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Into Scrapbooking? Class On Saturday ... .Story s88 The 105th Year, No. 5 3 Sections, 32 Pages i Lady Hoopsters SSink DeSoto 39-9 .. ..Story 1B Herald-Advocate Hardee County's Hometown Coverage Thursday, January 13, 2005 46 Over $600,000 Goes To Storm Victims For To Change Lanes? instruction Services which is in of Zolfo' Springs through rural and 8800 and he will set up a time large of the four-laning construc- urban Wauchula to transition back meet with them to explain things >n for the state Department of to the four-lane divided highway Before the switchover, the di ansportation, outlined the near the Coker Fuel south of for it will be on the notificati coming traffic changeover. Tropicana Drive. sign at the south end of the projd The new one-way northbound Those who were unable to attend' and- all signals on the alignme nes and reconfigured southbound Tuesday's meeting and. still have will go into flash mode. nes stretch 2.25 miles from north questions can contact Luis at 773- There are 12 crossover streets Molester Gets House Arrest By CYNTHIA KRAHL Of The Herald-Advocate A 53-year-old Wauchula man has been sentenced to house arrest for molesting a 12-year-old girl. Further. Circuit Judge Wim. Bruce Smith ordered Avpl Rivera Hernandez Sr., of 1355 Grady Revell Road, classified as a sexual predator. Hernandez was in Hardee Circuit Court last week for sentencing on charges of sexual activity with a child 12 or over but less than 18, a. first-degree felony. He and his lawyer, Gil Colon, previously had worked out a plea agreement with the prosecutor, Assistant State Attorney Gary R. Ellis, precluding the need for a trial. In accepting the agreement and pronouncing Hernandez guilty, Smith sentenced him to two years ,of house arrest. The judge restricted Herandez. from any contact with his victim or with any child under the age of 18., He also must perform 100 hotrs of community service work. Smith assessed a $1,000 fine and( $440 in court costs. Hemandez had been arrested on Feb. 19 of last year. According to Maj. Claude Harris Jr, of the Hardee County Sheriff's Office, the See MOLESTER 2A Lte on ect ent in the 2.25miles. Starting at the south, the first one is called Connection Road, about one block past the Thousand Oaks RV Park (formerly 'called KOA). Next is Sterner Road, where the UAP building is. Coming into Wauchula, Will Duke Road is the southern most crossover intersection. Then Stenstrom and Carlton streets will have extensions over to U.S. 17 N. The Carlton Street intersection will be signalized, as will Bay, Main and Oak streets. Orange, Palmetto and Townsend are non-signalized crossovers, but will have stop signs See LANES 2A By JOAN SEAMAN Of The Herald-Advocate Over $600,000 in Volunteer Florida hurricane relief funds have been designated for those working, in Hardee County. First announced in September, Hardee county has already received the first phase $50,000 for local distribution, and expects another $579,485.12 shortly as Phase II money is distributed. Janet Gilliard, director of the county's Community Development office which coordinates housing grants and similar programs, chaired a local unmet needs com- mittee which met recently to decide where the monies would go, "I am so pleased with the com- mittee. They are group of people - very concerned with the communi- ty. They are all busy people but they spent a lot of time reviewing packets of the 15 applicants for these funds. They completely focused on individual assistance, what would help the greatest num- ber of people," said Gilliard. On the committee were Kenny Miller, Dee Williams-Tatis, Cheryl Woodrow, Delores Oisteen, Shelly Harden and Paul Samuels, repre- senting industries and organiza- tions working with people who have severe needs from the three hurricanes which devastated the county. The list of requests totaled over $1.4 million. So far, the county has been approved for only the $629,000. Gilliard said she is hope- ful there is a third phase of funding to be announced shortly. It has been delayed by the tsunami relief for southeast Asia. PPD Cover Art Contest Opens! .w^ %U'/, 77 ,1 1 Hemandez By CYNTHIA KRAHL - Of The Herald-Advocate The Herald-Advocate's fifth annual Pioneer Park Days Cover Art Contest is now open! The competition is open to any- one and everyone familiar with the five-day festival in Zolfo Springs, set for March 2-6 this year. Prizes of U.S. Savings bonds will be awarded for first, second and third places in the adult division. New this year will be a separate division for children 12 and under. The single winner in that category also will receive a savings bond. The newspaper'is seeking origi- nal artwork to grace the covers of the special section it publishes each year in honor of Pioneer Park Days. The tabloid or newsmagazine size section is inserted in the regular weekly edition and is dis- tributed during festival time. The newspaper' will reproduce the first-place adult winner's art- work on the front cover of that Pioneer Park Days tabloid. A pho- tograph and biographical story of the artist will be printed inside the cover. For the new children's division, a picture of the winner will be included inside the special section. The child's artwork will grace the back cover of the tabloid. In the adult division, prizes will be U.S. Savings bonds of $200 for first place, $100 for second place and $50 for third place. For the children, the winner will receive a $50 U.S. Savings Bond and'a week-long pass to the event, Serving on the panel of judges are one local resident and two out- of-towners: Jane Long, Pioneer Park Days director; Circuit Judge Wm. Bruce Smith, who currently presides in Hardee County; and Circuit Judge Susan W. Roberts, who. formerly served in Hardee County. They will decide both the adult and children's divisions. While the first-place adult entry will be the cover for the issue, the second- and third-place entries and their artists' names will be shown inside. The child's winning artwork will be the back cover. Rules are simple, but must be strictly adhered to in order to be eli- gible for the competition: S1.) Art must be the original work of the entrant. 2.) The festival theme of antique engines, farm mainy or pioneer life must be reflected in the piece. 3.) Art must fill an area 10-1/2 inches wide and 13 inches high, including lettering which reads See CONTEST 2A PHOTO BY RALPH HARRISON 2004 Pioneer Park Days Cover Art Contest winner Lee-Ann Paasch of Zolfo Springs with her first-place entry. le.eds' Receiving the largest amounts of money are the communities of Bowling Green and Zolfo Springs. Each will get $100,000 to use in conjunction with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) awards of $200,000 each for rehab- bing or replacing damaged homes. Using the additional funds to lever- age the CDBG monies will allow them to maximize it and help the most families, Gilliard explained. Centro Campesino and CHIRP (Christians Helping In Recovery Process) each also will receive $100,000. Centro Campesino focuses more on repair or replace- ment of mobile homes while CHIRP helps with all kinds of housing needs. Retired; U.S. Sen. Connie Mack will come tomorrow (Friday) to tour several of the most damaged areas and see the work being done on rehabilitating homes and busi- nesses here. In other unmet needs allocation, Habitat for Humanity will receive See STORM 2A Ceremony Set For New K-8 School By CYNTHIA KRAHL Of The Herald-Advocate The Hardee County School Board is hosting an official ground- breaking ceremony for the new K-8 school on Monday. The event will take place at 10 a.m. at the site, and is open to the public. Those in Wauchula wishing to join in the brief celebration are advised to go north on U.S. 17, turn left onto Keeton Road and travel about one-quarter mile to a graded dirt road on the right. Take that road up about another quarter-mile to the center of the property. The tract comprises 60 acres in Wauchula Hills, south of SR 62 and west of U.S. 17. When completed, the main entrance will be off Rigdon and Keeton roads. There will also be a visitor's entrance on U.S. 17. Schools Superintendent Dennis Jones notes though land clearing already has begun, shovels will turn Monday in a symbolic start of building construction for the offi- cial groundbreaking. "We're very excited the site preparation has begun, and now we're anticipating the start of pour- ing concrete," Jones said. "The structure will rise from the ground in February." The new school is expected to be ready for the start of the 2006-07 school year. Jones said there are 85 invited guests for Monday's event. "But this is not just a school dis- trict project," he added, "it's a com- munity project. This is the first new school facility in 25 years. It will serve almost a third of the students in our school district." .The K-8 school will house ele- See SCHOOL 2A Ready .. AN, M aAFAN C !/ D 1^Ru~ In A 'rj i~ti r A C. PHOTO BY RALPH HARRISON Sign on U. S. 17 just north of Zolfo Springs where the four-laning project has been under way warns motorists a traffic-lane switch is coming and to expect delays. : y u /mI U.S. 17 traffic through Wauchula will change at the end of the month or early February. At a public information work- shop Tuesday afternoon, Rolando Luis Jr., project engineer for URS %.X J ch tic Tr up lai lan I Ir* ..:.-I ~8~8~~~ -n; rr' ~i t tr 2A The Herald-Advocate, January 13, 2005 The Hardee High School building construction class has 11 picnic tables for sale. They are eight feet long, and the top is three feet wide. They were made by the class with pressure-treated two-inch pine lumber with deck screws. The class needs to sell the tables to make room for more work, said instructor Bill Anderson. The price is $120. Add $25 if you want one deliv- ered. Call him at the school at 773-3181 to get your table. Hardee County has had some nice weather lately for picnics. George McNary hopes to come home this week after an auto accident Saturday at Highway 17 and Bostick Road. He sustained minor to medium injuries. Folks in the other vehicle were not hurt much, he said. George and his wife Norma own Wagon Wheel RV Park and Colonial Arms Motel. George created a laugh at Tampa General Hospital when he asked the nurse if she wanted to take a shower with him to wash dried blood out of his hair. The Wauchula Elks Lodge serves lunch to the public Monday through Friday and dinner on Friday nights. Buck Disharoon is the secretary and John Woodburn exalted ruler of the lodge. The location is 318 W. Main Street. i i - Nicholas' Restaurant in Wauchula was repaired after the hurricanes, stayed open for three weeks and then was hit by a fire. The restaurant is expected to re-open later this month. Winn-Dixie in Wauchula has re-opened this week following repairs from Hurricane Charley on Aug. 13 and two subsequent hurricanes. The Wauchula Kiwanis club will have its ninth annual sporting clays shoot Saturday, Feb: 12, at the Charley Matheny course east of Zolfo Springs. Contact Bob Hanchey at Wauchula State Bank. "U.S. 17 Crash Injures One By:JOAN SEAMAN Of The Herald-Advocate .A Saturday evening accident on U.S. 17 south of Bowling Green sent one man to the hospital. ,, George H..McNary, 72, of 2370 .:.S.. 17 N., Wauchula, was first listed. in critical condition after being airlifted to Tampa General Hospital. I From his hospital bed, the owner of Wagon Wheel RV Park reported Tuesday that he is improving. He said he had injuries to his spleen and kidney and a gash bonhis head but expected to be able to come home in few days. According to Florida Highway Patrol Tpr. K.A. Benavidez, the accident occurred about 4:30 p.m. 'when McNary wasdriving his 1999 Dodge Durango north on U.S. 17 and attempted a left turn onto Bostick road. He came into the path of a south- bound 1992 Chrysler driven by Donald R. Patterson, 67, of 64 S. ;First Ave., Beech, Grove, Ind. The McNary vehicle struck the left front of the Patterson car, which traveled down an embankment and .ended up in the ditch facing south. ,Th6e McNary vehicle ended up on %he .southwest comer of Bostick Road facing northeast. Patterson and his passenger, ,Lid a K. Patterson, of the same S lindiana address, were transported ,to Florida Hospital-Wauchula. S ,- Charges are pending further .investigation, said the Benavidez .rep6rt. The McNary vehicle sus- tained $10,000 damage, while the Patterson car had .an estimated $9,000 damage. i Publisher Jim Kelly contributed to -this report. .-Always vote for a principle, Though you vote alone, and you S may cherish the sweet reflec- , tion that your vote is never lost. --John Quincy Adams STORM Continued From 1A $55,000 for a new home for a dis- aster-affected family. Hardee Help Center will get $46,080 to assist with rent and utility needs for hur- ricane victims and St. Michael Catholic Church will receive $40,000 for the rent and utility expenses of displaced people. During Thursday's County Commission meeting, Gilliard announced that $35,695.12 would be awarded to Central Florida Health Care to meet part of its request for the county to help fund start-up of a dental clinic at its cen- ter on Palmetto Street. The loss of Main Street dentist Dr. J. Andrew Giroux has worsened an unmet need for dental care locally. The only dentists available cannot begin to meet the estimated need, said Gilliard. The commission agreed to help fund the $11,358 balance, in next year's budget. Cutting Edge Ministries will get $26,200 for food distribution sup- port and the Hardee Association for Retarded Citizens will get $10,510 to replace its plant nursery and get many of its clients back to produc- tive work. Finally, the Mennonite Disaster Services will get $16,000 for tools needed to aid in rebuilding homes in the community. The group of 40 or so, temporarily housed in mobile homes at the Northside Baptist Church, provides free labor for rebuilding damaged homes or building new ones. "Thank God for them and the Apostolic Church disaster services, which has also come to help. They are both building two new houses SCHOOL Continued From 1A mentary and junior high students on the same campus, but in separate facilities. The state has approved $34.5 million for the project, of which the local school district will have to pay $7.2 million by dedi- cating 75 percent of its capital out- lay tax monies to the state for three years. Under the plan, the new school will be totally paid off in three years. In contrast, Hardee Senior High School, built in 1980, won't be paid up until 2008. Invited guests for the ground- breaking include state Education Commissioner John Winn, Seni. J.D. Alexander, MRep.-: Baxter Troutman, the School Board, for-' mer School Board members James Stallings and Donnie Autry, the County Commission, the boards of all three municipalities, the school district's administrative team, the site selection committee, former facilities director Rob Williams, architects Clemons Rutherford & Associates and contractor Peter Brown and Lavon' Cobb. LANES Continued From 1A on the side streets. Drivers are expected to begin observing these now, said Luis. Finally, at K.D. Revell Road, there will be an emergency signal for use when Hardee County Fire- Rescue needs immediate access to either highway. . When the northbound lanes are released,' traffic on the present U.S. 17 will change as it is reconfigured for one-way southbound traffic. At first, traffic will be restricted to the two present southbound lanes, while on the other two lanes is being done. When it is completed, traffic will change over to the two alternate lanes. "At no time will traffic be stopped. All driveways will be delineated and maintained during this process. You'll still be able to get into the banks and businesses, which will be delineated on the construction barriers," said Luis. "Actually, it will be easier travel- ing southbound. There will be no wait for oncoming traffic in order CONTEST Continued From 1A e'ioneer Park Days 2005." 4.) Pen and ink, charcoal, dark pencil or black marker may be used. The drawing must be able to be reproduced in the newspaper. 5.) Deadline is Monday,; Feb., 14 at noon. Drawing may be submitted by mail or in person. Include the name, address and daytime phone number of the artist. Packaged ard mailed entries should be addressed to The Herald- Advocate, Cover Art Contest, P.O. Box 338, Wauchula, FL 33873. Artists may also bring their entries to the newspaper office at 115 S. Seventh Ave. in Wauchula between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5. p.m. Monday through Friday. i The winners.will be announced as boon as the judges complete their task.' , to turn into a driveway. Similarly, Turns from the northbound lanes will be easier," Luis continued. The U.S. 17 project includes areas for pedestrians and bicycle, traffic. Five-foot sidewalks will extend from K.D: Revell Road south to Tuskegee, about one block south of Will Duke Road. There will be street lights throughout the distance of the sidewalk, on both the old and new U.S. 17 sections. There will also be a four-foot non-designated bicycle lane along the shoulder of the highway, and next to the sidewalk where these exist. :* Stormwater lines, roadside swales and nine new- retention ponds are along the new roadway to ensure good drainage. In fact, these are what caused the elevations at Main Street and Bay Street, said Luis. "We had to tie into the existing roadway bed to maintain alignment and drainage." Asked about the decorative brick placement at Main St. and U.S. 17 northbound lanes, Luis said there is still one-and-one half inches of asphalt to be laid on Main Street. When that is done, it will take away the "dip" at each.end of the brick- ing. "But it is a signalized intersec- tion and traffic is expected to be slow crossing over there," he con- cluded. MOLESTER Continued From 1A charges stemmed from incidents two years earlier. S Hernandez reportedly fondled the girl and assaulted her digitally, Harris said.- Harris added that when ques- tioped by investigators, Hernandez said he "did not know why it hap- pened" and that "it was wrong and Swif ll always be wrong." 'Hernandez had posted a $35,000 bond after his arrest to gain his release while awaiting trial. Now, with the plea, no trial is needed and Sthe sentence will be served. and fixing many others," said Gilliard. "They do not want to replace our local contractors. We are hopeful their work will slow down and they will again be able to bid on the CDBG and other housing projects," said Gilliard. She invites any con- tractor to contact her as soon as possible to get involved. She can be reached at 773-6349, -e-mail Janet.Gilliard @hardeecounty.net or by stopping by her office on the second floor of Courthouse Annex I, 412 W. Main St., Wauchula. Gilliard said another group com- ing is World Changers, a volunteer ministry of the North American Mission Board, which sends groups of high school and college-age young people which have helped communities since 1990. During- the week of June 11, 12 crews will come to work on 12-18 houses, doing roofing, handicap ramps, house painting and other rehabilita- tion services. They work all day and spend evenings offering Bible study support to local churches. Gilliard said she has received 150 applications so far for disaster assistance. "So many people didn't have homeowners insurance, or'not enough insurance. We only help after their insurance and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) resources." People are still able to apply for one of the sev- eral homeowner/mobile home owner rehabilitation programs. Verification of income and insur- ance/FEMA awards is required. Gilliard said planning began right after Hurricane Charley. She was involved in several conference calls with the governor's office right after the worst storm. "The governor did a great job in coordi- nating this and getting it for the people," she said. Volunteer Florida was the non- profit group designated to adminis- ter the Hurricane Charley Relief Fund of pledges and donations from people all over Florida. The 10 counties most severely impact- ed, Hardee, DeSoto, Charlotte, Highlands, Lee, Orange, Osceola,' Polk, Seminole and Volusia, were named to receive the funds and asked to organize an unmet needs committee to receive applications and rate them. With its designated amount, Hardee was able to fund less than half of the requested dollars, in sev- eral cases reducing the award .amount significantly. Four were not funded at all. ,. .,, : .' TEE-BALL TOTS A recent article introducing the Tee-Ball teams gave an incorrect listing. Among those playing for the Ullrich's Pitcher Pump Reds is 5 year- old Christian Arreola. The Herlad-Advocate regrets any confusion this misprint might have caused. TEENS INTERVIEW. Last week's Teens Interview Elders story entitled "Cooking Breakfast At 9 Years Old" was written by Heather Nicole McKinney, now a junior at Hardee Senior High and the granddaughter of Marjorie and Jimmie Ray McKinney of Bowling Green. Last week, an incorrect byline was printed. At The Herald-Advocate, we want accuracy to be a given, not just our goal., lf, you believe we have printed an error in fact, please call to report it. We will review the information, and if we find it needs correction or clarifica- tion, we will do so here. To make a report, call Managing Editor Cynthia Krahl at 773-3255. ABOUT ... Obituaries Obituaries are published free of charge as a public service, but must be submit- ted through a funeral home. A one-column photo of the deceased may be added for $15. Obituaries contain the name, age, place of resi- dence, date of death, occu- pation, memberships, Immediate survivors and funeral arrangements. The list of survivors may include Sthe names of a spouse, par- ents; siblings, children and children's spouses and grandchildren, and the num- ber of great-grandchildren. If there. are no immediate survivors, consideration of -other relationships may be given.. Ott *. .. ** I 0) I . ,- --0- -o a) 0 0 *0 g 0 .2 O O (0 U) I- I.