10 acs. near Hardee Sr. High School. Zoned F-R. Plenty of trees. $300,000! 5 ac. tract in Ft. Green area has older frame home and well. Call today. $135,000! Read for your new home! Three 5 acre tracts in western Hardee Co. $100,000 each! 3 BR, 2 bath CB home has for- mal living and dining, spacious family room and large utility room. There is also an oversized porch and an above ground pool with deck. All located on 5 acs. in Eastern Hardee Co. $340,000! 18 acs. SR 62 & CR 663 Ft. Green area. Zoned C-2. Frame home included. $500,000! 4 BR, 2 bath home in Golfiew with 2457 living SF. New A/C, 1 yr old roof, in ground screened pool, landscaped yard, and appliances. $250,000! Two wooded Lt ac. tracts in the Inierness area. Two minutes from boat landing to the Withlacootchee. One tract has well, septic & electric plus fill for your home. $60.000! RELAX & ENJOY! This beau- tiful, wooded 52 ac. tract in SW Hardee Co has eas3 access with dble road frontage. $780,000! Frontage on Hwy 17 N. South of new Suncoast Schools Credit Union. Approximately 3.5 acs. with 2 homes & I office. $1.000,000! 18 acs. prime development. South side of Bowling Green. Future land use is Highway Mixed Use. $622,000! Take part and locate your busi- ness in this growing commercial area! 450'= on North Florida A'e. Zoned commercial. $360,000! Secluded 2000 NMH on 15 acs. w ith 3 BR, 2 baths, 1809 SF liv- ing area, 3855 total SF Includes large concrete, covered patio/carport, shed, dog pens. 270,000. Beautiful pasture located close to town. 20 ac. parcel with pated road frontage and an installed culhert for great access. Listed for $280,000. 20 ac. grove in Villa Citrus area of Hardee Co. $172,000! DAVID ROVYAL-..........781-3490 SANDY LARRISON........832-0130 MIKE NICHOLSON kUCHUILA, FL 33873 cl12:22c BLOCK HOUSE, 3/1, Avon Park,- $79,000. 863-781-2541. 12:8-1:5p (2) 4-WHEELERS, 200 Blasters, one runs perfect, one need work. Call for details, $1,750 OBO. 773-6214. 12:22p GENERATOR 5500 watt Briggs & Stratton. Brand new, $600 OBO. (863) 245-6802. 12:22p FRUIT TRAILERS for sale. 863-781- 0553. 12:22-29p PERSONAL PROPERTY of Chiquita Robinson, Orlando Sanibrano, Kelly Barber, Pamela Davis, Rhoda Lanier, Kristin Albritton will be sold to public pursuant to warehouseman's lien:. cloths, toys, tools, household items. Said sale will be at Bowling Green Storage, 5018.Hwy. 17 North, Bowling Green, FL at 9:00 a.m. Jan. 3, 2006. 12:15-22p PAlKER FILL DIRT DEMOLITION * Fill Dirt Tree Removal* Stump Removal e DraglineC Track Hoe Land Clearing * SShell Clay Top Soil Bulldozer SDump Trucks , (863) 735-2415 I- cll 11:3tfc ****** Bowling Green ***** Home on 2 1/2 acres REALTOR ASSOCIATES AFTER HOURS Short Tlme Job Bankruptcy,-. Repo Slow Pay Just meet our esy requlrmerts and you a condttonrily APPROVED* NO MONEY DOWN *Low on y pyents. Comptt .Rate. Not Heo' Established Croedt Late Mod sC &Trucks. Ci noworyour appo onour 24 hr. toMe f , S. HOTUNE 1-n-=6-6 . Citrus Removal Land Clearing backlhoe Work Fond Digging Ditch Cleaning Driveways s ebble Rock, etc. Shawn Rimes (863) 781-0412- / Agnet 158*17*9761 References Provided Upon Requests cl8:8tfc Hiring Immediately Central Florida Health Care, Inc. Avon Park Center Quality Improvement Asst. LPN with valid FL License, community health experience, quality improvementtraining a plus. Outreach Nurse LPN with valid FL License, pro- vide health education, health screenings. Computer literate, good oral and written communication n skills, able to travel and work flexible h urs. Wauchula Center Lab Assistant Experience in performing phle- botomy, in-house testing in a physician and/or hospi- tal lab. Competitive salary, excellent medical/dental/vision/Rx insurance, pension plan. Corporation pays for LTD & life insurance. Send Resume to: CFHC, 950 CR 17A West, Avon Park, FL, 33825, Fax # (863) 452-3011. EOE/DFW. c112:8-29 W )E O IT ALL .s...and we ALWAYS do it for E$ $T It's no T I, wonder County turnS to us : for all their Newand Used BRAKE needs! Swe.Wedo \d r Semi-Tires Trailer Tires! / 4#1 Tag S Team in Come give Do" Billy Ayers US a try! Donria Eures Tire Technician ty. Secretary HOURS 863-773-0777 116 REA Rd. Mon. Fri. 8-6 Wauchula Sat. 8-12 863-773-0727 (across from Wal-Mart) ISe Habla Espanoll lfc Er December 22, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 9A -he INDOOR POOL TABLE with acces- sories. Call Patty at 773-6259, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., M-F. 12:22-29c PERSONAL PROPERTY of Roy Myrie will be sold to public pursuant to warehouseman's lien: cloths, toys, tools, household items. Said sale will be at B&J MiniStorage, 210 N. 3rd., Wauchula, Florida at 10:00 a.m. Jan.. 3, 2006. 12:15-22p LINCOLN AC WELDER, 225 amp, $100. 773-2478. 12:15-22p ATTENTION! State Statutes 828.29 requires that all cats and dogs sold in Florida be at least 8 weeks old, have an official health certificate, have nec-. essary shots*and be free of parasites. tfc-dh LOOKING FOR GOOD homes for 1 male neutered cat, 2 big friendly dogs and 1 Curr dog "hog hunters special." Contact: All.. Creatures Animal Hospital. 773-9215 12:15-22c ADOPT A PET! If you have lost a pet or are looking for a new one, the City of Wauchula invites you to come and see if you can find the pet you're look- ing for. The Wauchula Animal Control is located at 685 Airport Road. Please call 773-3265 or more information. tfc-dh 25'x25'x7' AII Steel Garage (2:12 1 9x7 Roll-up, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab FREE: MIXED leopard cur puppies, 5 weeks old, will make great Christmas gift. Call 781-0670, 781-0671 or 767- 0187. 12:22-29p FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on 1 acre corner lot. Formal living room, game room, fami- ly room, wood burning fireplace, total- ly remodeled, wood floors, new car- pet, in ground pool, large new pole barn, yard landscaped, $245,900. 863- 781-4055. 12:15-1:12p GLADES COUNTY: 5 acre, Muse area, $160,000. DESOTO COUNTY: Just east of Arcadia, 8 acre and 5 acre lots, $145,000- to $180,000. DESOTO COUNTY: 80 acres North of Arcadia. 1-941-778-7980/7565. www.landcall- now.com.' 12:8-1:5p TWO LOTS 1/4 ACRE EACH. Zoned mobile home/residential, shade trees, secluded, water, Village at Charlie Creek, Hwy. 64. Asking 20K each. By owner 863-464-0917. 11:10-1:12p The eadAvct ALL STEEL BUILDINGS 2 Pitch) Installed $10,995 30'x30'x9' All Steel Garage (2:12 Pitch) 2 9x7 Roll-ups, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $15,995 25'x30'x9' All Steel Garage (3:12 Pitch) (picture shown) 2 9x7 Roll-ups, 1 Entry Door, ( - 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $16,985 - We Custom Build (We are the Factory) - Meets or Exceeds Florida Wind Code 800"920-1601 - Many Sizes Available METAL SYSTEMS, LLC - Florida "Stamped" Engineered s Drawings (Included) ci,2:8-29c www.metalsystemsllc.com #1 CHEVROLET-BUICK- PONTIAC In Florida Needs Sales Professionals EXPERIENCE $5,000 Sign On Bonus See John Bonfig or Don Intoccia for personal interview. Great benefits. 400 new in stock 300 used o100o000 per month advertising 1.500 used at other stores. THE NII TEE Nel^ ii NO EXPERIENCE * $2,000 Per Month Guaranteed while you train. * Bonus Weekly and Monthly * 401k * Medical Benefits * Vacation * Professional Training * See John Bonfig or Don Intoccia for personal interview. KWI 24-Hour Emergency Towing Lowest Posslile Rates Fast, Reliable Service. S Hill's Aut Wo rld 19 U.S. Hwy. 17 Bowling Green 1 Classifieds 2 BR/ 1 BA single wide on 5 acres, $50,000. (863) 781-2091 or (863) 767- 5361. 12:8-1:5p 1996 CLASS-C WINNEBAGO Minnie Winne D L, 29 ft., 34k miles, non- smoker. Coleman roof a/c, self con- tained, tilt wheel, electric step, power windows, trailer hitch, furnace, Onan generator, security system, rear cam- era, awning, TV antenna w/booster, smoke detector and LP gas detector, cherry wood interior, tub/shower, walk around queen bed, microwave and oven. Price $22,000 telephone 863- 773-9420. 12:15-22p RV w/30' ROOM in Crystal Lake Village. 767-8822. 12:15-22c "1988" 33 FT. MOBILE TRAVELER, 67K, generator, twin roof air, fully loaded, excellent condition, $8,600. 863-781-6848. 12:8-1:5p OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE. Access, to conference room, waiting room and restrooms. 773-2577. 12:22-29c HOUSES, STORE FRONTS, ware- houses, auction-house, storage, sal- vage yard, garages, shops. 773-6616. 12:8-1:5p TRAILS PARA RENTAR Lame. (863)' 399-3333. 12:15-22p 2-20 BEDROOMS, houses, trailers, $300/wk+, Espanol. 863-773-2179; 863-370-2393; 863-245-1112; 863-773- 6616. 12:8-1:5p ATTENTION! The Federal Fair Housing Act Prohibits advertising any preference or limitation based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or the intention to make such a prefer- ence or limitation. Familial status includes children under 18 living with parents or guardians and pregnant women." tfc-dh . OSTOMY, COLOSTOMY, AND ideosto- my supplies now in stock at Pete's Pharmacy. tfc DO YOU HAVE a problem with drugs? Narcotics Anonymous meets Monday nights 7:30 p.m. at St. Michael's Catholic Church, Heard Bridge Rd., Wauchula and Friday and Saturday nights 7 p.m. at First Methodist Church, Corner of Grape & Church St., Bowling Green. LET US PICK up junk cars out of your yard. Will buy old farm tractors. Crooms- 773-0637. 2:24tfc. T N T FILL.-PIT, INC, Dirt, Sand, Shell, Washout, Citrus Tree ,Removal, Land Clearing. Building House Pads and Driveways 3721 E Main St Tim Parrish Wauchula FI (863) 781-3342 33873 Nextel S office 158*17*31234 (863) 773-9446 (863) 77944 We Accept Most Major Credit Cards Carol Tomblin CAROL'S SERVICE 10 Years Experience - I ".Certified & Insured rA I A" Office: 863-452-6026 Cell: 863449-1806 P 0. Box 974 Avon Park, FL 33826 cl4.28tfc 5105 N. Hwy.17 Bowling Green Open: We repair most , American cars Mon Sat Full time mechanic 8:00-5:00 We are license , 375-4461 Band Insured! " Reg #MV-40625 BoaEspino i RE-OPE Every Fiiday, Saturday, . Sunday *Restrooms *Water *Electric Z Bowling Green Flea Market 781-1062 c 10:20tfc I11 Real-Estate, LLC Lakeland, Florida Web: www.saundersrealestate.com 40 ACRES 30 in prime Hamlin grove. Good producer $424,000. 10 acre grove and home site in Friendship. Lovely rural setting with fruit income. $16,500/acre. 40 acre ranch off North Ed Wells Road. $320,000. 20 ac eHamji grov a good fruit cIT berl s. sr quick closings! Call Mark Manuel 781-0384 cl112:22,29c STRUCTURED LAWNCARE AND Landscaping. Free estimates, com- mercial and residential, for. all your yard needs. Call Jesse 863-781-2753 cell or 863-735-0590 home. 11:24-1:26p NOW BUYING JUNK. cars, trucks, tractors and farm equipment. We haul. Carl's Recycling 767-0400. 11:10-1:12p A&S PAINTING, interior & exterior. 4Pressure washing & minor repairs. Over 25 years experience. (863) 245- 3431. 11:10-1:12p C&P CONSTRUCTION. Demolition, fill dirt, tree removal, stump removal, dragline, track hoe, land clearing, shell, clay, top soil, loader, bulldozer, dump trucks. 735-2145. 11:3tfc D.C. PHONE SERVICE. Residential and small business installation & repair. Specializing in mobile homes, 35 years experience. 863-773-9179. 10:13-1:19p KENNY HARRIS PRESSURE cleaning & painting. Commercial & residential. Licensed & insured. (863) 735-8863 or (863) 381-0874. 9:8-12:29p CENTRAL PUMP & IRRIGATION, INC., (863) 773-6259. Services include aer- ators, house pumps, new installation & repair on yard systems. 5:26tfc AL-ANON FAMILY GROUR Every Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m. Located at the SFCC Annex, Room #105, Hwy. 17 North, Wauchula. 735-2511. tfc-nc IS ALCOHOL CAUSING a problem? Call Alchoholics Anonymous in Hardee County at 735-3109. Several weekly meetings. tfc NEED A WELL OR HAVE PUMP TROUBLE? CALL ULLRICH'S PITCHER PUMP For complete well, sales, service and installation, call (863) 773-6448. 7:18tfc ATTENTION! State Statutes 489-119 Section 5 Paragraph B and Hardee County Ordinance 87-09 Section 10 Paragraph D require all ads for any construction-related service to carry the contractor's license number. tfc-dh HOME COMPUTER REPAIR SERVICE- Haying problems getting online? Chances are your PC is infected with Spyware & viruses. We can remove them. House calls start at $25.00 and includes Spyware & Viruse Removal software. 735-1623. 12:22-29c TREE PUSHING, land clearing, good price, good job. 863-781-0553. 12:22-29p POLK PAINTING, interior, exterior, free estimates, licensed and insured. Mike Thomas at 863-412-9169. 12:8-1:5p LAWN CARE AND LANDSCAPE SER- -VICE. 863-832-2102, licensed and insured. 12:8-1:5p FRANK'S LAWN CARE Commercial, residential, licensed, insured. Free estimates. 781-7360. 12:1-29p HYDROSTATIC TRANSAXLE for Snapper model 2000 GX, 18 hp lawn' tractor or whole parts tractor, Ford 16" 8 hole plastic wheel covers. 863-735- 0991. 12:22p TRAILERS good condition, will remove for free. (863) 375-3500. 12:22-1:19p LOT IN WAUCHULA city limits, w/city water and electric. Prefer corner lot, ready to build a house. (863) 735- 1991. 12:15-1:12p SATURDAY, 747 Popash Rd. Pieri sofa w/matching tables; chair. 773- 2396. 12:22p SATURDAY: 811 Honolulu Dr. 12:22p HOT WATER HEATERS, inside/out- side doors & windows, central air units, bunk beds, king and regular bed. We have gas cook stoves. Lot of other stuff. Edna's Place. 12:22c DIVORCE BANKRUPTCY $69 863-314-0846 (non-lawyer) 1:1tfc c 12:15,22c William M. Gillard -- Phone: Sales Agent (863) 735-1623 Hardee, DeSoto, .. ... Highlands & Polk .. Local Internet Service Only $9.95! Local Access Phone Number * Guaranteed 10 Times Faster * On-site ; computer repair service available. c112:22c 4f .24 Hour Emergency Service 7 days a Week De cem be r 4 Competitive Rates Auto Special 4 No distance is too far or short! 41 Tow to our garage OR to the garage of your choice, (863) 781-1741 i 2000 Ford F150 XLT One owner,V8, automatic, power windows/locks, cruise, tilt, and CD. Buy any vehicle this month and receive $100.0 coupon for gas! Locally owned and operated by Roger G. Thornton, Lifetime Hardee County Resident 1155 North Hwy 17 Wauchula Office Phone 773-9055 c112:15-29p Large frame home, 3 BR, 1 bath, 4428 Central Ave., Bowling Green. $72,500. W/MH. 309 Illinois Ave. Large frame home. 4/2. Large lot. $67,500. Vacant corner lot. 62x175, located on West Main St., Wauchula. In the downtown Historical district, building ready. $175,000. 5 acres Prime location. Vandolah Rd and Dink Albritton Rd. $110,000. W/MH.F U1,110T)T1A T' ''' Convenience Store w/CITGO gas & diesel, located on Hwy. 17 in Wauchula. Call John Knightly or ,Bill Burnett @ (813) 681-4279. 7:18tfc . 'r 21 I I I I Sauders ? PILKINGTON TREE SERVICE INC Bobcat gorvieo Tree Trimming Complete Tree Removal *FREE ESTIMATES* (863) 781-2089 Licaneod a Insured Ae&pt M/C aVisa Hanchey Road and Knollwood Estate. J-N-T's MOWING SERVICE Jimmy & Tammy McNabb Licensed & Insured Office 863-735-2902* Cell 863-781-6703 Nextel 161*149209*3* Fax 863-735-0126 Specializing in Lot Clearing Dirt Work Fence Building Bush Hogging Small Bush Removal Pasture/Grove Mowing c]12:15-1:5p John's Painting & Remodeling "Done right the first time" Free Estimates 10% c Discount Good through December 25th Cell 863-781-2606 John D. Mayer, Jr. c112:8,15,22p Cell 863-445-0364 Lonestar Construction CoI-p- General Contractor Lic.# RG291103615 Locally owned and operated Office 863-773-4779 Fax 863-773-9865 | MY FLORIDA LANDSCAPE !ERVICE *Landscape Enhancements *Mulching *Irrigation Repair *Tree Work *LAWN Care -Storm & Debris Cleanup For all your landscape needs 863-832-2102 863-773-0817 , Locally Owned Licensed Insured Payroll Temporary or Federal and State Permanent Taxes.s Personnel and I SOLUTIONS Tax Reports S iPersonnel Seivices Worker's Comp, Payroll Services FICA Year End W2's CONTACT: ROBBYALBRITTON P 116 W. Orange St., Wauchula (863) 773-9225 10:21tfc "On The Jo RESCHKE CONSTRUCTION, INC. State Certified Building and Roofing Contractor -' Residential Remodeling Zolfo Springs, Florida (863) 735-0660 (863) 832-0409 John Reschke Bill Reschke FIREFIGHTER/EMT PAY RATE: ($25,459.93 33,402.51) Wanted for the Hardee County Fire Rescue Department. Must be FL Certified as a FireFighter and EMT. Possession of a Valid FL Class D CDL w/E endorsement and certification of FL approved, EVOC. Must be able to work rotating shifts and ability to per- form prolonged and arduous physical work. Complete job description and Fire Rescue Applications posted on County website: www.hardeecounty.net. Applications accepted in the Human Resource Department, 205 Hanchey Road, Wauchula, FL 33873. Phone: (863) 773-2161, Fax: (863) 773-2154. Position closes at 5:00 p.m., January 6, 2006. Excellent Benefits including State Retirement. EOE F/M/VN. 112:22-290 CCC-045925 License CBC-12430 Inside Golfview Estates. Entrance to Golfview Estates. Another view of the entrance to Golfview Estates. In Business By Brett Jarnagin ' - la ..e r PARTS PLACE A brand new AutoZone has opened up, giving PHOTO BY BRETT JARNAGIN This is the new AutoZone, which can be found next to the Badcock & More store on U.S. 17 in Wauchula. Hardee County residents the opportunity for a wide variety of automobile. accessories. It is located at 751 N. Sixth Ave. (U.S. 17) in Wauchula, and served its first customer on Dec.1. The store is managed by Dave Allen. In addition to automotive parts and accessories, AutoZone provides free tests of alternators, batteries and electrical equipment and takes in used oil. Also, if your "Check Engine" light is flashing, you can stop by and have it looked at. AutoZone offers a wide variety of products ranging from basic to aftermarket performance parts that let you customize your vehicle. A comprehensive Internet service as well as a next-day delivery on spe- cial orders is available. Store hours are Monday-Saturday from 7:30 a.m., to 9 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. BREAKING GROUND A building project has sprung up on the corner of Main Street and Ninth Avenue in downtown Wauchula, next to ,the Mosaic office. For the past two weeks, construction has been ongoing for the future site of a PhosChem Supply Co. office. PhosChem is a mining support company from Mulberry that special- izes in mining accessories, like dragline parts and lubrication. - New business or management? Remodeling or relocating? Call Brett Jarnagin at 773-3255 with your business news. Contact the Head]doae 10A The Herald-Advocate, December 22, 2005 %kt41maw i ~ -I I I ~I -' IL -- - cl4:21tfc , 4 December 22, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 11A PRECo's 'Santa Claus For A Cause' Delivers Smiles Peace. River Electric Cooperative's employees formed "Santa Claus For A Cause" to aid the 230 children "of Coast Electric Power Association employees in. Bay St. Louis, Miss. This water-' front town sustained heavy damage from Hurricane Katrina earlier this year. PRECo and Coast EPA are sister. Touchstone Energy cooperatives,' independently operated and mem- ber owned, and share a deep bond as all sister cooperatives do in times of debilitating crisis. PRECo "adopted" this coopera- tive and promised to ease Coast EPA's burden in whatever ways it could. One of those ways, "Santa' Claus For A Cause," rolled into Bay St. Louis on Sunday, delivering Christmas gifts to boys and girls. These gift donations were given "olely by PRECo employees, its members and by individuals and businesses in PRECo's 10-county Soccer Boys Pick By JOAN SEAMAN continuing through J Of The Herald-Advocate half dozen non-distr '. Hardee Wildcat soccer won two the schedule. The boy of three recent games. ly ranked third in The Cats downed DeSoto 6-2 behind Palmetto and blanked Avon Park 6-0 before which have 8-1-1 re losing a heart-breaker at Fort has lost twice to Palr Meade 2-1. Results of the Dec. 16 won over Sebring game at Frostproof were unavail- DeSoto. and bedt bo able at press time. and Braden River ti The Lady Cats faced powerful "'We were 6-10-2 1l Frostproof in its only game last are 6-6-1 now and ho week, a disappointment after beat- the hump to a winnm ing Avon Park 3-1 in their previous of the last six game: game. We are more goals al Both teams are off now until 40 this season so fa January. The girls have only three Ron Kline, whose t games left on their schedule. They the boys districts the are at home for a rescheduled game 23 with Lake Placid on Jan. 5, and fin- ish on the road, going to Lake Reviewing boys Placid on Jan. 9 and Fort Meade on wilh the Dec. 6 home Jan. 10. District 10 girls soccer DeSoto. which was u playoffs are the week of Jan. 16 at district at that tin Sebring. defense "limited th Boys soccer also resumes Jan. 9. na' igate the middle Up' an. 19 with a ict games on ys are current- the district. and DeSoto. cords. Hardee netto. tied and , split with >th Avon Park ice. ast season, We )pe to get over g season. Five s are at home. head with over r," said coach earn will host e week of Jan. soccer starts e game against unbeaten in the me. A strong ieir ability to e of the field The Night Before Christmas Twas the night before Christmas. he lived all alone, in A one-bedroom house made of plaster and stone. I had come down the chimney with presents to give, And to see just whom in this home did live. I looked all about. a strange sight did I see. No tinsel, no presents, not even a tree. No stocking by mantel, just boots filled with sand, On the wall hung pictures of distant lands. With medals and badges, awards of all kinds, A sober thought came through my mind. For this house was different, it was dark and dreary, I found the home of a soldier, once I. could see clearly. The soldier lay sleeping, silent alone, Curled up on the floor in this one bedroom home. The face was so gentle, the room in such disorder.not How I pictured a United States soldier. Was this the hero of whom I'd just read? Curled up on a poncho. 'thfloor for a bed"' I realized the families th j-[-'saw-this night. - -,,-Owed their lives.to thesioldiers who were Willing tonight. Soon round the world, the children would play, And grownups would celebrate a bright Christmas day. They all enjoyed freedom each month of the year. Because of the soldiers, like this one here. I couldn't help wonder how many lay alone, On a cold Christmas Eve in a land far from home. The very thought brought a tear to my eye, I dropped to my knees and started to cry. The soldier awaketied a I heard a rough voice. "'Santa don't cry. this life is my choice; I fight for freedom, I don't ask for more., My life is my God, my country and my corps." The soldier rolled over and drifted off to sleep, I couldn't control it, I continued to weep. I kept watch for hours, so silent and still, And we both shivered from the cold's-night chill. I didn't want to leave on that cold, dark night, This guardian of honor so willing to fight. Then the soldier rolled over, with a voice soft and pure, Whispered. "'Carr) on Santa. it's Christmas Day, all is secure. Merry Christmas my friend, and to all a good night. -Author Unknown Editor's Note: Submitted by Harold and Marty Becker of Bowling Green. .Habitat Happenings By julie Durrance Merry Christmas. everyone! All of us at Habitat For Humanity extend our best wishes for a blessed holiday season: We would also like to invite you to the dedication of our third and fourthbhouses. This will be a joint dedication on Sunday, Jan. 8, at 3 p.m. at Alabama arid llinois avenues, Wauchula. Our proud homeowners, Rey and Mariana Ganria and Dottie Allen, are looking, forward to the new year in their very own homes. They have worked very hard alongside many dedi- cated volunteers from our own community and from other states. Congratulations! If.you're not sure what Habitat For Humanity is all about, we encour- age you to attend the dedication. Voti will' see how God is working in and through everyone involved'. As always, we are so thankful for our volunteers and we pray that God will bless them abundantly in the year ahead. Many individuals, business- es, civic and-school groups and corporations help.us keep Habitat's mission going forward. We-are ready 'to start on our fifth house, and Vandolah Power Co. has given us a generous $60,000 grant for itsconstruction. We are so-grateftul for its willingness to'partner with us. Habitiat'is always looking for partners and experience is not required. You just need to have a willing spirit and,the desire to help those in need in ur community.. If yqu, 'or your church or civic group would like to get 'nblved; please, call our volunteer coordinator, Sherron Jensen, at 773- 579.-Also, if you are interested in serving on our Board of Directors. oiure invited to attend our meetings'the third Thursday of each month at 7 .m. at 663 S. Sixth Ave., Wauchula. . Our anrinual pork barbecue is scheduled for Feb. 18. from 4 to 6 p.m. at he high. school cafeteria. This is take out only; tickets are $7 a plate and ill go on sale in January. Please make plans to enjoy a great meal and sup- ort this important fundraiser. 'As you share Christmas with your families this year. give thanks foi our blessings; And,prayerfully consider joining with Habitat to help those n need -ork'toward the blessing of a safe and decent home. S God bless.y6 ' bive amd."'a ,ia- and he has food for a day. Teach him how to fish ad youj can get rid of him of the entire weekend. ;:7.'. '. --Zenna Schaffer service area. The more than 600 gifts were donated from a commu- - nity touched by the thought of these children having to experience a "different" Christmas this year.. Peace River Electric' employees Jeff Cornelius. and Marty Gainous, loaded their U-Haul sleigh in Wauchula early Saturday morning, filling it with a precious cargo of gifts including toys, bicycles and all sorts of electronic surprises. They were greeted at their desti- Twin Wins which forced them to longer kicks to get the ball to their strikers. Our defense played strongly and kept turning them away from being able to make many open shots on our goal," commented Kline. Freshman goalie Efrain Ruiz, who "is real agile, moving up, down, side to side." had 8-JO0 stops, allowing one goal he couldn't see coming through traffic, and one tery high goal. Kline credited full- backs Adam Juarez and Jose Castaneda for "playing sharply and being in the right position constant- IN to turn the ball upfield to the midfielders so they could it send it on to the strikers. "I was really proud of how these boys played so very tough as a dominating unit. I have to give credit for the defensive effort also to Pablo Anselmo, Jose Salvador and Roman Alvarez for holding the middle of the field together. This win was especially sweet as DeSoto had been unbeaten before this game," concluded Kline. Offensively, Hardee had a strong game from junior Jose, Alonso and senior Tony LeCocq. who each had two goals. Junior Alberto "Chico" Rodriguez and sopn Luis Reyes added a goal apiece. Hardee also hosted Avon Park, which is in a building year. said Kline, whose team won 6-0. Francisco "Paco" Lozano and Ruiz split time at goalie. Chico Rodriguez got the first goal a bit over two minutes into the game. At the I I-minute mark, Salvador was in the right spot on a corner kick to put it in tie goal. Four minutes later Anselmo got a score, followed by Reyes and LeCocq before the first half ended. Hardee's. final' goal. was by Arise 't l3 minutes.into the sec- ond :f.;-In- .-lialves, Kline subbed frequently, and "got to see every boy at least 10 or 15 min-, utes." Sweeper Alvarez "didn't allow penetration," concluded Ktine. The Cats traveled to Fort Meade on Dec. 13. "It was a cold night, and Fort Meade (1-4-1) was hun- gry. We were. a little stiff and played too loose. Their goalie %was good, and blocked 'a lot of out shots," reported Kline. Hardee's only goal came 10 min- utes into the game 'by Chico Rodriguez. Roy Razo and Luis Badillo scored for. Fort Meade. Wildcat senior midfielder Salvador was missing due to All-Star foot- ball practice. "I got a chance to play soph Luis Hilario in that spot, he's the potential replacement for Jose (Salvador) next season," concluded Kline. Other Wildcats seeing action included Jose Gutierrez, Andrew Cisneros. Francisco Rivera, Elisio Diaz,' Johnny 'Huron, Miguel Rodriguez. Sofio Arroyo, Gerardo Villegas and Carlos Ramirez. For the Hardee girls, it was a dif- ficult final game before ,the Christmas holiday break. "This is our second meeting with Frostproof this year, and even though the score cannot show it, *our girls played much better this time around. Frostproof is the best competition we see this season, and we knew we had to control them from scor- ing early, we had to play solid defense," said girls first-year coach Rob Beatty. "I think it was 16 minutes into the match before they got a score on us. Heather McKinney made some great saves in'the first half. But we were constantly on the Defensive end and did wear down as the game went on. We did get over three-fourths of the game played before the mercy rule came Into play," continued Beatty. "Most of their scoring came after 30 .minutes of play. Christina SBadillo and Karrissa Manchester Both played 'strong defensively. And, of the newer girls to the sport, Vanessa Hollon, Daisy Escoto and 7 Melissa Hollon all played very well. As I said, the score doesn't t indicate the improvements that d these girls have made this season," concluded. Beatty. Other Hardee girls on the soccer r squad are Roxana Torres, e Esmeralda Martinez, Melissa Banda, Ramona Campos, Mandy Cornelius, Lucy Ruiz, Cynthia Briseno,. Ashley.. Islas-.-Marce- ' Ramirez, Azucena Miranda, Lori Chavez, Luisa Chavez, Veronica r Velasco and Esna Francisco. nation by four Coast EPA employ- ees. April Lollar, Coast employee, stated, "When the door of the truck was raised, all four of us began to cry because we were overwhelmed by the amount of gifts on board." The four-woman committee who volunteered to sort and distribute the gifts was hoping to be able to give each employee's child two gifts. They filled bags with two presents each and, when finished, were amazed that there were still a great number of gifts left. At the conclusion, each child received at least four to five gifts. Bill Mulcay, general manager of PRECo, shared, "I would like to thank the employees, the members and the churches and businesses who donated to make this a success. The success of 'Santa Claus For A Cause' proves beyond all doubt that among Touchstone Energy electric cooperatives a sense of community goes beyond our immediate area. A sense of community extends across the Gulf of Mexico and beyond state boundaries. "The PRECo employees and our 10-county service area wish Coast Electric a merry Christmas," Mulcay concluded. -~~~~~. R5 rill- aii~ L E ~ ~ -~ I w*- *v IAC COuRTESY PHOTOS Getting ready to load "lots of toys and goodies" on Santa's "sleigh" are (from left) Jeff Cornelius, Brent Stephens, Marty Gainous, Bill Mulcay and Brad Kimbro. Coast Electric employees were devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Here,sorting through the donat- ed gifts,, are (from left) Ida Macuick, Melissa Bryant, Carol Knight and April Lollar. Peace River Electric's Marty Gainous and Jeff Cornelius delivered over 600 Christmas presents on Sunday for Coast Electric employees' children. I Merry Christmas from City of Wauchula lj 12A The Herald-Advocate, December 22, 2005 automatic, full power, spoi er F dIB ^S irflblteuf ~"~" rrrrrin A;aeJ^' JB ^1^ L , AN AMIERICAN REVOLUTION - 4i4v~IdUS44-1 t-24 'di.~riIJC-7 J.JCY~tif 4 V.,5f-,a V~f L 7- . '.4t ' li -j leather xm, loaded WAS '42,240. "2 '37,543L E S8c '5,OOO. _ wue 7,a, Slk:nO6036G WAS 1 EU47e auto, cruise A/. 15,015. 