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Loalwaterfreas ag GLADES COUNTY .IAiifr lN Moore Haven, Fla. Thursday, November 30, zuuo- ATr 50o At a Glance We want your news! The Glades County Democrat welcomes news from the com- munity. Post your news events, photos and opinions online at, www.newszap.com., To contact us,- email to gcdnets,,v.ne. szap comn or call toll free I '-86-.3.9-5253 For more information, see the At Your Service Box on page -1. Free Bread provided Free Bread provided by the fine folks at the New Hope Independent Baptist Church located at 638 Yaun Road in Moore Haven. Th is .will be every Saturday from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. or when the bread is gone. Hard I: believe, but the bread is free! Comnimnity Pancake Breakfast planned The Orlona Co i rnrlunity Association \\ill hold its first Pancake Breakfast of the sea- son on Satuida\, Dec 2, Horn 7 until 9 a.m. at the Ortona Com- munity Center, 3000 Ortona Locks Road. (Highway 7SAi. The all-you-can-eat breakfast includes sausage, 'pani:akes, juice and coffee for $4 For further i rformal lion, contact. Fran Way, .,3. ,t 675- 7880 or, .by email at: fran- \xa',rnir'aorl.com Sheriff to set up cheek points The Glades County Sheriff's, Office will be conducting dri- ver's license and vehicle inspection check points on Fri- day. Dec. 8, in the folior ine areas:of Glades County- Fern- wood Lane and C.R. 720 I Loblollv Bay Road); Crescenl A\ enue (.Crescent acres I Are you a blogger? Get a newszap link! The Glades CountR Democrat is lookinij to bro aden ils listing of C'olumrnists & Blneg,eis" at \\w\.neri\szap.com. More and more people are starting blogs including busi- ness people, support 0iu:ps, and individuals with an opinion on the day's news or culture. If you are a local blogger who would like to be listed, please visit http://www2.newszap.com/blog s/request.htm and fill in the form. In addition to the link, the newspaper will consider publish- ing timely postings as news or commentaries on its pages. Christmas festivalplanned Planning has begun for the sixth annual "Christmas on the Caloosahatchee Festival', to be held on Thursday, Dec. 14, from 5 until 8 p.m., in Tom Perry Memorial City Park. If you would like a booth, please con- tact Susan Prowant, Leslie Pryor, or Felinda 'Langdale at Moore Haven Elementary School at (863) 946-0737. Christmas on the Caloosa- hatchee is an annual communi- ty event hosted by Moore Haven Elementary School and the City of Moore Haven. Be- sure to join us! Lake Level 12.26 ! feet S," above sea level Index Classifieds . .17-21 Obituaries . . .2 Opinion . . .4 School . . . .9 See Page 4 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszapocom Community Links. Individual Voices. Ill[I I| Ill l 8 116510 00022 Plans for parking, extra space By NenaBolan Glades County DIErnocral MOORE HAVEN On Nov. 21, a resolution was appio.,ed by the Moore Haven City Coun- cil that r,':_quests, a public pur- pose lease of the area under the Mamie, Langdale, Memorial Bridge. The area will proL idee for 'j\er lox palikirin and will be : additin ial space for spe-ia]l events like festivals and a farmer's market. The resolution states that the Moore Haven City Council agrees to work with the Florida Department of Tiansportation to ensure that the parking spaces' will not interfere with rnainte-- riance of the bride, anid \-oujld also ensure that the paving mater ials meet the standards for drainage and suitable parking Citi Mayor Bret \\hidd-en: repoi ted on the Mooi Ha'.e u Canal Tiail Project xIhich will. widen .and deepen the old canal. He said plans were, "Mo\ irn in the iight direction." 'He-and county commissioner Russell Echols have appro'.ached the Si:'lh.\est Florida \\arer Mlanaiernieni rand rie .Audubnrr Society. Both viewed it as an .iacceplt:ile pirjIect, although rnoi h- ings as,-llicial \el. Life insuiarinc e brieT fi f,:i r city ernplloi-' \'.s disicusised Trihe te-nr fil reiinal ns ai-lf.1l.i, i .li and History revisited: Rolling carriages on display will be brought up for further discussion i \hern the ri'.:r city budget is exasrnired There are -multiple issues concerning zoning amend- ments, and thie council will rnee' I r a I ork-hop i:n Dec 12 at 6:30 p.m. Steven Ramunni, city attor- ne\, itminided the council that time saving adrririistf.-i' e pio-:- cedures need to be re-exarn- ined in order torun.more effi- cient meetings. A Chiistrnma dci,:,oialainig con- test \\ill be held in the city. Judgino \', ill be done on Dec. 18 and a\'.ards Ai'.-n n Dec. 19. T\\ categories 1 v1II be judged. Orne is for home owners and the other is for businesses. Each will have a first place award of $150, second will receive $100 and third place will get 1.75 Staff writer Nena Bolan can be reached at nenaboian@yahoo.com. Solicitations for sport ads questionable Local schools may not benefit Iii.Nena Bolan The Horseless Carriage Club of America-Florida Region takes a break in Lakeport on their way to the Clewiston Inn on Nov. 11. The drivers of the Model Ts and Model As are always looking for quiet rural roads to travel on and offer the current generation, and especially children, a view into the past. - By Nena Bolan (Ilades Courint DemrrocIrat MOORE HAVEN Publish eis of posters, schedules and calendars soneineurli solicit sinesses alid chrurci-,hes by telling themi tihe t\ ill put ,an ad in a school sport schedule or poster T erTbe prblmr is trha ti'ht lo cali .ch'ols .0 norit *l\al.Ny h:bene.li frr':,m"- h'e"nimonl.\'.'the publisher charges Recently, Moore Haven High School Pripcipal Jean P oiianil was notified by her church that they had been approached by AIIStar PFulilishing. The pub- lishers sent 1 fa\ Io, the church ie'iit-hrlin: ithat thii\ purchasee . posters of Moore Haven High Sc:h':: l's I'-tball schedule of 2007. The package price was between $149.50 to, $4-19 50 1'), up to 3.000 p:steis to be, dis- tributed ,to all the high traffic areas like banir i l e-.itaijiris ,. See Ads -Pare 12 Plans for an urgent care Facility close Model T and Model A classic cars park at the Lakeport Circle K during a quiet drive to Clewiston. Energy meeting ends by raising' more questions Sierra Club sponsors film and discussion By Nena Bolan Glades County Democrat MOORE HAVEN A meet- ing to discuss energy sources, energy conservation and the impact of a coal powered plant in Glades County was held last Saturday at Saint Joseph's Catholic Church. The event was hosted by Bob and Jan Krasowski of the Calusa chapter of the Sierra Club. Fifty to sixty people attended the showing of a doc- umentary film called "Kilowatt Ours." Afterwards, a discus- sion was directed by Mr. Kra- sowski. The film, "Kilowatt Ours", expressed a viewpoint that is critical of the use of coal pow- ered plants. It depicted how the coal mining industry extracts, coal from the Appalachian Mountains in West Virginia. The process is called mountain top removal. It showed how entire moun- tains are excavated. Represen- tatives from the coal mining industry were not present in the film. The documentary film also brought up the subject of air and water pollutants that may cause,' or aggravate health conditions. "Kilowatt Ours" also dis- See Energy Page 12 Hendry Regional Medical Center to serve western By Barbara Oehlbeck Special to the Glades County De rnocrat LABELLE "It's been a long time in coming, yet we know it'll be worth the wait," said the mayor of LaBelle, .., ." : ., ^^S~fAt Randy Bengston of the planned Urgent Care Center that may provide health care services to residents in western Hendry County. "The Urgent Care Center will be -a fantastic step. for future health care in western Hendry County," the mayor added. "Lee Memorial Hospital of Fort Myers and Hendry Regional Medical Center have See Center Page 12 .'9 ".: ;.* .*< *^ - ...: -," *^;' ".;;.-*^ <*:F. :: ,.. -. .:-:ljg- ^ y, i.' ;,-W T vi .4 - INI/Nena Bolan A day for hunting Duck hunters park their airboats at the Marina RV Park near the Moore Haven Locks. -" 2 2 LIFESTYLES Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 30, 2006 CLEWISTON CREW helped facilitate reasons to give thanks this holiday season. On Satuiday, No-. 19, a group of seven from Furst Pres- b;l:rian Chuich in Pompano Beach traveled to help repair Gail's of Lakeport home that was destroyed by Hurricane Wilma. The previous week, Manassas St. Thomas United Methodist Church came for five days and replaced four roofs and worked on a home in Moore Haven with interior dam- age. Three local individuals, Daniel Luna, Danny Luna, Gregorio Garcia also helped this month by repairing an elderly man's trailer and the trail- er of a grandmother who lives with her, daughter and six grandchil- dren. Thanks to a gift from the Rotary Club, we were also able to hire Titus Smith Services t6 replace Marcus's roof, porch and interior walls. Visit CREW's blog site http://huricanerecovery.blogspot.c uom/ and Web site http://home.earthlink.net/-huri-, canerecovery/ for pictures and more information. Three local volunteers, Daniel Luna, Danny Luna, Gregorio Garcia worked to repair Calvin's trailer. Calvin is an 82-year-old who has been a resident of the Clewiston area for 33 years. He supported his family by working at Shawnee farms. These local volunteers stepped up and helped install a new door, trim and molding that were destroyed by Hurricane Wilma. A grant from the NFL helped pay for the supplies and any costs the vol- unteers incurred. This same group went to Kathleen's home. Kathleen is a 72-year-old woman who lives with her daugh- ter and six grandchildren. Hurri- cane Wilma damaged her home's roof, ceiling and back door. Between insurance and her own savings she was able to get the money after a year's time to fix the roof with help of friends. She was also able to buy a door, but had no way to install or the any money to pay anyone to install it. She shared the following with us: "CREW has helped me tremen- dously. I didn't have finances and they helped by putting in a back door for me. Also they kept in touch with me. The door fits great so there is no hot or cold air com- ing in. There are also no spiders or animals coming in from outside," she said. A grant through the NFL also helped with costs incurred by volunteers in this home as well. A talented and spirited group of 20 volunteers from St. Thomas United Methodist Church in Manas- sas, Va., came to repair roofs. They slept on cots in a local church and worked from sun up to sun down (sometimes past sun down). The first home they worked on was William's in Clewiston. 'Williarri had massive damage to his hornme from Hurricane \\'ilma A year after the storm he still had a "blue roof" and damaged win- dows. With the help of funding from the NFL for materials and vol- unteer costs, this group w as able to completely replace the roof (including rotted plyw oodl While here, the group also worked on Luis's home in Moore Haveni. Luis is a 50-year-old disabled man living in a low income rented home. The roof was damaged and the house leaked under the door, there' was a huge \\hole in the kitchen ceiling from a water leak, the floor was spongy throughout the house and the sink needs to be replaced. CREW initially tarped the home to provide him with tempo- rary relief. The owner shared that he did not have the funds to fix the home and he rented to Luis at a low rate, since he had been there a long time. He signed an agreement to not raise the rent or displace Luis for three years if CREW was able to help make some repairs. Our Vir- ginia volunteers were able to replace his roof, plywood and all. The NFL helped cover the costs for this home as well. This incredible group while here also worked oh Altovise's home. She is a single mother of three daughters who has lived in Hendry County for three years. She suffers from Lupus as well. In June, we tarped her home to provide temporary relief. She had insur- ance, however, her deductible was almost 50 percent. She used her insurance money and then United Church of Christ Disaster Assis- tance pitched in the remainder of the funds needed. The Virginia vol- unteers replaced some plywood and all of the roofing. The final roof this wonderful group from Virginia worked on was Blanca's. She is a disabled adult who lives alone with limited functioning. She received funding from FEMA but used the funds to purchase clothing, food and other daily necessities. Her roof needs to be repaired, however she is unable to effectively advocate for herself, she has a guardian who provides assistance as well, but they were unable to get the roof repaired. The United Church of Christ Dis- aster assistance also paid for these materials as well. The UCC group also sent a film CREW out to docu- ment our volunteer's worldk on the homes! The last home they worked on (yes that's four complete roofs and then some in four and a half days) See CREW-Page 10 '-'-~ 41 Donald Brown Local family says' thanks for support The Donald and Regina Brown and Beverly and Joe Hogan families \would like to thank all of Donnie's friends and family for the many cards, letters, flowers, food and sup- port. especially Greg and crew at Chappy's and the folks at Eli's West- ern Wear, during our mourning the loss of his life here on earth. Our many thanks to the mem- bers ol the Maple Grove Baptist Church for the refreshments they' provided during the Oiewing. It wvas very thoughtful, and gave us time to meet new friends and share sto- ries vith our old friends. Thank \ou so, much to Pastor Scolt Garvin of the Maple Grove Baptist Church and Pastor Ran- dolph of the Lakeport Church of Christ for a perfectly beautiful serv- ice: Thank you so much to Aunt Lou Brown for the beautiful song you sang, to Allen green for the beautiful words of comfort and to Uncle Kenneth Brown for the beautiful closing pi aver. Thank you to the boys in the hunting buggy Ifor the graveside shot gun salute, which was a fitting send, off, for our "Hunting Leg- end". Thanks also to Tonva for .sharing your voice with our family and fnends Thank you to our cousins, Teddy and Nancy McCall and their crew for the thoughtful feast you provided for everyone at our home that evening Thank \ou cousin Natalie for your time provided in capturing the moments of togetherness of friends and family, on camera. Again, our thanks to everyone. It meant so much to us arid gate us so much comfort. Thanks to Bass Funeral Home and staff for taking care of our son's funeral and for the assistance in everNihing. Anone \ ho ma\ be missing a food container, please check with us, as riany had no narries. May God bless all of ou! The Donald and Regina Brown 'and Beverly and Joe Hogan families., Submined photoiGlenda Wilson Dr. Mitta and family greet visitors held in their honor during an open house held on Nov. 16. Dr. Mitta meets and greets :the community ByGlendaWilson Dr. MitiIa is from Lima-Peu, HENDRY COUNTY Di Mitta and his family mingled with members of the communi- ty as they enjoyed refreshments at the Open House held in Dr. Mitta's honor by the HRMC Hendry Family Care Center and the Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, Nov. 16. The occasion brought a nice turn-out. and is fluent in Spanish. He completed his Intei nal Medi- cine residency at Saint Barn- abas Hospital in Newl York, and is actively practicing Internal Medicine at the Hendry Family Care Center, located adjacent to Hendi, Regional Medical Cen- ter. For an appointment, please call the Hendry Family Care Cenrtei at 1863) 983-3434. Obituaries Albert Honey Busbin Albert Roney Busbim, age 3. of Okeechobee, died on Thurs- day, Nov. 23. 2006. He was born March 21. 1923, in Ty Ty, Ga. He was a World \\ar 11 Navy Veter- an. He. resided in Florida throughout most of his life. He worked for U.S Sugar in CleWis- fonifor 17 years and 'was a super- visor before his retirement. He is survived b\ his wife, Charlene: his son, William and also by two grandchildren. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, Dec. 2, at 11 a.m. at the Treasure Island Bap- tist Church. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in his memory to the Busbin Building Fund Treasure Island Baptist Church, 4309 U.S. Hw\\. 441 S E., Okeechobee, Fla. 3-19744. Friends may sign the guest- book at tww.bassokeechobee- funeralhome.com All arrangements are entrust- ed to the care ol Bass Okee- chobee Funeral Home and Cre- matory. 205 N.E. Second Street, Okeechobee. Linda G. Drake Linda G. Drake, age 61, of Sylva, N.C., died on Friday, Nov. 10, 2006 ai her residence after a long illness. She was a long time resident of Clewiston, and managed Donnelly's restaurant for many years. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert E.- Drake who died in 1995. Her survivors include one daughter, Tonya L. Plank of Sylva, N.C.; two sons, Jackieand Lane Lyle -of Clarksville, Tenn.; two grandchildren; two sisters, Faye Well and Helen Brown of Clewiston; one aunt, Peggy Mor- gan of Clewiston. No formal services are planned and memorials may be made to WestCare Hospice, 132 Sylva Plaza, Sylva, N.C. 28779 or, to one's favorite charity. Melton-Riddle Funeral Home, Sylva is in charge of all arrange- ments. Pasquale 'Joseph' Palladino Pasquale "Joseph" Palladino, age 82, of Moore Haven, died on Thursday, Nov. 23, 2006, at Palm Terrace of Clewiston. Mr. Palladi- no had been a resident of Moore Haven since 1972 and was a cabinet maker by trade. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus, Eagles, and a lifetime member of the American Legion and the VFW. He was also a World War II veteran. Mr. Palladino is preceded in death by his wife, Betty, and is survived by his three sons, Joseph (Michele) Palladino of Sebastian, Larry (Sue) Palladino of Moore Haven, and Dave (Donna) Palladino of Moore Haven. He is also survived by his 11 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren. Visitation was held on Tues- day, Nov. 28, from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. Services were held at St. Joseph The Worker Catholic Church in Moore Ha\en with Father Esteban Soy olliciahing at the service. Interment w\as at Ortona Cemetery All arrangements were under the care and direction of the Buxton Funeral Home and Cre- matory. Margaret F. 'Peggy' Shoemaker Margaret F. "Peggy" Shoe- maker, age 76, of Belle Glade, died on Thursday, Nov. 16, 2006 in Belle Glade. Peggy graduated from the University3 of Delaware. She worked as a rnedical technolo- gist at Good Samarilan and -Glades General Hospitals. She taught school at Belle' Glade Ele- mentaryfor 1S years and tutored English at Palm Beach Commu- nity College. Survivors include he i beloved husband of 53 yeais, Dick Shoe- maker. Also surviving are her sons, Rick and Mike Shoemaker and foster sons, Duncan and David Kinla\w In addition, she is survived b. emght grandchildren. Funeral services were held on Wednesday, Nov. 29, at Glades Funeral Chapel in Belle Glade. - In lieu of flow ers, plkase send donations to St. John's Episco- pal Church, 225 N.W Avenue G, Belle Glade, Fla. 33430. Local Links A directory of websites for local government, teams, organiza- tions & columnists. Community Links. Individual Voices: k- 20x25x9 Ambassador Vertical Roof (2:12 Pitch) 1 Roll-up Door, 2 Gable Vents, $10,947** 25x30x9 Ambassador Vertical Roof (2:12 Pitch) 2 Roll-up Doors, 1 Walk-in Door, 1 Window, 2 Gable Vents, $16,212** Concrete and Installation by Others ** Price reflects cost of concrete and Installation i .. Ilh.. I i ..i - Meets or Exceeds Florida ,I ,n.'' i7J. -Florida !, .. ... / Pla 877-951-2300 Metal Systems Plus, LLC www.metalsystemsplus.com ~ e ie S Fum e,e.muw wmr SSave money on your favorite grocery items.A , Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I I nWSIZ.COMi Community Links. Individual Voices. Granite or Bronze / Flat or Upright SFOREVERGLADES 4 1500 AIRPORT ROAD BELLE GLADE, FL Best Prices / Best Service Payment Plans / 25 Years Experienc.e State Licensed Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one it. ho has departed ilith a special Mm Alemorial Tribute in this newspaper. Your tribute can be published folloiving the memorial services. or to commemorate an annilersarv ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders --,and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefull. . Visit www2.newszap.conm/memorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. Applying for Disability? You CAN ask for tl e LOCAL doctor! Specializing in: Depression Memory Panic Attacks Anxiet', Pain PTSD Personality Disorder Learnini Disorder Adjustinlg to Physical Disabilitv 0)ll ces in C~esItii and Ble CI IeGade Call Dr. Bruce Boik.osl1 PsY.D., 'licen-sed PScloloi.'kt 800-5 14-11.832 Tile i, Fh.W'Ir- .'- /, Jackson River Home Furnishings & Decor At t he Foot of the Bridge ;,. ,. l,3 340 North Bridge St LaBelle 863-674 -A003 Proud Sponsor of the 863-674-0003 Jeff Foxworthy Countdown TOUCHDOWN , BREAKFAST U10% OFF: ' 2 Pancakes, 2 eggs, 2 bacon Breakfast, | strips and 2 sausage links Lunch or - I I Dinner I Not valid u' ni other I "- Ons ly i offer E.,p 11 .1 06 I R IL-------- r - - ' 10% OFF, 6- '_i Breakfast, i -- Lunch or u Dinner Di nnet Pr,r :..rf.,..r 10.30 W\-est Sugarland H\\ v. N ''( I', -i, ,-., r Cle\'viston, Florida S-.r ? ,',~ I 863-983-3663 ,' *"" ',-. .,, y, ,, ,. i / I -" CREW volunteers facilitate the Thanksgiving spirit MEMORY FOAM EXftWAVAGANZA QUEEN SET $1,199 t R ST Y.., '?,. i - ^lYte R EST of your Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 30, 2006 1, LIFESTYLES Thursday, November 30, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Crime Stoppers The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Department is seeking assis- tance from the public in locat- ing the follow- ing wanted fugitive. Terry Terry Holmes, age Holmes 26, is a black male with black hair and brown eyes. He is 6 feet tall and weighs HENDRY COUNTY An investigation by the Criminal Investigations Division of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office led to the issuing and service of a search warrant at a residence on South Isora Street in Montu- ra Ranch Estates in Central Hendry County. According to Sheriff Ronnie Lee, Caridad Fernandez, age 42., of South San Pedro Street in Clewiston and Felix Rivero, age 47, of the same street address were apprehended at the at the scene. HCSO Investigators recov- ered a quantity of cocaine and marijuana as well as prescription narcotics in un-labled bottles to include 500 mg Metformin, 100mg Toprol and zanax tablets of 0.5mg. Drug packaging para- pherrialia and counter-balance scales were also recovered. Caridad Fernandez was charged wit; operating a drug house; possession of cocaine; possession of drug parapherna- lia; possession of marijuana and possession of a narcotic without a prescription. Her bond was set at $12,500.00.. Felio: Rivero was charged with operating a drug house; posses- sion of drug pdiaphernalia, pos- session i'- niaIija.i--la ni and posses- sion of a narcotic without a prescription. His bond was set at $22,415.00. Both were booked into the Hendry County Jail. Water shortage brings restrictions approximately 165 pounds. His last known address was on South Coconut Road in Paho- kee. He has also been known as "Tarick Holmes." He is wanted on charges of aggravated assault on a preg- nant person. Anyone with information on the whereabouts of this fugitive can contact the Crime Stoppers at 1 (800)-458-TIPS (8477) or online at www.crimestoppersp- bc.com. The local area is still under water restrictions due to a water shortage. On Nov. 9, 2006, the Governing Board of the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) declared a mandatory water shortage order for the Lake Okee- chobee Service Area (LOSA). This area includes the Everglades Agri- cultural Area, and portions of Hendry, Glades, Lee, Okee- chobee, Palm Beach and Martin Counties. Classified as a Phase 1 or mod- erate water shortage declaration, the order impacts agricultural, industrial and commercial water users as well as public water sup- ply utilities around the Lake; with- drawals from the Caloosahatchee River; and a relatively small num- ber of residential users whose water source is Lake Okeechobee or any of the surface water canals recharged by the Lake. Groundwa- ter sources are not restricted by this order, and users are allowed to uti- lize groundwater in accordance with their permits. A water shortage warning, and a call for voluntary water conserva- Florida Relay becomes more user-friendly TALLAHASSEE On Tuesday, Nov. 21, the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) approved a change to the Florida Relay Service (Relay) aimed at making the call- ing service more user-friendly., Relay operators will now be able to inform the called party (who are able to hear) that a person who is deaf or hearing impaired is calling. The change should l ilp reduce'e the number of calls that cannot be completed because the h-aiiring person is nrot tamiliai 'ith a relay call. In the past, people unliTi-iliar with how Relay \\oiks wouijld often hang up when eceiiring a call from the Relio' pe,-a,.or think- ing it was a solicitor call The PSC anticipates that the change will also provide customers with a more friendly and warm interac- tion wvilh Relay operators. Florida Relay is a service that allows a deaf or hearing impaired person to contact a hearing per- son through a specialized opera- tor. A deaf or impaired person uses a teletype machine to type and receive text messages from the operator while the operator voices the conv ersation to the h.ariiig person. The specialized telephone equipment and ring signaling devices provided itii'ughi this p1ic.'glam are luoaled io all 'ualilied permanent Florida residerilts at ro charge. Pioneer Leadership program off and running HENDRY COUNTY/GLADES COUNTY The Pioneer Class of the Hendry and Glades Counties began its first year learning about the Judicial and Govern- ment entities within the Hendry/Glades area. Both elect- ed and administrative officials participated by giving the class overviews of their duties and responsibilities. Janice Groves, Executive Director of Hendry County Eco- nomic Development Council welcomed the class and intro- duced guest speaker, Mayor Randy Bengston who. opened the day with a motivational pres- entation on the daily tasks of being a leader. He spoke of his responsibilities as Maor. of LaBelle and as Director of Emer e agency Services The gpoup participated in a panel discussion with Tax Col- lectoi, Peggc Hamnplon, Super i- sor'of Elections. Lucielia Strick- land;. Property Appraiser Representative, Cliff Woods; and Attorney Jimmy Luckey before heading to the Hendry County Courthouse for a presentation by Judge James D. Sloan. The group tra\ eled to the Port LaBelle Inn beloie heading to Glades County A presentation by Counts Managei, Wendell Tailor. and Chair of the Glades County Commission. Butch Jones was followed by a panel discussion including Sherill 'Itu arl \Vhidden: Angela Osceola, Director of Emeigenc\ Manage ment; MichI.Iel Bumr s. Public Saf-ety Director: and La v Hilton, Glades Directoi of Comrnmunitv De eloprnent. A wrap session ,.\as held \\ ith Miller sworn in, Beatty is recognized By Ideybis Gonzalez Clewiston News CLEWISTON The Clewis- ton City Commission has appointed Joseph "Joey" Miller as city commissioner to con- clude the term left by Matllelw "Matt" Beatty. Mr. Beatty resigned his post as a commissioner in the city after winning his bid in this year's election to serve as a member of the Hendry County School Board. Before the new commission- er was sworn in to take the posi- tion, officials with the City of Clewiston wished their depart- ing commissioner ';ood luck in his new venture. The commission expressed appreciation to Mr. Beatty, offer- ing a resolution for his dedica- tion and service to the commu- nity, as well- as his leadership initiative in reaching out to citi- zens, employees and his fellow .commissioners. "As a respect for Commis- sioner Beatty, we extend to him our highest tribute and the desire for his success in the future," said lMa. or Mali Chamness. Mr. B,'ait v.s equally thank- ful, "The last five years serving as a city commissioner were great," said Matt Beatty "I thank each and everyone in the city of Clewiston for the opportunity they gave me." Mr. Beatty said he was anx- ious to start his new job. Mr. Beatty said he was "look- ing forward to start my new role as a, member of the Hendr\ Count\' School Boarid." Follow ing Mall Beatty's reso- lution, Joseph Miller was sworn in to fill the vacant position. Mr. Miller had been previously cho- sen out of.a pool of candidates by the commission to complete Mr. Beatty's term which does- n't officially end until October 2007. "I am very excited to take this seat as city commissioner. I'm looking forward to i.'.intii,;jiIi,. working and doing all ihow io,.,qJ things already started," said Comrnmi.io,:ner Millei Staflfwnter deybis Gonzalez can be reached at igonzalez@newszap.com. input by the Pioneer Class before adjournment of the day. Cour Cuialolo facilitated the day. Bridge Street Coffee and Tea Company and Hendry County Economic Development Council sponsored breakfast. Gold Level sponsors are Alic,: CHL Holdings, Lykes Bros. aind Port LaBelle Resorts. Siler spon-ors are Bonita Bay Group, Embarq, Fust Bank, Southern Gardens. Talkin' Monke\s. and the Bronze Sponsor in Gull Cit- rus GU io_\\eis Leadership Hendry & Glades *C,uilti,-s is a new leadership program for future leaders and those % ho \%an [to know more about leadership in our counties. I W 'ttP 1 tion, has been issued for the Lower home addresses are allowed to East Coast. water between the hours of 4 a.m. and 8 a.m. EST on Tuesdays, Thurs- Water lawns 'days and Sundays. No domestic in early morning water use for outdoor irrigation is rs-allowed on Fridays. Due to the water shortage, resi- In addition, residential users dentialwater users in the LOSA are will be asked to wash their vehi- required to limit outdoor irrigation cles within these specific times times to three days per week and and also are expected to observe no more than four hours per day. normal water conservation prac- Residents with odd home address- tices within the home. The use of es are allowed to water between water for firefighting, safety, sani- the hours of 4 a.m. and 8 a.m. EST station, health, medical and other on Monday, Wednesdays and Sat- essential purposes will not be urdays, while residents with even restricted. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF CLEWISTON 50T YEAR CELEBRATION (. UP"GOLDEN" AIJHIVEPSAPY) December 3, 2006 Featuring: George Secrist, Former Minister "The Celebration Singers" SUINH SCHOOL 10:00 A.M. MIEI WmORSIP 1 H99 A.M. FEILOiSIP 111IN If:39 IP.. CELEMATIOI CONCIT 1.39 P.M. Royal's FURNITURE .4PPI4 \'CFS BEDI.DI. 'ids 9Sre t eImceyotr rom 5-Plece Dini~ng Rciom includes "rabic arnd Four Side Chairs. Belle Glade 561-996-7646 ne Cewiston 863-963-4M 121&A Immokalee 39-657-618 okeechobee %i, S* s ^ : ^wic 'BM-~%3-7634M U -, : :;, ,./ ,F Introducting our Wednesday Night SSteak Night SCome In & Bring '-- A Hearty Appetite! Friday Night All You Can Eat Catfish & Hush Puppies $5 Off General Admission 100 1 U.S. F. 17.xirre'. 12).11~2006 fIGH WAY 27 (5 MILES SOUTH OF MOORED CL.EWISTON, FL 331440 863-983~-3478 ! $ofif General Admission or Pit -HAVEN) Two arrested in- Montura 'drug house' Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 30, 2006 (4 4 OPINION Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 30, 2006 Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the MooreHaven/ilades isSues forum at http//www.newszapfo- rumrncoaivforumiS. it ib a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you WoUld like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profatnitis, please), You adui a-o0 make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opDnion lthe at (9163) 983-9140. Comments will be published in the new spapn as sprlirrmitis. Guest Commentary 'Tis the Season to switch drug plans By Grace-Marie Turner It's that time of year again, when gift-giving, good food and family get-togethers are on all our minds. But amidst the hustle and bustle of holiday activities, seniors enrolled in the new Medicare prescription drug plans need to be thinking about whether they want to siay with their current plan. For those interested in makiniig a tvitli, now is the time. It's also the timi-e io sIeionis who didn't pick a Medicui iling ,plan before last May's cut-ott date to enroll. Every month that seniors delay costs them an addi tional 1 percent In premiums. Between Nov. 15, and Dec. 31, every year, Medicare hosis dn open enrollment period ill which seniors can reexaiiiiiie their current prescription drug coverage and switch or sign up for the first time. (Those with retiree coverage through their former employers generally don't need to do anything if their 'employer offers a qualifYing Part D plan.) This yearly period allows sen- iors to take advantage of the many competing offerings, pro- vided under Medicare's drug plan and pick the one that's best ccr [ e--i. The open-erro'lment period also keeps plan providers on -i "- *1 E S . '.'.-.~r:2 mhat beneficiaries have the option to switch to, a competitor means that insurers are always trying to come up with better plans which results in lower prices and a broader array of choices. This option to choose between a host of private insur- ers is what makes Medicare Part D so different from other govern- ment programs. By leveraging the power of private-sector competition, Medicare Part D provides more drugs than the frequently vaunt- ed programs in Europe or Cana- da. Part D is also vastly superior to the drug benefit program run by the Department of Veterans Affairs, which uses a more tradi-' tional government- run model. Almost 90 percent of all pre- scription medications on the market are currently available through Part D. That's in sharp contrast to other healthcare systems across the world. In France, for exam- ple, the government recently asked doctors to prescribe fewer medicines to cut costs. In Ger- many, many of the most-innova- tive drugs aren't rteimbursable. And even in the United States, the Depailinelit of Veterans Affalis relfuses 1 t)cover many of the newest, most-eifective phar- macolticils unless other drugs are tirst Irie . When one compares any of these programs, to Pari D, there's simply no comparlsonI. That's probably why most seniors .iare pleased with their current Part D plans. Earlier this year, the Kalser Family Founda. hton reported that more than eight in 10 seniors enrolled in the service are satisfied with the plan they picked; that their initial experiences have been positive; and three out of four would pick the same plan again. In fact, the drug benefit is actually offering more and better choices than anyone anticipated when Congress crallted the pro- gram. Although the government estimated liaot seniors would pay $37 ci morith in premiums for their Medicare drug coverage, tie average premium has turned oIut to be much lower just $25 a month.. Tliese choices have resulted in some great deals for health- care consumers. Some prescription drug. plans, for example. cost as little as S3 a month. Others eliminate the $250 deductible before coverage kicks in. Many plans are providing drug coverage in the infamous "donut hole" the gap in the standard plan where insurance coverage is interrupted between moderate and high drug expens- es. As a result, the majority of America's seniors 72 percent - now have some drug cover- age in the donut hole. Medicare Part D's success owes much to the many options it provides to beneficiaries. This holiday season, seniors who aren't fully satisfied with their coverage should take advantage ot those options by switching to the plan that's best for them. And for those who haven't signed up vel, this is the time. irace-Marie Turner is presi- dent of the Galen Institute, a research organization based in Alexandiia. Va., that focuses on free-mai ket. ideas for health reform. Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: * Belle Glade/South Bay issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum51 * Clewiston issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum52 * Hendry County issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 * Moore Haven/Glades issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum57 * Okeechobee city/county issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum58 * Pahokee issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum59 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." Our Purpose... The Glades County Democrat is published by independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent is owned by J unique trust that enables this newspa- per to pursue a mission of journalistic service tr, the citizens of the commu- nity Since no dividends are paid. the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industry standards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's mission of journalistic service, commitment tn the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the comm- munity's debberation of public issues. We Pledge... * To qcerile rk ntqipae"i s a put,.- truit * or help our ,-srr_'n'.-ur, bY.:cie i betesi .,ile ito live an w,, k Tk u, ,uir j. rit.,:,n * Tr. provide teir ifmc.r cI-r u ici mnali-e their own.11 irnrhqs-r, dei reT ,-. * To report the rirs ~e i honr.,., a cur 'n'. orbjctlvily teyi rlEtneS ianrd ompasnrr * To usc our ,piniin page to lactlitate community debate. nit to dommiate it inih ,ur (,a pn otme Ri- vJi t'pirreto * T". ds'h-l our U.,n ':,nfrllts o inrersf or ".:'.eriu al conlii, a I..>',ri r.ed,'r, ' To corre'. .iur rrors idll tou i.. i, h orre-nor- 1, Im J it pr..'min n'.e d1 v r".r'v' *' o provide a right to reply to those we write about. * 'lb treat people with courtesy, respect and compassion, EFrial: Erl'r~r Jl-.o limsrs F Pen-~Nr .a Ma Np-e.na Nc,.-Cumr Nrio ,1r d.ybrsGrA.Ae,ie Adverfii Soia wmhkkSuarh~rrwn* cum Arlremrt;rr.Lhrmcd, J.6 K.; ', Nbt,-',T,l A-:-'si,,u rir; oF~rrid L~~pr, i--r Sc r E -cir,ir.r K~ir-s'.r.oi t r,~ Memberod Florida Press IA~ssaatlen Law Matters By Barbara Oeh!beck GCD Rick Dantzler's new hrtok is an interesting read of leual fact n, Il fic- tion. To better under'.tanid i ii legal issues presented in LAW MAT- TERS, it is helpful'to have a basic understanding of our coirntiliition- al form of government, the law and the courts. The extensive Introduc- tion to this book provides context to many of the stories contained herein. 'Itelve fictional short stories with a preface/introduction to eai h one that explains in detail the legal points being made in the story. Unlike most books with a general overall preface, usually in the beginning pages, Mr. Dantzler has written a preface for each story which precedes the story. Natural- ly, since the author is an attorney, these preface pieces are written to the letter of the law. E.ach one addresses a different facet of law, Rick's research relies heavily on Black's Law Dictionary, which is widely considered one ot the "Bibles" of la%. While the various characters you will meet are fic tional, one and ill, by thie liime the story has ended .ou will feel that you've come face to face \ iill each one of them. The seltings are real and all in Florida, and while the sit uations Rick's ciaraclers fi nd Law Matters a new book based on legal principals. themselves in could well be real also, they are not based on facts. Adding to the stories are Rick's "Author's Note", which appear, more or less, at the conclusion of each story. THE LAW: Definitions and Explanations are also included as are numerous Notable Quotes from any number of attorneys, judges, associate justices plus oth- ers in the "world of law" in one waN or another. Quotes are accu- rate to the letter and sources are lisledI for those who want to do theih own research. . Law Matters is illustrated throughout by Artist Paul Schultz - A book review whose studio is in Winter Haven. The art does not necessarily, specif- ically tie in with the stories; howev- er, Paul's artwork is such a valuable addition to the book that the appre- ciation of his art stands on its own. The many subjects of his work reflect Florida's nature as well as some historical landmarks. While this book was not written and probably was not intended to be used as a text book, neverthe- less it could well serve to be used in Florida high school classrooms to teach the beginning of an under- standing of law and how it can apply to our lives. In his Foreword, the author states: The law is of noble purpose. It is the great equalizer, the glue that holds together our republic, and its fair administration the differ- ence between civility'and anarchy. Devotion to the ideals of law makes us high-minded and raises our commitment to equality It .gives us a sense of place among God's order in '.lhe natural world, making us better stewards of the land and heltjinig us see more clearly our r'spoiinsibilities. It helps us be a belier neighliior. Rick lianlzleir 4-ew up in Florida spending 'I r-much limie as school would alliw hunting, fishing and enjoying the ntilural wonders of the Siunhinr State. He earned his law degree at the University of Florida. At age 26, he was elected to the Florida House of Representa- tives and was re-elected three times without opposition. serving until 1990 when he was elected to the Florida Senate. He is with Frost Tamayo Sessums & Aranda, PA. in Bartow, and is the coach of the Winter Haven High School Jr. Varsi- ty Football Team. When asked which "title" he prefers, he says, "Well, I like best being called Sena- tor, but I really like hearing the team call me 'Coach'." "His first book Under the Pan- ther Moon is a collection'of adven- turous tales with lessons suitable for all ages, also illustrated by Paul Schultz. Notable quote from Law Mat- ters: 'As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there's a twilight where everything remains seem- ingly unchanged and it is such twi- light that we must be aware of change in the air, however slight, lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness." Hardback, 440 pages, 8x10, Florida Classics Library, Port Saler- no, Fl. 34992-1657. For information and availability. call write, e-mail or fax: Barbara Oehlbeck, 25075 Grassy Run-Muse, Glades County, LaBelle, Fi. 33935. Phone/fax same: 863-675-2771, e- mail: doco@strato.net Community Briefs Want a job in Construction? Take advantage of a job train ing opportunity provided by the Education Center of Southwest Florida, Inc. (C.'SWF.) for con- struction trades ranging from car- pentry and plastic pipe to blue prints and masonry. Classes begin in October and space is limited. Flyers and applications are avail- able at the Glades County Eco- nomic Development Council (EDC) Office in the Doyle Conner Building in Moore Haven or the ECSWF office in LaBelle. Applica- tions Can be taxed to the EDC at (863) 946-0777 or directly to the Education Center at (863)-675- 6800. For more information, con- tact Sonny Hughes, (863) 675- 6800. Florida Native Plant Society meets The Florida Native Plant Soci- ety meeting will be held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Agri-Civic Center at 4509 George Boulevard in Sebring in conference room number three. For more information, call Roy Stewart at: (863) 632-0914. LaBelle amateur radio club meets The LaBelle Amateur Radio Association resumed monthly meetings on lTiesday, Sept. 5, at the Hendry l.aBeille- Recieation, Office building ait .f IIJ \V. C\\ boov VWay, LaBelle. The ClIuh meels on the first Tuesday of each month an 7 p.m. Any one interested in ama- teur radio is invited to attend. Emergency communication is a vital part in responding to Hurri- canes and other hazardous events. The LaBelle Amateur Radio Association provides emer- gency communication via ama- teur radio when other forms of communication are unavailable and as a backup. For further details call Ron Zimmerly, KE4PFG at (863) 675-6375. Narcotics Anonymous meets Narcotics Anonymous meets Monday at 7 p.m. for open dis- cussion meeting at Buck Head Ridge Christian Church, 3 Linda Road, Buckhead Ridge. For more information please call (863) 634- 4780. Hurricane help available Help is still available for Hur- ricane Wilma victims from our local Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) but you must register again! Community Rebuilding Ecu- menical Workforce (CREW) is a caring network of Hendry and Clades Counties' civic, social, service, and faith-based groups, agencies, and organizations, along with concerned individu- als and businesses, formed to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the com- *munity in the restoration and rebuilding of their lives and homes in times of a natural or man-made disaster. CREW will provide collabora- tive leadership and advocacy in meeting the needs for revitaliz- ing and improving the quality of life tor the most vulnerable in the community For more information, ques- tions, or to schedule an appoint- ment, please call of visit: CREW Headquarters, First United Methodist Church, 352 W. Arcade Avenue, Clewiston, phone (863) 983-4316. (John 3:16) or email CREWheadquar- ters@aol.com. MHHS Class Reunion planned The MHHS Class of '86 is hav- ing its 20 year reunion on Home- coming Weekend this year. Organizers are inviting the Class of '87 and Class of '88 to join the fun, as well. Reunion planners are in need of assistance in locating and notifying all -mem- bers of the above classes. The initial plan is to have a tailgate type get-together the night of the Homecoming Game and, on the following day, have a BBQ for the family at the City Park or a similar location. Anyone inter- ested in assisting may contact David Lee at dlee- 1967@skyeone.com or (863) 946-2512. CREW needs volunteers The Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) of Hendry and Glades Counties is seeking volunteers to assist residents with repairs and con- tinued clean up efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Wilma. Carpenters, Electricians, Plumbers, drywall installers and other trade skills are needed, as well as, anyone willing to lend a hand. For more information, come by our office at 121 Cen- tral Ave. rear entrance or e-mail CREWheadquarters@aol.com or phone (863) 983 2390. Weather Weather forecast for Glades County from the National Weather Ser- vice Lakeport and surrounding area Thursday: Partly cloudy, with a high near 82 and a 20 percent chance of showers. Winds will be from the east between 6 and 11 mph. Thursday night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 67 and a 20 per- cent chance of showers. Winds will be from the east around 8 mph. Extended Forecast Friday: Partly cloudy, with a high near 84 and a 20 percent chance of showers. South winds will be around 9 mph. Friday night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 67 and a 20 percent chance of showers. Southeast winds will be between 5 and 7 mph. Saturday: Partly cloudy, with a high near 84 and south winds will be around 6 mph. Saturday night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 64. Sunday: Partly cloudy, with a high near 81. Sunday night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 62 and a 20 percent chance of showers. Monday: Partly cloudy, with a high near 73 and a 20 percent chance of showers. CREW seeks donations The Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) of Hendrv and Glades Counties is seeking donations of building materials and supplies, including lumber, nails and drywall, to assist residents with repairs and continued clean up efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Wilma. Donations, including monetary contributions, are tax deductible. For more information, come by our office at 121 Central Ave. rear entrance or email CREWhead- quarters, aol.com or phone (863) 983-2390. Free services offered to help elders Center for Independent Living will be doing outreach on a regu- lar basis at the Moore Haven, Clewiston, and LaBelle sites between the hours of noon to 2:30 p.m. You can contact Tera or Linda at the Center for Indepen- dent Living at (941) 766-8333 in Charlotte County to find out the days that they will be available in those areas. Economic Council Meetings planned The Glades County Economic Development Council normally meets the first Monday of the month at 6:15 p.m. in the confer- ence room at Glades Electric Cooperative. If you are not a member, please contact the EDC about joining. If you are a mem- ber, please plan to attend the meetings. As the Main Street effort and other initiatives move for- ward, we will need a host of knowledgeable volunteers to serve on various committees and we encourage your participation. VFW Post #9528 hours posted The VFW Post #9528 is locat- ed at 2002 Hwy. 78 West in Buck- head Ridge. For more information call (863) 467-2882. Post hours are from noon until 8 p.m. daily. Wednesday is Ladies Auxiliary dinner from 5:30-7 p.m., and the cost is $5. Every Thursday, the post has bar bingo at 12:45 p.m. Lunch will be available. Every Fri- day a steak dinner with baked potato, salad and rolls are served from 5:30 7 p.m. with a $9 dona- tion. Dancing immediately fol- lows the dinner. All games and special events are shown on three televisions. The game room has a regulation- size pool table. Post meetings are held on the second and fourth Saturday of the month, beginning at 10 a.m. Commander Albert Crank is available at (863) 467- 2882. VFW Post #10539 hours posted The VFW will be open Monday through Wednesday 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m.-I1 p.m., or later; and Sunday, 1 8 p.m. Happy hour is from 4 6 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Dinner is served at 5 p.m. Tuesday evenings. Bar bingo starts at 12:45 p.m. Wednesday. Lunch will be available. Singles darts every Wednesday, 7 p.m. Cafeteria is open from 5 8 p.m., Thursday nights. Friday at 7 p.m. there will be live music and dancing. On Saturday, hotdogs with kraut are served at noon. Saturday dart doubles at 7 p.m. Diabetes Awareness courses offered Hendry County Health Depart- ment Heart to Heart Program and Senior Connections are offering an eight-week Diabetes Class at 2 p.m. each Wednesday at the Nobles Senior Center. Classes include the diabetic diet, under- standing carb-counting, eye and foot care, and the ABC's of dia- betes (the AIC test, Blood Pres- sure, and Cholesterol). All diabet- ics, long term or newly diagnosed, are welcome. Glades County Democrat Published by Independent Newspaper, Inc. Serving Glades County Since 1923 To Reach Us Address: PO Box 1236 Clewiston, Fla 33440 Website: ww,.newsrap com To Submit News The Glades County Democrat wel- comes submissions from its readers. Opinions, calendar items. stories, ideas and photographs are welcome. Call 866-399-5253 to reach our news- room Items may be mailed, faxed or e-mailed. The deadline for all news items is 12 p.m. Monday prior to the following Thursday's publication. E-mail: gcdnews ,'newszap.com To Place A Classified Ad Call (8770353-2424 to place a classi- fled advertisement from home. The deadline for all advertising is 12 p.m Monday for the following Thursday's Publication. Fa c 1-877-354-2424. E-mail- classadst'ewszap.com To Place A Display Ad Call 866-399-5253, deadline for all a'lv.-i'usinir is 12 p m. Monday for the folloe...i Tlrii t "aa publication Fax 1-863-9 3-7537 --mdal ,,'uthlal.1 'ead,, r,-6Aszp :COm Advertising Billing Department E-mail: billteam@newszap.com To Start or Stop A Paper Phone: (877)353-2424 E-mail re-aderser.ice;tqil zar, corm The Glades Count) Democrat is dehvere-d b, mail to subscribers on Thur.day and ii old in racks anid sore cationo in the Glades County area Call (8771353-2424 to report a mraised newspaper or poor delivery Glades County Demorrat LISPS 219060 Published Weekly by Independent Newspaperas, Inc Clemntt. FL 33440 lor $24.61 etr year including tax. Second ClaI postage paid at Clewiston Flo)nda Postmaster send address charges to the Glades Counrv Demc'rat Circulanon Adrmnistratori PO BOx 7011 Dvoer, DE 19903 hinting Printed 3t Sun.hirie Pnnting, a iubsi-ltr, .If Independent Newspapers E.-madil rrntir.,i',strai.- n.t K I, Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 30, 2006 * . OPINION Thursday, November 30, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee wa era .i We a a Vs Is 5* We we F A Na r~ US A raw ura na. t re Wtra 1~ a J S ~ AJi rnn~ IICIAISRYREAlSll F~Fi 5'.-, Cl-In Jeep .04.' '03 BMW 3251 STK#6221 4B .......... ......... '02 CHEVROLET SAFARI VAN STK 61 438A '03 CHEVROLET MALIBU ST 0053 .. .05 '04 CHEVROLET CAVALIER STI -7189A .. ..... .. '04 CHEVROLET IMPALA ST I'.634 16A ..... ....... '06 CHEVY MONTE CARLO S TKP 626 15A .................... .. . ... . '4 77 16990 '.'T V ~ '1~'. ~90 A ~:; ~ j4jV.) 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ALL OFFERS TO QUALIFIED BUYERS VWITH APPROVED CREDIT SAVINGS BASED OFF ORIGINAL MSRP. DEALER NOT RESPONISBLE FOR T"YPOGRAFHICAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. PRICES PLUS TAX, TAG, TITLE & FEES. ALL VEHICLES SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. S E DEALER FOR DE T ILS VEHICLES ADVERTISED MAY NOT ALL BE CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED VEHICLES, PLEASE SEE DEALER FOR SPECIFIC CERTIFICATIONS. ART FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. .. 1 1 9 kit i ,iiR SAIN PRE-OWNED 4,OOOOVVUV INVENTORY! RMM' Our Vehicles Are Checked, Inspected & Guaranteed!t '04 JEEP WRANGLER TJ!, C-I.6..A *21 990 Thursday, November 30, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee mmmemn X43 tro' mmw 'Awfto lqw m"Em mo Amftw =mm Sevighecomuite south of LaeOecoeeTusaNvebr3,20 I.. HlIhIlil',!JvIIET:I;],lI'i,91'4I;1hIIIII r Palg sach I I VVi -1*1 71 -- D Brand New 2006 Dodge RAM 1500 Reg. Cab_ ~~. Stk#63347 L~/r ,1~ Brand New 2006 Dodge CARAVAN Brand New 2006 Dodge RAM 15oo 4x4 Brand New 2006 Dodge RAM 15oo QUAD CAB SLT Stk.waRn1, -. ... .-*" .... -* -.. .. Stk#62352. 62356 Stk#62913 I 10 TO CHOOSE FW~4 116, P111 P L Ti/i Cruise 5,mon iIVlieei lore' r7 III 11;1:~1 Brand New 2006 D-,e CARAVAN SXT zew"4e I]L pt-,. /4~ P~ [mir Brand New 2006 Dodge Brand New 2006 Dodge Brand New 2007Dodge RAM MEGA CAB RAM 25oo QUAD CAB 4x4 SLT CALIBER EM1"9 99 TO CHOOSE FROM! 5 0926/ktS Stk-62153 Ali,* uhfon ..' ... ... A"' A TURI ,.1i 'IhmI I.E: .IFl. IN :l. 'l:iJ I. T Ij iT '.' V. iiI. 11 L 'IlI r T jiH iKrj)ru1]i|ri iir [,lrir,.rii .ii bii,'ll lj .r c,':1 m i.iii.i'..:i :i E ''l, li *.1. i .. I.LIlI l.L .cIE .'ff LI I ,E L :.iEAT MOrEl : 'if/f: l- I E AL IT l'- .l HAIttrIE i. jr'liiijv/: FA i' iijlliII' AI.L HB:b TEl ::" :L U i' E.inT; '. U iI[ I Il .:l, Il .tlI. MODELS, MUST HAVE CREDIT APPROVAL THRU CHRYSLER FINANCIAL; OFFERS NOT IN CONJUNCTION, RESTRICTIONS APPLY, SEE DEALER FOR MORE DETAILS. MINIMUM TRADE BASED ON DEALER LIST PRICE, LIMIT ONE TRADE PER PURCHASE, TRADE MUST BE CURRENTLY REGISTERED IN CUSTOMER'S NAME, VALID TOWARDS PURCHASE OF SELECT VEHICLES, OTHER RESTRICTIONS APPLY, SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. 27 MONTH LEASES, 12K MILES PER YEAR, $3000 CASH OR TRADE EQUITY DUE AT INCEPTION PLUS TAX, TAG, TITLE. NO SECURITY DEPOSIT REQUIRED. WITH APPROVED CREDIT OFFERS EXPIRE DATE OF PUBLICATION OR MAY BE CANCELLED AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. RANKING BASED ON REGISTERED SALES FOR DAIMLER CHRYSLER THRU APRIL 2006. DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. VEHICLE ART FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. 2006 CARRERA ADV 7111 )1i OR lok, 19!9 Serving the communities south of Lake'Okeechobee Thursday, November 30, 2006 i'Ll Lt" SOLMII' 1:131111 H N 3sl il I I il I I il I I I ili I wallm 1 0 will Thursday, November 30, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee INI/D. Hamilton Mold spots on drying gourds are part ,of the naturalIl process. As long as the outer Gourds can be dried by putting them on wood pallets for air circulation. The first step in the shell remains hard, mold will drying process is the outer layer which takes only a week or so. The remaining drying not damage the gourd. process could take as long as three months. Gourds are easy to grow and decorate Smaller gourds make inter- esting-vases for dried flower arranging. Carved grape leaves at the top and ebony wood stain will make the gourd look like pottery. Birdhouse gourds are popu- lar as lawn decorations as well as for homes for the birds. They can be decorated using a number of methods including painting, staining, carving and woodburning such as this sunflower mod- eled by one from the garden. By D. Hamilton INI Decorative gourds, often seen at local craft fairs, are easy to grow in Florida. These plants, native to America, can be used to make col- orful holiday decorations, or can be turned into bird houses. Gourds have a rich past According to the American Gourd Society Web site, the first planting and use of gourds dates back thousands of years. Native Americans, Africans, and ancient Egyptians cultivated gourds for their usefulness as utensils, storage containers, musical instruments, and as decorative items. There are even legends and sto- ries of references to gourds in songs from the days of slavery. Slaves planning to make their way through to the Underground Rail- road to the north sang songs like, "Follow the drinking gourd." The "drinking gourd" referred to the Big- Dipper constellation which they would follow from the south, northwest from Mississippi to Alabama and eventually north to freedom. In some cultures, gourds are still used as they were in ancient Asia for medicinal purposes with high nutritional values in 'the seeds, roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. What is a Gourd?. Gourds are part of Cucurbita- ceous Family which includes pumpkins, squash, zucchini, mel- ons and cucumbers. It is the "fruit" produced from a vine having white blossoms, both male and female. The hard-shell variety has pock- ets of seeds which are attached to the inside of the gourd. As it dries out, the outer shell gets its' wood- like exterior and the seed pockets inside dry out and can. be shaken loose. There are many varieties of gourds numbering in the dozens. The most popular gourd shapes for arts and crafts, are bottle gourds, birdhouse gourds, kettle-shaped, pear, apple (which really looks like, an apple), and even a bushel gourd which can grow to 100 pounds. Grow your own Gourds are not difficult to grow, but you will need a large area away from any smaller more delicate plants as they tend to overpower anything in their path. Planting can begin as early as late January in South Florida with the first signs of life in just a couple of weeks. Space seeds at least four feet apart; planting one Seed about a half to three-quarters inch deep in a well-drained mound of soil. The plants will start to erupt bearing large, broad leaves. The vines will travel and tendrils will appear. If you have limited space, vines can be cut back at 10 feet before they begin to flower. 'Keep the main root of the plant watered daily, especial- ly during the hotter, drier months. (Here's a tip: Put a plant stake in the ground next to the rooted plant so that you can find it since the areas around flourishing gourds vines can get quite weedy). Fertilizers such as organic matter and stan- dard 6-6-6 seem to workwell giving the plants a 'boost' just before they bloom. Fertilizers with high nitro- gen content such as 10-10-10, will burn the broad'leaves. After the vines have blossomed, the gourds will take shape. It takes about two to three months for the smaller gourd vari- eties to complete their growth. Some of the larger varieties may take up to six months doubling every week before reaching their full size. Harvesting and drying gourds Gourds can be harvested from the vine when the stems turn brown or just left to dry right on the vines. It is not uncommon to see gourds drying in a field after the vines have died off. Gourds that have been cut from the vines at least four inches from the fruit, can also be dried on a wooden pallet until the seeds have dried oit inside. During the drying process, mold may grow on the gourds. A simple solution of one cup of regular bleach to five gallons of water would help to retard the mold from growing and also speed the drying process a bit. Rotate the gourds and wipe them down with' the bleach solution once a week as they dry. Be careful to.keep drying gourds from touching others. This will cause them to get 'rot spots' and could cause them to be unusable. Gourd crafts For craft purposes, scraping the outer greenish-colored layer off with a butter knife (not serrated edge), will give the dried gourds a creamy, light finish without all the mold spots. Take care not to cut into the gourd while scraping. It could cause the gourd to rot before it dries. Some gourds will take several weeks, even months to dry before the\ can be used. Aftet the gourds have dried, removing the seeds can be tricky, especially if you will be making a new home for birds. There are specific tools designed to clean out the inside materials including the seeds, how- ever, a simple small, narrow pry bar withh a handle works Well to loosen seeds and leftover dried pulp so that it can be emptied into a container. When cleaning out the- inside of the gourd, be sure to work, in an area that is well ventilated or use a dust mask to keep from inhal- ing the mold dust. Depending on what you plan to do with your dried gourds will, -determine how large the hole should be. If you plan to cut the hole to accommodate birds, the hole size ranges from just one and one-eighth inches in diameter up to two full inches. Some birds, such as robins will only nest in a cavity when they can see all around them. For this reason, larger arch-shaped openings cut into three sides of the gourd are preferred. Gourd birdhouses are also a favorite of the Purple Martin. The holes for this type of birdhouse require a special crescent shape to protect the inhabitants from other birds. There are many high speed cut- ting tools available to cut into the thick, hardened shell of a gourd. Drilling a center hole as a starter and cutting the rest of the hole out with a small powered carving tool gives great results. If you will be .hanging your gourd as a birdfeeder or house, be sure to drill a hole straight through about an inch or so from the top. Lightly sand the *surface and smooth the opening with fine-grit sandpaper. Decorate your gourds Decorating gourds can pose a problem how to decorate them? They can be decorated with nearly every medium. Gourds can be col- ored with stains; painted with- acrylics, enamels, pen and ink. They can also be carved with intri- cate patterns, and wood-burned. Even if \ ou're not an artist pat- terns and drawings can be trans- ferred onto the gourd by using transfer sheets. Coating the back of the drawing or picture with a char- coal pencil then, using a pen to go over the outline of the drawing will also transfer the image onto the gourd. The medium of choice will be up to the individual artist. Be sure if your gourd creation will be outside, to coat it with a clear polyurethane finish, repeated every year or so to help protect it from the elements. Decorated gourds will last for many years with just minimal care.' Sources for this story included: .mnvBond.com, innshGourds.com; i'ild C un G':'utids.C''m and The American Gourd Society Web site. ,IJ 9M A WANTED Old Barn or space to build a 35 ft Boat for approx. 4 months I am a Australian Professional Boat Builder Mid 50's, non smoker or drinker Call Jim Lodge (954) 682-3934 p ~ ~I ~d~J 41HP 4WD Glide Shift Transmission 0 DOWN 0% for 3 Years $527 per month or extended plan stains as low as S350 per n-ioi-h %now- 21HP Diesel Engine Commercial Quality Zero Turn Mower 0 DOWN 0% for 3 Years $355 per month or extended plan stating as low as $187 per month I1" really enjoyed the service the 3rd floor staff provided to my child." 1 -pati lent survey response J We invite you to take a closer look at Glades General Hospital. We continue to provide quality healthcare, courteous and attentive staff right here at home, but to serve you even better, we have made a few changes: * Our Glades Birthing Center offers five labor and delivery suites, ten postpartum rooms and a Level I nursery in a comfortable setting. We offer the compassionate support of nurses specially trained in obstetrics, neonatology and newborn care and a full-time, dedicated Neonatologist. . -.. At Glades General Hospital, we are happy to share in the miracle of the birth of your baby. Our goal is to help make your' ii riin,. experience comfortable and safe for mother and child through a combination of tenderness and technologv . .g B (tii. ',,,,I Barhouwlt, M.D., Cadifo Arreanke, MD. and OC2irdes A.iza, M.D. uidli neu 3D ultinsomul R.Dur patient rooms have been renovated and redecorated with the patient's comfort and wellness in mind. Our pediatric rooms have cheerful and fun borders along with bright colors to make your child's stay a little less scaly. * All of these updates and improvements have been made with our community in mind to make Glades General Hospital your source for quality healthcare for you and your family, right here at home. Diesel Engine Hydrostatic Trans., power steering, disc brakes 0 DOWN 0% for 2 Years $415 per month or extended p an stating as low as $203 per month Ab Pa X11-LI a IN, JA 0 Full Factory Parts and Service! We Service All Makes. We make hydraulic hoses. 31HP 4WD Standard Shift Synchronized Trans. 0 DOWN 0% for 3 Years $407 per month or extended plan stating as low as $257 per month solutely Zero Down Model #L3130DT EVERYTHING YOU VALUE 'Turf & 549 East Sugarland Hwy. f Clewiston, FL 33440 Tractor 863-983-4484 Take a closer look at Glades General Hospital... you'll be impressed by what you see. GLADES GENERAL HOSPITAL 5,1 I .....,,-',- I. 1201 South Main Street Belle Glhade, Florida 33430 *SO down, 0% A.RR. financing for terms up to 36 months availablethrough December 31, 2006, on all new Kubota BX, B, L and M (except theM5040, M6040, M7040, M8040 and M9540 Series) in inventory at participating dealers., Example: A 36-month repayment term at 0% A.RR.requires 36 payments of $27.78 per $1,000 borrowed. 0% A.P.R. interest is available to customers if no dealer documentation preparation fee is charged. Dealer charge for document preparation fee shall be in accordance with state laws. Financing is available through Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A., subject to credit approval. Some exceptions apply.See your local Kubota dealer for details on these and other fow-rate options or go to DOWN All Around You. Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November W, 2006 rvmx.mo ORiLim riEDIC$ Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 30, 2006 --- -a- .- -- -a -M --------- Automatic Transmission Tune-Up $79.85. lraln/Rfeplace INCLUDES: Drain fluid/remove filter K New Mopar transmission filter *a Installation of new fluid Necessary adjustments K *Road-test vehicle . Some Jeep vehicles require an extra charge due to special filter -* Vehicles with special fluids may be higher Imports may be higher. Additional charge for fluid disposal Expires rz/6/o6 - SLube, Oils Filter Change 1 $21.95 IMClUDES: *Engine oil replacement up to 5 quarts * Complete chassis lube * New Mopar oil filter * Fluid level inspection * Inspect CV joints and front suspension components Additional charges may be applied for diesel, V-10s, Hemi7 V-8s, fluid disposal, semi-synthetic and synthetic oils. :i / .M ;Mom-%, SCooling J System Service $49.95 tt. Flush/Replace ' INCLUDES: S*Inspection of hoses and belts Mopar antifreeze replacement (2-gal max) S Pressure test system * 'Diesel engines and additional parts/labor extra K *Vehicles requiring longer-life antifreeze are higher K *additional charge for fluid disposal E .Expires z32/6/o6 - - --- - --- --- - - M --- - - - - - - K K K K K I I K K I K K K K K K K K K K K K K K I K I I K Wheel Balance & Tire Rotation $24.95 INCLUDES: * Remove four wheels from vehicle; balance and rotate Special wheels, specialty vehicles slightly higher. I K K K K K K K I ~ K K K I K K K e~lo6Exi~ies x2161o -----------------------------------------------a Present this ad when order is written. Check with Service Advisor to see if vehicle may require additional parts and/or labor at extra charge. Cannot be used with other specials or like service. Customer is responsible for tax. Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, Jeep and Eagle vehicles only. 2004 Daimler Chrysler Motors Company, LLC. Chrysler, Jeep Dodge and Mopar are registered trademarks of Daimler Chrysler. Good Year is a registered trademark of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP HENRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR 1CHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP DEALER CHRYSLERI It really does make a differencert I'p -A- *k0*- 6 e* rgf **et *aXQt M W-C (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 I I -w- I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 30, 2006 Thursday, November 30, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee EDUCATION 9 Bush announces release ouUrIIIIIIu pnuIOuo/HngelI Lanier Feast to behold The classes taught by Mrs. Pell, Mrs. Woodward, Mrs.Beck, and Mrs. Ford had a huge Thanksgiving Feast on Nov. 17. They had turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, chicken and yellow rice, green beans, hash brown casserole, broccoli salad, broccoli and cheese casserole, corn casserole and several other delicious holiday favorites. The kids at Moore Haven High School had a wonderful time! TALLAHASSEE Governor Jeb Bush and Florida Department of Education Commissioner John L. Winn announced on Nov. 20, the release of eight Florida Compre- hensive Assessment Tests (FCAT). The reading and mathematics tests are actual tests taken by students in 2006 and are no longer in use. The reading and mathematics tests for grades 3, 7, 9, and 10 are available in two formats one which can be downloaded, and a new, interac- live version that allows you to take the test and get results online. The Department of Education began releasing full-length FCAT tests last year, starting with grades 4, 8 and 10 reading and mathematics tests. The 2005 and 2006 released FCAT tests, as well as the support- ing documents, can be found at httpVAvww.fim.edu/doe/sas/fca- trelease.html. "The release of the Grade 3, 7, 9, and 10 tests enhances the educa- tional resources for students and parents to better understand the FCAT," said Governor Bush. "I am thankful to all of the Florida educa- tors who help to develop and review appropriate test questions. As a result of their commitment, the State continues to take steps toward increasing the transparency School Happenings Twelve Days of Christmas MHES Style! The students and staff at MHES are doing a unique count down to Christmas Vacation. To help teach the spirit of giving, the MHES slu- dents are encouraged to bring in items to school. The items are to be brought to the student's home- room each morning. The students will be donating some items to area families, food pantries, and nearby nursing homes. Some of the items will be for our military personnel. MHES students will be gathering the items to make up care pack- ages to send to our in the military staff serving overseas. To help off- set the cost of shipping, we are ask- ing for sponsors from the commu- nity' to adopt a soldier. Anyone interested in sponsoring should contact Kristi Hingson at the school at (863.i 946-0737. We hope that our students %will get into the giKing spirit and focus on those in need during the holiday season! If you have anN questions about this, please call the Moore Haven Ele- mentary school. The following is the list of things MHES is collecting during the big School News in Brief MHHS warns of advertising scam Moore Haven Junior-Senior High School would like to notify' the Moore Haven community that advertising for football schedule posters is being sold b\ All-Star Publishing under the auspices of supporting our school. This com- pany is not working with our school, nor do \ve receive any profit from the sale of these ads. If your business or church would like to purchase an ad to support football at our school, \ve would encourage you to purchase one to appear in the program that is given out at games. The profits from the sale of these ads go directly to support the athletes. Please do not purchase any ads offered by a non-local company without checking with us first to verify the validity of the offer. Thank you for all the support you do give to our school. MHHS Junior class says "thanks" The Junior Class of 2008 would like to thank the following individ- uals for their help decorating the J.J. Wiggins Building for the Moore Haven High School homecoming dance: Crystal, Kaylee, Destiny, Alex, Jasen, Cody, Heather. Amy, Anthony, Douglas, Kellie, Richard, Sherrena, Bailey, Jasmine, Jenna, Mrs. Hernandez. Mrs. Lanier, Mrs. Cardenz, Mrs. Quientero, Mr. McQuern, Mrs. McQuern and Mrs. Sparks. We would also like to thank the chaperones for their time and they were Mrs. Allen, Mr. Hutchison, Miss Lundy, Mrs. Her- nandez, Mrs. Buonpastore, Mrs. Garvey, Mr. Patterson, Mrs. Michelle Lanier, Duputy Gaeta, Deputy Hill and Deputy Nieves. All the decorations for homecoming were paid for by Mr. and Mrs. Lundy. Thank you so much for all that you have done. The class of 2008 does appreciate all of you! Project Grad meeting planned There will be a Project Gradua- tion meeting for all parents of MHHS seniors on Tuesday, Dec. 5, at 6 p.m. in the board office. Please help support this worth- while cause. Family Christmas dinner at school Moore Haven seventh grade students will be hosting a family Christmas dinner on Friday, Dec. 8 at North Lake Estates RV Park at 7 p.m. The seventh grade class will be serving the turkey dinner. Christmas family portraits will be taken, items will be raffled off and we will have Christmas Carol- ing. Help support the seventh grade class and their 1st Annual Christmas Night. Tickets are $8 per person. Please call Jerri Lynn Schlueter (863) 227-1201 if you want to pur- chase a ticket. Tickets will also be available at the Moore Haven Ele- mentary and High Schools and The New You Boutique. MHES SAC meeting planned Moore Haven Elementary School Advisory Council's next meeting will be on Tuesday, Dec. 5, at 6:30 p.m. in the MHES Media Center. Funds for MHHS What if Moore Haven Junior Senior High School earned a penny every time you searched the Internet? Well, nowl we can! GoodSearch cornm is a newv search engine that donates half its revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. You use it just as you would any search engine, and it's powered by Yahoo!, so you get great results. Just go to www.goodsearch.com and be sure to enter Moore Haven Junior Senior High School as the charity you want to support. Just 500 of us searching four times a day will raise about $7,300 in a year with- out anyone spending a dime! And, be sure to spread the word! You can also download the GoodSearch toolbar by visiting http: xiww.goodsearch.com tool bar Festival planning underway Planning has begun for the sixth annual "Christmas on the Caloosahatchee Festival', to .be held on Thursday, Dec. 14, from 5 until 8 p.m., in Tom Perry Memori-, al City Park. If you would like a booth, please contact Susan Prowant, Leslie Pryor, or Felinda Langdale at Moore Haven Ele- mentary School at (863) 946-0737. Christmas on the Caloosahatchee is an annual community event hosted by Moore Haven Elemen- tary School and the City of Moore Haven. Be sure to join us! JR-SR High needs substitute teachers Moore Haven Jr.-Sr. High School is in need of substitutes for the current school year. Applica- tion packets are available in the front office. For more information, please call Lori Bond from 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., at (863) 946- 0811, '863) 983-9600, (863) 675- 7715 or ,663.) 467-7722. Scholarship applicants wanted If you know of a young person pursuing a college degree with the goal of working in Florida's fruit and vegetable industry, please let that student know about the Syn- genta Crop Protection Scholar- ship. The $1,000 scholarship will be awarded at FFVA's 63rd Annual Convention. To learn how to apply, contact Martha Tucker at (321) 214-5200 or via e-mail at martha.tucker@ffva.com. twelve day countdown. Thursday, 11,30 bring a canned meat; Friday, 12'1 bring a canned fruit: Monday, 12'4 bring a can of soup; Tuesday, 12 5 bring old cell phones that you no longer use for our military personnel; (http: w\vw.cellphonesforsol- diers.com if you'd like to read more about itll Wednesday, 12.'6 new batteries to send to military personnel (stu- dents will make a card during class to send). MHHS Class Reunion The MHHS Class of '86 is hav- ing their 20 year reunion on Homecoming Weekend this year. Planners are inviting the Class of '87 and Class of '88 to join us, as well. The\ are in need of assis- lance in locating and notifying all members of the above classes. The initial plan is to have a tailgate type get-together the night of the Homecoming Game and, on the following day, have a BBQ for the family at the City' Park or a similar location. Anyone interested in assisting may contact David Lee at dlee-1967@'skveone.com or (863) 946-2512. School Board meetings set Regular meetings will now take place on the second Thurs- dayat 6 p.m. and the fourth Thurs- day at 9 p.m. in the Glades County School Board meeting room, 400 10th Street S.W, Moore Haven, Accountability Reports The .2006 .NCLB Public Accountability Reports for Glades County Schools, Moore Haven Elementary, West Glades School, and Moore Haven Junior-Senior High are available on the district and school \Web. sites (http: glades.edgate.oig.i. Copies of the reports are ,also available at the district office and the adminis- trative office at each school. GED classes set The Glades County School Dis- trict is offering GED prep classes at Moore Haven High School, Room 26-003, for adults who wish to obtain their GED. Classes are Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6 until 8 p.m. You may register the night of the classes. If you have any questions you may call Scott Bass at (863) 946-0202 ext. 13. Children's advocates needed The Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) Program needs Volunteers to rep- resent the best interests of abused, abandoned arid neglected chil- dren before the court, social serv- ice agencies and the community. No special educational degree is required. Guardians need to be someone with common sense, good judgment and a commit- ment to helping a child. Atten- dance at three training sessions held in Fort Myers is required. Please contact Kelie Hedrick at: (239) 461-4360 or (800) 269-6210 for more information, and to reserve your space for training. Stop the violence meetings The Hendry and Glades Domestic and Sexual Violence Council's mission is to increase community awareness about domestic and sexual violence and Thursday, 12/7 sample size items to send to military such as toothpaste, mouthwash, sham- poo, deodorant, etc.); Friday, 12/8 socks for nursing home residents (students will make a card during class); Monday, 12.11 new toy for a toy drive; Tuesday, 12.12 "Box Top for Education" or Campbell's soup can UPC; Wednesday, 12 13- pop top pull tabs from canned soda's for Ronald McDonald House label; Thursday, 12.14 clean, dry alu- minum cans, bagged for recycling. victim safety by providing servic- es, referrals and education relating to the affects of domesticisexual violence in our community. The meetings rotate between LaBelle, Clewiston and Moore Haven. To get involved in the council or for information about meeting dates and times, please call Abuse Council and Treatment, Inc.'s Rural Extension (REACT): (863) 674-1811, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. to speak with an advocate. of the FCAT." The release includes test answer keys, a fact sheet explaining uses for the test and frequently asked questions. Released tests are identi- cal to the tests taken by students except for questions that will be used on future tests. Parents and teachers can use the released tests as additional resources to increase students' comfort level and famil- iarity .vith the FCAT. The online version of the test allows users to toggle between the test book and a page that displays. the correct answer to each ques- tion. In addition, the answer page provides the Sunshine State Stan- dard tested by the question and the percent of students who chose each answer. "We are fulfilling our commit- ment to increase the transparency and accountability ol our testing program," said Commissioner Winn. "This new\ interactive ver- sion will give the public a way to review the test questions and answers in an engaging and informative manner." Test questions are written according to specific guidelines developed by Florida educators. Questions are reviewed and revised by teachers,, curriculum experts and school and district administra- tors to ensure they are appropriate for the grade level tested. Each year, more than 500 classroom teachers, special education teachers, English language. learning instructors, administrators, curriculum special- ists, policy leaders, college and uni- versity experts, school board mem- bers and parents take part in the FCAT question review process. "While these tests can serve as excellent resources to teachers, parents and students, it is impor- tant to remember that these tests should never be used to drill stu- dents in preparation for next year's FCAT because these specific ques- tions will not be used again," added Commissioner Winn. Funding permitting, the Depart- ment of Education will again release more reading and mathe- matics tests next fall, along with the grade 8 science test. TOWN .-COUNTRY "HOME IMPRI:OVEME9NT CENTER Mobile Home, Home Supplies & Hardware Doors Windows Vanities Siding Skirting Shutters Tools Building Supplies Plumbing Electrical Jack N. Estes Owner 863-983-3000 111 S. San Benito St, Clewiston Cell: 228-6916 Ted Schiff, M.D. and the professional staff at Water's Edge Dermatology will treat you with all the care and expertise you expect. Adult and Pediatric Dermatology Diseases of the Skin, Hair and Nails Surgery of the Shin, Shin Cancer Treatment MOHS Shin Cancer Surgery New patients are welcome Medicare and most insurance accepted. M Of tAE "I A s, ':. ., .- .. -- ....---, _... Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! S 4 lineS for 2 weeks 1 used item or. : Pric mustegrouping per ad PriC must be priced at $2,100 Sell your personal valuables if they're $2,500 or less for absolutely free! No fee, no catch, no problems! incluaeo in an * Private parties only S2 items per house- Shold per issue hClewiston News U The Sun or less * Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. BLADES CouNTS DEMOCRAT Toll Free 877-353-2424 E-Mail: classad@newszap.com OKEECHOBEE -, 863-467-6767 301 N.E. 19th Drive CLEWISTON 866-549-2830 1542 W. Sagamore Ave, Building E, Hospital Arrest Report This column lists arrests, not convictions, unless otherwise stated. Anyone who is listed here and who is later found not guilty, or has the charges against them dropped, is welcome to inform the newspaper. We will confirm the information and print it. Western Palm Beach County Belle Glade Milton Smith, 28, of Martin Luther King Boulevard, Belle Glade, was arrested on Nov. 20, by PBSO and charged with failure to appear for misdemeanor offense case disposition on Feb. 23, 2005 for.driving while license suspended; failure to appear - written promise to appear - booked for Glades.County Sher- iff's Office charge expired dri- ver's license over four months. No bond was set. Antonio Ferguson, 27, of Palm Glades Drive, Belle Glade, was arrested on Nov. 21, by PBSO and charged with driving while license suspended habitual offender. No bond was set. Jonathan Isaia Hill, 19, of Southwest Fifth Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Nov. 21, by PBSO and charged with two counts of robbery without a firearm or weapon. He is being held w without bond. Robert Finne\, 24, of Canal Street South, Belle Glade, was arrested on Nov. 21, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with bat- tery and criminal mischief with property damage over $200 - under $1,000. No bond was set. Santonio Leon Minus, 25, of Davis Street, Belle Glade, %\as arrested on Nov. 21, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with viola- tion of probation he \\as booked for Glades Count. Sher- ill's Ollfice on charges of burglary of a conve.ance, criminal mis- chiel: aggravated fleeing and eluding. He is being held without bond Sherman T. Ra\mond, 35, of Co enant Village, Belle Glade, was arrested on Nov 21, by PBSO and charged with domestic bat- tei. touch or strike and failure to appeal for misdemeanor offense - driving without a license for more than 4 months. His bond was forfeited. Anthony Kearse, 25, of Southeast Sixth Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on 'Nov. 21, by PBSO and charged with fleeing and eluding police failure to obey Law enforcement officer order to stop; resisting officer without violence; nonmoving traffic violence driving while license suspended and failure to register motor vehicle. He was released on a surety bond. Willie Bernard Hill, 23, of Southwest 12th Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Nov. 25, by PBSO and charged %with assault on. officer; resisting arrest -obstruction without violence and crimes against person cor- rupt by threat public servant or, family. He was released on Surety bond. James Milton Felton, 31, of Southwest 14th Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Nov. 26, by PBSO and charged with domestic battery (simple) No bond was set. Jimmy Rivers, 18, of South- west Third Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Not 26, by PBSO and charged with third degree theft of a vehicle. He was also charged with operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver's license No bond was set. Jefferv L. Brow ning, IS. of Northwest 13ih Street, Belle Glade, w\as arrested on Nov 26, by PBSO and charged with oper- ating a motor vehicle without a valid driver's license and third degree grand theft o a vehicle. No bond was set. Pahokee Paul F. Rosentraus. 56, of Bacom Point, Pahokee, was arrested on Nov. 20, by PBSO and charged with possession of con- trolled substance without a pre- scription; possession and or use ol narcotics equipment and pos- session of heroin. No bond w\as set. Jerriel Harmon, 21, of South Barfield Highway, Pahokee, \\as arrested on Nov 21, by PBSO on a %\arrant charging him with bat- tery touch or strike and simple domestic batllery No bond was set. Latonia Coney, 23, of Seville Street, Pahokee, was arrested on Nov. 21, by Delray Beach Police Department and charged with contempt of court neglect of a child. No bond was set. Travice J. Moore, 24, of Whidden Road, Pahokee, was arrested on Nov. 24, by PBSO on a warrant L charging him with aggra- vated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill; sinimple assault on an officer; resisting officer obstruction, by dis!,iised person; violation of pro- bation discharging a firearm in public and iJischirging a firearm from a moving vehicle. No bond was set. Telvis. Lawler, 29, of Shive Drive, Pahokee, was arrested on. Nov. 25, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with violation of probation domestic battery. No bond vas set. Lorraine Johnson, 40, of Daniels Place, Pahokee, was arrested on Nov. 26, .by PBSO on a warrant charging her with a third or subsequent offense of petit lar- ceny. No bond was set. Hendry County Clewiston Jacqueline Hoopes. 37, of Clewviston, was arrested Nov. 21, arid charged with driving under the influence Michael Stevens of the Hendrv Count% Sheriff's Office %\as the arresting officer. Clementine T. Jackson, 49, of Clewislon, was arrested Nov. 26, and charged with possession of drugs-marijuana ov c 20 grams or controlled substance without a prescription and destroying e\i- dence tamper with or fabricate physical evidence Justin Spence of the Clew\iston Police Depart- menrit was the arresting officer. Pamela Womack Johnson, 42, of Clew\islon. \\as arrested Nov. 26, and charged wilh destroying evidence tamper with or fabricate physical evidence. Justin Spence of the Clewiston Police Department \\as the arrest- ing office. Ivan Ulises Meza, 37. of Clewiston. w\as arrested Nov 26, and charged with a nonrimo\ing traffic violation habitual offender driving while suspended license. Justin Spence of the Clewiston Police Department was the arrest- ing officer. Norman Jeffery Billie, 39, of Clewiston, was arrested Nov. 25, and charged with being a fugitive.' from justice. Richard Carley of the Seminole Police Department was the arresting officer. Harrison Downs, 23, of Clewiston, was arrested Nov. 25, and charged with violating proba- tion for a felony offense. Nathan E. Kirk of the Hendry County Sher- iff's Office was the arresting offi- cer. Osvaldo Cardenas, 54, of Cleviston, was arrested Nov. 24, and charged with a nonmoving traffic %iolation driving with a sus- pended license for a third or sub- sequent offense. Nathan Kirk of the Hendr, County Sheriff's Office w'as the arresting officer. Terry Lee \\ imberly, 4-3, of Miami, w\as arrested Nov. 22, and charged with dealing in stolen property Justin Spence of the Clewiston Police Department was the arresting officer. Felix Rivero, 7, of Clewis- ton, was arrested Nov. 22, and charged with possession of drugs- marniuana over 20 grams or con- trolled substance without pre- scription and possession of' narcotic equipment manufacture deliver.. Martin Meyer of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Caridad Fernandez, 42., of Clewiston, w'as arrested Nov. 22. and charged with possession of cocaine, possession of drugs mar- ijuana over 20 grams or con- trolled substance %without pre- scription and possession of narcotic equipment manufacture deliver. Martin Meyer of the Hendry County Sherifl's Office was the arresting officer. Ruben Malos, 25, of Cle%% is- ton, w'as arrested Nov. 22, and charged with violating probation for a felony offense Michael S Edwards of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office \\as the arresting officer A male juvenile, 16. of Clewiston, \\as arrested Nov. 21. and charged w ith larceny grand of firearm and burglary dwelling Roadwatch Roadktatch for the week of Nov. 2 7 Western Palm Beach County Palm Beach Counh Palm Beach Counti traffic \ill be affect- ed this week by ongoing construc- tion projects and maintenance work, Florida Department of Trans- portation (FDOT'i officials report. Foi around-the-clock, real-time traffic information v\ithin the tri- county area fPalm Beach,. Broward and Miami-Dade Counties), travel- ers should call 51 1.For 1-95 Palm Beach County traffic reports just sa\ "I-95 or Interstate 95" Informa- tion is also available on-line at www.51 Isouthflorida.com. To viel real-time video of 1-95 in CREW Continued From Page 2 was for Gail in Moore Haven. Gail lives with her son, daughter-in-law and two granddaughters. Her home was damaged in Hurricane Wilma's but her son's home was destroyed, so the family moved in with her. She received assistance from FEMA and purchased sup- plies. Her son worked to do the repairs himself, but had a full time job and a year later much of the work still needed to be done. They hung and finished drywall and laid flooring for her in three rooms. This is the same home that East Lake Palm Beach Countr, \isit the FDOT 1-95 Interim Traffic Management System ilTMS.i ',vebsite at %vww.palmbeachcotralfic.org. These free services are prodded by FDOT and the SunGuide'" Part- ners. For updated lane closure information, please refer to nwyv.pbfdot.corm. S.R 15 US 4-41, Pahokee - The $15.3 million, 6.6 mile con- struction project includes classifica- dions milling & resurfacing, widen- ing, subsoil removal, drainage,. signing, signalization and utility relocations from east of 5th St to north of Hooker Hfiy Project fea- tures for the entire corridor include. wider travel lanes and shoulders with new signing, new pavement markings and guardrail; a rein- forced driving surface; and and Grace United Methodist worked at the end of last month (see previous posts). You'd think this blessed group tromr Virginia had done enough in a week's time, sleeping on cots and eating food donated and prepared by local churches and the owners of the homes they repaired. Yet they saw our limited tool supplies and donated over $2000 (estimated) in Dewalt and other high quality tools, ladders, and equipment. But there are more involved in helping us! The NFL draft grant has (in combined pledges and already paid expenses) given in excess of $20,000. PDA (Presbyterian Disas- ter Assistance) and the local Pres- drainage and utility enhancements The construction, which began December 2004, is being per- formed by Community Asphalt Corp., and is expected to be com- plete Januar\ 2007 Restriction: S R. 15 Li S.441 is currently closed to traffic in each direction, between just north of Hooker Hwy. to the New Hope Charities property. \Westbound motorists are detoured west on Southern Boulevard (S.R. 80) to U.S. 98 (S.R 700i tc. Muck City Road and to State Market Road. Motorists traveling from Belle Glade are detoured %wesl on S.R 80, north on S R. 715, wesI on Lake A\enue, and north on East Main Street Fifth Stieet to South Padgett Circle in the To\wn of Paho'kee is opened to tral- fic. South of Padgelt Circle to State byterian Church has adopted our cell phone expenses, paid for mate- rials to finish out rebuilding, to fund some flooring and drvwall lobs and provide the first month's rent foran indi dual displaced from apart- ment that has still not been fixed and now\ has extensiK e mold. In addition, Community Presby- terian Church of Clew iston con- tributed $1,000 towards a .$1.300 computer allowing us to run video and photographs and to replace an older defective computer! They also assisted with $3,000 to close the case on CREW's first rebuild. UMCOR, PDA and the United Way of Lee County continue to sup- port our staff expenses. Treasure Coast Dermatology Specializing in the Treatment of Skin Cancer 70aw ,e4, /4 - Jonathan S. Sanders, M.D., J.D. Cynthia J. Rogers, M.D. * Tim lonnides, M.D. MNlohs Surgery Diseases of Skin, Hair & Nails See A Board Certified Dermatologist Everytime 115 3thLaeSt.602194 UHgha 441,N Market Road will be closed due 0o construction of the new culvert. Local traffic \\ill be detoured at Barfield Road and State Market Road and continue to use S.R 715 and Larrimore Road as alternate detour route structure or conveyance armed. Tiffany Arnold of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Glades County Antonio Olvera,. 19, of Riverview, was arrested on Nov. 5, by Deputy Richard Ermeri on an active Miami-Dade County War- rant. He was later turned over to Dade County. Osmin-Guzman Juarez, 26, of Jacksonville, was arrested on Nov. 6, by Deputy Tito Nieves and charged with NVDL and posses- sion of similitude of driver's. license. Bond was set at $2,500 Shirlerina Jone, 34, of Moore Ha\en, \\as arrested on Nov. 6, by Det. Don Salo and charged withr gianJ theft. She was. later released on a surety bond. Tern Bruno, 30, of Home- stead, w\as arrested on Nov. 6, by Sgt. Ronnie Baker and charged with possession of marijuana with intent to sell; possession of cocaine and possession of mari- juana over 20 grams. She was later released on a $20,000 surety bond. Edwin Rohrer, 36, was arrested on Nov. 6, by Sgt. Ronnie. Baker and charged with posses- sion of marijuana with intent to sell and possession of marijuana over 20 grams. He was released on a $10,000 surety bond. Todd Cox, of Ft. Myers, was arrested on Nov. 7, by Deputy Jason Griner on an active warrant for violation of probation. He was released on a $5,000 surety bond. William Mathias, 32, of Moore Haven, was arrested by Deputy David Hampton on an active warrant for violation of pro- bation. He was held without bond. REICH .,.ANCINI Se Habla Espaiol Offices In Port St. Lucle Tne hinng of an norney ,s an mponan aicl nan odasn d dr.ol be- based solely on advertisements Before you decide 3a us to provide you AM1h ariien n.rdalnrmaon 3bciut ou.' qual.InCa.on 3nd experl-erce Wednesday -:- December 13 -:- 10:00 a.m. E.3uIl ful 'irthl C:arhliiia HTmesiir- Chl!'rnr.e. C-irun Ity lorlh Carolna Friday -:- December 15 -:- 10:00 a.m. ENLIll'ent Hijuiint g & RMe'aiiri3rl3i ;: 1 Esl, -1 lusI' Fhle: 'l"liD Mo l -bile oi .' 5i Acres Randolph .: Trriell Counties GA 0 Rowell Realty & Auction Co.. Inc.. 0 800-323-8388 Gl Aes 4Helth Care Cetfer Skilled Long & Short Term Care Facility Healthcare Services Include: *Specialized Wound Care *Resident& Family Councili Groups *Full Time Medical Director *Specialized HIV Care *Dialysis Support *Physical. Orcupalional & Speech Therapy *Alzheirrer's Support Groups *24 hour Registered Nurse Staffing *Intravenous Therapy *Therapeutic Activities 230 South Barfield Highway < Pahokee, Florida 33476-1834 PHONE: 561-924-5561 FAX: 561-924-9466 Other facilities in Gainesville & Bradenton Visit our website at www.floridacare.net 0For Medicare Enrollees -Are you PAYING TO MUCH For Your Medicare Supplement Policy? -Do You Wish You Had An Alternative That Costs A Lot Less? Now There's A Health Care Plan That Gives You The Benefits You've Always Wanted... A Meclicare Advcanrtage Private TODAY'S O TIONS Fee-For-Service Plan From Pyramid Life * LOWER Monthly Premiums *Freedom to CHOOSE Your . Doctors, Hospitals Andc Specialists Without A Referral Preventive Services AT NO EXTRA COST To You *Virtually NO PAPERWORK . Emergency & Urgent Care WORIWIDE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT TODAY'S OPTIONS FROM PYRAMID LIFE, CALL NOW .To Reserve Your Place At One Of Our Seminars: December 5 Clock Restaurant Clewiston 10:30 -CALL 239-936-8667 A sales representative will be present with information and applications. Pyramid Life is a insurance company with a Medicare advantage contract to offer private fee-for-service plans, available to anyone enrolled in Part B and entitled to Part A of Medicare through are or disability who continues to pay any applicable Medicare premiums and live in the service area. Pyramid Life Insurance Company and its agents are not connected in any way #15421-PLMA.) (706)1 with the federal or sate government or Medicare I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 30, 2006. ,Flora,& Elia's I December 5 LaBelle 111 *.,00,.- I cl IKU hurday Noebe 0,206Srin.hecmmntissut f-ae-k-coe Poinsettia A Christm By Gene McAvoy Hendry County Horticulture Agent g Poinsettias are most widely known as a colorful indoor orna- mental potted plant for the Christ- mas trade. Here in South Florida, they can also be used as outdoor landscape plants and grow into quite large shrubs. Poinsettias are native to Mexico and Central America, where they can grow to be 12 -15 feet tall. The poinsettia, Euphorbia pul- cherrima Willd., is a member of the Euphorbiaceae 6r spurge. family. The name poinsettia is in honor of Joel R. Poinsett of Greenville, South Carolina, who during his tenure as the United States Ambassador to Mexico, introduced this plant from Mexico in 1825. Poinsettias are some- times referred to as Christmas star, which is from its rosette like arrangement of brightly colored bracts that form at the ends of the stems in the winter. months around Christmas time. 'In Span- ish, the poinsettia is known. as floorr de pascuas.", The showy part of the poinset- tia, which is commonly referred to as the flower, actually consists of modified leaves which are cor- rectly called bracts. The bracts are typically red but can vary depend- m ing on the cultivar. Cultivars sport- ing pink, cream, white, pale green and even miNed colors have been, developed b\ plant breeders. The actual llowvers are insignificant lit-' tle nubs that are arranged above the colorful bracts in umbel-like groups consisting of a single female flower surrounded by a number of male flowers which are reduced to stamens only. Poinsettias are traditionally grown as pot plants for the Christ- mas holiday season. Poinsettias are often, used as- landscape plants in south and central Flori- da. Poinsettias are woody peren- nials and when grown outdoors usually begin blooming (bracts showing color) as early, as Thanksgiving. The colorful bracts are retained until Match or even later if the plants are not exposed to freezing temperatures. The purchase of a poinsettia is a once-a-year event for most peo- ple. Most people don't know- what to look for in a quality poin- settia. Here are a few basic tips on what to look for in a poinsettia. These pointers can male a differ- ence between a plant"that will Submitted photo/Eric Samora James Barrett, horticulturist with the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, checks new vari- eties of poinsettias in Gainesville. In 2000, more than 20 new varieties were evaluated by researchers and consumers for commercial release. Some have tasty names such as Santa Claus Candy, Christmas Cookie and Plum Pudding. look good foi the season and one whose appeal quickly\ fades. II possible, select a plant that has green foliage nearly to the soil line. Older plants that have suf- . fered unfavorable conditions will have usually experienced exces- sihe teal drop Foliage drop can be caused by fluctuating tempera- tuies, gas fumes, soil problems, and plant pests. Next look in the center of the bracts and you will see the true flowers called cyathia This tiny cluster f flow- ers is one of the best indicators of a poinsettia's freshness. Select only plants with small tight green button like floral parts These little flowers will eventually develop into open Ilowers If the poinselltia is already producing pollen, the plant is past its peak. This indi- cates that a portion of the plants useful display\ life has already\ passed and the bra ts will begin fade early than a similar plant which has not yet begun produc- ing pollen. Poinsettia prices are normally based on the number of bracts and the size of the plant and bracts. Now that vNyou ha%\- selected or received a beautiful poinsettia or more, how do you care for it? Poinsettias can be kept looking attractive far into January or even February if properly cared for. Since most potted poinsettias are the product of the greenhouse, the\ should be provided as rnuch natural light as possible. At least six hours of bright, but not direct light is required for best results Poor light or a rapid change in light regime can cause leaf diop A\oid placing the plant near win- dows, doors, fans, and heating vents since poinsettias cannot tol- eiate drafts, which nia\ trigger leaf drop. Poinsettias prefer moist soil, so water reg-ularly. Over watering or allow i'ng the soil to dry out completely can cause lea es to drop. Poinsenias % ill do best in the more humid, areas of the home, such as the kitchen, otherwise they can be placed above but not in a tray of % satei to increase humidity It is also wise to place plants away from busy areas where they will be brushed against and bruised Foitunatelh, the newer varieties of poinsettia are fairly hardy and will tolerate a bit of abuse .,.. In the spring, when the bracts a-it 4--,,tow N, -r as Star nIlAYan ftn ffl AILL& --- Adr, -. - ~ --a' ~ .~-j -- $ 71/..95 EMBARQTM HIGH-SPEED INTERNET 24 /MO FOR AS LONG AS YOU HAVE IT. (Price excludes taxes and fees and appiies up to 1.5 Mbps speed. 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All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. EMBI-06-1414 begin to fade, the plants should be kept cool and dry for a few weeks. After this resting period, prune the plant back to about six to. eight inches high. Remove any remaining colored bracts and leave three to four green leaves per shoot and restart growth by watering and fertilizing with a bal- anced complete fertilizer every few weeks.. By May-June, the plant should display a lot of new growth. At this time, the poinset- tia should be transplanted to a 2-4 inch larger in diameter pot and all .the shoot tips pruned off. Two to three leaves should be left on each shoot. Fertilize every three to four weeks and keep the plant pinched back regularly until Sep- tember. In late September, the plant must be given a special dark treatment to promote flowering. PoinsetLias are among a group of plants known as short-day plants. Short-day plants require a, long dark period to initiate the for- mation of flower buds. Poinsettias need 9 to 10 hours of lilht \\ithil 14 to 15 hours of darkness to pro- mote flowering. In nature flower buds are set around Octobei as the night become increasingly longer. In the house, the short day a long night regime must be pro- duced artificially. This can be done by putting the plants in the closet or covering htem with a completely opaque cloth, a box or a black garbage bag. Poinset- tias are very linicky about pho- toperiod. Any interruption of the dark period may result in a failure to blossom. By December, the Slant should have initiated flower- in\, and the development of col- ored biacts. Many pink and bicol- or cultihars ma% revert to red or \vhite when grown inside. Once this occurs, the dark treatments can be stopped and the plants treated :ike normal house plants again. If handled properly, your poinsellita should produce beauti- lul blooms for Christmnas. I wish you all a Merry Christ- mas' and the best for the New Year. Gene McAvoy is the horticul- ture agent v ith the Hefidry Coun-, ty Extension Service. Direct your horticulture questions to PO Box 68, LaBelle, FL 3.3"75, e-mail - grncavo ~o'gnv.ifas ufl.edu or phone 863-674-4092 or 863-983- 159:.. 'iou are also welcome to visit the Hendry County Extension Office at 225 Pratt Blvd., LaBelle. Olfice hoLi s are from 8:00- 5:00.' Want the community to 'save the date' for your event? Place it on the Community ,Calendar up to a year in advance! F 5 Pst I Yo Have an opinion you want to get off your chest? Introduce a topic for discussion in the Public Issues Forums. Have a digital camera? Want to share your photos with your friends and the community? Create a gallery of. your photos for free at newszap.com. Every organization, school, place of worship, sports team, writer/blogger and local business is invited to request a free link at newszap.com. It's a community service to drive visitors to your site! PLUS: Buy it/Sell it Classifieds and Advertising Opportunities for Page Banners, Tiles, and Sponsored Links communityy Links. THE ULTIMATE COMMUNITY WEBSITE Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 30, 2006 IlulVoLap.bUIII Community Links. Individual Voices. I Save money on your favorite grocery items. I I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online' W newszaps.CO Community Links. Individual Voices. L __._ __ _= .. ..-- .! LUNA Aluminum Structures *Pool Enclosures *Carport & Screen Porches *Roof Over Systems *Vinyi Siding *Now Installing Aluminum HuTricane Panels Licensed *HC.333.SP Insured *HC.335.SP 863-983-2701 Free Estimates Se. Habla Espainol Have news? Share i The 24-Hour .Community Wire Service' Post press releases o0 news items or i catch up on the latest postings. S.H I . Tips to help avoid holiday season over-spending WEST PALM BEACH If you are like most consumers, you will spend close to $800 .this year' on family, friends, coworkers and other important people in your life. Researchers cite decreasing gas prices, an optimistic employ- merit outlook, and healthy gains in the stock market as indicators, that we are ready to spend almost seven percent more than we did last year. In fact, the National Retail Federation 2006 Holiday Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey, conducted by BIG research for NRF, found that the average consumer plans to spend $791.10 this holiday season, up 7.2 percent from the previous year. "Getting caught up in the spirit of the holidays can quickly lead to overspending, if you aren't care- ful," said Jessica Cecere, presi- dent of Consumer, Credit Counsel- ing Service of Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast (CCCS). "For many consumers, the joy of the season is replaced by the struggle to make even minimum payments on credit cards used to purchase gifts." A little advanced planning can help shoppers pick out the perfect gift for the special people on their list and still stay within budget. CCCS offers tips to help con- sumers: Before you start shopping Develop a spending budget. Decide how much you can com- fortably spend on gifts, decora- tions, and entertainment without relying on credit cards to finance purchases. Studies show that people who use credit cards to buy gifts spend an average of 30 percent more than people who use cash. When you add in all the finance charges over months, or even years, your gift could cost you twice what you paid for it, or more. Be sure to factor in all the extra costs of gift wrap, cards and other holiday, accessories when developing your budget. And if you will be traveling this holiday season, don't forget to include the cost of travel, gaso- line, airfare, hotel stays, meals and entertainment. Make your list; check it twice Make a list of all the people you want to buy gifts for, includ- ing small gifts for babysitters, teachers, your mailman, etc. After completing your list, add the amount you would like to spend on each person, making sure that your total does not exceed the- spending limit you established. If it does, review and revise the list until you are within your budget spending. If you track your pur- chases as you make them, you might find you save money on some gifts and have more to allo- cate to others on your list Remember the best gifts are free Jot down gift ideas for the peo- ple on your list, keeping in mind that some of the most appreciat- ed gifts are not those that cost the most money, but are the most meaningful. Handmade gifts, such as calendars, photo albums, and framed children's artwork can provide a lifetime of smiles. Homemade baked goods are always a hit. For the note writer in the family, stationery and stamps make a great gift. A gardener will always appreciate a basket of gar- dening tools and seeds. And never underestimate the power of a sentimental letter, song, or poem for that special person on your list. These heartfelt 'gifts are often the perfect choice. Maybe the people on your gift' list would prefer a service to a tan- gible item. Who wouldn't like a commitment for getting the.car washed, a free night of babysit- ting, the garage or gutters cleaned, the lawn mowed, the dog walked or even the dinner cooked? Write,your gift of service out on a nice card or print it up on your computer. Sign, seal, wrap and deliver. Shop early and take advantage of sales Start shopping early and take advantage of sales on seasonal items and stock up for the holi- days, birthdays, and more. Check out retail sales, special discounts and' coupons in'circulars or newspapers and deals online. If, you know the model number of a specific piece of electronic equip- ment, you can watch the week- end sale ads for deals or use online comparison shopping sites to see where you might find the best deal. Sites such as www.pricegrabber.com, www.bizrate.com, and www.mysimon.com compare the prices of multiple retailers on the same item. You can then order items online or purchase them locally. As online retailers may run free shipping promo- tions, you might just save time and money ordering online. And don't forget about non-traditional retailers-thrift :stores, discount stores, consignment shops, and specialty stores might have just what you're looking for. Leave your credit cards at home, and if you do use them, use them wisely. It is very tempting to spend more than you've planned, espe- cially if you're rushed for time and feeling the stress of holiday shopping. Leaving your credit cards at home will help ensure that you will stick to your budg- et, even if it means spending a lit- tle more time looking for the right gift. There are occasions when paying by credit is necessary , such as online purchases, or air- line tickets. There are special pro- tections for credit card purchas- es, such as chargeback rights, and the ability to dispute items not deli ered as promised, so think strategically when to use vour cards. Use cards with the lowest interest rate and. ideally, only spend what .ou can afford to pay oft \\hen the bills come in. Cranberry substitute is easy to grow By Mickie Anderson University of Florida GAINESVILLE, Fla. It's relat- ed to okra, is officially a hibiscus and tastes a lot like cranberry. University of Florida extension officials say this Southern-style cranberry substitute is soreasy to grow; just about anyone can do it. And if that's not enough, it's an attractive ornamental plant that boasts green leaves, delicate off-' %white flowers and red stems and would boost any garden-even if you don't use it to make a spicy Thanksgiving beverage, cranber- ry-style sauce, wine or jelly. The Hibiscus saodariffa, also known as Roselle, Florida cran- berry or Jamaican sorrel, is used around the world from Panama to Africa and the Caribbean, said Al Ferrer, a UF horticulture exten- Ads Continued From Page 1 and grocery stores. The schedule posters would be in full color and would feature local business advertising on the borders. - "The problem with this is that no one from our school was asked if we wanted posters," said Ms. Prowant, and, "even if we did, we do not have 3,000 businesses in Moore Haven or all of Glades County to place posters." Energy Continued From Page 1 played a positive outlook for energy conservation; and addi- tional forms of energy such as solar, geothermal and wind. The Tennessee Valley Authority solar program, and the Florida Solar Energy Center in Cocoa were introduced as examples of solar energy use. Various ways to conserve energy were explained and it showed how this can be done by individual home owners who Center Continued From Page 1 been in many talks over the last few months concerning this cen- ter and I am thrilled at the progress that's been made." The need for Hendry Regional Medical Center of Clewiston to provide health care services in western Hendry County has been on the agenda for the past six years, according to the mayor. "As a board member for five years, and I know I speak also for board member Henry Spang of LaBelle, we have been asking our- selves, 'What have we been getting for our hospital tax dollars which have been in effect for many years?" Mayor Bengston said. According to proponents of the proposal, the idea of paying hospital tax dollars and receiving little in return has been a constant concern not only for board mem- bers but for many citizens of the LaBelle community. Now, however, it looks as though western Hendry County sion agent from Panama who grew up drinking the bright bur- gundy beverage. About nine years ago, Ferrer was given some seeds for the plant and encouraged Jim Hunter, an extension service- trained Master Gardener and Cas- selberry nursery owner, to try growing it. Since then, it's become tradi- tion for Hunter to bring the spicy drink to the county extension office's annual holiday parties. The plant produces pale yel- low flowers, which eventually fall. When they do, a bright, fleshy red calyx encloses the seed pod, which looks something like okra. Those calvxes are the secret to the flavor, said Ferrer. who's based in Seminole County. The plant requires almost no attention, Ferrer says. It's excep- The school would not profit from this company's sales. The high school already has a contract and can get free schedule posters. A football program containing ads is printed up locally, and they are given out free at the games.. The All-Star Publishing fax that was sent to the church had a con- tact in Peoria, Ill. They also list addresses on the Internet in Joliet and Naperville, Ill. However, there is another All-Star Publishing that does business out of Singapore. There are numerous publish- wish to, reduce the country's demand for energy; and how this Conservation can reduce month- ly utility bills. Comments made after the film questioned the manner of how Florida Power and Light approached the county, and how county officials dealt with -their proposal. Another speaker ques- tioned who would be the main users of the electricity such as residents, small businesses or large industries. Efficiency of transmission lines was a concern, as well as mercury emissions and its impact on the lake. Also brought residents, as well as others includ- ing neighboring Glades County, will see physical results in the not too distant future as the agencies work together in the early plan- ning of the center. Numbers of LaBelle citizens have advocated the project, which will not only serve those in western Hendry County but also people in eastern Hendry County, Glades County,. and any others who happen to need medical services that the center is plan- ning to provide. The idea that the center will be open to all is a central theme in the planning effort. "After all, it's not going to be an exclusive club," said Mayor Bengston. "The people of LaBelle are very much in need of this facil- ity but so are others in the general area." Hendry Regional representa- tives say the project has gotten off on the right foot. "We have been working with Lee Memorial Hospital to the extent that we now have devel- oped a perform and have found that an Urgent Care Center is tionally hardy and needs little more than full sun and 100 con- secutive days of warm weather. Up north, where that might be iffy, Ferrer suggests the plant could be started in a greenhouse and later moved outside. The only real work, Hunter says, comes in harvesting the plant and cooking with it. He makes about 21/2 gallons of the drink at a time, which' requires a grocery bag full of the calvxes. And although each stem produces plenty of calyxes, har- vesting them can be somewhat tedious, Hunter said. "It's a little bit of work to make the drink and most bf us are.not- that persistent," he said. "But once you try it, you get hooked on he drink." Hunter said his wife has used the calyvxe~s a substitute in a ing companies out to make money off of advertising, and some have similar names; and some conduct business from for- eign countries. Local businesses and church- es should be careful. If it is your desire to help support local schools, then contact the school district first to see how they sug- gest you offer support.' The Glades County School Dis- trict canr be contacted at 946-2083. Staff writer NenaBolan can be reachedatnenabolan@yahoo.com. up was the lack of alternative energy like solar, wind and geot- hermal power. ,, The documentary did not include viewpoints of electric power plant industries, but dur- ing the discussion it was pointed out that wind and geothermal power are not viable sources of energy in Florida. However, it is conceivable that coal, natural gas and solar power could all be used at vari- ous times depending upon their availability, seasonal changes, or price of fossil fuel. Staff writer NenaBolan can be reached at nenabolan@yahoo.com. financially feasible," said Glenda Wilson, Marketing/Foundation Director for Hendry Regional Medical Center. "The Hospital Board of Authority has recom- mended that this project move forward and the official approval took place at the board's meeting on November 2. Consequently, we are now in the process of get- ting an architectural drawing of a facility so that we can move to the next step." Ms. Wilson said her organiza- tion is working toward making the project a reality. "As of this date, this is a work in progress, while definitive plans are being developed," Ms. Wilson said. "We are seeking a suitable site, we are getting costs frdm an architect and operational costs are being reviewed." Craig R. Cudworth, Chief Exec- utive Officer, Hendry Regional Medical Center said, "We are con- fident we'll have definitive plans within a couple months." The Urgent Care Center Fadcility will be in LaBelle at a location yet to be determined. cranberry sauce recipe and it turned out strikingly similar to the traditional holiday condiment. Extension officials say the plant has been grown in Florida since the 1800s, and has been planted near the historic Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings home at Cross Creek. Here is Hunter's holiday punch recipe: In a glass or porcelain pot, boil for 20 minutes:, 1 teaspoon hole cloves 1 teaspoon allspice - 1 large piece of ginger, crushed 2-3 cinnamon sticks 1 gallon water Remove from heat. Add one 'gallon calyxes and let rest 'overnight. Strain and add sugar to taste. Enjoy the true gifts of the season While giving and receiving gifts can be nice, the true gift of the holi- day season is the time that fami- lies and friends spend together. Get friends and family together to volunteer 'at a food bank, an organization that provides toys for - underprivileged children or other organizations that are especially busy during the holiday season. You can enjoy each other, spread some holiday cheer and save money, while building and mem- ories that will be cherished long after the holidays are a distant memory. Money does not equal love at the holidays. About CCCS, Since 1975, families have turned to Consumer Credit Counseling Service (OCCS) of Palm Beach County and the Tiea- sure Coast for help .\ith money\ problems. CCCS is a nonprofit, community service agency dedi- cated to helping families achieve financial stabilit\. A United Way partner, CCCS provides confiden- tial budget counseling, money management education,- debt management programs, bank- ruptcy counseling and educa- tion, and comprehensive hous- ing counseling. CCCS is certified by the Center for Non-Profit Excellence, accred- ited by the Council on Accredita- tion and is a member of the Better Business Bureau and the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC). Governed by a commu- nity-based board of directors, CCCS is funded by creditors, clients, contributors and grants from foundations, business and government agencies. Service is available in English, and Spanish. CCCS has offices in West Palm Beach and Boca Raton, with satellite service in Stuart and Port St. Lucie, and offers around the- -clock help by phone at 800-330- ,,CCCS or at www.cccsinc.org. CCCS of Palm Beach County & the Treasure Coast is a member of the CredAbility Netwo, rk, a family of agencies serving con- sumers in south Florida, north Georgia, middle Mississippi and east Tennessee as well as nation- ally via telephone and Internet. Florida headquarters is in the Community Foundation Building at 700 South Dixie Highway iri West Palm Beach.. Consumers Smay contact CCCS any time.- the agEnrcy's virtual office is always open. at www.cccsinc.org or 1- (800)-330-CCCS. 3T :. 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Staffing is local, and we seek out people who care about the com- munity and want to stay here. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feed- back@newszap.com or call your editor. DEMOCRAT Clewiston News s.sass_ s .; .. .." . STheSun _DEMOI6CRAT ^ Ciewiston News 9 TheSun l City approves plan for cafeteria *1:riC% Laimo ,. ,-",M s B ^ *r Clewiston News G LADES COUNTY DEMOCRAT TheSun Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 30, 2006 SPORTS 13 Tigers whip Lions, head to state championship By Jeff Barwick CLEWISTON Everyone expected a close game and every- one expected the defenses to be tough on. both sides of the ball. But none of the 5,000 plus that showed up at Cane Field on Fri- day night, were probably aware of what was in store for them. They got to watch one of the best defensive games in Clewiston High School Tiger history as Clewiston controlled the game clock on offense and the Tiger defense dominated the Chami- nade Lions in a 7-3 victory. The Tigers now get to take their 13-0 record to Dolphin Stadium in Miami Lakes on Saturday night for the Class 2A State Championship game against Jacksonville Bolles, also 13-0. The Chaminade contest fig- ured to be sparked with offensive and defensive explosions. Both squads were averaging over 30 points per game during the sea- son and they both had solid defenses. But on this night, the scoring just didn't happen as Chaminade offense had prob- lems moving the ball and the Tiger offense missed several scor- ing opportunities after good drives. The Tiger offense still had the will power to score, albeit just once, and that was enough. The real story goes way be ond the final score posted on the score- board as the Tigers and their fans went wild at the closing horn. This was a game won by the defense, the Tigers strong suit all season. On this night, it \\as senior linebacker Carl Whitehead's chance to shine. A solid per- former all year, hiiitehead was all over the field with nine tackles, three assists and two running sacks. But also like all season, it was the cohesive effort of the entire group that made the differ- ence. This is 15 or so Tigers who play better as a team than any group in recent memory. No real stars because none of them really want to be a star. They simply, want to play and win as a team They are not only extremely well coached but they absorb and con- sistently apply that coaching. Defensive ends Delvin Hughes (seven solos) and Johnny Jones (four tackles) also had great. nights, with Jones blocking a key fourth down pass attempt. Line- backer Collin Ricketts had four tackles and three assists. Corner- - back Omar Smith also played \well with five tackles and tackle \\ illie Armstrong had three, including a key quarterback sack. Senior line- backer David Pope added 3 tack- les, two assists and a running sack. Cornerback Jasper Huntei contributed 3 tackles, an assist, a running sack and an 18-yard intei- ception return. But the statistics are only just that. This was a team effort with defenders taking on Division I prospect blockers head- on all night and allowing team- mates to make the plays. The Tiger offense had 3 sus- tained drives and ate up huge chunks of clock time to keep the ball away from the Lions' offense. Unlimited Hours, No Contracts! FREE 2417 Technical Support tns.t3'i Me g -gi ,g ,p ;o u.,r urd.,; itt 10 e-m. :I iddresr e wlh Webmaill Custom Start Page news, weather & more! Sw up to 6X faster! ) just 53 more - Sign Up Online! www.LocalNet.com "^ f Call Today ,S S wf< LocqlN t i 848,7265 STA8ON MOBILE HOMES Quality Homes at-Discounted Prices! Homes From the Low $50's. Turn Key Packages Available. Family Owned Since 1981. -W JACOBSEN fsLEFWOOA HOMES ScotBilt lT Mis Clewiston LaBelle 1312 W. Sugardand Hwy. 231W, HipoodiAve. 863-983-8106 863.675-6622 Punta Gorda 5041 Duncan Rd. 941-505-0041 SubmirNed photos/Jeff Barwick Tiger John Melton pulls in a pass for an 11 yard gain. Tailback Collin Ricketts tip-toes down the sidelines for a 15 yard run. The i:esi example would be their possession to open the second half when Ihey drove the ball 50i \ards on 11 pla\s and used o\er sLx: minutes ol clock time. Simply, the offense's control ol the game clock allo wed the aunted Tiger defense to stay fresh and, when called upon, the\, excelled. They, were dominant all night and allowed the talented Chaminade squad only 1 79 yards total offense on 53 pla\s The Tigers were (di king for a score early in the second period on series that began at theit 2-8. From the Lion 18, Tiger quarter- -back Jared Combass hit wideout Sin Putianam in the fhats and Put- nam turned it up field, e\eaving his %w ay towards the end zone At the 5-yard line, lie was hit and fum- bled. Tiger John Melton had his hands on the ball but never had possession and Chaminade recov- ered at their I -fool line The Tiger defense gave up one first down to the Lions and then forced a punt that went out. of bounds at ihe Chaminade 42 On six plans. the Tigers got to the Lion 16 tut ran out of do%%,ns Tiger kicker Will Davis care on to try a 33-y1atd field goal. The attempt w\as partial- 1l blocked b\ Chaniinade. Clewiston got their onlx score of the night late in the half. Charn- inade had been stopped ron their 38-yard line and went into punt forniation. A fake punt pla3 \was called and the ball was direct snapped to the blocking back but it glanced offt his hands and ovei his head The punter picked up the ball and was imrnediatele swarmed by Tigers, fumbling the ball Another Lion player grabbed the loose ball and retle-ated look- ing for an opening. He \\as tack- led back at the Lions 13 \ ard line The second half opened with the Tigers rriaking the long sus- tained drive. The series was aided by a bizarre play. The Tigers, facing a fourth and long from midfield. sent Jared Combass into punt for- mation. Chaminade's Justin Wobodard fielded the punt and tzent do rwn the visitor's sideline :j 11111 for an apparent 95-yard touch- down. But, the Lions' pass rush had roughed Combass during the punt giving the Tigers an auto- matic first down. If the roughing the kicker penalty had not occurred, an illegal Chaminade block at the outset of the run would have still nullified the touchdown. The Tigers were also flagged on the play for shoving a Chaminade player in the back. The net result of all this was a five yard gain for the Tigers and an automatic first down to keep the drive alive. The drive finally sputtered out at the Lions' 19 and another field goal attempt from 37 yards was \vide to the left. The Lions got the ball with 3:07 left in the third and drove 46 yards, their only sustained drive of the night, to the Tiger 10. Kicker Lugue Barrientos then nailed a 27-yard field goal with 9:12 left in the game. After a two first down drive that used up about four min- utes from the clock, Clewiston punted the ball away but the defense held Charninade on three downs and had the ball punted right back to them. The offense then put together a 7 plan drive that ran the clock down to 1:12 before they punted. As the game clock ticked do% wn to the final sec- onds, a desperate pass attempt was picked oil by Tiger corner- back Jasper Hunter and returned 18 yards. Wilh only II seconds remain- ing and Charninade having no rime outs remaining, the Tigers went crazy in celebration. The on- field antics cost the Tigers with twmo unsportsmanlike conduct penalties. One as loi the ov'eiall celebration and another for a Tiger having temno:,ed his helmet while on the field The Tigers also had purposefully taken a dela\ of garne perinalt prio to their last punt in exercising their using up the clock strategy. Discounting those infractions, which were meaningless to the ouicorne of the game, the Tigers were onl\ aged 5 times for 30 yards "The defense has been the stiongpoint all season," TiRer coach Lair Antornacci said "These kids played their hliearts out tonight The\ ne\ei let up and to hold a great team like Charrii- nade to three points is fantastic." Tiger sophomore tailback Dai- iis HuL'hes had 101 yards on 21 tries -in the night and said, "Man, this means e\erithing to us. In e t\e~ building in town, tihey'e got our names and numbers on them. In Clewiston, football is in ou heart." The Tigers will need another top-level performance .in the championship game against undefeated Jacksonville Bolles. The Bulldogs have a solid passing attack and have really not been in a close conlesi all season. Game time will be 7 p.m. and a great turnout of fans is needed to cheer on the Tigers who return to the State Championship game for the first time since 2001. Earlier jour- neys to the.final level were in 1997 and in 1982, when the Tigers played Jefferson County to a 13- 13 tie and were co-champions. 1 2 3 4 Final Chaminade 0 0 0 3 3 Clewiston 0 7 0 0 7 Scoring: 20. Ciewision: David Pope, 3 yard run; Kick Will Davis 40: Chaminade. Lugue Barrien- tos, 27 yard Field Goal Individual Statistics: Rushing iAttempts/Yards): Darris Hughes,22/101; Collin Ricketts,11./41; David Pope,1/3; Jared Combass,2/-9; Carl Whitehead,1/3; Terrence Thomas, 1/2. , Passing: iAnempls.,Completions'lniercep- tions/yards): Jared Combass, 10/3/0/46 yards; John Melton, 1/1/0/11 yards. " Receiving: (Catches/Yards) John Melton,2/33; Sim Putnam, 2/24. Clewiston Chaminade *First downs 14 10 Rushes/yards 37/141 38/113 Passing yards 57 66 Punts/avg. 4/39.8 4/34.3 Fumbles,'Losi 1/1 2/1 Penalties 8/65 8/56 SUNRISE APPLIANCE New In Box or Scratch & Dent Full Factory Warranty Save More In Mloore Haven We Also Carry Used Appliances With Warranty 401 US HwM 27, Moore Haveno 863946.2666 DAVID LUNDBERG BUILDING & ROOFING CONTRACTOR * Re-Rooting : * Flat Roofs * Shingle Roofs * Repairs -' * Wood Replacement ... . [8631261-1592 * [4071672-0001 Is Medicare Part D 'Putting the Screws' to You? C;' .'~, V ('ou/uisri.'g -L/C 1u/ai/rioa "T Thre'Dom it ide~h f11HfO NEEDS IT?? Don't be a Ilat-head! Call Concord Drugutore, in, Canada, and save some real money oa er 50% on most popular medications: 1-800-506-3880 *. ; ,. I .'j .r ar e .' i, I lu ll' *l,\ 'l.,i .tu, l.dtt si "t'Irititt ir' l>..ilmil it. ( .tlr.ti \lhrr... ( .mit.td.r Same Day Service Lab On Premises ( . 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Feelgood about your bank Seacoast NATIONAL BANK BiG LAKE N~stri r ti 800-589-1657 www.seacoastnational.com A i.t.,700." .t:.1 ,a ., i I bE orlr'C'3t. ;1 .:.r -t..rFFi..I To all the kind and caring people who called, visited, brought food, sent cards and flowers and expressed their love and respect for Lewis in many ways we thank you. The Lewis Blount Family Serving, the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 30, 2006 I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 30, 2006 Kids enjoy Punt, Pass and Kick Showdown CLEWISTON The Clewis- ton Cougars end of the year ban- quet event was held on Satur- day, Nov. 18, and the winners of the Punt, Pass, Kick contest were announced. Each level starting from the Tiny Mites to the Pee Wees were given a chance to Punt, Pass, or Kick the ball the farthest. The banquet had a great turn out. Players, parents, family and friends attended the annual event to enjoy great food and to see the kids receive their tro- phies and awards. An added sur- prise given to winners of the contest was a t-shirt which sym- bolized, "We're all winners; we might fall short, but never ever give up!" The back of each shirt read: "Never lost a game, just ran out of time". . The Clewiston Cougars 2006 Board of Directors would like to thank Sunshine Family Medi- cine, The Cohen Chiropractic Group, The Paige Law Firm P.A., Earle E. Edwards III D.D.S., for being a 2006 sponsor. The Cougars would also like to thank Maxis Printing, Lyons Printing, Sonny's BBQ, and The Clewiston News for all their help. Thanks everyone for making this year a year to remember may God bless all of you and your businesses. Submitted photos/Charlene Forde The winners in the Tiny Mite Division were, Ja'Quan Forde, who won Punter; La'Ronte Turner, who won Passer and In the Mitey Mite Division, Tyrin Summers won Ray'Quan Turner, who took the Kicker award. Lenorris Gaines won Passer. ,, , The Junior PeeWee players named Jamome Forde as win- ning Kicker; Ke'ante Skinner as passer and William Vereen won Punter. Punter; Tomorin Thicklin won Kicker and Goal guards Kindergarten students are excited about playing on the Central Elementary soccer field. S.h. whenyoup need a serve, call a professional starting as low as $12.50 per week, per block. _k If you would like a Call A Pro ad please call us at 863-983-9148 or e-mail us at southlakeads@newszap.com to place your adl m 0 to.-ian.ri ---i t,.r i -," -r A./ Heating Servies (8)6752878 *.B: '; RAM'rnxCEERI~uODGJUP SIN 1118rid HRu., Clvilitoo 0l2a00il I 1R1t if000 Al ~ SUNRISE APPLIANCE New, Used, Scratch & Dent 401 US Hwy 27 Moore Haven 863-946-2666 't6I -I [ J '- r I 370 Holiday Isle Blvd. Clewiston 863-983-3181 GLENN J. SNEIDER, LLC Criminal Law Bankruptcy Law Immigration Law 200 S.W. 9" Street Okeechobee, FL 34974 (863) 467-6570 II llAI .1l3.itlRi Reich & Mancini 1-888-784-6724 PorTln I uric M rc l rili ali. card ,wa [;lon I-SOO.DODGE NOW 1.5611*t833* 1311 Vv'Ft O-'.epchfbee &The Tiut it. K 1 CHP 0,6 ONT : M DNTRE Fla. Building & Roofing Inc. 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N'13-8 LABOR <4 FINDERS DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 E. Sqarland Hwy, (Af oss Jfic (lfistn 1m (863) 902-9494 Save 1 00's On Your New/Existing Loans Home Or Auto WITO REFItwANCINl What The Banks Don't Tell You! DI Financial Solutions, LLC RO. Box 2003 Belle Glade, F 33430 561-983.1609 (eVcst, fake FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATORY 805 N. Hwy. 27 Moore Haven (863) 946-1233 NIA I I M* iil o LIWTTITK 4 IL A --. 0 a L A 340 N, BRIDGE STREET LABULLE, FL 863-674-0003 Jackson River Where Quality is Done in Style D.T.C. LAND -l.RVICT S " Light Land Clearing * Brush Removal * Debris Removal * Trrc Trimming * Stump Grinding (863) 634-6982 (863) 634-6721 (Royals) ,PRO L0 AWN SERe COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL FURCENSED & INSURED JESUS M. CARRASQUILLO OWNER/OPERATORV 863-228-2997 ldlil llll :11likfut w rn Enin l(n I I i ilin lIdlr'.h lllrlll!,illm .ll lil 230 S. Barfield Hwy. Pahokee, FL 33476-1834 Phone: (561) 924-5561 Fax: (561) 924-9466 Email: GladesCarear FloridaCare.net STANTON MOBILE HOMES SQuality Homes at Discounted Pricesl Homes From the Low $50's. Turn Key Packages Available. Family Owned Since 1981. i0JACOBSEN ScotBilt -4k, " HENORY REIONAI IDICAi CENTER 863s983-9121 TOWN COUNTRY lMobile Home, Home Supplies & Hardwafe Doors Windows Vanities Siding Hurricane Shutters 1i 1 S San Benito St, Clewiston 863-983-3000 Cell: 228-6916 BankofAmerica SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 sh irley.vwiJ is@bankofamerica.com 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle I 7 LUNA Aluminum Stroctutes Pool osIotres Vinyf Stidin Carport & Streen Porches Roof Over Systfems * *Now I u jiftA m liunkmw Pu [kensediHC.333SP Insued 'HC335sP 863-983-2701 Free Estimates Se Habla Espa~ol ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Pri'Iripiul MIjrtd,'je Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 akaltansymoxgage@earthlinkUnet - _- q r Ap I -- - -- -- - ....... i ... 1 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, Noven.iber 30, 2006 Glolaes 1409ith Thursday, November 30, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Local teams head to Dolphin Stadium By Naji Tobias The Sun WESTERN PALM BEACH COUNTY It has been a great ride for the Glades area football teams, which include Pahokee, Glades Central and Glades Day. All of the hard work, from the off-sea- son lifting sessions to training camp and hard working practices, have paid off. Now for Pahokee and Glades Day, the teams have one last hur- dle to climb to being the state champions. For Glades Central, the team has to play two more games to cinch the state title., It may be possible to see all of the Glades teams to come out on top this weekend at Dolphin Stadi- um. CLEWISTON The Bass Busters Team Tournament Tiail \ill holId its ICith annual To\s for Kids lishi-ng tournamer-nt on Sunii dav, Dec 1I0 in Cle iston The erir\' i [ the l[oUrniain-ent is 51. per team arnd a vn iii 2 un\\Trapped los ian\ \alI-uei The iUijiniamentri runs i',:ni s.it1light until p m. There is no age limit on anglers and the limit is live i5) fish per team. All fish must Lte at least 14 inches long to i\ eigh in. This tournament is held each an e\ er year as a thank \o,,u ti 1the Cle, iston comrnruniir for hosling The Pahokee Blue Devils con- tinued their impressive run to the state championship game, this year being the fourth consecutive year it has done so. Pahokee rolled over Cardinal Mooney on the road, 48-0. It was done through their smart offense and defense games, as well as a great reduction in sloppy mistakes. Janoris Jenkins scored three rushing touchdowns, while Anthony Sheppard had two touch- down -passes and ran for another score. On defense, Pahokee forced two fumbles and made three inter- ceptions off Cardinal Mooney's Vinny Corona, including a Dwight Bentley pick off Corona at Paho- kee's 1-yard line as. Cardinal our tour namrnents dulirng the year and supporting our anglers. The oui niament LI\es the anglers a i-a1 to give back o the communi- rN b\ making sure the children in ihe Cle'. isto daiea h.a\e soiie-t ming spEcial fo Chlsirrimas o L, iJ'\ \ -o [ti.o o s and -iaip,-'i t,o )ijr haoais \\e i ll Lie Salting lot you on Dec. I 10 to sign you up for the 'Tos ,lo Kids' tour- Irament in Cloe\ isionr Foi rnore inlico riatjon isit oJur .' e[sile aLii .,.\ t.ba.sblustertl:la I- da co:ini :r Call Chris Ficke\ .it '1 11 i 2._2-9539 Mooney was attempting to tie the game after being down 7-0 in the first quarter. In all, Pahokee allowed only 21 total yards and gained 374 of their own. That's,a textbook recipe to get into the state championship game. Pahokee will play Ocala-Trinity Catholic on Dec. 2 in the Class 2B championship. " The Glades Day Gators also made their way into the champi- onship game by stomping over the Miami-Dade Christian Crusaders on the road, 34-12. The Gators are in the state championship for the first time in 10 years . The Galors had 264 rushing yards, led by Cedrick Taylor. They will play Tallahassee-North Florida Christian at 7 p.m. on Dec. 1 at Dol- phin Stadium. In Naples, the Glades Central Raiders .claimed their second straight Class 3A.regional title by beating Naples, 24-14. They will play Bartow in the state semifinal on Dec. 1. Bryan Mann had 113 passing yards, including a title-clinching fourth quarter touchdown pass to Travis 'Benjamin with 2:20 left. Mann added 63 rushing yards and a touchdown run. Running to the championship game is great for the Glades teams. Here's hoping that the three schools finish the job this week- end at Dolphin Stadium, with Glades Central doing its part to make to the big game at Dolphin Stadium the weekend of Dec. 8-9. Big Bass team tourney winners announced CLE\k STON -- lThe Bass Busters Team Tournament Trails held their End-cl-at'ie-r Classic in Clevistion on No\ 18 and I'-. There \.ere 22 leams partcipiat- Ing of the A3 tearns in-\ ted ihhe weather played a delinrite part in the outcome ol this e -:ri The resiuls o)l his etent \%ere as follow\ s First place for the two dais total -eight and 'Biggest Bass' o:t the weekend d %\ent to the ieinmi of Jessie Allen oa Clei ston,r and Tennesse"e ol Oikeecli:,Laee with a total \\eight ,l 14 52, pounds and the 'Biigesi Bass.' weighing in aIt 67 pounds Great Ijt:l guJs Second place and sec- ,nd place 'Bi. Bass' ptizes went it the team (Aft Jimny and .lared McMillianr .:, Belle Glade Their ioial \,eighi '.a3s 13 piiounds and then biggest bass \\as 4.41 pounds Third place aei.a!! lI:ar Lotal \\t eight x\erint o the tear.li o: Pal Kell.v of Roal Palm Beach :ind Jce McLCile I .Juiipier '\ ith a i:'tal \\eight ol 12.Ti) pounrids Arilers meritionrid ihai iish \ei'e .aiugrl'it aon lthe shoclil ILISt n rth AL Uindcle Jce',s Cul in the iras- uiinJh ti'e B'lack G ape Green Glitter Gamnler formss . \ddiltionali, Pelican Ba\ pro- duced, 1 d aO.o [le on the Zoom Hornv Toad in Watermelon Red anrd Jiunebug Colois Fishinri \a lough and after r coidlitinris %\ere rough ho\ieter these .ainrlea i lound the fish and riadte it happen Conri t uatulatioris lo all the anglers .\ho participat- Sports in Brief Coast Gu(ard makes house calls LAKE OKEECHOBEE Did N ou kno',) the Ui S. Coast Guard IAuxil- iar\ rr.ikes house calls' They \\ill or)me io \our home to discuss the leqluiii,_ saJet- e,:luipnient needed on ioiur toat. This ser : ice is fiee. ',,u \'will. ecei\e a cordial, inf(r ma- ti'.e, andi confidential boal inspec- tion A% esselisafetI check decal \\%ill be placed on boaLs thai meet all the requirtrnernis. Call i.6.3i 4t-7,.'0'i5 to ai range a boal check k HT3 Outdoors returns to Cle,(I iston inl07 The \\ade \\brrns HT3 Piofes- sional Bass Tour \illI be returning to Rolanid and Mary Ann Martins Maiina and Resort in 2007. Among one Iaa\ seies events and the Exec- utie TouI Tw o-Day events, C.letis-. ton has been awarded the HT3 ed and %e look forward to ha ing \ou return for another great year in 2007 tor the BASS BUSTERS Elite Tournament Series and Ihe Supei Bucks Touinamient Series Foi more ilniormialtion about these great events \isil our official ' tebsite xwi \.bassbustersflori- da corn or call Chris Ficke\ at (i41i 1232-95:39 2007 Bass Classic Championship Dec. 2 and 3 Bass Busters plan tournaments Bass Busters has announced its dates scheduled tfor the 2007 fish- ing tournament season including Ihe Elite Tournament Series Silver and Gold Divisions,. a Champi- onship Tournament: Superbucks Tournament: an end of the year tourni.-ment that guarantees $ 1i.,000 to the first prize wirner and the anni.ial To\s l, i Kids tourlne held in December 2 07. All Bass Busters tournaments are held in eCl\\islP%\ \\ihnti urr amreni times. fiom safelight until 3 p.m. For more information about registration and exact dates, please visit the Bass Busters Web site at: W\\W\ bassbustersflorida corn or e-mail: chris.F'bassbustersflorida com. Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! -- ------------------ Touching the Glades one family at a lime. <- i- I J r. c I Attend Church this Sunday 10:00.AM Al Nursery provided 370 Holiday Isle Blvd www.newharvest.net Paors, Chu c &lKa n Pe lm WE'LL D0 ALL YOUR DIRTY WORK EXTREME POWERSPORTS 4774 N HWY 441 OKEECHOBEE, FL 34972 863-357-0001 -..a i. c ''Wl, '" ...MO.. t-( a -K'-. *""i.r "WWW.ARGT I CAT. COM .OREt When you need a service, call a professionally starting at $12.50 er week, per block. If you would like a Call A Pro ac please call us at 863-983-9148 or e-mail us at southlakeads@newszap.com to place your adl -ADVERTISE HERE REALTOR REALTOR. SC: IALO U U OrrIC Al CuA-1[lI1 olt)Ldtt IlI 863-675-07/61 Expect something extra. 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-10pm OR LONGER! , 7 Days A Week ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE STARTING AS LITTLE AS $12.50 PER WEEK CALL (863) 983-9148 Of: EMAIL sjuthlakeadscn newszup.com U iEVERGLADES . REALTY, INC. I i Ia I I l. II l Ir k i Phone: 863-946-3900 Fax: 863-946-3902 498 US Hwy. 27. Mnnre UHuan 46 AZIt%,Ide (1603)19!83- 0075 I ai ~aaI 1144f" FFRESA ~RLJNAII BEUFFIF r-HA Ph%i "The Sweetest Deal in Town", r p uhasiw- ,JRrEirit, roke a a I I. G *i ,' Teresa Sullivan, GRI Your Realtor for Life I jt, ). llK ir.,ai.,,- %f 561.795.8533 ar .. .. l!.... nit ._- BARTON REALTY, INC. ST ', :L ',1[:,,1|: I II'.'. ', I I 1 P tilotes: ri oi !, i h i [.' i i Carolyn 7homas Realty, Inc. Caiolyn Thomas 946-0505 ',' i f #< *i ,,s. ,1 . '^ i,h, ,, ,, .1,w,., EO S~ugload fIr. ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE STARTING AS LITTLE AS $12.50 PER WEEK CALL (863) 983-9148 fi A ,Fm ll1 criuthl'L', i tl.'i' noPu'7an aom COUNTRY HOMES & LAND REL ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Office: 863-612-0551 Fax : 863-612-0553 'is:t Oj, Web,, ;at: Canlr, ilFi,:iijaLardSales.com ierenulivun -Kmga.c am UN U1AIL3 'U~ '? dU %l aaa apLaaaaUa I I ITT;I IT M i 11F2 fIfa~l la 714 = ;;% Che mKinj CRoup The alternative to ordinary real estate, 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 www.m.elkng comr M L RMel King -I MLS Lie Real Estate Broker ADVERTISE YOUR NO ONEWILL BUSINESS HERE ITw S 5ER FOR YOU real estate THEN JAMIE STARTING AS LITTLE AS NAVARRO O-l, 233 N. BRIDGE ST ICALL N HgarladleistOD "- C ,. S o* ris $ 2.50 PER WEEK C0 0ro.~ B aSrW ao & .i. CELL AT (239) 822-9272 .- Ic. C 863-675-0500 REA LT) Visit us on the web at S,\\R (863),983-9148 4nv mr IA5e ,,NLNdreSb-tk OR EMAl 41Luthlakeadst newsza p ,onim I.'ta S. t C. BAGANS FIRST ".. a I -_ i,, r ll, ii L- nel R ti EIr< Bri! 30 Colorado Rd Leiigh Acres FL 33936 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE STARTING AS LITTLE AS $12.50 PER WEEK CALL (863) 983-9148 OR EMAIL so0ithlakeads'.' newszap.com tBra'aki~i 6 ti, at 101:30 tm. Luinch 1t:0 ni .na 2:311 pitm. Dinntta 5 p ini. 9 p.mn. ,t ,1I aIa., d .Yatld,a '', a.'',, 1 ...ii ,.,. ~.(863)441-5264 SYIFM FtSltrIiM~N 4,-r P157IC ttiatSAtt aPJATtd MSIALLAT10- 4Alit'Rlt'Aa *'Ai itAND ittait tttti3 C '-' i Bass Busters to hold Toys for Kids tourney Ail- i Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 30, 2006 ,, I 17 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 30, 2006 'We wouldn't be anywhere but Pahokee' By MaryAnn Morris Three sisters, Iris, Mary and Lucille were born and raised in Pahokee. They have stories to share. "We all married and moved away with our husbands. Now that they have passed away, we all came home. The three of us live here in the same house we grew up in," said Lucille. Their parents, well-known in Pahokee, were Carmen Salvatore and Ella Woodward Salvatore. They moved there in 1917. But the story doesn't start there. According to Iris and Mary, their father, Carmen Salvatore came to " America-with his mother and his uncle from Ricighiano, Italy in 1900, when he was five years old. Not through Ellis Island, but through the Battery in New York, since they had papers. They settled in New Jersey where they worked to earn the funds for passage for the rest of the family to come to the United States. "Everyone in the family worked, starting when they were twelve or so," said Mary. "The boys worked delivering papers and things like that and I know one of my great- aunts had job sewing. Daddy had a real Italian father. Grandpa was the kind that if you left home with a dime, you'd better comes home with twelve cents. Everyone worked and brought all their. money home." "After he came home from France after World War I, he worked in a paint store, then he heard there was really good work -stone work in Florida. Grandpa told him he would teach him to cut stone, so Daddy came down to Florida, to Coral Gables and worked on the mansion, Vizcaya," said Iris., "He met Mama down there at the beach one day. They didn't know each other's names, but later they told us, 'When I saw him, I knew that was the man I am going to marry' and Daddy said' the same thing. So they were married in 1917 when Mama was 16 and Daddy was 22. "Mama invited Daddy to Sunday lunch one time, the family wasn't home so she asked her uncle if she could bring Daddy to his house and they would have lunch with him. But her uncle said, 'No, you invited 'Worry WON!ore/ wve Arve A So~ution Fr oT ]mi Sto ing, Build Your Dream Homi* Cas it & Pay off Credit Cardsf We Have Pa ced Loans That Others Couldn't!b Alan Kelly Mortgage ' 863*674.0091 VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES A ( CINDY L. ALEXANDER ASSOCIATES: EDITH HACKMANN SCOTT HACKMANN, BROOKE BRUCE AND DON BURDICK B675-0500 NEW LOCATION! 233 N. BRIDGE ST On the corner of Ml S. E HABLO ESPANOL RENTALS AVAILABLE IN THE CITY LIMITS ON OAK ST 2/2 with NO PETS carport on a double corner lot. Owners have ON THE RIVER 3/2/3 Car, boat dock & lift taken care of this home and it shows. Home is $1,800/M in excellent condition. $182,900. ON THE RIVER 3/2/2 Car, ith boat dock 2/2ON 100+/- ACS in Glades County. $1,500/M $2,500,000. UNDER CONTRACT 3/3/1 TWO MASTERS Extra space every $2,500,000. UNDER CONTRACT where. $1,000/M in East Ft Myers. REDUCED! IN EAST FT. MYERS 3/3/1 over 3/2/2 Car $1,000/M. 1,900 sq. ft. living area. Home has 2 masters, 2/2.5/1 car $900/M new roof, new A/C, fenced yard. Motivated sell- 2/1 $850/M er. Asking $269,900. 3/2/1 Car.- $850/M IN PORT LABELLE On a corner lot. 3/2/1, HORSESHOE ACRES (East of LaBelle) newer roof, painted on the inside. Priced to 3/2 Mobile. $750/M. sell. Only $189,900. 1/1/1 Car $575/M. LOCATED IN THE CITY- 2/1 being sold As Is' COMMERCIAL OFFICE SPACE $125,000. $800+tax/M ON MLK BLVD 3/1 home has been renovat- LOTS STARTING AT $22,500 ed. Priced to sell at only $129,000. ON PHILLIPS RD 2/2 two story home u(i 5+ HOMES FOR SALE acres. Home features an open floor plan with 3/2 DOUBLEWIDE LOCATED IN MUSE on screened in lanai on the back and a balcony on an acre. Home has a new covered porch and a the front. Property has several trees, large barns privacy fence around the back yard. $150,000. and out buildings. Asking $450,000. Get yur.adin h Hedr Glades Rea Esat Maaznetoay Cal a0eno uc,%Irt~j Oroo h.I"C. ACREAGE $850,000 40+/- acres. Beautiful secluded area. Pasture ponds, lots of cab- bage ponds arid oaks. Adjacent to Babcock property with lots of wildlife. Great place to live or for weekend get-a-ways. Bring your dogs and Horses. Also includes a nice doublewide. * $899,000- 16.04+/- acres. Great devel- opment opportunity! Close to schools, recreational Park, Town Shops and much More. .5 " * $900,000 45+/- Hard to find acres of pasture land in Muse. Easy access. Bring the kids, dogs, horses and cows. Currently zoned for 1 unit per 10 acres. (Insert Pic) * $1,500,000 -13+/- acres. HWY 27 road frontage. Great Investment potential * $1,600,000 ..-This 12.76+/- acres has lots of old oaks. It is currently being used Home Builders i itl Our -Nkdel Cciiter: 24,91 E. State Road80 Open M-Sun 8-5:30 Call 863-675-3245 or Toll Free 866-244-8392 -AL 3004 Holt Ct. 4/3/3 $332,900 Vat ant Lots Available QB39922 * .5',.3 -, W]- I Save money on your favorite grocery items. I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I SeOWSZap.CO Community Links, Individual Voices. S---LAND SERVI[CES- ]LAN]D S]B]RV][(C]BS. L~WiIWIGTLAND CLEARINGK BRSHRMOA STUMP RINDIN DERI RMOA Licensed and, Insured (863) 634-6982 ( INI/MaryAnn Morris "This tree was here when Daddy and Mama came. The roots are up where the water used to come and they call trees like this mother trees," said Mary. The house built by and lived in by the Salvatores since 1917 can be seen in the background. Part of it was re-built by the Red Cross after the 1928 hurricane. Recollections A series about Florida's pioneers and history him, you feed him.' "Well she had a pumpkin, so she boiled it up and Daddy ate it. "When they moved here to Pahokee, Daddy would do any kind of work. He farmed some, and for awhile, he would drive up to Stuart (it was all sand roads) and bring back ice in a wagon. There was no ice here and he'd sell it. I remember him talking about all the times he'd get stuck in the sand or the mud and had to unload all the ice alongside the road to dig the wagon out, and then load it all up again to get it here." "Back then the lake was beauti- ful. We'd swim and play in it all the time and it was so clear, you could see your feet," said Mary. This house was so close to the water. When the wind blew this way, the house is up off the ground, you see, the water would come right under the house." "The wind and the action of the water brought the sand here to make up the ridge here. When the wind'blew the other way, we would go out and play on the sand- bars the lake left out there in back of the house," said Iris. "We wouldn't live anywhere else. We wish the dike weren't here. Mama really fought the dike, but what could you do? No one lis- tened. Now they're ruined the lake with the dike," said Iris. "' hate that dike," said Mary. "I'm not afraid of storms. When the news people kept asking us if we weren't scared, we told them, 'we aren't the scared kind of people!' I think they wanted us to say different." Pahokee, in the 1930s had 16 restaurants and 2,735 people to Belle Glade's 1,043. "The farmers all lived here with their families on the farms. Not like now, where the people who own the farms might not even live in Florida," said Mary. "But we were fine here, even during the Depression. Mama kept a garden and she always had chick- ens, sop we had chickens and eggs and vegetables. Daddy could always find work somehow. He'd see something needing doing and he'd just do it. We wouldn't be any- where else." Lic #2154 863) 634-6721 STOP LEG CRAMPS BEFORE THEY STOP YOU. Calcet S.le Calcium ,', = . MARK LEWIS CONSTRUCTION, P.L. STATE LICENSED BUILDING CONTRACTOR WITH 30. EARS CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE OFFERING COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICES -..- -- ------- From Concept To Completion M *Commercial/Residential Construction 'Site prep *Foundations/Form Work *Stem Walls *Concrete Slabs /Driveways *Wall Systems *Utility Sheds/Out Buildings *Garage/ Carports *Trusses *.Interior Framing *Drywall and Finishes *Tum-Key Shells *Generator Set ups *Safe Rooms *Shutters, any Style *Landscaping LICENSED & INSURED FL LIC#CBC1250492 Office: 561-924-7767 Cell: 561-721-5766 mlcontractor@yahoo.com Bankof America SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS KOT e Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863-675-9065 1-800-854-5783 extension 56302 Fax: 863-675-7744 shirle.willis(a bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment FrlA! Vw I-r-iwus rxntcl i urx 23 rdg t -L el, L393 8365-886 Lisa ndre s LcSRel5stteBrke Associats: Sandr Alexandr, LindaDekle Da is oan Ci er , jl .1 h -r ml',[j l ',i III h ,r 1-11, ',r, n-it, , * 93u.,ty-t-/- acres on Sears Rd. Some Grove Some Cleared. All or part fro sale. Call our office for more information. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY. * $279,000 Great Industrial Investment Potential. This property is cleared and ready for your business. Call today for more info. "7 L ': . * $287,500 Prime Business Location. These 2 V2 lots located in Clewiston, are zoned industrial. There is a 1054 square foot home on one of the lots being sold "as is" This is a great location for a new busi- ness. A world of options' await you with this property. Priced.just right to sell quick- ly. Call for more info.( Insert Pid.) * $739,000 Unique 2+/- acres parcel in Alva with 162' of frontage on busy SR 80. The front Acre is zones' C-1A for many types of commercial use. The rear acre is zoned RS-1. The property is 558' deep with *.,ar[, r..1{,l ,)j[. * $895,000 Price Reduced HWY 80 Frontage 2.7+/- acres in LaBelle's Center Business District. Bring your offers. Call office today for more info. * $988,025 Looking to expand or begin your business. This auto salvage yard is truly one of a kind. Organized. and well established, with a clean bill of health. Call today. HOMESITES: City Lots from $13,000 to $72,900 Port LaBelle Lots From $25,000- $50,000. Financing available call office for more info. Lehigh Lots from $46,900 Montura Lots from $47,000 to $50,000 Moore Haven Lots from $20,000 to 34,900 Clewiston Lots starting at $24,900 Call today for more info on Homes, River Front Homes, Acreage and Commercial Listings. Building Communities, 4 One Quality Home at a Time! Hendry County's # Top Quality Builder 5-0i ,. -: r. "/2/2'. 231 900 5012 PinetreeCir. 3/2/2 $231,900 Great Deals!'!! Builder's Discount Mortgage Interest Rate buy down 1.5%-1st yr & .5% 2nd yr 30 Rxed rate w/ CHL HM FREE Pre-Qualification with: CHL Home Mortgage, LLC. An Affiliate of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage (863)612-0012 www. chlhomebuilder& com Investment Opportunities and New Subdivisions Coming Soonl Lorida 10 Acre tracks Available in 2 months R All Spec -lonms Include% acre hone site **Paved Roads **County Water *'Power 9016 Lamkin Cir. 3/2/2 $229,900 2029 N. Montana 3/2/2 $211,980 Cypress U mental Available $1200 Mth Thi~inkin .About 'Where YoulfWCome Vy WWith lie ~1oney For A New H-ome? o% CLICK AND SAVE COUPONS ONLINE! I m m m m m m 0 m m 0 m m m m M7]. -N I 1 .- r ... . The ing Roup Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 30, 2006 I Thursday, November 30, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Ul S-877 53-242 M -35n* - FIN ..IT FAST DET. . Announcents Employment | IE II ii.. Mobile Homes 1 --I-- 30, Financial j Rentals Automobiles QI gig I RENT L1dil171, Services Real Estate V T TI ig ,III I ml--1-- Ill AAI for any personal items for sale under $2,500 More Papers Mean More Readers! Reach more readers when you run ........ J .. I .. -- n id ar uoy several papers in our newspaper network. Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! ' Sources. Pulse Research Market Survey: Simmons Market Research; INI Market Research Cerner Rules for placing FREE ads! . To qualify, your ad 'Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) Must fit into 1/2 inch ..'- (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) Must include only one item and its price (remember it must be $2,500 or less) Call us! No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! ,REE / 1-877-354-2424 (Tol Free) / For Legal Ads: legalkds@newszap.com /For All Other Classified Advertising: cdassads@newszap.com - -0 Announcements Irrporlaril Infrnrmation. Plea.ie read /our ad careiull, there frt -A dy a i appears. In case of an ,nad.enrer,r erro.r please r,1-) uu pr-,r o10 irhe d -adlin- l.iled OVe v.1ll .L be r 'pori., ble :,or more, hirn 1 ircorrec rise.rtonri r tor mc,r: r-,n the -=ernl of ohe ad render-d .alueleas t .. SuCh erri,.rs Advertiser assumes res.pon.ibilitr for all statements, names and con- tent of an ad and assumes rer.pornsibilir., for any cOlain aga- ri i Indepenidentr Ile"spapers. All adiirt'ring S -ujc:t Ito publrshr'se approval. The publisher reserves the right to a..cepi or reject any or all copy, and i,:, ;,s-,.:.i, b o,,:. .;- il-, ,:,: ih,- ,:,r, ad.,-rt.emenr" All ads a.:.:epi e are : subl :1l crledt appr.r-.31l All ad- n.mul ,:Crform io hso lreiJdndn i Newspapers' style and. are restricted to their proper classifications. Some classi- fied .aegore. require advance payment. These classifications are denoted with an asterisk *. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 Absolute Real Estate Auc- tions: Homes, Condos, Com- mercial, Land, Waterfront. All will sell at Auction, Brokers & Phone Bidding Welcome. Neal VanDeRee Realtor/Auc- tioneer (941)488-1500 www.vanderee.com. ' Auction- 139+/- acres Di- vided. Yawn Road, Jeff Davis Co., GA. Homesites Farm- land, Timber, Saturday, De- cember 9, 10:00am (800)323-8388. GAL AU- C002594 www.rowellauc- tions.com. *LAND AUCTION* 230 Props Must be Sold! Low Down / E-Z Financing. Free Catalog (800)937-1603 www.LAND- AUCTION.com NRLL East, LLC:AB2509, Bule- ziuk:AU3448, John- ston : AU 3 4 4 9, Mauck:AU3447. DOG, Adult, Female, Found in the Port LaBelle area. Call to ID. (863)675-0694 MIXED DOG- Black with white spots. Brown collar with spikes. Vic. Four Seasons. Call (863)357-7145 BOSTON TERRIER, Black & white, last seen 11/9 in Bass- wood area. (863)763-6182 Leave message. DOG- Female, yellow leopard cur, limp, needs meds, vicinity of SR 78 & 29,(239)633-2512 or(863)673-4849 PUPPY- 8 mo old pitbull, cream & white, family pet, missed terribly, near Citgo- TreasurelSL (863)357-1915 REWARD- Calico cat(f), 2 yrs, white belly, black & orange back & top of head, long black tail. 863-467-0704 HAMSTERS:2F, 1M Babies, approx. 8 wks. old. Too good home. (863)801-1302 KITTENS (3)- Fluffy, Free to good homes only. 5 wks old, litter box trained, 2F, 1M (863)612-1003 STOVE/MICROWAVE COMBO, White, r electric. (863)674-0281 Emlymn Full.TIm Emlymn Full Tim OFFICE ASSISTANT II $23.4UfJ annual $11 25 tourl HS.r GED, 2 -r T xp ype 40 .vpi 'i. excellertr .',cuiputr ADMINNISTRATIVE ASSISTANT $.25,156 06 anruaiJ .2 12 i hour I, HS oGEr D. t ,r. college, type 45 wpni. ellxeient c mputerr EXECUTIVE SECRETARY $:32.iriiu annually SalariediExempt H1, or GED. 2 yr. college; type 60 wpm., ex,.ellent computerr DIRECTOR OF FINANCE : $66,..'6 nrnual Salaried E-xempt i'l..:. irg D.cer-.r ir, '12111i6 BA; CPA- C.:, FAriire.i .5 : exp., .at DL L SERVICE TECHNICIAN I $,''7.c.i jruau ,- -- .$S ) --. h ,urii Cia.- C CDL SERVICE TECHNICIAN n 1'. P:1, :!:1i. ir, ru -d I, $9.28 hourly Class B CDL CERTIFIED BUILDING INSPECTOR $41 2)J arnudali, .$19 2.3 hurt. Clint?. Open ULintl Filled PLANNING AND BLiILDING NLLNAGER .$4,.351)50nnuall.v SalariEd Exempt i.ertfi-id El etricaJ, Plumbing. Plan Re.ieier, BA -r nationalonral tet-,hi:.J degree.:r vpiA.lized training emphasis in engineering, construction or a closely related field; valid DL PLANNER I $41,200 annually Salaried/Exempt Closing: Open Until Filled BA w.2 yr. exp. public planning, community development and redevelopment planning; valid DL Employment Applications accepted at: City of Belle Glade Human Resources Department 110 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd. West Belle Glade, FL 33430-3900 8 am to 5 pm weekdays www.belleglade-fl com Equal Opportunity Employer AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS ANALYST Lykes Bros. Inc., an over 100 year old privately owned corpo- ration located in Glades and Highlands Counties, has an imme- diate opening for an Agricultural Business Analyst. Qualified applicants will possess a MBA degree in Agricultural Market- ing, Finance or Agricultural Operations Management (AOM) and/or have 3 to 5 yia : eperece worl ng in new crop-prod- uct development and/or special projects coordinator. Knowl- edge of Best Management Practices (BMP) and agriculture background preferred but not required. Lykes Bros. Inc. offers competitive wages (including participa- tion in the company's bonus plan) and benefit package includ- ing Medical, Dental, Life, AD&D and LTD insurance plus paid vacation and holidays. Interested applicants should email their resume to rich.hethertonalykes.com or fax to (863)465-1672, Lykes Bros. Inc. is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer / Affirmative Action / Drug Free Workplace, M/F/D/V PUPPIES, 8 weeks old, Golden Retriever & Red Nose Pitbull mixed, to good homes. (863)467-6651 BELLE GLADE, Sat., 12/2/06, 7 am til ?,582 Southeast 6th Drive, behind U-Save, Hats, Clothes, Furniture & Christmas Items. Tall Guy, Secure, Stable. To meet Attractive Gal or Couples 40-60 yrs. for Dining, Travel- ing, etc. (863)946-3123 GREAT WEBSITES $9.99/MONTH, includes de- sign, hosting, email & www.yourname.com, No hidden fees. Great Web Packages. Toll Free (800)882-7226 www.great- webpackages.com. AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career today! Offering courses in CDL A. Low tuition fee! Many payment options! No regis- tration fee! (866)889-0210 info@americasdrivingacade- my.com. Heavy Equipment Operator CERTIFIED. Hands on Train- ing. Job Placement Assis- tance. Call Toll Free [866)933-1575. ASSOCIAT- D RAINING SERVICES, 5177 Homosassa Trail, Le- canto, Florida, 34461. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING- FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.equipmentopera- torcom. Your accredited High School Diploma in 30-days or less. No classes. FREE evaluation. www.FinishHighSchool.com (866)290-6596, Get a quick response to any Item you may be sell- Inn with a classified ad. Emlymn FullTime 020 Emlymn Ful Tie I'l Emlymn Full Tim NOW HIRING 33 Correctional Officer's For Facility Expansion BENEFITS INCLUDE: HEALTH, DENTAL, VISION, LIFE, DEPENDENT LIFE INSURANCE & 401 K RETIREMENT MOORE HAVEN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 1990 East SR 78NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 , Phone 868-946-2420 Fax 8&3-946-2487 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V The GEO Group, Inc. A worldwide leader in privatized corrections PART TIME COORDINATOR needed lIo> righly iepulable SluOenr e'charge program Thrs woOr. from rrnme posi- lion requires a mulivaled in- dividual .who enjoys recruilinr I irinirig i d :.u- pervising volu leerciS ad il e wor.kinngi wn young eoupit IroiTi tL oad S oinie travel, expenses reimbursed. Please u t. risur t _i1 lner : i l lro- duili Vi-i ,i(' O .'611 50-1 : Whal Destroys Relaluonnipi.. Answer pg 44.- Buy rn, RPeaJ Diarelic Dv b L Ron Hubbard Send $8.0,0 to: Hutibtird lirielc Founda- tion, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa FL 33607 (813)872-0722. Employment - Full-Time 205 Employment - Medical 210 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 Companion Needed for 80 yr. old Christian Alzheimers woman. Live in, Meds, Meal & Appt's. Call (863)677-0104. $2,900 WEEKLY GUARAN- TEED! Address letters for holiday cash. No experience necessary. Free information. Start immediately! Write: A&G Publications, 2370-G Hillcrest Rd. #147-H, Mo- bile, AL 36695. BARBER WANTED: Full Time for World Class Barber Shop in Labelle. Booth Rental or Com- mission. 863-234-9966 CLASS-A CDL DRIVERS- Now Hiring OTR & Local Drivers- New Equipment; Great Bene- fits; premium Pay Package. Call Ojfliy Transport, (877)882-6537. A SOUTrIEKN GARDENS MECHANICS $18.05 PER HOUR Three plus years of experience with the abilir) to install, maintain, troubleshoot 'and repair industrial equipment such as pumps, motors, conveying systems, hydraulics, turbine:, gear boxes and related equipment.. Southern Gardens is the_ world's largest -ippirlki of 100 percent pure Florida not-from- concentrate (NFC) orange juice to the private label industry and major brands. We are a division of United States Sugar Corporation, one of America's largcit dr.ersilied. privately held agribusiness firms. The Company is headquartered on the southern shore of Florida's Lake Okeechobee between Fort Myers and West Palm. If interested please do on one of the following: Stop In Employment Office on WC Owen Drive in Clewiston Email Jdooley@ussugar.com Fax 863-902-2889 US Sugar is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse workforce. Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply. antiques sugar magnolia salvage boutique cottage style furniture, vintage, collectibles, etc. bond street clewiston fl located behind pzazz elizabeth 863-634-9917 MECHANIC Growing Fort Lauderdale Equipment Dealer is looking for experienced equipment mechanics, would consider training general mechanic in equipment repair, tools a must. Help with re-locating a possibility, competitive wages, benefits & incentive plan. Call Bob at (954)916-1020 or Fax resume (954)916-0080. D/F/W/R Emlymn Full Tim Emlymn Full Tim Emlymn FullTime 020 Engineer in Training or Professional Engineer Hendry Counry is seeking an early level engineer intir aij .rielor degree in I. i Erin-ine 1nri :11 , related degree, to assict lhe Hendry Counrty Ergiinee rin irime deigni, jrni d iin-iingi :,I roi:jway,: rv. adrulic ;yslesrr waser and Seri aewge svien SiT ns iir d.1d dlarage l.Ihili iriin,. ,ainri ,ii. waler corservallori prolecl: ard olier erngieerirg puielii Tri irinirmum i reqiuiiirnifi: iriiluij i 3Ba elio:rs Degree in Civil jghiC ullurad ru31. ,r replied held 0i 1 gi .,-iii r -,riin :i.in i- me 1d otCA iAD n, GIS siorrw rer C31186?.- 6 55222 or aI:,mpilee cisiiiii ,iin -urin.:'m n-ri Applations tjb des-'nopioi jnd reiQeuiremu enrils ca'n Lte Oirijinmel in.uiii Iref Pier.n:i l ii- i.frilmnTi ii located in Ime CouflritioUS Suare. 165 South L:e i ,ireel in La-elle or 31 rire Heni i.% unJlrv '.ubi Ohic in Clewisonl., Salary jrige bertwenr i36 '20 i.60 000 le ipenidinjg n Qujlihii l ii'.n. Velerjaru preierenie a ouul.ned in Ine Florida Slalule:. Heridrv I unity I: .)n ELqiuII Upiio lun.y Employer and Drug/Smoke Free WOIr Place Applicarin, win disabil.lii", ior nediii,. ) iOi)Fi~:Pe ii ine application or hiring process should cornial ine Humari Resour:e Dieparliieni Inis position will be open until lined Bride Tender/LaBelle Airoort- Tne person selected lor iris position will Ie respon ril- wir risperiing nmeriarnii l, electrical device or, ire triiq .'. Tuinijirn a3 ,ul I:uir : :tii: - Also assisi pilOIS. answer radio, criec luel lacihlies adril lliiiul appropriate djily lrTi.: -Kniowledge ol boals. boarinng procedures. & bridge onlirrls preleired Mui.'l hvi 3 ain Flonrida Onvers. Licern,'- Staff Assistant I. lor Irie Heriry Counrir Eiinreenin, 'Riald Bridge UepariTieril Mut navi: good communicaidriCn si kills & basic :Ticpuiler riiwledgie 1 bo.i epiria n .noieiiie r. i plu: Musl be inidepnaieril arind able I"i rruIllilas A -Highr ':A rioI:l Dipli.ir a 1:noI 11 :i rQuii id Mechanic 1. Basic rirernir Inowledge, epernence ,i ,n aduiiliTi.iii.'e :e 'viLP wiril 'i Meiharicis helper prI iei lr Mehanicll. 'Graduate irom an approved co ui e i'I hieav i diesel Ti n jrmn:. three yeC r: e'erieriCe - Boln Mechanic poilioris require class B driver.: .ic-rve Muit n.ave Higrn '-:rihoil Diplorrm or GED Bolrorelucid inr (lCwiorn Hiahwav Maintenance Technician II. Mjinlainsir rigriway uTiuilpari ,ni. ,rjl rlrjd: and nrigrii-OI-ayS in sae crndionr V niwledge in ue uo ) iiidard caeuipreri enrand rin, louls used in held. Must rave a ileari valid FIirnda Commercial Drivr l rin: Class BE or nigher w*in arr Orae endorsement. Heavv Equipment Ooerator I. ITrni 5n so.iiied wi.r in lrie p~Peralin ,i putill: w,-,ri.: equipment Must have two year e.perirnce in Ire z.peraiiirn cl rnirghwiy i:v i"r hIi i .tii'inid mairileniari(,e equiprrieniwr smil ii 10 final ori a.igrnmeni or ) y eluivialeril I.''mrtin.111ii i I rainring 3rd ePperierce Maintenance Technician II- Semi skilled manual work involving various maintenance construction, & plumbing tasks. Requires plumbing experience, possession of a valid Florida drivers license with ac.eplable driving rec ur Must have a High School Diploma or Its equivalenri GIS-Coordinator for the LaBelle office. Must have Bachelor of Science from an accredited college or university in computer science, geography, or related field with considerable experience in the use of geographic information systems or 8yrs equivalent experience. Annual Salary is between $45,000-$50,000. Staff Assistant II. For the Hendry County Building Licensing & Code Enforcement Dept. This position manages a variety of general activities including office work, clerical activities and assignment to projects. Must have good communication skills, computer knowledge, experience with data entry and a high school diploma or its equivalence. Electrical Inspector Must have 8 yrs. experience with a licensed contractor. Emergency Management Planner- Facilitates, coordinates and implements a county emergency management plan structured for anticipation and dealing with emergency incidents involving participants at all government levels and public sector. Must have computer skills, experience with Microsoft programs & excel. Must be able to work independently, be self motivated & organized. A High School Diploma or GED required. The positions are full time with medical benefits, retirement, sick and vacation leave. These positions will be open until filled. Job description & applications can be obtained in the Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Courthouse Square in LaBelle in the HR Department. Vet Pref. EEO. Drug free. Applicants needing assistance in the application process should contact the .Hendry County Commissioners HR department. Coordinate Exchange Pro- gram! International High School Exchange Program seeks enthusiastic coordina- tors and ESL instructors. De- velop exciting short-term programs for international students. (866)658-5444, EasternregionLCE@cox.net. COUNTER HELP WANTED Apply in person 300 WC Owen Ave Clewiston, FL DATA ENTRY! Work From Anywhere. Flexible Hours. Personal Computer Re- quired. Excellent Career Op- portunity. Serious Inquiries Only (800)344-9636 Ext. 700. Driver- REGIONAL RUNS, Home Weekly or: Temp Con- trol, Team Xpedited ($5K sign-on bonus), Dedicated (guaranteed miles). Solos, Teams, CDL-A Grads, L/P, 0/Os. Covenant Transport (866)684-2519. EOE. Drivers -Car hauling career. GREAT HOME TIME! Excep- tional Pay & Benefits! Paid Training! Min. 1 yr. Class-A CDL exp. req. THE WAG- GONERS TRUCKING (912)571-9668 OR 866)413-3074. 4' TELLER SUPERVISOR Experienced teller needed to supervise teller line to ensure prompt, efficient, and friendly service. Duties include assisting tellers in processing all banking and general ledgertransactions, instructing tellers in their responsibilities and coordinating employee scheduling. Apply in person at: 205 W.C. Owen Ave., Clewiston or send or fax resume to: Sheila PO.Box 1779 Clewiston, FL 33440. FAX (863)983-5860. EOE Site Manager Immokalee Reservation Supervise cooks, janitors and volunteer staff to the Hot Meals program, Ability to communicate effectively with elderly. High School diploma/GED. Minimum 1 year supervisory experience. Good leadership skills, positive attitude. Valid FL Driver's License. Excellent Benefits incl. medical, dental & 401 K Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 0 i Serving the communities south of Lake*Okeechobee Thursday, November 30i 2006 u ft RSrvina the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 30, 2006 Emlymn Ful Tie I'l Emlymn Ful Tie 105 HEMDRV REGIONAL !C DC.,9,jv5C SJ~ENTknEWf n-n~ dC P,,, ~v,~e., itn~ LPNird IFTo.n, Peteril t 11rirJ bi 1\ Ini Wl-iin k, ,,, Ilcut ilkic d uk futwt-ERRN.US B s I- I'd, fl I.. M, I; h i ,, LACtLS. i[ re .. '. PFrdn.NN IN Nur& Sqpavf I U \oild 1. RD i. 1, 5 ; ,linal up MSI t c V (s cthap ui :lifiLm'i| ut .i'. N1 PALS it Per Dirl-C Il or C NA kkvMalw T'di f i'./l ) I I. A ,ii rl f'. r ,iii. rh) t i nl i l . Fu lliie-2N uor CM Mi,l I r.( l'i I" l .J indJ C i-,l :3 lL. full tIe IN Nur MaE Spd Cre (UE. IUl) AL,.I:. I",t ,d E.l 1 1' ka 5 r r A %l '!,' Ii l 1 ,IdB,[c a0 ' Full rine : Nurse MU, I *.,'. .1ld 4 i ijF il i c writh a31 kil I r.y I h J'i 301 ,)l' fy tiT, c Full rIme Respirhton Therapist h- .o 1 ffI p.1T i,.,lun c illlh .. I1 .U S U i, Ji.ul l ji,.J j,:' .ul pJlic.l .ilh CLS 3 i ACL; S jc ',.). Full time.- M ical PrTdmotosl iS L',.irc" .i' ,doiij Ti:. -rn. i:,I, "r cil c'i '" iobl' It' l l i" SIl n.i... 1 i m.' n i l ,r'l l f.-1- u a cil i E l ] ji'. J ni rl n l Per diem- Phiaiimr Trchnlcl3n i.-.. l,,,l r.,p i I l l h j ll.. I',J d is prel Sll,,',jI l"j h ,: i, ,'uId u 1C,'.dj , PIn. time & Full lmer ER ReIlsiullon CIlek Sllll 'p I ll"' lj l 'il' .ria dJi d.ilJo s cr l l n K .'.lcd . iT.:n.J l l:ni'Ti,,.'ll I py i elu MuInl ly c l li S p il 1348 South Main Street Belle Glade, FL 33430 Orgiral E1uiprmenl C 'rn0jnry in Belle Glade is uloling lor a full lirTi,. (etCrnri nl paril delivery Onver. Toe priL ary responi- iiClrv willti IC 1 liver ojri in asale atKid eflicert iTiManner QUALIFICATIONS: Muiri nave I-2 /yeardrivinr]. epenence MuIl rnIv, a ,:lean rnirvnir iicord Mu'.pa [,i a Dd 1r0uiju' iW L ni e N.k and d Irug .:reernirng Apply in person 1348 South Main Street Belle Glade, Fl 33430 DRIVER: YOU WAIT IT WE Driver-BYNUM TRANSPORT HAVE IT' 01.o leaim-s owAnr needs Quaited drivers or pEr.Derimor, rriparnv iruvrs. Central Florida Local & J-a- Siuidenrilt re.ini graads re- liondal OTR positions Food 11:,3ui dl ait(lied. lonai n3aul grade lanker, no razmal nu VOn ilria Musil Oe 21 pumps great Deneflts con-- CP'IT CIreer Cernier peititve pay & new equip- i.u0r)1iO-527i,, w .dwirivP- meni. iS66iGO-BYNUM ior:r:i L(r. b.leel 2 years experiences. Earn Up i0 $1.550 WEEKLY ENTHUSIASTIC & FRIENDLY Worn ri rinrcuari he gocern- HAIRDRESSERS & NAIL mi-l FPT rio Eperienc:e Cjll TECHS NEEDED Tndi." lOi,014088-29212 Atk Please contact Juie at lhr Oepririmeril W21 18631983-2887 Houses ^^^ al 12511Hose -Sae 02 The GEO Group, Inc. The GEO Group, Inc. A worldwide leader in privatized corrections BENEFITS INCLUDE: HEALTH, DENTAL, VISION, LIFE, DEPENDENT LIFE INSURANCE & 401K RETIRETIREMENT CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS RECREATION SPECIALIST VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTOR (PC Support) SUBSTANCE ABUSE INSTRUCTOR CAPTAIN RN TRAINING LIEUTENANT MOORE HAVEN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 1990 East SR 78NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Phone 868-946-2420 Fax 863-946-2487 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V FT CATO MGMT & PT SALES PURCHASING CLERK POSITIONS AVAILABLE JSedre3a lor Agri.ullue grow- in Belleblde L,:C, i-i. or er a3c ing Company in Im- nore laI .iicrii ab ep caer- rrimoi.aee Prepare. receive and onrien ld ,andidales E.r slips supplies. Mb diploma or pDnelii..Fax.resume io equivalent required Good 7-283-.1998 phone. compuir and -n main Oillc needrd M-F Orne year Mechanic Needed eperience Houlyv + Bene- lor Tan ner(impariyr in lil Please ipply ,it a07 E Jupiler. Mu:l inspectiepair Main Sireel Immokalee. FL or equipmernmull-taski Fa' resume io 239-657-9764 problem solvingO Kevin 800 818~5895 TREEHOUSE LEARNING CENTER Post Office t,-,w Hirinq Avg Pay t20.rioiur ie r $57. ariniu. Has several openings ally incluaiQ Federal Bere- coming soon. F/I tor pre-K its and 01 (8001709-9754 leaches. must nave current USWA Rel #P5799 E.- LDA.,speakErQlishanabe am Fee Req enrolled or stekiing college credit iiasses in Reading a newspaper Early CldhOid)d helps you understand Fa or mail resume to, the world around you. Tree House Learning Center No wonder newspaper 1309 N W Ave L readers are more suc- Belle Gljae. FL 33430 cessful people! 561-993-3800 561-993-3807 FA). -ouses -a12 H-s-Se0 Employmen 18 'J'Us v li.tj Drouerties AILS Luan B. Walker Lie. Real Estate 863-677-1010 Brick 3BR/2BA two car garage on noril';ide beautifull 400 sq. ft lana.i ioll d.i',n hulters, immaculant and prestiine clean Large bedroom ready to move nat i284.900 Get Preconstruction Prices 8 avail- able 3ER?'BA, I car garage located .:'n re-as Ave.. Harlem Subdivision 1673 sq ft. Special Loan package. Lutz Builders S160K 20 Acres on Hwv 27 l i? i.u1in s 1 %. w it h 6 4> 14 Bay doors 126 Oak Drive, 3 bdrm/2 bath beautiful over I acre, paved dnve lined w/Oas, pole t u p 'emod hou .t.hiqO pinig li t and the pnce is right a. 5 40 90 The Oaks at Clewiston 9Available 2/1 1/2baCondominiums New Sale @ $129,900 W/53,500 BACK TOWARD CLOSING for the condo's. FREE Brand New Ford Ranger or Ford Focus with the purchase of a condo. For _R ent 3bd-.ba Mobile home on 5 acres 59,00 rj0. per month Call Becky for more information at 863-983-8590 or 863-599-1083. ;., Smith/Williams Team .4 Glenn A. Sarah A. Smith GRI Williams 863-983-3508 863-228-6867 1)Moore Haven Spacious 4br,2ba r.lobile home with large front porch. $141,000 MLS#2006761 19 2)Talapla Farm Production sold out through the end of the year. Call Glenn for details MLSi" 200645189 3)Income Producing 3/1 and 2/i1 duplex located on Haiti Ave. $150,000 MLS# 200661385 4)15 Acres Cleared Pasture land. Fenced and cross-fenced. Convenient access to Cleiston or Labelle $425,000 MLSa. 200652207 5)Ladeca 5 ac fish fari. 17 ponds, fenced, built up 4 feet above the sur- rounding properties. $325,000 MLS#: 200654436 6)Farm Labor Camp PermineI A, ETD INGi. Clenn for details MLSC 200653473 7)3br/2ba CBS home on I. 3 acre. New roof, paint & fenced. $207,000 MLSwr200650646 8)Montura Ranch 5br/2ba H&U PllNDWIal:e MLS#200675597 9)Easy Life S/D Remodeled 3/2 Mobile Home. New roof, carpet. Call for appointment $85,000 MLS'e 200661 385 10)Montura Ranch 3,2 Mobile Home on i.25 ac. S99,900 MLS. 200668993 I I)Montura Ranch 4/2 Mobile Hoaie i'98 Homes or Menrt on I 25 acres Reduced' $125,000 MLS#: 200644944 12)Seminole Manor Spacious NEW 3/2 Moblie Home MLS# 200682271 S 125,000 13)Remodeled 4/2 Home on .25 Acre. Must see to appreciate' S 174,000 MLS-4200683471 14)New Listing!l 4/2 MH on 7.5 acres in Pioneeri Fenced Only S230,0010 15) Pioneer I 7th StSALEcfNDING9,900o.oo 16) Montura 3.75 acres only i 109,900.00 Vacant Lots Sweet Lake Villas ,I- ) Ibd ,d-Il Rc k '.'I N ,rIo I 4.*1' 102 1 I. ti -rkn v a de', $30K 41 7 Redih Clr '11 I0-. i' Rdiu h t irn- '.k I.. I3(3 ;'.. ILndcro s42k Call Today! Channrmaine A. Montgomery 863-697-0189 1. Nesn l.ingl' 3bd,2bt.a2 car garage b airlul brand new hcme o 4 rru, er tops & iTlea'. t rled on" 1.21s i :jrrjf l chance Io move to the counLryr S249.O'00i 0 2. N.iwListing 38D.'2BA Doublewide Mo'ile on 2.5 acr.s, paved road, coirer lot. fenced. New roof. new paint inside. Only 5169,900 3. G-reat hinqs come in small packages'fJ ew y painted in ide and k ; 574.900 onI I List, Show & Sell Montura 4. Montura Ranch Fstates 425 i. ",erda 5$34.' 'Y0 -63 Hunring Club 542,000 770 S Shetland 544,001 7355 Palm 549.000 325 N. Nogal St I 25 ac. $39.900 i25 1N Ker&OfDJed 139,995 5. New.isting' 4.- 2ba'lcarcziaie metal W iof, tead-d ,lais eniry, fire place, bav wvndov. ,garigr c dcr e'rener. ce-ramic rile & carpet, ardchwos ro Iving rcom o dini.n ..oom. french dcrAs io patio. PerfL for fan-i- les %to -kw'. ieninerain 52E4 9K ASK ME ABOUT SWEET LAKE VILLAS Maribel Cathy S. Gonzalez Garcia 561-722-7347 863-228-4798 Se ab Esp. at St Hab Espanol Pssssssttt, Have you heard ab.:out mit REDUCED" Bac LOQ T l market, Make inipr,-ed 5bx. .t hihome on 23 a-res cn Time To Come i.llfis' Tlis 0bl Obipo Aw.eW it's a L~edU1' ,iLh ne, W kic,'n MlIji cabinet new roof, and rled through out rlamy irV tbe w 11 11S 4.u Pass, i on. Onl$ 5 199.90000 Owner wants Out lIt as simple a, thai PLEASE FIND TIME TO COME & ENJOS The Go..ner of Hris, 3bd,' L"ba home wants o l- bf .ol, Un SIll rowa' Don't be the ,ecr:.nd caller a,1rr .ufo L IH r ,Ln1u bc-,ause tS priced io mo.le f, i, a I.ivtr ,h,. It .l' _, 0" -- r. Th,. Looking for vacant land? Well bing your prc.m har hirs because i1% -Joo 1.25 acres rr cuar available rou in Mrnrura Rarnch Esial"s alio hai ,'P is '-n ir'rg0L ifri Crie me a call toda'e A Lot to Love The perfect -:n- for ',our future. This loi is located in Pun LaEelle and . the lardscaping -i courtesy of mother nature fit ready for you at 529..0011 Recharge your batteries itMina m this 3BD ' A duble.idde rinlile- hom. in Monrura3 J. This 1 'Sacre sitre ,ncludes lots .j rme-s. pn Vacy, peace and quiet. See if and be *" -- charmed. 513c,900..0 1) . SFeature Listing 2l3edrooin Baiti hi:.nme built on 3 lots within walking distance of local middle school is being offered at $199,900. Seller will give an allowance of 51,000.00 for appli- Your New Beginning Can Stan Now', ances. Please call me for an appoint- 'our new bAIinning can tia h-'ra in ith. ment to see this home. qJaint 3ED' 5SBA home on ?5 dcr.: r, Clewiston The kitchen has Ixautiful Cat, Call Me For All Your netry. counter ron; ad filed n.lcrin ,tied 0 ,,I,.u, Real Estate Needs! Walker/Wood Team S Sam J. Ashley P. Walker Wood GRI S863-677-1013 863-228-1132 CLEWISTON * Fish from your backyard! Fabulous new lakefront listing sits on .28 acres with over 1700 sq.ft This 3bd home offers a new roof, and new carport, all fenced. Priced to sell @' appraised value $174.9K *New Home! 3bd/2ba/1car garage CBS Home, 1,670sq ft. located on 1012 Texas Ave. $165,500.00 *3/2 DWMH, 611 Orange Rd, offered @ $89,900 FLAGHOLE .2.5 acres on Flaghole Rd. $84,900.00 *Back on Marketd Fabulous 3bd/2ba for only 5140,900- Call today for your appt. LAKEEQBI A little piece of Heaven! 775 County Rd.721 Loop NE Beautiful 2 story home /w spiral staircase & wood floors. Big backyard w/ boat access to the Gulf & direct access to Lake "O", Home on one acre among oak Hammocks. Reduced to $475K S105 Pinelake Ave the best 1.41 ac la front lot in Montura @ $77,900 470 S.Hadenda1997 4bd/2baFam Habortx fence, beautiful lot and trees, detached ca & shed, immaculate!!! Reduced to $130,0 -420 South Lindero $33,900 - 545 S. Brida St. $32K -Vacant land in Harlem! .19 acre tots -Vacant land in Port LaBelle! $39,500 * Great invest g@jl ecat 5 acres only SONEER ..PlANTATION *990Widmxwod At Sacres cleared, fe w/ power & wat .f concrete pad. Owner willing to sacrifice for$112,500 .4150 Pioneer 17th St. 2.5 Ac S65K -5205 Pioneer 22nd St. 5 Ac $130K 00 Starting Prices swe T14*e VflWas; s Villa $179,990 0 Lago $199,990 $70K Dolce $209,990 Call Us Today nced, For More Information 3 Flamingos missing from Sugar Realty. Call if you have information. New Listing! 2005 3bd/2ba SJerry W. Charles Enrique Double wide, has security sys- Smith H. Kehm Acosta tern, located on 1.25 acres TPriced to sell at $144,900.00 305-506-5876 561-261-3444 305.9682242New Listing! 3BR/28A located S s305-968-2242p on W.C. Owens $1 89,900 Great Location! 3bd/2ba/2 car 1. Commercial Listing Successful Montura3bd/2ba doublewide garage, brick veneer, fenced back- Business & Propertyo with over on paved corner lot recently VACAN LAND yard new roof, storage sheds. 10,000 s. of Buildings on remodeled. Hurry! It won't last! yard, new roof, storage sheds acres w. 175 directly on $1 39,90000 260 NW 2 Ave located in South Bay Wonderful family, home. Sugarland Hwy. 1 260 NW 27 acre lot $30,000.00 $279,900.00 2. industrial Property Hurricane Proof New Listing! 5bd/3ba, 2 AC -- th St. 5 Just Reduced! 2.5 Acres, 3bd/2ba Concrete Building! Landscaped/ units, 2 water heaters, split -'...,.,-,, r 11th St. 5 MH, fenced, located in Montura Parking 250K floor plan, new tile throughout, " Ranch Estates. $155,000.00 3. Industrial Lot w/ industrial zon- freshly painted, working. chim-, Mnura Ranch Estates MH on 1.25 acres in Montura ing $99,900.00 ney great screen patio, new 130 N. Arboleda 1.09 acres Ranch Estates $98,9000 4. Commercial Lot Need a com- roof, too many extras to name! $39,900.00 5 Acres in Pioneer potential for merciall zoned lot for your busi- A must seel $549,900 great home site $165K ness Great Buy at $899K with owner financing Need Some Space? Spacious 136 Montura Ave. 1.25 acres 5 acres in LaDeca $95K 5. New Residential Listing! R2 4bd/2ba doublewide MH in $39,900.00 Lehigh Acres Lot $65K zoned 3bd/ lba with a lbd/lba Montura. Split floor plan, living 9 Hunin Club Ave 125 acres Mother in Law Detached Room room, family room, too many 569 Hunting Club Ave. t.25 acres Montura Ranch Estates $158,9000 Exceptional Value extras! Hurry, won't last! $55,000.00 63 Appasa Ae.Paved road)$38K 6. Over 55? Own you own home Motivated Seller! Only 740-750 Palm St. 2.5 acres 345. Zambra 39.9K for less than $44.9K sportsman's $149,9000 o7,070.00 735 N. FrondaS 527.9K age Secluded well maintain 1 995 620 N. Fronda $45K 7. Beautiful 2.5 acre wooded home doublewide 3bd 2ba, split floor 455 N. Hacienda $50,000.00 615 5. Riverside S45K site in Pioneer Plantation. Priced to plan master bathroom 120-130 S. Coral (2.5 Acres) $75K Sell $78K w/ possible owner includes garden tub w/ sepa- 2.5 acres Perimeter Rd. $73K financing FR s e garden tub w/ n.e 615 Perimeter Rd. 2.5 Acres 8. New Listing! Port LaBelle Beautiful and has horse fenced area, also $89.900 lot $45K Offers Welcome next to a canal. $1 24,900.00 for ClOSing COSts 9. Mobile home lot in Harlem $21K Sky Valley Lots: Starting at 564K 10.720 Jasmine St 1.Sacre lot located New Listing! 055 Riviera Ave *Call for details in Montura Ranch Estates only $31.8K 3bd/2ba home on 2.5 acres. Has new roof & AC. 11.=730 Jasmine St 1.5acre lot located $259,000.00 in Montura Ranch Estates only $31 .8K $5,0 . 1 0S ene 0t~r~sfr~m W l at vvv0- zrre-alt S~ II I I employment Full Time 0205 Em ployment Full Time MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail Your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 We have drivers projected to earn i.56,000 Iri year< HOW lom t muc ri will 'fllU earn HOw Mi. l 01 mrnui will YOu ejrn' Home wCekly' HEARTLAIJD E..- PRESS 800)41 -1953 TRADES wwiw.near Uande,.press com Time to clean out the (*, .cc attic, basement and/or FACILITIES MANAGER garage? Advertise your Belle Glade Campus yard sale in the classi- To manage campus-Dase lieds and make your l[clily operations iricudin clean up a breeze cuSlooial, grounds mainr lenarnce. Ba(rielor.s degree or equivalent e'- 0 year exp. related superviSOr exp.: and FL drivers licens FRONT DESK/RECEPTIONIST required Energy rrjmmr e, Local phivic anInaS an preferred. To Ejl i more ( irnme tiate ipenrng lor a Ironl I,' ipply online viil us ade..,reLeplionis Mledical www pbcc edu UI01ce lerrnnoiogy preferred. Human Resouices. Pain Apply in person a[ Bea n Communily Collegi 406 S. Deane Dul Ave. 4200 C)onaresr Averui Clewislon, FL 33440 LAKe Wortn, FL 33461 EOE.AA.VP ADA Find it master. Sel it soon- er in the classifleds -Houses -Sale 102 iEmplomen t EmBploymen The Seminole Casino in Immoka energetic and enthusiastic individ HOTTEST entertainment ven Quality individuals seeking CARl and ADVANCEMENT are encourage Pick YOUR career and embark i Cage Cashier Dining Room Server Dining Room Host Dishwasher Line Cook Maintenance Worker Prep Cook Public Space Attendant TAD/Gaming Machine - Customer Service Representative TAD/Gaming Machine Technician We are also seeking candidates for the: Director of Facilities Public Executive Casino Host TAD/Gaming Benefits available for ALL employees www.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person TODAY! 506 S. 1st St. Immokalee, FL 1-800-218-0007 Tine Srrninole C3a;r.no a DruQ.fre.e Workplace' HOME HEALTH F3,I orowirig Medic ire agerricy rew 10 Pal-,0ee/Bclle R A [ -1..Ourr Bayv nol. SOC READING per diem eP : rs I Iir viSit.i Iow. Al - PT.' T MSW.'HHA, C.all jarn/Andr, a/ Jess ' 0 1-888-733-3570 or g 561-74-2-750 Fa'. resume n- o 561-733-3931 S READING A NEWSPAPER S HELPS YOU GET y INVOLVED IN THE Ce COMMUNI r p. ( or 01 e. alee is seeking fun, uals to join the area's nue immediately EER OPPORTUNITIES aged to apply TODAY on a new adventure $10.00 per hour $5.50 plus tips $8.00 per hour $7.50 per hour $10.00 + per hour BOE $10.00 + per hour BOE $8.00 per hour $8.00 per hour $21.00 avg. w/tips $12.50 per hour se management positions: Space Supervisor Machine Floor Supervisor IMMlEE Emlymn 025 Sale NEWSPAPER,.. leads you to the best products nd services. 01 1072 I 1- 0 Thursday. November 30. 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee HEALTHCARE &-pbcc Palm Beach Community Col- lege seeks licensed profes- sionals to teach in the following healthcare Special- ties programs: Pharmacy, MDs, RNs, LMTs, OTs, PTs, RDs, Pas, Clinical Lab Per- sonnel, Addictions, Dentist- ry, Hygienists, Athletic Trainers, Respiratory, Ra- diologists, Nursing Home Administrators. Instructors who teach Con- tinuing Education courses are hired primarily on their subject matter expertise and course delivery skills. High- er Education degrees are de- sirable, but not required. Additional information on these teaching opportunities may be obtained at (561) 868-3331. Appli- cants may also apply on-line for specific adjunct faculty positions at www.pbcc.edu, Palm Beach Community Col- lege, 4200 Congress Ave- nue, Lake Worth, FL 33461. An EOE/AA/ADA Employer. -j(i READING A NEWSPAPER MAKES YOU A MORE INFORMED AND INTERESTING PERSON. a wonder nwspper reader are mawe popular! Hose -Sae 02 Emlymn Full Tim ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER ASSISTANT ST Lykes Bros. Inc., an over 100 year old privately owned corpo- GAS/CONVEN ration located in Glades and Highlands Counties, has an imme- Brighton F diate opening for an Environmental Engineer. Qualified applicants will possess a BS degree in -.:ii-iriii Engineer- Min. 1 yr super ing or Environmental Science and have at-least 3 or more years experience working in an environmental engineering related Excellent common field. This person must have good communication/presenta- skills. Good leader tion skills and be comfortable performing both fieldwork and attitude. Flexible h office analytical analysis. Experence in GIS preferred but not a School i hl required. High School Dipl Lykes Bros. Inc. offers competitive wages (including participa- Benefits incl. med tion in the company's bonus plan) and benefit package includ- Salary based on ing Medical, Dental, Life, AD&D and LTD insurance plus paid (954) vacation and holidays. Interested applicants should email their resume to rich.hethertonalykes.com orfaxto (863)465-1672, Lykes Bros. Inc. is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer E p m / Affirmative Action I Drug Free Workplace, M/F/DN ,a -m, S L SEASONAL CAREER S) SALES ASSOCIATE OPPORTUNITIES GAS/CONVENIENCE H&R Block, the world's STORE largest tax preparation Brighton Reservation company, is now S Brighton hiring seasonal part-time positions Excellent Communication skills, forAccelerated Tax Professionals and good manual skills, cash handling Receptionists. Call experience. Positive customer service 863-447-0495 for an attitude. High School diploma or GED. interview today! Flexible working hours. Salary: based on exp. Fuel & food allowance, incentives. H&R BLOCK Excellent benefits (medical, dental, 401K) Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 Shop from a gift catalog that's updated regularly: the classified. How do you flnd a job in One man's trash is anoth- Need a fewmore bucks to today's competitive er man's treasure. Turn purchase something market? In the employ- your trash to treasure deer? Pick' up some ment section of the clas- with an ad in the classi- extra bucks when youL sifieds fleds sell your used items in the classifelds. '^Hs-S10 [^VTIi-3'oss-Sl1 Jeiftey A. Davis U~c. Real Estate"I&' EVE RG LADES _.? REALTY, INC. - Phone: 863-946-3900 Fax: 863-946-3902 498 US Hwy. 27, Moore Haven "-%% .e% 1c re. I tIfnet Wmafnc MumuT~m BON rLA SPRING, WE AviE L.;ND AVAILABLE IN L.%DELA. LAKEPORTF amn'L.,,,1k.An Fi,,ih. 'IT 11'.1 h.il I I Lo, ,'114 I". i Necjs Some J \ '[!L lIt. 11,, t i i.I I Ne" Litinm t MikOut TI,, 'i~k 'IA. :01k-,. I I* 2 10[ .pocial. nc.*d.. m Hii., Slob Scil i _&rI , Garagt. ai~afS 9 Illdi r_.f4 A- - ______ '0.1 .1 .1: Rsly Fd a nnT 1 ii 1;ilI I,,,,., IA-1. .WO 2 Brau ituhL.~~dAbl,~ir RF.uh _L R'' tLTi 1 1;iir. T. 1, .,I 1-1 l JN F i.'r, H rn ri.Ii li- . ii,,,i, I ~ c m.I A NIO 10,H IN M, lOt!R M E PENDIAh~iINGi FEATURED LISTING 2 CBS duplrxes iLn Moore Haven. lot 75x100, b120 sq. ft $140,000 *ForRunt BE C.,pUl.Fl-.rd,,j h ir, h, lahi nes 'I.liOo Tacr'h TTnit m.tr A' -, Fir Sdl ....... jj -- -- Emlymn Full Tim TORE MANAGER IENCE STORE reservation 'isory experience. iication & computer ship skills & positive ours, FL Drivers Lic. oma or GED. Exc. ical, dental & 401K. exp. Fax resume to 967-3477 Financial Business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 Absolute Gold Mine!! $400,000/yr Goji, #1 health product'As seen on Today Show, MTV, Time Magazine. Top producers Averaging $40k+ Per MONTH. (800)605-8675. ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 B02000033. CALL US: We will nol tie uderi ld~ro Shop here first! The classified ads ffose -Sae 02 Droperties I LOU1 N View oil oi our odvertisers lisn online of wwhendrglodesrealestlote.iet LJC REAL ESTATE BROKER TERES\ SUILLI\:\N, GRI . 420 F- SE'ARL.A4.D HIUV a > -- (86 983-6663 Your Realtor For Life! 98-6 663 [SDEzsE 0MLS (863) 983.9770 urealioRoI WEBSITE: DY~eriSAALEsrAE.COM E-MAIL: .NN(' DYEiSREAL.STATE COM TereS. v. .i '. AFTER HOURS: . ANNDYESS LAURA SMITH TRAVIS DYESS ANGELICA GONZALEZ A' (863) 983.8979 (863)599-1209 (863)228-2215 SE HiABLA ESPANL 01 .1 (#63)228-002J "J^NSrIAL Condo Bass Capital Flaghole 2.41 ar-res 3BR, 1 1/2BA $149,000 $169,000 135,0o0 l)(;rcat location fi r this Larige (C S home featuring 4BR, 2BA New Home Pre-const.'bTwn Homes IVH oitnCoamudo$20K 31b-21BTI I with 2 car gaiagc on .41 acre lot. $329,000 from $199,900 Davidson Rd 2 ac Call deals 3B 3&\MOBILE HOMES Residential $209,900 Askiing 245,000. Call nJetails. si$W3 END 1 3BR, 2BA DWMH Watercress Farm 15 acres 3BR 2BA Palm eerPlantation 2)Bciautif1u Pool home. This property is like new S249 000 2BR a2B A WH Woodlands SID 2 lots r 249,00 Ea' reduced to $35,000 each condition \'crytlin has been redone. F touring 2BR, 2BA' 2 story j 1i2.23acresPioneer$69,900 3BR/2BTH, Faulily room, larL -. itEcl.i) & more. Home on Taft Blvd. with Pioneer 1 lots tog5 Asking 259,000 2.5 acres, $225,000 Montura 3BR/2BA $52,5000 each DWMH 1.25 acres $ e 4BR, 2BA $340,000 REDUCED to COMM1VERCIAL 3)Lovely home for under 100K. This 3BR/2BTH is 3BR, 2BA Pool w/ 8.7 $119,000 InD pt P + a must see. Nice aIndscaped yard, Wood deck in. acres $729,900 VACANT LAND es 2BR, ,BA Duplex Motu1.2ac Cabinet Shop 4800sq.ft. fi-ont & back & nmore. Asking 95,000 Reduced to $170,000 avail. Call for Listings Apt $200,000 4)Bcautiful Large Hoime on Almost an acre lot ....... b:cki to lakc in ahokce. Features 4BR 3B1TH ._ I WISHING YOU A HAPPY .nd ,",1 3410) SF. Asking 4. & )lJuust lReduced to $115.00)(. This 3BR.'ITI-I prop- SAFE THANKSGIVING L'it 'I ""iov,i' ,ljsct paicJ in ,idc. Fencedc a.rd. Family room and mnrc. .ll ftor details E-.uir.., Hna., ...r E.a:t Del kIe .EreEA 1 + 3 nL 'C.-i'" l( l It4.(,; ij ,'[,1 ilLh.n I mi ,, Reduced to $499,000 CLEWISTON *3 BR/3 BA MH w!Lr, ','rc...,.. Porch. Seinole Manc, r.1 i. ri. r I *2 BRI 1 BA Home on corner lot. Sagamore Ave. Reduced to $130,000. *3BRi/1BA Home. Osceola Ave. $189,000. *3 BR/2 BA Brick Home, ceramic tile. Just outside of town $S 139,900 *3 BR/2 BA MH w/Lrg waterfront lot, fenced, det. garage. Melissa Road. $129.900 *4BR/2BA MH with add. ot. Green Street *3BR/2BA CBS Home, corner lot. E. Sue -and Priced to Sell At $180,000 *3BR/2BA on Davidson Rd. Handicap Access. 1.42 acs reaicured lawn. S2 4.900 '3BD/2BA MH in Semince Manxe $79,900 *Ridgewood Ave. Hobbiest's Dream 3BRI2.5BA. 4 car gar., Lrg Pool area 54.9 000 * IPD Bt IH w i ..,1,,- L .,- .4 tB H 1EA a..rt h.,, i.r.r C L. IL ,- 1 i-,. 6 ,j.-r& .-'ll'"''J MOORE HAVEN i LAKE PORT * CB L, : B \ .1 r iinii n'- : ui, I',r b '-h' Clul l-' ( 51 J * B 2RA, CR S i. r,.. r 528 E Sugarand H-i.',1 Cl.ilFr . (863) 983-8559 il er H,'i"- Fh, .- ',::-L. "iJji ] A iar',' ,l. i Hr E.'"2 -BD.'2BA m n rg I:t. Ri.idgeaid A, *r N-1.' remnie,]i kildenr,. Billi.'in & green i poi:ii Reduced to $325,000 garage. Thatcher Blvd. $190,000 *4BR-2BA MR, S a Cypre Ave. $104,900 *2BR/1BA Mobile Home with direct Lake "O" Access Reduced to $109,000 PIONEER I LADECA / FILAGHOLE -3 BD/2 BA MH, beautiful 2.5 ac lot, new carpet/paint. 17th St. $189,900 *3BD/2BAMH 5 ac wsLrg oaks. poxe ham . more. Everhili Acres Rd. $279,000 * A rare find! Taft Blvd. 1 ac with 3BD/2BA MH. $132,500 *Owner Anxious! PrivateWxed, +/- 4 ac with 3BD2BA M Lg. carport/shed. $285.000 ACREAGE, LAND & LOTS * .33 ac lot in Port LaBelle for $65,000 *3.68 ac ofT Old US 27 Deep muck, Home Included $230,500 ilLli,l..i,.1, C., I.:, 2 & ,n AC ,,,l .. ,'. i i 2. 5(0 pe r .c .2 l. ,. i,, F[. ,r,..-- ]l.. A :r,.-- I, .-.c r:, 0, 0 0 *Rr-u- Fi,,11' ..,.. O J. lt-I l, <'5KIT.. MONTURA * I -;' '. I 0 .'. I .I ; -Ii" .WI,,r l. ', .,I ii.i lf.' { * L,. & P HA iH I15..Ojij 1[.- 4 RD -, BH% M I .'H ',:.,^ Si M~j.'," ,: ei... Ri.V,,).' fOr I',ir,.l-. i209 *i'ii *Jt[i 28A rw...IH iL 1 Ii 'HI .* FII .I h- A14rn M FA I;, IMC I-1 '' .,'' .I US Hwy 27 Win'm 3 2. ra I:. Ii:S', 1 00 V'''~" a ~ ~V~9~*Fm Property m Everho Rd. 5 uiil+ Hme 42. K,'r, z Da~i Pus flj-217 ma riore Relu._Ld i 'iij IiiJ' 10 aa'a -ilrru rmane M1Qt(00 'SALE PENDIINC Same + INTIh REDUCED FOP. QUICK SALE Sl40Wiu STANTON MOBILE HOMES '*-0smA/eietdC-hft-nsvf3 L Rm1..1 Quality Homes at Discounted Prices! 'Muricott 5 ocezrdu% YohEin, 2 ;1 70 000' Hci.iesFrom the Low $50's. Queen Ave 5,i,- hIIS 00i'541) AEPENF. rIG 113707 Center Ave it, i.Tr; 1230urM)u .L E FENDINiG Tturn Key Packages Available. 'TmI~el'~uIrm l~' Family Owned Since 1981.Lael 'Fr. Densud Rd. 312 compr, el- r-I me4.lid. beuutilijl nrihla.r. JACOBSEN ____ Fd REDUCED lW000OOB0 n I rn~l M,'several lots 2-1.2,1t1 110,r'11 $r~ll I00C .,I,4~2I5IiI~$i!N~ifii~ 'SB5 ttres eidr,1. ..nrfltitnan:r iS 20 111)0 Venus Land I i .d .rreri-l.'27 lf.I') IWERIFINANCE II FOOD PREPARATION ASSOCIATE BRIGHTON RESERVATION Excellent communication skills. Good manual skills, cash handling experience. Exp. as a fast order cook preferred, positive customer service attitude. High School Dip or GED. Flexible working hours. Salary based on experience + fuel & food allowance, incentives. Excellent benefits (medical, dental, 401 K) Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDED Must have Class A CDL Benefits Available Apply at: Syfrett Feed Company 3079 NW 8th Street, Okeechobee ASSISTANT CONTROLLER/FINANCIAL ANALYST Lykes Bros. Inc., an over 100 year old privately owned corpo- ration located in Glades and Highlands Counties, has an imme- diate opening for an Assistant Controller/Financial Analyst. Qualified applicants will possess a Masters degree in Account- ing or Finance, have earned CPA/CMA designations plus have at least 5 years experience working in a financial analysis posi- tion. Work with a public/private utility preferred but not re- quired. Applicant must possess good communication and presentation skills plus have excellent knowledge of Excel and Power Point applications. Lykes Bros. Inc./offers competitive wages (including participa- tion in the company's bonu l pini rn,,] beriefiii p.(4ji,: includ- ing Medical, Dental, Life, A&D Oand LTD iniurjarn:e plu, paid vacation and holidays.Interested )ppiniicanI sr'ouihl email their ' resume to rich.hethertonrlykes.com or fax to (863)465-1.672, Lvkes Bros. Inc. is an Equal Employment.Opportunity Employer AfirmaTive Ac iion / Drug Free Workplace, M/F/DN/V .-ea1H s1i SHOP MECHANIC King Ranch-Florida has an immediate opening for a Shop Mechanic. Requires experience repairing farm equipment and implements, diesel engines, A/C, electrical and hydraulic systems. Must have own tools. 50+ hrs. per week. Salary based on experience. Complete benefit package including medical, dental, life insurance, retirement, 401 (k), vacation, holidays and sick pay. Drug-free workplace/EOE. For an application, please call (561)996-7257 HEALTH SUPPORT AIDE (Home Health Aides- Li) (#64038459) Nursing Assistant position at Glades County Health Department, Moore Haven working primary care clinic; medical & computer work experience helpful. CNA or PCA certificate preferred; Bilingual English & Spanish required. Background screening/ fingerprinting required. EEO/AA. Apply on line: https://peoplefirst.myflorida.com CallAlina @863-946-0707x208 for more details Inforatio 0221 Inforatio 022 DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE LABOR 0) FINDERS 202 E. Sugarland Hwy. (AcrosA frtom Clowiston Inn) (863) 902-9494 E=a X-- I--' 3_ 4C=Jb 3r-Jr-X A-ER& R-. I-At-W--- 4EA I -V- X--X --C--= I Houses Sale I Houses Sale Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 30, 2006 I 5 Servinci the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 30, 2006 zu REFRIGERATOR & RANGE, Be your own BOSS Kenmore, water & ice in door SET OF GOLF CLUBS com- Sell Avon. Workyour hours, & elec. flat top range, $600 plete, woods, irons, etc. i insurance, easy, unlimited (863)675-5865 8am-5pm Good con d. $125. earnings. Call Judy 677-0025 863-467-9892. Do You Need More Than a J- -c 5 0-B? Just-Over-Broke! Learn from Mike Kozlowski, Mil- BICYCLE- Womens beach lionaire Landlord Expert. bike, 7 speed, purple GUN CABINET: Holds 10 Everything on website is w/white flowers, $50 guns. Has 4 shelves & 1 FREE! http://www.wowbig- (863)302-1126 drawer. $90; (863)467-1401 m on ey-. c m / 4F -- GUN CASEN-2 rifle, locking, (630)552-7133. BFol din hard sided, gray, $50 Learn to buy Foreclosures, tax S li nited (863)763-4098 liens, and rehabs for pennies GUN CASE, Aluminum, Holds on the dollar.. Mentor walks SPECIAL BU ILDING 2 scope guns you through each deal A-Z to SALE..."DONMISS IT!" F- excellent con (863)357-5754 ensure SUCCESS nal Clearance. Deposit will n. $6(863)37-5754 (800)433-4556. hold till spring. 25'x40'x12' HAND GUN- Springfields Ar- S$4800. 40'x60'x16' $12,800. mory Ultra compact model MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! Front end optonal. Other siz- 1911 A1 45 cal. Auto. Ported For as little as $29 you can es limited. Pioneer.. $900. (863)467-1958 start your ownbusiness. For (800)668-5422. MARLIN Model 882 7 full details and a FREE sam- MARLIN Model 882 SS, 7 ple visit: www dpas- STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory shot bolt action, 22 mag., chal.myarbonne.com. Deals. Save $$$. 40x 60'.to 3 x 9 x 32 WA simmons scope 100 x 200'. Ex: 50 x 100 x $450 (937)215-0307 Bds 12' = $3.60/sq ft.R G T7- (800i6es-20building.com. w25" VR, Tasco gubdenr atler buildtng.com. 4 32 scope 1'80'. $550 CASH NOW FOR FUTURE :B*d *9312015-030T . PAYMENTS! We will buy r i SHOT GUNS-W2. $80 w your Annuity, Structured Set- I s- CaN ior S ore Wio tPement, Lottery or Owner'( sepaoale C5, to orre rl Held Mortgage Note. Call METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ 86)67-1958 R&P Capital Resources Inc. Buy Direct From Manufactur TAURUS PT-92-AF e, Au. (800)338-5815. e1 4 Moir, mn -,i wE avi, 2 O n rr2 m i0 Arp Pi.,ori7"e O46w iurl (aIi863)234.123I0 Residential/Investors/Com- afouna Deltivery Available mercial Refinance Your Ad- (3521498-1)7'8 Totl Free WINCHESTER. Model 12. 12 justable SAVE ,I.i-$ (88,8j3)3-035 .. gauge,. .ope. $350 Bankruptcy, Turndowns, STAIN GLASS STYLE W IN '8b)- ,--: Avaiabe Call Direct Lending5 0 m sel" s ara te ,ed n Partners (866)459-2606 20 1w6317 sell separate i 6 2 "A | WATER PUMP- r: ip, riarider WEIGHT BENCH- work. your 'VC 3n4-l.$100 M3146,741' arms iandlegs pd$00 Hujsa'- WOODEN STEP*S- heavy 2 q.HA 200ER. irm, I g steps high,"17" x 46" wide, Mb 3b1t3-41 3vmsg. $'.10 18631763-1997 Child Care Needed410 Child Care OfferedS4lK5 HEAT, SmallU io Inctr Instruction 420 GOBLETS (8). Ruby Red, R Hob- Portable wtip over safety Services O offered 425 r arn Il,.e., wih lr I t stem ,Witl.:r tlseed I,3A 9RtJ- Insurance 430 $200 18631763E-650 '-latin, $15 863)6-69 Medical Services435 | ,wer03 A uo &ELVIS COLLECTION, Many GOLD NECKLACE 141 20" cs riteLm FPa re le *. err i fr arm loancm w Ar l e .irri : el- lGrace ard memIratibIla $5,0 h, new $'1i i ,0A i TIRE- New, SI 205,75 R5 C neg. T46 -0627 8 T63-634-9316. U C' aMalalr3r 4 on ur neg..1- or iF6R --E2ER :,, oiior 8 63)35r2924 GLASS ELECTRICAL INSULA,- "Ial T I. I TORS- 53. $t01I) Misrc ntoB (863)46/-5052 CEILING FANS (2), Hunter. ..TRAIN SET-"Lreri i SanIa Fe ULSA male wmi,,hi it ot 4u piece, i rck naFi oiorrier, i$12b eCairo akin-g $7i i ,r PIANO TUNING $.125 o t besoi oieir oir.wi, olep i116"tS3-1371 **************** ; 'Q3)i-'7915 .CHANDELIERS- 2. Gold,. Lik.r Concert Experience new $ .511 WIl sizlrate 35 Years $10194)6737 (863)675-2596 or (863)243-9691 COMPUTER DESK., 1' tong i ii a 41 : al11. $40 t863176,3-5067 ADJUSTABLE BED, lUlramath, hCOMPUTER DESK- large. wriin twin. eteltc, w/vibrali & re- a dlu abui ni,.anir good con.- Toite a.: :ouna $2700F iow, NEW SELF STORAGE oli 0n 50 or t o i ter asking $1200. (863)763-6907 S1 ,uil. 7,P 3.15 1015 (561)66-0427 ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR i'i. i, l ull DELL COMPUTER 'P wOrt, Fidet Ja y w .vilol..i. t.- i eririp. onCoiBou rriUee ii F Fa l i .1 7,5 ci-,nd ,7ro ne .' I v iIl S, 511 lru'n jiT CLewisiI 86It81-015 230 .iWt783-hO. 1l :1 j .1'hp .'-1 .h-,b 863-983-2808, after hrs. DELL DUALITY COMPUTER, FREE DIABETIC SUPPLIES! 863-983-8979 l,-,rerrescriool,0,fht e roady ME iCAAE PATIENTS! Call Warranty & te(h suporp I UsTloll Free (tS6 294-34-6 Mr i $180(863)634-0812 and receive a FREE METER! Merchandise. PRINTER-Cannon S300,sof- Am-Med Quality Diabetic I ware, e','tra ink, $30 'Supplies. -- 46 -4T.15 i WHEELCHAIR CARRIER, l 3 Hammer, For electric chair or e- 0610- 0 l ry ty scooter, fits on hitch. $1500 Air Conditioners 505 (863)467-5126 Antiques 510 BED, King size, with mattress,. )I 2 I 60 Appliances 515 $150 (863)467-6375 7 Ill Appliance Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 BR SUITE- Queen bed AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train Bicycles 530 dresser, nite stand, full mir- for high paying Aviation Books & Magazines535 ror, very good cond., $250 Maintenance Career. FAA ap- Building Materials540 .(772)460-9733 proved program. Financial Business Equipment 545 BRASS BED, Full size, from aid if qualified Job place- Carpets/Rugs 550 60's. $600 (863)763-6507 ment assistance. CALL Avia- Children's Items 555 tion Institute Of Mainterarice China, Glassware, Etc. 560 BUNK BEDS Wooden with (888)349-5387. Clothing 565 dresser, $200 (863)228-3651 , Coins/Stamps 570 ATTEND COLLEGE OtLIItE Collectibles 575 BUREAU, Large with mirror, from Home. Meical ComuterVideo 580 54"lx32"hx18"d, 8' drawers, *Business, *ParaiegT l CraftsSupplies 585 good condition. $125.or best *Computers *Criminai Ju: - Cruises 590 offer. (863)763-2458. tice: Job placement a;-.. Drapes. Unens Fabrics 595 COFFEE TABLE, 2-End tables Ftanc. Computer priq l ad Fireplace Fixture 600 & Sofa table, chrome& Financial Aid if qualfieC, Firewood 605 brass w/glass tops. $250/all. (866)858-2121 www ,n, Furniture 610 (863)674-0467. neTidewaterTech.com. Furs 615 COFFEE TABLE- 3x5 glass DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS Health & Reducing CFEETABLE- children, etc. Only oni o,1 Heatinggovt. fes! Call weehdjav3 Supplies 625 DAYBED: Trundle, Like new. (800)462-2000, exi 6urII Household Items 630 Only 1 year old. $300. (8am-6pm) Alta Divrce., Jewelry 635 (863)675-0777 LLC. Established 1977 Lamps/Lights 640 '6 Luggage 645 DINETTE SET (5) piece, PA SYSTEM, Tosh, 25:w man Medical Items 650 glass top w/ iron chairs, $300 with monitor speakers t o-r Miscellaneous 655 (863)228-3651 crophones. $150C Office Supplies/ DINING SET, Table with 6 (863)675-0604 Equipment 665 chairs. $400 (863)467-6375 WOLFF-TANNING BEDS Bu^ Pets,.Supplies/ DRESSER, 4 Drawer, brown. .Dirct from $22 a month! Services 670 $40 (863)763-5067 -iEE Colro Cata$ognCALL Plumbing Supplies 680 END TABLE & LAMP, $20. TODAY! (800)842-1305 Pools & Supplies 685 (863)946-3576 www.np.etstan.com. Restaurant FURNITURE: Matching Formal Equipment 690 Living & Dining Room Set. . Satellite 695 Family Office & King Size Bed- Sewing Machines 700 room for sale. (863)983-3867 Sporting Goods 705 Mbving, MustSellt CUSTOM BUILT GUITAF Stereo Equipment 710 CABINET- 77"T x 42"W, Television/Radio 715 KITTEN- Male, Dark orange & solid doors & shelf, $350 oi Tickets 720 white, approx 8 wks old. best offer(561)633-1371 Tools 725 $15. (443)262-2740 DIGITAL PIANO/ORGAN- Coys &, Games 73 LIVING ROOM SET, Sofa, love Kawali, brand new, used onl) Wanted to Buy 740 seat, chair, all recline, oak 5 times. $500 or best offer coffee & 2 end tables. $500 239-425-5605. (863)675-5865 8am-5pm GUITAR- Johnson Acoustic LOVESEAT, like new, $200. Black Martin strings, ex( AC W/HEAT- Central package pastel floral, design, very HAMMOND ORGAN Upright unit, 3.5 ton, York, never in- good cond., $150 or best of- bik. shiny finish w/bench stalled, $1 550 fer(772)460-9733 Antique. $50. or best offer (561)447-6538 SOFA- Like new. Wine col- 863-983-8131 lewtston ored, with recliners at each TAKAMINE ACOUSTIC.BASE 'A iqiues J01 end. $250 (863)675-0777 GUITAR, Exc. condition TABLE, Custom built, solid $400(86)357-1576 or ANTIQUE TOYS- Over 100 oak, 42" square with 4 match- (63) years old. Fire engine, car, ing Windsor back chairs. $250 . $600 will separate. neg.(863)763-2458 863-467-1325 TRUNDLE BED- Clean, Great AQUARIUM- 55 gallons WE BUY18TH CENTURY shape.- $100. Includes lights and al American Furniture. Old oil (863)697-9704 accessories. nly$5 paintings & silver, Russian accessories. Only $75 paintings & silver. Pay top $. WATERBED- King size, 4 post, 863-675-2216 Call Frank Solid dark wood, Carved head- BABY GOAT, Raised on bab' 754-245-7001/954-588-3288 board. Semi flow. Waveless bottle, 2 weeks old. For pe $100. (863)467-8464 ,only. $100 (863)675-0247 ISfCub/ a a BEAGLE PUPPIES, 5 week. DRYERKenmore,$100- old, females, APR reg., $35( RYER, Kenmore, $100 each. (863)634-7723 (863)634-8024 GOLF CLUBS- Complete, BLUE HEALER PUPPIES FREEZER, Upright "Deep matched set, metal woods, Males & Females available Freeze", Works well. $75. irons, bag, putter & Callaway Shots & Wormed. $250 (863)612-5676 BB #1. $175. 863-946-3123 863-763-3631/561-718-1212 SORREL QHBROODMARE-12 - yr old, exc. bloodlines, Hunt big game on our ranch stocky, exp rider needed elk, whitetail, buffalo, red- $1500 (863)254-3926 stag, boar. Check our web- s i t e www.highadventure- ranch.com. Guaranteed hunting license $5.00, we have a NO Game-NO pay CHIPPER/SHREDDER, Crafts- policy, our season man 3 way system, new now-3/31/07. Call office condition. $250 (314)209-9800/Evenings (863)674-0467 314)293-0610. MOWERS, Huskee G/T 54" ..- cut, runs good, Honda mower, needs deck, $750 for both, will sep., (863)697-9704 *LAND AUCTION* 230 Props PUSH MOWER- Murray, 22", Must be Sold! Low Down / 4hp, excellent condition $40 E-Z Financing. Free Catalog (863)763-4098 (800937-1603 www.LAND- (863)763-4098 AUCTION.com NRLL East, RIDING MOWER- Craftsman, LLC:AB2509, Bule- 42" cut,'19 HR two cylinder ziuk:AU3448, John- Briggs,-Auto trans, $550 s t o n : A U 3 4 4 9 , (863)697-9884 Mauck:AU3447 I I 06701Rentals COCKATIELS, (2), breeder pair, with large cage on .wheels, $200 or best offer. ' (863)697-3346 - CONURES (4), Mated pair & 2 Apartments 905 month old & older baby Business Places 910 w/large cage & small cage. Commercial $500 (863)675-0247 LaBelle Property 915 DOG BOX for small truck2S ono es- 920 gates, 2 sides, $300 or best FarmT Property - offer. (863)697-3346 Fn Property t 925 Don-'t Miss House.Rent 930 Resort Property - TIhis 0 lC Rent 945 PIT BULL PUPPIES: White Roommate 950 1 Female, 2 Males, Rooms to Rent 955 SShots & dewormed. $125 Storage Space - 863-824-0505/863-697-1984 Rent 960 RAT TERRIER PUPPY- Male, 5 mo., 7lbs, Neutered; All FiT eint-a 0905 shots, No papers. $250. - (863)467-4498 Clewiston,2 BR Apartment SNo pets. $700/mo. & dep. SCall (863)677-0977 or (863)983-4436 HOT TUB, seats 7, you remove LABELLE- 1br, upstairs, & haul. $100(863)675-0215 $1000/mo, $2000 moves you in. Wa'er ineld No Pets S'at l, St.er,,I t239t137-5859 PORT LABELLE- 1BR 1BA SATELLITE DISH, New. Single ooiijr arEa o.rmunity po:,jo LMB. $25 or best offer. wjer, IDl &I lignl IR fu r- S(863)824-0801. rned ole IlooIr All newly re- .(8b))4ri e. l 1:w-y no bill, Ideal Ii r 2 a I 2:)erpI? 1-770-O'r Avail 12/01/06. 863.612.5037 Se hablaespanol. HEATER, COLEMAN Propane, P.r ,tle i w Eirtrici lioi n r ou si' i blu 0 6755 BELLE GLADE- 3br,1lba, tile, POOL TABLE, All access. in- w'd rr port security system. -cluded. Good condition 'CalBeiraji (5611441-439-, t,'. 63).01-1398: or BUCKHEAD RIDGE: LAKE ACCESS: Wailirni LC 3BR RA A 'nSe Watt Willt a) Milsubishi HD Big S eni O fcr 6r" work? perleut w3 p,: en09 e ri.ir lan eniei erle. i '1 i neg. ,i t.i '-5 t, BENCH SAW L f rlan 10I Il p Wl iTiie : ul I Lr 1 LI' I rm -r0r (a- i3) 1100 sq. ft. 4 Office Spaces Available April 2007 Glades General Hospital) N PJAELR... OKEECHOBEE- 4br house, full mnai you a more inlonnmed rise piv WiD pooi, garage,. and Interesting person. No ..600;rmo + $50 ulit. 6 mos wonder newspaper readers l 561 I25-'1-32, . are more successfully R Real Estate | TMX.ELMO, brand new, still in box, never opened, $70. 5.. .5 : 9 Business Places - I ale 1005 iu 3 Commercial SProperty Sale 1010 DVD MONITOR: PIXELON 15" Condos/ Flip Down, TFT LCD w/roof Townhouses Sale 1015 mount remote & hardware. Farms Sale 1020 lJ 1.1t0 i. 16'.,6l1)-'5470 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 iold Item 075 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 CHRISTMAS TREE- wnl, Lots Sale 1045 used once, 6.5 feet tall. Only Open House 1050 $25. 863-467-1325- Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspection 1060 Real Estate Wanted 1065 I Sale 1070 F. T I T *I 3 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 Christmas Trees 745 Farm Equipment 805 B: n- Pc Farm Feed Products8t10 Farm Miscellaneous 815 Farm Produce 20 TANNING BED BUSINESS Farm Services pe, n,,l, Offered 825 2 3 1 i:ort Farm Supplies, s alia wl ra ,:lentele Services Wanted 830 Invpntry ni:Iuae.1, ileu Fertilizer 35 $18,000or best offer. Horses 840 (863)885-1718 Landscaping Supplies 845 l."uses-al e *10 Lawn & Garden 850 Livestock 855 BUCKHEAD RIDGE Poultry/Supplies 860 Ready to move in! Seeds 'Plants..' Spacious 3/2 w/lake access. Flowers 865 Ownerfinancing avail. $185,000. (863)634-5236 CLEWISTON- Historic Home, 125 W. De] Monte Ave, 3br, 3.5 ba, elevator, pool, apart- TRACTOR- 656 intl Farm ment, garage/wkshop, TRACTOR- 656 IntI Farm, $599,900, M.T. Allen, needs minor repair work, Broker, 863-599-2595 or runs, $4750 or best offer www.executivehousefl.com (863)357-0966 IMMOKALEE, 3BR/2BA, 2 car garage, gorgeous, spacious, S furnished, built in '04, 1,669 APH LIN, 4 rs od sq. ft., located in Jubilee. APHA GELDING, 4 years old, $295,000 (239)682-4447 - broke, great manners, $1800 or best offer. (772)201-7633 PALM HARBOR Factory Liqui- APLO SA PONY 3 hn nation Sale. 2006 Models APPALOOSA PONY, 13 hands, Must Gol Modular, Mobile & for experienced kids, games, Stilt lomes. 0% DOWN trails, not spooky. $700 or When You Own Your Own bestoffer. (772)201-7633 Land!! Call for FREE Color HORSE TRAILER FRAME- tan- Brochure. (800)622-2832. dem axle, good tires, lights work. $350 (863)946-0912 Nh you want something sold, advertise in the SADDLE- New, 20" Australian; classifieds. (Western 18") W/matching breast plate. $300. (863)983-8646 120 Acres Northeast Alabama private lake frontage, pano- .-_ ... ._ -:. .. ramic views, abundant deer, ----" - turkey, good fishing, good 'A"-- timber value, excellent in- vestment $240,000 call Phil- lip (256)239-7808. BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA. ESCAPE THE HEAT IN THE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL CLEWISTON COL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN - NC Homes, Cabins, Acreage Modular/Floor Plans. Fr & INVESTMENTS. CHERO- KEE MOUNTAIN GMAC '3/4/5BR, 2/3BA, acre & REAL ESTATE. cherokee- your land as down p mountainrealty.com Call for free brochure available. 863-673-6417 (800)841-5868. Coastal Georgia- New, Pre- Construction Golf Commu- nity. Large lots & condos w/PONTOON- 24, 75hp mercury deepwater, marsh, golf, na- inPTO 24, 7op mercury ture views. Golf Fit- n water ready t fish No ness Center, Tennis, Trails trailer. Will deliver. $2000. I Docks. $70k's- $300k. (863)357-3163 (877)266-7376 www.coop- PONTOON BOAT, 20ft., 50hp erspoint.com. motor, roll on trailer. $3500 GA/FL Border. Pre-Construc- (863)763-9371 . tion Grand Opening. 20 AC PONTOON BOAT- 20ft, 90HP $99,900. Pay No Closing Merc, new deck & seat cov- Costs. Terrific oppty to own ers, bimini top, w/trlr, $2500 20 acres in GA. Coastal re- Neg (614)452-1600 LaBelle glon. New survey, subdivi- 1 iun po:1en i t i -.e Ranger 520VX, '01, 225hp iinarcinrir l 31 Ihe uritielievabi. Evin., 101 lb. thrust trolling price ol 199 900 CALL mtr., jack plate, steel prop, NOWi 18001898-4409 GPS map w/depth & fish S 1102 CLP-GA Land Servic- holder. 4 banki charger, bq.- s5 LLC Licenrismd] Real E3i .ae min, lop, doil rI intr ,Taui:n Broker.. mnre Mult Seil' $19,500. 1NADA value 124).000. Call Gulf fronl lots $595k. Homes A.63-6-61 4 far rli;n mi;d $300ok New -.86 3 -6 master planned ocean front STARCRAFT 16'- 50hp Evin- tcommurnity on Deauiriul tude, rolling mir iisir blinder, B Mustang iiijard. rajr COrpu. god .ri ape, 1.1500 Cnrii r v.' W nmCiJrnih riui- (86 31:657-0:2 1, shore.com, (866)891-5163.. NORTH CAROLINA- BEALTI.- How do ye find a Job in B FUL BLCUE RIDGE Mojrilain today's competitive vrews 3 2 Acre Mounrtair market? In the employ- E41ile iHeavily Wooded wit ment section of the clas- c Stream EZ Financiring. sleds 129 900 18001230-6380. - ,1 62f: North Carolina lool Miun3iai P/U CAMPER- Spotsrian. 02 Air, Viw & SlreI TIi E,: nr]o Sl ovr Ffi. A C, Homes Cabins & A(rreae S|eep-; 4 $ $.500 FREE BROCHURE 86 4b-1728i 59--1E34 i$006.-12-5333 Realv L 1 6-28 Murphy 317 Pearriire t.1 SPRINGDALE 1999, Jied- Mlurpny N.C 2Sq906 m *,k170 or r tl tter www rejiivolmurpny corn 863-6B 4-7T8l TENNESSEE Affordable elar & SWINGER '83. -i By Georgie mountain properIie Low Boy 10. orLioirnal mFrile new proPerty la.es I Jo slate in- lras a/c 44hrs on gener.ilor come lia Four seasons- -i3800neo i863i763-4968 Southern hocpiir)ily. For mrlr irno) Call L)reside Re. TRAVEL TRAILER 1995, 26 311y t(8e8291-5253 : Ft., Sleeps 6, Great condi- wwwlakesidefeairy-irfln OrT "' liou. i'4000) or beil olle' Call Kerinnyi-2060U-479,, VIRGINIA MOUNTAINS Large eny -' 5 aire IraLtI along very 13,la e -Fif-h troutt S fftTo wil e prevale ele- Valtd hrri.n ile, gOld 30 . cess, view, trees,.nearby CARRIAGE 40' '93 5th wh etl river, $59,500 New awnirgs. screen end all (866)789-8535..- extras LikIe new, $10K neg 863-357-1784/863-634-2454 WYOMING RANCH DISPER- SAL 35 acres 49,900; 70 FIFTH WHEEL TRAVEL TRLR- acres $89,900; 107 acres located in LaBelle park good S$129,900. Snow-capped rcod 84 Cice .2 musl I mountain vie W. Surrounded movae40 ( 60140t-64 by govt land Aburniani wild- I life. Recreational paradise. PRAIRIE SCHOONER, d89, 35' Low taxes. EZ terms. Call 2 slide outs, good cond LUt3h Ranche LLC $6 500 .124-U Iv. ..8815-A1-'526_3 msg. MobileHomes SKI DO W bd Edlitirn 000 or i:1 : onir K 1 ICA .YAMAHA WAVERUNNER oi Lots 20 1993 with trailer. Runs good. Mobile Homre Lots 2005 $1000(863)467-5299 Mobile Home Parts 2010 Mobile Homes Rent 2015 One man's trash is anoth- Mobile Homes Sale 2020 er man's treasure. TuIrn your trash to treasure f .with an ad in the classi- tieds. MH FRONT OOR -73-",32 5 863-35 995-0440 Asking$100(863)824-05754 CENTER CONSOLE- new fiber- Double Wide on nice lot. lass,for boat or pontoon. $300 olike new, 1 14 acre land, r best offer $105,000 (863)983-1107 or (561)723-1590 MOORE HAVEN 3 For Air Boat. Gporch W/D Avail how. Seasonal pre- Marine 2 Way Rladio,'Ungiden, feared. $900. mob 1st, t & portable perfect condition. p uO. 239-995-0440 Asking $Malnt00 (863)824-08017-0975 PIONEER PLANTATION- HONA 2000 XR 70- dirtbi2br,ke lba,.$650/mo, + sec dep.250 - (863)983-8957. r ANCHORS, Fenders, outrig- Sgers, $50'for all or will sep- a 0 rate. (863)674-0281 AUAISLES:Nicest 3Home CADILLAConda Elite 80, ouMarinbleWide ssories 3020 Excel Suitablent condition. 1300 mi.. $69,995.Marine Miscellaneous 3025 Red, $1500 (863)763-6646 guimondr@sbcgobATVs CONTIANEHNTAL 220 GOP* S i05,000 (863)983-1107 or (863)357-5755 INKMAN, declare' jurthat the fore- y attachments, isL d that this declara- he 11th day of Au- I County, Florida. " ASCRIBED before August, 2006, by RINKMAN who is Ime. John D. O'Donnell lic State of Florida" ,30/06 CE riven that on 1"00 AM at FORT AGE, 1025 Com- LaBelle, FL, undersigned, FORT GE, will sell at Pub- ;tive bidding, the heretofore stored : 863-675-1043 daj-14 ems res L-47 misc. items uez X-14 ims chez J-40 s & misc. Items aez 520 c, furniture /06 FORD FO1, '83, at 6 cyl., 2 tone blue Neg. (863)467-84 -l NISSAN FRONT INTY A CR Espeed a/c $40 NTRYACRES. offer. (863)634-21 om $79,900 & up, 1/4 available or use payment. Financing JEEP Grand Chero 98, Exc. cond., or 561-721-5299 Cruise, A/C, 128 neg. 863-763-3191 a NISSAN PATHFi AutoAmAhles 1 21k mIs, liken AUItom blDes $20,000. 863-4 634-5530 Cell. 0 Automobiles 4005 UTILITY TRAILER Autos Wanted 4010 cond, carpet, as Classic Cars 4015 (863)763-9527 Commercial Trucks 4020 UTILITY TRAIL Construction Made, 5'9" Wide Equipment 4025 Lights on inside. R Forgn Cars 4030 $600. (863)675-87 Four Wheel Drive 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks 4040 Parts Repairs 4045 Pickup Trucks 4050 Sport Utility 4055 CHEVY 15 PASSE Tractor Trailers 4060 '93- cold a Utility Trailers 4065 (863)673-0782 Vans 4070 FORD MINI BUS 16 passenger i '(863)673-0782 PLYMOUTH VOY IUICK CENTURY STATION V6, All power, A/ WAGON, '95, very clean, 159k,-Well kept. $2500. (863)946-0355 863-763-3191/69 BUICK ESTATE WAGON- '90 Earn some ex inly made 1 year, $1000 or Sell youp usei j&41 ..fr ~ 51 t)- 890 the classilleds CAMARO Z28 8. all original, Pub yliO auto, Pirli reuoiDalin IP projecl run,:. 170i li CORVETTE '84, 65k ogrig nal .iles, neec'1 pajinl rlernr runs ,jod $.040i) neg 1863biJ-1.156 Public Notice FORD T-BIRD '941 State Public - ORD T-BIRD 9 M, Legal Notice Croug)rr *86. '- co il uad e bad rrilOrrsv, aav'? iiuli ari 16t lr.g 0 ,0n .6,.01 1U0427 HONDA DESOL '94 White, convertible, Standard. 195K INTHECIRCUITC mls. $2500. Firm OKEEEHOBEECOuI (863)763-7060 PI LEXUS, '93, $2500. INRE:ESTATEOF (l3ln69.9122 JOHN LEWIS STANGA LINCOLN TOWN CAR-'05, Deceased. Sienaiurr Series, Perfect NOTICETOCRE cond. Loaded, 7400 mi.;, i: i.,, r INCOLN TOWN CAR, 94, t ,. , Runs Oul. enrine rriaire rols- O 1",, 'aI"u l'lu"'i 1 es 1500 1i6l. -1398 or .". 6b 7-I235 :I0:{,'0 I .I..,L, MERCURY SABLE, '98, .,,-... $.4.00 Q63S3)94r Y;55 .ri' .. n-.l'.'lI, MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 1995 All creditors of the deo Needs minor repairs. Runs L',"' ..,:,-r.. r.. oo0 d. Very good condition;.- ... -r u..UI'1 '1,it. Or, neg l,3)634-5289 t .,,, ,,,,'' r '., PONTIAC GRAND AM-6"19'3 tf1, tIt rF'i Great i: nndililon Great Christ- I H' :01 iIa, t to mas gift. $800. i e l t I'l (863)612-5570 aOTHEM,, A ll-i I -ii.i-.l'.o i r S A T U R N '9 6 r E w n ei l et y & ,' :, ii, , engine, 5 spaJ le'4-1 t In Tllii, ii,. IIii. iri gas, nice 6 .1ar .125.0) or be;t Oral F ,i'- a order (86u I16 7-3.301 0 CI.I (I C i ti VOLVO 240,'93, Great for new ,!1 oE o:ri1:.-E driver, built like a tank, |e 'T I: if.Et %hi1.L $1700.Or best offer. BARRED. NO I .', T l..rTH-TtlrDlr G TI J,63J634-451r3 N.'ITH attlGvI VW GOLF '2000, Great condi- riTH C Cr tion. 61K mi., $7000. or best BARRED. offer. Call Kenny 'l- iI I . (772)260-6580 -I. n ,r, " Mark R. Brown, Esquire FORD T-BIRD '76, 58k, 1 Attorney or Petitioners owner, Estate Sale, very good Florida BarNo.994995 :i.ond iorin Make. offer. KAYESCHOLERLLP (239)657-5271 or 259-6067 west Tower Sie 0 West Palm Beach,FL33 Cnr ution Telephone: 561-802-32: 177499 CGS 11/30;12/ Eqi n 4IN THE CIRCUIT CO 20TH JUDICIALCIRCU CEMENT MIXER- trailer HENDRYCOUN mounted, Stone 3 bagger, CAS needs minor work $950 (863)357-0966 IN RE: THE MARRIAGE I SUSAN LLAMA BRINK Petitioner/Wie FORD 3/4 TON 4WD 1978, DISSLITIONF running gear all in tact. $1500. 863-675-2216. Pet ittone, SUSAN LLR 'ues RepandeWnt. EF H and says: 1. This sNan t far toner and Responder BEDLINER, Like new, fits '05 2. The PtFtiioner ha '06 Dodge Dakota.4 door. tt months prior to $195(863)467-5910 Petiton. 3. The Petitioner and DANA 70 RUNNING GEAR- married to each ot with 4.88 gears, $1100 2001,inHendrytoot (863)824-0505 or marriageandnonear (863)697-1984 5. The parties have jointly held real or | RADIATOR, For '92 Pontiac over the course of t Grand Am, brand new in box. thor, t she parties h $100 or best offer. e.T -n. ..... . (863)261-1872. |. T|... " 0 -1 07. Neither o the partie RIMS & TIRES (4), 20", fits 5 herofthe Miliary Se lug vehicle, less than 2k on .ThemarriaeSbetwes tires. $1500 (863)357-1576 retrievably broken. or (863)634-7210 WHEREFORE, Petitonei RIMS & TIRES (5), Borbet 17", maniageaincle low profile Toyo tires. $500 2 For an order rest (863)983-4940 er/Wife her maiden T LLAMA. TRUCK TOPPER: Red, Fiber- Suoo glass, for Full Size (off a STATE OF FLORIOA Ford). $250. (863)257-3482 COUNTYOFHIEN2RY King/queen seat, great on gas! Ie II $2500 (863)357-3773 AIR BOAT: 12Ft., Fiberglass, 150 gp, 2 Poly Mare, $4500 or best offer. Call Kenny (772)260-4792 GO CART: 1 seater, 6.5. $300. 863-357-0999 BASS BOAT '78- runs good, needs minor repairs, $1200 GO CART, Scorpion, 2 years or best offer (863)634-5289 old, from Sears. $1000 Call Charles (863)697-3097 BOAT: '05, 18 Ft., Aluminum, Charles (863)697-3097 90 hp Yamaha w/Center Con- GO-CART, $400. sole. Factory warrantee. Like (863)447-6385 new! $8,775.561-346-6476 HONDA 4 WHEELER- '05, BOSTON WHALER- 17ft, Mon- 300TRX, Red & black, Runs tauk, 90hp Yamaha, trailer, good. $2500. Firm. $5900 or best offer (863)697-2032 (863)763-8568 SUZUKI 80- '2000, Good con- MOTOR- Evinrude '86, 10 hp., edition. Great holiday gift! long shaft, good condition Price reduced to $2.000. $395 (863)610-1126 (863)467-0109 PONTOON- 20 ft, 55hp tohatsu YAMAHA 2004 KODIAK 400 motor, tilt, runs good, trailer 4x4, Auto.; Blue, Excellent is rough. $1875 firm! condition. $3700 863-946-1539 (863)673-4405 LaBelle Frostproof. FrostrfI1, SUSAN LLAME BR under penalty of per li aplrulHks il00l I going, including an true and correct, ant tion is executed on ti CHEVY P/U '81, Lots of new gust 2006, at Hendi parts, n6w tires, needs paint SWORN TO AND SUa job. $2000 or best offer. SUSAN LLAMA BF (863)357-3773 personally known to DIESEL TANK- Diamond plate NotaryFPubl with pump & on/off nozzle. 173881 CN 11/9,16,23 $700. (863)697-2032 NOTIC DODGE RAM '05 4 dr Hemi, Notice is hereby 12/02/2006 at 11 w/Reese slider, low mileage, KNOX SELF STORi Like new, $20K. Must See! merce Drive, 863-357-1784/863-634-2454 863-675-1025, theo KNOX SELF STORAGE FORD 350 PWER STROKE licSale bycompet DIESEL '00- asking $8000 withtheundersigned (863)763-9527 AmelIa Ban FORD- '93, 4.3L, dependable, Misc.i t Lortcka Fort runs good, brand new tires, Fumiture,TV& $1500 (863)634-8823 Alicla Rodrlq Mlsc.tR FORD BRONCO II '88- Good Samueltsan body, Needs motor work. Toolbox speakers Rebuilt transmission. $200. Generatormime (863)467-4994 176474 CGS 11/23,30, Thursday, November 30, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee iuto, air, 300 e, new tires,. work. $800: 164 XLT- P/W,: runs well, 2950- neg- IER '00, 5' 00 or best 384 kee Laredo,- V-6, All pwr, 8K, $5,500. /697-6680 IDER '04 - new cond.;' 67-1829 ort )keechobee. - 12x20, air0 asking $8000- ER: Home' x 21' Long. eady to pull.' 760 . ENGER VAN' ir, $24900 '89- diesel,. or, $24900 'AGER '95,: C, Seats 5, $2500 neg., 7-6680 , tra cash. ed Items in, a a IsD- tices . 5005 5500 OURTFOR iTY FLORIDA IOBAIE DIVISION Noa 2006 CP-227 EDITORS .r i.l i -i I,,ri,- 2,e H it' ..Jr. ' ,e F''oi,,iyi r, e :. WI ~. e' cedent and other: IL il r. iO i . I M THE i OrE iOr Ht N. : T :I 'iT ilE if t I %'tt iE ,FTHi .4f r \'ii lrI l t . I'lt r. 1 :1 it V Tiij.':H ir i 'i of- It, . Heten Mar e 0ts Alii ut ed ani ir I r. it 3..jrn 30elen Mae Chase ,',tll ti t"lIe 1I ia.i':ri nm. hnv^ 7/06 COURT OFTHEO UIT, IN AND FOR', TY, FLORIDA FAMILY DIVISIONo SENO.: 06-928DR. OF. MAN, d t- MARRIAGE AMA BRINKMAN,, RIV. BRINKMAN,r. rdissolution.of the. between the Peti-0 it. t been a resident ofat for more than siXa the filing of this, Respondent were O oer on October 9, nty, Floada. 0 teen born of this e contemplated. not acquired any, personal property his marnage. Fur- e accumulated no a of the marriage, C l'4 .ILI iiioi of 1.'(I LLA s hereto s a mem-" Mrvices of the Unit-' s allies. on the parties is ir- r seeks: rder dissolving the 0 rathimonii because" cvably broken.' ring to Petition-" name of SUSAN an Llama Brinkmano INKAN doloe n n E s iy ly 5 11 R 2 or ly e it, h . s n . D r I S.. ill 5 ! jy et ks 30 S : e . 0. 2 Thursday. November 30. 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee S S I Pb ic Notice I Pulc o i I .tae Pul ic Legl Notice^ , I Stat e Pb ic 8tat Public Santa Claus, meet John the Baptist HENDRY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE SUBMITTED BY: R. Scott Coper DATE 12/12/06 SUBJECT AREA: 213 Insircstonal Experience Increments, Performance Pay and Adminilstrative Tuition Reimbursement EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF PURPOSE: The proposed rule establishes the policy for Instructional experience increments, performance pay and administrative tuition re- imbursement. CITATION OF LEGAL AUTHORITY: 1001.41, 1012.22, 1012.66, 1001.42 and 1001.43, ES. CITATION OF SPECIFIC LEGAL REFERENCE 1001.41, 1012.22, 1012.66, 1001.42 and 1001.43, E.S. FULL TEXT: A copy of the full text of the proposed rule may be obtained, without cost, atthe Office of the Supedrintendent of Schiols. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The proposed rule establishes the polcy'for instructional experience increments, performance pay, and administrative tuition reimbursement STATEMENT OF REGULATORY COSTS: The proposed pSlicy revision will create no additional district economic impact In excess of $100.00 except for the costs of printing and distributions. LOCATION OF MEETING, TIME AND DATE: Hendry County School Board Meeting Room, 475 E. Osceola Avenue, Clewiston, FL at 5:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the mattermay be heard on December 12, 2006. Notice: Any person who wlshes to provide the School Board with information re- gardWg the statement of estimated regulatory costs, or to provide a proposal fo r a ower cot regulatory alternave must do so in writng within 21 days after pubica- tion of this notice Notice: If requested in writing and not deemed unnecessary by the Agency Head, a Rule Development Workshop will be held at a time and date to be advertised In the future. Notice: The procedure for obtaining a public hearing.on this proposed rule Is to re- quest, in wng, a hearing. The request shall be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools, in iting, win 21 days after publication of this nce. The request hal spe person requesting the public hearing would be affected by the p- posed rule. The School Board, upon appropriate request, shall give affected persons an opportunity to present evidence and argument on the issues under consideration. Notice: Inspection and copying of all written materials conatitutng public records submitted to the agency regarding draft rules may be obtained by request, In writing, to the Superintendent of Schools. Notice: The School Board may recognize any material which may be judilclly eno- ticed and to.lncororate them into me record of the rule making proceeding. The School Board may corporate material by reference Intothe proposedrule. Ndtlce. i ysOU n ied a1 3 uITTaiI.fleual i i,o-r c. ia it3.ip,,ar1e i I pro e.Eiin plea-'e anut,' ihom,. W Conner. [he lbacnr.nlidnrfil i .ho1is 31 it861 463 4-l- i &at rc Hrd.y C,'y rnry Courtijouse LLBrle Firi)nda 33j15 .it leas 4 'rf our pir I.o ire inerjiaol ai W.iyrrodp Notice: If the School Board adopts the proposed rule, one certified copy of the pro- posed rule shall be ftied In the Office of the Superintendent of Schools pursuant to 120.5433)(e),F. ES. 172183 s 11/16,23,30 CB 11/30/06 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION NOTICE OF INTENTTO ISSUE PERMIT Tre be arTient oi EIivu.'.'fInem ai Pulenalun ul 0' 0 ia la irn itiu, a pet- ail to Mianfner ProeeruesD 0veloment. Inc. co Mr Raymnrd A Pjnela 13451 McGi aor Blivd 31 fl Myiern FL 3391 Fir iulirne 0'1SO3805-001M. to mmrOit adn Ccnrciw* Regioriai Mlilgnon Bank Permit Tnt i menci m rnar emine In me boundaries gladijnifhyarw1alic 'ian anO ie piouDoed COrcmui" y comafigurana oi the min gI. on plan T es 1. ,reauire reavlfors of moi of me i figures and o.a .ral of K ir e e ,nil 'ic in ,nl noircei I', ld iuc n in.tu ir i'td .iamr ng iC edit Ls esi- nTeiai and rae.iea s nd ijncie i.nerl.n Tineds :nardes are ,illeaid in ivie.O ppr aTin roI a ric a rne et o t erawlnga an0 00 ninaiae&l a iis mtOialiO,:lann Tne aLcuvt iilr is l'o1 In in "Olt .l0 Tlursanip 46 S.uir, Ra nI 'a Le L'oun rt noarn ul Ll .irew Ro3dl CiSi 111 w 'sI 3arc rae 3 .eiUS er aile e131 irN- ci nlieyporr c 1 Lae Hncry i/dd Colliir (CSoure. rhe lo Icaun 1o CRMB 'I ;arua. liy -i,'Ired b c' u i ln.icr .pl CropaieS in gldt a in' ,ic m ni e,' u1y La',u',r oo, Tor5L er aw.He .Hie as tie dlade Tna 3aplic3liiin Deing impressed i. 3vailia lotr puitlic r.epeni rn dunng normal tiu.'.ns n oura a me1 D.|13.rTnr Orlr. f. q ie a q0n ir Lacnde li ralvnmirntal Reiurcei lir. Tower Buu'liia. 260 ill, Bi' i tIl O :' M, "-ISI T11fianrmee FL, 32399-2400d A peisaol wna.r Sut3nlial1 IllereaFtL 316 s11cted ny ein Dier'llTnnij loliuoliued pCnriiltng iaLlaril mny nciTon 0i r a0 o mihalim0a [ elt.anlnlg irnpondii ) ir 31aci dadli wmth etCUi 1207'. R'idca I.lns, Tee naidnn n mIn o nic ,,ta'i he Irmea1. UsA. ei [o tra ltiilo a,'c] ai.nus Di filed (re.'enlc Iii he OfilC Oe at .ll C l'rd u:l un:lat iren Ierwarir at1l i i901 CO.InaTOi'weilh 6l'uiejra. Taili3nxeea Fliiid3 0 99 31ULnr wiei 1 diys ul puriuicainrl isr,'s ncane Peansurie rs nanl1 man a Copy ofl me pexion in eI i sn a0pil1i se e addiesi Indirraed mcj e a r iiTria O in . n i'll i 11 'ur" I. o ile 3 at- .il wirtir r ru 'lorn peiod iti i:,,:i'.iiT i Wc a aurn l inly ril'T Si tn ,Willn Mrsj vO1r lu riu'. ran m.iaiidllroi5 dale rllin o1,i i(rnfir.il ull. O n Secai ioe120 57 FtO.d i stiauie: TI.to enra ill ill z irin e aiullimng] cliria lraifi 1 i Tr11 narne Adlcii a.l [nilei. ptifine ,luf'ii ar e.i]rr pnnaninl im. apiila I':.anr i Jail.1 adlinei, [1,e Di.aibTe.ir P,.ie: F le Number aid di cou, ,n w.a.crT, Ie proJe iie i ropoud. |() A talemenl oi rw 3n, wlirsr crin peLi.naorcr,.r .'cuice r unae; Oa t me flar'niti 31cri ,' ro- poeoc 3'Lot". (':) A :"I1TTie'i i O rn ',* c iro ar iir, hi-,'. .iuU.' -u ne I hl nJrran 31 a- aaled Oy ten DriTirmn s itactior oi propo)d 'IOn 101| 'IInAnTiaeni al 10e mienI lui" .]ipiea Doy aPne pr i .a li'y i A gSiem.!nl 01 ilac ri ch piTronfi oi.n'ird. fiiTif re: ..l i .i ..l. ,n .". inr Ps m pai.r t,e,'w n ar ur,or .' [,aiood ilToI. 11) A *.II fill 01 n In ui 1 c' i. 'urf 'I't : Ouilie'ar ronmlrea ; r aille l eil or.T .mudiiaon n11 me DeaPrurSer 0 r-ore or piopoSiel ,biiurii anal A1 A lsu5r-emi U 'ec ri iP's i.(sld nnvuarr'ier. iurnri pwirleit Eei omian peatcinp ri as urr 0'- p.rinnr11lm O1i.. wT ir';cl lW a ri D. irPiTP .T- .n'or i u,. iLr,:,p I'o .iar].,rn It eftna.1 ij sied [nr a3diTi.a.ir tire r '.a r. pror i I Iia It l [I inITiu IlI igre 3L'.. i .:'..,u i' t Dei. ,iCn' ,err r,'I i.. ,i ITr : ,r .r ., r.T. irNe 1m.i,; L, ant, y s1 'i "l uT',: Peiinff.n *rne iuna.e 3a ilrne.'Lri vill tie .1- ie.:iab iy h o.seci4iaI' O nre D rp't wie n regain inr 3cllai,'iu:na hov ,U me iinrl I paitoiri o o DeoTie a pairy lno ri praioedo.ng En peo0non muin e comos m i', il'i liquilre ril3 i periled liue rid [r- aiid (iret evel.u winTir 21 a3yis f urI '.3- o. ii an S e in me Oneir. n eral Cuinwril acu tme asoves' u' s ec a ire Dr- oarleel Faluil 1o c'i, on ,ir ni ial witoW e Irla ,' ran a .sAawis, oi .i rigl nr. pelioa ra, In Iferunl 03 r-a.,j.. ] s uaoer ,cuoi r ll F JF S to , a 4n.:. T. a3 a ,arnt Ia [r a,, l 'Oilic g A-, iuCieiu$'il ,.r "nibu, II Oii ie .an e1, a3piuual olr Tc priilesnl alli',' u,,' po rin moro, filed iui.u. Ir i .ur 2I2-' A"0' 177358 CGS 11/30/06 REQUEST FOR BIDS The Business Loan Fund of the Palm Beaches, Inc., a not-forrofit corporation, will receive bids on the property located at 325 SW 4th Sreet, in the citye of Belie Glade, FL This is an income producing property wi approximately 3,589 sq. ft. Property has potential for use as a restaurant and 3-4 additonal bunlnesses. Second story consists of 2 renal apartments (1/1 & 2/1). Qualified bids for purchase of this prop erty in citing and sealed will be received at 2110 N. Foida Mango Road, 2nd Flonr, West Palm Beach, FL 33409. Telephone (561) 478-2337. Bids will be accepted until 2:30 PM on Friday, Dec. 8, 2006; then will be opened and publicly read at 3:00 PM EST. NOTE: Bids received after 2:30 PM will not be accepted. The Business Loan Fund reserves the right to reject any and all bids at its owne discre- tion. 177638 CGS 11/30/06 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR GLADES COUNTY COURTHOUSE RENOVATION FOR GLADES COUNTY, FLORIDA Glades County, Florida s requesting written proposals from qualified construction firms to provide professional construction Management Services for the Con- struction Phase onhe Glades County Courthouse Renovation. II. It the County's intention to employ the Constrution Firm to provide overall Pro- Jext Conutrnction Management, Cost Beneft Studies if needed, Iformation Man- agement, Construction ofl Scope of Work utilizing Inmates, Technical Inspection during the Construction on a cost plus a fee basis, with a guaranteed maximum price. ilL PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS AND GENERAL INFORMATION Proposal Submissions: Submit five S copies of a written proposal no later than 4:00 PM on Frlday, December 8, 2006to: William D, Rutherford, President Clemons, Rutherford &Associates, Inc. 2027 Thomasville Road Tallahassee, FL 32308 850-385-8153 Proposals must be responsive to the requirements and questions of the Request for Reservations: Glades County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to negotiate changes in the new scope of work or services to be provided, and to otherwise waive any technicalities erirdormalfes. Method of Selection: Proposals will be reviewed by Clemons, Rutherford & Asso- ciates, Inc. Clemons, Rutherford & Associates, Inc. will then select and recom- mend a ring of firms. Upon acceptance of the recommendation by the Glades County, negotiations or bids will or may be entertained. Please respond by including but not limiting your response to the following: 1. Company name and length of tilse in business. 2.Compan. location. 3. Availability of time to start and complete project 4. Insurance carrier and applicable coverage. . Qualificatio ns of staff toa be tilized ointhis project wi thnames, short resumes, length of timc with firm and previous clients served. 6. Names of several previous clients within the pastfive (5) years with phone "numbers and contact person. 7. Description of previous experienceS to include budget, final cot, time schedule, change ordersn etc. Part of the experience should reference projects worked on of similar nature. 8.Any paCt ,xpelence with hLsrtocal preservation funded by Division of State, Bureau of Historic Preservation. Request or Information shall be in writing. 175799 C6S 11/23,30106 N NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a Writ of Exencution, issued in the Circuit upon all the right, tiles and interest of the defendant Bobb E. Dupree and Brenda F. Howard, In and to the following described property, to-witn 2001 Ford F-150stI # 1FTRX17WO1NA71884, Tag es A899UA, Title # 0085701264 issued 5-17-06 And on the 14th day of December 2006, in the Courtyard of the Hendry County Courthouse, LaBelle, Florida, at the hour of 11:00am, or as soon thereafter as Soseible, I will offer for sale all the said defendant, Bobby E. Dupree and Brenda SHoward, right, tle and interest in the aforesaid property, at public auction and will sell tie same, subject to taxes, all prior liens, encumbrances and judgments, f any, to the highest bidder, with the proceeds to be applied as far as may be ato the payment of costs and the satisfaction ofl the above-descrinbed executerion. Ronald E. Lee, Sr. Sheriff Hendry County, Florilda 173150 CGS 11/9,16,23,30/06 By: Captain Andy Lewis Diiputy Sheriff COMCAST Attention Comcast customers in the City of Pahokee: The City of Pahokee Govern- ment Access channel will test launch on December 1, 2006 on channel 18 on Broadcast Basic. The official launch of this channel will be December 30, 2006. Comcast also announces the following change to the channel line-up effective De- cember 28, 2006 for customers in fe communities of Belle Glade, Pahokee, Cle- wiston, Okeechobee and each of its surrounding areas: WSCV Telemundo 51 Miami) will move from Expanded Basic channel 39 to Broadcast Basic channel 17. 177027 ON 11/22; CB/CGS 11/30/06 CITY OF CLEWISTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN NOTICE OF LAND USE CHANGE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the Florida Statutes, the Clewiston Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing on December 11, 2006 in the Commission Chambers,. 115 Ventura Avenue, Clewiston, Florida, at 5:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the issue may be heard to consider the following: Adoption of a proposed small scale amendment to the Comprehensive Plan (2006-S2) reflecting a change to the future land use category imposed on a parcel of property from "Industrial" to "Multi- Family Other." If adopted, the amendment will be accomplished by proposed Ordinance No. 2006-13 which will cause the parcel to be shown and categorized as "Multi-Family Other" on the Future Land Use Map. The affected parcel is located on South Francisco Street between Sonora Avenue and Arroyo Avenue as delineated in the map shown below. The City Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING in the City Hall Commission Chambers, 115 West Ventura Avenue, on Monday, December 18, 2006, at 6:00 pm; to consider the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board. All citizens and interested parties are encouraged to attend the public hearing and to provide written and/or verbal comments on the matter under consideration. Any person requiring a special accommodation at this hearing because of a disability or physical impairment, including speech or hearing impairments, should contact the City Manager's office at least 3 calendar days prior to the hearing. If a person decides to appeal any decision made with respect to any matter considered at this. meeting, such person will need to record the proceedings and, for such purpose, may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal Is based. Wendell Johnson City Manager SUBJECT PROPERTY. a CITY OF CLEWISTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN NOTICE OFP LAND USE CHANGE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Inal pursuant Io ihe FIondia Stalulte. ime Clvl.olan Planning er.d Zonring Commission Aiii conduct a pl.ubi nearing on D.'cemer r1 I 06o n aen Commisi.-.' CramDars, 1ira Venturi Avernue Ciwiaion Flilda., 31 5 30 p m or as aoon inralne Ians Ie lesuie may be nesard Io crlaioer in? ioli, iina Adoption o a prop 3se e-mail calr 3mendamni lI me Compreihncs,.e Plan (.006-2'< irieictiinig a cnange io ine future ano uSe catgy.a i ,mpoied on a pa3rcei .1 provr thOrm l.OiIle Home tf. Commercial' Is adopted. ine anaromenl will De accompisnaid Dy piopoien Orainance No 2006-14 wnich will cauca e tie parcel to hbe rnovn 3nd categorizee ad C.ommic,al' on ine jiur. Landa Ui Marp Th"e f pacrled parcel is .xared on Easti saga.3roia Avn.,-ic 3. dulinr.3i.ial n in ie map h.n;un calOw Tre C.tV Ccmmmlssion .ll r.c.d a PUBLIC HEARING ir.e 'h :.1 Hall Comll-.mm-i1,ur, Charh3merra 11i5 Wenl Veniuia Avenue on Monday EDecemnDer18. l 000 at 600 pm 1, Co,rani3er me recommn-,r.daiiu.n ol ine Planning an3 Zoning Boatra All c lizenr ana iinlerened padres a r-. encouraged 10 artend ine puDIic nrla-ng and 1o3 pro'. d enOitcen anrd nr ifal cmnrl..MA or, Ir, m,1nner un)u .r Ce:,nldoierillOr. Ar person requiring a special accommodation ai i nih.ialng because of a disability or physical impairment, Including speech or clearing imp.airm3inri sncuidJ .:r.Lnaci ir. Cirt M1na.er n c ohce a leasr 3. aier.ar days prior to the hearing. 1i 3 p.r er, dcider 10 appeal any aoeiln .-naae iunn resp..-I IO a rri, nc o,',riderd at n11 rnemrilna, such prOfni willi need o10 recoia tmre pioe''inci. s3nl. Iolr .j-:n hpurp.- m.. ,, iveod Io inJre Troi a verDtallm record. O [he proce-dinr.rg ii maoe anich lec-.rd Includesa he leabmonv arid evlder.ce upon Ar,.cn i.,e appeals 15 Oa d Wenalui Johnon City Manager - SUBJECT PROPERTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: 06-167.CP NOTICETO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Gregory Lee Franklin, deceased, whose date of death was September 9, 2005, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hendry County, Florida, Probate Di- Svision, the address of which Is PO Box 1760, LaBelle, Florida 33975. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal repre- sentative's attorney are set forth be- low. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice Is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or de- mands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SEC- TION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PRO- BATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENTS DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is November 23,2006. Patricia Franklin, Personale Rpresentative 1022 Della Tobias Ave. Clewiston, Flodrida 33440 Ralph Elver Attorney for Personal Representative FdodaBarNo.: 215848 Pavese Law Firm RO. Drawer 2280 461 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL 33975 Telephone No.: (863) 675-5800 175574 CGS 11/23,30/06 NOTICETO PUBLIC The Hendry County Hospital Authority Board Finance Committee will conduct their monthly business meeting on Thursday, December 7, at 1 p.m. in the Conference Room at Hendry Re- gional Medical Center, 524 West Sagamore Avenue, Clewiston, Florida 178015 CGS 11/30/06 NOTICETO PUBLIC The Hendry County Hospital Authority Board of Directors will conduct their monthly business meeting on Thurs- day, December 7, at 2 p.m. in the Conference Room at Hendry Regional Medical Center, 524 West Sagamore Avenue, Clewiston, Florida 178017 CGS 11/30/06 Buying a car? Look hin the classiflleds. Selling a car? Look in the classi- fleds. Time to clean out the attic, basement and/or garage? Advertise your yard sale In the classl- fleds and make your clean no a breeze Do-It-Yourself Ideas By Pastor John Hicks First United Methodist Church Over the years, I have col- lected a number of nativity sets. I have them all over my house and office. Some are homemade and some are store bought. Some we have packed away which make their yearly appear- ance dur- ing this season of Christmas. One came John from a trip Hicks to th e H o ly ' Land and a number came from friends in the mission fields in Africa, Brazil, Korea., Costa Rica, Mexico, .and Belize .A number have come from friends and family. I even talked my mom into let- ting me have the nativity set we had in the house when I \ as growing up. They all tell the Christmas story in a slightly unique way. And not one, not a single one has John the Baptist as part of the story. Year after year, how- ever, when the church gathers in these days leading up to Christmas, \ve begin with the story of this wild prophel dressed in a garment of camel's hair preaching his message of holiday cheer: "Prepare the way of the Lord!" In the wisdom born of experience, the church has kept John the Baptist in the Christmas story. Without him, we would run the risk of keep- ing Christ in the cradle and maintaining a feel-good faith that makes no demands upon us. John's proclamation of our need to "Prepare," is an impor- tant reminder that the baby of Christmas grows up to be the Jesus of the cross and the Christ of the empty tomb. So in the midst of the holi- day shopping and the smell of cookies baking and the mail- boxes full of cards and the ver- sions of Jingle Bells and Here Comes Santa Claus playing in the stores, we read again the words of the prophet who preached by the banks of the Jordan: "Get ready! God is coming!" We need to take this to heart, for many' times, once we get beyond the walls of the church, the message of John the Baptist gets run over by the reindeer. We have a hard enough time keeping Christ in. Christmas, let alone John the Baptist! In many homes in America, Christmas doesn't happen in Bethlehem, but at the North Pole. In holiday thinking. Jesus seems to come in second to Santa Claus. If you think about it, the Santa story has some, 'good hews bad news' stuff going on. Remember the song "Santa Claus is coming to Town?" The song says: "He sees when you're sleeping. He knows if you're awake. He knows if you've been bad or good, so be good, for good- ness sake!" Every child knows that if we aren't good, when all of the other children get toys we will find a lump of coal in our stocking. Which list are you on this year? The nice list or the naughty list? With Santa, if you are on the wrong list, well, there's always next year. But with God it's different. God wants us to grow. God wants us to become. If we are on the naughty list, God encourages repentance and a changed and changing heart. Where there is repentance theie is also grace, andforgiveness, and God. That is the message of John the Baptist. In the wilderness of the sights and sound of Santa starting to surround me, I am grateful for the presence of John the Baptist crying out, "Prepare the way of the Lord." I'm grateful because some- times I forget that I am a work in progress. I may be a Christ- ian. I may even be a good Christian. Regardless, bless- ings still come in taking seri- ously John's reminder to pre- pare my heart for the Christ event which is the reason for the season. John tells us that God cares about how we live our lives. He reminds us that maybe our lives are not all that they should be. He gives us an opportunity to repent, to change, to get ready for our meeting with God. The season to come: Recalling its original meaning and true purpose By Rev. Samuel S. Thomas Ph.D.+ St. Martin's Church, Clewiston We have arrived at Decem- ber! The year has passed quickly for me and probably for most of you, too. Just think- ing about December means one thing to most all of us ... the great holidays. It is a time for mid-year vacations and, most of all, for Christmas. I've celebrated Christmas in different places and at different times in histo- ry; each with its own special meaning and each with a spe- cial awareness that some- thing had happened and was worth celebrating. Unfortu- nately, it is easy to forget about Christmas and what it means, where it has come irom, how it affects our lives. Some of my first Christ- mases were shared with my family during World War 11 and others during the years of pros- perity that followed. The Kore- an War brought more conflict, but \was followed by a long period of peace; cut short by the Viet Nam War. With Sep- tember 11. 2001, we were once more shaken out. of a period of calm into another conflict. Expressions across the nation have been strong and polarizing; people all have their thoughts on the best course of action and what real- ly needs to be done. One of the commentators has summa- rized our recent elections by saying that the war in Iraq was a deciding issue. The Christmas story is set against a similar background. The Romans controlled the known world by their Legions, the peach %\as a shaky one and the toleration felt by the people in the far corner of the Roman Empire where Bethle- hem is found was likely to be only temporary. 'The fears and threats felt, . the imposi- . lions in their lives, . the worries about the present and future wer., all too well known to SamuelS. those who Tas. lived in the Thomas Judean countryside. Years before, a psalmist found his hope in God. He Wrote that "God is our hope and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalm 46, v.1)" \\'e were not to fear,, no matter what, even if the earth be moved, if the waters. swelled, of the mountains s hook. In spite of it all, he wrote. "God is in the midst of her, therefore she shall not be removed, God shall help her and that right early (verse 5)" No matter what, God would come to be in the midst of things. His plea was that we would "be still and know that I am God ... the Lord of Hosts is with' us; the God of Jacob is our refuge." His forward-looking hope provided the strength that his people needed; no. matter what. God %\ill someday vindi- cate and bring peace, good will toward humanity. His message was to give us God's view of things. No matter N\ hat, G d's reign and His Will shall triumph. The Christmas message is about the beginning of the end of the old age and the bringing in of a new one. It is about our reason to have hope and our reason to cele- brate all of the gifts, the gath- erings, the parties, the din- ners, the visits, the greetings, the decorations and the spe- cial atmosphere are about one thing we have the rea- son to hope because God is in the midst of us: God shall help us and that right early. The baby in the manger is the symbol of that promise that the psalmist awaited to see ful- filled. The way we can make Christmas "work" for us is to see the promise fulfilled too. Our hope is in seeing through that Christmas child, the Lord, in the midst of us; reaching out to help. rsa,:hirin out to usher in a new year and a new day. The reason for a special place accorded to the Book of Psalms and God's hand at work. God was in the midst of them. They looked for Him and He did not disappoint them. He does not disappoint us when we look for Him; in the season which is upon us or any time in our lives. Area Church News in Brief Five Elves Display Decorate the house in style this holiday season with this big, full-color outdoor display featuring five Christmas elves. A fun and easy way to spread some cheer around the neighborhood, the Elves display includes five of. Santa's best helpers. Each elf is about 20 inches tall, To build the display, just glue the posters onto ply- wood, smooth out the bubbles, cut them out and paint the sides and backs. Make stakes or stands from the remaining plywood or galvanized pipe, and let the elves get busy! Five Elves Display (No. 10)... $16.95 "Santa's Helpers" sign (No. 297)... $6.95 Candy Canes (No. 292)... $8.95/dozen Santa Display (No. C20) ... $59.95 Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects)... $2.00 Please add $4.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) To order, circle item(s), clip & send w/ check to: U-Bild Features 15241 Stagg St. Van Nuys, CA 91405 Please be sure to include your name, address and the name of this newspaper. Allow 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call(800) 82-U-BILD u-bild.com Money Back Guarantee Church to hold Candlelight Service St. John First Missionary Baptist Church, 600 Southwest Eighth Street, in Belle Glade, Rev. Dr. Robert L. Rease, Pastor and congregation invites the Glades community and area churches to join us in our "Holy Communion Candle- light Service The Lord's Supper" on Sunday Dec. 3, at 6:30 p.m. Let's Remember He Is The Reason For The Season. Friday Night Lights CLEWISTON Evangel Church Assembly of God Out- reach Center is open from 7 until 10 p.m. every Friday to all 7-12 grade students in our community. Activities available include basketball; three Play Station 2 units, music, and games. Snack bar with great prizes is open each night: Cowboys for Christ to meet Food and fellowship at 7 p.m. Gospel music and the word will be brought this month by: Tina Wills of Labelle. Joining her well be The Freedom Fellowship Ministries, praise and wor- ship team. We welcome them for their great dedica- tion in honoring our Lord. We are located at the Palm- dale Community Building on the corner of Fifth and Main Streets. We are formally, Cowboys for Christ, and are not connected to any organi- zation, only to our Lord and Savior, nothing is preached or done as was not done before. We believe only and preach out of the King James Version of the Bible. Come and join us, all are welcome. For more information, please call: (863) 612-0640. Servicio en Espanol CLEWISTON -First Methodist Church of Clewis- ton is starting a Hispanic Wor- ship Service Sunday evenings at 7 p.m. Son todos bien- venidos. Everyone is wel- come! Call Rev. Perez at (863) 677-3190 with questions. CREWneeds volunteers The Community Rebuild- ing Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) of Hendry and Glades Counties is seeking volunteers to assist residents with repairs and continued clean up efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Wilma. Carpenters, Electricians, Plumbers, drywall installers and other trade skills are need- ed, as well as, anyone willing to lend a hand! For more infor- mation, come by our office at 121 Central Ave. rear entrance or email CREWheadquar- ters@aol.com or phone (863) 983-2390.. Submitted photo/First United Methodist Church Giving thanks Carolyn Krute took time to enjoy Thanksgiving din- ner with many others in the community at First United Methodist Church of Clewiston. Over 120 pounds of turkey was served in sit down and take out dinners in a little over an hour. 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