> O z L- E E 0. hE. 0 L- rgi I mI A GRANDMOTHER'S PRAYER Dear Lord Above, Thank You, Father, for the new life I now live and breathe. Thank You for my beautiful grandchildren, that You have blessed me so much with. Help me to be the best grandmother that I can be. Help me to show these beautiful children the love thatI feel for them with each and every visit that I have. Bless the parents who brought each one of them into this world. Ipray, Lord, that You will put Your loving arms around each of them, guide and protect them With all Your love, all the days of their lives. Thank You, Lord, for these precious grandchildren You have blessed me with, and all the ones still to come. Amen -Jeanette Clements Rogers BowlingGreen PUBLISH YOUR ORIGINAL POETRY! Poet's Place is a feature which relies solely on reader input. Only your original work may be submitted. Send your poetry to: Poet's Place, The Herald-Advocate, P.O. Box 338, Wauchula, FL 33873. wL m m WWildcats By JOAN SEAMAN Of The Herald-Advocate The Hardee Wildcat hoopsters started 2005 with a district victory. The Cats used speed and accura- cy to run away from the Avon Park Red Devils in a 60-43 win last Tuesday at home. The Cats wbre home again on Thursday, for the third meeting with the Palmetto Tigers, who won in Palmetto by two points and dur- ing the holiday tournament at Manatee High by three points. Hardee led several times but slipped in the final moments and lost 57-53. The Cats also lost at DeSoto ion Friday evening, although the details were not avail- able at press time. This week included three games, at Mulberry Tuesday evening, home for a visit frbm Fort Meade tonight (Thursday) and at Frostproof on Friday. Next week, it's another trio of games, at Lake Placid Tuesday, home Thursday for a visit from Sebring and a trip to Avon Park on Friday. After a slow start by both squads, Avon Park got put a pair of deuces in the hole to take a 4-0 advantage midway through the first quarter. Hardee came back with a deuce by senior Rashad Vance, followed by a pass from Chris Rich to Robbie Jones for a trey. For the balance of the quarter, it was a back-and-forth game. The Red Devils were up 12-7 as the first period ended. Hardee quickly erased that, taking a 13-12 advan- tage. There were a pair of ties and lead changes, until Hardee went in front 19-17 and stayed there for the rest of the game. The Cats were up 23-20 at half- time and forged in front 38-32 at the end of the third stanza. Each time Avon Park would close the gap, Hardee would widen it again. Axe Avon Park 60-43 In the final eight minutes, Red Devil fouls began to take their toll and Hardee quickly went out to a 11-point lead 47-36. Avon Park cut it to 49-40, but never got closer as Tom Green and Vance hit their free throws and went high for blocks and rebounds in the 60-43 win. Junior Davarius Strange kept Avon Park in the'game with his 19 points, some every quarter. For Hardee, seniors Green and Vance led the pack with 13 points apiece. Rich had a dozen, Weston Palmer 10, Jones seven, Jermaine King three points, and Arnold Louis two points. Thelinor "Lino" Jena, Olnel Virgile, Mark St. Fort and Michael Capron added to the' floor game. Hardee hosted Palmetto on Thursday. The Tigers jumped out to an early 11-4 advantage. The Cats gradually climbed back in. It was 16-9 at the end of quarter one, but the Cats got a pair of Green free throws, a Jena offensive rebound and Virgile rebound to narrow the score to 16-15 just 90 seconds into the second period. After a dry spell for both squads, Hardee took the 17-16 lead when Vance hit both ends of a one-and- one. Chris Smith, one of six seniors on the nine-man Tiger squad, hit a trey and put Palmetto back in front. Late in the second quarter, Hardee evened the game at 25-all. Rich nailed a three-pointer and King stole the ball and went all the way for the lay-in. Hardee led 30- 25. Joe Hills hit at the buzzer to make it 30-27 at halftime. Hardee got the first points of the second half when Green rebounded defensively and threw to Rich in the key for a jumper. Hardee widened its lead to 39-27 over the next two minutes and was up 45-40 as the third period closed. It,was a hectic final period, with the Cats clinging to their advan tage, upped to 48-41 at the 6:20 mark. The Cats led 50-46 at the 4:30 mark and just 52-50 at the two-minute mark after Smith canned a trey. Thirty seconds later, he hit one-of-two free throws. Donald Smith, also a senior, hit one of two to make it 52-52. Rich hit a free throw to make it 53-52, only to have Donald Smith make another deuce. In the final six seconds, Chris Smith was fouled and hit both free throws to make the final score 57-53. Palmetto got 18 points from Donald Smith, 14 from Chris Smith and 15 from Hills, the bulk of their scoring. For the Cats, Rich led with 13 points. King and Palmer each had 10, Virgile eight, and Green and Vance each six points. Hardee also dropped a game at DeSoto on Friday evening. The JV Cats tried to play catch- up basketball against Avon Park last Tuesday, but every time they'd get within six or seven points, the junior Devils would forge further ahead. They splurged at the end for the 78-58 win. For Hardee, it was Terry Redden with 20 points, some every quarter. Reggie Grizzard had 10. also some each period, including four-of-four from the charity stripe. Tyrone Pace had eight points, Chris Martin seven, Trey Small si\. Andrew Hinojosa fi'e and Dust Mlassey two points. Hardee stayed close to the junior Tigers of Palmetto on Thursday night. The junior Cats were down two points at the end of the first period, and t\ko points at halftime. Palmetto took a si\-point edge as the third period wound down and held on for the 53-46 win. Jerome Da\is and Norman Hayes each had 11 points for Palmetto. For Hardee. it w\as Martin as the game's high scorer with 19 points. Grizzard had 10. Pace nine. Redden fi'e and Hinojosa three points. Josh Jackson, Akeem Frazier. Small and MasseN chipped in on the floor game. The JV picked up their first win. at DeSoto on Friday night. Details will be reported in the next article. January 13, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 3A PHOTO BY JOAN SEAMAN The Hardee Wildcats whipped Avon Park last week. In front (left to right) are Weston Palmer, Chris Rich, Robbie Jones, Rashad Vance and Thelinor "Lino"Jena; in back, Jermaine King, OInel Virgile, Arnold Louis, Tom Green, Michael Capron and Mark St. Fort. A' Friday. January 28 Doors open at 6 p.m. Dinner at 7 p.m. Bartow Civic Center Hosted by: the South Polk Long Beards Chapter Dinner Prepared by Texas Cattle Co. of Lakeland Live Auction and Raffle Some items include: *24 Guns *NWTF Prints and Paintings Hunting/Outdoors Equipment Lots and Lots More! J l (,':: 4 OPENING TODAY The Main Street Pub, at last report, planned to reopen today (Thursday). It is located at 222 W. Main St. in Wauchula. The Pub was formerly operated by Gary Delatorre. He is now leasing the restaurant to Carlos Puello. Puello is frorn~Tampa and has restaurant experience. . Delatorre reports that the building has been completely remodeled on the inside, but it has the same look as before. It has been closed since August of 2004, after sustaining major hurricane damage. ' The Pub will begin serving breakfast, along with lunch and dinner. The menu is basically the same and things are "ready to go," says Delatorre. - The Main Street Pub opened in Wauchula in 2001. Call 773-6246 with any questions. .- T.: ,1 .W. ...--. . -a- COURTESY PHOTO iRoof and freezer work began this week at the Wauchula 'McDonald's. It is just a part of a major remodeling project. McCHANGES -- All sorts of remodeling and construction is taking .place or will take place at.the local McDonald's restaurant. Beginning this coming Monday, the restaurant's lobby will be closed for an estimated period of two weeks. During this time, however, the drive-thru ,'w ill remain open to serve customers. Meanwhile, the lobby will be remod- eled. Road work began on Tuesday to add additional entrances from the new S. 17 northbound lanes and the side road, Carlton Street. Also. the roof'is being repaired and the freezer box is being replaced. An open house will be held in celebration of its reopening. Ronald IMcDonald will pay a visit for the special event. -New business or management? Remodeling or relocating? Call Shayla -Bryan at 773-3255 with your business news. .r, FL 4A The Herald-Advocate, January 13, 2005 Obiti 1:1 MARY H. OLLIFF , Mary H. Olliff, 87, ofWauchula, died January 6, 2005 at Hardee I' Manor Care Center.. "; She was born Oct. 15, 1917, in '. Paducah, Ky., and: came to W Wauchula in 1945 from SWashington D.C: She was a mem- ber of St. Michael Catholic Church, St. Michael's Altar ,Society,. the Wauchula Garden Club, the Wauchula Woman's Club, and she loved to golf and bowl. She was a : former employee of the Pentagon, 471the personal secretary to Genr ' Lucious Clay who was the com- : manding general during World War R.II at the Pentagon. She was also a I retired secretary. from. Hardee; -County School'Board. She- was a friendd of Dwight Eisenhower apd Eleanor Roosevelt. ., She was preceded in death by her husband, Walter B. Olliff in 1998. ,of Wauchula; three daughters, Linda Beth Carlton and husband -.Pete of St. Petersburg, Kathy Ishee rand husband Virgile of Normandy, ;Tenn., and Patty Ready of Wauchula; and seven grandchil- .dren, Specialist Sarah Olliff of the ',U.S. Army in Ft, Campbell, KY., " Walter 'B. Olliff III and James J. wOlliff, both of Wauchula: Teresa, '.Carlton Sheehan and Tullie ,tCarlton, both of St. Petersburg, Stephen Bienkowski of Staton .Island, N.Y. and Joshua Ready of Wauchula. Services were held at 11 a.m. Monday, Jan. 10th at St. Michael Catholic Church, Wauchula. I Visitation was Sunday 2-4 p.m. at '"Robarts Family Garden Chapel. ..Rosary was held during the visita- 4tion. Robarts Family Funeral Home, Inc. Wauchula ,Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. ..., Lo~g ci o ,,j LELAN MERLE REVELL Lelan Merle Revell, 16, :of Wauchula. died Jan. 3, 2005. SBorn Oct. 5, 1988, .in Avon.- Park, he had lived in Hardee County all of his life. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Bo\\ling Green, a sophomore at Hardee High School, playing, football during Shis freshman year, a member of the Future Farmers of America.' and %\as employed at The Boat In the Moat Restaurant .at .Solomon's Castle. He \\as preceded in death by his grandparents. Iris and Merle Revell. Survivors include his father. Lelan B. Revell of Bo\ling Green; mother and stepdad, Lori 'and Tim. Bryant of Wauchula; grandparent Stacy Morin oft HWauchula: step-grandparents, Mary Beth and Minor Br)ant oft Bowling Green; two brothers, Travis and Chace Revell of Wauchula; one, step-brother, Cod' Bryant:of Grand Junction, Colo.; three sisters, Dena Ellis, Jessica Hays and husband Joshua, and Danielle Revell, all 'of Wauchula; stepsisters, Nicole Bryant of' Wauchula, Jessica i .Bryant, of Bowling Green and Hayley Bryant of 'Grand Junction. Colo.; and three nieces, Makayla and IKatlyn Ellis and Jayden Hays. Funeral services wereiheld at4' r p.m. Friday, Jan. "7, at the First .Baptist Church of Bo\ling .Green with burial in Paynes Creek Cemetery. Visitation was Thursday, 6-8 p.m., at Robarts Family Garden Chapel. Memorials may be made to the First Baptist Church of Bowling Green-Youth Activities Fund or the American Red Cross. Hardee SCounty Unit. FUNERAL HOME, INC. S 529. W Main Sireet Wauchula ". Provided as a courtesy bf Robarts Family Funeral Home varies NANESSA McLAUGHLIN McCLELLAND Nanessa McLaughlin McClell- and, 73, of Gardner, died January 6, 2005, at Hope Hospice House in Fort Myers. She was born Feb. 5, 1931, in- Fort Myers. She retired from the Florida Dept. of Forestry. She was the first woman forester in Florida. She also worked at G. Pierce Wood State Hospital in Arcadia, and affil- iated with the Arcadia Church of God. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Berry, H. Collier Jr., two of her sons, Colin and Tim, her father, Norman W. McLaughlin, her mother Nancy Lee; Douglas, :arid niece, Debbie Garvin Furr of Brookhaven, Miss. She is survived by her husband of 35 years, Joseph McClellard; four sons Mitchell (Kathy) Collier, of Fort Myers, John K. (Adelaide) Collier of Maryville, Tenn., Berry K. (Lynn) Collier of Topeka, Kaii., and Kevin (Lisa) Collier.of Port Richey; on:e sister Edna (Earnest) Garvin of Laurel, Miss.; nine grandchildren, two great-grand daughters; one niece; one nephew, seven grandnephews and nieces, and cousin Martha Klein of Cape Coral. Funeral services were at the First Baptist Church of .Alva on Saturday, Jan. 8, 2005 at 10 a.m. Burial was in Alva Cemetery. Conducting the service was Pastor Kenneth Cook, of Alva Church of God. Robarts Funeral Home Ajcadia KATIE LOUISE ROLLINS Katie Louise Rollins; 85, of Bowling Green, died Jan. 10, 2005, in Wauchula. Born Nov. 23, 1919 in Moultrie, Ga., she had lived in the College Hill area since 1955, and had lived in Florida for most of her life. She was a member of the Fort Green .Baptist Church, and was a home- maker. Survivors include a son and' daughter-in-law, Leslie Wayne and Mary Rollins of Wauchula; daugh- ter, Linda Sue Rollins DeYoung of, Sebring; brother, James Marvin King of Winter Park; sisters, Thelma Jeter of Sebring and Carrie Bobbi 'Smith of Lakeland; five grandchildren and seven great- grandchildren. Services.will be held at 4 .ni. Saturday. Jan. 15 at Robahs Farily Garden Chapel, Wauchula. The family will receive friends'prior to, the service, from 3:30-4 p.m. Memorials may be "made to RestHaven, 298 RestHaven Rd., Zolfo Springs, FL 33890. Robarts Family Funeral Home, Inc.. Wauchula "1 Ot iFiinj ,JI1o u/t NANESSA McLAUGHLIN McCLELLAN Nanessa McLaughlin McClell- and. 73. of Gardner. died January 6, 2005. at Hope Hospice House in Fort Myers. She was born Feb. 5. 1931, in Fort Myers. She retired from the SFlorida Dept. of Forestry. She .was the first woman forester :in Florida. She also worked at G. Pierce Wood State Hospital in Arcadia, and affiliated with the Arcadia Church of'God. ' She was preceded in death by her first husband, Berry. H. Collier Jr., two of her sons, Colin and Tim, her father, Norman W. McLaughlin, her mother Nancy Lee Douglas, and niece. Debbie Garvin. Furr of Brookhaven, Miss: ' She is survived by her husband, of 35 years, Joseph McClelland; four sons Mitchell (Kathy). Collier, of Fort Myers, John K. (Adelaide' Collier of Maryville, Tenn., Berry K. (Lynn) Collier of Topeka, Kan., and Kevin (Lisa) Collier of Port Richey; one sister ,Edna (Earnest) Garvin of Laurel, ,Miss.; nine grandchildren, two great-grand daughters; one niece; one nephew, seven grand- nephews and nieces, and cousin Martha Klein of Cape Coral. Funeral services were, at 'the First Baptist Church of Alva on Saturday, Jan. 8, 2005 at 10 a.m. Burial was in Alva Cemetery. Conducting the service was Pastor Kenneth Cook, of Alva Church of God. S FUNERAL HOME, 1 63 No. Brevard Ave. Arcadia S863,494-7646' Provided as a courtesy of SRobarts Funeral Home THOMAS V. SIMMONS SR. Thomas V. Simmons Sr., 65, of Sebring died at his residence on Jan. 3, 2005. He was born in Hardee County on Feb. 28, 1939. He had been a maintenance engineer for the Palm Beach County School Board and was a veteran of the U.S. Army, having served during the Vietnam War. He had most recently resided in Croomacoacha, and relocated to Sebring in 2003. SHe was preceded in death by his father and mother, Robert Simmons and Mildred (Davis) Simmons and a brother, Felix Simmons. He is survived by two daughters, Debra D. Pace of Sebring and Victoria M.; three sons, Thomas V. Simmons Jr. of Stuart, Sgt. Major Allen K. Simmons U.S. Army of Albany, N.Y., and Jonathan G. Simmons of Arlington, Tenn.; seven grandchildren; three broth- ers, Robert B. Simmons of Bryson City, N.C., Allen Simmons of Lennor, and Ed Albritton of Kissimmee; and three sisters, Dianna Duke and 'Donna -Whitington of Intercession City, and Charlotte Aquero of Haines City, as well as his stepmother, 'Helen Simmons.: A memorial service will be held ,at 1 p.m. on January 15, 2005, at Limestone Creek Baptist Church, Ona. Dowden Funeral Home, Sebring HARDEE COUNTY KIDS NEED HARDEE COUNTY HELP! Ease a dependent child's way through the court sys- tem. Volunteer to be a Guardian Ad Litem. 773-2505 (If office unattended, please leave message.) MARY H. OLLIFF .Mary H. Olliff, 87, of Wauchula, died January 6, 2005 at Hardee Manor Care Center. She was born Oct. 15, 1917, in Paducah, Ky., and came to Wauchula in 1945 from Washington D.C. She was a member of St. Michael Catholic Church, St.. Michael's Altar Society, the Wauchula Garden Club, the Wauchula Woman's Club, and she loved to golf and bowl. She was a former employ- ee of the Pentagon, the personal secretary to Gen. Lucious Clay. who was the commanding gener- al during World War II at the Pentagon. She was also a retired' secretary from Hardee County School Board. She was a friend of Dwight Eisenhower and Eleanor Roosevelt. She wias preceded in death by her husband, Walter B. Olliff in 1998. Survivors include one son, Walter B. Olliff Jr. and wife Sonya of Wauchula; three daugh- ters, Linda Beth Carlton and hus- band Pete of St. Petersburg. Kathy Ishee and husband,Virgile of Normandy, Tenn.; and Patty Ready of Wauchula; and seven grandchildren, 'Specialist ,Sarah Olliff of the U.S. Army in Ft. Campbell,.-KY., Walter B. Olliff III and James J. Olliff, both of Wauchula; Teresa Carlton Sheehan and Tullie Carlton, both- of St. Petersburg, Stephen. Bienkowsski of Staton Island, N.Y. and J6shua Ready of Wauchula. Services, were held at 11 a.m. Monday, Jan. 10th at St. Michael Catholic Church, Wauchula. Visitation was Sunday 2-4 p.m. ,at Robarts Family Garden Chapel. Rosary was held during the visitation. FUNERAL HOME. 529 W. Main Street Wauchula Provided as a courtesy of,. ... -Robarts Funeral Home Letter to Editor Hardee County Helped Children At Christmas Dear Editor: A very big thank you to everyone who has helped to make this za. ^ cial Christmas for so many chil- dren! The effort has certainly been great totr. to provide for as many families as possible, while not duplicating assistance. Our main objective is to help provide toys for needy families at Christmas, and to coordinate a clearinghdo.t'in Hardee County for donors wishing to make donations. This year, many more donors have utilized this clearinghouse so that more families could be assisted. The Toys for Tots program, Wishes for Wauchula group, Department of Children and Families 'and Hardee help Center have all worked togeth- er to see that names were not dupli- cated. Help has been received in the form donations of toys, money and sponsoring one or more families. The program is operated through the Hardee Help Center have all worked together to see that names were not duplicated. Help has been received in the BOBBIE LEE BELFLOWER Bobbie Lee Belflower, 79, of Wauchula, died Friday, Jan. 7, 2005, at Sarasota Memorial' Hospital. She was born May 7, 1925 in Forest City, N.C. and moved to this area in 1951 from Arcadia. She was a homemaker and a member of the First United Methodist Church of Wauchula. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jessie B. Belflower in 1992. Survivors are three sons,. Bob Belflower and wife, Pam of Wauchula, Jim Belflower and wife, Susie of Sebring, and Bill Belflower of Wauchula; and three grandchildren, Jay Belflower, Kimberly Provau and Tyler Belflower. SThe family received friends Sunday. Jan. 9, 2005. from 4 until 6 p.m.., at Brant Funeral Chapel. Graveside services were Monday, January 10, 2005, at 2 p.m. at Wauchula Cemetery. Brant Funeral Chapel Wauchula form donations of toys, money and sponsoring one or more families. The program, is operated through the Hardee Help Center and coordi- nated by me. Those groups making donations (many delivering the toys) include First United Methodist Church of Wauchula, Little Charlie Creek RV Park, Bowl of Fun Lanes' bowlers, Hardee Clerk of Court employees, Avion Palms RV Park, Florida SKP Co-Op Park, River of Life Church of Wauchula, Bluff's Subdivision, Hardee Senior High FFA, Fort Green Baptist Church, Vance fami- ly, Patty.Lee Smith, Gayle Knight, Carlyn Smith, Women's Fellowship of Corpus Christi Catholic Church in Tampa, FEMA Response Team members for Hardee County, Correction Center in Ft. Green, Dr. Lewis Martin dentist office in St. Petersburg and First United Methodist Church of Zolfo Springs. A special thanks to Chapman Fruit Co. for all their cooperation and to First United Methodist Church of Zolfo Springs for the use of their facilities and,members who helped wrap presents and distribute them. Many others not named here ABOUT ... Obituaries Obituaries are published free of charge as a public service, but must be submit- ted through a funeral home. A one-column photo of the deceased may be added for $15. Obituaries contain the name, age, place of resi- dence, date of death, occu- pation, memberships, immediate survivors and funeral arrangements. The list of survivors may include the names of a spouse, pair- ents, siblings, children and children's spouses and, grandchildren, and the num- ber of great-ginridchildren. If there are no immediate survivors, consideration of other relationships may be given. have made donations and helped in other ways. Thank you one and all for your help and generosity. Marie Hodge Coordinator Wauchula 9n Solving jUemo/iy KATIE LOUISE ROLLINS Katie Louise Rollins, 85, of Bowling Green, died Jan. 10, 2005, in Wauchula. Born Nov. 23, 1919 in Moultrie, Ga., she had lived in the College Hill area since 1955, and had lived in Florida for most of her life. She was a member of the Fort Green, Baptist Church,, and was a homemaker. Survivors include a son and' daughter-in-law, Leslie Wayne and Mary Rollins of Wauchula; daughter, Linda Sue Rollins DeYoung of Sebring; brother,. James Marvin King of Winter Park; sisters, Thelma' Jeter of Sebring and Carrie'Bobbi Smith of Lakeland; five grandchildren and seen great-grandchildren. .Services will be held at 4 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 15 at Robarts Family Garden Chapel, Wauchula. The 'family will receive friends prior to the serv- ice, from 3:30-4 p.m. Memorials may be made to RestHaven, 298 RestHaven Rd., Zolfo Springs, FL 33890. FUNERAL HOME, INC. 529 W. Main Street Wauchula Provided as a courtesy of Robarts Family Furieral Home "7- ... r.. -= - ~NA1 Increasingly Preferred Deborah & Dennis Robarts, Owners FUNERAL HOMES Remains Open and Available to Serve in Your Time of Need 773-9773 773-3771 SATrusted Family Name Since 1906, 529 West Main Street, Wauchula S G PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING : f1 Z z -_ z-I QUALITY WORK r GUARANTEED 're a multifaceted print shop providing complete services from typesetting through leaves our capable hands! We offer consistent results with quick a turnaround time at competitive rates. z - Sfor all your personal and business needs *LtI. I AIRHEAD *BULLETINS _ *ENVELOPES *PROGRAMS *BUSINESS CARDS *POSTERS *PICKERS TICKETS I NEWSLI I I RS 0. *INVOICES *MENUS " *STATEMENTS *FORMS ' RECEIPT BOOKS ,CAMPAIGN CARDS B* *INVITATIONS': *TICKETS *BROCHURES *ANNOUNCEMENTS z *FLYERS *CERTIFICATES .AND MUCH MORE SThe Herald- Advocate S115S. 7th Ave. Wauchula 773-3255 S* PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING ** PRINTING * 6A The Herald-Advocate, January 13, 2005 . he Classifieds ABOUT... Classifieds DEADLINE ....Tuesday noon . RATES ..........MinimUm of $3.75 for 10 words. Each additional word is 20 cents. Ads in all capitals are-32 cents per word. Headlines are $2 a-line. Blind ad box numbers are $3 extra. BILLING........Ads must be pre-paid. CLASSIFICATIONS: Agriculture Appliances Automobile Boats Furniture Help Wanted Houses Livestock Lost & Found Miscellaneous Mobile Homes Notices Pets Plants/Produce Real Estate Recreational Vehicles Rentals Services Wanted Yard Sales DIESEL INJECTION REPAIRS, pumps, starting at $195., injectors, turbos, misc. tractor repairs, clutches, engine rebuilds. 863-385-5596 9:2-12:27;05p I Automtiv-] DIESEL INJECTION REPAIRS. See Agriculture. 9:2-12:27,'05p 2002 GRAND-AM GT, sunroof, 4 door, low miles, chrome wheel covers, CD player, clean, $15,000. 773-2849 11:25-1:27p 1337 Hwy. 17 South Wauchula 773-4900 SRNI OPENING P Friday, J ary 14,2005 S^ HOURS: MON. THURS. 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. 1 FRI. & SAT. 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. Looking for a Lifestyle? i Pleace River Electric Cooperative, Inc. P.*O Boa 1310-Wauchula, Fn. 33873.(863) 773-4116.fax (863) 773-3737' ww.preco.org , very. .rning'wh ':n ;.u Al inhmgf 'Q t Every morning when you head off for work, are you dreading another day of doing the same old thing? Have you dreamed about that .really great career where the work is interesting, the people are fun to be around, and there is opportunity foi.advancement?If you have, and you are looking for more than. "just another job," Peace River Electric Cooperative, Inc., might be just the employer you are looking for. If you come to work for us, we cani guarantee the work will be challenging; the people motivated and professional; and the rewards that are excellent for someone willing to work hard. We are looking for someone special because not just anyone can do this work. If you are self-motivated. enthusiastic, personable, can think on your feet, and don't mind hard work, then maybe we can help you build a career. Our team-oriented company is growing and frankly, we need. the help, But we aren't willing to settle for second best. This work isn't easy and requires a willingness to work. outside in all types of weather. You may be subject' to call out, and we expect you to respond. If you enter our line technician apprenticeship we require that you live within 30 minutes of the District Office to' which you will be assigned. You must be 18 years of age, have a high school diploma or GED and pos- sess a Commercial Driver's License or have the ability to obtain one within 90 days of employment. Don't worry about knowing the work; Swe will train you and there are opportunities to advance your education. Peace River Electric Cooperative, Inc., has so much to offer and we work hard to be your employer of choice. Take a chance and see if you Shave the "right stuff." If you are interested in one of the positions listed below, please pick up an application at anyof our district offices, or download an application from our website at. ww.preco.org. We are looking to hire right away, so don't hesitate to apply. If you have any questions regarding the' positions, salary, or benefits, please contact SBarry Terrell at 863-773-4116 x 260 or by e-mail at barry.terrell@preco.org. cli:13c ___ .' ', c11i13 1:13p "MECHANIC'S SPECIAL'. '85 CHEVY Blazer S-10, $950. 773-0179 1:13,20p '97 SATURN COUPE, 165,000 MILES, good condition, $3,500. 773-0638, 781-2782 1:13p PINE NATURAL FINISH table, 4 Windsor bowback chairs, 2-12" leaves, extend from 42"-66", excel. cond., $350. 863-735-0331 1:13p RECLINER, $20. PIONEER CREEK RV Resort, 3924 Seminole Run, H38. (5861707-0545 1:13,20p ~eparaas~rU Willis Duct Cleaning "Dusty Ducts Are Not Cool" Free Inspection Home or Business Mold and Mildew Treatment Relief for asthma and allergy sufferers. Improves indoor J\ air quality. Reduces odor and dust as well. >-/25 years of Experience Please call Buddy at (863)735-0407 cl: 9:2tfc A solid rock is not shaken by a strong gale, so wise persons remain unaffected by praise or censure. -Buddha DIVORCE BANKRUPTCY $69 863-314-0846r (non-lawyer) cL DEMOLITION Tree & Stump Removal Parker Fill Dirt Local Contractor (863) 735-2415 cl9:16tfc' PUSIPON AVAILABLE BRADENTON Apprentice Line Techs (3 positions) Journey Line Techs (2 positions) WAUCHULA Journey Line Tech (1 position) Cashier (1 position) PC Analyst (1 position) PEACE RIVER ELECTRIC NONDISCRIMINATION STATEMENT "Peace River Electric Cooperative, Inc. (PRECO) pro- hibits discrimination in all it's programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, politi- cal beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. Persons with disabilities who require afternative means for com- munication of program information (Braille, large print, audio- tape, etc.) should contact Peace River Electric Cooperative, Inc., Human Resources at (863) 773-4116 To file a complaint of discrimination write Peace River Electric Cooperative, Inc. Director of Human Resources, PO. Box 1310, 1499 US Highway 17 North or by telephone at (863)773- 4116 x 260. PRECO is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Peace River Electric Cooperative is a Drug Free Workplace. All selected candidates aresubject to a pre-employ- ment physical, drug test and background check as a condition of employment. DINING ROOM TABLE, $200, OBO; china hutch, $100, OBO. 735-8453 1:13p HelSI ane MANABR! SBWYHI- AU----1 MANAGER! SUBWAY RESTAURANT. Now hiring general manager. Call 407- 492-0590 1:6,13c. TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED! And some- one to do general labor. 863-773- 9446, 781-3342 .1:13,20c KENNY SANDERS...........781-0153 RICK KNIGHT................773-2472 MONICA REAS...............773-9609 DRIVER & SERVICE TECH for propane gas company. Driver must have class B CDL w/air brake, haz- mat, tanker endorsement, 21 yrs of age or older. Service Tech, experience helpful but v'"'!ng to train right per- son, mechanical ability necessary. 21 yrs of age or older, EOE, Drug free work place, apply in person only, 231 W. Main St., Wauchula. 11:4tfc You must do the very thing you :think you cannot do........ REMODELED! ow RE-OPEN! 'bowling green 7ea 9tIorkel Hwy. 17 Every Friday, Saturday, Sunday RESTROOMS WATER ELECTRIC 781-1062 cl:4tf Monica Reas See more, listings at www.joeldavis.com REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS NEW LISTING! Updated 3 BR, 2 bath, 2167 SF home with attached garage, new appli- ances, new flooring,' new win- dows & doors and new A/C. $157,000! W5 1 ol t'ct. Currently in citrus. t ell wh l O-jiga- aa n er $267,240! ao PRICE REDUCED! Two parcels totaling 5.9 acs., zoned residential, on paved road. City water and sewer connection available. $30,000! Your search for a beautiful homesite is over! This 9.8 ac. wooded wonder is located on a Saved road, close to town. 110,000! CB 3 BR, 1 bath home with new roof in Ft. Meade. Nice neigh- borhood. $79,900! Corner lot on Orange and 8th in Wauchula. Commercial poten- tial. $30,000! PRICE REDUCED! 3 BR, 2 bath home in Wauchula, new roof, two screened porches. $86,000! 7 t tr l te, locLt&.Hi W I t'alrdee C ~~d .tage. This 10 acs. located very close to Wauchula has already been fenced and cross-fenced. As well as having a recessed gated entrance, it also has a few scat- tered trees. $75,000! Tire shop in Zolfo Springs. "As is" $85,000! Frontage on Hwy 17 N. South of new Suncoast Schools Credit Union. Approximately 3.5 acs. with 2 homes and 1 office. $700,000! Will sell north 1 ac. for $225,000! PRICE REDUCED! 10 acs. close to industrial park located on Barkdoll Rd. $100,000! Can be divided! 1.7tr setting 0 reat 15 ac. improved pasture in southern Hardee Co. $105,000! 20 acs. in Ft. Green area. Grove with home. 3 BR, 1 bath with pool. Call today. $15,000/ac! 19.83 acs. on Alderman Road, Ft. Green. Would make a nice homesite. $10,000/acre. Can divide. GREAT DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL! 19 acs. located at the intersection of SR 62 & Hwy 17 N. $418,000! These 5 & 10 ac.-tracts are located in western Hardee Co. There are only a few lots left with lake view and there are deed restrictions. DAVID ROYAL.....-...-...781-3490 SANDY LARRISON ......832-0130 NUKE NICHOLSON SUNRISE COMMUNITY COMPANION RESPONSIBILITIES: Will accompany individuals with developmental disabilities on outings in the community and produce end of the month billing notes. QUALIFICATIONS: High School Diploma and one year experience with developmentally disabled persons. Experience in the field of developmental disabilities may be substituted on a year for year basis. Must be able to work on a flexible schedule. Must be able to safely lift fifty-pounds without assistance. Must have a violation free valid Florida Driver's License, with a driving record acceptable to agency insurance carrier for mileage reimbursement. IF INTERESTED PLEASE CONTACT: MARY ELLEN BATE, EXEC. DIR. 1005 US Highway 27 South Avon Park, FL 33825 (863) 453-4592 Fax (863) 453-8315 c110:14tfC iREALTOR ASSOCIATES AFTER HOLRS U.S. HIGHWAY 17 SOUTH, WAUCHULA, FL 33873 I i: . January 13, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 7A The Classified EXPERIENCED ADULT SITTER with clean background, must pass all health required testing, flexible hours. Juanita Wright for appointment. 863- 773-0166 12:16-1:13p EXP CARPENTER TO finish inside of mobile homes with reliable trans- portation & tools. For information please call Staton Inc. @ 863-375- '3113 or 863-781-4460 12:23tfc TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED, citrus, local. (863)781-0553 1:6-2:3p B or C TECHNICIAN NEEDED for growing service dept. in family-orient- ed dealership. Excellent benefits, 5- day work week. Must have your own tools. Certification a plus, but not nec- essary. Call Monroe at Crown Ford, Wauchula. (863)773-4113 1:13tfc 'WOMAN TO WORK with developmen- tally disabled women. Full-time, call M-F, 767-0374 1:13,20p WAITRESS/HOUSEKEEPER combina- tion needed! The Quilters Inn, 767- 8989 1:13p MAINTENANCE PERSON NEEDED for Pioneer Creek RV Park, electric &:., plumbing knowledge plus general maintenance a must! 375-4343, ask for Mel or Cindy. 1:13,20p C.N.A.'S NEEDED! 40 hrs. per week, $7.25 per hour, paid mileage, plus benefits. Must have reliable trans- portation. Apply at HOPE of Hardee, 310 N. 8th Ave., Wauchula. (863)773- 2022. EOE, DFWP 1:13-2:17c DISHWASHER NEEDED, SOLOMON'S Castle. Call for interview information, at 494-6077 1:1 3c Realtor m 228 N. 6th Avenue ONITY Wauchula, Florida 33873 (863) 773-3337 Fax: (863) 773-0144 We Have Listings to suit your every need. CALL US TODAY! SPECIAL OF THE WEEK **Duplex in Bowling Green-Nice 4BR/2BA duplex on corner lot, close to elementary school & church. Asking $69,000. Nice Residential Area- Conveniently located between Hardee and Highlands. 3 BR/2BA Mobile Home with Central Air & Heat & screened in porch. Being Offered at $57,000. Motivated Seller Make an Offer-On this one of a kind in Hardee County 4BR/2BA Mobile Home with Central Air & Heat, on 2+ acres. $165,000. 8Acres-Partly cleared ready for mobile home or home construc- tion, Plenty of large oaks 600+ feet on new northbound Hwy 17. Asking $100,000. Large Home on Corner Lot in Bowling Green-3BR/2BA CB Home with Central Air & Heat. Home is on 0.72 AC with 4,000 Square Feet under roof. Excellent home for a large family. Close to Churches and Schools. Asking $165,000. Cool off!! This Summer- 3BR/2BA 1990 Mobile Home with in ground pool located west; of Zolfo Springs. Offered at $69,900. New 2005 Mobile Home Sites- 3BR/2BA with Central Air & Heat in Charlie Creek Mobile Home Estates. Call for details. Offered at $64,500. ** Whether you're buying or selling. The profes- sionals at Flores & Flores, Inc. will be happy to assist you. Let one of our associates help make your Real Estate dreams come true.** Please Visit Our New Web, Page at: www.floresrealty.net WE BUY HOUSES* FAST CLOSINGS Contact After Hours O.R. (Tony) Flores, Broker, tony@floresrealty.net Oralia D. Flores, Broker, oralia@floresrealty.net S:1 After hours...........863-773-2840 Lawrence A. Roberts.................(863) 773-9256 Email: lar@floresrealty.net Noey Adam Flores (863) 781-4585 Email: noey@floresrealty.net John Freeman (863) 773-6141 Email: jhn@floresrealty.net Carolyn Jackson (863) 781-3643 c1:13c NURSERY/LANDSCAPE/IRRIGATION company looking for experienced per- son for a variety of tasks. Must have good references and be very motivat- ed. Please call 781-4850 for more information. 1:13o 3BR/1B IN town, 1,600 s.f. concrete block with central A/H. New roof, fenced yard, 800 s.f. utility shed. Reasonable. 781-5614 1:13p You grow up the day you have your first real laugh at yourself. ON 64t HOME PLUS guest apartment, 10 acres, special terms, 7 acres free after 10 years. $165,000. 954-629- 4486 1:13p PIGS FOR SALE! About 60 Ibs., York Shire breed, $60. 773-2668 1:13p Inflation is when you pay fif- teen dollars for the ten-dollar haircut you used to get for five dollars when you had hair. -Sam Ewing e-re Grow: 74 A' 4 _.HIYJRQ&IET_ CHRYSLER---DODG~E JEEP We have immediate openings! SERVICE DEPARTMENT service Writer Parts Counter Person Service Technicians Warranty Clerk Contact Robert Austin for interview appointment. AUTOMOTIVE ALE DEPARTMENT Looking for hard working career minded people with a will to sue- ceed. Please apply in person. aee Kevin Hanehoy or Mark Fag@ ABOUT... Letters ToThe Editor The Herald-Advocate wel- comes letters to the editor on matters of public interest. Letters should be brief, and must be written in good taste and include the writer's full name, address and daytime telephone number for verifi- cation. Letters must be received by 5 p.m. on Monday to be considered for that week's edition. Submissions should be typed or legibly written. Send letters to: Letters to the Editor, The Herald-Advocate, RO. Box 338, Wauchula, FL 33873. Fax letters to (863) 773-0657. LAMBERT T REALTY INC. I 402 South 6th Avenue Wauchula, FL 33873 DORIS S. LAMBERT, G.R.I., Broker KENNETH A. LAMBERT, Broker OPEN 8:00 A.M. 6:00 New tile floors, roof, kitchen and bath in this 3B/1 Bth. 2376 square foot home; large metal outside building and fenced yard. Offered at $92.000 WON'T LAST LONG 2B/lBth CB home located on 3 acres: all appliances, some furniture included: prop- erty in good condition. $85,000 NEW LISTING! Large lot with 3B/1 Bth home, all appliances, window treatments and ceiling fans. $105,000 14x58 M/H on 5.22 acres; 12x12 pole barn plus utility shed. $69,500 Located on 2 acres, this home built in 2002, 3B/2.5Bth, CB/Stucco/Brick, 3800 square feet living: all amenities including Jacuzzi room, nice screened porch, large attic storage, well filtering system, on 2 acres with paved road frontage. $300,000 Valencia grove 10 Acres with 4" well. $85,000 Bus. (863) 773-0007 I Fax: (863) 773-0038 E-mail:lambertdl @earthlink.net Doris Lambert P.M. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE GREAT LOT for commercial building, measures 82x147, one block off Main Street. $20,000 5 acres in deed restricted area, located approximately two miles from town. $50,000 DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL! See this 10 acre tracl. ideally located: 5 acres in grove with microjet. 5 acres %acant land, 4" well. $106,000 Looking for a lot close to town? This wooded lot has a city water lap and culvert in place. $15,000 Suitable for building! 4 acres with large oaks, small pond, in Western Hardee. $45,000 INVEST IN THIS 132 Acre Grove, Hamlins and Valencias, 10" well Call for details. 10 acres of Valencias; 4" well. $85,000 62 Acre Grove, microjet, new diesel pump, 12" well. located east of Wauchula. $336,000 Nice, level, well drained, corner lot in Wauchula, 115x150. Listed at $15,000 INVESTMENT PROPERTY 20 acres pastureland, fenced. $5,300 per acre Well maintained CB/Stucco home, 1800 total square feet: citl water plus 2 shallow wells; located on 44 acres of pastureland. $349,000 BUYERS AVAILABLE! WE NEED YOUR LISTINGS -CONTACT US TODAY! II SERVICE YOU CAN COUNT ON ASSOCIATE: DELOIS JOHNSON..............773-9743 REALTOR ASSOCIATE: MICHAEL ADAMS ..............781-2413 ,, 3C .L. "'___ ^ _-- -^ SWe Buy Houses! AM-SOUTH REALTY (863) 773-2122.... S..i : ,S FOUND! 5 COWS ON Ratliff Rd. 773- 9549 days, 735-0207 nights. 1:13nc LOST! RUBBERMAID BOX, blue, con- tents sentimental, north of Bowling Green on Hwy. 17. Reward! 863-398- 5740, 863-984-5987. 1:13-2:10p WE BUY ALUMINUM, tin and junk cars. Carl's Recycling, 249 Airport Rd. 773-4300 11:25-5:26p CONVECTION MICROWAVE OVEN, $20, large 3 piece corner sectional w/2 recliners, 1 year old, excellent condition, $1100, sewing machine cabinet, good condition $30. 773-3600 1:13p DRUM PEDAL, DW 5002, double bass pedal, top of-the-line, paid $350, sell- ing for $200. James, 375-4797 1:6tfc MAPEX 5 PIECE DRUM set, 3 wood toms, wood bass, metal snare, hi.-; hats, 16" and 20" cymbals, stands and ' seat included, $400, James, 375-4797. 1:6tfc . F- Lonestar C~ons-tru.ic^tion3 C~oajp -1 Commercial Residential Lic.# RG291103615 Locally owned and operated Office 863-773-4779 Fax 863-773-9865 - Any old hillbilly can change a tire, but we sell tires for less and we prove it! 195-70-14 205-65-15 235-75-15 225-75-15 215-65-15 S,255-70-15 Bo Espino Sold AUto Technician Sold sepal SOen: M S40.00 S40.00 / S35.00 S35.00 S45.00 $60.00 I in sets of 4. 'atly slightly higher. Ion Sat 8:00 -5:00 we-rr. WE REPAIR MOST AMERICAN CARS FULL TIME MECHANIC 4 4 V * S *SsIA. S S' s[ Vti(6 )7 12 8 Appreciamos toda nuestra clientele que tuvimos el ano pasado. Porfavor de continuar aslendo negoclos con nosotros este ano nuevo AHORA ACCEPTANDO LICENSIAS MEXICANAS! I " 'VP. p- New Inentor Qr A Nw Year Cfl1n I) 2I.Mf2 fjAw..902 R ( fl 2fVODhI 9 0 M W! SOLD 2001 Malibu 2000 Chevy Cavalier 2000 ChevyS-10 2000 Ford Taurus 86K exm'miles HOME OF THE $99 DOWN CAR 1 NO INTEREST CHARGE' Ai S, NO FINANCE CHARGE SV = 7 Lowl,--S'F DOWN PAYNIE.NTS INTOWN cll:13c Bowling Green Se Habla Espanol 375-4441 (across from Presto) 375 375-4461 (1999 Monte Carlo 1999 Malibu 1999 Dodge Dakota 1999 Ifia Sophia 761 exta miles TOWlNG SERVICE AlVAILABE T-1 , A --~bd~ I II LILI -1 I o o o o o ___- 8A The Herald-Advocate, January 13, 2005 The Classified 21HP HUSKEE RIDING lawn mower, pristine condition, $750., OBO. 773- 9122 1:13,20p RIDING MOPED, STREET legal. Good repair & condition. $500. (863)245- REGULATION POOL TABLE w/sticks. 781-5614. 1:13p FREE! R.V. SPACE in exchange for animal care. $300 security. (954)629- 4486 1:13p GAS ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, from motor home, sofa, box springs and matress, gas stove, futon. Call before 8 p.m. 375-3822 or 375-3451. 1:13p Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve. Don't worry that children never 1-.i listen'to you; worry that they -~ are always watching you. - --Robert Fulghum T47i b35091 ml ..o0 Py I PAYLESS ROOFING I&N SIDING h-ar "Why wait on your roof when we can start in a 48hour period!" Contact George Browder r513 or Toll Free 1-866-7948. RC29027101 cin :s 702 SOUTH 6TH AVENUE ) WAUCHULA, FL 33873 (863) 773-2122 FAX (863) 773-2173 AM-SOUTH REALTY AFTER HOURS CALL: SGary Delatorre,'Broker 773-0663 .VLKING REAl, ESTATFE REAL EASY." Jerry Carlton, Associate 375-2887 Dane Hendry re-.t Richard Dasher, Associate 773-0575 D AnIdependenty Owned and Operated Memb of Cole ker rpora Elva Whidden, Associate 773-5797 Dane Hendry, Associate 381-2769 Office hours 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM GREAT LOCATION This 3 bedroom, 1 bath home Is con- 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH 2003 Mobile Home located on 10 .venlently located close to schools and shopping, acres of land. $115,000 Includes laccuzzi, large workshop and fenced yard. 6.8ACRES EASTMAINOver2, SFInth bed $899008 ACRES ON EAST MAIN!, Over 2,000 SF in this,3 bed. $89,900 room, 2 bath home on 6.8 acres. Includes pole barn, ~~ horse barn, pond, and 3 wells. Close to city limits in SHADED OAKS AND CLOSE TO TOWN This remodeled Wauchula. $275,000 3 bedroom, 2 bath CB home on 5 acres of land - Includes enclosed barn, screened porch, and new roof. 5 ACRES LAND on Nursey Road off HWY 66. Beautiful Withln 1.5 miles west of Wauchula. $170,000 oaks! Reduced price $45,000 We welcome ounwasoiaeaeedr lngtm-rsietfade Member of the Wauchula Board of Realtors and the Multiple Listing Service. WE SELL HUD HOMES, CALL US FOR LISTINGS Visit our website @ www.ourhomesite.com/wauchularealtors cl :13c AVAILABLE NOW! NICE, used double- wide and single-wides! New carpet and A/C! 813-641-8128 1:13,20p Many of our fears are tissue- paper thin, and a single coura- geous step would carry us clear through them. -Brendan Francis EOUSE Everyone Knows a House is a Great Investment! Franchise Opportunity Available in Tampa, FL Put our 40 years of experience and sales growth to' work for you! Contact us at: www.huddlehouse.com or (800) 868-5700 cl1:13D ATTENTION! State Statutes 828.29 requires that all cats and dogs sold in Florida be at least 8 weeks old, have an official health certificate, have nec- essary shots and be free of parasites. tfc-dh * RESIDENTIAL WIRING * COMMERCIAL WIRING *REPAIR WATER HEATERS LOOKING FOR GOOD homes for 3 mixed breed dogs & 1 kitten. Contact All Creatures Animal Hospital. 773- 9215 1:13,20c CARPET PYTHON, MALE, $100. Six feet, very tame. 735-1137 1:13p * INSTALLATION CEILING FANS * WATER PUMPS Maintenance Technician For The Palms Apartments. Must be knowl- edgeable in basic plumbing. Electrical and HVAC, General carpentry and painting skills beneficial. Must be bondable. gend or fax resume: The Palms Apartments P.O. Box 10293 Clearwater, FL 33757 FAX (727) 447-2252 Equal Opportunity Emploger ,cli1 Sunshine Foliage World i2060 Steve Roberts Special Zolfo Springs, FL Nursery positions available now. Job function may involve lifting up to 50 pounds, stooping, bending, loading & unloading materials and working in adverse conditions. Applicant must have a valid ID & Social Security. THIS IS A FULL TIME POSITION Apply in person at Sunshine Foliage World Peniel Construction Services, Inc. Locally Owned and Operated Interior Remodeling *Sheetrock *Texture "Painting *Tile Carpet Laminate & Harldwood Flooring *Cabinets Interior Doors *Trim *etc. Also Demolition K. David Woodrow President (863) 735-9215 L. Cheryl WoodroW Project Administrator Licensed and Insured Demolition Drywall Carpenter 05-280 05-281 05-282 "qCe was lookin, forward to the city with foundations whose architect and6 uilder was God"c" tbrerews 1:10 clii:3p WE'RE #1 IN THE COUNTY! COME SEE WHY1 Buy Here Pay Here No Interest Charges! No Finance Charges! 1:13c 505 N. 6th Ave., Wauchula (across from First National Bank) SAM ALBRITTON ELECTRICAL SERVICE TihLI If kal Ut~f~~ing? a I ALIENS I HAREE -CR CO 7 -1 73-ii7- I I -- , u i Sue I January 13, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 9A The Clas sifieds ROTTWEILER PUPS, 2-M, 3-F, full blooded, $250. Ready now! (863)773- 2966. 1:13p REDUCING KENNEL SOME younger sand some older dogs, some for sale, some free! 767-0458 1:13p ALL BREED DOG/cat grooming/boarding. Climate con- trolled. Royal Country Kennel, Monday-Sunday. 773-3044 9:16tfc ADOPT A PET! If you have lost a pet or are looking for a new one, the City of Wauchula invites you to come and see if you can find the pet you're look- ing for. The Wauchula Animal Control is located at 685 Airport Road. Please call 773-3265 or more information. tfc-dh Never mistake motion for action. CLAN UP Carol Tomblin I,,' !I_, WE BUY LAND, orange groves, and houses. 375-3112 12:2tfc BANK-FORECLOSURE!! INVESTORS 705 N. Illinois St., Wauchula; needs some help (cosmetic & storm related), features 3 BR/1B & large lot. End of street location, needs roof but livable, $39,900. Call for info/access Waterman Group. 1-800-237-1301 1:13p BOWLING GREEN OFFICE space for rent. Over 200 s.f. Hwy 17 frontage. $150 month. 863-375-3360 10:21tfc 2BR CASA, $300 WEEK, 7br, $800 week. 781-5017, 773-6616, 767-1362 1:6-2:3p CAROL'S POOL SERVICE - W0 Years Experience - Certified & Insured Office: 863-452-6026 Cell: 863-449-1806 P.O. Box 974 Avon Park, FL 33826 1l12'16.1 6p WE MAKE THE BEST DEALS IN WAUCHULA HILLS! Billy Jo Tabitha te Habla Espanol alt 773-2011 Corner of Hwy 17 & REA Rd. l:13c. ATTENTION! The Federal Fair Housing Act Prohibits advertising any preference or limitation based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or the Intention to make such a prefer- ence or limitation. Familial status Includes children under 18 living with parents or guardians and pregnant women. tfc-dh 2BR/ FULLY FURNISHED, electric and cable included, nice neighborhood. $750 monthly plus security required. 2BR/ unfurnished, central A/H. Good neighborhood, $550 monthly plus security required. 1BR/ fully fur- nished, electric and cable included. $550 monthly plus security required. (863)285-7203 1:13,20c WAREHOUSES, SEVERAL DIFFER- ENT sizes. Jack Ullrich Warehouses, 773-6448 1:13c MOBILE HOME AND a one bedroom apartment. 781-1062 1:13c Billy Ayers Beet Tire Changer in Town JIM'S PAINTING SERVICE. House and mobile home repair. Interior and exte- rior. Mobile top coating, pressure washing, free estimates, Lic. & Ins. #218, 767-9650. 11:6tfc AL-ANON FAMILY GROUP. Every Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m. Located at the SFCC Annex, Room #105, Hwy. 17 North. Wauchula. 735-2511. tfc-nc SUNRISE COMMUNITY LAND OF OPPORTUNITY * Working with adults with developmental disabilities * Depenedable, 18 years old, high school diploma, valid driver's license. * Fulfilling work environment * 3 shifts available * Advancement opportunities/Tuition reimbursement * Health Insurance/403B * Annual raises, referral bonus * Paid vacation, sick, holiday We look forward to hearing from you. Please call Betty at 863-773- 3985 or Robert at 863-767-1691. EOE/DFWP cl10:14tfc OFFICE FOR RENT 1385 Highway 17 North (across from Wendy's) 2 Large Rooms'- 1 Bathroom Storage Cabinets (built in wall) Storage Closet Hot and Cold Water Heat and Air Conditioning With or Without Desk and Chair, Filing Cabinets and Office Table 1773-6736 ---- 7 Shell GILLIARD FILL DIRT INC. Fill Dirt Lamar Gilliard Zolfo Springs Home: (863) 735-0490 c,8:21fc All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. Sand Mobile: (941) 456-6507 It is easier to do ajob right than to explain why you didn't. -Martin Van Buren Donna Eures Secretary IS ALCOHOL CAUSING a problem? Call Alchoholics Anonymous in Hardee County at 735-3109. Several weekly meetings. tfc LET US PICK up junk cars out of your yard. Crooms- 773-0637. 7:ltfc JT PAINTING & Pressure Cleaning. Free estimates. (888) 689-8188 11:18-2:24D TEAM SAWMASTER, WE cut trees f D.C. PHONE SERVICE. Residential installation & repair. Specializing in mobile homes, 35 years experience. 863-773-9179 12:9-1:13p CENTRAL FLORIDA ROOFING, state certified. License #CCC1325743. Quality work, local roofing company., 1-863-382-7166 12:16tfce NEED YOUR DEBRIS gone? 1 Tonr dump truck ready to work. CaQl (863)735-0140, 863-261-4599 celC 157* 132* 15386, 2 way. 12:30,1:270, EXPERIENCED ELDER CARE sitteN References provided. Days/NightsS Weekends. 863-773-3267 12:30-1:27p; CITRUS TREE REMOVAL, pasture' clean-up, free estimates. (863)781; 0553 1:6-2:3p There is only one pretty chifit in the world, and every. mother, has it. AJ's Tree Service i We Will Not Be Under Bid TREE TRIMMING CUTTING CLEAN-UP, ETC. Free Estimates S (863) 767-0934 S rCell: (863) 781-2783 We now accept credit cards. cl 1:6,13,20,270 Bills Meat Market Bowling Green. Fully equipped for restaurant and meat market. Large Corner Lot. 225' on Hwy 17, $135,000. Contract Pending. Old Quick Lube. Commercial. Hwy 17 North, Bowling Green. Corner lot. $65,000. 815 North 8th Ave., Wauchula, 4 BR/2-1/2 Bth. CB. Like new $110,000. 1.9 acres, 1831 Hampton Road. Brick Home, metal roof. 3456 square feet. 1800 square feet Garage/workshop. $165,000. 302 North 10th Ave. Large corner lot. 930 S.F., C.P., Porches, 2BR/1Bth. Central H/A. $65,000. Beautiful wooded 5 acres, like new DW/MH, 3/2, Central H/A, 5138 Deer Run Road. $92.000. bl6 acres, zoned C-2. Just east of new Northbound U.S. 17. Excellent potenlialTfor warehouses or light manufacturing. Priced to sell. $35,000' N[OT IC[EOFSALE January 20, 2005 11:00 A.M. Personal property in the following units will be sold to the highest bidder to satisfy rental liens in accordance with Florida Statute Section 83.801-83.809. Contents may include household items, clothing, closed cartons, etc. The sell will take place at Convenient Mini Storage, 5106 U.S. Highway 17 N., Bowling Green, FL on January 20, 2005 at 11:00 A.M. Unit #13 Unit #24 Unit #27 Unit #28 Unit #32 Unit #33 Unit #36. Unit #40 Upit #47 Unit #48 Randy Garland Jamie Thompson Melody Monroy Brenda Barnett Kleshia Wright Mary Tucker James Strickland Shauntee Hines Angela Sykes Teague Diannia Grubb cl1:13,20c HELP WANTED Property Manager needed for new large tax credit property in Bowling Green, Wauchula. Yard, Mgmt & leasing experi- ence a must. Competitive salary, benefits commensurate with experience. Fax resumes to 863-773-6679 or call 863-773- 6640. :13.20 --i CASEWORKERS Kids Hope United provides support services for abused and neglected children and their fam- ilies for several Central Florida counties. We have caseworker positions available in our Sebring, Wauchula and Mulberry locations. If you have a Bachelor's degree in Social Work or a related field we will train you if you are selected. Minimum training salary is $31,620. Salary range for caseworkers is $31,620 -38,760. We will consider non-related degrees if you have related experience. If you have current cer- tification as a Child Protection Professional, we want to talk to you. Competitive salary and complete benefit pack- age if offered, with an excellent paid time off benefit. KHU is a drug free workplace and com- mitted to Equal Employment Opportunities. -Please forward resume with salary history to floridajobs@kidshopeuniited.org or fax to 352- 326-2506. c112 16-1 6c POSITION AVAILABLE DATA ENTRY SPECIALIST PAY RANGE $20,800 $32,729 The Data Eitry Specialist is responsible for computer input of data resulting from property evaluations. This employee assists in maintaining a database of all parcels located within Hardee County. Data entry includes but is not limited to the input of data and information pertaining to certain properties obtained during field inspections. This employee is also responsible for initiating property evaluations/field checks to ensure that information pertaining to the property is accurately recorded. Applicant must have knowledge of office practices and procedures' and must have the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with employees and the general public.'Applicant must have the ability to gain knowledge of policies, practices and procedures of the office. Applicant must be willing to attend classes and obtain certification as a "Certified Florida Evaluator". Knowledge of computer skills and various computer applications is required. Applications will be accepted at the Hardee County Property Appraiser's Office, Courthouse Annex II, 315 N. 6th Avenue, Room 103, Wauchula, FL 33873. 863/773-2196. Position is open until February 4, 2005. Equal Opportunity Employer. WINTER TIRE SALE 33-12-5015 MT Plus Tax, Mount & Balance 31-10-5015 $99.95 Plus Tax. Mount & Balance 33-12-501 AT 195-60-15 $105.95 $51.95 Plus Tax, Mount & Balance. Plus Tax Mount & Balance Why Go to the Rest... When You Can Come to the Best! For a good dealcome see Billy & Donna at Billy Bob's Tires Sest 1 ,o "Come see us for a great de S on used cars and trucks!" CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Florida Institute for Neurologic Rehabilitation, Inc., is currently accepting applications for the following positions: C.N.A.'S 2nd, 3rd, and Weekend Shifts available. Current Florida Licensure, HS Diploma or GED Required, experience preferred. Maintenance Utility Service Worker Proficient in plumbing,. electrical, and carpentry. Must possess HVAC Certification and HS Diploma or GED. 5 yrs + experience preferred. Cook -40 hrs includes Saturday and Sunday. 2 years experience required. Certification in food management: is a plus. HS Diploma or GED required. Dietary Prep Cook High School Diploma or GED required. Previous experience in cooking, prep work and sanitation/safe food handling. Hours will include: weekends. FINR offers an excellent benefit package, is an EOE and a Drug Free Workplace.. If you are interested in joining a fast growing company, please stop by 1962 Vandolah Rd., Wauchula, FL to fill out an application, fax resume to 863-773-2041 or e-mail in hrinfo@finr.net 1:13c *New & Used Tires* rSEMI TIREl * -Fast & Friendly Service- H U R S 863-773-0777 Mon. Fri. 8-6 863-773-0727 Sat. 8-12 116 REA Rd. ISe HIabla Espanol. Wauchula acrosss room.WaT-Mart) I I_-~,, =- _ I ~---"--- -ME 1:13,20c' .18 r~ ~o\Nn 10A The Herald-Advocate, January 13, 2005 The Classifieds KENNY HARRIS PRESSURE Cleaning & painting. Quality work at a quality price. Licensed and insured. (b63)735-8863, (863)381-0874. 1 :6-2:3p NEED HELP WITH your elderly? Call $75-3972. 1:6,13p DO YOU NEED a job done? I do yard work, wash trailers, mobile homes. My name is Ramon, 735-0977. 1:13p M&R LAWN CARE, bush hogging, pressure cleaning, 773-6372 1:13,20,27-2:3,10p A&S PAINTING, INTERIOR and exteri- or, over 25 years experience. Free estimates; discount for storm victims. 735-1177 1;13,2:10p OSTOMY, COLOSTOMY, AND ideosto- my supplies.now in stock at Pete's Pharmacy. tfc ATTENTION! State Statutes 489-119 Section 5 Paragraph B and Hardee County Ordinance 87-09 Section 10 Paragraph D require all ads for any construction-related service to carry the contractor's license number. tfc-dh *** PUMP TROUBLE? CALL ULLRICH'S PITCHER PUMP For complete sales, service and installation, call (863) 773-6448. 7:18tfc PARKER FILL DIRT, tree removal, stump removal, dragline, track hoe, land clearing, shell, clay, top soil, loader, bulldozer, dumptrucks. 735- 2415. 9:9tfc What a child doesn't receive he can seldom later give. Darnyl Keen Owner Nursery/Caretaking '863-781-0186 AgNet 158*17*6889 11 :1812:9p SHAWN RIMES AGGREGATES Quality ffravelrok for driveways, parking lots, etc... It's better than shell. c112:18ffc Shklo Rinm Owner/Operator 863-773-6084 Cell 863-781-0412 AgNet 9761 GENERAL MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Pay Rate: $11.10- $14.57 Wanted for the Hardee County Buildings and Grounds Dept. Must have carpentry experience and knowledge of the building trades. Ability to work from blueprints, sketches, etc. Complete job description posted on the County. website: www.hardeecounty.net. - Applications accepted in the: Human Resource Dept., 205 Hanchey Road, Wauchula, FL 33873, 863-773-2161, until 5:00 p.m., January 21, 2005. EOE-FIM/V < c,,: c11:13c D.C. Phone Service Residential-Specializing in mobile homes JACKS INSTALLED SPRE-WIRE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIR OR REPLACE EXISTING LINES RE-LOCATE EXISTING SERVICES' FAST SERVICE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 35 Years Experience ALL YOUR PHONE NEEDS AT AFFORDABLE PRICES Dewey Cowart cll:6,13p (863)773-9179 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES WINNR ACES TEACH are now hiring Residential Assistants & Utility Service Worker HS Diploma/GED Required Call (863) 767-0101 for an appointment Equal Opportunity & Drug-Free Workplace Help Wanted Small Business Counselor serving Highlands, Hardee and DeSoto develop and teach small business seminars and. counsel small business owners in different aspects of operating a business. Min. Bachelor's degree in Business related fields, five years small business owner- ship/management experience. Prefer: MBA/Master's degree in Finance/ Accounting/MIS with ten years small busi- ness management and public speaking experience, with high interpersonal skills, business development experience and Powerpoint presentation skills. Internet research ability, e-commerce and QuickBboks experience a plus. Resume to: kmanning@coba.usf.edu or fax: 813- 905-5801. i UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA c11:13 DO YOU HAVE a problem with drugs? Narcotics Anonymous meets Monday nights 7:30 p.m. at St. Michael's Catholic Church, Heard Bridge Rd., Wauchula and Friday and Saturday nights 7 p.m. at First Methodist Church, Corner of Grape & Church St., Bowling Green. 7:18tfc When you cannot get a compli- ment any other way pay your- self one. 3721 E Main St Wauchula Fl 33873 ( Office. I (863) 773-9446 S SATURDAY 8-? 209 RIVERSIDE Drive, Wauchula, furniture, clothes, etc. 1:13p MULTI-FAMILY YARD sale at Lang's Service Center beside the bowling alley. Saturday only 8-1. 1:13p THURSDAY/FRIDAY/SATURDAY, 8-? 5 miles from Florida Ave., Oak Grove, west on Main St., right at "boat shop" sign. 1:13p Keep the.gold and keep the sil- ver, but give us wisdom. MAINTENANCE WORKER II Pay Rate: $8.25 $10.83 Wanted for the Hardee County Road & Bridge Dept. Applicants must have some knowledge of the gen- eral maintenance trades. Ability to perform heavy manual labor. Valid FL Class B CDL is required. Complete job description posted on County web- site: www.hardeecounty.net. Applications accepted in the: Human Dept., 205 Hanchey Road, Wauchula, 863-773-2161, until 5:00 p.m., January EOE-F/MN Resource FL 33873, 28, 2005. cli:13,20c Tim Parrish (863) 781-3342 Nextel 158*17*31234, We Accept Most Major Credit Cards TAX, TAG AND TITLE CLERK Full time clerk needed in the Tax Collector's Office. Requirements are as follows: 1. Must have high school education (or its equivalent). 2. Must be proficient with computers. 3. Must be able to work with the general public. Additional information and applications may be obtained at the Tax Collector's Office at Courthouse Annex II, 315 N. 6th Ave., Room 102. Applications will be accepted between the hours of 8:00 a.mL'and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday until January 21, 2005. 1:13,20c SALES ASSOCIATES NEEDED. APPLY IN PERSON. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! Badco k -- 1 S0l1:13 765 North Hwy 17 Wauchula. 2 bedroom,1 bath, livingroom, dining roon kitchen. Ceramic tile/carpet. $83,000.00 or make offer. Please make appt. to see (863) 767-1359. 309 Riverside Drive, Wauchula c1 n, 1:6.1'3 Help Wanted Childcare Counselor Able to work with children ages 5-12 years old, must have high energy. Free Y Membership. Apply in person to the Hardee County YMCA, 610 W. Orange St., Wauchula 33873 or call 863-773-6445. EO/AA Employer. 610 W. Orange St, Wauchula 773-6445 ci1:13c SATURDAY 8-? 211 GEORGIA St., Wauchula, 2 family yard sale, lots of stuff! 1:13p FRIDAY/SATURDAY 7-? 612 Alabama St., Wauchula 1:13p "MOVING SALE"! SAT, 1136 Downing Circle, 8-? Lg. sz. clothing, what nots, household goods, ceiling fans, lots of misc. 1:13p FRIDAY/SAT. 9-3, 662 Popash Rd., Wauc. 1:13p ABOUT ... School News The Herald-Advocate encourages submissions from Hardee County schools. Photos'and write- ups should be of recent events, and must include first and last names for both students and teachers. Identify photos front to back, left to right. Deadline for submis- sions is 5 p.m. on Thursday. Please include the name and phone number of a con- tact person. Qualifying items will be published as space allows. Healthcare Integrity At Wexford Health Sources, Inc., we believe that all people have the right to quality healthcare. We do not judge or dis- criminate; we care for those in need by providing direct access to healthcare serv- ice. Join us in the most noble mission of your career. We now seek: RNs Day, Evening & Night Shifts DENTAL ASSISTANT Must be experienced w/x-ray certification. Hardee Correction Institution, Bowling Green Wexford Health Sources, Inc. is a private- ly owned national provider of contracted medical services for correctional facili- ties. ,We offer competitive salaries and benefits, and a truly rewarding environ- ment that promotes the essence of caring. Please apply to: bpurcell@wexfordhealth.com Fax: 888-937-4471 Phone: 800-903-3616 EOE c11:13c -r ~ II Temporary or Permanent ELABO Personnel and ~SOLUTIO Personnel Services Payroll Services CONTACT: People do think that if they avoid the truth, it might change to something better before they have to hear it. -Marsha Norman ABOUT ... Obituaries Obituaries are published free of charge as a public service, but must be submit- ted through a funeral home. A one-column photo of the deceased may be added for $15. Obituaries contain the name, age, place of resi- dence, date of death, occu- pation, memberships, immediate survivors and funeral arrangements. The list of survivors may include the names of a spouse, par- ents, siblings, children and children's spouses and grandchildren, and the num- ber of great-grandchildren. If there are no immediate survivors, consideration of other relationships may be given. Nursing Integrity At Wexford Health Sources, Inc., we believe that all people have the right to quality healthcare. We do not judge or dis- criminate; we care for those, in need by providing direct access to healthcare serv- ice. Join us in the most noble mission of your career. We now seek: DIRECTOR OF NURSING Hardee Correctional Institution, Bowling Green Excellent career advancement opportini- ty in correctional medicine supervising a staff of approx. 30 Nurses! Previous supervisory exp. reg.; exp. in corrections a PLUS! Experienced Charge Nurses/Unit Managesurs ing Supervisors/ADONs encouraged to apply! NEW HIGHER SALARY RATES . OR 2005! Wexford Health Sources, Inc. is a private- ly owned national provider of contracted medical services for correctional facili- ties. We offer competitive salaries and benefits, and a truly rewarding environ- ment that promotes the essence of caring. Please apply to: bpurcell@wexfordhealth.com Fax: 888-937-4471 Phone:: 800-903-3616 EOE dc:13c Payroll Federal ondState' R Taxes Deposits NS Tax Reports Worker's Comp FICA . Year End W2's ROBBY ALBRITTON 116 W. Orange St., Wauchula (863)773-9225 cl10:21ifc "On The Job Again" RESCHKE CONSTRUCTION, INC. State Certified Building and Roofing Contractor Residential Remodeling Zolfo Springs, Florida (863) 735-0660 (863) 832-0409 John Reschke Bill Reschke SOUTH FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE cl12:16tfc CCC-045925 License CBC-12430 PROGRAM AIDE, HARDEE CAMPUS Part-time year-round position to assist with student services includ- ing admissions, assessment and testing, registration, and proctoring two-way interactive classroom instruction. Evenings required and some alternative weekend hours may be required. Two years of full-time cleri- cal experience or an A.S. degree in Secretarial Science (or equivalency) required. Proficient typing skills and strong interpersonal -skills with all age groups required. Hourly pay rate: $7.71 (up to 30 hrs/wk). Deadline: 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 18, 2005. Apply to: SOUTH FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Hardee Campus at 2968 US 17 North, Bowling Green, 33834'or Human Resources, Highlands Campus at 600 W. College Drive, Avon Park, 33825, Building Application' forms are available at any SFCC campus/center and on our Website. EQUAL ACCESS/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY VETERAN'S PREFERENCE cll 1:13 SS obile ff 0 0 Huge! 5 BR,3 Bah ath by Horton Industries Spacious living room & den Large Modern Kitchen with 42 cabinets Too many options to list in this quality built home .set e "t $66,900* Sand' VAJ P Many other Horton single Sand multisections to choose from starting at $27,900* Come see us on Hwy 17 N., Bowling Green (863) 375-3113 or (863) 375-3112 1,:621 TNT ILL [PIZT. INC Dirt, Sand, Shell, Washout, Citrus Tree Removal, Laand Cearing. Building House Pads and Driveways HOUSE FOR SALE 600 West College Drive Avon Park, FL 33825 (863)453-6661* FAX (863)784-7497 E-MAIL: jobs@southflorida.com www.southflorida. edu g 1~^ I F January 13, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 1lA City To Der 1 By JOAN SEAMAN Of The Herald-Advocate Tearing down a building and constructing others were main top- ics at the Wauchula City Commission meeting Monday night. If a final agreement can be worked out with owner Ted Iddings, the 94-year-old badly damaged building at 116 S. Seventh Ave. will be torn down. Although his staff is overloaded already because of the hurricane damages around town, Superinten- dent of Public Works Ray McClellan said "If the city wants it, I'll make time to get it down. It needs to come down for a lot of rea- "sons." Commissioner Clarence Bolin reported on the lowered offer from SIddings; whose previous efforts to sell the building to the city were rejected. Bolin felt Iddings would be agreeable to spreading the $40,000 cost over four fiscal years. "He said originally it was retire- ment income for him," said Bolin. "If we do pay on installments, we want immediate possession," said Commissioner Kenny Lambert, .who wanted clear title so the build- ing can be demolished. S It lies between Main Street SHeritage Park and the new city administrative offices and police station. The property will provide :downtown parking, especially important when events are held at the park.: Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) funds will be used for the purchase. "There is a pool of Money we can tap into along with ,other CRA expenses," said Finance Director James Braddock. In a different vein, the commis- sion balked at a request for rezoni- ,ing 9.95 acres off the new U.S. 17 northbound lanes and south of the' Underwood property, east of the Farmer's Market and extending all the way.to S. First Ave. Gene Strickland, representing the Carlisle Group, which recently completed construction of the 125- unit Country Manor Apartment Complex off SR 62, said the com- pany proposes a 100-unit apartment complex off U.S. 17. 1 Discussions on the affordable J housing complex includes type of Tenants, parking, traffic and man- agement of the units. Strickland said it would be similar to Country Manor, without the farm-related '- worker requirement for 30 percent 'of tlie units. Two-bedroom units will have a maximum of four peo- 'pie, 'three-bedroom units a maxi- mum of six; Tenants have to meet income limits,, which start at about S$24,000 for a 'family of tiree, for which rent on a two-bedroom apartment would be $462 a month. One of the commission's biggest Questions was effect on the city's water and sewer services. The ,city's plants are nearly at capacity, with other residential additions -.being considered. McClellan was -asked to work up a report on the capacity of the plants: and what would need to be done to accom- modate additional growth. In other action, the commission: -approved a pair of ordinances on second reading with no public opposition. The first changes the-qualifica- *tion period for city corimission candidates. It will change from noon on the first Monday in October to noon Friday and S become "no earlier than noon on the 50th day and no later'than noon Sof the 46th day before the General :Election. That will give adequate Time for ballots to be printed for the ;election on the first Tuesday in ;November. : The second ,rezones the Dantes property' at S. SeventhAve. andW. Melendy St. from R- single fami- ly residential to R-2 single fami- THURSDAY. JAN. 13 i/BloodNet USA bloodmobile, Peace River Electric :Cooperative Inc., 1499 U.S. 17 IN., Wauchula, 10 am.-1 p.m V' Hardee County School i Board, Wauchula City Hall1,225 ;E. Main St., Wauchula, work- 'shop on the Sunshine Law, 4 p.m., regular meeting 5 p.m. FRIDAY, JAN. 14 B /BloodNet USA bloodmobile, Crystal Lake Mobile Home Park, 1237 Maxwell Road, off U.S. 17 ;N., Wauchula, 8 a.m.-nooh. MONDAY. JAN. 17 V iBloodNet USA bloodmobile, ! Wagon Wheel RV Park, Bostick Road, off U.S. 17 S., Bowling Green, 8-11 a.m. V .Wauchula City Commission, special meeting, 'City Hall, 225 E. Main St., Wauchula, 6 p.m. nolish Iddings Building ly/duplexes, to allow placement of a pair of duplexes there. -approved Resolution 2005-02 adding purchase of a computer module for tracking labor and over- time costs during the hurricanes and other disasters as well as grant receipts and expenditures. It will increase the monthly lease payment by $116 for the 38 months remain- ing on the 60-month lease, and make the monthly payment $2,158. -decided it was appropriate to pay members of both the Code Enforcement Board and Planning and Zoning Board $100 per month if they attend meetings. There are five people on the Code Board and five on the Zoning Board. City Administrator Jerry Conerly, who is retiring at the end of the month, was appointed to the Planning Board to replace Troy Brant, who was recently elected to the commis- I ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS MONDAY Breakfast: Cereal, Donut, Juice, Milk Lunch: Chicken & Rice or Pepperoni Pizza (Salad Tray, Green Peas, Peaches, Juice, Roll) Milk TUESDAY Breakfast: Cereal, Sausage Sandwich, Juice, Milk Lunch: Popcorn Chicken or Pig in a Blanket (Salad Tray, French Fries, Pears, Juice) Milk WEDNESDAY Breakfast: Cereal, Cheese Pizza, Pears, Milk Lunch: Burrito or Cheeseburger on a Bun (Salad Tray, Potato Rounds, Baked Beans, Juice, Pineapple Chunks) Milk THURSDAY Breakfast: Cereal, French Toast, Syrup, Sausage, Juice, Milk ' Lunch: Baked Turkey or Stacked Ham Sandwich (Salad Tray, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Pumpkin Cake, Juice, Roll) Milk FRIDAY Breakfast: Cereal, Waffle, Syrup, Mixed Fruit, Milk Lunch: BBQ Pork on a Bun or Combo Sub (Salad Tray, Whole Kernel Corn, Strawberries & Peaches, Juice) Milk S JUNIOR HIGH MONDAY -Breakfast: Cereal, Donut, Juice, Milk Lunch: Chicken & Rice or Pepperoni Pizza'or Corndog (Tossed Salad, Garden Peas, Cole Slaw, Peaches, Juice, Roll) Milk TUESDAY Breakfast: Cereal, Sausage Patty Sandwich, Juice, Milk Lunch: Popcorn Chicken Nuggets or Hot Dog on a Bun or Cheese Pizza (Tossed Sald, Baked Beans, Potato Salad, Pears, Juice, Roll) Milk New Holiday For Town of ZS The Zolfo Springs Town Council on Monday night gave approval to a request that has failed in years past. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a national holiday, has now been added to the list of holidays for town employees. In keeping with this, town offices will'be closed Monday. SMeeting Set For 'Mrs. Hardee' SWomen interested in compet- ring in the 2005 Mrs. Hardee County Pageant are asked to attend a meeting this Monday at 7 p.m. at the Hardee Campus of South Florida Community College. The theme for this year's pageant will be "The Wild West." Along with the crown, prizes will be awarded. sion. Members of the Code Board now are Sue Conner, Dewey Cowart, Joe Brown,, J. Waldron and Frank Notar. Members of the Planning and Zoning Board now are Conerly, Peter Preston, Juan Delatorre, James Sellers and Patty Brown. Members of other city commit- tees were reappointed except that Commissioner John Baxter will replace Commissioner David Royal on the Hardee County Recreation Complex committee and also replace Lambert on the insurance review committee. -set parameters for negotiations for the number one candidate to be city manager and authorized Commissioner Kenny Lambert and city labor attorney Reynolds Allen to follow up on it when background and managerial checks are com- plete. WEDNESDAY Breakfast: Cereal, Cheese Pizza, Pears, Milk Lunch: Cheeseb1'ger on a Bun or Pepperoni Pizza or Burrito (Lettuce & Tomato, Roll, Potato Rounds, Pineapple Chunks, Juice) Milk THURSDAY Breakfast: Cereal, French Toast, Syrup, Sausage Patty, Juice, Milk Lunch: Baked Turkey w/Gravy or Stacked Ham Sandwich or Cheese Pizza (Lettuce & Tomato, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Pumpkin Cake, Carrot-Raisin Salad, Juice, Roll) Milk FRIDAY Breakfast: Cereal, Waffle, Syrup,,Fruit Cocktail, Milk Lunch: Pepperoni Pizza or BBQ Pork on a Bun or Combo Sub (Lettuce & Tomato, Whole Kernel Corn, Strawberries & Peaches, Juice) Milk SENIOR HIGH MONDAY Breakfast: Cereal, Donut, Juice, Milk Lunch: Chicken & Rice (Tossed Salad, Turnip Greens, Black-eyed Peas, Beets, Juice, Peaches, Cornbread) Milk W .rTUESDAY Breakfast 'Cereal, Sausage Patty Sandwidh, Juice, Milk Lunch: Popcorn Chicken (Tossed Salad, Savory Rice, Baked Beans, Peas & Carrots, Cole slaw, Pears, Juice, Roll) Milk WEDNESDAY Breakfast:. Cereal, Cheese Pizza, PearS, Milk Lunch: Burrito (Tossed Salad, Mexicali Corn, Pinto Beans & Ham, Roll, Sugar Cookies, Juice) Milk, THURSDAY Breakfast: Cereal, French Toast, Syrup, Sausage, Juice, Milk Lunch: Baked Turkey (Tossed Salad, Chicken Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Pumpkin Cake, Juice, Roll) Milk FRIDAY Breakfast: Cereal, Waffles, Syrup, Fruit Cocktail, Milk Lunch: BBQ Pork on a Bun (Tossed Salad, Baked Potato, Whole Kernel Corn, Broccoli Normandy, Strawberries & Peaches, Juice) Milk i' ." & .,. Name: Jason C. Huffman Age: 26 Height: 57" Weight: 160 Last Address: 343 G St., Lake Wales Charge: Non-support Name: Thomas Lee Stettler Age: 29 Height: 5'11" Weight: 155 Last Address: 518 Fifth Ave., Zolfo Spnngs Charge: Violation of probation (onginal charge possession of methamphetamine) Name: Servando Huipio Medina Age: 22 Height: 5'7" Weight: 158 Last Address: PO. Box 1648, Zolfo Springs Charge: Violation of probation (original charge possession of methamphetamine) Name: Raymon Guerrero Perez Age: 44 Height: 5'6" Weight: 200 Last Address: 403 Manatee St.. Bowling Green Charge: Non-support Name: Glenn Harold Prescott Age: 22 Height: 5'6" Weight: 150 Last Address: 1600 SE Mahon St., Arcadia Charge: Violation of probation (original charge carrying a concealed weapon) Name: Dennis Wayne Robinson Age: 43 Height: 5'10" Weight: 196 Last Address: 415 W. Orange St., Bowling Green Charge: Non-support Name: Roberto Lupe Escobedo Age: 42 Height: 5'6" Weight: 165 Last Address: 621 Sally Place, Wauchula. Charge: Failure to appear in court on a charge of burglary of a dwelling Name: Jacqueline Denise Small Age: 36 Height: 5'9" Weight: 250 Last Address: PO. Box 1465, Bowling Green Charge: Failure to appear in court on a charge of posses- sion of cocaine Best wishes to everyone celebrat- ing a birthday or anniversary in January. Our thoughts and prayers go put to Caniand Lbis Dunbar as they were involved in a serious car accident but are home recuperating. NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE One hundred and forty-five Crystal Lake Village residents, fam- ily and friends enjoyed New Year's Eve. Although the music was so-so, the crowd more than made up for it, havying.,a,great time. Dan and Lillie Vicari surprised longtime resident Ruthie Herrington \with a 'huge birthday cake to celebrate her 86th birthday Dec,. 31. The next dance is a blue jeans dance Jan. 15'with Lawson Rudd 'and Friends. BINGO Elinora MacNaughton won the paper special Jan. 3. SCORES Monday Mixed Golf Jan. 3 - iwinners were Aurele Dufour, Lloyd Lankford, Aideen Dufour and :Gaylord Williams. Shuffling three-tame winners were Charlene Baker, Bob Beckley, Betty Iceman, Mary Lagos, Izetta Murphy, Dick Robinson, Joy By JOAN SEAMAN / Of The Herald-Advocate The Hardee boys soccer squad started the new year on a good note, winning at Port Charlotte. They also had a heart-rending 2- I loss at Sebring on Friday evening. ,All Hardee games are on the road due :to damages to Wildcat 'Stadium.. ;This wweek's games are Avon Park on Tuesday, Lake Placid today (Thursday) aind DeSoto tomorrow night. Next week, the season begins to wind down with games at Sebring on Jan.20 and Mulberry on Jan: 21. The season finale is at Fort Meade on Jan. 25. The district tournament is the week of Jan. 31 and will be at Mulberry this year. Hardee is still hampered by the loss of seniors Humberto Piedad and Yovany Arana. Coach Ron Kline is hopeful to have both back for district competition. At Port Charlotte, Hardee / Stadler. Margaret Van Veen, Mert Wolf and Lorraine Howerter. Euchre Jan. 4 High Lady, Mert Wolf, 65. Second Lady, Sharon Waterloo, 62. High Fellow, Charlie Molett, 58. Second, Don Stadler, 56. Lone hands 4 each - Mary Rose Ulbrick and Bert Elofson. KOFFEE KLATCH. Hosts for, Jan. 5 were Jack and Bert Elofson and George and Marge Strausbaugh. Herb Kimball led the American Pledge, Sylvia Baker the Canadian Pledge and Rev. Lloyd Hall the prayer. The 50-50 winners were John Bartek, Jane'Christopher, Shirley Eisenger, Bob Beshel and Pat Heacock. CHURCH Maxine Stomme was greeter for the 116 residents that attended church service Sunday Jan. 2. The Prelude of several familiar hymns was by organist Jim Bolhouse and pianist Carol Jones. Everyone joined in singing "This is the Day .that the Lord Hath Made" to open the service. "Jesus is the Answer," was the choir's special number, directed by Nancy Morrison. The avenged its Dec. 13 loss. "Younger players stepped up. They were inspired and played real hard. In the second half, they played really strong defense," said Kline. The first half "we played them even. In the second half, Sergio (Zamora) took a. nice pass from Luis Reyes, caught the goalie out of position and drilled it in. Pablo (Anselmo) scored on a penalty kick 15 minutes into the second half." Kline related how hard the play- ers went at it with the example of Andrew Cisneros and a Port Charlotte playing the ball between them. "It went straight up and we got it when it came down. Within the next two series was when we scored," described Kline. On the penalty, Zamora had a clear shot at the goal and was "swept out," undercut, resulting in a 360-degree somersault. On the penalty kick, Anselmo acted as if he would pound it into the goal and dinked it past the surprised.goalie, related Kline.' At Sebring on Friday, Hardee played a strong first half, with Anselmo scoring on a long penalty kick from 30-35 yards out. "He drilled it nicely, just under the cross bar, just over the fingertips of the goalie," said Kline. Offertory Prayer was given by Rev. Lloyd Hall, while the pianist and organist played "My Jesus, I Love Thee" and Bill Cook and Al Walker served as ushers. Rev. Winnie used Scripture references from Romans 14: r2, I Peter 1:17 and James 4:14, for his sermon, titled "What Are You Doing Daily For God?". Hymns used during the service were "Are You Washed in the Blood," "Stand Up for:Jesus", and "Blessed Assurance." DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Don't Know Where To Turn For Help? CALL THE CRISIS LINE 1 (800) 500-1119 ffc-dh "We were up 1-0 at the half but, unfortunately, they came back with a good drop on a long kick and tied' the game. Then, on a corer kick, a tall player headed it into the goal; That's hard to stop," continued'. Kline. "Andrew (Cisneros) had a kick on goal with two minutes to go which would have tied the game, but it veered just wide of the goal,"' said Kline. "We're such a young team. Two, seniors are'sidelined. Zamora and, Jacob Deemer were reserves last year and are starters this year,. Pedro Suarez and Jeffery Capron' are out the first time in their senior year and are learning and playing more. Freshmen Luis Reyes and Luis Hilario are playing a lot more mintues," concluded Kline. Other players are Alberto "Chico" Rodriguez, Juan Hernandez, Sammy Arreola, Jose Martinez, Julian Garcia, Johnny, Huron, Jesus Jaimes, Francisco Lozano, Steven Rodriguez, Oscair Tovar and Flavio Lopez. Hardee girls came back from thd holiday break a bit out of shape and it showed in the 3-0 loss at Port Charlotte last Tuesday. This week's games are DeSoto on Monday and Lake Placid today. (Thursday). Next week, it is at Sebring on Thursday in the season' finale. District playoffs are at Avon Park on Jan. 25, 27 and 28. At Port Charlotte, Hardee was down 2-0 to the Lady Pirates at halftime, but picked up the pace in. the second half, and limited Port Charlotte to just one more goal; Considering Port Charlotte won 8-0 twice last year, this season's 1-1 tie on Dec. 13 and 3-0 loss last week is vast improvement. Susanna Castllo stepped into the goalie position and did a good job and midfielder Karissa Manchester had some good shots on goal, reported the coaches. Other team members include Jennifer Hand, Erica Montanez, Carla' Shayman, Danielle Hines, Rosio Cleto, Maggie Rodriguez, Anna Romero, Cricket Nichols, Pat Gonzalez, Heather McKinney, Gloria Hernandez, Roxanna Torres, Erica Martinez, Blanca Ruiz, Ashley Islas, Christina Badillo, Ramona Campos, Lillian Deemer; Cynthia Briseno, Nicole Juarez, Megan White and Mayra Castillo. The Hardee County Sheriff's Office holds active warrants for the above individuals. If you have any information concerning a listed person's whereabouts, call the SHERIFF'S OFFICE WARRANTS DIVISION at 773-0304 ext. 205. Soccer Boys Shut Out Pirates 2-0o Crystal Lake RV News SBy Joyce Taylor , 12A The Herald-Advocate, January 13, 2005 Mark Faye E %r EIv I FL 0 M=- Kevin Hanchey f^ri go* -AN AMERICAN E i S' IW^II RVUTION "Most Dependable Longest-Lasting Trucs HEVROLET on the Road" e'll Be There __ 2002 Chevy E Trailblazer How Do We Do It? e. iI i r,9Bri I 2002 Chevy Cavalier 2005 CHEVYAVEO LS 5 DR. 2005 CHEVY CAVALIER COUPE A/C A/C Was $11,910 Was $10,890 S AutoAirSpi NOW $8,995'* NOW $8,798"* H S780 2003 Chevv SAVE SAVE MfalIbu41 CFO -W1 $ 2,9 5. $2,092 LS, Power Windows &_ Locks, CD 2005 CHEVY 1500 2005 CHEVY TAHOE E slo, s A/C, Pwr. Steering, Pwr.1. 2003 Ford Expedition Win./Biakes, AM/FM Stereo /IC, On-Star, Pwr. Win./ "Eddie Bauer" Locks. Dual Air, 3rd Seat Was $1 9,620 Was $32, 3rd seat, Leather, NOW $13,988. I NOW $27 9998* 3 S AV.E SAVE HooZ EJ -$5,622 $9,097 CARGO VANS AVAILABLE! Mpor. V6 CD 2005 CHEVY COLCORADO S m74 HB 2005 CHEVY CO LO RAD CAB & CHASSIS NOWAVAILABLE! ./C, Pwr Steering, Pwr. ZOO2 4 Old. Brakes." /6 All uorea Br ke. AM/FM Stereo 2004'S GOTTA GO Alro s 2004 CHEVY IMPALA was $24,015 .- Power Seats. Aluminum Wheels, S a ings $791 17 PoLwer Equipmen, . CD, Premium Sound so rlO Now $16,898 Factory warraircy SAVE ** 2004 CHEVY AVEO Was $13,565 s ns $3,567 z o 2004 CHEVY SUBURBAN w $7,400 s ,,n" $12,405 U4x4 Z1-7100l,2,405 Fully Loaded '. ~i)9 No $34,995 V6. All Pow,'er *All prices are after all rebates and do not include taxes, license + $399.95 delivery fee. 2004 CHEVY SSR W Equpm t. Real Clean ** Special Financing in lieu of rebate. SUPERSPORT ROADSTER was $44,805 Sngs $9,817 S11,933 Dealership not responsible for typographical errors. Loaded. sr,#oi-ac Now $34,988 Pictures for illustration purposes only. Includes GM Loyalty Rebate. 13970801-12-05 A IFg. Ti i f I'- If- I _.r.I I ,f-I=a.,FI,=_. 1 F-. I I I -I L 2 *iCi We 2005 DODGE MAGNUM 6 Disc., Auto, A/C Was $26,520 NOW $22,9849 SAVE 2005 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE Full Poweri, A/C Was $27,080 NOW, $22,598j SAVE $4,482 SikiO5629G 2005 DODGE RAM 1500 REG CAB Auto, A/C Was $21,835 NOW SAV 5$15,898** $5,937 All prices are after all rebates and do not include tax, tag, or $399.95 delivery fee. Dealership not responsible for typographical errors. Pictures for Illustration purposes only. ** Must finance through Chrysler Financial. ONLY IN A ,IIill*I Dofci U."GE Do It? 2005 CHRYSLER PACIFICA Leather, 17" Wheels, A/C. Was $31,120 NOW $24,998"* $10,864 2005 DODGE RAM 2500 REG. CAB. 4X4 SAVE $7,542 Sto05577C Cummings Diesel, A/C, Trailer Tow Was $35,540 NOW $27,998" 2004'S GOTTA GO 2004 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER Auto, CD. srklo4876c was $19,985 Now $13,998 2004 DODGE 1500 SLT QUAD CAB was $31,340 Auto, V8 Hemi, Limited Slip. Trailer row. 'i wirjC Now $21,988 2004 CHRYSLER SEBRING Leather, CD, Loaded. srkwoiscc wai $27,860 Now $20,988 2004 DODGE SRT-4 as $22,485 Sunroof, Loaded, Klcker Sound System :~.cn.:is Nowv $18,998 2004 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER GT was $29,840 Leather, Loaded. 5tkso4630jo Now $19,998 2004 CHRYSLER CROSSFIRE Leather, Auto. Stk#04642C Was $35,570 Now $26,998 si.. ngs $5,987 Sia. ,ngs $9,352 Savings $6,872 S.n,.ngs $3,487 5.r. wings $9,842 N IL 0 I S H D NE A A R 2001 Dodge Ranm Cqud 4il>, 4x4. SLT. 5.9 V8. Loaded 1008988 2003 Dodsge SLT. Quad Cab. Hemi $S20988 2001 Dodge Ram Quad Cab SLT. V8. Power Windows & Locks S13.988 2004 Ford Ranger XLT Super Cab, 4x4. Loev IViles $1S.988 2004 Mercury Grand Marquis LS Only 35.000 Miles. Leather. $13.988 2004 Chrysler Sebring Convertible All the toys. CD. Ss999 Ford a-rnsger Flare SIde.,CD Player. Sport Wheels $6,988 Savings $8,572 1:13c 139708 01-12-0, U U U A~~ I *I I CH RVSLER How Do ,. The Herald-Advocate (LUSPS 57S 780) Thursday, January 13, 2005 PAGE ONE Hoop By JOAN SEAMAN Of The Herald-Advocate The Hardee Lady Wildcats over- whelmed DeSoto in Friday night action. Hardee coach Don Gray used his bench while downing the Lady Bulldogs 39-9. It was' a split of district games last week as the girls had lost to Girls eastern rival Avon Park on Tuesday evening on the Lady Devils court. This week, Hardee hosted Heartland Christian on Monday, Mulberry on Tuesday, and will greet Frostproof tomorrow (Friday). Next week, there is another pair of home games, against Lake Placid on Tuesday and Avon Park on Friday. Against Avon Park, th Cats showed the lack of p over the holiday break. "I real hard to get them to cc during the holidays," saic who noted the team played the second half and began ing their plays. Avon Park jumped out t first quarter advantage and COURTESY PHOTO The varsity Lady Wildcats beat DeSoto on Friday evening. In front (from left) are D.IC Davis, Thelicia Jena, Kim Cummins, Christina Jena and Savanah Palmer; in back, April Buckley, Tchenavia Atkinson, Ciara Lambert, Lina Cauley, Jamie Buckley and Gloria Solis. Down e Lady that to 26-14 by halftime. It was an practices even third period, but Avon Park t's been picked up the pressure and added a ome out few more points in the fourth quar- d Gray, ter for the final 51-34 victory. better in The Lady Red Devils had a terri- execut- ble time at the free throw line, hit- ting only three of 19 attempts. o a 14-6 Hardee did better with a 9-for-16 pushed feat at the charity stripe. Jenae Kniffen had nine points and Kysi Woods and Shantavia Conner each had eight. For Hardee, Kim Cummins was tops with a baker's dozen, hitting a pair of deuces, a trey and four-of- *four from the free throw line. Christina Jena added eight points, April Buckley four, Lina Cauley three, Jamie Buckley two points 'and Thelicia Jena and Savanah Palmer each one point. At home in a varsity-only encounter Friday against DeSoto does not have a junior varsity team and its varsity squad is having a difficult year; coming off a 58-0 drubbing by Sebring on the previ- ous evening. Gray entered reserves early in the game and periodically through- DeSoto out, keeping only one starter on the floor at most times. DeSoto was able to get a three-pointer and pair of deuces to end the game with nine points. For Hardee, it was Cummins with 15 points as the game's high scorer. April Buckley had .11 points, followed by D.K. Davis with four, and Thelicia Jena, Gloria Solis, Jamie Buckley and Cauley each with two points and Tchenavia Atkinson one point. Ciara Lambert, Christina Jena, and Palmer con- tributed to the floor game. The Haidee junior varsity girls had only one game last week, los- ing 62-18 to Avon Park with the back-to-school effort to get regrouped. Kristine Mitchelle, with 14 points and Brittany Seigler, with 10, scored in every period. Of the nine players who got in the game for Avon Park, seven scored at least one point. For Hardee, Madison Graham and Sherisa Jones each had a half dozen points, LaQuandra Matthews added four and Tiarra Williams had two points. Others participating for the junior Lady Cats were Angel Simmons, .Tareka Coney, Casey Johnson, Emili Evans, Paige Avery and Marissa Hall. 91o.u-S 9Now.!-Sat! 10 ~t ~?ain S. Mvonmla&, Pa 33825 M- 1 "nnnf 02 i: W 9-5 9/v(863) 45Z-ZU00 Snty (Former County neLiquors) 245 Hwy. 17 N. owll Green 375-9938 -Saturday Night 8 p.m.- Karaoke With SJesse James 1:13c DatToramn Tuesdy&Fia ~ The junior varsity Lady Wildcats are always competitive; in first row (left to right) are Emili Evans, Paige Avery, Marissa Hall, Sherisa Jones and Casey Johnson; in back, LaQuandra Matthews, Tareka Coney, Madison Graham, Tiarra Williams and Angel Simmons WE will honor that deposit NOW!!! PAYLESS ROOFING & SIDING If you have documentation that you have paid a deposit to another roofer and still have no roof, PAYLESS ROOFING & SIDING WILL DEDUCT that deposit from our estimate and CREDIT you on your new PAYLESS roof! CALL NOW FOR DETAILS ON HOW YOU CAN GET YOUR ROOF WITH NO MORE WAITING... AND WITHOUT LOSING YOUR DEPOSIT!!! Contact George Browder 1 11r 6039-309-7513 .sos-3 or Toll Free 1-866-794 RC29027101 99 I WAUCHULA I1.A..1 7T-1--f1 ArMONAY-;ATlURDAY RAM-TPM SUNDAY 9AM-6PM --ckvn wt-ude~S- t~ ~ ~ Of c9:tL&O/fl/ ,i -I I LICENSED o BONDED o WORKMAN'S COMP 2B The Herald-Advocate, January 13, 2005 Limestone Church Receives Shingles, Volunteer Helpers After Hurricanes PHOTOS BY JIM KELLY Truck owned by Bill Smith and driven by J.R. Johnson of Waverly, Va., delivered 288 bundles of shingles Monday for Limestone Church. Shingles were donated by Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church of Burgess, Va. The Shiloh pastor is Rev. TW. Morris. From left are pastor James Marion, J.R. Johnson and church member Charlie Mae Jones A rugged oak tree next to the church survived the storis.,Church plans first service at its regu- tar location in early February. Ala- C- _,_ ;; ', ''. .< '".rr: ... ...-..: . I LOT Paul Jensen of Wardsboro, Vt., and Bill Roon (right) of Hudsonville, Mich., repair ceiling. Looking on is Ruth Roon. Apostolic Christian Wqff-Relief provides volunteers to help. church. In front row are Mark Campbell, John Babin aid Jared Schieber. In back row are Tim Schaefer. Charlie Mae Jones, Seth Campbell, pastor JamesIMarion of Tampa, Ben Martin and Joshua Rassi. A nearby home in Limestone gets a new roof from Apostolic Chris is Psalm 127:1 "Except the Lord build the house, they labour in ~ ~JtnI*~~ w~eh~e ~'th-c Spin* t,6f'God, LrjI uCri ~our Saviour kInd. on 6r'o~c~ ~ hv'fg betn hapticed in tile ~Ft~,ur ai f t'i (-ifnd tile -1l~ 0!1" ~~~~~~t ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~~d' ~nd r~fC ~dathis ser y 0: anohera$Ol'~ho'!)in Chri;t. reg difjbe a4 of the oHlYSpirit ,'nl-for to e bej'L r Elt : O L O t lC t tile ad- .-nEli rft I-Ch hril in love' h~inu and, an fort1 to pro it pro.perit"Y and spirituFitY; to Su- ~it~worhipordinanies, 1isLiplfLndoertC t cbt -r !cLIMer:ihnregUlarly t11orel iuefof the poor, E. l~te. nexpsn t the church, the reltil.1f he1,onr espr 0;'lie 1 oci rh ope c1hrni.Igl' al lions. ja 6--b-n gage. .to naintai n, ailn cret \0t to ." ed t ildren; to SeekC the Sie Chou idriantn o es; t to walk cir ci r rld,"'to be juht in our dealings, faithi', gagemenm, and e i. nplarV -.itn our deporriUc -afdltding, backbitingani;,c csiivcangtr jtiI,. 1 'id-s'alc oi atnd UNL ofintoxicating drink-.as ou. t tinfol ut ffOrt, EO -advatic to e the king 17 towa ch over-'onc anoilier in broth. ~ lmber one' aqdiQtei in pra vr; to aid ovn dis c rr1,tocultiNae gChristian s% - i ancou~rtesy-.irttspeech; to b U L !yjCTI'd~y 1Inr'eco~n'cilari0on ur- icir- 'secjrc if:.vV t h- .~ .,; !.. and~ec~n~iar~ in' ur J...,u i-cl~l~t~tlinw ~cliin, ad ~cj~idve from~r th~l isK . Church covenant advises members how to live their lives. tian World Relief. Its Bible verse St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church in Limestone is at corner of Washington and Jefferson. Church n vain that build it." will get new roof, paint, remodeled interior, with a new adjacent sanctuary planned. __. I---=^T- r I- _______ 1 s ,- ~I I iiiiiii H -ONE-R P Church was established in 1900 and rebuilt in 1960. Church has 25 members on the roll and 5 or 6 are active. Attendance is gen- erally 5 to 15. Limestone has about 250 residents. The other community church is Limestone Baptist Church. . . m m a W~ed.U- S ~ afn Iee 8 ou-" C* upe rate Shingle or Metal a.> JJfK SEAE SEEONSTRUC D N TO @@ State Certified General Contractor i ? ,30 Ysw Akh. UlSR Lic # CGC 060257 Shaw k&ts ofhouse pors to d fose fanm Specializing in Rooting, Steel Buildings & New Construction Commercia/ & Residential Proudly serving Hardee Er surrounding counties for over 25 years - n n ~IL~1qa1t I'OGP vVwd no a- I Phone: (863) 773-5784 107 West Main Street Wauchula, FL 33873' I I.~- cs ~ I 4 January 13, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 3B Letter To Editor College Student Seeks Funds For Diplomacy Mission Trip Dear Editor: My name is Amanda DePriest and I am a sophomore at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. I am majoring in Criminal Justice with a minor in Legal Studies and have been invited to attend the.International Mission of Diplomacy in Australia. The International Mission of Diplomacy is a program that will add to my personal knowledge, as well as my academic and pre-pro- fessional profiles. During the International Mission, other stu- dents and I, will travel abroad and will deepen our understanding of the great achievements and enor- mous challenges of professionals in a foreign country through institu- tion visits, speeches by distin- guished speakers, hands-on semi- nars, and face to face interaction and discussion with established professionals. My costs to attend the 13-day International Mission are $4,600 for tuition and $400 for transporta- tion. My parents have contributed as much as they are able to at this point and I will steadily be saving money to put toward my expenses. I have contacted other agencies and organizations as well. It is my hope that you will assist me with my costs. Donations must be received by the International Mission no later than February 2nd, 2005. Attending the International Mission will be a valuable experi- ence. I feel that I would gain knowledge and develop skills that would help me as I pursue my edu- cation and long-term career goals. I would like very much the opportunity to meet with you per- sonally to discuss my proposal or to arrange an interview. I can be reached at your, convenience at 352-613-3745 or I can be contacted through my email address: depries- ta1047@yahoo.com I look forward to speaking with you. Sincerely, Amanda Depriest 4242 Spoleto Circle Apt. 204 Oviedo, FL 32765 Editor's Note: Amanda is the daughter of Brenda Kovac DePriest, a former Wauchula resi- dent now living in Inverness, and the granddaughter of Edsel and Katherine Massey of 708 E. Avon St. in Bowling Green. Memory Lane Citrus Classic Run Set March 5 In Winter Haven The Winter Haven Hospital is pleased to announce the Citrus Classic on Saturday, March 5 in Central Park, downtown Winter Haven. The main events planned are 10 K Run, 5 K Run and 3 Mile 'Fun & Fitness Walk. Featured will be the "School Challenge" trophy for the most participants from area schools. Come celebrate wellness - whether you are an avid runner or 'simply choose to walk, you are Before I got married I had six :theories about bringing up chil- dren; now I have six children, and no theories. proactively participating. Great fun, great food, t-shirts, trophies and entertainment in the park. You may request registration forms ffrm the Winter Haven Hospital's Community Health Department office, 200 Avenue F, NE, Winter Haven, FL 33881. For more information on registration, entry fees or volunteering, please call 863-297-1896 (Mon-Fri, 8 a.m.-4p.m.). Don't Be 'Fashionably Late!" HARDEE LIVING DEADLINE IS MONDAY AT 5 P.M. PHOTO SuBMIFTED By MARTH4 HEtlDRl CHESrNEY Grove owners Alex M. Hendry and Cyelon R. Bostick are posing with their picking crew sometime between 1924 and 1930. The 20- to 40-acre grove was in Zolfo Springs. Bostick is the first man on the left leaning against a truck, which is filled with freshly-picked fruit. Hendry is the fourth from the left (in front), leaning on the other truck. In addition to the antique automobiles, note unusually tall ladders. SHARE YOUR OLD PHOTOS WITH US! Take readers on a walk down Memory Lane by sharing your photos from Hardee County's past. Bring your submissions to the newspa- per office at 115 S. Seventh Ave. or mail to The Herald-Advocate, P.O. Box 338, Wauchula., FL 33873. Photos will be returned. *..~st ; w- -s ."s -m --- .-si.w. -* w .\:- .' HARDEE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING The~ Hardee County Office of Community Development will hold a workshop to discuss the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development application for the proposed Hardee Fire/Rescue Stations in the town of Zolfo Springs and the city of Bowling Green on Thursday, January 20, 2005 at 2:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the County Commission Chambers, 412 West Orange Street, Room 102, Courthouse Annex, Wauchula, Florida. For more information, please contact Janet Gilliard, Director of Community Developm- ent, at 863-773-6349. Lexton Albritton, county Manager. : ,, i ' f 1:1l3c :1,1l~mM~ffE! Thanks fop making 2004 Upeall. We'pe looking forwapd to 2005,.1 f. . 4B The Herald-Advocate, January 13, 2005 Photos from Annual Field Day At Ona Range Cattle Research Center a. .k- PHOTOS BY JIM KELLY Agronomist Dr. Paul Mislevy speaks at Range Cattle Research ,Animal Nutritionist Dr. John Arthington speaks to visiting area and Education Center Field Day. A steak luncheon was served. cattlemen. B. -1r *- -. Dr. Findlay Pate (left) on hay bale next to Monroe Arnold at field day held Oct. 14. | GENE DAUIS SAYS TJIRANKS p,' . . B -' " Stbp by and see why so many neighbors from Hardee County buy from me. Ranked in the top 18 in customer satisfaction in Florida I have received Ford's highest Sales Honor 11 years running and been a member of Ford's 380/588 Club for 19 years. Thanks again and stop by soon. FL Mwede 375-2605 STEDEM J, 1800-226-3325 OMI 2 806 S. 6TH AVE. (HWY. 17) WAUCHULA 773-3015 C \ '^EseAND AMERICAN ORDER FROM OUR MENU DINE IN OR CARRY OUT COCKTAILS AVAILABLE Discussing the agriculture business is center director Dr. ' Findlay Pate (left) and Edgar Davis, owner of Florida Fertilizer ;::Company. At right is Dr. Elver Hodges and his wife Ruth. He was a project leader at the research center, located south of Ona, from 1942 to 1980. Circle The Date! COMMUNITY CALENDAR DEADLINE IS MONDAY AT 5 PM. S .:: ..', ; Vd, ... ......... _ 0 I I --r I 1 I I I c LlIeaCl ~ ~ L~ r I~-__I_ ~I ' . January 13, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 5B A A A/f 2004s Must Cgo/ Over 1O NVew Vhicles to Choose R0om "S%::, '' i W.B '.*.. r ,; ^- ^' '**, ': *, -* *,, '. ** :.. ' ":=A, ', j r$.8988? : I. 2004 Ford F150 4x4 Reg. Cab V-8 From $12,995 2004 Ford Ranger Super Cab 0 STK# 4F18193 (a~ i:si 2004 Ford Expedition 2004 Ford F150 Supercrew 4X2 XLT 2004 Ford Explorer XLT 2004 Ford F150 4X4 Supercab XLT -BS" -*W Choose F$24,949 STK# 4U15010 2004 Ford Freestar 16,495 STK# 4A50003 $21,995 , STK# 4U63014 4 ?0 FROM 2005 F250 4x4 Crew Cab $33,488 STK# 5W21100 2004 Ford Taurus SES From. $15,988 Well equipped. Leather. .TK 4P!nl15i On/y $19,995 STK# 4X14316 2005 Focus ZX3 S$11,995 STK #5P31012 A3 - S Crown Ford Avon Park Zolfo Sebring '27 SsprigLake Placid COMMERCIAL LENDING SERVICES iirw Fiuuyrcxs. aIcue81rdts rdme rctst ele.Hsdnyrsrcinsapy e elrtrdtal. s istx aan elrte.tr o ilsrto upssoly utInnewt :3 & a rI &VA W410 $22,488, STK# 4W1 2059 .22 ~ei~8 ~'~11111111111111111ll~a ""'~ "" III _ I I- I--d- -- -aa ~2~2 I u/o III iiuu Of Tfacory rebaes.8 ces include all rebates and Ince rebates to dealer. Residency restrictions apply. See dealer for details. as plus tax, lag, and dealer tees. ,ture for illustration purposes only. Must finance with 1:13c V~L~i~c-~g L~ii~~ 6B The Hernld-Advocate,'January 13, 2005 -Hardee G an Li * 1 Angle Coker & Rocky Sonnier To Marry Danny and Connie Coker of Fort of Central Florida in Orlando with a reen announce the engagement bachelor's degree in health service nd approaching marriage of their administration. daughter, Angela Michelle of Chester, Va., to Rocky Shane Sonnier, the son of Gary and Melissa Sonnier and Debbie Graham of Lake Charles, Va. The bride-elect is a 1998 honors graduate of Hardee Senior High School. She was graduated with honors in 2003 from the University Robert "Bim" and Grace Parker Davis of Fort Green will be cele- brating their 50th wedding anniver- sary, this weekend. The Davises were married on Jan. 15, .1955, at the Pineapple Plantation in Delray Beach. They are lifelong residents of" Hardee County, now residing in Fort Green. Biin Dau\is served in the U.S. Army, and is a retired maintenance worker With 'the Hardee County School Board. Grace Davis was a COURTESY PHOTO . 15, nurse at the Palmetto Clinic, and also is retired from driving a school bus for handicapped children. The Davises have numerous nieces and nephews, who have joined together to host an anniver- sary party for the couple. The celebration will be held this Sunday from 3:30 to 5"30 in the afternoon: at Fort Gien Baptist Church.. ,.W 'Friends of the couple are invited to attend. n9na el e's/ zfuom- s 9at, u 'A& 33825 9-5 9 (863) 452-2005 Soc:13-2:3c P .des e adie" lo &-mOW Immanuel Baptist Church Broward St., Bowling Green, FL Southern Gospel Music Program with: THE BO YEARS Sunday, January 16 11:00 . The prospective groom is a 1999 graduate of Sam Houston High School in Moss-Bluff, La.' He is currently employed by Merit Electrical in Chester, Va. Plans are being made for an April 2 wedding at five in the afternoon at Fort Green Baptist Church. COURTESY PHOTO Timmy and Jaime Jamie Lang & Timmy Selph Are Engaged Alan and Donna Lang of Wauchula announce the engage- ment and approaching marriage of their daughter, Jaime Nicole, to Timothy Wayne Selph, son of Austin and Judy Selph of Wauchula. The bride-elect is a 2001 gradu- ate of Hardee Senior High School. She was graduated with honors. from Polk Community College in COURTESY PHOTO ,Angie and Rocky Jordan Sperry Turns 3' Jordan Sperry celebrated her parents Carla Sperry and Rick third birthday with a Disney Nichols. Princess party at the Walt Disney / ' World Resort. , Jordan's birthday is Nov. 26. She and her family vacationed at . Disney's All-Star Music Resort the weekend of the 26th. Jordan was. . the honoree at the Disney Princess \ Breakfast in Norway in the EPCOT '" Center. Dinner was held in Cinderella's Castle at the Magic Kingdom. Celebrating with Jordan were her 00 "p parents, Wade and Missy Sperry; . her sister, Savannah: cousins , Baleigh and Madison; and grand-' 10 HOURS A MONTH! That's all it takes to speak up for a child. Volunteer to be a Guardian Ad Litem. 773-2505 (If office unattended, please leave message.) Jordan 2004 with a degree in radiography and is currently employed in Sebring. The prospective groom is a 2000 Graduate of Hardee Senior High School and is expected to graduate This year from the radiography pro- gram at Polk Community College. Plans are being made for a 2005 wedding. Rise & Shine By Ted Simonson DON'T TRY TO CATCH THE CATCHER Self-denial is an important part of the trapeze act at the circus. The "flyer" is the one who lets go. The "catcher" is the one who catch- es. SAs the flyer swings high above the crowd, the moment comes when he .must let go. He arcs out into the air. His job is to remain as still as possible and wait for the strong hands of the catcher to pluck nim from the air. '"The flyer must never try to catch the catcher," old-time circus people advise. "The flyer must wait in absolute trust. The catcher will catch him, but he must wait!" In a similar way, God will "catch" us when we put our trust in Him, but we need to deny the natural tendency to panic and try to save ourselves. What can we do in order to be ready for that great crisis of faith that seems to come to everyone once or twice in a lifetime? The answer is "hidden in plain view." It lies in your everyday life. The martyrs of the past did not embrace death by summoning all their strength and resolve. They were already living a life of self-denial during all the days, weeks and years before the crisis. As a result, when the trial came along, they didn't need to do anything new and different! Remember that flesh and spirit are always opposed to each other. "...If ye through the Spirit do mortify the'deeds of the body, ye shall live" (Rom. 8:13). Your body will never serve God. You will have to do your duty because you know it to be right and compel your flesh to cooperate. That is self- denial, and the Christian life is a life of doing things out of love for God that we know we should whether we feel like it or not. Fortunately, it is a rule that anything practiced faithfully gets easier. The wise believer lives each day seizing little moments of time to assist and encourage others, even when he must set aside his own comfort and conve- nience. But in time, good habits replace bad ones and peace replaces strug- gle. Thank You Saturday nuy1 e9*a! We, the.family of Gladys Coker, wish to thank those of you who so faithfully came to see her, bringing flowers and small gifts, during her long illness. It always, brought a smile when you came. We also express our thanks to the nurses of Best Choice, who took such good care of her, and to Dr. Fallon and Brittney Hay for their watchful care. It meant so much when so many of her friends brought food, sent flowers and just showed your love and appreciation for a truly great lady. Marcus Shackelford, Duck Smith and Rev. Bob Norman, what a fitting memorial you gave her. And our thanks to Brant Funeral Chapel, you gave so much to make To on. Everything just perfect. e and all, we express our grateful th The Family of Gladys Coker anks. socl:13p Bim and Grace Davis of Fort Green were married on Jan 1955: Davises Celebrate 50th Anniversary HILL'S' MIDWAY__ . January 13, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 7B NEW OFFICERS COURTESY PHOTO The Wauchula Masonic Lodge No. 17 has installed new officers for the 2005 year. Pictured are (from front left) Jim Barncord, master Mason of 2004; Rick Button, senior warden; Ron Luke, deputy master, past master; Dennis Lake, master 2005; J.A. Martin Jr., secretary; and Tom Wheeler, chaplin; (in back).Bill Hodge, treasurer; G. Jarvis Jr., tyler; Dan Daniels, senior deacon; Nelson Lackey, junior deacon; J.R Platt, installing master; and Juan Delatorre, junior warden. COURTESY PHOTO Dr. Elver and Ruth Hodges (standing and seated, far left) with the Palm Harbor Disaster Recovery Work Team: (front) Sheri and Don Schneider, Frank Mooney and Mike Denault; (back) Julie Walsh, Ron and Mary Evers; Greg Alvord, Bonnie and Fred Smith, Ken Martin, Nancy Mooney and Kathy Holland. Little Miss Hardee Manor Pageant Set For March 3 Hardee Manor Healthcare Center will be hosting its second annual Little Miss Hardee Manor Pageant on March 3. The pageant is open to, fifth- grade girls who are residents of Hardee County. Those who attend private or home schools also are eli- gible, provided they are at the fifth- grade level. Hardee Manor is the only skilled nursing home in Hardee County. It opened its doors in 1980 and will be celebrating 25 years of service this March. According to Yolanda Esquivel, marketing director for Hardee, Manor, "Pageant winners will be representing our nursing home in parades, at speaking engagements, and will make frequent visits into the nursing home to socialize with our residents: "Little Miss Hardee Manor Pageant is very unique because it is the only pageant of its kind." explains Esquivel, "No other nurs-' ing home has done this before. We wanted a little-girl image to repre- sent our facility and at the same time gain respect and knowledge for the care of the elderly." Esquivel welcomes parents to pick up an application at the nursing home or by calling 773-3231 for more information. Ethan Sanchez Is Now 2! Ethan James Sanchez, the son of. Tanya Trevino and James Sanchez, turned 2 years old on Jan. 8. He celebrated with a Spiderman 2 party at his grandmother's house in Wauchula. Guests, were served pizza and hamburgers and a dessert of Spiderman cake. Celebrating with Ethan were grandparents Norma and James Turner of Wauchula, aunt Letitica Trevino of Wauchula, great-grand- mother Beatrice Sanchez of Zolfo - Springs, great-grandparents Consuelo and Tomas Lobato of - Wauchula, aunt Solis Turner of Wauchuia and. numerous cousins and friends. jWW Charley's Angels Strike Again The Disaster Recovery Work Team of the Palm Harbor United Methodist Church, Palm Harbor, came to Hardee County last, Saturday to lend a hand to Dr. and Mrs. Elver Hodges; of State Road 64 in Wauchula. Thirteen people spent six hours clearing brush and trees that were downed by Hurricane Charley. Five members of the team also spent a Saturday here in December. The recovery team is a group of volunteers that goes to areas of need and serves, doing whatever tasks might be,assigned. Examples are serving food, delivering water and surveying people after a disaster. Then they move to cleanup, which is cutting down trees and hauling trees and debris to the curbside. The final phase is reconstruction, such as tearing down and building back structures. Trips are scheduled for a day and sometimes overnight, especially in ONE BLUE, ONE PINK Mr. and Mrs. Mike Powell, Wauchula, an eight pound 9.2 ounce son, Hunter Dean, born Dec. 18, 2004, Bartow Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Powell is the former Krista Paugh. Maternal grandpar- ents are James and Glenda Paugh of Wauchula. Maternal- great- grandparents are James and Eva Edge of Wauchula. Paternal grand- pardtrts are Dean and Donna Powell of Wauchula. Paternal great-grand- mother is Gladys Powell of Ethan the reconstruction phases. The work is long hours and it results in tired bodies, but it is very rewarding. Greg Alvord of Clearwater, one of the members of the group, is a distant cousin of Elver Hodges and lived in Wauchula for several years after he, wife Debbie and daughters Andrea and Nicki immigrated to the United States from Zimbabwe in July of 1988. Wauchula. Mr. and Mrs. Perfecto Rodriguez, Zolfo Springs, a seven pound 12 ounce daughter, Arianna, born Jan. 4, 2005, Highlands Regional Medical Center, Sebring. Mrs. Rodriguez is the former Maria Piedad. Maternal grandparents are Jesus and Maria Piedad of Zolfo Springs. Paternal grandparents are Rafael and Maria Engracia Rodriguez of Zolfo Springs. If you have a talent, use it in every which way possible. Don't hoard it. Don't dole it out like a miser. Spend it lavishly like a millionaire intent on going broke. -Brendan Francis at else do you need? COURTESY PHOTO Little Miss Hardee Manor 2004, Kayla Owens, with the nursing home's marketing director, Yolanda Esquivel. First United Methodist Church of Boling Green will host the, Gulf State concert during its 11 a.ir.'service on Sunday, Jan. 16.. The church is located at 4910 N. SChurch A. e.. Bowling Green. The public is cordially invited: Spirit Wind Tabernacle will be holding, revival! Sunday, Jan. 16 through Sunday, Jan. 30. The fea- tured evangelists are Sister Sherry Clark & Sis, and Ddttie Williams. Sunday's service will be at 6 p.m. Week night services.will begin at, 7:30 p.m. The church is at 1652 Old Bradenton Road, Wauchula. .Rev. Laurence C. Williams and the con- gregation invite you to join them. Fort more information, call 773- 2946. Peace Valley Camp Meeting in Bowling Green is hosting a 10-day non-denominational Bible study and \. urship time from Jan. 16-26. Sunday '.worship times are at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Weekdays include breakfast at 8 a.m. followed by Bible Study, lunch, supper, prayer and evening worship at 7 p.m. Dr. J. Eldon Neihof Sr., president emeritus of the Kentucky Mountain Holiness Association and graduate of Kentucky Mountain Bible and Asbury colleges, is the guest Bible teacher. The camp ground is on County Line Road three blocks west of U.S. 17. Good movies make you care, make you believe in possibili- ties again. -Pauline, Kael *I K L 0 ' Apply at ANY Circle K store in Arcadia, Wauchula, Zolfo Springs and Punta Gorda or call Chevis Mott for more information 1-813-917-5693 i SFfREE! Coffee * .with any qPur c .se io 0 1 w IV A .~ .rn FRE E Fountain Drink Nor-"= wlth AnWit an Pur-chase .,- 1-13,20,27c 4 6 1 .. g, * S W -ianted Mrs. Hardee County 2005 Meeting: January 18th 7:00 P.M. at SFCC Hardee Campus S'Wild West Theme Reward: Title, Crown and Prizes Questions: CallPTeresa Crawford V_ i___ 781-190+ I 1.1:13p tow m mw a* *AM*,nc: :8B The Herald-Advocate, January 13, 2005 Inside Out S I- By Chip Ballard TERRORISTS UNLEASH HOG PLOT TO ROOT OUT HAVOC IN ZOLFO SPRINGS ; One morning last week my vicious guard dog, Sally, seemed unusual- ly anxious to get outside. As soon as I let her out of her bed, her hackles ,Shot up and she began to whine and sniff the crack under the back door. .Then she began to growl deep down in her throat, making an ominous rat- tling sound not unlike that of chains being dragged through the attic of a 'haunted house. Having heard rumors that witches, terrorists and intoxicated teens have been seen prowling the neighborhood, I dashed down into the basement, Slipped on my bullet-proof vest, donned my camouflage clothing, pulled on ,my combat boots and strapped a Colt .45 onto each hip. Grabbing with one 'hand my .308 Winchester automatic and my Barrett .50 BMG in the other, I raced back upstairs and tiptoed to the back door. I opened it very, very "slowly and peeked outside. I gasped at the horror. At least 50 wild hogs tore out across my back yardd toward the Peace River Swamp, squealing and stomping each other in their haste to escape the arsenal I carried and my dog that had dashed past "me and was hot on their hams, snapping and snarling. For fear of hitting her, I shot several rounds above the hogs' heads, making them squeal even louder and run faster. Several of the smaller pigs got stomped in the dirt but managed to pick themselves up and limp on to safety before Sally could rip "them to shreds. I walked out onto the back porch t6 access the damage, and found it worse than I'd feared. Not only were huge chunks of the back yard rooted Sup, the audacious pigs had rooted their way up the north side of my house and around onto the northeast side of the front yard, which faces the fire sta- Ution and police department. These are not normal hogs. Normal hogs could hot do the extent of damage in one night that these monsters,did. These are Arab hogs, trained and planted by terrorists, making them Arab Terrorist Pigs, Their goal is the 'destruction of every small town in America, starting with Zolfo Springs. .Pveryone knows that small towns are the heart of our great country. rpamage the heart and the entire organism is in trouble. SNot only have the beasts hit my house, they've also hit many other houses on Myrtle and Suwanriee streets, as far north as State Road 64 and as far south as the Zolfo Springs United Methodist Church. They've even looted up the church lawn and the back yard of the parsonage. ;d Saturday I worked long and hard to undo the damage the dirty terror- Qst pigs inflicted upon my lawn. I raked and raked, and bagged trash bag 'after trash bag of rooted-up clumps of grass. Then I.raked and raked some 'more to try to smooth out the lumps, bumps, and holes the hogs made. It was hard hot work, as the temperature that day reached the mid 80s. Not Only was the heat oppressive but walking on the lumpy ground made my feet ache and cramp. But in the end, I had to admit I did a pretty decent job. The ground was still far from smooth, but it looked a lot better. I as proud of my \% ork and drank a quart of pure Peace River water to celebrate. Now, as my dad has hauled off again this week to take care of business with his buddy I.B. Knight'in Honduras, I am spending nights with my mother in case she needs me for anything. Last night I slept soundly in my childhood bed, but awoke abruptly about 5 a.m. I leaped out of bed and looked out the window and, sure enough, the #&o%@@% hogs were at it again: rooting and further ruining my back yard! Fighting off the rage that was trying to overwhelm me, I flung on my clothes, tiptoed to the front door, closed it quietly behind me. Only then did I let loose the war whoop that had built up inside me. The hogs began to squeal and scream and stumble and tumble over each other in their frantic scramble to get out of my yard. I dashed across the street and down into my basement for my combat gear, but by the time I got back upstairs and loosed my dog, the enemy had fled. Pistols on hips and rifles at the ready, I sat on the back porch until daylight in hopes that one of the creatures would ven- ture back. None did. When daylight spread her golden wings across my lawn I could sed the damage and devastation was worse than I'd imagined, worse than the pigs' first rampage and in that moment the horror we Americans are facing EVERYONE WELCOME SPIRiT WIND TABERNACLE REv URNCE WILLuAS PASTOR Sunday 16 Sundal Jan.30, 2005 Service Times: Sun. 6 pi, non. -!Sat. 7:30 pm Start the New Year with GOD! Featuring Evangelists She :Clark Dottie Williams 1652 OI Brad tolh Rd, Wauchula 773-2946 Rememb ;r. .M ifG IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GODI sool.l3,S0p REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HARDEE COUNTY, FLORIDA Commercial Fishing on County Property ' Sealed Proposals for the commercial taking of Tilapia on county property will be received by the Board of County Commissioners, Hardee: County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as "County" at: . Hardee County Purchasing Office Attn: Dee Newgent, Purchasing Director 205 Hanchey Rd S. Wauchula, Florida 33873 Until 10:00 a,[n. LOCAL TIME on February 28th, 2005. Bid packets may be obtairied at the. above address or by faxing a request for a bid packet to (863) 773-0322. Hardee County is seeking the services of a Licensed Professional Contractor to provide a completed proposal for the Commercial Acquisition of Tilapia on County Property. Two year Contract Site visitation 'appointments may be mGde by cqrtacting Danny Weeks, Director of Facilities: at 863-773-3419. The selected person or firm must be experienced and licensed in commercial fishing. Those firms which are short-listed may or may not be required to make presentations to an' Evaluation Selection Committee at the County's option.. Recommendations of the Evaluation Selection Committee shall be made to the settled over me like a cold, damp blanket and I knew then we must all act fast. Next to dolphins, pigs are the most intelligent animals on the planet. That pigs can move around better on dry land is the reason the terrorists chose them for this operation. (The Lord only knows what other sinister operations terrorists might be training dolphins for at this very instant!) This first phase of this pig plot is clear: it's the rooting phase, where Sthe hogs come out of the woods at night to destroy our lawns. We will be so shaken by this indignity that we'll hardly be prepared for phase two: the suicide sanction, in which the bravest and brightest hogs learn to strap on high-powered explosives, waddle right into our living rooms and go BOOM! The third phase of this! maniacal plot is so horrifyingly perverse I dare not name it for fear of instigating widespread panic. Besides, if it ever gets to that third phase, we're done for. Our objective is to never let it get that far. We must stand up, my fellow Americans, and defeat this new menace. We must fight back any way we can. If you see a hog rooting in your yard, shoot it! If you see one crossing the road, run the devil down! We must send a message here, folks. One man with an original approach says he intends to insert a half-inch spiked slab of steel underneath his grass and lay in wait to watch porky ram his snout into that! The battle has begun. It's us or them: humanity or hogs. There can be no compromise with Arab Terrorist Pigs so diabolically evil they'll root us out only to train to become suicide hogs to blow us to kingdom come! Washington won't help; it doesn't do hogs. It's up to us, fellow Americans. So go sharpen those skinning knives, clean out those cast iron skillets and build or patch up those smokehouses. Bacon, sausage and ham might not be everyone's favorite, but it's better than a kick in the pants, or getting rooted out and blown to hog heaven! Comments or questions? E-mail Chip Ballard at chipkyle746-@earth- link.net. Highlands Hammock 'Music In The Park' Set For Jan. 15 The Friends of Highlands Hammock State Park will host "Music in the Park" featuring the Ramblin' Rose Band on Saturday, Jan. 15, at 7 p.m. Plan on a high- energy performance of traditional and modern Bluegrass music from this award-winning quintet. Admission is $5 per person; accompanied children age 16 and under, are admitted free of charge. Early arrivals to the park are wel- come; park admission of $4 ,per vehicle does apply prior to 6 p.m. The concert, is held in the center field of the park's picnic area. Bring NEW 2005 CHEV. MONTE CARLO LS Auto, Air, W./RL., Tilt/Cruise, CD Cassette, XM Satellite Radio. Stk. # 3391 $18,995 Includes Rebate and GM Loyalty or Conquest Rebate. NEW 2004 CHEV. SILVERADO EXT. CAB V8, 4-Door, Auto., Air, Tilt, AM FM Stereo. Stk.#10257 $17,995 Includes Rebate and GM Loyalty or Conquest Rebate. NEW 2004 SILVERADO 1500 REG. CAB Air, Tilt, AM/FM Stereo. Stk. # 10396 $13,995 Includes Rebate and GM Loyalty or Conquest Rebate. Sign Up Now For FBC's 'Scrapbooking Saturday' Leave a legacy. Now is your chance to take out those wonderful pictures you've been meaning to get to, and work on putting them into a scrapbook so you and your family can enjoy them for years. The First Baptist Church of Wauchula's library is hosting a Scrapbooking Saturday this Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. five dollars will cover the cost of lunch, the use of the Ellison & Sizzlix die- cut machines, paper punches and embossing equipment. Bring your own scrapbook, photos and sup- plies. The class will start promptly at 9 with an introduction and instruc- tions on' how to use the church library's equipment. For new scrap- bookers, a brief introduction of "How to Scrapbook" will be given by Lisa Allen, who has taught scrapbooking for many years. She will also be on hand to assist any- one with questions or problems with scrapbook pages. At noon, a devotion will be given while lunch will be made available for those who want to stop and eat. If there is a genuine interest in scrapbooking, plans are to make every second Saturday of the month available through the church library for scrapbooking. If you are interested, please sign up at the church office located at 1570 W. Main St. in Wauchula or call 773-4182 no later than 5 p.m. this Friday. Come and enjoy the fun and fel- lowship of Wauchula First Baptist Church library's Scrapbooking Saturday. lawn ;chairs, blankets and a flash- light. The Hammock Inn will be serving dinners, snacks and special desserts, or you may bring picnic baskets or coolers. Call for more information (863)386-6094. , This is the third annual series of "Music in the Park," which 'serves as a fundraising tool for the citizen support organization known as the Friends of Highlands Hammock. All proceeds from this event remain at Highlands Hammock State Park to fund park improvement projects. Visit the Friends booth during inter- mission to learn more. SArcadia Podiatry Dr. Anthony Spinella SDr. Doug Finkel 7 & Dr. Mary Bogen S' f Complete Foot Care Including: 7 *Ingrown Nails *Heel Pain a Bunions Hammer Toes *X-ray On Site 414 N. Brevard, Hwy 17 1. Fountain Plaza '565774 U~ Board Cemlied in Fool Surgery .Medicare Assignment Accepted 494-3478 i' 1:13c Scrapbooking instructor Blum. COURTESY PHOTO Lisa Allen (top) works with Debbie ...Fort Meade,-- Fl or...d I Fort Meade, Florida 205 N. Charleston (863) 773-2530 (863) 285-8131 m NEW 2005 CHEV. IMPALA SEDAN Auto., Air,' W/PL TiltCruise, CD Cassette. Stk. # 3443, $18,995 Includes Rebate and GM Loyalty or Conquest Rebate. NEW 2005 CHEV. TAHOE LS V8, Auto Dual Ar. 3rd Seat. PW ,PL , TiIu'Cruise CD OnSar, XM Satellite Radio. Stk #10547 $29,995 Includes Rebate and GM Loyally or Conqusat Rebale NEW 2005 CHEVROLET EQUINOX LS Automatic, Air, PW/P.L, CD. Stk. # 10821 $18,995 Includes Rebate and GM Loyalty or Conquest Rebate. NEW 2005 CHEV. CAVALIER 4-DOOR SEDAN Automatic, Air, Tilt, CD. Stk. # 3433 S ---.-D,. "I $12,995 Includes Rebate and GM Loyalty or Conquest Rebaelse. A AMERICAN REVOLUTION 2003 CHEVROLET TRACKER Auto, air, p.w./p.l. tilt/cruise. Stk. #10321 B $11,995 2003 CHEV. TAHOE LT4X4 Leather, 3rd seat, dual air,, p.w./p.l., tilt/cruise, CD, OnStar Stk. #10455A $25,995 Over 100 Used In Stock Largest Selection of Silverados in the area 2002 CHEV. TRAILBLAZER LTZ Leather, p.w./p.l., power seat, tilt/cruise, CD. Stk. #10036A $18,995 2001 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN LT 3rd seat, dual air, leather, p.w./p.l., tilt/cruise, CD. Stk. #10845A $19,995 2002 GMC SIERRA EXT. CAB Z71 4 X 4 5300 V-8, auto, air, p.w./p.l., tilt/cruise, CD. Stk. #10198A $21,995 Al a Ft EE r 2000 CHEVROLET TAHOE LS 4X4 Leather, auto., dual air, p.w/p.l., titl/cruise. Stk. #10456A $19,995 2000 FORD F-150 EXT. CAB XLT FLARESIDE 4 X 4 V8, auto., air, p.w/p.l., tilt/cruise, CD. Stk. #10184C $16,995 2001 FORD F-350 XLT CREW CAB DUALLY 4 X 4 Power stroke diesel, 6-speed, air, p.w./p.l., tilt/cruise. Stk. #9984A $22,995 1:13 *AlI rebates and Incentives assigned to dealer. APR is WA.C.'for up to 60 months, All prices are plus tax, tag and $149.95 dealer fee. Our selection of trucks, prices and customer service makes it worth the drive to Bob Elliott's Greenwood Chevrolet! I I-- Psi.: -E aOO 'CHEVROLET Oldsmobile. Visit nor website at: www.areenwoodchevroletolds.co Board of County Commissioners. Selection of Commercial Fisherman will be made by the Board of County Commissioners. . The County reserves the right to reject any or all Proposal(s), and may postpone "the award of the contract for a period of time which shall not extend beyond Sixty (60) calendar days from the bid opening date. A person or an affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crime'may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to the public entity,, may'not submit a bid on a ' contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on lease of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplies, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided In. Section 287.017, Florida Statutes, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of thirty-six (36) monthsfrom the date of being placed on the convicted vendors list. Gordon R Norris, Chairman Hardee County Board of County Commissioners 1:13c ,pil 1:13C ~aPl~e~ ;.. .s.. January 13, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 9B Moscow Philharmonic To Perform At SFCC and an impressive body of avant- garde and new music. Many of the Philharmonic's more than 100 recordings have been hon- ored with music's most coveted prizes, and the orchestra has collab- orated with such notable musicians as Zubin Mehta, Lorin Maazel, Krzysztof Penderecki, Van Cliburn, Nikolai Petrov, Maxim Venegerov and Yefim Bronfman. The Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra is on its 11th U.S. tour, and Smionov has conducted this group of acclaimed musicians since 1998. This SFCC Artist Series perfor- mance is co-sponsored by Mary Ellen Ward and by Highlands Independent Bank. For ticket information, contact the SFCC Box Office weekdays, 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., at ext. 7178 at 773-2252. More than 90 musicians will fill the stage Monday when the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra performs a concert of Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff at South Florida Community College. The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. It will be held in the auditorium on the Main Campus in Avon Park, 600 W. College Dr. The orchestra, one of the world's IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR HARDEE COUNTY CIRCUIT CIVIL CASE NO.: 25-2004-CA-695 WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, F/K/A FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK, Plaintiff V. MICHAEL R. OBERLE,, ET AL, Defendants / NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated January 5, 2005, and entered in Case No. 25-2004-CA- 695 of the Circuit Court for Hardee County, Florida, I will sell to the high- est and best bidder for cash at the front courthouse steps, Hardee County Courthouse, 417 W. Main Street, Wauchula, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 26 day of January, 2005, the following described property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment: UNIT 151, BROOKSIDE BLUFF PARK MODEL RESORT, AN RV CONDOMINIUM, PHASE 1, AS SET OUT IN DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 398, AT PAGES 231-275, AND AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BAR 65, PAGE 4, AND PLAT BAR 66, PAGES 1 AND 2, PUBLIC RECORDS OF HARDEE COUN- TY, FLORIDA. :TOGETHER WITH a 2000 Skyline mobile home, ID No. 04610734M, Title No. 80240241, and all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, rights, appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water rights and stock and all fixtures now or hereafter attached to the property. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court on January 5, 2005. S B. HUGH BRADLEY, Clerk of the Circuit and County Court By:Connie Coker Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with :disabilities needing a special accom- modation to participate in this pro- ceeding should contact the individual or agency sending notice-no later than seven days prior to the proceed- ing. If hearing impaired, (TDD) 1-800- 955-8771. or Voice (V) 1-800-955- 8770, Via Florida Relay qSrvir 1 13 200 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HARDEE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 25 2004 CP 000 094 IN RE: THE ESTATE OF LAWRENCE RICHARD SEE, DECEASED / NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of LAWRENCE RICHARD SEE, deceased, File Number 25 2004 CP 600 094, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hardee County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is Post Office Box 1749, Wauchula, Florida 33873. The name and address of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative's Attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate, including, unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy oft this notice is served must file their claims" with this Court WITHIN THE 'LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and: persons having claims or .demands against decedent's estate Including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims must file their -claims with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST .PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of the first publication of this Notice is January 13, 2005. S James Vernon See, Sr. Post Office Box 566 Wauchula, FL 33873 JEFF J' McKIBBEN, ESQ. Post Office Box 1748 Wauchula, FL 33873 863-773-4449 Florida Bar# 168879 Attorney for Petitioner 1:13,20c What do we live for, if not to make life less difficult for each Other. i -George Eliot premier musical ensembles, was founded in 1951 and is currently under the direction of Yuri Simonov. The Moscow Philharmonic has won acclaim worldwide for its opulent sound and impassioned interpretations of not only classical and contemporary Russian repertoire, but also works by Mahler and The Second Viennese School, by Americans Copland, Bernstein and Gershwin, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 10TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HARDEE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 25-2004-CA-547 CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION Plaintiff, vs. JENNIFER N. WILLIAMS et ux., et al., Defendant(s)., / NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Final Judgment entered in this case now pending in said Court, the style of which is indicated above. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at the Hardee County Courthouse, North Front Steps, 417 West Main Street, Wauchula, Florida 33873, at 11:00 am on the 26th day of January, 2005, the following described property as set forth in said order or final judgment, to-wit: LOT 1 TO 4, BLOCK "D" OF MOONLIGHT PARK SUBDIVI- SION, A SUBDIVISION IN SEC- TION 9, TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, BOOK 4, PAGE 9, PUBLIC RECORDS OF HARDEE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SUBJECT TO EXISTING ROAD RIGHT OF WAY. ORDERED AT HARDEE COUNTY FLORIDA, this 3 day of January, 2005. B. HUGH BRADLEY, CLERK As Clerk, Circuit Court HARDEE, Florida By:Connie Coker As Deputy Clerk SPEAR & HOFFMAN 708 South Dixie Highway Coral Gables, Florida 33146 Telephone: (305) 666-2299 1:6,13c IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HARDEE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 252004CA000799 IN RE: FORFEITURE OF $3,754.00 cash NOTICE OF ACTION TO: STEPHEN LEE PURSUR AND ALL OTHERS CLAIMING AN INTER- EST IN OR TO THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for forfeiture of the following described personal property in Hardee County, Florida: $3,754.00 cash has been filed against you 'by Petitioner, THE CITY OF WAUCHULA, FLORIDA, POLICE DEPARTMENT, and Syouare required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, on Anthony L. Ritenour, Ables & Ritenour, P.A., Attorney for Petitioner, whose address is 551 South Commerce Avenue, Sebring, Florida 33870, on or before January 28, 2005, and file the original with the clerk of this court either before service on Petitioner's attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. DATED this 27 day of December, 2004. B. HUGH BRADLEY As Clerk of the Court By: Connie Coker Deputy Clerk 1:6, 13c The Two-Step Time Manag- ement Rule: 1. Plan your day to achieve your goals. 2. Keep to your plan.- -Dale Carnegie A long dispute means both par- ties are wrong. -Voltaire ABOUT .. Obituaries Obituaries are published ,free of charge as a public service, but must be submit- ted through a funeral.home. A one-column photo of the deceased may be added for $15. Obituaries contain the name, age, place of resi- dence, date of death, occu- pation, memberships, immediate survivors and funeral arrangements. The list of survivors may include the names of a spouse, par- ents, siblings, children and children's .spouses and grandchildren, and the num- ber of great-grandchildren. If there are no immediate survivors, consideration of other relationships may be given. COURTESYPHOTO The much-acclaimed Moscow Philharmonic will perform Monday as part of the South Florida Community College Artist Series. ATTENTION HURRICANE VICTIMS The Hardee County Property Appraiser's Office is now accepting applications for Homestead Disaster Relief until MARCH 1, 2005 and Mobile Home Disaster Relief until MAY 1, 2005. HOMESTEAD DISASTER RELIEF If you answer YES to each of the following questions, you may be eligible for Homestead Disaster Relief: Did the property for which you are requesting, relief payment have a Homestead Exemption for S" 2004? SWere you the owner of the property on the date it was damaged by a named tropical system? -Was the property uninhabitable due to damage from a named tropical system for 60 days or more in 2004? Did you receive a tax bill with an amount greater than $0.00 for property taxes for the 2004 tax year? (Computation for relief payment is based on total property taxes levied Special Assessments for Fire and Waste are not included. If you are exempt from property taxes, you are not eligible for homestead disaster relief.) If you answered NO to any of the above questions, the property is NOT QUALIFIED for relief payment. MOBILE HOME DISASTER RELIEF If you answer YES to each of the following questions and you have not applied for the above homestead disaster relief payment for this mobile home, you may be eligible for Mobile Home Disaster Relief: -Was the mobile home more than 50% destroyed or damaged to the point that it was uninhabitable by a named tropical storm? S-Was the mobile home for which a replacement was purchased the permanent residence of a permanent resident of Florida? If you answered NO to the above questions, the property is NOT QUALIFIED for relief payment. A copy of the invoice of the new mobile home purchase must accompany the application. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Documentation supporting the claim that the property was uninhabitable must accompany the application (for Homestead Relief and Mobile Home Relief). Documentation includes, but is not limited to the following: -Utility bill that clearly indicates a reduction in service; -Insurance documentation that indicates the severity of the damage; Rental or lease agreement for temporary residence if there is no agreement, a sworn statement from landlord will be accepted (forms can be obtained at the Property Appraiser's Office); Sworn Statement from a contractor indicating that the residential unit was uninhabitable for 60 days or more (forms can be obtained at the Property Appraiser's Office); If FEMA has placed a temporary recreational vehicle or mobile home on your property, lease documents will be accepted (if no lease documents are available, the Property Appraiser's Office may be able to verify your lease with FEMA); Statement from a County or State Agency condemning the property. APPLICATIONS CAN BE OBTAINED BY LOGGING ON TO OUR WEBSITE AT: .hardeepa.net Visit us at: 315 North 6th Avenue, Room 103 Wauchula, FL 33873 Kathy LCrawford Hardee County Property Appraiser 863/773-2196 1:13 10B The Herald-Advocate, January 13, 2005 :Bowling Green Methodist Church Got New Steeple On Jan.7 _ _ _1,'k__ _ __-so n.l : I NE Church yard features Marie A. Polk Memorial rose garden and fountain, dedicated on Oct. 4, 1981, and given by her children and friends. An inscription reads "All the world's a paradise when God is near. Church located on North Church Ave. is brick on outside with a green roof. Pastor Mario Chacon has served the church for the past 18 months. 4rNY OO TAKE First United Methodist Church of Zolfo Springs Coi The Dixie Lchoes In Concert Friday, January 14 7 p.m. Fort Green Baptist Church Baptist Church Rd., Off' Hwy. 62 Everyone Welcome! 4,: * A I i. I, d 1:13c I~ags Frffi,7.,e as ~ Il I January 13, 2005, The Herald-Advocate 11B Old base is being removed. New steeple includes stained glass windows and wa's installed by American Steeples and Baptistries of Wedowee, Ala. Fi1s t' . e Methodist Church -I .' BOWLING GREEN, FLORID.L U I sY C n PHOTOS BY JIM KELLY First United Methodist Church in Bowling Green was established 125 years ago and has 100 to 140 members. I Old bell was removed from damaged steeple. Church served hundreds of meals for the needy for several weeks after Hurricane Charley. Wagon Wheel RV News By Virginia Merriman SUNDAY CHURCH NEWS John Chambers, Katee Crawford, On Sunday, Jan. 2nd the greeters Bob Brueshaber, Sandy Walker, were Mike and Gerri Geraci. The Shirley Swisher, Lynn Metherell, special music was by Cloyce Tom Franks, Pat Nells, Marge Luff, Swisher who sang "In The Blood." Clarence Barbor, Grace Moore, The choir sang "Let There Be Peace Mary Thomason, Bob Bell, Bev On Earth." And Gerri Geraci read Dobberstien, Mickey Jones, the story. Rev. Stallings provided Kenneth Reichel and me and the the morning message to the congre- plant went to Roland Beauchamp. gation of 41 in attendance. The BID EUCHRE pianists were Elina Henderson and On Thursday Dec. 30th the high Judie Mercer, with the horn by man was Herb Tessier with 214 Wayne Russler. points and low man was Dave PRAYERS NEEDED Dobberstein with 160 points. The Special prayers are needed for high lady was Marge Luff with 265 Bob Fuller, Sherry Mackerth, points and the low lady was Joyce Marge Luff, Norma Porter, Beverly Pearsall with 114 points. The men's Kimble, Fred Honaker, Wayne moon shot was Earl Bordrey and Wheatley and any others that need the lady's moon shot was Marge prayers for sickenss, traveling and Luff. other problems taht God will bless them all. PROGRESS EUCHRE KOFFEE KLATCH We had seven tables playing The new people in the hall on Monday Jan. 3rd. The high man Monday Jan. 3rd were Lynn and was Tom Steams with 70 points and Smokey Brewer, from N.C. and runner-up man was Glenn Berry Dean and Addit Hammond from with 67 points. The high lady was Ala. Visitors for Bob Sears was his Mary Whitman with 70 points and daughter, Lori Toby from runner-up lady was me with 66 Vermontville, Mich. and her cousin points. The low man was Bo Miller Deb Thomason from Nashville, with 47 points and low lady was Mich. Barbara and Earl Van Raalte, Joyce Pearsall with 45 points. And Mickey and Orville Jones, Katee the most loaners was four players and Emery Crawford and Grace and with 3 each and they were Donna Bob Brueshaber have just returned Toth, Harry Cassidy, Marge Luff for the yeak. We want to welcome and Mary Thomason. The under- them all. the-chair went to Sam Armstrong. The birthdays being celebrated SHUFFLEBOARD this week are Dick Davis, Marge The elimination play-off on Page and Marcell Fret. There are no Wednesday, Jan. 1st place was won anniversaries this week. by Wanda Banfield and Earl Bodary The 50/50 went to Grace and with second place going to Grace Russler, Bob Sears, Carol Smith, Moore and Bill Kaleita. YOU Can Appear In... Poet's Place .Are you a poet? Let us show iti Your work could be published in this , owspaper In "Poet's Place," a weekly feature which rlles solely on :i' after submissions. Poems must be your own original work, written by you, not someone else. To appear in this feature, send your poet- ry, name and town of residence to: Poet's Place, The Herald- Advocate, P.O. Box 338, Wauchula, FL 33873 or fax 773.0657. rFra H.-cts I a ^H~i~fLs^^ nki ies '1h iht Pe 116 Carlton Street, Wauchula .iY3 "r //3- H300u Hours: Tues -Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9-3 16C 12 1 New steeple includes five-foot cross and stands about 34 feet high including cross. The old steeple was blown down by Hurricane Charley on Aug. 13. 408 &ast "Waim, SleeI, fauacuda Lessons, Instruments, & Accessories Piano, Guitar, Drums, all Band Instruments 767-TUNE 10:28tfc ....^ 2nd Annual 5K Run Walk or Blade Hosted By: The Hardee County YVIMCA Entry Fee $15.00 $10.00 $20.00 for prte-registered runners for senior citizens for race day registration IST-SHIRTS T-shirts provided to all pre- registered participants while supplies last. I ,lL-dee Co ('umwmty l'fAinIl.l Y set All proceeds froE the event will be used for the YMCA scholarship, program which helps children and flamanile with financial aid assistance- Through this assistance,' children and families are able to take part in YMCA programs. For more information, the route, or to register, please contact: 863-.Z 73-6445 In consideration of being permitted to utilize the facilities, services, and .programs of the YMCA for any purpose including, but not limited to. observation Be ngin youW Nanlne ..or use of facilities or equipment, participation in any off-site programs afllUated t Sraining ]nmow. with the YMCA, the undersigned for himself, herself, and ny personal A w ^ *-I -- K W ..................................................... ....................... ... ....... ............ .... ............. ......, rop r s ntativoh Y o x cuto rs, a nd ad min tf rators, W h e R Ef LEA S E D a Sny C ma R E- Addresa representatives, executors, and administrators, WAIVE. RELEASE, DESCHiARE. Adres AAND COVENANT NOT TO SUE the Sarasota Family YMCA. the Hardee County Hardee County YMCA ... ....................... Family YMCA. their directors, officers, employees, and their agents for any and 10, West Orange Street all injuries and other damages which he/she may suffer in connection with SWt his/her participation in ti~ program .or any other activities. Wauchula, Florida 33873 Phone Ph o ne : 8 63 -7 73-6445 T-shirt Size: S M L XL "" aioi;; ...................... ....... ........ O Fax: 863-773-4C581 Em ail: www.sarasota-ym'ca. Sexo a ay ............. ... .... ...... ..... .. ... ... _.... Sex A 1:13c NOTICE OF FINAL AGENCY ACTION BY THE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Notice is given that the District's Final Agency Action is approval of the WUP LETTER MODIFICATION on 15,000+ acres to serve MAINTENANCE EMPLOYEES' POTABLE AND SANITARY WATER WITH NO INCREASE IN PERMITTED QUANTITIES. The project is located in HARDEE County, Section(s) 35, Township 33 South, Range 23 East. The permit applicant is CF industries, inc., WHOSE ADDRESS IS RO. BOX 1549, WAUCHULA, FL 33873. The permit no. is 20003669.009. The file(s) pertaining to the project referred to above is available for inspection Monday through Friday except for legal holidays, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) BARTOW SERVICE CENTER. NOTICE OF RIGHTS Any person whose substantial interests are affected by the District's action regarding this permit may request an administra- tive hearing in accordance with Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Chapter 28-106, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), of the Uniform Rules of Procedure. A request for hearing must (1) explain how the substantial inter- ests of each person requesting the hearing will be affected by the District's action, or final action; (2) state all material facts disput- ed by each person requesting the hearing or state that there are no disputed facts; and (3) otherwise comply with Chapter 28-106, FA.C. A request for hearing must be filed with and received by the Agency Clerk of the District at the District's Brooksville address, 2379 Broad Street, Brooksville, FL 34604-6899 within 21 days of publication of this notice (or within 14 days for an Environmental Resource Permit with Proprietary Authorization for the use of Sovereign Submerged Lands). Failure to file a request for hearing within-this time period shall constitute a waiver of any right such person may have to request a hearing under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. because the administrative hearing process is designed to for- mulate final agency action, the filing of a petition means that the District's final action may be different from the position taken by it in this notice -of final agency action. Persons whose substantial interests will be affected by any such final decision of the District on the application have the right to petition to become a party to, the proceeding, in accordance with the requirements set forth above. Mediation pursuant to Section 120.573, F.S., to settle an admin- istrative dispute regarding the District's final action in this matter is not available prior to the filing of a request for hearing. 1:13c 1( 12B The Herald-Advocate, January 13, 2005 Were to serve After months of rebuilding, we see a community that's stronger than ever. Thanks to the support of our neighbors, your Wauchula Winn-Dixie is now open and ready to serve you. Join us for the reopening celebration this week. WINN DIXIEE 1510 U.S. Hwy. 17 North 1 13C Ai L __ |