14,53B,, G 1,000. Stkir06112G q CD Power .eait Ful wer. WAS '22,158. rin t o1,n10. LlSl auto, a'c, Irailer tow '84,835. '13,00. Sdam. WAS SUPPLIER FACTORY EA'I E 'H " a/c, power seM '19,095. '17,911, '83,500 WAS SUPPLIER FACTORY REA E r-" r rf'lllllI '23,540. rLN" wlmh ',17 Stkr06061G Wautl o full ao WAS '23,735. s'm 292,50797., FACTORY 000.UL BEEHAVE 1,78 p rtW **rL~ e r- AIll prices are after all rebates and do not include taxes, license +S399.95 delivery fee. "Special Financing in lieu of rebate. Dealership not responsible for typographical erors. Pltures for illustration purpose only. +WAC on selecftrmdes. "a . MEGA MART USED CAR YEAR END SAVINGS I I I SLT. QUAD, LEATHER SEATS, DUAL AIR, DVD, TRAILER TOW, ALLOYS. LOCAL TRADE. LOW MILES V6, AUTO, FACTORY WARRANYT, ALL POWER EOUIPMENT,TILT. CRUISE, STEREO WICD ALLOYS 3M B3 fel liy, 71fi Y/I IlttkslljI LS,TRAILER TOW, ALLOYS, POWEWRTV WINDOWS & LOCKS, TILT WHEEL, STEREO WICO, 2TONE PAINT. CRUISE M7357oOB LE.V&, AUTO. ALLOy WHE~/ / FULL POWER LSV, AUTO. ALLOY WHEELS, FULL POWER, Tffl TOW, STEREO WICD, LOCAL TRADE wQa7m ALL FACTORY POWER. REAR SPOILER, ALLOWS LOW MILES. FACTORY WARRANTY LOADED aLT- VE, AUTO, STEREOICD, POWER WINDOWS/ LOCKS, ALLOYS, LOCAL TRADE R, ligrixe gf.I V111.1A,111/40 Nillm timlIill, /m,111 llinv mx ilIW I fif ifi4 qw mmi FI ilm' 11 &1 ull V6, AUTO, ALLOYS, TRAILER TOW POWEREVERYTHNG,STEREOICD,TRAILE CD, POWER SEAT, V6, AUTO, FACTORY WARRANTY, REAR GULF STREAM HITOP.TVIDVD.TR-FOLD REAR POWER SEAT, PACKAGE, STEREOICD, BEDLINER TOW PACKAGE. ALLOYS & MUCH. MUCH MORE' FULL POWER & SIDE GLASS, ONLY 10,000 MILES SEAT, POWER EVERYTHING, STEREO CO FULL POWER i I II LEATHER, CD & CASSETTE, FULL POWER, ALLOY WHEELS, 3RD SEAT Rfifagli,'l i tin CD, FULL POWER 57IMhL(IITI M WMIII MFO hF*RRUO~IrAF LEATHER, AUTO, POWER SEATS V8 AUTO, 4.0, A/C, NEW TIRES 1 JW7,3 rT POWER WINJLOCKS, CD. FACTORY WARRANTY,TILTICRUISE, ALLOY WHEELS I w , S Stk#05311G ,R w/ I 1 WAS SUPOEN uNriIar A l - ia- ~ k - -"-p" ~'e~p-l~-~r*aqglluBlla~~ -----r-x;i~xa* ulig~ I II r~t~UCL~e The Herald-Advocate ,LUSPS 57S.-71j , Thursday, December 22, 2005 PAGE ONE Dear Santa, How are you doing? Is Mrs. claws ok? Are the reindeer feed for Christmas? Are you exited about Christmas! I hope you are in your candy apple red suit. I need a little help with my family Christmas list? Can you get my mom some clothes. 'And my dad a new pair of jogging shoes. Will you get Josh some mar- bles. He always plays with mine. And Ryan, just get home Some toys. lest but not least me Can I have some foam. The .colors of the foam is reen, yellow, blue and red. Thanks Santa. Your Friend Rebecca Albritton Dear Santa, What are you doing in the north pole? I bet you are cold so you may want to sit by the fire place and drink lots of hot chocolate. And tell Mrs. Claus that I seed high. And let Rudolph lede all of the raindeers. Can you please being my sister Nikki lots of arts and crafs aad can you bring me lots of writs bands and a game cude with bat-tman beginse and please.- give Mrs. Mosley so'contacts so she does not -,have to 'wear glassis any more. And my' mom whats noow Jewelr and my dad wants a noow.grill so we -can have stake and last my sister Michelle wants some arts and crafse to. Santa I'n6we you have a hard Job but I will wish you good luck and I w 'll la e some cookes and,, milk on the kitchen cowntdn And I, wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy noow year. Your friend, Austin Beck Dear Santa, How are you, Mrs. claus and the ;elvus doing? Are .your reindeer ready for the big night; I can't wait until christmas. Can you please Just surprise me and my brother like last year. But Just for an idea I don't know for Sure if mom or dad got this for him. but he seems to want. an romot cantroled rapier. I think it is called roborapter of some thing Like that. please hurry! I can't wait uniil christmas day. love, Reyna Kirkland Dear santa, How are you doing? Santa do you need a new car. Santa Just come to Hill's auto World the owner is my Dad and let me tell you I want for Christmas is a Hummer H 4 c video now disc XP a new Play Station two -game for my Dad and X box 3600 Nitendo DS Garieboy ADVance SP for me thank you santa and I love you. Your friend, Brandon Hill Dearsanta, How are You doing I hope evey thing is fine in the Noth Pole? And how is Mrs. Santa? I hope the rein- deer are ready for the big night and for the big ride wear your bigred suit. I Wvood like you to brig my mom a New car. Next. I wood like you to bring lot of money so my grandma don't have to work somuch. Last, I wood Love you to. bring my Dad some money. I wood, Love if you bring me CD Player and a, game cd. Have a Merry christmas santa Your friend. Johnny Luna Dear Santa, How are your reindeer doing. how are you too. How it going over there at North Pole.I can't wait until Christmas. For Christmas for my little brother a bik and my little sis- ter a babie for her. My mom a party dress for her and my dad is a truck for him and me a bike like brother but not the coler just me a big one and a another thin I don't' t a kids parse. Your friend Sheyla Medina Dear Santa, How are you doing? I hope Mrs. Claus is all rite. How are your rein- deer doing? place bring my mom a new dryer. Please bring my Dad some tools. Please please bring me "some X bo\ games and a dirt-bike 'And some books. And bring mN sis- ter a Brat lie phone and a new bed. And bring me a, new stereo. And one more thing is a Four wheeler. Your Frienid, Guadalupe Belmars Dear Santa, lHow are you doing this year? How is Mrs. Claus and the rein- deer? Do not forget to feed the rein- deer. First please bring my mom some clothes and some sandy brown shoes. Second,bring mN dad. a nex\ truck that is the color snow, white. Last but not least bring me .and my sister a amberbro\\n tree house. I can't wait until you come. have a merry Chirmas! Ypur friend, Hannah Carlton Dear Santa, How are you doing? I hope everything is fine in the North pole. I cant wait until chismas. This year has been very good. And please please bring me a spongbob TV. And bring my mom a brand new readiness. I hope you have a merry chrismas Adam Salas Thank you Santa! Dear Santa, How are you doing? I hope everything is fine in the North Pole. I can't wait until Christmas. This year has been very good. And so of my family and they want to said. Mary Christmas Santa and tell Mrs.' Claus Mary Chritmas. Well, I know I only have a few, days until the big one. So I am ask- ing for your help. Clould you please bring my little sister Sierra some Stawberry Shortcake new movie. my sister Meigan some new movie call Tinkerbill and bring me sbme new Princess movie and that is it. .ove, Lily Drew Strickland Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. claws doing? I hope you are doing good. I hope you are ready for the big trip around the world. My family can't wait for christmas! This year I am: in a new school.. My new class is very smart. I hope you bring them all a gifts. My mom wants a new, bathroom. Please bring her that. My dad want's a new tool' box. Please bring him that. My brother Isaiah wants, a airplane. Please bring him that. My other brother noah want a boat and a hummer. Please bring' him that. Last but not least mie! I want a DELL Labtop like my ant's. And that's what, I want for christ- mas. Love, Genesis Torres Dear Santa, How are you doing? I hope. everything is find in the north Pole. I cant wait -until christmas. This Year has bin very very good. Please, Please bring me a dog. ' Please bring my mom. some flow- ers. How is miss clause. and the riendeer doing? Your Friend,, Carly Wadsworth Dear Santa, " How are \ou doing? Have you' gave food to your raindeer. Does Mrs. claus ride on the slay with you Santa? Will Rudolph guide your. sla, %\ ith his red ruby nose. What l won't for christmas I woon't a new trampooln for my backyard. My brother won't,-a trip to New york. My mom want's a new house. My' Dad, want's new big truck. that's what my whole family want's for chrasmas. Am I going to have pre- sents for chiaesmas. Or swichis. that's what I won't for chrismas. your friend Jessica Newman Hi santa, How are you and Mrs claus and the reindeers. It is almost christmas. I need presents, ready for my fami- ly. the frist present I need is a cell phone for my sister. Next I need make-up for my mom. Last I need tools for my dad. He wast to fix the house. Thank. santa for your help. Your find, Jonathon Martin Dear Santa, How are you doing? I hope you came and see me. I want some things. For my Mom she wants shoes. For my Dad he wants tools to work. I. want a big doll for me to play and a duck. My baby brotter he wants clothes to ware. I want you to bring me all those things. I think it is cold in North Pole. I like to you to come because I want to see you those things I reley want. Please, Please help me pass the Big Test on February. Mrs. Mosley want s some money like $200. Those are for my Mom, Dad, baby, me. I like Christmas. Your friend, Gloria Mejia Dear Santa, How are you doing? Are you ready for your big flite? IS Mrs. claus doing ok? Are- your reindeer ready? Are you elf's ready to make toys for'all the good children? Well what I wood like is a four wheeler for my, famley, Next I wood like a pet dog. Finley I wood like a Star war lego game. I hope to see you soon. Thank you Santa! Your find, Doyle Collom Dear santa, How are you doing I hope every- thling i., fine in the north pole. I can't wait until christmas. this has Been the Best year. I hope I get to be the one.to Be piked for the' First present. Santa, can you send my uncle a new Boat. He will love one and my aunt a riew car and my mom 100,000 dollars. Could'you bring a dress for my siter. And last but not least, me a t%. (a big tv) I coint wait until christmas Day! your find, 1 Jose Diaz Dear Santa, How are you doing up in the north pole? I hope it's good up there because it's good down here it must be getting cold in the north pole. So is Rudoplh in good shape I hope he will be pulling your sliegh on christmas eave. So stay warm in cozy bed and thick big puffy robe. So when you come on that long ride be warm and half cozy. Santa I also have a surprise waiting for you on christmas night it's a big one to. Santa may you please bring my Mom a dimand neckalce, for my dad a big huge gun case. And for my sister a bee bee gun and a Ipod mini for her to. Last but not least me Santa may I please have a four wheeler. We wish you a merry christmas to you and for all. Your friend, Cheyenne Pohl Dear santa, How are you doing? I been good this year. Are you doing fine at the North pole santa. Are you wearing your rose coat Santa and how -are your reindeer doing? Have you feed them? I want a little puppy because they are cute and a kitten and they are cute too. I want a jump rope so I can. Jump. I want new pink shoes and I want a new car for my mom and my dad: I want a babie doll for me. My sister wants ear rings and my nees Genses wants a little book. I want coloring books, for me and I can't wait for christmas. . Your friend, Marian Reyna Dear santa, How are you doing in the North Pole? How are your reindeer? I hope there ready for the big night. How aru you and Mrs. Clause doing? What I, want for Christmas i sa bell from Rudolph's strap and a suit like yours. and a lava lamp. please, please get me floam please get my dad, a, new drill'and my mom, a new lethei jacket. that is brown and please make the jacket puffy. last 'but not lease bring my family a pupp that we can keep. I; wish you a merry merry christmas that is all I want for christmas. your friend Kole Robertson Lady Cats Canceled Out By JOAN SEAMAN Of The Herald-Advocate The Hardee Lady Wildcats got an early holiday break. Both scheduled varsity games were cancelled last week. The one set at home against DeSoto has been reset for Jan. 12. A trip to Heartland Christian on Friday was also cancelled because that team was having final exams. Only the junior varsity game was held. The girls are off now until Jan. 3, when they host Sebring in the usual double-header, the junior varsity at 6 p.m. and the varsity about 7:30. There are also games at Braden River on Jan. 6, with the girls get- ting in action before the spring school session begins. In last week's junior varsity-only encounter, Hardee dominated Heartland Christian from the begin- ning,; winning 41-17. "Everyone got in the game and everyone scored. We mostly worked on plays we needed, and it was good for Heartland, too. Their girls were excited to score 17 points," said Hardee JV coach Ken Leupold: Ja-Nischa Mosley led Hardee with' 10 points. Erica Ureste and Jerrica Grimsley each had a half dozen, Charlene Anderson, Andrea Parkinson, and Tareka Coney each four points, Paige Avery three, and Brandy Crockett, Angel Simmons and Naomi Alvarado each two points. MESSAGE CHANGED DAILY! Call in DAILY for a short Bible message. 12:22c c^W1ci1~ii~u1gs)3~o^ Ht7(5} B u'attei4 Breakiast, Cham'paS ne: toat Tr 'd eures Parti Parvors[! 12 1522 29C 2B The Herald-Advocate, December 22, 2005 --Schedule Of Weekly Services Printed as a Public Service by The Herald-Advocate Wauchula, Florida Deadline: Thursday 5 p.m. BOWLING GREEN APOSTOLIC LIGHTHOUSE UNITED PENTACOSTAL CHURCH 310 Orange St. 375-3100 Sunday Morning................... 10:00 a.m. Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m. Tuesday Prayer Meeting ..........7:00 p.m. Thursday Service .................... 7:30 p.m. CHESTER GROVE MB CHURCH 708 W. Grape St. 375-3353 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m. Sun. Eve. Worship 1st & 3rd .............. 4:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Tues. Prayer/Bible Study ..........6:00 p.m. CHRISTIAN BIBLE FELLOWSHIP Hwy. 17 South Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship..................10:30 a.m. Evening Worship ..:...................6:30 p.m. Wed. Discipleship ..................6:30 p.m. Thurs. Mens Prayer ................6:00 a.m. Thurs. Ladies Bible Study ........5:30 p.m. CHURCH OF GOD Hwy 17 and Ratliff Rd. 375-22311 375-3100 Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship ....................1:00 a.m. Evening Worship ...................6.. :30 p.m. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Main & W. Centra. Suriday AM Worship.......... .....10:30 a.m, Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m. Wed. Prayer Meeting ..............7:00 p.m. FAITH ASSEMBLY OF GOD 4937 Hwy. 17 N. 375-4206 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. ,Morning Worship ..........11:00 a.m. Disciples Train & Choirs..........5:30 p.m. Evening Worship 6:30 p.m Wednesday Prayer ..................7:00 p.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Bowling Green S. Hwy. 17. -375-2253, Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Morning Worship ......... :.........11:00 a.m. Sunday E'ening 6 ?n p.m. Wednesday Prayer ..............6:30 p.m FIRST UNITED c METHODIST CHURCH Grape & Church Streets 375-2340 Sunday School. 9'45 a.mr, lMorning \\.r-hp 11 00 a.m. Youth Fellowship....................5:00 p.m. E Evening Worship ...................... 6:00 p.m. Wed. Bibl Srud. 7 00 pm FORT GREEN BAPTIST CHURCH 'Baptist Church Road 773-9013 Sundd, School 9 45 a m Morning Worship 11 00 am Sunday, E.ening 61100 p m WUn\Vn.da., Pra.rf 7 l. 0 p'm HOLY CHILD SPANISH C ATHOLIC MISSION ; Mij I Epanol i Sunrd., .1( p m IGLESIA DEL DIOS VIVO 105 Dmiana St. -375-3370 Dorrango Ser De Predicacionll:00 p.m. NlarteiErudio Bibhco 7 00 p m Nlercoles Estrudior Ju.erul ? 00 pm lue'.es Sers. De Predicacion 7 00 pm p IMILLNUEL BAPTIST CHURCH S210 E. Broward St. 375-4228 or 773-9019 Sunday School 9 45 a m - Morning \\orhip I1.00 a min SEening Worship 7 00 pm \ednesda) Pra'er 7 00 p0 m LMACEDONIA PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH / 607 Pialmetto St. Church School 9 30 a.m. Morning Ser ice I11 00 a.m. Evening Ser ce 7 01 pim. Wed Bible StudyiPraser Ser 7:00 p.m. Communion-2nd Sun Eecning 6:00 p.m. MT. !lSGAH BAPTIST CHURCH 6210 Mt. Pisgah Rd. 375-4409 Sunday School 945a.m. Morning Worship I 1.00) a m: Disciples Training 5"00 pm - Evening gyorship, 700pm Wednesday Praeer Time 7 00p.m. OPEN DOOR FULL GOSPEL PRAISE CENTER Sunday\ School ....................10:00 a.m. SSunday Sen ce, .....................6:00 p.m. Wednesday) Sern ice 7 30 p m BOWLING GREEN PRIMERA MISSION BAUTISTA Murray Road off Hwy. 17 375-2295 Domingos Escuela Dom ...........9:45 a.m. Servicio de Adoracion .,..........11:00 a.m. Servicio de Predicacion ............5:00 p.m. Miercoles Servico ....................6:30 p.m. VICTORY PRAISE CENTER 128 E. Main St. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship ..................11:00 a.m. Sunday Night Service ..............7:00 p.m. Mid-Week Bible Study, Thurs. 7:30 p.m. ONA LIMESTONE BAPTIST CHURCH 4868 Keystone Ave. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .................. 11:00 a.m. Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship .................... 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer ..................7:00 p.m. NEW ELIM INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Badger Loop Lane 773-4475 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. , Worship Service .................... 11:00 a.m. Sunday Night Worship..............6:00 p.m. ' Wednesday Prayer Time ............7:00 p.m NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 202 Sidney Roberts Road Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship .................. 11:00 a.m. Disciples Training ...................6:00 p.m. Evening Worship ......................6:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer..... ............ 6:00 p.m ONA BAPTIST CHURCH 131 Bear Lane 773-2540 Sunday School 10:00 a.m. . Morning Worship .................. 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ......................6:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer.....................7 :00 p.m UNION BAPTIST CHURCH 5076 Lily Church Rd. 494-5622 Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship .................. 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ........:...........6;00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Time ............7:00 p.m. WAUCHULA APOSTOLIC ASSEMBLY New York Ave. and Apostolic Rd. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Evening Service 5:00 p.m. Tuesday Service 7:00 p.m.' Wednesday Service .... ............7:00 p.m. BETHEL MISSIONARY CHURCH 405 S. Florida Ave. Sunday Morning Service ........10:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship........11:00 a.m. Wed. NightService &-Worship 7:00 p.m Saturday Prayer 7:00 p.mi. CHARLIE CREEK, BAPTIST CHURCH. 6885 State Road 64 East 773-3447 Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship ... ................11:00 a.m. Evening Worship 7 00 p m Wed Evening ,orship 7 00 p m CHURCH OF CHRIST 201 S. Florida Awe. & Orange St. 773-9678 Bible Study 10:00 a.m. Worship Serv ice ...... ..........11:00 a.m.. Wednesday% 700 pm CHURCH OF CHRIST Will Duke Road 773-2249 Sunday Morning Worship. .......9:30 a.m. Sunday. Bible Class 11:30 am Sunday Evening Worship. .. 6-00 p m., Wed Night Bible Class 7 00 p m. Men's Leadership & Training Class - S2nd Sunday o Month .. 400 p m. CHURCH OF GOD Marlin Luther King Blid. 767-0199 CHURCH OF GOD, OF THE FIRST BORN 807 S. 81hAve. : 773-4576 CHURCH OF JESLIS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS 630 Hanchey Rd. 773.3532 Sacrament MeL ing ................ 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10 00 a m Priesthood 11:00 a.m. CONMI1NITY LIGHTHOUSE 903 Summit St. 735-8681 Sunday School 10:00 a.m. SSunday Morning II 00 a.m. Sunday Night 6-00 p m. Wednesday Night .7:30 p.m. ENDTIME CROSSROAD MINISTRY 501 N. 9th & Georgia St. 773-3470 Sunday School .1000a.m Morning Service 11-30 am Evening Service 7.30 p m. Wed. Bible St & Yth Gath. ..7 30 pm. Fri. Night (Holy Ghost Night)..7:30 p.m. The following merchants y urge you to attend your chosen house of worship this Sabbath i_ -- --.-"- --.-- '- I -- ,--(7 . Wholesale Nursery Donnis & Kathy Barber Hwv. 66 East (863) 735-0470 P.O. Box 780 Zolfo Springs, FL WAUCHULA FAITH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 114 N. 7th Ave. 773-2105 Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ......:............. 11:00 a.m. Sunday Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Supper..... ............6:15 p.m. Wednesday Youth Fellowship ..6:50 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study.......... .7:00 p.m. CHURCH OF NAZARENE 511 W. Palmetto St. 767-8909 Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Service...... ............ 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ...... ....5:00 p.m. Thursday Service ......................7:00 p.m. FAITH TEMPLE CHURCH OF GOD 701 N. 7th Ave 773-3800 Praise & Worship .................. 10:30 a.m. Evening Service 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Service ........ 7:00 p.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 1570 W. Main St. 773-4182 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .................:11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ...................'..6:30 p.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MISSION BAUTISTA 713 E. Bay St. 773-4722 Escuela Dominical.................. 9:45 a.m. Servicio de Adoracion ............11:00 a.m. Predicacion 11:30 a.m. Estudio Biblie, Miercoles ..:.....7:30 a.m. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1121 W. Louisiana St. 773-9243 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service.......................10:45 a.m. Wed. Youth Meeting ......6:30- 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Service ..................6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study ..6:30- 7:00 p.m. FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 511 W. Palmetto St. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. , Morning Serice II 00 a.m. Evening Worship ..... ...............6:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer ..................7:00 p.m. FIRST MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1347 Martin Luther King Ave. 773-6556 Sunday School 30 a.m. Morning Service...................... 1:00 a.m. Evening Worship .....................6:00 p.m. Tue. Yoith Ministry Meeting/ Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Wed. Prayer/Bible Study ..........7:00 p.m. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 207 N. Seventh Ave. 773-0657 Early Worship 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Tiadtional Worship................11:00 a.m. Evening Service 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Activities........ ......6:00 p.m. FLORIDA'S FIRST ASSENIBLY OF GOD CHURCH 1397 South Florida Avenue 773-9386. Sunday\ School 9 0)0 a.m. Sunday Morning \ rship ......10:45 a.m. Evening W'orship 6 00 p m Tuesday Youth Sern ice 1 00 p m Wednesday Farul Ministries 00 p m. THE GOSPEL TABERNACLE Pentecostal 810 W. Tennessee St. 773-3753 Morning Sern ice 10 00 am E ening Worship ....................6:00 p.m. \\edncsda, Ser'ice 7 00 pm HEARTLAND COMMUNITY CHURCH 1262 W. Main St. 767-6500 Coffee & Donuts ......9:00 a.m. Sunday School. 9-30 a m Worship 10 30 am Wed Night Dinner .6 00 p m Wed Bod)builders Adult Cl Crossroads & Lighthouse iMmn 7 00 p m IGLESLA DE DIOS PENTECOSTAL, N.I. 903 E. Summit St. (863) 452-6693 Pastor: Reinaldo Ortiz Martes 7:30 9:00 p.m. Vierns . 7-30- 9:00 p.m. Domingo .. 11.00am -1:00 p.m. IGLESLt ADVENTISTA DEL SEPTIMO DIA Old Bradenton Road 767-1010 JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES ENGLISH 155 Altman Road 1131 SSunday Morning ... 10:(00la m Tuesday Evening .. ..... .730 pm. Thursday Evening ...............:...i7:30 p.m. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES SPANISH Sunday Evening 4;:00 p.m. Monday Evening .................... 7:30 p.m. WVednesday E ening 7-30 p.m. LAKE DALE BAPTIST CHURCH 3102 Heard Bridge Road 773-6622 Sunday School 0-45 a m Morning Setnice 11 00am Evening Worship.....................6:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer. ..................7:00 p.m. NEW BEGINNING CHURCH Corner of 7th Ave. & Palmetto St. 735-0555 NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH 1999 Stale Road 64 East Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Sern ice 11 )00 a.m. ChurchTraining 515 p.m. Evening Worship..... ........:..6:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer ...............7:00 p.m. WAUCHULA NEW MT. ZION A.M.E. CHURCH 10 Martin Luther King Ave. 767-0023 Morn. Worship (1st & 3r Sun.) 8:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ..................11:00 a.m. 2nd Sunday Youth Service........4:00 p.m. Allen Christian Endeavor ........4:00 p.m. Wed. & Fri. Bible Study ..........7:00 p.m. NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH 912 N. 8th Ave. 773-6947 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ..... ................11:00 a.m. Discipleship Training................6:00 p.m. Evening Worship ............. ........7:00 p.m. Wednesday Supper..................5:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer .................. 6:45 p.m. OAK GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH 4350 W. Main St. 735-0321 Sunday School 9:45-a.m. Morning Worship .................... 1:00 a.m. Evening Worship .................... 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study............6:30 p.m. PEACE VALLEY LUTHERAN CHURCH 1643 Stenstrom Road 773-2858 Sunday Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday Fellowship................11:00 a.m. Weight Watchers meet Thursday .................... 5:00 p.m. PROGRESSIVE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 149 Manley Road East Main 773-5814 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service .....................11:00 a.m. Wed. Evening Prayer ................7:00 p.m., RIVERVIEWHEIGHTS MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1321 S.R. 636 East 773-3344 Radio Program WZZS Sundays9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship.. ............ ...11:00 a.m. Evening Worship .. .................. 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer ....................7:00 p.m. SOUL HARVEST MINISTRY 1337 Hwy. 17 South, Wauchula Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship ..................11:00 a.m. Evening Service 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Service ...............:7:00 p.m. ST. ANN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 204 N. 9th Ave. 773-6418 Sunday 9:00 a.m. Holy Days ST. MICHAEL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 408 Heard Bridge Road 773-4089 Saturday Mass (English) :......5:00 p.m. (Spanish) ...........7:30 p.m. Sunday (English).................... 9:00 a.m. (Spanish) ...................10:30 a.m , (Creole) 1:00 p.m. Daily Mass in English ..............8:30 a.m SEVENTH D%1 ' ADVENTIS'I CIHUiRCH 205 S. 1th Ave. 773-9927 Sabbath School Q-30 a m. Morning Worship II 00 a m Tues. Prayer Meeting................7:00 p.m. SOUTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH 505 S. 10th Ave. 773-4368 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ... ........11:00 a.m.' Evening Worship :..... ............ 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer ...........:........7:00 p.m. SPIRIT WIND TABERNACLE- 1652 Old Bradenton Road 773-2946 Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship ........... .6:00 p.m. Wednesday Worship ......... 7:30 p.m. Friday Worship. ............ 7:30 p.m. TABERNACLE OF PRAISE & JOY 116 Orange St. Sunday School ..... .......10:00 a.m. Morning Worship..,. ..... 11:30 a.m. Evening Worship .......... 7:00 p.m. STues. Bible Stdy. & Child Train." 00 p m Friday Prayer Service.. ...... 7:00 p.m. WAUCHULA CHURCH OF GOD 1543 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. 773-0199 Sunday School ............ 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship .......... 11:15 a.m. Evening Worship ........... 6:00 p.m. Wed. Night Fam. Training .. 7:30 p.m. Thurs Youth Bible Study.... 7:00 p.m. Friday Night Worship....... 7:30 p.m. WAUCHULA HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH 615 Rainey Blvd. 773-4010 773-3683 Sunday School...... .... .. 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ...... .. 11:00 a.m. Church Training ........... ,6:00 p.m. Evening Worship ......... ... 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer ......... .7:00 p.m. WAUCHULA HILLS HARVEST TEMPLE ASSEMBLY OF GOD , 210 Anderson ' Sunday School .. .. .. 10:00 a.m. Church : ................ .10:00 a.m. Youth Service .............6:00 p.m. Evening Service. .... .. 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Service......... 7:30 p.m. WAUCHULA HILLS SPANISH CHURCH OF GOD 1000 Stansfield Rd. Sunday School............10:00 a.m. Evening Worship ........... 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Prayer. . .. 7:30 p.m. Thursday Worship .. ........ 7:30 p.m. Saturday Worship.... .. .... 7:30 p.m. YOU Can Appear In... ..... ....kids korner Hey kiddsl How would you like your work to be printed in the paper? Draw us a picture, write us a poem, make up a story or tell us a olake. If you're sending us a drawing, use pencils or markers, not crayons. And eave the lined notebook paper for homework, not your artwork. Than print your name and age, your parents names and the town where you live on the back. Get mom or dad to bring it to our office or put It In the mall to: kids korner, The Herald-Advocate, RO. Box 338, Wauchula, FL 33873. WAUCHULA. WAUCHULA REVIVAL CENTER (Full Gospel) 501 N. 9th Ave. Sunday School ............ 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship .......... 11:00 a.m. Youth & Child. Church ....... 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship ........... ..7:00 p.m. Wed. Bible Study ........... 7:00 p.m. Men's Fri. Prayer ........... 7:00 p.m. WAUCHULA WORSHIP CENTER 102 N. 6th Ave. (Earnest Plaza) 773-2929 Sunday Service ............ 10:00 a.m.. Evening Service ............ 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Service .......... 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Youth Service ..... 7:00 p.m. ZOLFO SPRINGS CHARLIE CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH 6885 State Road 64 East 773-3447 Sunday School ............ 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship .......... 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ........... 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Worship ........ 7:00 p.m. CHRISTIAN HERITAGE 64 E. & School House Road Church 735-8585 Childcare,735-8586 Morning Worship .......... 10:00 a.m. Children's Church......... 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship ........ 6:00 p.m. Wed. Youth & F.TH. ........ 7:00 p.m. COMMUNITY WESLEYAN CHURCH Gardner Sunday School ..... ... :... 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship .......... 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ........... 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Service. .... ..... 700 p.m. CREWSVILLE BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH 8251 Crewsville Road Church 735-0871 Pastor 773-6657 Sunday School. .... :.... ... .9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .......... 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ........... 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer .......... 7:00 p.m. EVANGELISTIC HOLINESS CHURCH INC. Corner of 6th and Hickory Sunday School ............ 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship .......... 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ........... 7:00 p.m. Wednesday.. ............. 7:30 p.m. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Corner of 6th & Suwanee 735-0114 Bible Study. . . . 10:00 a.m. 'Worship Service . . 11:00 a.m. GARDNER BAPTIST CHURCH South Hwy. 17- 494-5456 Sunday School .. ,,; .. 10:00 a.m.. Morning Worship ....... 11:00 a.m.. Wednesday Prayer ............ 7:00 p.m. MARANATHA BAPTIST CHURCH Corner of Steve Roberts Special & Oxendine Rds. 735-2524 735-1851 Sunday School ............ .10:00 a.m. Worship ................. 11:00 a.m. Evening ... .... ...... 6:00 p.m. Wed. Bible & Prayer Meet.. .. 7:00 p.m. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD :FAITH TEMPLE Oak Street Sunday Worship. .......... 10:00 a.m.. Evening Worship ,.......... .7:00 p.m. Tuesday Worship ............ .7:30 p.m. SThursday Worship ..........7:30 p.m. Saturday Worship ........... 7:30 p.m. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Pioneer Park 2nd Sunday. ........... 10:30 a.m. Evening Service ... .. .... .6:30 pm. 5th Sunday .. ... . . 6:00 p.m. ZOLFO SPRINGS REALITY RANCH.COWBOY CHURCH 2-1/2 Miles east of Zolfo Springs on Hwy. 66 863-735-8600 Sunday School ......... : 9:45 a.m; Morning Worship .......... 11:00 a.m. Last Friday of Each Month Cowboy Fellowship ............... 7-9 p.m.-, ST. PAUL'S MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 3676 U.S. Hwy. 17 South 735-0636 Sunday School ............. 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship ............. 11 a.m. Wed. Prayer Service .........7:00 p.mP'. SAN ALFONSO MISSION 3027 Schoolhouse Lane 773-5889 Domingo, Misa en Espanol... 10:30 a.m.,, Confesiones .............. 10:00 a.m. . Doctrina ................. 11:30 a m' SPANISH MISSION 735-8025 Escuela Dominica ......... 10:00 a.m. Servicio ...... ........... 11:00 a.m. Pioneer Club ............... 6:30 p.m. Servicio de la Noche ...... .7:00 p.m.' Mierecoles Merienda ........ 6:00 p m Servicio .................. 8:00 p m Sabado Liga de Jovenes ...... 5:00 p m ZOLFO BAPTIST CHURCH 311 E. 4th Ave. 735-1200 ! Sunday School ........ .. 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship .......... 11:00 a.m.. Training Union............. 5:00 p.m. Evening Worship ........ 6:00 p.m.;, Wednesday Prayer .......... 7:30 p.m. d, - IgJ .- 0 * I- 0cn2- O o - -SL| - SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY; THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Isaiah Luke Luke Luke Luke Luke Luke 9:2-7 1:1-25 1:26-38 1:39-56 1:57-66 1:67-80 2:1-20 Scriptures Selected by The American Bible Society Copyright 2005, Keister-Williams Newspaper Services, P. 0. Box 8187, Charlottesville, VA 22906, www kwnews corn December 22, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 3B Hardee Trio Receives Scholarships By JOAN SEAMAN Of The Herald-Advocate Three Hardee Wildcat seniors brought home scholarships from the weekend's All-Star game. Justin English, Jeremy Kelly and Jose Salvador were among those who received scholarships at the conclusion of the seventh annual South-Central Florida All-Star Game held at Firemen's Memorial Field in Sebring. They, and teammates Jackson Frenot, Pierre Lazarre, Daniel Moore and Jackson Mosley were among the more than three dozen players on the Central All-Stars coached by Jared Hamlin of Sebring and assisted by John Sharp of Hardee. Cats Randall Garrett and Ramon Hernandez were also invit- ed but unable to attend. Other players on the Central squad were from Avoh Park (5), PHOTOS BY JIM KELLY A 4.3 grade point average earned a scholarship for Jeremy Kelly (55), presented by Steve Wilson of Highlands Today. Bartow (2), Fort Meade (1), Frostproof(2), Haines City(4), Lake Wales(3), Mulberry(2), Okeechobee(4), and Sebring (5). They were opposed by seniors" from Lemon Bay, Charlotte, North Port, Moore Haven, DeSoto, LaBelle and Port Charlotte. South won the game 17-16. Kelly had the highest grade point average of participating players 'with a 4.32. He was awarded the Highlands Today scholarship. Salvador and Yuriy Olimpiyuk of North Port both carry 4.2 GPAs. Salvador received the Highlands Regional Medical Center scholar- ship. English, with a 3.92 GPA, took the Matt Gose Landscaping Inc. scholarship. Sebring quarterback Chris Wellborn and Charlotte's Travis Kreischer led the Central and South squads respectively. Central recovered an onside kick to start the game at the South 45- yard line and gotto the 25 before turning the ball over on downs. Mosley, Salvador and Frenot were among the Central defenders as South took the ball at its 25. Several plays later Jeff Gisseridaner of Haines City intercepted the ball and retuned it for a Central TD. The kick by Paul Ashley of Sebring was good. Central led 7-0 late 'in the first period. Just moments later, Kyvias Moore of Avon Park recovered a South fumble. Central was moving along when aWellborn pass was intercepted by Louis Anderson of DeSoto. The next South series kept going early into the second quarter, until an interception by Rashad Kelly of Okeechobee at the Central 8-yard line. However, a bad pitch to Roderick Clark of Fort Meade resulted in a safety, making the score 7-2. Taking the ball at its own 43 after the free kick, South marched down- field, finishing a seven-play drive with a four-yard TD run by Ricky Sylvester of North Port. Kreischer's pass to Lance Francis of Charlotte was good for the two- point PAT and a 10-7 lead for. South. Central attempted a 55-yard field goal when its next series stalled. A South drive was also stopped, by a Frenot key tackle and a sack. It was still 10-7 at halftime. Momentum shifted in the second half. Mulberry's Timothy London returned the kickoff 18 yards for. Central, but a fumble gave the ball to Valdean Vincent of Port Charlotte, who ran 28 yards to score. The kick by James Priddy of North Port was good and the South had a 17-7 lead just over a minute into the half. Eight minutes later, Central com- pleted a 12-play drive with a screen pass from Wellborn to Akuee Daniels of Avon Park setting up a 28-yard field. Ashley's boot made it. 17-10. Late in the third quarter a long South drive was. stopped on an interception by Birone Campbell of Lake Wales. Central's drive contin- ued into the fourth period and was at the South 29, when a Wellborn pass .was intercepted. Passes were knocked down and Central took over again at the South 34. Three plays later, Central was knocking at the door on the 1-yard line. Clark dove over the right side for the touchdown. A two-point try was stopped short of the goal line. After a fair catch, South attempt- ed to keep possession of the ball, but was forced to punt. The teams traded punts again as the clock kept moving. With 58 ticks left on the .clock, Central got the ball back. Finally, a 38-yard field goal was attempted to try for the 19-17 win. However, it sailed wide left. The South quarter- back took a knee and preserved his team's 17-16 victory. Staff writers Jim Kelly and Michael Kelly contributed to this report. By JOAN SEAMAN Of The Herald-Advocate Hardee Junior High basketball is alive and well, but still learning. The youngest Hardee players are getting within three to five points of winning, but just haven't gotten over that last obstacle, in many cases the first quarter, where oppo- nents jump out to a fast start. Hardee had a pair of games last week, and head into the Christmas holiday break with 0-4 records for both the girls and boys squads. There are eight games after the hol- iday break, hopefully giving them an opportunity to get on the win- ning trail. Play resumes Jan. 9 with a trip to Hill-Gustat. Against Avon Park at home last Monday, the Hardee girls had their best scoring game in a 27-22 loss. Avon Park outscored Hardee by 'five points in the first period and the junior Lady Cats never could overcome that deficit. For Hardee, high scorer was sev- enth grader Elvira Servin. with six points, a pair of deuces and pair of free throws. Eighth grader Jalyn Smith and seventh grader Ivette Cisneros each had four points on a pair of hoops. Eighth graders Chelsey Steedley, Carleen Brown and Krisiina Garcia and seventh grader Yesenia Vargas added two points apiece. Other Hardee girls are eighth grad- er Halley Marshall, currently on injured reserve, and seventh graders Lacey Garza, Hannah Jacobs, Courtney Buckley, Daisha Blandin, Paige Massey and Ali Holle. - Coach Ami Whilden said Friday that she is pleased with the attitude and effort of her squad. "They are just so young. Only four are eighth graders. The rest are seventh graders new to the game." Hardee boys battled Avon Park as well, finishing on the short end of a 36-28 final score. A slow first quarter put the Cats behind, but a big second stanza narrowed the Avon Park lead to 23-19 at half- time. It was 27-25 at the end of three quarters, but Avon Park forged ahead in the final period, with a stiffling defense holding Hardee scoring to just three points. Kelsheem White paced Hardee with a dozen points, hitting five deuces and a pair of foul shots. Ezayi Youyoute chipped in with 10 points on five hoops. Antjuan Jones and Tylar Alden each had I two points and Jarrius Lindsey and Octavio Cisneros each made a free throw. Other junior Cats are Kalan Royal, Ivan Fermin, Ryan Blair, Charles Allen, Austin Prestridge, Devonte Hooks,Jake Mayer, Trey Anderson and Scott Donaldson. Last Thursday, the junior high hoopsters- traveled to Sebring for the fall finale. Hardee girls were sluggish from. the start and lost 38-17. For Hardee, Smith topped out with five points. Cisneros added four, Garcia. three, Servin and Brown each two and Steedley a free throw. Karrie Dudek was high for Sebring with nine points. The Hardee boys started slowly and almost upset Sebring for the win. The young Streaks held on for a 38-35 win. White was the game's high scor- er with 16 points. M. Williams had 12 to lead Sebring. Also putting points up for were Jones with eight, Youyoute four, Hooks three, Mayer two, anid Lindsey and Allen each one point. Q is/Ung you the true mearnng of '2ristmas today and always. Gene Davis STE .375-260Ft Meade n I iEI 375-2606 1-800-226-3325 Seven Wildcats represented Hardee well in the South-Central All-Star game; in front (from left) are scholarship-winning trio Jeremy Kelly. Jose Salvador and Justin English; in back, Jackson Mosley, Jackson Frenot, Daniel Moore and Pierre Lazarre. c i ; ': C-UD z E. E 0 E 0I I L Ke] 14MARRiiVI A 14 GEI OS l Pleae hlp potet te sactiy o mariae y igin apeiton El0. Koch Construction 3504 Office Park Road-P. 0. Box 1965 Sebring, FL 33871-Phone:(863) 385-8649 Commercial & Residential Construction, Let ow highly qitalifiedi taff develop your commercial property, build your dream home, or do your remodeling. ENGINEERED STEEL BUILDINGS RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL DESIGN ROOFING New and repairs" ALUMINUM Screen and glass enclosures carports -patios' siding soffit -fascia SEAMLESS GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS "For all of your Aluminum, 'Steel, and Conventional construction needs" :8:!stfc State Certified License #CBC058444 HJHS Hoops Impro ving cI (1-)a CL. 411" - - *. - e it F' e I : Email: kochcon@strato~nhet. : 4B The Herald-Advocate, December 22, 2005 Wanted '" .. "/ Name: Terry Len Moseley Age: 31 Height: 6'2" Weight, 210 Last Address: 3702 Hoyt St., Sebring Charge: Violation of pro-' bation (original charge flee- ing to attempt to elude a law enforcement officer). Name: Nathan Henry Morgan: Age: 24 Height: 5'5" Weight: 135 Last Address: 830 Manley Road, Wauchula Charge: Grand theft of a firearm Name: Robert Lee Cole Age: 50 Height: 6'1" Weight: 200 Last Address: 301 Glades St, Bowling Green Charge: Non-support. Name: Gary Ray Townsend Age: 42 Height: 5'10" Weight: 150 Last Address: Hammock Lake Trailer Park, Fort Meade Charge: Violation of proba- tion (original charge leav -. ing the scene of an acci- dent). Name: John Timothy Reynolds Age. 41 Height: 5'10" Weight: 210 Last Address: 940 Polk Road, Wauchula Charge: Purchase of cocaine. Name: John DeLeon Age: 29 Height: 5'9" Weight: 141 Last Address: 120 N. 10th St., Wauchula Charge: Failure to register as a sex offender Name: Guillermo Alvarado Jr. Age: 38 Height: 5'5" Weight: 160 Last Address: 4101. East Highway 50. Garden City, Kan. Charge- Non-support S,,T*.. ... Name: Gregory Allen Cumbest Age: 40 Height: 5'5" Weight: 150 Last Address: 516 E Orange St., Wauchula Charge: Violation of proba- tion (original charge grand theft). The Hardee County Sheriff's Office holds active warrants for the above individuals. If yi have any information concerning a listed person's whereabouts, call the SHERIFF'S OFFICE WARRANTS DIVISION at 773-0304 ext. 205. ouI Bowling Green Country Club 245 iwy 17 375-9988 4 Wednesday Karaoke with Miz Edna Friday & Saturday Karaoke with Gizzmo Now Open to the Public! Everyone Welcome! -- No membership required! We will be open Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, . New Year's Eve & New Year's Day .1 V-0.. - Saturday, December 31 9pm-2am $10 cover charge " Everyone Welcome! Come Celebrate With Us! -E1w- Year's Thost pOO~" I~ 1 2:2229c COUNTY COURT The following marriage licens- es were issued recently in the office of the county court: Pierre Morel, 56, Wauchula, and Brenda Lee Griffin, 53, Wauchula. Leroy McKinzie Jr, 30, Wauchula, and Nola Denise Gordon, 35, Wauchula. Fernando Castanon, 37, Bartow, and Marvelie Belmares, 25, Bowling Green. Grable Chapa, 40, Zolfo Springs, and Angela Mendiola, 26, Zolfo Springs. Carlos Avalos, 25, Wauchula, and Lacey Leighann Dean, 18, Wauchula. Alvaro Salazar, 23, Deerfield, Mich., and Esperanza Santiago, 19, Zolfo Springs. The following small claim cases were disposed of recently by the county judge: , , Brian and Laura Barker vs. Dale and Krista Staton et al, judgment of eviction.* Worldwide, Asset Purchasing LLC vs Gladys Johnson, order appro,. ing settlement. Keith Scott Parker and Southern Fabricators and Erectors Inc. vs. Robert Keith Johnston, judgment. Ester Cavazos vs. Alfonso Lopez,'dismissed. Ford,, Motor Credit Co. vs. Christoph Allen Baty and Tiffani M.Bat judgment Nlidland Funding NCC-2 Corp. vs. Melissa Fay Everett Whitaker, default judgment. There was no misdemeanor or criminal traffic court last week as it %was trial %week.. CIRCUIT COURT The following civil actions iezre filed recently in the office of the circuit court: Homes of Wauchula Inc. vs. Robert T. Bond, MarilNn C. Morroe et al, petition to foreclose mortgage. Tommy Logan vs. James Crosby Jr. and the state ;Department' of Corrections, petition for review of inmate situation. Susan Pamela Freeman and Alvin Freeman, divorce.' Robert S. Keller and Jessica M. Keller, divorce. :. Andrea Villanueva and the state Department of Revenue (DOR) vs. F " i A I Jorge Torres, interstate petition for child support order. Fiola Borland and Steven P. Borland, divorce. Delfina Martinez and DOR vs. Cedric L. Scott, petition for child support. Selena Lakay Camacho and DOR vs. Larry Camacho, petition for child support. Maria Teresa Gonzalez and DOR vs. Victor Gonzalez, petition for child support. Laura Gonzalez Fernandez and Esteban Fernandez, divorce. Prince Manghram o/b/o minor children vs. Terry Kimbrough, peti- tions for injunction for protection. Carolyn Faulk vs. Terry Kimbrough, petition for injunction for protection. Karen L. Cranford vs. Linda F. Miller, petition for injunction for protection. Richard J. Dease vs. Donnis A. Barber, damages. Chrystal Williamson vs. Steven Nisbet, damages. Jackqulon Camel Powell and Paul Melvin Powell, divorce., The following decisions on civil cases pending in the circuit court were handed down recently by the circuit court judge: Cynthia Gene Fairless and DOR vs. Richard Denis Rivera, volun- tary dismissal. Susanna Cervantes vs. Amada Garcia, child support arrearages set. Marisela Torres and DOR vs. Jesus L. Torres Jr., amended child support order. There was no felony criminal court last week as it was trial week. The following real estate trans- says, S"THANKS To our Hardee County School Board, our School's Staff, Athletic Department, and our U:S. Air Force JROTC for their support during our marching season this year. "THANKS" To all who sponsored an ad in this year's football program, and during the "Heartland Band Festival" for your trophy sponsorships. "THANKS" To all of you that "Paid the Price" when you parked at each of our ho football games. Special thanks go to all who supported our efforts with supplies for the many "I Star" needs at home and away. Iso, "Blue Star" Band Booster Parents, you have each done a magnificent job, no ter what the task or the difficulty. I )me Blue mat- 12:15c SAM ALBRITTON ELECTRICAL SERVICE *RESIDENTIAL WIRING *INSTALLATION CEILING FANS *COMMERCIAL WIRING WATER PUMPS *REPAIRWATER HEATERS 767-0313 Office 781-0377 Mobile , ER13885 "Quality Electrical Service At A Fair Price" 12:22.: The Hardee Senior High School hrdee Blue Star Brigade Bowline Green Country Club 245 Hwy 17 375-9988 We will be open New Year's Day! I courthouse Report] actions of $10,000 or more were filed recently in the office of the clerk of court: Abdon and Ofelia Rivera to Hiteshchandra A. and Krista L. Patel, $180,000. Orangewood Builders Inc. to Roy A. Brown, $69,000. Linda S. Dean to Jesse D. Keeton, $17,000. Ella Jean B. Johnston as trustee to James Johnston Jr., $60,000. Donald W. Devane and Diane J. Devane as trustees to Richard B. Sr. and Janis L. Heck, $25,000. Steven M. Carpenter to David J. Santiago and Rosa Jovita Cruz- DeJesus, $69,000. Roberta Ragan to CTM Investments LLC, $27,150. Todd J. and Martha W. Smith to Mark P. Smythe, $75,000. Richard and Judy Graham to Edmundo and Amelia Torres, $70,000. Norris Groves Inc. to Veg King of Florida Inc., $172,350. Patricia Mae Elliott Bozeman to James D. Hill, $55,000. Glenn G. and Ginger R. Cooper to Charles H. McKibben and J. B. Delaney, $125,000. Mary Lou Hernandez and Guadalupe C. Garcia to Jose M. Quezada and Laura Esparza, $58,500. Mary Gene Boutwell to Debby Lacy, $62,500. Eloise Rangel as personal repre- sentative to Debby Lacy, $62,500. Sheila D. Knight to Chad Anderson and Travis Wiggins, $100,000. F. Elgin Jr. and Jeanne R. Bayless to Terri Coule, $210,000. If you have a talent, use it in every which way possible. Don't hoard it. Don't dole it out like a miser. Spend it lavishly, like a millionaire intent on going broke. -Brenda Francis 3 ft-. December 22, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 5B PLATTNER'S ARCADIA IS OVERSTOCKED WITH 500 NEW 05 AND 06 MODELS BRED TAG SALE PRICING 0% FINANCING 9 SUPPLIER PRICING OR i **FACTORY ALL OTHER DEALER'S PRICES UP $P REBATES l i ID FACTORY INVOICE PRICING TO TO YOU! m mmL AIRWRmSm w WN.I V '1 -mi- ~0 07k PONTIAC CHEVY CARS New 2006 Pontiac Vibe /.SV409-165. Automatic, air conditioning, AM/FM stereo & more. MSRP................ $17,840 ,. GM Supplier Discount.5770 GM Supplier Price.$17,070 *-.kn A-amd ,Dltl lRle .....$100 BELOW RED $16,790* TAG PRICE I16 790* MANY TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS 2005 Chevrolet Avalanche femo New 2006 Silverado 2-LS 1500 Crew Cak St#4158807 MS.RP $34,065 St!209815, AirConditioning, PoweWindows, Power Locs, .............. AM,/FM CD, Power Mirrors, Chrome m Wheels, Dual Air Bags, V8 engine. Efve O OKSupnpller Disceolt$1,924 New 2006 Buick Lucerne T C S St#11277A MSRP $27,240 YOUR PRICE 26,984* MANY TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS 2006 Tahoe 2 WD New 2005 Terraza FWD CXL 150062, nsr Air Conditloning, Power Widows, St#T 8955 C, MP3, Satellite Radio, Alum. ioerloxek. Power MrslT. AMJFM CD CrOise ^hrome Wheels, Leather, Power Windows, SSRP ................$34,99 Power Locks, Power Mirrors. GM Supplier DiscountS3,164 MSRP................$33,395 *GMSupplierPrice.$31,825 GM Supplier Disount$2,694 Acatlal amB&lRebates,.$4,842 I GM Supplier Price. $30,701 IFAradia Dlno allll&ealues.$4,717 $926,984* BELOW RED $ * FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS MTAGNY TO CHOOSE FROM AT SILAR SAVINGS FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS MANY TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS New 2006 Aveo Sedan St#525608, Air conditioning, bucket seats, stereo & more. GM Supplier Discount.$451 GM Supplier Price.$11,759 BELOWRED $ 1659* TAG PRICE II 0 9 N MANY TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS New 2006 Cobalt Coupe bucket seats, stereo & more. MSRP ...........$15,710 GM Supplier Dunt. $690 GM Supplier Price. $15,620 Maft 01119l" 1la $1,100 BELOW RED TAG PRICE 3,920* MANY TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS New 2006 Pontiac G-6 Sedan New 2006 Malibu Maxx St#189147, Automatic transmission, air conditioning, St#1 13910, Automatic, air conditioning, power AM/FM stereo & much more windows & locks, CO Player, tilt, cruise. S MSRP................$17,M0 MSRP;..............$21,590 GM Supplier Discunt.$541 BGM Supplier DlscOmt$1,148 Y OGM SupplierPrice.$17.449 GM Supplier Prce.$20,442 AriDiMlIft $1,600s a0 l t $1,100 BELOW RED $ A O BELOW RED $ 4 TAG PRICE 15849* TA PRICE 342* MANY TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS MANYTO CHOOSE.FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS New 2006 Pontiac G-6 Coupe New 2006 Impala Sedan S St#139420, Automatic transmission, air conditioning, S 11575 jAutomatic, aircondltionling, M/FM stereo w/CD & much more. bucket seats, stereo & more. MSRP ................$22,995 MSRP..............$21,990 GM Supplier Discount1,225 'GM Supplier iscomunt$1,176 SGM Suppiler Price.$21,730 GMSuppilerPrNce .$20,814 AmdiaDifmtnReial $1,600 kMi i0elltilab $1,100 3R$EL RED TAG PRIC 20,130* TAG PRICE 19,714*. MANY TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMIR SAVINGS MTA PRICE E FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS MANY TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS MANYTO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS N New 2006 Express Work Van 1500 New 2006 Chevrolet Equinox New 21 St#114556 AM/FM Stereo, Fixed Glass. Rear/Side Doors, t#056309. Air conditioning, power windows St#1 4.3, V-6, Air Conditioning: & locks, tilt, cruise, CD player & more. MSRP.... ;.......... $24,260 MSRP...............$22,545 GM Supplier. Dscount$2,405 GM Supplier Discount$'1,059 S GM Supplier Prce.$21,855 GM Supplier Price .21,486 k0u18 DIN m.all aieu.$1,856 Arcas Olomd & Rebalts $1,437 BELOW HI $ 1 BELOW RED TAG PRIC 19,999 TAG PRICE 9,999* TA AANY TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS MANY TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS MANYTO 006 Pontiac Grand Prix GXP New 73951, Automatic transmission, air conditioning, power windows & locks, tilt, cruise & uch more, bO V MSRP ................$33,520 GM Supplier Discount$2,315 GM Supplier Price.$31,205 ta le DRsttell5a $1,M Z PRICE 29. 605* cM 2005 Chevrolet Tah-oe LS4x4 Demo New 2005 Suburban 1500 New2006 Chevrolet Silverado2500 Crew Cab New SI41407 9_D MSRP 41.......135 .5.1.21 P r '.id1.P r 2o5 Puvor \ 1St 27594, Automatic, air conditioning, Mirrors AM/FM CD Cu. Akil, alL \41 AM/M stFro, tilt & much more. MSP &......". .....$30,790 SALE PRICE GM SuppliletPrIcel.$28,601 9.250 RED A.O E,..* BELW 2006 Chevrolet ette ON SALE HOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS BETHE FIRST ON YOUR BLOCKTO DRIVE THE 06 2006 Pontiac Torrent New 2006 Chevrolet HHR St#043107, Automatic transmission, air conditioning, St254791, Automatic, air conditioning. Power power windows & locks, tilt wheel & morel *.S571Awndows & ltocksi, cruise, CD& more. MSIP ...... ......... $22,990 M .......$19,850 GMWTuppIIp'Diaunt. $998 W GM Supplier oint<$1,011 GM Supplier Price .$21,22 GM Supplier Price .$18,839 uDalIn $1,1800 LOlWaRED$b7in...$100 RED Ot l 89 *i BELOW RED $4 %17-0* -PRICE T P MANY TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS MANY TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS MANY TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS MANY TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS t A#I il A9A S AIM FA i!O W3 lja' Sa S S 0 5 MPRO GRAMCOARS & TRUCK KS P Avalanche 2003 Chevrolet Malibu Stk#4159992 Stk#5583130 1.^iBfie'' rfl~tea M ^^ *BBala1V'Xkk>*C~ MP$32,2 $32,285 MSRP Sale LeaseFmr* MANY TO C380E, FROMAT SIMILAR SAVINGS MANY TO CIOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS 2005 Chevrolet Astro LS Stk#4113809 MSRP $29,670 M O.c* T 6 F495Lease F 21 9* MANY TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS 2005 Chevrolet Express 3500 5 Passenger Van Stk#4134781 MSRP $33,487 s.'- ,.8 Lase For 259* MANY TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS 2005 Chevrolet Venture LS / Stk#4136330 inYM 0 i uPnui 2005 P I MSRP $29,431 .r1 99* SIMILAR SAVINGS Montana Stk#3133314 i ----8 0 * R MSRP | $29,2U7 C-$2n11 Sale $ U -Iei Aztek AWD Stk#4542967 MSRP $24,910 Sale .1 PriceMANY TO MANY TO 2005 MANY TO CF 2005 Sale T 1, PriceM , MANY TO ( oLS Ext Cab Stk#5282376 MSRP $30,090 .$289* MILAR SAVINGS rysler Sebring ", Stk#4530843 Ds ..is1 81* FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS tk#4131856, Loaded $52,750 rolet Cavalier 2005 Pontiac Bonneville S/E Stk#377873 Stk#3125070 MSRP MSR iLean For 11 Pic.13 995 L. ,For 199* OM ATSIMILAR SAVINGS MANY TO CH30SE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS frolet Impala 2005 Buick LeSabre Stk#3148075 M Stk#3119564 1. S $28,987 4Prie1 39987 F.or, i ~ MANY TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS 2005 Pontiac Grand Am ^ Stk#130912 Sape $O 0,98 j 4 .,LeFor139',* MANY TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS Century Stk#411l5368 MSRP $23,981 $40Q* Rendezvous Stk#4525580 MSRP > $26,455 Lease For 259* )M AT SIMILAR SAVINGS untfire S/E Coupe Stk#3197251 fllk~~ jiJMt'fic aN T O FOM $. S17 !:,e 4$ O W .. ..34, MANY TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS 2005 Chevrolet Monte Carlo Stk#288307 SMSRP $23,M00 RE-OWNED LOW MILES 2002 Cadillac DeVille /a.'i6 -?f ,. Stk#4275290 2004 Chevrolet Corvette Coupe 'i^e$38,984-MW4U MANY TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS ysler Pacifica Stk#4332896 MSRP FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS Grand Caravan S/E MSRP $23,330 14 ......$1R1 US HIGHWAY 17, ARCADIA CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-479-3838 SALE HOURS: GM CERTIFIED USED MMQAY-ITAY ge9am wn8 VE HICLS COME WIM SAWADAY SaM Gpm SUNDAY 1am -s A GM-Baced Umltd Warranty IEW SE VICE OURS 244lour RoadatdeAssortslfe 4EW ERVCE H URS jAI06- point Meclowdce MONDAY-FFIlDAY 7=~M*5:OPM Appearance inspection SRURDAY8arn, 611M A3-Oay/15G-Miliese. (Qosed SUNDAY ebfGurne SE HABLA ESPAHOLGurte -A GIARAKU ToBEAT YOUR BS 00.BWDXIY 0MW01 0100wnwmost Psta100,014 8 WCM w's *Pkfthi4* advwwd Pieodw wrhfWItiSbIY's order(wlsoflsdicavlkK MbeIn $tbo*hi04 ote=ntoeshr qiiwaO~ fWY1111100 A VurbIkgt lOy rt. COr~insNO urunwwExclude. MNgMpOsWWO Vb~ne~r MMch Or 1110010h) b 14m ww&S A=0hA19 aurolet. Poi000w.lu0k.Otua, O 1dwIs aul00 301'Oto MW=TO 00 01"0 priceVaN b mstwlwe It fot1540 hido so. comotoweios VA nl se 0deemed &'lafiffa ollow. wt to beweel Incctionc~d IS w ~ aft$olko.vehwiclce P010wmm bad son a48 monthbase 12k sMLt--seWAG. All lsosh bti )eAM,&3.3A 011 Of nd "Iff 2y OU1RY 00 10dtel4OMe. Used tWeCJe Peyssols based son 63rmos. ad 510. WWA 0I on0low ite Re~uea0sdWt e. . New 2006 Pontiac Solstice ON OW! December 22, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 5B P - -- -dhmdb i I II I il lq il wm - -- ------------------------; -- ----- --- ................ MA Yl HItIM MA )MLM ov~3 Vm VF nglm11vf n0 11 - .. ........... .. Irvur I -~- - r-At drea M'ul,---' Y suc-r-ICHERTRUCKS FM a iti UUIL I 6B The Hurmid-I dA-o aletC Dec-cnAr 2f,'1'065 Hardee HQ arf (( Living $500 DONATION COURTESY PHOTO Wilson Sharon Wilson To Wed Albert Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Willie E. Outley are proud to announce the engageniemnt and approaching marriage of their daughter, Sharon Marie Daniels Wilson, to Albert L. Oliver Jr. The bride is a 1981 graduate of Hardee High School and a :1985 graduate of Albany State Univer- sity. She is currently employ) ed with the Department of Corrections as a correctional probation supervisor. . The groom is a graduate of Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University and is currently em- plo'ed %ith the federal government as a soil conservationist. The couple will wed on Jan. 14 at 'the Greater Popular. Spring MNsl- sionary Baptist Church at 2 p m After a short honeymoon, the couple will reside in Lake City. Senior Citizens Club News By Jim 'Walton, Zolfo Springs It \kas fun, music and dancing at the Cathei n McDonald Senior Center on Dec. 15. .' This was the first gathering of our 2005-i(i'"miisic aind dancing" and will run every Thturda. evening from 7-9 p.m., continuing until the end of < March with the exception of Dec.'22 due to Chritm.is activities in the area on that date., Our dear friend Darlene from Cr s.til Lake Village was our marteloust Shostess again this \ear Her friendly greetings to all soon put the program !n a-testie mnod. a-.g Three.NO.testtt'uk up the tIrr't ti e~t. S'._'m _:1 .u4s ere a bhit rusyt'.htngThts' as our fist dancmin- sin"eVtlarch 2005' Hoi'.e'er. \%e Soiirn likened up with *Ain2g and s%\a-, numbers from The, Big BA.nd era of the 4015 and 50s. Also The Three Notes did soft numbers .n remembrance of great crooners. such as Perrn Como. \'aughn Monroe. .-\nd', Williams. Bing CrosbL and Gene Autr\. just to name a fe\ .Atter intermission and refreshments '%e all Ioined in a series of Christmas carols, ending and dancing -"Jingle Bell Rock " The onl\ thing missing was that Bill %\as unable to sing to us. because v'.e couldn't find the mikes usually\ stored at the center. Someone suggested perhaps Bill should carr\ along a megaphone just in case this might occur again This %worked for Rud\ Vallih ears a-o. \\h. not for Bill? But sad to .ma\. this -was ruled out. for ho\, could Bill use the megaphone and pl., aj le.id or accompany guitar \\ith the band ' Our ne\t "get-together" at The Center %%ill be on Dec. 29 Come. Join us js \\e enio\ mutic and dancing. kissing the year 2005 goodbye and del- coming 2006 \ ith peace, hope and jo'. MNern Christmas to all Bake Sale & Hot Dinners Friday & Saturday 12 5 New Jerusalem Church of God 1514 Lincoln Street Wauchula Look for signs soc222c2 ADAM WAYNE LYLES Marine Cpl. Adam Wayne Lyles, a 2003 Hardee High School gradu- ate, is at home for a month's leave before returning in late January for his second tour of duty in Iraq. A member of the 2nd Battalion Fifth Marine Regiment, Cpl.Lyles is the son of Wayne Lyres and Lory Brooks., both of Wauchula and grandson of Luther Lyles and the late Leila Lyles. His sister is Stephanie Lyles. He enlisted in the Marine Corps on July 27, 2003 .and graduated from boot camp on Oct..21. He then went into the ,'h..,,l ,f :rnf.irrn for placemrent in the infantry training battalion. He has 'spent seven mrnlth' in Iraq and nine months in Okinawa, Japan serving in relief aid missions. JULES F. WARREN Navy Seaman Apprentice Jules F. W viiIerin .i of CindyL. \V.,1i, :n'f, \VjuCluli c ciul', i_,'n'iileet.J '1,iJ - itim e ,i. 6u l I,' ''pC' .ii ,', I ii IMS 1i He j..ined the Navy in. February 2005. Warren and Ih. tell... shipmates entered the U. S. 5thi Fleet area of' operations to c._.nduct MSO during a scheduled depl'.,ncirt while assigned to the amphibious dock landing ship USS Carter Hall, homeported at Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek inVii inia. Be.,, Ih .\a. . Li ine anrid _.'il,.rI -oI Expeditionary Strike Gr,,.ifp Eight conducted MSO in'the Suez Canal. MSO sets the e tliiit',' and st:hiiit;. in the maritime environment, a- well as complements the counter- terr,,:rismi and 'security of re- rial nation ' NISO denied, intern.iii',.l terrn r is.s u Oe .of the maritime en i...n- merit aa a venue for attack or to' tri.in .plft personnel, .weapons or other nm i-ieriIs.. " The priunri, mission of the dock, landing ,.hip i..to transport person-- nel. '\ei.les and cargo to" any i.ater'ide en\m'i nniert .. orld...ide .ajnd lunih the equipliiieni ashore in' support ot military or l'tii 1L.iiTii i.ii assistance operations. Available with or without nuts! Call Jackie Miller 773-3144 1 Leave Message. PHOTO BY JIM KELLY', The Rotary Club of Hardee County on.Dec. 7 donated $500 to the Redlands Christian Migranti Association that. offers child care and education.to infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school-' age children. Support services to families are provided. RCMA operates a child development cen- ter and after school program at 4315 Chester St. in Bowling Green and the Fred Dennis Child, Development Center at 320 N. Ninth Ave. in Wauchula. RCMA was established 40 years ago andl operates in 20 Florida counties, serving 6,000 children of migrant and rural poor families. The majority, of funding comes from state and federal grants. From left are Arnold Lanier, RCMA area. coordinator Hilaria Cuevas, and Claude Harris.. STEP UP, FLORIDA! FHOTO BY JIM KELLY Erin Hess of the Hardee and DeSoto County Health Departments spoke to the Wauchula Lions Club on Dec. 8 about fitness. She is chronic disease health promotion and education coordina- tor. Step Up, Florida! encourages people to become more active,, such as walking, biking and swimming. The Hardee Health Department has a fitness course. For more information call 773- 4161. ext. 176. From left are Paul Paris, Erin Hess and Doug Knight. Hess aid there will be a 5-K (3.1-mile) run 'walk in Wauchula on Feb. 18. HARDEE COUNTY KIDS NEED SHARDEE COUNTY HELP! Ease a dependent child's. way through the court sys- -tem. Volunteer .to be a Guardian Ad Litem. 773-2505, in office un.rien.jeijd .please leave message.) Desperate to End Pain and Suffering From FIBROMYALGIA? HEART TROUBLE? DIABETES? Are you tired of suffering and playing "trial and error" with danger- ous medications'? Fibromyalgia, heart conditions, and diabetes misdi- agnosis and mistreatment is rampant and leads to countless years of unnecessv.ar suffering. A free report reveals a natural procedure that is gi, ing fibrn-,alui_. heart conditions and diabetes sufferers their "lives back".- with "miraculous" results for many. C.ill S,'3-773-5764 for a free report that is.giving hope to pain suffer- ers everywhere and ask me about my Holiday price special. Do your health a favor, resolve to answer this ad in 2005! socl2:22c CGC#031 692 sod 2'22c W W h YouO 'A Blessed Phristmas Remember Jesus is the reason for this season from tho slalfof BB %4 struction Inc. I rk- Wi I itary. News ] -- -^ -__- , : CGC#031692 socl2:22c December 22, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 7B 9 Christmas Caro(: Tfe ghost Of Christmas Cookie By C.J. MOUSER For The Herald-Advocate There is something magical about get- ting up alone in the wee hours of the morn- ing on Christmas day. I've been doing it since I was too young to remember when. The tree lights were left on all night the only time they ever were Letter To Santa Christmas Wish: Pave Pine Level Road In '06 Dear Santa, I was born in Hardee County and have lived in the same area for years and years. I'm right proud of it! I'm getting older now and I'm very, very, very worn from the con- stant flow of traffic. I have a hard time remembering recent things but I can 'recollect life many, many years ago. . You see, life was unhurried way back then. The 'woods were full. of wildlife, hogs, wildcats, bears and panther. The numerous deer loved feeding on the lush native plants . kinda peaceful with all the birds singing in those great big oak trees. There were no roads per say only meandering paths and trails; that connected, the beautiful watering holes and ponds. I was young and vibrant and proud to grow huge towering virgin timber on my soil. Life was pure and simple.: Later on came rustic paths and names for. us (roads, streets, avenues, lanes, etc.) and people and things to move people and noise and trash and what they call "progress." You see, Santa, my eyes are not what they use to be because of the years of being attacked by a fine white dust that surrounds me and settles in my throat, eyes and ears after each car goes by. It feels like a 'bad allergy attack after dozens of trucks and 18 wheelers zoom by all night and day. The white cloud leaves me with a sore throat and heaviness but, I don't mind the load 'cause I know them movers carry D.A.N. G.e.R Performs Here For New Year The band's name borrows' from the initials of each member's first name. The group plays rock from yes- terday and today along with dance and country music. For the holiday show, .Carl "Elvis" Bryant will appear as the lower-case "e" 'in D.A.N.G.e.R, The band will be performing at the Elk's'Club at 31 S W Main St - and sitting there in the peace and quiet gazing at the twinkling lights and the mys- terious bundles is something I haven't grown out of to this day. Even though one year I almost sent my father to an early grave while engaged in just this activity. I couldn't have been more than 7 or 8, and being restless with anticipation and precious people, building materials, medicine, vegetables, and all sort of important things ya'll need and depend on to survive. If you travel my "skin" it is either sagging with deep washed out holes and ruts that barely support a vehicle after a gully-washing rain or it is wrinkled with rough hard "wash-board" lines from the dry, dry weathers and constant traffic. My skin does seems to improve a little after the nice man comes in the grader and smoothes my wrin-. kles out, but this is short lived when the rains come and the water wash- es away all the new dirt into my ditches (bless their heart, my ditch- es have their own set of problems). I do smell much better since ,the good county commissioners stop- ped the sludge trucks from driving on me, and I thank them for that but the weight of all the traffic is cer- tainly making my arthritic back -hurt a lot. I hear all kinds of rumors about how I will get paved soon but it seems I get put at the bottom of the list every year. My friends and I do agree we have some of the finest folk around traveling on us! We service school buses, utility trucks, and policemen, older folks.. Why, I can't even list all of the " dandy people who use me every day. The people just get so frustrat- ed with me 'cause I slow them up as they inch'along to their destina- tion. Well, Santa, no need for me to go rambling on when you are so busy this time of year. You see, all I want for Christmas is a new hard: top with black, shiny pavement bor- dered by pretty 'white lines just so I can help them fine people out! My one and only wish is to serve the wonderful people of this area. I just wanted to let you know Santa that I have been good. I try not to be jealous when my neighbor gets paved, and I have a big forgiving heart. I will be anxiously awaiting you to answer n,\ request. Please see if .ou can fit it in for 2006! Yours truly, Pine Le'el Road Southwest Hardee: County Submitted bN Charlotte Allen,, County Line Road . A local band popular with audi- "ences in Polk and Highlands coun- ties will be performing in Wauchula on New Year's Eve. D.A.N.G.e.R. features Dave. SMurdock on keyboards, Alton Grantham on .drums, Nancy Kitchens on keyboards and with vocals, Greg Herndon on guitar and vocals andRusty Kitchens on bass and vocals., ...(863, 52-2Of5 socl2:22tfc r, /r/o,/, t, r-'fo/t . S Just in time for Christmas.. CD featuring D Williams-Tatis Sold &-Rashkeed Out Son~s include Sold Out "Show Love for Christmas" & "Job Wll Done," Limited C-"opile Available S$4 $ + $1 s&h or SReease 22 for Sh' $Free Shipping) s R ecor Send check or money order to: t. A. Kustom Records 6f-Beatwvave inc., P.O.Box 444, Bowling Green, FL. 33834 2 Weeks FREE Tannin.g w' ith p!irchase of onie month I S unlinmilted tantling for $35. Call-for af i 'cLil 'tt i *' O I'1l / ILI -' I' /I .. 'L L ] S. O 4 tanning beds 0- 208 3rd Ave. N. SCovenient ours M-F 7-30am-7:30p;Sat. 9am-1pm 76au-ch1118 s Convenient Hours: M-F 730am-7:30pmr;Sat. 9am-lpm 767-1118 ONE PINK, NO BLUES *Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ward, Wauchula, an eight pound daugh- ter, Saige Byrana, born Nov. 11, 2005, at Regency Medical Center, Winter Haven. Mrs. Ward is the former Amy Judah, Maternal grandparents are George and Betty Judah of Bowling Green. Maternal great-grandparents are the late Curtis and' Annie Watkins, of Bowling Green and the late Morris and Thelma Judah of Alabama-. . Paternal grandparents are Sue Baker of Wauchula and the late. Herb Baker. Paternal grandparents ,are the late Robert and Frances Maxwell . excitement I got out of bed and made my way down the long dark hall to the living room. There, I perched on the edge of the couch, my long white nightgown puddling on the floor at my feet. The bright tree lights reflected off chrome handlebars and shiny red and green wrapping paper as I sat there listening to the clock in the dining room chime 3 and dreaming of what was to come. Even though I had pawed through the gifts on numerous occasions, on this special night there was no touching, just looking, because Santa had been there and it just wouldn't be fair for me to peek and prod before the other kids were up. It would be like cheating. Eventually my eyes would get droop and I would yawn and tell myself that I needed to go back to bed. On this particular Christmas morning this thought had just crossed my mind when I heard the floor- boards creak in the hallway. I knew immediately who was coming. My father was the only one in the house big enough and heavy enough to cause such a groan from the floorboards that it could be heard all the way in the living room. As I listened to my dad make his slow careful way down the dark hall. I was filled with a love for him that was so strong that my. eyes watered. He was mtn daddy and he wasn't perfect,. but I loved him with a love that was so strong it was palpable. I loved the way he smiled and the way he would throw his head back and laugh when something tick- led him. I loved the way he pinned nick- names on us like "Sweetie" and "Darlin'" and "Cookie." I loved the way he walked, the way he talked and the way he looked at Mama. Suddenly nothing would do but for me to meet him down that hallway and give him a big hug. I knew in my little heart that he was the one behind the magic of Christmas, and I was so overcome with gratitude and joy that I just had to release it or bust. I rounded the corner into the hallway, walking toward the sound of Daddy's foot- steps, my arms outstretched in preparation for the hug I was going to deliver. I didn't think anything of it when Daddy stopped short, I just continued on, groping blindly for the object of my affection. When finally I came in contact with his knees, I threw my arms around them and squeezed tightly. Daddy made a sound something like "ohhh ... hu ... huuuuuuh" and then, a shudder passed through him that, to me, felt like an earthquake. He never said a word and neither did I. I simply waded around him and made my way on back to bed. It was years later when I learned that early-morning hug was something entirely different to my dad. What he saw in that darkened hallway that Christmas was a small faceless specter in white materializing out of nowhere. And with my long night- gown brushing the floor, it appeared to him that I was floating. It was a sheer miracle he didn't drop- kick'me across the house out of reflex! For me, that Christmas was much like any other. For my dad, it was one that he would never forget. . After all, it was the year he got a visit from the Ghost of Christmas Cookie. Merry Christmas Thank you to A ?all our faithful Pioneer Restaurant customers for ---------- o u r p a tro n a g e this past year. May God bless you in 2006! Jed and Anniebell ,222. Hwy. 17 at intersection 64 Zolfo Springs 735-0726 S ,. ",; 'I Whatever didnY' k make it into Santa's Bag can still be found at EMILY RAYI 4e . 8B The Herald-Advocate, December 22, 2005 During the past week, sheriff's deputies and city police officers investigated the following incidents and made the following arrests: COUNTY Dec. 19, Rachel Marie Ballard, 18, and Joseph Daniel Fleeger, 25, both of 432 Magnolia Ave., Sebring, were arrested by Dep. Eric Thompson and each charged with burglary of a structure and grand theft. Fleeger was also charged with possession of'burglary tools. Dec. 19, a 15-year-old Zolfo Springs youth was arrested by Sgt. L. A. Hart and charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and no valid license. Dec. 18, Moses Ramirez, 43, of 35 U.S. 17 North, Wauchula, was arrested by Sgt. Sylvia Estes and charged with disorderly intoxication. Dec. 17, Elzra Anthony Small, 36, of 5215 Dixiana Drive, Bowling Green, was arrested by corrections Sgt. B. Keith Powell on a Polk County charging him with non-support. Dec. 16, Robert Elwood Selph, 43, of 2664 Griffin Road, Wauchula, was arrested by Dep. Joe Marble on a warrant charging him with violation of probation (original charge possession of drug paraphernalia). Dec. 16, "Linda Joyce Johnston, 48, of 3428 Acorn Drive, Zolfo Springs, was arrested by Dep. Joe Marble on warrants charging her with violation of probation (original charges possession pf marijuana and two, counts possession of drug paraphernalia). She had originally been arrested by Marble on Dec. 14 on a warrant charging her with violation of probation (original charge purchase of marijuana). ,' Dec. 15, Blakeslee Lee Dodge, 22, of 315 SR 62, Bowling Green, was arrested by Dep. Joe Marble on a warrant charging him with violation of probation (original charge retail theft). He had originally been arrested by Sgt. Sylvia Estes on Dec. 14 on a charge of retail theft). Dec. 15, Eliseo Sanchez Jr., 23, of 221 Palmetto St., Wauchula, was arrested by corrections Ofc. R. Bryant on Polk County warrants charging him with violation of probation (original charges trafficking in metham- phetamine, conspiracy to traffic in methamphetamine and possession of -:methamphetamine). Dec. 15, David Allen Roe, 38, P.O. Box 1131, Wauchula, was arrested .by Dep. Joe Marble on a warrant charging him' with violation of probation .(original charge felony driving while license suspended). Dec. 15, Celestino Bautista Garcia Jr., 14, of 1752 Star Ave.,: Wauchula, was arrested by Dep. Larry Cook and charged with carrying a /' concealed weapon on school grounds. Dec. 15, thefts on Sasser, and Griffin roads were reported. Dec. 14, Joe Paladin Johns, 29, of 9135 SR 64, Ona, was arrested by corrections Ofc. R. Bryant on a Hillsborough County warrant alleging fail- ure to appear in court on a charge of possession of marijuana. , Dec. 14, Dimas Vasquez Guardiola,, 47, of 4044 Dixianna Drive, 8 Bowling Green, was arrested by Dep. Joe Marble on a capias alleging fail- ure to pay a fine on a conviction for domestic battery. Dec. 14, David Rivera, 38, of 8545 Chinook Road, Zolfo Springs,. was arrested by Sgt. James Adler for failure to appear in court on charges of domestic battery, trafficking in a controlled substance. possession/dis- charge of firearm during a felony, possession of a firearm by a felon, pos- session of a short-barrel shotgun. possession of drug paraphernalia and dri- ving while license suspended. Dec. 14, Mary Ann Sanders, 37, of 805 CR 64 East, Avon Park, was^ arrested by Sgt. James Adler on a warrant charging her with non-support. I qG E S S IVE REPRESENTATION I PUBLIC NOTICE The PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD meeting as the Hardee County Planning Agency will hold a public hearing on Thursday, January 05, 2006, 6:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter in the BCC Board Room 412 West Orange St. Courthouse Annex Room 102, Wauchula, FL n.' '; for the following request: Agenda No. .. 06.12 Barbara M. Ruth, Trustee requests a Rezone of 4.70MOL ac from F-R (Farm-Residential) to R-2 (Two-Family Residential) to allow for no-less-than-7,500-sq-ft lots in this portion of Town of Limestone S/D for Parcel No. 03 36 24 0850 00020 0013 to be used to its highest and best use. On or abt Lawrence/Prescott--Limestone community 0336 24 0850 00020 0013. 4.70MOL ac All BIk 9 & All BIk 20 & All alleys in BIks 9 & 20 & 40 ft lying adja- cent to E bdry of BIk 20 & Erie St W of RR RIW & E of Prescott Ave, Town, of Limestone S03. T36S. R24E Roger Conley, Chairman, Planning/Zoning Board PUBLIC NOTICE The BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS will hold a Public Hearing to receive recommendations from the Planning/Zoning Board on Thursday, January 19, 2006, 8:35 A.M. or as soon thereafter 412 West Orange St. Courthouse Annex Room 102, Wauchula, FL for Agenda No. 06-12 Clifton N. Timmerman., Ch lrmin, Board of County Commissioners This is a Disabled-Accessible facility. Any disabled person needing to make special arrangements should contact the Building/Zoning Department at least two (2) working days prior to the public hearing. This Public Notice Is published In accordance with the Hardee County Land Development Code. Copies of the documents relating to these proposals are available for public inspection during weekdays between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. at the Zoning Department, 401 West Main Street, Wauchula, Florida. All Interested persons shall have the right to 'be heard. In rendering any decision the Boards shall rely solely on testimony that is relevant and material. Although minutes of the Public Hearings will be recorded, anyone wishing to appeal any decision made at the public hearings will need to ensure a verbatim record of the proceedings is made by a court reporter. 12:15,22c Dec. 14, a 16-year-old Arcadia youth was arrested by a DeSoto County officer on a charge of aggravated domestic battery. Dec. 14, residential burglaries on Kings and Petteway roads, thefts on East Main Street, U.S. 17 North and Webb Road and a vehicle stolen on East Main Street were reported. Dec. 13, Bernado Perdoza, 32, of 209 E. Main St., Wauchula, was arrested by Sgt. James Adler and charged with retail theft. Dec. 13, criminal mischief on West Main Street was reported. Dec. 12, Edward Timothy Lewis, 25, of 212 W. Park St., Lakeland, was arrested on charged of possession of cocaine, possession of marijuana, pos- session of drug paraphernalia and driving with knowledge of a suspended license. Dec. 12, Jose Luis Garcia, 43, of 2426 River Road, Johns Island, S. C., was arrested by corrections Dep. Earl Harrison on a warrant charging him with violation of probation (original charge DUI). Dec. 12, Daphne Nicole Ward, 14, of 4586 Pringle Road, Bowling Green, was arrested by Dep. Matt Tinsley and charged with grand theft auto. Dec. 12, a theft on Moore Road, and vehicles stolen on Pringle Road and U.S. 17 South was reported. WAUCHULA Dec. 17, Paul Ureste, 34, of 540 Murphy Road, Wauchula, was arrest- ed by Sgt. John Eason and charged with DUI. Dec. 16, Raymond Lester Richardson, 45, of 624 Hyde St., Wauchula, was arrested by Ofc. Gabe Garza on a Hillsborough County warrant charg- ing him with violation of probation (original charge soliciting to deliver cocaine). Dec. 15, thefts on U. S. 17 North and U.S. 17 South were reported. Dec. 13,'Margarita Morales Rojas, 39, of 1602 SE Third Ave., Arcadia, was arrested by Ofc. Robert Spencer and charged with DUI with'property damage, and leaving the scene of a crash involving injury. Dec. 13, Rita Marie Sweatt, 19, of 805 N. Ninth Ave., Wauchula, was arrested by Det. Sgt. David Simpson and charged with two counts posses- sion of marijuana and two counts possession of drug paraphernalia. Dec. 13, Daniel Ross Pelham, 21, of 103 N. Florida Ave., Wauchula, was arrested by Ofc. Gabe Garza on a capias alleging failure to appear in court on a charge of possession of marijuana. Garza also charged him with resisting arrest without force. Dec. 13, a business burglary on U.S. 17 South was reported. Dec. 12, crimiinal mischief on Carlton Street was reported. BOWLING GREEN Dec. 19, Octavio Martinez, 18, of 4807 Bryan Ave., Bowling Green, was arrested by Sgt. Edward Coronado and charged with shooting into an occupied vehicle and five counts aggravated assault with a firearm. Dec. 17, Joseph Adam Redfearn, 23, of 1381 SE Airport Road, Arcadia, was arrested by Ofc. Jereme Bridges and charged with DUI. Dec. 17, Valencia D'Auria Gasper, 16, of 4705 U.S. 17 North, Bowling ,Green, was arrested by Dep. Jereme Bridges and charged with battery on a detainee. ' Dec. 15, a 16-year-1old Bowling Green youth was arrested by Capt. Brett Dowden and charged with domestic violence battery. Dec. 13, Areli Hernandez Jiminez, 20, ard Manuel Hernandez, 19, . Both of 4525 Chester St., Bowling Green, were arrested by Ofc. Jereme Bridges and each charged with obstruction of justice and resisting arrest without force. Dec. 12, Darryl Ross Mathis, 43, of 4108 U.S. 17 North, Bowling iGreen, was arrested by Ofc. Jereme Bridges and charged with disorderly '.intoxication. i ZOLFO SPRINGS Dec. 18, Glenn Theadore Curry Jr., 20, 'of 210 Bell St., Wauchula, was arrested by Ofc. Warren Brittingham on a warrant charging him with viola- tion of probation (original charge possession of drug paraphernalia). Dec. 18, Daniel J. O'Shea, 59, of 3807 Cliffdale Drive. Valrico, was arrested by Ofc. Ricky Selph and charged with DUI and possession of a . controlled substance w without a prescription. Dec. 17, Timothy Michael Smith, 21, of 1516 Sixth St., Palmetto, was arrested by Ofd Robert Mushrush and charged with possession of marijua- na arid possession of drug paraphernalia. Dec. 14, Rodney Joel Battiest, 34, of 12 Mockingbird Lane, Perryville, Ark., was arrested by Sgt. Brandon Lambert and Ofc. Warren Brittingharn and charged with theft and fleeing to elude a police officer using lights and siren. ' Dec. 14, Seledonio Mendoza Trinidad, 25, of 4011 Virginia Trail, West 'Palm Beach, was arrested by Ofc. Warren Brittingham and sheriff's Sgt. Sylvia Estes on warrants charging him with violation of community con- trol-house arrest (original charge grand theft) and violation of probation ;(original charges two counts forgery, habitual driving while license sus- pended and fleeing to elude a police officer). Trinidad was additionally .charged w ith obstruction, possession of drug paraphernalia, grand theft auto, possession of methamphetamine and habitual driving while licenses suspended. NOTICE OF ACTION BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IN RE: The Teacher's Certificate of: Michael Netercott 2555 Highway 17 South Wauchula, Florida 33873 Notice is hereby given to Michael Netercott, Respondent, of the prosecution of an Administrative Complaint seeking the revocation or suspension of his teacher's certificate. If Respondent, Michael Netercott wishes to schedule an infor- mal conference under the provisions of Section 120.60(6) with all requirements for the retention of the certificate, he should contact Joshua Abbott, Bureau of Professional Practices Services, Florida Education Center, Room 224-E, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, (850) 245-0438. If 'such a conference is not requested, this notice shall con- stitute service of the Administrative Complaint, which shall be filed with the Education Practices Commission. Failure to file a response to the complaint with the Education Practices Commission, Florida Education Center, Room 224- E, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, by January 25, 2006, shall con- stitute holding the Respondent in default. The Complaint will then be considered by the Education Practices Commission for final action to impose disciplinary sanctions, including , revocation or suspension, under the terms of Sections 120.57, 120.60, 1012.79, 1012.795, and 1012.796, Florida Statutes. PLEASE BE GOVERNED ACCORDINGLY. Dated this 22nd day of November, 2005 John L. Winn Commissioner of Education 12:15-1:5c Crystal Lake RV News By Joyce Taylor Our thoughts are with Milt BINGO Miller, Ted Saunders and Annie The paper special winner on Dec. Wilkison who have had surgery or 9 was Darlene Henry and the paper are in the hospital. special winner on Dec. 12 was again Darlene Henry. Looks. like CHRISTMAS Darlene is on a winning streak. There was a good crowd at the SCORES Rec Hall on Saturday, Dec. 7, for Cribbage Dec.7: high games, the tree decorating. Nancy Howard Johnson,'719; Ed Olson, Morrison directed the Chime Choir, 705; Dick Robisori;,' 688. Skunks, and then the Crystal Lake Band Esther Boddy (2), Dick Robinson, played. Refreshments were served Carl Stromme, Gary Breyer, Mert after the entertainment. The Park is Wolf, Jack Elofson, Marilynn looking great with all the fine deco- Martinez, Betty Johnson and Claire rating everyone has done on their Shaw. units. The golf cart parade will be at, Pinochle Dec. 8: high games, 6 p.m. on Dec. 24. Don't forget to Charlie Molett, 629; Harold have your luminaries on for the Johnson, 625; George Miller, 618. parade. The awards for the best dec- Double pinochle, Harold Johnson. orated units will be presented after Shuffling Dec. 13: three game the parade. Refreshments will be winners were Bob Beshel, Bob served after the presentations. Bundy, Carolyn Gordon, Joe Leverone and Mert Wolf. Shuffling DANCES will resume in January. The band for New Year's Eve is Night Train. Tickets, for the dance CHURCH are now on sale. The next dance, There were 81 residents and visi- with Southern Gold, will be on Jan. tors that attended church service 14. .Dec. 11 in the Rec Hall. Maxine E AStromme was the greeter. Nancy KOFFEE KLATCH Morrison directed the choir in The hosts Dec. 14 were Dick singing "While Shepherds Watched Barker, Stella Niebauer and Dave Their Flocks By Night" accompa- and Shirley O'Neal. The U.S. nied by Wilma Behymer. The pledge was led by Pete Princing, organist and pianist played "What Sylvia Baker led the Canadian Child Is This?" during the receiving pledge and LeeRoy Behymer led of the offering. Boy Wilday and S: the prayer. Carolyn Gordon remind-' Lowell Gordon were ushers. Rev. ed everyone to bring non-perishable Winne's sermon "Parents Hope for items for the Love Barrel on Dec. their Children" was based on St. 121. for free coffee and donuts. All Luke's Gospel Chapter I Verse 32. toy donations and gifts with mitten Hymns used during the service 'tags should be under the tree by were "0 Come, All Ye Faithful"; Dec. 21. The winners of the doll "Joy To The World"; and "My raffle were Pat and Herb Kimball. Savior's Love." The service closed The 50/50 winners were Pete and with everyone joining in singing Donna Princing, Theresa and Bruce "God Be With You Till We Meet Woods, Sheila and Bert Barr and Again." Larry and Ellie Schunck. Midge Saunders, Erland Scribner and Hall Wilson all won three merchant gift The first gas pump was made certificates. These winners should The first gas pump was made schedule a time so we can all throw, by Sylvanus F. Bowser of Fort them in the pool as this is the cus- Wayne, Indiana, and delivered to tom if you win three times on the on September 5, 1885. same day. ' Legal Holiday Notice We will be closed Monday, December 26, 2005 in observance of Christmas -- -"--- Please transact your business with Us with that in mind. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAUCHULA SP '12:22C Legal Holiday Notice We will, be closed Monday, December 26, 2005 In observance of Christmas Wauchula Bowling Green Zolfo Springs- F 12:22c IDecember 22, 2005, The I lerald-Advocate 9B Wagon Wheel RV News By Virginia Merriman CHURCH NEWS AND PRAYERS The sermon was by Rev. Deyman Darley and there was 28 attending. The choir sang "Go, Tell It On The Mountain." Special music was sung. -by Cloyce Swisher. We have some on our prayer list: John and Gladys Chambers, Clarence Barbor, Earl Van Raalte, Barbara Gersema, Joe Nelles and Enos Yoder. May God :get them well and back with us. soon. COFFEE KLATCH The new people in the hall this week was Orville and Mickey. Frank and Mary Ann Drust and Jan ,.Custer. The birthdays this week are. Wilma Beveridge, Mickey Jones and Jean Alexander and the only anniversary was Dale and Linda Brewer. May God watch over everyone traveling home for the .holidays or just coming to Florida for the winter. COMING PARK EVENTS Wayne and the Pilgrims Jam will be at the red barn at 7 p.m. on Jan. 6. They will be playing the Old "Country Classics and Southern ",Gospel and he dance floor will be '",open.. Sausage and biscuit breakfast .on Dec. 16 from 8 until 9:30 a.m. The Christmas Eve party will be at 7 p.m. (please bring finger foods and a gift to trade if you want). Christmas dinner will be 1 p.m. Dec. 25 (please bring a dish to pass).' The 50/50 went to Wayne Bonner. " for the fourth Monday, (everyone is 'glad that he is going home for Christmais and New Year's as that will give the others a chance to have their number drawn). MERCHANT CERTIFICATES The merchant certificates went to Jan Custer. Mary Thomason, Art Brown. Kenneth Reichel. Anita' Verrcault, Gordon Lauver, Marge Love. Jean Alexander. Bob Sears, Mike (Ierri, Joyce Pearsall. Patsy Sieman. Mickey Jones, Bo Miller, Wayne Bonner. Mary Ann Drust, Marilyn Berry, Grace Moore. Bob, Bell, Deroy Knowlton, Ed Young and Gerale Stevens. PROGRESS EUCHRE There were seven tables playing. The high man was 'red Metherell with 69 points, runner-up man was Bob Sears with 67 points, and the low men were Bo Miller and Francis Smith. The high lady was Shirley Swisher with 76 points and runner-up lady was Joyce Bates with 76 points. The low lady was Eunice Franks with 47 points. Under the chair was Barbara Miller, We had Barbara Miller and Lynn Metherell that got Skunks.to take- home for the' week. BID EUCHRE There were two tables playing. The high men were Bob Sears and Earl Bodary with 245 points each and the low man was'Ted Herkimer. The high lady was Shirley Swisher with 287 points and the low lady was Ginne Merriman with 158 points. SHUFFLEBOARD .The elimination play-off was Tuesday. First place was won by Betty Vineyard and Mike Lavigne with 84 points and the second went to Shirley Swisher and Francis- Smith with 45 points. We will be shuffling with Crystal Lake on Thursday at their park. On The Local Links CRYSTAL LAKE MEN'S LEAGUE A or B + C or D best ball was the game of the week. With a net total of 63, the team of Jim Paddock, Charlie McKnight, Dick Barker and Jack Mocrell .took first place. Dewey Morrison, Pete Princing, Frank Montgomery and Gaylord Williams scored a 65, as did Aurele DuFour, Reggie Page, Harold Johnson and W.R. Johnson, tying for second place. CRYSTAL LAKE LADIES' LEAGUE The play was low net plus putts. Aideen DeFour came in first with 51. Barb Newman took second place with 53. Memory Lane p .... ,,.., ,, --_ ----- ------ -- -- -- PHOTr SL.BATIrrIED 6, FA ijES Cn C .RE '_i ,Ar SThi-iLE Fifty years ago, the local Lions Club and Kiwanis Club each had a quartet, and there was actually a con- test between the two. Frances Crews Cowart Stickle, whose late husband was a member of the Lions Club quartet, says "I think the Lions Club won it." Her husband, Olin Cowart, died four years after this picture was taken. Pictured (from left) are the Rev. Kenneth Bain, Cowart. Lloyd Carlton and Kelly Lyons. Lawrence A. Roberts says he remembers the contest, and says this event was the forerunner of the later infamous Lions Club Minstrel held annually at the City Hall Auditorium. SHARE YOUR OLD PHOTOS WITH US! Take readers on a walk down Memory Lane by sharing your photos Irom Hardee Counly's past Bring your submissions lo the newspa- per chice at 115 S Seventh Ave or mail to The Herald-Advocate, P.O. Box 338, Wauchula., FL 33873. Photos will be returned Serving our Heartland Community Since 1974 * Excellence in Eye Care * Friendly Service * Family Atmosphere * Latest Technology Dr. Ronald 0. Sevigny Dr. C.N. Timmerman Board Certified Optometric Physicians 210 US Hwy 27 North, Avon Park 863-453-3850 Dr. Terry G. Johnson Board Certified Optometric\Phusician 41.0 South 6th Ave., Wauchula 863-773-3322 12:22c 10B The Herald-Advorate, December 22, 2005 Cats Cruise Past Mulberry 83-55 By JOAN SEAMAN Of The Herald-Advocate The .Hardee Wildcat varsity hoopsters again dominated the Mulberry PantherKs. Repeating their Dec. 1 victory in Mulberry, the Wildcats started slug- gishly and gradually gained control in the 83-55 win at home Friday night. It came on the heels of a 67-54 loss to the Class 5A Lakeland Dreadnaughts last Monday evening in Lakeland. The Cats will take a brief break but will suit up Dec. 27-30 for at least three games in the holiday Manatee Invitational. Game times have not been announced. The regular season resumes on- Jan. 3 at district rival Sebring. The Cats are 1-1 in Class 4-A District 10 action, losing to the seventh- ranked Sarasota Booker Tornadoes. and beating Braden River. Other teams in the district are-Avon Park, DeSoto and Palmetto. LAKELAND 67, HARDEE 54 The 'Cats started on an even tempo with the Dreadnaughts, trail- ing 16-15 after the first period. "Then we quit boxing out and let their athletic players swoop in. We just got lackadaisical. It was the same in the third quarter; we were not excited," said Wildcat head coach Vance Dickey. Hardee had particular difficulty with Lakeland senior standout Jordan Prais, who had a triple dou- ble, 'finishing with' 24 points, a dozen rebounds and 10 blocked *shots. Three-pointers kept the Cats in reasonable distance. Chris Rich had. three, Thelinor "Lino" Jena two and Weston Palmer one. "In the fourth 'quarter, we applied pressure and got the Lakeland lead 'down to 10 points, but we just ran out of gas. We need to get some consecutive wins, and focus on fun- damentals,". said Dickey. Palmer, a junior, led- the Cats with 17 points, including six-of-six at 'the charity stripe. Rigoberto DeJesus had a dozen points. for Lakeland, with a four-for-four night at the line. For Hardee, Rich chipped in with 13 points, and Jena had 10. Jermaine King had eight points, Arnold Louis three, Terry Redden two and Reggie Grizzard a free throw. HARDEE 83, MULBERRY 55 Hardee got the first and last points of this game. Rich dished to Mark St. Fort and Jena fed Louis as Hardee took a 4-0 advantage in the first two minutes. Mulberry got the hot hand, with senior Wesley Harris and junior John Rowland getting back-to-back shots to tie the game. A trey by Rowland gave Mulberry a brief lead, but Wildcat senior Robbie Jones nailed the first of his trio of. treys to knot the game at 7-all. A shot by senior Melvin Walker started the Panthers on a six-point spree and by the end of the first period, the Cats were trailing 19- 14. Starting the second period. Rowland and Hardee's King traded shots.. Panther soph Tre Sampson" got a hoop and free throw and Palmer sliced through the lane for a. scoop shot. When Jones hit again,, Mulberry was.up 26-21. The Cats intensified the tempo. Jones nailed another trey, %hic-, Harris answered with a deuce. St. Fort rebounded 'a Palmer shot and hit the foul shot as well. When Jones passed to Harris for a ihree- pointer, Hardee ,had regained 'the' lead 30-28. Harris made a jumper in the key to tie the game. Rich threw to Palmer on. the move for a bank shot and Hardee took a lead the Cats would 'not relinquish. Rich went down the key, Arnold; took a long pass on the run for a deuce. As halftime approached, a Rich shot was blocked against the 'backboard and he was awarded the points. Hardee had a 38-32 lead: . ."The first half hfas not as good a defense as we need and as. a conse- quence Mulberry got several; shots. Inr the second half, we turned up the defense and took the pressure off the offense. Lino' (Jena) was the catalyst on defense. He turned up the defense and the rest responded. Adrian Melendez says: d Let me show you the new "Ford Country". lA OTl=nR Ft. Meade STEDEIVIgin 375-2606 t12 22c T I 800-226-3325 Viw-,st C/ Sdav nwu 408 'Tas 9t1lain Swee9t, 'aucut'.a Lessons, Instruments, Accessories, SKmndermusic, & Piano Tuning Piano, Violin, Guitar, all Band Instruments (863) POP TUNE " .: Family Practice of Fort Meade Dick Kennedy, PA Sunaina Khurana, MD Donald Geldart, MD Primary care for the entire family, including physical and preventive care Most major forms of insurance accepted Now accepting new patients 863-285-2322 13 W. Broadway Fort Meade, FL 33841 S= = 2:15,22c With a better defense. the shots started falling." commented Dickey. Mulberry never quit. but was clearly outmatched when the Hardee defense-offense clicked. Within 90 seconds. Hardee had soared to a 45-32 advantage, and continued to make it' 62-43 as the third quarter ended. New faces spelled the starters and Hardee continued to control the game, outscoring Mulberry 21-12 in the' final quarter. Mulberry played everyone. Harris topped the Panthers with 19 points and Walker added 16. Five other Panthers scored. For the Cats, Palmeir equaled the game-high with 19 points, includ- ing 10 in the final period. St. Fort had his best night to date with 16 points. Rich added 11, Jones and King each nine, Louis eight, Jena five, Olnel Virgile four and Tyrone Pace two points. ''I'm happy with this'game, not the margin of victory, but doing the stuff we worked on in practice: We are showing improvement and will need to continue that in the new. year. The. defense is the key, whether it's a half-court of full- court game," concluded Dickey. JV GAMES The: junior varsity followed the same pattern as the varsity, losing at Lakeland 53-39 and beating -Mulberry 55-48. "We were just outmatched, at Lakeland. 'It wasn't pretty. We fought back, scrapped and battled, but we are .still learning the game," said head coach Rod Smith.: Soph Jaime Harrison topped A Daily Thought THURSDAY A .green Shoot will sprout from, Jesse's stump (father of David); from his roots a budding Branch. The life-giving Spirit of God will hover 'over Him, the Spirit that brings wisdom and understanding, the. Spirit that gives direction and builds strength,. the Spirit that. institutes knowledge and Fear-of-God. Isaiah 11:1b-2 (ME) FRIDAY Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from, the East came to Jerusalem, saying, "Where is He. who has been born king of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come toworship Him." . ; anil eia 2 1-2 RS I SATURDAY This King wiill be glad to obey , the Lord God. He will not judge by the in ay things look or decide by what He hears. But He will . judge the poor honestly;: He will be fair in His decisions for the .' poor people. of the land' Isaiah '11:3-4 (NCV) . SUNDAY The star which they had seen went ahead ,of them until it stopped above the place' where the Child lay. At the sight of the star they were overjoyed. Matthew 2:9b-10 (NEB) MONDAY ' In that day,. He who created the royal dynasty of David will be the banner of salvation to all the world. The. nations will rally to Him, for the land where He lives will be a. glorious place. TIsaiah 11:10 (TLB) TUESDAY So they went into the house and saw the little Child with His mother Mary. And they fell oh their knees and worshiped Him. Then they opened their trea- :sures and presented Him with gifts, gold, frankincense and .myrih: . Matthew 2:11-12 (NEB) WEDNESDAY In that day you will say, "I will 'praise you, 0 Lord. Surely, God is my salvation. I will trust and. not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord is my strength and .my song. He has become my salva- tion." Isaiah 12:1a-2 (NIV) Hardee with 14 points and class- mate Jimmy Cimeus added 10. Dusty Massey had a half dozen, Postene Louisjeune three, and Lucas Juarez, Akeem Frazier and Marwin Simmons each two points. Against Mulberry, the JV Cats also had a slow start, trailing 15-9 at the end of quarter one and 30-24 at halftime. The tempo picked up in the second half, with each team having a momentum streak. The Cats cut the Panther lead to 38-35 by the end of the.third period. Simmons took a pass from Louisjeune to start the Wildcat scoring 20 seconds into the second half. When Cimeus. passed to 'Simmons, who made a shot as he fell, Hardee had a 39-38 advantage. Then, it was Hardee control, gradu- ally; increasing its lead as the Panthers ran out of steam. They kept between one and three points down. for a couple of minutes, but the junior Wildcat pressure proved too much. Josh Jackson' hit both ends of a one-and-one and Louisjeune rebounded a missed free throw in the final seconds to give Hardee its 55-48 lead. Louisjeune took over the game, scoring 10 of 'his game-high 21 points in' the final period. Cimeus chipped in with seven. Harrison, Massey and Pete Solis each had a half dozen, and Simmons and Jackson shared four points apiece. Alex Flores hit one-'of-two at the foul line. Efrain Fermin, Anthony 'Carlton and Lucas Juarez added to the flopr game. ABOUT.. School News The Herald-Advocate encourages submissions from Hardee County schools. Photos and write- ups shouldbe of recent events, and must include first and last names for both students and teachers. Identify photos front to back, left to right. Deadline for submis- sions its 5 p.m. on Thursday. Please include the name and phone number of a con- tact person. Qualifying items will be published as space allows. s COURTESY PHOTO Dale Bohnett's fish were 21 and 19 inches The Oasis RV News By Inez McFalls PANCAKE BREAKFAST What a morning! Folks were lined up outside at 7:45 a.m. on Saturday Dec. 10, waiting to eat the pancakes cooked by Fred Marsh and sausagesfried by Forest Groom while Hiis wife. Alice baked biscuits. Jo Moore and Jbni Branham made terrific sausage gravy. There were many smiling faces. RAIN OR SHINE Sunday, Dec 11 brought 57 listen- ers to enjoy the talents of 20 musi- cians. We began outside and moved in when the weather changed. No change in the fun,'though. 50/50 winners Were Frank Ross, Janet Sterry, Pat Perrault, and Ruth Law. Coupon winners were Dave Anderson, Ed Tipton, Wayne Peevy, Mary Sanford and Dale Bohnett. AROUND THE PARK Several of our good friends have headed north for the holidays. We miss them already and wish them safe travel in the winter weather. Many of us get out to exercise each day. Some of us walk to the Ppst Office and a group of us carpool to Pioneer. Park and walk for two hours each morning. We started crafts on Tuesday afternoons and hope to get bigger turnout after the holidays. Monday night is: movie night and, this week we watched "Santa Claus," just hilari-. ous! Mark Herman surprised the movie club with. a brand- new VCR/DVD player. Yet another '-.1 - ~. 'I yummy covered dish on Wednesday the 14. Over 30 of us enjoyed the selections; which included Jim Walton's excellent homemade bread and George Semler's sweet pickles. GAMES Bingo rocks and rolls on each Tuesday and Thursday, with an average of 25 players each night. Audrey Semler and Joni' Branham took recent jackpots and each night four people won mer-: chant coupons. Pokeno had six and -Dee Cooper and Charlotte Longueuil were the big winners. There were five of us playing Phase 10 and Dale Bohnett won. Each night the clubhouse isn't in use our faithful domino players are there. You can tell from the noise that they are having a ball. The chief value of money lies in the fact that one lives in a world in which it is overestimated. -H. L. Mencken New Year's Eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights. --Hamilton Wright Mabie ^-- -9 -I FELDS EQUIPMENT Hwy 17 South Zofo Springs 735-1122 U ) -' i1.~ J I K - L - All verses are excerpted from The Holy Bible: (KJV) King James Version; '(ME) The Message; (NCV) New erntury Version; (NEB) New English Bible; (NIV) New International Version; (RSV) Revised Standard Version; (PME) Phillips Modern English; and (TLB) The Living Bible. ri) -(7' ,;- \lj 5./. ,St i.--- orowide Holiday Discounts Rl Bikge, Trikos and John Dooro Apparol JOHN DEERE Stop in and see us! C 1rist in 12:1-22C December 22, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 11B 'he Swami hn Szeligo Well, Football Fans, it is the most wonderful time of the year. It is Bowl Season and time to look at the early bowl games. There will be eight bowl games played before next week's edition. Many of the smaller con- ferences and the 6-5/7-4 teams get the spotlight before the heavyweights take the stage after Dec. 28. Not that these games are not important to the schools playing. Exposure on television and extra practice make coaches very happy. in this holiday period. College recruiting goes on reg"-dless until Feb. 2. Urban Meyer must have majored in astronomy while m ,.-J.;Pege. He is gathering so many 5-Star recruits for this class it's making th otherr SEC schools and state rivals cringe. Rivals ( the recruiting service) should have the Florida recruiting class ranked number one. FSU is looking for offensive linemen primarily. Miami has been struggling early but history says they will finish with some surprises. USF is collecting another good class also. JUCO defensive line- men and high school players on the defensive line have been highly rated in the Bulls class so far. Now, let's look at this week's Bill O' Fare: 1. GMAC Bowl in Mobile, Ala. UTEP 8-3 vs. Toledo 8-3. The Miners started off with a bang'but faded faster than a Virginia Tech squad down the stretch. Late season losses to UAB and SMU have CUSA folks shaking their heads. Jordan Palmer, Carson's brother, has passed for 3,340 yards and 28 TDsthis season. Toledo counters with a pretty solid QB of its own in Bruce Gradkowski. This may not be the Marshall, 64 East Carblina 61 thriller of 2003 but look for a high scoring entertaining game. UTEP 48 Toledo 38. 2. Las Vegas Bowl California 7-4 vs. BYU 6-5 Viva Las Vcgas, leave some tickets for Elvis! The Bears have played a much tougher sched- ule. However, they started stronger and finished with a whimper. BYU has 'improved over the season. John Beck has passed for 3,347 yards and 24 TDs for BYU. Cal counters with a strong run game.Lynch and Forsett have 2,000 rushing yards between them. California 33 BYU 27. 3. Poinsettia Bowl in San Diego Navy 7-4 vs. Colorado State 6-5. Navy boasts the nation's leading rushing offense. CSU is ranked 104th against the run. The Rams do have a prolific passing game. Justin Holland has passed for 2,800 yards. He is considered a sleeper in the NFL draft this year. Many beleive he will be a surprise in the NFL. David Anderson has broken into the 3,000 career receiving club. He is Holland's top target. A good contest in terms of different styles in this game. This will be a fun game to watch. Navy 31 Colorado State 30. 4. Fort Worth Bowl Kansas 6-5 vs. Houston 6-5. Houston has not won a bowl game since the. Garden State Bowl in 1980. Kevin Kolb has passed for over 3,000 yards for the Cougars. Kansas has the number 19th - ranked defense to counter the Houston offense which is ranked 14th nation- ally. Houston 27 Kansas 20. 5. Sheraton Hawaii Bowl UCF 8-3 vs. Nevada. 8-3 Two teams with similar styles. and playmakers. The difference ? Nevada is from the WAC while UCF is, after all, a team from Florida. Speed and football tal- ent will give the Golden Knights the edge in this one. It is UCF's first ever bowl game. The team is young and prone to mistakes but, recovering from 0-11 in 2004 to, this bowl season makes the Knights the favorite. UCF 34 *Nevada 21. 6. Motor City Bowl Memphis 6-5 vs. Akron 7-5. DeAngelo Williamrs is. a career 5,000-yard -rusher. Only Tony Dorsett and Archie Griffin,can say that with him. He will run through the Zips like a train. Akron\got lucky with the departure of Charlie Fr\ e to the NFL. Luke Getsy transferred from Pitt (smart move Luke) to lead the Zips with 3,000 passing yards this season. The Tigers will keep him off the field by controlling the ground game in this one however.Memphis 38 Akron 24.. 7. Champs Sports Bowl in Orlando Clemson 7-4 vs. Colorado 7-5. Colorado has been outscored .100-6 in its last two games.Long trip for a team in trouble. Clemson is young and willliave its rabid fans in the Citrus Bo\l Charlie Whitehurst should be healed and have a good game.. Clemson 35 Colorado 16., 8.Insight Dot. Comn Bowl in Arizona Rutgers 7-4 vs. Arizona State 6-5. The Rutgers Scarlett Knights are playing in their first bowl game since 1978. They-finished with the exact record and the bowl game just like the Swami predicted in .Au Lgs' Now, can they win it playing on the home turf of the Sun Devils2 Rutgers has a solid run game behind Frosh Ray Rice and Senior Brian Leonard. For Big East Pride -Rutgeris 31 ASU 27. This week in history, as researched from the archival pages of The Florida Advocate,: the Hardee County Herald and The Herald-Advocate of... 75 YEARS AGO Sheriff- And Deputy Get 40 Gallons Of Whisky: Sheriff C.S. Dishong and Deputy F.S. Kelso made a raid on a filling station near the eastern county line on the Avon Park road Monday and seized 40 gallons of whiskey. It was the first raid in some time, and will cut the supply of Christmas whiskey short by 40' gallons. Zolfo Bank To Pay Dividend Next Week: Earl M. Carlton,' receiver for the Citizens Bank of Zolfo Springs, announced that the bank will pay a dividend of five per cent, beginning next Monday, Dec. While the five per cent is not as large as the receiver said he would like to pay, it will come in quite timely for'those who need some extra cash for Christmas, and will no doubt be felt in trade circles, especially. Plans Taking Shape For Berry Festival: Plans for the second annual strawberry festival to be' held at Bowling Green are rapidly taking shape now and indications are that the event this year will be much larger and more extensive than that of last January. Governor Carlton Hurt In Accident: % Governor Doyle E. Carlton suffered serious injuries when the automobile in which he was riding with his two brothers, T.N. and C.S. Carlton, struck anoth- er car driven by a Negro and went into a ditch three miles south, from Fort Myers last Saturday night. 50 YEARS AGO Featured on Page One is the story of the birth of Jesus from Luke 2:1- 20. : A picture of Little Miss Hardee County is displayed on Page One. Eleven- year- old Hazel Rainey, daughter of Burton RaineN of' Wauchula, was chosen last Friday. night to represent Hardee County at the Santa Claus Bowl in Lakeland next week and compete for the title of Little Miss Florida. Shackelford Named ROTC Lt.- Col.: Lawrence .Shackelford, of Wauchula, pulled down one of the highest ROTC assignments at the University of Florida, according to a report made this week. He was promoted to lieutenant colonel. Lawrence is a senior at the universi- ty. Jaycee Christmas Party Dec. 24: All children in Hardee County are invited to attend the annual Jaycee Christmas party being staged for their benefit Saturday, Dec. 24, beginning at 9 a.m. at the Hardee theatre. 25 YEARS AGO Free Tree Seedlings Offered: Reservations are still being taken by the County Extension Office for orders of free Florida Slash Pine and Florida Red Cedar seedlings. Each year the, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, the Department of Forestry and the Wauchula Kiwanis Club offer this service for conservation purposes. Joe L. Davis Sr. with the Citrus Commission will chair a committee to begin a complete evaluation of current taxing and inspection proce- dures dealing with imported citrus products. Freeport and USS Agri- Chemicals Donate $20,000: Schools Superintendent John Terrell is. pictured accepting checks for $10,000 from Ron Cambre and Bill Huey representing Freeport Chemical, and Roy Knecht of USS Agri-Chemical. The money, will go toward the Recreation Complex on Altman Road. 10 YEARS AGO Agricultural Producers Will Rally Here: Central Florida agricultural producers will gather here tomor- row in protest of the North American Free Trade Agreement. A rally will be held beginning at 1 p.m. at, the Wauchula 'State Farmers Market. Producers will urge the federal government to fake action against what has been termed Mexican vegetable and cattle "dumping" on U.S. markets. couldn't overcome an abysmal first quarter to win the state title. Final score: Bolles, 28; Hardee, 21. Wauchula To Host Block Party: ....... --- Way Back When. Orange Blossom RV News By Sandi Pucevich COFFEE HOUR SatLrday, Dec. '10, had 40 resi- dents present. Coupon winners were Betty Brandel, Fred Stahle, Mert Atkinson, Vivien Jackson, Mary Lou Belanger, Marylin Catt, Mary Catozzi, Joannne Miller, Ron Sullivan, Virginia Kern, Carol Rick, Harland Albertson, Beth Thomas and J. D. Daggett. The 50/50 winners were Ardie McDonald and Harland Albertson. President Doris Geeting announced that Pat Craib will assist with updat- ing the park directory. Wednesday, Dec. 14, had 35 resi- dents present. Our speaker this morning was from Brant Funeral Chapel on cremation. There was much interest from residents and many questions were asked. Phyllis Goerbig chaired the coffee hour in the absence of President Doris Geeting. Coupon winners today were Julius Goerbig, Fred Stahle, Doris -O'Dell, Barbara Chipman, Betty Brandel, Mary Lou Belanger, J.D Dagget, Gladys Rule,. Howard Snider and Gerry Brackenrich. Faithful coffee makers were Jean Miller and Ardeth McDonald and doughnut runners were Herb and Marylin Catt, Our kitchen hosts this morning were Darlene and Ron Sullivan. Entertainment Director Phyllis Goerbig announced she is looking into a side to Tampa with boat cruise and a walk through the aquarium, then asked for a show of hands of those interested. CRIBBAGE Wednesday, Dec. 14, had .Fred Dale in first place with a 632, Eleanor Dale in second with 578 and Fred Stahle in third with 567. Wednesday, Dec. 14, had 'Doris Geeting in first with a 61, Judy Foreman in second with 54 and a tie for third between Carl Craib and Julius Goerbig with 53. Most loners was a tie between John Latour and Doris Geeting. The low for the evening was Ed Geeting with a 34. NOTES Many of our residents are either on their way or leaving soon to go back to the great north country for the Christmas holiday.We wish them all a safe journey and nice weather. Many of our residents are "under the weather" and to all of them we wish a speedy recovery. Merry Christmas to everyone and God bless. Holiday Changes Garbage Route The county landfill will be closed Dec. 24. On Friday, Dec. 23, garbage will be picked up as usual around the county. In Wauchula, no garbage will be picked up Monday and Mon- day's and Tuesday's routes will be picked up on Tuesday. In Bowiling Green, Monday's garbage will be picked up on Tuesday and Tuesday's gar- bage picked up on Wednesday. Garbage will be picked up as usual by Hardee Disposal as well as in Zolfo Snrinas EUCREhhrughout the holidays. Saturday, Dec. 10, had Millie -ALMOST! Wildcats.Title Hopes Shick in first place with 63, Bruce th Lost: A 1995 state football cham- Kammer in second with 59 and a tie The cyclotron, a machine that pionship was nearly jn the grasp of for third between Loretta Curtis and accelerates electronically-charged Hardee Wildcats last Saturday. Rich Henry with, 54. Rich Heanr atomic particles to high energies, Hardee outmaneivered the' had..the most loners with three andl was invented in 1930 by .Ernest ; Bolles Bulldogs for 36 minutes but low for the evening was Phyllis 0. Lawrence. He won a Nobel ran out' of time as the Wildcats Goerbig with a 32. Prize for this achievement. INTRODUCING THE 3- eai / year uR TUI FI C@A T APY iM.IDFLORIDi Community credit union y www.midflorida.com Stop by today! Or call 773-FREE Hablamos Espahiol * At the end of 36 months, you will have 30 days to perhaps'raise your yield to the then prevailing yield on a 60-month certificate.for.the final two years on this 5-year certificate. Should the then prevailing yield be less than 5%, do nothing and continue to earn the 5% yield for the final 2 years. It is solely your responsibility to contact us at the end of 36 months if you want to take advantage of any yield increase as you will,not be notified by MIDFLORIDA. Certificate yields are subject to change without notice, and this is a limited time offer. This offer is only valid for new certificates, and new money and is not available on certificate renewals. The maximum certificate amount allowed per member is $100,000.00. The Annual Percentage Yield advertised is based on the assumption that funds will remain in the certificate until maturity. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawals. A $5.00 minimum savings account is required for membership with MIDFLORIDA Federal Credit Union. This offer is not open to institutional investments. Wauchula 1490 Hwy. 17 N. / Tower-Lakeland 129 S. JKentucky Ave. Central. Lakeland 1551 Gary Road / Hollingsworth 3oo008 S..Florida Ave. / South Lakeland 6040 S. Florida Ave. North Lakeland 1090 Wedgewood Estates Blvd. / Auburndale 2146 U.S..Hwy. 92 W. / North Winter Haven 2075 8th St. N.W. / South Winter Haven 5540 Cypress Gardens Blvd. / Haines City ioo6 Old Polk City Rd. 12:22c Bartow lo5 E. Van Fleet Dr. / Lake Wales 237 S.R. 60 W. / North Sebring 6105 U.S. 27 N. / South Sebring 3863 U.S. 27 S. / Okeechobee 2105 South Parrott Ave. / Arcadia 1415 E. Oak Street (Hwy. 70) / Poinciana 911 Towne Center Dr. >,D... Stump T By Joh ,i.? s; r / Coming soon will be "the big day" in Hardee County when Wauchula holds its first annual block party to raise money for the restoration of the historic City Hall Auditorium. All proceeds from this day of activities will be used for the restoration of the auditorium, and the day's events are sponsored by Cracker Main Street Inc. and the committee to renovate the auditori- um. - I Il -I C ~ ;~ 12B The Herald-Advocate, December 22, 2005 Crown Ford's HURRY! OFFER ENDS SOON! BURN THE BOOK SALE! Why pay retail for a pre-owned vehicle? Burn the book and pay much less! Every used vehicle is priced BELOW NADA retail! N ADA. -- CWe make used car deal the competition can only dream about! Interest rates starting at just 4.99% APR (WAC) 2003 Ford -E14 Supercab A STK # 6W12068A NADA Book Value $18,025 BURN THE BOOK PRICE $14,970 2001 Chevy S-10 LS V6 STK # 512007 NADA Book Value. $9,500 BURN THE BOOK PRICE $8,990 2001 Dodge 0 ;, gj, j Dakota Quad Cab 4x4 STK # 510015 NADA Book Value $15,350 BURN THE BOOK PRICE $14,665 2004 Ford Explorer Sport Track STK # 510010 NADA Book Value $19,575 BURN THE BOOK PRICE $15,850 2000 Jeep Cherokee .Sport STK # 512008 NADA Book Value $7,525 BURN THE BOOK PRICE $6,970 NADA Book:Value $17,275, BURN THE BOOK PRICE $16,950 1999 :-i Dodge Dakota Ext. Cab 4x4 STK# 510004 NADA Book Value $9,220 BURN THE BOOK PRICE $8,950" 2005 Ford E350 XLT 12 Passenger Van STK #511003 NADA Book Value $19,250 BURN THE BOOK PRICE $17,770 2005 ^-' Kia Sedona Van, STK #512005 NADA Book Value $16,325 BURN THE BOOK PRICE $15,150 STK # 6X12016A NADA Book Value $8,800 BURN THE BOOK PRICE $7,990 2003 Ford Windstar Van NADA Book Value $12,550 BURN THE BOOK PRICE $10,950 NADA Book Value $13,475 BURN THE BOOK PRICE $12,890 1997 .. ' Lincoln 1 .,, Town Car STK # 512011 NADA Book Value $8,250 BURN THE BOOK PRICE $7,760 2000 "-'- '- Chrysler - Town and ,-___,__ Country Van TK#510009 NADA Book Value $9,000 BURN THE BOOK PRICE $7,980 2003 '1.- .^ .-. Toyota ,-, .- ' 4Runner STK #5W14392A NADA Book Value $30,375 BURN THE BOOK PRICE $25,950 2001 Chevy "-_^- Camaro Coupe STK # 510011 NADA Book Value $10,425 BURN THE BOOK PRICE $8,988 This Wook's Qpecial 2000 Dodge Club Cab 4x4 Sport Thisis the Nicest, Cleanest, and Most Mechanically Sound 2000 4x4 in captivity. Must See To Appreciate. Sacrifice Price $13,880 STK# 512013 STAX, TAG, TITLE NOT INCLUDED. NADA PRICES FROM DECEMBER 2005 EDITION. Keep I $Simpler. ONLY At Crown Ford! Every new You Ford in pay the stock is priced at Ford's already Low Keep It Simple Price, MINUS $500! Ford Keep It Simple Price posted on each new Ford, IF WE CAN'T CHOOSE 773-4113 LESS $500! Now it's really simple, but only at Crown Ford! Lowest Ford Prices Anywhere! BEAT ANY OTHER FORD DEALER'S PRICE BY AT LEAST $100, WE'LL PAY YOU $1,000 UPON PURCHASE OF COMPETITOR'S VEHICLE.* FROM OVER 200 NEW FORD'S IN STOCK AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY S *WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO BUY COMPETITOR'S VEHICLE AT SAME PRICE Se Habla Espanol 1031 US 17 N., Wauchula (1 block south of Wal-Mart) SALES HOURS: MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 9:00 TO 6:00 2000 Ford F-150 Supercab A -- I I I I l SATURDAY 9:00 TO 5:00 326 14S The Herald-Advocate (USPS 578-780) Thursday, December 22, 2005 Miss Deemer's Class Dear Santa, I know that you are very busy making your list and checking it twice. Please set aside some time for me and get me the things that I want: 1. pogostick 2. gameboy sp 3. Scooter-Scooby-boo 4. a picture of you and your wife. Dear Santa, L What I. want for ch barbie, new clothes, ai you wear on your head steph Dear Santa, I wish for a lot of thing I wont the toys in toysrus the mall I want to go to the north pole. and I wont to fly in yor slay. I wish it was snowing. I wish I had a moterbike. and a bike and a north pole bells and I wish I can be a artes like Ms. harrey. The most thing I want is a baby pupy. and' I wont a little pupy F Brook Faulk Dear Santa, I wont this things for christmas and the things I wont for christmas is two little jeeps for me and my sis- ter. and a christmas tree. And two little Club houses. and people to get gifts and everybody to have a grate christmas Love Maria Gutierrez Dear Santa. Thnan you, "V l ... ' Briana Ai'ce NM name is cristina I like christ- mas verer much what I whish for is' to get a vacvome and see you and to iristmas is a get presents that are good and to nd a hat that lisen to my thecher and to be smart and get a tv and a readol and a pillo by and a cover and a camerul and a self anie Narciso one and how shose and how close. and a radeol player and Jolrey. Dear Santa, Thank \ou for My presents last sear. This \ear I would like you to. bring m l Mom a watch. For, My Dad I Wnat \ou to bring him tools. And For m) sister I want you to bring her a Mp3pla\er. And For me-. I want a DVD pla er (Don't Forget, me'! . S, Thank you. Julissa Ortiz Dear Santa, I would like a mini motorcycle, for Christmas, this year. And roses for my. Mommy. And a 'helicopter- for ny brother. O.S. I have been ver\ good this year. Traj is Williams Dear Santa, , I want a bracelet and a'necklace and a ring for cristmas. Thank you Jennifer Hinerman Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is col- oring books, crayons, markers, and some more paper, dress-up stuff, make-up, black shoes, and a tram- poline, next year I want our house to be finished. I want us to have a sw in set, and a see saw, the year after next year I want our porch and game room to be finished. Now I am going to tell you how good I've been in school. I have been a little talkative. my teacher sometimes will .tell me to be quiet and that how-good T'Fe been. Faith Hodges Cristina R ouurigucz Dear Santa,, I hope iv"e been good this year. To begin with I want a exbox, moto- rycle. I want the exbox, so every time I want to play it and I can play. all the games I want. I also want the motorcycle, so I could ride it w hen- ever I want to and then ride it to the store and on the road. I hope that you bring me these things that I want for christmas. Jaime Vidowrri Dear Santa, I won't a gutar and asim I track, a humer, and I won't for whiller. I bin good this year. happy birthday Jesus hi lve MaNthew Winston Green Dear Santa, For christmas, 'I Would like the movie Herbie, Fully Loaded, a big remote control car, a foot ball game and a race game for playstation2. I' would also clothes and a new pair of shoes, Also, if my brother and sister were good we would all like a game table. Thanks you for all your hard work. Nicholas Strey' Dear Santa, I want a car, book, shoe, and douse,, pool, toy, and money, doll, candy, and game, good, flowers "and bracnit,,boot, ball, and souny, ball, move, I orea', Dansey, and pbney, floah, boat, and bag, paint, Elvira Mata Dear Santa, Santa I want a Michael Vick Jersey and a falcons uniform and a Gators uniform and a Michael Vick Football and cleets, big shoulder- pads and kneepads. college football . game Thats all Santa. Jordan Ward Dear Santa, I won't s shall socker and a slong shot. M. Daniel Owens Dear Santa, This Christmas I want a nintendo, a rollerskate, a jeep, monster truck, clothes, remote control car, baseball set. And that's it. Thanks Santa Dionte Eric Faulk Dear Santa, For christmas I would like a truck that foes up the wall. I really need a new bike Also. And I would like a' new Football: but I Really want a computer that way I can Game with my Dad and uncle' online. I hope' you come see me and my little sis- ter And bring us some Present's. I ,w ll like anything you bring Santa. your Milk,And Cookies will be waitingg for you. - Thank you Santa. Ty Shoffner Dear Santa, I want a xbox 306 and yugioh cards and peace on earth and a bigger home for my mom and papi and a mani-van and to go to a museum and a 20 dollars bill I wish for my grandma to get better. God Bless my family and happy Birthday Jesus. Merry X-mas Javier Rodriguez Dear Santa, I wont to have a Barbe and I wont to have shoos. My Dad wont to have shoos. My mom -wont to have shoos. The Baba wont to have shoos. My Brodor want to have shoos. Blanca Mata Dear Santa, I want games for cristmas. Love Martha Valadez Dear Santa, I want a water gun. and a x-box. and I wont a gameboy. and a farm with animal. I like to get a tricl of fire drill. and my favorite toy is a Nintendo. and a spider man game. and a computer of toy. and a jet toy. and a soccer ball. playshtation. Zozimo Saldana Dear Santa, Have been a real good girl? How's your day up North? Can I have some skates for Christrhas? Can I have a phone for christmas? You are nice very very nice? Can I have a new bookbag? I Love you very very much? Can I have some make up? Please don't forget my sister skylar? Can I have a baby cat? Can I have a new, me? Can I have a doodle Bear? Alyssa Skinner DoirSanta, I %wut a dic mib ou can brag a little car for mN mama a gras for mN mama my be for LittLe bodrmN 'ou for my setr gras John blum nedJie And sol cloJU girs for my mama! j bic for bodr in ms setr Kenny Severe I Choose any 2 Favorites= S Medium 1-Topping Pizza Oven-Baked Sub 10 Howie Wings Laige Chef Siad Baked Pasta Il d tChi-kn Tendmrs .12.99, BOWLING GREEN ZOLFO SPRINGS 521, -, 11 N 105 SEE 64 EAST. i q m yllil-llllw I . 