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GLADES COTwT7T%.TU.9.L Moore Haven Fla. Thursday, November 16, 2006 Volume 80, Number 22 At a Glance Friends of the Library meet The Friends of the Library will meet on Monda, Nov. 20, at 5:30 p.m. at the Public Library for a covered dish din- ner. The program will be "A Look at the DiVinci Code" given by Maxine Quilliam. The host- ess will be Rowena McAdoo. LocalSierra Club to meet- The Calusa Group of the Sierra Club, whose members. hail from Glades, Hendry, Col- lier and Lee Counties, is hosting a meeting on Saturday, Nov. 18; from 7 until 8:45 p.m. to discuss the topic of energy in general and specificdlv the topic of the proposed Florida Power and Light Glades County coal fired power plant. The public is encouraged to attend. The meeting will begin with the viewing of the short energy' film "Kilowatt Ours" and then pro- ceed as a roundtable discus- sion to examine the various aspects of energy production beneficial and otherwise. The meeting will be held at St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church Annex, 1800 Jii U S. Hwy. 27, just northwest of Moore Haven and just south- east of Hwy. 78,. There is no charge to attend. Free Bread provided Free Bread provided b. the fine folks at the Ne\i Hope Independent Baptist Church located at 638 Yaun Road in Moore Haven. This will be ,every Saturday from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. or when the bread is gone. Hard to believe, but the biead istftee! Spaghetti Dinner Buffet in Ortona ORTONA The Ortona Comrnuniht Association will hold a spaghetti buffet dinner on Friday, Nov. 17, from 5 until 7 p.m: at the Ortona Comrnunit Center, Ortona Road I High\\.a\ 78A). The all-you-can-eat meal includes pasta and real sauce, garlic toast, green beans, salad, dessert, coffee and iced tea for $6 (advance tickets) and $6.50 at the door. For advance tickets or fur- ther information, contact: Fran Way, Tel: (863)-675-7880 or by Email: frariwani n'aol co:m Christmas festival planned Planning has begun .for the sixth annual Christmas on the Caloosahatchee Festi- \al, to be held on Thulsda), Dec. 14, from 5 until 8 p.m., in Tom. Perry Memorial City Park. If you would like a booth, please contact Susan Prowant, Leslie Pryor, or Felinda Langdale at Moore Haven Elementary School at (863) 946-0737. Christmas on the Caloosahatchee is an annual community event hosted by Moore Haven Ele- mentary School and the City of Moore Haven. Be sure to join us! Lake Level 12.54 feet -"V ,. above sea level Index Classifieds . .17-21 Obituaries . . .2 Opinion . . .4 School . . . .9 See Page 4 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. Ill l IIIl 8 116510 00022 1 Riverside Medical Center up Dr. Geake is the only private physician in Glades County By Nena Bolan Glades County Democrat MOORE HA\ EN'- There's a new doctor in town. Dr. John, Geake has opened a :amiiil practice in Mooi':e Haven at 51 Avenue J. He will provide primary health care, well baby check, women's wellness and school and sports physi- cals. Dr. Geake graduated from Nova Southeast University in Dr. John 1993 and Geake completed his iesidIen,. in jipstat'I Nei\ York. He accepted scholarships with Health and Human Services. In return, he will participate in rural medicine through Nation- al Health Service Corps. He now has come to live and work in the Glades CoiuT i. area. Er Geal:e i; an osteopathic, plh\siian He is tiained Ir. prac- ice all .phasEs of medicine and prescribe medications. He emplhi-asiz'-s preventative medi- cine and also pailtic:ipates in refi rail seri :es He is a familiar physician to rmanr\ people. He was the med- Fun at the Rodeo: Event visits Brighton Reservation tE- iI'l Nena Bolan Bullrider loses his grip as a bullfighter waits to help at the PRCA SE Circuit Finals Rodeo on Nov. 12 at the Brighton Reservation. .2 PRCA support staff and livestock look on with anticipation before a bareback event. behind the opening gates ical director in Clewiston for Hendi' Family Care Center beginning in 1996, and in 2004 he openried a practice in LaBelle kw ith his associate, Dr Studle Last AuL'uSt he \.at an.i hon- Ored guest anid ker\ :note speaker at th'e Natiinal Health St-\ice Corps' .5tih Ainni\ -'-rsary Cele- bration. )Specifically, he -.'.as horlnoid o his conritinuing tile in itI und,_erset-r- d'regions of rural medicine. Dr. John Geake will be sup- ported at the clinic by Ann Baker, ph s:iari's assistant; Kacie Swaford Lopez, licensed practical nurse and Tabitha Sut- ton, ietc'-pnoriist. His lx ,e. Ellen Gea:.;., is the :,ltice manager Most diagnostic, tests the doci:r' pr.sciibes ,.'ill be done at Hendr': Reai':,nal since he is on stanl there iHowever,; his assistants 1\ill e% -entuall be able to di,'. bL.:,,jd at the River- side Glades Clinic and a labora- See Physician Page 12 City council moves forward Storm water projects, city planning issueSi By Nena Bolan Glades County Demncrat MOO,:RE 1- E!i -- Storm CuSsed i-n d, tLll ,it thlr, H '\ leg-i islatMe > l,:L',2;a.,_.n r eetiin in nrecenmbei, a-ico'jiri to a report i i-en b,, go. 'inmrient conrisultiiit Dale- Milita to Moore Ha\irn Cit, Council at their Nov. 7 n-eetin'. - Mr-. !l.,a ad.iseId that ateniii.-,n should be given to storm water master plans and rifunJirI hazard iiiit;-. ..n-''i, sewage lurnling iI .ri ,itel quality. ". Richard Orman, city plan- ner, has been hired to advise the council on planning and management of the city's vision for the future. He recommended refining aid I' ,- f .usiniL' on visual details in the platted model of the city. More photos and graphic models should represent"the r'. ii,..1iie-d future of U.S. 27, he explained. Mr. Orman also ic':,mirienided working on a 'jtjiiEd isi'fn statement. J',..h Gadway, real estate developer from Miami, has begun remodeling of the for- mer Glades Inn motel. It will be :'oni,eri%-d in-. cor.nd miniri- ums that are intended to attract outdoor spo'tnen He was at the meeting to clarify utility bills and deposits and the function of water meters. 1Thri: n fln ati- .inltu ri 'of Hope Hospice and Goodwill Industries to the area was See Meeting-Page 12 Ortona resident wins national award for career By Barbara Oehlbeck Special to the Glades County Democrat ORTONA Fran Way has been named the 2006 recipi- ent of the Wysocki National Leadership Award at the National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health (NPWH) at the annual clinical conference held recently in Las Vegas, Nevada. The NationalAssociation of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health was founded in 1980. The association's mis- sion is to assure the provision of quality health care to women of all ages by nurse t,.iilli,',n r'_. NPW H defines quality health care to be inclu- sive of an individual's physi- cal, 'i:i'ril, and spiritual needs. . "'k\ n I thought about '.i, hrn thi- award should go to, I knew I Wanted it to go to an individual who both sup- ported NPWH and demon- strated a "can do." attitude," said president and CEO of See Award -Page 12 FFA students go to state contest Local students attend national FFA convention By Nena Bolan Glades County Democrat MOORE HAVEN A Glades County student recently took honors at the State FFA Forester Competition. Jordan Chailland was a state winner in level five of Compass, Pacing and Land Estimation. The State Forester Competi- tion took place in Perry, Florida on Oct. 19-20. The aim of the event is to compete in estimat- ing land distance and area. The skills he displayed are used in careers such as civil engineering, agriculture, tim- ber production, military serv- ice, fire fighting and by forest rangers. His only tools were a compass and calculator which enabled him to correctly pace and judge distance and esti- mate land area. Jake Griffin, Carl Abbott and Marcus Rives were also in attendance. Four students from Moore Haven High School attended the 79th National FFA Conven- tion in Indianapolis, Indiana on Oct. 24-28. The high school students were Amy Lundy, Tan- ner Huysman, Jordan Chail- land and Lindsey Ringstaff. They were among 54,000 students participating at lead- ership workshops and award ceremonies. Young delegates convened to discuss and vote See FFA Page 12 INI/Nena Bolan Jordan Chailland, right, FFA winner at State Forester Competition and Ashley Young of Miami, left. Ms. Young is the Area 6 State Vice President in the Florida FFA. She was vis- iting students in Mr. Cosby's agriculture class. U " J Serin te cmmniiessothof-ak-O-ehobe-husda,-ovmbe-1,-00 Engagements Brown-Brewer Ron Brown and Linda Brown, of Belle Glade, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Ashley Brown, to Kevin Brewer, son of Bill and Gin- ger Brewer of Belle Glade. Ms. Brown is the Office Manager at Doc Saiwy's Animal Hospital in Belle Glade. Mr. Brewer is the Operations Manager at Turf Pro Services in Belle Glade. The wed- ding is se for Sept. 15, 2007. Area Church News in Brief New Day Music Ministries to perform New Hope Baptist Church, 638 Yaun Road Southeast, in Moore Haven, presents New Day Music Ministries on Sunday, Nov. 19. It will feature a live band and four part vocal harmonies. Kid's Klub Sunday event Come to the third annual Kid's Klub Sunday on Sunday, Nov. 19, at 10 a.m. at First United Methodist Church, 300 Avenue L and Third Street in Moore Haven. Elementary school age members of Kid's Klub will be leadiiing wor- ship and "Mr. and Mrs. Bubbles the Clowns" will be delivering the message: "Making God Number One." For more information, please call (863) 946-1457. Friday Night Lights CLEWISTON Evangel Church Assembly of God Out- reach Center is open from 7 until 10 p.m. every Friday to all 7-12 grade students in our community. Activities available include basket- ball; three Play Station 2 units, music, and games. Snack bar with great prizes is open each night. Servicio en Espanol CLEWISTON -First Methodist Church of Clewiston is starting a Hispanic Worship Service Sunday evenings at 7 p.m. Son todos bienvenidos. Everyone is wel- come! Call Rev. Perez at (863) 677-3190 with questions. CREWneeds volunteers The Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) of Hendry and Glades Counties is seeking volunteers to assist resi- dents with repairs and continued clean up efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Wilma. Carpenters, Electricians, Plumbers, drywall installers and other trade skills are needed, as well as, anyone willing to lend a hand! For more information, come by our office at 121 Central Ave. rear entrance or email CREWheadqtiarters@aol.com or phone (863) 983-2390. Obituaries Evander B. Bethea, Jr. Evander B. Bethea, Jr., age 92, of Clewiston, died on Mon- day, Nov. 6, in Clewiston. He was born Oct. 9, 1914 in Palmetto, the son of the late Evander B. and the late Iris (Stevens) Bethea, Sr. He worked for Kelly tractor as a mechanic for 43 years. After he retired, he worked for Joe Marllin Hilliard. He was an avid dog lover and enjoyed his dog Mordiki. He was preceded iin death by his first wife, Bonnie and second wife Alice. Survivors include two sons, Richard (Rose) Bethea and Tracy (Cindy) Bethea of Clewis- ton; a daughter: Marie Varnum of Clewiston; one brother, Robert Bethea; two sisters, Willie Mae Kelso, Emma Peeples; five grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren and five great-great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the Evangel Assembly of God Church, Clewiston at 10 a.m., with Rev. Ed and Gary Corely officiating. Interment was in Ridgelawn Cemetery. All arin ngements were under the direction of Akin-Davis Funeral Homes, Inc., Clewiston. James Hubert Chamblee, Jr. James Hubert Chamblee, Jr., 67, died Nov. 7, 2006 after a brief illness. He was a native Floridi- an, born to James Hubert and Eunice M. Chamblee on January 7, 1939 at home in Belle Glade. He graduated from Belle Glade H.S. in 1956 and then attended the University of Miami. He mar- ried his high school sweetheart, Sandra Gove in 1959. He and Sandra settled in to join his mother in managing the family forming operation. He served on numerous boards: Glades Day School,. Farm Credit Associ- ation, Belle Glade Chamber of Commerce and Western Palm Beach Countk Farm Bureau. At the time ol his death he was serving on Pioneer Growers Cooperative and South Florida Conser% ancy District. He and the ChamblEe family had the honor of receir ing Farm Family of the Year for the family farm in 1994. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Belle Glade. His lo e of the Florida Keys and boating was second only to his love for his family. He was the beloved husband of Sandra, devoted father to Jim (Kathy Chamblee of West Palm Beach, Fla. And Lynn Anderson of Belle Glade, Fla. Granddaddy loved his grandchildren Clay and Gin- nie Anderson, Daniel and Kyle Charnmblee arind Casey Kelly. He is also survived by his sisters Patsy Stevens and Janet Jacks and by his brother John D. Chamblee and a multitude of nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by his parents. He will be remembered by his lamilN and friends for his determination and strong work ethic, loving teasing ways as well as his sense of humor. Visitation was Friday, Nov. 11, 2006, from 5-7 p.m. at the First Baptist Church, Belle Glade, burial followed at Hillcrest Memorial Park, 6411 Parker Ave, W. Palm Beach, Fla. Donations in his memory may be made to the charity of your choice. Arrangements were under the direction of Glades Funeral Chapel, Belle Glade, Fla. Joseph Malcolm Hall Joseph Malcolm Hall, age 90, of Clewiston, died on Monday, Nov. 6, 2006 in Clewiston. He was born Feb. 14, 1916 in Henderson County, Ky., the son of the late Wolverton W. and the late Mildred (Finn) Hall. He served during World War II in the Army. He was a self employed farmer owning and operating a sod farm. After retir- ing from the sod farm, he was a representative for Glade & Gi ove Tractoi in Belle Glade. Survivors include his wife, Ardis (Bolton) Hall, Malcolm Hall of Clewiston; his daughter, Ardis (Alan) Hammocl., of Moore Haven, Candace Doughty, : Marietta, Ga.; his brother, Sherw ood Hall, and sis- ter, Julia Snead, both of Port- land, Ore. He is also survived.by four grandchildren. He was a member of The First LiUnited Methodist Church, Clewiston, Sugarland Lodge 281 F & AM, Charter Member Clewiston Elks Lodge, Charter of the American Legion Post at Clewiston, Former Member Hendry County Board of Public Instruction, Florida Nursery Growers Assn. and V.F.W. at Clewiston- Funeral services were held Thursday, Nov. 9, at 2 p.m. at First United Methodist Church- Clew iston. with Reverend John Hicks officiating. intent ment was held in Ridgelatn Cemetery, Cle'viston. The family suggests in lieu of flowers memorials to First Unit- ed Methodist Church, Clewiston or to Hope Hospice of Hendry County, All arrangements were under the direction of Akin-Davis Funeral Home, Clewiston. Ada Leon Ada Leon, 78, of Clewiston, died Monday, Nov. 6, 2006. She was born May, 2, 1928 in Cuba and moved to Clewiston from New York City in 1995. Mrs. Leon is survived by her husband of 48 years, Giraldo Leon; her children, Maria (Ricar- do) Ortiz of Clewiston, and Car- los Leon of Fort Myers; two brothers, Jose Luis of New Jer- sey and Julio Camacho of Miami; two sisters, Anna Maria Jacome of Miami and Edith Espinosa of New Jersey; three grandchildren, Rick Anthony, Jan-Michael and Amanda. There will be no local servic- es. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Fuller- Cape Coral Funeral Home-Cre- mation Service, 3740 Del Prado Blvd.,Cape Coral, (239)542- 3161. Howard Lamar "Fritz" Surrency Howard Lamar "Fritz" Sur- rency, age 82, of Merritt Island, formerly of Clewiston and Belle Glade, died on Wednesday, Nov. 8,2006 in Rockledge. He was born July 10, 1924 in Naples, to the late William H. and the late Veda (Carlton) Sur- rency. He served during World War II in the Army. After work- ing as- a cowboy, he became a cattle buyer for several years. He developed a herd and for several years was an. independent rancher at Clewiston. He was preceded in death by his parents, William and Veda Surrency; brothers, Kenneth. Eugene, Charles, Archie and Carlyle Survivors include one daugh- ter,. Rhonda Roth of Ft. Myers; a brother, Carlton "Buck" Surren- cy, Ft. Pierce; sisters, Miriam Curtis, Merritt Island and Billie Jackson Eisele, Murphy, N.C. Funeral services were held on Saturday, Nov. 11, at 2 p.m. at Akin-Davis Funeral Home, Clewiston with Rev. John Han- cock officiating. Interment followed in Ortona Cemetery, Ortona. Visitation was held on Satur- day, Nov. 11, from 4 hours prior to funeral at Akin-Davis Funeral Home, Clewiston. All arrangements were under the direction of Akin-Davis Funeral Homes, Inc., Clewiston. *y- Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! -j Granite or Bronze / Flat or Upright "' FOREVERGLADES '^" 1500 AIRPORT ROAD BELLE GLADE, FL Best Prices / Best Service Payment Plans / 25 Years Experience State Licensed 8770 Antioch Road, Adel, Cook Co., GA Sat, -:- Nov. 25 -:; 10:00 a.m. 40 :, res B u.:rB j,,ul PJuie:riand *Log Barn B.idrA',m 2 Pjrh. Beautifiu Homesites 2 201-.Sqi Home *Paved Road Frontage 1 BIroom. I B ih Home *2 Wellsand3a Septic Tan :* F .. Fi so Mp tl Building *Excellent Horse FarmPotential ROWELL AUCTIONS, INC. ',O, 800-323-8388 GAL AU C0-654 C.41, AARE. M~ 50 U.-fto'ira ~ ~ c' Pr~muium Reisr- Fo On I nun r- ,I *.ww. rl w ei IlIa l Iutiln c EARN MONEY OR GIFT CARDS TEST CONSUMER PRODUCTS AT HOME Log on to: www.in o I mno eprod ucttestin a.com And sign up. It's free!!! 10% HOLIDAY DISCOUNT Family and Guests coming? Cleaning for the Holidays? ... - Don't forget the Outside! Abnevls High Pressure Cleaning (863)599-8286 (877)934-6253 Locally Owned Licensed and Insured Lic *2006125 Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one Memorial Tribute in this newspaper. Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. Visit www2.newszap.comnmemorlals for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. Introducing our .Wednesday Night F Steak Night Come In & Bring SA Hearty Appetite! H U G E DISCOUNTS h, O3 %0 Stock Up For Christmas Now! While Supplies Last ~ Excludes Cell Phones 310 E. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 863-983-8353 Friday Night All You Can Eat Catfish & Hush Puppies I' .- ~ a. Thursday, November 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee (4 Thursday, November 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Water shortage order issued for lake area WEST PALM BEACH The Governing Board of the South Florida Water Management Dis- trict (SFWMD) declared a mandatory water shortage order for the Lake Okeechobee Service Area (LOSA), which comprises the Everglades Agri- cultural Area, and portions of Hendry, Glades, Lee, Okee- chobee, Palm Beach and Martin Counties. Classified as a Phase 1 or moderate water shortage decla- ration, the order is to become effective Friday, Nov. 17. The order will predominantly impact agricultural industrial and com- mercial water users as well as public water supply utilities around the Lake; withdrawals from the Caloosahatchee River; and a relatively small number of residential users whose water source is Lake Okeechobee or any of the surface water canals recharged by the Lake. Ground- water sources are not restricted by this order, and users are allowed to utilize groundwater in accordance with their per- mits. Agricultural water users in these areas are required to reduce their consumption of sur- face water 'by 15 percent. These users will be notified personally of the specific nature of restric- tions pertaining to this order and are encouraged to voluntarily exercise additional water con- servation measures as practica- ble. Residential water users in the LOSA will be required to limit "The District is working diligently to balance the current water supply with the needs of its resi- dents and agricultural users." Carol Ann Wehle outdoor irrigation times to three days per week and four hours per day. Residents with odd home addresses will be allowed to water between the hours of 4 a.m. and 8 a.m. EST on Mon- days, Wednesdays and Satur- days, while residents with even home addresses will be allowed to water between the hours of 4 a.m. and 8 a.m. EST on Tues- days, Thursdays and Sundays. No domestic water use for out- door irrigation will be allowed on Friday. Daily, lawn irrigation uses 50 percent or more of available drinking water, said Bruce Adams, District water conserva- tion officer. It's an astonishing number given that even in Flori- da's dry season; lawns don't need to be watered until they begin to \\ilt In addition, lawns are more likely to survi% e the dry season if they have been condi- tioned to live without excess watering. For a more drought-tolerant lawn, don't water before, during or after rain. Water only when the lawn begins to wilt Water the lawn before sunrise so less water evaporates. Keep lawn mower blades sharp, but cut the grass on the highest setting Anyone who doesn't have to maintain a lawn can help con- serve water by making simple changes at home. A short show- er using an ultra low flow show- erhead can use one half the water of the average 40-gallon bath, Adams said. Less water is wasted when dishwashers and washing machines are run with full loads. Thousands of gallons of water a year can be saved just by turning off the water when brushing your teeth. In addition, residential users will be asked to wash their vehi- cles within these specific times and also are expected to observe normal water conservation prac- tices within the home. The use of water for firefighting, safety, sanitation, health, medical and other essential purposes will not be restricted "The District is working dili- gently to balance the current water supply with the needs of its residents and agricultural users," said Carol Ann Wehle, executive director at the SFWMD. "Water conservation is an important endeavor year- round; and now, the concerted effort of all water users across the District will be required to see us through this dry season without the need for further restrictions." At present, the water level of Lake Okeechobee, a bellwether measurement of the District's water supply, is more than 3.5 feet or 22 percent below its historical average for this time of year. On parallel, rainfall through the first 10 months of 2006 was among the lowest on record at only 37.15 inches District-wide - approximately 79 percent of the historical average leaving many areas of the District in 1-in- 25-year dry spells. "Over the past three years Floridians have experienced first hand how weather conditions in South Florida can vastly differ from year to year," said Malcolm "Bubba" Wade, Jr., Governing Board member of the south Florida Water Management Dis- trict. "W\ must adapt our habits accordingly and during this dry period i encourage all residents to do their part in conserving water. A fe\\ simple steps, mulii- plied b\ a million residents, can produce significant \'atlr sa\- ings." The South Florida Water Man- agement District continues to monitor water levels througliout the District daily and is proactive- ly planning in the e\ent any addi- tional water shortages must be declared. For additional informarn,licn, area residents are encouraged tu, call the SFWMD's toll-tree Walti Conservation Hotline at 1-800- 662-8876 or contact their re.Qion- al SFWMD service center Help- ful water consei a tion tips are available at \s11w1.sfuTmd.gov clinser i e Water shortage sparks special meetings ISave money on your favorite grocery items. I I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I ---- w- -P I I n ap.COm Community Links. Individual Voices. 0 -"---- --------P--I I. I Sw^^^~r NOTICE Due to a production error the following ads did not appear in the November 2, 2006 issue of the Clewiston News, Glades County Democrat and The Sun: Stanton Mobile Homes, Metal Systems, The Clock Restaurant, and the Glades County Democratic Committee for Alvin Ward. We apologize for this error and any incon- venience this may have caused. Clewiston News The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Will hold two important public meetings in Okeechobee this week. The public is encouraged to attend these meetings to learn and to provide input about the current water shortage dec- laration and about future water supply planning. The first meeting will provide local business owners and citi- zens an opportunity to learn about the current water short- age declaration and to provide input regarding low water levels in Lake Okeechobee. It will be held on Thursday, Nov. 16, at 6:30 p.m. at the SFWMD Okee- chobee Service Center. The sec- ond meeting, set for Friday, Nov. 17, at 10 a.m. also at the SFWMD Okeechobee Service Center, will be about the Kissimmee Basin Water Supply Plan update and' will provide information con- cerning future water supply planning. All members of the public are invited to attend these meetings. The Okeechobee Service Center is located at 205 N. Parrott Ave., . Suite 201 on the second floi:,r of the Bank of America building in downtown Okete.hobee. Please phone the SFWMD Okeechobee Service Center at tSulOj 25u-4201- *or i.S631 -462-5260 for additional information or directions. Local groups endorse FPL Glades Power Park JUNO BEACH, Fla. Florida Power & Light Company announced Monday that the list of supporters is growing for a new, advanced-technology coal power plant project in Glades" County. At least five different groups including government agencies and economic development groups have passed resolutions this fall declaring formal support of the FPL Glades Power Park project. Groups that have passed resolutions include: the Moore Haven City Council, the Glades County Commission, the Glades County Economic Development Council, the School Board of Glades County and Florida's Heartland Rural Economic Development Initiative. Glades County leaders have voiced a desire to pursue major economic development in the area. Once in operation, the FPL Glades Power Park project is expected to contribute more than $21 million in property taxes each year in Glades Coun- ty. The project's related trans-, mission and substation facilities will contribute several million dollars in property taxes every year to Hendry County. Con- struction of the power plant will employ an average of 1,600 workers annually for five years. The completed plant will employ a permanent, full-time staff of 180, including technical, managerial and administrative jobs. The Moore Haven City Coun- cil, the Glades County Commis- sion and the other supporters recognize the FPL Glades Power Park could bring significant eco- nomic benefits to Glades and Hendry counties. "With this hew power plant, FPL will work in partnership with the local communities to create opportunities for this region and we appreciate each of these organizations' endorse- ment of the FPL Glades Power Park," said Area External Affairs Manager Grover Whidden. "In addition to new jobs, the pro- ject's associated new property taxes will greatly benefit the local schools and other commu- nity services. These groups rec- ognize FPL's commitment to the residents of Glades and Hendry counties." Besides the obvious econom- ic benefits, the local leaders have acknowledged the need to diver- sify Florida's power generation. An advanced-technology coal plant will help ease Florida's dependence on natural gas, which has experienced signifi- cant price increases in the past several years. The proposed FPL Glades Power Park will include a two- unit, 1,960-megawatt coal power plant capable of serving 650,000 homes. As part of FPL's focus on protecting the environ- ment, the plant will include state-of-the-art emission con- trols to protect air quality in the region. Information about the FPL Glades Power Park, includ- ing the resolutions of support, is available online at http://www.fpl.com/gladespow- er. DEMOCRAT hil -------- TOUCHDOWN BREAKFAST IU10% OFF t Pmctaes, 2 eggs, 2 bacon Breakfast, strips and 2 sausage links I Lunch or Dinner I ust Present Coupon * I .Not valid to la y other I only 9 [ I'fterE.p I 0 (106 L. - -. of the idsmeu 2 ude 4 10% OFF Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner No.:'f i t ~Ut i,,h i I ,:'ll r E..T' i6 I (p '.,~ 1030 West Sugarland H\,. Clewiston, Florida 863-983-3663 '. I. . "1 was impressed by the caring nurses and the time they were able to give me." - patient survey response j We invite you to take a closer look at G lades General Hospital. We continue to provide quality healthcare, courteous and attentive staff right here at home, but to serve you even better, we have made a few changes Our Gifts to You. * When an accident or unexpected illness strikes, the last thing you want to face is a long drive to the coast. That is why Glades General Hospital is here for you with a newly renovated 24-Hour Emergency Department. This physician-staffed eight-bed unit includes a specially designed child- friendly pediatric room to help calm the most frightened child and its own x-ray equipped room for quicker service. Our team of doctors and nurses are experts in the field of emergency medicine and are supported by our other specialties including general and vascular surgery, obstetrics, pediatrics, nephrology, pulmonology, cardiology, podiatry, and urology. U All of these updates and improvements have been made with our community in mind to make Glades General Hospital your source for quality healthcare for you and your family, right here at home. Take a closer look at Glades General Hospital... you'll be Impressed by what you see. GLADES GENERAL HOSPITAL 501-9' I i 1201. South Main Street Belle Ghlde, Florida 33430 ,1 ... Home illustration may include additions, options or modifications not part of our standard offerings. Shrubs and landscaping have been added for effect. Specifications and plans subject to change and elimination. State license number. FL-CRC-0571 12 *2006 Jin Walter Homesr ic. Copynght snctly enforced. TheSun Serving the comrhunities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 16, 2006 [31-filll [he L111111WIC Off 11M, h"Ild.-A J 4 OPINION Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 16, 2006 Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the MooreHaven/Glades issues forum at httpl//www.newszapfo- rums.com/forum57. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opinion line at (863) 983-9140. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. Public issues forums .Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: ,*Belle Glade/South Bay Issues: rttp://www.newszapforums.com/tforum51 *Clewiston Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/lforum52 * Hendry County Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 * Moore Haven/Glades issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum57 * Okeechobee city/county Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum58 * Pahokee issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum59 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." Submitted photoFirst United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. Bubbles the Clown will appear at the upcoming third annual Kid's Klub Sunday event hosted by First United Methodist Church. The "clowning duo" will help church Kid's Klub members as they assist in leading the worship service on Sunday, Nov. 19. Church to host Kid's Klub event MOORE HAVEN The First United rMethodist Church of Moore Haven will host its third annual Kid's Klub Sunday on Nov. 19, at 10a.m. Elementary school-age children who are members ot the weekly Kid's Klub will be leading the Sun- day Worship with the help of Mr. and Mrs. Bubbles the Clowns. The Kid's KIub is a gathering of children learning about the Bible and of God's love through music, scripture stories, drama and artwork compli-. menting the Bible stones. Kid's Klub participants are also provided a snack to enjoywhile they learn. 