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Leter toSata- Page 9 - *GLAIDES C WNTY ~ F Moore Haven, Fla. Thursday, December 21,2006 Volume 80, Number 27 At a Glance We want your news! The Glades County Democ- rat welcomes news from the community Post your news events, photos and opinions online at wwvnewszap.com., To contact us. email to gcd- newsi'newszap.com or call toll free 1-866-399-5253. For more information, see the At Your Service Box on page 4 Glades Republican Group to meet The Glades County Repub- lican Group will hold their next meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2007 at 7 p.m. at the Moore Haven Library. For more information, please call (863.1673-0452. Free Bread provided Free Bread provided by the fine folks at the New Hope Independent Baptist Church located at 638 Yaun Road in Moore Haven. This will be every Saturday from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. or when the bread is gone Hard to believe, but the bread is free' Alzheimer's support group schedule Beginning on Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2007, and Tuesday, Jan. 16, at 2 p m., te Alzheimer's support group will meet regularly on the first and third Tuesday of each month. For more information, please call Palm Terrace of Clexislon at (8631j983-512:3 Winter Fest planned The Buckhead Ridge Vol- unteer Fire Department will have a \\inter Fesi on Jan 27. Tl-el i,% l be. a b dakC ,,le, -.... arts and crafts sale and a Corvette car show\. Barbeque pork sandwiches will be sold. More plans are being made and it will take place at the Volunteer Fire Depart- merit off of C.R. 78. Are you a blogger? Get a newszap link! The Glades Count Democ- rat is looking to broaden its list- ing of "Columnists & Bloggers" atl %w%.newszap com. More and more people are starling blogs including busi- ness people, support groups, and individuals with an opinion on the dav's news or culture. If you are a local blogger who would like to be listed, please visit htp: www2.news zap.com blogs request him and fill in the lorm. In addition to the link, the newspaper will consider pub- lishing timely postings as news or commentaries on its pages. Florida Native Plant Society meethigs The Florida Native Plant Society meeting will be held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Agri- Civic Center at 4509 George Boulevard in Sebring in con- ference room number three. For more information, call Rc\ Stewart at: (863) 632-0914. Lake Level 12.09 above sea level Index Classifieds . .19-23 Obituaries . . .2 Opinion . . .4 School . . . .9 See Page 4 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. IIl lll| III Il ll 8 116510 00022 1 St. Lucie's plea to county Glades officials listen to public, then speak out By Nena Bolan Glades CountN Democrat MOORE HAVEN St. Lucie County officials have voiced opposition to the proposed power plant in Glades County. A letter from the St. Lucie Board of County Commissioneis was sent to the commissioners of Glades County. It was received Dec. I and discussed during the board of county commissioners meeting of Dec. 12 The letter urges the board to reconsider its support for a coal- fired power plant to be built with- in the county. The letter was penned by Chris Craft. chairman of St. Lucie Board of County Commissioners and states, "The negative air quality effects of a plant of this type %\ill be tell by communities far outside your municipal boundaries." Mr. Craft also mentions the negative effects on his communi- ty due to the deliver. of coal by train traffic which, "could poten- tially block four major intersec- lions at one time." Further discussion of the pro- posed power plant was heard when nine citizens elected to speak at the hearing. Eight of the speakers voiced opinions against Holiday cheer: Christmas on the Caloosahatchee INI/Nena Bolan The Saint Joseph's church women's guild had a booth at the Christmas on the Caloosa- hatchee holiday event. The festival took place Dec. 14 at Perry Park in the old downtown section of Moore Haven. The Grinch was available for photos after he found the true meaning of Christmas. The Grinch's booth was a fund raiser for Moore Haven Elementary School at Christmas on the Caloosahatchee. -L I Children love the lighted snow globes and decorations at Christmas on the Caloosa- hatchee in Moore Haven. Third grade teachers have a booth in the background. a coal fired power plant, and one citizen from Ortona spoke in favor of the building of a power plant. Harris Friedman, doctor of psychology, mentioned the pre- existing mercury problem found in fish. Steven Brown, the environ- ment policy specialist for Conser- vancy for Southwest Florida, brought up the point that the largest coal-fired plant in Florida could have far reaching applica- [ions. Pete Quasius, policy advocate for Audobon, urged that the study of emissions should contin- ue before decisions are made. "\Ve don't need to be the receptacle of power plants that nobody else wants, said Ellen Peterson, resident of the Glades area. She pointed out that the Glades area has unique animals and habitat that people are anx- See Letter- Page 12 Make your own Florida wreath By Barbara Oehlbeck Special to Glades County Democrat This Florida Wreath is made from an almost native plant that isn't even a palm' But for this occasion who cares. The long graceful, pliable fronds or arms of the plant that's commonly called Sago Palm is perfect for this home-made-with-love wreath that takes no talent to make and no money to buy "sophisticatedffatnes andgstdrnds: Its botanical fame is Cvycas revolula. Cycas is the Greek word for palm tree and revolute is the Latin word for rolled down at the tips. The feather-like leaves I fronds or arms) growx out in rosette fashion up to three and a half feet in diameter. These are leathery and grow in dark green segments. The simplest way to make this wreath is to bend wire I about the gauge of a coat hang- er) in a circle, secure the ends together with a short piece ol wire and you're ready to attach the fronds. Depending upon the size you want to make, you may use t1vo or three fronds. Attach the fronds all around the circle of 'wire with either twistems or short pieces of wire that are easi- ly bent. The "mechanics" of this wreath, the wires, that is, do not See Wreath Page 12 Glades Little Ranches sees zoning change By Nena Bolan Glades County Democrat GLADES COLINTY Prop- erty in Glades Little Ranches has been rezoned to increase the number of dwellings from 16 to 28. The action care at the Dec. 12 meeting of the Glades Coun- tv Commissioners, following a public hearing. Seven citizens spoke against the proposed rezoning a tract of land from mixed residential to residential general. The tract of land was zoned to have up to sixteen dwellings. The change would allow up to 28 dw ellings, or apartments. This land is located in the Glades Little Ranches and the proposed change was contest- ed by 14 Glades County resi- dents in a petition. Seven of the petitioners were present at the hearing. Most of the concerns focused on the possible change in quality of life for their fami- lies and neighbors. Items specifically mentioned includ- ed increased density, traffic See Rezone Page 12 Teacher Stella Luckey is named teacher of the year By Barbara Oehlbeck Special to Glades County Democrat MUSE Stella Annette Totty Luckey has been named the 2006 Teacher of the Year at West Glades School. With an unprecedented 11 nominations, this recognition by her co-workers is an honor not bestowed on many. Stella, wife of Larry Russell Luckey, II, principal of West Glades School, has been a Media Specialist for five years, three of those five at West Glades School. Her career in teaching began sixteen years ago in Moore Haven. Since 2004, when West Glades opened she has been the media specialist there. Mrs. Luckey has just achieved another honor of high standing, that of having - earned her d Masters Degree in Technology in - Media Educa- tion from the Stella University of Luckey Central Florida. Mrs. Luckey did all the work and research for her degree online at her home. "If I had had to drive to a campus anywhere I think I would not have been able to sacrifice enough driving time to have completed the work for this degree," she said. She graduated with honors having made all A's except for one B. Gifted in the art of sign lan- guage, she is certified to teach the hearing impaired and when' needed or requested to do so. For instance, it is not unusual for her to "sign" the words to songs that her soloist husband sings. Mrs. Luckey and Principal Luckey are parents of three chil- dren: Olivia, 14, Paul, 10, and See Luckey- Page 12 INI/Nena Bolan Santa's Delivery Express Santa uses the arctic polar bear for express deliveries across town in Moore Haven. Catch a glimpse of him near 6th Street and Avenue C. ?;.- ~ -- ~ ~ ~war'~- -~* *~" **'~ F 50o Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 21, 2006 Births Obituaries John R. Langdale John R. Langdale, age 93, of Moore Haven, passed away on Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2006 in Clewis- ton. : He was born Jan. 29, 1913 in Moultrie, Ga., to Noah L Lang- dale and Mary Mell (Ammons) Langdale. He served during World War II in the Navy. He worked in construction on the Herbert Hoover Dike. He was self employed, operating Langdale's Dragline Service. He served as a Glades County Com- missioner, was a member of American Legion Post 299, First Baptist Church of Moore Haven and Glades County Fish and Game Club. He was preceded in death by his son, John Franklin Landgale Survivors include his wife, Frankie (Coggins) Langdale; his sons, Dennis Noah (Barbara) Langdale, J'yles J. (FeLinda) Langdale, Moore Haven; his daughter, Ann L. iWilbur.) Postell, Clewiston; three sisters, Mildred Ford, Audrey Ward and Elizabeth Deviney, all of Moore Haven; ten grandchildren; five great-grandchildren and"' oie great-great grandchild. Services were held on Friday, Dec. 8, at Ortona Cemetery Pavilion with Rev. George Bryant officiating. All arrangements were under the direction of Akin-Davis Funeral Home, Clewiston. Benny Hodge Parson Benny Hodge Parson, age 70, passed away on Dec. 2, 2006, with his wife and children.by his side after a courageous battle with lung cancer. Benny spent over 50 years doing what he loved best; farming the land so dear to him. He touched many lives sharing his knowledge of agriculture in both Nice\ille and Belle Glade with his special warmth and unique charm. Besides his love of the land, Benny played playing golf with his friends and family. Benny leaves behind a loving wife, Sue; three children, Jason, Laurel and Josh; four children from a previous marriage, Benny Joe of Ft. Payne, Ala., Linda and Jeff of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Rebecca of Savannah, Ga. He also leaves behind seven grandchildren and one great- grandson. He is survived by a brother, Tony Parson of Ponce DeLeon, and two sisters, Carol Bowman of Athens, Tenn., and Joyce Borst of Belle Glade. Benny leaves behind hun- dreds of customers for Parsons Produce which he and his wife owned for 13 years. All who 'shopped there best remember Benny greeting them with sam- ples of "what's in season." He also leaves behind numerous fellow farmers in the Glades area of South Florida. The family wishes to express their heartfelt gratitude to all his doctors and nurses for pro% iding losing care during his struggle with cancer. We especially thank Dr. Haney and Dr. Derby for not only the compassion they showed Benny but also for the heartfelt counseling received b, the family. The family celebrated Benny's life at a memorial serv- ice held on Wednesday, Dec. 6, at St Paul Lutheran Church in Niceville. Funeral services were held at McLaughlin-Tswin Cities Funeral Home in Niceville. In lieu of flowers, the Parson family requests that contribu- tions be made to his children's educational fund at Regions Bank. Donations can also be made in Benny's memory to Covenant Hospice. Violet L. Rudd Violet L. Rudd, age 84, of Palatka, and former resident of Clessiston, died on Sunday, Dec 10, 2006 at Putnarn Community Medical Center. She was a native of Kissimmee and resided in Palatka since 1995, moving there from Cleiviston. ID). T.(C. LANDI) SIERV][CI]ES Licensed and Insured Lic #2154 (863) 634-6982 (863) 634-6721 Mrs. Rudd was a homemaker. She is survived by three sons, Albert Rudd of Clewiston, Ralph Rudd of Moore Haven and Wayne Rudd of Ft.-Myers. She is also survived by three daugh- ters, Margaret Prater of Cassel- berry, Ethel Diggs of Ft. Myers and Jean Scroggins of Palatka; 20 grandchildren and numerous great-grandchildren. Memorial services were held on Thursday, Dec. 14 at St. James United Methodist Church in Palatka. All arrangements were under the direction of Johnson-Over- turf Funeral Home in Palatka. Dolores (Dee) Jean Twiddy Dolores (Dee) Jean Twiddy, age 73, devoted wife, mother and Nana went home to be with Jesus her Lord and Savior on Sunday, Dec. 10, 2006. On that day, she was reunited with David, the love of her life for the 'past 53 years. We imagine their voices joined together in praises to their Heavenly Father. Dee exercised her gift of mercy and hospitality putting others before herself. Her words of encourage- ment were a blessing to many. She provided a compassionate ear for people's concerns and a shoulder to cry on Born in 193:3 in Paducah, Ky. to the late Nobel and Lois Gillahan, Dee grew up in Palmdale and Saint Cloud, and was a long-lime Florida resi- dent. A life-long learner, Dee majored in accounting at Florida State University. An accounting job took her to Clewiston, where she met David T%%iddy Sr. It \\as love at first sight. From there, she followed David to the "ends of the earth", including Helena, Mont., where she loved the cool air and the mountains. In Hele- na, Dee raised two children and worked as a respiratory thera- pist. She and David were led b.% the Lord to minister to young people. They helped start the Young Life Club in Helena. Mont. In Winter Park, Dee was devoted to service at First Baptist where she enjoyed working in the nurs- ery, library, and in the kitchen serving up desserts with smiles and love. We are looking for- ward to a reunion in heaven - Mom get a BIG chocolate sheet cake ready! Dee dearly loved and will be greatly missed by family and friends including: daughter Tina von, Guerard (Paul) of Grand Junction, Colo.; son David (Kimberly) Twiddy Jr. of Bartow; brothers in-law and sis- ters in-law, Richard and Ellen Twiddy. of Sanford, and Charles and Shirley Twiddy of Fort Pierce; grandchildren, Joy (Ryan) Kohlman, Andy von Guerard, David Allen 'viddy III, and great-granddaughter Leila Kohlman. Graveside services were held on Friday Dec. 15, at the cemetery in Ortona. A memorial service was held on Saturday, Dec. 16, at First Baptist Church of Winter Park. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that gifts in Dee's memory be sent to the Leukemia-Lymphoma Soci- ety P.O. Box 4072 Pittsfield, Mass. 01202. Clarence Lewis Walker Clarence Lewis Walker, age 82, of Lake Brownwood, died on Tuesday. Dec. 12, at Brownrvood Regional Med- ical Center He h cas born on Feb. 20, 1924, in Sarasota, the I son of the late Jefferson A and Lydia Walker. He had Clarence been a resi- Lewis Walker dent of Lake Bro\wn%%ood since 2002 and \\as a member of the First Mexican Baptist Church. He served in the U.S. Nasy during \World \War II. He was preceded in deathri by his parents; three brothers: two Granite or Bronze / Flat or Upright *' FOREVERGLADES "~. 1500 AIRPORT ROAD BELLE GLADE, FL Best Prices / Best Service Payment Plans / 25-Years Experience State Licensed ^^^^BSHBBBS(561)B996-0939^ sisters and a grandchild. He is survived by his loving wife of 56 years, Daisy Easterly Walker of Lake Brownwood; his daughters, Doriene Jerrell of Kingston, Ark., Rebecca Hendry of Moore Haven, Eugenia Morin or Oregon, and Reba Vasquez of Lake Brownwood..He is also survived by his sisters,. Jewel Dupree of Moore Haven and Doris Hole of St. Mary; 14 grand- children and numerous great grandchildren. Graveside services were held on Friday, Dec. 15, at the Rocky Creek Cemetery with Pastor Baker officiating at the services. Internment followed services and was under the direction of Netherton Funeral Home. Briefs Congratulations graduate Congratulations to Rosezetta Thomas, who graduated on Dec. 19, with an A.S. Degree in Early Childhood Education from Palm Beach Community College. Submitted photo/Jonathan Collier Madilyn Rose Collier Madilyn Rose Collier Jonathan and Bandy Collier, of Moore Haven are proud to announce the birth of their daugh- ter, Madilyn Rose Collier. Baby Madilyn was born at HealthPark Medical Center on Oct. 23, 2006 at 3:52 p.m. She weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces and meas- ured 20.5 inches long. The maternal grandparents are Earl and Kara Cline of Moore Haven. The paternal grandparents are Joe and Brenda Collier of Moore Haven. Many family members wel- comed Madilyn to the world. Dad, mom and baby MadilynT are doing well. newszap.com Community Links. Individual VCices. I Save. money on your favorite grocery items. I Go to newvzap.com to download and print coupons online' 1 I neWSzap.COm Community Links. Individual Voices. L.------------------------ -.1 Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one w 'ho has departed nith a special Memorial Tribute in this newspaper. Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and ive'll make sure it all comes together auracii ely and iastefull\i , Visit www2.newszap.com/memorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. HOMf of tHEf ORIW.A -"EE,"r"" , -Nj S .....Make up to $2,500 .. ". , by filling in the space above! 4 lines for 2 weeks 1 used Item or ". Price must regrouping per ad. Price must be riced at $2,500 Ono, innlam:......n:_ priced at $2,5 00 Sell your personal valuables if they're $2,500 or less for absolutely free! No fee, no catch, no problems! indiUUUU In dl * Private parties 'only * 2 items per house- hold per issue - Clewiston News or less * Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. D GL"AIS COUNTY DEMOCRAT E-al C" adThe Sun Toll Free 877-353-2424 E-Mail. classad@newszap.com A with manners? SDE0R, Cewiston TheSun. ,," City lIoks at wate ":,. New cemetery h k City Ra-roes p'an oar csfTiaa A legitimate role for the press is that of "the public's watchdog." Most cit- izens can't spend the time necessary to personally observe their public officials at work, or to determine how well public institutions are carrying out their public mission. But too many newspapers these days act more like "mad dogs" than "watchdogs." We're proud to be different. We try to carry out our "watchdog" role as humble representatives of the public, always maintaining a courteous tone and our reputation for purposeful neutrality. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor. SClewiston News GrLADES COUNTY DEMOCRAT The Sun I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 21, 2006 Thursday; December 21, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Family will have Christmas this year After a string of troubles, the family will receive help By ]deybis Gonzalez Clewiston News It.been a very difficult year for a Belle Glade family after a fami- ly's sole provider suffered two strokes and was hospitalized. The family had to worry about the basic necessities, with little regard to what Christmas would look like this year. Fortunately, an agency with a kind heart has stepped up to help the family for the holidays. The trouble began when Ruben Resendez suffered a Crime Stoppers The Palm Beach County Sher- iff's Office is seeking assistance from the public in locating the fol- Slowing "wanted fugitive." SCarlton Moore, age 31, is a black male with black hair with brown eyes. He is6feet, 3, inches tall and , weighs Approximately 175 pounds. He has a tattoo on "his chest. and scars on his right linger and hand. He is also known as Cariton ,Reginald Moore Moore and his last known address was Oak Court in South Bay. Moore is wanted on felony charges of driving while license -revoked. He is a habitual offend- _er, fleeing or attempting to elude marked patrol car. Anyone with information on the, whereabouts of Moore, is asked to contact the Palm Beach County Crime Stoppers at 1 - (800) 458.-TIPS (8477) or online at www crimestopperspbc.com. stroke at his job. On his way to the hospital, the father of seven suffered another one. The situation looked grim for the family. Mr. Resendez was in a coma for two weeks before being transferred to Glades Gen- eral Hospital from a hospital on the coast. On a visit to see her husband, Ms. Resendez was mugged. Her assaulters made away with her rent money. Ana Rivera,, Housing Special- ist/Hispanic Outreach Specialist with Hendry-Glades Behavioral Health Center learned about the family's situation and offered to help. The family was a perfect fit for the program's toys for tots event, she said. For the event, a business can elect to sponsor a family and buy Christmas gifts for the holidays. Why should a family that has been under so much worry have to cancel Christmas? "This is my third year partici- pating in the toys for tots," said Ms. Rivera. "Just the fact that I work for Hispanic Outreach makes me feel great, and know- ing that I am doing something for the community makes me feel even better," she added After a local business was unable to sponsor the family, Ms. Rivera continued looking for somebody who would. She remembered Marsha Carter, with Marsha's Helping Hands, an organization out of LaBelle. The non-profit agency itself survives on donations and contributions from the commu- nity, so it wasn't a surprise when Ms. Carter offered to sponsor the family. Because of that generosity, the family will now have a Christmas. The agency will pro- vide them with food, clothing and toys for all seven children. For Ms. Rivera, that means a lot. "It is unfortunate that this family is going through this situ- ation, I knew I had to do some- thing for the children, and I did, just in time for holidays," said Ms. Rivera. Staff Writer Ideybis Gonzalez can be reached at igonzalez@newsap.com. Kissimmee Basin Water Supply Plan now complete Five-Year Update relying solely on the Florida Water Supply program, it mus e r aquifer for all our water needs" be listed in the plan. In 2005 Sen Identifies Alternative The inaugural Kissimmee ator Paula Dockery, R-Lakeland Supply Strategies With its goal of planning for Central Florida 's 2025 Water- Supply needs, The Kissimmee Basin Water Supply Plan was approved today by South Florida Water Management District Gov- erning Board "This document is our blue- print of howv we will meet the water-supply needs in the Kissimmee Basin of our children and our children's children," said Harkley Thornton, who rep- resents Central Florida on the Governing Board. "The water-supply needs of this region are too important to leave to chance. So this plan spells out what alternative water supplies will be developed by which utilities, and creates an outline for how this region will remain prosperous despite our pressing need to move beyond Basin Water Supply Plan, pub- lished in the spring of 2001, helped underscore the need in Central Florida to develop alter- native water supplies. It also called for improved science to better understand how the Flori- dan aquifer interacts with sur- face-water environments such as wetland systems, lakes and rivers. Once we understood the connection between ground and surface water, we could deter- mine how much water can be pumped to the ground while still ak oiding environmental harm.. Using the science developed since 2001, this five-year update of the Kissimmee Basin Water Supply Plan calls on utilities, working in cooperation with state and the South Florida Water Management District, to develop alternative water supply projects. In fact to ensure that a project is considered for funding under the District's Alternative pushed through the Florida Leg- islature a funding mechanism that provides a reoccurring fund of $100 million to help pay for Alternative Water Supply proj- ects. South Florida Water Man- agement District matches its $18 share of that fund to assist utili- ties within its 16-county jurisdic- tion. The Kissimmee Basin Water Supply Plan has identified as many as possible the projects that will be considered for fund- ing over the next several years. Copies of the plan and sup- porting documents are available at www.sfwmd.gov. Links to the four water supply Planning regions of South Florida Water Management District are listed on the right side of the District home page. You can also contact Bill Graf at the Orlando Service Center of the South Florida Water Management District at 0407.) 858 6100 ext. 3837. Pumps to be used to combat drought WEST PALM BEACH The governing board of the South Florida Water Management Dis- trict (SFWMD) has authorized tihe temporary installation of electric forward pumps to draw water from Lake Okeechobee in the et ent of prolonged drought condi- tions this dry season. Should they be required, the pumps will be installed by Lucas Marine Construction, LLC under a contract approved by the SFWMD governing boaid last week. The contractor will be mobilized quickly to upgrade and prepare the installation sites by no later than March 1, 2007, and will remain on standby for the remain- der of the 36-month contract should it be necessary to make the installations operational, accord- ing to SFWMD Governing Board Chair Kevin McCarty. District water managers con- currently reported that they will take delivery of 14 axial-flow,elec- tric forward pump assemblies, as well as one spare pump, to draw water from Lake Okeechobee in the event the lake's water level drops below 10.2 ft. NGVD, the le el at which gra\ill will. no longer direct the flow of water through existing structures. The SFRNMD received the first four of these pumps last week and has staged them at the Disrict's West Palm Beach field station. The temporary, submerged pumps are part of a proactive water shortage emergency plan to be implemented in the event of prolonged drought conditions, such as might result from this year's unusually low rainfall. The pumps would be able to lift water from the lake into existing District conveyance canals so that it can be utilized for emer- gency water supply. Each pump is capable of moving 100 cubic leet of water per second. "The South Florida Water Man- agement District is prepared for the possibility of a more severe water shortage this dry season, and we are sensitive to a drought's potential impact to local economies," said Carol Ann Wehle, executive director at the SFWMD. "We are committed to %working aggressitel. to meet the water demands of all lake area users, as well as the needs of regions to the south, including the Everglades National Park and Florida's East Coast." The three proposed sites for installation of the pumps are at existing control structures S-351, S-352 and S-354, all located in Palm Beach County along the southern rim of Lake Okee- chobee. These structures cur- rently provide gravity discharge of water from the lake to the Hillsboro/North New River, Palm Beach and Miami Canals respec- tively. In addition,, the SFWMD is aggressively exploring options for providing water to users north of the lake, as they also are affected by low lake levels. The pumps also will be used in accordance with the needs of the lake, including navigation, sustaining the District's stormwater treatment areas, fire fighting, and the management of coastal saltwvater intrusion. to n-a town pi n ni7- - ~Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! - in_ ^-o to. ^- -^ -^ vouw Chrlst g asm i Sunday Dec. 24th 7:00 PM First United Methodist Church 300 Avenue L. & Third St. Moore Haven, 'L- 33 '1 (863)-946-1457 The People of the United Methodist Church Open Hearts, Open Doors, Open Minds LUNA Aluminum Structures *Pool Enclosures *Carport & Screen Porches *Roof Over Systems *Vinyl Siding *Now Installing Aluminum Hurricane Panels Licensed *HC.333.SP Insured *HC.335SP 863-983-2701 Free Estimates Se Habla Espaiol Touching the Glades one family al a lime. Attend Church this Sunday 10:00 AM Nursery provided 370 Holiday Isle Blvd www.newharvest.net FA. m Posiors Chudclc &Kamn Pe~Nm "I really enjoyed the service the 3rd floor staff provided to my child." 1 patient survey response DID YOU BUY YOUR HOME IN 2006? SPEND A LITTLE TIME NOW, SAVE BIG BUCKS AND FILE FOR HOMESTEAD! LOCK IN YOUR ASSESSED V4LUE NOW! OTHER EXEMPTIONS YOU MAY CONSIDER: * WIDOW/WIDOWER $500 EXEMPTION * SENIORS (65 OR OLDER CALL FOR DETAILS) * DISABILITY/VETERANS (AMENDMENT 7 MAY ADD BENEFITS) * BLIND $500 EXEMPTION We invite you to lake a closer look at Glades General Hospital. We continue to provide quality healthcare, courteous and attentive staff right here at home, but to serve you even better, we have made a few changes: * Our Glades Birthing Center offers five labor and delivery suites, ten postpartum rooms and a Level I nursery in a comfortable setting. We offer the compassionate support of nurses specially trained in obstetrics, neonatology and newborn care and a full-time, dedicated Ncr-on itol,it., a w,, a ar. .. : , At Glades General Hospital, we are happy to share in the miracle of die birth of your baby. Our goal is to help make your birthing experience comfortable and safe for mother and child through a combination of tenderness arid technology. DEADLINE FOl FILING(; ALL EXEMPTIONS IS IAlRCH l". 20117 Pleae ,-ontai't our -taff for i. information. \\e aire here to auiit vyoi in iany v po-sihle. Office Hourn 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. L.aBelle: 675-3270 Clek ison: 983-3178 Visit our website at hllp://l %%.hendrN pi-op.org We will be closed December 25 & 26, 2006. Also January 1, 2007 irliroAi dantr MAD. aw.d Cl(rdes Azan, M.D. rilth aiv 3D UltraiSmuln E Our patient rooms have been renovated and redecorated with the patient's comfort and wellness in mind. Our pediatric rooms have cheerffil and fun borders along with bright colors to make your child's stay a little less scary. * Allofthese updates and improvements have been made with our community in mind to make Glades General Hospital your source for quality healthcare for you and your family, right here at home. Take a closer look at Glades General Hospital... GLADES you'll be impressed by what you see. GENER AL HOSPITAL 561-996-6571 .1201 South Main Street Belle Glade, Florida 33430 [ Serving the communities south.of Lake Okeechobee Thursdayi December 21, 2006 _7 .......... .. . t 4 OPINION Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 21, 2006 Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the MooeHaven/Glades issues forum at httpf//www.newszapfo- rums.coniforum57. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opinion line at (863) 983-9140. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. POWER PLANT CONCERNS: I am a resident of Glades County and have been for many years. I moved to this area to get away from the pol- lution in the cities. I understand the need for communities to enter into business that provide economic opportunities for the citizens. However, the proposed power plant that is to be put next to the lake is an act of greed that is so obvious I can't believe that the community doesn't rise up and revolt. I am speaking to the community now: If a fire was coming towards your house, you would put it out or call 911 so that someone would help you. The power plant is like a big fire coming but you just don't see it yet. Soon there will be black smoke and soot and chemicals spewing out into the air and into the water and ground. But by then, there will be no one to call to save you. You have to stand up now and say no to the politicians who are trying to convince you that you are safe. I went online to look up coal power plants and was shocked at what I saw. P.L said that they had a State-of-the-Art plan and that their plant is dean and safe. They are not telling the truth. Coal combustion produces carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that are suspected to cause climatic warming, and it is a source of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides, which are harmful to human health and may be largely responsible for acid rain. Coal combustion also contains naturally occurring radioactive materials-mainly, uranium and thorium. Americans living near coal burn- ing plants are exposed to higher doses of radiation and more. Please take a moment and see what you are in for. Do not close your eyes and pre- tend that this is not going to affect you, your family, your children, your parents or your friends. Concerned Glades County resident Letters to the Editor Serious consequences Dear Editor, As a resident of Glades County I am ashamed that our Commis- sion passed a resolution on Sept. 12, that will have serious conse- quences for this county and all of South Florida, for years to come without consent of the people. Instead of providing Public Notice and holding Public Hear- ings, Commissioners Giesler, Jones, Ward, Beck and Echols, in a covert action, decided they know what's best for all of us and approved a site for a proposed FP&L coal-burning power plant. Despite all the hoopla of being state-of-the-art, I believe this type of coal-burning plant will emit carbon dioxide, particulates and mercury into the atmosphere at unacceptable levels. I am not a chemist or scientist nor an energy expert but there's much scientific literature available on the internet about the controversy regarding "dirty" energy versus "clean" energy. FP&L has the opportunity to develop renewable energy sources and conservation; coal should be the last resort, not the first. It is the dirtiest source of power and single largest source of global-warming emissions. Many ecologists and environ- mentalists statewide have grave concerns about this future coal- burning plant that will be located so close to our precious Lake Okeechobee, Fisheating Creek, Big Cypress Preserve, the Caloosahatchee River and the Everglades. This concern is shared by the St. Lucie County Commission that wrote a letter in November to our commissioners warning them this type, of energy can produce negative air quality for surrounding counties. They stated that we, as a people, need to reject 18th Century technolo- gies and seek cleaner, safer ener- gy. In 2005, St. Lucie County Com- mission had turned down FP&L's proposal to site a plant in St. Lucie County so FP&L came to Glades County. It is very strange that FP&L spent eight months con- vincing our county officials to approve the plant here -while we knew nothing about this. There had been a vigorous hue and cry, and much information presented, from the residents in St. Lucie County when this issue was presented at Public Hearings there. Apparently, FP& L and the Glades County Commission did- n't want to be forced into demo- cratic Public Hearings here where an opposite point of view, backed up by science, might persuade us, the residents, to oppose approval ofthisplant . Glades County hopes to add a view of a toxin-spewing power plant to the scenic drive along pastoral Hwy. 78 already detract- ed by two prisons hugging the road frontage as well as the most recent eyesore a 194 acre con- struction debris landfill. How much longer are we as residents going to sit back and watch this county turn from being "Glorious- ly Natural, Glades County" to an industrial junkyard where our wildlife no longer abounds? Resident, Susan Etchey Thanks for the support Dear Editor, The classes of Mrs. Langdale, Mrs.. Pell, and Mrs. Pat Ringstaff would like to thank Clerk of Courts Joe Flint for his continued generosity, and support this Christmas Season and through- out the school year! I Our students thank you for your kind gift. It is greatly appreci- ated. Teachers, F. Langdale, L Pell, P. Ringstaff A public thank you DearEditor, Every year Mr. Flint silently supports our class parties and field trips and we would like to publicly thank him. Community News Narcotics Anonymous meets Submitted photo/Luls Malsonet Belt promotions On Monday, Dec. 4, students from Luis Maisonet Taek- wondo in Moore Haven passed a promotional belt testing. These students worked very hard to achieve their next belt rank. During the testing, students had to show the tech- niques they learn during the training cycle. Parents were very proud of their child's achievements. In the front row from left to right are: Mr. Lucas Ortiz and Mr. Ethan Harris, Rochelle and Sandra Garcia from green to senior green belt; Giordana Moraflores, Little Dragon, Gabriela Moraflo- res from senior green to blue belt. Sean Thompson from senior blue to brown belt. Amanda Ortiz from brown to senior brown. Mr. Mr. Maisonet Chief Instructor. In the second row from left to right are: Giovanna Moraflores from senior blue to brown belt, Dalton Teviin from white to yellow belt, Everette Youngblood from senior green to blue belt. Joshua and Kevin Farfan from orange to green belt and Mr. Taylor Harris from senior red to First degree Black belt. In the last row: Mario Aragus from yellow to orange belt, Ninette Addison from yellow to orange belt. Glovanna R. Moraflores from white to yellow belt. Fernrndo Moraflores from senior green to blue belt, Rick A. O~Jz from brown to senior brown and Ron Bock from senior blue to brown. Local Weather Forecast Weather forecast for Glades County from the National Weather Service Lakeport and surrounding area Thursday: Partly cloudy, with a high near 79. Winds will be from the east between 7 and 14 mph. Thursday night Partly cloudy, with a low around 62. Winds will be from the east between 6 and 8 mph. Extended Forecast Friday: Partly cloudy, with a high near 81. Winds will be from the Southeast around 8 mph with a 40 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms after 10 a.m. Friday night Partly cloudy, with a low around 65. Winds will be from the south between 5 and 7 mph. Saturday: Partly cloudy, with a high near 81. Winds will be from the south around 6 mph with a 40 percent chance of showers and thun- .derstorms. Saturday night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 65 and a 20 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Sunday: Partly cloudy, with a high near 81 and a 40 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Sunday night Mostly cloudy, with a low around 63 and a 30 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Christmas Day: Mostly cloudy, with a high near 76 and a 50 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Gacs County D0omt Our Purpose... The Glades County Democrat is published bIy Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspa- per to pursue a mission of journalistic service to the citizens of the commu- nity. Since no dividends are paid, the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industry standards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's mission of journalistic service, comnrmtment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the comm- munity's debberation of public issues. We Pledp... * To o('erate this newspaper as a public trust * Ib help our commuonny become a better pla.'e ito he and work, through oar dedication to c'ncienni'ous journalism * Ib provide the mfrmanon citizens need to make their own mineligent decisions about publC csu's * To irtv.,-i Nh re-; with honeity. accuracy, '*bjtculw'. I.jfrlesSress and compauaon. * T. ucour opair'n paplgepis fdlitate )'4,rLnmunly dEbtie, not to dominate it with Our own opiullon * Tu diclo:e tur owr. conflict of mterest or p'oi'rntal .ri:nillb to our readers * To correci our eriori and 10to e eadc correcootn Sih, [pr'.'rffnrirr it deserve i * T'l provide a right to reply to those we write about. * To treat people with courtesy, respect and compassion. SEditoril: Editor Jose Zrap Reporter Nena Bol Repcier Nicole Curry PepInrtr Ideybia Gor.dler Reporter. Naij bbaia Advemsrng Diicor Judy Kasner NationW Accouna- Joy Pamsh Adveronng Marmagr Brenda Jaremdill AdtnemIg Serces Mtl0l a Age, Leurer. Adam, Iridependeni Newspapers. Ini ChGurman Joo Snytih Pre dent E- DuLrn Vice Presider) of FI:nid'a Opeiat orii Tom Byrd Exe.'-nve Editor. Ka.ne Eliken ... idw Member ott A^ Florida Press Associdaon Narcotics Anonymous meets Monday at 7 p.m. for open discus- sion meeting at Buck Head Ridge Christian Church, 3 Linda Road, Buckhead Ridge. For more infor- mation please call (863) 634-4780. Hurricane help available Help is still available for Hurri- cane Wilma victims from our local Community Rebuilding Ecumeni- cal Workforce (CREW) but you must register again! Community Rebuilding Ecu- menical Workforce (CREW) is a caring network of Hendry and Glades Counties' civic, social, serv- ice, and faith-based groups, agen- cies, and organizations, along with concerned individuals and busi- nesses, formed to address the phys- ical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the community in the restoration and rebuilding of their lives and homes in times of a natural or man- made disaster. CREW will provide collabora- tive leadership and advocacy in meeting the needs for revitalizing and improving the quality of life for the most vulnerable in the commu- nity. For more information, ques- tions, or to schedule an appoint- ment, please call of visit: CREW Headquarters,, First United. Methodist Church, 352 W Arcade Avenue, Clewiston, phone (863) 983-4316 (John 3:16) or email CREWheadquarters@aol.com. MHHS Class Reunion planned The MHHS Class of'86 is having its 20 year reunion on Homecom- ing Weekend this year. Organizers are inviting the Class of '87 and Class of '88 to join the fun, as well.. Reunion planners are in need of assistance in locating and.notifying all members of the above classes. The initial plan is to have a tailgate type get-together the night of the Homecoming Game and, on the following day, have a BBQ for the; family at the City Park or a similar location Anyone interested in assisting may contact David Lee at dlee-1967@-2skveone.com or (863) 946-2512. CREW needs volunteers The Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) of Hendry and Glades Counties is seeking volunteers to assist resi- dents with repairs and continued clean up efforts in the aftermath of' Hurricane Wilma. Carpenters, Electricians; Plumbers, drywall installers and other trade skills are needed, as well as, anyone W\illing to lend a hand. For more information, come by our office at 121 Central Ave. rear entrance or mail CREWhead- quarters@i'aol.com or phone (863) 9832390. CREW seeks donations The Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) of Hendry and Glades Counties is seeking donations of building materials and supplies, including lumber, nails and drywall, to assist residents with repairs and contin- ued clean up efforts in the after- math of Hurricane Wilma. Dona- tions, including .monetary contributions, are tax deductible. For more information, come by our office at 121 Central Ave. rear entrance or email CREWhead- quarters@aol.com or phone (863) 983-2390. Free services to help elders Center for Independent Living will be doing outreach on a regular basis at the Moore Haven, Clewis- ton, and LaBelle sites between the hours of noon to 2:30 p.m. You can contact Tera or Linda at the Center Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: * Belle Glade/South Bay Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum51 *Clewiston.Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum52 * Hendry County Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 *Moore Haven/Glades Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum57 *Okeechobee city/county Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum58 *Pahokee Issues: http://www.newszapforums.cdm/forum59 ' Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." Pub lished by Independent Newspaper, Inc. r -Serving Glades County Sme 1923 Glades County Democrat Published by Independent Newspaper, Inc. I Serving Glades County Since 1923 To Reach Us Address: O. Box 1236 Clewiston, Fla. 33440 Webeite: www.newszrp.com To Submit News The Glades County Democrat wel- comes submissions from its readers. Opinions, calendar items, stories. ideas and photographs are welcome. Call 866-399-5253 to reach our news- room. Items may be mailed, faxed or e-mailed. The deadline for all news items is 12 p.m. Monday prior to the following Thursday's publication. E-mail: gcdnewsa 'newszap.com To Place A Classified Ad Call t877.353-2424 to place a classi- fied advertisement from home. The deadline for all advertisings 12 p.m. Monday for the following Th niday's publication. Fax: 1-877-354-2424. E-mail: classadafnewszap.com . To Place A DisplayAd Call 866-399-5253, deadline for all advertising is 12 p.m. Monday for the following Thursday's publication. Fax. 1-863-983-7537 E-mail: southlakeadsid'newszap corn Advertising Billing Department E-mail: billteam@newszap.com To Start or Stop A Paper Phone: (877)353-2424 E-mail:readerservicesainesuzap com The Glades County Democrat is delivered by mail to subscribers on Thursday and is sold in racks and store locations in the Glades County area. Call (877)353-2424 to report a missed newspaper or poor delivery. Glades County Democrat USPS 219060 Published Weekly by Independent Nespapers Inc. Clewi FL 33440 for $24.61 per year including tax. Second Clan postage paid at Clewiton Florida. Postmnastr send address changes to the Glades County Democrat Circulation Administrnation PO BOx 7011 Dover, DE 19903 Printg Printed at Sunshine Printing. a ub'idiiry of. Independent Newipapers. E-mail: prinnrgnl'dtr'at, net for Independent Living at (941) 766-8333 in Charlotte County to find out the days that they will be available in those areas. Economic Council to meet The Glades County Economic Development Council normally meets the first Monday of the month at 6:15 p.m. in the conference room at Glades Electric Cooperative. If you are not a member, please con- tact the EDC about joining. If you are a member, please plan to attend the meetings. As the Main Street effort and other initiatives move for- ward, we will need a host of knowl- edgeable volunteers to serve on var- ious committees and we encourage your participation. VFWPost #9528 posts hours The VFW Post #9528 is located at 2002 Hwy. 78 West in Buckhead Ridge. For more information call (863) 467-2882. Post hours are from noon until 8 p.m. daily. Wednesday is Ladies Auxiliary din- ner from 5:30-7 p.m., and the cost is $5. Every Thursday, the post has bar bingo at 12:45 p.m. Lunch will be available. Every Friday a steak dinner with baked potato, salad and rolls are served from 5:30 7 p.m. with a $9 donation. Dancing immediately follows the dinner. All games and special events are shown on three televisions. The game room has a regulation-size pool table. Post meetings are held on the second and fourth Saturday of the month, beginning at 10 a.m: Commander Albert Crank is avail- able at (863) 467-2882. VFWPost #10539 posts hours The VFW will be open Monday through Wednesday 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m.-ll p.m., or later; and Sunday, 1 8 p.m. Happy hour is from 4 6 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Dinner is served at 5 p.m. Tuesday evenings. Bar bingo starts at 12:45 p.m. Wednesday. Lunch will be available. Singles darts every Wednesday, 7 p.m. Cafeteria is open from 5 8 p.m., Thursday nights. Friday at 7 p.m. there will be live music and dancing. On Sat- urday, holdogs with kraut are served at noon. Saturday dart dou- bles at 7 p.m. Diabetes Awareness courses offered Hendry County Health Depart- ment Heart to Heart Program and Senior Connections are offering an eight-week Diabetes Class at 2 p.m. each Wednesday at the Nobles Senior Center. Classes include the diabetic diet, understanding carb- counting, eye and foot care, and the ABC's of diabetes Othe Al C test, Blood Pressure, and Cholesterol). All diabetics, long term or newly diagnosed, are welcome. Seminole reenactment festival set Seminole Tribe of Florida will present a reenactment of the Sec- ond Seminole War at the Big Cypress Shootout at Billie Swamp Safari located between Fort Laud- erdale and Naples, on the Big Cypress Reservation. Friday, Feb. 23 through Sun. Feb. 27. For more information, contact Cindy Malin at (954)966-6300, ext. 1488 or cma- lin@semtribe.com. Home Energy Assistance offers help The Agricultural and Labor Pro- gram, Inc. located in Winter Haven, has been awarded a grant from the Department of Community Affairs to provide Low Income Home Energy Assistance services to eligi- ble applicants in Hendry and Glades counties. For an application and/or information please call (800) 330-3491. Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation I 4.06.0- r-000660-a 6 Weekly S2 2 34.61 7. WM%* Me626, Add,..6cfO)4011m ~eof 0303060, W~43M ) ooM MM6S". aZIP32) 0.66.6, 626 W. 06garland f663.,; 16623040 Pt 334460~h 362-741-621% 626 W. ftac.610d b?., Clee20040 0M 33465 Tot, Byrd, 626 6. Ougnland 66wy. CleWi~ttca. PL33446 Ed%0)60,64266*)26246*vW062 Jo- f ao.302, 626 0. Engarland Hwy., Clewiston, 0PL 33446 Mo.nag6s6636)0.,66d66246t60366N Ond.0604.Ot N3.. Pp-po,, 1...31006old State 6M 0, 6Placid601, nt33652 11. 064 60ee wwd64t. 6.6666206.nd0200W05266606OW"6Oft2. 662 Ho1dings, Inc., A 66-Profi 6 jooe.6t 26063106 Old state 66 6, Labe Placid, 6FL 33653 [3 14. 624*l 6006 26 p6p6. .i'~626 66402 62,66662=4610* 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 6.t29. ,6o6ed~ 1 66 26.66246026066226660626 -a.)(a- 1.) 70 h' 66604666626 2 06664 v 22~())."etc-n.6o..)t 46 66 3 Thursday, December 21, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP WISHES You A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! .- y ;- Town & CE-I I~YE~~I~ PT Cruiser J i i A Chrysler Aspen Caravan Dakota ^, Stratus Caliber Durango Jeep Wrangler Grand Cherokee * -,- t..,1 FiIV0fE ST-FI0 0 0 l 0 does make a "CFZ L- EEsFZ difference! Jeep FIVE STAR @ @ OOO 300 F- U Ram 1500 , jLiberty ~.** i' *ij~ *~ i AMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 21, 2006 ik Charger \ , '^. . f ^y n -; It really SitWerRingtheommuniTissuhfLkDeSoeThuRSday.DCeMbr NDJDBmDm-JEULjJJ, 99 CENTURY STK CH 04 RVLRNCHE ST 00 C/K1500 ST 05 CLRSSIC STI 05 COLORR 5T 06 IMPRLR 5T 02 MRLIBU ST 05 MRLIBU ST 04 SILVERlRO 1501 02 SILVERRO0 1SO1 03 SUUIER61N 51SO 03 TRHOE STI 04 TRRIL BLRZER BUICK (# J8420 $3,729 iEVORLET rK#50643R rK#524535 rK#0757 rK#52443R rK#rBGMC rK#55595 rK#8796 0 STK#0706 0 ST1(#M55 0 STU(#U244 IR rK#S2239R ISTK#0807 DODGE CRRRVRN STK#J8663 DRKOTR STK#VB760 DURRNGO STK#MB639 NEON STK#0573021X WIM P/U 1500 STK#52463R RFM P/U 1500 STK#JB646 5M E a US STK#J6532 CROWN VICTORIA STK# 17115R FORD 500 ECONO NE E150 ECDNO NE E250 ECONO NE VRN ESCRPE EXPEDITION EXPEDITION EXPEDITION EXPEDITION EXPLORER EXPLORER EXPEDITION E EXPLORER LTD EXPLORER XLT FIO50 FI50 FI50 F150 FIO50 F150 FI50 FISO 0FISO FI50 FI50 P150 P150 P150 P150 STK#S22mofl STK#8774 STK#5782 S11(#239M STK# I1 5FU STK#5503 STK#S2142 1 STK#B5559 S1(#S2144SR STK#92467R STKABS0O4 STK#8799 STK#52S355R STK#85487R STK#8705 STK#8724 STK#8754 STK#8777 STK#23230 STh#S20S5R SIlK#S2084F1 STK#52 1SE3i STK#S2142 F1R2 S11(#5245 1 5 STK#S246SR STK#7 1 25R 5TK#S7153R S11(#57153R1 5TK#57 1 72 STK#87S0R $18,260 $9,782 $1 1,677 $16,810 $18,027 $ ,607 $13,288 $16,322 $20,856 $17,897 $165876 $17,888 $11,397 $10,413 $15,430 $6,575 $17.318 $10,870 $5,120 $ 8,398 $18,888 $16 243 $1 1428 $5,490 $14,587 $21,888 $15,250 $14.727 $19,880 $13,852 $24,400 $21,888 $17,888 $13,700 $15,888 $21,635 $14,771 $21,711 $12,589 $19,799 $17,833 $17,055 $19,730 $12,464 $15,733 $11,145 $8,089 $12,955 $12,835 $13,283 $17.635 06 05 05 05 03 06 04 05 02 06 03 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 05 06 06 06 02 05 06 04 06 056 056 99 01 05 06 02 06 03 04 04 F250 STK#8618 F250 STK#B753 F250 STK#8761 F250 STK#8773 F250 STK#52434R F250 STK#8690B F350 STK#8691 F3SO STK#8704 F350 STK#B705 F3SO STK#8779 F350 STK#52454R F350 5TK#5 9 0125 F350 STK#80145R F350 STK#522Gn F350 DU LEY LFTWW 5TK#802 FIVE HUMNR 3 STK#8733 FIVE IHUMON STK#8734 FIVE HUND.E 3 STK#8735 FIVE HLURB STK#8736 FIVE HUMOEF STK# 18041 FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS FrnccTRR rncc=TRR rnEC=TYLE FUSION FUSION MUSTRNG RRNGER TRURUS TRURUS TRURUS ENVOY --r-- 15OO -- YUKON o YUKON 04 ODYSSEY 99 04 01 STK#8775 STK#8784 STK#8790 STK#17187R STK#GR0450R STK#8785 STK#DB121X STK#8732 STK#8786 STK#8787 STK#12452R STK#52466R1 STK#8693 STK#8775 STK#7117R GMC STK#MB645 STK#8731 STK#8783 STK#57221R HONOR STK#12457R JEEP LWOIm C34R0lCMSTK#8725F1 - CIEF3K EWME6334CO CWVM 34ONKMSTK#JB325 04 OPTIMR 03 06 03 06 03 RVIRTOR NRVIGRTOR NRVIGRTOR LINCOLN Li5 NRVIGRTOR KIR STK#7 152B LINCOLN STK(#LJO3172I STK#52101 STK#2101R STK#52365 STK#52283R $28,552 $32,354 $21,855 $36 154 $26,486 $18,346 $32,748 $32,515 $22,900 $34,635 $265290 $29.721 $36,066 $18.888 $32,888 $18,924 $1 8532 $1 8663 $18,745 $16,359 $12,986 $12,336 $12,368 $7,994 $12.031 $18.s50 $13,760 $21 152 $17.756 $1 ,256 $12.473 $7,667 $13,999 $14.751 $8,309 $18,933 $18,349 $13,900 $21,888 $17,844 $5.700 S$16,199 $8,332 $56,55 $17.263 $34,600 $21,153 $29,888 $21,729 MAN MOEII STCKU UH -'E RO * MUST HAVE $3000.00 DOWN OR MUST HAVE $3000.00 IN TRADE IN WAC DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. SEE DEALER FOR COMPLETE DETAILS. OMGF1086 03 01 05 04 04 01 01 01 05 06 02 02 05 04 04 03 05 05 06 05 04 04 05 05 03 05 02 05 04 02 04 05 02 01 01 06 06 06 05 Thursday, December.21, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee 2006 F-150 STX 2007 Fusion 14 RED CARPET LEASE FRo DUE ATSIGIN RED CARPET LEASE MONTHS DUE AT SIGNING 2006 Explorer XLT 2007 Expedition XLT RED CARPET LEASE MON WITH MUMffS RED CARPET LEASE MONTHS MONTHS DUE AT SIGNING Get it started at Your Neighborhood Ford Dealer! fordvehicles com Not all buyers will quably for Ford Credif Ried Carpet lease t Oalifictibo will depend no credit score and will be Fdetermined by Ford Credit Payrments vary, dealer determines price, Residency restrictions aily. F-150 RCL applies to SIX 4x2 contiguratin-Red Carpel lease cash due is after $3,000 RCL cash back rsison RCL applies to S 1-4 canfiguration-Red Carpet Lease cash due is after $500 RCL cash bact. Explorer 0RCL applies to XLT 42 coniguration-Red Carpet lease cash due is after $1000 RCL cash back. Expedititoi RCL applies to XLT 4x2 confiratigat, Not all buyers will qualify: Security deposit is waived, Eacludes taxes, title, license, aid registration fees. For special ase teims cash back or Ford Credit financing, take new retail delivery from.dealer stock by 01102/07. See dealer for qualifications and complete details. Powertrain Limited Waranty; see dealertfor a copy of the warran-ty. BOLDa OVeS South Florida Ford Dealers Thursday, Dec6mber 21, 2006, Sevn h omnte ot fLk Oecoe hrdy eebr2,20 JiJI kI' iUI:'li 1 1 1 IiJ J II : 1 m^ 1 al I I IIII Hl IIIl Jeep w~m EPr- -- - lI'^ iiI I A- 'S /2(rt, 19 I -. 2.1 2) - '1i U At! I-. .. ., If u~vI~I. rnil .^r4^ Brand New 2006 tl76dgl RAM 1500 SXT P.-W P/L A,-C AUTO. LOADED. 10 TO CHOOSE! Palm Beach Brand New 2006 -Dod"29, CARAVAN SXT V6, P/W, P/L, TILT, CRUISE, SPORT WHEELS, & MORE! 10 TO CHOOSE! . Low ,.# A's A',t- A 4 ... jI.4...j., j 'VI iK I Brand New 2006 Dodge DAKOTA $| Club Cab , 2 TO CHOOSE! .A /s/H; Brand New 2006 Dodge RAM 1500 Quad Cab SLT STK#64023 .A. ~A~wImri 9ill :t. Brand New 2006 Chrysler Brand New 2007 Chrysler PT CRUISER TOWN & COUNTRY 10 TO CHOOSE! 10 TO CHOOSE! Brand New 2007 I COMPASS Stlk.0 115 .4; IC4UW5 A P~ ~*,;. L-t4~. A.. ~ '* If , d?1 .,S t l'l - ,..1t- i I I iI uu T I P I 1, l, I I : 14 AH, ,t i ', L" .. "I, P ',- -, fF' I il- ,1 I, I [', : r, AlI i "', 4 .'E fl i.r l., Nf L ~. IR j Fh(It EPP3A L L TL.Lt U i ''HR : ',i-L.IS IU. ,,' -1 i r, fEi' R E i ,, [ I7''I41, 1" 1H AE I I-k 1 ":LA I, If PRICE L l idly TIA 1: d .' :l i 1 t I l:.I A JI. ld C i: '.. _, ':"I :...1 LI;.:T 1 .I .L iF t lR.:irW l -Ir- L I ,r IL 1 ,hIL H L' r l:k I- I.SLl : i i, 1_, .. CI .C .PZ IE A i '.. ri. 1 rI l ,1:i [0l.u L1 1R N I R AE [,.NEA I- i ,el, ,h i: -.P, : I .p 0L ||, i: 0FI I ,.I qh,'I, r F,, I I I- I r l, .;I.' Ft,'l 'I ,I" r 11'- ",.. I,' .,r i ( h [ 1: !,f"H i I : c. + ifr, ,: 1 ( F II. F i r %, LEA 1 4I "-I i| ,.i)'>. L.'I l 'i F i r.,;" A :. L H ,f:-:.F l iEup P..'.;l II' .h -,' ,I- ',+.I ,' : ,I-"*I '*L' F l l] "UP l. I r i", '.H 1',I L. :. .1" .." ,R..-h E r,. p ^~ailf^ ^^^ S lit t K,.''. Thursday, December 21, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee .i-fU y^sS^i^ RTJ i EDUCATION Thursday, December 21, 2006Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee School News in Brief Twelve Days of Christmas MHES Style! Help your "child succeed : "PASSport to Success" is a. series of six sessions with par- Tents, or guardians, to help them ,.with their children and their 'school work. Parents will learn Ahow to pick a place to do home- :work, set aside time, listen to 'their children, help then get '-ready to take a test, take notes, and much more. The PASSport to Success *series will be held every 'Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 10:30 ',a.m. beginning Jan. 17, and end- .ing Feb. 21, at the Glades County -School District Board Room in. M.:oore Haven, 400 10th Street S.W. , Call (863) 674-4565 or (800) *,316-7057 to reserve your seat. 'Apply for .:scholarship renewal The JJ Wiggins Memorial ,Trust first time and renewal -scholarships for spring 2006 are ,now available. They may be :picked up at J.J. Wiggins Youth '.Center or in the Moore Haven Jr. 'Sr. High School guidance office. .Deadline for application is Dec. 29. Call (863) 946-3400, (863) .946-0811, or (239) 229-0246 for ,'details. .MHHS warns of tion Scholarship. The $1,000 scholarship will be awarded at FFVAs 63rd Annual Convention. To learn how to apply, contact Martha Tucker at (321) 214-5200 * or via email at martha.tucker@ffva.com. MHHS Class Reunion The MHHS Class of '86 is hav- ing their 20 year reunion on Homecoming Weekend this year. Planners are inviting the Class of '87 and Class of '88 to join us, as well. They are in need of assistance in locating and notifying all members of the above classes. The initial plan is to have a tailgate type get-togeth- er the night of the Homecoming Game and, on the following day, have a BBQ for the family at the City Park or a similar location. Anyone interested in assisting may contact David Lee at dlee- 1967@skyeone.com or (863) 946-2512. School Board meetings set Regular meetings will now take place on the second Thurs- day at 6 p.m. and the fourth Thursday at 9 p.m. in the Glades County School Board meeting room, 400 10th Street S.W, Moore Haven. advertsingscam Accountabilit Moore Haven Junior-Senior High School would like to notify Reports !the Moore Haven community .that advertising for football The 2006 NCLB Public ,.schedule posters is being sold by Accountability Reports for :'All-Star Publishing under the Glades County Schools, Moore auspices of supporting our Haven Elementary, West Glades :,school. This company is not School, and Moore Haven .working %with our school, nor do Junior-Senior High are available \ve receive any profit from the on the district and school Web 'sale of these ads. If your busi- sites (http://glades.edgate.org). .ness or church would like to pur- Copies of the reports are also ,;chase an ad to support football available at the district office and 'at our school, we would encour- the administrative office at each age you to purchase one to school. appear in the program that is .given out at games. The profits GED classes set from the sale of these ads go directly to support the athletes. The Glades County School Please do not purchase any ads District is offering GED prep 'offered by a non-local company classes at Moore Haven High *'without checking with us first to School, Room 26-003, for adults verify the validity of the offer. who wish to obtain their GED. :Thank you for all the support Classes are Tuesday and Thurs- you do give to our school. day nights from 6 until 8 p.m. nd for MiS You may register the night of the Funds for MHHlS classes. If you have any ques- What if Moore Haven Junior tions you may call Scott Bass at Senior High School earned a (863) 946-0202 ext. 13. penny every time you searched the Internet? Well, now we can! Children's GoodSearch.com is a new ,search engine that donates half advocates needed ,its revenue, about a penny per 'search, to the charities its users The Guardian Ad Litem ,designate. You use it just as you (GAL) Program needs volun- would any search engine, and teers to represent the best inter- it's powered by Yahoo!, so you ests of abused, abandoned and get great results. neglected children before the Just go to www.good- court, social service agencies .'search.com and be sure to enter and the community. No special Moore Haven Junior Senior High educational degree is required. School as the charityyou want to Guardians need to be someone ,support. Just 500 of us searching with common sense, good judg- :ifour times a day will raise about ment and a commitment to $7,300 in a year without anyone helping a child. Attendance at * spending a dime! And, be sure to three training sessions held in >spread the word! Fort Myers is required.. Please ;i You can also download the contact Kelie Hedrick at: (239) GoodSearch toolbar by visiting 461-4360 or (800) 269-6210 for ,'http://www.goodsearch.com/to more information, and to . olbar reserve your space for training. 'School needs Stop the violence substitute teachers meetings set 't Moore Haven Jr.-Sr. High School is in need of substitutes The Hendry and Glades Ifor the current school year.. Domestic and Sexual Violence ,Application packets are available Council's mission is to increase :tin the front office. For more community awareness about *information, please call Lori domestic and sexual violence Bond from 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 and victim safety by providing ,p.m., at (863) 946-0811, (863) services, referrals and education 983-9600, (863) 675-7715 or relating to the affects of domes- (863)1467-7722. tic/sexual violence in our com- *i 1 1 1, munity. The meetings rotate Scholarship between LaBelle, Clewiston and apwliants wanRted Moore Haven. To get involved in applicants an d the council or for information If you know of a young per- about meeting dates and times, :son pursuing a college degree please call Abuse Council and ;with the goal of working in Flori- Treatment, Inc.'s Rural Exten- sda's fruit and vegetable industry, sion (REACT): (863) 674-1811, please let that student know 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. to speak with about the Syngenta Crop Protec- an advocate. Two weeks ago the students at Moore Haven Elementary School took home a note explaining a new concept of giving at MHES. The students were asked to focus on others on the last twelve days before Christmas vacation. The stu- dents brought in canned goods for the first four days of giving. Because of the generosity of the students and staff, thirteen local families will benefit from the canned goods. On day five students were asked to bring in old cell phones that are to be recycled. The money from the recycling is used to purchase calling cards for troops over in Iraq to be able to call home. Three boxes full of cell phones have been mailed out to the organization called Cell Phones for Soldiers. The website is at www.cellphonesfor- soldiers.com. Day six and seven were also tar- geted at our military guys and gals who are serving for our great coun- try Students donated new batteries and various other items to make up care packages. The school was. able to make up 15 care packages and MHES would like to thank the following people who sponsored the postage for the soldiers! Thanks to Mike and Debbie Press- ley, Joe Flint, Gail Jones, the staff at the Tax Collector's office, Steve and Wanda Sergent, Wade Hingson, Katrina Fey, Glades Electric Coop, Dick and Jean Prowant, Susan Twitty, Tommy and Lesle Hare, Sylvia Goodwin, Tommy and Laura Perry, and Pamela Decker. On the eighth day of giving stu- dents were asked to bring in new sockslto donate to patients in area nursing homes. Students from Safe and Smart's after school program and Mrs. Hare's second grade made decorations to attach to the socks. Students brought new toys on the ninth day of giving. MHES's giv- ing helped make Christmas a little brighter for a few area families. Days ten, eleven and htelve focused on Box Tops for Educa- tion, Campbell's soup can UPC's, pop top pull tables for Ronald McDonald's House, and aluminum cans for recycling. The twelve days of Christmas "giving" have been a wonderful experience for the students and staff. It has been an awesome les- son for the students' in what it means to give to others. MHES hopes that this will become a tradi- tion at the school for years to come. Letters to Santa Glad Ms. Tom es County Dear Santa; I want a dirt bike, I want a kross rocket, I want a 4-wheeler, I want a snow globe, I want to come to the North Pole. Sincerely, JohnathanWright Dear Santa; Christmas is only wot I wot. I wot a fin for Christmas and a cmprliab. I wot a happy techr too and some towes. Sincerely, Herdrika Lewis Dear Santa; I love Christmas. It is my favrit time of the year. It is the time of the yere wan you come every year. It's Holly Jolly every year. Sincerely, SidneyPlatt Dear Santa; What I want for Christmas is the feary which in Doora. I am six. Santa I like you. Sincerely, JuliaPrieto DearSanta; I like Christmas. I doot ker wut you give me. Santa do you love Christmas? I mit give you a presit. Sincerely, KiraBeck Dear Santa; I wot to go to the Norf pol! I wot to rid the sla! I wot a lot of toys for Christmas. I lik Christmas Santa. Sincerely, Dylan Ms. Sommer Dear Santa; I am ok. I want an xbox so I can play with it. I want it so me and my sister can play. From, AmandaBrinn Save money on your favorite grocery items. Go to newszap.com to download and A print coupons online! newszap.com Community Links. I Individual Voicds. L---------.J Dear Santa; I hate been good. I want a remote control for, Christmas. I want a gun for hunting. DerickAlexander Dear Santa; I am good. I want Heelies because I like to wheel. Is your house up in the clouds? From, IvanVillafuerte Dear Santa; I am good. I want a little bird. I love blue birds. I will play with it. And I want a Big Book. I %will read it. From, Babi Galdamez Dear Santa; I am very good. I want a box turtle. I want a lizard., I want a frog.,I want a snake,. They are neat. I will playwith them. From, LoganColeman Dear Santa; I am good. I want a pair of Heelies because they are fun. They are fun to ride. From, Mario Green Dear Santa; I am very good. I want a lot of toys. Santa I want a princess because I have wanted it all year. I want to play with them. From, Maricela Rubio SUNRISE APPLIANCE New In Box or Scratch & Dent Full Factory Warranty Save More In tMoore Haven We Also Carry Used Appliances With Warranty 401 US Hw 27U Moore Haven' 863,946,2666 I + SEEKING MARRIED COUPLES that want to make a differanc in the lives of youth. REQUIREMENTS H,'.',. ,-4 ,T,:t ,,-r, ,.0 T" Iii '"' |"1 Ri% ICep enden .hiloeo,i .fiFuRn " Boys H* p .sse';. ai.,I nI a:' r,' r Tow n '.ED dvirr', m Human OW -( pkenf n OW11 BENEFITS AND REWARDS * Satisfacon of making a difference in the lives ol yoult and their families i'aiing a nd uppLci o0 $50,400 nnua3; ., Er c u' ,riQ ani' li., * No-walt benefits and 401K(. ... .... i i. s..... *.. .................. .. ............... ............ Located in i trlassee, Florida NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. Fax resumes to 850-575-7225 or Email resumes to lamphilm@glsandboyslown.org Drug Testing/EOE GC MEDIA Web Design & Development -1 i Photography/Videography Graphic Design Copywriling , Fort Lauderdale Clewiston Okeechobee and the Surrounding Lake Communilies 888.651.8283 x 4104 gdmedla.com sales@gclmedla.com NEW YEAR'S EVE DINNER DECEMBER 31, 2006 SERVING FROM 5PM 9PM ENTREES FILET MIGNON WITH LOBSTER TAIL $26.95 ROAST PRIME RIB AU JUS $16.95 16 OZ. PEPPER CRUSTED SIRLOIN $18.95 8 OZ. SIRLOIN WITH GULF SHRIMP SKEWER SERVED ON A BED OF RICE PILAF $22.95 PISTACHIO CRUSTED SALMON WITH LEMON DILL SAUCE $18.95 All Entrees Are Served With A Salad Of Fresh Bady Greens With A Raspberry Vinaigrette Dressing, Herb Roasted Potatoes, Fresh Steamed Vegetables, Rolls & Butter. Each Guest Receives A Complimentary Glass Of Champagne. Submitted photo/MHES Moore Haven Elementary students with 'care packages' along with the sixth grade safety patrol include, Kaneidra McPherson, Nila Series, and Berna Toledo (front row from left to right) and in the back row are Akua Hallback, Kelsey Ahern and Luis Rico. Enrollment for the 2nd semester of 2006-07 is still available. If you enroll by January 15, 2007, The registration fee will be waived. Enroll today! Call the school office at 863-983-5388 or visit www.clewistonchristian.org Committed to EXCELLENCE in academics, athletics and the arts! r I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thurs day, December 21, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 21, 2006 ICLA A RFAxl -- *< ki l C: Mv y L E: DODGE Jeep FIVE STAR I I 1 I h- III I III]; I1llI 1l IM m I I I U q:4z" I 1: Ik'Al Iu 9 1I1 S11 '01 CHEVROLET IMPALA $8 990 STK#68003A ......... ...................... , '04 CHEVROLET CAVALIER $9A 490 STK#7189A ................................................... .....f'. . '04 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER $ 1, ST Is64431A ...... .... ............................ '03 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER $1 9 STK#64168A .... ..................... ..... , '04 CHEVROLET IMPALA $1 3,99 STK#63416A ...................................... ....... '04 CHEVY CORVETTE $9, STK#7146A ...........................................92 '00 CHRYSLER CONCORDE $ STK#7198A ...................................... ...... 5 ,9 9 0 '00 CHRYSLER 300M STK#T63875A........................................ ........ 9 9 0 '06 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER , STK#63826A ........................... ... .... .. t.. '04 CHRYSLER SEBRING CONV. STK#62418B..... ............................ 1 9 9 '01 CHRYSLER SEBRING CONV. STK#64173A ...... ................................ 1 2 ,9 9 0 '04 CHRYSLER PACIFICA $ a STK#70139A............................................. I ,-3 5 '05 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY STK#64544A ...................................... '04 CHRYSLER 300 1 STK#6887A0 ............................................... . '06 CHRYSLER TOWN AND COUNTRY $1 Q3Q9 STK#62305A........... .............. ........ 9 -- '05 CHRYSLER 300 STK#70366A............................. .. ... &$ 990 '05 CHRYSLER 300C $24A9n STK#7175A.............................................. 2 4 ,9 9 0 '97 DODGE INTREPID f f STK#68173A....................................... .......... $4 '02 DODGE NEON STK#64629A.................................................. 5 ,9 9 0 '01 DODGE CARAVAN 99 STK#61473A.................................................. ,$ '01 DODGE INTREPID STK#63653A.................................................. $6 ,9 9 '03 DODGE DURANGO STK#7176A ................................................... $ 9 '04 DODGE NEON $Q 99 STK#63173.................................................... '04 DODGE NEON ..9,4 0 STK#70733A ...................................................... A $l l '03 DODGE CARAVAN ""A STK#7121A ........................................... ............ '04 DODGE RAM 1500 $9.990 STK#64392A......... ...... .. ... ...... '03 DODGE RAM 1500 | STK#62684A.............I .................................. 1 9 99 '05 DODGE RAM 1500 TK#68019A... ................. '04 DODGE CARAVAN $ S TK .64358A ............................................. '04 DODGE CARAVAN STK#63163A............................... ............. '04 DODGE RAM QUAD CAB STK#63971A............................ ... '04 DODGE RAM 1500 STK#70519A............ '07 DODGE CALIBER STK#63993A..... .... .................. '05 DODGE MAGNUM STK 62726A. .................... .......... ..... '06 DODGE RAM 1500 STK,62398A...................................... 2,990, 3,990 4,990 9;,1990 7990 '05 DODGE RAM 3500 DIESEL a STK#70609A........... .......... ? ,. ..... 0' '06 DODGE CHARGER SRT8 STK#.70485A.... ..... ................................ 3 '02 FORD F250 ST K#70237A ...........................................' I. I '01 FORD MUSTANG STK#62501 B...................... ............ 2 9 '03 FORD EXPEDITION STK#63074A ............................................ ,99i 0 '04 FORD F150 STK#70681A.................................... ....... I '06 FORD MUSTANG STK#68168A ................................ ........... 9, '02 HONDA CIVIC STK#62193A.... ............................................. '02 HONDA CRV STK#62554A ............................................... 9 99 '03 HONDA CRV STK#60910A... ............................. '05 HONDA ELEMENT '1 '04 HYUNDAI SANTA FE '04 HYUNDAI SANTA FE STK#61980A................................................... $ 9 9 9 '97 JEEP WRANGLER 0 STK# 70645A........... .......... ....................... ,9 9 0 '04 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE , STK# 70269A......................................... 1 0 9 9 '02 JEEP WRANGLER STK'70779A .............................................. $ 1 9 '06 JEEP LIBERTY STK#64115A............................................. '05 JEEP WRANGLER STK#70537A ................................. .............. 06 MAZDA 3 $ STK#64367A.................. ...................... 1 , '04 MAZDA MIATA STK#62589A............................................. , '04 MITSUBISHI LANCER STK#7165A ................................................... u 9 0 '03 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 1 STK#7165A ........................................... ,9 9 0 '03 MITSUBISHI SPYDER STK#64730A... ....................I I........... ....... 1 3 06 PONTIAC G6 990 STK 62669A..:....................... .......... ....., '04 SATURN STK#63403A.............................................9 9 '05 SCION STK#68202A.. ........................................... , '03 TOYOTA RAV4 $1 5 STK# 62577A.... ............................. 9 '05 TOYOTA CAMRY STK# 61764A................. ............................ 6 , '05 VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT 99 '04 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE 0%9 STK#68021A........................................ I , m~ _-~ -~ ~ 'U m ~ - IO N ) I SE HABLA ESPA_ NOL PARLEZ VOUS FRAINCAIS & CREOLE STORE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:30AM 9PM SATURDAY: 8:30AM-* 9PM SUNDAY: ilAM 6PM t RESTRICTIONS APPLY TO "CHECKED, INSPECTED AND GUARANTEED SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. OFFERS EXPIRE DATE OF PUBLICATION. MUST PRESENT THIS AD AT TIME OF PURCHASE TO RECEIVE ADVERTISED OFFERS. ALL OFFERS TO QUALIFIED BUYERS. WITH APPROVED CREDIT. SAVINGS BASED OFF ORIGINAL MSRP. DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. PRICES PLUS TAX, TAG, TITLE & FEES. ALL VEHICLES SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. VEHICLES ADVERTISED MAY NOT ALL BE CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED VEHICLES, PLEASE SEE DEALER FOR SPECIFIC CERTIFICATIONS. ART FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. 71, I I At I a T in i Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 21, 2006 I1 w:l;HA Thurday Deembr 21 206 Srvig te comuntie soth o Lae Oeecobe Roadwatch Arrest Report Roadwatch for week of Dec. 18 Prepared by Florida Depart- ment of Transportation, District 1 Office, Bartdw. For additional information call (863) 519-2362. Motorists are reminded to wear safety belts and drive with caution, courtesy, common sense, and patience as they travel through work zones. Remember, speeding fines are doubled in work zones. Glades County S.R.-78: From U.S. 27 to Har- ney Pond Canal: Maintenance contract project No lane closures are anticipated, but motorists should expect slow moving traffic and possible delays while crews repair and replace guardrails. Hendry County U.S. 27: North of Clewiston to" S.R. 80: Maintenance project - No lane closures are anticipated at this time, but motorists should expect possible slow moving traf- fic and delays while crews work on guardrail replacement. Western Palm Beach County S.R. 15/U.S. 441, Pahokee: The $15.3 million, 6.6 mile construc- tion project includes classifica- tions milling & resurfacing, widening, subsoil removal, drainage, signing, signalization and utility relocations from east of Fifth Street to north of Hooker Hwy. Project features for the entire corridor include: wider travel lanes and shoulders with. new signing, new pavement markings and guardrail; a rein- forced driving surface; and drainage and utility enhance- ments. The construction, which began December 2004, is being performed by Community Asphalt Corp., and is expected to be complete January 2007. Restriction:.S.R. 15/U.S.441 is currently closed to traffic in each direction, between just north of Hooker Hwy. to the New Hope Charities property. Westbound motorists are detoured west on Southern Boulevard (S.R. 80) to U.S. 98 (S.R, 700) to Muck City Road and to State Market Road. Motorists traveling from Belle Glade are detoured west on S.R. 80, north on S.R. 715, west on Lake Avenue, and north on East' Main Street to Fifth Street to South Padgett Circle and continue to State Marker Road in both direc- tion to the Town of Pahokee. . Maintenance, Utility and Per- mit Closures: B,_ d Restriction:. PGA Blvd. between Florida's Turnpike and the east entrance to Mirasol is cur- renti' under construction. West- bound and eastbound traffic will be directed to the south side of PGA Boulevard. Access to Mirasol -walkway will only be available from the roundabout at the north end of Mirasol Drive. Restriction: There will be a periodic closure of the outside shoulder lanes on the Blue Heron Blvd. Bridge o'er the Intracoastal \\Waterwav in Riviera Beach, Mon- day, Dec. 18, through Friday, Dec. 23, for sign installation. Restriction: There will be inter- mittent nighttime lane closures on northbound and southbound 1-95 in Palm Beach County (Hills- boro Road to Indiantown Road.), 9 p.m. until 5:30 a.m., Sunday, Dec. 17, through Friday morning, Dec. 22, to repair sign structures damaged by Hurricane Wilma. Restriction: There <\ ill be inter- mittent lane closures on the Indiantown Road. Bridge on S.R.. 706 over the Intracoastal Water- way in Jupiter, 9 a.m. until 3 p.m., Thursday Dec. 21, for bridge repairs. Police act quickly to make arrest By Ideybis Gonzalez Cle\ islon New\'s CLEWVISTON On Dec. 6 at approximately 8 p.m. \vhile cooking dinner at his hgmne,Sam. Walker was surprised to realize his truck was missing outside the home: r "Am I missingsomething?" he asked his wife, Luan, thinking she had maybe played a harm- less joke on him. Once-he found out it was no joke, Mr. Walker called the. Clewiston Police Department. What followed, the Walkers say, was a display of utter profes- sionalism. Officer Justin Spience took all the necessary informa- tion and alerted law enforce- ment agencies in the immediate area that the truck was missing. In only a few minutes,. A Hendry County Sheriff's Deputy, radioed the police department after sporting a vehicle on U.S. 27 that matched the description. SThe two law agencies joined in pursuing the suspect, who tried to flee through a back road after officers turned on their sirens. When-it seemed that the suspect might get away, the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office intercepted the fugitive and used stop sticks to bring the vehicle to a full stop and arrest the driver of the stolen vehicle. So impressed were the Walk- ers with how quickly the lawv enforcement agencies acted to recover their truck that they offered to give the Clewiston Police Department Explorers $500 as a thank you gift. The gift represents thecou- ples' appreciation for the police department "for being on task and for their professionalism," said Ms. Walker. Staff Writer Ideybis Gonzalez can be reach at igonzalez@newszap.com. This column lists arrests, not convictions,. unless otherwise stated. Anyone who is listed here and who is later found not guilty, or has the charges against them dropped, is welcome to inform the newspaper. We will confirm the information and print it. Western Palm Beach County Belle Glade Michael Steward, 32, of Northwest Avenue F, Belle Glade, was arrested on Dec. 13, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with selling cocaine within 1,000 feet of a place of worship or a busi- ness. o* Charles Williams, 43,. of Southwest Sixth Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Dec. 14, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with violation of probation - burglary of a structure or con- veyance. No bond was set. '* Latoya D. Wright, 22, of, .Southwest Seventh Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Dec. 11, by PBSO on a warrant charging her with violation of probation - violation of injunction for protec- tion against domestic violence. She is being held without bond. Bobby Lee Laws, 52, of West Avenue A, Belle Glade, was arrest- ed on Dec. 14, by PBSO on a war- rant charging him with parole vio- lation robbery without use of a deadly weapon, resisting officer with violence. He is being held without bond. Herminio P. Hernandez, 44, of Southeast Fourth Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Dec. 14, b\ PBSO on a warrant charging him with failure to appear -: aggravated stalking. He is being held without bond. Jeremiah Jenkins, 22, of 14th Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Dec. 14, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with domestic bat- tery. He was released on super- vised release program. Ziataivian Griffin, 22, of West Canal South Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Dec. 14, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with violation of probation violation of supervised release robbery by sudden snatching burglary of a structure or conveyance. He was released into a supervised release program. . Leonard James Brown, 20, of S.R. 715, Belle Glade, was arrested on Dec. 14, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with selling cocaine within 1,000 feet of a. place of worship or business. He is being held without bond. He was also charged with possession of marijuana with intent to sell within 1,000 feet of a place of worship and possession of mari- juana not more than 20 grams. No bond was set. . Damain Graham, 21, of East Avenue 22, Belle Glade, was arrested on Dec. 16, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with failure to appear on a written promise to appear failure to appear for sta- tus check on Nov. 27, 2006 for charges of attempted first degree murder with a firearm and aggra- vated assault with a firearm. He is being held without bond. Tavaris Stewart, 22, of North- west Avenue A, Belle Glade, was arrested on Dec. 16, by PBSO and charged with possession of cocaine with intent to sell; posses- sion of cocaine and possession of marijuana not more than 20 grams and resisting officer with violence. He is being held without bond. Victor Leger, 23, of South- east Third Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Dec. 17, by PBSO and charged with criminal mischief with damage of $1,000 or more and possession of drugs with intent to sell. He was later release on a surety bond. Jean Ulysse, 41, of South- west Avenue B Place, Belle Glade, was arrested on Dec. 17, by PBSO and charged with domestic .bat- tery. No bond was set. Pahokee Denarious Jones, 18, of Pope Court, Pahokee, was arrested by PBSO and charged %with failure to" appear for arraignment on June 13, 2006 for charge of battery. No bond was set. Therian D. Atkins, 21, of West Fifth Trail, Pahokee, was arrested on Dec. 14, by PBSO and charged with violation of proba- tion burglary of a dwelling, grand theft, possession of burgla- ry tools and petit theft. No bond assete. James E. Jackson, 19, of Carissa Drive, Pahokee, was arrested on Dec. 17, by PBSO on a warrant and charged with operat- ing a. vehicle without a valid license violation of probation. He was booked for Hillsborough. County Sheriff's Office. He is being held on no bond;: Warren Contel Wells, of. Doveland Drive B, Pahokee, was arrested on Dec. 17, by PSO and charged with a weapon offense - missile into dwelling, vehicle, building or aircraft; battery and possession of marijuana not more than 20 grams. He is being held on no bond. Bernard Jones, 43, of Bacom Point Road, Pahokee, was arrest-, ed on Dec. 18, by PBSO on a war- rant charging him with aggravat- ed battery on a pregnant person- violation of pretrial release condi- tions for domestic violence. He is being held without bond. South Bay Terryl McLemore, 18, of. Northwest 10th Avenue, South Bay, was arrested on Dec. 12, by. West Palm Beach Police Depart- ment and charged with posses- sion of marijuana with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver. No bond was set. . Charlie Conev, 78, of Harrell Drive, South Bay, was arrested on Dec. 13, by PBSO and charged with aggravated battery using a deadly weapon. No bond was set. Zavion Gilyard, 21, of South- west Ninth Avenue, South Bay, was arrested on Dec. 14, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with robbery with a firearm and grand theft with a firearm. He is being held without bond. Zavion Gilyard, 21, of South-; west Ninth Avenue, South Bay, was arrested on Dec. 14, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with robbery with a firearm and grand theft. He is being held without bond. Exekil Antone Flowers, 25, of Northwest 10th Avenue, South Bay, was arrested on Dec. 14, by PBSO and charged with aggravat- ed assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill. Anetra Iliana Hobbs, 23, of. U.S. Hwy 27 South, South Bay, was arrested on Dec. 15, by PBSO and charged with smuggling con- traband into a detention facility and possession of marijuana - under 20 grams. She was released on a surety bond. Cornelius Jones, 29, of Northwest Sixth Street, South Bay, was arrested on Dec. 16, by PBSO and charged with domestic bat- tery. He was released into a super- vised release program. Patrick Vickers, 24, of South- west Virginia Lane, South Bay, was arrested on Dec. 16, by PBSO and charged with robbery with a firearm and aggravated battery using a deadly weapon. No bond was set. Canal Point ,Desmond Ricketts, 25, of Lake Shore Drive, Canal Point, was arrested on Dec. 12, by PBSO and charged with crimes against a person specific felony commit- ted attempted felony murder. He was released on a surety bond. Glades County e Juan Gaona-Benitez, 22, of Labelle, was arrested on Dec. 8, by Det. Steve Harris on the license suspended. He was later released on a $2,000 surety bond. Detmetrius Hollis, 20, of Hillsborough County was arrest- ed on Dec. 8, by Deputy Don Watts and charged with smug- gling contraband into prison. He was held on $5,000 bond. Nicholas Graham, 41 of Ohio, was arrested on Dec. 8, by FHP Trooper Parks on an active Highlands County warrant. He was later released on a $1,000 surety bond. David Santos, 37, of Moore Haven was arrested on Dec. 9, by Deputy Richard Ermeri and charged with smuggling contra- band into prison. He was being held on $5,000 bond. Michael Harvey, 22, of Moore Haven, was arrested on Dec. 11, by SPD Officer Jackson and charged with possession of a controlled substance (Xanax). He was being held on $4,999 bond. JILJui --LL1[LlLD -STEEM IO P. ........ R.Panel V.Crimp Low-Profile Curved "S"T Panel Flashing Corrugated "S" Panel Z-Pur* Heavy Duty Decking Standing Seam 243 Florida Ave., NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Local 863-946-1804 Long Dma.ce o--00704. T13 - Go to newszap com to download and print coupons online! Y Comm unt Directoryustma Cl w newszap.com SCommunity Links. Individual Voices. WE'LL DO ALL YOUR DIRTY WORK $ 7.95 EVEMBARQT" HIGH-SPEED INTERNET 2 9N/MO FOR AS LONGAS YOU HAVE IT. fi'fI c- li. j I;: .. i A. j rpi,- A upi r-3 1 ,. 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New EMBARQM High-Speed Intemet customers can request Netflix offer codes at embarq.com/netflix within 45 days of purchase. The one-time-use offer code is valid for one month of Netflix service on the 1 DVD at-a-thme plan and is not redeemable or refundable for cash. One-month-free offer cannot be combined with any other offer. Limit one per household. Internet access and valid payment method required to redeem oiler. You will be asked to provide a credit card number to act s a security deposit for the DVDs; however you will not be charged during your free month. At the end of your complimentary period, if you are enjoying Netflix, do nothing and your membership wil automatically continue for a flat fee of $9.99 a monh plus applicable taxes. For more details, please visit www.netflix.com for complete terms and conditions. Netfilx reserves the right to change terms and conditions at any time. EMBARQ is not affiliated with Netflix or this offer. 0 2006 Embq Holding Company LLC.All rights reserved. The name EMBARQ and the jet logo are trademarks of Embarq Holdings Company LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. EMB1-061414 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeec hobee Thursday, December 21, 9006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Residents reminded about toy safety for holidays TALLAHASSEE The Florida Department of Health (DOH) aiid the Safe Kids Florida Coali. lion remiind Florida residents and visitors to put safety first when purchasing toys and gifts for children during Ihe holiday season. Parents and caregivers can make sure they are choosing safe toys for their children by paying close attention to warn- ing label aid nidniufacturers' guideline "More than three billion toys and games are sold in :he United States every year," said DOH Sec- retary M. Rony Frangois, M.D., M.S.P.H., Ph.D. "If the manufac- turer sets a minimum age or, other restrictions, there is a wise reason. It is, therefore, impera- tive for both children and parents to carefully follow the instruc- tions." Nationwide, approximately 160.100' children per year ages 14 and under are treated in emer- gency rooms fT- toy-related injuries; nearly half of these chil- dren arc under age five., The Safe Kids Florida Cudli- tion recoinmfiids the following precautions: Use a small parts tester (avail- able in quantity from the Safe Kids Resource Catalog) or the cardboard tube from a roll of toi- let paper to identify choking haz- ards. Do not let small children play with anything that can fit into one of these cylinders. Inspect toys to make sure they are in good repair. Do not let young children play with toys that have straps, cords or strings longer than seven inches, due to the risk of strangulation. Supervise children playing with any toy that has small parts, moving parts, electrical or bat- tery power, cords, wheels or any other potentially risky compo- nent. Simply being in the same room as your child is not neces- sarily supervising. Active supervi- sion means keeping the child in sight and in reach as well as pro- viding undivided attention. Teach children to put toys away after playing to help pre- vent falls and unsupervised play. Also make sure that toys intend- ed for younger children are stored separately from those for older children. Toy chests should be equipped or retrofitted with safety hinges ltht prevent the lid from closing on a child who is leaning o\er the open chest; if a chest -does not have safety hinges, remove the lid. The Safe Kids Florida coalition works to prevent accidental childhood iniur\, the leading killer of children 14 and under. Safe Kids Florida is a member of Safe Kids Worldwide, a global network of organizations dedi- cated to presenting accidental injury. Safe Kids Florida's lead organization is the Florida Department of Health. DOH promotes and protects the health and safety of all peo- ple in Florida through the deliv- ery of quality public health serv- ices and the promotion of health care standards. For more infor- mation, please visit the DOH W\eb site at: www.doh.state.fl.us. For more information about toy safety, please visit the DOH Web site -and select Injury Prevention from the drop box or %isit the SAFE KIDS website at wwwv.satkkids.org New greens for holiday gift-giving By Dan Culbert' JIF IFAS Extension Horticulture Agent Tired of the same old holiday gilts? Scared ot gift cards and shop-I ping malls" \\'Want something more personal than cash" :Consider visit- ing a local nursery, florist or garden shop and give something green and gro\wii ig lor the holidays. Last week I visited the University ot Florida campus in Gainesville One of my slops was the horticul- ture greenhouses, filled with poin- seltias gown for the annual field day. I ry o visit this event each year to see \'hat's new and hot and took several photos for our county Extension home page. But Christmas is not just for trees and poinsettias. Besides "Big Red", other plants that were being evalualed by ULF 'wvee Cyclamen., a new version of an old favorite, Snowflake Euphorbia, a "weed" that's been dressed up for the holi- days. and an Australia import that looks like nothing I've ever seen before, Reindeer Paws. Poinsettias are big business How hig are holiday flower and plant sal's' I checked the latest fig- utes nrmm USDA, and found that more Poinsettias are sold than any other potted flowering plant. With 112 million US households in 2006 spending $49 million on flowers and decorative plants, it's not sometl ing to ignore. How much of this is comes from the old red favorite? During the holidays, the average US home- owner spends about $3.50 on pot- ted plants. While orchid sales are gaining, poinsettias account for about $2.50 of those sales. If you want some tips on Poin- settia care, we can help you out. I'd like to point out a couple of tips that can help select that perfect poinsettias: Look at the yellow center flower bud to determine fresh- ness: For the longest lasting deco- ration, choose a plant that does not show yellow pollen, and be sure that it shows no evidence of molding or rotting. High quality plants will have un-broken stems and lolt of green leaves. Abused plants have been exposed to temperature extremes or drafty conditions that shorten the shelf life of poinsettias. New Crops for the Holidays The field day was not just for Poinsettias. UF Professor Dr. Jim Barrett also included a few other plants in his evaluations. This gave growers and consumers a chance to take a look at new and novel plants that can diversify the holiday plant pallet. Here are the new ones from this year's field day: Cyclamen: This old-time holi- day plant provides a long-lasting splash of color to long winter nights in your home. Imagine a red, pink or white flowery pinwheel growing above a Lightly clumped dark green Rezone Continued From Page 1 problems, and the possible crimi- nal activities of apartment ten- ants. Larry- Hilton, community development director, presented the staff report and recommenda- tion of the Glades County Plan- ning and Zoning Board. The report states, "It is unlikely that the proposed change could detri- mentally impact any nearby resi- dential property. The develop- ment proposals would only have a marginal affect on traffic consid- ering its highway location." County Attorney Richard Pringle reminded the .commis- leaved plant, then you can picture a pretty Cyclamen. They are a bit uncommon in garden center and more expensive than Poinsettias. It takes two years to grow full-sized Cyclamen from seed to their winter flowering splendor. While Northern garden- ers may coax several years out of a Cyclamen, growing conditions in the home are not ideal for this Mediterranean beauty in our Flori- da Yards. Enjoy them, and then send it north with a snowbird. The new addition on display at the UF Trials was "Super Series Compact Wine Red Cyclamen." This variety from Holland has lots of deep w-ine-red colored flowers with variegated foliage. Plants bloom a lot and last a long time, with flowers that do not fade. Plants stac\ compdti even unclip hot conditions, which makes bet- lei for indoor use. FloraStar, an organization that tests and pro- motes new container grown uorl d- mentals, has awarded this cycla- men cullivdr a Gold Star! sioners that their decision on rezoning should consider factual evidence only. He added that the decision is about land use, and not on other issues such as traffic, roads or drainage. Those issues can be discussed at a later date with the developer and residents. The ordinance amendment to rezone the tract of land in Glades Little Ranches was approved by the board of commissioners. In other business, County Attorney Pringle initiated the reor- ganization of the board, which becomes necessary after an elec- tion. The board re-elected Butch Jones as chairman, and Paul Beck was elected vice chairman. The county commissioners meeting of Dec. 12 lasted three and one-half hours I Save money on your favorite grocery items. SGo to newszap corn to download an Dprint coupons onlinel t SlnewsZap.cUm Communiy Links Individual Voices , L-------------------- - [863) 983-4484 Have news? Share it! Pos YorNw INIlBarbara Oehlbeck An original, beautiful wreath can be made from Sago Palm fronds. Wreath Continued From Page 1 sliow. as you see in this photo- graph. A simple red bow and a clus- tet of Christmas bells saved of course froni:, ear to year.l and that's all there is to it. You might say, this is the s reath that's a Florida tradition. A similar \Tealh can be made frnm boughs rof cedar. It does take a bit more i"doing" but it's a mighty piettn' wreatl-i that not only looks like Christmas, its spicy fragrance is the essence of the day itself. Short. pliable boughs are best to use and they're easier to work with if they're soaked a few hours in warm water. And naturally you'll need a good many more pieces of w\ire to attach the short boughs to the wire ring. You'll probably be surprised at some remarks you'll hear about your own 'original' wreath when friends and neighbors discover what you've made how easy it was to make how beautiful it is, and how much it did not cost. Luckey Continued From Page 1 Elijah, 9, all of whom enjoy the great outdoors, especially when the family goes camping. It would have been easy for Stella to take a passive role in starting a new school since she is raising three children, but she did- n't do that. She started a new library, a new library program and her art- work made that library unique to West Glades School. She is an integral part of the technology acquisition plan and assists in installing new technology and teaching teachers how to use it. She produces the morning show every day. She writes and receives grants that are not just for the media program. The entre school benefits from the money she acquires. She is also the planner and implementer of Accelerated Reading celebrations, Children's Book Week, Family reading Night and other programs that benefit all students If this weren't enough, Mrs. Luckey is also trained and gifted in painting and drawing. One of her most outstanding art accomplishments is a mural on the library wall at West Glades It is a painting of a panther, the school mascot, in a mammoth oak tree. The work is approxi- mately five feet high and twelv.'e feet long. Letter Continued From Page 1 ious to see and which does not occur anywhere else. "They are going to destroy us and our way of life," Ms. Peterson said. Wally Prescott, of Save Our Creeks, read a letter that was sent' to Glades County commissioners and some newspaper editors. It was written by J. William Louda, an environmental chem- istry professor of Florida Atlantic University. Mr. Louda said in his letter, "Look beyond the almighty dollar and do what is right - reverse your decision on this plant. There are many viable and likely as lucrative alternatives." Most of the speakers at the public hearing left before the end of the county meeting. They left before county commissioners gave their comments in support of the proposed power plant. K.S. "Butch" Jones, chairman of the board, explained his stand on the board's decision to accept FPL's offer to build a power plant. He mentioned that he believed the environmental impact is negli- gible. He said, "If anyone thinks I would sacrifice Glades County environment's health for 21 mil- lion, you have been badly mistak- en. The heritage that has been passed on to me is to be good stewards of our land, and I con- sider that to be a priority today." Mr. Jones said that the east and west coast of Florida are upset that the Glades Power Park may have negative effects on their counties, yet they want Glades county to accept their county's garbage and prisoners; and they want the Glades area to store watet for them in case of drought, flooding the Glades to'keep their own estuaries from flooding. Butch Jones also said, "I have to consider the poverty that exists in this county, which is tremen- dous." He further said that the salaries in the coastal counties are two or three times higher than what is found locally, and that the jobs generated by the power plant will be triple what the average annual income is. Hugo Geistman, an Ortona resident, openly voiced his respect for environmentalists and what they do. However, when he spoke at the public hearing he was also critical of their priorities. "One thing that keeps coming to my mind is, where are you all when all these cane fields get burned?" asked Mr. Geistman. "How come you're not out there? Where were you when all the ler- tilizers got into the river? "There are a lot bigger prob- lems out there with the environ- ment than the power plant. I feel that the power plant is going to pollute less than the sugar cane that it is going to replace," he said. S StaffWriterNenaBolan can be reachedatnenabolan@yahoo.com. *=CUSTOM 4 METAL BUILDINGS 130 mph pricing 2Ux25x9 Ambassador Vertical Roof (2:12 Pitch) 1 Roll-up Door, 2 Gable Vents S O.QA7** Same Day Service Lab On Premises Repairs & Relines While You Wait ......... wiiI w........... -, w ,, vuu Spike and Doc MDI Implants No More loose Dentures MERCER DENTAL CLINIC FREE CONSULTATIONS On US41, South Fort Myers 1-866-226-9400 General Anesthesia Available For Extractions Toll Free The patient and any'other person responsible for payments has a righl to refuse to pay, cancel payment or be reimbursed for payment for ny other service, examination or Treatment that is perform d as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, dilscounled fee or reduced fee service, examination orrsatment. 