375-3199 ft;6 00 I CARE' Y UT ONLY CARRY OUT ONLY season's g.eetings I( '& I I In Highlands County (863) 385-0220 Fax: (863) 385-0034 In DeSoto Counti' (863) 494-3656 Fax: (863) 494-3481 at~ 7W- m&e/a i~~~nc(r-'m, iv rhy- .#/,4" a.- u C/. i'~&/~/A/ JeaJ6!9z, a-ne/a / ieiL~- ea~, c7Ate~i/i/~ /~1'9W4J a';w/47e~/~74'. WAUCHULA ABSTRACT AND TITLE CO., INC. TITLE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE CLOSINGS TITLE SEARCHES LTS12 22 In Hardee County (863) 773-9054 Fax: (863) 773-5857 00- -1 MIX Cr MAVC:U I ~n;v~ I I 2C The Herald-Advocate, December 22, 2005 Dear Santa, I wanta scooter remote control truck new game, a spyder-man toy. and I'll leaves you some cookies and milk. Love, Shane Fulk Dear Santa, What, I want for Christmas is a Dirt bike and the New Sand Andreas game an xbox and the New xbox 360. Love, Kadeem Pierce Dear Santa, fow are you? How are the rein- deer? Am I on the good list? This . year I would like a Remote Control truck, a baseball, a Gameboy Sp, a videonow XP, and a pair of moon- shoes. Please bring my teacher Mrs. McClintock a red Christmas' sweater. I would like for you to bring my mom widescreen T.V. and a new van. My sister would like anew paif of Emily Rae earrings (orange and blue). Thank you for reading my letter. Love, Austin Wallace Dear Santa, My name is Lela .Redden I am eight year old and in second grade I am writing to let you on what I would like for Christmas I want a Bike, clothes, a gamecube, a doll house, and a laptop and' a Bratz. Love, Lela Redden Dear Santa, What I Want For chrismas this Year is a X-box, a t.v. a big radio- controlled car, a cap gun and lots of Presents! Thank You 'so much. Merry Christmas Love, James K. Terrell Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is a Bratz and a Go' d Life and there are Other tLhings to Like a ni'e Blue Dear Santa, I Would like a Baby Annabel, C.D.'s, clothes, Ed, Ed and Eddy game, Chicken Little game For the Xbox or PS2. bella dancerella Ballet Set, barby, vedeo Now, I have tried To Be a good girl. It is Hard. how are the reindeer? merry christmas Santa. Do you get a day off? bye bye Love Aubrey Rigner Dear Santa, I want a Guitar I want a snow flake I want all the Magic Tree House books I want a four wheeler. I want some hikeing gear. Thank you Taylor Thomas Dear Santa, How is the weather up at the Northpole? I have been good this year. What I would like for Christmas this year is clothes for my baby dolls, Bella Dancerella, Bratz dolls, coloring Books, and arts and crafts set. I will have some milk and cook- _es for you. Love, Brooke Fones Dear Santa, I wish for a snake and go-cart I wish for a spider-man web shooting gloves glow in the dark, football and clothes, lowrider, remote cen- trol car and a tv, I wish I had ganies, I wish some fanistic 4 gloves, and a southpole shirt, 2-pack fly wheels, I wish for a Hummer or Jeep' radio- control. I wish for a 6-foot pool table, Tennis and. poker, I wish for a lowrider bike, I wish for a light saber. Love, Omar Alamia Dear .Santa, I won't a shell shocker and con- struction playsets and I won't a Play Station 3. and I won't Robosapien and a C-D player. and a bike and a Roboraptor and a green Rail and a skateboot and a skate Boot Ramps. and a Black game and Trap Line. and Hackeset. and a basketball and a Drum and I Durtbike and a Peper gun and a x box 360 and a Pest and a Mokof phone and a Makcontroll car and a game for my x box 360 and the game is the crash and Hulk and a hoop and a Jumper and a bill and big ball and a sesol and littet ball and gun and a new bed and-a punchin bag and a .new bookbag. S Caleb -Atieri m.,, ','. *.i.::^ i-1'; : + ,, --*> eater and pants and I also Wan't Dear Santa, to Kr. o,, Where you Live: The very .." '"Do you get presents on Christmas last thing is a skirt. too? You are very nice to all the Love, children every year. I read about Diana the End. you in my Bailey kids book, you Diana Olivar-Ugalde were Mr. Jolley the janitor. What is your favorite color? Is your favorite' Dear Santa, snack milk and cookies"' I want a I want a toy names the Fantastick glamor girl bike, and I want a baby Four and its named Flame on and Alexa doll. Is it always cold in the that's the toy I want for christmas. North Pole? Please write me back. 'Augustine Rivera See you soon. Dear Santa, I would like a Stra \ berr\ Short cjke necklace. I also would d like a Stalnwbemrr Short cake dress,. Santa.. Claus this letter is for yous-and I bet you will like it. I love, you, Santa" Claus Thanks I hope you ha'e a Happ. Christaima, Ho' Ho Ho Merry Christmas. Jennifer Lopez Dear Santa, What I would like for christamas is a .C.D. player. I like to hear music when I get home from school. My favorite thing to do is hearing songs. I mostly like to hear. music is when I get bored. I can share this .with my firends. My sis-' ters and I hear music all the time. That why I would d like a C.D. play-, e. Alo a Meza Alofidra Meza -Love, Emily Bennett Dear' Sania,. ForChristmas I wouldd Ike a hum- mer toy And I would lika bike or games for my pla. station because I dofi't have an\. I got a pla. station But most of all I mant mny family to be together on Christmas. S, Bonnie Ramirez Dear Santa, For Christmas this year I vould like ,some games for my new PSP and somemovies. I know I haven't always been good but I try and I'm still trying /now. So if you have a. heart ,please get me this stuff for Christmas! Oh, Thanks also for all the presents- you give me for Christmas anyway I always' love them. Jose.A.. Marine z Dear Santa, I Just won't You to Know that I want a trampoline and a skirt with a shirt. I would like it to have flowers on it. You are the Best Santa and bring me one of Your reindeer. Karina Pontifes Dear Santa, My name is Tyquain Means.. I have been a very good boy this year. I help my nana with chores around the house. help take care of my little brother and maintain good grades in school. I strongly agree that I deserve a merry christmas. I understand that you have to make millions of delivers on chrstmas eve, so I will be happy with any- thing that you give me. See you later Santa, .Merry Christmas, and happy new years. Tyquain Means Dear Santa, How are you? Good I hope. This year for Christmas, I would like a microscope. I really enjoy science class. I have one question, How do your elves make all those toys? Please make sure you don't for- get my granpa. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Damaris Arana Dear Santa, I want a four-v'hiller and if you cant get me that can you get me a gameboy or a x'box and a Bike with one of those for chistmas from Andrew to santa. Andrew Dear Santa, I am happy it is Christmas time agian and if I have not been to bad I want you to bring me a xbox, street basketball 2, nextelphone, ring- tones, newclothes, and keep my sis- ter from being bad. Send my family joy, peace and lot of happiness. Chauncey Rivers Dear Santa, I wish for a remote control .car. and I can do good in school. and for A new back pack. Tyler Staton Dear Santa, I want to know how old you are, and I want to know when your Birthday is. Can you please bring me a bunch of toys. Bring me two bags of toys for me and my brother. and one more bag.of toys for my Friend. I want to know how old is your wife. Bring me some more bags of presents For my family. One more thing I want moon shoes please. Thank you Trenton Armstrong Dear Santa, How are you? I would like for chistmas a playstation 2. a puppy And A doll . Dear Santa, My name is Briana A What I what for Christ: strawberry short cake bl whant a cd player and a p.s Dear Santa, My name is Jakayla I would like a teddybear and a doll for charst- mas. Jakayla Mosley Dear Santa, I want a gameboy for Christmas Matthew Hall . Dear Santa, What I want for christmas Is 3 Bucs jerseys and 2 Games for gamecuBe and may I have a mini dirtbike Love Chris and 'have a, happy new year Chris' Dear Santa, Please can I have a baby stroller, and a bagpack with wheels and a- shoes and a fake phone and a fakei. toy and a clothes and a barby doll. Anahi Cassidy Dear Santa, How are you this year? It has, been-very cold here in Florida. Has rguelles. it been cold in the North Pole? I, masis a have been a good girl this year. Can blanket I you please send me a bike for ;.n. christmas. Kyra- Briana December 22, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 3C Ms. Knight's Class Dear Santa, How are you? My name is Toby, I am 8 years old. And this is what I want for christmas: I want a shell shocker, a furbie,a nd a happy christmas. Toby Richardson Dear Santa, Hi Senta How are you wat are you doing Im a fine I doen this, not for you santa I want to you bor a doll and a byclcle and one baby doll for my little sister. I want to see you Santa Maria Villfuerte Dear Santa, Can 'I please have a tampaleen and a ,pool. I wish for a horse please. Can I please have aring for my mom and pleese for my dad five.. lotto tickets. And for you Santa'we will make cookes and milk., Alyssa Ennis Dear Santa, I belive in you and I know where you live you live in the north pole. in. their holiday every child :we will want a toy-but this crismas T don't want nothing for me I want you to take something that child that they don't have any Parents that they are live out'in the world. thank you have a hapy holiday. Jorge Perez, Dear Santa, I want to see you becaues you are, my friend. i want to play with you my game. And my soccer game and my baseball game. And we well go, to eat pizza and %well be fell. And m) mom well cook cookies it was' good. And Santa %well go for'a ride and me. And mom well go to wal-, mart well bought a toy like Santa. Escar Dear Santa, Please bring me a watch in chris-' mus so I wil know what timeit is ol the days at home. Jorge E Mrs. Smith's Class Dear Santa, I want a truck %with cars and I %want a gameboy and a drum. and I %want a bike and a coloring book of Hulk and a fire drill truck and a pink car and a boat and a soccer ball, horse toy and playshtation. ' Gerardo Saldana Dear Santa, I want a toy truck. I want a toy motorcycle. I.x ant a football shirt: I want a game cube. Joshua Lopez Dear Santa. What do I want for Christmas? I / would like a baby bratz doll, maybe some make-up, also some perfum and some jewelry and some bubble bath. I also want a little puppy that is pody trained and a little kitty that is pody trained. I also want a game- boy to play with while we are wait-, ing for you. Mar\ Christmas. Santa Clas." ' Amanda Baiandy , Dear Santa, I wish I had a go-cart and a PSP game boy. I would also like a new X-box. How are your reindeer? I hope they are fine. I will leave you cookies and milk. Marc Salazar Dear Santa, I want to have a big brits car for Christmas. can you get me a real cat that will say meow, meow, meow. I like you Santa you are the best. I think you will like my note. I love you Santa. Jenna Flores Dear Santa, I have been a good little girl this year. For christmas I would like very much like to receive these toys. A Bratz Doll, Barbie comput- er, a Dancing Dora Doll, clothes and shoes. Thank you Zahria Williams Dear Santa, What I want, for crismis is a PSP with a cupul of, games? Why bo I want a PSP and a cuplas of games? It because my hooders brother has a PSP? Every Day We do are home- work then we play the PSP. Andres Hernandez Dear Santa, I wish for a puppy. That is what I wish for. I wish for that because I have never, had a puppy before. Santa I wish for two more things new shoes because I need new shoes ,and I want new clothes because I got old clothes. Merry Chirstmas Erica Deloera Dear Santa, I was thinking that maybe you could bring me a:game-boy and lots. of. toys.. How many? About 9.000.000,000.000. I would really like an X-box for' me and my, brother. Juan Trejo Dear Santa, I will have milk and homemaid cookies 'ready, for lou, and you neter Know,-I might even draw another picture for you. We don't have carrots for the reindeer, do the' like marshmellows? You don't ha'e to bring me lots of presents. I just want to make shure you give New Orleans Kids the most pre- sents. But the few things I want the most is, a scooter, Bratz Rock Angels, Cali girls, My Scene movie and Amazing Amanda Thank You and Merry Christmas t ' Emily Johnson Dear Santa, " For Christmas the first thing I want is a Gameboy Advance SP becuase to not be boring at my house. Next, I want a robot starscream figure toy so I can have fun. Also I want a C.D. player so I can to listen music. Next I want a remote controlled Hummer so I can play with with it outside. The last thing I want for Christmas is .a com- puter to play on it. - /. Alexis chavez Dear Santa, I want 'people to pray foi- my Grandmom in/the hospital to get well and I. want a %ideo player for christmas. Also I want a new bike, ant I want a book bag. I also want some videos for my video 'player. Thank you Santa'Thank you SJoselyn Thompson Dear Santa, I wish you %would bring me a gameboy and control car. The 27th of December I will be 10 years old. I would like you to bring a lot of, toys and a car. Thank you Santa. Rigoberto Racine Dear Santa, This Christmas I would like a Hovercopter, Robosapion 1,. Robosapian 2, GameBoy Advance SP with games and a tin of Yugo ,cards. I will put cookies and milk by the fireplace. , Ryan Moore Dear Santa, How are you? I was really good this year. May I have arl organized collectible jewely box? We'll make you some cookies and milk. Have a merry christmas. God bless you! Hope you bring me what I want for christmas. Love Danielle Weeks Dear Santa, For christmas I want Lego star wars the video game and a scooter I believe in you Santa. I know all your raindeers. Jordan Petrie. Dear Santa, I hope your doing ok and I know' what I want for chrismas. I want a bat, big ball that bounces, a yugioh dull disk, and a game boy ds. Dalton Knell Dear Santa, 'How are you and your raindeers doing? I have been a good girl. Can you please bring me small or big brat dolls I will play with them. Can you bring me a bratz doll blanket and a pink jpep? I Love you Santa I will leve you cookies and milk. Sonya Carillo -Dear Santa Claus, How are your reindeer? All 'I want for christmas is one of your, sleigh bells. I'hope you give every- one .presents in one night. Merry Christmas! '" Love, Aaron Brown Dear Santa Claus, Will you get a new'Blaserd For; my bad and a new car For my mom and a lot of play cars and Bratz's for me and a new 'bike and anything that my mom told you. cars for my Brother and tools for my other Brother arid Me again Barbies my" mom thank you dear Santa I Love you dear Santa Boling Green Love" Krsta Knaff Dear Santa, I am Noe. I would like a comp- tuter for me and for my mom. I would like a car for me and lots of presents for me and my mom. We will have a lot of presents for my cousins and uncles, aunts and my dad. Thank you, Santa. Noe Delgado Dear Santa, For chrismas I want a vedia Game names King Kong so that I can have him fighting the Dinosaurs that are in the Game. I also would like for you ro Bring me a toy whitetail Buck to put in my farm animal collection. Thank you. Colton Walker Dear Santa, I wish I could hava a bike. I want a bike so my cusien and my brother and me can ride a bike. I wonder. if I can have an x-box, so I can play games. Santa is it true that you sit in a.slay and then are raini deers. I wish. I could have a tramping but it would be too big and it would not fit in my yard. I wonder if I could have a sleep over. Santa do you carrie a bag full of toys? Is it hevy. Santa do you have to bring all the toys at once? Dear Santa Claus, My I have some brats, pants, a TV, shoes, brats stickers, moves, girl game, a book shelf, a desk, some more fode, a real ponny, brats car and planes, a comptuer, boots, eyeing,- neckless, belts, chones, gam, paint, book some back pack I love you Santa Claus. from Cierra Lee Dear Santa claus, may I have a BratZ dolls I love dratZ doll I want toys and shoes and a dress and may I have something for my bady brother he need shoes pleas may I have something for my sister Liliana shoes dres toys and a pony may I have something for my sister Adrianne A brat doll and a bike and shoes and dress and for my mom shoes pants dress may I have something for my dad pants, and shoes, boxers, socks. Love, Ariel Esquivel Dear Santa Claus, I want a new bike and a new skats. and a new game and some new pencles I want a fake airplane. Love, Daniel Silvan n t -e c.-.- ria -.. Sawan Patel Dear Santa CUlaus, I want a racecar bed and a. xbox. My sister wants a barbie doll. My mom and dad wants a car.. love S Ryan Gough ?1Q3thank you Dear Sata claus, Santa will you during me a toy I w ill make you some cookys for crismas when you are here for us we w ill during you a'presents. for us and you are the Best Santa in the would. Santa Claus is coming to town? We wish you a Mery chris- mois in a happy now year. I want a toy for crismus for the year. and -Iwill go to tow n for you and I will have you rety for the year we go here and you will stay here for the year I will go to the town and we will go together, when we w'hant to go to Santa went a slave with bers. and presents for everybody in th would. Love, Destiny Murphy, Dear Santa Claus, How wor you Santa Claus I hope you 'dad a grate time with Misis Claus I wont a present for chirimas I wont a ganle for chirsmas my baby brother wonts a presnet he wants a game, to my mom wants a snoopy .pillow" and woodstoc pillow to my bab wants now tools for chirimas and a new tool box and I want a new bike ,and seedy player and a game and my baby brother wants a new bike and that's all of it. to Santa Claus Love, Carlos Garcia Dear Santa, I Love chismus cus It is cold out Side and I Love chrishmos and I Love It so much that I Love It. So mu that I whont a toys and I Love chrismus Love Lucy Romo Dear Santa Claus, I want a toy and a soccer ball and a train and a gameboy and a Book. Love Rodirigo Rddriguez Dear .Santa Claus, for chirisma's I want a little puppy and I want a little doll. I want a colt and a good time in Christmas. How many elfs are there? What are your raindeers names? How many raindeers do you have? Santo Claus I want ot wish you a Merrey Christmas. Sant Claus, your the nices of all I wish I can see you one Christmas night. Santa I want a 4 wilier a baby rabbit a Petter pan book a little rocking chair. Love Azucen4 Lopez Dear Santa Claus, I want a bike for Christmas and Im going to give you cookis and milk my sister wants a doll house my little sister wants a dora toy my brothers want a mockotrol car my mom want new shooes my dad wants a pair of pants and shirts. I want. a dog and a dinasuor and my friend Alex want a dinasuor I want a game boy and my brother want a playstatiah two Jacod My brother Noah want a game boy and I want a toy gun and I wnat a hat and a mockotrol truck with cool songs and I want a fire truck and a lion toy. Love, Zachary Coronado Dear Santa Claus, I want a gameboy and a Xbox and a bike, give me a new car oh Yeah give my two brothers a cool toy and my two cusan an good move and a T.V. Love from, Mario Bautista Morry Chritm a from all of u at -- .' (325 S. 6th Ave., Wauchula -.I (863) 767-1060 LTS12.22 2 4C The Herald-Advocate, December 22, 2005 Dear Santa claus, haw are you doing santa claus, I want a x box 360 and a plastaton portubo. haw much elf are there? But I wan't a gamequb and the game Raw vs WWP it is a resling game it is on playsashtion. I want a bike I want a toy and a play 4 willei. Love, David Badillo Dear Santa Clauas, I whant a yoda toy, a dog with wrapeing paper over it. I got more stuff to tell you whant a little pirse for my mom. Love Jessica I require a note book an pincels anpapper to study math spelling wite with but the most I won't a yaDa'the most every Day. Love, Jessica LeeAnn Lamaster Dear Santa Claus, I want a Gameboy so I can pl with it and I want an X box so I and my sister could play and want a computer so me and' i isster can use it and a doll' For r sister Angela Cortez Lo Francisco Cort Dear Santa Claus, I want a chopper bike, and sisi wants a brats. mN mam wants a n< house, and my dad wants a wheeler, my grama she wants a ne car, grandpa wants a money. And want a game boy with cool game Lov Antelmo Bautista the thri Dear Santa Claus, I want a real pony for christm and my sister wants a Bratz d my baby sister wants, a furby t my mom wants a pot for food i dad wants new shose size 8 he yc is I want you to bring my ant a g for her baby a baby crib My brotil want a mowdisico My ant wani ring and my cusin want a tete b( of pooh and what do you want cooke and milk,l would love to gi you milk and cookies if your tir< Santa I want you to give ever o one gifts for christmas do you wi something Santa for christmas hope you come soon for christmr Santa Claus - Lo Juana Di Dear Santa, may I have a little for willer a a new bike instead of my old oi then give me any thing you wa and mke sher it is a lot of fun thin to play with. and a stuff animal t& looks like a cat for Dana Hamilt that's my sister and a ring for i mom and dad. Shirley aiLoi Shirley Hamilt Dear Santa, I've been waiting for you all year. I hope you come see me So I can bake you some cookies. I can help you give out presents and when we are done you can .take me back home. I want a Bratz for cirstmas. Love, Petra Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a bike. Love, Christian Dear Santa, It is so coude at the North Porple. I hop you will give me a presit I will wot a dig crutrol car I will make Some cdokese I will make Some hot milke. I hope you will .come. Dear Santa, It has been along t seen you. I wont a brat brat room. Also, I want Dear Santa, It has been a long time. I never seen you before but I still'belive in you. I want to see you and your raindeerr I also want to see your helpers, the elfs. -This year was great. I have been very nice to my parents and my friends. I tried very hard to be good and not to get in ' troudle. This year I want you to bring me a bik, if you can. I hope you have a great year and I hope you bring something to the poor people. Thank you for everything you give me.-I will be waiting for you. Love Martha Deaar Santo, I was having a grat time to day at school. I hope you will bring me a present when christmas comes. What I want for christmas is a game boy a bike and a puppy. Love, Noah Dear Santa, I did not see you sanio last year. but I wish four some toy and a 4 wheeler and a computer center and a dog and a cat. Love, Florentino Love, Dear Santa, Fernando For Christmas I want a do a doll house. Next I want a c tle dog. Third I want a timer ime since I people on a test. Fourth I purse. and a bike to ride on. fifth I want Y a piano. the BratZ. Sixth I want a n Love, package. Seventh I want a < Jazmine my make-up. We Dear Santa, ez It's been a long time sicse I have makeed you cookies, Santa. How are your reain-deer Santa? fine? For ter Christmas, I what a ,horse, a pup, ew and a game cube. I will have a chis- 4- mas tree for you in the middle of our_ ew living room that is what you put d I my presents under. Love e.. Kyle rid .- Dear Santa, How are the raindeers? Santa are ias you fine. I missed you so much. oll Santa clous I want for Christmas a toy little kitten and a new bike and a my doodle bot and Cloe the Bratz., )us Love rift Alexis her t a Dear Santa, eer It's been a long time since I made t a any cookies for 'ou. I wanted to ive,. know how are ihe reindeer. OK? ed. This is what I want for Christmas. I ne want a light brown puppy and a nt house for my mom. Also I want I Yamin the Bratz doll and the other ias Bratz dolls. What I really want is The Little Mermaid head that you ve can braid and the movie of it.' I az don't want to be greety sooo that's it. Love, Dashawna nd ne. Dear Sonta, t It sure hos been alog year. I ceont gs wayt intil you get hery, I will cook ton you sum cookes and milk. So you on wont be hungy but IT hop you are not my full from all The Stops you moke. I wish for a barde car, a dorde doll ve and a Socr boll. So we I can ploy. socr ond a bike. So Icon ride ond skates ond Thots all I want. Love, Jennifer Dear Santa, This. year for christmas I want to have a 13 inche begle, a 4 wheeler, a big size football, a cage, and a dish, and'a dog toy.-My mom will make cookies, and a glas of milk for you. I hope' ybu don't get a tummy ache. S Love, Dalton Dear Santa,, I hope you are doing fine. I woat a toy car saw I can play with it. I Love you. I am going, to cook you some cookies. Love, Phillip Dear Santa, I hope you can make it to my house. I am going to leave you gin- ger brads. I want something under my christmaz tree. I just want a Santa toy. Love Abigel Dear Santa, It sure has been a long time since last Christmas. I'm thinking what you can bring me for Christimas. I hope you bring me a bike. I hop you .bring it to me. Love Alonz Dear Santa, It had been a long time. I want to go by some gifts. I want a scooter. I'm. going to the movis for, chris- mas. the movi is Chick Littel. - Love Selena Santa, Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a nintendo 64 exulad. I hope your doing fine in the, North Pole', and Rudalfthe Rednois reindeer. love,. Tishawn Dear Santa, I hope you can give me a toy car for Christmas, I even want that spi- der-man hand that shoots out the webs and water. Then that cool hummer that has spinner rims that has lights. Next I want the robo rap- tor, the Large one. Love, Alex WY 4, Dear Santa, . My name is yesenia. I am in the second grader. I want for christmas a trampoline and a bear. My little sister wants a dolls. My brothers want some cars for Christmas. Thank you Santa. Your friend yesenia Dear Santa, I want a bike That have pegos and bad out rims. Then I want a- game boy and a pokey mon set There are two 'things a four wheeler with two set and the color blue. Last I want is a 5 xbox game Flat-out, car, motorcycle, supr Joe, movie game. Love Fabian Dear Santa,. My name is Beto. I am in the sec- ond grade. I want a playstasin with a lot of games and I want a Hotwheel toys. I want a Remote control truk hie goallieks adn big jeep. and a Semi that has a lot of cars and a tow toys of the nutkurokes and a lot of candys and my sitter baby doorlls for her and a lot clothes fer me and brothers. Love Beto, Dear Santa, M, name is Marco, I am in the .ecnd grade. I want a sp and x-box and a nintendo 360 and a yamaha. Thank you Santa. your friend, Marco Dear Santa, My name is Johnny. I am in sec- ond grade. And this is what I what Santa. I what a X-box and I what some game too. I what this too and it is a dirtbike, and clothes, and shoes, and a bike, and a toy John Deer and movies, Thank you Santa. your friend, Johnny Dear Santa, My name is Leeanna, I am in the second grade. I've been good this year. I want a sp with games, bike, puppy and cd plaier and Spongebob Movie, Spongebob poster, moon- shoes, Chiken little movie. Thank you Your friend; Leeanna Dear Santa, My name is Paulina, I am in the second grade. I want four barbies. Santa can you bring my brother four cars. We are being nice. We don't get in trouble my brother's name is Alex and his last name in Favian. He is still a baby but I am 7 years old. How are you Santa? Thank you Santa Your Friend, Paulina Dear Sant My name is Devonne, I am in second grade, I wont a meny for weler. that is all I want. Thank you Santa. Your my friend, Devonne Dear Santa, My name is Hector Rodriguez I am in the second grade. I want a xbox ps and plastash two and some clothes too Your friend Hector Dear Santa, My name is Jennifer. I want something. The first thing I want is a - x.box and doll, a trampoline, and a yamaha, and frosting the snowmem. a Picture of my gamdma Selena Thank you Santa ' Love Jennifer Dear Santa My name is Ulisa I am in second grade Sant this is what I want for christmas. I want the move Hurbie 'fully louded. I whont munll2. BratZ dig dady and BratZ dady crid and BrarZ smell dady. Spy Kids 3-D Game over and prixter SYour find Ulisa Faith Rivera llb i< V ' d Hospil Wauchula Florida Hospital Wauchula SFLORIDA HOSPITAL Wauchula Amazing Technology Graceful Care LTS12:22 533 W. Carlton Street 773-3101 www.fhhd. org I - December 22, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 5C "Cut Your Mortgage Payment"- in HALF for the NEW YEAR CASH FOR ANY REASON! Close in as little as 5 days!* M I9 * I. - U mmaf LTSI2 -- LO- b A iJ 'I. .I WAWMMNWA *IU1A I I '' "*>* P- "O.00op- 6C The Herald-Advocate, iVecemhber 2' Ob Dear Santa, My name is Gustavo. I go to sec- ond grde. I want a Gameboy and 4 weeler. I am good. I want a bear and xbox. My brother and sister have be good. Thank you Santa. Your friend Gustavo Dear Santa, My name is Omar and I am in X second Grade and I want a Xbox, and a Yamaha four wheeler, and a Game for my Xbox for Christmas. How are you doing Santa and Ms. Santa? Thank you Santa. Your friend, Omar To: Santa How are you? This year I would like: A Yamaha, fly wheels, Model roket, a John deer, A football, A socer, an experiment, A gigat pet. Thanck you Mairy christmas.. George Dear Santa, My name is Aracelis I am in sec- ond Grade in Ms. Outley class. IF want a trampoleing and a game que and a game Aracelis Dear Santa, 'My name is Florence I am in the second grade my teachers name is Mrs. Outley. I want a gameboy, I want a skatebord I want a raido. How .-is Miss Santa? Is she ok? Would you tell her, hi for' me. S Your friend l .rence Dear Santa, , how are yar reindeers? how are you Santa? I wvish I had a bike and- some crows so I can cowns so I can cowler at home, I wish I had my tow tooth not be be credit teeth. same skais and same tors. Same shose, some pase and shers and some glave? n ",,.' ". ;,,,.. -. .,;j VanessaA . Dear Santa, cluod I houzs because I what a. xBox 1. evne cluod I gent a :com- puteer. How is Mrs. sania How is he. i she good or you good too santa aclus. , i Yolanda Dear Santa, , This year I want a gameboy sp and all my front teeth. how are you Santa, I think your elves are doing great. i want my game boy sp the colored black. S. -,Love :Armando Dear Santa,., -. ., .. How is Mrs. santa doing? And how are you doing to? This is what I won't for christmas. I won't is my to front teeth. And I won't a 99% talking machine. And I won't a new boring baby, And I won't a. jeep. And a new toy like'a Laptop. love ,,santa. etn '' Destiny Dear Santa, How are the deer and the elves-, doing? Santa I want a play Station With a game and I want Some Shoes and Some new close, and a neck- alis. I want falekins shose and a jarze. I Love You Santa . Dear Santa, I am Juan Martinez how are your reindeer dewing? this is what I wont a plssta and swmi with a troler that opens up: Juan Dear Santa, I will tell You what I would like You to bring me I want SP because I'm a good boy. I want my game boy SP the colored red. Love Ezequiel Dear Santa, How are you doing in the North Pole? Is mrs. Claus fine, Santa? I wonder how Rudolph is doing. I have been-good this year in class. For Christmas I want a new bike and a boy brat and a big Yasmin brat. I always wanted a big Yasmin brat. Santa do you know your nice to their people because you give them presents. I Love you Santa Vanessa M - Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus doing? how was Rudolph and the reindeers at the North pole and the elves making the presents for Christmas? I want a 'big truck and a big car from Wal- Mart and a Rudolph toy with a nose' that turns red. I want a big T rex that you can move. I love you. Hector Valerie Dear Santa, How do 'your elves toys? How is Mrs. San good? I want a bike for C also want some shoes an love you Santa make the ita? Is she 'hristmas. I d clothes. I Esmeralda Dear Santa, I like for Christmas is a football and a football jeszey and football card's and niky shose and a XBox 360 with a football game and two moke and troll arid a labtop and new toy's. -. .. ' S .from Clemente Dear Santa, I would like to tell you what I .want for chnrstmas. I would like a Lap top for christmas. Want to go to Sea World so I could have a great time. and I would love to go to the Mall so I could where new closed. Love Amber Dear Santa, I been making good grades and thought about getting some thing for christmas. I love presnets. this is p'hat I waint. I want a lap top com- puter, and a i'ario s'ltdi'm. 1 n'fit a game boy ivans and psporter. I hope I get my presents. I Love you goodb. Love Jesse!! Dear Santa, My name is AnselmoRojas. Im a good boy.-: want you to give m A game. I won't A gaemeboy. How arelhe elves? How do they make he presents? '-.I love you. ".,;, ; Anselmo Dear Santa, I ,want, a X box for christmas beecus Inevr had it can i hav it ples I esh I had one Jose Dear santa My name is Albert: I am in the 2nd grad that is miss Barber's room at bowling Green Elementary. I would like to have for Cristmas this year a game boy. Thank you for remembering the troops and their family. Albert Dear: Santa, my name is Jesnny. I am in The 2and grade That. is mrs. BarBer room at Bowling green Elmentry I Woul like To have for chistmas This year a BarBie dall. Thank you. Jesnny Dear Santa, my name is Oscar. I am in the 2nd gade. That is Mrs. Barber's room at Bowlling Green Elenmtary. I would like to have for chrismas This year, a go cart. Thing you oscar Dear Santa, My my name is Lizeth. i am in the 2nd grade. That is Mrs. Barber's room. at Bowling Green Elementary. I would lik to have for christmas this year a basketball and a x-box and a bike and a playsta- tion. * Thank-you for remembering the troops and their family. Thank you santa. From: Lizeth. To: Santa. Dear Sant, My name is sophia I am 2nd grade. This Mrs. Barber at' Bowling Green Elemei would like to have for Chrisr year a doll go-cart. bike. lay Thank-you for remember: troops and their family Dear santa, My Name is I am 2nd grade that Mrs. Bader's Bowling Green Elemen -whould like to have for ch this year at bake Pool thak for reemembreying the tro their family. Dear Santa, My nine is Anna. I am Grade. That is Mrs. Barber's r Bowling Green Elementary. I Would like 'to ha Christmas this year a bishes ball. Thank you Santa Claus A Dear Santa, my name is Alex I am in the 2nd grade. That is Mrs BarBer's room at Bowling Green Elementary. I would 'ike to have for Christmas this yea4 motorcycle and a go cart Thank you Alex Dear Santa, My name is Dillinge. I am in the 2nd grade That is mrs. Barbear's room at Bowling Green Elemetyry. I would like to have for Chrtmas tmas this year a go car and x- box360. PSP and ford wealer. Thank You Dillinger Dear Santa, my name is Rosaura. I am in the 2nd grade. that is mrs. Barder's room at Bowling Geen Elementary. I would like to have for christmas this year a bike a dollhouse. Thank- you for remembering the troops and their family. From Dear Santa, My name is James, I a 2nd grae. that is Mrs. barbi at Bowling Green Eler would like a build your o saper. Dear Santa, my name is Makayia I a 2nd grade That is mrs. Bbe Dear Sant My name is Chistian. Iz 2nd grade.That) is Mrs. room at Bowling Elementary. I would like to h Christmas this year a PI game it's called Smackd Raw and a little Fuweelera ring. a Rosaura Dear Santa, to santa please give me a swimming pool for I can swim it had been a long year t chrismas I can't wait to I im in the open the gift that you are goint to her's room give me I hope you give me what I entry. I want for chrismas it would be a nice )wn light if chrismas was right nor or I would wish a little star at night to be in the James afternoon if it could team chrismas in the afternoon. your Friend .m in The Jennifer Garcia her's rrom. Makayla Dear Santa, It's has been a lang day. I wan't a bike. And a 4 willer. And a real dog am in the house. And a now book bag. And Barber's some close. And some now shoos. Green And some makeup. And a pris. And a now dog a real dog. And some ave for now toy's for my brother. And some aystation for my dog. town vs.. L Lown vs. and a boy From Christian. Dear Santa. thank u. Dear Santa, My name is Bridget I am in the n in the 2nd grade, that is is Mrs. Barber's 's room room at Bowling green Elementary. ntary. I I wold like to have Christmas this mas this year, a Brazz doll a Barbydoll a 'station. Bike a teacup cluhieshin x-Box ing the BaBere Jeep a girl tuttle a puppy a happ family, and My DaD Thank- Sophia you For rembering troops and Their family Bridget n in the roomat Dear Santa, itary I My name is Jose.-I am in the 2nd hristmas grade. That is mrs. Barberr's orom at you for Bo%\ ling Green Eleitntar6' IVbuld )op and like to ha, for \-bo 'bike go-rbrt a basketball Thank you Santa Vincent Jose Dear Sata, in 2nd my name is Lisandro I am in the 2nd grad that is mrs. Barber's room room at at Bowling Green Elementary. I would like to hay to have for christ- ve for mas this year a' go cart 50 cent basket- Game Xbox. mnavell Thank you Lisandro SDear'Santa,; : * How ar the randiitran&d ho\ is Mis. Santa., for crisimas i wat a Xbox anid a basketball nd 1ots of cars and remot control. i wont a gumball mushen. Anthony cisneros Dear Santa Claus, .1 want pawer ranjr, cors, a tran. I . missed you. I love you. *Glenn 4 Thank ypu, Agustin Leticia Maldonado, Denise Francois Chery & 4- , ...".--": Dear Santa, My name is Raven I am in The 2 grade. Mrs. Barber's room at Bowling Elentary. I would like to have for. Christmas this year a bike a playsta- tion. a x-box a motorcycle a go-cart. and doll a dishes a basketball. I love santay Thanck you Santa'? Raven Love Briseyda Dear Santa, For charismis I want a trampolen, for-wheeller, magckset and a Amieracnchomper. I will Leave you milk and cookies on the table. I: hope you like them. You have nise trip home in the north pow. your firend Taylor Dear Santo, Wut I. wont four chresmes You ma ask. I wont a four wheeler and a; Sleing Shot and a football and a XBox 36. and a chupl of rock and a toy car and a reng. Your friend Eliseo Dear santa! Can You bring me a loptop and a rodowskaet and a borbydoll and a bikesckol and can You bring me a borbyhaws and a now bookbag if you can bring me all that can you shust bring me a loptop. Yor friend Deisy Dear Santa, I't has been a hard year for me. I want a rille for-wheeler for Chrismis. and I want a rille horse for Chrismis. and I want a rille Chrampallen for Chrismis. and I wnat some rille dogs. and the last thing I want to tel you is roodoff get hrte or not. your friend,, Carrisa Bigsby:1 Dear Santa, It has been along time intill Chrismas. I'hope you will come to my house to see the raindeers. ann give me the things I wan't. the things I wan't is a scooter, and a dike. your friend Santos It's the most wonderful time of the year ... it's Christmas ... time when people celebrate and rejoice the glorious birth of Christ, our Savior! BRANT FUNERAL CHAPEL 404 W. Palmetto St. Wauchula 773-9451 LTS12:22 Merry Christmas Happy New Year from all of us... Miller, Cindy Johnson, Edner Chery Dear Santa " I am Ashley Forrester. How are you reindeer doing? I am counting S the day until Chreistmas. Santa'I am. being g6od in school. and making good grades. Santa 1, would like a labtop, a glass doll, a pair of bosts, a play pony and a Miss Santa doll. Love Ashley Dear Santa, .' , I'm Anita Reyes. I have been good, Santa Claus when you ride your sled is your nose cold? Can you geve me claus for Christmas? I :went a bike for Christmas. I love ':You Santa. " Dear Santa claus, ' I want a bike too ride. a psp too jisen too. I wnt too see yor randeer. Thank you. I love you! Allen Dear Santa claus, I want a scooter. I would like a bike to ride to school. can I please have a baby doll'? :-, ..L, ve r I Love you, Angelica Dear Santa, . I love you!! Could you' please bring me a remote control car, a. new bike and a doll for m little sis- Love, Anita Reyes M. abriel Ga 0 S rcia .W ,% ,! Since l929 f (Royal's Furniture & Appliances 773-4000 131 W. Main St., Wauchula Hours: 9:30 am 6:00 pm Monday thru Ms. Radford's Class" Saturday " i - 7-mb c. , December 22, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 7C Dear santa, It has been a long time sense I seen you. I hope you get this letter and if do I want computer afor chistmas. Dear Santa, I have never seen Iwant for christmas iis which is a kitty and a others. oh! I forgot I'l out some cookies and m Dear Santa, It's been a long time ever sense you came to my house. I miss you I will leave you cookies with milk. I want a remote control truck, and a play bike. Also I want a toy robot to play with at home. I got lots of toys that you have given me. I wish you come soon. your friend, Fredy Dear Santa, It's been along time sence it's been chrismas. I miss you. I wish I could see you. I want a hamster, and I want a cireocio, a flute, a barbie doll, a babydoll. Your friend, Courtney your friend Dear Santa, Triston I haven't seen you can you me a trapuling and I want a pu a little one and a little bunney you but all turtle with pink rock's and nine things. rock's and I hope you are .o.k pupy with you're wife is .o.k. and you're el 1 leeve you and be safe to you and you're ilk! and your elf's. love Nidaui Dear Santa, How are you doing? I hope your not sick. I hope your having fun' and I wont a pool and a goatcart and a neckless. I wont a game and a game boy. your friend Issaih Dear Santa, Its been a long year for me. Im in second grand and my teacher is Mrs. Davis. I want a gartar, soup maker. Thats what I wate for Chismes. I hope you are doing good. I hope you don't get a stome eache eating cookis. I'll see you sone. Your find Katie Dear Santa, Santa Christmas is coming up. I 'wont a four wheeler and a Gote Car. How are you? I'am going to leav cooks and milk on the table. Are you real. I' am a gook kid some- times. Love Christian Dear Santa, I wot a dirt bike and a three wheeler and a and I wot loss and shoos and 'a gun and a puppy and a dog. . Your friend, Terell. Dear Santa, I want a kitten. I want a puppy. I wani the game candy land. I want a' pool. I want a ball. I want a pink sweater. I want a dress. Iwan a brat. I want a dollhouse. I want a bed and. I am being good at School and at, my house. Love, Elizabeth Montero Dear Santa', I want a very very happy family plese. I do riot want any lto's at all. I want my bird dog and my turtle and my Kitty cat Santa. I' beri a good girl this year. Love, Azlee Brooke Blasingain Dear Santa, All I whont is a happy family. By the whay there will be some coock- ieg on the the table. But Feel free to mack something. Love Josh McClelland Dear Santa, Si just want to know what you are aoing. whant a tea set for chrismas real tea set. Santa i want a suffed bunny for my teacher Mrs. Rosenberg. Santa i wanta bratz set for chrismas. santa i want a spiter- 'nan set for my brother. santa i want a pet faret for chrismas. santa i want to go to Dsny wordl. love *; ,' love Kaylee Manning :Dear Santa, i want a shell shoker and a icar and a Nitendo Nitendo 64. A Love, Antanio Perada Dear Santa, I mis you. I wish you house So I can See yoc This is what I want fo wnat a for wiler, a m swimming pool. Dear Sant" 'I mis You I want a crismas a PaPPy and P( Dear Santa, What I want is a new baby set. Santa how are you in the north pole? Wale I'm doing great here. I want to now how cold there you cuold you write -it on a pese of paper? What I want for Christmas is a pet turtle an turtle food. Love., Shelby Carmichael! Dear Santa, How are you doing? I whant a prazin on the 25. I will like to have a baby pappey gril this week. We love Santa. I am good at school and at home Love, Pajehouablia Vue Dear Santa, I want a veteyo game. And a bike bring with water battle. How ar eyou .ppey doing in the noth pall. I bet you are and a doing hard work with your helpers white in the noth pall. I hop you will bring . and a prisint for me. I'm been good on f's to Decmber The 5 all week. wife Love Michael Tomlinson your friend Maria Trejo Dear Santa, I want Bratz that has a house and her close and her car and her house kame to my and all of her friends. I want that her ur raindeers. friends have a house and close and )r crismas. I Shouse. I want that all of the Bratz motorcycle a have a room. I want that the Bratz be pretty. I want a very pretty dress Your friend for all of the Bratz. I am being Jose good. I want a pretty dress for a Barbie and I want that the dress Be pink. -- L -I--- r ,1 .. .. -.. .* a oarby ior You can bring be a toy onney and a you want. bisicle a brat a kitin A switshrt a boe a swimming Poll a JamPooling and a Folder And a gloo Pinsl PaPer sisrs crans and a tv a book A slepingroom and'a Jeep and a cumpydoer and a JmProP and that is wat I want for crismus: yer friend Julisa Dear Santa, It has been a long time, Crismas is coming up. I want a gutar, a pino which I think I got one unber the tree, brumbs, a work. book, a little borad, a marker, a niickless, a ring, some new paper, a dest, a watch, Some panit, stuff,' a' glue, Some baseball stuff, a Football, a bakect- ball, a soccer ball, a mat in cas I am sleepy, a swimming pool with a.div- ing borod. That is what I want for Crismas. Your Friend Brianna Dear santa, How are you doing? Is it cold in the north Pole? How is roodoff and the othe reindeers?. how are the elf's? Please stop, here santa I have a lot of Pickures of you and me and my brothers sisters. I will leave you some milk. and cookies. I Live' on Farell Road. 'Love Rafael otero Dear Santa, How are you doing? want a bracelit, ball, forewiler, hat, cloths,' shose, getaer, camera, most of all a happy family. Love, Mariah Boney Dear Santa, I Want for Christmas is a Barbie doll and a PuPPy and a Bike and a Teddy Bear. Love, Teresa Pantosa 1 , Dear Santa, Iwant a fieckes and S Sum dols and Sum clo Shoos and Sum braSle of Stroberee Shortcake Sum macke-up and Sun Yola; Y~a Dear Santa, I want a lowrider chain on it. I want a nec cross on it. I want some hat. I want a lowrider s good boy. I want a shari lot of pensois. I w: stapearler. I want a new want some socks.. I homework folder. I wai four movie. Mateo Dear Santa, ., Hi Santa hqw.are yo It must be chilly in the What I want for Christm er guinea-pig becasue pig is lonely. I also v doodle bear to. Also a N with a puppy game incl annoying brother .... ju Also a place for me to. That's all I really want. mery Christmas HO H( Kay Dear Santa, I Want you to Brig me. I Love Santa. i W, Cull Cart That is a MoS I Want a X.boX And a play StaShn 2, and pla Santa I Want a Chan. Santa Vare fin? I like. y noss. I Want a preesit Wanta Woch aiid a ball. Emmani Dear Santa Claus, I want a scooter and a 2 weeler. Bike and playstatin 2. And game boy. And a pool, V.C.R. and a T.V. and a New bedroom and a x-box spirtgame and a Computer and a new pillow and lap top and a Sadulight and have a Chistmas. Ho Ho Ho! Love Herlinda Ysasi Dear Santa Claus, I want a Playestation2 and the games of Smackdowri v.s Raw and T.V. And a remote control Humer and new K.swss. And some spin- ners Gameboy and a Hotweales game. And a swming pool and a two t.v for the car and truke. And also mp3player and a lowrider. And a X.Box 360 and the game of Call Duty2 and a bebgun. How are you doing at the norlhpol and tell roud- off I say helow. Love, Edgar Delgado which ever - Dear Santa Claus, Love Want for Christmas is Jesus lying- Ana Toledo in a manger. Also a diamond ring and a cell phone rings and clothes. Also I want glass slippers the most important thing is everyone has Sum nels, and grate Holidays. Also I want K-swiss :se and Sum shoes and a game-boy. Also I want tS and a bed a crown and a white spgetti strap , and I want dress and a motercyple. Also I want n eraserse. real make up. Also I want X-box Love and socks. Also I- want a karoke nda Carbajal radio with micerphones. Also I want a computer. Also I want a white convertible with white seats pant with a with me in my white spagetti strap ckless with a dress and with my rings and dia- shoes and a mond glass shoes. short. I am a Love pender and a Jesse Lynnette Johnston ant a little Spackpack.I want a new Dear Santa claus, nt the fatacit I want. a bigship and a v.ideogame. and a gameboy. and a Love, spongebob radio. and a x-box. and o Gomez JR. computer and a bull. and anykind of airplane. Love u? I'm fine. Ricardo DeSantiago NorthrPole. nas is anoth- Dear Santa Claus, my guinea- I want a horse and 'an iPod vant a glow Shuffle. With two Game Boy with Nintendo DS the Spirit game and a X-box and a eluded. A less digital camera. With a belt buckle. ust kidding! A fourweeler a dirtbike. A cell take Karate. phone and a dog. A pet snake and a Have a mery bebegun. .. O HO! .. Love Love Nathanial Albritton yla Albritton Dear Santa Claus, ' I vant2 horses and a camera aid a KicKl for a pool and a big fly killer for the ant a Remot cows 'and a horse blanket and a t TuK. Santa GameBoy and a game afid a Spirit Game Boy, GameBoy game. I want a Belt ty StaShn 1. Buckle and a Dog and a pup and a how ar you x-box with a game called Spirit. your randeer Some pony books and a cookie form me. I baker and a cell phone and a hiew S. house and a saddle and a bridle and: Love makeup and new boots and chaps uel Marquez and a horse picture and a dallas cowboy poster and a horse toy. , Love Kelly Jung Dear Santa Claus, I wont a pantball gun to shoot at people. It will kill stuf. It will be S strong. L Jo rdaLover ( Jordan Myers Dear Santa Claus, i want a remote control for wheeler toy Please and a game boy to and a video game and a pool and a Dirt bike and a playstacin 3 and a go cart a real one Please and a comeputar to. How are your rain- dears and how are you? I am great. Sanito Claus. Ho H Ho! Love Isis Garza Dear Santa Claus, How are your reindeers doing? I want a puppy. I want all the Captain Underpants books. And Bobby Jack camofage. And shoes and boots. And a game boy S.P. Love Megan McCullough Dear Santa Claus, I want a princess toybox. I want princess wallpaper. I want a V.C.R. I want a laptop for my mom. I want a white cloth. Love Elyssa Murphy Dear Santa Claus, I want a playstaytn for Christmas and a pet Bull dog and chihuahua. I want lots of things plees. Love Ricky Chavira Dear Santa Claus, Santa you are a very nice person in the hole entire world. I see you'er foot tracks every christmas and what'I want is a teddy of you cause you are sweet and nice and could I have a teddy of your reindeer? Love Victoria Edgley dear Santa Clas, I want Xbox 360 a Playstation 4 gameboy moster truck car Love Joshua Ussery, Dear Santa Claus, I want a horse blanket and a belt- with a horse buckle. and a dallas cowboy poster, and a book to show you to saddle your horse. and a X- box. and a:digital camera and i want a digital computer, and i wanta i. dog and a white Pit buldog. and a horse picture. and a labtop. and a radio phone that you can talk on. and i wanta Games to Play on my Game boy. Love, Selia Ozuna Dear Santa Claus, I want for Christmas a Braz doll and a Carber and some shoes and some close and a book and Poles and. play; school stuff and a play gron 'and a. pool and a slipinslide ancm bear and some toys and some make up. Love, -Alex Chapa Dear Santa Claus, I Want a Computer and bunny and Makup and ,a dog chihuahua and want a goat is nice and a gamin and new TV and a Crown and a pet snake nice and abooke and band to read. Love, Mydalis Nunez Dear Santa Claus, What I want for Christmas is a snow dogs and a four wheeler and * poodle and a gameboy a cd player. I want a computer and a mp 3 player and spinners. I want hair stratner and hilids with colers. I want music. Love Ginette Sambrano Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a laptop, Cinderela the littlest Pet Shop the kitten that has pink glasses, a Game Boy, Hello Kitty games, 'Barbie Mirmaids, a puppy that is a Golden'Ritrever, hamster the color yellow gold, some snekers, Mary-Kate and Ashely cloths. From: Maria Munoz Dear Santa, I want a forwhaler and a toy remot control car and a bike and a game called Oprashan Shrek and Clos and Shos. I Love You Santa Geronimo Vizarraga Dear Santa, I won't a goimboyedvono for Chrismas. I woad like a dollmemaid for Christmas Santa Clohs. I woad like a dog and a cat for Chrismas Santa Clohs I won't cloths for Chrismas Santa Clhos. I won't a new bike for Chrismas Santa Chlos. Ho Ho Merey Chrismas Stephanie Limon Dear santa, What I wan't fer Christmas is a tv and a football gome and a football and a bike and a truck toy. From Cody Woods Dear Santa, I would like a new bike that has a stoper at the bars. I would like a bedroomset. I would like my own tv. I would like a computer. I would like a DVD Player. Love, Salma Ramos Dear Santa, How are you doing in the North Pole? I am doing just fine. The only thing I want is my Mom and Dad to get back together. That is the only thing I want. Love, Benjamin Tamayo Dear Santa, 1 hope you have lots of money so you can bring me a game boy advice with a game of pockeman that is for a game boy advice. ho ho ho Love, Omar Torres Dear Santa, I want a new jacket, and shoes. I want new ps2 games like Midnight Club Two. I want a new book name the Lefs and the Shoemaker. Love, Ruben Olmos Dear Santa, These are the things I want for Christmas. I want a ps3 and a scoot- er. I also want barbies and brats, I want dresses and dress shoes. I want a new pair of sandles too. Movies and cd's. I want many more stuff too. Merry Christmas Santa and a Happy New Year. Ho Ho Ho Taylor Marie Pelham Dear Santa, I want a nintendogamecube beca- sue theres cool games. I want a game called Mario party seven or resentment evil two. I want an Xbox. three sixthee to. Love,' Chuefy Vue :LTS12:22 We Wish You A Merry Christmas Jay Miller, manager SPat Mishoe rMark Hall Roy Rodriguez Renee Guzman Rhonda Long Albert Headlee :Suburban > Propane 518 S. 6th Avenue -Wauchula, FL I I B Ir ~ 8C The Herald-Advocate, December 22, 2005 Dear Santa, I want a bedset, mark bard with marks, clths, swetre for my dog's, play sell phone. and a bratdoll. Love Ellen Bivens Dear Santa, I would like my two front teeth. I would like to have a dance mat, but mostly I would like lots of clothes, toys and a scooter. And a game of That's so Raven, Moruoh. Love, Thalia Duran Dear Santa, I won't a computer for Christmos and a new bike and a Gamboyidvants. and a new two controller and a golden necles and some close for christmos and a new truck for christmos. Love,. Gabriel Mendoza Dear santa, Iwant a T.V. game. Want a Game boy. I want a pet, a cat. I want a oom pack. I want a doll. I want a bike. Love, Valerie Dunaway, Dear Santa, I wold love my two Front teeth for Chritmas and a game boy with games Kim Psuble, Princess and the Poper, Lise Mgher, Thats so Rovon, Moreo, and last but not lest a cmpoter. How are you Santa? I'me fine. I hope you are fine. Love, Miranda Smith Dear Santa, I would like a skat bord and APS2. How are your ders? Are they fed? Drive saffly. Ok! Love, Jeremy Boyer Dear Santa, I would like a new bike. I would . like a new Dora book and a new color box. I would like some more craons and pinsels. Love, Roshel Richardson. Dear Santa, I will like a x-box-360 for. Christmas and big home for my big dog. All of games like baseball and socker and bascktbll and the game rascors and mordisickrs for my x- box-360. Also, some more games for my playstachin like my other games like b4sball and socker and basketball and the game rascors and mordisickrs for my playstachin. Love, Luis Dominguez Mrs. Floyd Is Class Dear Santa how is mrs clues? Fine? I been a good girl. Santa I want makeup and cloths, and shoes a dress and Jewlery and perfume. SLove Josephine, Dear Santa, You now what I want for chrismes I want a Brtzlets doll wheth all their suttf and a Barbe car and a candys and firye doll that could fly up and a Prinses. doll wheth Pants., Love Amber Dear Santa, Is the rain beer who had a red, nose big nowr. Santa may i have a game boy. And can i have a cdplaer wit ten cd's to it. And i wont a litt TV so i can woch a lot of cartoon and csi. thack you a lot santa close. Love, by Gino Juarez Dear Santa I have ben a good boy hav you how is rodof the rondear and I want a move Th name of the move is called Your min and our Love David Dear Santa, How is Roudoff the reindeer. I want pans and snecers and shose and rings and earings. neckless and scertes and dress and mony and a puppy and horse and. candy and rabit and flowers. Love. Atasha!! Dear santa How Do you corn from t cirtn? and IWant a good riding pehicpl and a radit Pet and and Dkking of gah- boy sp and a xdox. Love Jonathan Dear Santa, for cresme, I want a bike. And a wenerpuppe. And a toy robot.Aiid the move skyhie. Santa and a car toy remot cetchol. Love S- JR PS I beno good. Dear Santa,. Haw is Roodof? I want a fowihr. I want a mokintrow car I want a nowsipinsid. Love,: Noah I bina good boy P.S Dear Santa, lInd Do You Have a. mocan trol truck? 2nd I wont a dike. 3rid I wont some close. 4nd I wont a new dook bage. Love Love ,, Garrett Dear Santa, Do you Have rile rader? I wote a bike? I wote a gabo. I wote a sepone. P.s., I have bine a goob girl. Love Sierra Garcia Dear Santa, 4. Santa where do you get the toys. 2 Santa I whant a doll. 3. Santa I whant a bike Love. Santa Liseth, Lazara Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Santa? I want a bike and a gocar I been a good girl. hey Santa Rosio Leon Dear Santa Can have a watermlon. Can i have a prinses chairitis purplee, how comite. how is rudof. Love Savannah. Dear Santa. Santa can you tell me your rein- deer names? Im sorry for being bad. I want a car. to Santa Love Alexis Escobedo Dear Santa, Can i have a mocotrow car? I whont a forwiler and I whant a g cart and for sister a close I Love, you Dylan p.s. I what Dert Bike Dear Santa, I would like a bike for cri And I would like a Gameb forerismas. How is 'Mrs. C Has she ben good this year? Dear Santa, How are you. I have ben a grol. I love my teacher Can I B doll. Dear Santa,. I wont my family to have a crismas? 11 wont a esay bake 2 I need new cloth. 3 I wont. you. 4 I wont my sisters to be. for me. 5 senhdbe abood shirg ona mire has. Dear Santa, I want a fish tank and fish for my fishows and dangerous HuntS two- ocnda train Set the movie chicken little. playstashon 2. scobby Doo 2 By Jordan Dear Santa, I have been good This year I .wood like to have A Dora Kichan Set and I wood like to have A chris- mas dress Chrismas robe and I wood like to say marry chrismnas ' Love Kaleigh Dear Santa, I want a table. I want my cosin back. I want lots of friend. I want a pony. I want all Seven of my pup- pies 'back a live. to: Santa from case Love cassie Dear Santa, I want a four %wheeler and a three' wheeler and a gocar and a dirt bike' for, Chistrias. Love : Emanuel Dear Santa, I have ben good this year., For crismis I wont a foull box of toys I don't wont bardes. I only wont boy toys. yor friend orasio Dear Santa, I please want a Game 1 remote control 4x4 moi And a picture of some of deer please. Because I this year. Dear Santa, I want a video games mas and Ill. promise you ] I be good with my broth ter and Ill respect my mo DaD and Ill do my home Dear Santa, I have been good this y a swing set, 3 willer, baby a very good time with on Christmas and swim Dear Santa, I wont twenty presents share with my sisters i wo you one or three Dear Santa, I want a toy for christm a hot for christmas. lave a Dear Santa, Love I want twenty presents Ana you some here is one so boots long ones.and a s and a boyfriends and hi ^ Gable and Ruben box And a nster truck your rien- been good Jesse for christ- Ill[ be good er and sis- )m and my work to. love Maico Dear Santa claus, I want a toycar and a fantastike four Toy.rockman. I want a spider- man also. I am going to be at my Grandma's on Christmas day so please bring my toys there. love Zachary Dear Santa Claus, I want a cd player and a book that is named. Because of Winn Dixie. i would also like a portable play sta- tion 2 and a. T-shirt. Love Diego ear. I want Dear Santa Claus, y goat, and I have been a pretty good kid so I my family guess I deserve some presents. First aing-pool. of all for Christmas I would like a Love little four wheeler (real) and also a Claudia bean bag and those pillows with the beads inside of them and I would like a rolling bookbag (any kind) and i will and I would also like a bratsdoll and onto give I would like a new bike I would like, some clothes and shoes size 7/8 size love shoes 1/2 and I would also. like t Melissa some tracing things so I could trace and some paper to go with the trac- ing things. I want some stuff for my nas. I want new room (all show out colors) and nas. I want ; (any some new purses (any colors) and I from would like a new alarm clock so I Harley could get up in the morning. Love Josie. . I will tell )me par of Dear Santa Claus, sweaterr to I Would like a four-wheeler and a .s name is dog and a XBox to play in my home' when I am bored I could also play Love For with my friends. that's all the things Samantha I want for Christmas. lu... Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want a four wheeler and tv/vcr for christ- mas and i want the best christmas in my life. m love Willie Negrete Dear Santa, I been good this year. I want a trampoling for christmas and a good puppy and a swimmingpool. I want, a present for someone she wants a peace of gold. And I want to meet you with my own eyes. I will ask if I could see your deer and if I could ride with you and hlep you love Priscilla Dear Santa, I have been good. I want a pupp and otherstoy for christma. Plece. Love S. .... Taylor Dear Santa, I want a girl freand and all I wan for christmas is my 2 front teeth and, a siminels suet and a play statn 2 to go inimy room I hope. Aaron Dear Santa Claus, I want a remote car a Gameboy. A bike. I want play Stashion 2 love i Kyle Dear Santa Claus, I want a bike and skateboad. and a plane toy. -I also want a watch. And a computer Love Cirillo Jove Julio Dear Santa Claus, What I want for Christmas -is a CD player a fourwheeler, a game boy, a cell Phone, a scooter, a DVD player an outfit and a swimming pool These are the things I want for Christmas. Love Chelsea Dear Santa Claus, Santa I want a few things I want a new bike but no training Wheels and I want some clothes and the last thing I want is a waterbed. Love Alex Dear Santa, I want a Journal and Crayolas. because I don't have many Crayons and if you would bring me Crayolas and a Journal I would feel glad. Love Ana Dear Santa Claus, I would Like an Xbox, four whel- er remott control car. I would also lika toy hummer, a sweater and a t- shirt Love Terry Dear Santa claus, I want a cdplayer and a GameBoy and Hot wheel cars so that I can have fun with my friends and with my brothers., Love John Dear Santa Claus, What I want for Christmas is a computer and a scooter and a game boy. I would also like a cd player and I want a new club house. Love Desira Dear Santa Claus, What I want for Christmas is a hores and a Rabbit that's What I Want for Chrismas. I had been pret- ty good and helping people What I One more present it is a kitten. love Amber Dear santa claus, I want a game Boy for chrise- miss. and a Fantastic 4 movie and Books. Love Lupe Dear Santa Claus, What I want For Christmis a remote-control car and I want a, game boy. I also want a new chain for my bike. And I want everyone to have a Merry Christmis. Love Cody Pre Opening Sale Thursday, December 22 10 a.m. 4 p.m. Jan~s 215 W. Orange St., Wauchula 735-0730 781-0141 p~ j,,. D1. I, ' NiLL s-iCu :o h mOA Oh t Ka lk d e-opeliig veI SkIoon! WARM CHRISTMAQ We truu lope tat you experience the warmth and ppinems of a joyous CArit, ma Thank you for your loyal business this holiday season! From Jim, Sharon, BeV, John & Joe Central Florida Lawn & Garden Inc. 230 West Main Street, Wauchula 773-6215 * :ivwI of 1uII .ules ,II IHwyl TS., WouchuIa 773-6391, hope Santa.' brings You. everything on, yourlist! We will be closed Christmas Eve and -Christmas Day. LTS12:22 Jan Platt OwnerTanning $st ir~me:lon:~raws._: i: .r .". ,* ," December 22, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 9C Fina ncia Lesson Add TO YOUR 84 By joining Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union, you'll reap rewards during the holidays and all year long. Because while your bank returns profits to its shareholders, we return profits jin< J you. You'll get lower rates on loans, higher earnings on deposits and services that are really free-- like free checking and online bill pay. Best of all, anyone who lives, works, worships or attends school in Hardee County can join.* % Visit us in Wauchula at 1451 U.S. Highway 17 North and discover how nice it is to finally get something you've been wanting for a long time. Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. ,, www.joinsu ncoa st..org U:A *Unexpired government photo ID is required. Additional documentation may be necessary. ,} "". .., "'' ""W ER M A T POPaKEPgoI ON Y ,! ; .7 :. :" i ""1 g 4,- ., .? : ,:. wwjonsunoastorg ;"VV #25 yourself GIFT LIST. to . . 10C The Herald-Advocate, December 22, 2005 Dear Santa, .This is what I want for christmas Santa. I want A tree house, and a doll house. and a hundreds of boilers and I'v'been good and bad I hope I get it Santa Love. Yuette Dear Santa, I want for christmas 300 poller and what I also want is 50 doler's. Please give me a bike also. Jeremy Franks Dear Santa, These are the things. that I want for Christmas I want a Gi-Joe toy for christmas and a dirt bike. Dalton Baker Dear Santa, is itgoal in the snown Whisn i live in the snown Love Ryan Dear Santa, Hello I wish I hab a gluse Angel doll ant I wish't I hab a Hiliary Duffed CD. I wish I hub a Bratz XBox game. I will make chocolate chip cookies and milk for you. Love Elizabeth Dear Santa, Are you ready for Christmas? I sure am and I've been waiting all year. I want a cd player. Next I want a four wheelers. Last I want a little mouse and a kitten and a: puppy to be my pet. I'll try not to leave the fire on when you come down the chimney and I know that you have maigic powrs than us we have no powrs. . Marry Chrismas SamanthaSalazar Dear Santa. I've been super good this year for Chrismis I want a pony and a bog and a computer. Love Enos Dear Santa. Santu I wot a tow a unan car. Fredrick Dear Sata, I.wan you cud i brog me a RTod car to! Garrett Dear Santa, I Wish I can see You but I can't because You come "at night and I am asleep and Please can you get Me these three things? I wan't a radio and a bicycle and a swimming Pool for my whole family. When it is summer it is hot so that is why I, wasn't a swimming poll for .my Whole Family. Merry Christmas Santa Claws Love Gabrielle: Dear Santa, I want a Puppy. and lots of pre- ,sents for my family and a doll. With cloths. Love Jennifer, Dear Santa, This is what I have been waiting For A basketball curtain and a tram- poline and a Hot wheels track any Kind of track and if you come to my house you will see the tabelful of cookies and a copful of milk. I been good Femando Anselmoin Miswylis Dear Santa, Send me a XBox 360, and a Cd Player I want to listen to cds while I. play my xbox. Finally I wanted Gameboy. Ive been good this year. Love Daryl Dear Santa, I want a cowboy hat. and a toy rocket and a lego. can I get all theoes things because I been good Love Austin Dear Santa, I hope been good this year. I want a bunches of toys such as an Xbox 360, a playstation I and some clothes. . Merry chrismas / Trevor Dear Santa, I I want a trampoleen to get exer- size and also to jump and play on. I also want a puppy that is tame with the cute tail. Most of all i want my ears perst. Tell Mrs. Clause I; said cook you a great dinner with dessert. And tell the elfs I said.their doing a very very great jod on the toys Have a great CHRISTMAS and a Happy New year HO! HO! HO! Love Rachel' Dear Santa, I want a trampoleen to get exer- size and also to jump and play on. I also want a puppy that is tame with the cute tail. Most of all i %%ant my ears perst. Tell Mrs. Clause I said cook you a great dinner with dessert. And tell the elfs I said their doing a very very great jod on the toys Have a great CHRISTMAS and d Happy New year HO! HO! HO! S. ove Rachel Dear Santa, How have I been this year? I think I have been good this year.. Swimiming-pool. CD play, computer. Whin you came to my house I will have a lot of cookies for you: ; Merry christmas, Rebeca Dear Santa, Aar the reindeer getting enough exercise to pull i you tro my house? For cristmas I want a claw machine and a stuffed animal and finally a coten candy machine I need to Know want your favorite kind of' cookie is so I can leav them outl for you. Merry christmas, Hunter 'V ~ ~yY' Dear Santa, How are you Santa? How are your reindeer? Santa claus can you aswer this question? Am I good or bad? I'm nice at school and I'm good to my friends and to my teacher. I want a game boy sp. and a XBox 360. Santa claus and I Love you santa claus. My grandma likes you too. I even saw you before santa claus. Is the elfs making toys for all the kids who is nice? your friend Arturo Ramirez Dear Santa, How is your rain deer? like comet or blitsin or rudof. Are they being good? Ho wis your wife? How are you? What I want for christmas is a picter of you and your wide 'in front. of your rain deer. And I, want a bell from one of your rain deer. I love you santa!!! Josie Moore Dear Santa, Do you like your job being Santa? How is Roodoff and the other reindeer? What I would really really really wan't for Christmas is my dog Cocoa back. May I also have a bratz babies doll: And a toy train that goes on a track. :, xoxoxo Brandi Swearingen diro santa. how is yorouyo day carit long gaus. I moonflri rondor orde 6oeres santar Yor diros cores san ta comia PeSet es a cat. Erik cortiz coeresnco --t--- Dear, santa How is your Day growing. I gust want to tell you what i want for, chrismas, I want a mocantrol Jeep and close for chrismas. Ho Ho Ho Jonatan Martinez Dear Santa, I may have ben bad but I hope you will still give me some pre- sents. Is Roudolf real how are you. and Mrs. claws doing. You would, probably say yes we are doing well. Will you please bring me an amaz- ing amanda doll and an sky dancer and will you. bring me an my little pet shope play ground, too? Sarah McClenithani Dear Santa Claus, I now that I ben bad and good so I Was wondering if you can forgive me and if it is ok to you. Are you, allright I hope you are allright. because I am so much Iam happy. I Want a laptop and a plastation 2 and games for it. Beatriz Macedo, Dear Santa, How ear your randeer. How ear your elavs working hard. First, I wont a toy carr that mouvs and thoit looks like a mustas and that has lights that work and big and with lather sets and a trounk with a bak- seat. A hours that's brown and white. Ho Ho Ho Karley White Dear Santa, what I want for .christmas is 'clows and a pizza marker, and for my Baby sister can you give her clows and Baby toys and my bother he need clows and for me and I want clows and toys. Ashley Ugarte Dear Santa, How is your day going Do you know what wont for christmas a shell shoker and madom 200d and stert 2. and a hocke stick game you are my best friend ever! from William Mccleliand Dear Santa, ,How are you and Mrs. Claues and your elves or your reindeer? And I am doing good and I'm being good in school and we have a christ- mas tree in our class room and we decorated it with you and stocking's and apple's and 2 little andjles and we have christmas tree's and we have lites around it. And I've made all 100's on my spelling test. 0 and I all most forugot wase to tell you wate I wanted for christmas. For christmas I want is yu-ge-oe cards and a reemot control humer H2. your freind Dalton Tubbs Dear Sata, How are you sata? Is it cold up there? Is Mrs. clause doing good hu? Hey santa is the reindeer ok? Can I have a buck beds and bb gun and ps2 some games to. X box games game cube games to please. and psl games to? Love Bryon Kilpatrick Dear, Santa I've been a little bad this year but really good too.. I will be having out carrots for your reindeer and some cookies for you. I am doing good in school,. I have been helping my mom' out. Abby can stand up. And they are growing up. Chritsmas is my favorite hoiliday beacauce I can spen time with my family.. I want a lap top, a baby kitten, and a four whealar. Love your sweet angels. Mara Liean Goodwyn!! Dear Santa, How are the 'rain deers and the elfs. Wait I want for crismis is a x; box 360 and a mooer spooter and a hard held plasasnin and poke men cards. That's wait I want for crisnis. Love Russell Weems' Dear Santa, I want a lap a manchon and flat scree t.v. make up set ha Dear santa, I have been good this year. How are the elf's, doing? Can you tell Comet I said hi for me. The first thing I want for Chistmas is the Harry Potter game. Second I want A remote control car. Last I want A horse just like Luke. Love Hunter Bryant Dear Santa, I wut a pupey and a caring Book and a pak fo crands and a Book and a Jakit and a Rabbes arid a kidin and a nuthe 4 weebr. Ashley Trone Dear Santa, I hop tha miss clus is oky This is Wha I WanT for Chrimas A Jumprop Payt for siris Mus lipclas for crismas Yolanda Arroyo Dear Sonta, Santa do you have a wide I ess you do i have, a wife. What her name is it Santa girl. Wen i what ais a vido now. Wen what is machup. Wen it alone a vend now and macup and close macup macup. Amanda Sandez Dear Santa, The things That the presents would Like This ear you i, love you santa big game and gameboy and in Ipod This year ,for you Santa Cluas It I'll make coopes and fresh milk I'll try to stayawacke how are you doing and sanrta wife in the North Pole I Will see you flying I love you Santa I'll try to go to sleep. Bryan Cisnero Dear Santa, Hi santa how are you. how is roodof saya hi oh and What is Mrs top and a phone and claus doing I a four wheeler and a This year I would like to haw a and a music player shal chacar, play station 3;, rebean immster pot of goida. super bike, go cart, santa action figr. Soli Turres Hi santa how is mrs claus saya hi from me love you santa. Karan Limbachia Dear Santa, How do you bring toys without making a sound? I bet it is hard for you. I am cind and good. Can you still bring me a toy? So I can play w ith other toy s.Iwon't a monster truck that can jump and go. It plays, music and at top. your little boy Erick Montoya Dear Santa, How are:you doing santa I am doing grate. How does your deer fly Santa? I am in second grade. What I want for chrismis is a Toy,comput- er and a puppy a music box a little chrirsmis tree a kittin. and a cham- plin to jump on. Love 'Brenda Martinez Dear Santa, How are you? I am so glad to write you a letter. I got a question how doow you git your raindear to fly? And I been bad the first year I am being good. So can,! git a nuther noow soot please with a pears that comes with it pleas Santa. and can I get earrings pleas., and get my dad now femecher to and me a toy rain- beer and some pear fyome. can you, write me a letter back? please S kess and hugs Lesa Camel Dear Santa, how are you and miss claus doing how are the reindeer doing how is roodof. for christmas this I wot a XBo\ 360 and a paintball gun and a bb gun and a New drt bike. I will sind you something I blev in you Santa. Tyler Congletdn Dear Santa, How are you? are you well? I Just want to no, Thankes for giving me some things last year. This year I want a chopper, .trampoleen, spy laser: I hopp you don't get stuck in my chimny. Hay santa .Just to let you no I will stay up Santa. have I been good or bad. I Just want to no. Quintin Kuschke Dear Santa, Hi santa, how are you doing. Thac you for my stuf last year. This year can i have a car for my fothr. And a house for us. An can i have some baby dols and a baby dols house, and some baby dols close and- some clos for my father and shoos. )And some clos and shoos for me too. And some soos for my baby dols. , Anjelica Lee Dear Santa, How are you? Thank you for the j presents last year. i you can afford :- it. I would like a Game Cube. tram- paline, and a X box. I want them because you can play with them and have fun oh I hope you aren't so cold at the North Pole Sean Nickens Dear Santa, The thing you are about is that you deliver present to everyone ho is nice. and last year for that I will " make you milk and cookie. and I Lovie you santa. and I wan't a Xbox \\ 360 and a playstation and a game- boy and a Xbox and a gamecube.. ' Eduardo Lopez, ' Dear santa claus, This year i will.want a vago santa i will not get presetes on next chris- mas i will leave you a presntes look' , by the door it is cookies and milk vy the door i like the toy's oh santa is the reindeer oky santa you can send me a letter if you want, you are nice santa claus. i know it is a lot of work to do i wish i can help you santa with the preset but i have to do to bed and you are a frennly peopsen santa i now i bed bad now i am good santa claus tell rudeoff ne is nice santa i hope you have a nice chrismas santa claus Jacob Dear Santa, I hope you aren't cold. How are you feeling today" Thank you for all of the presats from last year. This- year I want a pool, trampalean and a bike. I really want a pool incase I get hot. And, I have been hoping I get a trampalean. I love to jump on them. I .you can uford it then can you get it please? And the last thing' I want for Christmas is a bike. I love to ride bikes. I really want one for Christmas I had training wheels but my friend taught me to ride' . without them. So I don't need them any more. Those are the three" things I want for Christmas. Logan Gunnoe Dear Santa, Claus How are you and the raindeers and are the elves helping you pack think you for the gifs last year. This year, I would like if you-can aford it-'-' I would like trampleyn too jup on. And the other, I would like spiy-'' laser so no one can mess with me.,',' and a shell shacer so I can play with' it. sanra clause I hope you don't get - stuck in my chimneey and my name - is Jason. Jason Nichols Dear santa, "' Hello santa how are you doing in," you are so nice to all the boys and" the grils' in I so the riendeers. are'' no't cool in ain I want for chrismas' is ridea new xp and xbox and bike. I life if you can give a videonow xp in I prizat but because you ar so nice to every one. I like if you can give xboy because I can play with ,*., my friends. Fin This is the last thing: I goant is a bike so I can go to the. park. santa thanks for oyou give my., -, -Dani Paniagua Dear santa, I Hope you will go to every body. have this year I Hope I was good. this year. I Hope I get the New': video now and a traplenaa because I ever had it. I Love sanda to sanda. Taylor Raberts Dear Santa, Have you ben I hope you benfine' all year long wale if you ar thanking about me i am fine. I want to tell you thank you for last year's pre-- sent's. The present's i would like" this year are a pony rabbit and'-. stamps with ink because they are' good things. As you can see these three resans wiy I lov chrismas: ' Marry chrismas to All I Love Jesus' Brittany Flowers AcademicAssociates S'Learning Centers* Your Child Will Learn to Read! Free Evaluation Rose Mitchell-Freeman IniernTalionallv Acclaimed Method Reading instruction Specialist Children, Teens & Adults (863)773-6141 I915 N. 6th Ae. Pet Care 773-6783 Wauchula g C : nt I Haree ca Co.S December 22, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 11C Mrs. Sleeper's Class Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Santa and your reindeer? Can you pleae bring me four present's. One of those pre- sent's I want is a camra. The second present I want is a c.d.. The third present I want is a c.d. for my video how. The last present I want is the biggest littlest pet shop." xoxoxoxoxo Morgan W. Dear Santa, How are you doing? For chistmas I want a game boy and a game for it. And scamp a play dog. I am good and will Keep being good. Morgan E. Dear Santa, What do you do When it is not Christmas, or Christmas Eve? Do you like the peanut butter balls that mema makes? Because I like them. Can I please have a new board game? I really need a kariakie machine. My other one broke. I would really like Scampz my play- ful pup in black and white. please. An adopted puppy .is what I've never had before. I will give you peanut butter balls, cookies and milk. SheXOX Shelby Dear Santa, How is Rudoph? I have be( ty good. I want video games. mony. Last I want a X Box 3( games. Dear santa, How are You? Rudpf ai rindeer? I was good. I want Wheels and ninja turtls. I \ game boy and a hiew Santa ha Dear Santa. How are you sarita? How North pole? How is Rodoph a other Raindeer? Will you wri letter back? i have been ver) this year. I want a video came a Nextel and a bed for my I and toys for my puppy to. give you milk and cookey's. Dear Santa, How are you and the reind will tell you how I am. I am I you would 'not mind coul please get these-four things fi They are Bratz 'head game, of flexable pencils. would like to hate a canra and a gur D.S. I have tried to be on ir behavior. XO; Dear Santa, How are you? Are the elfs good? I hope so. I wan't a big poo bear. Do you? I Do. I also want a game Boy. Last of all I want a Bratz Angel. I Love You. XOXOXOXO Zoey Dear Santa, I have been trying to be .good. How do youget around the world in one night? What I want for C" -istmas is. a toy volswagon, a i y Stashun 2 game and a SLingshot. Brandon Dear Santa, How are you at the north Pole? How is Rudoph the reindeer?. I bin good this year.. Now I am going to 'tell. you what I want for Christmas. I want a Beach barbie makeup for the Barbie. Then makeup' that Looks like a star bag. Then a mario game. Then Fantastic 4 DVD. I rel- lay wanted these things for Chirstmas. Love Santa, by: Valeria Dear Santa, How are you? How are the elvs? How is Mrs. Closes? I will leve you a preset. Now this is what I want for Christmas Frist, please can you get me a Barbie and me. Secund a book that said, "Cold in Water." Last is a fake fish. I will be very good for these things. xoxoxo Kaydance Dear Santa, How are you doing in.the North pole? How is your wife! May you get me a video now and a PS and I will like Furby and the Bratz head. Merry Christmas. And I will be very very \ery good. Love Rosie Nell!' Love Rosie Dear Santa, How is roudof is he ok? I tri to be nice. I want you to buy me a game and books and D.S and pla' stashon. And how is the North pol. How is the uther reindeer? Are thay good? How is miss clas is she all rit? Does. she make cookies. I like cookes. for you Nathan Dear. Santa. How are you doing at the north pole? How is Mrs. Clawes and Rudolph? You are cool Santa. Do you eat healthy! I have been trying to be good I want three gifts. One a remote control' car. Second a com-. puter. Third a new Back pack sincerely Jose Dear santa, How are the reindeers? These are the things I wont. A new game boy, toy football, play stashun. I will leav you milk and kukes. These are the things I want,for Chistmas. I have been good evere day. friend Marco Dear Santa,- How are you at'the north pole? I whant for chirstmas.a shell shocker, and a pack uf yo-Gi-oh! cards, and black belt, and a Little car with remote, and a game boy any game. I have ben, very very good. From:" Benjamin' Dear Santa, I have been trying to be good this year. how is Rudolph and the rein- deer? How are you and your wife doing? how are the elfs? Can you write a. note back? I want a real puppy and roller skates and a stuffed bunny and a game boy with assets. Oh I almost forgot how is Blitzen, Prancer. Dancer. Comet, Cupet and Doner. S....- "Love ' Angelica Dear Santa, How is it at the north pole? How s rudoph and the others? I've been trying to be good. But I was won- ering if I can ask you for three ifts. One is a littlest pet. shop. Second a Aerpostle jacket Third I .vould like a lap top. I wish'you can et me these three things but if you can't. That's okay.. Love Ally Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a FHappy New Year! Hill's Auto World and Bowling Green Quick Lube Dear Santa! How old are you? How are you? Are you doing good? How is your wife? I want a Bratz head and a book to help me read. And skates and a Gameboy. Thank you for all the things that you gave me. I love' you very much. I am 7 years old. The End. bym Dominique, Dear Santa, How are you? I have bi to be good. I want to ask y queshtuns. Can you get n mony and video games and boy DS. and a S.P. Dear Santa, I wish to have a motersicl iguana but what I wish to ha mdre is to see steven, m friend. Next year I will try to do school. Shawn S Dear Santa, I wont a remkochrol bot make my day exsiding ando a 3 Mteogamns James He en trying 'ou some Dear Santa, Here are some things that I would like for Christmas. I would like a new laptop. A new bike just the right size for me. Also I would like some toys. And last but not least I would lik a puppy These things would mack me feel happy becuas they will be fun to play with not boring! I will feel very but very thankful! Thank you very much Santa. Love, Deisy.Piedad me some Dear Santa, d a game I hop you had a amasing year with your elfs and Mrs. Claus. If sencerly you now that I den good thes are Hayden sum things I wod like. I wod like a long scrt becus thay ar prtey. I wod like a another rel reng weth a dimen becus thay are beyoteful. Osow lit- tls gurls macup so I can look prte. And a geft frum you so I can rememdr you always. Thes things would make me feel wonderful and peaceful. Love, Jemela Mancillas Dear, Santa I am in the seound grade. I want a playstations two with a lot of games. I want a samia with a lot of cars. I want a toy sogares and a lot S of clouth and a shoes still toes boots and alot of Nike shoes and I give 11 and an you cookis and milk and other soft' Lve enen for my faimly to and a merry chirst- ty best- mas to you Santa and i want a lot of cans shirts and pants and shorts and better in a lot of panntes for everyone Santa. I want a lots of pets to everyone Simnson Santa. . It will )se i wot rnandez Dear Santa, I wont a gameboy for crismus. I wont a xbox 360 a game name race- ing so I can race-cares. I wont some moon soos. And a madolsicl to drive it on the rode rare truck to have fun onit. Love Jacob Dear Santa, I would like a scamps for my playtal pup. I want some new clothes too! I want a tran with a track. I would like 50000 dollars on chirsmas. I feel great inside me * self. I would be great to him. Love Sienna Morrah Dear Santa, Have I been good Santa? you now wut I want I 'want a red for- weeler. And I want horse stuff to Santa, Oh and the inprtin thing is I want a long cowgril hat. And I want a ril horse to. Sata it is going to be cool Shelby Brown Dear Santa, ,I wood be good for Santa to get toys. I want three chairs for my play house, I %want a real phone for my play house, also a Dr. set. also christmas make my day wonderful. also santa is best. By Lexy Barker Love, Dear Santa, Katey What I want for christmas .is a puppy. I want to ride a train and a new tetty bear. I want a t.v. And I leer? I want for christmas is a shiny, nec- fine. Tf less. I want'to do on a trip. I want a , d you candy cane for my brother, sister or me? and me. I can take pictures with" a pack Santa, too. how where you? that's all d also the things I want for christmas. I ne boy was fine all day. all these thing I Ly best want for christmas make me so happy and exiting. . XOXO your friend S.. Andrew Alvarado Dea Santa, I wud Like a. game boy evens. That was i can shar with my friend; I wud Like to run Faster. and fish-. ing acritment Santa That is wut i want four crismus. It makes my happy T a Luve Taylor Yates Dear Santa, Thees are some thang's I want for christmas. I want a big 4 wheel, ?.,. gameboy advans sp, Etinies, and ,I also wold like a cowboycoller for ,[ football, this stuff makes me feel grate to get this stuf and I also want to know what it is like in the north poal. I hope you have a good time eating beacous your so fat I Sinjoy writing this note to you. ... Your friend, ,'- ""Conner Crawford Dear Santa, 'Thes are some things I wood Love For Chrisms, I Wood Like a X Box 360 so I can Play Lots of gains. All so A Five Feet car will Be nice. So I can Drive in The rade and a Baby Bird it Will Be cool that is Wut I like For Cchrismus. Love Isaiah Capron Love Beto Lopez Dear Santa, I wood like a DVD for the truck mabye a little miney bike oo mabre some hats from monster Jam mabey a for a for willer and some wanka nonut and some and a new dales cowboys football mabye a bigfoot that can make soud and that's my christmas list thank you santa Love Justin Newman Dear Santa, I hop you had a Asum year with your elfs and Mrs clause. Let me tell you whont for chrismes I want a blue dirtdike. and a, Gac forwheel- er. and I want al toy boat with a mother, and I want a hours and moon shoes to. Love Jackson Starratt Dear Santa, How is yor year? How is Mrs. Clas? Have I ben good? If I have here is a list of things I want for Christmas First I want Barby Makeup, a Barby phon, a Barby camra and a Barby cynputor. by McKenzie Blair Dear Santa, Have i been good if i have could i have F4 mdgnum so i could shoot a buck and a hog and a whit-tail- deer I couls make sasheg for us. please if y didet know i shot a dow, I want a go cat so I could pull lims are yard would Be clean I like spinin downuts. if i have a go cart i waint flip on my Go cart i well were my hellment Love Tucker Albritton cJOY TYO)i 71' E JQVOI RD duY'lU*!~ n'UL Deer Santa, May i get new clothes for my baby siter. Want a bible. I want Dallas cowboys quarter back. Also Buccaneers runner. And a puppy. And big bike for my dad. Beatful flower for my mom. Another Buccaneers runner, New soccer ball. A Robin toy very long book for me. Yu-Gi-uH cards. A football that look like my football. Bunch of books wonc that are very long and it is have lots of chapters for me. Ushers new song. And 50 cent song. I wont Dallas cowboy picture. Asol Fat head of Dallas cowboys. Zatch Bell book. And i want A beebee gun. And i want king kong Gameboy And king kong movie. And cybord hand, Love Austin Garcia Dear Santa, I hope you have a magnifisit year. Here is a list of things that I want for Christmas. I would like a lap top because I want to do on the enernet and find things that I don't know and also I want to sent letters to my friends and family. And I would like new clothes to wear to school. .And also I want a doodle bear to doodle on it. Last but not least I would like new pair of shoes because my shoes don't fit any more. If I get all these things I would be thankful and happ. Love, Brenda Miramontes Dear Santa, I hope you had a magnificent year. I was going to ask, have I been good. You are some! These are some toy's. And one real. hamster because if I don't get one I will cry. Next, I wan't a lap top so I could write messages to my friend julissa. Last, I want a nintendo so I could play game's wherever I go. And I fill happy and fill great. Love, Kristian Judah "! 1 '' 7 '- R " .-'. f* J-1' **t ve7'' Weal' ' Business Cards Stationery Postcards Labels Picker's Tickets & Cards Flyers Invoices Business Forms* Envelopes Invitations Announcements Letterheads Calendars Magnetic Signs ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS IN ONE CONVENIENT LOCATION! f;-': 12C The Herald-Advocate, December 22, 2005 sa e and r-ikosperous ur customerss rzstmas and a 7X ew Toye English, Dana English, Donnie Canary Office Staff Christa Wolfe, Lorraine Smith, Pat Penny, Alice Perry, Donna Alexy Sales Team Standing: Mark Faye, Kevin Hanchey, Kevin Smith, Dave Manwiller, Pyatt Lastinger, Jimmie Smith, Jack Smith, Kevin Spurlock, Joe Mullins. Kneeling: Brandon Sellers and Ray Rivas. Service Department, Parts Department and Collision Center Back left to right: Chad Norwood, Jeff Thompson, Cliff Whaley, Robert Austin, William Gallinger, Russell Sanchez. Middle: Bobby Plumely, Robert Wright, Chris Miller, Brannon Ward, Rocky Salas, Donnie Heither. Kneeling: Donald Canary, Ray Nickens, Dave Penny, Drew Spencer, Jesus Obregon. A Not Pictured: Scott Clark. / CHEVROLET CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP SERVING FLORIDA S HEARTLA34ND 1405 Hwy 17 South Wauchula 773-4744 LTS12:22 4; A , - Year . , ~tblliti$i~ |