'Kid's Klubbers' have the oppor- tunity to play together in a safe envi- ronment while being able to have fellowship time with classmates. The event scheduled to be held on Sunday, Nov 19, will give chil- dren in the group the opportunity to help lead the worship service on Kid's Klub Sunday by reading prayers; scripture lessons, geared to elementary school age children and acolyting.. The .First United Methodist Church is located on Avenue L and Third Street in Moore Haven. To find out more about the Kid's Kiub and the upcoming event, please contact the church at (863) 946-1457. Letters to the Editor Polling place disgraceful While people are winding down from the election frenzy, I am still reacting to the fact that my right to vote was denigrated in Glades County. When I think of the privilege I have to vote in this country and how grateful I am to have this right as a citizen of the United States, and that men and women are fighting to preserve that right around the world right now, it infuriated me to go to my polling site at the VFW in Glades County Nov. 7 and find no lights in the building and the supervisor of elections using the excuse of the hurricane of one year ago to jus- tify her neglect in making sure the facility was in the best possi- ble condition for us to do our proud duty to vote in. There were a couple of small lights in the corners pointing toward the ceiling which was completely torn up as was the rest of the room in disarray. It was disgraceful. I took my ballot and walked around the room trying to find enough light to fill out the ballot and found it too hard to see so I proceeded to go near the exit door where I had to stand up and fill in the dots with my pencil in the hallway. I was appalled and com- plained but only got excuses and attitude. The lack of regard and respect for this most sacred right we have is unacceptable. Holly Whidden has failed miserably at her job, and I will vote to see her out next term. I went to the office of the supervisor of elections and spoke with Holly Whidden before I went to vote to find out why no sample ballot was sent to people and why the newspa- per didn't even publish the can- didates or list the amendments so we could look them over before voting.' Her response was that she did everything herself and didn't have help. I .responded that I own a business and did every- thing myself, and that prioritiz- ing was critical. I think that lights in the polling room and a sample bal- lot posted in the paper or sent to homes are certainly priorities. There is one election a year. How bad are your priorities if you can't get proper lighting on at the polling facilities and a sample ballot available to the county? I don't give my clients excuses. I just do what I'm paid to do. I expect the same from my public officials, especially one that is in the highest paid office in the county. This is why term limits are the best option for public offices, in my opinion. Getting lights on and sending out sample ballots should not be sluffed off as an inconvenience and excuses dished out to appease.. I discussed it with Bill O'Reilly on his radio show the next day and his words echoed my own - "Unacceptable." I took his advice and reported this to the highest officials in the state. But it's up to us to vote this irresponsible public official out. My right and privilege to vote was denigrated this Nov. 7. While we were busy considering who we wanted to vote into office, someone who has been voted in consecutively year after year has let us down. What did we learn from this election? That no one is untouchable. The Republicans found out they are vulnerable. No one should make the mistake that our voice does not matter. This' election proved the power of every single vote. I demand respect and honor for my right to vote in this great country. And come next election I will exercise my right to support a new supervisor of elections for Glades County that takes my right to vote seriously and who. has respect for our privilege to, have a voice in this greatest land on earth. Danise Rosak Moore Haven Editor's note: During the month before the election, the Glades County Democrat pub- lished a three-part series of arti- cles explaining the proposed Constitutional Amendments. Make an Informed choice Two letters to the editor in recent issues have strongly advo- cated against the proposal to build a power plant in Glades County. Also a news item report- ed that a local environmental group had voted to oppose this planned development. I take issue with the basic premise of opposing development of infra structure, needed to sustain our current society. Electricity under- lies the most basic form of ener- gy used to address the require- ments of modern life: refrigeration, computers and tel- evision as well as heating, cool- ing and lighting our way at night cannot be conceived readily by other means. Even if we were to radically alter the transportation sector, the one blamed most for negatively impacting our envi- ronment by using gasoline & diesel fuel burned in cars & trucks, to environmentally neu- tral hydrogen,electricity would still need to be used to produce it! Electricity is at the heart of our modernity. Harris Friedman cites numer- ous factors as reasons to oppose the building of the power plant. He relates that the economic benefits are not impressive although I see no validity in the items he cites: that the workers qualifying for higher paying jobs would likely live outside the county; that more workers earn- ing lower pay would benefit; tax revenue during construction would not be boosted etc. Sales taxes alone would show a very significant climb and it seems counter intuitive that workers would elect to drive great dis- tances over the five year long construction period. However, my argument is not with the specifics of the opposition Dr. Friedman reports, even if he cites the problem %with mercury. Mer- cury was a problem in the 1960s in Michigan where the Dbw Chemical Corp managed to poi- son Lake, Huron to such an extent that fish taken from it caused illness. Meicury remains a problem now and atmospheric mercury is at a higher level in the southeast then anywhere in the continental United States! But it is not poisoning the fish in Lake Okeechobee uniquely, it also poisons the lettuce and toma- toes in his back yard. The prob- lem with fish is that "food chain concentrating" is at work and my personal approach in dealing with this has been to avoid eat- ing fish altogether for the.last 20 years! I am writing this letter to offer a better approach (as I see it) to deal with problems caused by our use of technologies: person- al responsibility and personal choice making which can affect the preserving of our environ- ment and prevent it's degrada- tion. I advocate a lifestyle where an individual makes an informed choice, every time an action which impacts our envi- ronment is taken. For example, every time I travel, I consider whether that travel could be done by walking, using a bicycle, by car or by train. I consider the amount of fossil fuel used for travel and where I use a car I use one that uses the smallest amount of fuel. Whenever I use electricity I consider the means available to use the smallest amount possible, turn of lights and TV when not in use, have the thermostat set at 82deg etc. When I visit the Glades County Courthouse and notice how cool the building is kept, I call my county commissioner and ask him to suggest changes to the building manager so as to save some electricity use! When mercury poisoning becomes worse I pay attention to our gov- ernment structure and see that under Republican dominance of congress the Environmental Pro- tection Agency becomes far less effective, so I vote Democratic It is through our o\wn individ- ual awareness of how society functions, how society is struc- tured that we can make a differ- ence by individually choosing the right thing. Electricity is needed, and more of it in the near future because of the rapid- ly growing population in South Florida. Only by each and all of us committing to use less of it will we be able to control the negative effects of producing it. We really don't have many alter- natives: nuclear power is still too dangerous as far as the spent fuel problem is concerned, fusion technology will not mature for another 25-50 years, other hydrocarbon fuels (natural gas, oil etc.) have supply prob- lems and will be exhausted soon and it politically impossible to make use of available "alterna- tive energy sources". if wte could muster the political power we would be building a windmill farm or a solar array: park or we would have US Sugar produce ethanol from the sugar cane grown all around us. \Vouldn't that be great. clean fuel flor the new power park! Therefore, opposition with weak or futile argumentation cannot improve society, advoca- cy by example and education will be far more effec- tive. BertvanWijck Moore Haven Community Events Florida Native Plant Society meets The Florida Native Plant Society meeting will be held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Agri-Civic Center at 4509 George Boulevard in Sebring in conference room number three. For more information, call Roy Stewart at: (863) 632-0914. Want a job in Construction? Take advantage of a job training opportunity provided by the Edu- cation Center of Southwest Florida, "Inc. (ECSWF) for construction trades ranging from carpentry and plastic pipe to blue prints and masonry. Classes begin in October and space is limited. Flyers and applications are available at the Glades County Economic Develop- ment Council (EDC) Office in the Doyle Conner Building in Moore Haven or the ECSWF office in LaBelle. Applications can be faxed to the EDC at (863) 946-0777 or directly to the Education Center at 863-675-6800. For more informa- tion, contact Sonny Hughes, (863) 675-6800. LaBelle amateur radio club meets The LaBelle Amateur Radio Association resumed monthly meetings on Tuesday, Sept. 5, at the Hendry LaBelle Recreation Office building at 310 W. Cowboy Way, LaBelle. The Club meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Any one interested in amateur radio is invited to attend. Emer- gency communication is a vital part in responding to Hurricanes and other hazardous events. The LaBelle Amateur Radio Association provides emergency communica- Gladis Comnty Democrat Our Purpose... The Glades Counr,- Democrat is published by Independent Newspapers of Florid Independent i. ownede d by a unique trust that enables this newspa- per to pursue a mission of jourrialjsuc ser. ice to the citizens of the commu- nir'. Since no dividend; are paid, the company is able to thrive on profit margin. below.". industry F standards All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's mission of journalsutjc service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the comm- murutv's dehbertauon of public issues. We Pledge... *T: .p[ia lb'J. nwr pa ,"ii a tabli,' rulr. -l,,: I,: ii.i, arid a ,ir k thi jlt ,,:Ji d ,lJi,:da,- t,:, :,r ii.I |1, l.,ijrr ii [iT ' To[ pr,-l,- the t r Tl ., ,J rrd , m r., r p,:.l ii.-,,- ri i ,e hi,,i -.r I).,u j . .'-I ,:rJ- ir,, i jlli..ne and compat iora ' T-* u:- uu[ ,Jp.'. ,a I,., a JjTJae :,- ffsiurr)',e r al ni l i', dm-rmait it awllh :.ur Ti o. .nIlrii i -' i,, :..-: ur :- ... .r,r- L' of ,i:,,It T:i, ,- 1: hr r-'i,- r ,,L -: ii rd -ir' ' To provide a nghlt to reply to those we write about, To treat people with courtesy, respect and compassion, El-e~r ji, sZa r agm. Rr..1-.-no Id:k Curry Advertiin emai wl emra'i a mv cainwq m~ A-I. rib iriLDin.t- 'ci -iiiy l"irer- Ci-.-,r-m E C,,I Mr..t B jr. Member of~ Florida Press Asseactadsaia tion via amateur radio when other forms of communication are unavailable and as a backup. For further details call Ron Zimmerly, KE4PFG at (863) 675-6375. Guardian Ad Litem volunteers needed Are you flexible, open-minded and interested in advocating for a child? Only 60 percent of Lee, Col- lier, Charlotte, Glades and Hendry County children taken from their homes due to allegations of abuse or neglect have a volunteer Guardian ad Litem (GAL) to pro-' tect their interests. A GAL volun- teer has the opportunity to be a champion for an abused, neglect- ed or abandoned child in court and within the community, strong- ly supported by program staff. For information, to apply, or to ask how your business or organization can help, call Jackie at (239) 533- 1425 or (866) 341-1GAL. The next Guardian Ad Litem training class starts in Fort Myers on Saturday, Nov. 4, 11, 17 and 18). In addition to 28 hours of classroom instruction, volunteers must put in two hours of court- room observation. Narcotics Anonymous meets Narcotics Anonymous meets Monday at 7 p.m. for open discus- sion meeting at Buck Head Ridge Christian Church, 3 Linda Road, Buckhead Ridge. For more infor- mation please call (863) 634-4780. Hurricane help available Help is still available for Hurri- cane Wilma victims from our local Community Rebuilding Ecumeni- cal Workforce (CREW) but you must register again! Community Rebuilding Ecu- menical Workforce (CREW) is a caring network of Hendry and Glades Counties' civic, social, serv- ice, and faith-based groups, agen- cies, and organizations, along with concerned individuals and busi- nesses, formed to address the phys- ical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the community in the restoration and rebuilding of their lives and homes in times of a natural or man- made disaster. CREW will provide collaborative leadership and advocacy in meeting the needs for revitalizing and improving the quality of life for the most vulnerable in the community. For more information, ques- tions, or to schedule an appoint- ment, please call of visit: CREW Headquarters, First United, Methodist Church, 352 W Arcade Avenue, Clewiston, phone (863) 983-4316 (John 3:16) or e-mail CREWheadquarters@aol.com. MHHS Class Reunion planned The MHHS Class of '86 is having its 20 year reunion on Homecom- ing Weekend this year. Organizers are inviting the Class of '87 and Class of '88 to join the fun, as well. Reunion planners are in need of assistance in locating and notifying all members of the above classes. The initial plan is to have a tailgate type get-together the night of the Homecoming Game and, on the following day, have a BBQ for the family at the City Park or a similar location. Anyone interested in assisting may contact David Lee at dlee-1967@skyeone.com or (863) 946-2512. CREWneeds volunteers The Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) of Hendry and Glades Counties is seeking volunteers to assist resi- dents with repairs and continued clean up efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Wilma. Carpenters, Electricians, Plumbers, drywall installers and other trade skills are needed, as well as, anyone willing to lend a hand. For more information, come by our office at 121 Central Ave. rear entrance or email CREWhead- quarters@aol.com or phone (863) 9832390. Free services offered to help elders Center for Independent Living will be doing outreach on a regular basis at the Moore Haven, Clewis- ton, and LaBelle sites between the hours of noon to 2:30 p.m. You can contact Tera or Linda at the Center for Independent Living at (941) 766-8333 in Charlotte County to find out the days that they will be available in those areas. CREW seeks donations The Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) of Hendry and Glades Counties is seeking donations of building mate- rials and supplies, including lumber, nails and drywall, to assist residents / with repairs and continued dean up efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Wilma. Donations, including mone- tary contributions, are tax deductible. For more information, come by our office at 121 Central Ave. rear entrance or email CREW- headquarters@aol.com or phone (863) 983-2390. Economic Council Meetings planned The Glades County Economic Development Council normally meets the first Monday of the month at 6:15 p.m. in the conference room at Glades Electric Cooperative. If you are not a member, please con- tact the EDC about joining. If you are a member, please plan to attend the meetings. As the Main Street effort and other initiatives move for- ward, we will need a host of knowl- edgeable volunteers to serve on var- ious committees and we encourage your participation. To Reach Us Address: RO. B-,:, 1236' Clewaton, Fla. 3:-1440 Website: 'A-ww.newszap.c-om To Submit News The Glades County Democrat wel- comes subrnmsions from its readers. Opinions, calendar items, stories, :deas and photographs are selceme. Call 866-399-5253 to reach our news- room ItemS may be mailed, laxed or e-mailed. The deadline for all news teamss is 12 p m Monday prior to the :o|Alownrg Thursday's publication. E-mail: gcdnew,,'nnew,-zap ,:orn To Place A Classified Ad Call i,_;7t353-2424 to place a .:laus- ie,1 ad'.erut.iement from home. The eadllin: :,for all advertising is 12 p.m. Monday for the following Thursday's jublbcaiaor Fax. 1-877-354.2424. E-mail: classads'&nev,-eap,om To Place A Display Ad Call "r. 9.56-'99525.3.deadlime for all ad'.ertuin: I- 12 pm Mondav for the i.,llu, in Thurs. ,, public.tj,:n Fax.' 1-t 3-.S3.753: E-mail :,uthlal a-r'nr .e za'ap cnm Advertising Billing Department E-mail: billteam@newszap.com VFW Post #9528 hours posted The \'VW Post #9528 is located at 2002 Hwy. 78 West in Buckhead Ridge. For more information call (863) 467-2882. Post hours are from noon until 8 p.m. daily. Wednesday is Ladies Auxiliary din- ner from 5:30-7 p.m., and the cost is $5. Every Thursday, the post has bar bingo at 12:45 p.m. Lunch will be available. Every Friday a steak dinner with baked potato, salad and rolls are served from 5:30 7 p.m. with a $9 donation. Dancing immediately follows the dinner. All games and special events are shown on three televisions. The game room has a regulation-size pool table. Post meetings are held on the second and fourth Saturday of the month, beginning at 10 a.m. Commander Albert Crank is avail- able at (863) 467-2882. To Start or Stop A Paper Phone:(877)353-2424 E-mail: readeriirnc.,,iriew' i fne a.,-rn The Gl s Ciurir, Demnxra i i I-ilrr-,l by mail -- aibscnb-r. -in Thuidjv r and i i.,.l in ra.:k' and sitre Ik.:ant r. ir the Glader C':'urintv rea Call 1i77l353-2424 ito repon rruisel ne,.pajper or por delivery. Gladei County Democrat LISPS 219060 Publishe-J Wekl,. by Ind-pendent Ne'.-ppers, Iric CIe tn. FL 3-440 for f24.61 per year inm:ludinrg ta Se.Snd Clas posut.g paid at Clewistori Flo:,nd Pistmaoier send address h.angs to th Glae E Countr DemA.-iat Ci:i ulatih:,n A,.inirir trraU--, PO BCI. .011I D.j.ci DE I'Q03 Printing Pntenid at Sunl'nine Pi-rinrin. a i.ub. i.r,' of ind p, erri rl Nie.i i a-r- E-m ail prinuri-;,, lt r ,t lr Glades County Democrat Published by Independent Newspaper, Inc. Serving Glades County Since 1923 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 16, 2006 OPINION Thrdy Noeme 16 206Srigtecmuiissuho aeOecoe 2005 CHRYSLER PT CONVERTIBLE Enjoy Year-Round Driving In This Loaded Drop- Top. Only 19,000 Miles & Balance of Warranty j.Bl1$ 4, 444 IIrTL, B U 2004 TOYOTA TUNDRA ;I'j* A,,. 1:,L- = : '.', -i ; ** "' , Great For Work Or Play. Nice Features Nice Price! <1~ Get Great Gas Mileage Too! Rear Seat Folds I Into The Floor. Only 11,000 Miles. 1l7,333 I L VV175 2005 CHEVROLET X-CAB PICKUP II This 1500 Series 2 Wheel Drive Will Go Anywhere. Low Miles & Balance of Warranty. 18,2220 ____ ...... ..____ T-m21 , I.t* , '; ::..'.,. 2006 DODGE CHARGER RT .. Loaded With All The Goodies Including LEather "". Interior, P/W, P/L, Cruise, Tilt & CD. DODGE RAM 3500 MEGA CAB 4X4 A Top Of The Line Laramie Package With SunRoof, Nay System, Power Everything, Tow Package And More, Originally Over S50K 39,2221 - 126 111 .T4 13 2004 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER With Unique Factory Two-Tone Paint, Auto Air Power Pack. Brand New Rubber-Good To Go! 1' 0,888 A .I 2004 DODGE STRATUS Economical 4 Cly, Auto, Air, Power Pack. Low Miles & Balance of Warranty! $11,11 4 1 2005 JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED On Road Or Off. Roomy Interior,, Hard a^^.....".:,. -^ ^? Doors W/ Glass, Soft Top, 6 Cly., Ice Cold Air. Only 18K Miles - -i IF, M IiE 4c 400 rj iq 'r'N" I C)IO T LX 5S- 3P- Y A ~ 11 C,% Fl JtRWE 1, Ei I~t- 11 C30 1:31O~mlF,%- 'I E li1:0 IDIFliZA liZ 1,1PIY I ( EYsLE~ ~It reaxllz does make a difference! I I I'-~%A. p.4t ~ g h~.~ 9uuq -.4- 4- 4--- (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 * PRICES GOOD THRU 11/22. PLUS TAX, TAG, TITLE & FEES. 2006 DODGE CARAVAN jN 2004 FORD EXPLORER SPORT-TRAC J.Power Windows & Locks, CD, Auto, Air. Only 33k Miles. Nice Truck. $1 8,999 * .^^fl^^^~f^^^l^^ .|B1^^F' .... .1 "B 44'5^^k ^^^ ^W F . . . . Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 16, 2006 m. a II Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 16, 2006 i IIA I AEU I I I IM E A I A IE tlr i Palm Beach F77 IhIIIIH" i/lls/\i II I Nk'i'II'i1I E' V, F-A T Bra ,d New .,6 Dodge RAM 150oo Reg. Cab S.'t-fl.?669. 62679 ~j, q/%/j~ Braiicl NeJw ?ooQ6 ~-6W' vi~ Brand New 2oo6 e gf RAM 15OO6 o:0 Quad Cab SLT V ' Stk--62524 ---cjJ UIdTZ' -c-- Brand New 2006 : RAM 15oo 4x4 Brand New 2oo6 r CARAVAN SXT V/6, P/W, P L Til Cruise, Sports Wheels & More! Brand New 0.. ' CALIBER k" 9 TO IWOSE FROM! EP -U l H1I 1, El 1 h 1:.I f I OI 1. 11. ill '; 11.1 i, Tiri ; ri .I.IF F"i !L I FF II LE, FEES & DEALER INSTALLED OPTIONS. REBATES VARY ON SELEC IERMS VARY, UP TO 60 MONTHS, ON SELECT MODELS, MUST HAVE Cl REGIS] ERED IN CUSTOMERS NAME, VALID TOWARDS PURCHASE OF S OFFERS EXPIRE ODAE OF PUBLICATION OR MAY BE CANCELED AT ANY ( .l -l tl l .Il .1 1lfl l. 1 0 1 1....11.11i. LE 1:. 1 . VED CREDIT. REBATES MAY INCLUDE CFC REBATE ON SOME MODELS, CFC REBATE REQUIRES FINANCING APPROVAL THRU CFC, NOT ALL BUYERS WILL QUALIFY FOR THIS REBATE, SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. ZERO APR FINANCING CHRYSLER FINANCIAL, OFFERS NOT IN CONJUNCTION, RESTRICTIONS APPLY, SEE DEALER FOR MORE DETAILS. MINIMUM TRADE BASED ON DEALER LIST PRICE, LIMIT ONE TRADE PER PURCHASE, TRADE MUST BE CURRENTLY R RESTRICTIONS APPLY, SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. 27 MONTH LEASES, 12K MILES PER YEAR, $3000 CASH OR TRADE EQUITY DUE AT INCEPTION PLUS TAX, TAG, TITLE. NO SECURITY DEPOSIT REQUIRED. WITH APPROVED CREDIT. . RANKING BASED ON REGISTERED SALES FOR DAIMLER CHRYSLER THRU APRIL 2006. DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. VEHICLE ART FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. 02006 CARRERA ADV S I l- , 1.Lk -A Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 16, 2006 .... p - ".,* L- II[IIIIA1,11 ( .hu....y.. N m 1 Arrest Report This column lists arrests, not convictions, unless otherwise stat- ed. Anyone who is listed here and who is later found not guilty, or has the charges against them dropped, is welcome to inform the newspa- per. We will confirm the informa- tion and print it. Belle Glade Billy Rodriguez, 24, of North- east First Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Nov. 6, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with viola- tion of probation simple battery. He was released on a surety bond. Juan C. Rodriguez Rivero, 45, of Northeast 24th Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Nov. 6, by PBSO and charged with kidnap- ping false imprisonment of an adult and domestic battery. He is being held without bond. Antonio Dubron Kinsler, 26, of Covenant Drive, Belle Glade, was arrested on Nov. 7, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with third degree grand theft of a vehi- cle; damage to property; criminal mischief- $1,000 or more. No bond was set. William Enabel Pena, 34, of Belle Glade, was arrested on Nov. 7, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with violation of probation domes- tic battery; battery; failure to appear for status check on May 19, 2003 for charges of domestic battery and improper exhibition of a dangerous weapon. No bond was set. Jesus Alpizar, 26, of North State Road 715, Belle Glade, was arrested on Nov. 8, by PBSO and charged with a sex offense on a victim 12 years of age up to 15 years of age. He is being held without bond. Lenard Bent, 31, of Glades Glen Drive, Belle Glade, was arrest- ed on Nov. 8, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with possession of cocaine with intent to sell within 1,000 feet of a business or place of worship; possession of cocaine with intent to sell within 1,000 feet of a davcare center. He is being held without bond. Shirley A. Donaldson, 53, of. Northwest Avenue D, Belle Glade, was arrested on Nov. 8, by PBSO and charged with domestic batten. No bond was set. Felix Manuel Mayo, 37, of Northeast Second Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Nov. 9, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with driving while license suspend- ed habitual offender. No bond was set. FroncirA. Moise, 20, of Glades Glen Drive, Belle Glade, was arrest- ed on Nov. 9, by PBSO on a warrant charging him- with battery. No bond was set. Cholonda Bousquet, 24, of Northwest Ninth Avenue, Belle Glade, was arrested on Nov. 9, by PBSO and charged with battery; cruelty toward a child-abuse with- out great harm and child abuse. No bond was set. Pahokee Cardarrol Fulton, 20, of Rardin Avenue, Pahokee, was arrested on Nov. 6, by PBSO and charged with violation of probation petit theft of over $100. No bond was set. Ossie Allen, 22, of South Lake Avenue, Pahokee, was arrested on Nov. 7, by PBSO and charged with aggravated battery on a pregnant person. No bond was set. Tyjuan McCoy. 28. of Shirley Drive, Pahokee, was arrested on Nov. 7, by PBSO and charged with failure to appear on a written promise to appear for case disposi- tion on July 24,2006 on charges of driving while license suspended. No bond was set. Tarvis Burgess, 21, of Holman Court, Pahokee, was arrested on Nov. 8, by PBSO and charged with criminal mischief with property damage over $1,000. No bond was set. Anthony Evans, 24, of Cypress Avenue, Pahokee, was arrested on Nov. 8, by PBSO and charged with selling cocaine within 1,000 feet of a place of worship or convenience business. No bond was set. O'Brien D. Mainland, 20, of South Malone Drive, Pahokee, was arrested on Nov. 9 by PBSO and charged with sale of cocaine.: No bond was set. Tequesta T, Boldin, 20, of Pope Court, Pahokee, \\as arrested on Nov. 10, by PBSO and charged with failure to appear on written promise to. appear failure to appear for status check on July 9, - battery charges. No bond %\as set. *O'Brien D. Mainland, 20, of S. Malone Dr. Pahokee, and charged with Sale of Cocaine. Released on surety bond. *Carter. Core\. 28, of Palm Boulevard, Pahokee, was ai rested Nov. 10 and charged with Burglarx of an unoccupied dwelling larceny over $300 but less that $5,000. grand theft, auto and resisting an officer withoutviolence. No bond w as set. *Jeffrey Leon Mosley. 31 of Northwest 12 Avenue, Belle Glade was arrested on Nov. 10 for viola- tion of probation aggravated bat- tery with a deadly weapon with intent to cause bodily harm. No bond was set. *Danika Twonshea Ashley, 25, ol South est 1 Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Nov. 11 and charged w\ith batter\ on an officer/firefighter/emc and tres- passing on an occupied structure or conveyance and resisting an offi- cer with violence. No bond was set - *Shamecka L. Douglas, 27, of Northwest B Avenue, Belle Glade was arrested on Nov. 11 and charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. No bond was set. *Tavaris Javon James, 22, of Northwest C Place Avenue, Belle Glade was arrested on Nov. 11 and charged with burglary of a struc- ture or conveyance unarmed with- out a person inside and criminal mischief over $200 under $1,000. No bondwasset. Martin Miya, 21, of Northwest B Avenue, was arrested on Nov. 12 and charged with homicide, negli- gent manslaughter cause death to any human, DIU and damage to property, failure to have vehicle insurance, nonmoving traffic viola- tion driving while license suspend- ed resulting in death or serious injury. No bond was set. South Bay *Frank David Moore, 27, of Twelfth Avenue, South Bay was arrested Nov. 12 and charged with resisting an officer with violence and battery on an officer, firefight- er, EM T, etc. No bond was set. eAnnette faith Miller, 41, of Southwest Twelfth Avenue, South Bay was arrested on Nov. 12 and charged with possession of cocaine and narcotics equipment and carrying a concealed electric weapon. She was released on sure- ty bond. Luis Rodriguez Dominguez, 35, of Old U.S. Highway 27, South Bay, was arrested on Nov. 7, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with violation of probation pos- session of cocaine. No bond was set. Juan Villareal, 20, of North- west Third Avenue, South Bay, was arrested on No\. 9, by PBSO and charged with burglary of a dwelling grand theft; driving %while license suspended or revoked habitual offender. No bond was set. Frank David Moore, 27, of 12th Av.enue, South Bay, was arrested on Nov. 10, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with battery on an officer resisting arrest with violence. He is being held without bond. Canal Point \Willis Bowles, 19, of Okee- chobee Avenue, Canal Point, was arrested on Nov. 7, by PBSO on; a warrant charging him with rob- bery with a firearm; larceny theft of more than $300 but less than $5,000. He is being held without bond. Clewiston *Alfredo Villarreal, 31, of Clewiston, was arrested Nov. 11, and charged with possession of crack cocaine. Sgt. Herron of the Seminole Police Department was the arresting officer. - 6 Jose Guadalupe Vega, 29, of Clewiston, was arrested Nov. 12, and charged with driving on a per- manently revoked driver's license. Timothy Neidert of the. Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Ronald Anthony Miller, 38, of Clewiston, was arrested Nov. 9, and charged with a sexual offense viola- tion-failing to notify change of resi- dence within 48 hours. Bond was set at $20,000 cash/surety. A 16-year-old juvenile of Clewiston, was arrested Nov. 10, and charged with battery on an elected official or education employee. James H. Clark of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Benny Levi Hemandez, 18, of Clewiston, was arrested Nov. 6, and charged with burglary. Richard Car- ley of the Seminole Police Depart- memt was the arresting officer. eVera Mae Dixon, 54, of Clewis- ton, \\as arrested Nov. 7, on a war- rant for violating probation for a felony. Bonnie Weaver of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Bond was set at $1,200 cash. Roosevelt Brown, 18, of Clewiston, was arrested Nov. 8, and charged with having posses- sion of burglary tools with the intent to use them. David John Col- burn of the Clewiston Police Department was the arresting offi- cer. Michael Barry Cypress, 51, of the Big Cypress Reservation was arrested Nov. 8, and charged with driving without a license habitual offender. Sgt. Herron of the Semi- nole Police Department was the arresting officer. Christopher Leon Joe, 30, of Clewiston, was arrested Nov. 9, and charged with driving under the influence. Sgt. Herron of the Semi- nole Police Department was the arresting officer. Christopher J. Keys, 37, of Clewiston, was arrested Nov. 9, and charged with burglary with assault or battery. David John Col- burn .of the Clewiston Police Department was the arresting offi- cer. Hitchhiker victim of armed robbery HENDRY COUNTY When Pedro Quiroz was offered a ride home for $5 he didn't realize that he would become the victim of an armed robbery. In a report by Sheriff Ronnie Lee, Mr. Quiroz was walking home along S.R. 29 north of the bridge when he noticed a small green car that he thought belonged to a friend of his, he waved -and the car stopped. Mr. Quiroz noticed it was not his friend but, the His- panic female driver asked him if he wanted a ride. When he replied yes, the driver told him she would drive him home for $5 When Mr. Quiroz entered the car he noticed two other passengers- one of which he knew as Victor and the other passenger was a white male. As the car neared Thigpen Road the driver stopped and the white male pulled Mr. Quiroz from the vehicle. Once outside the car the man known as Victor pointed a small semi-auto- matic handgun at him and then hit him in the head with a beer bottle and knocked him to the ground. While on the ground one of the men went through his pockets and stole his wallet and $250.00 cash. The subsequent investigation by the Hendry County Sheriff's Criminal Investigations division has led to the arrest of Maria Kelly Delacruz, 26, of Wellington Avenue, Alva and Wayne 'Bubba O'Conner, 32, of LaBelle. Both Delacruz and O'Conner were charged with aggravated assault; aggravated battery with a deadly weapon; robbery with a weapon and robbery. They were booked into the Hendry County Jail with bond set at $75,000.00 each. A third suspect, Victor Roa, 29, of Martin Luther King Boulevard in LaBelle was arrested and charged with aggravated assault; '"aggra- vated battery, kidnapping and robbery with a weapon. Roa \ as booked in the Hendry County Jail with bond set at $ 100,000. THANK, >. .. 2 YOU! Glades County ' Voters I nJ P i.F.-.j I ,\d, ; 1n'.i, '"'T l'Jl I,1" Jr,.1 Jl.c ,P.I' J t '. iI'> l 'i',, .'i .i L...L '. j' ,["' -, i..>:iini StopurCir. ,-i..JcIe or,, C flj Lu i L, I .ff )l,irL. r1 .2 --" -.* .-v ;. .. -'- :-. Crime Stoppers The Palm Beach County Sher- iff's Office is seeking assistance from the public in locating the fol- lowing wanted fugitive. Kennard Quimbley, age 21, is a black. male with black hair and brown eyes. He is 6 feet, 2 inches tall and weighs approximately 165 pounds. His last known address was at Southwest Fifth Street, Belle Glade. He is wanted for violation of probation resisting officer with violence; dumping of lit- ter, Anyone with informa- tion on this wanted fugitive is asked to con- tact the Crime Stoppers at 1- (800)-458-TIPS Kennard (8477) or Quimbley online at: www.crimestoppperspbc.com. Sexual Predator-Update The Palm Beach County Sher- iff's Office is advising the public about a declared Sexual Predator, Randolph Lee King, age 44, who is now residing at 190 N. State Road 715 Lot 207 Belle Glade. Deputy Sheriff Mary Hansen of the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office verified this address on Oct. 28. On Aug. 13, 1998, Circuit Court Judge, Michael D. Miller of the Fif- teenth Judicial Circuit, Palm Beach County, Florida declared Randolph Lee King to be a Sexual Predator pursuant to Florida Stat- ue 775.21(4). The Palm Beach County Sher- iff's Office is in the process of notifying all licensed day care cen- ters located within one-mile radius of King's residence. The follow- ing is a descrip- .. tion of Ran- " dolph Lee . King: Randolph . Lee King, also known as Ran- dolph King, Randy King Randolph and Lee Ran- Lee King dolph King, is a black male with black hair and brown eyes. He is 5 feet, 10 inches tall and weighs approximately 194 pounds. " Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! L.- --- --- -- -- -- -- -- - If you, a deceased spouse or parent suffered from any of the fol- lowing ailments on or before November 21, 1996 and were advised by a treating doctor that the condition was a result of cigarette smoking, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit against big tobacco. 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November 18, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee ____ I' fl Students take up the challenge to read Firt graders trorm Sonya Sorn- iner ':. ;. at Moore i-Haven Ele menictarv :whloo.l have helped oth- ers wlile lr-vv were helping themselves: this sch Mrol year by parincipariing in Scholastic Book Cluts C.Nsic'On"isf'ha.', a phildan thropy-.l)b ed literacy campaign de.:.-Ined Iti te aI ch ildren about the joys and importance of read- Ing and t giving Students had from the beginning of -ichool through Dec. 31, 2U06, to com- plelt- tthe challenge. S.tude' is in Ms So' rner' cla&ss- roo-rft finished i'' Ihe oiid o Octof ber and have joined other students ,ll aei-os' Ihe counhliy in niadingp, 100 hooks Keeping Jup their part of the ,hdidlhige, Schol,-stic Book Clubs, a division of 'Scholaitic, the glob.j. ci iidrei' pul'ishinb and tdiaM enifnpanv, will dona.te- 10) books to disadvantaged children ra oun widei. St. iolat.i iaI prom- ised that lor evuly class thai reads i0 I'I n.o1.s, Ihr C'.rnpa;!y will dorieit100 il) books to needy chil li1en, Ioi .0 total of utp to 1 iiillinni bolE.s nal, nwlde. F1,Lir notz for profit paittneir will Iensure tHadl Iit t books get into the hands of the hardest to reacts anid needie,,l children. Hellou rri'nd"", First Book@, SubtinitH t photos First graders in Sonya Summer's class at Moore Haven Elementary School proudly participated In the 100 book challenge. Reach Out and Read, and Save the Childrencw will rece-ive arid distribute the donations to chil- dien in uLndi -served co.nmmuni- ties across the U.S. The ClassroonmwCare initiative is open lo all classrooms inatioiiwide through Scholastic Book Club cata- logues and Ih'e Scholastic v'eb .ite. Teachers along with their students can log onto wxvwv.hdiolnslic.i.com o classrrio-n scare to learn more about the three charities aIrid to downlrl-oad a Ceritili- care of Congratultlions. School offers Atomic Learning program MOORE HAVEN This school year Moore Haven Jun iior- Senior High School (MHJSHS) lias taken steps lt become increasingly efficient at integrating technology in the classroom. Mrs. Laura Ahern announced recently that Moore Haven Junior- Senior Hi;gh School has joined forces wilh Atomic Learning, a nationally respected provider of web based software training. Atomic Learning (wmw.atom- icLearning corn.) provides web- based s0oftwvre training for appli- catiorns that students and teachers use every day. It's supplemental learning that's available 24 7, delivered through short, easy to understand tutorial movies. By teaming with Atomic Learning, Moore Haven Junior- Senior High School has the oppor- tunitv to train e\ery student and every educator to use more than 40 ot the rost commnonly used sottvwae applications. The service will be im plement- ed in three areas. in staff develop- ment, as a curriculum supple- ment and as a resource for parents of school age children. That means educators, students and heir families can access Atomic Learning from school or home, all day, everyday. Atomic Learning features more than 10,000 tutorial movies on over 45 of the most common software applications In addition, an average of 300 movies are added every month. Atomic Learning is available at school anrl at home for Moore Haven Junior-Senior High School students and their families. All yon need is an Internet connection and a computer with the free QuickTime plug-in installed To receive the Login and Password, contact Mrs. Laura Ahern or Mrs. Lori Bond at the school, (863) 946.0811. REMEMBER: It is FREE! newszap.comj Cormt,, ,untv Lin ndiv duo ices. School Happenings Moore Haven Elementary School October Citizens of the month Thlie olr-l -iiig stiLudentl -,h h-8V' earned recogniliorn as Octobei t'iti s iS ol the MonthI al MOOre. Ha\ven El,?mentary School This i.s o very special honor -',siCe 1i initani; thai lhtey have idlone a, o)rnir-enIdblte job t'l shlu.iing COOPERATION COOPERATION is listeni i I-.h.'iig, Iaking [urnfs, comipro-mi'irsinl. encoturaging, andi in iuinilg cllier'1. 'ITh-: ,t'idenis eai rinii.g this honot imn. lude Kinder.artie Fatimina Arroyo, Kt'arin (irneros, Lacy (iteet,. Jaime Hing';on: Firtit Giad -. Ni-ellie Blanco, Crisirina Maria, Julia Prieto, Alex- i- 3 .irp l- ': , Second Grade: Blanca Aran- :, ,.:,!' C setia .lohn Moran, Adrian Pardo; TI irc C.rade: Nick Duncan- son, Roy Morrow, Melinda Robinson Elsi Velasquez; Fourth Grade: Daniel Dun- carsoni, Joev Sanders, Savanna Schlueter; Fifth Grade: Mandy Arthur, Sarah Lyons, Samantha Shearer; Sixth Grade: Martha Cardona, Akkua Hallback. Title One Parent Night Moore Haven Elnementary host- ed the annual Title One "Par,-nt Night this year in the Richie Build- ing on Nov. 9. 2006, on tIe Ml-16 S campus. Debtb i Prssley, Director of I'urriculum Services for Glades Sliouol District, led off the evening explalning the Title I program. Kait rtna Fey, C.ooidunator of NCILB prio. grams and all Title programs for the dishiict, spoke at')out Supplemenial Educational Services and School Choice l.hat are part ot the No Child Lell Behind legislation. Talking aboull the A+ + Schools was Princi- p.. Jim BN ickl of Moore Haven Elez mntiarv School Moore Haven F.le-. trientary has a Parent Resource Room for families to come and cheir k oui materials loit iltir stu- dents to use at home. The school alio is introducing a new Frnghli language solltware learning pio- gram thal wlIl be open ti pai'nils on Monday mornings from 8:15 to 9:45 in the computer lab. Parents may also come in on MoNi lay d id Friday afternoons from 1:15 to 2'15 to the Parent Resource Room to check out materials, books, parent resources and to check out the lan- guage learning program. The well- attended evening ening ended with the traditional door prizes. The prizes varied from home decor items, to a portable DVD player, and the grand prize was a $500.00 gift card to Wal-, Mart. The grand prizewinner was Mr. And Mrs. Gilberto Guzman, who are the proud parents of a sec- ond grade student al MHES. I r t-. V I Attend Church this Sunday 10:00 AM Nursery provided 370 Holiday Isle Blvd www.newharvest.net Moore Havun Eloinentriry School,'Kristi Hingson Mr. and Mrs. Gilberto Guzman were among those enjoying the annual Title One Parent Night at Moore Haven Elementary School. Moore Haven Elementary School held their annual Title One Parent Night on Nov. 9. School News in Brief Funds for MHHS \Vhat it Moore Haven Junior Senior High School earned a penny eeAiy time \ou searched the Inter- net? \\,ell, rino\\we can' Go)odSearch corn is a nre\\ search engine that donates half its revenue, about a penny per search. to the charities its users designate. You use it just as you would any search engine, and it's powered by Yachoo!, so you get great results. Just go to www.goodsearch.com and be sure to enter Moore Haven Junior Senior High School as the charity you want to support. Just 500 of us searching four times a day will raise about $7,300 in a year without any- one spending a dime! And, be sure to spread the word! You can also download the GoodSearch toolbar by visiting http://www.goodsearch.com/tool bar ALL METAL BUILDINGS 130 mph pHricing 20x25x9 Ambassador Vertical Roof (2:12 Pitch) 1 Roll-up Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $10,947 2.5x30x9 Ambassador Vertical Roof (2;12 Pitch) 2 Roll-up Doors, 1 Walk-in Door I Window, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $16,212 Up to35' Wide, ',ii,t,,:d l.r,,rlh Meets or Exceeds I ,I I t'n. ,, \ I n ,,,',l- Florida "Stawped" Engineered Plans 877-951-2300 Metal Systems Plus, LLC www.metalsystemsplus.com ? ;pivs aes tax& uC Fs, Photmsfa distaypiw s only MHES students ask for walk-a-thon support The students at Moore Haven Elementary School are having their second annual walk-a-thon on Fn- day, No'v. 17. This fundraising effort \\ill help our Reading Renaissance program in many ways. In addition to helping purchase new books. it will allow AR students to win prizes and take field trips. Additionally, part of the funds raised will be used to purchase memorial markers for three of our students who died in tragic accidents during the 2005- 2006 school year. Please help support our stu- dents who may ask you to sponsor them in the walk-a-thon event, which we are calling a Turkey Trot. Plan to come out and join us that morning at Terrier Field to watch our students walk their laps around the high school football track. Anyone wishing to make a con- hibution to this event should make a check out to Moore Haven Ele- mentarH School and drop the check bv the front office or mail it to MHES, RPO. Box 160, Moore Haven, FL, 33471. If you have any questions, please call the school at (863) 946-0737. Christmas festival planning underway Planning has begun for the sixth annual "Christmrnas on the Caloosahatchee Festival', to be held on Thursday, Dec. 14, from 5 until 8 p.m., in Tom Perry Memor- ial City Park. If you would like a booth, please contact Susan Prowant, Leslie Pryor, or Felinda Langdale at Moore Haven Ele- mentary School at (863) 946- 0737. Christmas on the Caloosa- hatchee is an annual community event hosted by Moore Haven Ele- mentary School and the City of Moore Haven. Be sure to join us' Title I Parent meeting scheduled Moore Haven Elementary School and West Glades School are preparing for their annual Title I Parent Meeting. All parents of students at these schools are invited to attend. Parents will receive information concerning their child's school, Title I, A+ + Legislation, School Improve- ment, and Parent Resources. Child care will be provided for children ages 3 14, and refresh- ments and door prizes will be available. West Glades School will meet with their parents on Thursday, Nov. 16, at 6:30 p.m. in the Cafetorium. Touching the Glades one family at a lime. Pastors Chuck & Kien Pelam MARK LEWIS CONSTRUCTION, P.L. STATE LICENSED BUILDING CONTRACTOR WITHIN 30 YEARS CONST"UCtION EXPERIENCE OFFERING COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICES *' From Concept To Completion *Commercial/Residential Construction *Site prep *Foundations/Form Work *Stem Walls J *Concrete Slabs /Driveways *Wall Systems -Utility Sheds/Out Buildings *Garage/Carports . *Trusses *Interior Framing Drywall and Finishes *Tum-Key Shells *Generator Set ups *Safe Rooms *Shutters, any Style *Landscaping LICENSED & INSURED FLLIC#CBCi250492 Office: 561-924-7767 Cell: 561-721-5766 mlcontractor@yahoo.com The Glades County School Board Will Hold A Special Meeting On November 21, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. In The Glades County School Board Meeting Room 400 10th Street, SW Moore Haven, FL 33471 (863)946-2083 For The Purpose Of Reorgarniation Treasure Coast Dermatology Specializing in the Treatment of Skin Cancer ae4e 4 # 9oua %ggi1 Seaaon %t AICC/ Jonathan S. Sanders, M.D., J.D. Cynthia J. Rogers, M.D. * Tim lonnides, M.D. Mlobs Surgery Diseases of Skin, Hair & Naifls See A Board Certified Dermatologist Everytirne "Medcar, HuanaandEmplyer Muual cceted VERO BACH O04 CHgR- Recliner Sale $349.95 Available in Tan, Green or Cream Microfiber Fabric S While supply lasts Microfiber fabric feels like suede leather and is as easy to take care of as vinyl. Stains can be removed with a wet towel. Big Chair is 40 inches wide and 43 inches tall! ..... Jackson River Home Furnishings & Decor At the Foot of the Bridge -340 North Bridge Street 863-674-0003 LaBelle I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 16, 2006 holds first meeting Submitted photo/Glenda Wilson The old Chamber of Commerce building is now the Hospital Foundation House. By Glenda Wilson Hendry County Regional Medical Center CLEWISTON The old. Chamber of Commerce building, located in front of the hospital and alongside U.S. 27, is now the Hos- pital Foundation House. Members of the Foundation held their first monthly meeting there on Thursday, Nov 9. A new sign, donated by David Lyons of Lyons Printing & Office Supply and Sign-A-Rama, will soon identify the building as the '"Hendry Regional Medical Center FOUNDATION." An Open House will be planned after the first of the year. Beginning this year, on Dec 4, the office will accommodate the Foundation Executihe Director, Glenda Wilson, who witll be avail- able to provide information about the Foundation and receive con- tributions Irom the community The Foundation House phone number will be (863) 983-27.35. Seminoles to build a new charter school BRIGHTON SEMINOLE RESERVATION The Seminole Tribe of Florida and the School Board of Glades County, Florida have approved the only charter school in the State of Florida to foster the development and reten- tion of the Seminole Creek culture and language. Pemayetv Ema- hakv or "Our Way School" will open August 2007 in newly con- structed facilities on the Brighton Seminole Reservation in Glades County. Ground breaking for the new charter school will take place at 11 a.m. Friday, Nov. 17, adjacent to the Rodeo Grounds located on the Brighton Seminole Reseiva- tion (off CR 721 in Glades Coun- ty). Pemayetv Emahakv will con- sist of four educational buildings surrounding a courtyard and out- door learning area. The new char- ter school facility will include classrooms, cultural learning rooms, media center and admin- istrative offices. Pemayetv Emahakv is designed as a partial immersion language school. Traditional core content subjects %%ill be taught in English but some content includ- ing history, art. music, etc. will be taught using the Creek language. Because Creek is a spoken lan- guage, the only way to transfer the language from generation to generation is through oral context and instruction Therefore. Pemayetv Emahakv. "Our Way School" will become a critically important center for the Seminole Tribe of Florida as it devotes sub- stantial resources to maintain its language and culture for future generations. During its deliberation and subsequent unanimous board approval, Glades County School Board Chairman Mike Piessley stated the School Distiict is pleased that its lust experience with a chatter school has been with an applicant whose mission is critically important to the con- tinuation of the Seminole Tribe's culture and language. Glades Superintendent, WVayne Aldrich states "I am really excited about being involved with the very first charter school that combines the wonderful Seminole Creek lan- guage and culture with a tradi- tional academic curriculum. SSave money on your favorite grocery items. ,I Go to newszap corn to download and print coupons online' S **' I MWSZ8p.COm Community Links Individual Voices. L -- -- ------------------------------ ---- Thinkin About Where you'll come 'up With fi y For A New 3ome? S'We g A A Solution for youl St 1ng, Build YWu rfean om Ca & Pay off CrAit Card.! We / d Loans That Others Co didn't Alan Kelly Mortgage 863-674.0091 C(ll or .siop i: t it, .et' i,. n, 'rihat. O1 ll ?Ol' lt, / I h',i 274 N Bridge St LaBelle, FL 33935 863-612-0002 www.melking.com Mel King Lie Real Estate Broker VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES CINDY L. ALEXANDER SLIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIATES: EDITN HACKMANN SCOTT HACKMANN, BROOKE BRUCE AND DON BURDICK 675-0500 OkU C NEW LOCATION 233 N. BRIDGE ST On the comer of BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTON MS. SE HABLO ESPANOL RENTALS AVAILABLE IN f II LIMIT I ON O \k rT ... NO PETS carport on a double corner lot. Owners have ON THE RIVER 3/2/3 Car, boat dock & lift- taken care of this home and it shows. Home is $1,800/M in excellent condition, $182,900. ON THE RIVER 3/2/2 Car, with boat dock- 2/2 ON 100+/- ACS in Glades County. $1,500TWO MASTERS Extr a $2,500,000. UNDER CONTRACT 3/3/1 IVO MASTERS Extra space every -REDITI!I i s I.i I 'ir 1(%31/311 over where. $1,000/M in East Ft Myers. RDUC [! IN E111 I M I s 3/3/1 over 3/2/2 Car $1,000/M. I h i"'h -1. H ,-I.h h, 2 masters, 2/2.5/1 car- $900/M i, ri% ... I, 1,,,, i ). .I r t..tivated sell- 2/1- $850/M er. Asking $269,900. 3/2/1 Car- $850/M IN PORT LABELLE On a corner lot. 3/2/1, HORSESHOE ACRES (East of LaBelle) newer roof, painted on the inside. Priced to 3/2 Mobilei $750/M. sell. Only $189,900. 1/1/1 Car $575/M. .LOCATED IN THEITY -2 i l., ni. I 4. \.,' COMMERCIAL OFFICE SPACE ..- $125,000. . $800+tx/M ON MLK BLVD 3/1 home has been renovat- LOTS STARTING AT $22.500 ed. Priced to sell at only $129,000. ON PHILLIPS RD 2/2 two story home on 5+ HOMES FOR SALE acres. Home features an open floor plan with 3/2 DOUBLEWIDE LOCATED IN MUSE on screened in lanai on the back and a balcony on an acre. Home has a new covered porch and a the front. P,..p.rr,P,,l-,. Lerl ricc:. liiul...,, privacy fence around the back yard. $150,000. and out bu.l.J.i.g A.king $-150,000. There is no better way to keep the Seminole's rich and powerful cul- ture and language alive than through the proposed immersion program which \'ill include direct instruction and meaningful activi- ties in the everyday. curriculum. I hope that other Native American communities will follow the lead that has been set forth by the Seminole Tribe at the Brighton Reservation." Andrew Bowers, Tribal Coun- cil Representative tor the Brighton Seminole Indian Reservation, home of the new charter school, supports the school and its con- cept. "Pemayetv Emahakv will enable reservation residents and area tribal members to take advantage of the unique combi- nation of traditional public educa- tion based on State Standards plus a curriculum supporting the teaching of the Seminole's Creek language and culture," he stated. Mike Strader, President of Charter School Associates, Inc., a consultant to the Seminole Tribe, states that Pema.et\ Emahakx will include state-of-the-art tech- nology plus an elegant and effi- cient building design to promote cultural identitN and learning. Louise Gopher, the Seminole's Director of Education, tells inter- ested parents that the school's mission is to offer a performance- based system of teaching and learning in a safe and nurturing environment that celebrates the unique history, culture and lan- guage of the Seminole people. Mitchell Cypress, Chairman of the Seminole Tribal Council, believes that the successful future of any great people is directly dependent upon the care, nurtur- ing and training of that people's children. He believes Pemavetv Emahakv will ensure that Semi- nole cultural traditions and lan- guage are properly\ transmitted across generations and commu- nities. For additional information about Pernavetv Emahakv, con- tact the Education Department, Seminole Tribe of Florida at (954-) 989-6840. For information about the charter school development, contact Mike Strader at 1954.1 461 b466. Q INI/Nena Bolan MHES students receive certificates for art work that will be part of a statewide tour. Olivia Everett, second grade, Lesle Hare, teacher, and Nathan Simmons, fifth grade, were all smiles on Nov. 7 when Project Hope honored them. Students recognized for their art work Paintings show will travel through state By Nena Bolan Glades County Democrat MOORE HAVEN Three Moore Haven Elementary School students eie recently recognized for their art work by Project Hope, McDonald's ,and iheir school. The student paintings will be on exhibit \\ilh the "Expressions Through Painting Traveling Art Show," which h \\ill has a statewide tour coming up. The tour will conclude in Tal- lahassee for the governor to view\. The traveling art shotri is sponsored by Project Hope and is part t, a larger program to counsel and educate hurricane survivors. Olivia E\eieite and Bianson Stor\. second graders, and Nathan Simmons, a filth grader, were honored with certificates of accomplishment from Project BankutAmerica i . Hope, McDonald's also donated certificates for burgers and fries. In September, the Clewiston Museum hosted a show in coop- eration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Project Hope. Survivors of storms past and present told their stories and %,ere video taped for historical preservation. The Expressions through Painting art work was also on display. it original[ had work done by adults but children were also given a chance to creatively express their feelings about the destruction that Hurricane Wilma left behind. Lesle Hare, second grade teacher, assisted Project Hope. She is also the sponsor for the Safe and Smart program at MHES. Many of her students pro- duced hurricane art that will be on display soon. Bianson Stor% \,as not pres- ent to receive his award because he has recently moved. Ms. Hare i ili notiif his family and forward on his certificates. SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS NMorigage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863-675-9065 1-800-854-5783 extension 56302 Fax:-863-675-7744 "- shirley.will-is'bankofameri*a.com Now %ith an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hiw 80 Call for an appointment N''ow certified in FHA/VA. frin san cing 23 N Bide*t -Lae* L 3359 6367-86 Lis Anres Lc.Rea Esat Brke Assocates:Sandr AlexnderLindaDekleDax s, OIII inrs ~t.'est WATERFRONT HOMEr: 0 198.000 ',unr,,,,,, h, ,, -. ,,,, !,j, ill.,,,il..I ,,r .. H ,.,|r|. : tI.. r.,: i, :,& [_ .BL j 1', on the deck off the master suite and more. Fri,.., h..j,,Itul ,'' '..' j ur..:r; from your own dock. Call today for more info. HOMES: $176,700 2BD/2BA Excellent vacation or starter home on a corner lot in Port La'Belle. Screen enclosed front and back lanai. Lot has a separate workshop and tree house great for kids. $235,000 New 3BD/2BA upgraded plumb- ing fixtures. New cabinets and countertops in kitchen and bathroom. Carpet and ceramic tile throughout. New security system installed with 3 years monitoring service paid by seller. Call office for more info. l Home il O Builders isl Or ode er248 S. Stut Rmi80 O Open M-Sun 8-5:30( Call 863-675-3245 or Toll Free 866-244-8392 3045%uneulf 21'68,400 * 1242,)l.0t I. ,.: r,,. ',.E' :- I.:... , Id t, I ,- l h a,:!... ml:, r I. l ,,:c ,-l|-.f| I-, ,lurIh . distance to future school and community cen- ter. Don't wait on this one! . * $350,000 Gorgeous 5BD/2BA Home on 1.25 +/- acres in Lehigh. Looking for privacy, this is it! There is room for the whole family. The home features stainless appliances, a fireplace, imasterbath with a jacuzzi tub and his and her sinks and an above ground pool. There is also a shed for storage. Building Communi One Quality Home at $ 1e001-l(" '07n0 1, I /1Top Qou .- .. 5012 Pinetree Cir. 3/2/2 $231,900 S...... Great Deals!!!! Builder's Discount Mortgage Interest Rate buy down 1.5%-1st yr & .5% 2nd yr 30 Rxed rate w/ CHL HM FREE Pre-Qualification with: CHL Home Mortgage, LLC. An Affiliate of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage (863)612-0012 3004 S. Balsam Cir. 4/3/3 $332,900 www.chihomebuilders.comr Investment Opportunities and New Subdivisions Coming Soon! Vacant Lots A vailahle Lorlda- 10 Acre tracks Available in 2 months R B399221 *All Spec Hornes Include % acre honr site *Paved Roads **County Water **Power * $ 95.000 -,:u.n- : ,i :, L. B A h:. c ,.,n , +- I..r ,r, Ji I I.iri c I'wl ,TIjr,) J .i rfJ c . ,frl hld|-'[h m\ ," hlh:,J ih ifuiurc ,,jkl indJ i... : l T|..,,',- \ n--' r *e .-' 1 i l i,:,,1 ., MOBILE HOMEt- * $69,900 ih-. :l.b i:,- ni -hile- h.:mr, i, ;,t. uated on a double lot in LaBelle. Mobile home is being sold as is. Call today for more info. * $78,800 3BD/2BA mobile home in Ortona. The mobile home is partially furnished. The lot is surrounded in beautiful palm and oak trees. ACREAGE: 936.489+/- acres on Sears Road some grove, some cleared. All or part for sale. Call our office for more information., HOMESITES: City Lots from $13,000 to $72,900 Port LaBelle Lots From $25,000-$50,000. Financing available call office for more info. Lehigh Lots from $46,900 Montura Lots from $47,000 to $50,000 Moore Haven Lots from $20,000 to 34,900 Clewiston Lots starting at $24,900 Call for more information on Homes, Homesites, Acreage, and Commercial lots. ties, 41 ia Ti me! lily Budier 9016 Lamn Cir. 3/2/2 229,900 2029 N. Montana 3/2/2 $211,980 Cypress I1 ental Available $1200 Mth .. a Z, Community Links Individua/ Vocs Getor d ina mh mMReal Estate Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 16, 2006 -C--- >7e. ,.. Thursday, November 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Clewiston bank branch gets new manager CLEWISTON Joe Mullins announces new branch manager for the Clewiston branch of Sea- coast National Bank. Leticia Swangler has been with Sea- coast National Bankas a Mort- gage Banking Officer for the .c past eight months and has recently Leticia been promot- Swangler ed to Branch Manager for the Clewiston office. She comes to Seacoast with 28 years of banking experience. Mrs. Swangler is responsible for managing daily branch opera-. tions. She is also responsible for developing new business, main- taining quality customer service and establishing leadership with- in the community Mrs. Swangler comes to Seacoast from Yardville National Bank where she held the position of BSA'OFAC/AML and Compliance Officer Mrs. Swangler is currently a member of the Rotary and the Chamber of Commerce. Seacoast National Bank has 44 Florida locations. submitted pnoto Project Success Project Success mentoring program was caught in a win- win situation on Friday, Nov. 3. The group of high school seniors met with Congressman Tim Mahoney and Sena- tor Bob Graham as they campaigned the Glades area. Congressman Tim Mahoney won the race to .replace Mark Foley in Congress. He was accompanied by Dr. Charles R. Modica, Chancellor of St. George University (Granada), who was so impressed with the mentoring program that he personally extended a scholarship offer. The recipient will receive a medical school scholarship valued at approximately $150,000 to St. George Universi- ty in Granada. Audubon brings live Webeam shots Tesoro! Join viewers world- wide as two state-of-the-art cam-' eras record the daily lives of this nesting pair of Bald Eagles. Watch as the birds finish refur- bishing their nest, lay eggs, and raise Audubon's Eagle Cam Goes Live! Audubon of Florida is pleased to debut our live Eagle Cam at their eaglets to fledge early next spring. The video will be live and visible during day- light hours. Bookmark our Eagle Cam and check in daily for the latest in the lives of this growing family! Go to www.audubonofflori- da.org to watch. Cowboys & Indians TRADING COMPANY Western Furniture & Accessories Mon-Saturday 9:30am-6:00pm 8646/"5 www.cowboysandindianstrading.comn SUNRISE APPLIANCE New In Box or Scratch & Dent Full Factory Warranty Save More In Mloore Haven We Also Carry Used Appliances With Warranty 401US Hw 2, MooreHaven M63N9462666 Submitted photo Whitehead receives award Joe Whitehead was honored by New Harvest Church on Saturday, Nov. 11, for his 300th broadcast of the Clewis- ton Tiger football team games on WAFC. Joe has given tirelessly to the Tiger football program, having worked as a coach, booster president and many other areas of sup- port. Joe is seen here receiving a plaque in his honor from Chuck Pelham, pastor of New Harvest Church. Rosetta Stone Yazmin Morales and Sotera Renteral try out the new lan- guage software program from Rosetta Stone, in the com- puter lab at Moore Haven Elementary School. Moore Haven Elementary has a Parent Resource Room for fam- ilies to come and check out materials for their students to use at home. The school also is introducing a new English language software learning program that will be open to parents on Monday mornings from 8:15 to 9:45 in the computer lab. Parents may also come in on Mon- day and Friday afternoons from 1:15 to 2:15 to the Parent Resource Room to check out materials, books, parent resources and to check out the language learning pro- gram. [L-xnewszap.com DAVID LUNDBERG BUILDING & ROOFING CONTRACTOR * Flat Roofs * Repairs * Wood Replacement . [8631261-1592 [40 b # H I9 o I Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! Sell your personal valuables if they're $2,500 or less for absolutely free! No fee, no catch, no problems! * 4 lines for 2 weeks * Price must be included in ad * Private parties only *2 items per house- hold per issue SClewiston News 71 E-Mail. * 1 used item or grouping per ad priced at $2,500 or less * Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. Ahmil& IGLAX FS COUN-TY rhe Sun Toll Free 877-353-2424 : classad@newszap.com kI-nI In this age of exploitive and trashy media, we're proud to be different. We believe in operating and publishing our newspaper as a public trust. Fulfilling our public trust requires that we try to bring out the best in our community and its people. We seek the highest common denominators, not the lowest. We .don't engage in gutter journalism. We know we can achieve success on the high road. How are-we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@'newszap.com or calling your editor. Clewiston News GD LADES COUNTY DEMOCRAT The SThrough Journalism Community Service Through Journalism 1710724001-72 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 16, 2006 Community Events School Briefs VFW Post #10539 hours posted The VFW will be open Mon- day through Wednesday -10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m.