3Ux35x9 Executive Vertical Roof (3:12 Pitch) 2 Roll-up Doors, 1 Walk-in Door, 1 Window, 2 Gable Vents $21,923** I'; .'. . . l... concrete a station f ( p id I h1 L'uhlir-ohd Ltiigfli Florid a "Samped" Engineered Plans 877-951-2300 Metal Systems Plus, LLC www.metatsystemsplus.com PLUS: Buy it/Sell it Classifieds and Advertising Opportunities for Page Banners, Tiles, and Sponsored Links .I wzap.co. Community Links. Individual Voice s. TME UL7MATE COMWUNITY WESWMT L Calendar or V,-venv. j---;t is 71,?.W LID) :301 Thursday, December 21, 2006 ..: 4:1 Letters to Santa All I want for Christmas... Editors note: This week we feature letters to Santa from area children. They have been typeset just as the children wrote them. Central Elementary Dear Santa; I have been very good this year. All I want for Christmas is to be with my family. Every Christmas we like to open pres- ents together and my mom video tape us. From, Albert Dear Santa; What I want for Christmas is a remote control car, a laptop computer, a baby doll, a toy puppy, a toy box ballerina and money. I have been mostly good this year. We open presents one, at a time and I can't wait until it is my turn. Thankyou, Daisy Dear Santa; I was so good. An want for Christmas is a and a puppy. Marry C Santa we open pre home. Dear Santa; I have been good th would you give me son want more than I am ask you for so I want th army trick, and I wan game. Thank you Santa Dear Santa; I have been very g year. All I want for Chris be with my family. Eve mas, we like to open and my mom video tape d what I -,.. . a Peter Pan movie. I woul like if you could get me these things for Christmas Tha Mr. Maintain - second grade Dear Santa; I would like a dirt b Christmas. I have not bee but I am going to be bette it to me and I will show yc year. Have a good trip. Dear Santa; I want a Brasz. I want a the Sim pet. I want a play 3. I want a DS. I want a x want a bake oven. DearSanta; I want heelys and a n .truck with a xbox360. I toy of rian marstirio and wheeler. Summer Dear Santa; hristmas. Would you give me *sents at and a bike for Christmas. you give mrne a dora housi Love, Barbie doll. \\Would you gi Jessica smile and a gameboy. is year so me toys. I DearSanta; going to I wont a game boy gami he Ben 10 Pokemon. I wot a Po t a video 'spahh avn game. 0, and S' Juan. Love, Dear Santa; Trever Crismrus is corning soc you me ten things' Thai good lhis always giving me present tmas is to of my gifts is a rninv motoi ry Christ- 'your presents s us. Dear Santa; Love, I wot a spidrmen game Jennyfer a DS IwonaXnmen. Dear Santa; I am very good in school and with my parents. I want a four wheeler, a com- puter, video game, a baby doll, money and a remote control car. I love them all very much. Thank you, Maria Dear Sama; What I want for Christmas is a hummer and a puppy and video games. I also want money and a four wheeler. Love, .... .. Jessica. Dear Santa; I have, been- very good at home for my mom and dad. So I want a Barbie doll, a puppy and Love, Dario Dear Santa; I want some heels and a play station and four wheeler and x- box 360 and go car and a dirt bike and a MP3 player. Your friend, Victor DearSanta; I cannot wait to see you. I won't all of theys things. 1 want a Bratz cake and a Bratz Pool and DS. Love, Brianna Dear Santa; I have been very well behaved this .ear. I want a new bike for Christmas. I want a new d really play station for Christmas. I want one of a new bed for Christmas. I want s. a new blanket for Christmas. I nkyou, want a book for Christmas. I Abby want a new Heelys for Christ- mas. Love, Tatiana Dear Santa; These are the things that I ike for want for Christmas. I want a n good radio with speakers, a basket full r. Bring of candy and make up. I want ou next Heelys and purses and ear rengs too and some Christmas tree and Love, a snow flake with a picture on it Nick and some toys and a board with marker. And a little dimen doll game, and nails and some money. stashn Love, c-box. I Dian Love, Santa, do you like milk and Julissa cookies? Dear Santa; monster I want a cookie because they want a are good. But I want more. Do you a four know this question? When is Christmas?- From,. From, Jose AmandaWalker Dear Santa; a braz I have been good all year. I want Would the card scanning game. Santa I e and a missed you. I want Heelies 'e me a because they have wheels. From, Love, Gaven Rednour )iandra DearSanta: I am good. I want a Robil Mega- ne called zord and Train Mode. And I want a' kemon Tiger Firebird Megazord. d love, From, Oscar Glavan Dear Santa; )n. Can I an- good' Can you bring me a nks for pair of \\heelies' I want them is. One because I have been good. cycle. From, friend, Courtney Owens Devon Dear Santa; I am good. I arn helpful. I \\ant a e. I wot Criss Cross Crash. I am being good. I like \ ou. From, KaneAragus Dear Saina: I am good. How are \'ou' I w\ant a snowboard and a skateboard. I skate. I also %want a pool, a jump rope, and a football. I want puz- zles, an electric guitar, a four- wheeler, and a camou and ai row, too. Dear Santa; I have been good. Santa. I want Bratz, co love my family. I want 1 bears Happy holidays S you very much. Be safe. To Dear Santa; I am good. I want a diary. Iwant Heelies. I want a princess doll. I want an Amanda toy. I want a ball. From, CindyAntonio Dear Santa; I just want for Christrr cars. I have been good. I v with them. Bi Dear Santa; I am good. Santa Claus I home of Dora because December. I will playwith it NelliM Mrs.Davis- first grade SDear Santa; How are you doing?' you are good. I want Gato ball. DearSanta; I want a Packers har Packers pants. I like ril I pants. I hope you ant sike. Dear Santa; I \want a hunting gun a gag gun and a bow and Plez get me a hownd dog. Dear Santa; I want a dirt bike and a ball to. And some things Davis. How are your Eli Sour ells a brake. Dear Santa; I want a litll bear. I wa. puppy. I %want a purple bike Your Dear Santa; How are you doing? Mrs. Claus? How\ are your e YouI Devyn Dear Santa; I want a little puppy. And a stlu bear. I want a pink bike. SYour friend. Legacy ullage bowt Dear Santa; For Christmas, I want a T.V From, and a new bookbag. And some MattSmith books. How are you doing? 'Your friend, I lo\e you Sonni computers. I Dear Santa; Heelies and I[want a pool for Christmas. I Santa. I love want a go cart for Christmas. I want a new bike for Christmas. From, )'our friend, noy Melton Cameron Dear Santa; I want a book for Christmas. I want a car for Christmas. I want a big dog for Christmas. Your friend, Kimb Dear Santa; How are your elf you for all you done hope I will see you ag some woke tokes. I wanit Dear Santa; -I like I want a bike for Christmas and a big dog and a car. From, Your friend love, !Blanco Rylee Mrs. Toledo's - first grade hope Dear Santa; I foot. I love you Santa. Do you love me too? Santa % ill you brin me a Love. present? Please brin me a bike. Brooks From, Jokeria Crawford nil and Packers Love, Payton STA oN nd a20 MOBILE HOMES arrow. Love. " Eastan . baskets Quality Homes at Discounted Prices! for Mis Homes From the Low $50's. s. Gi e Turn Key Packages Available. Family Owned Since 1981. Love, Lane JACOBSEN S. FLe oo. HOMES nt a liltl rend. 5cotBilt 1o0l1ME5 r friend. Cristina FIT, IT'l'' l 1i1 il'II; iI Clewiston LaBelle 1312W Sugarland Hwy 231 W. I Apoocee 863-983-8106 863-675-6622 Punta Gorda 5041 Duncran Rd *941-505-0041 Dear Santa; May I have a present from Snta Clause? I lisn to my mom. From, AbbyHogan early Hogan Dear Santa; May I have a Bratz doll for s? I thnke Christmas because I help my e for me. I mom to den her toom and help ain. I want my dad to clen the car or help my brother to den his room. I want a Your friend, Bratz doll. Stinteria Teckyouu Santa. From, Arocely Dear Santa; I love you Santa. I wish I can come to the North Pole.. I wut xbox360 and a play station. From, James Stephens I Go to newszap.com to I I download and print I . I coupons online! I L -. J Unlimited Hours S One SFull Year! 99 eM1231'11 FREE 2417 Live Technical Support Irianl Me .sa ng .eep your buddy list 10 c-man.r i do's with Spdam Prftct, ;iO C.us i Srltai P,a:e ves'; vAh & more' Surfup o 6 fster! ) '----juSIa more perfr"'l-- Sign Up Online! www.LocalNetcom S Cal Today & Save! ^oa Wet- 18& 12 V A/C & Heating Services p The Services Comrpany others are MEASURED BYI c COUPON I s K $25 OFF Any Services LnstLl aUon 0 Pool He-" $89 Clean and Check Refiageration cc1L. 5266 (863) 675-2878 r We're making a list of all the people we want to thank and your name is on it! We hope you get everything you've wished for this Christmas, and we thank you for being so good to us this year. Hendry County Supervisor of Elections Lucretia Strickland and Staff M J NOTICE The Okeechobee Utility Authority (OUA) will be receiving applications from Glades County Residents that would be interested in serving as a representative from Glades County to the OUA Board. Applicants must be residents of Glades County and live in the area serviced by OUA. Applications may be obtained at the OUA Office located at 100 SW 5th Avenue, Okeechobee, FL 34974 and will need to be completed and turned back in at the same address by January 11, 2007. For more informa- tion call the Office of the Executive Director at 863-763-946Q. Sr25% OFF ALL ACCESSORIES . & GIFTS : 863-674-0003 .. .. _0 A RAP IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY SON JEFF CLINTON BLACKMON FROM: (MOM) WINNIE BLACKMON EVERETT My son enjoyed Rapping Myison was murdered for no REASON. But God got justice in the right SEASON. Clint left with a smile on his FACE. God let me know he's in a better PLACE. Clint was Clint with so much LOVE Now he's sitting in Heaven ABOVE God plucked a rose that was mighty SWEET That's why God came and got this rose to KEEP It ain't no sunshine when you're GONE. But I know you got a better HOME. Mom misses your phone CALLS. But I know you're in Heaven standing TALL. Clint is chilling, sitting high in the SKY. So never say BYE. Clint is in Heaven enjoying Jesus, looking from the SKY. Clint doesn't have to try and make ends meet any MORE. Because Jesus got his front and back DOOR. So Clint words to you BE EASY. WALK EASY, TALK EASY. Because Clint in Heaven taking it EASY. REMEMBER I will seek the good that is in people and leave the bad to God, who made man kind, and knows how to round off the corners. Treasure Coast Dermatology Specializing in the Treatment of Skin Cancer ?b~4e4 d - %&~w~ Sea4ce 0leg,' S. Sanders, M.D., J.D. Cynthia J. Rogers, M.D. Tim lonnides, M.D. Mohs Surgery Diseases of Skin, Hair & Nails See A Board Certified Dermatologist Everytime Serving the corhmunities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 21, 2006 Letters to Santa Dear Santa; I have been trying to begood... Westside Elementary DearSanta; My name is Alexcia. I am 6 years old. I have been good. I would like a froggit. Love,Alexda Dear Santa; My name is Tyson. I am 7 years old. I have been good. I would like a shell shock. Love, Tyson Dear Santa; My name is Lizbeth. I am 7 years old. I have been trying to be good. I would like a little Boxre. Love, Uzbeth Dear Santa; My name is Denise. I am 7 years old. I have been trying hard. I would like dolls. Love, Denise. Dear Santa; My name is Victor. I am 6 years old. I have been good. I would like acar. Thankvou Love, Victor SDearSanta; My name is Victoria. I am 6 years old. I have been good. I would like a Barbie house and a babydoll. Love, Victoria DearSanta; My name is Mariah. I am 6 years old. I have been good. I would like a brbdol. Love, Mariah DearSanta; My name is Marleidys. I am 7 years old. I have been gud., Would like a babe dol; Ilovu. Love, Marleidys Dear Santa; My name is Sara. I am 7 years old. I have been good. I would like relle horse. Love, Sara Dear Santa; My name is Jade. I am 7 years old. I have been trying to be good. I would like more little pet shop pies. Love, Jade DearSanta; My name is Tamynisha. I am 7 years old. I have been chriyen hord. Iwill like aril hors. Love, Tamynisha Dear Santa; My name is Fred. I am 7 years old. I have been good. I would like axbox360. Thinkyou, Love, Fred DearSanta; My name is Alejandro. I have bin gud. I would like a real horse. Thankyou Dear Santa; My name is Jarek. I a half. I have been trying would like a pet lizard. bring me a doll. Love, Zarriele Hodges Dear Santa; My name is Jose Mendez. I am six years old. I am in first grade. I have been good. Please bring me toys. Dear Santa; My name is Mikala am 6 years old. I am i have been good. Plea ball. DearSanta; My name is Deon Tull. I am seven years old. I am in first grade. I have been a good boy. Please bring me a toy. Love, DeonTull Dear Santa; Love, My name is Vanessa. Jose Mendez years old. I am in first grad been a good girl. Please bi ah Johnson. I present Dog. n first grade. I se bring me a Love, Mikalah Johnson Dear Santa; My name is Juan Pena. I am 6 years old. I am in first grade. I have been good. Please bring me a toy. Love, Juan Pena Dear Santa; My name is Priscilla. I am 8 years old. I am in first grade. I have been good. Please bring me toys. Love, PriscilaRamos Dear Santa; My name is Javier \illingham I am 8 years old. I am in first grade. I have been good. Please bring me a toy. Love, JavierWillingham Dear Santa; My name is Julie Valdes. I am seven years old. I am in first grade. I have been good. Please bring me a babydoll. Love, Julie Valdes Dear Santa; My name is Bailey Abrams. I am six years old. I am in first grade. I have been good. Please bring me a doll. Love, Bailey Abrams Dear Santa; My name is Jocelvn. I am 6 years old.. I am in first grade. I have been good. Please bring me presents. Love, Jocelyn Martinez Dear Santa; My name is Daniel Martinez. I am seven years old. I am in first grade. I have been good. Please bring me crish crash cars. Love, Daniel Martinez Dear Santa; My name is Kashaytavia. I am 6 years old. I am in first grade. Please bring me a toy. Love, Kashaytavia Gibson Dear Santa; My name-.a Joshua. I am 6 years old I am in first rade. I have been good. Please bring me toys. Mrs. Penuel's class Dear Santa; My name is Janessa. I a S Love, years old. I am in first grade Alejandro been a good girl. Please bring dog and a Barbie doll that m 6 and a any place I go. And a new my best. I tion Bratz, and some Bra too. Love, Jarek DearSanta; My name is Zoie C. I am 7 years old. I have been good. I would like a real puppy. Love, Zoie Dear Santa; My name is Jocelyn. I am 7 years old. I have been good. I would like ababydoll. Love, Joceyn Mrs. Bellamy first grade Dear Santa; My name is Courtney Berry. I am seven years old. I am in first grad. I have been good. Please bring me a laptop. Love, Courtney Dear Santa; My name is Dylan Nease. I am seven years old. I am in the first grade. I have been good. Please bring me a four will. Love, Dylan Dear Santa; My name is Justin Perez. I am eight years old. I am in the first grad. I have been good. Please bring me a toys. Love, Justin Perez Dear Santa; My name is Neyton Velasquez. I am 6 years old. I am in first grade. I have been good. Please bring me Jurassic Park toys. Love, Neyton Velasquez DearSanta; My name is Keelyn Sanchez. I am six years old. I am in first grade. I have been good. Please bring me a horse named Butterscotch. Love Keelyn Sanchez. Dear Santa; My name is Ricardo Ascencio. I am eight years old. I am in first grade. I have been good. Please bring me a four wheeler. Love, RicardoAscencio Dear Santa; My name is Zarrielle Hodges. I am six years old. I am in first grade. I have been good. Please Dear Santa; My name isBrooke. I years old. I am in first grade been good. Please bring game and a baby doll, ba and a pink sweder. Brool Dear Santa; My name is Florecita. years old. I am in first grade been good. Please bring cubeir and meckup and and sum pensols and a p and sum books and a doll. Dear Santa; My name is Betsy. I am old. I am in first grade. I very good in class. Please 1 a toy, a book about a skooder, a hat, a crimes t rabbit, and a cage for my b Dear Santa; My name is Sophia. I ax old. I am in first grade. I hai good girl. Please bring m phone and skate shoes a pack that roles. Dear Santa; My name is Jose. I am old. I am in first grade. I ha\ good boy. Please bring r tillus. Dear Santa; My name is Humber years old. I am in first gr been good. Please brini gun. Dear Santa; My name is Julie. I ar old. I am in first grade. I h good. Please bring me a gi Dear Santa; My name is Joby. I ar old. I am in first grade. I h good. I love Christmas. Pie me a dog and a cat and a r DearSanta; My name is Metrius. I years old. I am in first gra been wateing for Christm bring me some sager man Dear Santa; My name is Elmer. I am old. I am in first grade. I h good. Please bring me a s( Dear Santa; Love, My name is Justin. Iam Joshua old I am in first grade. I ha good boy. Please brin remote control Jeep Wra a toy dudlly. m seven e. I have ng me a Dear Santa; can go My name is Johanna decora- years old. I am in first grad tz Dolls been a good girl. Please a naw bird and a pup Love, skoodr and a naw fish. Janessa am six Dear Santa; e. I have My name is Emmanui g me a years old. I am in first grad rbe doll been not so good. Please a logo batman, Emploar I Loe, Lego Star Wars ship, keJarvis kenobe and a anken. I am 8 Emnmani e. I have Dear Santa; g me a My name is Blake. I a a selfon old. I am in first grade. I ha )apback good boy. Please bring pack. I am 6 Dear Santa; My name is Jailene. I am 7 years old. I am in first grade. I have been waiting for you. Please being me a bike with no cheneneweas. Love, Jallene Mrs. Callahan Je. I nave Dear Santa; ring me a My name is Dakota Cardenas. I am seven years old. I want a goat Love, cart and xbox360 for Christmas. I Vanessa can notwart to Christmas. Dear Santa; six years My name is Luis Modruojo. I am have bin 7 years old. I want Rob and Finch bring me for Christmas. kitten, a Love, ree, a pet Luis ag. Dear Santa; Love, My name is Tanasjha Powell. I Betsy am 6 years old. I want Braz dol for Christmas. m 6 years I was good this yer. ve been a Love, ne a reel Tanasjha nd back- Dear Santa; My name is Joel Leyva. I am Love, seven years old. I want a bus and Sophia car for Christmas. I will you come bak. six years Love, ve been a Joel me a los DearSanta; My name is Tereza Domingo. I Love, am 7 years old. I ant dimands and Jose a [on for Christmas. Love Santa. . rto. I am 7 ade. I have g me a ray Love, Humberto n 6 years iave been utir. Love, Tereza Dear Santa; My name is Keonna Battle. I am 6 years old. I want a cheerleading thing on TV and my own room for Christmas. I want you to come to m\ house. Love, Keonna Love, Dear Santa; Julie MV name is Jacob. I am six years old. I want a firchrack and want a m 6 years rascar for Christmas. I hope you get iave been here on scegwool. ease bring Love, obit. Jacob Love Dear Santa; Joby My name is Esthella Luz Gonza- lez. I am 7 years old. am seven Iwantshus. de. I have Love, SPlease Esthella as. Please Dear Santa; . Love My name is Dinah McNair. I am Metrius 6 years old. I want the Dor cashreckssr and the Bug and Baby n y and table. I hope you come bak, iave beenars Santa and I hopeyou like mycook- iave been ies. :oodr. Dear Santa; Lover My name is Tristan Bulzacchelli. Elmer lam 7 years old. I want a loo and a book. I hopeyou like mycuckez. nsixyears K Love, ve been a stan ig me a Dear Santa; ngler and My name is Doraida Rodriguez. I am 7 years old. I want a pony and Love, hillies for Christmas. Justin I do like to shir inmy stuf. Love, i. I am 7 Doraida de. I have Dear Santa; bring me My name is Felix Yser. I am 7 y and a years old. I want a car and cras for Christmas. I hoop you coim back. Love, Love, Johanna Felix Dear Santa; el. I am 7 My name is Mauricio Perez. I am de. I have 7 years old. I want a fon and a rac bring me car. I whuz gud dis years. pov\puto. Love, obe- wan Maurido Dear Santa; Love, My name is Aina Sandoval. l am uelLopez 7 years old. I want a pool and a diminrig for Christmas. I cant wat m 7 years into you come, ve been a me a jet Dear Santa; Love, Alina Love, Love, My name is Adrian Cooke. I am Florecita Blake seven yrs ood. I wun a thasin dolrs and I kant wat to you coom. Dear Santa; My name is Natalie Porte six years old. I want Diomen's and make up foi mas. I want Santa to come want the Hannah Montana CD. Love, And also I want an easy bake oven. Adrian Also I want julery. And also I want a cheerleading costoam. I also want *ia. I am this cool hat. Oh and also I want a Brat's dress that has gleter on it. r Christ- e. Also I Love, Natalie BadderCntrl Prlms m dwgddna'tdsowy(dowl Let Homer Care Deliveed he! * Knowledgeable, trained staff to help you choose the best supplies * Products that professionals trust * Delivered right to your door I lIo,'i (:i' * Nurse on call to answer your product questions _1 -. k, lI ., Let us help vou manage incontinence today! 1 (800) 565-5644 www.HomeCareDelivered.com BoaB4Angel FREE 2-NIGHT VACATION! Donate Car Boat RV Motorcycle 1-800-227-2643 www.boatangel.com YOU'VE ONLY GOT ONE PAIR WE- FAMILY EYE CARE (863) 675-0761 SE ALESAO TOWN b COUNTRY H NI F-OM IMPPC2VRMENT T C TER Mobile Home, Home Supplies & Hardware Doors Windows Vanities Siding Skirting Shutters Tools Building Supplies Plumbing Electrical Jack N. Estes Owner I 1 S. San Benito St, Clewiston 863-983-3000 Cell: 228-6916 noticed our new colors? That's just the beginning of the good news. Now you get free online banking. Free bill pay. You get every financial service from A to Z, supported by up-to-the-minute technology. And the best news of all you won't give up that personal, small bank attention you like. Because that's how we like doing business, too. One-on-one. We may have a snazzy new name, but our good old-fashioned approach to banking hasn't changed a bit. So stop by soon. Or give us a call a real, live person still answers the phone. Feel good about your bank Seacoast NATIONAL BANK BIG LAKE NASDAQ SBCF 800-589-1 657 www.seacoastnatlonal.com A -.bsrdiarg .ot So -r,.v B;nkrnq C.-Dpwj3r..)r v For,dja 21"d Glales Health Care Center Skilled Long & Short Term Care Facility Healthcare Services Include: *Specialized Wound Care *Resident & Family Council Groups *Full Time Medical Director *Specialized HIV Care *Dialysis Support Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy *Alzherner's Support Groups *24 hour Registered Nurse Staffing Intravenous Therapy *Therapeutic Activities 230 South Barfield Highway Pahokee, Florida 33476-1834 PHONE: 561-924-5561 FAX: 561-924-9466 Other facilities in Gainesville & Bradenton Visit our website at www.floridacare.net Thursday, December 21,2006 I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee / RELIGION 15 Christmas 2006- a symbol that is also the real gift By Rev. Samuel S. Thomas, Ph.D.+ Saint Martin's Church, Clewiston Nothing changes a household like the coming of a baby. Life is turned upside down and things are never the same again. The sports car gives way to the van; new furniture arrives and extra space is found; neat living rooms are now in disarray with diaper bags, cradles and carriers; kitchens are now filled with baby bottles and jars of baby food; pets are no longer the center of atten- tion that they once were; hours that seemed filled before now have a new focus of constant attention to every detail, every movement, every sound. The new center of attention brings with him or her, a kind of joy that has been unknown; a new "glad tiding" and a new\ revelation to share with etern one imaginable The event is certainly a sacred one in each household no matter how many times it is repeated or how manr times it turns life upside down once more. Hardships may come, but they take a back seat when com- pared to the joy that comes with the newborn. Details are to be shared and J. " everyone wel- ...i comes the newcomer -- . and shares the ."'-' ' joy known by the new par- ents. It is by I --'. , this means that the Savior of the world Samuel S. chose to enter Thomas our lives. His parents are forced to makeshift accommodations for the blessed event; a stable will have to do because there is no room at the inn. The trip takes the couple away from family and friends and was a hurried one, required by an alien government and their census, so loved ones will hae to await being told. The stable will be cold in the Mideast in December but there will be ani- mals that will give off warmth. There will be visiting strangers who will realize the sacredness of the birth and the very special sacredness of the infant they have come to adore. Like those before and ever since, they will leave gifts as a sign of their recog- nition of this special occasion. The parents will see their son born into a dangerous world; they will have to flee to Egypt to protect Him from a tyrant king. It is of no consequence; there is a new focus in their lives and they will gladly do whatever is needed to protect the infant. God chose this means to come into our world at Christ- mas. He has shared with us what it means to be human, we share with Him the joy of sending a Son. As our children turn our lies upside down when they come and give us a new sense of joy that was not known before; the coming of Jesus has also, turned our lives upside down, and given a sense oli joy never known before or since. The world will not be rid of dangers or fear; the baby Jesus came into a scary and dangerous world, too. Through the love He radiat- ed, though, both human and divine, He came to overcome it from the moment of His birth. In spite of it all, as our children can bring a sense of joy and peace, so the coming of the Savior causes the angels and all who hear them to proclaim "Peace- on Earth, Good Will To Men." With the birth of each child comes a new hope for the w world; with the birth of the Lord, that hope is kindled forever in the hearts of those who' have Him and know Him. The birth ot the Savior in human form, in human ways, with all of the joys and hopes that births bring into families, is truly a won- derful symbol for "the birth" that is celebrated at Christmas each year. The world w\as turned upside down by this birth and "the people that have walked in darkness have seen a great light i'saiah 9 2, Matthew -l:161." \Ve have that light to guide us always, and it began with the miracle that we celebrate at Christmas; a miracle God gives us in our human families and has chosen as the sign of the great miracle of the birth of His Son- Christmas. May you all have a happy and joyous Christmas, a blessed season, and may the light shine in all of our hearts as we welcome once more the birth of that special child. MARK LEWIS CONSTRUCTION, P.L. STATE LICENSED. BUILDING CONTRACTOR WITH 30 YEARS CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE OFFERING COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICES From Concept To Completion *Commercial/Residential Construction *Site prep *Foundations/Form Work *Stem Walls *Concrete Slabs /Driveways -Wall Systems *Utility Sheds/Out Buildings *Garage/ Carports *Trusses. *Interior Framing " *Drywall and Finishes *Tum-Key Shells *Generator Set ups *Safe Rooms *Shutters, any Style *Landscaping LICENSED & INSURED FL LIC CBC i25u.i92 Office: 561-924-7767 Cell: 561-721-5766 mlcontractor@yahoo.com The true story of a Christmas miracle " By Pastor John Hicks First United Methodist Church, Clewistonr I firmly believe that God contin- ues to %work in many wonderful and mysterious ways in our lives today. Some may call them coincidences, but my faith sees God's hand in many of these coinci- dences, which I . call, 'Godsi- dences.' Fol- loving is one John such Christmas Hicks Godsidence s story that touched my heart I hope it touches)ours as well The Near was 1948. Just two days before Christmas, a storm swept through the aiea, dumping more rain than the old rool of the church could stand A leak devel- oped and the plaster just behind the altar soaked up the w% after as if it were a sponge and then crumbled. leaving a gaping hole in the wall. Dejected, the pastor looked at the hole in the \\all. There was obviousKl no chance to repair the damage beloie Chris-tmas. Nearly three months of hard work had been washed aw a.. It was a depressed minister and his wile who attended a benefit auction for the church youth group that afternoon. One of the items put up for bid was an old gold and ivory colored lace tablecloth. Seized with inspiration, the pastor w\as high bidder at $6..50. His idea \\as to hang the cloth behind the altar to cover the hole in the w all. On the da, before Christmas, the wind picked up and the tern- perature dioppedo As the pastor unlocked the church doors, he noticed a woman standing at the nearby bus stop. He knew the bus wouldn't be there for at least half an hour, so he invited her in to keep warm. She had been in the area to interview for a Iob as governess, out her English wasn't good and she had been turned down for the job Sitting in the back of the church, the \\oman looked up and sawl the cloth the pastor was hanging behind the altar. Rushing forixard, she exclaimed, "It's mine! It's my banquet cloth!" Excitedly, she told the surprised minister its history% and e\en showed him her initials embroidered in one corner. She and her husband had lived in \ ien- na, and had escaped the Nazis before the Second world d \\ai The\ decided to flee to Switzer- land. She left first, and later heard that he had died in a concentration camp Touched b\ her story, the minis- ter insisted she take the cloth. She thought about it a moment and said to leave it hanging. She didn't need it any longer. After the Christmas Ee service, one older gentleman lingered, admiring the tablecloth As he left he said. tell'ss strange Many %ears ago m' wife. God rest her soul, and I owned such a tablecloth. But we lived in \ienna then." The night air w\as freezing, but the goose bumps raised on the pastor's skin weren't caused b\ the weather. As calmly as he could, he told the man about the \woman who had been in church that morning With hopeful tears streaming down his cheeks, the man asked how\ he might find her. Remembering the name of the farnily \\ ho, had interviewed the \woman, the pastor telephoned the tamilK and learned the woman's name and address. In the pastor's old car he and the man drove to her home on the othei side of town. Togeihier they knocked on her apartment door. When she opened the door, the pastor wit- nessed the tearful, jo ful. and excit- ed reunion oi husband and wife Separated loi more than a decade, believing each other dead, they % ere reunited. Some people would call it an extremely luckN chance happen- ing, but I believe God's hand was in the rain, the roof leaking, the auc- tion, the tablecloth at the auction, the woman looking for a lob and standing on that corner at just the tght time, and with the man rnak- ing a comment to the minister after seeing the tablecloth. I also believe God's hand is in our lives today if w e have e es to see and hearts to embrace. That's \ hat the miracle of Christmras is all about! QURLITY ELECTRIC HOUSEHOLD ELECTRICAL REPAIRS AND INSTALLS Same Da, Sern ice if you call before 3:(00 pi Your locally o\ned and operated Electrical C(mpi[an', Main Electrical Panel Repair or Replacement Small Electrical Repair Landscape Lighting Electrical Pool Ss iem Repair Call for A Remodedl ()uot 9-5 call 863-8B3-4 101 rMW.-PM.4138 24 E.nw-iutw..y Service Ll,:rr:, :d In ur j:.!l EC( IIIIIIIII.1 Applying for Disability? You CAN ask for the LOCAL doctor! Specializing in: Depression Memory Panic Attacks Anxiety Pain PTSD Personality Disorder Learning Disorder Adjusting to Physical Disability Area Church News in Brief Submitted photoSt. Tneresa's Chuich Preparing for Christmas The lighting of the Advent Wreath is one of the ways St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Catholic Church in Buckhead Ridge observes the Advent season of preparation. On the third Sunday of Advent, one pink candle and two purple candles were lit. On the fourth Sunday of Advent the last Sunday before Christmas all four candles will be lit. WALK-IN BATH TUB ... ..... M .. Since 1929 Royal's FURNITURE APPLIANCES 1 RI D-)IVG "Pheasant Run" ednd~m50of th w6Ug dm & 4k.ic Mtly dctik (. 89.5 vob & oe of oMNew Odmus tinc g ue e and Fouur Side Chair.. Mntehing -Ptieawxt Run"~ Bakers Rack Av'attitL~c at $3 59.9'5 Belle Glade 561-996-7646m Clewihton 863834wm & f JImeh~alee 23-057.4 413 ~ eeme First Christian . plans schedule First Christian Church in Clevwis- ton announces the follow% ing schedule for the month of Decem- ber: Dec. 16, 6 p m. Christmas "Jingle Bells' Hayride; Dec. 17, 11 a.m Message: "How God Fooled Satan al Christmas ", 7 p.m. Meis- sage: "Christ, the perlect stan- dard ": Dec 20 6 p m. Annual church Christmas banquet: Dec. 24 11 a m. annuall church Christmas program, directed by Mar\ Faith Barton, 7 p.m. Christmas EBe Candlelight carol service: Dec. 27 7 p.m. Hope service 2007; Dec 331 I a m. Message: "Purpose in thy heart," 7-12 p.m Watch night serx ice The public is cordialli invited to attend these services. Friday Night Lights CLEWISTON -- E\ angel Church Assembl\ of God Outreach Center is open Irom runtilI l0 p m. every Friday to all 7-12 grade stu dents in our communitN Activities available include basketball; three Play Station 2 units, music, and games. Snack bar with great pi izes is open each night Servieio en Espanol CLE\\ISTON -First Methodist Church of C'lewiston is starting a Hispanic Worship Servn ice Sunday evenings at 7 p.m Son todos bien- %enidos. Everyone is w welcome' Call Re\. Perez at .86;:3 677-3190 with questions. CREW needs volunteers The Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce CREW I of Hendi and Glades Counties is seeking volunteers lo assist resi- dents with repairs and continued clean up elf orts in the aftermath of HiJiricane \\ ilrna Carpenters, Electricians, Plumbers, drywall installers and other trade skills are needed, as well as, anyone willing to lend a 'hand! For more information, come by our office at 121 Central Ave. rear entrance or email ('RE\.headquarters.n'aol com or phone (863) 983-2390. Mission Ted Schiff, M.D. and the professional staff at Water's Edge Dermatology will treat you with all the care and expertise you expect. Adult and Pediatric Dermatology Diseases of the Shin, Hair and Nails Surgery of the Shin, Shin Cancer Treatment MOHS Shin Cancer Surgery New patients are welcome Medicare and most insurance accepted. Oiftice-, In (lo% Iistoi i nd Belle G lade ('all Dr. Bruce Borkosk\. PsN;.D. Licensed Psychologist Sot.10- 5 I 4-tIS 3' The dhwhli/n .pt ,ahz/' JOIN OUR TEAM! The Clewiston News, Glades County Democrat and Sun are looking for a full time Ad Services team member who is: * A self-manager with an outgoing personality. * The right candidate will have excellent computer skills, including the use of Excel and Microsoft Word, as well as general office and good time management skills. Computer graphics knowledge and previous sales experience a plus. Reliable transportation a must. Please email your resume to: Judy Kasten, Advertising Director, INI FL jkasten@strato.net NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! TOUCHDOWN i ) BREAKFAST 10% OFFf I 2 Pancaes, 2 eggs, 2 bacon | Breakfast, ' . strips and 2 sausage links I Lunch or , Dinner f 069 1 Must Present Coupon - I Not valid w/any other I O $4 6 1I offer Exp 12/31/06 1 o t kdmeu1&un r A( r ------I :10% OFF: Breakfast, SLunch or I .f/cr Dinner . '_ 1 1 -" : k ii 1030 WVest SuIgarland H\\-\ Clewviston. Florida 863-983-3663 %X~ J. I il z o % I 1 N .. I I Serving the'comm unities. south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, Decemb6r 21, 2006 A".;" r \ ifelf , (ehooll, Letters to Santa Please bring me a... KEC/CanalPoint Elementary Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me a doll. Bring my cousin a Dora doll. Bring my dad a Palyer shrt. Dear Santa I love you. Santa I no you. Bring me a Bratz. Bring my a pup. Santa bring me a good life. Love, Ashley Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me a babby Brats dol. And bring me a Dora bike. Santa bring a Barele. Also bring my daddy a game boy and a pool. I love you Santa. You love me too. Love, Amani Dear Sacnta, I have been very good. Will you bring me some games. Will you I rng my cousin a new bike. Will you bring me and my cousin a Bratz doll. I love you Santa. You love me too. Willyou bring me a computer fr rmi and my brother. Love, Zakalyoih Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me a for real friend pony please. And a Wii. And please bring me a sweter. My sister to. And a wake me up pet and a new bike. My sister a Dora doll. And me a Bratz Doll. I love you. Have a good life. Love, Gabby Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me a new bike Santa. Santa you are a nice man. Dear Santa bring me a Bratz doll. Santa bring my mom a new car. Santa my mom love you and my dad love you to. I loveyou. Love, Alysha Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me a xbox36 and I wot a dog tor. Bring me and me cousin a dog. Bring me palest and bring my bothe a ball to me a boydol. Bring me a football. Bring me a surt and a tv. Bring me a cat. Love, Jay Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me pet dog. Bring me a pig. Santa wil you brang me a Baskt Bol. Santa I wot you too brang neu futbol. Santa I wot tow bars. Love, Jaquan Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me a game. Santa please bring me a bike. Love, Akeem Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me a new pair of glases. Please bring my sustr a Bratz doll. Please bring my brother a toys. And have a grat day. Please bring my dad a car. Please hi ing me a weck up pet Please bring my aunle a car. You are aness man. Love, Thanununa Dear Santa: I have been very, good. Please bring me one tiing. A game. Santa please bring my cousin a football. Can Santa bring my sister a Barbe. I have been very good. Santa will you give me a tv. Santa can you bring me a puppy. Love, Clark Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me a present like a jump rope. And bring my cosen a new pair of shoes and a bike. My mom want a new sled for we can go sateting in the snow. Santa I love you so much and tell Santa have a grafull da. Tell roodoff he got a shine nee nose. Love, Ken Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me a good book. Santa bring me a hat. Santa bring my mom some spons. Santa bring my dad a hamer. Santa I love you. By by Santa. Love, Antonio Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me some lip stic and a Brats and a Brats dimon and a phone. Santa please bring me some new clos. Bring me a pool. Bring me a new bed. Brng a dog. Love,; MiyanCunningham Dear Santa; I have been very goo bring me new seded for n play it and bring my a 4 w rode it bring golla boll bra Dear Santa; I have been very goo bring me a phone and a lipstick and clothes and b shoes and a computer an bag and a brat and a vc and a cd player and cds a and a purse and a brats li baby brat and a dog and sockes and watch and a Shat Dear Santa; I have been very goo bring me a four wheeler xbx and me a train and i car and me a new old ca dad a motorcycle. Dear Santa; )d. Please vy so I can ilr so I can tz. Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me new toys it is a 3 skters. For Kite Cartter and for me. And a pupes? And a power rager! And a fone. Love, J.T. Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me a four wheeler, xbox360, day off for my teacher, racecar, new for my mom. Love, Jose Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me a baby doll and a fone and a baby doll home and a fowell and a skote shos and some socks. Love, Dear Santa; Katie I have been very go bring me a fone and a d. Please drbik and a car and a bike and pasTahn and sum cos )ooks and shos and a cohio. And z id a book- and a gocad. And a pup r and a tv Been me a new bed. nd a jackit imo and a a car and Dear Santa; fish. I have been very go Love, bring me a Dora. An unteage6 Please bring a present. P a Tinkerbell. Please brinc )d. Please and a four me a race Dear Santa; ar and me I have been very gc bring me a xbox 36 in b Love, bak in Bratz pez get Miss Jonathan Bokasn in bring me WitaBoL in Bratz tv. I have been very good. Please bring me a fone. Please bring me a 4 wheel. Please bring me some bratz. Please bring me a bike. Please bring me a baby doll. Please bring me some toys. Love, liocung Young Dear Santa: can is bod. Love, Antonio and Cariteria Phillips Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me a x box360 Please bring my mother some flowers. Thank you. Love, TeodoroZavala Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me a four wheeler. Please bring my daddy a football. Thank you. Love, AnthonyBrown and a bike Dear Santa; r and some I have been very good.. Please bring me a plystation. Please bring Love, my brother adrtbike. Thankyou. Artreshia Love, JustinMcCall )od. Please Dear Santa; nehs and a I have been very good. Please xbox and a bring me a trampline. Please bring . And sum my mother a red car. Thankyou.: a mod stud Love, and a limo. Zatavian Morgan Dear Santa; Love, I have been very good. Please Jarvis bring me a Bratz baby doll. Please bring my mother a ring. Thank you. )od. Please Love, id a fohe. TimerioRedmond 'lease bring Dear Santa; g a book I have been very good. Please Love, bring me a Tontierra Dear Santa: Powe Ranger toy with wings and dragons Please >od. Please bring my brother and sister a brtz- >ring me ez doll. Thankyou. Wod good Love, Barbie car KenonSimeton Dear Santa; Love, I have been very good. Please Samantha bring me an x-box 360. Please bring my mother a car. I have been very good, Please bring me a -4 wheeler because I want it so bad and my brother want a Jeep for my brother see me and my brother we want it so bad to we Love, BradleyAnthony Dear Santa; , I have been very good. Please bring me a moon sand. Please bring my mother flawrs. Thank you. Love, BriannaHemandez Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me a ipod. Please bring my mother a necklace. Thankyou. Love, Stephanie Hemandez Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me a PSP. Please bring my mother a car. Thankyou. Love, Savion Gilbert Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me a four wheeler. Breng my brother a truck and a four wheeler. Love, Jimmie Gray Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me a four wheeler. Please, bring my mother a Poemon game. Thankyou. Wileths Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please: bring me a dirt bike. Please bring, my brother hot wheels. Thankyou. Love, Bobby Littles Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please' bring me a four wheeler. Please bring my brother a train set. Thank you. Love, Taluan Kinsler Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me a baby doll. Please bring, my brother a motorcycle. Thank' you. Love, SlybellKamya Dear Santa; I have been very good. Please bring me a x-box. Please bring my' sister a Big to). Thankyou. Love, Jack Gilmore starting as low as $12.50 per week, per block. If ou would like a Call A Pro ad please call us at 863-983-9148 S.. or mail us at southlakeads@newszap.com to place your adl (6)67j-28 78 BAD CREDIT 11.1, %11 YA~nFR~lNI~1 $199 START TODAY 0N .1 I RA\GE YOL' KILL GET'3- I tII O'tiiiio PR .%MO\Jl SUNRISE APPLIANCE New, Used, Scratch & Dent 401 US Hwy 27 Moore Haven 863-946-2666 Brandon's Carpet Cleaning R" sidential & Commercial H-endy & Glades Counties CALL TODAY!! 8700733-7551 DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CNIc 'BEST PRICES SAME DAY US 41 SOUTH* FT. MYERS GLENN J. SNEIDER, LLC Criminot Law Bankruptcy Law. Immigration Law 200 S.W. 9 Street Okeechobee, FL 34974 (863) 467-6570 Reach & 1-.888-784-6724 Woremaompn iaivi *In Pwrcc njr S PKi er; Sal i I isdi-iil rog V N~c%i Palm i Ilacli Boca Ilmuoni WNEIIM IfuBRUP 370 Holiday Isle Blvd. lllIl S Clewiston 863-983.31 3.4 .474 LTreasure Coast Dermatololy Tim loannides, M.D. Rick Romagosa, M.D. Robert S. Kirsner, M.D. PhD 4o92A II6 wtl AA4 N Clewiston (866) 549-2830 1-UU0-DUDGEI NOW 1-561-683-1511 6500 Okeechobee Blvd. West Okeechobee & The Turnpike ww .arrigodcj.comn BRADY ENTERPRISES LAND CLEARING POND DIGGING DOZER/BACKHOE/LOWODER ABILTIES AVAILABLE TA.NGc CA E OF YouRs LIKEr I Was OURS. FREE ESTIMATES No Joe Too BIG OR Too SMALL CALL MIKE 239-340-6000a o QUALITY SERVICE O er 20 ynr Electrical Experience [ II '. u l .I-. 1, ".| l '.,i ,'",' I i r %1 I r:0 ,, . (jt ad~o 525 NW hl I, 1111! 8 LADE 8S0OP,5173-19.83 www.goadesmotors.com Fla. Building & Roofing Inc. Spicialii'nsg iIl Ml.11l & Shingiek RkcvIs, Hat aind Re-RKvfs Office: 863-674-9994 Cell 863-673-0665 Contact: Richiard Cockra;i FREE Estiuatcs .,'1-vill. f fh'.1i'e I w \r ov \r'- _0'Y,.. 0 RKQ29 .-. 1 C03 RL.r'0' 1 .04 LABOR FINDERS DAILY WORK DAILY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE " 1 856 2PonSt.9Lucie (772) 335 Okeechobee 550 95 (CAll, .-9-. 101 102E.prl, nd Hwy (Acro~romnewstosln) 1( 1 i5Okeechobee 355 074 138A- 59o2. )9 ,-959 P18-64 8662269 40 0 6-|863-467-9555 pamB19lh' 2 ,77.7I.( r 902-94 94- 11 l I :. iL Save I t'rs On Your New/Existing Loans Home Or Auto WITHOUT REF#IAMCII/ What The Banks Don't Tell Youl Dl Financial Solutions, LIC RO. Box 2003 Belle Glade, f133430 561-98341609 A 4:TOWN COUNTRY Mobile Home, Home Supplies Hardware Doors Windows Vonifties Siding Hurricane Snu::ers Il S. San Beonio St, Cewtison 863-983-3000 Cell: 228-6916 ax xton WVest Lake FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATORY 805 N. Hwy. 27 Moore Haven (863) 946-1233 LUNA Aluminum Struduies Pool Erfldow es Vint* Si lj S Crp & en Port w s Roof O Systms * LUtensed i 335P Insued nWC*H 35SP 863-983-2701 Frg; Est-r'ates 8e Habla Espa Iol 340 N. BRIDGE STREET LABELLE, FL 863-674-0003 l.,kson River I$here Quality) i Done in S le D.T.C. LAND SERVICES * Light Land Clearing * Brush Removal * Debris Removal * Tree Trimming * Stump Grinding (863) 634-6982 (863) 634-6721 rl Royal FURNITURE .4PPI .1.\'I X PIDDI'G Cle, i~Mt1' Mle mse f' 1Noke Law Offices of Ivette Gonzalez, P.A. All lVpsof AfcTidents or Personald Inures. Accideniq at Wov ProIehms with your Pr Afioinatl Vins' FIt Consullation 2414 Coral Wah Suite 202 Miami, FL" 33145 Telephone 305-90S-1305 Fax: .305-90- 1288 Sales Healh ur0 Cehtr 230 S. Barfield Hwy. Pahokee, FL 33476-1834 Phone: (561) 924-5561 Fax: (561) 924-9466 Email: Gl adesCareftFloridaCare.net COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL LICENSED & INSURED FREE ESTIMATES JESUS M. CARRASQUILLO OWNER/OPERATOR 865-228-2997 HENiRY iE MIL MaI CENTER 863-983-9121 Quality Homes at Discounted Prices! Homes From the Low $5O's. Turn Key Packages Available. Family Owned Since 1981. JACOBSEN -o ScotBilt t "**" gjSaa Clew iston JJ4uI flIl mmmm 9% n &I 41$Vtl I I r-MM In M -L A I a ----wmmmmmmmm Thursday, December 21, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Letters to Santa I have been very good... Eastside Elementary Mrs. Howard-- first grade Dear Santa; My name is Odilia Lopez. Please bring my Barats and my Braslet and my heals and my pants for put on heals. Brats dimonds and my bik big and fast. I love you. I think you speek Spanish. Also my neclits. Love, Odilia Dear Santa; My name is Jose Esparza. Please thankyou oryourwelcome. Love, Jose Dear Santa; My name is Kiante Gary. I want a play station 360. How poor Rudolph? Love, Kiante Dear Santa; My name is Fatima. Can you please give me toy of Baby Bratz. I am going to give you some onio cookies with milk. How is rudolph? SLoveby Fatima Dear Santa; My name is Chance. You bring a birt for me. I love you Santa Love, Chance Dear Santa; I lovyou for my present. winston Dear Santa; I hoop that you are good. I hoop that you are healthy. You love me? I love u. Can I please give me a PSP. I loveyou Santa Love, Vctoria Dear Santa; My name is Destiny. I want a dog and a cat and a 4 wheeler. Love, Destiny Dear Santa; My name is Markeious. I want xbox360. I want 4 wheeler. I Want ried game. I want molocycle. Love, Markevious DearSanta; I hoop you shop 4 toys present 4 me. Please. I love you. Love, Rachel Dear Santa; I love you. Because you give us presents if we be good. Love, Chemoiya Dear Santa; My name is Lucia. I want a lap- top and a Bar. Love, Lucia Dear Santa; My name is Chance. I hop you r owhkay. I love you. I hop miss Klas is ok. Please mak soor thit elfs r ok. I want axbox360. okay Love, Chance Dear Santa; Please thank you are the Best Santa. I want a Bratz Baby or Bar- bie. Love, Alma Dear Santa; My name is Horace. Thankyou I want a bike Nintendo DS a 4 wheel- er xbox360 and Rudolph please. Love, Horace Dear Santa; Could I please have a psp and could I have a xbox360 and could I ride your sled to.Night and Rudolph will be the helper of the ledrs: Love, Toni Mrs. Swaggerty Dear Santa; How are you Santa? How are your elves? I hope you will be war. I \x would like a Braz House. And a Dr. Seuss Book and I would d like a Bar. biedoll House. I like Christmas. Love, Curtesha Dear Santa; How are you? I would like xbox and a dr seuss book. I like Christ- mas. Santa thank you for prisints. Dear Santa you are the bist Luve, Juan Dear Santa; How are you doing? I hIe are warm I would like j me doll and also a make up a cabbage path kid. I wold lil set and a real pupp I would play house. I love Christmas. Dear Santa: How are those elves? I like a car designer and a sch tionary. Dus it snow at Ch ever? I wold like a car dvd. like a pas to California. I wo modersikel. I wold I romeokethul thrak. Thank you. Love, Cody Dear Santa; How are you? For Christmas I would like a kitten and make up and a ds and a book and a doll and a notebook and school stuff. I wold like a jacket. I like a scooter and a ketty. I love Santa. Love, Julia Dear Santa; How are you? I hope you are not cold. I would like a Barbie doll and a makeup. I hope your elves is ok. I would like a name tag. I would like a new pool. I would like a scooter. I love Christmas. Love, Sonya Dear Santa; How areyou? I would like a play stashen3. I would like a exbocs 35. 1 would like a draggen boy for game- boy and for miye sistr a ipod. Santa- claus you are the best. I luvyou. Love, Christian Dear Santa; How are you Santa? I would like for Christmas a zoo tico game so I can learn about animals. And how are your elfs? And I would like for Christmas a airhockey. And are you cold in the North Pole? Love, Jordan Dear Santa; How are you Santa? You are a nis Santa. I would like a xbox360 and a remote control truck and my mom want a noo prs. Love, ZachaW DearSanta; How are you? I hope you are good. Please can I have a dirt bike? And I wont a for weirs. I wont sumrntin for Mi Mom a candl. I would like a TV. S- Love, Garrett Dear Santa; I would like for Christmas cars cars coloring book. How are you? And train for Christmas. Sonic and Shrek2. Love, Dear Santa: Megan I would like a little t computer. I like a tigers Dear Santa; I would like a truck f mas. I would like a b games, and bike. I want book and that is all. Thankyou. Dear Santa; I would like a corn Christmas. I would like would like a PSP. I wo book. I would like a pupp like a pet bird. Dear Santa; I would like for Christ truck toy and Nintindo DS Lovefro Dear Santa; I would like for Christi bie doll, a dog and I v books. I love Santa Claus. Dear Santa; I would like 4 things mas. I would like some B would like some helles like some clothes. I woi no how Mrs. Claus is would like to now how Sfly. Dear Santa; I VLould like some Christmas. How do the would like a book. I wo toy. I would like a toy ca like a toy elf. I would lii would like a DS. Dear Santa; I would like 3 things mas. How do the Elfs d( like a computer. I would toys. I would like a pup you Santa. Dear San a; Love, I would like three Christopher Christmas. I would like would like xbox360. I w ranin. I like a picter of me and my Dad. s shirt. Love., Victor Mrs. Fatzinger Dear Santa; I would like teddy bears for Christmas and books. What do you feed your reindeer? I amn a good girl. Love, Fatima for Christ- Jook and a coloring Christmas and books. How is your rindeer? I am a good girl. Love, Lilibeth Dear Santa; Love, I would like a Star Wars nintindo Dashon game and a pillow. Last I would like an action figure. pertor for Love, toy cars. I Joshua uld like a Dear Santa; ?y. I would I would like a bear for Christmas and a doll. I would like books for Love, Christmas. Do you like my Dad? Do Jonathan you love me? I would like a cat and easybake. mas a fire Love, Adriana m Joshua Mrs. Domrase- mas a Bar- st grade vould like first grade Dear Santa; Love, I like Santa. Santa is good. Santa Darshada reads books to us. Santa is nis. Love, for Christ- Alayna ratz dols. I Dear Santa: 3. I would I love you. You love all of us. I uld like to want a car wit a moschol. Dar doing? I Santa do you love God? your deer Love,' Johon Love, Dear Santa: Kiara I wot a teddy bear because I like Teddy and a doll hose with the dolls. things for Love, ekes do? I Sonia )uld like a Dear Santa; ir. I would I want a gameboy of the spqwer ke a cat. I theng that theng that gos undr the gum boy. Love, Lov, Kevin Luiz Dear Santa: for Christ- I want a bardi. I wot a car. I wot o? I would a macup and I wot nIs. like some Love, ppy. I love Zye Dear Santa; Love, I wot som toys. I wot gops and I Ashley wot a gam for my gambo.\. Love, things for Javier toy cars. I Dear Santa; would like a I want a rac car. Love, Damante Dear Santa; I would like toys for Christmas. I would like you bring me a getor for my nefeyou. I want new boots and a butterfly net. Love, Rotsen Dear Santa; I would like a compertor for Dear Santa; I want a gamboy or teng. Dear Santa; I love you Santa. I wav Caresh and Barz dolz fo mas. Love, Angel Dear Santa; I want a Dora Caresh and a Dora Dolz for Cristmas. Love, Vemisha Dear Santa; I love all toy pez you giv us and I love you. I love allyour elfs. I want a spuchBob cash rshr. Love, Jamyia I have been a very good boy... Glades Day Elementary Dear Santa; I have been a good boy this year. I would like to get a hot Wheels Radar Gun. A new bike to ride. A bull dog puppy to play with after school and on the week- ends. Some new clothes and shoes. Bring me some of the things that I liked. Love, Jaxon Dear Santa; How was your day? Mine is good. Do you know what I want for Christmas? I want cool toys and a superman that has a remote control and can fly. Love, Caleb Dear Santa; I would like for you to bring me the following toys: zoom box, skate game, TV race car game, skateboard game. Thankyou, Eduardo Dear Santa; How is Rudolph doing? I want Star Wars At-At (not lego) Air Hog Storm Launcher, Road Champs, Fly Weel, Hon Dol, 4 wheeler, game boy, DS (Black) Star Wars lego 11 DS, Nintendo. Love, Tristan Dear Santa; How is Rudolph doing? For Christmas I want a Bratz Doll, a new backpack and Florida Gator earings. Thanks for every thing Love, Caylin Dear Santa; the xbx I have been nice this year. I hope you come see me. I would Anthony like some toys. Please bring me a new baby stroller, a baby alive el a Barz. and a new football. )r Christ- Love, Janelys Love, Hallie Walker P.S. I would also like a new Nintendo DS "The Sweetest Deal ti Town"J *@ 9. IMoore Haven t.,ar walkpr Ltccnnsd Re~al Esiofa BrnkE, TeresaduIlivan.ReMux.com G1AI iI, 11hI-Iiil W ITIIIV m 193 TITT I0A .1FE :1WW* E. pfh Huerad lv fil-HA I 8WIMM9fl COUNTRY HOMES & LAND REAL ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Li,: p6 L .I"V FBiokI Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Websile al. CentralFloridaLandSales.corn I UWZLCNWASCOzoa Che kin1g Roup The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 wwew.lking.com ,|r ..Mal King Tr" NO ONE WILL GIVE HIM A 233 N.BRIDGE ST E SIafld Hw,, CleffiCALL ON HIS ScoN m TEECom'Of T &iaWslo J CELL AT (239) 822-9272 86$6750500 8 8REALTY Visi tus 5onthe web at jWORLD ,o,,-. ffr .ralsrealestate.co0 C. BAGAN S FIRST C.'rl Eb) Guih itid Real Es!i:e Br .tr 30 Colorado Rd. Lehigh Acres. FL 33936 ReAlft4 'roup. hic. F i.~r I. 2,1. hi '~ I i~.. Ii - l4(,3-4i75448(*~ I: . L~unchI ill imi n 2Ip rn Ill. p r r www.sunsh inesteelcorp. com ADVERTISE YOUR ALL. OM ATAM t BUSINESS HERE Mor STARTING AS LITTLE AS 11 C,,, o$12.50 PER WEEK ' 1030 West S arl d H ,, Clmton STE I, CALL OnImnaaIWo IM Rif4'qFlo -"k Avenue NW o 431(orid1Aveue N M p n 3(863) 983-9148 9 Moore Haven, FL 33471 so w 3 09. 6 ,Phone: 863-946-1804 O H QToll Free: 1-800-670-0113 OR EMAIL southlakeads( newszap.conim W .ALLOlIDATAIMcSCNOOLo.ORO Localtv Owned WWWALuFOIlIATRAFFIts ooLsOan A REAL, ESTATE RESTAURANT Hoar ADVCRTIN.1 HgRE TRAr HOOL I owmwmmmum Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 21, 2006 Letters to Santa I ul &mpmA6Afb L./-M/a I Letters to Santa Dear Santa; How are your rein- deer? Pioneer Park Elementary Dear Santa; Why do you leave presents under tree. Why do you have rein-, deer? I want for Christmas is a pet shark and 100 toy sharks. Merry Christmas. Sincerely, Thometrius Dear Santa: I want a lot of presents. I want a baby pool. I want a bicycle. I have a los ov fun. I love you beycus you got PePoll presents. I like to play with my mom and dad, my brother are getting a xbox. Sincerely, DaNealViva Dear Santa; I want a xbox and a fon. I want a lot of presents under my tree for Christmas and I want a big red car for me. Thank you for reading my letter. Sincerely, Emerson Dear Santa; I am trying to be good so my teacher can be proud of me. I am trying to be good for you. Can you bring me presents. I want a Barbie for a presents. I want to see a lots of presents in my Christmastree. Thank you for reading my letter. I love Christmas. Sincerely, Mayra Dear Santa; Can you bring me a present. I want a PSP and a xbox. I want a Christmas tree. Is Santa going to brong presents under it Christmas tree. Sincerely, Aalljan Dear Santa; Will you bring me a xbox and a gameboy and a hot wheels. Sincerely, Derrick Dear Santa: I want a toys Santa and a pres- ents. I want a lot of presents. I want a video game and a car. Dear Santa; I want a four wheeler a coat Jameshi Dear Santa; Do you have fun. I w< xbox and a game boy. I because Santa is so pretty big. Santa is good. Santa went a big toy and a bi Thankyou for reading my Dear Santa; I want a game boy. Do a xbox? Can I put my pla over the tree. I want a PSf four wheeler. Mrs.James-firstgradi Dear Santa; I want a dirt bike in I truck from roery in I wit ( wita morsokol. Dear Santa: I want a brats, U want want a game. DearSanta; Xbox360 I want a dog bike, I want a hummer. pool. And my mom aboo Dear Santa; Sincerely, I want a para baby do daWanen with the game Brat Sha Jimey New Tron gamn would like a don't forget thas so raven like Santa more game is Kim Posbli y. Santa is a Brat purse with dimen is a boy. I with mackup. Can Iget a g red car. to? A littlest puppy shop t letter. tie puppy to give him a Sincerely, the name on it his name Jose be missy mack. Shur s because I want to tuc] you have hold her to and give me iy station I can play catchwith her. P. I want a And sold pop gril a gentar and Barbie Bak( Sincerely, and neckalise with Brats Josey to get my mom a leasing e be happy to me. Get me water slide. wit a big dickies in I Dear Santa;, Love, I want a xbox360 a Gerald 360 game. I can play itI I ples frme John and new t a xbox. I new toys and a big toy a ranger toy and a compi Love, big tv and a little cat and Marie Johny the cat.- . I want a I want a >k. Love, rankivious Dear Santa; I want me a baby doll and I want the braz doll and got my dad a car and my mom a book. And I want a dog and I want a book. Arisbeth. Dear Santa; Xbox 360 and dickies, a car and atv. Love, Horace Dear Santa; I want a dog I wat a cristmas present. We nish you a meery Christ- mas. Love, Jaron Dear Santa: I want a baby doll's and a pool so theycan go swimming. Love, Dajai Dear Santa; , Sincerely, I want a xbox 360.1 want a four Fedrick wheeler. I want a dog. Love, andlwant Dequan Dear Santa; Iwantacar.Iwantad Dear Santa: For Christmas I wan toys and a Brats doll ten two boys dolls and a ho cehenand I want a lost girl toys and ice crame t because I love you and N want Barbie head and a and a PSP box Shreack I girl pokbook. My'kyah and Geme Dear Santa; For Christmas I want and my mom going to 1 hat. Dear Santa: I want a games box mas. Dear Santa; I want adirt bike. Belle Glade lls and PSP arktell and Elementary e too and n. And one Ms. Myrik's Class e. Can Iget D mnack that Dear Santa; my nerm is Ger- , Brat head mah. I lev in my grand house. I to and a lit- wat a Hot wheel. I do to wet for collier. Put you. Your friend, Germah is going to Dear Santa; I wish I had a he is nice puppy. I went Maria Ms. Myrik. I h her and first grade Ms. Myrik. I went ball a fresbe so Ms. Myrick. Your friend, My Maria Dear Santa; I want a x-box for nd Barbie Christmas Day. I want I want a :er mshen skateboard. I wan a game the and I want game. Your friend, Jacavenson ,car so she Dear Santa; My name is Ern- a pool and sau. I am in the first. Your friend, Ernesau Love, Dear. Santa; Santa my name is Kobe Michel. I live in belle glade. I am in the first grade. I want some- nd a xbox thing for Christmas. Can you put please and something under the tree in my v dos and class. 1 want a brown puppy. You md a power want to know. Your friend, Muri- uter and a ette Michel name him Dear Santa; My name is Nestor. I am in the first grade in Love, Ms. Myrick's class. I live in Flori- John da. My house is wite. I wote a kcin evfe dinisor. I wote a bat-man. I log. wote a spider-man. Your friend, Luv, Nestor Andy Dear Santa; My name is Kim-, beraly. May I can hive some pup- it a lost of pys. Four. Sana I love Christmas Dolls and and I \\ot a X-box forms Sant may )use and a ] place Sant and I love Sant cus of twenty he bag us a lot of tpys and it look rak I want good. Santa you just dot no that Mrs. Clau. I we love you jous. Your friend, a Brats car Kimberaly Currarry Braz Cheta Dear Santa; I am Diana. I live Love on a pink house. I wish I have 2 Love, books. I am on lurst grade. Ms. newvonMyrik, I \i vat unto Christmas. baby dolls Your friend, Diana. by a Santa Dear Santa; I wish I. had a game boy. I want it to be black. Love, My name is Elvis. I live in Belle Stephanie glade. I am in the first grade. I live in a white house. Thank you dear for Christ- Santa for the game Boy that \ou will bring me. Your friend, Elvis Love, James Ms. Anderson's Class Dear Santa; I want a Bratz doll for Christmas Santa is good that Love, it is Christmas because you can Kerri git a lots of toys. An Santa I have C l La I no Meliss at8 3-8 -9 4 orT l rea something elas I want for Christ- mas it's a bratz roller back pack. Your friend, Alexus Michel Dear Santa; I want a bratz haed. I love santa. Santa I want you to get a book bag. Santa can you get me a bratz bed set and a bratz game that go with the move. I want a puppy. May I have a Taddy bear. May I have My Little Pony. Your friend, Johnisia Tyler Dear Santa; I would like a dirt bike. For Cristmist. and a dog. on cristmiste on did I forget some- thing I would like a toy care and two mermaids for my sisters. Santa is the best. I love Santa. Your friend, Jean Baptiste Dear Santa; 1 want a doll house I want a tabear I want a puppy I want a fishpol. I want a duck toy. I want a babydoll. I want a bratzs. I want a psp. I want a ds. I want a xbox game. I want a ringbow. Your friend, TatianaChastine Dear Santa; I want all Bratz stuff and a pretty dress and a Bratz doll and Bratz room. Bratz horse. Boots. D.S. Your friend, Daisy Porcayo Dear Santa; Can you bring my a ber. Santa brings toys to my house. I SEE Santa cume to are house. I wil go to the Nortor Pol ann see you other. Ann you cen bring toys. Cen you get my Mom a ring. I wat a Xboy 36 for Christ- mas for my Dad a ring. Your friend, Jada Emillianay Harris Dear Santa; Santa brings toys to our house Santa can you bring me a bratz seat for Christ- mas and I Bratz kicker4 a book and a bike. And put a candy cane in my stocking and a queen pil- low. Bring me a princess doll. li play with my toss you gave for Christmas. Your friend, Rene Croney : . Dear Santa; Can tiy bring me a tabear this Christmas I want a tabear. Santa is nice. I went a prenss of Christmas. The tabear' is pretty. The prenss is pretty. I play %with my toys because it is fun. My toys are pretty. Your friend, America Amezquita Dear Santa: Santa give me a game. Name is a psp an give me a ATV game. Your friend, Grejari- ous Mrs. Toledo's- first grade Dear Santa; May I have a bleg bleg belt because I have ben hellpeng my mom and dad wen he and my morn let me help them From, Alexis Stoppiello Dear Santa, May I get a Bratzs Baby. I clend up after my self. I help my family win my mom calls me I answer. From, Ciena DearSanta: May I plees have a bratz forev- er diamond. I lisin to my mor and dad. I do my chors every day.' I walk the dog every day. I help my grama. I clen up the house. I love you Santa. From, Skye Schlueter Dear Santa; May I pleas have a doll. I lisen to my brother I clen the dis's for my mom. I lisen to my teacher. I love you Santa. From. Gabby Brown DearSanta: May I place get a Barbie doll? Becus I help my mom and dad. I help my bruder by washing the dishes. I help my mom by wash- ing the cat Tha's why I think I should get a present. From, Gesselle Velasquez Dear Santa; May I have a bratz laptop. I do the dish's every day. I tack the trash out. I do my chores. Thank you Santa Clause for the present. From, RosemaryAragus Dear Santa: I hope you are well. I would like to please have a CD player, an x box game and a remote truck. Thank you, Tyler McDuffie Dear Santa; May I plese get a brats forever diamonds. For me and a Brats room. And a Brats toking doll. I clen my room. I clen the cows. I feed the cow s. From, Dola Havey Bank ofAmerica SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS a mericaMortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863-675-9065 1-800-854-5783 extension 56302 Fax: 863-675-7744 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com HNow with an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment Financing available for manufactured homes, lots, and new construction. Call about our many special financing options Call or stop by to see more information on all of our listings! 274 N Bridge St LaBelle, FL 33935 863-612-0002 www.melking.com Mel King Lic Real Estate Broker VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES CINDY L ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIATES: EDITH HACKHNN SCOTT HACKMANI BROOKE RUCE AND DON BURDICK 675-0500 HNEW LOCATION! 233 N. BRIDGE ST On the comer of BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTON ______ ViN SE HABLO ESPANOL RENTALS AVAILABLE ON SUMMERALL RD. IN MUSE ON THE E SA DR 323 3Bedroom/2Bath on 1 acre + home has ON THE RIVER.- CALOOSA DR 3/2/3 Car, boat dock & lift $1,800/M new cover. Covered porch and privacy ON THE RIVER 3/2/2 Car, in Ft. fence. Asking $150,000. Denaud-$1,500/M ON E. SUNFLOWER CIRCLE- 3/3/1 TWO MASTERS SUITES Extra ON E. SUNFLOWER CIRCE - space $1,000/M Off Gibson/Morse 3Bedroom/2Bath on corner lot recently Shores in Ft. Myers. painted. Asking $189,900. 3/2/2 Car on Oak Leaf. $1,100/M. RnED. IN FT MYgRS MORS0 3/2/1 Car on E. Palomar- $850/M REDUCED! IN FT. MYERS MORSE 3/2/1 Car on S. Edgewater $850/M SHORES 3Bedroom/3Bath, 1 car COMMERCIAL OFFICE SPACE garage, over 1,900 sq. ft. living area, new $800+tax/M LOTS STARTING AT $22.500 roof and A/C. Priced at $269,900. HOMES FOR SALE OFF HWY 78- 4/2 in great condition, JUST LISTED! IN THE CITY LIMITS master bath has garden tub with dual 3Bedroom/1.5Bath on Missouri. Large yard, 5+ oak trees in yard, pole barn, sinks. Living, family and dining. Asking Asking $179,900. $139,900. Owner/Agent itB? HOMES * $180,000 Completely reni...J.l,-d iBD I ,B. home. Roof and a/c les hjr 2 ears old Mew. paint inside and out * $310.000 Pn,:e P .u,..:,: r.. ujdc,. .l , tull lots :.Bg -B 1 h ir.:: din'. .:i-rp..r and dctauihed [ .c.: r rage '.h .a:,rl. *.-iop Back yard fenced with drive thru gate., Comnpld., remodeled and updated. This house is as new as it can get. Priced reason- ably in highly sought after Belmont Subdivision inside the City Limits! [ t .. .- --^^c- *_It "' J 238 NT. Bridge St. LaBdIc, FL 33935 863-675-8868, Lisa Andrcvvs Lic. lled F.stmc Broker Associ;itcs: Sandra Ale\andcr, Lind;i DckIc 1);t% is, Rovilm;t ,s, Nux ill Ndslm, Rost: Masmi, Trilim 0\1);Illl, Britlml% Kilillo, st:wx Paic, I)LltN 111tte %N*\\,NN*.";olltll%\C.,tllol*i(];Il.c:kltN.,,,I.,)til).cojii Se Kibl:i E'spanol this iL'it There is room for the cshole farmd1 The homefuic eure% '.uirden ippliance,,,a fit~rpl., iei24erbA h .,th j cumttub arid hi jT'i nctr irik irJndari abo.c graUrid pucI Ehr -,AIcu shedd Ilur tcimge * $"95,000 Cuirm. 2u.15i 3BD 2fVA home un i, -i+ acres iri AA j Home h. mar) upgrades and property is filled with mature oaks ard ruch mufc mus .ec' Ca.ll today. MOBILE HOMES * $78,800 3BD/2BA mobile home in Ortona. The mobile home is partially fur- nished. The lot is surrounded in beautiful palm and oak trees. ' $172,900 Price Reduced- 3BD/2BA Manufactured home on 1.86+/- acres in Fort 't": -- Denaud Acres. Looking for easy access to * $350,000 Gorgeous 5BD/2BA Home on Fort Myers this is it. Happy Holidays and a Happy New Years Hom Homfe on t.... O Mode Ce Builders ALE!! Hendr Visit Our Model Center: 2480 E. State Road 80 FREE Pre-Quali Open Everyday 8 5:00pm An Allliate of W Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free 866-244-8392WWW After 5pm by Appt. This Months Features 60259016LamInCk 01$0229,900 *Few lots left starting @ 29.9K 2.0% Interest rate mortgage buy down or *Owner Financing- NO CREDIT CHECKS 230% t rate mog b down or ww.CentralFloridaRealtvServices.com $3000 toward closing costs on Specs. All Spec Homes Include 'A acre home site **Paved Roads **County Water **Power * $185,900 Just Reduced 3BD"2BA Manul., urged home .)n I 88t+ ares in Mue Home fcaturcs split Iloor plan tht long arej has j fireplace %leU and ~spuc tank are nev, Call today foir more ,rno * 195.000 .BD 21A mobile hromcc on I + cres in Courirn' Meado.js Homec includes an abote ground pool.. rrori porch two level rear deck. * i229.900 NEW!!! 4BD/3BA m.inulc- tured home on 2.40+/- Acres. Home fea- tures a fircpljcei ~irid inr, lihcn and much more!!! Don't let this one slip by! * ""5.00,Month 2BD IB Dr)uple.. * $875.00/Month 2BD, 2BA House Call office for more info on Riverfront .ho'i.e Huoueis Acr.. and. u.miehial L uk Building Communities, ne Quality Home at a Time! y County's #1 Top Quality Builder fixation with: CHL Home Mortgage, LLC. ells Fargo Home Mortgage (863)612-0012 CHLHomeBuilders.com One Rental LEFT! E. Broad Cir. $1100/mth QB39922 TFhnkingq About -Where lYou'(( Come 'Uy'}Vitli 7&i ny _orA New Jfowe?. - ---------- ....... Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thurdav, December 21,,006: Thursday, December 21, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee *35 42 FIDIT AS I RECOR rnalitmO fil for any Dersonal items for sale under $2.500 1200rn 1300 i~ II - 15000 Papers Mean More Readers! aReach more readers when vou run your ad in several papers in o our newspaper network. ., Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one E daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! * Sources: Pulse Research 1.arl'et Sur.'y, Sirrnmors Market Research: INI Market Research Center Rules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) Must fit into 1 '2 inch . 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[he ad. ,:c.- .pi,.'. are .ubjCCL 10C credit approu., All ads music conforrr, to Irndeperident Newspapers' srie anrd are restricted to the' proper claisfications S.orfe clai;. tied ca egc-ries rqure advance payment These clazisshcalor., are dercLtd with arn astensk Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 MARE & COLT Call Mien ry Country Snerirr; Onicte Ag Unit @ i863]6'4-4630 11 vou rad losi Mare t,& Coil BEAGLE, Male, Found in vie. of Hwy. 70 W & Platts Bluff Rd. Call to ID. (863)467-1521 CHILD SEAT- Graco Instant carrier. 12/03 Vic. of Four Seasons & Treasure Island Way. (863)634-0948 Do-It-Yourself Ideas Year of Doilies Now there's an easy way to give your home (or someone else's) a fresh new look each month. A full-color, 40-page guidebook includes materials lists and round-by-round instructions for 12 colorful thread-crochet projects (10 doilies, a sachet and a pillow top), each designed to com- plement a particular month of the year. Year of Doilies guidebook (No. LA3706)... $10.95 Also available: Crochet Holiday Table Toppers guidebook (No. AN873352)... $10.95 Please add $4.00 s&h To order, circle item(s), clip and send with check to: U-Bild, 15241 Stagg SL, Van Nuys, CA 91405. Include your name, address, and the name of this news- paeer. Allow 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD craftbook.com Money Back Guarantee FOUR WHEELERS(2): HuliOd Ra ricei 4,4-. 350b I i'd wl 1lc shnl 1 oiariLe IC Oi shirr $500 re*wrd. 239250 2205 NAMEPLATE- Gola Cnarm, large, */ 2 names. Okeetrio- bee Area,( 863)634--6601 REWARD- Calico ca3lfl 2 yrs write Delly. bila:. & orange tD3cl & lop 01 read long iaci, t3ail 2338 SE 381ii Trail Ovee 863-467-0704 BABY HAMSTERS: Fre-e Too gooao ron, i86 380i.-3942 KERR BULL MASTIFF MIXED PUPS- wt: ol Bfaul uli & friendly Free 10 good rometrts 8F63-537.1 2 ) DANCE PARTNER- L)oAinrl lor 60+ MaIe. BaltrooTmiCour- try OariIor Call lur rrore in- lormaoiuri 18631763-2,_ Tall Guy, Srcure, SIjDile To neel Artraltive Gal or Couples 40-60 yrs ort Dining. Travel- ing, eli (86319-46 3123 AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- M' StarI your driving career today Ohlering courCS in (DL A. LOw luilior lee' Many payment optionlsi No regvs. irtiion leel 1866)889-0210 irio @1'affieri ; ,adrij-laa ide- rny (corn Heavy Equipment Oper.ilur CERTIFIED Hjinl. oin Trji. ring job Placerren A. '.,. tance. Call Toll Free i8669313-j75 ASSuCiAT. :-D TRAlliiri.j SbE VIC-S Hornoc.aida Tail Le : iro, Florda, !14- ;i HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM. PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.equipmentopera- tor.com. Your accredited High School Diploma in 30-days or less. No Oi:la. isn FREE ?v3ulation ewW hrsirH, r9HidrJSi r0 ioTi ; tt.66)2'9-6596 The Davie Area Land Trust is dedicated.to preserving un- developed land in western Broward County, Florida. For rlr,rimationri d donations, visit us online at www.davie- landtrust.org. What Destroys Relationships? Answer pg 446 Buy and Read Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard Send $8.00 to: Hubbard Dianetics Founda- tion, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa FL 33607 (813)872-0722. Empoyment E l-yment 205 Employment - Medical 210 Employment . Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 BOTANICAL DESIGN is look- ing for person to drive, deliv- er and set up rental plants & chairs. Must work nights & weekends. (863)805-0033 3710 West Hwy 27, Clewiston U ..ag/ad aes04 Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 Ful i m 'I l Emlymn Full Tim -COUNSELOR- Big Cypress Seminole Reservation The Seminole Tribe of Florida has open- ings for the follow \ ing positions- MA'MS or MSW, sith minimum 2 years experience in mental health or social work LCSW, LMFT, LMHC or eligible. CAP (+1. Minimum 2 yrs. exp. with substance abuse/mental health. Flex hours required. Valid FL drivers license, 401K, medical dental. Fax resume with salary require- ments to:, (954)967-3477 or email amdixon@semtribe.com ASSISTANT STORE MANAGER GAS/CONVENIENCE STORE Big Cypress Reservation Minimum 1 yr. supervisory experience. Food sales experience a plus. Excellent communication & computer skills. Good leadership skills, positive attitude. Flexible hours, FL Drivers Lic. High School Diploma or GED. Excellent Benefits incl. medical, dental & 401 K, food & fuel allowance. Salary based on exp. Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 -TEACHER-- The Seminole Tribe of Florida is seeking a 6th Grade Teacher for our Ahfachkee School on the Big Cypress reservation, BS/BA or higher in Education with FL certification in middle school subject areas. Application @ www.semtribe.com. Mail to HR, 6300 Stirling Road Hollywood, FL 33024. Or email resume: galtman@semtribe.com or fax to 954-967-3477. ipca l Noti I'pca Notice a- e aiN Employmen * CHRISTMAS HOURS & DEADLINES The Classified Center will be closed on Nlonday. December 25"' in observance of the Christmas holiday. The Clewiston News, Belle Glade Sun & Glades County Democrat's Thursday, December 280 edition will deadline as follows: Display 5:00 p.m. Thursday. December 21' Incolumn 2:00 p.m. Friday. December 22c" j INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPERS, INC. .ll T 0 F -.. *m0l M--- --H^B --^---^-- *--^^^*^^II TEACHER ASSISTANT ET Immokalee Indian Reservation High School diploma/GED C.D.A. credential or willingness to gain. Valid Florida CDL, class D with P endorsement. Computer skills preferred. Experience working with children. Apply in person @ Immokalee Field Office/Preschool The Seminole Casino in Immokalee is seeking fun, energetic and enthusiastic individuals to join the area's HOTTEST entertainment venue immediately Quality individuals seeking CAREER OPPORTUNITIES and ADVANCEMENT are encouraged to apply TODAY Pick YOUR career and embark on a new adventure $10.00 per hour $5.50 plus tips $9.50 per hour $5.50 plus tips $7.50 per hour $10.00+ per hour BOE $10.00 per hour $8.00 per hour $8.00 per hour $10.00 per hour $21.00 avg. w/tips $12.50 per hour We are also seeking candidates for these management positions: Public Space Supervisor TAD/Gaming Machine Floor Supervisor Benefits available for ALL employees l www.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person TODAY! 506 S. 1st St. Immokalee, FL 1-800-218-0007 The Seminole Casino is a Drug-free Workplace Need a few more bucks to purchase something deep? Pick up some extra bucks when you sell your used Items In the classifelds. Time to clean out the attic, basement and/or garage? Advertise your yard sale in the clssi- fleds and make your clean un a breeze Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you. No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cessful people! Employmen UNITED STATES SUGAR CORPORATION MILL ROLL WELDERS (11 Openings) S17.28/hour plus Benefits ALL LEVELS OF EXPERIENCE WELCOME II you nave at least si months of welding experience please explore Ihis unique opportunity We have eleven new openings tnal need to be tilled immediately PRIMARY FUNCTION: Safely weld mill rolls in to maintain ericiencies and la- cilihale maintenance and repairs. RESPONSIBILITIES: Weld mill rolls to an acceptable standard. Comply with operational and satery training. Perform routine safety checks on equipment and maintain all rec urdsperTinerl io the job. Perform or assist in maintenance and repairs needed throughoutthe tandems. Must comply witn company, local, slate and federal regulations related to health and safety. Able to work alone or with minimal supervision. ABOUT US SUGAR CORPORATION United States Sugar Corporation is one of America's largest diversified, privately held agribusiness firms. We are employee owned and have world class bene- fits including outstanding medical, 401K, retirement income and employee stock ownership. The Company is headquartered on the southern shore of Florida's Lake Okeechobee between Fort Myers and West Palm. If interested please do one of the following: Stop In: Employment Office on WC Owen Drive in Clewiston(Ask for Letty or John) Email: Jdooley@ussugar.com Fax: 863-902-2889 US Sugar is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse workforce. Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply r.-- ope Hospice and Community Services Case Manager Interview and assess clients to determine needs. Must have a min. Bachelor's Degree. Social Service degree Preferred. CNA Compassionate care and rewarding work. Top mileage rate paid for travel between patients plus great salary and benefits. Florida CNA License required. * 100% Paid Benefits Provided * Medical, Dental, Life, Disability, Retirement Plan * Up to 26 Paid Days Off Annually Email Resume: careers(hopehospice.org or Fax Toll Free 1-866-604-8081 -or- Complete an application at: HOPE Employment Welcome Center 2668 Winkler Ave., Fort Myers 8:30 am to 5:30 pm, Mon-Fri Applications also available online at EOE www.hopehospice.org/Careers.htm Drug Free How do you ind a Job In today's competitive market? In the employ- ment section of the clas- sifleds One man's trash is anoth- or man's treasure. TUrn your trash to treasure with an ad In the classi- fieds. i ITI ILI II 1 0 i ll-- 1800 140 N*1 Cage Cashier Cocktail Server Count Team Member Dining Room Servet Dishwasher Line Cook Players' Club Representative Poker Brush Prep Cook Security Officer TAD/Gaming Machine Customer Service Representative TAD/Gaming Machine Technician I ThursdAy, December 21, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee I Garage/ Yard Sales I - I ffdpm I lb Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 21, 2006 Emlymn Ful im 00 33 -yme FullTim Empoyen FullTim Empoyen Full Tim NOW HIRING 33 Correctional Officer's For Facility Expansion BENEFITS INCLUDE: HEALTH, DENTAL, VISION, LIFE, DEPENDENT LIFE INSURANCE & 401K RETIREMENT MOORE HAVEN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 1990 East SR 78NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Phone 868-946-2420 Fax 863-946-2487 Equal Opportunity Employer S /F/D/V , The GEO Group, Inc,. A worldwide leader in privatized corrections -PRESCHOOL TEACHER- Immokalee Indian Reservation High School Diploma & C.D.A. credential, 45 hours DCF training. Ability to meet the Countys licensing agent requirement. Ability to secure and maintain a FL Class D License with a "P" (passenger) endorsement. Fax resume to (954)967-3477 Houes- al CALOOSA BELLE is looking for an Part time time with somewhat flexible hours The ideal candidate will be self-motivated with an outgoing personality, more than average computer skills, bilingual a plus, understanding of digital photog- raphy and reliable transportation. The Caloosa Belle offers, a unique work environment where employees are trusted and empowered. e-mail resume to: jkasten@strato.net -BEHAVIORAL HEALTH RN~ Needed for work on a crisis stabilization unit with Glades residents with serious emotional distur- bances. Requires active and clear Florida license plus 1-3 yrs. experience. -BEHAVIORAL HEALTH LPN- Needed for work on a crisis stabilization unit with Glades residents with serious emotional distur- bances. Requires active and clear Florida license plus 1-3 yrs. experience. Competitive salary and excellent benefits. Fax re- sume to (561)992-8696. You may e-mail your re- sume to bsears@oakwoodcenterorg. Oakwood Center of the Palm Beaches, Inc. Glades Services 406 SE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Belle Glade, FL 33430 : EOE:MiF/DNv U -HussS u-Se1 I Hoss-Sae12 I Employment Full Time "I'll Employment Employment Full Time J0205 LNIIPTiyme SOUTHERN GARDENS CITRUS MECHANICS $18.03 PER HOUR Three plus years of experience with the ability to install, maintain, troubleshoot and repair in- dustrial equipment such as pumps, motors, conveying systems, hydraulics, turbines, gear boxes and related equipment. Southern Gardens is the world's largest sup- plier of 100 percent pure Florida not-from- concentrate (NFC) orange juice to the private label industry and major brands. We are a di- vision of United States Sugar Corporation, one of America's largest diversified, privately held agribusiness firms. The Company is headquartered on the southern shore of Flori- da's Lake Okeechobee between Fort Myers and West Palm. If interested please do on one of the' following: Stop In: Employment Office on WC Owen Drive in Clewiston(John or Letty) Email: Jdooley@ussugar.com Fax: 863-902-2889 US Sugar is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse workforce. Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply -Site Manager~ Immokalee Reservation Supervise cooks, janitors and volunteer staff to the Hot Meals program.. Ability to communicate effectively with elderly. High School diploma/GED. Minimum 1 yr. supervisory experience. Good leadership skills, positive attitude. Valid FL Driver's License. Excellent Benefits incl. medical, dental & 401 K Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 CLASS-A CDL DRIVERS- Now Hiring OTR & Local Drivers- New Equipment; Great Bene- fits; Premium Pay Package. Call Oakley Transport, (877)882-6537. DRIVER NEEDED- Gulf Har- vesting, Inc., is looking for Semi driver to haul citrus and . loboy. Benefits provided. Fax resume to: 239-369-2267; orcall239-369-9617 DRIVER: YOU WANT IT, WE HAVE IT! Solo, teams, owner operators, company drivers, students, recent grads, re- gional, dedicated, long haul. Van, flatbed. Must be 21. CGRST Career Center.' (800)940-2778, www.drive- forcrst.com. -I-Sa 1 1 8)New Listingil 4/2 MH on 7.5 acres in Pioneer!W Fenced Only $230,000 9)Easy Life S/D Remodeled 3/2 Mobile Home. New roof, carpet. Call for appointment $85,000 MLS#: 200661385 10)Montura Ranchl 3/2 Mobile Home on 1,.25 ac. $99,900 MLS#: 200668993 1l)REDUCED!! Must See 4/2 Mobile Home of Merit on 1,25 Acres, Only 115,000.000 MLS# 200644944 12)Seminole Manor Spacious NEW 3/2 Mobile Home MLS# 200682271 $125,000 13)Income Producing 3/1 and 2/1 duplex located on Haiti Ave. $150,000 MLS#: 200661385 14)Pioneer 17th St. 2.5 acr $59,900.00 15)15 Acres Cleared Pasture land. Fenced and cross-fenced. Convenient access to Clewiston or Labelle $425,000 MLS#: 200652207 16) Need Space Sbd/2ba Home on 1,25 Acres. Only $295,000 Walker/Wood Team Sam J. Ashley P Walker Wood GRI 863-677-1013 863-228-1132 CLEWISTON *Fish from your backyard! Fabulous new lakefront listing sits on .28 acres w/ over 1700 sq.ft. This 3bd home offers a new roof, and new carport, all fenced. Priced to sell @ appraised value $174.9K *New Home! 3bd/2ba/Icar gar. CBS Home, 1,670sq ft. on 1012 Texas Ave. $165,500 S3/2 DWMH, 611 Orange Rd, offered @ $89,900 *3.13 acres land w/ singlewide. Cleared w/ great soil for gardener nursery close to lake and town. Property has unlimited potential, $200K -Just Listed! 3bd/2ba on Eastside of town $159,250.00 FLAGPOLE .2.5 acres on Flaghole Rd. S84,900.00 SBack on Markedt Fabulous 3bd/2ba for only $140,900- Call today for your appt. *126 (K= 3jji l^RBtc LAKEPORT A little piece of Heavent 775 County Rd.721 Loop NE Beautiful 2 story home w/ spiral staircase & wood floors. Big backyard w/ boat access to the Gulf & direct access to Lake "O". Home on one acre among oak Hammocks, Reduced to $475K * 105 Pinelake Ave the best 1.41 ac lake front ..... lot in Montura @ $77,900 StWng Prices * Back on the Market! 860 South Uve Oak2/1 Sweet Lake Villas: Only 550K Villa $179,990 .420 South Lindero $33,900 Lago $199,990 S545 S. Brida St. $28K Dolce $209,990 *Vacant land In Harleml .19 acre lots Cal Us Today *Vacant land in Port LaBelle! $39,500 For More Information PIONEER PLANTATION .4150 Pioneer 17th St. 2.5 Ac $65K 3 Flamingos missing from .5205 Pioneer 22nd St. 5 Ac 5130K Sugar Realty. PORT LABELLE Call if you have Information. Brand New! CBS homes now available in Port LaBelle - tots starting @ $29.9Kwith no credit check- Call for more information!! Great Locationt 3bd/2ba/2 car garage, brick veneer, fenced back- yard, new roof, storage sheds. Wonderful family home. $279,900.00 MH on 1.25 acres in Montura Ranch Estates $98,9000 5 Acres in Pioneer potential for great home site S149.9K 5 acres in LaDeca $95K Montura Ranch Estates 363 Appaloosa Ave. (Paved road) $38K 830 S. Orange St. S39.9K 735 N. Frcq0(mL7.9K 120-130 S. Coral (2.5 Acres) $75K 2.5 acres Perimeter Rd. $73K Sky Valley Lots: Starting at $64K CALL ME FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION HOMES, INVESTMENT, OR RESIDENCE 1. Commercial Listing Successful Business & Property with over 10,000 sq.ft. of Buildings on Y. acres w/ 175' directly on Sugariand Hwy. Priced Reduced to $875K 2. Industrial Property Hurricane Proof Concrete Building/Landscaped/ Parking $250K 3. industrial Lot w/industrial zoning Reduced to $79,900 for Quick Sale 4. Commercial Lot Need a commercially zoned lot for your business Great Buy at 589.9K with owner financing 5. New Residential Listing! R2 zoned 3bd/lba w/ a Ibd/lba Mother in Law Detached Room $158,900 Exceptional Value 6. Over 55? Own you own home for less than $44.9K Sportsman's Village 7. Beautiful 2.5 acre wooded home site in Pioneer Plantation. Just Reduced to S74K w/ possible owner financing 8. New Listing! Port LaBelle Beautiful lot 45 o0. 720 Jasmine St 1. acre lot located in Montura Ranch Estates only $31.8K 11. 730 Jasmine St. 1 .Sacre lot locat- ed in Montura Ranch Estates only $31.8K 12. Residential Lot in Port LaBelle offered at S29.9K for Quick Sale! 1. Pioneer Plantation Beautiful wood Enrique frame home on 2.5 acres. New AC, Acosta Floors, & Roof $259,000.00 2 A New Beginning Spacious 3bd/2ba 35O"065876 0 2005 DWMH securitysystem equipped Be SI&hfa n on 1-25 acres with beautiful pines. $144,900.00 MLS# 200672747 3. Montura Ranch 4bd DWMH. Split floor plan, his/her sinks in master, large porch, & much more. Motivated seller asking $149,900.00 MLS# 20066133 4. New Listingi Brick home on two city lots with 3bd. Asking only $189,900,00 MLS# 200686099 S. Need Shed Space? Montura 3bd/2ba DWMH on paved corner lot. Home recently remodeled. Won't last long with 2 sheds. $139,900.00 MLS# 200656790 6. Executive Home Move in condition w/ 5bds, 2 AC units, 2 water heaters, tile throughout, working chimorey, large screen patio, new roof & much more. Motivated Seller asking $549,900.00 7. Mother-in-Law Suite R2 zoning 3bd CBS home w/ lbd suite. Offered for only $158,900.00 MLS# 200660213 8. Secluded DWMH on 1.25 acres. Split floor plan, master bath contains large garden tub w/ separate shower, property fenced w/ additional fencing for animals. Next to canal. $124,900.00 VaantlIand 5) 455 N. Hacienda 550,000.00 1) 130 N. Arboleda 1.09 acres 6) South Bay NW 2nd St. $39,900 $30,000.00 2) 136 Montura Ave. 1.25 acres 7) 420 Fronda $42,000.00 $39,900 8) 155 Estribo $45,000.00 3)569 Hunting Club Ave. 1.25 9) LaBelle 28 acres asking acres $55,000.00 $980,000.00 4) 740-750 S. Palm St. 2.5 acres 80K 98000000 FREE APPRAISAL Call for Details 1 00S. ermr 0 0s ror al at 8 6-9 3 2 93"w 0u izrreat0cS SHOP MECHANIC King Ranch-Florida has an immediate opening for a Shop Mechanic. Requires experience repairing farm equipment and implements, diesel engines, A/C, electrical and hydraulic systems. Must have own tools. 50 + hrs. per week. Salary based on experience. Complete benefit package including medical, dental, life insurance, retirement, 401(k), vacation, holidays and sick pay. Drug-free workplace/EOE. For an application, please call (561)996-7257 Employment Full Time Employment Full Time STORE MANAGER Gas/Convenience Store Big Cypress Reservation High School Diploma, Associates Degree preferred. Minimum of 1 year retail experience. Excellent communication skills. 2 years supervisory/management experience. Flexible hours, FL driver's license. Pay based on experience, with benefits. Fax resume to 954-967-3477 Citrus Grove Foreman/Supervisor preferably with experience with middle management in citrus harvesting operations. Ability to effectively lead and supervise other employees in harvesting. Assist in record keeping, time management, employee sched- uling, and general operations coordination. Bilingual (Eng- lish/Spanish) is a plus. Salary or hourly pay, commensurate with experience. Depending upon the level of experience and expertise the position would possibly be offered as a salaried position, for a high profile candidate. Benefits include company paid health insurance, life insurance, 401K (matching), optional dental insurance; paid vacation and holidays, company vehicle. Resumes will be received at fax # 239-369-2267, may be mailed to: Gulf Harvesting, Inc., P.O.Box 31,75, Immokalee, FL 34143;, or you may inquire by telephone at: 239-340-4737. I Houses -Sale 1025 1 Thursday, December 21, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee ;,Houses Sale 1025 I Houses Sale]E2]5 11 $2,900 WEEKLY GUARAN- TEED! Address letters for holiday cash. No experience necessary. Free information. Start immediately! Write: A&G Publications, 2370-G Hillcrest Rd. #147-H, Mo-' bile, AL 36695. Attn: Drivers/0/ops: The Best Careers Start With BLUE & YOU: $1500 SIGN-ON BO-; NUS + DOUBLE orientation pay EQUALS $2000 IN YOUR POCKET, Excellent Benefits & Guaranteed Home Time! (866)326-2679 www.marten.com. Driver ASAP 36-43cpm/$1.2Opm + Sign On Bonus $0 Lease NEW Trucks CDL-A + 3 mos OTR (800)635-8669. Hue -S Ie Th da December 21 2 6 Fime - FallTimI'- Accounts Payable Clerk Big Cypress Reservation High School Diploma or GED, minimum one (1) year exp. Accounting exp., invoices/purchase orders, knowledge of MS Excel & Word. Excellent phone & Customer service skills, Data entry experience. Fax resume or applications to (954) 967-3477 The GEO Group, Inc. The GEO Group, Inc. A worldwide leader in privatized corrections BENEFITS INCLUDE: HEALTH, DENTAL, VISION, LIFE, DEPENDENT LIFE INSURANCE & 401 K RETIREMENT * CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS * RECREATION SPECIALIST * VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTOR (PC Support) * SUBSTANCE ABUSE INSTRUCTOR * LIEUTENANT * SERGEANT MOORE HAVEN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 1990 East SR 78NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Phone 868-946-2420 Fax 863-946-2487 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V Emplymen Ful-im I'l Empoyen Ful imI00 Seminole Tribe of FL Water Resources Dept. has openings at our Brighton Reservation: Water Control Structure Operator: Work w/ local agricultural operators to determine structure set- tings. Set boards in risers, assist w/maintenance of water control system & rights of ways. Cleaning & clearing as needed. Mechanical abilities pre- ferred. HS diploma/GED. Equipment Operator: Maintain irrigation & drain- age systems. Able to operate excavator, diesel machines & pump drives & perform maintenance on same. HS diploma/GED. Valid FL drivers li- cense required. Clerk: Answer phones, typing, general office work. Good computer skills. HS diploma/GED re- quired. Apply by email galtman@semtribe.com:; ax 954-967-3477 or mail: HR, 6300 Stirling Road, Hlwd., FL 33024. www.seminoletribe.com The Seminole Tribe of Florida has openings at our Big Cypress Reservation Health Clinic: LPN: Provide ambulatory Nursing services. Phone triage. Administer meds. therapeutic treatments, diagnose testing. Assist w!transport. Home visits. Active FL LPN license required. Current BLS cer- titication. Medical Social Worker: Coord. medical care with clinic & outside providers. Provide assessment & prevention services. Provide coOnseling regarding medical care. MIS degree in Social Work, Psych, Mental Health, or Family Therapy or Bachelors wi minimum 2 years exp. AlinimumI yr. clinical exp. w/dual diagnosis patients (Chemical Dependencyl Mental Health). Community Health Rep.: Home Health for pa- lients., transport, assist in clinic, vitals, draw blood. HS diploma & previous health care exp. re- quired. Valid FL Drivers License required. for all. Resume to galtman@semtribe.com or fax 954-967-3477. Details @ www semtribe.corn One man's trash Is anoth- er man's treasure. Turn your trash to treasure with an ad in the classi- nfieds. Hoss-Sae12 mloint- FulTm e 020t mm - EmloIe t urs y, , '- Employmen Engineer in Training or Professional Engineer Hendry County is seeking an entry level engineer with a Bachelors degree in Civil Engineering or a related degree, to assist the Hendry County Engineer in the design and planning of roadways, hydraulic systems, water and sewage systems, storm water and drainage facilities, irrigation and water conservation projects and other engineering projects. The minimum requirements include a Bachelor's Degree in civil, agricultural, rural, or related field of engineering; knowledge of CAD and GIS software. Call 863- 675-5222 for a complete position announcement Applications, job description and requirements can be obtained from the Personnel Department located in the Courthouse Square, 165 South Lee Street in LaBelle or at the Hendry County Sub Office in Clewiston. Salary range between $36,920 $60,000 depending on qualifications. Veterans' preference as outlined in the Florida Statutes, Hendry County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Drug/Smoke Free Work Place. Applicants with disabilities or needing assistance in the application or hiring process should contact the Human Resource Department. This position will be open until filled. Bridge Tender/LaBelle Airport- The person selected for this position will be responsible for inspecting mechanical, electrical devices on the bridge & maintain a look out for boats. Also assist pilots, answer radio, check fuel facilities and fill out appropriate daily forms. Knowledge of boats, boating procedures, & bridge controls preferred. Must have a clean Florida Drivers' License. Mechanic I. Basic mechanic knowledge, experience as an automotive service worker or Mechanic's helper preferred. Mechanic II. Graduate from an approved course in heavy & diesel mechanics, three years experience. Both Mecharnic portions require class B drivers license Must have a High School Diploma or GED. Both located in Clewision. Highway Maintenance Technician II. Maintains highways municipal and rural roads, and nonis-Ol-ways in sale coriition Knowledge in use ol standard equipment and hand luol; used in field. Must have a clean valid Flonda Commercial Drivers license, Class B or higrier with air brake endorsement. Heavy Eouipment Ooerator I. This is skilled work in the operation of public works equipment Must have two years experience in the operation ol highway construction and mnaileran(e equipment similar to 1ti r assignment or any equivalent combination ol training ana evpenence. Maintenance Technician II- Semi skilled manual work involving vanous maintenance construction, & plumbing lasks. Requires plumbing experience, possession of a valid Florida drivers license with acceptable dnvirg record. Must have a High School Diploma or is equivalent. GIS Coordinator for the LaBelle ohice Must nave Bachelor oi Science from an accredited college or university in computer science, geography, or related field with considerable erpenence in the use ol geographic information systems or 8yrs equivalent expenence. Annual Salary is between $45,000-$50.000 Electrical Inspector Must have S vrs. eopenence with a licensed contractor. The posibons are lull time with medical benefits. retirement, sick and vacation leave. Triese posiliorns wil De open until tilled. Job description & 3pplicjiions can De Oblained in the Satelline Ohice in Clewiston and the Courthouse Square in LaBelle in the HR Department. Vet Prel EEO Drug iree Applicarils needing assistance in ine application process should c onrilac i er Hendry Couny Commissioners HR department Love the earth Recycle your used Items by sell- ing them in the classi- neds. -HossSa10 Grab a bargain Irom vour neighbor's garage, attic, basement or clos- et In today's classfleds. Hu s-ae 0 HOW lawut can vawcar go? If can go even tamtoar when Vyou on In in tHe clsalllode.. Hue -Sae12 Driver-BYNUM TRANSPORT needs qualified drivers for Central Florida- Local & Na- tional OTR positions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, com- petitive pay & new equip- ment. (866)GO-BYNUM. Need 2 years experience. ELECTRICIANS & HELPERS Needed for comm'l work in Belle Glade. All levels needed. Call-1-866-206-9546 EVERGLADES FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Now accepting applications for Full-Time Teller. Must nave excellent communication skills, previous cash handling experience a must. Bi-lingual A+ May apply in person or mail resume to: 1099 W.Ventura Ave Clewiston, FL 33440 Artn: Brandy Or email resume to bulilantb@earthlink.net Exciting opportunity ic work. witn international company in your nomelown Compen- sated volunteers needed io work with international youth in your community Travel incentives Call (8001344-3566. FRAGILE FLOWERS NEED TOUGH DRIVERS! See what ARMELLINI nas io offer 'Team or Solo wanting to Team" Class A CDL with HazMal req 800-428-0343 cnoose option 1 Palm City or visit www.arimllni com National online medical cor- poration seeks licensed phy- sicians lo work from home doing phone consultalions Contact United MD Group (800)846-6560" I ai- ien@unitedmagroup.com. OTR drivers deserve more pay and more nomeiime' $.38imi 1 year e..periencre More experience makes more' Home weekends' Run our Florida Region Hear- land E'press (800)441-4953 www.rearilandexpress comn !Ho es-Sl 1 OLDCASTLE LAWN & GARDEN Moore Haven Florida Office Asst. Needed Computer and Organization Skills will be a plus. This po- sition will be working with dispatch and truck scales. Call for more info: Janette Martin 863-946-1027 Post Office Now Hiring. Avg. Pay $20/hour or $57K annu- ally including Federal Bene- fits and OT. (800)709-9754 USWA Ref #P5799 Ex- am/Fee Req. TIMEKEEPER: Needed for a produce packinghouse. Duties include: answering phones, record keeping, keeping track of employees time. Must be able to travel. Hourly + Benefits. Please call Maria Jimenez @657-4421 or Apply @ 807 E. Main St., Immokalee. TREEHOUSE LEARNING CENTER Has several openings coming soon. F/T or pre-K teachers, mnus have current CDA, speak English and be enrolled or seeking college credit classes in Early Childhood. Fax or mail resume to: Tree House Learning Center 1309 N.W. Ave L Belle Glade, FL 33430 561-993-3800 561-993-3807 FAX OAK BROOK OF LABELLE Now Hiring RN'S, LPN's, CNA's Housekeeping Apply at: 250 Broward Ave LaBelle,FL 33935 EOE When you want something sold, advertise In the classilefds. Hue -Sl 10 I IS l Sro pertles .7 'F EATURED LISTING 2,1. 1 cf ar tpov~. be, FL ~ ro.,m.3mnd pa. ed dn-.v 140%77 S. -pticad ..ry e,,rer "0 r elrd&Dr 20 ~~i ki't Cai~ro ~aThrorna 863-946-0505 .li oi/iDavid Rister 6.14l-1157 cwi' U. STANTON MOBILE HOMES Quality Homes at Discounted Pricesl Homes From the Low $50's. Turn Key Packages Available. Family Owned Since 1981. |ACOBSEN ScotBilt . Re-ol j .1 5, will be closing Dec. 21st at 12 noun opening on Tuejda;. Dec loth at 12 nmre Z.C. REAL ESTATE BROKER 420 E. SUGARLAND HUY. Sa (863) 983-6663 --. S (863) 983-9770 WanarM: DYISSMEALBSTATE.COM BMAt: A1@DYESSREALESTAnT.COM -AFTER .lVOURS: ANN DESS LAURA SMITH TRAVIS DYSS ANGELICA GONZALEZ (863) 983-8979 (863)599-1209 (863)228-2215 SE HABLA ESPANOL (863)228-0023 I~B LDI.S NTIAJ~ 'Pre-const. Tbwn Homes 3BR, 1 1/2BA $149,000 from $199,900 4BR, 2BA New Home 3BR,2BAHarlem$85K $329,000 MOBILE HOMES 3BR, 2BA Royal Palm Montura 3BR/2BA $249,000 DWMH 1.25 acres 2BR, 2BA, 2 story REDUCED to $105,(0) $1402BR, 2BA, 2 story Montura 2/2 SWMH Home on Taft Blvd. with +2.5 acres $70,000 2,5 acres, $225,000 3BR, 2BA DWMH 4BR, 2BA $340,000 +5 acres, $214,900 4BR, 2BA, Doublewide 3BR, 2BA Pool w/ 8.7 Ca NowForaSoh cres $729,900wing Condo Bass Capital $169,000 VACANT LAND Montura 1.25 acre lots n,qvAl1 ('Pit fi*r T io~inag 3BR, 1BA Corner Lot avaiv, .,au iv u-s. $179,900 F 2BR. IBA. 2ith guest- aghole 2.41 acre house &. pool S299.900 ,135,000 Woodlands S/D 2 lots reduced to $35,000 each 2.23 acres Pioneer $69,900 Pioneer 7 lots $56,500 each Pioneer 11 lots tog. 552 5000 each COMMERCIAL 100 acres'$2,5m Cabinet Shop 4800sq.ft. d Apt. S 200.000 SEASON GREETINGS TO ALL I CLEWISTON *3 BR/ 3 BA MIH .., Lre Screened Porch. Seminole M:t..r Make an Offer! *2 BR/ 1I BA Home on corner lot. Sagamore Ave. Reduced to $130,000. *3 BR/2 BA MH wlLrg waterfront lot, fenced, det. garage. Melissa Road. $129,900 *4BR/2BA MH with add, tot Green Street *3BRI2BA CBS Home, corner lot. E. Sugaend Priced to Sell At $180,000 *3BR/2BA on Davidson Rd. Handicap Access. 1.42 acs manicured lawn. $274,900 -4 BR 3 BA Waterfront home, Popash Cir. Large pool, patio, & more $389,000 *3 BW2 BA Executive Home, East Del Monte, custom upgrades 1+ acre. Reduced to $499,000 *3 BR/2.5 BA, 4 car gar., Lrg RYt Area. Ridgewood Avenue. H.bbiestis Dream. Listed at $439,000 MOORE HAVEN / LAKEPORT *2 CBS Duplexes 2 BR/1 BA each unit. Only $229,000 for both! *Like New 2/2 MH with Lrg Addition. Moore Haven Yacht Club. $128,500 -4BR2BA MH, .67 ac. Cypress Ava $164,900 *2BR/lBA MH-Lakeport with direct 1'.1. 4e Ulc A~~ Veou4*Cc ukIM f"I *1BR/IBA Sportsmans Village, 55+ Community $80,000 PIONEER / LADECA / FLAGHOLE '3 BD/2 BA MH, beautiful 2.5 ac lot, new carpet/paint. 17th St. $189,900 *3BD/2BA MH 5 ac wLrg oaks, pole barn & more. Ev.rhigh Acres Rd. $279,000 -A rare find! Taft Blvd. 1 ac with 3BD/2BA MH. $132,500 'Owner Arodmu! PrivateWooded, +/- 4 ac W3BD2BAMHRgaspamied.$285,000 ACREAGE, LAND & LOTS .33 ac lot in Port LaBelle for $65,000 *Highlands Co. 10. 28. & 80 AC parcels starting at $23,500 per ac. *2 lots in Horseshoe Acres for $65,000 *Rare Find! 3 acs. Oak filled lots. $55Kparta *.22 ac MH lot in Clewiston for $26,500 MONTURA '1.25 ac. lots available starting at $25,000 Lrg4 BR/2 BA MH. $115,.000 *Lrg. 4 BD/2 BAMH 1.25 Verda St. Many extras, Ready fr fsmiy $209,900 S*3BD/2BA DWMHImrnaculate $160,000 TERESA SULLlvA,% GRI , Your Realtor For Life! a 9 TeresaSiullvan-ReMax.com rn 561-795-8533 AdM 1)Great location for this Large CBS home featuring 3BR/2BTH with 2 car garage on .41 acre lot. Asking 245,000. Call for details. 2)Bcautiful Pool home. This property is like new condition everything has been redone. Featuring 3BR/2BTH, Family room, large Kitchen & more. Asking 259,000 3)Lovely home for under 100K. This 3BR/2BTHI- is a must see. Nice landscaped yard, Wood deck in front & back-& more. Asking 95,000 4)Beautiful Large Home on Almost an acre lot backing to lake in Pahokee. Features 4BR/31BTH and over 3400 SF. Asking $264,900 5)Just Reduced to $115,000. This 3BR/IBTH prop- erty has new roof, just painted inside, Fenced yard, Family room and more. Call for details TMI Phone: 863-946-3900 -198 US Hwy. 27, Moore Haven-,." Jeffrey 1. Davis 11 V L d E I [AC Rr. 4c r AvERGLADES A REALTY, INC. 3k ITTIMM' I eV=lad4csrcalty.nct Ll Ell" 4KA CWl a I Houses -,Sale Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee I I Houses Sale See our other listings at- wwwJftAVJL-SP.P-ATUST.AlrU I chs-awls4utate.net "4111U-1 126104 DRIVER PT IJedel lo pick up New TiuCIs around Soiijh Fhorida $15 Hour MusI navy Clean Driving Record. CiillMie ai i863j75-3424 PuT OFFICE CLERK PeriTianen P/T Rv park local- rd in Lake Pcrl. has need lor a.n ullce erk., year round Req s wajoing wck:endi dur- inig tea.;, n, seasc,i1i l Ifol v- Apr) rs hicirnim 12p-5p W-F. Sal 9i-5p Sun 12p-5p, Oif Mon 8 TueN I-'on seasonal IMay-jcl) nri; M-F., a-lp rin weekends rec Some comnpul- -r sk ils necessary vEp in ol- lice skills prei. Musil nave ersi,)naiilv and work well wiuiubhc Call 561-?2u-i)0U90 or l a. r i u i e 10 561-820-912) Grab a bargain from your neighbor's garage, attic, basement or clos- et in today's classifleds. SALES REPRESENTATIVE: Per ,on will sell quipmerni & pJ3ri IC rlioJidoor Power Equipmmnl iO 1PE ) 0ealyr,. nui.,lh jQ] ,:,l F'E. 0 plus SjIjry pefiisr C omrrnission. Fringeq- & vehicle Furnishred EfTinai resjume- li l e,'i a liihnI : 'im1 Financial -- Business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 ALL CASH CANDID ROUTE 0o y'U ,alrln 580 1) vi 30LI Ma- crune; Free .nidv All lor '1.9 995 i88li629-99b8 Bi(n021)0 i C ALL US We will ril be uirinrerio iI NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- ment that is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- ue, such as promises of guaranteed income from work-at-home programs if it sounds too good to be true, chances are that it is. If you have questions or doubts aboutany ad on these pages, we advise that before responding or send- ing money ahead of time, you check with the Better Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 for previous complaints. Some 800 and 900 telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distance toll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, but occasionally we may not be aware of the charges. Therefore, if you call a number out of your area, use caution. Services Babysitting 405 Child Care Needed410 Child Care Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered 425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 DELIVER OUR PRECIOUS CARGO: Be a Hendry County School Board Bus Driver. Contact the. Transportation Dept. at 863-674-4115 or Cheryl Jameson at jamesonc@ hendry.kl2.fl.us NEW SELF STORAGE 46urnii, .15 8.15, 1015 10i .30, 12..30. 15,25. Full eled trc. secure ,n ComiTiereic SI 350 tl rom CGlewislon Police Depl. 863-933-6663 863-983-2808 after ris 863-983-8979 Merchandise Air Conditioners 505 Antiques 510 Appliances 515 Appliance Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bicycles 530 Books & Magazines 535 Building Materials540 Business Equipment 545 Carpets/Rugs 550 Children's Items 555 China, Glassware, Etc. 560 Clothing 565 Coins/Stamps 570 Collectibles 575 Computer/Video 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 Cruises 590 Drapes, Linens Fabrics 595 Fireplace Fixture 600, Firewood 605 Furniture 610 Furs 615 Health & Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment,' Supplies 625 Household Items 630 Jewelry 635 Lamps/Lights 640 Luggage 645 Medical Items 650 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies/ Equipment 665 Pets/Supplies/' Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools & Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 Toys & Games 730 VCRs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 A/C UNIT- Blrd. Self con- iaired 5 ion. Wall mount $150. or best offer. (863)357-3400 AC W/HEAT- Ceniral pa( kage unit, 3.5 ton, wora. never in- .s allied, $1550 (561)447-6538 DISHWASHER- White, Works -very well. $50. l86315T.-7136 DRYER, Kenmore, $100 (863)634-8024 FREEZER- Very large, Like new. $1000. (239)248-4758 GE WASHER & DRYER- Less than 1 yr old, white, paid $700 asking $300 (863)675-3793 MICROWAVE- Hot Point, Good condition. $15. (863)467-4567 RANGE, 24" electric, good condition. $75 (863)357-7065 RANGE- 30", GE, Electric, White, Almost new $100. (863)467-1897 STOVE, Frigidiare, Smooth Top, Electric. Great condi- tion. Moving. $150. (863)261-6299 STOVE- Whirlpool, electric, glass top, white, $100 (863)675-1634 WASHER & DRYER- White, $300 will separate (863)763-1884 Earn some extra cash. Sell your used Itemns in the classified TANNING BED- 2 yrs old, ex- cellent condition, $1000 or best offer (863)467-1152 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 21, 2006 E NL -ant* iques Palm Terrace of Clewiston sugar magnolia salvage boutiqu Great Career cottage style furniture, vintage Opportunities! collectibles, etc. . AG NO, hiring or the following bondstreet clewiston f full-time p,.iifions: WEEKEND SUPERVISOR located behid pzazz -n pe,,enceJ LPN or RN is elabeth 863-634-9917 prelerrEd." RNs& LPNs SFull-time,L day shift .CNAs Full-time, all shilLs 31S u G .riS Clewiton L 34 Ph 863 -983-5123_ FIREPLACE MANTEL- Brand new Marniel only $200 or besiotter 863)'763-674- ACCENT TABLES, (3), white, (1) re,:iangle (1) round & 1) round wiin lamp, $40. 863)674-1276 ARMOIRE / ENTERTAINMENT CENTER- Black, all wood, $.250 or best oiler (863)227-0173 Armoire Ladies, Blonde with gold accents, 5 doors w sweater comp.,solid wood $150 (863)467-4572 BUNK BED, Loft style, all in one, purchased at Badcock, exc. cond. $500 (863)763-6430 Iv. msg. CHAIRS (35), Brown metal, folding. $105 for all or will separate. (863)675-3230 Chase Lounge Elegant, solid cream velour like material, $250 or best offer (863)227-0173 CHINA CABINET- For Buffet, 45 x 41 x 12, glass doors and shelf with light, $35 (863)763-1997 COMFORTERS (2): King size, brand new, pictures of wolves on them. $60 or will separate. 239-340-8503. COMPUTER ARMOIRE, Dark wood, double doors close with key lock. $100 (863)763-3191 COMPUTER DESK, 31/i long x 4W' tall. Has top shelf and cabinet, $40 (863)763-5067 COMPUTER DESK, 72"x30" deep, with top tower shelf, excellent [andiion. $45 (863)763-1997 COMPUTER DESK, with hutch, small drawer, file cabinet & keyboard drawer. $75 S(863)763-3191 ADULT 3 WHEEL BICYCLE, Miami Sun, $100 or best offer. (989)831-5135 DYNO AIR BIKE- w/green pegs to grind with and rotating handle bar Good cond $50 neg18b3)6.34-2914 STEEL BUILDING SALE' Huge savrinag. Manulaclurer direcI 26 years Wrislanrd hiah wind and rheavy snow Limiled quanilies. For SPECIALS 311l Pioirner ('800'1668-.42* or visil www pioneer- steel com. STEEL BUILDINGS. Faciory DeaI4 Save $1.$ 40 60 to 100 .. 20V1 E' 50 101) 12' = 1.3 60, sq (800)658-2885 www.rigid. building.com CHAIN LINK GATE- 4 II wiih ood ijicin Jni i11 riardwarr 120 (83H67-1642 DOORS- Sliding Glass. While Like New $50 'or besI orler l863l675 1634 GARAGE DOORS- While Brand fne. 10 x 12, $600 1863)6,5-923/ METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direci From ManutaLciur- er. 20 colors in slock wirth all Accessories Ouick lurn around! Delivery Available 1352)498-07'8 Toll Free 1888)393-0335. HEELIES, Worn twi Drorn while & orange .iZe 9 d .95, a siin'ng $'60' 863)763-0367 HEELYS SHOES- Size 6 black & red. single wheel, excellent conain ln, $25 (8631634-5038 WEDDING DRESS- Wrnile w. silver breding, Size 14. paid . $600, asking $150 (8631634-6601) COLLECTIBLES: Many woli iems Ihliurine cormlnriier and morel $20U lor ill. Will separate 23 340-85'.a3 ELVIS COLLECTION. Many hiems. Rare ilernm iternic Irom Gra(Iand. mremi;irai0 ilid 50 rg 186i4-16i.7-062; HOLIDAY BARBIES 131 '96.97.98. Still in box $175 1I 311 or will 3ell separile 0163631-5038 DELL COMPUTER XR Once mes Fasi 14 9 18631843-0158 CERAMIC MOLDS. Assuiled. $150 8631351'-3240 QUILTING FRAME, Hinlerberg. Wooden,. For F,'iriqng or ueern $125 (8b3)F,74.1755 ,Fiepac Fixturs 06l0 TRASH CONTAINER- Wood decorative country, kil:cenr holds 13 gallons. Only $20. 863-467-8681. LADIES RING, European cut, 1/3ctw, white gold. $475 neg. (863)634-9620 Okee MENS BRACELET, Heavy, cu- ban link. $500 neg. (863)634-9620 Okee LIGHT FIXTURES- Fluores- cent. 2'x2' with cover & bulbs. Great for kitchen. '.'iii in box. $10. (863)763-1997 BEDSIDE COMMODE- New, $50. (863)357-2891 Leave message LIFT CHAIR, Beige,.$300 (863)675-0548 SHOWER CHAIRS- New, $10. (863)357-2891 Leave mes- sage. AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA ap- proved program. Financial aid if qualified Job place- ment assistance. CALL Avia- tion Institute of Maintenance (888)349-5387. DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one sig- nature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays 800)462-2000, ext.600. (8am-6pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. COUCH- 3 cushion, Gray, ver & Black. Like new. $1( or best offer. (863)467-153 DAYBED: Trundle, Like ne Only 1 year old. $30 (863)675-0777 DROP LEAF TABLE- Manoa ny, With drawer Roug)ru i dition Needs relnisru r $200. (561)261-0766 KITTEN- Great GhCnisima G M, orange iabby.'wnie, iirn trained. Is ShOi's. will hi $15 (4431262-2740 LIVING ROOM ST. $1L1 86 3i467.,.12 . MATTRESS & BOX SPRING Sealy Po.i'urNpedic Piii Top. Queen size. 2r mont 0old.200i|772).l2-:'300 Oriental DR Set. Large, Cr, Cabinrl able. 8 rijir serving Cia., $1500 or be other 18631467.4871 RIDER/GLIDER ROCKER & 0 toman Mapie Removab cusrhioi. Good (onadil. $65. 1863)357'-8788 SOFA- Like new Wine c: ored wih reclinr-r a1 a iar end. $250 863)675-077, SOFA SECTIONAL, 3 pi: i w Sleeper Recirner Li,) beige pjnaein E'.clilerii ,:,: diion $825. i863i357 55 WROUGHT IRON- 2 Glass En Tables. 1 Coffee Table 1,25 (8634F67-4572 GOLF BAG- Hooters w.di|li score (21 pro velvel qrip Ilke new. 15 (8631763-6369 GOLF CART: Easy Go Elcilri Coniplo ie .dnva w winaw ligh s. r,, n,- Lil i: ,niw Oi:i'n $1950 neg 1,7209,1.94741 GOLF CLUBS- Compleli malcned sel, meal woods iron,. bag puner &, LCalawa B #1 1.150 863-946.-123 LADIES GOLF CLUBS- se rgnil nariePd McGrpgobr ba lie f ih'KSi ficLld wai:i, ba $125l&63)46,- 703 CARPINE- US Springlieldc mioel 1884 n): hivp C ironic sig 9n 1210U or Cue. oiler (937)215-0307" COBRA ARMS- 9 MM Derrin ger holsier $ ar iid gi.i $125 or e0':l citle 18631983-7915 GUN CABINET- Made ,,il wdo gli.a Hold 8 rile wmil silOrige drawer 1.9 5 i, ee 1863 .10--0632 MAGS- (3) Ruger Mini 14 i ee n 01 uS n }.1. 1 1861i31 -u.025i Remington 700PSS W/Cai. Leopoil scope $1350 Smilh & Wesson Model 22A.1 $303 Muodel351PD -,375 (561951-8767 SMITH & WESSON- Hidanwa Palrolmrin modei 28 .'5 mag 4" bb4 001tel iip; OP g'gni350 (93 ?.15-.030i AB LOUNGE. As seen un TV already issemibled w, vidfo Pd '%$199 never used Aihir $1.25 i863l697.6472 FREE WEIGHT GYM: 50u o11 besroner (8631467-61188 PRESSURE WASHER: 2700 you in. Water incid, No Pets &Sunday, Dec.24th, PS I, Sears. $350. No Smoking, (239)337-5859 10am-2pm- 863-673-5159 1 WELDER, portable, 200 ampC, . engine driven, $450.'P pI'Jato (863)674-1276 I8364 7 AVAILABLE NOW, Commercial 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath + Den Tos&G -ame f030 space for rent located in 2 car garage, Furnished. Clewiston. Approx 800sf area, Hwy 27 frontage. Across from I COLOR GAME BOY- with ClewistonInn. Second space adapters, lights w/magnifier, tentatively available by 6 games $100 February, 2007. For info call (863)763-3551 239-229-2199 or I TMX ELMO! New 10 th Anni- 863-675-0692. versary Edition, in box. TB $130. (561)818-1352 b ox e-Ret I BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLI- NA. MUST SEE BEAUTIFUL -i gfl mIo HOUSES & TRAILER LOTS & COLORFUL FALL FOLI- For Rent, Near Clewiston, AGE! WESTERN NC MOUN- B KARAOKE- Professional, Vo- Dr. L.E. Thompson, Jr .'TAINS Homes, Cabins, cal Pro., $100 (863)467-9054 (754)224-0364 Acreage & INVESTMENTS. Cherokee Mountain Realty SPEAKER- 12" audiobahn, 1 IMMOKALEE, 3BR, 2BA, near GMAC Real Estate, Murphy. , truck and 1 car box, 200 Lake Trafford. Call Andrea cherokeemountainrealty.com B watt amp, power, wires & for more information. Call for free brochure fuse, $150 (863)697-3865 (239)657-2779 (800)841-5868. Employment Medical 02 0 Employment Medical I Antiques 05101 Antiques 051 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- Moorehaven 3BR/2BA, All from Home. *Medical, ing to add to my collection, appliances included, 30' 1 car *Business, *Paralegal, Please call to sell coins & garage, $1500/mo. (2) avail. *Computers *Criminal Jus- paper money 239-693-4891 863-946-3333 ,e tice. Job placement assis- - tance. Computer provided. SHOT GUN, Automatic or dou- . Financial Aid if qualified. Call ble barrel, 16 r 20 gauge. S (866)858-2121 www.onli- Please call (561)261-0766 U M neTidewaterTech.com. WANTED: FLORIDA ART CAMERA PHONE- Nextel 1870, A.E. Backus, J. Hutchinson w/ MP3 and Blue Tooth, Like H. Newton, G. Buckner, E. New, $295. (863)634-7125 Buckner, L Roberts, A. Hair, R A. McClendon, S. Newton GATSBY WHIRLPOOL TUB- BIG $$ (772)562-5567 1100 ft. Rectangular, seats 4. Kept in- (3) 1100 sq. ft. side, great condition. W/Cover. Office Spaces $1500. 863-843-0913 Lv msg WOLFF TANNING BEDS Buy CHRISTMAS TREE,,6 ft., with Available April 2007 g Direct and Save! Full Body dozens of ornaments. 25 blockss from units from $22 month! years old, looks real. $50 Glades General Hospital) FREE Color Catalog CALL (863)763-5501 Sil- TODAY! (800)842-1305 (863)763-5501 00. ww rip.elan com Ag 32 YAMAHA ZUMA SCOOTER- ew. '05, 49cc, 40 actual miles, AgricultIre 0 Garage kept. $1700. (863)675-6437 , n- s n s Christmas Trees 745 OKEECHOBEE, To snaec 3BR 'rg Farm Equipment 805 nouue umilliC & Cable inI. BASS GUITAR, Fiencer i-- Farm Feed..'Products810 F.U600.,'mo liI monlis renl & ill Marcus MiViir ignarure Farm Miscellaneous 815 se: re'd 1863)6,3-6559 ihr TiolirI L I. rew .rv'<, Farm Produce 820 Farm Services ),1 (8,'T-;0 Offereda S 825 Real| stat DRUMS, Ludwig Junior 5 Farm Supplies/ 11 00 vi.etL wilh vitiril': Lir,,il Services Wanted 830 Lil- ni-w RRPlai, 1.355 al.n Fertilizer 835 -i... S- l5i:ii'6.l763F-6-98 Horses 840 | I Landscaping cw GUITAR- JOHNSON Aou Supplies 845 Business Pla ths 3 ,,elenIrseldom SL e 85 BusinessPlaces- ut.is B'ri .f Lawn & Garden 850 Sale 1005 ., j5 r Livestock B55 Commercial Ira 51836391c Poultry.'Supplies 860 Property Sale 1010 rs Io o Seeds/Plants! Condos/ esl Flowers 865 Townhouses SalelO05 Farms Sale 1020 BABY MINI POT BELLY PIGS Houses Sale 1025 ie Iar..3 Hunting Property1030 rI BEAGLE, AKC ,eg in ,ch 'ir I Investment male, 6 mrrios ld Sirii' up Property Sale 1035 t-i di nle eld: room I run BALES OF HAY 11:11:1 le- Land Sale 1040 1.3501i 863itl1i6.ll $21010 Cr will : :," pr if Lots -Sale 1045 rrI 6 176 3.- Open House 1050 BEAGLE PUPPIESj4): FiTimalei. Out of State - 6 vwl': woirnd !. 1',,rliAji' i Property Sale 1055 r l APR e, ,nOil iiedn. C1. rl Property Inspection1060 :i n .2 ei iGc.l.l:'4 77 Real Estate Waented1065 4 BEAUTIFUL. Loving pri. i,,, APPALOOSA GELDING. wiil. Resort Property - i-- pureiroiiCoy -ri. ier ri-r F 1) l 1 1 ri,,,S up l i) daJi Sale 1070 nd JaparD e sCriin; 1 a,:rn For niierTeli e rir $900 Warehouse Space 1075 50 6" ,-,0 | 66llb3 8 6-0367. TOl01949. Waterfront Property 1080 CAT- ',rnei -Lvr.i Piri BUCKSKIN-PAINT, 35 vear: l 1.riW r IN I11- hjdri ,,hi iT 11 1 6i iF, ridt Very B i s a paw '. M al,' 3 `}. '' w1.11. 1,]e' g, ',d nl.ild dil 866J357..69 %$2500 (63iJ57.6142 al CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES- I FILLY- 6 IT,), )o1 R,.l,-reid TANNING BED BUSINESS T, m3il- 1 Il Idit wee.4 UOiiaripr Hii Rurin-ii i- i Bl B js.I 1 Bocin 0 1 i.00 8j 16.h34.1-% 15 lrav. V'iv ,if rili-e ',( li EtDaOhi.ried w.Large iena lie FISH TANKS- 1ii lI I 3 186.363.b968/634 .0253 Inveniary included, new bulbs FISH TANKS- 15 ,i 0 g.li $ 15.000 cr besi owner Molivi i- S "9 g .l i 1 1 .l l h. ',r .e ll, S .r 8i 3 8 8 5 -1 8 S .li-Aii jr w 'ill 'i'pv i n JACK RUSSELL PUPPIES. (5). e, readv 12/.22, will nold Iii s 1 -nr I ].,20' ei ri LaBelle 3/3 Duwn Town lear C h r, -.i ma 1.1) j (Cri. CouTin,:,u..e Lg r,,ooms Top v 12 Area $-'9 or Annual Lease LR SET- 6PC. iojrinri ir.)iru lO'n Ton .$1801) OWiir 863-675.110 S br 'wn. R TABLE w.1 FREE PALM HARBOR Factory Liqui- i- I: .ri slur jv i ,or .1.00 n.AltL. Ia e u86r. OnLineoAd Senrvice ,OulBl. i 2006 MolliM : MIN. PINSCHER PUPPIES i Buy Sell Trade MiIii HoITicS 0Od DOWN I wee CC Re S s .c 863-467-1304 Wr er You Own Your Own healin paper' 's -i08 er- Land" Call for FREE Color i86334.106", wwo eflhobe-..r e-radircom Brocri,ure (800622.2832 PIT BULL PUPS (9) rn-,l, 6 ....... f PORT LaBelle:4 Upgradje S ieTri,'ie Mairr ri ir,n'ei PALOMINO MARE. AlOui, 20 gaiole' LLg Rooms Lu jal Aviilale wk aiier Chniima,i ears old. troudij mare only Near School Price in sell $300 ec.h 86-76-1001 $1.200 1239)3 .10-502 $1 79.500 or Annual Lease SCHNAUZER -lv,?r 2 mr. $1800 Owner863-673-5071 lr 0,I earvir .& 1 Il cropped i* . rr, is, 129 56 ( '71-1031 Jya1l114:1l4lllililll@ Sew n GAS GRILL, Cririril bur- MOORE HAVEN 33471 r, MciePI wIn I rc1.:' ) ,50 -,TOP LOCATION - OUILTING MACHINE: Siren RIDING MOWER- Murray. Will Divide Long Arm FrjiaTir .~ Trail:. 14rhp Cyly 42 dej jrly e5 vivl nin ) ti lde, 2' ,01 iw pri;, r i ( l,bi:i l re.n ,rtocouri- 186 ,,-. -'r p:;.. r y nuse ,,ve riTenl enler 86 li 00 t8: o 36~..lt. ,i rgr, si,,r,01 500 leeil on UUS mm #27, Ideal for Bank, Fast Food. Law, Medical, Retail, POOLTABLE.A, 3 iRealtor, Insurance. etc. }, 001863L u.5.-l240 OkeechobeeSLivestock owner- Pal Market Sales POOL TABLE, .iji. 1 i..ii Every Monday.- i2piTi& every v y 18i6"63l r-7.18. .ue'day-. iiam 76.-31 -n POOL TABLE, 9-ii w v, 3 .:. ne iais HIGHLAND CO., 20 a I l n1 eric d + br/2ba M/H & 2 SRENT Llf.s ,.1.000 per ji.re For T1ort il (i : ill 305-586-5552 TV, Large 601 :" ', : ,ridi lion $bi8ii l23:'i484. 6 Apartments 905 s S 1 I WEB TV- (2) New. in bo, Business Places 910 Moirnavou, Piu. *wr:.iy ill Commercial MONTURA,1 1.4 (,elul S )-i av,- 7li : Will Property 915 win sepil,. ian. well power 'ell pd p e M.i;6.277..... Condos/' SFarm Property 925mm.iiZI.AfIirm t8-.)902 ^ ^ ^ House Rent 930 after5pm BENCH DRILL PRESS Cr..I Land Rent 935 MONTURA RANCH, 1 25 acre marn 1 r 1 lrhu, *. :1,110 Resort Property LOI Puc naSe wilr 3as inIl 3aS (i63jl12.9233LjBell Rent 945 $5000. down 863-983-2121 SCHAINSAW- Poulan Pro, 42 Roommate 950 or 786-493-5579 cc, 18", (2) Pick-up bed Fuel Rooms to Rent 955 Tanks, w/hand pumps $399 Storage Space PORT LABELLE, 1/4 acre lot, will separate.(561)951-8767 Rent 960 cleared and ready to build. $42,950. Owner financing. COMPOUND SAW- Portable 10%down&$258/mo. S Craftsman, cut's angle, new I (863)599-1439 blade and stand $60 blae an7d t7 $ PRICED TO SELL. Reduced 40 (863)763-8797 Clewiston 2 BRApartment Acres @ $5500/ac. Building SELECTRIC PRESSURE WASH- No pets. $700/mo. & dep. Lots (All Sizes) to Large ER, 1200 psi, $100 Call(863)677-0977 or Acreage Owner Financing (863)612-9233 LaBelle (863)983-4436 (800)294-2313 Ext.1385 A GENERATOR- Briggs & Strat- CLEWISTON-Beautiful 7am-7pames lhc. 7 days ton, 550/8550, 10 hp, new, 2/2; unfurn, No pets, amp $325 (561)951-8767 Completely renovated, ll GENERATOR: EG3500, Honda, $1500/mo. brand new, still in box. $950. Yearly lease, & Sec Dep. 863-673-5159 (863)677-1388 or ff ff MIG WELDER, 25' spool gun (239)768-1296 ii with accessories. $1400 LABELLE- br, upstairs, Saturday, December, 23rd (772)332-1438 $1000/mo, $2000 moves ~12pm-5pm - a I I HD Leathers: Ladies, 3-jack- ets, chaps, pants, boots, hel- met, like new, $175 will sep. (863)610-1964 HONDA 2004 Arrow Shadow 750: Windshield, Low mileage, premium bags, garaged. Ex- tra's. $4,400. (863)983-9585 HONDA CR85R '06- very good condition, runs great, $2200 or best offer (863)599-0788 HONDA REBEL 2003 250 CC, 2,475 mls. Extra's! Show Room Condition. $2500 Firm 863-634-5862/467-8573 TRAILER, Single cycle, tilt -with ramp, galvanized, 12" tires, 12'2" overall length. $550 (863)357-2113 E-TON 2005 VIPER Jr., Exc. cond. Perfect for Christmas. $700 (863)763-6430 Iv. msg. GO CART, 1 Seater, 5 hp, Briggs & Stratton, Runs good. Nice Christmas Gift! 350. (863)801-3890 GO CART, Large, runs & looks Good. New $1200, asking 600 (863)467-8849 GO CART- runs, $300 (863)634-7706 HONDA "03, 4 wheeler, re- con., 250 ES, excellent cond., $1800 (863)467-1717 CLEWISTON COUNTRY ACRES Modular/Floor Plans. From $79,900 & up, 3/4/5BR, 2/3BA, acre & 1/4 available or use your land as down payment. Financing available. 86-8361 or51-2 59 DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE LABO .R <(4 ) FINDERS 202 E Su.3land Hwy 9A0- 4f9m Clwmston inn (863) 902-9494 Proery- Sae-05 Coastal Georgia- New. Pre- Consiruclion Golt Commu- nity: Large lots & condos w/ deepwaler, marsh, goll, na- lure views Gaed, Goil. Fit- ness Center Tennis Trails. Docks $70k's.- 300k. 18771266-7376 www coop- erspoinl com. Gulf Iront lots $595k Homes s.lariing mid 300kl New mailer planned ocean froni community on Deauliiul Muslang Island, near Corpus Cnrisii, TY www cirinamon- .;rre.,iom 18661891-5163. NC Gated Lakelfro00 Commu- riiry Pleasanlly mild clrmale 1.5 acres 90 miles ol shoie- ini Ilever offered before win 20'",. pre-developmeni dii urils. 90'".. lnancirg. Call 8001i'09-5253 NC MOUNTAINS Log Cabin sell on mountian lop, view Iree, waleriall & large public lake nearby, paved private a.cCess, galed community, $139 500(866)789-8535 NORTH CAROLINA- BEAUTI- FUL BLUE RIDGE Mountain Views 3.2 Acre Mountain Eslale. Heavily Wooded wiin Stream EZ Financing- $29.900 i8001230-6380. e.1 620 NORTH CAROLINA MOUN- TAINS 3 5 acres on ine neadwalerS oi Valley River, Drive a& nouise pad cleared. Hign elevation $119,500. valleylownreally.@veri- zon.nei 18001632-2212 val- leylownre3alty.( om TAX DEED TITLE INSURANCE WITHOUT A OUIET TITLE ACTION FASTER & CHEAP- ER Dave Schumacher, Presi- deni Ta.< Tile Services i9491798- 118 www ladii- If Frvi i.es.com TENNESSEE Affordable lake & mountain properties. Low properly lanes. No siale in- i:uromie Id Four seadsons- Souirilrn riospuaily. For more mio Call Lakeside Re- ally 18881291-5253 vvwww iike:idereairy-tn cIotm WYOMING RANCH DISPER- SAL 35 acres 49,900, 70 acres $89900 110 acres - $132.900 Snow-capped mouriiains vieW Surrounded by gov t larid Auriunani wild-. iie Recreaiioial paradise. Low ia.'es. EZ ierms Call Ulah Ranches. LLC 1888)541-5263 MobileHomes Mobile Home Lots 2005 Mobile Home Parts 2010 Mobile Homes Rent 2015 Mobile Homes Sale 2020 LaB moi mo. i elle: 3 Bdrm.. 2 Ba., $850 + sei dep, IsI and last rent, rel. s, i8636lb3-0369 LAKEPORT AREA 2BR, No pets. $450. mo. (863)227-4417 Moble om Mobile Home -] Sale 2020 , leL Mobile Home Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 21, 2006 I I HURRICANE DECK BOAT 20' beiler than new Loaded W.Irlr Reduced 0 $16.,000 due to health. Call 863-946-6639/634-2401 JON Boal- 12 FT Iransom, real oir hunting green. 6 hp Jonnson Itraler excellent cond. $40018631763-8797 MASTERCRAFT 1995 Ski Boat wiTraiier Greal snape' $10.000 1863)675-1307 PONTOON BOAT, 24', 60hp Evinrude, $1900 18631763-9998 RANGER- 14' 50rip Jorinson Trailer included Great gill. $1400 or best offer. 239-233-0413 RANGER 354V 1992. 150 rip Evinrude XP SS Prop. Corn- piele rebuild w/iess man 75 nrs. 36 v. moior guide. 3 bank charger, tournameri rigged Ranger trader wunew wheels & Ires Cover. Always garaged Excellent (ondilion. $10,000 (561)262-0493 proma. 1 3@adelpnha.net Ranger 520VX, '01, 225hp Evn 101 Il inrusl rolling mnlr., lack plaie. sleel prop. GPS map w'deplin & lish rinder. criarger Sys imini top dbi0 3ie iIr & muah more H-ealn problems. Must Sell' $18,900 NADA value $24 000 Call (8631634-6134 SAILBOAT- 22.8', Sails & 9 9 motor w. swing kill 3 sais wSpirker & pole $1900 or best offer 18631467-7336 SEA KAYAKS- 2 1' Pur.uii & Kodak $900 Will separ- ale. (863)35I--7406 TRI-HULL, 1511 55 rip John- son Molor 11000 or besl ofter 863135--0406 ,',r 086q769.-2998 Coachmen Travel Trailer 88 Sleeps 4 AC reji gjas during. gas/iec inringe $4200 Iin Pio.- neer Henry C':. 5,6182 -2464 Fleetwood American Dream 00. 40 FT 2 Slides. 1K. Many e..ira', Garaged. $120.000 or possible trade 863-46,-5207 FRESH TRADE-INS!! 35n Caro Trailer 3011 Rolle Travel Trailder $2995 2811 Wideineos Travel Trailer .3995 28n Nromad Frh Wneel $4995 401 Irrlernaiional Fin wrieel .1,9995 12,34i P3irtk Model 40hi Rolle Filn Wheel $7995 28h Mallard Firh Wheel $9995 WOODLAND & BRECKENRIDGE Park Model Dealer HOLIDAY RV SALES US Roule 41 East between Alico and Corkscrew Roads (239)590-0066 MOTOR HOME: Argosy 19,8. Jir sieamT pruducl 23 11 long. AC. fridge. and more $6000 561-261-07666 READING A C NEWSPAPER IAKES YOU A MORE INFORMED AND INTERESTING PERSON. reader ore moe popular! An 800 sq. ft. living area M Bjriows Fishri Cam 411L SE a gouAcoru], },14 500 neg. 863)i63-4149 or (561)-758-4337 CLEAN 2BR/1.5BA, on canal, near Orurina Locks asking 1,85 000 1260)224-0700 CLEWISTON- 14'x70 2br 2b3, Large screened porch. Fur- nished. Carpor i. (314)440-1514 PRIMROSE RV PARK, S/W, Lg FL/RM, Rim Canal, New win- dows/Shutters, Clean, $3500. (561)641-1792 or see Wes SINGLEWIDE, 3BR/2BA, ready to move in. Owner will fi- nance with good down pay- ment. (863)675-8888 WHISPER CREEK, Lot 218, 1986 Franklin 33ft, new bed, washer, furnace, carpet & roof $13,900. (863)612-6991 Recreation Boats 3005 Campers/RVs 3010 Jet Sklis 3015 Marine Accessories 3020 Marine Miscellaneous 3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehicles/ATVs 3035 iLUMINUM, V Bottom, 14', Smokercraft w/like new trail- re & 18hp Tohatsu motor. $1850 (863)763-4680 BASS '90- 21 ft., stratos with 200 hp mercury, hyd. steer- ing and gps system $5500 (863)634-7735 BASS TRACKER- '06, 19ft Spec. Ed., 90hp Merc. Opti- max, $14,900 or will trade. (863)763-6854 OATERS PROJECT, Too much to list. $2500 (863)824-6781 anytime Job information Job information Mobile Home Rent -rLi. .b...wA..i r2,,-....v .01 o0nnA Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, ecem er , Automobiles Automobiles 4005 Autos Wanted 4010 -ClassicCare 4015 'Commercial Trucks 4020 Construction " Equipment 4025 F oregn Care 4030 Four Whe Drivo i 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks 4040 Parts Repairs 4045 :Pickup Thruks 4050 Sport Utility 4055 STractor Traer 4060 =U1 Trallers 405 S*Vjna .4070 CADILLAC DEVILLE, 1992 - Runs gieat a'l. $1,500 1im. Call 863-946-1859 CADILLAC EL DORADO '97. ETC, Fully loaded, while pearl diamond, has new parts $55005611723-1849 CAMARO Z28 '80- all original. 350 aulo, Power windowS. For Sale or Trade, $1700 (8631634-6601 DODGE NEON 95, 4 door. au- o10. a/c. 4 cyl.. good on gas. new tires, needs minor work $750 neg. 1863)634-8506 FORD ESCORT Z.2 '99- 5 peed, new AC runs rood. wniTe w/gray inierir, r $'180 neg. 1863)805.2822 FORD MUSTANG- 88 Good snap. Rusri gu0od $2500 1863)6 34--1 746 FORD THUNDERBIRD 88. Ni-eds work $300 177259'7-62-10 GEO TRACKER 92- fair coDrJi- lion, $1000 or1 bei oiler (8631467-6778 LINCOLN TOWN CAR, 92 runs good, rno ..'- $2000 863-509-3028 or 863-612-0000 ask for Libby. MERCURY MAROUIS-GS '02. Adull drnen, garage Kepi, 30k. '100,9001863)675-4409 PONTIAC FIERO 88. 4 cyl, 5 speed Pioneer CD player. sunrool, greil un gas, good ires $12001863)-1440270 SATURN 2000: AC, runs grewt Asking $3000 or will Irade lor small iruck. 8t63-342-3551 TOYOTA TERCEL 90, Good tundiiurn, al/C workS. autO., Siroi theel drive. $750 ) l86)346.'-4537 SCHOOL BUS: ie sel low mileale. good fues $8 500 Call 863-227-2110. FORD F150 ; 9. 351 motor. C6 Holley ll0wmasrers 10Is 01 new panfs 12500 irmn 186.11634-3055 ,JEEP WRANGLER '89 v8 Cne. vy .S0. new Ire & wheels, .ulo l13ac d red':camel j 750 186316 4-31898 -YAMAHA, Electric. 1900 or beili ottfer l989181-513:'5 ,H e v D uIt y .FORD F350- 94 Diesel ,u- fIerci. w 220 K. runs roeds' wor $1500 i(861763-7831 ;or (772370-1634 - FORD- '86, F350, Diesel , parts, truck, $800 (561)951-8767 FORD EXPLORER 1992: 4x4. Front end burned, but good for parts (transmission, rear, el i200 8603-763-3765 PARTS, 4x4, trans., transfer :.cases & other3parts. Ford, Chevy Jee p. $500 for all, ,II :e¶ie. (561)644-4840 AIMS & TIRES- 20", $600 (863)528-4444 SUBWOOFER & AMP: 12" Rockford sub in box. Alpine 320 watt 5 channel amp. $200 neg. 863-801-1683. JIRES & RIMS- Ford F150 ' tires & Univ. rims, P265/75R15 Goodyear $200 (863)261-1562 TIRES- (6) Wrangler, P265/70R17, (4) ATV, new, $425 will separate (561)951-8767 TONNEAU COVER, Fiberglass, gray, fits '02 current Dodge Ram short bed. $700 Call Heather (863)697-0328 TOOLBOX, Aluminum, for small truck. $75 (863)357-5754 CHEVROLET P/U 1993: Great work truck! $1400. For more info call 863-357-5906. CHEVY- '83, 1 ton Dually, Au- tomatic, w/hydraulic lift dump bed. $1000. or trade. (863)634-7706 CHEVY PICK UP '93: Dually, white, clean, 2 door, custom, big block / auto. $6500. 863-674-0898 ,CHEVY SILVERADO- '97, red, 35" tires, 10" rims, 4" lift,5 speed, rebuilt motor, trans, a/c, to much to list, have re- ciepts, runs excellent, 4.3 L, $6500 or best offer S(863)467-1456 -FORD F150- '90, no A/C, $1200 (863)763-5422 or (863)610-0412 ,FORD RANGER- '95, White, Cold A/C, 4 cyl., Auto., $1000. or best offer (863)357-3400 I i N i i 'Ib I I N IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR DRINKING WATER THE LAKEPORT WAIER ASSOCIATION WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM HAS A LEVEL OFTOTAL TRIHALOMETbANES WHICH EXCEEDS STANDARDS [he 'lDtr irrn iM u li w Iu )r.T.e.lIa Pro-0.:.T t:ill-o d.I'i d hi':I. '' d 3: OI ,: ...'] w.33 ,. W .1 p0:4M.. p1 amtl i p 3i b iiu1 Tit r Uali 'iBO OT. "0 l ,-i.i i l.r O ul wt Oghl i .11 n '3 i H5 il* O l r t : 1w Gr i1fr; :.3 .)I 1 A Ii .3 ili. : ,',3 iol.0 - l3 'i-1 ,c o O.l.u w 'ri Oir ii. anl nr.j rg ir.Il i.T9 a i r i i3 riel .. ilt 11w luh)ri i'r.iTiil .I' ( .il(1h] 1 oIm '.i 1 Uy,3.Ciluil. (DBR i fiA rAu.Ti '.oil !Uk ; ( i .: n icr Ti0 l Tii'3rrnhrii'm iTTHM .I A..'il Hao.I ,i : A.: : H A .: ';I i 3y i ) lrie fi ...., :.. Trit I.Dor.imory ,iialy r M: r leu 3.3 It.,r: ITTHM .T leiiI ..uleltiI in Jai.uY ry )"1)t- May 206 jury u20L6 a.i. NOti.Tiiei' "200. niu, ,o..: e i lu...i.,g Aui uA iwi[ ,ir M wi.'i:.T.'11ra i, ol 9) 8 i i .7T v," i.T.: e .13. E u Lu i Tr.Iri,rro Tr.i Deo-U Tr, ,.i r3,i OlImri-oT ii.0. [".3"1 3r. u3 i 1i .;e3 Ti y 3' : 1 i 'i'A iTii 4 M iiiTiul i',.irl dTfiiiiul L-ei IMCL1 .il.)1,0.i &1T TTHM 9.r.:p T lt.le .3 31 Rui "6? '" Flo,11 i A.11i.. rrhwllw l,.1 f A C I A wl...- 3e-ir. M l IV TT-3 M 1 i! U | ,IL W LU ' HEALTH BENEFIT WHAT SHOULD CUSTOMER DO? 1 31. ii1 ul I I IiTilwTilij1 4 .ll-, rl Uw AWtnr 0.'0 [ : rl. t.l Til .i; ii i'liIl J3,i'i, lU .3iTi 3 3 .9 ir0 rt e:i": a ulrUl 3 -l3h 0II.3I0 lo 3T- I M : i o-i y *, lu Iu.:n 311a ,iLVw w'ur ,'o; H, *a1 t 3 1i ir i9c# oo ui u ch T(On iTilEhl.|l [ .Tl lwl .ri Vwltw i r w 1ei 1r.i B .l1 tiy i. 3uiIr.:.utrril r ,iTi r a.w- er tea lem3. :evi ,l:E ; r, a n r.l'iil't ti, lm' w. rl e .,Ttire .1 diwvlev r. ir i.C, CCritlwteil DIV le1 B TY.Ai l ,n0 r 133 ,.. ,' MII..iJIio I r' rtPuw.lIf. TTHM ; : ...l',k.f" w.ex r WHAT IS BEING DONE? r I e 1i30 1 ll .m W ill : o .1:- i w r i r i 1i '. 0 e t i i f r- r I r ,i l -: w w l 1p r tw .iT m ln ,.3i ul on )ri. Br nli '1 c. r sR E e. I. ,,1w 4 ,'aa i. r 1 16 i M l t mi ili f-i ] .. iA Flv ,i r .ij i T% ,urin *l p .i c .:Jii o13 1 i 1i 1 t u....e ry .3 ni l Ai l ,, ,i Im L31b0i :rl WAO' t A:-.aiiai','i hi: 101j i ,:h l 33 Oio(r .l) Mu.,ii't Hrv w,' I fL ,.31. 'Iu 'mljy ;.l'o .: a1'3tl I 0t 3 ir.. rl E.'wh iu.Tli'llIm luT,'.[.:'0l :O'Ijt1ale W1V t lr.1IT.Ill alr.:t/E.Aore.Tim St .up n 3 l !2' i 3l 2 Pi*e& ro: rti.I 1:' i.llori'im .. i.Ill ITi Surie l.c e .m who ii.. i' I l'i l rF ... c aly l ti)il wr.. iTi noi ri.0 i .i ril r h i liv ct dilre : y (o hr [1 e .l[ il T" .'3 if i rr1' ,rl1i '" liu ,- i nll) )N m c. lr :r ". :l; .l,.'I 30: '8'uLiii.'ijC PUBLIC NOTICE Ir'e _.irF oi C i1C) .TiC:.h.'.:. ,: ' o] rit. P i ,nc e H .,..I :.iE Ji4 lfirinT INr. ill ii..l Il : Regular Boara Melinr.g Thursday. D.Uiber 21,2006 al 5-30 PM 31 n[ Ail li"m wli wr lih:. l .)ji 1ir I .r. -e o arw, n Ai. wi ri.l .,r.1 lih. K.'jFr.,:,' T.jrw,'. tjri.. 3 r FL : i, bt IB2n"Cbi lii> 12 0 FORD EXPLORER SPORT-'91, runs good. needs brakes, $1000 or best oiler (863)467-6702 FORD HUNTING BUGGY, rurn, needs some work $1500 Call Enk 863-634-0771 Love the earth Recycle your used Items by sell- ing them In the classi- Neds. TSC 4X8 TRAILER- brand new $400 (863)467-6778 UTILITY TRAILER- 6Y9. rino-e- made new condition inew Iluor pain. lighis, elcl $550 or bes otter (863)763-3735 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUN- TRY 1994. Runs needs work. $500.1863675-.7419 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SPORT 1998. Runs good. Rebuili engine & trans. $2300 (239)495-0052 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER '95. E'.L0elori l i,,r: I, : K e C O l a : ,.p/w poi. new barley. 158'. $2000 1863)697-6680 Find it faster. Sell it soon- er In the classified Public Notices Public Notice 5005 State Public - Legal Notice 5500 IN THE CiREUIT COURT FOR hENDRY COUNTY. FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FIl Na 06-182.CP IN RE: ESTATE OF LORETTA W.LAY, Deceased. NOTICETO CREDITORS rr.. 1] I. l' 3. i l riili I:. ri e l 0l t L,,i]*' ll W I. ) .I J;. 'I v hII:' 11j1 "I' ui t..]i .3 :3 [ [. u C-a-. 31.)iji3t. - ,.'u1. : v w ,T i3 by 33 , l:l l I' Ir f I ,' 1 I. )r 1q, I0 o.( i d-: h,, ,,]r 0 3 31.,3 y0'.to il''ii -iijr9'i :t wrltr r 1zr 'f.i r v-l ;t1 i L ,'11, I'L i, .', :1 1: 1 Tr,.i ,, T,, -pn~l~iie ind thp ppro:nl rpprp-pnti3. n.w : 3n1ih,,3: 3 .,' .l h3rrr, Iml,:,'.O persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must tile their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE .OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All ,i r E i -i.. i .l...I Ire i .I' -.l.f 1 :['11I i' *f l'. rl l h l. iTl : .Jl I. mands against decedents estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SEC- TION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PRO- BATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THIE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is December 14, 2006. Attorney for Personal Representative: /s/Mary Vlasak Snell MARY VLASAK SNELL Florida Bar No. 516988 PAVESE LAW FIRM P.O. Drawer 1507 Fort Myers, Florida 33902 Telephone: (239) 334-2195 Personal Representative: s/ L Cathern Bailey L CATHERN BAILEY 6230 Woodmere Blvd. Montgomery, AL 36117 181383 CG6S 12/21,28/06 NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE CENTRAL COUNTY WATER CONTROL DISTRICT You are hereby notified that the Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Central County Water Control Dis- trict will be held on Tuesday, January 2, 2006 at 7 p.m. at the Montura Club- house, Montura Ranch Estates, State Road 833, Clewiston, Florida. The pur- pose of this meeting is to transact any and all business which may come be- fore the Board. If a person decides to appeal the decision of the Board of Su- pervisors with respect to any matter considered at the public meeting or hearing herein referred he or she may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evi- dence upon which the appeal is based. NOTICE DATE CHANGE. 181369 CN11/16,23/06 NOTICE AUCTION on Friday, December 29, 2006 at 9:00 a.m. at 1233 N.W. Avenue L, Belle Glade, Florida Property of Carolyn Rolle: TV, Window, AC, stereo, tires, carpet, Mattress/Box spring with rails, dresser, table & misc. Htems 181361 CGS 12/21,28/06 IN THE CIRCUirFCOURTOF IHE TWENTIETH luDICIAL CIRCUT OF iHE STATE OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR HENDRI COdUNn CIVIL DIVISiON .r ien THEtE T 'REE A l llE I.LI. F,,' GREEN TREE O fiiN I cIAiL 0'E t:IVI (I pli ninrill 3' CASE hO 06R83CA V VImuN Wil iriGHAM lj.litII i urJ cPIIJ'u :I-iOf UVIVAIJ IUl.IN.'HAM If LIVIIC, IN1LUOIaI OIll, I.IIl" l(llll 59('3l3l l3f ) iu [ rEF1lOAIJI i i IF REM IRR EI : I f tl: :L.E "l iTHf. RESF v iE Ii n HER I' [ I C t.1 2 TI. K`3 : 313011 3 : 00TI0 3I- i U', lEECC ADU ALL (1OTHIR 'ILN, i.LAlMi3'3 bi i jKiH00H (tJNUN C .,iT ,,i TH3 r30 M3 Lr, i3 .3'(0(, . OUimr i tllHJij, 3A0T iI-`li i 3 I a l nlw rEirirn rT hOIICEOF ACTION TO v vm i wtlLni HM ijLnN[I.,MIl LIVII. IILLi.INGii A IJii ? jIjI}hI ).,30 ( 'u : n Iii it. 1I3,Hillw iF fi[MuRI ti E A00'3 It O:Ai ED 30II R :f 'Ein tvf LtE l till'jto n HEIR .. DEV I. ,E0 r.OAijTEES A'.lriCEEt , COElD jet LlE rlrj A IjI TRIJ-. LAiIqrli, m i, T nRi-.11 H )1n I C I; iu A TIi'.T Til E iir B ED i Eff i Whs idrlri,: jwirbin uiin4, i'i ii lJ r i f It: Ebl, rq u,lr. I.) ilw, fl:.l CLe: r i'r Ewfii. 3.30 i:u:i ei l i, i i, IN Ko[IuI: vII`III 1 vi ,1 rIri I:n l u,0 Criurl- o ii 'l3ill h ijw':f y I h iri.r ' um iT' ri. ul3.r i.: ni' Ie1y wr.o.-. 1.1,' I'1 1, : rJ IN : I ',,3.- i.,J i i. lI 'h*-. .t1" t) .1-1 J 31i U l| I I. h. I J,- ,,i 0,3hi 31 ,,]in :il: inri i,.lii,..,1. ii. lTi 1 1 B131C.i0 A HARCLEM AOD iA lIi rI'It", PHA f INEJ tI.Ii Ulif, T6 TiEt 5f'l., 1 ltoi3 .t i 4 4 i '1l. 1 ']i 3 19: Tu % i t IF'iIBLI C RI-I:I (': nF H*lCIA0, i.i JTI 't:LORnmI To hiilite 3a. 1997 M sri VIN FLhMLBlI85n1l6690 and 732200147 1997 Maren. viN FLHMLC61t851616B and 7322b646 A'KA 753 ALABAMA AVE CLEWISiON. FL'53340 II j)u 3130 ,' l t II v 'u 33'.: 1t' n.-l- .I3.:' itIn r r ,i.'t [ ,i,':.11 ii iti D TE i' ji I'J 3ur sli irl i. o.tl31 ,I, l'A ii H J1uF 'l.ur3lv 3r3..; I.iri.l J, |:II.l i ,n in aeirdance im\iI me AinTericai s WII Disabililies Ani 1h990. perano. needing a special aItommoijaheilun pTrtilcpoie n inlk. p m10edainn 0 rloula conui ir.t ASA Coidinon r y n 35ier Inn k130n I a : prina r l, r tiO , ,CEdifng II n1n3ari9 T,.ipairted 3ie30 call 1800) 955-9771 ITODI ,) Rw00) 955 67TB (ol'ir'l 303 FIrilIn delay Service. 2,.0 i.j .T $l, - l 16 a 1 dA 'l $"9,01 PA -jrl r ci iH 'l'isl' U-.,1Bld, 13 Stlit St., iii':.tc '' I CI 106 Do-It-Yourself Ideas Dry Sink This do-it-yourself version of an early American dry sink is as practical as it is handsome. The project features three big drawers and two shelves inside the cabinet door. The dry sink measures about 37 in. long by 35 in. high by 17 in. deep. Dry Sink plan (No. 774)... $9.95 Ice Boxes Package 3 other plans (No. C58)... $21.95 Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects)... $2.00 Please add $4.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) To order, circle item(s), clip and send with check to: U-BUild, 15241 Stagg St., Van Nuys, CA 91405, Please be sure to include your name, address, and the name of this newspaper. Allow 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82.U-BILD u-bild.com Money Back Guarantee I Pbi Nii - ict ic PUBLIC NOTICE AND REOJESI FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES ihj AL IIGTERt:i,TEFARTIE tr.e ebu i ,iii L ,3, .'3, u Cia. iji 3 0 l.,' 3,),nl. i 0 1. i "r ,niJ* ) here- b'y riiJ-.1u ,i '3 ,a|. ;: d TOi juia'l f 'l i33Q .dufl3 1 ,:3r: .'1 L iui e r ji T n v 'A ,i [,',M I : 33 iw ,.',iii'."i 0 r,. t L r r 31; .:,.'.i.ii 3.rnI ...u.'T iT u,.,.'' i.' IuaI] f-' [tri .,.*. ,'.',1" i d L- i310. C-uiT-r l.u'ir"i13u3e I0.3T.,] -ii Mu.,:i". Ki'. 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'...1 ,)J.A I :C .t 1 ..hr .- illrlhliOri i'e ri.i!i 'i'i :I 'r. Tm -I jI SOufH FLORIDA WAIER MANAGEMENT DISIRIET PUBLIC NOTICE OF WORK PLAIl J,:,il, : 1 N,-i lpv Ql,,,!nl Ih U I.U.iJ_ 'n u V4 ri: I'II hi rl I'ul -07.0.:l i-J ir.. Ti .lr 3 Tni .,. li 111 Tl.,- lil I i d .i', ,,. fT '.ouli :lj. j W31". M i.i .ot.,--.. i ,,] ler. Il [ it 1919 Annual W or Pla.l 3I rr 'Ir .T..,Ji f [".I0 1 ul il'u j n3 wti[ l Tr T rJ r 3 r,- i J u I "i 13.. 1 3.1 I rv3 w 'ii.-.3 3i iT,.liiJ'.]re 'l ili ...T.3.,,3- Tiil'- r l'jiii'v].j :.I 7 4 "i j Hi', .. l i.ii' '",:.:.] NI 3 i i'i 1, .3r 1 :i. l. ITIn0.1 i..- t -' rl.' I;.L'3i if3. ih 1911in Annual W alk Pl. I...iN.'l. : l i:tll.: i.'i ,l i:l: Big Cypl'r inlllule lnan R R Aerialiui l Wa 3 I',i i IoJhr i.l3r.j i. ITll I', l .1 '1 J .) r,.' ri i1 ll I ,.l'l l i.i :.i u v ll, l w3 tl l1 :r lu I li.vul3 116ll d-3 1 i lu,. : Ace~ r j i <" ii.:. IllA);"mir.n C C :"li y lA 'i]p''RilEl . i.l lnr lli `i-ii'nI i .. j 11. 1. I %iiiii,' l ,,"' i: l" l jI l r: .u11" i i.: V: ul wr lilid i np ... Brigril ei St lol uiw r inaind R o we wi Oliv ,iI : :r. : ,t ,'fTi'. T I|. I ii h ii f ii3 3 i. 1. l. I,.fi ."1, 1r M ] I' Jl r ii- jl:[llll I 1"1 lLIj ii 'llT 313"] l'!11 1 1"'" l ul 1 ,. 0ir il...l l I 1,.:ll.: 1' J 1..j ll .r'.. I 11. H ii u:l, I" iU'. l 1 il0 r ii.nTi r, u hl-Ii.TrI I. Afln i ld t J''0 i' : rr, I I 'u 'i' | "i, y :.';Qk E I .: huli '' ii I lltl ; 31Iv :.l il:' I i -. iiii I '. i l-t- ri' llr ilj II'n3i 1) 13 i rc-.i3r1 : HH iywo' iI ii SFminlln e inilir3 Re erval"ulp 30 r lf.1 Au0.3 31,.' i. 'r 3.i.l i [ :. ,i.. Pr l ,,,. n. .- 'i [i I ,) iJr, I- '.i I l jI Ir. : S rr. lrle haia' Rfiervj .i C 1. F L, f Ii'n) L'i eiii'. i i' i i l 4T 7 ~ 'r ':lri* i'.|''..iIi ,, rir,, 'r.i .jtih'1 h'.l i.,:.v-.'ii. 'i J I ,-i:I- E''1 liinu', .iw:-llwilu'r ',r l ,il 0 ..,3 jl.lr ll'l i'i .l32 Ql. ,3 rli -,tl H ,ilWJV: ITI.CirV. 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I3:, hj ii'.r puliii'-I i ':e. 3H .1 11 .3.33 :ij,, .jc ) Ira3 l i- j ft ilr' A il Ovy ol i , I.in .,-II, ':l iti r.: iL ub : .1I:61'i ,,I1:i I-:1 l,:iT-iF'i iilvl i, ',I iurLrietr ir0 edi.'s35 jl lir. i 'i i ii.ii,:i 'i jit 'l ,:l.4l'.in i I, i3ll3l. l T3i i ,ln'r3 i3. lj- : : ,irr '- .]-, ie Ir r IN3 :, iw" i 1 .1 3 3 11 13,li I e T 1 n SOUrH FLORIDA WArER MAIAGEMENI DISTRICT P18BLIC OTiCE OF APLIGAIION i r. I ,, ,ii -ili I1 iii i .l iJ I' i.r, p.i ., ; .i i.' 3393 i l : 1re hi .1n 3 i' iu ll '.ll nulll I 1~ufllll l' r Il .,I- Ll 1ii I Ih-1. wi'I, .I tll' -'. 1': Ihl ,-l, 'JI i 4",uT . H ~m l i v Vr i .ilu r r I. L I H ,l+ .I : "l J t I I I..I. [ j 1 ) ; n'li'i h ri C ir it l iLj B r lI% F L : I. u h r.u iwu n -l: Iii U .l t Ii Iw ) : 'u l l *i I : I 10,i : ft r dl 9. .lipw i lOf iJi'i'] ii'-li:'l:- h j ir'. i v, l -l .- ,I l I ,r rd ,.rd iiri &I .-i TjTiI ,l' .ll ,i: ) 10. l .m 31', : '.IL.I' 13-J i ': I" n lh l III. ,. ',I 13I3'lr il3 9l: l0 i 3 yri3 FL 9'! 1 l : ; li'r.ii, nt 1 Hpil'|ll. i ,ll 1.1i. I 1 h I 3 I i 3I jl 3 L' 3 ',-iTi li 3 1l'inI3 1 i 3 .i i '.'i. : ..I le r.1 p 1. i.- I 3. ir .:31, p l ii. l i wi lilji'jidr3ii 31 Ti Ih' i1 ullit 131 .l3l' l t I Ir.,: I.'I h l : I ei l)i ,:. N O.' : It. t I i.jw. r ll iir 3. 3.)ll' ;"' j .j' ,i l l lH 1i- i 3 u l, l- ,',-16 ) I I. 1 : : 1 ". I 1 4 1 : M V : F L t 3 J-3 .1 ) ..i j,], : 4l h 3. iii,'] ii ii i .i ii' -l Ir. 3Iw. ',- l- i lTii l i," i)i'lw ,iji 1r .iu 1 irIr p '|,.l'l : ii i. ,1 h',n. .ir. i, 14 i T.,l.-l; .ril '" i" ir: i, 0 i t Ij3, I I-:.311,/ hl ,, LLI' 1 .1li ,,hi 1,1, ,j.i' n*.4i, 30 I '.3:1n 3 I '. F.L 3.. 11: 0Ue iLnI i-, i-, i i i ii' I iii' l ii i,' T '' l i i ',i, ,, r133 ,1 ., i3 03 :1 1- i1 1. r1:1 'l',,'l ', i I- 11": ,l' h'"II r,,..r *' .l': ,J 1,.:, ) l.: I. Li., I .. 3 I, 31 01I ,L,,' l |H .l ,'.. i. I-.I 1. r I I flw .1. i.i 1,...3 -.-, In 3 3f3 0uI: m FLO Ail WAlIER I I IANAClEMi D L ill .id0 l fL ." J .,,i [,-1 3,i'. a h., rr,,- ,' ,,it. i"tiii 3 ,:i 3 r* 1 1., :,, 3'. ,. l li 3: 1i0:' i >u )| ii 1 rlltl a Iu I ,,! 1 l,,3,i {,, .I1 .1 ,,i I '.e 11 ", ,i. It: 3 3 19 l , ,i i : n i i 'il .iiiii:i iri3 II| i ] j ij ur In i I .: 9,3 3li.3.i- l t 3i'illi i.. i. [ : wi- l l'i.,: ,n ii l' 3 13l'h. II "' 3 ifl lhl'i1 t r ni3 1 i(3.3 .w --u. '-li IJ. .i.niu i.ii 03 9..'1. 1 r 3l' .llh h wi n ', ]i. 93.. IL '3III rl [" , '3 i I,- I i. w i-')i a I. 1 i i 3 |T 11 l. 1, ) 1li..ii J 11.'.313l' 01 lj, I 'I w,o: iliwT 3,: 1,- ,..1-,ii1 il .1 i 1 n : I 3 I' n I SOUTH FLFOR 06 (TIFM R OANUUCEMENU4DISrN I h',i ,' i: iii',3 i"5 ,iri li't I ii'3,3 '*ilh iii"i1,-i tI l :lh'3..l 1i i -i Ft. f1 31.u ' 0L, Nll' pI-' 11 1IF, -1 l l ep i' i, % ,, 1 I 1.33 14 1i3 1 i lJ. I i:'l I') il l i'y iJ' .r. I lnh l' llr il k li. ll' 1 11 1. l 1 .,1 IM V ,,T I r'iul i' j, lr l i~n 03 d A.tj I. 3l, IJ fi..[w, 1t '3. ,,I iI.,- .' i ,ul 3, fr lml 'i Iiil.' iJ I.it Jl- i. .. .','.3i1i ,3 r. .31 .i i J.3' I: 0, 11.11 i i 3'l,' "ddl 3l3I l: 3 I3 ri 1. 3 h. 1 -] I.. l I IA ji'i,'lh 1,-1h3l3,| h el.h. I ,1j 3 1.1.. .'i, ii".', :li I 013 3';,3 L ii i 'i'Ij :) E I i: lh i h w1 3.. 'i ir i i' ,L iii.f if .i' l iU "i3 it. 3ii 1 i,. iii i' l ut'. TI J ,.ihi'] i r y I 0.I h 1) 1 I 1 "I', 3I, rll: IY :1 1 l 73 H 'l ll'3 'I Wiii ii iiii 1 l I ''i ii l II :'II J th 1i I-r,, 3 1 : i rih ...l' l 3 'll'- 3 : ir l :l" I.1I : li t 1 I rl ..3 1., .l- I ,-III 1. i "w lli r hl ll'llh,.Th ll h, ,., n11 r'.l',lo r'41 II ill n l f' ,Tr; f l) fl w All bids must conform to the instructions in the Request for Bidders (RFB). Interest- ed respondents may obtain a copy of the complete RFB by downloading it for free at wwwnawmd.I.n. purchasing a set for $12.00, at the above address, by calling (561) 682-6391, or by calling the 24-hour BID HOTLINE 800-472-5290. The public is invited to attend the bid opening. Information on the status of tills so- licitation can be obtained at our web site www.stwmd.gov. 182287 CGS 12/21/06 NOTICE OF APPLICATION SUBMITTED TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Tin ;,wh, n,' ,rn.,;. ,u,,,, ,, r .. ,. ri : ,,,,n i., c/o W endell H. Ta,- 'i:.'" ', .. :'i:.,ji i .,. ii: I .... r3 n ... j- 1. ]. '471, announces sub- m,. iii .1 1 ii.ii wiii'ii Mi. ,-i,,JA,. h,.. i i.ermit to construct and operate a '"]d 4 ,I. : ,-i .- ,, ',, I i. ,-'.. ii ii .1. iii-l as Glades County Transfer Sta- eton. This proposed project will be located at the existing Glades County Sanitary Landfill No. 2site, State Road 78 North, Ortona, Glades County, Florida, 1/4 mile north of State Road 78,6 miles west of U.S. 27. This application (No. 0044678-003-SO0/30) is being processed by the Department and is available for public insprti.nn hin nrrmin h.tnl-- h33nur3r 'nn o m ti 5:00 p.m., Monday through Frin, .- i ,i I. r.,..ii,. i :' .n iii ) ,'n u.- Suite 364, Fort Myers, Florda. .... 1., 1' ,, ,, 1 :ii. ,,,,i .ii rii, I.. [ ,ii ,1,i. lt, i 1",- h ,'t'' .,i'.li rt 3 1 0', ''. I33 ", l I, ..: '1.,1 : .,1, .' ,,I',..i .. r objections should be submitted as soon as pos- sible to ensure that there is adequate time for them to be considered in the Depart- ments decision on the application. 181282 CGS 12/21/06 Fisheating Creek Board meets By Nancy Dale ment of Environmental Protec- Department of Environmental tion, made a motion to support Regulation in a few weeks, On Friday, Dec. 1, Fisheat- the designation of a "Critical according to FPL's Stacy Foster ing Settlement Agreement WildlifeArea" for Kite roosting, of FPL's environmental divi- Advisory Board and the public if it enhances the management sion. FPL spokespersons attending, listened to reports and viability of the roost. The Grover Whidden, and Stacy on the maintenance'preserva- motion was passed and Mr. Foster also in the environment tion of the State mandated area Steelman will put in a proposal divisionwere present. from wildlife biologist Grant to mthe Agency for contracts to Several board members Steelman (Wildlife Manage- conduct guided tours, and public participants ment Agency), Dr. Harris Fried- In reaction to the preserva- expressed concern regarding man (Board Chairman) Lion of the Swallowtail Kite the omission of public hear- announcing the winning of a roosts, a motion by board ings by the Glades County grant to restore the Cypress member Gall Giles was pre- Commission before they unan- Knee Museum and a motion sented to "oppose the installa- imously passed a resolution at by Gail Giles (Board member) tion of the FPL coal Power Park the Sept. 12 commission meet- opposing the proposed FPL proposed in Glades County ing in support of locating the coal burning power plant to be due to its potential negative coal-burning plant in Glades located near the Fisheating impact on Fisheating Creek." County and omitting the spe- Creek Wildlife Managemen The Settlement Agreement cific proposal item from the Area. Advisory Board is an official agenda (the proposal was an Mr. Seelman reviewed the state mandated body whose inclusion in the Count' Manag- year's maintenance projects purpose is to advise on issues er's report), although several and the future eco-toursm site related to the management other rezoning issues were list- of the ancient Belle Glade Indi and protection of the Fisheat- ed specifically on the agenda an Mounds at Creek,. offenter on ing Creek Wilderness Manage- and included announcements FisheatIng reek, ol Bana ment, thus, Dr. Friedman for public hearings. Grove Road in Lakeporn. addressed the issue and the The Sept. 12 minutes delin- Opening the site to eco- motion, opening discussion eate that "Chairman Butch tourism .as one of the first Irom members and the public. Jones reported that 'Mr. Taylor projects Mr. Steelman under- Glades County Commis- or Mr. Hilton, (Community [ook when he filled the posi- sioner Butch Jones and "Save Development Director) was lion as WMA biologist, envi- Our Creek" Board Member going to make a sizable sionming a boardwalk, opposed the motion and announcement,'" and "com- informaion kiosks, arnd rabouthespoke favoiably on behalf of mended them for'keeping the for visitors to learn about the a te Power Park and economic Board appraised of this for the Indian culhabiture that established benefits to Glades Counth. last several months." thesindan culte aroundre ha e000B.C Other board members Mr. Hillon stated in the The Belle Glade n10 dian- expressed concern for. the Commission meeting minutes built complex geometric potential negative impact on "that Glades County has been built complex geometric the Wildlife Management working with FPL since Febru- believed to have brought witht Area, stressing that the facts ar-y in a joint effort to locate the themleved ro hae routh erica are not conclusive. There was power plant within Glades their knowledge of Amhydroloic further discussion by partici- County." He said "they have and a riculture. The multi- pants that they did not vet had several pre-application mound areas include several know all the facts, in order to meetings with a number of mrnddensd here the ancient ote onthe motion. Discussion consultants and FPL staff and Indians cultivated maze, sculp- focused on questions regard- that FPL identified two sites in turned artistic religious objects ing the lack of specific quanti- the County that met their crite- for ceremonial practices, and native data from FPL on CO02 ria." On Friday Sept. 7, Mr. occupied the area over some and mercury emissions from Hilton stated in the minutes 2,000 yeais. Art objects recov- the plant's smokestacks, as "he received an application for ered from he site are housed well as the impact of emissions site plan approval from Goder at the lniversitv of Florida's into underground aquifers and Associates, agents for FPL, Museum of Natural Historv w ilh the plant proposed to be to locale the power plant in and could possibly te part of built only a feu\ miles from Glades County." According to the establishment of exhibitsat Fisheating Creek Wildlife Man- Hilton, "the power plant repre- the restored Cypress Knee agemenLAjea sents an investment in the Museum. Mr. Sieelman said Dr. Friedman questioned Count.\. the have contracted for an "wh a coal-burning plant was In other discussion at the artistic design of exhibits to be proposed next to such an envi- meeting, a proposal by Ellen constructed at the Fl. C-nter ronmentaliy sensitive area of Peterson of ECOSWF (an eco historical ,ite and %hen n corn the mosl tpristine wilderness in logical organization of South- pleted, it Will be a malor eco- Florida'" The FPL plant site west Florida) was passed to tourism attraction along selection is on Lykes Brothers consider accessibility by Fishealing Creek's pristine property south of Nicodemous canoes, kayaks throughCow- wilderness area. Slough on State Road 78 near bone Marsh by cutting a chan- Mr. Steelman further out- Lakepon. nel through tussocks (plants lined measures to protect the Glades Commissioner Paul clogging the creek) to promote Swallowtail Kite roosting area Beck, purported that "the plant eco-lourism and keep the on Fisheating Creek that \'vould be among the cleanest entire length of FC available for aiLracts the largest population in [ie \orltd and should be public use as delineated by the of the 20 roosting sites in Flori- wvetfcmed.. Doc Elkowitz, Management Agreement The da, with an estimated more Glades County Representative motion passed unanimously. than 2,300 migraton Kies. As on the SW Florida Regional Mr. Steelman agreed to wrile a part of the WMA efforts to pro. Planning Council, stressed that "short study" written report to tect the Kite population, Mr. "a decision regarding the coal the WMA regarding the recom- Steelman said that the Kites powered plant should be mendation as an overview. Dr. had been recently moving based upon facts, not emo- Friedman appointed an ad hoc some of their nesting areas lion, but the facts were not vet committee of Jim Br\an along the levy and the \VMA is known." Glades Commission- (Lykes Brothers), Deen Moun- atlempling to use "decoys" to er Donna Storter asked how lain (SOC), Ellen Peterson attract them deeper into the the Board could vole to (SOC), and Paul Gray [Okee- swamp, away Irom human oppose the Pos\er Park if the chobee Audubon) for further traffic. The \WV\LA ill look fur- facts are not know-n. Dr. Fried- research. other at the possibility of estab- man responded "that organi- In other action, Dr. Fried- lishing a "Critical Wildlife nations such as the Glades man announced that the Flori- r-ea" as suggested bv one oft Count' Board of County Corn- da State Division of Historical the members. That would missioners, as %well as School Resources recommended close the site for biological rea- Board and Economic Develop- funding the "Save Our Creeks" sons, although according to ment Council representatives proposal for restoration, reno- Mr. Sleelman, it could restrict supported the Power Park valion, and preservation of the WMA trom maintaining the project sitlhoul enough infor- Cypress Knee Museum in natural habitat. Presently, signs nation and without the Com- Palmdale. Amotion was made are posted around the site on mission holding public hear- byHelenDixontoasktheFWC state lands to prevent ings prior to their unanimous to direct its staff to assist in the encroachment into the roost- vote on September 12, 2006, appropriate restoration, devel- ing area. The \\W'MIA was asked supporting the location of the opment and on-going mainte- by the Board to offer the option coal powered plant in Glades nance for the mutual better, of \MA-trained an. 1ippro'ed Counht" ment of the Museum and guides to be able to use the FPL \,ill begin the first step Fisheating Creek Wildlife Man- area or eco-educational ours. in the approval process of state agement Area. The motion Di. Gieg Brock, Depart- agencies, filing with the passed unanimously. Letters to Santa Mrs. Stein Dear Santa; My name is Taylo years old. I am in firs would like hiles. I hE good. Dear Santa; My name is Bobb yeas old. I am in firs have been good. I w some cow boy bo some new shoos x lasis. And I love you S Dear Santa; My name is Dam, 7 years old. I am in fi I have been good. I w a kumputr and a Bra set out milk and cuc Dear Santa; My name is Kevin years old. I am in firs have been very ver: would like a xbox3 make you some coc milk. Dear Santa; My name is Mari six years old. I an- grade. I have been would like shoos an( love you Santa. or. I am 6 3t grade. I aye been love you. Taylor )y. I am 6 t grade. I wouldd like )ots and vhithawt Dear Santa; My name is Eileen years old. I am in firs have been good. I we Bratz Dol and a toy ra I love Santa. Dear Santa; My name is LaSh. six years old. I am in f I have been good. I w a Hillies. I love you Sa Santa. Dear Santa; Love, My name is Lise Bobby seven years old. I a grade. I have been si aris. I am I would like a buildal rst grade. shop toy and a aveu wouldd like for my Dad. I love you itz. I while kees. Love, Dear Santa; Damaris My name is Wilmr eight years old. I a . I am six grade. I have beer st grade. I would like a skoode y good. I wheeler. I love you S 60. I will okies and Dear Santa; Love, My name is Dava Kevin 7 years old. I am in fin have been good. I wo iely. I am 4 wheeler. n in first i good. I d a puzl. I Dear Santa; My name is Virgin Love, years old. I am in fir Mariely have been good. I w . I am six st grade. I would like a books and a dog that walks. I love you Santa. Love, Virginia ycoon. Dear Santa; My name is Lauren. I am in Love, first grade. I have been good. I Eileen would like a doll that can tock andla hilees. I love Santa. ayla. I am Love, irst grade. Lauren vould like Dear Santa; nta. My name is Antwain. I am 7 Love, years old. I am in first grade. I LaShayla have been good. I would like a bike and a skoodeer. I luveyou. tte. I am Luve, m in first Antwain upergood. Dear Santa; bea work- My name is Shynisha. I am utre game 6 years old. I am in frs grd. I u. have been good. I would like a Love, book and a puppuy. I give you Lisette cuckies and mlk. Love, tarie. I am Shynisha m in first Dear Santa; n good. I My name is Cody. I am six r and a 4- years old. I am in farst grad. I anta Clos. have been soopor good. I Love, would like exbox360 and a Wilmarie pair of healies. How is your wife? rius. I am Love, rst grade. I Cody would like a Dear Santa; My name is Emmanuel. I Love, am six years old. I am in frs Davarius grad. I have been good. I would like a jet and a car. I love nia. I am 6 you Santa. st grade. I Love, vould like Emmanuel Sewing the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 21, 2006: iWe must strive to bring Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men. WW irs - Equal Housing ,Lender 300 East Sugarland Highway, Clewiston (863) 983-8191 101 S. Berner Road, Clewiston (863) 983-3003 301 Highway 80 West, LaBelle (863) 675-4242 11751 Palm Beach Blvd. Ft. Myers (239) 437-8191 Moore Haven (863) 946-1515 www.firstI bank.net Member FDIC Thursday, December 21, 2006: Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee |