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Lakeport rbys uspect s-nt eTY .. Pae GLAD ES I--rrr ~4m Moore Haven, Fla. Thursday, December 14,2006 Volume 80, Number 26 At a Glance Cheek point nets results On Friday, Dec. 8, the Glades County Sheriff's Office conducted a driver's license check point in the western .part of Glades County. The two locations that were set up by the Sheriff's Office were Crescent Acres Avenue and the second location was Fern- wood Lake. Sheriff Whiddon has received numerous com- plaints from residents that motorists were operating vehicles in an unsafe and haz- ardous manner in these areas. The results of the operation were a total of 23 arrests (20) of which were foi traffic relat- ed offenses for having either no driver's license, or driving while license suspended. The remaining arrests were for various narcotics violations. A total of 34 traffic citations were issued in addition to the aforementioned arrests. Sheriff \Vhiddon was very pleased with the results and pledged to continue similar operations within the county. We want your news! The Glades County Demo- crat welcomes news from the community. Post your news events, photos and opinions online at ww%%.newszap.com., To con- tact us. email to- gcdnews(a-ne\ szap.com or call toll free 1-866-399-5253. For more information, see the At Your Service Box on page 4 Relay for Life to kick off Relay for Life 2007 will be held on .Thursdad, Dec. 14, at the Clewiston Inn from 6 until 7:30 p.m. All team members, captains, committee mem- bers and anyone wanting more information about relay is welcome to join us. The Clewiston Relay for Life %\ill be held on Feb. 16 and 17, 20107 at the Hendry Codnty, Fairgrounds. If ,ou need any more information, please con- tact Sandi Rodrigguez at l863i 983-7813 ext. 28. FHREDI meeting. agenda posted The Board of Directors of. Florida's Heartland Rural Eco- nomic Development Initiative, Inc. will hold its Board Meet- ing in Regular Session at 10 a.m., Monday, Dec. 18, in Con- ference Room 3 of the High- lands County Agri-Civic Cen- ter, located at 4509 George Boulevard, Sebring Transportation Committee meeting 9 a.m. in Conference Room I NOTE: There ill NOT be a Transit Committee Meeting. Free Bread provided Free Bread provided by the fine folks at the New Hope Independent Baptist Church located at 638 Yaun Road in Moore Haven. This will be every Saturday from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. or when the bread is gone. Hard to believe, but the bread is free! Lake Level 12.07 feet above sea level Index Classifieds . .17-21 Obituaries . . .2 Opinion ... . .. .4 School . . . .9 See Page 4for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. 8 116510 00022 1 911 system requires input Surveys important tool to gather data By Nena Bolan Glades County Democrat MOORE HAVEN The 911 coordinator, Terr Helfinstine, reminds all Glades County resi- dents about the surveys that were hand-delivered to busi- nesses and homes last spring and summer. Some winter residents may have returned recently and found the packet that was hang- ing on their front door or gate. The survey packet included a yellow cover letter and informa- tion sheet. Over the past sekeal months the \ellow co\er shieet probably laded and seasonal residents may wonder w hat it is all about. Many people have incorrect or confusing addresses and this can make it nearly impossible for the fire department or amtnju- lance to reach them in time. Ms. Helfinstine would like ever one in the county to fill out the survey with vital and accu- rate information and mail it in the starnped pre-addressed envelope. Prompt return of the survey to her office will ensure that emergency vehicles and heli- coptets make it to all homes in Glades County as fast as possi- ble. Man\ current addresses are incorrect and some streets have two names, or the street num- bers are switched. This can delay a response time if the per- son at the right addresses is injured, or seriously ill. This state-of-the-art system will cover all of Glades County, including the incorporated town of Moore Haven and the Brighton Reservation. The 911 emergency mapping and dis- patch system will be done with Global Positioning Satellite, which is better known as GPS. Ms. Helfinstine wants all county residents to know that the survey is kept strictly confi- dential and no information will be sold or divulged to anyone. Only the 911 dispatcher will use your location in an emergency. She also wants everyone to know that old addresses will be .kept on file at the post office and mail will be forwarded to newly See System Page 12 Unidentified body found at edge of canal By Nena Bolan Glades County Democrat GLADES COUNTY On Tuesday, Dec. 5, a citizen called the Glades County Sheriff's office and reported the discov- ery of a dead body. Investigators are now left wondering the identity of the person, as well as his cause of death. The agency is handling the case as a possible murder. The remains were found on the-edge of a canal in the area of Corner Oaks-Road and Muse Road, according to law enforcement officials. After GCSO deputies con- firmed that it was an unidenli- flied body, the Criminal Investi- gations Division was called in to respond to the mysterious death. The Okeechobee County Sheriff's Office also assisted with locating forensic evidence. The Glades County Sheriff's Office is treating this as a homi- cide until additional informa- tion is found. The body has been turned over to the Ft. Myers medical examiner in order to seek identification and ascertain the cause of death. It you have any information about this case, you are asked to contact Detective Steve Har- ris at (863) 946-1600. Staff Writer NenaBolan can be reachedatnenabolan@yahoo.com. 34 traffic citations issued, three arrests made By Nena Bolan Glades County Democrat GLADES COUNTY The Glades County Sheriff's Office conducted two drivers license checkpoints last Friday, Dec. 8 and is reporting a successful operation. One was located on Fern- wood Lane and the second one was held on Crescent Acres Avenue. According to a Glades County Sheriff's Office press release, "Sheriff Whiddon has received numerous complaints from residents that motorists were operating vehicles in an unsafe and hazardous manner in these areas." See Checkpoint-Page 12 Florida Highway Patrol troopers can assist GCSO By Nena Bolan Glades County Democrat MOORE HAVEN The Glades County Community Safety Team met on Dec. 7. The team is sponsored by Florida's Department of Trans- portation, one of the states' 58 teams of locally based traffic safety advocates who work to make local roads safer for motorists, pedestrians and bike riders. Glades County Sheriff's Office Deputy Jim Hill reported that 408 traffic citations were issued in the month of Novem- ber. He reminded the team that ..4L On Friday, Dec. 8, the GCSO conducted a traffic check- point in west Glades County on Crescent Acres Avenue. Glades County Sheriff; Stuart Whiddon and other law enforcement officers were checking for proper identifica- tion, vehicle registration and other violations. Florida Highway Patrol troopers from the Venice area will be on call to assist the Glades County Sheriff's Office whenever it is necessary. Deputy Hill also mentioned that Citizens On Patrol are now active in rural communities. They are volunteers who are given the use of unmarked vehi- cles, radios and phones. They do not enforce the law; howev- er, they make observations and call in suspicious activity. Local residents at the meet- ing mentioned that ATVs and golf carts are sometimes seen on roadways. Sometimes ATV drivers allow children to ride as passengers when the vehicle is clearly designed for one driver. Deputy Jim Hill noted that See Safety -Page 12 By Nena Bolan Glades County Democrat MOORE HAVEN The Moore Haven City Council met on Dec. 5 and discussed the possibility of rebuilding the livestock arena, bleachers and rodeo grounds located near the Chalo Nitka Park. After some discussion, the council determined that more plan- ning and research is needed before it is able to go forward with the project. The importance of the live- stock and rodeo grounds was noted because of the rural community's agriculture economy, FFA and 4-H.. It is also an important fea- ture during Chalo Nitka Days, which serves to attract tourism to the area. Repairs to the city dock will be done by Kelly Brothers. Several weeks ago a tug- boat had a throttle mishap and See Arena Page 12 INI/Nena Bolan Deputy Sheriff Kimberly Hill, left, is the vice chairman; and vice mayor Dave McGee, right, is the chairman of the Glades County Traffic Safety Team which meets the first Thursday of each month. They are seen here at the Dec. 7 meeting. About 10 people attended the meeting. : 500 Traffic safety: Deputies run checkpoint INtINena Bolan Corrections Deputy Hall adjusts the handcuffs on a man at the Glades County Sheriff's Office checkpoint in west Glades County on Dec. 8. Drivers license check nets arrests Moore Haven's rodeo arena may see work Community Traffic Safety Team meets Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 14, 2006 Sorority holds holiday gathering BELLE GLADE The Xi Zeta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi of Belle Glade met recently at the home of Laura Mae Enfinger, with Sandra Chamblee as co- hostess, Final plans were made for the chapter to give a needy family Christmas gifts. Every member' bought clothes and Christmas toys for the five chil- dren and items were purchased for the other members. Plans were made for the chapter to attend the Strawberry Festival in Plant City again this coming year, leaving on a Friday and returning on Sunday. It is . always a fun adventure. The 'Girl of the Year' Party will be held on March 31, 2007. 1 Delicious refreshments were served and then a program enti- tled "ANGELS" was given by Glo- ria Swager. Others in attendance were, Pat McKee, Laverne Motes, Lau- rel Tarr, Judy McMillan, Linda McMillan, Karen Corbin, Sara Nell Phillips and Greadle York. The group also held their annual Christmas party at Sonny's Bar-B-Que. in Clewiston on Monday, Dec. 4. The tables were beautifully decorated and a true Holiday Spirit was enjoyed by all. A short meeting was held and then the food was served. After- wards, 'Secret Sister' gifts were opened and the whole affair was enjoyed by all. Each year the chapter gives away a king-sized, home-made quilt from North Carolina. This year's lucky winner was Mrs. Liska Hooker. New sister, Barbara Milligan will be receiving her pledge ritu- al in January The chapter will be attending the South Florida Fair, as a group, on Jan. 13. Those in atten- dance were, Pat and Jerry McKee, Janise and George Goforth, Laura Mae and Gene Enfinger, Laverne and- Jesse Motes, Linda and Wilson McMil- lan, Greadle York, Judy McMil- lan, Laurel Tarr, Sara Nell Phillips, Gloria Swager, 'Karen Corbin, Barbara Milligan and Sandra Chamblee. Pet Corner Question: Dear Doc Savvy. What age is too old to consider spaying and neutering you dog? Thanks, Jose in Canal Point. Answer: Hey Jose, that is a great ques- tion. Basically, a dog is never too old to spay or neuter as long as they are in good health and are good candi- Do dates for sur- Say gery and anesthesia. If there is a health concern or diagnosis where spaying and- neutering is curative, then age is irrelevant. Especially if surgery will nulli- fy a problem like cancer, in both males and females, or benign prostatic syndrome in older non- neutered males. The best time to spay or neuter a dog is a matter of opin- ion and there are many schools of thought. For large breed dogs, waiting until 1 year of age is best. Larger dogs need more time to develop their bone structure. Many times waiting can deter some orthopedic conditions. Medium dogs can be altered at a Obituaries Lewis Lloyd Blount Lewis Lloyd Blount, age 79, of Clewiston, died on Saturday, Nov. 18,2006 in Cape Coral.- He \was born on Aug. 7, 1927 in Arcadia, the son of the late Lewis Lloyd and the late Maude, Cecelia (Rainey) Lisle. He served during world War 11 in the Navy. He was a heavy equipment opera- tor, employed by L.S.S.C. at the Western Field Construction. He \\as preceded in death by his parents and his grandson, Joshua lan Blount. His survivors include his wife, Lois Mae (Heflin) Blount; his sons, Richard L. (Cindy) Blount, Raymond L. Blount, Robert L. (Angela Blount, all of Clewiston; his sister, Ann Funk of Lamont, Colo.; his ten grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. Services were held'on Nov. 21, at I I a.m. at Ridgela\n Cemetery with Rev. Rod Ruby and Rev. John Caraway officiating. All arrangements were under the direction of Akin-Davis Funer- al Home, Clewiston. William Campbell William Campbell, 23 of Canal Point, died on Friday, Dec. 1,2006. He was born in West Palm Beach and raised in Canal Point where he attended Canal Point Elementary School. He graduated from Suncoast Community High School in Riviera Beach in 2001 and was a mechanical engineer- ing student at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Ga. William was a member of Company H, 121st Infantry (Air- borne) (Long Range Surveil- lance) of the Georgia National Guard. He served in the current Iraq conflict as well as hurricane disaster relief in Mississippi. He is preceded in death by his maternal grandparents Roswell and Gladys Harrington of Canal Point and also by his paternal grandparents, Mildred Campbell and Odell Campbell of Alabama. He is survived by his parents, Glenn and Janette Campbell of Canal Point; his sister and broth- er-in-law, Eleanor and Trevor Longino of Orlando. In addition, he is also survived b\ numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. He will be sorely\ missed b. his parents, familN and friends. A visitation %\as held on Tues- day, Dec. 5, at Glades Funeral Home Chapel in Belle Glade with funeral services held on Wednes- day, Dec. 6, at the Canal Point United Methodist Church. Inter- ment was held in Woodlawn Cemetery in West Palm Beach. All arrangements were under the direction,,of Glades Funeral Chapel. Belle Glade Craig Alvin Crews Craig Alvin Crews, 38, of Lake Placid, died on Dec. 11, 2006. He was born Okeechobee, and came to Lake Placid in 2003 from Clewvislon. He was Baptist. He was a Diesel Mechanic. He was a Veteran of the U.S. Marine Corp. He is survived by his w ife, Victoria Crews of Lake Placid; his mother, Mitzi Crews of Lake Placid, and his father, Smiley Crews and Step- mother, Patricia of Sebring. In addition, he is survived by his grandparents, Dorothy and JT Brantley of Sebring; his grandfa- other, John William Tillman of Lake Placid; his son, Matthew- Crews of Lake Placid; his daugh- ter, Christa Haggins of Belle Glade, and Kelly Scruggs of Jack- sonville. He is also survived by a brother, Jason Crews of Lorida; his sister, Kimberly Andrews of Tampa, and one grandchild. Visitation will be Friday, Dec. 15, from 5 until 8 p.m. at the Chandler Funeral Home Chapel. The Funeral service will be held on Saturday, Dec. 16, at 11 a.m. at First Assembly of God Church in Lake Placid, with Rev. Bill Moss Officiating. Burial will follow in Oak Hill Cemetery. In lieu of flow- ers, please make donations to the American Cancer Society or the Humane Society of Highlands County. All arrangements are entrusted to Chandler Funeral Home in Lake Placid. (863) -165-2113. Dorothy C. Postell Doroth\ C. Postell, age 87, of Clewiston, died on Monday, Dec. 4,2006 in Clewiston. Survivors include two sons, Dennis (Mary) E. Postell of Punta Gorda, Wilbur (Ann) A. Postell of Clewiston; one daughter, Anna Clinard of Clewiston, one brother, Sheldon C. Upthegrove of West Palm Beach; one sister, Edna Griggs of Pensacola. Funeral services were .held Thursday, Dec. 7, at 2 p.m. at Evangel Assembly Of God, 350 South Berner Road, Clewiston \x ith Pastor Ed and Gary Corley officiating. Interment followed in Ridgelawn Cemetery, Cle%'ision. All arrangements were under younger age, or waiting until I year of age too will be all right. Smaller dogs like Chihuahuas take a shorter period of time to become full-grown, so 6 months of age is very appropriate. As a side note, I think cats should be spayed and neutered as early as 4 months of age. We have such a wild cat problem in our area, so for them...The younger the better. Hope that answers your question Jose. Take Care!! Doc Savvy. E-mail your pet questions to DocSavvy@aol.com and check out your answers weekly in The Pet Corner. Births Les'Shalia J. Browning Congratulations to Lester and Cressida Browning, on a new baby girl, Les'Shalia J. Brown- ing. Les'Shalia weighed 6 pounds and 8 ounces. Their first bundle of joy was born on Nov. 28,2006. the direction of Akin-Davis Funer- al Home, Clewiston. Martha Anne Stewart Martha Anne Stewart, age 60, of Clewiston, died Wednesday, No\. 15, 2006 in Clewiston. She %was born Jan. 22, 1946 in Plant City to Tom and Elois (Johnson) Foy. She resided in Clewiston for the past 24 years and is a former resident of Ocala. Survivors include one daugh- ter, Barbara Ann Ward of Charleston, S.C : a sister, Betty Camplin of Clewiston and two grandchildren. Cremation arrangements were under the direction of Akin-Davis Funeral Home in Clewiston Charles Steven Stewart Charles Steven Stewart, age 47. of Lillian, Ala., died on VWednesday. Nov. 15, 2006 in Pen- sacola. , Survivors include, to sons, Steven Stewart of Clewiston, Charles Stewart: his three daugh- ters. Jessica Stewart of Tifton, Ga., Christina Stewart, Kimberly Stew- art; one brother, Bruce Stewart and his parents, Charles and Peggy Stewart. Funeral services were held on Wednesday, Nov. 22, at 11 a.m. at Community Presbyterian Church in Clewiston with Rev. Angel Ramos officiating. Interment followed in Ridgelawrin Cemetery. All arrangements were under the direction of Akin-Davis Funer- al Home, Clewiston. SGo to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! - Granite or Bronze / Flat or Upright "*' FOREVERGLADES '. 1500 AIRPORT ROAD BELLE GLADE, FL Best Prices / Best Service Payment Plans / 25 Years Experience State Licensed Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one who has departed with a special Alemorial Tribute in this newspaper. Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. Visit www2.newszap.com/memorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. Have news? Share it! Pt Yr N The 24-Hour Community 'Wire Service.' Post press releases or news items or catch up on the latest postings. PotYorPbli vn Want the community to 'save the date' for your event? Place it on the Community Calendar up to a year in advance! 5 -Mw I oPo t ou O in oI (- I 4 I I R. C -P Attend Church this Sunday 10:00 AM Nursery provided Touching the Glades one family at a time. 370 Holiday Isle Blvd 1 www.newharvest.net 5 Pastors Chuck & Karen Pe QUALITY ELECTRIC HOUSEHOLD ELECTRICAL REPAIRS AND INSTALLS Same Day Sern ice if you call before 3:00 pm Your locally owned and operated Electrical Company Main Electrical Panel Repair or Replacement Small Electrical Repair Landscape Lighting Electrical Pool System Repair Call for A Remodel Quote 9-5 call 863-983.-4101 863-228-4138 24 Ew.r.-qjAiun.y Service Licensed & Insured #EC000061 Have an opinion you want to get off your chest? Introduce a topic for discussion in the Public Issues Forums. 1 0 o t Y u r P o o Have a digital camera? Want to share your photos with your friends and the community? Create a gallery of your photos for free at newszap.com. zuxzoxg Anmoassaaor Vertical Roof (2:12 Pitch) 1 Roll-up Door, 2 Gable Vents $10,947** 3ux35ox9 Executive Vertical Roof (3:12 Pitch) 2 Roll-up Doors, 1 Walk-in Door, 1 Window, 2 Gable Vents $21,923** Concrete and Installation by Others ** Price reflects cost of concrete and installation I i ltu i.i ll'i.-. t 'nihi,,ai L.'ngthI Meets or Exceeds Florida WindHoads SFlorida "Stamped" Engineered Plans 877-951-2300 Metal Systems Plus, LLC www.metalsystemsplus.com Pricefds, s &al&CoustsssyF F o f oas psi aiy pusti es oa w49awa %eqdSa"ca 7f Jonathan S. Sanders, M.D., J.D. Cynthia J. Rogers, M.D. Tim lonnides, M.D. MNohs Surgery Diseases of Skin, Hair & Nails See A Board Certified Dermatologist Everytime 115 5h anSte 22094 UHgha 441,N Every organization, school, place of worship, sports team, writer/blogger and local business is invited to request a free link at newszap.com. It's a community service to drive visitors to your site! PLUS: Buy it/Sell it Classifieds and Advertising Opportunities for Page Banners, Tiles, and Sponsored Links newszapcom Community Links. Individual Voices. THE ULTIMATE COMMUNITY WEBSITE p. - Treasure Coast Dermatology Specializing in the Treatment of Skin Cancer Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, De'C'ember 14, 2006 Thursday, December 14, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee It is now time to get your flu shot TALLAHASSEE In prepara- tion for the 2006-2007 flu season, Florida Department of Health (DOH) officials urge Floridians, especially those 50 years of age and older, to make an appointment with their primary health care provider to receive a flu vaccine. "The best protection against the flu is to get vaccinated every year. I strongly encourage Florida resi- dents to call their doctor to schedule a flu shot," said DOH Secretary M. Rony Frangois, M.D., M.S.P.H, Ph.D. "Getting vaccinated not only helps protect you from getting sick with the flu but it also helps to protect others. Flu does not peak in Florida until late February. Flu vaccine will be available now through the first of the year. Check with your physician as to when he or she suggests you come in foryour flu shot." In addition, the Hendry County Health Department is holding a special flu shot clinic on Friday, December 15 from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m at their location at 1140 Pratt Boulevard in LaBelle and on "The best protection against the flu is to get vacci- nated every year. I strongly encourage Florida res- idents to call their doctor to schedule a flu shot." M. Rony Francois, M.D., M.S.P.H, Ph.D., DOH Secretary Wednesday, December 20 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at their loca- tion at 1100 South Olympia in Clewiston. The cost of the flu vac- cine is $25 or it can be billed to Medicare if cards are presented at the time of service. Annual influenza Vaccination is now recommended for the follow- ing groups: Persons at high risk for influenza-related complications and severe disease, including children aged 6-59 months pregnant women persons over 50 years old persons of any age with cer- lain chronic medical conditions Persons who live with or care for persons at high risk, including household contacts who have frequent contacts with persons at high risk and who can transmit influenza to those persons at high risk Health-care workers Since prevention is the key to reduce the probability of contract- ing flu, here are practical steps to stop the spread of flu: Influenza vaccine can prevent influenza, so get immunized Clean hands often with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand cleanser Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth Slay home when 'you are sick and keep sick children home Avoid close contact with peo. pie who are ill, if possible Do not share eating utensils, drinking glasses, towels or other personal items Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze Stay healthy: get plenty of rest, healthy foods, fluids and exercise For information about how to schedule a flu vaccination, contact your private physician or personal health care. provider. For more information on Flu arid Flu \accina- tion, visit the DOH Web site at www.cdc.gov/flu or www.doh. state.fl.us/diseasectrlVimmrnune/flu/ index.htm. The Hendry County Health Department promotes and protects the health and safety of our county through the delivery of quality health services and the pro- motion of health care standards. For additional information please contact us at any of our sites or via our e-mail address at: hltp: doh.slate.11 us chdHendry home.hlml I Save money on your favorite grocery items. I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! ' Inewszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. L- ---------------------- newszap.cem Community Links. Individual Voices. At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Treatment of: .Evaluation of: After Surgery Care of: Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Cataracts Eye Injuries Diabetes Glaucoma Dry Eye Cataracts Pterygium Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Flashes & Floaters LASIK Specializing in bifocal, toric, daily disposable and hard-to-fit contact lenses: Full Optical Services In-House Lab High Quality Name Brand Frames Same Day Service on Some Prescriptions Latest Technological Lens Design "u. Jrd.in ,r, i E .irir, t .App.:.,im en' [rr A. iila.bl', -' H.:.i r En-iecg.-e ,,:, A .i L.Iabl New Patients Welcome 863.6"5.0"'61 Florida joins National Handwashing Week Last week, Florida celebrated National Handwashing Awareness Week. Hand washing is the first line of defense against disease. Simple soap and water can get rid of germs before they are transferred from your hands to your mouth, nose or eyes. Alw a\s wash your hands before eating and before touching any part bfvour face A few years ago, the U.S. Army conducted a test in which the-\ required soldiers in one group to wash their hands fixe times a day. The soldiers in the other group were not given an\ special instruc- tions and follow ed their normal routine. The test found a significant reduction in "sick calls" by the sol- diers in the hand washing group The\ reported lewer cases ol colds and flu. According a the Florida Depart- ment of Health press release, the ,first National Hand Washing Aw\ areness \Week started in 1999 in Cincinnati, Ohio due to the flu vac- cine The Greater Cincinnalti Health Council Flu Vaccine Committee began educating the public on hand washing as the first line of defense against the flu or flu-like ill- ness. "Floridians must take proactive measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases thr':; u--'Timple hand washing with soap and A Healthier ' Life \ $ with Katrina Elsken water," said Deputy State Health Officer Bonita Sorensen, M.D., M.B.A. "Reviewing and making use of these techniques %will prepare and protect residents ol Florida during the flu season." According to the Centers lor Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), hand Dwashing is the single most important means in prevent- ing the spread of infection. The CDC estimates that 36,000 people die frorn the flu or flu-like illness each \ear, 5,000 people die from food borne illness each year. and between 7.S,000 and 90,000 patients die each year from Hospi- tal Acquired Infections (HA.iJ, for which a direct link to many of these deaths is poor hand washing. Furthermore, there are two mil- lion of 33 million hospital-admitted patients who contract HAIs annual- ly. There are 76 million food borne : illnesses each Near resulting in : more than 300,000 hospital admis- sions. Hand washing and hand awareness are important for noso- comial infection prevention, food- safety, school health, personal health and disease prevention. 164 million days are lost from school due to illness, of which 22 million are due to the cornmor cold alone. To keep hands clean, DOH rec- ommends hand %washing: e Before preparing or eating food; e Before and after tending to someone who is sick; e Before and after treating a cut or wound; After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing; After handling an animal or animal waste; Alter handling garbage, Alter going to the bathroom; and, ' After changing diapers or cleaning up after a child who has gone to the bathroom. If you prefer to use anti-bacteri- ological soaps, that's fine. But stud- ies show that regular soap and water do a fine job. Just take N our time and work up a good lather before you rinse. At home, make sure you dry your hands on a clean towel. If someone in the family has a cold, that person should be assigned a particular towel to use, to-avoid spreading gems to other farnilN members In public rest- room, the paper towels are safer than a using hot air blower. Germs can orowi inside the hot all blower and \when you lurn it on [those oermsa e blown onto your hands STANTON MOBILE HOMES Quality Homes at Discounted Prices! Homes From Ihe Low $50's. Turn Key Packages Available. Family Owned Since 1981. JACOBSEN F- E" i.': t+:K,' Its ScotBilt 01 NSS Clewiston 1312 W Sug3rtnd Hw 863-983-8106 LaBelle 23I W Hiioc:eeAAe 863-675.6622 TOUCHDOWN r BREAKFAST lU10% OFF:I 2 Pancakes, 2 eggs, 2 bacon I Breakfast, strips an1d 2 sausage links I Lunch or Dinner I Must Present Coupon 1 o Not valid ti, any other I only0 oifferEvp 12 "- O I L. 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SUrf & Clewiston, FL 33440 Tractor 863-983-4484 *$0 down, 0% A.RR. financing for terms up to 36 months availoblethrough December 31, 2006, on all new Kubota BX, 8, L and M (except theMS040, M6040, M7040, M8040 and M9540 Series) in inventory at participating dealers. Example: A 36-month repayment term at 0% A.RR.requires 36 payments of $27.78 per $1,000 borrowed. 0% A.P.R. interest is available to customers if no dealer documentation preparation fee is charged. Dealer charge for document preparation fee shall be in accordance with state laws. Financing is available through Kubota Credit Corporation, U,S.A., subject to credit approval. Some exceptions apply.See your local Kubota dealer for details on these and other tow-rate options or go to $ Gener .$ 5Off . General Admission or Pit 5 Off r al Admission or Pit 1001 U.S. HIGHWAY 27 (5 MILES SOUTH OF MOOREHAVEN) CLEWISTON, FL 33440 863-983-3478 Expires 12/31/2006 863-983-3478 Expires 12/31/2006 ........... ... .......... II--m -ii-i II l !11 Ili l il I ', k' -5 of tekismeu12&une 4: 16 I - a 1030 West Sugar Clewiston. F 863-983- .L \ .,,- rland Hv',.. - 'lorida _ 3663 * ~M-. Ik.. M tJd'l vR I \')on(. Full Factory Parts and Service! We Service All Makes. We make hydraulic hoses. Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 14, 2006 .,, , i=-- .1 ;., -...- .:, Z!t 74o Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 14, 2006 Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the MooreHaven/Glades issues forum at httpv//www.newszapfo- rums.corn/forum57. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opinion line at (863) 983-9140. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: Belle Glade/South Bay Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum51 Clewiston Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum52 Hendry County Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 *Moore Haven/Glades Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum57 *Okeechobee city/county Issues: httlp://www.newszaptorums.com/forum58 * Pahokee Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum59 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." Christmas Concert at West Glades By Barbara Oehlbeck Special to Glades County Democrat The second annual West Glades Christmas Concert will be at 7 p.m. the night of Dec. 14. The concert will be composed of two parts, first, the chorus, then the band. The concert will feature the West Glades Chorus with students from kindergarten through the Fifth grade. Chorus members have been working for weeks on this, their second annual concert. When you hear these students you will readily understand how hard they've been working on this pro- gram. Both traditional and contem- porary songs will be included. Part two of the Christmas Con- cert will be by two West Glades Bands, the beginner's band and the intermediate band. This also will be the second annual band concert for both groups. This will probably come as quite a surprise to most who are not immediately connected with the bands or the school but it is worth knowing. The Chorus and Band Leader of West Glades School is a famous musician by the name of Dean Paul, who in earlier years played with the equally famous Benny Goodman band. The Goodman Dance Band played all over the world at one time, mostly for dance concerts. Mr. Goodman was a band leader who thought as highly of taking his band to small towns to play as he did for the largest audiences in New York and London, Miami and Glades At a Glance Are you a blogger? Get a newszap link! The Glades County Democrat is looking to broaden its listing of "Columnists & Bloggers" at www.newszap.com. More and more people are starting blogs including busi- ness people, support groups, and individuals with an opinion on the day's news or culture. If you are a local blogger who would like to be listed, please visit hltp://www2.newszap.conm/blogs !request.htm and fill in the form. In addition to the link, the newspaper will consider publish- ing timely postings as news or commentaries on its pages. Christmas festival planned Planning has begun for the sixth annual "Christmas on the Caloosahatchee Festival', to be held on Thursday, Dec. 14, from 5 until 8 p.m., in Tom Perry Memor- ial City Park. If you would like a booth, please contact Susan Prowant, Leslie Pryor, or Felinda Langdale at Moore Haven Ele- mentary School at (863) 946- 0737. Christmas on the Caloosa- hatchee is an annual community event hosted by Moore Haven Ele- mentary School and the City of Moore Haven. Be sure to join us! Want a job In Construction? Take advantage of a job train- ing opportunity provided by the Education Center of Southwest Florida, Inc. (ECSWF) for con- struction trades ranging from car- pentry and plastic pipe to blue prints and masonry. Classes begin' in October and space is limited. Flyers and applications are avail- able at the Glades County Eco- nomic Development Council (EDC) Office in the Doyle Conner Building in Moore Haven or.the ECSWF office in LaBelle. Applica- tions can be faxed to the EDC at (863) 946-0777 or directly to the Education Center at (863)-675- 6800. For more information, con- tact Sonny Hughes, (863) 675- 6800. Florida Native Plant Society meetings The Florida Native Plant Soci- ety meeting will be held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Agri-Civic Center at 4509 George Boulevard in Sebring in conference room number three. For more information, call Roy Stewart at: (863) 632-0914. Narcotics Anonymous meets_ Narcotics Anonymous meets Monday at 7 p.m. for open dis- cussion meeting at Buck Head Ridge Christian Church, 3 Linda Road, Buckhead Ridge. For more information please call (863) 634- 4780. Hurricane help available Help is still available for Hurri- cane Wilma victims from our local Community Rebuilding Ecumeni- cal Workforce (CREW) but you must register again! Community Rebuilding Ecu- menical Workforce (CREW) is a caring network of Hendry and Glades Counties' civic, social, service, and faith-based groups, agencies, and organizations, along with concerned individuals and businesses, formed to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the commu- nity in the restoration and rebuild- ing of their lives and homes in times of a natural or man-made disaster. CREW will provide collabora- tive leadership and advocacy in meeting the needs for revitalizing and improving the quality of life for the most vulnerable in the community. For more information, ques- tions, or to schedule an appoint- ment, please call of visit: CREW Headquarters, First United Methodist Church, 352 W. Arcade Avenue, Clewiston, phone (863) 983-4316 (John 3:16) or email CREWheadquarters(@,aol.com. MHHS Class Reunion planned The MHHS Class of '86 is hav- ing its 20 year reunion on Home- coming Weekend this year. Orga- nizers are inviting the Class of '87 and Class of '88 to join the fun, as well. Reunion planners are in need of assistance in locating and notify- ing all members of the above classes. The initial plan is to have a tailgate type get-together the night of the Homecoming Game and, on the following day, have a BBQ for the family at the City Park or a similar location. Anyone interested in assisting may contact David Lee at dlee-1967(@skyeone.com or (863) 946-2512. CREW needs volunteers The Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) of Hendry and Glades Counties is seeking volunteers to assist resi- dents with repairs and continued clean up efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Wilma. Carpenters, Electricians, Plumbers, drywall installers and other trade skills are needed, as well as, anyone willing to lend a hand. For more information, come by our office at 121 Central Ave. rear entrance or email CREWheadquarters@aol.com or phone (863) 983 2390. CREW seeks donations The Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) of Hendry and Glades Counties is seeking donations of building materials and supplies, including lumber, nails and drywall, to assist residents with repairs and contin- ued clean up efforts in the after- math of Hurricane Wilma. Dona- tions, including monetary contributions, are tax deductible. For more information, come by our office at 121 Central Ave. rear entrance or email CREWhead- quarters@aol.com or phone (863) 983-2390. Free services offered to help elders Center for Independent Living will be doing outreach on a regu- lar basis at the Moore Haven, Clewiston, and LaBelle sites between the hours of noon to 2:30 p.m. You can contact Tera or Linda at the Center for Indepen- dent Living at (941) 766-8333 in Charlotte County to find out the days that they will be available in those areas. Economic Council Meetings planned The Glades County Economic Development Council normally meets the first Monday of the month at 6:15 p.m. in the confer- ence room at Glades Electric Cooperative. If you are not a member, please contact the EDC about joining. If you are a mem- ber, please plan to attend the meetings. As the Main Street effort and other initiatives move for- ward, we will need a host of knowledgeable volunteers to serve on various committees and weencourageyour participation. VFW Post #9528 hours posted The VFW Post #9528 is located at 2002 Hwy. 78 West in Buckhead Ridge. For more information call (863) 467-2882. Post hours are from noon until 8 p.m daily. Wednesday is Ladies Auxiliary dinner from 5:30-7 p.m., and the cost is $5. Every Thursday, the post has bar bingo at 12:45 p.m. Lunch will be available. Every Fri- day a steak dinner with baked potato, salad and rolls are served from 5:30 7 p.m. with a $9 dona- tion. Dancing immediately follows the dinner. All games and special events are shown on three televisions. The game room has a regulation- size pool table. Post meetings are held on the second and fourth Sat- urday of the month, beginning at 10 a.m. Commander Albert Crank is available at (863) 467-2882. Hollywood. In my own earlier days, I recall Benny Goodman bringing his band to a relatively small town in south- ern Virginia to play for a dance which had to be held in the armory because there was no larger place available. When the dance was over and the admission money was handed to Mr. Goodman, although he was not a southerner, with true south- ern grace he politely turned over the entire amount to be used for the soldiers coming back from World War II. Everyone is invited to attend the Christmas Concert at West Glades School. There is no admission charge. Parents and other family mem- bers are especially invited to attend. These students have worked relent- lessly for weeks and weeks to make this their best concert. To look out at the audience and see their parents, family members and friends will be all the reward these students need. By Dan Culbert Extension Horticulture Agent Last week this column talked about REAL Christmas Trees for your indoor holiday decorations. Some may prefer the look smell and feel of an old-fashioned ever- green tree all decked out with lights ornaments and loaded with lots of presents stacked under the tree. Other Floridians may want to break with tradition and use a more tropical symbol for their Christmas tree. To celebrate the end of the year in Florida -style, what could be more tropical than a palm tree? Many palms can be brought indoors for the holidays and returned to the patio or even added to the landscape after the New Year. A look around local nurseries will find a plant called the Christ- mas Palm, which can be beautifully decorated as a holiday tree. But if the Christmas Palm is to be added to the Florida Yard, be aware this tropical palm is sensitive to cold temperatures and is suscep- tible to an incurable disease. It's a good subject for this week's col- umn. Another name for Christmas The Christmas Palm has a clus- ter of deep crimson red fruit which appears in winter. These berries give this palm the traditional red and green color combination and yet have the tropical appeal. Fruit appear like magic on a smooth ringed trunk. Other names may be used with this palm: Manila Palm hints at its origin in the Philippines. Dwarf Royal Palm suggests that it small version of the tall, smooth-trunked street palms seen on tropical south Florida streets and parks. Adonidia Palm refers to its for- mer scientific name, which is now Veitchia merrilli. One attractive feature of this beauty is that it is fast growing. For smaller homes, its 20-30 feet in height will not be too tall. Slender trunks, elegantly feathery arching leaves, and the clusters of large, red fruit make these palms particularly attractive when planted in informal groups. Recent hurricanes have also shown they can withstand the high winds that come with tropical storms. Christmas Palms have single trunks, but may be seen in the nurs- ery as doubles or triples. If growers place a couple of seedlings togeth- er in the container, they will form a more attractive clump. This palm is noted for its "self-cleaning" fronds, so as older leaves drop off without the need for pruning, they will not leave a 'boot' on the trunk. Perfect places for delightful dwarf pal They can be kept in the contain- er for some time, and could then be brought indoors in case of cold weather. And this is problem num- ber one with the Christmas Palm in our area. When temperatures reach into the low 30's, this palm may develop leaf spots that only become apparent several weeks afterwards. It will survive short durations of temperatures in the mid 20's. The small size and ability to adapt to a variety of landscape situ- ations make this a possible Florida Yard choice. Christmas palms should receive some shade while young but will grow better in lull sun when older. There is a yellow variety of this palm that is some- times available called "Manila Gold". It is said to handle less light and it grows a bit slower, making it easier to keep it in a container. They can grow in almost any soil that is well-drained, and they only need a moderate amount of water once established. As with all palms, give them special palm fer- tilizers several times each year. Sur- face roots are not a problem. Beware Yellowed Palms Remember those picture post- cards of Miami Beach covered with coconut Palms? Several years ago, a disease was spread by a small plant-hopping insect and killed oil many of these palms. It turns out that the Christmas palm is even more sensitive to this disease than the coconut. So problem number two is that this Veitchia is highly suscepti- ble to the deadly Lethal Yellowing (LY) disease. Over the years we have discovered some expensive antibiotic treatments and have used some insecticides to slow the spread of the insect that carries LY. However, some recent outbreaks of LY have come back and are again affecting coconuts- and Christmas palms. Nursery customers may want to avoid Christmas palms grown in areas with recent outbreaks. There is no "cure" unless the disease is caught before symptoms are noticeable. Once infected, LY dis- eased palms need to be removed as soon as possible. Leaving the dying palms in the landscape will increase the odds of spreading the disease to nearby susceptible palms. Check \with our office if you need more details on LY symptoms and management ideas. The best use of this tropical beauty may be to keep it as a patio plant where it may be protected from cold andinside a screen to hold off the disease carrying insects. If you keep up with the fer- tilizers, you ma be rewarded with a taste of the tropics that is fit for a tropical Christmas tree. I've placed more information on our Okeechobee web page, hllp: okeechobee.ifas.ufl.edu. If you need additional information on Christmas Palms, please email us at okeechobee(@Eifas.ull.edu or call us at (863.1763-6469. Local residents can stop by our office at 458 Hwy 98 North in Okeechobee, and visit our Okeechobee County Master Gardeners from 1 to 3 PM on Tues- day afternoons. Happy Holly-Days! / iG hades uD Deo crat Our Purpose... The Glades County Democrat is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspa- per to pursue a mission of journalistic service to the citizens of the commu- mrty. Since no dividends are paid. the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industry standards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's mission of journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the comm- munmty's deliberation of public issues. We Pledge... * Tb operate this newipper a, a public trust * To help .ur :ommura, become a t llcr place to live and %ork. through our dedication, io corscienti'esu j.':urrnahlm * To provide the information aliens nred to m .ae theo :.,r, intelligent d,:-ciw,.:,ni x l public sisiu STo trp:,n the newi ws h hIoneIl y aIcuracy, ,bjEcr tliy. feariieiess and compassion. * To a I' cr uopiran pFags Io tacilitale community debate not to dainate it with .,r o*n op irnith * To dilose our own ,ontli.:s oft nderest or r'leenu a c.'rdlbcit lo our reai-is To .Tn rrut our rr,..rs anrd to p ie each corre-tiwr I,, the prw.,-ine'ce itdrinres * To provide a nght to reply to those we wnte about. * To treat people with courtesy, respect and compassion. Ediior J,;, Zirag',s Repn,-rhNeua B,,lan PFi,.rier Nr.sIi Curry Rei,nr r laybrs Garogle ww-mAdwnis~ hwnas~ Ad% ernaire Diisdan ar y KV &me Naii,-raI Accosse jr, Pnrnii Adwi marg Maitapras Bresji, ldfr~ijc'a At~we.ahi5 S~rnvice ,INtiu, jAgft Lsros Admni Cl-,mor. In- Sr..iW, Poi~eent. Ed NIS.s Mi., PresJ,&i ofi Piada Operanrso. km Byrd Ex,-cunseE.w U aca nna Elikin Member of ki Florida Press Assiadaun University of Florida/I.F.A.S. A non-traditional tree A Christmas palm is a stocky, single-trunked palm with stiffly arched, six-foot-long, bright green fronds is noted for the fall and winter appearance of the very showy clus- ters of glossy, bright red fruits which hang below the leaves at the base of the crown shaft. Reaching 25 feet in height, though often much smaller, Christmas Palm makes a very neat appearance in the landscape. Local Weather Forecast Weather forecast for Glades County from the National Weather Ser- vice Lakeport and surrounding area Thursday: Partly cloudy, with a high near 79; calm winds becoming east between 4 and 7 mph and a 20 percent chance of showers. Thursday night: Mostlycloudy, with a low around 63. East winds will be between 3 and 6 mph with a 30 percent chance of showers. Friday: Mostly cloudy, with a high near 77 and 40 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. East winds will be from 5 to 14 mph becoming south. Winds could gust as high as 20 mph. Friday night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 59 and a chance of showers. Winds will be light and from the northwest with a 30 percent chance of rain. Saturday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 78 and winds will be light and from the northeast. Saturday night: Mostly clear, with a low around 58. Sunday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 80. Sunday night: Mostly clear, with a low around 60. Monday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 78. To Reach Us Address: RO. Box 1236 Clewiston, Fla. 33440 Website: www newszap.com To Submit News The Glades County Democrat wel- comes subrrussions from its readers. Opinions, calendar items, stones. ideas and photographs are welcome. Call 866-399-5253 to reach our news- room Items may be mailed, fa'.ied or e-maded The deadline for all news items is 12 p.m. Monday prior to the ".'oUoing Thursday's publication E-mail: gcdnews''newszap.com To Place A Classified Ad Call 18776353-2424 to place a classi- fied advertisement from home. The dead line for all advertisingis 12 p.m 1Monday for the following Thursday's publication. Fax: 1-877-354-2424. E-mail. classlads'aewszap.com To Place A Display Ad Call 866-399-5253. deadline for all adverusing is 12 p.m. Monday for the follow, ing Thursday's publication. Fa.\: 1-863-983-7537 E-mail: sc.thlakeadsii'newszrp com Advertising Billing Department E-mail: billteam@newszap.com To Start or Stop A Paper Phone: (877)353-2424 E-mail: radersemceCinesVop o'm The Glader County Democrat is delivered by mal to subscribers on Thursday and is sold in racks and store locations in the Glade, County area Call (8771353-2424 to report a trussed newspaper or poor delivery. Glades Count' Democrat USPS 219060 Published Weekly by [ndepndern Newspapers, tric Clesu. FL 33440 for $24.61 per year including tax. Setind Class postage paid at Clewrstrn Flordia Ptmafler "end address charites to the Glades County Demrcr-t Crcul'.nO-r, Adminuli'atn.j: PO BOx 7011 Doaer. DE 1\903 Printing Pnrnted at Surhinme Printria, a ,ub;idur of Independent Newspaptr-n E-mmall- pnnntin'irawl rii Newszap! Online News & Informiation Get the latest news at wwwv.newszap.com Glades County Democrat Published by Independent Newspaper, Inc. Serving Glades County Since 1923 Servingthe communffies south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 14, 2006 A Palm for Christmas Thursday, December 14, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee THE ALL-NEW 2007 DODGE CALIBER. IT'S ANYTHING BUT CUTE. The alt-new Dodge Caliber wilt blow you away with cool features like a center armrest with a special holder for your cell phone or MP3 player and power mirrors and locks. It'll blowout your eardrums with an available 458-watt MusicGate Power'" Boston Acoustics* nine-speaker sound system with subwoofer and swing-down liftgate speakersT And you'll blow by a lot of gas stations since you'll be getting 28 city to 32 hwy EPA est. mpg depending upon model. The all-new Dodge Caliber. It's anything but cute. GRAB LIFE BY THE HORNS *Always sit properly in the seat with the seat beltfastened. tMuslcGate Power sound system optional on SXT. As shown, with MusicGate Power. s16,480. MSRP excludes tax. HAMVPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP HENDRY COUNlTY'S ONLY 5-STAR CHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP DEALER IcUrsERI 0 i really does make a difference!* I ,j (863) 983-4600 202 w. Sugarland Hwy. Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 ..J .U. J I ... ... .. ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... .. ... ... .. .............. .. ............. ... . . . .. . . . .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................. . Thursday, December 14, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Sewing the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 14, 2006 . .. .. 4 a1 a. t 44, j, A 445 E. SUGARLAND HWY CLE ISTON, FL . 800-901 -9350 approval or including buy here, pay here. Glades Ford Lincoln Mercury, will match your down payment up to $2000.00 WAC.(2) Limsited quality first cows, first sered (3) With approved credit. (4) Vehicle purchased, credit history and terwmdeterwines down payment needed to reach $99 per month for first 3 months. Vehicles subject to prior sale. (5) With beacon score of 750 or greater and monthly car note may net exceed 15% of gross monthly income, 24 months was term on select vehicles. All offers cannot be combined. All financed sales and teases subject to final tender approval, age 18 or older with a valid driver's license, proof of income and residence.. Glades Ford Lincoln Mercury not responsible for typogrphicalterrors. I older I valid I ',EXP DATE 66 1 I- AMOUNT I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 14, 2006; Thursday, December 14, 2006Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee K .4 4 - p. At 2006 F-150 STX 2007 Fusion 14 RED CARPET LEASEMO RED CARPET LEASE FOR 4, WITH MONTHS DUE AT SIGNING RED CARPET LEASE RED CARPET LEASE WITH MONTHS DUE ATSIGING *0~ 2006 Explorer XLT 2007 Expedition XLT RE CARPET LEASEMO RED CARPET LEASE FOR '.t MONTHS WITH. SI. N DUE AT SIGNING WITH D,-- RT LA MO RED CARPET LEASE MONTHS DUE AT SIGNING Get it started at Your Neighborhood Ford Dealer! fordvehicles.com Not all buyers will quality for Ford Credit Red Carpet Lease. Qualification will depend on credit score and will be determined by Ford Credit. Payments vary, dealer determines price. Residency restrictions apply. F-I50 RCL applies to ST)X Wx2 c nfiguration-Red Carpe lease cash due is after $3,000 RCL. cash back. Fusion RCL applies to S 1-4 configuration-Red Carpet Lease cash due is after $500 RCL cash back. Explorer RCL applies to XLT 4x2 configuration-Red Carpet lease cash due is after $1000 RCLtcash back. Expedition RCLj .1,1-: i.j i. .",- ... ii, ,j i., Ij. i all buyers will qualify Security deposit is waived, Excludes taxes, title, license, and registration fees. Forspecial lease terms, cash back, or :.rd ,. ., i .,. i. re, 1 t, teail delivery from dealer stock by 01/02/07. See dealer tor qualifications and complete details. Powertrain Limited Wairanty; see dealer for a copy of the warranty. BOLD South Florida Ford Dealers .ei -3a -*-,"^1. ..I I Thursday, December 14, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Arrest Report Western Palm Beach County Belle Glade This column lists arrests, not convictions, unless otherwise stated. Anyone who is listed here and who is later found not guilty, or has the charges against them dropped, is welcome to inform the newspaper. We will confirm the information and print it. Timothy Pompey Walker, 37, of Southeast First Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Dec. 4, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with failure to appear for misde- meanor offense on Sept. 7,- 2006: (No driver's license for more than 4 months; speeding. He was later released on a cash bond. Erik Leon Boyd, 27, of Mobile Home Park, Belle Glade, was arrested on Dec. 5, by PBSO on a warrant charging him < ith the sale of cocaine. He was later released to supervised release. Aracely G. Almendarezsosa, 26, of Northwest I Avenue, Belle Glade, was arrested on Dec. 5, by PBSO and charged with aggravat- ed assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill. She was released into supervised release program.- James Earl Craig, 18, of Northwest First Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Dec. 5, by PBSO and charged with unarmed burglary of an occupied con- veyance. No bond was set. Francisco Martinez Tapia, 40, of Northeast First Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Dec. 5, by PBSO and charged with violation of probation. He was booked for, Hendry County Sheriff's Office on charges of driving while license suspended or revoked. He was later released on a cash bond. David Craig Lane, 21, of Southwest Seventh Street, Belle Cit.ce. was arrested on Dec. 6, by PBSO and charged with simple domestic battery..He was later released on a surety bond. Gerald Germaine Simmons, 27, of Southwest Seventh Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Dec. 7, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with violation of probation - possession of cocaine; carrying a concealed weapon and felon in possession of a firearm or ammu- nition. He is being held without bond. Gregory L. Waldon, 21, of Southeast Second Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Dec. 7, by. PBSO and chargedwith battery; kidnapping false imprisonment of an adult; burglary with assault or battery and robbery by sudden snatching without firearm or weapon (domestic). He is being held without bond. , Zabian D. Caple. 4u, of Sec- ond Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Dec. 8, b'. PBSO on a x\arrant charging him with pos- session of cocaine and posses- sion and or use of narcotics equipment. No bond was set. *Reuben Resendez, 43, of Davis Street, Belle Glade was arrested on Dec. 9 by PBSO and charged with criminal mischief over $200, under $1,000, subse- quent offense and assault on a police officer. No bond was set. Renay B. Evans, 33, of Palm Glades Drive, Belle Glade, was arrested Dec. 10 and chia ged \\ ith aggravated battery use of a deadly weapon. Released on sur-tv bond *Rainer O Bennett 22 of SW, Ninth Street, Belle Glade was arrested Dec. 19, charged with possession of marijuana with intent to sell within 1,000 feet of school, church, etc.. and posses- sion of narcotic equipment. No bond was set. *Don Schneider Simlien 21, of Covenant Drive E., Belle Glade, was arrested Dec./ 10, and charged with possession of mari- juana with intent to sell, manufac- ture of deliver and possession, use of narcotic equipment. No bond was set. Pahokee Lavoris L. Hall, 20, of Paho- kee Circle, Pahokee, was arrested on Dec. 4, by PBSO and charged with carrying a concealed weapon. No bond was set. Chatavius M. Lambry, 18, of Bacom Point Road, Pahokee, was arrested on Dec. 5, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with rob- bery no firearm or weapon; lar- ceny first offense theft of more than $300 less than $5,000 and burglary of a structure of an unoc- cupied conveyance unarmed. No bond was set. Tavares Jermairie Fulton, 21, of Rardin Avenue, Pahokee, was arrested on Dec. 7, b\ Depait- rnent of Corrections Officer on a wai rant charging him with viola- tion of probation aggravated assault with a firearm He was booked per administrative order. Tony L. Collins, 44, of Farm Place, Pahokee was arrested on Dec. 9, by PBSO for Driving under the influence, drugs or alcohol,, first offense. He was released on his own recognizance. James Pryor. 20 of Eisen- hower Ave., Pahokee was arrest- ed Dec. 9, on two counts of a felo- nious act that could cause death and two counts of attempted felony murder. No bond \\as set. South Bay Johntwon Q. Rivers, 27, of Jasmine Court, South Bay, was arrested on Dec. 4, by PBSO on a x'arrant charging him \ iMth pos.- sesiuon and selling cocaine within 1,000 feet of a specified area; pos- session of cocaine w\ith intent to, sell withinn 1,1.11.. feet of a school; possession of cocaine with intent to sell within 1,000 feet of a day care center. He is being held with- out bond. Canal Point Kendra Cole, 18, of Ever- glades Street, Canal Point, was arrested ort Dec. 6, by PBSO and charged with domestic battery. No bond was set. Oscar Lionel, 25, of U.S. Highway 441, Canal Point, was arrested on Dec. 7, by PBSO and charged with domestic battery. No bond was set. Hendry County Clewiston Roy Rogers Powell, 56, of Clewiston, was arrested Dec. 4, and charged with being a fugitive from justice in the state for aggra- vated battery and, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill. Curtis Clay of the Clt\i ston Police Depart- ment \\as the a testing, officer. Bond d\ as set al $ 10,0(. 1 suret1. Joel Paz, 35, of Cle\\ iston, was arrested Dec. 5, and chaired '.\ith pirotation violation lor a felony offense. Kelvin Robinson of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Julian Ray Hatton, 32', of Cleisioni, was arrested. Dec. 8, and charged %ith possession of cocaine Rolarido Gajare ot the Hendi'- Co, unt\ Sheriff's Oitice ,was the arresting officer. Benjamin Ronnell EeielKt, 21, of C('lr\ stone, \\as .; rested Dec. 10, and c-haiged \\ilth selling cocaine. Juan Soto of the Hendry County Sherif-l' Office \\as the at resting otllice Toddricl. Farrell Anderson, 23, of Cle'viston. was arrested Dec. 8. arind cihai -ied itih posses-, sion of cocaine Aaron Angell ol the Hendry County Sheiitt's Office \\is the artl-tling officer. Ira Jaimes Johnl.on, -1, of Clewiston, \\a-s aiestid Dec. 9, and charged with firing a weapon into a dwelling. Michael Horne of Lakeport man sentenced to 13 years for robbery By Ideybis Gonzalez Glades County Democrat LAKEPORT Leslie Gopher has been sentenced to 13 years in prison for his connection to a first degree :e1or,', eadi er this ear . Gopher was found guilty in, November on charges that he committed an armed robbery and a second degree aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer. Gopher was the main suspect identified in the April 16,'armed robbery of the Lakeport Circle K. According to law enforcement officials, .Gopher held up the store, forcing the cashier to com- plA with his orders while he bran- dished a .25 caliber semi auto- matic handgun. After -Gopher fled the scene, witnesses helped officers find him again at the Seminole Tribe reservation. Officers worked closely with the tribe's law enforcement department to apprehend the suspect. His bond was set at $1.5 ril- lion after he was arrested follow- ing a pursuit, Before his arrest for the crimes, Gopher i\ ed in the Semi- nole Tribe reservation. He is now in the custody of the Glades Coun- ty Department of Corrections. Staff Writer Ideybis Gonzalez can be reached at igonzalez@newszap.com. the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Jesus Antonio Sanchez, 42, of Clewiston, was arrested Dec. 9, and charged with battery on a detention facility employee with fluids and possession of a weapon by a convicted felon. Michael Stevens of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office. was the arresting officer. Bond was set at $10,000. Glades County Glades County arrests were not available at press time. Best au oof Sheetit oie(& u To eusmre PRODUa SEEIcION R-Panel V-Ciimp Low-Profile Curved "S" Panel Flashing Corrugated "S" Panel Z-Pur* Heavy Duty Decking Standing Seam 243 Florida Ave., NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Local 863-946-1804 Long Distance 1-800-670-0113 0JJLH DIC MARK LEWIS CONSTRUCTION, P.L. STATE LICENSED BUILDING CONTRACTOR WITH 30 YEARS CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE OFFERING COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICES .J :.. B P a "" From Concept To Completion SCommercial/Residenhtial Construction *Site prep " *Foundations Form Work *Stem Walls Concrete Slabs/Driveways -Wall Systems m *Utility Sheds/Out Buildings -Garage/ Carports ; *Trusses "Interior Framing *Drywall and Finishes *Tum-Key Shells SGenerator Set ups. *Safe Rooms *Shutters, any Style *Landscaping LICENSE.C'. IN UED F i.: "U C !i C ':' Office: 561-924-7767 Cell: 561-721-5766 Imlcontractor@yahoo.com You Brought Congratulations to ALL the Iuck City Teams for reaching the State Championships. Pahokee Blue Devils for recapturing Glades Central Raiders for winning State title Class 3A. Clewiston Tigers for a winning season. Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 14, 2006 ....School News in Brief Submitted photos/MHES Fifth grade student Blake Ridgdill shows his skill at limbo. Sixth grade students and Miss Williams enjoy the slip n' slide. MHES hosts FCAT Fun Day MOORE HAVEN Moore Haven Elementary School (MHES') held its annual FCAT Fun Day on Thursday, Dec. 1.; FCAT Fun Day is a celebration in honor of last year's third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students who passed the FCAT or who had improved scores since the previous year. Some of the events at this year's fun day included: a slip n' slide a water slide, tug of war, scooter races, and limbo just to name a few. LUnlimited popcorn, snow cones and drinks were available to the students throughout the day. The cafeteria provided holdogs and frozen fruit drinks for lunch. At the end of the day there was a drawing for three Toys R Us gift cards in the amounts of $100, $200, and $300 donated and presented by Sheriff Stuart Whiddon. The, winners of the gift cards were: $100 to Joseph Palladino, $200 to Vixian- na Leon, and the $300 winner was Mathevw Baker. The SAC Committee would like to thank Carl Perry and Scott Bass for their assistance with this year's activities and lunch as well Glades County Youth Livestock. A big thank you goes to the numerous volunteers, teachers, and MHES staff that made this event fun for all of the students. Pedestrian safety awareness event planned for city By Nena Bolan Glades County Democrat MOORE HAVEN The Glades County Community Traffic Safety Team will host pedestrian safety awareness event on Dec. 16, to. focus on hazards that pedestrians face when they cross U.S. 27; especially school students. Families will get to meet local law officers, EMS workers and safety team members who will encourage all pedestrians to use the designated crosswalk on the heavily used highway that runs through the middle of town. The event will be from 10 to 1 p.m. near the Glades County Sher- iff's Office on Sixth Street, which has a crosswalk where a crossing guard is stationed at the start and end of a school day. Prizes or coupons will be avail- able to young people. English and Spanish will be spoken. The Community Traffic Safety Team is very concerned about pedestrian safety; especially among school students. Young people have been seen crossing U.S. 27 at nunierous places other than the designated crosswalk. Some youngsters have even been seen stopping traffic on their own in order to cross the high- way. Organizers of the event hope a tragedy can be averted by educat- ing pedestrians about the cross- walk at Sixth Street. Local businesses are encour- aged to participate. Inquiries and other questions can be directed to Kimberly Hill of the Glades Coun- ty Sheriff's Office at 946-1600. Scholarship renewal applications available The JJ Wiggins Memorial Trust first time and renewal scholar- ships for spring 2006 are now available. They may be picked up at J.J. Wiggins Youth Center or in the Moore Haven Jr. Sr. High School guidance office. Deadline for application is Dec. 29. Call (863) 946-3400, (863) 946-0811, or (239) 229-0246 for details. MHHS warns of advertising scam Moore Haven Junior-Senior High School would like to notify the Moore Haven community that advertising for football schedule posters is being sold by All-Star Publishing under the auspices of. supporting our school. This company is not working with our school, nor do we receive any profit from the sale of these ads. If your busi- ness or church would like to purchase an ad to support foot- ball at our school, we would encourage you to purchase one to appear in the program that is given out at games. The profits from the sale of these ads go directly to support the athletes. Please do not purchase any ads offered by a non-local company without checking with us first to verify the validity of the offer. Thank you for all the support you do give to our school. Funds for MHHS What if Moore Haven Junior Senior High School earned a penny every time you searched the Internet? Well, nowwe can! GoodSearch.com is a new search engine that donates half its revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. You. use it just as you would any search engine, and it's powered by Yahoo!, so ou get great results. Just go ,to www.goodsearch.com and be sure to enter Moore Haven Junior Senior High School as the charity you want to support. Just 500 of us searching four times a day will raise about $7,300 in a year with- out anyone spending a dime! And, be sure to spread the word! You can also download the GoodSearch toolbar by visiting http://www.goodsearch.com/to olbar Festival planning under way Planning has begun for the sixth annual "Christmas on the Caloosahatchee Festival', to be held on Thursday, Dec. 14, from 5 until 8 p.m., in Tom Perry Memorial City Park. If you would like a booth, please contact Susan Prowant, Leslie Pryor, or Felinda Langdale at Moore Haven Elementary School at (863) 946-0737. Christmas on the Caloosahatchee is an annual community event hosted by. Moore Haven Elementary School and the City. of Moore Haven. Be sure to join usj! JR-SR High needs substitute teachers Moore Haven Jr.-Sr. High School is in need of substitutes for the current school year. Application packets are available in the front office. For more information, please: call Lori Bond from 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., at (863) 946-0811, (863) 983-9600, (863) 675-7715 or (863) 467-7722. Scholarship applicants wanted If you know of a young per- son pursuing a college degree with the goal of working in Flori- da's fruit and vegetable industry, please let that student know about the S.ngenta Crop Protec- tion Scholarship. The $1,000 scholarship will be awarded at FFVA's 63rd Annual Convention. To learn how to apply, contact Martha Tucker at (321) 214-5200 or via e-mail at martha.tucker@(flmva.conm. MHHS Class Reunion The MHHS Class of '86 is hav- ing their 20 year reunion on Homecoming Weekend this year. Planners are inviting the Class of '87 and Class of '88 to join us, as well. They are in need of assis- tance in locating and notifying all members .of the above classes. The initial plan is to have a tailgate type get-together the night of the Homecoming Game and, on the following day, have a BBQ for the family at the City Park or a similar location. Anyone interested. in assisting may contact David Lee at dlee-1967@skyeone.com or (863) 946-2512. School Board meetings set Regular meetings will now take place on the second Thurs- day at 6 p.m. and the fourth Thursday at 9 p.m. in the Glades County School Board meeting room, 400 10th Street S.W, Moore Haven. Accountability Reports The 2006 .NCLB Public Accountability Reports for Glades County Schools, Moore Haven Elementary, West Glades School, and Moore Haven Junior-Senioi High are available on the district and school. Web sites (http: 'glades.edgate.org'i. Copies of the reports are also available at the district office and the adminis- trati\ e office at each school. SUNRISE APPLIANCE New In Box or Scratch & Dent Full Factory Warranty Save More In Moore Haven We Also Carry Used Appliances With Warranty 401 US Hw ul, Moore Haven 63.946.666 WALK-IN- BATH TUB IFor Medicare Enrollees -Are you PAYING TO MUCH For Your Medicare Supplement Policy? -Do You Wish You Had An Alternative That Costs A Lot Less? Now There's A Health Care Plan That Gives You The Benefits You've Always Wanted... "I would definitely use this hospital again." patient survey response We Invite youto take a closer look at Glades General I Hospital. We continue to provide quality healthcare, courteous and attentive staff right here at home, but to serve you even better, we have made a few changes: * Our new Fast Track Program, , within our Emergency Department, is designed to decrease waiting time. Under the direction of an Emergency Department doctor, nurse practitioners and physician assistants are able to evaluate, treat and discharge patients with less-emergent needs. .. .... .- .. .. * All of these updates and improvements have been made with our community in mind to make Glades General Hospital your source for quality healthcare for you and your tminil, right here at home. Take a closer look at Glades General Hospital... .. GLADES you'll be impressed by what you see. E N E R A L HOSPITAL 561-996-6571 1201 South Main Street .Belle Glade, Florida 33430 TODAY'S OPTIONS A Medicare Advantage Private Fee-For-Service Plan From Pyramid Life * LOWER Monthly Premiums *Freedom to CHOOSE Your Doctors, Hospitals And Specialists Without A Referral *Preventive Services AT NO EXTRA COST To You *Virtually NO PAPERWORK *Emergency & Urgent Care WORIDWIDE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT TODAY'S OPTIONS FROM PYRAMID LIFE, CALL NOW To Reserve Your Place At One Of Our Seminars: December 19 Clock Restaurant Clewiston 10:30 S2CALL 239-936-8667- A sales representative will be present with information and applications. Pyramid Life is a insurance company with a Medicare advantage contract to offer private fee-for-service plans, available to anyone enrolled in Part 8 and entitled to Port A of Medicare through are or disability who continues to pay any opplicaoble Medicare premiums and live in the service area. Pyramid Life Insurance Company and its agents are not connected in any way #t142t*PU1A*l (7~06) with the federal or sate government or Medicare EDUCATION Thursday, December 14, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee December 19 Flora & Ella's LaBelle H *000 Serving the communities south oi Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 14, 2006 I I H I kI ~Jeep Slil. i I i~" I I M II! 1I1I 1:lttTi Palm Beach Brand New 2006 .Iodge RAM 1500 PI/, P.L, A.'C. AUTO, LOADED. SXT Brand New 200oo6 .. RAM 5oo 4x4 2 TO CHOOSE Brand New 2006 i CARAVAN SXT V6. P.'1'1 P,-L. TILT CRUISE, SPORT WHEELS, MORE r :;w- .r3 wf&f' ? -' ~ ~fs .. '*.{i" ~- -. ^^.". ^ASS Brand New 2oo6 I1 i- RAM 15oo QUAD CAB SLT Stk#'641 17 *lBrand New 200o6 bc Dd. SSXT S5 T1 '0 f ^~~~. r8 JI A y . .. .. .. ~1~ ~~*1-** (I,. Brand New 2006 Dodge Brand New 2006 Dodge RAM MEGA CAB RAM 2500 Stk-62905 TO C'IOOSE FROM' Brand New 2007 Dodge CALIBER _ 9f9 CHOOSE FROM! "K Z1 L; ~i;1;1IF1 Igirl eaci ADVERTISEDO -LERS VALIDONO SELECT, INi-STOCi( VEHICLES WILY. OFR-RS NOT IN CONJUNCTION, MINIMUM 750 BEACON SCORE REOUIREO.. PREVIOUS SALES EXCLUDED. ALL 01-TEllS EXCLUDE SRT I MODLS. 8 VIPERS, UEALER RETAIN$ ALL RE[ &P E RIT EES & DEAER I;:', 1 ON wIJ Kew A 'A- I A L A 7 IJO'IAG .- 141 AD CC I K AE A` dJALFEI' A.iIIr1.1--;! r 'o '.'IL 1iw :fcc I!. EfwL i0, II''-,L j ')IiT LL EliINS 'A BUM ODDEAILEFILISTP MEL UK.IME''0- ,uFA1. 'H' -W'W MR "IT j.iEltijkI0Lju. 'Ri) LS .EA~ jdWO mi:i ).-'Aw TIIP M 1 rI. i ')I HE FAIEHI FlilI.'W APPN 1,F F-4LEFf CiF. E TAIL . FM i.; T, is!WNWOWNW; "van TIINWT,;iFHIW.1-, iit r"o(,;,' mcI mFimino toinow*n nuiv ?cl: A r %Am BON P M NO I rL~,hr.Itn'FR CLUDE ALL REBATES. PRICES PLUS TAX, AG SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS: MINIMUM TRADE YEAR, $3000 CASH OR TRADE EQUITY DUE AT LER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL I LI *1 ~iLL~uw!jiI~JJJ} A ATU IRE 'rhursday, December 14, 2006 Serving the communities south oi Lake Okeechobee I'll tl:i a c I: r:r-T, 111:4-AH 3 H 11:11 T#j An Thursday, December 14, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee IICARFE AxlE VOL-' '05 DODGE RAM 2500 $1 7,990 ST 560 83A ... .. ............ .. ....... .... ... ...... '04 DODGE RAM 3500 $47 9 9f S TKf 6464 6A ........... ............ ...... ...... .. .. .. SI :zw A a 102 CHRYSLER SEBRING STK' 1721?A ....... ...... ... '06 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER STK#63B26A .. ... ... .. .. ... .. .... . '04 CHRYSLER SEBRING CONV. ST 6 4 B .... ..... ..8 '01 CHRYSLER SEBRING CONV. STK-'64173A ... .. ....... ... .. ..... .. ... '05 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER STK-64713AA .. ..... ............... .... .. .. .. '05 CHRYSLER PACIFICA STK -6441 A ... ... ... .. ..... .... .. 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OFFERS EXPIRE DATE OF PUBLICATION. MUST PRESENT THIS AD AT TIME OF PURCHASE TO RECEIVE ADVERTISED OFFERS. ALL OFFERS TO QUALIFIED BUYERS WITH APPROVED CREDIT. SAVINGS BASED OFF ORIGINAL MSRP DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS.PRICES PLUS TAX, TAG, TITLE & FEES. ALL VEHICLES SUBJECTTO PRIOR SALE, SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. VEHICLES ADVERTISED KMA NOT ALL BE CERTIFIED PRE OWNED VEHICLES PLEASE FEE DEALER FOR SPECIFIC CERTIFICATIONS. ART FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. I I lo .imm Thursday, December 14, 2006 Serving the comrhunities south of Lake Okeechobee Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 14, 2006 Safety Continued From Page 1 ATVs and goll carts are only allowed in designated areas, how- ever some golf carts are allowed on roadways if they have addi- tions that equip them for traffic. A future concern for the coun- ty involves traffic on C.R. 78 near the new corrections/ICE building, the proposed Glades Power Plant and the GEO site The intersection of C.R. 78 and U.S. 27 could become congested with construction vehicles and the commuting workforce. This could pose delays and hazards. There is a possibility of a project- ed needs assessment to deter- mine what should be.done. Edward J. Kent was present at the meeting. He is the Safety Cir- cuit Rider and Instructor for Flori- Checkpoint Continued From Page 1 The tip led the administration to conduct the checkpoint. Twenty of the arrests were for traffic-related offenses such as no driver's licenses and suspended licenses. VFWPost #10539 hours posted The VFW will be open MondaN through Wednesday 10 a m.-8 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m.-10 p.m.: Friday and Saturday, 10 a.rn -I p.m., or later; and Sunday. I 8 p.m. Happy hour is from 4 6 p.m.. Monday through Thursday. Dinner is served at 5 p.m. Tuesday evenings. Bar bingo starts at 122-45 p.m. Wednesday. Lunch will be available. Singles darts ever- Wednesday, 7 p.m. Cafeteria is open from 5 8 p.m. Thursday nights. Friday at 7 p.m. there %\ill be live music and dancing. On Sal- urday. holdogs %with kraut are served at noon. Saturday dart dou- bles atl7 p.m. Diabetes Awareness courses offered Hendry County Health Depart- But it wouldn't be all that the sheriff's offic.. would find that day. Three arrests were related to narcotics violations, according tu the sheriff's ollice In addition, 34 traffic citations were issued Shpl riff Stuart \Whidrlon \\as pled _d will, the results of the meant HEart to Heart Program and Senior Connections are offering an eight-week Diabetes Class at 2 p.m each \Vednesday at the Nobles Senior Center. Classes include the diahelic diet, understanding carb- counting, eye and fool care, and the ABC's of diabetes (the A IC test, Blood Pressure. and Cholesteroli. All diabetics, long term or newly diagnosed, are welcome. Addiction recovery hell) offered A.t NWARCONON ARROWHEAD we have the answers to addiction recovery, call us at (800) 468-6933 or log onto our web site at '\\ stopaddictiun.com Addiction recovery, help available Narconon reminds parents that during the summer months, chil- GCSO and the Seminole Police Department. The two law enforcement agencies worked together that day. The sheiil'l pledges to contin- ue similar operations within the coun t\ Staff Writer Nena Bolan can be reached at nenabolanC@yahoo.com. dren are more api to let boredom set in and drugs arid alcohol can \\'o k into thor lives. To help youi child td is summer, learn to recognize the sign- ol drug and alcohol addictions and get thehelp the\ need. If you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction, call Narconon NARCONON,'- offers free addiction counseling, assess- ments, and referrals Ino ehabilita- lion centers nation ide by calling I i SOu 468-6933 or logging onto w\w\.stopaddiction corn. Seminole reenactment festival scheduled Seminole Tiibe of Florida \ ill present a reenactment of the Sec- ond Seminole \a- at the Big Cypress Shootout at Billie Sw\ampn Safari located between Fort Laud- erdale and Niaples, on the Big C.piess Reserxation Friday, Feb. 23 through Sun Feb. 27 For rnore inform nation, contact Cind\ Malin at t954 )966 6300, ext. 1488 or cma- lini' semtribe.com da's Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering. It is his job to help South Florida counties and cities identify traffic problem locations and crash areas. Then, Mr. Kent makes recommenda- tions to alleviate the hazard. He also mentioned that reflec- tive pavement markers and strip- ping on roads are an economic and efficient way to make roads safer. Members of the team urge res- idents to attend the meetings. The Community Traffic Safety Team meets on the first Thursday of each month at the Moore Haven Library at 10 a.m. The pub- lic is welcome. Dave McGee, -vice mayor of Moore Haven is the chairman, and Deputy Kimberly Hill is the vice chairman Staff Writer Nena Bolan can be reached at nenabolan@yahoo.com. School Briefs advocates needed The Guardian Ad Litem GAL) Program needs volunteers to represent the best interests of abused, abandoned and neglecl- ed children before the court, social service agencies and the community. No special educa- tional degree is required Guardians need to be someone with common sense, guud judg- ment and a commitment to helping a child. Attendance at three training sessions held in Fort Myers is required. Please contact Kelie Hodrick at: (239)1 461 -43-60 or (80(10 26:9-6210 lot more information, and lu reserve your space for training. GED classes set The Glades County School District is offering GED prep classes at Moore Haven High School, Room 26-003, lot adults who wish to obtain their GED. Classes are Tuesday anid Thuis- day nights from 6 until 8 p.m. You ma\ register the night of the classes. If you have an\ ques- tions \ou ma\ call Scott Bass at i.863,.'946-0202 ext. 1,3. Stop the violence meetings announced The Hendry and Glades Domestic and Sexual Violence Council's mission is to increase, community awareness about domestic and sexual violence and victim safety by providing services, referrals and education relating to the affects of;domes- tic sexual violence in our com- munit\ The meetings rotate between LaBelle, Clewiston and Moore Haven. To get involved in the council or for information about meeting dates and times, please call Abuse Council and Treatment, Inc.'s Rural Exten- sion IREACTi: 1863)' 674-1811. 8:30 a.m.-5 p m to speak %\ith an ad% ocale. I Save money on your favorite grocery items. I I Go to nev.szap corn to aownloaa and print coupons online' r I =",- .: .;--. 5 T--1---- -- .-, | Lnewszap.com Community Links Individual Voices. ",- -,-..__.-. - V A/C & Heating Services p The Scr'.-nes C.-,mpani, outhr: -_r. MlASi.URED BY! ^ c COUPON * SalCec & i eat ngfService S -o $8 25OFF Any Services Rn C .r $89 Clean and Check ReCACtii526r (8e 67r 5287on ACH 5266 (863) 675-2878 Tremaine Knight The Palm Beach Cournt Sher- iff's Office is seeking assistance from the public in locating the fol. lowing "wanted fugitive." Tremaine Knight. 2.5. is a black male with black hair and brown eyes. He is 6 feet tall and weighs approximately 165 pounds. His last known address was South- west 10th Avenue in South Bay. He is wanted for felony escape. If anyone has any infur- mation regard- ing the w'here- abouts of this wanted fugl- tive, they are - asked to con- tact the Crime - Stoppers at: 1.- 1800s 45S-TIPS Tremaine (.47.) or Knight online at:' www.crimestopperspbc.con E-l., Home Energy Assistance su ipport The Agriculturrd and Labor Pro- gram, Inc. located in Winter Haven, has been a\ arded a grart frin-om the Department o: Communit\ Allairs to pro ide Low Income Home Ener.gy Assistance services to eligi- ble applicants in Hendry and Glades counties. For an application and or infoi mation please call i800i .30:-3491. f DEMOCRAT -. City looks at water plant Clew-iston News C ' ^y* % r ic>' "'.r.om. Counts. New ceinerery iflilfrlm The Sun Cly tvapprove!. plan.'ritielpr -tia~- a3911- Saturday Night Wings & Beer College Football Special Chicken Wings 8 pc for $5.00 12 pc for $8.00 Platter for 6 $14.00 Featuring $1.00 Drafts Sand $4.00 Pitchers of Beer Sunday Family Dinner Special $9.95 Southern Fried Chicken Homemade Biscuits & Honey Macaroni & Cheese Country Style Green Beans Hot Apple Cobbler Coffee or Tea "In a democracy, the highest office is that of citizens." US Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. We agree. Yet too many citizens feel powerless to influence the flow of events. We give people a voice. Our Speak Out column is just one example. We consider it an extension of- the secret ballot and a return of the values of the American Revolution. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor. Clewiston News G LADES COUNTY DEMOCRAT TheSun Community Service Throu.gh Journalism A man in custody is put in the back seat of a Seminole Police Department vehicle by SPD Officer Goodman. The Glades County Sheriff's Office and the Seminole Police Department worked together during the checkpoint in west Glades County's Muse area. Community Events Crime Stoppers System Continued From Page 1 corrected addresses. She hopes that neighbors and friends of winter residents will remind them of the surveys and how important it is to return them to her office. The information can be mailed or hand-delivered to her office in the courthouse. Infor- mation can also be called in to 946-6028 Staff Writer Nena Bolan can be reached at nenabolan@yahoo.com. Arena Continued From Page 1 the docks were damaged. Cost will be covered by the tugboat company's insurance. Humane efforts are being made to remedy, the buzzard roosting problem on the city's water tower, and other areas, which more than being simply an inconvenience is quickly becoming a growing concern. The council %\as reminded that a Legislature meeting will be held on Dec 12. City and county issues are expected to be addressed at that time. Staff Writer Nena Bolan can be reached at nenabolan@yahoo.com. Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 14, 2006 Christmas and something nobody likes waiting! By Rev. Samuel S. Thomas, Ph. D.+ Saint Martin's Church, Clewiston I don't know how many hours I've spent in waiting rooms over the years. Usually, I'm not alone and the faces around me seem to say, "We're all here, in this togeth- er." Some have had new maga- zines; others have had collections of leftovers that look well-read and well-worn. Usually they are about everything but something I could be interested'in reading. In the meantime, we wait and wait. I would bet that some of the best- thought-out prayers and some of the deepest meditations are offered in waiting rooms, while other times they are places of frustration. This is a time of 'cap- tivity'; something is to come but it's not there yet and we can't make it happen any sooner. For children, waiting seems to be akin to punishment; adults usually doing a better job by sheer resignation and adults tak- ing care of chil-: a -, dren while waiting are to receive our sympathy. Peo- r r ple just don't like to wait. What I try to do is to take advantage of the time spent SamuelS. "on hold" by Thomas reading a mag- azine or book of My own choos- ing, bringing some paperwork to complete, doing word games, writing to someone. Time passes and f gain something. I recalled a curious passage in the Bible about waiting; "Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. (Isaiah 40:31)." I usually don't think about waiting and growing stronger at the same time; but it has to do with what I do while I wait. One translation, "Those who hope in the Lord..." offered a key as I thought about it. Waiting is not a useless, frustrit- ing period if it is to look forward. In looking ahead; we prepare for what is to come. As we're preparing for Christ- mas, we just don't wait for it to happen, we get ready for it.by our daily acts to contribute to the great holiday. If we really want to prepare, we get ready spiritually, by going over what the holiday is about, making it personal to our loved ones and ourselves, relat- ing our lives to the story of Christ- mas and making it a true "holi- day" (or "holy day"). We are not just passively sitting around, but active and alive in getting ready. Hope replaces frustration by giv- ing us a direction to where we're going and what we can do to "redeem the time." I have had times when I've commuted long distances to and from work or on job-related mis- sions. It was finding out how to use the time in transit to prepare for getting there or to ;learn something new that turned the lost hours into gained time. A tape deck helped with learning, picking up skills or completing continuing education courses all made the time useful. I look at getting ready for Christmas in the same way; letters to write, peo- ple to contact, services to pre- pare, friends to visit, trips to make, celebrations to share all add to the special event %\hen it comes. I've learned that the Lord is also in the preparation as much as he is in the destination; and the destination is all the more special because we've arrived there together. Each step along the way is important; each Area Church News in Brief INI/Katrina Elsken Christmas in Florida Brighton Seminole Reservation had a colorful, lighted float in the Lighted Christmas Parade in downtown Okee- chobee on Saturday, Dec. 9. INI'Katrina Elsken Holiday parade St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Catholic Church from Buckhead Ridge had a float in the Lighted Christmas Parade in downtown Okeechobee on Saturday, Dec.- 9.. Submitted photo/First United Methodist Family tradition Michelle Mila holds up an ornament she just made at the Family Traditions Celebration at First United Methodist Church of Clewiston on Sunday, Dec. 10. Church hosts annual Christmas play *Turning Point Church of God will be hosting their annual. Christmas play, White Christ- mas, on Dec. 17, at 11 a.m. and6 p.m. Everyone is welcome. The entire presentation lasts about one hour and refreshments will be served immediately following the evening presentation. Turn- ing Point is located at 207 Pine Lane in Flaghole. Women's outreach opens closet The Women's Outreach Min'- istry of St. John's First Mission- ary Baptist Church, Rev. Dr. Robert L. Rease, is pleased to announce 'The Extending Arms Clothes Closet on Saturday, Dec. 16. Come and share a free. hot breakfast from 8 until 9 a.m. The Closet is open from 9 until 10: a.m. The event will take place in the Fellowship Hall of the. church at 600 Southwest Eighth Street in Belle Glade. The public is invited. For questions or con- cerns, please call 1561 996-1705 after 4p.m. Choir presents holiday music 'The Children's Choir of The First Baptist Church of Moore Haven will be presenting "A King is Coming To Town" on Sunday, Dec. 17, at 6:30 p m. The church is located on the corner of Avenue J and Third Street. Everyone is. invited to help us celebrate the one true "King" who is the reason we celebrate Christmas!. Church opens center CLEWISTON Evangel Church Assembly of God Out- reach Center is open from 7 until 10 p.m. every Friday to all 7-12 grade students in our communi- ty. Activities available include basketball; three Play Station '2 units, music, and games. Snack bar with great prizes is open each night. Servicio en Espanol CLEWISTON -First Methodist Church of Clewiston is starting a Hispanic Worship Service Sunday evenings at 7 p.m. Son todos bienvenidos. Everyone is welcome! Call Rev. Perez at (863) 677-3190 with questions:. CREWneeds volunteers The Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) of Hendry and Glades Counties is seeking volunteers to assist residents with repairs and con- tinued clean up efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Wilma. Carpenters, Electricians, Plumbers, drywall installers and other trade skills are needed, as well as, anyone willing to lend a hand! For more information, come by our office at 121 Cen- tral Ave. rear entrance or email CREWheadquarters@aol.com or phone (863) 983-2390. Same Day Service Lab On Premises Repairs & Relines While You Wait Porcelain & Whitest Shades Available Spike and Doc MDI Implants No More loose Dentures MERCER DENTAL CLINIC FREE CONSULTATIONS On US41, South Fort Myers 1-866-226-9400 " General Anesthesia Available For Extractions Toll Free The patient and any other person responsible for payments has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that Is performed as a result of.and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. Christmas Ministry presentation Pastor Maize T. Ford and Pre- vailing Christian Center would like to invite thesurrounding 'communities to join them in wor- ship as they render their Christ- mas Ministry Presenlation, "The Victorious Messiah" on Saturday, Dec. 16,at 7 p.m. The presentation will be held at Bethel A.M.E. Church in Moore Haven, located at the corner of Tobias Avenue and Hendrix Street. Get into the true Christmas spirit as the birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated. For additional information, call, Yvette Wingate at: (239) 634- 3244. - I Go to newszap.com to I I download and print I I.- coupons online! ' L-- -- Sell your personal valuables if they're $2,500 or less for absolutely free! No fee, no catch, no problems! moment to anticipate the time to come is special. Many of the great events in the New Testament era have occurred when someone was on* the road, or when Jesus was trav- eling with His disciples. Suddenly the road to Jericho changes the life of Saul of Tarsus or Jesus is traveling but asked to abide with some followers along the way. * 4 lines for 2 weeks * Price must be included in ad * Private parties only * 2 items per house- hold per issue Cl&ewiston News It's not waiting for time to pass; it's about always, being open, using the time; looking forward in hope. Christmas will be with us in eleven days I'm "waiting" with pleasant anticipation for a special day arnd special celebra- tion and doing what I can do in the meantime to make it even more special. '"' 1GaJes He0ith Care Ceoter Skilled Long & Short Term Care-Facility Healthcare Services Include: *Specialized Wound Care *Resident & Family Council Groups Full Time Medical Director Specialized HIV Care *Dialysis Support *Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy *Alzheimer's Support Groups *24 hour Registered Nurse Staffing *Intravenous Therapy. Therapeutic Activities 230 South Barfield Highway Pahokee, Florida 33476-1834 PHONE: 561-924-5561 . FAX: 561-924-9466 Other facilities in Gainesville & Bradenton Visit our website at www.floridacare.net Ted Schiff, M.D. and the professional staff at Water's Edge Dermatology will treat you with all the care and expertise you expect. Adult and Pediatric Dermatology Diseases of the Skin, Hair and Nails Surgery of the Skin, Shin Cancer Treatment MOHS Skin Cancer Surgery New patients are welcome Medicare and most insurance accepted. (A * 1 used Item0r O grouping per ad priced at $2,500 W or less * Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. D GLADES COUNTY W|| DEMOCRAT 1 The Sun Toll Free 877-353-2424 - classad@newszap.com S^' The Galley Grill ;. f$1 off Breakfiatst OpenAt5a.m. 920 E. Del Monte, Clewiston FL 33440 mE OF TU O'IW .' .t.. .. . -.- -.--,-- --- - - - Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! RELIGION 13 Servingthe communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 14, 2006 14 RELIGION Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 14, 2006 Testing our Christmas I.Q. 'n.l mint l l [-I1 .t1-j ir- 'J rI M .I11 r -'i. O l Cookie masterpiece Kate Perry shows off her decorated cookie masterpiece that she made at the First United Melhodisl Church Fami- ly Traditions Celebration held on Sunday, Dec. 10. S iibmicd r l-tio, First United Methodist Decorating team Lynn Mila with daughters, Michelle and Emily create Christ- mas decorations during First United Methodist Church's Family Traditions Celebration on Sunday, Dec. 10. Other events Included making ornaments, stringing popcorn and many other activities for children and their families. Thinking Aout 'Where you' Come 'Up I'With 7e a, Mon ef -o *..A New Jfume? 'We 3(ave A Sociition -Tor i/ow By Pastor John Hicks First United Methodist Church We have our nativity sets, our Christmas cards and our Christmas carols, which is great. The problem is that legend has been busy with them over the years. What is fact? What is fiction? If we had to share the Christmas story with someone, what would we include? Every year, I like to share a John, Chritnias lQ. Hi cks test %ith friends and family to have fun and help us take a closerlo iok ;t Itw' true Christ mas story, Every year friends and family are amazed at how much they remember or f~rgcr. See how you make out! ,1. As long as liii-istnis has been celebrated, it has been on December 25th. (T or F) 2. Joseph was from: (A). Bethle- hem, (B). JerusAi it, (C). Nazareth, (D). Egypt, (E). Chicago, (F), None of the above., 3, How did Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem? (A), Joseph walked, Mary rode a t.ldoky. (B). Marywalked, Joseph rode a donkey, (C), They both walked. (D), They both rode. (E). Thy hitch hiikei. (F). They flew. (G'1. Liho kn.'s? 4. What did the innkeeper tell Mary and JoAseph" (-A) "Cotrc. beck alter,'th, ti 'hnsi litI n: isl! nd I should have .son5'.IT vic i',:.C." ilB3 "I have a stable you can use." i C- "There is no room at li,--' inn." tQD. Both B and C. (E). None of the, above, 5. Jesus was deliverEd in I: (A). Stable. (B). Manger. (C). Cave. (D). Barn, (E). Unknown 6. Which animals does the Bible say were present at Jesus' birthlP (A).. Cows, sheep, goats. (B). Cows, donkeys, sheep. (C). Low- ing cattle. (D). Misc. barnyard ani- mals. (E). Lions, tigers, and bears ."4 Stop hunting, Build Your Dream Home Cas-I & Pay off Credit Cards! We Hav Placed Loans That Others Couldn'tl, Alan Kelly Mortgage 863.674.0091 WHY RENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN? 6.6-. f-,: . .. ..'. , .bE EA' -IAkI --.1lir I P, EBD 2BA acres 1620 Sq Ft Huge 1/2 acre parcel 2040 SQ FT $185,900 $189,500 Owner says Sell REDUCED$215,000 4 3BD/2 BA In Town! onR8Vacat Land ontura I25 e. $36,000, iPort LaBelle lots iI I ,' i $23,500 Commercial 2,500 sq. ft. commercial building 3BD/2 BA In Town! 'on SR80. Great exposure and traffic count. Only building and Lehigh Acres 1170 SQ FT Majestic oaks in land convert 4BD/2BA w/1,785 sq. ft the yard! $189,500 Call listing office for details! $244,900 Seller Motivated Call or stop by to see more information on all of our listings! 274 N Bridge St LaBelle, FL 33935 863-612-0002 www.melking.com Mel King Lic Real Estate Broker VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES CINDY L. ALEXANDER LIC, REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIATES: EDITI HACKM&NN SCOTT HACKMANN, ROOKIE BRUCE AND DON BURDICK 4 K J675-0500 NEW LOCATION 233 N. BRIDGE ST On the corner of S' BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTON 3^ NS. 1 1 SE HABLO ESPANOL RENTALS AVAILABLE HOMES FOR SALE NO PETS JUST LISTED! IN THE CITY LIMITS - ON THE RIVER CALOOSA DR 3Bedroom/1.5Bath on Missouri. Large S. Car, boat dock & lift $1,800/M yard, 5+ oak trees in yard, pole barn. ON THE RIVER 3/2/2 Cart with boat Asking $179,900. dock $1,500/M ON SUMMERALL RD. IN MUSE 3/3/1 TWO MASTERS SUITES Extra -i:. d i ,.1.. ,.. on 1 acre + home has space $1,000/M Off Gibson/Ft. Myers new cover. Covered porch and privacy Shores. fence. li', $150,000. 3/2/2 Car on Oak Leaf. $1,100/M. (iN F. _t\IfillL (1IR0IE - 3/2/1 Car on E. Palomar- $850/M 1' *i. ., -' -, on corner lot recently 3/2/1 Car on S. ~ 1 -. $850/M painted. Asking $189,900, COMMERCIAL OFFICE SPACE ICf [ (FD IIN [I._. IF.It IN HORLS - '$800+tax/M ......... ,t 1 car ,' O *..-. over LOTS STARTING AT $22.500 1,900 sq. ft. Ih area, x,'w roof tand A/C. Priced at $.'26,).9)0. (F). None of the above. 7. Who saw the "Star in the East"? (A). Shepherds (B). Mary and Joseph (C). Three Kings (D). Both A and C (E). None of the above. 8. What sign did the angels tell the shepherd to look for? (A). "This way to baby Jesus" (B). A star over Bethlehem (C). A baby that doesn't cry (D). A house with a Christmas tree (E). A baby in a stable. (F). None of the above. 9. What did the angels sing? (A). Joy to the World, the Lord is come" (B). "Alleluia" (C). Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. (D). "(';lov tr God in the Highest." (E). Jesus is the rock that's gonna roll miy sin away (F). "All hail King .li su s! A11 haiil lrmmanuel!" 10. Hlow mranv% ise men came to see Iesus? IAI. 1 (B). 3 (0.12 (D). Noonei I .Al s 11. The wise men found Jesus in a: (A). Manger (B). Stable (C). House (D). Good Mood / 12.Where dowe find the Christ- 11 is store v in order to check on all of thih,? ridiculous questions? (A). Matthc\\. (B). Mark. (C). Luke. (D). John, (E). All of the above. (F). A and B. (G). A and C. (H). A, B, and C. (I). Genesis. (J). The 4 Gospels. (K). The Epistles. (L). Television. ANSWERS. (1). False. Not until the fourth century did it settle on the 25th. (2). A. See Luke2:3,4. (3). G. The Bible doesn't say. (but A if Joseph was awise man!) (4), E. No word about the innkeeper. See Luke 2 7. 1J) E, Scriptures just tell, us he was laid in a manger after ,--lIrliy i',,lhough evidence sug- L-ges wvre the animals were kept; e-- Luke 2: (61. F. The Bible does n't spelyv. (7). E. The wise men did Thliey '.ere not kings. See Mahlllew 2 1-2 (8). E See Luke 2:12. (9). D. See Luke 2:14 (10). D. No one knows. See Matthew 2:1. Early traditions had twelve, then three - one for each gift. (11). C. Matthew 2:11 (12). G. Mark begins with John the Baptist; John with "the Word". May God bless you with the true knowledge of Christmas! -UTllFeea 1-86 -399535 r T~cJts~ GVOYAV. IMC. * $169,900 New 3BD/2BA Home. This home features a split floor plan and the kitchen has a morning room. * l"6,"'00 ; BD B, L'..4 ll.i-i .J' I...I"' .' . starter home on a corner lot in Port LaBelle. Spacious living room and separate dining room. Screen enclosed front and back lanai. Lot has a separate workshop and tree house great for kids. * $242,000 Like new 3BD/2BA home on a Cul- de-sac that backs up to a greenbelt in highly sought after Unit 102 across from the Ranchettes. New homes on the street and the neighborhood is growing rapidly, within walking distance to future school and community center. Don't wait on this one! = ,Home Builders Visit Our Model center: 2480 LE Sate Road80 Open M-Sun 8-5:30 Call 863-675-3245 or Toll Free 866-244-8392 7026 Gill Cir. 3/22 $207,900 3 5 Je i. 4 2 268,400 .... -.. --- 3004 Holt Ct. 4/3/3 $332,90( Vacant Lots Available Q1339922 DAVID LUNDBERG BUILDING & ROOFING CONTRACTOR * Re-Roofing * Flat Roofs * Shingle Roofs * Repairs * Wood Replacement [8631261-1592 [40 S,, i In l ,,', I .' ,. 17J672*lO1t'" Congratulations Tigers Thanks for your hardwork and a great season! Clewiston Lions Club Bankof America SHIRLEY 1MHOFF WILLIS SallKOT Amere Mortgage Loan Officer rl Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863-675-9065 1-800-854-5783 extension 56302- .. Fax: 863-675-7744 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment rNow certified in FIIA/V, .inA sin ncinu g 23 .Bi- S.-L6 6 ,F 39:)-83-7586 Lia nre sLi.Rel sot Soc * $235.000 N.,, .Bh 'BA, uB. p'j.Jl plunit..-i, lixtureb. INtcy Lblc .iand .uurLePiupa 1 h11 tlhfi and bathroom. Carpet and ceramic tile through- out. New security system installed with 3 years monitoring service paid by seller Call office for more info. * $419,000-JUST REMODELED AND UPDATED AGAIN! New Hickory kitchen cabinets with solid surface counter tops and new fixtures, wood flooring throughout the living area, new carpet in the lanai and many more upgrades. This is a beau- tiful well maintained home on manicured 1+- acres in LaBdIle's first gated riverfront subdivi- sion. * $795,000 Custom 2005 3BD/2BA home on 3.71+/- acres in Alva, Home has many upgrades and property is filled with mature oaks and much more. A must see! Call today. MOBILE HOMES- * $195,000 3BD/2BA mobile home on 1-t-/- acres in Country Meadows. Home includes an above ground pool, front porch, two level rear deck. * $229,900 NEW!!! 4BD/3BA manufactured home on 2.40+/- Acres. Home features a fire- place, island in kitchen and much more!!! Don't let this one slip by! ACREAGE:. * $269,900 PORT LABELLE RANCHETTES! Looking for a place to start your mini ranch? This 3.27+/-Acre tract is cleared and ready for you. The Caloosahatchee River is accessed from a nearby Marina less than 1 mile away. * Call Today for more information on homesites, homes, riverfront, acreage and commercial list- ings.. Rentals available, call for information. Building Communities, 4 One Quali ty Home at a Time! Hieanby County's #1 Top Quality Builder 5012 Pinetree Cir. 312/2 $231,900 Great Deals!!!! Builder's Discount Mortgage Interest Rate buy down 1.5%-1st yr & .5% 2nd yr 30 Fixed rate wl CHL HM FREE Pre-Qualification with: CHL Home Mortgage, LL.C. An Affiliate of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage (863)612-0012 www.chihomebuilders.com Investment Opportunities and New Subdivisions Coming Soont Lorida -10 Acre tracks Available in 2 months R * All Spec Homes Include A acre home site **Paved Roads **County Water ** Power 9016 Lamkin Cir. 3/2/2 $229,900 2029 N.i Montana 3/2/2 $211,980 Cypress 1H ental Available $1200 Mth newszap.comi Community Links. Individual Voices LAND SERVICES Licensed and Insured Lic #2154 (863) 634-6982 (863) 634-6721 Thursday, December 14, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee 14 RELIGION 11 ,1 a SPORTS 15 Thursday, December 14, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Annual 'Toys for Kids' event a huge success Submitted photo Jalen Rushing, Sammy Rios, Jamalie Bess and Wykerra Gilkes (front row) Ra'ven Lee, Lothario Perkins, Andres Rios, and Dewayne Allen (back row). Kids shoot hoops in competition CLEWISTON -- The Clewis' ton Elks Lodge held the annual local 'Hoop Shoot' contest on Sat- urday, Dec. "9, at the Clewiston Middle School Gymnasium. I n the B:, s .-9 year oldgroup,. Jamalie Bess won and will repre- sent Clewisio:n at the District com- petition. In the 10- 11 boys compe- Sports in Brief HT3 Outdoors returns to Clewistonin'07 The Wave Worms HT3 Piofes- sional Bass Toui \will be returning to Roland and Man ,Ann Martins Manr na and Reso'rt in 2007 Amons one da% seiien e'.ents and the Executive louI T E,-Daie %\ ernts, Cle, "iston has lition, Jalen Ruishing tinirshed sec. ond while Samnmiy Rios \on.,o and will advance tiM the Disuint con- test, \ hile- \\\ l.:-ra liLkes '.:n the: I-'- gi i ls.I,-_nl s : In an ,E.t-ilinQ sho.-,iouii iin the boys' 12-1. -on-rit,-st, A.ndies Rios needed two extra shooting ses- sions to break the tie with been awarded the HT3 2007 Bass Classic ChampionsI ip )De:.2 ..i'. : Coast Guard makes house calls LAKE OKEE, HOBEE Did you know the I .S. Cot i sl Gui'-, \ua:.1-i iai mai ,es hi',use ..al The\ .,11 Lothario Perkins and win ie con- test. Ra'ven Lee and Devai ne Allen tied for third place, onkl one shot behind Anrdres and Lothanio. We wish the.best of luck to Jamalie, XV'kerra. Sarnnm and Andres in the Disicti competition on Jan. 6, at the Clewiston Middle School G\rm. -, come to your home to discuss the required safety equipment needed on your boat. This service is free. You will receive a cordial, inloi ma tive, and confidenilial boat'inspec- tion. A vessel safety check decal w ill be placed on boats that meel all the requirements. Call i.Sbil -14,7-30.5-u ' to arrange a boat check. CLEWISTON The Bass .Busters Team Tournament Trail hosted the l'6th Annual TOYS for Kids fishing tournament this past Sunday, Dec. 10, in- Clewiston. There were 31 teams participating in the event this year and over 200 toys were collected at the event and donated to the Clewiston Police Department to be distributed locally to children in the Clewiston area for Christmas. The Bass Buster' anglers have been drawn to this event every year. and graciously supported it with their donations of toys. The event was originally organ- ized by in 1990 as away for anglers of the Bass Busters Team Tournament Trail to give something special back to the community that supports their tournaments all yearlong. Special thanks should be offered to Roland and, Maryann Martin's Marina and staff for their e\er enduring support of'the tour- nam-ent and -specially Cici iglesias ispellingl Ilor her contributi_-ns of toI\s that %were purchased from the proceeds of het lemonade stand. Cici is only about sLx years old. JTha-nks agaJn to Ever\one \ ho par- ticipated. helped and supported this event and w will be back on Dec 2, 2007 todo it again. The resulLs ol the tournament are as-follow's First place went to the leam of Pat and Bonnie Kelly of Royal Palm Beach with a total weight ot 15.16 pounds. Second Place \went to the team of Sander Entus and Cindy Charfetz of Laud- erdale with a total weight of 14.07 pounds and Biggest bass on the da) \\ eighing in at 6.60. Third palce went to the team of L,-rr, Hostetler arid Jeiry Wa of Clevi-torin with a total w' ei-ht ot 12 53 pound The ,winning catch *\as caught on Rattle traps lakeside just South of Cle\\iston. Thankls again li ma}.:irng this an awesome event and hopefully making it a little more special for some children during this special time of the year. Merry Christmas, Happy Holi- days, God Bless, Be Safe and we look forward to next year. Post your News Post or read press releases, announcements & information from your community. Community Links. Individual Voices. FREE 2-NIGHT VACATION! 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Box 2003 Belle Glade, F 33430 561.983.1609 TOWN COUNTRY Mobile Home, Home Supplies & Hardware Doors Windows Vanities Siding Hurricane Shutters 111 S. San Benito St, Clewislon 863-983-3000 Cell: 228.6916 CLEWISTON COUNTRY ACRES r,,'.im llllr 4 ,-ir p i. I Fr 1, ,i ;'I .',. ii VN~ IM d Idw I iww StamnMRN CaM m I K. --- 1 14 .. ... .... ...... ............ .. ... ... ... ......... .. ... ..... I Thursday, December 14, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee i1 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 14, 2006 Coalition concerned about dike By Pete Gawda INI Florida OKEECHOBEE The earthen dike surrounding Lake Okee- chobee and aquatic weed control were two of the major subjects handled by a coalition represent- ing the nine-county area at their meeting in Okeechobee last week. State Representative Richard Machek (D-78) also attended the Thursday, Nov. 30, meeting of the Nine County Coalition for Responsible Management of Lake Okeechobee St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee Estuaries and Lake Worth Lagoon. The coalition also approved two requests for funding for envi- ronmental projects. The coalition is made up of commissioners representing Okeechobee, St. Lucie, Martin. Lee, Palm Beach, Hendry, Glades, Highlands and Osceola counties. "I'm listening," Representative Machek said. "I hear your con- cerns loud and clear." He said it is public input that makes the government system work. "A lot of it all boils down to money," the representative said. "A clean lake calls for more money." Kim Taplin, from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) described to the coalition the rehabilitation of the Herbert Hoover Dike that. is going on in between Port Mayaca and Belle Glade. This includes backfilling the existing toe ditch, building a seepage berm, acquiring new right-of-way and building a cut- off wall. Studies are going on to determine the best method for rehabilitation for the area between Moore Haven and Belle Glade. Palm Beach County Commis- sioner Warren Newell said there was a lot of discussion going on as to the difference between a levee and a dam. He said a levee is designed to temporarily keep back high water, while a dam is permanent. Ms. Taplin said the goal of the COE was to rehabilitate the dike. She said that converting to dam standards would require a total reconstruct. "We won't have a reconstruct- ed dam for manyyears," she said. She said rehabilitation work on the dike is continuing while discussion is ongoing about changing the status to a dam. "We prefer it stay as a levee and move on to get it fixed," SFWMD governing board mem-. ber Malcolm Wade said. "I don't care what it is called as long as it provides protection," said Commissioner Newel. Ken Langeland, from the Uni- versity of: Florida,. gave an overview of aquatic weed con- trols. He said there were several state and federal agencies involved in aquatic weed control. There is a Lake Okeechobee Interagency Aquatic Plant Take Force to coordinate plant removal among the various agen- cies. He said the public is invited to these meetings and that some members of the public had been giving good input. These next meetings will be held Feb .21 in Okeechobee and Feb. 22 in Clewiston. Mr. Langeland said SFWMD targets invasive species and cat- tails, while COE is tasked with controlling water lettuce and water hyacinth. One of the objectives of the program is to manage exotic species to the benefit of native plants. Mechanical harvesting is expensive and because of that, Mr. Langeland said the use of her- bicides is the primary method in controlling exotic plants. Acting on the motion made by Martin County Commissioner Sarah Heard, the coalition passed a resolution urging Congress to fund the Indian River Lagoon South and Picayune Stand proj- ects which would restore 160,000 acres of wetland that are under immediate threat of develop- ment. The coalition also approved a request for funds from the state Legislature. Garrett Wallace of the South Florida Water Manage- ment District ISFWMD) put together a list of community- based environmental projects that would require funding from the Legislature. The projects total state appropriations of $36. mil- lion and local matching funds of $36 million. . This includes two projects totaling $6,200,000 for Lake Okeechobee. The first project includes con- tinued expansion of water stor- age and treatment on public, pri- vate and tribal lands. Water storage will improve the quality of water reaching Lake Okee- chobee. Currently, there are 12 water storage sites in various stages of completion. An addi- tional $4.2 million is requested to include more sites. The other project deals with sediment removal from Lake .Okeechobee. The removal of sediment would reduce the amount of phosphorous that can come back into the water from the sediments. It would also reduce the amount of sediment that can be stirred up by major storms causing turbidity in the water. Requested funding for this project is $2 million. A pilot dredging project in Eagle Bay will provide informa- tion for larger scale dredging. SFWMD's Dr. Susan Gray stated that a request for proposal has already been sent out for this project. Mr. Wallace said the project list would be presented to the SFWMD governing board for approval, as well as the county commissions in the 16 counties served by SFWMD. Ms. Taplin also gave an update on the Kissimmee River Restora- tion project. She said that 7 miles have been backfilled and that 90 percent of the land for continued restoration has been acquired. She added that there is a contract to backfill another 2 miles. At the last meeting, questions about using state land for water storage were raised. Lee County Commissioner Ray Judah referred to a letter from Eva Armstrong, director of the division of state lands. The let- ter stated that there were 14,000 acres of state-owned land that, according to the language of the Everglades' Forever Act, was leased to farmers who lost land to the Everglades. There were also other isolated parcels that fell to the state because of tax defaults and scat- tered properties from restored, lake bottoms. However, these properties are too small and scat- tered to be of any use for water storage. Post your opinions in the Public Issues Forum at www.newszap.com. Reporter Pete Gawda may be reached at pgawda@newszap.com. 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Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, com- petitive pay & new equip- ment. (866)GO-BYNUM. Need 2 years experience. Drivers -Car hauling career. GREAT HOME TIME! Excep- tional Pay & Benefits! Paid Training! Min. 1 yr. Class-A CDL exp. req. THE WAG- GONERS TRUCKING 912)571-9668 OR 866)413-3074. EVERGLADES FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Now accepting applications for Full-Time Teller. Must have excellent communication skills, previous cash handling experience a must. Bi-lingual A+. May apply in person or mail resume to: 1099 W.Ventura Ave Clewiston, FL 33440 Attn: Brandy Or email resume to bulifantb@earthlink.net FLORIDA BOUND Large organization now hiring 18-23 sharp guys & gals to work in travel. Fast paced, highly motivated sales team representing news, fashion & sports publications. Lodging and Transportation provided Paid daily. Must be 18 or older and start today. 1-888-741-2190 FRAGILE FLOWERS NEED TOUGH DRIVERS! See what ARMELLINI has to offer! **Team or Solo wanting to Team** Class A CDL with HazMat req. 800-428-0343 choose option I Palm City or visit www.armellini.com FT CATO MGMT & PT SALES POSITIONS AVAILABLE in Belle Glade. Looking for honest, fashionable, career- oriented candidates. Exc. benefits. Fax resume to 772-283-1198. The classifieds are the most successful sales- person in town. *- ... ENDRYV REGIONAL S M- NEICAL CENTER IIh lorl M i a l L ,, h.d , Full -UINItI SlfET. nn r. Im .it h, I Mil l ,,yup I'ALO p. Iv Fafm- WerN."Ai snee T il FL i -R.Ir, isl. Mel. le I Cieji lKt l lpclii u. ,'I l'Urib i Peil)kmCNA,- C A tPial Tldi ml- ] l r. ; ,,.idll ti l l., jln d p llnr itr hJ lin i- NNuL Mati r Spc al lc 1 .101) I' M r'.- i ], l % 'I llr ',l r, Oini d upi rv, 1,1 iT,,idil 61, ui : [ .,. Full Ute Rgsterd Nurs ' .l,.I ,&,. ,l J ll.|d L I U Illh I l i I. V i OpI I .. J ,1l c'pLdIis Full titm R. prarid Ttie p .s| J,,,1 ,1 L "'I ,',. I 1,11111' Ir hl.jl .. II, IJ L ', I l..lir ,ii lh hj .,ll .J l, m.d 3 I |. lii J fil l i-l.J .;Lii, L lll 1'. r I.lll I. A1.1 .,. 3l14r r lhi lJ. d I. I i 1 1 p llil jii II i hi,.lc l i jll im [ r, i ll;v l I'lu ,TI ,ii e i tk iii iL. Full rtir. CMA ir LF'N ICop Hdth Ss) l 'lu 1 ,,,. t ,: ,[ r': .. ,lli :"il iri "i i., di k ..,,i:, i pler ai ,r i J IihW I jl L ll.l L i lll. l I'hom: 863-902-3079 or FaxK resume to 863-983-0805 Drug Free Workplace EOE i LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE Licensed Practical & Licensed Vocational Nurses L-3 (#64084166) Hendry County Health Department LPN to work in an elementary school in LaBelle; year round position working at Hendry or Glades County Health Department's clinic locations during the summer months; Bilin- gual English & Spanish helpful; Background screening/fingerprinting required/EEO/AA. Apply on line: https://peoplefirst.myflorida.com or Call Patti @ 863-675-4041 x 135 for more details. READING A NEWSPAPER . Eml ymn Full Time Emplomen . MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 -JOIN A WINNING TEAM!- RNs & LPNs 12 Hour Shifts 6:30 AM to 7 PM & 6:30 PM to 7AM 3 nights on/4 off one week 4 on/3 off the next week FULL TIME BENEFITS RNs $24-$28/hour LPNs $18-$22/hour+ differential, RN SUPERVISOR 12 Hour Shift Nights 6:30 PM to 7 AM 3 nights on/4 off one week 4 on/3 off the next week $27-$31/hour + differential FULL TIME BENEFITS Management & LTC experience required HOUSEKEEPERS& FLOOR TECHS All Shifts MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT Knowledge of electrical, plumbing, carpentry & AC Competitive Salary FULL TIME BENEFITS GLADES HEALTH CARE CENTER Pahokee, Florida Call 561-924-5561 Fax Resume to: 561-924-9466 E-Mail Resume to: fhennessy@floridacare.net EXCELLENT WORKING ENVIRONMENT Equal Opportunity Employer -COUNSELOR- Big Cypress Seminole Reservation The Seminole Tribe of Florida has open- ings for the following positions: MA/MS or MSW with minimum 2 years experience in mental health or social work LCSW, LMFT, LMHC or eligible. CAP (+). Minimum 2 yrs. exp. with substance abuse/mental health. Flex hours required. Valid FL drivers license, 401K, medical dental. Fax resume with salary require- ments to: (954)967-3477 or email amdixon@semtribe.com ElmL'tiga, 0-)JIt't ieht Ai\t,/1On,1:l... Glades General Hospital OUTREACH REPRESETATIVE: Off). Computer literate Word/Excel ...Il :4 r .r j i 1 . l ... )..1 i i l 0 1.)0.ii... I.. . computer i erate, WordExcel.R: Must be bcoingal. HomeisaC s Must be COLLELTIOIIISPECIAU$I1 E- -',in, i l'.'l El,6. -) i -.i .,,nn-.-rtI , coage, coldaseggrduae Availnimumy, ar.,t, b1 *l l!a 0"'. l'.Mi I,2II.. .,. .,, j ,, Cw iln,, ., .. i i .,II. . l ,>i W -irT..I. h,, I l t.| lll, Car District daimW fotow up, appealing INPATIENT CODER: Must be cailied as a CC& Must Sgpeak and comprehend t ent English lan- guagIe, college graduate, Minimum ive yrs. inpaent coding In an a.re'care :'H,,pil ,,' m.,rw ewdors. P7I .. i,.IIe lieI E DIEI1AN: Must be a RD or LD. BS degree will a major in Nutrilon Dieteics or eqwalent wl internship orilraineeshipr i a heallti care selng, Mim. 2 ys exp. Nutnlcn support exp. a plus. PT, 32 Ifs per week DIETAIDE; Must be able to wit and speak Bigilsh and rotate work schedule to every other weekend. PRN, 5DW I3p-730p PHLEBOTOMIST: MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST: Current Fla. rfense in 4-5 laboratory areas asan MTor MLT, Previous lospi- taaboratry exp. preferredP & PRN, Flexiblehrs, PHARMACIST; R. license, min. 2 ys hospital exp., Experience willt pharmacokinetics, renal adjustment, MUE, unit inspections & critical service, posses excellent con- munication, customer service, & com- puter skills, Requires weekends. PRN, MS/PEDSFT ............8A-8P TELEMETRY ... FT. 8A-8P &8P-8A ERFT ............ 8A-8P & 8P-8A OBFT, ..PT& PRN 8A-8P & 8P-8A Competitive l'a & Excellent Benefits Resume, Fax (56r) 993-5627 EmaUil:LRivera@gldesgeneral.org .,.aB of pI 'y at: S1201 S. Main St., Belle Glade, FL S" 33430 FWr/1iOlMr/ MECHANIC Douglass Fertilizer has a full time Mechanic position open in our Clewiston Plant. Primary duties in- clude repair and mainte- nance of equipment and welding & fabrication. You must supply yo I, 'n. ii hand tools. The ,o:rl,, offers competitive pay as well as good benefits. Please apply in person at 330 S. San Diego, Clewis- ton, Flodda. Douglass Fer- tilizer is a Drug Free Workplace and an Equal Opportunity Employer. OTR drivers deserve more pay and more homnietime' $.38/mi. 1 year experience. More experience makes more! Home weekends! Run our Florida Region! Heart- land Express (800)441-4953 www.heartlandexpress.com. Post Office Now Hiring. Avg. Pay $20/hour or $57K annul ally including Federal Bene- fits and OT ,' iill',t.ii '>.% 4 USWA Ref #P,799 Ex, am/Fee Req. Join all the people who say, "I sold it in the clas- sifleds." .... -..... .' ! -i~p'' ,w4Pis-s ILUPEE Emlomet Ful, Tim lAuctions lAuctions Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee -nitAicid ,A v. D ff;;@(nbP--r 14,2006 I Garage/ Yard Sales V I , Emlymn FullTime 020 Emlymn Full Tim Emlymn Full Tim Empoyen Ful Tie 020 Employen Full Tim Emlymn Ful Tie I'l Emlymn Ful Tie 005 Emplomn Ful Tie 005 NOW HIRING 33 Correctional Officer's For Facility Expansion BENEFITS INCLUDE: HEALTH, DENTAL, VISION, LIFE, DEPENDENT LIFE INSURANCE & 401K RETIREMENT MOORE HAVEN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 1990EastSR78NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Phone 868-946-2420 Fax 863-946-2487 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V The GEO Group, inc. A worldwide leader in privatized corrections TREEHOUSE LEARNING CENTER Has several openings coming soon. F/T for pre-K teachers, must have current CDA, speak English and be nrolli ori c -lP 4 ill rli. l ij' A .t in Early Childhood. Fax ormail resume to: ree Hij ;u LE )rnin ('rniert 131 IJ1W Ave L Belle Glade, FL 33430 561-993-3800 . 3l 8 "9'; I -) FA.' READING A NEWSPAPER ... ok Ih-' IH e le 12 ^^...a Duda ftvixft's foods SHOP PARTS CLERK ljon-exempt Year round, hourly, paid weekly This position worK:s primarily behind a shop counter delivering paris for gas and diesel mechan- ics.,welders, maintains inventory, understands the use of po's, and charges out parts. Mandatory re- quirement is a Higri School diploma or equivalent and a valid Florida driver's license for running parts. Mon-Sat 40-50 hours during season. Ex- cellent benefits with PPO medical & lile insurance, retirement. 401k, paid holidays bonus & vaca- lions. Ge CALOOSA- BELLE The GEO Group, Inc. The GEO Group, Inc. A worldwide leader in privatized corrections BENEFITSINCLUDE: HEALTH, DENTAL, VISION, LIFE, DEPENDENT LIFE INSURANCE & 401K RETIREMENT * CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS * RECREATION SPECIALIST * VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTOR (PC Support) * SUBSTANCE ABUSE INSTRUCTOR * LIEUTENANT * SERGEANT MOORE HAVEN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY: 1990 East SR 78NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Phone 868-946-2420 Fax 863-946-2487 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/O/V SHOP MECHANIC King Ranch-Florida has an immediate opening for a Shop Mechanic. Requires experience repairing alarm equipment and implements, diesel engines, A/C, electrical and hydraulic systems. Must nave own tools 50 + hrs. per week. Salary based on experience Complete benelil package including medical, dental, lile insurance, retirement, 401 (k), vacation, holidays and sick pay. Drug-Iree workplace/EOE. For an application, please call (561)996-7257 ASSISTANT CENTER DIRECTOR Harlem Academy in Clewiston is looking for a qualified assistant child care center director. Experience in supervision and administration required. Competitive salary and benefits. Send resume to CCSWFL Fax 863-983-2455 or LindaL(ccswfl.org [Hue .Sal UNITED STATES SUGAR CORPORATION is looking for an Part time time with somewhat flexible hours The ideal candidate will be self-motivated \with an outgoing personality, more than average computer skills, bilingual a phis, understanding of digital photog- raphv and reliable transportation. The Caloosa Belle offers a unique work environment where employees are trusted and empowered. e-mail resurne to: jkasten@strato.net I City of Clewiston Waste Water Plant Laborer Position Summary: Mows and weed-eat around plant, ditch pumps. Operate pressure cleaner Operate all necessary equipment, such as back- hoe, tractor, etc. Other work as directed by plant supervisor. Valid Florida Driver's License re- quired. High School Diploma or GED required, EOE/DFWP Contact Human Resources at 115 W. Ventura Ave. Clewiston, FL City of Clewiston Police Dispatcher Position Summary: Dispatch police, fire & animal control officers: operate radio lor various depart- ments, type complaints. Other work as directed by supervisor. High School Diploma or GED required Position requires working shill work, weekends, & holidays. EOE/DFWR Contact Human Resources at 115 W. Ventura Ave. Clewiston, FL Hose .Sal WELDERS-- JOURNEYMAN & SECOND CLASS JOURNEYMAN Perform welding on various types of steel structures, pressurized vessels and pressurized pipes. Able to weld with mig and tig. Able to use a plasma cutter, air arc, acetylene-oxygen torch and related equipment. Ability to use and read tape measure, contour marker and various measuring instruments. Ability to read blueprints and layout work. Pass a welding test SECOND CLASS uiiili2e 3f 0o ygie,.acprylin a3ri1 plIjni ,iTielriwd 10rleV per trm f weldingo nd cuning luriClori in lthe lao3ricn( rn anra 'or repair ol carbon sleel Knriiwlerige 01 ending pn-ri.ilpes arnd merld: i,aineij Inrougri vicaliornal itriiai Jrior praji 31ca perieni:e Able to successfully complete 2nd Class welding test. For Immediate consideration please do one of the following -Stop in at the Employment Center on WC Owen and aS: 10cr Johnr or Letry -Email a brief paragraph of relevant experience to Jdooleyi.'uSu'Sujr i Coi FA..- 863.O-;'-89 US Sugar is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse workldorce. Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply TKM-Bengard Farms, LLC Spring Mix division is now hiring experienced individuals for the following position: Licensed CDL Drivers for Trucks for Farm Operations Please apply in person at: 2305 Cypress Lane, Belle Glade, FL 33430 561-996-1980 (ask for Alicia) I Ho se 'IS l )u.I-- a=- i.-l=- *--. D rcperties .R MLS 41;.; ... Smith/Williams Team S' Glenn A. Sarah A. Smith GRI Williams 863-983-3508 863-228-6867 1)New Listing!! 4.'2 MH on 7.5 acres in Pioneeril Fenced Only $230,000 2)Moore Haven Spacious 4br/2ba Mobile home with large front porch. $141,000 MLS-200676119 31Talapia Farm Production .old our through the end of the ,ear. CnIl Glenn for details MLS; 200645189 41Montura 3.75 acres onl>' 5109,900.00 MLS# 20068634- 5)Farm Labor Camp PerrmiteSbLEiPNDI le,,, for deailsMLS# 200658473 6)4 Bedroom Home on .25 acre Remodeled. New Roof, A Must See!" S174 900 MLSr200683471 7)3br/2ba CBS home on I '? acre. New roof, pairint, & fenced. $207,000 MLSif2003650646 8)Montura Ranch 5br/2ba HomnSOLDan-made lake MLS#200675597 9)Easy Life S.'D Remodeled 3/2 Mobile Home. New roof, carpet, Call for appointment $85,000 MLS, 200C661 _85 1OIMontura Ranch 3.2 Mobile Home on 1.25 atr. $99900 MLS# 20066?99.3 II)REDUCED!! Must See 4 '? Mobile Home of Merit on i 25 Acres. Onli I I 5.000 000 MLS# 200644944 12)Seminole Manor Spa cous NEV 3/2 Mobile Home MLS# 200682271 $125,000 I 3lncome Producing 3/1 and 2/1 duplex located on Haiti Ave. $150,000 MLS# 206iR1 85 14)Pioneer 17th St. 2.5 a,-r8OhD!q,S.Io 00 15)15 Acres Cleared Pasture land. Fenced and crossifenced. Convenient access to Clewiston or Labelle $42S,000 MLSw. 200652207 Congratulations to the Tigers for a Great Year!! Steet Lake \ lIas Vacant Lots 'i3i kiIa diU Rd. ;,d .il ii fIi uo 42. 11,1l N %rigal S_! K -1 ;ire.., nrii I h 41 ," P.. h ( ir Sii 0- ,l Redi.h i r .,k Call loday!' iit' N. incmlio 42K MIL(- (Walker/Wood Team Sam J. Ashley P 0. Walker Wood GRI 863-677-1013 863-228-1132 CLEWISTON *Fish from your backyard! Fabulous new lakefront listing sits on .28 acres w/ over 1700 sq.ft. This 3bd home offers a new roof, and new carport, all fenced. Priced to sell @ appraised value $174.9K -NewHome! 3bd/2L.a ':.:ar ,r CBS'Home, 1,670sqft.on 1012 Texas Ave.5165,500 .3/2 DWMH, 611 Omr nw, Pj. offered @ $89,900 *New Listing! 3.13 acres land w/ singlewide. Cleared w/.r-:at ',I for g.arri,rn,:.r n.r:oi,. close to lake and town. Property has unlimited potential. $200K -Just Listed! 3bd/2ba on Eastside of town $159,250.00 FLAGHOLE *2.5 acres on Flaghole Rd. $84,900.00 * Back on Market! Fabulous 3bd/2ba for only $140,900- Call today for your appt IAKEPORT A little piece of Heaven! 775 County Rd.721 Loop NE Beautiful 2 story home /w spiral staircase & wood floors. Big backyard w/ boat access to the Gulf & direct access to Lake "O". Home on one acre among oak Hammocks. Reduced to S475K MONTJRA- * 105 Pinelake Ave the best 1.41 ac lake front lot in Montura @ $77,900 ..- - .470 S. Hacienda; 1997 4bd/2ba Palm Harbor MH. 6' Starting Prices fence, beautiful lot and trees, detached carport & shed, immaculate!!! Reduced to $130,000 S-w~a -$179,99 .420 South Lindero $33,900 Vila $179,990 S54S S. Brida St. $32K Doleo $199,990 -Vacant land in Harlem! .19 acre lots Dolce $209990 -Vacant land in Port LaBelle! $39,500 Cal Us Todayt For More Information PIONEER PLANTATION *4 150 Pioneer 17th St. 2.5 Ac $65K 3 Flamingos missing from S5205 Pioneer 22nd St. 5 Ac S130K Suaer Realty. PORT LABELLE Call if you have information. Brand Newi CBS homes now available In Port LaBelle lots starting @ $29.9K I Jerry W. Smith 561-261-3444 Great Location! 3bd/2ba/2 car garage, brick veneer, fenced back- yard, new roof, il,-.rdCe sheds. Wonderful family hom.' S :.- 'ri,') .i0 MH on 1.25 acres in Montura Ranch Estates $98,9000 5 Acres in Pioneer potential for great home site $149.9K 5 acres in LaDeca $95K Montura Ranch Estates 363 Appaloosa Ave. (Paved road) $38K 830 S. Orange St. S39.9K 735 N. Fronda $27.9K 120-130 S. Coral (2.5 Acres) $75K 2.5 acres Perimeter Rd. $73K 615 Perimeter Rd. 2.5 Acres $89,900 Sky Valley Lots: Starting at $64K CALL ME FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION HOMES, INVESTMENT, OR RESIDENCE SChannrmaine A. Montgomery 863-697-0189 Se Habh Espol 1. NewJ.Lsiin.L 3bd'2ba.2 car garage- Bautiful brand new home hv, /wl counter tops & Ilied rhr.U Ut located on 1.25 ao. rn is is your chance to mo.e to the country' $24.9,000 00 2. Ba.k,.On. T heJMarket. Newly painted inside and ut this 3 b I . n Hw Prc o1 L 0 Se ll J ,o I List, Show, and Sell Montura Ranch Estates 3, Mobile Homes jbd 'Tha ePoublewide MH or. 2 5 acr.es pa.rd road, corner lot, feniced iJer. roof, new paint, new Carpet C(.inl Slv b ..l004.0 25 S. 4. Land 42S S. '.'*erd. '529,900 263 ILnriiq Club 5.4 ,".fJ 'lC, 770 S Sheilarn.d 9,)W i 735 S. "alm 39,000 325 N. Nogal St. 1.25 ac. $39,900 4. NewListing' 4lb:-I'ba learIg.rage nrii''I rmot, lea.'Jl glsas enrty. file plte, bay v.'incdw. g.laiyc dxcr o -pn-er. cerainic le & Cpa-ldrtch.tI,$[,W sr& inin rom, frnch do pu rfect lor famil- lie who lo Ie 10 fj[o T e M ^k Charles H. Kehm 305-968-2242 1. Commercial Listing Successful Business & Property with over 10,000 sq.ft. of Buildings on VA acres w/ 175' directly on Sugarland Hwy. Priced Reduced to $875K 2. Industrial Property Hurricane Proof Concrete Building/Landscaped/. Parking $250K 3. Industrial Lot w/industrial zoning Reduced to $79,900 for Quick Sale 4. Commercial Lot Need a commercially zoned lot for your business Great Buy at $89.9K with owner financing 5. New Residential Listingt R2 zoned 3bd/lba w/ a ibd/lba Mother In Law Detached Room S158,900 Exceptional Value 6. Over 557 Own you own home for less than 544.9K Sportsman's Village 7. Beautiful 2.5 acre wooded home site in Pioneer Plantation. Just Reduced to $74K w/ possible owner financing 8. New Listing! Port LaBelle Beautiful lot $45K Offers Welcome 9. Mobile home lot in Harlem $21 K 10. 720 Jasmine St 1.Sacre lot located in Montura Ranch Estates only $31.8K 11. 730 Jasmine St. 1.Sacre lot locat- ed in Montura Ranch Estates only $3 1.8K 12. Residential Lot in Port LaBelle offered at $29.9K for Quick Sale! EMaribel Gonzalez 561-722-7347 Pssssssttt, Have you heard about this improved Sbd,.'2ba home on .23 acres on Obispo ve'' lIt's a beauty wth new kitchen cabinets, new roof. 3nd tiled .through .ui. Pass itl on. Only Si199900.00 Owner wants Out! it's as simple as thai. rhe owner of this ibd/lba home wani_ to sell now Don'ti be the second caller because it', priced to move fast al I 14 -,WC00 0 Looking for vacant land? Well bring your horss because rI'e .uol 1.25 acres ti'acli available now in Monrira Ranch Estaies CGre ,ne a call todavl A Lot to Love The perfect site for your fuluie This lor is kI atel in Purt LaBelle anid the landscaping 1'. courtesy of ntia.er nature. It's read, loi yfou at $2.9 500 Get pleasure from rhI, beaLtiful ~iBD"L. SA Mobile home on _..i1 Acres. Enjoy Ihe peacefulness this property has to offer. Property is fenced on North and east .ide. NWw derk on the rear of property will be compleieid soon Oiil' S 175,.000O I ,. , Your New Beginning Can Start Now!!' Your new beginning can start here in ti-is Sualn 3BD,'1 5BA hnme n 25 acre ir lewiston. The kitchen has beautiful cabi netrr,. counter tops and tled flooring. Listed $1 300,900.00 Se Hlabl Espanol REDUCED"' Ba market Make Time To Come UliNL j-firis' This 3bd 2ba home is b U IU51, IJl i 950 PLEASE FIND TIME TO COME & ENJOY the beaui. o1l 'I0o0. home or, 5 acres of gir rll.'rinr your faini il) and jus' ? f 8 l icefulnes;. thi, home in h Lh i, o offer. Thi, proper, .Ili'.: hin a small otru:. gra ve '.ihat alsOc hat i; *;'.,rirgationr Feature Listing -lere is a cozy 2bed 2 bath home on :hree lots \ou won't be able to live with out, with a great location. Asking pnce is $199,900 with a $1.000 allowance for appliances. Call me for an appt to see this adorable home. Call Me For All Your Real Estate Needs! S1. Pioneer Plantation Beautiful wood Enrique frame home on 2.5 acres. New AC, Acosta Floors, & Roof $259,000.00 UOO^ C. n, 2. A New Beginning Spacious 3bd/2ba 30556-586 2005 DWMH securitysystem equipped Se habt EsR*g0 on 1.25 acres with beautiful pines. $144,900.00 MLS# 200672747 3. Moontura Ranch 4bd DWMH. Split floor plan, his/her sinks in master, large porch, & much more. Motivated seller asking $149,900.00 MLS# 20066133 4. New Listing! Brick home on two city lots with 3bd. Asking only $189,900.00 MLS# 200686099 5. Need Shed Space? Montura 3bd/2ba DWMH on paved corner lot. Home recently remodeled. Won't last long with 2 sheds. $139,900.00 MLS# 200656790 6. Executive Home Move in condition w/ Sbds, 2 AC units, 2 water heaters, tile throughout, working chimorey, large screen patio, new roof & much more. Motivated Seller asking $549,900.00 7. Mother-in-Law Suite R2 zoning 3bd CBS home w/ I bd suite. Offered for only $158,900.00 MLS# 200660213 8. Secluded DWMH on 1.25 acres. Split floor plan, master bath contains large garden tub w/ separate shower, property fenced w/ additional fencing for animals. Next to canal. $124,900.00 Ya.antLarnd 5) 455 N. Hacienda $50,000.00 1) 130 N. Arboleda 1.09 acres 6) South Bay NW 2nd St. $39,900 $30,000.00 2) 136 Montura Ave. 1.25 acres 7) 420 Fronda $42,000.00 $39,900 8) 155 Estribo $45,000.00 3) 569 Hunting Club Ave. 1.25 9) LaBelle 28 acres asking acres $55,000.00 $980,000.00 4) 740-750 S. Palm St. 2.5 acres S80K FREE APPRAISAL Call for Details 10 S B rn r N-.ac-rcssfr Wara [ *8 6- 80- 9 3 w w s S -xr o tl v.cb I* Luan B. S Walker "" Lic. Real Eatatc / Brol-.er 863-677-1010 'e ; Moi, No) "vemos Our New Address As Of January 2006 700 West Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 22330 Comensando enero 2006 Las Oficinas de Sugar Realty, Inc. sera en; Sugar Suites 700 West Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 22330 Come And See Us! Employment Full Time 0205 I Houses Sale I Houses Sale Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 14, 2006 I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale Aj l7a-o -r.l.. ..r.-i r ..nr-ihA. I1 onnAl Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ __ ____ __m, I ___ CENTER MANAGER communityy Curler Opnning in Panokee. leli 2007 Must hiavo 5 1 o5 icp In busliiss u hedlln c.Irr) manaLinrien,. oiganlz ll,.ii.ii,l SuprV. i il team buildilo cApeflinlif . IA/BS andi/or Uilingudl Itof fax resume & cover letter In. ilF i561)8l44.1013 o email hulrfMhcln.fleo PROFESSIONAL Library Tech I To perform i.rirpiex library dtii's including assl,irince hiiiriing malelials. actitu as department ri.ad, proving OupQoit for li/ary oirinla- Hion & iramrug. shelvinq & etlin g materials mCiioillrig ine library rdatnDase, i tld- IoIgiu) arid ihir,'ssing mair- rial; and uvuiseeiii flIne riverdue malprljs prnrrss Will l; perrom cir Lul iliun,. inr.iibrary loaIn ILLI .ind erludical. operations. our', Mori-lin L8a- 30p, Fn 8a-12p Iwo eve-iings wii/or Saturdav are rehqirid wlhpnr needed To qualily. you mnust lwe an AssO- i.:,I.".', degree (or 2 yfs rol- leii toursework.) In a related held along wilih a minimum f 1 .3 vrs r ;Ijited .:xpi'ri- ein.i to Iharn more U lo apply onlilm visit us at wiewpwcc pb lii Oifl 0' ot Himian RcrOirrces. I'sim Beain Community College, 4200 Conqicrss Avrnue, l.,i Worthil, FL 3.l61 IrI-):/AA'VP/ADA Houses -Sale 102 The GEO Group a worldwide leader in privatized. Corrections, offers a challenging & exciting opportunity. WE OFFER: Top Pay, Medical, Dental, Vision, Short-term Disability, 401K, Paid Vacation & Holidays PSYCHOLOGIST (Doctoral Degree in psychology, counseling, or related mental health field, Possess appropriate state Licensure or certication.) PSYCHOLOGICAL SPECIALIST (Master Degree in clinical, counseling or applied behavioral psychology). RN & LPN NEEDED THE GEO GROUP, InC ?itJin Bjy Correctional Facility 600 US Highway 27. South South Bay, Flonrda 33493 Fmail- tle.oUroQuoinc i.tLu Pnoui, 5961-992-9505 Fax. b61-829-1902 EOE.M/F/VNII Time to clean out the attic, basement and/or garage? Advertise your yard sale in the class)- Ileds and make your clean uu a breeze Ho sI Sale102 DAILY WORK -DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE LABOR< FIBRE i 202 E. Sugwtand Hwy. XAnau 6rnh Ch-fr.z at')j (863) 902-9494 Th CrF.O Gruup, Inc. The GEO Group a worldwide r i, in r orivatlied. ['i'r,cUn .ri3, Otlers challenging & exciting opportunity. CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS NEEDED WE OFFER: Top Pay, Medical, Dental, Vision, Short-term Disability, 401K, Paid Vacation & Holidays THE GEO GROUP, INC. South Bay Courectonal Facility 600 US Highway 27, Soulh Sonit Bay, Florida 33493 Email. vnaiillfK lhaenrmoulilr icom Pnoiine 561-992-9505 Fa.\:561-829-1902 EOE, M/fr/WH Need a lew more bucks to purchase something deer? Pick up some extra buCks when you sell your used Items in the clasSlfelds. Houss -S ale 025 Financial Tax Preparation 315 ALL CASH CANDiY ROUTE Do you earn S3ui.'i1dayy' il Ma- chines, Frree. Candy All ir $9,995. (888)629-9968 B02000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! S Be your own BOSS ~ Sell Avon, Work your hours, insurance, easy, unlimited earnings. Call Judy 677-0025 NEW YEAR, NEW 'OU' Wht ii you could start your own business today for only $29? Visit wwvidpaschal'myar- bonne..Onmi dm Ill introdijucei you to the Arbonne Opporlu- nityl Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you. No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cessful people ffHoues- al 12 ri nof'o Md t i r, 110-f 11 r Lim, V, 0 11 NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- ment that is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- ue, such as promises of guaranteed income from work-at-home programs if it sounds too good to be true, chances are that it is. If you have questions or doubts about any ad on these pages, we advise that before responding or send- ing money ahead of time, ou checkwith the Better Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 for previous complaints Some 800 and 900 telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distance toll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, but occasionally we may not be aware of the charges. Therefore, if you call a number out of your area, use caution. CASH NOW FOR FUTURE PAYMENTS' We will buy your Anrnuiiy. Strucihred Sel- Iiritemrn. Luonery 1ir Owner I-eld Mirliage hole Call R&P Capitdal Resouir:es Inc. L 3Cl)i33t,'il15 How do yu find a job In today's competitive market? in the employ- ment section of the dlas- silleds e-Sle Antiques Services Babyuitting 405 Child Care Needed410 ChNd Ca Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered425 Insurance 430 Medical Servlce8435 ---*,* Hll--- DELIVER OUR PRECIOUS CARGO: Be a Hendry County School Board Bus Driver. Contactthe "ransportlaliuin Dept at 86 3-674-4115 or Cheryl Jameson at inrnesoi1,.i'.J rorJryr ,12 Iill NEW SELF STORAGE 46 units 7x15, 8x15,10x16, 10x30,12x30,15x25. Full electric, secure on Commereio St 350 ft. from Clewiston Police Dept. 863-983-6663, 863-983-2808, after hrs. 863-983-8979 18631357-3400 . FREEZER- Very large, Like new. $1000. (239)248-4758 fSale 1025: WASHER & DRYER- White, $300 will separate (863)763-1884 WASHER/DRYER- Automatic washer, gas 'dryer. $50 for the pair. 863-674-0610 WASHER/DRYER- LG, Under warr. til '09. Like new. Pd. $2000. Asking $800 or best offer. (239)867-6351 Shop here first! The classiftled ads TANNING BED- 2 yrs old. e - cellent condition $1000 or best offer (863)467.1152 ADULT 3 WHEEL BICYCLE, Miami Sun, $100 or best offer. (989)831-5135 DYNO AIR BIKE- w/green pegs to grind with and rotating handle bar. Good bond, $50 neg (8631634-29.4 [Houss Sae 02 icnot r roerties rq~pa 983 -626. aI tosyn-05-1$-7w A Phone: B63-94 6-3900 I , ,49B US HWY. 27. 6 Uto Have lelfrey A. Davis L.T, S . ; 1i ik ,,rI ,. ,.l a- VERGLl ADES ., La. B I..IREALTY, INC. .- 'r 'l' .,' -i,'-. ..iitl?. ..tAilT -.,C -I,, nr .CP.R.IL.-4 e L- .A if -.i .I -lAt ,1 ,i 1 : i i TT l 3i .,,. , jflS H i '.I'm "1Ai t'hg iiii E, Iv.liiiii HsI:'iif;."\'IIl..,-iCIi ,T.11 uau &I E It Ti E I .A s \ ,, I. I IY- l I.i 'll I . M u %r T ...A ii,.>u i. .I' ..T I I i t I ,, 1, 11. I.,,,. !.. 11. S Ih- htlr d t ,n ,, Hl<. I, '' l, I 1 i. ''" I .l'. ill].! "1^ ,, ii*, t ', . 1' t ",- Ri ,'r.ard .- l ,', L)N IY,'i. .N11I h t ri ; n ;giii ', 1 .t. I .lI'' I I, % I i H ,i In i b NIl l1' IW, l' )l' M i. ".i t T li, I, 1 i M i l,' II I r .l ui S. r lu r j e TII p-I' ." 1 I.X. I. C li. '- I. i- I pi HAVBEl SI R Yn Rl-X 1 ; i .IliH -'I' '.% I .11 11. ill_' 1 11' I- Iiilrll% ll - a. Ld & I i d W.0. 1lif :,,'' A I. ', 1 -li,.. t .:i lh .i ,i-. 4 1 133% 4 2 .l II] n '..DiP r. .ll '" 1' l 1 'l I -. : .13 .. n I., l ,. if I PL a I I GT I Il'K i ll 11 1, [ wl ., l H'me Have MtnInW II 1 I ' D I!:nn u -Th P 1\"' \E ,... 1. 'I'l' !IA t'", .]ili I;,J *ir.,*l ,, 1J. IC. REAL. ESTATE BROKER 3BR, I ,.,.2BA .149.000 irmt $-,L, Prlan11er Platu a BR. 2 SpA New Haoc 32R 2BA Hark' 585K W1 2 R r, a P ai h .i M ontura 3BR 2BA.. r',, .it .* ,!,,.t! . A~A R-y. Pn R iVer IH 1.25 acres 2.2 L n.-s P" ie $69 0 S"j. ,r l I All .. i ..lots tog Homen Taft ,Blvd. with .Iontura 212 SWMH 5 2.5000 each. I BR. 2BA 34042000 VACANT LAND CO IMERCIA Monuara 1.25 acre s10 3BR. 8A Pol 8 aail Cor Lisns Indutrial Refinery +983-6663 cres 5729.900 F e ""s (863) 983-9770 cre 2 3RE: DYESSKALS .CM n: ANt DYES ALATE.COM FCATION & EXTRRSAS 2fiedroomn, lath + Guesthouse, ANN DYESS LAURA SMITH TRAVIS DYESS ANGELICA GONZALEZ (863) 983-8979 (863)599-1209 f863)228-2215 SFEHARLA ESPANOL (863)228-0023 RESIDENTIAL Pre-const. Town Homes Wateircrss Fami 15 scres 3BR, I 1.,2BA $149.00 0 from $199,900 Pioneer Plarinttion 49R. 2BA New iHome 3BR. 2BA F-t.-rnm S85K Woudlands /D) 2 lotS $329 000 MOBILE HOMES reduced to S35.0O eii Poo3BR. l Pand Workshop, North Sidea 3B2 2BR, 2BA. 2 ory 10 000t S.5 S140.000 Pioneer I1 lots tog. Home on Taft Blvd. with Montura 2 ,2 SWMH $52.5000 each 2.5 Sr. S225.040 +2.5 acres S70,000 . 4BR. 2BA $340,000 VACANT LA ro COMMERCIAL, Montura 1.25 acre lots 3BR. 2BA Pool w/8.7 avail Call for Listings Industrial Refinery + acres $729.900 Riehole -1.41 a,-re- 110 ;acre,; S2.5m Condo Bass Capital $135,00M $169.000 MH L -iCurin ,a.rd CK C'bSK b ,oift. 'l 3BR, 1BA Corner Lot Da rdion Rd 2 :at &A S179.900 Residential $209.900 LOCATION &_EXTRAS 2Bedroom, Bath + Guesthouse, Pool and Workshop, North Side Call For $$$ eautiful 40 acres cal- :ich MtH 2 n ., Ir .m 1" .ul ll M' ieONii r 1%Hwv 1 O.'? l-'.u I. 4a &a d ,! *US Hwy27 li.t J42, ,..-.k. I.,tp. 1. a ti i1r 75i000 -Tangelo Ave. '15 r, ki.E"r *Fin Protny onnMwlrit d. i' eet. Ro 'j,e.-I .ft 0 SOLD loarLes m',sir i.n'riin, "I'f, lrNtSOLD .5&s+N MH rRLEDL' LiFOR yI.qCKSAL l4, i-l, '5-10 wuee AGlxhtU Cl R w iTtm ic.-!aluk Fr.i $95 1'i ,ueea Ave. 5 i- if ,10W, SOLD 13707 Center Ave. IaII s ".;. r ,SA LE FEP DING *TaigbAe tal..t,;i5KM MoglO, as an .l 1inrll&u.itanl *Bastifi Cdar sw.db SiOr ) 5 *5 sives ilulled, r *tO Acres ni' |r ip.'. . C".i:EP FINANCE *25 acres. '-m Ha- , *30Elam ar.r, ,-,dj ti.iiiiurp STANTON MOBILE HOMES Quality Homes at Discounted PricesI Homes From the Low $50's Turn Key Packages Available. Family Owned Since 1981. C J COBSFN N ScotBill rof *1 '. 1 II www.Stan[90NH.com 521 E Sugalland H'nH Cei ison (863) 983-8559 LhcT,: h E ,. Gt|>t.r1. Pi il fcde Br .t ;ie.,i l'it\ .li;:i, & '.,'tS.l SAririnpii : .,i4 '. 'r E!,, S A..l i 1jli'..74'ili E:p E' i ryv Bel'e, i..i.i i) i ilt Frimir PA and TR iThlrul hi .aill yau ii],',' rTrrm. [i,. I .-'"-'Arn 2 2 ii B I.' .-. Sii ..i 1, Only $149,900 CLEWISTON -.3 BR PA NIl-S Lip. .,r, t-rr I rorch u Se'iinpole mn',irN MIlk' as-n Cl'.- S2 BR I BA Hrmce tn ci"rr.er 'AL S. oan-,r..- Avv. R.. 'luo, i, $l3".0r1' -3 BR 2 RA iH av Le s.n.,.rilfnl I. I. I.nced. |t itrap;, Mel -sa RraI. S1.. ''J -4BP. 2BA MH wid hkl. IUL Gn..ni Su--'t 3BR28.-ACBS H kIi]..sT- ,1 I'a. F. FIi4 ,rt.ni I irco I-, Sol. 1Ui1i4'l U r } m SBRR B.\.n D),S,.[ n F1F H .. I 42 oi lt.till1'T'- I ,1.? -4B B -% B.\ W' vift'intI'rIn rP ..",(.'.r .iarg i.1I [ T..-. a& n -. 5'.Ii'.Vl 'I * BP:. BA FLA .%-ut,- Hi-m. r..: D. N ',nr .,'.-tr L a-,ii ur rir .-.- i i i,'(0 * .BR. 5BA. 4 A. r a- Lr .P - RIa'l .,,,I Ar\ ..'I,,- H, li..-.'. D;.T.n [ I.t..l i, i,4a ,.rsni MOORE HAVEN / LAXPORT -' CBS DupIc.,,- 2 BFL i BAeach a n n U ,U I ;J '2 y '',9 i I';- r _-% ..I h ! -Liki N.-'.-' 2') MH wilh Li,. A..l;tir-I MN.-'.re H:.,H n n'.,.-hi Clul. S I 3M." u.' *4E R BA M t,7., Cq irr "- .g. Il '.] -'Br I l B ,\ M H .1t 1, -1 ,,, 1 1- l, I r..Lr '" A.-.'/.,s : ,.hi.- .tI,. ?l'"> .n ., Wl'irn iln, dA.trc.-e ci4 nrwr CrEt.trlurtd ri g. 3 t-rI..:S 2 th V pr, CBS. yank rH) A Must See $190,000 - I tart. t CIA I"arit NItlal S;"'i * IBR. I BA Iorl; M;NI.k- SpitImnom., V',i.nKc .iAu.ono PIONEER / LADECA / FLAGHOLE * I BD 2 BA MH. w-iiutfil 2.5 ac It.. ni I.' C:.3Fr' F I 1 7l,1 Sl 1 'i% .'JU0 * IBD t2RA MH rI aM *' Lr,.-t-t akrFle & iii_1r E..-rluglh Ac.'n R-I C..7.fO *A rjre find! Tafti BIvl. I .: 'wilh .-ID aBA MH s"l.n1 SIl *i. 'T.r ,,^.'.'j.- ?,I.-'IL w\',0' as 4 ', :8l1BD 3R.\RtsLn .zparsh 1>aS5.ii' I ACREAGE, LAND & LOTS S33 J -ic 1,. in P r L.Pr i ..l,..* i.,r ,$ 5.1101 SHtili..i,,iI C l I .,', C" i0. AC Ir l r t. n ', r r'at '". ; IL-1. fn -Hor,,;ch.- A,:ei- tTr V,5 0UO' jr,- Fu,.]' 3 .m. Ou tIlr- J.,., I Ki _c% K M [: iH iti in Ci< I.t., ', i.Sr _'t f .,i MONTURA S 3. IrA \a%'nMildhl ._LirlrK oa t 25,000 Lrm-4 BR.2 BA MhH. 1115 000 - I.t 4 RD 2 BA NIH I 2i \',rda Si. ".',lr. 'kr-A Pal. hr. $r.-T,:' S2TYJJ. -ILD ^BA 'AN'M I frim..iLAi' slrrii ru .e'twohe 'sU a t -.w w.A rR-,%-. A Sr .00-MO pi a C7- -i Ww **a I T 0--- O X--XJEil L sI. C.....- r FEATURED 2 CBS duplexes in Moore Haven. lot 75x1O,. 1620 sq. it. Each Unit C ;v.' .:' Lu.i''i," IX *,ni~ ,t r 'ir Cari' diomi as 86.3-946-0505 fksAririd-iA. Davii Ruter 034-2157 [- ,- TERES,\ SLILL I VAN\, GRI Your Realtor For Life! Vi Teresadulhvan-ReMax.com , 1)Grejt locitionn for this Large CBS lionilfe attirinI 31It2BTI I with 2 car garage' on .41 acic lot. Asking 245.0()(. iall tIOr dc..ails. 2)BCa;ltiful Pool liriinc. This property is like new citidirili cnverv'tliing has been redone. Featirilng 3BI/2BTH. Family room. large Kitchien & more. Asking 259.0(X) 3').o~~.~'liv li OL tir tiller 11()K. Thi, 311B-'21TH is a 11111ti See. Nic' landscaped yard. Woxwd deck in front & back & more. Asking ')5.( l),) 4)BLainititl ..arge I omnic on Almhost an acre lot backing to take in Pahokee. Features 41II3/3BTH .111nd over 34(v SE A-,king $264,9(10 5).Just Reduced to $1 15.(Hi. This 313I'lHTI 1 prop- erty has new roof, just painted inside, Fenced yard, Family room and more. Call for details I Antiques antiques sugar magnolia salvage boutique cottage style furniture, vintage, colctibles,etc. bond street clewistonfl located behind pzazz elizabeth 863-634-9917 LOW RIDER BICYCLE- Like new condition. Burgundy & chrome. $200. (863)697-2032 SCHWINN BIKES (2) brand new, never on road, 1 mans, 1 womans $250 for both will sell sep (863)763-8225 ---U^^*----B BUILDING SALE..."Don't Miss It!" Final Clearance. Deposit will hold till spring. 25'x40'x12' $4800. 40'x60'x16' $12,800. Front end optional Rpar end in- cluded Others. Pioneer. (800)668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory Deals,'Save $$$.40 x 60' to 100 x 200'. Ex: 50 x 100 x 12i = $3.60/sq ft. (800)658-2885. www.rigid- building.com. COMMERCIAL SINK, 3 com- partment, stainless steel. $100 (863)357-6113 DOORS-Sliding Glass, White, Like New, $50 or best offer (8631675-1634 METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manufactur- er. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available (352)498-0778 Toll Free 18881393-0335 BED. RACECAR, Little Tikes, blue, bed only, excellent con- dition, $150. (863)634-3069 Iu s Sal e1I DISHWASHER, HOT WATER HEATER & STAINLESS STEEL SINK: $50 for all. (863)674-0281 DRYER, Kenmore, $100 (863)634-8024 GE WASHER & DRYER- Less than 1 yr old, white, paid $700 asking $300 (863)675-3793 RANGE, 24" electric, good condition. $75 '(863)357-7065 ' REFRIGERATOR- Like new. win ,ice maker Large ononm Iee:er $300 Firm t239)657-5760 STOVE, Frigidiare, Smooth STop, Eeiiricn Great condi- tion.. Moving. $150.. (863)261-6299 STOVE- Whirlpool, PeeIrnc glass top while, $100 863)675-.163-1 WASHER & DRiER. Kennmore Good shape. $175 lor both. t863)675-3976 House -Sale Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee CAR SEAT- Even-flo, excellent condition, pink w/ detachable base $30 (863)983-6310 after 4PM CLOTHES- Little Girls, Size 2T, Never worn. 20 outfits total. $130, (863)357-1048 MENS MOTORCYCLE JACK- ET, Black leather, with pon- chos & fringe, size 44. $150 (863)357-0344 WEDDING DRESS- White w/ silver beading, Size 14, paid $600 asking $150 (863)634-6601 'BASEBALL COLLECTION: 12 Autographed. Most in cases. Mint condition. $2500 for the complete set. (863)357-0125 BASEBALL/FOOTBALL CARD over 3000 $800 or best of- leri8631467-13,4 STEELERS SPORTS COLLEC- TION w'Jersey. Shirt, Cap & Bear All ii 1 package. $70 1863)357-0125 WEDDING GOWN- lace. sadli.n small train, size 52 yrs old. $50. 863-467-0670 DELL COMPUTER XR Office, qames. Fast, $149 (863)843.0158 QUILTING FRAME, Hinteroera, WooCdn, For King or Oueein. $125. (863)674-1755 ACCENT TABLES, (3), white, 1) reclangle., (11 round & 18 round wmri lamp, i1.4 863)674-1276 ARMOIRE / ENTERTAINMENT CENTER- bac13. all wood, $250 or, best offor (863)227-0.173 BR SET- Aniique,. mahogany 1900', luhil size 2 NS, haod, 1lbd,. chest rrminr 12200O (863)528-3269 BUNK BED, Loft style, all in one, purchased at Badcock,, exc., cond. $500 (863)163-6130 Iv mig CHAIRS (35), Brown metal, folding. $105 for all or wil separate. (863)675-3230 Chase Lounge Eleg ni ,')ld cream velour like maieri3l. $250 ,r besi ol, ir iSM3)2,-01;iii COFFEE TABLE & 2 end tables with drawers, all oak wood. $150 for set, .(863)675-4098 evenings COMPUTER ARMOIRE. Dji. wooa d luijbt' d:,9roi. il e wIIri et ,, i i l0 if6:i76.l 3191 COMPUTER DESK, 3/' long x 41/2' tall. Has top shelf and cabinet, $40 (863)763-5067 COMPUTER DESK, 72"x30" deep, with top tower shelf,' excellent condition. $45 (863)763-1997 COMPUTER DESK, with hutch, .small drawer, file cabinet & keyboard drawer. $75 (863)763-3191 COUCH & LOVESEAT, Floral Print, Matching. Good condi- tion. $150. (863)467-8223 DAYBED: Trundle, Like new. Only 1 year old. $300. (863)675-0777 . DESK, 6 drawers. $20 (863)946-1189 ' DESK, HUTCH & matching wood file cabinet. Excellent condition $100. (863)634-5236 DINING TABLE, Glass top, Metal legs (Metallic look). With 6 chairs. Like new. $350. (239)537-4253 LeBelle area DR SUITE- 5pc solid wood, excellent condition $275 (863)673-4942 DRESSER & 2 NIGHT STANDS, $50 for all. (863)946-1189 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER- Colonial pine, for 65" TV or smaller, $500 (863)983-5364 Do-It-You Open-Back A doll house is one of tho ly improves with age and one generation of children sion makes it easy to build tie one this holiday season patterns onto plywood, cu The completed doll hoL tall by 25 inches wide by Open-Back Doll Housep Dollhouses Package (No Three projects incl. 41 Catalog (pictures hundred Please add $4.00 s&h (e: To order, circle item(s), clip & send w/ check to: U-Bild Features 15241 Stagg St. Van Nuys, CA 91405 Or call (800) u-bil Money Bac t FUTON MATTRESS- nice, ex- FREE DIABETIC SUPPLIES! GENERATOR, Powerboss, tra thick, forest green w/mat- MEDICARE PATIENTS! Call portable, 5500 watts, 7350 * tress cover, $50. Us Toll Free (866)294-3476 starting watts, brand new. (863)763-6369 and receive a FREE METER! $800 (863)697-8837' KING SIZE MATTRESS- like Am-Med Quality Diabetic JOHN DEERE POWER UNIT. new,.$450.(863)634-5225 Supplies. Diesel, 4 cyl. Compleile KITTEN ale, orange tabby LIFT CHAIR, Beige, $300 w/radiator & fuel lini. KITwhite. Mapprox ksodtab (863)675-0548 $1500 (863)675-1862 bottle fed, $15. MIG WELDER, 25'spuoi gun (443)262-2740 M with accessories i.1i401 LOVESEAT W/MATCHING AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train (772)332-1438 $475C(863)673-4942 for high paying Aviation PRESSURE-WASHER: 2-00 $475(863)673-494Maintenance Career. FAA ap- PSI Sears. 350 PEDESTAL TABLE- Round, proved program. Financial 863673-5159 Oak, Old, Good condition, aid if qualified Job place- WELDER, portable, 2'0 mnp. $100. (863)763-6342 Okee- ment assistance. CALL Avia- enoine driven, 4i 5'. chobeearea. tion Institute of Maintenance 8|66 i74-126 SOFA BED, Beige background (888)349-5387. 1'. w/green & rose floral print. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE I. Excellent, condition. $350. from Home. *Medical,7 (863)763-6342 Okee. area. *Business, *Paralegal BARBIE CAR, 6 volt battery SOFA- Like new. Wine col- *Computers *Criminal Jus- operated. $40 ored, with recliners at each twice. Job placement assis- (863)467-4567 end. $250 (863)675-0777 tance. Computer, provided. end. $250 (863)675-0777 Financial Aid if qualified. Call SCOOTER, Battery operated, SOFA SECTIONAL, 3 pc. set (866)858-2121 wwwonli- Sunl. $75 (863)467-4567 w/Sleeper & Recliner. Light neTidewaierTech com beige iapnern EoCelleri i',oni- dition $525 (863)357-5154 CAMERA PHONE- Nextel.18550, C r WING BACK CHAIR, blupebur- (863)634-7125 I unclyigreenc nec acting ORECK XL, 10ic of alria bag-, 50 86365-4098 CAMERA PHONE- Njeel 1870. ORECK XL, I ls OI eO, r bg;e w.' MP3 and Blue Tooth, Li, Only used 2 times. top O in e New. '.295 (863163J.-1- 25 ir6'b 3 "90 u h-,I )35I DIVORCE$275-$350"COVERS CARPINE- US Springfield, children, etc: Only one sig- 'V ud 3I model 1884, has type "C" nature required! *Excludes frontto sight, $1200 or best govt'fees! Call weekdays KARAOKE- Professional, Vo- offer (937)215-0307 ul0012-,L -0 i.ii c alPro,$00 863)467-9054 -8am-Bbiri All DvOr,:e.lP COBRA ARMS- 9 MM. Oerrin-. :,. LLC Etjbiiiniid 1977 SPEAKER- 1.2' audiiiiti l er. holstier $ cartridgE -'1 ). . $125 or best oiler FISH TANK- 55yal Siaid arnd truck and 1 ,r 2 (863)983-7915 ,.:,res :$7r5 watt amp, power, wires & MAGS- (3) Ruger Mini 14, ll -2: uS? 50 .,- steel, not used, $145 GATSBY WHIRLPOOL TUB- i ib863t31t. -025f Rdcianijuljr. -.ji& 4 Kept in- PISTOL- 25 aumain, ,25 a 0.63- m 3-3W/ov NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- I502031-811 ing i, add I,:, my :oll ,liii-n TANNING BED- Soltech, 28 Ple.,s ll : 11 ll : -IlO &ii RIFLE, Ruger All Weaaher, brulb Commerciai or residen- paper iTioriny 29-6.9-8.1 ;li 'i l eel 10.2 w, r,,it ,i E I lla l F -le r .1nii o1ri110u r scpe extras. 5275 $1800 1 831634-1263 , (863)610-0632 Olee TANNING BED- Sun Star, 32 SHOTGUN- Springlield 20ga, bulb. i( I it. lanirS. CHRISTMAS TREE, 6 ft., with dI)uble barrel $3000 bulb; recently rellaeo dce-, of orramednl 25 t02t931-8101 '.2400 1863145:.-5599 ye r ,,ld ,o' I s ri .l 5 ,.l SMITH & WESSON- Higrghway WEDER PRO SYSTEM- ItE (.i3);63"5501 Pitrotman inodel 28, 357 new .201 Isrm maq 4-1'Dbi ltrIel grip& i86 63-432 or Find it master. Sell it soon- sigrii3'$350(9371215-0307 863634-2171 er in the classilieds TAURAS, 745 45 calj, 3 3" YAMAHA ZUMA SCOOTER barrel, stainless/composite. 0 49c M S1u A i. 7 s h o l s e re 3u l ,) O S I n e w a r t c 4 ) i u 3 M i le' . S i 'ta. $450 86314, n-2315 -ra kepi 11-00 A WINCHESTER- Ranger 30-30 - mii sinond na many Ji- e 1, i.f10 1)or bi win ll p IIn n s 18631 63-2032Ivmsg Christmas Trees 745 SDRUMS. Ludwig Junior 5 Farm Equipment 805 piece. Wil syO1rnlits& s&5',oI Farm Feed,'Products 810 Farm Miscellaneous 815 $150 863763 6987 Farm Produce 820 BAR BELL WEIGHT SET- New U Farm Services ,1i o,0 Win mnll-luAtio',GUITAR- JOHNSON Atou'inc. Offered 825 bernm ,-1:1 .61 21, .22:.-101 bi)C e-ellrn I, nre..ehlo0m Farm Supplies,/' isred tlie Frtvr. lFill case Services Wanted 830 BO FLEX SPORTS- Mint con- .9r5 (?e .'.)J634J.L 6 Fertilizer 835 edition. Pd. $1400. Will sell Horses 840 for $500. You haul. -esSl i Landscaping (863)801-1891 after3pm Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden 850 TREADMILL- New Perfect BEAGLE,.AKC re. In color Livestoc Garden 85 Westco. Cddrre7 ;E, Foi, & Ti,-le ., oi vhe,1 ,o up 850 ,.:re Ci.. t5 IFoi722-0401- to date, needs r:omt i, ,u,, Poultry/Supplies 860 i to date, needs r Ilii Seeds!Plants/ WEIGHT BENCH- Greai shjpr $350 (863)610- -19, Flowers 865 In- n- 1.100 ir bestl ri-r BEAGLE PUPPIES(4): Fe-mail (6n3if..3-2896 .-:. or Vii:hi 6 wks, wormed & 1st shots, APR reg. incl. perligree ierlFt ouso $250 ea. (863)634-7723 i Ites63 CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES- UKC Cert. All shots, Vet. checked. BALES OF HAY, 100 bales, TRASH CONTAINER- Wood, $300, $400 & $450. $200. or will sell separate. decorative country, kitchen, 863-763-3073 (863)763-1370 holds_13 gallons.- Only $20. 863-467-8681. FISH TANK- 150 gallon. $300 When doing those chores or best offer. (863)673-2896 I doing yo i's tme K u ^S askforVicki is doing you in, stime k fto look for a helper in FISH TANKS- 150 gal, 50 iji, the classifleds. DIAMOND RING- 1/2 ct, 29 gal, (2) 10 gal., )1i li --I w/surrounding diamonds, $160 or will sell separate $425. Neg. (863)675-7105. (863)201-3492 or(863)673-5023 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS, AQUA 9 year old Palomino parents on premises, CKC, 4 Gelding, 15.3'Hands, $1875 i M & 1 F Vet checked & shots. or best offer. 863-824-0505 $550 each. (863)824-6781 or 863-697-1984. . LIGHT FIXTURES- Fluores- JACK RUSSELL PUPPIES, (5), BUCKSKIN-PAINT, 3.5 years cent. 2'x2' with cover & ready 12/22, will hold til old mare. 16 hands. Very bulbs. Never used. Still in Christmas, $200 each. sweet. Rides good. Incld all box. $10. (863)763-1997 (239)657-8549 tack. $2500. (863)357-6642 S LATINO COCKATIEL'S, pair, 6 mo. old. Hand Feed. Yellow. e ' ADJUSTABLE BED, Ultramatic, (239)657-5760 both twin, electric w/vibrate.& re- 23 57-5 \ mote. Exc. cond, $2700 new, LR SET- 6PC, North Carolina, , asking $1100. (863)763-6907 brown, DR TABLE w/5 ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR chairs, sturdy, all for $500 O k w w Pride Jazzy w/joystick. Exc neg. (863)675-2783 Muse f /oTrV cond. $5700 new, asking SCHNAUZER silver, 22 mos ,fl. $2100. (863)763-6907 old, ears & tail cropped, all -- WHEEL CHAIR, Elec., Metallic shots $295 (561)271-1032 On line Ad Servic Maroon. Used 10 hrs. Brand Buy Sell Trade new! Built in charger & rear pocket $4500. 863-467-1533 I I 86 "34611304 mwwwokeechobee-borse-tradercom QUILTING MACHINE: "Stretch" seeing The Greauter r Is f Ide Long Arm, Frame & Tracks. Lake Okeechobee Area IS l IdS1 lEverything included. $2500 PALOMINO MARE, Around 20 (863)674-1755 'years old, brood mare only. * $200(239)340-8502 ii I III I I SADDLE HORSE, registered, ",, ~spotted, 15 hands, 13 yrs, POOL TABLE, slate, 8', $300. gentle disposition. To good (863)467-8187 home: $1000 (863)467-4049 -H R 'one man's trash Is anoth- _i-l er man's treasure. Turn u "i l your traSh to treasuPe i| 1 SUB WOOFERS- 4, Memphis with an ad In the classi- 1e2's in custom ported box. eds-o. BAR-B-Q Grill, All stainless SANTENNA, New! 5 ms 9000 ir, steel, complete w/bottle. Like Directional, Amplified, In- $175 (863)610-1120 door/Outdoor w/internal ro- GAS GRILL, Charbroil, 2 burn- tor.$139. (863)763-7989 er, with lava rocks. $50 Doll House HD PROJECTION TV- 55" ask- (863)763-5501 'se classic toys that actual- ing $500 or best offer LAWN MOWER- Self pro- is treasured by .more than (863)983-5364 pulled, very good.condition, n. This do-it-yourself ver- TV, Large 60"; Good condi- $125 (863)763-8225 or 1 a treasure for a special lit- tion. $800. (239)248-4758 (863)610-0530 . Simply trace the full-size RIDING MOWER, Dixon with t out and assemble. 15.5hp Craftsman new mo- use stands about 25 inches tor. $300 (239)986-0296 14 inches deep. BENCH DRILL PRESS, Crafts- RIDING MOWER, Murray plan (No. 411) ... $8.95 man, 1/2" chuck. $100 12hp, runs perfect, needs .C113) (863)612-9233 LaBelle battery. $250 1... $19.95 COMPOUND MITER SAW, (239)986-0296 ds of projects)..-. $2.00 Dewalt, used once, $300,or RIDING MOWER: MURRAY, except catalog-only orders) best offer (863)697-8837 46", Good condition. $300 COMPOUND SAW- Portable Firm. (863)697-1555 Please be sure to Craftsman, cut's angle, new TORO ZTR MOWER, like new, include your name, blade and stand $60 T TR MR enew, address and the name of (863)763-8797 $1695. (863)467-8683 this newspaper. Allow ELECTRIC PRESSURE WASH- 1-2 weeks for delivery. ER, 1200 psi, $100 82-U-BILD (863)612-9233 LaBelle Okeechobee Livestock d.com GENERATOR: EG3500, Honda, Market Sales k Guarantee brand new, still in box. $950. Every Monday-12pm & every 863-673-5159 Tuesday-11 am. 763-3127 rl GLADES RESORT- Riverfront t[ir 1 3 0 ,b- I,,i;n leri l I' Si- 1,1 00, nii 97070O.0063J HOUSES & TRAILER LOTS For l:.,ri. Ilejr L C it'u .tion, Dr L Fn TniTimp :-t Jr 17S1J '4.1.0 ", Moorehaven 3BR iBA. All Dp I ion 11:i": ill uded i l 1 I ir gijrtjie 1500 r ni,:, 12 i a3il PORT LaBelle. ".0 1i lee:ri. woit C ir tir. 2bj I.iJ[ New Hme j.i-?11 ) iTiT + i: mo. .b .- J -j l a'. breerna PORT LABELLE -BRAND NEW 5 26 A 2 Car bGraei Niar *.,nools,, Avdil immifTed $ -0,, +i eC 5 re' i 5 ii I' I. 1. 1 it rur ilm.. mi- giilm onimf l colt (3) 1100 sq. ft. Office Spaces Available April 2007 (2 blocks trom GladesGeneralHospitall OKEECHOBEE, To share 3BR house, utilities & cable inci. $60 1r'm 1. ,ITiTionih; rent & ACe riqi1 tdh:)6;3-b6 '. Real Estate Business Places - Sale 1005 Commercial Property Sale 1010 Condos' Townhouses Sale 1015 Farms Sale 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspection1060 Real Estate Wanted 1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space. 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 TANNING BED BUSINESS 2 Beds, 1 Booth Established W/Large clientele. Inventory included, new bulbs. $15,000 or best offer. Motivat- ed Seller. (863)885-1718 LaBelle 3/3 Down Town, Near Courthouse. Lg. rooms, Top Area $209K or Annual Lease $1800 Owner. 863-675-1107 PALM HARBOR Factory Liqui- dation Sale. 2006 Models Must Go! Modular, Mobile.& Stilt Homes. 0% DOWN When You Own Your Own Land!! Call for FREE Color Brochure. (800)622-2832. PORT LaBelle: 4/2 Upgrades galore! Lg. Rooms, Lg. Yard. Near School. Price to sell. $179,500., or Annual Lease $1800. Owner 863-673-5071 |Vllll Illtl ll[lFiIil MOORE HAVEN 33471 TOP LOCATION - Will Divide City block next to court- house, government center, high school, 500 feet on US #27, Ideal for Bank, Fast Food, Law, Medical, Retail, Realtor, Insurance, etc. Call owner Pat Seasoned Hunters looking to lease land for the purpose of hunting pigs. Please call (239)348-0202 . BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLI- NIA MUST SEE BEAUTIFUL ES COLORFUL FALL FOLI- AGE' WESTERN NC MOUNT. TAIliS Homes Cabtin: Aireige & Il VESTMEtJi]s Cri erl.te Muiijnir ii Really GMAC Real EcilJrI Murphy Lricru'eemounulirrealty iirv :rm C 11 tin free tirocrhur 18i1.118-i1-5868 Coastal Georgia- New Preo- C'n la'fulionr Gull fCiomriimui niy. Large lots & cordos wl deepwaier rar n, gall n - lurre viewt Galed Ga)ll fI. nress Cener tennis. Trails. Do,. o: s 1. 70 i- 1.301 .. 18 77266-7376 www ,cuop- erspoini comr Gull Iron[l bin $595k. Homes starling mid ,$300k New mi.iser plnrined oceir, Inrni ,oTmunurny n beauihul Mustang Island, near Corpus Chrisli. TY www cinnamon . shoreom. 1866)691-5163 NORTH CAROLINA- BEAUiD. FUL BLUE RIDGE Mounlair, Views 3 2 A(re Mouniain Einle HP.'vrily WOdled wain Stream. EZ Firiaicinciq- '$29,900. t800)l_??i0-638i, ext.620. North Carolina Cool Mountain Air, view*S & Streams, Homes, Cabins & Aceage FREE BROCHURE (800)642-5333. Realty Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St Murphy j C 28906 wiw realiviltiurrinv i: om TENNESSEE Affordable lake & ounTiiain pruperlie', LOW :,ropaeriy iaes No sale in- :,,me Ia- Four sEtjon.- Souirnern riosplialiy Far nore inlo (Call Lakeside Re- llev i86 291-n 2:5 www l3le.,idderealry-in ,ror VIRGINIA MOUNTAINS Large 5 acre tract along very wide trout stream 'with private ele- vated homesite, good ac- cess, view, tree. nearby river. $59,500 (866 89.85.5 WYOMING RANCH DISPER- SAL 35 acres 49,900; 70. acres $89,900; 110 acres - $132,900 Snow.ca3ped SiTinlainjri vew;. Surrounde-d by govt land. Abundant wild life: Recreational paradise. .Low taxes. EZ terms. Call Utah Ranches, LLC. (888)541-5263. Mobile Homes Mobile Home Lots 2005 Mobile Home Parts 2010 Mobile Homes Rent 2015 Mobile Homes Sale 2020 MOBILE HOME STEPS- with railing $45 (863)697-3090 BRAND NEW 3BR, 2BA, Dou- blewide, in S. Clewiston, Avail Now! (863)673-1363 An 800 sq living area in Barlows Fish Camp, 441 SE, c/a, good cond., $14,500 neg. 863)763-4149 or (561)-758-4337 CLEAN 2BR/1.5BA, on canal, near Ortona Locks, asking $85,000 (260)224-0700 MOORE HAVEN- '99, 3/2, 1147 sq ft living area, Canal lot 10Ox150, $168,000 (239)455-5619 after 6pm SINGLEWIDE, 3BR/2BA, ready to move in. Owner will fi- nance with good down pay- ment. (863)675-8888 Trailer & Garage, totally re- modeled, on 4 acres, 2 deeds, 1/2 acre, plus 31/2 acre field in back, fenced, 15 min. from LaBelle on SR 80. (954)549-4499 WHISPER CREEK, Lot 218, 1986 Franklin 33ft, new bed, washer, furnace, carpet & roof $13,900. (863)612-6991 Love the earth Recycle your used Items by sell- Ing them in the classl- oeds. 0 Pickup. Trucks 4050 (8O63)467-6I7 Sport Utility 4055 HONDA CIVIC HYBRID- '04, Tractor Trailers 4060 Gray, Low mi. 12,800 mi. Utility Trailers 4065 Exc cond in/outside. Sirrus Vans 4070 .$16,000. (561)924-2005 LINCOLN MARK VII '92, 5.0, Aut bIesa40i V8, auto., low miles. $1600. (863)675-7105 CADILLAC DEVILLE, 1992 LINCOLN TOWN CAR, '92, Runs great, a/c, $1,500 firm. runs good, no a/c, $2000. Call 863-946-1859. 863-509-3028. or CADILLAC EL DORADO '97, 863-612-0000 ask for Libby. ETC, Fully loaded, white pearl OLDS CUTLASS '98- needs diamond, has new parts, motor, very nice car, $1000 $5500 (561)723-1849 (863)612-5457 after 5.PM CAMARO- '94- 143k miles, orweekends 18" mag wheels, 2 10" sub- OLD'S DELTA EIGHTY-EIGHT, woofers, CD, low profile tires '89, New tires, Runs good, $2000 (863)467-0466 125K mli. $850. CHRYSLER LEBARON 1989 (863)697-0241 Convertible, $1500. PONTOON, 20', w/85hp Force, 863-824-6112/772-349-8637 $1995. (863)467-8683 I I I Rentals a g RENT Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos/ Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 Clewiston. 2 BR Aparlment Ii',: eels I i70 'm, & dep Call (863) 677-0977 or (863)983-4436 CLEWISTON- Beautiful 2/2. urnlurn No pets, Completely renovated, $1500,'moI Yearly lease, & Sec Dep (86316;7-1388 or (2391768-1296 LABELLE- 1br, iir ir, .i i.1' .I,', l $. ,i2 iI rv:t ' you in. Water incId, No Pets No Smoking, (239)337-5859, s et 31 I CLEWISTON C( Modular/Floor Plans. 3/4/5BR, 2/3BA, acre your land as down payn NORTH FLORIDA LAND FOR SALE: 20-acre Chestnut Or- chard; Suwannee County; 10- and 20-acre tracts, high & dIly. Mvdisn LCojniv. 1, i 5 0 0 9. 5 0 0 a. r (850079 17208 MONTURA RANCH. 1 25 acre LOU Purcnase with as Illie as $500u. down 863-983-2121 or 86-493-55799 PORT LABELLE, V acre lot, cleared and ready to build. $1 950 Owner financing. 10 3,3lown,5 vn 4t ro.. COUNTRY ACRES From $79,900 & up, & 1/4 available or use ment. Financing available. Recreation Boats 3005 Campers/RVs 3010 Jet Skiils 3015 Marine Accessores 3020 Marine Miscelaneens 3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehicles'ATVs 3035 BASS '90- 21 ft., stratus witr, .200 hp mercury, hyd. steer- ing and gps system $5500 (863)634-7735 EXTENSION BAR lor pulling tal or trailer A'iing $100l (863:1357-b6113 HURRICANE DECK BOAT 20 beller Inan new. Loaded W'lrir Reduced i0 116 000 due tI re3l 1ri. C3.iI 863-94-.6639/634-2401 JON Boat- 12 FT Iraniom.Ti. real loT hunting, green 6 rip Johnson., trailer e',celleni Ciod $400 8631763-8797 MASTERCRAFT 1995. SI, Boat w.irailer real sriape' $10,000 (8631675-1307 PONTOON BOAT: 50 HP Mo- i or. Needs woik & Irailer $1200 1239t634-0915 RANGER 354V 1992, 150 hp Evirirude YR SS Prop Com- pidle rebuild wlriss In r,5 hrs. 36 v. molor guide, 3 bank charger, tournament rigged, Ranger Irader winre wheefi; 2 tires. C-,ver Always garaged E'telle- n i ri onr lin $10,0:10 15611262-0493 promri..a13@iadelphia fiet Ranger 520VX, '01. 225r p Evict 101 Ib Ihrusl IrolIlinq mir, 'j3 I pl3t '; leel pruop GPS map w/depth & fish finder, charger sys., bimini tap, dbl a e trir & muTr, more HPalln piooblens. Must c-1l $i8,90( I1ADA value $24,000.Call (863)634-6134 SPIRIT SAILBOAT- 23', Wind generator. New 9.8 0/B. Good working cond JusI pulled irom w ,if 00 1863) | J,4-0J " Mobile Home Sale 'I'll NOTICE OF MEETINGS OFTHEBOARD OF SUPERVISORS OFTHE HIGHLAND GLADES WATER CONTROL DISTRICT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2007 YOU ARE HEREBY-NOTIFIED that the following is a Schedule of Regular Meetings and Annual Landowners' Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Highland Glades Water Control Distict for the Year 2007. All Regular Meetings ar held on thek2nd Monday of the months listed below at 2:00 p.m. in the Law Offices of Caldwell & Pacetti, 324 Royal Palm Way, Suite 300, Palm Beach, Florida. The Annual Land- owners' Meeting is held on the first Monday of June at 2:00 p.m. the Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative, 3rd Floor, West Sugar House Road, Belle Glade, Florida. The purpose of the meetings is to transact any and all business that may come be- fore the BoUard. If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. l cj l r ,I, I tj'r lu Jii i a T Li U .. I a rj r Ii. 'il fiir |al ," llcrljr lliy'i u :.. Iu Ui? M .i .,'l.,i ) MEETING DATES Mulna Afrlr. : Monday, June 4 2007 ANNUAL LANDOWNERS MEETING- deil Gti,ae 1illij i li,1 U, Ie ltiAK ['i l:t .i.ii'C i ;0,', rIS : rlItI M!y 0r.0i F Nr"r., r .uir..ld i"dei VIuel C .I'ji I~l..l lnldl' 1i day I t 0l10, NOTICE OF MEETINGS OFTHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OFTHE SHAWANO WATER CONTROL DISTRICT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2001 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED troi iin luullwij.q .. .r.edulh: .u1 fiiul,r MIi.;,... jrd Ai.,iij L .lid,-.*, r' tMl i.ilu ,: ,i i d b ,, *'", 'i. .'. ,',1 mr 'r ii .,':, IVI jl "'i uI .l : iI I ,":l li. r "' a. : l rl: l. : ma III I. I-. l ,i'w in.:i II] hin ,y ,,l J .I H 'h u, il, l Trr g ,ill m i."l' r, ,,l ) vi l I , i re eat rr. .ujx la. j T.i: r....1. An .',h1. iu Jl ll i.o l ll' l, ,:,r,,i he dates and times are listed in the Schedule below. nli -l.i4 "..I |, ,r T- i. I ily 51 .. Jlj )l( i n1 iu..l : U ,:. i r.nr e.bui::ra il i.y r ,nrhi .l ri .li. v i l ie iT,) 'Iv rr2i.. nl Ir I i i i.1 Ir.lil.', ] 11i.l] l5 ru,:.T ,ll'l l Ir j ,. u'h ,lf l ..' r.I .l T .' fi:, ] ll I...ll irlii n -rr ii Ti r r.:0 i)l U'it. iLiip i llri a i o ii'rn un.i.t .i-iihhJir r i.-:' -lilolit jrifId wel1.cri upI0ri r*n.: h [ril ipr 1 I.. 3 h t III :,: i f'uI iij 'it Iu rlj l i.d .l j ll'l i [rr .6 TFiii". jf l' l i 'll. r.hhI-h. ,- I ii'iI .i.i .I .i'i IA i uII'. .'IgI Ip| Ll 2l ACiililTT ,,1 l II, f-d li. l :ililf.jr ll J ij ir-"1'ii [1. Jll j:' I l ..,lllllv l h ri ,i. u .i I[.P, Tit. i i .Uid 'r .l ,l hw UI, irn, i n, i l ri t .i: ) u .i il: I ,. l:,lil I'k I cl Ljl -1 c ,] o 1 ,li. '.'r v r,,ir e lU.. 'io .Fiday, January 19, 2007 10:30a.m. or imimedidlelf tolqrt.nq the GEldevew iard meeirg i:'la ) l nijA d It,.1 16 ll' =1 ." ll IT. Fl-,l.Iy nj '1 r 1 W. 1 11 II 11 J ITI or immteihdftIlIolom tinglhe iadviev, Boad meelMiiq F,1,t.v M. r I; : Is ) i , S arimmedialet fnoilluwogint i dWil vrujidsatiriI'i Frdiy. June 15.2007 8 10 a.m ANNUAL LANDOWNERS MEEriNC ii.: l, in plO4ir lU, i l ff'.i T , or Immediately itol iiln file 13adelwe uasrdoirmerig Fn;ltv Auqu l11.' 1- .1 i' l i j i, or mmidsMrety luliiroo Ird Glinadeia u j'rd'M migq d. Cr') I t,' 1 :r. "IO'..r, J i. 'l.ilt d Iri rt r3 ,, Uc: tl, : r. r i i U', NOTICE OF MEETINGS OFTHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OFTHE GLADEVIEW WATER CONTROL DISTRICT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2007 . YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED ir s,,. i jiI,, o I ,.I,,, i,, ,u ,.,: ,;: oral u LiiW,--i': Me lunItoi I..0l S.I a.ui' I l W3 eI LuOOn.l ihrn1i.:l iil lhr i;ir 'Oil; All M il.i': l'l l: I [i i i ir in iinj,1 l:jy0 InT v ]r,: h :h-ii'i ir ,' l'n- u ,-It,"wi aq mr i Frin. aylJ uin r. el-. lj. il n.o ANNUAL L .ANDOWNERS MEETI ..l T .Ui c l h ". j .iy ,' .iE ,,ii3 jI T, i r i,- i :r ,jil i ' ul mJr lJ l i.im~ a Ji- r rrn.,i ii ... u:r .I. f r, r.:' rf T0 y l-' l.. 'i sr n d :h1. i ll ir-n,'l,] ri, I ,., ,,: J I. ITc. 'a. .r l'. 1 1 I I- l- h l Tn ' .lnA ,II| i111", Unr.'l "i1h1"' irn i ;1,,- 1 lh., l.lr I., .,:,I I: ,.I iigr lI' ili'ia P'd iI f dII ri jr I.. Il ,F M f.r { IrI MEETING DATES . Friday, January 19 2007 8:30 a.m. in Commission Ch I' ]",., fI: jllj l- | h.,'i U']4 1) .11: 1 T GlN6iy CryHu 1t.l elle 6 'udIe llT he prpoe of e meetings is anct ny d all business that may be- Smrespec a lety to Id l i n e Sn snhe wiluleefdcr arc Frbui or d e 1 'i w hico iTnc t Friday, June 15, 2007-1:0.J0 a m. ANNUAL LANDOWNERS MEETING i'o JL:q *iA 'c *il) 'F yi., l~fia,.ly Ai I I ".' :ll I i i~i orinwred by the BOARD OFnle SnaUPERVISORS MEETING Fr. dayT Au gu "007 Friy I i ber 14 .' "i20 i07 frjdy Novu ebr 1 ;i" 9 20 I 007 By: Charles E Schoech. ESq. 180971 CGS 12/14/06 NOTICE OF MEETINGS'80- all original, OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SOFTHE N 0 EVERGLADES AGRICULTURAL AREA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DISTRICT FOR THE CALENDAR D YEAR 2007 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the following is the Schedule of Regular Meetings and Landowners' Meeing of the Board of Supervisors of the EVERGLADES AGRI- CULTURAL AREA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DISTRICT for the Calendar Year 2007. All mheeltings of the Everglades Agricultural Area Environmental Protection District Board of Supervisors will be held on the 2nd Friday of each month (unless meeting date conflicts with a holiday) at 9:00 a:m. in Commission Chambers, Belle Glade City Hall, Belle Glade, Florida. The purpose of te meetings is to transact any and all business that may come e- fore the Board. If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Pursuant to tre provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requir- ing special accommodations to participate in a meeting, because of a disability or physical impairment, should contact the District's Attorney at (561) 655-0620 at least five (5) calendar days prior to the Meeting. . Fdday, November 9, 2007 P rt Rel~h' 4045 !io n,$1OOO or best offer Thursday, December 14, 2006 READING A NEWSPAPER.. makes you a more Infonnerm and interesting person. No wonder newspaper reader are more suacesfull! Coachmen Travel Trailer '88: Sleeps 4, AC & heat, gas range, gas/elec fdridge. $4200.,In Pio- neer, Henry Co 561-827-2464 Electricity Booster & Surge Protector: Hughes 30 Amp. Auto Former. 863-610-1120 Fleetwood American Dream '00, 40 FT. 2 Slides/11K, Many extra's! Garaged, $120,000 or possible trade., 863-467-5207 ANCHORS, Fenders, outrig- gers, $50 for all or will sep- arate. (863)674-0281 2003 HONDA REBEL 250 CC, 2,475 mis. Extra's! Show Room Condition. $2500 Firm 863-634-5862/467-8573 DIRT BIKE: 2004 Suzuki 85 L, Only used 10 hours. $1700. (863)634-0856 HD Leathers, mens & ladies' jackets, chaps, pants, vests, 1 helmet, new & like new, $200. (863)610-1964 TRAILER, Single cycle, tilt with ramp, galvanized, 12" tires, 12'2" overall length. $550 (863)357-2113 BI-FOLD RAMPS- For Dirt- bikes/4 Wheelers. Brand new. $125. (863)763-2007 CAMO 4 WHEELER '06- 70CC, great kids gift, we are just upgrading .$500 neg. (239)633-7173 MooreHaven 'DIRT BIKE, Powersport, 70cc. Brand new. $550 or best offer. (863)675-0506 or (863)675-3978 LaBelle E-TON 2005 VIPER Jr., Exc. cond. Perfect for Christmas. $700 (863)763-6430 Iv. msg. FOUR WHEELER, '06, 70cc, upgrading, camo color, $500 or best offer. 239-633-7173 ask for Sam GO CART- runs, $300 (863)634-7706 Suzuki Eiger, '04, w/ramps, 400, 4x4, low miles, new tires, winch, Must Sell! $3000 or best offer. (772)240-5038 ......aD0oo TOYOTA TERCEL '90, Good condition, a/c works, auto., front wheel drive. $750 (863)4674537 CHEVY BLAZER '98: AC works, good condition. $3000 or best offer. Call 863-835-5813. CJ JEEP '83, Must see, good condition. $5500 (239)707-1848 FORD EXPLORER '97- 4x4, parting out, all or parts $400 Call for details (772)834-4235 NISSAN PATHFINDER '96 4x4, 6 cyl., Leather, Auto., All power. Very nice. Everything works! $5500 (863)634-6235 GOLF CART- Electric, 3 wheel, with charger, $600 (863)634-5225 YAMAHA, Electric, $900 or best offer. (989)831-5135 FORD F350- '94, Diesel, su- percrew, 220 K, runs needs work, $1500 (863)763-7831 or (772)370-1634 CAR MOTOR- Ford, 302 High output. Used. $700. (863)983-2255 CHEVY MOTOR 305, out of '87 6Chevy truck. $100 (863)673-6684 FORD F150 '87, Has blown motor. $500 or best offer. (863)484-0504' FRONT CLIP, Complete for '88 F150. With radiator & shroud. $150. (863)763-2044 PARTS, 4x4, trans., transfer cases & other parts. Ford, Chevy & Jeep. $500 for all, will separate. (561)644-4840 RIMS & TIRES- (4) proline al- loy, 8 spoke, silver gray for '01 Nissan Altima SE, $200 or best offer (863)902-11591 RIMS & TIRES, Factory, from '07 Chevy Impala LTZ, 17" rims, 225/55/R17 Goodyears. $1500 neg. (863)697-0328 TAILGATE, Off a '01 Dodge truck. $100 or best offer. (863)634-7318 TIRES & RIMS- Ford F150 tires & Univ. rims, P265/75R15 Goodyear $200 (863)261-1562 TIRES (4), LT285/75/R16, S60% good, Bugshot Maxis Mudders. $150 (863)763-0852 TRUCK BED, 8 ft., fits 01 Dodge Ram, with bumper,. lights & bedliner. $900 (863)675-1862, WEIAND TUNNEL RAM IN- TAKE, with 2 4-barrel carbu- retors. $400 (863)673-1258 CHEVY- '83, 1 ton Dually, With hydraulic lift dump bed. $1000. or trade. (863)634-7706 CHEVY '83, 1/2Ton, 350 auto., 2wd, needs work. $1500 or best offer. (863)763-0852 CHEVY '86, 1/2 ton, 2wd, a/c. $1500 or best offer. (863)697-9806 . CHEVY TRUCK 1994 Stage Coach Conversion, 71K mis., 350 cu. in.,. Show Room Con- dition. Must see! For more in- fo. Call Smoky (863)634-5862 (863)467-8573 FORD F150 '92- 4x4, needs a motor, body in excellent cond., $1000 or best offer (863)634-5289 FORD RANGER 1996 4x4, Needs transmission. $2000. (863)612-1606 FORD RANGER- '95, White, Cold A/C, 4 cyl., Auto., $1000. or best offer (863)357-3400 CHEVY BLAZER- '85, K5 Mud truck, 6" lift. 36" tires, 305, V8, GM 14 bolt rear. $1800. Call for more info (863)697-3865 CHEVY TAHOE '02, 49k miles, lots of extras, excellent cond. $21,000 (239)707-1848 FORD HUNTING BUGGY runs, needs some work. $1500 Call Edik 863-634-0771 It amv too late to nn tio peedet gut Losk fop it hn tim clamlidln. NEW TRAILER- 5x8, with mesh ramp. $625 (863)357-5754 TSC 4X8 TRAILER- brand new $400 (863)467-6778 UTILITY TRAILER- 5x11 dove- tail, all metal construction, new lights, new wires $400 (863)467-6475 CHEVY ASTRO VAN 1994 $1000 or best offer. (863)612-1606 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUN- TRY 1994, Runs needs work. $500. (863)675-7419 NEWSPAPER MAKES YOU A MORE INFORMED AND INTERESTING PERSON. ireadersre more m popuelarl Public Notices IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HENRY COUNTY, FLORIDA CMIIL DIVISION CASE NO. 2006-761 UCN: 262006CA000761X)0( WACHOVIA MORTGAGE CORPORATION, Plaintiff vs. REINALDO S. GONZALEZ, etal, Defendants NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Summary Rnal Judgment of foreclosure dated Dec. 7,2006, and entered in'Case No. 2006-761 UCN:262006CA000761XXXX of the Circuit Court in and for Hendry County, Florida,,wherein Wachovia Mortgage Corporadton Is Plaintiff and RBNALDO S. GONZALEZ; MARITZA GONZALEZ; WILLIAMS HUGHTY ACROSS D/B/A ROOFING FOR LESS; UNKNOWN TEN- ANT NO. 1;; UNKNOWN TENANT NO. 2; and ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING INTERESTS BY THROUGH, UNDER OF AGAINST.A NAMED DE- FENDANT TO THIS ACTION, OR HAV- ING OR CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED, are Defendants, I will sell to the highest and best bidde r cash on the Sec- onds Floor in front of the Main Clerk's Office at the Handry County Court- house, 25 East Hickpochee Avenue, LaBelle, FL 33935 at Heridry County, Forida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 3rd day of January, 2007, the following de- scribed property as set forth in said Order or nal Judgment, to-wit WEST ONE-HALF OF LOT 11 AND ALL OF LOT 12, IN BLOCK 449 OF THE GENERAL PLAN OF CLEWISTON, FLORIDA, AS REVISED SEPTEMBER 7, 1937, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGES 71-78, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA. ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN THE SURPLUS FROM THE SALE, IF ANY, OTHER THAN THE PROPERTY, OWNERS AS OF THE DATE OF THE' LIS PENOENS MUST FILE A CLAIM. WITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER THE SALE.- II Yob U '. 3 PEli O Wt- a ,dIiJUIDtiy to ies'. ,any ac.u n,,T,,.dat.nl In' trdir II Cip3'id 111e n15 prCr, jicdI'q you ,a_ enaees si no could t o yu' lt obt prove, sino 01 -ceiur, i ,ST3,lae PAIcse cun- tact oe Cuui l I 063.d7-5201. fai a63-6?5-523 6 mirin i,, 121 woisjri tiyu1 your Ic~ elpi ul ire ua,, ji l) u W E ne a r 'if i vo i ,e iTif i aIl ; C3 11 Fluf.a RAluy irii- 160u) ,658770 DAIEO ,31 LBel~ iui,.j, or.e Ui 6 BARBARA BUTLER As CleK. C.'cu.I Couri A..iBy liTTOrLe 180892 CGS 12/14,21/06 UT LEGAL NOTICE The following vehicle will be sold at pub- lic auction on December 27th at 8:00 a.m. at Affordable Towing, 2190 NW 16th St., Belle Glade:, FL: 1906 Cadillac 4 dr. VIN #1G6KD52Y5TU219341 180882 CGS 12/14/06 NOTICE AUCTION on Friday, December15, 2006 at 9:00 a.m. at 1233 N.W. Avenue L, Belle Glade, Floridda Properly of Mildred Harrell-Dubldad Mattress/Box spring with rails, dresser, TV, toys & misc. items 179594 CGS 12/7,14/06 --- NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING The Port LaBelle Community Develop- ment District will hold a Board of Su- pervisors' Meeting on Wednesday, ecember 20, 2006, at 6:30 pm at the office of the District located at 3293 Oellwooand Terrace. The purpose of this meeting will be to conduct routine buslnoss which may'require action by the Board. The meeting is open to the public. William Dunbar Chairman 180360 COB/CGS 12/14/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING The Area Housing Commission of Cle- wieton, Laelle and Hendry County will Local FFA chapter makes 'Fair' preparations By Katie Whidden Clewiston FFA Chapter CLEWISTON The Clewiston FFA Chapter has not taken a break since school started. From meetings to other individual deeds, we've kept ourselves ! very busy. "' We had our first Exhibitor meeting , on Nov. 28, to discuss what we had to have by Saturday (our first weigh-in) in order to be allowed into the fair. By then, we needed to have five "letters "1111 to prospective buyers" letters, a bill of sale, an. official entry form, and a pig, between 55 and 85 pounds. We all made it in to the fair without many issues. On Nov. 30, some of you may have noticed a bit of-a difference on the road in front of the school. Thanks to a4 handful of FFA members (Kim Feilder, President, Lauren Hall, Vice President, Steven Stewart, Secretary, Katie Whid- den, Reporter, Jennifer Davidson, Sen- tinel, Bailey Adkins, Student Advisor, Adam Hare, Michelle Langston, and Allison Barnes) the old, fading paw- prints in front of the school on Francis- co (or as.we now call it Tiger Lane) -are ow bright, yellow and big. Later that same day,. we had a workday out at one of our pieces of property on County Road 833,480. We left right after school and got back near 5:30 p.m. The workday was to FFA/Katie Whidden prepare us for the next day's All-Day Katie Whidden and Shelby Weeks give one of our cows a shot to get them through the year. Workday. At the prior, we readied our . medicines, shots, hot-shots, pounded :- - in loose nails and boards, got our 30-i IIT - head herd of cattle a clear path to the M-1.tW una@ cow-pens and made sure all gates ,.lpi,' swung properly. MEHODIST . The next day, we spent all day working cattle, taking down an old (HUR(H $1 barn, letting out cows back into their pasture andcleaning Up the place a lit- tle. Near noon we took a lunch break Wio fL near a pond a short drive from the , cow-pens. We left the school in our 'f 101 OPEi chapter's bus at about 7:20 a.m. and were back at 3:30 p.m. ... On Dec. 5, we went to the sub-dis- trict contest in Moore Haven. Kylie Pencarinh4 won first place in Pre- pared Public Speaking and wall advance to the District Competition. Steven Stewart was elected Sub-Dis- trict Chairman. He will coordinate next year'Scontests. Dalton Rayburnr placed second in tractor operations. Lauren Hall-placed second in Extem- poraneous Public Speaking. Our members are looking forward to Livestock Judging and Land Evalua- Steven Stewart, Lauren Hall, Kylie Pencarinha, and Dalton Rayburn (left to right) proudly show their awards tion which will begin in January. from the Sub-District Contest at the Moore Haven Methodist Church. Christmas Cactus is a great holiday gift idea By Gene McAvoy, Hendry County Horticulture Agent. Christmas is nearly upon us. This is the time for giving and receiving gifts including flowering potted plants. A bright, colorful azalea, Christmas begonia, chrysanthemum or a gaily decorated poinsettia, kalanchoe, or Christmas cactus added to the other decorations in the home helps give the holiday season a festive air. While the poinsettia remains the most popular of the holiday plants, a, healthy Christmas cactus in full bloom is a.great gift idea for that special gar- dener. They are easy to care for and can be grown indoors throughout the year. The flowers range in color from yellow, salmon, pink, fuschia and white or combinations of those col- ors. These plants can be enjoyed not only during the, holidays but will remain attractive far into the New Year and can give year round enjoyment if well cared for. A well drained soil is a must for Christmas cactus. Use a com- mercially packaged potting mix for succulent plants or mix your own composed of equal parts of garden soil, compost and clean coarse sand. Add a quart of wood ashes per bushel of mixture and one tenth part by bulk of old dry cow manure may be added if your garden soil is poor. The Christmas cactus is not a true cactus and is not quite as drought tol- erant as name implies. However, it is a succulent plant and can store a rea- sonable quantity of water in the leaves. Water thoroughly when the top half of the soil in the pot feels dry to the touch. During the summer, water frequently so, the soil is kept continually moist. When fall arrives, water the plant only well enough to prevent wilting. After the plant stops blooming, let it rest by not watering for six weeks. When new growth appears, resume watering to keep soil fairly moist. While the Christmas cactus can adapt to low light, more blooms are produced on plants that have been exposed to high light intensity. Plants can be moved outdoors in summer, but keep them in a shady or semi shady location. Too much direct sun- light can burn the leaves. When it's time to bring the plants back inside in the fall, slowly adjust the plants to life indoors by gradually increasing the number of hours they spend indoors each day. A well tended cactus will reach unmanageable size in time. The Christmas Cactus is easily propagated by taking short Y-shaped cuttings of the stem tips. To root cuttings for new plants, cut back shoots frorn the tips, cut at the second joint of each tip. Place cuttings in a moist peat and per- lite, or peat and sand mixture. Water sparingly at first to prevent rotting of cuttings. After I\m,: or three weeks, -water as ytou \'.youlJ' any other cutting.- When cuttings are rooted, pot them in a very loose mixture of good potting soil. Christmas cactus are. easy to grow but are sometimes difficult to get to bloom. A medium light intensity and a soil high in organic matter are recom- mended. Do not allow the plant to dry out, water when the soil surface begins to feel dry. Cool temperatures or long nights are required to induce blooming. -Flowering is related to day-length and night time temperatures. The tem- perature range for flower bud devel- opment is between 55 and 60 degrees for a period of six weeks. As long as the temperatures-remain in this range they will develop buds regardless of day length. If the temperatures are above the required range, the plant will need 13 hours of uninterrupted darkness each night. One can accom- plish this by placing them in a com- pletely dark room, or by covering them for the recommended time, or longer, each night with a dark piece of cloth. For holiday blooms this usually means in late September to mid Octo- ber or simply keep the plants outside in the fall under natural light until buds develop. During flower bud formation, stop fertilizing and only water enough to keep the leaves from becoming shriv- eled. Once buds do form then you can keep the plant in normal light and temperatures. Keep it evenly moist and fertilize every other week with a mild fertilizer solution. Common causes of bud dropping are over watering, exposure to cold drafts, a position too close to a hot radiator or vent and lack of sufficient potash in the soil. Treat by watering sparingly and feeding a little liquid manure weekly. These plants never seem to go out of popularity in part because of their beautiful flowers. By giving your Christmas cactus the best environ- mental conditions of proper tempera- ture, adequate water, and good light, they will furnish an attractive display for a long time. These durable plants can live for a long time, up to 20 years. Gene McAvoy is the horticulture agent with the Hendry County Exten- sion Service. Direct your horticulture questions to PO Box 68, LaBelle, FL 33975, e-mail gmcavoy@mail.ifas.ufl.edu Are you dreaming of a 'right' Christmas? By Jackie Miller, Minister First Christian Church I have always enjoyed the Christ- mas song by Irving Berlin, "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas." A few years ago I attempted to write new lyrics to the song to make it a little more meaningful. It went like this: "I'm dreaming of a 'right' Christmas, just like the one so long ago. Where the angels sang, and shepherds came, wise men brought gifts and bowed down low." Yes, a "right" Christmas is much more desirable than a "white" one,. especially since we see so little snow down here in South Florida. Christmas means everything to the real Christian. It means that God loves him with all his heart. It means that God has regarded His heart. It means that God has regarded His lost condi- tion and has done something about it (John 3:16). It means that God has given the best Christmas gift that even God could give. "Thanks.be unto God for His unspeakable gift!" It means that His Saviour is born-born to set and example with His life born to die for His sins-born to be raised for His justification-born to ascend on high to make intercession for Him- born to give the hope of His coming again to gather all believers unto Him- self. Christmas means that He has" a companion in life, a-friend in the hour of death, and a loving brother for all eternity! Yes, Christmas means every- thing for the true Christian! What does a "right" Christmas include? First, it includes receiving Christ as Saviour and Lord. The inn- keeper had "no room" for the Saviour of the world. Do you have room? After his resurrection, Jesus said: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved" (Mark.16:15- 16). The Apostle Paul wrote: "For as many as have been baptized into Christ, did put on Christ," (Gal. 3:27). So we receive this "unspeakable gift" by believing the gospel, repenting our .sins, confessing faith in Christ 'and being immersed in water for forgive- ness of sins and for salvation. Second, a "right" Christmas includes worship, the angels, shepherd, and wise men all worshipped Jesus. The early Chris- tians have set us an example as to what "right" worship is: "And they continued steadfastly in the Apostle's doctrine and fellowship and breaking of bread and prayers" (Acts 2:42). It also says they "were praising God, and having favor with all the peo- ple" (Acts 2:47). Each Sunday the Lord's church enjoys the.teaching of the Apostles (The New Testament), fellowship (giving), breaking of bread (The Lord's Supper), and prayers and praising God (singing). Paul urges us to "Not forsake the assembly" (Heb. 10:25). Third, a "right" Christmas includes the grace of giving. The wise men brought expensive gifts of "gold, franincense, and myrrh." The true Christian realizes that he is not his own but has been bought with a price and that he is to glorify god in His body and spirit which are God's (I Cor. 6:20). His time, talent, and treasure belongs to the Lord, to be used to his glory. Jesus taught us, "It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35). What a thrill it is to discover that this in a great truth to live by! Fourth, a "right" Christmas includes the matter. of telling others about Jesus. The angel told the shepherds and the shep- herds, after they had visited the Christ- Child, "They made known abroad...This Child" (Luke 2:17). The greatest work in the world is telling others about Jesus and saving souls from hell and death. Jesus said "Go into all the world and prach the gospel to every creature, He that believeth and. is baptized shall be saved" (Mark 16:15-16). The early Christians when they were scattered by persecution "went everywhere preaching the word" (Acts 8:4). The highest priviledge one has is to "save a soul from death and hide a multitude of sins" (James 5:19). So, if you want to have a "right" Christmas, do these four things: 1. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour; 2. Worship Him in the way the Bible tells you; 3. Bring.your gifts to him; and 4. Tell others the sweet, old story of Jesus and His love. have a "right" Christmas this year! I SAVE MONEy ON yOUR FAVORITE GROCERy ITEMS. i ' Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online!. _I _neWSzap.COm Community Links. Individual Voices. I .L -- -- -.-.-- - Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, December 14,2606 Racing provides excitement at Hendry Speedway HENDRY COUNTY The weather was cool, but the cars were hot last Saturday, Dec. 10, at the New Hendry County Speed- way. Pure Stock, Late Models, Mini Mods, and Sprint Cars raced the' night away. The heat generated from the hot motors warmed the Fans in and around the stands as they watched their favorite local heroes blaze around the track. In the Pure Stock division Johnny Moseley No. 68 and Thomas Hill No. 1 fought back and forth for the lead position. Each driver trying to find the per- fect groove around the clay oval until they both tried to be in the- same spot at the same time. Finally, both racers ran into each other; metal bending and crunching as caution went out again. The Flagman had to make a difficult call. Who caused the collision? The Flagman's call was that it was Thomas Hill's No. I car, so it was sent to the back of the pack, leaving Mosley's No. 68 in the lead and to win the race. Jay Carver in No. 77 fought for second, with the No. 43 for third, and Conrad Molter came in fourth after climbing from thirteenth in the start. In. a surprise to the Hendry County Staff at the Winner's cir- cle, Johnny Moseley surrendered his Trophy and, prize money to Tommy Hill in an act of sheer sportsmanship. Mosley told track officials that it was a very tough call on the collision that sent Hill to the back of the pack, but Thomas Hill was the true winner. When Moseley was asked if it were for a points championship and $10,000 would he. have still surrendered the trophy he stated "yes." His mother brought this young man up right. This is the kind of dedi- cation and- professional games- manship we know we can only hope for here at the Track. Late Model action was a pure adrenalin rush as Justin Cho- quette No. 97 was on two wheels as his late model' fought gravity for a 1st place finish fol- lowed by Greg Crowe No. 89 and Richard Wheelihan No. 7. What a show! It was a tug a war all night with these guys. The crowd was pelted with clay as the 800 hp engines thundered around the Hendry County Speedway Saturday night. In the Mini Mod division Jack McClain No. 21 and Mike Budka (aka "Black Flag Billy") No. 64 fought it out in a tight race. The race finished with Jack McClain in first, Mike Budka second, and No. 35 in third. It was an exciting night and dangerous when the Sprint Cars Jesse Motes recalls early Belle Glade By MaryAnn Morris "As some people. know, my brother, David and I were the first twins born in Belle Glade. That was in 1921," said Jesse Motes. "Even so we weren't here for the storm of 1928. My dad, Rufus and my mom, Myrtie first came here by steamboat from Alabama up the canal from Ft Lauderdale. For years we went back and forth between Alaba- ma and Belle Glade for the farm- .ing seasons and we were back in Alabama when the storm hit.. Then we didn't come back to Belle Gladd that season. My uncle, his brother Levi, came here too. "My cousin, W.D. Motes, was here. His name was William, but everyone called him W.D. It's his house that's, in one of the Lawrence Will books (the other one' pictured belonged to the Eggleston family). It (the house) came to rest on the spoil bank of a canal after floating away off its foundation when the lake watdr rose up. There was W.D.'s family and one other and then they pulled in anyone who floated near enough. After the water went back down, they wrote to my dad in Alabama, that's how we knew. "We moved around a lot, my dad always looking for a place where he had steady work: we lived in Deland for a time where he worked citrus. We lived for a time in South Bay by the North New River Canal. Dad trapped raccoons and sold the hides. That was good money. Then we moved to Okeelanta by boat. That was the way to get here back then. There was just one store there in Okeelanta back then. I don't remember how old I was, but I remember that the counter of the store was just about at my eye level. "There were some bridges built by the time I was growing up. The last one I remember was in Canal Point. Where we lived was a draw bridge and the bridge tender liked us. When he needed to move the bridge, he would let us little kids put up the chains to stop the traffic, and crank the bridge around. Back then there were plenty of dredge boats on the water and lots of passenger and freight boats coming up the North New River Canal. That was the way people came here. Then the Great Depression hit and we came back in 1935 to stay. My dad built us a house here in Belle Glade by '36, so the three of us went to school here. Moving around as much as we did, we often didn't finish or started somewhere in the mid- dle of a term. We had an older brother, but we decided we all Local Links A directory of websites for local government, teams, organiza- tions & columnists. Community Links. Individual Voices. Post your News Post or read press releases, announcements & information from your community. Community Links. Individual Voices. I Save money on your I favorite grocery items. I Go to newszap.com to I I download and A I print coupons I I online! I I newspc I Community Links. \ I Individual Voices. I L-------_J Recollections A series about Florida's pioneers and history dazzled the audience with the high-pitched whine from the sprint cars. The fans cheered and than went silent when RC roper hit the wall in his sprint car at high speed. After some minor repairs, Roper's orange and blue Spirit of USA sprint car came back onto the track and dazzled the audience again with his high speed and expert maneuvers. This exhibition was truly AN spectacular. As the Night was closing on the track, Track officials received a call from Santa Claus. Some robbers had stolen Santa's bag of toys.. Santa had hopped into a racecar to chase them down and is expected to meet up with the thieves on Dec. 16 at the New Hendry County Speedway, which is located 3 miles south of Moore Haven on U.S. Highway 27 North. 7A O *AIkENC~l-') Ponds Ircst hoefo ~9) 11i.',ro .-(l Nr~ii I i -i-l.0 SExcELLEINT FOR, DI.' :I. IPI ENT'i OtRI N VESlI EN F' '- l l I 14) -for Jsett Submined photoil-iorica Arcnives The steamboat Suwanee ran passengers between Fort Myers on the west coast of Florida to Fort Lauderdale and points in between by way of the Caloosahatchee River, Lake Okee- chobee and the New River Canal. It was advertised as the only boat to do so in the 1920s. wanted to be in the same grade, so we were. Back then, no one ever checked up on that sort of thing! . "When they decided to incor- porate the community, they' held a meeting to pick out a name for the town My dad went to'that meeting and he came home and told us, 'Some folks \\anted to name it Glades and some said, no, Belle-something, so they put the two names together' and came up with Belle Glade. "The first mayor was Walter Greer I.knew him 'een though I was only a teenager then. There were other Greers in town. Wal- ter Greer was a nice fellow. I was working after school delivering papers and he was a customer of mine." Everyone worked back then. Unlimted Horiis A99 one Ful Year! FREE 247 Live Technsi Support 6 J r. ] Q J, '., ! .iL isri'n iIli -ii jr .i m ,-'.': ,C Iriur &m re $Uf uip to6X o js/er! Sign UpOnlneo wwV LocaiNeLom lxlNet 4726 YNou didn't go out to play after school; you worked. Out what is now rt. 880 was w hat they called Six mile Bend. No one seems to know about it now, but that was where Brown's Farm was. It was first, started a peanut farm. A lot of people planted peanuts 'way, back. "The mosquitoes were fierce back then. I had a job at a cattle farm one time. The job was to keep fires of piles of grass burn- ing at night to keep a smudge of, smoke going all night to keep F' mosquitoes away from the cat- tile The. had piles of grass with extra grass beside each pile and I'd walk from pile to pile and keep them lit. I had nothing but a lantern and sonimc of those cows were pretty big. "I remember one summer; my dad gave me the job of paint- ing our house. He showed me the can of lead paste, the linseed oil and ltupentine and showed me how much ot each one to mix to make the paint. Nobody worried .about that back then. "I had seen pictures Qf air- planes, but I remember how amazed I was when I first saw a group of them. It was when Roo- sevelt first came into office; it mrrust have been '31 or '32. "Before the\ did all the drain- ing of the land, there were no deer around. Later, after they drained and there was more dry land, the deer came ... until it all got developed. Now the deer have moved on." 25% OFF ALL . II Ul La p Waiting for payments OVER TIME on a settled lawsuit? Get More Cash. Deal Direct with the Leaders. NovationCap.com 1-800-337-6409 WELL BO ALL YOUR DIRTY WORK ACCESSORIES & GIFTS 16 !" U 0 e ^i, :..a: U- :'s At the Foot of the Bridge 340 North Bridge St LaBelle S863-674-0003 8 - -- r -- -- EXTREME POWERSPORTS 4774 N HWY 441 OKEECHOBEE, FL 34972 S863-357-0001 .- .WWWARCTICCAL.COM MORE TO GO ON. noticed our new colors? That's just the beginning of the good news. Now you get free online banking. Free bill pay. You gel every financial service from A to Z, supported by up-lo-the-minule technology. And the best news of all you won't give up that personal, small bank attention you like. Because that's how we like doing business, too. One-on-one. 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