- 10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m.-l p.m., or later; and Sun- day, 1 8 p.m. Happy hour is from -1 6 p.m., Monday through Thursday Dinner is served at 5 p.m. Tuesday evenings. Bar bingo starts at 12:45 p.m. Wednesday. Lunch will be- available. Singles darts every Wednesday, 7 p.m. Cafeteria is open from 5 8 p.m.. Thursday nights. Friday at 7 p.m. there will be live music and dancing. On Saturday, hotdogs with kraut are served at noon. Saturday dart doubles at 7 p.m. Diabetes Awareness courses offered Hendry County, Heralth Department Heart to Heart Pro- gram and Senrior Connections are offering an eight-week I)ia- bete-. Class at 2 pa.n. ach Wednesday at the Nobles Senior Center. Classes include the dia- betir diet, understanding carb- counting, eye and loot t are, and the ABC's of diabetes (the AIC test, Blood Pressuie, and Choles- terol) All diabetics, lorg term or newly diagnosed, are welcome. Seminole reenactment festival scheduled Seminole Tribe of Florida will present a reenactment of the Second Senmnole War at the Big Cypress Shootout at Billie Swamp Satari located between Fort Lauderdale and Naples, on the Big Cypress Reservation. Fri- day, Feb 23 through Sun Feb. 27 For more information, con- tact Cindy Malin at (95,1)966- 6300, ext. 1488 or crtiatliriir'serrilribF.com. Home energy assistance service The Agricultural and Labor Program, Inc located in Winter Haven, has been awarded a grant from the Department of Community Affairs to provide Low Income Home Energy Assistance ser ices to eligible applicants in Hendry and Glades INI/Nena Bolan Addressing the danger A bullfighter dressed as a clown helps a dismounted rider. Award Continued From Page 1 NPWH, Susan Wysocki. "Fran Way started one of the first women's health nurse practi- tioner programs in the country and she is a founder and a for- mer president of NPWH. She continues to contribute to the organization as \\ell as to pro- tect the role of women's health nurse practitioners at the nation- al level." "Leadership is not lust about leading. It's about doing as well," Mrs. \\'ysocki added. Ms. \\Wd 's career in reproduc- tive health spanned 32 years with Planned Parenthood Affili- ales in Iowa and Wisconsin. She founded the country's first Title X funded women's health nurse practitioner education program in 1972. In addition to the nurse prac- titioner program. Fran adminis- tered the Wisconsin Planned Parenthood (PPW) Affiliate's community educational and clinical programs. Under her direction a staff of 200 served over 100,000 clients annually in PPW's statewide system of 40 clinics. These clinics were sup- ported by an $8 million annual budget comprised of federal, state and private funds. A graduate of Polk County Hospital School of Nursing and Drake Lninnersity in Des Moines, Iowa, Ms. Way earned her mas- ter's degree from the University of Wisconsin and her %\omen's health nurse practitioner (WHNPi certificate from - Planned Parenthood of Wiscon- sin the program that she founded FFA Continued From Page 1 on issues which affect the future of one half trillion agriculltue students nationally. Celebrity athlete, Terry Bradshaw, was the featured guest speaker. Agriculture teacher, Phillip uDominea pnoio Fran Way awarded Wysocki National Leadership Award. "Leadership is not just about leading. It's about doing as well. " Susan W\ysocki, president and CEO of NP\qV Since her 1992 retirement- from her full-time professional position, Fran has served int a variety of consulting roles in the United States as well as in Nige- ria, Kenya, Mexico, Egypt and the South Pacific She currently serves as a part-time consultant to NP\VH managing their Pio- grarn for Accreditation of \\omen's Health Nuise Practi- tioner Education. In 1992, she and her husband Bob moved aboard theii sailboat and cruised the southeast for several \ears before selling in Turke\ Creek. a boating commu- nria in Glades County otn the Caloosahatchee River Ms. \\'a\ believes in con- tributing to her community as %%ell as to her profession. She is Cosby is the school sponsor for FFA. He is pleased to announce that Moore Haven will host the sub district competition on December 5 Students from Fort Pierce, LaBelie, Cle~ iston, Belle Glade and Mooire Havenr will compete in public speaking events that build c':'ntidenc:e. poise and leadership. Winners of these events N ill continue on to immediate past president of the Ortona Cornmunity Association and director of the O0ltona Com- munit\ Library. Lipon healing about tihe Urgpent CaIe Center being planned lor LaBelle and sur- rounding areas, she said,"I am so excited to leai n that there \ ill be a resource I ke this available. I ha'e been long concerned about the distance people in this area must travel to access urgent care Lack of medical set\ ices in our rural areas has been of great concern to me and I couldn't be happier about the plans for such a faciliIt And I certainly hope that nurse practitioner s \ ill have a significant role in providing health care in this endeavor." district competition "For the last eight years Moore H'aven has had state or national competitors and the kids earned it," said Mr. Crosby, who has been with thr high school for nine years. "We hope to stay with that record." Tanner Huysman, FFA student, is chapter president. He helps fel- low classmates prepare for the' counties. For an application and/or information please call (800) 330-3491. Addiction recovery help offered At NARCONON ARROW- HEAD we have the answers to addiction recovery, call us at (800) 468-6933 or log onto our web site at www.stopaddic- tion.com. Addiction recovery help available Narconon reminds parents that during the summer months, children are more apt to let boredom set in and drugs and alcohol can work into their lives. To help your child this summer, learn to recognize the signs of drug and alcohol addiction and get the help they need. If you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction, call Narconon. NARCONON,, offers free addiction counseling, assessments, and referrals to rehabilitation centers nation- wide by calling I (800,) 468-6933 or logging onto \www.stopaddic- tion.com. Corps to discuss aquatic vegetation The Army Corps of Engineers will meet on Nov. 16 at the Jon Boy .Auditorium in Clewiston from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.. The meeting will discuss the Aquatic Vegetation Management Program on Lake Okeechobee. Physician Continued From Page 1 tory courier will transport it for testing. Some of the tests can also be done in LaBelle. The doctor has a unique per- spective on the roles of physi- cian and patient because in 1997 he w'as in a motorcycle accident. He was paralyzed from the w aist down and had to undergo reha- bilitation He understands the pain and frustration a patient can go through with an injury or extended illness. Dr. Geake and his wife have always been interested in rural medicine and treating patients in underserved areas. He has devoted his practice to the resi- dents of Clewiston, LaBelle and Moore Haven I look forward to serving the people of Hendry and Glades Counties," he said. The clinic doors will open Monday, Nov. 13. Our days of service will be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Tentatively, work hours \\ill be 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Meeting Continued From Page 1 briefly discussed, but there are no immediate plans in place yet. The water pipeline for the new corrections facility should meet the site's needs and be completed by April. Christine Chailland has been hired as the city's code enforce. ment officer. The council w ill meet again on Nov. 15 to discuss conflicting issues regarding mapping and zoning. A Christmas party for city employees and their spouses has been approved for Dec. 9 at the Doyle Conner Building. agriculture industry and assists with the alumni association. Mr. Huysman said that the alumni are very active in their support of stu- dents, and members do not have to be a former agriculture student in order to join. FFA students will soon pre- pare for the county fair and live- stock show during Chalo Nitka Days in March. JR-SR High needs substitute teachers Moore Haven Jr.-Sr. High School is in need of substitutes for the current school year. Applica- tion packets are available in the front office. For more information, please call Lori Bond from 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m:, at (863) 946- 0811, (863) 983-9600, (863) 675- 7715 or (863) 467-7722. Scholarship applicants wanted If you know of a young person pursuing a college degree with the goal of working in Florida's fruit and vegetablee industry, please let that student know about the Syn- genta Crop Protection Scholarship. The $1,000 scholarship will be awarded at FFV's 63rd Annual Convention. To learn how to apply, contact Martha Tucker at (321) 214- 5200 or via email at martha.tuck- eri'fflva.com. School Board meetings set Regular meetings iall now take place on the second Thursday at 6 p.m and the fourth Thursday at 9 p.m. in the Glades County School Board meeting room, 400 10th Street S.., Moore Haven Depression Panic Attacks Pain Memory Anxiety PTSD Personality Disorder Learning Disorder Adjusting to Physical Disability Offices in Cle\\ iston and Belle Glade Call Dr. BruIce Borkosky, PsyD. Licensed Psychologist 800-51.4-0832 The disability spe ildi.s .... ....... ....... ... .. ..... .. ... ...... ................ STANTON MOBILE HOMES Quality Homes at Discounted Prices! Homes From the Low $50's. Turn Key Packages Available. Family Owned Since 1981. ," JACOBSEN ScotBilt iiiIWNr HOW$. INC Clewiston LaBelle 1312W. SugarlandHwy. 231W.dl-rpodeAve. 863-983-8106 863.675-6622 Punta Gorda 5041 Duncan Rd. 941-505.0041 Ted Schiff, M.D. and the professional staff at Water's Edge Dermatology will treat you with all the care and expertise you expect. Adult and Pediatric Dermatology Diseases of the Shin, Hair and Nails Surgery of the Shin, Shin Cancer Treatment MOHS Shin Cancer Surgery New patients are welcome Medicare and most insurance accepted. CLEW O -86- S 2. -. .- Now Ope .. 341 Central Ave Clewiston 983.9494 Gym & FItmess Center * State of the Art fitness Equipment * Cardio Equipment-treadmills, upright & recumbent bikes, Elliptical * Strength Equipment * Family Plans available FREE 14 Day Enrollment Valid for 14 consecutive days Must be a first time guest, 18 and over Hours of Operation Monday Friday 5:30 Am-10:00 PM Saturday 7:00 Am-9:00 PM Closed Sunday Let our team of Investigators get you the facts you have been looking for. Complete Empi-. imern Bacl' .round L.We will make our ne't hmn,. esier' C,..i C.- :-- Ir,nurar,,ni Fraud inrlo Cuia ,, C heal i Sp.uc: u .e nderi:..er Sur.l,,itarn,:e Vieo Pi'hoIr.r3prih Woai marn's C mp si s rt.:r i.r al L.v an.rd nii A -I nm:.re- Tri -r.!.- r al a c A I' .:"' iill .i lo i oit ior our Inveshictrl.se: we d',' i all, II i ','fur iir. l 'e. -ire r'led ,'.ilr, e Ir i ri. C I- rl ,',jile ntriiv Give us a call anytime 863-983-1688 Fax 863-983-1688 Clewiston 239-369-0665 Fax 239-368-4926 Lee .:[:"l-.i jT .. r- ECTEL. I.a, r. 6es VYal1e eoo Sheeting *Rolled 1(ot T0 1esasre PRODUCT SELE11ON R.Panel V.Crimp Low-Profile Curved "S" Panel Flashing Corrugated "S" Panel Z-Pur* Heavy Duty Decking Standing Seam 243 Florida Ave., NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Local 863-946-1804 Long Distance 1-800-670-0113 At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Tr- ini ril ,i t E LJ.uuriJ. t .'rerr 'ur, d L r, (ar .I l .ij'.,ImT Mjculjr Deie-ri-eajuri (i.irJi[ ,e siriu i'"- Di ibeeT Gl.u,,mni Drn Ec I'ij -rj.[. Prerngiuni Coriurin,:i'.ii-, i Pir.. Eiei Flai ~e & Flo r'r, LAIMiK Spcd i.lizuir 111 bit::a, [lrn:, dil di'pi-osible and hard-to-fii ,:untJi lenries. Full Cripc d 'cni .:ei s in-Hii:eu LAi.- Hh2l QujJiry Namnie Brand Fr ime' Same r-iu\ e-,er.iLe ,.-o n .-rnie Pre:i;npu,-nS L ic'.- T-. irn l.-i i. iI L,-i.j L'-e r-n 3Jturdj anrid Eenirn Appoirm-,rrir, A' ailarble' 2-t H.-ui r Enimeren.:, .ijrible New Patients Welcome 863.65.0"'61 r..' .n'li' e :carelabele i 'con Glades -el'th Care Center Skilled Long & Short Term Care Facility Healthcare Services Include: *Specialized Wound Care *Resident & Family Council Groups *Full Time Medical Director -Specialized HIV Care Dialysis Support Physical, Occupalional & Speech Therapy *Alzheimer's Support Groups .24 hour Registered Nurse Staffing Intravenous Therapy *Therapeutic Activities 230 South Barfield Highway Pahokee, Florida 33476-1834 PHONE: 561-924-5561 FAX: 561-924-9466 Other facilities in Gainesville & Bradenton Visit our website at www.floridacare.net Applying for Disability? You CAN ask for the LOCAL doctor! Specializing in: Thursday, November 16, 2006 Serving the communities. south of Lake Okeechobee . SPORTS 13 Thursday. November 16. 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee --- ---- --- CHS Tigers maul Mustangs in semifinals By Jeff Barwick The Clewiston High School Tigers entered the Class 2A regional semifinals against the Mulberry Mustangs as over- whelming favorites and played true to form as they prevailed in a lopsided 56-12 game at Cane Field. Next up for the Tigers will be a road trip to take on Class 2A-5 champion Tampa Catholic (10-1 on the season) and 31-6 winners last Friday over West Palm Beach Cardinal Newman. "The-story on this night ,.as the Tiger defense, which contin- ued its domination of opponents as they shut down the Mustangs and yielded only 68 yards total offense in the first half. They repeatedly turned the ball over to their offense deep in Mustang territory. The Tigers got five first half offensive touchdowns while only generating 113 yards of total offense The longest scor- ing drive for the Tigers was a mere 4 plays and 42 yards Two of the scoring drives were only two plays and another two only one play. On 7 offen- sive scores, the Tigers only used a total of 19 snaps As a result the overall statistics for the Larnem are misleading and would point *to a much closer battle. While b\ far Clevtrton's l:, est total offense output for the season, .the scoreboard still showed 56 points and that's \hlat really counted The first Tiger scnle came ona a 5-Yard saving pass from quai- terback Jared Comrnbass to %%de out John Melton:n who snaked1 into the corner of the end zone A tevo minutes later, the Ticer - were back and this time lailbark Collin Ricketts toted the ball tor the final t\o Vaids. The Iirial Tiger touchdown orl the opening qua ter came on a tive-iard dash up the middle b\ Dar ris Hughes.. Earl\ in the second period, John Melton scooped up anr e',a- sive Mustang punt at the Tiger 30 and wig- "gled free firm tight coverage and then swept down the home sideline for an el'-ctit iirng 70- yard punt return It was.Melton's third punt return for a tou -li- down this season. Next up, Combass decided to air the ball out and found fliankil Oin-ii Smniir, wide open 'n'ri a corner route and the throv w\vas perfect. Da:ris Hughes got the final first half score on a 15 yard jaunt. At the outset of the second .half, rlulberr, requested a run- ning clock. Clewiston added their two final scores in the third period on a two-yard plunge by Collin Ricketts and a nifty piece of running by tailback Reggie Gray for a 19-yard touchdown. The Tigers played without Jamal Hubert, their leading rusher on the season, who was removed from the squad at the start of the week for a team poli- cy violation. Tiger place-kicker \'ViII Davis converted each of his 8 attempts and is now a perfect 50 for 50 on the season. The Tiger defense, which only allowed 64 points in the regular season, was in top form. And, characteristic of the entire season it was a true team effort with statistics evenly spread. Senior defensive end Johnny Jones had seven solo tackles and three running sacks followed by defensive end Delvin Hughes who had four tackles, three assists and a run- ning sack. Clewiston Coach Larry Antonacci freely substituted from late in the second quarter and the entire second half was played under a running clock. Virtually every Tiger suited up for the game, which included seven moved up from the junior varsity, got some playing time. "I'm really proud of these kids," said Antonacci. "The real Unlimited Hours, No Contracts! SFREE 2417 Technical Support S ,.ri ,,i.i : -.: ..; : ,..jurbuddy list! * 10 e-mail addresses with Webmail! * Custom Start Page news, weather & more! (.Surfup fo X faster!/ just $ more - Sign Up Online! www.LocalNet.com ; Iw1S^ Call Today & Save! nnIwrf M Tigers showed up tonight and I just can't say enough about our defense. They were outstanding in giving us a short field on offense all night." Tailback Darris Hughes was happy and relieved after the con- test. "I had some big shoes to fill tonight but Coach Antonacci just told me to stay focused and hold on to the ball. The guys up front blocked and I just kept my head down and ran." John Melton, hobbling after the game, was nonetheless excited about the Tiger viclohr. His 70 yard punt return was setup by a solid wall of blockers until the final 20 yards and from there Melton dodged, stopped and started until hexviggled over the top of the pylon to score. "I thought for. moment that I was- n't going to make it," he said. "They had me pinned down the sideline but I just went airborne and slipped over the goal." He added, "I'm going to be ie.-id for Tampa Catholic. Mh ankle is sore but I'm going to be there."- The Tigers are hoping for a heavy turnout from their faithful fah base for the game against Tampa Catholic. The Tampa Catholic School and their new stadium are located at -4i..i', I. Ronm Avenue. The Tiger Boost- ers ade charfering tio buses for fans and arin'ne inretested should contact the high school office for information in the remaining South Flort- da bracket for Class 2A, Hollv- w'oc.d Chaminade and Planta- tion Ameican Heritage %:on their garnes and \\ill no\. meet this Fridai, t1: deter mine ru ch team \\ ll represent their region in the state semifinal garne on Novernber 24. If the Tigers are victorious against Tarpa Catholic, that state semifinal game would be played at Cane Field Scoreboard 1 2 3 4 Final Mulberry 0 6 6 0 12 Cleuislon 21 21 14 0 56 Scoring: 1 Q: : - Clewiston John Mellon 5 yd pass from Jared Combass. Kick Will Davis Clewiston Collin Rickeris. 2 yd run; Kick Will Davis Clewiston: Darris Hughes, 5 yd run; Kick Will Davis 2Q: Ciewision- John Mellon-70 yd punt return, Kick Will Davis Clewision. Omar Smith. 35 yd pass from Jared Combass KI.c Will Davis Clewision: Darris Hughes, 15 yd run; Kick Will Davis Mulberry: Loyd Knight 1 yd run; Kick failed 3Q: Clewiston: Collin Ricketts, 2 yd run; Kick Will Davis Clewiston: Reggie Gray, 19 yd run; Kick Will Davis Mulberry: Loyd Knight, 46 yd run; Run failed Individual Statistics: Rushing (Attempts/Yards): Collin Ricketts, 4/44; Darris Hugh- es, 10/61; David Pope, 1/9; Terrence Thomas, 1/0; Reggie Gray, 1/19 James Mellon. 6 11,. Passing: (Attempts/Completions/Intercep- tions/yards): Jared Combass, 3/3/0/39; Isan- dro Marques, 1/0/0/0 Receiving: (Catches/Yards) John Melton, 1/5; Omar Smith,1/35; Kale Mitchell, 1/-1.. Clewiston Mulberry First downs Rushes/yards Passing yards Punts/avg. Fumbles/Lost Penalties 10 22/1 44 39 1/40.0 0/0 5/64 9 32/112 4 5/19.4 2/0 10/87 Submitted photos/Jeff Barwick Flanker Omar Smith is focused on an incoming pass to score a 35 yard touchdown. "N ~A{~ A. ~ ~ 4, .1~... ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ A:V '- .'~ C~% ~ .~ w' t~A ...r ,1 ~ ~ ~.. A4 . Is ", .. - "SOL.. . ','-i : ... "; " The Tiger Mascot reported to be posing as Brandon Pena at other times, was heavy into the action in the win against Mulberry. j- .*. '. '** t SuTibm Ied pion uJudy Sanchez Sanchez plays for Stanford Nick Sanchez (former Glades Day All-State defensive back and running back) played cornerback for Stanford Univer- sity versus USC. Sanchez covered All-American wide receiver Dwayne Jarrett when USC went for a pass on fourth down in the second quarter. Sanchez broke up the John David Booty pass intended for Jarrett and Stanford's offense took over on downs. Battling back from a severe ankle sprain suffered in Stanford's first game against the University of Oregon, Sanchez is returning to form on a very young Stanford defense that also features fellow Belle Glade cornerback Tim Sims (#14). Sims was a wide receiver for Glades Central High School. Both are "red- shirt" seniors with a year of college eligibility remaining. CLEWISTON NEWS, THE SUN GLADES COUNTY DEMOCRAT m WILL BE CLOSED ON NOVEMBER 23RD / SFORTHANKSGIVINGDEADLINES / FOR ADVERTISING AND NEWS WILL BE THURSDAY NOVEMBER 16TH AT 12 NOON I Save money on your favorite grocery items. I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! i, I OWnewszap.COm Community Links. Individual Voices. I C mi inks--ndividul oice. J" newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. P aj . c.0 .:3t. :...,'.: QUALITY SERVICE (Oe,1 2_0 v1s Electhi'cal E \peoi n,.n'e \our lhcallh owned and operated L Electrical Service Companv Main Elecrical Panel Repair or Rcplacernenct Lancdsape Lightinmg and surge pr':,tec,:,ri S C: I i fr A Remodel Quote i . home L 'l r l-Lr ac: '- S- 1,r & l':-,k i)ps 9-5 call "'.Rf Ra-.4 101 .,R.'-41,3g 24 E..~.ii-ency Service Have news? Share it!I 0 I~ OurNew The 24-Hour Commlnnity 'Wire Service.' Post press releases or news items or catch up on the latest postings. Pos YorPb cEvn Want the community to 'save the date' for your event? Place it on the Community Calendar up to a year in advance! PotYu. pno Have an opinion you want to get off your chest? Introduce a topic for discussion in the Public Issues Forums. PotYo rPhts Have a digital camera? Want to share your photos with your friends and the community? Create a gallery of your photos for free at newszap.com. Every organization, school, place of worship, sports team, writer/blogger and local business is invited to request a free link at newszap.com. It's a community service to drive visitors to your site! PLUS: Buy it/Sell it Classifieds and Advertising Opportunities for Page Banners, Tiles, and Sponsored Links newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. THE ULTIMATE COMMUNITY WEBSITE Serving the communities south of- Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 16, 2006 m -,L -L LReliable Internet Acceis Since 1994J ) Thursday, November 16, 2006 14 AGRICULTUREYBUSINESS Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Continuous Process Improvement ,:.., e "-' .. Threat-resistant citrus brings high hopes U.S. Sugar/Judy Sanchez Enthusiastic U.S. Sugar employees were honored at the annu- al awards ceremonies on Oct. 25, with a luncheon hosted by the senior management team at the Clewiston Country Club. The Continuous Process improvement Award was presented by Tris Chapman (left) to Braslngton Beakley. This award rec- ognizes an employee and/or team whose actions and ideas have resulted in significant cost savings for US Sugar. The Excellence in Safety Award recognizes an employee or team of employees who have demonstrated outstanding efforts to prevent accidents, injuries and damage to prop- erty. Jim Snively (right) presented this year's winner to Jack Mendiburo. US Sugar held their annual awards program on Oct. 25, with numerous awards being presented by Tris Chapman to exceptional employees for their efforts. The Excellence in Leadership Award was presented to the Southern Gar- dens team of (left to right) Dennis Ortega, Pedro Rangel, John Webb, Jim Daniels, Steven Hayes, Owen Evans and Rodney Passmore. This group showed leadership and per- sonal commitment by staying at the citrus plant during Hur- ricane Wilma. They inspected the plant for safety and func- tion and made emergency repairs that let the plant utilities get up and running so that shipping resumed less than 48 hours after the hurricane. !- U.S. Sugar in Clewiston held their annual awards program on Oct. 25, presenting awards to deserving employees at the Clewiston Country Club. The 'Excellence in Communi- ty Service Award' was presented to Bob Lawson, Pam Phillips, Rhonda Welky and Linda Anders. At the recent U.S. Sugar awards ceremony held on Oct. 25, at the Clewiston Country Club, The Excellence in Team Playing Award was earned by Mark Banky, Debbie Stewart, Patsy Davis and Belky Sanchez from Southern Gardens Citrus Pro- cessing. This team rose to the occasion when their depart- ment lost two accounting managers. They made a commit- ment to get the job done without replacing those positions. A researcher at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station in Weslaco is expecting results from the first crop of Rio Red grapefruit trees that have under- gone genetic engineering for resistance to several threats. Dr. Eric Mirkov engineered some of the trees to be resistant to the cit- rus trizesta virus, others for insect resistance, and still more to resist bacteria including citrus canker and greening. The crop should show results in December. Dr. Mirkov says that if results are positive and quality and taste are not compromised, the research could be a significant step toward eradicating pests and disease. For more information see: www.ffva.org. Fruit not shipped is juiced Responding to a request from producers, USDA has agreed to purchase 34.8 million pounds of grapefruit juice, approximately 4 million gallons, from Florida producers. USDA will distribute the juice through its Food and Nutrition Service, which serves schools, Indian reservations and the eld- erly, and those in need following natural disasters. Because of canker-related federal regula- tions that restrict fresh fruit from being sold in citrus-producing states, more fruit than usual has been processed into juice, lead1 ing to oversupply. I Save money on your favorite grocery items. I I Go to r.e.%szap corn to do,,nloaa and prnt coupons online' SHnewszap.Com1 Community Links Individual Voices 4 L-- ----------- -?- -- ]LANI D S]ERV CIES Licensed and Insured Lic #2154 (863) 634-6982 (863) 634-6721 Same Day Service Lab On Premises SINGE $30 ingl Preainad ht MERCER DENTAL CLINIC ON Us 41. S. FT. MYERS 4S ,. GENERAL ANESTHESIA AVAILABLE CALL FOR YOUR PRICE QUOTE AND INFORMATION. 1-866-226-9400 TOLL FREE For Medicare Enrollees -Are you PAYING TO MUCH For Your Medicare Supplement Policy? -Do You Wish You Had An Alternative That Costs A Lot Less? 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We offer: Pre-qualification so you know what you can afford going into a purchase Fast loan turnarounds, from application through approval and closing We have the resources to help your business succeed. To learn how we can help you, call Bob Thompson 863-467-4663 NSeacoast L NATIONAL BANK BIG LAKE visit www.seacoastnational.com m=CALL 239-936-8667 Tkls A sales representative will be present with information and applications. Pyramid Life is a insurance company with Medicare advantage contract to offer private fee-for-service plans, available to anyone enrolled in Part B and entitled to Part A of Medicare through are or disability who continues to pay any applicable Medicare premiums and live in the service area. Pyramid Life Insurance Company and its agents are not connected in any way #115421-PIWA-1 (7-06) with the federal or state government or Medicare NASDAQ: SBCF A subsidiary ofSeacoast Banking Corporation of Florida * This offer subject to change and may be withdrawn without notice. Loans are subject to credit approval. Offer available in Brevard, DeSoto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry, Highlands, Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee, and St. Lucle counties only. Offer expires December 31,2006. 1 rp: p i I id Aj If, md 1'.. p; r0f. It pi. ..I. Ir im, I u, A I I'- I j ARM I- hm 1 .. A. I r. j I Irv fir f h f, I mhljf-, J f. .% wm I. -I jr, I mir, I m. c -jr,.r- III. -I, ii, jimi it id lhi p1r. m-Med AAdj .1 Ifid -.,,I hi, rl' -%Jf-'. 0 pmr.1" .. 1. It, J. .- 1. r, c.1 t. I.. I F, .11 I, i ... I.j. .: j I -: r 1, Ir, i. [,, i. 0, 1 il I r, 14 AGRICULTURE/BUSIN SS Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee IN ove.mbor TV, Flora &,.,Ell',a, 5 ila Be I I e I 1 0 0 Stetson University receives $1 million for art center Submined photos olomer and Dolly Hand are donating a $1 million lead gift for pn art center to be built at Stetson University. I 4. If Submined phou Pet of the Week Morris was just a little guy when a big storm named Wilma blew through, but he survived the storm and also found a very loving home a very wonderful home, thanks to Doc Savvy. Do you have a pet photo to share? Email it to sun- news@newszap.com, along with information about the pet. DELAND, Fla.- Stetson Univer- sity's extensive art collection by Modernist painter Oscar Bluemner (1867-1938) soon will have a per- manent gallery on the Stetson cam- pus thanks to the generosity of longtime Stetson trustee and alum- na Dolly Hand and her husband, Homer Hand. The Hands are donating a $1 million lead gift for an art center to be built between Sampson Hall, home of the university's Art Depart- ment, and the duPont-Ball Library on campus. The university is apply- ing for grants to raise the additional funding needed for construction of the new facility. The 5,000-square-foot Homer and Dolly Hand Art Center will include two galleries; one to exhibit rotating selections from Stetson's Bluemner collection and the other to display other works from the uni- versity's permanent art coUeciion or for special shows. The building also will have a vault, a preparation area and an art study seminar room that also can be used as reception area. Stetson's Bluemner collection, which contains more than 1,000 pieces, was bequeathed to Stetson in 1997 by the artist's daughter, Vera Bluemner Kouba. Selections of the Vera Bluemner Kouba Col- lection ha\e been exhibited at the uni ersity and at the \\Vhitnev Museum of American Art in Ne\\ York City, but there has so far, been no facility to make the collection accessible to students and the pub- lic on a continuing basis. "This will allow us to preserve, protect and promote the collec- tion." said Art History Professor Roberta FaN is, chiir of the Art Deparrtrient and curator ol' theVera Bluemner Kouba ColleL:ion "This is a jewel itn i -,u cronri. 't ha'er been trusted \Jith this collection and this poiect shou s \re \\ ill lake care of Ihe collection ni.o the future; lor itudern' r and loi ait Io\aeSand scholcas" Dolly Hand is a 1949 graduate of Stetson's College of Law, which was located on the DeLand cam- pus until the mid-1950s and is now based in St. Petersburg. She was the only woman in her class and at age 20, was the youngest student ever to complete the law program. Mrs. Hand has served on the Stetson University Board of Trustees since 1994. The couple provided permanent funding for the Homer and Dolly Hand Award for Excellence in Faculty Research, which is given annually to recog- nize Stetson faculty members involved in significant research. They also give to Stetson for stu- dent scholarships each year. The Hands live in Belle Glade, where they own and operate Hand Enterprises, the management com- pany for their land holdings. They are active in civic affairs in the Belle Glade/Okeechbbee area, and both are former members of the Palm Beach Conmiunit\ College Board of Trustees. They have recei ed numerous awards, including the Champion of Higher Independent Education in Florida (CHIEF) Award from the Independent Colleges and Linikersitiesot Florida in 1996. The couple was touched by Oscar Bluemner's daughter's gift to Stetson, Mrs. Hand said and hope the Homer and Dllv Hand Art Cen- ter will increase recognition for both Bluemner's talents and the excel- lence of Stetson's Ai Department. "This is a tribute to Oscar Bluemner and a \\a\ to help.Stet- son," she said. "Stetson is so rich %%ith opportunities We have an unbelie. able music school, busi- ness school and College of Arts & Sciences and i don't think enough people kino\% about us. This will prio,:ide another opportunity for people to lear mr:e about Stet- son, its ptogiams and its history. " Founded in 1..3, Steison IJrni \esirl is a private. liberal airts un \eisitV thal cornsisienll\ ea ris ILrh rankings in national college guides. The university has campuses in DeLand, Celebration, St. Peters- burg/Gulfport and Tampa, Florida. The DeLand campus offers degrees in the College of Arts & Sciences, School of Music and School of Business Administration. The Col- lege of Law, founded in 1900, is STOP LEG BEFORE THEY ,' , I I ., , .1 located in St. Petersburg/Gulfport, with a Tampa Law Center added in 2004. The Stetson University Center at Celebration offers graduate and professional development pro- grams, as well as an undergraduate degree completion program in business. Visit www.stetson.edu for more information. CRAMPS . STOP YOU. CilLet Triple Calcium SA/C & Heating Services Ti th irce; Compan, others are MEASURED B'Y c COUPON * Sales K S:$25 OFF Any Services F,: $89 Clean and Check (863) 675-2878 ~(63) 6 2U8 8~ HAMPTON I{RYfb DODGE JEE -TacaSU~l a L JJaL I i'11i ,1 lr.li Ii, Tim Tm;idiii.. s.M,RD. Rick Romagosa, M.I , RobertS. KirsneirM.D, Ph1) 1924 US Hwy. 441 N. Okeechobee 863-467-9555 SUNRISE APPLIANCE Ne\, Used, Scratch & Dent 401 U5 Iwy 27 Moore Haven 865-946-2666 370 Holida) Isle Blvd. Clewiston (866) 549-2830 Okeechobee: (8631 4674767 Ft. Porme* (772) 5955995 Port St. tc: (7712) 335-3550 Sttatr i7727 215.2777 GLENN J. SNEIDER, LLC Criminal Law Bankruptcy Law Immigration Law 200 S.W. 9"' Street Okeechobee, FL 34974 18631 467-6570 (CCIIYI SIAIIMIti POOL DEIKS HIIVA VS Ov.tr 2LItyi.; [lecirical Eperience I... I k ,1 Il. I I' A R*erridd Q owore im.r 9- (CALL 8rr)-Sh't. ill K 863-228-4138 24 EMEIRGENU~SERVICI! 1, *. .*.Il. nl 1 7f tI r' 1 Reich & Mancini 1-888-784-6724 l\%orkrr- ( omrenj.riin rei i n, l ninrvo I'lln, ( il;. I I I' I rI** IoI, I Sl. I n iic \\,.I I,;dmI h. hiii I h-B.i a tl lo. Fla. Building & Roofing Inc. kR .'l'us.I-I'l l m I c 1K .'i Office: 863 -674 -999)4 Cell 863-4673-0O665 C1.'LCrI: li:Ricilimii i Lkr.nrt LABOR < FINDERS DAILY WORK- DA LY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 E uarlarid Hwy. (A(ros r i m o 1ston l)n (863) 902-9494 I-8010 DODGE NOW 651. 0 0 h B!. 1 .1 \'Vest Okleeb'b.-h, &p TIhe Turnripik x fi c T 1r RUPUIR )(04iH (RI-DIT UGIANAMt .\PERMINFINTlY $199 S[ART ItOt) ON N'ITR.\[ 1tOL'1%ill GET 3-5 Need A 'lur tgage7 Save 1000's Un Tour New/Existing Loans Home Or Aulo WITHOUT REFINANCING What The Banks Don't Tell You! DI Financial Solutions, LLC P.O. Box 2003 Belle Glade, Fl 33430 561.083.1609 (Iadej ywd 525 NW AvE I, nEHE GLADE 800-573-7983 www. gladesmotors. corn DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CLINIC 'BEST PRICES SAME DAY US 41 SOUTH* FT, MYERS (Atest Cake FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATORY 805 N. Hwy. 27 Moore Haven (863) 946-1233 I or% %V -W WI v F10Pam B~each Gardens:J5611j694-94931 11 .-1.-1 .. I I- II w -- wf I- -- - U. --IMM TM IJACKSON\ 340 N. BRIDGE STRFFTT ABEI.1 F. FL 863-674-0003 Jackl"n River Where u .i, r. is Done in Style LUNA Aluminum Strucures Pool tiosures Vinyl Siding Carport & Screen Porches Root Over Systems * *'Now iMlilng Alumm fiiuke Phnels Licensed HC.333.SP Insured H1C.335.SP 863-983-2701 Free Estimates Se Habia Espajol Rfor'al") APPL, R iD).irC. LAND SEfVICES * Light Land Clearing * I' u--I Removal * Debris Removal * Tree Trimming * Stump Grinding (863) 634-6982 (863) 634-6721 ) Glades Health Care Center 230 S. Barfield Hwy. Pahokee, FL 33476-1834 Phone: (561) 924-5561 Fax:( 561) 924-9466 Mail: (;Iad.;sCaret', Florida.tu.re.nel STANTON MOBILE HOMES Quality Homes at Discounted Prices' Homes From the Low $50's. Turn Key Packages Available Family Owned Since 1981, < JACOBSEN ScotBilt Nff1 If. ___________ HENDRY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 50, W. SG me Hf ,,n Ci STOR 863-983-9121 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE STARTING AS LITTLE AS $12.50 PER WEEK 0 CALL (863) 983-9148 IOR MIL southlal:eadsi newszap.com Bankof America SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loai Officer Consumer Real Estate Te: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@)hankofamerica.comi 415 W Hwy 80 LaBelle TOWN COUNTRY Mobile Home, Home Supplies & Hardware Doors* Windows Vanities Siding Hurricane Shutters 111 S. San Benito St, Clewiston 863-983-3000 Cell: 228-6916 ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principals i',ritua., Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 alankellymortgage@earthlinknet SMhen you need a service, call a professional!' Starting as low as $12.50 per week, per block, I f ou would like a Call A Pro ad please call us at 863-983-9148 or email us at southlakeads@newszap.Som to place your adl 20 W ugrWl~. C~st~Clew iston 2 4h R i-- -%I C -INHElP" 863-83-381 ils illi525-M 1866-226-9400 8~83.~0 1-88~0~173 863833181A 8w3 t983-655.4- U- ~-A I J;-I A 1A frr.r f.7 1111r1r I.T.aJ11-11 .141, I MR .7- T, -- %of ........... pM d tA I'M; Ull JMmmmv ;j:job Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 16, 2006 Ri Thursday, November 16, 2006 16 RELIGION Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Giving thanks important every day CLICK AND SAV By Pastor John Hicks First United Methodist Church Cle-wistof i When Mark Twain was at the ,peak of his writing career, it is said that his magazine and jour- nal articles were worth $5 a word very good pay in those times. Taking this into account, an enterpris- ing graduate student from Harvard Uni- John versity sent Hicks him a letter: "Dear Mr. Twain: Enclosed please find $5. Please send me your best word." A few days later, the student received a telegram with this sin- gle word response: "Thanks!" "Thanks" may be the most valuable word in our language. It is definitely one of the words that comes forth during this Thanks- giving season. We give thanks for our many blessings. In the midst of these blessings, it is important to remember that the historical perspective of Thanks- giving arose out of giving thanks not just for blessings but for He who blesses even in the midst of adversity and difficult times. Think for a moment about the first Thanksgiving. During the first winter, half of the Ply- mouth colonists had died. In the midst of their situation, friendly Indians taught the Pilgrims to fish and to hunt and to plant corn. The result was that the summer and the fall brought a good harvest. So, despite all the death and hardships, they held a three-day Thanksgiving celebra- tion with about ninety Indians as guests. Their gratitude was not for something but in something. Real Thanksgiving is a decla- ration of faith concerning that One who is bigger than our cir- cumstances. It is faith in the One who can make all things work together for good. There are many things in life that confound me, but the one anchor of my soul has always been that God is good and God is faithful and that I can do all things through Him who gives me strength. For that, I give thanks. "Now, thank we all our God with heart and hands and voices; Who wondrous things hath done, in whom His world rejoic- es." (Martin Rinkart, 1663) Added note: Blessings to think about this week before Thanksgiving! If you have food in the refrig- erator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75 per- cent of this world of ours. If you have money in the bank, cash in your wallet and spare change in a dish some- place, you are among the top 8 percent of the Earth's wealthiest people. If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more fortunate than the million who will not survive this week. If you can attend a worship service or any other religion- related meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture or death, you are fortunate. Billions of people in the world cannot. Remember the sacred trust of accountability By The Reverend Samuel S. Thomas, Ph.D.+ aSaint Martin's Church, Clewiston Some of the clergy in town were discussing "accountability" at a recent meeting of our ministe- rial association. The idea of being responsible to someone helps us all serve for our common good. Early on, when the question was .asked "Am I my brother's keeper? (Genesis 4:9)," we saw that we are indeed responsible to others, as % ell as to ourselves and ulti- rratel to God. A friend who talks to me about his church in another part of the country told me about how the minister there came and used funds given for one purpose to support something else. The minister had a disagreement with one of the church members that led to the member hiring a lawyer to make sure she was still a part of the congregation. People left the church and my friend and his wife were num- bered among them. I talked about the accountability of that minis- ter; the responsibility toward the members and the church, what was said by actions taken. I regarded how fortunate I was when I came here to serve the Church I now serve; entrusted :with a well-equipped building in good condition, being entrusted with a congregation of faithful people who regularly worship and care for it, being with cntrust- ed with assuring that all who come are wel- 9,.w, comed and ,. wanted. I have been entrusted, - with other mrin- i; g, istries of a per- sonal nature; ....... things shared . with me along the way. I am accountable to SamuelS. all of them; to Thomas respect and honor those trusts. John the Baptist has provided me with some ideas about being an accountable minister a "faithful steward." He gives some good examples from his own ministry for the work that we all have to do (Matthew 3:ff). I noted that he came preaching a message of repentance; of help- ing turn their lives around. He preached in the desert; being faithful where he was called to serve and not worrying about more flattering or crowd-pleasing work. He must have been able to deal with pressures of public opinion; he had his own diet and wardrobe that seemed to have marked him as a "character." He was willing to express his opinions, letting the "chips fall where they may" and warned against complacency. He recog- nized that his ministry was only in the context of the one who would come after him. John was accountable in his ministry by knowing what he was called to do and being willing to answer for it. I have to acknowledge my accountability and be ready to answer for what I do too; for my use of the sacred trusts given to me. Part of the tragedy in our soci- ety today has been the betrayal of that trust by those in high places and those who have used their offices to exploit others or only to drive home their own agendas- usually at the expense of those who have the greatest of needs. Early on in the Bible, when the Lord asked Cain "Where is your brother Abel? (Genesis 4:)" and Cain asks in return "Am I my brother's keeper?" the answer is a resounding YES! It is easy to for- get that we are responsible to God, to others and to ourselves; and easy to ignore the trusts that we have been given by God and by others. That is the beginning of downfall for many and plants the seeds of destruction in their lives. Our stewardship of the resources placed in our hands; materially and spiritually, is what we will one day offer to God. One of my mentors told me that each year he goes back and reads his ordination vows; and then looks at his life to see how he has, or has not, lived up to them. I try to do so and add on the other promises I have made, written or unwritten, when given a new ministry or when elected to an organization or as a part of a group. I recommend that others do so in their lives too. How I answer to those who rely on me and how I respect the trusts given is finally how I respect what has come from God. That's where I finally will answer one day and be accountable. Thanks be to 'God, He's given me some good examples and models along the way to help us all. ... Public Issues Go to newszap.com to I Forum download and print I An open forum in which issues coupons online of the day are debated some- S COupons online! I times vigorously. L- I-- ----I---J 3.1 TOWN .COUNTRY HOM1E qMP PaE MEWNT CZENTrTCR Mobile Home, Home Supplies & Hardware Doors Windows Vanities Siding Skirting Shutters Tools Building Supplies Plumbing Electrical Jack N. Estes Owner 863-983-3000 111 S. San Benito St, Clewiston Cell: 228-6916 " REICK MANCINI Selabla Espaiol _-' Offices in Port StL Lucle The hiring of an attorney Is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to provide you with written information about our qualification and experience. {Royal's FURNITURE I/7I /-I .\ %l .S RF FDI\ 0, 77/I JMMMJ7 III, "Delafield" IV sand arow hacks shom a r4c $599,k,!I surctonhance yuurdinirroouL 5-Piece Dming Rc,)roum cluider. Table and Faour Side Cbairs. Befle Glade 561-990-7"646 TD CGeWhlsta 88-984w= &AMmyt S~x S4~ 4Wa e '83463429 neszI~o OWhenUyou need a service, call a professionalI starting at $12.50 S er week, per block. If you would like a Call A Pro ac please call us at 863-983-9148 or email us at southlakeads@newszap.com to place your adl I I ~ ~ J ~: U;jj Till: OPTICAL CENTER IoCatted Ul FAMILY Eyi., CARE 111( N. Main St. LaBelle, FL. 33935 863-675-0761 Expect something extra. 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-10pm OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE STARTING AS LITTLE AS $12.50 PER WEEK CALL (863) 983-9148 OR EMAIL southlakeads',newszap.com fEVERGLADES ,- REALTY, INC. I I, I l Phone: 863-946-3900 Fax: 863-946-3902 498 US Hwy. 27. Moore Haven l "il ', In" I (863) 983-0075 ;tJj i S r;3I \ 4i) H 3I WIrF Q & ./iliril.-. H tf?4 ) L~J C 'The Sweetest; 1. Veal in rown~1 ffuf%.k RL.NAI(% jEViiGR(D'FN ROFFlE CHAMo. % ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE STARTING AS LITTLE AS $12.50 PER WEEK CALL (863) 983-9148 ii! FMAII sonthlathIarki]nnepwAncn cnm BARTON REALTY, INC. l ii 1 l', I\'i I ,Sl J lik 'I .r. Carolyn ?homas Realty, Inc. Carolyn Thomas 946-0505 t a 6fdmNi.W MG E, Shgpfld HWy. ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE STARTING AS LITTLE AS $12.50 PER WEEK CALL (863) 983-9148 P F \' 1 r ,,iithlh l'i ,'k', nl f ;' n ,'l m S ierir film Is fr0o m I II.slafr il j, 0i COUNTRY HOMES & LAND REAm ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 .Ist Our ,"ebsite cil CentirolFlorivaLandioalc-s ,.'-rm ;It.1) 1 1 i I ;.I.I. .-I 4: 1>1 Ij):fIffl jlvU Che King C;Roup The alternative to ordinary real estate. 274 N. BRIDGE ST LABELLE, FL 863-612-0002 www. melking.com m.. Mel King .MLS Lie Real Estate Broker ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE STARTING AS LITTLE AS $12.50 PER WEEK CALL (863) 983-9148 OR EMAIL southlakeadsl'rnewszap.cm I iIt W us n th eb a WORKHARD- ." 1T C3R:Cl i* 1 BGNER FOR YOU 12Ja 1 reall restate Clao' THEN JAMIE TO& q o NAVARRO 233 N. BRIDGE STE u3rla9) 2W29 7lewist2n o, ON WT Kcol FBBIBB t & ION r o CELL AT (239) 822-9272 8663M75-0500 8 w/, oakreaftync corn am I 'O LD p vopc-itl rr.^inag/rre rirrtW m le ta3 eS or.LD ...l p i,rnlas --.sales WW.rl ttM C. BAGANS FIRST 4. .'z' r,': *.;" ,,'' Ch[li r.,"' .prGj hlI Lht', Si EI E. r,;i ; 30 Colorai o Ro L.c-Igh Acres FL 33936 I &k1ato" tJ6*mI A .-D-omI Breikfast 6 g.m, 10:30) .m. I unch 1:10 I.:n-M. 130 fl .m rln, r i 11.in. 'ipm ADVERTISE YOUR www.sunshinesteelcorp.com /mtt ALL ORIoaM T Mc BUSINESS HERE STARTING AS LITTLE AS DrgIk:. @h .I.; i ,:, : i wn $12.50 PERWEEK : .1 '" (863)441.5264 :T:'"""" CALL :"S i Win -I. ka? 30W (86 9Q839480 243 Florida Avenue NW .S s .-SS M STAUInoN (863) 983-91480 Moore Haven. FL 33471 P 6a.." 1 11 Phone: 863-946-1804 n" 3. .,[' 5 11 v..... 7n7 OP EMAIL southlakeads"'[newszap.com Toll Free: 1-800-670-0113 IWW. FLO In sall,, n.r.If-I i i WWW.ALLFLORIDATRlAFFICSCHOOL<.OPG l~-j\RC\A'IN 1 ~.~ HyaAnrew -Lic l-,i I &, I newszap.co L MW I I lli*i4 H 4; 14"1 "Will R 7. j I I :f, I F24:1 V:v w ;I I; I pv:t4 0 &T I >1:16 9 1 "NERFMA .1 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee 16 RELIGION i Thursday. November 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Ca I au d|s Tol Fre . 1-877 353w2424 E ANSOLUTEL' Announcements Merchandise Mobile Homes _ Employment Agriculture I Recreation I Financial Rentals I Automobiles igiI a iEN Services Real Estate Public tices for any personal items for sale under $2,500 More Papers Mean More Readers! Reach more readers when you run ..... ... I .*. . . yuur au in severain ppers our newspaper network. Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! * Sources: Pulse Re 'r. h I .larkelI Survey; Simmons Market Research; INI Market Research Center - Rules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad * Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) Must fit into 1 2 inch (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) Must include only one item and its price ' (remember it must be $2,500 or less) Call us! L bl No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! .. Announcements 'I portant lifo'rrraiicrn Pleas read your ad careIulli "the first day it appears. In case of an inadvertent error, please notify us prior to the deadline listed, Ve ..II not ;be responsible for more than 'I incorrect insertion, or for more-than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by 'such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all *statements, names and con- ,tent of an ad, and assumes ;responsibility for any claims against Independent iNewspapers. All advertising 'is subject to publisher's approval. The publisher 'reserves the right to accept [or reject any or all copy, and .to insert above the copy the word "advertisement'. All ads accepted are subject to ,:redi[ appro.'Il All ad, iT[ur conri.rm t. s Indep rdd art Newspapers' style and are restricted to their proper classifications. Some classi- fied categories require advance payment. These classifications are denoted with an asterisk * Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 ABSOLUTE AUCTION. Historic Waterfront estate subdivid- ed into 5 tracts, 3624 Top- side Road, Knoxville, TN, Saturday, Nov. 18, 10:30 AM; WWW.FURROW.COM, 1-800-4-FURROW. TN Lic. #62. Absolute Real Estate Auc- tions: Homes, Condos, Commercial, Land, Water- front. All will sell at. Auction, Brokers & Phone Bidding Welcome. Neal VanDeRee Realtor/Auctioneer (941)488-1500 www.van- deree.com. Auction- 208+/- acres Di- vided. Excellent Row Crop Farm. Saturday, December 2, 10:00 a.m., Irwin County, GA. Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388. GAL AU- C002594 10% buyer's pre- mium. www.rowellauc- tions.com. Auction- 74+/- acres Divid- ed. Excellent Colquitt County Farmland. Friday, November 24, 10:00 a.m., Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388. 10% buy- er's premium. GAL AU- C002594 www.rowellauc- tions.com. Developers Closeout AUC- TION 12/2/06 14 Residen- tial Condominiums, Pompano Beach, FL Financ- ing and Online Bidding Available 2% Broker Coop- eration www.fisherauc- tion.com. L. Fisher AU93; AB106 (800)331-6620 x 16. In Cooperation with Lauro Auctioneers Sale subject to all terms. *LAND AUCTION* 230 Props Must be Sold! Low Down / E-Z Financing. Free Catalog 800)937-1603 www.LAND- UCTION.com NRLL East, LLC:AB2509,. Bule- ziuk:AU3448, John- ston : AU 3 4 4 9 , Mauck:AU3447. Liquidation Auction- 130+/- acres Divided 17+ acres. Leslie, GA., Saturday De- cember 2, 10am, Rowell Auctions, Inc. 800)323-8388. GAL AU- 002594 10% buyer's pre- mium. www.rowellauc- tions.com. lAucton ONLINE AUCTION MerryGro Farms Includes tractors, semis, van trailers, thou- sands of shipping carts and nursery wagons, warehouse equipment, tools, supplies and more. Details at www.westauclion.com. SOUTHERN MEMORIAL PARK, N Mi,ami Be,:ri FL (2) $8000 i, 'il:ip l SOUTHERN RESPIRATOR, on 10/31/06, on Cascade Lane. Call to identify. '(863)612-0266 ADULT POT BELLY PIGS- FREE you must pick up (863)983-7702 COMPOST- free, you must haul (863)357-3770 FREE KITTEN, Blonde, To Good Home Only! Call Lisa (863)675-4869 or 675-0224 LOVED PETS NEED HOME - 4yr. old Amer. Bulldog & .twin female Calico cats, 1yr. Cats g o a s p ) ,, r ,c 4 r,- h .l , MIXED- 6 wks old, Free To Good Home!,(863)763-1370 MOBILE HOME- 14x40, 2br, needs to be moved. Already has wheels.(863)763-9881 PATIO DOORS, (2), 6' wide, 8' high, good condition. (863)675-7926 READING A NEWSPAPER... mkes you a more informed and Interesting person. No wonder newspaper readers are more successfully AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career today! Offering courses in CDL A. Low tuition fee! Many payment options! No regis- tration fee! (866)889-0210 info@americasdnrvingacade- my.com. Heavy Equipment Operator CERTIFIED. Hands on Train- ing. Job Placement Assis- tance. Call Toll Free (866)933-1575. ASSOCIAT- ED TRAINING SERVICES, 5177 Homosassa Trail, Le- canto, Florida, 34461. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.equipmentopera- torcom. What Destroys Relation- ships? Answer pg 446 Buy and Read Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard Send $8.00 to: Hubbard Dianetics Foun- dation, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa FL 33607 (813)872-0722. When doing those chores Is doing you in, It's time to look lor a helper in the classifeds. Public Auction Saturday November 18, 2006 9:00 AM St. Lucie County Fairgrounds 15601 W Midway Rd Ft. Pierce, FI --CONSIGNORS WELCOME- - Trctnre Farmr Equp, V,- i T-n. I- I Ir. ATv 1jfnijr.:unl I Equipmifn on r i'hJI:,rn E quimrim r,,5 Mu,:r, Mi:,ii .<.. Auction Co. Terry DeMott. Sf. FL#AU1833 AB1285 Phone (800) 985-5699 www.demottauction.com employment n Employment - Full-Time 205 Employment - Medical 210 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 $2,900 WEEKLY GUARAN- TEED! Address letters for holiday cash. No experience necessary. Free information. Start immediately! Write: A&G Publications, 2370-G Hillcrest Rd. #147-H, Mo- bile, AL 36695. AWESOME FIRST JOB!! Kay's Naturals, 12 new hires, Over 18, Travel USA! $500 sign- on! Cash Daily! No Experi- ence Necessary. Call Kay, today. (800)988-0650, (8 77)KAYCR EW, (602)421-3015. CELLULAR CUSTOMER SERVICE & SALES (1) Full-time, (1) Part-time for MetroPCS cell phones sales and customer service. $8.00 /hr. Must be able to work Saturdays. Creole speakers encouraged to apply. Glades Metro Connection 417 NW 16th St., Belle Glade. Call (561)502-0639 for an interview CERT. SPRAY TECHNICIAN State certified lawn & orna- mental pest control license. Must diagnose and treat resi- dential & comm'l sites. LAWN & LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Laborers Needed. Experience preferred but will train. Work located at Big Cypress. Great pay, full benefits. Please contact Tammy 954-605-6951 CLASS-A CDL DRIVERS- Now Hiring OTR & Local Drivers- New Equipment; Great Benefits; Premium Pay Package. Call Oakley Trans- port, (877)882-6537. DATA ENTRY! Work From Anywhere. Flexible Hours. Personal Computer Re- quired. Excellent Career Op- portunity. Serious Inquiries Only (800)344-9636 Ext. 700. Driver- HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR posi- tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your op- portunity today. (800)741-7950. DRIVER: YOU WANT IT. WE HAVE II! Sole, leams, own- er operators, company driv- ers. students, recent grads. regional, dedicated, long haul. Van, Ilatbed. Must be 21. CRST Career Center. 1800)940-2778. www.drive- Iorcris.com. Drivers -Car hauling career. GREAT HOME TIME! Excep- hional Pay & Benelils! Paid [raining! Min. 1 yr. Class-A CDL exp. req. THE WAG- GONERS TRUCKING (912)571-9668 OR (866)413-3074. Earn Up to $550 WEEKLY Working through the govern- ment PT No Experience. Call Today!! (800)488-2921 Ask for Department W21. HENDRY CORRECTIONAL IN- STITUTION in IMMOKALEE, FL. is RECRUITING FOR CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS (GREAT PAY & STATE BENEFITS) Contact Sgt. Barnhart @ (239)867-2107/2108 or Ap- ly on-line at http://www.dc.state.fl.us. Ivey Mechanical seeks plum- bers, sheet metal journey- man & helpers. DeFuniak Springs (850)892-2768, Graceville (850)263-0982, Florida City (305)246-8411 & Moore Haven (863)946-9166. Competi- tive pay/benefits. AA/EEO. INSURANCE CAREER: Sales position, base pay & commission, management opportunities, full benefits w/group insurance. 4ii rjir i EOE. M-F. Call (863)634-8085 LAND CLEARING COMPANY Seeking Experienced. Loader Dozer Operators. Top Pay & Benefits. Must be experienced in land clearing (239)567-1089 I-pca oic I-pca Nt ic I-pca Notice 'TTHANKSGIVING HOURS & DEADLINES n ithe Classified Center will be closed on Thursday, November 23"d in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. The Clewiston News, Belle Glade Sun & Glades County Democrat's Thursday. Nov'embc-t 23' edition will deadline as follows: Diiplay 5:.11.1 p.m. Thursday. Novmin,-i t " I, Column 10:iii a.m. Fnday. Novemb, r 17" A DEPENDENT NEWSPAPERS, INC. yfHappy Thanksgqiving: " Emlymn FullTim Emplymen FullTim Empoyen Ful im I'l NOW HIRING 33 Correctional Officer's For Facility Expansion BENEFITS INCLUDE: HEALTH, DENTAL, VISION, LIFE, DEPENDENT LIFE INSURANCE & 401K RETIREMENT MOORE HAVEN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 1990 East SR 78NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Phone 868-946-2420 Fax 863-946-2487 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V The GEO Group, Inc. A worldwide leader in privatized corrections I II The Seminole Casino in Immokalee is seeking fun, energetic and enthusiastic individuals to join the area's HOTTEST entertainment venue immediately Quality individuals seeking CAREER OPPORTUNITIES and ADVANCEMENT are encouraged to apply TODAY Pick YOUR career and embark on a new.adventure Cage Cashier Cocktail Server Dining Room Server Dishwasher Line Cook Maintenance Worker Public Space Attendant Sous Chef TAD/Gaming Machine - Customer Service Representative TAD/Gaming Machine Technician $10.00 per hour $5.50 plus tips $5.50 plus tips $7.50 per hour $10.00 + per hour BOE $10.00 + per hour BOE $8.00 per hour $15.00 + per hour BOE $21.00 avg. w/tips $12.50 per hour We are also seeking candidates for these management positions: Director of Facilities Human Resources Benefits Coordinator Executive Casino Host TAD/Gaming Machine Floor Supervisor Benefits available for ALL employees www.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person TODAY! 506 S. 1st St. Immokalee, FL 1-800-218-0007 The Seminole Casino is a Drug-free Workplace AMM{TT hLrE tm'ymn Ful Tie I'l Empoyen Ful im .1,02 . Okeechobee News The Okeechobee News is looking for a highly creative individual to be a part of our ad services team. Do you enjoy a fast-paced, deadline-driven, creative and fun environ- ment? Put you creativity to the test by help- ing local businesses generate traffic by devel- oping attractive newspaper advertisements. You'll work closely with ad reps to design both retail and classified display advertise- ments. You'll also be involved in producing special 'advertising sections. This position requires experience with Windows, knowl- edge of Quark and Photoshop, solid design techniques and the ability to work quickly under deadline pressure. There may be some evening and weekend work. This is a full time position. Apply by e-mail to Judy Kasten jkasten@strato.net. The Okeechobee News offers: * Potential for advancement * A unique work environment where employees are trusted and empowered * Competitive pay based on experience * Generous time off program The Okeechobee News Is An Equal Opportunity Employer 'MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 Duda Farm Fresh has several job openings in our shop department. Needed: mechanics, welders, helpers. Top pay, excellent benefits. Will train. Drug Free Work Place. Apply in per- son at 12255 N. Hwy. 29 in Felda or call for information (863) 673-0362 or (863) 673-2780 EOE I/oncdl I- orr4vpbm lal m VISA If e Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 16,2006 lAuctions I r-.M^ AMORML IMMIlbb CATWTM Sevn h omnte ot fLk Oecoe hrdy oebr1,20 FllTime020 ijnIfl9^^ Em-pomn FullTivSme I - EmploymenI Full Time Empoyen Ful imI00 EI -om n Fu iImt020 r Emlymn F ul 'T'i mm Empoyen - Ful im I005 Engineer in Training or Professional Engineer Hendry County is seeking an entry level engineer with a Bachelors degree in Civil Engineering or a related degree, to assist the Hendry County Engineer in the design and planning of roadways, hydraulic systems, water and sewage systems, storm water and drainage facilities, irrigation and water conservation projects and other engineering projects. The minimum requirements include a Bachelor's Degree in civil, agricultural, rural, or related field of engineering; knowledge of CAD and GIS software. Call 863- 675-5222 for a complete position announcement. Applications, job description and requirements can bb obtained from the Personnel Department located in the Courthouse Square, 165 South Lee Streetin LaBelle or at the Hendry County Sub Office in Clewiston. Salary range between $36,920 $60,000 depending on qualifications. Veterans' preference as outlined in the Florida Statutes, Hendry County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Drug/Smoke Free Work Place. Applicants with disabilities or needing assistance in the application or hiring process should contact the Human Resource Department. This position will be open until filled. Staff Assistant I. forthe Hendry County Engineering/Road & Bridge Department. Must have good communication skills & basic computer knowledge. Bookkeeping knowledge is a plus. Must be independent and able to multitask. A High School Diploma or GED required. Mechanic I. BasiC me hanic knowledge 'eo rinci j; an ajutoniliive service worker or MPrnarnits helper preleried echanicgj1. Graduate iorn ain approved Cour.e in he3vy & diesel mechanics, three years experience. Born Mechanic paironin iuir. clasP B driver i;censrie., Must have 3 Hiqh Scno'il ODiplomai or GED Bori li:ii:,led in C iewision Highway Mainltenance Technician II. Mairilair r.ighway i muriiipa r iad rural roads, and igrits- of-wavs iri sale conuirri i'.rieowLede in u h l OI.i;ndard quipmint nrd hInl:1 j01 us.d in tield Muit 3ve ia cleir valid Flordj Cunirmerri 1 Drivers hii t Clss 8 r r nier wiYn air Drale Heavy Equipment Operator I. This is skilled work in the operation of public works equipment. Must have two years experience in the operation of highway construction and maintenance equipment similar to that of assignment or any equivalent combination of training and experience. GIS Coordinalor iur tn LaBelle onic6 Muil hav. Bachelor 01 Sceni.:e utrm in accreiiled college or univerirt, in computer scienC gfograpny Or rel31ed ifl win orirsldiralile e eprrient in t me uS 01 geographic inoimallon ':yslenrs or 8yr.; equivalell esperenrce Annual Salary is between $45.000-150.000 Aauatics, Art & Athletic Coordinator Mu, t be C FR & FNit Aide Cerilhed. Life Guarin & Swim Insirutor r.aerlidi. Musl haeivte liiiwleoa .nd/or eperience wih ar ; & cri-i, Cramics, seirng and Luliruiry & perhicinini] ri i aisc .lowidge 1ol irdor i lperene ii- min biaseOall, sOiilbil, football Oaskeiball i: af ie eld, physical illness Stall Assistant II. Foi the Hendry County' Buildin' Liriice.iing & Code Enforcement Dept This position marn3iaes a variety ol genirieral at livitine inr. lu ir J if i wor clern I 3Cil Civili and 3ssignmEni to pIrOlcit Musit have good" commnuni ihoin .ill., comriputer knowledge epererce with d313 eiity and 3 high iiuol diiplma or i1 equivi1'nce Electrical Inspeclor Musi rnave vr' iirrp ie nai r a en'dl .i-. itior Code Enforcement Officer Tne pro.n selected ior tnhi position will De priminly reaponrible i'r moniitorng ajppived aevel:pmerii o.ijir ini luding Dul nli I|i_|i Anl, re.:ines. ecal eO:eCpii rir ,pecial permits, and subdivisior plat.w it seleediJ Caldlle will 3suie iril iorndiilons on pprfuv(d ditvelOpTernt imposed by Idi- Bi rd rlJ Courily ComiT.aiorer i. e buinenring, eltik.. ifni'rrvemeini: et rave been mret Puorsion will involvE ile, sCheduling and some Saturday Wuo(k. S.H.I.R Coordinator Hirinly responsriie work in admirniitEnq the S H I P Aftordable Houcing Program ir Hendrv Counly Hi-gh ;nool grdiu3ation.'or is equivalent rind an equivalent combination of training and e'*rrrPencv Arrcuniing b3at' round a plus The positions are full timt: wiri medical benefits. retirement. sick 3ind aVialdi...nr avei . -rese posionrs will be open unliil ied Job decriptoio & applricnron? can be aiowined in the Saiellie Oiice i1 Clewision and the Courlhouse Square in LaBelie in he HR Deparniment vel Prel EED Drug Iree Applicants neding assisl.tnce in ire aphliaiori pronicess should contact the Hendrt Count Commissioners HR deparimeri Glades County Board of County Commissioners AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER November 6,2006 OFFICE CLERK ANNUAL SALARY: $16, i.'. 57 EXCELLENT BENEFITS. HEALTH CARE AND STATE RETIRE- MENT MAJOR DUTIES: Mu.i lbe able iln ani-rWi phoneri hani,rdl pub- i: inquiri- proi.ec mail prepare a.:curlmers and oirer Odutie a3s may be required KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Applicant must have excellent c',mpu ie Hih iand nus;i be capabiE o operating customary Oine ITicrini:; armi be InowiedleLtle in Microsoft Works, Word arid E:,cel Appii art rrusi present a neat and well-mannered appearance and possess good writing and communication skills. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: High School Diploma or Equiva- lent. JOB LOCATION: Glades County Building Department WORK SCHEDULE: 8:00 a.m, 5 00 p m 5 day per week. CLOSING DATE NJovE'rirer 2"7.2006 ,315 00 p m REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: Gliades iiniv Appiicaiiorin C opy tl v)li Floriidj Dniver i: Lice i e SUBMIT APPLICATION TO: Mrar /Ann Dol.i:, 1, 500 Avernu, J RO. Box 1018 Moore Haven, Fl 33471 863-946-6000 Glades County is a drug-free, non smoking workplace The GEO Group, Inc. The GEO Group, Inc. A worldwide leader in privatized corrections BENEFITS INCLUDE: HEALTH, DENTAL, VISION, LIFE, DEPENDENT LIFE INSURANCE & 401 K RETIREMENT CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS RECREATION SPECIALIST VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTOR (PC Support) SUBSTANCE ABUSE INSTRUCTOR CAPTAIN FOOD SERVICE MANAGER CLASSIFICATION CLERK RN MOORE HAVEN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 1990 East SR 78NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Phone 868-946-2420 Fax 863-946-2487 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/DN MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Oversees and maintains electric motors, elevators, and warehouse facilities. Also responsible for ordering equipment. We offer benefits, paid vacation, and more. Apply at: Syfrett Feed Company 3079 NW 8th Street, Okeechobee 863-763-5586. Evcithiy Oppiorttriihns .-itItiton at... Glades General Hospital Friendly Atmosphere )f & Relang Commute. r'r C urre i FL bLeners urn ,m ur" .u ', ,:a. : ','.- ,il l I .,.p ,.p i.h ph imai.v.ui h,..r'- - renal adjustment, MUE unit inspections & clinical servic- es, posse's excellent commu- nication, customer service & computer skills. Requires weekends. .Dietitian* Must be RD/LD. BS with a major in Nutrition Dietetics or equivalent with internship or traineeship in a health care setting. Minimum 2 years experience in clinical nutri- tion in a health care setting. Nutrition support exp. a plus. *Medical Technologist Current Fl. License in 4-5 lab- oratory areas as an MT or MLT. Previous hospital/ labo- ratory exp. preferred. *Inpatient Coder* Part-time employee needed to code inpatient records. Flexible Coding Schedule! Work days, nights or week- ends. Candidate must have a minimum five years acute care coding experience. Must be certified. *Phlebotomist- Previous Phlebotomy experience. Hospital or physician's office. *Respiratory Therapist* Certified R.T. ACLS, PALS, NRP Certifications. At least 3 years experi- ence in acture care of all age groups. MSPeds FT/PRN, 8p-8a lit: Irr : ii i i . :1k i pl , Competitive Pay & Excellent Benefits Resume, Fax (561) 993-5627 Email: LRivera@gladesgeneral.org Sor apply at: ** H1201 4 Marnest Bxlhe ijGl~dc FL '.'.' Ym O DFi FO D EOM/F TEAMS NEEDED. Home week- ly. Class A-CDL w/HAZMAT.. TOP PAY & BENEFITS. (800)428-0678. www.Ar- mellini.com. We're raising pay for Florida regional drivers! Home eve- ry weekend! Home during the week! Solid weekly miles! 95% no touch! Pre- planned freight! $.43 per mile, hometime, money & more! Heartland Express (800)441-4953 www.heart- landexpress.com. Earn some extra cash. Sell your used items in the classifieds To apply for any ofthe above positions, please submit an electronic Application for Adjunct Faculty Employment, detailed resume and copy of transcripts at www.pbcc.edu. P'BCC ,'t.-/pi q,/pli, r.;ons f.or .uiumncr fim "'hl,' position on a center ',: .,s. H"[/i .I rI / ; .z ,u ee t, ,''rv .uld ition'/ [rachin-' ig s taff, r.e' ,adii/i n.c /, .,:i., iMd ;,iigh is I ,'I/Ill ,oitiv pel it.m ./l appliica s. '. An EOE/A AADA Emiploypcr cc www.pbcc.edu ,, ," ....,niir..i, Warehouse Clerk Seeking an experienced Warehouse Clerk for our parts warehouse. Individual will pull and ship cus- torrer orders, operate a forklift, maintain stock, load and unload Irucks and build hydraulic hoses. Individual will also be cross trained to help with Ihe parIs counter. Needs to be a people person with good communication skills. A high school graduate and valid Florida driver license with a clean driving record is required. Excellent company benefits: including medical, life, and dental insurance, paid holidays, vaca- tions, profit sharing and credit union, tuition as- sistance, 401K and many more! We are a smoke/drug free company. (EOE/AA/MFDV) KELLY TRACTOR CO. ATTN: Ken Osborne 801 Sugarland Highway Clewiston, FL 33440 Phone: 863-983-8177 Fax: 863-902-1000 www.kellytractor.com Diudi Fa ini Freshi Fo,:'i,s h.1si rinmiedi.ile oipen- inmg for tractor drivers \\ ill trin Pjy '.om-i mensurate with experience. We are a Drug Free Work Place. Apply in person at 12255 N. Hwy. 29, Fclda or contact Robert Atchley at (863) 675-0545 ext 3122 EOE Dida FJrm Fresh Foods esta en blusca de tractoristas. Entrenamiento desponible. Pago a degun experiencia. Sitio libre de droigas. Aplique en persona en 12255 N. Hiv. 29 en Felda o llame a Robert Atchley (863) 675-0545 ext 3122 Empleador de Oportunidades Por Igual I-- UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA BIOLOGICAL SCIENTIST The Liniveriir 01 F nid, in iiiuii h of Food and Agricultural Scien,.e; (IFAS) Clrus Rejen:h aid Education Center, Lake Alfred, Florida, seeks a Biological Scientist to work at the US Sugar Corporations laboratory in Clewiston, Fl. Duties will in- clude running citrus samples from growers and plant regula- tory agencies for diagnosis of Citrus Greening, the most devastating disease of citrus known worldwide. Minimum re- quirements: A bachelors degree in an appropriate area of specialization and one year of appropriate experience. Ex- pected starting salary is $27,431.31 annually, negotiable based on education and experience. To view application ,in- structions and complete an online resume, please visit www.hr.ufl.edu/job. Requisition number for this vacancy is 0700445 and the deadline date to apply is 11/24/06. If an accommodation due to a disability is needed to apply for this position, please call (352) 392-4621 or-the Florida Relay System at (800) 955-8771 (TDD). An Equal Opportunity Em- ployer/Affirmative Action Employer. .I ', ,-..1 l n r. I l i.A kEiIi "', "t., i,. [.llt~jifj LadrJ ,i-r-r l 1j. 1-.,C a k.. n A J .Il5.1 .. LPN I ol It (FrTPT. Pilm) l Iu l' k L I ll ., l 1 l If. l ,-,J Full ong. E[R RPN il SluH/Su[fiatr flI. fl vI -i l : II, i, r ..I rL ltidkmi Ill Nurolng S turit i 1. I ,, 1 i l i. : I l. ,il '- I iio i .., l .t f. i lm ' Full ,i .1ri N ,li C M A Full rinl 11l Nurse M j icr SpedlWiRI ir [, KJli l.'I; I'',L'' [ I" l.il ,i l, r ..r n}, l I,i nI l, ,, ,.l'u [. Full Une Rlels'er Narw Ful! ol IRespli-3tory Il'hraplsi C t l r ,.. 'i o'r ,i, .. i i h i li l |'1 ,:,Jr. I'p n i' li ll l irfi u. l ,l:ll .rt e & Full time .- ER Regisraion Cler Fumed l terminology a plus. Must ye ateast 45 wm. B5 I'lt',,, .A l III M r 1Q l:. l. ll. .l| 1ll tjll .1:l I I l l t h .,, ,::1 .:11 SlII ill, t, i hlli ,:,n-l ; l ,l1 l ,ll ,, l i,,:l,' Pir diemr- PharmayE fc(hnlclin P".,...,u E ,-P li'i ll[h l hh:jlllli: i l ,irlj '. r.-1 l S I. l: lh i ,li ,l:l ,i',ld I i:,i. Part hme & Full lime ER Regkiiadion Cleik Previous exp in hospital or medical office setting pref. Knowledge of medical terminology a plus. Must type atleast 45 wpm. Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805 Drug Free Workplace EOE How do you find a job In today's competitive market? In the employ- ment section of the clas- sifleds One man's trash Is anoth- er man's treasure. Turn your trash to treasure with an ad In the classl- fleds. SHOP MECHANIC King Ranch-Florida has an immediate opening for a Snop Mechanic. Requires eupenence repairing larm equipment and implements, diesel engines, A.C, electrical and hydraulic systems. Must have own tools. 50 + hrs per week. Salary based on experience. Complete benefit package including medical, dental, life insurance, retirement, 401 (k), vacation, holidays and sick pay. Drug-lree workplace/EOE. For an application, please call (561)996-7257 The Glades County Sherifl's Office is accepting applications ior tie pos lioris *DISPATCH DEPUTY SHERIFF *COURTHOUSE SECURITY (Part-Time) Benefits include nejail and ie irisurjani:e denial insurance may be pur- cnased Applicalionr mia' be picl.ed up 31aire Ulades Country Shernn': ilce 599 Avenue J Moore Haven, FL Cr 1all personnel a1 863-946-1600 TREEHOUSE LEARNING CENTER Has several openings coming soon. F/Tforpre-K teachers, must have current CDA, speak English and be enrolled or seeking college credit classes in Early Childhood. Fax or mail resume to: Tree House Learning Center 1309N.W. AveL Belle Glade, FL 33430 561-993-3800 561-993-3807 FAX FRONT DESK/RECEPTIONIST Local physician has an immediate opening for a front desk/receptionist. Medical terminology preferred. Apply in person at: 406 S.Deane Duff Ave. Clewiston, FL 33440. OAK BROOK OF LABELLE Now Hiring RN's, LPN's, CNA's Excellent Benefits Apply at: 250 Broward Ave LaBelle,FL EOE; Drug Free Workplace. CELLULAR CUSTOMER SERVICE & SALES (1) Full-time, (1) Part-time for MetroPCS cell phones sales and customer service. $8.00 / hr. Must be able to work Saturdays. Creole speakers encouraged to apply. Glades Metro Connection 417 NW 16th St., Belle Glade. Call (561)502-0639 for an interview READING A r NEWSPAPER MAKES YOU A MORE INFORMED AND INTERESTING PERSON. a D wonder newspaper readers are more popular Financial Business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 ,Business ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn 5800 day? 30 Ma- chines. Free Candy All for $9.995. 18881629-9968 B02000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! ~ Be your own BOSS- Sell Avon. Work your hours; rin urannc.. eaiv, unlimileid earningsC CAill ludi 67-0025 Imagine you are... Looking To Buy Or Sell A Bu.'ines & Aie Matched Win Trie Rrinl Op- portunrly Oumckly IJBCS Worlds Largest Mai3:h Maker Of Businesses CALL (800)999-SALE Or Visit www.NBCSLLC.com. Learn to buy Foreclosures, tax liens, and shabs for Er,In- nies on the dollar. Mentor walks yoe iiriii' h r inirdii A-Z to er,,iiii: '.U CE'. (800)433-4556. CASH NOW FOR FUTURE PAYMENTS! We will buy your Annuity, Structured Set- tlement, Lottery or Owner Held Mortgage Note. Call R&P Capital Resources Inc. (800)338-5815. Low-rate NO DOCUMENTA- TION Mortgages. Ideal if RETIRED, SELF-EMPLOYED, DIVORCED, PRIVACY-con- scious or UNEMPLOYED. No Job Required. 0% Down, 100% Cash-Out Available. www.NoDocMort~gage- Bank.corn (888)ZERO- DOWN. MONEY TO LEND Residen- tial/lnvestors/Commercial Refinance Your Adjustable SAVE $$$$$ Bankruptcy, Turndowns, Stop Foreclo- sures 1% Available Call Di- rect Lending Partners (866)459-2606 Services Babysitting 405 Child Care Needed410 Child Care Offered- 15 Instruction '120 Services Offered 425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 PIANO TUNING *************** * Concert Experience 35 Years (863)675-2596 or (863)243-9691 Psychology The GEO Group, Inc. The GEO Group a worldwide leader in privatized Corrections, offers a challenging & exciting opportunity. WE OFFER: Top Pay; Medical, Dental, Vision, Short-term Disability, 401 k, Paid Vacation & Holidays *PSYCHOLOGIST (Doctoral Degree in psychology, counseling, orrelated mental health field. Possess appropriate state licensure or certification.) *PSYCHOLOGICAL SPECIALIST (Master Degree in clinical, c. unselinq or applied bernaviural psvnlol'gy I THE GEO GROUP, INC. South Bay Correctional Facility 600 US Highwly 2., Soulhr Soulh Bjay FlOnida 33493 Erinil vnarrell',tinegiogru"uDir (,cm Phone 56t1-992-9505 Fa., 561-829-1902 EOE, M. F V.H DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE LABOR FINDERS 202 E Sugarrlnd H yv Acras from Clewistan hon) (863) 902-9494 antiques sugar magnolia salvage boutique cottage style frniture, vintage, collectibles, etc. bond street clewiston fl located behind pazz elizabeth 863-634-9917 NEW SELF STORAGE 46 units 7lI15, 8.15.100 5. t,.30. 1230 15.25. Full electric,. Eecue on Commerefo SI 350 rt. irm Clewislon Police Dept. 863-983-6663, 863-983-2808, after hrs. 863-983-8979 Merchandise Air Conditioners 505 Antiques 510 Appliances 515 Appliance Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bicycles 530 Books & Magazines535 Building Materials540 Business Equipment 545 Carpets/Rugs 550 Children's Items 555 China, Glassware, Etc. 560 Clothing 565 Coins/Stamps 570 Collectibles 575 Computer/Video 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 Cruises 590 Drapes, Linens & Fabrics 595 Fireplace Fixture 600 Firewood 605 Furniture 610 Furs 615 Health & Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment/ Supplies 625 Household Items 630 Jewelry .. 635 Lamps/Lights 640 Luggage 645 Medical Items 650 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies! Equipment 665 Pets.'Supplies/ Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools 9 Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 Toys & Games 730 VCRs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 CHINA CABINET w/Side Board, Cherry or Mahogany Wood. Good condition. 70 yrs. old. $400. (863)467-9402 WE BUY 18TH CENTURY American Furniture. Old oil paintings & silver, Russian paintings & silver. Pay top $. Call Frank 754-245-7001/954-588-3288 Shop from a gift catalog that's updated regulaty: the classifleds. DRYER- GE, Looks like new. Runs good. $65. (863)675-0104 STOVE, Whirlpool, electric, 3 years old, very clean. $140 (863)467-0024 WASHER $100 call for more information (863)675-4675 WASHERS & DRYERS STACK UNITS $95 & up, Up to 1 yr warranty REFRIGERATORS & STOVES (239)694-0778 WASHING MACHINE- 4 yrs old, Kenmore, top load, White. Extra clean cond. $100. (863)763-1504 SPECIAL BUILDING SALE..."DON'T MISS IT!" December delivery or deposit holds till spring. 25-'40'x12' $4800. 40,x60-..16' 12,800. From end optional Oiner siz- es available. Pioneer. |800)668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory Deals. Save .$$$. 40 x 60' to 100 Y 200'. Ex 50 \1 100 x 12' = $3 60. sq ft. i8001658-2885 CROWN MOLDING, (36) 16ft. lengths PhimTd & r.ady IC pa3nl Halt price al .375 lor all 186.)675-2-191 METAL ROOFING & SIDING Standing seam & obbed pan- els Local MFG Lou $$i Delivery 1772)201-9519 METAL ROOFING SAVE $SS Buy Direct From Manulj.crur- er. 20 colors in stork witn aii Acces i:ries Ouick lurn around Delivery Available (352)498-0778 Toll Free (888)393-0335. SLIDING DOORS (2), 60" wide, 75" high. $100 (863)467-6868 SLIDING GLASS DOOR, new, white, for mobile home, with frame, $385. (863)634-5236 JACKETS- Leather, Male, Large & Females. Extra large & Fur coat. Never worn. $190. for all (863)357-0125 ELVIS COLLECTION, Many items, Rare items, items from Graceland, memorabilia. $550 neg. (863)467-0627 FOOTBALL/BASEBALL CARDS (1000)- Racing & Comic. late 80s early 90s Exc. cond. $400 or best offer!! 863-763-8943 OLD FISHING LURES Variety. $50 or best offer. 863-763-4617 PIRELLO PLATES, 2 sets, Chieftains 1 & 2. $500 or best offer. (863)697-1443 STAMP COLLECTION & SCHOOL BELL & ANTIQUE CHURN, etc., $500 (863)467-1325 IBM Electric typewriter, 11' carriage, self correcting, car- rying case, excellent cond. $100 (863)467-5877 LOGITECH Quick Cam, for Notebooks Deluxe, new cond., $30. or best offer (863)675-2596 BED, Little Tykes Red Racing Nascar, twin, w/built in toy- box & bookshelf, $150. (863)983-3740 BED RAILS- King size, asking like new, $15 (863)763-7983 BR SET Queen size, no mat- tress, dresser, headbord, mirror, nightstand, $75. 863-675-3764 or 673-6226. CHINA CABINET, Solid wood, 2 pc. w/5 shelves. Hand Made. 6' tall, 4" wide. Must see! $500 (863)763-8943 COUCH- Queen. Medium blue, Like new, 9$100. Okee. (863)357-6997 Empoyan Meical Emlymn I I Thursday, November 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee 'Thursday, ritvemoeur lb, ______ DRESSER- large, 54x32x18, w/back mirror, 8 drawer, hard rock maple good cond $150 (863)763-2458 ,ENTERTAINMENT CENTER - fits a 27" TV, you haul (863)675-4675 'JEWELRY ARMOIRE, Cherry. ; $30 (863)763-0141 after6p KITCHEN SET- 5'x3', Solid 'Oak, Retanglar Very good :cond, w/4 chairs. Pd $450. :asking $125. (863)467-2366 ,RIDER/GLIDER ROCKER- Ma- pie, w/Ottoman, Removable pads. Good condition. $65. S(863)357-8788 SLEEPER SOFA, $50 (863)675-3793 ;SOFA with pillows, $35. Call 863-675-3764 or S863-673-6226. 'WATERBED- Soft sided, 'Queen size, like new, $600 (863)634-7864 WING BACK CHAIR, blue/greeb/burgundy, asking ,$75. (863)675-4098 *GUN RACK WOOD, Wall 'mount 22" x 29", exc. cond. Holds 4 rifles; small drawer in 'bottom. $15 (863)610-1276 iGUNS 2 1) TAURUS .38 Ultra Light Titanium, & 1) ROMA- NIAN Semi Auto AK47 $725 |will sep..86.o)| -1_.2i0 ;PISTOL- 380 automatic, $250 (502)931-8101 jREVOLVER- 38 cal. Taurus, S Stainless steel, 2" barrel, New condition. With extras. $325. (863)610-1120 "SHOTGUN- 12ga, auto, Moss- berg, $265 (502)931-8101 SURVIVAL 22 CAL. $100 takes it. 863-467-9892 GYM EQUIPMENT, Teidmdill, bikes, weight benches & TVs with stands. All greatly reduced. Need to sellASARP Call (863)673-2523 or (863)673-2525 PROFORM 700-S- Magnetic, Resistance, Eliptical e% ri.s. er with electronic nriorilr $75. (863)674-0098 TRASH CONTAINER- Wood, decorative country, kitchen, holds 13 gallons. Only $20. 863-467-8681 -DIAMOND RING- 1/2 ct, w/surrounding diamonds, $450. Neg. (863)675-7105 or (863)673-5023 GOLD NECKLACE 14- 20" ,,rijin w lh To[r,;' i, medal- :lin rnew '.i150 i. :i)il 1.100 '8. 3-63.E 9".. , FLOOR LAMP- Solid brass with light on swivel arm, Great for easy chair reading $40(863)763-2458 M iIte s065 ADJUSTABLE BED, Ultramatic, twin, electric w/vibrate & re- mote. Exc. cond. $3500 new, .asking $1200. (863)763-6907 ELECTRIC LIFT CHAIR- used 1 year, asking $100 (772)360-5299 Okeechobee 'ELECTRIC LIFT- For wheel- chair or scooter. Hardly used. Good condition. $650. -(863)357-8788 FREE DIABETIC SUPPLIES! MEDICARE PATIENTS! Call Us Toll Free (866)294-3476 and receive a FREE.METER! SAm-Med Quality Diabetic Supplies. HOVEROUND SCOOTER- Good condition. $500. Or best offer. (863)697-3299 JET 2 POWER CHAIR electric is rheeihari r, v' 1 jiiei '/ & :rirgr uGoo, cond. New $2K, Sell $750. 863-763-4536 LIFT CHAIR, Beige, $300 S(863)675-0548 .PRIDE JAZZY WHEELCHAIR 'electric w/joystick. Excellent -condition. $6500 new, asking '$2300. (863)763-6907 AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA ap- proved program. Job place- ment assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Mainte- nance (888)349-5387. 'ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, S*Business, *Paralegal, *Computers *Criminal.Jus- tice. Job placement assis- tance. Computer provided. Financial Aid if qualified. Call (866)858-2121 www.onli- neTidewaterTech.com. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS for outdoors, 2 lighted rein- deer & 1 lighted sleigh, $75. (863)467-0044 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS, for out- side & animated Santa & Mrs. Claus, $100. (863)467-0044 DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one signa- ture required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays 800)462-2000, ext. 600. 8am-6pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. EPIPHONE 330 GUITAR- Semi Hollow body, Classic, $450 (863)467-9402 NEED A LAWYER? Protect Your Rights Now! Criminal... Personal Injury... Bankrupt- cy... Divorce.. Labor Law.. Hurt.. Harassed.. Job.. Immi- gration... Wills. ALL LEGAL MATTERS A-A-A Attorney Referral Service Private Trial Lawyers Statewide 24 Hours (800)733-5342. SHELVES- 2, Heavy duty, 4'x4'x8', 5 levels, adjustable, $100. or will separate (863)763-5062 RfADING A, A, NEWSPAPfR MAKRS YOU A MOREI INFORD AND INTERESTING PERSO?. (jD.) wonder ewlppo reoades wre popular BANJO- Baldwin, 5 string, old- er model, very heavy, new head, strings, xtra strings & books $350 (863)697-9704 GUITAR- Fender Nashville Telecaster Deluxe, Exc. cond., Tweed hard case, $350. (863)763-8667 GUITAR- Johnson Acoustic, Black Martin strings, exc tone, like new, soft case, $100 (863)634-9316 MANDOLIN F5 STYLE, New, Retail $395. Asking $195. or best offer. (863)675-2596 OVATION CELEBRITY GUI- TAR- w/hard shell case, curly maple top, $450 (863)357-0344 Ive msg SAXOPHONES (2), 1 alto, 1 tenor, Selmer. $400 for both or will separate. (863)697-1443 VOX ORGAN-w/rhythm & per- cussion, complete w/stool, $200 (772)360-5299 Okee- chobee Engraver-Newhermes, Elec- iii: Eringriavograph w.'iTimary liTiplajlei & lelg1 S c'5 i iclud- ed l15ii i8.,63-i -76-709 FILE CABINET, 2 drawers $50 or tiestaoer i86:t801-499 AQUARIUM- 1-90 gal & 1-50 gal. With covers & lights. Good condition. $150. Will separate. (863)675-2759 CHIHUAHUA PUPPY Male, 12 weeks old, shots/wormed. To Good Home Only! $300/neg. Call 863-697-6618. DOG CRATE, 30"W, 32"H, 48"L. "GREAT CRATE" #6000. Like new. $75 (863)675-0627 FERRET- healthy, tame, 1 yr old, rare colors, loves to play, inclds reg papers, $60 (863)983-3740 Clewiston SHEPHERD MIX F 2 yr' rnoLt up 1 1ile unable to ui i r, lor i uvir nome ori y,. Loves ia. 15 i);722- 3361. DIGITAL CAMERA, Canon PowerShot A40. $60 (863)675-6973 -U~s POOL SUPPLIES, Sand filter w/pump & 4 step w/rail staircase. $300. Gall for more details. (863)675-7321 PAINTBALL GUN, Automag, with paint balls & all acces- sories. $150 (863)467-8187 POOL TABLE, $150. (863)801-1398 POOL TABLE COVER/PAD, Turns your pool table into a regular table. $20 (863)610-1276 SET OF GOLF CLUBS - complete, woods, irons, etc. Good cond. $125. 863-467-9892 STEREO- CD, Cassette player, AM/FM With speakers. $60. (863)675-0104 SUB WOOFERS (2), 10" Mem- phis, in ported box, $260/best offer. Call (863)634-6476. FORD 400 NASCAR NEXTEL CUP- 3, Homestead, FL. Sun. Nov. 19th, $100. Will separate. (863)357-3786 CHAIN SAW Stihl, MS390 $325. (863)234-1230 CONST. EQUIP. For Sale: Lad- ders 20' & 40', alum walk- ways, tool boxes, air comp. $1500 for all (863)261-6892 GENERATOR 12KW Guardian w/ATS LP or Nat gas, New, never used. $2200. (863)467-9390 HYDRAULIC JACKS(3), 5 ton, rolling channel. $775 (215)527-9221 LADDER- Gorilla type folding ladder. Brand new. $100. (863)610-1120 WOODWORKERS- radial arm saw, joiner/planer, sanders, drill press, bandsaw, &more $1800 (561)718-8580 TMX ELMO, brand new, still in box, never opened, $70. (863)467-5299 SHARP 4-HEAD, Hi-Fi Stereo VCR w/35+ movies, 1 XXX. $150 or trade for gun. (772)461-8822 BOX BLADE: 6 Ft., Like new $250.l 863)763-4982 JOHN DEERE Hydro 185, 17hp riding mower, like new cond. $895. 863-763-4149 or 561-758-4337 JOHN DEERE walk behind, 54" comm'l mower, runs & works great. $895. 863-763-4149/561-758-4337 RIDING MOWER- '01 Murray, 12.5 hp, 40" cut, 5 speed, runs & cuts great $400 neg (863)517-1704 Livetoc 08 CALF TABLE- very useful for goats, sheep's, calves shots, dehorning, hooves, $200 (863)946-0912 Rentals r.0 .0 r" W -r II Y1 Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos/ Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 1,2 & 3 BEDROOMS HOUSES & APARTMENTS FOR RENT. No pets. Call (863)677-0977 or (863)983-4436 LaBelle, Efficiency 1 BR, Wa- ter included in rent. $500 mo. + 1st & last mo. 239-940-6373 PORT LABELLE 1BR, 1BA - Good area, community pool, water/cbl. & light, BR fur- nished, Tile floors. All newly remodeled. Pay no bills. Ideal for 2 people. $770/mo. Avail 12/01. 863-612-5037 Se ha- bla espanol. CLEWISTON, Property for rent Spacious 4br, 2ba, 2400 sq ft., 1.8 ac. $1000. mo. Call Julia @ (786)326-1905 IMMOKALEE, 3BR, 2BA, near Lake Trafford. Call Andrea for more information. (239)657-2779 Moorehaven 3BR/2BA, All appliances included, 30' 1 car garage, $1500/mo. (2) avail. 863-946-3333 Love the earth Recycle your used Items by sell- Ing them In the classi- fleds. ROOMMATE: Fully furnished apartment w/Washer, Dryer, Microwave, Bed, etc. Kings Bay, $425/mo (787)538-1366 Agriculture Christmas Trees 745 Farm Equipment 805 Farm Fed us 810 Form Miscellaneous 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offered 825 Farm Suppleas/ Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden .850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds/Plants/ Flowers 865 -Ii BALES OF HAY, 100 bales, $200. or will sell separate. (863)763-1370 APPALOOSA 8 yr old Male, has been doing speed events, Great on trails, $1800 (863)697-6446 On UnMa ice Buy.-S1,Trade 863467-1304 Mww okeechobee-horse-trader com Spring roe oGreater Lae Oeschobwee Area SADDLE- 15" Silverhng. black, wilri two-iorine sIver New never usea 1300 239-465-1393 SORREL QUARTER HORSE- 4 yr old oony, 14 Sands S rove'ie O nde inisn her your way. i700 239-465-1393 SWEET PAINT POINc- broA nO'w ile., aboul 11 hands, $1000 (863)675-5762 Thoroughbred Mare, In foal to German warm blood stallion, super sweet, $2500. (863)357-JUMP Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you. No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cessful people Real Estate Business Places - Sale 1005 Commercial Property Sale 1010 Condos/ Townhouses Sale1015 Farms Sale 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspection 1060 Real Estate Wanted 1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 TANNING BED BUSINESS 2 Beds, 1 Booth - Esiabhisred w.'Large ciientlel. Invenlury included newilu bi $18,000 or besl odtr. L863)885-1718 $0 DOWN HOMES Gov'l & Banr. Fcireclosuret' Low or no down' rHo .fedl OK' ICall 'low i800)749-2905 CLEWISTON- Historic Home, 125 W Del Monie Ave 3br 3 5 Ia, elejluor, pool, apari- mrni qarage.iw.wkhop, $599 900, M.T. Allen, Broker 863-599-2595 or www e.eculiveriousellccom PALM HARBOR Facioty Liqui- lalion Sale 2006 Models Must Go[ Modular, Mobile & Slill Homes 0i DOWN When You Own Your Own Land" Call lor FREE Color Brochure (800)622-2832. MONTURA. 2' ? icre,. w riurri- Mcan dam3grea mOile noT.'. 2BR.28A. (72)834.-9-1 ask for Rick Lot -Sal 145 *LAND AUCTION* 230 Props Must be Sold! Low Down / E-Z Financing. Free Catalog (800)937-1603 www.LAND- AUCTION.com NRLL East, LLC:AB2509, ) Bule- ziuk:AU3448, John- ston:AU3449, s t o n : A U 3 4 4 9 , Mauck:AU3447. N. Fla 1-350 Acres 30 Ac+/- low as $6500/acre Only 4 parcels Owner Fin avail (800)294-2313 Ext 1285 A ar Sales Inc. 7 days 7am-7pm Ou ofSate 1+ ACRE TN HOMESITE 1.8 SACRES large lot with nice view, level building site on top. Stone outcroppings for natural landscaping. Pond on ihe east side. Close to large state park. Only $89,900! Call (866)292-5769. 12 ACRES/LAKE- FRONT/$99,900 239 feet of US Corp Frontage on beauti- lul lake in Tennessee. Direct lake access lot from $12,900! Call (866)950-5263 Ext. 1791. 23+ ACRES/ LAKE ACCESS/ $124,900 Direct access to beautiful lake in Tennessee with beautiful mountain views! Other lake access lots from $12,900 available! Call (866)950-5263 Ext. 1792. BEAUTIFUL BLUE RIDGE, NC Mountain Views. 8+ Acre Mountain Estate. Heavily Wooded with Stream. EZ Fi- nancing- $49,900. (800)230-6380, ext. 120. BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA. ESCAPE THE HEAT IN THE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC Homes, Cabins, Acreage & INVESTMENTS. CHERO- KEE MOUNTAIN GMAC REAL ESTATE. cherokee- mountainrealty.com Call for free brochure (800)841-5868. Coastal Georgia- New, Pre- Construction Golf Commu- nity. Large lots & condos w/ deepwater, marsh, golf, na- ture views. Gated, Golf, Fit- ness Center, tennis, Trails, Docks. $70k's- $300k. (877)266-7376 www.coop- erspoint.com. GA/FL Pre-Construction Grand Opening. 20 AC $99,900. Pay No Closing Costs. Terrific opp'ty to own 20 acres in GA. Coastal re- gion. New survey, subdivi- sion potential, excel financing at the unbelievable price of $99,900. CALL NOW! (800)898-4409 X1002 CLP-GA Land Servic- es LLC. Licensed Real Estate Broker. Gulf front lots $595k. Homes starting mid $300k. New master planned ocean front community on beautiful Mustang Island, near Corpus Christi, TX. www.cinnamon- shore.com, (866)891-5163. MAINE SPORTING PARADISE! 500 ACRES only $299,900. Hunters & fishing enthu- siasts wanted! Private 500 acre parcel of land ideal for hunting offers access to crystal clear trout & salmon stream- unbelievable fishing. NEW TO MARKET! Great owner financing. Call L&S RIty (207)781-3343. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA AAH Affordable Homes In the Mountains. Affordable Homes, Mountain Cabins and Land. CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE (877)837-2288 EXIT REALTY MOUNTAIN VIEW, PROPERTIES www.exitmurphy.oom. NC Gated Lakefront Commu- nity. Pleasantly mild climate 1.5 acres, 90 miles of shore- line. Never offered before with 20% pre-development discounts, 90% financing. Call (800)709-5253. NC MOUNTAIN 7 acres on mountain top, view, trees, waterfall & large public lake nearby, paved private ac- cess, gated community, $99,500 owner (866)789-8535. . North Carolina Cool Mountain Air. ViewcS & Slreim., Humes. Catans & Acreage FREE BROCHURE I80 ) 642-5333 P', ally 01 Murpynv 17 Peacniree r 1. Murphy,. 1.C 28906 WWW reO irvOu iurpriy i'iTi View Western North Carolina, North Georgia, Eastern TN, Real Estate. Ec'elleni leire. menir ar.l V-ry .ll0oriablt htiie-, : ibins, lrani LoW taxes. Good paying jobs available. www.mtlakesre- guide.com. WYOMING RANCH DISPER- SAL 35 acres 49,900; 50 acres $59,900. Snow- capped mounilin views. Sur- rounded by govi land. Abun- dani wildlife. Recreational paradise Low la.,es EZ ierms. Call liah Rtanrhes., LLC. (888)541-5263. Mobile Homes Mobile Home Parts 2010 Mobile Homes Rent 2015 Mobile Homes Sale 2020 CEDAR COVE- 3br, 2ba, new 10x20 shed, fenced 1/2 acre yard, pets ok. $1100/mth. 1stmth& sec. 772-260-8488 An 800 sq. ft. living area in Barlows Fish Camp, 441 SE, c/a, good cond., $14,500 neg. 863)763-41 49 or (561)-758-4337 CLEWISTON- 3br mob home, like new, 1 1/4 acre land, $105,000 (863)983-1107 or (813)780-9083 Manufactured Home, 1995 3/2, selling as is, $10,000. (863)675-0883 MOORE HAVEN '96 Park Mod- el, w/12x34 addition making it a dbi wide. In 55+ Com- munity on pond w/catch & release. Across from Caloo- sahatchee River & locks & dam to Lake Okeechobee (863)885-1729 Recreation Boats 3005 Campers/RVs 3010 Jet Skiis 3015 Marine Accessories 3020 Marine Miscellaneous 3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehicles/ATVs 3035 ALUM. BOAT, 14' 20hp Elec start motor, trolling motor, all working, trlr w/new tires & spare $1200 (863)467-0560 BASS TRACKER '87, 16'6", '92 50hp Mercury Marina, '78 EZ Loader trailer, runs good. $2500 (863)467-1401 BOAT, Aluminum- 16', V bottom, 60hp Johnson and trailer. Runs good. $1600. 863-467-9390 BOAT DOCK FOR RENT- No fixed bridges, $175/mo. Or- tona/ LaBelle area (954)818-5822 BOMBER BASS BOAT 14' - 50hp Johnson, elect. mtr., w/trlr. w/new tires. Exc. cond. $1800.863-467-6054 CHRISCRAFT '81, 28ft., 130hp Volvo, new trans., trailer & tires, needs rigging. $2500 neg. (863)675-3775 COBIA 17FT center console, new paint, bimi top & cover, fish finder, 70 evinrude & trlr $2500 (863) 467-9511 DUCK BOAT 14.2' Arthur Armstrong w/Highlander trir. w/new tires. Refurb.w/lock cover.$1500. 863-467-0371 CLEWISTON COUNTRY ACRES Modular/Floor Plans. From $79,900 & up, 3/4/5BR, 2/3BA, acre & 1/4 available or use your land as down payment. Financing available. 863-673-6417 or 561-721-5299 HARLEY DAVIDSONS 2 ULTRA CLASSIC 2005 3500 mls., ALL the toys. As new. $18,900. HERITAGE SOFTAIL SPECIAL 1996,1000's in chrome & ex- tras. 3600 mls. Must see this bike to appreciate! $17,500. or best offer. (863)634-7021 Day (863)763-5933 Evening mbrandel@strato.net HONDA 100 DIRT BIKE '03- like new, only 60-75 hrs rid- ing time, $1800 (863)635-2438 after 5pm HONDA NIGHTHAWK- '84, Run, Il:,:, ,,io d. $1200. or D.-S.i o, i 3,3517-2024, KAWASAKI ZL600- '96, Low mi G3r l'1ep. Liht & low to ground Musi see. $2800. Seg. (863)51 -2024 HONDA 400EX '99, Engine rebuilt, has custom & stock plastics & rims, blown head gasket. $1000 (863)357-1974 SWAMP BUGGY, V6 eng., 3/4 ton running gear, brand new trai:l r lires $3500. 86:t673-4505 YAMAHA RAPTOR 350 2004, After market add on's. 2 extra tires w/rims. $3100 or best of- fer. (863)983-5984 YAMAHA WAVERUNNER, '93, with trailer, $1200 (863)467-5299 A/C, 15,000 btu, used 6 months. $100 (863)467-686868 FOUR WINDS '96, 36 ft., $9500 (863)517-1207 or (239)464-3240 Automobiles I Automobiles 4005 Autos Wanted 4010 Classic Cars 4015 Commercial Trucks 4020 Construction Equipment 4025 Foreign Cars 4030 Four Wheel Drive 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks 4040 Parts Repairs 4045 Pickup Trucks 4050 Sport Utility 4055 Tractor Trailers 4060 Utility Trailers 4065 Vans 4070 Autmobl-s 400 BUICK ESTATE WAGON '90- only made 1 year, $1200 or best offer (863)763-2890 CADILLAC DEVILLE- '90, No Rust. Must see to appreciate. Dependable & Runs great. $2200 (863)357-7529 Lv msg CHEVY CAVALIER WAGON - '92, needs work. $200. (863)467-4864. FORD CROWN VICTORIA 1988 Looks good. Runs great. .Cold A/C, 4 Door & 4 New tires. $1000. (863)675-1754 HONDA ACCORD, '93, new tires, needs work, $500. (863)675-2844 HONDA CIVIC '92- 4dr, look nice, 4 cyl, $2500 (863)835-3521 LINCOLN MARK VII '92, 5.0, V8, auto., low miles. $1800. (863)675-7105 LINCOLN MARK VIII '97 2 dr, coupe, auto, all pwr, a/c, V8, exc.stereo sys., 130k mls., very clean. $5K.863-674-0874 LINCOLN TOWN CAR, '94, runs good, $900. (863)801-1398 Mobile Home Sale Mobile Home Sale DODGE VAN '91, needs a little work, $500 or best offer. (863)357-2250 Public Notices Public Notice 5005 State Public - Legal Notice 5500 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No.: 06-CP-152 NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of John Virgil Kisela. deceased, whose date of death was June 11, 2006, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hendry County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is PO Box 1760, LaBelle, Florida 33975. The namesand and ad- dresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attor- ney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or de- mands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SEC- TION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PRO- BATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice Is November 16,2006. Alison C. Husesy Florida Bar No. 0116165 PAVESE LAW FIRM Attorneys for Personal Representative PO. Drawer 2280 LaBelle, FL 33975 Telephone No.: (863 675-5800 FaxNo.: (863 675-4998 S *. p ,,,, Trail Destiny, FL 32541 174297 CGS 11/16,23/06 -ami i ce 5UU51 11 HOUSEBOAT, 50', needs some repair, $3000. (561)261-0766 for appt. to see. HURRICANE DECK BOAT 20' better than new. Loaded. W/trlr. $17,500. 863-946-6639/634-2401 PONTOON BOAT w/10' Alum Top, fishing lights, 70HP Evinrude, Minikota Troll Mo- tor $3500 (863)467-8020 RANGER BASS BOAT, 18'w/ custom trailer, 150hp Johnson, new factory powerhead & lower unit, new upholstery. $5500 PONTOON BOAT, 24', w/2003 Mercury 50hp stroke, w/trolling motor, ready to fish, too many boats. $3500 ,(863)255-4935 RAYCHEON-RADAR, 10 mile radius, $300 (215)527-9221 TROPHY, 1997 20 Ft., w/walk around cabin, 120 hp MerC Force 0/B, Loran, VHF, Outrig- gers...Many extra's! No trailer. $7,900. (772)473-9479 Garry www.glang62@aol.com TRAVEL TRAILER, Springdale '02, 20', like new, sleeps 4, freezer/tv, microwave, awning, $6000 firm. (863)763-5501, BOAT MOTOR, Johnson Evin- rude, 14hp. OMC. Runs great. $700 (863)763-7609 GPS, Cobra 500 Handheld, hardly used. $125 (863)824-0801. Marine 2 Way Radio. Uriden, portable, p'ri eci conidiliori AsiPng $1001863)824-0801 STAINLESS STEEL PROP- lor Johnsoiri or Evinrude, 13.5x22 $110 (270)210-9385 GAMEFISHER 3HP runs gooid Les' lhan 10 hourT ,200 663-467-6054 M otorcyl 30 on.. ... -m_ -, Annr En..ii;- rnnr, Ilp..hiir hinfien rnnr; I MAZDA 626, '97, runs good, 4 dr., great on gas, $2499. (863)230-0014 MERC ZEPHYR SW '81- runs, needs TLC, straight 6, Clas- sic, $1000 or best offer (863)634-7598 VOLVO 240, '93, Great for new driver, built like a tank, $1900, Or best offer. (863)634-4518 BUICK RIVIERA- '85, Collec- tors car. 39K mi., $3500. Or .best offer 863-763-1883 or 863-447-1561 FORD ROADSTER 1927- small blk. Chevy, everything brass, chrome or S/S. Exc. cond.$19,500.946-6639 msg SKID LOADER- CL55 Ford, Runs & works good. $6500. Neg. (863)517-2024 GAS CLUB CAR '95 Recondi- tioned.$1695.8-. .67'.-i4T,2 CAR TOW DOLLEY Good condition. $500. 863-467-4860 RIMS & TIRES (4), 16x8 rims, 2875/16 Firestone Desti- nation MT, call for details. $200 (561)261-6421 TIRES, 4, Super Swampers, 34"x10.50" About 70% tread. $500. (863)697-8785 TRANSMISSION- rebuilt 4L60E, $400 or best offer (8630467-8856 Pickup Tru IFLUIC Notice *uub I i ..... .. ... *1 A nnA' CAMPER TOP- Fiberglass, Ap- prox. 59"x 75", Good condi- iicir, 1150 \ .. W : ;, FORD BRONCO II 883 Good Ll:d, alea ro nriljir work Rebult irran:Tri-iuo n 1.300 (L;63i-67.1994 FORD F150 84 e:.. c(nA tvv mi- v Oid ).c $2300 FORD F250 SUPER DUTY- '99, Standard V8 Low mi.. Clean $55'i00. 863.467-1877 or 321-403-7805 GMC DUMP TRUCK, old, hy- draulics good, good parts, $500. (863)675-2844 MITSUBISHI- '88, For parts or fix. Needs,head. Good trans. & tires. No battery. $600. firm (863)983-7807 MITSUBISHI PICKUP, '89, 4 cyl., 35mpg, runs great, $2499. (863)8353521 Looking for a place to hang your hat? Look no further than the classi- fieds. FORD ESCAPE 2001: Mid Size SUV. 4 cyl., 5 spd., Cruise, Air, Great condition! $7500.863-634-7021 Days or 863-763-5933 Evenings mbrandel@strato.net NISSAN PATHFINDER '04 - 21k mis, like new cond., $21,200. 863-467-1829 or 634-5530 Cell. Okeechobee HOME MADE TRAILER 6 X 7. Need tires. $75 or best of- fer. 863-447-6054 Iv.msg. HOME MADE TRAILER 7X16 Need tires. $400 or best of- fer. 863-447-6054 Iv.msg. TOW DOLLY- lyr old, asking $600 firm (561)909-7367 PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE AIR PERMIT Florida Department of Environmental Protection ProjectNo. 0510003038-AC/DraftAir Permit No. PSD-FL-346A United States Sugar Corporation, Clewiston Sugar Mill and Refinery, Hendry County, Florida . Applcant: The applicant for this project is the United States Sugar Corporaftin. The applicants authorized representative Is Mr Nell Smith, V ugar Process ing Operations. The plicants mailing address is the Clewiston Sugar Mill and Refinery, 111 Ponce DeLon Avenue, Clewiston, FL 33440. FacilIty Location: The Untied States Sugar Corporation operates an existing sugar mill and refinery in Clewiston at the intersection of W.C. Owens Avenue and State Road 832 In Hendry County, Florida. Project: Thu existing Clewiston sugar mill and refinery is a major facility in accor- dance with Rule 62-212.400, EA.C., the regulatory program for the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) of Air Quality. In accardance with a PSD precon- ructon review permit, the applicant installed a new white sugar dryer designed to remove moisture from refined sugar prior to storage In a conditioning silo. No fuel is combusted. Low-pressure steam supplies the heat necessary for drying. Sugar particles in the exhaust stream are removed with a set of four cyclone col- lectors followed by a wet atomizing venturi-type scrubber. Sugar captured by the cled back In the refining process. The original project was subject to PSr re- constr uctin review and a determinaon of the Best Avai e Control Technotgy BA) for particuate matter (PM) and particuate matter less than 10 microns in iamatAr (PM1 0). . After completing construction, emissions tests nirowed ow PM10 erisslons, but unexpectedly higher total PM emissions. Inveatigations indicate that large water drop ets containing dissolved sugar are being re-entrained in the exhaust gas stream. Observations and estimation techniques indicate that the entrained drop- lets quickly settle to the ground and substantially remain on plant property. Sun- sequent equipment mdifcateions have improved performance and reduced PM emissions by approximately htft, but total PM emissions remain higher than ex- pected dueto the droplets. talr. 1 I rl ur ir., PMi d ( f aras l oi enr ,l pi.iub ,e t.ilt r f idc bit n ctIA iclu t r ai f t r i,,f.1 O "1r iti rtiojr e ria (uhtin.an PirT, I n I d to t on c o a dnder o eT i r ir. m b ..'i ril:[,,1 ,1 rl r,,A uuM h'il n h' ] 'i ir, v,- ulu ,iur .i,]lualurw Ii.. C r.' . .ritrj.1.',,j wu h'i ,s.lAlli .ru,: sric iTrzenniJuTi ilJdA 'l'.'i:''iais.il.., ,..I in. ruay. ] ':,u r w n a u e u h i e ',l 1 i i J 3 1uTiI1 ll I T i.ic B tr.lp or e numbi e i si paltltr .(PM) 6nal irui.leumir, le uta1'.micrn rin A .fItlrc i'.i .:'yi csucr'i a i 'lualoy tliestsih lv P1.I PM 1 0i .s sin s-i but.' inr, hi r..ri,, nr. riA, I" I'M 0 ei .gti-iir. F, i I.'" ind i .ate ng.h l wa i l r. (,: i n'I.u i',, t 3- ir, : 0n1 5 0 rilev i l u o-iTi [ i r 1 .i1 .ii',i,: lcl sr uiJihra i ulr ul oi"" 1 i l nIl u] O.' c urnviurer T a ill.iO,'i, 'il iric Ad Ii'nl ASr,' u ri, vi ,, er ru.iiryn '.'iannu T,' PM1U Permmrg Ate lhro t. iiiCDiero ; lun ad lsiCemiu, in pernpila P, r aurit'i| Te lee ..'. .;.'leii,'- ,wari Ifle 15rUv 'i'ei, Al n3uilT Jn.lr ) FiondA S1ihJle"a If: i I, Cr. m J-i i.-a r .-'* .i'l 62.l1; ul r Hi,.nd3 A~i",,,1,rjei Tr .,Uij ld A C I 'r i t ( .i ,.0 i a,. ', i ,i l ,i I, p h i : A l, l e rr m l irs g i ub ii n ir ,.l yn i 31", i r, .1 1 I..TI i..senui 1 .r 1.iT, r I CirpoiL d ,I.' Tna tirvnu, Da d.,irn'i.i, .I ai, ,i':. mr.i Cl Pl, I ,t r.. d e bui eu o l ilr fleIuliro vn .' Iri, P a.T lnhn Au or. rf. 4i1,),'itri, lu,'i .TAuocNA u, li iTnl drerri,,,i..ren lor Ir,: 1,ie,-.Irl Trie 6uleAu *Ul Air H siiil.ill. r5-ll. )i ui.li: u n C Inucor Me iua u illr.,n ni ;lr,,,3 .i .' i ei [u'? me1ilin0 lui.r1i r 131r STlra Rr,', M'" .,'"D. i .i- l 'r B' ili. y :v' O :'Jli n.iO 14 ,A I,] laun iu ;, '. . Proetect File: A complete project tile is available for public inspection during the nor- mat business hours of 8:00 am. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Fnday (except le- gal holidayss, at address indi cated above for the Permitting Authe ority. The complete project tile includes the Draft Permit, the Technical Evaluaton and re- minary Determination the application, and the information submitted by the ap- plicant, exclusiveof confident records under Section 403.111, ES. Interested perans may contact the Permtiting Authority's project review engineer for addi- tional informion at the address and pIone number iated anove. A copy oif he cnmptlte project aile is n acl available at the Depart.ment South District Office at 2295 Victoria Avenue, Suite 364, Fort Myers, Florida 33902-3381. The ouTh Nol.e o o Inlen Ir Isue Air Prmill Tye P rrinrg Aumnio u ,Aea r.n 1 'u t in- lu n .i ri ,il 'iiT i apOrt ua ni l 0sirt [coi al e lr'll6itI ,iJ uiP, Ir. ruin 'u Aho l, ,a4iri n.l:,t maptdi i llu,1iir l ar l i rn n 1 ,' lt wiall lll :.' rltv w ar ,i )lpi.:eir,.i3i, el",:,,ai]a ,l LrliuS 6i"t it'-tL4 62-' I f '-2 32 .:-Y'd; ",, o .;' 'a.- l 5 C Tr,1 : F10 7 rr1; P 1 I Ali l r rrI nL ill ai ii F1,iu 1 f ,'e T .1 l 0 I 'i ula j r,,;:'i ,T,,viii n Air i ,,, j r sen1 ur, ii i I2w: C'" i i .id l205 1S ., ue,,li: Iuehini r iuTT,,T. i. .eiA L, li'd i .A..:,rd ri: wlhri rrl 'Oniu n:l u i r. i : h'r, ,hi na i ',il iT,'i. :i.T,' ,r i.*:ioj.lh",3 ofrl .r.ji,, ..4I rrrir ioiridairi [ jrii fiTi I ., ,-.'d 1 l A rT rrv l ii)( il.y hrr 'i rri i ATi ? ul Ep uriucri,,,' ui r wuhir .Wi:We Wi.u v ffr- 11i T,'oiuuir .el o-T i lir".in hill .,i l -i [ .. I Tb - .ti..irTi i. ;[ Ii ';l ra Ai, r ,f ui Ly ir ua Ol Cue 11i:S i 'i 'i I T, ui i tluce in,- ff1 i u ol I..: id-d. lu pa d ui- Vr,' irirforg Auiiounil .l I Bnr- eau ir... i.- 1T,1,,' ,',-,,T~li A- .rrj1 "I nru u.a' nSi ,:,)imTaer e y s le yc ',,. n'c il', ruut:u- Iril rri :,a.,ri r uirl nr n y ni d ,i [I l vo. lT ll-r'ii l 'il'l l'E iii r 'TiiT, 1,i] ,S,:.r. ','i U ii l;u n'uurinil'ri] OuJniiry Ud l"Tr'uL-u rur, Ir iutriJ.16i.ir ,'iedeul l,,r i .[r,, "T Ui'ig p I f>; i u ]l i r ie muii nl f in- ,.ii i Kiii l i'r r l a e.: i r n rrPE-rioi.'ut' I A i U i.1i ,i', l Inl;ir.'uar c.lAirel7 reu Pgairri Plorlll iOg o I iw n e-I. Perojies: A person whoe sust nl tial interests arell affected by Thu propose tper- mtiting dealolon may petition n fr an administrative i nuriing in accuoriTnce witc Sections 120.59 and 12057, ES. The petition mut c ntain the in ormaiBn set forth berI and must be f ied with (received by) ft he Deprinnts Agency Clerk in tire Offi c of General C ounel 0o ie Dep itmet o EnirlEnmaltal iPrntecfion, 3988 CommounwetAl t Boulevard, Maoi n Stati #35, TnllaInatee, Florida P3239-3tt 0 Petition iled by the applicant ar aany n the parties listed below mst be iled ii fourteen (14) days at receipt of his Written Notice o ntett Issue tAir Pemi. isPetis tled by any persons t herThan tose eatid to written Snoetice under Sectin 120.63, ES.,T must be tiled within fourteen (14) days eto this Written Nntic u of Intent o Issue Air Per, wicever occ rt. Under Section 120.603), ES., wevr, any per o wr I on io t an i ro the Peritieg Aunt ely or notice of agency action msy tie a petition within furteen (14) days o1 receipt hat ntice regardless ofhe date public. A p e s t oner shae mail a copy of the petition to he appicant at. e address i ndicated ive, at he time of ti e factilure of any peron t tile a poti on within The appropriate t4ime per it oa onsit of te a want to Issue Ar f trt personigtto eg iAest on administrat.ive determina- S tion (bearing) u ode r Sections 1205, 9 and e"205 5, Si ,io ; ,ti ,,Pr ,n A, iiiu proceeding and participate us a p earty to iti. fo,, iuS ,,,r,-teeo,(4 ,,', of eei only at ntire approval of the presiding fticer upon me petaonrsha oo0 mail comply- arce with Rule 28-106.205o Fto e A.lit a ie a a i ti ffigC. T.2. INr: ,1ir ,ui o p er ir e a pei, io wl t ,he r i ir rn oprTia "1 OT, i e pr,,.,r : u s.'I,- Y ' cosiuea wier. ,uh tre-ilAt p ,1rso'n's iorrT ue.J' l Itre ii nir2ai5 de1"- .'.,ri la to l,(hie)l l .uuie ,c un s12 .5 and -"T 5l ,l u, ir lTr, r i'llII1. i i .i p roceeig,.. aniTd pari.lci'.t as .ia pilary t r,, e. Al 3 i ih e.'uui, ,I i rll,,:- iil ony, aI te a riva o *er esu uuui'Abdi ..ng up mu nu Al rua n .oiin in cmpI iir.,,i ,i A.l l par- :.i'i r, u iicirr 3i. ulml u i.' i, .,ll i rl n I in iTiuei :lu ir.l.l i- 1 .1-1 ,a h ,i'1i'i- i l 1.'- .i i -I in jwir e e le uui ic)r, r'wi i] ir, i la .Iiu,: IoI Ahu)i'it'Irr ,li I ), e ilijr,ri j i .i T .ial ie a iuii r iuai iii n(e: il, 1 .7' I:r' l ,i ,, 'r & .r )ah.lira I...I ,ie-.r.i rr uli tai ui l u.i l ui f ni 'iiuuriu l ir i r'-' 1- ' f,.,iA.h: i1. i n airio 1i: inll i3i 10j l irl lcl-t 'i. P l,[ir r u .rq U l'ei]" Iy llo 3t.(- 1 rie-uiir..ii'd |u.i Au ,,,,dl If aoi Al a -i c 'lau i arrlwr ila r i t ';ii") u, r ir, .i r .i .Ii,,: rui l t i a. g T Wi r u l.rC c pI IA. ,:ril .rin u,] .'i, il:u ,i ii, I ,:.ij l r, ir.n- l 1.ll1 i t ; u r e rl nr 11 r ,:e ia :ly irii a :ru, i i re I l.i Ai:. I i ri, :. ir, .i'.A. Io pln. .snin. rwhioe u i i ntl i i-ra y areaffi cel, d b, h 3.ipr lj I A pe.r -n . ,)|i ,-T ni.ul- ira i nililnl 1u1.-i ui A la e Ar, oriiri, r I, inIPrrlri, ulr:, r r N r ..r.., i. Because thie adminisetrative hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition means that the Permitting Authority's final action may be different from the position taken by it in this Public Notice of intent to Is- sue Air Permit. Persons whose substantial interests will be affected by any such final decision of the Permtiting AeuthoDrty on the application have the right to pet- ton to become a party to the proceeding, in accordance with the requirements set forth above. Medtileon: Mediation is not avaIlables In this proceeding. 175251 C6S 11/16/2006 INTo Cr CICOR FORic ofaec cinmyfl eiion wthE iRCUTfourtee 1)asof rcitE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE 20TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR HFIENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA FAMILY DIVISION CASE NO.: 06-928 DR IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF SUSAN LLAMA BRINKMAN, Petifioner/Wife and ERIC V. BRINKMAN, Respondent/Husband PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Petitioner, SUSAN LLAMA BRINKMAN, sues Respondent, ERIC V. BRINKMAN, and says: 1. This is an action for dissolution of the bonds of marriage between the Peti- toner and Respondent. 2. The Petitioner has been a resident of the State of Florida for more than six 6) months prior to the filing of this Petition. 3. The Petitioner and Respondent were married to each other on October 9, 2001, in Hendry County, Florida. 4. No children have been born of this marriage and none are contemplated. 5. The parties have not acquired any jointly held real or personal property over the course of this marriage. Fur- ther, the parties have accumulated no debts over the course of the marriage. 6. The Petitioner seeks restoration of here maiden name, SUSAN LLAMA. 7. Neither of the parties hereto is a mem- ber of the Military Services of the Unit- ed States or any of its allies. 8. The marriage between the parties is ir- retrievably broken. WHEREFORE, Petitioner seeks: 1. For the entry of an Order dissolving the marriage a vincule matrimonii because the marriage If irretrievably broken. 2. For an order restoring to Petition- er/Wife her maiden name of SUSAN LLAMA. Susan UamaBrinkman STATE OF FLORIDA SS. COUNTY OF HENRY I, SUSAN LLAME BRINKMAN, declare under penalty of perjury that the fore- going, including any attachments, is true and correct, and that this declara- tion is executed on the 11Th day 1of Au- gust, 2006, at Hndry County, Florida. SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this 11th day of August, 2006, by SUSAN LLAMA BRINKMAN who is personally known to me. John D. O'Donnell Notary Publicc-State of Florida 173881 CN 11/9,16,23,30/06 NOTICE AUCTION on Friday, November 17,2006 at 9:00 a.m. at1233 N.W. Avenue L, Belle Glade, Florida Property oftRadksha Ward Living room suite, toys, vase, misc. items Property of Sherry Canty Tires with rims, walker, artificial tree, chainsaw, push lawnmower, misc. Items 173778 CGS 11/9,16/06 Need a few more bucks to purchase something deer? Pick up some extra bucks when you sell your used items in the classifelds. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO. 06-CP-140 IN RE: ESTATE OF MADE EDMOND, Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of MADE EDMOND, Deceased, File Number 06-CP-140, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hendry County, Flori- da, Probate Division, the address of which Is RO. Box 1760, LaBelle, Flod- da 33975-1760. The names and ad- dresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative's at- torney are set further below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate, Including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this notice is served must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the decedent's estate, includ- ing matured, contingent or unliqui- dated claims, must file their aims with this Court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AF- TER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLI- CATION OF THIS NOTICE and/or within the timeperiod set forth in Section 733.710(1), Floridda Probate Code. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice Is November 16, 2006. Personal Representative: PATRICIA CANTY 1003 Louisiana Avenue Clewiston, FL 33440 Attorney for Personal Representative: Robert A. Enright, 11, Esquire Florida Bar Number: 0189537 ROBERT A. ENRIGHT, in, PA 12557 New Brittany Boulevard, Suite 4 Fort Myers, Florida 33907 Telephone: (239) 274-8255 174276 CGS 11/16,23/06 NOTICE FOR BIDS Barron Water Control District will accept sealed bid proposals upto 11:30 AM, NOVEMBER 30, 2006; for the pur- chase of one new 2007 Small Size Pickup Truck, Regular cab 4 x 2, AM/FM radio, automatic transmission, air conditioning, per specifications. A trade in may he inspected by contact- ing the Distnct office. A copy of the Bidder's Instructions can be obtained from the District office, 3293 Dellwood Terrace, Port LaBelle, or by calling 863-675-0346. The District reserves the right to reject any or all bids with or without cause and to accept the bid that, in ts judg- ment, will be in the best interest of the DistricLt. Ralph W. Nicholson General Manager 175126 CGS 11/16/2006 Get a quick response to any Ritem you may be sell- Inn with a classifIed ad. Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, November 16, 2006 -I ,, ouse IseM- I Ius - trrcoertues ^^^^'"sf'^^I Luan B. : Smith/Williams Team Walker Lie. Real Estat Glenn A. Sarah A. Smith GRI Williams i 863-677-1010 863-983-3508 863-228-6867 Brick 3BR/2BA two car garage on I)Moore Haven Spacious 4br/2ba Mobile home with large front porch. 1. northside beautiful 400 sq. ft.lanai $141,000 MLS#200676119 roll down shutters, immaculant and 2)Talapia Farm Production sold out through the end of the year. presmne clean. Large bedroom Call Glenn for details MLS#- 200645189 ready to move inat $284,900 3)Income Producing 3/1 and 2/1 duplex located on Haiti Ave $1 50,000 Get Preconstruction Prices 8 avail- MLS*- 200661385 able 3BR/2BA, I car garage located 4)15 Acres Cleared Pasture land. Fenced and cross-fenced. Convenient access to 2. on Texas Ave., Harlem Subdivision Clewiston or Labelle 5425,000 MLS#. 200652207 1673 sq. ft. Special Loan package. 5)Ladeca 5 ac fish farm. 1 7 ponds, fenced, built up 4 feet above the sur. Lutz Builders S160K rounding properties. $325,000 MLS#. 200654436 20 Acres on Hwy 7 6)Farmn Labor Camp Permittes BLPI.Bif Cu/I Glenn for details S* Zt MLS4 200658473 3. 8St I fli 0 wh 7)3br/2ba CBS home on 1 /3 acre. New roof, paint, & fenced. 5207,000 S 4xl4 Bay doors MLS#200650646 126 Oak Drive, 3 bdrm/2 bath beautiful 8)Montura Ranch Sbr,'2ba H e PBKiMiiake MLS.200675597 over I acre, paved drive lined w/Oaks, 9)Easy Life S/D Remodeled 3/2 Mobile Home. New roof, carpet pole abaoad- Call for appointment $85.000 MLS# 200661 385 house sho-lng list and the pce Is night 10)Montura Ranch 3/2 Mobile Home on 1I25 ac. 599,900 MLS- 200668993 at 5140,900 I 1)Montura Ranch 4/2 Mobile Home ('98 Homes of Meritl on 1.25 acres The Oaks at Clewiston Reduced' $125,000 MLS# 200644944 4. 9Available 2/I 1/2ba Condominiums 12)Seminole Manor Spaoous NEW 3/2 Mobile Home MLS# 200682271 S125.000 New Sale @ $129,900 W/53,500 13)Remodeled 4/2 Home on .25 Acre. Must see to appreciate' S174.900 BACK TOWARD CLOSING for the MLS#200683471 condo's. FREE Brand New Ford 14)New Listing!! 4'2 MH on 7 5 actes in Pioneer" Fenced Only S230,001) Ranger or Ford Focus with the Vacant Lots Sweet Lake Villas purchase of a condo. '130 hdddill Rd -,,k :'', illi. S42F 3bd/2ba Mobile home on 5 acres 1[o 11) i.rlcrim \ 2bd/2ba mobile home In Flaghole it;,, L ridero- -4.2'k Call Today!! S700.00/per month www.clewistonflhomes.com New LisJ.ing! 3bd'2ba..2 .- ar garage Beautiful brand new ho mernte ,rflTINffler tops & eieellqfrDYD e orn 1 25 acres This s your chance to move to the country' 1249,000.00) New Listing 3BD,28A Doublewide Mobile on 25 1W .n w rr inside Only $169,9010 Great things come in small packages! Newly painted inside and out this 3bd.'lba home is located in Harlem Plenty of room to grow Priced tno sell . 5 74,900 00 I List, Show & Sell Montura MNIO.ura .Ranch Estlaes 42S 5. Verda 134,900 26f Huntinn Club S42,01.u 770 S. Shetland 44,900 S.35 $ Palm .49,000,) 32 N l.lAalSt 1. '5 at.. $39,901 125 N KerSiOL .Ded 139.995 ASK ME ABOUT SWEET LAKE VILLAS BY "'"""" ~ tl Maribel Gonzalez 561-722-7347 Se ftaEspanoL Pssssssttt. Have you heard about this improved 5td.'2ha home on ?3 acres on Obispo Ave? lt's 3 beaupv ,"'.'th nev. .kit'hen cabinets, neri' roof, and uled rhrougqh oui Pass it on Orly $199,900.00 Owner wants Out It's as simple as rn.a[. The owner of this ibd,' I ba home anrts 'to sell now.i Don't be the se.:ond caller because it's priced to trove fast at S1 44,900.00 Looking for vacant land? Well bring ',our horses because l'v- got 1 25 acres tracts available now in Morntura Ranch Estares Give mre a call today A Lot to Love iTe. perfe~ site for your future. This lot i located inn I-ar elle and tthe land-rcaping is courle-sy of n-mothe; nature i's ready ror you atl 29 500 Recharge 'our battenes living in this 3ED 2 BA dnublevidc- mobile horne in Mritura Ranch just about hirty minutes from tIvwn thi. Ii care site includes lots nf trees. pri var W peace and c.uiei. r. 5, iti a be ,C:harmed i1 99,'J_.00 Your New Beginning Can Start Now!" roui new bV lljinninr can starn here: n this quaint BL) 1I us- V,-ume or, ;5 a,'e ini ClwIi i.on Thie krtchc'ri has beaurirul cl'ii netry. counter t',ps .nJ tiled flooring I ,S le- I ) ,S.W .i i "1 Walker/Wood Team - Sam J. Ashley P. Walker Wood GRI 863-677-1013 863-228-1132 CL.EWI15TON. -Take the kids fishing! This lakefront home has 1,736sq.nf on .28 acres. 3bd, ?b&, new carpet & new roof 5 174.9K *New Homet 3bd,2bar icar garage CBS HoIrre i .670sq ftr to. lar,i ,-, 1012 Texas Ave. $165,50000 *3/2 OWMH. 61 1 Orange Rd. offered "' 589.9001 FLAGH140LE *2.5 acres on Flaghole Rd. $84.900.00 *Back on Market! Fabulous 3bdi2ba For only S 140.900. Call today for ,our appL LAKEPORT A little piece of Heaven! 775 County Rd.721 Loop NE Beautiful 2 slor5 homv e , spiral staircase & wood floors. Big backyard wi boat access to the Culf & direct access to Lake 0O Home on one acie among oak Hamn'mocks. Redu.:cd to -$475i MONTURA .105 Pinelake Ave the best 1.41 ac lake front lot in Montura ,_ 577.90ti -470S.& dndl 19974tbd/aFatPalm art MH,i 6' fence, beautiful lot and irees, detached carport ?. -:KT5--'5 & shed, immaculartell Reduced to S 130.000 .420 South Lindero $33.900 Starring Prices .545 S. Brida St. 532K Sweet Lake Villas: -Vacant land in Harlem' .19 acre lots ,ilia $ 79.990 -Vacant land in Port LaBellel 539,500 ilia 179.990 -Great Investment In LaDeca! 5 acres for Lago $199,990 only $70K Dolce $209,990 PIONEER PLANTATION Call Us Today 990 Wlcleared, fenced, For More Information w re r.te pad. Owner -420 non Ave. 2.5 Acres 572.9K 3 Flamingos missing from S 4150 Pioneer 17th St. 2.5 Ac S65K Sugar Realry. - 5205 Pioneer 22nd St. 5 Ac 5 1 30K Call if ou have Information. Great Location! bcj/2ba,'.' car garage, briL. veneer, fenced back. lard. new toot. storage .h,ids Wonderful Iau,,ilv home. $7'19.900 UO just Reduced! 2 5 Acres. 3bd.'2ba MH. fenced, located ;n Montua Ranch Estate,. $1 55,000.00 MH on 1.25 acres in Moniur, Ranch Estates $98.9000 5 Acres in Pioneer potential for great home sile 5165K 5 acres in LaDeca $125SK Lehigh Acres Lot S65K Btoni.ura RanciE.s.tai.es 363 Appaloosa Ave. IPaved road) 538K 345 S Zambra $39.9K 830 S. Orange St. $39 9K 7i5 N Fronda 527 9K 620 N Fronda S445K 615 S. Riverside $45K 120-1 30 S. Coral i2.5 Acrest $751S 2.5 acres, Perimeter Rd 5991K 615 Perimeter Rd 2 5 Acres $89,900 265 N. Lindero St S98,q00r Sky Valley Lots: Starting at 564K 1. Commercial Listing Successful Busiiies &, m o'ipo rty with over II1.OC0 sq ft. of Euui/dings on ' .a,:re- .A I 75' directly; o01- isigarland H'Ivw 2. Industrial Property Hurricane Proof CLur'rrete Building, Landscaped.' Parking 'S 50K 3. Industrial Lotw industrial zon ing $99,900 00 4. Commercial Lot Need a com- mercially zoned lor for vour btius ness CGrat Buy at $89,.K with owner tinancingq 5. New Residential Listing! R2 zoned 3bd I ba with a Ibd/lha Mother in Law Detached Roomr S1 58,9000 Exceptional Value 6. Over 55? Own you own home for leIs than 5414 'K Sportanian's Village 7. Beautiful 2.5 acre wooded horrti s,te in Pioneer Plantation. Priced to Sell 578K w,.' possible owner financing 8. Ne 'Us -s a ia Lake Ili "117Nll1 11jMH/ 9. New Listing! Port LaBelle Beautmful lot S45K Offers Welcorrme 10. Mobile home lot in Harlem $21 K Enrique Acosta 305-506-5876 St S bla Espaol Montura3cid 2ba ,douJblri:-.ede on p3ed j corner lol rerenrivt remod Ield. Hurry' I, wcn't last' s i .i' 0 (' , Free Home in Flaghole Tak, thi' opportunity in owning a nur'-el/ This 5.5 nite land 5 the peifecl pla ,: to jumnip starl a rie. t hu'.ines'. or I. use a- an in>est.rettl proirerI rv. For only $319,900 00 r-,u'11 get 5 5 acres that have IS18 citrus plarin'r and a 4bd 2ba nolbile hForne that has 2 screened patios on either , side. DON'T LET THIS OPPORTUNI- TY PASS YOU BY! New Listing! 5b:d. 3ba. 2 A(. unit;. 2 water healers. split floor plan. now tile throughout. freshly paint. ed, working chimney great career , patio, newpv rcEf. tn nian r' r;,ir3 to name' A. mu-t Cee' 5.l49.9')I Need Some Space? Spar lous 41)d, 2tha doublewide MH in Mnntura. Split flonr plan. living rooin. family room, too many extras' Hurry, won't lastn Motivated Seller' Only S I 49.9000 Secluded well maintain 1995 dou blewide 3bd 2ba, split floor plan, master bathroom includes garden tub %v. separate sh'-.ser. property fenc-d and has horae fenced area. alkrs next to a canal. 1 24.900.00 New Listing! 1055 Ri.inra Ave 3bdl'tba home on 2 5 acres Has i1pw ioof .1 M. ,;259.000.00 New Listing! 2t'riS. 3bd, ba Double vide. b.i" sc'curty system, located on I.;1 'acres Prlired o -.t.ll ar i144,,-0O i 00 VACANT LAND 260 NW .' 2 Ae. oIr-led i- i I south Ra', i arei oInt S 30,0,c i 00 2650bf,26,55 Pineer 11th St. 5 ac.-res S I 7 L.'i. U.0i Montura Ranch Estates I 30 N. Arbolpda I 09 acres c1i1 9o0 "1)CIO 1 3c Montura l ,i 1.25 acres $H'4.O4CO t - 56i9 Hunting Cluh Ae. I 25 acres 5535,000 L L . 4 .75,.' 5 Palm St 2 5 acres 330.0C0 i3 455 N. Hacienda S50,000.00 FREE $300.00 for Closing Costs *Call for details 1b e,--Ber erS,.-w.,,fl T, INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTRE NOTICEOF REGULAR MEETING OFJTHE INTHE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 20TH 1 .......~~~~~~~~~~~ .......... l.T lDDlTQT U 11I.6 .9.1TI4IFI l-tVioi A TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HENRY COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION JPMORGAN CHASE BANK (F/K/A THERE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK), AS TRUSTEE FOR THE HOLDERS OF THE CSFB MORTGAGE=PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2001-HS27, Plaintiff vs. Case No. 2006-751 -CA CHRISTOPHER J.JASLAK, el al, Defendants) NOTICEOFACTION TO: TRACEYJASLAK LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: 4005 East Sunflower Circle LaBelle, FL 33935 CURRENT ADDRESS: UNKNOWN ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER, AND AGAINST THE HEREIN NAMED INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANTS) WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS SPOUS- ES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: UNKNOWN CURRENT ADDRESS: UNKNOWN YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage on the following property in HENDRY County, F oddsa: LOT 3, BLOCK 2149 OF PORT LABELLE UNIT 4, A SUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORD- ED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGES 86 THROUGH 102, PUBLIC RECORDS OF HENRY COUNTY FLORIDA has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your writ- ten defenses within 30 days after the first publication, if any, on Echevarria, Codilis & Stawlarski, Plaintiffs atr- ney, whose address is 9119 Corporate Lake Drive, Suite 300, Tampa, Florida 33634, and file the original with this Court either before service on Plain- tiffs attorney or Immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint or petition. This notice shall be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in the Clewiston News. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court on this 3rd day of November, 2006. Barbara S. Butler Clerk of the Court By:/s/R. DeLa Cruz As Deputy Clerk 175306 CN 11/16,23/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Port LaBelle Community Develop- ment District will hold a Board of Su- pervisors' Meeting on Tuesday, november 21, 2006, at 6:30 pm at the office of the District located at 3293 Dellwood Terrace. The purpose of this meeting is to conduct routine business which may require action by the Board. This meeting is opento the public. Patrick B. Whiden, Chairman 174373CB &CGS 11/16/06 Ifs never too late to 1hll the perfect mit. Look for ft In no nebsdftila2. Tmin to clean out the attic, basement and/or oralle? Adverts your yWad sale n the classl- fiodt and make your clean u m a breeAel BUARU Ui SurPtiVISUOit ur inS CENTRAL COUNTY WATER CONTROL DISTRICT You are hereby notified that the Regular M t,i,il .,I [h( B rl ,)I ',ii ,' lf ,ii iii Lfmm- l~r'T.iil n:'.'iirn V/i', nr i.,'ntil ,In'. Irni w iI I: rn l ,.i', A ., e ,T,t,,- 1 .1)11, i p M'T, J ir,,- Montura Clubhouse, Montura Ranch Estates, State Road 833, Clewiston, Fli:iri Tr- il, llJ','-:3 ,,0 i r ir 1"j,'r,) I may come before the Board. If a per- son decides to appeal the decision of the Board of Supervisors with respect to any matter considered at the public meeting or hearing herein referred he or she may need to insure that a ver- batim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testi- mony and evidence unon which the ap eal is based. 'Jl iliiE (,oil: CHANGE. 172900 CN 11116,23/06 Do-It-Yourself Ideas Open-Back Doll House This do-it-yourself doll house makes it easy to build a treasure for a special little one this holiday season. The completed project stands about 25 inches tall by 25 inches wide by 14 inches deep. Open-Back Doll House plan (No. 411)... $8.95 Dollhouses Package Three projects incl. 411 (No. C113)... $19.95 Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects) ... $2.00 Please add $4.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) To order, circle item(s), clip and send with check to: U-Bild, 15241 Stagg St., Van Nuys, CA 91405. Please be sure to include your name, address, and the name of this newspaper. Allow 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD u-bild.com Money Back Guarantee SJUD ULCIRCUnbUIi,IiNA1urun HENRY COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 2004-626 CA HOMEAMERICAN CREDIT, INC. D/B/A UPLAND MORTGAGE Plaintiff VS. CRISTINE SANSHEZ A/K/A MARIA C. SANCHEZ; MARIA DEL CARMEN REYES; FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK OF THE GLADES; UNKNOWN PARTIES IN POSSESSION #1; UN- KNOWN PARTIES IN POSSESSION #2; IF LIVING, AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER AND AGAINST THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS) WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS SPOUS- ES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS; Defendants NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SAIlE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated Nov. 7th, 2006, and entered in Case No. 2004-626 CA, of the Circuit Court of the 20th Judicial Circuit in and for HENDRY County, HI,, .1 HOMEAMERICAN CREDIT, In, '1.A UPLAND MORTGAGE is Plaintiff and PRISTINE SANCHEZ A/K/A MARIA C. SANCHEZ; MARIA DEL CARMEN REYES; UNKNOWN PARTIES IN POS- SESSION #1; UNKNOWN PARTIES IN POSSESSION #2; IF LIVING, AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER AND AGAINST THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS) WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, WHETHER SAID UN- KNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN IN- TEREST AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS; FIRST FEDERAL SAV- INGS BANK OF THE GLADES; are de- fendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at 2ND FLOOR HALLWAY, IN FRONT OF OFFICE OF CLERK OF COURTS, ADMINISTRA- TION BLDG., HENRY CO. COURT- HOUSE, AT 25 EAST HICKPOCHEE, LABELLE IN HENRY COUNTY, FL, at 11:00 a.m., on the 6th day of Dec., 2006, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: LOTS 19, 20 AND 21, BLOCK 431, GEN- ERAL PLAN OF CLEWISTON, FLORIDA AS REVISED SEPTEMBER 7, 1937, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGES 71-78, INCLUSIVE, PUBLIC RECORDS OF HENDRY COUNTY FLORIDA. A person claiming an interest in the sur- plus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim with 60 days after the sale. Dated this 8th day of Nov. 2006. BARBARA S. BUTLER As Clerk of said Court By: /S/Hammond As Deputy Clerk This notice is provided pursuant to Ad- ministrative Order No. 2.065:- In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to provisions of certain assistance. Please contact the Court Administrator at 25 East Hickpochee, LaBelle, FL 33935, Phone No. (941) 335-2299 within 2 working days of your receipt of this notice or plead- ing; If you are hearing impaired, call 1-800-955-8771 TOD); if you are voice impaired, call 1-800-995-8770 (V) (Via Florida Relay Services). 175403 CGS 11/16,23/06 HENDRY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE SUBMITTED BY: R. Scott Cooper DATE: 12/12/06 SUBJECT AREA: 213 Instructional Experience Increments, Performance Pay and Administrative Tuition Reimbursement EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF PURPOSE: The proposed rule establishes the policy for Instructional experience increments, performance pay and administrative tuition re- imbursement. CITATION OF LEGAL AUTHORITY: 1001.41, 1012.22, 1012.66, 1001.42 and 1001.43, ES. * CITATION OF SPECIFIC LEGAL REFERENCE: 1001.41, 1012.22, 1012.66, 1001.42 and 1001.43, ES. FULL TEXT: A copy of the full text of the proposed rule may be obtained, without cost, at the Office of the Superintendent of Schools. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The proposed rule establishes the policy for instructional experience increments, performance pay, and administrative tuition reimbursemenLt. STATEMENT OF REGULATORY COSTS: The proposed policy revision will create no additional district economic impact in excess of $106.00 except for the costs of printing and distributions. LOCATION OF MEETING, TIME AND DATE: Hendry County School Board Meeting Room, 475 E. Osceola Avenue, Clewiston, FL at 5:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard on December 12, 2006. Notice: Any person who wishes t pers who wishes to provide the School Board with information re- garding the statement of estimated regulatory costs, or to provide a proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative must do so in writing within 21 days after publica- tion of this notice. Notice: If requested in writing and not deemed unnecessary by the Agency Head, a Rule Development Workshop will be held at a time and date to be advertised in the future. Notice: The procedure for obtaining a public heating on this proposed rule is to re- qtuest, ~i wring, a earning. The request shall be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools, n writing, withi 21 days after publication of this notice. The request shall specify how the person requesting the public hearing would be affected by the pro- posed rule. The School Board, upon appropriate request, shall give affected persons an opportunity present evidence and argument on the issues under consideration. Notllce: Inspection and copying of all written materials constituting public records submitted to the agency regarding draft rules may be obtained by request, in writing, to the Superintendent of Schools. Notice: The School Board may recognize any material which may be judicially no- ticed and to incorporate them into the record of the rule making proceeding. The School Board may incorporate material by reference into the propose rule. Notice: It you need an accommodation in order t participate in this process,please notify Thomas W. Conner, the Superintendent of Schools at (863) 674-4642 or at the Hendry County Courthouse, LaBelle, Florida 33935 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or workshop. Notice: if the School Board adopts the proposed rule, one certified copy of the pro- posed rule shall be filed in the Office of the Superintendent of Schools pursuant to 120.5433 e),F.S. 172183 OGS 11/16,23,30 CB 11/30/06 LEGAL NOTICE Comcast announces the following changes to the channel line-up effective Decem- ber 14, 2006 for customers in the communities of Belle Glade, Pahokee, Clewiston, Okeechobee and each of its surrounding areas: Fox Reality will launch on channel 177 as a Digital Basic channel. Pay-Per-View channels iN DEMAND 8 and 9 are no longer being offered by iN DE- MAND and will be dropped. 175399 ON/CB/CGSf 11/16/06 O51H FLORIOA WATER MANAGEMEIV r DlSrtiti WATER SHORTAGE ile : r, I' 1, I U D sricrrl.l :, l l l l.l. I '.l' j, "(i, l ,llu Okeechobee Service Area to cutback on water usage by 15%, This includes agricul- tural and non-agdcultural users of surface water from Lake Okeechobee of surface water hydraulically connected to Lake Okeechoee. All water withdrawals fromr the affected area shall be in accordance with WS Order No. 2006-163-DA -WS, unless waer users re oest and receive 40E-21.521,a variance authorization Isse a variance Theswill e strictions wll bed o a istct staff nechicalr dt rmiein that seis i hari to Ruthe wa40E-21.291, r resources Distated Prlect cmps require s ino the affected aa will t oiir- it as aOkeehobee Service Area to cutback aws and valance ond water usag. The Order by 15%, This available ag the Dis- tural and non-agricultural users of surface water from Lake Okeechobee of surface Goussy Service Center Office at 3301 Gun CDub Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33406, 561water hydraul6call2-223; the istcts ed to Lake Okeechobee Service CAll water Offwithdrawals from th earr affected area shall be in acobrdane with WS Order, FL 34-462-2600; the District2006-16 MrleSt Luciwate Service Center Office at 780 SE ndian trt Issuancert FL 7a variance 772-2will be23-2600; the District's Lower West aff technic .. al determination., that serious harm to ct is makult of withdrawals and variane condrmations. The p Order blic through s available at the media re- gatrict through its este (www.sfwmd.gov); the District headquarters at 3301 Gunions. TheClub Road, West Palm Beach, FLue to consider wa 33406, 561-682-6785; thrage conditrics tPalm Beacht 561-682-2283; the Districtlarly s Okchedulobee Service Center Office at 205 North Parrott Avenue, Suite 201, Okeechobee, FL 34972,ng as th water hortge i863-462-5260; the Districts.s Mart/St. 175177CGS/ON 11/16/2006 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Notice i hereby given that pursue Office ant 78to a Writ of Execuon, issued in the Circit Cor772-223-2600; the District's Lower West Co:.i l- d.a of September 2 in the se whBlvd., Ft. Myersi FirL 33901, 239-338-2929; of Fl is pinfi a d Bo bby- . said court, I, Ronald Ee Lee, Office, as Sheriff of Hendry ouny, Flrida, ave levied upon all the right, title and interest of the defendant Bobby E. u upree and Brenda E Howard, in andng tothefollowing described property to-wt: 2001 Ford F-150 VIN 1FTRX 7W001NA71884, Tag # A899UA, And on the 14h ning Board will continue to consid the Coarardo the Hendry Coughouty ings for such purposes as ee, Flongrida, a s the water shortage exists, or a soo thereafter as caussibe, I will offer for sale all the said defendant, Bobby E. Dpree and Brenda will seol the oame, sobiect Itoe s, all p/or ens, encumbrances and udgments, the payment f costs and the satisfaction of the above-described eecu1-2835-AA ion Ronald E. Lee, SSr, as Sheriff of Hendry County, Florida, have levied Ronald E. Lee, Sr. 173150 CGS 11/9,16,23,30/06 PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT The Southwest Florida Resource Conservation and Development Council, a not-lor- profit agency, will be holding a public meeting on November 29 to discuss the Gulf Citrus Best Management Practices BfPFjand the Southwest Florida Container Nur- sery BMP cost-share programs. The meeting will be held at 10:00 AM at the Dallas Townsend Agricultural Center located at 1085 Pratt Boulevard in Lahelle. The Gulf Citrus BMP and the Southwest Fiorida Container Nursery BMP cost-share programs have been established to promote agricultural best management practices in order to achieve water quality and quantity benefits in the citrus and nursery pro- duction areas of Southwest Florida, Through the program, the Florda'Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS will provide reimbursement for select- ed agricultural practices ha have potentia water conservation, sediment control and water quality benefits. Applications for the Gulf Citrus BMP cost-share program can be obtained by calling Geovanne (Gio) Stinghen, the UF/IFAS BMP Implementat ion Team Loeader at (8631 993-4846 or 863 634-7830 Applications for the Southwest Florida Con- tainer Nursery BMP cost-share program can be obtained by calling Chambal Pan- dey, at the UF/IFAS Research and Education Center at (239) 658-3400. Applications will be accepted through December 29, 2006 174058 CGS 11/16/06 0-h- OUPSel iteRS Doll Cradle Surprise that special "pretend mommy" in your life this holiday season with this fun and easy-to-build doll cradle project. Built from inexpensive plywood, all of the cradle's curved cuts are traced from full- size patterns, making it a great project for beginners. Designed for 16-inch dolls, the finished cradle measures about 23 inches long by 13 inches wide by 11 inches tall. Sheriff Doll Cradle plan (No. 769)... $7.95 Hendry County, Florida By: Captain Andy Lewis Doll Furniture Package (No. C106) Deputy Sheriff Three matching projects incl. 769... $16.95 Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects) ... $2.00 Please add $4.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) To order, circle item(s). clip & send w/ check to: U-Bild Features 15241 Stagg St. Van Nuys, CA 91405 Please be sure to include your name, address and the name of this newspaper. Allow 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD Su-bild.com Money Back Guarantee rHouses - I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I I Houses Sale I Houses Sale BCathy S. Garcia 863-2284798 Se lnaba spuol REDUEDD" Bac Tk Market. Make Time To Come ils' This 3bd 2-.j homr is b; it at i '1.950 PLEASE FIND TIME TO COME & ENJOV '1 crs U ram hom' e r. This property also has a .mjll Itru. grove that alo has iti onrn irrigation Feature Listing 28edroonim 'Bath home built on 3 lots within talking distance of local middle school is being offered at S199.900 Seller will give an allowance of Si.000 00 for appli ances Please call me for an appoint- inent to see this home. Call Me For All Your Real Estate Needs! Thiir~dav. November 16. 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee E:rE it ,... . . ,.o .. .*'' ..,. *yw y *~-?-. L ,' z = ?"*...r-.^i ""' "- f -' *_ _^ ^ ^ M ^ ^ **. i" --- *-- .'. ^-- ^ -',-. ,- i; ." ,*,,; -i ,- .e ^ii, -s"'. '-: .. .. "" "- ," "" ~ -, v -- < .. -. ''^ ^ ^ ...... '- ... ,,, .,. ^.: : ,,.. JtyLDavis Lic. Roal EstatrSga 117- = ~jE ERGLADES .1 FEATURED LISTING .'A2. 2 .car lirap Phone: 863-946-3900 Fat2 863-946-3902 'SWIFIrng nun l. Lal[1 498 US Hwy. 27, Ware. Haven :C9li ~.li~j~ 413ONT1,I SPR INGi. ili,, .I., ~-t $290,000 (BG3) 98 WHaeLand Available In ae 31 Hllove Call Us! BD I DRivid ijier 2 1-215' LA REPORT nu.'I, tk-ni o I1 !w'cv ( rLAM0 L STANTON MOBILE HOMES S I 3HIA 11Quality Homes at Discounted Pricesi W,-~d2E'FiR Il1.LA irtrk'c r-.c. Ijr,,Homes From the Low $50's. ___ ti m U! 11-it.. i 10TurniKey Pack'ages Available.TH ES -w ir.III l'ei-iL -.I, I-I f -1 10 ... ., Famiily Owned Since 1981. T E AIl'. ~ It- III Jit1' rr'-.IACOBSENd7 -ib.Septc &Licetiied Rei 2 lott pi- ..rt: i e Ioi T imm, I~m. 7.pr C arag -,Irc,.d% OIL. rc. I.L14 % ..'t.Cs i, scotBiut 19&m. ~(863) 11,10 RE LHAVEN E. I hIk fjB IS Hb;U211n, AIl...u,~jLrmI ~l malnt.&~inrd IgC L4 11mC n[W on w tic,. IN.rc.'ldyfo $I'r 'II; 742AvrncY.1thnuuuXTIIAS S142.11111 0lIO HwomuPw~ff ir 25 R n-,%a& I r. Bovut iti i 2ftIOIa, %= did & ktvatiA -hd ~aiJ. LL.Lr% dvkicurk Rilocr'de linei.o*n I ,41. 37 .. .1. 1 ..j'Cd Ilorite .1. I I' I I 121,,1I c ena'I c Be'1,1Pilij l) ( .1ci _ ~~~~~~( hl~~x~lxI i ksudPIibile HOni. ,,( ) '.0C- LIN T II ~ ~ B.1~ d t ki~t(..-j~ I~' Min 9{v b .pnft.I~t liir?1.21i- XI o i&.4 xkRp~m 1azC--u idtnj, t:;[- 1 -.j I':'t .; I lirIi ,- ,-.I r igh nin dt LJ .Nili.III r." ni. rm i 0' r 'SHw 7 1m ,r~h p i~ H ______ LU I, 3AIR I Su.J n..nl.lin ':9 ''' piniur, IMP I .... *. *h it lqetyx veug R.3no ct-4 2 U Min[ See ir~R.mr Ga drnI [0,11-. 1& r ~ni n C- nru: ~rd1: Pr 1irril~t,-'r II 1 9*5a tUSH4,:- R~UE Q~~~~ I S U(10i $- 14I PakLME .: 4IIL1' 11111" 1 -[1i.Ill. ? ~'~'11 F ririAP R uery im vn id.r 3 I'- L-n x H rai '. Ern 411 1`111' R eCu -rdnrro tp-i.nun rri njI r..prr.' *Quefr, itve I.,~i:r I 12; j NL)FL030 g~ %R ir n 11iAl l Il' bl-upr I ~,, 11. -A-i11 L -. I 11 707 Ct- r o~Ae n r i 2i.L I90,1 i SAL E PEN' I r:G in ft J, -uDLdli15I am +e Avul .. nit DF OP 0*, .r 'FXLE :I 4n1ii 1!IMiI Pack h-, l IP 2 c I. InI.-2A,, n 11.0i %1 ..".1 Fi.0D Aa etid ed. 2 mia .I-I T i.1:d Ij liul rjrI.. ,V c r n 'uiL ii r.1 rl1 1. L p-11i0.-1 I:IAL CA 1. Irnt I II-.16 &fInu-ud rEDU cresD I c~e i 1 "11.00 Availalueec Ave...;rh. ..,rI 115.1.'01199 M StrALE FN PEIO 0,911 P ,- .9' ..r .,i H'l t 'I po-i3I),-Y Hnt-jCeO.rIxICi m-il'.-ri 172,,acru, n-n 12l 11, I' hm,',d FEDUCED WA 110 013 L- AFTER M 110U n86)28.21 'SeerHaBlA ES21PAl" i .-L 6 1 000-8'k- AN DFS LUR SIT TA9S5VES acresLICA GONZALEZ ~ lfl P01? LA(863)Venus0La3 ~ MOBILE ON~S Wy(863) s 983-6663 -Your Re[lt~or Fl ifeI i .7incIi"' i ~ 3BR 28 Hocwnhefi ,BRIB~DWM ~f~r(863) un-983-9770-Iciii~ ~ ~ : i~~br lI Gocd c~nitin ~ )MAIL' T.'i7e!.(Esa~iI)l-p"1lw -._1 I., Fin nv c~i -1 3IBSI. YESRA Ryl Pal1 ATE DWM H I ~All@DESPEr7 kiT.. T5.5Uu -':JM 2~. 1 2.5 (863)228220000 4BR. I1:2BA$1340.000 VAedcdNto 1LA00ND %IljI.0?+ tI s-Clot&hck & morI-01e. A 11i1t. I9A5 3BR 2BA Pool wHu 8.7 avai. Cllfo Le n 3 A t130 00 4 I t"i iii a ge 1 I z BDi ~ 2584 sqoo .ocndft.of lvigBreapusexras. ery nsI L-VMYonit is 11(A i 523 E.Sugoirjid Hr%-y.. CIne:itr~n (863) 983-8559 1?.1ag~tI r igml~i A Sdutank,~i 60 A4314 EspioJ 1' -1 homcr IrE.llIn :dii A'.1 acrIitL.Il Aii- 313R-2EJIT I Is A. Wood deck III Nst an ;Icre lot iturcs 4BR3BV1TH 900) -1 BTI I prop- 1%icide. Fciced :Illh fu lc' tml.l Luke New On Lke 3BD12BA.'05 T6H Lrg. on~~r tjrlvioni. $035,000 CLEWISTONJ -3 BR- 2 BA 2.1 .nSne~ Pntrch Serrinat l-?MireN1 Ek ,,n Offe'r .2 B3R I BA H-.-rmi,,n;Or~icr jo.- 'a BR-'2 BA Heck H'.m. ,. rerr,' iUl Jiiiniiutsvle tn 9'iwn S5139.111)0 3 BERi.-)13A H %A, Lip, .i--'rPfnITI . fL-rLd.dci. ;wapp Mcb..uu Wad SI1 29,yi211 *4BR 2RA MHi-I wndd kit c. Grn..-n Strv--z ,3B R.2BA CBS KxHc~tin irti NL Eu~a~rlruil P~rnad to SSubAu 1 ?iO.0 3BR2BMa n Mi Du.,nirL JAn.xdroip Acces. 1.42 ame iausiured lawn. $274.900 *3B RU30A Evmmuli Homie, E. Del Monte. cu*=ut'XnomVde, I + or. $525.000 Ridgewood Ave. Holjbiest's Dream 3BRI2.5B1A, 4 car gar. Lng Pool arta S439,.000. :I *3BRJ2BA 2 -story w.1' Irg yard or, Ridgewood. juustRecdumedTo S323,000 MOORE HAVEN / LAKEPORT -I CBS D)LlpletX9 2 BR, I BA eachl init. Only $229,000 for b~tb' LU,l -NLW .'22 rMM Momre HI- n ,.i Vchl Clhib S 12 14. 500 -3 BR)2 BA CBS I-lenin%. 2 a-2ro F.m'V, - .. ^'-11j' 9sa^'^14inU Mafel Fay FaintilyTh it Entertaimn. 4BD,-3BA 6iv-i n im- r ra-jmLic RPAtI-Pab'3 dri n lkr A. tSee $389,000 -4BR 2P,% I-i. Aa.. Ci~.1Ar4Ae 5164 to) 2E!R. I BA Mlhtj.,,Horit-. with h-r'-,fl -a. 0' Acc.-'x R.-iiw., i i,. S 109.0110' PIONEER I EADECA / FLAGROLE -.s 1331 2 (-A MH, br.-Iif~ui 2.5 ac -t r.1 I. ]ipl'[29911. I t1 tin~ S II-.4O'IW -Arc Ie fndl Tait Blvd 1 ac with 313D 2BA NMM. fI .;2.AiIX Privauo-Wojned, +: -4 uc %kith .J 20,2 BA MI-IH, Lrg. cuirporTIS1101 $285,000 ACREAGE, LAND & LOTS -.33uac: lot in Prt-ILa~elle urn $65,000 I '3.68 ac off Old US 27 Deep muck, IHmorlnedurkd 230,50 . R-ighlands Co. 10. 28. & 80 AC paurcels startIng at 523,500 put kuc. s2 kom in Horseshoe, Arret, Ior $65,000 - Rame Findil .J x-bOak tbindloled M& WK pero -MON'TURA -1 25;nw. Ion a vani bl. 1L-it~i-nrgntit F30000 *Lrg.4 BR'2 BANMH. $115.001) *Lfg n4 20/2 B.% I-I 1.25%Vurdir Sr It A DNhmu'InI V $4OXV ( Pet Corner Question: Dear Doc Savvy. We just adopted a new puppy, and she is wonderful! We have a screened-in pool off the back or our home and are concerned about teaching our new pup to swim. The pool area is a major hang out spot for family and friends. How young is too young for swimming lessons for our pup? Do we need to be very concerned about carefully watching our new pup around the pool? Thanks, Don and Jane in Clewiston. Answer: Hello there Don and Jane and congratulations on your new puppy! Yes, you do need to be con- cerned with your puppy and curiosity about the pool. Unless a puppy has experi- ence with what a pool is, they will not be aware of what can happen if they jump in. In other words, a puppy has no idea of drowning or how to get out of the pool unless there is a taught or learned behavior. There are many tragedies with dogs and pools, just like there can be with small chil- dren. Your pup needs to be taught to Doc understand Sa that the pool is a body of water, and what to do if they either fall or jump in. I think you should start supervised swim- ming lessons right away. Just like you may use positive reinforce- ment with how to sit and stay, use the same technique with how to get out of the pool. Most dogs have a natural affinity with swim- ming but the problem occurs with how to get out. A dog that doesn't understand where the stairs are in a pool may exhaust themselves looking for an exit and can poten- tially drown. Supervision is a com- plete must until the dog can repe- titiously demonstrate that they "get it." This may take years in some cases. Be as cautions as pos- sible always. If your dog is old, blind or has any disabilities, then never leave them around the pool without you being there. Good luck with the swimming lessons. Take care, Doc Savvy, E-mail your pet questions to DocSavvy@aol.com and check out your answers weekly in The Pet Corner. PMA announces food safety program The Produce Marketing Asso- ciation (PMA) announced on Oct. 21, that its Board of Direc- tors had approved the outline of a new program to ensure con- sumers' continued confidence in the safety of produce. At its annual meeting, held Oct. 20, at PMA's Fresh Summit in San Diego, California, the board authorized $1 million in new funds to be allocated over the next 14 months to a four- pronged program designed to reinforce existing and determine new industry standards for food safety that extend "from field to fork." The plan will be coordinated with key industry association partners to avoid duplication and ensure a timely response. The activities in the plan will also form the basis of proactive com- munications with state and fed- eral government regulators. The multi-faceted program will include a research agenda to enhance growing and process- ing practices, enhanced educa- tion and training for all parts of the supply chain and a verifica- tion component to help industry members evaluate their adher- ence to benchmark practices. In addition, the plan calls for a con- sumer communications cam- paign aimed at rebuilding confi- dence in produce. Roadwatch The Florida Department of Charities property. Westbound ble slow moving traffic and Transportation reminds, motorists are detoured west on delays while crews work on motorists to wear safety belts- Southern Blvd (S.R. 80) to U.S. guardrail replacement. and drive with caution, courtesy, 98 (S.R. 700) to Muck City Road SR 29: South of.the Labelle common sense, and patience as and to State .Market Road.. Drawbridge: Maintenance con- they travel through work Motorists traveling from Belle tract project Crews are clean- zones. Remember, speeding Glade are detoured west on S.R. ing drainage structures in the- fines are doubled in work zones. 80, north on S.R. 715, west on roadway. Motorists should Lake Avenue and north on East expect -southbound lane clo- Western Palm Main Street. Fifth Street to South sures, with. traffic'being diverted Beach County Padgett Circle irtUthe Town:of to the turn lane, as well as slow Beach County Pahokee is opened to traffic. moving traffic and possible S.R. 15/U.S. 441, Pahokee: South of Padgett Circle to State delays. Flagmen will be present The $15.3 million, 6.6 mile con- Market Road will be closed due to assist with traffic. struction project includes to construction of the new cul- d . milling and resurfacing, widen- vert. Local traffic will be Glades County ing, subsoil removal, drainage, detoured at Barfield Road and US 27: South of SR 29 near signing, signalization and utility State Market Road and continue Boar Hammock: Maintenance relocations from east of Fifth to use S.R. 715 and Larrimore contract project No lane clo- Street to north of Hooker Hwy. Road as alternate detour route. sures are anticipated at this time, Project features for the .entire but motorists should expect pos- corridor include, wider travel Hendry County sible slow moving traffic and lanes and shoulders with new US 27: North of Clewiston to delays while crews work on signing, new pavement mark- SR 80: Maintenance project guardrail replacement. .ings and guardrail; a reinforced No lane closures are anticipated SR 78: From CR 721/Loop driving surface; and drainage at .this time, but motorists Road to Harney Pond Canal: and utility enhancements. The should expect possible slow Maintenance contract project - construction, which began moving traffic and delays while No lane closures are anticipated, December 2004, is being per- crews work on guardrail but motorists should expect formed by Community Asphalt replacement. slow moving traffic and possible Corp. and is expected to be SR 80: At City Ditch Road delays while crews clean road- complete January 2007. (near the eastern city limits of side ditches. Restriction: S.R. 15/U.S. 441 is Labelle): Maintenance contract Roadwatch is available online currently closed to traffic in each project No lane closures are at http://www.dot.state.fl.us/pub direction, between just north of anticipated at this time, but licinformationoffice/construc/ Hooker Hwy. to the New Hope motorists should expect possi- constmap/dlroadwatch.htm. ISSAVE MIAONEY O-N YOUR FAVORITE GROCERY ITEMS. I )-. Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons onineio S -, newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. 3 Lt. -- - -. .-. .- -. .- -. .- -. .- - I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale Fou-ses- Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale Houses Sale 10251 . Thursdav, November 16,2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Sevig h cmmniisouhofLaeIkecobethursday, November16,20 I NCOLN /MERCURY NEW 2007 FOCUS MORE OUT OF EVERY MILE STARTING AT $13,995 37MPG 0. t.' 0 0- ..i r. --. ' L I jS4tJ.;. [ 2~J5j Ye I 4,jj a -' VW TOUAREG WAS $42,988 NOW $34,88 NAVIGATION, SUNROOF, LOADED 2005 FORD F-250 BUY IT NOW $34,88 STK# 8753 2002 HARLEY 2002 HARLEY DAVIDSON F-150 NOW $20,888i STK# 52451B MORSSP CML . --- ..- .... . WON&- E ,VI p a m S 2006 FORD E150 8-PASS XLT LOADED STK# 8774 ................ 9,888 2003 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT LOADED STK#52441A .............$19.888 2005 CHEVY COLORADO STK#52443A CREW CAB, LOADED .....517,688 2004 ACCURA TSX STK#P8701, NAVIGATION SYS.,.................$22,888 2004 F-150 CREW CAB STK#52153A ................................................. 20,888 2003 FORD EXPEDITION EDDIE BAUER STK#8707, LOADED................$19,988 2006 GMC ENVOY XL SLE STK#M0645 LOADED LIKE NEW..........$24,888 2003 LINCOLN AVIATOR LOADED STK#L306172A...........517,649 2005 DODGE DURANGO STK#M8639, BLUE................... 18,420 2005 FORD EXPLORER STI(# D8149X, BEIGE............... 18,828 2005 F-150 LARIAT LOADED, LOW MILES ............... $20,888 2001 GMC DENALI LOADED, STK# 52453A.......................... 1 8,888 2006 FORD F-250 XL STK#8690B, CREW CAB...........$19,888 2005 F-350 DIESEL 4X4 STK#80145A CREW CAB LONG BED, .....$34,888 2004 F-350 4X4 DIESEL STK#8691 LOW MILES, LIKE NEW, ....... $33,888 2006 FORD 500 WAS $27,894 NOW LOADED A. A I' 2005 MAZDA 6 STK#523655 LOADED.................. $15,888 2005 FORD FOCUS STK#8683, RED.............................. $13,600 2002 FORD MUSTANG GT STK#12389A, WHITE.....................$13,838 2006 MERCURY GAND MARQUIS LOADED, SUNROOF STK# 8772 ......$19,888 2006 CHEVY IMPALA LT STK#P8696 5,000 MILES, Sunroof....$18,888 tYOU MUST PRESENT THIS AD AT TIME OF PURCHASE TO RECEIVE THESE SPECIAL PRICES. SEE STORE FOR DETAILS. AD .' FP TISED PRICES NOT APPLICABLE TO EXPORTERS. PICTURES ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. WAC BEACON 72.0 DEALER TO RETAIN ALL INCEI .TI'vE; AND REBATES. 'WITH APPROVED CREDIT. '52.000 DOWN SOMETIMES LESS FOR Cu,.'.' t iEF") FINANCING, DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL FRFORC SEE DEALER FOR COMPLETE DETAILS. OMGF1086 .-t (i~i Thursday, November 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee |